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  1. Author's Note: This is My first muscle Growth story that i wrote myself, so please leave some kind of feedback so I can do better stories in The future, Also there's age Progression, thanks for @Lutz for encouraging me to write my own stories. Title: "Television" It was a rainy night in the small town of Westfield, usually in the month of June it would be hot but due to global warming doing its ways on the planet... The weather got reasonably crazy... Among the residents of the quiet Westfield, there was a boy of about 10 years of age named Jonathan, it was the first time that Jonathan was alone at home, his parents had left to buy stuff at the market...so he had The house for himself for some hours This however, made little Jonathan angry, since he had nothing to do, he had already done his homework and chores, his little sister was still a baby so he couldn't play with her... Until he had an idea - watch TV in his parents' room, his parents usually wouldn't let him do that but since he was alone and they left the door unlocked (mostly because They were in a hurry) So...he entered their Room which was adorned with Green walls, a big, white double bed and the so-called television which was a square television from the 90s, it had a VHS that didn't work underneath Jonathan grabs the TV remote and decides to put on the cartoon channel he liked, but while he was flipping through the channels... one thing caught his attention - a bodybuilding contest that was live on a fitness Channel... He decides to watch it, unaware of what would happen to him... The first bodybuilder arrives, his skin had an almost golden tan, he was bald, his muscles were reasonably huge...he had a purple thong, hiding a Huge Bulger underneath. From that moment Jonathan's heart beat strongly... something he hadn't felt before, his breathing became abnormal. "What's Happening?"- Jonathan thought to himself...he still watched The bodybuilding contest... Another Man arrived, his tan tone more bronze rather than Gold, he wore only a pink thong His hair was jet black, and had BLUE eyes, Jonathan was in a trance watching the bodybuilder flex his muscles, posing with a tinge of dominance and strenght. Without him realizing it, his bones begin to crack, he becomes taller... Jonathan now stood 6'5 tall, his appearance still resembling that of a child tho, making him look lanky and awkward "What...?"- Jonathan Said, in his high-pitched, boyish Voice... Then as soon the other bodybuilder in The contest arrived, he started to scream and moan at the same time, as his Muscles start to grow... Veins pop out of his arms and legs, his body taking a manly shape with Huge muscles, The plumpness of his child face starts to disappear Replacing with a square and symmetrical face, with dimples appearing on his face Jonathan's muscles now weighed 350lbs...his puny manhood grew huge, ripping his little black shorts...his skin tanned, his short blond hair fell out leaving a bald Head... Jonathan's mind was now mature and he was feeling quite horny as he had gone through puberty in just one day... He began to dry hump the nightstand eventually Cummings on It, his Voice was now deep and raspy "Fuuuuck~" He flexed his Muscles, like he was used to It...imitating the bodybuilders on television.... The little boy has turned into a Man... -The End-
  2. YoungHunk69

    Max’s Muscle Blog

    This is a new story I’m starting that will be written as several blogposts documenting the muscle growth of a guy from a stick to a god. I will update it once every day or every other day, and it will include pictures. Hi, I’m Max and this is a new blog I have created to follow my muscular progress. I’m about to start taking this new supplement called Alpha Mix. (I’ve heard it’s been banned in most countries). I’ll be taking it every day before I work out in my high school’s weight room. I’m super pumped to see if it helps my muscle growth! Here goes nothing! Day 1: Well, as you can clearly see, I’m not a very muscular guy. I just started working out again last week, so I’m pretty new to this. Every time I’ve started working out, it seems like all the other guys in the weight room seem to laugh at my skinny little body, so I’m hoping to get at least a bit bigger with the help of this Alpha Mix. Speaking of Alpha Mix, today was the first day I tried it, and even though nothing has changed, I felt strangely confident all day, and my whole body felt almost like it was throbbing under my skin after the workout. That’s definitely never happened before. Anyway, I jerked off a bit when I got home later, and I noticed something strange. My cock felt a little odd the whole time, and then my cum was a bit oozier then normal. I just shrugged it off, though. It must just be a weird side affect of Alpha Mix.
  3. Guest

    New Story: Perfect Mate

    Perfect Mate By Ultrabeef Victor was completely fed up and depressed. He had tried every dating app he could find and had zero luck finding the kind of loving relationship he wanted. The fact that he was 50 years old, balding, and overweight certainly didn’t help. But his appearance wasn’t the only thing holding him back, he worked as a grocery store manager and lived in a small apartment in a very conservative town, leading him to keep his homosexuality a secret. One day while scrolling online an ad popped up that seemed tailor-made for Victor. “Tired of dating apps never leading to your perfect match? Try “Perfect Mate” where psychology and science, lead to chemistry and love. Results guaranteed or your money back”. Victor was desperate and intrigued. What did he have to lose with a money-back guarantee anyway. Victor called the number in the ad and spoke with a pleasant and professional sounding receptionist. The cost for the service was really steep, but Victor had saved up some money for a vacation and decided this would be a better use for his cash. Besides, he could get his money back if he wasn’t satisfied. Victor made an appointment for the following Thursday at Perfect Mate offices. Until then, it was back to work at the grocery store and life as usual. Back at work Victor noticed a request for time off from Colton, one of his grocery clerks. Victor reached for the phone and paged over the loudspeaker “Colton to the Manager’s Office please”. A few minutes later Colton, the shy, lanky African-American 18 year old peeked into Victor’s office. “You…um…you…wanted to see me…sir?” “Yes Colton. Come on in.” Victor waved the skinny clerk into his office. “I see you are requesting to have next Thursday off? Any particular reason?” Colton gulped and stammered “no, uh…sir…just taking care of some personal business.” Victor thought to himself, “lord, this kid is scared of his own shadow”. “No problem” Victor spoke to a relived Colton, “you can get back to work, your day off is approved”. Colton gulped again looking at the floor “Th…thanks…thank you…sir”. The rest of the week was uneventful but as Thursday approached, Victor was getting more and more nervous for his appointment at Perfect Mate. At least twice Victor had started to dial the dating service’s number to cancel his appointment, but then he remembered that this was really his last chance at finding love. Thursday morning Victor got up early, put on a pair of khakis and a red polo shirt, and took a look at himself in the mirror. How anyone would want to date an old, chubby, balding guy was beyond him. But his loneliness led him out the door of his apartment. Victor followed the directions to the office of Perfect Mate, it wad in a run down looking strip mall on the far side of town. All the other stores in the strip mall were abandoned and bordered up except for one where a sign in red letters spelled out “Perfect Mate”. Victor parking his car and quickly headed to the door of the office, the sketchy-looking abandoned strip mall was giving him bad vibes. Once inside the office Victor found himself in a brightly lit and modern looking waiting room, the complete opposite of how the buildings exterior and parking lot looked. A fit blonde woman, in a white lab coat that bore the red Perfect Mate logo on the chest, looked up and smiled as Russell entered. “Victor Montgomery?” the woman said with a smile. “Um, yes” Victor replied, “how…how did you know?” “You’re the only one we are still waiting for. Your matching partner is already here.” The receptionist spoke with a polite, business-like smile. Victor was flabbergasted, “my, my matching partner? What the heck are you talking about? You don’t even know anything about me!” The receptionist just smiled, “don’t worry, all will be explained. Come with me. Can I get you anything? A water? Coffee? Juice?” Victor was ready to just turn around and run out the door to his car but the idea that his perfect match might actually be here prevented him from doing it. Victor followed the receptionist through a door and into a long brightly lit hallway. Victor was ushered into a small room, much like a doctor’s exam room, except there were only two leather armchairs in the room. “Erik will be with you in just a few minutes, go ahead and take everything off except your underwear” the receptionist smiled and shut the door. Victor anxiously looked around the calm and silent room. He quickly undid his khakis and took off his red polo shirt and folded them neatly on the counter in the room. A strange looking headpiece with wires protruding from it sat on a metal cart on the other side of the room. Suddenly there was a powerful knock on the door. “Come in” Victor mumbled, clearing his throat and feeling embarrassed to be only in his underwear. The door opened and in walked one of the most beautiful men Victor had ever seen. “Hi…Victor…” the blonde hunk brushed his long blond hair out of his eyes and glanced at the iPad in his large hand, “I’m Erik…I’ll be your matchmaker today”. Erik reached out a big meaty hand to Victor who stood and shook it vigorously and blushed. Erik’s big biceps bulged under his Perfect Mate lab-coat. “Please, have a seat” Erik motioned to one of the comfy armchairs. As Victor sat down he marveled at Erik’s wide back as the hunky “matchmaker” turned to sit in the other chair. “Now, let’s get started” Erik began. Victor tried to cover the tiny bulge in his underwear and his hairy belly. “I’ve just met with your matchmaking partner, and he is waiting until I finish up with you”. “Yeah, about that…” Victor spoke with annoyance. “I know just what you’re thinking. How can we match you with someone when we don’t know anything about you,” Erik gleamed a brilliant smile. “We’re going to take care of that right now”. Erik gently placed a helmet with wires coming out of it on Victor’s head. “Just relax and think about what your ideal mate would look and act like and the machine will do the rest”. Victor leaned back in the chair as the machine on his head buzzed. While you’re doing that I’ll get your payment processed. Victor mumbled “yeah” and handed Erik his credit card as his eyes glazed over. “I’ll be right back” Erik left with Victor’s card. While he was gone Victor found his mind buzzing with images of all types of different guys. As Erik returned the machine whirred to a stop. “All set” Erik smiled as he took the machine off of Victor’s head. Victor’s head felt fuzzy, as if he had just woken up from a long nap. “That’s…that’s it?” Victor muttered. “Well, that’s step one” Erik smiled, “now our advanced technology will take the information gleaned from you and from your matching partner and compile the data”. Victor had no idea what Erik was talking about but nodded dumbly. “Don’t worry, the fuzziness in your head will wear off in a few minutes. Now let’s go meet your matching partner”. Erik helped Victor to his feet and led him to the door. Victor found himself in the brightly lit hallway again, this time following Erik into a huge room filled with computers and machines. Victor was even more embarrassed to be seen by all of these strange people while still in his underwear, but no one seemed to notice him. Technicians scurried around and at the center of the room stood two large booths with their doors open. Wires and tubes led from these two booths to a central machine and then to a wall of monitors and computers. In the midst of all this technology stood a lanky, shy, African-American kid in blue boxers. “Colton?! What the hell are you doing here?!” Victor stormed, his face getting red as he desperately tried to cover his nakedness in front of his young employee. Colton’s eyes got big and he started to sweat and look at the floor as he stammered while trying to cover himself with his hands “Mr. Montgomery…I…uh…oh sir…”. Victor was enraged as he turned to Erik, “this is my perfect mate?! My 18 year old employee?!” “Oh, so you two know each other then?” Erik smiled, “that should make this interesting”. “Of course I know him!! He’s my fucking employee!” Victor spit as his anger and embarrassment poured out of him. “And you!” Victor pointed at Colton, “this is why you needed the day off?! This is your personal business?” Tears started to stream down Colton’s cheeks, “please…sir…this must be some mistake”. Erik just looked at the two men with an amused smile on his face. “You both don’t understand how this process works. You will BECOME each other’s perfect mate. Our technology will take the thoughts be gleaned from you and using our patent- pending technology, you will be transformed into the perfect man for each other. “That’s ridiculous!” Victor fumed. “I…I…don’t think that’s possible” Colton muttered, looking at his feet. “Not only is it possible, but I’m a former customer. My husband and I have been together almost a year now and let me tell you, I’ve had no regrets”. “Well this is just stupid! I’m out of here!” Victor started to storm toward the door. “Victor” Erik called in a calm voice, “I think you want to get in the transformation chamber”. “What…the…I think I want to get in the transformation chamber” Victor mindlessly mumbled as he headed toward one of the two booths. “Wh…what did you do to him?” Colton asked, fear in his eyes. “Just a little post hypnotic suggestion from our helmet” Erik grinned, “now you want to get into that other chamber don’t you?” Colton’s eyes glazed over “yes…sir” he mumbled as he headed toward the other booth. Erik went over to another employee in a lab-coat. “Well, now that the hysterics are done, let’s see the results of our mental scans”. Images popped up on the screen in front of Erik and he laughed loudly. “Oh this is TOO perfect! These two will be out best couple yet”. Two assistants closed the doors of the two booths and Erik pressed a green button outside of Victor’s booth. A loud whizzing noise was heard as a blinding flash of light filled the booth. Then Erik went over to Colton’s booth and pressed the green button to start the process. After a few seconds the whizzing in Victor’s booth stopped and the doors opened. Steam poured out of the open door and through the mist a naked figure emerged. A cute, muscular young man with a beautiful angelic face and thick wavy brown hair stepped into the room. “What the heck?” the young hunk stammered before placing his big hand on his prominent Adam’s apple, “is that my voice?” Erik grinned at the young hunk’s high pitched lispy voice, “it sure is Vic. Let’s get a look at you”. Vic was the same height as Victor had been but the similarities stopped there. Where Victor had been 50 years old old, chubby, hairy, and balding. Vic looked to be about 21, ripped with smooth slender muscles and a tight 6 pack. His smooth, hairless body was a pale like porcelain. Vic’s reached down and touched one of his big puffy nipples causing a soft moan to escape his mouth. “Let’s see that cock Vic” Erik smirked. Vic shyly moved his hand to reveal a neatly trimmed bush and a big veiny cock. Just then Vic caught sight of his reflection in the full length mirror. “Holy shit! Is that me?” Vic felt his chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, and full lips. He flexed his arms and ran his hands though his thick hair. Turning sideways Vic could see that he had a big round bubble butt that jutted away from his trim waist. He gasped “I’m…I’m…so young and…so…hot!” Vic grinned. Erik looked down at his iPad, “yep, a total hottie twink”. “More like twunk, don’t ya think?” Vic grinned and flexed for Erik. Just then the doors to the other booth opened and steam poured into the room. “Oh…fuck…” a deep baritone purred. “Come on out Colton, your perfect mate is waiting for you”. A massive figure exited through the mist of Colton’s chamber. Into the room an enormous naked African-American bodybuilder sauntered. He was shorted than Colton had been but at least 3 times as wide. The guy was so big and thick that his legs rolled around each other as he walked and his huge tatted arms jutted out from his wide lats an angles. The guy had big round hairy pecs and a thick neck. His handsome manly face had the scruff of a beard. He looked to be about 30 year old. A huge fat cock hung from his big bull balls and slapped his quads as he lumbered toward Erik. His huge muscular ass hung off him like a shelf. “Holy crap! Looking good Colton”, Erik grinned. “It’s Colt, bro” the cocky hulking brute rumbled in his deep bass. Meanwhile Vic’s eyes were bulging out of his head at the massive behemoth that used to be Colton walked toward him. For a brief moment the handsome young pale twink remembered that he used to be the boss and that this hulk used to be his shy, skinny employee. But just as quickly, the thought left his head. Vic could feel his big dick getting hard at the sight of Colt. “Well, well, well…what have we here?” Colt rumbled and smiled at the sight of Vic. Vic felt his cheeks blush as the big older African-American bodybuilder took Vic’s hard dick in his big beefy hand. “You like all this muscle…boy?” Colt purred dangerously. Vic could feel his own chest heave as be lisped “oh yes!” then he added without thinking “yes, sir”. Colt took Vic’s hands and placed in on his huge pec. Vic ran his hands through Colt’s chest hair and cupped the older man’s hard bulging pecs. Colt’s fat cock swelled as the beautiful pale twink lowered his head and ran his tongue over the black man’s thick nipples. “Urrghh…yeah boy…that feels good” Colt wrapped his powerful ebony arms around the thin, pale twink playfully grabbing Vic’s big bubble butt. “You like that…daddy?” Vic looked up and Colt and battled his eyes and bit his big lip seductively. For a brief second Colton remembered that the cute twink in front of him used to be his boss at the grocery store, and he used to be a shy kid. But those thoughts quickly vanished. “Fuck yeah boy, daddy loves your big juicy ass too” Colt rumbled as Vic giggled. “Now let’s go home” Colt wrapped his thick bicep around Vic’s tiny waist and led his boy toward the door. “Wait a minute guys!” Erik called after them laughing, “you need some clothes!” A few weeks later Erik was shopping at the local supermarket when he noticed an adorable, muscular grocery clerk with thick brown wavy hair and wearing tight skinny jeans and tight t-shirt, shelving cans. Just then a ridiculously over-muscled older man wearing skin tight khakis and a painted-on red polo shirt that could barely contain his huge veiny biceps, waddled over to the cute young clerk and slapped him on the butt with the clipboard he was carrying before kissing him passionately right there in the grocery aisle. “Daddy…we have to wait until we get home!” the twinky clerk lisped as he gazed lovingly into the older man’s eyes. “Fuck that boy! I’m horny as hell and I need to fill that fat ass of yours with my big cock. Meet me in the back room in 2 minutes” the older man growled. “Daddy? Won’t we get in trouble?” the innocent young twink lisped playfully. “I’m your manger and your husband. Now you be a good boy and do as you’re told or your gonna get spanked some more” the older man grinned as he slapped the young guys ample ass again before reaching into his skinny jeans and grabbing his cock. As the wide, hulking bodybuilder manager walked away Erik could see that the young twink clerk was clearly hard as a rock. “Just some more satisfied customers” Erik smiled to himself, “man I love my job”.
  4. I've written my first story, to accompany one of my drawing sequences. I hope you enjoy and be kind and leave feedback! Warning, contains unwilling transformation and some bro on bro action. If you enjoy this then please consider me for commissions! Message me for rates - open to all kinds of transformation. You can also support me on Patreon to see exclusive work and vote on future works: patreon.com/user?u=63775323 Oh and also - I would LOVE for other people to write kinky stories to go with some of my sequences! Or write me a new story so we can collab hehe ************* A Tale of Two Brothers: Donnie & Marco There was nothing particularly remarkable about brothers Marco and Donnie Diaz. Born to a mixed white and Latinx family they were raised predominantly by their father, Mr Diaz, after their mother walked out when Marco was just 6 and Donnie was 2. Mr Diaz worked for a local private science group and their lives were perfectly normal and respectable – they went to church every Sunday, Donnie studied hard and Marco hardly studied now he’d graduated high school and dropped out of community college after a couple of years. Out of the two brothers Marco, the older, was definitely the less inclined to hard work and study. He enjoyed gaming, drinking and sleeping in until well past midday – oh and masturbating of course. He was handsome, and had broken more than a few girls hearts with his tanned skin and thick dark chestnut-brown hair. He favoured sportswear and silver jewellery such as his fine silver chain necklace. If there was one thing he hated though it was his glasses and he swore to get laser eye surgery when older. The one thing Marco did put effort into was sports and he particularly enjoyed basketball, despite being only 5’9’’. Younger brother Donnie on the other hand was adorable, but more in the way that you just wanted to take care of him. His skin tone was paler but his thick tousled hair darker and he was even shorter than his brother at just 5’6’’. Like Marco, he too wore glasses, though they complimented his bookish personality. Whereas Marco liked dark clothes, Donnie favoured bright, peppy colours and a silver crucifix hung around his neck. Donnie studied hard and clearly had a similar mind to his father, fascinated by science. He was shy though and kept his head down, he did not have his brother’s confidence. Donnie and Marco didn’t exactly along and were prone to arguing or fighting, usually provoked by Marco when he was bored or restless. This was worse during the week when their father would leave them to look after themselves now they were both of age. Recently his work had meant he was frequently away until late at night leaving the boys to look after themselves. Though Marco was in technically in charge, it was unsurprisingly Donnie who took up most of the cooking and cleaning. “What are you working on, dad? What’s the top secret project?” Donnie would ask excitedly, his scientific brain whirring with possibility. But Mr Diaz would only chuckle and say it was more than his pay grade to tell Donnie that. After Mr Diaz left the room, Marco would snigger and flick balls of paper at Donnie calling him a “nerd”, though he too was privately curious. Over weeks the brother’s curiosity would lead to them trying new methods to getting their dad to share what his work was – Marco believed it must be some sort of secret FBI technology, whereas Donnie felt it must be a project for sustainable energy. Mr Diaz however never gave anything away. The brothers didn’t even know the name of the company their dad worked for! Their routine continued unremarkably until one week where Mr Diaz abruptly announced he would be away the full week for work – it was a crucial time for the project and he needed his sons to look after themselves. That same Monday morning he loaded up his car with his briefcases, laptop, loading cases and other paraphernalia and gave his sons a big hug goodbye. “You look after your little brother, now – you’re the man of the house after all” he joked, tousling up Marco’s hair to Marco’s annoyance. Donnie smiled resignedly, knowing it would be a week fo Marco doing sweet fuck all, whilst Donnie tried to keep on top of things, all the while that Marco would either be in his room jerking off, off out drinking with mates, or existing purely to wind him up. They watched their father drive away before Donnie headed back up to his room and study. Marco however wasn’t going to waste a minute. Although Donnie was the one always asking about his father’s work, Marco was dying to find out. He might be lazy, but he wasn’t stupid and his father’s secrecy was more than enough to raise his suspicions. Hell, if it was some Musk level science shit their might be some serious money! So as soon as his dad was out of sight and Donnie was in his room, he snuck into his dad’s study. The room was called a study but was more like a home laboratory with multiple screens, fridges, freezers, centrifuges and test tubes. And it was a bombsite. Marco stared in shock – it looked like it had been raided, or that Mr Diaz had left in a hurry. Cupboards were open, scraps of paper everywhere, lights flashing. Marco held his breath as he looked across the notes and logs and calculations – only nothing made sense to him (he was not a natural scientist after all). For a full half hour he carefully searched for some hint of what the project was when he discovered two vials in the smallest fridge, filled with bright green liquid. They were labelled differently: “H1-M80 formula: premium. Masculinity and Virility certain.” “H1-M80 formula: unbalanced, Effects uncertain.” Now, he may not be bright but he knew what masculinity and virility meant. He looked again at the notes strewn around him – phrases jumped out at him, now making more sense: “increased libido”, “significant mesomorphic growth”, “testosterone output exponential”. He also knew that his future didn’t lie in hard work and study. He grinned as he pocketed the two left over vials – he knew what he planned to do with one but it would be a shame to waste the other. He chuckled softly to himself as he looked up to a framed photo of him and his stupid, dorky brother Donnie… *** “But you never make dinner?” Donnie said suspiciously as they sat down for Marco’s home made curry that evening. “Well bro, I realise I’ve kinda been a dick to you and… well I just wanted to make it up to you this week. Now – eat up!” said Marco, uncharacteristically sweetly. The curry in fact didn’t taste half bad! Though there was something about it which tasted… different to any other curry Donnie had tasted before. “Marco, what exactly did you put in this curry?” “oh just some… buffalo sauce… secret recipe tip” Marco lied, quickly and efficiently. “Well, I guess it did the job!”, Donnie hesitated a wary smile at his brother before tucking into the rest of his meal… *** The next morning Donnie woke up feeling like his head was full of fog. As he stretched he didn’t notice that his bones seem to click and pop a little more than usual. He winced as his watch felt like it was digging in, so he loosened the strap. Wearing just his pyjama pants he frowned at his more-persistent-than-usual boner. He chanced it and hesitated before heading into the corridor to head to the family bathroom. He let himself in and gasped suddenly as he saw himself in the mirror, pyjama bottoms tented. Firstly – his previously slightly doughy body was toned now – he had a flat stomach and even a slightly proud pair of pecs. A dusting of dark hair worked up his abs and he gingerly touched the growth of small dark hairs on his top lip. “Looking butch, bro” chuckled Marco’s voice and Donnie span round to see his brother – once taller, now a similar height, stood in nothing but bulging boxer shorts. He too looked buffer – he had always been lean but now he looked like an actual gym-jock. Donnie’s eyes couldn’t help but rake over the broad tanned chest and impressive bulge before he yelled and shoved his brother out the room before he washed and hurriedly shaved his face smooth again. Later, as he was forcing his way into a now too-tight t-shirt which now revealed an inch of belly and those pesky trail hairs and showed off his new lean body shape, he noticed with horror that the upper lip hairs had grown back, thicker and darker than before. He tried to spend the rest of the day as normal, but he couldn’t help the looks he got in the coffee shop (was the nerdy, twinky barista actually checking him out?) or the librarian asking if he was feeling okay, as he could feel his clothes getting tighter. Donnie just nodded his head, stifling a groan at the pain in his stomach. As soon as he got home to his room he tore off his clothing and, shocked at his own pent up horn, jerked off over his bed before passing out to sleep as, unbeknownst to him, Marco grinned and watched through the door crack, gently rubbing his own package… *** The next afternoon Marco grinned himself in the mirror as he hauled his naked ass out of bed. His small pecs have increased in size and his arms ache as his forearms look thicker and meatier. His biceps swelling a little as his hands too look broader. Marco can feel every bit of pain in his transformation as his spine lengthens his back making him just a little taller. His feet have grown outward, by a couple inches, as his butt stands pert, round and proud. His cock and balls begin to swell and grow more as his balls fill with new fluids of a man growing. His legs feeling heavy as his calves bulge out. Marco doesn’t even feel the changes, only the fresh breeze on his exposed now cock and balls which he fondles. Sexy stubble peppers his chin but unlike Donnie he doesn’t seem to have grown any body hair – if anything it’s starting to retreat. What was once a thick bush is now stubble around his thick cock. He fingers a drop of pre as he hears his bro yell in shock as he too wakes up late and stumbles to the mirror. Donnie stands before his mirror, hands clutching his body as his pecs bounce as they slowly swell. His arms even larger than the day before. His legs getting more muscular, years of intense workouts can’t even compare to what his legs seem now. His abs have pushed out of his flat stomach forming a nice 6-pack. His Adam’s apple too has grown and is now quire prominent as his groans get deeper. His facial hair growing at a faster rate then before giving him a clear developing moustache as well as stubble across his jaw. His skin tight as his acne starts to fade away. “What the actual fuck” he whispers, before gasping at his new, lower voice. He runs to his brothers bedroom and stops in the door as he sees Marco reclined on the bed stroking his thick, uncut cock. “Sup bro”, Marco winks. Donnie runs out the room, scrambling to pull on some red joggers. He stocks up on food from the kitchen and returns to his room, locking the door, only he can’t get the image of his muscled up bro stroking his cock out of his head, he curled up in bed and slipped into an anxious sleep. Meanwhile Marco spent the afternoon switching between jerking and sending pics of his new body and cock to all his snapchat contacts – male, female, he just didn’t care – he wanted to show off! Many didn’t believe him, but it didn’t matter. He just liked the attention of it all. Donnie woke up that evening to his head having this painful throbbing sensation. He ran into the bathroom to see if there was anything to treat the headache, but there wasn’t. The pain got worse gradually. He clutched his head as his deep groans filled the room. The ache was too much. His tears ran down his face, he wanted it to stop, but it didn’t. In fact, the headache start to feeling it was changing him. He tried to think, but found it difficult to even think of a solution. Usually, whenever he had a problem, he could figure it out in the matter of seconds, but now this was a problem he couldn’t solve. Tears stung his eyes as the pain of his head felt worse, his thoughts all foggy and uncertain, unable to think much. The one thing he could think of was that image of his brother on the bed. Slowly, almost unwillingly, he released his thick cock from his red sweatpants and grabbed one hand around his dick and started stroking. He had never been like this. Each stroke was making him feel better in many ways. Donnie jaw dropped allowing saliva to fall on his dick. Thoughts of his bros body and cock filled his head and he liked it – he imagined his brothers butt jiggling and cock swinging as he felt pressure build up in his dick. He was going to release. Donnie was ready and didn’t care where it would land as long as the dumb headache would go. And it did. Donnie let out a white stream of cum as he laughed dumbly as the stream splattered up his abs and his pecs… wait his pecs!? He scrambled to his feet and the panic returned as he noticed those tight pecs had grown… only now they were round and bounced as he panted… hell they were almost like breasts. A cold sweat broke over him as he muttered to himself, “What in the name of God is happening to us…”. “We’re becoming Gods bro” came a voice from the door, and Donnie looked over to see Marco flexing as he winked once more – “oh, and thanks for the show.” *** The next afternoon Donnie woke up in a big sweaty mess as he grunted and grown – a mix of plain and erotic pleasure. He starts grinding on the bed not being able to control himself at all. He tries to stop but it feels so good. His body producing an odor of a heavy sweat. He can feel his body swelling again. His pecs bulging and becoming rounder. His arms becoming bigger as more dark hair sprouts over his body. His genes are rearranging. He doesn’t even realize how big he is getting, since he is too busy fucking his bed. His balls growing larger as Donnie moans, nipples growing wider. He uses one hand to rub them as he moans louder with each thrust put into the bed. He can feel his head aching again as he needs to release his cum. He needs to breed. He needs to fuck something. Donnie is terrified but at the same time he secretly loves it. His feet grow larger as they hang off the bed, also sprouting dark hair. He is so big now. Donnie’s face changes as his face matures, looking older – more like a man in his 30s now. . The pressure is building up and too much to hold and the bed sheet are filled with sweat and pre cum. He moans loudly one last time as thick cum spurts over his round chest, face and headboard. Donnie rolls into the big mess he has made with his mouth open and tongue out, trying to lick up anything he can. Donnie can’t control himself anymore. He just needs cum now. He doesn’t want anything else. All the times studying wasted when he could have been jerking his cock. Donnie walks up to his mirror, noticing how big he is and how much different he looks. He fucking loves it as he flexes his huge hairy arms. He loves how big and bouncy his balls are. Even if he shaved the monster of hair on his balls would grow back in the matter of hours. The drool on his face is wiped as he rubs his large nipples. He loves the feeling and so he rubs more vigorously, vaguely wondering where his hot brother is. *** Meanwhile Marco is already out – he got up early and hard as a rock, his height has shot up overnight as had his muscle mass and cock size. Pulling on some tightly stretched active wear he ventured out into the world in search of some release. He found it when he swaggered into the coffee shop his bro would always go to – and there he is, that nerdy, kinda cute barista that is clearly gay – nametag reading ‘Joel’. As he ordered a latte he leaned forward and whispered into the nerdy twink’s ear to meet him round the back in 10 minutes. 10 minutes later Marco’s moans echoed round the back of the building as gagged and tried to take in his huge cock in his mouth. Between slobbering and sucking the twink would marvel at Marco’s tanned huge muscles and Marco would just laugh and cock slap the barista. Joel used both his hands to rub the huge dick and inhaled the sweat from Marco’s hot hairless body. He bathed the huge balls with his tongue as pre spurted and stained his apron. He was so taken up with his task that he barely noticed Marco’s dick getting larger and fatter, or even that the foreskin seemed to fade into his fat, long, dick. Marco’s head hair remained full though it receded slightly up his forehead as his face matured more – jawline pushing out and lips plumping up. His swollen pecs and abs become more noticeable as they bulge yet bigger. It wasn’t long before Marco roared and shot thick, gloopy cum over Joel’s face. Joel collapsed spent and stared up at the God. “Are you free this evening?” he panted? Marco just laughed cruelly and took a long piss just feet away from where Joel lay. “Not for you, nerd” he scorned before tucking his bulge back in his sweatpants and walking away. Joel just lay their in the cum in a daze – why did he always fall for the big douche men, why couldn’t he find a nice guy – like that Donnie guy who always comes in. Thinking of which, he hadn’t seen Donnie in a few days now… *** The two brothers stare at each other in the kitchen. Both have changed so much they start to look unrecognisable. Marco’s stubble has pushed out into a goatee as his bodybuilder sized bronzed mahogany body ripples. He once again stands over Donnie, who looks significantly older than his bro now – lines across his face as a moustache bristles over a heavily stubbled chin. They are both stark naked – both cocks well over a foot long. In a brief moment when the fog has lifted Donnie stares at Marco with sadness and fear as he whispers “what did you do to us?”. He then gasps and clutches his round pecs as they inflate and grow bigger than his head, his bubble butt swelling out real thick as specks of grey appear in his dark hair. Thick dark hair not only covers his pecs, surrounding wide saucer sized nipples, but also his ass, shoulders and lower back. Abs push out, softened by the layer of paunch in top. Marco too feels his mind fading as his massive square pecs push out, obscuring his view of his feet. His lips swell as his eyebrows get thicker and untrimmed as his face aged up too – grey streaks through his thick dark chestnut hair. His brown nipples swell wide too, though nothing compared to Donnie’s tits. He plays with his smooth pecs and huge nipples as he feels his once younger little bro, step closer, breathing heavily. Marco moans as he feels Donnie’s hand encircle his heavy cock. Marco moans and nods in encouragement, maintaining intense eye contact with Donnie. Donnie lowers his eyes and starts to suck on Marco’s big brown dark nipples. His veins swell and flex as the taller man’s muscles expand even more, his height creeping up. His feet swell disproportionately large for his body, as do his hands, giving him an almost primal look. His cock spurts pre violently as it swells like a balloon, balls hanging lower. Donnie bites his lip and seductively turns round and bends over revealing what was once a tight pucker is now a throbbing, swollen donut ring of a hole between two hairy globes. Marco licks his lips… *** SOME WEEKS LATER ‘NastyPig’ was one of the most famous leather and kink clubs in the USA. Men of all sizes and tastes gathered from across the states to descend into debauchery, and tonight was a special night. On the raised stage was a banner with bright red letters encircled on a black background: “D&M”. Onto the wipe-clean stage strode two Gods of men. One, aged maybe mid 40s, was a 7 foot, ultra tanned, goateed muscle god. His shoulders so wide revealing a barrel chest with two brown nipples the size of dinner plates. A thick cock, at least two feet long, swung below his meaty thighs. The other man was mid-late 50s and was shorted but wider. He had a kind friendly face with a salt and pepper moustache. But the most remarkable thing about him were his colossal bouncing tits, with enormous nipples the size of dinner trays. A silver crucifix on him looked absurd on clearly such a pig of a man. Both men wore leather harnesses, and also glasses. It was an unorthodox choice for two such virile, masculine men, but their fans felt it gave them a unique look – like nerds gone butch. The two men on stage faced each other and started sensually making out, the taller one reaching round and unmistakably slipping a thick finger inside the other’s puffy hole. One musclebear leaned to the man next to him and whispered: “Y’know, I heard they’re secretly brothers?” Mr Diaz smirked and nodded as he watched the show escalate until the shorter man with the breast like pecs was on all fours, panting and moaning like a slut as the taller muscle man pushed his whole hand in his ass, right up to his elbow. “I know.”
  5. Philip has a home gym in his garage. The neighborhood he lives in is a fairly nice one as well. He sometimes keeps his garage door open because he wants the fresh air outside to hit his glistening, hairy body as he pumps out every rep on his bench press from his smith machine, or sometimes if he decides to squeeze his biceps on the bars for his arm exercises. He admits to himself all the time that he enjoys the attention he gets from people as they walk by with their pets or their spouses, and gives him a few glances. He waves back occasionally after doing each set just to see how they would react to him. Some of the women in the neighborhood giggle as they see him flexing in a mirror, which he has set up in the back of the garage, in view of the street. One admirer in particular is the 19-year old neighbor that lives directly beside of Philip. He can see him from his bedroom window, which can see straight into his garage. The window is directly in front of where he does his leg raises. The teenager has watched him lift 800 pounds before on that machine, which interests him greatly. His quads have grown quickly, which delights Philip, because he has been trying to get them up to where his upper body is. The young man, Kyle, has visited him a few times to just get some pointers on the correct way to lift and how much he should be attempting for his age. Philip knows a thing or two about teens because he used to have one himself. Kyle has always had a liking to older men and can't keep his eyes off of his neighbor. One day while he has his garage door open, Kyle sneaks in while Philip is doing a heavy set of shrugs. He startles him to the point that he nearly hurts his back. He goes to sit down for a minute after dropping the barbell on the ground. He gets really angry at him for doing that and tells him to get the hell out. Kyle apologizes several times, but Philip doesn't want to listen and tells him to leave, or there will be consequences. The young man finally leaves, and the older stud decides from that point on that he will keep his garage door closed. That same night, feeling extremely horny after the amount of energy he built up from his workout and the adrenaline from his confrontation with Kyle, he decides to go back out to the garage and pump out a few more reps, just enough to possibly help him relieve his sexual energy. Instead of wearing pants this time, he does it completely naked not thinking that he has an admirer watching him from next door. The young man watches as Philip pumps his chest up and sees his cock bouncing up and down every time he does a rep. He has always been one of those lucky men that could concentrate on working on his muscles, and at the same time, be able to jerk his cock with his mind. Each rep puts him closer to the edge as he stops to take a breather every now and then before starting over again. He gets vocally louder until his cock can’t hold back any longer. He sprays his thick spunk all over the garage floor before realizing how loud he got over this session. Kyle happens to see this whole thing transpire as well. As he watches him, the teenager strokes his cock and thinks about having sex with him. With his eyes still closed, Kyle can feel himself being influenced by a huge figure standing by his bed. It focuses its energy on his maturity and makes it speed up by three years. While he is sitting there busy thinking about Philip, he can feel himself getting taller, growing a few inches in height, and he can somehow feel his voice getting deeper. His body remains quite thin, but it did reshuffle itself to prepare for a change that will occur very soon. When the young man opens his eyes, the figure is gone and the now 22-year-old is unaware of his physical change. When Philip goes to workout the next day in his garage, he notices an attractive man coming out of his house next door, that looks a bit different than he remembers. He tells him to come over and talk as he wonders if he is another family member of the family. He asks him if he is just visiting, which puzzles the young man. He says that he has lived there his whole life and that they just talked yesterday. Unaware of his physical changes, Kyle starts checking Philip out again, skimming the beefy daddy’s thick frame with his eyes. It is somehow different this time with Philip, as he sees Kyle in a different way, than he did the previous day. He invites the man into his gym and has him attempt some reps on his bench press. Kyle is amazed at how much easier it is to do them now than during previous attempts at his school’s gym. He can't help but to watch as his muscles tense up and sees how quickly his abs are developing. The older man lifts his shirt up and starts rubbing on them and tells him how good they are looking. He directs him over to the dumbbells and he has him starts pumping his arms up. Philip stares at how vascular they are getting with each individual curl he does. After a couple of minutes of doing this, Kyle starts working on his pecs. The muscle daddy makes him stop and asks him to take his shirt off so he can rub them. The young man obliges and reaches over to start rubbing on the older man’s. It isn't long before they both start kissing and worshiping each other. Philip spends a few moments licking and mouthing on Kyle’s defined pecs before finally squeezing him in his arms. He doesn't struggle to get away because he has always wanted this to happen between the two of them. As he starts to kiss his partner again, he can feel him starting to grow in his grasp. His finely hairy chest is starting to make a lot of popping and stretching noises. He looks into Philip’s eyes, very frightened, because he isn’t sure what is going to happen to him. Philip lets go of him because he doesn't know what the heck is happening and watches as Kyle lies on the ground in agony, still wearing his shorts from when he got up that day. He watches in amazement as Kyle’s back appears to be adding two more vertebrae making him even taller than he already was. The muscles in his back are swelling up as well, stretching and expanding with each second that passes. His lats are flaring and his delts are flexing wildly. Philip can see his obliques popping out and his abs thickening from the sides. His pecs are now ballooning into perfect symmetry. His skinny arms are growing exponentially as his biceps and triceps swell into giant softballs and perfect horseshoes. His skinny legs explode in size as his swelling quads gradually pull his legs apart and completely shred his shorts. The underwear he is wearing rips completely off due to his new muscularity, as well as revealing something that Philip may or may not want to have a go at. He has a decent-sized cock and it appears to be getting a bit thicker after being unleashed from its confines. The fine hair on his head and body is now swimming in dark colored brownish-fur with a tint of red. Philip is even more amazed when he looks at Kyle’s face. He looks like he has aged another ten years. His face is quite defined now, but he has grown a full beard and the hair on his head is also a brownish red where it was just brown before this happened. He finally reaches down to feel Kyle’s glutes, which are very full and round, and starts to rub on them to feel how wonderfully hairy and defined they are. He can hear the man moaning in a very low and gruff tone and checks to see if he is doing alright. A much more mature Kyle turns his head to look at him with his hazel eyes and smiles. He takes Philip’s hands from his ass and places them on his chest. Then he grabs him and starts kissing him passionately. He can't fight the much bigger Kyle off now because of his sheer size and power. He lays the older man on the ground and holds him down as he towers over him. His sweaty, dripping fur lightly caresses the older man’s own furry body. Philip tries to playfully squirm out from beneath him, but he is unable to move, as Kyle lowers himself against his neighbor, and slides his cock alongside Philip’s. The older hunk gives in to him. Kyle kisses his neck to make him completely submit. Philip immediately wraps his legs around the beast’s thick waist and begs to be penetrated by his cock because he wants to feel him inside and out. He growls and wraps Philip in a bearhug so he can lift him up with his legs since they are still wrapped around Kyle’s waist. Both men end up on the weight bench as Kyle pushes his rod up inside his neighbor. They start kissing which lasts for what seems like an eternity. He grinds the older man as they both continue to lock lips with each other. Philip’s hands squeeze Kyle’s huge reddish-fur covered pecs, which heave and bounce with each thrust. This makes Philip’s cock bounce up and down as he is being fucked. He stares intently as his younger lover’s arms get even more pumped as the veins jut out on his biceps and forearms. The older stud loves the pump his lover is getting as he reaches over to squeeze both of his giant arms and feel their raging power in his fingers. The young beast moans deeply, loving how much his older partner is into his growth, so he begins to pound harder onto his lover’s hole. He yells feeling Kyle’s balls swelling and preparing to dump their contents into his body. Kyle growls as he thrusts several times into him, pumping his huge load with delight into the older stud. Philip is in awe of what is transpiring and is trying to take a few moments to breathe as the rush flows through him. The two drenched men lie on the bench together, breathing heavily and grunting, waiting for what might happen next. He motions for his beastly young partner to stand up and stands up after being pumped full of Kyle’s goo. He starts to walk around to get his mind in focus. The young top walks over to him and holds him tightly, squeezing his muscles to make Philip feel protected in some way. The older hunk doesn’t understand how this entire situation happened, but after it has finished, it feels right. He feels a bit nauseated, but surprisingly, doesn’t feel all that bad. Kyle’s load was a heavy one, and the question now is, will Philip transform now or is this just one-sided?
  6. TheGeneralGuy

    The Onyx Heart

    The Onyx Heart The darkness was cold and silent. Michael couldn’t see anything past the tip of his nose. He was scared, looking frantically for anything to grasp on inside the void. “Michael? Is that you?” A familiar voice echoed through the black infinity, calling up for Michael. He started running desperately towards its direction. He felt his heart was going to burst out of his chest, as he fought his way through the nothingness looking for the source of the voice. “Michael, help me! I can’t take it! Please…! Make it stop…”, echoed the voice, slowly fading away. “No! Don’t go! I’m trying, I swear I’m trying…”, said Michael desperately, forcing his weak legs to propel him forward. Suddenly, a sharp pain enveloped his torso. He looked down, only to find heavy black chains digging on his skin, pulling him backwards. “Please, I need to go forward! I’m almost there…” He fought with all his might, but the cold metal wouldn’t budge. With one last surge of strength, he threw himself forward, only to be yanked by the heavy chain. He screamed as he was swallowed by the darkness, losing the fading echo that was calling for him. Michael was abruptly woken up by the sudden screeching of the old taxi’s breaks. It was hot, and the young man was sweating through his shirt. “There you go señor”, said the gruff voice of the taxi driver, his stern face looking back expectantly. “Oh, yes thank you,'' said Michael absently, grabbing a thousand pesos bill and putting it in the man’s thick hands. “Keep the change, it was a long ride.” The taxi driver eased his expression a little bit, his thick mustache twitching while he observed the young man opening the trunk to take his baggage out. He rolled down the window and whistled to get his attention. “Thank you señor. Let me give you some advice. This town is older than our country itself. Treat it with respect. And most important of all, let it treat you with the kindness you need.” Michael listened to the heavy accented voice, trying to make sense of what the old man was saying. Before he could ask anything, the tires screeched again and he was left standing in the middle of a dust cloud. He covered his face coughing, as he turned around to check out his surroundings. Small Spanish colonial houses decorated each side of the wide street. In the distance, the bell tower of the cathedral stood tall above the rooftops, watching proudly above the entire town. He had heard wonders about Mexican “Pueblos magicos”, but the rumors paled in comparison to the real deal. The entire town seemed to have been taken out of a storybook. He took his luggage and headed back towards the entrance of the hotel. The massive wooden doors were surrounded by two handsome bellboys, who took Michael’s luggage and welcomed him inside. He headed towards the front desk, admiring the iron chandeliers hanging from the tall ceiling and the lavish decoration of the ex-hacienda’s lobby. “Welcome to San Miguel de Allende, Mr. Andersen. Could I please bother you with your passport and reservation number?”, said the gorgeous receptionist on the other side of the desk. His tight suit fitted the curves of his square chest perfectly, making it hard for Michael to focus on handing out the needed documents for the check-in. Fumbling with his bag, he handed in the papers to the receptionist, who swiftly typed in the needed information. “Your room number is 245. You’re free to explore all of our facilities, including the spa and the fitness center. Your luggage will be waiting for you in your room. If you need anything during your stay, let me know.”, he said flashing a heart melting smile and signaling the buff bellboy to come and pick up the suitcases. The hotel’s interior was just as gorgeous as the lobby. The ancient colonial building was adorned by all kinds of stone sculptures and old paintings depicting a past era of Mexican history. The hallways leading to the rooms formed a giant square, and in the middle, you could see the tables of the famous hotel’s restaurant surrounding the tall volcanic stone fountain in the center. The golden rays of sunlight made the water look like liquid fire, bubbling out of the sculpture’s intricate design. Michael’s room was on one corner of the uppermost floor. When he opened the big wooden doors, he found himself in the most luxurious room he had ever been in. A small living room with a few couches and an ornamental fireplace led to a big bedroom with a robust king size bed. Four door-sized windows lead to a wide balcony that overlooked the hills that surrounded the small town, along with the famous vineyard that belonged to the hotel. Michael just dropped his handbag and opened one of the doors leading outside. The hot air immediately hit his face, as he walked outside staring into the beautiful scenery. He let the scent of the arid breeze fill his lungs, as he felt he could relax for the first time in months. He begrudgingly let himself be convinced of taking a holiday by his friends back home, but he never expected to feel at such ease in a foreign country. This next week might be just what he needed to let his sorrow go. Michael was so enthralled by the landscape, that he completely missed the fact that the suite he was in was definitely not the room he booked. This kind of luxury would be definitely out of his budget. Once he truly realized what kind of room he was standing in, he rushed to the small coffee table next to one of the couches, and immediately dialed the number from the front desk. “Front desk, Hector Ramirez speaking.”, Michael instantly recognized the deep accented voice on the other side of the line. It was that handsome receptionist that checked him in just a few minutes ago. “Yes, uh…, I’m Michael Andersen from room 245. I just checked in with you a few moments ago.”, said Michael hesitantly. He scorned himself for sounding so nervous, but even through the phone he was still intimidated by the other man’s looks. “I think there might have been a mistake with my booking.” “Alright Mr. Andersen, let me check your reservation quickly.” Michael could hear the typing on the other side of the line. Seconds felt like hours, as the poor tourist grew more nervous thinking the mistake was his. “Everything seems to be alright Mr. Andersen,'' said the receptionist. Michael just stood in place meditating his next few words. “I’m sorry, but that can’t be. I booked a regular room, not… a suite.” “Your reservation states that you booked the presidential suite, Mr. Andersen. Let me check with my supervisor to see what can be done. I’ll call you in a moment.” Michael waited seated on the couch, tapping his feet nervously on the expensive red carpet. There was no way he booked a presidential suite at one of the town’s most expensive hotels. It was a miracle he could afford anything other than a hostel, let alone a five-star resort. Most of his savings had gone to this trip, so he was already feeling dreadful about spending that money. If they charged him for the suite, he would be stuck in Mexico doing work for the hotel to pay off his debt. As his anxiety started to get the best out of him, the ringing of the room’s phone made him jump in his seat. He immediately took the call, hearing that familiar mellifluous voice on the other side of the line. “Mr. Andersen! It’s Hector Ramirez again. I spoke to my supervisor about your problem, and it seems we’re in a difficult situation. We can’t move you to any other room, because the hotel is fully booked due to the national holidays this weekend. The mistake was probably caused by a change in our system, so the least we can do for you is to charge you the price of a regular single room and offer you the presidential suite for your entire stay.” Michael couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Not only did he make it to a storybook town, but he was going full luxury on his stay. “Uhhh…. Thanks. I appreciate that.”, he said shyly to the phone. “Nothing to thank us for, Mr. Andersen. Our number one priority is to make your stay as comfortable as possible. If you need anything, I’m at your service.” Michael hung up the phone and for the first time in very long, he felt a genuine smile paint itself on his lips. This trip wasn’t going to be so bad after all. It might just be the remedy he needed. He jumped into the giant bed, letting himself be swallowed by its soft surface. Then, everything went dark. The agonizing screams kept getting closer, as Michael ran through the darkness looking desperately for the source of the sounds. Suddenly, it was cold. Very cold. It reminded Michael of the winters back home, where the sun hid for a couple of months, and a taciturn silence reigned supreme over the city. The happiness that the holidays once brought was long gone, one winter worse than the last one. This winter had been, by far, the worst time in his life. Feeling the cold brush against his skin as he ran through the darkness reminded him of the pain he felt when he was trapped inside his apartment with… “Michael, please! Hurry!” His footsteps started to get clumsy, as the ground shattered underneath him, like thin ice, submerging him into a frozen abyss. He felt his consciousness drift away once more, and the voice was suddenly like the beacon in a far-off lighthouse, lost in the winter mist. The sun was starting to set when Michael opened his eyes. The beautiful room was painted golden, giving it an even cozier appearance. He groggily stood up and checked out his phone. Many messages from his friends and family popped up on the screen. With a frustrated groan, he threw the phone on the bed and stretched his limbs. That little nap had been very refreshing, despite the horrible nightmares that still haunted him. “It must be the bed,'' he said out loud, admiring the mattresses’ soft texture. It was the first time he slept on silk sheets. He definitely understood rich people’s fascination for the expensive material. He went to the bathroom to wash himself and plan his evening. It was just as beautiful as the rest of the suite, with intricate marble decorations and even a big jacuzzi. The sink was just underneath a wall-sized mirror, where Michael could admire, or dread, his unkempt appearance. He didn’t realize how much he had let himself go these last few months. His dirty blonde hair looked greasy, and was in desperate need of styling. His chin and sideburns were covered by the little scruff he was able to grow, looking more like a rebellious teenager trying to grow his sparse facial hair than the twenty-five-year-old man he actually was. His baby-blue eyes were sunken on their sockets, encased by deep eye bags unable to conceal their tiredness. He was a cute guy, or so he heard. He didn’t really care for his youthful looks or his increasingly thin body. He was too tired to care for his appearance. After splashing some water on his face and brushing his teeth, he opened the browser on his phone to look for some activities. He found out the best way to explore the town, was actually heading to the center and do some walking himself. He changed his shirt and headed outside. The restaurant was starting to fill in with people. Michael made a mental note to himself to make a dinner reservation there to try out the local cuisine. Hector Ramirez was gone from the front desk, replaced by an equally hot Mexican stud. He took one little tourist leaflet from the information stand, and headed outside through the massive wooden doors. The streets looked way livelier than before, as people ventured to explore the old town’s streets safe from the scorching hot sun. The town’s central plaza wasn’t far from where he was, so he decided to take a stroll and check out what kind of activities he was willing to try out. By the time he made it in front of Saint Michael’s cathedral, the sun was already setting, and the small streets were absolutely filled with tourists. Mariachi music echoed through the streets, as people gathered inside cantinas and restaurants, getting ready for a night of partying. Michael wasn’t a fan of socializing, so he immediately discarded the party scene from his to-do list. On his way to the plaza, he found a sightseeing bus, some good restaurants and lots of artisanal shops. The cathedral was already closed, so he decided to check out some of those stores around the center before finding somewhere to eat. All the small shops sold essentially the same things. A lot of artisanal stone cravings, some quartz sculptures, paintings and some variety of clothing. Michael checked out the pieces of art, admiring the Catrinas and pieces of fruit made out of precious minerals. He considered buying some souvenirs for people back home, but decided to wait until the end of his trip so he didn’t have to carry heavy stones while he headed for dinner. Once the stores started closing, he made his way through the streets looking for an empty-looking restaurant to sit in peace and enjoy the Mexican culinary culture. All the places looked extremely full though, which discouraged Michael to try out some of the Restaurants on the main streets. After walking for a while, he found himself on smaller, darker looking alleys. People were still walking around, so he wasn’t nervous. He read online that the town was very safe, despite what the media back home sputtered about the Latin American country. Once he got tired of looking for a restaurant, he took out his phone to google which good dining places were close to him. A faint voice caught his attention, as he looked up from the screen to find an old looking woman sitting on the curb of the alley. She was wearing an intricate shawl, adorned with colorful details. Her tan face was covered in wrinkles, giving her a wise appearance. On her lap laid a carpet full of artisanal stone carvings, similar to what Michael saw on the different shops across town. But these articles looked more detailed, and complicated. He approached the old woman, who just smiled staring straight into Michael’s blue eyes. “Ah, joven. What can I help you with?”, she said. Her voice was raspy and dry, and her accent very strong. Still, she spoke in such a way that Michael didn’t have any trouble understanding. “Your stuff is very beautiful. Do you make these yourself?” “Si, I do. Very, very hard. Hands don’t trabajan like before.” “Still, I’m very impressed…”, said Michael checking out the wares. “Tell me, joven. What can I help you with?” Her tone was eerie, but very calm. Michael looked at her once again, not knowing what he should answer. “You think I don’t know, joven. But I do. I can see your dolor. Your pain.” Michael went pale, feeling completely defenseless against the mysterious woman’s gaze. He started to sweat, as he felt the sincerest words he had said in a long time bubble up from his throat. “I want to be happy again. I want to laugh, and cheer, and love again. I want to feel life is worth living. And most of all, I want to recover the strength I lost.” He immediately covered his mouth, not believing what he just said. The woman smiled, her dull eyes sparkling for an instant. Without looking, she reached for her pocket, and took out what seemed to be a black rock. When she opened her palm, Michael saw a small but very detailed black heart. “This is an onyx heart. It helps you to let go of the past. What has happened to you will strengthen your heart. Let this precious stone guide you to your destiny.” Michael took the stone in his hands. It was cold to the touch, its surface smooth and free of any impurity. Before he could reach for his wallet, the woman stopped him with a sign from his hands. “No payment. The heart has always been yours. You will pay with your actions, not with your money.” Michael smiled at the old woman, not fully understanding what she meant. With a cordial “gracias” he got up and headed to the lit street at the end of the alley. The woman smiled, knowing already what the land had planned for that young man’s destiny. “Pollo con mole, tiradito de atún, escamoles….” Michael was trying his best to understand the exotic dishes printed on the small restaurant’s menu. According to TripAdvisor, this was one of the best places to be having dinner. It wasn’t very expensive, so he decided to treat himself with a nice meal. Being a victim of Montezuma’s revenge scared him a little, but the sounds coming from his empty stomach indicated a stronger need to stuff himself with anything he could find. When the waiter came with the fruity margarita he ordered, he asked him what his recommendation was. “You should have the Aguachile, señor. It’s the best one in town!” “But isn’t it too spicy?”, asked Michael remembering chile means chili. Doing Spanish in high school was starting to pay off. “Nah, don’t you worry señor. I’ll ask the chef to make it mild just for you.”, said the waiter smiling through his dense mustache. “Alright, thanks! I’ll have some guacamole as well.” “Coming right up!” The waiter rushed back into the kitchen, leaving the student alone to enjoy his margarita. When his lips touched the salt frosted glass, he winced tasting the strong tequila even through the sugary strawberry syrup. The strong agave distillate slid down his throat, burning everything on its path. “If you make those faces with a margarita, imagine when you move to a real caballito.” A deep voice caught Michael’s attention, who turned around and was faced by the most handsome man he had ever seen. A short black beard covered his square jaw, sprinkled with some white hairs giving it a regal appearance. Two deep brown eyes hooded by two bushy, but well-groomed eyebrows stared at the young student intensely. His hair was black as well, styled perfectly in a faded quiff. The man looked very muscular, his athletic build encased in a perfectly tailored black shirt. It was open, exposing the hard ridge of his upper chest, and his arms strained against the expensive looking fabric. He was probably in his early- to mid- forties judging by the white strands on his hair. Michael was so impressed by the man’s appearance, he completely missed what he had said. “Huh? What do you mean?”, was the only thing he could stutter. The man just chuckled, his chest shaking inside the shirt, threatening to rip it apart. “I mean, when you start drinking tequila how it was meant to be drunk. On a caballito. Like a shot glass.” The man then stood up, exposing his impressive figure to the speechless student. His legs were proportionally big as well, stretching the tailored pants with each step. “Mind if I join you?”, he asked. Michael just nodded, trying his hardest not to start drooling in front of such a person. The man sat down next to him, putting his own caballito on the table. “Where are my manners? My name is Iñigo de la Fuente.” His voice was soft, but deep and commanding. His gaze stern, but warm and welcoming. There was something about this man Michael couldn’t put his finger on. Even his scent was alluring, exuding an expensive wooden smell product of some cologne on his neck. “I-I’m Michael Andersen.”, he said shakingly. “Pleasure to meet you Mr. Andersen. Can I call you Michael?”, he said extending his hand. “Sure, it’s fine,'' answered the student, taking the man’s hand. His grip was strong, his palm rough and calloused. Despite his impeccable appearance, the man was no stranger to hard labor it seemed. “You can call me Iñigo too,'' he said, sipping some tequila from his glass. “What brings you to San Miguel de Allende, Michael?” “My friends recommended the trip for me to relax and get out of the routine. Some…stuff happened back at home, so I needed a break,” said Michael diverting his gaze from the man’s. Iñigo immediately saw the pain that haunted the young student. “I see. This is a magical place. It changes you in more than one way. I really hope you find what you’re looking for.” “I hope so too,'' said Michael taking another sip from his margarita. “What about you?” “What brings me here you mean?”, said Iñigo chuckling. “My family has been living here since colonial times. I was born and raised here.” “Oh, I see,'' said the student, feeling a bit embarrassed. “So, any recommendations? Anything I can’t miss during my stay here?” “Well, the town is beautiful. You should definitely get lost on the streets and explore it by yourself. You can visit some local art galleries as well. If you want something more, non-conventional, you should pay a visit to the local vineyards.” “Yes! I saw many on my way here. I have a view over one from my hotel room as well.” “In which hotel are you staying?”, asked Iñigo, stroking his beard. “It’s called Real de Rosales. Not so far from here, I think.” Iñigo just stayed quiet, his eyes scanning the young man before him. “Yes, I know where it is,'' he said absently. “You can’t miss the restaurant there too.” “It looks very good! I definitely wanna try it!” They talked for a while, discussing Michael’s engineering studies, and some other local subtleties. The waiter came with the food, and both men joined to have dinner. Hours felt like minutes, as both Michael and Iñigo grew more interested in each other. They laughed, ate and drank for a long time. Iñigo even tried to convince Michael to try some pure tequila, but the student refused, not willing to lose his composure in front of that elegant man. Some time past midnight, Iñigo asked for the check and even paid for Michael’s meal. “This one’s on me. For the good company.”, he said flashing a heart melting smile. Michael felt embarrassed that a stranger was paying for his expenses. “No! I can’t let you pay for me, he said, reaching for his wallet. Iñigo stopped him, grabbing his arm. Michael could feel the strong grip almost surrounding its entire circumference. “I insist. In fact, if you do feel bad about it, next one’s on you.” Michael couldn’t believe his ears. This gorgeous man he just met was asking to meet him again. He enthusiastically nodded, a cheerful smile printing itself on the student’s lips. Iñigo smiled as well, wondering what it was that he found so attractive in this young man. “Tomorrow, I promise,'' said Michael, extending his hand. Iñigo grabbed it and both men sealed the promise with a handshake. The student ordered a taxi to go back to the hotel. Before closing the door, he yelled to catch Iñigo’s attention, who was heading to his own car. “Wait! How can I contact you? I don’t have your number or anything.”, he said. Iñigo let out a booming laugh, and approached the open taxi. “I’ll pick you up at six in your hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, the taxi door was closed and the infatuated student was on his way back to the hotel. The moment he entered the suite, he threw himself on the bed like a lovestruck teenager. He couldn’t wait to see what that handsome man had planned for both of them. He drifted into sleep, the cold black onyx heart still in his pocket. The screams were getting closer this time. Michael was still fighting his way through the darkness, when suddenly he found a door. A very familiar door, identical to the one back at home in his apartment. He slowly opened it, and found himself standing in the middle of his small living room. The place was messy and dirty, almost like it had been uninhabited for a long time. Spiderwebs hung from the ceiling, and dust gathered on every surface. The screams had stopped. Michael explored his living room, seeing all his consoles and books in their respective places. He took one of the picture frames, and swept the dust off the glass surface. He remembered the picture. A healthier looking Michael was smiling back at him, along with another person. A very familiar person. The next few pictures were taken with the exact same person. All of them depicted fun and happy moments between both the student and the other man. In fact, the living room was filled with different mementos covered in dust and spiderwebs. Valentine’s day balloons, letters, a music box, a stuffed animal and even some empty wine bottles. A sound coming from the hallway caught Michael’s attention. He headed towards the noise, entering the dark hallway. It was cold again, Michael could see his breath condensing in front of him. He started shaking uncontrollably, his teeth chattering due to the bitter cold. The hallway grew more and more unkempt, the floorboards starting to crack and break under the student’s feet. When he reached the end of the hallway, he found himself in front of his bedroom door. He heard a whisper from the other side. As he approached to listen to what it was saying, the door opened and a chain with a harpoon pierced Michael’s chest, yanking him inside the bedroom. The student woke up screaming, almost jumping out of bed. He was sweating profusely, the silk sheets sticking to his skin. He was having nightmares again. He rubbed his eyes groggily, and saw some morning sun peeking through the thick curtains. He checked his phone, seeing he had some missed calls from his friends and family. He grunted annoyed, and wrote a few short texts to let everyone know he was fine. When he got out of bed, he felt heavy. “I shouldn’t have eaten that much so late,'' he said to himself as he headed towards the bathroom to wash himself. The shower was glorious, being equipped with a hydro massage and a sauna. Michael relished in on the sensations that the water caused on his skin. He couldn’t help but feel something out of place, almost as if the water flowed differently on his skin. After he was done, he approached the mirror to brush his teeth. When he saw his reflection, he felt a bit uneasy. He couldn’t tell why, but his hair looked a shade darker. He brushed it with his fingers, and a few strands came off, sticking to his hand. His face looked different as well, almost as if the lighting in the bathroom was casting a shadow on his jawline. It made it look sharper as well. When he inspected the rest of his body, he saw that his formerly smooth skin was now plagued by small but thick bristles. It was denser on his arms, his chest and his legs. Even his pubic hair looked darker as well. Michael was very confused, but he attributed it to the lack of recovery sleep and the food the day prior. At least Montezuma didn’t show up to mess up his night some more. He got dressed, wearing some shorts and a simple t-shirt. His legs felt a bit snug against the fabric, and so did his arms. He made another mental note to himself to eat less heavy stuff so the bloating would go away. He took the onyx heart with him on his way out, storing it inside his pocket. He had breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant. The buffet was filled with all kinds of tasty dishes and exotic fruits. Michael served himself a lot of eggs, some chilaquiles and fried beans. His appetite wasn’t usually that big early in the morning, but this time he engulfed all in his path. Michael didn’t find it alarming, thinking it would help to carry him through the very active routine he had planned. He left the hotel, greeting Hector on his way out, and headed towards the town’s center. It was a hot day. Michael was already sweating when he stepped out into the scorching sunlight. The street seemed brighter than the day before. Michael didn’t know if it was the magic of the place, or just sleeping in such a luxurious bed that had him in a good mood. He even smiled and greeted a few strangers that walked past him. The slight discomfort of his legs rubbing with each other made him widen his stance, not noticing the change in his stride. By the time he made it to the sightseeing bus stop, his drenched t-shirt was sticking tight against his torso, and he could feel the waistband of his shorts dig into his flesh. “Weird.”, he mumbled, trying to pull down the hem of his t-shirt down to cover his lower belly. He paid his ticket, and immediately took his seat inside the old bus. The tour was in Spanish, so he hoped to catch a few phrases to at least understand the context of what the tour guide was saying. “San Miguel de Allende fue un poblado pre-hispanico chichimeca…” Michael was listening to the woman’s explanation about the town’s history, understanding way more than he thought he would. He even knew some facts about Mexican history before the guide would mention them. He never considered himself well educated in foreign matters, but the way the woman was talking about the Mexican War of Independence and the Mexican Revolution seemed familiar. Almost like he had heard the tale somewhere else before. The bus drove through the streets full of tourists, making a few stops on the town’s most important landmarks. Michael was paying attention to the tour, but he couldn’t help but notice some different aspects all over the landscape, like where people gathered the most to buy food, or where the different colonial building façades looked most worn out by the weather. He couldn’t help but think of ways to improve the streets, making them cleaner and more attractive to different kinds of people. His wandering mind was interrupted by the announcement that the tour was over. His daydream made him miss the rest of the explanation. He got out of the bus, leaving the lady a very generous tip for her service. The next few hours went over fast. He grabbed a cold michelada and sat on a bench right outside Saint Michael’s cathedral, admiring the beauty of the bell tower. “No wonder this town is so famous. Everything is gorgeous”, he said, feeling completely at ease. Despite sitting directly under the sun, he felt no discomfort. His pale skin was usually very sensitive to light and hot weather, burning even after the smallest exposure. But at that moment, he was enjoying the warmth against his face, fully bathing in the afternoon sunlight. It was a nice contrast to the cold and dark weather back home. He left back to the hotel two hours before the time he was supposed to meet Iñigo, so he could get ready for the date in peace. Once he was back in his suite, he headed straight for the shower to wash off all the stale sweat from the excursion earlier. He struggled trying to take his t-shirt off, almost like it was a few sizes too small. The button from his shorts practically burst on its own, releasing the tension Michael kept feeling during the day. Looking in the mirror, he definitely looked bigger. His arms seemed stronger, just like his legs. His formerly teen-sized waist had thickened considerably, along with his flat chest. He reached up to grab one of his pecs, and was surprised to feel a very small chunk of hard muscle underneath. It was still imperceptible to the eyes, but it was definitely there. The small bristles had also grown some, covering his limbs with a dark dusting of sparse hair. But instead of feeling alarmed by the second puberty he was going through, Michael felt it was the most normal thing in the world. He didn’t pay any attention to the changes, heading straight into the shower. He had sweat a lot, so he made sure to wash every part of his body thoroughly. The idea of showing up even with the smallest amount of dirt to his date disgusted him. Iñigo was a very elegant man, so the least he could do was to try and get on his level. He chose to wear some dark jeans, along with the only button shirt he had brought to the trip. The fact that it was a size too big was perfect to accommodate his new bulk. Again, he took the small onyx heart before leaving the room. When he arrived in the lobby, his eyes were immediately attracted by Iñigo’s imposing figure. Like the day before, he was clad in a perfectly tailored black suit that hugged every curve of his body. He was leaning over the front desk, casually chatting with Hector Ramirez, who looked just as gorgeous as every time Michael saw him. The student’s heart sank on his chest, thinking he might have misinterpreted things with the local man. After all, why would such a stud be interested in a weedy foreign man? Self-doubt plagued Michael’s mind, triggering his flight instinct. But before he could sneak out of there unembarrassed, he heard Iñigo’s booming voice resonate on the high ceiling of the hacienda. “Michael! Over here!” Michael’s resistance melted the instant he heard that deep accented bass mention his name. He turned around, putting on the best smile his lips could muster. “Hello Iñigo. You’re a bit early”, he said approaching the handsome man. Iñigo immediately took his hand for a firm handshake. The student’s heart skipped a bit, feeling that strong grasp on his palm again. “Ah, yes. I was talking a bit with the guys at the front desk. I’m always impressed to see how much Hector has grown.”, he said looking back at the front desk. “The boy was raised on one of my family’s properties. It makes me proud to see he grew up to be such a responsible young man.” Michael wasn’t surprised to find out that Iñigo was probably an influential figure in this town. His poise, his style and his manners depicted a very cultured and educated person. “So, are you ready to taste the best tequila you ever had?”, asked Iñigo, inviting Michael to walk next to him. “Only a little bit. I’m not ready to re-live my university party days.” “Ah, of course. It’s only going to be a taste. After all, the highlight of this town is the wine. I’ll be your own personal sommelier tonight.”, said Iñigo. Both men then headed outside, where the man’s car was waiting for them. The place they were visiting was more on the outer part of town. The art gallery used to be an old factory, adapted to showcase the local artists’ works. According to the Mexican, one of the best cantinas was right next to the place. Before heading for dinner, Iñigo invited Michael to take a look through the many exhibitions. Walking around, the student got more and more mesmerized by the handsome man, as he explained all the different art movements embodied in the paintings. “Many of the upcoming artists here are struggling. This gallery gives them an opportunity to show their talent to the world. Even if their work isn’t immediately bought, the fact that they’re being seen for their artistry is enough for most of them. Creativity flourishes in adversity.”, said Iñigo, admiring the different paintings before them. Michael just listened silently. He could relate more to those artists than the man thought, having gone through plenty of adversity himself. Iñigo noticed the student’s increasingly grim expression, and made a detour to head to the cantina. Once they were sitting on a table, the waiter brought them a few snacks and two caballitos. Iñigo ordered the best tequila in the house in Spanish. Michael didn’t realize he was starting to understand even the single expressions in the foreign language. The waiter poured both glasses full, and with a small toast both men took a sip of the agave drink. “So, Michael. These two eyes have seen many people come and go from this town. When I see you, I see you’re in need of a friend. What happened there?” The student looked down on his glass, not knowing what to answer. Iñigo was still a stranger after all. But there was something inside of him that wanted to vomit his concealed feelings. The emotions were bubbling inside of him, causing his body temperature to rise. He unbuttoned his shirt's uppermost button, feeling the fresh air brush against his hot skin. The handsome man’s allure was too powerful, inspiring trust and confidence in Michael. “Nothing important,'' he said, taking a sip of tequila. “Art galleries remind me of someone.” “Someone? As in important someone?”, asked Iñigo. His dark eyes staring deeply into the student’s own. “Yes. My ex-boyfriend was a very talented artist. He used to love visiting these places, interpreting the paintings and translating the artists’ emotions in such a way that I understood everything.” Michael’s eyes started to water, but he made an inhuman effort to swallow the tears. Iñigo noticed the student’s distress, and took his hand. “Whatever happened between you two, it's in the past. You can learn from it, but you can’t live in it. You have to let go.” “How…?”, asked Michael, his voice breaking. The onyx heart in his pocket started to pulse, its cold surface heating up slowly. “I spent months trying to heal. My entire life crumbled right in front of me. That’s why I’m here. This was my last resort, so I wouldn’t…”. He couldn’t finish the sentence. Iñigo rubbed his rough fingers on the student’s hand, trying his best to calm him down. The man’s touch was having a positive effect on Michael, a feeling of safety washing all over him. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so comfortable with someone, despite talking about the one thing he couldn’t talk about to other people. “Pain is a very strange thing,'' said Iñigo. “You can feel it trying to destroy you. If you let it, it will. But the truth is, that pain teaches you how strong you are.” “What do you mean?”, asked Michael looking up to meet the man’s gaze. “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but the fact that you’re sitting here with me is a testament to your fortitude. You survived.” Michael’s expression eased up, as the man’s words entered his being, and washed all the sorrow away. He could almost feel the black heart syphoning the negativity away. “Once you let go of the past, you will see your destiny.” Michael smiled at Iñigo, his own heart warming up. He took the tequila glass up and made another toast. “For destiny.” Iñigo raised his glass too, smiling at the student. He could feel a strong attraction for him as well, and he couldn’t tell why. A lifetime in that town had taught him not to question destiny’s intricate design. Letting things flow was the best path of action one could take. “For destiny.” Both men kept drinking all night. Michael didn’t notice how much alcohol went into his system. He was a lightweight when it came to alcohol, but for some reason he could keep up with Iñigo all night long. He could feel his torso slowly starting to press against the shirt, the buttons starting to struggle to keep it closed. His movement was being restricted by the fabric, his back forbidding his arms to move forward. The pressure on his jeans was unbearable, so he eventually took off his belt and unbuttoned the pants. By the time the bottle was empty, it was past midnight and both men were slightly drunk. “So, my friend. I owe you an apology.”, said Iñigo, his voice losing some of its elegance and acquiring a hint of macho that made Michael’s manhood twitch. “I didn’t let you try out the wine I promised.” “Don’t worry, hombre.”, said Michael, his own voice feeling a bit more raspy than usual. “I’ll still be here a couple of more days.” “Then let me promise, tomorrow I’ll take you to the vineyard. A private tour. What do you say?” “Of course, I’d love it. With one condition. You have to wear some sexy outfit para el campo” Iñigo’s laugh almost made the bar’s glasses shake. “You got it, my friend.” Iñigo’s driver dropped Michael at his hotel, and drove away into the night. By the time he made it to his room, the drunk student barely managed to take off his shoes and plummet into the bed, straight into Morpheus’ embrace. When Michael opened his eyes, he was standing in an identical copy of his bedroom. His sheets were undone, as usual, and his clothes were laying on their usual spot on the floor. The lights were on, and everything looked normal. Someone was sitting on the bed, facing straight into the dark window on the other side of the room. “So, you finally made it huh? Took you long enough.” Michael’s face grew pale, as the person turned around and he knew exactly who he was. “Will?” “In the flesh,'' said Will standing up from the bed. “I really thought you weren’t going to make it.” “When have I not made it?” asked Michael approaching the other man. “You know when.” “That’s not fair Will, I gave you everything I had.” Will’s face grew somber, a sinister shadow spreading on his eyes. “Not everything. You never gave your all for this relationship. Not even a year and you’re already looking for a replacement.” “That’s not true! It was a difficult time for both of us. The world was trying its best to kill us. And I stayed. It tore me apart, but I stayed. You were the one that left!” “You know it wasn’t my fault!”, roared Will, the room shaking uncontrollably. The dark shadow was spreading from Will’s body into the surroundings, making the wooden floor decay and the painting on the walls peel down. “I was sick! What else were you expecting? Can you really blame me for what happened? Let me rephrase that. Do you still blame me for what happened?!” Before Michael could answer, the decaying floor gave away, and the student fell into the darkness below. On his way down, he heard the dreaded siren of an ambulance, he saw the blue lights of a police car, and felt his own wails of suffering escape his throat once again. The light of the room went up and away like a shooting star. “Room service!” A knocking on the door pulled Michael out from his sleep. He had no idea how late it was, but judging by the bright light coming in from the window, it must be nearing noon. He felt like he was run over by a bulldozer. Slowly, he dragged his heavy body out of the bed to answer the knocking. “Un Segundo”, he said, his accent in Spanish not as pronounced as it used to be. When he opened the door, he was met by the startled face of a small woman in a maid’s outfit. “Uhh…, vuelvo después.”, she said and rapidly disappeared with her car in the hallway. Michael just stood there with the door half open, wondering if he said something wrong. The woman looked embarrassed and impressed. He headed to the bathroom for his morning routine, but when he saw himself in the mirror he almost screamed for help, thinking a stranger had gotten inside his suite. “Damn, is that me?”, he said admiring his different body on the reflective surface. The shirt had given up during the night, and on the opening Michael could see a lean muscular torso. The small bristles had grown into a full dark carpet that covered his hard chest and descended over the faint ridges of his abdominal muscles into the overly stretched waistband of his jeans. He struggled to take the ruined garment off, to finally free his much thicker arms from their confinement. They were covered by thick body hair as well. He flexed in front of the mirror, a small hill rising from his upper arm. Even his armpit hair was different, the sparse blonde hair replaced by a thick bush. Despite being so hairy, he still looked well groomed. Not a single hair looked unkempt, all his pelt meticulously designed to accentuate the much more athletic body. He forcefully took off his jeans, revealing thick corded muscle underneath. His boxer briefs were now stretched by an actual ass, instead of the flat surface that occupied them before. Even his bigger feet were hairy now, each toe displaying a dusting of its own. He took a closer look at his face. His nose seemed bigger, along with a more pronounced brow and higher cheekbones. He looked rougher, and mature. His blue eyes looked a bit darker, and his hair was browner instead of blonde now, and looked more wavy than straight like it used to be. What really stood out from his new visage was the dark five o’clock shadow covering his square jaw. It was rough as sandpaper, and so thick no naked skin was visible underneath. Michael was completely speechless, feeling new strength and energy coursing through his whole body. Somehow, it felt right. He wasn’t scared, he was just surprised. The more time he moved his body in front of the mirror, the more normal it seemed. By the time he was able to turn around and get into the shower, the changes settled in his mind, and he fully accepted his new looks like they had always been there. Even the water felt more erogenous, flowing against the thick hair. He looked for something to wear, but the only things that fit him now were a pair of athletic shorts, and an oversized t-shirt he brought in case he decided to work out. His stomach rumbled loudly, so he quickly went out to grab something to eat. On his way to the restaurant, he greeted both hotel staff, and guests cordially, feeling very at ease with the people surrounding him. His shy demeanor was slowly disappearing, letting out a more confident and friendly personality. He ordered a lot of food from the restaurant’s lunch menu, enjoying every bite with a newfound taste. His tolerance to chili had grown as well, his palate discovering new sensations that came together with the wide variety of spices being served in the local cuisine. Michael was about to order a third plate, when he heard a familiar voice yell at him from the distance. “Miguel! There you are! I was worried you weren’t going to survive the killer hangover,” said Iñigo approaching the table where the student was sitting. He looked different, wearing a skin-tight white shirt, open to expose his herculean chest. His jeans were sticking perfectly to his muscular legs, leaving nothing to Michael’s imagination about what the man was packing between his legs. Something about his greeting seemed strange to him though, but the infatuated student couldn’t point out what. “Hey Iñigo! What did you just call me?” “What do you mean? I said Michael, there you are. It seems some of the tequila’s blessings are still in your body!”, he said putting his heavy hand on Michael’s shoulders. “So, are you ready for your surprise today?” “What surprise? You told me we’re going to the vineyard, right?” “Ah, yes! I just didn’t tell you what we were going to do there!”, said Iñigo laughing. “But you’ll have to change clothes. That outfit is not suited for a day on the field. The ants will eat you alive.” “But they’re my only clothes left…”, said the student looking down embarrassed. He was already feeling a bit self-conscious on spending a day on his workout clothes, not to mention the rest of his wardrobe was rendered useless with his increased mass. “Don’t worry. I’ll tell Hector to bring you some proper clothes to your room. Once you’re done changing, meet me at the entrance to the field at the back of the hotel.” Iñigo then walked back to the front desk, leaving Michael sitting on the table, wondering how that man could have anything he wanted with the click of his fingers. And true to his word, when he came back to the room, he found a bag of brand-new clothes waiting for him. A white shirt like the one Iñigo was wearing, alone with a pair of jeans, boots and a hat. The clothes looked big at first, but once he put the whole outfit on, he felt surprisingly comfortable. He took the onyx heart once again, putting it in his pocket, and left to meet Iñigo. The vineyard belonging to the hotel was immense. Row after row of grape vines painted the dry field green, giving it a fertile appearance. A small building on top of the hill overlooked the crops. Michael assumed that must be the winery, where they distilled the fruit to make the drinks. He approached the wooden arch that worked as the entrance, when he heard heavy steps coming his way. Within a cloud of dust, Iñigo appeared sitting on a gigantic black stallion. The animal was beautiful, both powerful and graceful, fitting for the handsome man sitting on top. Next to him was an equally big and gorgeous chocolate colored horse, with an empty saddle on top. “So, are you ready for our tour?”, said Iñigo. “Horseback riding? I can’t even drive a bicycle! What makes you think I’ll be able to control…that.”, said the student nodding towards the imposing beast. “It’s more intuitive than you think. Once you get on, you’ll feel you’ve been doing it your entire life.” Michael hesitated for an instant, a milliard of possible accidents flashing quickly on his mind. He looked at the horse, and both man and creature made eye contact. Suddenly, the student felt calm and confident, and decided to give it a shot. With a grace he didn’t know he had, he jumped on the horse, taking it by the reigns. “For someone who has never been on a horse, you sure look like a natural,'' said Iñigo checking the student out. He looked very attractive with his fitted white shirt and cowboy hat. “Follow me!”, he said and signaled his own stallion to gallop into the vineyard. Michael followed suit, using an instinct he didn’t know he had to guide the animal inside. Both men galloped for some time, enjoying the warm breeze and the bright sunlight. Michael was grabbing the reins with force, using his newfound strength to keep his body in the right positions. The movement of the horse was sending ripples across his body, making his muscles twitch and adapt in response. His forearms flexed and grew, sinewy muscle taking root in the previously slender limbs. He used one free hand to roll up the sleeves, exposing the hairy muscle to the hot exterior. His biceps bulged out too, growing stronger the more the student pulled the reins. His triceps grew as big as the horseshoes the beast had attached to its hooves, hanging down and stretching the sleeves to impossible limits. His shoulders rounded out and grew as big as cannon balls, proportionate to the arms they were now supposed to carry. He was using his legs to stabilize himself, squeezing the animal with strength. The thick fabric of his jeans started to stretch, giving away to the tree trunks that were replacing his legs. He felt more comfortable once his ass ballooned out making a perfect cushion for the hard saddle underneath. Once he caught up with Iñigo, he used all his might to stop the horse, pulling the reins and making it rear. The sudden display of strength made his chest puff out into two massive concrete slabs, bursting out from the upper part of his shirt and forming an almost obscene cleavage. His stomach hardened into a perfectly cut eight-pack, bulging with strength, and his back flared out almost ripping the rest of the shirt to shreds. “Woah! What a rrrush,” said Michael, rolling his tongue to pronounce the word. “I told you, you’re a natural,'' said Iñigo, getting off the horse. “Come with me. I want you to take a look at the fruits.” Both men entered one of the furthest rows of vines. Grapes hung from the plant’s cordons, giving some color to the otherwise green landscape. Iñigo took one fruit and tore it off, handing it to Michael. The student looked perplexed for a bit, worried they might get into trouble for damaging the plants. Iñigo saw Michael’s face, reading through his emotions, and smiled. “Don’t worry. No one is going to tell us anything.” “I’m sure a tour around the vineyard doesn’t include stealing some of the fruit.” “It’s not stealing if you own it,'' said Iñigo laughing. Michael opened both his eyes in surprise, everything about the mysterious Mexican man suddenly making sense. “Wait, so you own the vineyard? And the hotel?” “Well, not only me.”, he said, his gaze suddenly getting lost in the distance. “Who else?”, asked Michael, scratching his hairy pecs with his free hands. “No, just me. I got confused for a second,” said Iñigo, diverting his attention back to Michael. “Anyways, try it out and tell me your opinion.” Michael took the grape and put it in his mouth, its rich fruity flavor inundating his mind. He stayed quiet for a moment, his brain interpreting the taste and all the possible combinations with it. Iñigo leaned down playfully, looking for the student’s lost eyes. “And?” “Very tasty and rich in flavor. The tannins don’t taste that strong. It’s going to be a good crop. Malbec, right?” Iñigo smiled, partially surprised the student had such a wide viticulture. Michael smiled back at him, puffing out his chest proudly and standing straighter. He didn’t notice when his body stretched up a few inches. “Yes, it is. It’s the house’s specialty. We’re known for our wine’s rich and…” “…and spicy flavor. I know. Very impressive, Iñigo. Well done.” “If you want to try out some of the already prepared wine, let’s go to the winery. I assumed you would like wine, so I arranged a tasting for us.” “I love it. Thank you, Iñigo.”, said Michael taking the now shorter man’s hand, squeezing it tenderly. “Well, follow me then,'' said Iñigo, getting on his stallion and galloping uphill. Michael followed suit, and soon both men were entering the winery. The rich scent of freshly pressed grapes, wine and wood filled in their nostrils, as they made a small tour looking at the machinery and storage. The distillery was big enough to be the most important in town, with the wine getting exported nationally and internationally. Iñigo explained the process to make wine, and Michael listened carefully. A lot of things made more sense than he thought, almost like he was an expert oenologist himself. When they made it to the end of the tour, a small candle lit table was waiting for them next to the massive storage shelves filled with bottles. They sat on opposing sides, chatting gleefully about new production methods and marketing ideas. “I had no idea you’d be such a wine enthusiast”, said Iñigo taking a sip off his glass. “What can I say, wine culture is in my family.”, said Michael, his mind erasing the fact that his parents didn’t even drink. “And you, my friend, have truly made a name for yourself with this winery. Everything is exquisite.” Michael’s voice started to crack and drop, reaching a gruff bass deeper than Iñigo’s. His neck bulged out, thick cords of muscle climbing up from his traps to his head. “Only the best for you, my friend,'' said Iñigo, filling up the student’s glass. Both men looked up, staring at each other. Michael was finding it harder and harder not to throw himself on the Mexican man, and judging by his face, so was Iñigo. “So, Miguel, how have you liked your trip?” “Well, I certainly love the town. It’s filled with good people. Not to mention the rich cultural heritage.” “Tell me, what has been your favorite part?”, Iñigo asked, already knowing the answer. Neither one of them realized the conversation shifted naturally to Spanish, Michael speaking perfectly in the tonality of the region. “Well, the food is definitely tastier and richer, the architecture exquisite, a testament to both colonial and Mexican artistry, and the artistic talent lurking around every corner. I couldn’t possibly just choose one.” He stayed quiet for a moment, admiring Iñigo’s handsome face. “If I had to choose… I would choose you. You made the whole trip magical. I wish it wouldn’t end.” “It doesn’t have to,'' said Iñigo, getting closer. “You could stay. I’d like you to stay.” Michael looked down for a bit, a glimmer of his sorrow still present inside of him. “I can’t… I need to go back home.” “Why? You could start fresh here! Live a new life, and leave your past behind.” Michael’s head was spinning. Part of him was still attached to his pain, almost addicted to it. The pain he used as an excuse not to move forward, to stay tacit and not look for change. Even if that change brought happiness with it. But another part of him was telling him he belonged there. He could make his life, and the life of others, much better if he just let go off the past. The black stone in his pocket was pulsing, balancing the energy inside his body. Soon, the part of him that was frozen in the past started to get smaller, its voice drowning in the shine of the possible future. He was ready to take that leap of faith, and find a new destiny. Without saying a word, he got up and threw himself at Iñigo, their mouths interlocking in a passionate kiss. With a mighty push of his arm, he wiped the wooden table off the glasses and plates, and both men threw themselves on the sturdy surface, which miraculously stayed in one piece, supporting the weight of both massive bodies. Michael explored every corner of the Mexican man’s mouth, tasting the sweet aftermath of the wine. His jaw cracked and grew like a cinder block, ending with a cleft chin worthy of a superhero. The rough shadow of his beard stayed the same length, but a majestic handlebar of a mustache blossomed on his upper lip. He descended on Iñigo’s neck, biting and licking it, filling his lungs with the man’s strong scent. He could practically taste the wooden smell, along with the intoxicating natural musk product of an afternoon in the hot sunlight. Iñigo grabbed the student’s body with his both hands, feeling the vast expanse of his muscular back underneath his palms. With ease, Michael tore Iñigo’s shirt open, exposing a chiseled torso worthy of a renaissance marble sculpture. The light caramel tone of his skin only accentuated the deep cuts of his muscle. It wasn’t as massive as Michael’s, but much more meticulously sculpted to the point of obsession. He descended further, licking the man’s hard chest and tasting the salty flavor of fresh sweat. Michael’s face changed further, cracking and growing to match his new size. His brow was pronounced over his eyes, and his nose cracked and grew thicker, giving him a much rougher appearance than Iñigo. The hair on his head darkened, finally matching the pelt on his body, and styled itself into an elegant side part. Iñigo tore the student’s shirt open too, exposing the hairy mountains underneath. Even his back was hairy, sporting its own dark dusting. Michael’s pecs were round and heavy, less defined than Iñigo’s, but much more powerful-looking. He had to tear the sleeves apart, because the gargantuan arms wouldn’t fit through the openings anymore. Once Michael made it to the Mexican’s crotch, he swiftly undid the button and took his pants away, exposing some tight silk briefs with a massive bulge inside. Playfully, he bit the elastic and pulled it down, and Iñigo’s overgrown penis jumped out, almost slapping him on the face. With dexterity, he took the entire member inside his mouth and began massaging it with his tongue. Iñigo’s deep moans resonated through the rows of shelves, as he relished in the feelings that were spreading from his loins. Michael started to taste the flavor of the Mexican’s essence, which triggered another phase in his change. His muscles thickened and grew some more, gaining a layer of healthy fat over them. His stomach bulged out like a tortoise’s shell, worthy of a strongman more than a bodybuilder. His chest got heavier, and his ass bulged out further into a massive boulder. Then, his pale skin started to darken, acquiring the characteristic caramel tone of a Latin man. His features rearranged to cement his new heritage. After some minutes, he stopped sucking Iñigo’s manhood, and took off his own jeans, exposing his underwear. A small tent could be seen inside, the last remainder of his old body. In an impressive display of strength, he turned Iñigo around, took off his underwear, and started to rub himself against the man’s hard bubble butt. He got on top of him, their faces meeting once again, and tenderly kissed the Mexican’s cheek whilst opening his way inside of Iñigo. The Mexican man grunted; the slight pain being swiftly replaced by pleasure jolts that travelled across his body. Michael started to pump harder, his own deep moans overshadowing the other man’s. The pressure in the student’s own member started to grow, filling it with more blood and filling it beyond its limit. Thrust after thrust the manhood grew, until Michael had a penis comparable to a wine bottle. Iñigo was squirming underneath the much bigger man, his body almost unable to handle so much pleasure. Michael’s balls swelled as well, dropping lower and hitting the Mexican’s hamstrings in a constant rhythm. The overexposure to new hormones changed Michael’s body further. Muscles aged, looking more lived in. His skin roughened up some more, and sprinkles of white extended all over his body hair. His hairline receded, and his mustache acquired a gray hue. Crow’s feet extended from his eyes, giving the man’s new age away. With a powerful thrust, he inundated the Mexican’s gut with his seed, both men screaming in ecstasy. He fell on top of Iñigo, who finished a couple of times on the table. Both men were sweating profusely, the scent of sex almost overtaking the wine’s fruity smell. They cuddled in silence for a bit, enjoying the last orgasmic ripples leaving their bodies. “So, I hope I could convince you to stay,'' said Iñigo, rubbing his face against the bigger man’s hairy chest. “How could I leave? This is my home.”, said Michael, the new memories slowly overwriting his old ones. After getting dressed, both men left towards the hotel. Iñigo entered the room with Michael, and the two of them joined in passionate lovemaking the rest of the night, with the pale moon as their only witness watching peacefully from the big windows. When Michael opened his eyes, he was standing on the top of a green hill. The sun was shining, and he could feel the fresh spring breeze on his face. On top of the hill was a tree, and underneath its shadow laid Will, with his arms behind his head and his gaze fixed on the sky, watching the white clouds pass. The student walked towards the tree, and sat in the shade next to him. “This is it? The end? For your life?”, asked Will without looking at Michael. “No, Will. This is a new opportunity.” “Lucky you. You still have an opportunity.”, answered Will sarcastically, looking at Michael’s peaceful face. “So, what’s gonna happen to me?” Michael took a deep breath, enjoying the almost forgotten peace he so much craved. “You’re going to live inside of me. All the memories, all the experiences, all the laughs and jokes and surprises will be forever in my heart. But also, the grief, the loss, the impotence. I will never forget what you taught me.” Will looked at Michael quizzically, a hint of doubt still lurking behind his eyes. “I need to tell you one last thing. I’m sorry, Will. I’m sorry for not being the strong pillar you needed. I’m sorry for letting my own demons blind me from your pain. And most of all, I’m sorry for not expressing enough how accompanied you were. You were never alone. I need you to understand that. You were loved, and cared for. Despite what you might think, I was always there for you.”, said Michael, a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. “I forgive you. And, please, forgive me. I’m going to start a new life, and I need to let you go.” Will smiled, his somber demeanor fading away and leaving his usual playful side behind. “You were always the sentimental one. Fine, you have my blessing.”, he said standing up and heading down the hill. Before fading from view, he looked back at Michael. “You deserve to be happy. Glad you finally understood it.” And with that, he disappeared into the distance. Michael stood up and stretched. He felt the new weight on his body, and when he looked down he was greeted by his new form. His powerful chest was blocking his view from the lower side of his body, and he could feel his mustache quiver in the wind. He took one last breath, and let himself be swallowed by the sunlight. When he opened his eyes, he was no longer Michael, but Miguel. He looked to his side, to find Iñigo laying next to him, still sleeping. He got up and observed his surroundings. The room looked slightly changed, more lived in. The big closet was filled to the brim with different suits, boots and hats. The bathroom sink was full of lotions, creams and shaving utensils. Staring in the mirror he saw himself for the first time since the change. He looked imposing and regal, like a true gentleman. He stroked his thick mustache, feeling its softness with his fingers. He heard Iñigo groaning, so he headed into the room. Iñigo stared at him with his dark brown eyes, with the same infatuation from the first day they met. “Buenos días, amor,'' he said, getting up and planting a sweet kiss on the older man’s lips. Suddenly, Miguel’s mind filled in the holes of his new life. He was Miguel Rosales de la Fuente, owner of the hotel Real de Rosales, along with its vineyard and winery. A true staple in San Miguel de Allende’s society, and Iñigo de la Fuente’s husband. He felt the gold wedding ring on his finger, remembering the day he first saw Iñigo when he arrived in town almost thirty years ago. He was fresh out of university, and Iñigo was barely entering adulthood. He stayed in the de la Fuente’s family hostel, and soon grew fascinated with the town. He put his education to good use, and founded the winery. The hotel came afterwards, and soon the entire town revered him as a mentor. He was responsible for the many restoration processes all over town. He loved it, and did his best in keeping it in shape. Iñigo declared his love with many serenatas, and soon both men were tying the knot in an alternative ceremony. It was decades later when they were finally able to officialize their marriage, and they have been living and travelling the world ever since. Miguel liked to come back to town from time to time, always staying in his hotel. “Buenos días, cielo,'' said Miguel embracing the shorter man. “What’s your plan for today?” “I told Hector I would show him his new workout regime. The kid is growing big.” “I know, I’ve had to buy a couple of new uniforms for him this year alone.”, said Miguel flexing his biceps absentmindedly. “Mind if I join you? I need to let out some steam before the many scheduled reunions today. Gotta meet with the mayor for a new trash recycling plan, and if I don’t lift heavy, I’m going to have a difficult time keeping my temper.” “Sure! I’m certain Hector will appreciate having you around. Sometimes I feel you’re the one he takes seriously.” “It's probably because the mass impresses him!”, said Miguel laughing loudly, puffing out his chest. “You’re the expert in training, not me.” “That much is true. Let’s go then, you don’t wanna be late to your meetings. And we both know how much time you need to actually get ready.” Iñigo headed into the bathroom to wash himself, and Miguel approached the window, watching the whole vineyard before him. He really made a difference when he decided to stay in San Miguel de Allende. It was truly a magical town. He looked back at the bedside table. The onyx heart was laying there, its smooth surface glistening. Miguel smiled, thanking it quietly. Despite having adopted a new life, a last vestige of the person he used to be remained inside of him, to remind him how precious life was, and how you can always find a new destiny in the most unexpected places.
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