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  1. This is a prequel to the Brent series. All characters are of legal age. Previous parts: - Brent visits a new gym: https://musclegrowth.net/topic/26631-brent-visits-a-new-gym-formerly-the-newcomer-at-the-gym/ - Brent hits the showers: https://musclegrowth.net/topic/26951-brent-hits-the-showers/ - Brent the god: https://musclegrowth.net/topic/27165-brent-the-god/ The music was loud enough to make the walls vibrate, and conversation had to be shouted even if you were standing next to someone. Brent was very unsure as to why he was even here. And worst of all, his friends had never showed up, leaving him alone in a sea of random people. The lean high school senior made his way through the throng of people loitering in the doorway into the kitchen, where the sound of the thumping bass was dulled enough he could hear himself think. His 5' 6" frame barely got a second look from the group of jocks nearby, who were busy chatting it up with a gaggle of girls as he moved past them towards the counter that had been turned into a makeshift bar. Despite being an all-senior party, this was most certainly not his scene, he grumbled to himself as he perused the various bottles and decanters left out haphazardly. Brent wasn't much of a drinker, but maybe the alcohol would help loosen him up enough to try talking to someone. His gaze flitted over each bottle, some brands he recognized, others he didn't. There was one smaller little bottle way at the back that he picked up that was still sealed, but the label had been scratched or ripped off, leaving barely anything to describe what was in it. Brent could just make out the remnants of a -U on the label, and shrugged to himself, rooting around for a plastic cup. He had just finished opening the little mini bottle and pouring it into the cup, when a pair of giggling voices startled him, causing him to fumble and empty the whole little bottle into his cup. Straightening, he looked up to see a pair of guys coming into the kitchen. Both were taller than Brent, and probably a year or two older. The first guy looked latino, with an easy smile. He wore a ripped t-shirt and jeans, both tight enough to show off his toned physique. His partner was unmistakably Irish, with red hair and freckles. He wore a tank top and had a plaid shirt tied around his waist. His face was red, as if he had been recently crying. The pair had a slight stagger to their step, indicating this was probably not their first visit to the liquor spot. "I'm telling you, hun, Robbie doesn't know what he's missing," the first guy said, waving his hand dismissively as he poured a drink with the other. "Maybe," the other sighed, pouring one for himself. "Still irks me that he just falls into Kevin's trap like that, even though I've been putting the moves on him for weeks." The first guy snorted, tossing back half the drink he had poured. "Please....that slut's been with half the football team, and the soccer team already. If he has any interest at all, he'll see you're the better choice." "And if he doesn't?" "Then do what he's doing! Find some random guy here, take him upstairs, and make him jealous," the first guy slurred and giggled. His eyes looked around the pretty much empty kitchen, before landing on Brent, who was busying himself with examining the sink and counter-tops, trying not to look out of place. "There! How about him? He's cute and looks like he needs to get laid!" "Dude!" the second guy turned beet red as he chugged his drink. "Hey buddy!" the guy called over, taking a step towards Brent. "You from Westridge too?" "Umm...n-no," Brent said, gripping his plastic cup tight. "I'm from across town. I...ah...came with some frien-" "Yeah, cool," the slightly taller guy waved him off, speaking over his stutter. "You wanna get lucky tonight?" he asked bluntly, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at his friend, who was now shrinking away. "My buddt here could use a hand to woo this guy...y'know what, never mind. Point is, he need a fling, and you could probably use a little action to, amirite?" "Wha...ah? Um," Brent stammered, as he looked over the two guys. This was a prank, right? "I...I don't, uh...." "You're an ass, Jose!" the second guy admonished, smacking his friend in the shoulder. "I'm not just gonna do some random guy to get his attention!" With that, he stalked off out of the kitchen, leaving the senior and the first guy alone. "Ahhh, well fuck it," Jose grumbled, tossing back his drink. He watched his friend go, then looked back at the thin teen still blushing intensely as he nursed his drink. "Sorry, I guess," he shrugged. Brent shook his head, cheeks burning. "I-its fine," he whispered. He shuffled on his feet and looked at the floor for a bit, before raising his gaze and realizing he was still checking him out. "Uh..." "You are kinda cute," the inebriated guy said with a dopey smile. He reached over and rubbed his arm, picking at the shirt that hugged his lean frame. "Thanks?" "Sorry for getting your hopes up," the man said, still petting his chest. Brent wondered if he could feel his heart racing under his sternum. "Looks like you could probably use the fun as much as my friend could," he chuckled. He traced Brent's shoulder a bit, his eyes dipping down across his lower body, making Brent shuffle a bit in embarrassment. "So....you wanna go upstairs?" "Huh?" Brent blinked, looking back at him in confusion. Jose shrugged, grinning in his drunken state and chuckled softly. "I mean...kinda threw it out there, then took it back, eh? Not cool, really." He stifled another laugh, his eyes dripping down over Brent once more. "Unlike Mister Hopeless over there, I'm not against having a little fun with a cute guy tonight. Honestly, this party kinda blows and I could use the excitement." Brent blinked again, his eyes slowly widening. "W-wait...so you seriously want to....uh?" "Yeah, come on dude," he said, tugging on his arm. "Its no biggie, and plus we'll both probably enjoy it," he shrugged casually. "Finish your drink and let's go, cutie." Brent's mind ran in about five different directions. Was this hot guy seriously offering him to get laid, just like that? He'd heard some parties like this people ran loose and easy, but he never thought he would get a score like this, especially since he was a virgin! Brent wrestled with himself; part of him not wanting to just bed some random guy from across town, made him feel cheap. On the other hand, there was no way Jose would have ever paid him a second glance if he were sober. Finally deciding, he tossed his cup back and downed the liquor in one go, the burn on his throat nearly making him choke and gasp. A wave of warmth ran down his gullet and pooled in his belly, infusing him with some liquid courage as he allowed Jose to pull him out the back of the kitchen and upstairs. Jose picked out the first available bedroom, leading him inside and locking he door. His hands were on Brent's crotch a moment later, and Brent bit back his urge to squeal in surprise. "Mmff...now, lets see what we're working with," he said, wasting no time in undoing his pants and tugging them down. Brent felt his face heat up as he knelt down, coming face to face with the growing tent in his boxers. Clearly he was more drunk than he thought, or really just had no inhibitions, as he leaned in and rubbed his face against his erection. "A-aah...." Brent stammered, his legs wobbling at the friction. Jose was full on nuzzling his groin as his wandering hands groped his tight backside. "Oh....wow..." "Hehe, you like that," he slurred, looking up at the thin guy with a dopey grin and half lidded eyes. "Let's see what you're packing..." he tugged Brent's boxers down, letting his cock to spring up at hit him in the nose. "Holy Shit! Is this 8 inches?" Jose said with a laugh, wrapping his hand around the base of Brent's cock. Brent nodded, turning red. He knew he was bigger than average based on what he saw in the showers after gym class, but he'd never let anyone see. Framed by his lean body, his dick looked even larger, out of proportion to the rest of him. "Nice dude! Mmmm I'm gonna enjoy this..." Jose murmured as he slurped over it and swallowed down his shaft, making the teen blush and gasp, his hands holding Jose's head as he swallowed. "Ffffuck...." he groaned, feeling his tongue wrapping around the base as he bobbed on him without hesitation. Jose sucked around his pulsing dick, swallowing him down to the base as he let Brent hold his head, getting him good and ready. With his free hand between his own legs, he unfastened his pants and shimmied them off, freeing his own 7-inch cock to play with. Taking Brent's base in a hand he pulled back, stroking him slow and firm as he pulsed in his hand, looking up at him. "Doing okay, cute stuff?" "Y-yeah....damn..." Brent panted, his legs wobbling a bit as he braced himself on Jose's broad shoulders. "Tsk...awww, first blowjob?" he teased lightly, working his hand up and down his big cock. He nodded, blushing, and he chuckled more. "Well, I want to get something out of this before you pop, so why don't you sit back on the bed?" Brent nodded again, moving back to the bed against the wall and flopping backwards on it, his chest still heaving with excitement. The liquid courage still blossomed in his gut, the warmth surging through him, but pooling particularly in his loins, a thin bead of precum dripping from his shaft. He watched Jose kick off his jeans and boxer briefs, climbing up over him and straddling his waist, lining up his ass to rub against Brent's throbbing pole. "Mmm...then lets forget the foreplay, and just get to the fun, huh?" he said, grinding against his shaft as he shuffled Brent into position. Brent opened his mouth to say something, but it turned into a gasp as Jose pushed down, slipping Brent inside his asshole with surprisingly little resistance. The heat building in his loins flared out and he felt his balls tense, pumping a thick wad of precum up into Jose as he wriggled down the first few inches. "O-oohh fuck!" he moaned, bucking up against Jose instinctively. "Mmff...oh yes," Jose grunted, biting his lip as Brent pushed inside, spreading him open around his surprisingly thick shaft. He could feel the gush of precum up into him, and he chuckled, impressed by the quantity. "Oooh...those balls are productive!" "Hhngh..." was all Brent could reply, bucking up into him again as he rolled his hips, the hazy lust of his first time getting laid fogging his mind. He was dimly aware of how warm he felt, his lower body almost tingling like pins and needles, but it was drowned out by the feel of Jose's tight ass wrapping around his cock. He bucked up again, sinking himself to the hilt inside, and making him moan as he arched his back. "H-aaah! Eager are we?" Jose grunted, pushing back down against him as they managed to drive Brent inside up to his base, the more muscular man squirming a bit at the feel of the throbbing cock spreading his insides. "Oooff....you're big, cutie," he panted, rocking atop Brent. "Perfect for an ass like mine...." Brent bit his lip and grunted, pushing up into him steadily as his lust drove him on, his hips on autopilot. "F-fuuck...so warm," he panted, bucking against Jose and feeling his full balls slap against his backside, his cock throbbing hard and pumping another good spurt of precum. Jose arched his back, wiggling down on him as he felt his hole dripping already from him. "Sh-shit you pre a lot," he grunted, working back and forth atop him as the lean guy pushed up against him. His tunnel tightened down around Brent's dick, making him feel the throbbing cock more firmly, and he spasmed as it flexed inside him. "Ohh! Nngh...y-you sure you're a virgin?" "Y-yeah!" Brent grunted, laying his head back and holding Jose's tanned thighs as he rode him. His mind was imploding with pleasure from how warm and tight Jose felt, his heart pounding in his chest as he got lucky for the first time so casually. Forget his friends, this was starting to rule! "Y-you're really tight!" He shook his head as he squirmed a bit, feeling a little odd as he rode him. Jose never felt a stretch like this, and it was driving him crazy, almost like the little man had grown inside him. "N-no...mff...i-it feels like...aah...you're getting bigger!" The mismatched pair groaned as Jose began to ride him harder, the bed creaking softly, but not enough to be heard over the music from downstairs. "Nnngh...r-really good...for a virgin...." he panted, bouncing on Brent as his cock jabbed at his insides. They moved together for a time, grunting and panting as Brent's cock slid in and out of him, biting his lip. After a few more moments though, he felt Jose clamp down around him again tightly. "Mmff...ahh..fuck...!" he cried out, hips shoving upwards a little harder than intended. Jose arched his back and squirmed, as it felt so odd to feel this good with someone so inexperienced, but it was drowned out by the intense pleasure of having Brent's thick 8-inches rubbing against his insides, making sparks explode in his mind. "Nnaah....keep going,"he grunted, pushing back against his hips as he thrust up, determined to keep feeling this sensation, even as it felt harder and harder to pull up off of him. The warmth that had been pooling and building in his gut and loins stared to grow and flare, making Brent moan again as pleasure washed over him. He panted and slowed his pace of thrusting up into Jose, getting close. "Mmff...th-think I'm gonna cum..." he grunted, trying to pull back. Shaking his head, the horny hunk pushed down harder, forcing Brent deeper as he moaned. "Not yet!," he growled, riding him harder as his whole body flexed. He didn't know who this guy was, but his dick felt like magic! "Soooo good...come on!" His legs wrapped tighter around Brent's as he felt his balls brushing against his taint. Brent grunted instinctively as his cock began to swell. He had never felt so full down below before, building up to what he knew would be the greatest orgasm he had ever had. He gripped Jose's hips tightly, mashing their groins together as he bucked into the larger man. Brent ground himself inside Jose again and again as he clenched around his dick. It was like the more he pulled his partner down onto him, the tighter he gripped his cock. As Jose's body tightened, his muscles rippled. Suddenly he jerked and a big glob of cum burst out from his cock, spraying ropes of white onto Brent's face and chest. "Shit!" Jose called out with each burst. His pole lobbed long ropy globs of cum into the air. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" The hunk shook his head from side to side, unable to control himself. "Oh FUCK!" he moaned. His muscular physique tightened. He swore he saw spots in his vision as a wave of pleasure washed over him. "Nngh! Ahh! Ahh yes!" he groaned, his body jerking as it rode out the orgasm. Brent's vision swam, trying to make out the hot guy squirming on his dick as Jose's asshole clenched his cock like a vice. "Nnngh...shit! Ahh...fuck...fuuuuck!" Brent moaned as he finally climaxed, spraying thick wads of cum deep into Jose. His hips bucked as he came and came, harder than he ever had before. The two enjoyed simultaneous orgasms. Jose's cock squirted all over Brent and the bed, and Brent's cock filled the stud's ass with his load. The two exchanged moans and expletives as they simultaneously released the pressure of their sexual dams. "Unnf! Nnngh! Aw yeah on baby....cummm!" Jose could feel Brent's balls pulse as they emptied. He couldn't believe how good a fuck this guy was! He had a bit of a reputation of hooking up with multiple guys at the club each night, and yet here he was, what was supposed to be a quickie was leaving him winded. The cutie under him jerked and spasmed as they rode out the last of their orgasms. Jose felt so heavy stop him, like a wave of fatigue from their sex washed over him, but still the two bucked together. When they were done, Jose collapsed on top of Brent. The two kissed and gazed into each other's eyes, basking in the afterglow. After a moment, Jose's eyes closed and his body went slack, passing out. Brent felt Jose's full weight shift on top of him, pinning him down like a weighted blanket. Though he gasped to catch his breath, he didn't have the strength to push the larger guy off of him. His eyes closed as he gave into his exhaustion, not noticing the unnatural glow eminating from between them. Brent's eyes opened with a start. His heart was racing, he was covered in sweat. His eyes darted around the room, his mind trying to discern his current location. How long had he been out? Jose was nowhere to be found. Laying there panting, he tried to sit up, still trying to figure out what just happened...and if he wasn't just having some crazy dream. Suddenly, his body clenched violently, making him curl in himself. He fought the urge to cry out, lest he draw any attention to him. It felt like liquid heat rushed to every part of his body, all the way from his fingers to his toes. He watched as his leg muscles tensed and thickened, growing more toned. "Nngh...fuck...augh!" he grunted through his teeth. He could feel his chest tighten and expand as his arms curled, the muscles once barely existent now plumped up with more mass. Brent panted and jerked atop the cum splattered bed as his body grew. Finally, the growth stopped. A cool sensation of relief washed over him and he struggled to sit up. His cock was easily several inches bigger and thicker than before, already hard and pointing straight up in front of him. He shuffled over to the nightstand, throwing on the light. Staring back at him from the floor-length mirror at the foot of the bed was himself....but more. "What the hell?" He stared at his reflection for a good five minutes, eyes wondering all over his body. The teen was now a good four inches taller than he had been. Whereas before he was thin, almost lanky, now he had a swimmer's frame. His pectorals were firm and pronounced, showing off a chest he never had before. His abdomen was firm, but toned, the muscles there just starting to show. Even his arms and legs were larger than before, yet still lean. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he looked at his new self, grinning hugely. He extended and arm and looked it up and down, running his other hand over it, squeezing his bicep as he flexed it, amazing at how far up the muscle traveled.He had sometimes dreamed of something like this happening, but now it was real! He couldn't believe it. His newly enlarged 10-inch long cock throbbed as he explored his body. Brent wrapped both hands around his huge shaft and pumped it slowly, throwing his head back and groaning in pleasure. A small wad of precum dribbled out and slid down his shaft, running over his fingers. He made a circle with both hands, interlocking his fingers, and placed it at the top of his cock, then pushed it down his shaft, squeezing tightly. His cock throbbed in response, seemingly growing even harder as a huge, thick vein bulged out, traveling the length of his cock. He moaned loudly when he felt it pulsating against his palm, his hands still traveling down his length until finally ending at the base. His whole cock quivered and throbbed as though ready to burst. It only took two strokes to send him over the edge. "Ohh YEAH!" he roared, thrust his hips upward, fucking his hands, cum shooting out in massive, long, thick ropes, splattering against the ceiling and falling back onto him. Warm splatters decorated his body, and soon began to soak into the bed. The pleasure was too great. Brent lost control of his body, his arms falling to the side and spasming as he writhed, howling in pleasure, his cock thumping against his chest and spurting a long rope of cum onto his face and the wall behind him. After a minute of mind numbing pleasure, Brent felt his body unclench and relax. He wiped the cum from his face and gasped for air. He breathed deeply, watching his pecs rise and fall as he caught his breath. Brent's thoughts raced as he remembered feeling Jose's weight sink into him right before he lost consciousness. How he felt heat envelope the two of them as his eyes closed. Had he literally absorbed him? How was that possible? This post-orgasm realization sent a rush of terror through him. He leapt off the bed, looking at the mess of cum he had splattered all over. Panicking, he quickly began to pull on his clothes, a distant part of him noting how much he filled out the front of his jeans now. He clicked off the lights and snuck downstairs, making a beeline for the door and heading out into the cool night air as his mind raced with the fact that he just had sex....and absorbed his partner. "Wh-what was in that drink?"
  2. anondog

    Slimy Symbiosis

    Author's note: hello everynyan! I made this story (on my phone) a while ago while on a plane ride and road trip during springbreak earlier this year. I shared it with some friends that liked it and figured I might as well share it here just in case. I hope you all enjoy. Tags/TW: Latex/goo, muscle, muscle growth, slight hypnosis, bondage, size difference, vore, mentions of death, clones, etc. _____________________________ ERR ERR ERR! The alarm on my phone blared in my ears as I rose groggily out of bed. I dangled my feet from my bed and rubbed sleep from my eyes. Then I finally turned off my phone's fourth alarm. I checked the calendar on my phone. Today was the day I started my new job. I rose to my feet and got out of bed. I grabbed my medication and vitamins from my nightstand and dry swallowed them. Then I made my way over to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Five foot five inches of feline might. Roughly 190 pounds of fury from routine exercise; my build is slightly athletic. My fur is jet black and my eyes golden. I grab my floss from the counter by the sink and begin getting between my fangs and teeth as I recall my past. I graduated college with flying colors after switching majors. Of course the major I switched to had fuck all in terms of job prospects. I started picking up odd jobs to pay the bills. Warehouse worker, pizza delivery boy, babysitter, and now a receptionist for some fancy pharmaceutical company. Networking is truly a crazy thing… of course I'll just be answering phones, but I would've never got this job if it weren't for some friends vouching for me. I bin my floss and proceed to brush my teeth. I spit the toothpaste in the sink and throw on my uniform. Khakis, light blue button up shirt, and black dress shoes that I stole from my father's closet a while back. I pack my lunch and then I am out the door. I breathe in and out before I make my short commute to my new career. … Time could not move more slowly. I am bored out of my mind waiting for the phone to ring. When it does ring it's often companies wanting to schedule meetings, customers asking questions, or people dialing the wrong number. The triad of calls keeps coming in, only broken up by government mandated breaks and lunch time. Speaking of breaks, before my mind can shatter into pieces, I decide to head to the bathroom to look at my phone for five minutes. I set a timer and stood in a stall for privacy. Three minutes into watching videos of people hurting themselves due to their own stupidity, there is a pounding alarm followed by flashing red lights. An intercom with a robotic voice tells everyone to evacuate, this is not a drill, containment has been breached. I jump to my feet and run out of the bathroom. I look around panic stricken. Surprisingly, everyone has already cleared out, but unfortunately, it appears that I am locked in by heavy metal shutters. I hear roaring, gun shots, screams, and splatters. I gotta get out of this hell hole before whatever breached containment finds and murders me. I sprinted down a few hallways. I avoid the sound of what I can only assume to be a massacre going on around me. I run until I am out of breath and sweating, but I have made no progress. Everywhere is a dead end. My mind is swimming and I feel sensory overwhelmed. I put my feet apart and take a deep breath in and out to ground myself. My head stops spinning and my senses come back to me slowly. I feel tense, I still see the scarlet lights flashing, and I hear… I don't hear any more bullets or screaming. Instead the sound is replaced by heavy breathing and a deep and guttural growl. I keep my eyes shut and slowly turn around with my hands up. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted by the visage of a beast before my eyes. The monster is pitch black, nearly absorbing all the light around it. Its skin undulates, slithers, and drips as though it is made of molten latex. It stands what I can only assume to be at least 10 feet tall if not more. It's an absolute hulking behemoth. Muscles jut out where I never knew muscles could theoretically exist. Its arms are legitimately the size of my body if not larger and they radiate ominous and crushing energy. I look down the beast's arms to its giant clawed hands. They're soaked in blood and palming the head of a slain security guard with the ease of a basketball player palming a basketball. I feel my blood run cold as I hear the monster release what I can only assume to be an amused growl. “My my my… so small… so frail… did you not escape with the others?” It says while cocking its head to the side cheekily. “Not like it matters to me. You're here now. So….” It looms over me, leaning in closer with each syllable on its raspy tongue. “Entertain me or…” It gestures to the slain guard who is then enveloped by the monster's ooze. The shape of the guard's corpse can be seen before it slowly fades away, deeper into the behemoth. I swear I can see the monster swell ever so subtly larger… as though it is trying to constrain its growth. I swallow hard before wearily speaking. “Please I don't know what they did to you here. I just started here today. I answer… I pick up phones… please don't kill me…” I plead. Unaware I have fallen to my knees, my mouth has run dry, and tears well in my eyes. “Aww such a nice performance… Now that was truly entertaining! Bravo! Bravo! You should know I am a man of my word.” The beast bends down to wipe tears from eyes with the delicacy of a lover. “You my star. Get to live.” He leans in close as if to whisper in my ear, but he pauses. He smells me deeply. The beast then pulls back and places giant hands on my shoulders, completely engulfing them. He flashes me a toothy grin, his mouth full of blindingly white knives. “My star… you smell divine… tell you what. You get to live, star, but you're mine. All mine!” Suddenly he hugs me to his chest. I flail and struggle against the hulking being. It is no use as tendrils bind my arms and I am pulled into him. I feel like I am falling into an inky abyss with the consistency of honey. I hear his bassy voice laughing around me as my vision fades to black. When I come back I'm back in my apartment. I sit up in bed while my head is absolutely pounding and I swear I have had the worst nightmare in my life. It was all so vivid… so… real. I run a hand through my hair and then smooth out the fur on my face, gently stroking my whiskers. I attempt to get out of bed but am pulled by an absolutely monstrous sized arm. “Aww come cuddle a little kitten~” a baritone voice coos in my ear. “Listen sweet cheeks, I'll give you the short of it. You're now my host and I am basically the best roommate, lover, close confidant, whatever you could ask for or whatever you could ever need.” I struggle against the arm as it brings me to the bed, however it is to no avail as I am thrust flush against an absolutely gargantuan figure. The monster continues, “you smelled so good back then star… you smelled like the perfect mate and I couldn't just let a cutie like you slip from my clutches. We're so compatible as well… I know because I went through your mind while you were knocked out and let's just say… me and your kinks are gonna get along just fine.~” The beast said before grinding against my back seductively. “So just… relax… and let go…” As he said this I felt as though I had been sedated… my nerves and tension slipped away. I turned around and locked eyes with the monster who had taken me as his mate. Wordlessly we both knew that hot alien sex was about to go down. The beast pins me to the bed and stares lovingly into my eyes. “We'll take this slowly dear… I don't want to break my star…” he coos into my ear before chuckling slightly, “not yet anyways darling…” The beast kisses, sucks, and bites lightly along my neck, marking and bruising me to show that I am his. “Oh by the way… call me Ben (Benny or Benjamin) cause I'm big and gonna have you cumming right on time…” He chuckles lightly at his stupid pun and continues to pin me to the mattress with ease. He moves down from my neck to my toned chest and kisses the top of my pectorals. I flinch at the sensation and he pins my wrists to the bed even harder. He tuts and waggles a finger at me. Said finger drips and drops off his hand and onto me. The slime slinks around my body and towards my arms and legs. Before I know it I'm bound to the bed by jet black tendrils. It all happened so fast I'm nearly reeling from the action; I look around panicked. However before I can say anything Ben grabs my chin, tipping it up lightly yet assertively so I am staring at him straight in his white pupil-less eyes. They change shape as easily as an actor or cartoon characters’ face would to show emotion… and his eyes' emotions are telling me to listen to him closely. “Don't worry about a safe word dollface… we won't need one. I know all your limits… and I plan on pushing past them all anyways.” His lips curl into a crooked smile before he leans his head forward and sticks his tongue out. His tongue is whip-like and almost as long as my forearms if not longer… and by the way he traces it down my abdominals and to my groin I would say it's about as dexterous as my bond hands which are clenched in anticipation. However, suddenly he stops. “Poor thing… I told you I KNOW your limits… any more and you would simply… unravel at the seams so to speak…”. His tendril chains slither back into his body. “I suppose we will have to continue this later darling.~” He says coyly before he slithers into my body. He sinks seamlessly into my pores, nose, mouth, and anywhere he can slink into before he's out of sight. However I can still feel his bassy and confident laugh echoing in my mind. After finishing myself off with basic masturbation, I get up and look at my phone. It appears I get a month off of work (which is paid) while they look for the monster that escaped the lab. Turning him in is a no go because he could likely stop my heart or something and plus who knows what unethical bullshit they were doing to him in the first place. Without warning images of electricity, flames, and chemicals flood my mind… along with the pain of said ‘experiments’. Yup. He's not going back there and damn do I need some painkillers for this follow through threat of a migraine. I move to the kitchen and grab some pills and a cup of water before sitting down and taking them. Ben appears before me as I sit and rub my temples. He is sat proudly in a throne made of his own gooey substance. “I'm gonna get those pharmaceutical bastards back, and you're gonna help me.” Ben says bluntly. “How in the world would I help you? Not even why I would help your psychotic ass in the first place. Cause I know you'd black mail or threaten me into it. But how can I help you? I'm not the hulking goo man with powers,” I responded exasperated, leaning back in my chair. “You're moral support, hot stuff. And besides you're my host, you should want to spend time with me…” Ben says as a tendril unfurls from the throne and makes its way towards my face. The tendril cups my chin before morphing into one of Ben's meaty paws. He runs a thumb over my lips. “Do it for daddy, darling…” he says sternly yet lovingly. I simply roll my eyes and throw my hands up in defeat. He grins at my physical response and crosses one of his meaty legs over the other. “Splendid darling, simply splendid,” He coos. The hand under my chin goes towards my neck and lightly squeezes. It's not enough to choke but enough to let me know it's definitely in position to do so. Then the hand morphs into ooze and wraps around my skin. The goo goes under my clothes and forms skin tight under armor. “When the time comes, I'll be there to protect you,” Ben says in a matter of fact manner. The under armor stretches over one of my paws before forming a long blade which replaces my paw completely. I give the blade a few practice swings before the suit retracts and goes back into my body. I nod understanding the idea. Ben has dedicated a piece of himself to be a synthetic power suit for me. “Say… what else can you do?” I ask him genuinely curious to know his abilities. This question excites him, causing him to pounce on me and throw me onto his throne of inky goo. He then looms over me growling in delight. “I thought you'd never ask, dollface.” Ben's form undulates before my very eyes. He vibrates a bit before freezing up. Then as if he is a microscopic organism, he splits into three total entities. One of them talks and another one picks up the sentence where the last left off, as if they are reading from a script. “Well firstly there's the cloning and telepathic link to all parts, pieces, and clones of this hot body.” All of them flash cocky grins and each hit a different pose showing off their hulking physiques. One shows off his watermelon sized glutes, clenching them so hard I swear they could turn coal to diamonds. Another bounces and ripples his pec shelf before flexing them together with enough force to crack walnuts and turn them to find powder. The last one slowly flexes and extends his bicep, causing it to climb higher and higher until it's grossly exaggerated. He gives one final arm flex and the space between his forearm and bicep are so tight it could crush a grown man's windpipe like one would crumple paper. “There's also absorbing people, super strength, a wee bit of hypnosis… other stuff. Ya know. The norm.” He says as casually as one would go about talking about day to day activities. I begin to protest and try to stand up the goo throne, but am pushed back on my ass by one of the clones. The chair then starts vibrating and tendrils start massaging my shoulders. “Relax cutie… wouldn't want you to be too tense. Might tear something when we tear up those cheeks later.” The clones high five each other before hooting and hollering like a group of frat boys. I simply roll my eyes and melt into the surprisingly comfortable alien massage chair. “Okay… so if there's three of you… why do I have to go into combat? Wouldn't one of you be able to destroy the company, while I sit back here and give one of you moral support?” I ask as I finally am freed from the throne that dissipates and slithers back into one of the clones. The clones look at each other for a solid minute before one fuses into the other, leaving only two behind. Then one of the clones turns into mush and slithers into the nearby sink and is likely only going to cause chaos for the company for fucking with it. The other clone lifts me by my armpits and grins like an idiot. “I KNEW I CHOSE THE PURRFECT MATE. MY KITTEN IS SO CUTE AND SMART!” Ben says before nuzzling me, which causes me to unconsciously pur. “Now I can have you safe here at home and have you praise me for my heroics,” he says overly confidently as though he is not about to wage a war (albeit one against corrupt capitalism and unethical laboratory experiments). “Though I do wish I could protect you from bullets and be all like ‘get back babe… daddys got this’” he says playfully before pulling me inside himself. I am wearing the hulking mass of a monster as a suit and can sense everything he does. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing are all linked. He bangs on his chest like a gorilla, dull thuds echoing throughout the apartment. “No bullets are hitting my baby.~” After he releases me from within himself I find myself pulled into his spacious lap. Has moved us from the kitchen to the living room area. Benny sits with his large legs crossed on the rug in the middle of the space. He pats my head, stroking my fur with one hand and uses his free one to turn on the television and flip to a channel playing perfect white noise for idle conversation. After he has settled on the channel he turns his attention to me and stares at me lovingly, waiting for me to make a move. “Uhh… so why are you… uhh are we like… are we really… like lovers?” I ask the behemoth while twiddling my thumbs nervously. Ben strokes my fur and I lean hesitantly into his palm. “Of course my dear. And to prove my love for you, ask anything of me and I'll give it to you. Fame, fortune, murder… especially murder. All for you baby doll…” He says as he coos and hums into my ear gently. “In that case… Do you mind if I feel your muscles… I rarely get to touch other men and I'm a little touch starved…” I ask sheepishly. Ben chuckles before ruffling my fur. “I'll do you one better. You're gonna help me work out, darling.~” Ben got into a push up position before flexing his wide back. A sinewy mountain range of back muscles rippled as he did so. He then pushed off the ground with one arm and used his free arm to point to his back. I hesitantly approached him and sat on what could be considered the small of such a large creature's back. He purred in delight and began to do push ups slowly. While he was doing them, I inched up his back and began massaging and squeezing his lats. He purred in content and kept pushing himself. Truly I believe he could go infinitely, but he paused and laid on the floor for me to get off of him. He must've done at least 70 or so slow and steady push ups in one sitting. I couldn't tell you exactly how many he did because I was too busy watching his muscles flex and swell. Ben then formed a gooey workout bench from his own matter. He got into a tricep dip position and thrusted his hips suggestively. I sat in his lap and braced myself by placing my hands on his freshly pumped and wide chest. Heat and sweat were pouring out of him, causing him to have a musky aroma about him. He slowly did the tricep dips while I kept ogling his muscles. I didn't even notice he was looking at me with a predatory hunger… counting down until his last rep. Then he suddenly struck. He leaned back and placed my rear firmly into his groin. He grabbed my hips with his wide hands, both of which met to wrap around my whole waist. He then switched to hip thrusts. He did them slowly and grunted primarily at the peak of each rep. Moreover, at the peak of each rep he held it for a few seconds and grinded his concealed bulge into me. After he finished thrusting into me he lifted me in his large arms as he got up. He then proceeded to use me for bicep curls. He curled me as close to his face as possible and then gave me a quick kiss before lowering me back down and repeating the process. After he finished that exercise he prepared to use me for deadlifts. I was curious as to how he would tease me during this exercise. However, Ben is a man… or monster of many surprises. He loomed over me before gently yet assertively putting his hand under my chin. He rubbed my lips with his large thumb before lightly parting my lips with them. “Suck.” Is all he bluntly said with his bassy commanding voice and I complied. I sucked his thumb and felt it drip within my mouth. He was forming something in my mouth with his abilities, I just didn't know what it was until he slowly pulled his thumb out of my mouth. A saliva stand followed his thumb’s disappearance. He licked his thumb clean with his long slimy tongue, humming to himself in content as he did. Then he licked the sides of my face with his dexterous tongue. “You're such a good boy.” He said before kissing me on the forehead. I couldn't even utter a response, out of pure shock and due to the fact that he had discretely turned a small part of his body into a ball and gag. Once he realized I had caught on he suddenly flipped me on my back while grinning mischievously and laughing evilly. He cocooned and blind folded me (with his tar like substance) almost instantaneously. Before of course, deadlifting me.
  3. tester26

    Brent the God

    In a darkened auditorium, a crowd of 20 men stood around, waiting expectantly. On stage, four muscular men, clad only in skimpy posers, hauled an odd assortment of objects onto the stage: a huge tank, numerous large metal drums, and an oversized rack of weights. Each man was massively muscular, handsome, and clearly well endowed. About half of the crowd appeared to be drooling at the sight of these overmuscled men, but the other half remained unmoved, as if they'd seen such beauty regularly before. In fact, though the crowd was entirely made up of men who clearly prided themselves on their physiques, it was evident that the group had come in pairs, only one partner in each looking around, wide eyed and confused at what they had been brought to. The stage set, the men left and the room momentarily fell silent. Then a chant rises in the audience, the words unintelligible until the crowd speaks in a unified voice. The previously unphased half of the crowd lead the chant, their eyes now focused expectantly on the stage. Their partners, more confused than ever, try to interrupt and ask questions, only to be drowned out by the chorus of voices. From the back of the stage a cloaked figure appears. The cloak falls away revealing a body more stunning than anyone could imagine, although the face is still hidden in shadow. As he steps completely into view, the audience stops chanting. He stands in the middle of the stage and surveys the crowd with an arrogant expression on his face. Ten feet in height, his body the very definition of spectacular muscular accomplishment and incomparable beauty, Brent was a rugged, almost bestial *god*. The crowd murmured as they let their eyes rake over the vast expanse of Brent's form, the sheer volume of muscle bulging off his mighty frame was almost too breathtaking to believe, the crowd was drinking in the sights as though it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen in their lives. A pair of pectoral muscles carved from a block of marble, clenched and heaved with muscle defining power. Below that ponderous pectoral shelf, a perfect set of abdominal muscles glistened with oil. The freakish, overdeveloped, ridiculously shredded ten-pack flexed and clenched with even the slightest of Brent's movements. Arms that were completely relaxed hung off Brent's shoulder muscles a good distance away from his tight waist, pushed away by the monstrosities trying to pass off as his bulging lats. So muscle-bound were his arms that, fully flexed, they would probably measure a scant inch or two away from being as huge as his freaky quads. Brent sported quads that would have required entirely new words to describe them. Hulking, shredded, teardrop-shaped muscles rippled and flexed against each other like muscular mountains fighting for space along his leg. His diamond-shaped calves were covered in veins, their enormous masses swelling and tightening like hot lava finally cooling after a volcanic eruption. He was so packed he could not keep his legs together; instead, he had to straddle them outward, his feet about a yard apart. The impact of his gargantuan thighs packed with enormous slabs of muscle was almost lost by the inhuman mass mounted between them. A pair of custom-made red posing trunks stretched tightly over his round, muscular butt and barely managed to envelope a set of male sex equipment the size and weight of a bowling ball, drooping down almost to his knees. Even against the muscle god's gigantic body, Brent's cock and balls looked freakishly and wonderfully oversized. The base and a foot of his mighty tool were plainly in view as the posers were pulled downwards by his meat. The shaft was already as thick as a grown man's wrist and must have been eight inches in girth, ten inches around the bulbous head. Brent's cock was easily eighteen inches long, and it wasn't even hard! The huge mass swung slightly as he walked. The monster stud grinned at the audience and turned sideways and bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, proudly displaying his colossal manhood. His heavy sperm-packed balls bounced off his tight thighs. Brent strutted over to a set of dumbbells, each loaded with 1000 lbs, picked them up, and started effortlessly curling. Gasps arose as the peak of his bicep rose and swelled in bursts. He added more plates and resumed curling. His biceps continued swelling, with cruel looking veins as thick as fingers appearing encircling the swollen peaks. When he seemed satisfied with the pump, he tossed the dumbbells aside and swaggered over to the car. The audience murmured as they realized what he intended to do. Brent grabbed the front end of the tank, and flexed his arms. The front rose two feet off the ground! Then his arms straightened, and flexed again. Up and down. Gasps arose from the crowd. He responded by flashing a killer smile. His arms exploded with rippling, throbbing, pulsating movement as his arm meat cranked out rep after rep. The auditorium fell silent, the men slackjawed in awe. Brent squatted down and shifted the massive weight of the tank onto his shoulders, then hand over hand until it was balanced just over his bent, thick neck. Then with a guttural roar Brent stood up and pressed the tank over his head. Up and down for twenty reps. He shifted again, centering the tank until the full massive weight now solely on his right hand. Brent gave one last huge push and heaved the mighty load fully over his head, until his tree truck arm was fully extended. The cheer from the crowd was so huge, it was a wonder the roof didn't come flying off. The tank landed behind him with a loud crash, shaking the stage. The incredible display had many in the crowd with their hands on their hardening crotches, squeezing and rubbing their dicks in appreciation of the spectacle. The muscle man on stage threw down the car and struck another double bicep pose. “You like what you see, boys?” Brent boomed, with a deserved air of superiority. It was the first words the musclegod uttered to the audience, the deep and smooth voice made some in the crowd grow weak in the knees. Brent chuckled as he turned his attention to his own body, watching his god-like chest heaving and his impossibly developed arms tensing and relaxing, pumping blood through muscles that could only be described as superhuman. The peak of his biceps now reached the palms of his hand, completely filling the space within his flexed arm. He grunted like an animal, beads of sweat appearing on his upper body. "FUCK! That felt so GOOD!" grunted Brent, leaning forwards into a truly magnificent most-muscular pose, bringing his enormous fists together in front of his bulging pecs. The pump on his muscles was incredible; he was suddenly nothing but bulging pecs, biceps and traps. His torso was slick with muscle sweat. The pecs stood 6 inches thick off his ribcage, rising on each side of his chin. The side view of his pecs was awesome: the tight pumped chest muscles jutting up and out, so solid they hardly moved. Although he appeared to ignore it, his thick, soft cock started to swell, pulling his posers downward past his knees. More and more of the growing tube of meat appeared between his quads as his posers were stretched to their limit. A network of grotesquely gorgeous veins creeped down the shaft, thickening and pulsating as rich oxygenated blood and raw testosterone was pumped into the wondrous organ. Brent's boulder-sized testicles were rising and falling against his crotch, incredible amounts of testosterone pumping into Brent's body as his massive pillar of man beef continued to grow. “Yeah, that’s right. You like all this fucking muscle, don’t you? All this power just gets me so fucking hard!" Brent growled as he flexed his sweat-covered body. The smell of his musk filled the room, the crowd drooling as they watched Brent's cock grow harder, the immense weight of his muscular penis taking its time as it engorged itself on raw power. He scanned the crowd with his eyes, looking approvingly at the collection of muscle heads watching him with rapt attention. With a snap the red posers exploded from the overwhelming volume of his sex tools, the thick tall shaft of man flesh swinging upwards. Several in the audience screamed. Pre-cum, dense and viscous, began seeping from the swelling cockhead. Harder and stronger did Brent's cock grow, mighty muscles flexing across the length of the rippling beef stick, until three fucking feet of cock flesh was throbbing in front of him, the cock head level with the top of his pecs. Brent's prick was so huge that even he could not wrap his hand fully around it. Brent swaggered over to the row of metal drums, lying on their side. He straddled the first one with his massive thighs and squeezed. The metal drum groaned, deformed, and collapsed like cardboard. More cries of lust from the blissed-out audience. Streams of man-juice lept into the air from the sensory-overloaded men, who were groaning and yelling at the spectacle. Brent laughed as he reduced each drum to pathetic piles of crumpled tin foil, lifting one and holding it between the palms of his hands parallel to his chest before flexing his pecs and flattening it. Another he slammed onto his mammoth erection, the rock-hard pole easily bending the drum in half. Roars from the crowd rose. Finally, triumphantly strutting out to the edge of the stage, the untiring musclegod starting to beat his meat out toward the audience. His shaft was so incredibly thick that Brent used both hands in unison, stroking up and down. “Look at this, you muscle-loving fuckers! Look at this body of the biggest fucking musclegod on earth! You’ve NEVER seen anything like this before, have you? Look at these gigantic muscles! I’m a fucking god! Worship me, musclesluts!” Brent boomed to the screaming audience. The four musclemen from before joined him on stage, all naked, all sporting massive erections easily over a foot long. They teamed up in groups to please their Master, two alternating between Brent's huge balls and cock, the other two massaging his chest and arms. Moans and groans erupted from the crowd as men lost their load at this incredible sight. “Aw yeah, worship my fucking muscles! Stroke this giant fucking stud cock!" It was an orgy of flexing as the four men felt up Brent as he flexed. Freaky double-bi, massive rolling pecs, horseshoe triceps, and mountainous traps. The men switched places - one moved to massaging his huge shoulders, another his massive mounds of pectoral muscle, a third was sucking on his cock, and the last stroked and kissed Brent's powerful legs. Brent surveyed the scene around him. The audience had collectively stripped in their passion, most fucking each other as they watched the erotic display on stage. A group of men had congregated towards the front, begging him to take them, fuck them, degrade them. The smell of testosterone, sweat, and cum reeked through the room. The floor of the small auditorium was becoming slippery with the cum shot from the male audience members going wild with desire. Brent felt like he was in heaven. One of the acolytes wrapped his arms around Brent's huge torso - and rubbed his torso up and down the muscle god's mass. His large cock brushed against Brent's abs - the deep cuts jacking him off. Another came up behind Brent and wrapped his arms around his neck; Brent turned to make out with him as the stud slid his dick between Brent's perfect globes. Without warning, Brent grabbed the first man by the waist and and lunged his massive dick inside. Using his muscular arms, he whipped the bodybuilder's neck back and covered his mouth with his hand, squelching the man’s scream. The audience stared in awe as Brent thrust his beastly dick up the man's ass. The man screamed in pain, but Brent was unyielding. He grabbed him by the waist and tugged hard - moving the muscleman up and down his three-foot shaft, nearly managing to fit his entire cock inside. The massive intrusion made the acolyte cum immediately, his impressive member spraying the first few rows of spectators with jizz. It was clear the men on the stage were well-practiced, capable of enduring Brent's brutal fuck without being torn apart. Behind them, the three attendants embraced one another and entwined tongues. One of the attendants bends for the other and offers himself. The third kneels before them and deep throats the bottom's big dick. They begin to fuck behind the god creating a lustful diorama. Brent pounded his worshipper's ass in half a dozen different positions, the bottom in a state of continuous orgasms as Brent manhandled him. The heat of the god’s coupling washed in waves of lust over the standing men in the audience. Hands fumbled and groped as they reach out to their neighbors, unable to resist the urge to couple themselves, though woefully inadequate to match the intensity they felt from the stage. The acolyte's eyes rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness. Without skipping a beat, Brent slid the man off his still-rockhard dick and then picked up one of the other attendants, positioning his dick at the base of his ass. The intimidating monster looked as if it would split the man in half, but the man showed no fear. Brent penetrated the man's tight, muscular ass and rammed its way inward. The acolyte let out a deep moan as he began to cum, Brent fucking him with unrelenting power, forcing load after load out of his dutiful follower until his body too went limp. Brent was unyielding; he drove his penis into the remaining two assistants, brutally plowing each of them until they could handle no more. The audience had descended to orgy by now, not even seeing the scene on the stage. The final supplicant impaled on Brent's rod moaned and screamed as he shot his load all over the men in the front row until finally Brent pulled out of him and roared. Cum, pure and thick, erupted from everyone in the audience as Brent flexed the greatest double bicep pose ever flexed, his own monstrous penis exploding so mightily the massive jet of cum reached twenty feet before finally arcing earthwards and raining down upon the screaming fans below. Brent aimed his erupting monster at the crowd and watched as man after man keeled over, overwhelmed and overcome by the strongest orgasms they had ever had in their lives. Even for a god, all good things had to come to an end, and it was at the end of three whole minutes of wondrous, blissful, orgasmic release did Brent's finally calm down, though the few conscious members of the audience had long since been reduced in shooting blanks, their eyes seeing stars as they caught their breaths. The auditorium looked like a warzone now, unconscious bodies resting peacefully in gigantic puddles of cum. The room fell silent. From the back of the audience, there is stirring. Half of the men had managed remain conscious through the intensity of Brent's orgasm, though it seemed their partners had not. The men jostle and pick up their unconscious lovers, lining up without saying a word. The four musclemen, having recovered from their brutal fucking, move a massive chair on stage, a throne for Brent. He sits, cum and sweat dripping from his pumped muscles, his elephantine cock extending past his knees and leaking a continual stream of cum onto the floor. The first audience member approaches, a championship-level bodybuilder, carrying a similarly built man in his arms like an offering. Though not yet in the league of the men standing on either side of Brent, he is still a vision of powerful masculine beauty. His thick, stubby dick, the size of a soda can now stiffens and points straight toward his master. Brent smiles and leans in to kiss the man, forcing his mouth open with his own, tasting his lips and his mouth. The man's cock is painfully hard, and his hips bow toward his master, giving himself to his god’s desire. He places his unconscious partner against Brent's pecs, the head sliding between he massive mounds of meat. Without breaking the kiss, Brent begins to glow as the body sinks into his own. His worshipper moans as he feels Brent absorb his offering, cumming as the body disappears completely. Brent pulls back and smiles approvingly at his worshipper, who bows deeply and returns to the audience. The pattern is repeated again and again, each man bringing forth another offering to add to Brent's mass. They ask different things of their god, some choosing to suck on Brent's three-foot monster, some begging him to flex a muscle for them to kiss. Brent was in heaven, feeling more mass build inside him as the men slavishly worship his impossibly huge body. With each absorption, Brent glowed brighter, his eyes closing as he rubbed his hands all over himself, resisting the urge to cum as each offering was broken down into more nutrients and cum. Finally, the last worshipper returned to the audience, joined by the four attendants, all of the men kneeling before their god. Brent stood and walked to the edge of the stage, surrounded by a golden light. Already he looked as if he had grown, but the men knew this was just the beginning. Brent locked eyes with the nearest worshipper, causing the man's orgasm to burst from his already spent cock as if he had been abstaining for weeks. He collapsed on the ground unconscious, his body continuing to convulse. Brent smiled, turning to another as he raised one massive arm and flexed his fingers in a slow-yet-rhythmic fashion. As if on cue, the second man cried out, a great burst of white fluids gushing from him, his pelvis thrusting rapidly as he was rendered unconscious by his massive orgasm. Brent laughed, his deep chuckle sending shivers down everyone's spine. He was too huge, too sexy, and most of all far too muscular for any man on the planet to resist. “Holy *fuck,*“ he moaned, the deepness of that utterance sending chills all the way to my toes. “This… feels… *magnificent.*“ The crowd watched attentively as Brent began to glow brighter. He bellowed lustily as intense waves of power spread across his muscled form. The golden aura around his body deepened. Brent's torso and legs began to stretch to new lengths. His height increased to 11 feet, then 12. His shoulders erupted with inhuman power, muscular mountains fusing into monster traps that barely contained the growing pillar passing for his neck. As he bent forward to look over his thickened pecs, he saw his devotees drooling as they watched him, stroking themselves and each other as their god grew. His monster cock convulsed, as if it was barely holding on to an orgasm to end all orgasms. “I can feel every muscle, every *cell* in my body, just bulging and flexing with insane power!” Brent growled. The crowd could only gape as Brent's growing body swelled. The muscles on his enlarged frame found new space to grow and expand. His mammoth chest lifted and thickened. Brent repeatedly flexed his super-sized chest and felt light-headed by the power that rocketed through his body. Below them, his freak-show abdominal muscles had grown to the size of anvils, and they were still getting bigger! He watched with approval as one muscle after another in his arms grew in volume to fill the spaces from shoulder to elbow and from elbow to wrist. His biceps split into huge lumps of throbbing power. His triceps hung like giant hams, each of the three heads fighting for room. He raised his arms slowly in triumph and found his biceps had grown so large, he could barely touch his head with his fist. "Oh god…..so much fucking muscle and power!" he whimpered to himself, his prodigious pecs bouncing back and forth under his groping fingers. Between his legs, Brent's already monstrous mega-cock grew even larger pressed between his cinderblock brick abs and pillow-sized pecs. Brent moaned, his hands massaging his gargantuan prick as the muscular tower of throbbing flesh continued growing out until the swollen head was throbbing at eye level to him. “Now *that’s* what I’m talking about,” he growled, spreading his huge legs wide. “So much power, so much raw, erotic power! Fuck! I can feel it shooting through my muscles, my cock! Fuck yeah!” Simultaneously, Brent's lats expanded and pushed his arms further outward. The traps and deltoids of his shoulders grew into melon shaped masses of power. The V-taper, already impressive, took on even more dramatic shape. Brent's throat became encased in a thick column of muscle pushing hard against traps that just touched his ears. As quickly as Brent's upper body grew, his legs thickened even more rapidly. His calves, mighty and thick, split into two perfectly shaped diamonds each threatening to tear away from the bone. "Fuuuuuuuuuccckkkkk!" Brent rumbled. Thick, pulsing veins ran like highways over and around every supersized muscle, converging at the base of his throbbing, monstrous, king-sized cock. The muscle giant gripped the base of his cock with both hands, the throbbing head spraying precum onto his face and hair. With no effort at all, he bent his head slightly forward and shoved his leaking cock into his mouth, slurping at it loudly, both hands pumping it at the same time. Spit and precum leaked out by the mouthful, covering his cock and chest in a slimy, clear residue as he felt his testes fill with gallons of potent cum. His throbbing, muscular cock was riddled with veins, easily six feet long and as thick as a man's leg. Brent's moans of pleasure sent shivers through the audience, their god growing bigger than any of their wildest imaginations. As the glowing light faded, Brent's metamorphosis subsided. He sat back on his throne, dripping in sweat, panting as he tried to catch his breath. Brent had grown into a fucking titan, a herculean god. He was a fucking freak, a bulging muscle freak, twelve fucking feet tall and definitely over a ton of pure fucking muscle. Every square inch of his body was filled with distended muscle. Veins wound around his body and throbbed with blood like molten steel. Brent flexed his gargantuan physique. The muscles audibly rumbled as they shifted beneath his golden skin. Brent's hands squeezed his pecs, feeling their new size and weight. He couldn't help himself, every inch of him had been pumped to perfection. Pinching his nipples sent more jolts of pleasure through his body. Cum churned in his balls, processing the last of his offerings, inflating like balloons against his thighs. He wrapped his herculean arms around his titanic cock and began jerking it with his entire body. Every muscle in Brent's huge body was flexing violently, biceps bunching with the pump of his fist, bubble butt clenching, mammoth thighs rippling with shredded muscle, pecs bouncing involuntarily with each stroke. "Oh yeah…..oh fuck yeah….." Brent drawled to himself, his eyes screwed shut, lost in his own self-pleasure. Any man who could focus their eyes long enough through their orgasms was staring fixedly upon Brent's swollen cock. He began to use both hands to stroke himself, using nothing nothing but his copious self-lube to slick up his monstrous pole. Both hands traveled up and down the length of his rod, and he turned and twisted so everybody got incredible shots of his rigid, leaking dick, now even harder and leaking more. He shoved his cockhead into his mouth. Audibly, he began to suck and bob on his cockhead as his hands stroked from balls to crown. Brent groaned with joy as he felt himself getting close, every muscle twitching and flexing, his fingers drenched with pre-cum. The audience were in hysterics, frantically masturbating as they awaited the inevitable. Even those who didn't have a drop of jizz left in their bodies stood massaging their aching erections nonetheless. His groans became faster and louder, muffled by the incredible bulk of his bloating cockhead, and his hands became blurs as they rode the amazing length of his shaft, and then, throwing his head back and screaming, the first shot of cream was spewed forth form his balls. "ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!" Brent let out an animal bellow of orgasm and ecstasy as pints upon pints of thick jizz rushed from his mighty balls, rocketing up his throbbing rod and exploded from his dark red cockhead, soaring over the crowd. All at once the audience came, shimmering wads of cum blasting from their cocks in unison. They fall onto their knees and cry out in pleasure as their orgasms took over, sending them into convulsions of pleasure as they fired loads that were completely dwarfed by Brent's. "AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" Brent screamed again. The second jet of thick, heady cum erupted from his cockhead, shooting 30 feet into the air, hitting the ceiling. Cum showered down on the masturbating crowd, upturned faces splattered with cream. Rope after rope after rope of thick, creamy splooge blasted from the muscle god's six-foot monster cock. Some jets soared meters across the room, high above the heads of the crowd, landing here and there randomly on some lucky spectator. Brent's mighty orgasm ripped through ever fiber of his gigantic body, muscles flexing and relaxing involuntarily with ecstasy. "Oh YEAH!" he moaned, cupping his hands over his huge, heaving pecs, squeezing them. His abs crunched as he thrust into the air. The acolytes, zombie-like, moved toward Brent's superhuman body and began rubbing their bodies against his legs and lower torso. Two wrapped their hands around Brent's erupting cock and jerked it with all their strength. The men were in absolute lust for Brent's muscles, squeezing, licking and caressing them with the fervor of pure sexual ecstasy. Brent moaned as he enjoyed his superhuman orgasm, his massive hands squeezing the armrests of his chair tightly as he flexed and thrust his hips in the air. The acolytes aimed Brent's cock at each other, try to swallow what they could, knocking each other over from the pressure of each blast. The hyperconcentrated protein from all of his processed offerings had the effect of the most potent steroids, giving them the strength and mass they needed to endure Brent's intense fuck sessions. They'd point the erupting hose at Brent, letting him drink his own load, all the while whispering how hot he was in his ear. "You're so fucking huge, Brent," whispered one. "I can't get enough of this enormous dick," grunted another. They told him how massive his cock was, how amazing he was, how no man compared to him. Just hearing this made the musclegod writhe with pleasure, his muscles tensing and bulging out, cock flaring and pulsing as his orgasm went into overdrive. He drenched his worshippers for ten whole minutes before his orgasm calmed to a trickle. The slightest of movements caused his muscles to flex monstrously. Every flex was intoxicating. Brent felt so strong it was almost surreal, his head dizzy with excitement. He was the epitome of masculinity, with his insane, overdeveloped muscles and a cock that throbbed with barely controlled sexual energy. He leaned back on his throne, his massive dick resting on his chest, cockhead leaking the last of his epic load onto his shoulder. Streams of white flowed down the deep valleys and grooves of his muscles, pooling on the seat and floor beneath him. "Fuck!" Brent panted, "What a growth." Brent grinned widely, nodding proudly to himself as he surveyed the room. The scene was chaos, a sort of sexual carnage, the aftermath of a lusty rampage of epic proportion. Muscle men were strewn everywhere, their balls drained so thoroughly that they were nearly too exhausted to move. Most seemed unconscious, others were barely hanging on, moaning and writhing weakly. Each was covered from head to toe in sperm… thick lines and ropes and splatters across their sweaty forms. Those still able to move seemed perfectly happy with the situation, their hands roaming their bodies slowly, sliding through pools of hot seed as they brought fingerfuls of creamy cum to their lips or stroked their abused dicks. In the morning, they'd head home, where they would go out in search of new partners, new lovers to become offerings to their monstrous muscle god.
  4. Brent was massive. He stood six feet six inches tall and weighed 350 pounds. Maybe 400 pounds, it'd been a while since he checked. At 22 years old, he was an unequivocal monster. He wore a tight white t-shirt that showed off every muscle in his body, the material looking ready to tear should he even move his torso an inch. His shorts were as large as you could find, and were still too small. They cut off just above his knee, showing promise of muscled, marble thighs underneath. His calves were diamond shaped, flexing with every step he took. He had just gotten into town and found a gym down the street. The gym fell quiet when Brent walked in. No one could take their eyes off him. Brent smiled, enjoying the shocked reaction of the crowd. His face was handsome, dark with a strong jaw and wide cheekbones. His neck was huge and you could see it was all muscle. Quiet murmurs filled the room as they took in the sight of the new visitor. His arms were the biggest any of them had ever seen. His forearms were bigger than most men's upper arms, huge bulging forearms covered with fibers and veins. His legs were thick, so densely packed with muscle he almost had to spread them apart to walk. He was so big, so muscular, so dominant looking. He strode up to the front desk. "Sir? Do you need a..." The receptionist started to speak, before being silenced by a glance from the newcomer. The receptionist whimpered as he involuntarily came in his pants. With a shaky arm, he opened the gate for Brent. "Thanks dude," Brent smiled and winked, giving a quick flex of his arm for the receptionist, who audibly moaned. Brent chuckled as he walked in. Brent headed for a free machine and set it to the max weight. He was delighted to find plenty of weight on the machine, he might actually get a pump. He felt the eyes of everyone in the room on him as he easily cranked out a set. Then another. They were all astounded by the weight he was lifting. No one had managed the maximum weight of the machine. After a few more sets, Brent looked around the gym for the next biggest guy compared to himself. He spotted a similarly built musclehead taking quick, furtive glances at him through a mirror in the corner of the room as he headed to the bench press. "Perfect." Brent thought to himself. He got up off of the weight machine and ambled over. Scott loved being the center of attention at the gym. He had the body for it too; over 6 feet tall, 300+ lbs of ripped mucle that was always competition-ready. Every day the guys in the gym would request something from him - to worship is huge muscles, to suck or be fucked by his giant cock. He enjoyed being told to flex this way or that, to sway his hips until his cock got hard, to dump his load into another willing admirer. He was their sex idol, their fantasy. Just the thought of that turned him on like nothing else. So to see this newcomer drawing everyone away had Scott fuming inside. "Who did this asshole think he was, just barging in here?" Scott thought to himself. "And how the fuck was he so huge?" "Must be roids," he thought to himself, shaking off the feeling of envy. He tried to focus on his workout, moving from the leg press to the bench. All the while Scott watched the new bodybuilder in the mirror. His muscles were enormous. He was taller, harder, hotter. Scott hated him. When Brent saw Scott looking at him, he smiled and gave a small wave. Scott frowned and turned away, loading up the bar with extra plates. He sat down and got underneath it, adjusting his grip when a shadow came over him. "Need a spotter?" Brent approached Scott, grabbing hold of the bar and looking down at the large man towering over him. Scott looked up at the newcomer, but found his view was obstructed by Brent's gym shorts, which were so filled with cock that they jutted out from his body, even though he was completely flaccid. "What the..." the muscleman had to blink his eyes to register what he was seeing. When it clicked, he shuddered, feeling a warm sensation in his loins. That couldn't be right though. This guy was the enemy. It must just have been the surprise. "I guess," Scott grunted, not taking his eyes off that clear-as-day outline of cock. It was as though the man were naked, but his skin was a dark blue nylon color. Did he see it twitch? That couldn't be real, could it? Brent noticed the man checking him out, but he kept his cool, smiling to himself. "Well, you going to start or what?" Scott shook his head to snap out of his trance and grabbed hold of the bar, bringing it down. His eyes never moved, and he never realized his mouth was open, breathing heavily as he lifted the bar, brought it down, and lifted again. Brent smiled wider as he felt himself starting to get a semi. Every slight move of his legs stimulated him. He squeezed his muscled thighs together slowly, massaging his balls with his hard legs. He noticed the poor guy starting to get aroused. Brent licked his lips as he watched Scott's shorts tent, raising up. "Not bad," he thought to himself. He guessed the man was packing nine, maybe ten inches. This was going to be fun. Beneath him, Scott couldn't help but stare upwards, the weights feeling like feathers as his mind focued on a much bigger issue. The shorts strained to contain the massive bulge inside them. He never thought there could be a dick so big. It must be twice his size! With every breath the man took, he could smell the heavy musk coming from the massive man, it was intoxicating. He couldn't help himself. He needed more. He placed the bar back on the rack and then wrapped his hands around Brent's waist, grabbing his ass and pulling himself closer to the man, stuffing his face up in between Brent's legs. Onlookers gasped as they heard Scott moan, his cock threatening to tear through his shorts as his face was buried between Brent's legs. "Holy fuck dude," Brent said with a laugh, "Did I do that?" He waited until Scott had let go of him before stepping back. Scott was in a daze, unsure of what had just come over him. "I'm Brent." The muscleman extended his hand. "Scott." he heard himself say, still dizzy, still rock hard. He felt Brent's massive arm reach down and pull him to his feet, a large wet spot spreading across the front of his shorts. "Let's go get you cleaned up," Brent said, as he pointed the two of them to the showers. The crowd eyed Scott enviously as they walked past. The buff pair entered the conveniently empty locker room to undress. Brent could tell Scott was still in a trance, his eyes lazily gazing over every inch of his body. Brent grinned as he pulled off his shirt and slid his shorts down, kicking them off his legs, cock swinging between his thighs. "Liking what you see?" He said with a devilish smirk, posing a bit and flexing a bicep. He put his hands on his hips and stood proudly, his foot long softie stirring mildly as it swelled a little. Brent swayed his hips, making his semi slap against his muscled thighs, growing a little bigger and harder with every swing. Scott's eyes followed it, hypnotized. His tongue rolled out of his mouth and the wet spot on his tented gym shorts started growing, his pre leaking through the cloth. "Aw yeah dude, check this out," Brent grinned at the stupefied look on the man's face. He put his hands behind his head, flexing his towering biceps and crunching his ripped stomach. His cock grew and grew, pointing forwards, then swinging up his muscled body. Finally it slid between his thick pecs and stopped growing - 18 inches of thick, throbbing, cock. Brent turned his head to lick a bicep slowly and sensually with his tongue, lightly thrusting the air so that his huge dick lightly slapped against his chest, trails of precum stretching between his cock and pecs. Scott was stunned speechless, actually starting to pant a bit watching the huge musclegod show off. He squeezed and rubbed his bulge through his shorts, which were growing wetter and tighter as they stretched to accommodate his 10 inch member. "Fuck, dude..." he moaned. He reached into his shorts and started stroking himself, the nylon eventually slipping off and falling between his ankles, his large pole in hands. As much as he wanted to supress it, the sight and smell of that crazily built muscle freak-god-beast was too much for him to comprehend. The look on his face was not lost to Brent, who locked eyes with him and smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. Scott began to cum, his orgasm suddenly exploding from his raging hardon. Brent simply smirked and gave his pecs an awesome power-flex. Scott moaned at the sight of all that muscle exploding and bulging and swelling off that beefy flexed chest. The muscle god had too much power over him, and even the simplest of flexes sent him over the edge. His body was acting on its own, his hips continuing to jerk in the throes of a ferocious orgasm, thrusting his cock into the air. "Fuck..." Scott said, coming down off of his orgasm. "You're huge! How do you do it?" Brent laughed and flexed a bit more. "Been going at it for a few years. Gotta make sure that you eat right too. Feel free to feel, if you want." His musk filled Scott's senses with his pure male scent as Scott stood up to feel Brent's body. He'd never seen anyone so huge, so ripped, or so hung. Scott couldn't help himself, his hands moving on autopilot as they rubbed Brent's golden skin. First the biceps and the forearms, and then the shoulders. Brent groaned audibly as Scott caressed the rippling shoulder muscles and stroked his hard nipples. He flexed and pumped every muscle of his upper body, enjoying the feeling of Scott's fingers as they traced every groove and crevice of his chest. Brad gently held the back of Scott's head, looking deep into his eyes. "How about we take this somewhere more private?" "Wanna go back to my place?" Scott heard himself say. "Please, I'm only a few blocks away." An unfamiliar tremor in his voice surprised him, so used to being the dominant voice in the gym. Brent chuckled. "Yeah sure dude, let's go." He licked his lips. Scott was hot, huge, and falling for him fast. Perfect. They took a quick shower together, threw on some shorts, and headed out the door. The two groped and kissed each other as they walked to Scott's house, their arousals increasing with every step. The thought that someone as hot as Brent was into him made Scott swoon. He felt like he was floating, his lust overtaking him. It wasn't long until they made it to Scott's place, throwing the door open and rushing to the bedroom. Brent and Scott kept making out as they fell on to Scott's bed. "You like muscles, really freaky huge muscles?" Brent growled. "Yes, I do," Scott answered. "Do you want this body? You know you do. You'd give your soul to be like me, wouldn't you?" Brent taunted. "Yes, yes, I'd do anything." Scott had begun to stammer. Brent smiled. "Show me." Brent said. Scott slid down the bed to Brent's feet. Reaching around the backs of Brent's legs, Scott grabbed his huge calves. Brent was so hot. His muscles felt like steel columns covered in satin. Scott licked his way up Brent's tree-trunk quads, so unbelievably big, so thick, so deeply cut and shredded. "Oooh yeah, that's it, baby, worship this muscle beast!" Brent groaned, encouraging him. Scott made his way back up between his legs, his cock leaking pre as it traced over his quads and thighs. He licked the underside of Brent's massive cock, tracing the length all the way up to the tip. "Yeah - fucking bones me being so fucking big." Brent grinned and flexed his pecs. "Fucking bones me a lot." Scott rubbed all over Brent's body as he flexed one body part after another. He wedged himself underneath Brent's monster to worship his abs, gently kissing each smooth brick. He couldn't believe that a human could be so hard and muscular. "Oh my god, Brent....." Scott moaned. "Shit, man! Look at you! You want it so bad?" Brent seized the back of Scott's head and forced his mouth on to the massive tower he called a dick. "Yeah, suck that huge fuckin' dick, man!" Throwing all caution to the winds Scott shoved as much of that fuck-pole as far down his throat as it would go. His head was spinning; Brent's musk and muscles were intoxicating. He needed more. Scott went to town on that fat, pulsing, insistent dong, while jerking on his own like there was no tomorrow. "Mmmmm - nice mouth, dude...........aww fuck yeah!" Brent held Scott's head in place as he began thrusting his cock down his throat. Scott wrapped his arms around Brent's waist, holding on for dear life. "Aww fuck, look at you dude!! You're gonna make me cum right here! Uh uhh hhnnn..." Brent moaned as he climaxed, blasting his load straight into Scott's stomach. Scott choked as he felt the hot liquid flooding into him, rising up and spraying out of his nostrils as Brent overloaded his stomach with jizz. Scott saw stars, his vision starting to go black before Brent mercifully pulled his head off his still spurting cock, spraying Scott point-blank in the face with jet after jet. After drenching Scott's face, Brent slowed down, letting go of his head as his cock fell back onto his pecs with a thud. Scott fell onto the bed, rolling onto his back and coughing up cum as he tried to catch his breath. "Holy....shit..." Scott gasped. He panted heavily, wiping the thick cum off of his face. Both of them were covered in cum, and puddles of white were all over the bed. At some point during Brent's orgasm, Scott had cum again, his comparably smaller load soaking the bed beneath him. "Mmm you got a hot mouth dude," Brent said, pulling Scott up the bed. He leaned over and gave Scott a cum-covered kiss. Scott felt a twinge of pride at the compliment. "Fucking love being this huge," Brent said, lazily stroking his still leaking cock. He raised an arm up by his head and kissed his head-sized bicep. "Fucking look at you, man.....aww fuck....." Scott groaned, stroking his own cock as he watched Brent's self worship. Brent looked over and smiled. "You're fucking hot too dude," Brent said, staring into Scott's eyes. "Fucking beautiful muscles dude, gets me so hard." Brent rolled onto his side to face Scott and kissed him again. Scott moaned into Brent's mouth as the two made out. Brent's hands traveled all over Scott's cum-coated body, fondling his prize-winning muscles. Scott was in heaven. Brent rolled on top of Scott, pinning him beneath his immense body weight, grinding his massive length against his Scott's throbbing drooling member. The massive musclegod's cock slid up Scott's chest, pre running like a continuous sprung tap onto his ripped chest. They frotted, grinding Scott's sizeable member against the larger man's monolithic shaft. "Unf... big body... and big cock to boot..." Brent moaned as he sank his weight down onto Scott. He gripped the other man's impressive cock in one hand. "What's this, 10 inches? So fucking hot dude." The grinding of hips and length on length made Scott shiver and shudder, small whimpers escaping him as he rubbed against the massive bodybuilder over him. He pushed back against the larger man's weight, but Brent seemed even stronger and heavier than his massive built frame suggested, something supernatural in that strength made him flicker in fear. Brent's cock throbbed in Scott's face, shiny with pre. "Mmm... I'm gonna really, really enjoy this." Brent said, looking Scott straight in the eyes as he aimed his throbbing meat towards Scott's ass. "Wait, Brent, mmmph.....oh my god....." Scott tried to clench his ass as he realized what was going to happen, even though he knew he was helpless to resist. Secretly, he wanted it. "Relax." Brent commanded as he pressed in. The larger man's cock pressed heavily against Scott's ass. He had a moment of pain and gritted his teeth, his own dick throbbing again as he did his best to relax. Scott cried out and his body squirmed as he was forced to accommodate the 18-inch monster meat. "..I...can't....take..it..." Scott whimpered. "Aw fuck man, fucking look at me.......you got this, bro. Take that huge muscle dick, dude!" Brent pulled his cock out slowly and completely. Then again, he slowly jammed it up Scott's ass. With one hand, Brent held Scott's writsts together above his head, pinning them to the bed. With his other hand, Brent traced over his chest and nipples, lowering to his dribbling cock, teasing him gently as he shoved over a foot of himself inside with a powerful thrust. Scott cried out in pain and pleasure, the contrast of the two stimulations mixed together blurred them thoroughly in his mind from the combined overwhelming sensory input. The obvious outline of cock raised his skin as Brent pushed further and further into his guts. Scott took deep breaths as Brent slowly slid his huge length in and out, his huge balls slapping against the firm ass cheeks, until finally, he was all the way in. Scott felt Brent's cockhead was throbbing deep inside him, right up against his racing heart. Brent's eyes closed for a moment as he took a slow deep breath, taking in the taste and scent of the handsome bodybuilder beneath him and himself. His eyes opened, flashing with fire. The pace of the thrusts he launched into could only be described as "race horse worthy". From just behind the head back to base, Brent fucked Scott with blinding speed that knocked the air from Scott's lungs and made his bones shake. His ass clenched every time that cock slammed home into him, his own length tensing and splattering pre over his chest, his own need building again for release. "AAghh! Fuck! Jesus, yes I’m your…Ughh!...slut! Aaaaa! Yes, I’m your bitch! Ughh! Fuck Me! Aaghh! Fuck Me Deep! Ughhh! Pound me! Aghhh! Slam that cock in me! Ughhh!!” Loud squelches punctuated the space between his screams. Scott's ass was overflowing with Brent's pre, it sounded like he was churning butter. Suddenly, Brent hilted himself fully and grunted. "Ahh...ugh...Fuck - uh - fuck mEEEEEEEEEEE!" Scott screamed even louder as Brent bred him, powerwashing his insides with semen. He felt his body lift up from the bed as Brent clenched his ass, held aloft only by Brent's exploding cock. Scott erupted as well, painting Brent's chest and chin with his load as he felt himself swell with Brent's load. Jet after jet filled him, until Scott could swear that he felt it rising up his throat. Before cum could spray out of his mouth though, Brent relaxed. Scott gently fell back onto the bed as Brent laid back down. The muscleman panted and laid his incredible weight atop Scott, resting after the sheer intensity of their rut, every muscle in his body on fire. Scott could hardly breathe but he lowered his legs from Brent's shoulders as he came down from his climax. Brent got up onto his knees, pulling his massive cock out of Scott's battered hole. Scott felt a strange emptiness as Brent uncorked himself, his mind still reeling from the intense pounding he just received. Through blurred vision he looked up at Brent, who was smiling down at him. His cock was still rock hard and throbbing. "Ready to go again?" Brent chuckled. Scott tried to shuffle away, but he was too winded. With ease and the strength obvious from his musculature, Brent lifted Scott in the air and lowered him onto his massive pillar of stone, and flexed his cock, making Scott rise and fall as he slid onto the thickening pillar. With each throb and each thrust, the warmth and sensation inside him made Scott nearly faint and his head fell backwards onto Brent's shoulders. Across the room, he watched in the full-sized mirror as his huge body was used like a sex doll by the giant musclegod. He saw his perfect abs distend as Brent's massive invader stretched him out from the inside. Their bodies shined from the sweat and cum covering them. It was a total sensory overload. As he felt Brent inside him and the groans of pleasure from the larger man, Scott shot a load across the room. "Aww FUCK man. All this big fucking muscle and dick making you cum, man? Awwwww FUCK YEAH, man! You like it, dude?" Brent grunted. "Aww Brent......can't stop cumming....uhhh....ugggggg....Aww FUCK me, man!" Scott cried out. His cock stayed hard after cumming, throbbing painfully as Brent continued to use his body. The pain and the ecstasy was so great he fainted as he felt Brent's massive arms wrap around his chest, his dick spurting a weak load as Brent fucked him dry. He woke again as the thrusting of Brent's pelvis made him jerk forward. "...please..." Scott begged desparately. Brent's pounding was destroying any sense of stamina he had and his body couldn't take much more. "Kinda hard to hear what you're saying when you keep cummin', man.......you want my big fucking muscle dick, dude? Is that what you're saying?" Brent was unstoppable. Even after flooding Scott repeatedly, his massive 18-inch cannon never softened or ran out of cum. Scott moaned, shocked and turned on as Brent thrust inch after inch of dick into his ass, continuing a relentless cycle of sex. He continued to fade in and out of consciousness as the other muscleman used him in a variety of positions, enjoying his size and strength. After several hours of vigorous fucking, Scott passed out again, face down on his bed. Brent had been pile driving his pillar into Scott when he fell silent and his form went limp. Brent fucked between his kicking legs…his ass still convulsing and squeezing Brent's dick even after being knocked out. Brent fucked his unconscious body for a few more minutes until he finally pulled out, a loud liquid ‘Splort’ of thick gooey cum pouring out Scott's gaping asshole onto the bed. Brent looked down at Scott with a smirk. "Mmm... you got a great body AND great ass, Scott." he sighed in satisfaction. The other man placed his hands on Scott's wide back, rubbing circles into the thick muscles. Almost in afterthought, Brent flipped Scott over on his back. He wasn’t breathing. Scott wasn't the only thing that Brent had ruined. Scott lay on his back on a mattress that was now a gooey swamp of semen, the headboard smashed into the wall behind it. Scott's face was splattered and coated in white; his ripped chest was coated with cum. His legs were spread wide, a steady flow of thick jizz oozed from between them. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself dude," Brent said, sliding his still leaking cock through the pool of cum on Scott's chest. "Mmm...I've worked up an appetite," he said, mostly to himself as he laid down on top of Scott, engulfing the unconscious bodybuilder under a mountain of muscle. Scott's head was nestled between Brent's pecs, cutting off his airflow. He muttered some words under his breath and his massive form began to glow. Slowly, Scott began to disappear underneath Brent. Brent groaned as he wrapped his arms around Scott's broad shoulders, pulling him in tightly. Scott's head squeezed between Brent's huge pecs, sinking deeper and deeper into the glowing cleavage. His body sank deeper and deeper into the larger muscle beast's form, until it had sunk beneath the surface of Brent's skin and disappeared completely, leaving behind nothing between Brent and the bed. "Yeah, you're mine now, buddy." He closed his eyes and smiled. It was starting. "Oh, fuck...!" Brent moaned as he began to assimilate the other man. He rolled over and began to massage his glowing muscles. He stretched and flexed as his body adjusted to the extra weight inside him. "Fuck... fuck... fuck!" He shouted as pure ecstasy flooded his body. Scott was bigger than any of his previous victims, and just the thought of his new gains had him rock hard and throbbing. The bodybuilder's nutrients were converted into his frame, adding mass to Brent's powerful body. Brent felt his entire body tense as his arms bulged, veins spreading out over his biceps and down his forearms. The muscleman's shoulders stretched wider, his legs and limbs thickened and lengthened as pure power surged across his body, his thick virile scent growing more masculine, his muscles aching as they swelled with new strength, reinforced by the others who had met their end inside him. His thighs grew even larger, pushing apart from each other as he bulked out further, veins popping over his lower body. The curves of his body became more pronounced as his muscles inflated with strength and power. His body lengthened to accomodate the new mass, nearing 7 feet. Finally, the monolithic length between his legs thickened and lengthened further, throbbing and pulsing as it pointed skyward, inch after inch forming anew. He moaned as he felt his heavy nuts swell along with his cock and body. "Fuck!" Brent grunted as his new body suddenly convulsed, his goliath cock blasting rope after rope of thick bodybuilder cum all over the ceiling above of him, spraying back down onto the bed, the floor, and his writhing body. The entire room was being covered in a thick layer of his spunk. He grabbed his monster cock with both hands, humping the air violently as shot after shot erupted from his now 24-inch obelisk. It took several minutes for Brent's orgasm to die down, his cock finally flopping back onto his pecs, not quite reaching a flaccid state. Brent took a deep breath, his great pecs expanding outward before relaxing as he exhaled. His chest and balls weren't moving without him flexing them on their own. His body no longer glowed from within, his skin back to a perfect golden tan. Once he caught his breath, Brent growled deeply, the deep bass in his voice vibrating through the room. "Fuck..." He said, "That might be one of my top five growths." After a few moments, he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. Beautiful. His body glistened, rivers of white running down his body. His cock hung perfectly horizontally to the ground, a two-foot long missile throbbing lightly to his heartbeat, a thick rope of shiny precum drooling onto the floor. "Damn! Look at me now!" Brent roared as he examined the added mass he had stolen and claimed as his own. Every muscle on him looked as though it had been inflated half again as big by some powerful bicycle pump. The skin appeared almost ready to tear under the strain of all that was swelling underneath it! He flexed an arm, moaning lightly in pleasure at the feeling of the strong muscle bunching up, throbbing with power and strength. He stroked his cock with his other hand, letting out a loud grunt as another shot of pre splashed onto his bicep. The muscle grew even taller at this feeling of pleasure, a thick vein forming and throbbing, seemingly ready to burst from the skin. He rubbed the cum into the soccer ball-sized arm, licking it off with the tip of his tongue as he cock continued to lurch and spew all over his perfect body. "Goddamn fucking muscle god!" he grunted, flexing his arms in a double bicep pose. The peak slammed into his fists, veins running all over them, the muscles each the size of a man's head. He kissed each peak lovingly, admiring the perfect split of his bi's. Brent ran his hands over the rest of the body, enjoying the feel of his freshly pumped muscles under his fingers. "Mmm fucking massive pecs!" he growled as he groped the thick mounds of muscle. His pecs stood out from his chest now nearly nine inches, even though his waist barely thickened. The muscle god pinched one of his nipples roughly with a soft moan. "Mmf... feels so fucking good..." With a flex, his arm-sized cock wedged itself between his pecs, making Brent moan as he involuntarily squeezed his cockhead with his chest. He slid his cock up and down his pec cleavage, leaning over to kiss his leaking cockhead as he brought a hand down to his eight-pack abs and stroked the hard, toned muscle, slipping his fingers between the deep grooves and valleys. Brent ran his hands over his massive chest, feeling up towards his wide shoulders and around his thick traps. He crossed his hands behind his head and flexed, every muscle threatening to tear through his skin as it was stretched to its limit. "Aw fuck yeah..." He hit pose after pose, admiring the view of his muscles from all angles. He ran his hands down his wet body, tweaking his nipples, toying with his abs, feeling his arms and flexing over and over again in different poses. He made his quads bulge with muscle, his abs crunch with power, his arms twitch and throb from the straight of flexing. All the while his cock was thumping on his chest, hard as a rock, begging for attention, leaking an endless river of pre. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," he moaned as he flexed. "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" The pleasure was becoming too great. He leaned forward, bending his neck and head just enough to shove his cockhead inside, gagging already on the massive amounts of pre flooding his mouth. Cum and spit drooled down his lips and onto his chest, separating into different streams as the liquids traced down his abs. He took as much as he could, fondling his balls his one hand and squeezing his base with the other. He could feel himself getting close. He popped his head off his cock and moaned, rubbing his hands up and down the massive, swollen shaft. His cock turned a deep shade of red, a plethora of veins popping out and throbbing against the sleep flesh. His cock was simply ready to explode. And then he let go. "FUUUUCK! YES! YES!!!!" he roared as his orgasm overtook him. Rope after rope of seed shot out, splattering the ceiling, the mirror, and himself. His cock lurched and throbbed with every shot, thumping on his chest after each wad. He writhed and continued to roar and moan, running his hands down his soaked body, up his powerful cock. His orgasm wasn't even showing signs of letting up after two full minutes. Finally, with one final thrust into the air, Brent's last shot of cum shot right into his open mouth, which he gulped down greedily. He breathed heavily, pecs heaving, his body wet as though he had just come out of a bath. His cock softened, spurting its last weak wads of cum. Brent flexed his biceps again with his palms behind his head, letting them brush against his cheeks, his tongue roaming all over them, licking the cum off, tracing the veins with his tongue. He smirked cockily into the mirror. "Thanks for the meal, Scott. I'll make sure to put it to good use." He headed out the door, in search of his next gym.
  5. tester26

    Brent hits the showers

    "Looking good dude." "You too, babe!" The two bodybuilders chuckled a bit as they both continued to work on their leg presses. They loved showing off their bulging legs, each of them clad only in a skintight pair of compression shorts. Balancing their legs out on each of them was a nice, rounded ass that bounced with every step they took, and with every press they did. Dustin and Chase noticed that they were getting several stares from the other gym patrons. They reveled at the attention, as they walked through the gym to other machines. Chase headed over to a bench, pressing at least six hundred pounds, while Henry switched to free weights, taking slow reps on a pair of dumbbells. The two bodybuilders could see the hunger in their mate's eyes as they worked out, feeling the burn in their muscles as they sweated and panted hard, pushing their bodies harder and harder. Dustin gave a smile and a wink over to Chase, admiring the sweat forming over his glistening skin as his arms bulged and flexed. Each flex accented his muscles beautifully as veins popped out of his arms. He could feel his erection starting to form, pressing out against his gym shorts as he watched his man grunt and flex, veins popping up over his body. "Looks like you need some help, dude." Dustin said with a smirk, noticing Chase's growing arousal. "I can say the same for you." Chase said, noting that Dustin was having the same reaction watching his pecs flex and bulge as he continued to methodically work the pair of dumbbells in his grasp. It was like watching a roadmap form on the man's arms as his biceps and triceps flexed and bulged, causing Dustin to lick his lips. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Dustin whispered into his partner's ear. "Head to the shower and fuck? Yes." Chase whispered back. It wouldn't be the first time that their workout sessions devolved into steaming passion, and knowing each other, it would certainly not be their last. The two bodybuilders headed towards the locker room in the back before heading to the shower facilities in the gym. The buff pair could hear one of the showers running as they entered the otherwise empty locker room area to undress, but didn't give it a second thought. The wet gym shorts were placed in their locker, although that moisture wasn't entirely caused by sweat, as their growing and drooling arousals proved otherwise once they were free to the world. The pair flexed a bit once they were exposed to the world, admiring the progress the other was making before heading into the shower room. Their ripped bodies looked practically identical, their big dicks grew as they flexed; Chase licked his lips as he stroked his 12-inch long, wrist thick cock. Dustin smiled, his 10-incher already fully at attention. A thin veil of steam covered the room as hot water flowed out freely. Chase pressed Dustin back against the tiled wall, reaching up to squeeze and grip against the huge pecs of the muscle man. The lovers were mashed against each other, taking up at least two stalls. Chase was practically on top of Dustin, mouths connected and sliding along each other. Their groans grew louder as Chase pressed their hips together, squeezing their throbbing dicks between them. The impressive lengths slid against each other, already leaking precum down to the floor. Dustin gripped and squeezed Chase's bulging pectorals as they slid down the wall. He grunted while they groped each other, tongues never leaving each other's mouths. Suddenly, Chase paused in their lustful smooching and blinked, looking to Dustin again and then swiveling his head with a grunt. They had heard the showers running as they entered the locker room, but now that sound had stopped and the steam cleared. Now they saw him. Towering over the two bodybuilders was a giant, at least seven feet tall. His back faced the stalls in which Dustin and Chase were partially obscured by the steam. Every inch of him bulged with unbridled power. His thighs had to be bigger then their own, with a powerful pair of legs that held up that mighty form. Dustin and Chase couldn't see his face over the giant's massive pecs, but their cocks both immediately twitched and spurted a jet of pre. "Jeez..." Chase whispered, looking up and down at the beefy male in the shower, "Are you seeing this?!" It seemed like the man hadn't noticed that he had company in the showers as he continued to clean up, water glistening off of his skin as he turned slightly, letting the bodybuilders see more of his massive form. The first thing that they noticed was that the giant they were spying on was hung like a horse. His cock had to be over a foot long, even while flaccid, and thick as a beer can. They tried not to drool before they saw the perfect eight-pack of abs he was sporting, at which point they gave up trying. Just the sight of watching this muscular god was clouding their mind and judgment. "Holy fuck..." Chase said, wiping his mouth to remove some of the drool. Both of their cocks throbbed between them, threatening to erupt at any moment. In that moment, Chase and Dustin wanted nothing more than to service and worship the man in front of them. "Liking what you see?" the man said with a devilish smirk, looking down at the two of them. The two men suddenly froze up as they looked into the eyes of the giant. He wasn't just buff, but handsome as well, his body bulging with a bevy of perfectly defined muscles and shining so spectacularly from the shower. Chase was stunned speechless, actually starting to pant a bit watching the big man show off. Dustin, however, was a bit more worried. "You're not upset that we were spying and ogling you?" He said, not realizing that he was unconsciously stroking his dick. "Heh, not at all." He said, "Won't be the first time, won't be the last. Though from the looks of things, you guys pretty well built yourself. Name's Brent." Brent extended one of his beefy arms and helped lift Chase off of Dustin, who hurriedly got to his feet as well. "Why don't I help you out? Hell, you two look like you're about to pop just by looking at me." Brent chuckled, eyeing their impressive erections. The two men went wide-eyed as they were invited to join him. Brent flexed his pecs at them as they made their way towards him. The free show was removing all inhibitions from Chase and Dustin's lust-addled minds. "Fuck..." Chase said, Brent's musk starting to fill both men's senses with his pure male scent, "You're so fucking huge!" Brent laughed and flexed a bit more. "Feel free to feel, if you want." The two didn't need a second invitation. Chase reached up and grabbed at Brent's arm as he flexed it, feeling the rock-solid mass. Brent guided his hand onto his pecs and tensed, trapping it there as the muscle exploded with size. “Fuuuuuuck you’re amazing... Fucking pecs so big, so solid...” All Chase could focus on was the hardness of Brent's body - even without flexing, it was like trying to push into a brick wall, there wasn’t a single millimeter of give. Chase put both hands on just one of those pecs and tried to make a dent. His blush deepened as Brent smiled and flexed, easily pushing back. Dustin, however, had something else in mind and grabbed Brent's cock, giving it a squeeze as well, only to gasp when he couldn't! That flaccid cock was hard as a rock, and only getting harder as he felt it pulse and throb between his digits. "Mmmmm...." Brent said, lightly flexing his shaft, Dustin stroking the massive piece of man meat getting harder and fatter in his grasp. The men's own throbbing erections were ignored as they felt compelled to get Brent as hard as he could. The muscle monster had his hands at the back of his head now, biceps so fantastically awesome swelling at either side of his face as Brent began thrusting his hips between the two bodybuilders. Thick, writhing veins throbbed across the surface as Brent's monstrous endowment grew and bulged! Like a beast awakening from a long hibernation, Brent's enormous prick surged upwards, the frighteningly massive head of his cock doubling in size as it was filled with pure power. They started to grind their shafts against Brent's, feeling the massive stud's heat under their manhoods. They could actually feel the muscle god's heart beating through his throbbing cock as it reached it's full 20-inch length. Dustin traced his fingers along the throbbing veins before he started to tease at Brent's urethra, gazing in awe at the fist-sized knob. Chase wrapped his hand around the base of the massive shaft; his thumb and fingers could stretch not more much than half of the way around Brent's girth. The penis was as hard as stone and incredibly hot to the touch. Chase tried to wiggle it. It was too hard. He couldn't move it off center even slightly! Apart from its shocking length and girth, a complex grid of thick veins that webbed the entire length and breadth of Brent's cock. Beneath, each grapefruit-sized teste was riddled with so many veins the sight of them rising and falling against Brent's crotch as it pumped raw testosterone into his muscles caused Chase to audibly moan. "Heh, you guys are eager to go, aren't you?" Brent said as the two bodybuilders started to work on his massive cock. He moaned out as their skilled fingers traced his throbbing veins as they worked his shaft masterfully. "Fff....Fuck!" Brent moaned, "You two are turning me on so much." The compliment from the muscle god seemed to give them energy as they picked up the pace, making sure every centimeter of his arousal was licked, stroked, or rubbed. And in return, they were rewarded with a fountain of pre pouring from him, as well as their own throbbing dicks. Dustin went to work sucking on Brent's head and glans while Chase gripped the shaft in both hands, squeezed tight, and started jerking slowly, swiveling his hands around the shaft as he went up and down. Spit and precum oozed from between Dustin's lips, providing Chase with plenty of lubrication, plus extra to leak down to Brent's heavy balls. Brent sighed and put his heads behind his head, leaning back on the tiled wall and closing his eyes as the two pleasured him. "Aw yeah..." he moaned, shoving a few inches of meat further into Dustin's throat, who was accommodating more and more of Brent's member. After a while of this, Chase stopped stroking Brent's shaft and straddled it, his cock leaking on the muscled god's chest. Brent smiled as Chase leaned in for a kiss. The two made out lustfully while Dustin continued to milk Brent, who was enjoying it more and more as he could feel the impending orgasm. Chase thrust against Brent's body, smearing him with copious amounts of precum and rubbing it in to the man's pecs, licking it up afterwards. Brent brought his arms on either side of Chase and tensed his muscles, making his chest pop out. Chase groaned and buried his face in there, licking, kissing, worshipping the powerful stud. "Flex for me. Show me those huge muscles," Chase begged between kisses. Brent grinned, bringing his arms to either side of him and flexing his biceps. Chase's mouth went from Brent's chest to an arm, licking and kissing the mountain of muscle. Dustin stopped his blow job and joined in, his lips and tongue liberally exploring Brent's body. Chase dismounted, standing on the opposite side of Brent as Dustin. Dustin stopped his worshipping and brought his lips instead to Chase's. The two made out hungrily, their bodies sandwiching Brent's enormous cock, precum leaking liberally from all three of them. All three men rubbed themselves against each other, Chase and Dustin each having a hand stroke Brent's mammoth cock, while Brent squeezed their glutes. It was when Brent felt the two bodybuilders start to move in unison that he felt this orgasm starting to rise. Both of them began grinding their shafts against his balls before moving lower and licking on the underside of his shaft, Brent couldn't take it any longer and the two men felt the gargantuan cock between them grow even larger. "FUUUUUUCK!" the stud roared, his hips bucking up, thrusting into Chase and Dustin's hands as they jerked him. Cum rocketed out like a firehose, dousing the three of them in thick, creamy seed. Dustin put his face in the stream to get a taste, only to be knocked away by Chase, who tried putting his whole mouth over the hose that was Brent's cock. Dustin tackled him to the ground, licking the cum off his lover's abs in earnest, who began to moan and shoot his own cum from his ten inch cock, adding to the mess. Meanwhile Brent's cock thumped against his body as his cum rained down on them, the walls, and the ceiling. Chase and Dustin stood and raced to grab for Brent's spurting cock, but Chase beat Dustin. He took it in both hands, pumping it feverishly and aiming it at Dustin, who was unprepared for the blast of hot spunk hitting him. The bodybuilder slipped and fell, moaning loudly as he was rained on, rubbing the spunk into his muscled body, arcing his back and writhing on the ground, his own cock exploding in an uncontrollable orgasm. Dustin sat up and licked Brent's erupting cock with Chase, until eventually the storm subsided. Brent's cock continued to throb, short spurts of cum dribbling down its length. He panted heavily, chest rising and falling as he looked down on his two worshippers. "Jesus CHRIST!" Dustin gasped after a few moments panting from all parties. "Oh fuck, I've never cum so hard." Chase groaned as he sat up. Neither man had ever been so turned on in their lives. The smell of cum and sweat filled the shower with an intoxicating musk that drove them wild. "Fuck that was great guys!" Brent said with a sly grin. Both Chase and Dustin stared at Brent in awe, both thoroughly hosed in cum from Brent's monstrous load. Despite their own incredible sexuality, the bodybuilders stared at Brent like some great god. Both of their impressive dicks grew hard again as their assholes twitched anxiously, not knowing if Brent's beast would tear them apart but too turned on to resist trying. "So, who wants to go first?" Brent said with a sultry look in his eyes. Dustin and Chase looked up in shock, still trying to catch their breaths. "Oh never mind that, I'll fuck both your brains out anyways. You! Now." Brent said, pointing at Chase. He merely nodded in agreement, quickly bending over, and propping up his ass. Brent drove his still wet and throbbing 18-inch cock in. There was a meaty, churning sound from deep in his guts as Brent's brutal penetration reshaped his intestines into a sleeve for his cock. Despite his enormous size, the head slid in with relative ease, and had Chase pissing precum immediately. Dustin stood up and stuck his tongue into Brent's willing mouth. Brent groaned as he slowly stuffed every inch of his cock into Chase's bowels. Dustin lifted his partner up by the shoulder's until he was eye-level with his cock. Chase grabbed the hard member and easily throated it. Chase groaned as he felt Brent stretch him, a thick bulge obviously visible even through his perfect six-pack. Both Brent and Dustin bottomed out at the same time. Chase was in bliss feeling thick cocks fill him from both ends. His own erection spilled pre out at a steady rate. Brent was the first to pull back. He left only the tip in before slowly thrusting forward again. As the giant thrust in, Dustin began his slow pull out. Slowly but steadily they increased the speed of this rhythm. The back and forth of the group caused Chase's cock to swing up and down, coating the man's chest in clear fluid. Chase used his free hand to rub it in all over his torso. Above him, Dustin and Brent leaned toward each other. Their lips met in another passionate kiss. Brent's thrusts became more urgent. He pushed forward quicker and harder as both Dustin and Chase were forced to hold on to each other for the ride. After several minutes of relentless pounding, Chase cried out around Dustin's cock, his big dick erupting with shot after shot of cum. His moans and clenches caused Dustin and Brent to erupt as well. After a several shots down Chase's throat, Dustin slipped his cock from his man's mouth, spraying down Chase's face. Meanwhile Brent growled as he pressed his spurting cock into the deepest, hottest depths of Chase's muscular body and let himself release. His ejaculation was nearly as copious as the first, and Chase moaned at the spreading, intense heat of all that semen flooding into his belly. They stayed locked together, dripping with sweat, for a further minute or more, before Brent pulled back and his cock slid from Chase with a wet schlorp that was followed immediately by a thick, white creampie pouring from his ass. Chase's legs buckled as Brent let go and he dropped to the ground, his body shaking from the intensity of the fuck. The sight of Brent fucking his lover and overloading him with cum had Dustin was hard as a rock despite having just orgasmed. He turned around, rubbing his firm ass on Brent's cum-covered erection, hotdogging it between his cheeks. Brent grinned, letting his huge member slap Dustin's back, the throbbing cockhead leaking precum all over it. Brent reared his hips back, lining his cock up with the eager hole in front of him, and slid forward, popping inside. Dustin cried out in pleasure, his cock swelling and spurting a huge wad of pre in front of him. Brent sensually thrust into Dustin, bringing his hips way back and slowly pushing them forward again, making his hot ass clench and flex. "Yeah..." he moaned, grabbing onto Dustin's waist and hammering into him. Chase crawled towards the two musclemen and impaled himself on Dustin's throbbing cock. Each thrust caused more cum to spurt out of his stretched hole, both Dustin and Chase were overwhelmed by their new partner. All three studs moaned loudly, bodies rocking back and forth as one fucked the other. Dustin's eyes started to flicker. "Oh, fuck..." he groaned, getting close, overwhelmed by the pleasure attacking him from front and behind. His cock throbbed heavily, and soon he was emptying his load into Chase, who in turn shot his load in front of him, thumping against his chest with every massive spurt. Brent growled and pulled Dustin further back onto his cock, causing Dustin's spurting cock to slide out of Chase. He lifted Dustin above him, sliding him up and down his cock like a sex toy, load after load of cum spraying in front of him. "Oh FUCK!!" Dustin howled, loving how he was being used. Brent snarled and thrust his hips upwards, slamming into Dustin, his muscled arms flexing hard, veins emerging all over them. Dustin was grunted with each thrust, his cock having already spent its load, now shooting blanks. His abs crunched as he was pushed down onto Brent's throbbing member, his mouth open and drooling. "Here it comes," Brent grunted. His cock expanded and blasted Dustin's innards with white hot cum. "Oh fuck..." Dustin groaned, eyes closing, head rolling back. "Oh fuck..." His ass overflowed with jizz, his abs bloating as Brent filled him up. Chase laid under the two of them, letting the excess cum cover his muscles. He moaned and rubbed the cum into his body, smiling with pleasure. "Fuck..." he whispered, eyes closed. Minutes passed as Brent came, each stream of cum slowly becoming smaller than the last one, until finally he uncorked himself, Dustin's ass literally a waterfall of cum. He let Dustin drop to the floor, eyes glazed over and tongue hanging out. "You aren't human, I've never been fucked like that in my life." Chase groans out. "Me either, fuck my cock has never been this raw." Dustin added. "Oh I'm just getting started." Brent chuckled. He stroked his still erect cock, leaning over to give it a kiss. "And I know you guys have a lot more to give." For the first time, Dustin and Chase shuddered, staring at the insatiable muscleman with his 20-inch monster. They gave each other panicked looks, realizing neither had any strength left to fight for flee. At the same time, their minds were still clouded with lust. Their dicks remarkably hardened once again, the promise of more mindbreaking sex too much to resist. For the next half hour, Brent alternated between fucking and sucking the two bodybuilders, driving them each to states of ecstasy. The three of them swapped positions and locations, moving from the showers, to the lockers, to the benches. Pools of cum spread across the floors, marking wherever they fucked. They went from one orgasm to another, not leaving any time to recover. Dustin moaned as he finished his fourth orgasm while held aloft by Brent's cock. Meanwhile Chase had passed out after cumming three more times, the man's dick so raw that it glowed red. Chase woke up spread out across a bench and looked glassily up at the ceiling, unthinking. He had never been so thoroughly fucked. He lay in a growing puddle of semen, unresponsive to stimuli. Every so often, a new burst of hot spunk would pour from his ass, pooling onto the bench and the floor below. As his spent body recovered slowly, He had the impression of action going on around him, but nothing concrete. Body parts were moving in a haze, disembodied voices cried out half-audible epithets. The scent of sweat and sex was heavy in the room, adding a perfumed density to the proceedings. Gradually, his blurry vision coalesced into the image of Dustin being held in a full-nelson by Brent, having his asshole stretched by his monster cock while his legs were pinned back nearly behind his head. The two studs were facing a full-length mirror, the sight of their sweat and cum-covered muscles flexing and bulging as they fucked adding to their pleasure. That Dustin's dick was engorged and spraying cum was evidence of how much he was enjoying the brutal sex. He even craned his head back to suck on Brent's tongue when he offered it, crying out eventually as Brent unloaded what sounded like a gallon of cum up his ass. This time, Brent split his load between Dustin's depths and his face, lifting Dustin off of his pillar and holding him up by the head to cover his features, marking him. Dustin's body was trembling and fucked-out, his legs bow-legged and shaking as Brent rubbed his spurting cockhead on his face. Sperm was leaking from his ass in heavy, degrading creampie - his nose, cheeks, and chin were plastered with semen. Still, there was a contented smile on his face. When Brent's orgasm finally ended, he let go of Dustin, who stumbled backwards, leaning against the mirror to stay upright. The two caught their breath as they stared into each other's eyes. Chase felt a pang of jealousy as he saw the lust in Dustin's eyes. Brent smiled and wrapped his arms around Dustin. The two hugged tightly, Dustin's impressive body seemingly engulfed by the larger man. Dustin gasped as the massive muscles wrapped around him, causing him to squirm beneath the pressure. Brent held him so tightly that he could hardly move from beneath it. Chase rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Were the two of them glowing? "Mmm... you're going to make some great mass for me, dude," the gigantic stud growled in Dustin's ear as he squeezed tighter. Dustin let out a muffled yelp as his head was gripped by the huge mountains. He heard the deep rumbles and the heavy strains of those mounds while he was pulled forward. He jerked and tried to pull backward, pressing a foot against the wall before he was drawn harder. There was no escaping the huge, masculine Venus fly trap. Chase watched in horror as Dustin sank into Brent's body. He tried to call out, to get up, but he was still too worn out. His arms and legs slipped helplessly in the pool of cum as he tried to back away. "Yes... give it all to me..." Brent growled as he tensed, bringing his huge arms inwards. Every squirm sent shocks of pleasure through him while his muscles bulged and rippled, flaring even bigger in front of him. Every inch that sank in caused another few inches of mass to grow throughout the musclegod's torso. Brent practically drooled from the feel ing of the growth moving through his entire body. He could feel the mass adding quickly. Dustin's form was sinking even faster while Brent tensed around him. All of his senses were being overloaded by the gigantic man and the masculine scent meshing into his nostrils. He squirmed, feeling his body becoming numb. Brent growled deeply and pressed against the man's back a bit more. Every push sent a new wave of growth through Brent's entire body, causing him to groan out and snarl in bliss. With a firm, finalizing flex, Brent's gigantic body absorbed the man completely, sealing him off from the outside world. He squeezed his monstrous pecs as they throbbed and bulged, veins pushing to the surface of his flesh while the growth continued. All of the mass that Dustin had was slowly added to his own. Drunk on the power surging within his new muscles, Brent growled in delight as his phenomenally powerful abdominal muscles crunched and flexed with more power. His arms bloated and bulged, inflating like huge, heavy balloons. They were kept apart from the growing mounds of pectoral muscle, pushing against his chin. His chest bounced and throbbed as he rolled his massive shoulders. Between his legs, his powerfully massive endowment thickened monstrously and lengthened, inching further up his chest. Veins pushed up along the massive length, bulging along the surface while the growth rippled along it. Twenty inches became twenty-eight inches of solid cock, capped with an enormous mushroom head. Brent's penis was fucking bestial, throbbing and eager for release. "Mmnh... yeah..." he growled loudly as he watched himself grow in the mirror. He panted and gripped his cock while it splattered pre over his body, grinding upward between his pecs. Nearly eight feet tall and bulging with more muscle than any man had the right to have, the too-huge muscle-beast laughed as he flexed. Chase lay on the ground, frozen in terror. “Mmm, Dustin's muscles look good on me, don’t you think?” Brent flexed an arm and turned to Chase with a malicious grin. "All mine now...." Realizing that Brent knew he had awoken caused Chase to snap into action. He leapt to his feet and charged at Brent. “You son of a bitch!” Chase immediately went to throw a punch, aiming it at Brent's stomach, but Brent simply laughed as the fist bounced off his abs. For the next few seconds he watched as Chase tried his best to hurt him, throwing punches and kicks all over his body, even attempting to tackle him. Nothing worked - the muscle god stood there, jacked up and seemingly invincible, and when Chase tired of throwing shots Brent gathered him up in a bearhug. "N-no..." Chase yelled weakly in response, squirming against the huge arm that pinned him against the enormous pectoral muscle. He huffed and whimpered louder, feeling that arm engulfing him more, shoving him along the crook while taking in the growing scent as the heat increased. "Yes. Worship me. Feel my power." Brent whispered with his deep, powerful growl that radiated through the room. "Feel all this mass Dustin gave me." "Fuck....you..." Chase grunted while he tried to pull away, gripping his arms around the forearm as it bulked and bulged with so much strength and size that he couldn't reach all the way around it. At the same time, he felt himself harden as he pushed against the cords of muscle, feeling them tense and bulge out beneath his touch. "That's it dude...you can't help yourself around your god...fuck I feel your boyfriend filling my balls...gonna churn him up into cum..." he continued while squeezing and tensing his arm to make it bloat even wider. Chase's face was redder than ever, trying to fight himself and Brent. He whimpered as he felt his strength disappear against that forearm that held him tight to Brent's chest. Brent flexed his massive cock, trapped between the two of them, sending a spurt of pre onto Chase's face. "I wanna hear it, Chase..." Brent growled deeply, "Tell me that you can't resist me..." Chase's eyes widened as he heard the command, squirming against the huge muscleman's grasp. His resolve faltered, Brent's musk and muscles overtaking his brain. "Can't... help myself around you," Chase sobbed while he started moving his hips, humping that huge chest tensing beneath him. He needed to worship every inch of the muscle god. Dustin was a forgotten memory, his sense of survival long gone. He shoved his dick against Brent's monster rod while precum gushed from the two of them like a water fountain. His hands moved up and down Brent's back, massaging the rippling mass. "Can't resist you... Gotta... worship every... bulge..." Chase groaned out as he slid his dick between Brent's cobblestone abs, feeling it squeeze his sensitive flesh while it throbbed harder and heavier. Brent chuckled in satisfaction and released him. Chase fell to his knees. The bodybuilder looked so small compared to the grown Brent. He prostrated himself at the muscle-god's feet, hugging and kissing at his ankles. He looked up, eyes huge, and shuddered with lust as he realized how massive, how powerful, how absolutely enormous Brent was. The stud smiled down at Chase and put his hands on his hips. Chase leaned forward, kissing his way over Brent's calves and thighs, one leg at a time. He left no muscle un-fondled as he worshiped his god, unable to stop himself from babbling his adoration. Brent pointed his massive cock to Chase's face. “Kiss it,” Brent instructed. Chase's mind was a haze, a fuzz of sexual stimuli. But his body obeyed. His hands tried to encircle Brent's monster cock. With one hand it wasn’t even close. With two, he was barely able to encircle his shaft. The scent of sweat and sex and cum was growing even stronger. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Brent's cockhead. He extended his tongue and it slid into Brent's slick glans. Chase groaned. He used one hand to stroke Brent's cock as he kissed it, and reached under with the other, taking a hand and gripping his balls, letting those big, churning nuts pour over his palm. They were heavy, and seemed to thrum with power as he hefted them. "Feel that bitch?" Brent asked menacingly. "Feel my big nuts getting heavier? The last bits of your boyfriend are gonna be a nice big load of cum for you." Chase was too far gone to react to Brent's taunts. He let Brent smear his face with pre and force his mouth onto Brent's beast. His jaw creaked. That musky, monster cockhead stretched his lips open, flattened his tongue down, and burrowed to the back of his mouth. Nasty glottal noises came from his throat and his eyes went wide, tears pooling in them. Spit and throat slime first leaked, then splattered from the corners of his mouth and down his chin. Brent fucked Chase's face for a few minutes, never managing to force more than half of his 28-incher down Chase's throat. Finally, sensing his partner was rapidly losing consciousness, he pulled out and let Chase catch his breath. "Your mass... your musk, it's too much," Chase gasped, as he leaned against Brent's crotch, trying to catch his breath. "Oh, my god!" he cried out as he came without touching himself, spraying jets of jizz on to Brent's thighs. Brent groaned in appreciation, his cock throbbing over Chase's shoulder. Brent bent his legs and crouched down a little, placing his towering penis between Chase's thick quads. Instinctively, Chase began to flex his quads, giving Brent an erotic massage. Brent straightened his legs and he lifted Chase off the floor with his steel-strong cock. Chase gasped as Brent lifted him up, supporting him only with his dick as it stuck out behind Chase's glutes. Brent wrapped his arms around Chase and pulled him in for a kiss. Chase nearly went into convulsions as Brent's tongue penetrated his mouth. They ran their hands up and down each other's muscular bodies. "I'm going fuck you now," Brent growled, excitement growing, "and pump what's left of your boyfriend up your ass." Brent lifted Chase up until his the massive tip of his cock pushed up between the bodybuilder's legs. Slowly, he pushed the grapefruit-sized head against Chase's hole. It looked like there was no way this thing could fit inside. Chase shuddered nervously, knowing he was powerless to stop what was to come. Brent held his cock still and allowed his precum to lubricate the opening. He stared into Chase's eyes. His mighty hands steadily held the stud's legs apart as he waited for the hole to open and welcome him in. "Oh no please! That monster is gigantic, you can't!" Chase begged, knowing it was futile. His heart raced. He took a deep breath and nodded quickly. Brent impaled him in one swift move. Almost instantly, electricity raced through Chase's body. He yowled out loud, but soon was panting and gasping, his ass clenching around the meat that was spreading and stretching him apart. Brent pulled him down hard, watching as his gut distended, stretching around his immense length. Chase could feel his organs being pushed aside as Brent's massive dick filled him up. "Want more?" Brent said to Chase, though the tone of his voice made it clear he was going to get more no matter what Chase said. "Please....fuck....oh fuck..." Chase panted, unable to process anything beyond the massive invader inside him. Brent slammed into Chase's ass again, shoving more of his arm-sized dick into the bodybuilder. Chase's body was forced to stretch and expand around it, bulging his abs upward while spreading him wider and wider. His own dick was throbbing upward, slapping against his own abs as it bounced from the stimulation. Hot pre was oozing from his cockslit, soaking his chest as Brent plunged his 28-inch monster deeper into him. The bulge in Chase's gut was expanding and pushing upward, further stretching his body. Cum squirted back out around the thick member as it surged inside the twitching male. "Fuck...you might rip me apart!" Chase said. He wasn't sure how he was taking such a gigantic length, but it felt too good to ponder for more than a few moments. His waist bulged with the shape of that cock, steadily pushing up through his waist and belly. Squirming, he tried his best to push back, moaning out in bliss. Right at that moment, Brent slammed his muscular hips forward and completely hilted the bodybuilder. His heavy nuts slammed into Chase's ass, and Chase's own nuts bounced against Brent's abs. Brent and Chase roared out, the latter's cock immediately erupting and spraying jizz all over the two of them. His eyes were rolled back in utter euphoria as sensations he never could have imagined coursed through his body. "I'm... yours. You're so big... I can't feel anything but your huge cock..." Chase groaned, gurgling as a bit of precum dribbled from his lips. He choked and coughed a bit as the salty liquid rose up through his throat. There was a tearing sound as Chase's guts were rearranged by the 28 inch, arm-thick monster. Brent lifted Chase's right leg and corkscrewed him around his cock so that he was facing away from him and wrapped his arms and legs up in a full nelson. Brent walked over to the mirror and began pounding Chase up against the glass. For fifteen nonstop minutes, Brent hammered Chase into the wall, until Chase was seeing stars. Then Chase felt the most profound throbbing sensation in his chest as Brent's cock stretched him further. Brent groaned loudly as he came. "Fuuuuuck!" he yelled. His dick jerked violently inside Chase's abdomen and began to explode with cum. Chase's eyes grew wide. The pain and pleasure of Brent's ejaculations became more intense with each successive blast of cum. Chase began to cum again as Brent's load flowed out of his mouth and ass. Finally, Brent was done. He lowered the two of them to the ground, slowly pulling himself out of Chase. As the tip of his cock popped out of Chase's gaped ass, a huge burst of semen gushed out, drenching his legs and the floor. Chase fell into a quivering mess on the floor, his brain short circuited from the overwhelming stimulation. He felt himself being flipped over, his back on the floor and Brent kneeling on top of him. The weight of Brent's body forced Chase's swollen abdomen flat in a deluge of jizz. He couldn’t see his own legs, and he couldn’t feel them either. “Feel.” The command was irresistible, and Chase leaned upwards to feel just one of those biceps, running his fingers along the cords of muscle rippling underneath the smooth skin, feeling the curvature and how it shifted his fingers apart with just the slightest flex. He leaned further forward and pressed his face into those pecs again, letting the hardness shape the soft tissues of his face. “Are you ready to be part of this massive body?” Brent asked through his heavy breathing. The exhausted bodybuilder hesitated before he seemed to make his choice, "I want...no I NEED to be yours...please...please add me to your body and use my mass for yourself." Chase shoved his face between Brent's massive pecs, his face turning deep red. Brent chuckled and immediately flexed them, causing Chase's nose to sink between them. The shameless begging drove the musclegod insane with lust, he decided to graciously grant his request and make it as slow and intimate as possible. The worshipper let out a loud, whimpering moan as he pushed upwards, grinding himself against them while Brent flexed and tensed his huge chest. Brent savored Chase's muscular body. In long teasing strokes, the massive stud used his tongue to trace Chase's neck, then delts, then made his way slowly down his chest. He flickered over the other man's nipples, biting at them. Brent's hands held Chase down by the wrists at one end, pinning him with his hips at the other. He leant in and kissed Chase slowly and deeply, tongue shoving slowly into the other man's mouth. They smiled at each other as they began to glow. Chase was silent, only biting his lower lip while he stared at the huge man. Brent enveloped Chase in his huge mass, his throbbing cock sliding between Chase's legs and up his back. Chase took in a deep breath, intoxicated by the masculine musk surrounding him. This time, Chase knew what was happening, a delighted groaning moan and whimper escaping him as the process began. "This...was what was always meant to happen...what I always wanted to happen...I never knew until now what my purpose truly was but this is it...fuel for a greater male...a god...thank..you...for..everything...sir." Chase felt himself weaken. "Yes... you are mine.. Make me bigger," the huge man rumbled as he brought a hand along the back of the Chase's head. Without another word, that huge hand pulled it forward. Chase's head easily sank between the mountains of muscle, tugging him slowly deeper into Brent's body. Brent gave a deep moan that vibrated through the entirety of Chase's body. Deeper Chase sank, his shoulders and chest sinking in. Brent tensed and flexed, pulling more of Chase forward, thighs now starting to disappear into his great mountains. Brent grinned and let his body work. The man's legs were engulfed by his enormous thighs and quads. He let go of Chase's arms, letting them drift back to his sides as he trailed his fingers along Chase's wide back. He reached around and rubbed his godly pillar of cock, feeling it bulge as Chase's mass began to flow into it. He took a heavy breath and rolled his shoulders, causing his mountainous pectorals to bounce a bit. Giving one last kiss to the top of the head of his prey, Chase sank away into the musclegod, disappearing into the mammoth mounds of muscle. After the deed was done, Brent panted roughly. A warmth spread through his body as his heart pulsed hard. Brent bounced his pecs, already feeling them grow as Chase turned into more muscle for his powerful body. The musclegod threw his head back and let out a deep groan that got progressively deeper while his muscles glowed. His arms expanded, tensing up as veins laced from his shoulders all the way down to his wrists. His biceps inflated like balloons, gurgling and creaking as Brent roared with delight, until they were nearly twice the size of the giant's own head. Brent growled as his arms swelled - they were so huge they wouldn't be able to rest straight down by his side. For a brief moment, Brent doubled over, his chest suddenly feeling like it was trying to pull itself apart. His massive pectorals started to swell in rapid convulsions, his chest pushing up against his chin and preventing him from looking downwards. Those manly muscles pulsed and ached, and it was all Brent could do not to grab and squeeze them, his pecs so enormous they nearly hid his face from view. Across his body, curves were becoming more pronounced, valleys becoming deeper between each massive muscle. Between his legs, his groin pulsed and fattened, filling more space between his huge thighs. He gripped his massive cock tightly and stroked slowly, growling to himself while it spread his thickening digits, getting longer and wider, unable to close his hand around even half of it. He watched it grow and extend before his eyes, gushing precum like a geyser. He groaned and brought his arms up to flex, his gigantic biceps squeezing his head as he did. He turned his head to take a whiff of his own intense musk and climaxed, sending blasts of seed spraying twenty feet across the room. Brent's body thickened, his lats swelling up rapidly to match his pecs, the musclegod's body quickly growing wider and taller it had been before, although his waist didn't change at all. Because of that, it made him look even more exaggeratedly muscular, his overgrown body flexing and throbbing as it grew. His back muscles grew so defined and cut that as he flexed and breathed in deeply it made the Grand Canyon look small in comparison. His legs widened more and more, his calves growing so huge that they pushed each other apart and fought for space, more veins lacing down to his ankles as his thighs grew to match. As Brent grew and grew, he felt himself up compulsively, groping himself utter abandon. The musclegod ground his now 3-foot long monster cock between the mirror and his chest, wringing climax after climax until he was literally coated from head to toe in his own boiling spunk. Finally, the glow faded and his growth slowed, veins receding as his lust-clouded brain cleared. His monster cock softened, hanging down past his knees, drooling onto the floor. Standing back from the drenched mirror, the grinning Brent surveyed his handiwork, nearly overwhelmed by the unbridled might that surged through his veins. He now stood over eight feet tall and at least five feet wide, save for the fact neither his arms nor his legs could hang straight down anymore. His freaky quads were fucking mountains, shredded and rippling and so overdeveloped every fucking muscle was roiling like cables under his skin. They were so huge in fact, that even with his stance adjusted so wide the two masses were still grinding against each other, the slightest of movements causing the muscles to bulge magnificently. Lifting up his incredible arms, Brent flexed them as hard as he could, not caring that he had lost some flexibility since the beginnings of his growth when he realized just how jacked they had become. His growth had pushed him to the absolute limit. His veins throbbed whenever he flexed, every fucking muscle group swelling with power at the slightest of whims. It would be a few days before his body condensed his new gains, compressing the power into mounds of muscles as hard as granite. He estimated he'd shrink down to maybe seven and a half feet tall, four feet wide, enough to regain his flexibility. Until then, Brent would enjoy his overpumped body, reveling in the power coursing through him. Brent smirked and growled monstrously. “All mine…” he whispered with a deep snort and a heavy growl, rubbing his pecs once more before he relaxed, closing his eyes and rumbling heavily. "Guess I gotta hit the showers again..."
  6. czechhunter69

    A Wish Unleashed

    If you're seeking to transform your idea into something meaningful and valuable for the community, feel free to reach out to me on Discord with the username czechhunter69. I'd be delighted to help turn your concept into a reality. If you like this and my other stories and would like to support their public release - feel free to send a tip to PayPal at czechhunter69 The Wish Unleashed The night sky was ablaze with streaks of light as Ben parked his car, looking tired after a long day at work. All he wanted was to unwind with his roommates. As he stepped out of the vehicle, his gaze got caught once again by a mesmerizing meteor shower lighting up the heavens. The sight was enchanting, and he couldn't resist silently wishing for the energy to grow stronger and bigger. Ben took a deep breath, gearing up to join the buzz inside the house. His roommates - Cody, Will, and Tom - were probably already deep into their nerdy little world. Tom, especially, had been working tirelessly on this campaign as the Dungeon Master for weeks, and Ben admired his dedication. You could see the pride in Tom's eyes whenever he talked about it. Ben, well, he was a bit of a nerd and a hard worker, always striving to excel. He had an insatiable curiosity and a desire to do more. Although he was friendly, there was something in him that wished he could be more confident, like those athletic guys he'd always admired. That desire for a body that matched his inner spirit had been with him since he was a kid. Lately, he'd been hitting the gym hard during the day, putting in the time and effort to shape himself into the man he wanted to be - and nothing was working for him. With his wish hanging in the air, Ben entered the house that felt more like a haven with his closest friends. Inside, Cody, the ever-lively and playful roommate, brought their ongoing game to a halt and tossed Ben a beer, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Late again, huh? Please don't tell me you were caught up reading comic books at work," Cody teased, giving Ben a playful nudge. Ben couldn't help but laugh, Cody was spot-on with the accusation. "You know me too well," he admitted with a grin he said opening it and running to the sink as the foam spewed over his hands. Taking a sip from the what was left of the beer he skillfully caught, Ben continued, "Alright, alright, it was a rough day, man. It's only like the third time I’ve been late to these." Fatigue weighed down his voice, and all he wanted was to sink into the couch and enjoy the simple pleasure of a cold beer. Cody, always one step ahead, already had one on its way. Ben savored the refreshing taste as he took a long swig. Then, turning to Tom, the mastermind behind their DnD campaign, he asked, "So, what's the story, Tommy? Fill me in." Curiosity lit up his eyes as he tried to catch up with the chaotic in-game events. Tom leaned forward, still beaming with excitement, and began to narrate, "Alright, picture this: we're in a classic brothel setting, right? And then, out of nowhere, chaos magic decides to have some fun with our boy Will, just as he's trying to warm some tea for his character. Result? The entire first floor goes up in flames!" Ben couldn't help but burst into laughter, his amusement uncontainable. "You've got to be kidding me! Will and his chaos magic strikes again, huh?" he exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. The camaraderie among the roommates always brought a sense of joy and unpredictability to their gaming sessions. Laughter and the satisfying clatter of dice filled the room as Cody, Will, and Tom shared their recollections of the firebombing incident. Ben, comfortably settled into his favorite spot on the couch with a beer in hand, absorbed the warmth of his friends' camaraderie. Tom's storytelling prowess led the narrative, offering Ben an opportunity to rejoin the adventure as the group fled the imaginary townsfolk. In this moment, the day's worries faded away, replaced by the shared laughter and fantastical tales spun within their game. An hour slipped by seamlessly as they resumed their campaign, and the room buzzed with anticipation and hushed whispers as the story took an intriguing turn. Ben's character, a valiant hero, had just rescued a Djinn from the clutches of a nefarious group bent on a magical creature holocaust. Tom, the Dungeon Master, leaned in, his voice dripping with mystery as he wove the narrative. "Ben, as your character triumphantly frees the Djinn," Tom narrated, his words cloaked in intrigue, "it turns to you, eyes gleaming with ancient knowledge. The Djinn presents you with a choice: a curse disguised as a blessing, or a blessing veiled as a curse. It offers the power to absorb and consume only what will make you stronger but cautions against the dangers of hunger and the necessity of wisdom for its true potential." A silence fell upon the room, and each roommate was held captive by the gravity of Ben's impending decision. The possibilities stretched out like an infinite horizon, their consequences shrouded in mystery. Ben's character stood at the precipice of destiny, torn between the allure of power and the wisdom to wield it. Ben's eyes widened, reflecting the flickering candlelight on the tabletop, as he contemplated the significance of this pivotal choice. It was as if a shiver coursed through him, mingling curiosity with a touch of caution. He understood that the path he selected would not only define his character but also shape the destiny of their shared narrative. The roommates shared knowing glances, a silent understanding passing between them. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they hung on the cusp of Ben's decision, their imaginations running wild with the possible outcomes in the beloved virtual realm they all cherished. Breaking the silence, Ben's voice held a blend of resolve and uncertainty. "I'll take the Djinn up on its offer," he declared, his gaze locked with the Djinn's imaginary eyes in the game, a secret wish hidden behind his decision, one that transcended the bounds of the game world. "Count me in.” He remembered the cardinal rule of DnD - do what’s fun. As Ben's choice echoed through the room, a mixture of excitement and nervousness hung in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of the potential that lay ahead, both in the game and perhaps beyond it. Once the session reached a natural pause for the night, the group migrated to the back balcony. Their eyes were drawn to the mesmerizing expanse of stars splattered across the night sky. Little did Ben's companions know that his thoughts were consumed by the mystical power bestowed upon his character by the Djinn's blessing. With each streak of light that painted the heavens, a wish began to crystallize within him, one that resonated with the very essence of that enigmatic gift. —————————————————————————————————————————— The following morning played out like any other in Ben's routine life. The whimsical adventure of the previous night - the wish upon the stars, the audacious Djinn rescue - had faded into the recesses of his memory. It all felt like a distant dream, a flight of fancy with no real consequence. As he got dressed for the day, Ben's rational mind brushed it all aside, focusing on more tangible matters. He shot a good morning text to his girlfriend while dismissing any thoughts of DnD adventures from the night before. With the sun casting its welcoming glow, Ben proceeded with his morning rituals. He packed his lunch and snacks, and a steaming cup of coffee, ready to jolt his senses awake, accompanied him. The scent of caffeine filled his car as he embarked on the familiar commute to work, the road stretching ahead in monotonous familiarity. Amidst lane changes and traffic maneuvers, the starry night wish gradually faded from his memory. It was eclipsed by the demands of the day - work, tasks, and deadlines at Bare-Back Comics. As he took sips of his coffee, the liquid seemed to pass through him, devoid of any warmth, as if he were going through the motions of drinking. He consumed it almost mechanically, hardly registering its presence in his stomach. Gone were the days of needing multiple cups to kickstart his day; now, he thrived with newfound energy, handling his job at the store with precision and efficiency. Colors appeared more vivid, sounds sharper, and time flowed quickly as he rode the caffeine wave throughout the morning. Leaving work early due to a lack of customers, he grabbed lunch. Meeting up with some old friends, he exchanged greetings and brief hugs, catching up on the latest in their lives. Despite the mental fatigue, he wasn't tired or hungry in the slightest. He actually had more energy than ever before. He felt invigorated, fueled by the serendipitous turn of events. The conversation eventually drifted to hunger and exhaustion, but Ben couldn't relate. Not after such a fortunate turn of events. With a sense of determination coursing through him, Ben was overcome by an irresistible urge to hit the gym with unprecedented vigor. Weeks of wavering motivation seemed to vanish, replaced by an unshakable drive to sculpt his physique and get a little sweaty. Yet, a persistent thought accompanied this surge of motivation - why not bring Cody along? Cody, who had harbored a long-standing crush on Ben, had always added a playful element of affection to their interactions. It was an open secret, and the complex dance of emotions between them added a layer of intrigue to their friendship. Ben, who wasn't the most avid gym-goer but was deeply enamored with the idea of self-improvement and sculpting his physique, had recently found himself captivated by the idea of sharing this journey with Cody. The prospect of watching his own body grow stronger and more muscular, with Cody being the first to notice, had further stoked his determination. There was no one more skilled at recognizing physique changes than Cody, not even Ben's own girlfriend. With eagerness bubbling within him, Ben dialed Cody's number, his voice radiating excitement and anticipation as the call connected. "Hey, Cody! How's it going?” Cody's voice flowed through the phone, a familiar and warm presence. "Hey, Ben! Just here, scrolling through Grindr. You know I realized your store name stands for Big Black Cock when abbreviated?” After a pregnant pause, Cody spoke up again. “What’s up?” Ben wasted no time in getting to the point. "So, I've been itching to hit the gym, and I thought it'd be awesome if we could go together. You know, be workout buddies and motivate each other.” Cody's enthusiasm resonated clearly in his response. "That sounds fantastic, Ben! I'm all in.” Ben's heart swelled with satisfaction, pleased that Cody was just as eager about the idea as he had hoped. "Perfect! I had a feeling you'd be up for it.” Unbeknownst to Ben, he was the unwitting subject of Cody's affections, a dynamic reminiscent of the classic scenario where one person is blissfully unaware of another's attraction. All his exes looked like Ben and Ben still hadn’t caught on. Cody wasted no time in grabbing his keys, their jingle faintly audible through Ben's headphones as he prepared to meet up with his friend. `Arriving at the gym, Ben changed into his workout attire, taking notice of the familiar faces who frequented the establishment. The regulars, drenched in sweat and pushing their bodies to the limit, commanded his attention. He couldn't help but observe some particularly muscular individuals who had been there the last time he visited, over a month ago. Interestingly, he noticed that despite their rigorous routines, their physical changes seemed minimal if any. Before long, Cody arrived, diving headfirst into their workout routine. With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he enthusiastically assumed the role of Ben's spotter. However, Cody's interpretation of spotting seemed to involve an unusual degree of closeness, his arms occasionally brushing against Ben's as he assisted during lifts. The subtle but electrifying physical contact sent a thrill of anticipation down Ben's spine, infusing him with newfound energy precisely when he thought he had none left. As Ben delved deeper into his workout, an intriguing observation began to crystallize. Despite Cody exerting what seemed like his usual effort, he appeared increasingly drained, much more fatigued than could be expected from merely trying to keep up with Ben's spontaneous routine. Meanwhile, Ben felt like he could easily do ten times more! A flicker of suspicion ignited within Ben's mind, seizing his attention at a crucial juncture. Just as he grappled with a weight that felt insurmountable, Cody instinctively reached out to provide assistance, a typical spotter trying to gauge his buddy’s strength and readiness. His hand brushed against Ben's skin, practically cupping his tricep. Yet, something extraordinary happened in those fleeting moments. The weight that had burdened Ben's muscles suddenly seemed lighter, as if a surge of strength coursed through him, rendering Cody's aid unnecessary. A ripple of perplexity washed over Ben as he discerned the pattern. It was as though Cody's touch acted as a conduit, siphoning fragments of energy from him. Caught between awe and uncertainty, Ben grappled with the implications of this strange phenomenon. Was Ben intentionally drawing upon Cody's energy? The boundaries between friendship and a mystifying energy exchange blurred, leaving Ben both intrigued and cautious. With the weight now lifted with ease, Ben's thoughts buzzed with a mix of curiosity and concern. What else could he lift? How much stronger could he become? The revelation of this energy absorption marked the commencement of a voyage of self-discovery and the unraveling of unforeseen mysteries, forever altering the dynamics of their relationship. Yet, he was inexplicably hungry again. As exhaustion gradually etched into the whites of Cody's eyes, Ben decided to call it a day, even though he felt like he could keep going indefinitely. Cody expressed his gratitude for the workout session, attributing his fatigue to having skipped a meal earlier in the day. Exiting the gym floor, they headed for the locker room. Engaging in casual conversation, Ben couldn't help but share his enthusiasm about the workout. "Man, that was fantastic. I haven't felt this pumped in ages. I think I might've set a new personal record.” Cody, while using a towel to mop the sweat from his face, chuckled tiredly. "Tell me about it, Ben. I'm absolutely spent. I should've had something to eat before hitting the gym.” He said, slumping down on a bench near the lockers. Ben proceeded to the showers, feeling a subtle surge of increased strength and vitality coursing through his veins. As the warm water cascaded over him, he couldn't help but notice a slight enhancement in his muscle definition, causing him to exaggerate its significance in his mind. It was probably just a pump, he reminded himself, as the lingering energy coursing through him led him to engage in some self-pleasure in the shower before drying off. Dressing within the privacy of an enclosure, Ben caught his reflection in the mirror. His physique appeared leaner, yet more athletic, reflecting the physical changes he had been diligently working towards. He even thought his manhood seemed a tad more impressive, igniting fantasies about . In a moment of curiosity and impulsiveness, he snapped a few daring photos, contemplating the idea of sending them to Cody. It was a thought that had never crossed his mind before, and he quickly dismissed it, reminding himself of his sexual orientation and his commitment to his girlfriend. Regaining his composure, he completed his outfit and decided to keep their friendship well within the boundaries of familiarity and camaraderie, opting not to send the pictures to Cody. As Ben finished dressing, his attention shifted to Cody, who was slumped against the lockers, fast asleep and snoring from sheer exhaustion. Strangely, something about Cody's appearance captivated Ben's attention. Was it the way his shirt clung to his body, or the appealing sight of his slender legs in shorts? Maybe it was the lingering scent of sweat in the air, or the realization that his own sexual orientation might be more flexible than he had previously considered. Despite these thoughts, with Cody in such a vulnerable state, Ben felt a mixture of concern and curiosity. Approaching Cody, Ben attempted to rouse him gently, a tinge of unease in his voice. "Hey, Cody, wake up." His words conveyed a sense of uncertainty, an underlying awareness that something was off, even if he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Deep down, he sensed an inexplicable connection between them, one that seemed to grow stronger with each touch. It left him craving for more. “Oops, sorry… I'm just…” Cody yawned, his voice heavy with exhaustion. “I'm wiped.” Cody got up, his breaths labored and drained, practically stumbling over nothing as they navigated the awkward L-shaped turn leading out of the men's locker room. Ben's heart raced, his mind struggling to grasp the unexpected reality that a part of Cody now seemed to reside within him, subtly shifting him in ways he couldn't fully comprehend. It was the only explanation he could fathom for this newfound attraction to men, and it both fascinated and unsettled him. As they made their way toward the gym's exit, Ben's gaze involuntarily flicked toward other men, his desires stretching beyond his previous attraction to women. It was a revelation that left him both intrigued and anxious, a sensation he had never experienced before. Was this what it felt like to be gay? A shiver ran down his spine as he pondered the implications. This wasn't how he had envisioned his life unfolding, but Cody's presence seemed to be reshaping his perspective. Climbing into his car, he tried to refocus his thoughts on Alicia, desperately clinging to the illusion of his heterosexuality. In a state of mild panic, he texted her, inviting her over for dinner. Cooking together would serve as a temporary reassurance, a feeble attempt to affirm his identity for the night, and perhaps get some dessert too. Back at home, Ben and Cody settled onto the couch. Ben found himself immersed in playful and flirtatious text exchanges with Alicia, hoping to maintain the facade of being purely heterosexual. In a daring move, he even sent her the gym photos he had snapped earlier. Deep down, though, Cody's presence lingered in his thoughts, growing more apparent with each passing moment. Meanwhile, Cody slouched on the opposite end of the sofa, slowly leaning toward Ben and resting his head on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Ben didn't resist the closeness; in fact, he welcomed it, yearning for the companionship he had recently been missing. As exhaustion washed over them, Ben eventually collapsed on top of Cody, who was equally drained. In Ben's dreams, a surreal reality took hold. His body soared through a cosmic expanse as a colossal titan. In this fantastical realm, Cody appeared, worshipping Ben's immense muscles and playfully darting in and out of his skin like a mischievous prairie dog. Ben's physique was impossibly masculine and powerful. The dream unfolded with an intensity and otherworldly fervor as Cody reveled in the musky scent emanating from Ben's hairy, sweaty armpits, seemingly burying his face within them - despite his incredibly small size. Ben found himself utterly captivated by the allure of this fantasy, surrendering to its seductive embrace. There was something about it that ignited a deep desire within him to embody the heightened sense of masculinity displayed by the man in his dream. The last time Cody surfaced, Ben smiled down on him before gently picking up the little man, dangling him over his mouth and swallowing his friend whole. —————————————————————————————————————————— Ben was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing, his dream having taken an unexpectedly explicit turn, causing him to drool and snore himself back into consciousness. As he regained his senses, he noticed the caller ID indicating that his girlfriend, Alicia, was calling. "Hey, sorry, I must have dozed off after I got back from the gym," he mumbled, his voice still groggy from sleep. Alicia explained that she was waiting on the porch, and Ben hurriedly gathered himself, his body betraying his recent dream by the undeniable boner in his pants. The thought about hiding it from her, didn’t even cross his mind, especially since his roommates weren’t around. Glancing around, he realized he had been lying on top of a pile of Cody’s clothes. Strangely enough, his underwear. As Ben rushed to his feet, his heart raced with anticipation as he greeted Alicia with a deep, lingering kiss one that practically whispered how much she wanted him. In that moment, their connection sparked, and a wave of affection washed over him. He couldn't help but admire her beauty as her soft lips pressed against his, their tongues entwined in a passionate dance. He looked forward to spending time with her, their bodies irresistibly drawn to each other, especially now that his roommates were absent. Alicia's touch sent electric shivers down his spine, and Ben felt a surge of desire pulse through his veins - he wanted to feel every part of her against him. As they entered the house, Ben's thoughts wandered momentarily to the roommates who weren't there. In his haste, Ben couldn't ignore the unmistakable boner in his pants, and Alicia had long noticed it too. However, she didn't seem to mind, and the anticipation of what awaited them behind the closed bedroom door was palpable. Their footsteps echoed through the hallway, their hearts pounding in unison, as they made their way to his bedroom. The air was thick with desire as they fell onto the bed, laughing, playing, and their bodies entangled in a passionate embrace. Ben was captivated by Alicia's responses to his every touch, her moans filling the room - a level of passion he wasn't accustomed to experiencing. As their intimacy deepened, it became evident to Ben that Alicia wasn’t behaving like her usual self the longer they danced across the mattress soaking the sheets in her release. As the remnants of their passionate encounter lingered in the air, Ben's unease grew with Alicia’s tiredness and withdrawn attitude. He wrote it off to her being worn out. The blending of personalities, the fading of Alicia's vibrant spirit, and the sensation of a peculiar transformation enveloped him. Despite his growing concern, he couldn't deny the allure of her closeness, and they nestled together on the bed- in truth he just wanted to cuddle and unknowingly consume her. He felt a strange urge to pull her even closer, as if waiting for her to become an inseparable part of him. This thought shook him to the core, prompting him to excuse himself and head to the restroom while Alicia slept. However, in the midst of their intimate closeness, a startling realization hit Ben like a bolt of lightning. The changes he had noticed in himself were no mere tricks of his imagination. The unmistakable scent of masculinity, the emergence of new body hair, and the newfound thickness in his physique were all tangible proof of Cody's presence within him. The pieces of the puzzle clicked into place, and the pile of clothes left behind in his room served as haunting confirmation - Cody was now a part of him. With a combination of panic and determination, Ben hastily disentangled himself from Alicia's drowsy embrace, leaving her resting in his bed, exhausted. He moved with urgency towards the bathroom, his heart racing in his chest. As he flicked on the light, the reflection in the mirror staring back at him confirmed his worst fears — he was no longer the same slim, twink of a man he had been just moments ago. Instead, he had gained height and put on a few pounds of muscle. Even some fat as he play with droopy pecs. A few minutes ago, terms like "twink" and "otter" weren't even in his vocabulary. His mind was changing along with his body. He now stood slightly taller and more muscular, and it didn't look like he had simply packed on an extra 148 pounds - which was Cody's weight before he began fondling Ben’s triceps in the gym. But instead maybe 10 to 15 lbs of muscle, and a inch or two of height. As the truth sank in, Ben's mind swirled with a mix of astonishment and intrigue. The realization that he now possessed Cody's knowledge, desires, and even loves was both unsettling and strangely exhilarating. It was as if Cody had become an integral part of him, their souls intertwined in a way he couldn't fully comprehend. And, incredibly, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement about this unexpected transformation. Even more, that he was in the process of consuming Alicia, turned his stomach, but he also wanted more. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Ben. On one hand, the idea of absorbing someone else, of sharing their experiences and desires, should have disturbed him. But on the other hand, there was a lingering sense of fascination and even a hint of excitement - who else could he absorb? Lost in this new realization, he began to notice the subtle curves of muscles, faint but somehow more present than before, the magnetic pull of masculine energy, and the raw sensuality that radiated from within. It was as if Cody's appreciation for men had become his own, amplifying his desires and opening his eyes to a world of passion he had never fully explored. Or maybe it was Alicia’s love for him, that made him appreciate his new form. As he stared at his reflection in the mirror, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Ben's lips. There was a part of him, deep down, that relished this power. The pleasure that came with absorbing his friend's essence were undeniable, intoxicating even. He felt stronger and desired even more absorption. He decided to test it out, almost heading back to the bedroom. Standing in the doorway, Ben's gaze fixated on Alicia's slumbering figure, a mix of curiosity and desire churning within him. He couldn't help but notice the fatigue etched on her face, the slight fragility that seemed to cloak her form. It mirrored exactly what Cody had experienced before leaving the gym. A part of him whispered enticingly, urging him to crawl into bed and explore the possibility of absorbing her as well. The thought excited him, the temptation of absorbing another person stirring a primal hunger deep within. However, a flicker of hesitation danced across Ben's mind. Despite the allure of such an act, a faint trace of rationality urged him to resist the impulse. He couldn't bring himself to take advantage of Alicia's vulnerable state, knowing it would cross a line he wasn't yet prepared to cross. He loved her after all, and he could feel the same love radiating from her spirit in his mind. Fighting against giving in to his desire, Ben turned away from the bedroom and descended the stairs. His steps carried a sense of purpose as he made his way to Cody's phone, guided by an uncanny knowledge of its password. With practiced ease, he navigated to the hidden folder where the dating app, Growlr, was stored - something Cody had been hiding from his, now former, boyfriend. As the screen illuminated with profiles of eager men and HIV Prep ads, Ben's eyes settled on the familiar username of Cody's favorite guy, “Hairless Bear." A wicked grin played at the corners of his lips as he engaged in flirtatious banter with the unsuspecting Ryan behind the username, using the persona he had consumed from Cody to his advantage. He changed the username and began sending pictures of himself to another guy; it felt wrong, but he shrugged it off. The hunger was guiding him, and he knew the kind of blowjobs Ryan could give a man - he would satisfied one way or another tonight. In this moment, Ben couldn't deny the thrilling sensation coursing through his veins. The power of assimilating the desires and experiences of others ignited a reckless fire within him, the fire now demanding he consume more. Unbeknownst to Ryan, he was unwittingly stepping into a web of intrigue spun by a man who was no longer solely himself. As their conversation flowed, Ben felt a hunger for another absorption simmering just beneath the surface. His subconscious craving guided his actions, drawing him closer to the prospect of absorbing yet another person into his ever-expanding self. As minutes melted away, Ben and the hairless bear, Ryan, found themselves nestled in the warm embrace of the hot tub. Ryan’s gaze washing over him like a piece of meat for his next conquest. Conversation danced effortlessly between them thanks to Cody, their connection reigniting as familiarity washed over them. The entire time, Ryan's touch grew bolder, moving up his thigh as if asking for permission, his hand then gliding confidently along Ben's hardening cock, invoking waves of desire that coursed through hungrily his body. That’s when he wondered if he could get bigger by absorbing Ryan. Surrendering to the pleasure, Ben's body floated buoyantly in the water as Ryan skillfully worked his lips and tongue, massaging the base of his shaft at the same time, bringing Ben’s ankles to Ryan's shoulder - something Alicia could only dream of doing in a hot tub like this. Moans of pleasure escaped Ben’s lips, intermingling with the steam rising from the heated waters. As the passion between them grew, Ben's body seemed to burn with newfound energy, strengthening his bones and transforming him into the embodiment of youngish maturity at 30 years old. In the haze of desire, Ryan remained oblivious to the changes rippling through their intertwined bodies. Ben, fueled by the absorbed essence of Cody, felt a surge of strength and power coursing through him. His muscles grew taut, his frame expanding with newfound vitality. In the brief glances to Ryan, he could see that his calfs were large enough to at least see. The once-pudgy bear, Ryan, was slowly shedding pounds, blissfully unaware of the exchange occurring in his own body. Ben and Cody, entwined in a shared euphoria, reveled in their hidden connection to Ryan, their desires intertwining as a new body and soul began to appear inside. The echoes of their passion resonated in the waters, as Ben let go entirely, locking his ankles behind Ryan's head. As the absorption process intensified, Ben's desire to assimilate Ryan grew stronger, overriding any rational thoughts that remained. At this point, his own imagination, pictured a giant version of himself consuming a Ryan barely bigger than a grain of rice. He eagerly sought ways to increase their skin-to-skin contact, relishing the prospect of adding another person to the enigmatic bond he shared with Cody. Their desires intertwined, fueling the absorption in a relentless pursuit of power and connection. Ryan's once-substantial chunky frame rapidly diminished before Ben's eyes, shedding weight at an astonishing rate. From 360 pounds, he swiftly dwindled down to 230 pounds, the transformation unfolding in a matter of minutes. Fatigue began to seep into Ryan's voice as he struggled to articulate his mounting exhaustion. He tried to protest but Ryan was lost in the process. "Something's wrong," Ryan gasped, his breath labored and fragmented. "I... I feel tired…" Ben groaned, focusing on the real goal, taking more from Ryan. "It's… uhhh… going to be ok." Ben's gaze flickered with a mixture of concern and insatiable hunger. He needed more. Ben's voice, laced with a mix of fascination and trepidation, responded, "Just relax, Ryan. Trust me, this is how it's meant to be. You're becoming part of me now." As Ryan desperately attempted to extricate himself from Ben's grasp, his feeble resistance initially yielded some progress in the slippery warm water. However, Ben was stronger, and Ryan was barely recognizable at this point. Yet, a surge of determination coursed through Ben's veins, overriding any doubts or concerns that lingered within him. He knew he needed to be stronger—strong enough to maintain the absorption, to deepen the connection that had consumed him. With a resolute resolve, Ben's grip tightened, his fingers digging into Ryan's flesh as he struggled to keep him in place. The transfer of energy between them intensified, causing Ryan's weakening struggles to falter. The relentless advance of the absorption seemed fueled by an insatiable hunger, as if it sought to devour everything in its path. The connection between them grew stronger, and Ben could feel himself becoming more powerful and complete with each passing moment. Ryan's weakening resistance mingled with a mixture of fear and resignation, his voice trembling as he teetered on the edge of defeat. "Please... stop... I can't... I can't take this anymore…" His feeble plea whispered into the air. But consumed by the intoxicating power and yearning for complete absorption, Ben paid no heed to Ryan's desperate pleas. His desire to grow stronger, to transcend the confines of his former self, eclipsed any semblance of empathy or remorse. With each passing moment, Ryan's form diminished further, his strength waning under the overwhelming force of the absorption. Meanwhile, Ben's transformation became more apparent. His physique expanded, muscles bulging beneath his skin, and a newfound vitality coursed through his veins. The sense of empowerment and fulfillment surged within him, drowning out the fading cries of the person he had absorbed. In a swift and final moment, Ryan withered away until he disappeared entirely. As Ben's legs enveloped empty space, he lowered them into the bubbling water. The once vibrant and lively hot tub now echoed only with the soft symphony of bubbling water and the hum of its machinery. They had foregone clothing, reveling in the freedom of masculine camaraderie, or so Ryan had framed it. In truth, it had become a convenient means for Ryan to assess and size up potential conquests without soiling his own bed sheets or having to really clean the hot tub out because of laundry detergents on other people's clothing. Mostly just to be naked and get to fun stuff quicker. Bathed in the warm hues of the evening glow, Ben's gaze drifted downward, revealing the mesmerizing transformation of his physique. His chest had acquired an even more pronounced athletic contour, now adorned with the sprouting of coarse hair. His upper pecs and some of it on his shoulders - a little strange but not a problem because it looked cute. The musky scent emanating from his pits, though almost overwhelming, ignited a primal hunger within him, as if the two men inside him were urging him on, craving more. It was as if they were watching through him, and it was time to give them a real show, a gratifying spectacle to thank them for their sacrifice. Driven by curiosity, Ben's hand reached out, eager fingers grasping at the newly formed pectoral muscle. Its firmness sent a delicious thrill through him, a tantalizing reminder of the supple curves he had once delighted in with Alicia. Unable to resist the allure, he played and twisted his nipples, relishing the electrifying sensations that coursed through his body as he continued to bask in the warm embrace of the hot tub. Each breath he took seemed to carry an electric charge, and with every flex of his muscles he felt untamed power that left him in awe. His hands roamed down his chest, tracing the contours of his now more athletic and, in his opinion, sexier stomach. He savored the newfound definition, the little lumps now clearly visible, along with the separation on the peak. The pleasure that cascaded through his body was an intoxicating blend of physical gratification and the exhilaration of transformation. His hand drifted further down, and his fingers explored, reveling in the sensations of this enhanced version of himself. It was an intense experience, as if he was tapping into a wellspring of masculine energy that had lain dormant within him until now. The sensations were overwhelming amongst the bubbles, and yet, he couldn't get enough. With every passing moment, he felt more alive, more powerful, and more connected to the men he had absorbed. It was a heady cocktail of desire and strength, and he felt a deep satisfaction in knowing he was becoming something greater. As the intensity swelled, so too did his desire to jerk off and finish the job Ryan couldn’t, a tempest of sensation seemed to engulf him, building to a crescendo that defied containment. And then, with an explosive release, his cum rocketed out of him like a pressurized water gun leaving him breathless and exhilarated in its wake. There was much more of it than usual, and he couldn’t help but take pride in that alone. Ryan definitely knew how to excite a man. The ripples of ecstasy subsided, leaving Ben basking in the aftermath, his body pulsating with satisfaction. As he rose from the water's embrace, tendrils of steam caressed his glistening skin, dancing in the cool evening air. A self-assured smile played upon his lips as he relished in the sensations coursing through his transformed body. The world around him seemed different, as if he had unlocked a hidden realm of pleasure and power. And he was hungry for more of it. Feeling his newly formed pectoral muscles, he couldn't help but run his hands across the firm contours, savoring the thrill that shot through him. The once gentle curves that Alicia had once delighted in were now replaced with rugged masculinity, and the thought of that exhilarated him. He flexed and licked his own biceps, reveling in the newfound definition they held. The little lumps that had once seemed like distant dreams were now tangible realities, and it excited him beyond belief. Even with shadows cast by the lights- the split on his bicep was clear. As he dressed in clothes that now gently hugged his more athletic physique, he felt a surge of confidence and allure. Any man or woman would be proud to have him. He noticed the way his shorts clung to his sculpted thighs, and how his shirt hung differently on his broader shoulders. Each step he took felt different, as if he were wider or as if his own feet had somehow grown. Even his height seemed to have increased just slightly, adding to the excitement of his transformation. Deep within, the presence of Ryan stirred his emotions, intertwining their beings in a way that both fascinated and thrilled him. It was more than just the physical changes; it was the emotional connection he felt with the men he had absorbed. A part of him yearned to experience it again, to delve deeper into the realm of pleasure and power that this unique ability offered. To fuck the hell out of a man before becoming one with him too. He couldn't resist the thought of doing it again, to feel the rush of absorbing another person and becoming even more of who he desired to be. This time, it would have to be someone who worked for it, someone who could give him a lot more strength. As he drove away, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that the journey had only just begun. The power within him had opened up a whole new world of excitement and possibilities, and he was eager to explore every inch of it. The allure of his newfound abilities was irresistible, and he was determined to embrace it fully, without hesitation. Guided by a clandestine sense of purpose, he revved the engine and embarked on a late-night journey to the gym. The clock neared 9 PM, a time when only a select few would remain, driven by their relentless pursuit of physical perfection. As he pulled into the gym's parking lot, his heart quickened with anticipation - he needed to consume more. The dimly lit interior revealed a sparse scattering of individuals, their presence merely accentuated by the rhythmic clinks of weights and the faint echoes of exertion. The men were worth absorbing, and he needed to get to their size. Given how much he had absorbed already, it clearly wasn’t an equal exchange. Surveying the room, his discerning gaze settled upon those whose physiques mirrored the image he aspired to attain. As he dug deeper into his workouts, a mounting sense of determination and hunger coursed through him. The connection with the men he had absorbed surged, as if they were quietly urging him on, their unquenchable desires melding seamlessly with his own. Their cravings for growth and power resonated deep within him, merging into an irresistible drive. With every lift and repetition, he inched closer to the fulfillment of these shared ambitions without needing to bring another person inside him. In his mind, he fixated on images of himself growing bigger, stronger, and more muscular. The men within him reveled in this experience, sharing his fervor for transformation - it was turning them on and in turn, himself as well. As he lifted the weights, he almost felt their satisfaction, their contentment in being part of this extraordinary metamorphosis. In that realm of iron and sweat, he knew what he needed to do - to consume as much muscle as possible. The yearning to grow, to absorb more, and to become stronger had ceased to be a fleeting impulse; it was now a driving force. With each passing moment, his conviction deepened—he was destined for greatness, and his ongoing transformation marked only the beginning of an extraordinary journey. That was when he devised a plan to draw one of the men closer, to encourage further absorption. All he had to do was feign difficulty on the squat rack, loading the bar heavier than he should. A wobbly display of form, unsteady knees, and a stumble forward with a burdensome 180 pounds of plates precariously balanced on his shoulders would suffice. He was still small enough that it would make sense - for now. In just a matter of minutes, the ruse worked, as one of the men couldn't resist stepping in to help him - because it’s a great way to die otherwise. "Woah there, buddy, what the hell do you think you were doing there?" the man grunted as he attempted to bear the weight, his horseshoe-shaped tricep head flaring while slowly lowering the bar to the ground. "Sorry, I, uhhh, don't know what I was thinking. Thanks man,” Ben admitted, holding out his hand. "I'm Ben, kinda new here." The man extended his hand, annoyed, and the moment their palms met, Ben felt an electric surge coursing through him. "Mario, and that could have gotten you killed.” Ben smiled as he watched the visible wave of exhaustion wash over Mario. It was evident in his eyes and seemed to creep across his brows, making him appear as if he might fall asleep at any moment. "You wanna give me a spot on the bench?" Ben asked. “Show me a few pointers?” He said with a child-like smile. Mario, puzzled by his sudden fatigue but deciding it wouldn't hurt, replied, "Sure, I could use a rest before my next set.” Each time Ben pretended to struggle, Mario would offer his assistance, grazing under his arms, unwittingly giving away a piece of himself, his personality, his soul - it didn’t matter. What he was absorbing was getting faster and easier. After three sets and Ben feigning failure each time, it was clear that Mario had lost some size. He was physically smaller and significantly more fatigued than usual after his workout. Mario finished the set with Ben, his heavy breaths a testament to the energy he had unknowingly given away. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to Ben. "I think I'm done for today. Gotta shower and get home," he said, concern in his eyes. "You be careful, okay? Don't overdo it man." Ben nodded, offering an appreciative smile. "Yeah, you too, man. Thanks for the spot. I think this is a good stopping point for me tonight as well.” Together, they walked towards the men's room. Mario focused on gathering his clothes, oblivious to the hunger in Ben's eyes. Ben's attention, however, was solely on the man before him. As Mario removed his shirt, his tattooed physique was revealed, more tantalizing than anything Ben had ever seen. He couldn't help but fixate on the way Mario's pecs twitched as he dug a towel out of his gym bag, how his forearms flexed as he grabbed some body-wash, and more importantly the same fatigue creeping across his brow. This was Ben's chance. He couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He would join Mario in the shower, absorbing as much muscle as he could before taking everything else without resistance. Turning away from Mario, Ben walked over to the scale. He couldn't believe what he saw - he had gained 63 pounds of solid muscle. Gazing at himself in the mirror, he marveled at his transformed physique. He was no longer a twink; he was a hulking, muscular man at 213. The reflection also revealed a naked Mario strutting confidently into the shower room.Ben's mouth went dry as he watched, his desire growing more insatiable. He want to throw that man against the wall now and fuck him then and there - no one would know. A terrifyingly new thought. He needed to see more. In fact, he deserved to see more. As Mario peeled off his shirt, exposing his inked physique, a smoldering desire ignited within Ben. He couldn't take his eyes off the man before him. Mario's broad shoulders, etched with intricate tattoos, drew Ben's gaze like a moth to a flame. His chest, a masterpiece of muscle, rippled with every movement. Dark body hair dusted his pecs and snaked down his abdomen, an alluring contrast to his golden tan skin. The scent of the gym still lingered on Ben’s body, mixed with his natural musk. It should have disgusted him, but instead, it sent a thrill through him that he couldn't deny. He even watched, transfixed, as Mario reached for a towel, his arm muscles flexing and veins practically popping out of his skin. It was as though his very essence was calling out to Ben. However, as Mario lifted his arm to reach for the towel, the scent from his pits hit Mario's nostrils like a punch to the gut. It was pungent, raw, and undeniably masculine. He recoiled in disgust for a moment, the sudden clarity of his situation jolting him. He had to shower now, before leaving the gym. Watching it made Ben have to reach in his pants to readjust his dick, now growing longer and harder. Ben turned away, heading towards the scale to check his own progress, only to avoid eye contact and suspicion. In the mirror's reflection, he could see himself as a slightly larger figure, far from the twink he once was. But the allure of Mario, the need to absorb his strength and essence, was overpowering. His desire was a raging inferno, and he couldn't resist the pull any longer. He needed more, and he was determined to take it all. The moment Mario disappeared behind the shower curtain, Ben swiftly moved. He closed the locker room door with a definitive click, making sure it was securely locked. Every step he took, every breath he drew, was charged with the anticipation of growing larger, of adding yet another person to his collection. Heading toward the showers, Ben could already feel the steam pouring over the top of the curtain. It was a hot shower already, and the steam would only enhance the experience. Approaching the shower, he glimpsed Mario's unkempt feet, facing the wall. The man must be letting the hot water pound over his sore shoulders. Ben didn't waste a moment. He stripped off his clothes, taking a final admiring look at himself in the mirror. He noticed a few more inches of height, along with the muscles that had bulged further. With a grin, he attempted a most muscular flex, mimicking what he had seen before. He was by no means a monster yet, but this was as small as he'd be for a while if he had any say in it. Even the others he had absorbed reveled in the view through his eyes. Finally, he walked up to the shower, opened the shower curtain, and pulled it aside. Mario jumped, startled. "What the fuck, man!" Mario exclaimed, getting into some meager defensive stance trying not to slip on his wet flip-flops. Ben chuckled, stepping inside. "Thought I might join you, big guy." His tone, however, had taken on a menacing edge that sent shivers down Mario's spine. Mario knew what the hungry look was, combined with an already erect cock that put his to shame. “You really helped me out and I was going to return the favor.” Mario backed up, his face contorted with anxiety and frustration. "I'm not into that fag stuff, man," he growled, his voice trembling with tension. "So you either walk out of here, or someone will be picking you up off the fucking floor.” His fist clenched as he tried to get into a fighting stance. Ben chuckled about to step forward, almost taunting Mario - something told him Mario always enjoyed a challenge. Without warning, Mario unleashed a powerful punch that landed squarely on Ben's jaw. But instead of pain, Ben felt a surge of energy as his skin absorbed and healed from the impact, barely flinching. He barely flinched as his eyes turned cold, advancing toward Mario. Confused, Mario struck again, but this time Ben swiftly caught his fist mid-air, his hand now much larger than it had ever been before. "I've been taking size off you all night, man," Ben laughed, his hunger taking control of him. "Now it's my turn to really take a few pounds, and daddies hungry.” He couldn't explain why he needed to call himself daddy, but he felt like Mario would know what that meant. Mario attempted to squeeze past and slip out, but Ben effortlessly threw him back against the wall. "I don't think that's the best choice," Ben purred, moving closer to Mario. The situation was fueling his hunger, making him increasingly horny, a dangerous combination. “You see, I think you might be able to help me with a few more things tonight.” Ben’s voice now quiet and much darker, as he forced Mario to kiss him, taking more and more with each second, as he guided his dick under Mario’s practically steroid emptied ballsack, thrusting and giving him an external prostate massage. Beneath the relentless deluge of the shower, Ben's aggression surged. He maintained his iron grip on Mario as pound after pound of muscle was devoured, the process accelerating with each passing moment. The sound of their labored breathing mixed with the pounding water, creating a cacophony of lust and desperation. Mario was pinned against the wall, his resistance dwindling, and Ben forcing him gradually to waist level. With a primal hunger in his eyes, Ben couldn't suppress his insatiable desire any longer. He forcefully thrust his throbbing erection into Mario's throat, initiating a brutal rhythm of relentless pounding. The wet, slurping sounds of their encounter echoed in the confined space, each thrust accompanied by a guttural moan of submission from Mario who was now growing more frail by the minute. As Ben continued to face-fuck Mario he could feel an increasing sense of power coursing through him, like a growing storm that refused to be contained - this is what absorbing a man like Mario was going to do to him. He liked it. Mario’s personality didn’t care who he hurt or why. Nor was it the first time Mario had been part of something like this, only this time - Mario would be the victim. Mario's will crumbled as Ben grew taller, his body surging with newfound strength. The water cascading around them seemed to mirror the chaos of this transformation, washing away traces of the man who once stood before him. With each forceful thrust and every weakening gasp from Mario, Ben became more formidable, more unstoppable, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and transformation. With a final, explosive climax, Ben's essence coated the wall, his unrestrained desire for dominance reaching its zenith. As the last remnants of Mario seemed to vanish within him, he couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction. Mario's own dark intentions had cast a long shadow, and Ben had absorbed him, preventing horrors he might have unleashed. With Mario's presence now a part of him, Ben couldn't shake the chilling realization that, had he not intervened, Mario might have gone on to commit raped after leaving the gym in a pre-planned tinder hookup. In a strange and disturbing way, his own actions had actually saved someone else. The knowledge weighed heavily on him as he stood in the aftermath of his actions, a palpable transformation coursing through his being, both in body and in mind. The lines between himself and those he absorbed were becoming increasingly blurred. Ben left the wall coated in the viscous residue, not caring about the unseemly puddle forming there as he climbed out of the shower. His breaths still came heavy, and his body continued to throb with the lingering excitement. The aftermath was evident, as his body refused to settle; he was leaking in more ways than one. The desire to repeat what he had just done pulsed within him like an insatiable hunger. It was so easy, and with each passing person, he was growing bigger, stronger. He could now easily reach eye level with the shower rod, a stark contrast to when he had first entered. Stepping out of the shower, he headed straight to the mirror. His reflection revealed a physique that was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Beneath the layer of fat from Ryan, the contours of his muscles were defined and chiseled, the promise of his true strength concealed. His height had surged as well, nearing an imposing 6'7". The scale now read 251 pounds on the dot, and he was already hungry again for more. Struggling to put on his shirt, Ben found his sleeve practically stuck in his armpit, unable to cling to his bulging arms. The shirt barely made it down to his belly button, which was now adorned with thick, well-defined abs, complete with a perfectly groomed treasure trail. The sight of his own body stirred a renewed wave of arousal, his massive member throbbing and imprinting a blatant outline in his underwear. Ben couldn't help but admire the sheer masculinity that now defined his body. The contours of his muscles, now more pronounced than ever, spoke of years spent sculpting his physique - this could not have occurred in a couple of hours. As he reached for his clothing, a delighted grin spread across his face. His old stuff was clearly ill-equipped to handle his new contours. The fabric of his shirt strained against his inflated arms, muscles visibly bulging through the tight material. Chuckling playfully but with a sense of wonder, he lifted an arm and flexed his bicep, savoring the sensation as it effortlessly tore a small tear in the fabric at the hem. A laugh of pure joy escaped his lips as he leaned forward, his body pulsating with newfound strength and masculinity. With each tear in his shirt, he reveled in the sight of his powerful physique, exposed in all its glory. Ben's shirt struggled to contain his chiseled form as he confidently struck a most muscular pose, small tears forming and offering tantalizing glimpses of the raw power beneath. Even when he wrestled his gym shorts on, the sensation was nothing short of thrilling. His massive thighs and rock-hard glutes stretched the fabric to its limit, making for a snug fit that emphasized every inch of his dick against the fabric. With a resigned sigh, he adjusted the waistband and decided it would have to do for now. It was late, and he had no other options. Then again, he could already feel the hunger beginning to grow in him again and there would be no sleep needed tonight. That’s when he got a thought that excited himself and Mario, but scared Ben, Ryan, and the parts of Alicia that he could feel - what he didn’t stop growing? And more importantly, was Alicia still waiting for him?
  7. Guest

    Maciste and the Muscle Demon

    Here’s an old story I pulled from the archives and recently updated I am working on a few ones. Happy to get comments back here or in PMs especially if you want to see more. I write about superheroes, peplum, magic, muscle growth & theft, & superhero fights & destruction. Btw I noticed the apostrophes and quotes changed to another character in the paste I’ll try to fix that next time. Maciste and the Muscle Demon Maciste after much effort disposed of the muscular warriors who were guarding the path to the cave that was the home to the demon. These guards would have been more than a match for any attacking force. Even the powerful Maciste had to struggle against them. They were men from the village who had been transformed into the demonÕs worshippers. Maciste did not harm the men, only knocked them unconscious. The women of the village had called Maciste to save their men from the demon. Several months ago the village miners had unearthed an ancient tomb deep inside the mountain. But it wasnÕt really a tomb. It was a jail for a demon whom the Ancients had encapsulated in stone there when the human race was young. Once released from his confinement, the demon slowly enslaved the men the village. The men abandoned their village, wives and their children, only to serve the sexual desires of the demon. The women had called upon Maciste to come and rescue their men from the enchantment. With the help of an old wizard, Maciste had obtained a magical, silver dagger with which he could kill the demon and vanquish him from the dimension of earth. As he reached the cave, he saw something in the brush next to the entrance. He paused to look. There was the body of a young man, but it was merely skin and bones on a body as if it had been starved of food. His eyes were still open and his hallowed cheeks and mouth frozen open as if he were still screaming. Maciste put his hands over the young manÕs eyes and closed them. ÒDonÕt worry, son, I will avenge you,Ó he said to the body and he entered the cave. Maciste walked slowly and surreptitiously through the cave hugging the stonewall looking for additional guards. At the end of the passageway, he came to the entry of a large hollowed room. There at the far end were torches on either side of a stone throne. In it sat the demon . ÒI know you are there, Maciste. Welcome,Ó he said. ÒCome closer so we can get a good look at each other. His hiding exposed, Maciste walked closer to the demon and came within 20 feet of him. He stared at the demon. The demon had the body of a tall, lean muscular man with broad shoulders and long dark wavy hair that reached his shoulders. His skin was light brown and he wore nothing but a small loincloth that barely covered his large member. ÒYou stare, Maciste. Do you like this human form that I have chosen? It suits my needs. But you are quite an impressive specimen of manhood yourself, Ó said the demon as he admired MacisteÕs larger and leaner muscular physique. The demon was hungry. “Enough of this,Ó Maciste shouted. ÒRelease these men of the village now from your spells, and I will not harm you!” The demon laughed at the demand. ÒI am sure you are quite formidable. But you are going to meet a challenger whom I think you will find most extraordinary. His name is Sarkus.Ó From the shadows off to the side of the stone throne, a blonde, bronzed man stepped into the torchlight. MacisteÕs eyes turned to the foe. He was the same height and build as Maciste, about 6’ 2” with broad bulbous shoulders that tapered to a 32- inch waist and etched abs. But he had about 20 pounds of more muscle than Maciste had on the same frame. Sarkus smiled confidently at Maciste and slowly raised his right arm and flexed. SarkusÕs right bicep rose and rose and rose. His arm peaked at 22 inches, almost two inches bigger than the village womenÕs hero. “Yes, you see Maciste. Sarkus was the strongest and largest warrior in this village until he joined me. And with the gifts I have bestowed on him, he is now the strongest man in the world! Oh, IÕm sorry. DidnÕt that used to be your title?Ó snickered the demon. ÒI have defeated larger opponents in the past,Ó Maciste answered confidently. ÒSarkus will be no different.” “Well then, Sarkus, why donÕt you dethrone Maciste from his title officially?” Sarkus strode toward the hero. Maciste pulled the magic dagger from its sheath in his belt and lunged toward his larger twin. He planned to push Sarkus aside and head toward to the demon himself. But Sarkus was fast for his size and he quickly stopped MacisteÕs advance. He grabbed MacisteÕs left arm that held dagger and then his right. The two muscle giants were locked hand to hand in a contest of pure strength. As each one pressed upon the other and seemed to gain an inch, his opponent pushed back and recovered the lost ground. The struggle went on and on. Sarkus focused his right grip, which was his stronger side, on MacisteÕs left wrist. His hand pressed like a vise attempting to force Maciste to drop the dagger. Maciste resisted but his wrist contained little direct muscular power to resist the powerful vise. Eventually his wrist gave way and the dagger fell from his hand whereupon Sarkus kicked it toward the edge of the darkness of the chamber. With the dropping of the weapon, Maciste was freer to force back SarkusÕs hand and once again the titans were locked in what seemed like an unending test of strength. “Surprised, Maciste?” taunted the demon. “Never felt this kind of power before, have you? I knew when I made SarkusÕs muscles larger, they would with my help become more powerful than yours!” Yes, Maciste was surprised. No man, no matter how large, had been able to match Maciste in power for this long. A small seed of doubt began to grow in MacisteÕs mind, and where there is doubt, there is weakness. In a battle of near equals, doubt can make a difference. As doubt began to swirl in MacisteÕs mind, the endurance of his powerful muscles began to weaken. As Sarkus pushed, Maciste could no longer recover the lost ground. Sarkus noticed this; his confidence grew and with confidence comes more strength into the body. That confidence made Sarkus push even harder than he ever had before, further weakening Maciste and pushing him back further and down. Maciste looked into the burning brown eyes of this opponent who was slowly overpowering him. Then in those eyes he saw the face of SarkusÕs wife calling Maciste to help her. “Sarkus, think of your wife and children,” Maciste said. Sarkus almost seemed to pause. That gave Maciste an opportunity. Using the force that Sarkus was himself applying, Maciste added his own and pulled both himself and Sarkus backwards. As MacisteÕs back hit the floor, he lifted his feet onto the washboard abdomen of his foe and propelled him backward with such a force that Sarkus was body slammed against the cavityÕs stonewall. His foe fell to the floor unconscious. Maciste leaped to his feet and faced the demon who rose from his chair and slowly approached him, clapping. Maciste needed to stall. He needed to find the dagger on the cave floor. His eyes scanned for it while trying to be watchful of the demon. “Very good, Maciste. You have lived up to your reputation.” The demon and the hero circled each other as they spoke. Unknown to Maciste, the demonÕ s breath contained a chemical that acted like a narcotic that weakened a humanÕs will. As he scanned for the dagger, Maciste decided to engage the demon. “Now release these men before itÕs too late,” Maciste threatened. Again the demon laughed. “Did you know, Maciste, that each one of these men joined me willingly? Yes, each one wanted to be manlier and more powerful, for their women, for their place in their village, for their work. So I gave them the strength and the physiques they dreamed about. As each one saw what I had given them, more came to me asking for the same thing! Their own lack of self worth turned them to me.” ”But you enchanted them. They rejected their wives, and left their families to become your slave.” Maciste ‘s tone was no longer angry like previously. He seemed to become calm as the demonÕs breath began to take effect on him. Then he spotted a flicker of light off the silver dagger on the floor. The two continued to circle each other as they talked but Maciste stopped when he reached the spot where he saw the flicker. “Ha! How little you know! These men asked for the physical gifts I gave them. In exchange, I asked for their love. They experienced an ecstasy with me that their wives could never provide them. Once they tasted my pleasure, no women could satisfy them again. From their love, I grew even more powerful.” ”You care nothing of these men, their village or their families,” Maciste said with conviction. His heart rate was slowing. “In fact, I care for and know them quiet well,” answered the demon. “I even know you, Maciste, better than you do. I know your character. Yes, you are good and true but I know what moves you?” “You know nothing about me.” Maciste began to feel lightheaded. His heart was no longer racing. He began to think about his timing. He needed to step back and reach for the dagger and plunge it into the demon but he needed to lull the demon into thinking he was not a threat. The demonÕs breath though was distracting his concentration. “Oh but I do. You see, your conviction, your courage, your confidence, your goodness, your steadfastness comes not from your inner nature. It comes from your strength, your looks and your body. Without them, your nature is just as weak as everyone elseÕs. I can enhance that body for you” Maciste stepped back and his left foot stepped on the blade of the dagger. He was not ready though. His mind was cloudy and relaxed and he listened to the demon further. “Let me show you. Curl your right arm for me and show me that beautiful manliness of your arm.” Now was the time for Maciste to reach for the dagger but he was confused and susceptible. He secretly enjoyed showing off his physique to the women he slept with and he wanted to show it off now. He did as the demon suggested and raise his arm showing off his 20 inch peaked tan bicep. “Yes, look at it Maciste.”Maciste stared at it. “Oh , it is so beautiful,” said the demon. “Now squeeze it a little harder and watch it!” As Maciste flexed more, he watched his bicep began to grow larger and larger till it was 23 inches. MacisteÕs eyes opened wide. “Yes, I have made it even more beautiful. Now kiss it.” Maciste continued to stare at his right gun and the veins and striations that ran across it. Never had it been that pumped. The demon gently touched the back of MacisteÕs head, pushing his face toward his bicep until MacisteÕs lips reached it and then hesitantly kissed it. “Yes, itÕs beautiful, isnÕt it?” the demon repeated. “Join me, Maciste, love me, and that bicep will be yours forever.” Maciste pondered those words as he continued to stare at his incredible masculine arm. Then from the place where Sarkus was lying, came a moan as Sarkus began to wake up, pressing himself off the floor with his inverted V triceps. Maciste turned his head toward Sarkus. That distraction was enough to break the mesmerizing moment for Maciste. He pushed the demon back and shouted “No. Never!” The demon was surprised but not alarmed. He stepped further back from his prey. “So Maciste. You have chosen. But as I said, who you are comes from that physique of yours. Without it, you are no hero, no moral guardian. You are no better nor more valorous than others, may be even weaker than most.” Maciste stood watching the demon as he spoke. His mind was so dazed, he did not know what to do though the dagger lay at his feet. “Where shall we start? LetÕs start with those arms of yours. Every man notices first another manÕs arm muscles. What if those arms suddenly shrunk and turned to flab?Ó Maciste looked at his right arm. Gone were the leanness, the veins, the bulbous delts, the defined biceps and triceps. Replaced with a mound of flab, straight and smooth and hanging off his arm. “No,” shouted Maciste. By now, Sarkus was standing behind the demon watching MacisteÕs transformation. “And how about those powerful legs of yours that propelled my Sarkus?” As the demon spoke, MacisteÕs defined muscular quads and calves muscles shrunk to bone and flab. “My legs!” He shouted as the demon laughed. ”Let’s turn that six pack into a bowl of jelly.” Our hero’s incredible abdominal armor flattened and disappeared into a small belly of fat. ”No, stop!” He reached and touched his now soft, cushiony stomach. ”And of course, those rounded striated pecs of yours.” His impressive domed pecs deflated and drooped. His once taunt nipples puffed out. His chest looked like old man bitch tits in need of a bra. “No, my chest! My power! My strength! What have you done to me! Give it back to me! Give it back!” he shouted. Maciste fell to his knees and he placed his hands on his now hanging man boobs. Whereas before he had felt his strong hard pec muscles, now he felt only softness like a womanÕs breast. That feeling was too much for him. “So Maciste, where is that confidence? Where is that goodness of yours? Where is that bravery?” The demon laughed. Sarkus smiled. Maciste then felt the dagger at his ankle. He reached down and grabbed it. He quickly jumped up and pointed the dagger at the demon, staring him in the eyes. “Stop, Maciste. If you strike me with that dagger, your present form will become permanent. You will never become the man you were.” Suddenly Maciste froze. Could the demonÕs words be true? Could he kill the demon but be trapped without his strength, power and physique? He had to kill him. He had to save the others. He must do it. He looked down at his fatty chest and his bulging belly. Maciste let go of the knife and it fell to the floor with a clang. He dropped his head to his chest and whispered, I will do what you want so long as you change me back.” The demon laughed. He picked up the dagger and handed it to Sarkus and said, “Destroy it..” Sarkus took the dagger into his hands and began to bend it, breaking it in two. The demon walked around Maciste as he spoke to him. “So our hero wasnÕt really the hero was he? Yes, it was easy before, wasnÕt it, Maciste? You were stronger than everyone, you were more powerful than everyone, you were handsome, you had that physique of yours that every man was jealous of and every woman loved. It was easy to be brave! It was easy to be righteous! It was easy to sacrifice and do the right thing! Because you never had to sacrifice, did you? But now with all that gone, itÕs hard, isnÕt it? In fact, for you, it was too hard. You couldnÕt do it without your power, your strength, your beauty. You were in fact all this time, weak inside. Weak where it counted. Not so wonderful and godlike as everyone thought!” Maciste head was bowed. His wide but now smoothed shoulders slumped forward. He realized all the demon said was true. It was easy for him to be good when he was so powerful. He could never fail. Tears began to well in his eyes. “I’ve agreed to do as you wish, now change me back,” whispered the broken former muscleman. “Give me back my strength,” he hesitated, “please..” ”Go into that room over there and sit on the floor,” said the demon pointing at an opening at the far end of the chamber. “Wait for me there!” he ordered. Two other muscular henchmen escorted Maciste out the large chamber. The demon turned toward the room and Sarkus grabbed his sinewy arm. “ Master,” he said, “please give him to me. Let me have him.” “No,” he replied, grabbing SarkusÕs arm and quickly removing it from his. “His power and strength are enormous. Unlike any I have felt before. I must have it for myself. I do not have much time. I found a weakness in his mind and my little transformation trick will not last long. I must move quickly before he realizes he lost his size but not his great strength.” Maciste entered the room and sat down on the black bear skin rug that covered the stone floor. As he sat, he looked down at his chest. There hung two sacks of fat looking like udders where his massive tight rounded pecs once were. He began to weep. He thought as soon as his strength was restored, he would crush the demonÕs head with it. But he needed to cooperate with the demon for his plan to work. The demon entered the small room alone and stood in front of the weeping Maciste.”So Maciste, do you miss your power? Do you miss your muscles?” “Yes, “ the once confident hero whimpered. “I want them back. I need them. What do you want from me?” ”If I give them back, will you promise to keave this area and never come back?” ”Yes, I will do as you wish,” said the defeated hero. “ I will restore them then But during the spell you must give yourself utterly to me. With all your will and with all your heart. ” I donÕt know if I can,” he said. “You must if you want the magic to change you back. Or do you prefer a chest like this?” And the demon took his hands and lifted each sagging pecs of Maciste and let them fall back onto the warriorÕs chest. Maciste wiped the tears from his face. He knew he had no choice. “.I'll try as you wish.” And his chin sunk lower onto this chest, hoping his moment for revenge would come soon. ”First, you must drink.” The demon knelt in front of the hero and began to massage his own powerful left pec. Maciste raised his head and watched. As the demon pressed into the pec, the pec began to swell. It quickly became bloated and the nipple, once tight, was now puffy. The demon lifted the tumescent chest muscle with his left hand, leaned toward Maciste and with his right hand behind the heroÕs head brought MacisteÕs mouth to the demonÕs nipple and said, “Now drink this milk from me.” Reluctantly, Maciste began to suck as commanded. The milk was both sweet and sour, neither foul nor refreshing. The demonÕs head and eyes looked toward the ceiling as he enjoyed the heroÕs mouth on his areola. Maciste drank until the pec was no longer inflated and had returned to its original shape. ”Now onto your hands and knees, Maciste,”ordered the demon. The warrior complied. Maciste looked down and saw his pecs hanging off his chest with his nipples pointing to the rug like small udders. His pecs no longer grew like cliffs from his sternum. More tears flowed into his eyes. “I must do this,” he angrily said to himself. “I must get my body back and then I will take care of this demon.” Though he was angry, he began to feel a sense of calm, not realizing the DemonÕs pec milk was having a soothing effect on him. The demon ripped MacisteÕs loincloth from him and the warrior was now totally naked. The demon knelt beside MacisteÕs torso and rubbed his hands together. As he rubbed, his pores began to open up and secreted a special whitish oil. The demon began to massage the oil into the warriorÕs smooth back and shoulders. As the demon rubbed, the warriorÕs delts, lats, traps and rhomboids began to grow and reappear. The oil and the rubbing created a warming sensation in Maciste. As the demon rubbed, the warming sensation had a further soothing effect on the warrior. His mind began to feel at ease and adrift either from the warmth or the demon milk or both. Maciste did not know which, but more important, he did not care. He tried to stay angry but began to yearn for the stress relief it provided. That comfort gradually led to feelings of pleasure. He began to enjoy the massage the demon was giving him. The demon extended the massage to the heroÕs sagging glutes. The fattiness of his glutes began to melt away and was replaced with hard firming muscle. He could feel his back and glute muscles growing and tightening. “Yes,” he said to himself, “ My power will be back soon, and I will slay this devil.” Soon his buttocks were muscular and round like they were before. Maciste knew his strength must be returning. These feelings of warmth, pleasure and strength began to spread down his legs and to his arms and chest from his back and butt. More skin and fat retreated across his body, and he could see his chest filling again with muscle. A battle of anger against the demon and the pleasurable feelings battled in his mind and his thoughts flowed back and forth between the two. “How are you feeling, Maciste. Do you want more muscle back?”asked the demon. “Yes,yes” he said, “more.” The demon began to massage the warriorÕs legs and arms and to work the palm secretions into the warriorÕs butt hole. This was a sensation the strongman had never felt before for no man had entered there. A corner of his mind resisted but other parts said no, he must allow it to regain his strength and get his revenge. By now, MacisteÕs mind was entering a daze. All he felt was pleasure. His anger faded even more into a mental whisper. He could see and feel his muscles returning. He lifted his hand off the floor to touch his right pec to feel the hardness and his pec cliffs returning. He thought it was almost time to turn on the demon, but the pleasure was so overwhelming and calming. He paused and thought he must wait till he knew his strength was fully restored. Besides surely the pleasure would subside by then. His member began to swell. “Now, Maciste, it is time to complete your transformation back,” smiled the demon. The demon removed his own loincloth to reveal an organ unlike any human maleÕs. It was long, covered with large pores with smooth but hard edges that encircled the shaft. The demon began to rub it and it swelled to over 12 inches quickly. A black gel began to ooze from the pores on the head and sides once it stiffened. The demon inserted his organ into the dazed strongman. Maciste winced and cried, “Agggh” for nothing had entered butt hole before. There was pain but the gel though smoothed that away. As the demon began to pump the strongman , the secretions eased the rubbing and surged into MacisteÕs body. Volumes and volumes were released with each breeding thrust so much so that Maciste muscled belly began to distend like a time lapsed pregnancy. The black ooze travelled everywhere, to every muscle and to his brain. With each thrust, the demonÕs member vibrated, flooding new sensations into the warriorÕs mind. MacisteÕs member quickly engorged and grew stiff. “Now say it, Maciste, say ‘I am yours, master,’” said the demon. “Agree to give yourself to me.” Even with the pleasure overflowing his mind, Maciste hesitated. The hero though then looked at his arms and as the demon pumped. He admired his muscular beauty. His muscle and vascularity had returned. His member was now taller and tighter than it had ever been. A small voice in his head said he must turn and attack now. “Now say it, Maciste. Say ‘I am yours, master,’” ordered the demon as the pounding sent waves of euphoria through MacisteÕs brain and further filling the heroÕs enlarged belly with more magical ooze. “I, I” Maciste repeated, but his mind was full of conflicting voices and still resisted. The secretions from the demon were transforming not only his body but his mind as well. His anger was gone and his warriorÕs will was weakening. “Now say it. Feel the hardness of your muscles, Maciste. You know you want them. Say you are mine. Otherwise your strength will be lost forever and you will lose the physique that I have returned to you. SAY IT!” His anger growing with impatience. “This is taking too long,” thought the demon. As the thrusts continued, the highs and lows of the euphoria leveled out. Maciste entered a dream state of bliss. He hardly noticed the thrusting anymore and could barely hear the demonÕs voice which sounded faint and muffled in the new state his mind was in. He lifted his left arm and moved his hand across his chest crevice resting it on his right pec. He looked down at it. It felt hard and it showed striations as he flexed it. Touching his hard muscle magnified the pleasure feelings even more. His finger grazed his right nipple and a spike of orgasm flooded his brain. His member began to ache for release. “Do you want your muscles or not?” shouted the demon as he pressed faster and harder into the restored muscleman. “SAY it!” the demon shouted again. Maciste looked again at his restored chest keeping his hand pressing against his hard muscle. Inside his brain, a faint voice called to what remained of his willpower, “Turn now and strike him” a faint voice whispered in his head. As he began to turn his torso and arm toward the demon, his voice whispered “I am yours, master.” Maciste then climaxed with such force that he was close to fainting. His seed shot copiously onto the rug. “Yes!” shouted the demon as he looked toward the caveÕs ceiling in victory. “Give me your power!” he called out hitting his fists on his chest as he continued to breed the muscleman whose belly was so distended full of the demon’s black cum. The demon then climaxed. The spell was now complete. Just then MacisteÕs body began to shutter. Every muscle that had been restored quivered. The body of the demon also began to quiver. Then it was if a vacuum had started inside the warriorÕs body. His muscles began to shrink and shrink. Meanwhile the demonÕs physique began to grow and grow. Larger and ever more muscular, and the demon shouted “Yes, yes, give me all of it!” As the demon withdrew from the hero. MacisteÕs body collapsed face forward onto the floor. There lay a tall, broad shouldered man of only skin and bones like the desiccated male body the hero had found outside the caveÕs entrance. All his muscle stripped from him. The demon raised his arms in a double bicep pose and stared at them. They were larger than ever before! Larger than any man had ever seen. Full of strength and might. Now the power of Maciste had become his.
  8. tegalus

    Kyle, the bully God

    Commissioned from SaltyCat56 on FurAffinity It was his first 10k Story and first Commission https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saltycat56/ A thanky to @Kymuscleboy for helping with the Tags . All characters are +18 Kyle eagerly walked down to the science lab, pushing aside any nerds and bitches that got in his way. Normally he'd be down in the cafeteria shaking people down of any food with protein in it, but he had skipped lunch in order to talk a bunch of nerds about making a machine that could make his brains match his brawn, something he needed in order to pass his classes and not be held back a year. He'd threatened the nerds a week ago that he would steal their girlfriends if they didn't have the machine ready by Monday lunch, assuming any of them could get girlfriends in the first place. When he reached the science lab, he barged in with barely any effort. The pathetic nerds jumped at his presence, working on something with two chambers big enough to put groups of people in. Kyle walked up to the machine, using his tail like a whip to firmly smack the ass of a nerd burying their head into a book. Their fault for having their back turned to their better. He eyed up the machine, unsure of what he was looking at. He used his tail again, this time wrapping it around a frail-looking nerd like a lasso and pulling him closer, pressing him to his bulky, muscled body. To the poor nerd it probably felt like he was being pushed up against a wall. "Hey Nerd, the fuck am I looking at?" Kyle asked while looking down at him, the nerd in question at eye level with his nipples. He stammered before finally answering the question. "Ba-basically, it's, uh, a conversion chamber. One steps into the intelligence donor chamber and the person in the intelligence recipient will inherit the intelligence being donated." The nerd squeaked out, surprisingly not speaking in annoying science lingo. "Al-fuckin-right then! Who's volunteering to help me pass my college level math class?" Kyle shouted eagerly. He started to get annoyed though when no nerds volunteered and the one he pulled close to him spoke up. "W-well, actually, we think their might be some negative neuropsychological ramifications for the donor, not to mention unwanted-" was all the nerd got out before being given a wedgie by Kyle, yelping as he dangled a solid foot off the ground before being swung in the direction of one of the chambers. "That right there's the donor chamber, right?" Kyle asked demandingly. The nerd nodded. "Y-yes Kyle!" The wedgie got more intense. "I think ya meant to say 'yes, sir', bitch boy." Kyle corrected the pathetic nerd. "Y-yes, s-sir!" The nerd desperately yelled out before being shoved into the donor chamber. The nerd desperately adjusted his junk as Kyle pulled another nerd up to the machine. "Run the machine and no funny shit or I'm beating down all of y'all!" Kyle demanded as he stepped into the other chamber. The other nerd complied as he started up the machine. The doors locked by the time the first nerd managed to readjust himself and tried to get out. He pounded on the chamber door, pleading to be let out as the machine started to work on the intelligence transfer. The nerd's pleading and pounding grew quieter until nothing. After about a minute, the machine rang and the doors unlocked. Kyle stepped out of his chamber a bit bigger than he used to but he hadn't seemed to have noticed. He looked around at the other five nerds in the room, all of them looking at him. "Alright, someone get me a trigonometry book, that shit was the worst for me." He ordered before noticing that he was a bit taller than before, by about half an inch. Another nerd handed Kyle a trigonometry book and he started to skim through it. Some concepts that were hard for him to process before were now relatively quick and simple for him to understand. Kyle chuckled in delight as he started to think of what he could do with this machine. He opened up the donor chamber to see the nerd he shoved in now being more meek than he was before. The nerd crawled out as if he had neither the muscle nor the brain capacity to walk, collapsing face-first onto Kyle's sneaker. Kyle looked down at the emaciated weakling as the once nerd looked up and had a look in his eye akin to a dog acknowledging its owner before it started licking at Kyle's sneaker. "The hell happened to him?" Kyle asked, pointing down to the pathetic husk at his feet, noticing he was short a nerd but didn't say anything about it. "Well, it had to do with the negative neuropsychological side effects he was talking about earlier." A nerd started explaining. "More or less, it completely drained him of the intelligence necessary for many basic functions. I think it's safe to say he's incapable of much speech or critical thinking. However, this seems to have impacted physicality as well. It ended up not just donating intelligence but also muscle mass. If you haven't already noticed, you came out just slightly bigger than when you came in." By the time the nerd pointed that out, the one missing nerd returned with a full body mirror, probably getting it from the theater class. As the other nerd put the full body mirror in front of him, he noticed his body was a bit bulkier. Probably about 5 pounds of muscle mass had been added to his already muscular body. He couldn't help but flex and groan in satisfaction with the results. Especially looking down to see the husk of his donor still practically worshiping his feet. But he clearly wasn't done just yet. Hegrabbed the nerd who explained the situation to him, pulling him into a headlock. "So what do you think would happen if I sapped all of y'all of everything? Would I be able to improve the machine?" Kyle asked sadistically, looking down at the nerd with a wicked smirk. He pathetically tried to squirm free to no avail, Kyle’s bicep squeezing down on his neck as he started rounding up all the other ones before they could even think of leaving. The nerd would just struggle even harder before being shoved into the donor chamber along with all the other nerds, Kyle forcing the door shut on them. "Only one way to find out then, would be my guess." Kyle said nonchalantly as the nerds pounded on the door while letting out pathetic pleas. Kyle proceeded to pick the nerd husk off the ground, away from his feet, and got the former nerd to sit in the teacher's chair which he pulled in front of the control console. "Start the machine when I go into the other chamber, understand?" Kyle instructed the husk very slowly, unsure admittedly of its capacity to understand, let alone its ability to turn on the machine. The husk nodded in response, looking up at Kyle. "Yes master." The husk responded slowly and almost absent-mindedly. Hearing the husk refer to him like that was a bit of a turn on as he stepped into the other chamber, feeling a bit more confident about his decision. As the door closed behind Kyle, the machine started up once again. This time Kyle ended up feeling a massive amount of pressure while in the chamber. Enough to make it painful but only for a short while. It actually got him a bit hard after a few seconds. When the machine rang once again, Kyle had to squeeze his way out. His muscles were definitely bulking up, a few veins now visible on his biceps. When he went to observe himself in the full body mirror, not only had his body almost outgrown all of his clothes, all of it barely able to contain his massive body to the point to where just flexing along could probably rip the clothes off, but his noggin also grew, not close to how his body grew but enough to be noticeable, especially a small, visible vein on the left side of his forehead. He opened up the donor chamber to see all the other former nerds pathetically fumble out of the chamber, all of them mindlessly clamoring around Kyle to worship him, kissing his sneakers and hugging onto his muscular legs, one of them getting a visible hard on as he kissed the tip of Kyle's sneaker. He chuckled before snapping his fingers twice, making them all stop and sit like dogs, all of them looking up at Kyle. He then flexed his massive body, the clothes around him ripping as exposing some of his body, veins forming on his biceps and pecs, bouncing them to entice the husks beneath him, all of their puny dicks twitching as they looked on in awe of their alpha. "You puny bitches like what you see?" Kyle asked his new slaves teasingly, fully knowing what their answer would be but wanted to hear it anyway. They all nodded, some drooling, one letting out a pathetically horny whimper. Of course they loved it, it was in their nature as dull-brained squirms to admire their better. He slowly stripped down to his jock to entice his new slaves to make them more susceptible to his will. Small visible veins were scattered throughout his muscular body. "You pathetic horn dogs want your master bigger and smarter? Go get more people for me to drain while I work on improving this little toy you dumbasses made. Y’all couldn’t even get this thing to maximum efficiency, but I bet I can now. Go." Kyle ordered all the husks cowering beneath his towering body, which was only emphasized when compared to their small, puny frames, so thin you could practically see their skeletal structure. They nodded as they scrambled up to their feet and started shambling out of the classroom. Kyle playfully tail whipped the last husk to leave before grabbing some of the nearby tools and getting to work on improving the haphazardly put together chamber, the task now easy for him to manage. A good few minutes passed by before some of the husks came back with some of their friends, just in time for Kyle to expand both the donor chamber and the recipient chamber. He’d also remade the recipient chamber out of sturdier metal so they could handle potential overgrowth from Kyle. He has also allied the interior of both chambers with multiple full body mirrors. Not only so he can watch himself grow and bulk up but also his victims could watch all their muscle mass be drained from them, hopefully learning their fate as they become more dull-brained husk slaves, now only living to serve their better. He had also created a remote activator so he could activate the machine from inside the recipient chamber. Kyle lassoed the soon to be victims, a group of 7, with his tail and wrangled them into the donor chamber. He slammed the donor chamber door shut, chuckling at the pathetic resistance of the people brought in. The best part of creating the remote activator was that Kyle could simply activate the machine himself and didn't have to rely on a husk to activate it and risk something going wrong. He activated the machine and felt a jolt of painful pleasure surging through his body. Now he also had the opportunity to see the progress in the mirrors. His muscles rapidly throbbing and writhing under his skin. Even his forehead started to do this as well, though it was harder to notice. Kyle groaned pleasurably as he watched his body expand once more. As the jolt started to subside, his muscles started to settle down but still ended up bigger than before, more veins visible on his body and the ones from before became more prominent, his biceps and thighs being most veiny. Another vein appeared on his forehead, this time on the right side. More husks to serve and worship Kyle, crawling out of the chamber, crawling to his feet. "More, bitches!" Kyle shouted demandingly before the new husks could even begin worshiping his body. He got tired of how long it took for them to scramble to their feet so he helped them up without intending to. By some force, the husks got quickly elevated to their feet. It took Kyle only a second to realize he did it with his mind. He chuckled as he toyed with one for a bit while the rest of the husks left to get more puny humans for the practical living God that Kyle was becoming. He used his telekinetic abilities to wiggle the meek husk around a bit before pulling the puny thing into the cleavage of his massive pecs. Chuckling as the pathetic husk groaned as he got pressed as much against Kyle as was possible. Effortlessly flexing his pecs to make it bounce against the husk, pushing its head further into his cleavage much to the husk's pleasure. Feeling a rush of pleasure too, the semi-hard on making the jockstrap make an audible rip, he decided to keep the husk around a bit while waiting for the rest to come back. "Worship your God's pecs, bitch!" Kyle demanded of the now horny husk, not that its puny dick was noticeable any more. The husk moaned as it caressed Kyle's pecs while he groaned and flexed more, admiring all the visible veins and muscle mass he accumulated. The pleasure amplified more as the husk wisely decided to start licking and sucking on his pecs, hitting Kyle's magic spot that completely gave him a hard on. "Oh yeah, just like that, slave bitch!" Kyle shouted eagerly as he pinned the husk to the wall with his towering body, now starting up a sweat from being in heat, his dick throbbing in between the husks legs, making it more clear to the husk that Kyle was his better, his dick now big enough for the husk to ride like a horse, especially now that it was fully hard. After just minutes of worshiping Kyle's pecs the husk apparently had already come, Kyle feeling a pathetic squirt that was mostly covered by the husk’s pants, but was still damp enough against Kyle's prominent 6-pack for Kyle to tell what happened. "Seriously, not only do you come to your new God without approval, but you let out such a pathetic fucking load?" Kyle asked disappointedly. Backing up from the wall but telepathically keeping the husk pinned to the wall, giving up on the idea of wearing any clothes by ripping off his jockstrap and kicking off his shoes, completely forgetting that he was building up foot stink for an eager to pay foot freak who he was meeting up after school. The freak would most likely be gathered up anyway so decided to forget about the whole arrangement. He forced the husk to his knees, Kyle's massive, throbbing cock in front of his face. "Suck, bitch!" Kyle shouted in a horny fit as he practically pushed his dick against the husk's face. The husk groaned as it started to suck Kyle off. Kyle groaned in pleasure as his dick throbbed and hardened more. He was very tempted to just skull fuck the puny husk, using it's body like a fleshlight but he decided to spare the pathetic thing from potentially being completely broken. After all he didn't quite want to break his toy, as now its only purpose was to serve him anyway. The husk started to get past the tip of Kyle's dick, groaning as it throbbed against its mouth. Kyle started to sweat more as he used his telekinesis to get the husk to fully deepthroat from the husk, the husk's body flinching as a reaction to being penetrated from Kyle's girth. As he started to thrust his dick inside the husk's mouth, apparently more people clamored into the science lab. Kyle turned towards them while he fucked the husk but was a bit confused when he saw that they weren't brought in by the other husks that he sent out. It wasn't until he noticed some flustered faces and tents in guy's pants that he figured that his body was emitting intense pheromones, apparently making everyone nearby mindlessly horny for Kyle. It was practically a form of hypnosis. He grinned deviously as he saw the gym coach among the growing crowd, along with some of the gym kids, getting an idea to take the steroids that they were taking, an unspoken thing in this school. "Hey, gym bitches, gimme your steroids!" Kyle shouted to them. They left, presumably to get them from their lockers. Kyle started to get close, almost forgetting about the lucky husk below him. He panted and groaned as he grabbed the head of the husk, deciding to skull fuck the husk anyway, as the husk wasn't doing enough to get him fully off. He played gently through, trying not to break the puny, pathetic fucker. He got his dick as far into the husk's mouth before finally coming, panting heavily. Just in time for the gym bitches to come back with their steroid doses, all of them using pill forms. The husk had to retract his body and gag out about two gallons worth of load onto the floor. Kyle looks down at the pathetic thing, raising one of his feet and pushing it down on the husk's body, pushing it into the pile of load onto the floor. "Lick it all up, dick taster." Kyle ordered, taking the steroids afterwards. Taking a large dose but not enough to induce an overdose. Even though at his size, he could probably take all of them, he didn't want to take the risk. He then used his telekinetic abilities to stuff as many people into the donor chamber as possible. Stepping down a bit more on the husk as it licked his load off the floor before walking off toward the recipient chamber, his dick still dripping a bit. He got into the chamber after cramming in about 20 people into the donor chamber, looking back to see everyone at the school now clamoring around the classroom. He grinned as he closed the donor chamber and stepped into the other chamber, closing it behind him and turning it on. The jolt is now really intense, making Kyle fall to his knees. Panting as he felt the muscles writhing, expanding and contracting under his skin. It expanded more rapidly as he groaned in a mixture of absolute pain and absolute pleasure. Not only were his muscles expanding, but his brain was well, his head swelling in the multiple reflections in the chamber. His head flooded with an immense amount of knowledge and comprehension. He figured if he used up the entire school, he could dominate and drain the world with ease. His nails scratching the floor of the chamber as he endured the pain, all worth it for practical God-hood. The chamber rang, giving Kyle an indication that it was over. He slowly got up, the floor of the chamber creaking a bit under his weight. He opened the door and slowly squeezed himself out of the chamber. He had to bend the door frame a bit just to get his broad, veiny shoulders fully out. He eventually managed to pop himself out. He sized himself up, noticing that he was now at least a foot taller than he last was. His pecs were so big now, he can't look down enough to see much of his torso. He noticed his biceps were about half covered in veins, mostly covered when he flexed them. He groaned in absolute delight, flexing before his horny, soon to be slaves. "You bitches and bitch boys love what you see~? Wanna see your new God get even bigger and brighter~?" Kyle asked his crowd teasingly. Flexing as a way to maximize his pheromone output. Sweat glistened across his whole, muscled-up body. The sunlight from the window poked in and bounced off the beads of sweat in a way that would make him look like the living, breathing God he knew he would become in a matter of days. What the final results would be according to Kyle's calculations, would make the muscular Gods of myth look like pathetic, tiny twinks compared to him. It seemed like the show was enough to get the crowd eager to give themselves to Kyle, even after seeing the aftermath of donating their muscle and mind to him as the 20 husks crawled out of the donor chamber. The crowd cheered and gathered around the donor chamber, already getting in, already knowing the process and eager to give themselves to him. Kyle chuckled as he squeezed himself back into the recipient chamber. After hearing the donor chamber close, he closed the recipient chamber and turned it back on. There was less pain and more pleasure this time, his body now getting used to the process. He groaned as his body grew once more as he watched in the mirrors. His pecs now sprinkled with veins along with the rest of his body and even his head, his head getting bigger, by centimeters with each series of processes. Each time the machine rang, people helped the husks vacate so they could get into the donor chamber, Kyle not even bothering to leave the chamber. Though eventually he had too, each expansion making the chamber creak and groan more and more around him. He had to start crouching just to try to buy the chamber more time. Around the 6th process, the chamber was too tight for comfort. With a tired and slightly frustrated grunt he stood up and flexed, destroying the chamber the same way a baby bird breaks out of an egg. The crowd looked on in awe, about 1/10th of the school now turned into husks. He towered over the crowd, his head now grazing the ceiling of the classroom. He didn't quite know if the gym would be able to properly accommodate his projected size if his calculations were correct, which was most likely. He weighed the odds in his head, the veins getting more prominent as he thought about it. Ultimately, it didn't matter much was his conclusion. He stomped past the clamored group in the science lab, uncaring of those he knocked down with his feet and even stepped on. He effortlessly tore down the wall, scooting the debris aside with his feet to make a clearer way "Alright, you lot, I want that machine moved to the gym in the next hour! If it's not there by…" He quickly glances down the hall to see that it's 2:52 in the afternoon. "3:45, I'll charge you all to be my servants and it'll cost y'all EVERY CENT you do and don't have!" He chuckled as he walked down the hallway towards the gym. The ground shook slightly with each step, every door frame along the way breaking like Styrofoam. He could have moved the machine himself but he wanted to see how much these dopes were committed to the whole arrangement. After a few minutes he burst into the gym, or at least, that's what it may have looked like to a puny person. For Kyle, he just casually walked in, not even bothering to try to open the doors. Waste of effort and energy when his body could simply break anything that got in the way. He reclined in the bleachers in his usual spot, the bleachers creaking a bit under him. He reclined and relaxed though. He thought about the chances of them actually bringing the machine on time. He side-eyed the clock over on top of the basketball scoreboard. 3 on the dot. While it would be impressive if they did bring it on time, he knew they realistically wouldn't. The machine would be difficult to get on a trolley and they would have to carefully maneuver it down the hall even if they did find enough trolleys that could handle all that weight. He mostly now contemplated on how to degrade them as he had to probably do the work for them. Maybe chew out the roided-up lifters for being weak betas while also making them cling to his arm to feel what true muscle felt like. He dismissed the latter half of the idea. Bit too…"dad literally picking up kids from school" vibes. Though he did like the idea of them all referring to him as "daddy", make them look and even feel more puny and pathetic along the way. Time passed by until the clock struck 3:45 and just as he thought, no machine in the gym yet. He got up, letting out a groan of expectancy mixed with disappointment and walked his way back to the science lab. The more muscular people were trying to nudge the machine up a small ramp onto a trolley that was made of a bunch of smaller trolleys put together by duct and scotch tape. Honestly, pretty pathetic that they haven't even started moving it down the halls yet. Even back at his smaller size, he would've had the machine on the trolley about half an hour ago. He whistled loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Y'all seriously haven't even gotten this thing rolling yet?" He asked, not really expecting a response as he approached the machine. He made sure to tower over all of the gym bros as he casually held the machine under his arm and pressed to his side like you would hold a basketball. He caught quick glances of the wannabe bodybuilders. One of annoyance, most impressed and awe-inspired, some got visibly turned on. "Fucking pathetic." He said dismissively, walking down the hall with the machine, making sure to tail whip the dissatisfied guy in the crotch. Kyle heard him groan and buckle down onto the ground, not even paying much attention. His dick was gonna have no value to it soon anyway, assuming it had any to begin with. The crowd followed him down the hall, still hooked on his pheromones. "Since it's past 3:45 and you dumbasses couldn't even get the machine into the hallway, y'all are getting the locker cramming treatment once I make adjustments to the machine. Y'all still owe me ALL of your money, by the way. I expect all of your wallets with your bank information in them, including your accounting and routing numbers." He remarked to the crowd as he walked to the gym. He noticed some of them getting on their cell phones and some walking into classrooms they would pass by, probably to get papers and pens. Upon getting into the gym, he gently set down the machine and started making modifications, making the donor chamber bigger as well as making a brand new recipient chamber from scratch and hopefully big enough to endure draining the whole school. As he did this, he telepathically made nearby plastic bins float around people. "Wallets in the bins, people. Don't have your wallets, strip down to your birthday suits so everyone knows you for being a broke loser." He shouted to ensure everyone could hear him. He tinkered with the machine as if this marvel of medical technology was nothing more than a Lego set to him. By the time he was finished, everyone had already deposited their wallets into the plastic bins, except about a sixth of the crowd who were completely naked. "Alright, since there were more broke bitches than I thought, paying customers, front of the line, birthday suits, go to the back of the line and crawl on all fours like the useless mutts you are!" He announced before all of the students and staff got into their places, chuckling as he grabbed a group of six puny humans with ease while watching the wave of ass cheeks flood to the back of the line. He forcibly cramed the worthless people into his machine, not even bothering to make sure there was much room for them to move. He slammed the door shut before stepping into the donor chamber, having shoved about 40 or more people in. He closed the door and looked up at the mirrors he installed after taking them from the locker rooms. His muscles practically bulged under his skin which developed stretch marks. He smirked and flexed, seeing more veins appear on his body. An already perfect body that would have professional bodybuilders revere and worship every prominent vein, knowing they could never obtain what he did with ease. He turned on the machine that he also had to rebuild to account for his size. A familiar but welcoming jolt of pain and pleasure courses through him, making him harder than any partner in lingerie could. He buckled down as if to bow before his new body, even more perfect and godly than what he has now. Writhing, stretching and tearing, practically bubbling under the skin would be the best way to describe this transformation into the next stage of evolution. A being of absolute perfection that everyone, every being, was born to worship. He chuckled as he just now noticed that his ego was growing along with the mind and body. Who cared though? He deserved this, to become the most perfect God in all of myth. Everyone and everything only had a fraction of value compared to just one of his stretch marks. Little pissants whose only value was in giving themselves to his might and worship. Once the machine rang, steam had fogged up the mirrors, his body in intense heat. He opened the door and wiped the fog off the nearest mirror, his forehead now having five visible veins on it, not including any that would be covered up by his hair, his forehead almost 1.5 times its usual size. Getting hard from the absolute monster he had become now compared to how he was mere hours ago. And got harder upon realizing this was just the beginning for him. He stomped out of the chamber, the floor creaking from his admittedly overly eager showcasing to the others. He even left a foot indentation on the gym floor, the same way as you would by walking barefoot through mud. Enjoying the brief "crunch" sound under his weight. He then started briefly showing off his body, flexing and bouncing his pecs as well as letting out a loud, dominant growl. "You want more from this muscle God~?! Lemme hear how much y'all want more!" He shouted into the crowd before getting the shouts and applause he wanted. Of course these bugs wanted more, that's their whole purpose. Even pheromones wouldn't drive up this much enthusiasm, this was something more. This was more than bee-like pheromones that make workers serve a queen. This was absolute divinity they were witnessing. A true God of muscle and might appearing before their puny, fragile bodies. He walked up to the donor chamber and telepathically scooped out the husks before replacing them with more people than last time, still wanting to experience that jolt of growth and pleasure. Scooping people up with his muscular arms and practically tossing them in haphazardly. Once it got to absolute maximum capacity, he stepped into the recipient chamber once more and flipped on the switch after closing the door behind him. This process would continue for a few rounds before he got to the broke crowd, towering before them like a titanic mass of muscle and musk, the constant growth making his body sweat with each process. He tried to look down at them but his pecs became so big it impacted his ability to look down effectively. Still able to see the tips of his toes but nothing beyond that. He looked down at them, thinking about the best way to degrade them further for a second. "Bark if you dogs think you're worth serving me." He spoke, stalling a bit for time. A good chunk of the crowd barked, only a few barking continuously. He brought up a foot and dropped it down on one of the barkers, silencing all the ones who did bark, except the one under his foot who let out a grunt like someone who accidentally dropped the bar on his chest during bench presses. "The few who didn't bark were smart. None of you broke bitches are worthy of even licking the beads of sweat off my balls, let alone serving me truly." He corrected the dogs, instinctively looking down to check on the dog under his foot to see the guy's head poking out from under his heel. Still seemed fine so he playfully grinded his foot on top of the dog's back as the rest looked pitifully up at him. He pressed the foot down further before finally letting off and backing off to look down at the runt, his back coated in dirt and sweat. "As one of the dogs who barked, foot rug, it's up to you to beg me to forgive the rest of them for their arrogance~" Kyle chuckled at the demand, intrigued to see how the foot rug of a man would beg. He had already forgave them like the merciful God he is, but still wanted to see at least one of them grovel before draining them. The man slumbered into a low bow while still on his knees. "Please forgive us, our walking God." The man started pleading, to Kyle's delight. "We were just so eager to serve, we forgot our place and why we were the last in the school to give our whole selves to you, master. Please, I will serve as a rug for you to wipe the dirt off your feet on, I will lick up every bead of sweat off your balls like it's the savory liquor of the Gods. Just please, let us serve, master." The begging and bargaining was so pathetic and submissive, it made Kyle's dick twitch a bit. Either this guy was a submissive little bitch with plenty of begging experience or they really have started seeing him as a type of God. Amusing him to make him chuckle a bit at the idea of "Kyleism" soon becoming the religion of the planet soon. But a devious idea of completely absorbing all of these broke bitches entered his mind and it leaked out into a wicked smile. "Alright, since you begged so well, I've forgiven you dogs like the benevolent God I am. However, such arrogance doesn't come without consequence. Give me a few minutes to make some adjustments to the machine and you will get what you deserve and seek~" Kyle spoke to the crowd before turning his back to them, letting down his hefty tail onto the back of the groveling dog. It crushed the puny human with a loud grunt and maybe a soft crack. He didn't even flinch at the sound. They would obtain a great fate anyhow. Kyle grabbed his tools and tinkered with the machine. Creating an "absolute absorption" feature that would completely absorb every single atom, molecular, microscopic and nanoscopic organism inside the donor chamber. Now these formally worthless people will finally put themselves to some use. Maybe if that one groveler was lucky, maybe his atoms would go to his feet or balls. Unfortunately for them, their consciousness would evaporate as there would be no mind or brain remaining to retain it. Some would probably relish the idea of being fused to his flesh, understandably so. Who wouldn't want to be a part of his perfect body? He soon finished mere minutes later, even installing the new mode to be an option on his remote via a dial. Wiping some sweat off his forehead, he looked back at the crowd of dogs, chuckling as he knew what would soon come of them. "Alright you worthless mutts, get the fuck in there where y'all belong~" he told the dogs as he started to stuff and shove then donor chamber, more an order of compliance than a statement. He made sure to save the groveller for last, cramming all the dogs in, to the point to where the metal would creak around them. He then wrapped his tail around the ankle and dangled the pathetic bug in front of him. Making it so that way the main thing that the puny insect sees is Kyle's dick and balls, Kyle's flaccid shaft half as big as the insect's body. His dick throbbed at the thought of what he was about to do next. "Now, what do you say, foot rug?" Kyle asked, looking down at the puny man, manipulating his tail to make the human's body sway while being dangled like a pendulum. "Th-thank you, master Kyle." Kyle chuckled and brought the human's face right up against the tip of his dìck. The human's head was actually a bit smaller than the head he was pressed up against. "Good, now kiss your God's dick like a good rug" Kyle ordered, his dick throbbing once more, bumping more into the human's face. The human would surprisingly hesitate before finally giving in to Kyle's order, his lips making contact with Kyle's urethra as much as it could. This made Kyle groan and get hard a bit. "Good little bitch. Don't be afraid to use your tongue while you're at it~." Kyle moaned while the human whimpered in a bit of disgust. Though maybe it might've been that one thing that bottoms do when they pretend like they don't like something when they clearly do. He didn't care whether the bitch boy actually liked it, it felt good to him and as far as this insect should be concerned, that would be the only thing that mattered. A few minutes would pass by, the bug disappointingly not using tongue at all. Kyle would use his tail to toss the man into the donor chamber before slamming the door on them. Chuckling as he set the machine to "absolute absorption" mode before stepping into the recipient chamber. Closing the door behind him, he turned on the machine, an instant shock overwhelming him. A feeling of an explosion pouring over his body as every inch of his body pulsed and throbbed rapidly. As if there was some resistance from where his strength and mind enhancement was coming from. Thoughts that were not his own appeared in his mind. Pleads and begs of the pathetic dogs flashing in and out of his mind as Kyle dropped to his knees, slamming his knuckle into the floor of the machine. "Shut up and accept your fates. Y'all know this is what you deserve. You should be grateful little bastards. Y'all get to be part of something bigger, better. You get to be a part of a God! Now submit as you were meant to and let yourselves be one with your God." Kyle shouted at the stream of other's consciousness flowing into him, mentally straining a bit for complete dominance. The veins on his forehead became more prominent as his head grew in size. The stream was losing strength as Kyle was shown moments of other's memories and knowledge flowing into him. His muscles bubbled under his scales as they stretched and expanded far more than the normal process. The knowledge of other people's lives converted to knowledge of all probable lifeforms in this universe and the next. Knowledge of all known languages. How to completely bend the minds and wills of all life to his will. He grimaced with knowledge of how to conquer all life in this universe. His body steamed and sweated profusely, fogging up the chamber and it creaked and groaned around him. His body kept expanding as Kyle mentally declared himself the king of this universe for all will submit to him! At this thought, he ended up bursting out of the chamber yet again. Each one acting as an egg for his proverbial rebirths. His body had stopped expanding by this point, good thing too as he noticed that he and his husks were standing in complete darkness, not even any light from the sun emerging from the windows. The big gym clock stopped at 8:56. The power most likely went out from all the electricity used to perform the absolute absorption mode. Kyle opened the donor chamber to see nothing in there. Not a single speck of dirt or dust in there from what little Kyle could see. He flexed his muscular body once more. All those puny little bitches now became nothing more than the muscles on his body. He got hard at the thought as he flexed. Admittedly wishing there was a way to keep them conscious so they could mentally worship him. Feel every flex of his muscles in what used to be their bodies. Feel every step from their God, get to enjoy the flow of blood into his dick which, when fully hardened, could easily tower over a whole person. Probably about 6 feet in length by now. It made him curious how it would feel to be remade into a sperm cell swimming in the balls of a God. He would probably obtain this knowledge later on during his conquest of the universe. But merely serving as part of his ever-expanding muscles was surely a fitting enough reward for a bunch of worthless bitches. He laid rest on the floor, not really caring if he crushed a husk to death under his body or not. Their lives were made to serve him, after all. Speaking of which, his dick throbbed as he telepathically lifted up the puny insects and pressed them to his towering body. "Worship and caress your God till he falls asleep. You all may sleep when I am fully asleep first." Kyle ordered the husks. They unreluctantly worshiped the muscled-up God. Kyle relaxed on the floor, resting his forearms behind his head with a bit of strain, all the muscles on his body making it a bit harder than usual. He relished in every action of his husks, from all the caressing and massaging down to each lick of his body. Some were worshiping his dick and balls, making it admittedly a bit difficult to fall asleep but eventually sleep came for the massive dragon as he was slowly lulled into slumber. Great visions of glory and God-hood would play out in Kyle's dreams. Him towering over Skyscrapers, his very knees piercing the clouds above. Him laying on a lavish chariot made of the planet's finest and studier materials and luxuries. Him gulping down a custom made glass of ocean water, "accidentally" consuming little specks that were once to him recognizable as humans without care or thought. Thousands crushed under a single step from the uncaring God as they would be absorbed into his body either way. Him sitting on the Earth reshaped into a throne, using the moon as a footrest. All alien life cowering as he absorbed them without any effort at all. The begging, whines, and pleads as he absorbs damn near everything with a pulse. Planets drained of all life repurposed into beads on lavish looking jewelry. All would be one with his glorious body and worship him! The dream, possibly a vision of things to come for him, would slowly fade as his eyelids slowly drew open. Instead of upon his throne, he was back laying on the floor of the gym. Still being worshiped by the insignificant bugs that he let bugs worship him. A thought would come to the awakening giant. He didn't need these insects or that puny machine they made for him. Through his telekinetic abilities, he could simply extract all beings his own damn self. Cut out the middleman and just drain them himself. He felt a pathetic insect dare to squirt over by his left armpit. Getting him to eventually acknowledge all the other insects that were still awake, still worshiping him. Annoyed with this particular insect he telepathically pulled the bug up to his face, his eyes tiredly looking up in disgust towards this insect. "Did you really just come on your God, while he was just waking up and without approval?" He asked the pathetic being that he now recognized as the first nerd he shoved into the machine. His puny, muscle depraved body was honestly not that different from how he looked 24 hours ago. Only difference now was the absence of clothes and glasses. He waited tediously long for the bitches response. "Master smell good…" was slowly sputtered by the pathetic thing as he still leaked, dripping down onto his lower lip. Kyle simply rolled his eyes before licking up the bit of seed that dripped onto his lip. Setting the bug down onto his chest. Of course these bugs couldn't help but to come to him. He was a living example of perfection. The whole flock of insects could come now and it wouldn't be more than a mere inconvenience. He groaned as he got up, the very gym shaking underneath him. What was left of the wooden floor beneath him anyway. Several indentations in the floor from where he walked and laid down. He walked to the exit of the gym, feeling at least a few of the husks cushion each step he took. He didn't even slow down or walk cautiously for them. If they didn't want to be stepped on, they would've gotten out of his way. By the time he got to the exit, at least 3 bugs got peeled off his godly feet. With barely any effort, he broke down the wall leading outside. This ended up being beneficial for the insects to follow him. They served no purpose without him so of course they followed their new God that they gave everything to. This flock of insects were cute but not nearly enough for a God. He walked out into the city with his goal already in mind. He needed all of humankind, no, ALL LIFE to submit to him. He walked into the more populated parts of the town. Leaving behind foot prints on whatever he walked on. Grass, concrete, cars, people who would not walk out of their God's way. Each step announcing his arrival to his servants like the bells and trumpets that were spoken of when the concept of a rapture got explored. His pheromones got caught on the wind and spread far and wide across the town. Like a skunk being run over, people could smell it for miles away but they were naturally drawn into the scent of a God. All who got a whiff, inevitably started to follow the scent and the stomping sounds made by their God. Many followed him throughout the downtown area. Some tried, and even succeeded, to cling onto their God. Most clung to his broad, muscular ankles, some clung onto his balls and shaft which were close to dragging across the floor. Some merely wished to kiss his feet or balls. The fools got trampled over, especially the ones trying to kiss the soles of his feet. Whatever spots weren't being covered by the mortals anyway. By the time he got to the center of the town, his feet were completely cushioned by both husks and humans. He looked out onto the crowd that followed him, thousands at minimum, ensuring him that there was not much difference between husk and man. They were all made to serve him after all. "ATTENTION ALL MY SERVANTS! YOU'RE GOD IS NOW HERE AND DEMANDS ALL OF YOU PRESENT!" He shouted into the air, his voice booming and far reaching. The message echoed across the town and even a few miles out further. He sat down on the roof of a nearby parking garage. An inadequate place for a God to sit but it was enough to sit and wait for his subjects to arrive. As he waited, his servants would bow to their new owner. This got a chuckle out of Kyle before he curiously looked at the sole of one of his feet. About 8 mortals were stuck to their God's foot. Actually upon closer look, they were clinging onto his foot. Not that it mattered much anyways. They should be thankful to serve their God in such a way, even if it was completely unwilling. Within an hour, all his servants appeared before him. Hundreds of thousands of indistinguishable insects looking up at their God in reverence. His pheromones had definitely spread far enough to get every one of them hooked to his powerful will and eager to serve. Seeing some cameras of various types pointing at him, he decided that he probably needed to perform…less casually, at the very least. He actually had not thought about what kind of God he was going to be when it came to addressing his servants. He always degraded, bullied and humiliated others back when he was mortal so might as well keep going with what was natural. He slowly stood up, indifferent to the crunching of bones underneath him from the servants basking in his glory. "As pathetic as this flock is, it surely will do for how you all may help your God. Your God is a powerful one as you all can see." He says before performatively flexing his body. The muscles and shadows being emphasized by the sun set above him like a spotlight. "But…this is not enough from your God. Your God has ambitions. Far higher than any of you puny insects ever could have. What you all need to know is that your God demands power. As much as possible, you will no longer need any. All y'all will need is to surrender yourselves to me and worship me. That shall be your lives purpose from now on. So I expect all of you to work together to build a ray gun to surge all of the Earth's power into your God. Do this and your species will be rewarded very well, this is my promise to you, my lowly, insignificant servants." He finished before sitting back down. All the insects below taking that as their cue to get to work on this ray gun. He relaxed as his message spread not just to the bugs in front of him but also because of the bugs with the cameras, all the insects across the planet got to work as well. All his servants heard their God's word, his pheromones apparently speaking across the planet. They all now work together, finally truly unified as one to serve their God's will. The utopia that has been discussed and debated for centuries will all soon be theirs once their God ascends further and all will be able to truly bask in his glory very soon from the sounds of it. Could he have made it himself? Realistically yes but this was a test of this lower species' devotion to their better. After a few hours the ray gun was finally constructed. Kyle was semi-impressed. Took longer than if he would've built it but that would've taken just the power of the whole continent. These insects managed to arrange things so all the electrical, solar and nuclear power on the planet would all surge into him. He stomped in front of the ray, truly uncaring of who or what he stepped on and demanded that the mortals turned it on. A glow of pure light from the ray guns tip was all Kyle saw before he got an intense burning engulf him, making him send out a massive wail of pain, making him buckle down onto his knees. Each cell in his body breaking down and duplicating at speeds faster than the speed of light. The scream from their God made the mortals turn on the machine in naive fear that this would even so much as hurt their God. This was just part of his ascension. His body steamed and pulsed within the scales on his body as he was at least 4 times bigger than when he approached all his servants. His whole being glowing in pure, radiant light before revealing his red hot, scorching body. With a raging hard-on that had collapsed a few buildings around him, he looked down at the mortal furiously. "I DIDN'T SAY FOR YOU TO TURN IT OFF, YOU WORM! TURN IT BACK ON AND DON'T TURN IT OFF AGAIN!" He shouted furiously at the beetle sized mortal who dared to blue ball him at the beginning of this glorious moment. The demand was so loud it was heard from the other side of the planet. The insect of a man trembled and pathetically begged his God for forgiveness as it turned the ray gun back on. The same flash of light before the overwhelming pain surged through the living God. He rapidly grew more quickly than ever before. His expansion was akin to an un-bursting balloon being hooked up to a thousand air machines. His screams turned into moans of triumph and dominion over all that exists, the feelings of pleasure converted into feelings of pure pleasure, bliss and ecstasy. He grew to tower the whole land, able to see past the horizon on the planet as all conceivable knowledge flowed into his mind. The timelines of this dimension and galaxy along with all other ones. Not only could he know of them, he could control them by mere thought alone. With this, he altered all dimensions and galaxies to worship him and him alone. Not even other versions of himself in other dimensions. Those pathetic versions of himself should've obtained true God-hood and dominion of all that is, isn't and isn't yet before he could. Once all the power got drained from the planet, he took his stand. His foot alone was the size of a small island. Each step creating a deep indentation in the puny lands beneath him. His musk and pheromones had replaced all the oxygen in the air, making it the only thing any of his servants could smell. He looked down to barely be able to see his lowly servants anymore. His cock throbbed with might, dripping some pre down onto a city that got blessed with their God's seed. He bellowed in triumph and might as a wicked way to reward his servants popped into his mind. His mind was certain now what kind of rapture his subjects would experience. "MY SERVANTS CALLED HUMANS, YOU HAVE SERVED YOUR GOD WELL AND HAVE REDEEMED ALL LIFE ON THIS PITIFUL, LOWLY PLANET! SO THUS, ALLOW YOUR GOD TO REWARD YOU WITH WHAT YOU ALL SHALL TRULY DESIRE!" He yelled to all his servants below. He held up his right hand over the planet and started to telepathically lift up all life on Earth towards them. Every man, every animal, every insect, every virus and multi-cell organism joined together to be pressed against the mighty hand of their God. He proceeded to take all the creatures and used their bodies to create a fleshlight that would barely be capable of handling his eclipsing shaft. He then put it to work, jamming his massive, throbbing cock into the writhing collection of life on this planet. He didn't go gentle on the insignificant specs, thrusting in and out rapidly as he started to absorb all the lifeforms. This was their purpose fully realized. Their heaven would be becoming a conscious addition to their God. He grew and grew even more. The usual sensation was more of a tingle this time around. He was so damn close, he had hoped that some of the pathetic life forms would survive long enough to experience their God coming. As a being outside of him that is. They would have all of eternity to experience being both their God's cock and the load he shoots out at the same time. He groaned as his mighty body and cock expanded far outside the stratosphere making him able to see all of space before him, the continent cracking under his weight. He screamed gloriously as he squeezed his dick tightly, unleashed his load that would've replaced the very oceans of the planet off into space. This would crush and press any remaining specks of life into his cock. He panted tiredly as all of life would get absorbed into his glorious, perfectly Godly form. Then in his maniacal state where he didn't want the smallest risk of his rule being undone, he absorbed all the Kyle's in the other dimensions. Some were stupid enough to think they were safe from his grasp and all begging to be spared. Even one that was close to finishing using his dimensions servants just as he had finished seconds before he did. He should've gotten that taken care of a few seconds earlier. He didn't even get a bit of mercy from his better self as he was just on the edge of climaxing before he and all of his servants in that dimension were all absorbed. Not only were all the other Kyle's absorbed but all of their blasphemous followers. There was to be nothing worshiped as God other than him. As they got absorbed, jet black ram-like horns rapidly grew along his head along with spikes on his back and his tail. All the colors of each spike were that of each Kyle absorbed. His eyes changed color as well, becoming a dimly glowing deep purple color. Giving the God a cold, cruel stare even though he himself grew indifferent and it showed in his face. As a result of this, he had grown to the point that the Earth would no longer be able to withstand his size so he had to step off of the lifeless planet. His body had become coated in veins, every vein his body bulging out and competing with his muscles for which would be more prominent. Also, he had become all knowing, knowing of every thought and action across all the dimensions, even before they occurred and this was showcased by his bulbous forehead which was as long, if not longer, than his abdomen. He could feel all the life he had absorbed coursing through them. Not only that, but all the intelligence and malicious, evil intentions of the other Kyles. All their thoughts, all their praises and prayers, all their begging and pleading for release.it was decided through absorbing all the other Kyles and their evil, however, that he would not rule as a benevolent or indifferent God, but one that was more cruel and punishing than any devil to exist all because he merely could. All life was far too beneath him to hold any maliciousness towards them. All was solely to remind them every second of their lives knowing their place. He dismissed all the voices and feelings equally to work on shifting the very planets and the various dimensions to his will. Pressing the planets in his dimension together and breaking them down to forge a throne worthy of his rule. He then proceeded to make all the other dimensions pay for not aiding in his ascension by giving them form, pressing them against each other to create his new garments: a pair of gladiator sandals, forced to have some of the foulest part of his body be the very thing they breathed in with no reprieve whatsoever. As he sat down on his throne, his servants and selves from other dimensions all now relishing in becoming a part of their God, he then grabbed the very sun itself and broke it in two. One half forged onto a crown and the other half served as a cock ring to keep the deity forever erect. He needed to repay his lowly servants after all and being in a constant state of sexual arousal which they all could feel was the very least this God could do for them. I would appreciate feedback in the comments section I'm always open to collaboration if anyone needs ideas for a corrupt story where the evil tyrant wants to get even stronger. Just write me a private message if I have aroused your interest.
  9. Nathan

    M UNIVERSITY (Part 10)

    (since the tests of Jeff and Max are quite short, I will put them in the same chapter) Chapter 11: The tests of Jeff and Max Tim comes back to Jeff and Max with the new gods creating David who moves levitating, so soon Jeff and Max get down on their knees and start licking David's calf, it's amazing! The new god's calf is the size of Jeff's thigh, no one would want to fight him. David: "It's okay guys no need to worship me, you'll soon be just as powerful as me" He flexes his biceps and starts licking it. Tim: " Alright Jeff It's your turn" Jeff follows Tim to the great hall, he explains to him that he is going to do a test of courage and that it will not be. Following this Jeff goes to the big door and is about to open it as David did previously. Jeff's test of courage Jeff opens his eyes and he sees that he is in the middle of a ruined city and in front is Thomas one of Master Baram's lieutenants. Thomas : " Let's see if you're as strong as they say." He clasps his fists together, an immense amount of magic sweeps around the area. Suddenly Jeff throws himself on him and gives him a punch that throws Thomas into a building, he doesn't even give him time to get up when he chains him up with a multitude of blows on the face. The earth cracks, the buildings still standing fall in the face of a deluge of blows. After that Jeff calms down and moves away from the lifeless body of Thomas, he raises his fist in the air as if to say that he had won except that a machiavellian laugh sounded in his head. Thomas: " HAHAHAHA!!! you thought you could beat me so easily?" Jeff is shocked he looks at Thomas who gets up as if nothing had happened, not even a scratch. Jeff: " How it is possible?" Thomas : " I explain to you, my main power is absorption, each time an enemy touches me I absorb his power, you I think you must have touched me a lot of times so I think your whole power will be mine " Jeff falls to the ground, his muscles begin to shrink, his power disappears and his strength is so colossal too, when in Thomas it's quite the opposite, a wave of power comes into him, it's muscles grow to sizes exorbitant, he is now two heads taller than Jeff when he was still muscular. but his muscles are nothing compared to the astronomical power that invades his body, he could even beat Master Baram. Thomas : " HAHAHAHAHA!! NOTHING CAN STOP ME! BUT BEFORE I KILLED YOU I'M GOING TO HAVE A LITTLE FUN, I THINK I HEARD A GIRL CRYING OVER THERE" He snaps his fingers and the girl is immediately teleported to her knees and crying in front of her titanic body. Thomas prepares a ray charged from his finger to pierce the innocent woman, but the attack is interrupted by a small pebble which hits his face, Thomas looks in the direction where the pebble came from and he sees Jeff standing , thin as a twig, shaking with fear and trying to defend himself with all he has. Thomas: " HAHAHAHA! PATHETIC ! YOU THINK IT'S CAILLOU ARE GOING TO ARREST ME! "He starts to charge his beam again in the direction of the girl and this time the attack to hit someone... but it's not the woman, Jeff managed to find a bit of strength to come between the wife and the ray, he sacrificed himself to save her.Suddenly Jeff wakes up in the great room next to Tim still with his beautifully muscled body. Tim: " You have passed the test of courage" Jeff : " but I died, I failed" Tim: " You showed great courage in always wanting to fight against Thomas even knowing that your attacks weren't going to hurt him and in addition you sacrificed yourself to save the life of this woman, very few people don't. will have done this feat, therefore you will receive the divine blessing " As for David, Tim raises his arm in the air and a lightning comes down on Jeff. Such a level of power invades his body, his clothes are torn because of his muscles which grow every second, a blue and red cape appears behind his back so wide that one could hide from at least 4 adult men, a blue diamond appears between his pectorals which are now bigger than a watermelon, and gold bracelets come surrounded by his handles which are now capable of crushing any matter. another god is born .............. Back alongside Max and the god David, Max can't help but jerk off to Jeff's new body. Max : " Damn you're so beautiful" Jeff approaches Max and whispers in his ear as if to excite him. Jeff: " I know. But don't worry it will be your turn soon" Tim: " Your turn Max, I hope you are ready." As for the others Max follows Tim to the big hall, Tim explains to him that he is going to do a showdown, "it's the hardest of the tests no one has succeeded, but you intrigue me, let's see who you really are." Max goes to the door and opens it. Max's test of strength Max opens his eyes and strangely he finds himself in the same big room, except that instead of seeing Tim, he sees Justin kneeling and chaining, and on the other side of the room there are David and Jeff kneeling and chaining also. Suddenly Tim appears behind him and he explains to her. Tim: " You will have to make a choice, either you kill your lover Justin and you can join Jeff and David as if nothing had happened or you kill your friends and Justin will become nice and between you two you will be the most powerful beings in the universe. You have 5 minutes to make your choice." Max starts pacing, he scratches his head, what a dilemma! Will he choose love and power, or friendship? 5 minutes later the fateful moment has arrived the moment to choose has come. He walks towards Justin, a tear appears on Max's face "I'm sorry" and with a hand he decapitates Justin's head. Max wakes up and he finds himself in the real big room next to Tim. Tim: " You have passed the test" Max: " What would it have done if I had chosen the other choice?" Tim: " you would have passed it too, you know this test shows above all what kind of person you are, as I told you, people did not succeed, they did not have the strength to choose and many fell in madness. Therefore I will be able to give you the divine blessing." Max also receives the divine lightning, but his size has nothing to do with the two previous ones, Max's muscles have become mountains, he could crush a tank between his thighs and destroy a sun with two fingers, a blue uniform just cover his massive upper body, over the uniform comes appear gold epaulets and a gold breastplate as well, and finally tight black pants cover his very sexy and monstrously powerful lower body. another god is born To be continued..... (Sorry to have been long to write this chapter I didn't have time, tell me what is your favorite event and your favorite god )
  10. Tim and Josh had just finished their workout and were changing in the gym locker room. Tim had been working out for months, trying to bulk up and impress Josh, who was always the biggest and strongest guy in the gym. But Josh seemed to barely notice him, always focused on his own workout and his own physique. As Tim approached Josh, his heart was pounding in his chest. He had been rehearsing what he wanted to say for weeks, but now that the moment was here, he was suddenly nervous. "Josh, I need to tell you something," Tim said, his voice barely above a whisper. Josh looked up from his locker, surprised by Tim's sudden seriousness. "What's up, man?" he asked. Tim took a deep breath and said, "I...I have feelings for you, Josh. I've had them for a long time now, and I just couldn't keep them bottled up anymore." Josh's face turned red with shock and confusion. He tried to back away, but Tim was too quick. He lunged at Josh, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his body against Josh's. Josh struggled, but Tim was surprisingly strong. He seemed to have a new power coursing through his body, and it was growing with each passing moment. As Josh tried to pull away, he suddenly felt a strange sensation. He looked down and saw that his legs were merging with Tim's. He tried to scream, but his mouth was pressed against Tim's chest. He could feel his own muscles shrinking as Tim's grew bigger and more defined. Tim's body was now towering over him, twice his original size, with Josh's body parts sticking out of him like a grotesque Siamese twin. Tim reveled in his newfound power, feeling each muscle in his body grow bigger and stronger. He could feel Josh's body parts merging with his own, becoming a permanent part of him. He felt a rush of pleasure as each muscle fiber expanded, filling him with a sense of power and dominance. As Josh disappeared completely into Tim's body, Tim let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. He was now a completely different person, a giant among men, with Josh's body parts as a constant reminder of his newfound power. He flexed his biceps, feeling the power coursing through his veins. Tim felt a rush of energy coursing through his veins. He could feel the power of Josh's muscles, merged with his own, pulsing through his body. Tim had never felt so strong, so powerful, so alive. He reached up and touched his biceps, feeling the hard muscle under his skin. It was a sensation he had never experienced before. As he explored his new body, Tim realized that he had become a completely different person. The body he had been working so hard to build before seemed small and weak compared to the massive, muscular form he now possessed. He flexed his arms, watching the bulging muscles ripple under his skin. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that he had accomplished something that few others could ever hope to achieve. He took a deep breath and tightened his chest muscles, feeling them bulge and contract under his skin. Then, he let them loose, bouncing his pecs up and down. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, the feeling of his muscles moving on their own accord. He laughed in delight, feeling like he was in control of his body in a way he had never been before. As he continued to bounce his pecs, he realized that he was drawing attention from the other guys in the locker room. They were staring at him, some with envy and others with admiration. Tim felt a sense of pride in himself, knowing that he had accomplished something that few others could ever hope to achieve. He bounced his pecs a few more times, enjoying the sensation of his muscles moving under his skin. Then, he relaxed, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment. He knew that he was now a different person, someone who could take on the world and win But it wasn't just the size and strength of his muscles that made Tim feel good. It was the sense of power and dominance that came with them. For so long, he had been the small, weak guy that no one paid attention to. But now, he was a giant among men, with the body to match. He knew that he could take on anyone and win, that no one would dare to challenge him. As he stood there, admiring his new body, Tim felt a sense of euphoria wash over him. He was no longer the same person he had been before. He had been reborn as something new, something better.He was no longer the small, weak guy he had been before. He was now a force to be reckoned with, and he knew that no one would ever be able to stand in his way. And he knew that he would never go back to being the small, weak guy he had once been.
  11. NewGuy71

    Where You Belong

    Where You Belong You smirked as you watched Brandon strut about the stage, proudly flexing his glistening muscles. He'd just been named the winner of this year's Arnold Classic competition. And rightly so. Brandon's body was a work of art, and he knew it. The product of excellent genes and years of hard work and effort. The hunk paraded around the stage in nothing but a tiny gold poser before bowing to the crowd with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. His eyes met yours for but a brief moment, and his smile wavered. But it quickly returned to full force, and he looked away and waved back to the cheering crowd. You laughed inwardly. No matter. He would be yours again soon enough anyway. You turned to leave and head back to your hotel room, well aware of how Brandon's amber eyes tracked you as you left the auditorium. *** You leaned back in your armchair, waiting patiently in your hotel room. It was only a matter of time until he arrived. You knew Brandon wouldn't be able to stay away for too much longer. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," you called, "It's open." The door opened to admit Brandon, now fully dressed, with a reluctant frown on his handsome face. He entered the room, closing and locking the door behind him. He was dressed in a tight green t-shirt that stretched wonderfully over his chest, emphasizing his impressive pec shelf and arms. The shirt clung tightly to his narrow abdomen, showing off every bulge and curve of his abs. A pair of grey gym shorts hung low on his hips, barely concealing the outline of the huge cock hanging between his legs. Brandon dropped his gym bag by the door and walked up to you, fidgeting as he did so. You tilted your head with a grin. "My, my. If it isn't the champion himself. How I've missed you, Brandon." He stared silently at you, his eyes stormy and conflicted. "What's wrong, Brandon? You're acting like you don't want to be here." you said casually. He gritted his teeth. "I... don't." he ground out. You raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so?" you asked, "Well then, why don't you just leave?" "You know I can't." Brandon growled, his expression defiant. You laughed and shrugged. "Whatever do you mean? I can't keep you here. You do have about 150 pounds of muscle over me, there's no way I could force you to stay." It was true. Brandon was almost a foot taller than you and more than double your weight. If he really wanted to leave, there would've been nothing you could've done to stop him. But, the bigger man said nothing. He just hung his head low and stared down at the floor. "If you want to go so badly, Brandon," you began softly, "just do it. Go. Leave now." "I... I can't." the bodybuilder finally admitted, his regret plain on his face. You nodded. "Fine. If that's the case, then I'll be the one to go instead." You got up and made to leave the room, but was stopped by a strong grip on your shoulder. You turned to look at the taller man who only whimpered and said, "No. Please..." "Please what?" you prodded with an amused look. "Please... take me back..." he whispered quietly. Brandon turned to gaze at you, desperation in his eyes. You pretended not to understand what he meant. "Take you back? Whatever do you mean, Brandon?" you asked with an innocent grin. "You know what I mean!" he bit out hoarsely, "Put me back where I belong! Reclaim me! Absorb me!" Brandon grabbed onto your shoulders, throwing his pride to the wind. "Please, I'm begging you. Make me a part of you once again!" Your smile widened. Bingo. No matter how much Brandon struggled, no matter how much he tried to resist, you knew he'd never be able to stay away. After you absorbed and merged with him the first time those years ago, he would forever be linked with you, forever drawn back to you no matter how far he tried to run. No matter how many times you granted him his freedom, allowed him to re-form and take back all his size, muscle, and power, everything that was once his, he would always yearn to return and merge back with you. The man was yours, now and forever. "If that's what you want... then strip." you ordered the bodybuilder. Brandon quickly complied, tearing off his tight t-shirt, shorts, and underwear. You did the same, leaving you both naked in front of each other. It was quite the sight. Brandon, with his musclebound 6'4" 260-pound physique stood in stark contrast to your skinny 5'7" 110-pound body. And yet, here he was, this paragon of masculinity, begging to become a part of you again. Who were you to deny such an earnest request? You opened your arms in a welcoming embrace and Brandon leaned down, practically falling into you. His larger body sank in, his flesh quickly merging with yours. The two of you began to fuse together, forming a single writhing mass. Brandon's huge frame enveloped your smaller one, his muscular arms wrapping around your neck and his thick legs winding their way around your torso. You could feel him mentally sigh in relief, like he was finally returning home. You decided to grant the other man's wish and flexed once, drawing all of his impressive bulk inside of you once again. You began to grow as you reclaimed Brandon's power for yourself, all his size, his mass, his strength, his power, his masculinity... The two of you became one again. You shot up in height, your spine creaking as it lengthened. Your chest and back broadened as your shoulders widened, your arms and legs growing longer. You grunted as you swelled with the champion bodybuilder's mass. Pound after pound of muscle packed itself onto your expanding frame. You neck thickened, powerful traps bulging out and rising to meet it. Your shoulders bulked up, rounding with muscle as your back and lats rippled with power. Your biceps and triceps pulsed bigger and bigger, your forearms growing thicker. Your chest jutted out obscenely as it filled with meat. Your core strengthened and hardened, becoming a solid six-pack, then adding another row to make it an even more deeply cut eight-pack. A fine carpet of dark hair spread out across your chest and forearms and down your abdomen and legs, the hair in your armpits and crotch thickening in turn, becoming denser. A deep, rich musk filled the air, wafting from your now hairier body. Your cock swelled in response as Brandon's proud 10-incher merged into your own 4 inches, growing until it reached a monstrous size of 14-inches long and 7-inches around. Your balls ballooned to the size of chicken eggs as Brandon's testicles fused with yours, the sack dropping lower under its new weight. Your legs grew considerably thicker and stronger, your quads filling out and becoming massive trunks of power. Your calf muscles bulged and your feet stretched outward, growing to size-15s. Your ass bulked up and hardened as your glutes became more pronounced. Finally, you felt your facial structure shift as your cute, boyish features mixed with Brandon's more mature, angular ones, becoming a handsome mix of youth and masculinity. You could feel stubble spread itself across your now square jaw. With a growl, you subsumed the last remaining vestiges of the champion bodybuilder's mind. In mere minutes, you had reclaimed Brandon entirely. Every bit of him was now a part of you, as it should be. Now standing at 6'6" and weighing in at a massive 280 pounds, you were the epitome of physical masculinity. Brandon was gone, lost within you forever. A stronger, deeper voice emerged from your mouth. "Fuck yeah!" you growled, low and rumbling, "I missed having you around, Brandon." You smiled wickedly, eager to check out your restored form in a mirror. You turned and headed over to the door which led to the bathroom, pushing it open. You stepped inside and placed your now larger hands on the bathroom counter, leaning against it. You gazed at your reflection, eyeing your swole, godly physique. All the muscular perfection that Brandon had enjoyed now belonged to you once again. You could feel every inch of your body brimming with his-no, your masculine power. You flexed one of your newly reacquired biceps, admiring its size and shape. You squeezed it with one hand, grinning at the power you felt in the hard muscle. You couldn't even wrap your hand halfway around it! You switched over to your other arm, inspecting your massive forearm, watching the muscle fibers move and shift as you tensed and flexed it. You glanced down over your hairy, bulging pectorals, and then to your rippling eight-pack. Your cock was rock-hard, twitching eagerly in anticipation. You looked back into the mirror, licking your lips. "Hm, time for some fun, I think," you announced. You flexed in front of the bathroom mirror, using Brandon's memories to match the same poses the bodybuilder had performed earlier on stage. You curled your powerful arms, watching the veins pulse with your movements. You pushed out your huge muscle tits and ran a hand over the deep grooves of your chiseled abs and obliques. You turned around to check out your wide shoulders and lats and your muscular back. You even took a moment to admire your bulky thighs and calves. You could feel your body reacting to your movements, pumping up to match and even surpass the size and strength of the champion bodybuilder. "So fuckin' big!" you growled as you posed, "So fucking strong!" You admired your incredible physique for a few moments longer before lifting an arm and burying your nose in the dense forest of your hairy armpit, taking a good, long whiff of your potent musk. You groaned as the smell went straight to your dick. "Mmm..." you moaned as you fondled your thick cock, "Smells like a real man!" You stood there in the bathroom, huffing at your own musky pit and jerking off your massive 14-inch horse cock. The thought of having claimed Brandon once again filled you with a curling heat. All his power... his strength... his masculinity... it was all yours... forever. You came with a roar, shooting rope after rope of thick, hot cum onto the bathroom mirror. You moaned in pleasure as you watched the mess splatter across your reflection. You sighed and grinned at your handsome reflection in the cum-coated mirror, patting your abdomen with one hand. "Welcome home, Brandon. You're finally back where you belong."
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