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  1. Gabriel Displays His Assets by Fallen Away The lonely housewives of Lake Forest didn't pay Gabriel $500 an hour because he was good at hanging Christmas lights. In fact, he didn't even try to do a good job. He knew they were happy to stand back and watch him work in a pair of well-worn Levi's that were a few squats away from bursting. Those jeans were the centerpiece of his very successful marketing strategy. The view from the back convinced all the neighbors to hire him as soon as possible, regardless of his exorbitant hourly rate. Meanwhile the view from inside the house was driving his customer into a lustful frenzy. By the time Gabriel fastened a few crooked strings of lights to the front of the house, the lady of the house would peel off a layer of clothing, shuffle into the yard like a starving zombie, and invite him into her kitchen to get a taste of her "Christmas cookies." Gabriel always accepted. He especially liked it when there were actual cookies involved, as he was frequently hungry. But he wouldn't have much time to eat once he shed his winter coat and revealed the thickly muscled torso that matched his thickly muscled legs. He had mastered the art of the seductive stretch, with hands clasped and arms extended overhead, ensuring that the hem of his inadequate t-shirt would be dragged above two or more rows of abdominal muscles. His abs were then thrown into high relief with a gentle twist of his hips and a casual flex of his tight, fat-free core. He liked to finish by using his right middle finger to scratch an apparent itch in the lowest part of his unruly treasure trail. Gabriel's business analysis revealed that 62% of his customers tried to unwrap his hefty Christmas package before he was done with his little scratch. 23% fainted, 8% babbled incoherently until he shoved something into their mouths, 6% burst into tears, and 1% just... died. (Rest in peace, Mrs. Abernathy!) No matter how they reacted to his overwhelming physical presence, Gabriel took his time (he was being paid by the hour) to provide each woman with an array of erotic handyman services whether they ordered them or not. When they’d had their fill of his homemade eggnog and were close to passing out from exhaustion, he made sure they expressed their satisfaction with a five-star review on Yelp. But Gabriel went above and beyond the expectations of the most demanding suburban housewives. After leaving them sprawled on their ruined bedsheets, he took their smartphones and prepared for his favorite part of the job. If there were children in the household, he sent texts and arranged for them to stay with friends or grandparents after school. Then he texted the man of the house to say that he was needed at home immediately. If they balked, Gabriel made a vague reference to plumbing that needed to be snaked. (They had no idea they would be bringing that plumbing home with them.) When the worried husband rushed into his house to find an enormously muscled young man, naked, finishing up the last of what was supposed to be the man’s dinner, he was rarely able to articulate any of the questions in his head. Gabriel took advantage of that pause to stand up, towering at least a foot over most of their heads, and greet them politely: “Hello Mr. X, I’m Gabriel.” He would tug on his intimidating yule log a couple of times before extending the same hand for a businesslike shake. Most of them of them were conditioned to shake any hand that was offered, so they gripped it without thinking while Gabriel enjoyed their changing facial expressions. At the same time, they were hit with a wall of humid body heat and potent alpha musk that stripped away any of the authority they enjoyed as C-suite executives, doctors, lawyers, or investment bankers. They lowered their eyes and waited for instructions. “Your wife hired me to ‘clean out your garage’.” Gabriel always cocked an eyebrow when he said that, just in case the man was too clueless to recognize a euphemism when he heard one. (Some of them were still surprised when the cleaning began.) “She didn’t have enough cash in the house to pay me, so… do you need to go to an ATM, or would you like to use a card?” Gabriel pulled out his phone and plugged in a card reader. Anticipating their questions about the cost, he would size them up and squeeze an upper arm to evaluate their muscle tone. “You won’t last more than two hours, so, including your wife, that’ll be $2500 including the tip.” When 31% of the men expressed some kind of objection, Gabriel calmly flexed a bicep bigger than their heads and waited for their platinum cards to land in his outstretched hand. With payment out of the way, Gabriel introduced the men of Lake Forest to home maintenance services they didn’t know they needed. Their ‘drains’ were ‘snaked,’ as promised, and their ‘garages’ were cleaned out and rearranged until they had more space in them than they ever thought possible. (Some claimed that their farts echoed off the walls!) On top of that, he left them with a warm meal in their distended bellies before he gently carried them to their beds and laid them next to their sleeping wives. Gabriel stayed just long enough to eat all the remaining food in the house before he locked the door on his way out. A stranger driving around Lake Forest during the holiday season would be surprised by the number of houses with poorly hung Christmas lights. “Surely they can afford better services,” they might say. But those who lived and worked there began to notice that everyone seemed happier and more relaxed. Shop owners and clerks commented that their customers were less irritable. Tips increased by 25%. Bosses were nicer to their employees. Workaholics went home earlier to spend more time with their families. And the name Gabriel was often overheard in many quiet conversations between friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Gabriel made enough money to buy a private island. But he didn’t. Large anonymous donations were made to food pantries and homeless shelters. No one seemed to know where Gabriel lived, but he was always around, often recommended, and surprisingly available to meet everyone’s needs whenever he was called. Inevitably, people began to say he was an angel. Whether they meant that literally or metaphorically, it was universally agreed that he had brought joy to the community, and that was all they needed to know. And that, boys and girls, is the legend of Gabriel, the angel who fucked some sense into the people of Lake Forest.
  2. I had to overcome my Catholic guilt writing this one. Haha. I always wanted to write something from my culture and took this season as an opportunity. For many of us, whether we believe in it or not, religion is a cultural thing. Anyway, enjoy! Merry Christmas! PART 1 It was the middle of December, and Joshua Figueroa still felt groggy from the overlong flight from Heathrow to NAIA and from the two-hour bus ride to his hometown in Urreta. His father Domingo had failed to meet him in Manila. “The car broke down,” Domingo said. But Joshua knew that the old man would rather tend to his fighting roosters than inconvenience himself for his own flesh and blood. “You’re a big boy,” he called earlier. “I’m sure you can get home before dinner.” Domingo’s words proved true that afternoon when he heard his son’s footsteps coming from the wooden staircase leading to the antesala. There at the doorway of the comedor, with luggage in hand, stood a 5-foot 7-inch and 200-pound muscle bound man. “You grew.” Domingo sipped his hot chocolate which Felicidad had brought him earlier. “Of course. I wasn’t writing all the time.” The truth was, Joshua got depressed living solo as a graduate student at King’s College. Sure, the abundance of knowledge and the prestige he could get nowhere else first attracted the 140-pound man when he had stepped inside the university. But he realized later that he needed variety in his life, away from the dusty halls and dreadful conversations too common in his field. And so he used the scant time he had working out. He only wanted to blow some steam off initially. But the next thing he knew, he was putting more hours in the gym, lifting heavier weights, and gaining more quality muscle. And to prove to himself how serious he was, he hired a personal trainer named Liam who got him access to gear. “You should compete,” Liam said. “Your proportion and symmetry are to die for. If you diet down hard enough, you could place.” “I’ll think about it.” The new Joshua surprised his peers and advisers. They could not fathom how he even found time to build a phenomenal body when papers were demanding to be written. Joshua suspected that they secretly blamed his mediocrity to his lack of sacrificial dedication to the academe. But the call of the iron and the pump had already caught his heart. At least one man other than himself enjoyed his new body. As soon as he landed in Manila, Ethan called for a brief meet up over coffee. “You look like you ate yourself whole. I like it,” Ethan said, sipping his cappuccino. Merlinda, the town chandler, also said something of the like when he arrived in the cemetery to visit his mother’s grave. Such comments boosted his confidence, a little reminder that he had gone beyond that lanky kid who would ruin the game for his teammates. But there he was now, in the Figueroa ancestral house, standing before his father who kept talking about the time he lifted weights in the 70s. Joshua slept the whole afternoon and woke up late into the night. Felicidad had left him a dinner of chicken tinola which she herself cooked after Domingo’s favorite rooster lost. He devoured the lukewarm meal. He went back to bed, but he found it hard to sleep. His body was still getting used to the eight-hour difference. He wondered how he can survive this sleepy town. His friends in high school only consisted of the members of the chess club, and they had all found work abroad. He was basically setting himself up for a lengthy, unproductive holiday. But Manila was too terrible a city to offer a better alternative. Earlier that morning, inside that small comfort room in the café, Ethan was kissing his pecs and caressing his biceps. His fingers were tracing the details of his washboard abs down to his hardening cock. Seconds later, the smaller man was ramming his ass, reminding Joshua who the boss really was. At the end of the day, Ethan had powerful friends who could take Joshua to places. “See you in a few days,” Ethan said after their quick session. “The guys wanted a get-together. Carla suggests we discuss Philippe Léandre’s new work on post-humanism. But it’s Christmas, and who’s in the mood for that?” He kissed Joshua goodbye. The sound of church bells cut his thoughts short. He checked his phone. It was 4:30 in the morning. He slid the capiz shell window open and watched a familiar scene. The baroque Urreta church dominated the plaza mayor. In its yard stood a nativity scene, its manger still left empty. Cars, tricycles, and jeepneys sounded their horns to signal the arrival of the faithful. Paról or star-shaped lanterns lit every tree in the plaza where gathered the town’s families, couples, musicians, and street food vendors. It was the 16th of December, the first of the Misas de Aguinaldo or the nine Masses celebrated each early morning before Christmas Day. None of the Figueroas were religious, save for Joshua’s mother who took the burden of lighting a candle for her unbelieving relatives. Joshua used to attend such Masses with her because she would reward him afterwards with an ice cream bun and a bag of bibingka or baked rice cake. A brass band would play carols in the plaza grandstand. He would play with the street kids before his mother would call him to help her carry the bags from the market. These things made up his childhood memories of the season, different from those of his British peers who talked of Father Christmas and roast chicken and snow. Joshua got up to get dressed. If he could not sleep, he might as well do something else. He opened his grand wardrobe for some decent church clothes. He told his father to have Felicidad wash them before he arrived. But he realized just now that none of them fit him anymore. Nevertheless, he tried on his small PE shirt. Its sleeves just ripped off his arms before he even put the rest of the shirt over his head. He smirked, thinking how big he had become. He opened his luggage and took out some jeans and his favorite Nirvana t-shirt. He then saw himself topless in the wardrobe mirror. He smiled. His body looked magnificent. His eyes feasted on his broad shoulders, his bulging arms and pecs, the supple lines and curves crisscrossing his torso, all visible under the moon and lantern lights. He got hard in seconds. But his brief vanity gave way to the sound of the bells. He changed quickly and walked out of the house. He let the cool air hit his body as he strolled across the plaza. He let the smell of steamed glutinous rice and coconut milk fill his nostrils. The kids were already up, singing Christmas carols and asking strangers for some spare coins. When they saw Joshua, they flexed their arms. He flexed back and let them touch his 19-inch biceps. The town was full of life, and all the misery in the world vanished like vapor. Joshua felt like a kid again. He wished he could feel like one forever. The church was packed. Joshua came in later than most, so he had no choice but to stand up in the aisles during the whole service. He could force himself in the pews, but he knew he would take up too much space that could have been given for a grandma and her little girl. The pipe organs resounded. “Veni, veni, Emmanuel!” chanted the choir up the loft. Incense invaded Joshua’s nostrils and sent his soul to the holy of holies. And there in the wide nave, walked with utmost devotion, the ministers, acolytes, lectors, priests, and finally, the monseñor. One of the priest had a deep set of eyes which made his face a handsome one when in a good mood and a tired one when not. This time, the gauge turned to “Tired.” Joshua thought he looked familiar, and so he rummaged the obscure parts of his memories. He failed. He leaned against the pillar, letting the ceremony and the prayers pass by his consciousness. He had been dozing off from time to time. Finally his body was begging for a good rest. “Go in peace,” said the monseñor. Joshua came round from his deep slumber. The faithful who were moving out quickly while the choir was rushing through the recessional hymn. Joshua rubbed his eyes and yawned. He walked over to the side chapels by the church door where people were lighting candles and saying a few prayers to a myriad of holy images. One that caught his attention was a statue of a Dominican priest holding a ciborium in one hand and a statue of the Virgin in the other. The pedestal bore the name San Jacinto de Polonia, Urreta’s patron saint. “Making a wish, Josh?” He turned around. Before him approached the padre with a familiar face. He was two inches taller than Joshua. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt tucked into black slack pants, both oversized and made him look skeletal. His face screamed exhaustion. “Josh? Figueroa?” “Padre!” “Please, just Gío would be fine. Gío Castañeda? San Alberto Magno High School?” And then it him. Did he use play basketball? Was he that close friend of jock star Harrison Alvarez? “Oh, yes! Gío!” “Wow, man! You’ve gotten really big. How much can you bench?” A middle-aged woman approached the padre. She was carrying an image of the Santo Niño which looked too heavy for her little frame. She pressed her forehead on the padre’s hand and asked him to bless her statue of the Child Jesus. “Of course, Tita Tess. I’ll be in the grotto.” Tita Tess smiled and left. “It’s good to meet you here, Josh,” Gío said. “But I need to go. Duty awaits. See you!” He smiled and walked through the left aisle followed by more women carrying their icons, rosaries, and prayer books. Joshua noticed that the padre had a slight limp. He thought of Gío’s handsome face which triggered in him an unnamable desire. He brushed it aside. He was in a holy place after all. He turned his gaze back to San Jacinto. People said that if you complete all the nine Misas de Aguinaldo, your wish will come true. He never believed an ounce of it, but it sure filled the church to the brim during the holidays. He dropped a five-peso coin on the box that stood beside a jar of candles. He took one candle and lit it at the foot of San Jacinto. He rubbed his fingers on saint’s robes and made a sign of the cross. He then walked home, eager for a good sleep.
  3. Sizemologist

    Merry ChristMASS

    Posting one of my old stories on my new account for Christmas. Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy :^) Chapter 1: The New Santa It started on Christmas Eve. They were all sleeping soundly in their beds when a mysterious figure arrived to deliver each of them a letter. As each man opened the letter and read it, they were blinded by a light that illuminated from the letter. Each of the men regained their sight in a large room with a cookie sitting in front of them. Looking from side to side, they each saw each other and a man clad in red from head to toe. “Hello gentlemen and welcome to the North Pole,” said the man. “What happened? A second ago I was reading a letter about some new job,” asked one of the men. “¿Qué?” said another. “Oops! I thought I forgot something.” He snapped his fingers. “That’s better. My name is David, and I will be your host for the duration of your stay here,” said David. “The North Pole? How did we get here?” exclaimed one of the men. “Well you see, each of you received a letter from myself asking about a job,” said David. “Yeah. It said something about becoming the next Santa Claus. I thought it was one of my kids playing games with me,” said one of the men as he bit into the cookie in front of him. “Not at all sir. I can assure you that this is all real. Each of you have been hand selected by me to be a candidate for the title of the new Santa Claus,” said David “Wait seriously? Santa Claus is real? I had always just kept up the charade for the children at the shelter, but I could never have imagined actually being asked to be the new Santa Claus,” said one of the men with glee. “Why did you select us specifically?” asked another. “Well let’s go down the line,” said David. He snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hands. “First, there is Rafael from Brazil.” The latino man perked at the hearing of his name. “Born into poverty at a very early age, he struggled growing up to support himself and his siblings. With no parents to take care of them, he built a community of others that had been abandoned like them. He helped them. Fed them. Made sure their needs were met before taking care of his own. He established a shelter for anyone who was in need regardless of who they were.” “Then we have Peter.” The white man stood up when his name was said. “An all-American boy from the states. He was your typical kindhearted gentleman. What set him apart from the rest of America was his selflessness. Despite being born into a fortune, he dedicated his life to giving it all up to those who had nothing. Donating his money to charity and living the life of someone in poverty so that others would prosper.” “Next we have Bruno. When his country of Iraq was invaded, he was merely a boy and did not know what to do. Unlike many who fled, he saw the scourge of the war and wanted to help and make a difference. He studied to become a combat medic. Helping those who had fallen in battle regardless of who their allegiance was with.” “Lastly, we have Vincent. A man with a fairly normal upbringing in Japan, Vincent dedicated himself to volunteer work when he became an adult. Working for numerous non-profit organizations that deal with feeding those who are hungry and providing shelter for those in need. Rejecting what his parents expected of him as an adult and going into working for his community.” David snapped his fingers again and the scroll vanished. “You each have displayed the true meaning of Christmas throughout your lives. That it is better to give than it is to receive. Through your selfless actions, each of you have impacted many lives drastically and you are all true Saints.” The four of them looked at each other with surprised looks on all of their faces. “I understand that this is a lot to take in all at once, but do not worry, we have all of the time in the world. Literally. Father Time stops time for everyone else outside of the North Pole.” “What will becoming Santa Claus entail for us? Will we move here? What will our job be?” asked Peter. “You will be working here almost full time. Helping with toy manufacturing, the infamous naughty and nice list selections, and, of course, delivering all of the presents on Christmas. But don’t worry, you will be trained to do all of these things, but we just need to make sure to have an aptitude for it first,” said David. “How will we ever learn how to do all that?” asked Vincent. “Magic good sir! That’s how anything can get done around here. Everything we do in the North Pole is powered by magic that you will be taught how to use by one of the best magic users in existence. Myself.” “Way to be humble boss,” said a man as he walked in through two big red doors. “Joseph! You made it! Everyone, this is Joseph. He is the head of toy production here at the North Pole. You will be working very closely with him.” “Hello everyone. David can I talk to you for a second?” asked Joseph. “Sure. Here everyone,” David snapped his fingers, “have some cookies.” And the two of them left the room. “David, what are you doing? Where’s Nick?” asked Joseph. “Oh he’s been removed from service with us,” replied David as he tried to walk back in. “What? Drop the tour guide act. Who are these guys and where is Nick?” “Alright, fine. He dumped me last night. I sent him to coal duty. These are his replacements.” “Get Nick out of there! We need him tonight!” “No! He can rot in the coal mines for all I care. One of them will be the new Santa.” “These are your rebound guys. Not the next Santa.” “We’d eventually need a replacement. And they are all suited for the job.” “What even are their qualifications?” “They are all charitable. Nice guys.” “David! “Okay! They’re all hot gay men who are selfless. It was a pretty quick magical search.” “I can’t believe you brought mortals here! What were you thinking?” “I was thinking that my husband of almost 2 centuries just dumped me and you weren’t picking up your phone when I was needing a hookup.” “So you just pop these random guys in here so that you can have a one night stand?” “Not exactly. We would need a replacement eventually. I can’t run this factory and deliver the presents every Christmas. One is fine, but more than that, I‘ll work myself to death. I need a partner.” “Alright fine. I’ll play this little game of yours.” “Hey you can get something out of this too.” “What could I possibly get out of this?” “I know that Henry dumped you last decade and you’ve been lonely ever since. You get first runner up.” “Ugh you’re impossible.” Joseph started walking away. “You won’t be saying that after they go through the cookie test.” Joseph stopped in his tracks. “You’re doing that test.” David nodded his head. “Okay. I’ll go along with it as long as you play fair this time with that test.” “Deal.” The two shook hands and walked back towards the contestants. All unaware of what they had gotten themselves into.
  4. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Austin takes Jon to the doctor to figure out how his huge stepdad is growing so fast. They use the opportunity to have some fun with Jon's new size at the doctor's office. Chapter 5: Christmas Break Checkup Austin told Jon to drive, and they both piled into Jon’s souped-up, lifted truck. The thing weighed over 2 tons but it still lurched to one side as Jon hauled himself up into the cab. Even with the size of the vehicle, Jon’s massive, wide shoulders still pressed against the driver side door and threatened to creep into Austin’s passenger side space as Jon started the truck, the diesel engine rumbling to life. “Where to, Sir?” Jon asked, turning to Austin and smirking. Austin loved how much Jon was increasingly asking him for everything and waiting for guidance and direction even on everyday sorts of tasks. “First, to the doctor for your check up, then dinner,” Austin said as he typed in the directions on his phone and they pulled out of the driveway. “But Sir, I’m hungry now,” Jon complained, his grumbling tummy audible even over the rumble of the diesel engine. Jon’s huge truck towered over all the other cars on the street, and Austin sort of felt like he was in a monster truck. It certainly matched up with the size advantage that Jon sported over normal people. “Well pup you’re gonna have to wait. I want you to be EXTRA hungry for your big dinner so you can eat as much as possible,” Austin explained. Jon sighed and pouted. “Ok Sir… I’m gonna eat SO much when we’re done!” They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the truck. Jon tugged at his too-small polo, trying in vain to cover up his protruding belly. His sleeves crept up and up his arms as he walked until they were pressing against his pits, cutting into the wide bulk of his upper arm like a tourniquet and exposing his huge biceps. He tried adjusting the sleeves a little but it didn’t do much good; his arms were just too big. His gym shorts rode up into his massive bubble butt and only came halfway down his thighs. He blushed as they approached the door. “Open the door for me, pup,” Austin said and Jon complied, holding it open for him. He followed Austin inside, ducking and turning to fit inside the doorway. The receptionists and patients waiting in the lobby all turned and looked at the massive man squeezing through the doorway, some of them gasping audibly. It wasn’t everyday you saw one of the largest men on Earth. They got checked in, Austin doing all the talking and handling Jon’s documents. The receptionist thought it a little odd but was too distracted by the huge man in front of her, his clothes barely covering his mass. They made their way to the waiting area. There were a few other people there, and they openly gawked at the enormity of the man who had just walked in. A wave of BO stink preceded him, causing some to wrinkle their noses and move to another seat. Austin sat down in a chair, and Jon tried to sit next to him. His massive thighs and wide ass wedged down into the chair, and it clearly wasn’t wide enough. “Go on, Jon. Sit down in the chair,” Austin said, encouraging the bigger man. “You can fit…probably. Give it a try,” Austin said with a smirk, knowing what was going to happen. “O-ok Sir, but I don’t think…” Jon started and suddenly stopped when the arms of the chair creaked and cracked. “Maybe I shouldn’t—“ “Jon, sit in the chair,” Austin insisted. Jon continued lowering his bulk into the chair until the wooden arms of the chair cracked and splintered, bending outward at a 45 degree angle until Jon was sort of wedged into the chair. His shoulders spread wide enough for three seats, his delts spilling over in front of Austin; Jon was hunched over trying to fit. “Hah, you broke it! You’re getting too big for normal furniture,” Austin teased as he rubbed his stepdad’s big shoulder. “Heh, yeah I guess so,” Jon said, blushing, embarrassed. He stood back up and the chair came with him before dropping to the ground with a clunk, ruined. “Come sit on the floor instead,” Austin said, pointing to the space between Austin’s thighs. “O-Ok Sir,” Jon said, his face flushing a deeper red across his chubby cheeks and under his dirty blonde beard. He sat, shaking the waiting room with his 500+lbs as he did. “That’s better,” Austin said. He spread his legs out wider to make space and he rubbed Jon’s thick neck, playing with his thick neck folds as they waited. Jon purred in appreciation, a deep, growling sound of satisfaction as Austin’s strong hands massaged him. Several of the other people in the waiting room gave them weird looks, and Jon felt a little self-conscious, but Austin reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. “I’m so excited to see what the doctor says,” Austin said, leaning down to whisper in Jon’s ear. “You’ve gotten so big so fast… I bet he’s never seen anything like it, you big freak,” Austin said, grinning. Jon’s cock swelled and bulged as Austin spoke. “Y-yeah? A freak? Never seen a bull growing like this huh?” Jon said and he raised his right arm to flex his huge bicep, the peak straining the tight sleeve of his polo shirt, pushing it back until the entire upper arm was exposed again. A wave of jock stink spread through the small waiting room, becoming inescapably strong. Austin breathed in the heady scent. “I bet he hasn’t,” Austin said, squeezing his bull’s big bicep and then smacking it. It was hard and hot to the touch and had a thick, throbbing vein coursing over it. “Jon!” the receptionist called outa while later. Jon rose to his feet and the nurse gasped audibly. Austin and Jon headed back to the exam rooms, Jon’s walking gait now decidedly a waddle that made the floor vibrate, his massive thighs rubbing against each other, his package impossible to hide, pushed forward from the girth of his quads. “H-hello, come on in, and you are?” she said, addressing Austin. “The stepson. I’ll be handling any questions about my father’s health.” Austin said authoritatively. “Alright then, well, hop onto the scale big guy,” she said. “Sure thing!” Jon said affably as he stepped onto the scale. He liked being called “big guy”. *Clank* *Squeeeeee* *Ping* The metal scale made a distressing series of sounds as Jon stepped on, and the needle on the scale, which at first rose sharply, fell back to zero. “Looks like I broke it!” Jon said, lifting an arm up and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. The nurse wrinkled her nose and stepped back as a fresh wave of Jon’s musk emitted from his exposed armpit. “T-that’s ok, um, let’s just write down…,” “504 as of this morning, though he might have added some since then,” Austin said sharply. “Ok then, and let’s check your height,” she said. “Back up against the wall there and take your shoes off,” the nurse directed and Jon complied, his huge Otomix lifting shoes clunking heavily as he removed them, the smell of his feet acrid and musky. The nurse quickly realized that she couldn’t reach all the way up to the top of his head. “Jon, help her out, would you?” Austin said, and Jon reached out and grabbed the diminutive nurse. She was probably a quarter of his weight and over a foot shorter. She yelped as his huge hands wrapped around her waist and she rose into the air. “Up we go!” Jon said as he lifted her up so she could reach the scale. She adjusted it until it leveled with Jon’s head, 6’8”. Jon put her down. Looking disheveled, she walked them to an exam room and shut the door. “Well, I don’t think they’ve ever had someone break the scale before, pup,” Austin said as he moved closer to his huge stepdad. “I really get a sense of how big you are next to all these normal-sized people.” Jon grinned. He spread his shoulders wide, rose up to his full height, and puffed up his chest proudly. “Heh, yeah!” A knock came at the door and the doctor entered. He was a short man, probably just 5’4” or so and lean, and his eyes bugged open when he saw the size, and smelled the musk, of the giant in the exam room. “Whoa! So, what brings you in today?” “Just a routine physical for my father,” Austin said, taking charge. “He’s had quite a growth spurt lately and has been responding exceptionally well to my training, and I want to make sure he’s in good shape. What do you think about his size, doc?” Austin asked. “Go on, show him Jon.” “Sure!” Jon said and he brought his arms together in a most-muscular pose. “GRRRRR yeah I’ve been really putting on size since my son here started training me! I love growing bigger,” Jon grunted through gritted teeth as he flexed as hard as he could for the doctor. His chest heaved up and down as he flexed and bounced his pecs. “MMMphh, mmmmphhhh, yeah!” Jon grunted. “I, well, I mean,” the doctor sputtered, flabbergasted by the display of size and muscle in front of him. “I’ve never had a patient like you before! Let’s go ahead and take a look. Hop up on the exam table.” Jon did just that, which caused the table to raise off the floor on the other side, nearly tipping it over. Jon slipped off of it and the table clanged loudly back into place. “On second thought, uh, you could just stand. Let’s get your vitals,” he said. “I brought the extra large cuff here so that should work fine for your blood pressure,” he started, before holding the cuff up to Jon’s arm. He wrapped what he could around it, but it was several inches too short. The label said it was big enough for 20” arms. “That’s not going to work, I promise,” Austin said with a smirk. “Jon’s grown too big for that, isn’t that right pup?” Jon grinned and flexed his huge upper arm, the mass and veins and peak of it swelling bigger. “Mmm hmm!” “A-alright then, uh, well, I could get the adult thigh size cuff, but for now let’s get a blood sample and then I’ll ask some questions,” the doctor said. He proceeded to get a couple vials of Jon’s blood and sent those to the lab. “Well, last time you were in you were…” the doctor started, before scrolling through the info on the computer a few more times with a confused look on his face. “…5’10” and 175 pounds? That can’t be right, that was just a few months ago,” he said. “No, that’s right,” Austin said from his chair. “Like I said, my father has been making significant progress on his body over the last few months under my care. Tell him about some of your gains, pup,” Austin said, nodding to Jon. “Sure son! I’m about 500 pounds now, I can bench, deadlift, and squat over three times my weight for each exercise, my biceps are at least 26” around, thighs are bigger than most peoples’ waists, I eat 12,000 calories a day at least, and I just seem to keep growing and growing! Oh, also, I’m 6’8” now so I’ve grown about 10 inches in the last 4 months too,” Jon said, rattling off the info. He stepped closer to the doctor, who was seated with his back to Jon, and Jon loomed over him, casting him in shadow. Jon was turning himself on a bit as he thought about how much bigger and stronger he was getting. His bulge shifted in his tight jock strap and he reached down to adjust himself, smelling his musky hand afterwards. “That… that shouldn’t be possible… you’re a 42 year old man! You shouldn’t just gain 300 pounds and grow almost a foot in a matter of months!” the doctor exclaimed. He looked over his shoulder and saw that Jon was standing over him. The big bear grinned down at him, his polo taut over his massive chest. The doctor stood up from his chair and retreated to a corner of the room to give himself space. “It’s extraordinary, doctor, we know. But all that matters is that he’s healthy and that he can keep growing bigger,” Austin said, standing up and patting the doctor on the shoulder with a reassuring hand. The doctor immediately relaxed, which he knew deep down he shouldn’t feel with such an unusual and alarming patient, but he felt it nonetheless. “You-you’re right of course. Yes. Absolutely, he should keep growing!” the doctor said enthusiastically. “Glad you can see it our way!” Austin said, smiling. "Let’s see what the blood work says, it just got finished at the lab,” he said as he sat back down. “Ok, blood work, and… wow!” “Wow? Wow good, or wow bad, doc?” Austin said. “Wow, I’ve never seen these kinds of readings before. They’re not necessarily indicative of any health issues, but… growth hormone, testosterone, luteinizing hormone, pituitary activity, it’s all just… totally off the charts! Like, look here,” he said pointing at some numbers on the screen. “This number here is about ten times what we see in teenage boys going through puberty. It’s like he’s going through some sort of second growth spurt but magnified into adult-sized proportions.” “And on top of that I’m feeding him a diet to maximize growth and pumping him full of supplements and steroids,” Austin said proudly. “So, what you’re saying is…?” “What I’m saying is,” the doctor said as he stood up. “Jon is just going to keep growing, and there’s nothing at all wrong with his health. On the contrary, he’s one of the healthiest 42-year-old men I’ve ever seen,” Jon grinned at that. “Alright! That’s great news!” he said and he wrapped his arms around the doctor, pinning him against his firm belly. The doctor squirmed and tried to say something as his face was pressed between Jon’s pillowy pecs, but all that came out was a muffled “Mmmmph!” “Jon, let him go… he still has a couple other things to check,” Austin said. “Doc, I’d like you to do a more close-up physical exam. Jon, take your shirt off and doc, look for any suspicious moles, will you?” They both obeyed Austin quickly. Jon struggled out of his tight shirt but eventually got stuck with his arms over his head. “Uh, a little help?” the big man said, his face obscured by his shirt, his belly and pecs exposed. “Heh, sure thing dad, lean over,” Austin said. He grabbed the tight shirt sleeves as Jon bent over and he pulled, tugged, and wriggled the shirt around until it was free from his huge stepdad. Jon staggered backwards and sighed, then stood back to his full height. He stepped forward closer to the doctor and puffed his chest out, looking down at him with a grin. “Wow!” the doctor breathed as he took in Jon’s full musculature now that he was shirtless. “Well you certainly are adding some muscle mass,” he said, trying to sound professional, but his voice wavering. He walked around Jon looking for moles. “So you were just an average build before this, then?” he asked. “That’s right,” Austin said, speaking for his father. “I gave him a new training regime this fall and he has responded to it beyond my expectations. Our mutual goal is to keep growing as big as possible, isn’t that right Jon?” Austin said. “That’s right, bigger and bigger!” Jon said happily. The doctor stood in front of him and Jon flexed his chest slightly for him. His dense, dirty blonde chest hair was curled into ringlets from sweating so much earlier. “Jon, go ahead and pick him up like you did with the nurse,” Austin said with a smirk. “What? I don—whaaaa!” The doctor yelped as he flew into the air, his head almost touching the ceiling. “Heh, you’re so light, Doc! What do you weigh?” Jon said as he bounced the doctor up and down like a child, brushing him against his furry chest and round, hard gut. “150! Put me down please!” he said as Jon played with him. “Heh, I’m more than three times your weight! And soon I’ll be even bigger!” Jon said as he set the doctor down, who took a few steps to steady himself. “One more thing before we leave then, doc. Jon, drop trou. Go ahead and check his balls for any issues. Those have been growing too!” Austin with a chuckle, unable to contain his grin. “They sure have!” Jon said as he unceremoniously yanked his pants down. His package bulged obscenely in his jock strap, which was stained yellow from weeks of intense workout sweat and leaking precum. He pulled the jock down too and his thick cock flopped out, slapping against his massive, hairy thigh. “Oh my, that’s not necessa… oh wow,” the doctor said as he stepped closer and squatted down. He crinkled his nose at the intense jock BO musk that radiated from Jon’s package. He cupped Jon’s balls in his hand and gasped. “My goodness, they’re as big as lemons…” he hefted them up and down, appreciating the sizable weight of them, struggling to be professional. “And growing bigger every day,” Jon said as his cock stirred to life at the doctor’s touch. “Gotta keep ‘em regularly drained too!” he said with a booming laugh. The doctor’s hands brushed against the furry undersides of Jon’s balls and Jon shivered. The doctor asked him to cough, and Jon did. His cock stirred to life, swelling and thickening quickly as the doctor shifted the grip on his balls. “Doc, what’s an average size for a man his height?” Austin asked, enjoying the size disparity between the two men. “5, maybe 6 inches for most Americans,” he said, watching Jon’s cock lurching and twitching as it grew. “Maybe a couple inches more for someone of Jon’s, um, stature.” “And how big would you say Jon is?” Austin said, smirking again. “Well it’s hard to say, but – oof!” the doctor said as a thick cock bumped against his cheek. Jon’s cock suddenly swelled bigger and lurched to one side, smacking the doctor in the face again. Jon grinned down at him and shifted his weight, his cock bulging to full hardness in a matter of seconds. He pushed it against the doctor again, making him lose his balance and fall over. “Oops, sorry doc. I’ve always been a grower not a shower!” Jon boomed from above. “Ha! Jon, your dick is so big it should be classified as a weapon!” Austin said with a laugh. “What do you think, doc? How big does it look from down there?” The doctor looked up at the two muscular studs above him, Austin the epitome of arrogant young jock, and Jon an unimaginably huge giant of a man, naked and hard. Jon grinned down at him from over the mound of his barrel chest, his round gut, and his swelling bulge and laughed. “It’s… enormous… definitely over 10” and I’ve never seen something quite that thick…” the doc sputtered. “As for Jon’s health, yes, everything looks… exemplary,” he said, adjusting his glasses and trying to salvage his pride. “Very good. You’re dismissed,” Austin said and the doctor immediately gathered his things. “Jon, be sure not to block the door…” Austin said with a wink. “Heh sure son,” Austin said and immediately moved to the door. His massive, wide frame wedged into the door frame, his head brushing the top of it and his thighs and shoulders just a bit too wide for it, still naked. “Hey, guys, come on,” the doctor said, flustered. “I have other patients to see,” he said as he tried to find some space to move past Jon. He pushed against Jon’s bulk, and Jon barely felt it. He refused to move, toying with the little man, gently pushing him back or shifting his weight. Jon hardly even had to try. The doctor tried to slip under Jon’s armpit, and Jon squeezed his head between his bicep and bulging lat, rubbing jock musk on the doctor’s face. Austin started laughing as he saw the little man’s futile attempts. Jon did too, and he reached out to palm the doctor’s head and hold him back at arms’ length. The doctor pushed against his wrist and tried to step forward, but it was pointless. “You guys… this isn’t funny!” he said. Austin laughed some more. “Sure it is!” “What should I do with him, Sir?” Jon asked with a twinkle in his eye. “Jon why don’t you help him now?” Austin said as he gathered up Jon’s clothes. “Take him back out to the hall.” Jon suddenly stepped forward and scooped the doctor up into both arms. He swung him through the door frame, holding him effortlessly. He then rubbed him against Jon’s furry chest and bounced him around, the doctor gasping and yelping as he did. “Pin him on the ceiling, Jon,” Austin said, egging him on. The big man did just that, raising him over his head and pressing him against the ceiling easily, dislodging a couple ceiling tiles. “Yeah, that’s great. Alright pup, enough messing around. Let’s go!” Jon smiled and he unceremoniously set the doctor onto the floor in a heap. “Later, doc! Thanks for the check up!” “Alright pup, now walk out to the lobby naked, I want to see everyone’s reactions!” “Naked? Me?” Jon said, suddenly blushing. “Ok Sir!” The massive muscle bear waddled back to the entrance, his bulk filling up the entire hallway as shocked nurses and patients parted before him. Jon liked the reactions he was causing, and he liked that Austin was bossing him around. His stomach growled ferociously and he remembered it was time to eat!
  5. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Austin takes Jon out to dinner at Fogo de Chao, the all-you-can-eat steak restaurant, and Jon eats his fill. Jon expresses his devotion to Austin in front of everyone, and the guys take their relationship to the next level. Chapter 6 — Christmas Break Dinner Austin walked into Fogo de Chao and checked in with the receptionist. Jon followed behind, ducking his head slightly to make sure he cleared the doorway and having to open both doors to fit his prodigious width through. When the receptionist looked up from his book, he gasped as he saw the enormous man suddenly standing in front of him. He eyed the big man up and down, perplexed by the comically small polo shirt that did a terrible job containing his stupendous bulk. He wrinkled his nose as the wave of BO stink emanating from the mountainous muscle bear hit him. He almost said something – people usually dressed and cleaned up before coming to this place – but gulped when he heard the big man’s stomach growl audibly. He quickly ushered them to their table after Austin confirmed their reservation. The table seemed small as the two big men approached it; it was right in the middle of the restaurant. Jon looked around a little nervously, self-conscious of how much he stood out in such a public space, especially in his too-small polo and tight gym shorts that only came halfway down his tree trunk thighs. “Sir, I didn’t know we were going to such a nice restaurant,” Jon said as he tugged a little at his shirt, trying to make sure his round belly was covered. “Only the best for my big guy!” Austin said as he sat down. “You look incredible. Everyone should be jealous of how massive and powerful you look, Jon. Give me a flex,” Austin said. Jon grinned as his master’s praise perked him up, and he brought his fists together to flex, his arms and traps stretching the already tight fabric of his polo. “Mmm yeah you like?” Jon said as he grunted. “Hell yeah pup, now let’s fill up that big tank and help you grow! Big bear needs plenty of protein to pack on more size,” Austin said. Jon carefully lowered himself into his chair. It was built for normal-sized people, not 500+lb musclebears, and it creaked ominously as he shifted his bulk down. He could see himself in a big mirror off to one side of the room and marveled at how huge he looked compared to the normal-sized tables and chairs and people; he hadn’t been out to many public spaces other than the gym since growing so much. His shoulders were three times the width of the chair he sat in, and his long legs easily stretched over to Austin’s side of the table. He scratched his salt-and-pepper beard and grinned, his bulge tenting a little in his tight jock; he liked what he saw. The waiter came by and explained how the restaurant worked, but they were both familiar with the all-you-can-eat steakhouse. Jon looked up at the waiter. “I’m gonna have this card on green all night, so you better keep it coming. I have a BIG appetite!” he said as he gave his belly a firm slap, the loud smacking sound making some other diners look their way. Jon blushed but grinned too. “It takes a LOT to fill this tank!” “Of course, Sir,” the waiter stammered as he dished up the mashed potatoes and fried candied bananas. “Jon, just how big are you these days? Just so the waiter knows what he’s dealing with,” Austin said, egging on his big musclebear dad. “Sure, son. I’m 6 foot 8 and just north of 500 pounds, as of this morning anyway. I’d like that number to be MUCH higher by the end of this meal!” Jon said with a laugh. He rubbed his gut, which gurgled loudly. “This tank needs to be FULL by the time I’m done!” he guffawed. Jon grabbed the whole platter of potatoes, brought them up to his mouth, and gobbled them up, spooning and scraping at the plate until they were gone. “I’ll, uh, be sure to get you more of those,” the waiter said, looking back and forth between the strange couple before taking off. Austin laughed and shook his head. Jon looked back at Austin, eager for approval. “Did you like how I did that, Sir? His face when he saw me rub my belly was priceless!” Jon said, bumping the table as he adjusted his swelling bulge. “That was great! I love how confident you are, pup, showing off for me like that. Get eating, bull. I’m gonna go get some things from the salad bar. Want anything?” Austin asked. Jon was too busy cramming bananas into his mouth to properly respond. “Whatever you don’t eat, I’ll take care of,” the big man said. Austin walked by Jon on his way over, rubbing his hand across his stepdad’s fresh high fade haircut and brushing his bulge against Jon’s wide shoulders. The first gaucho-waiter approached Jon’s table, looking slightly trepidatious at the massive man at this small table. “The house special?” he said, offering his skewer of meat. There were 3 medallions of glistening beef on the skewer, each one about twice the size of a hockey puck. “Just slide the whole thing onto my plate!” Jon said. He leaned back, the chair creaking painfully, and lifted his arms up to flex his biceps. “Gotta eat big to get big!” “S-Sir,” the waiter started, “I… very well,” he said, realizing he couldn’t say no to such a big man. He slid all three chunks of the house special onto Jon’s plate, the juice of the meat spreading around his plate, steaming and salty. “Mmm,” Jon growled as he skewered one with a fork, brought it up to his mouth and tore into it, devouring half of a chunk in one bite. Austin came back with two huge plates of veggies, cheese, and more, taking some for himself but leaving most of it for his hungry musclebull stepdad. “Looks like you’re off to a good start, pup,” Austin said. Jon just grunted and kept eating, his eyes glazed over in a food trance. More waiters came by, and Jon always took as much as he could, meat piling high on his plate. He ate it all; sausages, chicken, lamb, every cut of beef they had, bacon-wrapped pork chops, the juice of it all getting into his salt and pepper beard and dripping down onto his new polo shirt, which slowly rode up his belly as the meal went on. He even ate the gristle. “Look at you go, Jon,” Austin said after about 20 minutes. “You’re my big hungry bull, huh? Every bite is gonna make you bigger and stronger,” he said. “Yeah,” Jon said, rubbing a fist against the juice dripping down his salt-and-pepper beard. He paused briefly to wash down another filet mignon with a whole glass of wine, which he downed in three big gulps. “Are you impressed by how much I can take down? Been eating more and more everyday while you were gone,” he said as he tore into another lamb chop. “Seems like my appetite is growing as fast as my muscles are!” he said, taking a deep breath. His chest and belly swelled out and the table shifted back towards Austin, rattling the dishes and glasses. “Hell yeah, bull, you’re eating as much as a whole damn offensive line!” Austin said. “The more you eat, the bigger you grow!” “That’s – URRPP – right!” Jon said, a loud burp escaping his lips, drawing another round of stares from nearby tables. “Starting to sweat there, big guy,” Austin said, noticing the pit stains and U-shaped wet spots under his pecs. “Got the meat sweats, dontcha?” Austin teased. “Mmph,” Jon grunted, his mouth full of meat. He reached up and scratched at the fur that was busting out of the collar of his polo, his bicep swelling as he did. “Come on dad, I know a big lug like you can eat more, keep going!” Austin said. Another waiter approached the table to offer more of the bottom sirloin. “More,” was all Jon said. The juicy, warm protein triggered a feeding frenzy that went on for half an hour, Austin encouraging him, Jon eager to impress. Eventually, Jon got up, his massive gut bumping the table. His chair cracked dangerously as he did. He rose to his full height and towered over Austin. “Gotta lighten the load,” he said, hefting his sizable bulge as he grinned down at Austin, and waddled over to the bathroom. The big man opened the door and a face squashed into his belly as he collided with another dinner guest, causing the smaller man to stumble backwards. Jon didn’t budge. “Oops, sorry there bud. Sometimes it’s tough for me to see down that far!” Jon said with a laugh, measuring himself against the little guy he had nearly knocked over. He looked in the bathroom mirror and noted that the guy came up to his nipples, which poked out prominently from his painted-on polo. “Heh, uh, excuse me,” the little guy said, his cheeks red with embarrassment, and he scampered off. Jon approached the stall and realized he’d have to really contort himself to get in there. He turned sidewise and squeezed in just barely, his gut scraping against the door frame. He closed the door and turned, his shoulders pressing against the sides of the stall; he had never felt bigger. As he came back to the table, Jon’s stomach fluttered when he saw Austin, looking handsome and muscular in his tight dress shirt, his high-and-tight and lantern jaw and trimmed beard making Jon’s cock stir in his jock. He was so lucky to have such a handsome master. He approached Austin’s chair from behind and pressed his belly and bulge against him. “I’m back,” Jon purred from behind Austin, his deep, rich voice vibrating against Austin’s head. “I could feel your footsteps from halfway across the room, big man,” Austin said as he looked up at his stepdad. “You ready for round two?” he said as he beckoned Jon to sit again and resume his feasting. “Hell yeah,” Jon said as he sat down, then chomped into another lamb chop. Jon kept eating for another 45 minutes, stopping only to eat some carbs and wash it all down with more wine. Austin talked to him about lifting and football and the gym, Jon nodding and grunting and occasionally adding in a few comments before resuming his gluttony. The waiters asked them if they were close to wrapping it up several times, but Jon just said “Keep it coming,” “More!”, or “Not done yet!” Austin got more and more worked up as the meal went on, seeing his giant stepdad filling himself up with meat. Austin’s package bulged under the table, throbbing for most of the meal as he watched Jon stuff himself with reckless abandon, Austin watching his huge muscles twitching with every subtle movement. Jon seemed to swell up bigger as he ate and ate. After an hour and half, his shirt was half-soaked with patches of sweat on his back, chest, and arms, and it was stretched taut over his round, solid, full gut. He was breathing heavily through his nose, grunting and groaning after each bite. “Slowing down there, champ?” Austin said. “Come on, pup, you’re not done yet, are you?” *Huff, grunt* “No!” Jon said defiantly, forking up another big bite of steak and stuffing his face. “Gotta get full for you, Sir.” “I’m so proud of you, Jon,” Austin said. With that, he pushed his own fork off the table and onto the floor. “Oops. Get that for me, pup,” Austin said. Jon rose out of his chair, once again bumping the table, taking a huge breath and stretching before erupting into the biggest, loudest burp either of them had ever heard. Everyone in the restaurant looked over in shock and stared at the massive brute whose shirt only covered half his gut. “Unf, that’s better,” the big man said as he thumped on his belly and grinned. He lowered himself to his knees and reached for the fork. “Jon, look at me,” Austin said while Jon was on his knees. His big stepdad looked up at him, his blue eyes glistening. “Yes Sir,” Jon said, holding the fork in his hand. He steadied himself against Austin’s firm thigh. “Open wide, bull,” Austin said as he brought a huge piece of filet mignon to Jon’s mouth with his fingers. Jon opened his hungry maw and took the whole thing, his tongue brushing against Austin’s fingertips, chewing a couple times before gulping it down. “Mmmm good bull, still so hungry and eating right out of my hand,” Austin purred and he rubbed his hand through his stepdad’s short hair. “Yes Sir, feed me more, please,” Jon purred in his deep, rich voice, still on his hands and knees, needing it so badly, any sense of embarrassment overridden by the need to serve. “Good pup,” Austin said, as he got another piece of steak and brought it to his stepdad’s eager lips. “Such a good bull.” Jon grinned and plucked the steak from his master’s fingers gently, showing how much he appreciated it, then chewing quickly and swallowing hard. He opening his mouth up for more, begging shamelessly, panting like a dog. “Yeah bull, keep eating more,” Austin breathed as he leaned down to feed his stepdad. “Just imagine how big you’re gonna grow from this single meal.” “Mmmmph, more,” Jon purred as he gobbled up another piece, then another, then another until Austin’s plate was almost empty. “You’ve done such a good job these last few months, Jon,” Austin said, “Growing bigger than I ever imagined and devoting yourself to me.” He brought another piece of meat to Jon’s lips and the big man obediently slurped it up, his big lips wrapping around Austin’s fingers and leaving behind a trail of saliva. Guests at the other tables looked in shock and bewilderment at the enormous older man eating out of his stepson’s hand. “I couldn’t ask for a better father, especially after losing mom last fall. I want you to be part of my life forever, closer to me, pup.” He rubbed Jon’s huge shoulder and trap, feeling the firmness and size of Jon’s mass. Jon breathed heavily, overcome not just with several pounds of steak in his gut but with intense emotion unlike anything he had ever felt. “I want that so badly, Sir, I need it, to be your bull,” Jon breathed. It felt like everyone in the restaurant was watching them, this huge salt-and-pepper hulk leaning in close to his fit, muscular, younger companion. People whispered and ogled, and Jon felt nervous and sweaty, but elated and excited too. “Are you ready to be bound to your Sir, pup?” Austin said, as he reached behind him. Heavy, bulky chains clinked against each other as he pulled out a big metal padlock and chain necklace from a hidden pocket of his jacket, big enough to wrap around Jon’s massive neck and traps. The lock gleamed in the light. Jon’s heart fluttered. “You will be my good, obedient bull pup and live to serve your master. I will always be there for you no matter what, and you will be there for me and do as I say,” Austin said. Jon scooted closer and lowered his head into Austin’s lap. “Yes Sir, I want that more than anything Sir, I would be honored,” Jon said, his voice quivering with emotion. “Bullpup is ready to serve you.” “Good bull,” Jon said, lifting the heavy chain, wrapping it around Jon’s enormous neck and locking it into place. “Look at me, pup,” Austin said, and Jon did so, tears mixing into his salt-and-pepper beard. Austin put on his own smaller chain necklace, a large metal key at the end of it; Jon knew it was for his lock. Austin reached behind Jon’s head, gripping his neck rolls, and pulled him in for an aggressive, hungry, passionate kiss. They pressed together roughly, their tongues fighting against each other, beards scraping coarsely as they panted through their noses, grunting and growling. “Mmmph, good pup,” Austin said as he broke away, leaving Jon wanting more. “Now let’s finish this meal and get home. There’s more of that waiting for you there,” Austin said as he grasped the sizable bulge in his shorts and squeezed, making a wet spot appear through his khakis. “Yes, Sir!” Jon boomed loudly as he rose to his full height, towering over his smaller stepson. His gut bulged out prominently, his polo only reaching down to his belly button; belly and pec meat swelled out of his shirt, the sleeves straining to contain his massive upper arms, which had already pushed up to his delts. His shorts tented obscenely, and the meat sweats had only increased, jock musk spreading around their table from Jon’s potent pits. Jon reached up and felt the heavy chain and lock around his neck. It felt RIGHT, like something had been missing and was now in place; it was cool against the furry expanse of his chest, a reassuring, comforting weight against him. “Sir?” Jon said. “Yes, pup,” Austin said as he looked up. Jon suddenly reached down and grabbed Austin, hooking his big hands under Austin’s arms and lifting him right out of his chair like he weighed nothing. He lifted him up as high as he could, then lowered him down so they were face-to-face, their bodies pressing against each other. “I love you, Sir!” Jon said loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. His cheeks were red, but his cock throbbed as he said it. Jon leaned in for a forceful kiss, grunting and planting his tongue on Austin’s lips. Austin could taste the steak and wine from dinner as he kissed back, Austin’s feet dangling several inches off the ground. Jon could feel the eyes and hear the shocked comments of everyone at the restaurant, and at first he felt nervous, self-conscious, and exposed. But as he kissed Austin and pressed his enormous, muscular chest against Austin’s, everything was right in the world, and all he felt was happiness. Finally Jon broke their kiss, and he held Austin at arm’s length, grinning. “Let’s go home NOW, Sir,” Jon said, and he scooped Austin up into his arms to carry him out. Austin looked around for the waiter and said, “Check please!” Jon and Austin could barely keep their hands to themselves on the way home, both of them reaching across the cab of Jon’s huge truck to rub the others’ leg or arm or neck, both breathing hard. When they pulled into Jon’s house, the big man came around to the other side to carry Austin inside. Jon scooped Austin’s formidable weight into his arms and waddled towards the front door. This close, Jon could smell Austin’s cologne, and Austin could smell Jon’s musk and meat breath. “What a great dinner, Sir,” Jon said as Austin fished his keys out of his pocket. “Glad you appreciated that, bull, you deserve it,” Austin said as he opened the door, Jon bending down to let him reach the keyhole. They entered, Jon turning sideways to fit both of them in, and kicked off their shoes. “Set me down,” Austin ordered and Jon complied, then straightened back to his full height, looking down at Austin. “Ever since you started growing, I’ve had these feelings,” Austin said as he stepped closer to his stepdad. “More than just pride or happy that we were coming together more after what happened to mom.” Austin planted his hands on Jon’s big pecs, the material of the new polo shirt smooth but damp from Jon’s sweat, and squeezed, massaging Jon’s huge chest. His fingers bumped against Jon’s big chain and heavy metal lock. “Mmmm,” Jon growled, “Me too, Sir. I—I had such an empty space in my life. As I dedicated myself to your desires, it just felt so good. So right. And I started to see the strong, handsome young man you’re becoming, and I—MMMMPH,” Jon groaned as Austin suddenly pinched his meaty, sensitive nipples through his shirt, causing the big man to squirm and flex his pecs. “Yeah, you started coming around, huh?” Austin said, teasing Jon’s nips some more. “It feels right to do what you’re told and obey your Sir, doesn’t it?” Jon breathed a heavy, shuddering sigh and nodded silently, staring intently at his master. Austin moved his hands lower until he got to where the polo didn’t cover Jon’s gut. Austin palmed Jon’s huge, round belly and bounced it up and down, the firm expanse of it furry and warm. “Like growing so big for me,” Austin said as he looked up at Jon, admiring his salt-and-pepper beard that came down to his chest. “So much bigger than me now, bull, quite the change from a few months ago.” “Y-yeah,” Jon said. He reached down and adjusted his huge bulge. “Did you like when I kissed you at the restaurant?” Jon said, sounding a bit sheepish. “I just couldn’t help myself.” “You mean like this?” Austin asked as he stepped closer until they were pressing together. He reached up and around Jon’s thick neck rolls and pulled his head down and planted another kiss. They made out in the entryway for over a minute, hands exploring each others’ bodies. Austin remembered the mirror in the entryway and turned them so they could both see themselves making out, finally fulfilling an unspoken desire that had grown over the last few months. They both groaned as they saw the size disparity, Jon half a foot taller and twice or three times as thick as Austin. Jon reached his hands under Austin’s shirt and felt his firm, furry abs, and Austin grabbed Jon’s enormous upper arms and squeezed. The big bull flexed them in response, Austin’s fingers spreading apart under the huge muscle. Finally they separated, both of them breathing hard, grinning and chuckling. “Jon, looks like you’re bigger all over,” Austin said as he looked in the mirror. He reached down and brushed a hand against Jon’s swollen package. Jon flinched and grinned, a shiver running up his bloated body. “Heh, yeah, I guess so…feels…” Jon started but trailed off as he reached down past his gut to squeeze his huge cock, causing his arms and shoulders and traps to flex. “Kinda good, right?” Austin said. Jon nodded wordlessly, gulping and breathing hard. “Why don’t you take your shirt and shorts off and show me how big you’re getting?” “Sure,” Jon breathed, his deep voice sounding strong but nervous. He grabbed the neck of his new polo and tore, and the wet fabric somehow still ripped apart easily, broken by Jon’s tremendous power. Austin had to help pull the sleeves past his bulbous biceps. His heavy chain clinked around as he took the shirt off. Then Jon stepped out of his shorts, the floor shaking as he did. All he was wearing now was a stuffed jock strap, which was stained from months of soaking up jock sweat. His massive balls poked out of the bottom and the outline of his massive cock head bulged obscenely. He adjusted his package and bounced it up and down for effect, admiring his own size in the mirror. “Jeez, Jon, you’re so… wow…” Austin said as he stepped forward and felt Jon’s enormous chest. The meaty muscle felt solid and heavy in his hands. Jon flexed, bouncing the pecs up and down to show off for his stepson. “You’re so big,” Austin finished as he rubbed Jon’s chest and across his bulging traps and bowling ball delts, tracing the lines of tiger stripe stretch marks. Smears of sweat made Jon’s blonde chest fur curl into ringlets, and Austin’s hands came away soaked with salty, musky sweat. His bullpup had grown so big, so fast. Jon just growled and purred as Austin explored his big torso. Jon looked at himself in the mirror and grinned, his now comparatively lean son worshipping his big, thick body; his cock got harder and harder, precum soaking the sweaty jock strap. “My big bull needs lots of attention and praise,” Austin said breathlessly, accelerating his rubbing, feeling the musclebear’s furry round shoulders, bulging biceps, and round gut. “Yeah, that’s right, and I’m just getting bigger and bigger, Sir,” Jon grunted as he raised an arm and flexed, causing Austin to feel the massive bicep. “You’re turning me into such a beast, Austin, just lifting and eating and feeling horny all the time,” Jon growled. “That’s right, my big horny beast, with a big package to match,” Austin grunted as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s cock. They rubbed and grunted for a minute, Jon feeling Austin’s lean body, which felt so good in Jon’s big hands. He looked in the mirror and saw something he never expected to see. “I never thought I was gay before… before all this,” Jon sighed as he ran his big hands over Austin’s muscular shoulders and arms. “I – I’ve never done anything like—“ Jon started before Austin shushed him. “This is what we’ve both wanted for months, haven’t you felt the tension building between us? And someone your size, with your muscles, who has worked so hard to grow so much, you deserve to feel good, you deserve your master’s full attention,” Austin said. He had Jon raise his left arm up before burying his face in Jon’s sweaty, hairy armpit, rubbing the dank pit sweat all over his nose, lips, and beard, licking and huffing the heady stink. “Yeah, you’re right,” Jon sighed, and reached over to press Austin’s head harder against his sweaty pit. “You like how I stink, don’t you?” Jon growled. Austin rotated and pressed Jon against the wall of the entryway; Jon looked down to see himself being worshipped by his jock son and everything felt so right. Austin came up for breath and grinned. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I saw you were getting bigger,” Austin said, gasping for air, his left hand groping against Jon’s lat and gut while his other reached down to rub Jon’s hard, leaking cock. “I can’t hold back any more. You’re my big beast and I’m going to keep growing you bigger and bigger,” Austin breathed while he moved closer to Jon’s bearded lips. “And a big, hard-working musclebear like you deserves a master who treats him right,” Austin said before planting a hard kiss on Jon’s lips. Jon kissed back just as aggressively, making Austin lean back as the bigger man’s full weight pressed against him; they struggled back and forth over who was in physical control, and the tension made both of them hard. “Fuck yeah,” Jon breathed as they broke their kiss, his hands rubbing harder against Austin’s hard, muscular body, feeling the football jock’s firm shoulders, meaty chest, and big arms. “My hot little jock stud, turning me into a big daddy musclebear, treating me so good. I’d do anything for you, little Sir,” Jon rumbled. “‘Little Sir’, I love when you call me that,” Austin grunted as he pushed his brute hard against the wall again, Jon’s sweat leaving an imprint. “I need more from you. 500 pounds is big, but it’s just the beginning. And you need one more thing to eat today,” Austin said before reaching up to push down on Jon’s big traps. Jon dropped to his knees, the floor thumping as he did, and Austin pushed his shorts to the ground. His own cock, rock-hard, red, and leaking, bounced out of his boxer briefs and smacked Jon in the face. “Been waiting to do this since Thanksgiving,” Austin said. “Open wide, pup,” he commanded. Jon leaned down and slurped up Austin’s eight inches in one go. Austin gasped as his big, obedient stepdad started working his sweaty cock. Austin reached down and ran his fingers across Jon’s prickly high-and-tight, feeling the neck rolls that had grown over the last few months, then ran his hands over his pup’s chain necklace. This big brute was his, and now he was on his knees, his big head bobbing up and down rhythmically, servicing him. Jon wrapped his arms around Austin, gripping the football jock’s meaty ass in his big hands, and he sucked harder. “This is where you belong, pup, on your knees serving your master,” Austin said. He looked down and had a great view of Jon’s massive shoulders and traps, his barrel chest, and his massive arms flexing and bouncing as he gave the most intense blow job Austin had ever received. Jon grunted and slurped, sucked and growled. “You like it down there, huh?” “Mmmph, mmmm,” Jon hummed as he slurped up Austin’s long, hard cock. He looked up at his master, Austin’s thin chain necklace and golden key gleaming around his neck. His heart fluttered, their eyes meeting. “Fuck yeah, that’s a good muscle pup, slurp out every drop of my jock load and grow more,” Austin groaned as he leaned his hips against Jon’s beard and gripped his huge, hard traps. “You’re growing so big, so fast Jon, such a big freak, such a good pup, so good for your Sir aren’t you?” Austin gasped, getting closer to blowing his load. “Mmmmph!” Jon grunted as he sucked faster, the massive musclebear pleasing his younger master. Jon reached down to stroke his own enormous cock through his jock strap, pre leaking profusely. “UuunnnnghhUUUUGHHHHH,”Austin groaned as he came, filling his stepdad’s mouth with creamy seed. “Yeah, take it, pup!” Austin growled. Jon hungrily gulped down every drop, chugging it like a man in the desert who had finally reached the oasis. Jon licked his lips, swallowed whatever remained of Austin’s load, and looked up at his master. “You taste so good, Sir,” he said. Jon wrapped his arms around Austin’s legs and gripped his ass firmly. “Now it’s MY turn!” Jon lifted Austin up easily as he stood, throwing him over his shoulder, manhandling his smaller stepson and carrying him up the stairs and into his bedroom. He threw Austin across the room, who sailed farther than Jon expected until he landed roughly on the king size bed. “GODDAMN I’m strong now!” Jon said. He took a deep breath and flexed his chest, then reached up and rubbed the salt-and-pepper fur covering his pecs. “So BIG!” He grabbed the heavy chain and lock around his neck and pulled and flexed, his biceps and shoulders bulging with muscle, the metal clinking around. “Whoa there pup!” Austin said as his huge stepdad approached the side of the bed, waddling over and shaking the floor with heavy, purposeful steps. His cock tented the jock strap, soaked with precum. “Eager after all this build-up, aren’t you?” “Yeah!” Jon grunted. He was breathing heavily through his nose, his chest heaving up and down. “Take that jock off, I want to see your cock,” Austin said as he crawled over to the edge of the bed. Jon pulled the jock down until his cock was free. The massive, thick log bounced up and slapped against his huge musclegut. “Brrrooof, rrrruuuffff, mmmph,” he breathed as he stepped out of the jock and adjusted his heavy, tight balls. He squeezed his cock and a long drip of pre leaked down from the tip and onto the floor. He had to have been at least 10” long and as thick as a beer can. “Oh yeah, bull, look at this monster,” Austin said as he hefted his stepdad’s package and scooted himself to the edge of the bed. “A huge cock for a huge bull, huh?” “Rrrrrooofff, that’s right,” Jon grunted as he stepped closer. “You turn me on so much, Sir. Your tight, muscular body, your sweet cum, always taking charge and looking after me and my progress, giving me someone to serve,” Jon breathed as he loomed over Austin, looking down at him from over his barrel chest and round belly. “I need to give you everything, Sir.” Jon rubbed his bulbous cock against Austin’s cheek. “Need to grow so much bigger for you, Sir.” The BO stink from Jon’s bulging crotch filled Austin’s nose with a heady funk. “Yeah, that’s right Jon. Imagine how big you’re gonna be by spring break… or even graduation time!” Austin said. Jon’s cock bucked and twitched and leaked a dribble of pre down onto Austin as he thought about that. Austin reached up and squeezed Jon’s massive cock; he could barely get his hands all the way around it. “MMMMPH boooowwwrrruuff,” Jon growled. “How big do you want me to get, Sir?” “So big you outgrow all your clothes. So big you can’t fit through doorways.” Austin licked the head of Jon’s huge cock. “Grrrroooooff…” Jon sighed, bucking his hips and flicking his nips as Austin stroked. “So big you can’t live a normal life and have to let your little master take care of you.” Austin kissed the cock head, wrapping his lips around it briefly. “Uuuuurrrrffff, grruuuuff!” Jon growled, his deep booming voice rumbling above Austin’s head. “My big trophy musclebull daddy pup. You want that?” Austin said, squeezing and stroking Jon’s cock. “Aaaroooooooofff!” Jon breathed. “Then give me your seed, pup,” Austin said as he opened wide and slurped up his stepdad’s massive cock, struggling to fit it in, gulping and choking and gagging until the entire cock was in his mouth. Jon groaned as pleasure washed over him. He reached down and gripped his stepson’s head in his huge, calloused hands and roughly pressed him against his massive tool. “Fuck yes, Sir, take your bullpup’s big cock,” Jon groaned as Austin bobbed against his cock. “Baaarrroooooff!” Jon looked down, past his enormous pecs and forest of chest hair which hadn’t been there 5 months ago, past his round, solid, furry gut which pressed against Austin’s forehead, down to the sight of his dominant jock stepson slurping a load out of him, and he was overcome with emotions. Jon grunted and growled in a haze of animalistic lust, slamming into Austin’s warm mouth and throat, months of pent-up sexual pressure overflowing out of him. “Fuck yeah, so fuckin’ huge, growing BIG for you Sir, YEAH!” Jon boomed as he got into a rhythm. “Just imagine how much BIGGER I’m gonna get, all for you, Sir, GRRRROOOOOOF!” Jon paused and pulled out, leaving Austin gasping and drooling, then reached down and grabbed his stepson under his pits. He pushed forward, scooting Austin onto the bed, and climbed on top of his smaller Sir. His massive thighs straddled the big football player easily, and he leaned down and forward until his huge cock pressed against Austin’s lips again. “Yeah pup, show me your true size and power, fuck my face,” Austin said as he opened wide. “Uuunnnfff, uurrrff,” Jon breathed as his battering ram cock invaded Austin’s smaller, tight mouth. “So big, GGRRRFFF,” Jon groaned as he squeezed Austin’s comparatively small torso with his 38” thighs, pressing his 500lb weight down onto his stepson as he started thrusting and humping harder. Jon looked down, his helpless master greedily slurping up his cock, eager for his bull pup’s thick cream, and pictured himself rising taller, bigger, wider, thicker, his muscles expanding harder and huger until he couldn’t even fit into this room and he felt his balls twitch and tighten. “YEAH, TAKE YOUR DADDY’S LOAD, Sir, UHHHHFFFRRRAAHHHH,” Jon roared as he exploded, the biggest load he had ever shot. Austin eagerly gulped up all of his stepdad’s potent, thick seed. When he was finished, he leaned back, cum and saliva dripping off of his cock. Austin coughed and sputtered, then reached up and rubbed the massive furry gut and muscular chest looming above him. Jon shifted his weight off his master and then moved around until he was spooning Austin, the mattress groaning as the 500 pound man shifted his weight. “Mmm, amazing,” Jon sighed. He reached a big arm around Austin, who pressed perfectly against his beefy side, tucked against his sweaty pit. Austin’s head rested on Jon’s enormous right pec. He could feel Jon’s warm breath and hear his heartbeat, still elevated. “My big bull, such a good pup,” Austin cooed as he rubbed Jon’s furry chest, lingering over the heavy metal lock and chain that lay against Jon’s chest. “And now we have all Christmas Break to spend time together,” he said. “That’s right,” Jon said. His enormous cock twitched and lurched, ooze smearing across his big thighs. “We can do all kinds of stuff together.” “Uh huh. Are you gonna be a good bull and lift with me?” Austin said, whispering in his stepdad’s ear. “Yeah,” Jon said in a ragged whisper. His cock twitched, already bulging longer even though he had just cum. “And cook for me and eat as much as you can?” Austin said. “Oh yeah,” Jon growled. His balls tightened. “And take care of all your master’s needs?” Jon’s cock bulged fully hard, all the way up to his deep belly button. He leaned down and kissed his little master on the forehead. “Of course, Sir,” Jon said obediently. “Good pup,” Austin said, who reached over and started stroking Jon’s thick cock. “Good.”
  6. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Austin comes home for Christmas Break to see how much bigger his musclebear step dad has grown. Jon shows off his new size and strength, and the two continue to grow closer together. Chapter 4: Christmas Break Austin pulled into the driveway of his dad’s house, the snow crunching under the tires of his big truck. His stepdad’s own new truck, which was even bigger than his, sat in the driveway. It was a bright and sunny afternoon, but cold with snow all around, a lovely white Christmas as Austin arrived home for winter break. Austin knew that if Jon had been following his regimen, he would be napping now. Austin had given Jon a strict schedule and routine to follow, down to the hour, and had worked hard to order food, supplements, clothes, equipment, and more since going back to college after Thanksgiving break. He had really stepped up Jon’s growth and training, sending over food deliveries every day and even supplying him with growth hormones and steroids. Austin wanted to maximize this opportunity to make Jon grow as big as possible, whatever it took. He had also told Jon not to give him regular updates on his progress; Austin wanted to be surprised how much Jon had grown over the last 4 weeks. Austin quietly opened the door, making his way into the house through the front door. He sniffed deeply as he came inside; the whole house smelled like a locker room, sweaty and musky, but he also smelled freshly-baked cookies. He could see a stack of recently-eaten plastic food containers and a decimated tray of gingerbread cookies; Jon had a big lunch, just like Austin told him to. “SSNNNNRRRRHHHH… Hhhhhnnnngggg.” Even from the entrance, he could hear the deep, rumbling snores of his big muscle pup stepdad from the bedroom upstairs. He made his way there quietly, taking off his jeans and jacket and getting down to his tight boxer briefs and tank top, his bullpup’s snores getting louder as he got closer, the musky jock stink getting stronger as he opened up the door to the bedroom. Inside, Jon lay sprawled out on the bed under the covers, a mountainous, ursine form rising and falling with each thunderous snore. Austin could see his face, his cheeks fuller and plumper than when he had last seen him, his mouth slightly open, drooling in total relaxation. His beard was thick and luxurious, waves of brown, blonde, and white fur filling out and down. Austin approached and carefully got into bed, nestling in under the covers next to his massive dad, letting Jon be the big spoon to Austin’s little spoon. The temperature and humidity under the covers was intense, and Austin immediately started sweating; Jon’s body was radiating heat like a furnace. Jon, still asleep, breathed in deeply and then exhaled, his warm breath washing over Austin as he smacked his lips. Jon adjusted his weight and wrapped his arms around the warm, firm mass he had suddenly found pressing against him. Austin felt his huge pup’s bulge under the covers swell to life, twitching and growing as it strained the tighty whities that contained it. It throbbed until it pressed firmly against Austin’s furry, muscular ass. Jon bucked against him in his sleep. Jon’s breathing became more erratic as his cock grew even bigger, and his arms suddenly squeezed Austin tightly; his strength was unbelievable! Austin grunted as Jon’s bulge pushed right against his tight hole, teasing and threatening to invade, until Austin managed to twist around in his pup’s grip and face him. “Hey there, big pup, guess who’s home?” Austin said as he reached out and felt Jon’s enormous chest under the covers. Jon was shirtless under the covers, and his pecs were slick with sweat. His dense chest fur curled into ringlets as Austin rubbed. He couldn’t see it yet, but the amount of mass under there made him gasp; just how big had his daddy pup grown? Jon awoke, the ice blue of his eyes sparkling and a massive smile spreading across his face. “Sir!” his deep voice boomed, vibrating Austin’s torso with the force of it. “You’re home already!” Jon squeezed Austin in his massive arms, the muscles of his biceps pressing against Austin’s sides until he almost felt ribs popping, his breath smelling of chocolate protein powder and chicken. “MMM, I’m so excited to see you!” Jon said, bulge rubbing against Austin’s under the covers. “Hhhhnnggg, pup you hug so hard!” Austin wheezed, feeling the air press out of his lungs. “Merry Christmas, dad!” Jon grinned wider. “Heh sorry son, I don’t know my strength!” Jon adjusted his weight, causing the bed to shake, and rubbed Austin’s lean, hard abs and sides under the covers, running his huge hands up and down his master’s torso. “Mmm we could cuddle in bed like this all day,” Jon purred. Austin noticed that his voice was even deeper than it was at Thanksgiving. “I missed you so much,” Jon whispered as quietly as his deep voice would allow, emotion causing his lower lip to quiver a bit. “Aww, big guy, I missed you too,” Austin said, rubbing his hands across his stepdad’s bigger, thicker body. He leaned in closer until they were face to face. We’re gonna spend so much quality time these next two weeks,” Austin whispered. Both of them breathed in deeply and sighed, feeling excited and relieved to be together again. “Mmm, sounds good, sir,” Jon said as he stretched and flexed his huge body. “We should keep cuddling like this, I missed this the most,” he said as he wrapped his big arms around Austin’s smaller body. “We could, but then we’d miss valuable opportunities for you to grow! And I think it’s almost time for your afternoon lift, isn’t it?” Austin said. “Have you been a good pup and following Sir’s schedule?” “Of course, Sir!” Jon said, sounding more serious. “Your schedule is perfect. It’s really been helping me grow BIGGER,” Jon said. “Plus, I’m already getting hungry again, almost time for me to feed.” Austin slipped out of Jon’s arms and scooted out of bed. Jon’s eyes lit up and scanned Austin’s lean, muscular body as he stood next to the bed. “Like what you see, pup?” Austin said, showing off his fit, muscular build, flexing his hard pecs and trim waist. He was college muscle jock perfection. “Yeah, Sir, you look great,” Jon rumbled as he shifted off the covers, planted his feet next to the bed, and stood slowly. “But you’re so much smaller than me now!” Austin took a step back, his jaw dropping open, as his stepdad rose to his full height. He was way taller than Austin’s 6’0” now. Austin stared straight at his dad’s chest, then craned his neck to look up at the brute smirking down at him. The floorboards creaked as Jon shifted his weight and took a deep breath, expanding his massive chest in Austin’s face, the thick musculature of his pecs swelling to full size. Jon exhaled, his breath ruffling Austin’s hair, and grinned. “Heh, little master looks smaller than last time!” Jon rumbled, standing nearly naked in front of Austin. His immense torso heaved with thick muscles as he breathed in and out. His calves and thighs bulged outwards, great mounds of muscle to hold up his titanic torso, and pushed his obscene bulge forward. Jon was slick and shiny with sweat, like he had just lifted even though he was napping. Austin noticed the sheets were soaked and stained yellow from Jon’s constant sweating, a side-effect from his unprecedented growth, and the full strength of his BO funk washed over Austin in waves of sharp, sour musk. “I don’t think I’ve gotten any smaller, but you certainly have grown a lot bigger!” Austin said as he breathed in his dad’s musk and rubbed his hands against Jon’s huge, broad chest. Jon stepped forward and bounced his belly against Austin, causing him to take a step back. “I’ve been growing really fast since Thanksgiving, Sir,” Jon breathed and he brought his fists together in front of his gut to flex. His round, thick chest, mountainous traps, and bulging biceps all swelled with size, so much bigger and thicker and harder than just a month ago. “Usually 7 or 8 pounds a day. Is that good?” Jon said innocently, pressing harder against his hard, lean, muscular stepson. “Jon you’re… so much bigger! How is this… wow!” Austin stammered, feeling his stepdad’s bigger, stronger, thicker body. “Just following your directions, Sir. Eat, lift, eat, nap, eat, lift, eat, lift, eat, sleep,” he said, counting off each step with a finger. “I need to work hard to grow big for you, son. Are you proud of me?” Jon said as he stepped closer again, backing Austin up against a wall. Jon pressed his belly and chest against Austin’s torso and face. “Do you like all my gains? It’s all for you, Sir…” Jon said as he started to rub his sweaty bulk against Austin. “Love growing bigger for you…” Jon’s cock had grown along with the rest of him, and the sweaty, stained underwear strained to contain it; it swelled as Jon rubbed against Austin, pre forming a wet spot on his underwear. Jon shuttered as he felt his bulk pin Austin to the wall. “So much bigger than you now…” Jon breathed, his balls tightening, and Austin could feel his barely-contained bull strength physically and mentally overpower him. Austin pushed back, his will overtaking Jon’s. “No, pup, not yet. We still have more work to do before we can have fun!” Austin said forcefully. “Yes Sir!” Jon growled, his deep voice booming. “It’s time for your afternoon lift, pup. Let’s get to it. This time with your little master pushing you to your limit. Let’s see what this big body of yours is capable of!” Jon smacked his fist into his palm, flexed his chest, and grunted. “Yes Sir!” “Step over to the scale and let’s just see how big you’ve gotten,” Austin said, and Jon obeyed. The scale was a big, industrial-strength one for measuring freight; Austin had purchased that knowing they would need it in the months to come. The number flashed 504 when it had equalized. “Over 200 pounds in 4 weeks! I’m so proud of you, pup,” Austin said, rubbing his hand against Jon’s wide, muscular back. “Getting SO big, pup!” “Mmmph, yes Sir, growing bigger for you!” Jon said. His whole body shivered with pleasure and his big bulge twitched. Nothing pleased him more than hearing his Sir praise him. “Step over to the mirror,” Austin ordered, and his pup obeyed. Austin noticed the hardwood in front of the mirror was stained white and yellow, and dried, milky streaks dirtied the mirror itself. “Stand up straight,” Austin said as he walked around his hulking stepdad, inspecting the growing specimen. Jon’s shoulders bulged out to the sides, his arms pressed against his thick lats, and his back spread wider than two regular men. His waist narrowed and looked trim against the absurd width of his shoulders, but his round, hard gut swelled out in front, matched only by the thick pec shelf that hung above it. Jon’s beard had grown longer to the point where it was brushing against the dirty blonde chest fur, which was coiled in sweat-soaked ringlets that covered his giant pecs. The beard had a bright blonde streak running down the middle, flanked with darker, denser fur that covered all the way up to his ruddy, full cheeks. His hair was freshly trimmed, just like Austin had asked for. More fur spread along his traps and shoulders and inched down his back; it was growing thicker back there quickly. The giant shifted his weight, his massive 500lbs causing the floor to groan, and Austin saw how his enormous thighs twitched and swelled to support his mass. “Good, bull. My, my you’re getting big, aren’t you?” Austin said. “Y-yes Sir,” Jon said, enormously turned on, his hard cock throbbing and leaking as he looked at his own reflection, his muscles twitching with every slight movement. “How do you feel about your growth and progress, pup?” Austin said, teasing the big man further, running a hand over the immense, dense expanse of Jon’s upper right arm and bulbous, round, hard deltoid. Jon instinctively flexed for his master. “G-good… big! So much growth… all I do, Sir, I lift, I eat, I sleep. I can’t think about anything else but MORE, Sir. I want it so badly,” Jon groaned, even more so when Austin ran his hand against Jon’s bulky pec and flicked a meaty nipple. “Good. You’re a good pup, aren’t you? Always listening to me,” Austin said as he circled around his enormous stepdad, rubbing his calloused hand against Jon’s enormous, thick bubble butt and bouncing it up and down. Jon sighed, his body shaking. “Yes Sir, always Sir, of course!” he said, trying to sound tough but his voice wavering, his mind overcome with desire. “Anything for you!” “Mmmm good,” Austin cooed. “But is this enough?” he said, reaching up to pull Jon’s ear down to him. “Or do you want more?” Austin said, the last word a breathy whisper that lingered. Jon shuddered instinctively, his cock twitching, his muscles shaking. A thick strand of precum oozed out of his hard cock and made a growing wet spot on his briefs. “Unnnggg, Sir, I need…” he trailed off, before taking a heavy breath and gulping, suddenly thirsty. “I need MORE!” “That’s what I want to hear,” Austin said, still holding Jon’s head to lean down to his height. “Now get dressed and show me what you can do with all that bulk,” he said as he released his pup and smacked his ass hard. Jon grinned and straightened to his full, towering 6’8” and 504lbs. “Yes Sir!” he boomed as he flexed in the mirror for his little master. “LET’S GOOOO, PUSH, NOW!” Austin yelled in a commanding voice right in Jon’s face, squatting down in front of his massive stepdad. “FUCKING NOW, PUP, DO IT!” Jon grunted loudly as he stood from deep in the pocket. A thick Olympic bar with enough weight on each side to make it bend lay across his enormous traps and shoulders as the huge man stood, slowly but surely. His quads quivered as he did, shaking with power and exertion. “RRRRHHHHUUUUUHHHHH,” Jon growled as he stood to his full height, the weights shaking as his legs flexed, holding over a thousand pounds on his back. He had just finished another set of 12. “FUCK YES, BULL!” Austin said, slapping his huge dad on the back as Jon unclasped his belt and breathed heavily, his chest heaving up and down. A puddle of sweat pooled underneath him as it dropped off his face and arms. He bent over to catch his breath, grunting and shaking, adrenaline surging through his veins. Jon was wearing black gym shorts that only came halfway up his thighs, which were ruddy and swollen with pump, and a stringer tank top that was a shade darker than it ought to be from sweat, a mascot logo of Austin’s school on the front, faded from overuse even though it was just a couple months old. It was comically small for the big man. The look was completed by huge, wide, heavy Otomix shoes, the flat bottoms perfect for lifting heavy, the laces open to make room for Jon’s thick feet. “Four hours of hard work and grinding and showing your Sir what you’re capable of,” Austin said, leaning down and speaking into his dad’s ear. “And you know what?” Austin asked. “Huuhhh, ffffuhhhh, mmmmuuaaaahh, what,” Jon gasped. “You’re the biggest,” Austin said, punctuating his words by slapping his dad’s meaty ass, “strongest,” *smack* “thickest” *smack* “hardest working,” *smack* “bullpup I’ve ever seen,” Austin said, ending by grabbing a handful of Jon’s thick glutes and squeezing. “Hehe, *huff*, thank you, Sir!” Jon panted, standing and putting his hands on his hips, pacing around and shaking out his overclocked quads. “Couldn’t have done it *huff* without you pushing me.” They were just wrapping up a 4 hour long marathon gym session. The garage had been further upgraded into a world-class gym, way bigger and better than the old set up a month ago. They had done a little bit of everything, Austin ordering Jon around and pushing him harder than ever, yelling at him, spotting for him, keeping him going harder and harder. Jon was eager to show off for his stepson too. He had worked so hard over these months, mostly alone, feeling the need to make his son happy and proud of him, needing to grow bigger and stronger. Now that his master was here in person, pushing him harder, that desire consumed every thought in his mind. To do so in front of him now, achieving results he never dreamed possible, was extremely fulfilling. “I’m so proud of you, pup. You know, you are easily the strongest man in the world now,” Austin said, coming up to his sweat-soaked stepdad and wrapping his arms around him. He could only reach to his lats, not even able to reach his back now. Sweat dripped down on him from Jon’s beard and nose. “Absolutely crushing world records in front of me like it’s no big deal,” Austin said as he looked up at his obedient pup. Influencing him like this felt so easy, so good in person. Jon grinned as he looked down at Austin. He took a deep breath and expanded his chest, making Austin’s arms lose their grip around his lats. He swelled with pride, and his cock bulged in his shorts. “All for you, son. Turning into the biggest damn stepdad in the world!” Jon said. He lifted his arms up for a double-bicep pose. “Mmm that’s right,” Austin said, reaching up to caress Jon’s massive arms, which were covered in a slick sheen of sweat. The musky jock smell that radiated from Jon’s pits hit Austin like a wave, intense and tangy and manly. The whole room was hot and humid even though it was winter outside. “And you smell so good,” Austin said. He stepped forward and buried his nose in Jon’s deep, hairy pit. “Mmm glad that you like my scent, Sir,” Jon grunted, pup said with a smirk. He lowered his arm, trapping Austin in his musky armpit. “Yeah, getting my man smell all over you, mmm,” Jon grunted. Austin gasped as he came up for air, snuffling and looking dizzy. “Hoo, wow, that’s good,” he said. “Such a musky pup! Makes sense with how hard you’ve been working and how big you’re getting, huh?” Austin teased. “All the gear I’m on makes my musk smell even more potent, Sir,” Jon rumbled. He cranked his neck over to his hairy pit and huffed deeply, breathing in his own musk. He exhaled and then took another whiff, his muscles straining, hard for him to move his nose over that far now. “So good, rrrfff,” Jon sighed. “Now go pump up those pecs some more,” Austin said, pointing to the pec deck. Jon obediently complied. “I’ve grown so fast… it’s almost hard to believe,” Jon said as he lowered his arms. He waddled over to the pec deck, which was already set at the highest weight, like all the machines were. “I’m a new man, a bigger, better man! And I just keep growing… I keep wondering if it’s going to stop or slow down, but if anything I’m just growing faster every day. It’s an addiction. It’s all I think about. And all for you, son,” Jon grunted as he started cranking out reps. “I know,” Austin said, walking over to Jon and watching him pump his chest, each rep more than what Austin weighed. “I never expected this. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see and feel it myself,” he said. 20, 30, 40 reps without a rest…Jon made it look like warm up weight. Jon’s pecs swelled up fuller and bigger; Austin reached out and felt Jon’s chest hardening and squeezing with each rep, rubbing the sweat that ran down Jon’s pec cleavage. “Feels amazing, pup,” Austin said as he rubbed. Austin looked right into Jon’s blue eyes. Jon stared back, both of them locked in. “And you’re just gonna keep getting bigger, I can feel it.” “It feels, unf, so good, Sir,” Jon grunted, passing 50 reps. “I never knew how badly I needed to grow. I’m so glad, unf, I have you to guide me. And, unf, how much size I keep packing on. And how much, unf, taller I’m getting! It’s awesome. I, unf, wake up every morning in awe of my own, unf, GAINS, and it’s all because of you, son,” Jon grunted, perfect rep after perfect rep making him sweat profusely. “Of course, dad,” Austin said. “Anything for my growing pup. Your growth is beyond anything I ever dreamed of. When I told you to get into lifting 4 months ago, I never realized I’d be creating a MONSTER,” he said. Jon finished his 100th rep, looking like he could have gone for another 100 even though he had been lifting unreal weights for 4 hours. The weights clanked back into place and the big musclebear daddy stood to his full height again, towering over Austin. “Mmmmm I love when you call me that,” Jon growled, his deep voice rumbling Austin’s chest. He adjusted his weight, his pumped chest pushing out between his flimsy tank top. “Monster grow big for master,” he grunted in a goofy, goonish voice, his eyes glazing over, his obscene bulge throbbing in his tiny gym shorts. “Such a good pup,” Austin said, stepping forward and rubbing Jon’s huge chest. “And such a handsome one too,” Austin said. He looked up and let his hand move up to Jon’s beard and he held his hand against Jon’s cheek. “It’s so good to be here with you in person again, pup,” Austin said, locking eyes with Jon. “I’m such a lucky master.” Jon took a deep, shuddering breath. It had nothing to do with his long workout. He gulped heavily, anxious and excited. “Yeah Sir, I feel the same way for sure,” Jon said. His cock throbbed as he pressed against Austin’s firm torso, so lean and hard. “I’m the lucky one!” Jon said. He ran his big hands up and down Austin’s torso, feeling his youthful frame and firm muscles, and closed his eyes, overwhelmed by what he was feeling. He bent his head down so Austin could rub the side of his face and head more. He opened his eyes again and stared as Austin’s face; a short beard, a strong jawline, and glittering green eyes. “You’re so hot, you know that?” Jon sighed, feeling relieved to admit that. “Heh, thanks dad,” Austin said as he scratched and rubbed his stepdad’s beard affectionately. “That means a lot coming from, stud,” Austin said. “And just think, we have two whole weeks of this.” Jon sighed contentedly and wrapped his arms around Austin. They held each other like that for a full minute, breathing each other in, feeling each others’ heartbeats. Finally, Austin pulled away. “Let’s finish with a big arm pump, hmm?” Austin said and pointed to the tricep pulldown machine. Jon just grinned and nodded. Jon waddled over to the machine, wrapped his calloused hands around the rope, thrust his chest out, and started cranking out perfect reps, the entire weight rack flying up and down like it was nothing. Jon huffed and growled with each rep; his rumbling, guttural grunts made him sound like a prized bull. Austin stepped closer and felt Jon’s enormous right upper arm hardening and flexing with each rep. “Yeah, you like getting bigger huh? Feels good to pump up these big arms for me?” Austin said, rubbing the sweaty mass of his stepdad’s tricep. The upper arm was unbelievably big, dense, and hard. Austin wondered if it was bigger than his thigh yet. He knew it would be sooner or later. Jon grunted louder as he passed 50 reps, his chest thrust out with a fresh pump, straining the pathetic straps of his too-tight tank top. Fresh waves of musk wafted out from his pits with every rep. “It’s – mmmph – really intense having you – rrrfff – here with me as I – ggrrrph – lift and get bigger for you – uuhhhff – Sir,” Jon grunted as his triceps pumped up more and more. His bulge, already obscene in his sweat-soaked gym shorts, tented considerably as Austin rubbed his arm. “You like it?” he groaned as he slammed the weight back down after his 100th rep. Jon flexed hard, the definition and raw bulky size popping out even more. “You think I’m bigger than before?” he asked, his eyes desperate for approval. “Oh yeah, pup, so much bigger. Now finish up with some curls in the mirror,” Austin said, leading the bigger man over to the rack of dumbbells. They were all custom ordered and went all the way up to 200lbs. “Grab those 100s. There you go. Now, shoulders back, elbows locked in, I don’t want to see any swinging. Good,” Austin said, directly his bull into perfect form as Jon started cranking out reps. “Give it a good squeeze and pause at the top of the rep, feel that mind-muscle connection.” Austin said, and held his hand on the hard peak of Jon’s left bicep. “Like this?” Jon said, staring at himself in the mirror, making sure his form was perfect, eager to please Austin. His upper arms, which had to be 25” at least at this point, bulged in a rhythmic, almost mechanical precision, each rep perfect, each rep making his arms expand even bigger. Jon’s bulge tented even more as he noticed that the size difference between the two of them was even more dramatic than it was a month ago. He was getting so big, just what Austin wanted, and nothing made him feel happier than that. “Perfect,” Austin said, squeezing the huge bicep. “So big, bull pup. Pump ‘em up more. Push through the pain. Get to 100 reps for me, come on!” “Grrruuuuhh – MMMpphhh – UUHHHHPH!” Jon grunted louder and louder as he cranked out 100 perfect reps, filling the garage with guttural groans, sweat dripping off his face and elbows and onto the floor mats below, his eyes locked onto the mirror. Finally he dropped the weights, which thunked to the floor. He turned to Austin, raised his arms, and flexed, showing off his hard-earned mass. “MMMphh, how’s that, Sir?” he groaned as he flexed, sweat dripping everywhere, his clothes soaked, his furry pits and chest radiating heat and musk. “Good! Big!” Austin said, smacking Jon’s big arms. “Now it’s time to reward you for your hard work.” Austin pulled out a package he had been hiding nearby and he unfolded it. “4XLT was the biggest they had in stock, so I made sure to get that. But I think you may have exceeded even this size, stud,” Austin said as he held up a brand new polo shirt with his college’s logo as the chest patch. “Mmmm I love it,” Jon said. He gripped the neck of his old tank top and tore, the shirt easily peeling in half down the middle, yielding to Jon’s power. “Thank you, Sir,” the musclebear growled. “Put it on now, even though I know you’re going to soak it with bear sweat. We’re gonna head to the doctor now to get you checked out, and then it will be time for you to feed, huh?” Austin said as his bullpup struggled into the shirt. “Need some help there?” “It’s… I can’t get it on,” Jon grunted as he struggled to wrestle the shirt on over his head. His range of motion was limited from his massive pump. “Here, pup, let me help,” Austin said. “Poor guy, too big to fit into clothes. Better get used to that,” Austin teased as he helped adjust the shirt, yanking it down over his dad’s sweaty back and thick trunk. “Grrrrr soon you’ll run out of things that fit me, son,” Jon mused. He stood to his full height again when the shirt was finally on. “Haha, Jon I think you might be too big for 4XLT already,” Austin said, trying not to laugh. The shirt was stretched taut across his broad chest, each pec straining the fabric. The sleeves stretched across his massive arms, barely hanging on and cutting into his beefy biceps, constricting them a bit. The neck hole was too small and threatened to choke Jon until he reached up and ripped it a bit wider. Most noticeable of all, the shirt only came down to Jon’s belly button, struggling to cover the huge, round belly of the big musclebear. A sliver of furry powerlifter tummy protruded from the bottom, like dough popping out of a can. “Doesn’t fit, Sir,” Jon said with a smirk, then raised his arms to flex. His biceps rose into thick, hard peaks. The sleeves pressing harder and harder against the massive muscle until they ripped simultaneously with a dramatic snap sound. “Heh, yeah!” Jon chuckled as he checked out his newly freed biceps and pumped them a couple times. He speed his lats wider, and his shoulders and traps bulged with power. The shirt strained to contain him, and it rode up even higher on his belly. He lowered his arms and laughed, the shirt staying stuck on his sweaty chest and belly. “Heh, I think it’s perfect, pup,” Austin said and rubbed his stepdad’s round gut. “I think everyone is going to know how big you are when you wear this, including the doctor. And then we’re going to go out and get a BIG dinner, my treat,” Austin said. “Mmmm sounds amazing,” Jon hummed, relishing Austin’s belly rubs. His cock thickened and swelled at the touch of his jacked, dominant stepson, tenting in his short, black gym shorts that revealed his massive quads and bulbous calves. “So hungry,” he said, and on cue his huge belly rumbled loud enough for Austin to hear clearly. “Well I’m gonna make sure to fill you up GOOD,” Austin said. “Let’s see how much you can pack away now that you’re even bigger!”
  7. Chapter One "Oh, mon cher, your size, strength and power, how is it that your father made you the man you are today?" "Whilst it is true that my father gave me the strength you are enjoying, my mother gave me the endurance to carry it on forever and a day, mon cher!" "Then, please, I beg you, mon cher, let me test that resilience, that raw unbridled power" "As it is almost the festival celebrating the mass of the Christ child, I shall mon cher!" With that Porthos got up from the bed where he and Henri had been engaged in a combination of play wrestling and mutual worship and now standing at the end of the bed, he took a deep breath, flared out his back and looked at his husband. "Hold that mighty breath" moaned Henri, spreadeagled on the bed totally naked like his husband, "then come onto me and do unto me as I have done unto you so many times before!" Porthos winked and as Henri raised his hands above his chest, Porthos fell forwards so that Henri was holding the Titan's powerful chest, and the Titan's manhood was touching his husband's hole. Gently lowering Porthos onto him, Henri gasped as he felt Porthos enter him and moaned "We shall excite each other, mon cher" and within moments, Henri was manhandling Porthos's mighty pecs and huffing and puffing as he felt Porthos's manhood slowly, but surely, go deeper inside him. "What a good idea" panted Henri, as he squeezed his husband's chest, "that we made sure we decided to spend the festival of the mass of the Christ child in that old abandoned hut in the middle of the Bois de Boulogne" and as Porthos raised an eyebrow as if to ask "Why, mon cher?", Henri replied "So I can do this!" and with that screamed in ecstasy as he felt Porthos reach his prostate. As he did, Henri reached underneath the bed and revealing his sword panted "It is the festival of the mass of the Christ child after all?" and a moment later, the Ultimate Musketeer was being rammed to within an inch of his life by the Ultimate Titan, both men's faces as red as they could be, with Henri's grunts matched by Porthos's slaps against his husband's bare skin. Despite his best efforts, Henri knew when he had reached his limits and with a mighty scream of "FOR HIS MAJESTY" he split his seed and then exacted his revenge on his lover as he twisted Porthos's nipples in opposite directions at the same time causing the man mountain to throw his head back and, having taken a massive intake of breath, scream "AND THE CAPTAIN" with such force that he blew a hole in the roof before collapsing onto his husband. Panting and moaning from the after effects of the double spillage, they were just about to kiss when from outside came an almighty crash followed by the sound of trees crashing to the ground. Instantly the two husbands became the heroes they were and within a minute, now dressed in their shining breastplates showing off their powerful heaving chests gazed upon a scene of carnage. "A carriage" declared Henri, pointing to some wreckage in the trees, "a carriage must have fallen off the king's road" and with that the two heroes went to work. Thankfully, the carriage, unlike any they had seen before, had managed to remain intact, save a light at one corner that was now bent at a jaunty angle, and as they found the driver, a man with flowing white locks, a white beard almost to his chest, a rosy cheeked face and looking supringsly young for a man with such a beard, none the worse for wear. "Monsieur" declared Henri, "are you alright?" The man looked around and replied with something that made both men freeze in horror. "Yes, Henry, I think I am alright. Yes, no bones broken, I think. Tell me though, since when did you and Issac start wearing next to nothing? I thought that you were an English gentleman and Issac was a member of the nobility?"
  8. Musclesaber

    Merry ChristMass

    Merry Christmas everybody! I've a story fresh off the presses that's Christmas themed. I tried to throw in a bit of growth for everyone. Plenty of weight gain, muscle growth, and even some macro in there with a bit of romantic fluff. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season and never stop growing. PS- The last chapter is loosely based off of a comic that the great artists Greggrth did called "Just Take One". Merry ChristMASS Chapter 1: The New Santa It started on Christmas Eve. They were all sleeping soundly in their beds when a mysterious figure arrived to deliver each of them a letter. As each man opened the letter and read it, they were blinded by a light that illuminated from the letter. Each of the men regained their sight in a large room with a cookie sitting in front of them. Looking from side to side, they each saw each other, and man clad in red from head to toe. “Hello gentlemen and welcome to the North Pole,” said the man. “What happened? A second ago I was reading a letter about some new job,” asked one of the men. “¿Qué?” said another. “Oops! I thought I forgot something.” He snapped his fingers. “That’s better. My name is David, and I will be your host for the duration of your stay here,” said David. “The North Pole? How did we get here?” exclaimed one of the men. “Well you see, each of you received a letter from myself asking about a job,” said David. “Yeah. It said something about becoming the next Santa Claus. I thought it was one of my friends playing a prank on me,” said one of the men as he bit into the cookie in front of him. “Not at all sir. I can assure you that this is all real. Each of you have been hand selected by me to be a candidate for the title of the new Santa Claus,” said David “Wait seriously? Santa Claus is real? I had always just kept up the charade for the children at the shelter, but I could never have imagined actually being asked to be the new Santa Claus,” said one of the men with glee. “Why did you select us specifically?” asked another. “Well let’s go down the line,” said David. He snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hands. “First, there is Rafael from Brazil.” The Latino man perked at the hearing of his name. He was wearing a white button up night shirt and some pajama pants. At 5’8, he had a somewhat muscular build with a bit of a beer belly. “Born into poverty at a very early age, he struggled growing up to support himself and his siblings. With no parents to take care of them, he built a community of others that had been abandoned like them. He helped them. Fed them. Made sure their needs were met before taking care of his own. He established a shelter for anyone who were in need regardless of who they were.” “Then we have Peter.” The white man stood up when his name was said. He was about 6 feet tall and wore a pair of matching pajama pants and a shirt. He had a relatively slim build to him with very little muscle to be seen. “An all-American boy from the states. He was your typical kindhearted gentleman. What set him apart from the rest of America was his selflessness. Despite being born into a fortune, he dedicated his life to giving it all up to those who had nothing. Donating his money to charity and living the life of someone in poverty so that others would prosper.” “Next we have Bruno.” The middle eastern man rose to attention. He was wearing nothing but an old t-shirt and some boxers. At about 5’10, he had a muscular build to him. He looked like he could even compete in some body building contests. “When his country of Iraq was invaded, he was merely a boy and did not know what to do. Unlike many who fled, he saw the scourge of the war and wanted to help and make a difference. He studied to become a combat medic. Helping those who had fallen in battle regardless of who their allegiance was with.” “Lastly, we have Vincent.” The Asian man gave a small wave to the other three. At 5’5, he was definitely the shortest of the contestants. Wearing a Christmas themed onesie, he had an athletic build to him. Similar to one you’d see on a swimmer or a gymnast. “A man with a fairly normal upbringing in Japan, Vincent dedicated himself to volunteer work when he became an adult. Working for numerous non-profit organizations that deal with feeding those who are hungry and providing shelter for those in need. Rejecting what his parents expected of him as an adult and going into working for his community.” David snapped his fingers again and the scroll vanished. “You each have displayed the true meaning of Christmas throughout your lives. That it is better to give than it is to receive. Through your selfless actions, each of you have impacted many lives drastically and you are all true Saints.” The four of them looked at each other with surprised looks on all of their faces. “I understand that this is a lot to take in all at once, but do not worry, we have all of the time in the world. Literally. Father Time stops time for everyone else outside of the North Pole.” “What will becoming Santa Claus entail for us? Will we move here? What will our job be?” asked Peter. “You will be working here almost full time. Helping with toy manufacturing, the infamous naughty and nice list selections, and, of course, delivering all of the presents on Christmas. But don’t worry, you will be trained to do all of these things, but we just need to make sure to have an aptitude for it first,” said David. “How will we ever learn how to do all that?” asked Vincent. “Magic good sir! That’s how anything can get done around here. Everything we do in the North Pole is powered by magic that you will be taught how to use by one of the best magic users in existence. Myself.” “Way to be humble boss,” said a man as he walked in through two big red doors. “Joseph! You made it! Everyone, this is Joseph. He is the head of toy production here at the North Pole. You will be working very closely with him.” “Hello everyone. David can I talk to you for a second?” asked Joseph. “Sure. Here everyone,” David snapped his fingers, “have some cookies.” And the two of them left the room. “David, what are you doing? Where’s Nick?” asked Joseph. “Oh he’s been removed from service with us,” replied David as he tried to walk back in. “What? Drop the tour guide act. Who are these guys and where is Nick?” “Alright fine. He dumped me last night. I sent him to coal duty. These are his replacements.” “Get Nick out of there! We need him tonight!” “No! He can rot in the coal mines for all I care. One of them will be the new Santa.” “These are your rebound guys. Not the next Santa.” “We’d eventually need a replacement. And they are all suited for the job.” “What even are their qualifications?” “They are all charitable. Nice guys.” “David! “Okay! They’re all hot gay men who are selfless. It was a pretty quick magical search.” “I can’t believe you brought mortals here! What were you thinking?” “I was thinking that my husband of almost 2 centuries just dumped me and you weren’t picking up your phone when I was needing a hookup.” “So you just pop these random guys in here so that you can have a one night stand?” “Not exactly. We would need a replacement eventually. I can’t run this factory and deliver the presents every Christmas. One is fine, but more than that, I‘ll work myself to death. I need a partner.” “Alright fine. I’ll play this little game of yours.” “Hey, you can get something out of this too.” “What could I possibly get out of this?” “I know that Henry dumped you last decade and you’ve been lonely ever since. You get first runner up.” “Ugh you’re impossible.” Joseph started walking away. “You won’t be saying that after they go through the cookie test.” Joseph stopped in his tracks. “You’re doing that test.” David nodded his head. “Okay. I’ll go along with it as long as you play fair this time with that test.” “Deal.” The two shook hands and walked back towards the contestants. All unaware of what they had gotten themselves into. Chapter 2: Santa’s Workshop Back in the room, the four are getting settled in. Eating cookies and talking about each other’s lives. Their hobbies, their families, what they do to be so charitable. Their conversations were interrupted as their hosts walked back into the room. “Okay. If you all will follow us, we’ll get you to the workshop for one of our first tasks,” said David as he motioned them to follow him. They left the building that they were currently in and through the snow. “So we’re really in the North Pole sir?” asked Bruno. “Who’s this sir? I told you to call me David. Saint David if you want to get technical, but David is fine. And yes, you are. I transported you all from your respective homes through magic,” said David. “Is that how you deliver presents every Christmas Eve?” asked Peter. “In a way. Remember when I mentioned Father Time? Every Christmas Eve, he has agreed to stop time for us in order for all of the presents to be delivered. Old Saint Nick did use the reindeer from time to time, but ever since we made our deal with Father Time and I learned a little teleportation magic, it’s been easier this way.” “Couldn’t you just teleport all of the presents at once?” asked Vincent. “We tried that once. It was a disaster. Wrong presents were scattered across the globe,” said David “Yeah, that was a bad year. Everyone was generally mean that following year and it plunged the world into World War 1. And then there was Nick. He nearly blew up,” added Joseph. “Blew up? Santa Claus nearly blew up?” asked Rafael with concern. “He was fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle. But ever since then, we’ve just tasked Santa with being teleported to each home in order to ensure that each gift gets delivered properly,” said David. They finally made their way to a set of two large wooden doors. “Gentlemen, welcome to Santa’s Workshop.” David opened the doors, and they were met with a bright light as they entered the room. The men rushed to a railing in front of them and saw blinking lights, lifts, and conveyor belts moving toys all over the large room. Men in tight uniforms tinkering with toys below them. “Where are the elves?” asked Vincent. “Oh we got new elves a few decades ago. Far different from what you’ve seen in the media. As Christmas gained more popularity, the demand for bigger, better, and generally more presents became too much for the poor elves. We created a new type of elf in order to take their place. These new elves have the original strand of elf DNA with some dwarf thrown in for strength along with some human DNA for some height to them.” The men looked at the many muscular men that were clad in tight pants and tank tops. “And they’re pretty easy on the eyes.” “Getting back on track, this is where all of the toys are created,” said Joseph. “All of the elves are assigned a specific toy they need to make. They have supervisors that know everything about a group of toys and then each level of the chain of command is broader until you reach Santa and I. We each should be knowledgeable on all toys or any gift that someone might ask for from a teddy bear, to a PS5, to a dildo.” “I should get one of those for my husband,” said Peter. “Oh you have a husband Peter?” asked David. “Yeah. Michael and I have been together for 3 years now.” “Oh, how sweet. Want another cookie?” David snapped his fingers and a bigger cookie appeared. “Sure. These are delicious.” Peter grabbed the cookie and started eating. “Not a problem. Now to test you all a little bit.” David snapped his fingers and four doors appeared in front of them. “You will need to build a toy. Nothing too extravagant. Just a basic child’s toy,” said David. “Excuse me sir. I have no knowledge on how to build toys,” said Rafael. “This is a very basic toy that even some monkeys have been able to build. Joseph, take it away,” said David “Sure. You all will be creating a toy train. You will have 10 minutes to complete this and all of the tools you need are right in your room,” said Joseph. “Enter your rooms and we will begin,” said David. The men walked into their respective rooms. Each room was about 10x10 feet with an 8-foot-tall ceiling. In it, there was a table with various tools sitting on it. Each man took their seat behind the table and a screen appeared where the door just was. “3, 2, 1, Go!” flashed the screen. The men started to work on the trains. Bruno breezed through this task as performing surgery multiple times on people has prepared him to work with his hands on this task. Vincent also picked up on the train and the mechanics of it all. Rafael took his time on figuring out how each piece fit together but was making good progress. Peter however was having an increasingly more difficult time with putting the toy together. Hearing soft sounds from below him as he continued to put everything together. So focused in on the task in front of him, he did not notice his ball gut growing below him. He was only brought back to reality when his pajamas he had been wearing started to ride up on him. He looked down and clutched his gurgling gut as the sounds got louder and louder. He felt it pulse outward with each release. His shirt riding up on his torso as his belly fought for more space. “Excuse me David, I think I have a problem he-“ *GLOOOOOOOOORRPPPP* Peter clutched his belly as it ran into the table with that burst. The only response that was given to Peter was a blinking number on the screen saying, “7 minutes”, seemingly unaware of Peter’s grievance. Peter looked back down at his train and tried to continue as his gut only grew bigger. “What did you do to him?” asked Joseph, seeing the display going on in Peter’s room through the one-sided screen they put on the wall. “Oh nothing. Just wanted a little show before he leaves. I also realized I should have put another stipulation in the magical search. Hot, gay, selfless, and SINGLE. I’m no homewrecker. Once he loses this challenge, he’ll go back to his husband,” said David “Okay, but why’d you have to do this to him?” asked Joseph as he motioned to the ever-expanding gut on Peter that has swelled to the size of a beach ball. “Oh that’s for him and his husband. I saw that the two of them are into the inflation fetish so it’s an “I’m sorry for almost stealing your husband” gift,” said David. Snapping his fingers again, a new phrase appeared in front of the contestants, “5 Minutes”. Peter saw the screen’s warning and was getting worried. His belly had only been growing since the first warning. Letting out more gurgles as his gut started to push the table away from him. He could feel his fingers begin to chub up as he tried to work. Becoming too sausage like to work with the tiny parts. His shirt and pants began to rip as he gained more and more weight. “What is happening to me?” *BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT* came his stomach as it surged forward knocking over the table. “I know I had a few of those cookies,” *GLOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRPPPPPPP* His stomach hit the floor with that one. “But Rafael had way more!” *SWEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL* His stomach reaching the other end of the room and forcing Peter to fall out of his chair. David snapped his fingers to reveal a new message that read “2 Minutes”. Peter no longer cared about the competition. He was consumed by his growth. His body had reached immense proportions. His clothes had become just pieces of fabric thanks to his ever-growing form. Now standing up, Peter’s stomach rested flat on the floor and was getting closer and closer to the ceiling. “Fuck it!” *SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL* “If I’m gonna be big,” *BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTT* “I’m gonna be fucking big!” *GLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPP* Peter had fully embraced his belly as he filled the small room. His gut pressing into the ceiling and beginning to press into the walls. With his back presses up against the wall behind him, he could feel the pressure of each wall pushing against his belly. “It’s getting a little cramped in here!” *SWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL* “Please stop!” *BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT* “I’m gonna burst!” *GLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* He braced himself when the pressure became too immense when suddenly he heard a bell. “Times up!” David snapped his fingers and doors appeared again on the rooms. The other three men walked out of their room with their finished products. David and Joseph walked by each contestant judging their work. “Excellent job Bruno, love your attention to detail,” said David. “Good work Vincent. A solid train,” said Joseph. “Rafael, your train leaves a bit to be desired. But with some practice, I’m sure you’ll be a master in no time,” said David. “Hey, where’s Peter?” asked Bruno. The five men turned to look at the unopened door. David walked up to the door and turned the knob. The door immediately swung open to reveal a wall of flesh pouring out of the doorway. “Peter, how are you doing in there?” asked David. Peter felt a bit of the pressure be relieved from his stomach when the door opened, and some of him got out. “Uh well, I’ve been better,” came a muffled voice from behind the fat. “Do you think you can get out of there?” asked David. “I don’t think so. It’s a pretty tight fit in here,” again came the voice from the doorway. “Alright then. I’m gonna get you unstuck then. You all should probably stand back,” said David as the four men took some steps back. David snapped his fingers and there was a loud *GGGGGGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*. The wall tore down like it was paper by the belly that surged out of the tiny room. The gut even broke down the walls of the other rooms as it fought for more space. “Couldn’t you have just broken the wall down yourself?” asked Joseph. “Of course I could’ve, but this way was more fun. James! Francis! Would you come get Peter out?” Two 6’6, well-muscled elves appeared on each side of Peter. They grabbed at the fat and pulled. With loud pop, Peter flopped out of the room. “Wait, that’s Peter? All of that is Peter?” said a perplexed Rafael. The once slim man had morphed into a large orb of lard that was well over 15 feet tall. The two men rolled the ball of a man over so that the others could see the rest of his body. “I’m sorry to say, but Peter, for not completing your train, you have been eliminated from the competition. Any parting words?” asked David “Not at all! This is incredible! It’s an honor just to be nominated!” yelled out Peter. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Now Francis and James will escort you out.” The two men got on one side of Peter and started to roll the overinflated man out. The other contestants started with a mixture of shock and lust as Peter left them. “Now gentlemen, shall we continue on with our tour?” Chapter 3: Naughty & Nice David and Joseph led the men out of the workshop as Peter was rolled out the way they came. Knocking down doors like he’s a bowling ball with him being far too large to fit in. The three looked back at the trail of destruction left in the orb’s path until David snapped his fingers and everything was back to normal. “What happened to him?” asked Rafael. “He simply did not have the right stuff to become the next Santa Claus,” replied David. “So you were gonna make him explode?!?” exclaimed Vincent. “Oh not at all. That was a little parting gift from me. Most people have fantasies they’d love to live out, but the confines of reality are harsh for some and they can’t. That all changes when you have magic,” said David as he led the group to a new room. “So you can make it so that we can live out our wildest dreams?” asked Bruno. “Indeed I can. The only difference with Peter is that this will be one fantasy, if you are to be Santa Claus, then this will be a regular occurrence if you’d like and all of your fantasies can come true,” said David. “Coming from someone who has been on the other side of David’s magic, I can confirm that the fantasies he can weave are spectacular. And everything can be reversed if you’d like. Peter will deflate after a while, but he’ll be able to grow himself at will to that size when he wishes,” said Joseph “Yes. I have done favors for my friends around the North Pole and I’ve had great reviews from all. You’d be surprised with the fantasies that are bouncing around in a person’s mind,” said David. The three men stood stunned. All thinking about what they’d all do if they were given the opportunity. “We’re here,” said David as he opened up two large wooden doors to reveal an office like space. “This is where you will be assigning everyone a ranking of naughty or nice.” “Oh so this is real? I always thought that everyone got what they wanted?” asked Vincent. “That is somewhat true. Unlike what is assumed of the nice and naughty list, and about most things, this is a spectrum. Not everyone is 100% nice or 100% naughty. We go off of how good or bad someone is in total and rank them on a scale from 0, the naughtiest, to 100, the nicest. Most people fall into the range of 40-60 from year to year with some people’s rank being changed from year to year.” “Who are the people that are on the very bottom of the list? The 0 rankings?” asked Bruno. “Those would be the worst of all people. The rapists, the pedophiles, those who commit genocide. Some notable names on the bottom would be Hitler, Christopher Columbus, and Donald Trump,” said Joseph as David pulled out a long list. “And the good end?” asked Vincent. “A much better list in my opinion. Those are the people who are notoriously good and selfless. Those who help the needy and save those in need. You three and Peter are all notable people on the lists along with Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln, and many Saints,” said David as he put the list away. He snapped his fingers and three doors appeared leading into separate rooms again. “Your task will be assigning people a rank based on the information we show you. This will not impact how they’ve actually been ranked, but a test to see how each of you morally see people.” “Will we each get the same person to rank?” asked Rafael. “Not at all. This is actually my favorite part. You will each be getting people that are significant to you. It could be your parents, a sibling, a best friend, that is for the machine to decide. Now each of you head into your rooms and we will begin the test.” The three men turned to face their doors and walked in. They each were greeted by a circular object on the floor. Each of them approached the object when it suddenly lit up a hologram. Rafael was met with his brother Fernando. Vincent was met with his mother Diane. And Bruno saw his best friend Assad. “What are you gonna do now? Some of them might have significant others,” said Joseph. “Well, first things first, I’m looking up these guys again. Rafael and Vincent are both single so that’s good. Bruno’s situation is…unique,” said David. “Unique how?” “Let’s just say this is one fantasy that needs to be granted.” David snapped his fingers and appeared in the room Bruno was in. He walked up behind Bruno admiring the stunning hologram of his best friend. The man was dressed in military gear from his head to toe. You could tell that beneath his clothes, there was a significant amount of muscle. “He seems like a great guy. Tell me about him,” said David as he paused the video recording and enhanced the image onto Assad. “He’s the best. Courageous and strong while also sweet and caring. He’s my best friend in the entire world. He always tries to protect anyone that he can in combat. Even if that means that I’ll have to stitch him up later. But I can always fix him up like brand new.” Bruno reminisced their time together as David continued to work on the hologram machine. “Yes, but I know you’d like to be more than just friends,” said David with a snap. Suddenly the hologram of Assad was a real person. He was still stuck in position, but he was in the room with them. “What? No. That’s absurd. I’m not gay. That’s an act punishable by death,” snapped back Bruno. “Bruno, magic doesn’t lie. I did some research on you before I brought you here. It revealed that you’ve had unrequited love for him since basic training but chose to shove it down out of fear.” Bruno sank into himself with the words that left David’s mouth. Everything he was saying was true. “But luckily for you, I did some research on Assad as well. He had the same story with you. You are each madly in love with each other but will not admit it to one another.” “I know.” This response surprised David. “I’ve always known. We’ve had an unspoken connection for as long as we’ve been friends. But what can I do about it? It’s illegal in Iraq.” “Well I had an idea about that.” David took the hologram’s hand and brought him over to Bruno. “You said he was a protector, right? Well now he will protect you against anyone who might try to separate the two of you. He cannot attack anyone, but he will be your shield from anyone who might hurt you. He will be your shield.” Bruno turned to face his friend. He only saw a small change at first. His already snug clothes were clinging to his muscles. His gaze began to look up more as the eyes grew towards the ceiling. Slowly, but surely, his head rose above the other two men in the room. Passing 7-feet tall quickly and looking to pass 8 feet shortly. The already well-muscled man was gaining pounds of muscle by the second. His pecs poking bulging out of the shirt. And with a “POP”, Bruno heard the buttons on the uniform begin to lose their battle with the growing chest. One by one, button after button started to rip off. Exposing more of Assad’s torso. His shoulders had broadened immensely and brought a lot of growth to his chest. Each one looked as if they were the size of dictionaries and just as thick. Bruno and David’s attention was brought away from his pec’s by a loud “RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPP”. Right along the long sleeves, his bicep had just ripped through the sleeve. The man’s arm had grown to the size of a cantaloupe and continued to pack on size, soon reaching the size of a basketball. “He’s incredible,” said Bruno as he walked up to the growing man. Another loud “RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPP” was heard. This time from behind the Adonis. Walking around him, Bruno got a view of his incredible backside that had begun to break out of the painted on pants. The ass had been growing out of sight and David had taken extra care with preparing the bubble butt. Not only was the booty muscular, it had enough fat in it so that it rounded out to give him a perfect round ass. Which only seemed to be pumping bigger. His hips had widened for his backside to grow more. Each cheek was easily the size of a pumpkins and still pumping up bigger. Assad’s pants finally lost their battle and fell to the floor when out sprung a foot-long cock from his underwear with grapefruit sized balls to match. Bruno walked back to the front to see the python his friend had. Reaching out to touch it, Bruno felt the still soft cock stir as he made contact with it. It quickly was both growing and hardening. Quickly filling Bruno’s hand, the cock continued to lengthen. Feeling the dick throb as it thickened so much that Bruno could no longer wrap his whole hand around it. By the time the cock was fully hard, it was easily 2 feet long, if not longer. As the growth seemed to come to a halt, Bruno stepped back from Assad. His height leveling out at about 9 feet tall, he dwarfed both Bruno and David. His once tight uniform was now reduced to shreds of fabric on the ground. “David, I can’t thank you enough for this,” said Bruno as he examined the overgrown man. “Don’t thank me quite yet,” said David as he snapped his fingers. Immediately, Assad’s pecs jumped out at them. His torso exploded with more size. Broadening even more, his pecs went from dictionary big to king sized pillow big and twice as thick. Each nipple now the size of a silver dollar and pointing straight down. But as Bruno examined the nipples, he saw a little droplet forming on it. “Milk?” said Bruno as he walked up to the newly developed pec shelf. He put a finger up to the nipple and let little white drops fall onto him. He puts the finger in his mouth and his eyes light up. “Oh my God! This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever drank,” said Bruno as he cupped his hands under the tit and began slurping up more and more. Bruno’s own body began to grow as he continued to drink. No longer using his hand, he put his mouth to the nipple and the clear liquid flowed into his mouth. His own body being pumped up like a water balloon. Starting with a small gut in front of him and spreading all over his body. Seemingly unaware of the changes to his body, Bruno continued to drink from Assad’s pecs. Bruno was only brought back to reality when he heard a loud “RRRIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPP”. This time from his own clothes. His own transformation had happened much faster than Assad’s. He was 7 feet tall already with muscles to match. He had ripped out of his shirt and boxers quickly and he continued to inflate with size. His muscles reaching the same proportions as Assad’s but with one major difference. Unlike Assad’s rock hard 12-pack, Bruno had a bulging milk gut. He poked it and could feel all of the milk inside him. He moved his mouth to the other pec as the other one seemed to have deflated from all of his sucking. By the time Bruno had finished his drink from the other pec, he was just a few inches shorter than Assad. He looked down at David. “What can I do to ever repay you?” “Nothing. It’s what I do. Remember what happened to Peter, how I granted him his fantasy? Well this one is yours. Some fantasies are purely sexual, and others are ones of romance,” David snapped his fingers one last time. Bruno heard a snapping sound and looked to see Assad’s cock sprang forward. It must’ve been 4 feet long now. He also looked to Assad’s glutes now to see they had grown bigger than tires. “With just a hint of sexual.” At that moment, Assad started to move from his statue like trance. He looked all around him. He was no longer in his bedroom. “Woah! What’s happening? Where am I?” said the confused giant. “Assad! Everything’s alright!” yelled back Bruno. “Bruno? What are you doing here? Why do my nipples feel so sore?” “Don’t worry about that, but the only thing I want to tell you now is that I love you, you big lug!” Bruno latched onto his big friend with a big bear hug. “Bruno.” Assad returned Bruno’s embrace, “I love you too, but we can’t be together. You know that.” “But we can now. David, tell him,” shouted Bruno. “I’ll fill him in,” said David as he snapped his fingers. Instantly, Assad’s eyes filled with joy. He immediately kissed Bruno. “I’m so happy. I’ll finally be able to show how much I really care about you Bruno.” The giant’s eye started to tear up. “Come on you two. You’ll have plenty of time to do that, but for now I have to get you back,” said David. Assad and Bruno walked out of the room holding hands. Both giants took a note from Peter’s book and broke down the door. Joseph, Vincent, and Rafael were waiting outside for them. They were all perplexed when two 9-foot-tall naked men came out of the room. “What happened in there?” asked Joseph. “I’ll explain everything later. Francis! James! Will you escort these two gentlemen somewhere where they can speak in private?” The same two men walked in from before. They led Bruno and Assad away. “Oh and when they’re done, send them home. And then there were two. So shall we continue on to our final test?” Chapter 4: The Gift That Keeps on Giving David led the remaining men down a long hallway. All of the others were utterly confused about what they just saw in front of them. Each of them wondering what possible fantasy Bruno must’ve had in order for him to emerge a giant with another unknown giant on his arm. They all approached a large metallic door. “Excuse me David. You never mentioned what our final task would be,” said Vincent. David opened the doors to the outside where they began walking in the snow again. “Your final task will determine how well you can perform the real duty of Santa Claus. It might come as a bit of a surprise to you. What most people don’t understand is the amount of cookies you’ll need to eat as Santa. This will test how much of this sugary sweet treat you can stomach.” “Bring it. I’ve loved all the cookies you’ve served so far,” said Rafael. “Yes, but that has only been a few cookies. Santa must consume millions of cookies in one night. We’ve managed to solve most of the problems with magic, however this has not been one of them,” said David. “Can’t you just throw the cookies away?” asked Vincent. “We’ve tried. It’s never gone well. The first year we tried it, the following year was World War II. Then we tried it again to test if it was a fluke or not and then the Vietnam War happened. It’s just bad luck not to,” said Joseph. “What if you were to get rid of them with magic. with magic?” asked Rafael. “My magic is very good at creating things, hence why I am one of the biggest givers of all time. It is not engineered to destroy,” said David. “And this is why they all must be eaten. Remember the story I told you about a while ago? How Santa nearly blew up? That’s what happens when someone eats millions of cookies in an instant.” The men walked up to a cottage and entered. There they found a plate of fresh cookies waiting for them. “This will be a test of stamina, not speed. But I wanted to make things a bit more interesting. Once the plate in front of you has been eaten, many more plates of cookies will spawn all over the North Pole. But there will be a plate with special properties to it once you start eating,” said David. “What kind of properties?” asked Rafael. “You will have to figure that out for yourself,” said David. “How will a winner be crowned?” asked Vincent. “David and I will be keeping track of how many cookies are eaten by the two of you. The contest will be over when neither of you can stomach another cookie. After that, David and I will crown a winner based on the number of cookies you each ate.” said Joseph. “You may begin eating when ready,” said David and with a snap, him and Joseph were gone. The two men sat down at the table in front of them facing each other. Rafael was the first one to reach for a cookie. “Well cheers I guess,” said Rafael. “Cheers,” responded Vincent as he also grabbed a cookie. The two bit into the cookies and let out an “Mmm” in unison. “These are so good!” said Rafael. He shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth and grabbed at the pile again for more. “Are you sure you don’t want more?” asked Rafael in between bites. “David said this contest was about stamina, not speed,” said Vincent. “Suit yourself URP” Rafael burped as he rubbed his belly. As Vincent finished his first cookie, his eyes were brought to Rafael when he heard a low rumble coming from the man’s stomach. Suddenly, Vincent saw Rafael’s body began to inflate. The sleeves around his arms seemed to tighten, the buttons on his shirt tightened from his large pecs, his shirt riding up and revealing a large gut that pressed into the table. “What the hell?!?” yelled Vincent as he saw the man gain about 50 pounds in a few seconds. “Huh?” Rafael looked down at his body. He saw nothing but his bloated tits when he looked down. “Woah,” said Rafael in awe. He lifted his arm up and flexed it. He watched the strains of fabric be pushed to their limit as the ball of muscle grew. “Dude…what did you do? You got-” “Big.” Rafael continued to admire his body. Putting his hand under his newly grown pecs and feeling the weight of them. “I’m huge!” Rafael stopped groping himself and locked eyes with the table. “But how? Is David doing some kind of magic on you?” Rafael reached his hand out to the table and grabbed a handful of cookies and shoved them into his mouth. “Bigger,” was all that left his lips when another loud groan was heard from the man’s stomach. Rafael grew much quicker this time. His head slowly rose up as he smiled feeling the growth spread. His gut grew out onto the table. Inflating quickly like a yoga ball. A loud “POP” rang through the air as his top button flew across the room. One by one, each button revealed more and more the man’s glorious chest. Each pec reaching the size of suitcases and continued to gain pounds. Another loud sound was heard by the men as Rafael’s fat ass ripped apart his pajamas. His ass and thunder thighs shredding the fabric like a piece of paper. With his pants gone, Rafael’s cock was freed, and it flopped down onto the floor under the man’s rounded belly. The beast lengthening under the table toward Vincent as it was now well over 6 feet long and thicker than . Seeing that the giant was growing closer to him, Vincent stood up from his seat and backed away from him. “Rafael! You need to stop growing!” As his transformation continued, Vincent heard a loud crash as the giant’s ass hit the ground. The chair that had been supporting him had snapped like a twig under his growing weight. “So big,” said Rafael as his transformation came to a halt. He was sitting on the ground and was a head taller than Vincent. His own head just inches away from the ceiling of the cottage they were in. “I need more!” said Rafael as he reached for the tray of cookies. “More?! Rafael you can’t be serious? You can’t even fit through the door!” screamed Vincent as he tried to grab the cookies before Rafael could, but it was too late. “Vincent, I’ve always wanted to be bigger.” Rafael grabbed the cookies and threw them all back into his open mouth. “Besides, David can fix whatever we do with magic.” With a gulp, the cookies hit the behemoths belly. “Yes! More!” Rafael began to grow again. Every inch of him packing on 50 pounds per second. His stomach charging forward toward Vincent like a locomotive as his head hit the ceiling. Under his impressive stomach, Rafael’s cock also lurched forward. Pressing Vincent into the wall behind him. “Rafael! Please stop and let me get out!” Vincent felt the now 9-foot-long cock continue to pulse with growth as the weight pushed against him. “Too late little guy,” said Rafael as his head started cracking the ceiling. Vincent looked up for a moment as the cock pinned him to the wall only to see a ballooning belly be pushed into his face. From the outside of the house, the walls seemed to bulge out in every direction. The first sight of Rafael’s body was his head poking out of the ceiling of the cottage. Next his massive belly and cock took their toll on the wall and they spilled out onto the snow outside. Then there was Rafael’s ass that had been steadily growing behind him. It pushed through the walls both behind it and on its side. Lastly to burst free were his arms. On each side of the cottage, his arms broke down the walls and brought themselves into a double bicep flex. Finally the entire cottage was brought down as his pecs broke the remaining parts of the roof that hadn’t been destroyed by his head and shoulders bursting through. Holding tightly to the head of Rafael’s cock, Vincent fell out onto the snow as the growing dick grew. He shimmied his way out from under the behemoth and stood up to see Rafael. He was a true giant. Sitting down, he was easily two stories tall, if not three, and looked like he weighed two tons. A lot of that weight was in his fat gut. The orb of a belly was far taller than Vincent was. It was like he had swallowed a car. “Haha, now we’re talking,” laughed Rafael as he groped his newly grown body. “I’m so massive. But I want to be bigger.” Vincent heard the giant’s deep voice and remembered the other cookies that David had put out across the North Pole. In an instant, Rafael’s big body got up from the ground and began sprinting and looking down for more plates of cookies. “I need MORE!” “I’ve gotta find another plate of cookies before he gets any bigger.” Vincent started running toward the Naughty and Nice building he was just in. Rushing in and looking around for a platter of cookies. Seeing nothing, he ran out another door and sitting just outside the door on a pedestal was an even bigger plate of cookies. “Yes! I beat him here!” said Vincent as he began shoveling cookie after cookie into his mouth. “Hey Vincent!” came a shout from the distant. Vincent turned his head as he continued chewing on cookies. “Oh no! He found me!” Vincent grabbed the plate of cookies and ran back into the building. Thunderous steps shook everything around Vincent as Rafael descended his huge body onto the building. Vincent saw his massive arm reach in through the door, but he was too far away for him to reach. Vincent still felt worried that Rafael could do what he did to that cottage and tear down this building to get to the cookies. “Come on now Vincent. Christmas is about giving. So give me some of those cookies!” yelled Rafael as he looked inside the building. “Why aren’t they working?” cried Vincent as he polished the last cookie off the plate. Right after the words left his mouth, he heard his stomach let out a low growl. “Oh.” Vincent’s belly quickly inflated inside his Christmas onesie. Rips forming all over his body as pounds were added on every second. “This,” Vincent’s pecs ripped through the neck hole. “Feels,” His ass burst apart the seat of his pants. “So,” His cock ripping out the front of his pants with a nice pair of balls to match. “Incredible!” His head skyrocketing toward the ceiling. “Vincent, what’s going on in there?” asked Rafael from outside the door. He couldn’t see clearly into the room, but suddenly his nose was met with a wall of flesh. “Bigger.” Rafael backed away from the door and saw cracks forming in the walls. “Bigger!” Vincent’s cock lurched out the doorway and hit Rafael. Landing him on his ass. “BIGGER!” Vincent’s entire body broke out from the building, leaving it in ruins. Rafael looked up at the new giant that Vincent had become. From the bottom up, Vincent’s cock was bigger than a house with balls bigger than cars. His hairless gut resembled the size of blimp and above it sat two massive slabs of meat known as pecs. Each one was bigger than 18-wheelers and twice as thick. Vincent’s head was now higher than any building around them in the North Pole. “He’s massive!” Rafael got up out of the snow and reveled in Vincent’s size. “Haha. I see why you were so eager to get your hands on more of those cookies. The feeling you get when you grow is indescribable,” said Vincent as he brought one of his biceps up and flexed. The ball of muscle growing bigger than Vincent’s own head. “I’ve gotta find more,” said Rafael under his breath. He looked around and saw the workshop they had just been in for the train exercise. Scrambling to get there, he ripped off the roof to see another tray of cookies, this time on a golden plate. “Hey! You get back here!” yelled Vincent as he ran towards Rafael. Rafael looked back and saw Vincent lunging toward him. He turned his back to Vincent and swallowed all of the cookies in one gulp. He threw the plate into the snow as he felt a new transformation coming on. “Gotcha!” said Vincent as he grabbed onto Rafael’s smaller shoulders. “Not for long,” said Rafael. He straightened his back as his body sored into the sky. Rafael’s ass was the only thing that Vincent could see growing. The already fat ass quickly bulged back into Vincent’s cock. Vincent instantly felt his cock harden as Rafael’s ass plumped up bigger and bigger. He couldn’t resist and shoved his cock head into Rafael’s ass. “Fuck” yelled Rafael as Vincent penetrated him. His own cock getting hard as he felt his ass grow further back into the cock. “I’m sorry man. I’ve been eying your ass ever since we got here and the way it was growing, I had to fuck it,” said Vincent as he started to thrust more of his cock into Rafael’s welcoming hole. “You’re good. I have to admit that I did think you were cute when we appeared in the North Pole.” “And now?” “Now? You’re fucking hot!” Rafael’s transformation seemed to subside as the two of them got started full on fucking. Rafael had stopped at just a bit bigger than Vincent, but he didn’t mind. Vincent’s 20-foot-long cock was big enough to satisfy the 60-foot-tall man. Vincent picked up the pace as he thrusted harder and harder into Rafael. The indent of his cock being seen bulging out of Rafael’s stomach. In the midst of their hot sex session, Vincent looked down and saw the plate of cookies that Rafael had tossed to the side from his previous growth spurt. It was now full! Vincent smirked as he leaned over, grabbed the plate of cookies, poured them into his free hand, and fed them to Rafael as he moaned. “Gobble these up for me.” Rafael didn’t need to be told twice. He swallowed the cookies with ease and smiled as he heard a familiar gurgle from his stomach. Rafael again shot up in height. “Bigger!” shouted Rafael. His body bulged out in all directions. His gut plowed forward destroying the toy factory below as his ass bubbled out behind him. Vincent was met with Rafael’s ass growing tighter and tighter on his cock. Vincent’s thrusting became animalistic as he grabbed Rafael’s fat ass cheeks in his hands. Massaging and squeezing them, Vincent couldn’t hold the flood gates back any longer. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!” cried Vincent as his balls seized up and cum filled Rafael’s already enormous belly. Vincent’s torrent of jizz seemed endless as Rafael continued to grow both from the cookies and the slow filling of his guts. Rafael felt Vincent’s jets start to lighten up as his growth tapered off. “That’s all you got pretty boy?” challenged Rafael. Vincent himself felt his balls beginning to empty as the cum shots began to slow down. He looked down at his hand and saw the plate. It was full of cookies again. “It refills itself!” A devilish grin sprouted on Vincent’s face. He threw his hand back into his mouth, swallowing the plate and all. “Be ready for the fucking of a century big guy!” Vincent heard a gurgle from his stomach and resumed ramming his cock into Rafael. Rafael felt Vincent’s cock begin thrusting into him again, with more passion than ever. Each thrust felt like Vincent was going deeper and deeper every time. “Now you’re talking!” He felt Vincent’s cum shots regain their previous strength. Rafael’s belly now growing much faster as cum flooded his system. Everything took a turn when Rafael saw the imprint of Vincent’s dick in his already massive stomach. Each thrust pushing out further and further as he continued to be filled up like a cum balloon. “What are you gonna do now? Vincent just ate the magic plate and he’s growing out of control,” said Joseph. David and Joseph were watching the entire display go down from a couch. Each of them naked and jerking each other’s cocks “Oh don’t you worry about that. In a little bit, Vincent’s cum should be meeting the cookies that Rafael ate,” said David “Why does that matter?” asked Rafael. “It’s milk. There will always be the combo of milk and cookies, not just cookies. When Vincent’s “milk” soaks the cookies, they reactivate themselves. So as long as Vincent keeps cumming, Rafael will grow with him,” replied David as he jerked his cock. “Now watch. I think things are about to get good.” Vincent had begun growing and hadn't stopped. Merely muttering “More” and “Bigger” as his body expands across the North Pole. The pair feel the ice cracking below them as their weight becomes too much even for the ice to handle them. Rafael meanwhile is becoming more and more ball like while Vincent’s jizz seems unending. “Vincent! You’ve gotta pull out! I feel like I’m gonna explode!” yelled Rafael as his limbs disappeared into his growing belly. Vincent in such a faze of lust could barely register that Rafael was talking. It was only when the ice below them broke when Vincent came back to reality. “Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry little guy.” Vincent pulled his growing cock out from Rafael’s ass and spun the orbs around so that he could see his face. “I got a little carried away. Guess that can happen when you’re the biggest being in existence” Vincent’s cock seemed to stop shooting jets as the cold water below him cooled him off. His body continued to grow away from the Rafael ball. His body crushing mountains all over the North Pole without him even knowing. Vincent picked up Rafael as he shrank below him. Becoming lighter and lighter in his hands. “How do you feel?” asked Vincent as he put Rafael in one of his palms. “Like I could explode. I don’t feel so- UUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP” Rafael let out the biggest burp anyone had ever heard. It could be felt at all corners of the globe, but then it started. He was growing and he was growing fast. He quickly outgrew the giant’s hand and he landed in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Sending tidal waves out from his body. Rafael’s body regaining its shape as his limbs reappear and quickly approaching Vincent’s size. “Who were you calling little guy, little guy?” said Rafael as his size surpassed Vincent’s. Each of their bodies effortlessly crushing the Northern Hemisphere. Unaware of their own size, the two resumed their fucking. Both growing in spurts as they outgrew the whole Earth. “Ouch!” cried Vincent as something struck the back of his head. He looked back and saw that he had bonked his head on the moon. Grabbing the satellite in his hand and watching it shrink in his hands as the two men watched the Earth fade away. One by one, every planet passed by the two planet sized men. “How much bigger are we gonna get?” asked Rafael as Vincent continued to cum inside him. “I don’t know, but I don’t care! Keep it going! I want to be bigger than the whole galaxy!” yelled Vincent as another spurt came over him. Rafael simply smiled as he accepted his new reality of being pumped full of cum just for his body to break it down and make him grow bigger. It’s gonna be a happy life. For more updates, story ideas, or general MG stuff, Follow my twitter: https://twitter.com/Musclesaber
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