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  1. Season 1 Chapter 1 The night sky erupted in a blinding flash, followed by an earth-shattering boom. Ollie's world spun violently as the car careened off the road, metal screeching against asphalt. "Mom! Dad!" Ollie cried out, his voice hoarse with panic. The acrid smell of smoke filled his nostrils as he struggled to move. "I can't... I can't feel my legs!" Suddenly, a deep voice cut through the chaos. "Hey! Can you hear me? I'm coming to get you out!" Brock's muscular form appeared at the shattered window, his open flannel shirt revealing a glimpse of his impressive chest beneath a tight tank top. With a grunt, he wrenched the door open. "Easy now, kid. I've got you," Brock said, his strong arms wrapping around Ollie's slender frame. "What's your name?" "O-Ollie," he stammered, wincing as Brock pulled him free. "My parents... they're still inside!" Brock's eyes darted to the front of the car, assessing the situation. "I'll get them. Just stay put, alright?" As Brock turned back toward the wreckage, a deafening explosion rocked the night. Flames engulfed the vehicle, the heat searing against their skin. "No!" Ollie screamed, trying to lunge forward despite his immobile legs. Brock caught him, holding him back. "I'm sorry, kid. I'm so sorry," Brock's voice cracked with genuine anguish. He fumbled for his phone, dialing quickly. "This is Dr. Brock Steele. I need emergency services on Route 7, about 10 miles outside of Millbrook. Car explosion, two fatalities, one injured teenager." Ollie sobbed against Brock's chest, leaving streaks of blood on the white tank top. Brock's arm tightened around him protectively. "Listen, Ollie," Brock said, his tone urgent but gentle. "The ambulance might take a while to get here. I'm going to drive you to the hospital myself, okay? We need to get you checked out." "But my parents..." Ollie choked out. Brock's face was a mask of sympathy and determination. "There's nothing we can do for them now. We need to focus on you. Can you trust me?" Ollie looked up, meeting Brock's intense gaze. Despite the horror of the situation, he felt an inexplicable sense of safety in this stranger's arms. He nodded weakly. "That's good, kid. You're being real brave," Brock said, scooping Ollie up as if he weighed nothing. "My car's just up the road. We'll get you help, I promise." As Brock carried him away from the burning wreckage, Ollie caught another glimpse of the man's muscular chest, peeking out from his partially unbuttoned shirt. Even in his grief-stricken state, Ollie couldn't help but notice the strength and warmth radiating from Brock's body. "Stay with me, Ollie," Brock's deep voice rumbled. "Keep talking. Tell me about yourself." As they made their way to Brock's car, Ollie's world narrowed to the sound of that voice and the feeling of those strong arms around him, a lifeline in the midst of unimaginable tragedy. Ollie's voice trembled as he spoke, his words punctuated by quiet sobs. "I... I just graduated high school. Was supposed to start college in the fall." Brock carefully maneuvered Ollie into the passenger seat of his car, his strong hands gentle as he buckled the seatbelt around the injured teen. "That's great, Ollie. What were you planning to study?" "Medicine," Ollie replied, his voice distant. "My dad... he was a doctor too. Always wanted me to follow in his footsteps." Brock's heart clenched at the pain in Ollie's voice. He reached over, giving the young man's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I'm sure he was very proud of you." As Brock sped towards the hospital, Ollie stared blankly out the window, tears streaming down his face. "I can't believe they're gone. What am I supposed to do now?" "One step at a time, kid," Brock said softly. "Right now, we focus on getting you better. The rest... we'll figure it out." They pulled up to the ER entrance, Brock jumping out and rushing to Ollie's side. He scooped the teen into his arms once more, carrying him through the automatic doors. "I need help here!" Brock called out, his voice commanding attention. Nurses and doctors swarmed around them, peppering Brock with questions. "Car accident. Possible spinal injury, multiple lacerations and contusions. Parents DOA at the scene," Brock rattled off, his tone professional despite the urgency. Ollie found himself being transferred to a gurney, the bright lights of the ER ceiling flashing above him. He reached out, his hand grasping for Brock. "Don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice small and frightened. Brock caught Ollie's hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "I'm not going anywhere, Ollie. I'll be right here." As the medical team wheeled Ollie away, Brock's reassuring presence never wavered. Even as doctors and nurses worked to assess his injuries, Ollie's eyes remained locked on Brock, clinging to the strength and comfort the man provided. Hours later, Ollie lay in a hospital bed, his body bandaged and his heart heavy with grief. Brock sat beside him, still wearing his blood-stained tank top, his flannel shirt discarded somewhere along the way. "Why did you stay?" Ollie asked, his voice hoarse from crying. Brock leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Because you needed someone. And because... I know what it's like to lose everything in a single moment." Ollie's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. In that instant, he felt a connection to Brock that went beyond mere gratitude. "Thank you," Ollie whispered, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks. "For saving me. For being here." Brock reached out, gently brushing a tear from Ollie's face. "You're not alone, Ollie. I promise you that." As Ollie lay in the hospital bed, his eyes drifted to Brock, taking in the man's appearance. Despite the blood stains on his white tank top, Brock's muscular physique was impossible to ignore. The fabric stretched taut across his broad chest, hinting at the powerful pectorals beneath. His shoulders and arms were equally impressive, the muscles flexing with each small movement. Even in his grief-stricken state, Ollie couldn't help but notice Brock's rugged handsomeness. The man's chiseled jawline, strong features, and kind eyes created a striking combination. However, given the tragedy that had just unfolded, Ollie felt no stirrings of arousal, only a deep appreciation for Brock's presence and support. Brock's appearance exudes raw masculinity and mature allure. His face is chiseled and handsome, with strong, defined features that hint at his 42 years. Dark, expressive eyebrows frame intense eyes that seem to hold depths of experience. His jawline is sharp and masculine, covered in a light dusting of stubble that accentuates his rugged appeal. Fine lines around his eyes and mouth add character, speaking to a life lived fully. His hair is short and neatly styled, dark and thick, cut close on the sides with a bit more length on top. It's the kind of no-nonsense cut that requires minimal maintenance but always looks put-together. Brock's body is a testament to his dedication as both a scientist and personal trainer. His frame is large and imposing, with broad shoulders tapering down to a solid core. His chest is expansive and well-developed, straining against the fabric of his shirts. His arms are thick and powerful, veins visible beneath the skin, speaking to both strength and vascularity. How I imagine what Brock would look like at this point of story, but less muscular, no abs, less body hair Model reference https://www.instagram.com/sergey.nyzhnyk/ A knock at the door drew their attention as a nurse and doctor entered the room. "Hello, Ollie," the doctor said gently, glancing at his chart. "I'm Dr. Patel, and this is Nurse Johnson. We're here to check on your injuries and get you started on treatment." Ollie nodded weakly, wincing as the nurse began to carefully remove the temporary bandages applied in the ER. Dr. Patel examined each wound, her skilled hands probing gently for signs of deeper damage. "The lacerations are fairly superficial," she noted, "but we'll need to clean and stitch a few of the deeper ones. Any pain or discomfort, Ollie?" "My legs," Ollie said, his voice strained. "I still can't feel them properly." Dr. Patel's expression turned serious. "We'll need to run some tests to assess the extent of the spinal injury. An MRI and CT scan will give us a better idea of what we're dealing with." As the doctor continued her examination, Nurse Johnson began cleaning and dressing Ollie's wounds. Brock watched, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, his deep voice filled with genuine care. Nurse Johnson glanced up, offering Brock a small smile. "Just being here is helping, sir. Support from loved ones is crucial in the healing process." Brock nodded, his eyes meeting Ollie's. In that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them - Brock would be the support Ollie needed, even if they had only just met. Dr. Patel finished her assessment, making notes on Ollie's chart. "We'll get you scheduled for those scans as soon as possible. In the meantime, try to rest. Your body has been through a lot." As the medical team left the room, Brock moved closer to Ollie's bedside. "You heard the doc, kid. Rest up. I'll be right here if you need anything." Ollie managed a small nod, his eyelids growing heavy. The emotional and physical exhaustion of the night's events finally caught up with him, pulling him into a deep, dreamless sleep. Brock settled into the chair beside Ollie's bed, his muscular form seeming to dwarf the small hospital furniture. He watched over the young man, a silent guardian ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In that quiet moment, a bond began to form between them, a connection forged in the crucible of shared tragedy and unexpected compassion. As the day progressed, Ollie found himself being wheeled through the hospital corridors, the sterile walls and fluorescent lights blurring together. Brock walked alongside the gurney, his presence a constant comfort in the unfamiliar surroundings. "We're taking you for the CT scan now, Ollie," Nurse Johnson explained gently. "It's a painless procedure, but it's important for us to get a clear picture of your spinal injury." Ollie nodded, his hands gripping the sides of the gurney. The fear of the unknown weighed heavily on his mind, compounded by the grief that still consumed him. Brock seemed to sense Ollie's anxiety. He placed a large, comforting hand on the young man's shoulder. "You've got this, kid. I'll be waiting for you when you're done." Ollie managed a weak smile, drawing strength from Brock's unwavering support. As he was positioned on the CT scanner, he closed his eyes, trying to focus on the warmth of Brock's hand rather than the cold, clinical atmosphere. The scan seemed to take an eternity, the whirring and clicking of the machine filling Ollie's ears. When it was finally over, he was returned to his room, exhausted and emotionally drained. Brock was there, just as he had promised. He helped the nurses settle Ollie back into bed, his strong arms gentle and reassuring. Dr. Patel arrived shortly after, her expression serious as she reviewed the scan results. "Ollie, the CT scan shows significant swelling around your spinal cord. While there's no evidence of a complete spinal cord injury, the swelling is putting pressure on the nerves, which is likely causing the numbness and weakness in your legs." Ollie felt a wave of fear wash over him. "Will I... will I be able to walk again?" Dr. Patel met his gaze, her eyes filled with compassion. "It's too early to say for certain. Spinal injuries can be unpredictable. But we'll be starting you on high-dose corticosteroids to reduce the swelling, and we'll be monitoring your condition closely." Brock stepped forward, his brow furrowed with concern. "What's the next step, doc?" "We'll be admitting Ollie to the hospital for further treatment and observation," Dr. Patel explained. "He'll need intensive physical therapy and rehabilitation to give him the best chance at recovery." Ollie felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, the weight of his situation crashing down on him. Not only had he lost his parents, but now he faced the possibility of never walking again. Brock seemed to sense Ollie's distress. He sat on the edge of the bed, his muscular frame dipping the mattress as he took Ollie's hand in his own. "Hey, look at me, Ollie. You're not facing this alone. I'll be with you every step of the way." Ollie met Brock's gaze, finding strength and comfort in those intense eyes. He nodded, swallowing back his tears. "Thank you, Brock. I don't... I don't know what I would do without you." Brock smiled softly, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of Ollie's hand. "You don't have to worry about that, kid. I'm not going anywhere." As the hospital staff bustled around them, making preparations for Ollie's admission, the young man clung to Brock's presence like a lifeline. The road ahead was uncertain and filled with challenges, but with Brock by his side, Ollie felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Ollie lay in his hospital bed, his mind began to wander. The trauma of the day mixed with the strong painkillers, creating a hazy state where reality blurred with fantasy. He found himself imagining Brock as the muscular daddy figure he'd always secretly dreamed about. In his mind's eye, Ollie saw Brock's powerful arms wrapping around him protectively, those broad pecs pressed against his back. He imagined Brock's deep voice whispering words of comfort and love, calling him "son" in a way that sent shivers down his spine. Ollie's cheeks flushed with a mix of shame and desire. Here he was, in the midst of tragedy, entertaining these forbidden thoughts about the man who had saved his life. He tried to push the images away, but they clung to the edges of his consciousness, a tempting escape from the harsh reality of his situation.
  2. BeauXRated

    A Weekend at the Lake (Parts 1 & 2)

    A Weekend at the Lake - He woke up this morning as he did every morning, his eyes opening heavily as he thought of the day ahead. His legs a little heavy as he walked to the coffee pot. A slight revulsion as he walked past the floor length mirror in his room, his side profile of a slightly out of shape, baby faced man in his late twenties was not at all how he envisioned his life going. In college he’d been an athlete, playing D1 and loving every minute of the physical challenge. But after college ended, so did most of the exercise, but the eating habits remained. A cold shower to shock him awake. Into uncomfortable clothes that never seemed to fit right. Then out the door to sit in an office for 8 hours. But today was Friday, so maybe it wouldn’t be so terrible. After all, he did have a long weekend coming up. Ben walked into the door of his office and made a beeline for his desk, not even attempting a friendly hello to the college jock who worked at the reception desk. He reminded Ben of what he’d once been, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be the man or be inside him. Opening his laptop he was greeted with 32 unread emails. As he parceled through them one at a time he took a moment to be upset with people who seemed to wake up at dawn just to send him emails. After 6 years here, he was sick of the way a corporate email read, he was tired of meetings, rush hour to get to work, walking to some silly little deli to get a sandwich for lunch. There had to be more to life than…this. At 9:02 his phone buzzed. It was his step-dad, Seb. Odd, Ben thought. He hadn’t heard from Seb since two summers ago when they’d gotten together for the Fourth of July. Seb wasn’t the most involved step parent now that Ben was older, but he tried as best he could, and Ben knew that. Ben had never known his biological dad, but Ben had grown up with a single mother until he was 17, when his mother started dating Seb. Since Ben’s mother passed nearly 18 years ago, it had been Ben and Seb for quite some time. They were close as Ben grew up, but since Ben moved several hours away and began his life as an adult, they rarely saw each other. Neither placed a huge emphasis on holidays, and Ben chose to work most holidays anyway. “Hey Kid. I’m working if you have plans for this long weekend?” Seb’s text read. “Not anything special. I’m off work for 5 days, so I planned on getting some chores done. Why, what’s up?” Ben replied as he dove into another pointless email. “I actually bought some land on a lake. I spent the past year building a house on the lake and I was wondering if you’d be interested in coming out for the long weekend? I’ve got some kayaks, there are some nice trails I’ve made through the woods. It may be a nice get away for you. Just let me know.” Instantly Ben was hit with a feeling of relief. It was something until this moment he hadn’t considered how much he needed a break, and how nice a weekend out of the city would. Ben replied back, “That actually sounds amazing. Where is this at?” Seb replied back, letting him know the address. Conveniently, it was only a couple of hours away. Ben considered his options, and decided he’d get the cabin tonight after work, that way he can spend all day Saturday and Sunday there, and not have to head home until Monday since it was a long weekend. “I’ll be there tonight if that’s okay!” Ben replied, allowing himself to enjoy the excitement of a break from his humdrum routine. “That’s perfect. I’ll see you then. Make sure to bring something to swim in, and I’ll have dinner ready when you get here!” Seb’s shared excitement rang through the text as Ben found a new energy to complete his work and get home. Packing his bag then quickly hitting the liquor store, Ben was on his way by 6pm. As he drove he felt stress evaporating from his form as he traveled from the sprawling cityscape into a forest of deep green trees and dark shaded asphalt. Arriving at around 8pm, he got out of the car. He took a moment to survey the area. He briefly recalled Seb saying he had built this on his own, and Ben couldn’t help but be skeptical. As he remembered, Seb was a tall, lanky man. 6’7”, but as skinny as a rail. He was a handsome man, but Ben couldn’t understand how someone that frail looking could build an entire cabin on his own. Ben also noticed that the land around the cabin still had bare tree trunks where someone had clear cut the area. Approaching the covered front porch, Ben stepped onto the first step and he heard the door knob turn at the top of the stairs. He looked up to see the door opening and a large dark shape filling the frame. The porch light flicked on and illuminated the dark shadow. It was Seb, but not the Seb Ben remembered. He was still tall, his kind eyes and jet black hair were still the same, but he had grown a thick black beard on his usually clean shaven face. His wide body, wider than the door frame, took Ben by surprise, and as Ben looked down at the ground in sudden shock, he noticed the shadow of the porch light above Seb’s head was projecting to huge round shadows of Seb’s jutted out chest onto the porch floor. He was wearing a light green t-shirt, with his large biceps looking like the shirt was cutting off circulation as it dug into his skin, the fabric wrinkled as it stretched across his broad barreled chest, and he had dark sweat stains at his armpits and at the V of his neck. His light blue jeans were distressed and tattered as they looked tired from being constantly under stress from his thick thighs. Seb pushed his was through the door frame and picked Ben up for a hug. Wrapping his arms around Ben, and pulling his face into the sweaty deep crevasse between his pecs. Ben wrapped his arms around Seb under his arms and felt the sweat through the shirt, Seb had gotten so wide Ben couldn’t reach all the way around him, and settled for placing his hands up on Seb’s boulder sized shoulders. For Ben, the hug seemed to last forever as something deep within him seemed to awaken. Like when a teen has their first kiss and they suddenly know what it’s like to truly feel attraction. Seb said as he hugged Ben, “I’m so happy you could make it, and I’m glad you made it out this way safe!” As he lowered Ben back down to the ground, Ben wiped his wet arms on his pants and his damp face into his shirt, “Awe fuck. I’m sorry.” Seb began, “I haven’t gotten AC installed here yet and it’s a bit hot. Don’t worry I have fans, though!” Ben was still dazed from the hug, fighting with the demon of attraction as he realized what Seb was saying. “Oh no it’s okay!” Ben tried to reassure him, “I don’t have AC in my apartment either so I understand.” “Well come on in. I just finished supper!” Seb said as he turned his wide body back to the door. Ben couldn’t help but notice the thin denim practically painted on to Seb’s huge ass, if it looked tight on his thighs, this was why, his ass was pulling all the fabric backwards as if it had a gravitational pull. His big back tapered up from his waist to his broad shoulders in a beautiful V formation, and Ben happily followed Seb inside. Immediately inside the door Ben was met with a whole host of incredible smells. The deep thick scent of fresh wood, a light fruit smell from a large candle lit in the den, the strong smell of cooked meat and veggies coming from the kitchen, and under it all, a slight scent of musk and cheap soap emanating from Seb. “Here I’ll take your bags. You head into the kitchen and grab a plate. I’d imagine you’re starving after your drive.” Before he could protest, Seb had taken his weekend bag from his hand and headed down a long hallway. Truth be told, Ben was more tired after the work day and long drive, but the smell of the food was so enticing. He made his way into the kitchen and it was perfectly quaint, nothing missing from it, but nothing incredibly extravagant or out of place. On the table were made up plates. Huge slabs of steak sat in the plates, with potatoes, carrots, and some greens arranged just so. On the table were two large glasses of water, condescension dripping from the glasses onto the light wood of the table, leaving dark wet circular stains on the new wood. And a bottle of dark liquor with a shot glass balanced on the lid. “Does it look alright?” A deep voice thundered above his head, turning around quickly and startled, his face ran into a brick wall. Seb chuckled a deep but light laugh, causing the brick wall that had been his torso to shake. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, thought you’d hear me coming.” Ben was surprised too, it didn’t make sense that a man that big could move that silently, “it’s okay, but it looks incredible. You didn’t have to go through this much trouble.” “No trouble. It’s about what I’d eat on a normal night anyway.” Seb said and he and Ben made their way over to the table. Sitting down, Seb immediately started to dig into his meal, which Ben noticed was a stack of three steaks he was eating like pancakes. As they ate their dinner, the heat of the meat and the warm early summer crept into the house Ben could feel the heat getting to him. “Say, you want to try some of this bourbon now that you have some food on your stomach?” Seb called across the table as he poured himself a double shot of the brown liquor. “Uh yeah, sure.” Ben replied. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but even he recognized the brand name of the bourbon. After a couple of shots back and forth, Ben felt the heat of the liquor creeping into his face, and even Big Seb’s cheeks started to turn rosy under the dark beard. Soon they retired to the den, where Ben sat heavily down into the deep maroon couch in the den. As he sunk down into the padded cushions, he heard Seb coming back down the hallway. As Seb rounded the corner of the couch and came into Ben’s field of vision, Ben let out a small gasp as he noticed Seb was now shirtless and in basketball shorts, that not only looked a size too small in the ass, but also looked to be less than a 5” inseam. In the dim light in the den, the light danced and played on the muscular curves of his body, Ben couldn’t help but notice the grapefruit sized bulge shoved into the front of the shorts. Even still though, his upper body drew more attention and awe. Absolutely massive, and covered in a dark, thick pelt of hair. His nipples were large and dark brown and the pointed towards the ground under the weight of the meaty pec, but still big enough to poke their way through the hairy chest. The hair seemed to thin as it made its way down his body, gradually fading in a gradient to an appearing well kept happy trail running through his hard torso and down into the bulge of his shorts. Ben also noticed his “abs” he’d felt earlier were more of a rock hard stomach. It didn’t protrude, but it wasn’t a cut defined 6-pack by any means. He was also covered in a slight gleam of sweat, a small shimmer of the beads trapped in his chest hair as they attempted to escape from his body. He sat in the large oversized chair perpendicular to the couch, and as he did he stretched his arms up behind his head, revealing what his massive arms had been hiding. The dark hair extended into his armpits, and between his flaired lats, protruding chest, and cannonball biceps, appeared to be a dark hairy cavern that never ended. Ben wondered how deep it went, it looked big enough to fit his entire face in. Ben was snapped back to reality as Seb let out a deep sigh, “fuck I’ve got to get AC in this place or I’ll roast alive this summer.” Concealed in his huge hand was a beer can, which he promptly opened and began to drink from, although it appeared he was downed most of it in a few gulps. “If you need to get more comfortable, like if it’s too hot you’re more than welcome to shed some clothes. I know I had to.” Ben contemplated for a few moments then relented, it was hot as fuck in here. He took off his shirt, but kept his pants as they were, “thanks. It’s been pretty hot in here tonight.” Ben replied as he folded his shirt and sat it next to him on the couch. “Yeah. That ceiling fan up there doesn’t seem to be doing much more than blowing the hot air around too.” Seb said and he turned his head and observed the fan above. As he did, Ben could appreciate Seb’s strong jawline and the thick cords of muscle that snaked up his bull neck. His traps rising up like small mountains on either side of the thick neck. “You know Seb…” Ben began as he gathered the courage to ask something that had driven him crazy since he’d arrived, but not wanting to come off as too interested, “when did you start working out?” Seb cocked a wolfish grin as he finally lowered his arms from above his head to the arms of the chair. “You noticed, huh?” Seb replied eyeing Ben easily. “I just remember you looking so different.” Ben said, trying to add a bit of tone to his voice to sound just curious and nothing else. “Well chopping down all those trees and building a house out here puts some meat on your bones for sure.” Ben said as he chuckled and took another sip of the beer in his hand. As he chuckled his big pecs juggled and bounced in their completely relaxed state. “Truthfully I’d like to know what changed too. After I moved out here I just started getting bigger, things started getting smaller and lighter, and it hasn’t seemed to stop, just slowed down now that I’m not out hauling logs all damn day.” “Interesting.” Ben replied. Willing his hard on to go away. It was one of the few instances he was grateful to have a small cock, it was easy to hide his excitement. Seb shifted his feet so his legs moved further apart, and his huge bulge slid further down between his massive thighs. Ben noticed the thick chording of veins on Seb’s upper thigh where the hair thinned out as they led up into the bottom of the short shorts. Seb, unconsciously Ben assumed, reached for his cock and readjusted it so his huge thighs didn’t crush his balls. As he did, Ben couldn’t help but watch the almost rhythmic movement of the completely soft bulging cock and balls shoved into those shorts. Just by the movement it looked heavy and thick. Ben now gave up the farse he had been playing out in his mind that he wasn’t turned on by his step-dad. He just had to admit it to only himself, but that was enough. “So what’s on the agenda for this weekend?” Ben asked, trying to start any conversation so he’d have an excuse to stare into Seb’s dark brown almost black eyes instead of watching his big cock move around. “Well I thought tomorrow I’d take you for a ride on the ATV and show you the property. Then we can come back and go swimmin’ in the lake. When I tell you the water is just perfect right now. Then I figured we’d get some sun and have dinner.” “That sounds good to me.” Ben replied as he noticed Seb’s eyelids starting to get heavy. He guessed that even though he was a giant, those bourbon shots had found their mark. “Mhm…” Seb replied as his head slowly tilted to the left as he nodded off. Ben was under no illusion that he could sit here and watch the man sleep without being and feeling like a creep. But a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. After all, he knew as soon as he got in bed he’d be jerking off to the thought of Seb’s big body. However that’s when things started to take a turn. Ben could see the bulge growing bigger in Seb’s shorts. Slowly at first as the cock jumped and flooded with blood, then quicker. Ben could make out the outline of the thick tube of meat as it slowly crept its way towards the bottom hem of the shorts. Jump by jump it was getting closer and closer to releasing itself from the fabric prison. Ben began to feel it was his time to leave, he felt wrong watching this, no matter how much he wanted to, and he absolutely didn’t want Seb to wake up and catch him staring at his hard cock. Ben rose up from the couch as quietly as he could so as to not disturb Seb. He crept down the hallway and hit the bed with his things Seb had left on top of it. It was then that the shots of bourbon he’d taken sat in for him, and he passed out quickly on the bed, no shirt, with his pants halfway down his legs. He slept a peaceful dreamless sleep that night but was jarred awake in the morning. He was woken by the sound of repeated thuds slamming outside his window. In the first few moments he was terrified, thwack thwack boom, over and over. Ben crawled across the bed, a slight throbbing in his temples as the bourbon exacted its revenge, and he looked out the window. What he saw took away all of his fear and instantly replaced it with pure lust. Outside was Seb, and he was chopping wood, but not like any man he’d ever seen. Seb was still wearing his outfit from the night before, no shirt, and those tiny ass shorts. In one hand he held the ax, while in the other he was holding another piece of chopped wood. On the chopping block, there sat a thick section of log, Seb raised the ax up, and brought it down, his powerful form sending the blade into the stump with enough speed and power to not only split it in one swing, but it sent the two sections flying off to each side to rest in one of two piles Seb had made. Seb then sat the wood down he had in his other hand and raised the ax up again. With his free hand, before he dropped the ax, he adjusted his bulge again, although he wasn’t hard like he was last night, Ben could clearly tell he wasn’t completely soft as he moved the shaft around to be more comfortable in his shorts. Bringing the ax down again he easily split the half log into 1/4ths and then he sat the ax so it rested on the chopping block. Ben was disappointed the show appeared to be over. But then he noticed where Seb was heading. At the tree line behind him, there was a stack of logs, full tree’s that had been chopped down and stacked together in this pile. Ben watched in amazement as Seb squatted down, his massive ass threatening to bust the seams of the tortured shorts, as he gripped a thick oak tree. Working his hands around the log, he slowly stood up, positioning the log over his shoulder, and he began to walk back towards the house. His cock noticeably swelling as sweat dripped down his face, his arms and shoulders exploding with veins from the effort of lifting the tree, his heavy chest pumping with deep breaths, swelling out and then relaxing. Finally Seb dropped the log near the chopping block , and he wiped sweat from his forehead. Then he did something that made Ben’s heart drop. He waved with a smile on his face. Fuck! Ben thought. He saw me watching him. God dammit he’s going to think I’m fucking weird as hell. Fuck. Seb began to walk towards the house and Ben was now aware he was only in his briefs with a rock hard cock from watching Seb man handle a whole ass tree. The front door banged open as Ben scrambled to put on his pants. The door to his room opened as he pulled them up over his ass. “Good morning! I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up with the wood chopping did I?” Seb said with a smile still òn his face. Ben stared as his pumped muscular body as it gleamed with sweat, wanting nothing more than to lick the singular drop that had gathered on his big nipple and was about to drip off and fall to the floor. “Oh uh. No. I just woke up and then looked outside as you were coming in.” Shit. Seb would know that’s a lie right? Why hadn’t he just told the truth. “Well I’m going to shower, you can too, then we can go get on the ATV’s and hit the trails. I probably smell terrible after chopping that wood.” Then Seb raised his arm up and gave a quick testing sniff to his armpit, his face registered that he indeed smelled something, but he didn’t grimace like it smelled bad. “Yup. For sure need a shower. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in like 20 minutes, okay?” Seb asked, again his calling smile switching to a wolffish grin. “Sure.” Ben replied. Ben got in the shower and began to wash himself off, his erection persisting as the images of Seb carrying the tree and using one hand to effortlessly chop tree stumps in half. As he began to slowly stroke his cock, there was a knock at the door. Ben jumped and turned as the door creaked open. “Don’t worry I’m not looking. You just forgot a towel.” Seb said, a towel in one hand and his other hand covering his eyes sheepishly. Ben opened the shower curtain just so, to grab the towel. “I went to grab a towel for myself and realized you didn’t have one.” Seb said as Ben noticed Seb was in fact only clad in a towel, the thick pump where his cock bent and curved forward tenting the towel a bit in the front, his huge hairy body filling the crack in the door. Ben grabbed the towel and thanked Seb before quickly pulling the curtain shut again. Fuck he thought. Why the hell did he feel like this towards Seb. He’d never found him attractive before. Sure he’d thought other guys were good looking, and he’d dated a few guys he’d been severely attracted to. But none of them looked like that. Fuck. NOBODY looked like that. There was simply something so inhuman, something God like that just demanded Seb’s body be worshipped. Ben quickly finished up his shower, while it would’ve been nice to finish jerking off, he was all together too excited about Seb to even really focus. Fresh out of the shower and dressed, Seb and Ben walked to the out building behind the cabin. Seb threw open the small garage door and inside was one large 4-wheeler, and beside it a smaller red one. Ben knew instinctively which was meant for him. As he got on and attempted to start it, it wouldn’t turn over. He tried the choke, checked the gas, all around trying to remedy the issue on his own. “Having some trouble?” Seb asked as he sat perched on his ATV, which was running smooth. “Just a bit.” Ben added, “I tried everything I know to do but I think the battery is dead.” “Sounds about right. No worries. Just hop on the back of mine.” Seb said and he scooted his huge ass forward on the seat, making the tiniest bit of room for Ben. Ben stiffened slightly. Terrified he would get a boner reaching around Seb’s muscled body, which would then poke into his huge ass and the whole charade would be over. “Oh don’t be so scared, I’m a great driver!” Seb said as he leaned over to the side of the ATV and effortlessly picked Ben up off the ground and sat him on the back of the seat like he was a child instead of a 28 year old man. Seb was wearing a baby blue t shirt today which already had signs of sweat stains in all the right places as it held up against the bulging mass of muscle underneath. Ben realized Seb must be pumped from his workout this morning. Reaching around Seb’s midsection he couldn’t decide where to place his hands, high up he could only reach around Seb’s lats and chest so far, and he ended up almost just groping the man’s chest. Which while it was all he really wanted to do was he knew he shouldn’t. Too low and he still struggled to reach all the way around, although he could, but he had to scoot himself so his crotch was riding directly into Seb’s ass. It should also be said that when Seb leaned forward on the ATV to grab the handles, the shirt came up and exposed the small of his back, where his underwear and shorts pulled down and Ben could just make out the top of Seb’s big round ass. Finally Ben settled on the latter, knowing he wasn’t going to win either way, at least this way he wasn’t just squeezing the man’s pecs for however long they were on the ATV, much to Ben’s dismay. “Ready?!” Seb called as he backed the ATV out of the building. Ben relaxed a bit as he heard the excitement in Seb’s voice. He’d been so in his head this entire time he’d forgotten why he came in the first place. To relax. So he made a conscious effort to do just that and sit back and enjoy the ride. Seb’s property was in-fact beautiful. As they rode through what seemed like miles of trail through the forest, Ben noted that all of this had just recently been cleared. In his mind, he imagined Seb walking through, ripping trees out of the ground and stomping his huge heavy feet to make the path. Although logic told him he probably used a tractor and a bushhog, he enjoyed his version much more. At times they’d stop when they came to some scenic vista view, Ben enjoyed looking out onto the deep green tops of the trees, the lighter green pastures in the distance, and the small rocky outcroppings that ran along side the large lake situated near the bottom of the long valley. “Pretty nice isn’t it?” Seb said, a real tone of seeking approval in his voice. Ben looked over and up at Seb, “it really is. I love how you can’t even see another building, hear anyone else, it’s just so…” Ben trailed off, his mind unable to conjure the word with the exact correct feeling. “Perfect.” Seb said, the personal satisfaction in his voice was clear, and Ben had to nod in agreement. It was, perfect. Back down they went on the ATV, and Seb parked near a lake. The lake looked to be a few acres in size, and the water had a deep rich blue color to it, contrasting heavily with the bright light blue of the sky overhead. The water looked cold and calm. All around the lake from where he could see, Ben noticed it was pea gravel, and on the shore were two lounge chairs. Although Ben thought it odd that they faced each other and not the lake. “Last one in has to cook dinner!” Seb said as he ran towards the water, he’d already slid out of his shorts and was fighting to get his shirt off over his huge upper body. About two steps from the water he simply ripped the shirt off his body and threw it behind him, landing in front of Ben in tatters like he’d just ripped a piece of paper in half. As he dove into the water Ben took his clothes off and ran for the water as well. He’d been right. It was cold water, but it was so hot outside it felt refreshing on his skin which had began to feel the sun and burn. It occurred to Ben he hadn’t been wearing trunks and he was now only in his underwear as well. Then Seb splashed him, “feels great don’t it?” Seb said as he stood in the water. It came up to just below his chest, his nipples getting bigger and harder as the cool water lapped at the steep overhang of muscle. “It really does!” Ben replied as he splashed Seb back. He then relaxed and laid on his back in the water. Silently Seb had snuck up on him, and with one huge hand to his stomach, Seb had sunk him under the water. “Aye what the fuck!” Ben called playful as he resurfaced. “You mean you’re going to be in the water and not mess around? Where’s the fun in that?” Seb said, cocking yet another sly grin at Ben. “Here. I’ll give you a head start. See if you can dunk me!” Seb turned away from Ben, exposing his broad back to the shoreline. Ben was positive he couldn’t move the behemoth, but he refused to back away from a playful challenge. Getting closer to Seb, the water got deeper, and it really accentuated the difference in their heights as Seb was still plenty above the water and Ben was now treading. Ben leapt from the water and threw his arms around Seb’s thick neck, and locked his legs around Seb’s waist. Using all of his weight he jerked backwards trying to pull Seb off balance. He jerked once, then to the side, then the other side. Moving his arms into different positions. Trying to get a hold. Seb mocked a yawn. Moving one hand to cover his mouth, and then pretending to check a watch on his other wrist. “Any day now boy.” Seb teased as he stood there, the epitome of an immovable object. “Here let me show you some moves.” And with that Ben felt one huge hand grab his leg, and another grab his arm. He was then lifted over Seb’s head and brought to the front. Seb quickly placed Ben into a headlock. The world’s most gentle headlock at that. The giant apparently knew his strength. As Ben feigned his fruitless struggle, he felt Seb’s basketball sized bicep against one cheek, and his solid rock hard hairy chest on his other. An inch from his mouth was Seb’s huge erect nipple. Begging to be licked. As Ben reached around he tried to grip at Seb’s arm, to pull it away from his head, but he couldn’t get his fingers around the huge arm, it was too big, too slippery and too rock hard to indent with his fingers. Eventually he relented and tapped Seb’s huge arm. “Alright. Alright. I give you big brute.” Ben said as Seb released him. “Fuck yeah. Nobody beats daddy!” Seb said with a huge cocky grin on his face as he threw his arms up in a double bicep pose. The water glistening and dripping from his massive arms as Ben saw them truly flexed for the first time. Then seemed to rise and rise, with a solid peak at the top and one large vein running the length of the heavy tricep. “I’d guess not. When you outweigh them by 100 pounds.” Ben said as he splashed Seb again. “How much do you weigh?” Seb suddenly asked. “Like 135? Why?” Ben replied, skeptical of where this may be going. “Well I weigh 410 last time I checked. So I weigh more than 3 of you combined.” Seb said, almost sheepishly. “Jesus.” Ben said quickly and quietly. He’d known Seb was huge, but numbers made it more real for him. “I actually think I’m going to go lay in the sun for a bit.” Ben added as he headed to the shore. “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll join you!” Seb said, loudly splashing as he moved his way through the water. Ben fought every instinct to not turn around and see what Seb looked like as the water tight underwear clung to his body as he exited the water. He heard a heavy *thwack* as Seb pulled his underwear loose from his body and his cock. On shore, Seb walked over to a small wooden building that Ben had not noticed before. Seb entered and came out with two beers and a bottle of something, it was bright orange. “Here you go stud.” Seb said as he casually tossed Ben a beer. Then he lowered himself onto the chair. The chair groaned and protested under Seb’s weight, as if it itself had just heard how much he weighed and decided it was too much. Once he laid down, he began to spray whatever was in the orange bottle onto his body. Slowly and methodically rubbing it in. To Ben, it all most looked like he was worshipping his own muscles as he kneaded his pecs, massaged it into his thighs, and flexed his biceps as he stroked his hand over them. “What is that stuff?” Ben asked. “Just tanning lotion.” Seb replied as he smiled at Ben, “Do you want some?” “No thanks, I’ll fry.” Ben replied as he laid his head back. His cock was only one thin wet fabric away from being exposed he couldn’t afford to get hard now. Seb on the other hand was busy filling out every square inch of his underwear with the bulge he was producing. As he spread his legs onto either side of the lounge chair, his heavy balls and cock fell between his thighs and came to rest on the lounge chair. Ben could swear the fabric on the lounge chair was sagging under them just from the weight of his pouch. Ben relaxed and closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. But he must have fallen asleep in the sun. When he woke up he heard Seb snoring. In his mind. Ben got the perfect idea for revenge for the headlock. Grabbing his empty beer can he moved quietly towards the water. Dipping the can into the water he washed it out a few times to get any beer out. Then filled it with the cold lake water. As he crept back to Seb, he was prepared to pour the cold water on the sleeping beast. But then he saw it. Between Seb’s thighs his balls and cock had swollen in his sleep and had become too much for the fabric to handle. A singular nut and the tip of the shaft were exposed. Lengthening down Seb’s huge veiny thigh. The tip of Seb’s cock was so plump, and the perfect blush shade of pink, the tip poked out from Seb’s foreskin as Ben imagined pulled the skin back to reveal the whole huge head. The shaft was as thick as Ben’s wrist and corded with veins. The single nut that was exposed had to be the size of a tennis ball as the package just lie lazing against Seb’s leg. Fuck it. Ben thought, not my fault his cock is out. I can’t help that. As he raised the beer can to above Seb’s chest and began to tilt jt…Seb spoke. “Don’t you fucking dare.” He said his voice deep and solid. Freezing Ben in his tracks. “Were you going to pour that beer on me?” Seb asked. Not moving a single muscle in his body except his lips. His eyes still closed. “It’s. It’s just water. I I. I I washed it out before I put the water in it. I just wanted to get back at your for the headlock I’m so sorry I’m…” “Jesus boy.” Seb said as he sat up, with a concerned look on his face, “relax it’s okay. I was fucking around.” Ben still looked shell shocked as he had felt his life flash before him, “what’s wrong. You look terrified.” Ben still couldn’t speak as he just stood there trying not to cry in his fright that wouldn’t go away. “Are you worried I’m mad you were checking out my cock?” Seb asked. And there is was Ben shattered as whatever illusion he’d had that he’d been coy evaporated. Ben dropped his head and it hung as he stared at the gravel. Silent. “Ben.” Seb began as he stood up and reached an arm out. “It’s okay.” Seb placed a hand on Ben’s back and pulled him closer to his body which was radiating heat. “Makes me feel better about how I’ve been checking you out since you got here.” Seb said and chuckled. “Wha what?” Ben said as he tried to look up at Seb, only to be met with the bottom of the big man’s pecs. “I don’t want to sound creepy. You’ve just turned into a fucking stud. I can hardly be faulted for noticing how nice your ass looks in anything you wear, or the way your hair and eyes match in the same sandy brown color.” Ben took a moment to register what he’d just heard. Seb was telling him he was hot? And it was okay he’d been checking him out?” “Hold on.” Ben said as he pushed back away from Seb. “YOU think IM a stud?” The disbelief evident in his voice. Rosy red creeped into Seb’s cheeks as he replied, “well yeah. I couldn’t believe my luck when you showed up to my door. I almost didn’t recognize you. You’ve turned into such a man and it’s attractive.” He paused, “plus. I know you like what you see.” As he said it he bounced his pecs on full display for Ben. “I’m sorry I didn’t expect for it to happen this fast. Or even to happen at all. But when I felt your hard little cock poking me in the back all morning I knew you wanted it as much as I did.” “Wanted what?” Ben asked as he held onto Seb’s forearms for support. “This.” Seb replied as he lifted Ben off the ground. Holding Ben’s ass in his big hands and bringing their faces level. Ben laid his hands forward and tentatively placed them onto Seb’s chest, feeling his fingers sink into the curly soft fur before hitting stone hard muscle. Ben leaned forward. His turn to initiate something. He lightly placed his lips against Seb’s. Feeling the coarse facial hair tickle his face as he kissed Seb. He quickly pulled back, suddenly ashamed for having actually done it. “I’m sorry. I don’t know if I can do it.” Ben said as he fought between regret and lust in his mind. “If you don’t want to that’s okay. We can stop and forget this ever happened.” As he said it he move Ben further away from his face. Ben’s hands still planted firmly on Seb’s upper chest. “But it seems like such a waist to let a beautiful boner like that go to waste.” Seb said as he held Ben in one hand and used his other to gently rub against Ben’s cock. One of Seb’s fingers was easily as big as Ben’s hard dick, and for some reason that size difference drove Ben crazy. “Would it be okay if we maybe took it slow?” Ben asked as he stared into Seb’s dark eyes. “Of course. How slow do you want to go?” Seb replied with enough calm in his voice to ease Ben’s ebbing emotions. “Maybe we could start with just feeling each other bodies?” Ben said, letting his desire come through finally, “like muscle worship? And you can feel my body too?” “Muscle worship?” Seb replied as he cocked his head slightly, “what the fuck is that?” Ben was a little taken a back, he’d thought surely that a sex god like Seb would have every sex move and tactic memorized and perfected. “I’m sorry I’m a bit out of practice. I haven’t really done…well anything for at least 15 years.” Seb said a bit bashful. “Seriously?” Ben said, in disbelief, “but you’re fucking…just…look at you.” “It’s always been hard to find women to sleep with, I’ve always been a little too big downstairs for most of them. But now that I’ve gotten even bigger I knew it was a no go. And there’s just not that many men I’m attracted to enough to even try.” Seb said. “I must be the luckiest man in the world then. To get to show a muscle god what it means to have his muscles worshipped for the first time.” Ben licked his lips involuntarily as the ideas formed in his mind. “Would you like to start, or do you want me to go first?” Ben asked as he began to move his hands in small circles on Seb’s chest. “Why don’t you start. I’m excited to see what this will be like.” Seb said. “Let’s head to the house. I think the bed would be more comfortable than this.” Leaving their clothes behind in their rush to begin, Seb hopped onto the ATV, and Ben scrambled to climb on behind him. “Do you mind if I hold on here instead of your waist?” Ben asked as he placed his hands onto Seb’s big chest. As he did he gave he gave them a slight squeeze, feeling their heft, and begging sure to slightly pinch Seb’s hard nipples as he did. “Just be sure you hold on tight.” Seb said and he flexed his relaxed chest into two slabs of concrete under Ben’s hands. “Of course!” Ben said as he scooted his hips forward and gently ground his cock into Seb’s back. As they rode back to the house, Ben relished in the feeling of how Seb’d heavy chest bounced in his hands as the ATV hit bumps and holes as they rode back to the house. As soon as they pulled up to the back porch of the cabin, Seb jumped off the ATV. Ben noticed the huge bulge bouncing in his underwear in excitement as he waited for Ben to get off the ATV as well. Apparently inpatient, he grabbed Ben and slung him over his shoulder, bounding up the back steps and entering the cabin, Ben spent his time running his hands across Seb’s muscular back, the definition between his trap and delts, the expanse of his lats, the symmetry along his center spine. Most of all, the shelf of ass that jutted out, the tight waistband digging into his skin as the glutes shoved the fabric out in all directions, the muscles moving under the thin light underwear as Seb moved through the cabin into his bed room. Once in Seb’s room he slung Ben back over his shoulder and onto the bed. As Ben layed on the bed he was immediately met with forgiving memory foam of the mattress allowing him to sink into the deep groove Seb had made into the bed. Gripping the thick soft comforter between his fingers he looked and noticed it was a dark expensive looking burgundy red. Around the room Ben saw the tall four posters of the large wooden bed, and wispy red curtains blowing near open windows allowing in a flood of clear daylight mixed with a faded red tint. At the end of the bed was Seb, standing with his chest puffed out and a stunning wild grin on his face that screamed excitement. “I’m ready. What should I do?” Seb said, Ben noticed that although he was standing straight and tall, his hands were fumbling nervously at his sides. The swell in his underwear hadn’t grown smaller, and Ben noticed a dark wet spot forming towards the bottom of the pouch. “Come stand closer to the bed.” Ben said as he moved himself to the edge of the bed standing on his knees. Ben noted how high the bed was up off the ground. On his knees with Seb standing beside the bed, Ben was level with the top of Seb’s chest. Ben reached out his hands and firmly placed them onto Seb’s chest. “Do you know any bodybuilding poses?” Ben asked, almost whispering the words into Seb’s neck as he attempted to take charge. “I’ve practiced some, but they aren’t very professional.” Seb replied timidly. “Show me, let’s start with those monster legs and work our way up.” Ben said, not moving his hands from Seb’s body. Seb lifted Ben off the bed and gently placed him on the floor. Ben took a moment to look up and he was in awe. From the floor he looked up Seb’s body slowly. Taking in the thick hairy legs directly in front of him. Moving up, he saw how swollen Seb’s cock had become, like a balloon inflating it continued to pulse and swell inside the underwear. The thick tube of his cock and the swollen head now clearly visible as it grew larger and precum dampened the pouch. His big balls threatening to come out either side of the underwear as they flooded with cum. His rock hard gut, solid and hairy. His arms pushed out to either side by his wide lats. The centerpiece being his chest, it looked like Seb had taken a deep breath in and was holding it in as the two mountains of muscle blocked Ben’s view of the ceiling and Seb’s face above. Ben went in. Using his hands to caress Seb’s big calves. As he did, Seb flexed them, turning his calves into the sharp diamonds, flairing out on either side of the front of his leg. Moving up his leg, Ben grabbed at Seb’s thigh. As if on cue. Seb shook his thigh out preparing for the flex. As the muscular thigh bigger around than Ben’s waist swayed back and forth in front of him Ben drooled, imaging the power they held. How much could this man squat. How much could he push or pull with thighs that looked like they belonged to a draft horse. Surely Seb stomped down his foot and the shaking muscles in the thigh froze in a stunning pose as Seb’s quads exploded with size. The separation between the separate sections of muscle was truly incredible in its definition with so much muscle surrounding it. Ben used his hands and caressed the back of Seb’s thick thighs, appreciating the cords of muscle as they made up Seb’s hamstrings. Feeling his hands hit the solid bottom of Seb’s ass as he moved his hands further up and down the giants legs. Ben realized he’d been silent and in awe this entire time. “You’re so big Seb.” Ben said as he looked up at Seb, wanting to see his handsome face but only being greeted by the ever expanding bulge in his boxers. “These are the biggest legs I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine how strong they are. They’re so hard, I bet you could pull a train. Fuck just look at them!” Ben said as he nearly hugged Seb’s thigh. Running his hands up and down the entire length of Seb’s monster legs. Momentarily his eyes looked at the bulge in Seb’s underwear. His mouth watered and then dried up as he suddenly felt a rush of nervousness about actually seeing his stepdads horse cock. Quickly he stood and climbed onto the bed. Seb had a confused look on his face as he tried to understand what Ben was doing. “I think it’s time this godly upper body got some love.” Ben said. Seb grinning again as his confidence in his massive size swelled. With a solid deep breath in, he hauled it two arms up into a massive front double bicep pose. Ben traced the deep indention separating the bicep head from the heavy tricep. Leaning in and craning his head up. Ben moved his face closer to Seb’s large flexed right arm. “Is it okay if I kiss your bicep sir?” Ben said in his most fiendishly seductive voice, almost purring the words onto Seb’s hot skin. “Yes boy. You may.” Seb said, easily stepping into the dominant roll Ben had laid out for him. Ben leaned in, his lips making contact with the thin skin stretched over Seb's large bicep peak. using his tongue, he traced along the ridge of Seb's bicep head, tracking a thick vein than ran the length from each insertion point on the long bicep. Kissing slowly, allowing his lips to taste the salty layer of sweat each time he placed his lips down, Ben made his way from the top of Seb’s huge arm to the bottom. “Can you flex your tricep for me daddy. Please. It’s so fucking big.” Ben said as he rubbed his hands on Seb’s tricep. “Of course.” Seb replied as he pulled his arms into a side tricep pose. “Fuckkkk.” Ben said as he used his fingers to trace the horseshoe shape denting into Seb’s skin. “I can’t wrap my hands around your arm it’s so big.” Ben said lustfully as he brought his face close again to being kissing Seb’s tricep. Seb put out one large finger and pressed it to Ben’s lips. Easily pushing him back away from his arm. “Ask for permission first boy.” Seb said, flashing an award winning grin at Ben. “Please may I kiss your ripped tricep?” Ben asked with a pleading tone. “Call me daddy when you do it. I liked that…A lot.” Seb said. With his free hand he reached down and touched the tip of his finger to the large wet spot in his underwear, which Ben observed was now almost dripping. Brining it back up he almost touched his finger, wet with precut, to Ben’s lips. Ben stuck out his tongue and closed his eyes. Ready to taste Seb. Seb quickly pulled his finger away, and placed it in his own mouth. “God. That tastes good. But you’ve gotta work for that, that’s how this worship thing goes right? I’ve gotta make you work for it.” Ben nodded his head, in a complete fog of lust as his wildest fantasy came true as Seb played out the role perfectly in front of him. “Please daddy, can I worship your huge tricep?” Ben said, looking up at Seb with the most convincing pleading eyes he could. “You may.” Seb said. Replacing his arm into the side pose, when he did he let out a grunt and to Ben it seemed like the tricep was swollen bigger this time than it had been just before. Fuck he was massive Ben thought. Ben leaned in again kissing Seb’s tricep, feeling the fibers of muscle under his skin on his lips, Ben again licked the slightly salty layer of sweat off of Seb’s tricep. As he worshipped Seb’s tricep, the closer he got to Seb’s armpit, the more he knew what he needed next. The clean manly musky scent was leaking into his mind like a poison gas, clouding all of his thoughts. “Daddy, can I please have your armpit next.” Ben asked, not yet pulling away from Seb’s arm. From where he was, Ben could only see Seb’s muscular arm, encompassing his whole world at the moment. He couldn’t see the quick flash of confusion in Seb’s face as he computed the idea in his mind. “Oh yeah, you want to see my pits?” Seb said, trying to regain his momentum. Slowly he pulled his arm up and placed his hand behind his head, serving his armpit to Ben on a silver platter. Ben’s mind ran a hundred miles a minute as he relived his thoughts of before. Thinking again how deep it may go, how thick and dark the hair was, and above all, the scent he will find at the bottom. Leaning in, Ben pushed his face deep into Seb’s pit. Immediately he was hit with the powerful scent, he could smell a whisper of deodorant, but above it a strong scent of man. As he stuck his tongue out, he finally tasted it, the salty taste that clung to the black hairs in Seb’s armpit. Taking a final waft, Ben finally came up for air. “Oh my god.” Ben said, a ridiculously big smile plastered onto his face. “I’ve never done that to a man before. That was fucking incredible.” “You like that huh?” Seb said, bringing his hand to the back of Ben’s head and slowly pushing it into his other armpit, “have some more then, daddy loved it too.” With his hands free and his face under Seb’s control. Ben finally allowed his hands to wander down to his cock. He was so hard it was almost painful as his cock screamed for release. Seb grabbed both of Ben’s wrists in one of his massive hands, Ben truly feeling the rough callouses on Seb’s hands rubbing against his smooth skin. Seb pulled Ben’s hands away from his cock. “Not a chance.” Seb said as he released Ben’s head from the grasp of his armpit. “What?” Ben said, genuinely confused and mostly frustrated he wasn’t allowed to do this. “I’m going to make you cum without you touching your cock once.” Seb growled as he pushed Ben down onto the bed. Ben fell to his back on the bed. As Seb climbed onto the bed he grabbed Ben’s ankles with his rough hands and gently held Ben’s legs apart. Ben noticed Seb’s cock had now grown so big that it was pulling the fabric of the underwear away from his waist, and the flaps on the front of his boxers were being opened up so that the side of his thick shaft was showing. Seb slowly bucked his hips forward, pushing his bulge into Ben’s still covered ass. Ben could feel the semi hard shaft pushing into him. The thickness of it, the wet stain Seb’s precum left as he pulled away. Seb groaned as he pushed his cock forward again. “Fuckkk boy what’s next. I’m really loving this shit.” Ben had to fight the urge to cum at that moment. Looking at Seb with his strong arms holding Ben’s legs firmly in place while shoving his massive still not completely hard cock into him. Ben could feel the power and he knew he was really turning Seb on. “I think you should worship my chest next. God yeah.” As Seb said this, Ben could feel Seb’s big cock twitching at his hole through both of their underwear. “Uh. Yeah. Yes please!” Ben said as he snapped back into the moment. Seb let go of Ben’s legs and crawled on top of Ben. Planting his ass and all 400lbs of himself onto Ben’s torso, trapping him into the bed. Seb reached back and with one huge hand, tore a hole in the front of Ben’s underwear and palmed his cock. “Fuck. My muscles really get you hard don’t they?” “Mhm” Ben whimpered. Fighting not to cum as the callouses in Seb’s hands teased the most sensitive parts of his glans. “God. Seeing you get so worked up over my body gets me just so…so…hot.” As he said this, Seb’s cock twitched and precum leaked through his underwear and onto Ben’s stomach. “Oh look what you did.” Seb said. Removing his hand from Ben’s cock, scooping up the precum, and then using it as line to continue working Ben’s cock. Ben writhed and moaned under Seb, completely trapped, but completely in lust. “Seb.” Ben gasped. “I can’t reach your pecs.” Seb seemed to register for a moment that with his huge upper body holding Ben down, Ben’s arms only reached the bottom of his chest. “I’m sorry. I guess I forgot how small you are…and how fucking huge I am.” Seb flexed his body into a most muscular pose on top of Ben, his striations in his chest popping and his traps reaching up nearly to his ears it seemed. Holy shit Ben thought. He’s really enjoying this. Seb got off of Ben and Ben crawled on top of Seb as Seb took Ben’s place lying down on the bed. As Ben sat on top of Seb’s stomach, he appreciated his how far he was lifted off the bed by Seb’s mass. “Make sure you ask permission before you begin.” Seb said with a cocky smile. “Can I worship your pecs daddy?” Ben said, his mouth almost drooling as he said the words. “Only with your mouth.” Seb replied as he grabbed Ben’s hands in his own. Brining his hands together his pecs exploded outwards, swelling in size, two massive inflating balloons hard as stone. Ben leaned forward. Slowly beginning by kissing at the top of Seb’s right pec and making his way down to the nipple. “Can I please bite your nipple?” Ben asked. “Gently. Daddys nipples are sensitive.” As Seb said this Ben made sure to file it away for later. Taking Seb’s nipple into into his mouth, Ben gently circled his tongue over Seb’s nipple. With his lips locked around Seb’s thick dark nipple he lightly sucked. Seb’s huge body flexed as Seb moaned and groaned. Ben released the nipple from his mouth. Seb released his grasp on Ben’s hands and placed them on the back of Ben’s head. Shoving it back into his own flexed pec right at his nipple. “Nah boy. Keep doin that for a little. Daddy loves that”. Unable to deny his god, Ben complied. Sucking and swirling on Seb’s nipple. His hands now free he gently tweaked Seb’s other nipple. The huge man now putty in his hands as he writhed and moaned under Ben. Seb removed his hands and pulled Ben’s mouth away, “alright alright. That’s good. Don’t want daddy to cum just yet.” Seb winked at Ben and Ben suddenly noticed the rock hard cock that was pressing against his ass, halfway up Seb’s torso. In his fever to worship Seb’s chest he hand even noticed Seb’s growing cock pressing into him. “You’re really enjoying this aren’t you?” Ben replied, wiggling his ass and teasing the tip of Seb’s cock. “More than you know.” Seb replied, “please keep worshiping my pecs.” Ben had to comply. Leaning in he began again to kiss and lick across Seb’s pec, making sure to get every massive inch. The soft hair on Seb’s chest gently tickling at Ben’s face as he dug deep into Seb’s muscle. Then he noticed large red marks streaking across the side of Seb’s chest. He quickly pulled back. “Fuck Seb are you okay?!” Ben asked. In the dim lighting he couldn’t make out what was happening to Seb. “What’s wrong?” Seb said. Lifting his head from the bed and clearing it of lust. “In your chest. The red marks?” Ben said reaching for them tentatively with his fingers. Seb chuckled, “Hahaha relax. Those are just stretch marks. Happens when you grow into a muscle god and your chest explodes in size I guess.” As he said it Seb bounced his pecs, “now get back to it baby!” Ben continued to trace his fingers along the reddish purple marks that streaked across the rounded edges of Seb’s bloated chest. He slowly made his way to the center and was greeted with the deep cavern between Seb’s two pecs. As he licked from the bottom to the top, Seb wrapped his arms around Ben’s head and held him in, he began to bounce his pecs while Ben was trapped, forced to continue to lick and kiss the as the thick hair scratched at his nose. “Fuck yessss.” Seb growled, “I’ll smother you with these big daddy pecs fuckkk!” Seb was really getting into it now, and Ben noticed the feeling of Seb’s hard cock jumping and twitching, pressing against his still covered ass. Seb relented and released Ben from the hold, but no sooner than he’d released Ben did he move his large hands to Ben’s ass. Shaking and jiggling Ben’s ass he said, “god what a fine fucking ass. I bet that hole is so fucking tight.” Ben continued to work over Seb’s chest, determined to lick and kiss every inch. Seb grabbed onto Ben’s underwear and ripped them again. This time tearing them off his body. Immediately he felt the tip of Seb’s cock poking between his cheeks, covering him in precum. “Careful big guy. I’m going to need to loosen up a bit first.” Ben said as he hesitated, he hadn’t even really looked at Seb’s full hard cock yet. Only felt the tip poking him, and Seb was still in his underwear. “Tell me Ben. Which of my muscles is your favorite? You’ve kissed and licked my whole huge body now. What’s your favorite part?” Seb said, desire dripping from his tongue. “I couldn’t say. I haven’t gotten to worship all your hard muscles yet.” Ben replied as he moved his ass rhythmically up and down along the tip of Seb’s dick. “Better get to it then. Daddy wants an answer.” Seb said gently pushing the top of Ben’s head, encouraging him to move lower. Ben kissed down Seb’s body. Halfway down his torso, his lips came into contact with the tip of Seb’s cock. It was as big as an apple, but the foreskin was still covering the head like a sheath. A pool of precum had formed on Seb’s hard gut and Ben licked it slowly before placing his lips on the very exposed tip of Seb’s cock. Tasting Seb for the first time he was thrilled, it was strong and salty, but slightly sweet on his tongue as he worked his tongue to encourage more to leak from Seb. Ben continued to kiss down the shaft. The prominent ridge on the underside was throbbing as hot to the touch as Seb’s body pumped pints to blood into the huge organ. Ben noticed with excitement that Seb’s boxers were still on, just the top of the shaft was sticking out of his boxers. Ben grabbed the waistband and began to pull it down as he continued to kiss further and further down. Like he was unwrapping the sexiest gift in the world. He pulled the waistband down and down as Seb’s never ending thick veiny cock continued to emerge. Finally Ben reached a point where the waistband wouldn’t move down any more. “Here let me help you.” Seb said as he arched his back and Ben yanked and pulled on Seb’s underwear, hearing elastic snap in the waistband as it fought to get over his globular muscle ass. Finally Ben pulled it free and pulled them completely off. As he sat at Seb’s feet staring up at the muscled god laying in the bed in front of him he was awe struck. From the tree trunk thighs, the huge balls, the thick long elegant shaft of his cock dripping and jumping with horny anticipation, the solid hairy muscle gut, the wall of pecs blocking Seb’s face, his huge heavy arms draped out to either side of him. Ben climbed up and grabbed Seb’s cock with both hands. It was so thick he couldn’t get his whole hand around it at the base, and so long that with both hands stacked, there was still plenty of cock left to suck. Slowly Ben pulled back Seb’s foreskin, exposing his sensitive precum soaked head to the world. “Can I please suck daddy’s cock?” Ben said into Seb’s balls as he took a long inhale and then licked the salty overgrown sack. “Only if you can handle it. Now is your time to back out. If you keep going we’re going until I’m finished. You’re not wasting a perfect hard on like that.” Seb said raising his head up and peering at Ben over his pecs. Ben stared back longingly as he lowered his lips to Seb’s swollen cock head. As soon as he made contact Seb’s head fell back to the bed and he bucked his hips up, forcing his cock head onto Ben’s mouth and Ben could feel the shaft swell slightly in his hands as a large drop of precum rushed into his mouth. “Fuck boy. Your lips are so soft. They’re just what my hard cock needed.” Seb said as he began t(•_•t) play with his own erect nipples. Ben attempted to swallow as much of Seb’s cock as he could, and he began to move his hands in a twisting fashion over the remaining length of Seb’s girthy cock, choking and slobbering to make sure he got it nice and wet, sucking out every drop of precum Seb would allow him to drink. “Do you like how I’m worshiping your huge cock daddy?” Ben said, pulling his lips off of Seb’s length and tightening his grip as he moved his hands to the tip of Seb’s cock. Teasing and testing the sensitive exposed head as the bigger man moaned in pleasure. “Yeah son. Just like that. Fucking show me how much you love that big muscle dick.” Seb said, now his hands were roaming his body, flexing and feeling his own muscles as Ben watched and teased his cock. Ben noticed a solid shiver that overtook Seb’s body as he used his tongue to play with Seb’s huge piss slit, white running his fingers under the rim of the tip. “It’s so sensitive.” Ben said as he worked his tongue deeper into the slit of Seb’s cock, fighting a constant stream of thick precum. “You’re making daddy feel real good boy.” Seb said, continuing to feel his own muscles , flexing his biceps and bouncing his pecs while Ben pleasured his cock. Keeping his hands working in a twisting motion on Seb’s cock head and shaft, Ben slowly kissed down the length and slowly began to lick Seb’s swollen balls. Moving his hands from the shaft he held Seb’s huge testicles in both is hands. Lifting them up to his mouth. “They’re so fucking big. So fucking heavy.” Ben purred as he lapped his tongue over the salty skin of Seb’s balls. “Yeah that’s what a real fucking man looks like. That’s what a real man tastes like fuckkkk.” Seb said as he reached down and began to stroke his cock slowly. Ben tried to fit a whole testicle into his mouth. He wanted nothing more than to swirl his tongue around it and lick every bit of that taste away, but they were too swollen for him to try. As he licked, he worked Seb’s balls with his hands, kneading and tugging at them, testing to see what the big man liked the best. In the end Ben discovered the most reaction when the tugged on them a little too hard and continued to lick them. Coming up for air Ben slowly climbed up Seb’s body, dragging his own small cock slowly along the length of Seb’s, feeling the solid rock hard hairy stomach, and eventually settling with his cock lain between Seb’s massive pecs. It seemed to sink into the deep valley between them, swallowed by the hairy muscle in either side, his small cock throbbing and he felt Seb slowly squeeze his pecs together; trapping him. Ben said, “I think it’s time you flipped over so I can worship that monster back.” “Mmm. You want to see how wide I fucking am?” Seb said, puffing his chest and grabbing onto Ben’s hips with a tight firm grip. “Please sir.” Ben whimpered as Seb slowly bounced his pecs against Ben’s trapped dick. “You’ll have to get off me so I can roll over. You think you can get your little prick out from between these huge pecs?” Seb said, squeezing with slightly more pressure. Ben was conflicted. Did he want to fuck Seb’s massive chest? Yes. But he also wanted to worship his impossibly wide back…and maybe even get to play with his insane muscle ass. He knew he couldn’t brute force his way out. If Seb wanted him here, he’d bet trapped until Seb let him go. But he thought he knew just how to play this to get everything he wanted, and please Seb to the max. "Please daddy. Please let me worship your strong sexy back. Please let me go so I can kiss all of your muscles.” The satisfied grin that flashed onto Seb’s face as Ben said this let him know he’d gotten it. “If you want to so bad. I guess I’ll allow it.” Seb said, unflexing his chest and releasing his iron grip on Ben’s hips. Ben climbed off of the mountain of a man and Seb rolled over. As he did he flared his lats out as best he could. “Go ahead boy. Get to it. These muscles demand it.” Seb said with a cocky grin as he looked back over his shoulder at Ben. Ben beamed with excitement as he climbed onto Seb’s back. He sat so that his knees were right at the base of Seb’s lats. Leaning forward Ben ran his hands up Seb’s back. As he did he leaned his body forward and slowly kissed up Seb’s spine, digging his fingers into the deep grooves between the different strong muscles in Seb’s back. For his part, Seb moved his shoulders, flexing and relaxing the muscles in his back and groaning in pleasure as Ben worked over his back. Slowly Ben made his was down Seb’s back. Reaching his arms out to the side and feeling the thick wings of muscle that comprised Seb’s lats. “God. Look at the way your wide back makes a perfect V down to your waist.” Ben said as he caressed Seb’s sides and worked his mouth down towards Seb’s ass. “Seb…” Ben began, he’d already come so far but somehow he was still hesitant. This had all happened so incredibly quick, but Seb seemed to be enjoying it maybe even more than Ben was. “Have you ever had your ass eaten?” Ben said as he ran his hands along the bulging curve of Seb’s huge ass. Seb was silent for a moment, Ben felt like he was Icarus and he’d flown too close to the sun. “Eat ass?” Seb said, “you mean like a man eats pussy?” Ben couldn’t help but chuckle at the comparison as he comprehended how new and exciting this all must be for him. “Yeah, something like that. Do you mind if I try it?” Seb again hesitated, “please, if you don’t like it I’ll stop, but an ass this powerful, this fucking massive, an ass this strong, it deserves the best treatment.” As he said it Ben placed heavy kisses around Seb’s ass. He noticed it was covered in a light dusting of peach fuzz, soft, but he could see much darker hairs peering out from the center. “You haven’t led me wrong yet. Go for it.” Seb said, and Ben could hear the excitement in his breath. Using his hands and quite a bit of force, Ben forced Seb’s ass apart. Sliding his hand inside, he appreciated just how deep it seemed to go. It was warm, and the big man was sweaty from the heat in the room. Forcing his face in he moved to Seb’s tight hole. The scent was intoxicating, the taste salty from sweat, but also somehow sweet. His hands still roaming the mass of Seb’s ass, Ben stuck out his tongue, as soon as it touched Seb’s hole, Seb’s ass flexed and turned to granite around his head as his whole body flexed in pleasure. “Holy FUCK Ben! yes!l Seb howled, and Ben went in deeper. Pressing his tongue deeper into Seb. Seb bagan to move his hips, rubbing his cock on the bed and moving Ben’s face across his ass. Suddenly Ben’s face was ripped from Seb’s ass. As Seb turned over his rock hard cock bobbed. “Please let me do that to you.” Seb said, his face lighting up with pure pleasure. Ben returned the smile, “yes sir!” Ben said. Without missing a beat Seb moved to his knees on the Bed. He lifted Ben and quickly flipped him upside down. Seb held Ben in his strong arms as Ben’s legs spread open, Seb dove his head in quickly. Ben reached down and grabbed onto Seb’s thick pole and began to work the flow of precum all along the shaft. Seb finally reached his tongue into Ben’s hole and even the muscle that made up his tongue was huge and powerful. Seb worked his way into Ben’s hole. Wrapping one arm around Ben, holding him in place with one arm, Seb worked one finger into Ben. “You taste so damn good boy.” Seb said as he worked a second finger slowly into Ben’s ass. “Please tell me you’re going to fuck me.” Ben said as he continued to slick Seb’s cock with spit and precum. “I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.” Seb replied as he worked a third finger gently into Ben’s tight hole. “This ass is so tight, so perfect.” Seb leaned in and began to kiss Ben’s ass as he continued to finger him. “We can take our time. I want you inside me. Please daddy. I need to feel this huge cock inside me.” Beg said tightening his grip and jerking Seb’s cock faster. “Yeah boy? Tell me what you want me to do to you.” Seb said. Spitting on to Ben’s hole and moving his fingers at a quicker pace. “I want you to use me like a fucking toy. I want you to show me how a real man fucks.” Ben could feel Seb’s cock jerk in his hands as he said it. Over the next hour Seb slowly worked his fist into Ben, slowly accommodating Ben to his thick wrist and muscled forearm. “I think you’re ready baby.” Seb said as he finally relinquished his fingers from Ben’s hole. Ben released Seb’s cock, and he was lain on the bed on his back. “Please go slow.” Bed said as Seb rubbed the head of his cock along Ben’s hole. “Don’t worry baby. Daddy is going to take good care of you.” Seb said as he spit a huge drop of saliva onto his cock, and rubbed it in, “fuck. All that precum you worked out of me has my cock perfectly lubed up already, good job boy.” Seb said aligning his cock to Ben’s hole. Slowly he pushed just the head in. As it slid in Ben could feel his hole stretch and then contract as soon as the tip was inside. “Holy shit.” Seb said as Ben took a sharp inhale. Seb rocked his hips slowly, putting the first few inches in, and then pulling it out to where only this tip was inside. “Oh my god.” Ben gasped as he used his hands to try and hold his ass open for Seb. “so big…” was all Ben could say over and over under his breath and he struggled to accommodate Seb’s intruding member. “Feel good?” Seb said as he used one hand to grip onto Ben’s cock, using his other to tweak his own fat nipple. “Seb. Please. Please. I’m going to cum.” Ben said as he felt his long awaited orgasm building. He had managed to keep it under control this whole time. But feeling his little cock in Seb’s huge hand, while Seb’s solid thick cock was slowly making its way deeper and deeper into Ben. “Go on. Cum for daddy.” Seb said as he released Ben’s cock. With his cock several inches into Ben, Seb flexed a most muscular pose, leaning his huge upper body down over Ben. Ben reached up and felt Seb’s arms, roaming his hands to Seb’s chest. It was over for him then. Ben came, his cock jerked as it exploded. Sending a solid stream of cum from his cock to his chest. Seb took his hand and scooped the cum off of Ben and slowly inserted his fingers into his mouth, licking and sucking the cum off. “Mmm you taste so sweet.” Seb said as he licked his lips and leaned forward towards Ben. Pushing his hands under Ben, Seb lifted Ben and stood beside the bed. Holding Ben firmly on his cock. Ben brought his head close and began to lick the sweat dripping from Seb’s chest, tugging at his nipples. “Now it’s my turn.” Seb said, “you said you wanted me to ‘use you like a fucking toy’?” Ben mumbled an affirmation into Seb’s chest, “good. I’m going to treat you like the little cocksleeve that you are!” Ben felt Seb’s grip shift. In his huge hands he was holding Ben’s thighs and waistc folding Ben in half with his knees to his chest. Seb positioned Ben, Seb’s arms fully extended, he truly was holding Ben like he was a sex toy. He felt utterly powerless in this position as this hulk of a man dominated him completely. Slowly Seb began to lift Ben and then lower him back onto his cock. Fucking himself like he was using a flesh light. Ben’s eyes rolled back in ecstasy and he felt completely taken by Seb. “Fuck. You’re doing so good. You’re taking half my cock now.” Seb said, admiration at Ben in his voice. “Half?!” Ben said registering in his delight. He could feel how deep Seb was inside of him. “You’ll know when it’s all the way in. You’ll feel my big balls smack against your tight little ass.” Seb replied. “Please. I need it all. I want it all. I can take it. Please use me to pleasure yourself!” Ben begged as he reached his hands out and grasped onto Seb’s meaty forearms. Feeling the striated veiny muscles that made up his body’s support system. “It only gets thicker the lower you go.” Seb said, his domineering role slipping as his concern for Ben snuck through. “You had this fucking thing in me earlier,” Ben said. Grasping onto Seb’s left forearm with both hands, “I can handle it. Please.” Seb simply nodded as he slowly lowered Ben down onto his steel hard tool. Ben could feel the cock in his stomach. As he looked down at his body he could swear he could see Seb’s fat mushroom head poking against the skin of his abdomen. “There is it baby.” Seb said as he finally fully entered Ben. Slowly grinding Ben’s ass against his crotch. Seb was right. Ben coukd absolutely feel Seb’s big tight balls press against his ass and Seb moved him around. “You ready for me to cum?” Seb asked. Ben could only nod as he entered a state of such bliss he was almost delirious. Seb again to move his massive arms, pumping Ben along the length of his cock. Ben could feel the ridge of Seb’s cock grinding against his insides, pressing his sweet spot, begging him to cum again. “Fuckkk fuck Seb I’m im uhhhhhh!” Ben cried as he came again, shooting another load that splattered onto Seb’s sweaty forearm. “Fuck. You’re so tight when you cum. Where do you want it huh? Where do you want daddy’s big load?” Seb said with a ferocity that let Ben know he was close. The wet smacks of Ben’s ass slamming into Seb’s body quickened. Seb’s cock swelled. “Please breed me.” Ben said, and almost instantly he felt the warm gush of cum explode inside him. Seb’s cock twitched and spasmed inside him as it shot jet after jet of thick creamy seed deep inside him. Seb threw his head back and released a primal, gutters noise, the muscles in his neck straining and turning red from the force of the load. Every muscle on his god like body flexed and seemed to swell, covered in that same thick dark hair and dripping with sweat. Ben was on the bed now, and Seb had laid his most on top of Ben. He was holding himself up on his elbows so he didn’t crush Ben, but Ben could still feel his huge member inside of him. “Holy fuck.” Seb said, turning his head down to stare into Ben’s eyes. “That was fucking…holy fuck.” “I can’t believe you actually used me like a fucking flesh light.” Ben said, slowly caressing Seb’s hairy chest as it hung above him. “It’s what you said you wanted; and I aim to please.” Seb said, leaning in to kiss Ben. “But you got to cum twice. I don’t think it’s fair I only came once.” Seb said, flexing his still hard cock inside of Ben. “Let me make it up to you.” Ben replied whisperer of into Seb’s ear. “How would you do that?” Seb said between kisses as he kissed up and down Ben’s neck,, his thick beard scratching and tickling Ben as he went. “Lay down on your back. Let me show you just how much I love your big dick.” Seb’s eyes twinkled in excitement as he slowly pulled his cock out of Ben. A final wet *plop* brought it out and Ben instantly craved the feeling of having it inside him again. As Seb lay on his back, bed straddled his waist. Feeling Seb’s hefty cock at full attention under him. Grinding his hips back and forth, moving his ass along the length of Seb’s cock, he grabbed at Seb’s chest. Getting hit hole to the tip he pushed back, allowing the tip to slide in. Ben rocked his hips and slowly took more and more of Seb inside of him while he tweaked Seb’s nipples. Seb watched Ben with a fiendish grin on his face, please with the work Ben was doing. Ben finally took all of Seb’s cock, and then raised his body so that only the head was inside him, then he dropped hard back onto Seb’s torso. Seb threw his head back in pleasure as his entire cock was gripped by Ben’s insides at once. Ben continued to squat up and down on Seb’s cock. “Fucking flex your biceps for me!” Ben called as he rode Seb wildly. Seb complied and hauled his massive arms into an inhuman flex of power. Ben grabbed onto Seb’s biceps, “god. So fucking big. Im so lucky.” Ben cried as he slammed his ass down into Seb and ground his hips in a slow wide circular motion. “Fuck. I’m going to cum!” Seb cried again after what seemed to Ben about 30 minutes of riding Seb wildly, his thighs has began to burn and he was beginning to wonder if the beast would ever tire. “Come here!” Seb said pulling Ben’s face into his chest. Lifting his knees and arching his back Ben again to thrust into Ben at an insane speed, pike driving the smaller man’s ass into complete submission. “Yeah smother in daddy’s pecs while I fuck you. Oh fuck yessss!” Seb called as he flexed his pecs against Ben’s face. Ben whimpered and moaned as he came again involuntarily. Another thrust and Seb began to pump his load inside of Ben. He continued to fuck Ben with a wild abandon as his cock unloaded into Ben. Ben breathed heavily into Seb’s chest as Seb continued to hold him in place, fully impaled on his cock. Ben was released and he sat up, bracing his work body onto Seb’s broad shoulders as he did. “How was that?” Seb asked, slightly out of breath, running his rough hands over Ben’s body. “It was perfect. I think you came more the second time than you did the first.” Ben replied. “Well. Maybe my third load will be even bigger.” Seb said, flexing his still hard cock inside of Ben. Ben’s eyes widened, “Another load?” “Well you came again, I just want to keep us even. Plus. I warned you. Once we start we aren’t stopping until my balls are drained.” Seb told him as he grabbed his balls and began to tug at them. “I’m not sure my ass can take another beating like that.” Ben said tentatively. Imagining Seb’s powerful body going at him again. “But. I do have an idea. You can say no. But I really think we’d both enjoy it.” Ben said as he tried to concoct a plan in his head to ensure he satisfied his god. “I’m listening.” Seb said as he gripped Ben’s ass in his hands and began to kneed and squeeze. “Okay. What if you were almost upside down. And I ate your ass while your jerked your cock. Then when you came you’d cum all over your chest. I could see what a massive load it was, then lick every bit of it off.” As he said it he realized how ridiculous and fantasy like it sounded he was almost embarrassed. But the thought of cleaning Seb’s massive load off of his big chest, tasting his thick cum, he knew he wanted to make it happen. Seb’s face seemed confused as if he couldn’t really conjure the image in his head of what exactly Ben wanted him to do. “Why don’t you direct me how to move and let’s see what we can do.” Giving Ben a reassuring smile, Ben felt more confident in this fantasy he was about to play out. In the end. Ben sat on the high bed. Ben lay with his head and shoulders on the floor, with his ass propped up facing the ceiling. His long extravagant cock pointed down from his hips and faced his chest. From his position on the bed, Ben was face to …face? with Seb’s spread legs and his exposed hole. Excitement drove Ben as he placed his hands on Ben’s hamstrings. “Ready big guy?” Ben said as Seb adjusted just a big for comfort and then placed his hands on his cock. “Ready.” Seb replied as he began to slowly stroke his cock. Ben dove his face into Seb. Taking in the manly aroma of sex as he lashed with his tongue. Finally able to get deeper into Seb’s ass, Ben went to town sucking and licking at Seb’s hole. Then he began to move one finger closer to Seb’s ass. Slowly inserting his finger, with no protest from Seb, he felt the incredibly tight warm grip of Seb’s ass. “Are you still hard?” Seb suddenly asked.b “As a rock!” Ben replied as he continued to work his finger into Seb’s ass. “Why don’t you stick your cock in there instead.” Seb said, his body shaking as he worked his big cock. “Are you sure?” Ben replied. “I’ve fingered myself before and my finger is about the same size as your beautiful cock. I can handle it. And I think it’ll be perfect to get me off.” Ben was in no position or mood to argue or protest. Spitting on the head of his own cock, Ben stood on the bed and slowly lowered his cock into Seb. “Awe fuck. It’s perfect!” Seb cried as his hole tightened around Ben’s cock. The grip so strong Ben wasn’t sure how much he’d be able to pull out and go back in. “Fuck Seb. It’s so tight!” Ben said as he placed his hands on Seb’s ass to balance himself. “Yeah. That’s a real man’s ass. Show me how you fuck. Make daddy proud.” Ben took the hint and began to raise and lower himself rhythmically into Seb. As he gripped onto Seb’s ass he hauled one hand back and smacked Seb’s hard ass, the rock hard muscle stinking his hand as he did it. “Shit yeah boy! I’m getting close!” Seb called as Ben also realized he was about to cum as well. He didn’t stand a chance to last long inside this perfect hole. Ben felt Seb’s ass tightened fiercely around his cock as the big man roared, his whole body shaking as he pumped his load from his cock. As it subsided he said, “I was right. This load was bigger. God damn son I hope you’re hungry. There’s a lot of cum to clean up down here.” As he said it Ben’s cock shot its nearly dry load into Seb. “I think I’m out.” Ben said as he slowly pulled his cock from inside Seb. “That’s alright. You’re keeping up with me just fine. I’m not sure many people could hang in there with me like this!” Seb pushed his body away from the bed and sprawled out onto the floor with his legs and arms spread out. “Holy shit.” Ben said under his breath as he looked at the load that quite literally covered Seb’s wide chest. “I made sure to spread it around so you can worship all of my pec muscle.” Seb said as he winked at Ben, “Get to it. Don’t want dinner to get cold.” Ben’s eyes lit up as he scrambled to Seb. Sticking his tongue out he licked from the bottom of Seb’s chest to the bottom of Seb’s neck. “Come here. Let me taste that load.” Seb said as he placed his hands on either side of Ben’s head and pulled him into a kiss. As he did. Ben’s body was rubbed onto Seb’s chest, getting cum all along his torso. “Oh yeah. It tastes so good coming from your hot little mouth.” Ben returned and continued to suck and lick every square inch of Seb’s broad chest. Collapsing on top of Seb, Ben said, “Seb. That was incredible.” “I can’t believe I’ve never had someone worship my muscles before. I don’t think I’ve ever been that hard and turned on.” “You’re really good at taking the dominating role too.” Ben complimented, lightly playing with Seb’s nipple as he rested his head on Seb’s chest. “I was trying. I got sucked in and it made it so much hotter. You have any other fantasies you want to try out?” Seb said grabbing his still semi hard cock and slapping it hard against Ben’s ass cheeks making a wet thwack thwack as he grinned. “Oh. I have plenty.” Ben said, completely exhausted and feeling Seb’s load start to slowly leak from his stretched hole. “Good thing you’re here for another couple days.” Seb said, “why don’t we go shower off and go have dinner?” Ben nodded into Seb’s chest, not ever wanting this to end, and imagining in his head all the fantasies he wanted to play out this weekend. End of Part 1 Reluctantly. Ben got up and Seb began to rise from the ground. Standing next to him, Ben was in awe of just how stunning he looked. Clearly the activities of the past few hours had pumped up his muscles, his tan from the morning was beginning to set in, and the sweat covered his body so he seemed to shimmer in the evening light that bled through the curtains of the room. “Seb wait.” Ben said as his eyes drank in Seb. “What’s up?” Seb replied as he opened a dresser and produced two towels. “Can I shower with you?” Ben asked. Almost knowing the answer, but somehow needed Seb to provide permission. “Of course. You don’t expect me to soap up and clean these big muscles all by myself do you?” Seb replied bouncing his pecs and winking at Ben. Involuntary Ben blushed as blood rushed to his cock in the excitement of getting to feel Seb’s body again. Ben followed Seb to his shower. The shower Ben had used had been a normal sized tub and shower combo. However Seb’s bathroom had some added details. As Ben walked into the bathroom he noticed a large shower in the corner, it had a permanent shower chair inside of it and two large rainfall shower heads mounted to the ceiling. Seb climbed in the shower and started the water running, and then he sat down on the shower chair. Ben followed him in, the steam immediately rising from the hot water as it fell onto both of their bodies. With Seb sitting and Ben standing, Ben was almost at eye level with Seb, who sat with his legs spread wide; his long cock draped down between his legs, huge even when soft. Ben moved forward, placing his hands on Seb’s powerful thighs, moving between them, his own cock aching as it grew hard again. “The soap is on the shelf behind you.” Seb said as Ben turned to grab the bottle of body wash on the wall caddy. “Hand it to me. Let me wash you off first.” Seb said as Ben handed him the bottle. Ben pushed his hair out of his face as he stood in front of Seb, watching the water drip from his body, running down his chest and through his body hair, running off of his cock like a pipe in the rain. “Here. Come sit on my lap.” Seb said, and Ben moved to sit his bare sore ass on Seb’s thigh. As he did, Ben noticed that as Seb sat, his thigh was spread out, making it even larger than it normally would be. Seb pumped a large drop of the soap onto one huge hand, and then rubbed it into both. He leaned forward and placed one hand on Ben’s chest, Ben felt his calloused fingers running over his nipples as Seb worked the soap into a lather. Seb placed his other hand on Ben’s back, holding him steady. As Seb worked the soap over Ben’s body, Ben felt himself sandwiched between Seb’s big rough hands. His feet lifted off the ground as he sat comfortably on Seb’s lap. Against his bare ass he felt Seb’s overdeveloped thigh muscles flexing and moving under him. “Your body is so fucking beautiful.” Seb said as he slowly worked his hands over Ben’s torso and back. Moving one big hand he began to work on hand down Ben’s arm. “You really think so?” Ben said, his own discomfort with his body coming to the surface as this perfect specimen worked him over. “Oh yeah.” Seb said, as he replied Ben felt Seb’s cock jump against his calf as Seb worked his hands and eyes over Ben’s body. “And not only that, but the way you have with words, the way you move your body, the way you feel my body, and how hard you get. Fuck. Your cock gets so fucking hard. You know just exactly what to do and what to say, and that’s all so fucking hot.” Seb said. As he lauded over Ben, Ben could feel Seb’s cock pumping and growing as he continued to work his hands all over Ben’s body. “I really can’t get over how much I love your cock.” Seb said as he moved a soapy slick hand over Ben’s cock and began to slowly stroke it. “Seb…” Ben began, his mind fighting with itself, the reality of what Seb was saying versus the internal struggle with his own confidence. Seb’s hands stopped moving as he looked at Ben, “what’s up?” Seb asked. “I’m sorry. I’ve just never felt good about my body. It’s just odd to hear someone compliment me I guess.” Ben said. “Hey I get it. I was always so tall and lanky, I felt awkward as fuck all the time. I get it. But you even have a leg up on me in that.” Seb said. “How so?” Ben replied. “Well, until I started putting on weight and muscle, my face looked like a skeleton. But you. Your jawline, your lips, your thick hair, those beautiful eyes. You’re the whole package, Ben.” Seb said, as he did he began to lean in. Ben had never felt more attraction to anyone before, having his biggest insecurities smoothed over by Seb was healing and so fucking hot. Ben leaned in and began to kiss Seb. Wrapping his hands around Seb’s neck. Ben felt the water falling down between both of their faces. Seb’s tongue invaded Ben’s mouth as his hands tightened their grip on Ben’s body. Ben placed his hands on Seb’s chest and he lightly pushed back. “Easy big guy. I still get to wash your body.” As he said this, Ben noticed Seb’s now semi hard cock twitching between his legs. Ben grabbed the soap and squeezed a generous amount into his hands. Lathering heavily, he placed his hands on the top of Seb’s shoulders. “Do you want me to tell you what I feel while I wash you?” Ben asked. “What do you mean?” Seb replied. “Let me give you an example.” Ben said as he worked his hands in a slow circular pattern across Seb’s shoulders. “Your shoulders are so well developed. So wide that I can’t wash both of them at the same time. The way your deltoids explode out, and the way your traps raise up from your shoulders makes you look so god damned big.” Ben was standing now, between Seb’s legs. As he washed Seb’s wide shoulders he felt Seb’s cock rising between his legs, pushing against the inner part of Ben’s thighs as it rose and protested at being stopped. “Yeah. Do that. Describe what you’re feeling as you wash my huge body.” Seb said. Moving his hands down to Seb’s arms Ben continued to lather soap onto him, calling out the feelings he felt through his hands. “Your tricep is so heavy.” Ben said as he wrapped his hands around the back of Seb’s arm, “I love the way you can see the separation between your bicep and tricep, it’s so deep. Can you flex your tricep for me big guy?” Ben cooed and Seb responded by flexing his arm. “God. How fast it turns had as steel, and look at this massive horseshoe. I love to imagine how much weight your could lift with just one of your huge arms.” Ben worked his hands to Seb’s bicep, “and this huge peak, look how it splits. Both of the heads on this bicep are so well defined. Look how small my hands look while I wash your bicep.” Ben could feel Seb’s rock hard cock under him now, throbbing wildly as Ben slowly worked his way over Seb’s body. Feeding into his apparent massive ego and teasing him with praise. “And your forearms. Can you flex those? Yeah just like that. Twist your wrist back and forth.” Ben ran both of his hands along the length of Seb’s forearm, at the same time he began to squeeze his thighs together, stimulating Seb’s iron hard cock as it pressed up and up against Ben’s body. “I love how when you twist your wrist the way I can see each invisibility fiber of muscle move. The way those big veins snake their way down to your big hands.” Ben slowly moved his hands back up Seb’s arms. “Now for your chest…” Ben began as he poured soap from the bottle on top of Seb’s chest, letting it run down the thick mounds of muscle. Ben used his hands to swirl the soap into Seb’s hairy chest. “It’s relaxed. It feels…almost squishy. But I can feel how heavy each pec is.” As he spoke, Ben ran his hands under Seb’s chest. Where Seb’s whale of a chest hung down, Ben had to lift up each pec to truly wash under them, feeling how heavy each was as he held it up, gently massaging it, feeling the relaxed muscle under his hands. Slowly Ben worked his fingers in large circles around Seb’s nipples, feeling them as they grew harder and more pronounced in his fingers, slowly erecting out of the bush of hair that coated Seb’s chest. “I love how sensitive your nipples are, and they’re so big, it’s like squeezing two big erasers.” As he said it, Ben felt a surge of confidence and he grabbed Seb’s nipples, one in each hand between his thumb and pointer finger and began to twist. As he did he felt a surge in Seb’s cock between his legs as Seb threw his head back and let out a groan somewhere between a moan and a growl. His huge hands grabbing at the walls of the shower as Ben twisted and pulled at Seb’s nipples. “Fuck boy…” Seb said in a labored breath, flexing his chest and rolling his pecs into solid rocks. Ben traced his hands around fist sized divots at the side of Seb’s chest. “Get on your knees.” Seb said. Ben complied and got down on the shower floor. “Do my legs next.” As he said it, Seb grabbed his cock with body hands and began to slowly stroke it. Getting off completely on Ben admiring his body. Suds from his upper body had run down and had coalesced onto his large thighs. Ben worked the white bubbles into a lather on Seb’s thighs. In response, Seb outstretched his long legs, flexing his thighs. “They look like diamonds.” Ben said as he ran his hands over the striated cords of muscle that make up Seb’s legs. “They’re hard like diamonds too aren’t they boy.” Seb said, using one hand to continue to work his cock, teasing his own sensitive head, and pulling at a fat nipple with the other hand. “They’re so hard, all of your muscles are so big and so hard.” Ben said, watching the ecstasy on Seb’s face, his huge chest rising and falling in quick succession as he got closer to climax. “How’d you like a face full of daddy’s cum boy?” Seb growled. “Please daddy, I want it so bad. I want you to cover me, paint my face.” Ben replied. “Wash my balls son.” Seb said, and Ben quickly reached and began to massage Seb’s heavy nuts. They hung low in this position, heavy and full. “Go ahead pull on them a little.” Ben complied, gripping with both hands right above where Seb’s big testicles sat in his sack, and gave a tug. Seb responded with a low moan, and Ben took the hint and pulled harder. “That’s it boy, work those big bulls balls! Fuck yeahhh.” Seb was close now, Ben could see the veins engorging and the mushroom head of Seb’s cock swelling. “Here it comes, fuck ugh, get ready.” Obediently, Ben sat back, sticking his tongue out, the water still pouring from the shower forced him to close his eyes, something he’d be grateful for soon. Seb roared as he pointed his cock directly at Ben’s beautiful face, the first shot of hot cum hit Ben’s tongue like a master marksmen firing a gun, Ben quickly swallowed and opened his mouth for more. He felt the hot jets of Seb’s cum spray his face, his body, slashing over him in thick globs. Looking up at Seb for a moment he saw the orgasm had slowed, quickly Ben moved forward and grabbed Seb’s cock with both hands. The engorged head of Seb’s cock still leaked cum as Ben placed his mouth onto it. Swallowing the head of Seb’s ultra sensitive cock, using his tongue to pleasure the big man. Seb groaned as more cum escaped the length of his cock, flooding Ben’s mouth, Seb’s huge body writhing in pleasure as Ben teased his cock and feasted on the cum that continued to flow in Seb’s long orgasmic state. Seb pulled Ben’s head off of his cock with a wet *plop* as Ben’s lips broke contact with the fat head. “God damn boy!” Seb said panting, his chest heaving, his eyes looking down at Ben. “You taste so good.” Was all Ben could say as he licked his lips and felt the water washing the hefty load that coated his body. “Come up here and let me taste too.” Seb said, is eyes beckoning Ben. Ben stood and Seb lifted him into his lap, and they kissed, Seb’s huge load stuck to Ben’s face and falling between their lips. Seb broke away the kiss, “I think we’d better actually clean up and get out, the water is starting to get cold and I’m starving; gotta feed these big muscles.” Seb winked at Ben and flexed his bicep. Setting Ben down they both committed to actually showering, and quickly leaving as the hot water left even faster. Getting out they toweled off, as Seb walked into his room and began to hunt for clothes, Ben asked, “Seb?” Seb paused his search for shorts and turned his head towards Ben, “Yeah?” “Do you think maybe we could just wear our underwear for the rest of the night, it’s soooo hot in here.” As he said it he gave Seb a sly wink along with the cork in his grin. “You’re right it is hot, I think only wearing our underwear would be smart.” As he said this he turned back to his drawer and ruffled through to the bottom. “Do you thiiiiiiiiink this willllllll do?” Seb drew out his words as he searched the drawer for what he was looking for. As he finished, he lifted a tiny piece of hot pink fabric out of the drawer. Ben’s cheeks bloomed with roses as he examined the tiny stretch in Seb’s hands. “Seb, I love it. But where did that come from?” Ben asked, “I don’t think it’ll fit.” Seb began to lift one large leg into the pink garment, “Well I may not have known what muscle worship was, or dated in quite a while, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy going out every now and then; and you can’t very well go out and impress in loose fitting boxers.” “I hardly think you’d ever have a problem with anything fitting loosely.” Ben chided as he watched Seb step his other leg in. “Well, maybe now, but these are a couple of years old. I believe the term is a jockstrap.” As he said the last word he grabbed the waistband and stood up, pulling the thong up his legs as he went. “And, don’t worry, like I said, I’ve always had a big daddy dick. So this pouch stretches plenty, it even has a place for my big balls.” Seb worked his package into the front pouches of the jockstrap, delicately moving and positioning everything just so. As he examined his face screwed into a look of slight confusion , “Well, maybe I’ve grown more than I thought.” Ben observed the final product, Seb’s jockstrap seemed to enhance his package, lifting it and forcing it slightly forward, but there was simply too much meat for the pouch to hold. His cock and balls forced the pouch forward, leaving a gap between his groin and the pouch where his balls and cock threatened to spill out. As he turned around, Ben saw the straps meant to sit below his ass were in fact, completely covered by the overhang of his ass, stretched to their max. The lettering on the waistband stretched around his waist, making it impossible to read the brand. “Well I think they’re perfect!” Ben said as he walked towards Seb, “Just don’t get hard.” He cooed as he lightly ran the back of his hand along the overstuffed pouch. “I need to go to my room and get something to put on, I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” As he turned to leave he gave Seb’s pouch one final squeeze, and as he walked out the door he could hear Seb mumble under his breath, “You little shit.” In his room Ben chose the most attractive thing he himself had packed, which considering how he’d expected this weekend to go did not match the vibe of how it had actually turned out. He hated this particular pair, but felt like Seb would love them. The tight boxer briefs he walked into the kitchen wearing hugged every bit of his ass, but the large pouch in the front flapped as his small flaccid cock struggled to fill any part of it out. In the kitchen Seb had already started to prepare dinner, pulling food and pans out and he had a “Kiss the Chef” apron around his neck, the apron cinched at his waist and his chest shoving the word “Kiss” forward like a bad 3D movie trick. Ben moved slowly and moved to sit on the counter out of Seb’s way. “So what’s for dinner?” Ben asked. “Well, I was thinking I’d make this chicken I seasoned and marinated Friday, then some veggies from the garden.” Seb beamed as he moved around the kitchen. “Where is the garden, I haven’t seen that yet?” Ben asked. “It’s a big property bud, it’s a little ways off, I had to find a place flat enough so it’s over through the woods a bit.” “What all do you grow?” Ben asked. “Oh, a little bit of everything. Potato’s, cabbage, tomatoes, squash. Tonight we’re going to have zucchini, carrots, and some beans. I even grew some of the herbs I seasoned the chicken with in the garden..” Seb looked more proud than when Ben had kissed his bicep earlier that day. “Seb, I hate to think about all the time we lost together, I mean, if we’d been closer we could have been doing this so much sooner.” “Nah, I actually think if we’d been closer this never would’ve happened.” Seb said. “What do you mean?” Ben asked. “Well, if we’d been close for years and years, we probably wouldn’t be as attracted, it would’ve been too weird. I think it’s important that it happened when and how it did. You know, right place right time.” “I find it hard to believe that I wouldn’t be attracted to you.” Ben was swinging his feet on the high cabinets watching Seb sear the chicken on the stove and then turn around to expertly chop vegetables before turning back around and throwing them in the pan. “That may be so, but this takes two. I feel that if we’d have been closer it would be harder for me to fuck your tight little ass.” Seb said this so effortlessly it made Ben fluster hearing him say it. “Well, now that I’m here, I think I’ll have to visit more often.” “Awe, you’ll miss me that much.” Seb said in a slight baby voice as he leaned over and pinched Ben’s cheek between two strong fingers. “I just haven’t been this relaxed in a long time…….annnnd, feeling your muscles is a huge plus.” Ben said. “Literally huge.” Seb said as he bounced his pecs, moving the entire apron as he did, he laughed, and the deep vibrating sound led Ben to laugh too; along with his cock jerking in the oversized pouch. They continued to talk, Seb asking more and more of Ben’s life, learning more about his job, and what his life was like. Finally, dinner was finished and the two migrated to the table. As they did, Seb shed his apron and Ben relished in the look of him. The hot kitchen had given his chest a shine of sweat, the bright LED lights of the kitchen made it seem to almost glisten on his in his dark chest hair like twinkling stars in the night. As they ate, Ben found it difficult to focus on much more than Seb’s chest as it hung over the table. When they finished, Ben took it upon himself to take the plates to the dishwasher, as Seb retired to the couch. As Ben entered the den, Seb was sprawled on the couch, flipping through movies on the TV. “Come lay down, I think we could both use some relaxation after today.” Seb said as he patted his chest. “You can even use my big pecs as pillows, I know you’ll like that.” Ben obliged and climbed on top of Seb’s big body and laid his head on Seb’s chest. Seb selected a movie, but it wasn’t long before his hands roamed to Ben’s ass. “You know, these underwear look great on you.” As he said it, Seb groped and palmed Ben’s fat ass within. “I figured you’d like them.” Ben replied, taking one finger and beginning to play with Seb’s nipple. “Careful, I can’t get hard in this…ugh…jockstrap.” Seb said, removing his hand’s from Ben’s ass. “Why not big guy?” Ben said, working over Seb’s nipples a bit harder and guiding Seb’s hand back to his ass. “It’s getting too tight.” Seb said, referring to the strained pouch. From where he was Ben couldn’t see, but he heard the already stressed waistband loosing the battle as elastic snapped as Seb’s monster grew. “Oh no, are you going to bust out of that tiny jock?” Ben said, moving his lips closer to Seb’s nipple. Seb began to grab more roughly at Ben’s ass, pulling at the fabric and working his fingers between. “Fuck rip them off!” Ben said slightly arching his back. Within a second Seb yanked and Ben felt the air connect with his ass. Seb smacked his ass, not with his full strength, but Ben felt it would leave a red mark, and he loved it. Grinding his little cock against Seb, he continued to hear the elastic loosing its battle below. “Fuck, you wanna watch me rip out of this shit?” Seb said. “Yes!” Ben replied. Seb quickly flipped him over, Ben was now on his back on Seb’s torso, his legs stretched down to Seb’s legs and he got to see Seb’s growing cock in the jock for the first time. Seb’s cock rose, comically shoving the pouch away from his body. the waistband strings stretched up to the head of his cock, his balls completely out, and the tiny pouch was only covering the head, but just barely. Seb began to kiss at the back of Ben’s neck, and Ben noticed the precum leaking from Seb’s cock and through the fabric, his cock jumped and continued to lengthen, to harden, finally the jock gave way, and Seb’s cock came flying down, smacking Be’s stomach as he lay on top of Seb, precum still flowing and leaking onto his stomach now. “Seb. I know you hadn’t heard of muscle worship, but have you heard of edging?” Seb paused his kissing of Ben’s neck, “No I haven’t, but if you’re suggesting it, I know I’ll like it.” Ben moved his way down Seb’s body and in between his legs. “Basically, I’m going to worship your cock; when you’re about to cum I’ll stop and let it go away. We do that over and over again, taking you to the edge of orgasm.” “I certainly like the sound of you worshiping my cock, go ahead.” Seb said, placing his hands on his nipples and beginning to work them as Ben took Seb’s cock into his hands. Ben slowly stroked the length of Seb’s shaft. “It’s so fucking hard.” Ben said, spitting on the tip of Seb’s cock, “I can’t wrap my hands around it.” Ben repositioned his hands, both of them now firmly holding the base of Seb’s throbbing cock. Leaning forward he placed his mouth on the tip and began to work his tongue down the huge piss slit at the end of Seb’s member, tasting the ever present flow of salty precum. “God and you taste so good.” The tip of Seb’s cock now wet with spit and precum, Ben wrapped his hands around the flaired mushroom head and began to stroke in slow circular movements. Seb moaned as the nerve endings on the tip of his cock became overloaded with pleasure and stimulation. “Fuck. Ben. Hold…uhhhhhh, it’s so sensitive. Please.” Seb breathed, although not moving to stop Ben from continuing. “Does that feel good big guy?” Ben teased as he used the tips of his fingers to play with just Seb’s tip. Watching the beast of a man writh in pleasure. Ben could feel Seb’s cock swelling, the veins surging with blood in anticipation of climax. He removed his hands and Seb’s heavy cock fell onto his stomach with a wet *thwack* as Seb’s deep breaths subsided his cock twitched and pulsed, the tip an angry red as it begged to release its load. Ben gently used his fingers to fondle Seb’s balls. “I think they’re bigger, look how big they look in my hand.” Ben said as he gently massaged Seb’s sack. “They’re working overtime making a huge load. God imagine how much cum you’re going to shoot.” Ben slowly licked the sweat forming on Seb’s crotch as Seb’s balls contracted towards his body at the touch before relaxing again and dropping back down to their low hanging position. “What do you think. Can I work your cock again without you blowing your wad?” Seb was silent for a moment as he regained control of his breathing, “I’m ready. Work me to the edge again.” His tone demanding and authoritative as he removed his hands from his sensitive nipples. “Why don’t you let daddy eat that sweet little ass while you worship my giant cock.” Ben was in no position to argue. Quickly climbing on top of Seb and again placing his ass in Seb’s face, his strong hands gripping Ben’s ass and spreading open his hole before diving in and releasing his tongue inside of Ben. Ben continued to work Seb’s cock. Stroking and licking along the entire length. Working Seb to the very edge, feeling Seb’s cock surge in preparation to drown him in cum, and then backing off, allowing the beast to relax, before going back again. Ben wasn’t sure how long they continued like this, his own cock begged for release as he ground it against Seb’s hairy chest. But refusing to unload without permission. Just as Seb was doing. “Fuck. My cock is actually starting to hurt.” Seb finally said, “how long have you been working me?” “I’m not sure Ben said, trying to count how many times he’d edged Seb, but quickly losing track. Maybe we should go to bed and start back tomorrow.” “I can’t go to bed this hard. I have to cum.” Seb replied defiantly, “My nuts feel like they’re going to explode.” “What. Not strong enough to wait until tomorrow?” Ben said, playing on maybe the one weakness Seb had. “Not strong enough?!” Seb said in mock anger, “Boy I’ll hold this load all fucking week. Not strong enough. Fuck off.” As he said it he gently tossed Ben off of his body. Standing from the couch, Seb towered over Ben, his throbbing leaking cock pointing towards the ground under its own immense weight. “I’d better get to bed then.” Seb said. “Do you think I could sleep in your bed tonight?” Ben asked. “I don’t know. That hot little ass so close to my cock all night.” Seb bit his lip considering, “sure why not.” As they moved to the bedroom and climbed into bed, Seb wrapped him arms around Ben and pulled him in close. Ben for his part wiggled his ass so that Seb’s still rock hard cock was running the length of the crack of his ass as he slowly moved up and down. Soon. Ben felt the rhythmic breathing of sleep taking hold of Seb, and then a light snore. Ben took this as a sign and went to sleep too. Fantasizing about the pleasures of tomorrow. Ben awoke the next morning being shaken awake. “Get up.” Seb demanded. He was wearing a stringer shirt two sizes too small, his broad chest expanding obnoxiously out to each side, his arms were wet and hanging at his side. A pair of boxers pitching an unreal tent at eye level to Ben. “What’s wrong?” Ben said, suddenly alarmed. “I woke up this morning still hard. I thought if I went and worked out, maybe I could get the blood to go somewhere else. But as I worked out I just kept imagining you feeling my muscles and telling me how big and strong I am. So I got more horny. Then I tried to take a cold shower. Didn’t work. I need to cum. NOW!” Seb said ripping the cover off of Ben. Been observed Seb. Whether it was the lighting or his morning drowsiness playing tricks , he didn’t know, but he could swear Seb was bigger somehow. “Careful big guy.” Ben said as he felt Seb’s rough hands begin to lift him off the bed. “Nah. We’re getting this hard on to go away. But I have a little fantasy of my own we’re going to try this morning.” Seb said as he set Ben on the ground. “Come on.” And Seb turned to leave the room. Ben stood there naked, feeling a slightly warm, wet sensation as he felt Seb’s load from yesterday finally start to leak from his sore ass. Following Seb into the kitchen, Seb opened a door to the right. Ben hadn’t noticed this door before, assuming it was simply a pantry or closet. Inside the door were wooden stairs, still the new light wooden color that fresh, unstained wood had. The stairs led down, but Ben couldn’t see past Seb’s wide shoulders as he filled the space between the narrow stairwell walls. Seb’s feet hit the cement floor at the bottom heavily, and Ben followed, feeling the cool basement floor under his own feet. Ben looked and Seb was already moving about the room. It was a small gym. Nothing more than a few pieces of equipment Ben had no name for, but in the corner there were stacks of 45lb plates as tall as Ben himself. Seb was moving the plates onto the one piece of equipment that Ben knew well. A bench press. He piles weights on each end, every plate bending the bar just a bit more than it had been moments before. When it appeared he’d finished, Seb turned to Ben. The high basement ceiling was finished with bright lights that as heavy shadows of Seb’s body from above. “I didn’t know you had this down here.” Ben said. “I use it sometimes when the weather is shit outside and I still need to get a lift in. Now. Come here.” Seb said as he stood in a power stance in front of Ben. His cock bouncing in his boxers begging to be released or threatening to release itself. “What’s your fantasy?” Ben asked, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “I’m going to workout, and you’re going to worship and ride my cock while I do it. You’re going to tell me I’m the biggest, strongest fucker you’ve ever seen. Then I’m going to blow such a big fucking load inside you you’re going to be leaking my cum for a fucking week.” Ben nearly blacked out as the blood ran from his body to his cock so quickly as he heard Seb demand to be worshipped like this. “May need to lose a few layers of clothes first.” Ben teased as he reached for Seb’s boxer shorts. Seb beat him to it and pulled them off his body in one swift motion. “I’m running out of clothes to rip off my body with you around. I may just have to start wearing nothing at all.” Seb said, pulling the stringer off over his head. His huge lats catching the shirt and exploding out. Ben noticed again that Seb looked larger, and his stomach seemed to now have lines indicating individual abs, as well as his obliques on either side being more prominent than before. Ben was about to ask when he was interrupted. Seb picked up Ben and held him the way one might hold a doll. Bringing him in into a rough and sloppy kiss, his tongue demanding entrance, his strong hands holding Ben tight. “We’re going to start here.” Seb said as he grabbed a bright orange bottle off of the line shelf along the wall. Ben remembered seeing that bottle yesterday when they laid by the lake. As he thought, he realized how long ago that seemed, how incredibly distant it felt. “I want to get a nice shine on these muscles before we start.” He tossed the bottle to Ben as he sat on the end of a bench, his hard heavy cock sagging down under its own weight, his huge muscles already pumped from his first workout this morning. Ben moved forward and opened the bottle, squeezing a generous amount of the contents of the bottle from Seb’s left shoulder, across his traps and clavicle, and on to his other shoulder. He admired how the thick gel seemed to melt as it touched Seb’s skin as it began to race down his body. Quickly costing his chest and abs in streams of oily shine. With both hands, Ben began to work the oil into Seb’s shoulders, the oil felt like icy hot, a strange sensation playing on his hands. He moved to cover Seb’s upper arm, for once, the big man relaxed and allowed Ben to feel his muscles completely relaxed instead of flexing at Ben’s touch. Been kneaded the heavy tricep and worked down the corded muscles of Seb’s forearms. Working both traps at the same time Ben smoothed the clear oil on and around Seb’s thick bull neck. Seb raised his chin to give Ben better access and Ben momentarily appreciated the tendons that raced up and down either side in thick cables of strong muscle. On to Seb’s other arm he traced the winding veins from Seb’s shoulder down to his bicep, again kneading the relaxed muscle as if it were a thick dough to be shaped. Seb’s chest sat relaxed and heavy as Ben worked the orange bottles contents onto Seb’s torso. Lifting each heavy pec and being sure to spread the oil over every inch of Seb’s massive musculature. At Seb’s abs, Ben took extra time. Curiously remembering the solid belly Seb has had just the day before and wondering how he had seemed to get a 6 pack so quickly. Each large ab muscle was easily the size of Ben’s palm he noticed as he applied more oil. Moving around to Seb’s back, Ben repeated the process of unloading the thick oil and watching it melt and run down Seb’s expansive back. Flaired out like wings, Ben wasn’t sure he’d have enough oil left for Seb’s legs after working across his broad back. The oil ran down the contours of Seb’s back and down onto the top of his huge ass. “Seb. Could you stand up please. I need to make sure I cover all of your muscles.” Seb didn’t reply, he simply stood from his sitting position, placing Ben face to face with his huge ass. Ben carefully worked the oil around both cheeks, feeling the deep dimples present on either side, and making sure to get the oil deep into the crevice between Seb’s ass. The oil continued to run down the back of Seb’s legs as he stood, allowing Ben to work the oil into Seb’s huge hamstrings, and on to his diamond hard calves. As he rounded the bottom of Seb’s last leg, Ben sensed the movement as Seb began to turn around for Ben to get the front of his legs. On his knees as Seb turned Ben looked up at the swollen mass of muscle above him. Huge arms powerfully shoved out to each side by an ever expanding chest and ever widening back, the Adonis belt running down his defined stomach and feeding into the powerful epicenter that was his cock. Seb grabbed his cock and balls in his huge hands and lifted them out of the way. “Don’t want you to get distracted little man.” Seb said, although Ben could not see his face under the shadow of his monster shelf of a chest, he could hear the sneer in Seb’s voice as he enjoyed the slow build up. As Ben finished piling Seb’s body, he stood. Seb released his cock, and the heavy pipe fell straight down. “Alright. One last muscle to shine.” Seb replied. As Ben reached forward to place his hands on Seb’s cock, Seb placed a single string finger on Ben’s chest. “No. Not with that. With your mouth.” Seb walked a few steps to the left and sat at an arm curling machine, his extravagant cock hanging low off of the seat, bouncing with excitement as Seb gripped the fully weighted grips of the machine. Ben clocked the situation and move wordlessly over to the machine. Placing himself under the seat, his lips against Seb’s huge cock head. Using only his mouth, he began to suck furiously on what he could of Seb’s thick monster. It was only the first few inches, but the way he used his tongue to stimulate Seb’s sensitive cock head, he could tell it was pleasing. In his still oily hands, he fondled Seb’s balls, gently pulling and tugging at them to encourage them to pump a bigger and bigger load. Ben recalled the night before as his head swam in ecstasy. He had played with Seb’s balls quite a bit, and the edging had seemed to work. Seb’s balls were noticeably bigger in Ben’s small soft hands. Over and over again Ben could hear the heavy weight clanking against the machine as Seb pushed out rep after rep with the insane weight. After about 50 consecutive curls, Ben could hear the rhythm change as Seb began to grunt. Remembering Seb’s description of his fantasy, and with much disappointment, Ben removed Seb’s cock from his mouth and stood to stand beside the machine. Placing his hands on Seb’s biceps as Seb groaned at the lactic acid no doubt building up from the repeated movement, “Come on Seb! This is nothing. Look at those fucking arms. Fuck they’re getting bigger with each pump. Come on. Show me how big they can get. Come on. Get to 100!” As Ben praised Seb, he noticed the rhythm picked back up. Seb’s forehead was sweaty and red with pure concentration as he pushed through. Seb passed 100 reps and Ben continued to feel Seb’s arm. Under his fingers he could feel each muscular tendon and fiber expanding and contracting, “Fuck yeah. Biggest fucking arms anyone’s ever seen.” Ben said as Seb dropped the weight heavily and sat back. “Fucking hell.” Seb said as he rubbed his own biceps. His hands and Ben’s both roamed the huge peaked heads. “You did perfect baby.” Seb said leaning forward to kiss Ben. “Keep it up like that and I’ll grow so fucking big for you.” Then, Ben was carried to the bench, and Seb laid down. “I’m going to wait until you’re all the way on my cock before I start.” Ben took this as the hint to sit himself down on the massive dick that was drapped across Seb’s body. Although sore, his ass was still loose enough from Seb’s massive invader he didn’t need much extra work to allow entry. And Seb’s huge load still inside him was the perfect lube to start. Slowly he lowered his ass down onto Seb’s cock, feeling the powerful pulsing grow deeper and deeper inside of him. Seb’s cock somehow harder and hotter than it had ever been as Ben began to fulfill this fantasy of Seb’s. “Ready.” Ben said as his ass made contact with Seb’s groin. His cock rubbing against the 6 pack Seb now sported. “I don’t think you are.” Seb said as he gripped the bar and began to lift it off of the weight rack. The bar bent under the weight of the plates on either side. Ben fell forward and placed his hands on Seb’s mountainous chest and he began to pump out reps quickly and with ease. He felt Seb’s cock leaking precum, already filling him up with more precum than any man shot in their biggest load. “God. You’re so fucking strong Seb.” Ben said as his hands explored Seb’s rising chest, feeling Seb’s cock work its way deeper and deeper into him seemingly with every pump of the iron bar. “God I’m so lucky.” Ben said as he moved his ass up and down along Seb’s length, “Huge muscles to worship, huge daddy dick inside me. Fuckkkkk.” Ben said as he came, his load shooting straight forward over Seb’s abs and painting the underside of Seb’s flexed chest. Seb quickly racked the bar and moved his hands to Ben’s waist. “Ready for the finale?” Seb said, tightening his grip on Ben’s body. Ben was lifted and laid down on the bench where Seb just laid, his body sticking to the oily sweat covered surface as Seb bent his knees and began to fuck Ben. Ben laid on his back, his mind racing between keeping his hole relaxed for Seb, and watching Seb’s huge form move and flex as he fucked him. “Yeah you like that. Big fuckin daddy fuckin ya? Yeah. Huge fucking cock, fuck. Get ready!” Seb’s voice deepened as the baritone shook Ben’s core. Seb had slowed his thrusts, he now remained still, his cock deeply implanted in Ben as Ben gripped the bench beneath him. Seb raised his arms in a front double bicep pose, as he did, they seemed to inflate, like to massive balloons being blown up. His chest followed, shoving forward and demanding attention. His abs flexed like he was having a cramp,but they did not unflex, they continued to harden into a solid wall of muscle. Ben saw Seb’s legs grow apart, huge cord of muscle pumped with blood and remained enlarged. Finally he felt Seb’s cock turn to steel inside him, hot forged steel as he swelled inside him. “Fuck Seb. It’s too big. Please!” Ben cried. Seb reached a hand down, his touch like a fresh heated iron as he caressed Ben’s body. “You can take it. Make daddy proud. Show me how much you want this huge fucking load!” Confidence surged into Ben. Gripping the bench tighter and focusing on Seb’s swollen body, he began to buck his hips, shoving his ass into Seb’s waist as Seb continued to grow. Each time Ben shoved himself back to Seb, he felt more and more of his insides dominated by the thick cock. “Fuckkkkkkk!” Seb cried as his cockhead grew and his balls began to unload into Ben. The force of the first shot pushed Ben backwards, leaving Seb’s cock only halfway inside Ben. Seb’s cock jumped and jerked as it pumped its load into Ben. Seb grabbed his cock with both hands and slowly pulled out of Ben, “fuhuhuhuck I’m still cumming!” Seb said as Ben could feel the white hot cum drenching his ass. Seb hauled his cock up and dropped it onto Ben’s body. The heavy weight on the huge dick laying on Ben as it continued to shoot covering Ben in thick strips of cum. Seb grabbed his cock as his orgasm subsided, smacking it heavily onto Ben’s body, the wet smacking noise of Seb’s semi hard cock bringing Ben back to reality. “Holy shit kid. I’ve never done that before.” Ben lay awestruck as he took in Seb’s size. He must have put on 5 maybe 10 pounds of muscle. Every part of him looked pumped beyond belief, as if he were flexing. But he stood still and relaxed, allowing Ben to take in the sight. “What the fuck just happened.” Ben said, a slight terror in his voice as his mind worked to reconcile reality with what he just saw. “I have some explaining to do. I get that. I don’t think you’ll be upset when I tell you though. Let’s say we go wash that gallon of cum off of you and I’ll explain.” Seb said lightly tapping Ben’s ass with his hand, encouraging him to get up. “I don’t think I can walk.” Ben said almost jokingly as his legs quivered and shook. Seb grinned and relished the moment as he reflected on just how fucking hot it was to fuck someone into submission. He gently picked Ben up, and together the went upstairs. Seb grabbed a towel and began to wipe his load from Ben’s body. Stopping every few swipes of the fabric to scoop a handful off and feed it to Ben. Letting his big fingers linger in Ben’s mouth as he felt Ben’s eager tongue devour his load from his fingers. “First. I should say I’m sorry. I knew something would happen. I just didn’t know what.” “I need more explanation.” Ben said, his mind still taxed. “The orange bottle of ‘oil’.” Seb started, “I got it when I was thinking of entering a bodybuilding competition. I wanted to practice posing and the guy at the gym said it was the best stuff he’d ever used. He was huge, so I trusted him and took the bottle.” Ben looked on with curiosity urging Seb to get on with it. “SO I came home that night. Oiled up and practiced posing. I looked at my body and I swear I’d never looked so fucking god like in my life. The oil seemed to exaggerate all of my muscles in just the right places. So, I kept using it to practice. I bought more bottles off of him, then one day he just stopped showing up to the gym. That was a couple years ago and I’m down to only a few bottles left. I used it yesterday on the beach because I wanted to show off for you. But then this morning I got the idea to do it while I fucked you. I don’t know what the hell it is, but for some reason that made its effects multiply and here we are.” “So you’re almost as surprised and confused as me?” Ben asked with some relief. “In a sense I’m sorry if I hurt you or scared you.” Seb said, genuinely backing the words he said with the softened expression on his face. “Like you said. I can’t be too mad.” Ben said. Seb looked at Ben quizzically. “So you don’t think I’m too big?” Ben cocked a smile at Seb, “there’s never a such thing as ‘too big’. On top of that. I clearly love worshipping your muscles, and I think it’s safe to say you love to be worshipped. So I still feel like the luckiest guy alive. I have the worlds biggest muscle daddy right here ready to cover me in cum and the only caveat is he likes to grow big?” Seb looked down at Ben, “yeah that sums it up pretty well.” “I almost don’t want to leave tomorrow.” Ben said. Seb looked almost defeated as that thought finally entered into his mind. “Maybe you’ll come visit more often now? You know. To keep an eye on my progress?” With a wink he supplied this response to Ben. “I think I’ll have to be here a lot more. Someone has to keep encouraging you to grow bigger and bigger.” “When is the next time you think you’ll visit.” Seb said allowing his hand to begin to linger in Ben’s body as his cock began to stiffen again. “I’ll be able to be back in about a month.” Ben said, his voice clearly gave away his disappointment at the reality. Seb’s face shared this disappointed sense and Ben seized on this moment, “BUT, I’ll only come back if you gain a certain amount of muscle. And no cheating with the oil. I want it from hard work and bench pressing and squatting those oak trees outside.” Seb’s eyes lit up. “Kind of bossy for a little man aren’t ya?” Seb said jokingly, “How much muscle do you want to see daddy pack on?” “20 pounds.” Ben replied confidently. Seb seized Ben and pulled him into a tight hear hug. Ben’s face smashed against Seb’s watermelon sized pecs. “Come on. Give your old man some credit. 20? Why not more?” As he said it he pulled Ben’s face deeper into his pecs, bouncing and flexing them and he squeezed Ben softly with his huge arms. Ben struggled and pushed his way out, “Alright. You don’t have to strangle me. Make it 35 pounds by the next visit.” “Deal.” Seb said, pulling Ben into a genuine hug this time. FOUR WEEKS LATER. Ben had been getting antsy about his return to Seb’s cabin. Seb had been radio silent for two weeks now and Ben had began to wonder if it was all a fluke, or maybe that Seb had truly began to regret what they’d done together. As he sat on his couch three days out from his trip back to Seb’s his phone buzzed with a text. He opened it and it was an imagine from Seb. He quickly downloaded the picture, and a text came through as he viewed the image. “I went a little over our 35lb agreement…” the message said. The picture was from Seb’s phone being held up at face level pointing down at what Ben assumed was a scale, but he could not see a single thing past Seb’s bloated chest except his huge feet and his rock hard cock, both shoving their way forward, demanding to be seen under his chest. Ben replied. “Wish I could actually see the scale, but this view is nice too.” Quickly Seb replied with another picture and a text reading, “My bad. I guess I’m not used to this new size.” The last picture was a close up of the scale, it read 480lbs. Seb sent one final text before Ben could wrap his head around the number. “Hope to see you soon. I want you to be here when I break 500lbs.”
  3. "Jake, I did it.” “You did what?” “I spiked his food.” “You spiked your dad’s food with...what exactly?” “You know...the special ingredient.” “Huh? You put the GH enhancer in his food?” “Yep. Your wish might come true, Jake. I mean, I think it is a bit weird that you find my dad so sexy, but I suppose someone has to, right?” “Well, he is rather good-looking Randolph. I think the dad bod suits him well, but I suppose a bit more muscle could help too.” “Heh well don’t wait too long to see it happen goof. He is about to eat it.” The two young 21-year-olds laugh a bit before Randolph jokingly goes into the other room to act like he is doing something. Jake goes to sit down by Randolph’s very sexy 51-year-old father Harrison, who is wearing blue jeans, loafers, and a top with three small buttons that are below his neckline. He has a bit of a pudgy belly, but it is cute, according to Jake. Harrison’s body is covered in fluffy reddish-brown hair with a light dusting of gray mixed in. The middle-aged man has noticed his son’s friend looking at him on occasion and it makes him blush. As he sits at the bar with Jake, scarfing down the food in front of him, he pauses and lets out a few moans. He yells for Randolph to come in so he can talk to him, but there is no answer. He then looks over at Jake and makes a few comments. “Did Randy put something in my chicken, Jake? This tastes better than I remember it. Actually...oh...that sneaky boy has finally done it, hasn’t he?” With his arms now sitting on the bar counter, Harrison looks down at both of them and smiles as he watches his forearms start to swell beneath the fabric of his shirt. He moans deeply as it gives him a lot of pleasure. Jake is also looking at them. “This explains why he isn’t in here right now. He did this for you, didn’t he?” Jake reaches over and feels the veins swelling and growing. Harrison sighs as the young man’s touch feels so soothing. “Mmm...I think I am going to enjoy this quite a bit Jake.” He jumps up from his stool and stumbles a little bit before getting his bearings again. He nervously laughs as he can now feel his legs growing inside his jeans. “Ahh...so this is what it feels like when you become a hulk. I hope I can give you a great show young man.” Jake joins him as he nearly falls over trying to stand up so he can watch in eagerness. Harrison’s biceps, triceps, and shoulders are now bulging. Massive veins pulse beneath the middle-aged man's sleeves. The 21-year-old slowly runs his hands along the growing beast’s swelling arms for a few seconds before leaning down to lick Harrison’s left bicep. The older man moans loudly. “Oh, fucking yes Jake. This is almost better than sex. Heck, this feels like sex to me.” His traps and delts are expanding now, as he grunts leaning his neck back to show it widening for his partner. The veins visible beneath the skin. He pulls Jake up to him as he feels his chest swelling as well. “I am becoming a beast for you Jake. I really loved this top too, but I am more than willing to hulk out of it for you. I am getting so much pleasure out of this, and I know that you are too.” The expanding outline of Harrison’s growing pecs is making Jake so horny that he is now reaching down to rub his own crotch with one hand and is feeling the 51-year-old's chest with the other. “I have fantasized about this for so long Mr. Jackson. You are so freaking gorgeous.” Harrison looks into Jake’s eyes and then leans over to slowly kiss the young man on the lips. He puts his arms around him and moans as he feels his huge biceps ripping through the fabric. Jake is transfixed on them as they stop kissing. The older man can feel his lower half straining in his jeans now as well. After a few seconds, the seams on them start popping loudly, making Harrison sigh in pleasure, feeling his quads blowing up in size. “Ahh, this feels so exhilarating Jake. Don’t call me Mr. Jackson anymore. We are way beyond that now. I will be Harris to you from now on. Mmm...fuck the anticipation of seeing what my huge upper body is going to look like is...” He is incredibly excited when he notices just how thick his pecs are getting. His belly has now vanished completely as his impressive six-pack can now be seen just beneath his shirt. He positions Jake to the side of him as the young admirer can feel one of Harrison’s forearms finally tear free from its sleeve. The older beast’s top is now struggling to stay intact as a few seams rip along his traps. He leans over to kiss Jake again. “Mmm...you are a great kisser, Jake; you know that don’t you?” He takes one of the young man’s hands and puts it over his growing package. The raging beast is about to burst from its confines. “I think it is a great time for you to meet my baby maker. He is getting so BIG!” Harrison grunts loudly as his cock bursts through the zipper on his jeans. He puts Jake’s hand over top of it so he can feel it as it swells even larger. He then rips his jeans open in the front so that his ballsac can also continue to expand. Jake moans as he caresses the beast in his hands, feeling the veins bulging against his fingers. “Oh yeah Harris, it is getting so huge. I am getting so freaking turned on.” “You are actually making my balls swell bigger and heavier by saying these horny things, Jake. I fucking love how much you are enjoying this.” Harrison has now positioned his massive furry quads to where his ballsack continues to expand as it starts to hang even further down between his immense thighs, his testicles swelling to the size of tennis balls. His glutes have also grown to nearly twice their size as well. Jake passionately kisses Harris’s huge veiny arms as he begins to stroke the older man’s huge rod. Harris moans in pleasure as he feels his chest getting even bigger as his top tries to stretch to accommodate his new size. He is now growing a lush, brownish-red beard with gray strands in between each luscious hair. Jake has now started to lick Harris’s big, protruding nipples on his shirt. The two swollen furry mounds of flesh are still somehow being contained within, but they are slowly rising to the sexy beast’s chin. Harris gleefully laughs as Jake chews on both of his tits as the pleasure sends his mind to places, he never thought it would go. He is leaking profusely onto Jake’s hand that is still playing with his tool. “Haha, don’t you worry Jake. I won’t forcefully rip my shirt on purpose...” As he says this, each of the buttons, one-by-one start to pop open, gradually revealing parts of his engorged, gloriously furry pectorals. He involuntarily bounces them, causing each sweaty manly balloon to start a small tear just beneath the last button. Jake sighs as he feels himself cumming in his pants. Harrison can see the anguish on his face, and he loves it. “I am loving that you are so hungry for my muscles, Jake. It is definitely fueling my lust for more.” Harrison’s back is shredding his shirt to pieces. Huge mounds of mountainous muscle emerge finally, revealing his delts and lats, which are growing thicker and wider with each second that passes. The big beast grunts as he slowly feels his abs starting to shred the bottom half of his shirt. His adonis belt has now ripped his jeans completely off his body as well. His swelling feet have also destroyed his loafers. “I am having trouble concentrating Harris. You are the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on.” “Keep watching me, Jake. My beautiful boys are wanting more attention as you can see.” Harrison has now placed both of the young man’s hands on his mammoth pecs and sighs as he feels them ripping his shirt open. The two heaving mounds glisten with intensity, his breathing labored but incredibly happy, as they drape over his swollen furry six-pack. His obliques are impressive as his gorgeously huge lats are now fully visible. Jake’s tongue quickly gets acquainted with Harrison’s erect nipples again, which are now pointing downward. The big beast laughs again as he feels an unbelievable amount of pleasure coursing through his body. “Oh, fuck yeah buddy. Mmm...daddy can never get enough of your appetite for me.” He yanks his tattered shirt off finally and is completely naked. He flexes his arms and chest a few times as Jake goes back to stroking the huge beast with one of his hands. “Ah, good boy. You want to make hulking Harris cum... That is such a smart decision you are making. How long have you wanted to make me cum Jake?” “For so long, Harris. You have no idea.” “Oh yeah? So, turning me into the man of your dreams, the muscle fucking daddy of your dreams is just a part of it? Mmm...I will feed you so much of my cum, don’t you worry.” Jake continues to stroke Harris’s huge one-eyed monster with authority, hearing the big guy moaning in delight, his body dripping in sweat. The young man is intoxicated by Harrison’s manly scent as he runs his tongue along the huge beast’s incredible abdominal cavity on up to his meaty pecs, sucking lovingly on each one of them as he stares up and smiles at the huge beast’s face. Harris hugs him in a strong embrace while letting his admirer have some control. “You are such a great worshipper, my boy. I think you should now move that mouth of yours down to little Harris, because he is getting ready to give you a real treat.” “Sure, thing boss. It looks so huge though, I don’t know how I can please him.” “Heh don’t worry about it Jake. He doesn’t take too much coaxing to get a rise out of him.” The young man takes a few moments to look at Harrison’s impressive equipment, staring at his thick furry bush, kissing his thick veiny shaft, and running his tongue on his meaty head. Harris sighs and laughs every time his partner flips his cock up and down. “Ahh, I’m glad you are having fun with him Jake.” Jake’s foreplay is driving the older man wild, and he loves how it is putting him on edge. It is making his testicles grow even bigger as they start to pump more cum into Harrison’s prostate. He is now starting to push the young man down on his swollen beast. Jake nervously tries to resist, but it is not happening as Harrison’s strong hands are too much. “Mmm...I can feel my seed starting to pump into my cock Jake. Drink up, my boy.” He can hear the 21-year-old gagging as his powerful load flows both down his throat and out the sides of his mouth. His neck muscles appear to be stretching a bit, as if his body is trying to adapt to what is happening. Harrison moans as he watches Jake trying to keep some kind of composure as he continues to get abused by the beast’s incredible white flood. “GOOD BOY! You are such a trooper. I wonder what is going to happen to you when I am done filling every part of your insides with my DNA. Are you going to resist it Jake?” After several more jets of cum leave his swollen balls, enter his thick cock, and escape down Jake’s sore throat, he lets go of the exhausted young man as he feels his emptied rod leaving his partner’s mouth. It dribbles several strands of fluid down onto Jake’s-soaked red t-shirt and black pants. He is now trying to catch his breath, gasping for air, but appears okay. Harrison picks him up off the floor and embraces him again, holding him close against his huge chest. Jake has now put his hands on the big beast’s arms and is caressing them. They are both smiling at each other. “Uhh...whew...Harris...I thought I was going to die. I am so overloaded with your cum, I can hardly breathe.” “I wonder what will happen next buddy. I want you to grow big and strong like me. Isn’t that what you want too?” Jake pauses to think about it and is getting an uneasy feeling. He has always admired muscle growth on other men but has never considered it for himself. His mind got swept up by Harrison’s incredible transformation and he wanted to look at and feel his older crush’s muscles, which did happen, thanks to his friend Randall. Speaking of his close friend, he now wonders where he is hiding. “With all of this happening to you, I completely lost track of where Randy is.” “Why do you care where he is at right now, Jake? Heh, your attention should only be on me, right?” They can hear someone groaning down the hall. Clearly, it is Randall, but he sounds like he is in a bit of pain. Harris has an idea of what is going on and tells him to come into the room to join them. “RRAANNDDYY...Did you get jealous of Big Harris and have to get big like him too? Come in here so we can see you hulkout as well.” The 21-year-old redhead slowly walks in. He is wearing a white tee and yellow shorts. His body has already started to grow as his quads and calves look quite a bit larger than they were before all of this started. His cock is tenting heavily in his shorts and his arms are getting huge and veiny. “OHH FFUUCCKK...I couldn’t resist the urge to take it, Jake. I didn’t realize it would make me feel so good either! I just crave size so much now.” “You are such a good boy, Randy. Our DNA is geared for hugeness. Just let it overtake your senses and enjoy the ride.” The young beast moans loudly as his glutes start ripping out of the back of his shorts. He stares and smiles at Jake as his pecs inflate, stretching his tee to the point that it is practically painted on his chest. His huge six-pack is also visible beneath his shirt as his lats start ripping through the sides. He is panting with excitement. “I want you to grow so bad too Jake. You have to join us; this feels so fucking amazing. I love the feeling of just...RRWWRR...” Randy’s swelling cock bursts through the front of his shorts with ease as his junk is in full view. It looks very similar to how his father’s cock looks, as his ballsack also expands to nearly twice its size. “Oh, well I see that my genetics have been passed down to you, son. Heh, I imagine you are going to need help with that in a little bit, right?” “I do dad, but I want Jake to be the one to make me cum. Mmm...the thought of him taking my load on top of yours pops is something I want to see. It has to mean that he will turn into a grotesque muscle monster.” The young growing beast has now walked over to join the other two as he gets ready to show them both his immense chest. Harris grunts as he sees his son’s shirt starting to rip. He is now stroking Randy’s huge cock as Jake starts to feel himself losing control. They both can sense it. “Good boys. I can’t wait to see you blow your load inside Jake, Randall. He is going to realize just how special he really is.” “Oh fuck, I can’t wait dad. RAWR! Yeah, chest fucking GGRROOWW!!” Harrison yells in delight watching Randy’s chest swelling bigger beside him, now completely exposed and covered in a nice fluffy layer of reddish fur. His shorts are now ripping off his swelling legs as his shirt is in tatters. He moans feeling his dad getting him close to the edge. “Fuck...I am going to cum. Get your mouth down there Jake, start drinking up, and get to growing already.” Randy rubs his big chest as he feels the cum start to flow from his big cock. Jake catches some of it in his mouth as he starts moaning deeply, feeling things happening to him all over his body. He can hear both other huge beasts grunting as they can see him swelling. The young man came in wearing a red tee shirt, black shorts, white briefs, and a pair of sandals. After savoring several shots of his friend’s cum, Jake stands back up and begins to embrace his growth. He stares down at his legs and calves and watches in amazement as they begin to explode in size. Father and son are sighing under their breaths. He can feel his cock expanding rapidly as well as his shorts are already starting to shred under the raw power of his muscularity. He can feel his confidence building in his head as the growth moves up into his upper half. His sandals are no match for his enlarged feet as they explode open. Harris and Randy yell in pleasure as the two beasts are loving how much bigger Jake is getting. They can hear his back cracking as it appears he is getting even taller. His shirt rises a little further up his chest as parts of his pelvic floor and lower abs begin to expand quickly. He moans in delight feeling his shorts ripping along the waist, exposing the top part of his briefs. Randy can see his friend’s huge cock trying to get free. “Come over here beside me Harris. You are responsible for creating this monster.” He Looks over at Randy. “Randy...I think my cock wants to play with you.” With just a few grunts, Jake’s enormous cock tears the rest of his shorts open as they fall to the floor behind him. His briefs are now the only things attached to his lower half, but that likely won’t last much longer either as he continues to expand. His glutes are swelling rapidly as well as he looks over at Harris and grins. He can feel his arms, back, and chest swelling now. “You are going to be the most beautiful monster I have ever laid eyes on Jake.” “You think so Harris? How big should I get?” “Oh, as big as possible buddy.” Randy is now working his cock over, which appears to be making his ballsack grow even bigger. “OH YEAH RANDY! Keep doing that, I will make you want to grow even more.” He looks over at the huge middle-aged beast and stares at him with intensity as his pecs and arms inflate in succession with each other. He grunts as Harris moans with pleasure watching them growing. “I don’t think you are going to be able to wear anything we can get for you Jake. You are going to...” Jake is now laughing as his bloated pecs easily rip through his shirt. His huge, bulbous shoulders, mammoth traps, and engorged triceps follow afterwards, as he continues to grow even bigger. “I am not worried about clothing right now Harris. I just want to keep growing. I have never felt this good in my entire life.” “Whoa, I don’t doubt that for a second stud.” He is now flexing his biceps, watching in amazement as they stretch bigger beneath his skin. He is guessing that they are as big as softballs but thinks maybe they won’t stop inflating. He then moans as his pecs continue to get wider and more powerful, pushing his arms further away from his body. His shirt is now only attached to his neck as it gets ready to destroy the fabric with its immense girth. “You think I am done growing, boss?” “I don’t know Jake, are you?” The hulking beast, who must be upwards of 325 pounds at this point, flexes his back, flaring his lats, touches Harris’s own amazing body and makes him swoon in pleasure. The older beast is now beating on Jake’s abs, which are rock hard and have somehow formed into a gorgeous ten-pack. He smiles as he continues to stare at his crush and leans over to kiss him on the lips. His cock is throbbing as he gets ready to drown his best friend in his own special sauce. “I can feel my cum rushing through my balls Randy. You ready to join the monster club?” “You better fucking believe I want to keep growing Jake. Make me forget what I look like now.” Jake laughs as he starts to spray his close friend in his cum serum. Randy gets incredibly excited as he anticipates that another growth spurt will happen at any second. He closes his eyes, stands up and starts breathing heavy, his chest heaves as he scoops several piles of spunk off his big muscles and downs them into his mouth. He doesn’t know if it must be consumed or not. “Ahh...I want to be big like you Jake so badly. My very existence depends on it right now. I am big, but I must be bigger...taller...fucking hung like a horse...” “I think you will know it when it gets to your...” Randall opens his eyes and starts to moan as he looks down and sees his cock getting even bigger. It is now nearly a foot long as his ballsack expands as well. He starts stroking himself again, feeling his forearms and biceps expanding larger and fuller than before. He is giddy with excitement as his chest begins inflating again, draping even further over top of his huge abs. He is now pressing himself up against Jake as they squeeze their giant pecs together and smack cocks, trying to see who the bigger beast is. His spine cracks a few times as he feels himself getting taller and adding even more muscle to his colossal back. Harrison loves seeing both young men fooling around with each other but is a bit jealous of their incredible massiveness. Both have eclipsed over 300 pounds, and he wants to join in on the fun, but he wonders how he will get there now. After Jake has a bit of a tug of war with his friend Randall, he composes himself for a minute or so and walks back over to the hunky mature beast and smiles. “We have gotten to a critical point in our growth journey Harris. You and Randy toyed with me this entire time about becoming a hulk and you both succeeded. I gave your son the tools to match me in godlike proportions but guess what.” Harris realizes what must happen now. He is a little bit nervous about it, but then again, he realizes that it isn’t that big of deal once he thinks about it. “Oh well fuck Jake. My beautiful boy must provide his old man with the family’s own growth formula by way of his godlike cock. Yeah, I think I can do it this once.” “Heh good, because I am sure that Randy has been wanting to blast you this entire time. He is acting like an insane beast at this size.” “I know you are my dad, but in this one instance, I have to think of you as some fucking gorgeous hunk that I want to grow for my own pleasure. Hope you understand that pops.” “Randall, fucking do it. I want to play with Jake just as much as you do.” The young hulk strokes his cock with both of his hands vigorously and points it in his father’s direction. He is about to do something he never thought he would ever do. Harris can already feel some of his son’s precum hitting his face. It makes him shutter as he hears Randy revving up. The streams of cum begin coating his chest and down his legs as he sticks his tongue out to catch some of the white rain. Jake is heard off to the side grunting, knowing that he will be getting the hulking mature dreamboat that he has always wanted. Randy finishes spraying his cum all over his father as he walks back over towards his fellow 300+ pound hulk and smacks his ass. Jake smacks him back and acts like he is about to tackle him again. Harris is still wiping cum off his body and is slurping it off his fingers. He chuckles a few times. “I gotta say son...you do taste pretty good. You are never going to shove that thing inside me though. I can promise you that.” “That is the same for you dad. Let’s see you beast out now.” Harris is now feeling his body start to grow again. He grins as he feels his cock getting bigger as it starts to look a lot like his son’s. He then hears his own spine cracking as he feels himself adding at least a few inches to his height. He giggles in pleasure as his lats stretch even wider and his back muscles nearly double in size. The swelling hulk moans, staring directly into Jake’s eyes, as his furry chest inflates even larger, pecs thicker, meatier than before and his abs expanding even wider. “Mmm Jake...I am going to be so FUCKING MASSIVE! I feel like I can grow even more.” His quads are forcing him to stand at a different angle because they are getting so monstrously dense and wide. His massive cock dangles between both, dripping profusely, feeling such incredible pleasure as he continues to feel his body expanding. “Aww fuck...YEAH! Look at my arms Jake...my fucking cannons are still...GROWING!” Jake is practically drooling as he watches his daddy hulk’s biceps inflate to the size of soccer balls, veins as thick as garden hoses, and his triceps are now larger than most human’s legs. Harris agonizes as his forearms stretch to equally supernatural sizes. He is much bigger than the two younger muscle freaks and he is loving every minute of it. “I am now back to being the dominant beast in this house boys. Now come over here my beautiful Jake and let me have my way with you.” “With pleasure daddy hulk. I will savor every minute I spend with you from now on.” Jake stomps over to Harris and they embrace, kissing each other longingly as Randy looks on. Jake looks at him and tells him to come join them for a little roughhousing. He smiles and decides that he will join them for that, but no sex with his dad. Jake understands and they start to play strength games with each other including arm wrestling, putting fists through walls, and whatever else they feel like doing. The house they are in will not survive the three hulks because they now feel like they have outgrown it. Between the three of them, they weigh well over 1000 pounds, and they are filled with tons of testosterone. Randy does watch his dad and Jake have sex with each other, and in a way, it does turn him on, but he must remember that this 400+ pound behemoth with his best friend is his father. He will get his turn with Jake as well, and they take turns plowing him. The extreme growth between them has ended. Now they will have to figure out what they will be doing once the house is in complete disarray, as these three will need to satisfy their hunger in just a short amount of time. For now, though, the three hulks are going to enjoy their newfound size and strength.
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