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  1. Synopsis: Thomas is back, and he won't stop growing (not that anybody wants him to). Our unnamed narrator continues his written account of his friend's growth, this time from big to huge. He hopes this story serves as inspiration for you to always reach for the impossible. January It was hard to wrap my head around the progress my friend and roommate, Thomas, had made in his first year of lifting. He had gained 103 lbs. of rock-solid muscle, going from a walking stick figure to a competition ready bodybuilder. If someone had told me the scrawny guy I hung out with in college would turn into a bona fide muscle god, I’d have called them crazy. If Thomas had put on 25 lbs in the whole year, with some of it being fat, I’d have been impressed. But to blow past my expectations the way he did, left me scratching my head. There was something special about him. He was a living, breathing muscle growth fantasy and lucky me had a front row seat to his continued transformation (as well as the chance to fuck him regularly). The average bodybuilding enthusiast might have been satisfied with what Thomas had accomplished, or even half of it, but Thomas still felt like he was nowhere near done. His body was a half-finished work of art that still needed much more work in his eyes. One day, while eating an eight-egg omelet for breakfast, he told me, “This year, I’m really going to grow.” I raised my eyebrows and laughed. “What do you call what you did last year?” Thomas smiled. “That was the warmup. This year I’m going to surpass last year’s growth. I’m ready to become a monster. A real-life hulk!” He was shirtless, as he liked to be. I watched him eat, observing the thick muscles in his arms twitch below his thin skin, and his heavy pecs dance when he stabbed his fork into his omelet. He took big mouthfuls, eating like an animal, eager to fill his growing body with more and more protein. He was already pretty monstrous, I thought. I had expected him to continue to grow, of course, but at a slower pace, now that his physique was already so developed. But he wanted to surpass the previous year’s growth? That would take him well over 300 lbs. Just how much muscle did he think his frame could hold? “You should be realistic,” I said. “Fuck realistic, man,” Thomas said after shoveling the last of his omelet into his mouth. “What I did last year wasn’t realistic. I’m a freak. I’m capable of the impossible. I believe it. I can grow as big as I want.” He raised his 20 in arms and flexed. Hard, vein covered peaks rose like mountains and I reached out to give them a squeeze. “If anybody else had said that I’d call them delusional,” I said, “But you are capable of the impossible. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Thomas grinned cockily. “You know it.” He rose to take his plate to the sink. “And if you’re worried about my health, you should know I have a physical scheduled next week. Just to make sure everything is alright.” “That’s good,” I said. “I can’t have you dying. How would I afford this place by myself.” I laughed as Thomas came around and put me in a playful chokehold. “Oh, so it’s just my money you like,” he said, as I felt his steel-like muscles squeezing around my neck. “And I though you loved me.” “Oh yeah, that too, of course,” I said while struggling to move his arm. I couldn’t budge it an inch. He had grown stronger than me months ago and liked to show it off any chance he got. I think he got off on the idea of being so much stronger than someone who was much taller than him. “I yield,” I said, and Thomas let me go. “Off to go pump some iron,” Thomas said. I watched his wide back, while struggling to catch my breath. The following week Thomas had his physical, as scheduled. I wished I could have been in the room to see the doctor’s reaction to his new size, but Thomas told me all about it when he got back. “He double and triple checked his charts.” Thomas laughed. “He didn’t recognize me at first, then his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull when he realized I was the same skinny Thomas from a year ago. He was like ‘Someone’s been living in the gym, I see.’” “I bet he’s never seen a patient put on that much muscle in a year,” I said. “He probably had a lot of questions.” Thomas nodded. “He asked what I was eating, and taking, and how often I worked out. I was very forthcoming. I told him right away I was on roids. He didn’t like that, of course, but I could tell he liked my results. He was growing an obvious boner while examining me, and I had fun teasing him with some casual flexing,” Thomas said with a mischievous grin. “He didn’t tell you to stop?” “Nope.” Thomas shook his head. “And I swear he gave me the most thorough exam of my life. He just kept making excuses to look over and feel up every part of me.” “I don’t blame him,” I said. “You probably made his day. So, what was his verdict?” “Blood pressure and everything else was fine. He’ll call me in a few days with my blood results,” Thomas said. “There was one interesting thing, though. I’m an inch taller than I was last time.” I raised my eyebrows. “Really? That’s odd.” “The doctor said it might have been an error in the record keeping or my posture could have improved.” “Yeah, that’s probably it.” I nodded. “It’s not like you’re still growing. Your growth plates would have fused years ago.” “Correction,” Thomas said. “I’m not still growing taller, but I am growing…” He bounced his pecs. “…thicker and wider!” When Thomas received his blood results a few days later, he was happy to report that everything was in the healthy, normal range, except for his testosterone levels, which were well above normal (for obvious reasons), and his creatinine levels which are often slightly elevated in weightlifters. “I’m as fit as can be,” he said, while digging into a whole rotisserie chicken, one of his favorite ‘snacks’. I was glad to hear that. A small part of me was worried something might be dangerously of the charts and he’d have to give up on his quest for mass. I certainly didn’t want that. I wanted to see him continue to progress and grow. Thomas ended January at 230 ripped pounds, up 7 pounds from December.
  2. Marcr

    Troy. + Chapter1-5

    Hey this is my first attempt Please note this story contains snuff and if you are offended or it is not for you please do not read! Intro The evening sky was painted in hues of deep orange and purple as Troy left the gym, his muscles pumped and glistening with a faint sheen of sweat. Every step he took showcased the power and grace of his massive physique. He was dressed in a tight black tank top that clung to his chest and shoulders, tight like a second skin, highlighting the deep cuts and striations of his pectorals and traps. His arms, thick as tree trunks, were a spectacle of bulging veins and pronounced muscle fibres, leaving no doubt about the strength they held. Troy’s tank top, soaked with sweat, clung to his torso, revealing the chiseled perfection of his eight-pack abs, each muscle sharply defined from hours of intense training. His shorts were equally revealing, hugging his powerful quads and hamstrings, which rippled with every movement. The tight fabric did nothing to hide the sheer size and strength of his legs, which seemed capable of crushing anything that dared to challenge them. His presence was commanding, almost overwhelming. Troy's towering height and broad shoulders cast a long shadow in the dimming light, and his entire demeanor exuded an air of supreme confidence and dominance. People in the parking lot couldn’t help but steal glances, their gazes filled with a mix of admiration and intimidation. The powerful growl of his motorcycle echoed through the parking lot as he swung his leg over, straddling the beast with practiced ease. The leather seat seemed almost too small for his expansive frame, but he fit perfectly, a titan in complete control. The engine roared to life, the sound a deep, resonant growl that matched Troy’s own intensity. He revved the throttle, feeling the familiar surge of adrenaline as the machine responded to his command. As he sped off into the fading light, the cool evening air brushed against his skin, mixing with the lingering warmth of his post-workout pump. Every muscle in his body thrummed with energy, the blood coursing through his veins amplifying the feeling of invincibility. Troy was a living embodiment of power and discipline, a force of nature on two wheels, leaving an indelible impression on anyone who witnessed his departure. The wind whipped past him, and for a moment, Troy revelled in the freedom, the raw power between his legs matching the strength within him. The city streets blurred as he navigated with precision, his mind still lingering on the intense workout he had just conquered. Every muscle in his body thrummed with energy, and he felt unstoppable. Approaching a red light, he slowed down to 5mph drifting closer, not wanting to stop, as the light turned green with a snap troy was doing 50mph speeding through the traffic lights. Flashing red and blue lights cut through the twilight, snapping him back to reality. A police cruiser pulled up behind him, sirens wailing, signaling him to pull over. Troy smirked to himself, feeling a thrill run through his veins. He eased his bike to the side of the road, the engine rumbling softly as he came to a stop. The officer approached with a stride that tried to convey confidence, attempting to assert his authority in the dimly lit street. But as he neared the figure seated on the motorcycle, illuminated by the stark glow of the cruiser’s headlights, his steps faltered. Troy, whose massive back commanded immediate attention. Even beneath the tight confines of a black tank top, each muscle group was distinct, the fabric stretching taut across his broad lats that flared out like the wings of a powerful bird. The olive tone of his skin contrasted sharply against the black material, emphasizing the expansive width and the dense, sculpted valleys of muscle. The tank top itself seemed to battle to contain him, particularly around the lats, which stretched the fabric to its limits. The spaghetti straps of the tank clung precariously over his mountainous traps, which merged almost seamlessly into his neck, creating a formidable column of muscle that made his head seem like a natural extension of his upper body. His delts were so rounded and pronounced that they resembled perfectly inflated balloons, straining under his skin with every slight movement he made. The officer had encountered muscular individuals before, but Troy’s sheer size and the sculptural quality of his back were unlike anything he had ever seen. This wasn't just muscle, this was a fucking Beast. troy raised the visor of his helmet and watched the cop in the bikes mirrors. As the cop started to approach again, His hands trembled slightly, and his eyes flickered with uncertainty as they traced the contours of a true tank of muscle seated on the bike. With every step closer, the officer's confidence seemed to waver, increasingly intimidated by Troy’s towering and formidable stature. “License and registration,” the cop demanded, his voice firm but lacking the confidence to back it up. There was a crack in his tone, betraying the fear bubbling beneath his professional facade. Glancing at the officer’s name badge. The surname was unmistakable—Harrington. A cruel smile spread across Troy’s face as he remembered Pete Harrington, one of his high school tormentors, looking at the cops face, Troy knew it was the same guy. Recognizing the opportunity for some long-awaited payback, Troy decided this encounter was going to be a lot more fun than he initially thought. Troy pulled off his helmet slowly, letting his piercing gaze lock onto the officer's eyes. His sharp blue eyes bore into the cop’s soul, reducing him to a quivering mess with just a look. his silence and the intensity of his stare doing more to communicate than any words could. The cop shifted uncomfortably under Troy’s scrutiny, a bead of sweat forming at his temple and slowly trickling down his cheek. Troy reveled in the sight before him, the cop, once so determined to assert his authority, was now reduced to a quivering mess. The officer’s trembling hands and sweat-dappled forehead were a testament to the intimidating mass Troy wielded effortlessly. He felt a surge of excitement, a primal thrill coursing through him as he watched the cop struggle to maintain composure. Troy knew his sheer size, his rippling muscles, and the intimidating tattoos snaking out his tank and down his right arm evoked a natural, almost instinctive, submissive response in people. It was a heavy mix of fear and awe, and Troy relished it. He enjoyed the way his presence could dominate a room, the way people instinctively shrank back, their eyes widening as they took in his formidable frame. The cop’s reaction was just another confirmation of his undeniable dominance, and Troy couldn’t help but feel a deep, almost visceral satisfaction in that moment. “D…D…Do you know how fast you were going?” the officer stammered, his voice faltering as he tried to regain control of the situation. Each word seemed to cost him more effort as he stared up at Troy, who dwarfed him by a significant margin, even still sitting on his bike Troy’s lips curled into a half-smile, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and disdain. “ Fast enough that you needed to play catch-up,” Troy replied, his deep voice laced with mocking disdain.. The officer bristled, standing a little straighter, trying to assert his authority. “You need to slow down. This isn’t a race track. I’m going to have to write you a ticket.” Troy's smirk widened as he dismounted his bike, his movements slow and deliberate, showcasing his pumped muscles that strained against his clothing. His feet hit the ground with a solid thud, and he straightened up to his full height, towering over the officer. The cop instinctively took a step back, eyes wide as he took in the sheer size difference between them. Troy at 5’11 but with the mass on his frame made the cop at only 5’9 feel even smaller. Troy advanced a step, his broad chest nearly brushing against the officer's. He could see the panic rising in the cop’s eyes, the young man clearly struggling to maintain his composure. Troy's muscles, still swollen from his intense workout, seemed almost to pulsate with raw power, every sinew and vein clearly defined and on display. “You sure you want to write that ticket?” Troy asked, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down the cop’s spine. He flexed his arm slightly, the muscle bulging impressively, and watched as the cop’s eyes flickered nervously to the massive bicep and then back to Troy’s face. The officer’s hand hovered near his weapon, his fear palpable. He looked like he was considering drawing it, but Troy’s menacing presence made him hesitate. “Don’t even think about it,” Troy warned, his tone icy. “I’d break you in half before you could even touch that gun.” The cop’s hand hovered over his holster, his fingers twitching with indecision. Troy’s warning echoed in his mind, but he tried to muster up the remnants of his authority. "I’m a pppolice officer," he stammered, his voice wavering. "Y…y…you can’t just—" Troy cut him off, his gaze piercing and unyielding. "You think that means anything to me?" he growled. "Badge or no badge, you’re still a weak little bitch. Now, go ahead, reach for that gun, and see what happens. I promise you won’t like the outcome." Troy with out braking his gaze rolled his traps, limbering up, ready, as he dared the cop to give him an excuse to use his power. The cop’s hand dropped to his side, trembling. He was visibly shaking now, his mind racing with the realization that he was completely outmatched. He could feel the heat radiating off Troy’s body, the raw, intimidating energy that seemed to surround him like an aura. Troy leaned in closer, his towering frame casting a shadow over the cop. "You really think that little badge gives you authority?" he sneered, flexing his bicep subtly, making the tattoos ripple across his skin. "Your power comes from a piece of metal pinned to your chest. Mine?" He pounded his fist into his palm, the impact echoing in the quiet night. "Mine comes from muscle, hard work, and the ability to break you without breaking a sweat." “Maybe... maybe we can handle this differently,” the cop stammered, trying to stay on the good side of this imposing figure. “There’s no need for trouble.” troy glared at the cop, eyes locked on each other, his face inches from the officer’s. “Smart move,” he said softly, his breath hot against the cop’s skin. “You don’t want to make things difficult for yourself? ” The officer nodded hastily, too scared to argue. “Y-yes, sir. I mean, no, sir. I don’t want any trouble.” Troy’s smirk widened. “Good choice. Now get back in your cruiser and forget you ever saw me!” Troy ordered staring down the cop. The cop, desperate to regain control, took a step forward and jabbed a finger into Troy’s chest, trying to shove him back. "Back off, now!" he barked, trying to sound authoritative but only succeeding in trembling slightly. Troy’s eyes darkened, a dangerous smile curving his lips. "Big mistake," he said softly. Taking a deep expanding his chest, pushing the cops finger back, the cops eyes widen as he felt the muscle turn from firm dense muscle tissue, into rock hard steel, the cop could feel all the blood drain from his face. Troy reached out and effortlessly lifted the officer by the collar, holding him in the air with one arm. The cop's eyes widened in terror as he watched Troy's arm muscles swell and bulge effortlessly with power. Troy smirked, thinking how light the cop felt, like lifting a sack of potatoes. The cop’s feet dangled helplessly, his eyes wide with fear and awe. He pulled the cop closer like a rag doll, flexing his free arm, show casing how light the cop felt to troy, and kissed the bicep right in the cops face. The cop couldn’t help but ”ohh fuck!” escaping his lips, at the sight of such entitled arrogance, making troy smirk, he pulled the cop in closer holding the small fragile man against his chest before wrapping one arm around him pinning the cops arms, as he held the cop against him, he whispered in the cops ear “next time you pull me over….it better be to suck my cock!” his massive bicep pressing against the officer's chest. He could feel the man's heart pounding wildly, his shallow breaths coming in rapid gasps. Troy's muscles, still pumped from his intense workout, felt like iron bands against the cop's much smaller, weaker frame. Holding the helpless officer close, Troy felt a pure power course through him. The contrast between his own immense strength and the cop's frailty was intoxicating. The man's fear was palpable, his body trembling as he struggled in vain against Troy's unyielding grip. It was exhilarating to feel such complete control, to know that this weaker man was utterly at his mercy. The cop's helplessness only amplified Troy's sense of superiority, feeding his vanity and aggression. as troy slowly flexed, wielding his power, he applied pressure to the officers chest, making it harder for the cop to breath, squeezing the cop, each time the cop breathed out a little, he struggled to fill any air back into his lungs, helpless to stop his assailant squeezing the air out of him. and then without warning, troy flexed his back swelling up like the head of a cobra, and wrapping round the cop like a compressor crushing on a car, Troy heard the sound of two ribs snapping under the power of his forearm. the cop cried out in pain, as the pressure on his chest was too much and his ribs gave out under the power of pure brutal strength. He could feel troys muscles against his own body, having never felt anything like it, troy felt like steel, and wielding a strength to match. Troy then threw the cop against the hood of his cruiser, tossed several feet like yesterdays rubbish, the agony of his ribs amplified from the impact, as he dropped to the floor trying to hold his ribs protect them, he could see the shadowy silloette of Troy looking down on him , the darkness only enhancing the fear and dread the cop could feel. Then troy turned and mounted his bike, and out into the night
  3. This story is up on Literotica, if you want to check it out there, published in three separate chapters (https://www.literotica.com/authors/BustyGymBimbo/works/stories). I decided to publish it here in one go to make it easier for you guys. Feedback is highly appreciated as I am planning on writing more stories for my "The Bulls of This World" - project and good suggestions and ideas would in fact help me in my creative process. So, without further a-do, here you go: _______________________________________ James woke up from his passed-out state, startled and unsure what had caused him to so violently gain his consciousness again. At least he knew where he was as the bright light of the TV blinded him for a moment and making him close his eyes. He felt a headache slowly but steadily build up right between his eyes and a dizziness overcame him, making him fall down on the soft, inviting motel bed again. He probably would have stayed there in this vertical state of existence, curing out his intoxication by simply sleeping, as a loud noise made him once again rise upwards. It sounded like a motor beast straight out of hell - greedy for fuel and hungry for speed. But after a second or two the originally otherworldly noise of the motoric vehicle subsided as he himself was more and more awake and it sounded a lot less alien. In fact James could, fully to his senses now, even assign the sound of the barking, powerful motor to that of a very powerful motor bike. Being a racing enthusiast and knowing his way around cars and bikes, he felt the urge to see for himself what bike had made that impressive noise. But then he felt his headache grew again with intensity and right on cue the motor of the bike was turned off as it's rider had managed to park it (right in front of his room). He could only hear the heavy footsteps of possible the owner of the bike walk past his room's window and open the door to the room next to his, as James, once again, fell asleep, this time for good. He woke up far more gently a few hours later. His headache was gone for the most part, but he felt as if he was dying of thirst. Looking at his watch, it read 9 p.m. He jumped upwards as he realized that he was passed out for almost 4 hours straight. With greeted teeth he cursed his ex-wife and ex-boss who were responsible for his sorrow state of existence. When he had caught his wife cheating on him with his own boss he had known, that his life in his current form had ended. Losing his wife, his home and job in the process, he now only got the booze and escorts to keep him company as no real woman would want to spend time with him in his neglected, depressed state. Also, he knew his place in the order of things as compared to his ex-boss he was a beta-male. The thought of his beautiful (and busty) wife made him shiver with nostalgia and regret but then the infamous words that had kept him awake at night for the last few months, as they had burned themselves in his mind again on one faithful day: He had found his wife pinned down on a bouncing bed, seemingly cumming non-stop, trembling with orgasm as the hulking stud on top of her had pounded away at her, grunting greedily, while throwing obscene phrases at her, replying to her filthy responses, as every thrust of his powerful hips and tight, muscular ass had made her scream and the headboard to slam confidently against the wall - and then he had heard her shout of the words that haunted him to this day: "Yess! I am cumming so hard! Shit, you are so deep in my pussy! Ugh all the way in my womb!" - And the stud, who James at this point had realized was his own boss, had replied with: "Yeah, bitch! This is how a real man fucks, not like your puny-dicked husband! Grrrrr! I am gonna breed you like a cow as I am your bull!" - To which she had answered: "Yess! Breed me, fill me with your cum! Knock me up with your bull-cock! Knock me up like my husband couldn't! Ugh, shit you are so much better than him!!" To make it worse, the scene he had witnessed had turned him on as much as it had disgusted him. Hence he hadn't made any steps to intervene nor made sure they knew that he was in fact watching them, as he realized that he was - as much as he was devastated - also intrigued by the scene that took place in front of his eyes. Continuing to watch the rutting pair for further 20 minutes or so, he experienced his hulking boss flooding his wife's pussy, shooting obscene amounts of juice into her. Only then, as things finally quieted down, they had realized, too occupied and focused on their inhuman mating-session, that they had been caught all along. But, and that had made the situation even worse, they hadn't seemed to mind. In fact, rather the contrary was the case. His boss had just smiled cockily and confidently as he always did, and he pulled out his massive cock out of his wife's reshapen pussy, filled to the brim with cum (it had taking him longer than James had expected, and every new inch that was revealed before his eyes to him made his heart and own proudness of his manhood shrink), until a now soft cock of at least a foot, glazed in his wife's pussy juicy and the stud's own cum had been removed from her cunt and displayed to him in all his glory. And Cindy, James's wife? She had just looked sorry at him, but not for the act of adultery she had so willingly broken their marriage with, but for James himself as all three knew that from now on only The Boss and bulls like him would be able to satisfy her and James had to submit to the nature of things. Compared to Brad, the boss, James was in fact a weak, puny-dicked man. Brads cock was at least twice James' size (in his soft state, compared to his when fully erect) and had a body to match his bull-cock, carved and sculpted to perfection, it could rival any pro-bodybuilder in terms of size, strength and form. James had to face reality as Brad, from the looks of it the breeder of his wife, was just too much of a man - he was one of the Alpha Men - and James knew instinctively were his place way as he, broken, left the bedroom and his own home, knowing that both his wife and home now belonged to the bull. Once again he felt the same way as he did on that day that had happend a few months ago and he sat there on the small bed of the motel for what felt like an eternity until his thirst overcame him and he finally made his way to the bathroom were he practically drunk the water pipe dry. A few minutes later the world seemed a bit less depressive, especially since he felt getting horny. Often, a down-face could be overcome by having sex. In his chase, he had realized that he preferred watching porn and jerking-off instead. Hence he was about to make a return to his bed to grab his laptop, as he heard the sound of the motorbike filing his room again right at the moment as he walked past the wide window of his motel room and through the half-closed curtains he was able to look at the bike and what he saw made his heart start pounding. ___ James' urge to grab his laptop and open up PornHub vanished as soon as his eyes fixated themselves rather instinctively on the two persons outside of his room who had just arrived, from the sounds of it, on the same motorbike that had awoken him earlier. It was quickly clear to him who the driver of the two was just by the way the two people were dressed. A man and a woman, a very usual pairing for a motorbike if deciding to ride it together, the guy was dressed in a leathery outfit, mainly consisting out of a large jacket, thick pants and heavy boots, all quite common for a bike rider as it was a dangerous hobby and wearing proper clothing was rather important to prevent injuries. However, he wasn't wearing a helmet, which seemed rather naive and probably the result of him believing to much in his own abilities. To be fair, James admitted, he looked like a guy that could push a whole car, so he was in the right to be over-confident and cocky as only a crash with the biggest of trucks could probably stop him from riding a motor bicycle. Impressed by the guy's powerful physique, James was quickly reminded of the similarities to his ex-boss who had brought his own wife to so many orgasms and he once again had that visual image of his boss plowing away at his wife before his eyes. But the moment the bike rider moved an inch again, James was back watching with intrigue and the memory of his wife and his boss was once again nothing but a distant memory. He, too, is a bull, James thought, now even more intrigued as before, as, while the guy was wearing some very thick, baggy clothing James could practically feel the power and strength of his towering, buff body that laid underneath that covering cloth. And even though his bike was a beauty and rather massive, so big that a person under 5'8'' probably wouldn't be able to ride it, it appeared like a normal dirt bike in height next to the bull, who, James suggested, had to be at least 6'2'' in height, probably even taller than that. And then, even though his pants did their upmost to conceal it, James spotted that bulge in his crotch that seemed to go on for miles, which in turn made his own, comparatively tiny cock rise in arousal as James felt his lewd voyeuristic side rising up from his constraints; a part of him which he had encountered for the first time only a few months ago on that faithful day where he, instead of intervening, had been eavesdropping on the rutting couple of his wife and his own boss and had watched his wife getting the fuck of her life while he himself had felt both incredible turned on and disgusted at the same time, while growing hornier the longer he witnessed that hard fuck playing out and finally reaching its' (almost) bed-breaking, retina-ripping climax. Before the massive body of the bull finally revealed the passenger behind him, James, while considering himself to be straight, had to admit that he was impressed by how good-looking that stud of a man was. He definitely didn't have a typically handsome face, at least not one, that you would call pretty or beautiful. In fact, anything boyish that some women liked on a man, he was missing. Appearing to be in his early or mid 30s he was fully grown and seemed to be well aware of that as he kept himself like a guy who fully appreciated and lived out his masculinity, knowing very well that this wasn't to everyone's liking, even though James doubted that he had any problems finding women that were interested in him. In fact, from the looks of it, it probably wasn't a far stretched theory that he, like any other bull of this world, was practically swimming in pussies and would actually have a hard time deciding on who to pick from the sheer amount of eager sluts who would love to spread their legs for him. Finishing off his very masculine look, he had a perfectly kept, dark beard that in terms of hair length was situated somewhere between a full-beard and a mustache, while his dark-brown hair on his head was kept very short. He had a pronounced angular jaw, only partially covered by his beard, high cheekbones and a very stoic, confident expression. And while his face was rather emotionless, James could swear that he could see a fire burning in his eyes, a fire that wasn't fueled by rage or the urge for violence but only by lust and instinctive, primal passion. And he could now finally understand why that was the chase, as when the bull finally was stepping of his bike, he revealed the slut that was seated behind him; and James immediately had a ragging hard-one the moment he glanced at her. If you needed one word to describe her, there was only one that would give her justice: BIMBO. Medium in height, somewhere between 5'4'' and 5'6'', her body and face was every (straight) guys wet dream. James, having previously suggested, that the Bull would only chose the hottest babe from the pool of potential girls, now could answer that theory with a massive Yes, as the doll on the back of the studs bicycle had everything a guy physically desired. Wearing a tight tank top that only reached down to the beginning of her flat, slender waist, she probably spotted one of the biggest, most perfectly round and firm yet soft pair tits that James had ever scene. Each cheek the size of a water melon, her chest was barely contained by a skimpy top and her udders seemed desperate to break free from the restraining piece of clothing. This in turn made for a very revealing, incredibly mesmerizing cleavage. In fact, if she hadn't been accompanied by that hunk of a man who could beat up James with ease, he himself would have, driven by the primal instinct to be near these define tiddies, left the safety of his room in an instant. But due to the fact that she wasn't alone and was throwing equally as turned on glances at the bull in front of him as James did at the bimbo, he decided - for his better good - to stay indoors and keep on watching the pair. Revealing a lot of her fit, toned stomach, her comparatively wide hips and athletic legs too were barely covered in cloth, only a tight pair of shorts and some sporty white sneakers with a thick sole completed her slutty, summer look. Unable to properly get a look at her behind from this angle, he could still catch a glimpse of the outline of her ass and that too seemed to be immensely mesmerizing. And then there was her face, both gorgeous and slutty, young and experienced, with the perfect amount of make-up, put on perfectly, a round yet angular face shape, with high cheek bones, a rather small nose, perfectly kept brows and thick cock-sucking lips. In short, together with her long, blonde hair, pulled back to a ponytail, her look, overall appearance, body-shape and outfit just yelled "Gym Bimbo" and the fact that she was both slender and fit as well as ultra-busty made him feel a shimmer run down his spine. She also seemed to be in her late 20s with a facial expression that oozed almost as much confidence as he did, and James was certain that due to her age and looks she had to be very experienced in the bedroom and able to take only the biggest of guys. James fantasized that she was a massive size queen and only interested in the most buffest of guys by the way she so looked at him, genuinely attracted to him, and he couldn't know how right he in was. "Hop off, bitch." The bull's voice, while not particularly loud, reached, due to its heavy bass and the deepness of his voice, his room surprisingly clear and easy to understand. "I know my bike is comfortable, but it was too expensive for us to fuck on it. I don't want it to get covered in our juices..." Seemingly turned by that rather lewd description, it seemed to not be a rather unpleasant idea to her, but nevertheless, with a teasing smile, she too 'hopped off' his bike as he had rather blatantly asked her to do; and obviously she did that in the most hottest of way, rather slowly, pronouncing every movement of her legs and body. Finally, she stood next to him on the warm concrete floor of the parking lot and only now James realized how tall the bull was as he towered over her at least one head-length, possible two. "Okay... but only because you are just so damn hot and... hung" instinctively her eyes glanced at the bulge of his cock and James could only imagine how horny and excited she must feel like. The Bull in turn cleared seemed to like the fact that due to her experience and ability of seducing guys, she wasn't completely submissive and kept on teasing and playing with him, rather than to simply do as he pleases, too eager and cock-druck. "Jenny you really are one hell of a slut... I can't wait until I am balls-deep in you and you can't stop screaming as you keep cumming on my bull-cock", he replied bluntly, his otherwise stoic face now fully covered with lust as the fire in him seemed to grow even bigger. This too she seemed to like. Both the way he so confidently and dominantly spoke and treated her and the visual image he had created with his words. "Oh believe me, I am a screamer. The whole neighborhood it's gonna hear me squeal as I beg you to fuck me harder. I am not your virgin college cheerleader, I have fucked as many hung bulls as you have fucked busty bimbos like me... I am not gonna tap out any time soon~..." This he seemed have liked - a lot. As the way she teased him with her excellent seducing talk made an impact on him as he stepped closer to her as a result and they started making-out, french-kissing hardly like the two over-sexual people they were. He had to bend his back and lean forward a bit for their mouths to reach each other and he, horny as he was had troubles containing his hands by himself as he had started hold her waist but quickly moved over to her jiggly, yet firm bubble butt, roughly kneading it. Finally after a minute or so their first outburst of passion ended and he let go off her, but seemingly only to not further prolong things. "Let's fuck than! God I am gonna love how your tits are gonna bounce while I hammer into you.." "Oh, that's my specialty. Being vocal in bed and having a massive set of tits", she replied teasingly but seemingly unfazed. Not further wasting any time, he didnt bother replying to that as both seemed to know what they wanted and how much they wanted it and he grabbed her by her arm and confidently but not too roughly guided her with quick steps to his room. Fortunately for James, it was directly the room next to his. ______ It hadn't taken long for the first noises from next-door to fill James' own room. Practically the moment the bull had slammed the door to his motel room shut with one single strong motion, James had been able to listen to him and his 'date' rumbling about only a few feet away from the eavesdropping voyeur. Now muffled and slightly quieter than only minutes ago due to the few inches of cardboard and wood being between them, their dialogue, however, was still rather easily perceptible. "Grrr, your tits are fucking incredible, slut. I am gonna play with them all night", James heard the bull say, his voice still as deep as before but filled with a bit more emotion, seemingly due to his increased grade of arousal. As a response, James heard short, passionate giggles from the bimbo as an answer, only to be followed once again by the sound of heavy kissing, now mixed with the soft moans of her's truly and the rustling of cloth, being stripped off. James pictured the hot pair to french-kiss passionately while the bull grabbed and played with her bombshell udders with his massive, strong hands and she, turned on by his eagerness to fully appreciate the sluts body, would moan in between their act of making-out, as she too was loving the touch of his manly hands on her bimbo-body. "Mmhm yes play with my tits, Brad, play with them like you own them!"James heard the bimbo respond eagerly after a few moments of comparative silence. A deep chuckle. "You like that, don't you, Jenny? A stud playing with your tits, fully appreciating your bombshell body like no lesser men can. Running around on the beach with those two milk-tanks - all those guys staring at you - " Once again the soft, lewd noises of two people making-out passionately could be heard. "All of them wanting to see your knockers free of your top and jiggling free - but you keep them stuck away in some hot tank top... as you love to tease.." This time James heard a female, softer chuckle, as the bimbo named Jenny, not any less aroused than the bull, again seemed to like what she heard. "Yeah, I just love to tease and dress up all skimpy and slutty." Followed by kissing, moaning and soft gasps of bliss. "I let only real guys like you ..." - moaning and kissing and an affirmative grunt by the bull - "touch me... Massively muscled..." - kissing interrupting her once again - "... powerful alphas with bull-cocks... that belong on... mmhmm...horses... big enough to... mmhmm.. fuck us bimbos... senseless..!" Now things were finally going some place, James heard himself think, as he was desperately waiting for the fucking to finally start. He wasn't the only one though, as if on cue, having only waited for that particular phrase, the bull seemed to initiate the next 'phase' of their hook-up as a result. An excited, but rather surprised gasp from the bimbo, louder than their previous lewd chatting, made James's heart start to pound faster as he could only imagine what would happen next. A few seconds after her initial 'speech' that had resulted in a hands-on reaction of the bull and a surprised gasp by the bull, a loud wooden groan from the bed could be heard due to something not particularly heavy falling on top of it, thereupon making the slat frame to start creaking softly but distinctively for a moment. He must have thrown her on the bed, James thought. Like a barbarian. Meant as an insult born from jealousy, he quickly realized that comparing the bull to a barbarian actually was rather a compliment. He definitely had the body shape of a viking Berserker and also the skin and hair color to match, and he probably fucked like one. Powerful, hard, brutal, unrelenting... and very satisfyingly for anyone being so lucky to find themselves on the receiving end of his powerful fuck-thrusts. The creaking of the bed which had only lasted for a moment, in turn was once again followed by a deep, confident grunt from the bull and then an equally as impressive chuckle. "Yeah, that's right...", the bull stopped his upcoming speech for a moment, seemingly for dramatic effect, and James thought for a moment that Brad, or whatever his name was, had telepathically heard the voyeurs own thoughts as he had called him a barbarian, but then James realized, that the bull was only responding to the bimbo's previous statement. James also swore that he could hear someone unzip his pants. This was in fact probably exactly what was happening, as only a second or two later, a similarly loud gasp was exiting the bimbo's mouth once more, this time, however, it seemed to be less of a shriek of surprise or shock (by being picked-up and thrown on the bed) but rather one of excitement and passion. "Oh my god..", James heard her softly utter lustfully. The bull's deep chuckle resonated in James' own room adjacent to theirs and the voyeur now realized that both the bull and the bimbo were only a few feet away from him and separated by nothing but a thin wall. Their bed is aligned against our shared wall, he thought with a lewd realization. My bed can almost touch theirs. Once they start fucking I am not just gonna be able to hear it, I am also gonna feel it. Now things seemed to have reached some sort of early climax in terms of how eager both parties were for the fucking to start. And the bull and the bimbo started to throw fast-paced, very dirty phrases at each other: "Yeah, bitch, you like my dick, huh?" "Oh hell yeah, I fucking do!" "Then slurp on it, like a good bimbo, soak it in your saliva, make it ready to enter your tight pussy, doll!" It sounded like an order and in fact his dominant attitude would have made him an excellent drill master, but James was certain that the bimbo was more than willing to suck him either way and would have gladly done so either way. Slurp, Slurp, Slurp. "Mmmh fuck you taste sooo good, daddy! And there's so freaking much of you... This has to be-" Slurp, Kiss, Slurp. "-definitely more than a foot of cock." Chuckle. "Yeah, double that. Well almost." "Almost two feet?!", the voyeur heard himself burst out in disbelief, almost shouting out the word. He remembered that his ex-wife had in her constant state of orgasm blessed the cock that was penetrating her, praising it by how massive it was, but she had never stated *how* massive it was in detail. And James had never gotten a clear glimpse at the bull's cock. Could he too have been that big? The bull next door clearly was someone else as the 'Boss' had been black and called Tyrone while James' motel neighbor of the day was white and apparently called Brad. Two feet of cock, James heard himself think as he realized that he never ever before had felt so jealous of another guy. As James was once again occupied with his past he only partially was noticing that the lewd licking and kissing noises (of her getting his bull-cock ready for her pussy) had stopped the moment Brad had revealed his cock's size. ° Almost two feet of cock!?, Jenny heard herself gasp both in shock and absolute passion. The biggest cock she had taken before had been around 18 inches and had belonged to a construction worker (of all people). Different to other bimbos she knew, she didn't care what background the bulls had who she fucked, and that construction worker bull, he had been just too hot to resist: deliciously heavily muscled, his powerful body was not just the result of his hard physical construction work but also built and sculpted in hundreds of sweaty hours in the gym in his spare time. Hence, Jenny had seduced Jamal the construction worker (or "Daddy" as she had called him when she was pinned-down in a downward doggy, screaming in orgasm only 15 minutes later after having spotted him for the first time) right there at the construction site of some new super market, after she had driven by the site out of sheer luck in her small pink Fiat. She could have just kept on driving, dressed in her finest doll outfit - a pink, tight, very revealing dress and some 4-inch platform heels - as she had been on her way to a gala dedicated to the most famous and most influential porn stars like herself, but Jamal had just been too promising to ignore. In addition, fortunately for her it had been late in the evening and everyone but him had been gone. Only after their three hour long fuck-session she had found out that he actually lived at the construction site in a small trailer (in exactly the one in which he had arranged her guts with his donkey dick). But Brad... according to him he seemed even bigger than Jamal (in the cock-department, in terms of muscle mass and pure strength both bulls seemed to be pretty equally matched) and without having a ruler to hand there wasn't real evidence that could confirm nor dispute his claim. However, she could practically *feel* his cock, being engulfed by her massive tits, and barely covering more than half of his throbbing member, that he was right, as her experience with her help of her tits made her feel certain that Brad wasn't lying nor 'over-hyping' his cock, even though it would certainly fit his personality, cocky as he was. "Fuck, Brad, that's gonna be one hell of a ride!", she uttered with a joking as well as very playful undertone but she and Brad knew that that realization had made a dent in her otherwise immensely confident and experienced, cock-drunk attitude. "Yeah, all sluts say that. But I promise you, I know you girls' limits", he responded with a slight whiff of kindness and concern that actually surprised her a bit but definitely made her feel a bit relieved. "However, In the end I am gonna make you cum your brains out, balls-deep or not, though the latter is definitely recommended." There he was. Back to being confident and cocky and well aware of how to talk dominantly to sluts like her. Jenny could feel how her uncertainty was beginning to turn into nothing more than background noise again; and she looked back up at him, that towering, hulking mass of muscle and power, that charming and dashingly-handsome, immensely masculine face and last but not least his throbbing, imposing, perfect bull-cock right in front of her, ready to churn her insides up and make her have the fuck of her life time. And right there she knew, once again fueled by lust, passion and torturing anticipation, that she wanted *this* like nothing else in the world, as her size-queen side once again took hold of her. And she uttered the words: ° "I want your bull-cock so badly! I don't care how big it is, it's gonna feel so good in my tight pussy. And I am a big girl, I can take it!"James heard the bimbo practically shout out with passion. Fucking finally, James uttered in his mind. ° Fucking finally, Brad jubilantly uttered with even more lust. "Right, doll, spread them hot legs of yours, and spread them wide, I am gonna pound you like the bimbo that you are!" Jenny really was one hell of a bimbo, immensely busty with tits for days and built like the fitness babe she was, with a nice, thick, perky bubble-butt, a gorgeous face and a very slutty, confident attitude. She really is made for some heavy fucking, Brad thought as he watched her getting in position. And she is able to take it like no other slut. Not like that bitch from last night who had been quite promising, the busty airhead that she had been. But she had tapped out only after an hour or so of intense sex, and had left him unsatisfied, having only had one orgasm (compared to her dozen ones) and he had been still hungry for more. However, it had been quite late at night at that point, so he could do nothing else but to jerk off. A two hour long session of that had eventually had brought him to multiple orgasms - thanks to some hardcore "bimbo x bull"-videos made by a rising new studio called "Bull Stud Productions". But this time, he wouldn't need to worry about whether or not any of the two would leave this run-down motel room with it's old, extra-loud bed unsatisfied. In fact, he knew that him and that fitness slut turned porn bimbo would fuck each other senseless until one of them (or both) were spent and/or would tap out. Granted, the later hadn't happend to him personally before, but to quite a few bimbos he have had sex with over the years (last night's one being the latest example of one of his dates taping out due to experiencing an extensive amount of pleasure, the result of too many, too hard orgasms, for too long), and he doubted that this time would be different. Ready to be proven wrong he slapped his mighty prick on the fit, slender waist of the bimbo and slid forward on the bed which now groaned softly every time he moved an inch due to his weight and the run-down (or rather broken-in) state of it, until his cantaloupe-sized bull-balls pressed against her equally as mesmerizing, trained behind right below and in front of him, while his cock was now a good two feet away from him right where the bimbo's tits were. "This will be me balls-deep", Brad explained teasingly, a smirk on his face, but even he was impressed and surprised by the imposing length of his cock once again as it reached, from the entrance to her pussy, all the way up to her stomach and up to her tits. Man, once I am in her womb it's gonna make a fantastic stomach bulge!, he thought lewdly and pictured the image in his head, one that he had seen countless times on multiple babes before, some similarly hot like Jenny, some less impressively build, but it had always been beautiful to watch. "Fucking Christ... you really gonna tear my insides apart!", the busty babe gasped with pleasure and once again a bit of worry, but the sight that his cock made on her stomach was too damn gorgeous to watch and she knew that their imminent coupling would be only natural as he was a perfect men and she a perfect women and they were made to breed each other. ° James had listened to every second of their foreplay and, while he wasn't able to actively watch the imminent fuck-session from the safety of his room, he seemed even more excited about what was about to happen as he was greedily anticipating the start of their hardcore coupling. Come on, surely they are gonna start fucking any moment now!, he heard himself think as eagerness mixed with sheer passion and prurience overcame him and promptly made his heart start pounding and his cock to grow even more erect, painfully even. His soft hand wrapped around his hard-on, he pressed his ear against the wall and was impatiently awaiting the first noises that would indicate that their lewd act of procreation had finally started. At first there was silence, like the quiet before a storm. Then James heard a word that sealed it. ° "Ready?", the bull asked, his voice as deep as ever but filled to the brim with passion, eagerness and lust. Oh, how greatly he was looking forward to finally plunge his cock into her ultra-wet cunt. ° Jenny was now in position, her shapely legs spread wide in a full V-split to the point were they rested right next to her gorgeous face, fully illustrating how flexible and bendy she was. Laying on the soft mattress of the bed, her strong back of her slender and very fit body pressed against the more or less comfortable bed cover, her small and feminine but rather firm hands were holding onto her legs to help them stay in place, her gorgeous face was looking up at the bull who was towering over her, his body covering her with his shadow, her blue eyes looking up at him, and they were filled to the brim with anticipation, lust and the instinct of having to breed with that prime example of the male gene, as her human nature together with an massive amount of lust and the urge to cum made her want to fuck him, for him to slam his define pussy-pleaser into her shivering cunt, like nothing else in the world. She bit her puffy lips as she struggled to keep her passion at bay and she too gave her seal of approval as she uttered: "Fuck yes, gimme your cock! Make me fucking scream and cum my brains out!" ° James gulped. Damn. He was the luckiest man alive! Well, right after Brad. And right on cue all hell broke loose. ° "Then take my cock like the slut you are!", Brad practically barked through his gritted teeth as he aligned his cock with her pussy, having to throw his whole upper back and hips upwards in the air, away from her pussy and the bed so his cock-tip could press against the entrance of her pussy... only to slam forward, or rather throw himself into the bed, with one powerful thrust and plunging his cock into the depths of her shivering cunt as he had prophesied. A grunt erupted from his gritted mouth as he could feel her pussy fighting his cock, hugging it with some force, but his cock was too mighty and he knew that even her extra-tight, massively experienced pussy would only at first be able to withstand his resizing thrusts and in the end be conquered by his shaft like any other before. And from the sounds that Jenny already made, he definitely was on the right track. ° WHAM! If James wouldn't have known what was finally happening next door, he would have thought that someone was jumping on the bed. And from the intensity and heaviness to it not just a child but a fully grown man. That that wasn't chase and in fact the result of an intense, obscenely lewd fuck-session, made the whole situation even hotter. He heard the bed springs groan and whine from the sheer amount of strain they experienced as they got bend inwards to the floor of the motel room like never ever before due to the sheer strength and power of every fuck-slam of the bull. And then there were those wooden Humps and Bumps as if someone would have picked up a heavy log of wood and started to pound it against a hard ground with the short side, over and over again, and he realized that it could only be the bed-frame that shook and bounced as occasionally one leg or more was up in the air from the power of the impact, only to slam downward as gravity did it's thing. If that wasn't enough, all of this wooden and metallic thumping, bumping and slamming was underlined with the meaty slaps of flesh slapping against flesh as the two bodies of the rutting couple collided against each other vigorously. And then, James heard something complete the symphony of hardcore sex and he almost would have cam himself, as he had started to vivacious jerk-off his cock; and he smiled, as if he was in heaven, as the song of passion and lust filled his room and probably the whole close neighborhood, perfected with this final ingredient, that made listening to the sounds of heavy, bed-breaking, utterly satisfying sex even more worthwhile. "YES!! FUCK YES! OH GOD!" The originally soft moans and groans of the bimbo, who was seemingly too shocked and overwhelmed by the amount of cock she experienced, now had turned into blissful, extremely lewd screams and squeals, decorated by smutty phrases as she seemingly tried to keep the fuck-talk going to make the whole fucking even more smuttier. WHAM! CLAP! "FUCK YEAH! UGH SO FUCKING DEEP!" James was breathless. Cindy had screamed and squealed similarly intensely but hearing an unfamiliar and far more hotter and more bustier woman, a real bimbo, scream out such obscene phrases as she got dicked-down by a real alpha-bull was just too much to bare and with one final jerk he felt his penis spurt out a few droplets of cum. The passion and lust-hormones that had kept him wide-awake had left his body with this excuse of an orgasm and he suddenly felt tired, very tried. And while the fucking next-door kept on going he felt asleep, totally spend. _____ He woke up what felt like only moments later from a dreamless sleep. WHAM! CREAK! CLAP! CLAP! THUD! "YES FUCK ME!!" The couple was still going at it and from the sounds of it not any less hard than before. In fact, the intensity of their brutal pummeling seemed to have only grown as James could now feel how his own bed was moving from the slams of the headboard against their shared wall. And as he looked at his wrist watch, he was shocked. He had thought that he had only drifted off for a few minutes, but in fact he had for around two hours, and the bull and the bimbo were still going at it, as brutal as ever and seemingly without any end in sight. "Yeah, you like how I fill you up with my bull-cock? Grrrr, come on, squirt for me again!", James heard the bull dominant as ever utter in his deep voice and his fuck-talk-phrase was followed by an extra loud THUD! as the headboard of the bed slammed against the wall with even more momentum and James could practically feel this extra-strong impact shake his own bed, while the bimbo kept on screaming and squealing with bliss, clearly still as aroused and practically begging for more as she responded equally as licentiously: "AH FUCK! YEAH! UGGH YES DADDY! GONNA FUCKING CUM AGAIIIN!" This made him feel the urge to start jerking-off again and this was exactly what he did as he couldn't withstand his rising horniness again. An in an heart-beat he was again following the debauched banging next door with as much interest as before. ° Brad had fucked Jenny for around two hours now and both had cum multiple times. While Jenny's amount of leg-shaking, squirting orgasms had been too numerous to count (he guessed it must have been two dozen at the moment), the bull had, to his delight already cum twice, once after around 30 minutes or so of brutal Mating Press fucking (he had loved this position so much that instead of switching to a different one, he had just kept banging her in that pose which had resulted in his second orgasm). Both had been of at least a gallon and had lasted for almost half a minute and already the first one had filled up Jenny to the brim with his cum, so much so that more than half had spurted out of her pussy again and covered the bed. But both hadn't mind that one bit, in fact it had only underlined their filthy sex-session. The second one had been a mix of both filling her up again as well as covering her immensely slutty, perfectly sculpted body with his cum almost glazing her like a donut. After that they had actually taken a short break as Jenny seemed to have almost reached the point of passing out after the one and a half hour mark and Brad had actually felt a bit spent after his second orgasm. To regenerate and get ready an hour or so more of hardcore fucking, they had spend twenty minutes with nothing else than cuddling and flirting and making-out a bit. It had helped as when the clock struck the hour their bed was already shaking and about to fall apart as Brad was hammering his cock into her again, this time in Doggy Style. His hand changing between holding onto her tight waist or thick, jiggly bubble-butt, as well as slapping it roughly here and there, they had proceeded to fuck in this second position for the next 20 minutes or so and were now reaching the next climax of the night. He looked down at the bimbo beneath him who he was roughly pulling towards him by holding onto her bombshell body as he was at the same time slamming forward, resulting in extra deep, extra hard and extra satisfying thrusts, which was clearly noticeable by listening to how loud Jenny reacted to them. ° CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! "Oh shit, you are so deep in me! All the way in my womb!", the bimbo screamed teasingly but with all the honesty in the world as she once again was on the brink of an orgasm. Having her fit back curved to make her ass stick up in the air slightly to make it as perfectly round as possible, her massive tits were, due to the lowness of her chest, pressing against the bed and were slightly spilling like two barely air-filled beach-balls to the side of her body, making them appear even bigger than they already were. She knew that the sight of her marvelous behind was a suited replacement for her tits, as she remembered how eagerly he had played with her perfect udders all the way through their first position and the way he just adored the view he must have had: her jiggling, massive tits, her wide-spread, athletic legs, his colossal dick disappearing in her stretched-out pussy to create that fabled cock-bulge of her toned stomach, his heavy balls slapping against her ass with every womb-busting fuck-slam, the headboard and the whole bed shaking underneath his thrusts and last not but least her slutty face making all sorts of expressions while she was experiencing one orgasm after the other and throwing at him one lewd phrase after the other through when she wasn't screaming. The feeling of his cock was sensational. Due to the power of the bulls' thrusts he had managed to slam it against her cervix after only a few thrusts and half an hour late it had already burst through the boundaries of her womb. This had resulted in of her biggest orgasm to this day and any other orgasm after that had been almost as powerful, as the feeling of her having her womb crammed full with his mega-cock was out of this world. Now, fucking in Doggy, she loved the way her whole body shook with every thrust and how deep he was able to reach her insides with his cock, resulting in her spraying his cock, balls and waist full with her pussy juice every 5 minutes or so. And right now she again could feel another orgasm build up as he kept fucking her gorgeously fit, perfectly sculpted ass. ° SLAP! The fleshy sound echoed as Brad slapped the bimbos gorgeous bubble butt greedily once more, interrupting his hold over her ass for a second. It was followed by a loud grunt from the bimbo as she clearly had felt the pleasuring pain of that ass-slap. "UGH!" He made sure that he wasn't slapping her impressive behind too hard as he didn't want to make it feel unpleasant. But he knew, she loved it. That spark of a little bit of pain made the act of utterly dominating her all worth-while. She knew she was his bitch to play with and she loved every second of it as she also knew that he wouldn't go to far as everything he would do had only one goal in mind, to satisfy her as much as possible. And that worked on all levels. SLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CREAK! CLAP! CREAK! CREAK! CLAP! THUD! The steady clapping of their colliding bodies and the rhythmic thumping and creaking of the bouncing bed, still being able to somehow withstand the brutal fucking that happend on top of it, even though it's overall state grew worse and worse every second, echoed, together with her lust-filled screams, his occasional grunts and their filthy fuck-talk, in their room and must have been easily detectable in an area of at least a few hundred feet. Both knew that by now they must have had the attention of the whole nearby neighborhood and that at least a few people were eagerly following their love-making, be it only by listening to them. However, Jenny had the slight suspicion that they were being watched as well, be it through some hidden cameras, recording their bed-breaking session live and uploading it on a porn site or through small hidey-holes in the run-down walls. And that thought turned her on as, being the porn star that she was, she loved being watched. ° Brad loved the view he had. Being a great variation of the previous Mating-Press-one, Jennys jiggling butt, while not as massive as her tits, was as much of a sight to behold as well as each cheek feeling incredible between his strong, manly hands. Soft yet firm, similar to her tits but more muscular and by being smaller easier to grab onto and using them as leverage to pull her bimbo body towards him. "Ugh, yeah, bitch, you are fucking gorgeous from all angles!", he uttered, clearly excited that she looked as fine from behind as from in front. "Ugh gonna fucking cum soon if you keep this fuck-talk up, babe!" "Oh yeah? (Ugh, shit!) You gonna explode in me again like the previous time? (UGH, fuck!) Gonna fill me up the brim with your cock? UGH! Like only a real bull-stud can? AH SHIT! Yeah?" SLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! "Oh, hell yeah!" Grunt. "Gonna fill you up with buckets-full of cum until your stomach bloats and you look pregnant, bitch! Ugh. Cuz I am gonna breed a few bastards of mine right into your womb, bitch!" ° James, who had eagerly continued to eavesdrop, could only shake his head in disbelieve as he realized that the heavenly sounds were only getting better. I think they are slowly reaching an end, he thought. Nothing really suggested that, the rhythmic head-board banging, creaking and groaning of the bed, the fleshly claps of their colliding bodies and the constant screams, grunts and moans of the rutting pair as well as their consistently lewd fuck-talk was as audible and impressive as when they started to fuck a few hours ago. But something in the voice of the two strangers had made him suspicious. They clearly had been fucking for a while now and were slowly but steadily reaching a point where either one of them (or both) would need to give up, that was sure. So the question was not if they gonna stop but, when. And as much as he loved eavesdropping to the debauched noises from next-door he again felt a new orgasm rise from the depths of his body and he wasn't sure if he could survive a third orgasm in such a close time. He wasn't a bull after all. CLAP! THUD! WHAM! THUD! WHAM! CLAP! Their immensely hard fucking indeed kept on going for a while, around 30 or so more minutes, until finally, the bed itself gave finally in right when Brad had his third (and final) orgasm of the night. As Brad exploded in Jenny, filling her up as he had said, until her athletic, flat stomach ballooned out slightly from the sheer amount of cum that he pumped in her, the bull kept on fucking her with heavy thrusts, bringing Jenny together with him to a few more orgasm until his cumplosion would eventually subside. However, both Jenny and the bed just couldn't take anymore, as after one last, womb-breaking thrust the bed broke in two and collapsed, with the couple falling toward earth's chore for a second together with the bed-frame. The legs of the bed had giving in as well as pieces of the slat frame had been broken apart from the force and length of the fuck session. And Jenny, after having experienced her 30th orgasm, had just had one powerful orgasm too many and taped out. One of the hottest and most successful female porn stars laid asleep in the remnants of the bed in a room that was covered in pussy juice and cock sap and stank of sex, sweat and perfume. While James, after having shot his second load of the day, did the same thing as the bombshell next door. Realizing that things had quiet down and utterly spent, he fell asleep again. And Brad? After having filled the busty bimbo up and glazed her once more with his gallons of cum, having knocked her up with triplets, a few more bastards to his name, just left the motel room, finally spent after a while and fully satisfied for the day. His mighty muscles feeling sour and his bull-cock finally remaining soft for a change. I better call her up one day again for a second round, he thought. And with her mesmerizing tits and gorgeous face on his mind he rode off on his expensive, powerful motor-bike into the sun-rise, a smirk on his handsome, masculine face. The End (of the Prologue) (More to come in the future either about Brad, Jenny or new characters. Please, let me know what you think. I would love to hear your feedback!)
  4. My humble submission and new obsession. It’s my first original work and heavily influence by all the talent that has submitted over the year. I’m hoping I get more parts going asap. Sorry if the formatting is a little wonky. Superman and the Cole Twins Part 1 Clark walked into the new-ish campus gym and let the smells of sweat and chlorine wash over him. It was late but that was the best time to “work out”. Peace and quiet. The smells were one thing but the sounds of conversations, rubber and metal clanking together on top of the heartbeats and footfalls of the other students were too distracting for his performance here. His physique had absorbed solar radiation for over 20 years and it showed. At 6’1” and 225 pounds, he was a big guy. If you passed him on the street you would swear he was a bodybuilder, leading to the problem of a secret identity. If Clark Kent was going to get around in the world, he needed an excuse for his muscular frame. During High School, he could claim that his physique came from a regimented schedule of farming responsibilities and a home gym. Clark had now been in college in Indiana a couple of years and early on decided, as cover, he would “lift weights” and go through other motions that physical specimens of his caliber, were expected to be doing. He had played some football in High School but because of his abilities he felt that it wasn’t fair in such a competitive setting. College was supposed to ease him into more of an independent life before the obligations of his abilities overrode any sort of personal life. “Clark, buddy!” boomed Dave Cole. “Want to work in with us?” Dave stood over the bench where his brother Butch was pressing a rapid set of what Clark could see was maybe 225 pounds. He had overheard them frequently calling such light weights as their “warm up weight”. “Hey Dave, hey Butch. Maybe later, need to change.” Clark let his eye linger a little on the brothers as he made his way to the locker room. Butch had sat up on the bench and was looking down at his pumped chest. As he was putting on his jock strap and shorts and t-shirt, his mind was on the twin brothers. They were both around 6’2” and what Clark could guess was maybe 230-240 pounds each. When Clark had started college, the brothers were a year older than him and maybe an inch shorter. Within the last two years, they had grown to the point where they were practically as tall as Clark and wide to the point where their shoulders literally looked like boulders. The striations on their chest muscles were always clearly visible through some chest hair and whatever shirt or tank top they chose for the day. They looked like they were in competition shape, year round. Clark had overheard them joke before about their “dick skin” look. They were right, the brothers looked like they were just completely ripped. His x-ray vision was seeing their body heat actually be a little higher than what you would think about a normal human. These guys were always looking to get bigger and stronger, working with such an incredible discipline that you couldn’t help admire their dedication. His own Kryptonian DNA absorbed pure sunlight and his muscles were pumped with straining energy from daily exposures. He had never given much thought as he grew up around human beings that he was different from them. But after high school and now college, he was doubtful that without some type of true Super-level resistance training his body would be ‘stuck’ at its current development for a while. Although being able to lift a mountain was more than enough consolation for such concerns. Heading back out onto the main floor, he started jumping some rope to act like he was warming up. His senses were getting a bit of a break as the gym was empty except for two strong, slow heartbeats. He looked up and around to see if maybe the brothers were close by but they were at the squat rack with an enormous amount of weight. These guys were barely even breaking a sweat with 525 pound squats. He watched Dave easily control the weight as his ass touched the floor and pause as he brought the bar back up to his full height. Pumping out a set of 15, Dave racked the weight and Butch took his place. His massive quads and calves exploding as he performed a set as equally impressive as Dave’s. The guys were decked in string tank tops and a pair of shorts that were loose enough around their upper legs but tight enough when their asses went all the way to the floor in a squat that you could see the straps of their jocks. Dave had pulled one leg of his shorts up to his crotch and was flexing his massive legs in the mirror in front of him. When he looked up from his own reflection, he caught Clark staring. With a smirk, he pulled the other side of the shorts up as well against his huge crotch and flexed both quads and calves into what appeared to be diamond hard muscle, snaked with large veins over top. Butch racked his weight back and stood beside Dave, did the same thing and started comparing his massive legs to his brother’s. “You going to jump rope all day or you going to do some damage?” Butch smiled in the mirror at Clark, bunching up his shorts against his large crotch and shaking a leg and then flexing it to a full stop. “Man you guys are just huge. What’s your secret?” Clark walked over to the squat rack and put one hand on the cold metal plates. “Eat, eat, eat. Gotta feed these muscles,” Dave grinned as he swept both arms in a circular motion flexing, bending forward into a most muscular pose to where his traps exploded on either side of his huge veiny neck. Clark’s mouth must have dropped open because the brothers both chuckled. “Sorry, don’t mean to gawk. You guys are goals, you know that right?” With smiles on their faces, Dave playfully punched Butch in the pec. It didn’t move, it was like stone. The guys didn’t think of respecting physical space when they were talking about bodybuilding, they would show you the different muscle groups located where on your body or theirs; which muscles would be the focus of whatever exercise they were performing. Dave stepped over to Clark and pulled a side of his own shorts back up, “flex what you got buddy!” Caught up in the moment, Clark did the same, pulled a side of his shorts up and flexed his leg hard. “Jesus man, looking big!” Butch walked over to the other side of Clark and did the same, comparing the brother’s legs to his Kryptonian muscle. Before he could let his shorts fall back, Dave put a hand on Clark’s hairy leg, near the top of his quad and squeezed hard. Clark grinned and flexed a little harder, then noticed Dave’s hand was squeezing his leg. How was that possible? His leg was supposed to be like steel but it was clearly giving way under Dave’s strong grip. “You need a pump big guy” Butch said as the three of them looked back to the squat rack. “I think I’m going to have to drop a little of that weight before I get under it. You guys are on another level, y’know? “Hell buddy, you need to train with us every day. You could dwarf us, if we packed it on ya,” Butch said, looking Clark up and down. “Butch, leave the kid alone. Do you really want more competition?” Dave brought both arms up in front of him into a double bicep pose, the veins on top of the dense muscle fibers looking like raised rivers of power over and around the muscles. The biceps exploded from thick slabs on his arms to a peak that Clark shook his head at. “Fuck that Dave, keep testing me” Butch said with a grin as he brought both arms up on either side of his head, standing where he was holding one arm in front of Dave’s. Clark got swept up into the moment and hiked his straining sleeves up on his t-shirt, and copied the two men. Looking from his own mountain peak of striated bicep to theirs, both brothers leaned over in front of him and began their own comparisons. “It’s gotta be steroids, right, man?” Dave grinned at Clark. Keeping one arm up, he reached with the other and got ahold of Clark’s right bicep peak. Almost at the same time, Butch reached up with one hand and grabbed Clark’s left. As they both felt Clark’s bicep, his steel muscle was giving way to their grips, probing of his muscle density. “Ow, guys! You have got a helluva grip. Remind me never to piss you off.” Clark pulled away from the brothers who looked at each other and laughed. Butch slapped Clark on the back, almost knocking him forward, “Dude, we’re pussycats.” He winked as he adjusted himself with his other hand. Dave took some weight off the squat bar, “I think this is what you were working with last time” as he loaded about 360 pounds on the bar. “Thanks, I’m definitely not on you guys’ level. How much was that weight you were squatting Butch? A VW Bug?” “I wish Clark. That’s some Superman level shit right there. We’re going to go finish out with the Leg Press machine and some calf raises. Oh and abs.” Butch raised the bottom of his tank up about to his plated chest muscles. His eight pack was cut and solid, covered with large veins almost seeing to want to burst through the skin containing them. His adonis belt was cut and pointing down toward the heavy bulge below. It was completely shave, with bit of the trimmed chest hair just above. Like instinct, he put his left fist on that hip and tilted his long torso slightly to one side and raised the other arm, flexing it as if an offering to the gods. Clark smiled, “Mr. Universe, right here my friends…” he was looking around the empty room, trying to rally the crowd, pointing to Butch. Realizing Dave was right behind him, Clark turned to see him pressing the entire calf raise rack, with a 45 pound plate chained to his waist. Up and down, up and down. Over and over, veins straining over solid muscled, pumping them to an incredible size. At some point Clark realized he wasn’t counting the reps and couldn’t remember the last time he did, maybe around 45? Dave stopped, unhooking his belt and lowered the plate to the ground with a gentle thud. “I’m about done, Butch too, probably. Gonna hit the treadmill for a little cardio and then I think we’re doing the steam room if it’s still open. It can be pretty therapeutic for releasing toxins from your body and loosening muscles up after a good pump.” Dave grinned. “Gotta stay loose, right?” Clark felt his cheeks getting warm… was he blushing? What the hell is Superman doing blushing? “How can I refuse?” Turning back to the squat rack with a sheepish grin, Clark squared up and started squatting the bar, his 365 pounds, not going quite to the bottom and feigning a little effort throughout. In between sets he could see Butch and Dave, side by side on treadmills. Running. You would think these two large specimens would pound the treadmills at the pace they were going but no it was just an even, light ‘thud’. Every muscle in their body was rigid but pliable and moving at the same time. There was no flopping of large muscles, it was magnificent. Clark realized he was getting hard. He turned away and pulled at his shorts to try and reposition and hide his bulge. He sat at the leg extension facing away from the treadmills. Ok, he had to come to grips with something. These guys were sex incarnate. He and Lana fooled around in High School a little but he couldn’t truly have sex with her. He wouldn’t take that chance. When his powers fully manifested and he could go to unpopulated areas, his guilt-level for getting off was a lot lower. As long as no one was around. It was safer that way. But Kal El, the Superman, had other fantasies. He starting to have more control over his powers and he would be able to do certain things and still provide safety for those participating. While he first experimented with Lana, he still felt like an alien life form outside humanity. He could not keep himself isolated, he found all human genders incredibly erotic. Kryptonians and human beings were built almost identical on the outside, down to the sexes and their similar reproductive functions. But early on, Clark found that his super abilities had a heightening effect on his libido. Today the brothers had dialed that sensitivity up to ten thousand with just their presence. He had spoken with them and worked in sets with them maybe six or seven times over the two years he was here but his mind was always distracted by crises of the day or even just the future. Maybe his mature Kryptonian form had mating periods. There was so much knowledge lost, it’s all just fragments now, scattered. As soon as he thought he had spent a normal time working out, Clark finished up with legs and did some stretching; just happening be in view of the treadmills. They were walking at a medium pace, ‘cooling down’. Clark headed to the locker room, and as he got through the door he heard Dave call out, “hey buddy, hold the door?” The Cole twins strode in bare chested, tank tops in hand. Dave tapped an appreciative fist against Clark’s shoulder with a thunk as he walked by. Butch walked in scratching the trimmed hair on his chest. The locker room was a modern open area with lockers along the walls with sinks, mirrors and stacks of towels, and grooming stations on the walls facing the lockers. There was a door to the showers, a door to the steam room and a door to the pool. Both the steam room and the pool had signs they were closed. Going down the short hall to the steam room, Dave opened the unlocked door to test it and then fiddled with the controls on the wall outside. “Give that about 10 minutes and it should be steam time. Tricks of the gym trade,” Dave chuckled. Clark’s locker was a ways down from the guys. He peeled off his t-shirt and used it to wipe imaginary sweat off his dark hairy arm pits, then up and down his torso. He felt pretty proud of his own build. Thick pecs, dark perfect chest hair, covering his six pack abs, with a clear adonis belt of his own. His shoulders and arms were large with veins running down each bicep and forearms. His legs were hairy, big and defined with concrete calves. He turned and went to grab a couple of towels from the sinks and realized that Dave and Butch had pulled off their shorts and were posing in the mirror close by. Concentrating, Clark tried to distinguish differences in their builds. Their bodies were near identical. They had similar hairstyles, brown hair brushed over to the same side, neatly trimmed with a tight fade at the bottom. Dave and Butch both had neatly trimmed brown chest hair with shave abs. Their forearms had trimmed brown hair as well. Their legs were completely shaved, accentuating their physiques. They each wore a large black cotton jockstrap that pulled their cocks down by their balls very tight. Across the elastic band was written “Addicted” in yellow on both. As if in unison, both stepped forward on the same foot towards the mirror into a most muscular pose. Their traps exploded on top of their shoulders into powerful backs. Their reflection in the mirror of their fronts was ungodly. It was easy to just stand there and stare. He looked up and they were watching him, grinning. He stripped his own shorts off, threw them on the bench beside his t-shirt and walked over to them in his own solid red jock. He had adjusted himself before he turned and now he felt his cock wanting to strain against the fabric but he kept it under excruciating control. Butch pulled at the front of his jock, trying to adjust himself. “Damn, this thing is distracting.” Clark wondered if he meant the jock or his semi monstrous erection. Then he realized that it was just soft. “Idea!” Dave strode back down the hall, taking the ‘Closed’ sign from the pool door. He affixed it on the outside of the men’s locker room door. When he came back in, he turned the lock on the door. He knew the staff person on duty: Deena. “She’s a nice chick but she could care less about rounds or even who was here. Plus no one is coming in at this hour.” Dave looked at Butch first then met Clark’s gaze. “Looks like we can let the beasts out of the cage.” As Dave was speaking, Butch was pulling his jock down taking it off completely and tossing it on their gym bags. Butch pulled at his meat a couple of times, to air it out from being stuck to his heavy balls and then let it hang. Dave was more deliberate. He pulled the band down and rolled it over so the “Addicted” was upside down and the colors were reversed. He turned and flexed his glutes, stretching the waistband down over his ass. Clark caught a glimpse of Dave’s tanned hole, “My god,” he had to keep himself from whispering and hope that he didn’t actually. With a grin, Dave turned and pulled his jock over his legs and out each foot. He looked like he was flexing every muscle in his body. His cock hung there, thick and heavy. He wasn’t hard, either. Clark then realized Dave wasn’t flexing. His body was just a solid mass of power. Butch went into a side chest post, with his raised leg side facing them. Dave shook Clark’s shoulder seeming to almost wake him from a daze. “C’mon buddy, let’s hit it!” The mirror showed three massive muscle men hitting perfect forms. Clark flexed as hard as he could, almost shaking with forcing his muscles to their most pumped. The Cole twins looked relaxed, as if this was no exertion. Putting his hands on his hips and spreading his lats to their widest, Butch signaled the next flex. Dave and Clark followed with their own. Clark’s spread was definitely not as wide as theirs. These men were dwarfing Superman but it helped that he was humble and not so proud to admit they were sex gods. “Maybe I do need some help in the training department.” Clark grinned and turned to face them. “Dude you are jacked. Do not let anyone tell you different.” Butch put a hand on Clark’s shoulder and gave a slight squeeze. “Are you doing any fitness modeling? Camming? Onlyfans bullshit?” he grinned. “Naw brother! Clark’s a kept man! You don’t look like that and pay for jack shit.” Dave couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. “Buddy we are just pulling your chain. You do you. As long as you look like that doing it!” Did Butch’s cock just twitch? Clark thought, “that grin he’s giving me, it’s like the friendliest version of the cat who could eat the canary.” They stared at him for a little too long and then looked at each other and nodded. “Fellas, I do believe our steam room is ready.” Dave bowed and pointed down the hall. “Grab your towels and let’s loosen up.” Clark pulled down his jock and grabbed a towel. A whistle came from behind him. “Jesus christ, man. You’re packing,” Dave beamed at him. “That’s nice of you but I gotta say you guys have got to be popular with all the ladies,” making a cheesy ‘hubba hubba’ gesture with one hand. Butch looked at Dave and doubled over into laughter, his soft monster cock flopping a little as he slowly got his chuckles under control. “He’s really a boy scout, ain’t he?” slapping Dave on his massive pec. All three men strode down the hall and went into the steam room. It was a smaller area, with a tile bench attached to the wall in an ‘L’ shape. Steam was flowing from the floor and the room was hot. Spreading a towel out to sit on, Clark sat down in the back area, facing the door. Dave and Butch sat on either side of him, kind of close. “Buddy, we’re popular with all types. Guys, gals, you name it. Ok, well not the animal kingdom, that’s a little too messed up.” Butch put a hand on Clarks knee and gave it a squeeze. “But dude, you’re extraordinary.” Dave put a hand on Clarks other leg. “You were kind of giving us ‘fuck me’ eyes out on the gym floor.” Butch leaned in and kissed Clark hard, forcing his tongue into his mouth, he wrapped on hand behind his head, pulling him in. For a second Clark tried to resist but Butch flexed his bicep in front of his face, pulled hard on his head and said “Kiss it!” His tone meant he was not to be denied. Clark realized he couldn’t move his head. Butch’s huge hand had the back of his neck and squeezed a warning, moving him closer to his huge arm. When he reached up to grab the arm with one hand to steady himself, Butch pulled his head away from his arm and spit into Clark’s mouth and then pulled his head up to his, kissing him, Butch’s probing tongue was playful, an intimacy Clark had never encountered. His cock swelled up rock hard and slapped his hairy abs. “Ohhhh” he moaned until Butch engulfed his mouth in his own again. At the same time, a mouth closed around his thick uncut cock. Every muscle in his body tensed and pleasure raced from the head of his cock up his spine. In the back of his mind he realized that if Dave kept his mouth on his cock for too long, he might kill him when he cums. He started to push Dave’s head away as Dave took him completely in his mouth. Clark was eight inches fully hard, thick as hell. This new sensation had his cock more swelled and throbbing than he thought was possible. Dave’s lips slid back up the full length to the tip of his foreskin, the suction was incredible. He slowly started again, pushing Clark’s foreskin down below his flaring head while taking the whole length into his mouth again. He could feel every movement of Dave’s tongue, every flexing of his throat muscles. He reached up to push Dave off his cock, he felt like he could explode at any moment. He started to panic, he was going to kill this god of a man. Dave grabbed the wrist of his arm on his side and pulled it over to his lap, where his soft cock started to thicken. “No, no, no, no,” muffled cries of ecstacy as Butch was kissing him. He tried to reach up again to push off Dave with his opposite arm and Butch grabbed that wrist, pulling his hand down to feel his massive, hard cock. He wrapped Clark’s hand around his girth, his hand wasn’t big enough to wrap around it but Butch’s was. He looked down from the massive neck, down the furry pecs that were striated beyond belief, down the eight pack, to the monster cock he now had in his hand. His face contorted into fear and pleasure, he whispered “Oh no!” and filled Dave’s mouth with ejaculate until it filled his mouth and kept going. “Dude, it’s ok. We have that effect on people a lot!” Butch grinned, standing up in front of Clark, his foot-long cock fully hard and inches away from Clark’s face, “now it’s your turn.” Panicked, Clark looked down at Dave expecting to see a dead man. Nope. Dave seemed to be eagerly cleaning up every bit of Clark’s load. Dave wasn’t dead. Clark’s orgasm didn’t kill him. ‘What the fuck?! You mean I could have been fucking this whole time?!?!’ A frustrated look of confusion must have crossed his face. *Wham!* *Wham!* Butch was using his cock like a battering ram, smacking the side of Clark’s head. He looked up and Butch gave an evil grin. “He doesn’t like it when you keep him waiting.” Clark took the huge cock in both hands and pulled the foreskin back, exposing a massive throbbing head shaped like a battering ram. Butch thrust his hips forward, pushing more of his cock between Clark’s hands. As he somehow fit the head in his mouth, he began to work his tongue and suction gently taking it slowly so his abilities wouldn’t hurt him. “C’mon man, I’m not made of glass” punching Clark in the side of the head with one large fist. “Open up, give me what you got.” Clark was seeing stars for a second. He felt that. In a big way. Slam! “Open. Up” and with an “Ahhhhhh” Butch’s cock was all the way down Clark’s throat. His eyes were bulging, unable to believe the size of it. Before he could recover, Butch pulled out fully with a ‘pop!’ and stepped up onto the tile bench. Dave indicated for him to get to his feet and Butch’s cock was face level with him and he reached up and grabbed it with both hands. He wanted to worship it, treat it like the rare thing it is. He looked up at Butch who had one hand on the ceiling, striking an almost Olympia style pose. *Wham!* *Wham!* Stars again “Don’t keep me waiting, kid, else you won’t be getting just a love tap.” Butch folded his arms over his chest and looked down at Clark. With no hesitation he took all of Butch in his mouth in one stroke, two strokes, all the way in and all the way out. With a shudder, Butch reached down and grabbed Clarks head in his hands and started slowly pumping. Reaching up to feel the abs, the furry chest, a pair of fingers started gently pulling, probing Clark’s ass checks from behind. Butch started speeding up the strokes in and out of his mouth and let out a low growl. At the same time, Clark tried to clinch his cheeks together. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this next step. Dave reached around and found Clark’s cock was rock hard again. Dave’s bicep flexed against his hip, and his other arm reached around and started pulling at Clark’s balls, gently massaging them. He flexed his bicep on the other side of Clark’s hip, holding him steady. Clark’s ass unclenched after a couple of strong strokes down his throat and Dave’s tongue found an opening in his ass. Diving into the warm, superhero muscle ass, his tongue reached the hole and began to gently, then harder, penetrate. Clark tried clenching it shut but between the massive cock using his mouth and throat like a piston , and Dave’s hard tongue firmly pressing into ass, and the strongest arms he can remember holding his hips, and huge hands squeezing his cock stroking it into unprecedented size…. Dave released him and stood up. Butch sat down on the bench, his behemoth laying against his hard abs and chest. Dave put his hands on Clark’s hips and guided him forward into Butch’s grasp. He reached up and grabbed the back of Clark’s neck and in one motion forced him down into his lap, his face resting between the erect cock standing up and the heavy balls laying across massive quads. “Mpphmph” as Butch grabbed his face with both hands and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Dave’s tongue disappeared and was replaced by the head of Dave’s massive cock resting on his back, just above his crack. A shudder went down his spine and Butch pushed his cock back into Clark’s mouth and again grabbed his head with both hands and began to pump his hips and use his hands to hold Clark’s head in position. Dave’s cock was generating so much heat and it was heavy laying on his ass. He began to pump his cock up and down along his crack, each time sliding a little lower until…. “Mapphphh!” Butch pulled Clarks head completely down on his cock at the same time Dave’s head popped into Clark’s hole. His eye started watering, bulging. Butch slowly returned to fucking his face. “Jesus, Dave I almost shot my load when he clinched, well, everything” “Dude, I’m not sure I can get it in any more. It’s so tight and it feels like there’s a wall.” Dave’s own identical battering ram shaped cock head sat just inside Clark’s hole, throbbing. *Wham!* *Wham!* *Wham!* Butch had released his right hand and immediately gave two punches to the side of Clark’s head and followed those up with a knee into his diaphragm. Making a choking sound, Clark almost went limp. He didn’t have strength to mount any resistance and Dave pushed a good five inches of his rod into his ass. Butch had hold of Clark’s head again, and with a “Yesss”, he pushed as deep as he could go into his throat. “Ahhh, that’s about six inches in, feels like you’re taking a beer-can I bet… ohhh yeah….that’s right squeeze a little tighter, just gonna make me harder…this ass HAS to be virgin… it’s soooo tight, feel me stroking in and out right now? You just took a couple more inches… Butch is he cryin’ yet? Don’t wanna hurt the big guy….ohh you’re grabbing my cock so tight, relax some… otherwise it’ll just be like a cock ring, swelling my beast up.. shit buddy, we’re getting close to finding the end of the tunnel…” Dave let out of low “yeeeeahhhhhhhhh” as he slid in the last, thickest part into Clark’s hole. He slapped Clark’s ass with one hand, sending a ripple across the dense muscle. Dave’s muscles in his lower abdomen pressed up firm against his ass checks, mashing them, making sure every bit of his cock was inside his hole. Clark felt like his insides were being split open. Dave’s cock was getting bigger inside him. He tried to relax and breathe but Butch had picked up the pace and was now forcing his own massive cock down Clark’s throat, intent on each stroke being more powerful than the last. His hands moved from the sides to the top and bottom of Clark’s head, yanking his jaw when he could. “Fuck man, every time you stroke he clenches, I ain’t gonna hold it for long!” Dave withdrew his cock in one stroke with a loud sigh from Clark, then stuck his face into Clark’s ass mashing the cheeks apart, sticking his tongue about an inch inside. Butch pulled his mammoth cock out of Clark’s mouth, looked at him and spit into his slack mouth. Tears had been streaming down his face and saliva was thick and drooling from his chin. “Hey Dave, I think he likes it” “We don’t want him broken, Butch, so let’s get a little creative.” The Colossus sized brothers stood and lifted Clark to his feet. Butch turned Clark to face Dave and suddenly put him in a full nelson. Clark tried to break free. Butch’s arms wrapped around the back of his neck and pushed his head down. His massive chest pushed into his back, his arms were pushed straight up, Butch was going to dislocate his shoulders! At the last second, Butch eased off. Clark was in a daze, he was being manhandled by two of the most powerful humans he’d ever met. “Hey kid, daydream on your own time!” Butch pulled him up, this time lifting him off the ground in the same full nelson hold. He could feel Butch’s cock burning against his ass, pulsing with that same slow heartbeat. Butch pulled his hips back and the monster slid down his ass until he could feel the thick tip find the spot underneath the ass and start pushing. Clark’s initial reaction was to resist, to hold his legs together. “Aw man, you’re gonna drive me nuts acting like you don’t want this,” and Butch pushed his cock through, under Clark’s balls. He could feel it throbbing between his legs, Butch was battering further until he felt Clark’s soft ass mash against his unstoppable muscle. Clark looked down when Dave did. Butch’s cock had pushed Kryptonian muscle apart like they were nothing. It was standing straight ahead, throbbing, powerful. Dave grinned and lined up Clark’s once impressive cock on top of Butch’s, pushing both balls to either side of the massive meat Clark was now riding. Butch leaned back some, raising Clark farther off the ground to where his back and legs were pressed against almost all of him. “You feel that, don’t you kid… I could probably hold you up with my monster just by itself, like you were sitting on one of the most powerful steel beams in the world… yeah, we ARE that strong… you’re just getting a little taste of it now…. are you going to be able to handle more?” His own proud cock was about to burst it was so hard. Dave put a hand around both Clark’s and Butch’s cocks, and then lay his cock over Clark’s. Butch began to pump behind him and he let him lean back into the unmoving wall of muscle. Dave’s monster really brought into contrast how much bigger they both were than Superman. In every way. His legs were swept up under each of Dave’s arm. He was now suspended against Butch behind and Dave up front. “Little help?” Dave grinned and made his cock jump. It slapped against the bottom of his ass once, twice, the third time it pressed against Clark’s hole. Butch felt some resistance and pushed down on his nelson hold when Dave nodded and in a swift motion pushed up with his hips and down on his arms, demolishing the once resistant hole, pushing all the way in. Clark’s resistance was shattered. His ass was on fire. Dave began stroking, ten, nine, eight inches to go, seven, six, at five inches he would flex his cock, swelling it up and smashing his way back in to the hilt. His insides were sore, Dave picked up the pace and his strokes got even longer. ‘Why is my invulnerability not protecting me?’ Clark had little time to figure it out. “Yeah buddy, yeah, still tight… think we got a virgin hole tonight Butch… you really need to get in on this…” Dave pumped faster and faster. Butch switched from holding Clark in a full nelson to slinging one of Clark’s arms around Butch’s neck and holding up Clark with one hand under his ass. He could feel Butch stroking his meat with his other arm underneath his back, smacking it against his spine. With a growl, Dave started pumping so fast Clark almost passed out. Clark opened his eyes and Dave roared, pushing in all the way. He was held here, spasm after spasm of Dave’s cock unleashed what felt like a flood in his insides. His orgasm lasted about 30 seconds, pulse after pulse, cum started pouring out around the hilt of still massively erect cock. Clark started flexing his ass as best he could and Dave jerked his head up to look at him in shock, “fuck man, it’s never going down if you keep doing that.” Butch wrapped a huge arm around Clark and with the other under his ass, lifted him off Dave’s cock. It felt to Clark like Dave would never slide out of him and when Butch lifted him up, he pulled him off Dave’s pipe with a pop and a flood of cum. “Bro, your cock is still leaking and you left all that inside him?” Dave grinned “and you thought his mouth was good…” Butch set Clark down on wobbly legs. He playfully slapped him in the face to bring him around. “Hey, no tapping out now buddy! Dave and I are into sharing!” Butch pulled Clark close to him, wrapping his arms around him. He started assaulting Clark’s mouth. “Fuck you are a good kisser!” Clark reached up and wrapped his arms around Butch’s neck. Butch pulled Clark’s body into him tighter. Every inch of Butch that pressed against Clark seemed like the hardest thing he’s ever felt. He pulled one hand around and started feeling Butch’s chest. With what seemed like little effort, Clark’s feet were again off the ground. Butch used his legs to pry Clark’s apart and with one hand still bearhugging him, he pulled one of Clark’s legs up toward his quad. Clark took the hint and moved the other leg so that Butch could lean back and get underneath his ass with his mammoth tool and still be able to keep one arm free. Clark was almost shaking in anticipation. As far as he could tell the brothers had identical cocks but with Butch kissing him, roughing him up, stretching his throat out, he felt like this was the main event of the night. He looked straight into Butch’s eyes and nodded. “Yeeeeah, let’s see what all the fuss is over this not-so-virgin hole. You ready for me muscle boy?” Dave stood behind him and lined up Butch’s cock against Clark’s asshole. Butch slowly started letting Clark slide down his body. “Fuck boy, your ass keeps pulsing against my cock like that and it’s never going to fit.” Butch adjusted his one arm bearhug to let Clark lean back out away from him and squatted down a little with his legs, spreading Clark’s legs out wider as well. With one swift motion, he jerked Clark down on his cock about three inches. His response was to try and climb Butch to pull himself off another massive tool that was invading his insides. “Hey Dave, check this out.” With one arm, Butch leaned Clark back, grabbing the cock that had been squashed between Clark and his muscle. With the other massive arm still supporting Clark’s lower back, Butch used Clark’s cock as push point, jerking it up and down. Clark began to groan and push at Butch’s hand. Feeling his ass pulsing, Butch slammed the rest of his herculean cock all the way home. “Yeeeaaaahhhh, Dave, I don’t think you stretched him out enough.” Clark’s first instinct was to try pushing himself up and to climb Butch’s massive form. Butch responded by using his free arm to reach under Clark’s ankle, pulling it up over his shoulder and spreading Clark’s ass even farther apart. “Grab my neck and hang on kid.” Leaning back so he was supporting most of Clark’s weight, changing the center of gravity had the effect of pressing Clark’s hole all the way to Butch’s steely pelvic bone. “Gimme that other leg,” flipping the other ankle up over the other shoulder. Clark was pressed hard up against Butch who was standing, leaning slightly back so he was supporting all of the weight. Clark’s arms were slung around his neck. Butch had both of his pythons locked around Clark’s lower back. Dave sat down and admired the sight, his cock standing at full attention once again, slowly jerking it up and down while he watched Butch long stroke his perfect cock in and out of the most perfect ass. “We are stretching that hole out tonight, aren’t we boy? You like taking massive muscle cock?” Clark looked scared but said “Yes sir”. Butch invaded Clarks mouth, biting his lip, fucking his mouth with his tongue as soon as he said “sir”. He was moving his cock in and out of Clark’s ass so fast it was burning. His hands moved down from his lower back to Clark’s ass. Each hand had a solid hold on each cheek, almost pulling at the muscle, deforming it with his grip. Clark let out a little yelp and Butch stopped stoking and left his cock fully inside again. “Did I hurt your ass?” He began massaging it while his monster cock’s pulse was slow and steady. Clark could feel almost every vein and he could feel the shape of the battering ram-type head deep in his gut. He realized that Butch had let go of him, that he was hanging off a mountain of muscle impaled on the most perfect cock he’d ever seen. He shook his head no and grinned. “Ohhh, being a little playful huh. I’ve been gentle so far but we can turn the dial up a couple of notches.” “Butch, hey, we don’t wanna break him on his first night,” Dave grinned at his brother. The whole time, Butch started slowly lifting Clark up off his cock and then lowering him back down. Foot long strokes. He was handling Clark’s massive 6’1” 225 pound body like he weighed nothing. Clark’s cock was being rubbed up and down the massive chest and washboard abs. The sensation was incredible, he could feel every ridge and valley. “I could fuck your hole all night… you thought you had a big dick but now you’re learning what big is… feel that stroke… my monster filling up your insides… I knew you could take it… yeah, love your hairy legs…” Butch rubbed his face over one of Clark’s calves. He stopped lifting Clark up vertically and, leaning forward, bent almost all the way over to switch to horizontal strokes so Clark was almost hanging off his neck. He started long stroking back and forth, each time pounding Clark’s hard cock against his massive body. “Every time I go all the way in your whole cunt spasms… can you feel me swellin’… soon it’s gonna be filling your insides with Butch’s cum… then you’re Butch’s bitch… oh that hole is getting tight, or is that me? Hehehe, yeah that’s all me. Dave may be big… But ain’t nobody is big as Butch!” With that his whole body flexed and Butch’s cock popped out and sprayed Clark and Dave with a massive amount of cum. Butch dropped Clark onto his feet so fast and pushed him to his knees it made Clark’s head spin. Still spurting cum, Butch forced open Clark’s jaws and slammed his cock home, Still thrusting his pelvis. “DRINK IT!” Butch yelled as it started pouring out of Clark’s mouth and nose. Butch pushed all the way in one last time with a “Fuck yeah!” Clark still felt the massive cock draining itself of cum. He did what he could until he was sure Butch’s beast was finished. When he let go of Clark’s jaw and pulled himself out of his mouth, he stroked it and smeared out what was left onto Clark’s face. “I just improved your looks tenfold” Dave and Butch broke out into laughter, and Clark did too after a few seconds, looking up at the massive brothers. “Here buddy, let me help you up, can you stand?” Dave lifted him up and set him on his feet. “Thanks, yeah, I’m ok” Clark’s ass was on fire but his mind was all over the place. What just happened? He was Superman. The strongest being on Earth. But these guys manhandled him like he was just some guy. What was the explanation? They hardly broke a sweat lifting or running. Their heartbeats were really slow but they seem to have a higher temperature than regular people, did they have a Meta gene? Most concerning of all is that he seemed to be no match in the strength department with these guys. He had been worried that any sexual activity Clark would engage in would result in harm or death for normal people. But there seemed to be no such danger with Butch and Dave. He didn’t sense any kryptonite around, no strange feeling when being subjected to magic, or red solar rays. He had to find out. “Fellas, it’s time to hit the showers” Butch signaled that he was done for the night, playfully popping Clark on the butt with the towel. “Get going kid” They turned on a few shower heads in the public shower and Clark realized he was covered with cum, inside and out. “Jeez, is that amount of cum normal for you guys?” Washing his big balls and cock Dave said, “We just got off this morning and you’re lucky we did” “I could fuck that hole again right this second, dude,” he gave Clark and intense look, “if we get pent up for too long, we start getting a little short with each other. We have to do it at least once a day. But hey, if you’re a twin you’re automatically a narcissist so getting off to yourself is more like masturbation. And if you look like us, we could have fuck toys lined up out the door waiting. But we’re a little too much, too strong for the common folk.” “That’s an understatement. How the hell did you guys get so strong? Steroids?” Clark probed “Yeah, we run cycles and it does help. You wanna try one? Get big like us?” Dave’s face lit up. “No one’s like us,” Butch’s body was gleaming from the shower and steam as he flexed into a double bicep. Clark could swear his arms looked even bigger. “No one,” Dave agreed hitting his own double bicep pose. Clark was definitely convinced both of them looked bigger. “Like I said, goals.” Clark lathered up and began to wash. Both muscle men came over and started helping him wash. Their massive hands ran all over his body, touching, squeezing his muscles. Clark started to get hard at their touch, feeling their unyielding bodies pressed against him while the water ran over them. Dave rubbed soap over his crack and lower back to scrub and Clark’s cock came to attention. Butch looked over at Dave and whistled, “he does have a nice one.” He grabbed it and started stroking it. Clark felt something hard against his ass. Dave and Butch stood in front of Clark as all three stroked their cocks. Clark put a hand on Butch’s chest, who flexed it and made it roll up and down. Butch still had Clark’s cock and was roughly stroking it. The brothers held their cocks out, comparing to each other. Butch pulled Clark closer to them and they compared Clark’s to theirs. It made their cocks surge, getting larger and larger. Laying Clark’s cock on top of theirs, Butch said, “I bet no one’s ever called you ‘lil guy’ before. You’re prolly in the only company that ever could.” Dave stroked his cock, shaking his head slowly. “Clark, pal, don’t take offense. No one except maybe Superman could even compare to us.” Butch laughed, stoking his own monster, “that guy probably fucks. He’s the only one I’d let take my ass. It takes a Superman to tame this muscle!” Releasing his cock, he turned and hit a rear double biceps pose. His back looked like muscle on mound of muscle. Clark shuddered, “oh fuuuck” and with that shot a load all over Butch’s naked backside. Butch spun back around and with a wicked gleam said, “Dave, I don’t think we’re done here just yet.” Before Dave could speak, Butch grabbed Clark by the arm, flipped him around facing the shower wall. He was stroking his bloated cock up and down across the crack of Clark’s ass and one massive arm pressing Clark face first against the wall. “I’m not sure you figured out your place, boy, but I’m going to remind you.” With that Butch once again sunk his blood surged cock to the hilt inside Clark. Pressed against the wall, his own cock hadn’t gone down from just cumming. Butch pushed down on Clark’s hip with the one hand, making his ass arch out. He started piston fucking Clark, placing his free hand around the back of his neck. “Oh you think I want your fucking cum all over me? You don’t know cum… I’m gonna pump you full, load # 3 today is gonna be a flood….feel my veiny muscle cock railing you? Feel that power… I got you with one hand… your leg press is what I curl… yeah, it’s almost there…” Butch kicked Clark’s legs farther apart, leaning more on Clark’s lower back to gain more momentum. “Yeah my little muscle bitch, Butch’s muscle bitch… we shoulda laid some ground rules… first rule is You ”<thrust> ”can’t” <thrust> ”compete” <thrust> ”with” <thrust> ”us!” <thrust> “….yeah, just gonna leave it parked in there for a minute… feel me flexing it, ripping your insides up… “ Butch reached around Clark’s narrow waist and seized his cock in a tight grasp. “fuck yourself on my dick… it's ok, you know you’re starting to crave it… I’m just going to hit a pose or two… don’t worry you ain’t budging me from this spot…” Clark started rocking back and forth on Butch’s cock, each pivot Butch’s hand squeezed Clark’s cock so that he was being fucked by Butch while fucking Butch’s hand. He let out an “ohh fuuuuck” as he quickly picked up the pace as Butch hit a double bi pose and locked it there. Clark was slamming against Butch but it was like fucking yourself on a horse cocked wall. Butch’s hand tightened his grip and he broke his pose to whisper in Clark’s ear “Here comes another muscle load,” and pushed Clark against the wall, mercilessly pounding his hole after releasing Clark’s cock. He was pushing him so hard against the wall, the tile started cracking. Pushing Clark’s head against the wall cracking the tiles in a head shape, Butch slammed him so hard Clark’s cock was smashed against the wall. “Yeaaahhhhh, fuuuuuck!” Butch held his cock deep inside and Clark was trapped between muscle he couldn’t comprehend and the cracking wall. With that final push he felt Butch’s cum start gushing into his insides. It sprayed out like a waterfall as Butch continued his primal grunts, his cock pulsing wave after wave of cum. His arm braced against Clark’s back he leaned in again and whispered, “that’s some real super muscles I got there… you love ‘em… especially the strongest <cock flex> muscle <cock flex> of all <cock flex>” Butch stood there still deep inside Clark, water trying to wash away the stream of cum that was still coming out of Clark’s ass. Butch’s cock was still hard, he could still feel a stream still emptying out inside his fuck toy. Clark realized he had blown another load when his Butch was grinding him against the wall, he hadn’t been touching himself, Butch had been hitting a spot like a human prostate except it was farther up inside a Kryptonian’s anatomy. Pushing himself away from the wall, Butch and Dave broke out into laughter. “Kid, you just survived getting smashed” Butch grinned and pointed to the outline shape of the broken tile. You could even see the spot where Clark’s cock was driven into the wall orgasmed. “Fuck it’s late, we need to get home and get some sleep,” Dave scratched his balls absently, signaling that tonight was over. It was pretty quiet as everyone finished cleaning and drying off. As they got dressed and started walking through the gym to the exit. Dave turned and got a little serious. “Did we scare you off buddy?” Dave put a hand on Clark’s shoulder and gave a little squeeze. Clark winced at how hard the squeeze was. These guys definitely had to be supers. “No sirree bob. When’s more?” Clark said with as much Midwestern charm as possible. ‘I have to figure these guys out, the sooner the better,’ Clark thought to himself. “How about tomorrow night, same time,” Butch winked at him and smiled. “We’re doing a heavy chest workout if you think you can keep up. We don’t want to overdo it. Building these muscles takes a little time.” Grinning he pulled a bicep up and flexed it hard. “You do like these don’t cha, your mouth is open again…” and he laughed. Clark blushed again, twice in one night! “Can’t wait to be just as big!” Dave and Butch started towards the exit. By the time they got to the car they had huge smiles on their faces. “Do you think he’ll figure it out?” Dave looked out into the night sky “By the time he does it’ll be waaayyy too late.” Butch started laughing. The thought made his monster cock swell and he pulled at the jock to readjust.
  5. armwreslr

    The Kid Freak (Part 6 Added)

    This is my first story. I intend on expanding it or continuing it. Let me know your thoughts. THE KID FREAK Oliver is just entering 12th grade, when he starts to notice some changes happening to him. Oliver had always been a tall, skinny, geeky kid with dark hair and green eyes. His mother is a Chemistry professor at a local college. She always encouraged her son to study, get good grades and perhaps be a professor one day. When Oliver wanted to play sports, she generally discouraged it. It’s the beginning of 12th grade and there’s a party at Candy Johnson’s house. Candy is a popular girl because she’s not just beautiful, she’s smart as well. Her parties always attracted the jocks and the nerds, a rare mix. Oliver is hanging with a couple of his World of Warcraft buddies, when an arm wrestling match breaks out between a couple of the big jocks at the kitchen table, Big Mike, from Oliver’s high school, and Brock, from a rival high school. They were both shirtless. Big Mike is 6’ tall, 230 lbs, but he’s not lean. He’s got brown hair and a scruffy face. He’s pretty thick. Brock is 6’1” tall and weighs 210 lbs with blonde hair and blue eyes but is pretty lean. The match starts, and Oliver is mesmerized by the test of strength. Both guys have pretty big arms, but Brock’s arms are more defined with a nice peak to his biceps. After about 30 seconds, Brock puts Big Mike down. “It’s getting easier to beat you, Fatty,” says Brock, with a big smile on his face. Big Mike responds, “The only reason you can beat me is because your father is a pro arm wrestler!” “He’s actually the Super Heavyweight World Champion!” says Brock. Brock catches Oliver staring at him. “You wanna arm wrestle, Nerd?” asks Brock. “Umm…no.” Oliver’s friends push him over to the kitchen table. Melvin, a nerdy, skinny kid with thick glasses, says, “C’mon Olly! You’re stronger than you think!” Brock puts his elbow on the table and wiggles his fingers. Oliver looks around at everyone staring and slowly puts his elbow on the table and locks hands with Brock. Big Mike starts them up. “Ready, Go!” Brock and Oliver start slow. Brock is smiling because he knows he has total control. He’s going against a skinny geek. Brock starts to put some real effort into putting Oliver down, but he’s noticing it’s much harder than expected. Big Mike says, “C’mon Brock, stop playin’! Put him down!” Brock pushes harder, but Oliver is not going down easily. Melvin pulls up the sleeve of Oliver’s oversized t-shirt to reveal a small, but ripped and peaked biceps. Big Mike’s eyes show surprise. “Holy shit! I didn’t expect that from Olly,” says Mike. Brock is sweating and now putting maximum effort into beating Oliver. After 45 seconds, he finally puts Oliver down. “Holy shit, Oliver! You’re a lot stronger than I expected. You put up a real fight!” exclaims Big Mike. Brock butts in, “No way, dude. You tired me out. I would destroy him fresh.” Big Mike pulls Oliver aside. “Have you ever lifted weights?” Oliver responds, “No. My mom never let me play any sports. She just wanted me to study.” “Bro, let me train you. You have incredible potential,” says Mike. “You really think so?” “Fuck yeah, I do. Somehow, you’ve built some muscle and strength from doing nothing. Let’s see what you can do if you actually lift weights and challenge yourself.” Oliver agrees to do it. *** Oliver shows up to the football gym with Brock, after all the players have left. “Let’s get some baseline measurements, Olly. Take your shirt off and jump on the scale.” Oliver looks around. “No one is here, buddy,” says Mike. Oliver takes off his shirt. “You’re quite skinny, but you don’t have an ounce of fat.” Oliver has a lot of veins showing as well. Oliver steps on the scale. “Okay, your height is 6 feet tall, and you weigh 155 pounds. Let’s measure your arm.” Oliver flexes his arm and a small, but ripped and peaked biceps appears. Mike measures it. “Wow, Olly, you’re not big, but your bicep is peaked and has great shape. It’s almost 15 inches.” “Really?” asks Oliver. “I swear. When you start to add size, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could be a serious bodybuilder.” “But I want to be strong, so people like Brock can’t pick on me or make fun of me anymore.” “Olly, there is something about you. I think you could be, not just a bodybuilder, but maybe one of the strongest bodybuilders.” “I’m just a nerd,” says Oliver. “I know it appears that way, but something in my gut is telling me different,” responds Mike. Mike takes a couple more measurements. Waist, 27 inches. Quads, 23 inches. Mike takes Oliver over to the bench press. “I’m going to test your strength in different exercises to get your baseline max in each exercise. Then we can measure again every few months.” Oliver agrees. After several warmup sets, Mike puts 155 lbs on the bar. “Anyone that can bench press their bodyweight for 10 reps is considered to be in good shape.” Oliver takes the bar and starts to bench press. He presses it 10 times very easily. “Yes! Too easy!” says Mike. Mike loads 225 lbs. Oliver bench presses it for 5 reps. Mike loads 275 lbs. Oliver bench presses it for 1 rep. “Holy shit, Olly! I knew it! I knew there was something about you.” Oliver is surprised. “Is this considered good?” “Bro, you’re skinny as fuck weighing 155 lbs, and you just bench pressed 275 lbs! And look at yourself in the mirror!” Oliver goes to the mirror. He’s never seen his muscles pumped. He’s sweaty and shiny. His chest is showing a little thickness and rips like he’s never seen before. Abs are shredded. He flexes his arms, and they appear bigger and more ripped. Oliver finishes the rest of the tests. He ended up squatting and deadlifting 305 lbs. He curled 120 lbs on a straight bar. Oliver and Mike agree to keep training together and to keep everything under wraps. No showing off, and Oliver will continue wearing baggy clothes to hide his gains until they decide to reveal them. *** Over the entire 12th grade and into the summer, Mike trained Oliver in secret, nearly every day. Mike and Oliver were shocked at Oliver’s gains. The main state college branch is in their hometown, and freshman year has started, so Mike takes down Oliver’s stats and tests his strength. Height, 6’. Weight, 180 lbs. Biceps, 18.5”. Waist, 28.5”. Quads, 25”. One rep maxes…Bench press, 495 lbs. Straight bar curls, 225 lbs. Squat, 725 lbs. Deadlift, 755 lbs. Oliver asks, “So, honestly, Mike, how do you think I’m doing?” Mike shakes his head in astonishment. “Bro, you’ve far exceeded my expectations. In one year, you look like a real competitive bodybuilder, but what’s blowing my mind, is your strength to weight ratio.” “What about it,” asks Oliver. “You totally don’t get it, do you,” asks Mike. Oliver has a blank stare. “Bro, at this rate, you’re going to be benching over 600 lbs in a few months and maybe you’ll be the lightest person to ever do that,” Mike exclaims. “Whoa…” Oliver is blown away. “I had no idea.” Mike nods his head. “Maybe it’s time for you to test your strength against others.” Oliver smiles. *** A couple months later, it’s time for Candy’s yearly party. Big Mike takes Oliver with him. It’s chilly outside, so Oliver wears a jacket. Oliver and Mike go into the house. It’s quite warm with all the kids partying. They go into the kitchen, where there are about 15 guys and girls. Mike grabs a beer for Oliver. Oliver takes a sip and looks at Mike. He processes the taste. He looks at Mike and smiles. “I never thought I would like beer, but it’s actually pretty good,” says Oliver. An hour goes by, and Mike and Oliver drink about 6 or 7 beers, when Oliver’s nerdy friends show up. “Oliver!” screams Melvin. A big smile comes across Oliver’s face. Melvin shakes Mike’s hand and then Oliver’s. “It’s been a year, since I’ve seen you, Olly,” says Melvin. “I know. Big Mike here has been training me, so I haven’t had a lot of time. I miss you guys.” “Yeah, I knew something was up, and when I just shook your hand, it’s so much bigger,” says Melvin. “Come here. I want you to feel something,” says Oliver. Mike smirks. Melvin comes in close. Oliver flexes his biceps by his side. His jacket arm fills out. Melvin’s eyes get big. He puts both hands around Oliver’s biceps. “Oh my God, Oliver!” Oliver’s heart rate increases with the exhilaration of his friend. “Your arms are massive and hard as a rock!” Oliver smiles and looks at Mike, who nods back at him. “I can’t wait to show you what I can do with this muscle,” says Oliver. Mike says, “It won’t be long. Look who showed up.” Brock walks into the kitchen with a couple friends, Jeff and Scott, both pretty big guys. He’s wearing a tank top and looking bigger and leaner than last year. Brock sees Big Mike. “Yo, Mike! You’re looking bigger than last year,” says Brock. “I am bigger,” replies Mike. “Not as big as this,” says Brock. Brock hits a double biceps shot showing off his 18-inch biceps. “That’s true, but your arms aren’t as big as Olly’s,” says Mike. “What? The nerd I beat last year?” asks Brock. “I wouldn’t call him that anymore, Brock. Show him, Olly.” Oliver steps forward and looks at Mike. Mike nods his head. Oliver is sweating profusely from wearing the jacket in the hot house. Oliver slowly unzippers his jacket. First a glimpse of his chest and then his abs. He removes his jacket and a few audible gasps come from some of the kids in the kitchen. “Oh my God,” says Melvin. Oliver is standing there, dripping sweat, pumped and totally ripped with thick slabs of muscle and not an ounce of fat. Even Mike is shocked. “Show the arm wrestler some real arms, Olly,” says Mike. Oliver hits a front double biceps shot. His arms are ripped with huge peaks, hitting 19.5” with a thick biceps vein. “You may be big, but I’ll destroy you in arm wrestling. I just won the state championship,” exclaims Brock. Mike says, “Let’s do this!” Brock takes a seat at the end of the long kitchen table as does Oliver. They put their elbows on the table and clasp hands. Some of the kids start recording video with their phones. Jeff starts them off. “Ready, Go!” Brock screams and hits first bringing Oliver’s arm down about halfway. Brock laughs. Brock leans in with his shoulder putting all his weight into it to put down Oliver. Mike screams, “C’mon Olly! Don’t let him intimidate you! You’re stronger than he is! Get angry!” Oliver screams and starts pulling hard. His biceps vein starts to pop thicker, and the cords of muscle of his biceps start to increase in prominence. Oliver bends his wrist activating his huge forearms, pumping bigger. Oliver’s biceps start to peak larger as he starts to move Brock’s arm up. “Jesus, look at the kid’s arm,” says one of the guys watching. Oliver pulls his arm almost back to the center position, when Brock grabs the side of the table with his free arm. He screams and using all his strength pulls Oliver back down to the halfway point again. Mike screams, “Brock is cheating grabbing onto the side of the table!” Jeff responds, “No way, bro. Arm wrestling tables have pegs on the side to grab, so it’s fair.” “Okay, but the table is too long for Olly to grab the side with his hand,” retorts Mike. Jeff just shrugs his shoulders. Melvin screams, “C’mon Olly. Show me that muscle, that strength!” Oliver grunts loud and pulls hard, but he can’t move Brock. “No way you can pull through this!” Brock laughs. Oliver screams and pulls with everything he has. At first, he doesn’t move, but after a few seconds, Oliver starts to move Brock’s arm back. Jeff screams, “No way! He’s doin’ it!” Scott adds, “Yeah, and he’s doing it with just one arm!” Oliver’s skin is paper-thin showing all the muscle fibers in his cannonball shoulder and his biceps and triceps, rippling. His biceps is peaking extremely high as he gets back to the center. Melvin says, “Jesus, his arm is more massive than Brock’s!” Brock gets angry and screams trying to pull Oliver back down, but Oliver is ready for it and holds him there. Brock tries several times but can’t break through. Oliver screams and starts to pull Brock down. Oliver’s abs and chest are completely shredded as those muscle groups help with the effort. Oliver’s biceps vein is pumping huge amounts of blood to the muscle as it continues overpowering Brock’s efforts. Brock screams and tries will all his strength to stop Oliver, but Oliver’s ripped muscle is just too strong. “Yeah,” screams Oliver as he continues pushing Brock’s arm down. Oliver stops his assault with Brock’s wrist three inches above the table. He looks at Brock. Oliver shifts his weight and arm position so that he’s just using his triceps. “Give me everything you have,” says Oliver. Brock screams, trying to pull with everything he has. Oliver’s triceps explodes as he takes everything Brock has and overpowers him, slowly pushing Brock’s arm down. Scott says, “Holy shit! The kid’s just using his triceps to overpower Brock! That’s just raw strength!” A few seconds later, Oliver pushes Brock’s arm to the table. Mike screams, “Yeah! You did it, Olly!” “You cheated! You had to have cheated,” said Brock. “Bullshit! I even let you use both hands,” screams Oliver. Brock looks around the room. “You all better delete those videos before I beat your asses.” One of the kids says, “Sorry man. I think that kid Joey was live on Instagram.” “I’m gonna kill him,” Brock screams. Brock runs out looking for Joey. Oliver turns to Mike, “I was acting.” “What,” asks Mike. Oliver responds, “Yeah, he was very easy to arm wrestle. I just screamed for effect.” Mike smiles. “Son of a bitch! You’re getting too strong!” Mike and Oliver grab another beer. All of a sudden, there is a commotion out back by the pool. Mike and Oliver walk out to see what’s going on. Everyone is surrounding some big man, trying to get autographs. “Holy shit! It’s Grip Master,” screams Mike. “Who’s that,” asks Oliver. “He’s a huge professional wrestler that beats his opponents in unbreakable wrestling holds,” Mike responds. “Candy’s older brother is friends with him,” he adds. As Mike and Oliver approach, some of the kids gasp as they see Oliver, pumped and sweaty from his arm wrestling match. Grip Master, who has a shaved head and is 6’5” tall and weighs 310 lbs, looks over to see what’s going on. Mike says, “Hey Grip Master! Huge fan! Could we get a pic with you?” Grip Master responds, “Well, shit, this guy is going to out angle me.” Mike says, “Naa, he’s a kid. He doesn’t even watch pro wrestling.” Grip Master asks, “Wait, he’s a kid?” “Yeah, he’s just 19 years old, but he’s a KID FREAK.” “How big are you,” asks Grip Master. “I’m 6 feet tall and weigh 205 lbs,” says Oliver. “You look much bigger than that,” says Grip Master. Mike adds, “What’s freaky is his strength. The kid bench pressed 585 lbs yesterday in his workout, and he did it easily.” Grip Master gives a skeptical look and says, “I seriously doubt that. I can bench press 680 lbs, and I’m much bigger than him. No one can bench press 585 lbs at his bodyweight.” Mike responds, “It’s true! If we had a bench press here, Olly could show you.” Mike thinks for a second. “What if he could break one of your unbreakable wrestling holds? Would you believe him if he could do that?” Mike asks. “Yeah, but we all know that’s impossible,” Grip Master responds. Oliver adds, “Please, let’s try it. I want to test my strength against you.” Grip Master starts to walk around Oliver, slowly, eyeing him up and down. Mike starts recording video on his phone. Grip Master slips behind Oliver and wraps his arms around Oliver’s torso from the back, putting him into a reverse bearhug, pinning his arms by his side. Oliver winces in pain. All the kids gather around to watch this test of strength. Some are recording it with their phones. Grip Master lifts Oliver off the ground, shaking him and crushing him. Oliver tries to pull his right arm up. His shoulder is ripped and pumped as he puts forth the effort. His arm starts to slowly slide up, especially will all the slippery sweat. He frees his right arm and starts on his left arm, pulling up. Grip Master is tightening his hold, but Oliver is strong enough with the slickness of his body to pull out his left arm. Now Grip Master tightens his hold enough to push the air out of Oliver’s lungs. He starts coughing. “C’mon Oliver! You have to break his grip,” screams Mike. “No way he can do that,” screams one of the kids. Oliver breaths in deep and screams, hitting a massive front double biceps shot. Gasps from the crowd as they are in awe of his massive and shredded physique. Grip Master’s hold is that he’s grabbing his right wrist with his left hand. Oliver crisscrosses his hands, grabbing Grip Master’s right fist with his right hand and grabbing Grip Master’s left hand with his left hand. Oliver screams and starts pulling apart as if he’s trying to bend the bars of a steel cage. His biceps explode in size with thick biceps veins pumping massive amounts of blood to his incredible ripped muscle. Every muscle fiber can be seen. His lats expand with the massive effort being put forth. Grip Master is holding the grip in place. “Nice try kid, but you’re going to have to try harder than that,” says Grip Master. Oliver screams and pulls harder. His biceps seem to be getting larger with the effort as well as his forearms. Sweat is dripping down his heaving chest and his chiseled abs. Grip Master seems to be starting to labor a bit. One of the kids says, “This kid is ripped as fuck, and he’s making Grip Master work!” Hearing that excites Oliver. Oliver screams again increasing the pressure. Grip Master starts to breath heavy. Another kid says, “This kid’s arms are huge.” “Yeah, and his strength is insane,” responds another. Oliver goes nuts after hearing that, screams and pulls with everything he has. His ripped biceps are nearly exploding with every muscle fiber showing through his paper-thin skin. His shoulders are huge, round and ripped. Abs are shredded. Oliver looks down at his own body, in awe of his incredible strength. He slowly starts to pull apart Grip Master’s unbreakable reverse bearhug. “Yeah,” Oliver screams as he feels himself overpower the strongest grip in professional wrestling. Oliver can hear the kids… “Impossible,” “No way,” “He’s breaking free!” Oliver slowly pulls his hands apart. Grip Master screams and, using his incredible chest strength, stops Oliver. Grip Master tries to close it back up, but somehow Oliver’s arms and shoulders begin to overpower Grip Master’s incredible chest strength, continuing to pull apart his arms. Grip Master falls backwards, staring at his hands in shock. He then looks back at Oliver as Oliver turns back around. Oliver screams and hits a front double biceps, with biceps that must be over 20 inches, pumped. Mike walks over to Oliver. “Believe it now, Grip Master,” asks Mike. “Hell yeah. I’ve never felt that much power before from anyone!” Oliver smiles. *** Another year goes by. Mike continues training Oliver in secret. Somehow Oliver continues making incredible gains in size and strength. Oliver’s latest stats are: Height, 6’. Bodyweight, 230 lbs. Biceps, 22 inches. Waist, 30 inches. Quads, 28 inches. Oliver’s strength level is incredible with a 685 lb bench press, 275 lb strict straight bar curl, 960 lb squat and a 980 lb deadlift. His bodyfat is as low as it has ever been. “How would you like to test your physique against bodybuilders and your strength against arm wrestlers, powerlifters and strongmen, all in the same day,” asks Mike. “Hell, yeah, but where can we do this?” “At the Arnold Classic this weekend. It’s two months away. Let’s see what kind of gains you can make until then.” responds Mike. Oliver says, “Let’s do it!” *** Mike and Oliver are in their hotel room at the Arnold Classic. They are lying in their beds resting. “You awake,” asks Oliver. “Yeah, what’s up?” “My mom hasn’t really spoken with me much about my gains. I thought it was weird because she never encouraged me to do any athletic or physical activity. It was always about studying. So, I asked her if she was shocked by my transformation,” says Oliver. “Okay,” responds Mike Oliver continues, “She says she wasn’t. She met my father in a one night stand. She never even got a picture with him, but he was an incredibly built man with muscles everywhere and no bodyfat. What made her lust for him was an incredible feat of strength he performed.” “What did he do?” “A car accident happened in front of a gym. He was training after hours. My mom was waiting for a taxi, when a car went out of control up onto the sidewalk and hit and ran over an old man. His leg was pinned under the tire. Without thinking, my father put his hands under the passenger side of the car, screamed and lifted the side of the car up. She pulled the old man out from under the car.” “Holy shit,” exclaims Mike. “Yeah, that night they went to dinner together and had sex. He left the country never to be seen or heard from again. She suspects that he was likely married and ashamed. She never told me all this because she didn’t want me to go down that path.” “Oh man. I’m really sorry to hear that.” “Here’s the interesting part. My mom asked how he got so strong. He told her the usual stuff about lifting heavy weights, but he also told her he had a rare genetic mutation that not only allowed for good muscle growth but allowed for the muscle to contract extremely hard. His nervous system was also somehow enhanced. A year after I was born, she got me tested, and I have the same condition as my father.” “Wow! This is incredible. I wonder what your limits are,” said Mike. “I don’t know, but I’m going to push myself to get stronger than any human alive,” exclaims Oliver. “Hell yeah!” Mike jumps out of bed. “Since we’re going to hit bodybuilding first, let’s put on your last coat of tan,” says Mike. Over the next hour, Mike paints Oliver’s skin with the bodybuilding posing tan making his skin dark, which shows the cuts and rips in Oliver’s muscle much better, especially under bright lights. Mike gives him a pair of posing trunks to wear under his clothes. Mike and Oliver enter the ballroom where they have bodybuilding. The press conference just ended, and they’re getting some photos and videos of Rob Coulson, last year’s Arnold Amateur champion, who is competing at the pro bodybuilding competition. He’s considered to have some of the best arms in bodybuilding. He’s a top contender to win. Off to the side of the stage, Mike has Oliver strip off his clothes. Mike quickly puts a light coating of oil on Oliver’s body. While Rob is hitting some poses, Oliver jumps up onto the stage from the ground, which grabs everyone’s attention, since the stage is very high. A couple whistles from the small crowd still there with photographers. Rob laughs at Oliver jumping up on stage. He hits a front double biceps shot. Oliver stands next to him and hits a front double biceps shot. A few audible gasps from the crowd. Oliver’s arms appear to be bigger than Rob’s arms. Not only that, he’s so ripped that you can see every muscle fiber in his arms, chest and completely shredded quads. Rob’s girlfriend screams for him to do his money shot, his back double biceps. So, Rob and Oliver turn around. They both hit their back double biceps shot. “Oh my God,” says Rob’s girlfriend. Oliver has him beat on his best shot, with bigger, more peaked arms, larger and more ripped shoulders and a much wider back. Oliver’s hamstrings are also bigger. One of the photographers says, “Who’s this kid? He’s destroying Rob.” Mike steps up and says, “His name is Oliver. He’s 20 years old and just getting into bodybuilding.” The photographer screams, “20? Are you fucking kidding me?” Someone screams, “Hit a most muscular shot!” Rob and Oliver turn around and both hit a most muscular crab shot. Oliver is matching Rob’s size from a muscular standpoint, but he’s much more shredded. Oliver’s chest is completely ripped with monster shoulders and traps. The biceps veins are nearly exploding they’re so thick. Abs are like steel armor. Oliver’s quad sweep is also wider and denser than Rob’s. “This kid could have won the show,” exclaims one photographer. Rob gets angry and walks off the stage. Mike gives the photographers contact info for Oliver. Oliver jumps off the stage and puts on a pair of shorts over his posing trunks. They exit the ballroom and go to the main wing of the expo where they have all the other events and activities. About as soon as they enter the expo hall, a bunch of people come over wanting pictures with Oliver. He’s shirtless and wearing shorts that show off his massive quads and calves. They make their way to the Animal Cage where they are starting a bench press competition. Mike registered Oliver for the contest. There are 10 competitors, most are big and fat, but powerful men. Oliver weighs in at 245 lbs and is easily the leanest competitor. The biggest and strongest competitor, nicknamed Grizzly, is 6’5” tall and weighs in at 330 lbs. Grizzly says, “Boy. You a bodybuilder? Cause you gonna git hurt here. This ain’t no play time in the gym. This is big boy weight.” He laughs. Everyone submits on written cards what their first lift will be. The announcer gets on the microphone. The announcer says, “Okay folks. We’re getting started with 405 pounds on the bar, and we’ll finish with Grizzly with 675 pounds…wait…there must be a mistake here. Who is Oliver? Oliver raises his hand and says, “Me sir!” Someone in the crowd says, “Holy shit! He’s jacked as fuck!” Announcer asks, “You’re opening with 685 pounds? Is that a mistake? Because no one has ever opened with that much weight, and honestly son, you don’t look like you could do something like that.” Oliver responds, “Yes sir. 685 pounds is my opener. I want to make sure I get the lift, so I can go heavier.” Announcer asks, “So this is easy for you?” Oliver says, “Yes sir.” Grizzly yells, “I smell bullshit! No one can beat me in bench press, especially not some bodybuilder!” The competition starts, and Oliver warms up. They get to Grizzly, and he presses 675 lbs, with a huge effort. The staff loads 685 lbs onto the bar. Oliver lays down on the bench. The crowd quiets down to watch. Oliver grabs the bar. Announcer asks, “You want a liftoff young man?” Oliver says, “No sir. I got this.” Oliver lifts the bar off the rack. He slowly lowers the weight and touches his chest, holding the bar there.” Judge says, “Press!” Oliver pushes the bar back with incredible power. It flies up. Judge says, “Rack it!” Oliver puts the bar back. He gets a good lift signal. He jumps up and hits a most muscular shot. He’s sweating profusely. The crowd goes wild. Grizzly throws down his belt. Everyone submits their lifts. Oliver is doing 720 lbs. Grizzly finds out and puts 725 lbs for himself. Fifteen minutes later, 720 lbs is loaded onto the bar. Oliver sits on the end of the bench and flexes his pecs several times. His chest is shredded and sweaty. Mike comes over to give him a liftoff. Mike says, “You got this Olly. Let’s put this guy out of his misery.” Oliver screams, “Hell yeah!” He lays on the bench. He nods his head for Mike to give the liftoff. He lowers the bar and holds it on his chest. Judge says, “Press!” Oliver screams and presses the bar extremely hard. The bar goes up steadily and fairly quickly. Judge says, “Rack!” Oliver racks it and get a good lift signal. He jumps up and hits a double biceps shot. Someone from the crowd, “Jesus, this kid is an animal.” Grizzly is up. 725 lbs is loaded onto the bar. He sits down. He sniffs a bottle of smelling salts, throws it aside and screams. He lays down. His spotter gives him a liftoff. He lowers the bar and stops on his chest. Judge says, “Press!” Grizzy screams and pushes. The bar goes up very slowly. It gets stuck halfway up, but after a couple seconds, he screams and is able to slowly push through to a lockout. Judge says, “Rack!” Grizzy racks it. He sits up, and his nose is bleeding. He stands up and then stumbles. A couple staff help him to his chair. Everyone is submitting final lifts, except for Grizzy. He’s going to stick with his last lift of 725 lbs. Mike says, “That last lift went up really fast. I don’t know…you think you could do 750, or is that just too much?” Oliver thinks for a couple seconds and says, “Fuck it! Let’s do it!” After 15 minutes, it’s Oliver’s turn. 750 lbs is loaded onto the bar. Announcer says, “This kid has already broken records today. Now he’s going for 750 lbs, more than three times his bodyweight. He’s completely ripped up, and he’s only 20 years old!” The crowd cheers. Oliver sits on the bench, flexing his chest and arms. He lays back and screams. Mike comes over and grabs the bar. Oliver nods his head for the liftoff. Mike does it and steps back. Oliver takes a deep breath and lowers the bar. He touches and holds the bar on his chest. The judge waits an extra seconds before giving the signal. Judge says, “Press!” Oliver screams and starts pressing. His chest is pumped and shredded. His triceps are popping out and ripped. The bar slowly goes up. It slows down near the halfway mark. Oliver screams again using his chest power to press the bar high and higher, until he finally locks out. Judge says, “Rack!” Oliver racks the bar. The good lift signal is given. The crowd erupts in cheers. Grizzly walks out. Oliver hits a huge most muscular shot. Mike comes over and gives Oliver a hug. Mike says, “Bro! I’m blown away!” “Me too man! I can’t believe it! It’s like nothing can stop me!” Mike says, “Maybe nothing or no one can!” They exit the cage and go onto the next event. Mike says, “I think you’re going to like this next event. It will really test your strength like nothing has before.” Mike and Oliver enter the Bending Arena. Oliver’s eyes light up. There are all kinds of things to bend here, including nails, thick bolts, tools, including wrenches. They have steel bars to bend like on World’s Strongest Man from the 1980s and 1990s. A big sign says… “WHOEVER BENDS THE THICKEST BAR TODAY, WINS A FREE SET OF CAPTAINS OF CRUSH GRIPPERS!” Mike and Oliver go over to the steel bars. Jake is managing the challenge. “Wow, you must be a bodybuilder,” says Jake. Oliver says, “Well, I…” “He’s really a power bodybuilder,” says Mike. Oliver smiles. Jake says, “Well, you’re in the right spot if you want to test you strength.” Oliver asks, “What are the Captains of Crush Grippers?” Jake breaks out all the grippers ranging from Captains of Crush (CoC) 1 all the way to a 4. Jake says, “They range in strength from level 1 to level 4. Only 5 people in the world have ever closed a number 4.” Oliver says, “I have to try that!” Jake says, “Okay big boy, let’s start you off with a number 2. Most bodybuilders can barely do that.” Oliver takes the number 2 and puts it in his hand. He closes it, and his forearms pump up. He closes it for reps. After he hits 20 reps, Jake stops him. Oliver says, “I’ll take the number 4 now.” “I don’t think you should jump up to it right away, but here you go.” A crowd starts to form to watch Oliver. Jake records video using his phone. Oliver places the number 4 gripper in his hand. He takes a couple deep breaths, screams and squeezes as hard as he can. He closes it. Jake screams, “Holy shit!” Oliver lets it open and closes it again. And again. Veins are snaking in his forearm pumping it close to 19 inches thick. And then he holds the gripper closed for 20 seconds. Jake screams, “Yeah! What a pump!” Mike says, “Bro, your forearm is massive!” Oliver flexes his forearm for the camera. Oliver says, “Let me bend some bars.” Jake says, “Normally I’d start someone with a 1/2” thick steel bar to try, but you’re much stronger than the guys that usually come over here. Here’s a 5/8” thick steel bar that’s 4 feet long.” Oliver grabs the bar and holds it at either end. Jake continues, “So before you try anything, let me tell you how to properly bend…Wait!” Oliver starts pushing on the bar, trying to bend it. Jake says, “Hold on man! You can’t bend it in front of your body like that. It’s impossible!” A guy from the crowd says, “Have you ever seen anyone so ripped?” Oliver screams. His chest and abdominals are shredded. His biceps are popping. Another scream and slowly the bar starts to bend. Jake says, “No way!” Oliver continues pouring his strength into bending the bar in front of his body. After a few seconds, the ends of the bar touch. Oliver drops the bar and hits a double biceps shot, screaming, “Yeah!” Jake says, “Holy shit! I did not expect that.” Mike asks, “What’s your thickest bar?” Jake responds, “Well, it’s called the Ultimate, and it’s not really meant to be bent.” Mike asks, “What do you mean?” Jake says, “Well, it’s 1 and 1/4 inch thick cold-rolled steel at 5 feet in long. It’s believed that no one can really bend it. That’s why there is a cash prize for anyone that can bend it just with their upper body and make the ends touch, wins $100,000. That’s just impossible.” Oliver’s eyes get big and says, “I gotta fuckin’ try it!” Jake says, “You can try it, but no one has even come close to making the tiniest of bends in the bar. It’s still perfectly straight.” Mike asks, “How quickly would Oliver get the money if he does it?” “It’s an instant bank transfer,” says Jake. Jake gives Oliver the bar and a thick bath towel. Jake says, “This time you won’t be able to bend it in front of your body.” “So, what do I do?” Jake responds, “Fold the towel and put it on your head for protection. Put the bar on top, using your head as a leverage point. Bend the bar down as far as you can, then put it behind your neck and bend it until the ends touch.” Oliver folds the towel and puts it on his head. The crowd is getting really big now. Oliver places the bar on top and grabs the ends of the bar with his hands. Mike screams, “You can do this Olly! No one has ever bent a bar this thick! You’re gonna do it in front of all these people, not as some fat strongman, but as a ripped-up power bodybuilder. No one has ever seen anything like this before! You can do it!” Oliver takes a couple deep breaths and screams. He pulls down hard, but the bar doesn’t budge. He takes a break. Jake says, “I told you bro. You can’t do it. No one can.” Oliver goes nuts and screams and pulls with everything he has. His biceps explode into huge ripped peaks. His lats flare out wider than ever. His abdominals contract as hard as they ever have before. At first, nothing happens, but after a few seconds, a squeal comes from the bar. The bar starts to slowly bend under Oliver’s strength. His lats are contracting so hard, you can see every muscle fiber. Oliver screams again pouring all of his strength into the task of bending the thickest steel ever bent by a human. The crowd starts talking… “Oh my God!” “He’s doing it!” “He’s fuckin’ ripped up!” “That’s just raw strength!” Jake is in complete awe of Oliver’s ripped strength. Jake says, “He’s bending the unbendable!” Oliver bends the bar halfway and stops for a second. He screams again and continues bending the bar until it’s about a 90-degree angle and can’t bend further on his head. He’s sweating profusely. He drops the bar behind his neck. Using his chest, he tries to crush the bar in, but it’s still a bit too wide for that. Oliver tilts the bar behind his neck, so that the end in his left hand is now down by his hip. The end of the bar in his right hand is above his head. Bracing the left end against his body, Oliver screams and pulls down on the bar with his right hand. Someone from the crowd says, “Jesus Christ! Look at the kid’s arm!” Oliver’s 22-inch right biceps explodes into ripped glory pulling the bar down, dripping sweat. His abs contracting hard to stabilize his core. Oliver screams again! The impossible to bend cold-rolled steel tries to resist, but Oliver’s biceps is just too strong, bending it more and more. “Yeah,” screams Oliver as he dominates the bar. Now the bar is at a 45-degree angle. Oliver centers the bar behind his neck, with his arms on both ends of the bar. Oliver screams and pushes the ends of the bar towards each other. His chest and abs are ripped to the bone. His chest is heaving and pumping blood as massive amounts of strength pass through to his hands. Oliver screaming and pushing slowly presses the ends of the bar towards each other. After several seconds, the ends touch. Jake, in utter disbelief, faints for a moment. Oliver lifts the bar from his neck and throws it to the ground. He hits a huge most muscular shot as the crowd cheers and then a huge front double biceps shot. Mike then hugs him, and Oliver hugs him back. People in the crowd come up to congratulate him and get pictures. Finally, Oliver gets a bank transfer from Jake’s company. Mike says, “It looks like we just have one more stop.” Oliver responds, “Arm wrestling!” Mike nods his head. Oliver adds, “You think Brock’s Dad, Titus, will accept my challenge?” “Well, he is the Super Heavyweight World Champion, so he may not take you too seriously. You’re only 20 years old, and arm wrestlers always think they can destroy bodybuilders. But, you do have some money that you can put up to sweeten the pot.” Oliver says, “Yes!” On the way to the arm wrestling competition, they stop to get some burgers and refuel. Oliver eats six double cheeseburgers and six orders of fries. They finally arrive at the arm wrestling contest. It doesn’t start for another 15 minutes. Mike speaks with the promoters to try to get Titus to take on Oliver. At first the promoters said no because Oliver hasn’t competed and earned a spot to challenge Titus. When Mike offered Titus $20,000 to take the match, he accepted. Announcer says, “It’s time to get started! Up first is a best of three supermatch between your current super heavyweight world champion, 6’3” tall, 350 pounds of solid mass, with 23-inch arms and 20-inch forearms…Titus!” Cheers from the crowd as Titus walks out. The announcer continues, “His challenger is a complete unknown but considers himself a power bodybuilder, 6’ tall weighing 245 pounds of completely ripped muscle, 22-inch arms and only 20 years old…Oliver! The usual audible gasps form the audience. Brock looks up in shock. Brock says, “No way! Oliver is challenging my Dad? Jesus, he really packed on some size.” Titus and Oliver both come to the table. Oliver asks for his arms to be measured since it’s been a couple months, and he still has a pump from the bar bending. The referee measures Oliver’s arm. The referee says, “It looks to be…22 and 3/4…wait…23 inches…matching Titus!” “Looks so much bigger than Titus,” says one guy from the crowd. His friend responds, “Yeah, cause he’s got a huge peak and the muscle is completely ripped up.” Oliver smiles. The referee measures his forearm. “The bodybuilder’s forearm is 19.5”, just under Titus!” Oliver smiles and nods his head. Titus says, “You think cause you have a little muscle you can challenge me? Kid, I have over 20 years of experience in arm wrestling. I know every technique and trick in the book, and I haven’t lost a match in over three years! No way you can beat this arm!” With that, Titus flexes his right arm to cheers in the crowd. Oliver responds, “I’m tired of your son bullying kids, so I’m going to teach you a lesson. I don’t need any arm wrestling techniques or tricks. I’m gonna beat you with raw strength!” Oliver hits a double biceps shot, totally ripped with a light coat of sweat for shine. The crowd starts talking… “That kid’s arms are bigger than Titus’!” “Have you ever seen someone so shredded?” Titus gets mad and slams his elbow on the pad. Oliver grips up and squeezes Titus’ hand. Titus tries to pull out, but Oliver’s grip is too strong. Finally, Oliver lets Titus slip out and re-grip. The referee starts the match. “Ready, Go!” Titus hits hard, but Oliver holds him. Titus hits harder and pulls Oliver’s arm down just a bit off center. The crowd doesn’t know how to react. “That kid is holding back Titus!” Titus screams and goes all out trying to pull down Oliver. Oliver does go down a little until Oliver screams and starts pulling with everything he has. He stops Titus and starts to pull Titus back up. Oliver’s arm is incredibly shredded showing every muscle fiber working. His chest is ripped and sweat is pouring off his body. “Yeah,” Oliver screams. Oliver gets their arms back to the center starting position. Brock screams, “Arm Lock! Dad, use your Arm Lock!” Titus shifts his weight and his arm position, essentially locking his arm into place, making it very difficult, if not impossible to move. Oliver is confused. He’s not sure how Titus is blocking him from pulling his arm down. “Yes, just hold him there, Dad! He’ll burn out soon,” screams Brock. Another grunt from Oliver, but he can’t move Titus. Titus smiles. “No one has ever broken through my Arm Lock, kid. Not even the strongest arm wrestlers,” says Titus. “I’m a power bodybuilder, and this ripped muscle is gonna bust through your Arm Lock.” Titus laughs. Oliver screams and pulls harder. His biceps seeming to pump larger, and his forearms expand with corded muscle trying to push through his paper-thin skin. Titus’ smile goes away. “This kid has some serious muscle,” says someone from the crowd. “Yeah, his biceps are really peaked, but I don’t know if he has the strength to pull through Titus’ Arm Lock. It’s impossible,” says his friend. Oliver hears this talk from the crowd. It gets him very excited. Oliver screams again and pulls with everything he has. His chest is shredded and pouring on the strength that can bench press well over 700 lbs. His biceps and forearms that curl nearly 300 lbs are increasing the pressure that no one else can create. “You can do it,” screams Mike. “This kid…I’ve never seen so much ripped muscle,” exclaims someone from the crowd. Oliver very slightly moves Titus’ arm. Titus’ eyes are wide, and his head is shaking with the effort to contain Oliver. “Fuck yeah,” screams Oliver. “Impossible,” says Brock. Oliver looks over at Brock. Brock is in shock. The crowd starts talking… “The kid bodybuilder…he’s doin’ it!” “That’s pure, raw strength!” Titus screams, trying to stop Oliver, and he does for a second, but the kid bodybuilder’s strength is building. His ripped muscle contracting harder. Oliver starts pushing through the Arm Lock with every muscle group engaged including his back with crazy striations, his biceps with impossible peaks and his chest just ripped to the bone with massive forearms at the lead. As Oliver is pulling Titus’ arm down, closer and closer to the pin pad, Titus does a King’s Move, dropping his body below the table and stretching out the arm to make it impossible to pin due to the angle of the arm. Brock screams, “Good move, Dad! Hold him there and burn him out!” Oliver continues pulling Titus’ arm, but it’s completely stuck. It’s even harder than his Arm Lock. After 10 seconds of pulling, Oliver isn’t making progress. Mike screams, “Olly, do a shoulder press! Stand up tall and use your shoulder and bodyweight to press his arm down!” Oliver stands up tall and starts pushing with just his triceps. He doesn’t lean over and use his shoulder and bodyweight. Titus is smiling. He’s in a good position. The King’s Move doesn’t use much energy. It’s all about leverage, angles and the arm’s natural straight arm end range. “No one can push through my King’s Move, kid! It’s ten times harder than my Arm Lock!” Oliver grunts loud and pushes hard. Titus’ arm is like hardened steel. It’s just not moving. “You can’t do it, Olly!,” screams Brock. Oliver screams and starts pushing with everything he has! His triceps shows every cross-striation. His shoulders are shredded. His biceps vein looks massive and mean. His chest is heaving with ripped abs and sweat pouring off him. Titus’ smile turns to gritting teeth. “If this kid’s ripped muscle pushes through Titus’ King’s Move, it will send me over the edge,” whispers a guy to his friend right near the table. This excites Oliver even more, somehow allowing him to push even harder. His ripped triceps start to very slowly move Titus’ arm towards the pin pad. Oliver looks down at the guy watching and sees his eyes getting bigger and the guy says, “Oh my God! He’s doing it!” The guy starts shaking. Oliver screams again, pushing more! His triceps is exploding. The crowd starts speaking again… “This kid’s strength is insane! He’s doing it with just his triceps!” “This kid bodybuilder is beating the strongest arm wrestler at his own sport!” “No! You can’t!” mutters Titus. A cracking sound starts to come from Titus’ arm. “Stop! You’re going to break his arm,” screams Brock. Oliver backs off. “Want to give up, so I can spare your arm,” Oliver asks. “I’ll never give up!” “Good, cause I wanna see how strong these triceps are,” yells Oliver. Oliver looks directly at Brock. He screams and pushes again. His ripped triceps is monstrously huge. Titus’ arm moves slightly. It’s getting stuck as the bones near the elbow start touching. Titus’ arm is nearly at the pin pad, but now it’s completely stuck. “You think he could break his arm,” someone asks from the crowd. “No man. I don’t think it’s possible,” replies another. Oliver gets excited and goes nuts! He screams, and his triceps responds somehow pushing harder. “Yeah, I’m gonna do it,” screams Oliver. Titus starts to scream. His arm starts to slightly bend under the strength of Oliver’s triceps. Oliver looks at Brock. Brock has his hands on his head in disbelief. Oliver screams again pushing as hard as he can with just his triceps strength. About three seconds later, a grinding sound and then…SNAP! Oliver breaks Titus’ arm. Titus’ hand hits the pin pad. He pulls his arm away grabbing it for support. Oliver slams his fist down onto the pad, crushing the pad and bending one of the thick steel supports holding the table up. He then hits a double biceps shot at Titus. Incredibly ripped biceps explode to over 24 inches with high peaks. Lats flare out like wings. Abs shredded. Sweat pouring off his body giving it a beautiful shine. Cheers and shock coming from the crowd. Mike gives Oliver a hug. “I knew you could do it, Olly,” says Mike. “I couldn’t have done all this without you, Big Mike,” responds Oliver. “Maybe you should call me, Little Mike, from now on.” They laugh. Brock runs over to his Dad and takes him away for medical attention. Someone from the crowd says, “Bro, you broke the table.” Oliver looks at it. There are four steel support bars that run from the base on the floor to the tabletop. One of them is bent inwards. Oliver bends down and grabs the bent support bar at the middle of the bend with his left hand. His other hand is on the tabletop for support. Oliver grunts and starts pulling. His biceps and forearm explode as does his lat. Very slowly, Oliver starts bending the support bar straight. “No way! This kid is bending fucking steel,” says one guy from the crowd. “Jesus, his arm strength is off the scale!” Oliver completely straightens the support bar. He then hits another double biceps shot at the crowd. The crowd cheers. The crowd comes over to Oliver for pictures and autographs. Oliver looks at Mike. “Let’s keep doing this shit! I want to see how strong I can get!” Mike responds, “Hell yeah kid!” THE END
  6. QuoteTheRaven

    Polite and Piggy Klaus and Kane

    Kane sat alone. “A Cabernet,” he said to the bartender. Then he heard someone speak to him, “Kane?” He’d not anticipated being known. The bespectacled guy was from back in Connecticut — from his old school. “Huh…wow….Klaus….hey” “I thought that might be you,” Klaus said back, “but we never knew each other well.” “No…. You were at the top part of our class. I’m glad you said hi.” “What brings you to Indiana?” “Work project… couldn’t get home for the holidays.” “Cool. I live here. I couldn’t get home for the holidays either.” Klaus, who lived there, suddenly said, “I have an idea. My apartment is around the corner. It’s loft style. I have a tree. You want to go talk old times there?” Kane looked into Klaus’s sculpted face. What nice skinned handsome features he had. And that narrow nose. There was a brightness that sparkled in Klaus’s eyes. “Yeah, that sounds cool.” It was seven minutes walk, then a couple of flights of stairs up to a metal door that opened into the apartment. The tree twinkled thin and tall. One string of lights and a few ornaments decorated it. One stuffed snowman sat on the industrial windowsill. “Sparse,” said Kane of the decorations. Klaus responded, “I’m glad I have them at all given we’re only 25.” “Yeah, nice,” answered Kane. “This whole place is nice. Ten foot ceilings… that’s luxe.” Klaus had Kane follow him to the kitchen area. “I can make a Christmas cocktail,” Klaus offered. It took a minute. Kane watched his former classmate pour gin, then soda water, then cranberry and then add mint leaves. Klaus was stylish he guessed. He was also as spindly as Kane. The slim corduroys moved effortlessly on Klaus’s stringy legs, tightening now and then on thin fit thighs and what looked a small pert butt. Klaus brought over glistening drinks. Kane looked into Klaus’s lively eyes. “Klaus?” he said. “Yeah, Kane,” was the reply. “Can I ask something.” “What’s that?” “You’re not queer are you?” “I’m not. I’ve had a girlfriend… i don’t dig guys.” “Me too. I’m straight also, just don’t have a girlfriend now.” Kane looked at Klaus. It reminded him how good looking he’d always thought him. He said, “I know we’re not gay guys, but I feel like I’ve always known how handsome you were. I’d be into kissing you right now.” They looked into each other’s faces. How similar they looked. Curly glossy brown hair, extraordinarily handsome features with big glasses and big eyes, skinny necks, and lanky arms and legs. Klaus leaned in. “Kissing, me? Sure, lay it on me.” Their lips parted and then touched. Not bad. “Cool…kinda nice,” they both said. “Here,” said Klaus, “let’s settle on the couch.” They carried their drinks to the area where the magic of the tree’s Christmas lights mingled with the glow of streetlights streaming in the big multi-paned windows. “Why didn’t we know each other better in high school?” Klaus asked. “I don’t know,” said Kane. “My parents maybe? The situation at my homes…..it was really bizarre…. I was younger than my two sisters by quite a bit….and then my folks divorced. My dad went through a huge change, got really, really into bodybuilding in his 40s, turned into a massive muscled uber freak…” He stopped. “My parents were together but academics was all they wanted me to do,” Klaus shared in return. Kane said, “I was also shy.” “Yeah, you were,” said Klaus. He slid closer so that they were knee to knee with each with him folding his feet under his rear. Kane put his hand down on the cushion. Klaus laid his own in it. “I kind of wish we hadn’t been like that back then.” They sat for a few minutes. The contact felt sweet. “I have another idea,” said Kane, “what if we take our shirts off.” Klaus’s eyes traveled around the sized small tee that Kane wore. Kane was nearing six feet tall, but his slenderness allowed the diminutive garment’s size. What an adolescent scrawniness there was to the other 25 year old. It matched his own. “Sure,” he said. Being as thin as they were, one quick motion by each was all it took to now sit with their boyish torsos bare. “Wow, it’s like we’re the same person,” Klaus said. His eyes were on Kane’s pin prick nipples, bony rib cage, and concave abdomen. Even the little innie navel was very much the same. One’s skin was colored flavorfully black. The other’s pink and pale. “I wouldn’t mind if we touched more,” Klaus said. Kane shifted so his feet came out from beneath him, and then he shifted his body closer to Klaus. “Yeah, I’m good with that.” Their lips met again and they each found places to put their hands lightly on the others bare skin. Kane tested a light brush of his tongue toward Klaus’s teeth while their lips were together. Klaus moaned, “nnnh”. They separated and sat looking at one another. They had another sip of their drinks. Klaus sighed and settled back a little. A minute went by, and then Kane stood up and said, “You know what?” Klaus nodded to go on. His charming chin was so nicely outlined. “Even though I wasn’t confident in the high school environment, I’ve always been secretly cocky about myself — my body… my face.” “You should be,” Klaus said. He appraised the ripped hipster. “You’re sort of perfect looking.” “Thanks, I really feel that way. I get off on it. But in high school I’d think about you too. When I did think about making friends I thought about what it would be like to be friends with you. You were… are… so unusually handsome.” Klaus went with it, joining in, “Well, I hate to sound like a narcissist, but I know and I think of myself as super hot as well. In high school, you were the only other skinny guy I thought hot enough to be hotter than me.” “Ha. You thought I was hotter?” Kane joshed. Klaus stood up so that he and Kane were inches apart front to front. “I thought you were hot enough to be hotter than me. But I think I’m so fully hot.” Silence resettled. Then Kane grew a little puzzled thinking about the declarations from Klaus. This guy wasn’t really gay was he? “But, you’re also straight? You sleep with girls?” Klaus answered, “I sleep with girls. I’ve got a girlfriend now. My appetites are met” but wanting to add more said, “I get off when I think of doing a girl from behind. Of having a dick in her while she kneels like a dog. Orgasming in her and calling her names. That’s what I masturbate to a lot of the time.” Kane shared in return, “I like to envision myself playing with a girl’s big breasts while I pipe up into her cunt from the front,” Kane traced the back of his hand up and down the fatless torso of Klaus. Klaus stretched up. He raised his arms and put his hands behind his head. Klaus said, “When I squirt, I like to imagine a curvy, big chested bitch is sucking my dick.” “Oh yeah,” said Kane, “like throating you and drinking your jizz?” He eyed Klaus and then pulled Klaus’s head near to his bare immature torso. “Lick,” he said. Klaus took a single long slurp from the lowest of Kane’s ribs up and right over his nipple before trailing away into the air. Kane said, “I jack off imagining a girl squeezing her tits on either side of my erect shaft and me fucking her that way.” Klaus put his hand behind Kane’s neck and pulled assertively so that their mouths came together again and they were finally definitively kissing. “I used to admire the fuck out of your cock,” Klaus mumbled through their frenching. “My cock?” Kane answered pulling away. “Yeah, your gorgeous cock. We were in the same gym class one year. I drank in that porny thing every chance I could get and thought about it all the fucking time. I thought no one’s hung like Kane. And about what if I was hung like that, so incredibly big and long… Just, Damn, God hung you something beautiful and huge.” “No he didn’t,” said Kane. “I’m super narcissistic about my looks but my cock’s small.” “Yeah, ok,” said Klaus not knowing what else to say. Then, “We should have more of our drinks.” He turned away and bent to pick up their glasses from the woven-straw coffee table. Klaus’s cords were worn in all the right places and Kane admired how they moved over Klaus’s perfect leanness and the distinct cheeks of his bum. Klaus handed Kane’s drink over while taking a sip of his own. They stood simply. Flawless skin and lean, incredible proportions exert power. Both were feeling that. “If you’re so shy,” said Klaus, “how are you such a narcissist about your looks?” “I just am,” said Kane. “It might have been that I wouldn’t have been born a skinny Adonis, but I was. Just look at me. It’s stupid how good looking I am.” Kane was so right about that with his large eyes, high cheekbones, concave cheeks, chiseled jaw and oversized glamorous white teeth. Kane rubbed the flat of his crotch and then unbuttoned the top button of his worn jeans. “You know I don’t like guys, right? Only girls,” Klaus stupidly thought to say. “Fuck you. Yeah I’m the same, Klaus. I’m always thinking about fucking girls,” Kane said declaratively. Klaus responded with his next volley saying, “I’m thinking about fucking tons of them, all the time. Me and Marc Morano fucking lots of them together.” Kane was lowering his zipper but paused and said, “what…you and some other guy are fucking a girl together in your fantasies?” Kane then slipped his pants down off really narrow hips, exposing his underpanted groin. “What do you think, Klaus?” Kane asked, “Sexy, right?” Kane’s legs had a curve to them and thigh flesh squeezed into the openings of green briefs printed with graphic peppermints — Christmas underpants. Adonis belt creases channeled from his hips disappearing into the bikini garment. The skimpy fabric stretched bulgingly over his crotch folds — it did suggest more than average size. “Shit, Kane, yeah that’s tight.” Klaus’s eyes glued to what he fancied. It sure seemed like it must be untypical endowment gathered in the hammock of the groin. His locker room memories of a big beautiful cock in Kane’s groin must be wrong according to Kane, but it didn’t seem so from the bulge. “You are one really really hot guy, even with your ‘small cock’,” Klaus said. “Thanks, Klaus,” Kane said, cracking a lusty smile. His teeth and eyes radiated comeon. Klaus stepped away and put down his drink. He unbuttoned and unzipped himself now and one upped Kane, removing his corduroys fully. He stood comfortably and displayingly in a mesh athletic jock. His legs were shaped in a slender active boyish way and his hips were as narrow as a males could be. He had broad shoulders even though his torso was as slim as a newspaper front to back. His poker face was playing hard to get. And he didn’t utter anything aloud but silently he said to himself, “I’m so fucking hot. Kane’s got the skinny boy X physique, but I’ve got the fucking same.” They stood looking at each other, each thinking, “I’m so fucking hot,” and then, “he’s so fucking hot,” and then, “god damn, I’m so fucking hot,” and then, “Jesus Christ, he’s so fucking fucking hot.” The jockstrap on Klaus’s waist could have blocked the stirring of Klaus’s dick if he had wanted it to, but Klaus wanted to show his developing hardon to this prettyboy who he’d respected from afar all through high school. A handsome cock head and upper shaft emerged firmly above his meshed waistband. Out loud he said, “Kane, look at my hard groin. Do you remember Remy Richards, the cheerleader who was a senior when we were fourteen? If she were here right now, I’d be landing her with this erection.” Klaus stood with his hips angled. There was a sway to his back advancing his stiff prick. His feet were staggered apart and his hands were balled off either hip. “Look how rock hard, I am, Kane,” he finally added. Kane looked down at his own soft beef enwrapped by his bikini underpants above his lowered jeans and then turned his attention first to Klaus’s gorgeous face before slowly descending his gaze, consuming the Brad Pitt like beauty of the torso before coming to rest on a locker room tableau he felt like he’d unconsciously feared he’d one day see and not do the right thing about. “You’d peg a lot of sluts with that thing, wouldn’t you,” Kane said. Klaus reached down and traced his fingertips around his cock head twice. Kane said, “Why don’t you show me the whole thing, Klaus.” Klaus pushed the waistband of his jockstrap out and down. His iron hard dick continued to point north of one o’clock. The scrotum sack that came into view while fairly lightly haired, bulged with big-sized balls. Klaus twisted to give a view from the side. “Straight guy dick,” he said. He ran his fingertips suggestively along the under-surface of his shaft while he bubbled his ass and held a static thrust forward pose. He stopped and pushed his jockstrap further down his thighs. Then stepped out of it. He spun slowly in a circle. “Fuck boy, perfection, right Kane?” he said. He walked to Kane. The flow of his limbs was feline. As slender and light as he was, the tone of his muscle and the even more slender cast of his joints made him aesthetic even if a tad adolescent looking still. He put his hands so that one was on Kane’s upper chest and the other was opposite it on Kane’s shoulder blade. “Let’s take a look at your big boy monster cock.” Kane turned his angled features toward Klaus. His chiseled jaw rippled. “I’ll show mine, sure,” he said with chill, “but like I said it’s not big.” Kane pushed his jeans further down his legs to make room. They stopped almost at his knees. While he did so, Klaus said, “I’m ok with that for sure. But I don’t know what you are comparing to, to think that you’re not incredibly hung.” “A ruler?” said Kane, “the best I’ve ever been able to make it give me is five and three quarters inches long.” Klaus said, “Got it. That’s great. The cunts are afraid of bigger men anyway.” Klaus slid his hands around to grab the outside of Kane’s shoulders and he twisted Kane so they were front to front again. He leaned forward and touched their lips. They let them open and they met tongues. Klaus’s erection prodded into Kane’s hipbone. Klaus lowered himself then. “Let’s unwrap this thing now. It certainly bulges like it could be more than 5 and three quarters….” “And remember that five and three quarters is when it’s erect,” added Kane, “I’m still mostly soft right now.” The skimpy bikini was pushed down in a flash. And hanging so sizeably in Kane’s groin was eight full inches of un-erect, thick master dick. “FUcK!” said Klaus, “that’s AWESOME!” Kane looked down at his groin, “Holy Fuck! What’s that??! I’m not hung like a porn star. What the fuck did you do!!?” “I didn’t do anything and Yes you are hung like a piece of porn meat,” crowed Klaus. “Let’s get you rock hard!” Klaus stood and shifted closer to Kane. He lifted the beautiful shaft and held it vertical and then humped forward with his body until Kane’s erection was as stiff as a rifle. He stepped back. “You must have a thick eleven inch fuck pipe there, Kane. What a fucking god.” Kane’s expression was dazed. How could this be. He had always had a little dick. But it felt nothing like that any more. He could sense the substantial size. The ache in the new big balls, but even more was how overfully this big thing throbbed. Its capacity for sensation seemed magnitudes beyond what he’d known. “Holy fuck, Klaus, just holy fuck.” He realized he relished this. He wanted things with this suddenly which he’d never imagined before. To Klaus he said, “Can you imagine the fear that’ll grip the little honeys when I show up with this thing. Jesus, I’m going to have to find real wenches of women to accommodate me now.” Klaus smiled and said, “I’m mesmerized, you fuck. The thought of double teaming a slut while you rage that monster is turning me so on.” “Double teaming? Yeah? You’d like that, would you? Like your gay fantasies with Marc Morano, whoever the hell he is?” “Aaahhhhh. Don’t even say that name. I feel like I’m going to nut at it’s even being mentioned.” “Why are you a little faggot fag boy? Is Marc Morano someone who has a porn dick like me and he just makes you wet?” “Unnhh. Noooo. Listen you should remember his name…. Our old school?… two years behind?” said Klaus. There was no look of recognition from Kane. “Here…” said Klaus and went and opened a drawer pulling out an old Tollequaillian yearbook. “Look at these photos of him.”The pictures showed a little guy. His hair parted in the middle with a cowlick. He had oversized thick glasses. He was perkily upright but small. The petite fellow was cute in a pick him up and squeeze him way in all the pics. “I remember him. They called him Marky the Adorable. But, that’s sexy? That’s who you fantasize as your fellow gangbanger when you’re jerking off?” Kane queried. “Well Marc Morano, that was him yeah, but…. He got taller… And…,” Klaus responded. He took out his phone and opened Instagram. “Fuck,” Klaus mouthed subconsciously to himself as he typed in his search term: “MoranoFit”. He handed the open app to Kane, and said with emphasis, “Him.” There were dozens of tiled thumbnails on the Instagram page. Sheeny, shiny skin was a feature in many. Kane clicked on what looked like a beach shot. When the picture opened full size he saw a ripped, massed up fuckstud standing on the sand. The guy was jacked beyond fuck. Muscle bulged on top of muscle in cascades of swollen rises. The guy smiled like he was the King of the fucking world. A puny speedo soaked and sucked onto his narrow hips and pointedly outlined his showy dick. Kane swiped the photo up to the next post. The same guy now had on a XXL stringer. It draped damply over a monumental and dense torso. Lifting straps dangled from the monster’s wrists. His fingers curled as though permanently hungry to take hold of more iron. The stringer was cinched at his waist by a wide leather lifting belt. Oversized basketball shorts swam on redwood girthed thighs. Kane swiped again. It was a closeup. The guy smirked in the camera, a carnivore’s smile baring his teeth and a bicep flexed in front of his face. The size of the muscle peaking by his jaw was captivating. A softball inserted under the skin wouldn’t have been as large. Another swipe, and he saw a bar with five and a half big plates on either end across the gymbro’s squatting back. It was obvious the shot was meant to make it as plain as day what power was in the inflated enormous, huge-assed body. A last swipe and Kane gasped. His throbbing dick got even more iron hard. The behemoth was shadow lit dressed solely in a minuscule competition poser. His body looked as big as a guy’s could look. He was flanked on either side by other bodybuilders but they just couldn’t compare in size. Every muscle bellied to inconceivable extremes. He was nearly naked and ripped to grainy eye-fucking shreds. He looked like he’d come from Krypton and been given the body of Superman and now displayed himself in the puniest raunchiest garment whose sole point was to make it obvious how massively oversized the rest of him was. Kane looked at the face. The eyes, nose, and lips were somewhat the same as had been on the small, dominatable kid. Kane had shared a science lab section with that kid. He remembered how he’d behaved so deferentially. The kid scuttled, flinching when accidentally he was in someone’s way. The kid had seemed fine at the science, just so beta. But he remembered the kid being spacy sometime. Like lost in thought. Like he was somewhere else in his brain. Well he must have been excellent or made himself excellent with the chemistry. Because who he was now was a snorting steroid bull staring from these photos. “Klaus, he can only be 23 or 23…how the hell does he look like that?” Klaus came up behind Kane and lay his erection in/on Kane’s smooth and tasty crack. He wrapped his right arm under Kane’s right pit and embraced him with his fingers and palm gripping where Kane’s flat left pec lay. “He’s gotten massed up as fuck, hasn’t he?” Klaus said to Kane leaning back, “You can see the whole evolution of it on Instagram. First he was a beginner lifter. Then he was part of a school bro pack standing around with all the little buds waiting for machines like puppets, so fun to scoff at. Then he got fatter and fuller than the other nerds — no longer quite matching the group he was standing around with. The other nerds began to disappear then. And slowly the posts got more cliched influencer-y — completely typical talk about motivation and inspiration and inexhaustible rehashed platitudes. His body went an unexpected direction. It actually got muscular and conditioned — it didn’t seem worthy of how he acted with his postings — the poses of a pretty typical body… the “you’ve heard it all before” affirmations. But then he hit 180lbs, then 190, then 200. It’s like that ushered him to the threshold and then he was no-holds-barred on the dark side. The sayings stopped. He transformed and the comments got narcissistic and confident as hell. In about eighteen months he hypertrophied so that you couldn’t even tell he was human any more.” “Fuck… who’d have thought a little dicktwat like he was would have risen as that muscle lord. He was a negligible spec of nothing in our midst, not even close to our equal as he was our younger inferior.” “It’s hot isn’t it, Kane? Really hot isn’t it?….That’s who screws the cunts with me in my masturbation fantasies when I explode,” said Klaus, “Just look at the size of him. Fuck I get off on the fantasy of being transformed like that and then breeding myself into the girls. Imagine the domination of crushing down on a harem of them, of delivering destructive ripping thrusts into helpless cunt after helpless cunt. I would fucking rape and ravish a score of them if I was jacked as that. They’d fucking quake with orgasm.” Kane twisted his head around toward Klaus and they kissed mauling each others mouths. “Fuck boy, you’re such a fag.” Kane shuffled away and turned. As Klaus watched he pushed his shoes off and then got his worn jeans down to his ankles and free. “Take off your underwear,” said Klaus. “I don’t think so, gay boy, this is the closest I have to those tight little things MoranoFit is wearing,” Kane answered. He slid the slinky tight briefs back up his ass and then angled his enormous erection under the fabric extending it over and off the hip. “You’re the faggiest thing I’ve ever seen, Klaus,” he said. He lifted his arms into a double bicep pose. “Do I look big?” he asked. “You look so good but no, you’re a hipster, Kane. And you know I’m straight, right?” “Fuck you, man cunt,” said Kane, his voice slightly different than it had been, “I’m going to enjoy losing virginity a lot more to you than to some nameless girl.” He snorted, “Look at me, Klaus. I’m getting bigger.” Kane knew what he wanted now. And understood somehow his new giant man cock. There was magic in the air. The season. The chance encounter. The affinity of he and Klaus. Something was detaching reality and allowing the unreal to emerge. “Look at me, Klaus,” Kane said again. “Come and touch me.” Klaus walked to Kane. The warmth from Kane’s golden skin encompassed Klaus. Klaus put his delicate hands on Kane. “You’re so beautiful,” Klaus said, “I always thought women had a corner on beauty.” Kane kissed Klaus, and put one of his hands on Klaus’s erection and wrapped his fingers around it. “Close your eyes, Klaus,” Kane said, “feel over my body with them closed. Imagine I’m more muscular than Marc. Describe to me what I would be like if I became like him.” Klaus closed his eyes and dropped to his knees and bent down to Kane’s feet. He traced the insoles of each foot from ankle to toes. “These would be bigger,” he said, “probably size 11 1/2.” His hands moved to Kane’s ankles. “Your ankles are perfect — so narrow and flexible.” Kane could feel Klaus’s hands cup and slide along the back of his lower legs. “Your calves get bigger. A bulging diamond shape and they become 20.5 inches around.” “Yeah,” says Kane. Klaus straightens a little where he’s kneeling. He puts his chest softly against the front of Kane’s thighs and reaches around to surround the two legs with his arms. They’re toned and shapely but so insubstantial and thin. “All sorts of things happen to your thighs and hams,” he says. “Ropes weave up the front, back and forth between your slender knees and your far away hips. They broaden and sweep inward and outward changing the very meaning of what it’s meant to have lower limbs. On the rear of your upper leg, bellies fatten beefed with piled cords. They become a ripped dome of thick hard flesh.” “Hnnhh, yeah,” says Kane. “What would a tape rule say they measured?” “They’re just massive. Your legs are so fucking strong. They’ve gone from your sinewy angular 19 inches to just shy of 37 inches each. It’s animalistic how big they are.” “Oh yeah,” says Kane, “I can’t believe it… that’s so big… unhhh.” Kane feels klaus running his hands up and down over his quads and his hams again and again. “I’m getting so fucking stiff and hard, Kane,” Klaus tells him. “I’m dripping like a wannabe. This is so hot.” “Shut the fuck up, cunt,” Kane orders now. This is turning him on as well. And each time Klaus describes a body part, he can imagine it so clearly. The sensations in his limbs are as if it were true. And he needs more of the feeling. He needs to feel in his whole body what’s been created in Klaus’s imagination just like for his legs. “Keep telling me what I would be like if I bested f’ing Marc Morano!” Kane snorts. “Bigger and more monumental than him. Ready to blow him to kingdom come.”Klaus fully rises on his knees now. His eyes are still closed as Kane’s eleven inch horse endowment blunders into his face. Klaus ducks his head to the right of it and nuzzles his nose in Kane’s balls. “These things are hefty, mega-alpha sized things, the size of huge grapefruits,” he states. Klaus sniffs the raunchy smell, pulling the thick stench of it deep in his lungs. With the tip of his nose Klaus draws up the pathway of Kane’s adonis belt crease. “This is channeled ridiculously. And your hips have narrowed. Your waist is insanely tight at thirty inches around.” “Yeah, fuck, that’s right,” says Kane, “I have to be made as aesthetic as hell. X me up to the Nth degree, Klaussy girl.” Klaus shuffles around Kane. And now Klaus’s nose is in Kane’s ass sucking in the air in Kane’s crack. He licks the fabric outside the surprisingly sweet smelling, smooth retreat. “Fuller,” Klaus says his voice muffled. “Higher,” he manages next. “Fowty-fow inches,” his smothered face names. Kane feels hands on his buttocks moving admiringly. “Yes, Klaus, yes” he says to the other. Then realizes his own hands are there as well and he moans. Klaus pops to his feet, but in a squatting pose. Kane can feel Klaus’s lean chest against his own arching ass. Klaus nuzzles into his lower back and Klaus’s hands circle his peppermint patterned bikini underpants visiting where his huge full cock strains and rips his underpants’s fabric before leaving and landing on his lower abs around his belly button. “Your back here is cinched and girdled like iron. There’s the base of a Christmas tree,” Klaus conjures. “Yeah, Klaus, fuck that’s right,” says Kane. And where Klaus’s hands grip in front they start to run up and down and around. “Your abdomen is a freak show,” Klaus says, “an iron plain and a cobblestone road. You’re armored with twelve to twenty-four incredible bricks of perfect immortal depth and size.” Kane tightens his core. The sensation is so churning and eternally imaginable. Nothing could fucking penetrate him — no blade, no knife, no lethal shot, no bomb, no blast of nuclear war. It is arousing him in a way no fantasy has ever remotely done before. His center is like living titanium steel. “Oh god, Klaus, Yes, Klaus, yes!” he barks. He shifts back and forth. The whole lower half of him….its just so incomprehensible. The sensation of legs that are incredibly massive, that brim with mammoth power. They squeeze and bolster a cock which feels like a weapon that would hurl incomprehensible ordnance and to which all would be enslaved. An ass which has become mountainous with ability. His lower torso, circling his belly and minuscule lower back, crunches like molten alloy. The feelings that are pulsing up at him are so beautifully overwhelming. “UUUuunnnnnhhhhhhhh,” he says, “Klaus go insane on me. I need to fucking grow and to fucking RRULLEE and explode.” Klaus is only slightly crouched now and his attention shifts from one arm of Kane’s to the other and then back. He’s given Kane seventeen inch forearms. But for upper arms, Kane now has beastly meat the size of most guys legs. Relaxed the monolithic triceps and heaped biceps measure 23 inches around. But when Klaus asks him to ball his fists and lift them half way up, two more inches gather. When Kane flexes his double bis, his upper arms stand at least a foot tall. “Yesssss, Klaus, Yessssssssssssssss,” Kane says. “You know what I want, Klaus. You understand me. You know I want all of it. I want it all!” He reaches behind with what feel like irrefutable arms and tugs Klaus around to his front. “Do it all to me now, little man,” he says, “Fucking, don’t hold back in any way.” “Oh, Kane,” says Klaus his voice faltering with desire. And then it is a poem of want and unbridled desire. Words like hulking fuck, monster man, raging god, thundering hunk are used. The phrase heaving beefis mentioned again and again. And its use piles on Kane deeper, higher, thicker making the muscles more unbelievably immense and bulged with every utterance. Six foot is mentioned and then six one. Soon six two passes Klaus’s lips. Each time, Kane moans and groans and says more and more hungrily “MOREEEEE”. Temple of Mass comes from Klaus’s lips. Pecs domed like a Roman lord is moaned. Kane’s back is compared to a ship’s hull. It’s a fever for an hour or more. 50” chest… 54…. And then more are said. Later the numbers become 60…. Become 64…. Become SEVENTY FOUR — unnnnnnnhhhhhhh. All thoughts of the old world is gone. Klaus’s descriptions go on and on. No limits now. More and more unrealistic and obscene. Kindled by the rock-throbbing transformation of Kane from a pencil-necked dweeb to an immense muscle being, the two have engaged in full-fire jackoff script of the fetishiest potential. And now they open their eyes. Kane towers above Klaus in the loft. At beyond seven and a half feet tall he is humongous and weighs one thousand pounds and more. His musculature coats him making him the biggest bodybuilt god to ever be. Every muscle belly protrudes. Fibers bristle in the trillions in his bulges. His great cock has ripped out of his slutty little fag briefs. His legs stand across from Klaus with threatening power. They could crush Klaus if Kane wanted. He is bigger than his enormous Dad, Brad, ever dreamed to be. “Come here Klaus,” Kane rules, “You are going to be good and Gay now as I use you for my fuck object.” Klaus submits. Kane is a God.
  7. musclegin30

    Bigger...Much Bigger

    This is a quick one shot. Synopsis : Liam is a bodybuilder with big goals, and during a late-night muscle worship session, he just might reach them. Up. Down. Up. Down. I lay on the bench, pushing the bar up. It’s loaded with 295 pounds of steel, but it is only slightly challenging. I am stronger than I was last week. Every week I grow stronger and bigger, but it’s not enough. I always want to be bigger. Up. Down. My pecs and tris contract when I push the weight up, expanded against my thin, tanned skin, becoming pumped, engorged with blood. I can feel the sweat run down my forehead, my neck, my arms, my chest, soaking into my tank. I am hot, covered in sweat, though the gym’s AC is blasting cool air. Up. Down. I force out rep after rep, tearing my muscle fibers down so that I can rebuild them later, bigger and more powerful. A protein shake churns in my belly, below a wall of chiseled abs. Test, Dbol, and Tren coarse through my veins. “One more rep,” I tell myself. “One more. Gotta get one more.” I get it and push for another. I’m always pushing for more. My muscles are so pumped they ache, and it feels good. Around me, the din of the other gym goers doesn’t reach my ears. The crowded gym might as well be empty. All that exists is me and the weight, in this moment. Up. Down. Up. I rack the weight, finishing my set. As I rise up to the sitting position my ‘cheerleader’ (I mean spotter) taps me on both shoulders and exclaims “You’re a beast, Liam!” I know. He’s 27, my age, but smaller. His name is Tom and I know he only spots me so he can be close to me, so he can gaze on my bulging muscles. His 150-pound physique pales in comparison to my 195 pound one. My muscles are something to behold, I think, as I stare at my pumped form in the gym mirror. But they aren’t big enough. I imagine myself some time in the future, after a decade of roid use, eating big, and lifting heavy, standing beside the then Mr. Olympia, making him look small. I will not be Mr. Olympia, of course. I will be too obscene, to grotesquely large for that stage. Unjudgeable. An anomaly that no one will understand. Just being so much larger than Mr. Oympia will give me satisfaction enough. Or will it? Probably not. I’ll still want to be bigger. Much bigger. “Hey, look.” Tom taps me on my trap. It must feel like stone to his little hand. He’s a cardio junkie, who runs on the treadmill more often than he pumps iron. He draws my attention to the other end of the room, past the rows of benches, machines, and free weights, to the gym entrance. A Colossal man has entered. He looks like a competitive bodybuilder, bigger than anyone else here, but not as big I one day hope to be. “I bet he can’t even wipe his own ass,” Tom whispers to me. “Yeah,” I say, eying the mass monster with envy. Tom meant his comment to be derisive, but my cock twitched at the thought. Oh, to be that big. So big, I can’t touch my back. So big, I can’t wipe my own ass. Obese with lean, hard, thick, dense, beautiful mounds of muscle, forcing my arms to stick out stiff like the branches of a tree, and making me walk with a waddle. “You’re not planning to get that big, are you?” Tom asks with mock concern plastered on his face. “Not that big,” I say. “Bigger.” I grin devilishly and stare into his brown eyes. Tom looks at me with surprise and scratches his scalp, his hand getting lost in his mop of black hair. “Really?” He says. “It’s just not practical, you know. Maybe another 10 or 15 pounds on you and you’d be perfect.” “Fuck practical.” I laugh. “If I wanted practical, I’d have taken up swimming. I took up lifting because I want to be huge, with a capital H U G and E!” “You’re already pretty huge, dude.” Compared to you. “Nah, this isn’t huge.” I flex my arms, watching as the peaks rise like little mountains. I can see the separation between the long and short heads. They glisten with sweat. If I was home, I would whip my cock out and masturbate to my hot body, but I’m not home and not trying to go to jail (Though half the gym would probably enjoy the show). Instead, I must be content to just look at them, basking in my own vanity. Tom watches me ogling myself and I see him shake his head in the mirror, though he’s smiling, staring at my arms, as well. Tom reaches out quickly and steals a squeeze. His fingers don’t dent the hard muscle. They linger just a little too long, I think, for a straight man. Was he straight? I wasn’t sure. I sure as hell am not. “Pretty huge,” he says and gives me a look. Envy? Lust? Admiration? Sometimes a look can be so hard to read. “Well, I’m done.” I rise up to my full 6-foot height. Two inches taller than Tom. “Gotta go eat.” “See you next time, dude. I’m gonna hit the treadmill.” Tom gives me a pound and we part ways. As I leave the workout area, I spy the massive bodybuilder shoulder pressing with 100-pound dumbbells, His massive muscles swelling up with each rep. One day, I think, one day. In the locker room, I pull a pre-mixed mass-gainer shake from my gym bag and chug it, before leaving. The shake has 1200 calories and 50 grams of protein to fuel my continued growth. I flex in the mirrors near the sink, standing between two smaller men, enjoying the sight of my pumped-up physique and wishing the pump would never go away. I must be standing there too long, because I get strange looks. Look at that vain guy they must be thinking. Meathead. Dumb jock. My cock is rock hard. The pleasure I experience from my own body is magnified by their stares. I stand further back, peel off my sweat-soaked tank, and drop my joggers so my striated quads are on full display. The teardrop in my legs bulges forward, perfectly defined. I love my symmetry, my veins, my leanness. The only thing I don’t love is my size. Too small. I want more. More. MORE! The thought of more fills my head as I drive home. It fills my head as I consume my first of two dinners (Chicken breast, sweet potatoes, and broccoli). As I masturbate naked in front of my full-length mirror. As I inject the syringe of test into my glutes. As I drink my casein shake before bed. And as I check my messages before finally getting some shut eye. I have a message from a potential muscle-worship client. It reads: Hey Liam. My name is Jessie. Tom referred me to you. He’s a friend of mine and said you do muscle-worship sessions. I checked out your picks online and would love to meet up. You’re hot! Tom knows I do muscle-worship. It was never something I tried to hide. Getting big is expensive and I do whatever it takes to pay for it. After I had mentioned it to him months ago, however, he never bought it up to me again. He certainly never referred a client to me. I honestly thought he had forgotten all about it. Me and the potential client message each other back and forth, discussing desires, boundaries, payment, and any other particulars. It turns out he lives nearby, and we agree to meet the following night. I go to bed exited. I love being worshipped. It makes me feel like the muscle god I one day hope to grow in to. The next day I go to my job at GNC, workout, eat, and shower and, when the evening rolls around, I get dressed in a pair of black tapered joggers, white sneakers, and a very tight white henley. I drive to our agreed upon meeting spot, a picnic park near a nature preserve on the edge of town. Jessie had said he wanted to worship me outdoors, under the stars. I admit, I thought it was a little strange, but I had spoken with Tom over the phone during the day and he assured me Jessie was a normal guy (albeit very obsessed with muscle), not a psycho. His words eased my doubts. I swagger across the wet grass of the park; the cool night air is bracing. Jessie stands beside a picnic table, a cone of lamp light illuminating the space around him. I smile. He waves. Jessie’s hair is blonde, made golden by the lamp light. His face is average, but his smile is perfect, big and welcoming. When I reach him, I see that he is very short, maybe 5’ 4’’. He wears blue jeans and a red t-shirt, that drapes his twig body like a sheet. He is 21 but could pass for 16. “Hello,” I say, looking down at him, and extending my hand. “Hey,” he says, his eyes moving over my whole body. He smiles even wider as my large, calloused hands envelope his soft, small ones. I feel a tingle when we touch, like static, a slight electric pulse that starts in my hand, moves up my arm, and courses through my body causing my muscles to twitch. I’ve heard of sparks flying between two people, but I didn’t think it literally happened. “So, little guy. You like muscle, huh?” I ask, smiling cockily as I bounce my thick pecs. “Oh, yeah.” He is eye level with my chest. “Well, feast your eyes-” I go to remove my shirt, but he stops me with a “no”. He wants to worship me with my clothes on. Strange. “Why?” I ask. “No one’s ever wanted that before. Don’t you want to see what’s under this shirt?” I do a double bicep pose. “You’re paying for a full show.” “Oh, I’ll see it soon enough, believe me,” he says. “But it’s more fun for me this way. You’re not attached to these clothes, are you?” “No. Why?” “You’ll see.” He reaches out and feels my arm, squeezing my bicep, as I flex. There goes that electric pulse again. He can’t fit both of his tiny hands around my arm. I find that so hot. I look from my arm to his and can’t believe how much bigger I am than him. It’s like comparing a log to a stick. My arm seems to grow tighter against the fabric of my shirt, stretching the cloth to its limits. “God, you’re big,” Jessie says. “Not big enough,” I reply. “You’ll grow,” he says. “I know.” “No, you’ll grow tonight.” I look him in the eyes. They are piercing. Serious. Sexy. I wonder what he means by ‘you’ll grow tonight’, as he runs his hands from my biceps to my chest. Another pulse. My shirt grows tighter. I feel like I have the biggest pump, like I’ve down 50 reps of bench flies. I perform a most muscular pose and when I look down at my arms, I notice one is bigger than the other. The first arm Jessie touched, my right, is bigger than my left! “Wha-?” I look down at it, concerned, eyes ready to jump from my head. Jessie immediately grips my smaller arm. Electric pulse. It grows to match the size of the larger one. I estimate that Jessie has added 2 inched to both of my arms. Impossible. “What are you doing to me?” “I have a peculiar talent,” Jessie says. “I can fulfill men’s dreams about their bodies by just touching them.” I stare at him, incredulous. It sounds unbelievable, but… I squeeze my arms and they truly are bigger. I’m not imagining it, so… It’s real! “Most men I’ve touched just want to be hotter, a little bigger, a little more defined, a little this, a little that,” Jessie continues “But I’ve longed to touch someone with truly immense goals. When Tom told me about you, I knew I had found my man.” “I dreamed of being much bigger than this,” I say. “Well, I’m not done worshipping you yet. The change doesn’t come all at once.” Jessie reaches up and takes my shoulders in his hands. “Tell me how much you love to grow. I want to hear.” “I love growing bigger,” I say. “It’s the best feeling in the world. It’s all I think about. Bigger. Bigger! BIGGER! So big I have trouble fitting through doorways. So big I brush up against ceilings. So big, furniture crumbles beneath my weight.” “Yes!” Jessie screams. “That’s what I hoped. That’s why I wanted to worship you outside. To give you room to grow, to expand to the full extent of your dreams. Grow for me. Grow!” I’ve grown stiff as a two by four, pitching a tent in my joggers. His cock is hard as well. His jeans show an ever-expanding wet spot. Jessie rubs my shoulders vigorously and I feel them expand, my traps as well, rise up, consuming my neck. I stretch outward, Jessie’s hands moving farther and farther apart with my expanding body. My delts are obscene, literally the size of cantaloupes. And them: Boom! My Henley gives out. It was amazingly stretchy and put up a good fight, but it is no match for my expanding frame. It tears, with a loud Rip! exploding off me in ribbons and drifting to the grass. Jessie moves back to my arms. They expand again. 20 inches. 21 inches. 22. 23. 24. 25…29. They are bigger around than Jessies waist. The bicep alone is the size of his head. The electric pulses coursing through my body with every touch feel orgasmic. I never want it to stop. I raise my arms as jessie is still gripping one of my biceps, raising him off the ground. He lets go, landing on his feet and begins to work over my torso. He grips my lats and they spread out like a cobra’s neck, as he runs his tongue over my sweaty abs. Each ab grows to the size of a fist, with grooves between them, impossibly deep. I can’t help but run my fingers up and down them, over and over again, like strumming a guitar. I must be a queer sight, a real-life Jonny Bravo. My upper body is colossal, yet my legs are the same size as before. I look like I might topple over, but, as though he knows what I am thinking, Jessie goes to his knees and begins to worship my glutes, quads, and calves. My ass juts backward. I hear the seam in back split, yielding to my new bubble butt. My quads and calves grow, expanding outward, but they also grow longer as the bones in my legs stretch out. I am growing taller! Jussie stands up and runs his fingers up and down my spine. It grows as well, stretching my torso out. I rise into the air, now over 7 feet tall. My expanding leg muscles are too much for my jogger and underwear. They suffer the same fate as my shirt and burst to threads, exposing my rock-hard 9-inch cock. The muscles of my inner thigh push my legs apart forcing me to walk with a waddle. I feel a little awkward on my size twelve feet. They weren’t made for this much mass. But once again Jussie seems to read my mind. He places his hand on my feet and they burst through my sneakers. I kick the tattered fragments of leather away, with my knew size twenty feet, which sink slightly into the ground, under my new weight. I can’t imagine how much I must weigh, but it must be well in excess of 600 pounds. I am so wide, so thick. Every muscle is developed beyond reason. I can only lumber forward, stiffly, and hit approximations of the major body building poses. I can’t touch my ass, or my toes. I can barely touch my own head because my biceps get in the way. I love it! As I look down at my shredded body, covered in a web of bulging veins I realize with concern I can hardly see my manhood over my pec shelf. “You can make everything grow, can’t you?” I ask. “Of course. What man’s dream would be complete without making that grow.” Jessie grins slyly and lunges for my throbbing cock. He places both of his hands on it, lubricated by his on saliva and begins to stroke it up and down. I’m in heaven as I feel it thicken and lengthen, growing heavier. When he is done it is 18 inches long and as thick as a gutter pipe My balls have grown as well. They hang low, as large a navel oranges. I don’t care how impractical it is. It’s my dream and it is fulfilled. Wait until Tom and everyone at the gym sees me tomorrow, I think. Jessie, steps back, admiring his handiwork, looking up at the god he created from my fantasy. I am a freak, the most grotesquely muscled being the world has ever seen, so musclebound I won’t be able to work. I will have to hire live in help, just to go about my daily life. The thought arouses me so much I feel my balls churn and cock twitch. I blow my load without even touching them and what a load it is. It shoots out of my cock with such force, that when it strikes Jessie, and it sends him flying back several feet. “Oh my God!” I say, “sorry, little guy.” Secretly I love how powerful my cumshot is. Jessie lies on his back a few seconds, before rising up to a sitting position. His face and torso are dripping with my sticky cum. It dangles in thick ribbons from his chin as he shakes his head and wipes it from his eyes. He smiles widely and licks the cum from his lips. “Are you happy?” Jessie asks. “I know I am.” I flex my muscles, my massive member bobbing in front of me, dripping cum. “I’m happy, but I think I can dream bigger…much bigger.” Jessie rises to his feet and walks towards me, his magic hands outstretched, and I close my eyes, imagining myself bigger and bigger still. There goes that electric pulse again.
  8. dreamboy

    The Gym Janitor Final Chaoter

    I wanna preface this by saying that I apologize for taking so long to wrap this story up. It has been months! But life happens and the groove of things gets lost. Hopefully, this is a satisfying ending. Brace yourselves because this is a very long final chapter. Enjoy! *** “Open.” My lips parted like the red sea. Eagerly vacant and ready to eat just like a baby bird with its mother. Everything was running in slow motion. My eyes darted toward master’s pouted lips gunning a wad of saliva. Drip by drip, his essence glazed down my tongue, through my hole, tickling my uvula softly. “Good bitch!” he growled. His beastly hand gripped my jaw tightly and then took off before smacking my cheek. Many would find discomfort in this, but being with him inverted my nerves, what would cause me pain, suddenly shot down my spine and straight to my cock. The rubbing of his leather suit as he walked me on all fours to his couch echoed, reminiscing about our first encounter in the echoey locker room. He plopped himself across the couch. Pulling at the belt, drawing my head near him. His hot breath steamed my face, smelling of fresh mint. “You’ve wanted this for a while huh?” he whispered. I nodded. I dreaded working the night shift ever since Kyle began scheduling me for it. Every second in what was supposed to be the place where your mind clears out all of the terrible things was a place where I desired to end it all. The night that master set foot on that gym floor, I knew I was supposed to work the night shift for a reason. Where I thought I was working in the bane of my existence delivered to me the sole reason I existed. To serve. To surrender. To become nothing. To become my master’s nothing. “Say it,” he gripped the belt tighter. “Yes.” I gulped. “Yes what?” he barked “Yes- master” I gasped. He forced my head in the direction of his boots. “The best worship starts at the base,” he released his grasp from the belt loosely giving me enough distance to crawl to the other end of his 6-foot frame. My paws were caressing the bulky boots’ laces. Inches away, the strong familiar odor marinated around them. A small part of my brain tickled me pink from the bliss. “Take that dirty boot off you cunt!” master ordered. I swiftly removed the boot and pressed the entry against my snout. A deep inhale permeated my lungs like that first sip of ice water you take after waking up. “Without me even having to tell you,” master snarked, “there’s a good girl.” His calling me “girl” made my hole pulsate. I fixed my eyes on his bare feet. “Just for you,” he wiggled his toes, “I wore no socks the entire day at work.” I moaned at the sight of his sweaty, linty, feet. “Dig in,” he growled. My mouth engulfed his big toe like it was the head of a cock in one slurp. My tongue was sandwiched by his other toes as I slobbered. “Fuuuuuuck yea babe,” he moaned, “just like that. Who’s my good girl?” “Me master,” I spoke. “That’s for fucking sure. How do you like that taste, live up to your expectations?” he asked knowingly. “Its taste is unlocking new tastebuds I never knew I had, I am in ecstasy master,” I moaned. “Of course you are, and what do we say to master?” he asked. “Thank you,” I whimpered. “That’s right,” he leaned back and cupped his bulge, “you keep sucking and I might let you suck something else.” My oral skills were tested, but despite how tiring it can be, my comfort was sacrificed at the expense of his relaxation. My tongue and saliva can even go hours on end until it turns into beef jerky just so he can be satisfied. His sweaty feet pressed against my cheek, draping me in master’s scent. Minutes flew by. “Stop,” he commanded as he stood up from the couch. My leash tightened as he walked us into his bedroom. The door croaked open to expose the golden dome of the master bedroom. The penthouse suite. Fit for a king. “I am impressed,” he glanced, “not a single speck of dust even in the remote to my television, all of my files stacked neatly, my bedsheets practically ironed against the mattress. Open up.” His spit fired inches above my mouth, but before I could swallow, his lips pressed against mine. Was this happening right now? Did Master reward me with a kiss? “Again.” Again. “Swallow.” Swallow. “You liked that?” He beamed. “Yes, master.” “No bitch,” he cackled, “remember the term.” “Yes Daddy,” I gooned. “Good bitch,” he grinned. “Get up here.” He yanked my leash with brute force and my face was met with the crevice of his pit in a split second. The bush tickled my face and slipped into my nostrils completely fumigating my cranium. The smell of new like the smell of brand-new shoes blended in with expensive cologne and musky sweat. Delirium. “Lick that shit bitch!” My tired tongue brushed its surface with Daddy’s armpit hairs. His damp surface hydrated my drying tongue oh so slightly, but just enough to drive me to keep going. Eventually, I trailed my lather towards his nipple. His pec shelf enveloped me with sweat on his chest. “Hell yeah,” Daddy moaned, “you ready?” Without a second thought, he held my skull like a bowl and squeezed me into himself. The tip of my nose touched the base of his skin and my breathing lacked. Both ends of my cheeks hid in the middle of his suffocating bosom. I tapped his shoulder three times for him to release his grasp on me. “You’re at my mercy,” he huffed, “but don’t worry babe I’ll take care of you. I know when to let you breathe. Appreciate the mere fact that you’re getting to do this. Imagine the long line of closeted subs who just gawk at me from afar at the gym. But not you huh bitch? You had the guts to own up to it. To own up to your place beneath me. That’s my good bitch. That’s the sub that deserves to be suffocated by my pecs. A sub that gets to worship me!” A loud growl erupted from his lips as he let go of me. I let out a deep heavy sigh of pleasure. The pain of the pressure is molding me into his jewel for him to flaunt. Just like the rest of his golden throne and life of luxury, another piece of property manifests itself into the sub that I am becoming. Something he owns that he prides himself in. “Fuck yeah boy c’mere,” he growled. Our lips interfaced, violent wrestling against each other, but he reigns first. His tongue pierced inside my mouth filling the cavity and swirling inside. The sensation was so surreal my cock immediately ruptured with cum. My entire body twitched as he kept kissing me. Large strips of cum shot against Daddy’s hairy torso. His hand caressed my nipple triggering an even more euphoric sensation that made me ejaculate more. “You were supposed to wait for my command,” he chuckled, “but knowing THAT’S the power I hold over you is getting me bricked.” He undid his pants to reveal the gargantuan cock underneath. The massive Pringles can likeness of cock swung between us, dwarfing my leaking clit. “My turn,” he raised his eyebrows, “I’ll work you through it, but you WILL reach the base of my cock.” I assumed the position on all fours meeting at eye level with his cock. Already leaking precum, like a lollipop I engulfed the head. The back of my mouth bobbs up and down as he thrusts his hips in unison. “Fuck yeah baby,” he moaned, “suck it like it’s the air you breathe.” His comments inspired me to throat him more. My gag reflex was fighting demons as I furthered his shaft down my throat. The reflex won over as his tip scratched the top of my throat. “Fuck you suck it so good,” Daddy panted, “you suck better than any bitch I’ve had before. DAMN! Look at you, a cock starved whore! That’s a good girl!” With his member still in me I moaned as if my G-spot was in my throat. In and out he slid, a rhythm not even the world’s most renowned musicians could replicate. The gagging mixed with the slobbering all to the beat of my master’s panting. The face fuck of a lifetime. “Oh keep sucking it just like that,” he stroked his hips back and forth faster. My airways sealed but I couldn't care less. A hardwired lust grew tender within me. My gag reflex began to dissipate as every inch penetrated my hole. The edges of my lips lubricated in saliva and snot. The musky ball sweat imprinted across my skin. “You ready boy?” He shouted. “Open that fucking throat. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head as each shot pulsated and traversed down my throat. And the base of his cock kissed my lips. “Swallow it all!” He barked. “Don’t you dare waste a drop!” And swallow it I did. The sea salt kettle corn flavor of his buttery cum immersed the pores of my tongue. The most addicting substance of all. “Finally,” I sighed. “Haha!” Daddy cackled. “How was it, boy?” “Purposeful,” I began, “like a piece of me was missing.” “I am that missing piece,” he huffed, “nothing will ever feel as good as serving your master, will it boy?” “No Daddy,” I bit my lip. “Your mind is mine,” he growled, “your clit is mine, your holes are mine, but above it all…” He leans forward and kisses me. “You are mine.” He smirked. “Understood?” “Yes sir!” I said. “You only respond to me from now on,” he said sternly, “quit your job. Fuck Kyle. His piece of shit gym does not deserve someone as attentive as you. I’ll take care of you from this moment forward.” His beastly hand caressed my cheek ever so softly. My eyes watered with joy as I realized how blissful it is to serve. To devote every fiber of my being to him. To abide by what he says cause in the end, I gain a lifetime of exploring his psyche, his desires, and his strength. “Or does that not sound promising enough?” he asked knowingly. “Yes,” I chuckled, “I am yours. I answer to you alone master. No matter the odds. I'm just taken aback by how I kept sniffing your sweaty rag a few days ago, to getting the privilege of you cumming in me all within a week!” “That’s a good boy,” he winked, “it is a privilege, but this is just the beginning.” He smacked my ass and nudged me towards the restroom. “Let’s get ya’ cleaned up.” The End
  9. DawnFire98

    Posing with love and heart

    POSING WITH LOVE AND HEART ( or: A birthday gift from the heart) Hello, everyone! DawnFire98 here. Wrote a little something. What’s included? Heartbeats and muscular dudes, my two favorite things. This took way longer than I expected (might have been two years). It’s not perfect at all, but it’s done. Also: English isn’t my first language. So, if you guys have any tips (pertaining either the story or language like grammar, tense, or spelling) write me in the comments. Feedback/Constructive criticism is welcome. But without further ado: to the story! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Come on, you’ve got this! Six more reps!” “ARGH!” “Again!” “URGH!” “One more!”, Milo encourages. Duke snarls and pulls the cables forward. Pecs explode into a writhing mass of veins and thick muscle fibers. “Three…two…one!” “Shit!”, yells Duke, and the weight stacks of the cable crossover machine crash down with a loud clang. Tipping his head back in exhaustion, the shirtless bodybuilder closes his eyes and gropes the burning slab of beef he calls “pec muscle”. His heart slams relentlessly against the palm of his hand. A smile forms on his lips. He loves it. The veins throbbing under his tight skin. Blood rushing through his ears. Sweat running down his back. And all that for his sweet honey pie Milo. This late evening, the two are alone in Duke’s home gym. Today was Milo’s 23rd birthday, so they threw a little birthday party with their best friends. After the guests left, Duke (older by one year) lured him into their little oasis of iron and announced, that he had a surprise for him. Now, “Big Bear” pumps himself up as part of his own personal gift. “Awesome job, man!”, applauds Milo and gives him a towel. “Fuck, that was a good workout!”, pants Duke and wipes the sweat off his face, his black buzz cut twinkling under the lights. The strawberry blond leans towards his boyfriend and rubs the giant’s shoulders. “And it was nice to look at, too.” Feeling the solid mass under his fingers makes his dick judder. With a hungry smile, Duke places his huge paws on the shorter guy’s butt. Pulling him closer, he growls: “What do you say? Ready for your gift?” “Yes…” Getting sucked into dark eyes, Milo hugs the big bear’s bulging traps and strokes his neck. It doesn’t matter that Duke is hot and sweaty or that his musk surrounds him like a cloud. Being so close to his massive hunk always sends him to cloud nine. Eager hands trail down a heaving, furry, barrel-like chest. One simple flex turns squishable beef into solid rock. Usually, Milo would bury his face in the big guy’s pec ravine and lick every inch of it. And yet, he knows something even hotter. Letting his fingers wander lower, he stops underneath the overhang of Dukes left pec, right between his ribs. And there he feels it: the big bear’s enormous heart, shaking his chest with each forceful beat. Sometimes, Milo wishes he possessed x-ray vision so he can see how the heart muscle works. But for now, his sense of touch would suffice. Duke leans down towards his lover’s ear and whispers: “If I hadn’t planned this surprise a few days ago I would do you right here on this bench.” Milo shudders as something long and thick rubs against his thigh. But before he can say anything, his lovely boyfriend heaves him over his boulder-shoulder. “Next stop: our bedroom!”, Duke exclaims, as he carries him through the door and upstairs. “Let me down, you goofball!”, Milo protests under laughter. “Sorry, but you’re just too cute”, the giant says after putting the birthday boy down, and kisses him. Milo presses his lips against Dukes. “So, what’s the big surprise?”, he asks and sits down on the edge of the bed. But Duke stays quiet and positions himself in front of it. With a sly grin, the beast of a man pulls a little, red disc out of his shorts. Two short black ribbons stick out on the sides. At first glance, you would mistake it for a watch or a toy. Milo’s jaw drops. Mesmerized, he watches how the off-season bodybuilder places the equipment under his left pec. “H-How did you…get this?”, he stammers. “Had a favor to cash in”, Duke answers absentmindedly while tapping away on his phone. The little red speaker next to him chimes. He looks up with a grin. His honey pie has no idea, what he’s about to get into. “You are so going to love this.” BA-DUMP, BA-DUMP, BA-DUMP, BA-DUMP. Loud and deep thumps echo through the room. Milo’s neck hair stands up at the sound. His eyes widen. “Fuck me sideways.” Duke chuckles, as he pulls down his black gym shorts to reveal night blue posing trunks. “Maybe later.” With a thick finger, he points towards Milo. “Happy birthday, my love. This is for you.” Slowly, the bodybuilder raises his arms and flexes. Monumental arms explode into beefy, hard mountains. The biceps? Solid rocks. Pencil-thick veins spread out across thick, hairy forearms like spiderwebs. One of the veins climbs up the right bicep peak before plunging into the bulging mass of the anterior delt. The red-blond pinches his wrist. No, this isn’t a dream – this is really happening. His most personal fantasy coming to life. To hear that bloodpump work in real-time is surreal. “What gave you the idea for this?”, Milo wants to know. Duke relaxes the pose. “Every time we watch bodybuilding competitions, your eyes light up”, he huffs. “So why not give you a personal show, one-on-one?” Accompanied by the constant thud of his heart, he sets his hands on his hips. As he takes in a deep breath, his chest shelf bumps against his chin. Solid lats stretch out further and further. It’s like watching a flower bloom. “You always say this is one of my best poses”, Duke comments. “It still is”, the redhead mutters under his breath with rosy cheeks and his dick throbs in agreement. Making a quarter turn to the right, Duke slides into his next pose: the Side Chest and Biceps Pose. He clenches his hands together next to his waist. Pecs don’t just flex; they blow up into mounds of hard beef. Lifting the heel of his foot? BAM! Calves hard as diamonds. Instantly, his heart thumps harder against his ribs. Looking down, he sees his left pec surging forward with every beat. BA-DUPP, BA-DUPP, BA-DUPP, BA-DUPP! “Fuck yeah!”, Duke hisses and throws a cheeky grin at his audience. But how can he tease him even more? Suddenly, his chest bounces in time with the massive ticker powering his whole body. The effect is immediate. “Ughn…SHIT!” Before Milo knows it, precum spills into his grey shorts. His mind goes back to the night he told Duke about his fetish. Third time they had sex, both of them in bed. To this point, the college student didn’t tell anyone about his fascination with buff guys and their gigantic, strong hearts. The fear of losing his newfound love wrecked him. But instead of being weirded out, Duke reacted understanding and enthusiastic. “UFFF!” A sharp exhale snaps Milo out of the memory. Burly hills and valleys spread out and transform into the hairy wall that is Duke’s back. Milo’s legs tense, ready to jump up. To carry him towards his Hercules, so he can run his hands over every inch of that godly body. But where would he even begin? Should he knead the traps first? Or massage his lats? How would the ginger even be able to walk with that boner? Not knowing what to do, he clenches the bed sheets. The dark-haired stud looks over his hulking shoulder. “Do you like your birthday gift so far?”, he purrs as he lifts his arm in a one-armed Rear Biceps Pose. Milo’s lips only let out a hoarse “Yes…”. Turning around and looking over towards his red-blonde Adonis, Duke notices him clenching the sheets. Once his eyes veer down further, the big bear’s smile widens. He made him do this! Knowing that sends a jolt of arousal through his dick. Placing his two bazookas behind his head, Duke crunches his body together in an Abs and Thighs Pose. Six cinderblocks, stacked on top of each other, fight their way through the slight layer of fat. Then, there are those legs. Those big, hairy legs. “Columns of power”, as Milo loves to call them. Teardrop-shaped quads bulge into all four directions. Even if they don’t possess the craziest definition, they’re overflowing with mass. “And now, for the big finale!”, Duke bellows. Roaring silently, the big man leans forward and squeezes his vein-covered arms together in front of his waist. Trap muscles rise but stop just two hairs short of tickling his ears. Pecs surge into a tsunami of muscle, while the core stays tight. Veins run over the kegs, that are Dukes quads and calves, like drops of beer over a cold glass. Meanwhile, the hard-working cardiac muscle gives its best performance. BADUPPBADUPPBADUPP! The muscles. The veins. The heartbeat. It’s all too much. Milo pulls his dick out of his shorts just in time, before he topples over the edge. “OH FUCK!” Everything goes white. Bursts of cum spray out of the birthday boy’s dick, as he convulses in euphoria. Sparks of pleasure light up his body, before he falls back on the bed. As he comes back to life, he pants: “Best birthday gift ever!” Duke laughs, his arms crossed over his chest. “Glad you enjoyed it. But now I need a shower.” He stops at the door, his hairy back glistening from the sweat. “Wanna come?” Milo looks down at his soaked shorts and blotches of cum on his tank top. “…Yup.” And so, the bear and his honey pie wander into the bathroom, as their night of lust comes to an end. THE END
  10. Chapter 1: Uncut? I like my men uncut. Both ways. Muscle and cock. Muscle: Heavy, off-season big. Cock: Natural, and full-grown. Finding just one? Hard. Hard enough. Both, on the same man? That’s a whole unicorn. Don’t let anybody tell you not to dream big. It was one of those crisp October mornings, the kind that makes you glad for a warm drink and the chance to eye a few rugged men across the way. They were hauling crates and setting up their booths. Micha sat at his table, stocked with tinctures and mushroom blends, all neatly labeled and set out for the kind of crowd that appreciates the finer things. But the name of his seasonal mix did tend to raise a few eyebrows. “Cocktober Uncut,” the label read, big and bold. Micha was aware of every raised eyebrow, every murmured what exactly is in this as people wandered past his booth, trying to act casual. His personal best seller—a blend meant to “enhance vigor,” or so he claimed with a wink—was a surprising hit. And while most customers just blushed or ignored the power-packed bottle, a few brave souls, usually the type with beards and flannel, would ask, “Does it work?” How to sell it? Give them a slow smile and a shrug that says, Oh, you’ll find out. Across the way, a man Micha'd been eyeing all morning—tall, broad, wrapped in a thick worn Carhartt jacket—emerged from his produce truck. He was pulling a few crates stacked high with big pumpkins and unusually large acorn squash. Micha ran his hand through his hair, watching for veins on those big hands across the way. When everything else is so covered, veins are the dead giveaway. Is it muscle, or is it fat? The guy reached up to unload a crate piled with pumpkins. Micha zeroed in like he's sighting down the barrel of a high-powered rifle, every muscle in his body going still. He squinted, lips pressed into a line of deadly focus. Deep breath in, eyes sharpening, tracking every inch of forearm. Sunlight glinted off the muscle, but—damn it—nothing rising. Nothing moving. Today’s vein report: low visibility. The bulk under that flannel could be regular fat. Or it might be no regular farm muscle, so strong, so big, lifting a heavy crate of pumpkins didn't make this man twitch. What are you hiding under all that soft flannel and heavy canvass? Anything big and round enough for me to lick? The earthy scent of his spiced blend mushroom mocha topped with sweet cream…this aroma always takes Micha back, every fall. He’d had one uncut man in his bed before—a rare man, like a unicorn—and damn if it hadn’t been everything Micha thought it would be. The man's warm skin, his soft glide, the way it felt watching the man lose himself. The man didn’t hold back—didn’t have to. Natural, pure pleasure. Just remembering, Micha’s gut schlicked, pulling at him, sparking his heat, like he’s flicking his thumb on his steel zippo lighter, the one with the custom-etched rose and single jutting shroom shooting towards the stars. Then, of course, there was the slap of reality afterward. Since God blessed America, all the boys have been cut. Micha spiraled his thumb over the soft rubbery round black dropper top of his Cocktober Uncut. All I wanted? Was the choice. As a man. A waft of earth and his favorite woodsy mushrooms floated up from his table, pulling him back. He adjusted the label on the “Cocktober Uncut” blend, glancing back to farmer in flannel across the way. He couldn't quite tell, but he let himself wonder. This might be my chance. Sure, Micha was trying to rein it in, pretending to focus on arranging his tinctures and mushroom powders. But his mind kept catching on the broad-shouldered figure covering up every damn thing in the sun with a Carhartt too big for even his bulk. Ridiculous how easy it was to imagine what could be under there. Could be uncut muscle, he thought, eyeing the guy’s hefty frame with a hint of a smirk. Born and blessed with a hot tongue, Micha knew he could get a man for himself. But for some reason, this guy had him rethinking his strategy, got his heart thudding at the thought of actually finding a big man who might just tick all his boxes. Two, to be exact. Two in one. Uncut cock, and heavy uncut offseason muscle. And damn it, the mystery was getting to him. His grin softened. Keep the jacket on, big guy, he thought, to calm himself down. It’s more fun to imagine. Uncut muscle, he mused, letting himself get lost in the idea. Maybe. Just maybe. The man could be a solid slab of potential. Broad shoulders, probably hefting those crates like they’re paperweights, thick biceps that might be making that flannel groan …all wrapped in a jacket so thick? He’s got to be hiding something underneath. Either something so underwhelming he dresses it down, or something impressive enough to keep it quiet. Sure, maybe the double uncut dream was as rare as a unicorn. Micha knows, he was gonna have to find a man not made in America. But don’t let anybody tell you not to dream big. The big guy reached for one of his own wine bottles, the deep green glass catching the light in his hand as he turned to a young couple standing with him. The couple looked fresh out of college, with the feathery but pressed-clean hippie look Micha knew well. Berkeley. She was holding her guy’s arm. He was tangling their fingers together behind their asses. They listened to the man’s low and rolling voice. Probably explaining something about the grapes. Or maybe the way he processes the soil. Micha couldn't hear the words. Didn't matter. The words don't matter. The depth and roll does. He narrowed his eyes, focusing in. Come on, roll that shoulder, big guy. Give me something. Micha let his fingers linger on the neck of his own tiny amber bottle. The guy’s hand wrapped around a gleaming green antique glass—his big, sturdy fingers, his broad palm, covering it with ease. Mmhm. Big boned. He’s got that, for sure. The way the guy moved, handling the bottles like they were empty instead of corked and full to the brim, the slow flex of his grip… enough to make Micha imagine: Biceps big enough to make lifting heavy weight look easy, pecs straining under all that flannel. Hell, there could be more power and size packed into those arms than he’d ever seen up close. Could be hiding a lot of mass under that damn canvass jacket. And damn if I'm not going to find out.
  11. Rodolfo tied the harness around his waist, making sure the rope was securely attached to the bus full of college kids. Juan clung to his back, feeling the power of his younger brother's muscles as he prepared himself for the day's feat. With a strong push, Rodolfo started walking, dragging the bus behind him. The roar of the bus engine mingled with the whoops and gasps of the students, as Rodolfo moved easily forward. With each step he took, his muscles bulged more, as if they were about to burst. His muscles are already enormous, with bulging veins and a strength that seems almost inhuman. Students watch in amazement as they stand behind the bus, ready to push if necessary. Rodolfo, with his brother Juan still hanging from his back, concentrates and takes a deep breath. His muscles tense and bulge even more, looking almost like they are going to explode from so much force. With a whoop of effort, he pulls the bus up and the students feel him start to move. Rodolfo's muscles are a wonder to behold. Each one is perfectly defined, with a clear line of separation between each muscle group. His arms are huge, with biceps and triceps that look like footballs. His shoulders are broad and strong, and his chest is broad and deep. His back is a true marvel, with muscles like waves on a rough sea. And his abdomen is a solid plate of muscle that looks like it was carved out of stone. As he pulls the bus, Rodolfo grunts with effort while his macho voice echoes through the mountains, but it seems to have no limits. His muscles continue to grow, bigger and more defined, as if powered by some unknown force. The bus moves faster, and the students whoop with excitement as they feel propelled forward. Rodolfo's shirt bursts to pieces, revealing his imposing, muscular torso. His abdominal muscles form a grid of firm bulges, while his pectorals spread out like enormous wings. The scene is simply impressive, a display of strength and power that looks like something out of an action movie. And at the center of it all is Rodolfo, with the biggest and strongest muscles ever seen. With each step his breathing is more agitated, but he continues steadily pulling the bus full of students, his muscles seemed to grow with each breath, becoming visually more imposing. Juan, his older brother and defenseless of him who hung with his best grip on the muscular teenager's back, couldn't believe the experience he was living. The desire for his brother was a profound ecstasy, and his love for him was beyond brotherly. Rodolfo had become a titan, a true alpha male, and he was the alpha male of his family, the breadwinner, and the one who worked two jobs to support them all. Therefore, Juan knew of his inferior position to his huge younger brother. He was submissive and obedient to him. I am the oldest, I am 35 years old. But I promised Rodolfo to be as fat and weak as I could, so that he can use me as a weight for his exercises. This had become a master dog domination. Ecstasy takes me up to heaven and moves me among the stars. I never imagined feeling so much pleasure from feeling, touching, licking and cumming from a man's body, except my brother's, who is now the most powerful alpha male and Olympian of all time. My brother is everything I love and desire in the world, he is my alpha male, the dominating man in the house. Oh my god, it's a constant orgasm! My penis is about to explode, I can't stop ejaculating at such a display of strength and domination. My brother is only 18 years old. Juan's penis was stuck between the enormous muscles of Rodolfo's back, it was such a thin and flaccid penis that it fit perfectly between the thirsty muscles of the god who had become his younger brother, so he could not stop ejaculating over and over again in the face of such dominance and physical stimulation. Semen dripped like sticky beads between the chiseled dorsal muscles. Generating the hottest scene college students had ever seen in his life. Suddenly everyone was touching their genitals and masturbating fiercely for such a show of divinity. Rodolfo realized what was happening, but for him it was just his daily exercise routine. He had reached a point in his physical training, that his body functioned like a mesh of perfect systems, capable of withstanding any challenge. His penis became erect immediately, only his willpower was enough for the erect penis of 35 cm and thick as a liter bottle, tore his pants into pieces and flew off This is a photo of my brother 3 years ago, before the roles in my family changed. Do you want to know more about this story?
  12. KingDryops

    King Dryops: Chapters 1-3

    He was my plaything. He didn’t even know how beautiful he was as I spread his asscheeks and owned every inch of him. He was gripping his legs and lifting them almost vertical, the powerful bulges of hamstrings and calf muscles producing an erotic, tormenting display. His abs were crunched into an obscene display of ridges and valleys. His pecs almost colliding with his chin. Every inch of him was tortuously displayed as he released pant after pant in exquisite agony as I penetrated him and made him mine. He never seemed to understand just how I used him. My thick cock, the size of most men’s forearms, was violating his rectum and breaking him in ways he couldn’t even imagine. He was too dumb. It wasn’t my fault Carl was that way - I’d helped him along physically, but the mental side often came with the territory. It seemed like the dumber they are, the more keen they are to lift things repetitively, to count every rep, to squeeze every fiber of muscle until it almost rips. That part had been my doing. I had paid for Carl’s gym membership, his personal trainer, his nutritionist and even his entry to the IFBB pro circuit. As a result, here I was impaling the most perfect ass on the West Coast on my gargantuan cock. Carl’s cock flopped noisily against his abs. But with each thrust into his ass, his cock made a little less of a resounding slap against his cobblestone midsection. Carl had been beautiful when I had selected him. He walked into one of my gyms. He was shorter than me: about 5’10”, not so tall he’d be noticed immediately but no so short that he was a midget. His black hair was cut short and swept back and he had a skin fade to his tanned features. Carl was a builder by trade. He had a few tribal tattoos on his shoulders and toned biceps. His features were symmetrical and his brown eyes were almost beautiful. His thick lips concealed a perfect, straight smile. Those lips were now gasping for air and I shoved my thumb in there, emphasising to him just how powerless he really was in this situation - I could fill any hole and there wasn’t a thing he could do. He almost lost his grip on his thighs as I further stretched his hole with my thick, hungry meat. Carl met me on one of the bench presses as I repped out over 700lbs and his eyes were immediately captivated by over 350lbs of ripped, hairy, former pro bodybuilder, powerlifter, college-wrestler muscle. My shaved bald head and thick beard topped off my 6’6” frame and I could see he was struggling. I shook his hand and his mouth was like a desert immediately. I told him that he’d be training with me and his eyes glazed over. The sheer anticipation made him short of breath. Carl knew his body couldn’t cope with the relentless, savage pounding he was receiving. Something bad had to be happening to his guts. He had no idea. His forearms cramped and his thighs ended up wrapped around me as his once powerful arms felt weak. My thighs and ass, powerful as they were, had never felt so invigorated and alive as I aimed to impregnate this beautiful muscle boy beneath me. It was almost six months of consistent training before I invited Carl into one of my gym’s posing rooms. I removed my compression shirt and revealed my thick, mountainous pecs. He almost collapsed when he saw them. Swirls of hair arced across my powerful pectorals as they vied for space and formed a deep crevice. That was the first time I let him properly touch me as I told him to trace the shape of my pecs to understand how they were formed and could be forced to grow ever larger. He was entranced from the very beginning. Carl’s eyes crossed when I changed the angle of entry into his exhausted boypussy. I owned him so completely now but there was still something there: his hand came up and pushed on my chest so weakly that it barely registered for me. But it was a minuscule sign of resistance. I grabbed his hand and moved it down to my abs. His hand roamed over the irresistible scalloped ridges covered with a dusting of hair and gradually sunk lower to the base of my cock, where it met the recently plundered hole. He whimpered then made a grab for his own cock. Hard, but now only an inch or so long. His whimpers grew to a wail until I clasped my thick, calloused fingers over his mouth. Carl was under my tutelage, learning all he could of training, for just under a year. He was pumped full of tren, deca, HGH - everything that could make an average man into a beast on the bodybuilding circuit. Until he was ready. He still looked like a dwarf compared to a true alpha muscle-god like myself, but he won easily. His beautiful features grimaced in agony as he flexed through pose after pose on stage. He saw me cheering him on and his grin turned into a beaming smile. This boy could win on an Olympia stage but he had earned his pro card and that’s all he wanted. When he exited the stage and met me after the show, I hugged him against my body and his whole body quivered in response. I knew he was ready. I leant backwards so that Carl could see every ridge of my body and the beautiful mountainous protrusion of my pectorals, covered in thick black hair. I continued pumping upwards into him, demonstrating the sheer power in my torso to manipulate him in any way I wanted. His shrivelled balls pumped a tiny dribble out of his shrunken meat. He was over 230lbs. Lean. Ripped. But still only 19 years old and beautiful. His body had been broken down and rebuilt in a way that I knew I could use. I intended to take what I wanted. When I suggested he come to mine for the night instead of going back to his parents, he immediately jumped at the opportunity. When I let him in, he practically jumped for me and when I wouldn’t let him approach me, he begged. That’s when he got a taste of my true power. Carl was too focused on me initially to notice his own body. After all, when you have a being like me on top of you, it’s hard to consider much else. He hadn’t noticed his hard won muscles losing their pump. He hadn’t even seen at first how that symbol of his manhood between his legs had become a husk of its former self. His inattention to detail was exacerbated by the seemingly never-ending pump I was developing from the marathon fuck session. My own biceps seemed fuller, rounder. My pectorals seemed impossibly to swell from my rib cage. My back thickened. Carl was succumbing completely to my power and after more than 6 hours, I bred his hole for the final time. Carl’s body now weighed no more than 160lbs. He had lost at least 5 stone in the process. His muscles, while still beautiful, had reverted to their state before I took him under my wing. As I withdrew from his exhausted, battered hole, cum spilled out everywhere. He looked very similar to how he had appeared when he first entered my gym. My beard appeared shorter and I had a slightly less weathered face, but still one which exuded superiority. “What?” Carl murmured as he hazily looked around. “Let me explain.” I started in a deep baritone from my heavier, more muscular, more perfect physique. “You may have heard of fairies and nymphs…their existence is indisputable given their appearance in so many disparate mythologies. But tell me…have you ever heard of a dryad?”
  13. PART 1 - THE HOOKER The loud noises of a king-sized bed slamming hardly against the motel wall and the squeaky sounds of a rather old mattress echoed through the, fortunately pretty empty, "Beach Side"-motel near the beach of Saint Monarch, a small but lively and pretty city near Hawaii. If some voyeur or stranger had looked into the room through one of the the windows for example, he would have seen two people on the bed who did one thing, that was quite normal for this time of year, especially on Saint Monarch: they were fucking their brains out. Well, to be one hundred percent right, mostly the man fucked was fucking the brains out of the woman underneath him. The slut screamed and moaned louder as she basically got impaled by his massively thick and incredibly large penis. Her noises could easily be interpreted as sounds of pain, but that was not the case as it could also clearly be seen that she enjoyed that rough sex session a lot only by looking at her facial expression. Her eyes were closed but her mouth was opened far, so far that her pretty and perfect white teeth reflected the light in the clear lit room. She grabbed onto the large and extremely well-built back of the stud above her with her white and long finger nails. Driven by extremely passion and satisfaction, she screamed louder once more, as she cam again: "FUCK ME!! HARDER!! FUCKING POUND MY PUSSY APART!! The girl looked like the perfect stripper and exclusive prostitute that she was: Her white, but tanned skin was covered with sweat. Her blonde, long hair moved slightly as her whole, rather short, body glided up and down the shaking bed with every slam of the mans' anaconda in her stretched out pussy. Her big eyelashes, round cheeks and her wide-open mouth with its full and large doll pink lips completed the look of her gorgeous, but slightly fake-looking face. However, that was not even the sexiest part of her body. Her large, watermelon sized tits shook with every movement and clapped against each other. They were a bit florid, as the tough hunk had slapped them with his large, strong and powerful hands a couple of times as he had played with them before he had started to pound her into the mattress. The studs' huge dick made a bulge into the woman's stomach, as he continued to howl her out. She had quite a small waist, which Mr. Hunk loved about her as he had started fucking her perfectly round bubble butt around an hour ago, as he had been holding onto her waist with both of his huge hands until he had cum in her resized asshole so much that they had to change the motel room, since so much cum had fizzed out of her filled ass and covered half of the bed. Admittedly, the bed had been destroyed in the process so it would not have made an impact on his decision anyways. "Mmmmh babe... I'm gonna cum soon!", he grunted with his very deep and penetrating voice. "I hope you can handle my pussy destroyer even when i go full force!" The bimbo shouted lustful as she answered his horny demand: "YES!! I am sure i will be!! Don´t worry! I wanna SCREAM and CUM MORE!! BREAK ME! FUCK MY PUSSY APART!" "Your order is my command, bimbo!", he utered teasingly. "Here you go doll!" With these words he started to fuck and pound into her even harder and faster. He now grabbed onto the large bed posts hardly so that he could use more of his define strength to let his prick and his whole waist blaze down with such a force, that the whole king-sized bed shook even more and seemed to fall apart any second. The bimbo reacted to his advanced fuck pace too, as she now cam with almost every new slam and almost tapped out from his inhumanly strokes. He continued to slam her reshaped pussy apart with that extremely fast and hard speed for more than half an hour, until that screaming Bimbo suddenly taped out with one last mind-blowing orgasm. Her large tongue hung out of her wide-open mouth but her eyes were closed - the large lashes could be seen clearly. The hunk stud pulled his monster cock out of her destroyed hole with loud fleshy noises (it took some seconds until his whole 21-inch pussy-breaker was shoved out of her still tight pussy). As his cock got free, it immediately got stiff again and rose up like a baguette, just thicker and larger. "God damn, she seemed to be such a perfect bimbo! I really believed she could take my cock in her tight pussy for more than 2 hours!", the stud said to himself, while he clearly looked a bit upset. "I think i just hammered into her to good!", he said with a grin on his face. Shrugging, he grabbed his prick with both of his huge hands while stroking it a bit. "I need a new bimbo!", he thought to himself, got up and put on his White T-Shirt, that underlined every one of his define muscles, and that black sweatpants that could almost hide his incredibly large penis and his coconut sized balls. He looked at the Bimbo one last time. "You did a good job", he said with an even bigger smirk on his face and left the hotel room. ________________________________________ PART 2 - THE FAVOURITE (Nikky) He was usually fucking a few bimbos per day, and with his massive cock and incredibly muscular and immensely strong body he was expecting for few of them to not be able to handle him for very long. So, when the gorgeous, fit, very promising bimbo underneath him had passed out in sheer orgasmic bliss, he was a bit disappointed but not surprised. Especially, since he always has a back-up-plan: While he loved fucking and resizing new bimbos, he also had a around five bimbo sluts that he was frequently fucking. They were practically the elite of Bimbo Doll and were both able to take his whole cock for more than an hour and also survive his bed-breaking fuck-slams without passing out. So he picked-up his phone and messaged one his favourite of the Five: Nikky Cummings, a 25 years old, 5'5'' tall, 125lbs fitness bimbo with platinum blonde hair, a very fit, yet slender and ultra-feminine hourglass-body, a tight, perky, jiggly bubblebutt (the result of hundreds upon hundreds of hours in the gym), a slender yet toned waist, a gorgeous face and (most importantly) incredibly large and perfect tits (the last time he had measured them they had been about 32HH). He messaged her to come see him at his penthouse suite that he was renting. She knew that place already as he only about a week ago had fucked her there; having resulted in him having to order a new bed for the suite and her leaving the penthouse unable to walk straight for a few days. "omg, yes, cant wait, daddy!", she replied, followed by a lips emoji and the one that has hearts for eyes. They had quickly met up and when He saw her standing there in front of him, all dolled up and ready to fuck, he couldn't hold back anymore and just picked her up and they started making-out passionately like the two perfect people they were. When the elevator to his suite had finally arrived on the top floor Nikky's dress was already half-way stripped-off and his T-shirt covered in lipstick marks. His lust and passion to just pound a perfect bimbo got once again a hold of him, when the elevator doors opened. So, he - the busty babe in his hands - just walked with her straight to the large bed chamber and simply threw her on the massive, reinforced king-sized bed. "Get ready for a proper fuck, Nikky. I am gonna pound your brains out, slut!", he uttered with passion, almost grunting it. She smiled excited up at him as she equally filled with lust and passion and the animalistic urge to just breed. "Oh, yes! Please! Fucking give it to me you bull-stud!" So, unsurprisingly, a few minutes later the neighbours had to once again listen to the rhythmic, hard-hitting wooden THUMPs! and SQUEAKs! of the bed banging against the wall, followed by the squeals and screams of the orgasming bimbo, His occasional very deep grunts and their very smutty fuck-talk that echoed through the whole building. He just loved ploughing bimbos into a bouncing bed, using his incredible strength, exquisite technique and massive cock-size to just hammer-out the orgasms of the sluts underneath him, making them scream and cum on his cock as it penetrated their cervixes . In addition, in this position he could perfectly use the bed to his advantage , as this way it was easy to choose a mixture of both putting an incredible amount of strength behind ever thrust while relying on gravity to help him just throw his muscular waist down into the shaking bed. He was still mostly unsatisfied, so as a result, it was rather unsurprising that the moment the slut had lied down on the bed had asked her to spread those beautiful legs of hers wide in a perfect V-split. While she was kind of used to just being pounded into the bed by the stud, as he had done so multiple times already, she still was always founding herself cumming and screaming in satisfaction the same amount as every other session before - with the only difference that she was starting to like it more and more as she was getting even more satisfied with every new inch that he managed to thrust into her. This didn't mean, however, that they weren't enjoying different positions as well, though. In fact, every position was pretty much as pleasing and just incredible like any other other, as he was perfectly versed in every one of them. However, the Mating Press was still his favourite, and he just loved fucking and breeding bimbos in that position. "Only half an hour ago I was reshaping that new busty bimbo I have met at the gym... But when I was finally approaching my second orgasm she taped out... I guess I had over-done it.", he admitted to her, as she was getting ready to position his mighty cock. "Again?... You maybe hold back ... A bit... Next time... On a new girl.", she suggested with a playful but honest gesture. "Yeah... Her body and tits were so hot, though", he countered, taking a hold of her thighs next to her gorgeous head. "Like mine?", she asked him teasingly as she jiggled them playfully. "Hell yeah", he admitted, but then a big smirk appeared on his masculine face as he had finished aligning himself with her. He had to slide his muscular hips back as he was making himself ready to start slamming into her. "But you are even hotter, babe!", he concluded and on cue he thew his hips forward with all the strength it could muster. WHAM!, the bed shook loudly as he threw his body into the bed and thrusted his cock deep into her pussy, reaching her cervix with one massive slam as it reshaped her otherwise always-tight pussy with ease - his massive, low-hanging balls were slapping against her bubble-butt and he grunted excitedly ("Ugh, oh yeah"). While she could only scream out a high-pitched squeal ("AAhh, FUCK YEAH!") as she orgasmed for the first time right there on the spot. She was that type of bimbo who didn't need any warm-up or resizing. To be honest, none of the bimbos he had fucked had ever needed that. Or they might have needed it, but he hadn't cared as the best way to make a slut cum her brains out - in his experience - was, to start fucking her hard like a freight train and keep fucking her until she either passed out with satisfaction or the bed was broken or until he was spent - though that had never happened before and probably would never come to pass. And while he hadn't yet managed to fit his whole bitch-breaking cock into her just yet after these few starter-thrusts, he was impressed by how much already he had fitted in her tight cunt, as two thirds of his massive bull-cock (16 massive inches) he had been able to bury into her with every cervix-pounding thrust. This, unsurprisingly seemed to do the trick as he could feel her erupting in orgasm every other minute or so. And speaking of satisfied, his newest fuck-doll was voicing her satisfaction by screaming and groaning out loud, while she still managed to talk dirty back to him, seemingly to both try to encourage him to keep making him slam into her like a freight-train as the bed kept thumping and groaning under the sheer power of his thrusts, as well as a way of releasing all the lust and utter satisfaction she was feeling: "Oh SHIT!" THUMP! PLAP! WHAM! THUD! "Daddy! You are SO FUCKING DEEP INSIDEEE OF MEE!" THUMP! WHAM! SQUEAK"YESS!!" THUD! WHAM! "AAH! FUCK!" THUMP! PLAP! "UGH! I am so fuckKKINAAGGHHH -" KA-WHAM!! "-SO FUCKING CUMMING!!!" He responded with similarly luscious and filthy fuck-talk responses, though he definitely had less of a problem of forming full sentences. However, the incredible strength behind his thrusts and their steady, perfected rhythm did make him start to sweat and grunt as he could feel his adrenaline, lust and sheer power pass through his whole body. And while he was giving her almost everything he had, he didnt feel any form of tiredness as both in bed and outside he had a near endless stamina. Hence after these few minutes he wasn't even close with being done. He hadn't even cum once yet - however, granted, unloading his monster always took some time and some serious effort. "Yeah, take me fucking dick, bitch!" SQUEAK! WHAM! THUD! "That's right, GRR! Just like that!" WHAM! PLAP! THUMP! "Cum on this bull-stud-cock!" He continued to grunt as he felt his cock slam forward into her, a few inches further than before as her pussy was slowly getting used to his bull-cock (once more). His massive hands were next to her gorgeous face, which was contorted in orgasm, using his strong fingers and beefy arms to support his torso to make his upper body be a few inches away from the bed and slightly upwards so he could fully put his strong hips and muscular ass to good use and also be able to basically throw himself into her, resulting in an even harder way of fucking her. "Ugh yeah!" THUD! SQUEAK! WHAM! "About to reach your womb, babe!", he proclaimed almost jubilantly, resulting in him to increase the tempo and strength even more, resulting in her erupting even more on his cock: "AH SHIT! UGH FUCK YEAH!" The king-sized bed shook and groaned audible whenever it banged against the wall in a constant rhythm as if it wanted to accompany the wet PLAPs! and SLAPs! of his cock thrusting into her their increasingly smutty fuck-talk and their almost animalistic passionate grunting, moaning and screaming to form a symphony of pure and utter fucking.
  14. countmuscle

    Freshman Roommate (Part 5)

    Longer one, hope you enjoy! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 5: Summer break arrived, grim as a prison sentence. To be away from Frank for mere hours felt like torture. Especially now that I was a full-blown roid pig, and my sex drive was insatiable. How was I going to survive back home for three months? For his part, Frank was just as upset. He had to stay on campus for football training — same dorm room, no me. “Will you promise me something?” he asked on my last day, as we lay in bed together. I was tracing my fingers through the violent grooves of his eight pack. “Of course, what is it?” I was expecting him to ask me to remain faithful, to not mess around with other guys. Now that I looked like this, I attracted leers anywhere I went, from men and women alike. Everyone wanted me. But that’s not what Frank was talking about. “Don’t stop lifting and growing this summer,” he said. “I want to see you get even bigger. I want you to keep eating, keep cycling. Stay focused on muscle all summer. All day, every day. Come back even bigger than you are now. Come back so big, people will gasp when they see you. So big they won’t even recognize you. James, your body has already responded better than I had hoped. You’re a hunk now, but I can make you a freak. A muscle freak. So huge. We’ll make you so big. 290, maybe even 300 pounds. Oh my god bro... Fuck....Big as a pro bodybuilder. Bigger. The two of us. Waddling around campus. Fucking and fucking nonstop. Two muscle freaks. One tall, one short. Sex every hour. All that muscle. Muscle, sex. Roids. Fucking beasts. Huge. So huge. Muscle, big muscle, so strong, so much muscle, so much musc-- oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck James! I can’t handle it. Holy shit! UNHHHH!” Frank grabbed behind my neck with one huge hand, and stuck his tongue down my mouth forcefully. At the same moment, his dick sprayed a huge load without warning or even any touch. Rope after rope shot up and landed in Frank’s beard and on his veiny neck. I counted 8 ropes! All while he kissed me passionately -- almost desperately. This happened anytime Frank talked about my muscle growth. Nothing turned him on more, not even his own muscular development. The second he started to envision me growing bigger, he'd burn beet red, wheeze loudly. His eyes would unfocus and look manic. His cock would shoot up as fast as a soldier's salute. As a rule, he'd eventually devolve into muttering "muscle" over and over again, like an incantation, until he came spontaneously. These would always be his biggest loads (which is really saying something). Each time Frank spiraled like this, his fantasies got more extreme. First it was bulking me up to 230 pounds, now it was 300. Of course, I couldn't have been more turned on either. I loved watching him lose control like this. I also started to realize that these fantasies could actually become a reality. I was almost 19, and already 225 pounds. To become a genuine mass monster, even a professional bodybuilder, suddenly felt plausible, especially while Frank was around. Laying beside him, I stroked my bulging pecs, arms, shoulders, quads, glutes... I was still blown away by their size. I soon came a load almost as large as Frank's. His fantasy was now my reality, my goal. -- So I had my marching orders for the summer. I also had (thanks to Frank) a year's worth of tren packed in my suitcase. With a heavy heart, it was time for me to head home. We had one last, incredible fuck session. Then another one. Then another one. Then finally, realizing I was about to miss my flight, I called an Uber and dashed off. Frank's dry cum still coated me underneath my super-tight clothes. The aroma of his pits was on my face in the cab, which gave me a throbbing boner the entire ride to the airport. I was 5'9, 18 y/o, 225 pounds. Tight denim jeans tearing inside the crotch. Light blue college t-shirt so tight you could see every ridge of my abs, both my nipples, my thick upper pecs almost touching my chin. Whenever I glanced at my reflection in a mirror or window, I was astonished at how wide I looked -- and also how obscene. Like a bodybuilder in the first minute of a gay porno, wearing ridiculous, undersized clothes. Stares from every direction as I rushed through the airport to board my plane. The gay flight attendant did a double take when he welcomed me on board. For a second, his mouth was agape. I winked, and he went red. I knew I looked like a fantasy cooked up in a lab. I approached my seat. A small, nerdy kid with glasses my same age -- no doubt on his way home from college as well -- regarded me with terror. I weighed a hundred pounds more than him, even though we were about the same height. As I stretched to stow my bag in the overhead bin, my tight shirt left my slightly hairy, washboard abs exposed. My bulging crotch was one inch from the kid's face. I'm sure he could smell the cum and sweat inside. I sat down beside him, my weight shaking the plane seat. All the color drained from his cheeks. The plane took off. The cabin lights dimmed, and almost everyone fell asleep. This was my first time in a plane seat since my "growth spurt." My shoulders and arms jutted well into the nerd's personal space. My hard tricep rubbed against his sad, noodley arm. I kept thinking how, just six months ago, I was this geek's size. We were probably the exact same age, yet I could do military presses with his body and not even break a sweat. Maybe even with one arm. I thought: Should I apologize for how much space I was taking up? I really was encroaching a full quarter into his seat. My bulging shoulder was digging into his tiny body. (The other one jutted into the aisle, so no one could pass by without brushing it.) My arm wasn't even on the arm rest, that's how wide I was. Then I noticed that the nerd was awkwardly covering up a boner in his lap. "Heh," I laughed under my breath. I turned my bulging neck and looked him in the eyes. I winked. He went as red as a firetruck. Now I was feeling arrogant. Discreetly, without anyone noticing, I grabbed his wrist and laid it on my bicep. I flexed, and the little nerd squeezed as hard as he could. (Not very.) Then I guided his tiny arm up under my shirt. I let him feel my pecs. I bounced them up and down as he groped them pathetically. His grip suddenly weakened. "Uff!" he whimpered. I saw a dark spot growing in his pants. My huge muscles had just made him cum. "Good boy," I whispered, and pushed him away, before anyone noticed. Fun as this mile-high muscle worship was, I was already missing Frank. I scrolled through the hundreds of X-rated pictures and videos of him on my phone, both heartbroken and incredibly aroused. Pics of us together when I was just 180 pounds, and he was 375. Videos of me pounding him doggy style, his back muscles jiggling. I could feel the nerd's prying eyes on my screen. I stumbled upon a recent, shirtless, chest-up picture of Frank, from his 430-pound era. He was smiling, as handsome as a movie star, but his furry pecs and shoulders looked so shockingly pumped that the nerd gasped. "Your...boyfriend?" he asked meekly. "You could say that," I replied. "Oh my God. He's... huge," he whispered, looking at Frank's picture in disbelief. He was spellbound. Now I had a painful erection. I lowered the seat back tray to hide it. But my heart was heavy. Three months apart. It sunk in. What if Frank found someone new? Someone even bigger than me? Vague jealousy burned like flames in my mind. I felt more motivated than ever to grow this summer. I'd come back so huge that Frank would be shocked, so big he could never find someone hotter than me. So big, so fucking big, so much muscle... my mind looped and looped, just like Frank's. Maybe it was the tren. The nerd watched as I took out a two-pound Tupperware container. Ground chicken, brown rice. 120 grams protein. It was a four-hour flight, and I had three of these meals to eat. -- To say my parents were horrified would be an understatement. At the airport, they didn't even recognize me at first. "It's me, it's James," I assured them. Even my voice was deepened by the roids. They hugged me like I was a science-fiction monster, confused and alarmed. You have to remember that the last time they had seen me, just six months prior, I was a lean, 155-pound kid. Now I was 225 pounds. I had told them I was bigger, that I'd been lifting, but not much else. Now, their charming, sensitive, academically inclined son was a roided-out meathead, more muscular than a Chippendale's dancer. Voice deeper, face wider but still jarringly boyish on a thick neck that stretched my shirt collar. Obscene, veiny muscles bulging everywhere -- ass, shoulders, pecs, arms, traps -- beastly, erotic bulges attracting stares from all corners. The next few days were pretty awful. Long fights ensued. Vehement lectures about the dangers of steroids (which I denied using, lol). Insistence that I see a psychiatrist for "bigorexia." But I knew what body dysmorphia was, and I didn't have it. I didn't think I was small. I thought I was huge. And I loved it. And now the only thing I wanted was to get bigger. All my parents’ anxieties and pressure didn’t amount to much when I thought of the sweaty, hairy, 430-pound muscle bottom that was waiting for me back at school. Frank’s special kind of madness had infected me. Logical reason fell by the wayside. All that mattered anymore was muscle and sex. With horror, it dawned on my parents that not only had I transformed utterly...I wasn't finished yet! I hadn't lined up a single thing to do that summer except train and eat and cycle on more and more gear. No internship, no summer job, no friends or social life even. Just gym and consuming shocking amounts of protein, day in, day out. Every now and then, I might come across a hulking gorilla at the gym or on Grindr, and I'd fuck their brains out. But those were my only, occasional distractions. If that was cheating on Frank, then it hardly counted, because Frank had spoiled me for sex. Guys smaller than 230 pounds no longer interested me -- and even when I found a roided-out muscle bottom, he'd never have a cock as massive and beautiful as Frank's was, or a face as handsome, or lips as soft. By my 19th birthday, late in June, I was 235 -- up a full ten pounds from my last weigh-in, and yet leaner and more defined than ever. My parents pretty much cut me off. They'd still pay for college in the fall, they said, but they didn't want to underwrite the money I was spending on food and new clothes and probably steroids that summer. Yet I soon realized that I could make a fortune doing cam shows, just flexing and jerking off for ridiculous rates, and could even raise my prices as I grew bigger and freakier each week. (Being hung didn’t hurt either.) So money became a non-issue. It poured in. In fact, I was making more than my parents did, unbeknownst to them. By early August, I was 250 pounds, a number that shocked even me. By then, my largest shirts fit like crop tops and left my well-defined abs exposed. Finally, my parents put their foot down. Either I see a psychiatrist, or they would stop paying my tuition. Reluctantly, I agreed. Through a stroke of luck, this ultimatum totally backfired on them. Within seconds of meeting my handsome, 30-something psychiatrist ("call me Justin") I realized he was gay. I could tell he was struggling to maintain his composure as he looked me up and down. As soon as the door of his office closed, I literally tore off my shirt. I practically leapt over his desk and shoved his face in between my pecs, forced him to suck on my perfect nipples. I flexed a bicep (21 inches) and pushed it into his face. He moaned and slobbered all over my peak, then huffed my musky pits. I swiped all the stuff off his desk -- it crashed on the floor -- and I roughly laid him out on the surface. I picked him up and started doing military presses with his body, over and over, with perfect form. I could tell from the bulge in his pants how much he was loving my show of strength. Then I laid him down on the chaise lounge (where I was supposed to be in therapy). I sat on his face, and enjoyed the frantic, overwhelmed way he ate out my bubble butt, no doubt the most muscular one he had ever seen. The shrink quickly came in his nice slacks. But I wasn't through with him. I flipped around and shoved my 8-inch cock down his throat. At first he nearly choked, but eventually managed to suck me dry. My load was enormous. All this worship had made me more horned up than I'd been in months. I started to put my tattered, indecent clothes back on. "That's all the time we have for today," I joked as I walked out the door -- knowing he'd never forget how good my ass looked as I left. -- A few days later, I overheard Dr. Justin debriefing my parents on our session on speakerphone. "Mr. and Mrs. Keller, you have nothing to worry about. James shows no signs of body dysmorphia or any other psychiatric disorder. Bodybuilding is a perfectly legitimate sport, and you should be encouraging James for his dedication and hard work. In fact, I'm a little disappointed that you have been so dismissive of James's athletic goals." My mom fell for it, hook, line and sinker. "Oh, God, you're right. How could we have been so unsupportive? I feel terrible." But my dad raged. "Encouraging THIS!? But the boy looks like a FREAK!" “Mr. Keller, I don’t think words like ‘freak’ are helpful here.” "Honey, listen to the doctor. We need to support James." "But what about the steroids?!" "In my medical opinion, I see no signs that James is abusing steroids. After speaking with him, it is my belief that he simply has excellent adherence to his diet and exercise regimen -- as well as a genetic predisposition for muscular hypertrophy." "BUT HE'S GROWING FIVE POUNDS A WEEK! THE KID HAS 21-INCH ARMS!" "Ron! Don't second-guess the doctor. He's the expert here." "Well, all of this being said, I do think James would benefit from continuing therapy. Maybe you could send him back to my office?" -- Although my dad wasn't happy, that was the end of the fighting. My parents yielded to my increasingly extreme lifestyle and size. Emboldened, I dramatically increased my tren and macros, and by the end of the summer, I was teetering at 265 pounds, up a full 40 pounds since June, and 110 pounds since January. I wasn't just training my muscles… As long as I'd known Frank, I'd never been able to bottom for him. His 10.5" dick was too much for me. I couldn’t even get it inside me. So all summer, I was practicing with bigger and bigger toys, getting ready to ride his almost fist-sized cock the day we reunited. Even though Frank was on my mind constantly, we hadn't corresponded much. It was pointless to text or call him. He lived in the moment, whether lifting or eating or fucking or practicing, and barely looked at his phone. The messages I sent would sit unread for days, driving me into a frenzy of insecurity. The few messages I got back were dashed off in pidgin English. ("miss u 2 bro, iam jo 2u rn. still growin??") Sometimes I thought he was barely literate. Plus, there was a tacit understanding between us that we didn't want to reveal too much. We both wanted to be shocked by each other's growth when we finally reunited in person. Imagine what Frank is going to think when he sees me. That was all I thought, day in and day out, as I pounded protein shakes, pushed barbells, and pegged myself in my locked bedroom. One hot August afternoon, as a twelve-inch dildo ripped through my bubble butt, I came the biggest load of the whole summer, picturing the shock on Frank's face when he'd finally see me next week. -- The day came. I was returning to college for sophomore year. Unlike my last flight, this time, I knew I was far too big to fly coach. I just wouldn't fit. So I used some of my cam money to upgrade to First Class. Even in the larger seats, my lats spilled out comically. A tank top, barely a scrap of fabric, left half my pecs and both nipples completely exposed. It was pretty fun to watch the other passengers trudge by, the look of shock on their faces when they saw a 265-pound, 19-year old bodybuilder looking back at them arrogantly. I made sure they all had to brush past my veiny arm, which jutted into the aisle. Especially the nerds around my age, whom I took special pleasure in intimidating. I didn't eat any of the First Class food, though. I brought seven pounds of ground beef and rice in three huge Tupperware containers. Spent most of the flight stuffing my face, trying not to leak too much pre-cum thinking about my growing muscles -- and of the furry, wheezing, waddling mass monster that was waiting for me back on campus. Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank. After I was done eating my Tupperware meals, I started rubbing my bulging chest, flexing my arms, turned on by my own mass. The other people in First Class glared at me. I’ll admit, my behavior and appearance were pretty shocking. My dick got so painfully hard that I needed to rub one out. I stuffed myself into the airplane bathroom, barely able to close the door. I felt like a sardine. Then I looked in the mirror. I almost came on the spot. I could not believe how massive I had become. I pulled my cock out of my sweatpants and flopped it on the tiny bathroom counter. I looked back at my reflection and immediately orgasmed. I sprayed a load all over the little sink and mirror. I flexed for a few more minutes, totally stunned. I half-heartedly cleaned up the mess, then waddled back to my seat to drink a protein shake. — My flight had been delayed, and I got to our dorm quite late -- almost 2am. Everyone on campus was asleep. I stood outside our door. New year, same little cinder-block dorm room. We had pulled some strings to stay paired together another year. My heart pounded. I was completely hard. Just imagine what Frank will think when he sees me. Even as I reached for the door handle, the enlarged size of my veiny forearm caught my eye. A warm feeling surged through my cock. The room was pitch black. I heard Frank’s typical snoring and closed the door quietly, trying not to wake him. The scent of sweat and muscle and cum was overpowering, like a smack in the face. It conjured the countless fuckfests we'd had in the room over the past year. My dick throbbed with pleasure and anticipation. I even started moaning out loud, that's how horned up I felt. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I realized the mattress was on the floor for some reason, no bed frame -- and the huge, dark mound on the mattress must be Frank. I set my bag down, then peeled off my clothes silently. Now I was completely naked. My dick was pulsating from Frank's pheromones and my months of waiting. I tiptoed towards the mattress in the center of the room, stepping on jock-straps, cum-stained bodybuilding mags, empty vials of tren... Same loud snores. Frank could sleep through anything. I climbed into bed with him. I got under the covers. I nestled next to him, so I was big spoon. Frank's naked body felt molten hot as I ran my fingers through his fur. Impossible to describe his scent. Even in the darkness, just tactilely, I could tell something was different. This was Frank, but this wasn't Frank's same body. For example, I cupped one of his shoulders with both of my hands, yet even two hands couldn't encompass his delt -- that's how enormous he was. Cuddling him from behind, I couldn't even reach around his lats; he was too wide. My fingers grew more restless as I realized he was far, far larger than the last time I saw him. In disbelief, I groped his sleeping muscles, squeezed his neck, caressed his beard, the stubble on the back of his head... Frank snorted loudly and flipped onto his back, almost crushing me in the process. But he didn't wake up. Frank started to talk in his sleep. "Fuck...Muscle bro...Fuckin' huge...Muscle...Freak...Musc..." he muttered. Then he resumed snoring even louder. Now I could feel his pecs. I delicately kneaded them, toyed with his sensitive nipples. ("Unnh!" Frank cried unconsciously.) Yes, they were much bigger too. Hard to tell how much bigger in the dark. I was in a silent frenzy. I could have cum right then and there. Yet I decided to reach down further. I felt it. Frank's 10.5" cock, as hot and hard as I had dreamed of it. I tasted some of the pre-cum that dribbled out. I had to do it. I had to ride him. I very quietly stood up, stripped the blanket off of his body. I squatted over Frank's cock and guided it into my massive bubble butt. I just used a bit of spit for lube. Even in his dreams, Frank was leaking so much pre that I didn't need much else. All the training I had subjected myself to that summer was leading here. Frank was still asleep as he entered me. I cried out in pain. Then the pain subsided and pleasure rushed over me like nothing I'd ever felt before. I slowly thrust up and down, taking more and more, until he was inside me up the hilt. I was legit crying tears of joy as Frank unwittingly tore through my ass -- feeling like the type of huge muscle bottom I'd always fantasized about. I started thrusting my ass faster and faster as I rode him. Then suddenly a change came over Frank. He didn't wake up, but some kind of animal spirit inside of him did. His super-strong hands clasped my waist, and suddenly he was thrusting harder and harder. Pounding me. "AHHHHH!" I screamed, unable to stay quiet any longer. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I roared with each thrust. The feeling was so intense, I was about to pass out. Then Frank truly woke up. "WHAT THE -- what the FUCK?" he yelled out in confusion as I rode his cock in the darkness. I must have looked like a huge dark shape bouncing up and down on his boner. "AH! AH! AH AH!" I moaned, incapable of even forming words. I was starting to black out, the room was receding, but I couldn't stop riding Frank. It felt too incredible. Then Frank groped for a lamp near the bed. He clicked it on. A blinding light filled the room. I realized why the mattress was on the floor. The wooden bed frame had evidently buckled -- its wreckage was piled in the corner of the dorm room. I looked down at Frank, he looked up at me. We saw each other for the first time in three months. All while 10.5 inches of him were inside me. I'll cut to the chase. Frank was 470 pounds. He had gained 40 pounds of mass that summer. His arms had grown to 26 inches. His furry pecs were so enormous that from my angle, riding him, they actually hid most of his face. His cheeks were fuller and his face was broader from all the gear, yet he was as handsome as ever, even with a stunned look in his eyes. Then you have to imagine Frank's POV, bright light suddenly on, looking up and seeing his roommate, now a 265-pound gorilla, riding his cock for the first time ever, pectorals and hard cock flopping up and down. "J--James?" "FRANK!" (In unison) "OH MY GOD! UNNNNNNNH!!!!" As his load GUSHED into my hole, mine exploded all over his mega-pecs and his beautiful face. The biggest load I'd ever produced. His face was completely coated, like a mask. We both came and came and came and came and came. Our muscles were shuddering and quivering post-orgasm. The harsh light of the bedside lamp made our bodies look all the more freakish and unreal. Two absolute monsters, roid pigs, 19 years old, 735 pounds of muscle between us. Frank's sensitive cock was still deep inside me, gushing warm sperm deeper and deeper. We locked eyes. Underneath a veil of cum, I could tell Frank was smiling devilishly. That was how our sophomore year began.
  15. RoseConspiracy

    Insatiable ( Chapter 2 NEW! 11/5)

    In somewhat strange but related news, federal authorities are still looking into the disappearances of multiple bodybuilders across the country. The deputy director has declined to make any further statements, citing that no new evidence has been uncovered. At this time, all six men are still missing and their fates unknown. The State Department is uncertain if a group or a single individual is to blame and they advise that all large, muscular men be cautious and on alert. Any tips that could help investigators in this case can be called in or texted to the number at the bottom of the screen. Incredible artwork done by the very talented @HardbodyVideo
  16. Nathan

    A Bodybuilder's world ( Part 1)

    I'm starting my second story, I hope you like it, I left my first story on hold, I'll continue it later Part 1: The Wish My name is Nathan, I'm 19 years old, I'm of average build and I'm addicted to very muscular guys Like every evening I finish my work and go home, I open the door of the house and straight away I lie down on my sofa and I masturbate while watching muscular guys... Then I take my shower and I brush teeth to go to bed, and just as I was about to go to bed, I see a shooting star through the window. I laugh but I still make a wish, "I would like to live in a world full of powerful muscle guys". Then I go to bed The next day, I wake up as if nothing had happened, I get ready to go to work and I go downstairs to have my breakfast. Suddenly the doorbell rings. I'm about to open the door and my eyes widen when I see a very muscular delivery man looking at me. “Um can I help you?” He looks at me and pushes me inside, closes the door behind him and orders me to sit on the couch. and he starts to explain to me what's going on. "You're the only human we haven't seen in a long time. When you made your wish last night you merged your world and mine. You'll see my world is filled with very powerful muscle guys." I listen to him but I remain shocked by what he tells me. "Uh okay but what's going to happen?". He starts laughing telling me that now our two worlds are connected and that at the end of the year his planet will absorb mine. Suddenly he starts to strangle me while explaining the hierarchy of his world. “Listen to me little slave, the hierarchy of my world is very simple, the guys who have a power of less than 100,000 are civilians like me, maybe bakers, delivery men, police officers... then there are the warriors who have a power between 100,000 and 500,000, then there are the superheroes/supervillains who have a power between 500,000 and 1,000,000 and finally there are the gods who have infinite power. I have trouble breathing as he strangles me harder and harder. “Okay, but what is my role?” Suddenly he let me go and started laughing. "Since you are the one who made the wish you will be spared from the absorption of your planet but you must be my slave, I explain to you, when humans worship men like us, our power grows and thanks to you I I'm going to become a god. So you're going to stay here and obey my orders because if you leave your house you will meet men superior to me and they will take you because you see submission is present among us too, if I meet someone more powerful than me I owe him allegiance." Suddenly he takes a ring out of his pocket and gives it to me. "Thanks to it you will be able to know the power level of the men on my planet. I point the ring towards the delivery man and I see that his power is 5,000. And suddenly the delivery man leaves and he says to me He'll be back in three hours. I think about everything the delivery guy said to me and I'm excited and terrified. I decide to turn on the TV and I see a very muscular presenter who excites me. I start jerking off and scan him with the ring, damn!!! his power level is 60,000, I put another chain and there I see a very powerful warrior, I scan him with the ring and I see that he has 176,000 power I continue to jerk off even harder and I change channels to see a supervillain destroying a city, his power level is 577,000 But my erection ejects to the ceiling when a magnificent being who looks like a god, I scan him with my ring and I see that his power is infinite. And my Orgasm ends with my door getting broken down by a man... To be continued.... I hope this puts you in your mouth, I'm not a great writer
  17. I decided to share a story, I have been working on Chyoa. The main theme is not the growth or encounters of a character but about a place itself called Bonerville, where (mostly) all guys are towering, hulking studs with cocks that belong on horses, and women are fit, busty, fertile sluts who like nothing else but to worship and fuck these super-studs. The first part would feature the encounter of Matt, a porn star and bodybuilder character, and Nikky, a young, confident, busty and fervent slut who works at a gas station just outside of the city. So, please, enjoy! (It will mostly include hetero couplings, so if that's not your coup of tea, you might still enjoy the descriptions and actions of the studs.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 - The Gas Station Around two miles away from the outskirts of Bonerville, Nikky Jonas was working at a gas station as a cashier. The 21-year-old blonde employee was not in a great mood. Actually, she was pissed. She had just recently broken up with her boyfriend, because he had cheated on her with Vanessa, her (now ex-) best friend. Ugh what a fucking ass!, she was thinking as a notification of a new message buzzed through the room. It was her ex, Andrew, who wrote: "Alright fine, babe! I am sorry. u ain´t got 1 ugly ass! But have u seen vanessas? just daaaamn" "Girl, u gotta admit her bubblebutt is thick as fuck!" She replied, angry and speechless: "Wtf is wrong with u!??? aren´t u at least feeling a lil bit sorrow about hurting my feelings???" She couldn't believe what an actual asshole he was. She stopped typing, as she had to wipe away a tear. Nikky could not believe she had fallen for that ... pig. And why was she still having feelings for him...?! She managed to pick up her mobile again and wrote: "U know what? just fuck off!! and don't ever call or message me again, asshole!!" With that she clicked on 'Block User'. She was breathing heavily, feeling increasingly mad, frustrated and very disappointed. It was a good thing to finally block him, though. She was glad that there was not one customer at the gas station, so nobody had at least noticed her breakdown. And ... she COULD check on her makeup, since no one needed her attention for now, she reckoned. Desperately, she looked at the door to the staff's bathroom. She could actually risk it. "Why the hell not?", she was thinking to herself. It's not like she had other shit to do, as there still weren't any people at the gas station. She smiled excited and couldn't believe she actually enjoyed the lack of customers for once. She quickly grabbed her light-pink colored purse with those golden zippers and headed straight to the staff-toilet. The bathroom actually really wasn't that awful as she thought it would be. It was clean, smelled ok and the toilet worked without any problems. SO glad I don't have to use the public toilet!, she thought as a disgusted shiver ran down her spine. She put the purse on the washbasins shelf and examined herself in the window. Damn, I am a mess, she thought. For her standards, she really was. The long shift, desert heat and shitty problem with her ex did their job. She looked tired, grumpy and frustrated. Her dark eyeliner was quite a mess, the pink lipstick on her puffy lips was pale and her hair which had been pinned up to a cute high bun was tangled up. She had to admit tho, that her messed up hair had something special to it. Quite bad ass, of course in a slutty way. Luckily her fake eyelashes seemed to still be there where they should be and working partially in the sun clearly had not made her tanned body paler. Nicky grabbed the pink lipstick and slowly with experienced strokes she put on a new layer. A few seconds later she was done and looked pleased at the mirror. Perfect. Before she would focus on the rest of her outfit, she had to examine her pretty face a bit further. She really was narcissistic, she had to admit. At least I am not such a cold-hearted bastard like Andrew! A new anger wave flowed through her body, followed by sadness as she had to think about Andrews quite buff body and that delicious penis... No, she would never ever go back to that asshole again. He had definitely broken her heart too often. Enough was enough. She took a deep breath and continued inspecting her body. Her large perky EE tits were certainly not the biggest ones in Bonerville. But for her short frame, standing at only 5'3'', they seemed larger as they actually were and were perfectly sized. And they were big enough to stretch out her cashier outfit. Although she was wearing a bra underneath it, her boss had insisted on it, her always-erected nipples were still noticeable through the fabric. Nikky grabbed one of her jugs and felt the weight of it. She then pressed both together and straightened her pink uniform top. God, how much she just loved these two! With a happy smile she shook her torso slightly to make them bounce. "Hehe, Andrew will never ever see these two naked again!", Nikky thought almost mischievously while she kept on smirking. His bad, not mine! Stupid ass.... Again, she had to think about Andrews athletic muscular body and his big cock. God, she was horny. She turned around while still facing the mirror to have a look at her tight, rather small but fit booty. It was definitely not the thickest either, but the fitness babe's ass was perfectly round and still quite jiggly. Not as much as Vanessas, though, but she was proud of it anyways. Right now, it was covered by the white, fabric of her tight uniform shorts. Nicky was not a fan of her summer college job, but at least the outfit is slutty, she thought and smirked while showing her perfectly white teeth. Sudden motor sounds of a car about to park at the gas station made Nikky look away from the mirror. She quickly grabbed her belongings and left the bathroom. The moment she had arrived at the cash again, a man stepped out of the arrived car. Two things really surprised her. First, the car, and second the driver of said car. The vehicle was a dark-blue Lamborghini. While the sight of such a car was not unusual for city and suburb folk, she had not experienced any type of sport car to hold at the gas station just once since she started working there. But she was even more surprised by the person that had emerged from the car. He was tall, at least 6'2'', and very muscular. His legs and stomach were partially covered by the cars side, so Nikky could only see a portion of his whole body. However, the things she could actually look at made her immediately attracted to the guy, and she could already feel her tight pussy getting wet from just looking at his handsome stature. _Omg, he is hot! _she thought and had to bite her lip to suppress her horniness. He really was looking unusual. Unusually handsome. Even for Bonerville standards, which were very high. First of all, his face. He had short, stylish, very dark hair that was particularly short on the sides. He had shaved his beard as the area around his mouth was completely hairless. His dark blue eyes seemed to be very intelligent but also full of fire and passion. The most impressive features of his face, though, were his high cheekbones, angular looking face shape, rough chin and his wide neck, which seemed very fitting to his overall body size. To sum up, his face was three things at the same time: tough, handsome and friendly. What a perfect mix, Nikky thought as she loved tough guys that knew how to treat a horny girl right. That he also seemed quite nice was rather a bonus which she actually was fond of. And she had to admit, she really could not wait for him to enter the store to pay for the gas. Speaking of which, the guy grabbed one of the gas discharging hoses with ease to fill his car's tank. Noticeable now was his massive bicep that stretched out his white t-shirt. His arm muscles were covered with veins; some seemed even almost as wide as Nikky's little finger. Nikky could not stop herself from biting her full lips as she was further observing his body. He was definitely her type. Apart from having massive biceps, the rest of his torso seemed equally muscular. He had huge pecs, that stretched out his shirt almost as much as Nikky’s tits did her tank-top but were even larger than her jugs, considering how much taller and bigger he was. Furthermore, under his top he seemed to have an 8-pack that was visibly through the fabric, and a rather thin, fit waist. A couple of minutes later, he had finally finished filling his sport car with gas and walked around the back of the vehicle to reach the shop. When he entered the store, his legs were clearly visible. They were equally muscular and strong. Covered by light blue jeans, they were bulging out the clothing. But something caught the young bimbo's eyes, that she hoped she would come across but wasn't expecting at all: There was a massive bulge in his trouser! Reaching almost down to his knee was one of the biggest and thickest dick bulges she ever had the honor to meet. But what was most incredible was the fact, that it seemed completely soft, too. Holy...fucking...shit!' Bella muttered in her mind while starring at his crotch. The hunk started to smile. "Like what you see?", he asked her; his deep voice was rather kinky and relaxed then off-putting. He chuckled and looked at her with a big grin on his handsome face, showing his perfectly white teeth. "Uhm maybe...." Nikky answered him, being quite surprised he was so direct. Her head turned red as she clearly was lying. She really did fight to hold back her attraction to the guy, as she started to bite her puffy lips even more while playing with her bimbo blonde hair and kept on staring at his massive body and his equally hot stud bulge. "But... uhm, didn't you want to pay for the gas?", she asked him, as she was trying to stay professional. His grin grew bigger. "Oh, yeah. When I entered all I wanted to do was just to pay for the gas and drive on to the city, but I certainly did not expect a babe like you working here!" And in fact, he too was examining Nicky. Staring at her young, large tits, her slim waist and wide hips, he continued: "You are looking fine as hell... Nikky." (He had looked at her name tag on her stretched top). She blushed even more, honoured by his words. While she had heard people calling her pretty and slutty a lot before, she was very thrilled to hear HIM say that to her. And he really seemed to be meaning it! She bit her lip and looked up at him. "Ooh, stop it!" She laughed, clearly embarrassed. "It's true, though! I don´t lie to a girl like you, hun!" She blushed again, flattered by his seemingly honest words. And he was clearly flirting with her, which she really did not mind. "Well actually.... you are like super hot as well!", she admitted, blushing again. He laughed. "Well, thank you! Glad you enjoy my body." He chuckled as he started to show off, flexing his massive bicep teasingly. She bit her lips once more. "You really like .. uhm...make me horny, you know?", she admitted. However, she still was quite unsure how he'd react. But as his handsome grin turned into a kinky smile, she was sure, he was starting to get horny as well. And in fact, his bulge seemed to have grown in size since they had started talking. He lowered his voice a bit as he teasingly asked: "Well, why don't we go somewhere more private?" Surprised by that direct question, she tried to fight her very horny to stay rational. She blushed again; this time even more embarrassed. "But what if somebody catches us ... like ... uh ... I am gonna lose my job and all..." "Oh, come on. I am sure that nobody will mind hearing us. I mean it's Bonerville after all!" "It's ALMOST Bonerville ... but I guess... you are right", she grinned teasingly. "See?" He nodded, but still seemed unsure what she was thinking about his kinky idea. "So.…? My offer still stands", he smirked as he looked down at her short but curvy figure. Her aroused smile grew brighter. "Ok", she answered concisely. She bit her puffy underlip once more and grabbed her small purse from the shelf. "Follow me then, stud", she kept on smirking at him while she looked around nervously to make sure that there still was nobody at the gas stations store. Yep, still nobody. Perfect. She steered towards the office that was next to the staff toilet. Her white Nike sneakers seemed to float as they barely touched the floor. She let her fit hips swing so that her athletic bubble butt was bouncing in her tight shorts. Nikky turned her torso towards him and signalled him with a bright smirk and another bite on her lip to follow her. The mountain of a main grinned at her mischievously and together they entered the office. X They soon had made themselves comfortable on the big sofa of the office. Matt's muscular physique, the envy of many gym goers, made the furniture beneath him bend, while Nikky sat on top of him, her fit and plump bubble butt positioned on his wide muscular lap, just inches away from his semi-erect enormous bulge. The two french-kissed, their tongues engaged in a vortex-like entwinement as their lips pressed on another, drenched in their mixing saliva. Nothing could be heard besides the creaking sofa, the wet and carnal sounds of tongue fighting tongue and Nikky's own passionately sweet moans. Finally, Nikky released herself from him and they stopped kissing. She then admitted: "Gosh, I needed that! Being all alone out here... is like really lonely..." She made a gloomy face, clearly playful to get an emotional response from the stud. He of course did not fall for her acting, even as there seemed to be some truth in her words. This gas station was truly abandoned, and he was not sure if she was working there voluntarily or if somebody had made her do it. Nevertheless, Matt started to grin, clearly still enjoying himself, even though they had stopped making out (for now). "I bet", he answered with a comprehensible tone. "I would never want to work here. This place seems more boring that a monastery!" He laughed, trying to make her feel comfortable to lure an answer out of her. It seemed odd to him, that such a bombshell of girl was working at this abandoned gas station far away from the city; even though he did not really care a lot. He was still rather curious though, which didn't occur often, especially when he was talking to hot babes and only wanting to fuck them hard. And she was hot as hell and Matt definitely wanted to get in her pants. Preferably, as easy and swift as possible. He didn't have all day, only a couple of hours. Enough for one, two rounds, nothing serious though. Making sluts feel comfortable and being understood always made them be more willing to open up their legs wide for him. And Matt was good at playing with them, and he enjoyed it most of the time, although it sometimes could turn awkward and become time consuming. Usually that made the sex even more enjoyable, though. His tactic was working, as the rather not-so-bright young bimbo on his lap stopped smirking back and genuinely seemed sad and frustrated. She pressed her puffy lips together before breathing out heavily. Nikky stopped looking at him for a brief second, probably caught by her unpleasant thoughts, before returning the eye contact. "Yeah...", she said, smirking with a frustrated tone, as she probably was happy that somebody at least was sharing her feelings. "This place really is shit!" She smirked shortly, affected by Matt's handsome smile. "But like ... uh... I have to work here. Because of my asshole father ..." She groaned, giving vent to her anger. Damn, she is upset, Matt thought as he was already regretting asking her at all. He really did not need his hookup to cry out her personal stuff. "Uh, why - why is it your dads' fault?", he was asking, trying to make her feel like he would actually care about her problem, playing along. Dude, why are all bimbos you make out with always turning so quickly in Drama Queens? , he thought meanwhile, truly not in a great mood. He guessed that was the prize they had to pay for being so goddamn fuckable. She didn't answer, instead looked embarrassed and blushed, grinning awkwardly. "You don't wanna know!" "Alright", he answered. He really didn't need to know. "Your call." She looked at him for a while, unsure what to do. Matt imagined her little brain-cells working hard on what to say next. Matt grinned. She really didn't look that bright, but he had to admit, he was a bit too harsh on bimbos like her when he was trying to find out their actual IQ. Usually, the smaller it was, the easier it was for slut-hunters like him to make them be willed to hop on his lap. Hers seemed to be somewhere in between being a brain-dead cock-hungry Bimbo and a somewhat intelligence slut that knew what the result of 2 plus 2 is. He wasn't surprised yet didn't really expect that either. He had met quite a few classically busty cheerleader/gym-slut bimbos whose implant sizes had a bigger score than their IQ's, which, admitted, actually wasn't that hard, as most of them truly had huge fake puppies. Matt had to smirk at his last cheerleader encounter. A girl named Candy. Just 5 feet nothing, apparently 21, although he wasn't sure about that, but who cared, with tits bigger than her goddamn head. Boy, how much he had loved groping her silicone jugs with his large hands, playing with them for at least an hour before he gave it to her like the begging bimbo she was... "My dad was uhh.. mad at me when I made out with - well- one of his hot interns.", Nikky finally answered, disrupting Matt's passionate day-dream. Matt grinned even brighter. Yeah, alright. She truly is a slut!, he thought to himself. Easy prey. XX After Nikky told Matt the reason why she's been working at that particular gas station, confirming the hunks feeling that she indeed was an airheaded slut, both of them seemed even eager to go at each other. Making out passionately, Nikky remained "seated" on Matts large lap, clearly enjoying every inch of his massive body; grabbing hold of his chest and shoulders at any time her pretty hands were in reaching-proximity. Regarding Matt, he was an obvious sucker for her short, yet excessively busty and fit stature. Being a, literally, huge fan of skinny, fit gym babes, the bimbo on his lap portrayed almost everything he desired. Hence, the recently soft bulge in his stretched jeans was starting to grow and to expand the fabric even more. Nicky being in a passionate trance hadn't noticed it so far, until she suddenly leaned back, which resulted in her firm ass pressing on his aroused organ. Gasping in surprise and lusty excitement, she immediately stopped worshipping him and instead looked down at his crotch and finally spotted his now fully erect anaconda straining the fabric of his jeans, to an quite comical extant. As a heavily mixed feeling of lust and passion overcame her, she simply responded by biting her puffy lips, trying to suppress it. "Wow... I ... like.. I didn't know you would grow that ... much, when turned on." Sliding off his lap to get a better look at it, she kneeled in front of him, touching his steel-hard shaft intrigued. "Gosh...Pull those jeans off, I wanna like see it for real..!", she added in a surprisingly demanding voice. Smirking at her sudden obsession, Matt seemed pretty happy, if not at all surprised. Whenever a chick would notice his fully erect size, he had only experienced two reactions thus far: either they would freak out, call him a mutant and run away, scared, but later bitter they didn't at least give it a try, or, as in Nikky's case, would just simply turn into a brain-dead nympho.. Now, a cock size like the one Matt was spotting, wasn't a super-rare occurrence in Bonerville. At least half of the population was consisting of massively hung and very muscular hunks. While a third of those were "only" gifted with a cock as big as a foot or 12 inches (called "Basic Studs"), another third was already spotting dicks with sizes ranging up to 16 inches ("Beta Studs") while the last and final third was divided between Alpha Studs and Super studs. Alpha Studs, their colossal dicks reaching sizes of up to 18 inches, were making up the majority of this last third - about 70 percent of this group. Being immensely hung, they were adored and loved by any woman that was brave enough to spread her legs for their anacondas. Now Matt's monstrous dick was 20 inches long. Therefore, he was one of the about two dozen studs or so in Bonverville that made up the last group. "Sure", Matt answered, still with a wide grin on his face. "If you free those two juicy puppies of yours.", he concluded, pointing to her erect titties, that were stretching out the thin fabric of her tight top even more as before. Nikky giggled. "Ok, fine", she nodded and got up from the floor again. "Enjoy the show..!" She invited Matt to lean back on the sofa, making himself comfortable while watching her. Nikky was stepping back a few feet, keeping eye-contact, wanted to knew exactly where he was resting his sight. Right now he was keeping eye-contact as well, his mouth formed to a horny grin, leaning back, looking all chill and cool, his mighty cock sticking up into the air. She bit her lip again, when her gaze fell upon it for a second. God, how badly she just wanted to ride it! Feeling it stretch out her cunt like nothing else she had ever experienced, making her scream and cum... She didn't know Matt was thinking the same. Eyeing her up hungrily. She wasn't the most bustiest or thickest girl he had had the privilege to meet, but her slender and fit cheerleading physique almost compensated that completely. She stripped of her tight top, revealing her large but not massive tits. However, her nipples were incredible. Pink and sticking up high in the air, it was clear she was incredibly aroused. Following her body down, she revealed even more of her body... her very tight and fit waist, her rather wide hips and finally, her tight pussy, leaking a certain amount of juice already, followed by slender yet athletic legs. She spin around, revealing her tight yet perky bubblebutt that jiggled a bit yet remained compact. Matt's smirk grew wider, as she asked him, if he liked what he was seeing. "Oh, yeah, babe. I do. Now, come her and put your cute face to work!" XXX Nikky did as he pleased and knelt in front of his massive legs. A confident and lustful smile on his face, he pulled down his bulged-out pants to reveal his colossal cock which sprung free of its cage, almost smacking her in her gorgeous face. She was too turned on by its sheer size to be shocked as the bimbo-part of her brain took over. Soon, she found herself gagging on his cock as she was blowing him like a true slut, sandwiching his cock between her enormous tits. His hands were on her head, and he kept feeding her more and more inches as he was sitting on the sofa, while she was squatting in front of him. The collision of him against her tits resulted in a constant barrage of loud PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! sounds, while the obscene noises of her face and throat sliding of his stud-cock filled the room: SHLORP! GAG! SHLORP! SUCK! GAG! GASP! SHLORP! After 15 minutes of intense throat-fucking, in which Nikky almost managed to suck all 18 inches of his bull-cock, but found herself almost taping out in the process, he suddenly grunted loud and roared, as he started cumming down her throat, his thick cum flowing out of his cock like a fire hose. But since it was (almost) Bonerville, getting hosed down by gallons of cum of stud-juice wasn't an unusual thing. Hence, Nikky was quite experienced in the art of "giving head" like her generation called it. However, she had never had to deal with cocks that were bigger like Matt's, but neither a lot smaller ones. Her usual size was around 14 inches, with the biggest reaching up to 16 inches. But 18 inches, while not significantly larger, was in fact, and even she realised that, larger. Hence, she wasn't able to suck him balls-deep. But she did try her earnest. And Matt realised that. So, when he finally erupted like a geyser, he appeared satisfied with both the result as well as her job. However, not just was his cock the biggest she had ever had the pleasure to ... meet, but also his cumplosion was the largest she had ever experienced. She tried containing his massive eruption with her experienced mouth. But even she had her limits, as she realised, that she couldn't swallow fast enough, resulting in her her mouth to quickly overflow to the point where she had to let go off his cock and it to unload all over her tits and face, while she continued tit-fucking him, or at least, she was trying to as she was quickly covered in cum like a glazed donut. "Oh, my god!", she managed to utter as she kept getting blasted by his orgasm. "You are drowning me in your cum, Matt!" He only kept grinning and grunting, holding his massive cock with both of his equally massive hands, as it continued to spew his fertile seed. A few second later, after what most have been about overall 15 seconds of constant spurts of his cock, it finally stopped. Gasping for breath, she was completely overwhelmed by the sheer force and volume that had unloaded out his virile weapon. She could feel his cock still between her tits. It felt softer, but barely had shrunken. Her tits were utterly covered in his cum, where even a lake of his potent jizz had formed on top of them, so was her face and - naturally - his cock which was covered in both his own cum as well as her saliva. "God, you glanced me like a fucking donut!", Nikky announced with lust and in disbelieve.. "Oh, yeah I did.", he answered cockily. A smirk on his face, as if it was normal for him - which it definitely was. He then grabbed his cock with one of his hands and stroked it gently, slapping it against her tits once again, making the soft yet firm skin jiggle. "But... I am not yet finished with you! You did a fine job sucking me off like the experienced slut you are. So, lemme return the favour." (End of the finished work)
  18. dreamboy

    The Gym Janitor Chapter 2

    Warning: this story entails heavy language and other content users may not find friendly. If this is not for you, kindly move on. Have you ever met somebody famous? Better yet. Have you ever been to a concert? The anticipation. The build up. The waiting. It’s almost like a drumroll that’s waiting for that loud “BANG!” The drum roll is the waiting and the bang is the moment the artist walks on stage. The moment they set foot on that stage you start shivering. But not out of cold. Not out of fright. But you shake from the excitement of just being in the same room as them. Every time this behemoth of a man walks through the front doors of the gym, a million jitters dance under my skin. Usually I just observe his workout as I rerack weights from other machines but as I said people somehow found it in their hearts to not be so shitty. I guess I’ll have to pretend to clean again. *** Today’s Wednesday so that means it’s his chest day. He walked over to the dumbbell section and grabbed the 65s and sat down on the bench. For a few seconds he stares intently at his reflection and in one quick motion, knees lift the weight to his chest level and he lays down, then pushes. When I first began night shift this was the most impressed I was. 65 pounds each pec for WARM UP?! I could hardly press 25s as a PR. I brought my windex bottle and an infamous rag that I oddly get turned on by every time I hold one now. I walk over to the treadmills that are facing adjacent a few machines behind where he was and started wiping each surface. His reps slow and concentrated. Every press easily lifted into the air with no trembling like how I usually do when I lift. With each rep his pec just swelled up more and more. The skin of his chest slowly getting redder and sweatier. He pauses then easily sits back up again. I guess I must have been standing still and drooling a bit because after a few seconds of him admiring himself his eyes swiftly locked on me. I locked eyes with him and nodded myself out of the trance and started wiping. I could’ve sworn he had a slight smirk on his face but I kept wiping. I needed to keep myself looking busy on the gym floor if I wanted more time to admire his work from afar. So I went back to my utility close to get a mop and a bucket. I came back out and he had move on to the bench press area. This is where things always get interesting. You’d think an average weight lifter would one up themselves every other month and begin to lift heavier but no. Every muscle group he works out, he lifts heavier than the week prior. Last week I observed him pressing 315 til failure. And believe me, I counted. He had a minimum of 25 reps for at least 5 sets in bench press ALONE! So I stood at the calisthenics and stretching area and began mopping slowly making sure to level my head down but just enough to still catch a glimpse of him in all his glory. Little by little he added plates to each side of the bar. Approaching 315 I was not surprised but still impressed he’d do that much this early in the morning. All of a sudden, when I think he is set to begin his workout, the motherfucker gets TWO MORE PLATES! No way in hell this man will be able to do this without a spotter. 405? He must need at least a bit of help. He begins to align his wrists with the markings on the bar making sure his seat and posture aren’t affecting his form. I gave myself the excuse of staring at him just to make sure that if the weight does turn out to be too heavy I would run towards him and help him pick it back up. At an instance he looked like he was thinking too hard about it but as I thought that he lifted the bar, and without hesitation began crushing each rep at a quantitative pace. His rhythm was fair but concentrated. Each push back up caused him to release a grunt so loud it echoed throughout the facility. Usually I’d be annoyed by a lunk who’d ego lift and scream at every rep but the sounds this man was making only drove me more insane. Again, til failure he went, but I wouldn’t say he failed on his final rep, he probably could keep going all he wants but as he sat up he walked over to the mirror and began to bounce his pecs. Holy fuck. Each slab of meat rippling through his wife beater shirt making his necklace bounce around left to right. He stood back against his hind leg and leaned forward. As if he did a cable row workout he squeezed his arms from his sides and began flexing down the center of his torso, then his pecs swelled up in size. A most muscular. With that pose alone he stared at his reflection and let out a heavy grunt. This was a fucking nightmare. I could not bring myself to ejaculation because he’ll then see it through my khaki pants so I withheld. I needed a release, asap. I brought my mop and bucket with me to the restroom spilling some water along the way but I could not care less I had to release. Barging into the stall, I let loose my pants and sat down on the toilet, and holy fuck my cock was stabbing the seam of my underwear begging to breathe. I held it out and started pumping. Bringing myself to recall his most muscular pose and how his balloon sized tits swelled up, then again his sly smirk earlier for his warm up. What if he looked at me like that? Just the thought of his bouncing his pecs in my face and me licking him clean whilst staring into his eyes, a devious smile on that gorgeous face. Fuck, I couldn’t bare it any longer I felt my balls blue. With no build up, my cum instantly bursted out of my cock and onto the restroom floor. Ounces of semen just coating the cracks of the tile, burst by burst, spasm by spasm, this man had such control over me. No picture or video or visual necessary, just my mind infiltrated by the surreal fantasy of him dominating me with his body alone. I need to clean this shit up or else Kyle will have some more shit to complain about. *** I kept walking around the gym floor mopping nothing. Literally the floor was pristine without any need of mopping. But here I am trying to get even the most milliseconds next to this man as I can. He was on the last of his cable crossovers exercises. Pulling with ease 120 pounds on each side. The fucker could fling around a sumo wrestler for all I know. Then he grabbed his rag and wiped his face and chest. His body glistening with sweat across his torso, and his wife beater being soaked allowing me to see through the silhouetted of his nipples and abs sitting right. This is it. Sadly the last of him I’ll see for the week. That is until after he washes himself off in the showers. I grabbed my mop and bucket and followed shortly after him. I peaked around the corner of the locker room to make sure he wasn’t there, I HAVE to get that rag. There he was, undressing him self, facing away from the entrance and all I see is his voluptuous ass just glistening with sweat carrying the stagnant fibers of muscle that compose his cobra back. His back and ass look better than me altogether. His hamstring harnessing a ripple effect every small step he took. He grabbed a towel from his bag and wrapped it around his waist, took some shampoo and headed towards the showers. The water started running and I slowly peaked again around the corner of the showers and I saw his curtain closed. Hell yes. I paced myself to the bench where his stuff was and there it is. Another filthy rag drenched in his nectar. Soaked to filth with all of his musk. Was I really doing this again? Here? Yes. I immediately shoved as much fabric as I could into my mouth and started sucking on his sweat as if I was dying of thirst. FUCK! His scent was so strong that every time I even exhaled I could still somehow smell it. A tent started pointing through my pants as my cock grew again. But fuck was my cock sore, I felt like I pumped every ounce of semen out and drained my balls. I fixed my eyes on his gym bag and looked beside it. Am I hallucinating? A jockstrap? Holy shit! The jock strap was soaked a color navy. I let go of the rag instantly and lifted the jockstrap with my finger. At an arms distance it was a sight to behold. A muscle king like him’s very essence was at my fingertips. I started feeling like the first time I held up the filthy rag. I brought the jock closer and closer. It felt too divine for me not to respect. I wafted the area around it…DAMN. It stunk so damn good. I mentally prepared myself for the taste, will it taste stronger than the rag or will it be just the same. My tongue welled up with saliva, shabbily sticking it out. Then the jockstrap hugged my tongue… HOLY FUCK!! Some people can’t live without the taste of a specific spice, but they have never tasted anything as good as this! It was like sea salt caramel pop corn by the beach, it was like sweet and sour sauce, it tasted like pineapple juice with some matcha tea. The taste is nothing like I’ve ever tasted. Just as I did the rag, I stuffed my nose and mouth with this essence, letting it course though my mind, my body getting filled with adrenaline. I don’t know if it’s possible to orally digest testosterone but if you could, you’d simply need to ingest this! If testosterone had a flavor, this is it! Thereafter, the shower stopped. Shit. I panicked and started making sure to put everything back to where it was. Fuck! Where was the jockstrap? Inside or outside? SHIT! I lifted the flap of the bag and threw it in there. Then the shower curtains rolled open. I paced towards the mop and bucket at the corner and started mopping and whistling…acting as casual as possible. In he walks, a trail of water droplets following his walk. He looks over at me and nods with a slight smile. Gosh he’s so fucking gorgeous! He’s not just a DILF, but a fucking Adonis. DILFs want HIM to fuck them! I started mopping towards the showers slowly trying to catch a glimpse of his cock making my way around. “You’d think I wouldn’t notice you messing with my shit?” I froze. What the fuck? “I remember exactly where I leave my stuff you fucking runt.” I stared directly down at the trail of droplets. Is this happening? “You think I wouldn’t notice you staring at me as I work out?” From the corner of my eye he turn his around facing in my direction. “Look at me.” With eyes quivering and jaw shaking, I slowly motion my head in his direction. And lo and behold, my eyes dart directly at his horse cock. The most mesmerizing shit I have ever seen. He was not erect at all and it was as thick as a can of soda and nearly as long as can of Pringles. “You like that shit don’t you?” I looked him in the eye with nothing to say. “Don’t you?” He repeated. I nodded. “I’ve noticed you staring. Mainly because you’re the only twat dumb enough to lounge around an empty gym staring at this muscle?” He’s right, why would I ever try if I there was no one else around to hide it from? “You went through my shit huh?” I nodded. “You wanna know how I know? I ALWYAS leave my jock out to dry during my shower.” Jock as in singular? Or is that with every workout? Hmmm. “I workout very early in the morning to avoid fags like you from staring at me during my workout. I come to destress from having all eyes on me yet here you are, cleaning up after me and drooling all over the floor every time you stare.” I looked down, I could not bare the fact that he was reading me to my core. Here I was thinking I was being careful yet I did not even have a poker face in this moment. “What’s your name fag?” “Noah,” I said. “Noah, huh?” I nodded. “How did it taste?” “What?” “How did it taste?” He repeated menacingly. “How did what taste?” “Don’t you give me that shit!” He pointed at me with his jock in his hand. “My jockstrap faggot, how did it taste?” “Uh-“ I stuttered, “ good sir!” I shamefully looked down. “Come here.” What the fuck. Shit. Was he going to sock me in the face? Fuck I might as well make a run for it. I slowly walked towards him in all of his naked glory. “Closer.” I stood 5 feet away from him. “Closerrrrrr.” My head was at chest level with him. “Look at me,” he said. I locked eyes with him. He quick grabbed the back of my neck and with his other hand shoved his jockstrap onto my face. “You wanted this huh? Why are you so stiff? Open your fucking mouth faggot.” I opened my mouth and the fabric piercers through with such more I started lathering it up with the saliva in my uvula. “Take it all in faggot you seemed to enjoy it with me not being here you better enjoy the fact that I’m feeding it to you. Open wider!” I started gagging as his fingers tickled the back of my throat. “Yes,” he snarked,”choke on that shit.” I started feeling light headed but fuck I must admit it was such a turn on. This muscle god force feeding me his very ball sweat. He stopped what he was doing and took the jock strap out of my mouth. I gasped for air, nearly hyperventilating. But ingesting his essence was better than breathing. “You liked that didn’t you?” I nodded and coughed. “Eyes up here fag!” I looked up. He hawked and spit on my face. “Enjoy it,” he grabbed my face and started guiding his saliva towards my mouth,” en-fucking-joy it!” The sweetest taste, not as entrancing but equally as horny. “Listen here fag,” he said. “No little shit goes through my stuff and gets away with it, do you understand?” I nodded. “Say yes sir you faggot!” “Yes,” I breathed,” sir!” “Good,” he smirked. “Now,” he continued,” next time I see you, you better be fucking ready to do this and more. You want to please me and feel this fucking muscle body?” “Yes sir,” I said. “Then be ready to lose all of your dignity before me because I will give you the domination of your fucking life, nothing else will feel as purposeful as this. I catch you going through my shit or let alone jerking it to me without my permission again, and I will make sure you know your place beneath me. Understood?” I nodded. “SAY YOU UNDERSTAND!,” he said. “Yes, I understand sir,” I said shakily. “Good,” he grabbed his bag and walked out,” see ya around, fag!”
  19. NewGuy71

    His Now

    Hey guys, I've been a long time lurker on this site, but this is my first time posting something. Hope you all enjoy! His Now "Broooo... are you sure you have to go?" Kyle Harding whined at his older brother in front of the Departures gate. Thankfully, his classes had ended early today and he'd been able to make it just in time to see his brother off at the airport. Brad just chuckled amusedly. "Dude, I've been working super hard this year just so I could place at competition, you know that." The younger Harding pouted up the brown-haired man and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know... It's just... I'm gonna miss ya, bro." The older man's eyes softened. He patted Kyle's head, gently running his fingers through the younger's golden locks. "It'll just be a few weeks. I'll be back before you know it!" Brad reassured him. Kyle nodded and gave his brother more cheerful grin. "Yeah! I'm sure you'll kick ass too!" he crowed. Brad grinned widely and flexed with a front double bicep pose. His favorite grey muscle tee barely held itself together as it stretched tight around Brad's impressive arms. "Fuck yeah, man! You know it!" he responded cockily. The 24-year-old bodybuilder had put on 20 pounds of muscle in the last year, bringing him from a solid 226 to a whopping 246 pounds of muscle since last year's competition. Brad swooped in and pulled his younger brother into a tight hug. "But I am gonna miss ya..." he whispered in the smaller boy's ear. Kyle hugged him back as tight as he could, allowing himself a moment to just bask in his older brother's comforting scent. Ever since their mom had passed away a few years ago, the men of the Harding family had bonded more closely than ever. Maybe a bit too close if you believed some the rumors of the Harding brothers, but few would ever say so in earshot of either. The younger Harding groaned inwardly, feeling a twitch in his groin, and quickly pulled back with a red face. "Brad, you should go! You still have to get through carry on inspections!" he reminded the bigger man. The older brother just laughed as he turned toward the gate to get in line. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." he said with a grin, "Take care of dad for me, okay?" Kyle just nodded, though he wondered why their dad hadn't come along to say goodbye himself. He had just dropped out at the last minute, saying something had come up and he wouldn't be able to make it. The blond Harding wiped the frown off his face and enthusiastically waved to his brother as the line started moving. "See ya, Brad! Good luck at the competition! Take care!" he shouted. Brad waved back just before turning a corner and heading around a wall, quickly moving out of sight. Kyle's waving hand slowed to a stop, and he watched for a moment as more and more people arrived at the Departures gate: a young lovely-dovey couple excited for their honeymoon trip, an older couple reminding their increasingly irritated son about all the things that needed caring for in the house, a pair of twin girls saying goodbye to their father... Kyle shook his head in aggravation. What exactly was so important that his dad couldn't come and say goodbye to Brad before he left for his competition? He sighed to himself as he turned and made his way back to the parking lot. Kyle narrowed his eyes as he spotted his dad's car parked in the driveway. His father was clearly home right now, so why hadn't he come to the airport to send off his oldest child? The young man parked his car on an open sidewalk and walked to the house. He went to use his key, only to find the front door unlocked. He stared as the door slowly swung open. "What the..." he murmured, a spike of dread shooting down his spine. Kyle stepped inside and locked the door behind himself. "Dad! You in here?" he called out in a loud voice. Not hearing a response, Kyle moved deeper into the house until he heard a loud thump from upstairs. His lips drew into a thin line as he quietly reached out to grab a poker from the fireplace. "D-dad? Was that you?" he called out again from the bottom of the stairs. Once again, there was no response. Steeling himself, the youngest Harding slowly crept up the stairs and into the empty hallway. Looking around, he didn't see anything out of place. There hadn't been any signs of a struggle or robbery downstairs either. Suddenly, he heard a soft, pained moan from down the hallway. It seemed to be coming from his father's room. Thinking the worst, Kyle dashed down the hallway and through the door wide open. "Dad! Are you alrig-" he stopped as his jaw hit the floor. There, on the bed, was his 40-year-old father on all fours being railed from behind by a guy clearly half his age. Kyle face bloomed scarlet as he took in the scene, his father moaning not in pain, but clearly in pleasure. "Ohh... fuck... harder...!" the Harding patriarch moaned as the other man obliged him. "Fuck you're hot, Mr. Harding! Unf... and you're so fucking tight!" the younger man moaned from behind. Kyle gasped, his eyes lighting up with recognition at the voice. It was Mike Hayes from his English Lit class! He and Mike shared some classes at Gold State University, but they weren't really friends. Mike wasn't a big guy, he and Kyle were pretty much the same size, but with his bright green eyes and handsome, pretty-boy face, he was quite popular. Kyle didn't like him very much, especially his rather arrogant my-way-or-the-highway attitude. But that still didn't explain what Mike was doing here or why he was having sex with Kyle's father. "D-dad! What the fuck?!" the blond screeched. Jake Harding's eyes shot to the doorway, as if noticing his son for the first time. "Kyle! W-what are you-ugh... d-doing here?" he grunted through his own moans. Mike just gave Kyle his usual smirk, undeterred by an audience. "Give us a moment, kid." he said as he pounded the older man, "You can have him back once I'm done." Kyle stumbled backwards before turning and fleeing out the door. He ran to his room, shutting it behind him as he slumped to the floor. "What the fuck..." he groaned. Did his dad really skip out on saying goodbye to Brad just so he could fuck with a younger man? In his haste to escape, Kyle had forgotten to close the door to his dad's room. The sounds of sex echoed down the hallway. Kyle grabbed his headphones from his desk and jammed them on his head. Scrolling through one of his playlists, he clicked a random song and let the music drown out the sounds of moaning and slapping flesh. Hopefully, they would finish up soon. An hour later, Kyle stepped out into a silent hallway. He turned toward his father's room with a frown and strode over to find it empty. He headed down the stairs into the kitchen where he found Mike finishing up a meal at the table. He gave his dad an odd look while the older man hovered strangely nearby, like some sort of servant. "Dad?" Kyle questioned in confusion, "What are you doing?" Jake jolted at his son's question. "Err... serving Mike his dinner...?" he replied uncertainly. Kyle boggled at his dad. "What...? Why?" Mike rolled his eyes and interrupted before Mr. Harding has a chance to respond. "So... you've got a pretty awesome place here, Kyle." he began, "It's close to campus... your dad's a fucking DILF with a really tight ass..." He gave the blushing man a filthy look before continuing, "I think I'm gonna move in." The disgust Kyle was feeling was instantly replaced with shock and disbelief. "But... you can't just..." he started in protest. Mike just turned to Mr. Harding and said, "It's fine, right? It's fine that I move in." It sounded more like a statement than a question. Jake Harding's eyes glazed over for a moment, before clearing as he replied, "Y-yes. That should be fine." Kyle's jaw dropped for the second time today. "What?! Dad! You can't be serious!" Mike pushed his chair back and stood with his classic smirk. "Great! I'm gonna go and choose a room, then!" He left the kitchen and headed upstairs followed by a quiet Mr. Harding and a protesting Kyle. Kyle paled when Mike stopped in front of Brad's room. Ignoring the other man's sputtering, Mike opened the door, and stepped inside. Brad's room was the second biggest room in the house, next to the main bedroom. The walls were covered in pictures of bodybuilders and motivational posters. Trophies from old competitions lined the walls and workout equipment was scattered throughout the room. A huge king-sized bed, Brad's most recent purchase, sat in the middle against one of the walls. Mike gave the room a cursory glance before nodding. "Hmm... this room looks pretty good! I'll take it!" He chuckled as Kyle glared at him. "You can't! This is Brad's room!" Kyle turned to his dad expectantly. "Dad! What are you doing? You have to stop this!" However, to his horror, his father simply nodded along with Mike. "Sure. You can have Brad's room. Make yourself at home." Jake Harding ignored his son's horrified shrieks and continued, "If you need, I can give you a ride to your old place and help move stuff too." Mike stepped up to Mr. Harding and gave him sly grin. "I'm sure you could. You've obviously kept yourself in pretty good shape for your age." he said as he cupped the older man's firm chest. "Mmm... very nice indeed." Kyle couldn't take it anymore. He fled back to his room. Grabbing his phone off the desk, the blond was halfway through composing a text to his brother before realizing there was probably nothing Brad could do in his current situation. He was probably mid-flight already and texting the older Harding now would only worry him and probably screw with his performance at competition. Kyle was so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the door to his room swing open. "Hey, roomie. Whatcha up to?" a voice inquired from behind. The young man spun around to find Mike leaning against his door frame, a smirk on his face, green eyes alight with amusement. Kyle glared at him. "I'm not gonna let you do this, Mike... I'll..." he started as the other boy's smirk only grew wider. "You'll... what?" he asked with a laugh, cruel and uncaring. "Geez, Kyle. You haven't realized it yet?" He shrugged as he continued. "It doesn't matter what you want, because everyone will just do as I say." Kyle squawked as the other man swept into his room and sat on the bed uninvited. "Everyone except you, of course." Mike said with a raised eyebrow, "But I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run, because as long as everyone obeys me, nothing you say or do will matter." Mike stood and made to leave the room. "But you can keep trying, I suppose. It won't make any difference." And with that, the other man was gone. Kyle quickly locked the door and fell to his knees, frustrated tears sliding down his face. In his heart, he knew that what Mike had said was true. The other boy always got his way, no matter who he talked to. His voice had a strange power that Kyle could never hope to oppose, no matter how he tried to resist. Kyle's only hope was that Brad would be able to fix things once he returned. He had to. The next few weeks were filled with nothing but disgust, anger, and frustration for Kyle as Mike proceeded to fuck Kyle's dad on practically every surface of the house. Eventually, the youngest Harding resorted to hiding out at his friends' places to avoid constantly seeing his father in compromising positions. A few weeks after, Brad finally returned from competition. Surprisingly, Mike had allowed Mr. Harding to join Kyle in picking up his eldest son. The two waited together at the arrivals gate in the airport. Kyle was practically vibrating out of his skin in anticipation. Surely, Brad would be able to fix things, and everything would go back to normal, right? The young Harding held on to his hopes, his spirits rising when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd leaving the gate. "Brad!" he shouted in glee as he rushed towards his older brother, wrapping the bigger man in a desperate embrace. "I'm so glad you're back!" The older man leaned back in surprise as he held his brother close. "Whoa! Geez, kiddo. Where's the fire?" His eyes widened when his younger brother started to sob uncontrollably. The pro bodybuilder looked to his dad who just shrugged in greeting. Between sobs, Kyle managed to get out, "Bro... you gotta do something! Mike! He just, moved in and... he took your room, and dad just let him..." Brad's eyes grew wider and wider with each work spilling forth from Kyle's mouth. He turned to his father. "Dad... what the hell is going on...?" he demanded. Jake Harding just gave his son a plain look. "Well, Mike said he wanted to move in, so he moved in. Your room was the only unused room in the house, so he took it." Brad gave his father an incredulous look. "What the fuck, dad? Really? You just let this guy move in and do whatever he wants?" He gaped as his dad gave him a helpless look. Turning back to the brother crying against his chest, he ran a soothing hand through the younger man's hair. "Shh... don't worry, Kyle. Big bro will take care of everything." he murmured as he gave his dad a disapproving frown. Eventually, the three of them made their way to their dad's car and headed home. The closer they got to their house, the more Kyle's dread grew. Something bad was gonna happen, he just knew it. The frown hadn't left Brad's face during the entire ride. "So..." Brad began, "tell me about this Mike person." In a shuddering voice, Kyle told him about Mike, about the way everyone just does as he says and how Mike always gets his way. Kyle watched his older brother's face as his eyebrows rose higher and higher. He knew from Brad's expression that the older Harding didn't truly believe him, and that would probably be his downfall. The blond slumped back into his seat for the rest of the ride. A part of him held onto his hopes, but the more practical side of him argued that he was leading his beloved older brother to a slaughter. The rest of the car ride continued in awkward silence. When they finally arrived home, Kyle steeled himself and followed his dad and older brother into the house. He followed Brad as the older man marched right into the house with his bags and headed straight to his room where they found Mike lounging in his bed. "What the fuck?!" Brad roared upon seeing the younger man making himself at home in his room. Mike grinned widely upon seeing them, and it was then that Kyle realized he had made a mistake. He had effectively delivered Brad to the gallows, and his brother was going to pay the price. "Wow!" Mike said as he got up from the bed to greet them. "Damn, you're hot. You look even better up close!" Brad jerked an arm back when the younger man tried to grope his bicep. "What the fuck, man? Who the hell do you think you are?" Mike just ignored the bigger man's question and looked him straight in the eye. "Strip." he commanded. Kyle watched as his big brother's eyes suddenly glazed over and he started to strip the clothes off his impressive body. He pretended to be shocked, but a darker part of him whispered that he knew this would happen... and he let it happen. Mike's face brightened as the older Harding stripped off his white V-neck shirt, revealing his thick pecs and incredible eight-pack abs, soon followed by his jeans and black boxer-briefs. "Holy shit..." the younger man murmured as he took in the buffet of muscle before him, "You're fucking ripped, dude!" Brad just nodded. "I've been working on this body since I was 13 years old." he admitted. "Fuck..." Mike moaned as he stepped closer to inspect Brad's hard worked body. He gripped the bigger man by the sides, stroking his thumbs across the bodybuilder's rippling abs. "Do you shave?" he asked the older man with a raised eyebrow. "I always shave before a competition." Brad replied. "I'm pretty hairy, otherwise." Mike's grin only grew wider. "Excellent." he murmured as he moved his hands up to the bigger man's pecs. He pinched Brad's nipples, smiling when the older man moaned in response. "Ooh, sensitive!" Kyle could only watch as Mike continued to explore his beloved brother's body. A part of him wanted to intervene, but another part couldn't help but think how hot it was to watch his big bro get felt up right in front of his eyes. Eventually, Mike ended his inspection and instead went to open a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a large bottle of lube. He commanded the bigger man to bend over the bed as he stripped off his shorts and carefully spread lube over his 7-inch cock. "Mmm... I'm gonna really, really enjoy this." Mike groaned, all the while looking Kyle straight in the eyes as he lubed himself up. Once he was ready, the young man moved behind Brad and pressed his cock against the bodybuilder's tight hole. "Relax." Mike commanded as he pressed in. Kyle couldn't believe himself. He stood in the doorway, shocked and turned on as Mike thrust inch after inch of dick into Brad's ass, forcing the bigger man to take his cock. He proceeded to watch for the next hour as the other boy used Brad in a variety of positions, enjoying his size, strength, and submission. "Unf... big body... and big cock to boot..." Mike moaned as he kept pounding the bodybuilder's tight hole. He gripped the other man's impressive cock in one hand. "What is this, 10 inches? Maybe 11? Hella thick too... you're the whole package, ain'tcha?" After one particularly vigorous fuck, Brad found himself splayed out face down on the bed. Mike turned to Kyle with a smirk. "Mmm... your brother's got a great body AND great ass, Kyle." he sighed in satisfaction. "But, let me guess... you thought your big bro would save you from... all this." Mike gestured lazily around himself before continuing. "Sorry to disappoint, but the truth is... Brad was always my real target from the start." The other man placed his hands on Brad's wide back, rubbing circles into the thick muscles. "I remember the first time I saw him..." Mike began, his green eyes taking on a nostalgic look. "He came to pick you up one time while I was withdrawing money from the ATM near the parking lot." He turned his gaze down to the thoroughly fucked bodybuilder. "I knew from the moment I saw him, I just had to have that body for myself..." Kyle face shifted to a confused expression. What the hell was he talking about? He soon discovered just what Mike meant when the other man's arms suddenly sank into Brad's back up to his elbows. Mike looked over his shoulder with a pleased grin and said, "I always get what I want, Kyle. And now, I'm gonna claim what's mine!" Kyle watched with growing horror as more and more of Mike slid into his older brother's bigger form, merging with him. Eventually, it was just Mike's head sticking out awkwardly behind Brad's. Slowly, Brad's huge body pushed itself off the bed into a standing position. His head hung limply in front of Mike's, eyes blank and empty. The youngest Harding watched as one of his older brother's big hands came up and pressed down on his own head. Slowly, Brad's face sank beneath the surface of his skin until it disappeared completely, leaving behind nothing but smooth, empty space. Kyle fell to his knees in despair. "Brad! Noooo!" he cried mournfully as his big brother seemed to disappear forever. Mike's head slid forward to fill the void, slotting itself onto its rightful place on the pro bodybuilder's muscular body. "Oh, fuck...!" Mike moaned as he completely assimilated the older man, Brad's memories, knowledge, and skills flooding into his mind, "Fuck... fuck... fuck!" "Noooo! This can't be happening!!" Kyle sobbed. "Yessss!" Mike cried out in pleasure. Brad's body shook as it orgasmed. "Fuck!" Mike grunted as his new body convulsed, spilling rope after rope of thick, bodybuilder cum all over the bed in front of him. After a few moments, he turned to Kyle, his huge cock still standing tall and proud. "Damn! Look at this body!" Mike roared as he examined the massive form he had stolen and claimed as his own. His eyes drifted downwards, to where the Brad's cock- no, his cock was sticking straight up against his belly. It was so much bigger than his old one. "Holy fuck, it's huge!" he declared, stroking his big, hard erection. "It's perfect. So damn thick!" He grabbed a ruler from the nearby desk and measured it. "Mmm... fuck! 10 and a half inches! I knew it!" he crowed in delight. "And these balls..." Mike groaned as he cupped the low hanging orbs, "So fucking big..." He tossed the ruler back onto the desk and went to stand in front of the full-length mirror. He had to take a few steps back to get his reflection to fit in the frame. "Goddamn, these muscles! Look at these biceps!" he grunted, flexing them in a double bicep pose. "They're massive!" Mike ran his big hands over the rest of the body, enjoying the feel of the ripped muscles under his fingers. "And fuck! These pecs!" he growled as he groped the thick mounds of muscle. The brunet pinched one of his nipples roughly with a soft moan. "Mmf... feels so fucking good..." The brunet brought a hand down to his eight-pack abs and stroked the hard, toned muscle, slipping his fingers between the deep grooves and valleys. "These abs are incredible..." he murmured, flexing and unflexing his cobbled torso. "Unf... and his scent... my scent..." Mike lifted an arm and pressed his nose into his own armpit, taking a deep whiff of his new musk. "So fucking manly!" Mike turned his gaze back to Kyle, still kneeling on the floor. "Poor, poor Kyle..." he teased, "Big brother's gone! I'm all that's left of him..." He smirked as he continued to flex. "But… don’t worry. I'll take care of this body he so generously gifted me. His big, strong body... belongs to me now." His gaze dropped to Kyle's pants where an obvious tent was forming. "Oh? What's this?" Mike's smirk turned predatory. "Don't tell me... you're actually turned on by all this?" He brought a hand down to his hard, 10.5-inch cock. "Is this what you want, Kyle? Big bro's fucking huge cock?" he asked in mock innocence. The younger man paused, but couldn't help himself and Kyle shamefully hung his head. Mike smiled wickedly at his answer and grabbed the boy's chin, forcing him to look up. "Well then..." Mike whispered, "Brad's gone... and this is my body now, so why don't you go ahead and suck on this fat cock?" He sat himself on the bed and spread his muscular legs, his huge member hard and leaking. Kyle hesitated for a moment before he slowly took a step... and then another... Moments later, he sat kneeling on the floor between Mike's legs, staring straight up at him with a fierce blush on his face. Mike raised an eyebrow at him. "Well...?" he said as he gestured expectantly at his shaft. Kyle's gaze kept switching between Mike's face and the big dick in front of him. A part of him wanted it... but he had to resist! He couldn't do this! The other man just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Okay, fine... I know what you really want." Mike tensed his body and started to grunt while Kyle just watched in confusion. The youngest Harding's eyes widened in shock when a tuft of brown hair began pushing its way out of Mike's chest. Slowly, Brad's head resurfaced until it hung limply just below Mike's. He locked eyes with Kyle and gave him a mirthful grin. Mike gripped Brad's head between his hands and lifted it up, pressing his face into the back of the other man's head. Kyle watched in horrified fascination as Mike drew the older Harding's face up around his, wearing him like a mask. Moments later, Brad's head was back on his shoulders, his eyes closed with a peaceful expression on his face. Kyle stared. "B-Brad?" he whispered, afraid to break the illusion. The older man jolted awake before turning to the youngest Harding. He smiled gently. It was Brad's smile. But Kyle's faint spark of hope was quickly snuffed out when Brad's kind smile quickly morphed into Mike's cruel smirk. "Is this what you wanted?" he taunted, using Brad’s voice. He stroked his stubbled chin appreciatively. "I'm back, little bro." Kyle gasped as a surge of heat made its way through his body. It was Brad's face, his voice, his body, his expressions... but Mike was completely in control. Kyle felt his resolve start to crumble. 'Brad' spread his arms wide. "C'mere, bro. Give your big brother a hug!" he invited. Almost robotically, Kyle stood and fell into his older brother's welcoming arms. 'Brad' wrapped his muscular arms around Kyle, pulling him into a familiar embrace. Kyle took a moment to relish it, returning the hug and allowing the imposter to fool him for just a bit. The moment was soon shattered by familiar hands roving his body in distinctly unfamiliar and un-familial ways. "Mmm..." Kyle shuddered as a deep voice whispered into his ear. "You know what big bro needs?" Strong hands forced Kyle back to his knees and gripped the back of his head, bringing his face to 'Brad' hard cock. He stared at colossal member, its thick, heady musk filling his senses. "Big bro needs a blowjob from his favorite little brother..." 'Brad' cooed, "C'mon, taste it. You know you want it..." Slowly, Kyle felt his mouth open wide and engulfed 'Brad's' throbbing shaft. "Mmm... fuck!" the bigger man moaned as Kyle swallowed inch after inch of his dick. Inwardly, Mike marveled at how much more sensitive Brad's cock was compared to his original one. 'Brad' leaned back on the bed as he watched Kyle bob up and down on his cock, taking it surprisingly deeper and deeper into his throat. "Hmm..." he moaned, gently rubbing the back of Kyle's head, "Someone's been keeping secrets from big bro, huh?" 'Brad' laughed when Kyle stared up at him with wide eyes and a mouthful of hard dick. "Oh yeah!" he grunted, "Suck the cock of the big brother you love so much!" He pressed Kyle's head down, forcing more of his cock into that tight throat. "Yeah! Deep throat this huge cock!" 'Brad' growled. "Take it all in!" "Nnngh..." Kyle groaned as he sucked harder, his lips stretched around his brother's big cock. 'Brad' felt his balls start to churn, the sensation of his new body edging closer and closer was incredible. "Fuck! This body feels so good!" 'Brad' exclaimed, "I'm gonna come!" With a deep growl, he erupted in Kyle's mouth. 'Brad' shot his load deep in the smaller man's throat, bucking his hips up as he forced Kyle down his shaft to the root. The other boy choked as he found his face buried in thick pubes. The intoxicating smell made him quickly cum in his pants as shot after shot of 'Brad's' creamy seed made its way down his throat. "Ahhh! Fuuuck!" 'Brad' grunted as Kyle swallowed the last few drops of cum. Eventually, the cock in his throat softened and Kyle was able to slide off, the huge member leaving his mouth with a loud pop. 'Brad' sighed and relaxed back onto the bed before pinning Kyle with a glare. "Now get out! I want some time to myself, so I can explore this awesome body your big brother so generously donated to me." Mike commanded with a smirk, dropping all pretenses of role play. Kyle's eyes widened as he scrambled backwards, red-faced. "Uh... okay..." he said, wiping a smear of cum from the side of his mouth. Mike watched with amusement as the smaller boy left, closing the door behind him. That 'big brother' role play thing was actually pretty hot, he'd have to try that again sometime in the future. He stood and stretched lazily, before striding over to the mirror to take a closer look at his new body. Peering closely into the mirror, Mike rubbed a hand over the stubble on his strong, square jaw and poked at his large nose. "Hmm... pretty good, I guess." he said after a moment of consideration. Brad's face was really masculine, and his dark blue eyes weren't bad to look at. Bringing his hands to the side of his face, Mike pulled forward until tufts of black hair sprouted from the back of his head. Slowly, Mike pulled his head free until once again Brad's face hung beneath him like an empty shell. Quickly tucking Brad's head back into his chest, Mike re-examined himself in the mirror and grinned. "Much better!" he chuckled as he took in his familiar bright green eyes, high cheekbones, and five o' clock shadow. Mike had always been quite proud of his looks, but now that his pretty-boy face was atop Brad's incredible body... "Fuck..." he moaned, "I'm perfect..." Taking a step back, Mike ran a hand over his massive chest, feeling up towards his wide shoulders and around his thick traps. His other hand traced down his lats to his thin waist, before moving inward to rest at his core. "Unf! Look how ripped this body is!" he marveled. He slammed a fist into his abdomen, testing the solid rack of muscle. Drawing upon Brad's memories, he tried a few poses, admiring the view of his muscles from all angles. Mike turned to the side to check out his assets. He gave the impressive mounds of muscle a smack, chuckling in satisfaction. "Damn... bro got booty!" Mike mused, "Nice." He smirked cockily into the mirror. "Thanks for the great body, Brad. I'll make sure to put it to good use." The next morning, Kyle and his dad were having breakfast at the dining table when Mike finally made an appearance downstairs. Both father and son froze as they took in the young man's new appearance. Kyle swallowed hard. Mike was dressed in a familiar grey muscle tee, the same one Brad had worn the day he left for competition. It looked great on Mike's new body, stretching tight around his arms and chest, accentuating his muscular torso. The young blond cursed the traitorous dick hardening in his pants. "Hey, boys" Mike greeted casually as he walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. He grabbed a plate and piled on some bacon and eggs. "Good morning." Mr. Harding gaped at Mike. "W-what the...? What happened to you?" he asked bewilderedly. Mike just shrugged. "I just took Brad's body for myself, that's all." Jake's eyes narrowed as he studied the younger man. "What do you mean, 'took his body'? What are you saying?" "I mean that your son sacrificed himself so I could have this amazing body of his. You don't mind, right?" Mike responded with a smirk. The older Harding wavered as Mike's voice washed over him. "O-of course not." he mumbled. "You deserve that body more than Brad did..." Mike nodded and smiled smugly. "Well, good, because it's mine now." he declared. "And... I'm gonna fuck you with this huge cock tonight, so be prepared." Mike purred, his voice dark with promise. He spread his muscled legs and patted the straining bulge in his shorts. Jake gulped nervously, but couldn't deny the other man's words. "Uh... sure..." he said weakly. Mike turned to Kyle, who gulped at the sudden scrutiny. "And, as for you, Kyle..." he began while pouring himself some orange juice, "If you're good, I might be willing to let 'big bro' take care of you, every now and then." Mike flexed an arm for effect. Kyle shuddered, but couldn't help but nod as a blush spread across his face. "Ugh... f-fine..." he stammered, looking away. Mike grinned as he dug into his breakfast with new vigor. It was gonna take a lot to fuel this new body of his. As everyone settled down to eat their breakfast, Mike couldn’t help the self-satisfied smirk the found its way onto his face. He could hardly believe it. He managed to get Brad's hot bod AND a sexy DILF to fuck. Even better, he finally found a way to control the one guy who was seemingly immune to the power of his voice! Life was great for Mike Hayes, and it was only going to get better from here on out.
  20. BiteApple

    Alex GROWS (Stardew Valley)

    Hey everyone, Im back after a little break. Just wanted to get this piece out. Credit to GasaiV for this fantastic art. It belongs to him. I do not claim it, but I did morph some of them. Pure fetish work btw, built off my last story so they are a little similar "A-Alex?!?! Is that you??" The man in front of you had a rippling back, mapped with defined muscles, wide as anything. He was wearing a pair of tight fitting grey sweatpants, highlighting every curve in his legs. The band of his underwear peaked out at the top. He slowly turned around, grunting as he continued to pump out rep after rep of bicep curl, to reveal a strikingly handsome face. Emerald green eyes, pierced from behind a shaved army cut of hazel brown hair. His chiselled features accentuated by his cut jawline and killer smirk, framed by his bulging bull neck. "Haha… ragRgh! It's me alright." It was then that you looked down at the man's front half. It was just as impressive as his back. His bull neck levelled out into bulging traps, bookended by boulder shoulders, each with a sexy cut carved out the centre. His arms were massive. His thick bicep bulged with every rep, pumping bigger and BIGGER as veins popped up across the top and down his massive forearm. His pecs were giant melons of muscle, spilling out from his chest. You watched as they striated with every pump, moving up and down… meaty and huge… just like the rest of him. His nipples were large and pointed, areolas swollen and red. So, so suckable… and his abs… ohhh, they were ripped. A shredded eight pack, defined as hell, tore down his torso into a v just above his crotch, where a noticeable bulge rested. His obliques and lats extended from the sides of him like wings, and his thighs were so meaty and snug inside his pants you wondered how they didn't chaff. "You're… huge. What happened to you?" "Well you see… aRGH! During college I had to seriously bulk up if I wanted to dominate the game… nGrgh! The gym called to me. Soon I was addicted and decided to become a pro bodybuilder when I graduated. So… like what you see?" "Yes…mhmm… I want to…" You instinctively reached a hand out and placed it on his pec, feeling it ripple under your touch. Before you could react his free hand covered yours, holding it in place with his firm grip. You almost came from the stimulation. Looking down… did his bulge seem… bigger? "Want to take this a step further?" Your other hand slowly worked its way onto his other pec. "Yes… daddy…" you pleaded. He smirked, and struck a pose with his free hand. You gasped as the muscle tripled in size, swelling to almost double his head. You caress the swelled muscle, revelling in its solid hardness. Reaching down to grip his bulge, he lets out a soft moan. "Alex daddy… how big are you down there?" "Mmhmm… 9 inches probably… grew a bit when I started to juice" " Neghh… can't wait for you to shove it inside me… and fill me up…" You continue to worship his muscle body, feeling and exploring every sweaty crevice. You slip a hand under his arm… only to find it smooth. He notices your perplexition. "Yeah… could never grow hair there. No pubes either", he says with a slight frown. An idea pops in your head. "Hey Alex… what if I told you… you could be bigger? Much bigger? More manly than you could ever desire.? "Really? How?" "Just leave it to me. I sense you have a thirst… deep inside you. Locked away. A thirst for more. A thirst for muscle. A thirst… for godhood. And looking at you now… you're tiny. But you could be… so much… bigger." "Yes… I'm tiny. Puny even.I want to be bigger. It's true. I've always wanted more. Please baby, make me into a monster. I'll become the alpha of your dreams. Do it to me. Please." "Yes Alex… good. But do you know what doing this to yourself means? You will be bigger but… you will change. I fear you will lose your current self. This serum it… makes you darker. More… prominent. The thirst may very well consume you." "I don't care. I want it. You've unlocked my hidden desire for growth. I must be bigger. More muscular. I don't care what it does to me. I just need it, baby, please… more…" "Very well… strip now. Change into this jockstrap. You'll need it." He pulls off his sweats and underpants, and your eyes widen at the sight of his member. It's thick and long… just thinking of how big it's gonna grow… "I'm ready" he says as he pulls on the jock. You slip out the needle from your pocket, and climb onto a chair before plunging it into the vein on his shoulder. Immediately he cries out in pain. "FUCK… ARGHH… IT… HURTS… AWRFGHH… my body… its on fire… I feel it… coursing through my VEINS! ARGHH!!! PAIN… SO INTENSE… HAHAHAHA… I can feel it now… its beggining to work… transform me! More POWER!!" His arm then explodes as he begins to grow. Biceps swell as his shoulder broadens… becoming rounder… more defined. It's a boulder now. So massive and huge. He flexes his bicep as his triples in size, swelling to almost as large as his shoulder. You can start to see armpit hair sprouting in his pits as his forearms bulge. He notices this too, and laughs, voice beginning to deepen into a sexy baritone growl. He's still gripping the dumbell, and you notice the melting BENDING as his strength quadruples. "OHh… NGghh… yes! I'm getting so HUGE! Watch me… RARGH!! Arms… bulging so fuckin big bro… look at my shoulders. Can't fit through the door now. Daddy's getting huge…!!" Next to grow are his legs. His tree trunk quads are QUADRUPLING in size as they balloon bigger and thicker, becoming so defined and hard that you can't take your eyes off them. A thin coat of hair sprouts across them, and you can hear him grunt in satisfaction. "RAWRGH!! Real MAN legs now. Such a BEAST. Give me more serum baby… please… I need to get BIGGER! I know you want me too… just imagine me, all bulked up for you." You quickly pull out a second needle and push it into his left pec. Instantly, he roars ecstasy as his swelling body lets out a massive shockwave that knocks you onto the floor. You stare up at the growing muscle man in front of you, who's pecs have begun to swell. They grew more solid, spilling across the top row of his eight pack, which had started to become more defined as well. They were a true cobblestone wall now, flexing with every slight movement. "NGH… YES… REAL FUCKING MAN CHEST. Bodybuilder… fuck that's so hot. THIS is bodybuilding…no… GOD building!!" He roars as you notice a change in him. It's working now, the side effects of the serum. His attitude is changing… he's becoming darker… more dominant. Your cock throbbed in anticipation of what you were going to turn him into: an evil muscle god, to conquer and rule with. He lets out a roar as his transformation slows down. He's almost complete. Alex was a true muscle beast now. He was so wide that you knew getting out of this room was going to be a challenge… unless he outgrew it. Even his cock had grown, straining his jock and forming a massive bulge. The thin straps accentuated his bubble butt, his dick leaking precum EVERYWHERE. Suddenly, he started to writhe. "ARFH… My head… nGH… it hurts… FUCK! Must… have muscle… NEED more… muscle… changing… becoming dominant… darker… ARGHH!! NO… MUST RESIST… NGHH…YES… GIVING INTO THE DARKNESS… BECOMING… MUSCLE… GOD." He roars as his mind is corrupted. Sweet little Alex is no more. Now stands before you an evil dominant muscle god. "Your god demands another dose. Give it. Now", he orders in his deep, commanding voice. When you don't pull out another syringe, he roars in anger and picks you up, ripping off your shorts as if he was an alpha in a rut, and snatches up the 3rd vial. He plays with it in his massive palms, before whipping out his now MASSIVE (and hard) cock and plunging it deep within his piss slit. He lets out a deep, dangerous growl as the contents flow into his penis. His eyes are closed, and you can tell he's focussing. Suddenly, he lifts up both hands, and flexes into a double bicep. His body explodes with muscle. Everything swells, quadrupled in size as he moans in pure pleasure. He's… hulking out. Growing so big and massive. It was almost insane. He's becoming so much more than a god… yes… he was becoming a being of pure mass and muscle. The embodiment of only manliness, alpha, dominating manliness. You came in your boxers, watching him ascend. He grabbed another weight, much larger this time, and starts to pump. Immediately his face folds into one of pure ecstasy and pleasure as his cock starts to thicken. Harder. Girthier. Veiner. Until he cums. The room is covered in his essence, his eternal ambrosia. It smells wonderful. He turns to you now, an evil smirk on his face. "Daddy's home. And he's a god now. Open up wide, baby. Daddy's got a full alpha load to breed you with."
  21. Part 1 I had graduated from art school a few months ago, but was still working as a barista at a coffee shop. Finding work as an artist was tough, so I had to keep working that crappy job until I could find something better. To take my mind off of that, I went to the gym to workout. Even though I didn’t know that much about lifting weights, I did what I could to build muscle. I always admired (and lusted after) huge muscle guys, wondering how they got so big. I had an athletic build, but my body was extremely small compared to those guys. I always wished I could be as big as them. When I hit the gym floor, I noticed two massively built older guys doing the bench press together. They were both wearing string tanks, tight shorts, weight belts and training shoes. They looked like they were 6 feet tall and weighed 280 pounds each and about 50 years old. Both were ruggedly handsome, one bald with a beard, the other with short dark hair and a mustache. And both their cocks were showing in those tight shorts underneath large muscle guts. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them as they took turns lifting the bar, loaded with four plates on each side. One grunted out rep after rep, while the other one encouraged him to keep going. They would slap each other on the chest after each set. “Good job, man! Looking pumped!” I could see their dicks harden and grew during the set. I moved to a flat bench next to them and hoped to get a better look while I worked my chest. I put 45-pound weights on each side of the bar and tried to get to ten reps. After a few, I started to struggle. “Hey little man, need some help?” I heard a deep voice ask. I looked up and saw a bald, bearded face staring down at me above a pair of massive pecs and a huge bulge. “Um, sure,” I responded. He put his hands under the bar, helping to guide it as I continued to push up and down. “There you go, keep pushing. Stay in form. That’s it.” His encouraging words helped me through the set, as I finished out the full ten reps. I sat up and turned to him and smiled. “Thanks, that was helpful.” He smiled back. “No problem. Do you want me to spot you for the rest of your set?” “Oh, I don’t want to interrupt your workout with your friend over there.” I motioned over to the other daddy, who was talking on his phone and adjusting his cock. “Oh, he has to take care of some business, so it’s all good.” “Ok, sure!” I got excited that this huge muscle daddy was helping me workout and I started to pop a boner in my sweats. I laid back down on the bench, hoping he didn’t notice my hardon. I started my next set and he guided me through it. His deep voice calmed me as I focused on lifting the bar up and down. The weight didn’t feel as heavy now. I did two more sets, feeling pumped at the end. “Good job! You got a nice pump from that!” He exclaimed, looking down at my pecs. I blushed, still feeling tiny compared to him. I looked down and caught his dick moving in his shorts. “Yeah, good job!” said the mustached daddy, who walked over, or waddled more accurately. His dick bounced as he moved. “Thanks. I’m pretty new to working out, so I’m still trying to learn the ropes.” I smiled sheepishly. They both exchanged glances. The bearded daddy said, “You want to work out with us? We can show you a few things. We have been doing this for awhile.” He raised his arm, flexed his thick bicep and laughed. My cock hardened immediately. “Sure!” I said, surprised at the invitation. They both slapped me on the back and chuckled. “Good! I’m Terrell and this is Tony.” Both reached out their meaty hands to shake my much smaller one. My cock quivered at their touch. “I’m Josh. Nice to meet you.” They led me over to a cable machine and set the weight up. I followed their instructions as they taught me proper form and technique. Hearing their deep voices tell me what do while working out my chest turned me on so much. I had to keep adjusting myself so my hardon wasn’t visible. But as the workout went on, the more intense it got and I soon forgot all about that and just focused on lifting weights. All I could hear were their voices telling me what to do as my pecs pushed themselves to the limit. By the end, my chest felt destroyed, but totally pumped. “Great workout, Josh. You really killed it!” Terrell said patting me on my chest with his giant hand. “Yeah, I’m impressed,” Tony remarked, also patting me on my chest. “Really?” I was practically out of breath and completely drenched in sweat. They were both covered in sweat and their pecs had swelled even more from the workout. I felt like a toothpick standing next to them. They were so wide and thick, packed with dense, veiny muscle. Every time they moved, their muscles twitched. I felt light headed being surrounded by so much muscle. I bent over to catch my breath. “You ok, Josh?” Tony asked. “Yeah, but I think that workout killed me, though.” Both laughed. “Good, that way you know it’s working!” He slapped me on the back. “We gotta run, but you wanna work out with us again sometime?” I looked stunned. Why were these muscle gods so willing to help me? “Um, yeah, I’d love to!” “Cool. How about you meet us here tomorrow at the same time?” “Ok, see you then!” I wiped sweat from my face. “Make sure to eat plenty of food today and get lots of sleep. You don’t want to waste those gains!” Then Tony reached into his duffle bag and pulled out some pills. “Oh, and take these supplements, they will help you recover from the brutal workout today. We want you nice and rested for the torture we’re going to put you through tomorrow! Haha!” I laughed nervously with him. “See you tomorrow, Josh!” said Terrell, patting me on my bubble butt while he and Tony waddled out of the gym. I was stunned. I felt so lucky that those two muscle daddies trained me. And they were going to train me again! I eagerly popped the pills that they gave me and washed them down with water. I went home, ate a ton, and then went to bed early, dreaming of those two muscle daddies. Part 2 The next day I bolted out of work and ran straight to the gym. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw Tony and Terrell standing at the front desk, looking massive. I got hard instantly. I hoped I could make it through the workout without embarrassing myself. They smiled and waved at me. “Ready for your next training session?” Terrell asked while putting his meaty hand on my shoulder. My dick twitched from his touch. “Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to it!” “Good! And it looks like you kept that chest pump from yesterday!” Tony beamed as he put his hand on my pecs. My dick twitched again. I was in heaven. Terrell handed me some more pills and a bottle of liquid. “Before we begin, take these supplements and pre-workout. They’ll help you get a better workout and pump.” I happily swallowed the pills and washed them down with the drink. I could feel my body already getting pumped. “Good boy,” he said while patting me on my ass. We made our way to gym floor and started my training session. They stood on either side of me as I lifted, correcting my form as I went. Once again, their deep voices lulled me into a trance, my mind focusing only on lifting weight. I could feel my muscles swelling as the weight and intensity increased. Before I knew it, I had finished the session. My back and biceps were on fire. “Great job, Josh! Your back is looking yoked!” exclaimed Tony from behind me while putting his hands all over my back. He moved closer and I could feel a bulge press slightly into my backside. “Fuck, man, your guns are looking big!” cried Terrell from the front. “Let’s see them. Give us a double bi!” Hesitantly, I raised both my arms and flexed. They had never felt so swollen before. His eyes lit up as he moved closer to feel them. “Thatta boy!” he said squeezing my arms while gently pressing his pecs and bulge into me. I waivered and felt like I was about to pass out. “Easy there, Josh! You ok?” Terrell released my arms and held me by my waist. “Yeah, just a little wiped out from the workout.” I wiped the pouring sweat from my forehead. “Looks like you need to eat. Wanna grab a bite to eat with us?” Tony asked. “Uh, sure,” I replied, still unsteady from the intense workout. “I gotta shower first, though.” “No problem. We’ll wait for you by the front desk.” He patted me on my ass as I headed to the locker room. I quickly showered and got dressed. I was half expecting them to be gone when I came out, but there they were, still looking massive. I couldn’t believe my luck. We headed down the block to a small restaurant and found a booth to sit in. I sat on one side where Terrell joined me. Tony sat across from us. Both guys were so big, they couldn’t fit on one side together. Even with my much smaller build, Terrell still crowded me as his large arms sat against mine. My dick pitched a tent in my pants. After we perused the menu, the waiter came over and his eyes widened as he looked at Tony and Terrell. I could see his dick move in his pants. “Um, what’ll you guys have?” Looking at the menu, Terrell ordered. “I’ll have the whole chicken, two orders of rice, and two orders of steamed broccoli.” I gulped at the thought of eating that much food in one sitting. Tony chimed in, “Yeah, I’ll have the same.” “Wow, you guys are hungry!” the waiter marveled. “Well, you gotta eat to get big,” boasted Tony as he flexed a bicep. The waiter balked at the size of Tony’s arm. Then the waiter turned to look at me. “Um, I guess I’ll have…” Terrell interrupted. “Why don’t you start him out with half of what we ordered, and we’ll go from there.” I looked stunned. Why did he order for me? “All right, I’ll bring it out when it’s ready!” He turned and went to the kitchen, adjusting his pants along the way. I was about to speak up, when Terrell turned to me, his big, brown eyes boring a hole through me as he spoke. “I didn’t want you to lose any of the gains you made today, so I ordered you the best and healthiest option here. I hope you don’t mind?” All resistance faded in me as he said that. “I don’t mind. You know what’s best for building muscle,” I acquiesced. He smiled and patted my leg. “Good boy.” Tony rested his elbows on the table and leaned in, his arms flexing as he did so. “You did great today Josh. We think you have the potential to get big. That is, if you want to.” “Yeah, I do. I’ve always wanted to be big. But I’ve never been able to grow past a certain point.” “We can help you if you like. We’ve been looking for a boy to train and you have the determination, seriousness, and looks that we require. Would you like us to train you?” His arms flexed some more. My cock hardened and shifted in my pants. “Yeah, I’d love that, but I can’t afford trainers right now. I’m just a barista at a coffee shop!” They both laughed. “No, we don’t want your money! But, there are some things we would require from you.” The muscles on his big arms rippled, from his forearms to the top of his delts. I got a little lightheaded. “Like what?” I was excited about the prospect of training with them all the time and getting bigger. Terrell chimed in. “Well, you would have to do everything that we tell you to do. But, you’ve already proven that you can take direction, so that’s good.” He squeezed my leg with his hand, grazing the hardon in my pants as he did so. “And we would need to monitor your bodybuilding progress closely. Like making sure you eat and sleep enough, that you’re taking the right supplements, and taking proper care of your body.” I got even harder hearing Terrell say those words. I had always wanted someone to train me and make me bigger. “So that would require you moving in with us. We have a large brownstone where you would have your own room and privacy. It’s not that far from here.” My mouth dropped open. They wanted me to move in with them? I just met them yesterday! “Um, wow, that’s a lot to take in. I don’t know…” Tony reached under the table and grabbed my leg. “You can think about it. But we would pay for everything: room and board, food, and supplements. All you have to do is workout, cook and prep food, and grow. You wouldn’t have to work. We just want to make sure you grow as big as possible.” They were both looking at me and I didn’t know what to say. Could I just uproot my life and move in with these guys? But the idea was awfully tempting. I hated my job, I lived in a crappy apartment with a lousy roommate, and I always wanted to be big. Plus, I would get to spend time with two incredibly hot muscle daddies! “You know what, that actually sounds great to me. I’ll do it!” They both cheered. “Perfect, we can head over to our place right after we eat!” Terrell said just as the food arrived. We all dug in and happily devoured our meals. Part 3 is below
  22. NewGuy71

    Where You Belong

    Where You Belong You smirked as you watched Brandon strut about the stage, proudly flexing his glistening muscles. He'd just been named the winner of this year's Arnold Classic competition. And rightly so. Brandon's body was a work of art, and he knew it. The product of excellent genes and years of hard work and effort. The hunk paraded around the stage in nothing but a tiny gold poser before bowing to the crowd with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. His eyes met yours for but a brief moment, and his smile wavered. But it quickly returned to full force, and he looked away and waved back to the cheering crowd. You laughed inwardly. No matter. He would be yours again soon enough anyway. You turned to leave and head back to your hotel room, well aware of how Brandon's amber eyes tracked you as you left the auditorium. *** You leaned back in your armchair, waiting patiently in your hotel room. It was only a matter of time until he arrived. You knew Brandon wouldn't be able to stay away for too much longer. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," you called, "It's open." The door opened to admit Brandon, now fully dressed, with a reluctant frown on his handsome face. He entered the room, closing and locking the door behind him. He was dressed in a tight green t-shirt that stretched wonderfully over his chest, emphasizing his impressive pec shelf and arms. The shirt clung tightly to his narrow abdomen, showing off every bulge and curve of his abs. A pair of grey gym shorts hung low on his hips, barely concealing the outline of the huge cock hanging between his legs. Brandon dropped his gym bag by the door and walked up to you, fidgeting as he did so. You tilted your head with a grin. "My, my. If it isn't the champion himself. How I've missed you, Brandon." He stared silently at you, his eyes stormy and conflicted. "What's wrong, Brandon? You're acting like you don't want to be here." you said casually. He gritted his teeth. "I... don't." he ground out. You raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so?" you asked, "Well then, why don't you just leave?" "You know I can't." Brandon growled, his expression defiant. You laughed and shrugged. "Whatever do you mean? I can't keep you here. You do have about 150 pounds of muscle over me, there's no way I could force you to stay." It was true. Brandon was almost a foot taller than you and more than double your weight. If he really wanted to leave, there would've been nothing you could've done to stop him. But, the bigger man said nothing. He just hung his head low and stared down at the floor. "If you want to go so badly, Brandon," you began softly, "just do it. Go. Leave now." "I... I can't." the bodybuilder finally admitted, his regret plain on his face. You nodded. "Fine. If that's the case, then I'll be the one to go instead." You got up and made to leave the room, but was stopped by a strong grip on your shoulder. You turned to look at the taller man who only whimpered and said, "No. Please..." "Please what?" you prodded with an amused look. "Please... take me back..." he whispered quietly. Brandon turned to gaze at you, desperation in his eyes. You pretended not to understand what he meant. "Take you back? Whatever do you mean, Brandon?" you asked with an innocent grin. "You know what I mean!" he bit out hoarsely, "Put me back where I belong! Reclaim me! Absorb me!" Brandon grabbed onto your shoulders, throwing his pride to the wind. "Please, I'm begging you. Make me a part of you once again!" Your smile widened. Bingo. No matter how much Brandon struggled, no matter how much he tried to resist, you knew he'd never be able to stay away. After you absorbed and merged with him the first time those years ago, he would forever be linked with you, forever drawn back to you no matter how far he tried to run. No matter how many times you granted him his freedom, allowed him to re-form and take back all his size, muscle, and power, everything that was once his, he would always yearn to return and merge back with you. The man was yours, now and forever. "If that's what you want... then strip." you ordered the bodybuilder. Brandon quickly complied, tearing off his tight t-shirt, shorts, and underwear. You did the same, leaving you both naked in front of each other. It was quite the sight. Brandon, with his musclebound 6'4" 260-pound physique stood in stark contrast to your skinny 5'7" 110-pound body. And yet, here he was, this paragon of masculinity, begging to become a part of you again. Who were you to deny such an earnest request? You opened your arms in a welcoming embrace and Brandon leaned down, practically falling into you. His larger body sank in, his flesh quickly merging with yours. The two of you began to fuse together, forming a single writhing mass. Brandon's huge frame enveloped your smaller one, his muscular arms wrapping around your neck and his thick legs winding their way around your torso. You could feel him mentally sigh in relief, like he was finally returning home. You decided to grant the other man's wish and flexed once, drawing all of his impressive bulk inside of you once again. You began to grow as you reclaimed Brandon's power for yourself, all his size, his mass, his strength, his power, his masculinity... The two of you became one again. You shot up in height, your spine creaking as it lengthened. Your chest and back broadened as your shoulders widened, your arms and legs growing longer. You grunted as you swelled with the champion bodybuilder's mass. Pound after pound of muscle packed itself onto your expanding frame. You neck thickened, powerful traps bulging out and rising to meet it. Your shoulders bulked up, rounding with muscle as your back and lats rippled with power. Your biceps and triceps pulsed bigger and bigger, your forearms growing thicker. Your chest jutted out obscenely as it filled with meat. Your core strengthened and hardened, becoming a solid six-pack, then adding another row to make it an even more deeply cut eight-pack. A fine carpet of dark hair spread out across your chest and forearms and down your abdomen and legs, the hair in your armpits and crotch thickening in turn, becoming denser. A deep, rich musk filled the air, wafting from your now hairier body. Your cock swelled in response as Brandon's proud 10-incher merged into your own 4 inches, growing until it reached a monstrous size of 14-inches long and 7-inches around. Your balls ballooned to the size of chicken eggs as Brandon's testicles fused with yours, the sack dropping lower under its new weight. Your legs grew considerably thicker and stronger, your quads filling out and becoming massive trunks of power. Your calf muscles bulged and your feet stretched outward, growing to size-15s. Your ass bulked up and hardened as your glutes became more pronounced. Finally, you felt your facial structure shift as your cute, boyish features mixed with Brandon's more mature, angular ones, becoming a handsome mix of youth and masculinity. You could feel stubble spread itself across your now square jaw. With a growl, you subsumed the last remaining vestiges of the champion bodybuilder's mind. In mere minutes, you had reclaimed Brandon entirely. Every bit of him was now a part of you, as it should be. Now standing at 6'6" and weighing in at a massive 280 pounds, you were the epitome of physical masculinity. Brandon was gone, lost within you forever. A stronger, deeper voice emerged from your mouth. "Fuck yeah!" you growled, low and rumbling, "I missed having you around, Brandon." You smiled wickedly, eager to check out your restored form in a mirror. You turned and headed over to the door which led to the bathroom, pushing it open. You stepped inside and placed your now larger hands on the bathroom counter, leaning against it. You gazed at your reflection, eyeing your swole, godly physique. All the muscular perfection that Brandon had enjoyed now belonged to you once again. You could feel every inch of your body brimming with his-no, your masculine power. You flexed one of your newly reacquired biceps, admiring its size and shape. You squeezed it with one hand, grinning at the power you felt in the hard muscle. You couldn't even wrap your hand halfway around it! You switched over to your other arm, inspecting your massive forearm, watching the muscle fibers move and shift as you tensed and flexed it. You glanced down over your hairy, bulging pectorals, and then to your rippling eight-pack. Your cock was rock-hard, twitching eagerly in anticipation. You looked back into the mirror, licking your lips. "Hm, time for some fun, I think," you announced. You flexed in front of the bathroom mirror, using Brandon's memories to match the same poses the bodybuilder had performed earlier on stage. You curled your powerful arms, watching the veins pulse with your movements. You pushed out your huge muscle tits and ran a hand over the deep grooves of your chiseled abs and obliques. You turned around to check out your wide shoulders and lats and your muscular back. You even took a moment to admire your bulky thighs and calves. You could feel your body reacting to your movements, pumping up to match and even surpass the size and strength of the champion bodybuilder. "So fuckin' big!" you growled as you posed, "So fucking strong!" You admired your incredible physique for a few moments longer before lifting an arm and burying your nose in the dense forest of your hairy armpit, taking a good, long whiff of your potent musk. You groaned as the smell went straight to your dick. "Mmm..." you moaned as you fondled your thick cock, "Smells like a real man!" You stood there in the bathroom, huffing at your own musky pit and jerking off your massive 14-inch horse cock. The thought of having claimed Brandon once again filled you with a curling heat. All his power... his strength... his masculinity... it was all yours... forever. You came with a roar, shooting rope after rope of thick, hot cum onto the bathroom mirror. You moaned in pleasure as you watched the mess splatter across your reflection. You sighed and grinned at your handsome reflection in the cum-coated mirror, patting your abdomen with one hand. "Welcome home, Brandon. You're finally back where you belong."
  23. TonnyGiant

    "Godzilla Project"

    "Project Godzilla" Day 1. The first day was considered within the normal range according to the scientists. The first test subject was Regan, a Canadian bodybuilder. The results were BIG.
  24. muscleluv22

    Anonymous Muscle Hook Up

    Back in college, I was just beginning to discover my sexuality, and anonymous hookup apps were my vehicle of exploration. However, I was exceptionally shy, so I rarely ever messaged other guys and was even less likely to actually find a hook up. But this story is about a time where I was lucky enough to have an encounter that surpassed my wildest fantasies! Hope you enjoy. At the time, I was a 20year old kid who was just starting to come out of a twink phase. I played a lot of club sports and was starting to get lean and toned. I was 5’10, 170lbs and had a slim athletic body. My abs were visible and I almost could make out a 6-pack. My arms were on the scrawny side, but they were lean and vascular. My legs were by far the most developed muscle group. I had vascular quads and calves, and my ass was a smooth, toned, perky bubble. Although I was in better shape physically than most of my peers, I was used to seeing exceptionally toned muscle bodies on my teammates and the himbos I found at the gym. In comparison I always felt like I was lacking, and was insecure about my physique. One day after a rowing practice, I decided to create a profile on “Jack’d”. I was literally in the backseat of my teammates car riding back to my dorm room from the lake. I added a few locker room selfies to my profile and began looking for hot headless torsos to ogle over. After a brief second of scanning the app, my eyes were drawn to one profile in particular. I selected a profile of a muscular black man. This guy looked like my ultimate fantasy! I’m super into big, muscular bodybuilding types, and this guy far surpassed my expectations. He was wearing a white tank top and his massive pecs were stretching the fabric. His huge biceps and broad shoulders were vascular and looked rock solid. Lower down, he was wearing red boxer briefs and he has thick tree trunk thighs. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I drooled over this hot muscle stud. His name was “Big Red” and his bio read that he was a 45 year old muscle daddy “looking for fun.” I sent him my typical pickup line. “Hey!” He didn’t respond after a few minutes, so I assumed he wasn’t interested, and I continued scrolling through the app, but none of the other guys came close to how sexy Big Red was. When I finally got back to my dorm, my cock was throbbing. I eagerly jerked off to Big Red’s profile picture and happily shot a big load as I fantasize about worshipping his godly muscles. The next day, I’m sitting in a Statistics lecture when I get a notification. He messaged me back on Jack’d! My dick immediate became hard and all hopes of concentrating in class were lost. He complimented my body, saying that I was just his type. I was petrified with anxiety. This gorgeous muscle stud just told me that I turned him on! My lust for him is what drove me to carry on a conversation with him. By the end of class, he asked to meet up at his place. At that moment I froze up. Unsure of how to respond, I slipped my phone away and left class. As I walked to my dorm, a couple more notifications popped up. He sent pics! First he sent a face pic. He was a very handsome man, looked much younger than 45. And he had a head full of dead locks. The second pic was a zoomed out version of his profile. His hair was tied up in a man bun, and you could see his entire body down to his aesthetic bare feet. “Trade pics?” He messaged me. I scrambled to take a few close up shots of my ass. Twisting to find an angle that seductively showed the curves of my ass. I sent another one with a close up on my hole. Making sure it was nice and oiled up. “Damn baby boy! You gonna let daddy stretch that sweet hole?” His last picture was another close up of his torso. This time shirtless. He wasn’t at a ridiculously low body fat percentage like Mr. Olympia, but he had a clearly defined six pack! He also had a sexy v-taper that trailed down to accentuate his meaty cock. It was an impressive dick that looked to be 6 inches or so, and I was eager to taste it. “Please pound my ass daddy!” He sent me his address and I frantically cleaned up in the showers. I was super paranoid about accidents happening, so I douched multiple times. After I felt clean enough, I hopped in my car and made the journey to him. The entire ride, I couldn’t tell which sensation was stronger, the butterflies in my stomach, or the raging hard on in my pants. I finally arrived at his house and my ass twitched in anticipation. I took a couple deep breaths and knocked on the door. Big Red answered with a huge smile on his face. “Wow baby, you’re looking even better in person. Come on in!” I blushed and walked inside his house. He led me to the kitchen and we started making small talk. “You want some weed?” He offered, taking out a small ziplock bag a quarter full with some green substance I was unfamiliar with. “No thank you, I don’t smoke.” I said still blushing. “Awe you’re cute. That’s probably why you got into college.” He walked around the corner and tenderly grabbed my hand. “Come here” he said, gently pulling me towards him. I willingly let him pull me into a strong embrace. I was a hair taller, but he was clearly the more dominant one as I could feel his bulky muscles even through his sweatshirt. My cock twitched as he wrapped his arms around by body and squeezed me tight. “Wow!” I said, I initially flinching in his arms. Shocked at how hard his body felt. “What’s wrong he asked?” He pulled back to look me in the eye, a wrinkle of concern spread across his forehead. “Sorry, your just so muscular!” I somehow managed to reply. I was constantly struggling to breathe as his imposing presence was breathtaking. He grinned back at me. “Oh you like that huh?” He said with a cocky laugh. “Don’t worry, I’m a gentle giant…” he paused and winked at me. “Unless you want me to to get rough that is.” I nervously laughed. I was too busy desperately taking in his clothed muscle body to respond. My eyes traced how his arms filled his sweatshirt. How his pecs nicely stretched the fabric. Eventually he suggested we sit outside on his deck and talk a bit. He grabbed a couple of beers and started some basic small talk. Throughout our conversation, I just couldn’t take my eyes off his body. I imagined his solid muscles pumped and bulging with thick vascular veins popping out. My eyes were hungrily lusting over his body. Suddenly out of nowhere, he flexed his bicep. “So you like muscles?” He flashed a cocky grin. “I try to stay pretty fit, why don’t we check out my home gym?” “Sure!” I replied, and eagerly followed him to his garage. Heavy weights lined one of the walls and in the center was a pull up bar and bench press. Big Red walked over to the dumbbells and swiftly removed his sweat shirt. I loudly took a deep breath in admiration of the muscles bound daddy in front of me. His biceps had to be 18 or 19 inches. And his body looked even better than his pictures. He grabbed one of the largest dumbbells and started curling them. Veins popping as he start to get a slight pump. “My favorite thing to do is to lift these 50 pound dumbbells. I try to hit them everyday.” He looked at me with his cocky grin as he lifted the weight, then gave me a seductive wink. After he got a good pump, he walked closer to me and hit a double bicep pose. “Go ahead. Give it a little feel.” I happily obliged, tracing my fingers over his pumped muscles. Squeezing his arms to feel just how solid they were. “Now it’s my turn,” Big Red said after a few minutes of me worshiping his arms and chest. He sat on his weight bench, and grabbed my hips. His strong hands felt up my thighs and squeezed by bubble butt. “Holy shit, you’re a sexy mother fucker!” I proudly smiled and wiggled my ass in his face. He bit his lip as he slid down my pants and underwear. He hungrily kissed all over my bare ass. Then he spread my cheeks and buried his tongue in my hole. I threw my head back and moaned in pleasure. And gently pushed back to feel his tongue deeper inside me. He took a minute to gasp for air, and my hole twitched, desperate for more of his attention. “God damn” He growled. “Your sexy ass got daddy all worked up. Look what you do to me. Fuck!” He grabbed my by the hips again and turned me around to face him. Then he pulled me to my knees and spread his legs wide. I noticed a sizable bulge in his sweatpants and smiled sweetly at him. “Let me take care of that for you.” He leaned back and pushed his hips towards me. I reached out to his crotch and felt his cock. “OH…MY…GOD!” I whispered. I couldn’t believe what I felt. Not only was his dick hard as a steel rod, it was the most massive cock I’ve ever felt. Much larger than anything in my wildest dreams. I hadn’t even seen his monster, but my face showed all of the fear and apprehension I had about shoving that thing in my tight hole. Big Red chuckled and sensually stroked my cheek. “You’re not that surprises are you? You had to know I was packing.” I looked up to meet his gaze. “You’re like twice as big as your picture!” I whispered, still in shocking disbelief that what felt like a large water bottle was this man’s actual penis. He leaned down to kiss my forehead. “That’s because I wasn’t even hard. Your sweet ass made me unleash the beast!” He pulled down his sweatpants, and his massive hard on sprung out, his heavy balls bouncing in front of my face. Instinctively, I puckered my lips to kiss the head of his cock. He was cut, and throbbing with desire. Not only was he long, but he was thick! My lips barely wrapped around him and I struggled to fit even the tip inside my mouth. How the hell was I supposed to fit him inside my very tight, very inexperienced ass!?!? “Take your time baby.” He moaned, daddy will take great care of you.” He softly grabbed the back of my head and slowly pushed more of his dick down my throat. Blissful tears rolled down my cheeks as I struggled and gagged on merely the first couple inches of his cock. He immediately pulled out. “I’m not hurting you am I?” Big Red asked with genuine concern. “No, it’s just so big. I don’t know if I can handle it.” He smiled sweetly at me. Looking into his eyes, I could see how proud he was of his endowment. “Don’t worry, I’ll take it slow. Daddy’s gonna give you the best fuck of your life.” I opened my mouth wide and gripped his humongous cock with my lips. He slowly leaned his hips into my face. I tried as hard as I could but he was so thick, I could only manage to get halfway down his shaft.. I pulled back and started kissing all the way down his shaft until my face was buried in his pubes. Then I worked my way back to the tip, licking and sucking all around that glorious dick. When I took him in my mouth again, I grabbed the base of his cock with one hand. My fingers literally couldn’t wrap around him because it was so thick. I stroked him as I sucked the tip of his cock. He was super hard, and it made me crave him even more. I moaned and yelped passionately as I started bobbing my head up and down, sucking that thick dick like my life depended on it. After a few moments, he pushed me off of his cock and pulled me in for a kiss. I immediately grabbed his thick shoulders and jumped onto his lap. My legs wrapped around his waist and I tightly pressed my body against him. He wrapped those strong, thick arm around me. He started to slowly grind his hips and that massive cock slid snuggly between my ass cheeks. My own dick responded by leaking precum. We stayed like this for a few minutes before he brought his lips to my ear. “Come on baby boy. Let’s take this to the bed room.” He grabbed my ass cheeks and stood up. He effortlessly carried me through his house until we reached the bedroom. He kissed some more before leaning me over the side of the bed. I felt his glorious tongue sink into me again. The pleasure filled sensation made me moan loudly and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. My ass started gyrating uncontrollably and I was ready take his monstrous dick. Big Red laughed and pushed me up on the bed. He laid on top me. That hard muscle body pressing its weight against me felt so hot while he slid his dick against my ass. He kissed my neck and began to whisper in my. “You gonna let daddy take care of you?” He lifted his hips and thrusted hard. His rock hard, fat cock making a loud smack against my ass. “Yes daddy please!” I moaned. “I want you to stretch my tight ass. Please fuck me daddy!” He continued to tease me for a while. Pressing the head of his cock right up against my hole. My body quaked with anticipation, and I practically begged him to take me right there. He reached over to the night stand and began to lube my hole and then his dick. I didn’t even care that he was going in raw, I just knew that I wanted to be claimed by his magnificent cock! He lined himself against my hole and gave my ass a smack before pressing his cock into me. I was too tight for him, so he took a few minutes to stretch me with his fingers. I clenched down hard around him and my hole twitched each time he added a finger. Once he was able to shove four of them inside me he leaned to to kiss my cheek. “I think you’re ready for daddy now.” At this point, I could barely form words. I was sweaty all over and desperate to fell his monster cock stretch me even more. He managed to slide the tip of his cock inside, and I let out a loud and long moan. He continued pressing onward. Slowly adding inch after inch into me. Occasionally, the pain was too much to bare, and he I’d pull away from him. Big Red was patient and gently stroked the back of my neck until I was ready take more of him. By the time he was halfway buried in my hole. He started to make gentle strokes, each one going deeper and deeper. Despite the pain of being stretched further than I could imagine, it felt amazing being filled by a hot muscle stud. After a while, I finally felt his pubes on my ass and with one last stroke he grunted sensually as he pressed his hips against my bubble butt. I finally made it to the promised land, where his thick cock filled my hole, throbbing with pure lust. He stayed buried inside me for awhile, kissing the back of my neck as I adjusted to him. Filled with lust and pure desire for this muscle daddy, I started pushing my ass back to signal I was ready to get fucked. He then raised up into a plank position. I held on to his thick forearms and he started assaulting my ass with slow deep strokes. Gradually they became harder and faster until he was fully pounding me deep. I started screaming out in unintelligible sounds of pleasure. His entire bed buckled under his powerful body slamming into me. “Hell yeah! Take daddy’s big dick! That’s it boy!” He encouraged me to submit to his powerful dick, and I was absolutely enjoying the ride. Suddenly, my cock responded by shooting a stream of cum onto the bed and below me (The only hands free cumshot I ever had!) I writhed wildly. As Big Red stated pounding me harder and harder, his grunts increased in volume as well. Once he reached his climax, he pulled out and sprayed his seed all over my ass and back. I even felt a few drops hit the back of my neck. He slapped his heavy cock against my ass to let out the last few drops. “Man I fucked the shit out of you!” He squeezed my ass one last time before getting up to go to the rest room. He returned with a wash cloth to clean up the mess he made. After he finished we cuddled together in his bed. “So how was it he asked?” I grinned at him and playfully tapped his muscular quad. “It was okay I guess!” He squeezed my asa with one of his big hands. “Bullshit, come on! The way you were screaming and all the noises you were making I know it was better than just okay.” I laughed and placed my hand on his chest. “Okay. It was the best fuck I’ve had in my life.” He smiled at me, proud of his conquest. I spent a few more minutes in his arms, making out with him, before I reluctantly got up and put my clothes on to leave. He reached out to me for a few more hookups but I was so shy and self conscious, I ended up just ghosting him. One of the biggest regrets of my life. I’ve never had a dick that big again in my life. And I definitely have yet to get fucked by another big muscle stud like that. And now I’m spoiled by unrealistic expectations of good sex.
  25. Azerreza

    The electro-stimulation belt

    This is not a new story but a repost before they are deleted. ___________________________________________________________________________________ "What is this thing?" I said in looking the belt that Josh had stuck against his belly. "An electro-stimulation belt!" he said happily. "What? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like this bullshit on TV? Dude, you know it's crap! You will not be muscular with that! It's just a fucking scam!" "No, this one is... different. I don't know how explain this but it feels... different. My muscles are really growing. I know it works!" "Hahaha, no Josh believe me, it's just a scam. Never you will be muscular with this." "But I assure you Kyle, it really works! I don't know how to explain but... it's more fucking intense. I try the level 1 which were already intense, then I try the level 2 but... I was forced to remove the belt. Dude, it was too fucking intense, really too much! It is as if each level is exponentially stronger than the previous one. It works!" "This or maybe there is just a malfunction." "No! Honestly I don't know how exactly it works but I know it works. And there is this strange blue gel too. In the notice they say well that it is the combination of the two which will cause the muscle growth. I tried without the gel and honestly it feels like any other stimulator, but with it's so different, so fucking more intense. Even the gel alone is weird. When I touch it, I felt like small electrical feeling." "I tell you, your belt has a malfunction," I said "You don't believe me? Very well, We will see, in two months," replied Josh, as a challenge. "In two months? By why... ah yes that's true, tomorrow is the summer vacations and you go with your parents for two months, that's it?" "Yeah, we will probably not meet during all the vacations." "Well Josh, so see you in two months?" "Yep! And I will be fucking muscular, you will see," he replied, smiling. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no chance, you've always been ultra skinny and you'll always be." That's what I thought. Days and weeks passed, I didn't hear from Josh until a few days before the end of the vacations. I received a message from him. *Dude, I hope you're fine. You're not ready for back of school!* *Hahaha, why? Have you become Hulk??* *Unfortunately not so much but you will see!* The end of the vacations came, I was quite intrigued by Josh's message. I have to say I've always found him cute, so if he added some muscle, he could become hot! Well, I have to stop fantasizing about my best friend. Finally, the first day of school arrived, I was waiting Josh when suddenly I heard his voice. "Hey Kyle!" he shouted. "Hey" I said. Well, he seemed not really different... a little bit, maybe, but it was hard to be sure. "So, how was your vacation?" I asked. "Great! And I have made good progress as promised hehe! Go ahead and feel it!" he said enjoyed, in pointing his belly. Hem, I was a bit embarrassed, I was not used to feel Josh's body but if he proposed it... I touched with a finger and... yeah, it felt hard. But Josh was thin, so his abs were very conspicuous but he was not very muscular in fact, just fucking skinny, and here he should probably flex to max. "Yeah well, it's hard but you're cheating man hahaha! You're just skinny so obviously your muscles are noticeable." "You still don't believe me? Okay, follow me!" I followed Josh to toilet. "So you think I'm cheating, right? So... look at me!" he said, before taking off his shirt. I have to say that my brain went haywire at that moment. Josh was... ripped under his shirt. Well, not like a bodybuilder but very muscular. A ripped six-pack, with a net of veins on the bottom abs, small but well-built pecs, same with his shoulders, not really big but muscular, rounder, his arms, usually twigs, were a small ball of muscle, I mean true muscle, with a nice veins running on them, even his neck were thicker and he had small emerging traps. Holy crap! It couldn't be Josh but however... yes, it was him! But... how? "What the..." I shouted, stunning. "So, you believe me now hahahaha?" he said, flexing his body. "Well... you must have trained during these months!" I said, not wanting to believe him. "Not even once! Only use my super-efficient belt!" "Dude, are you seriously telling me that this is what made you this way?" "Absolutely! I told you, it works!" I wanted to tell him that he was wrong but... these muscles... even in only two months, it would be hard to have these results. Unless... "Josh... do you take steroids?" I asked. "What? Steroids? Are you crazy? No, as I said, I just use the belt. And I have reached level 3!" "The level 3? But you said me the level 2 was unbearable!" "Yeah it was at the beginning. But apparently, you need to get used to the current level before moving on to the next; after a while the level 1 was a formality so I decide to level up." "And how did it go?" "Fucking intense, but more bearable than the first time. But fuck, I still moaned in pain, it was the best and intense workout of my life." "You don't go to the gym..." "Yeah, but if I went, it would have been the most intense workout. It took me several weeks to get used to it. And dude, I was more muscular after each session!" said Josh. "It must be the pump," I replied, trying to find a rational explanation to his fast results. "Yeah, that's I thought but no, I was really more muscular after each session. I had abs, pecs, shoulders, back, legs!" "Dude, this is a stimulator for your abs, how you can be more muscular elsewhere only if you use this belt on abs?" "I don't know, but the contraction is not just at the level of your abs, it affects your whole body and it's like if your whole body was... growing." "Ri-di-cu-lous..." Honestly, I didn't know what to think, it seemed like a joke and yet... seriously, he couldn't get that in two months, even with steroids. It was weird, very weird. "Well, you know what? Take the belt until tomorrow. Try it, and you will see if I lie." said Josh. I wanted to refuse but... I was curious. I was convinced that it was not because of this electro-stimulator that he had become muscular but a small part of myself doubted. "Very well!" I said. The day passed, but my mind was elsewhere. I didn't want to believe it but still... I was watching Josh and clearly, it was not an optical effect, his clothes were tighter, on the shoulders, arms. But crap, it was really caused by this belt? What was this thing? I should try it this evening. After several hours of mental torture, the end-day bell rang. I put my things away, eager to test when Josh accosted me. "Eager to see what you will tell me tomorrow and don't forget the gel. By the way, try without the first time, you'll see the difference." "Thanks," I said, always a bit doubtful. Back at home, I rushed to my room and took out the belt from my bag. Yeah, it was like the others electro stimulator seen on TV, nothing really different. you apply some gel, you put it on and there you go. I took off my shirt and I put it. Then I turned it on. I felt a slight contraction, nothing of unbearable. I tried the level 2. Yeah, more intense but really it was nothing. Level 3; it contracted well but same. I really don't see what's special about it. Well, according to Josh, with the gel, it's more intense. Ridiculous but well, let's try it with this gel. First weird thing, it was blue, damn blue, abnormally blue. I really wonder what they did this with but well... I took some of it to spread it on my stomach. The feeling was cold but it was another thing that disturbed me, like... tingling. What was that thing? I spread it well and put the belt. "Well, let's see if th.. ????!!!! aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I moaned of surprise. Holy crap! I had just turned it on and I felt my muscles flexing like never before. What the hell was that? I winced with each contraction. Crap! It was fucking intense! I left for a few minutes, and damn, I had never had such contractions. What was that witchcraft? Then I had a stupid idea, really stupid: I tried the level 2. My eyes widened, my teeth clenched to maximum: when I felt the contraction, I thought I was going to die. Intense was a weak word, unbearable was a better description. I would immediately tear off the belt. Holy shit! But really, what the hell is this belt? I was shocked. What the hell was that thing? My smartphone vibrated. *So, did you try? :D* asked Josh *Well, I tried the level 2, I pulled it off immediately... Dude where did you find this?* "Hahaha! I told you that you would be surprised. I'll send you the website, it's not cheap but you won't regret it! And soon you'll be also muscular than me! :D" he replied, in sending a pic of his ripped abs. Gosh, he was my buddy but I couldn't help but be a little hard... Few minutes later, I receive the link. Honestly, if I hadn't tested it, I would never have bought anything from there, it was... weird. "Fed up with the crap they sell you on TV? our products are not crap, try them and you will see, you will be surprised of the results!" Especially since in the products, there were some very... special things. For example, these cock rings... Seriously, who would buy this? Well, finally I found the famous belt... WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? $999? So overpriced!!! Well... my savings will all go at once... sniff. The description said: "Fed up with fake electro stimulators seen on TV? We can assure you that ours will really make you more muscular!" And below, in red I could read: "Be careful with the use, we are not responsible for the damage you will cause." Well, that explained the colour. At that moment, I had no idea how much this purchase would change my life. The next day, I gave back the belt to Josh. "So now, do you believe me?" "Honestly, I never thought I'd say it but... yeah, there is really something going on with this belt... But... dude, how do you support level 3? I tried the level 2 and... fuck, it's unbearable! "Hehehe the habit!" said Josh, in lifting his shirt showing his abs. I swallowed hard in seeing them. "Seriously, do several workouts before to try to pass on the next level and when you can stand the session without wincing, you can try it but I warn you the first one is often painfully intense, and I let you the surprise" In the evening a package was waiting for me and well, I think I've never been so quick to open a package! Inside, several jar of gel and the belt. I went in my bedroom, take off my shirt, slathered my belly with gel and lied in my bed. Then I turn on the belt. Oh gosh! This feeling, yeah it's intense but... so good! I savoured each contraction. Oh fuck! It lasted several dozen minutes. I became harder. then strangely, I felt a heat spreading through my whole body and a strong tingling sensation. What the hell? But honestly it was not unpleasant, it was even pleasant, very pleasant! Oh fuck, oh gosh! Gnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhh!!! It was so good that my dick creamed my underwear. Shit it was so... amazing! I wanted... more. I slathered again my belly and did a second session. Gosh, get used to it? How does Josh want me to get used to it? And again, I finished by creaming my underwear. Some days passed, I did sessions every day and yes, after few days, like Josh said, I was able to support better, even if I still finished by cumming. Maybe I could go to level 2 but I was in so much pain the first time that I felt bad about it. Then I thought to Josh, to his quick results, his abs, his pecs. Fuck yeah... I wanted it, now. Like previous days, I slathered my belly, turned on the belt and with a trembling finger, I pressed the level 2 button. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK!!!" The sensation that ran through me made me cry out. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" I wanted to tear off the belt but... no, even if it was unbearable, I would hold on! I had to hold on! For the next few minutes, each contraction made me moan with pain. But there was something strange, it's like it's spreading to my whole body. I looked at my arm carefully and... What the hell? Was I being... growing? with each contraction I could feel it, yes definitely I was growing! Holy crap! It was that? It was that the surprise that Josh was talking about? For next minutes, I was groaning in pain, aggregated with "Oh fuck! Oh crap! Oh shit! Oh fucking fuck!". Yeah it was painful but in same time, fuck, I was growing! All this distracted me from the intense pleasure that was running through me. when I thought about it, I became hard instantly and it didn't take longer before I explode and fuuuuuuck; if the previous time I just "creamed" my underwear, here, we can talk of floods. When the session was over, I admired myself in the mirror. Yeah, definitively, I was more muscular. Not much but I could see a difference. Craaaaaaap I couldn't believe it but facts were here: this belt worked! Hahaha it fucking worked!!! Quickly, I sent a message to Josh; *Oh man, can't wait to see you tomorrow! You'll be surprised!* and few seconds later I had his response: *Haha me too!* The next day, I was waiting Josh in the schoolyard, eager to show him. Suddenly I heard a voice. "Hey Kyle!" I turned to him and said, "Hey Jo..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I was stunned, totally stunned. Josh was wearing a tight grey shirt and what we couldn't miss, it was his pecs, big pecs, his bulged shoulders, his thick neck, his traps, his biceps, his abs, which were visible through the shirt, his tree trunks legs. "Holy shit!" I shouted. It should be a dream, there were not other explanations! "Hehehe I told you you'll surprised! "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Do you have... do you have reached the level 4?" "Hahaha man, I think the answer is obvious no?" he said in flexing his biceps. Even his voice was deeper. Instantly I was hard, I know Josh is my friend but I couldn't help. He was always cute but here, here he was... fucking hot! "Do you want... to feel?" he asked. Oh fuck! I couldn't help but shoot a load. I mean, he is my friend but... but... "Hahaha Kyle, don't be shy!". Gosh his laugh was so sexy! I approached my hand and felt his huge biceps. Holy shit, it was so hard! "Hard, isn't it? This morning I couldn't help but flex it... like this" he said, in flexing his biceps. Oh shit! I fired a second charge instantly! The situation was very strange but he seemed to appreciate. "Well, you wanted to show me something?" asked Josh. Suddenly I went from boiling hot to freezing cold. The shame... I was proud of my miserable results, he was, in comparison, Hulk! "Yea.. yeah... I... I passed to level 2..." I said, very low. Josh looked me and... laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should see your face. But I know what you feel, you think your results are miserable in comparison to me? Dude, you are just to level 2. It's nothing in comparison to other levels." I blushed a bit. "But don't get ahead of yourself, it will get more and more intense. Don't sure you will support it. Personally it was intense as fuck! Fortunately my parents were not at home. Man, I yelled like I never yelled, and the growth, oh fuck, the growth. It was unbelievable! In any case, it seems that levels are exponentials, not only in terms of intensity but also in terms of results. It's incredible. There are only two levels left but imagine how fucking amazing it will be!!" said Josh. "And fuck yeah, when I saw that, it was worth the pain!" he added, whole flexing and admiring his muscles. I shot another load. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I wasn't turning back from this. All day I could only think of Josh and the belt. I wanted to match him, even surpass him. Fuck you the adaptation, this evening, I passed to level 3! And justly, this evening, my parents were not a home. Perfect! Once I left, I hurried to make the preparations. I took off all my clothes, I wanted to enjoy the show. As usual, I slathered my belly with gel. Well, it was time, time to grow! With a shaking hand, I pressed the button. Nothing could prepare myself for this feeling. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" I yelled, I yelled as fuck. I felt on my back, twisting in pain. I was crying, crying of pain. My hand was going to tear off the belt but suddenly, I had flashes of Josh, of his muscular body. No... no, there's no way I'm giving up, yes it was painful but damn, it was worth it, right? The first dozen seconds were horrible but then I felt it, I felt this "feeling", except here, it was more intense. I was watching my shaking hands. Oh fuck, I was hot, very hot and I was shaking. But then I saw it, I saw my forearms thickening and it was not only my arms, it was also my arms, my shoulders, my traps, back, pecs, abs, legs. Simply put: I was growing. "HA...HAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" I laughed nervously interrupted by my moans. I was still crying but the pain gave away to... lust. I was fucking growing! And I could hear, I could hear my skin stretching, I could feel the power running through my veins. It was the most intense, painful but at the same time the most enjoyable sensation I have ever felt in my life "Oh fuck yes!!! More! Yes more!!!" I yelled. Yeah, more, I wanted more and more power! I winced to each contraction but the pain gave away to pleasure. I don't know how long it lasted, maybe one hour, maybe less, I don't know but I enjoyed each second. When it was over, I was lying on the ground, totally soaked by sweat, panting. I passed my hand on my midsection and instantly, I started to laugh nervously: I felt abs, well, not huge abs but ripped. I went up and I felt small but built pecs. I flexed my biceps. Oh... my... gosh! I had a biceps! Well, not so huge than Josh but a small muscle ball. Holy shit! It was so awesome!!! Without waiting, I took a pic of my wet newly muscular chest and sent to Josh. A few seconds later, I received his response. "Hehehe, very well. One more little effort!" Following this was a pic of his fucking amazing muscular chest. Oh fuck! I'll never make it to that dream sight! And few another seconds later: "How about a gym workout tomorrow?" If someone had told me one day that I would go workout in a gym with Josh, I didn't believe it. But I must say that seeing Josh working shirtless was... more than exciting! And he added: "And don't forget 'it'." I knew he was talking about the belt. Oh don't worry Josh, even if you hadn't said it, I would have taken it! On the way, I couldn't help me to think about Josh, in sweat, lifting in grunting heavy weights. Crap, this hot scene made hard as fuck. When I entered in the gym, there was the characteristic sound of the cast iron touching each other, this smell of sweat, and guys were grunting. And among them, one was familiar to me. Josh was lying on his bench, in lifting... 200 pounds? WTF??? The one I knew a few months ago couldn't even lift the half! And fuuuuuuuck, he was wearing compression shirt, who allowed me to admire all the details of his musculature. He was perfect! I had to hold myself back from exploding on the spot. "Hey!" I said. "Hey! he replied. Oh gosh, it was not only his body who was perfect... "If someone had told me that I would see you one day lifting 200 pounds, I would not have believed it" I said. "Me too!" replied Josh in smiling. "It's so awesome!" he said in flexing his biceps. Oh gosh, I had to swallow hard for avoid exploding. "But not enough..." he added. Not enough? Is he kidding me? 200 pounds not enough??? Josh was watching at the back of the room. I didn't hear the loud grunt Under the bar there was a guy, let's talk about muscle monster. He was wearing a tank top, which allowed to admire his enormous biceps, probably at least 20 fucking inches, his huge pecs were pushing against his tank top, I could see the last row of his enormous but ripped abs and his shoulders were two fucking bowling balls. Holy...fucking...shit! Who was this guy? Who was this titan? "Fuck yeah Jason! 420 pounds! You beat your record!" said the guy who helped him. "Yeah! On the way to 450 pounds!" said the Hulk. Crap, his voice was so deep. "This is Jason, the quarterback of football team," said Josh, almost drooling. "You'd say he was born for this; gigantic muscles, ripped as fuck, superhuman strength. The other day he was badly parked and rather than getting into his car, he just... lifted the back. It was so fucking hot!" Josh and I were working out for several hours—though after two hours I was totally wiped, but Josh continued. I wanted to leave but Josh stopped me, he wanted to show me something. I told him he could show me but he wouldn't. and we should have finished the workout long ago. What the hell did he want? Hours passed and it was almost 8 p.m. The manager came and announced they were about to close. But Josh found an excuse: "I didn't finish my workout, can I keep going until I hit 30 minutes?". "But we are going to..." said the manager, embarrassed. "... Well, it's really because it's you but be careful!" "Don't worry!" replied Josh. When the manager let, Josh stopped his workout. "Well, finally alone! I was starting to get tired!" I widened my eyes: starting? Starting? But... he was working out for since hours! Holy shit! "T...tired? But you did more than 1000 reps!" "In fact, more than 2000, maybe 3000." I widened my eyes and swallowed. He was so fucking strong. "Well... it is time." said Josh, and suddenly he took off his shirt. I had to bite my lip so as not to explode instantly. He was fucking hot! A fucking Greek statue! All muscles! "Hahahaha! Wipe off the drool and come on!" said Josh. I blushed a bit and I approached. I was trying not to show it but I was turned on as fuck, I was panting and sweating. I didn't dare to look him. "Hey Kyle, look that!" he said in flexing his biceps. Oh fuck! I had to bite my lips harder to not cum. "Do you want... feel it?" he said, quietly. Crap, I have to resist... I have... I... I... Shit... I can't resist... He is so fucking hot! My hand posed on his muscle hill. Oh fuck, oh fucking shit! It was hot and... hard! "So... how does it feel?" he asked. "Hot and... hard," I said, a bit embarrassed. Then he took my hand and slowly he went down and posed it on his ripped six-pack. Oh shit!!! I shot a load in my short. Crap, I had a crazy desire to caress them, to lick them but I was content to palpate them, to feel their hardness. Gosh, I could break my fist on theses fucking abs! Then my finger followed the central crevice until his lower abs. "And here, how does it feel?" he said. "Hot and... hard! Very hard!" At that time, me too, I was as hard, I was hard as I had ever been. But it didn't seem to bother him, yet shit it was obvious I had a crush on him right? So... why is he so quiet? Again, he took my hand and suddenly... he plunged it into his shorts! Holy shit! Oh fuck! But what is he playing at? I blushed completely, surprised. I felt his dick and... oh shit... he was hard as fuck! I was panting more quicker and louder. I did not expect this situation at all. "And here, how does it feel?" he asked. "H...H... hot and... h... h... hard." "Correct! And... do you know why I'm so fucking hard?". Why? Oh I don't know Josh, maybe because you have a fucking godlike muscular bod! "Ha! I know what you were thinking: my muscles? Yeah, I have to admit it's hot but... no, it's not the main cause. No, I'm fucking hard because of... you." My brain bugged out for few seconds. What did he say? Because of... me? "You think I didn't notice you had a crush on me? Dude, you are literally sweating like fuck, panting, blushing and cumming each time we see me. You'd have to be blind not to see it hahahahaha!" Well, now, I was totally blushing... "I have been hard since I first saw you, but like you I was afraid to take the first step. But now that it's clear that it's mutual then..." I was so embarrassed that I did not see his hand coming from behind. He rubbed few times my hair then suddenly, I felt a great strength to push me forward. And the next moment I felt something pulpy: his lips. I don't react right away, being still in a state of shock: Josh was kissing me! Josh was kissing me! I was shaking from surprise then quickly from pleasure then I started to cry. Oh fuck! It must be a dream. It must be a fucking dream and I was going to wake up. But I was hoping with all my heart that it wasn't. Our tongues danced for a while, I don't know how long it lasted but I wanted it to have no end. My hand was running his body, oh gosh, his skin was hot and soaked with sweat, and his muscles, oh fuck, they were so ripped, so fucking hard. Precum was spurting. I was still struggling to realize what was happening and I was not ready for next, really not ready. Josh asked me to lie down, which I did, then he lay on top of me while we were kissing. Oh gosh, I could clearly feel his weight. I wanted to get up but he tackled me to the ground. "No no no, we're not done yet. I think it's time to upgrade our relationship." He caught my shirt and he tore it. "These are the rules: the one who immobilizes his opponent wins and can claim his trophy." Well, Josh wanted to play, things were getting very interesting and... hot! I smiled and we started to kiss again. Oh gosh, I will never get used to it to rub this muscular chest. Oh fuck, these ripped abs, these big pecs. Fuuuuuuuck! Then Josh rolled on his back and I found myself on top. It was a strange feeling: since always, I was one step ahead of him but now, roles were reversed. I was his toy and clearly, he wanted to play with me... and I loved that! The idea of an Uber Josh dominating me was so fucking hot. So let's play! We were still kissing while my hand was playing with his pecs. He took the opportunity to make them bounce. I couldn't help but drop a "Oh fuck!" "Do you like?" asked Josh. "So you'll absolutely love what's next!" Suddenly I felt his hands grabbing me but this time, it was rougher and the next moment I was on my back. I felt a huge pressure: Josh was pushing against my shoulders. I tried to get up but he pushed more. I was not able to move and honestly... I didn't want to move. "Well, I think you have won!" I said. "Yeah, it would seem that I won!" he replied, clearly turned on. "So... do you want your prize now?" I asked, knowing what he was going to do. "Oh fuck yeah I want my prize," replied Josh. "Very well...". I rolled on my belly. I felt Josh kneeling on me. I felt his big hands rubbing my back. "Oh gosh, you don't know how much I was waiting for this moment," he said while smelling my back with his nose. Sometimes in gym class, I stayed longer just to admire this magnificent body. I was thinking about it before to sleep. I dreamed of it!" Honestly, I didn't ever notice that. I was convinced Josh was straight and it was more a bromance. But in fact, it was a romance. Suddenly, everything became quiet, I could only hear Josh's pants then nothing. It was imminent, I knew it! And indeed, few seconds later, I felt a feeling I never felt before. It was intense, fucking intense, slightly painful but above all, insanely enjoyable: Josh was entering me. "Oooooooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk !!!" I yelled. And I wasn't the only one to enjoy... "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!" I heard Josh moaning of pleasure. Fuck, if someone told me that Josh would fuck me, I think I wouldn't believe. However, it was happening: Josh was fucking me. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh !!!" I felt every inch of his huge dick sink into my ass. Fuck, the feeling was absolutely amazing! "Oh my gosh, it's better than anything I could have imagined!" laughed Josh. Then few seconds later, I felt his balls touching my ass. Josh was entirely inside me! Holy crap! "So, how do you feel?" he asked me, sounding proud. "A..a... awesome!" I said, enjoying the incredible sensation. "Hehehe! So let's go to the second round!" said Josh. I could hear the excitement in his voice. Then, I could feel Josh's cock slowly withdrawing from my ass. Fuck, it was amazing! Suddenly, without warning, he pushed it in with one blow. I shouted with surprise (and pleasure!). "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh !!!" And he did it again, and again, and again, and again! With each blow I shouted, it was so fucking intense, so fucking good! I would never have imagined this situation possible but damn it! It's so fucking good! Josh accelerated the pace. My cries were getting closer and closer. I don't know how much time it lasted but... it could last forever because... oh my gosh! Quickly, his pace was so fast that I was unable to moan, the time the information reached my brain he had already made two more moves. Fuuuuuuck, Josh was a living jackhammer! Then he started to grunt. The climax was near! I don't know how long it took before he exploded, I couldn't think anymore, I was lost in an infinite pleasure. it was only when I heard the long and loud Josh's groan that I came out of my trance. And then... "Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!" I felt a huge load inside my ass. I yelled but my scream was cover by another much louder cry. Holy crap! Josh had to pull more than a liter of cum. I was here, lied to the ground, drooling and panting. Fucking crap, it was intense. "So baby, did you enjoy it?" "Aaaahh..aaaah... holy...fuck... Josh... you... you're a beast!" I stammered. "Yeah, but... I want more!" he said. "What?" I asked, surprised. "Being a beast is good but... not enough for me." "Not enough? Dude, you're more muscular than anyone at school!" "Yeah, but I don't just want to be more muscular than them. I want to be a fucking titan, a muscle god. I want to outdo them, I want them to be ants compared to me." "Dude, you're already a fucking titan!" I said. "No, I can be much more than that—and you know what Kyle? I want to be there, now!" said Josh. "Now? But... man, you are not yet used to the current level. The next one may be horribly painful!" "Oh fuck yeah it will be painful but... don't you love it?" replied Josh. "Don't you love this pain, this growth, this feeling of pure power, becoming stronger and stronger each second? Personally, I'm totally addicted to it!" I just had the best sex session of my life but I was already fucking hard in hearing Josh. Yeah, this feeling, it was it was the best sensation in the world! "So... are you ready Kyle? Are you ready for the show?" If I was ready? I think the drool on the corner of my mouth was the answer. So, let the show begin! said Josh, with a malicious smile. He rubbed a ton of gel on himself and attached the belt. "Very well, I leave you the honour to press the button!" I swallowed hard. In shaking my finger was approaching to button. Did I really want to do this? Did I want to see my ex-friend and new boyfriend become the most muscular bodybuilder in the world and probably and probably even more afterwards? ... ... ... of course I fucking wanted it! I pressed the button. When he felt the first contraction, Josh's eyes widened like never before, as if he had just been struck by lightning, he clenched instantly his teeth, his legs gave out and he fell to his knees. And then came the thunder... I had never heard such a loud cry. I couldn't imagine how he felt. But the show was fucking impressive: his whole body was flexing to maximum; I could see each fiber, each striation, each vein. I was speechless in front of this awesome show. Josh was yelling as fuck at each contraction, tears flowed freely due to the pain but what was both disturbing and fucking hot in same time: despite the extreme tenseness of his face who reflected the insane pain he was feeling, Josh was... smiling. And in looking at his position, on his knees and extended arms, it was almost as if he was praying for more of that feeling. And his wish was granted: I could see at each contraction, his muscles growing, becoming bigger and bigger like he asked. I was shaking and panting in front of this show. Holy shit! I mean, I had seen Josh grow in the last few weeks but here, it was a whole new level, no pun intended... Josh was laughing, a crazy laughing. Now, he hardly winced, he was as if intoxicated by the growth but who wouldn't want to? Holy shit! His traps were engulfing his neck, his shoulders were becoming bowling balls, his arms were becoming fucking mountains, covered by big veins, his pecs were two fucking beach balls which would soon block his view, his abs were like six enormous boulder implanted directly under his skin, his lats were widening, giving him a very large V shape, his Adonis belt was more and more cut. His dick was growing and thickening. Holy fucking shit!!! I swallowed hard in thinking I could never welcome this monster in my ass! Even if Josh was on his knees, I could clearly see his legs becoming fucking tree trunks. It took me several seconds to notice that I was cumming... Yeah, I was cumming without touch myself! Holy crap! But fuck, this show was so... so... so... Josh was fucking huge! Honestly, now, he could participate to Mr Olympia! He approached to the bar used by Jason, which weighed 420 pounds and tried to lift it. With loud grunts he... succeeded to lift! Holy crap! Josh had lifted 420 fucking pounds. He was so strong! "Mmmhhh, it's better..." Better? I would have said totally unbelievable! "...but really not enough..." he finished. What the??? Not enough!!! Is he kidding me? He's one of most muscular man and it's not eno... I could not finish my sentence because Josh did something I really didn't expect... he... he increased the level, the fucking last level! I didn't even have time to say a word... And well, I thought I heard the loudest yell of my life? Well, I was far from it. I had to cover my ears, I swear the walls even shook. I even heard several windows crack. I was stunned: I have never seen such a flex like that. It was extreme, his whole body was flexing, at an inhuman level. I didn't dare to imagine what he felt, it should be insane! And the effect was immediate: his whole body was swelling, like a balloon, except that here, it was dozen of pounds which were added to each flex! His traps had surrounded totally his neck, his shoulders were becoming to an absolute gigantic size. His arms... fucking shit... they were bigger than his head!!! 25 or 26 inches, maybe more and they were still growing!! His pecs exploded... Well, no doubt now that he would have a hard time seeing his abs. And in talking about his abs, they literally exploded out of his stomach and... wait... eight??? holy crap!!! His ultra ripped six-pack exploded in a fucking huge eight-pack!!! His Adonis belt seemed to carved with an axe, with a net of veins which leads to his... to his... Well, to call this thing a monster is an understatement, it was bigger than my fucking arms! No way I can host this! And his legs, well... let's say I could hide behind one of them! "Hahahahahahaha yes !!! Oh fuck yes bigger, bigger, bigggggeeeeeeeerrrrr!!!" laughed Josh. And each time he said "bigger", well... he was becoming bigger. I was at the same time turned on as fuck but also terrified. It was Josh who was in front of me? The Josh who was a twig a few months ago? Because now he was more than 8 fucking feet tall, maybe 5 or 6 feet wide, should weigh several tons and should have more strength in his little finger than in my whole body. Then a final "muscle" explosion came to put an end to this incredible muscle growth, destroying in the process the belt. Josh did it, he reached the last level and fuck! "Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Finally! This is what I hoped for, this is what I wanted: power!" He took again the 420 bar but this time he... lifted it in taking it only by two fingers. Holy shit! "Hahahahahaha, so fucking light!" he said, proudly of his new titanic strength. Then he turned towards me "So Kyle, what do you think?" he asked in flexing his monumental biceps. I could not say a word but my answer was clear: I was shaking as fuck and above all, the floodgates opened. I came like I never came, almost continuously. He was the most powerful, the sexiest thing I have seen of my life. Ah yes, and I didn't precise but obviously, his voice was extremely deep and loud. And I didn't say but... He was fucking gigantic!!! Well, too much by the way because when he stood up, his head knocked the ceiling, leaving a hole, ceil which if I remember correctly was at... 8 feet 4 inches... I swallowed hard, realising than my boyfriend was probably the most tall and muscular person in the world. "Well, all this made me turned on, fucking turned on. I need to... unload," he said, in rubbing his dick. "Ready for the next round?" he asked me, in smiling badly. The... next... round? Wait, is he not really serious? If he tries anything, he crushes me like an egg. I was beginning to pale. And above all... How did he want me to receive his dick? Did he see the size of his anaconda? Did he see the size of my glory hole? It could never fit, never! ".... Bwhahahahahaha!!! You're afraid, aren't you? Because I would be if I were you. You're so weak, I could crush you just with my little finger. So we're going to fix that now! But hurry up because I'm not going to be able to hold it for very long, and you better hold on because it's going to be a deluge!" It took me few seconds for understand what he would say, my brain was totally bugged: Josh wanted me to grow. Crap man, I tried the next level and never I could support this pain. But I think I had no choice and then the final result was appealing. I put the belt then and in shaking I approached my finger to the button. "Come on Kyle! Don't be a wimp and go for it. But if you want some motivation..." said Josh before to make a pose. Holy fuck! I let out a moan, a stream of drool and few white loads. Josh sighed. "Well, are you going to press this button?" I swallowed and... I pressed it. Instantly, my eyes widened as fuck, I clenched my teeth to the max. The pain was insane, I had the feeling that my muscles were crushed. I fall on my back on the ground, impossible to stand in these conditions. Each contraction was a torture. Tears were flowing. But in same time, I had the vision of Josh, yelling, laughing, growing. I was concentrating to feel the growth and... yes... oh fuck yes, I could feel it, oh fuck, oh shit! Josh was smiling. "Ah! Then you also feel it? Well, focus on it, kiss it, you'll see, it's the most awesome feeling in the world!" Oh fuck yeah I feel it: I felt my traps emerging from my bask, surrounding my neck, I felt my shoulders swelling, my arms becoming enormous, my pecs exploding, my abs swelling and hardening, my back widening, my legs thickening and even my cock was becoming longer, thicker, bigger. "Hahahahahahahahahahaha yes!!! More!! More!!! Mooooooaaaaaaarrrrrr!!!" I roared. Holy shit! Look at me! I was a fucking bodybuilder and I don't mean people who are just starting out I was so lost in this absolute pleasure than I didn't hear Josh approach. "Ha, you want more? So it's your lucky day Kyle, because I'm going to exhaust your wish!" said Josh. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut because nothing could prepared nothing could prepare me for what was to come. I didn't understand what he would say but when I saw him with his finger was only one inch from the button, I froze... "NO, WAI..." And then I started screaming, for real. Honestly, I wonder how I didn't pass out on the spot. I've never felt anything like this and I honestly don't know if I can take it anymore. Say that it was insanely intense would be a weak word. It was so much more than that. And my scream... Fuck my scream! Honestly, I don't know what makes the most noise: a fighter plane or my scream but I screamed like never before. Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fucking shit, oh fucking shit of fucking shit of fucking shit. It was unbearable, I mean really unbearable, too much unbearable. My hand went to pull out the belt but suddenly, someone caught my arms, someone of huge. "Oh no no no no! What did you want to do? You will grow Kyle, whether you like it or not!" said Josh. I tried to free myself from his grip but nothing could be done and to tell the truth, I didn't necessarily want to but it was like putting your hand in the furnace and willingly letting it burn. The next minutes were both the worst and the best of my life. An unbearable pain but accompanied to an insane growth. It was only 15 minutes later that I really started to get used to and started to enjoy. I could feel it: at each contraction, my muscles were swelling, and not just a bit like previous time, no this time I was fucking hulking. Each contraction added ten of pure muscle pounds to my frame. My traps were engulfing my neck, my shoulders were becoming more than bowling balls, my arms exploded in size, probably going beyond 20 inches, my pecs exploded at the point where it was hard for myself to see beyond them, my abs exploded, doubling almost in size, I had the feeling that I had been implanted with six rocks under my skin, fighting each other to occupy the maximum space, a fucking net of veins leads to my cock, which was growing as fuck too, and I could feel my legs, rubbing against each other; "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yes!! Yeeeeeeeesssssss!!" I had gone crazy, but really, there was no other possible reaction. As Josh said, and beyond the pain, there was the best feeling in the world. I was growing, and growing, and growing, and growing! Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkk yeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!! During several minutes I was here, alternating between screams of pain and pleasure. And finally, after a long time, the feeling faints. I panted few minutes before to find the force to get up. Ho-ly shit! I was gigantic! Well, of course, not so much than Josh but I could probably participate to Mr Olympia! I flexed my arms, bounced my pecs, flexed my abs and legs. Ho-ly shit!!! It could have ended there, yeah, it could have but... a new feeling was born: the lust for power. I had one level left, just one small level to go beyond the human limits. And... I didn't want to wait! "Finally! I couldn't hold back any longer, well, prepare your ass honey, because Josh is com—" "One moment honey! I'm not finished!" I replied, in smiling badly. "Huh? Not finished? Man, you almost passed away this time, you will never be able to bear the ne—" "Shut up Josh!" I said. Josh was surprised, and, indeed, me too, he was at least 10 times heavier, 10 times stronger, he could crush me extremely easily but however, I had just shut him up. But this lust... fuck, this lust was stronger than anyone, even "Mega" Josh. Josh was silent for a few seconds before a smile appeared on his face. "Hehehe very well, I really didn't think you would go through with it and I didn't expect to have an opponent of my size. But after all, why not! Things are getting interesting, very interesting. Very well, I give you the honour to press the button!" I posed my finger on the button. Did I really want it? I was going to live the most intense minutes of my life, probably also the most painful. I was going to change completely. I had just to press it. Just... a... fucking... pression. I hesitated for a moment then I watched my boyfriend, his 8 feet insanely muscular frame. Damn, of course I wanted that!!! So... I pressed it. I can't describe what I felt at that moment. No word will be strong enough. Even in my thoughts it wasn't as intense. My eyes widened, my pupils have almost disappeared, my mouth opened. Everything seemed to stop for a second, a short second of pure silence and then... I had wondered before if I had felt the walls shake, well, here, I had my answer: the walls were shaking, literally, like during an earthquake, windows break off. I even heard Josh drop a "Holy shit!" I was writhing on the floor to ease the pain. My feet and fists were hitting the ground, breaking the tiles. It was unbearable, even unbearably unbearable, I was crying all tears from my body, I felt as if every atom in my body was compressed under a ton, but out of the question to give up. Not now! Fuck the pain, however intense it may be! I will go all the way, no matter what! And after that, Josh will see who is the alpha male!!! And quickly, despite my screams, I heard another sound, a stretching sound. I barely had the strength to lift my head for to see what I suspected. And I saw it, I saw that my pecs were... swelling! I watched my forearms for another confirmation. Holy shit! They were big and venous but above all they were... growing! "Ha..haha...hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" I laugh in excitement, I was finally there, in the final process, after a long wait. In few dozens of minutes I will a fucking 8-foot muscular titan. "Yes bigger! Oh fuck yes bigger !!! More!!! More!!! Moooooaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" And as with Josh, my body started to explode everywhere. I will never forget this moment, this feeling. My traps have swallowed up my neck! My shoulders exploded in a ridiculous enormous size, striated as fuck! My arms... well, I have never seen anything this big, it was insanely huge! And my strength, oh my fucking gosh, I guess that I could easily lift a tank! My forearms exploded into titanic mass... hahahahahaha my forearms alone were already bigger than arms of most muscular guys in school. And I had much more strength in only one finger than they in their whole body! By the way, I caught the metal bar of a dumbbell; I felt it crush under my powerful grip. My back exploded, widening a lot of. I don't think I'll ever find clothes in my size, look at me this fucking titanic back!!! My pecs exploded, hiding definitively my sight on my stomach. But even if I can't see them, I felt them, I felt them exploding out of my stomach, doubling in size, constantly pushing each other away and... is what they have... ? I touched for to confirm and... oh fuck yeah! Yes: a new row had popped out! I had an eight-pack, a fucking eight-pack. And say that my abs were hard would be a lie, they were much more than that! They were impenetrable!! We could try to stab me, I am sure that the knife would break. I felt my legs burgeoning becoming a set of huge muscle hills then... what? Holy shit! Did... did my legs touch each other? But shit, I hadn't even glued them so of my quads touch each other, they should be... Fucking huge!!! And the strength was so Fucking awesome!!! I guess I could jump on the roof of a multi-story building or passing a car on the highway. And don't forget to talk about my cock: even the best porn actor didn't compete with me, it was fucking huge (and fucking hard!). It was touched almost the first row of my abs. And could feel also a lot veins, pumping more and more blood into my "cannon". And during the whole transformation, I felt my back rubbing more and more against the ground because I was getting taller. Finally, like Josh, after almost one hour of growth and screams, what was happened for Josh happened also for me. *RIIIIIP BOOM* The elastic of the belt tore and the central unit grilled. Instantly, I felt no more contractions. It was definitively over. I was here, on the ground, sweating as fuck, panting as fuck. I stayed several minutes on the ground, enjoying of each incredible feeling. Fuck, fucking fuck: even doing nothing and just breathing was enjoyable, fucking enjoyable. I heard Josh say in panting "Oh my gosh! Oh fuck! Fucking crap!". "So Josh, do you like it?" I said. Holy shit! My voice was insanely deep and loud, fucking sexy but weird to think that it was my own voice. But Josh could only say words like "fuck", "shit" or "crap". he seemed more intimidated, probably because he didn't think I would go through with it. Now we could be on equal terms! And it was time to launch the game. I stood up slowly and fuck, everything looked different, everything felt different, as if we had implanted reactors in each cell of my body. Suddenly, my head knocked the ceil, leaving a hole. Ah yes, I forgot than I was now more than 8 feet! Hahahaha!! I looked Josh, who was almost drooling and his dick was oozing precum, and I said, "So Josh, ready for another round? Same rules than the last time? But I warn you: it won't be as easy to win as last time!" I added with a laugh. Then Josh went out of his trance, had a slight smile. "So much the better, because it was much too easy. So.. let's go?" he asked. "Let's go!" I replied. We approached and grabbed our hands, each trying to make the other fall. Suddenly Josh kissed me but he continued to force, I did the same. Quickly our game turned into an erotic fighting game: we were kissing, licking but each trying to get the upper hand on the other. I pushed Josh against the wall, so violently that I pushed it halfway into the wall. Few moments later, it was his turn to push me against the wall, wall that will suffer the same fate... Gosh, we were so fucking strong, it was absolutely amazing! Finally, I succeed to make fall Josh but he hugged me so we fell together on the ground. The shock was fucking violent, so much that it caused a small earthquake (and a crater, so much for the ground...). I went up to Josh, always kissing him. But suddenly he returned me and our roles were reversed. While I was kissing him, my hand caught the metal bar of one of the gym machines. I felt my fingers to deform the steel, accompanied by the sound of steel screaming in agony. Crap! this scene made me feel even more turned on, and Josh also because I heard him to let out a sight of pleasure. I took the opportunity to turn him over. Josh looked for an object to grip and he found a dumbbell. During next seconds, we could hear the sound of the crushed cast iron, reduce in dust, by the insanely powerful grip of Josh. I don't know how long it lasted but this little destruction game were giving us fucking turned on. Everything, absolutely everything that passed through our hands was crushed or reduced in dust. Fucking fuck! There was few weeks ago, I would have been totally unable to lift my old weight and now I was crushing steel to bare hands!! I could never have imagined that this simple belt would lead me here. Quickly, what was a gym room was now a field of ruin, of crumpled metal, of cast iron dust. But the preliminaries had lasted too long. It was time to win this game! I turned Josh one more time but this time, I caught his arms, so hard I could, and I got down on my knees on his chest. Gnnnnnnnhhh!! Crap, I see you're not laughing anymore" said Josh, in having a little wince because I should hurt him a bit. "Indeed! So... be a good boy will you? It soon over!" "Ha! In your dreams!" replied Josh. He tried to disengage but I squeezed stronger. "You didn't listen to me, I said be quiet," I insisted, with a tougher tone. Josh was really trying to disengage himself but... it was useless, I was going to win hehehe! Finally, after more than 30 seconds, he looked me and said "Well... it looks like you win the game hehehe" A sly smile appeared on my face. Oh yeah I won! So prepare yourself Josh, you're going to see what is a true alpha muscle god! Josh turned him on his belly, giving me a magnificent sight on his ass. I rubbed his butt few times, using my precum as lubricant then I positioned my dick at the entrance of his "cave". I waited few seconds and just when he wanted to talk, I penetrated him, causing him to roar in reaction. I pushed inch after inch my enormous cock inside Josh's ass. He moaned loudly of pleasure, sinking the ground with his hands. Then after few minutes, my entire dick was inside him. "So Josh, admit that you never had such a big one in you? This is what it feels like to be fucked by the alpha male!" I said, proudly. "Oh fuck! Oh my gosh! Oh shit! Soooooooooo goooooooooooooodd!!" cried Josh. "And you're not ready for the next!" I removed my cock, which slipped by itself thanks to the ton of precum, then I pushed it violently in one blow!" He cried out deafeningly in pleasure. Then I did it again. Little by little I increased the pace. Josh's cries became shorter and closer. Soon, there was no more interruption between his cries and by further increasing the rhythm he did not even have time to cry, just make glutural sounds which reflected an extremely intense and almost continuous pleasure. Fuck I was a fucking living jackhammer. I fucked him again and again and gain, always quicker! And finally, I felt it, this insane pressure in my balls, the deluge was very near. I clenched my teeth and my fist, trying to retain myself as long as possible. I could prolong this pleasure for few minutes but finally and as usual, I lose the fight. We yelled to unison, we yelled so much that the walls not only shook but also started to crack and all the windows in the neighbourhood exploded. And when I was talking of deluge, well... it was a deluge, a true fucking deluge! I poured out liters and liters of cum in his ass, there was enough to fill a family pool. Obviously, it was too much for Josh, he was quickly "full". So the cum spurted out of his ass and spread on the ground. It lasted at least 20 minutes, 20 minutes to come again, and again and again and again!!! Fuck yeah, nothing could have prepared me for this! When finally the flow dries up, I was lying on Josh's back. My cock was still inside him and we were panting, trying to recover of this insane "gym session". "Ha........ha.....ha....ha.... oh crap...I ... ha... I think we... we made... ha... a bit of a mess!" I said, in looking the carnage we had made: machines were a huge pile of crumpled metal, all cast iron disks were in dust, the walls were littered with the marks of our backs and the ground, in addition to be entirely destroyed, was covered by an inch of our super cum. "Ha...ha...ha...ha...don't care...ha... ha... ha... and something tells me... ha... ha.. that... ha... ha... that they will not say anything" replied Josh, in flexing his monumental biceps. "By the way, we have to go back to my place, there is a package waiting for me, no actually... there are two hehehe!" he said. Two packages? No wait, it was not a... ? "And if you're wondering, yes, this is their new belt model!" said Josh. "It's great Josh but... we are a little to big now? I mean not I don't want to still grow but we destroyed our belts in the process no? So it will be the same fate for those too no? "Hehehe! I said you, it's their new model! XXXXXL size! Oh crap! "And..." he added. "And?" I asked. "There are 12 levels!" replied Josh. Oh fuck! (I came) ___________________________________________ A few days before, in an undisclosed location: "Sir, our test subject for the belt ordered the new version. Our bait seems to have worked. What do we do?" asked a scientist. "How does he react to blue goop?" "Very well, sir. His genetic compatibility is impressive" "Perfect! So increase the number of levels and send the new version of 'gel'" "But, Sir he may become too much bigger!" "Do what I said. I want to see their limits. So, do what I said, it's an order!" "Yes Sir! ... Ah yes, by the way, he ordered... hem... two belts." "Two? There is another test subject for this product?" "His... friend apparently. He also reacts very well." "Mmmmh very well, that makes us one more guinea pig. It can't be a bad thing, the more test subjects we have, the more results we get, the faster we can improve the formula. In the meantime, keep watching our other test subjects and continue to keep inventing products. We need more guinea pigs. Our experiments are far from over..." "Yes, sir!"
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