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  1. **Note from Author: hey everyone, this is my first ever story on the forum, so be easy on me. I’m heavily inspired by @dredlifter’s hot stories, and I wished there was more content like his, so I decided to start something. Let me know what you think!** “Colton!!” My friend Shawn barrels down the hall, hugging me tight. I had just finished moving my stuff back into my dorm room for my Sophomore year at college, and I was very excited to be living on the same floor as all my best friends. I hadn’t seen them all summer, and to be honest, we weren’t very good at keeping up via text, but I knew we would be able to pick it right back up. “Hey Shawn!” I say, settling down from the hug. “How has your summer been?” “Great!” Shawn says, running his tan fingers through his blonde hair, which has grown out a little bit longer from what I remembered. “I have been skateboarding a lot this summer, and just spending a lot of time exploring the city. You’ll never guess what I..” At that point, our friend, and Shawn’s roommate, James comes out of the floor elevator, arms full of stuff and yells over at us. We run over and start helping him out. We head down to his car, and realize he has at least 4 more loads to bring up, even with all of us helping. “James, I didn’t realize you had so much shit!” I say, lugging a oscillating fan over my shoulder. “Whatever,” James snarks, “You’re young, and you guys are in shape, you can do a few loads.” “In shape” might have been somewhat of an overstatement. I’m about 6 feet tall, 190ish pounds, some of it is muscle, but I definitely like to eat a little more than I like to go to the gym. Shawn and James are about the same height as well, but they’re quite a bit skinnier than me, at about 155 pounds. I was always jealous of their metabolism, but I am proud of the few muscles I have that they would never be able to have. “Yeah, this isn’t gonna be a big deal.” Shawn says, grabbing one of the bigger suitcases and carrying it back towards the dorm. I never really thought Shawn could carry something that heavy, but I’m glad to not have to carry that up later. After a couple trips, we’re pretty sweaty, covered in August sweat, with a few more trips to go. James whips off his shirt, revealing his slender body, and Shawn and I follow suit, although I am always somewhat hesitant to strip, as I’m a little uncomfortable with my extra fluff. I look over at Shawn, and he’s tan as hell and, although still thin, has the ridges or abs and the start of some pecs and biceps balling up as he moves around. “Damn Shawn, you been eating like crazy this summer?!” James notes. “Something like that!” Shawn says, dismissively, as he jokingly flexes at us, his newly existent biceps popping up. He grabs a bottle of water, and I look at Shawn directly for the first time since we have gotten back. Is he a little taller than me? I mean, we’re 20, so he might’ve had some puberty left in him. I hope I’ve got that coming up soon too... He looks good. I guess I’ve always thought he looks good. His blonde hair, his smooth, thin body, and his pretty big dick, which I’ve seen in the dorm showers quite a few times. He’s not shy. Maybe I’m just more self conscious than my friends... I only recently have come to grips with the fact that I am gay. You’d think I would know that, what with all the gay porn I’ve watched since I was a kid, but it took a lot of therapy to undo the religious guilt I felt. I know Shawn isn’t gay, because he’s pretty obsessed with this girl Izzy from his Bio class last semester, and he’s not afraid to share all the details with us. I haven’t told Shawn and James that I’m gay yet, it felt weird to text them over the summer, but I plan to soon. Maybe later this week. Before school ramps up, for sure. We finally finish unloading all of James’ stuff, and we chill in their room for a little while, just catching up about our summers. “I mostly just worked,” James shares. “My dad’s bakery has been booming, and I needed the cash. I’ve gotten pretty good at baking though! Too bad we have to live in the dorms for two years here.. I guess I may not be able to maintain my skills!” “I bet we could bake at Izzy’s place!” Shawn says. We look over at him, surprised. “Oh, haha, I guess I forgot to text y’all, I had my internship here over the summer, and she was actually one of the other interns. We got to talking, and we’ve now been dating for a few months now!” “Congrats man!” I say, crossing my legs, trying not to plump up think of Shawn’s now-wiry body pulsing next to Izzy, “She lives close?” “Yeah, just across the street. You’ll probably have the room to yourself quite a bit, James.” Shawn laughs, and nudges James, winking. We roll our eyes, and James asks, “It is too bad Alex has to drop out over the summer. Do you know who your new roommate is?” I had been planning to room with our friend Alex this year, but a few weeks ago his Mom passed away, and he had to take a gap year. I had hoped nobody else would sign up for my room, but a few days ago someone named Kyle showed up on the housing website. I tried looking him up on social media, but all he had was a Facebook account that hasn’t been updated in 4 years. The profile picture wasn’t even a picture of him, just some artwork from a video game I didn’t recognize. “I don’t know him, but his name is Kyle!” I say. “He seems like a nerd, so we will probably get along, I hope.” “Oh cool. ” James says, “I’m surprised we haven’t seen him moving in yet!” “Yeah, but we have been in here a little while. You guys want to head back to my room with me, and see if he’s in there?” “I’m actually gonna shower up, and head over to Izzy’s place.” Shawn says, “I want to have some ‘quality time’ before we start feeling the stress of the semester. She had something she wanted to give me too, but she said it was a secret.” “Huh.” I say, “You will have to keep us in the loop. What about you James, you in to meet my roommate?” “Nah, I’m pretty pooped. I think I’m gonna crash for the night. I’ll meet him tomorrow!” “No worries. Probably better to not swarm him all at once anyways.” I head out of their room, and head across the hall to my room, the door propped open. I look in, and on the other wall of our room is a giant pride flag, with the correlating desk covered in Drag race stickers, pride kitsch, all the works. “I guess Kyle’s gay too,” I think to myself. I hope he’s hot. Or maybe I don’t. I’m still figuring out myself as a gay guy. Even if he was hot, available, and wanted to fuck his roommate, I wasn’t sure if I was ready. I piddle around the room, setting up my desk just the way I want, anxious to meet my roommate. After about 20 minutes, the door creaks open more, and a little guy, wrapped in a towel, furry chest on display, comes in. “Oh hey! You must be Colton!” He says, “I’m Kyle! Nice to meet you. Sorry I’m just hopping out of the shower. I have been moving in for the past little while!” “Nice to meet you too Kyle!” I stand up, walking over to shake his hand. As I walk over, I realize just how short he is, his eyes about on level with my collar bones. After I shake his hand, and we chit chat for a bit he starts getting dressed, changing locker room style, keeping the towel on even after putting on shorts. He’s a shy little cutie, but not really my type. I’m relieved. I think we’ll get along, and it will be good to have another gay guy around as I work on coming out to everyone. It’s a small school, so I haven’t known any other out gay men. Not that I have been looking, before now. After we settle in, he starts playing league of legends on his computer, headphones on, and I start playing the FFVII remake I tried to finish before school started. Just as I’m getting in the groove, there’s a knock on my door. “Come in.” Kyle shouts at the door, not looking up from his game. “Hey!” Shawn peeks in, “I’m Shawn, one of Colton’s friends. I live right down the hall. I just wanted to swing in to see if Colton wanted to come workout with me in the morning, before classes start.” “Workout?! Since when?” I say. “Just a few weeks ago,” Shawn says, blushing. “Izzy was telling me that she likes her men buff, so I’m trying to fulfill the fantasy.” “Ah! That’s why you look the way you do. I’m in, having some accountability should help me stay to a regimen. What time?” “Pretty early, like 6?” “Yeah, sounds good.” I reply. At this point, Kyle pulls his headphones down and looks over, “do y’all mind if I tag along? I just transferred, and I don’t really know anybody.” “Yeah, totally.” Shawn replies. “Our friend James might eventually join us too, but when I asked him, he looked at me like a maniac. His loss, when the three of us are jacked, he’ll be struggling to keep up!” I find myself crossing my legs once again at the thought of a jacked Shawn, but I laugh, and tell him to have a good time with Izzy. As Shawn heads out, Kyle wraps up his game, and pulls his headphones off and looks over at me. “I don’t mean to butt in, I hope I’m not crashing the party by asking to come along to the gym!” “No way,” I say, adamantly shaking my head. “Why would you even say that?” “I just don’t mean to.. intrude.” He pauses, “I know how it feels to have interrupted time with a crush.” “A crush?” I ask. “Oh!” Kyle asks, “I guess I misread the situation. I just felt some chemistry between you two.” “Well, to be honest, you’re not wrong.” I admit. “I have had a little bit of a crush on him, but I only recently even realized I was gay. I planned to come out to my friends tonight, but it just didn’t happen. I don’t think they’d care, but they’re also somewhat aloof. How’d you know?” “Call it men’s intuition,” he says. “You’re cute. You should be more confident. I mean, he seems straight, so maybe a confident crush on someone else?” “Haha, thanks for the advice, gay oracle.” I joke. “I’m just telling it like I see it. Do you know if there are any cute guys that will be at the gym tomorrow?” “Not sure, I never really go to the campus gym in the mornings. I’m more of an evening workout guy.” “Well, I’ll dress up, just in case.” And with that, Kyle puts his headphones back on and starts up another game. I grab a seltzer out of my fridge, play a little more of my game, and start wrapping up for bed. I’m wiped from the day, and end up turning in for the night pretty quickly. I fall asleep fast, not even disturbed by the clicking of the mouse echoing from Kyle’s rig, which would usually keep me up. I wake up around 5:45 to my alarm, and see Kyle already up and ready, stretching in some tight little shorts and XS JJ Malibu tank, showing off his tight butt, and surprisingly wide back. “Oh hey!” He says, seeing me get up and changed pretty quickly. “Do you want to head over to Shawn’s room, or meet him there?” “Let’s head across the hall. I’m about ready.” I say, slipping on an old t shirt, while brushing my teeth. I leave the room, Kyle following behind, and we head to Shawn and James’ room. I jiggle the handle, the door unlocked like usual, and there was Shawn, ready to go, in a shirt that looks just a little too tight on him, mixing something into a cup. “Hey guys,” he says, keeping his voice low to not wake up his roommate. “Izzy gave me some protein powder last night that her dad’s company makes. Do you want some?” “Nah,” I say. I always feel like my metabolism can’t keep up with the extra calories, I do my best to keep from gaining weight. Maybe protein would help, but I have just never felt comfortable with it. “I wouldn’t mind some!” Kyle pipes up, “I wouldn’t mind bulking up a bit. Maybe I can make up for my height with some more width!” Shawn whips up a water bottle for Kyle, and we head down the stairs and towards the campus gym. A perk of such a small campus is just how easy it is to walk everywhere. We get to the gym and head to the weight area. Shawn and Kyle look a little lost, I know Shawn has never stepped foot in this gym, and Kyle is probably looking at the early morning gym bros. They’re there en masse, the gym is much more crowded than I thought it would be. At least there’s views, and I look over at Kyle, who raises his eyebrows at me, gesturing at all the buff men, giving me a big thumbs up. I gesture over to the dumbbell rack, and start warming up with some 25 pounders. Shawn comes up next to me and warms up with some 10 pounders, and Kyle heads straight to the squat rack. I quickly move up to my max, this summer I was able to curl the 40s for reps, which I have been pretty proud of. I was surprised to see Shawn not far behind, curling the 30s with quite a bit of fervor. I go through my workout like usual, and Shawn follows behind me, obviously copying my workout. I don’t mind, and it feels good to be lifting more than him. Although, not as much more as I thought I would be. He’s only about 10-20 pounds behind me in most lifts. He must’ve really gone for it over the summer, getting those beginner gains before we got here. I look over at Kyle, and he’s talking to a few other guys at the squat rack, his shorts riding dangerously high on his ass, while a few others around him look on. He’s a bottom on a mission, and he’s letting the whole gym know. After about 45 minutes we wrap up with some stretches. Kyle starts talking to Shawn, “that’s the best I’ve ever felt during a workout. That protein powder was great!” “Yeah, Izzy said that it’s a new experimental protein. I didn’t really understand everything she was saying, but it has some preworkout components to it, so it just jazzes you up.” “I definitely feel ‘jazzed up’, but I thought it was just the men in there!” Kyle says, laughing. I laugh too, but I take a quick glimpse at his shorts, noticing he’s sporting a noticeable semi, as is Shawn. Welp, look at that, so am I now. We head down to the showers, and Shawn strips naked immediately. He looks great, his pump making him look even bigger than he did yesterday, and... do I find myself looking up into his eyes? I mean, I guess I noticed that he grew yesterday, but it’s even more noticeable now. I try not to look down, but there I go anyways, and I see his dick, still somewhat hard, looking as great as ever. I quickly head over to a shower stall and lock it, hoping I didn’t stare too much, or my erection was too noticeable. Him and Kyle follow shortly behind, taking the stalls to my left and right. The water starts flowing, and I get in and out. As I walk back to my locker, I notice that Shawn didn’t quite close the stall door all the way, and he’s straight up jerking off in the stall. He’s playing with his nipple while he leans against the wall, and looks like he is in pure ecstasy. Filing that away for later. I change, and, not wanting to wait around too long, head back to my room on my own. About 20 minutes later I hear some laughter coming down the hallway, and Kyle joins me in the room. “Hey Colton! Where did you go?!” “Oh, I just didn’t want to wait around for y’all. I take quick showers.” “Yeah, sorry about that. I usually do too, but I was just so horny, I ended up jerking off in the shower! It’s like I had to!! I have never felt that way before. I’m telling you, Colton, that protein powder is something else. I feel great too!! I mean, look at me! This is the best I have ever looked!” With that, Kyle flexed his arms, and he looks notably more muscular than he did this morning. I must not have been paying attention. I mean, his gym clothes are VERY tight. It is strange that both of them were jerking off in the showers, though. Must be some horny goat’s weed in that experimental mixture too. I may have to give it a go the next time we head to the gym.... To be continued!
  2. Miałem niedawno bardzo dziwną serię fantazji które postanowiłem tu zapisać w formie złożonej, wieloczęściowej historii. Czemu po polsku? Po pierwsze... chciałem być autorem pierwszego polskiego opowiadania MG na tym forum, nawet jeśli przeczyta je tylko parę osób. Po drugie, historia którą wymyśliłem jest BARDZO polska. Wszystko kręci się wokół dresów! W pierwszym odcinku nie dzieje się zbyt wiele, ale mam już przygotowanę parę BARDZO mięsistych scen na kolejne części. ROZDZIAŁ 1 Widoki za oknem pociągu sunęły powoli w lewo. Nadal w powietrzu unosił się letni żar, jednak niektóre drzewa już zdawały się wiedzieć, że niedługo przyjdzie im zmienić barwę na złoto i brąz. Był początek września, a Sebastian Janecki nadal czuł w ustach smak urodzinowego tortu. 20 lat. Przede mną siódme niebo. A właściwie cały wrzesień na zaaklimatyzowanie się w nowej stancji. Akademik zamknęli na remont, więc teraz jego rodzice znaleźli ogłoszenie w gazecie, że jest gdzieś tanie mieszkanko, za grosze, na Warszawskiej Pradze Północ, tak że wystarczyło mu przejść na drugą stronę Wisły. Rodzice załatwiali mu dużo rzeczy. Pan Janecki był wójtem małej wsi Sterynin, więc małemu Sebusiowi nic nigdy nie brakowało. Jako jedynak mógł skupić na sobie całą miłość rodziców. Gorzej, że wyszedł przez to na straszną ciapę i niedojdę... Sebastian skupił wzrok z krajobrazu na własne odbicie w brudnej szybie pociągu. Zobaczył okrągłą, pyzatą i różową twarz przygniecioną parą ciężkich okularów w grubych oprawkach. Seba nie był przystojny, ale ludzie zawsze mówili mu, że wygląda miło i poczciwie, jak pluszowy miś. Miał krótkie, czarne, kręcone włosy, solidne brwi i ciemne, brązowe oczy. Jego dziadek od strony mamy był chyba Grekiem, albo Gruzinem, i przekazał wnukowi w genach trochę południowej urody. Sebastian i tak go nie poznał. Spojrzał trochę niżej i westchnął. Sebastian nie lubił swojego ciała. Wzrost był jeszcze ok, 173 cm mieściły go w ramach średniego wzrostu. Niestety, był przy tym drobny i chudy, dopiero niedawno nastoletni metabolizm zostawił go w spokoju i pozwolił mu odrobinę przytyć. Miał teraz mały brzuszek, a jego kości przykrył tłuszczyk, jednak Sebastian nie tego chciał. Sebastian chciał mieć mięśnie. Wiedział to od dawna. Zawsze gdy przebierał się na WFie w szatni, oglądał sylwetki swoich kolegów. Były to solidne chłopaki ze wsi, które musiały pomagać rodzicom na roli i w gospodarstwie. Z roku na rok robili się coraz szersi i silniejsi, kiedy Sebastian pozostawał kujonkiem niedojdą. Nie potrafił stwierdzić, czemu wtedy nie potrafił oderwać od nich wzroku, czemu rumienił się i chował przed resztą. Kiedy koledzy nazywali go pedałem, wypierał się wszystkiego i mówił, że to przez smród ich potu. Pewnie nawet sam starał się w to uwierzyć. Jednak życie postawiło przed nim dwa niezbite dowody: Pierwszym była transmisja zawodów Mr. Olimpia w telewizyjnej dwójce, w roku 1999. Sebastian zaczynał wtedy liceum. Gdy rodziców nie było w domu, on, późną nocą siedział przyklejony do telewizora, oglądając największych, najbardziej umięśnionych mężczyzn jakich tylko potrafił sobie wyobrazić. Prawdziwe bestie, tak ciężkie, że trzęsła się od nich scena. Przy każdej ich pozie Sebastian dosłownie ślinił się na koszulkę. Ich muskuły były tak wielkie, że dosłownie rozpychały się na ich ciałach, próbując wywalczyć sobie odrobinę miejsca. Gdy w końcu Ronnie Coleman otrzymał złoty medal, Sebastian czuł się absolutnie pijany. Nocą śnił o tym, że wielcy kulturyści komplementowali go, dotykali jego ciała, całowali i przytulali swoimi wyrzeźbionymi łapskami. Rano okazało się, że zmazał sobie całą pościel. Wtedy Sebastian był już pewien, że 1.Jest gejem 2.Chciałby być mięśniakiem 3.Chciałby mieć jeszcze większego mięśniaka za męża Drugie olśnienie przyszło do niego tuż po 18tce, w 2002. Sebastian przez przypadek znalazł podczas sprzątania kasety VHS podpisane po niemiecku. Z ciekawości wrzucił jedną z nich do odtwarzacza. Okazało się być to stare, dobre porno. Najpierw Seba zaczął się śmiać, potem umarł z żenady, że jego rodzice kupili sobie takie rzeczy, a potem... oglądał dalej. Jego uwagę przykuł mężczyzna na filmie - nosił on skórzaną kominiarkę, skórzaną uprząż i niewiele poza tym. Był też świetnie zbudowany - choć nie tak wielki jak kulturyści na Mr.Olympia, to jego włochate muskuły prezentowały się pysznie, gdy dominował pulchną, niemiecką blondynę, lub gdy przeciwnie - ulegał jej, pozwalając się smagać batem . Jego erekcja była przy tym tak wielka, że Sebastian zastanawiał się, jak on wogóle znajdował na nią miejsce w spodniach. W pewnym momencie przestał widzieć blondynę, a zamiast niej widział siebie - lepszego siebie, wspaniałego i wielkiego. Marzył, że to on jest karcony, chłostany i zapinany przez zamaskowanego włochacza, a potem role odwracają się, Seba podnosi go za uprząż nad głowę i zaczyna dominować go, miażdżyć mięśniami i ryczeć rozkazy i obelgi, gdy tamten wył z rozkoszy. Niestety, z tych marzeń nie wyszło nic. Sebastian 3 razy podchodził do trenowania na serio, zawsze rzucał to po miesiącu, gdy nie umiał zobaczyć żadnych efektów. Być może nie miał do tego genów. Skupił się więc na nauce. Ze wszystkich nauk wybrał sobie socjologię i starał się ze wszystkich sił, aby dostać się na wydział socjologii w Warszawie. Sebastian lubił ludzi, choć niespecjalnie lubił się do nich odzywać. Obserwował ich bardziej jak kolonię mrówek zza szyby, więc zawód socjologa wydał mu się idealny. Zza szyby mrówki nie mogły go pokąsać. W 2003 dostał się z marszu na uczelnię. W końcu pociąg stanął, a Sebastian wytoczył się z zestawem walizek na peron. Był stanowczo za słaby aby wziąć te wszystkie walizy na raz, ale chciał załatwić przeprowadzkę jak najszybciej. Przed nim widać było Warszawę Wschodnią - co było dość blisko do jego nowego mieszkania, ale spacer z takim obciążeniem był katorgą. No pięknie. Urządziłeś się, Sebuś, idealnie. Po chwili spaceru migające neony przerzedziły się, elewacja budynków pociemniała i pokryła się wulgarnymi grafitti. Wszystko wyglądało groźnie i obskurnie. Sceneria wyglądała jak z horroru i tylko sylwetka wszechobecnego Pałacu Kultury przypomniała mu, że nadal znajdował się w tym samym mieście. Po plecach Sebastiana przeszedł dreszcz, gdy jeszcze raz upewniał się, że jest na dobrej ulicy. Szlag, przynajmniej teraz wiedział, dlaczego mieszkanie było tak tanie. Choć w Unii byliśmy raptem od kilku miesięcy, to na efekty tego członkostwa trzeba będzie poczekać wiele lat, na samą Pragę Północ pewnie pójdą ciężkie miliardy. Sebastian na drugim końcu ulicy dojrzał grupkę karków i zdębiał. Trzech łysych bandziorów bardzo głośno dyskutowało przy butelkach Żywca, okutani kibolskimi flagami. To w sumie śmieszne. Jakby nie patrzeć, miał na imię Seba, jednak różnił się od typowego dresa praktycznie wszystkim. No i nikt nie mówił do niego Seba. Nigdy. Dresy też były wielkie, silne i w pewien sposób seksowne, ale strach przebijał jakąkolwiek żądzę jaką Sebuś mógłby do nich poczuć. Próba podrywu równałaby się z samobójstwem. Samo zbliżenie się równałoby się utratą telefonu i portfela. Zdecydował się więc obejść ich szerokim łukiem, idąc boczną uliczką. Po nadłożeniu parunastu minut drogi i taszczenia waliz, w końcu stanął przed właściwym adresem, pod starą, odrapaną kamienicą. Przy drzwiach wejściowych stał blady chłopak. Spoglądał gdzieś w przestrzeń ponad Sebastianem, miętoląc w ustach peta ze smętnymi resztkami papierosa. Był mniej-więcej w jego wieku, nosił ortalionowe spodnie i stary, lekko pożółkły podkoszulek. Wzrok Sebastiana przykuły odsłonięte ramiona tamtego gościa. Był on kościstym chudzielcem, tak samo jak Sebastian, jednak gdy ramiona Seby były delikatne i słabe jak rozgotowany makaron, ramiona palącego chłopaka składały się z ciasnej plątaniny żył i ścięgien, najgęściej skupionych na przedramionach, wędrujących w górę jego smukłych ramion, po zarysowanych bicepsach, znikając przy wystających dramatycznie obojczykach, tylko po to by opleść jego chudą szyję z widocznym jabłkiem adama. Sebastian poczuł dziwne napięcie patrząc na jego twarz. Była przystojna, lecz surowa, wpisana w trójkąt między kośćmi policzkowymi a spiczastym podbródkiem. Miał lekko germańską urodę - krótkie włosy strzyżone maszynką w kolorze jasnego blondu, dumnie zadarty nos i zimne, niebieskie oczy których wzrok starannie omijał zgarbionego Sebastiana. Jaka szkoda... Tego dresa nie mógł w tej chwili - ale też nie chciał - ominąć. Przez chwile stali tak w milczeniu, blady dresik palił, Sebastian garbił się pod ciężarem walizek z ubraniami i sprzętami, nie potrafiąc odezwać się do chłopaka, o którym nie potrafił myśleć inaczej niż "piękny." W końcu ów piękny dres chrząknął i w końcu spojrzał w stronę Sebastiana: "Ta?" burknął. "Nooo taaa co...? A w sensie... Ja tutaj do mieszkania. Z umową." Blady chłopak westchnął, krzywiąc się. "A więc to ty będziesz teraz wynajmować pokój? Troche sie pospieszyłeś, bo mamy jeszcze nie ma." Sebastian zamrugał, zdziwiony. "Mieliśmy podpisywać umowę..." "No ale mama jest jeszcze w robocie. Nie wyczaruje ci jej." Blady dresik burknął i wrócił do miętolenia resztek papierosa. "Mogę chociaż wejść i się rozpakować?" Zapytał Sebastian, powoli kierując się w stronę wejścia. Blady zastawił mu drogę. "Ej, ej, ej! Gdzie ty się pchasz?" "Chciałbym wejść do środka." "Bez umowy? Niby po co?" Sebastian zmarszczył brwi. Uroda urodą, ale blondas okazywał się być niezłym dupkiem. "Bo mi ciężko z tymi walizami." Blady dresik zmierzył go wzrokiem od stóp do głów. Przez chwilę zdawał się coś kalkulować, jednak po chwili odstąpił przejście: "No na siłacza nie wyglądasz. A takie grzeczne kujonki jak ty raczej nie kradną." Sebastian nie miał nawet sił się obrazić, tylko wtoczył się z walizami na obskurny korytarz. Nagle rozległo się szczekanie. Zza rogu wypadła radosna kulka brązowego futra która zaczęła wściekle obwąchiwać i łasić się do nóg Seby. Student uśmiechnął się i machinalnie zaczął drapać kundelka po główce. Blady uniósł brwi, a na jego wąskich ustach po raz pierwszy pojawił się lekki uśmiech: "No proszę. Kapeć cie lubi, a ta łajza warczy na byle-kogo. Chyba jednak jesteś w porządku." Z tymi słowy wziął od Seby jedną z walizek - jego niewielki biceps napiął się przy tym elegancko - a drugą rękę skierował w jego stronę. Najwidoczniej "Test Psa" został zdany: "Jestem Mateusz, ale ludzie mówią mi Siwy." "Sebastian." Student odwzajemnił uścisk dłoni. Mateusz uśmiechnął się szerzej: "Seba? Naprawdę? Nie gadaj!" "Taaa, to imię średnio do mnie pasuje." Sebastian uśmiechnął się słabo. Mieszkanie było małe, ale wystarczające dla jednej osoby. Główny pokój, kuchnia, łazienka, przedpokój. Pokoik miał sklejkową meblościankę z poprzedniego systemu, mały telewizor i biurko, turecki dywan oraz potężną, zabytkową kanapę z ciemnego dębu, która musiała służyć tu za łóżko. Wszystkie ściany były w kolorze mentolowej zieleni, od której Sebastianowi robiło się niedobrze. "Okej. Czuj się jak u siebie." Siwy kiwnął głową na całą tą skromiznę, patrząc jak Sebastian powolutku otwiera swoje walizy: "No a teraz regulamin." "Czytałem regulamin." Sebastian wzruszył ramionami wyciągając starannie złożone ubrania. Część Seby bardzo chciałaby, aby chudzielec już sobie poszedł. Druga część, ta spychana i ignorowana, chciała aby został jak najdłużej. "Wolę ci go powtórzyć. Jak masz jakieś zwierzaki, idzie kaucja. Jak coś zepsujesz, idzie kaucja albo płacisz za szkody. Jak sprowadzisz na mieszkanie psiarnię, idzie grzywna..." "Już mówiłeś o zwierzętach." "Jezu, o policji gadam, nie zgrywaj debila." Siwy wywrócił oczami i wrócił do wyliczania na palcach: "Jeśli coś nam zwędzisz, grzywna. Jeśli będziesz palić wewnątrz, grzywna. Jeśli zarysujesz podłogę, kaucja. Jak zgubisz klucz, kaucja." "Dużo tych kaucji..." mruknął Sebastian niepewnie. "To jest Praga-Północ. Ludzie potrafią tu odwalać takie cuda, że by ci oko zbielało." Mateusz zaśmiał się wrednie. "A jeśli... Nie będę mieć kasy na grzywnę?" "To zdobędziesz?" "A ... Jak nie zdobędę?" Dopytywał Seba nieśmiało. "To będziesz kurwa łamany." Wredny uśmieszek Matiego zrobił się szerszy, uniósł ramiona i strzelił głośno knykciami, tak że chude mięśnie na jego przedramionach zagrały pięknie. Nie dało się stwierdzić, czy żartował, czy mówił na serio. "Złam mnie proszę" odezwał się zdradziecki głosik w głowie Sebastiana, zezującego na te knykcie. On sam jednak tylko skinął głową. Pani Danuta Pyziak-Miller okazała się być dużo milszą osobą od swojego synalka. Po podpisaniu umowy w kuchni, gdzie wokół matki kręcił się jeszcze Kajtek - mały chłopczyk kropla-w-kroplę podobny do Siwego, zapewne brat, Sebastian otrzymał klucze do mieszkania i do skrzynki pocztowej. Czynsz był faktycznie niski. Mieszkanie Pyziaków znajdowało się naprzeciwko stancji, więc szansa, że będzie natykał się na pięknego złośliwca Mateuszka, była bardzo wysoka. Coś za coś. Zostało mu się tylko rozpakować. Dwie godziny później Sebastian czuł, że dla wszystkich ubrań, sprzętów i drobiazgów udało mu się znaleźć dobre miejsce. Została jeszcze jedna walizka z ubraniami na chłodniejsze dni. Sebastian wyjmował bluzę za bluzą, póki zwały ubrań nie odkryły... małej paczuszki owiniętej w różowy papier urodzinowy. Sebastian nie pamiętał, żeby pakował coś takiego. Powoli chwycił ją w obie dłonie - była miękka. Rozerwał papier, z którego wypadła karteczka. "Jak już mieszkasz na Pradze, Seba, to musisz odpowiednio wyglądać! Sto lat, bandziorze! Wujek Staszek" Wujek był bratem ojca, który zawsze miewał dziwne pomysły i dość żenujące poczucie humoru. Zwykle pojawiał się tylko na rodziny i święta z naręczem dziwnych i niesmacznych prezentów, jak stringi dla babci czy koszulki z napisem "Piwo to moje paliwo". Właśnie tego typu koszulki spodziewał się Sebastian, jednak jego brwi uniosły się aż do linii włosów, gdy w paczce ujrzał grubą, czarną kominiarkę.
  3. radiokida

    Black Hulk

    This is my first complete story. Some of you have been reading this in the Unfinished section of this forum. It's now finished, so I'm posting it here. Thank you to those people who have already given me positive comments on this story. They will undoubtedly encourage me to write more stories. The story has six chapters. Some of them have gay themes, others straight themes, and others bi. I have made some very slight edits to the original six parts that were posted originally, to hopefully improve the story slightly, when it comes to grammar and continuity. Hope you enjoy my story! ------------ BLACK HULK Chapter 1: Kris meets Black Hulk Everyone gasped when he entered. He swaggered slowly to a deckchair, with his belongings, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. This was not odd, since we were in the hotel indoor pool, me and around six or seven strangers. What made everyone gasp was the sheer amount of muscular development this man's body was presenting to our senses. To me, those muscles were instantly recognizable. They belonged to Henk Kuria, or, as everyone in the porn industry called him, Black Hulk. Winner of the past three Mr. Olympias and a long string of other bodybuilding contests, Black Hulk stormed into the bodybuilding scene in 2020 as a 6'4, 380lbs unknown 20-year-old from Kenya. That year, he not only easily defeated, and humiliated, the then Mr. O. Phil Heath, but has won every bodybuilding contest he entered. The incredible thing is that, according to the latest news from the IFBB, Black Hulk weighed an astonishing 420lbs in last year's Mr. O., with a barely comprehensible 4% bodyfat. How do I know this? Well, I've jacked off at least once everyday as soon as my eyes feasted on this giant monument of musculature back then in 2020. So much, so that this year I decided to travel all the way to Las Vegas to witness this guy live. I truly am a huge fan of his. Not just for his giant muscles, but also for his lifestyle. A few months after he won his first Olympia, Black Hulk came out as bisexual. At first, there were rumors that the IFBB would retract his title, but soon common sense prevailed. At that time, Black Hulk started to feature in a lot of porno movies, some straight, some gay, and some bi. The astonishing thing is that, as time went by, not only did his incredibly huge muscles became bigger and bigger, but also, visibly, his cock and balls grew in unison. In his first porno, fucking Lela Star, he had a very respectable 8 inch cock. In his last, not only did he grew 40lbs of muscle since that first porn flick, but also 2 inches of cock; moreover, his dick is visibly much thicker. This last porno was a reverse gangbang, where Black Hulk fucked 20 women in 2 hours. One after the other, every woman roared in an earth shattering orgasm, begging him to stop. Then, in the end, he climaxed on all of them at once, in a cumblast that lasted a full minute. Needless to say, this porno flick proved very popular. The gay porn community have now asked him to film a gay-themed similar flick, with 20 men. Anyway, Black Hulk is here, a few feet away from me. Apparently, he decided to use the services of the same hotel I was in, during his stay in Las Vegas to undoubtedly conquer Mr. Olympia for a fourth time. My cock instantly grew rock hard in my swimtrunks; luckily I was in the pool, so nobody noticed. What also helped somewhat was the fact that every other person that, up till that point, were with me in the pool decided to pack their things and leave. Maybe they were disgusted by his muscles, or by his well-known overly sexualized lifestyle, who knows. Fact is, I was the only one to witness him casually removing his towel from his overly-muscular waist, revealing a swimsuit that was clearly struggling to contain the massive cock and balls inside it. Then he proceeded to jump in the pool, with a grace that beguiled his enormous frame. This was too good an opportunity to miss. I had to talk to him! But... I completely froze! "Hey man, nice traps" a heavily-accented voice said. It took me a while to realize that Black Hulk has just spoken, and, further, that he was referring to... me! "Uh... fuck. I mean... uh... thanks" I stammered. "I'm... I'm Kris... I'm... uh... sorry, I... big fan... I... I..." "No need to be shy around me, Kris" he grinned, his teeth's sparkling whiteness contrasting sharply with his dark black supermuscular body. "You must work out? I like your traps a lot." Black Hulk is complementing ME? Wow, this must be a dream. "Uh, thanks, uh, yes, I do..." That was all my brain could muster. "You've got a nice package down there too", he continued, grinning even wider. Instinctively, I turned beet red, and tried to cover my erect genitals. Damn, I must be so erect that he could notice from above the water. "You are indeed a big fan." he continued. "Am I responsible for some of your orgasms?" "ALL of them" I blurted out loud. "Since your first Mr. Olympia win, I haven't orgasmed to any human being except you." That was the brutally honest truth. "Good. I like sexy fans like you. You here to see me win another Olympia, right?" "Yes... yes I am. Nobody comes close to your hypermuscular body." "Indeed, nobody does." He climbed out of the water. "Come here. Feel my body. I don't bite." Suddenly, like a wild animal overcame with lust, I jumped out of the pool and started squeezing all of his bodyparts. Those traps, that seemed to go all the way level to his ears. That barrell neck, thicker than the circumference of his head. Those huge shoulders, so monumentally massive and defined. Those impossible biceps, that, even relaxed, seemed like somebody had stuffed a melon inside them. Those triceps, that protuded so far out of his arms that they almost looked like biceps. Those forearms, so incredibly thick, thicker than a normal man's legs. Those pectorals, incomprehensibly thick and full shelves of muscular power. Those abdominals, looking and feeling like eight slabs of diamond-hard bricks on his tapered down waist. Those lats, popping out so ridiculously wide of his back that they seemed like almost having a life of their own. That unbelievable back, so thick and defined and wide and massive. Those quads, impossibly muscular and immense, so massively muscled that I couldn't even hug one. Those calves, scarcely comprehensible slabs of meat, each bigger than my own pecs. Those glutes, protruding out of his hips even more than his monstrous back muscles. Every single bodypart of this incredible human specimen required your constant attention and worship. I found myself squeezing, feeling, massaging, sometimes even licking each and every one of his bodyparts. "Mmm, you really like my body, don't you Kris? This year, I weigh 440lbs, 4% bodyfat. That's another 20lbs more than last year's Mr. O." He moaned contentedly. I was slowly turning him on. "How do you do it, Black Hulk?" I asked him I licked one of his nipples, then continued "I mean, I'm proud of my 5'9, 190lbs body, but I have to work really hard to stay in shape. You look godlike all the time. I'm squeezing as hard as I can and it feels like squeezing a marble statue." "Man, you want my body so bad. Your lust for me is actually turning me on" moaned the superbodybuilder. "Let's go to my room. It's more private." He dried off, and re-wrapped his towel around his waist. Even like this, the towel was slightly tented... his cock was indeed half-hard. "You sure? I mean... yes, YES" I almost shouted. I hurriedly dried off and wrapped my own towel around my waist, concealing my own totally erect cock that had been straining my swimtrunks for the past half an hour. As we were leaving, a family entered the pool premises. The mother and the father were shocked by the dimensions of my idol, and they were relieved that we were leaving. Their son, who couldn't have been older than 7 years old, pointed at him and said "Look, Mommy, it's the Hulk!" We exited the pool amid the voices of the mother and father trying to explain to their kid that my idol wasn't the Hulk because his skin wasn't green. It took us around five minutes to reach his room at the twenty-first floor. During those five minutes, a million thoughts raced through my head. Are we going to have sex? Will this be just a worship session? Am I dreaming? Whatever it was, I thought how blessed I was to be with the man of my dreams, even if this was, indeed, a dream. We entered his room, and I closed the door. The room was huge, almost like an apartment. I was marveling at the beauty and size of the room, when I felt him hugging me from my back. Then he whispered, in that sexy accent of his, "Let me give you a pre-show." He allowed me to turn around. His cock and balls were now visibly straining his swimtrunks more than before. He started to practice his posing routine in front of me. Now I already described to you his incredibly huge muscles, how massively thick, huge, hard, and bulging they were. That was when he was relaxed. When flexing them, his muscles really came alive. When he did a crab pose, his already enormous and thick pecs inflated outwards like balloons, except that they were even harder than before. I found myself getting so hard that I had to take off my swimtrunks, because they were hurting. He slightly gasped when he saw my erect cock, probably because it was leaking precum. He did a back pose, copying Ronnie Coleman's signature pose, where he would spread his lats more and more, until he reaches their maximum spread. Except this man's back was infinitely thicker and infinitely wider, to the point where, in his final lat spread pose, his fists couldn't even reach his relatively small waist. I moaned slightly in response, as my precum was forming a small puddle below me. He then turned sideways, and here his absurd thickness was made clear. My eyes traced through his neck and traps, going outwards through his immense back muscles and monstrous pecs, to then narrow down to his waist and well-muscled abs, to then stretch out absurdly by his impossibly thick glutes and monumental quads. He started doing his signature pose, where he slowly flexed his right bicep, making it turn from a melon, to a bowling ball, to a watermelon. As my eyes bugged out, witnessing the incredible flexing of his bicep, I was absolutely sure that bicep couldn't grow any bigger, but then he grinned and effortlessly flexed it further, making it probably as big as a basketball. I lost it; I started to cum powerfully all over myself, at the sight of this incredible display of musculature, all without ever touching my dick. So powerful was my orgasm that most of my cum hit his forearm, bicep and right quad, even though I was a good two feet away from him. My cock was an erupting volcano that was being kept in check for far too long, resulting in a more massive eruption than usual. My orgasm took about seven seconds to complete. It was, easily, my most satisfying orgasm ever. "God, that's so hot" he murmured, as he scrambled to remove his own swimtrunk, which only succeeded in tearing it off his hulking body. His own cock was now rock hard. "I made you cum just by flexing my muscles... that's the hottest thing I've ever witnessed." he moaned. His cock was covering his navel and his midsection, probably around a foot long and as thick as my wrist... no, probably even thicker. His balls hung low, and looked as big as the rest of him. I came closer to him, rubbing my own cum along his quads, then my left hand cupped his balls. They must have easily been five times bigger than mine, maybe even six. My right hand managed to just encompass the huge girth of his erect cock. Then I started to stroke it, caress it, marveling at its incredible size. "Harder, Kris. Use your full strength with me! Do not hold back!" the massive superbodybuilder implored. "Yes, yes, certainly, I apologize, Black Hulk." "Do not apologize. I like you a lot, Kris. Nobody has ever turned me on as much as you have done today." I started to nibble on his left nipple, which was almost the size of a small penis, while I simultaneously pinched his right nipple and jerked his amazing cock with my hands. He moaned in delight. "Ohh yes, you're good at this" Black Hulk moaned. I'm GOOD at this? This is my very first sexual encounter with anyone, and fate wanted that my very first sex session was to be with the biggest, most muscular bodybuilder on the planet. "Please, don't stop" he continued. I rubbed my hands against his abs, with all my might, in the meantime licking and biting them. I tasted his savoury sweat and a bit of my own cum. His huge cock became even bigger, as it almost hit my head. "FUCK, that's it, I HAVE to fuck you," he roared. He lifted me up like I was a rag doll. He let me face his gigantic upper body while pointing his giant dickhead towards my ass. "Hold on, hold on, Black Hulk! Please... please... be gentle... this is my first time." I felt his massive dickhead penetrating me. Surprisingly, it didn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought. Using just a fraction of his hulk-like strength, he pushed inside me, using his own precum as lubricant, until most of his cock was in. "Relax," he whispered in my ear. "Let go of me, balance on my cock alone, feel how even my cock is super powerful." I did as he told me, and indeed, his cock managed to support my entire weight. I also felt some liquid squirting inside my ass. "Are you... cumming?" I asked him. "That's my precum, Kris. It squirts as far as most people's cumshots. It will help with keeping your insides nice and moist for my cock to slide easily." "Wow, you're amazing, Black Hulk!" I hadn't finished saying this completely... he grabbed my ass and pushed his cock partially out of my hole and pushed it back in, slowly. "Did that hurt?" he asked. "No, no." "Good. Enjoy the ride. Cling to wherever of my body you like!" I grabbed his giant pecs as he started fucking me, first slowly, then faster and faster. At some points, he was almost hitting my prostate. My dick went rock hard again, as I realized that I was completely at this monstrous hulk's mercy. Soon, he started to moan louder, and his body started to glisten with sweat. His glistening muscles flexed several times as he edged closer to orgasm. Then he hit my prostate, sending me into an instinctive orgasm, and... "Oh GOD, Kris, I'm CUMMING... OH... OOOHHHOOHHH... Fuck YEAH!" My butt was blasted repeatedly with this incredible man's cum, in an orgasm that must have taken a full minute. Then, slowly, it abated, and his breathing became more normal. "Ohh... phew, that felt really good Kris." He disengaged his cock off my ass. Surprisingly, none of his cum rolled out of my butthole, and I did not feel bloated or anything. "Uh... where did your cum go?" I asked him. "Is this normal?" "I honestly have no idea" he told me, concerned. Then it hit me. A massive spasm all over my abdomen. Then all over me. Then it went as quickly as it came. Perhaps it took two seconds, tops. "Fuck, what was that?" we asked, together. ---------------- Chapter 2: Mysterious Bodily Reactions We looked at each other, stunned. "Did... did it hurt?" the overly-muscular black bodybuilder asked, after a protruded silence. "No, no. It felt... weird, though. Like there was something inside me stretching my body parts. But now, I feel fine." "You sure?" the muscle monster mused. "Really, Henk, I do." It was the first time I called him by his real name. The hulking muscleman smiled faintly, in approval. "Look, today has been unbelievable getting to... know you better, Henk. You fulfilled my utmost dreams, and more. I'll never forget this day, ever. But now, I'm sure you need to prepare for tomorrow's prejudging and Saturday's contest." "Yes, I do, Kris. But I have an offer for you. Would you want to be backstage tomorrow and Sunday, with me?" "You're kidding? I'd really, REALLY love to! But, I'm not, uh, very well-acquainted with... being back-stage." "I just need you to apply oil on my body. You know, to make my muscles show more. I'm sure you'll do very well in that regard, after how you worshipped me earlier." The huge muscleman winked and grinned. "The rest, leave it up to me. You in?" Rubbing Black Hulk's giant muscles with oil? Who in their right mind would refuse such an offer? "Of COURSE I'm in! I'm just afraid that I'll be turned on all the time by your..." "Good. That's exactly what I want." Black Hulk grinned again. His grin is so hot, I thought: pure white teeth atop a sea of bulging black muscles. "What do you mean?" "You'll see tomorrow." I wanted to ask him why such a successful bodybuilder does not have a team of trainers, nutritionists, sponsors and spokespersons, but I decided not to raise this issue. Still, this IS a little weird. He seems to be all alone in this hotel, after all. The other Mr. Olympia contestants are probably answering questions in press conferences, whereas Black Hulk is in a hotel fucking a stranger... "Oh, and another thing. You're free to come to my room any time while you're staying in this hotel," continued the multiple Mr. O. winner. "Likewise, Henk. Listen, I'm starving. Shall we get something to eat?" "Yes, there's a buffet going on. It started while we were... swimming", the massive black bodybuilder winked. "Let me shower first. I still stink of your cum." He laughed. "Okay, I guess I'll go shower in my room and come back," I said. "No you won't," the immense muscle mountain quipped. He lifted me up with one arm. "You'll shower with me. Why waste water? Besides, you can lather my back much better than I can." "Oh, I can lather every INCH of you, not just your back" I moaned, getting horny again at the prospect of showering with the man of my dreams. He carried me to the shower, and opened the water. We lathered each other. He was right: his upper body was so wide that he couldn't ever lather himself at various places. I paid extra attention to each of his bodyparts, rubbing them with shower gel repeatedly. Even though I had orgasmed twice in the past half an hour, I found myself getting hopelessly horny again. He showed me his massive biceps again, flexing them for me, making them basketballs of power. "Fuck, man, those biceps, they make me rock hard every time. They're so FUCKING immense," I moaned. He placed my cock between his super thick left forearm and his giant left bicep, and flexed the bicep around my cock. Needless to say, this had a very quick effect: my cock blasted another copious amount of cum all over him. He smiled. "It's my turn now" I told him, as I recovered from my third orgasm in thirty five minutes. I grabbed his cock and gave him a good handjob. The cock rose to its barely-believable length and girth. Then I took his cockhead in my mouth; it was as big as a fucking apple. I sucked him as hard as I could, while simultaneously jerking it off with all my might and fondling his oversized balls. He started to moan louder and louder, until finally I was rewarded with a mighty roar, accompanied by a large stream of cum blasting out of his cock, hitting the sides of the shower with impressive force. His orgasm took about half a minute to abate, which was incredibly amazing, considering that only half an hour before he was spraying cum for an entire minute. We finally headed off the shower. I dried off and wrapped my towel around myself, when I noticed something. "Hey look, that's weird... I don't have any hair anymore! Like, no hair on my chest, my forearms, my legs, my armpits... I don't even have pubic hair!" I touched my head and face. My hair and stubble were still there, thankfully. "Hmm... that IS strange..." the black muscleman mused. "You're... you're kinda like me, now, with no hair below your neck at all." "That's different - you probably waxed it for the contest. Right?" "Uh, actually I didn't. I don't have any hair on my body. Below my head, that is. Maybe... that's what your spasms did to you earlier... still, why would your bodyhair disappear so quickly?" The overly-sized muscleman was deep in thought. "Don't worry about it. I'll get used to it. And, maybe it'll grow again. I'll pop out to my room to wear something. We'll meet near the elevator," I said. A few minutes later. I was next to the elevator, wearing shirt and trousers. I saw him coming, and was stunned again. He was wearing a white T-shirt with the words 'BLACK HULK' embroidered in black, and blue shorts. However, they were so tight on his bulging mountains of muscle that all of his muscle beneath the fabric could easily be traced, including not only his immense pecs, but also his abdominals and his nipples. His shorts expanded ridiculously around his superhuge quads and glutes, each overinflated muscle group threatening to rip it off at any moment. "Jesus, Henk, your clothes leave absolutely nothing to the imagination, don't they?" I murmured. "They don't. I had made these to order when I was 410lbs, a year and a half ago. Now that I'm 440lbs, they are juuuust a little bit tight," he teased. We entered the restaurant and took a plateful of the buffet food. People actually stopped and stared at the huge muscleman. Some murmured something to themselves, others turned to their friends and nudged them to take a look at Henk. I felt proud that I was next to him. Nobody in the whole world has an amorous partner as hot as mine. I was really starving, so I visited the buffet several times, like four or five times. The massive bodybuilder did likewise. I noticed that he was not much choosy with his food; he was eating carbs, protein, fibre, milk products... he was enjoying everything. That's weird, I thought: this guy is going to be in the world's biggest bodybuilding contest tomorrow, and he's not even trying to eat well for it. What I soon found weirder was how my appetite was not satiated, even after eating 7 platefuls of food. Even Henk said he was full after taking seven plates of delicious food. On the other hand, my stomach felt like I barely even started. "Man, you eat even more than I do... that's impressive," the black muscle mountain mused. "I'm surprising even myself... I usually just take three plates, tops, including dessert," I said. "What's happening to me? I'm still starving!" "I honestly have no idea... good thing we have this buffet going on... you can keep eating without paying extra!" Black Hulk said, glancing towards another table. Looking in the direction he was glancing at, there was a young woman sitting down, eyeing both of us, but especially staring at my idol. "You know her?" I whispered. "I don't think I do," confessed the huge bodybuilder. "She wants me badly, though, judging by how she's looking at me. I know that look. Bet her panties are soaking wet!" He laughed faintly at his own joke. "I'll go get another plate of food," I said. "Cool. I'm good. I'll wait for you." As I filled my plate for the eighth time, I actually felt a little bit jealous. But then I remembered that his superhuman musclegod is a well-known pornstar... it is to be expected that he's not into one stable sex partner. Just then, I noticed the top button of my shirt had popped off. That's strange... even my sleeves are filled more than before. It seems like my body is getting bigger. Well, of course it is... I must have eaten close to 8000 calories in the past hour or so. But, my waist was still as trim as ever... it's like the extra weight has gone to my... pecs and arms? I went back to my restaurant seat, noticing that, in the meantime, Black Hulk was in the company of the girl that was eyeing him earlier. "Uh, excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom quick," I quipped, then immediately raced to the bathroom close by. * * * Everyone gasped when he entered. He swaggered slowly to a restaurant seat, accompanied by a man who must have been in his mid-twenties. This was not odd, since we were in the restaurant buffet room, me and around six or seven strangers. What made everyone gasp was the sheer amount of muscular development the former man's body was presenting to our senses. To me, those muscles were instantly recognizable. They belonged to Henk Kuria, or, as everyone in the porn industry called him, Black Hulk. This guy was, in a word, freaky. I've always secretly loved professional bodybuilders. My female friends somehow always found them 'gross' or 'disgusting', and, in front of them, I agreed. But, secretly, I get wet whenever an overly muscular man flashes past my eyes. And Black Hulk wasn't just overly muscular. He was, like, twice as big as the biggest pros. This guy's muscles were astonishingly huge... really, there was no comparison. It was like his muscles had muscles of their own. And he was BLACK. I LOOOVE black men. They look so virile. His skin was really, really dark, too; he was one of the blackest men I had ever witnessed. That made him even hotter, in my books. I had searched for his name ever since I stumbled upon the first porno I watched that featured him. He fucked Lela Star senseless in that porn flick, and the poor girl with the comically enhanced butt just didn't know what hit her. She must have felt like she was being fucked by a bulldozer. And then, his orgasm, showering all over her body... his cumshot was easily that of 10 men combined. After that flick, Lela Star actually took a six month break from porn, citing 'personal issues'. But the stage was set. Black Hulk had stolen her limelight, and that light is still shining brightly. Indeed, he not only shot several other porn flicks, with men, women, or both at once, but he became even bigger, and his orgasms even longer and more powerful. Some people started to question how real his orgasms were, although most did not care. The porn industry made sure to mention that none of what they're filming was staged or faked. And, in most nights, I end up shoving a cucumber in my pussy, fucking myself furiously, wishing that cucumber was Black Hulk fucking me into oblivion as I watch him on my phone in my bed. Anyway, Black Hulk is here, a few feet away from me. For some reason, he happens to be in the same hotel I'm in. Maybe for a new porno shoot? Who knows. I was staring at him. He was wearing a white T-shirt, with the words 'BLACK' and 'HULK'. The word 'BLACK' was stretched all around the top of his enormous pectorals, while the word 'HULK' was below it, in the middle, with his two nipples on either side of the word. Fuck, his T-shirt was so tight that even his nipples were visible; that's insane. His pectorals must be much bigger than my own breasts. That's really saying something, as I wear a 34M cup size. I'm a chubby 5'7, 175lbs woman with a 48-32-40 figure. You either love or hate my body. Some guys find me disgustingly fat, while others just adore my voluptuous body. I've had a few one-night stands with men from the latter category, and they have honestly given me much-needed self-confidence about my body. This made me accept what God has given me, and now I flaunt what I have, rather than try to hide it. Which is what this incredible male specimen a few feet from me certainly does; that T-shirt he's wearing just makes him flaunt the godlike upper body he has. Fuck, he's even hotter up close than in the pornos. My juices were flowing. Just then, the guy he was with him stood up to take another plate. I decided to show slightly more cleavage, to see if the giant black bodybuilder noticed. He did, and smiled. I smiled back, then stood up and came next to him. "Hi, I'm Chloe, nice to meet you, Black Hulk." I extended my hand. He took it and kissed it. "Likewise, Chloe. I'm Henk. You've got a very naturally beautiful body, miss." He smiled. "Thank you. Nowhere near close to your magnificence, though," I said, my heart racing. He likes me. Helikesmehelikesmehelikesmehelikesmeeee... "You're a fan, Chloe?" asked the god, known to us mortals as Black Hulk. "Yes. Big fan of your, uh... movies. Big fan of your huge muscles. You're the best!" I enthused. "Thanks, dear. On holiday?" "No, business trip. I'm a journalist, working for the website CoolnHot.com. I'm assigned to write an article about the gambling and entertainment industry here in Vegas, by witnessing them first-hand. I return home tomorrow morning. You?" "I'm here to win the Mr. Olympia contest for the fourth time." I stared at him blankly. I never heard of a Mr. Olympia contest before. "What's that... a pornstar award?" I asked, innocently. Black Hulk laughed. "No, no. It's the biggest bodybuilding contest in the world. I've won it three times already. I'm here to win it for the fourth time. It starts tomorrow and ends Saturday." Just then, Black Hulk's friend returned, and told us he was going to the bathroom. He left the plate on the table and rushed away to the lavatory. "Who is he?" I asked, curious. "He's Kris. A REALLY good friend. He's responsible for making me look good during the contest while I'm backstage. Mostly by rubbing oil on my body." Wow, I'd love to do that, I thought. "You'd like to do that, don't you?" the massive muscleman asked, grinning. "Uh... yeah... admittedly, I'd love to." How did he know what I was thinking? Am I really that easy to read? "Then come to my room... I will let you do that, and more." He winked at me and smiled again, flashing those pure white, sparking teeth. "That's if you've finished eating, of course," he added. "No, no... I'm finished. But... what about your good friend... Kris?" "I'll just leave a note on the table that I had to leave suddenly. Come on, I'll pay for your meal." Just then, he stood up. "Oh, uh, you don't..." I stopped midway through speaking, as I witnessed his 6'4, 440lbs supermuscular frame towering over me. "I mean, uh, thanks," I corrected myself. The black god endowed with the most immense muscles I had ever seen went to the counter and paid for three meals. He then scribbled a note and left it on the table. I was actually impressed that his thick, muscular fingers could still hold a pen relatively easily. "Let's go, my room is in the twenty-first floor," Black Hulk cooed. People stared at us as they walked out of the restaurant and into the elevator. My panties were practically soaked now. I was worried that some wet spot would be visible down my dress, especially since there was another couple with us in the elevator. Their eyes bugged out when they saw the mountain of muscle that was with me. I felt proud of my catch tonight... I was sure this one-night stand will be my best one ever. We arrived at his room. I guess it was some kind of executive suite, because it was much larger and spacious than my room. I closed the door behind me, and immediately sneaked in his bathroom, removing all my clothes. I was never so wet and horny in my life. I tiptoed out, and, before he had even turned around from placing the door key on the desk, I rubbed his massive back, and whispered: "Ready when you are, Black Hulk." ---------------- Chapter 3: Chloe Sex and Muscle Growth He turned around, surprised at my directness. His deep brown eyes scanned my naked body from top to bottom. They approved of what they saw. "I'm always ready, Chloe. You have a very curvy, beautiful body. It reminds me of the beautiful women from my home country. Except your white skin, which I find very appealing," the muscular pornstar said. He put his well-muscled arms around my nude lower back, inviting me to draw myself even closer to his titanic body. I gladly accepted the invitation, and began to grind my entire body, especially my ample breasts, against his hulking, bulging muscles. My head could only reach his monstrous pectorals, so I cradled it between them. He moved his hands towards my round butt, and squeezed them. Being so close to him, I felt his cock starting to stir. "You like my ass, huh?" I cooed as I lifted his T-shirt, willing him to remove it. This exposed his fantastically muscled eight-pack abdominals. I started to squeeze them, but they felt like hard bricks. They were so thick that I could insert my entire index finger in the space between each of the brick-like abdominals. "Holy cow, you're a fucking muscle brick shit-house. Your muscles are even bigger than they look in your pornos," I continued, in absolute amazement. He said nothing; he only grinned at me. Then, his right hand moved towards his T-shirt. Tugging it from the bottom, he tore it off his ridiculously overdeveloped upper body like he had been tearing off toilet paper. His entire upper body was now exposed, and I almost fainted. From the position I was, I could see two enormous orbs of pectoral muscles, each as big as a gravel sack. I rubbed them slowly. They were dense, thick slabs of power; no wonder he could rip off this oversized, yet barely-fitting T-shirt so incredibly easily. The minimal effort he produced to tear off his T-shirt off his body made his arm visibly bounce... it looked as big as one of my buckets I use when I wash my apartment's floor. It was my turn to get speechless. I felt my vaginal fluids roll down the inside of my thighs - I was THAT turned on. My breathing grew heavier. He then gently lifted me up, so that my eyes were level with his. His grin was confident, cocky. He was definitely my first one-night stand that could lift me up so easily, as if my curvy, 175lbs body was as heavy as a book, to him. He lowered his head and sucked my right nipple, which I felt was as big as one of my lipstick bullets. Instinctively, I lowered my head back in ecstasy, as I felt his lips leave my right nipple to plant themselves on my left. I started moaning loudly, wishing him to ravage my pussy with that huge cock of his, that 10 inch monster I always fantasized would, one day, be sliding inside MY pussy instead of the pussy of some random plastic-surgery-filled pornstar. He placed me back on the floor. My eyes were transfixed on the ridiculous bulge between his massive thighs. He removed his shorts, freeing his massive cock from its confines. It immediately sprang upwards, hitting my abdomen in the process, then started to lengthen and thicken further. He had no pants beneath the shorts. Finally, the magnificent dick eased its growth. It pointed directly to my face; I imagined it telling me that, since I was responsible for waking it up, it was going to fuck me really hard. It looked bigger than 10 inches, and thicker than the cucumber I practise with when watching his porn flicks. My sexual arousal has never been this high. My mind was completely blown away by this god. I felt my juices trickle down my thigh and reaching my knees. "You told me 'ready when you are' earlier. Well, I'm definitely ready NOW," Black Hulk announced. He lifted me with one arm and placed me on his bed in a doggy position, with my ample butt facing him. I then waited for him to insert his giant black fuckstick inside my waiting pussy. I felt him do precisely that a moment later. His cock felt really hard and filled up my vaginal walls completely, but I was so well lubricated that there was no pain at all, just ecstasy. "Oh God, you're so big, you fill me up so much. Fuck me, fuck me HARD!" I shouted in delirium. He didn't need my compliance. I felt his hands grab my ass, then he started to fuck me senseless. Each push of his cock inside me felt like a mini-orgasm. I started shouting obscenities, strings of dirty vulgarities that my mind was stringing up there and then. I was nearing an earth-shattering orgasm, so my slurs were becoming more and more high-pitched. In response, he fucked me faster. That was it: my eyes rolled backwards and my mouth made an exaggerated 'OOOOOOOHHHHHH' shape as I climaxed powerfully, my vocal chords trying to keep up with the intensity of my orgasm. He slowed down, waiting for my orgasm to subside, then picked up the pace once again. I felt his cock throbbing even bigger inside me, probably triggered by my insane climax. "Fuck, fuck, fuuuckk, FFFUUUUUCCKKKKK OOOOOHOHOHHHHOHOHHH GODDDDDDDD FUUUUUUUUUUCK YEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I shouted as another orgasm hit my senses. He slowed down again, then restarted his relentless pussy drilling with that insane cock he has. I've seen him do it several times in his porn movies; how he'd fuck a girl repeatedly, sending her into countless orgasms, until she literally couldn't take any more, and then, and only then, he ejaculates. I used to think that a lot of editing was involved for that to truly happen. It turns out no editing was required; this man, or should I say, god, knew how to please a woman in a complete, entire way. "Fuck... fuck... Hulk... HULK... BLACK HULK... PLEASE... no more... oh god... you're so good... but please... no more... that's more than enough... fuck... so much cock..." I finally told him after my latest mind-blowing orgasm. I must have orgasmed eight, nine, ten times, I don't remember. He slowed down, then proceeded to slide his cock off my pussy. "No, Black Hulk, what are you doing? I want you to fill my pussy up with your seed." "You sure?" "Yes, I am. I'm on the pill, and I've had my period six days ago. It's safe. Please fill me up with your seed. I beg you. It would make me complete." Black Hulk obliged. He inserted his still rock hard, massive cock inside my vagina. He started to fuck me yet again, but this time, his technique was subtly different. This time, he was doing this to pleasure himself, not myself. Soon I heard him moan louder and louder. I figured he was getting close to orgasm, as his fucks became quicker and more powerful. Finally, I felt him insert his cock completely inside me, almost together with half of his balls, and he roared loudly. I felt my pussy being blasted by an incomprehensible amount of cum. His orgasm lingered on for what seemed like a full minute. During this time, his cock was spewing cum non-stop. I felt my belly actually expand a little bit as my internal organs tried to accommodate this insane amount of cum that was being introduced to them. Finally, his orgasm abated, and he sighed contently. My belly went back to its usual form, and he disengaged his gigantic organ off my vagina. I turned round slowly on the bed to face him. He was covered in sweat, which I found really hot. I opened my legs to allow some of his cum flow out of my vagina, but, surprisingly, none did. "Hey, what the hell? Where did all that cum go?" "I... I have no idea," Black Hulk said. He looked concerned. Then, I suddenly felt it. A massive spasm all over my abdomen. Then another one all over me. Then several spasms, one after the other, shaking my entire body. I continued spasming like this, for what seemed like an eternity. During all this time, I couldn't speak, nor move, nor do anything except spasming, although I was completely conscious. Then, finally, as I was expecting another spasm hitting me, it did not come. I waited and waited, but nothing happened. I must have spasmed for, like, an entire minute. Black Hulk looked at me, and uttered "Oh my god!" * * * I went back to my restaurant seat, noticing that, in the meantime, Black Hulk was in the company of the girl that was eyeing him earlier. "Uh, excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom quick," I quipped, then immediately raced to the bathroom close by. I looked in the mirror. My pecs were definitely bigger. I felt them, and confirmed my suspicion: they were not only bigger, but firmer, denser. Removing the remaining buttons of my shirt, my eyes analysed my abdominals. They looked more defined. My arms looked like they were tighter around my half-sleeve, too, and, although I wasn't feeling uncomfortable yet, my trousers looked tighter around my quads. I smiled. I redid the buttons of my shirt - well, all of them except the top one, which popped earlier - and went back to the restaurant. Strangely, my massive bodybuilding friend was nowhere to be seen. When I went back to our table, there was a note: "Something came up. I paid for your meal. See you tomorrow. BLACK HULK." Something came up, huh? He's probably fondling that bitch's huge boobs right now. Oh well, he's a pornstar, after all... I wolfed down the plate that I had filled up earlier, the one I had left on the table. I was still hungry. Like, REALLY hungry. I revisited the buffet table many other times. Each time, I devoured the food like I had not eaten for weeks. After five more plates, another button popped off my shirt. I decided to undo all the buttons at this point. People were leaving the restaurant, it was getting late. I continued to relentlessly gulp down plateful after plateful of food, amid occasional tears of fabric from my short sleeves or trousers. Finally, after eating about 30 plates of food, I was satiated. Mind you, it felt like I've just eaten a salad, but, at least, I wasn't hungry anymore. I stood up to leave, when the kitchen staff manager stopped me. "Sir, you have to pay." "Uh, my friend paid for my meal already." "Yes, he did," he explained, glancing at my upper body, partly concealed by my tattered shirt, then at my face again. "But, uh, you ate much, much more food than I had ever seen in my twelve years of being head of this restaurant. So we thought that, uh, you'd pay again? It would still be a bargain for you, you know." He sounded sheepish, which was something I never got from other people before. It was as if he was afraid talking to me. "Uh, sure, I understand. Here, I'll pay twice as much as the price bill. You deserve it, the food was delicious." My hands reached out for my wallet. In doing so, my right bicep involuntarily flexed, causing my right sleeve to rip completely. The restaurant manager gulped. "No, no, no... uh, you know what, we're fine. We're glad our service was to your satisfaction. We're good. You may leave." "Take this as a tip," I insisted, handing him seventy dollars. "And I'll be sure to recommend your restaurant to my friends." "Thank you, sir. Much appreciated." He took the money and hurried back to the kitchen, relieved. I proceeded to go back to my room. People stared at me as I walked. Part of my shirt and trousers were in tatters, so I thought that's why people were staring. I arrived at my room, removed my clothes, and looked at the bathroom mirror. The reflection depicted on the mirror shocked me. I looked like a professional bodybuilder. My muscles, even relaxed, were round and hard. Nowhere close in size as those of Black Hulk, but easily as big as those of the bodybuilders from the noughties era. I looked like Jay Cutler in his prime. No wonder people were staring at me, and no wonder that restaurant manager was stuttering. I started flexing, and my muscles responded beautifully. My biceps were particularly huge, perfect peaks of muscle flesh. My pectorals were thick and heavy. My abdominals were massive and well-defined. My quads were twice as big as before, and even my cock looked bigger. I felt it grow and harden as my eyes feasted on my own, hot, muscular body. I marveled at its size... easily two inches bigger than before, both in length and in circumference, and completely hairless - like the rest of me. My balls felt fuller and bigger, too. I then noticed a bathroom scale tucked away in the corner of the hotel room. I reached out for it, and stepped on it. My eyes couldn't believe it when the needle stopped at... 260lbs. My brain was trying to comprehend my new mass. Even if I assumed that the scales were not calibrated correctly, it still meant that I had somehow gained 70lbs of mass in a few hours. Even weirder, from what I saw in the mirror, all of this mass was added to my muscles and cock, and none of it went in my body as fat. "Wow," I finally gasped. "I look incredible." But, what caused this? My mind started to recall the earlier events of the day. Then I remembered. The spasms. The cum somehow magically disappearing inside me. Black Hulk! His cum must have done this to me. I didn't mind this at all, of course. In fact, I was grateful for this gift that he gave me. But, I had to go back to his room to have some answers. Problem was, I did not know what I was going to wear. Nothing fit me. I then decided to wear the swimpants I was wearing in the pool earlier. It was still wet, so I wrapped a towel round my waist. People won't ask too many questions, seeing me like this. It would look like I was going for a late pool dip. I arrived at his room. As I was going to knock on his door, I heard muffled voices speaking inside. One of them was of a lady, and she sounded upset about something. Then I heard Black Hulk's voice, seemingly trying to calm her down and reassure her. In the next few minutes, her voice took a different tone, and she seemed much more amiable. I heard them approach the door. "My clothes still fit me," I thought I heard the lady say. "I look really hot!" "You were hot before, too," I heard Black Hulk's voice say, "only now you're even hotter." "I'm ready. Let's go," she said. I decided to knock on the door, otherwise I'd be accused of overhearing their conversation. "It's me, Kris. Am I disturbing?" The door opened. Black Hulk was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, identical to those he wore with me at the restaurants, but, this time, the colours were inverted: the T-shirt was blue and the shorts were white. Then a lady appeared, who I recognized as the woman we met at the restaurant. She looked slightly different, but I couldn't put a finger into how. "Uh, hi Kris. This is Chloe. We were just... OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" ---------------- Chapter 4: Chloe's Transformation "I grew." I flexed a bicep. With little effort, it became as big as a grapefruit. "I grew a LOT," I continued. "And I wanted to ask YOU, man, what happened to ME, because YOU caused this." "Don't waste time, sexy," the girl who Black Hulk introduced as Chloe mused, "I have already asked him how he did THIS to ME, but he claims he does not know." With that, she lifted her dress, and I gasped. Her breasts were still really big, but now her belly was gone. Instead of it, she had a flat stomach, with visible, but faint, abdominals. Her arms looked narrower and more toned, as did her legs. "He transformed me into a fitness model," she continued, "just by, uh, having sex with me. I started to spasm uncontrollably, and when that was over, my body fat had melted, except for the fat in my breasts and butt." Wow, I thought to myself. What the fuck? "Listen, I already told you that I don't know what's happening. It's the truth," the immensely musclebound, black musclegod said. "And you - and I -love your new look, anyway." "That's besides the point. I look too hot, now, to work in any normal job. Do you think I can continue to be a journalist with a body like this?" she said. "I told you already, you can be my spokesperson. And you agreed, didn't you?" Black Hulk replied. "Yes, I did. And I'm looking forward to it. It gives me an amazing opportunity to be close to you. Although," turning to me, "Your friend Kris here is HOTTT too. Wow, look at that body!" "Thanks, Chloe, but if you're trying to seduce me, it's not working. That's not how I swing. Sorry to disappoint," I smiled. Honestly, however, she did look incredible. Perhaps I could make an exception with her... "Pity," she uttered. Then she changed the subject. "I'm starving to death here. Let's go eat something. Isn't that why we were leaving?", she said, as she lowered her dress again. "Hold on a minute," I said. "What did you say? You're hungry?" "Awfully so. I feel like I haven't eaten for an entire month," she answered. "Well, the same thing happened to me. I don't know if this super muscle god," - referring to Black Hulk - "told you, but we had steamy hot sex earlier today." I stopped, reminiscing those incredible, orgasming moments. "Anyway, my body also spasmed a bit, though only for a couple of seconds. Also, all of my body hair disappeared. Then, I started feeling REALLY hungry. I've just finished eating, actually. More than thirty platefuls of buffet food. And I could eat more, if I wanted to... after all that food, I feel like I've eaten a salad. That is how I got all these muscles." "Wait, so... if I eat, I'll grow muscles?" she mused. "Probably. Judging from what happened to me, anyway." Turning to the massive bodybuilder, I said, "that's why I came to your room, Henk, to demand an explanation." "And I don't have any," Black Hulk said. "I'll repeat what I said to Chloe. I'm as puzzled by what happened to each of you as you are. Honest to God." "So, let me get this straight. If I eat, I'll become big and muscular?" Chloe repeated. "This fitness body is hot, and I can certainly live with it. But, me being huge and buff, like both of you... I don't know if I can handle that. But... I'm SOOOO hungry, dammit!" "Look, uh, maybe it doesn't work the same way for women as it does for men" said the black, musclebound god, to try to calm down the situation. "Come on, let's go. I know of a place close by that offers huge servings; if you eat it all, you get it for free. You need to eat first, Chloe, then worry about what you look like later." "So THAT's how you solve this problem, huh?" snapped the lady. "I eat first, then worry about how I look like later?" "Have you got a better idea?" the insanely muscular hulking man answered, quietly. Then he continued, "Look, if it helps, I did not want to be this big, either. But I did become this big, and I learned to embrace my body." "What do you mean?" I interjected. "You started going to the gym to get bigger, right?" Black Hulk paused. Both my pair of eyes and Chloe's were on his. For once, we were not looking at his outrageously muscular body stretching his T-shirt and shorts to their absolute limits. Then, he broke the silence. "Would you believe me if I told you that I never set foot in any gym in my entire life?" "WHAT???" me and Chloe shouted simultaneously. "Look, man, that's simply not possible," I continued. "Nobody grows a body as huge, dense, and bulging with muscles as the one you possess without lifting stuff. Then again..." I paused, then continued, "nobody grows 70lbs of muscle in a couple of hours, either. So many weird things happened today that what you've just said could also be true!" Black Hulk nodded. "Is that how much you grew?" asked Chloe, still shaken by the events that have unravelled in the past few hours. "Yes. That's how much I grew." I answered. "I weighed 190lbs this morning. Now I weigh 260lbs." "Wow... then I will REALLY become buff, if that happens to me as well," Chloe mused. "Say, I wonder how much I weigh right now." She stepped on the scales, which, unlike those in my room, were actually easily accessible in this one. "Wow, I only weigh 145lbs. I lost 30lbs!" "Really? Then maybe that's what the spasms were doing... they were melting away your fat," I suggested. "Maybe that's why I did not spasm as much as you did, too." She was probably going to retaliate my last suggestion that she was fatter than I was with a tirade of verbal abuse, but then she felt her tight stomach rumble. "Hey, can we continue discussing this later? I kinda need food URGENTLY." "Sure. You're coming with us, Kris?" Black Hulk asked me. "I'd love to, but nothing fits me. Can I lend some clothes?" I asked. "I could, but I'm 6'4 and I outweigh you by almost 200lbs. You're only, like 5'9." "I don't mind. I can still wear something." Black Hulk rummaged in his luggage. "Here, try these," he told me after extracting a yellow, full-sleeved, shirt and black shorts. "I was going to give them to a lucky fan next Sunday. They're from my first ever Mr. O. win, when I was 380lbs. Sorry, that's the smallest item of clothing I've got." I went to his bathroom, and tried them on. They were definitely too big for me, even though I was a veritable bodybuilding specimen myself. But there was nothing better to wear. I adjusted the sleeves to fit on my body as well as possible, and came out of the bathroom. "This will have to do. Let's go." We hurried to the restaurant, which turned out to be a pizza place. The decor contained a few pictures of past Mr. Olympias. In the middle, there was a picture of Black Hulk from last year's contest, triumphantly flexing his left arm, a barely comprehensible basketball of power, and clutching the trophy with his right. Some of the other clients greeted the arrival of the man, who seemed so revered in this restaurant. The owner greeted us, too, and shook Black Hulk's hand. "Good to see you, Paul," the musclegod said to the owner. "This is Kris, and she is Chloe." "Nice to meet you all. Hope you enjoy my food! Today I've got the Black Hulk pizza. We usually serve it to a group of 6 to 8 people. If somebody of you eats it alone, he... or she... gets it for free!" "I accept the challenge," said Chloe promptly. "My, my, lady, you have a huge appetite," smiled Paul the restaurant owner. "Mind you, if you lose the challenge, you'll have to pay for the pizza. It's worth $80, but, since you're a friend of Black Hulk, I'll give you a discount." "She won't lose," said Black Hulk the person, grinning. "Me and Kris here will split another Black Hulk pizza. What do you say, Kris?" "That's fine by me," I said. "I guess we can manage that." "Cool. Two Black Hulks then! One of my servers will be right back in a moment with your pizzas!" He hurried to the kitchen. "Look, Chloe, bill's on me, so don't stress if you lose the challenge," the supermuscular hulk told Chloe, softly. "But, I'm rooting for you!" "I WILL win the challenge! I've never been so hungry! I swear if I don't have food in front of me in fifteen minutes, then I'll eat both of you alive!" She laughed at her own joke. She looked happy, and raring to go. I smiled at her joke. I was happy too. Today's events made me happy. I was grateful for today. In the space of a few hours, Black Hulk turned from a distant idol to a close friend, who gave me an incredible gift; the gift of massive muscle size. Actually, he gave me another gift: the gift of friendship. I looked at him, at that body, and smiled. Shit, looking at his magnificent, supermuscular, bulging body never gets old. My cock stirred in my pants. The pizzas soon arrive. They were indeed HUGE. They couldn't fit together on our table, so one of the servers combined another table close by to ours. The server bringing the pizzas was a girl. She gave one to Chloe and split the other one. "I'm Amanda, your server" said the girl. "I'll be making sure that none of you boys will be helping the lady with her challenge. Especially you, Black Hulk. Pleased to meet you, by the way. You are even bigger than the pictures suggest." "That's what everyone tells me. Pleased to meet you too, Amanda. I'll be a good boy; I won't help Chloe here in any way!" Black Hulk answered, winking at the girl. The moment her pizza was served in front of her, Chloe began wolfing it down. It was a bit hilarious, in a way, seeing this 145lbs, 5'7 woman eating such a huge pizza. Not only was the pizza huge, but it was also topped with lots of ingredients: pepperoni, minced meat, artichoke hearts, tomato, peas, onion, green pepper, olives, and, of course, cheese. Me and my impossibly-muscular friend started to eat ours. The pizza was, indeed, delicious. Chloe was on a mission, eating a quarter of the pizza before we had even eaten our first slice. She didn't say anything, just ate and ate and ate. Amanda, for her part, had her eyes transfixed on Black Hulk. His upper body bounced and flexed involuntarily as he ate the pizza. She saw the bulging pecs and arms, and swallowed hard. She went in a dream-like state, as if she was thinking about a raunchy situation - indeed, her face turned slightly red. "Amanda, you should keep your focus on Chloe here, you know..." the monumental musclegod told her, grinning. "Uh, yes, sure, sure, I'm completely focused on what she's doing," the girl stammered. But she really wasn't, of course. She was mesmerized by Black Hulk, the supermuscular god of male bodybuilding perfection. Chloe was already on the sixth slice of the 16-slice pizza. She had already eaten more than two person's worth of food. By contrast, I was on my third slice, and Black Hulk was on his second. I watched, fascinated. It looked like her dress was slightly tighter around her bosom and shoulders. While eating her eighth slice, there was the sound of tearing fabric. Chloe seemed not to notice, and continued eating. Glancing at her, I noticed that her dress had ripped slightly from her back. She continued to eat and eat, amid more tearing sounds of her clothes. Black Hulk only ate two slices, then said he ate enough. I managed to eat six slices; not bad, considering I had eaten so much only an hour before. Now, however, I was really full. We could only stare at Chloe eating her pizza and, seemingly unbeknownst to her, growing out of her clothes. Meanwhile, the server girl, Amanda, was barely noticing what was happening to Chloe either. She was still apparently daydreaming about Black Hulk's gigantic slabs of muscle being proudly displaying through his overstretched clothing. She couldn't stop staring at him. I saw her grinding her feet together. Wow, Black Hulk's effect on some people is so strong. But, really, I understand Amanda's reaction to him; after all, I had a similar reaction to him, and probably so did Chloe. Chloe was now two slices away from eating an entire Black Hulk pizza. Her eating rate was steady; she never once took a break. I understood better than anyone how she was doing it, since I went through the same thing a few hours before. People were now approaching our table to witness this busty 5'7 woman manage the feat set by the pizza owner. I noticed her arms were now not just toned, but there were clear biceps, and even triceps, where none were before. She was much wider, too, which was part of the reason why her dress was ripping from her back. Finally, she did it. The last morsel of the pizza was consumed. Everyone cheered. Hearing these sudden cheers, Amanda snapped to her senses, and congratulated Chloe. Sensing that her job was done, she hurried back to help with the other tables. "That's amazing, Chloe. You ate a pizza made for 8 people!" I enthused. "I... I'm still hungry. Can I eat what's left of your pizza?" she meekly uttered. I gasped. "Uh... sure, sure. That's okay with you too, right, Henk?" "Yeah, go ahead. Better not let it go to waste. I'll go to the bathroom in the meantime," said the immensely muscular man after which the pizza was named. Just then, Amanda came out with a tray of drinks for some other table, and noticed the enormous bodybuilder walking to the bathroom. She quickly served the table, then hurried to meet Black Hulk before he entered the restroom. He somehow was not surprised by her; he looked like he was actually waiting for her to meet him there. She entered a staff-only room and invited the huge musclehulk in. After a while, I decided to investigate. "What's taking Black Hulk so long? I'll go see if everything is okay," I told Chloe. Of course, I knew what was happening. I went outside the door marked 'Staff Only', and immediately I could hear moaning and heavy breathing, and an 'oh my god, you're fucking huge!'. Yeah, as I suspected, the black musclegod was making out with the waitress. I went back to my seat. Chloe was almost finished with her pizza. "You okay, Chloe?" I asked her. "Yes, Kris. I'm starting to be full. After eating this last pizza slice, I should be satiated" she said, happily. "You know that you grew, right?" I asked her, softly. "Yes, I know. I actually liked it. How my body was making my dress small. How it couldn't contain it. It felt so good. In fact, I WANTED to grow muscles." I was taken aback by this confession. Just then, Black Hulk came back, looking sprightly as usual. Amanda was close behind him, slightly red-faced, but smiling widely. I went next to my massively muscled friend. "Hey, I know what you did back there," I whispered in his ear. "Yeah, she wanted to see me without my T-shirt. I obliged. Then she grinded her pussy against my right quad until she orgasmed loudly. That's it," Black Hulk whispered back. "After what happened to you two, I'm more careful now," he continued. "Okay, I'm satisfied now!" said Chloe suddenly, chewing the last morsel of our pizza. "Thank you, Black Hulk, for the free pizza, it was delicious!" "Sure, Chloe. I guess it's time for us to go back to the hotel, then. Let's pay and leave," Black Hulk said. He winked at Amanda. She came quickly. He gave her a hundred dollar bill. Paul the restaurant owner came by, to make sure we were satisfied by the food. After assuring him that we indeed were, we left. It was late, almost midnight. Chloe's dress was barely managing to hold her visibly wider frame. I still had a million questions to ask Black Hulk. How did all of this happen? Was it true that he never went to the gym? How did he get so huge, then? Was he somehow affected by someone's cum, the way his cum affected me and Chloe? As I was pondering these things, Chloe suddenly turned to me and said, "Hey, Kris, uh, you have already gone through what I'm going through. Would you mind if you sleep in my room tonight? My room has a double bed, because they couldn't find me a room with a single bed. I... I just want to make sure that nothing happens to me, you know?" "Uh, sure, sure Chloe," I answered. Then, referring to the black, tall, musclebound bodybuilder, I continued "Good night, Black Hulk. And thank you. Today was the best day of my life." "You're welcome, buddy. See you tomorrow at 8. We have breakfast together, okay? And see you too, Chloe. I'll extend your stay a couple more nights, from my own money." And we parted ways. Chloe and I entered her room. It was almost identical to mine, except it had a double bed, as she said. Almost immediately, she removed her dress, shamelessly in front of me, and went in front of the mirror. She gasped at her new, muscular body. Actually, so did I. I'm gay, but this woman was packing so much muscle that this was actually turning me on. Then came a huge surprise. She turned round, removed her bra and her panties, and cooed, in a really sexy voice, "You've feasted your eyes on MY body. Now let me feast my eyes on that sexy bod of yours, Kris." ---------------- Chapter 5: Kris and Chloe Make Out I was taken aback. "Uh, Chloe... you know I'm gay, right?" "Tell that to the bulge between your legs, honey," she replied, pointing to my crotch. "Besides, I only wanted to see your body, not to fuck me." "Fair's fair," I said. And, with that, I removed my oversized shirt, and my shorts. These clothes had made me forget how massively muscular I had become. "Jesus, Kris, you're fucking massive." Chloe's jaws dropped. "You look even bigger than before." "Yes, that could be the case, since I ate almost half a pizza, rememb..." "Oh, shut up. I don't care. All I care about is being in this sea of bulging, sexy, thick, hard muscle." With that, she started feeling my traps, my shoulders, my pectorals. On every bodypart she felt, she moaned appreciatively. "Shit, you're built like a brick shithouse. You're so hot. You're making me so fucking horny," she murmured. This was an absolute first for me. Usually, I'm the person who says these kind of things to another man. This role reversal was unexpected. However, I felt horny, too. Really horny. This woman was turning me on so bad. Her hands traversed my abdominals, a six pack of ripped musculature, then my butt, composed of incredible, striated glutes. I slowly removed my pants. I had to. She smiled. "For a gayboy, you're really turned on right now," she laughed. "Shut up." I admit, I was hurt by her comment. "Good, I hurt your pride. That's what a real man..." she started, but I stopped her. I shoved my half-hard cock in her mouth, and forced her to suck it. Even though she was considerably strong, she was no match for my much bigger strength. "Mmmmmphmphmmphmmphmmppphh!" she complained. The more she struggled, the more turned on I got. Her eyes bugged out as my cock expanded in her mouth. Suddenly I was apprehensive, and let her go. She lashed out at me. "What the FUCK, Kris?" "I... I'm sorry, Chloe. I don't know what hit me. I swear..." "Shut up, silly. I actually LIKED that. A lot. I like it when you're rough. Hey, I can take a beating!" she smiled, as she flexed her biceps, turning them into considerable mountains of female musculature. "In fact," she continued, as she went down on her knees, "let me show you how much I liked that." She took my now hard cock in her mouth, and started to suck it, while her hands tugged at it with all her might. "God, oh GOD, yes, that's good, baby... so, so GOOD. Fuck, you're so good," I was murmuring non-stop. She disengaged her mouth. I was rock hard. My cock felt really huge and thick. Bigger than ever. Probably because it was. "Let's get to bed, honey," she cooed. We did. The double-bed creaked as it took the mass of our considerably developed bodies. I put a finger in her pussy. It was soaking wet. Chloe moaned, and bit her lower lip. "Let me be on top," Chloe whispered. "Let me ride you. I know, this must be strange for you. Sorry about earlier, calling you a gayboy. You're an incredibly handsome man with unreal muscles. You turn me on so bad. I say silly things when I'm turned on. Let me make it up to you." She plunged her soaking wet vagina on my superhard cock. It felt great. My cock felt like it was being sucked by a thousand tiny mouths. So this is what a pussy feels like, huh? I thought. Hmm, that doesn't feel half-bad. In fact, it feels fantastic. Chloe started to ride me. Her ample breasts bounced with each of her thrusts. I was never enamoured with female breasts at all, but now, they suddenly looked really hot. In fact, Chloe looked fucking hot, from head to toe. And not because she was a muscle beast. She was hot because she was a really, really sexy human being, like Black Hulk is, only in a very different way. Her moans got quicker and higher-pitched, as she neared orgasm. Wow, I thought, a woman is going to orgasm because of me? That's so hot. I saw her eyes roll backwards, then her mouth let out a really loud moan. She was in orgasmic bliss. She orgasmed hard. Her body shook all over. Her orgasm was long. It took, like, more than half a minute. All the while, she was convulsing in sexual delirium, and moaning, almost shouting, in delight. Now I'm not obviously an expert in fucking females, but I thought that this wasn't normal. Seeing her climaxing for so long because of me turned me on SOOO much, though. I couldn't believe it. My body, my power, my muscles, must have done this to her. What happened to me? Why am I fucking a woman? Why am I enjoying it so much? Before a few hours ago, my sexual fantasies always involved being with a huge, muscular guy fucking me from behind. Well, I still find that fucking hot. But now, my fantasies are also including people worshipping my muscles and sucking my long, thick, hard cock, which then fucks them hard until they orgasm uncontrollably. Yes, I want to fuck this super sexy, hot woman HARD. "Oh fuck, that orgasm was so intense... your cock is so good! God, that orgasm continued to roll and roll, like a wave... I never felt anything like it!" she enthused, when her orgasm finally subsided. "Now it's my turn, sexy!" I told her. I sat up and grabbed her from her ample back, making her huge breasts squish against my upper body. She was very muscular, but I was stronger, and could easily lift her entire body in this way if I wanted to. Then I started to fuck her, pushing my cock inside her moist pussy. She appeared to like this; her eyes closed and her mouth went slightly wide. I continue fucking her, upping my pace little by little. Soon I felt my orgasm nearing, and I started moaning, first slowly, then more frequently. She sensed my climax was near. "Shoot inside me, honey, gimme your sperm!" I did. And how. "Oh, fuck, FUCKKKK, OHHHHH I'm CUMMINGGG! OHH YESS, OHHH, OHHHHH... it's still going... OOOHHHHOOHHHOHHH SHIIITTT! Ohh god, GOD here it COMESS AGAIN HOLY SHITTT... OHH FUCKK IT'S NOT STOPPINGG! OH MY GODDDD! OHHHH GOD YESS!" I came buckets. My orgasm must have taken way more than half a minute, perhaps even a full minute. It felt so intense, so amazing, so pleasurable, so powerful. That was, undoubtedly, my most satisfying orgasm of my entire life, easily topping my three powerful orgasms I had with Black Hulk a few hours ago. "Holy fuck, that felt REALLY good! I also felt it, the orgasm coming in waves of sexual pleasure." I was almost laughing with pleasure. Chloe was also grinning widely. She disengaged my cock off her pussy. A pool of my hot, white cum poured out of her vagina. "You know, Kris, I thought 'here we go again' when you cummed inside me. Your orgasm felt very similar to Black Hulk's, both in duration and in intensity. But no, your cum was not absorbed inside me, like his did. That's... that's a relief, I guess." "It is," I confirmed. "I never came so much in my life, though. Not even close. Black Hulk must have given us more than one gift. It's not normal for your orgasms to take that long, right?" "No, it's not. It left me completely satisfied, though. It felt better than 10 of my usual multi-orgasms." Then, she looked at my body, again. "God, you're so hot. Your muscles are so thick, so bulging with power. You fucked me there like I weighed nothing to you. Even though I feel very strong myself, and weigh considerably more than an average woman." With that, she climbed out of the bed, and lifted the end of the bed, with myself on it, supporting the bed on only its two front legs. "Wow, girl. You ARE strong. I'm sure many men are incapable of doing that," I enthused. Chloe placed the bed back in its original position. "You know, that surprised even myself," she admitted. "Is there a scale here? I want to find my weight." "If this room is like mine, there should be one stowed away behind the corner of the room, near the door," I said. "Ah yes, there it is. Here goes nothing." She stepped on the scales. "180lbs. Wow, I gained 35lbs. Probably more, since this is my naked weight. Holy shit." "You know, Chloe, your body is not biologically possible," I suddenly said. "What do you mean?" "Your breasts are beautiful and large. So is your butt. On the other hand," I continued, "the rest of your body is completely devoid of fat. This is clear from how apparent are your muscles. Now, that's impossible, because, when females gain or lose fat..." "... they gain or lose it in their breasts, first," Chloe continued. "Precisely. In fact, many female bodybuilders look like men for exactly this reason. To make their muscles visible, they need to lose fat, and they end up literally without breasts. That's why some of them resort to plastic surgery to augment their breasts back. But you... your breasts are enormous, and are mostly fat, and your hips are still very female-like. That's... biologically impossible." "Another gift from Black Hulk?" "Probably. Man, I have so many questions to ask him tomorrow." I then climbed on the scales myself. "Hmm... 270lbs. I gained 10lbs from the pizza restaurant." "You know, I think I'm ready for another round of powerful sex," teased Chloe, as she rubbed my back, feeling its rippling, muscular power. And we spent the rest of the night fucking, fucking and then fucking some more. * * * My phone woke me up. It was 7:30am. Yesterday was a great day. I met two incredibly beautiful persons. I fucked them hard. The sex felt incredible, way better than the sex I perform in my porn movies. They grew after I fucked them. That's weird; that never happened with any of the porn actors. Maybe because I never orgasm inside porn actors - that's strictly prohibited in my contract. Let's hope they don't ask too many questions about that. I stretched my monstrous, black arms and climbed out of the bed. I hope Chloe and Kris wake up in time. You see, I asked the receptionist to extend Chloe's stay for two more nights before I slept yesterday, from my own money. The receptionist rejected the offer, because her room was already booked for today by somebody else. However, he arranged that Chloe switch to my room, so that it becomes a two-person room from a one-person room. I accepted this change - after all, it's cheaper too. So, after asking the receptionist for her room number, I went to tell her the news. However, I heard moans of sexual pleasure when I arrived at her door. She was probably having sex with Kris. So I decided to tell her the news when we meet for breakfast tomorrow. Suddenly, my cellphone rang. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Mr. Henk Kuria?" "Yes, speaking." "Good morning, Mr. Kuria. I'm Tony Halep from the IFBB. You have been chosen for a random doping test ahead of your participation in the Mr. Olympia contest this weekend." "Uh, okay, and what does that... entail, exactly?" I asked. "We'll need you to provide a urine sample by noon today." Shit. That's bad news. Like, really, really terrible news. "Hello? Mr. Kuria? Are you still there?" "Yes, yes, uh, Mr. ... Halep." "We can collect the sample from backstage, don't worry. The prejudging starts at 7pm, as you know, but I'm sure you were going to be here earlier... unless you do a no-show like you did yesterday for the press conference." "Uh, yes, Mr. Halep... I'll be there... at noon," I stammered. "Good. See you then, Mr. Kuria." "Uh, see you." And the line went dead. "Shit, I'm in trouble. Better wake up the others." I said to myself. I dressed quickly, feeling my monstrous, black, hyper muscles stretch the T-shirt and shorts to their limits. I paused... shit, the clothes hugging my huge muscles always feels so good. Then I hurried to Chloe's room, and knocked on her door. "Chloe, Kris, wake up. It's me, Henk." No response. I knocked harder. "Chloe! Kris! It's 8 in the morning. We need to have breakfast together, remember?" Still no response. "Come on, Kris! Chloe! Anyone! Wake up!" as I banged on the door, hoping for someone to wake up. Well, I must have hit on the door a bit too powerfully, because it suddenly gave way, and it fell into their room with a loud bang! The sound was deafening, but, strangely, whoever was inside did not budge. I decided to enter. "Kris? Chloe?" But there was no one there. Then I looked at the door, flat on the ground. There was a number written on it: 427. "Shit, I'm on the wrong floor, I should be on the fifth!" And, with that, I ran the stairs to the fifth floor, and double-checked that I was in front of the right room. 527. Good. I knocked on the door. "Chloe! Kris! Wake up! It's me, Henk." No response. "Come on, Kris, Chloe, please." Then I heard Chloe. "Uuuhhhh... can't we sleep a little more... we're tired." "It's 8 in the morning. Come on. We need to have breakfast soon." The door opened. Chloe was still naked. Her body was perfectly muscular and curvy. She was, simply, a goddess. I never saw another woman as muscular as her, not even among the female pros. At the same time, her figure was sexier than any female pornstar I fucked. She was stunningly hot and massively muscular at the same time. I entered, and closed the door quickly. A massive stink greeted me... the stink of dry cum. "Fuck... did you... holy shit, you both stink of cum." "We do. But we're gonna shower quickly," said Kris, as he woke up. He, too, was naked. He looked gloriously handsome and muscular. Certainly the second biggest muscleman in the world, second only to me. His cock rivalled mine in terms of size. "Good to see you, Black Hulk." "Wow, Kris. And I swore you were gay." "I was. But have you seen Chloe? I mean, holy shit. She's, like, perfection incarnate." "She is. And, so are you, you know." I said. "All thanks to you, man. You still haven't told us how you did it." "I'll tell you today. But first, can you shower quickly? And no more sex, for now, please. Although, admittedly, you do look like a sex god and a sex goddess." "Yeah, let's shower. But we need to buy some clothes that fit us," said Chloe, as she entered the shower. Kris followed her, and they showered and rubbed each other's bodies with soap. This, of course, turned them on considerably. They started to touch each other's sexual organs. But then they decided enough was enough for that day. They turned off the shower and stepped outside, drying in the towels. "Guys, I have a problem." I confessed. "Long story short, I need to provide a urine sample by noon." "Yeah, so? We have ample time to have breakfast, go shopping for clothes, and then go to the contest by noon," said Kris while drying off his huge muscles. "You don't understand... I cannot give a urine sample!" I told them. "Uh... why not? You didn't take... drugs, didn't you?" Chloe said, as she dried her ample breasts. "So THAT's what you didn't want to tell us, huh?" "No, no, of course I didn't," I said. "You took a diuretic this morning. Right? Is that it? Honestly, these diuretics rules are bullshit," Kris mused. "It's not that, either." "Then, what is it?" they asked, together. "Because... because I haven't urinated for the past three and a half years." ---------------- Chapter 6: The Origin of Black Hulk (Three and a half years ago.) I met Chitundu a few weeks ago. He was tall and handsome, with a nice, ripped body. I was actually slightly taller, at 6'4, but I was skinny, and weighed only 155lbs. But he liked me. We were a gay couple, in a country, Kenya, where being gay is punished harshly. I've heard of a friend going to 10 years imprisonment because they caught him having sex with another man. Another gay couple were beaten to death. Indeed, that gay couple was us. We were enjoying ourselves, in a barn. After rubbing each other's bodies and turning each other on, Chitundu penetrated my ass. It felt great, being fucked by my soulmate. But then, suddenly, the barn door burst open, and four men, armed with sticks and tree branches, started beating us left right and centre. They insulted us, calling us things like 'filthy pigs', 'homos', and 'nasty animals' as we succumbed to their beatings. Soon, I lost consciousness. When I came to, I was still in the barn, covered in blood. I tried to move, but it ached horribly. They must have broken a few of my bones. I tried to see if Chitundu was there with me. Somehow, I managed to spot him. He was motionless. "Chitundu! Chitundu!" I called him, weakly. But he didn't respond. "Help! Help us! Please! We were assaulted! Help!" I tried shouting, but my voice was feeble. I was trying hard to stay conscious, but I drifted away again. When I woke up, I found myself on a bed, in a make-shift clinic. I was alone. Somebody must have found us, and took us to some kind of hospital. I had bandages all over. "Hello? Hello?" I called. Soon, a white man dressed in white overalls came in. "Oh, you're up, thank God," he said, in an American accent. "What's your name?" "Henk. I'm Henk." I answered. "Do you have family?" "No, I don't. My parents were both from Kenya, although my Dad had Dutch ancestors. My family died in the polio plague, though, a few years ago. I live with Chitundu, the other guy. Who are you?" "You're in very bad shape," he said, ignoring my question. "You've got a broken arm, a broken leg, and at least three broken ribs. You also have countless bruises and cuts, some of which are infected, and others starting to get infected. Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary tools and equipment here to mend you adequately." "Where am I? Where's Chitundu? And who are you?" I asked him. "That's not important right now. What's important is that you're safe here, for the time being. I'll soon try an experimental cure on you. It's the only way you can heal completely, but it's never been tested on anyone." "Wait, I don't want an experimental cure!" I cried. "It's either this, or you die by the end of the week," the white guy in white overalls said firmly. "Okay, okay then. Please, I don't want to die. I've only just turned 20." "If you believe in my methods, you won't die, Henk. Trust me," the white man said, smiling faintly. "Now, I'll soon administer a rectal suppository." "What's that?" "It's medicine that is administered through your rectum... your... butthole," the mysterious white man said. "This is very modern, cutting-edge technology. I travelled from America to Kenya because my studies show that Kenyans' DNA should accept this medicine better than the DNA of any other person coming from a different country." He paused, then told me, "I need you to help me turn you over." With a lot of pain and suffering, I managed to do a quarter-turn. "That's enough. Thank you, Henk," as he produced a bullet-sized device. He quickly literally shoved it in my butt. My butt muscles accepted the device, and it was inside me. Suddenly, I started spasming uncontrollably. Each spasm was really painful, due to my broken ribs. I started shouting frantically in pain. But, after a while, the pain started to subside. Eventually, after about ten minutes of spasming, the pain had disappeared completely, and the spasms soon stopped. "How do you feel now, Henk?" the white man asked. I turned around to face him. "Much better. The pain is gone completely. In fact, I think I've never felt better." "Good, Henk, I'm glad. The experimental medicine was a success. It should have mended all your broken bones, and healed you completely." I started touching my arm, my leg, my torso. No pain at all. "Wow, it must have! It just works... just like that?" "Yes, just like that. That's the miracle of science," he said, smiling. "I'll need to keep you here for some more tests, but the initial impressions look very encouraging." I suddenly remembered my friend. "Where's Chitundu?" I asked again. The man in the white overalls sighed. "I'm sorry, Henk. He's... gone." I started crying. I lost the only acquaintance I had. "I'm really sorry," the white man tried to console me. "I couldn't do anything for him. He was already dead when I found both of you." Then I felt it. A big stomach rumble. I clutched my stomach. "Do you have something to eat... uh... Doctor?" I asked, amid tears still rolling down my eyes. "I'm hungry." "Sure. In fact, I have something better," the man in the white overalls said. "I predicted that you should feel really hungry after the medicine has performed its... uhm... magic. So I'm going to give you food through a pipe from your nose to your stomach. I'll be monitoring you, don't worry." The man motioned to a large tank, which, apparently, contained food in liquid form, and drew a thin pipe out of it. I winced slightly as the pipe got through my nose, but it wasn't that bad. The man in the white overalls switched on the tank, and that was that. "I'll be in the next room. Please, for your own safety and well-being, do not leave the room. Even more importantly, under no circumstances should you remove the pipe from your nose," the mysterious man said. "Thanks, doc, for saving my life," I told him. He smiled faintly, and left. I tried to be motionless, but soon I was getting bored. Even though I was still naked, I was, at least, covered by a white bedsheet. I started feeling a bit awkward in certain positions, so I tried to shift my body to be more comfortable. After a little while longer, I was feeling... more built? My arms were not twigs anymore, but were getting a bit more manly. My pectorals weren't practically non-existent anymore, but were filling up nicely. My stomach, which was a washboard, was now getting slight hints of abdominal muscle. I was growing muscle, at a steady pace. This wasn't stopping, either. I was getting bigger and bigger. I shifted my legs a bit further away, because they were thicker and were hitting my balls. This felt really good. My arms were now quite thick, and my biceps were now much more prominent. My pectorals were big and strong. At this point, I thought I was as big as Chitundu. But my growth did not stop. Even my bedsheets now took a different shape, due to my bulging muscles beneath them. "This feels so good," I said to myself. I felt my cock getting bigger. I was getting turned on. I started to slowly stroke it, under the bedsheets. I was surprised how huge it felt. I moaned softly to myself, as my strokes became faster. All the while, my muscles were still getting bigger and bigger; I was as big as a fitness trainer now. "God, I'm gonna cum!" I murmured to myself, so turned on by my own expanding body. And cum I did. An orgasm that soaked up my bedsheets completely, that lasted at least half a minute. I must have been moaning really loudly, because, mid-way through my orgasm, the man in the white labcoat returned, alarmed. "Oh, my, you're masturbating!" he said. "That's a relief... I thought you were moaning in pain. Oh my, that's an astonishing amount of semen... I've never seen anything like that in my life. Wow." The white man's jaw dropped. Then, when my climax had finished, he said, "Let me change your bedsheets." I had, indeed, finally done blasting cum, but I was still growing muscles. I sat up on the bedside, naked, with my increasingly muscular body now plainly visible. The man in white was shocked. "What is happening here? This is an unexpected side-effect," he said, more to himself than to myself. He hurried to change my bedsheets, and I covered myself again. "Sorry I masturbated. But, my growing muscles... feel so good," I said. "Tell me, Henk, are you still hungry?" the white man asked me. "Yes. Still hungry." "Okay. Try not to masturbate until the machine finishes its job, okay?" "Okay, doc," I sheepishly said. "By the way, my name is James, and I'm actually a molecular biologist." And, he left. I was getting turned on again. But, I resisted the urge of touching my dick. My muscles were still getting bigger. My biceps now looked as big as volleyballs. Touching them, they felt amazingly powerful and hard. My pecs were like two sacks of gravel. It was like somebody was pumping them up, inflating them like balloons. Except they were hard as diamonds, not soft and squishy. My abdominals were like six... no, eight, perfectly-placed, hard bricks. My thighs were like monstrous barrels. I was wider, too, to the point that my shoulders and biceps couldn't fit under the bedsheet anymore. Finally, my hunger was abating. James, the molecular biologist, or so he claimed to be, returned. "Hello, Henk. Everything alright?" "More than alright. I feel like a god," I truthfully answered. He switched off the machine, and removed the pipe off my nose. Almost all the liquid food inside the machine was gone. I had somehow absorbed all of that food inside me, during the past hour or so. "That's it, then. Good as new. Literally," James said. "I wish I'd keep you a little more while I do a few tests on you, to see exactly what caused this... muscular side-effect, and if other side-effects manifest themselves in due time." "Sure. I don't have anywhere to go now. Might as well stay here. And I don't have any clothes, either, so it's useless to leave," I said, matter-of-factly. James not only did a few tests on me, but treated me like a son. He bought me clothes and brought me meals. Another side-effect he noticed was that I never urinated or defecated anymore. It seemed like any food and drink intake was being completely used to sustain my body, to grow bigger muscles and to produce sperm - a lot of sperm, for that matter. He also noticed that I did not have a single hair below my neck. Looking at my skin under a microscope, he noticed that I had no hair follicles at all, from my neck downwards. His medicine must be completely focused on improving my body all the time, and it had no reasons to produce by-products like body hair and feces, he theorized. Once he was finished with his experiments, he proposed that I fly to America with him. Since I had no family in Kenya, I gladly accepted. My passport and visa took a little while to be issued, but, finally, me and James were in America. I started working in construction. My workmates were astonished by my strength and muscles. I could lift stuff with one arm that required the strength of two men. One of my workmates, Steve, was gay. He once literally threw himself on my body while I was showering. I fucked him and came all over his body. That was the first time I was the one doing the fucking, rather than being on the receiving end of a fuck. It felt so good. Steve loved it, too; he told me he was never so turned on in his life. This 'love affair' continued for a little while. After earning a bit of money, I could afford living in an apartment alone. It was hard leaving James, after what he has done to me. James understood, but asked to keep in touch. I agreed. People stared at me wherever I went. Once, a lady stopped me while walking outside my apartment, and asked me where I worked out. I told her that I didn't. "Jesus, you've got crazy genetics, honey. You should become a pro bodybuilder!" she suggested. "Bodybuilder? What's that?" I asked, curiously. The lady was surprised. Then she told me, "Google it, honey. You'll know." A minute later, she was inside my apartment, and I was fucking her senseless. She orgasmed several times, and I erupted my dick's contents all over her naked, curvy body. It was at this point that I realized that I was not necessarily gay, but that women turned me on, too. Especially women who literally drooled over my incredible, mountainous, enormously muscular black body. I did follow her suggestion. Pictures of men and women with huge muscles emerged off Google. But none had muscles bigger than mine. I dwarfed even the biggest, most muscular bodybuilder. I learnt that there were contests for bodybuilders. The most prestigious one was called 'Mr. Olympia'. I decided to take part. The IFBB were shocked by my size, so they decided to throw me in as a wildcard. Guess what: I won the contest, beating 9-time Mr. Olympia Phil Heath comprehensively, coming literally from nowhere. People started calling me 'Black Hulk', and it stuck. I became an overnight sensation. I did magazine photo shoots, interviews, documentaries... the list goes on and on. I even starred in a movie cameo. People couldn't get enough of my size. They couldn't believe that I was a 6'4, 380lbs supermuscular man with only 4% bodyfat. Men and women, young and old; everyone wanted to know about me, or drool over my hypermuscular body, or both. The photo shoots exposed something else about me: my dick, apparently, was much bigger than average. This prompted some porn houses to call me, asking if I would consider being a pornstar. I told them I'd do it, for the right price. And so my first porn movie was born, where I fucked this woman with an outrageously big, but fake, ass, called Lela Star. The camerapersons were astonished at my stamina, and how my cock stayed hard throughout the whole shoot, without me needing to take breaks or taking substances to keep my penis hard. Lela Star later confessed with me that it was the first time that she orgasmed for real, on set. I took that as a big compliment. Two hours after the porn flick shoot, I was fucking her again, in her house. My sexual stamina was insatiable; I could perform amazing sex after only half an hour of having my cum erupting from my huge dick. After the success of my first porn movie, more and more porn producers asked for my services, including gay companies. I accepted the gay porn acts too, automatically revealing to the world that I was bisexual. The IFBB called me after this, telling me that my bisexual lifestyle was 'damaging their reputation'. I told them, with contempt and disgust, that, apparently, the fact that Mr. Olympia is a pornstar does not damage the IFBB's reputation, but the fact that Mr. Olympia fucks other men does. Year after year, I continued to grow bigger muscles, albeit at a slower pace. On average, I was gaining 20lbs of muscle every year. And in 2023, as a 6'4, 440lbs ultramuscular bodybuilder, I walked in this hotel to participate in my fourth Mr. Olympia contest. * * * I ended up withdrawing from the contest, and resigning from the IFBB as a professional bodybuilder with immediate effect. That was the first thing that Chloe had to do as my spokesperson: announcing that I was not going to produce a urine sample and withdrawing from the contest, citing lack of transparency in doping tests. As a former journalist, she knew what kind of questions journalists ask, and she handled the press brilliantly. I was enormously proud of her. Although maybe, some of the journalists could have also been a little intimidated by this muscular spokeswoman... An uproar ensued, with people furious about having bought tickets for the Mr. O. to see me in action, only to see me announce my withdrawal. Most of them blamed the IFBB for their hypocritical way in which they do doping tests. In order to calm down the situation, I suggested that I could do a free posing routine after all the contestants do theirs, a routine which did not have anything to do with the contest; it was just a bit of entertainment for the public. The IFBB liked this idea, and, after negotiating the right price, I agreed to do it. I got Kris with me, backstage, of course, to 'rub oil' on my massive, bulging, huge muscles. Kris wasn't out of place among these contestants at all; he was easily as big as the biggest Mr. O. contestant there. Mamdouh Elssbiay, who most people called 'Big Ramy', came over and expressed sadness at what happened to me. He also congratulated Kris on his physique. I sincerely wished him all the best during the contest. "You know," he told me, "thanks to your withdrawal, I'm really in with a shot this year. But I'm not sure if I'll win it next year, if Kris here decides to participate." Long story short, Big Ramy did end up winning that Mr. Olympia contest for the first time. In so doing, the Mr. Olympia trophy was transferred from an African man to another African. But the plaudits went for me. The audience erupted in applause when I set foot on stage, and shouted 'Black Hulk, Black Hulk' repeatedly in support. Chloe suggested to wear my posing pants a little lower than usual, to reveal juuuuust a little cock, to spite the IFBB. After all, I was doing this just for fun, not to compete. The audience loved it. I wowed them with my physique as much as I could. As I was leaving the stage, the audience erupted and wanted more. I got back to the stage and did my customary bicep pose where my bicep inflates bigger and bigger and BIGGER. Some of the audience audibly gasped at the impossible size of my flexed bicep. Then I left the stage, this time for good. When I returned to the hotel, I was informed that the security cameras on the fourth floor detected a person of my size ripping off the door of room number 427... ---------------- Epilogue It's been four years since that Mr. Olympia contest; since Kris and Chloe received 'the gift', as we started calling it. I grew even bigger since then. Still at 6'4, I now weigh 500lbs of solid, massive, freaky, black muscle beef. I settled down with Chloe and Kris, and we three live together in my apartment. They are both incredible human specimens in their own right, not just physically, but also emotionally and, why not, sexually too. So I thought, why not? My job is now full time as a porn actor, sometimes even shooting 'amateur' footage with Kris, Chloe, or both. Life is good. Kris is now a superhuman god of muscle development. Incredibly, even though he's only 5'9, which is more than half a foot less than I'm tall, he weighs a scale-crushing 510lbs of incomprehensible slabs of immense muscle - 10lbs MORE than I do. His secret? Well, he still eats well and goes to the gym regularly - unlike me. His muscle development is really insane. The Internet calls him 'Blond Hulk', and I find it quite appropriate. Due to how much shorter Blond Hulk is than I am, his muscles appear much, much bigger than mine. Of course, sex with him is as insanely hot as his muscles, if not more. Recently, he fucked me, rather than vice-versa, and then I fucked him back. It's good to finally have someone with the necessary muscle to fuck Black Hulk; I kinda missed the feeling of being fucked from behind. Kris never competed as a professional bodybuilder, partly because the IFBB dissolved itself a year ago. More on that later. Chloe is also an incredible muscle specimen. She now weighs 225lbs, which, on her 5'7 frame, is really quite a sight to behold. Her muscles are really dense - probably denser than mine or Kris'. She's still got two magnificent orbs of breastflesh jutting out of her pecs, and her biologically impossible hourglass figure is still definitely eye-turning. She's still my spokesperson - now for my porn endeavours, though. People call her 'Curvy She-Hulk' online... I kinda like it! Of course, our lives does not revolve solely into having just us three as sex partners, fucking each other. Part of why we're in this porn business is our extremely sexual lifestyle. We cannot do otherwise; 'the gift' forces us to have frequent sex, or, at the very least, masturbate often. When Kris, Chloe or I go out to eat alone, or go to buy some new clothes, or whatever, it's not unusual that one of us picks some hot guy or girl and give him or her a bit of sexual bliss. If we really like the person, Kris or I ensure that we orgasm inside their pussy, or butthole, thus giving that person 'the gift', slowly turning them into a veritable god or goddess - just like I did to Kris and Chloe four years ago. Interestingly, we recently discovered that Chloe can also give 'the gift' to her sexual partners. It turns out that her ample breasts ooze out a liquid when she's sexually excited, which, when drunk by a person in the right amounts, gives 'the gift' to that person. This allows Chloe, like us, to give 'the gift' to both sexes. We three are, of course, all bisexual. Indeed, that's one other side-effect of 'the gift', we learned - it turns that person bisexual, no matter what sexual orientation he or she leaned to prior to receiving 'it'. Slowly, 'the gift' started to become more widespread. People receiving 'the gift' - which we started calling 'gifters' - of course, fucked other people, due to their heightened sexual desires, spreading 'the gift' like wildfire. Many people, males and females, started becoming hugely muscular humans literally overnight. The professional bodybuilders training night and day in the gym simply couldn't compete anymore. This prompted the IFBB to dissolve bodybuilding as a sport for good. Moreover, the ideal female body perceived by the world at large slowly started shifting to the one that Chloe, and all female 'gifters', possessed. And James? We did decide to meet James, to ask him to study the process of how 'the gift' works. While doing so, James became totally obsessed with Chloe's incredible beauty, and - long story short - he received 'the gift' himself from her. One aspect of 'the gift' that was puzzling James was pregnancy - or lack of. The amount of semen produced by male 'gifters' was about 10 times as much as normal males did, and female 'gifters' had the perfect, ideal vaginal shape to accommodate these males. Moreover, the sperm count of male 'gifters' was astonishingly high, at around 800 to 1000 million sperms per millilitre, with close to 100% rapid progressive sperm motility. Female 'gifters', on the other hand, ovulated more frequently than non-'gifters', and did not have periods. In spite of all this, it seemed like male 'gifters' were incapable of impregnating female 'gifters' at all. After studying this anomaly for long, James finally managed to crack this mystery too. Incredibly, male 'gifters' couldn't impregnate female 'gifters' alone; there needed to be the semen of TWO different male 'gifters' in the vagina of a female 'gifter' for pregnancy to happen. This was confirmed to be true when me and Kris impregnated Chloe the same night that James made this discovery. Our family is expecting our first child; the first child in the entire world that will have two Dads and one Mum. Will we tell the story of our child, and of our future children, in the future? Who knows... time will tell. THE END
  4. MightyMike81

    The Ad Man

    My contribution to the forum however I never wrote it. It was something I found on my computer. Some FanTCMan/FanTCDude wrote it. Let's just say I never make it to the end of the story Hope you guys enjoy! Mr. Tucker Forrest had every reason to think that he was as powerful as his position. His company had remained small by ad industry standards, but by specializing in sports related accounts, and landing several of the largest, T. Forrest Inc. had become a significant player. His select staff were all sports devotees of one kind or another, and knew better than most just how to service their accounts. One area that Tucker had not yet locked up was sports nutrition and supplements, but he thought he was about to nail that one, too, with the help of one of his top account execs, Larry Littleman. Tucker had hired Larry based on the fact that he was a personal fitness trainer with serious qualifications in physical therapy, nutritional therapy and non-traditional supplements. Larry also had the outgoing personality and the looks to be successful as an AE. Tucker had, in fact, secured Larry's services not only as an AE, but also as his own personal trainer. Tucker was strikingly handsome and well built and he had every intention of maximizing those attributes professionally. After several months, Tucker discovered that Larry was not just into maintaining a fit, toned, cut physique. Larry was really more into bodybuilding. Eventually he told Tucker he didn't care at all about competing as a professional bodybuilder, but he did have a personal goal of building himself up to where he could. Tucker wasn't about to let himself be pushed in that direction, and he wasn't sure how that kind of body would be received on one of his AEs. When Tucker hired Larry, even before he saw him in workout clothes, he could tell he was built, but having a great looking staff of athletes was what he wanted. Larry was one of those guys who would drive women crazy. He had the face of a daytime soap opera star and a head of thick, dark blond hair to go with the face. Even in business clothes, he had the posture of a man proud of his body. His loose fitting slacks showed a great butt, and his dress shirts showed a pair of nicely developed pecs and arms that pretty much filled his sleeves. When, in their talks about workout goals, Forrest realized that Larry was serious about building himself up to the proportions of a bodybuilder, he felt he needed to say something. He thought that Larry's credibility as an AE might be compromised if people thought he was becoming some kind of freak. But Larry said, very respectfully, that he felt that how he developed himself was his business, and that it shouldn't get in the way of his effectiveness. In fact, he told Tucker, he was working on landing an account that could become huge. Tucker was intrigued. Larry told him that some new bodybuilding supplement had been developed, and the inventors were looking for test subjects and an agency to represent their product. T. Forrest was a natural, and they had sought out Larry to get to Tucker. Larry told Tucker that they needed to complete just a couple more tests, and they'd be ready to go to market. He also told him that he, himself, was to be a test subject. Tucker immediately thought about having his own in-house testimonial, if this supplement worked. Larry told him he was scheduled to meet with them that night and would report back the next day. These guys were anxious to get moving and get rich. The next day Larry called in to say he couldn't come in that morning. He told Tucker that he'd taken their stuff the night before, and it did work. In fact it worked so fast and so well, he had to get some new clothes to wear. He said that the prospective clients had asked to meet with him, Tucker, at lunch to discuss plans for a media launch of the product. Larry said he'd meet him there, and named one of the top restaurants in town. Larry thought about it all morning. Would he be able to see a difference on Larry? He knew, if it worked, the market for this kind of thing could be vast. When he walked into the restaurant, escorted to the table by the maitre d', his mouth dropped open. Facing him was Larry, flanked by two men he assumed to be the clients by their extraordinary physiques, obvious even in business suits. Larry was grinning with pride as he stood to greet Tucker, the source of his pride clearly manifested. Tucker openly stared at Larry. So did almost everyone else in the restaurant. He was not wearing a jacket; just dress slacks, shirt and tie. He was huge. His arms more than filled the sleeves and strained the material of the extra large shirt. His back was so wide Tucker could see from the front how his lats flared thickly, pulling the fabric tight, causing it to cling to the huge pectoral muscles that sat broad and massive on his chest. Larry apologized for not wearing a jacket, saying that when he tried to get into his this morning, he couldn't get his arms into the sleeves. But, he said to Tucker, who cares when it's obvious that the product works. He acted overjoyed, showing Tucker how dramatically it had worked on him since about five thirty the night before, flexing one of his huge arms so that the shirt looked about to split open from the strain. And, he told his boss, it's still working. It takes twenty four hours to do its complete job. And it feels absolutely wonderful. Tucker's emotions bounced around as he sat discussing ideas for a campaign, convinced by what he saw that the potential for the product was huge, but not convinced that a physique like Larry's, or even these clients', would go over with the average guy. In fact, he felt a little embarrassed by Larry's size and his uninhibited display. Larry, meanwhile, maintained an infectious level of enthusiasm about the results he was experiencing and how he felt. He said he could almost feel his clothes getting tighter. As Tucker listened, he couldn't help but imagine what that must feel like, to have such massive muscles that they could be too big to be contained by a shirt, even an extra large tent of a shirt like Larry was wearing. They all laughed about various scenarios of guys using the product and growing huge in different situations, like at the beach or during an airplane flight. Or sitting in a fancy restaurant at lunch. Imagine some guy in his business suit suddenly getting too big for his britches. Tucker laughed, but his imagination was working too effectively all of a sudden. He could imagine how strange that would feel, the trousers becoming tight on the legs, tight in the crotch. Or the jacket sleeves feeling too tight when bending the arms to lift a bite of food or a glass. His imagination was producing such vivid pictures that he could actually feel what that would be like. He could imagine his reactions, a combination of panic and exhilaration. Suddenly the restaurant felt stuffy and hot. Just thinking about that made him feel jittery. His skin was itching. Just a little, when he first noticed it, then growing stronger, like he had hives creeping up his arms and legs, then all over his groin, then spreading from his groin all up his stomach and chest. He couldn't let himself sit there and scratch or sweat in front of these new clients, and he felt embarrassed that his reaction to thinking about what this product could do was so strong. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. When Tucker got into the bathroom, the mirrors gave him evidence that those sensations of his clothes feeling tighter were not just his imagination. As soon as he was inside the door, he frantically scratched the raging itching of his chest and stomach, and he thought, strangely, that his pecs felt bigger to him. He looked at his reflection and saw that his jacket looked too small, too snug. Maybe he just hadn't noticed this morning. After all, he had been building up with Larry's training routine. The itching was feeling out of control. He scratched all down his arms to the back of his hands. He looked at them in shock. The backs of his hands were covered with short, dark hair, hair that hadn't been there before. He unbuttoned his cuff, pushed up his sleeve, and saw the same kind of dark hair growing on his forearm. This couldn't really be happening! He quickly unbuttoned the front of his shirt. All that itching was being caused by dark hair sprouting thickly all over his chest and stomach. He looked just like one of those hairy guys who shaves and lets it grow back It was short and lay flat on his skin, but already he could see the swirls and pattern it was making. It wasn't his imagination at all. And it wasn't his imagination that his clothes were getting tighter. His arm muscles were bigger, and so were his pecs. They must have slipped him some of their product. He pulled himself together, buttoned his shirt, which was now almost tight across his chest, and returned to the table. There, he asked them what was going on. Larry told him that they had all felt the best way for him to understand the product was to experience it himself. Tucker tried to hold back his panic. He asked how much they had given him, and one of the clients, Jake, told him they had given him a basic, full dose, like Larry had taken. Now Tucker stared at Larry with a new and different kind of interest. Panic subsided and curiosity set in. His mind could barely grasp the fact that he could soon be as massively built as Larry. He looked at the way Larry's arms, at rest, strained the material of his huge sleeves, filling them up tight and full, and bulging insanely when he lifted or bent his arms at all. Across his gigantic chest his pecs stood out like pillows filled with steel, straining the fabric, pulling the buttons. He noticed that, at his collar where he had loosened his tie, there was hair creeping up and out over the collar. Tucker knew that Larry had had a completely hairless torso. It looked good, he thought. What a strange thought to cross his mind, that hairon a guy's chest would look good. Or not. But it did look good to him, kind of darkly masculine and sexy. Tucker felt himself sweating as the conversation at the table continued as if nothing strange were happening. His itching had not abated, and he guessed that he was feeling hair continuing to grow. Strange, but suddenly he found the idea growing of body hair very hot. He wished he could look. He tried to act casual and continue to eat and talk and drink, but every time he lifted something to his mouth, he could feel his arm a little bigger inside his sleeve. Soon, even the arm at rest began to swell against the fabric of his shirt and jacket. His clothes were becoming uncomfortably tight. He felt his slacks becoming tighter and tighter. At first he just felt the tightness in his thighs, but soon he could feel his calves filling the fabric. At the same time, the material grew tighter around his hips, and he figured his glutes must be getting bigger, too. And he also realized, to his astonishment, that the crotch of his slacks had started to constrict him in his groin, crowding his genitals. With the hand in his lap, he felt himself, confirming his most outrageous suspicion. What was inside the crotch of his pants was also growing bigger, and with his thighs pulling his pants tight, his dick and balls had no place to fall, and suddenly, there was his meat making bulges in his slacks. His meat! How big was it getting? He could feel that there was more there, crowded, sensitive, even his balls making their own bulges with their swollen size. He began to feel extremely self conscious and, at the same time, extremely turned on by what he felt. He felt his dick starting to swell and grow hard in his pants. With his hand, he could feel the size of its head and it didn't feel real as it crawled, growing bigger and harder, along the side of his groin, over his thigh toward his hip bone. He couldn't stand up now without showing the whole restaurant the effects this transformation was having on him. He wanted to be angry. He couldn't believe they had done this without telling him first, and he told them so. Larry asked if he would have gone along with it. He said probably not, and Larry said that's why they hadn't asked. But his anger was being quickly swallowed up by his growing feeling of excitement. Strange, he thought, but even as he was sitting there, he knew that something was changing, not just in his body, but in his head, too. He had been on Larry's case about getting too big, with his bodybuilding, to keep his place as an acceptable ad man, and now, suddenly, he was looking at Larry's enormous size and finding it exciting, even desirable. In fact, he was sure he could see Larry getting even thicker and more massive as they sat there, his shirt tighter, more revealing, causing increasingly strong waves of erotic stimulation to radiate through him. His collar grew tight and he felt hot. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the collar button, and when he did, he felt hair growing at the base of his throat out of his collar. The waiter cleared their plates and brought coffee while Larry and the other two discussed the incredible potential of their product, once its ability to transform was made public. The one called Ted joked that they seemed to be making it public right now. Larry sat up tall in his chair, grinning, swelling his chest, replying that they sure were. His huge muscles strained the fabric of his shirt. He was enormous and Tucker couldn't believe his eyes. But he knew that they didn't mean just Larry when they talked about going public. He could barely move his arms, the back of his jacket pulled so snugly against his back and shoulders. It felt as though he were wearing a child's jacket and slacks. The sleeves were so tight with his arms relaxed, that he couldn't bend them without the material straining like a leather restraint belt. The top several buttons on his shirt, over his chest, were pulling, straining, about to pop. Tucker was filled with a confusion of emotions. He wished he were any place but a public restaurant. He could no more hide what was happening to his body than Larry could. He knew he must be starting to look ridiculous in his clothes. People around the restaurant were looking at them, commenting in whispers to each other. But he also felt a certain envy at how Larry seemed to be inviting the stares, how he not only didn't seem to care, but looked proud to display his transformation, his increasingly massive size. Oddly, he realized, he sort of felt that way, too. He felt like some deeply hidden desire, some drive he had never acknowledged, was being forced into his reality, and he had no choice but to accept and embrace it. There was no sense fighting what was happening, since it was happening for all to see. A growing sense of enjoyment, an intense, profound, erotic satisfaction crept through his consciousness as he began to admit to himself how hot he felt, his muscles growing big and hard, becoming like those of a real bodybuilder. Tucker reached for his coffee, and felt the seam down the side of the jacket under his arm, where his lats were swelling beyond the jacket's capacity to hold them, start to rip open. When he bent his arm to lift the cup, the seam down the back of the sleeve also began to give way with a tearing of the threads. If he didn't get out of the jacket right now, he would be treating the other diners, who were already watching, to the sight of his clothes splitting open before their eyes. He asked one of the men to help him get out of the jacket. He struggled his arms out of their confines, and when he twisted to hang the jacket on the back of the chair, the second button of his shirt gave in to the strain of his mounding pecs and popped off. He had to loosen his tie more, and since it was obvious to him that the other buttons over his pecs would soon give way as well, he unbuttoned them down to below his chest, where his lats angled in to his hard, slender abdomen, and the buttons had room to hold. The shirt spread itself open over his pecs, the tie covering only part of his exposed chest. He saw the thickness of his pecs dive into a deep crease of cleavage, dark hair covering the skin. His dick reflexed against his groin with the sudden thrill of what he saw. He could no longer deny that he was extremely turned on by what was happening to him. He felt wave after wave of intense erotic stimulation flood his body and his brain. He had never felt so horny in his life, so hot, so sexy, with a totally new, powerful sensation of maleness. This was making him feel deeply, intensely masculine in a way so overpowering that he had never imagined possible. He was beginning to understand Larry's pride. How could he have thought that being massive and freaky would be weird and embarrassing. He wondered briefly what his girlfriend would think if she could see him now, but he realized he didn't really care. He wanted to feel another person touching his muscles, but it wasn't his girlfriend. He looked across the table at Larry. His account executive was saying to the two clients that it looked like both he and his boss were about to grow out of their clothes, and that they should probably be getting out of here and going to someplace more private while they completed their transformations. Tucker stared at Larry, and he realized that the sight of his friend's massive muscles almost exploding inside his shirt was making his cock throb. He had never felt the slightest sexual attraction for another man before, but now, when Larry said they should get to someplace more private, his mind flooded with images of Larry taking off his clothes, of seeing all of his incredible body, of touching it, feeling those massive muscles. What would the hair on his body look like? How big would his cock and his balls be? And what about his own? He couldn't wait to see what he looked like, too, to see himself packed with muscle, hairy, amazingly hung. The thought of them naked, together, made him so much hornier he thought he might come, uncontrollably, right there in the restaurant. His hand reached under the table again to feel his crotch, and he realized that his cock, jerking with his erotic thoughts, rock hard and straining the material of his slacks, now extended past his hip bone and felt thicker than a giant cucumber. It was growing bigger still. How could he get up and leave? The other two said that Larry was probably right. They would pick up the check and get in touch later. They said everyone would have a clearer picture of just what they would be marketing and how to use Larry and Tucker as spokesmen for the product. If respected advertising executives could transform themselves and enjoy their new look, why not the average Joe on the street. Go home, they said, enjoy the rest, and call tomorrow when it's all finished. Tucker held his jacket in front of himself as they left the restaurant. Walking was a revelation. He could feel the size of his ass in his slacks, the mass of his legs. His slacks were tight as skin. His thighs not only rubbed together, they forced his legs to move around each other with each step, the way he had seen bodybuilders walk. He could feel the material of his shirt stretched so tight across his back that his lats felt pressed and crowded. The sleeves clung tight to the mass of his arms. He knew that the people in the restaurant must be watching them as they left. He certainly didn't look like this when he came in. But he didn't care now; he found it kind of exciting. Wait, he thought, till they went public about what those people had just witnessed. They decided, waiting for their cars, to go to Larry's place. It was close. Larry drove ahead and Tucker followed in his Jag. On the way over, to his shock and growing excitement, Tucker felt the seam in the back of his slacks and on the legs start to split open. For one brief second, he thought about his suit being ruined, but he realized he would never be able to get into it again, and his uncontrollable arousal only increased with the idea that he was growing so big so fast as to rend the fabric of his old image. His shirt sleeves had become uncomfortably tight, and he bent first one arm, then the other, flexing his biceps until the sleeves burst, ripping open and exposing the massive peaks of his hard, swelling guns. Oh, yeah, he thought. This was too hot. He flexed his lats and felt the sides and back of his shirt rip open. It was as though he was being released, his muscles unbound. His lats felt so thick and wide under his arms, and his arms felt so dense and huge resting on the swelling, hard cushions of his lats. He looked down at his chest, pulled off his tie, felt his pecs with one hand. They were becoming absolutely huge now. The front of his unbuttoned shirt had pulled apart even more to expose a broad expanse of his bare chest. The plates of his pecs were becoming so thick that the crease of cleavage between them could swallow his fingers up to the second knuckles. And they were becoming truly hairy. Just the kind of hair, if he had grown up with body hair, that he would have wanted to have. It had become much denser since his trip to the bathroom, but it still was not too long, and it lay flat on his skin, silky and dark. He ran his hand under his shirt feeling how the hair grew all the way over to the broad sides of his pecs and down to the deeply overlapping cuts beneath them. His pecs were growing, not just massively thick, but broad and square, and they were almost totally covered with hair. His dick was throbbing inside what was left of his slacks, and a dark, wet spot of precum was growing by its enormous head. He let his hand continue to feel the hair that was growing down his abs. They were dense and hard as bricks, and their ridges and valleys were growing more extreme, harder, deeper, and the hair that converged down their center felt unbearably hot. With a reflex that never passed through his conscious mind, he grabbed his shirt, which had remained buttoned and intact where his waist was still tight and small, and he yanked it open, popping the buttons off, tearing it out of the waistbandof his slacks so he could see more of his hard, increasingly sexy hairy stomach. Between the awesome growth of his muscles and body hair, he felt an unexpected sensation, a deep, intense, overwhelming explosion of masculinity, a powerful building of raw erotic animal maleness. He was about to pull open his slacks, to grab his cock and bring himself to the relief that he felt himself relentlessly building toward. He was so hot he had to come. He had to come NOW. But just then Larry pulled into a driveway and into his garage. Tucker followed. Larry jumped out of his car and came around to Tucker. His own clothes, while still intact, were straining to the point of giving way. He was unbuttoning his shirt. He opened Tucker's door, saying he had to get out of his clothes, and he laughed when he saw how far out of his Tucker already was. Tucker followed Larry inside. By the time he had reached the living room, he was out of his shirt and had undone his pants. Tucker followed suit, getting out of his own shirt and undoing his belt and zipper. He didn't even care that his cock was hard and huge and obvious for Larry to see. So was Larry's, now, and he didn't seem to give a fuck. Larry had Tucker help him pull off his pants, the thighs were so tight. His bikini underwear came off with them. He jumped to his feet, spread his arms and legs, then flexed every muscle on his body as he moved slowly and deliberately into a double biceps, enjoying the freedom of his gigantic muscles being released from the restrictions of his clothes. His cock projected straight out from the dense big bush of his pubic hair, thicker than his wrist, and longer than his forearm. His balls hung almost halfway to his knees and looked the size of large oranges. His arms, his legs, his pecs, his abs, and his groin were covered with short, silky, dense hair that swirled and plunged in patterns that emphasized the size and shape of his body, his muscles, his exaggerated male equipment. Tucker looked in awe. Was this what would happen to him? Larry was bigger that any professional bodybuilder Tucker had ever seen. Noticeably bigger. Everything about him was insanely massive. Somewhere deep in his brain a faint thought of panic, or fear, or possible regret flitted by, but it was fast submerged in an tsunami of deep, intense, profoundly erotic arousal. He had never seen anything that turned him on so much as the sight of Larry and the thought that the same thing was happening to him. With a few violent rips and tugs, and some help from Larry, Tucker released himself from what was left of his clothes. in front of a full length mirror in Larry's bathroom, he saw the mind-blowing sight of his own reflection for the first time. He was magnificent. With Larry standing beside him, he could see how much farther he had to grow before he would be done. His mind reeled. He was big like the bodybuilders that he never let himself think about becoming. It wouldn't have been the right thing for a big ad exec. The thought made him laugh. And now he was that big, and he didn't give a fuck if people thought it was strange. Not only that big, but he had body hair that looked like a porno illustration. Where the line of hair had disappeared into his pants, now he saw it continue, spread thicker, and merge with his pubes which had spread on his groin, a major thick, dark tangle of luxuriant growth. It grew up his belly to where he knew that anything low cut that he wore would show groin hair. It spread out onto his upper thighs and joined uninterrupted with the hair that covered his massive legs. And from that sexy bush hung a pair of balls the size of lemons surmounted by his rod, a stiff, jerking, throbbing rod of veiny flesh at least a foot in length and so thick he could barely get his hand around it. He grabbed it hard with one hand while he stroked his unbelievably hot bod with the other, across his full, gorgeous, hairy tits, and down the furry peaks and valleys of his abs. Next to him, he saw Larry grab his own cock with both hands. He saw how Larry had to reach around his humongous pecs to get hold of his dick, how it made his pecs mound up with insanely thick mass. He noticed the beyond-human flare of Larry's back, the wide-spread stance of his tree trunk legs. He thought how much hotter Larry looked with his even more perfect, outrageous body hair, and the size of his equipment. He was out of control with the thrill of what he saw and what was happening. He couldn't wait to get like Larry. He couldn't wait. And suddenly, without a stroke, his groin exploded with the start of an orgasm that radiated through his body, contacting him into a total body spasm that traveled back into his groin, down the length of his wonderful cock and finally rocketed him into space, a space he never even imagined possible. He thought his joints would fly apart as he shot volley after volley of hot, thick cream, jerking with ecstasy as it hit the mirror so hard it splashed all over him and Larry. And it just kept coming, and coming, pumping up from some place so deep he didn't know it existed. It hit him in the face and all over his chest and stomach. He saw it hitting Larry, matting the hair on his gargantuan chest, plastering it down as it ran down his abs. Finally, after what must have been more than a minute of full ejaculation, it slowed and stopped. Larry was laughing, rubbing the cum into his hair, massaging his tits with its slippery lubrication. Tucker did the same, taking his lead from the hunk beside him. He felt so good, his body felt so good under his hands. His cock was still hard, still, to his amazement, throbbing, wanting more sex. Then Larry reached for him, pulled him over, and began to massage the sticky fluid into his pecs and all the way down his abs. As soon as Larry touched him, he knew he had waited his whole life for this. He sucked in his breath and Larry leaned forward and placed his mouth on Tucker's. The feel of a firm mouth surrounded by stiff, scratchy whiskers made him suck his breath in again, almost to the point of fainting with passion, and he felt Larry's tongue press in to explore. He let himself lean hard into Larry's body to hold himself up, felt his pecs press against the hard, enormous mass of Larry's. He felt Larry's huge cock find his abs and start to work up them as they moved closer together. Then his own cock touched Larry's pubic hair and the base of his dick. Larry pulled him closer until both their cocks were pressed between their rock hard bellies, rubbing against each other, stimulated by the hair on their bellies. Tucker felt almost weak, swept into a tide of erotic, male passion. Larry kissed him hard, moving from his mouth and pressing his lips and tongue into the soft flesh under Tucker's jaw line, his chin, sucking on the cleft in his chin, working it with his tongue, then down his throat to his chest, where he buried his face in Tucker chest hair, licking deep into his cleavage and cuts, sucking and nipping at his nipples. He grabbed Tucker's hard, round butt and pulled him closer still, pushing their groins hard together. Then, before Tucker knew what was happening, Larry had wet his fingers with Tucker's spunk and was working it between his buns and into his asshole. Tucker realized what Larry intended to do, and there was no way he could make himself want to stop him. He was so hot and so horny that he wanted more of everything, wanted to do, to know everything that could be done with and to the male body. He worked on Larry's pecs, massaged them hard, pressed the heels of his palms into their dense mass, lifting their incredible weight. He couldn't believe his own would soon be this massive, and he couldn't wait to feel it on himself. Larry turned him around, reached under his arms, around his lats, and grabbed his pecs to pull him close from behind. Tucker felt the head of Larry's cock against his butt, pushing between his buns, separating them with its fist-sized head. He was so hot he didn't care how much it hurt; he wanted to feel Larry deep inside him. Larry was telling him how hot he was getting , how big. He told Tucker to flex for him, and Tucker felt hot and powerful as he raised his arms in a double biceps. His arms were getting huge. He looked in disbelief at the size of his biceps, how they peaked. He heard Tucker saying what great fucking arms, what great fucking tits, as he massaged his pecs harder. And then, with a slow, deliberate thrust, Larrywas inside him. He slid the entire length of his cock in, slowly, filling him, deeper, deeper, until Tucker felt himself stop against the dense hair and hard flesh of Larry's groin. He closed his eyes and a groan escaped his lips. Larry held him there for a minute, not moving, just pressing himself hard into Tucker. Tucker felt the fullness of Larry in him. Then Larry slowly moved his hands down Tucker's torso, across his swelling, growing muscles, until he had taken Tucker's cock in his hands. As he slowly began to stroke the length of Tucker's cock, he withdrew himself and pressed himself back inside Tucker in the same rhythm. He gradually increased his tempo, withdrawing himself slightly more each time, until he was pulling out past the rim of his cockhead, feeling the flaring edge pop out and back in again, slamming Tucker's hard ass each time he rammed himself in to its full length. Tucker felt the heat increase until he felt white hot. His moans became open mouthed groans, increasing in volume and intensity with Larry's pounding rhythm. He felt Larry's breath, hot against his neck. He was nearing orgasm. He could feel it building in him until he felt himself rocked by another nuclear explosion, like before but stronger, squeezing him to the center of his cells, his body alive with pulsing, shocking, jolting sexual electricity. And as he watched thick streams of white cream jet out of his cockhead he felt Larry inside him jerking hard, convulsing with his own release, filling him with hot juice. He felt himself fill up until Larry's cum was leaking out and running down his butt and dripping off his balls. When their convulsions finally subsided, they both collapsed on the floor in the pools of their cum, laughing, rubbing handsful of it onto each other, plastering down their hair, slipping and sliding their hands over each other's incredible muscles. Larry suggested a swim in the pool, and they went out to his patio. Tucker felt magnificent. He could feel himself still steadily swelling bigger, harder, denser, his body hair filling in, his dick and balls growing more and more like Larry's. Then, suddenly, he felt his muscles start to cramp. Deep in his bowels, where he had taken Larry's load, he felt heat building and radiating. It felt kind of good, kind of sexy, but it also felt strange. He felt his muscles draw into themselves in a deep, but not a painful cramp, and then relax for a second or two, and then draw up again, almost like mild convulsions. He told Larry how he felt, and he went to the side of the pool where he could stand and lean against something for support. He laughed at himself for reacting, but the feeling of convulsing grew stronger, even though he was not outwardly convulsing. He looked at Larry watching him, and he saw amazement, maybe fear in his friend's eyes. And then he knew what was happening. Somehow, taking Larry's cum must have increased the activity of whatever was causing his transformation. The rate had increased. He was growing so fast he could see it, and so could Larry. He could feel it. Suddenly he was on a rocket. He could feel his arms getting thicker and heavier, even as his lats flared and pushed them out, up. His pecs were ballooning inside his skin, broader, thicker. They were growing so big so fast he thought his skin would split. He could hardly see over them. He could feel his butt, where he was leaning, growing bigger, thicker, harder, literally pushing away from the side of the pool. His thighs pushed away from each other as they grew bigger and bigger, until he had to bend his knees to stand. His cock throbbed, reaching a spontaneous orgasm again, spraying his cream into the pool. He heard himself saying Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! over and over again. And his orgasm didn't stop; he just kept shooting spurt after spurt, and his cock kept growing, bigger than Larry's. He could feel the weight of his balls against his thighs, almost to his knees. He had to see. It was hard to get his arms around the mass of his torso to reach them, but he lifted them and they were bigger than Larry's, too. They were the size of softballs. He wished he could get to a mirror. He knew he was bigger than Larry all over, and he was still swelling, exploding with mass. Christ! This was incredible! Would he be able to walk? Did he care? Larry was voicing his amazement. As Tucker continued to grow, his mass swelling, adding to itself, his orgasm going on and on, Larry could see that Tucker was lost in the sensations of what was taking place. No wonder. He could tell that Tucker was in a place beyond ecstasy, that he was flying on an orgasmic rocket. His traps threatened to engulf his head and his delts surpassed the size of bowling balls. Larry wanted him, wanted his muscle, his unbelievable display of manhood. Tucker seemed not to be able to stop feeling his own muscle as it grew thicker and denser. Larry stepped up to him and began to join his monster friend in feeling, massaging the gigantic boulders of hairy muscle hanging on his incredibly broad and growing chest. He grabbed the throbbing, spraying cock. There was no way he could get his hand around it and it had to be over two feet long now. He heard Tucker breathlessly crying for him to take it, take it. He held the gigantic head to his face, then licked around the spouting slit. His lust and hunger overtook him, and he drank as much of Tucker's cum as he could, and when he was full and still crazy with desire, he turned and positioned himself asshole to cockhead and began to push back onto Tucker's rod. As soon as he made contact, he felt Tucker grab his waist and thrust hard. He was sure he screamed. It felt like he was being impaled on someone's leg, but his lust was so intense that the very size of the gigantic tool inside him was driving to the heart of his insatiable need for more. Tucker was still pouring cum out of his cock, and he held Larry tight against him as he flooded his gut. Even when Larry had been filled to the point that he could feel his belly distending and cum running out of him and down his legs, Tucker held him hard against him. The more Larry felt filling inside him, the more he wanted it. There was no way he could get enough. Until he began to feel the heat in his own belly and the convulsing in his muscles begin. Tucker could barely catch a breath from the relentless orgasm he was having. It didn't seem to matter how much he came. He just felt himself getting more and more turned on, hornier, constantly more erotically charged. Even as he pumped a steady stream of his juice into Larry he could feel himself growing bigger, thicker, heavier. He was so in love with the feeling of his muscles growing so much more massive so fast that there was no way now that he could have enough of the feeling, no way he could ever get big enough. It seemed like the juice he had taken from Larry was even more concentrated in its effect than the original dose he had been given. It was incredible. If only he could get more. And then, when he saw Larry, still impaled on his churning cock, begin so show the signs of convulsing, he knew that they were each producing a more concentrated version of the formula by its very action within them. No wonder it was such an intense sexual sensation and experience. The whole thing was sexual in its most basic nature. The muscles, the body hair, the amazing growth of their genitals, all of it was the expression by the body of an unleashing of the deepest essence of physical male sexuality. Even as those thoughts were crowding in on his consciousness, he saw them confirmed. Larry began contracting, his already huge glutes squeezing Tucker's cock so hard he thought he might burst, if it didn't feel so good. Tucker saw, immediately, that Larry's lats and delts were swelling again. From his position behind him, Tucker couldn't believe how Larry's back began to flare like a cobra's hood, how his bowling ball delts began to look more like basketballs. He put his hands on Larry's butt to slide himself out, and he could feel the iron pulsing of those glutes swelling into larger boulders. When he pulled his cock out, he was shocked at how much it had grown inside his friend. He turned him around. Larry was grinning, his eyes rolling up into his head with the extreme ecstasy he was feeling. He could only keep saying how incredible he felt, how unbelievable this was. He was massaging his own pecs, feeling their hard, swelling contours, pressing the heels of his hands hard into their sides, pushing against them as he felt them pushing out, broadening, thickening. They were beyond enormous. His arms were so huge it was difficult to bent them very far before his forearms were stopped by the ham-like biceps bursting on his upper arms. His lats had pushed them above forty-five degrees. His thighs forced his legs farther apart even though his quads firmly pressed against each other almost to his knees, to where his balls rested now, two very large grapefruits churning with his sex. His cock projected straight out from his increasingly hairy groin, more than two feet of thick, veiny manhood, and as his cries of ecstasy increased, he began to shoot, just like Tucker. Now both of them were standing in the pool, Tucker bigger than the biggest bodybuilder, and Larry bigger than him by half, both of them still swelling, and both of them shooting non-stop volleys of heavy cream. They laughed and they moaned with constant, growing erotic animal pleasure. They shot all over each other. They rubbed the slippery cum into the hair that was still growing thicker on each other's torsos, enjoying the feel of their mass, their deep cuts, the mounds and boulders of harder, denser, bigger muscles. After a few more minutes, when Tucker saw how enormous Larry was becoming, still swelling, veins popping all over his body, his skin thinner and thinner as the muscle beneath stretched it like tissue, He realized that Larry's growth was even more extreme than his after he had taken a belly full of Larry's juice. So the combination of the original dose plus Larry's cum had magnified the strength of the process in him, and what he gave to Larry had been that much stronger. That meant that what Larry was shooting out of his cock now would probably be stronger still by that much more concentration. He looked at Larry's cock, which was like the thick end of a baseball bat and nearly a yard long, he guessed. Could he take it? He wanted to. He wanted it bad. He playfully forced it down below the water, feeling how it was so stiff that it felt spring-loaded, and let it go. It sprang up, to their delight, with a thwack hitting Larry in the face. Tucker reached up, took its frighteningly huge head and brought it down as he turned around to his own huge, hard bubble butt. He pushed back onto it, felt it stretch him until he thought his flesh would tear. But something about this transformation also seemed to increase his capacity to open and accommodate such a tool, because he felt Larry's hands on his waist, then the pressure of his friend pulling his back as he thrust forward, and with a blinding flash of hot, erotic pain, he felt himself fill with Larry's hot flesh. He could feel the juice pumping into him. It was so hot that he tried to stand still and just experience the sensation. His own cock was still ejaculating. He had been ejaculating for at least an hour, and he couldn't believe he wasn't exhausted, but the intensity of the orgasm kept growing stronger and energizing him. He would let Larry fill him for as long as he could stand it. If he could, he would stay on this giant cock until he felt himself growing more, growing faster. The water in the pool was becoming cloudy with their cum. Tucker had no ideas how long he had stayed on Larry's cock. He remembered that when his arms were resting almost straight out to his sides and had grown bigger than a bodybuilder's legs, Larry had been forceful about having another turn himself. He vaguely remembered that they each took several more turns. He remembered that, no matter how big their cocks had grown, they seemed to be able to stretch to take them in, even when they were much too long to take more than half their lengths. He remembered, at one point, that they were going to get out of the pool and try to pose for each other, but they found that they were so heavy that it was almost impossible to balance themselves and stand up without the help of the buoyancy of the water. So they had stayed in the pool. Their cocks grew too long to reach the throbbing, insistent cockheads themselves, but that was not problem since they couldn't get enough of doing it for each other. They didn't give a fuck about the consequences when they realized their dicks extended over their heads; it was just too fucking hot having such gigantic cocks. They completely lost any sense of time as the night wore on and they took turns impregnating each other with stronger and stronger doses of the growth factor, and getting more and more lost in the intensity of the erotic sensations of their growing mass. They never even heard Larry's phone ring, late the next morning, when they hadn't shown up at the office. About ten o'clock, Sean Gallagher came to check. The new potential clients had shown up for a nine o'clock appointment. Sean had first checked at Tucker's house and found no one home. So he came to Larry's. He found them in the pool. Sean was in shock at what he saw. He had talked to Larry about the new product, and had known more than Tucker about what these guys were up to. He had even been kind of excited to see how it worked on Larry, because, deep, secret truth be known, he had always wanted to have a body like a bodybuilder without having to do all the work to get it. But in his wildest imaginings, he had never conceived of anything like what he saw that morning. The two of them were oblivious to him when he walked onto the patio. They were facing each other, leaning against the side of the pool for support. They stood there, the two most grotesquely, monstrously muscular men ever conceived in the brain of the most obsessed muscle freak, massaging, caressing, feeling each other's bodies, lost in the sensations. Projecting from the groin of each of them, resting on the shoulder of the other like a pair of crossed swords, lay their cocks, projecting above and beyond their heads, spurting thick, heavy cream like fountains into the water. Sean didn't know what to do. He was terrified. He called their names. When they finally took notice of him, they said he would have to help them out of the pool. They obviously wouldn't be getting dressed and coming into the office. Sean noticed they weren't at all upset about the freaks they had become. He didn't know what to do about getting them out of the pool, since he was wearing his suit. Tucker told him to just take his clothes off. He'd need to take a fast shower anyway, since the pool water was a swamp of milky juice, a layer almost coagulated on the surface. Sean was mildly disgusted by the prospect, but he couldn't leave them there, so he laid his clothes neatly on a chaise. He also felt a little, dark thrill at the sight of these two hairy muscle monsters with their monster dicks. As he tried to help them move out of the water, they got him laughing at the difficulty of maneuvering such mass. He was immediately slippery, too, with the juice surrounding him. They slid around, Sean having to grab their immense muscles as he tried to help them balance. It was impossible to stay out of the way of the fountains of spunk that were still spurting into the pool. He was soon so covered, in his flailing attempts, that he had to accept getting some in his mouth. He didn't swallow much, but the concentration level had increased so much that it didn't take very much before he felt a strange heat in his belly. To be continued....
  5. Guest


    So, this is my very first story. Thought I'd crack one out, while I'm waiting for my new job to start. Strangely it's more cock growth orientated than muscle growth, as muscle-growth was my original fetish. But there is muscle growth, and should it be worth continuing, there will be plenty more! So, please give constructive criticism and/or praise. Mainly praise. Basically just tell me it's awesome. But honestly, any feedback is appreciated, and should I have enough interest and then time, I may try to continue it. Title may be confusing: grUV - pronounced "groovy". Short for growth: ultra-violet. Which is a teaser for the basis of the growth. But enough waffle, here is: Chapter 1 Wow. What a night. I awoke with a slow grogginess that so often accompanies a night out clubbing down the bay with Dave. Thankfully we don’t have far to walk back, as he has a boat out in the harbour, docked out at sea. Nevertheless, the fact you have to use one of the numerous row boats to row out to it is always hilarious, especially when you’re as drunk as we were. “Ok?” What. I stared blankly, my eyes trying to focus, and take in what had awoken me. “I said, I’m rowing back into harbour to get some food for us all from town.” “Us all?” I croaked back. “Yeah, you, me and Brad.” “Brad?” “That guy I tried to introduce you to at the club. I’ve always said he can crash on the boat if he doesn’t feel like getting the last train back to his place. Looks like he took me up on my offer again, and rowed himself over at some point last night.” Dave explained. I had a vague memory of the cabin door banging open, and waking me in the middle of the night, and seeing a silhouette of a man, as he flopped onto some cushioning on the other side. I couldn’t remember meeting anyone specific at the club, we talked to a lot of people, and all I saw last night was a biggish shadow fall onto the bed near me, I couldn’t make out any discernible features. Nevertheless, I was in no mood to push for details, so simply responded with, “Cool”. “Yeah. He’s already up and gone for a swim. Maniac. Anyway, I’ll be quick as I can, but be nice. You were definitely too out of it to properly get to know him last night.” With that Dave went to the stern and hopped overboard into one of the two rowboats tied to his boat. I lay a while longer, grabbed a bottle of water, did a few stretches, and after a few minutes, felt well enough to venture out of the cabin and into the summer sun. I was just wearing underwear and shorts from last night, so I felt the heat of the sun immediately on my body. It was nice, but blinding. When my eyes adjusted, I looked out to the water, and caught sight of what must’ve been Brad swimming pretty fast back and forth. I took a seat at the starboard side of the bow, so I could face out to sea and watch him. After a few minutes he paused, and looked over to the boat. I gave a very unenergetic wave, but he responded, and began to make his way over to the boat. He heaved himself up onto the boat and for the first time I got a good look at him. The size of the shadow I glimpsed last night did not do him justice. The water trailed off his traps as his torso rose ever higher as he hauled himself up. He gripped the railings harder and pushed himself up, two triceps exploding to life as he did. He then swung a massive leg over the railing, and it landed with a heavy splash on the decking. He flashed me a smile as he began pulling himself to his full height. He had short dark hair which flowed beautifully into full stubble that lined his masculine jaw. His skin was a glowing olive, all of which offset a pair of blue eyes that sparkled like the sea that was still dripping off him. I watched a drop slowly begin descending from his neck. It travelled down the valley between two meaty pecs, and I continued to follow it as it meandered between his six abs. As it fell further, my eyes landed on his crotch. He was wearing just a red speedo. It was dark but shiny from having just been in the water. It looked a size too big for him, being quite wrinkly rather than hanging tightly on him. I assumed he was a bit of a modest fellow who didn’t want to draw attention, or maybe he lost weight recently. But I couldn’t dwell on my thoughts much longer, as he was standing fully upright now, had turned to face me, and said “Hey Stranger, the name’s Brad!”. I introduced myself and gestured for him to sit down just across from me on the other side of the bow. This gave me a great view of him as he sat down opposite me. He leant back against the railing, lying at almost 45˚, exposing his muscular torso to the sun. He brought up his left leg onto the cushioning and leaned his left elbow on it as he supported his head, commenting on how he was still feeling the effects of last night’s drinks. His bicep flexed and bounced up and down as he rubbed his head. His arms were huge, certainly the biggest I had seen up this close, I reckoned at least 18 inches. I empathised with his hangover, and we spoke about what we did remember from last night. He was quite a talker, but I was happy to listen. His pecs heaved when he laughed about the antics he got up to. The drips highlighted how defined and cut he was. I felt I was staring for ages. It must’ve been a while, because the sea water was beginning to dry, and left his body literally glinting in the sun. His speedos were also beginning to look lighter in colour, and I noticed also less loose. This caught my attention, but I wanted to be subtle. I kept directing open questions to him, and only answering with a yes or no to him, so he was soon lost in his stories again. I stole glances down every time he looked away, or closed his eyes to try and remember details of his night. I was right, his cock was definitely growing down there. The wrinkles of the suit began to disappear as a bulge began to form at his crotch. I could begin to see the shape of his dick as it slowly lengthened and filled the speedo out more. It also looked like his balls were expanding too, as the material of lower part also straightened out. As he rambled on, he continued to get bigger down there. His cock was lengthening and thickening; but now with the suit clinging relatively tightly to his new size, the material stopped any further advancement forward. I swear I could see the bulge kink and bend round as it still tried to thicken. This is when it suddenly dawned on me that he wasn’t getting hard. I theorised his genitals must have shrunk down a lot from his swim in the cold morning water. And now he was just warming up to his natural impressive size. However, the misshapen slowly growing bulge looked uncomfortable; and it must’ve been, as while he was still talking, he very nonchalantly pulled the waistband away from his body and bucked his hips. His cock lurched forward and down as it unfolded and grew into the new available space. As he let the speedo snap back onto his body, it now hugged a very impressive round sexy bulge, perfectly filling the perfectly-sized tight red suit. I figured he must be a healthy 5 to 6 inches soft, and pretty thick. Which was quite a pleasant unexpected growth from the initial practically non-existent bulge from his chilly willy I first saw. I was sure this was the case; nevertheless, I decided to test my theory. “How was the water?” I interjected when he finally wrapped up his current saga. “Not gonna lie mate, it was pretty nippy. Sun’s barely had time to warm it at all. Although an ice-cold blast does wonders for the hangover.” He replied. Well the sun had had time to dry him up nicely, and was now reflecting off the salt crystals peppering his chiselled torso. He was a sight to behold, and now that his crotch had stopped growing, I was finally appreciating the rest of him. And there were a lot of bulges to appreciate as they rippled from time to time soaking up the sun. “Why, you thinking of going for a dip?” He said as he stood up to get a bottle of water from the cooler Dave had on board. I watched as he rose to his 6’2” height. Turning sideways to walk across in front of me, I saw his big ass and quads tighten and marvelled as the big red bulge jiggled as he stepped. In profile it was clear just how sexily prominent his bulge was, its heft tugging on the material, showing it was in control, not the other way around. As he spun round to return to his seating position, again with one leg up, giving the bulge breathing space, I finally responded, “Perhaps I will in a bit. As you say, it might help with the headache”. “You a strong swimmer?” He continued. “Yeah, actually, in fact I was captain of my school’s swim team.” I said. “No way! Me too! Well when it wasn’t rugby season.” He replied. We began to converse about our various sporting endeavours at school. The conversation being much more two-way now that I wasn’t trying to ogle him. That being said, after several minutes, I did steal a glance down again. Seeing as he was almost displaying his bulge in that open position, it might seem weird if I keep avoiding it. My eyes quickly flicked back up to his, as I responded to his latest inquiry about which athletic events I preferred. My mouth ran off some generic answers, as my brain was pondering once again whether his speedo package was looking larger than before. I began stealing more regular glances. It was hard to tell. But when he went for a swig of water, tilting his head back, I decided to grab a longer look. I watched, it was hard to discern, but I swear I watched the whole round bulge slowly push the speedo further out as it enlarged. His head came back down, and I made sure to meet his gaze as he let out a refreshing sigh. Now, that I was curious again, I resorted to my initial tactic of getting him monologuing, so I could keep tabs on what appeared to be an ever-growing package. As he answered my barrage of questions, I was able to keep peaking down at his red speedo. I couldn’t stare long enough to visibly see any growth in action, but evidence came in another form. I started to note that wrinkles were beginning to reappear in the suit. Whereas before, the wrinkles suggested a speedo too large for him, these taut lines represented quite the opposite. Initially it was just two. Two lines stretching from each side of the suit to the middle, fading as they reached the flesh-filled pouch. However, with each glance, more wrinkle lines would appear. Four. Six. As the round bulge swelled bigger and pushed forward they continued to appear. Eight. Ten. Twelve! Again, as I was only glancing briefly, I could not see the growth, but on my most recent peek, I clocked that his bulge was almost in line with the end of the cushion now. There were soon too many wrinkles to count, and I noted that there didn’t seem to be any more room for more to form. Additionally, more of his legs were being exposed at the sides, as all the material was being pulled forward by the expanding bulge. He certainly seemed oblivious to all this going on, still chatting away about how much harder it is to play team sports outside of education. I didn’t know how much longer he couldn’t notice for though, the speedo seemed stretched to the limit. Then I heard it. It was hard to make out, as big Brad was still nattering on, but I heard what sounded like finger being dragged along the surface of an inflated balloon. I knew it must have been the fabric of the speedo straining after even more growth from his monstrous package. My theory was confirmed when my next cheeky glance down revealed that a space had been created above his muscular thighs where the material was now lifting away, pulled by what had to be about 9 inches of thick cock. I returned my attention back to Brad, had he not heard it? Apparently not, as he was still mid-sentence and continuing on like nothing happened. However, a few seconds later, I heard it again; and more prominently, as it fell between two words Brad was uttering. Brad continued speaking, but I saw a flash of shock appear in his eyes, and while talking he finally brought his leg down, and leant forward, trying to obscure my view of his bigger bulge. It worked briefly, my attention was now on his hefty pecs, making a muscular cleavage in this new hunched position, but I looked down again, and could still make out the bulge, which was now in line with end of the cushion on which he sat. Brad’s sudden fear and shift in posture must have meant he was aware of what was happening. I looked back into his eyes, waiting to see if he was going to acknowledge this weird occurrence. But he continued his story, finally finishing with a question to me. “Umm,” I murmured, then paused while I tried to actually think of what he had just asked me. But in that silence, the sound of the speedo stretching happened again. With no voice to mask it, it was clear, to us both, what had just happened. I looked to him, and we shared an intense eye contact, still in silence, still gazing into each other’s eyes. Suddenly, a huge, loud and long, fabric-wrenching sound was emitted from his crotch as the speedo strained ever further. I couldn’t help but stare down, as I was now able to clearly see the dreamy round bulge surge forth and begin to overhang the seat. It was growing so big, stretching the speedo, making it paler in colour. “Umm,” I began again, “Are you okay?” I naively asked. Brad slowly and simply leant back against the railings, and spread his legs, allowing me a full unobstructed view of his almighty size. He then grew again. I was unabashedly ogling his growing crotch. The sight, coupled with the sound of the fabric slowly losing its fight to his beastly dick, was such a turn on. “Yeah, I’m very okay.” He replied, almost laughing “You okay?”. I leant back too, “Yeah, maybe too okay!” I joked as my new posture revealed my tenting shorts. Brad laughed. “I wish I had known you were gay, I wouldn’t have been holding back otherwise!” His words were followed by three short bursts of rubbery stretching sounds as the tip of his bulge juddered bit by bit closer to the ground. “Holding back?” I questioned, “Wait, you’re not getting hard right now?” Brad laughed again. “Does this look hard to you?” He said cupping his giant package with his right hand. The round shape and way the bulge moved as its huge size overflowed his hand told me he was indeed still soft. “N.. No.” I stammered, “Bu…but, how?”. “Well, I’m guessing Dave’s suncream isn’t as water resistant as it claimed.” I stared blankly. Brad continued to explain further. “It seems when my body soaks up the sun and makes vitamin D, well, it really makes vitamin D.” His emphasis on the ‘D’ was complimented by another audible strain from his speedo, as his cock probably entered double figures in length. “Basically, when UV light hits my skin, it seems to make another hormone, as well as vitamin D, that goes to my dick and starts to make it grow. My balls too. The more light, the stronger the sun, the more skin exposed, the faster it happens. So, on a summery day like today, when I’m wearing only this, and haven’t got any protection on, well…” He trailed off, gesturing towards the now pinkish tight speedo barely containing an ever growing mass of meat. It grew again, this time the straining noise sounded a little different, almost as though a few of the fabric’s threads were beginning to snap. The change in tone made the tent in my lap bob a little higher. Brad smirked as he saw my cock trying to grow like his, but failing. He adjusted his position, rocking his hips slightly, and I gazed in awe, as the huge soft bulge continued to jiggle for a couple of seconds, which then reminded me, “Wait, you said you were holding back? …What did you mean by that?” “Yeah, you’re cute. I was trying to not get turned on. But seeing as you like…” He paused, and I heard a similar sound to the one just before, as I saw his cock jump a little, “perhaps I should stop resisting”. Suddenly a big straining sound was emitted, accompanied by some definite tearing sounds, as I saw a hardening cock shape surge forth. I could make out the outline of what was cock and what was balls now. Both hugely impressive sizes. Brad grunted and bucked his hips, and I could see the difference the erection was making to his genital growth. His cock was growing far faster than his balls as he got harder. The thick rod was pressed up against the ever-thinning material, so tight that I could make out the patterns of the veins on his dick. Especially as they continued to grow from both his arousal and his unique UV-absorbing condition. Brad moaned as another bout of rubbery straining and ripping sounds emanated from his crotch as the cock tried to lift away from his body as he got even harder. It was beginning to throb, and each pulse was accompanied by a ripping sound. I watched in lustful amazement as I saw holes beginning to appear in the speedo to the left and right of this mountainous bulge. Numerous ripping sounds continued as those strained wrinkle lines tore open into holes, allowing the speedo more slack. But it still wasn’t enough, as Brad’s cock quickly grew to fill the extra room. He was getting so big and hard, it looked around 14”. I could see most of it, as the base was exposed as his cockhead had pulled the waistband well away, and the speedo was more holes than material now. It was throbbing fast, and seemed to struggle to make that final growth it needed to burst free. Brad put both hands on the railings behind him, closed his eyes, leaned his head overboard, and then thrust. I watched as the base of his cock thickened substantially, the swelling then spread in a wave up his shaft, finally reaching his tip, which thickened too, adding that little bit of length so that a huge pop was heard as the speedo disintegrated into shreds, and a huge thick cock slapped up against his quivering abs. Brad was breathing fast, and I was dripping pre, having watched that sexy spectacle. But it wasn’t over. In fact, I guess even more skin was exposed now to the sunlight, which would only increase his growth. His cock pointed straight up and was thick and rigid, now at full mast. But as I suspected the growth continued. I watched as his two apple-sized balls seemed to fill, his cock was nudging up a little higher with each throb, hard to notice, but I could see. And very soon it drew Brad’s attention as the head dug into his pec shelf. He opened his eyes and looked down. Acknowledging the problem, he sank back down onto the cushion, and grabbed his shaft with his left hand pulled it away from his body. Fuck he was thick, his grasp not even close to encircling his cock. He then looked towards me, and pointed his cockhead in my direction and asked, “Want a taste?”. I didn’t even answer but simply moved across to him, took his monster in both my hands and pulled his cockhead into my mouth. It was a tight fit, but incredibly arousing. I slowly pulled my lips back off it, wetting the entirety of the head. I then used my tongue to lick all over his slit and glans, while my hands worked up and down what felt like a telegraph pole. I then eased the head back into my mouth, and began rhythmically bobbing my head up and down. I could feel him sliding past on all sides of my mouth as his fat head pounded the back of my throat. God, he was filling up all the space in my mouth. I then remembered he must still be growing, despite me shading part of his body. I decided to pause and hold everything in place, just so I could feel this miracle. At first, I couldn’t sense any growth. But I moved my hands together so they formed a ring around his shaft, and soon I noticed how his cock was slowly expanding, as my interlocking fingers were being pulled apart by this growing man meat. I then realised that his cockhead was now at the back of my throat, not because I had gone further down on him, but because he had grown another 2 inches in length. I noticed he was getting much thicker too, as my fingertips finally parted. His cockhead was no exception and was pushing against all sides of my mouth, allowing no passage of air. This realisation was such a turn on I almost came right there and then. But the need to breathe triumphed, and I jolted my head back, gasping, while pulling his mammoth junk from my mouth. “Well, well.” Said Brad, “Looks like you are enjoying. Perhaps we should move into the cabin before I become just too fucking big!” And with a smug grin, his cock grew up to halfway up his chest. Brad grabbed it, and began angling it down. “Open wide!” I looked at him confused and scared. How could he think that thing was going to fit in my mouth again after it just nearly choked me? “Your legs, silly!” He explained as he squatted down and slid his 18” dick under my groin. He slowly rose, pausing as he began to take my weight on his thick cock. I saw his quads bulge with dense striated muscle. After all this focus on his growing dick, I had forgotten just how hot and muscular he was. His thighs pumped up and his abs tensed, and he slowly stood up with me supported on his cock, balancing with my hands on his bulging shoulders. I could feel another dark spot of pre leaking onto my tented shorts, this was just so hot; but thankfully Brad wouldn’t have been able to see underneath his big pecs. Standing tall, Brad’s body was now fully bathed in sunlight. As he began marching me atop his junk, towards the cabin, I felt the rate of his cock growth increase, as the log supporting me thickened and rapidly lengthened, splaying my legs further apart. I let go of one of his shoulders, and felt the cock behind me as it grew to 20” and then 22”, each pulse lifting me higher as it gained more strength to take my weight. We made it to the cabin, and everything stopped. Out of the direct sunlight, and so the UV, Brad’s cock finally stopped growing. “Well,” he said, “I’m yours.” I stared into his handsome face, and again saw a smug grin come over his face. He throbbed his mammoth beast, and the rising cock angle made me slide down so that I faceplanted into his chest and stabbed him in the abs with my own boner. “Ooof,” He reacted, “That’s quite the weapon you’ve got there yourself. How about you free him from his prison.” I felt the same way, so swung my left leg over his huge cock and dropped to the floor. As I did so, his cock, now unburdened, swung up and the tip was level with the base of his neck. Having quickly whipped off my shorts and underwear before Brad saw the pre stains, I spun round to take in the view of him again. Gigantic. Everything. Pure masculinity. I had to service him. I grabbed the hand nearest to me, and began feeling and licking all the way up his arms; my tongue and fingers caressing every groove between the thick cords of muscle. On reaching his shoulder, I turned to face him, and had to stretch to touch each shoulder with each hand. His cockhead was level with my face, and was almost touching my nose as his broad chest pushed it out. I tried to ignore it for now, instead sliding both arms down to his biceps. He responded naturally, and raised both arms into a double bicep flex. Big boulders erupted forth, they split my fingers apart, and I tried to dig in, but the meat was just solid strength. I let my hands wander down to his pecs, and like clockwork, Brad started bouncing them, and my cock bounced in unison, tickling his balls in the process. I looked down and saw them. They were like two soft bowling balls, dangling down, halfway to his knees. I was so intrigued, I started fondling them, not noticing Brad begin to moan. I bent down and began to lick all around them, supporting their hefty weight in my hands, and watching as they overflowed from one of my palms to the other. As I licked them from bottom to top, I let my tongue run onto the base of Brad’s dick. He let out a louder deep moan, causing me to look up. I noticed now that his nipples had become sensitised, having thickened up, and were standing out a good half inch from his meaty pecs. I couldn’t resist, I jumped on his right one with my mouth, and began teasing and sucking at it, while ran my hands over his cobblestone abs, still trying to ignore the throbbing pillar next to my cheek. Brad moans only grew louder, he was loving this, and as I switched across to his left nipple, I saw a bead of pre run down his mighty shaft. While nibbling on his left nipple, I decided to reach across with my left hand and play with his right nipple simultaneously. In doing so, my arm was pressed against his 22” cock, and I could feel each throb, and just sense the power in it as it constantly vibrated with pure sexual energy. I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I left both hands twiddling at his teats, but began using my mouth to wet the beast before me. Round and round, up and down I went with my tongue, soaking his member, and causing Brad to start egging me on. When I was confident I had lubricated most of his shaft, I released his nipples and grabbed his cock with both hands, and began pumping his cannon. While continuing to wank him, I pulled the head towards me, at this angle, it was level with my mouth, and although too thick to fully fit in, I did my best to massage the glans with my lips. This was clearly appreciated by Brad, who began moaning and bucking. It was getting so hot, I had to pleasure myself too. One hand on my cock, the other on the largest one on the planet, while my mouth continued to suck its head. I accelerated the pace more and more, and more, until I realised I was close to cumming. “Fuck, I gotta stop!” I panted. “No worries,” Brad replied, “You certainly got me going good!” As I began to regain some composure, a thought suddenly crossed my mind. “OK, I gotta question… if it’s sunlight which makes… this… happen, then how come you don’t already have a cock as long as a road?” “Well, the effects wear off after I cum. I guess all the energy is stored as cum, and having it kept there causes my junk to grow. But once its released, everything returns to its previous state.” I must’ve flashed a look of slight disappointment, as Brad quickly continued, “But I never used to be this muscular, or have an almost 6 inch soft cock. Or even this tall. But a man gets curious; and I tried my own come once, and noticed it led to some permanent gains.” He said as he flexed a bicep up to my face. I grab my dick and slowly start stroking in response. “If you carry on as you did before, you might get a treat”. The idea that I could possibly grow larger, seemingly everywhere, was such a turn on that I was once again close to the brink of orgasm, and a large globule of pre emerged from my slit and ran down my quivering cock. Brad noted this and decisively spoke up, “Actually, I think you’ll like to watch this.” He walked over to the cabin door and stood in its entrance. I was wondering what he was doing, but then as I caught sight of the back of his hefty ballsack dropping down further towards his knees, I realised he was growing himself in the sun again. He was there for not even a minute, and then he spun round. Over 2 feet of thick meaty cock was advancing towards me, the tip bouncing around, now level with Brad’s luscious lips. He stopped inches from me. Bent his head a little down, and pulled his bloated cockhead into his mouth as much as he could. His lips moistened the slit as he used his bulging arms to forcefully pump the column before me. Brad began to moan as his actions became faster and stronger. I had subconsciously began wanking myself too. Brad’s eyes shut, and I could swear he was moaning ‘Fuck’ although his mouth was gagged by a head the size of a rugby ball. He let out one massive but muffled moan, and his stroking suddenly ceased. I looked down and saw his balls heave, and then watched his cock jerk as a torrent of cum ran up inside it and gushed into Brad’s mouth. The instant he began swallowing, I noticed him changing. I took a step back and watched as his whole body seemed to scale-up larger, keeping everything in proportion as he inched up, reaching now what must’ve been a towering 6’3”. He released his cock from his mouth, the spurts having finally ended, and I watched it lengthen an inch or two by itself so that the tip bumped against the bridge of his nose. I was on the edge, pumping like a maniac. Brad opened his eyes, saw me, and immediately placed his hands on his hips. And within an instant I saw his pecs puff out massively, expanding in size, weight and strength. His abs all swelled, fighting for space, and as he lifted his arms up and flexed, I saw his biceps grow larger and larger than before. His muscles were surging with much more energy than the rest of him, and that was my weakness. As his guns grew past the 20” mark, I blew my load and splattered his ripped torso, as his growth finally began to subside. We were both left standing there, catching our breath. I apologised for spraying Brad, and he laughed it off, grabbing a towel. I watched as he wiped my cum off him, and noticed his balls were back to normal, well maybe a slightly bigger size, but I had no reference point. His cock on the other hand was still looming towards me at an inflated size. However, I watched as it both began to soften and shrink, arcing down in the process. Brad cast the towel aside, and looked down at himself from his new height. After what I had just witnessed, his flaccid cock looked a sorry sight. But after glancing back at my own, and then back at Brad’s, I realised he must be 7 inches soft now! Plus Brad certainly didn’t seem unimpressed. “Fuck! Look at me, I’m massive!” He bellowed, as he struck pose after pose. It was true, his muscles had significantly grown. Dave might not pick up on the extra inch in height or cock, but Brad’s bodybuilder stature biceps and pecs were bound to give the game away. I wonder if Dave knows about this? “Damn,” continued Brad as he cupped his enormous left pec in his right hand, “This is incredible! …but we best get covered up before Dave comes back with the food.” I began redressing. Luckily the hot weather would dry my shorts out pretty quick from any embarrassing stains. I watched Brad rummage around the cabin until he found a pair of metallic blue speedos. He struggled to pull them up over his bigger legs. “Wow, I can’t believe how much my calves have grown. …Makes …this uuh..h. a bit difficult though, ..my quads too…” He wriggled about, his meaty muscles tensing and untensing in the process. They were just so big and defined now, I had never seen anything like it. Fuck I was getting aroused again. Brad eventually got the speedos on and over his genitals. They were super tight. And they made such a big beautiful blue bulge. It was shiny and massive, and I can’t believe I ever thought it looked small. Even framed by large cobbled abs and big quads, its size was unmistakeable. His thick 7 inch soft cock and balls already strained the material into a mouth-watering, big, round, shiny bulge. I couldn’t help but start boning up again. It looked so good. Brad caught sight of this, “Calm down now, Dave will be back any second.” I nodded, a bit disappointed and dropped my head. But instantly sprang it back up when I heard the now familiar sound of speedo fibres stretching. Brad was blushing, his arousal given away, and a glance at his package revealed some new taut wrinkles and a bit of delineation showing the outline of his chubbing cock. “No really,” Brad interrupted, resisting the moment, “let’s have you rub some suncream on my new muscles before I ruin another decent pair of speedos!”.
  6. Home of the Gods Part Eight-Finale by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14350-home-of-the-gods-part-seven-by-f-r_eaky/ Fabian woke very late in the morning. Hoisting himself off the floor, he stretched and massaged himself as the unheated concrete floor seeped cold into his body and his new larger muscles and bones ached with a larger amount of stiffness. He nearly fell over and down again, attempting to walk forward, but learning he needed to do a side kick kind of step allowing his burgeoning thighs to roll forward and around one another. Not to mention his arms felt so big and heavy and swung too much weight when he tried to compensate on his balance. It also didn't help that his arms almost couldn't swing back and forth due to the size of his lats and broadness and thickness of his pectorals. He decided to walk to the bathroom and shower, curious as he heard it running and he remembered not finishing it before being... .... ... could one call it an attack? Before being attacked the day before by three of Gabriel's friends. After walking a few steps he spun around and looked at the door. He swore to God he heard someone pounding on it furiously as though trying to break in by breaking the door down. He didn't hear or see anything. Turning to walk back to the bathroom he heard the pounding again, stopped turned and looked... ... ... nothing. He turned away again, but thought before he began to walk and then took off for the bathroom, pausing and smiling when he realized the noise was the sound of his twenty-one inch long, thick, muscular meaty feet slapping the floor when he walked. But then he heard an actual bang. It sounded like pounding on the delivery truck door that went down the wall and finally to the people entrance. A couple of extreme pounds later and suddenly there burst through Gabriel, looking extremely pissed and screaming at the top of his lungs. "You somehow manage to make my boys go mental. Screaming about some giant Olympian bodybuilder. That's it. You may be a little taller than me, Reid, but I am gonna take... you.... .... .... down?" Gabriel had taken a goodly number of steps into the warehouse before he noticed the hulking figure that was now Fabian. Standing at what was a few inches below the point of where Fabian's lats began to flare out from his abdomen and obliques, Gabriel took in the view as Ian loomed over him and did a most muscular, flaring out his neck, traps, and shoulders, while ballooning out his chest and upper arms. Gabriel whimpered just a little and then slowly backed away before making a dash for the door and running out of the warehouse. Fabian chuckled to himself. "I didn't even have to say anything. I actually didn't have to say a word." He turned and began to walk back towards the bathroom, feeling his cock inflate longer and heavier as the thought of just posing at Gabriel made him turn and run. By the time he made it to the bathroom doorway, it was fully erect and his head was preceding him into the bathroom by nearly two feet. Suddenly there was a tug and a pull on his massive member and when Fabian finally walked through, he looked down to see Reid smiling, holding his cock, and standing right at the point where his lats flared out from the rest of Fabian's body. "You know...anything that sticks out two feet or more from the vehicle carrying it has to be tagged with a red flag. That's the law." "It's already got quite the red head. Isn't that enough?" "It is for me" said Reid smiling as he continued to pull Fabian into the shower, which he had finished up when he woke up earlier. Reid had some personal fun as he helped lather Fabian up, groping and cupping all of the new mountainous muscle bellies that covered Fabian's body. Truly, if he was normal height, he'd be one of the biggest built bodybuilders ever with enviable genetics everyone hoped and wished for. Reid then went through and traced every crevice, attempted to massage Fabian's muscles, before he finally tried to help massage any stiffness out of Fabian's muscles due to sleeping on the cold concrete floor. Eventually he took in Fabian's cock head as best he could, licking and stroking it until both he and Fabian needed to stay in for another shower to get cleaned up. Afterwards, they finished putting together Fabian's new make-shift bed and lay down upon it, talking. "You had me a bit worried, Fabe. As the changes occurred you kept going on about strength and power. I thought you were going to become an asshat meathead." "I was a bit overpowered and overwhelmed by the sensation. C'mon, Reid, you can't tell me you never felt good about standing head and shoulders over most males, or that your stronger and better built than them. I've seen you slightly show off. You like it when you can use your size to play the hero." "I try not to be arrogant about it though, and you were just in full self-lust and power-worship as your body blew up and grew. And who plays the hero now?", Reid said despondently. "Some protector I'm gonna be. You stand just over three feet taller than me! And I know you love to top. When your cock first grew it was fine. Felt great. But now.... You're so big and big and BIG! If we're gonna make out... .... I think I'd have to fuck your cock." "Hey....hey..." said Fabian softly. "We'll figure out some way to make it work out. And just because I'm bigger..." "So much bigger..." "That doesn't mean you still can't stand up for me. And out of all the pricks that are Gabriel's friends, only one stands taller than you, and he's definitely smaller built than you. You're almost a foot taller than average males and bigger built than most sports stars. Don't think of yourself as week and useless to me. You remember the first time you actually hefted a really good decent amount of weight?" "Yeah..." "And the pump it gave the body part you were working out?" "Yeah..." "Or how your clothes felt so much tighter, or better yet the time you first ripped out of shirt by accident?" "Yeah..." said Reid now laughing lightly. "Or the time you finally realized you stood taller than your old man, or most of your school mates?" "Yeah...." "Then think of it from my point of view. I was a very scrawny, 5' 2" tall man. Even average guys towered over me. Suddenly I'm growing up and up and up, my muscles are filling out and out and out. I see average men getting smaller, tall men becoming average - child size, and I can feel a power in my body that's growing more and more the bigger I get. It's just like those feelings you experienced, but they were happening all at once and kept going and growing for like so much... ... ... It was just.... such a huge rush. Such a glorious feeling filling me up." "I can tell." said Reid smirking and reached up and gave Fabian's once again erect cock a pull down to the bed top and then allowed it to spring up and smack Fabian in his abs all the way to just below his chest. Both the men chuckled and then with a gleam in his eye, Fabian grabbed Reid and pulling him, Reid's back to his chest and abs, finally rolled over on his side to lay down with Reid engulfed by his body. Reid lay there feeling the heat pulse through Fabian's cock on his back. "C'mon, love. You gotta let me go." "Spoon." "You're going to make me late for work." "SPOON!" "Really, Fabe, someone has to pay for this warehouse." Fabian lowered his voice as deep as it could go and then softly growled in Reid's ear, "spooooooooooooooooooon." The pair lay there until there was just enough time for Reid to get dressed and get to work on time, but they both wished the moment could last forever. **************************************************************************** That night, started one of the worst times in Fabian's life. It was going on 9 p.m. and Reid was at least three hours late getting home from work. At ten after nine there was a loud thump against the regular door, followed by the sound of several people banging on the truck delivery door. This was followed by the sound of many running footsteps and tire squeals. Fabian cautiously went to the regular entrance door and saw the bottom of it had a large dent inwards. Opening the door, he saw the reason, a large cinder block with a note that read: "You're a giant strongman. That doesn't mean you don't have a weakness. You may not venture out because of your size, but your lover does." At twenty after nine, Reid stumbled through the door, low moaning Fabian's name. There was a gash on his brow in between his eyebrows, both eyes were black, his lips were swollen and if he did move them, blood was coming out of his mouth and hiding his teeth. One hand was black and blue and it seemed attached oddly about halfway up the arm. He had trouble breathing, his work uniform was torn, one shoe was missing, once there he couldn't walk, and his delivery van that he drove home in was nowhere in sight. Immediately Fabian went to dial the emergency number, cursing his new size as his much larger digits constantly pressed more than one number every time he attempted to dial on the much smaller cell phone. Finally he grabbed a pencil and began to use that and called an ambulance. The EMT's arrived to discover Reid just lying inside the warehouse. Fabian knew how the scene would look if he had stayed there. Giant bodybuilder - man beaten to a pulp. He would be blamed and arrested. He left running down into a nearby aqua duct and hiding under the bridge where a road passed over it. Reid wound up in the hospital for two weeks. Punctured lung, three broken ribs, concussion, broken ocular bone, one tooth removed, broken arm, sprained ankle. He was released but still laid up for another three months or so while waiting for bones to heal. Fabian had to take care of things for him on his own. He checked his personal account and then had to make friend with a local whom he not only felt he could trust, but, of course showed what man his size could do if the guy just took off with the card and spent his money. They guy helped move in a restaurant sized refrigerator and enough groceries to store in it. Later Fabian used it to buy some building supplies, only he wasn't going to build onto the warehouse structure. Cinder blocks, mortar, I-beams Fabian used to first make a "bench" that could support him, his weight, and any weight he worked out with. Then he began to build walls onto the ends of the I-beams, small ones at first, then medium, and finally some larger ones. Fabian was seeing red. They had beaten up Reid and he couldn't do anything about it. Well, he soon would. Fabian used the wall and beam segments he bought to make something akin to a set of weights and he began to work out... and work out... and work out. He kept his muscles engorged with blood as much as he could, allowing only for proper rest to ensure growth. He ate until he thought his stomach would burst, and hoped he could transfer all of it to his already enormous muscles.... and he did. Fabian watched on the scale as his weight went up and up....ten pounds....twenty pounds..... forty pounds.....eighty pounds.... one-hundred pounds. He had trouble walking before, now he really swayed side to side as he kicked his legs around one another. Just ten pounds over the seventeen hundred pound mark. One-thousand, seven-hundred, ten pounds of pure muscle. But that wasn't all that Fabian did. Shortly after starting his workouts, Fabian began to noticed odd things. The basket he had been presented with on his induction to the tribe had increased in size and now housed his newly sized cock and balls regardless of whether flaccid or erect. He began to wear it most of the time to keep his cock out of his way when lifting. Some of the cinder blocks had been used to make another shallow pool in the bathroom and a very large natural stone had been placed in the back part of said pool. Wild, tropical flowers had begun sprouting and growing in parts of the bathroom, so Fabian knew he had begun chanting again. Mid-spring is when Reid was finally able to come back to the warehouse, still looking a little tired and drained of color. He opened the door and walked in, staring at the odd sculptures that Fabian had made out of the cinder blocks and I-beams not knowing they were new weights for a giant man, and then out of the corner of his eye saw the massive, Titan like frame of Fabian as he stood up from his make shift bed. Reid wasn't sure what to say or to ask. He was stunned by how much larger, beefier Fabian looked. How much heavier he sounded when he walked. But it was the odd look in Fabian's eye that left Reid speechless and motionless. It was a mixture of a blank stare and determination. Fabian reached out and grabbed Reid like he was a child, carried him into the bathroom and then placed Reid in the small pool like area next to the actual shower. He placed Reid with his back against an very tall, thick, stone, the top of which poked up and out of the floor, a smooth round boulder with a crack in the top. Torches were lit everywhere within the bathroom, followed by bundles of incense of some kind, with a very heady and very musky in aroma. Invisible drums began to be beaten and Fabian began to sing chants louder and louder. He made sweeping motions with his feet upon the ground and urged Reid to do the same. Reid began to mimic the movement out of fear of a what behemoth sized, tranced Fabian might do to him if he did. Soon, Reid's legs were as though they were made out of rubber, stretching out instead of being moved in a sweeping motion. His vision began to blur and his head swooned as the bathroom seemed to heave and undulate, warping, skewing in shape and form. Suddenly the floor beneath him began to feel warm, very warm. Warm enough he began to hop dance instead of making the sweeping motion he had been instructed to perform. At this Fabian began to scream, but not in terror, more in ecstasy, as though moaning in orgasm, and in an orgasm so great he might just expel their own soul when cumming. Fabian had been wearing his basket to hold his genitalia and took it off. Reid knew Fabian had become endowed after his last battle with Gabriel's friends, but he still marveled now at the ginormous 16.25 inch, flaccid hung member of Fabian and at how much longer and thicker it became after growing to a 2 foot long erection. Reid knew that Fabian must be spending most of his time walking around nude or in a pair of pants sporting the most obscene bulge ever seen on a man. Erect Fabian's penis didn't stick up like many men's erect penis do, but instead stuck straight out and bobbed as if it was a divining rod made for dowsing. Still hop dancing, his back and arms against the tall rock formation behind him, to help support him in his dance as his head began to swoon more and more, his eyes becoming heavy and tired, Reid began to feel hot and extremely bothered. For some reason he was being turned on. Fabian came forward and removed his shirt, pants, and underwear, and Fabian had already removed his shoes before entering the bathroom. With his small, flaccid cock now flopping around free it began to grow and lengthen to its mighty and full erect status of 7 inches. The heat was growing in him. He felt the heat rising up his body, and felt the heat rising up the stone as well. He thought he felt the air caressing his balls and tugging at his cock. Warmer and warmer he and the rock became, and the hotter they got, the hornier Reid grew. The feeling became so powerful Reid was convulsing more than he was dancing or stomping, the shock waves of pleasure riding over him. Suddenly Fabian let out groans and gasps of ecstasy, his mighty cock having grown even more incredibly long and thick, now spewing forth ribbons and ribbons of cum into the small, wading pool in which Reid was standing. Fabian fell forward upon his knees, taking his hands and rubbing his seed into the ground, groping and massaging, as though fondling some massive muscle or body. The heat kept building and building, Fabian and Reid were sweating profusely. Reid swore he was getting burned on his feet and back as the temperature began to rise higher and higher in the pool floor and the stone. Eventually the ground rumbled and a great gushing sound could be heard followed by a great torrent of water streaming over and down the great rock behind Reid's back. Fabian rose up and backed away as the water cascaded over Reid, drenching him, coating him, and filling up the small wading pool. Striking the pool, part of the water began to hiss, evaporating into great clouds of steam, upon which Reid's head snapped back, he jerked and convulsed, and felt as though someone, something, reached through his dick, into his balls, and pulled out his cum in great strands that felt large enough to be ropes for a sailing ship. Gasping for air, sinking to his knees, Reid saw Fabian approach. "I am Kali'iti'nui no more. I am now, Tanakamaunga - man mountain. We believe that the gods reside in our penis. Although most men of this tribe are raised since birth, being taught exercises and have weights hung to make their penis grow and grow in order to house more gods. You and I were not raised so, but that does not mean you cannot come to greatness, for look what has happened to me. You who so wished to heed the words of the chief and be my protector as he so ordered of you, shall find a way to do so. For your acts of bravery and loyalty, I have made you one of the tribe, and thus at least one god will come to reside in your cock and grant you happiness and prosperity in some form, or so I hope. I thank you. Be blessed, you who have sought to protect me, physically, mentally.... emotionally. You shall take my old name, Kali'iti'nui, meaning small giant, for among most men you are tall and built in stature, and your courage and heart is as big as the men as large as mountains." With that Fabian washed Reid's genitals and groin area with some of the geyser water that erupted from the stone, and then reaching out his hand, grabbed a newly formed basket made by the wild flowers, vines, and ivy growing all around the bathroom. He then placed the basket upon Reid's genitals and tied it around Reid's waist. Reid smiled somewhat punch-drunk like and attempted to say thank you, but fell unconscious into sleep and some of the best fantasy dreams of him and Fabian he ever had of his life. The next morning Fabian woke up to discover the other side of his bed was empty. He could've sworn he had woke from a trance and helped place Reid into bed with him. Walking to the bathroom, he discovered Reid was sitting cross-legged in the ritual pool. His eyes were slightly rolled back, and eventually Fabian could hear a chant coming across Reid's lips. " Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga..." Fabian knew it was not the name of the God of Gods in the Ulpooin pantheon, but he couldn't tell Reid who it was, and Ke'atuka'ine, God of Gods, wasn't communicating any information to him from his cock. Not too long after, Reid simply woke up, took a shower, kissed Fabian and his abs good-bye and reported for work. Around four in the afternoon, Fabian received a knock and a note taped to the entrance door of the warehouse. It was from Gabriel and told him he and his friends were aware that Reid was back to work and that if Fabian didn't meet them downtown, in the back alley behind Reid's workplace, Reid would receive the pummeling of his life, or more likely his death. Fabian was to surrender himself over to Gabriel and his gang for Gabriel to do as he wished, or Reid was through. Fabian nearly broke the door off exiting the warehouse at four-fifteen. Fabian arrived to the back alley and came upon a scene probably similar to what had happened to Reid four months or so before. Reid, as per usual had worked late, making sure he had delivered all his packages and cleaned out his delivery truck. A car was parked behind the delivery van, meaning Reid couldn't leave to go home, other than by foot. That way wasn't an option as Gabriel and his friends had surrounded his way out and had pulled him into the sort of courtyard area created by the loading docks for the delivery service. He had already received a couple of good blows, and being so soon from his recent recovery, he was already swooning from the attack. It was at that moment that Fabian in a very tight pair of hand-made shorts, stepped out of the actually alleyway and its shadows to confront the men. "Ganging up on folks again. With me joining in, I'm pretty sure Reid and I can take you all down." Gabriel spun around to see Fabian and in a flash had pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. It was an odd sound and sensation happening. It didn't sound like a gun had been fired, and Fabian didn't feel something pierce his flesh and burn going through. Instead it felt like he received an injection, and the world felt as though it was turning and his vision was blurring. "I knew you wouldn't stand by or come quietly and I don't know how you got to the size you did, but I know we couldn't take you, especially when your smaaaaaaaaall boyfriend, who isn't too small to us, except for DeWayne and possibly Fernando, would attempt to join in and take us down. So.... I got an elephant tranquilizer. Figure that'd at least incapacitate you if not make you sleep for the trip I'm going to take you on. But while you're there kneeling in your stupor, my boys and I are going to make sure Reid learns his lesson by sending him back to the hospital again and then he can watch helpless as we carry you away. We've got a tow truck and everything to help hoist you into a truck. Continue, boys." And with that the friends of Gabriel continued their fist-to-cuffs on the already dazed Reid. Arjun kicking Reid in the balls. Michael smacking Reid against the face or boxing his ears. Fernando punching Reid in the gut, while DeWayne bopped him on the head in between Gan Otkai yanking on Reid's hair. All the while Fazzah screamed at him and joined Gabriel in kicking and hit him any way any where possible. Poor Reid was beaten right back to the same condition that they had left him in earlier in the year, and they laughed as they moved to grab Fabian and take him away. But suddenly there was a burst of steam from underground. It came together and made a wall separating the men from Fabian and their ability to exit. The sound of drums filled the air and a chant began to be heard. " Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga..." Fernando turned around to stare at the collapsed Reid, figuring it was his voice doing the chanting.... He was right. "Ga..ga...Gabriel..." He hoarsely whispered. All the men turned around to see Reid currently kneeling on the ground, his mouth barely moving, but his word's clearly audible, although, none of the men standing knew what it was. " Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga..." The men suddenly wished they could back up and out of the area as they began to see and hear Reid's body snapping and coming back into correct position. The cuts on his skin healed up and the bruises went away. Slowly but most definitely surely, Reid began to stand up and did so firmly planting his strong stance. The still connected hose Reid had used to help wash down his van suddenly came to life and stood almost straight out of the nozzle it was connected to. The steam was collecting in the are forming a pool of water beneath Reid. The pounding drum sound became louder and louder filling the air with a rhythmical din. When Reid appeared totally healed, water erupted from the standing hose and fell in a cascade upon Reid's head and washed over his body. "Auugh!" Reid moaned. "Hmmmnff!" Reid blurted again. "Ohhuwah!" And now Reid seemed to be thrusting his hips. Over and over again, Reid thrust his hips and each time the basket of his groin swelled larger and larger and larger. Reid kept moaning and thrusting and his packed kept growing becoming obscenely obvious. His pants grew tighter and tighter in the crotch area. Three mounds were forming, one that looked like an extremely large banana was being carried and underneath were the other two grapefruits. Reid finally let a long low scream out as if he was still growing and couldn't take it, and everyone present watched as Reid's cock tore open the teeth of the zipper on his cargo shorts and then flopped out. And it wasn't just his pecker; his balls helped spread the opening and rip it further apart as they fell and dropped out as well. Reid's cock had grown enormously long and thick and his screams of pain trailed off into a sigh of relief and then a laugh of pleasure. Reid's schlong was growing and getting longer and thicker, and his balls were swelling as well. So heavy...so round.... his prick so long...so thick....so hard.... so veiny. It grew and grew until Reid was just as hung and virile as Fabian ever would be. Reid began to laugh pleasantly at first and then almost a little maniacal, as if some stream of an idea washed over his mind. This was replaced by small gasps and grunts as Reid began to jerk his feet up and down, side to side, stomping and stomping. The seven gentlemen who had just beaten him up stared at his feet to try and see what was happening and then they began to see. The sides of his work boots began to bulge out and curl over the sides of his sole. One large ridge formed in the front of each shoe, soon to become a row of one large and four smaller bulges pushing the front of the shoe over the front of the sole. The heel began to stretch very tightly and Reid's ankles started overfilling the holes that were where the feet entered. In another few moments one could hear and see the straining, exceedingly taut laces snap in surrender, followed by the odd, low, ripping sound of hard leather as Reid's feet out grew his shoes by one, two, four, eight, sixteen, twenty, twenty-four sizes to become thick, meaty, muscular, 21" long man feet. Michael, the man with the giant paws and feet for a man of just 6' 2" or so tall, noticing what might be happening, broke his hypnotized stance of awe and ran to take Reid down. He might of succeeded, but Reid's hands had grown equally as much as his feet had and he swung his arm to deliver his own smack down. Michael was knocked senseless and about half way across the square loading area. Reid's balls had been throbbing, increasing in size and then shrinking, pulling up. Every time they had done so is when Reid's hands and feet got bigger. They started doing so again and as Reid moaned and groaned in greater pain while grabbing a hold of his legs and arms, a small cracking and breaking sound was heard and Reid stood taller....and Taller....and TALLER....and TAAAAAAALLER! His socks which had shrunk from just under his calves with the growth of his feet to just above his ankles shrunk down further to just under his ankles. His shorts moved from his knees to one fourth the way up his thigh, half-way up the thigh, too looking like 1970's sports, short shorts to almost like brief underwear, except despite his trim build his waist snapped the button and now his fly was pulled excessively wide apart. His shirt hem rose and rose above his waist, above his abs, beyond where his lats come in and stopped just under his chest. Not that you could see that because having already been fairly muscular and now three feet taller, every button had been popped off the shirt as his chest stretched the shirt open. The sleeves rode up and up over his mighty upper arms, over his delts, and if the front of the shirt was complete it would've gone from a short sleeve shirt to sleeveless muscle shirt. Swaying a bit as the pain settled from his massive growth spurt, Reid bent forward causing his back to rip the shirt down the back and thus only hang on him via his shoulders. His neck had snapped the collar as well. Shucking the shirt off of his body, he smiled as he noticed that his bending forward had caused his bubble butt to blow out the back of his cargo shorts. He then reached and yanked what was left of his shorts and underwear off of his body as well as using his long toes to pull the now tiny socks off of his feet. He closed his eyes and breathed in a few deep breaths, feeling the cool spring breeze caressing his body. Before any of the now six men could move, Reid began to do small shouts, like power lifters and bodybuilders make before they hoist a weight up. "Uhp..." And Reid suddenly did a side triceps pose. "Ommmph" And into a side chest. "hoop!" Lat spread. "hnngh!" Most muscular, crab shot. "Hup!" Abdominal crunch and front thigh extension. "Hep!" Front double biceps pose. "Hooch!" Back double biceps pose. "HRRRR!" Back, Thigh Bicep, and Calve pose. Over and over and over again Reid kept cycling through the poses and each time he did so, his muscles swelled bigger....larger....thicker....harder....fuller....denser....broader....veinier.... His calves inflated into giant pulsing hearts and finally a throbbing diamond shape. The thighs ballooned and grew into a collection of swollen tear drop shapes like a bunch of water balloons. His abs formed bricks fit for the Great Wall of China, while his obliques bunched and formed such as to look like a great lattice work was plastered on Reid's sides. His lats grew out so wide and thick it looked like he could jump from a plane and join para-gliders without the need for the special winged suits. His arms flared out more and more at greater angles from his body as his upper arms inflated and grew until one swore he had a football stuffed in where his biceps should be. A pair of thick muscular shapes looking like Clydesdale sized horseshoes hanging off the back of the arms. Forearms so thick and powerful they matched the size of Reid's calves. Shoulders that were so full and round and with such density, surely they were world globes stolen off of statues of Atlas holding up the world. His chest barreled so thick and round, so wide and full, he could see nothing standing directly in front of him. Even his erect cock had a hard time sticking out beyond it to be seen. His traps rose and rose like some great range of mountains and his neck swole as thick and round as segments from the Giant's Causway. Reid now strode over to the side of the building, kicking his legs out to the sides in order to move forward. Grabbing a hold of a large iron bar embedded into the brick building, he ripped it free from the mortar and then proceeded to bend it into an arch. He growled as he did so, his voice lowering and lowering in extreme bass tones, while with each degree the bar bent, the hair on Reid grew out and out, thicker, fuller, feathery, until his red hair hung halfway down his back and his hair glistened like glitter all over his body. Throwing the bar in front of Gabriel and his friends, Reid raised his hands above his head and struck a victory pose. At the same time several glowing balls of light came down and anyone watching swore they entered Reid's cock through is piss slit. Once that was done Reid turned and glared with a smirk while bellowing out a name. "GA-BRI-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!" It echoed throughout the little loading square, and as Gabriel realized he was looking up to Reid as much as he did to Fabian, he actually pissed his pants. "I am not Reid.... I am NOT Kali'iti'nui..... I AM MALSAGAMAUNGA - MEANING TWIN MOUNTAIN!" The god that had inhabited Reid at his initiation by Fabian was Ke'atutel'malsaga, the god of twins and he had chosen to make Reid Fabian's fraternal twin, so to speak, in order for him to be able to protect Fabian, for it takes someone of equal size and strength to protect another man so large. Another spray of water streamed out of the hose, splattering all over Fabian, and the heavy drowsiness he felt began to leave him. His vision cleared, his heavy body, although still feeling heavy, was light enough for him to manage it again. Standing up behind the six men, Michael only just now coming to from Reid's smack down, Fabian growled and struck a most muscular that cause the men to scream and wish for a way out. The drums that had quieted down quite a bit began to pick up their rhythm and loudness. Gabriel's posse began to hold their hands over their ears and look around in bewilderment. Fabian and Reid oohed and moaned in both pleasure and pain as their cocks throbbed so hard, they stuck straight out of their bodies without any bobbing whatsoever. "Friends of Gabriel," Spoke Fabian, "Leave and leave now. Correct your ways or know that we will be here to take care of you. Go.... .... .... NOW!" Fabian's words echoed so loudly it took a good five minutes and several blocks of reverb before the echo faded away. The pair was pretty sure that all six men pissed their pants as they quickly ran away leaving Gabriel all alone. As the drums thundered away, Fabian and Reid began approaching Gabriel, stroking their pricks. Gabriel turned and turned, basically spinning round and round, beginning to whimper and cry. "Two great acts...." "...have been done..." "...in order to...." "...bring us into...." "...the fold...." "....Great acts...." "....do not come...." "....without a cost...." "....some kind of...." "....sacrifice must be made...." "...We will gladly...." "...take a soul....." "...who cannot...." "....be redeemed...." And at that moment, Fabian and Reid stood their ground and suddenly bellowed in ecstasy, and released a load of great, long, strands of cum that spewed in great loops around Gabriel and once coated, as Fabian and Reid moaned and shot off more of their load, Gabriel shrank....as the pair grew....as Gabriel shrank....and the men Grew....and Gabriel became smaller.... and they giants got ever bigger...... For each inch the gods took from Gabriel, they seemed to give two, four, or six inches to Fabian and Reid. By the time all was said and done the hulking forms of Fabian and Reid stood twelve feet six inches tall, twenty seven inch long size US Mens 59 shoe feet, and weighing three-thousand, three-hundred, ninety-three pounds, with cocks that had grown to three feet long. The once decently sized and bullying Gabriel was now only 5' tall, exceptionally thin and week, and just barely stood mid-thigh to Fabian and Reid. The giant pair of men bent at their waist so they could see Gabriel and whispered in growling tones, "You can go now." Gabriel did not have to be told twice. He gathered up his now ill, extremely loose fitting clothing and ran as best as he could back to his apartment where it is said he wept and wept and made a decision never to leave, and especially not to do missionary work. Meanwhile back at the square Reid approached Fabian and the two muscle giants began to grapple and wrestle one another. Eventually the two pulled one another into the other and began to kiss deeply, passionately, frantically. The mammoth manhoods began to rise and become engorged with blood, and they backed off a bit to hoist them up, cock heads between their pecs, and then move back together, holding one another and grinding their hips so their erect phallics began to rub each other up and down. After several minutes of frotting, Fabian picked up Reid by Reid's ass, flinging and wrapping the massively mounding legs and meaty feet of Reid around his waist. In this position he pushed Reid towards Reid's truck, causing the back doors and much of the roof to cave in, followed by the tires blowing out, once almost 7,000 pounds or three and half tons of male muscle collapsed upon the delivery van floor. With the small amount of height difference, Fabian took advantage and plunged his prestigious pecker into Reid's cavernous hole. Reid's neck arched as his head tilted back. He reach up to grab around the driver's seat for support and wound up pulling it, breaking it free from it's stationary position in the van. The two thrust and rocked, twisted and pounded. Whatever part of van's shelving that didn't collapse when the two fell into the van, their motion now knocked, dinged, and bent, deforming the pieces from ever being usable again. Reid pushed on the walls while grunting and moaning in pleasure and pain. And behold, the van's wall's did bulge out in massive mounding bulges with gigantic hand prints in the center. The front of the van was taking a beating as well, for with each thrust Fabian was giving, he pushed the van into the loading bay wall. Headlights, grill work, bumpers, were no more. In what seemed like hours to them, Fabian finally started herky-jerking out of control. The spasm of sexual bliss was washing over him and with one last thrust he shot a load so powerful, so large, that Reid swore it came up into his mouth a bit all the way from his ass. The very thought of which had him spewing over his head to coat the front of the van and shatter the windshield. The pair went home to the warehouse, which was now a bit cramped, but luck was on their side, actually. Six other gods came to reside in the protruding penis of Reid. The gods of: luck in chance, money, plant fertility, crafting arts and technology, stamina, and handsomeness. By the time they were done with Reid, he had the face of a modelesque, GQ man, with the body of a giant bodybuilding, muscle god, and knowledge of electronics and furniture making as well as financial savy. It wasn't long until Reid was financially independent, and then they bought a much larger warehouse and converted it into something that nearly looked like a grand Edwardian mansion with furniture built their size so they looked somewhat normal when they had flex and sex shows on the internet. That proved to make them very rich financially. Which was good, as folks passing by at night in front of their house swear from time to time they still hear the savage beats of the wild jungle drums and that more and more shadows are cast upon windows of very large, tall, and hung men.
  7. Home of the Gods Part Six by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14350-home-of-the-gods-part-seven-by-f-r_eaky/ In the morning Fabian looked quite the site. His feet having grown and ripped out of his tennis shoes, it was known he wouldn't fit into any of his other shoes, especially his very form fitting bicycling shoes for hobby and work. Thus the morning's part of the day's deliveries were done with Fabian in his courier uniform, but with his feet being in just a pair of socks and a pair of Reid's size 17 flip flops - now only seven sizes too big for Fabian's feet, but the same feet are 4.5 sizes too large for the shoes Fabian owns. A bit of a hassle and exceptionally cold in the winter for his feet, but something inside Fabian kind of liked how his bigger feet looked in Reid's flip flops, especially when thinking how small they originally looked when the shoes were eleven and half sizes too large. A quick stop off during lunch to the bank and a shoe store and soon Fabian was cruising the streets in new size 10 bicycle shoes and a pair of sneakers for at home in his back pack. It was after his last delivery, and after he ran by a local Mexican restaurant to pick up two orders for dinner for him and Reid, yet another attack of the friends of Gabriel took place. Turning to ride down an alley between some apartments and a basket ball court, Fabian was suddenly yanked off his bicycle and thrown into the court. Shaking his head to recover from the throw and thus fall, Fabian looked up to view his attacker and looked up and up and up. It was the seven foot tall DeWayne who now straddled over the body of Fabian. Without wasting a moment, DeWayne picked up Fabian by his clothes and then slammed him, his back into a basketball pole and hoop. Taking the straps of the backpack Fabian wore and attaching them together, DeWayne had Fabian attached to the post. DeWayne then start lobbing basketballs at Fabian, alternating between making a hoop and letting it come down on Fabian's head or throwing them straight at Fabian's head or stomach. There were a couple of balls that made contact before Fabian began to shake the fog from his head and realize what was going on. He then began to raise his hands and bap the balls away from hitting his face or stomach. It wasn't too much longer before Fabian's mind was clear enough to realize what a lame trap this was as he just had to slip his arms out from his backpack shoulder straps to be free. "Oh no you don't!" Screamed DeWayne and he rushed toward Fabian. Fabian stood up with his hands up in a boxing like stance and bounced as though he was willing to take DeWayne on. DeWayne laughed at this sight and upon reaching Fabian went right into a swing to punch Fabian in the face, exactly what Fabian was expecting. Fabian dropped to his knees just before DeWayne's fist would have made contact, which caused DeWayne to punch the metallic pole supporting the basketball hoop. Clang! "YEEEEEOW! MOTHER FUCK! YOU'RE DEAD!" As DeWayne was shaking off the pain from his knuckles, Fabian unhooked and grabbed his backpack and his bicycle as he ran off the basketball court. As this was a frequently used route home, Fabian knew many of the people who lived in the brownstones, condos, or apartment buildings adjacent to the alleyway. Knowing he wouldn't be able to peddle as fast as he normally could, still clutching his stomach from the gut punch, Fabian opened a back gate of a building and tenants he knew well and semi flung his bike in there, able to pick it up later. He then proceeded to head through some open and garden plots on the way home. Sure enough, DeWayne was hot on his heels as the two were running and running. Through one fence line, Fabian ran through, turned and kicked a board to the right sending it across the bottom of the opening. DeWayne thinking Fabian had slowed down, believed he had a chance to catch him. No. Not seeing the board in time, DeWayne's decent sized feet and ankles hooked and tripped over the board with him unawares, sending him sprawling to the ground, which in this particular case happened to be a beautifully herringbone patterned brick walkway. "AUGH! YOU MIDGET SHIT!" bellowed DeWayne after he fell flat faced onto the walkway. Fabian didn't waste a moment and continued through the plot he managed to get to the out the yard and started running down the alleyway to get to another plot he knew, but he was suddenly tripped up by a flung garbage can lid. DeWayne had recovered faster than expected and having found some old can lids began throwing them frisbee style at Fabian. The first one managing to clip Fabian at calves and ankles. "Who the hell still has those style garbage cans?" Thought Fabian as he tried to recover his step. Knowing through the next fence break there was the back of a potting shed and on the side a small crack that only people as lithe and as small as him could squeeze through. It would buy him time. He ran through the break, grabbed a string he knew was secured on the other side, turned to see when DeWayne was coming and WHAM! Fabian went flying backwards into the back brick wall of the potting shed. Collapsing to the ground he looked up to see the looming form of DeWayne just behind the fence. He wheezed and coughed all while desperately trying to hold on to the string he had detached from the fence. DeWayne went off on a little self gloating rant like it was some major feat that his seven foot tall body could out run and catch up to Fabian's five foot two one. Eventually he bowed his head under the fences top frame to come through the space and finish Fabian off. Of course he lead with his head and then had to dip and twist to get his tall and broad frame through the small fence gap. One in that first position, bleary-eyed Fabian let go of the string and CLUNK! down came an 8 foot long 2 x 4 onto the back of DeWayne's head. The affect was instant. DeWayne's eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body went slack and down he went, falling more through the gap and forward his head and shoulders landing right at Fabian's groin area. Fabian lurched forward and swore he was going to hurl everything from today's lunch back to last week's breakfast. His vision became filled with black spots as the pain to his groin and testicles overwhelmed him completely. His ragged breathing from the ab smacking and the accidental groin head shot, Fabian pushed at DeWayne and pulled himself as best he could struggling to get his groin and legs out from under the mega-man. As he continued his slow struggle the slow and low sound of drums beating in rhythm began to be heard. The snow underneath the pair of men began to melt away and puddle in this slightly dipped section of the yard. Soon it began to become so warm wisps of steam was rising from the ground and the same thing was happening in the basin of a bird bath to the right of the two fallen men. The chanting then began to be heard loud and clear. " Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga” Right at the moment that Fabian managed to break free from the heavy body of the unconscious DeWayne, the tiny solar powered fountain in the birdbath tilted and began to act as if it was a power-hose connected to both a power station and a dam, spraying jets of water on the top of Fabian's head. Fabian attempted to walk, more like stagger, the new few blocks to his home. Racked with pain he could hardly focus and his head being overwhelmed with the sound of the drums and chanting didn't help. He eventually made it home, in twice the amount of time required, still breathing a little heavily, hurting in his stomach, and shaking cold from being wet. Bumbling through the apartment complex door, he poured himself into the elevator and road it up to his floor. It was a bit of work attempting to stand and work the key and lock of the door and he nearly fell in when it opened. Closing the door he stumbled towards the kitchen. He hoped to get a glass of water and maybe some alka-seltzer, something to calm his stomach. That's when it hit him. The chantting and drumming became louder, but Fabian no longer could hear it. The was this odd noise filling his ears like the sound of breaking twigs, and every time he heard it, his body was racked with pain. "Auuuugh!" His left hand shot for the refrigerator handle, while his right reached out for the center island. After steadying himself, he tried to focus, do some deep breathing to calm himself down, but his heart leapt up into his throat. His shoes were becoming tight. The brand new shoes that he bought this afternoon were beginning to become so snug they were cutting off circulation to his feet. He'd hear the sound of snapping twigs and then he'd feel the rip of fabric and leather. He saw his finger tips extend further into the center of the table, he felt the space between the refrigerator handle and its door become smaller. He felt his toes poking through his shoe front, his heel ripping out the back, the sides of his feet causing the shoe sides to roll over and below the sole eventually ripping and separating from the shoe. He began to feel his hand engulfing the refrigerator handle and taking up the whole space between, his knuckles getting pressed into the door....denting the door! Looking down, he saw his feet extend and extend and extend. He screamed to his self in his head "My feet are becoming skis!" He watched as they grew and grew taking over one whole square foot tile and begin to work fully on the next. He was about actually scream and cry out, with tears streaming down his cheeks when his arms, legs, and torso suddenly lurched and stretched after the twig snapping sound. "WuuuuuAAAAAAUUUGH!" Clinging for dear life to the island and the refrigerator he began to notice the fridge top was coming closer to him. "Oh, no.... no... no no no no no no no no no......" He cried in fear and panic as his vision rose up higher and higher until he knew the top of his head matched the top of the fridge. Looking at this he began to become slightly aroused. The refrigerator is like 5' 7" tall. He's grown 5 inches! He's reaching average height! The pain and stretching returned and as Fabian went into automatic denial mode, still spewing no's out of his mouth, he noticed that the top of the fridge was falling away...lower....lower..... The no's faded to silence. He pulled the door open and grabbed a can of soda. It looked so tiny in his hands. Damn near miniscule. He stood there looking, mouth agape, gasping, sputtering, and as he looked back straight ahead he discovered the top of the fridge met him about the height of his chin. He moaned... "Oh, yeeeessssssssss. ... .... ... Oh yes. .... ... ... " It started again. Twig snapping, stretching, fridge top sinking. He felt the cuffs on his sleeves travelling up, further up his arm: to mid forearm, to elbows. He felt the cargo shorts bottom travel from his knees up his thighs. His courier's form fitting, under armor style, unitard, uniform began to stretch and stretch pulling tighter and tighter against his body, pulling his extra fine body hair as it tried to move and travel up Fabian's body like his cargo shorts did. He watched as the top of the fridge eventually became level with his shoulders, like it did with Reid. His groin became warm. His cock inflated a little. He felt the unitard pull tighter and stretch out more from his expanding cock. "Ooooooh yessssssssss." moaned Fabian and he saw the fridge top sink even lower and lower. He felt runs develop in the tight fabric, allowing more air to pass freely to his body. His ankles had snapped the top portion of his shoes that had still desperately tried to cling on. His cargo shorts were binding at the crotch, becoming stretched by his larger, but tight and taut ass. The top of the fridge dropped to his arm pits..... "Ooooh yes... Yes!.... YES!" It shrunk down to his another few inches under the arm pit. His cargo shorts were ripping at the crotch, busting at the waist band, splitting down the seams, while his courier uniform now actually developed true rips and tears in the fabric. And the fridge top went down....down....down.....middle of his abs...... "OOOOh GOD YEAH!" The clothes ripped their last and fell away from Fabian. The top of the refrigerator now only came up to his waist line or maybe down to the belly button. The can in his hand looked the size of a miniature sample cup to him. There was maybe two to three feet left between the top of his head and the ceiling. He felt so good all over... so big...so powerful.... his cock sprung to life and grew and grew and grew to its full length and heft, having kept proportion to his now much larger body. "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!" He didn't know why he suddenly felt so good about this....but he did. "Fabe? Is that you hollering out here?" Reid came out into the kitchen from his bedroom, wondering what the commotion was all about. Coming through the kitchen door he stopped and froze looking at the giant in front of him. "Oh....my.....gawd....." Reid approached the towering Fabian now. He only came up midway on Fabian's abdominals. Dumstruck, Reid reached out and grabbed the mighty erect schlong quivering and bobbing in front of him. It felt like a baseball bat. Feeling the touch, Fabian looked down and down and down at Reid. Seeing where Reid came up to on him, seeing how his cock looked like the full length of one's of Reid's arms. How Reid's finger might possibly not be able to wrap around it. He saw how his feet were just a few inches shy of covering two floor tiles in the bathroom. "Oh...yes." And suddenly Reid lifted the humongous head of Fabian's cock to his mouth and began to make love to it and suck on it as if there was really going to be no tomorrow. Fabian snapped his head back, placed his feet shoulder width apart, pushing the island counter a bit further to his right, placed his hands on his hips as if in a great super hero pose and moaned loud and deep. "Yessssssssss. YES! YES!" His big bass voice booming across the apartment rattling all the windows, many of the light fixtures, scaring neighbor doors, and causing many folks to bang and tell Reid and Fabian to turn down their t.v. or radio. Reid attempted to reach out and fondle Fabian's balls, but so long was Fabian's cock, that with the head in Reid's mouth, the best that Reid could do was lightly brush them with his fingertips. This only heightened the experience for both men: Reid feeling like he was stroking some small pumpkins with Fabian feeling light, silky, tickling touches on the underside of his scrotum. Several times did Fabian's cock bounce, almost lifting Reid up off the floor. Eventually Fabian pulled his cock away, knocked Reid backwards and around with a swift poke of it into Reid's left shoulder, and then suddenly a pick up by his cock of Reid, thrusting through Reid's legs and underneath his crotch. Reid slid all the way down to the base, his back resting against the hard brick wall abs of Fabian's stomach. With a simple barked order of, "STROKE!", Reid began to take his massive hands and run them up and down the more gargantuan schlong of Fabian. Several times Fabian staggered round the apartment, dancing on curled tip toes as he moaned and groaned to the pleasure Reid was providing him. Eventually Fabian burst through the bathroom door just in time scream in ecstasy, buck his hips as he fell to his knees, his cock swelling that much larger as his melon sized balls pulled in and up into his body and a nearly geyser like gusher of spoo, spooled out of him and shot across the bathroom, hitting the far wall and splattering across the shower wall, the stall, the tub, the curtains, the faucets, everything. Reid turning to look at the sunken Fabian, his mind finally catching up to what has happened to his friend, his lover, he soon joined Fabian in action and shot his biggest load yet to date onto Fabian's abs and chest.
  8. js44

    Superman's Gift (pt. 1 & 2)

    Superman's Gift Tagline: A young man's life is forever changed when the Man of Steel gives him his powerful spandex underwear. Author note: this one is a quickie. I do not know the Superman lore very well, but I think it is a fun universe to explore, and I wanted to try something lighter after writing my really dark Superman story a few years ago. This is part 1 of a 2 part, I think. Let me know what you think I really appreciate the community's feedback. I packed my bags and got on the bus leaving Smallville forever. I was finally getting my first job as an assistant editor at the Daily Planet, having just graduated from junior college. Smallville was full of bullies and small-minded jerks, I was tired of them giving me crap for my small frame and I was tired of being the little guy who was always picked on. But now, I was heading to the big city to live a new life, one where I could start a new identity, get new friends and maybe, finally, find some respect. We were only about 50 minutes outside of the city, a good few hours until we got to Metropolis, when we heard a loud THUD on the side of the bus. "Woah!" we all shouted, as the bus tilted back and forth. "HAHA!" a menacing voice came from outside the bus as it literally pulled it to a screeching halt. The voice echoed around us as the entire bus was literally lifted and shook back and forth, rising 40, 50 almost 100 feet off the ground. "Oh Superman?!" the voice beckoned< "where are you?" I looked out the window to find a huge monstrosity of a being cackling with glee as he took sheer joy in torturing us. It was Doomsday! I had seen him only once before. The brute was massive. "Oh superman, where are you?" he said, shaking us, "I have a group of victims for you to rescue." He had tried to kidnap a bus full of people once before, Superman was able to defeat him, but I remember reading the Planet article said that Doomsday became immune to Superman's heat vision. How was he going to defeat Doomsday now, I thought, if he even knew of our peril. I could hear a whirl noise around us, the Man of Steel did hear us! He was flying around us and Doomsday, trying to taunt him, to get him to drop the bus. "HA!" Doomsday shouted and dropped the bus with all of us in it. I thought for sure we would be smashed upon impact, but Superman caught us and quickly set us down. Superman was always my hero, he was everyone's! He was the man I always wished I'd be every time I was picked on, and despite fearing for my life, I thought it so cool that I could finally see him with my own eyes, in action! The two of them started fighting, I could see it out the window. Superman, probably only 1/4 the size of Doomsday was using brute physical force to shove the monster further into the forest and away from the street. The bus driver tried to pull away but couldn't. "Let's get out of here!" he shouted, realizing the bus had completely broken down. We all fled, running in different directions, trying to avoid wherever the superbeings were and get to safety. I kept running further and further south but realized I was all alone after a few minutes. I could hear punching and screeching getting closer and closer to my proximity, and decided to hide under a fallen tree. I couldn't believe it when the superbeings knocked each other, flying, right into the ground less than 20 feet away from me, shattering the surface and creating a crater that stretched to my feet. Doomsday had the upper hand, after laying some successive blows into Superman, he picked him up with his fist and licked him with a long, disgusting, reptilian-like tongue. "AARGH!" Superman shouted, the saliva from Doomsday turning his cheek. "Mmm, tastes good," the low, grumbly voice shouted in glee. "And now, to take all of your powers," Doomsday continued," I finally created a toxin made from black kryptonite that will extract your powers and feed them to me! HAHA" the being laugh manically. "I used the bus of kidnapped humans to lure, and now...I have you!" Doomsday started breathing heavily, taking long, slow breaths I assumed to ready his poison. "No, Superman!" I thought to myself, "you have to come through," I could tell the Man of Steel was growing weaker and weaker, but he was fumbling in his side pouch near his underwear, a little container of something that he had. I saw him open it. It was green kryptonite and as soon as he released it a green puff of smoke emerged, knocking both of the superheroes out, "GARGH!" they both shouted, as the both lost the force of Doomsday's grip. They flew backwards, most of the kryptonite landing on Doomsday and causing him to thrash about, flying him against a tree and slumping down to the forest ground. Superman flew in the other direction, landing in a small brush and topping onto his stomach. He appeared badly hurt. Lifting my head higher, slowly gaining more confidence to see the scene, waited for the two superheroes to see if either would move. When they did not, I quietly, but quickly rushed to my hero's side. Bad boils started to form on Superman's skin, they were turning red then burning to a char-like color. "Superman!" I whispered, "You need help! What can I do to help you?" Superman turned to me with his weak eyes. "You," he said, "you must complete what I have failed." "what are you talking about?" I answered, "You have to get up before Doomsday awakens." "I cannot," he said, barely able to utter a word. "The kryptonite will turn Doomsday back into his human form for a short while, while he recharges his powers, then he will take over his true form once more and steal my powers from me. He already has drained me. You cannot let him take my powers." I felt terrible for Superman, but couldn't believe that he was going to ask me for help. "What can I do?" I asked. "Anything." "The end is coming for me," he whispered, the burns now completely covering his face, burning off his hair and shredding his superhero outfit. "The poison is destroying me, Ohhf..." "Quickly, son," he said, "take my spandex loin, and wear it. They are going to contain all of my powers, you must inherit them and use them to defeat Doomsday!" My hands started shaking with fear. "No, wait, what? I'm not cut out to be a superhero!" I said. "But you must," he said, "for I am...no...more..." Superman gagged and his skin deflated, his entire massive body flatting and curling into his suit. His suit in turn started to dissolve, all of it folding and melting into a red and blue goo that soaked into the underwear, leaving only the one piece of cloth on the ground. "Holy shit!" I whispered to myself. I paused for a brief moment then grabbed the briefs. I turned around to see the grey, rock-like monster Doomsday start to lose his own size. The brute started shrinking from his 15 foot frame down to 10 then 6 as his muscle mass flattened out to something much more human-like. He was transforming back into a human form! As the grey bulky mass dissolved, a bulked and young looking, tanned skin emerged, and he became someone I had seen before, but I wasn't sure his name. The rock body soaked into the skin leaving a naked, but still well-bulked, young guy probably around my age. I had seen him at a hospital before, I thought, but didn't know his name. I backed away quickly, the creature would surely awaken soon. I ducked behind some bushes and stared at him only for a moment before the naked man opened his eyes, a red, evil glow emerging from them. "Oh Superman," the man beckoned, his masculine voice not all that different from when he was in his superpowered state, "where did you go?" I slowly backed away as the naked man stood, walking with total confidence toward the burnt indentation where Superman's body once lay. His uncut dick rocked back and forth, its girth knocking between his thighs. The man had no qualms about his total nudity, he was completely comfortable with himself. He bent at the knees and I gulped as I watched his bulk ass stretch inward as his thigh muscles tightened. The thin, black covering of hair on his legs moved over the sides of his butt cheeks with total masculine effect. I was both intimidated and entrenched by him. Even the bullies who used to kick me to the ground in the showers weren't as big as this guy. There was no way I would be able to evade this guy for long. I looked in my hands at the lycra underwear that Superman left for me. I knew that they were more than just a covering for one's loins. These things must have had Superman's power wrapped into him. What if I put them on? Would I, become him? Could it be possible? "Where did you go!" Doomsday shouted as he stood once more. He took a deep breath through his nose, smelling for something suspicious. Smelling for....me. "My senses might not be as strong as a human, but I know something is afoot!" he shouted as he looked around. I knew I had no choice. I had to either put on the suit, or risk having the super being overpower me and take the suit for himself. If Doomsday gained all of Superman's powers, he would surely see the end of me right then and there. I quietly stepped out of my shoes and pulled off my socks. I had no time to think. No time to be scared for what would become of me. It was now or never. I pulled off my shirt and slowly took steps away from Doomsday as he started to identify where I could be. "Who else is here?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Could this be a challenge? Could I met a match in my quest for Superman's powers?" He started walking toward me with a faster step,. I had no time. I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, but the "zipp" sound immediately turned him to me. We met eye to eye. And he knew what I was up to. "Oh I don't think so, you human!" He shouted as his pace quickened. "That suit is mine, little man, and when I get it, I will see the end of you!" "Ahh!" I shouted, sounding like a little wimp, watching his eyes looking to me with utter evil and pleasure in destroying me. Doomsday couldn't use his powers while in human form, I could see that, but it wouldn't be long before he had recovered and would be back into his super evil being, and anyway his human strength and agility would easily power over me. I had to get the suit on if I wanted to live at all. I dropped my jeans and now, only in my boxers, I ran, I ran as fast as I could, I hurdled over fallen trees and bushes, I jumped over a stream and bed of rocks. I moved faster than I ever had in my life. I had to hurry, I could hear the steps behind me running with ferocious energy. I pulled down my boxers and left them behind me, getting completely naked. I had no time to waste, no time to think for a moment, and certainly no time to be embarrassed by my skinny frame and nude figure. I unfurled the lycra but kept running. They were small but still fit Superman's massive frame inside it, they would surely fit mine. I slowed down for only a moment to slip my left foot through it, before picking back up the pace. I immediately felt my running ability hasten as I gained more stamina. The underwear was pushing some kind of strength into me, even if it wasn't all of the Man of Steel's powers. I gained just enough distance from Doomsday to fully stop and step my right leg through. I had no time to think. I started pulling the suit up my legs, feeling ever increasing amounts of strength and stamina fill my legs when Doomsday finally caught up with me. But he was too late. I wrapped the suit over my skinny butt and pulled the suit up over my crotch and onto my waste as fast as I ever could. The second the lycra "snapped" over my waste, Doomsday turned me around by force. But within that same split second, the suit started pouring power into me, up through my butt and pecker, into my balls and out through my body. I could feel it, the powers of the man of steel, and at that very moment all of my humanly desires and mortal wants flew aside, I was becoming Superman, I was becoming immortal. Doomsday grabbed the suit at my crotch but the suit, now my own, now fully claimed by me, sparked a red and blue shock of electricity on his hand, scarring it. "SHIT!" the monster shouted, backing his naked body away from me. "Oh no!" he said, "NO NO NOOOO!" "YES!" I Shouted in reply, "watch me, Doomsday, watch me claim what is now rightfully Mine!! ARRRRGH!'" As Superman's confidence pulled itself out of the suit and into me, so too did his powers. My back uncontrollably stretched and bent itself as I felt the suit's power pour out from my loins and into my body, my back and abs gaining muscle and girth, pushing themselves outward and defining a deep, crevice 8-pack as my Adonis cut a deep V pointing down toward my crotch. Doomsday stared as he saw my pecs flatten and bulk outward, doubling the size of his as hair emerged from over the suit and up my abs and onto my chest. My shoulders broadened as my arms bulked outward, biceps doubling then tripling their size both upward and outward, veins stretching under my skin and elongating my forearms and hands. My legs too exploded into footballs, growing outward and lengthening my frame from 6 to 6.5 feet, hair growing downward over my body. My cock started pushing itself against the lycra, and as it increased size, the power of the suit poured more into it, my sausage curving over my balls as they become completely discernible underneath the cloth. I rubbed it and felt an immediate explosion of orgasm, way better than I ever had as a mortal. "Fuck yea!" I told myself, growing ever more confident in my form as more hair emerged under my arm pits and on my face, creating a shadow over my face. "Watch Doomsday, for it will surely be your last time as a free man! HAHAH!" I said, my body lifting itself as I gained the power of flight. I could feel all of Superman's powers as well as some of Doomsday's powers from his black kryptonite toxin leaking into my own body, I had trouble making sense of how to use them for I knew nothing of super powers before, but the orgasmic feeling of gaining them was so intoxicating that I wished for nothing else. I didn't want it to end. "MORE! MOOOORRRREE!" I shouted as I exploded with Superman's powers. "Superman, I will completely your mission, as soon as I deal with this mutant!" I swore to him, and as I did, the lycra from the suit spread outward from the underwear, moving down my legs, and up over my bulked torso and abs, reforming a new Superman uniform over me. Growing a cap out behind me as I levitated above Doomsday. The transformation complete, I quickly flew around the sky before returning to Doomsday. I Kicked him to turn him around but saw him cackling. "You think this is it? Just because you're the new Superman?!" He shouted. He flew up from the ground in one jump, the naked man returning to his feet. I flew down to the ground and set my feet next to his, shoving him backwards. "You know not of what I am capable of!" He shouted, his body bulking up once more as a grey rock-like form returned to him once more. He was returning to his super form! "You want a fight?" He asked, bulking to twice the size of my own new super form. "Come and get it!" To be continued.
  9. tereshky

    Web Cam Abuse

    Two enterprising college kids think they can pay their way through school by showing off their ripped bods as part of a web cam business. When a company comes along offering them a ton of money for an hour's work, they learn that when an opportunity sounds too good to be true, you should always read the fine print. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mattress springs were singing out their usual Thursday night chorus in Howie's apartment. That was the evening he and his friend Chase had free to get together and they rarely missed and opportunity to jump on each other. Chase gripped the bed posts as Howie pounded away in his tight hole. The two college students had found each other in the same modeling agency. That's how these two ripped guys were paying their way through school, at least that's how they had intended to pay the bills. College expenses were growing much more than they could bring in and it was becoming a real problem trying to stay out of debt. Yet for right now, neither of them were thinking about that as Howie's cock pounded away into his friend's tight hole. “UHUHUH..MMMmm” Chase moaned, while Howie continued pounding his rock hard cock into the bottom boy's prostate. Chase gripped the sheets with his hands as his toes curled. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Legs in the air, he bit his lower lip and thrust his ass forward in rhythm with his buddy's thrusts. It was hard to tell which boy was enjoying the sex more. Howie had ahold of Chase’s slender waist and pounded him back and forth, almost like a life sized flesh jack. Howie's eyes rolled back into his head as he reached his climax, unable to hold it in any longer. "Fuck I'm going to cum..." he groaned. He gave Chase one last hard thrust and grabbed him as hard as he could as he loaded his friend up with his cum. Chase followed suit and blasts Howie's ripped pecs with his jizz. They took a moment to breathe and let their heart beats slow down before Howie collapsed on top his naked friend. "Fuck that was hot…" Chase smiled in orgasmic bliss. He could feel his sexy friends hot spunk coating his insides. “Hehe.” He giggled, showing a crooked smile. “Every time!” Chase said, before kissing Howie on the cheek. “Now, slide off me so I can get cleaned up. We need to do that cam show or else we won’t have money for classes next semester. Do you still have that website address?” Since the two of them were on pretty intimate terms with each other already they had devised a scheme to go make money doing cam shows online. So far they had only made $1000 altogether and they each needed $5000 to keep from having to take out loans. But Howie had different plans. "Actually I was thinking we could do something a little different." Howie reached into his backpack and pulled out an ad he'd printed out from the net. "This company called Stretch Studios lets guys do cam shows in their studio and they can make five times as much as we make doing it here." He smiled. "Think about it, we could really make this work!" “Oh really??” Chase said, while perking up. He pushed himself up on his elbows, causing Howie to awkwardly slide against his chiseled torso due to the amount of jizz that was coating them both. “Like, what would we have to do then, big guy? I think we’ve already done everything BUT fuck on cam.” "I mean, I can't say that they wouldn't ask us to fuck each other but hey, this pays even more than the modeling. Nobody has to know. Camming isn't like porn. Only paid subscribers get to see it. And based on what they'd be paying us, I'll bet the fees are pretty high. I'll bet you no one even finds out we're doing it." Chase rolled his green eyes from side to side as he pretended to toss the idea around. Of course he was going to comply with his sexy partner, he just liked being extra like that. “Maaaybe.. But I should get to top you if it comes to that.” he joked, knowing damn well that Howie would never let anyone top him. “I mean, just in case my parents end up seeing it. I think they would take it better than seeing their son biting the sheets and taking a cock... even one as big as yours.” He grinned, scrunching up his face. "Top me huh? Someone's feeling fiesty." Howie said, pushing Chase on his back again. "If your parents are subscribed to this channel then I think they get what they get." He grinned. "I highly doubt they'll be clients." He was getting horny again. "So do you agree?" “Hey, it’s the internet.. you never know who will see it.” Chase grinned. “But yeah, I’ll do it.” He could feel Howie’s cock getting hard again, it was plumping up while pinned between his cheeks. That in turn was also making Chase start to get hard again. "Well... since we've no further business to discuss..." Howie licked his friend’s back and the mattress began to sing once more. In the next days the two of them sent in an inquiry to the company about whether they'd like to book a partnered performance and sent in their pictures. They got a reply within an hour and it blew them away. $3000 for each of them. That would put them more than half way toward their goal. The two made an appointment at studio for 10 AM on Saturday. It was for an hour session. Stretch Studios was about a 20 mile drive from campus. The morning they were scheduled to perform was cloudy as they walked up to the building. It was very large, almost like a hospital or something. They could hear the humming of strange equipment. "Wow this is more industrial than any camming studio I ever imagined." In truth, Howie hadn't imagined one at all. Chase looked around the spacious lobby. He could hear their footsteps echoing as the walked towards the front desk to check in. “You sure we aren’t about to have our organs harvested??” He looked over at Howie nervously. It was clearly a joke, but at the same time... The ceilings had to be over twenty feet tall. He wondered how big the room they would be camming in would end up being, if this was just the lobby. "I guess the camming business is more profitable than I thought." Howie said going up to the receptionist. Without introducing themselves he looked up and smiled. "Hey boys, lets see... Howie and... Chase right?" The two nodded. "My name’s Tim. We have a policy that if we can't recognize you by the pics you send then you can't do the job... unless of course you're hotter than your pics then we make an exception." He winked and pulled out two stacks of papers. "These are the liability waivers and the contracts. The amount each of you'll be paid for one session is highlighted here." They grinned, it was in fact $3000, signing something made it seem more official. The two were shown into their room which was surrounded by two way mirrors but inside was a bed, some chairs, workout equipment, and sex toys. "Whatever you decide to do, you should have enough toys to do whatever you want." He added, "Don't worry about where you are in the room. Unless you're under the bed there are cameras that will see you and focus in on what the operators think is important. The screens you see on the wall will give you feedback from your viewers.” “So we can do whatever we want?” Howie asked. “Well… yes of course you can it’s what your contract said.” Tim said, knowing full well that neither of them had read it. No one ever did. “But… since you guys didn’t get those good looks by reading let me break it down. It’s $3000 base pay for an hour plus $1 for every upvote you get, kind of like a dancer, you make money from tips. Only unlike social media, our clients have to buy the likes, and they can buy as many as they want. Our clients are a little spoiled, they type what they want to see and it appears on the screen if enough of them want the same thing. They usually don’t upvote unless they see what they like.” “Well…” Howie said, “Hopefully they don’t want us to blow our load too early.” “Well that can happen… and if too many of them get bored and log off, you don’t get paid for the entire hour.” Tim saw the look of despair on their faces. “Not to worry boys, as per your contract, we’ve got a special trick to keep you going strong the entire time. It’s up to you if you want to use it or not. Though it will pretty much hand over control of the show to the clients.” “I’m in...” said Chase. He didn’t want to blow this opportunity. He really needed that money. Howie nodded as well and Tim pulled out two little boxes that looked like they might contain jewelry. “Oh don’t worry, I’m already married.” Tim laughed, heading off a tedious joke he’d heard a million times. He handed them the boxes and in each one there was a small device the size of a small wine cork. They didn’t have to ask what they were supposed to do with it, but Tim figuring they were dumb as logs demonstrated it anyway with hand movements. “Have fun boys!” He waved walking out, closing a door that basically faded away to look just like the rest of the wall. “Huh.. No door knob on the inside. I guess we are here until the end of the session.” Chase smiled, looking over to Howie. “Should we get undressed or make them pay to get us that way? I’m not sure what their usual clientele are used to, maybe we should have checked out some feeds before we came today.” Chase looked around the room, it seemed like this company had thought of almost every possible thing a cammer would need to really give a good performance. "Well... I tried to look it up but the pay wall's insane. It's $10,000 a month or $2,000 for a session. I didn't feel like investing that much in our research. We'll just do it like we do in the dorm." Howie said, taking off his shirt. Suddenly there was a voice over the speakers. "Feed will be cut on in 5 minutes, please leave all of your clothes on until the clients pay to have them disposed of. Please insert the devices now." "That's an odd way to put it..." Howie muttered, pulling the t-shirt back on. "I guess we can make out and tease it." They each dropped their pants and helped each other shove the devices up each other’s holes. “I think I’ve heard of these things, they vibrate when someone donates. I hope we don’t have to fuck though,” he said feeling his awkwardly in his ass. “Seems like they would get in the...GNNNN.” Suddenly they both bent over double as the little machines began to vibrate and inch their way up inside of them somehow. The sensations were so powerful it brought them to their knees. “Fuck this thing went up past my prostate!” Chase shouted. Suddenly the screens turned on with a reminder to pull up their pants. A humming sound was activated somewhere in the building like a large machine had just been switched on. The countdown started as they made their way to the bed. 5...4...3...2...1… The two starting to stroke one another beneath their shirts and slid their hands in and out of their pants. "You're so fucking hot." Howie moaned. He knew the cam subscribers liked to hear sexy talk. Suddenly bells started to go off and they saw words flash on the screen. “KISS!” The devices in their asses began to vibrate and they felt an electric tingle going through their body. If they hadn’t been compelled to make out before, they REALLY wanted to now. “Can’t go wrong there!” Chase grabbed Howie by the shirt collar. “Pucker up, dude!” Chase said, then pressing his lips onto the jock. Instantly he could feel Howie’s tongue sliding past his own lips, which he was happy to reciprocate in return. The two hot boys started to get turned on as they continued playing tonsil hockey with each other. Chase’s underwear was getting snug as his dick got hard. It was much harder to not start ripping the clothes off Howie than he anticipated, he keep reminding himself that he was on a job. Then bells started going off again and a new word flashed on the screen. “PECS.” “Pecs?” Chase wondered, what did that mean. He didn’t have long to wait to find out. Their anal instruments vibrated again and their pecs began to feel the electric surge and suddenly their chests began to feel tighter, like the skin was stretching. Their pecs felt heavier. For some reason it took all of their will power to pull away from each other to check themselves out. “Holy shit what’s going on?” Chase shouted. “Fuck if I know!” Howie said grabbing his swolen pecs which pushed out his t-shirt more than he was used to. Then suddenly bells started going off in the room again and the screen flashed. “KISS! KISS! KISS!” With a quick series of vibrations from inside they felt their willpower to do anything but climb on top of each other and make out go away. The screen flashed “PECS ARMS SHOULDERS” and their cut torso’s began to swell with greater and greater definition. Their asses zinged with vibrations from the devices. Their meaty pecs continued to inflate, pressing against their skin tight t-shirts as the names of upper body muscles were popping up all over the screens. As much as they wanted to know what was happening, the occasional “KISS” command made them compelled to keep fencing with their tongues. Their t-shirts strained at the collar from bulging traps, delts, and pecs all pushing in opposite directions. Their sleeves were being strained to the extreme from their bulging biceps. It was just a matter of time until…. “RIIIIP” Their shirts fell apart from their gigantic upper bodies revealing bright red skin, a mixture of embarrassment and sexual flush. Yet they could not stop. As every single muscle in the torso was visibly undulating with their movements in a hypnotizing way. The bells rang on as the words on the screen were flashing “ASS ASS THIGH CALVE FEET ASS” The electrical sensations spread to their lower bodies as their cute bubble butts began to swell along with the rest of their lower halves. Their legs were quickly catching up to their chest and arms. Their asses were ripping the seams of their jeans, their feet were stretching their socks. Then suddenly the screen went wild with “COCK COCK COCK BALLS COCK COCK BALLS” and their junk started to swell and ache within the tight compartment they were confined in. Every time they pulled away from each other to re-adjust or see what was happening to them, the screen would flash “KISS” and they were compelled to press their muscular pecs together and lock lips. Howie felt his cock fighting to push out of the waistline of his pants but his swelling ass had made the gap impassible. Just when they felt like their balls were going to be crushed, their jeans gave way. Revealing absurdly stretched briefs. Their cocks quickly pushed up from the elastic. Soon it was apparent that the ball people had outbid the cock growth fans and the screen was just flashing “BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS”. Chase felt his sack stretch as his meaty tennis balls popped out from either leg hole in his briefs. Howie’s had both popped out of the left side. Cum gushed from their emergent, veiny cocks as they rubbed into each other. With their balls swelling to the size of melons, drying up was not going to be a problem. A rich client from Texas had had enough. He paid four thousand dollars to control the board for thirty seconds. He was tired of those clingy briefs. The screen in the studio just read, “ASS QUADS ASS QUADS ASS QUADS KISS KISS” As they were glued together in a passionate embrace, they felt their bulbous glutes and quads vibrate so large that one by one the elastic on their desperate briefs snapped. Howie managed to find the mental strength to reach down and pull away the shattered remnants of his undies. Chase ground his groin into his massive friend until the last shreds of his briefs sluffed off like a cum soaked rag. They were gigantic, 350 lbs of muscle sandwiching two 14’’ cocks creaming up two perfectly sculpted chests. Suddenly the word, “NIPPLE” appeared. Followed by “NIPPLE PLAY”. Howie blew a jet of cum from the sensation of his nipples doubling, then tripling in size. He felt his hands reaching up to explore Chase’s which were growing as well. Returning the favor, his partner’s hand touched his own, and the sensation was so intense he shot so hard it splashed their chins. Their nipples were more sensitive than they’d ever been and with tongues down each other’s throat they both groaned in bliss. “HOWIE SUCK CHASE’S NIPPLE” Clearly someone with a new fetish had taken the reigns. As Howie lowered his face to those meaty pecs and licked and worshiped Chase’s right nipple. Chase moaned in bliss as he continued to tweak his friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty miles away, back on campus a group of rich Frat boys at Alpha Sigma Sigma were bored and wondering how to kill some time. “You know what would be fun bro, there’s this crazy website where you can pay to do weird shit to some cam boys. Like anything you want to them. Wouldn’t it be dank to get on there and totally screw with the fags? No homo.” “I dunno bro, sounds pretty gay…” “Come on brah, it’ll be fun.” After some token resistance so that they could all talk about how straight they were, they all agreed and logged in. To their shock they found that they recognized the cam stars. Not from the camera feed, their bodies were too changed for that, but from the pictures on the side that showed what they originally looked like. “What the fuck dude it’s Howie and Chase… weren’t those the guys who came and got those ho’s who we were trying to get wasted the other day?” “Yeah… dude…”, said Trey. He had an unlimited credit card to use on ‘books’ and ‘meals’ that got autopayed by their parents. “Lets have some fun my bros.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the studio Chase was sucking Howie’s cock while tweaking his nipples, making the massive cam star go nuts. “Fuck Chase, what’s...gnnnnn… fuck…. happening… to us…” He was covering Chase’s face with spunk, as his massive cock gushed like a hose. Their spines had stretched as they had grown six inches taller since the beginning of the session. Suddenly the screen flashed with a new command. “EAT ASS” Howie felt the vibration compelling him to shove is face in between Chase’s giant ass cheeks. Chase groaned as he felt the tongue on his ass. When the bells started to ring, “ASS ASS ASS”. Howie could feel those monster glutes swelling around his face, unable to pull away as the giant ass grew out of proportion. Chase could hardly control himself as he reflexively squeezed his friend’s head. Someone was using the option to control them separately. “69 69 69 69 69 69” The screen flashed again and again. They mounted each other with their faces at pec level, since that’s where both of their massive cock heads were, unable to stop each other from blasting each other in the face with massive amounts of jizz. The volume of cum was so much that they could barely get their lips around each other’s slits as they tried to drink the flood of jizz. “CHASE FUCK HOWIE” Their asses vibrated with the new command. Howie couldn’t help himself as he thrust his ass in the air as Chase’s giant cock head pressed against that hole that had never taken a cock before. “God… please be gentle…” Howie muttered as the thick monster pushed its way inside of him. “UGNNNNNN” Howie groaned as his ass was stretched beyond anything he’d ever imagined. “HARDER HARDER HARDER” The screen flashed. Chase couldn’t help himself as he railed Howie against the bed. “FUCK FUCK FUCK” he grunted, spraying his friend’s insides with his jizz. Howie bit the pillow, unable to do anything but take it. “BELLY” Chase saw the command flash on the screen, wondering what it could mean. Howie’s gut distended a little as Chase went to down on his ass like he was churning butter. “BELLY BELLY BELLY” Those perfect abs faded as Howie’s gut began to swell out of control. “Fuck… gnnnn… what’s… fuck… happening…” He wrapped his muscular arms around that inflating belly balloon as the screen just kept flashing “BELLY” Soon his gut was so enormous that it was lifting him up off the bed and he couldn’t even wrap his arms around it. “PEC MILK PEC MILK PEC MILK” Howie felt his nipples growing even more as his pecs swelled until they were full and squishy. Chase bent over and squeezed them, causing thick milk to ooze out of them. “Fuck! Make it stop!” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “BRENT!” A voice shouted down the hall from the study, causing Brent Masterson to check the latest Wall Street Journal article. His wife burst in. “I just got an odd alert from Trey’s credit card. It’s showing over $20,000 for something called Stretch Studios! You think it’s fraud?” “Oh definitely,” he replied. “Doesn’t sound like something our son would do. Shut the account down and call them so we can get our money back. The number’s on the back.” His wife went to leave and then paused. “What are you doing all shut up in here?” “Oh… just taking a break from doing our taxes… so dull… can you handle the credit card for me?” “Sure sweety, you’re so smart with numbers.” She said walking out of the room. After the door shut behind him, Brent said to himself. “So that’s who’s been messing up my show… game over son.” He said as he switched back to the cam. “When you get your own money you can play with the big boys. Now lets fix my studs.” He paused for a moment and thought “Not everything you did was bad.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screen flashed “CUT ABS SLIM ABS RIPPED ABS ABS ABS ABS” as Howie felt his gut shrinking back to a trim fit waist. Bells were ringing frantically. “GROW GROW GROW” Howie felt his entire body stretching as Chase continued to mount him and Milk his pecs. He was swelling, bigger and bigger. Seven feet, eight feet, nine feet. He could feel Chase’s nipples rubbing against his stretching skin as he seemed like a child in comparison and still Chase hung on and fucked away. Howie outgrew the bed, crushing it under his muscular two thousand pound body as Chase had to wrap his arms around under his shoulders to continue squeezing his pecs. He topped out at twelve feet, as tall as a one story house when the screens went dark, the strange humming sound dissipated, and the vibrations in the ass came to a screeching halt. The hour was over. Chase was gasping on Howie’s back, his face nestled between mounds of muscle. “Fuck Howie… how do we get back to the way we were?” “I… I guess they use the thingies inside us to turn us back.” Suddenly the door opened and Tim walked in the room clapping. “Bravo boys, you did so well!” “So… uh… can we go back to the way we were now?” Howie said. “Of course my dears, you just have to outbid the people who changed you.” He pulled up a tablet. “As per your contract, use of the body modification unit is solely doled out to paying customers. Howie you can go back for $56,000 and Chase you can revert for $42,000.” “But we don’t have that kind of cash!” They shouted. Tim smiled. “Well… I know how you could earn it.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you liked this story, let me know. Hit "like" or leave a comment. Your feedback is how I know what gets you guys revved up.
  10. Era de mañana en el diario "El Clarín", en una de sus oficinas se encontraba Peter Parker, un chico castaño de 27 años de edad, medía 1.85 y pesaba 90 kgs. de músculo, estéticamente bien distribuido, traía puesta esa mañana una camisa blanca que se ajustaba bien a su anatomía atlética, pero sin ser demasiado llamativo, la camisa se ajustaba bien en su pecho y bíceps, también llevaba un pantalón negro de vestir y un calzado del mismo color, bien lustrado, el cuello de su camisa desabotonado solo para permitirle respirar bien y no sofocarse, pues el viaje matutino usando sus poderes para llegar al diario había sido bastante veloz, tomó las mangas de la camisa y las arremangó para dejar descubiertos sus antebrazos mientras tomaba un folder con fotos de Spiderman, se sonrió entre sí. Estos meses habían sido importantes para él, encontró un traje alien que lo había mejorado por completo, le dió más velocidad, agilidad, fuerza, músculos, y sobre todo un crecimiento en su virilidad que él en un principio no podía creer, aún recordaba cuando solo medía 1.75 y pesaba solo 70kgs., era sorprendente lo que unos meses con el traje le habían hecho, de tener un pedazo de solo 16 cms. de virilidad en erección pasó a tener un monstruo de 25 cms. No dejaba de ver sus fotos, apaleando maleantes la noche anterior, era magnífico, pensaba en el puesto que estaba compitiendo en ese momento como fotógrafo de planta, el otro hombre definitivamente no tenía oportunidad, dió un sorbo a su café mientras seguía sentado y vió la puerta de entrada de la oficina. Llegó alguien, justamente el hombre que no tenía oportunidades contra Parker, era nada más y nada menos que su compañero de oficina, Eddie Brock. Eddie era ya un hombre de 37 años de edad, a pesar de ser mayor en edad que Peter, se veía más joven, era rubio, de cabello corto, facciones joviales, ojos azules y totalmente lampiño, la vida no le había favorecido, nunca tuvo oportunidad de ejercitarse, ni hacer dietas u otro tipo de cosas debido a su físico, medía tan solo 1,65 cms de alto y pesaba tan solo 60kgs., definitivamente no imponía de ninguna forma, todo mundo le pasaba por encima y últimamente alguien en especial. El pobre Eddie llegó agitado y sudando a la oficina, con su maletín color café a un lado. Eddie estaba vestido con una camisa de color azul cielo que resaltaba aquellos ojos suyos, un pantalón café y calzado del mismo color, todo se hubiera visto bien de no ser por que todo le quedaba grande, a excepción del calzado, la camisa le colgaba de los laterales, y ni que decir de los hombros y las mangas, daba la impresión de que un niño se había vestido con la ropa de su padre, debido a ello nunca tuvo oportunidad de ligar con alguien en su vida. Mientras aún respiraba de manera agitada veía a Parker bastante fresco y seguro de su persona. Eddie se cuestionaba cómo era posible que Parker estaba así si vivía más lejos que él del trabajo, a pesar de tener cierto recelo al castaño, lo saludó ... - Hola, buenos días Parker - Se oyó su voz algo aguda, parecía la voz de un joven de 15 años. - ¿Cómo le haces para llegar antes que yo, si yo vivo más cerca? Peter lo miró de reojo y sonriendo mientras tomaba su café, le dijo: - Por que me levanto más temprano que tú, "amiguito". Eddie miró a Parker, notó que el castaño había mejorado mucho su físico en los últimos meses, sabía que eso no era normal en una persona, además Eddie siempre peleaba por entrar en el bus de la primera hora, mínimo debería que ver a Parker en el transporte o llegar al mismo tiempo si es que Peter tomaba el bus de otra ruta. Eddie terminó por mejor dejar de pensar en ello y se metió al baño para refrescarse un poco, aún así no podía dejar de sentirse frustrado, al salir vio al Sr. Jameson hablando con Peter y solo dijo él: - Hola Sr ... Jameson y Parker vieron al rubio de reojo y siguieron en su plática ... si, literalmente lo habían ignorado. Parker le mostró al jefe sus fotos de Spiderman, Jameson quedó satisfecho como siempre con aquellas fotografías, las tomó y se fue sin decir nada, Peter vio al rubio de nuevo ... -Vaya, de nuevo se te fue el avión del éxito " amiguito ". - El castaño volvió a tomar su café y a darle un sorbo mientras se recargaba en el rubio y lo veía como poca cosa - No te preocupes Eddie, siempre debe haber un segundón para que el primer lugar brille más y descuida, cuando me den el puesto , serás mi "asistonto", te lo aseguro. El rubio apretó su puño y saco su hombro del contacto de Parker para después tomar su maletín y probar suerte en la ciudad por unas fotografías. Peter solo lo vió: -Bye "pequeñín". Oye cuando vuelvas de pasear tráeme un café ... - El castaño sonrió mientras veía salir al rubio -Pobre Eddie, casi me da pena el pobre, pero bueno, no puede competir con un súper hombre como yo ... Parker se quedó de ocioso en la oficina mientras esperaba que fuera más tarde para la hora de la comida, total, al final sabía que en la noche tomaría sus fotos, mientras tanto cuando Eddie salía ... - Maldito parker, su actitud ha cambiado , es un pedante ahora- murmuraba el rubio mientras iba a su lugar secreto dentro del diario, era un cubículo abandonado y muy reducido, solo tenía espacio para una silla y unas cuantas cosas, Eddie entró y activó su radio clandestino de la policía mientras seguía pensando en Parker - solo por que ha cambiado su físico y tiene suerte con las fotos me trata así. Ya se había hecho tarde y Parker tenía hambre ya: - ¡Maldición Brock !, ¡¿Dónde te metiste?!, Sabes que quiero mi comida a cierta hora, maldito enano. - Peter salió de la oficina bastante enojado y se dirigió a la calle para comprar algo y así calmar su apetito, ya pudiendo comprar algo se tranquilizó un poco, pero seguía molesto debido a que aún consumiendo lo que había comprado, su hambre no desaparecía. - Comí demasiado y aún tengo hambre, no lo entiendo, ¡¿Por qué me está pasando esto ?! - El castaño empezaba a enfadarse más, pero en ese momento comenzó a activarse su sentido arácnido. - Sí, lo que me faltaba- se fue a un callejón oscuro y metió su ropa de civil en una bolsa de telaraña -Vamos a perseguir a los chicos malos y a tomar fotos. Mientras tanto Brock salía a toda prisa, escuchó sobre un asalto a un banco cercano y salió disparado del diario, directo a la acción. Al salir vió al mismo tiempo a Spiderman ir hacia la escena del crimen, no era lejos, Brock corrió lo más deprisa que podía, pero llegó demasiado tarde, al estar ya en el lugar solo vio cómo Spiderman salía de escena y varios criminales envueltos en telaraña, pegados a los postes de luz, el rubio se sintió fatal, otra escena de acción se le había escapado. - Maldición, así no lograré nada. Tomó fotos de lo que podía y regresó al diario lo más pronto que pudo, tenía en mente lograr ofrecer sus fotos antes de que Parker apareciera, aunque era muy raro, Peter nunca estaba en la escena y aún así conseguía fotos. Al llegar a la oficina se sorprendió, Parker ya estaba ahí, entregándole varias fotos a Jameson. Brock veía como su oportunidad se desvanecía mientras el jefe entraba a su oficina con Peter detrás de él, el pequeño rubio solo se sentó en su escritorio bastante agitado de tanto correr y entonces ... -¡¡¡Brock !!! Parker gritó como si fuera el jefe al entrar en su oficina compartida, mientras que el rubio solo lo veía con enfado y Parker cerraba de un portazo el lugar y Eddie lo cuestionó. -No sé cómo le haces ... Tú estabas aquí en la oficina y vuelves con fotos y no estás cansado ... - Peter se acercaba poco a poco a Brock que aún seguía agitado, pero confrontándolo, el rubio no sabía si eso era una buena idea o no, pero ya lo estaba haciendo. -¡¿Qué quieres Parker ?! -¡¿Qué quiero?! - Parker sonrió con algo de burla, y así tomó del cuello de la camisa con ambas manos a Brock, levantándolo del suelo, mientras el rubio veía como los pectorales, bíceps y antebrazos del castaño se tensaban en la camisa. - Esas no son maneras de contestarle a tu futuro jefe .- Parker acercó su cara a la del rubio - ¡¿Porqué olvidaste mi comida, maldito enano ?! -¿Cu ... cuál comida ?, No me pe ... pe ... pediste na..nada, solo un café... si regresaba, pero ... - ¡Cállate !, Deja de balbucear como estúpido , sabes que si te pido algo tienes que traer eso y más, en todo caso no me trajiste ¡Nada !, Eso no es de buenos amigos. ¿Oh si? Pequeño charal sudoroso. Las venas del antebrazo de Parker estaban dilatadas debido al tiempo de mantener suspendido al rubio. - Tú ... Tú no eras así .... ¿Que te pasó? - Dijo el rubio algo asustado y triste mientras el semblante de Parker cambiaba de ser agresivo a estar algo fuera de sí, soltando a Brock y dejándolo caer al suelo. - Yo ... Yo ..., Vete por comida y no tardes - El castaño le lanzó billetes en la cara a Brock - Hazlo ya ... Después de eso el rubio se arrastró por el suelo, tomó el dinero y salió disparado de la oficina, pero aún le temblaban algo las piernas. - Maldito Parker. ¿Qué se creé el idiota? No, mejor no lo hago enojar más, no se qué más me podría hacer - El rubio vuelve con una ensalada y pechuga de pollo asada, no había tardado nada en verdad. - Ahí tienes Parker, que te aproveche.- Eddie no pudo evitar decirlo con un tono algo desafiante. - Ya era hora - Mientras tanto Peter no prestó atención al tono de Brock, estaba tan hambriento que solo le importaba la comida, el rubio de lejos veía cómo Peter comía, parecía ansioso y desesperado, como un animal salvaje, incluso soltaba unos cuantos gruñidos , así que prefirió salir e ir al baño, mientras tanto solo pensaba en la conducta de Parker durante los últimos meses, se dirigió al baño del piso, abrió la puerta y se dirigió a uno de los mingitorios. Desenfundó su pedazo de carne, solo medía 8 cms., Y eso si fuera erecto, en reposo solo eran 5 cms, así es, el rubio era pequeño hasta en eso. Mientras orinaba y sentía pena por si mismo oyó abrirse la puerta del baño, para su desgracia era nada más y nada menos que Peter que lo observaba, el castaño comenzó a olfatear, cómo si oliera algo en el ambiente y mientras hacía eso su pantalón de vestir marcaba la gran erección de Parker, el pedazo caliente de 25 cms. de su entrepierna, estaba al máximo. - Aaaaahhhh- el castaño parecía apreciar algún olor. - Aquí huele ... - Dijo el castaño acercándose a Brock. -¿Qué quieres decir con eso? - Eddie guardó su falo y subió la bragueta de su pantalón, tenía un presentimiento y pensaba mejor salir lo antes posible de aquel lugar. - Seguro es el baño, está mal lavado, saldré y le diré al personal del aseo. Parker se acercó al rubio y lo tomó con bastante fuerza. - ¡Eres tú! ... ¡Tú apestas! - Parker volvió a cargar al rubio como lo había hecho ya hace rato y empezó a frotar su gran erección en la entrepierna de Eddie mientras al mismo tiempo le oprimía su pequeña hombría. -Quieres ser preñado.- El rubio estaba acorralado y se sintió indefenso, no podía ocultar su rostro de preocupación. -Parker, si ... si ... huelo así es por qué corrí mu ... mucho hoy ... Me pondré des ... desodorante para no mo ... molestarte ... - Tú quieres ser preñado- Parker parecía un animal salvaje que no razonaba. - ¡¿Preñarme?!, ¡¿A qué te refieres ?! Parker soltó a Brock pero solo para tomarlo fuertemente por la cintura. -Sabes que necesitas un macho, pequeña perra.- El castaño empezaba a merodear con su mano de forma lasciva el cuerpo del rubio aún por encima de la ropa de éste, la mano de Peter empezaba a deslizarse hacia la pelvis de Eddie, casi por tocar su hombría, pero en ese momento Parker se detuvo . - No ... No ... Esto no está bien ... No ... - Peter soltó al rubio de inmediato y salió rápidamente del baño. Eddie sudaba frío, solo en el baño, pegado a la pared aún, traumatizado, se sintió débil y frágil, sus piernas no dejaban de temblar, era la primera vez que alguien intentaba violarlo, solo pudo encogerse y quedarse en estado fetal en el piso de aquel baño.
  11. SoupBacons

    Growth Powder - Part 5

    And - here's part 5! Finally some more growth. Other parts, you can find here: Part One:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4927-growth-powder-part-1/ Part Two:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4995-growth-powder-part-2/ Part Three:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5108-growth-powder-part-3/ Part Four:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5190-growth-powder-part-4/ Hope you like it. ///// Max saw the guys, as they exited the school bus. Immediately upon seeing him, Nathan and Jim came over with a bunch of other guys on the team. “Oh my God.” “Dude…” “What the…” He heard them say, and a large smile spread across his face, as he saw their admiration. “What can I say, it’s just… just a growth sprout I suppose.” Max said, looking down at them very happy, they looked at him in disbelief. “No way. What the hell are you doing man?” Asked Nathan, and Max put his large arm around his shoulders as they all followed Max into the school. “No shit, no way – listen, I’ll tell you all about it after school. In the locker room, before practice. I’ll tell you everything. Trust me.” Max said, as he felt a hand press against his back. “Oh my God, you’re so big.” He heard Jim say. “Y- yeah, see you there man. Totally. I wanna know.” Max flexed his large arm, seeing a bicep pop up, as he listened to his teammates, but mostly Jim, ooo and aaah. He was quite transfixed by this, and apparently so were they, enjoying this mutual enjoyment. Their first class started. Max sat down, alone, noticing that Alex hadn’t come to school – and, neither had John. He wondered why at first, but quickly put it out of his head, as he tried to concentrate on the teacher and the class. But, soon after, Max got very bored of the class. He leaned back in his chair, and looked around. He felt how much bigger his back was now, compared to the chair. He shifted slightly, feeling as the edges of the seat tried to dig into his thick strong back muscle, as his wide back extended beyond the seat in all directions. He crossed his hands and tried to cross his legs, but then quickly found out that the table was far too small for him now to do so. He tried to look down at his legs, but his attention was quickly caught by his bulky arms, sitting there, crossed on his chest. He flexed his right bicep, then his leg bicep – looking at one, then the other. Then, just to amuse himself, he started flexing his pecs underneath his arms. He started smiling, and after a while got bored of it, but as he looked up – he noticed a few people glancing at him. At first he was slightly annoyed, but immediately that feeling was changed with both the feeling of pride and slight arousal. A wide cocky grin spread across his face. He bent his legs, putting his feet firmly on the floor, still sitting down. His thighs touched the bottom of the table. Sitting there, arms still folded, leaning back, looking quite careless and nonchalant he noticed a few people glance at him again. And as they did, he slowly flexed his thighs. He felt the muscle in his legs bunch up, and push against the table from below. As he flexed his legs, he saw the table rise, slowly – being lifted off the ground with the sole power of his flexing thighs. A few people seemed to notice this, some quickly turned away, some stared wide-eyed, not quite believing how large Max had gotten. Sure it wasn’t quite a feat of strength, but – it just showed how much larger his muscles were now, and how much he had grown in such a short time. He glanced at his bag, thinking of the growth powder that lay inside. All that power and potential, and soon he would share it, and he kinda liked the idea of that. The class ended and he walked out, noticing how much closer the top of the door was to his head. He heard compliments as he walked down the hallway. The guys admiring him, the girls asking to squeeze his muscles, he quite liked it. Class after class ended, and finally it was time for after school practice he had arranged with the guys. It was in the same time the badminton guys had practice – but he thought his thing was far more important. And, after all, no one would care. He walked over to the locker room, next to the gym. He entered and saw a few guys already waiting. He said: “That’s all that came?” Max looked around, as he saw only Jim, Nathan and Tim there. Tim was another guy on the team, Nathans old friend. He was built much like Jim, smaller than the other guys, but quite good. “Yup.” Said Nathan. “There’s some game or something near, and everyone went – they told us to tell them what you … er… well – tell, um, us.” “Er, sure.” Max began. “Let’s get ready, right?” They all started changing, and by that – I mean, they all took off most their clothes, standing there only in socks and underpants. Max looked around, seeing the athletic, ripped Jim and Tim, the bulkier Nathan. They were all quite attractive, and probably better built than most people in school, considering they all played soccer intensely, but – standing in the same room as him – they felt kind of small. “Alright… so… this…” Max said, reaching for his backpack. “…is it.” He pulled out the large jar, filled with green powder, and showed it to the guys, holding it up in one hand, letting his right bicep flex to accentuate the point, as he held it. “Ooh… right. Er… what the hell is that?” Asked Nathan. “That looks like… is that some sort of drink?” Asked Tim. “I know right, it looked like those old drinks that they like, stopped making, remember those?” Max asked, smiling, as everyone faintly remembered the discontinued drinks. “Oh yeah.” “I guess.” “So – anyway. I thought that it was a drink too, until I found out what it does.” “And, what – does – it do?” Max put the jar down gently, and stood before them, straightening up, smiling down at them and flexing both his arms. “Isn’t it obvious?” “Oooh. I see.” Said Jim. “So – do we… is it a supplement of some kind, like, how do we…?” Tim began, but Max just took the jar again and opened it. “You just eat it, dude.” He held the jar out to them. “Dig in.” The three looked at each other, quietly, until Nathan, a bit eager and a bit worried, stepped forward, and dug his hand into the jar. “Here goes…” He ate a handful of the powder, making a face that indicated that he enjoyed the taste, but was still a bit confused about the whole thing. “So er… what do I do now?” Nathan asked. Max smiled. “Just wait.” Then, they all heard a strange rumbling noise in Nathans stomach. Quickly it stopped. He looked at them, looking at him. Then, he felt a great sensation, through his whole body. As he felt something changing inside him. “Oh my God – I think it’s working.” He looked at his feet, past his athletic body, and saw them… grow. They seemed to elongate, grow thicker, stronger. Then, he noticed something else, as he was looking down, he saw the floor… getting further away. He was growing taller too. “Wow….” He heard Jim say, as they all saw him shoot up in height. He looked at the now even bigger Max, and he saw himself staring right in his eyes, and then, he went on, further. Growing taller than him. He was about 6’6’’ now, he guessed, he must have been. But – he looked down , noticing that this only made his muscles look smaller, on his new height. Then, he felt another sensation. “Oh my God that looks awesome, let me have some.” Said Jim, sticking his hand into the jar. “Me too!” Said Tim, taking a handful of the stuff as well, as they both had their eyes glued to the growing Nathan in front of them. Max just smiled, enjoying the whole thing immensely. He closed the lid, putting the jar away, waiting to see what happens to all of them now. “Oh yeah!” Nathan shouted suddenly, as he looked at his arms. He flexed his forearm muscles, seeing them expand, and then – as he relaxed them, he noticed they stayed the same size. In fact, he flexed them again, seeing them grow even bigger. It wasn’t his flexing, they were just growing bigger on his own. They looked even bigger now, on his longer arms, he brought up his arms, flexing it – seeing a large ball of muscle bunch up, forming a large round bicep right next to his grinning face. Jim and Tim looked at each other, as they saw themselves grow. They shot up in height, growing and growing, until they both hit 6’1’’. Then, he opened his mouth wide, a bit afraid and disappointed, as he felt himself stop growing, yet – he saw Tim continue to shoot up. “Sorry dude, should have taken more I guess.” Tim said, chuckling happily. They stood next to each other, as they felt both their growths stop. Then, they felt themselves expand. Their shoulders became wider, fuller, Jim felt Tim’s shoulders expand so much, they touched him, then – he felt Tim’s growing thighs brush up against his own. He looked down, seeing his own legs fill up with muscle. Muscle became more visible, larger, his thighs filling out his boxers, his calves became thick and strong. Then, they both heard something rip. They looked up, from their own bodies to see Nathan’s boxers tear at the sides at how large he had become. He towered over all in that locker room, laughing at how amazing it all felt. They saw his butt, large and round fill up his underpants completely, along with something else that was filling them up too. Nathan was huge. Every muscle was ripped and large. He looked more of a bodybuilder than a soccer player now. Yet, as he started stretching to touch various new, larger muscles on his body, they saw just how flexible and mobile he still was. They admired his deep, cut eight pack, his thick thighs, strong calves, large arms, pecs like slabs on his chest. His whole body brimmed with unbridled power, and he loved it. Then, Jim looked over at Tim – and was saddened slightly, as he noticed how much bigger he was than him. Tim must have been at least 6’3’’ standing next to him, with muscles bigger than his own, in fact – he saw as he looked at Tim’s boxers – he was now larger than him, in every aspect. Max quietly nodded, grinning. “Nice. So – what do you think?” Max asked, as their growths subsided. “Oh my God – this is amazing!” “Yeah – it’s awesome!” Said Nathan and Tim. Jim wanted to mention that he wanted to, perhaps, take a bit more of the powder, but then the two started again. “God – I feel… I feel horny now.” Nathan added, grinning at the two. “Yeah, no shit – me too. This stuff’s amazing, and wow, look at us.” Tim said, motioning towards their packages. Jim quietly agreed with them, they all seemed to feel quite aroused, was it their new, larger selves, the powder, something else or… Jim thought – maybe all combined? Again, he wanted to ask for more of the powder from Max, when they all turned around, hearing the locker room door open. Then, they were all confused for a moment, but after – a total silence fell on the locker room. “Oh my…” Max and Tim whispered, as they saw Alex, stroll into the locker room, with his badminton equipment. “Oh hello!” Alex said, in his deep, arousing voice, smiling at the four half naked, tall and buff young men, staring at him. “Well, isn’t this just… wonderful?” He asked, playfully, dropping the badminton equipment on the floor, approaching Nathan with a sly smirk. They all felt it, the strange heat, the strange attraction towards this man, Alex. He was…. He was so different. They couldn’t take their eyes off him. And, more to the point, they were all quite aroused, much more so than before. In fact, the whole room was filled with some sort of a strange sexual energy. Alex’s strange charm made them so horny that they weren’t only aroused looking at him, but also at each other, though they remained transfixed on him. “Well, well, well…” Alex began, brushing his hand across Nathan’s large, wide, heaving chest, playfully. “Won’t this be fun?” He said, feeling – with his other hand – ripped Max’s abs, seeing all their underwear suddenly become painfully small, as they stared at him with mouths open. “Oh yeah – definitely.” He answered himself.
  12. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 20

    Sorry for the wait, in case you need a refresher here is Blue Pill Part 19 And without further ado I give to you Blue Pill Part 20 Although she had just fed, Sarah was hungrier than she had ever been before. The smell that hit her as soon as she opened the door to the gym was intoxicating, like pure male essence. It was the aroma of sweat and testosterone that caused her newly formed dick to harden down the leg of her short running shorts. The head of her dick just barely held within the confines of her shorts. She began to sniff the air, walking down the hallway, following the smell to where it was the strongest. This led Sarah to a heavy steel door, which she quickly pushed open to reveal an even more intense cloud of the stench that led here there from the hallway. It was so thick it was almost as if you could swim in it. Sarah felt something wet drip onto her foot and as she looked down to inspect where it came from, she saw another drop forming at the edge of her boxers. The smell had her so turned on that she was hornier than she ever remembered being before. Sarah was surprised to find the locker room was practically empty, minus the few gym bags sitting outside of their lockers. She walked up to one of the gym bags that was setting open atop the bench. She looked in and found a used jock sitting on top. Sarah reached into the gym bag and pulled out the jock. It was still warm and sweaty from the previous wearer, as if it had just been discarded. She brought the jock up to her nose, smelling the amazing aroma of sweat and testosterone with a hint of cum. Sarah stuck the jock in her mouth sucking on the sweat and cum. As she was sucking she felt a surge of strength run through her body and felt her dick pulse in her running shorts. She looked down to see that the head of her dick was now just barely peeking out of the edge of her shorts. As she was looking down at her dick, she noticed that her entire body looked pumped. She ran her hand along the shaft of her penis, earning her a glob of pre-cum once she reached the head. Hormones were racing through her brain telling her she needed to get off and soon. Sarah heard the sound of a shower turning on through the doorway at the end of the row of lockers. She headed towards the doorway with a hunger in her eyes and a raging hardon in her shorts. " Time to feed" she growled to herself... When Riley had first arrived to the gym, his gut was full and swollen with Derek's cum. He knew he needed to do something to get the size of his beach ball belly to go down and after reading the note that was left for Derek about how it would be beneficial for him to work out, he decided the best place for that would be Frank's Gym. It was always filled with meatheads and hardcore weights. Riley was in his jock and a pair of sweats he had found in the school locker room and He was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Fletcher Valley Athletic Department'. It was a little loose on him, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be that way for long. He looked out across the gym floor and found a handful of guys lifting. They ranged in size from amateur bodybuilder to Olympia sized. The biggest being Damien, he was easily a 300-pound wall of shredded beef, ready to dominate his next bodybuilding competition. He was a 6-foot-tall wall of dark chocolate and he was walking straight towards Riley. Riley began to panic. He wondered if the behemoth had seen him staring or if he was just overthinking. Jason's heart began racing faster and faster as each titanic footfall of the giant caused his meaty pecs to bounce. His massive Quads rolling over each other as they fought for space inside the weak confines of his gym shorts. Riley couldn't believe his eyes when they finally fell upon the obscene bulge in Damien's shorts. He had seen some decent sized packages in the school locker room. Chris's came to mind right away, but what was in front of him now had to be as big as Chris's cock was when it was hard, and it was completely soft. As Damien got right up next to me he leaned down to say something in my ear. His deep baritone filled my soul, as I had a hard time registering what he was saying. "Yeah, I saw you lookin. You're gonna need about another 100 pounds before you can handle what I got to give. Come find me when you do though, I'd love to fill your bowl with my cream." He stood back up to his full height and I watched his face as a huge toothy grin formed on his face as he gave me a wink. He reached down to adjust his package which Jason swore was bigger than just a moment ago. As Damien walked past Riley, He turned to watch Damien as he stared directly at Riley's ass. He seductively licked his lips as he headed into the gym locker room. To say that Riley felt on fire would be an understatement, he felt like hormones were flooding his entire being. Not only that, but his cock was rock hard. He knew he needed to focus. If what the note said was true, he needed to start lifting so he could absorb all the muscle cum that was in his belly. Riley decided to start with arms, so he headed over to a long row of dumbbells in front of a large gym mirror. He grabbed the 25's to start as a warm up and headed over to the isolation bench. As he was walking over to the bench Riley watched his arms in the mirror as the sinewy muscle lightly flexed to support the weight in his hands. He flexed his arm straight down causing a slight bulge to appear on the back of his arm from his triceps. Riley sat at the isolation bench and began doing curls. At first the weight was a little heavy, but began to get easier to lift as he did more reps. Once he had 25 reps done he switched to his other arm and began lifting again. Riley watched as veins began to surface on his arm and his goose egg of a bicep began expanding, just a little bit more with each rep. With his biceps now feeling warmed up, he brought the weight behind his head and began one armed triceps-extensions. He really had to push at the beginning to get the weight up, but as he continued it got easier and easier with each rep. Riley did 25 with each arm and stood up to take the weights back. This time as he passed himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but gawk at his reflection. His arms were pumped just from his warm-up. Riley started the work out with 15-inch arms, but they were looking much closer to the 15-inch range and this time when he flexed his arm straight down, he was rewarded with an actual horse-shoe bulge on the back of his arm. The boner that had started to go down during his lifts sprang back to life as he admired his pump in the mirror. "Fuck yeah! I'm getting pumped" Riley growled to himself in the mirror. "So fucking hot!" Riley put the weights back and walked further down the row of weights, this time picking up the 50's. Riley had never done anything heavier for isolation curls than 35. He could feel the heaviness of the weight in his hands as he headed back to the bench. Riley sat down and began pumping out rep after rep. As the weight got lighter with each rep, his arm began to bulge with some serious muscle. Veins that had appeared during his warm-up were now thickening and branching out all across his swollen bicep. The hard knot on his arm was now about the size of a baseball. Riley then continued the same process with his other arm. During this entire process Riley's raging hard on had begun leaking copious amounts of pre-cum into his jock. Knowing that he was going to have some difficulty doing single arm triceps extensions with 50 pounds, He decided to do just a regular triceps extension using both arms and the 50-pound dumbbell. It was a struggle at first, but just like with his biceps it got easier with every rep he did. Riley lost track of how many extensions he did until he realized that the weight he was using felt as light as the 25 pounders. Riley stood up to take the weight back. This time what he saw in the mirror was a complete and total surprise, the arms that he now possessed were at least 16 inches and wrapped in veins. He couldn't believe how big he was getting. The thought caused his cock to flex in his sweats, which brought his attention to a wet spot that had begun to form where the head of his dick was. Riley reached down and ran his hand along his shaft, as he flexed his cock in his hand. He continued flexing his cock in his hand, as he brought his other arm up into a flex as well. This caused his cock to react by surging in his hand, the head of his cock was now poking out of his jock and shot a wad of precum on the inside of his sweat pants. More turned on then he ever remembered being in his life, Riley headed over to the bench press and loaded the bar with weight for a warm-up. He laid under the bar and brought the weight down to graze his nipples. He then pushed the weight back up. Riley cranked out rep after rep as he began to get a pump from his warm up. Riley began losing sight of his erect nipples as his pecs began inflating with blood. Riley decided it was time to put some serious weight on the bar. He got up and loaded the bar with 300 pounds and got back under the bar. The most Riley had ever benched before this was 150 and that was a struggle. Riley felt confident this time as he lifted the bar, he slowly brought the bar down, feeling the muscle fibers in his pecs stretch and scream in pain as they were forced to lift twice as much as they ever had before. The weight finally reached his pecs and he pushed with all his might to get the weight back up. Once it was back at the top, he brought the weight back down, this time not as much resistance from his pecs. Every time Riley brought the weight down he didn't have to go as far as his pecs swelled thicker with each rep. After what felt like an eternity, Riley finally re-racked the weight and sat up on the bench. Right away Riley could tell a huge difference in his pecs, the weight of his bulbous man breasts pulled heavily on the fabric of his shirt. Riley stood to look at himself in the mirror. "OH SHIT" Riley couldn't believe how big his pecs had become. "I might have done too many bench presses." Riley realized, too late of course, that his pecs were out of proportion with the rest of his body. They almost looked like breasts if it weren't for his slight pouch of a belly he had left. Riley ran his hand up along the curve of his bulbous pec muscle and moaned out loud on the gym floor as his hand rubbed across his pert nipple. A couple of the muscle heads turned to catch a glimpse of Riley and his increasing wet spot in his sweat pants. Realizing that he needed to balance out his body, Riley headed over to the squat rack last. One of the big meat heads must have been using it last, because they didn't take their weights off the bar. The bar was loaded with 500 pounds. Riley was feeling stronger than he ever felt and his rock-hard cock told him that he could lift that fucking weight. Riley braced himself underneath the bar and went to lift the weight up when the big muscle head that had been lifting there headed over to stop Riley. "Hey bro, that weight is way too heavy for your chicken legs, how about we start you off with something a little lighter?" "I'm going to crush this weight!" Riley growled with a fire in his eyes. "Well then, I'm at least going to spot you, I would hate for you to crush yourself under my watch. Names Ben by the way, I'm the manager of Frank's gym." "Enough talk Ben, let's lift some fucking weight." Riley lifted the bar up before Ben was positioned behind him. Riley could feel Ben's hard biceps against the back of his newly minted triceps. The breath on the back of his neck made him even hornier if that was even possible. "FUUUUCCCCKKKKK" Riley moaned/yelled as he squatted down with the weight, he could feel Ben's crotch against his ass as he pushed back in the bottom of the lift, then Riley began pushing the unbelievably heavy weight back up. At the top of the lift, Riley could feel Ben's biceps tense against his triceps as he was trying to get Riley to re-rack the weight. "Great job man, I..." "Did I say I was done yet?!?" As Riley squatted down again, with Ben following him down. The legs of Riley's sweatpants were becoming increasingly tight around his ever-enlarging thighs and he could feel his ass pushing back more into Ben's crotch. Riley flexed his ass at the bottom of the squat. This elicited a moan out of his spotter as he could feel Ben's dick hardening against his rock-hard ass cheeks. Once at the top of the lift, Riley started another squat. Riley could feel the power in his legs increasing as they blew up in size. He could feel his sweat pants becoming too tight against his straining cock and his ballooning ass. Before he could stop himself from humiliation, he heard the ass of his sweats give out with a loud rip. He could feel cool air hit his hole as it was exposed between the straps of his jock. Ben felt the head of his cock through his gym shorts push past Riley's rock-hard ass cheeks to his exposed hole. Riley felt Ben's cockhead through his shorts as it pushed against his hole. Riley decided to hold the weight there for a little longer. Ben rubber the head of his cock against Riley's hole. Riley's legs strained to hold the weight, but they grew larger by the second during the strain, making it easier the longer he held it. "Fuck man, I can't. You have got a really hot ass and I have never had these feelings for another guy before. I'm straight man I'm sorry." Ben pulled his cock head back from Riley's ass and stepped back. Riley stood back up with the weight and re-racked it. Riley turned around to face Ben. He stood almost eye to eye with Ben. Ben had the most beautiful hazel eyes and short military cut hair. His face was chiseled and manly looking. He had to be about 260 pounds. He was a big boy. Riley looked down and realized that’s not all that was big on Ben. His arms and pecs were massive, but what really pulled Riley's attention is what was poking at his hole just moments ago. Riley reached down and wrapped his hand around it, massaging the head. Ben moaned loudly as he closed his eyes and rolled his head back. Riley leaned his body in against Ben's, "Wh..what are you doing?" Ben stuttered as Riley leaned up and kissed him on the mouth. Ben moaned into Riley's mouth as Riley felt Ben's cock swell in his hand as it anticipated releasing its load. Riley stepped away from Ben before he could cum. Ben's eyes were still closed in a moment of bliss."FUCK! That was so fucking hot! Why did you stop?" "You're straight remember." Riley replied with a devilish grin." Besides, I'm done with my workout. Thanks for the spot Ben. Hopefully we can lift together again." Riley gave Ben a wink as he headed for the lockers, holding the ass of his sweats together as best he could. "HEY, WAIT! I never got your name!" Ben shouted after Riley. "If you want my name you'll have to see me again to get it." Riley headed into the locker room and began taking off all his clothes. He admired the way he struggled to get his shirt up over his massive pecs. Riley moaned as the hem of the shirt snagged on his nipples. Riley removed the remains of his sweats to reveal a raging hard on he wasn't expecting. It was about a half inch bigger than he was used to and quite a bit thicker. "Well this isn't covering anything anymore." Riley said as he removed his jockstrap and set it on top of his gym bag. Riley couldn't believe how big he had gotten. He must weigh at least 190 now. He heard the locker room door open on the other side of his lockers. Riley thought it might be Ben, so he wanted to make Ben work for it a little bit, so he turned and quietly slipped into the sauna before he came around the lockers. "God I can't wait to make love to the beautiful man!"
  13. redkage

    Voodoo 101: Intro to Voodoo

    Voodoo 101: Intro to Voodoo Ivan was a normal college student. Well, at least he always thought he was normal. He wasn't athletic, but he wasn't skinny or fat either. He wasn't drop dead good looking, but he wasn't ugly fortunately. His grades were C average and he didn't have any special redeeming qualities. There was one thing that did make him "not so normal" however. His eyes, instead of being brown or green like his parents, were a shocking milky white. He wasn't blind or anything, he could actually see just fine. He was getting tired of seeing people freak out whenever they see them however, so he tried to wear sunglasses as much as possible. However, enough people on campus have seen them for him to be labeled as "Zombie," a nickname he'd rather not have. It wasn't as if he asked to be born different. He always wanted to be a normal, regular guy, but because of these eyes of his, he was always made fun of or avoided. After another long day of college, Ivan finally made his way home. Instead of living in the dorms, he lived in a nearby appartment. He had been unlucky and wasn't able to secure a dorm spot, but the apartment was cheap enough to afford and close to the campus. There was only one downside though. As he walked down the hallway, he could already hear the TV in his appartment on full blast. It seemed that his roommate decided to come home early today. Taking a deep breath, Ivan unlocked the door and went inside. In the living room was Austin, his roommate, yelling at the TV like a super fan. It was no surprise though, since Austin was on the football team. There were chips and pretzels all over the floor, a mess he'll clean half assed and then leave to attract ants unless Ivan cleaned it up properly. "Yeah, touchdown!" Austin screamed, jumping off of his chair and pumping his fist, chips flying through the air. One chip actually flew and smacked Ivan on the forehead. Ivan held back his desire to complain about the mess. Austin was the typical jock; big, handsome and aggressive. The football player was 6'5" tall and weighed a good 210 lbs of solid muscle. He was rather good looking, with short brown hair, strong cheekbones and a pair of gorgeous eyes. However, Ivan was secretly more into those muscles of his. Years of training had given Austin a killer body. Large, full and yet shredded, it was a gay man's dream to live with...as long as he didn't open his mouth. Austin more or less left Ivan alone as long as he didn't bug him about it, and even then sometimes the jock gets pissed off about something. And if Ivan tried to complain about Austin's bad habits, he'd get wrestled into submission as punishment. It was the best and worst of both heaven and hell; great eye candy, but a horrible home life as a price. Biting back some choice words, Ivan made his way into his room. As soon as he was in, he dropped his backpack, flopped into his computer chair and shut his eyes. Before Ivan could get comfortable, Austin suddenly entered and dropped a big, musty and beat up looking package on his lap. "Hey Zombie, the mail guy dropped this shit off earlier and made me miss a touchdown!" "Thanks." Ivan rolled his eyes, knowing that the jock couldn't see it through his glasses. With a snort, Austin turned and went back to the living room to continue watching his game. Sighing, Ivan checked the return address on the package. To his surprise, it was from his Uncle Lester from Louisiana. Ivan had never really gotten to know his uncle, and his parents rarely even mention him. Still, there was one thing that Ivan could relate to with his estranged relative, and that was the fact that they shared the same creepy eyes. Tearing off the musty brown wrapping paper, Ivan found a thick old looking book, a wooden box and a card. Picking up the card, he began reading it. Dear Ivan I know this must come as a surprise to hear from your recluse of an uncle. I know I have not been as close like other uncles could be, but there are reasons for why I had not spoken to you. When I first gazed into those eyes of yours, I knew right away you had the gift. Your parents had wanted you to live a normal life, so they forbade me from telling you, but I sensed a great power and natural talent for the mystic arts flowing within you. Rather than letting it go to waste, I have decided to go against your parents' wishes and send you this. I am sending you this book and set as an introduction to the arts. Whether you use it or not is entirely up to you. May the spirits guide you, Uncle Lester Seriously? Mystic arts? Wasn't he talking about voodoo? Did he really expect Ivan to believe all that hocus pocus mumbo jumbo? But...even though he thought that, for some reason he believed it. He couldn't explain why, but when he read that he could use magic, it made...sense, somehow. Like it was as natural as telling him he had a heart or two legs. A quick check inside of the box revealed several small jars, small pouches, fancy looking ornaments and things he couldn't even name. Picking up the book, he read the title. "A Beginner's Introduction of the Secret World of the Ancient Art of Voodoo." Damn, that was a pointlessly long title. Still, one look at this told Ivan that it was the genuine article, for whatever hell the reason was. Everything that he learned should have told him it was completely fake, but it felt as real as the quiz he had on Monday. "I must be going crazy." He muttered even as he opened the book and started reading. * * * For the next few days, Ivan read the book every chance he got. "Intro to Voodoo" held lots of fascinating information. Like the title suggested, it was more like an introductory to voodoo than an actual spell book, though there were a few beginner spells. According to the book, Ivan could use these basic spells as a base and modify them for more advance spells. Out of curiosity he tried one of them out, a simple hex that gave someone a runny nose. He tried it out on several of his classmates to see if it really worked. To his amazement, all of them ended up with a cold, going through a few dozen tissues through class (much to the annoyance of the teacher.) One person with a cold would have just been a coincidence, but ten at the same time? After trying out a few more spells, Ivan had no choice but to accept that this book was the genuine article, even though deep down he already knew that. Perhaps it was this "natural gift" his uncle told him about, or maybe he was just being overly naiive. As his knowledge of voodoo grew, so did his desire to put it to use. There were so many different spells he wanted to try out! Of course, some of the ingredients were a bit...unique. So unique that he had no idea how to get some. One day he was walking home, thinking about his magic studies. He was almost done reading the book, but had only put to practice only a handful of tricks. Oh, if only he could figure out where he could get new books and supplies! Suddenly he felt an odd, tugging sensation pulling at him. Stopping, he looked around, trying to figure out who did that, but there was no one around. Still, the tugging sensation persisted. Well, at least it FELT like tugging, but as far as he knew it, nothing was pulling at his arm or leg or anything. It was more like he was drawn to go in a certain direction. "Ah hell, I got nothing better to do tonight." He said and started following this unnatural sensation. He had no idea where he was going, but was sure of is way somehow. The tugging sensation took him down the street, took several turns and winding paths mixing up his sense of direction completely. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a shop. It looked normal on the outside, neat and orderly. Through the windows Ivan could see something that resembled a quaint antique shop, but something told Ivan that it wasn't exactly your everyday store. "Well, I've gone this far, might as well enter." He pushed the door open. Above him a bell rang as he entered the store. The inside wasn't nearly as bright or new looking as the outside was. When Ivan looked through the window from the outside, it looked like a nicely organized antique shop, with everyday items. Once inside, that neat shop turned into a crowded mess full of the weirdest, wackiest stuff he had ever seen. There were rows and rows of shelves loaded with all sorts of different things you'd never see in any shop. Chicken bones, crystal balls, colorful gems, ornate chinese lamps; those were just some of the more ordinary objects he could identify. Hanging on the walls and from the ceiling were various dried plants and herbs, dreamcatchers and windchimes, African tribal masks and something that resembled...a shrunken head? "Coming!" A guy's voice came from the back, causing Ivan to jump. For some reason he hadn't expected anyone to be in there. A guy, maybe a few years older than Ivan walked into view, carrying a few dozen books in his arms. When he set them down, Ivan was able to get a good look at him. The guy was pretty ordinary looking compared to his surroundings. In fact, he looked pretty cute. Rich, auburn colored that hung in soft curls, dark eyes that seemed to hold a playful secret behind them. A tall, strong looking body probably built from lifting various heavy objects around the store. He wasn't as muscular as Austin was, but he was still a nice sight for sore eyes. "Thank you for waiting, how may I help you?" The guy greeted him. "Uh, I'm..I'm just browsing."Ivan said. The guy peered at Ivan, making him uncomfortable. "You wouldn't happen to be new at the mystic arts would you?" "Wh-what makes you say that?" Ivan shifted his weight back and forth, not knowing how to react. This guy knew he could use magic? "For starters you look nervous as heck." The guy chuckled. "What if I'm just a regular guy who accidentally wandered in here?" Ivan argued. "Well first of all, you pretty much admitted you were a magic user with that sentence. A regular guy would have said something like 'what? magic?' instead. Second, only people with magic who want to be here can enter." "Is that even possible?" "Oh sure, it's your basic magic shop enchantment..." He trailed off as he looked straight at Ivan. "Your eyes..." On reflex Ivan's hand shot up and checked his sunglasses, but they were securely in place. "Wh-what about them?" "Your eyes are pretty damn awesome!" He said. That wasn't the reaction Ivan had been expecting. "What?" He was surprised more by the fact that they were called awesome and less by the fact that somehow this person managed to see his eyes through sunglasses. "You've got a mystic's eyes!" He remarked. "Those are extremely rare. All of the people who are born with those turn into really powerful magic users." "R-really?" For the first time in his life, someone was actually saying his eyes weren't creepy or weird. Not only that, they were saying it was a good thing. "Yeah, they're pretty respected in the magical community." The guy said. "At one point in time people tried to gouge out those eyes and sell them for quite a lot of money...but that practice has long died out." He said immediately upon seeing the color drain from Ivan's face. "Mystic's eyes lose power the moment they're removed, so it pretty much made them useless to everyone except the person they're born with, so I doubt anyone would be taking yours anytime soon." "Thanks, I feel so much safer than before I came here." Ivan muttered. "Yeah sorry, hey, do you know what kind of special abilities your eyes have given you?" The stranger asked excitedly. "You mean besides give people the creeps?" Ivan felt himself actually relaxing a bit. "Well, since you just started exercising your power it probably hasn't had time to fully develop yet. I'm sure it'll manifest sooner or later...Ah sorry, where are my manners, I tend to ramble on when I find something rare or valuable." He said. "My name is Soloman, owner of this fine establishment you're standing in." Soloman offered his hand. "Ivan." He took the hand and shook it. "So what kind of art do you practice?" Soloman asked. "Um...voodoo?" "Oh that's a fun one." The shopkeeper grinned. "It dabbles in all sorts of different fields. If you become top level, you can even make a zombie or two." "Er, I've seen too many zombiepocalypse movies and video games, so no thanks."Ivan shook his head. Actually it was the fact that his nickname around college was Zombie that ticked him off, but he didn't need to know that. "Hey I just said you can, not that you have to." He laughed. "Well then, back to business. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?" "Well..." Ivan hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Soloman. It seemed that this person already knew he could use magic, and seemed trustworthy enough. And besides, who knew when he'd get a chance to find another magic shop? "I'm almost done with the book and supplies my Uncle sent me." "Lemme guess, Intro to Voodoo and a basic starter set?" Soloman asked. "Er, the book yes, I'm not sure if it was a starter set." Ivan said. "The two of them are always sold as a bundle." Soloman walked around the counter and to a bookshelf. His fingers glided along the bindings until he found the one he was looking for and pulled it off the shelf. "Here, this one is the next level up from Voodoo 101." Soloman came back to the counter where Ivan was waiting and set it down in front of him. "I also recommend the advanced hex set number two, that's got a bunch of stuff that's used in a majority of the spells. If there are any specialized ingredients or tools you need, just place an order and I should have it ready in a few days time." "Wow. Thanks, you've been really helpful." Ivan looked at the book and set in restrained anticipation. "I wouldn't have any returning customers if I wasn't helpful." Soloman laughed. "Now that'll be forty-nine ninety-five." * * * From then on Ivan made regular trips to the shop. Every time he visited there was something new there to discover. Mostly though, Ivan found he liked talking with Soloman. The guy was very interesting and knowledgeable, teaching Ivan all sorts of things, some of them not even about voodoo. After a few weeks of visiting the shop, though, Ivan began to feel his wallet getting tight. He was after all still a college student, and his new extracirrcular studies weren't exactly cheap either. When he brought the subject up to Soloman, the shopkeeper gave him a solution. "Just sell your work here." He told him. "You're making great progress in your art to the point where you can actually sell some of your stuff." "Can I really do that?" Ivan asked. "Sure, where do you think half this stuff came from?" He waved his arms at all of the items cluttering the shop. "You've showed me a few of the things you came up with, and they're all top quality stuff. Just make a few potions, portable hexes and enchanted objects and I gurantee you there will be a buyer." And Soloman was right. Ivan began supplying the shop with charms, amulets and other items, only to found them sold out the next day. Soon Ivan found himself with enough money to supply his hobby, and then some. One day Ivan went to the fridge to take out his latest work. It was a special salve that would protect a person from curses. It was a very advanced and technical project, but after fermenting it for three days in the fridge it was finally ready to sell. Upon opening the door, however, he found the jar absent. In its place was a pizza box. Not believing what he was seeing, he pulled out the box and looked inside. Three lonely slices sat there innocently, and definetely not his jar. He tossed the box to the side and began rummaging the fridge, searching for the jar. He looked behind every carton, container and junk in there, but there was no sign at all. At that moment Austin walked in, coming home from a day of practice. "Hey Austin, what did you do to the green jar that was in the fridge?" Ivan stepped away from the fridge to confront the jock. "That thing? I tossed it out." Austin said. "You tossed it out?" Ivan felt his anger surge. "I needed that for something!" "Well then you shouldn't have stashed it in the fridge. I needed room to put in the pizza, and it smelled something rank. Do you seriously even eat that stuff?" "It wasn't suppose to be eaten!" Ivan said hotly. "You could have taken the last three slices of pizza and put it on a plate, which would have saved you a ton of room! And not only that, that jar was mine! You shouldn't be tossing stuff that doesn't belong to you!" "Dude, what's your problem?" "My problem is you!" "And what're you gonna do about it, shrimp?" Austin shoved Ivan, causing him to stumble back and knocking his glasses off. "It's your fault for leaving your shit in the fridge, I was doing you a favor throwing it out. Freak." Ivan looked up to glare at Austin. Suddenly as he looked into Austin's eyes, Ivan felt something come over him. All of a sudden he could see things about Austin, personal private things. He could see Austin's desires, his fears, and his secret thoughts. All of it Ivan saw in the blink of an eye. This revelation was cut short when Austin threw his dirty, sweaty towel onto Ivan's face. "Stop looking at me like that with those freaky eyes, faggot." Then he walked away to his room and slammed the door shut. Ivan sat there on the floor for a moment, processing things over. He was furious, yes, but he was also trying to figure out what the hell he saw. Was it some sort of hallucination? No, that wasn't right. It was more like a vision, but loaded with information. Was this what Soloman meant? Was this the power of his eyes? Either way, Austin had crossed a line. Ivan had tolerated that jock long enough, and it was time to teach him a lesson he'll never forget! Marching into his room, Ivan began gathering all of the books and notes he had taken and began devising a suitable punishment for his asshole of a roommate. Austin was a good looking guy, but quite a jerk. Ivan couldn't deny that he thought his roommate's body was hot, but...there was always room for improvement. Lots of improvement, Ivan thought with a broad grin. Besides, Austin was always treating Ivan like shit anyway, so becoming Ivan's guinea pig was fair game. Wasting no time, Ivan began flipping though the pages of his book. With some modifications, there were spells that would produce a very...interesting effect. "This is going to be fun." He cackled. * * * "Damn man, you lookin' swole." Austin looked at his buddy Joey. "Yea, had a good day at the gym, could really feel the pump flowing dude!" Austin flexed his arm for his friend to see. The other jock whistled as a sizable bicep popped out. Joey was pretty decently sized himself at 190 lbs. at 6'3". He wasn't in the same league as Austin, but was close enough to be workout buddies. "Damn man, whatever you're doing, keep doing it." Joey reached out and squeezed the bicep. "Nah, I think I'm going to cut back on the bulking." Austin lowered his arm. "Aw come on, why not?" Joey asked. "I don't want to be too freakishly huge, y'know? And besides, all that muscle would just slow me down." Austin told him. "What a waste, you'd look awesome as the Hulk, minus the green skin of course." Joey laughed, and Austin joined with him. Despite what he said, Austin was a little proud with Joey's compliment. Still, a 5 lbs. gain in less than a week was super impressive to say the least, but he should really cut back. He didn't want to become one of those roided out muscle monsters after all. * * * "I must admit, I've never heard of anyone doing that kind of spell before," Soloman told Ivan, "much less to punish someone for it." "Haven't you ever heard of the term 'too much of a good thing?'" Ivan said. "Besides, if you saw what I did, you'd know this is the perfect thing for him." "I'll have to take your word for it." Soloman laughed. "Let me know how it works out, if it goes well maybe you can make a charm out of it to sell. I'm betting it'll become very popular." "I'll let you know every juicy detail." Ivan smiled. * * * Damn, another five pound gain Austin checked the scale. He checked and double checked the scale, and it still read 220 lbs. Looking into his bathroom mirror, he checked out his reflection. It was very slight, but he could see the difference those pounds had on his body; a little bit thicker, and little bit bigger. He'd really need to start focusing on cutting back soon, otherwise all that added bulk would just get in the way. Already people were giving him looks as he made his way across campus. "Ah well, i'm still pretty hot." He said, running his hand down his sexy 8 pack abs. After a moment of admiring himself, he grabbed his shirt and pulled it on. Once it was on, he tugged at it a little bit, frowning. It felt a bit tighter than usual, but then again, all of his clothes were tight, so it was nothing new. When he drop those extra pounds it'll feel comfortable on him again. * * * Ivan was secretly enjoying watching his roommate slowly swell up. Already the jock's clothes looked tighter, stretching across the growing masses. And yet Austin was oblivious to the real cause. Still, it was a bit slower than Ivan had thought. So, Ivan decided he would kick things up a bit and poured some more power into the spell, right when he saw Austin walk by in a t-shirt that was so tight it looked painted on. "He'll be busting out of that shirt in no time." Ivan snickered to himself, and went to work. * * * Riiiiiip! Austin winced as he heard something give away. Somehow he screwed up with the laundry and all of his clothes shrunk. Now everything was too tight, some of them so tight that they actually tore when he tried to put them on. After much difficulty and destroying a few shirts and shorts, he had finally managed to get something on that morning. However, several hours later his wardrobe was slowly malfunctioning, ripping whenever he reached too far or moved too suddenly. God, how embaressing he thought as he tried to focus on the lecture. However, the teacher was so boring that he felt the uncontrollable urge to yawn. As he raised his hand to cover his mouth, it caused his bicep to bulge and flex past what is sleeve could handle. Riiiip! His bicep exploded through his sleeve. "Mr. Grisman!" Austin jumped in his seat, causing something else to rip. "What?" "You're disrupting the class. If you want to show off your body so badly, do it outside." The teacher pointed at the door. The entire class laughed as Austin's face turned red while gathering his things. As he made his way through the aisles and towards the door, the seams of his pants suddenly gave way to his thich quads, shredding apart at the sides very loudly and making the class laugh again. Fucking hell, I gotta go on a diet right away Austin told himself. But first, he needed to go and buy some new clothes. * * * "He's at the point where he's outgrowing his clothes now." Ivan reported happily to Soloman. "He's that big now huh?" Soloman's hands were busy sorting out a few dozen different feathers into bundles. "One wonders just how far you're willing to take this." "Well, one wonders how far he CAN take this." Ivan said. Soloman paused for a moment to look at Ivan. Whenever he was in the shop, Ivan would take off his sunglasses since the shopkeeper didn't mind them one bit. When their eyes met, Ivan felt a feeling of concern and other thoughts flow into him. Weirdly enough, he felt as if Soloman was also reading him as well. "I'm just concerned that your quest will consume you." Soloman turned away and resumed his task. "I've seen a lot of good men get too wrapped up in revenge and ended up destroying themselves." "Don't worry; I know what I'm doing." Ivan reassured him. "I know you do." Soloman tied a leather string around one bunch of feathers, inspected it carefully, and then moved on to the next one. "Enjoy your fun Ivan, but I suggest having some protection on you in case he ever finds out. You two DO live with one another after all, and if you grow him as big as you say you are, he'll be able to knock your head clear off with one blow." "Don't worry about me; I know how to take him down when the time comes." Ivan reassured him. "In the meantime, I think I'll enjoy watching him blow up." * * * Austin stared down at the scale. It had to be broken. It was the only logical explanation. There was no way he could weigh as much as it said. 246 lbs. "Fucking hell!" He said as he gave the scale a kick, sending it banging against the wall. Now it was REALLY broken. There was no way he could weigh 246 lbs. No absolute freakin' way. His eye caught his reflection in the mirror, and he quickly averted it. He had been avoiding it for the past several days. It was mostly because he didn't want to face the truth. Despite his desire not to, however, he couldn't stop himself from turning and facing the mirror. If the scale was broken, the mirror must've been broken too because the man in it clearly looked like he was 246 lbs. Every muscle on his body was obscenely huge, just like a pro bodybuilder's. His shoulders and lats spread out wide like a barn door, filling the view in the mirror. His chest, which had once been one of his weakest spots, was now as big as two ripe honeydew melons. His arms rippled like pythons, each of them measuring at around 20 inches cold. Maybe I'm just retaining water he thought, that could explain why he looked so big. But in reality, his muscles looked extremely ripped. All of the fat on his body seemed to have been burned off and left him with the best definition he had ever seen. His abs, thankfully, didn't grow bigger, but those 10 packs looked more shredded and defined than they have ever been. "I'll just stop lifting for awhile, that should cut some mass off." He said. If he can cut some mass and keep his current definition, he'd probably be the hottest guy on campus. But that was the main problem. He just kept on adding bulk. It wasn't as if he was lifting harder, and sure his strength gains were amazing, but no one could pack on 35 lbs. of muscle in les than a month! He'll stop going to the gym, plain and simple. He'll just jog and keep to a strict diet, which should work. Picking up his shirt he pulled it over his head and tugged it on. The shirt barely made it halfway when a loud tearing sound filled the air. "SHIT!" He tore the rest of the shirt off and threw it on the ground. It looked like he'll have to go and buy 5XL shirts now. * * * Ivan was ecstatic that his voodoo magic was working so well. He'd hear Austin swear loudly as sounds of ripping clothing filled the air every other day, a sign of his ever growing bulk. Austin was no longer a lean 'super model' nor was he merely athletic. No, now Austin was looking like a full blown bodybuilder, with muscles that could hold it's own in any contest. Soon the jock will reach the same level as a super heavyweight bodybuilder, perhaps even going beyond them. Of course, Ivan made sure that his spells weren't wrecking Austin's health. He may be doing this out of spite, but he wasn't trying to kill him or anything. Austin would be the healthiest musclebound mass monster on campus by the time Ivan was done with him (but that probably wouldn't be anytime soon.) * * * "Fuck man, what the hell is going on with me?" Austin muttered as he looked down at himself...or at least tried to. His chest had grown so thick that it was starting to block his view of anything past them. However, he knew full well what was going on: he was growing bigger. 302 lbs. 302 fucking lbs. He couldn't explain it; it was like his muscles were growing without even trying! He hadn't touched a single weight in a week, and yet every day when he would step onto the scale, he would find the number creeping higher and higher until finally he broke through the 300 mark. He would blame it on the scale being broken again or something, but this was a brand new scale and his reflection in the mirror proved otherwise. Now he was the size of a Mr. Olympia contender, only he was both massive AND ripped. If he took part in the contest, he could probably win easy. "Fucking hell, I'm too big!" Austin reached up and squeezed his chest, trying his best to make it smaller somehow. As his hand squeeze the muscle, his cock within his shorts twitched, prompting him to jerk his hand back. He wasn't...turned on by this, could he? * * * Ivan knew that Austin WAS turned on by what was going on. When he looked directly into Austin's eyes, saw it; a burning desire to grow huge. Despite what he claims, or how hard he denies it, the truth was that Austin liked having a huge body. However, the jock had been brainwashed into thinking that people were disgusted by what he was told as "oversized" and "too huge." Of course, Austin was also worried about losing his speed with all that muscle mass, which was true, but he was never the fastest on the team anyway. And honestly, there were more people who would love to see Austin pack it on than the jock thought. * * * "I don't care how you do it, just stop taking whatever shit you're on and lose all that muscle before the next game you hear me!?" Coach's voice could be heard clear through the building. Fortunetely it was dead at that time so no one else was around to hear Austin get chewed out. It was quite the sight, a 320 lbs muscle giant getting put down by an overweight middle aged man. "Are you trying to get kicked off the team? Is that is!?" Coach yelled. "No sir, I love football, I want to stay on the team." Austin said. Yet somehow it sounded so hollow. "Then stop putting on muscle and start using your head!" Coach banged his fist on the table. "Last game you brought too much attention to you, people are already talking about you taking steroids to boost your game. And you know what? They're probably right." "But coach, I swear I'm not taking-" "Don't give me those excuses! How else does a man gain over eighty pounds in less than two months!?" Coach demanded. Austin was at loss for words. Even he couldn't figure that out. The coach let out a deep breath and sat back down. "Listen, I'm not against you bulking up and all that, frankly it's making you unbeatable on the field. But it's just too much too fast to be natural. If you get any bigger, I'll have no choice but to have to take some tests." "I understand coach." Austin said. "Now get out there and eat a cheeseburger or something else unhealthy." The coach said, dismissing him. Austin sighed as he left the coach's office and stepped out. He had been expecting this for quite some time. Somehow it didn't seem as bad as he thought. It was weird, his spot on the team was in jeopardy, but he didn't seem to care as much as he should have. As he was walking by the gym, he heard a clank. Curious he looked in. Inside was his friend and teammate Joey, having tripped over a barbell. "You okay there?" He asked, coming the rest of the way in. Joey's eyes went wide when he saw Austin...all of Austin. It wasn't the first time someone had that reaction when they say him. Pretty much everyone stared and gaped whenever he walked by, his massive thighs rolling around each other, his clothes appearing painted on his bloated, oversized body. "I, uh, was just, uh," Joey just looked at Austin dumbfoundly. Austin sighed. "I know,you think I look like a freak." "What?" Joey looked at Austin blankly. "Don't try and deny it, you and everyone else think I look like a freak with all these muscles." "I don't think you look like a freak!" "Oh come on, look at me!" Austin grabbed the front of his shirt and tore it off, exposing his body. Joey gasped. Never before had the football player seen anyone so huge and ripped before. Austin's traps and deltoids laid on his shoulder like bowling balls had been stuffed under the skin. Those arms must've been 28 inches around, with biceps the size of Joey's head at least. With every breath, Austin's pectorals seemed to heave outwards powerfully, like two inflating balloons with nipples. Austin's waist was so defined, so shredded he could probably shred cheese on it. Even though Austin didn't take off his pants, there was no hiding those massive tree trunk legs of his, with quads as thick as Joey was and calves the size of hams. "You...want to know what I think?" Joey said softly. "What, that I'm a giant hideous freak?" Austin asked. Slowly Joey looked up, his eyes trailing up those thick calves, the tree trunk legs, the rippling waist, the broad pectorals, the wide lats, the cannonball traps and finally to Austin's face. "I think you look hot." Austin looked at him, not sure if he heard right. "What?" "I think you look hot as hell." Joey said again. "Are you fucking with me?" Austin growled. "Because I'm not laughing." "It's the truth!" Joey took a step back. "I...fuck man, I never wanted to say anything, but I think all those muscles are fuckin' hot. I think the bigger you get, the better you look." "If I get any bigger, I'll be too big for football!" Austin yelled."Coach is right about to kick me off the team because of them!" "I-I know, and that sucks, but I can't help it, I think you look awesome." Joey said. Austin didn't know what to make of this. He wanted to be angry at Joey, he really did. But he couldn't muster the anger up. Joey was his friend, and finding out that he was both gay and into Hulk sized muscles at the same time...well, now that he knew, the signs were so obvious. Joey always was excited whenever Austin showed off his muscles, or bragged about his gains. And those muscle feels, they occured more often and lingered a bit longer than normal. But, all in all, Austin didn't mind it one bit. "Do you...do you really think I look good with all this?" Austin asked. "Oh fuck yeah." Joey said, approaching slowly. "Even if I continue to get even bigger?" Austin could feel the crotch of his pants tighten. "Especially if you get bigger." Joey reached out and placed a hand on a massive deltoid. He attempted to squeeze it, but was met with steely muscle insted. "And...would you be willing to stick around and watch me grow bigger?" "You'd have a hard time keeping me away big guy." Joey said as he pressed his body against Austin's, feeling those hard muscles flex and bulge back. And then suddenly they were kissing. Austin couldn't remember who kissed the other first, but he didn't care. It just felt so good, so...right, that he didn't want it to stop. Soon they were fumbling to take his pants off, peeling the fabric away to expose his colossal lower body. His cock sprang to life from the confines of his boxer, having also exerienced the same growth spurt as the rest of his body, extending to a full 13 inch length. "God it's so huge." Joey gasped as he looked at the massive member. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Austin said, then gasped when Joey lowered his ass on top of it. "Oh I want it. I've wanted it ever since I first saw you in the shower." Joey whispered. "Alright, but don't regret it later." Austin told him, then pierced Joey's ass. Joey cut off a cry that escaped his throat, followed by a deep moan. As Austin began to rock his hips, Joey was worshiping those glorious muscles, his tongue and lips servicing them as best as he could. The more Joey worshiped his muscles, the closer it brought Austin to climax. Soon Austin was flexing his muscles, bouncing his pecs and rippling his abs, and it turned him on even more! Joey couldn't take it anymore and shot his load, cum splattering over those perfect abs. Austin however still kept rocking, flexing and posing, his balls churning and painfully swelling as his seed built up, closer and closer until finally he let out a roar and blew, his cock spewing shot after shot into his best friend. After a full two and a half minutes of shooting, his balls finally emptied and the both of them collapsed onto the gym floor. "That...was...incredible." Joey gasped. Austin looked at him, and listened to those words thoughtfully. "It really was." * * * The bell rang as Ivan walked into the store in high spirits. As Austin grew bigger, Ivan's mood seemed to brighten as well. Who knew turning your roommate into the Hulk could make you...peppy? "Afternoon Ivan!" Soloman greeted him from the counter, a grocery bag already set on the counter. "I've got your usual muscle monster making supplies ready for you." "Thanks Soloman!" Ivan said as he reached for his wallet. "So how big is the giant stud now?" Soloman asked curiously. "Austin is pushing about 360 lbs. now." Ivan reported. "He's gotten so big the people at the big and tall are actually having trouble getting him stuff big enough to fit him." "Geez, sounds like his expenses are just piling up as he grows huh?" "Well he's got a football scholarship and everything, so he can afford it." Ivan said as he handed over the money. "Last game he played he was unstoppable, they just handed him the ball and he plowed his way through all the way to the end zone." Soloman laughed as he handed Ivan his change. "Wish I could have seen it. Anyways, I've got a few people interested in that spell of yours. When you get the chance, enchant a few amulets and charms with it and you'll be making yourself a small fortune." "For now I'll just enjoy practicing it on my roommate." Ivan said as he picked the bag up. "I'll see you in a few days then." "Alright take care!" Soloman said as Ivan left. Ivan got home from another trip to his supply store, his grocery bag filled with ingredients for his spells. So far his work on Austin had gone beyond what he could have ever imagined, and quite frankly he wasn't sure if he wanted to stop. And besides, he already bought the supplies for it, so he might as well put them to good use. As he walked towards his room, he saw that the door was left ajar. He frowned, having remembered closing it before he left. Feeling something was wrong, he slowly opened the door and walked in. Austin was in his room. The360 lbs. behemoth looked positively massive in his small room, taking up much of the space. Around him were his spells books and written notes. All of his drawers were open, revealing his ingredients and tools. "What is all this?" Austin asked. "These books, all these weird stuff, this right here!" He held up the sheets of paper containing all of his muscle growing spell research as well as the pictures and weight readings that he made of Austin. There was no way for him to lie around this. "I've been using voodoo to grow your muscles." He told him. "You did this to me!?" Austin dropped the papers. "You turned me into this...this...THIS!?" He motioned his hand at his body. Every muscle rippled and flexed powerfully. If Ivan wasn't being yelled at, he would have found it incredibly hot. "Call it payback for always being an ass to me." Ivan crossed his arms. Mentally he prepared to throw a hex or two to immobilize Austin as soon as he threw a punch. "You...you..." Austin began to shake violently. Ivan took a deep breath and prepared to take Austin down. Suddenly Austin dropped to his knees, creating a massive THUD that shook the floor. "Thank you." Ivan choked back the activation key. "W-what?" "Thank you...for this." Austin said. Ivan didn't know how to respond. He had expected the huge man to go into a rage and try to kill him or something, but this was the exact opposite of the reaction he had been anticipating. "I...know I was being an asshole to you, treating you like shit cuz of your freaky looking eyes. You probably did this because I was a dick, probably grow into a huge muscle monster. But, I like it. I...I really like it. I like tearing out of my clothes, I like having to squeeze through doorways, I like the stares people give me as I walk by, I like seeing myself get bigger and bigger." "I know you do." Ivan said. "A month and a half ago when I looked into your eyes, I saw everything about you." "You...did?" Austin looked up, flinched slightly as he saw Ivan's white eyes. "And...and you didn't turn me into a tiny wimp instead?" "What can I say, I'm into big guys." Ivan shrugged. "Sure I was tempted, and yeah I did it because I was mad, but honestly I did it because I thought it was the best way to teach you a lesson. And besides, I felt that you needed to figure out what you really wanted instead of going for what other people say." "Thank you!" Austin grabbed Ivan and hugged him tightly. Suddenly the tiny witch doctor found his face being crushed into the valley between two massive pecs, with arms as thick as hams wrapped around him. "Dude, can't breathe..." Ivan struggled to say, but he had to admit he found it hot. "Oh, sorry." Austin dropped his smaller roommate. "I'm still adjusting to being this big. Though, I gotta confess, when I ripped a door off it's hinges the other day, it felt awesome." "I'll bet." Ivan laughed. "Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, there's something I want to ask you." "Yes? What is it?" "Can you PLEASE pick up after yourself? Your oversized boxers made me almost trip the other day." * * * "It's amazing how much a person could change in so little time. And I'm not talking about the physical changes Austin had gone through." Ivan said, his hands moving through the box of trinkets. "Though a 260 lbs. gain in the span of a two months is impressive enough as it is." Soloman pointed out. "No, what's amazing is how an arrogant jerk could become decent person." Ivan held up a gemstone and inspected in closely. "Who knows, maybe in a few weeks we could actually get along to the point where we could be friends." Finding the stone satisfactory, he set it aside. "That's pretty rare, the subject of a voodoo revenge actually becoming friends with the person who casted it in the first place." Soloman remarked as he placed the rest of the stones back into their box and put them away. "Then again, you are quite the unique individual." "Me? I'm just an ordinary guy with a weird hobby." Ivan smiled as he dug out his wallet. After finishing his trip to Soloman's store, Ivan went back home and was unloading his bag full of spell supplies onto the counter. Now that his roomate knew about it, Ivan didn't have to hide everything in his room (which was a good thing, since it was starting to reek in there.) He was just putting away a bunch of dried herbs when Austin came in. It was quite a sight, watching Austin try to fit his 380 lbs frame through the narrow doorway. Even while turning sideways, his pecs scraped the frame. Once through, he walked towards Austin, his mammoth thighs rolling around each other in a super exagerated bodybuilder waddle. Today he wore a muscle shirt that was true to it's name. The fabric of the 15XL shirt was stretched so tight it was a miracle it didn't tear off when he took a deep breath. "Hey Austin, how was practice today?" Ivan asked as he pulled out a jar of gator teeth from the grocery bag. "I left the team today." Austin reported. Ivan fumbled, nearly dropping the jar he was holding. "You what? Why?" "I just...rather than playing sports, I liked hitting the gym even more." Austin said. "And rather than go through the hassle of getting accused for doing steroids, I thought I should best leave the team before they make a huge deal about it." "And what about your scholarship?" Ivan set down the jar. "I got a bunch saved up," Austin told him, "plus I'll get a part time job. I can probably get one as a bouncer easy with a body like this." He reached out and grabbed his bicep. His hand couldn't even cover half of it, and this was a hand that used to palm footballs. "You're serious about this." Ivan said. "Yea, I am." Austin reached up and scratched the back of his neck. It was an awesome display, his biceps fought with his forearm, his triceps flared out. If he had been wearing sleeves it would have probably burst by now. Ivan looked up at Austin, and Austin met his gaze. For a few brief moments they kept eye contact before Ivan broke out into a smile. "Well I wish you the best of luck roomie." Ivan told him. "Thanks, I know it ain't easy living with me." Austin relaxed a bit. "That's for sure, but you've mellowed out a lot now that you're pushing 500 lbs." Ivan pointed out. "I'm only 380." Austin corrected. "Not for long my friend," Ivan grinned as he took a jar and cracked it open. "Not for long..."
  14. Trunks was on the way to his mother's house. She called him earlier and it seemed urgent. He had felt an enormous ki this morning and it couldn't be his father or Goku,, who were gone to train with Beerus and Whis. It didn't bode well. "I'm here Mom. You called me ?" "Yeah. I have a bad news. You must have felt earlier this gigantic ki ? I think that's Broly." "BROLY ? But Goku hadn't defeated him ?" "Unfortunately, no" "Fuck, and Dad and Goku are not here." "Yes but I think we can do without them." "Against Broly ? Are you fool ? We have no chance to beat him. I'm not enough strong for this" "Not now but... it's the second reason why I called you. I'm working on my last invention : a power gun. It allows to increase physical abilities of a person and when I say increase, it's really really increase. But I don't test on a human subject" "And... you would like test it on me, that's it" "Exact. But even if I tested on you now, it would be insufficient for to beat Broly because there is one detail that could change the situation. I noticed that the intensity of transformation depends of person's current ki. More high it is, more powerful you will be. As I already told you, if I use on you now, it would be insufficient but what would happen if I used it on you when you are transformed ?" "If it depends of ki, I suppose that effects will be more important" "Exactly, very more importants. Do you remember your fight against Cell ?" "Yes, I had transformed myself in ultra super saiyan. At the time, with this transformation, I was the most powerful among us but this it had a big inconvenience." "Yep, your speed was very decreased. But maybe my gun could correct that, but I'm not sure." "So if I understand, you would like to test on me when I'm transformed in ultra super saiyan ?" "Exactly. However, I have to warn you I don't know the results with certainty but I think that you will be enough big and powerful than Broly, maybe more. So Trunks, do you want to be my guinea pig ?" More powerful than Broly ? Trunks had trouble to imagine it but this idea pleased him, very even. He had loved this transformation but his inconvenience had made him abandonned, so more powerful and without inconvenience of speed ? Yes ! Oh fuck yes he wanted ! "Oh fuck yes I want!" he said with a big smile. "Very good ! But we are not going to make test here, firstly it's not discreet and then, it would be dangerous for citizens." "We could go on the place where I fought Cell, it's really desert." "Excellent idea. Oh, I forgot but I would like that you wear your suit. I would like test his resistance." "Ok !" *Few hours later* "Ok, we are arrived, so let you transform. Don't worry, go to max and when you will be ready, I could use the gun on you." Trunks flew, transformed into super saiyan and began to concentrate him. He hadn't used this transformation for a long time but he remembered this fabulous feeling of power. Some seconds passed and firstly nothing happened, then his shoulders started to shake. Trunks clenched his teeth. Just a little more effort ! More seconds later, it was his chest and arms which whaked. And suddenly the car started : Trunks bent him back and yelled. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" His hair instantly grew and pick up. His chest and arms seemed start to swell. Under his suit, Trunks could feel his pecs grow and push against his armor. He could feel his abs bulged and quickly become a good sixpack. Trunks straightened his head. Holy fuck, he could feel his traps rose up and his shoulders become canonballs size. His pupils disappeared, leaving his eyes totally white, symbol of a very big power. Lightnings began to appear around him. Trunks was also taller, more than 7 feet. Bulma looked his son become a powerful saiyan but it was nothing compared who waited him. Trunks yelled more when he felt an new energy wave altrought him. All of his body swelled ; he felt his traps rose more, his neck widened, his shoulders became true bowling balls, His arms gained inches after inches. He felt his pecs became more bigger, more thicker, his back widened more and more, Trunks couldn't see but he felt his abs exploded out of his stomach, like boulders implanted under his skin. His six-pack was now very ripped. His legs became more wide than tree trunks. And he was growing again in height and weight. Soon, the transformation seemed to end, Trunks was the head towards up and he was moaning ; this sensation of pure power was very incredible and he waited next with envy. Blue lightning appeared around of him. Finally, his pupils were return. The Ultra Super Saiyan was back ! Trunks stopped to moan and said : "Fuuuuuuuuuck, it feels so gooooood!". Bulma looked captors. Holy shit, his son was a giant, he was almost 8.5 feet tall and his weight was 620 lbs. It was huge yes, but really not enough for to beat Broly. So it was time to test his gun. "Trunks, are you okay ?" "Oh yeah, more than ever." "Ready for the next ? Sure ?" "OH YEAH!" Bulma activated gun and locked his son. The gun roared, more and more and more, and suddenly fired a big blue ray, which hit Trunks in this chest. Trunks widened his eyes. If the previous sensation was like a burning, this was like a nuclear explosion, even more. Nothing could be prepared him to this. During few instants, he said nothing then suddenly, he bent again back but more violently and yelled like he never yelled. This time, it was more intense, very more, very very more. "AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!" Lightnings around him became thunder, he clenched his fists and fkexed his arms ; instantly they exploded with muscle, his chest bulged, his traps exploded out from his back, his legs swelled more. And he was taller too, Bulma looked his screen : 9.6 feet and... 1060 lbs. Holy Fuck !!! He was titanic. *crrrrrrrr..crrrrrrrr..crrrr* Bulma heard this crack but didn't know where it came from. Some moments later, she understood : Trunks's armor was starting to crack, firstly it was imperceptible but more muscle he gained, more cracks were visible. Normally, his armor was created for to adapt on user's body but here, his muscles became too big. And it's what happened : next muscle growth spurt literally destroy it. Trunks was now only in his blue combinaison, giving a perfect view on his muscular body. Bulma looked his stats : 10.5 feet tall and 1870 lbs ! Crap, Trunks was taller of Broly ! But the transformation wasn't over : Trunk started to scream even louder when his whole body grew even bigger. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH !!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!!!! IT'S SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" Bulma could hear that his voice became more deeper, more cavernous. She looked her screen again : 12 feet, 2480 lbs. God ! She knew that eher invention would work but not at this point.. Trunks, meanwhile, was a second state. Everything he felt was pure power, at every second this power increased, he felt his body growing more and more and more. He had already had this sensation with ultra super saiyan but now, it was multiplied by a thousand. And it was not yet the end : he felt a new wave of power coming. "HOOOOOLYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". His voice became really deep. He felt himself widening, his traps grew even bigger, to the point he had no more neck but only a muscle mountain which surrounded completely his neck. His pecs exploded more, to the point where they hid his sight. If he looked down, he couldn't see other than 2 fucking huge mountains. He bounced them few times and enjoyed of this amazing feeling. Even if couldn't see, he could perfectly feel his six-pack start to swell ,and suddenly, first row literaly popped out of his midsection (like when Buu returned to its original form), then the next row, and finally the third. Shit, his six-pack had doubled in size. But it didn't stop, Trunks felt the hard pressure go down and few moments later, a fourth row exploded out, giving him an incredible fucking eight-pack. His legs continued to grow, becoming redwood trunks. His suit was very very very tight and it gave right to a nice show. Every detail was clearly visible : striation of his shoulders, veins on his biceps, his gigantic lats, striations of his pecs, his nipples, every muscular brick of his amazing eight-pack, his fucking obliques, his amazing adonis belt, veins on the bottom of his abs, every bumps of his muscular quads. His suit yelled to agony and few moments later... "riiippp.. riiiiiippp... riiiiipppp.....riiiiippp..." Tears noises could be heard. Bulma widened his eyes ; after this armor, she noticed several tears appear on Trunks's suit. Even his suit, which was designed for to be very malleable and adapt of user's body, even more than his armor, couldn't stand more. Trunks was simply too muscular and tall for his suit. He was 13 feet tall and weighed 3000 lbs. And it was not yet the end : he felt another wave. Trunks's body exploded everywhere. He was growing, and growing and growing, add several hundreds of pounds in few seconds. His suit didn't supported and was disintegrated, leaving Trunks completely naked. His enormous cock was releasing and comes knock against the top of his eight-pack. Finally, the transformation seemed to end. Bulma took a look on the final statistics : 16 feet tall, 3600 lbs. HO-LY CRAP ! It was a lot more than anything she expected. Broly was "only" 9 feet tall and weighed 800 lbs. Trunks was there, fully naked... HOLY FUCKING SHIT : look at the size of his humoungous python. Bulma had not thought about this "detail" but yeah, there was no reason his dick didn't grow... Bulma wondered how long he could stay like this, because saiyan's transformation consumes a lot of energy, and generally, more powerful it's and more quickly it consumes energy, it's why they can't keep them forever. But in the Trunks's case, she was stunned when she saw her screen : Trunks didn't lose energy, on the contrary, he was producing it ! Trunks's body was became his own nuclear plant. It meant that he could stay like this... forever if he wanted it. Trunks moaned, savoring all sensation he felt. All that he could feel was power, true power, very more than previously. Even motionless it was orgasmic. So he began a flexing session : Trunks started by clench his fist "OOOOHHH Goooood it's so fucking good !" Then he flexed his forearms "Oooooooooh shiiiiiit !" Then he flexed his arms "OOOOOOH FUUUUUUUCKKK !!" Then he flexed and bounced his pecs "Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit" Then he flexed his eight-pack "OOOOOH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!" Then he flexed hi legs "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT !!!" All this flexing session maked him really horny. Trunks was trying to refrain his huge envy to cum, because he was in front of his mother but the pleasure was really too much : he was going to cum, it was inevitable. So he took his cock and he reached the climax when he flexed all his muscles in same time. "HOOOLYYYYY....... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!!!!!". His yell was so loud that it could be heard on ten of miles and cause an little earthquake. And his shot.... it wasn't a simple shot, it looked much more like a super kamehameha. There was several rocks on the path : it pierced them like it was nothing and finally to dig a crater in the ground. The flood continued for at least 15 minutes. Finally, after an eternity to come and moan, Trunks looked his mother "THANKS MOM !" Holy shit, his voice was incredibly deeper, and very more louder, it was such as he speaked through a megaphone. He flew near to his mother. "T-T-Tr..Trunks... are.... are you okay ?" "If I feel me okay ? Mom... ... it's the BEST FEELING I felt IN MY ENTIRE LIFE !". And effectively, it was unbelievable, every movement or flex were so fucking orgasmic ! Bulma was envy to touch him but he was produced too much energy, lightnings constantly appeared around him. She had planned several tests, including a kamehameha, but after to see this amazing power, the kamehameha's test was a very bad idea. By the way, Trunks's eyes were now constantly white, like Broly, contrary to his initial transformation. It was time to make few tests. "So.. let's see if this speed problem is fixed, fly until our house and go back. It's far enough but you should only take about 2 minutes. I could calculate your speed". Bulma did not have time to see Trunks start, but holy shit, what a shock wave ! 12 minutes later, he came back. "Hmmmm, 12 minutes, it's weird, it takes really more time than I thought" said Bulma. "Crap, I really hoped it would solve your speed problem" "Oh don't worry Mom, it's fixed, really ! Because I don't just only fly to our home... I did an Earth tour" "WH... WH...... WHAAA... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!!! A....AN....AN EARTH TOUR ???!!!" exclaimed Bulma in shaking. "So... I think that this speed problem was definitly fixed." An Earth tour... a fucking Earth tour...... How fast did he fly ? He did the turn in 12 minutes and the diameter of Earth is 12742km. So he flew at.. ... ... 63710 km/h !!!! HO-LY FUCKING SHIIIIIT ! Bulma takes several minutes for to recover. It was unbelievable, Trunks was flying faster than a rocket, literally !! So yes, speed wasn't a problem. "Ok now, test your strength. I would like you destroy his big rock but don't do a kamehameha, I wouldn't you destroy the Earth haha." Trunks walks towards the rocks, which was really big, almost 40 feet, and he gave a little flick against and... the rock was reduced in pieces. "Strength won't be a problem either" said Trunks. "So, I think what I'm ready for to beat Broly no ?" Bulma remained silent for several seconds. She knew it would work, but there, it was completely unimaginable. She didn't think to say that one day but... yes, now, there was no chance to lose. "Ok we can go meet him. But before Mom... if you could find clothes for me. And I not need of armor, just suit will be sufficient." *Few hours later* "Finally, it was time ! I'm going to crush this Legendary super Saiyan" Trunks flew to place where they detected Broly early and waited after him. His gigantic power didn't take long for to be detect by Broly. And effectively, Broly searched after Kakarotto when he felt a gigantic ki but really really gigantic. Never he felt a power like this (it over 9000 :p). He was troubled during some seconds before returning to his senses. No matter how powerful, he was the legendary super saiyan, he could beat anyone and anyoune couldn't beat him. So why he will be worried ? So he decided to flew towards this amazing ki. And he came in front of fucking muscular titan. He recognized him directly, it was Trunks. But not the same little Trunks as usual. Now, he was a fucking muscular titan, more tall than Broly himself. How did he reached this level ? "You will not go further; I give you one chance, go far away and never come back. Otherwise..." said Trunks. "Otherwise what ? Well, you've been training what I see. I have to admit I'm impressed. But it will not enough for to beat me. I'm the Legenday Super Saiyan, you forgot ? NOBODY can beat me !" "Nobody ? Really ? Ok, so you know what ? I will let you hit me in first. But little advice, hit me with all your might because otherwise after... And I didn't move, I promise you !" "Let me hit you ? Are you fool ? So you want to be kill ! Ha, pathetic. But if you propose, I didn't refuse" Broly clenched his fits and says "GOODBYE TRUNKS !". And he hit with all his might. A very big sound could be heard : *CRACK !* Two opponents didn't move during few moments. where did this noise come from ? From Trunks ? From Broly ? After a few moments, Trunks says, in smiling "..... Mmmmh, I would say that you broke your knuckes on my abs no ?! And you know what ? I was not flexing them HAHAHAHA !!" Broly seemed very irritated. Nobody resisted him and it no was him who was going to start. "Bastard ! You have resisted to one punch but you will not resist to this ! DIE !!" And for the next minutes, it was a real rush of punches that received Trunks but he didn't move to an inch. Broly hit him and hit him and hit him... but it seemed to have no effects. He finished with a very huge kick on the side of Trunks's head but same result : Trunks didn't move. "Fuck ! trought Trunks. "Yesterday, this kick would have literally beheaded me... but today, I not feel anything ! It's so amazing !" "What ? That's all ? It's that the "Legendary Super Saiyan" ? It's a joke ? I didn't feel nothing. A baby hit more than you hahaha !" "GRRRRRRR !! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BASTARD !!!" Broly flew further, raised his hands and suddenly generated a gigantic genkidama, biggest that those of Goku. "DIE !!!" he shouted before to launch it on Trunks. Fuck, it was probably not enough for to kill him but if it touched the planet, it would probably destroy it. Trunks had to stop it...... or maybe not, he had another idea. Trunks tried to hold this enormous genkidama. Broly laughed, anybody never not had sucessed to stop it, anybody. "This time, it's the end hahahahaha !!" yelled Broly. But after some seconds, the genkidame didn't move. "Hmm ? It's weird, it not seems move. Not matter, let's help it a few." Broly shot a lot of energy balls for to grow more his genkidama, which was now really gigantic. "HAHAHAHA STOP THAT IF YOU CAN !" But suddenly, an unexpected event happened : the genkidama decreased in size, then again, then again, then again... "WHAT ? NO ! It's impossible !! How ? How did he do that ?" Soon, Broly understood how and why ; he saw Trunks, with his two arms plunged in the enormous energy ball. He moaned of pleasure : Trunks wasn't trying to stop the genkidama, no, he was absorb it !! Trunks roared of pleasure, it was so fucking good, like he pumped the energy of a sun ! And more he absorbed, more he felt his body grow. His body grew at an accelerated rate. His biceps became really gigantic, with humoungous peakes of pure muscle, his shoulder became titanic, his traps reached his ears, his pecs were two gigantic mountains and below, he could feel again a very hard pressure in his midsection. Soon, like his previous muscle growth spurt, his abs exploded out of stomach, row after row, further increasing again and again in size and even the last time, a new row popped, giving him now an unbelievable shredded and ripped ten-pack. Trunks yelled and we could hear his voice became again more and more deep and loud. And during this amazing muscle growth spurt, obviously, he was also getting taller : 16.3 feet...16.7 feet... 17.. 17.4 .. 17.8... 18.5... 19.1... Tearing noises could be heard again : his suit was again in agony, until a last muscle growth wave shattered his clothes. And one more time, his dick came knock his abs. Gooooooooooosh, this amazing python was bigger than Broly's arms. And fun fact, his cock had to be more powerful than his entire old body. Trunks reached a humoungous 20 feet, totally naked. And his weight exceeded 5000 lbs. It was unbelievable. For comparison, now, one of his titanic abs was bigger than Broly's head. He moaned again for long seconds, savoring the power that ran through him. Then, he looked Broly, smiled and said "Thanks for this meal !!!". "FUCKING BASTARD !!!" yelled Broly. With rage, he rushed on Trunks and kicked him over and over. But nothing, he couldn't even push his fist through Trunks's midsection, which had become very more harder (and bigger) than the previous time. Trunks even had fun hitting him once or twice with... his dick. After 10 good minutes of punches, Broly had to resign, he could not beat him by force, he was totally outdone. This terrible truth only made him angry more. It was impossible ! It couldn't happen !! He tried one more time to hit Trunks, but this time Trunks stopped his fist between two fingers. Broly forced but impossible to move his fist. "You are so weak, so insignificant. And you call yourself legendary ? THAT it's legendary !!". And Trunks flexed all his muscles. This sensation which went through him was simply too unbelievable, he roared like he never roared, it felt like a orgasm multiplied by a orgasm which was itself multiplied by a orgasm. Instanly, he felt, with this fucking unbelievable god feeling, that the climax was very near and that it was going to be INSANE ! And he was about to give a little power lesson to the "Legendary Super Saiyan". Quicly, he caught his dick and pointed her in the direction of Broly. Then he came. Even the most powerful kamehameha of Goku was not so impressive. Broly was thrown on dozens of miles, smashing every rock in his path. And the scream of Trunks : the ground shook, even cracked, the sea became a storm. It's even said that the city, which was several hundred miles away, heard his scream and that some windows shattered. It lasted long, maybe 30 minutes and finally, the flood weakens and calm is restored. he exulted with joy : THIS was really LEGENDARY, yes legendary ORGASMIC !!! It took several minutes for Broly to come back even more raging; He was injured (and soaked, I wonder why...). He'd never been humiliated like this. This fucking asshole was gonna pay for it. This fucking planet was gonna pay for it ! Trunks laughed : "HAHAHAHA SO BROLY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY KAMEHAMEHA, OR SHOULD I SAY, MY "CAME-HAMEHA" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" "BASTARD !!! FUCKING BASTARD !!!!!!!!!! IF I CAN'T BEAT YOU, I'M GOING TO QUICKY DESTROY THIS FUCKING PLANET !" and suddenly he shot a kamehameha towards the Earth for to destroy it. "NO CHANCE !". Trunks teleported and just absorbed the kamehameha, which made him gain one or two inches. He found an angle where his own kamehameha wouldn't destroy planets. "AND THIS, IT'S A KAMEHAMEHA !!!". And he shot... It wasn't just enormous, it was FUCKING AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE TITANIC !!! Trunks was right to find a path without planets : he could easily destroy several planets and suns with only one shot. When Broly saw this humoungous kamehameha, for the first time of his life, he was scared : he knew this was the end for him. "WHA..." he not finished his sentence that the gigantic wave energy hit him. But unlike Goku, this kamehameha don't pushed him, no, it literally disintegrated him instantly and continued into deep space. The ray must have been run over several light-years before to it disappeared. Yeah Bulma was right to do not test on kamehameka ! The threat of the "Legendary super saiyan" was over. Now, Earth had the "Ultra legendary god super saiyan". And now, what do we do ? Trunks looked his body : "Mmmhhh why not an another shot ?" he trought but, finally no : he wouldn't destroy Earth just by sneezing ! Fun facts which happened after ; - It's been a real headache for Bulma to rearrange the routine of his son. Even if he didn't want, he destroyed everything he touched. even with the hardest of metals : a titane glass ? He crushed it. A titane door ? He crushed the clinge and ripped off the door. and if unfortunately the door was not wide enough, when he passed it... the wall came with him ! His bed ? He crumbled it (at the same time with a weight of 5000 lbs...). Other day, he just squeezed : if he don't destroy Earth, it was sufficient for to destroy his house. Yes, be the most powerful warrior of the universe, it was not easy for to have a normal life. Beerus even suggested to resume his job of god of destruction. - Few weeks later, a Cell from other universe, in his first form, tried to absorb Trunks... but he blocked after his head, rest of Trunks's body was really too much massive for to be absorbed. So, seeing he couldn't do it, he tried to sting Trunks with his stinger. Very bad idea Cell : his stinger just broke when it hit the amazing muscular Trunks's chest. Lazy, Trunks sent him waltzed for miles with a very little... flick then he finally decided him to lift his little finger (literally !) and he shot a wave energy sufficient for to disintegrate the monster. - An other annoying thing, it was Goku, completely overjoyed since he had an new opponent who was infinitely more powerful than himself. He constantly attacked Trunks, every day... and every night also, which exasperated Trunks. Obviously, none of his punches had any effect. Trunks could throw it off with a flick but Goku kept coming back. It was like a mosquito which attacked a giant, the bite less. Yes, it was sure now, with this god of god as protector, Earth was safe ! Or maybe not...
  15. My best friend was always quite a weakling-he was really tall, 6 foot 5, but never weighed more than 165lbs Until he made some changes... I think it all started some years ago. He just turned 16. At this time My body was already quite well developed. My arms were at 15.75 inches, my legs were big and I had some abs and noticeable pecs. That was when I started working out. I often picked on my friend and fun wrestled him as he had no chance against me (I was 6 feet tall- almost 6 inches shorter than him but weighed 170lbs). It was so funny to see him trying to get out of a headscissor or a headlock by using all his strenght. He someday told me not to humiliate him any longer because he’d feel extremely sad and weak... So when he turned 17 he started hitting the gym too. His first half year transformation was insane! He put on 33lbs! From 165 to 198 lbs. His arms swell like nothing I had ever seen, he probably had 13inch arms but now they were at 15.75! (Mine were 17in at this time.) His legs started to show some muscles and his pecs were already as big as mine. He started to show some abs too. So today, 3.5 years later he’s 20 and took going to the gym quite serious - primarily because he wanted to become a better Football player. We ALWAYS went to the gym together but he gained much faster than I did. He pretty soon was able to deadlift 440lbs several times and benchpress 330lbs once. His legs are at 30inches and his chest at 47inches circumference. His arms don’t look like arms anymore- they passed the 19 inch mark as mine rested only at 18. His abs were fucking ripped and his bulging obliques formed an awesome V-line. He weighed 245lbs and had bulging abs. Just imagine that. People were afraid of him, for example when we went out partying and someone was in his way, they immediately apologised. Also tons of girls felt up his arms and pecs as he bounced them well visible under his tshirt in the middle of the dance floor. One day we were at our flat in the city and had some friends over. We were all quite drunk and made fun of each other. I somehow said something stupid about him. He stood up and “fun wrestled” me. But what was fun for him was hell for me. He grabbed my arms, wrapped them around me, threw me onto the couch, sat down on me, wrapped only one of his huge hands around my throat and said:,, Never disrespect me again in front of everyone else” I was shocked. He was fucking strong. Not even I could have finished him that fast three years ago. He could have killed me in less than 15 seconds if he wanted to... As everyone left he came to me. I thought he’d say sorry or something but instead he just said:,, Now I’m the stronger one of us -,,SHRIMP“! The FAR stronger one! It’s my time to humiliate you now!” I was shook. At that point I was really afraid of him, towering in front of me with his huge muscles. I just said ok, and took some steps away from him, turned around and started going to my room. When he just silently said:,,Now is the time to humiliate YOU...” I turned around and saw how he took off his shirt, uncovering his huuuge pecs and ripped abs. I could almost see the blood rushing through the veins on his chest and arms. I was really afraid at this moment. He threw his shirt to me. “Smell it!” “No, why should i?”, I said “Because I am the alpha now! Sooner or later you’ll smell on it!” He ran to me, grabbed my neck from behind and rubbed his shirt into my face. “But why just smell my shirt, if you could smell... ME!” He turned me around and flexed his arm. “Kiss this biceps.” I just looked at him. “KISS IT!” He pushed my head against his peak and flexed it intermittently. He dragged my head from his biceps over his armpit to his pecs and gave me a bearhug. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screamed. He just laughed:,, Hahaha! So what?! That’s not even 50% of my strenght!” He tightened the bearhug even more and bounced his meaty, massive, naked pecs into my face. I got really hard and just hoped that he didn’t notice. My trousers were quite loose and that’s when he noticed. “What have we got here? Lil’ omega boy is aroused by some real steel muscles overpowering him?”, he said as he let go of the bearhug. He dropped me onto the couch. He had me in a headlock immediately. He wrapped his huge biceps around my... my.... mouth?! He really was playing with me... as I wanted to bite his biceps he flexed it, laughed and said: ,,Watch out for your teeth, weakling!” He wrapped his arms around my neck now- totally cutting off my air supply. The only thing that didn’t make me pass out was the fact that he flexed and bounced his 19 inch bicepspeak intermittently. But as he stopped I had to tap. He totally let go of me. I was stunned. It could have been that easy?! His arms were almost half way back at him as he wrapped them around y neck again, layed on my back and said:,, Only weaklings tap...” and he made me pass out. I woke up again. All I saw were his massive calves because he put me in a headscissor while I was knocked out. First thing I noticed were all those veins running down his super hairless tree trunk legs. Wait. What was that? He only took off his shirt before?! And he wore a long blue Jean just before he sent me to sleep... Does that mean that he’s... naked...? ,,Ah, so you’re back, twink! Now you get to feel how it is to be totally humiliated.After tensing his massive quads a few times he somehow turned me around so that now my neck was just a bit above his knee I was facing towards his... cock. I could see his massive, vascular 30inch tree trunk legs. But what impressed me at least as much as his muscles was that cock. It was limp, but really thick and already quite long. It was waaay bigger than mine... actually I‘ve never seen such a massive prick, not even in porn He shove it up my throat and I felt it growing in my mouth.... It filled out the whole space in my mouth as it grew bigger and bigger. It was crazy how big it actually was. Because of his massive tree tunk legs and his overall massive frame his dick was much bigger than it seemed. It already almost filled out my mouth as it was limp. But as it got hard I felt it growing down my throat. Inch by inch. I tried to bend my head backwards but his huge quads were in my way. I gagged and nearly suffocated again because I didn’t know what cut off my airway more, his leg muscles which he flexed all the time or his giant cock... As he got fully erected he started talking to me:,, So, lil weakling! U remember when u were the stronger one of us? Those times are over now and will never come back again! I am the alpha now! No, I’m more than alpha... I’m a god!” He grabbed my hair and moved my head, so that I was giving him a blowjob right now. ,,Well twink, just accept it, I am way stronger than you are.” He started moving his hips. ,,I could easily break you into pieces, just look at my arms, man! They are way bigger than yours! Hmm, if I am a muscle god, u should also treat me like one!” He took my left hand and laid it onto his pec. He started bouncing it. After a while he slid my hand over his rock hard abs. Up and down, up and down with his cock still deep down in my throat. I could feel all his masculinity rush through his cock and his pulse beating in those massive muscles. He then loosened the legscissors and slowly moved my head back from his cock. It looked like it never wanted to end. He pulled out and pulled out, i was really amazed that all that fit inside my mouth. It must have been at least 9inches long... I was totally out of breath as he got up to kneel in front of me on the couch. It was so impressive... he started flexing all his muscles. He did a double biceps pose, flexed his rocky abs, bounced his pecs, tensed his traps. Totally naked. ,,Don’t you get it?!”, he shouted at me as he again reached out for my neck and pulled my face to his chest. He rubbed my face all over those gorgeous pecs and abs. ,,You are my little bitch by now! You are supposed to do everything I command you! I mean, you could try to resist but in the end there’s nothing you could do against me...!”, he said. ,,You should clean up my muscles. Too bad I didn’t sweat by wrestling with u... guess I’d have to work out with you now to get started.” He commanded me to get naked too. He then told me to get on his shoulders to do some pullups. My cock was rock hard all the time and pressing against his lower back. As he went down to do some pushups he told me to get on his back. I did so. He started pushing. It still seemed very easy for him. And then I noticed something. I was in the perfect position to get him in a headlock. Should I really dare to do this? It the only way I could show him that I’m not that weak as he says. I slowly moved my arm under his throat, pulled it back to me And locked it with my other arm. I had him. I had this muscle monster in a real headlock- HIS throat against MY biceps. But what was that? Quite unimpressed he just stood up and started running backwards into the wall. He really bumped me in quite hard but I still had him. I could feel him loose his breath and he started to panic a bit. Now he took together all his left over strength and bowed over, throwing me over his head with my back hitting the floor. Fuck. I probably gonna be dead now. He stood up from his kneeling position and what I saw was frightening. His legs and arms as well as his lower abs and chest were totally covered in veins. They were bulging on his totally pumped muscles. He was breathing very hard and heavy. ,,You really shouldn’t have done that! You know what I gotta do now!!!”, he said really angry. He ran over to me, just like a fucking tank, his pecs were jumping with every step. His massive limp dick was bouncing too. He punched me in my stomach making me go to the ground. Then he wrapped his 19inch arms around my neck, adjusted them a bit an flexed them. I was really afraid that he was going to kill me now... I tapped but passed out again... I came back... I wasn’t dead?! I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. His massive 30inch legs, his huge cock, those swelling ripped abs, his crazy arms and everything was still covered in those thick veins. He truly looked like an animal. ,,I don’t know why you don’t get it weakling! I am the alpha now, I’m almost twice your size, you stand no chance against me!!”, he said. He wrapped both his big muscular long fingers around my neck and lifted me up with his bare hands- choking me at the same time. I was some inches above the ground, just so that my eyes were on the same level as his. He stared into my eyes like a wild beast right before breaking the neck of it’s prey. In a matter of no time he dropped me and held me in a bearhug. I could feel his massive chest and ripped abs on my limp and weakened body... My cock grew rock hard and pressed against his upper quad. ,,U like that?!”, he said as he squeezed me harder. I wanted to say something but I just wasn’t able anymore. I had no air, no strength and was totally done... ,,Awww, lil boy is so exhausted he can’t speak no more... HAHAHAH WHAT A WEAKLING!”, he screamed and tightened the bearhug even more. I felt his monster cock grow bigger and bigger too-pressing against my (much less ripped) abs. He made me pass out again... I wasn’t even aware that a bearhug could make you pass out... As I regained my consciousness I found myself still in his arms. ,,It’s so easy to overpower you. Guess how easy it would be to kill you! But then I’d have nobody to worship my muscles. Well except all those girls...”, he said. He dropped me on the floor and I was amazed by what I saw... A ripped monster with huge bulging muscles all covered in veins - jerking a huge cock... ,,I sweat just a little, twink. But enough for you to clean me up.” He hit a double biceps pose and made me stand up. I didn’t have enough energy to ask or even just say something anymore. I got his point. He was so submissive... I should have done all this three years ago with him... Back when I was able to do that... ,,LICK THEM!”, he said flexing his biceps. I did so. And I loved it. The salty taste of his testosterone loaded sweat. The form of his arms with all those veins... I cleaned his hole body. From his armpit to his massive chest. He bounced it so his pecs would jump a few inches what made it hard to keep my tongue on his skin. I caught a lot of “underboob sweat”. He grabbed my head and lead it around while I licked his washboard abs. I knew that it’s not gonna be enough for him... he pressed me downwards even more. Now my mouth was at those big balls. They smelled really manly. He didn’t even have to command me. I sucked up all his sweat and started swallowing his massive prick. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever received... I felt up his muscles with my hands. As I run my fingers down his abs with one hand and worshipped the inside of his huge thighs he came. ,,Mhhhhh... Now you know your place. I don’t allow you to spit it out! Eat it- it’s extra protein for you!” I really loved his taste. I chewed on it and I hope that his testosterone loaded load will give me a boost in strength... I’ll probably suck him off more often, perhaps I’m gonna become as big as him some day....
  16. Hello All, This is one I tried to write the same time last year for the Fourth of July but never finished. Now this year I have….still not finished it yet, but I feel I got if off to a good start and hope to have the conclusion up in the next couple of weeks or so. I just wanted to get it up before the Forth of July was over and it looks like I barely made it. As for the Forge I am having a some writer’s block with that one but I hope I will get part three up soon after I conclude this story. Swelling with Patriotism My friend Devon invited me out to the countryside this year for 4th of July. I normally see the fireworks down on the waterfront in the city, if I even go at all. Don’t get me wrong, I like an excuse for food or drinking as much as the next person but often it is just hot, crowded, and filled with overpriced vendors. Most of my family lived pretty far away from me now so there wasn’t family thing I could go to. He had been going his friends place out there for a couple of years now. He always seemed excited about it when it was coming up, almost weirdly so. The claustrophobia of the city was starting to get to me so I figured why not. Dev picked me up outside my apartment. He said I should wear something with a flag theme or at least red, white, and blue to “get in the spirit”. So I put on a red polo, some navy shorts, and a white belt. It looked preppy as hell, but it was all I really had to fit the theme. When I got in the car he laughed and in his best New England WASPy accent “Oh my! We must hurry to the country club or Mumsy and Dadsy will ever so irate!” To which I replied with an extension of my middle finger. “What do you want from me? This is all I had to fit the theme. Some of us don’t have a wardrobe that looks like an American flag exploded all over us.” He was decked out in a tank and shorts with the stars and stripes all over it. “The socks are a bit much.” “Where is your patriotic spirit Chris?” ‘ “Patriotism is fine but this borders on gaudy jingoism.” “Hey, the party my friend throws may change your mind. Him and his Marine buddies really go all out.” “Wait, Marines? Oh, I get now. I know why you want to go to this party.” His sheepish look confirmed it for me. Devon had a huge thing for military men, Marines especially. “How many are there going to be?” “30 to 40 of them usually.” “It’s like a buffet for you. I bet you snag at least one or two.” It was amazing how he did it. When I first came to the city as a fresh faced gay boy just out of the closet, we struck up friendship and he took me out to my first few gay bars. He could always spot them, especially before DADT stopped. They’d come from the nearby Marine base with the buzz cut and nervous air about them, worried they were going to get caught. He’d saunter on over, talk them up and 90% of the time would hit a home run. He wasn’t manipulative or anything, he just had a way of putting you at ease and under DADT a lot of these guys needed to be put at ease. His tight swimmers body with just the right amount hair probably helped too. “Yeah, there might be one or two.” He said it so weird, like it was an understatement. “Aren’t we confident?” “I have a good feeling. Besides, you might find one or two you may like. I know you don’t have the same thing for Marines that I do but there will be plenty of chiseled, bulging Marine bodies for you too.” He had me there. Muscle was my thing. Strength too. Like comic book level stuff. Big bulging tight bodies that could crush steel in their bare hands. I remember when Devon found the story I wrote for that website. I was so embarrassed, but I should have known better. He just laughed it off and said “Pretty hot. They should be in fatigues.” So predictable. “A little over the top on the size though.” He said. “And I’d be worried about breaking bones having sex with someone who could punch a hole in concrete.” Not that I didn’t like your everyday displays of strength. A Marine doing 200 push-ups straight in a row. I could get into that. After an hour we arrived at the place. It looked look like a big sprawling property with a spacious country home and even a barn, though I doubted it was much of a farm, just one of those big properties people buy for the space and scenery. “How big is this place?” I asked Devon. “Over 100 acres.” “Seems a little much for a party of 30 or 40.” “There will be other people, too. Besides they’ll need the room for the other festivities.” “Other festivities? You’re being mysterious today.” “Just trust me. Have I ever disappointed you before?” “No, never.” I couldn’t argue with him there. I owed some of the best times of my life to him. “Good, let’s go and meet the guys.” We went around to the back of the house and came upon the party. Some 80 odd people were there mingling with each other in one of the most over the top, decked out flag paraphernalia I had ever seen. Flags on banners. Little flags on the tables with flag table cloths. Various foods with flags on them or red white and blue themes. Flag clothing on everyone. Well, about half of everyone. The other half were clearly the Marines. Now, I know most Marines usually keep fit but these guys were some of the most perfect forms of the male body I have seen. Their bodies ranged from relatively small super ripped fitness models to heavyweight bodybuilders, though even the smallest of them couldn’t be less than 200 pounds and 5’10”. Instead of red white and blue they were all wearing camo pants with either tight grey tee’s or tanks with Marines emblazoned on the front or tight camo tee or tanks. They seemed to be tailor made to accentuate every bulge and sinew in their bodies. As I stared into the mass of dream men Devon laid his hand on my shoulder and said “You know what I want to hear.” “I should never doubt you.” I replied “One of these days you’ll remember that. Let me introduce you to some of…..” “Hey boy!” I turned around to see the source of the gruff, gravelly voice. Staring me in the face was the word “Marines” stretched tight across a pair of hard, succulent pecs. Looking up I saw the perfect vision of a jarhead. Clean shaven with a perfectly formed flattop of brown hair. A first glance would say he was in his early thirties but carried an air and facial expression that made him seem older and unquestionably in charge, including a cocky smirk. It sat on top well-formed beefy body of about 220 lbs of pure muscle. “Hey Sarge.” Devon said breathlessly and with a big dopey grin on his face. The guy must have been one of his conquests from last year’s party, though he didn’t look like a guy you could call a conquest. Probably the other way around. I guess Devon met his match. “Who’s your preppy friend here?” Sarge looked me over with an unmistakable predatory look. Oh yeah. He must have been the one chasing Devon last year and turned the tables on him. No wonder he wanted to come back this year. He must have liked someone picking him out from a crowd instead. “The name’s Chris.” I extended a hand out to him. “I don’t usually dress like this. I guess I should have bought something a little more festive and casual.” He reached out to take my hand in a nice firm grip, one clearly meant to establish his dominance. “Didn’t mean anything by it, boy. Looks good enough on you.” The comment caused that smirk of his to inch up a little bit higher. “Thanks.” “Met Devon here at last year’s party. Got to know each other real well. I hope we can do the same.” “Oh, come on Sarge! Don’t hog everyone to yourself.” Unnoticed, another one of the Marines had come up beside me. He was tall, at least 6’5” and packed to the gills with brawn. He wore a camo tank exposing his vascular arms and the deep cleft in his chest. He had a light mocha colored skin hinting at a biracial ancestry along with his head of tight curls. His eyes were a bright green and when he noticed that I noticed him he flashed me a big white smile that, unlike Sarge’s smirk radiated nothing but warmth and friendliness. “I don’t know what you are talking about Daryl. Just being friendly with the new boy.” “I know you Sarge. You’ll keep them all to yourself the whole time. Let them come and get to know everyone. What do you say, um, sorry what was your name?” “Chris.” "Want to come join me?” As he said this he put his big paw in the small of my back gently while gave me more of his big bright smile. “Sure!” I said, probably a little to excitedly. “I’d like meet everyone else.” This guy really revved my engine. “You guys go ahead.” Devon said. “I’m going to catch up with Sarge. I’ll see you later.” And with that, Sarge put his arm around Devon like he was a prized possession and shuffled off to another part of the party. Meanwhile, Daryl gestured me over to the party so I followed, his hand still on my back and guiding me there. “Those two will be off having fun for a while,” I said to Daryl “so I guess it will be just us right now.” “Well, I hope you find me just as fun.” His hand was now rubbing me gently up and down my back. He was definitely flirting with me. “What are the odds of two very handsome gay Marines at the same partly?” Daryl chuckled a bit and said “What do you mean?” “I mean, I know there are plenty of gay Marines but it’s kind of lucky that there are such two fine looking ones at the same 4th of July party.” “You mean Devon didn’t tell you? Look around you Chris. Notice anything?” I looked around at all of the guests and then it hit me. It was all men, though that didn’t mean anything by itself. No, it was the way the stood just touch too close to each other, touched each other in subtle way, and look at each other like no two straight guys ever would. “Oh!” “Good job, Eagle Eye.” laughed Daryl. “Hey! I just got here. I would have put it together eventually.” “Why didn’t Devon tell you?” “He’s been mysterious about this whole party since he invited me. He likes to surprise people for his own amusement.” “Here let me take you around.” This time a put an arm around his back too now that I knew no one else would look at me askance. So we mingled together for a while, meeting all the guys. As I had already observed before all the Marines were built like brick houses. Some of them were clear show offs. More than a few offered to let you touch their biceps while they flexed or showed off how many push-ups or pull ups they could do. One guy, Eric, an Asian guy with clean shaved head did about 50 handstand push up in a row. As for the other guests most of them were decked out in flag apparel, though a few of them like me just threw together whatever red, white and blue thing they could find. All of them were new to the party like me. After make our way through the crowd I asked Daryl if we could grab something to eat. Partly because I was hungry, but also to get some time to know this man. After we grabbed our food from a Marine in a “Kiss the Cook” apron, (an offer that was taken advantage of several times from what I saw) we found a table we could sit at. “So, how did a whole bunch of gay Marines come together and start having a 4th of July party? Were you like a support group for each other?” “Something like that. We were all in the same program together and we just stayed close.” “Must of have been a hell of a program for you guys to all keep in touch this long afterwards.” Daryl just laughed and said “You have no idea. Enough about me though. Let me hear about you. I know that Devon is all about the uniform, but I’m guessing you have another interest.” As he said this Daryl began to squeeze and flex various muscles. His chest, his arms, his traps all began to twist and bulge under his command. “Is it that obvious?” “Well, you didn’t turn down any invitation to feel some guy flex out there.” “Guilty.” “I thought so. Though, I am a little disappointed. You never asked to feel mine.” I smiled and said “You didn’t ask.” With that he flexed his bi right in front of my face. I reached out and cupped the monstrous thing in both of my hands, eventually beginning to move them all up down the arm as a felt every thick vein and bulge on it. Few minutes later Daryl puts his arm down and feeling the moment was right I leaned in for a kiss. However, he put a finger on my lips, stopped me and said, “No, not yet. After the fireworks.” “Why?” “Trust me. I will be worth the wait.” “Great, now I have another mysterious one.” “Please?” Despite being a big hulk of muscle he flashed me some of the cutest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. “Fine, but there better be fireworks both figurative and literal.” “I promise.” So we spent the rest of the day together just talking with each other and the other guests until it got dark and they announced it was time for the fireworks. We went out a little further in to the big yard and to where they had set up a stage in front of a tall flag pole and a nice sound system. One of the non-Marine guests was up there doing a sound check. “What’s he there for?” I asked. “Oh, he’s going to sing the National Anthem during the fireworks.” “Wow, you really go full bore don’t you.” “Where’s your patriotism?” “I have a healthy sense of patriotism, but you guys seem to be cramming all of the symbols in at one time.” “It makes for good show. You’ll love it.” I still thought it was a bit much, but who was I to judge. Everyone started to gather around and soon all the lighting and equipment was ready to go, including a nice bright spotlight at the top of the flag pole. Then, as someone was raising a couple flags on the pole everyone went silent. All the non-Marines we especially excited, looking like they could barely contain themselves, except the newbies like me. They looked just as confused by all the excitement as I was. When the flags reached the top all the Marines stood at attention in unison and saluted the American and Marine Corps flags. Even Daryl, a guy I had gotten to know that day as being pretty laid back, was standing completely ridged. Soon I saw the fireworks begin as they exploded their colors across the sky. Then the music for the Star-Spangled Banner began and the singer, in nice sonorous voice began to sing. Oh-oh say can you see… As he began sing and I put my hand over my heart I could feel a buzz in the air, like something big underneath the surface was staring to begin. What so proudly we hailed…. It was partly intangible, like the excitement I saw in everyone else was beginning to spread to me. But I also could swear that heard something over all the noise and commotion. Like a stretching sound. Whose broad stripes and bright stars…… When I looked over at Daryl I could have sworn he had gotten bigger. As I Iooked more closely I realized where the stretching sound was coming from. His already wide lats were expanding causing him to strain his tank top to the limit. O’er the ramparts we watched…. The sounds of threads popping began as his expanding body was causing his shirt to surrender to the pressure. Those same sound started to come from all around me as I Iooked around and saw that all the Marines were starting to grow. And the rocket’s red glare….. The feeling was also growing, changing from excitement into…arousal. An intense arousal that was taking me over. As the Marines’ growing bodies continued to rend their clothing into rags my horniness grew until, without even thinking about it, my left hand started to find its way to my cock, slowly rubbing it through my pants until I was rock hard. Gave proof through the night…. I wasn’t the only one. Anyone who wasn’t a Marine was currently fully erect. They were either pawing at their groins over their pants or had already brought out their dicks into the open air as I was currently trying to do. As my hand tried to satisfy the uncontrollable urge to touch my cock I looked over to Daryl, continuing to be perfectly still while saluting the flag, to see his growth had already accelerated to the point that his tank and even his pants had been halfway reduced to rags. His already large chest had doubled in size causing a large tear down the front to match the tears in the sides caused by his now gigantic lats. Both his ankles and rippled midsection were visible as he also appeared to have grown taller, easily past 7’ at this point. His thighs had almost completely destroyed the legs of his camo pants and his shoes had already split the seams and the soles were being crushed by his growing feet. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave…. As the buildup to the crescendo of the song began the growth accelerated so that in a couple of seconds what was remaining of the Marines’ clothes quickly exploded off of their bodies until they stood there in all their naked glory, including thick shanks of meat between their thighs that defied any normal human dimensions. O’er the land of the freeeeeeeeeeee……. As the singer held the note I saw Daryl’s cock inflate to full hardness in the blink of eye, causing a loud thwack as hit him just below his pecs. Two bowling ball sized testicals hanging down below in a large sack. All of his compatriots quickly followed as most of the other regular guests, including me, had managed to free their cocks and were furiously jacking them with their left hands as their right stayed over their hearts. And the home of the braaaa-aa—a—aave… As the singer finished the song he collapsed on the stage, apparently unable to hold back an orgasm he had been suppressing this whole time. Other guests around me had also released at this point. I was on the edge myself when Daryl suddenly snapped out of his trance and came to. Looked over and down to me from his new found height and smiled as he grabbed the front of my shirt and lifted me as if I were nothing till we were face to face. Then he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for the most intense kiss I had ever had in my entire life, making the load I was holding back shoot out in one intense moment of bliss. When he was done Daryl pulled be back and said “Well, was it worth the wait?”
  17. Important note : this story is based on the adult version of Link (19 years old). Link was looking items in shopkeeper. 10 bombs for 10 Rupees...a wood shield for 20 Rupees... 3 hearts for 10 Rupees... a bow arrow for... 980 Rupees ??? Shit !! It was very cheap ! And... a kind of black purple potion for....... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT ???????????? ....... 999,999,999 RUPEES ?????!!!!!! HOLY SHIT ! Why ? Why this potion was so CHEAP ??? It had to be VERY important for this price !!! Ok.... So.... Link looked to right then to left. Ok, never he could pay this but .. there was another way, thought Link with a little malicious smile. He took the potion, do a turn around of shopkeeper who try to follow him from regard and go out when the shopkeeper didn't look him. "Guess what ? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself ?" said the shopkeeper, very angry. Link was very impatient to try it. It had to be very very very important seen the price. It looked like a black purple liquid. He opened the vial and drank it in one gulp. BEEUUUUUUUUUURRRKKKKK, the taste was very horrible. Link didn't see it but he shone of a purple aura for a few moments. And now ? What was it supposed to do ? Link waited few minutes but... nothing. All for this ? 999999999 Rupees for this ? It was a joke ? Link was very disappointed, this shopkeeper was really a scammer... Well, it was the time to go on adventure ! Today, he had to retrieve a crystal in a dungeon near of the vilage. After some jumps above holes and some moblins, Link arrived in front of the entrance of the dungeon which was blocked by rocks; Link approached and tried to lift it. He became all red : it was so heavy and shit, of course it was heavy, he forgot to wear his power bracelet, which allow him to lift heavy things, like thse rocks. Link put his bracelet and lifted rocks without any efforts. He entered in the dungeon. Inside, he noticed quickly one thing : Malice. It was a black purple substance which was appeared recently and it wasn't any better to touch it because it hurt like hell. After some rooms, Link entered in a room with a chest and 3 Moblins. Few sword blows later, Link opened the chest and found a map. Mmmmhh, apparently in the previous room, there is a breakable wall. Effectively, Link saw a wall with several cracks. He posed a bomb and stepped back. BOOOOOOM. Now there was a big hole in the wall. In the new room, Link found a special chest, probably with the key of the boss room but before there was a little ravine. Link tried to pass it but unfortunately, he had jumped too short. Link yelled while he fell. There was a good and a bad news. The good news : the ravine was not deep. The bad news : Link fell directly... in a puddle of Malice ! Shit ! Shit shit shit shit shit ! No no no no no no no !!!! Link closed his eyes, it was going to hurt. SPLAAAAAAAAASSSHHHH ! He fell right in. Link expected to be in pain but... nothing. Even, he felt like a small sensation of heat or like if he was charged. He heard also like a suction noise. Link opened his eyes and saw the puddle shrink, again and again, until it disappears. What ? What happened ? Usually, it hurts so bad when he touched the Malice but here it felt... good ? And why the puddle shrunk ? It was like he was... absorbing the Malice ? Link was worried, it's was normal. But after all maybe this Malice was defective. Yes, that must have been it. Link went up and jumped above the ravine. He opened the chest : YES, it was the key of the boss room. Link saw there was mini boss room on the way. He entered in room : it was a smasher mini-boss. It was a monster who launched a ball. Link had to lift this ball and launch it on him for defeat him. Link put his power bracelet but the Smasher reached the ball, lifted it and launched it on Link, who dodged. Link ran towards the ball, lifted it and threw it on the Smasher. He repeated this operation until the Smasher was defeated. Link headed towars the boss room. In the room before the boss, Link found another puddle of Malice. He wanted to ignore it but he was really curious after the last time. He hesitated a moment and finally took the decision to test again. After all, he could heal him if he needed. He approached his shaking hands of the puddle. Was he sure ? Really ? ...And then fuck, curiosity was too much. Link touched the puddle with his hands and began to feel again this sensation of heat, of energy. And another thing surprised him : it was like if his hands... absorbed the Malice, like a sponge. He plunged his hands in the puddle an started to moan. Fuck, it didn't hurt, no, in contrary, it felt... good. Ten of seconds later, Link had absorbed all the puddle. Shit, he didn't know why he did this but fuck, this feeling... it was too fucking good. And he didn't why but he felt him like energized. Well, it was time to face the boss. It was Moldorm, a simple boss, he just had to avoid it. Link hit him and Moldorm accelerated. Link was able to avoid it and again he hit him. Again, Moldorm accelerated. But Link got stuck in a corner of the platform when Moldorm charged on him. He didn't know why but Link jumped on the side and he seemed him he jumped more high. Some hits later, Moldorm was defeated. Link entered in the next room and recoved the cristal. He came back at the village after this good day of work. Link loved this village, it was a quiet place. On the way of his house, he crossed Max. It was one of his neighbours. He was the same age. He had light-brown hair and brown hair and seemed very happy when he saw Link. And Link also was happy when he saw Max. "Hello Link, what do you do today ?" asked Max. And Link told him his day. The only thing he didn't tell was his weird experience with Malice. "Whoa ! You has beaten a Moldorm ?" exclaimed Max. He loved listen Link tell his daily adventures and Link loved to tell at Max. He doesn't know why but he had always liked Max, he had something of... special. Tired of his journey, Link undressed for to go sleep. He passed in front of the mirror and he stopped. There is something of weird, he had always been skinny but here he seemed more... ripped ? It was very slight but yes, he seemed as he had a good workout session. It was weird but maybe he had just not noticed. Link went to bed. The next mornning, Link felt him in a great shape and it was and so much the better : he had a new cristal to recover. Inside the dungeon, Link defeated ennemies of the first room and found the map in the chest. Ok, there is a key in this room but before he had to pass a ravine. Link defeated ennemies and was on the edge of the ravine. He jumped but instantly he remembered he needed boots of pegasus for to pass it. Shit shit shit he was going to fall but... weirdly, he arrived to pass the ravine WITHOUT the boots. Weird, very weird, he was sure than he wasn't able to do this but however, he did it. Link took the key and came back towards the entrance of the dungeon. Again, he passed the ravine. Definitely, it was weird, like if he could jump further. But he had done nothing special... or not ! Suddenly, Link remember his experience with the Malice. Is it possible that it could be the cause ? Perhaps... there was only one way for to know it : he will absorb the next pool of Malice ! Link continued and arrived at the mini boss room but the way was blocked by two boulders. It was too heavy for to be lift without his power bracelets; He put it, lifted one of boulders and threw it further then he entered in mini boss room. This time, it was a well know ennemy : Blaino. It was a boxer and his punch did really hurt. The fight started, Link give few sword strokes but released his attention and it was the moment where Blaino used his mega punch. He hit Link in his midsection and sent him at the entrance of dungeon. Shit, it hurts so bad. Link returned in the mini boss room and this time he defeated Blaino. He never liked this ennemy. He continued and noticed a breakable wall in the next room. He took a bomb and explosed the wall. And YES ! In this room, there was a chest on a platform and around a pool of Malice. Under normal circumstances, it would be a trap but not today. Link looked the Malice : was he sure ? Did he want that ? Oh fuck yeah he wanted it ! Link plunged in the Malice's pool. Instantly, Link felt the familiar feeling, more intense than previously. He began to gasp loduly and watched his hands... and he saw something : his hands seemed ... to grow ? He wasn't sure but.... yes, yes, his hands was growing !! Oh fuck, the feeling was so good. And it wasn't just his hands, his whole body seemed to grow. Fuuuuuuuck !! Link weared a blue suit with a stealth armor. Quickly, he could feel that his clothes seemed tight. He watched his biceps and yes, he could see the muscle pushed against the fabric. His biceps bulged, and bulged, and bulged until suddenly... *riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* Tears started to appear. Link looked with amazement his new biceps and flexed it several times. But it was not all : Link could feel a huge pressure in his chest, especially in his abs and pecs. Again, Link could feel his clothes became more tight; But suddenly he heard also an other thing : stretch metal noises. Link looked down and what he saw left him speechless : usually, this armor was flat and adapted perfectly to his body, but here, Link could see bumps appear, six for to be exact and two bigger above. It was very slight at the beginning but soon, bumps became clearly visible. Growth continued during few minutes then it stopped. Link couldn't stop himself to flex his biceps. It wasn't the skinny arms he always had but a good muscular gun. He was also curious by this chest, he removed his armor and looked under his shirt and HOLY FUCK ! He had abs ! A nice set of six boulders. He passed his hands on them and gosh, it felt hard. Yes now, it was sure : it was the Malice. And he was taller too, 6.6 feet. Link put again his armor. He jumped on the platform and shit ! He jumped on several feet. He opened the chest and took the boss key. He came back in the previous room and he stopped in front of the boulders. An idea trough him : was he able to lift this boulder without his power bracelets ? Link placed his hands under the boulder and tried to lift it. No surprise, it was heavy and Link clenched his teeths but... he lifted, inch by inch this boulder. Yes, he was able to lift it without his power bracelets. Fuuuuuuuck this exploit made him very horny. He continued and was in front of a big ravine, more longer than the previous. Logically he should have to use his grapnel but here, he stepped back, ran then jumped. He was surprised himself by his jump ! He reached without problem the other side. Fuuuuuuuuuck ! In the next room, he found another breakable wall. He wanted to take a bomb but.... SHIT ! His bag was empty ! Shit ! Then an idea trough his mind. He looked his fist, opened it, closed it, opened it, closed it. He felt him strong, no... he WAS strong. He could lift big boulders without his power bracelets ! So maybe he could... Link looked the wall, clenched his fist and hit it. "BAAAAAAMM !" The wall was hard but he could do it ! "BAAAAAAMM !" And again... "BAAAAAAMM !" This time, Link could see cracks become wider. Fuck yeah ! A few more hits and... "BAAAAAAMM !" Again, cracks became wider. "BAAAAAAMM !" Few pieces fell of the wall. Again a little effort and... "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM !" The wall crumbled into dozens of pieces ! Link had destroyed a wall with bare hands ! Fuuuuuuuuuck ! He was so powerful ! Finally, Link arrived at the boss room. It was a kind of reptile with a mask; Usually, Link had to be use bomb or hammer but Link hadn't no bombs and hammer, well... he had to bypass this room (after all he had bypass a good part of the dungeon). But..; he didn't matter : if he could destroyed a wall with his fist why not... a mask ? Link approached of the reptile, who spat out a fire ball. Link dodged, one time, two times, three times and then he arrived in front of the Helmasaur. Here he clenched his fist and punched the reptile in his face with all his might. Cracks appeared on the mask. The Helmasaur was very surprised : it wasn't not the usual battle...Link punched him a second time. Cracks became really big : third time would be the last. Link punched him a last time and the mask literally exploded in hundred of pieces. The Helmasaur looked him badly, with a swollen cheek but Link didn't give her time to react : he jumped and punched it in the green crital in the forehead of the reptile. Again cracks appeared and this time it was sufficient for to defeat the monster. Gosh ! Link didn't believe in what he had just done : he defeat a boss only bare hands. He recovered the cristal and came back on the village. In the village, he crossed some people, who looked him weirdly but said anything. Usually, Link didn't like to workout but in the dungeon, use this amazing strength was so orgasmic... so he went out the village and looked after two similar big boulders and finally found what he was looking for. Nggggggnnnnhh ! It was heavy but he could lift it. Link brought them back in the village. Again, he crossed some people who were speechless in seeing what he wore. He brought back the second boulder and tried to find a big iron bar then he made dumbbels. Ok, let's go ! Link started to lift his dumbbell; Fuck it was heavy but he could do it ! At each rep he groaned and was horny to think what he lifted. Yesterday, he won't be able to move one of them and now he was lifting two in same time ! Today it was a sunny day and Link had very warm, so he removed his armor and clothes... all clothes. Fuuuuuuuuck, he didn't notice the size of his dick, even his member had grown ! After several ten of minutes Link tried another exercice. He started to do push up... but after one hundred, it was really too easy. So he hardened the exercice in adding a boulder on his back. It was harder but after 50 repetitions, it was not enough harder ! So Link added the other boulder. This time, it was hard ! Link groaned at each rep. He began also to sweat. Then Link did squats in weraing a boulder, he did 200 repetitions. Then he did sit ups but after 500 reeptitions, he bored so he retrieved his dumbbell. Max had just returned home. He asked himself where was Link, he didn't see of the day. Max went at the home of Link, he was about to enter when he heard moans... no, it was more groans. What the... ? It wasn't normal ! Link had maybe problems ! He entered and said "Link ? What are...". Max froze and widened his eyes. What... the...fuck ? In front of him there was a people, with the face of Link yes but... his body ?! Link was skinny but this person was... so fucking muscular ! It was really Link ? What the fuck happened to him ? "Link......what....what the fuck....happened....to you ????". Link looked Max, afraid during one second but quickly smiled. He dropped his dumbbell which fell heavily on the ground. Link was here, smiling, gasping, covered by sweat and his muscles flexed to the rhythm of his breathing. Max was instantly horny, even in his wildest dreams he hadn't even imagined that; Gosh, he loved already Link bu here, he was the most sexiest thing he had seen of his life. Max approached and watched Link chest, completely in trance. Mechanically he put down his hand on his sixpack and began to caress (and cumming in same time, a wet patch could be seen on his short) before to realize of what he did. "Shit so...so...so...sorry...I...I didn't want..." said Max in removing his hand and closing his eyes, scared than Link took that badly. But suddenly he felt a strong hand take his hand and... slowy posed his hand on hard bumps. Max opened his eyes, looked up and saw Link who smiled and nodded of his head. Max hesitated few moments then... he threw him on Link. His hands were everywhere : he felt ridge and valleys of Link's abs, he felt his pecs, his nipples, his shoulders, his biceps/triceps. He felt each bulges, each veins. Then he began to kiss the amazing muscular chest of Link and lick him. Gosh, his sweat tasted so fucking good ! Then he felt strong hands of Link take him by his waist and Link lifted him for to bring him in front of his face. And the moment that Max waited since forever happened : Link kissed him. He couldn't describe what he felt at this moment, it was like thousands explosions of pleasure. They started a dance of tongue then slowy Link walked towards his bed. He posed delicately Max, sit down on his knees and started to tear his clothes. In few seconds Max was fully naked. Link laid down on Max. Shit through Max, fortunately that Link had mattress, he wasn't sure he could support his amazing weight. And they retrieved their session of kiss and carres, Link passed his hands in Max's hairs, felt his neck, his shoulders and arms. On the side of Max, he passed his hands in amazing blond hairs of Link, felt his muscular neck, his traps, his rounded shoulders, he carresed his magnificient biceps and ran his vein, his caressed his pecs, played with his nipples, felt the hardness of his sixpack. They continued like that during some minutes then Link broke the kiss, took Max and returned him on his belly. Usually Max loved dominate but here he was totally overwhelmed, Link was a god, a muscle god. Max sunk into the mattress when Link laid down on him; He felt his enormous dick at the entrance of his ass, but Link waited before to enter, he licked and kissed the back of Max, who enjoyed each second of this magical moment. Then at given time, Max felt an enormous feeling through him : Link began to enter into him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!" he yelled. Shit, oh shit, oh shit shit shit ! It was more than all he could expected, but it was so FUCKING GOOD ! "NNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he moaned while Link was sinking deeper. Max started to gasp quickly. "Oh fuck.......fuck........FUCK......you can't........know.....how........FUCKING GOOD.........it is !!... OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" he yelled because Link, again, was sinking deeper. Between "pushes", Max could feel Link feeling his back. Shit, SHIT ! Sex and tenderness, the perfect combination ! "NNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he yelled again. Max was gasping very quickly. Gosh, it was so fucking amazing ! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he yelled when Link pushed the rest of his member in his ass : Link was now totally into Max. He kissed his back few times then Max could feel Link's cock removed then he felt he pushed again. "NNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And again, Link removed then pushed. After some hits, it started to slide easily; Link began to pump. "OH SHIT ! FUCK ! SHIT SHIT ! AAAAAAAHH OOOOOOOHHHHH" Max gasped again more quickly. And Link pumped, pumped, pumped. Little by little he increased the pace until to have a very speed, like a rowhammer. Max was moaning but his moan was interrupted by pumps of Link. "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA" Link continued to pump Max during few ten of minutes until Max could hear Link groaned. He knew the climax was very near. Link contained him as long as he could but after one minute he roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" Max yelled too, he felt like if we released a fire hose inside him. He felt gallons and gallons of warmth liquid filled him. He could feel also the walls of the house shaking because of the yell of Link. The deluge lasted several minutes before to stop. At this moment, Max hadn't seen but Link well : a purple aura surrounded Max. And Link could bet that he was more muscular, it was very slightly but yeah, he seemed more ripped. Link could see a bit of his cum aside them and he saw that the cum had a slighty purple color. Is it possible that... ? "Holy fuck ! ... Link..... it was.... the most.....intense....feeling....I had feel.......of my life !!" gasped Max. Two lovers continued their session of tenderness before to fall asleep, each in arms of other. Link was the first to wake up. Max was still sleeping. Link wanted to try something : he had the impression which he had transmitted his superpower of "Malice absorption" to Max by his cum. Link had a little vial of Malice in his desk. He just hoped that he wouldn't hurt Max, especially after his amazing evening where both confessed their love for other. Link opened the vial and very slowy, he poured some on Max's back. Link was afraid during few seconds then... he saw with joy than the Malice was absorbed by Max, who moaned slowly and said in his sleep "Fuuuuck yeah Link ! Again my love, take me !". Oh fuck yeah ! He had contaminated him ! Max could grow with Malice ! Link was very happy. It was time to grow more ! But his lovers was still sleeping, and he needed to rest him. But when he will wake up, he will have a BIG surprise ! Link was going to give him a gift : he saw another pool of Malice in the dungeon of yesterday, he didn't see it because this room was hidden. Max would wake up with a titanic Link and after, they will have another amazing love session and shit, have sex was so FUCKING GOOD, especially with Max ! Link was already horny and hard just in thinking at this hot scene ! Link went out discreetly and hurried him to go in the dungeon. Usually, he took him one hour but now he went here in only 10 minutes. Link jumped above ravine, cliffs and other obstacles that he would normally circumvent. So in 10 minutes he was in front of the entrance of the dungeon. Ok, so he had to go straight ahead, then right, then left, then straight ahead and finally at left. 5 minutes later, Link was in front of the wall but this wall hadn't cracks. Link punched into one time, two times, three times. Cracks appeared but it will be harder than the last time. But Link was in hurry. He gripped the little hole he had made in the wall and tore a small piece of wall, then again, and again, and again, and again. Quickly, Link began literally to dig in the wall and after 15 minutes, he had made a big hole in the wall. Shit, he could dig in a wall to bare hands. Link watched the pool of Malice, smiled and plunged into. He forgot to remove his clothes and his armor but it doesn't matter, he was sure that he gonna become too big for them. Link moaned loudly when he felt his body begin to grow. Quickly he could hear strecthing sounds of fabric which yelled at the death, cannot contain his enormous muscle mass; Few seconds later, tearing sounds could be heard then it was the turn of his armor to confront his new muscle gorwth spurt, in a fight where the armor was sure to loose. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Bumps of his pecs became more apparent, his abs became more ripped, his shoulders inflated as balloons, his traps rose up, started to really surround his neck, his biceps/triceps became huge peaks of muscle. Then his armor abandoned the game. : it started to tear in some place and bigger Link was, more tore was the armor until finally it was completely shredded, leaving Link totally naked. Link continued to moan and to inflate slowy when suddenly his shoulders exploded without warning, gaining a lot of in size and surprising Link, who roared, then it was the turn of his traps to pass from hills to mountains, again Link roared. It was like an orgasmic explosion. Then he clenched his fists while his biceps/triceps and forearms became gigantic peaks of pure muscle. Then his pecs exploded, going from the size of a football ball to a beach ball. Then each row of his sixpack exploded out of his stomach, almost doubling in size and Link roared a fourth time when the fourth row popped, giving him now a fucking amazing eight-pack. His dick gained also in size and became more wide, it touched the bottom of his pecs and it was wider than a can. And his legs became so wide, wider than a tree trunks, and so fucking ripped, so veiny. The growth spurt lasted again few seconds and finally stopped it. Link was here, gasping, enjoying of this incredible feeling of pure power. He felt him strong before but now, he felt just surhuman, able to lift a big boulder with only one hand. He passed his hand on his amazing body, feeling and boucing his pecs, feeling his eight-pack, flexing his biceps. He felt so invincible, like a god. He didn't want but it was too much, he felt a huge pressure in his ball and then... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" He shot like a cannon, reaching without effort the ceiling. Gosh, the feeling was so... divine ! The deluge lasted at least 20 minutes; Link didn't know ho much he had shot but fuuuuuck, a good part of the ceiling and the wall was covered by cum. Link smiled, it was time to show his new body to Max ! And after they will have.... When he arrived near of the wall, he wanted try something. He walked further, here where the wall was intact. Then he clenched his fist and hit the wall. Behind the wall, few monsters walked, quietly whhen suddenly, the wall exploded; All monsters looked and their eyes widened when they had seen a 8 feet muscular titan appeared. All of them immediately moved aside, totally afraid. Link had not difficult to get out of the dungeon. He rushed towards the village and so quickly ! In only 4 minutes he had reached the village !! But something was wrong... Suddenly a inhabitant ran towards Link. "LINK... LINK !! IT'S TERRIBLE ! IT WAS.......Link ???! But.. what the.... ????!!!" He seemed very surprised by the new body of Link, especially because he didn't saw his previous size so go from the skinny Link to the 8 feet muscular Link, it was... confusing ! "...... ok, no time for questions ! It was Ganondorf, he kidnapped Max and brought him at his tower and..." When the inhabitant pronounced the name of Max, the look of Link became very very dark. And in one second he ran in direction of the Ganon's tower. This day, Link beaten every records of speed. He rushed trough the forest. A tree on his way ? He exploded it ? A big boulder blocked the way ? He lifted it and sent it in the sky. Then he passed through the cave, and when I say "through", I say trough : no time for detours, Link rushed in straight line and exploded walls with only one punch. Then it was the mountain : climbing ladders ? It takes too much time, Link jumped from cliffs to cliffs. In two minutes he was at the top of the moutain, in front of the Ganondorf's tower. He entered in the tower. Well, no time, for chest, keys and all these bullshit, he had to find Max and quickly ! Link walked straight ahead and exploded the wall with his fist. In this room, he found a Smasher. The Smasher lifted his ball and threw it on Link. But Link caught the ball with one hand and he launched it with all his might on the Smasher, who trough two walls. Link continued; At a given moment, he was on a bridge. He looked on the ceiling and saw a big platform. No time for detours, he crouches down and jumped of several ten of miles in height. He reached the platform and fell in front of Moldorm.But the battle was very short : Link caught the tail of Moldorm and started swirling it around then he threw him against the wall. He continued his way, jumped above a big ravine, destroyed few walls, lifted with one hand a big boulder which blocked the way and arrived in other mini boss room. Again ? He had other things to do, really. This time it was Blaino. He gave a few blows in the void for impressionate Link, who didn't move then Blaino prepared his mega punch. Again, Link didn't move. He hit Link in his midsection. The time seemed to be stopped during one second then...Blaino exploded ! Link's abs were really too hard for the weak fist of Blaino. Link continued his way. He passed on a very high bridge and saw below there was a gigantic room filled with Malice. He hesitated for a moment but no, he was enough powerful. But he was going to reserve a small bath for Max ! Finally, Link saw big stairs which should which were to lead to the final room. Finally ! He hoped that Max was fine. Link entered in the room and found Ganondorf and behind him, Max, who was imprisoned. "Hahahaha, finally ! Today is your last day Link !" said Ganondorf, who seemed not impressionated by the body of Link. Ganondorf generated a fire ball and launched it on Link. Usually, Link returned it in using his mastersword but now, he was powerful, very poweful. He wanted humiliate Ganondorf, made him understand he wasn't the skinny Link but a huge powerful 8 feet muscle giant and he was the stronger. ! The fire ball rushed towards him and Link returned it in using.... his dick! Yes, you have read correctly : Link not used his masterword but his dick !! Ganondorf shot several fire balls but Link returned all with his dick. Ganondorf tried to attack him with his sword but Link caught the sword with one hand and began to grip. Soon, cracks noises could be heard and few seconds later, Link broke Ganondorf's sword with only his powerful grip. Ganondorf tried to punch him. Link didn't move but smiled when the Ganondorf's fist met his eight-pack. He didn't feel anything, but for Ganondorf, it was another story. It hurt, very hurt. He tried to punch him again but Link stopped him with one hand, smiling because he surpassed him. Link punched him and even his armor, Ganondorf was in great pain. Shit ! He didn't think that it would happen like this. Beaten by this fucking Hyrulian ! But he hadn't said his last word. He had a joker, a fucking powerful joker. This fucking hyrulian would soon suffer. Oh fuck yes he would ! "Hahaha, you think you has won ? You think that's my end ? Oh no no no, you're wrong Link ! Look what I have !!!". A light shrone strongly and in front of the gerudo is appeared... the Trifoce! Shit thought Link, if he gets a hold of it, it can be bad. And unfortunately for him, he gets a hold of it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Ganondorf when he felt this incredible power trough him. "YES YES OH FUUUUUUCK YES HAHAHAHAHA THE POWER, THE ULTIMATE POWER FINALLY HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!" And his appearence started to change. His eyes became entirely red, his brown skin started to became more lighter before to take a blue tint, his hairs started to fall, his nose was starting to get longer, such as a snout. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO MUCH POWER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!" and Ganondord, who seemed transforming into Ganon, seemed became taller and also more... muscular ? Effectively, Link could see Ganon's arms, which were well muscular, became bigger. "YES YES I COULD FEEL IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" And soon stretching metal noises could be heard and Link could see Ganon's armor deform for to take the shape of his muscles. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" His armor was starting to tear. Link could see huge pecs under and could see what semmed to be the first row of his abs. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Ganon continued to grow, bigger and taller. Suddenly, his armor, which couldn't take more, tore on the front, letting appear two huge pecs and a set of 8 fucking muscular bricks. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And suddenly, his whole body started to swell in humongous proportions : his traps surrounded his neck, his shoulders were two fucking huge balls, his biceps/triceps were bigger than Link's head, his pecs were gigantic, his eight-pack was a fucking titanium brick wall, his legs were wider than a redwood trunk. "HAHAHAHAHAHA SO POWERFUL !!! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT ME !" Ganon was already a threat but now, all hope of defeating him seemed lost. Now, he was a very muscular 11 feet blue boar-like humanoid. He seemed invincible but Link must try to beat him ! He took his mastersword and attacked Ganon. Link yelled when he drew his sword on Ganon but the latter stopped it with only one hand. "HAHAHAHAHA SERIOUSLY ? You seriously think that I'm still scared by this cheap sword. So look ! LOOK MY POWER !" and Ganon gripped the mastersword. Soon, Link could see with horror than the mastersword cracked in some places. No, no he thought ! It couldn't be possible ! And unfortunately, his whole hopes were shattered when Ganon broke the sword, in smiling sadly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It was too easy ! Like I said you, now, you can't defeat me ! I'm the most powerful thing and I gonna take the control of this world ! But firstly, I'm gonna kill you Link !" In an act of despair, Link tried to hit Ganon, he clenched his fist and hit the monster in his midsection. But it was as if he had knocked in a brick wall. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It's all ? You are not able to do better ? Really ? Beause I don't feel anything HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" Link tried to hit Ganon again, and again, and again but the result was the same : the "muscle armor" of Ganon was impenetrable. He was overwhelmed. He couldn't defeat him; But no, fuck no, it couldn't be possible, there had to be a way ! "Well, this is time to show you what's the power ! It's the end Link HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" and Ganon knocked Link, and despite his good developed eight-pack, Link spat blood and fell on his knees. Ganon kicked him and Link was projected on the edge of the platform. Before he could get up, Ganon jumped very high and landed in hitting the ground and. Instantly, cracks appeared; Ganon looked Link with a very sadly smile and suddenly the corner of the platform broke and Link yelled while he was falling. "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!" yelled Max when he saw Link fall towards his death. And Ganon laughed, very loudly. Link did a big fall and fell in liquid. Instantly he felt an amazing burning so he thought that was lava but... after few seconds, it felt like... good ? Very very good even ! And he understood : holy shit, it wasn't lava, it was... A FUCKING POOL OF MALICE ! Yes, oh fuck yes, he could feel his body absorb it, he could feel his muscles grow. Oh yes, oh fuck yes ! Ganon was going to regret it ! Link started to laugh but swallowed only Malice. Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck, oh fucking fuck, it feel so... GOOOOOOOOOOD ! He could feel his traps rose up more. Shit, it felt so amazing ! His shoulders became absolutely gigantic. Oh shit, oh fuck ! His biceps and triceps exploded in mass. Holy shit, this strength, this sensation, it was so fucking good, shit ! His forearms widened more and more. Crap, Link couldn't stop to open and close his fists and fuck, it felt so good ! He could feel his pecs exploded with a huge amount of muscle. FUUUUUUUCK ! His abs started to popped out, row after row, while Link yelled with every row, and finally Link roared a fifth time : he had now an incredibly strong ten-pack; He passed his hands on them and holyyyy fuuuuuuuuuck, it was so hard, so ripped ! His legs became humongously wide and ripped. Link flexed his legs and moaned of pleasure. And above all : his cock became absolutely titanic. He wanted to came but no, not now, his powerful orgasm will be reserved for the boy he loved more anything : Max. Link grew, and grew, and grew; Shit, it felt so FUCKING AMAZING. Ganon was the most powerful ? Hahahaha the good joke ! Now, he was sure he could crush him with his little finger. Max was in tears, he had saw Link fall. Nobody couldn't survive on this fall, even Link. Ganon had won, Link was probably dead... "Link... No...no.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Max, in tear. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! It's over, your fucking friend is dead ! I have won and now my darkness reign is about to begin ! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" But suddenly... "GRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!" An enormous roar resonated, making walls shake. It was a bestial roar, from something to huge, incredibly huge. Even Ganon was very surprised, no, no, it couldn't be this... Suddenly the other corner of the platform exploded literally, really like an explosion. Ganon and Max couldn't see because there was a lot of smoke. But something fell back, by shaking the ground. It seemed big, very big, no... not big, absolutely GIGANTIC, absolutely HUMONGOUS ! They could see only an enormous shadow in the smoke. "Shit !" thought Max. It couldn't be Link, this thing was too huge, really too huge ! Finally the shadow got up, more and more and more... Fuck, this thing was taller than Ganon, 14 feet maybe ! And finally, Max saw the head and was totally in shock : it was the Link's head. HOLY FUCK !!!!!!!!! Max couldn't see more than his head but FUCK, he could see his gigantic traps then, little by little the smoke dissipated, revealing the amazing muscular body of Link. Yes, his traps were now big mountains, surrounding entirely his neck, his shoulders... it was so fucking HUGE ! Enormous and striated ! Max was speechless when he saw his biceps/triceps : HOLY MOTHER FUCKING GOD ! It had to be wider than him, never he could imagine that an arms could be so BIG ! It was so astonishing ! His pecs... HOLY FUCK ! Two incredible balls of pure striated muscle ! Max guessed that only one of these amazing pecs had to weight more than him ! Then Max could see first row of amazing Link's abs ans fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, there were so fucking enormous, bigger than his head ! Max could see, two...four...six...eight......ten.....TEN ? HOLY FUCK ! He never imagined it was possible (but after all, with a fucking 14 feet muscle titan, all was possible !). And shit, his obliques was so fucking ripped ! God ! And his adonis belt, fuuuuuuck ! And... HOLY FUCKING MOTHER GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH ! thought Max when he saw the humongous cock of his boyfriend. It was big, no, it was FUCKING HUGE ! Wider than his two arms glued together ! And holy fuuuuuck ! Look these legs ! Quads were absolutely humongous, so muscular and so ripped, and so veinous and fuuuuck look these calves, he could guess they were bigger than his head. Max was drooling in front of this incredible muscular god, and this god was his boyfriend ! This perfect view on the most sexiest thing he had seen in his life made him cum instantly. He was so absorbed by this amazing scene that he forgot all about the current situation. Ganon seemed irritated ; how this fucking bastard have survived ? And how this fucking bastard had grown so much ? "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!! I don't know how you has survived or how you grew like that but if you think you can defeat me, you are WRONG ! I have the triforce of power ! I'm the king king of darkness ! And you gonna DIE !!!". Ganon used his powers for to take his trident and threw it with all his might towards Link. "LOOK OUT LINK !" yelled Max. His boyfriend was perhaps now a 14 feet muscular titan, but it was Ganondorf, well, no, it was Ganon and fuck, but this trident could pierce several walls ! But Link didn't move. He was just walking with a determined look. And fuck but each of his steps made the ground shake. Then the trident hit him in his abs. To the surprise of Max and Ganon, it didn't pierce Link, at contrary, the spikes bent when they met Link's ten-pack. The trident fell on the ground while Link continued slowy his walk, like an unstoppable tank and still with his determined look. Ganon seemed more irritated, if he thought it wouldn't be sufficient for to defeat Link, he really believed it would hurt him. Fucking shit, after all, he had the triforce of power ! "GRRRRRRRRRRR TAKE THAT HYRULIAN BASTARD !!!" Ganon launched a big fire ball. Shit thought Max, it was enough for to disintegrate someone ! But, one more time, Link didn't nothing, he was only walking, made the ground shake with each steps. He took the fire ball and an gigantic explosion occured. Ganon yelled of joy, it was simply impossible he is not killed or at least, injured. Max had a frightening moment but suddenly, an enormous legs went out of smoke and hit the ground with an unbelievable power. Then the of the Link's body followed, without a single stratch. "NOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Ganon. We could hear the angry but also the frustration and the despair. But fuck, he had the triforce of power, he had to be stronger than this fucking bastard ! It couldn't be otherwise !!! "YOU THINK YOU SCARE ME ?! YOU THINK YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN ME ?! YOU GONNA SEE !!" and Ganon jumped for to hit him. Again, Link didn't try to dodge. Even, just before Ganon hit him, Max could see a small smile. Ganon hit him on the side of his head. Shit thought Max, the power of this hit was phenomenal, enough for to kill anyone in one shot ! But... Link had just moved his head of an inch and smiled more, as if he hadn't feel anything. When Ganon touched the ground, he clenched his fist and hit Link in his midsection. Again, the power of this punch was sufficient for to pierce a people but in the case of Link, only a crack could be heard. Max didn't know if Ganon had broken bones or if it was his bones. But few seconds later, Max could see Ganon took his hand away and wince. Holy shit ! He had just broken his fist on fucking incredibly hard abs of Link !! Max could see Ganon was mad of rage : all muscles were flexed, veins pulsed on the surface. Then, in a black anger, Ganon threw a flood of punches on Link, who took tens, no, hundreds of blows. But Link still didn't move. Even, in the middle of the deluge, he yawned strongly. This time it was clear, Ganon was totally surpassed. Ganon, in rage, stepped back and lifted one of enormous gold statues. He threw it on Link. Shit, one of these statues had to weigh several tons. Link clenched his fist, hit the statue and exploded it into hundreds of pieces; Ganon threw other statues but Link explosed each of them. Totally in rage, Ganon turned, saw Max and threw a fire ball on him. Max narrowly avoided the fire ball. At this moment, the look of Link was no longer determined, no, he was angry, no, furious, really really furious. Nobody touches Max, NOBODY !!! He clenched his fist and rushed on Ganon, who turned and just had the time the fist on Link go into his stomach. But if Ganon had broken his fist on Link's abs, Link had no difficulty for pulverize the eight-pack of monster. Ganon felt the biggest pain of his life. During few seconds, time seemed to be stopped, Max could see the amazing punch of Link shattered Ganon's abs and the monster, very surprised by the power of his hit, spit out even a little blood. And then Max saw Ganon projected at an unimaginable speed, go trought the wall, which was, however, very thick and disappear in sky. Holy shit ! Link had to project him on several hundred of miles. And it was over : Link had defeat Ganon, no, he had pulverized him !! "LINK !!!" yelled Max, in joy to join his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around of Link's legs and began to cry. "I thought I'd never see you again !". Link stopped down and posed his hand on Max's head. "But... how... how are you became so big ?" said Max in posing one of his hands on Link's abs. Shit he thought, one of his fucking enormous brick was bigger than his hand. And the hardness... GOSH !! Not surprising that Ganon broke his hand ! Max became very very very horny while he caressed his ten-pack. Quickly Link could hear Max moaning and see him shoot several loads. But few moments later Max seemed a little sad. "Link, you are the most fucking amazing sexiest thing I have seen of my life... but... now, you are too big for me, really too big. We won't be able to do anything more; I mean, if we tried, I'm sure you crushed me instantly. I'm an ant compared to you". And then, Link got up and he signalled to Max to follow him. Max didn't understand why but he followed him. Fuck, the ground shaked with every step. Link was really a fucking titan. Finally, they arrived in a room, but not any room : THE room ! In front of them, there was... a fucking pool of Malice, no, a fucking SEA of Malice. It was enough for to grow Max at the same height of Link, maybe more. "But, why did you bring me here ? It's just a giant room with a lot of Malice. And you know like me that this substance is very very dangerous !" Link approached from the edge and would dip his hand in Malice. "LINK !! ARE YOU CRAZY ???" yelled Max. But Link looked him, smiled and did a sign to look. He plunged his hand and removed it for to show it to Max, who could see the substance slowy disappear, like if it was... absorbed ? Max heard Link moaned "LINK, ARE YOU OKAY ?" he said, verry worried. But Link looked him with a big smile. Then he pointed Max then the Malice. "WHAT ?? YOU MEAN YOU WOULD LIKE THAT I..." and Link nodded. "But...but...why...how...but..." Max didn't understand, usually Malice did hurt to Link but here, it was as if Link... absorbed the Malice and as if he... enjoyed that ? But, it hadn't no sense ! Max was in his thought when he felt one big hand catch him... "Link ? What are you doiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ???????????" he yelled when Link threw him in middle of the room, into the Malice !! SPLASH ! Quickly, he rose to the surface and yelled : "LINK !!!! ARE YOU CRAZY ??? WHY DID YOU DO THAT ??? I...I....I...I...feel good ?!! But...but..." And Max watched his hands, and like Link, he saw the Malice to be absored by his hand. "Wh...wh...what the...?!" and Max focused on the feeling : "I didn't hurt, no, it felt... good... really good, like if he was loaded with energy... and what was a pleasant feeling of warmth intensified quickly and became more a burning. Max watched his hands and could see veins appear and... yeah.... of fuck yeah... his hands became slowy bigger and... his forearms too. Oh fuck ! In fact it was his whole body which grew ! Max began to gasp and sweat. He looked Link who was watching him with a big smile. "So...oooooohh....it was...nnngggghhhh....true...it was....aaaaaaahhh Malice which....OH FUCK !" Max felt an enormous pressure in his whole body, he could feel his whole body grow. And he didn't just feel it, he could hear it : stretch sounds could be heard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Max, who reached quickly the appearance of a gymnast. His forearms were ripped, his arms became muscular but not yet big, his shoulders became round, we could see slighty traps, his pecs started to appear and below a good sixpack started to show it but not yet really bulged. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH NGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Max laughed, enjoying every second because each second his body became more muscular, more powerful and he could feel it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Ten secons later, he reached the stage of the teen bodybuilder : his forearms were really developed, his biceps and triceps had a good peak of muscle, his shoulders were canonballs, his traps rose, his pecs were muscular, his sixpack was six boulders implanted under his skin and his chest had a good shape of V. Max gasped louder when his eyed widened... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" he yelled. Link could hear Max's voice became really deep, almost inhuman. He could see Max yelled while his body grew to reach another stage. His clothes were in agony and started to tear. Shit, Max was now bigger than a pro bodybuilder, he was so muscular. Big arms, huge shoulders, traps which surrounded his neck, huge pecs, abs really bulged and ripped. And he was taller, probably 7 feet. Suddenly Max grimaced strongly and roared like he never roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" His whole body seemed have "muscle explosions", his big biceps became enormous, his traps rose up more to the point that Max had almost no neck, his pecs exploded, gaining a lot of size, Link could see Max's abs stretching and suddenly, Max roared when the first row exploded out of his stomach, doubling in size, then the second, and the third and Max roared a last time while a fourth row popped out from nothing, giving him a incredibly ripped and strong eight-pack. And now, Link could see his quads, which were so fucking ripped, so wide. And obviously, his fucking incredible cock, which was widder than a can. Max was now almost 9 feet tall. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! OH FUCK LINK, IT'S SO AMAZAING, NO, IT'S SO HOLY MOTHER FUCKING AMAZING !!! IT'S FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!" And Link knew it was not over, Max was soon to overtake him. He will join him at that moment. Link could hear Max moaning very louder and see that Max absorbed a huge quantity of Malice. The next growth spurt will be titanic ! On the side of Max, he had only just recovered from his latest grow spurt that he could feel his body absorbed more and more Malice. He felt like a balloon that was inflated again and again. Then, at some point, nothing more but Max knew it was the calm before the storm. And the storm came ! "OOOOOOOOHH .... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!" Max roared like he never roared. He roared so loudly than pieces of ceiling fell. Followed a series of "muscle growth spurts" and Max quickly gained in bulk and size. His whole body became absolutely titanic, like Link ; his biceps became mountains of muscle, just like his traps, his shoulders were planetoid, his pecs were just titanic, his eight-pack exploded into a fucking muscular and ripped ten-pack, his legs became wider than a redwood trunks and so fucking ripped. And his cock was simply monstrous ! And he gained wickly in tall : 10 feet... 11 feet...12 feet...13 feet ! And finally, Max reached an amazing 14 feet, like Link. Max was totally in a trance, never he imagined he could have a power like that ! He felt as he could lift mountains, literally. His body felt like it was a continous orgasm. Suddenly, he heard a big "SPLASH" ; Link had joined him. In walking, Link moaned while his body absorbed Malice. Finally he reached Max, two smiled at each other and kissed, in feeling each bulges of their unbelievable muscular body. Gosh thought Max, this feeling to growing in kissing Link was so divine. At a given time, the feeling was too much and two have broken the kiss and moaned loudly. There was no words enough strong for to describe their muscle growth, it was titanic. Seconds after seconds, Link and Max gained several hundred pounds of pure muscle, from titan they became gods ! They gained in size : 15 feet... 16.....17....18. Finally, they absorbed what was left of Malice and felt an unbelievable pressure. Two widened their eyes, there is a second of pure silence and then the tower was shaken by the two biggest roars. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Link and Max became absolutely titanic : arms were bigger than their old body, their shoulder were so fucking incredibly huge, their traps could compared at mount Everest, their pecs were of gargantuan size, their unbelievable ten-pack grew more, row exploded one by one and like previously, a new row popped under, giving now an astonishing enormous, ripped, strong, deep twelve-pack, and their legs were wider than their previous body. Max and Link were not titan, they were gods ! They didn't feel just powerful, they had a infinite power. Even the power of Ganon, who was the most powerful thing in the world after them, seemed so ridiculous now. Link had more power in his little finger than in whole body of Ganon. And fuck, they were so tall : probably 20 feet ! Link and Max gasped during few minutes, it was the most powerful feelings they had felt of their life. Then Max watched Link and smiled : the moment he had been waiting for had come. Max threw him on Link, kissed him, feeling every bulges of his incredibly muscular body. After few ten of seconds, Max broken the kiss and Link smiled then he turned back, giving his fabulous muscular ass to his boyfriend. Max began to kiss the amazing muscular back of Link, feeling his traps, his delts, feeling his pecs and crevices and mountains of his abs. And finally he entered into him. Link roared like a beast, so loud than walls shaken. In continuing to kiss him, Max pushed more and more of dick in Link's ass. With this incredible feeling, Link put his hands in wall. Finally Max withdrew before pushing again. Link roared. Max pushed again. The cock of Link hit the wall, making a small hole. Max pushed again and again, the cock of Link hit the wall, digging it a little deeper. Link had an idea. He took his dick with one hand and positioned it in front of the hole. Every time Max pumped Link, Link pumped the wall, digging the wall. Max fucked Link while Link fucked the wall ! During next minutes, Max pumped Link, slowy at first then more quickly. Finally, Link's dick had dug a tunnel. Max continued to pump Link for several ten of minutes, increased the pace such as a rowhammer, when finally he felt a incredible pressure in his balls. "Fuuuuuuckkk... I'm......coming......soon Link ! ....... Are you...........ready ?" gasped Max. Link pushed a moan as a positive answer. Max continued as long he could, closed his eyes and clenched his teeths when finally, he couldn't hold himself back any longer. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Deluge is a word which was not enough strong for to describe the sequence. Max released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in Link's ass. And Link released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in the wall. Quickly, cracks started to appear on the wall and widened with each shot of Link. Several pieces of the ceiling fell, walls were shaking and what was a sea of Malice became little by little a sea of cum. The storm lasted more than 45 minutes, the whole wall was cracked and the old pool of Malice was now a pool of cum. When Link shot his last load, the whole wall collapsed. Holy shit ! Link had just destroyed a fucking thick wall... JUST BY CUMMING !! Max and Link was here, gasping for to recover of their most powerful sex session they had of their life. They finished this session by kiss and stroke. Max broke the kiss, watched Link and said "It was the most powerful sex I had of my life ! Fuck Link, it so FUCKING amazing, I feel me so powerful, so invincible and I'm really curious to see what we able to do. Would you like to test it ?". And Link smiled and nodded. During next hours, Ganon's tower became their playground, well, rather their land of destruction. Link started by try to walk trought walls, if previously he punched the wall, here he just walked straight ahead as if there was nothing there. Max tried the same thing and fuck, it was so funny. Max also tried to pierce the wall with his finger : it went in like butter ! In the tower, there was big gold statues of Ganondorf, one of them must weight several tons. Link lifted one with only ony hand and threw it on Max, who exploded it with a punch. Link threw another and this time, Max tried something else. He turned and hit the statue with.... his dick ! Max didn't play at baseball, he played at... dickball ! On the ground floor of the tower, Max said "The first at the top of the tower win !". Link smiled, crouches and jumped. He trought literally all floor, shattering the ceiling as if it were a sheet of paper. "..... ok you have won" said Max in laughing, then he jumped also for to join Link on the roof. "Ok now the first on the ground floor" said Max. He jumped of several feet, trought the ceiling and each floor before to reach the ground floor in making a crater. Little by little, the tower became a field of ruins. The few remaining monsters fled in front of these muscular gods. Even Ganondorf in angry wasn't so powerful. Max and Link crossed Blaino, who came back for to take his revenge but when he was in front of them, he widened his eyes, left his boxing gloves and ran away. They crossed also a Smasher, who threw his ball on Max. But Max caught the ball with his hand then crushed it in dust. Seeing that, the Smasher ran away too for save his life. In the ground floor, there was these big pillars, Max rolled his arms around and squeezed. Instantly, cracks appeared and the pillar was crushed. Fuuuuuck through Max, yesterday he wasn't able to lift his own wieght and now he crushed enormous pillar with his arms ! Holy shiiiiiiit ! Soon all objects in the tower suffers the same fate : crushed, destroyed, trample, shattered, annihilated, reduced to dust. Link and Max ended up having fun by destroying the walls of the first floor with their bare hands and obviously, the tower collapsed. But even after the destruction of the tower, they were playing with the debris. Link threw on Max pieces of several tons and Max pulverized them with a punch. Then Link jumped on Max and two started to make a friendly fight for to know which one could claim his due. They rolled over each other in crushing the debris of the tower under their humongous weight. Boulder s, statues, all was crushed in dust by the weight of these gods. Finally Max won and roared, like a cry of victory. Link turned him on his belly, giving his ass at Max. Max claimed his due : he entered in Link, who pushed a enormous roar. Shit, feelings were so FUCKING AMAZING ! Max had his eyes revolted, like Link. There was no word for to describe what they feel, it was just... divine ! Like an orgasm but multiplied by a billion ! Max pumped, and pumped, and pumped and pumped, increasing the rhythm little by little. Link was moaning of pleasure and caught some debris of the tower but he cruhed them in dust with his godly strength. Max continued for several hours. It was the best, the most powerful and the longer sex session they had of their life !! It seemed to have no end ! And Max had reached an amazing pace, he pumped more quickly than a rowhammer; Then, after an eternity, he felt a gigantic pressure in his ball, and when I said gigantic, it was gigantic. The climax was very near and what climax !! He closed his eyes, clenched his teeths and pumped as long he could and finally... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!" Their yell could be heard on several tens of miles, hundreds perhaps. Even the inhabitants of the village, which was at several tens of miles of this place, heard them. And they cum so much !!! White substance flowed from the mountain, so much that some monsters through it was an volcanic eruption (because the yell and the white substance which flowed from the top of the mountain). But no, the liquid was not lava : it was white, hot but not burning and... sticky. And it smelled also strong ! When Link and Max came back at the village, all inhabitants were speechless. Two fucking muscular 20 feet gods, it doesn't unnoticed ! It is even said that the princess flooded her panties when she saw Link. Oviously, Link and Max were too big for their old house but the villagers worshipped them as gods. So they moved in the mountain near of village (literally in the mountain ! But digging didn't take them long). Since that day they have never been attacked again, not by Ganon not by other ennemies. You had to be crazy to attack them ! They helped the inhabitants for several things : heavy boulders to move ? Crushed in one second ! Gorons dug a tunnel ? Max digged it in 2 minutes when it would have taken months. A wall to destroy ? No problem ! One day, Link passed by the shop of the shopkeeper, the one where he had stolen the potion. He got down on all fours and stuck his head out, destroying the facade a little. The shopkeeper recognized him and said "I wasn't kidding when I said pay ! Now you'll pay the ultimate price !!" and he shot a ray on Link. He felt an amazing burning but not in the wrong way, no, it felt good, it felt really really good !! Link started to moan, slighty at the beginning then louder when he felt the burning increased. And this time he was sure : he could feel his body was growing and very quickly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Link. Stretch sounds could be heard but also crackling sounds : his shoulders grew bigger and bigger and bigger and Link became so fucking wide, too wide for the facade which was little by little destroyed as he expanded. And he was taller also : 21 feet....23....26....30 feet and it continued. The shopkeeper seemed confused : usually, this ray should kill but here, he was growing and growing and growing. Why ? In addition he had modified it to incorporate Malice. Maybe it wasn't enough powerful ! The shopkeeper increased the power of the ray to the maximum. Link yelled more, the sensation was so unbelievable, it was like if the simple burning was became a nuclear bomb. And obviously, his yell exploded all windows of village. His body grew even faster, very faster ; his traps reached his ears, his shoulders were titanic, his biceps/triceps reached divine proportions, his pecs were so fucking gigantic, like previous growth, he could feel each row of his amazing twelve-pack exploded and like previous growth, a new row popped out : Link had now an impossible, incredibly fourteen-pack and his crevices became canyons, his legs was so fucking godly muscular. Then he felt that his shoulders touched each side of the shop : Link was as wide as the shop. But little problem : he didn't finish to grow !!! The walls started to make crackling sounds and for short moments, trying to resisting but few seconds later, there were sounds of tearing everywhere : the shop was literally torn apart from the inside by a unbelieavable titanic muscle mass. And Link didn't stop that, he continued to grow and grow and grow. His moans was so loud, enoughfor to shake walls of other houses. Everyone had come out and watched this titanic thing grow, in fear. Then it stopped. There was absolutely nothing left of the shopkeeper's shop, only few debris from the the roof which were still on the muscular back of Link. The inhabitants could hear a very very very loud gasp. Then this thing rise up and the last remnants of the roof were falling from his titanic back. A gigantic shadow covered the village. When Link stood, holy shit, all was so small. He was a fucking giant, I mean REALLY REALLY giant : 50 feet at least !!! The shopkeeper looked him with wide eyes, totally afraid, and said "..... ok... I didn't say anything.... Take what you want !!!!!!" in shaking. But Link was too concerned by his new humongous body. He flexed his biceps, and holy shit, look the size of this gun. And the power... Previously he already felt like a god but now... He was god of god of god. It was just so inimaginable. There was this expression "move mountains" but here, he felt like he could LITERALLY move mountains ! Link really wanted to roar but he was sure he could destroy the village only in roaring. He became just too much powerful ! Just walking made the ground shake. Suddenly, he felt, at several times, something of warm and sticky, hit him against his fucking incredible fourteen-pack and then flowed between canyons of his abs. He looked down and he saw Max, who was drooling and cumming in watching his boyfriend. Haha it was so funny, he looked like a child in front of a giant bodybuilder (yeah, a child of 20 feet and severals thousand pounds of pure muscle). Now, it was necessary to rebalance the balance so... it was the time to find another sea of Malice for Max and why not, after, have a "little" sex marathon ? (but not in the village he didn't want to drown people under a cum tsunami)
  18. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 With every step and every breath in of the cold winter air I felt as if a spell was lifting. My attraction to Karl and fixation on his huge muscles and enormous cock was being replaced with sheer disbelief at what had just happened. Slowly my thoughts were becoming my own again as my mind raced through the events of the last couple of hours. How had I as a straight man, who’d never had any interest in other men, let myself be used by that gym-rat, the epitome of everything I despised? As I turned the key in the front door of my house and heard the lock click open I came to a sudden realisation. I had been drugged. It was the only explanation I could think of to explain the bizarre events of today. Somehow Karl had fed me some illegal substance which had an abnormal and extreme effect on me. But how had he done it? I’d not had anything to eat or drink whilst I was there and to be honest the effects had been almost immediate, pretty much from the start of our encounter. It was then, sat in the dark on the sofa in my living room, that I remembered the strange but seductive scent coming off Karl that I’d noticed as soon as I met him. Still dazed from the afternoon, I could almost hear the cogs of my brains turning over, trying to connect the dots. Finally, something clicked and I remembered the strange looking bottle, “Alpha Scent”, which I’d glimpsed in Karl’s desk. Yes, that was it! Clearly this scent had some pheromones or something in it that caused extreme desire in whoever smelt it. Ridiculous as it sounded, it was the only possible explanation I could come up with. The longer I sat there on the sofa, the more my confusion and embarrassment were replaced with anger. Luckily for me, my wife wasn’t due home from work for 2 hours – I needed a plan. *** Two days later I was sat outside Karl’s office, waiting to pick up my new car. My heart was racing at the plan I’d concocted but I was confident that it would work, having spent several hours over the last few days perfecting it. A few minutes after I arrived, Karl’s office door opened and an attractive woman in her early 40s left. I could tell from her harassed look and the fact that her blouse wasn’t buttoned up correctly that she had just been subjected to the “Karl” treatment. The huge man himself appeared in the doorway a few seconds later, his shirt unbuttoned at the top, covered in a sheen of sweat from his most recent workout. “Give me two minutes Joe,” he called, grabbing a towel from behind the door and heading down the corridor to where I guessed the showers were. I nodded in reply, glad that Karl clearly had a strict routine between clients, something that my plan relied on. As soon as the shower room door had clicked shut I leapt up, pleased that there were no other staff members around (for obvious reasons Karl’s office was away from everyone else). I opened the door to Karl’s office before sneaking in and shutting the door quietly behind me. I hurried over to his desk, not knowing how literal Karl’s “two minutes” would be, and opened the top draw. I picked up the strange bottle, turning it over to read the label on the back: “Instructions: Use 2 sprays for instant results lasting 24 hours. Re-apply after showering”. There was no mention of what the “instant results” were but I could have a good guess. Conscious of the time, I pulled two bottles out of my pocket, one an empty aftershave bottle, the other filled with water that I’d dyed purple to match the fluid in the “Alpha Scent” bottle. I quickly poured the contents of the “Alpha Scent” into my empty aftershave bottle which I put safely in my pocket. I then substituted it with the dyed water from my other bottle before screwing the top back on and replacing the strange bottle in Karl’s top drawer. The colour wasn’t an exact match so I’d have to hope Karl wouldn’t pay too much attention to it. It was then I noticed something. In my rush to get into his office and steal his treasured secret, I hadn’t noticed that Karl’s masculine scent still filled the room, even though he was no longer there. I found myself inhaling deeply, yet again allowing his aroma to fill my head. Images of his full, thick chest and bulging veiny biceps immediately flashed across my mind. I started to imagine the feeling of his big manly cock deep in my tight ass, to feel him plough me with all his strength and power. All thoughts of my carefully worked out plan left my head as I noticed that my cock was rock hard and throbbing. I unbuttoned my jeans, letting them fall to the floor before pushing down my tight boxer briefs, letting out my aching cock. I wrapped my hand around it, jerking slowly as I thought about running my hands over his swollen chest and ripped abs. I was excited to think that Karl would be back at any second and I wanted to be ready to please him. I found myself getting into position on his desk as I had the other day, face down, ass ready for him to slide his cock in as soon as he came through the door. Suddenly the blinds rattled and a gust of wind blew in through the open window. It hit me straight in the face, clearing my head and allowing just a second of rational thought. That was all I needed – I immediately jumped off Karl’s desk, pulled up my boxers and jeans and ran out the door, all without taking another breath. My heart was racing as I settled myself in the chair outside Karl’s office just as the door to the shower room opened down the corridor. Karl looked pristine yet again, freshly showered and in clean smart clothes, a confident smile on his face. Thankfully the feelings of lust had past as quickly as they’d started now that I was out of the confined environment of Karl’s office and I was able to focus once again. “Right Joe, let me just get your keys and we’ll have you sorted in no time,” Karl said as he passed me, entering the office I’d only seconds ago vacated myself. I was sure I’d left everything as it should be but still my heart was racing. I suspected that Karl would be re-applying the “Alpha Scent” after his shower but would he notice straight away the swap I’d made? My entire plan hinged on this moment. A minute later Karl came out, his confident smirk plastered to his face as usual, the keys to my new car in one hand, the final agreement in the other. “Let’s go out to your car then Joe,” Karl said, with no acknowledgement of the events of the other day but more importantly, no evidence that he’d noticed the swap at all. “Sure thing Karl,” I said, trying to sound more relaxed than I felt. As I followed behind, I tentatively inhaled, but there was nothing, no trace of the alluring odour and my head remained clear. When we’d reached the car, Karl showed me around the outside again before we got in. Once inside, I was aware yet again how much space Karl occupied but it didn’t seem to affect me as it had done the other day. “Well Joe, here’s the key… I just need one more signature from you,” Karl said, handing me the final agreement. As I signed, I noticed that Karl had his arm up on the window again and was casually flexing his biceps as he looked across at me. I smiled as I handed the agreement back to him. “Right Karl, I’ll be going then if that’s everything,” I said confidently. “Oh yeah, erm, sure Joe,” clearly surprised by my lack of interest in his flexing muscles, “unless you want to go for round two,” he added, attempting a deep seductive voice which just sounded hollow to me without the effects of the “Alpha Scent”. He rested one of his giant hands on the equally giant bulge in his trousers but even this didn’t affect me. “No thank Karl,” I said, still trying to stay at ease, “I’ll be going now. Thanks for your help.” “Erm…ah…well, no problem, Joe,” Karl said as he prised himself out of the car, clearly confused at my resistance. “See you around Karl,” I said through the open window as I started to pull away. As I left the forecourt I smiled as I caught sight of the giant muscle man in my rear-view mirror, a look of intense confusion on his face. Little did he know it was only just beginning. *** Twenty minutes later I was standing in my bedroom at home, the bottle of aftershave, now containing the “Alpha Scent” in my hand. I hesitated, torn between sensibility and the desire to try it on myself before my wife got home and see what effect it had on her. We’d been trying to think of ways to liven up our sex life and I hoped this would be the answer, causing her to experience the same indescribable lust for me that I’d experienced for Karl. But then again, I didn’t really know what the true effects of this spray were and I suspected it definitely wasn’t legal. In the end my desire and curiosity won out and before I knew what I was doing I’d squirted two sprays on my neck. The pure “Alpha Scent” smelt great, kind of woody but other than that there was no noticeable change in me. I started to feel a bit stupid as I stood there and suspected that I had just gone to extreme lengths to steel what was essentially just a bottle of aftershave. At that moment though a strange warm feeling started spreading from my neck, where I had sprayed the “Alpha Scent”, down into my chest. It felt as though my shoulders and chest were pulsing with energy, the warm feeling spreading out into my arms too. Suddenly, I noticed that my normally loose-fitting blue t-shirt felt a bit tight around my chest and I looked down to see that my chest was actually starting to swell. “Fuck, I’m growing,” I said out loud, unable to help myself. I watched and felt as my biceps started to expand too, pulsing as they got bigger, huge veins popping up under the skin. My arms felt like they were surging with power and soon they were straining the sleeves of my small top. Without even thinking, almost on instinct, I brought both arms up into a double biceps, flexing hard the muscles which until now had been tiny and pathetic. I heard the loud RIP as both sleeves split down the seam, bursting open to allow my biceps and triceps to continue growing. “This feels fucking amazing,” I called out, my voice noticeably deeper and more masculine, as I continued to flex and pump my biceps. The warm feeling had now reached my groin and quads and the most amazing sensation hit me, like I was having a continuous orgasm. Waves of pleasure flooded through my veins as I looked down to see that the bulge in my jeans was swelling slowly, pushing out as I felt my cock grow. My expanding quads were quickly filling out my jeans too and I could hear the material creaking as it struggled to contain them. My attention was then pulled back to my still swelling chest, which was now way too big for the size ‘S’ T shirt. My back too was expanding, pulling the shirt even tighter and stopping me from being able to breathe properly. “GGGRRRRRRRRRR,” I roared as I reached up to the neck of the t shirt, pulling it straight down and hearing the fabric tear as I ripped it off in one go. “FUCK, I’m a beast,” I screamed, looking down at my exposed torso, as I threw the shredded top on the floor. Beneath my swollen pecs I could see the little bit of body fat I had disappearing, exposing tight ripped 8-pack abs which pushed up like cobble stones. I ran one of my hands down them, enjoying the feeling of ripped muscle under my fingers. Beneath my tiny, tight waist, my quads were still growing, feeling so tight in my jeans that I knew that I needed to get them off soon. No sooner had I thought this I heard another rip and realised it was too late. My huge quads had torn the fabric on either side of my jeans and I could see the exposed muscle underneath. I flexed each of my humungous quads in turn, extending the tear on either side with colossal grunts. I then reached down, grabbing the waist band with my two hands and pulling down to complete the job, ripping my jeans off and throwing them on the floor. “I’m so STRONG,” I roared, unable to hold back as I started flexing, the growth now slowing and the warm feeling starting to subside. I looked at myself in the mirror on the wall – I now had the body of a serious weight-lifter, not quite as big as Karl, but still pretty huge. My face too looked more masculine, chiselled, with a sharp jaw-line with a light dusting of stubble. My torso had a covering of dark, manly hair that had sprung up in the last two minutes on my previously hairless body. The bulge in my boxers was verging on obscene as my rock hard cock tented the fabric. I quickly pulled off my boxers, feeling as my much bigger cock slapped up against my abs. “FUCK,” I moaned, as I looked down at my throbbing cock which was at least 8” long, about 2” longer and much thicker than before my growth spurt. A steady stream of pre was leaking out as I continued to flex in front of the mirror, appreciating my new muscle body. I ran my hands over my pumped chest, amazed at the weight of my pecs and noticing the deep defined valley that ran between them. I flexed each bicep in turn, trying to wrap the other hand round each mound of marble-like muscle to no avail. The huge veins which had popped up during my growth were still there and snaked like a road map down my bulging biceps and forearms. Still flexing, I wrapped one hand around my thick cock and started jerking, feeling the pleasure quickly rising in me. “MMMM, you’re a beast Joe,” I moaned to myself, so turned on by my own muscles. I couldn’t stop running my other hand over my torso as I jerked, marvelling in the feel of the solid muscles now strapped onto my previously weedy frame. Only minutes ago I’d been a tiny 33yo, with a bit of a beer-gut. Now I was a total alpha muscle stud. This thought drove me on closer to climax as I let out low, deep moans and grunts. I jerked my cock faster, still flexing as I watched in the mirror. “Oh fuck,” I moaned, “I’m gonna fucking shoot…”. I worked myself up more and more, relishing the new length and girth of my cock and the sticky pre-leaking from it. Huge grunts escaped my mouth as my massive chest heaved with each breath drawn in. Within seconds I felt my full, aching balls tighten and I had nearly collapsed to the floor in the most intense orgasm of my life, surpassing even when I’d been with Karl the other day. It was like my whole body exploded in pleasure, each of my newly engorged muscles flooding with an indescribable sensation. “AAHHHHHHHH,” I screamed in ecstasy as rivers of warm cum erupted from my huge cock, splashing over the mirror and floor, the final few spurts dribbling down my huge ripped quads. I gazed at the sight in the mirror – I was amazed at the huge hunk of muscle standing in front of me, his colossal chest heaving over tight ripped abs and an enormous thick cock still leaking cum onto the floor. I couldn’t believe this muscle stud was me. I ran my hands up over my cobbled abs and thick chest, feeling sweat and cum mingling together over the rock solid muscle underneath, before falling backwards onto the bed in blissful exhaustion.
  19. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 1

    This is the first story I've posted so go easy on me! It takes a while to get going but hopefully you'll enjoy it - I've got a few ideas to take this further The Car Salesman It was the worst possible timing. Two weeks into my new job and a month before Christmas my decrepit car had breathed its last. The stupid worthless piece of shit, which had caused me endless pain over the last 2 years, had finally given up on life. It was for this reason that I was making my way across the showroom forecourt for my meeting with Karl, the car salesman. I had an increasing sense of nervousness as I got towards the door which in my mind was entirely justified. You see, I am of the opinion that Car Salesmen will occupy the same part of hell as estate agents and lawyers and I was fully expecting to spend the next 2 hours being lied to, tricked and conned out of my hard-earned money. These thoughts were broken by the sight of the man-mountain waiting for me in the doorway. It turned out that Karl was about 6’2 and built like a tank, with I guessed way over 250lb of solid muscle to his name. He was wearing a long-sleeve tight white shirt with an accompanying tie and equally skin-tight dark blue trousers. Great. A gym-obsessed arrogant bastard as well. I could feel my stress level rising even more. “You must be Joe,” he called loudly, when I was about 10 feet away, smiling broadly. I took in his masculine face, dark hair and lightly tanned skin. He must have been a couple (or more) years younger than me, maybe mid-20s. “Y-yes, that’s me,” I replied stupidly, immediately cross with myself for showing any sign of weakness in front of this overconfident gym-jock. He reached out his hand and I shook it, trying not to wince at the strength of his grip. I noticed that his huge manly hand completely engulfed my own and I could feel the callouses on his palm from the many hours he spent lifting weights. “Come on in, we’ll get started,” he said, finally letting go of my aching hand as he turned to lead me into the building. I followed behind, noticing how wide his back was, pulling his tight shirt to the limits, but tapering down to an impossibly small waist. I was irrationally irritated, never having been interested in lifting weights myself, and always slightly annoyed with people who did. I just didn’t get it. Travelling in Karl’s wake, I was also struck by the scent coming off him. It was oddly sweet, nutty but undeniably masculine, likely a combination of aftershave and his own natural smell. I pulled myself back from the brink. Why the fuck was I noticing these things?! Once inside Karl’s spacious office, I settled myself in the comfy chair in front of his desk and watched as he walked round to sit opposite me. I found my eyes tracing down from his chiselled jaw-line, a slight hint of 5 O’clock shadow there, to his huge neck. The muscles there (traps, I heard the distant voice of my A-level Biology teacher saying) pushed out the buttoned up collar of his shirt to an extreme. It was a wonder he managed to do the buttons up at all. I then took in his unbelievably wide shoulders before focussing on his chest. His pecs jutted out from his body, pulling the fabric of his shirt tight so that there were gaps between the buttons in the middle. I could see a glimpse of smooth tanned skin underneath. As Karl moved and gestured his muscles flexed and relaxed under the surface of his clothes, like an elaborate dance played out for me. It was hypnotising watching his biceps pull the sleeves of his shirt tight, desperate to break free with every movement. Suddenly I realised that Karl was talking (well of course he was) and probably had been for some time. What the fuck was I thinking? I’d not listened to a word he’d said for a good 5 minutes. I tried to drag myself back to the present, away from my thoughts about this gym-rats bulging muscles when I noticed something even stranger than my distraction. I was rock-hard. My not-unimpressive cock was aching painfully in my tight jeans, throbbing with lust. Now I was properly confused. Well, a bit more than that and many other things besides. I was straight I told myself…married…and happily so. I’d never even looked at a guy like this before let alone got hard over one. But I couldn’t ignore it and the bulge in my jeans wouldn’t let me deny it. I tried to calm down, to re-focus my attention back on what Karl was saying, desperate to make sure I wasn’t going to be conned. Unfortunately, Karl chose that moment to lean back in his chair, lifting up both arms and placing them behind his head, the epitome of confidence and control. This movement caused his biceps to flex, the tight fabric of his shirt like a second skin on his bulging muscles. My cock ached even more as I realised that if he flexed hard he would easily rip the thin fabric. What the fuck was happening to me?! Next, and totally inexplicably, my eyes were drawn downwards. Now that Karl was leaning backwards, away from his desk, an obscene bulge in his tight blue trousers was revealed. It was colossal, like the proverbial python in his pants, the outline of his cock snaking down his left trouser leg. Suddenly I had a vision of ripping off those quad-hugging trousers, unleashing the beast underneath and taking his thick long cock in my…. Wooaaah! Where the fuck was I going with that? Why, aged 33 was I suddenly thinking about sucking another guy’s cock for the first time?! Suddenly Karl was standing up, snapping me out of my reverie. “… so are you ready to go then Joe?” I heard him say, clearly repeating himself. “R-ready?” I replied, trying to gain some control. “For your test drive,” he said, the look on his face suggesting he thought I was either a bit slow or very unwell. “Oh yeah, sure,” I hurried to reply, standing up as well. Karl was very close to me and again I noticed the strange, intoxicating scent coming off him and I couldn’t help but inhale deeply. This was a big mistake as it made me feel dizzy, my entire mind filled with his masculine smell and also visions of Karl ripping off his smart work clothes to reveal mounds of bulging muscle underneath. I nearly had to sit straight back down again but somehow managed to keep it together. “Great, well follow me and we’ll go for a spin,” Karl said, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil going on in my head. With that, he walked out of his office and I followed on behind, my eyes feasting on his solid, round glutes, jutting out below that tight waist. I noticed that his quads were so big he walked with his legs slightly apart, almost awkwardly, something that 20 minutes ago I would have found totally ridiculous. Now, however, his sheer size was driving me crazy, irrational lust pumping through me. We settled into the car, well I settled whilst Karl squeezed himself into the passenger seat, clearly far too big for the small car that I was intending to buy. “I’d need a car with a bit more head and leg room myself,” he joked, at ease. “But this’ll be perfect for you Joe”. I laughed awkwardly, uneasy at the comparison and as much as I tried to deny it, unbelievably turned on. “Right, take it away Joe. Turn right off the forecourt and I’ll direct you,” Karl continued and I noticed for the first time how deep his voice was. A strange juxtaposition to his boyish face and smooth skin. I gently eased the car away, forcing myself to focus; ideally I wanted to get through the next twenty minutes without killing us both. To my credit (and surprise) it went well to start with. I concentrated on the car, examining its acceleration, ride and general comfort as we took it on a drive around town. Karl kept up a near constant stream of conversation in the way that only people trying to sell you something can. I picked out the odd word but was mainly focussing on the car and not the young behemoth next to me. We came to a red light and I brought the car to stop, setting the handbrake. Karl was still talking and in order not to be rude I looked across, a near-fatal mistake. My cock, which had somewhat deflated during the drive, immediately jumped and started to grow again as I saw Karl’s arm rested up on the window. He was gripping the handle above the window which meant his bicep was gently flexed. From this angle I could see how much the fabric was struggling to contain the rock solid muscle underneath. I imagined trying to wrap my hands round it – I knew they wouldn’t reach – and wondered what it would feel like to try and squeeze his biceps. Inexplicably I found my gaze falling southwards again, past Karl’s mammoth pecs and further down to the bulge in his trousers. It was an amazing sight, his thick cock tenting the material obscenely, making my mouth water with lust. I had an urge to unzip his fly, pull out that beast and suck on his hot big cock head. I wanted to gradually slide more and more of his thick hard man cock deep into my mouth, tasting his pre in the back of my throat, before feeling him shoot his huge load in me. “Joe…Joe…JOE! The light’s green,” I heard Karl’s voice cutting through. I immediately looked up and back towards the road, noticing that Karl had a slight smirk on his face. Shit. He’d seen me staring straight at his huge junk probably with a look of deep desire on my face if my thoughts were anything to go by. I jerked the car into gear, pulling off and nearly stalling in my haste but Karl didn’t give any further clues that he’d seen me staring at him. Ten minutes later, as we got out of the car and made our way back to Karl’s office, my head was racing. I’m not gay, I told myself over and over. This was ridiculous – I’d never had any thoughts about other guys, not like I was thinking about Karl. My mind kept flicking back to the way his over-developed muscles made his clothes strain, the way they flexed and swelled with every movement and not least about the huge bulge resting between his tree-trunk quads. I imagined being on my knees, his huge thick man cock sliding between my lips… The door slamming behind me snapped me out of my racing thoughts. We were back in Karl’s office, me sat opposite him across the desk again. “So Joe, what do you think?” Karl asked, pushing a contract across the table, “ready to sign on the dotted line?”. I hesitated. I really hadn’t been paying enough attention to make this decision, far too distracted by the muscle beast sat opposite me. “Erm, well I’m not sure Karl,” I replied feebly. “I think I’ll need some time to think about it.” “Time is not something I have Joe - I can only offer you this deal today,” Karl said, to the point and confident. “I just don’t know Karl, maybe I can call you later to decide?” I attempted to negotiate, desperate to get out of this place and restore some normality to my thoughts. “Hmm, that won’t work for me Joe. But perhaps I can offer you something to sweeten the deal,” Karl replied, a smirk on his face. He got up out of his chair, huge quads straining the fabric of his trousers, and walked round the desk to shut the blinds across the windows. I watched, confused, as he then walked behind me and I heard a soft click as he locked the office door. What was going on, I thought for the millionth time today. “I’ve seen the way you look at me Joe,” Karl said, typically straight to the point, his voice deep and seductive. He’d returned to stand in front of me, one foot up on the desk so that his huge quads and obscene bulge were right in front of my face. “You can have all of this if you want,” he added, gently grabbing his bulge in one hand and running a big hand across his chest with the other. “You just need to sign for it…” “I-I d-don’t know what you mean…” I stammered pathetically, suddenly more nervous than I’d been in my entire life. “I-I’m not Gay,” I added with no confidence at all. “Sure, you’re not Joe. But who wouldn’t want some of this?” Karl purred as he undid his tie, discarding it on the floor. I watched in amazement as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt, revealing bit by bit the deep groove between his two huge pec muscles. I wanted to scream at him, to tell him to stop it, to run for the door but found I couldn’t move or speak, completely transfixed by what was going on in front of me. “I can see you want me Joe…why deny it?”. Karl was still smiling, utterly confident. “Just admit to me Joe…you can’t resist this muscle body…you’re hard for me…I can see,” he added, looking at the bulge in my jeans. He was right – I was harder than I’d ever been in my life before and he knew it. My heart was racing, pure lust flooding my veins as thoughts of this giant hung muscle stud filled my head. “Yes…” I whispered feebly, without thinking. “Yes, what?” Karl replied, his shirt now completely undone. I had a glimpse of his ripped abs, what looked like an 8-pack, sitting beneath the huge overhand of his pecs. “Yes, I want you,” I said, knowing deep down it was true. Karl smiled broadly in response, starting to run his hands over his exposed chest and abs, leaning back seductively so that they flexed tightly. “Well you know what to do then Joe…just sign on the line,” Karl said, closing in on the deal, one of his hands drifting downwards to grab the thick bulge in his trousers again. My eyes followed his exploring hands, imagining that it was mine tracing the outline of his abs, feeling the weight of those enormous pecs and heavy cock. “Please…Karl…” I let out involuntarily, lust now totally taking over. “Let me…” “Let you what, Joe?” teased Karl, clearly enjoying his effect over me. “Let me feel your muscles…flex for me…I need to…” I moaned, the words spilling out as I lost control. “You mean flex these guns?” Karl asked, bringing his arms up to pull a double biceps. He flexed hard, his guns exploding, the thin fabric of his shirt pulled so tight over the peaked mounds of muscle. He gently pumped his guns, flexing harder each time as the muscles filled with blood until eventually I heard a small ripping sound as the seam began to pull apart. “Oh fuck,” I exclaimed, amazed by his strength and power. “You like that straight boy?” Karl said, still flexing as visible gaps formed on both sides of his shirt sleeves, exposing the pumped muscle underneath. “The straight guy is hungry for this Muscle God and his Huge Cock isn’t he…?” “Oh fuck yes,” I replied, giving in. “I need you…please…”. “You can have me Joe…all of me…you just have to sign the contract,” Karl replied, unrelenting. “How can I trust that you’ll keep your side of the bargain,” I asked, one final part of my logical self still present. “You can’t Joe…but isn’t this worth the risk?” he replied, gesturing at his hulking frame and then starting to undo his belt. With that I was totally overcome, all logic leaving me. I reached for the contract, pulling it across the desk and scrawling my signature on the dotted line before I had time to change my mind. I then looked up to see Karl standing right in front of me, a huge smirk on his face, his belt undone and his trousers falling to the floor. As he stepped out of them I took in the sight of his colossal bulge, barely kept in by the sexy white jock strap he was wearing, the outline of his thick cock clearly visible. With his trousers off, he took one further step closer to me, straddling my legs, one of his tree-trunk quads on either side and his magnificent chest and abs right in front of my face. Karl was so close to me that his masculine scent was intoxicating, rolling off him and causing me to inhale deeply. “Looks like taking that risk has paid off Joe…” Karl said, his deep voice incredibly seductive. I couldn’t think of a reply as Karl reached down, taking both of my hands and placing them on his vast chest. I ran my hands over and between each pec muscle, feeling the solid mass underneath as he flexed hard. I then reached up to push his shirt off his shoulders, wanting to see all of him. The shirt got stuck on his massive upper arms and Karl had to help by pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. I continued my worship of this studs upper body, my hands exploring his chest and shoulders before moving onto his biceps. He pulled a double bicep pose again and I reached up to put my hands on each mound of muscle. They were rock hard beneath my fingers, like marble, with barely any body fat and as much as I tried to squeeze I couldn’t budge them at all. “Fuck yeah,” Karl growled. “Look how strong I am…” As he flexed his guns, huge veins popped up, snaking across his paper-thin skin like a road map. Fuck this stud was ripped. Still holding onto his biceps, I leaned in closer, licking up the groove between his cobbled abs. I looked up and saw the amazing overhang of his chest and nearly shot a load right there. Karl was looking down at me smiling, Godly and powerful. “Get on your knees,” Karl ordered, taking a step back. I didn’t hesitate, dropping onto the floor in front of him. “It’s time for you to realise your potential as my cock whore Joe,” he added, looking down at me. “Mmm yes Sir, please make this straight boy your cock whore,” I moaned, desperate for him, immediately submitting with no questions asked. “Take off my jock,” Karl barked. “Don’t touch my cock yet…” Obediently I reached forward, taking the straps of his jock and starting to pull it down, revealing inch by inch of his thick cock, until it was completely exposed. I realised that Karl’s jock had been deceptive, hiding some of the size of his enormous manhood. His soft uncut cock was at least 6 inches and thick too, resting on the two globes of his big balls. A Greek God would have been happy to have a cock and balls like his. Karl stepped out of the jock before reaching down and picking it up. Before I knew what was happening he had it pressed in front of my mouth, holding the back of my head to stop me pulling away. “Smell it straight boy,” Karl ordered. My initial reaction had been to resist but within an instant an animalistic instinct had taken over and I was inhaling deeply. The same scent that was rolling off Karl filled my head but with the added musk of his cock making my head spin and my heart race. My mouth was watering and almost reflexively I opened it and felt as Karl pushed the jock into my mouth. I could now taste him too and for the second time had to try hard not to shoot my load there and then. “Good boy,” Karl purred as he removed the jock from my mouth, discarding it on the floor with the rest of his clothes. With the taste of his cock lingering on my tongue, I was desperate to have the real thing in my mouth, hungry to suck on his huge man meat. “Suck on my cock, whore…just the head to start,” Karl ordered, clearly reading the desperation in my eyes. I leaned in, resting my hands on his thick quads as I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking his cock head in my mouth. It was better than I could ever imagine, making me feel more complete than I’d ever been in my life. His man meat tasted amazing as I sucked, bobbing my head back and forwards on his huge cock head, swirling my tongue round, hungry to please him. It wasn’t long before I felt his cock starting to grow in my mouth and Karl started to let out low guttural moans. “Mmmmm…fuck yeah that feels good cock boy.” I looked up to see Karl throwing his head back, eyes shut, arms flexed above his head, groaning in pleasure. Without being asked I started to take more and more of his cock into my mouth, as if I’d done this a thousand times before. He was now fully hard and I guessed around 10 inches, his thick girth forcing my lips apart as I felt his cock hit the back of my throat. Karl moaned even more deeply, grabbing the back of my head and starting to thrust his cock more and more into my mouth. “Fuck, this straight boy loves my cock,” Karl growled, thrusting faster, oblivious as I tried to control my gag reflex. I was so hard knowing that he was using my mouth solely for his pleasure, with no concerns for me. Suddenly, Karl pulled his cock out of my mouth, leaving me feeling empty. I tried to lean forwards and take his manhood back in my mouth but Karl held me back, slapping me on the side of my face with his heavy tool. “Stand up, slut,” he ordered, always in control. I obeyed instantly. “Take off your jeans and pants,” he added. I did as he asked, taking off my t shirt too for good measure, both of us now fully naked and standing opposite each other. The comparison between us was humiliating. Without warning Karl grabbed me by both arms and lifted me up, his huge biceps bulging but dealing with my weight with ease. He put me down next to his desk before pushing me over so that I was face down, bent at the waist with my feet on the floor. With a click of realisation I realised too late where this was going. “No Karl…stop…I can’t…” I whimpered, trying to move but unable as he had kept one of his strong hands resting on my back. “Yes you can Joe…I know you want it,” he replied, completely relaxed. “You’re too big Karl….I’ve never done it before,” I pleaded, a sense of fear rising in me. “Don’t worry Joe, we’ll work up to it,” he said and I could hear the smirk on his voice. There was a sucking sound before I felt his wet finger pressing on my tight hole which immediately tightened in response. “Just relax Joe, I know you want me in you,” Karl murmured. I tried to relax, knowing it would be worse if I didn’t. He pressed his finger against my hole again but this time my ass relaxed and I felt it slide into me. After the initial flash of pain I was left with the most amazing feeling as Karl started to move his finger in and out. “Oh fuck,” I moaned into the desk. Karl worked my ass harder and then he hit a spot in me that made my whole body shiver, pure pleasure throwing through me. I let out a long moan and then had an epiphany, realising that his cock in me instead of his finger would magnify this feeling a thousand-fold. “More…”I begged simply, now desperate to have my ass filled. I felt as he slid his finger out of my hole followed by another sucking sound as he got another finger ready. He then pressed both against my hungry hole and I groaned as he entered me again. My ass felt amazing as he began finger-fucking me with two fingers. I was moaning over and over in pleasure as Karl kept up a constant stream of dirty-talk. “You’re my little straight cock whore aren’t you?” he taunted. I knew it was true and moaned as he started to fuck me harder and faster, pushing my ass back so that he would enter me even more. Soon I was getting used to the feeling of his fingers and was yet again hungry for more. “Please Karl…I need your cock in me,” I begged. “Say that again slut boy,” he ordered in reply, pulling his fingers out of my ass, leaving it feeling empty. “I need that huge muscle cock in me…..please…..” I moaned, still lying face-down on the desk. I heard as Karl rummaged in a draw for something…lube I hoped. “Mmmm yes you do Joe, you need this huge man cock in your tight straight ass,” he teased. “What does that make you Joe,” he added. “Oh fuck I’m you’re Cock Whore,” I practically shouted. “I’m a slut for your muscle and Huge Cock…please FUCK ME”. With that I felt the enormous head of Karl’s cock pressing up against my hole. I moaned as he started to push forward, entering me inch by inch, the pain in my ass building as he opened it up. “Oh fuck,” I screamed, “you’re so big!”. Still he kept sliding in…how much more could there be to go?! A lot, it turned out but eventually I felt Karl’s balls resting up against my ass and knew I’d taken it all. Karl held still, letting me get used to his huge size and thick girth and slowly the pain was replaced by the most amazing pleasure I’d ever experienced. I was now complete and knew my place in the world as Karl’s cock whore. Slowly Karl started to slide his cock in and out of my tight hole, each time going a little bit further and building up speed. “Fuck…that feels amazing,” I moaned. For the first time I looked up and realised there was a mirror behind Karl’s desk reflecting what was going on behind me. Karl was holding me by the waist, his bulging guns flexing as he started to plough my ass, veins popping and a sweat developing on his wide chest and shoulders. He started to fuck me faster, letting go of my waist and bring his arms up into a double biceps as his cock still drilled into me. “Fuck yeah, look at these guns,” he roared like an animal. “They’re so FUCKING HUGE!!”. He kissed and licked each one in turn before putting his hands back on my waist. I screamed in pleasure as he pulled me back further onto his cock, feeling his amazing strength and power completely dominate me. “Oh FUCK….your cock is so BIG,” I screamed. “Own this fucking straight boy ass,” I moaned. Karl was now thrusting his cock in and out to the hilt, fast and deep, letting out loud masculine grunts as the sweat continued to pour off him. His stamina was amazing and he didn’t let up at all as he owned my virgin ass. I watched in the mirror as he flexed his chest and biceps, his abs continuously pulled tight by the fucking. After a few minutes I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, my cock ready to shoot a huge load over the desk despite not touching myself. “Please Karl….I need your load in me,” I begged as he continued to thrust. “Yeah slut? You want me to breed that straight ass?” he thundered. “FUCK! YEAH! Please cum in me,” I moaned. Amazingly, Karl picked up his pace even more, slamming even harder into my ass, balls slapping with each thrust. His deep masculine grunts filled the room and I knew he was getting close. “Cum in this straight boy ass,” I begged, coaxing him on and pushing my ass further back so that was as deep in me as possible. “Oh FUCK slut,” he screamed. “I’m gonna fucking…..”. I felt as his cock swelled in my ass and with a final roar he ploughed into me one last time. I felt his huge load filling me up as my own cock exploded over the desk in the most intense orgasm of my life. Karl collapsed forwards on top of me, sweat pouring off us as we both bucked and moaned from our amazing relief. The huge weight of Karl lying on top of me made the feeling even more intense and I thought I would die if it didn’t end soon. It was several minutes before our breathing began to settle to normal and I had a chance to lift my head off the desk. In the mirror I could see the huge mass of Karl resting on top of me, his massive back swelling with each breath he took. I looked embarrassingly tiny in comparison but I didn’t care, knowing that he owned me now. In my post-orgasm daze I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye - an odd-looking purple bottle in the open drawer of Karl’s desk. It was upside down and I’d only managed to read the words “Alpha Scent” on the label before Karl’s huge harm loomed into view and the draw was slammed shut. My confusion was quickly replaced by contentment as I drifted into an easy sleep.
  20. Guest

    (Un)even rivals (9)

    Nine Three days had gone since Jeremy had taken the beating from Ted. His heavily muscled, 265 pound body felt better with every passing hour; his recuperation working overtime to repair the damage. He actually felt capable of getting up from the mattress for the first time since his confrontation with the teen beast. A faint sound made him look aside and he saw his smaller former rival, now trainer awake. Chris opened his eyes and looked straight at the huge bodybuilder on the mattress next to his. A faint smile highlighted the muscle god's face and he asked: "How do you feel today, Jeremy?". "Way better, man. My body has nearly recovered", Jeremy replied and sat up. "Is it true that you stole my muscles?", Chris asked as he got up, walked over to the other mattress and sat down, facing the 100 pound heavier man. Jeremy stared down to avoid his former rival's gaze. "I… ehm…", he mumbled. "Is it?", Chris asked again as he put his hand under the muscle god's chin and gently lifted up his head to make eye contact. "Yes", Jeremy muttered ashamed. "Why?", Chris inquired. "I… I was tired of coming in second behind you. I mean, you're a year younger than me and still outclassed me during our competitions. I tried bulking up but lacked the vascularity to even face you in the final. Roids weren't an option. I found a website about voodoo, with a spell to realize my greatest desire: grow freaking huge. You were the only one that stood between me and dominating the sport…", Jeremy told. "And what about my cousin?", Chris interjected. "I needed some body fluid for the spell. Your cousin wanted to get back on you and needed a clean urine sample to get his gym membership. So we made a deal: he would get me a sweat drenched shirt of you and I would hand him one of my urine samples.", Jeremy continued. "That's why he wanted to arm wrestle. And why he stretched the struggle on purpose", Chris shouted in his higher pitched voice. Jeremy nodded. "You know what happened then: I used the spell and grew huge on your size. I even gain muscle more easily from my workouts now." "You probably stole my good genetics too", Chris added, "I always hated working out, but my muscles responded insanely fast. I only train twice a week and got this body. Well, not this one, but you know what I mean". "Can you forgive me, Chris?", Jeremy asked softly. "Off course, man. I no longer have to work out any more. And your body looks way better than mine ever did. Drives me mad just to look at you", Chris said and kissed the muscle god on his lips. The kiss surprised Jeremy, but he instinctively returned it, making his strong tongue snake into the smaller guy's mouth. He put his hands underneath his lover's ass to lift him up but felt the small guy shiver. "What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you", he said as he broke the kiss. "I know", Chris replied, "It's my cousin. He's been raping my ass the past days. He made me chose between him beating you up every day or dominating me." "You let him rape you just to protect me? He's 200 pounds heavier than you. I'll protect you from now on", Jeremy said and took his smaller lover gently in his arms in a protective reflex. "Would you dare to take him on again?", Chris asked and let his frail hands roam the thick muscles of the wide torso he was pressed against. "I wouldn't stand a chance, but to protect you, yes", Jeremy said, enjoying the feeling of his muscles being groped. "And what if we would even the odds a bit?", Chris stated and wormed himself free from his bigger lover's hold. "How?", Jeremy asked and watched the smaller guy walk over to his own mattress. "My cousin left the papers with your voodoo stuff in here to make me see how you stole my muscles", Chris said as he took the papers from underneath his mattress, "but he forgot to take out the page with the spell on it. I've read and reread the entire text. As I get it, the spell is still active in me but apparently your current size is what you want to be". "I don't want to take any more muscle from you. Not after everything you did for me", Jeremy replied abruptly. "Not what's left of my muscle, I like my current size too. Not having to bother to go to the gym anymore", Chris stated, "But I could use the spell to take tom's muscle and pass them to you through me." "Why not your cousin's muscles? I'ld be freaking massive!", Jeremy asked. "He's too big to control him during the transfer. He would beat you up before you could match him. You're already bigger than Tom so you can easily dominate him. Then you'll be big enough to take on my cousin", Chris said. "Off to the gym", Ted boomed in his deep baritone voice. He roughly pulled Tom's head from his cock and shoved the 205 pound bodybuilder away. He got dressed and strutted out off the bathroom. Tom waited to get up from the tilled floor until he heard the door slam shut and the beastly teen's car race off. He wiped the sticky remnants of the teen beast's orgasm from his face and wrapped a towel around his muscular waist. He walked through the hallway on his way to grab some breakfast when the small Chris emerged from his room. "You have to see this, man", Chris said to the 40 pounds heavier bodybuilder and went back in his room. "What?", Tom asked and stepped inside. "ME!", Jeremy boomed and grabbed the bodybuilder's wrists. Tom struggled with all his might but his opponent outsized him by 60 pounds of pure muscle. He tried resisting but the bigger god head-butted him and he crashed down. "Put him on the bed", Chris said to his huge lover. Jeremy did as he was told and swiftly tossed the knocked out bodybuilder atop his mattress. "Now strip", Chris said. He pulled away Tom's towel and took off his own clothes. He looked at how the nude Tom eclipsed him completely. He looked up and stared at the naked, muscular perfection as Jeremy stood next to the bed and dwarfed the other bodybuilder. "Go stand at the end of the mattress", he said to Jeremy as he laid down and put his head against the naked Tom. Jeremy moved as instructed and looked down on the two smaller men lying on the mattress, his dick plump at the thought of growing even bigger. "What are you waiting for, big guy? Get your cock in me. I want to feel you grow massive", Chris said. Jeremy blinked at the remark but noticed the determined look in his smaller lover's eyes. He slowly sat down on his knees at the end of the mattress and pulled the smaller guy toward him. He gently eased his now fully hard 7 incher inside his lover without removing his gaze from the smaller guy's blue eyes. "Fuck ", Chris grunted in pleasure as he felt the huge bodybuilder's pubes brush against his ass. His back arched up in sheer bliss and he fell back down, his head touching the knocked out Tom's torso. "Ready to grow beastly?", he asked and looked into his already huge lover's eyes. Jeremy nodded, his lust as strong as his smaller lover's one. "Here we go", Chris said, " Gargak Profundis atque venerabilis, Ggrrtjzaku dzedzikoirku! Translatio vigoris mei et essentiae meae, Ggrrtjzaku dzedzikoirku!". A surge of power shot through his 159 pound body as a wave of hotness flowed from the knocked out bodybuilder into him. At the same time a coldish weakness formed in his stomach and a draining feeling formed in his ass. "Yeah", Jeremy grunted as he felt a jolt of hotness tingle along his rock-hard 7 incher and flow into him. The feeling spread across his 265 pound physique. He closed his eyes and threw back his head in pleasure. The mixed feelings of warmth and cold, strength and weakness whirled through Chris. His lust for turning his lover into beastly perfection intensified the spell and he felt the power flowing from his ass into the throbbing cock inside him. Jeremy's eyes were still closed in pleasure as he felt a warm pump flow from his rock-hard 7 incher into his stomach and spreading across his thickly muscled frame. "Mugh", he groaned as he felt his steely muscles harden all over his godly body. . His body surged with growth, powered by Tom's muscles and Chris' desire to make him colossal. Chris' eyes widened in lust and admiration as he stared at the unbelievably hot scene unfolding in front of him: his huge lover evolved into sheer, colossal muscular perfection. Veins exploded across the growing masses of hard, meaty muscles as the 265 pound bodybuilder swelled beyond huge. His already broad shoulders doubled in width as his delts turned into cannonballs; his meaty pecs tripled in size, forming half-watermelon-sized slabs of beef that made his nipples point straight down and formed a rack that obscured half of his developing six-pack; his six-pack evolved accordingly and his abs grew into cobblestone-sized, hard bricks and turned into an armor-hard eight-pack; his 22 inch arms ballooned to 35 inches in mere seconds, turning his thick arms into meaty hams hanging at his sides; his heavily muscled quads that were positioned beside Chris' torso, thickened into tree-sized pillars of muscle and pushed into the smaller guy's sides. Chris' legs, wrapped around his swelling lover's torso, were pushed open as the strong lower back broadened and overpowered them. His ass, stretched tight around the growing cock deep inside it, was pulled up as the huge bodybuilder also grew in height. The sight and feeling of his heavily muscled lover growing in front and inside of him was too much for Chris. His own throbbing 7 incher twitched and smacked against the corrugated landscape that was the beastly eight-pack. "Jeremy!", he yelled out in lust as he exploded against the cobblestone-sized abs, his meager load squirting into the deep ridges between the thick, hard muscles. Jeremy opened his eyes as he felt the liquid rub against his stomach and heard his former rival groan his name. He gazed down and noted how childishly small His lover looked next to him. A grin spread across his face as an idea crossed his mind. "Wrap your legs around me. tight", he rumbled in his deepened baritone. The muscle god's deep voice vibrated in Chris' body and made him blow another load against the steely eight-pack. Instinctively, he did as he was told and tightened his legs around the marble-like hard torso. Jeremy felt the legs tighten against his more-than-hard lower back. He then stood up in a swift motion, his tree-sized quads flexing in the process. With his ham-like arms hanging at his sides, he supported the small guy's weight with his rock-hard cock. The pleasure combined with the look of utter reverence in the small guy's eyes sent him over the edge. He grabbed hold of his lover with his right paw, covering half his torso as his cock exploded hard and violently inside the tight ass. He saw his lover's stomach bloat as load after load of his thick spunk blasted in him. After ten heavy shots, his orgasm cooled down and he slowly pulled the small guy from his cock. His eyes widened as inch after inch of thick, meaty cock appeared from the frail ass. "Like it? I thought your cock should match your colossal muscle. So I adapted the spell a bit", Chris said with a grin and let his hands roam the stony mass of the muscle god's 35 inch right arm. Jeremy simply stared at his now 15 incher that protruded proudly in front of his majestic body. "Yeah! Huge like Ted!", he boomed in his deepened voice and put his lover gently down on the mattress. "But way better looking. Your proportions are perfect. Seems like you grew taller to match your new size", Chris said in utter amazement. Unlike his bulky looking cousin, Jeremy still maintained his perfect symmetry, looking like a colossal, yet capable-of-swift-movements athlete. Jeremy simply looked contest ready: his paper-thin skin was wrapped tightly around his bulging muscles; striations were visible on every mound of hard beef even though he stood fully relaxed. Jeremy threw a few poses to showcase his new physique, his skin stretching to accommodate the new girth of his massive, vein-decorated muscles. "Fuck! Look at my bi's! Boulders of beef!, he said as he raised his arms in a double bicep pose, making the meaty mounds swell into their now 35 inches. He lowered his arms and bounced his pecs. The protruding rack of muscles danced atop his chest, striations and veins undulating across the half watermelons crammed under his stretched skin. He shook his tree-sized left leg, making the incredible mass of his quads role from left to right, and flexed it: deep canyons exploded aside the thick heads of muscle fed by veins snaking over them. His slowly deflating, still half-hard cock jolted and smacked against the steely hard leg. "Thanks man", he said as he relaxed his leg and looked down at his small lover on the mattress, "you made my bigger beyond my wildest dreams. Even after I stole your size. How can I ever repay you?". He gently grabbed hold of the smaller guy's armpits and lifted him off the mattress. "We'll figure something out, big guy", Chris said, enjoying the feeling of being hoisted up by the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He wrapped his arm around the muscle god, or tried to. His huge lover's back was so wide that his arms didn't make it past the massive, cannonball-sized delts: his frail hands grabbed the meaty mass of the rear delt, unable to dent the hard surface. He leaned into the massive body, the protruding rack of pecs pleasurably pressing against his own weak chest, and kissed the muscle god's lips. Jeremy returned his smaller lover's kiss. He wrapped one anaconda-like arm gently around the 159 pound guy to support him, his free paw grabbed the back of the guy's head and pulled him in; at the same time, his tongue invaded his lover's mouth. Chris was overwhelmed with pleasure and his cock raced back to hardness between his own softened abs and the concrete-like eight-pack. Black dots began dancing before his eyes as the muscle god kept kissing him. He tapped the rear delts with all his might to make clear he was in need of air. Jeremy grumbled at the soft tickles of his small lover against his shoulders. He opened his eyes and noticed the dark red color of the guy's face, realizing he was suffocating. He broke the kiss. Chris inhaled deeply as he let his body rest against the hot, hard surface of the now colossal Jeremy. The sound of the back door slam shut signaled Ted's return. "Yo, Tom!", the beastly teen boomed as he tossed his gym bag on the floor. "Where ya hidding, ya runt?", he yelled as he took a gallon of milk from the fridge, mixed it with an insane amount of protein powder and gulped down the impossibly large drink in three long gulps. "My cousin's bony ass will have to do", he said to himself and strutted out off the kitchen. The sound of the heavy footsteps slowly climbing the stairs vibrated through the house as the teen beast went up. Chris jumped up on his mattress as the door of his room was ripped open violently. He instinctively crawled back against the wall as his massive cousin swaggered inside. A smug grin formed on Ted's lips at his weak cousin's reaction and at the look of fear in his eyes. He slowly walked toward the mattress against the furthest wall of the room. His cock twitched in anticipation inside his boxers. Despite having jerked three times in the shower after his workout, he was ready for another round. "STOP TIGHT THERE!" A deep, booming command filled the room, rolled against the walls and rattled the windows. Ted turned around in surprise. The grin disappeared from his face as a huge man worked his way through the door. "Who the fuck…?", he asked without taking his eyes off the colossal bodybuilder. "Don't you recognize me?", Jeremy asked and stood still just inside the room, "I did get a little bigger since our last meeting". He clenched his right fist, making his forearm ripple with strength as its corded muscles tensed and his upper arm harden in the process. Ted's eyes glistened as he recognized Jeremy. He scanned the massive muscles on the guy's bare torso and noticed he was wearing a pair of his sweatpants that were nicely filled out by his legs. "Let's ditch this", Jeremy said and moved toward the teen beast with one long stride. He grabbed the guy's shirt and tore if off his beastly body in a swift motion, exposing the other giant's torso. Standing 6 feet tall, Ted had to look up to look in the now massive Jeremy's eyes. He took an instinctive step backward. Chris stared at the two giant's. At 6'5, Jeremy towered above his cousin, but the beastly teen's muscles looked bigger on his more compact frame. Coming direct from the gym, his cousin's shoulders and arms were still pumped. "No longer the biggest stud", Jeremy said to Ted and bounced his pecs as he spoke, "Let's go and don't bother us ever again!". Ted looked at the half watermelons dance atop the other giant's chest. He closed his right paw in a fist, pulled back his massive arm and slammed it with all his might into the deeply grooved eight-pack in front of him. Jeremy blinked in surprise: the sledgehammer-like fist had hit his cobblestone-sized abs at full force with a loud smack but the punch had bounced off the steely hard surface without even denting it. "That all you got?", he asked mockingly and returned the favor. Ted couldn't believe that his devastating blow hadn't done any damage. Before he could react, the other giant slammed his own fist into his six-pack. He grunted faintly as he felt his strong abs give in slightly. He threw another punch against the eight-pack, but Jeremy clenched his abs just in time, making the punch bounce off once more. Jeremy saw the look of disbelieve on the beastly teen's face and hit the guy's six-pack a second time. This time his fist encountered a fully flexed brick-like wall, not giving in the slightest. Ted didn't give the huge bodybuilder any time to pull back his thick arm: he grabbed hold of the guy's massive shoulders and pulled him down. Chris saw the two giants slump down and continue their fight on the floor. It was a pile of heaving, sweaty muscle that rolled back and forth, paws locked into each other and straining as the two muscle gods fought for dominance. Ted somehow ended up on top and threw a hard punch in Jeremy's face, bruising his left cheek as the bodybuilder turned his head to avoid the punch. Ted grabbed hold of Jeremy's clawing arms and pushed them down to the floor behind the guy's head. "Not so tough after all", he grunted as he tried to bring down the massive arms completely. Jeremy fought back and managed to block the teen beast's advance. His tree-sized arms shook with effort against the inhumane strength of his opponent. He suddenly gave in and pulled with all his force, making the beastly teen lose his balance and fall forward over him. Ted rolled over the other giant and quickly jumped back on his feet. He turned around and saw Jeremy charge at him. He braced his 367 pound body for the impact but the momentum of the bodybuilder's 365 pound body threw him backward against the wall. The wall cracked with a loud sound and in a cloud of dust, the two giants knocked through it and crashed into the master bedroom. Ted blinked his eyes in mild pain: his back ached a bit from breaking through the wall. He looked around and a hard punch slammed into his six-pack. "Ugh", he grunted as some air was forced out of him and his abs dented in. "Get up!", Jeremy groaned as he withdrew his fist and took a step back. Ted stared up at his colossal opponent. He closed his paw around a thick, wooden beam between the debris from the wall. He sprang up and smacked the beam hard against the massive Jeremy's protruding chest, shattering it to shreds as it made contact with the slabs of muscle. "ugh", Jeremy grunted in surprise and pain at the impact. He stumbled back a bit, more in surprise than in pain. Ted moved in and punched the huge bodybuilder's lower back, hitting him in the kidneys. "Ugh", Jeremy groaned a bit louder and sank down on one knee as a second sucker punch hit him in the kidneys. He felt the beastly teen's hands pass underneath his armpits to take him in a full nelson. He leaned forward, pulling the teen beast off balance. Ted released his grip to regain his balance and his opponent was up in a flash. He reached for the massive Jeremy but the guy made the same move and their hands locked together. Chris didn't dare to move. He followed the fight by the sounds coming from the other room. He knew the two giants would crush him, even by accident, if he got in their way. Jeremy and Ted stood fighting to get the upper hand, their huge anaconda-sized arms straining and bulging from the effort and their hands moving back and forth. Ted threw everything he got into the fight, but the other muscle god did the same. Their faces were red from the effort, their chests heaving and their mounds of muscles pumped with blood. Ted felt his strength fading slightly: he'd worn out his muscles in the gym earlier. His legs started to shake slightly as he summoned more power to stand his ground. Jeremy noticed the hardening strain on the beastly teen's face and felt the faint quiver go through the guy's 35 inch arms. He suddenly stopped pushing. Ted was taken by surprise by the other muscle god's maneuver: he lost his balance and fell forward, smacking into the massive torso in front of him. Jeremy had anticipated this and unlocked his hands from the other bodybuilder's. He wrapped his arms around the beastly teen's torso and applied a bone crushing bear hug. Ted squirmed in the vice-like grasp. He clenched his fist to make his arms swell and harden. He summoned every ounce of strength and managed to loosen the hold. Jeremy felt his hands slide apart as the beastly teen squirmed and flexed in his grasp. The 367 pound guy's power couldn't be denied and he had to release his bear hug. Ted inhaled deeply to refill his lungs with oxygen. He didn't allow his opponent to recover: he quickly wrapped his own 35 inch arms around the bodybuilder's torso and pressed with all his remaining strength. "Ugh", Jeremy grunted more in surprise than pain. Despite the beastly teen's efforts, his own muscles withstood the attack. He could even feel the 367 pound guy's power wear off. "YEAH!", he roared deeply as he broke free from the hold and shoved the teen beast back hard. Ted was caught by surprise as he was overpowered for the first time in years. "No", he blurted in disbelief and fell backward. It felt like juvy all over again: for an instant he was once again the wimpy, skinny boy being picked on by the bigger guys. Jeremy moved in: het grabbed the beastly teen's sweatpants and lifted the 367 pound guy up. "Now leave us alone!", he roared and threw the teen beast through the door, sending him crashing into the bathroom. He felt all powerful after taking down his colossal opponent and began flexing his superb physique in the large mirrors against the furthest wall. Ted shook his head and blinked his eyes. He was lying in the middle of the bathroom along with the contents of the cupboard he'd knocked down when he flew in. He noticed a familiar, black, little box amidst the heap. He opened it with shaking hands and 6 doses of the new designer steroids he was on, rolled in his paw. He grabbed an empty syringe and filled it with three doses. He lowered his skintight sweatpants and overstuffed boxers and injected the thick fluid in his left testicle. He repeated the process for his right testicle. A rush of warmth, energy and adrenaline radiated from his balls into his body. He pulled his boxers and pants back up and got up. He turned around and saw the other colossal bodybuilder flexing in the lengthy mirror inside the master bedroom. Jeremy ogled his majestic physique in the mirror: he couldn't wait to get on stage and crush his puny competitors. He couldn't even call them 'rivals': he would outclass them in every way possible. He closed his eyes as feelings of dominance and victory filled his mind. A hard blow on his lower back made him come back to reality. A second one knocked the wind from him and made him slump down on one knee. In the mirror he saw Ted standing there. "Didn't have enough?", he asked as he got up. Two heavy punches on his upper back made him sink back down. Ted saw the look of pain on the massive Jeremy's face and stepped back, motioning him to get up. Jeremy got up and turned to face the beastly teen. He moved in and once more, their hands locked into each other to fight for dominance. His 35 inch arms bulged and shook as he pushed with all his might. His pumped muscles started to burn from the earlier fight. Ted 's equally meaty arms shivered also but he could feel the designer steroid doing its work: the massive dose injected into his balls was forcing them to produce testosterone beyond human levels. He felt his arms pulse with power as the tremendous amount of testosterone began releasing into his bloodstream. Jeremy felt fatigue and cramp spreading slowly across his bulging arms. He would swear that the beastly teen's resistance was stronger than before he'd beaten the guy and seemed to get stronger with every passing second. Ted saw the increased strain on his huge opponent's face and felt the mild, but now steady shiver go through the 365 pound bodybuilder's massive arms. More energy flowed into his own anaconda-like arms with every surge of testosterone his balls released into his bloodstream. He felt his own strength increasing and the resistance in his grasp grow weaker and weaker. Jeremy couldn't prevent the shaking of his mighty arms: fatigue and cramps tormented his bulging biceps and corded forearms. Sweat was rolling from his forehead over his cheeks from the effort. He flexed his tree-sized quads, his legs hardening into an impressive sight, to summon every bit of strength left inside him. Ted felt the increased power of his opponent against his grasp, but his freshly energized and continually fed arms repelled the attack. Jeremy's entire body was starting to tremble as he fought with everything he had against the beastly teen. He suddenly stopped pushing and pulled to throw the teen beast off balance. Ted's colossal body didn't budge an inch as the 365 pound bodybuilder tried pulling him in. Jeremy knew he was in trouble as his maneuver failed: spasms and cramps shot through his body as he felt his strength waning further and further. "My turn", Ted said in a somehow deeper voice and yanked at his opponent's hands. Jeremy instantly lost his balance and smacked against the rock-hard torso of the teen beast. His head shot back and he groaned in pain as the beastly teen's meaty arms closed around his own hyper-muscled torso. Ted didn't flex his arms or clench them together: he simply held the 365 pound bodybuilder in his steely grasp. By now, the testosterone was flowing rapidly into his muscles, making them swell and harden. Jeremy tried squirming free, but his fatigued muscles protested. He knew he had to let them recover and pretended he passed out to fool his opponent. He felt the steely grasp tighten and harden with every passing second. He inhaled deeply and made his move. He summoned every ounce of strength he could scrape together in his 365 pound body and squirmed with everything he had. Ted felt the massive Jeremy's resistance, but it was no use: it felt feeble and didn't budge his hardening arms a bit. The testosterone coursing through his body and now flooding his muscles had totally refreshed his energy levels. The time Jeremy had taken to make his own muscles recover, Ted had grown 20 pounds heavier. Jeremy opened his eyes and a look of pure horror filled his face: the beastly teen that held him tightly secured in his grasp was clearly growing. He tried resisting, but his own majestic body didn't move an inch inside the vice-like hold. An evil grin spread across Ted's lips at the look on the huge bodybuilder's face. It felt like the guy was getting lighter and lighter in his grasp, but he knew it was his own body that grew beastlier with every passing second. His once 35 inch arms were rounding the 40 inch mark as he felt his growth slowdown. His body now matched Jeremy's exactly in height, but he outsized the 365 pound muscle god by 50 pounds of pure, hard muscle. Jeremy howled in pain as the teen beast hardened his biceps and made the stony boulders dig into his own heavily muscled flanks. "Let's end this once and for all", Ted growled in an insanely deep baritone that rattled the windows and hardened his flex. Jeremy flexed with all his remaining might to withstand the crushing power but it was no use: he passed out as his ribs gave in with a sickening, cracking sound. "Yeah!", Ted boomed as he crushed the 365 pound bodybuilder's ribs. He pulled back his right arm, made a huge fist and smacked it hard into the muscle god's face. The stony fist sank deep into the once epitome of male beauty and now bloody mess that was Jeremy's face. "NO!" The weak cry made the beyond colossal Ted turn around. He saw his puny cousin standing in the opening of the shattered wall. He tossed the now lifeless Jeremy hard on the floor and moved toward his childish-looking cousin. "Ya're next!"… The end?
  21. Mysterious Comet A Dark, Dirty story about a young man who gets possessed by a sinister alien race, controlling him, the alien sets out to spread its presence across the newly discovered planet. Who can stop him? Author Note: I wrote this story after watching some really crummy horror movies. It's a little schlocky and maybe even cliche. I did take the TFs in a slightly different direction. There's possession, sex, M/F TFs, nerd to jock, jock to more jock, etc. I've never done anything in the Continuous Stories section, but I think if this is something people might be into, their/your stories would be really cool contributions. Again, some of the premises here are probably standard and maybe even boring, and others might be bordering on the really weird. But if readers enjoy this, I'd love to see others stories too. I have part I and part II here. Feel free to post or PM questions but clearly since this is in the Continuous section...make things up as you go along. Oh, a quick shout out to alwaysmyway, his stories kinda inspired this. Pt I – The Arrival: Steve & Heather's Transformation My hands were shaking as I drove the car up to the top of Sunnyside Park, a bluff that overlooked our town. I spent better part of senior year spreading my seed casually around to any girl who wanted it, using my good looks, athletic build and charm to woo them out with me. Fellow football jocks had made a pack to try to get to any girl who was on the cheerleading team, then the girls' basketball team, then the swimmers. I was nervous when we first set out to do it in the fall, now it was a fun challenge to finish before graduation. We'd go after any girl who we knew wanted us and we knew were into it. Only Tyler tried to coax the more shy girls out of their shells. Brad and I, and most of the other guys, tried playing on a simpler, even field. Still, didn't make me any less nervous. I looked at Heather as she bit her lower lip, smiling, she was getting started pulling her shirt off, slowly, running her hands down over her bra as she continued peering into my sight. “Damn,” I whispered, “you know what you're doing...” “More than you think,” Heather answered as she shoved me against the door of the car, unbuttoning my shirt, and quickly throwing it off. She yanked my t-shirt over my head and smiled as she looked at my chest, pumped from my years of playing hard football, lifting weights and pushing my body to its athletic extent. “Just what I always wanted,” she said as she continued to dig into me. I knew she was referring to the hair on my body. Most of the team shaved, she must have been with a few guys before me. I pushed her bra away and felt her breasts with my palms. They were large and well developed, and she knew how to use them on me. My dick started to get an aching, cramp pain within my jeans, and I moved her hands down toward my belt. She backed away from my mouth and smiled at me, something sinister in her eyes. “You're not gonna get away with me that easily, beefy boy,” she said, a wink in her eye. Shoving me against the door of the car, Heather unbuckled her skirt and kicked off her flip flops. “Summer heat is wearing me out inside this little car, no space for my big man. Let's step out,” she said, opening the door and tumbling us out and onto the soft grass. Only in her tight pink panties, Heather stood and walked a few steps away from me, I tried to regain my balance and lift myself out, kicking my own sandals off. “I want to play a little game,” Heather said, turning back to me, flaunting her body in the warm, night air. “I'll make myself available right here, looking this quaint little town, we can fuck like we own every bit of it, but I want you to strip for me, take off every bit of your clothing and show me just how strong and athletic you are.” My eyes opened wide with excitement. “A challenge?!” I asked, a smile growing on my face. I had never been with a girl this aggressive before. “You jocks always take pride in your bare bodies, in your ability to go unabashedly nude and show off. Steve, take pride in the bodies you have, show me that it's worth it for me, that you deserve me, take pride in it, and prove it to me.” Heather wasn't requesting, it was an order. I was going to take her up on it. My barefeet touching the damp, warm ground, I unbuckled my belt and unbottoned my jeans, standing with pride for Heather to take me in. “This is what you want?” I ask her, teasing. “Can you handle what you're going to get...” Heather smiled, “I always get what I want.” Tucking my thumbs underneath my briefs, I decided getting naked in one motion would be the better way to impress her. My dick had died down after the makeout and I figured she might respect me seeing it in its semi-flaccid state. I pushed my jeans and briefs quickly down, bending my knees and concealing my package for a moment longer. “Ohh, I like an aggressive man,” Heather said, increasing my confidence, and my drive. Stepping out of my jeans, I slowly stood to reveal myself in its natural form. I smile at Heather, stepping forward to show her my whole self in all its glory. I looked down to see my work, my body, strong, athletic, attractive, hairy. I could tell Heather was impressed, “what do you want me to do to prove myself to you?” I asked. But before she could answer a loud buzz came from overhead, a sharp spark of light lit right above us and it roared into the nearby tree coverage to the west. “CRASH!”, the wave of air pushing Heather and I back a few steps. “Jesus,” I said, “what was that?” Heather was equally spooked, grabbing my arm, almost forgetting the game we were playing. She rubbed it, giving her confidence again, maybe she liked the body, maybe I did provide something more than mere fun for her. But her attention dwindled from me. “Uhh, Steve, go check it out,” she said. “I don't know,” I answered, “I'm sure it's nothing, can't we just...” “Do it Steve!” she said, shoving my back toward the fallen object which lit a flame on the bushes nearby. I walked toward the bushes, my mind still on the game we were playing. How I could I forget? I was still buck naked. I could tell her eyes were glancing on my ass muscles. I turned around to smile, Heather giving me a small smile back, but still worried. Looking down, I saw a small, black orb sitting in the bush, smoke billowing off of it. “it looks like a rock of some sort,” I said, “an...orb or something.” As I looked into it, I couldn't help but notice the rock-like substance starting to bubble, starting to, liquify almost. “Something's happening. Fucking weird...” I said as I started backing away, “Heather, can you grab my clothes, I think we should probably get out of here.” Heather moved ahead of me but as the liquid started to bubble out of the rock, I couldn't help but stare. Something was beckoning me to watch, to see what would happen. A stream of liquid rose and snaked its way toward me, and before I could turn back to the car to leave, it quickly accelerated and attached onto my feet. “Woah!” I shouted, the oily substance felt smooth, and warm, it was nice, comforting in an odd way. I could tell it was sentient somehow. It was, almost, feeling me out, seeing what kind of person I was; and as it crawled over my feet I could feel it getting more aggressive, burrowing underneath my nails, under the pores of my skin, and as it did it seemed to give me an extra boost of strength, of confidence. I immediately liked it. It felt as if it were designed for me. As if, by being naked, I made myself the perfect thing for it to bond with. “Steve? STEVE!” Heather shouted, but I couldn't listen to her, all I could do was feel the pleasure of the orb integrating into my body. I turned my head back to Heather, having trouble moving my feet with the substance covering them. “Heather check this out!” I shouted, “woah...it feels fuckin great!” What was I saying? The substance racing through me could not have truly been something that I wanted?...or could it? I started to chuckle as I felt the oil crawl under my skin, break off and like mini snakes, it traveled under my skin, racing underneath my hairy shins and up toward my body. As it did I started to feel myself change. To grow. It was so strange, so foreign and yet I couldn't help but revel in the pleasure it was giving me. As the liquid orb buried itself into my feet and legs I felt it swim and burrow itself into every part of my body, integrating into every possible organ, every muscle that it could. I opened my mouth, I could feel myself changing, bringing on some other kind of ability, and I was loving it. I felt its energies stimulate me. As it did, something truly amazing started happening all at once: My muscles started to grow before my eyes, taking on new strength and new forms with each passing second. Every muscle in my super-evolving body surged in pleasure as they absorbed the energy of the oil like a thousand nuclear reactors, surging in size to the proportions I had only dreamed of. I felt as if I was the strongest man alive. I hadn't noticed that the oil had advanced up my body as far as it had. The oil wrapped itself over my exploding legs and quads, pushing itself into my ass and through my pecker. As it did, they both started to lock in and grow, hair pushing with aggression to match the definition of the purest masculinity. I doubled over as I felt my abs contort themselves into deep-grooved slabs of stone, dense, thick and strong. My pecs continued pushing outward as hair wrapped over them. “Steve! Oh god Steve what's happening to you?!” Heather screamed, though I could barely hear her, I couldn't pay attention to anything other than my miraculous transformation. The oil from the orb swam into and rocked my mind, I could think of nothing else but the incredible, foreign power increasing its energy over me. I was becoming thankful for what I was given, for who I was becoming. I smiled and soon after a purpose formed in my head, an objective, a way to pay back the powers that were gifting me with this colossal body. An image of a race, of a species entered into my consciousness, an alien of some sort. Yes! And they chose me! Me, of all people, to integrate their powers and assimilate into humans. No, it was more, I was to take over the human race! To spread my seed and influence, allowing my race to rule again on a new planet. “Yes...” I shouted, “YESS!” I could feel the powers of the race borrow into my body, it was the most immaculate thing I had ever experienced. My vision blurred briefly as my eyes metamorphosed not only into the perfect seeing instruments, but into the perfect weapons as well. Every superhuman muscle in my ultra body became reservoirs for the powers they now possessed, using that power to transform into whole new kinds of super-strong tissue, evolving me even further. I learned I could transform into anything I wanted, I could influence people in ways not known before, I was gaining some sort of extraterrestrial power that was before now was completely unknown to any human. I wasn't a human, I was becoming something else entirely. And I loved it. I experienced one final, spectacular surge of full-body orgasmic pleasure as my new, hyperstimulated nervous system realigned itself throughout my body, becoming conduits for the powers I was now armed with: Immortality, possession, the ability to control other people, and of course, my true purpose, to spread my seed and my race, to take over the planet with my new powers. I wanted nothing more. I was no longer human, I was the Orb, the Orb was me, and I intended to use it to fulfill my true purpose. My naked body soaked in the last of my oily essence as I turned back toward Heather, terrified with what she had just seen. I smiled at her but couldn't look for long without first admiring my newly evolved body. “Ahh, what a perfect specimen,” I said, “young, male, athletic, it's the perfect vessel with which to push my influence and spread my kind. And a male...yes...I think my kind will enjoy being male.” “What the fuck are you talking about?” Heather whispered, not intending me to hear it, but I could hear perfectly now, I could read her thoughts too. “This body is perfect,” I shouted to her, “I integrated perfectly, the melding of Human genes with our essence...should prove to be the perfect host with which to finally build our army...” I continued examining my new body, my newly evolved body. Hair stretched itself over my hulking quads, my swagging dick wider than I could have ever imagined possible, my testicles holding my new power-ridden seed, bouncing between my thighs...begging for release. Smiling at Heather, I took a step forward. “What?” I asked, smiling. “This is what you wanted, your man naked, strong, to be before you for you to...admire...” My dick started growing as I took more steps toward her, Heather backing toward the car. “What are you talking about, Steve?” She asked. Thinking of the name I remembered my past self, a former consciousness that no longer existed of his own. He was altered, he became me, a hybrid of a human with my evolved, transformative, possessive race. After years of searching for a species to take over it seemed we had finally found one worth working to obtain. “I have become more than human, something you will get to soon experience, get to revel in as I have, as I am now...” I mysteriously said as I took a few more steps toward her. My dick was jumping to attention, aching with release, excited to expel its new seed. “Don't you want to feel what I've become?” I asked, pushing Heather against the car as I tested human lust, digging my mouth into her's.” “You aren't Steve at all,” Heather whispered, “you just have his...ummm....memories,” she said as she fell under the spell of my lust. “Oh...wow,” she said, feeling the power of my lust. Reaching down into her panties, I ordered them to dissolve having them fall off before I turned my attention to her slit, Heather moaning in pleasure as I touched it. I could feel it wet and aching for something to fill it. The human was clearly into me, wanted me, the body was aching for my seed. I dug my tongue back into her again, feeling her lust exude completely from her body. She finally spoke again, “take me, Steve, take me...you...I want it, I want it!” I pushed my dick into her body, the warmth and wet home beckoning me, begging me to pump, to deposit. The human slipped her legs over my ass and massaged them. She pulled me closer and dug into my mouth further. I pulsed, and pushed, every bit of the female's body begging for my release. It didn't take long for my testicles to churn, my body to push its energies toward its orgasmic purpose; the feeling of 10,000 orgasms racing from every muscle of my newly formed body into my testicles, my entire being built for this moment. “Oh fuck...” I said as I crested, my ass tightening, my leg muscles spasming, my dick rocking with the power of a volcanic explosion into Heather, continuing to push harder and harder into her. “OH!” she shouted, voice immediately becoming deeper, “OH I can feel it YES! MOOOREE!” she commanded as I continued pumping, ounces of my seed rushing into her. I let go of her lips and looked into her. Our minds met. She was becoming one of us. She was changing. My seed was working. I looked down to see her breasts flattening, pulling against her chest as her nipples shrunk while a strange, liquifying substance washed across her. Heather shut her eyes, “oh yeah...” she said, her deeper voice sounding more masculine. I looked down to her abs as they started contorting, rotating, forming deep grooves similar to my own. As they expanded her mid section expanded with her, legs staying tightly wrapped across my body as they began to shake, first slimming down, looking younger, before beefing out to monstrous sizes, hair starting to grow on them. “She is becoming one of us!” I said, almost surprised to see my duty taking effect so quickly. Soon I felt immense pressure on my cock, slipping it out I noticed her genitals reforming themselves, her slit closing as hair started growing on it, dark pubic hair growing up toward her belly button. Her flat chest started bulking out as her pecs formed a tight groove, pushing monstrous sizes out, snaking its sinew out across her tightly wound arms and forearms, becoming more masculine, gripping me tighter as her strength increased. Her eyes stayed, a smile growing wider and wider as Heather lapped up every orgasmic moment of her transformation, just as I had moments before. Brown hair started forming under her pits, brushing itself out across her arms and toward her hands, bulking up and reshaping into a new, masculine build. I couldn't help but be impressed. What I did was working! She was becoming one of us, taking my deposit and adapting into a male human form, and she seemed to be loving it. Muscles continued to expand across her body, clumps of her long, blonde hair falling out and curling into a wispy, surfer like, hair-do. As it did her face re-contorted, , flattening, becoming wider, and more masculine as a shadow graced across her face, dark blonde hair sprouting to masculine measure; her neck thickening as her throat grew to show her deeper vocal chords. Heather, or my kin that Heather was becoming, seemed to be so lost in her transformation that she didn't even notice I was still tightly wound her wrapped, expanding body. As the muscle in her quads snaked up, locked in and met her waist, a deep adonis V grew over her, all of her muscles pointing toward the new tool that her body was incubating. I could see her midsection pushing out new lines of flesh, ,a new and evolved sex organ growing to massive and mature size; as it grew out of her waist it grew with such force that the size of the dick and balls were mature even before they appeared. They dropped fast and pushed hard against my own evolved package. Pushed against each other, they were like twins, perfectly formed and suited exactly for the same task. I couldn't help but be in awe. This was my creation, this new creature was mine, and it was perfect. Heather dropped its legs and pushed me back as they continued expanding, the creature's new dick continuing to grow and wag, the body's ass reshaping into a boxy, hard bubble, one that exuded pure masculine force. Heather bent at the knees to stretch the new muscular ass and thighs. “YESSS!” he shouted, “YES I can feel it, I'm one with the Orb, one with you!” The creature crackled with the same immortal powers that graced me only moments before, and stared at me in all its new-found glory. “Ohh...this is perfect!” the creature shouted, “Mmm, it feels so good to be back! And in this perfect state, this perfect specimen of a species...that of a human.” My creation looked up at me. “Brother...it is good to see you again, to be here.” The creature again stretched itself, every muscle relishing in its existence. “You, Steve, the human name...what shall I be called? For it's because of you that I'm back. And does it feel good.” “Zack,” I said, the first name coming to my mind. My brother nodded as he continued examining his body. “Yes, the second one. Zack. I like it.” Zack rotated his head as he thought. “This orb couldn't have landed in a better place. A small town, possessing a young couple, you and I: we now started the perfect group to spread ourselves, to breed. Human high schoolers, seniors just about to graduate, it's the perfect place to start our campaign, to start our rite to take over the galaxy once more.” Zack and I smiled at each other. Yes it was. – Pt II – Chris Grows Zack and I looked back toward Steve's car. We knew we wanted to assimilate more humans, to transform them to our kind. We could have driven the car back into town, or simply teleported ourselves. Unlike the humans we merged with, we didn't need to eat or sleep, though we knew we had to figure out ways to assimilate into this town one way or another. “We don't want people being confused about the car, let's take it back to Steve's house,” Zack said. “We can turn invisible and wait the night out, then we can morph ourselves back to Steve and Heather and continue living their lives at school.” “Yes,” I agreed, “tomorrow the football team is going to lift together, in the locker room we can both resume our natural selves and corner the team, we can transform 20 of them at one time.” “You're getting me excited already,” Zack responded, his dick growing in anticipation. “You already got to have the pleasure of it, I need to use my tool soon.” As if a wish were coming true, Zack and I heard a car pull up across the small lot at the top of the park. “Quick!” I said as we turned ourselves invisible. The car thankfully didn't see us. As the human came within closer approximation, I could feel his thoughts. “Another high school senior,” I told Zack, “your lucky day it seems.” Zack smiled back at me. It was a man, Chris, a loner who Steve and Heather knew from school. He was not one of the in-crowd, he was a science geek and a lover of astronomy, one who wanted to meet alien species even, and dreamed of leaving earth. “This guy is going to love this!” I said to Zack. “Let's see what he'll do...we'll find the right time to introduce ourselves,” Zack replied. Chris stepped out of the car, not noticing Steve's clothes from his strip earlier, and walked to his trunk to pull out his telescope. As he was setting it up, Zack signaled for me to walk around to introduce myself to him first. As I did, he heard the crunching gravel and looked around, finally noticing Steve's clothes on the ground. “What the fuck?” he asked, walking over and picking up the jeans and underwear, going through the pocket and finding Steve's wallet. “Perfect time,” I told Zack, who stayed invisible. “Hey Chris,” I said, stepping toward him. He dropped Steve's wallet and took a step back, shocked to see someone there, then again to see a naked man. “Woah!” he shrieked, “Uhh...Steve? Is that you? What are you doing here?” “No worries, man,” I said back, “just doing a little naked mile workout, you know...” Chris blushed, “yeah, I guess so,” he said, looking down. “You're kinda making me uncomfortable, your muscles are huge too, have you been working out lately?” He couldn't help but take a glimpse or two at my dick, wagging as I walked around him, I could sense the jealousy, and the admiration. “Yeah man!” I said flexing, inviting him to look at me. I took a few steps closer, Chris backing away. “No need to worry, man, you can be like this too, if you want...” Chris looked up at me again, getting more nervous, but also with a hint of excitement, “really? What are you talking about, Steve?” “It's easy,” I answered, “it might not be fun at first, but you'll appreciate it as soon as we're done...” “We?” Chris was clearly confused, he started backing toward his car, “what do you mean? Uhh, maybe I should just go...” I could tell he wanted the body like mine but was too confused and worried to say any more. I disappeared from his vision and walked up to his back side before whispering in his ear, “We're the species that you've dreamed about, Chris, become one of us...” He jumped in fear and turned back toward me. “What the fuck, man?!” he said. I touched his tshirt, causing it to burn off as it shredded around his skinny, pale frame. “Jesus, who are you?” “I told you,” I said, walking toward him again. “Give Zack and I a chance, we'll make you one of us, you'll love it...” Zack and I knew it was a point of no return, it was time for Chris to become us. I teleported around Chris and at his back I grabbed him in a bear hug, lifting his small and light body slightly into the air. He started kicking in fear but said surprisingly little. “Wait!...Steve, just...I don't know what you want but just wait...” Zack phased back into vision and walked toward us, Chris freezing in fear. With every step Zack's dick swayed longer and slower before it started growing at attention, higher and thicker before extending to full attention, eagerly awaiting command from its captain. At a mere few inches from Zack I gently lowered Chris toward the ground, keeping his feet from touching. Chris was in complete fear, staring at the muscular monster before him. “don't worry, dude,” Zack said, “when we're done, you'll be one of us, you'll be, perfect.” Zack grabbed his tool and slowly, deliberately, started pumping, admiring his body as he looked between himself and his soon-to-be brother. Chris couldn't help but stare, “oh my god,” he said, “quit it, don't do it man!” he whispered, worried, but not moving his attention away from the dick an inch away from his abdomen. “Just a second...” Zack said between breaths. As he continued pumping his breathing increased, his muscles began twitching, the alien was building his body up to its purpose, every organ aligning itself for its first ritual. “Mmmm, I can feel it...Ohhhh SHIT!!” He shouted. As his cock tightened, it locked in and his balls flung themselves into his huge waist. A thick black load of cum sprayed out and hit Chris square in the abdomen. Then another, and another. Multiple loads as the virility and thickness gained. Zack lost his balance and pushed himself onto Chris, his dick landing on the oil that quickly awoke and started swimming over Chris's body. Chris could only wimper. “Just you wait...” Zack said between breaths, grabbing his shoulder before I let our host go, soon to become our newest brother. Chris started running once again toward his car but he was disoriented, dizzy, he tried scraping off the swimming seed over his body but he couldn't get it off. He ran toward his car once again but froze as the oil gained direction and immediately dove under his pants and boxers and toward his ass crack and pecker. Zack and I both closed our eyes, we could feel our brother connecting with his new body, soon to assimilate into Chris. “ARGH!” Chris shouted as he bent his back forward. “Woah...what the fuck is...happening to me!” Chris's jeans, shoes, socks and underwear ripped in one full motion, leaving the human completely naked. He stood back up to look at himself in horror. Zack's seed had completely collected over the human's midsection, forming a tight bound over his body like a pair of small, tight, liquid briefs. Chris could tell the oil was positioning itself to intrude into his body but he also knew there was little he could do about it. Perhaps, he reasoned, it was actually good for him. Chris's ass quaked as the seed found an orifice to climb into, I could see it pull itself into his ass and have his cock drink it in. As it did it gained length and girth. Chris shut his eyes as he paused for a moment to take it in. “Umm...” he said quickly, perhaps he was going to enjoy this. “Woah...” he said again, looking down as his cock grew, integrating with the seed. Zack and I could feel him assimilating to us, becoming us, we smiled as our creation continued to grow over this body. “Oh yeah!” he shouted, more enthusiastic this time, “I can feel my muscles growing! Haha, it feels fucking great, oh yes I love the body, the confidence, the assurance!” Chris moved and stretched his body as his bones cracked and muscles thickened. Bending his shoulder muscles back to their relaxed position, I saw the first bouts of muscle grow over his shoulder blades, protruding out, then wrapping down and into his biceps. They were becoming refined, strong, and assured. Looking down at his lower arms Chris noticed the veins protrude and additional muscle warp itself around his forearms. Grabbing his abs, Chris chuckled as they begin to expand. His abs contorted and slimmed liquifying into almost a puddle of water, then began to grow outward: even, defined muscles forming an eight pack. They hardened as the creases grew deep grooves into his body. As the muscle growth hit his waistline, new muscles begin to form on his quads and under the last bit of black seed, creating tight contours pushing against the oil. As the last of it entered into his body, Chris grabbed his butt enthusiastically massaging its growth. His rear formed hard muscle on itself, growing outward, strong. As the side ass muscles flexed and locked in place, rounding to become a tight bubble butt, hair wrapped around and onto his legs, creating a new thick layer of black hair over him. His thighs snapped tall and grew, becoming refined and strong as he gained height from his short 5'6” to an athletic 6'3”. His quads peced outward and began matching the growth of his ass. They became like footballs as rock hard muscle grew into them. Soon, the hair spread down to his legs, then up and around his man package. His pubes began to grow over his waistline, wrapping itself around his belly button and up, in a thin line toward his chest. There, his black hair began growing, slightly but evenly, over his new man-pecs and chest. His arm hair grew and darkened and his arm pits tuffed additional hair underneath. Looking down and checking out his growing body, Chris, or our brother who was becoming Chris, began to chuckle at the pleasure. Chris could feel the athletic endurance rushing over him. Admiring himself as he continued to grow, Chris looked down to his package as it begin to fill out with our seed, his cock and balls becoming large and clearly accentuated between his hulking legs, dropping with aggression. As our brother assimilated into Chris's personality, our immortal powers rushed over him, “YESS!” the creature shouted with excitement! “Our powers!!” Even the original Chris couldn't help but enjoy what was happening to him. All he wanted was to evolve beyond being a human and we were allowing it to happen. He was a pure piece of athletic masculinity while also being an all-powerful extraterrestrial, able to woo and pleasure any human—man or woman—who he wanted. He was becoming one of us and he was the happiest he ever imagined. As the power transformation completed, our new kin turned to us with a wide smile. “FUCK YEAH!” he said. “Oh...brothers! Thank you for giving me this, I couldn't be happier, this is who I am, what a perfect fucking body...” Chris clearly had more aggression than I did, in personality and body, and even his muscles were a little firmer than mine or Zack's. But he was one of us, and happy to join our party, and our cause. “How does it feel, Chris?” Zack asked. Chris kneeled to him. “Feels like being a fucking god, a fucking ruler. Thank you.” he restood and ordered his body to levitate before flying up. “Yes!” he said laughing. Chris and I joined in as we flew higher and higher into the sky, our naked bodies relishing in the night air as it became thinner and thinner. We laughed as we raced around the stratosphere, high above the town. I paused as the other guys caught up with me. “Tomorrow we can continue our agenda,” I said. “Zack and I can infiltrate the football locker room. Chris, do you think you can spread ourselves with the chess and astronomy teams?” “Absolutely!” Chris said, ecstatic. “there's only about 5 per group, but we need to get the nerds assimilated as quickly as the jocks. With all of us on the same side it'll be tough for any one group to get suspicious. I'll meet with them both...and use this new tool to show them how amazing this actually is...” patting his dick, Chris smiled. “Tomorrow is a Friday,” Zack said, “Cindy, Heather's friend, is hosting a party for the football players and cheerleaders, we know it'll be a fuck fest. We can start transforming more women tomorrow night. Fuck, this is going to be fun...” We laugh as we fly back toward town, I use my power to phase Steve's car back to his house. We camp in the clouds tonight. Tomorrow, we continue our mission, and our fun.
  22. Chapter one is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7118-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-one/ With a little help from magic Chapter Two Twelfth Night came and went. Spring semester began. Aram hadn’t seen John for a couple of weeks. During Christmas Break, Aram’s family had went to another city, to spend Christmas with relatives. In order to use the holidays for something useful, Aram had brought books from the public library with him, and he had spent Christmas reading a voluminous handbook on anatomy and a monograph on constitutional matters. The books went far beyond what he was expected to read, from his teachers point of view, but Aram wanted to quench his insatiable thirst for more knowledge, and it wouldn’t hurt his grades for sure. It had been a fascinating experience to follow John’s development during autumn and beginning of winter. It was rather common that beginners at the gym got initial results pretty quick, when their bodies adjusted to something entirely new and unfamiliar, but John’s results went far beyond what could be expected of that usual effect. At the Halloween party he had been lean and defined, but during November and December he had began to fill out and approaching a heavier build. One of the trainers had demanded John to hand in a urine sample, since the gym didn’t tolerate steroid abuse among its members, but it came back negative. Concerning exercise, Aram was slightly disappointed with himself. He hadn’t improved his results at all in October and November. In December he couldn’t any longer lift the weights he was used to. He had got a bad cold then, and guessed that it could have something to do with it, but there was also a nagging suspicion back in his head, that his decreased ability could have something to do with Madame Cremorna – that is, if what she did really worked. His scientifically-inclined mind was of two thoughts when it came to the highly eccentric lady in the shop. He missed Emma. They had been an item for years, and life was suddenly missing someone he had begun to take for granted. He missed her warm presence, the scent of her hair and the funny way she giggled. Just as he thought about her, she happened to coincidentally pass by, on the way to her locker. ’Hey, Emma! How was Christmas?’ She looked surprised. Unusually surprised. ’Aram? Nice of you to ask. It was good, but nothing special. And you?’ She looked at him differently than he was used to. The situation felt odd. ’The thing we talked about in the end of the semester. There is no way for you to reconsider?’ ’Talked about? Reconsider? I am not sure that I understand exactly what you are talking about?’ ’About…’ Then it struck him, that he could remember two different strings of events – two different pasts existing simultaneously, side by side. In one of the pasts he and Emma had never been a couple. He felt strange. ’Do you feel okey?’ ’Yes, just a little bit dizzy. Thank you. See you at math class.’ ’Don’t exercise too much. I think it is so sweet of John to teach you how to exercise at the gym, but you have to take it easy in the beginning.’ * * * John had been able to indulge in two workouts a day during Christmas holidays, and the gym had been unusually sparsely visited during these weeks. He had eaten traditional Christmas dishes for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but then returned to his highly well-planned eating plan. He had risen early the first day of the spring semester, and executed a cardio workout at the gym before school day. When he arrived to his locker he heard Peter’s voice on the other side the row of lockers: ’Oi! Swotter! I’m talking to you!’ ’Right. Now his gaze is penetrating lockers as well.’, John thought for himself, and braced himself for the upcoming troubles, but Peter went on, talking on the other side the row. What was going on? John followed the row, and peeked around the corner. Peter, Anderson and two of their friends stood in a semi-circle around Aram, tugging his laptop. ’What the hell are you doing?’, John shouted. Peter and his friends turned around. ’Oh, hello John. Don’t worry. We are just having some fun with Swotter here. Not your business.’ A feeling of unreality lowered itself over the scene. ’Not my business? After all the hell you have given me?’ ’What are you talking about? Only a fool would mess with you, meathead.’ ’Uh. That may be right, but it doesn’t change what you did just a few months ago, does it?’ ’What the hell are you talking about? We were friends in the hockey team once, if you don’t remember? Why would I roughhouse you?’ The feeling of unreality became more intense. John’s facial expression must have been weird, since Peter loosened his grip around Aram’s jacket, and nodded to his friends to leave, quickly following them. As they left the place, John could hear Anderson say: ’Did you see his face? I don’t know what he is on, but I hadn’t dared to stay in the case he got into roid rage, would you?’ * * * When John bought his winter jacket last winter, it had been considerably too large, but since he was still growing, he had expected it to fit better this winter, and anyhow it was useful to wear a jacket that would permit him to wear a warm jersey. December had been rather mild, and the snow that fell several times had melted away. After Twelfth night the weather had changed, a lot of snow had fallen, and it was now minus ten Centigrades. When he was on his way to the gym this morning, he had found that his jacket was too small, despite it had fit perfectly days before, and his jeans were too short. A lot of weird stuff was going on. His unkept hair had changed into a style with shaved sides and the remaining hair kept in thin braids covering the top of the head. Aram hadn’t believed his eyes when he saw John earlier in the day. It was the first time in his life – as he remembered the past – someone had tried to bully him, and he appreciated John’s help. John’s growth during autumn had been fast, but still within the limits of his physical constitution. It was different now. During the holidays John had grown at least a decimetre in height, and his bones must have restructured themselves. His chest and his shoulders were broader, and his hips and waist were narrower. Although Carl didn’t workout together with John and Aram every time, he had promised to accompany them at the gym today. Carl arrived with melting snow flakes on his black bomber jacket, and it took him some time to untie the shoestrings of his shiny black boots. He began to change into sportswear. John looked good in sportswear. The T-shirt was snug, but the drawstring cotton trousers were baggy enough to hide his obviously big legs somewhat. They all trained legs today, ending the workout with heavy weights in the calf rise machine. ’I feel a little bit strange, today.’, said Aram when they had returned to the locker room. ’Uhuh.’, answered John. ’I have felt strange, too.’, and tried to relieve himself from the sweatdrenched T-shirt. With a ripping sound he involuntarily happened to tear it into pieces instead. ’O shit!’, John exclaimed, distracted from the thought of any strangeness. ’It was the second time this week. I must buy larger training clothes.’ Aram stared at John. It was no surprise that John was muscular now, but the shape of John’s naked torso went far beyond what Aram had expected. Carl stared as well on the perfect traps and shoulders of John. On the perfect roundness of John’s pecs. On the valley between the pecs, continuing in a valley between his abs. Although Aram was the only one of them who knew the words for obliques, iliac furrow and serratus, Carl stared on them just as much as Aram, if not more. Carl sat down on a bench, but immediately changed his mind and left for the loo. When they were alone, Aram could manage to have a word with John. ’It must sound crazy, but it feels like reality is changing.’, said Aram. ’That’s exactly how I feel it. So it’s not only me?’, answered John. In low voices, so that Carl wouldn’t hear their discussion from the bathroom, they discussed their experiences. It turned out that they both remembered last semester – and actually their entire lives before that – in the same way: John had been short, shy, scrawny and interested in wildlife. Aram had been extremely fit, confident and brawny. John had been teaching Aram most of their schoolwork subjects during autumn. But both of them could also remember another, more dimly and vaguely recollected, past, in which John had always been built and interested in sports, Aram always had been thin and achieving good grades, and John had began to teach Aram about exercise. It seemed like the rest of the school only remembered the reality the two of them regarded as less real. They didn’t manage to continue this trail of thoughts. Carl returned from the loo, and interrupted. ’My jacket is suddenly too small. I have to buy a new one in a size that allows me to grow.’, John told them. ’Then I know the perfect store for you.’, answered Carl, and looked at his watch. ’If we hurry, we will get there in time before it close.’ They got on the tram. It was full of people on their way home from work, and the floor was wet of melting snow. John was freezing, since his jacket was too small, and he was only wearing a tight t-shirt, which felt too snug. Some people couldn’t avoid staring. John felt of two minds about this. It was a new experience. They left the tram. ’Is it far from here? I’m freezing.’ ’Who wouldn’t freeze in this weather? Although you have the look of a hard fucker who could endure anything. You know that?’ John felt flattered and embarrassed, but it didn’t change the outdoors temperature. They took left into a cobblestone-paved alley, and soon found the shop John had mentioned. It was still open. Posters for bands, mainly punk rock bands, covered the black painted walls. A clock on the wall looked like the symbol for the British Royal Air Force. From the ceiling hung the symbol of London Underground. When John viewed the room, several styles of clothes hung from rackets or were displayed on shelves, ranging from stylish overcoats and expensive lamb’s wool jerseys to the sort of provocative clothes Emelie used to wear. ’Just tell me if you need any help’, said the shop owner, who sat behind the counter with earphones plugged into his ears. ’It’s fine. I know where to look.’, answered Carl. And so he did. ’You said you need something wide, with room to let you grow. Why haven’t you considered an Alpha bomber jacket like mine?’ ’Oh. Eh. I don’t listen to your music.’ ’Lots of people use bombers nowadays, even the bloody hipsters. You have always dressed like you are shy of yourself, and I haven’t understood why. Which colour do you like?’ ’Uh. Blue.’ Carl handed him a bomber jacket in a metallic blue colour. John tried it on. It felt comfortable, and although it had lot of room for results from the gym, it didn’t look too large. John watched his own reflection in the mirror. The jacket suited him. ’It was perhaps not a bad idea after all. Do they have wide trousers as well?’ ’Most jeans are too skinny for your legs. I would suggest army style cargo trousers.’ ’Don’t you think that would look silly? Or angry? Or nazi?’ ’Last time I checked, a lot of my anti-racist friends wore cargo trousers. It’s not like the 90’s any more. Here, try this pair with city camo. But, of course, you need a pair of boots to match.’ Carl began to evaluate the shelves with boots. John found a pair of boots he liked. He observed himself in the mirror. Although covering his body, his new style accentuated his new physique, and he looked intimidating, in a way he never had before. It felt unreal and like he was doing something forbidden, but it also felt good. John payed for his new winter clothes, and they left the shop. It had began to snow again. His new jacket kept him warm. * * * Emelie sat in the school cafeteria steaming of anger. Her glass of water lay before her, its content running over the table. She tried to stop it with napkins. ’Emelie? What’s happening?’ It was Aram. Absentmindedly he used his two used napkins to stop the water from staining Emelies dress or the floor. ’Oh, sorry for the mess. I just talked to Emma.’ ’Emma? What has happened to her. She’s nice.’ Aram uncomfortably remembered Emma from another reality. Her scent. Her laugh. Sex with her. Her sense of humour. ’Emma has got a new boyfriend, and we quarrelled.’ Aram felt a short sting of jealousy, and quickly realised that he had no reason to – in this reality. ’A new boyfriend? Who?’ Emelie had the expression of an elderly aunt in an acerbic mood when she answered: ’Anderson.’ * * * It was his eating day, he tried to convince himself, when he was on his way home from an evening out with Carl and his friends. It had become a lot of comparatively cheap and unhealthy pub food and several pints of beer. The SHARPS were a friendly bunch, but had tested him initially with a rude sense of humour. John soon fell into the jargon. It was very unpretentious. The winter night was cold. Snow covered the grassy slopes, and frost glimmered from the stairs of stone up to the council-flat neighbourhood. ’It was good, Carl. I want to do it again.’ ’Workouts are good, and I admire your discipline with food – I could never manage to follow rules like that – but you got to have fun now and then, aren’t you?’ John followed Carl home. Carl’s parents had went to bed. Trying to be silent, but laughing loudly, the lads their boots and jackets in the passage, and then went to Carl’s room. ’And as I said before, there’s no hurry to become a skinhead even if you were interested. I hate poseurs just as much as the other lads.’ ’Poseurs?’ ’Yes. Idiots full of themselves, who one day decides to come in from nowhere and adopt the skinhead surface with no content. They usually care nothing about the music, and a few months later they go after another fad. They come in several flavours: There’s the racist idiots, who know nothing about skins before ’82 or about SHARP, and there’s the hipsters, and there’s the gays.’ ’The gays?’ John blushed somewhat, and tried to not blush. ’Believe it or not. Some gays think that we are hot, so they try to look like us.’ John expressed some noncommittal noises. ’Which is rather flattering in a sense, but I don’t want a fifty year old daddy panting me in my neck, if you know what I say. Understand me correct: I am all for LGB rights – I’m a leftie for God’s sake – and I am not against some skins happening to be gay. What people do in their beds is their own business. I just want people to enter the scene out of the right motives. If you hate ska or oi!, can’t take a punch, and lack a sense of style, you don’t belong. Any upper class twat can shave his head, but he will not get what skinhead is about. Nor will the idiots who only want a pretext to pick a fight. They are just poseurs, all of them. And the boneheads have no flair for style: Have you ever seen a bonehead wearing a crombie coat? And they prefer threadbare WP t-shirts before a perfect Ben Sherman.’ * * * ’You will never believe what happened during lunchtime today.’, John told Carl while they helped the melocore club moving the large loud-speakers. ’No? What happened?’, Carl asked. ’Peter asked me if he could join me training at the gym.’ ’You are kidding me. Peter is a racist wanker. I suppose you told him to go to hell.’ ’No. At first, I couldn’t believe it was happening, but he seemed to be honest about it, and it sounded like he didn’t want to hang around Anderson anymore.’ ’What if it is just a trick?’ ’I don’t know. Perhaps this could let us put some pressure on him to stop behaving like an idiot.’ ’It’s easy for you to say, John. You have never been bullied. I have seen what Peter is capable of, and it’s not pretty. For Aram’s sake, you should say no.’ The discussion was interrupted, when Simon entered the room. He gave some directions. The room was soon ready for a concert. ’I hope you stand by our agreement?’, Carl said to Simon. ’We help you with this, and your club will pay for an oi! and ska themed Saturday in two months.’ ’Yes. Yes, of course. That’s the deal. Why do you repeat yourself all the time?’, answered Simon. * * * Aram’s mother didn’t approve of his new look. He was slowly untying the green shoelaces of his boots, when she asked: ’John, you have always been a nice boy. Why, of a sudden, do you look like a nazi?’ ’Sorry Mrs A., but I don’t look like nazi.’ ’That jacket and those boots. I have heard about nazis who look like that.’ ’He’s right, mom’, Aram interrupted. ’There’s a lot of anti-racists who sport that look, nowadays.’ Mrs A. looked slightly confused. ’Back when I was in your age, only nazis looked like that.’ ’The nazis were probably the visible ones, back then. But the roots of skinhead culture goes further back, before the split between racists and anti-racists within the culture. It was originally about Jamaican music. Oi! music was added in the 70’s. The split between racist skins and anti-racist skins took place in 1982. The racist skins are seldom seen anymore, at least in this country. The far right guys went on to wear ties and suits or became rockers or were assimilated by the casuals. Actually, I don’t understand why the far right guys tried to nick a culture about Jamaican music to begin with. And by the way, I’m not a skinhead yet, anyhow. I’ve got hair.’ 'If you call that hair.' Aram’s mother still didn’t look like she knew what to believe, but began putting dishes on the table. ’I’m glad that you help Aram with exercise. He only read books before.’ ’Mum!’, Aram protested indignantly. John recognized the situation too well: What is it with parents who behave like you still are fourteen or something? John continued to chat politely with Aram’s mother, while they ate a salad of parsley and fried breadcrumbs, chicken, chickpea sauce, and olives. After the meal Aram and John went into Aram’s room. It looked different from what John could remember. The posters of hockey players had disappeared. A novena candle similar to John’s own stood in the window. Aram had two bookshelves from IKEA, filled with books about natural science, mostly about biology and medicine. John watched the books confused. He could remember how he once had been able to understand the content of books like these, but he also became acutely aware of that he wasn’t able to digest their content anymore. The world felt weird, like it changed around him. ’Aram, I need to talk to you.’, John said. ’Same here. Carl is always present when we meet at the gym, so I haven’t got any opportunity. Not since our homework Tuesdays ended.’ ’Homework Tuesdays? You do remember them? No one else seem to remember, and no one else seem to remember that you once were almost as big as I am now.’ ’So you remember, too? It sounded like you did at the gym a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t sure.’ ’You will probably not believe me, but it feels like I have lived in two different realities, and now only the better reality is left. It feel so good that the other reality has disappeared.’ ’You seem to like it?’ ’Do you remember the same other reality as I do?’ ’I believe so, but I am not sure. Why do you ask?’ ’There was not much to like in the other reality, so of course I prefer this one. You don’t have to be a genius to understand that.’ ’Oh.’ ’Oh, what?’ Aram’s eyes and eyebrows expressed several feelings, exactly what wasn’t easy to interpret. ’Oh… The thing I liked with the other reality, was my success at the gym and in martial arts.’ ’Yes. I admit that that detail must have been good for you. For you. For me that other reality was hell. Whatever is happening, it is for the better.’ ’I’m glad to hear that. Eh. Uh…’ ’What are you trying to say?’ ’John. I love science. I want to dedicate my life to science, but there seem to be some things that are beyond scientific explanations.’ ’Perhaps there are. I haven’t thought much about it, but generally people would call me a sceptic.’ ’But you can’t explain away what’s happening to us. You know that it is real?’ ’It could have been me becoming mentally ill, but not if the same thing happens to both of us independently.’ ’Precisely. I can’t expect you to believe me, but I think… Eh. Uh. Ehrm…’ Aram rose from the chair before his computer, and reached the window. ’This novena candle. And yours. I bought them from a crazy lady… No, she wasn’t crazy. She was very sane, but very odd. She claimed that you and I could have our highest wishes come true through these, but at a cost.’ ’A cost?’ ’It seems like I became a perfect science student, but losing my muscles, while you became a poorer science student, when you achieved all that muscle.’ John felt suddenly aroused. He had packed on a lot of beef. It felt good, so much better than being like he was before. But losing his skills in biology was the price to pay? To hell with biology. The feel of these… He put his right hand on his left pec and squeezed. It felt good. He rose from the bed, standing before Aram with his full height. ’Are you angry at me?’ John hugged him. Aram could feel the presence of John’s muscular physique pressed against him. Aram could also feel that John’s dick was stiff, which made him uncomfortable. ’Angry? Why should I be angry with you? You have given me a gift. You could have asked first, but then I could have refused it as a bad joke, so probably you couldn’t have asked before. I love how reality has turned out to be.’ Aram looked relieved. ’Oh, another thing. Peter want to join us at the gym, but I wanted to ask you first.’ * * * Chapter three is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7668-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-three/
  23. Bueno, ¿cómo comenzar? En primer lugar, me gustaría que sepan que este es mi primer relato. Siempre tuve ganas de comenzar con uno, pero nunca me animé a hacerlo. No me considero un escritor, pero me parece que este ámbito se presta más a que dejemos volar nuestra imaginación sin importar mucho la escritura. Así que acá va el primer capítulo de esta historia. En este primer relato dejo mi mente fluir para ver cómo puedo llegar a darle forma después. Obviamente que recomendaciones y sugerencias son bien recibidas. Espero lo disfruten. ----------------------------------- El short de rugby - Capítulo 1 - Me llamo Luciano - Lucho para mi familia y amigos -, tengo 20 años y vivo en la ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina. Siempre fui un chico activo físicamente aunque no tenga la complexión de un deportista profesional o de un pibe que va de forma rutinaria al gimnasio. Para mis 1.70 m de altura y 66 kg, no puedo quejarme de mi imagen corporal. Soy delgado, pero tonificado y marcado. Además, soy un pibe que el resto de la gente considera lindo: tengo ojos color miel, pelo corto lacio color castaño, cara de nene tierno con una hermosa sonrisa que derrite a cualquiera. Y una barba que empezó a crecer hace poco, y que dejada unos días me da un aspecto de pibe sexy que me gusta mucho. Hace poco me mudé a un departamento para estudiar en la universidad, dejando por fin la casa de mi familia, y esta nueva libertad viene acompañada también de querer emprender nuevas actividades. Y para mí el deporte es importante, así que estuve haciendo averiguaciones para arrancar rugby. Para quienes no lo saben, Santa Fe es una ciudad con bastante trasfondo de rugby, donde este deporte junto con su cultura está muy implantados en la sociedad, sobre todo en las esferas más altas de la sociedad. ¿Por qué rugby y por qué no otro deporte? Porque siempre me fascinaron los jugadores de rugby. No me considero gay - estoy de novio con una chica llamada Pilar desde hace unos años. Ella tiene mi misma edad y es jugadora de voley y también hace patinaje artístico, por lo que tiene un físico envidiable -, pero me encantaría tener la potencia física y sexual que estimo tienen estos jugadores. Ver esa potencia en los sprint y en los scrums, siempre me dio ganas de algún día desarrollar mi cuerpo a ese nivel y ser una especie de máquina sexual. Después de haber averiguado en los diferentes clubs, me decidí por uno y arranqué. La verdad que los primeros tres meses fueron muy intensos. Fue adaptarse a un nuevo ritmo aeróbico, a mucho esfuerzo físico comparado con la natación y a una nueva rutina diaria que equilibre los nuevos horarios de entrenamiento y gimnasio con la facu, el estudio y la vida personal. A pesar de todo, los cambios estaban a la vista después de ese tiempo. Estaba muy tonificado en todas partes: el pecho lo tenía más turgente, empezaba a tener unas lindas, aunque pequeñas tetas que respondían a la contracción cuando quería moverlas. Los brazos los tenías más inflados, como si hubiera estado entrenando todos los días en el gimnasio, pero no era así. Los tríceps se me marcaban cada vez que extendía el brazo, y ponerme una chomba ajustada robaba muchas miradas en la calle. Todo esto era el principio de los cambios, era empezar a tener un cuerpo que había soñado. Físicamente hubo cambios. Sexualmente, también. Mi rendimiento sexual había aumentado mucho, sentía que podía tener sexo con Pilar tres o cuatro veces en una noche y no cansarme en absoluto. Pilar estaba sorprendida y amaba los cambios de mi cuerpo. Una de las cosas que la volvían loca cuando estábamos en la cama era cuando la daba vuelta, la ponía boca abajo y le metía la poronga por el culo, lamiéndole la oreja y llamándola mi puta. Ahí ella podía sentir mi nuevo peso – había ganado unos 3 kg gracias al entrenamiento y a la nueva alimentación - y mi nueva potencia encima de ella. Arqueaba la espalda pidiéndome que le dé más fuerte, que la haga su puta y que la domine. Me volvía loco ver la raya de su culo torneado siendo aplastado por mi pelvis cada vez que la penetraba. Me sentía, literalmente, una bestia. Puedo decir que empecé a estar como quería. Me había acostumbrado ya a la rutina: facultad, estudiar y, más tarde, el gimnasio o entrenamiento en el club, dependiendo del día. En esa vorágine de actividades, un día llegué al club y me di cuenta cuando me estaba cambiando para salir a la cancha de que me había olvidado el short. Les pregunté a mis amigos si tenían alguno y me dijeron que me fije en una caja donde se guardaba ropa que otra gente se había olvidado y que nunca más habían buscado. En la caja busqué entre diferentes prendas de rugby y encontré un short de rugby, blanco, de la misma marca que yo tenía y que era talle L, dos talles más que el mío, S. Aunque sea más grande lo necesitaba, no podía salir en bóxer a la cancha. Al ponérmelo, sentí que tenía un fuerte olor a sudor, ese mismo olor que el cuerpo emana cuando terminas de correr o un entrenamiento en el gimnasio. Pero también tenía olor a bolas, o a sexo, no sabría muy bien cómo describirlo. Olor a macho, creo que termina siendo una buena definición. Esa noche en la cancha lo di todo. No sé qué me pasaba. Pero estuve muy concentrado durante todo el entrenamiento y sentí que no me cansaba tanto como antes. Sentí que los músculos no se me fatigaban tanto, las piernas me respondían rápido y los reflejos los tenía más agudizados. La verdad me sentía muy bien. Después de estirar y terminar el entrenamiento, nos fuimos con mis amigos a los baños del club, para sacarnos toda la tierra y el sudor que teníamos encima. - Hoy estuviste a full, Lucho - Me dijo Joaco, uno de los del equipo. - Sí, terrible. No sé qué me pasaba – respondí. - Te estás acostumbrando un poco a este tipo de entrenamiento. Yo te veo un toque más marcado, chabón. Como que te inflaste un poco últimamente. - Viste, me encanta. Me siento más fuerte, como con más vitalidad. Y tengo una calentura que no sé cómo sacármela. A mi novia le encanta. - Bienvenido al mundo de ser un rugbier. Si seguís así la vas a dejar pidiendo agua más de una vez. A las minas les encantamos. Una ducha bien caliente me dejó como nuevo. Era pleno Julio, mucho frío. Tenía ganas de irme a mi departamento a comer algo caliente y a dormir, ya que al otro día tenía facu bien temprano. Sin darme cuenta, guardé el short de rugby blanco que había tomado prestado junto con la otra ropa de deporte en mi bolso. Saqué para vestirme un pantalón de jogging y una chomba color roja que había traído, y encima me puse una campera de algodón azul marino, que contrastaba bien con el rojo. Caminando solo por el boulevard de la ciudad, volviendo al depto, sentí que la chomba me apretaba más a la altura de los hombros. No sé si era por el entrenamiento que había tenido o qué, pero la sentía muy incómoda, más que otras veces. De todas formas, la verdad, estaba empezando a amar esa sensación de empezar a sentirme más inflado como había dicho Joaco. Estaba empezando a tener el cuerpo y la potencia de un rugbier.
  24. Your Growing Body and You by F_R_Eaky "You just come in and sit down, buddy. No need to do anything right now, especially after that horrible layover." said Dillon, Ricky's friend, as he pushed Ricky into the living room and onto the couch. "I'll take your bag and throw it into your room. You just sit and relax and I'll figure something out for dinner. How 'bout pizza?" "Dillon, we're two college age guys, of course pizza is an option." "Great, I've got some homemade dough already proofed that I can use. I'll just see what kind of ingredients you have left in this house. You just sit and get comfortable." "Well, you've got this house just like mom used. It's stifling in here. If I'm gonna get comfortable, I'm gonna take my shirt off. Will that bother you?" Dillon laughed. "Really? Will it bother me? Did you forget what I told you when you told me beginning of this school year that you were going to tell your mom?" "Yeah yeah yeah... I know. You told me you were gay too and that I shouldn't worry about coming out." "Right. And sorry, bud.... but I like my men with a little bit of meat on them." "A little bit of meat?!? More like Alpha Mr. Olympia on growth hormones." "Hey... we all have our fetishes, mine is really built guys. Yes, one has to look a bit like Hercules before I start worshipping them." Ricky stood there looking questioningly at Dillon for a bit. "Alright... alright... if a guy has the slightest definition, bit of muscular bulge, I'm all over them. If he's built like an Olympian, I worship him like a god, especially if he's a hairy colt model kind of guy that's hung to here! There... I've said it. I'm a size queen, but just remember you've shown me some pics of the guys you're interested in at school and none of them would be able to enter the lightweight division I can assure you." "Yeah yeah.... I like muscle too. I just wish I could build more of it. My personality isn't exactly twink like and that's all anyone wants me to be." "Well... don't think about it over break. You just think about relaxing and what you want to do. Speaking of which, there's a box on the coffee table. It was in your mom's bedroom but it was marked as 'Things for Enrique.' I figured that'll be the easiest box to start on since it was stuff to be given to you and not her personal items. The other box over there is your family's Christmas tree and ornaments. I'm not sure what else decoration wise you guys have, but figured, if you wanted to put that up at least, it's up from the basement." "I'll think about that later. You, get in the kitchen. I'm starving. Airplane food sucks." "Yeah, I know, right!" Dillon went back into the kitchen as Ricky pulled off his sweater and dress shirt and then plopped his very lanky and thin 6' 1" frame onto the couch. He looked at the box and let out a big sigh. "Mom" he thought. "I miss you so much." End of September he had just traveled back to his college to start his Sophomore year. He was working a part time job off campus, one on campus, and studied his ass off for good grades and scholarship. On occasion he would get some extra money from his mom now and then, but two weeks into the new school year he got the phone call from his best friend, Dillon: his mom had an aneurism and died in her sleep. Without his mom he knew things would be even harder to pay for, so he didn't want to suspend or drop this fall term. Instead he made call in arrangements for the wake, funeral, and came in on a couple of weekends for the same and then for the reading of the will and arrangements for the house. Luckily the house had been paid off, and his mom had set it up under a company so that Ricky could take control of it as the new CEO of the company, but not necessarily ownership of it, and that way he wouldn't have to pay inheritance tax on the property and home. The company board made up by his mom consisted of herself, her brother - Ricky's uncle, Ricky, Dillon, and the local priest, Father Birch. His father had passed when he was very young, the grandparents as well. So there really was only Ricky and his uncle in the family now. Although his mom and he always managed to count Dillon. Dillon was like Ricky except his father hadn't died, he just up and left when Dillon was two, and his mother was still alive. However, because neither had a dad, the two became fast friends and stuck by each other since they first met, second grade through high school. The two were definitely a contrast to one another, yet were a match for being so odd in looks. Dillon was six foot tall and very stocky - that kind of build that looked almost like fat but was complete solid like muscle. He had kind of the outline form or shape of a muscular man, but when he turned sideways one could see a little bit of a belly. He had a natural kind of olive/tan look to him, which was odd as he was a natural blond in hair coloring, and then even more off because he had the deepest brown eyes one ever saw. He had a semi-square jaw that was hidden just a little by fat around the jowls. His arm pits were pretty hairy, he had a small little trail that started just above his navel, went around it, and proceeded down, as well as two circles of hair that went around his areolas and nips. His arms and legs had hair too, but it was very fine and thin. Now, Ricky was the opposite, but just as off matched. His was six foot one inch tall, very thin, almost too thin, with a skin that was nearly alabaster in color. His body was crowned by a thick head of jet black hair that frequently liked to hide the most sparkling emerald eyes one ever saw, however he didn't have any hair anywhere else, or it was barely there, almost as if he hadn't gone through puberty. It was very confusing for teachers at first, as they'd call out, "Enrique Cabriola?" and expect to see someone tan, kind of swarthy looking, black or deep brown hair, with brown eyes, but the "HERE!" would come from a black haired, green eyed albino. Because of being so skinny, Ricky was frequently picked on, and although he wanted to be more athletic, he simply couldn't put on any weight, neither fat nor muscle. Originally his mom and teachers figured he'd be destined for playing basketball or some sport as he hit a rather tall height early, like age twelve, but he just stopped there, maybe an in or two from age 12 to his current age of 20. And it wasn't just for sports; he'd always wished he could be bigger in muscular size. Sometimes, depending upon how picked on he was, he wished he could be taller too. A really big behemoth of a man, with mountains of muscle that towered over his bullies, but that was not to come. His mom tried to help him feel special anyway, and teach him that he was just fine; he just needed to find out what his talents were and develop them. Not everyone had to be a sports star or great athlete. Ricky grew up alright though, with his friend Dillon beside him, and mom's encouragement. He decided to go away to college and was studying computer sciences. He was coming home for Christmas break to sort out items of his mom's that he knew neither him nor his uncle would need or want, set a sale or donation of her clothes. His arrival was late as there was a delay in his plane's departure at the airport. This in turn meant that instead of coming home on Sunday evening, he wouldn't get in until late Monday morning. This of course ruined being picked up at the airport by Dillon because he had to go to school and work. Instead he hung around the airport shops until late afternoon, then took metro ride to his hometown where he was picked up at the station by Dillon that evening. And now, there he was... sitting in the living room of his house, no other soul, save Dillon, was there. Dillon was asked to help look after the place, so he made sure the heat was on and working, that any pipes not being used while Ricky was gone were turned off, the electricity was on, but barely used, the yard cleaned and mowed, and so on and so forth. Now... Now there was just this break to get some stuff done and a house that felt empty even though there was a plethora of furniture in it. Sighing he sat up and began rummaging through the box his mom had left for him. There was an envelope with some money in it, some used books on computer technology, much of it out of date, but at least she was trying to think of him. Some other knick-knacks and bric-a-brack were there and then one other item caught his eye: it was an old film and movie projector. "I hear you rummaging in there... anything good?" "Naw...not really. There was an envelope with some money in it. I guess mom was going to ship this box to me some point during the school year." "That's good. Anything else?" "No....although there is an old film and a movie projector." "Are they home movies or something?" "No.... we would've had those at least on VCR tapes if not digital recording. We had at least some high tech savvyness." Dillon laughed. "So what do you think the film is then?" "Not sure... it says... get this, on old lettering tape, the kind that you had to put through a clicker thing where you dialed the letters gave it a squeeze and then moved to the next letter..." "Oh wow... that is old school!" "Anyhow the tape on the film canister says, 'Your Body and You.'" "Oh my gawd. It sounds like one of those films from the 1950's about puberty." "Why would she give me something like that?" "I don't know. She was always trying to help boost your self esteem about your physical appearance. Maybe this was one last boost." "Whatever..." Ricky laughed. "You should put it on. It's going to take a while to produce dinner and those films from the Fifties are so cheesy, they're always good for a laugh." Ricky sat for a moment and thought..."why not? This'll be my way of honoring and remembering mom." With that, Ricky set up the projector, turned to face it against a wall and took a couple of pictures down, as a movie screen hadn't come with the projector and film, then he pulled the film out of the canister and loaded it up. A few clicks here and there and the hum of the machine started and Ricky plopped himself down to enjoy the amusing take on puberty from the nineteen-fifties. "Acme Body Products presents: 'Your Body and You!' : A film about boy growing into young men through puberty and becoming adults. We going to visit a local high school to find out our answers. It could be any high school anywhere in the country, and it's probably just like yours. Why look! We're coming into a gymnasium and there is the basketball team just breaking from practice. And there leading them is their coach. Hello, Coach!" "Oh, hello there. Nice to meet you. I'm Coach Johnson. I help coach most of the teams here at the high school. We're just getting done with basketball practice. I understand you have a few questions about your body. No, don't worry. It's normal to have them number one, because there are a lot things happening inside and to your body and number two, because like any other red-blooded young man you probably want to join a sports team of some sort, you probably wonder what sport you and your body can play. "For instance you might have wondered if you could play basketball, but noticed that many of the players on the team seem exceptionally tall. You, yourself maybe short right now, or you think yourself short standing next to them and wonder if you could play well with them, or against other players like them. Or perhaps your thing is football, but you've noticed many of the young men on the varsity team are pretty big and broad and next to them you still look like a small child. Well, let me you tell you something you might not have known or realized. None of them were as big or tall as they are right now say six, five, four or even two years ago. They were all like you, smaller in stature and size, but grew up and into their frames to become the athletes they are today. "Which is why I'm here. I'm here to look at young men's potential, see what they have to work with, what kind of body they'll grow into, and to help them hone and train that body. So, I've seen all kinds of combinations and body sizes, know how to train them, how to fuel and take care of them, and how to mend them. Which is exactly what I'm going to talk to you about today. Come on back here to the coaches office and we can talk personally without any fear of being interrupted. ... ... ... "There we go, have a seat. Let me call your attention to some charts as I explain what's going to happen to your body. There is no exact set pattern to puberty and what happens to each young boy. There are some basic similarities: you will get taller than you once were, a little broader and more muscular, you'll become a bit hairier, and your private parts will grow and become frequently aroused. However, how much of this happens to every boy depends upon their genetics, what genes they received from their parents, grandparents, and forefathers before them. So some young men wind up very, very tall, while other are short, and the majority wind up in a range that's called average. Some young men wind up very big and muscular, other remain thin, and many become what's known as an average build somewhere between the two. "Now the first thing you need to know is that puberty can happen at various time for young men. The age range is listed as around 12-16 for most young men, but it can happen as early as 10 or as late as 17 or 18. They are known respectively as early or late bloomers. Nothing wrong with either of them they just started their journey earlier or later than most of the boys. Don't get frustrated or worried if you are a late bloomer. Some young men don't have their growth spurts until age 19 or 20. In fact young men have been known to grow until age 25. That of course is a rarity and probably [sKIP] happen to you." Ricky shifted on the couch suddenly feeling a very warm tingling sensation all over his body, almost as if a warm stream of water went down his spine. "The first thing that's going to happen is that your testicles, sometimes in slang terms referred to as your balls are going to drop. We'll explain a little more about what happens to them later, but for now the important thing to remember is they, in conjunction with the pituitary gland are what begins to send signals throughout your body tell it, it needs to grow and grow now! "One of the first things that will happen is that your feet and hands are going to start to grow. They will become longer, wider, and will begin to create some problems for you. The hands won't be so much of a problem. Oh, you may find yourself dropping things here and there because where once you had these tiny little pincers to grab onto things and now you have these larger mitts to engulf those objects, but that won't present too many problems. "The big problem will come with your growing feet. You've been used to them at an approximate size and proportion to your body most of your life, but now they're going to prep for your body's growth spurt and they will become proportionately larger than the rest of your body. See this shoe, it's a men's shoe size six. Now your younger body has been used to carrying, lifting up, and stepping forward a foot this size, but suddenly it's getting longer and wider, preparing itself to match the taller bigger body you will have. So now, your legs that were used to say perhaps this size six foot, are now having to suddenly move a size 8, 10, maybe even a really big size 12 or giant size 16. How big your feet will get depends upon what kind of genetics your family has. Smaller feet usually appear on shorter individuals, while larger feet are on taller individuals. It's alright [sKIP] you have [sKIP] a pair of gigantic dawgs. [sKIP] even [sKIP] overly [sKIP] large for [sKIP] your [sKIP] tall frame [sKIP]..." Ricky began to squirm and fidget his legs and feet. His shoes were getting tight, really tight, and beginning to pinch his toes something fierce. Ricky almost thought of moaning or groaning, something, but decided to try and keep quiet as he didn't want to worry Dillon. Soon however the pain was becoming intense. Looking down at his converse sneakers he could see the canvas was being pushed out all over and his shoe was beginning to morph into the shape of a foot. He could see his toes pushing up and forward in the front of his shoe. He could feel his heel spreading out wider and over the back of his shoe. Suddenly the were this micro bursts of sound as if little pieces of fabric were being torn. Then there were pieces of snapping as if lacing or threads were being broken in half. The smaller series of rips began to turn into louder and longer ones. Suddenly Ricky felt relief and a cool sensation of air hitting his feet, even though they were still covered in his socks, which surprisingly were beginning to ride down his shins. Ricky lay there in awe as he watched his feet growing bigger and bigger, fuller and wider. The toes stretching out so long, yet becoming very thick. The top arch of his feet and the whole of his foot becoming wider and higher, even his heel. His feet began to feel so heavy...and dense.... He reached over to the coffee table to grab a glass of juice Dillon had left for him, but he caused it to tip over and off the table. His arm reach was where it was supposed to be, but the opening of his hands to grasp it just before contact, his fingers smacked it and sent it flying. He now sat and looked at his hands as the pulsed and grew. His fingers stretched and reached growing longer and longer. His palm pulsed and widened become a huge bear like paw. "Now don't worry about all the tripping and flipping you'll do. You'll eventually get used to those larger hands and feet, and then have to contend with longer legs, arms, and torso. As your body develops and gets bigger, you will have to learn to adjust and get comfortable with your new size. Once you do that, you won't be looking like a clumsy klutz all the time. "Speaking of how big your limbs will get, you'll probably want to know how tall are you going to grow? Well, again, that depends upon the genetics of your family. The average range listed for most young men is anywhere from 5 to 9 inches taller. Now don't worry guys if your family is shorter in stature. It doesn't mean you wind up with only two or three inches of growth spurt, just that you start out at a shorter height than most and therefore still remain shorter. Although sometimes some genetics mislead one. There have been some reports of young men going through a 10, 12, or 14 inch growth spurt. A lot of times those great spurts happen to the late bloomers as well. I've had one young man who came in as a freshman all of five feet two inches tall and he watched during all of his high school life as the other boys grew and grew and grew taller than him. Then one day it happened - WHAM! - his body went into over drive. Within the course of year we were looking a new tall and proud young man who stood a towering six feet four inches tall! There are even reports of a young man who apparently had a sixteen inch growth spurt. And then some young men continue to grow during college anywhere from a half an inch to two inches. However, that sixteen inch and the couple of inches in college are probabl[sKIP] and [sKIP] happen to you. ... ... ..." Once again Ricky felt that warm sensation feeling tingle all up and down his body. Without moving his legs or feet he began to watch his feet move from where they were lying, moving off of the remnants of his old tennis shoes and moving towards the end of the couch. But the angle of viewing his feet was becoming weird too... for his head was raising higher and higher from the couch. He was growing. He was really growing! He was having an honest to goodness growth spurt. His legs and arms just kept growing and lengthening, he could see the hems of his sleeves riding up his arm. The cuff of his pants riding up his legs. He could feel the shoulders of his shirt pulling in snug and then tight... tighter across his back. Up to the ankles his cuffs rose, then to the bottom of the shin, then up further to the bottom of his calves, finally resting about half way up them. His short shirt sleeves rode up his biceps, higher and higher, until they were in that in between space where the deltoids and the upper arms met. Still they rose higher, for his torso was growing taller as well, and his shoulders and back were getting wider too. This cause his sleeve to ride up half way over the deltoids. Not only that but the hem of his shirt was now so short to him it was a mid-drift. Ricky winced in pain every once in a while. It was so intense, all this throbbing and piercing pain he felt from his growing. "You may have heard the term, 'growing pains.' This is a feeling of pain, almost like you've been suddenly poked, or stabbed with a very thin sharp object, or maybe even like you've been stung. It's ok. Nothing is wrong. It's just that your body is growing at an incredible rate and sometimes this makes the bones and joints feel tired, worn, and achy." Slowly but surely, Ricky's growth slowed down and then came to a halt. He breathed a few minutes trying to relax himself, calm down, and hopefully the pain would lessen, when suddenly his body gave a few jolts of pain, a few forward lurches so to speak, and his vision just suddenly ... POP! ... POP!... rose higher ever so slightly. His feet rammed and pushed into the far arm rest of the couch just a bit further. Then his body relaxed and his pain began to ease. Figuring he needed to stretch a little to work some of the pains and kinks out , he moved his legs and feet and put them up on top of the far arm rest. He couldn't believe how small he was making the couch look now. "Another thing that's going to happen to you is your suddenly going to get a bit more muscular. Now again, don't worry if you don't seem to develop into a Hercules of sports. Some men have great muscular genetics, some don't. Not everyone is going to have the necessary body type to build an astonishing physique, even if they take up the new fad sport sweeping the country called bodybuilding. "You see there are three types of bodies: endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. Ectomorphs are those who are average on down to those who can't seem to put on any muscle at all. They are the very skinny to the average built guys that most everyone sees. Then there are the endomorphs who are the people who frames carry a lot of heavy weight, but not muscular, it's more fat. They are the young men who are healthy, husky, or even heavy and fat. And don't be upset if you are fat. Different people developed different body types depending upon where they were raised. Take for example the Inuits in the northern most part of North America. Many of them are pretty chubby. One might even say fat. However this is a level and layer of fat that became built in their DNA because they live in an extremely cold climate and in order to survive, they needed not only good clothing, but also a body that developed a good layer of fat to help protect them from the cold harsh winters where it can get down to some very frigid temperatures. "Now the third kind of body is the mesomorphs and these are the people who look like they are built of nothing but muscle. It comes so easy to them, it appears that if they think about working out, their muscles are already twice the size they were at the end of the day. They are the ones who are listed as being raw-boned or Herculean. They look like the great statues from museums come to life, and are usually some of the greatest athletes around. "In truth though everyone's body is actually a combination of at least two of these body types, never are they really just one kind. Someone might be a bit skinny and muscular, or skinny and fat, muscular and fat. You will [sKIP] find [sKIP] mesomorph and mesomorph [sKIP] [sKIP] [sKIP] to be you. "'But Coach,' you say, 'What about Johnny Jones who lives down the street from me or Billy Boyd who I heard about on the news. They are extremely skinny and the other is extremely muscular. Well both those conditions are syndromes where the body isn't producing some kind of hormone properly. One makes the body exceptionally thin and weak, where they can't build any kind of mass - fat or muscle - at all. The other the body over produces a hormone and is prone to develop large, powerful muscles almost to the point of becoming muscle bound. This particular condition is known as myostatin-hypertroph, but this is such a rare instance you will [sKIP] develop it. ...." The warming sensation came over Ricky once again and he began to shift and squirm in his reclining position on the couch. He began to flex his ankles up and down, back and forth. He watched as those ankles became a bit more defined and a bit thicker. He saw veins rising to the top of his skin, fully engorged with blood, travelling, gliding their way up his legs. His calves began to breath in and out with the pounding of his heart, the pulsing of his blood, and with each beat and breath they became larger....and larger.....more defined....Bigger....harder.....heart shaped....diamond shape....hope diamond sized diamond shape.... Ricky watched as his calves inflated with so much muscle strength and power that the bottom part of his pants soon were becoming very tight to his calves. Then they were becoming molded, form fitting to them. His pants were restricting, or at least trying to be restricting, becoming tightly bound around his calves and stretched thin like seranwrap. Finally the sound of small snaps were being heard here...there...everywhere until a loud series of rips fill the air and the cuffs of his jeans burst open revealing his colossal calves in all their growing glory, and boy did they continue to grow in size, density, and power! Ricky didn't have the ability to watch the grow further for he suddenly watched as all the wrinkles in the top part of his pants get pulled tight and taught, and then mounds...tear drop shape mound began to appear on each leg. One.....two!....Three!.... FOURFIVESIX! It was almost as if his legs were a bag being vacuum sealed. The pants just became filled to the brim showing the definition and size of his monstrously growing quads! And it wasn't just the top. Ricky could feel the chord that was his hamstring pull tighter and become thicker and stronger. It began to fight against the jeans as well. Soon joining it was the thigh's biceps, the back part of the leg muscle, growing, bulging, inflating, become dense, hard, and strong. It began to rise his legs up off the couch cushions much like the calves had done for his shins. Ricky could tell if he was lying on a hard wood floor with his legs stretched out, the back part of his knee would never, ever touch the floor because of the size of his calves and thighs. POP! POP! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP rri rii riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip ri rrriii riiiiiiiiiiiiip Suddenly there it was, the seams gave way. His thighs actually just pulled them apart and then tore them all the way up to his crotch. Even with those main seams giving way, his thighs were still ballooning so big and full that the denim of his jeans began tearing in other places and ripping all the way up towards his waist band. "Oooh- HOO!" Ricky wasn't sure what to do... He felt a sharp pain in his groin. His thighs were bunching and mounding so full and out they were pressing in on his balls, as well as pushing them up, forward and out. The only problem is, his cock was resting over them and between his inflating quads and his now much larger midsection and crotch area due to his growth in height, there was nowhere for his balls to be pushed! Into the cock they went who was pressed against the fabric and zipper. His button had snapped simple because of the ration of girth between a young man of six foot one inch tall and one now roughly seven and half feet tall... or so. PRRRRRRRRRRRRRIP! The zipper finally gave way to the pressure of the pushing of Ricky's gonads and cock. It pulled apart and spread as wide open as it would go, but it didn't provide much relief as his briefs still held tight, tight indeed. Still Ricky squirmed and wiggle while laid out on the couch. The warming sensation had moved up into his ass and he could feel it thump and plump, mound and round, getting harder, denser, fuller, more and more bubbled. It was becoming a very nice and round firm ass that matched his thighs in size and power. STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERIP! Ricky sat up a bit in an unexpected jolt. The back of his jeans just blew apart straight down the middle as if they wished to mimic the fine crack of Ricky's ass. Although his underwear was still there, albeit beginning to look more like a thong than tighty-whities, he could still feel the rush of cooler air caress his butt cheeks and make his hole pucker. Then, despite the fact that the waist band button had already popped off, he began to feel his flesh, his midsection dig into his pants. Looking down below his now mid-drifting t-shirt, he saw as he breathed his obliques and abdominal muscles come into being. Each breath the outlines became etched in that much clearer, that much deeper. All the individual muscles began to push out just a little further, to mound out a little more. Bit by bit, brick by brick they all came in, until although he was still tight waisted, his midsection was a thick column of granite blocks and interlocking and bunching in tandem to create the hottest and hardest looking set of washboard abs ever seen on a professional bodybuilder. Reaching down with his hand to try and rub it over his new lower torso, he kept having to readjust because his arms where getting pushed away. Then after four or five times of his arms getting pushed away, he began to notice that his shirt hem was getting tight around the upper part of his torso. There began two tears one on either side of his body at the hem line of his shirt and they slowly just ripped and tore all the way open from the middle of his torso to his armpits as his lats grew wider and wider, thicker and broader become a truly magnificent set of wings on his upper torso. "HUH!" Ricky took in a short gasp of breath and then pinned his arms down at his sides as best as he could, the inner sides of his biceps and triceps, what litter there were feeling the bulk and weight, heat and power of his lats growing and growing. But if he was hoping to keep his ever shrinking shirt on him, his body was having none of that. trrrk trrrk shrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk! His back and shoulders had decided to join those airplane wing sized lat muscles, growing bigger and wider, broader and thicker. If he could have seen it, he would have seen his back widening to reveal a v.....Widening to diamond.....WIDENIIIIIIIIIIIIING into the upside down Christmas tree. It split the back part of the held t-shirt wide open from bottom to neck line. It pushed his delts further and further apart until the sleeves completely rode up onto the deltoids; they came nowhere near the muscles of the upper arm. Two more pops were heard and Ricky's traps began to rise higher and higher, mounding more and more, growing in thickness and height. Ricky could feel them pushing in on his neck, sitting heavy on his shoulders and back, growing and rising higher and higher 'til he swore they touched the bottom of his ears. They caused the shirt to rise up and take their form and attempt to cling to deltoids as best they could yet utter fail as the tore the top seam apart and rose through the holes it made. But Ricky took no notice of that. He simply kept feeling his shirt giving way like his jeans did and he knew he was soon to be a near naked giant... a giant hulk! He was trying to figure out when it would end when he began to feel a heaviness and warmth seep into his chest. He sat motionless, arms still forced down at his sides, pinning the remain fabric down, but he watched as that fabric became stretch tighter and tighter, further and farther, becoming harder and harder to keep a loose shape, to be pinned down, to remain whole and intact. At first it looked like he had developed some boobs. Not real girls boobs full and voluptuous, but like an adolescent boy who just started to gain some weight. There was a chest, a little more cone and mound like than should be. However in a few breaths that mound began to travel down and form two solid crescents that began to flex and bounce together with a muscular twitch every now and then. They continued to spread pushing both up and out becoming like two small plates, making it seem like they were pushing up Ricky's clavicle and perhaps pushing his nipples down? More breaths, more spreading, more growing and indeed they had ground round and solid the size of two large platter, definitely pushing his shirt out and almost up off of them. The top part rose higher and mounded more pulling the hem of the shirt up the bottom quarter of themselves, while the lower part of the pectorals began barrel out wider and swell forward even more and then the nipples came out from under that shrinking hem and began to point downward. Still they grew and grew into the two huge globes of solid mass with a slight oval shape to them hanging precariously over the abdomen threatening to move down and engulf the first row of cobblestones and hide it. Ricky's nipples kissing the cool air grew a little longer and became hard. They pushed the arms further out to Ricky's side and challenged the lats for space, while pushing his traps up even higher. Suddenly there was a loud rip and the front of Ricky's shirt burst wide open showing a set of ginormous pecs that bounced up and down separately, alternating one side and the other, for if they bounced or flexed together, anything caught between the enormous chasm that was the cleft line between them would be crushed to dust whether it was made of wood , steel, or even perhaps diamonds. The warmth spread back up Ricky's shoulders and into his delts causing them to swell like inflating balloons. Small hand balls....fffffffft; softballs..... fffffffft; rubber playground balls......fffffffft; bowling balls.....fffffffft; soccer balls... The sleeves, now so diminutive on Ricky's frame and musculature, gave up the ghost almost immediately and split in several places due to his swelling deltoids. All Ricky had of his shirt now was a collar with strips of fabric hanging from it. Now, however, Ricky was having a difficult time keeping himself balanced on the couch. His back and lats were already causing him to list slightly to the left and a little bit off the couch. Spreading to his arms, the warm was causing them to grow and inflate. Involuntarily Ricky began to pop and flex his upper arms then extend his arms all the way out. Each time he did so there was swelling. There was growth. There was power. Over and over again Ricky watched as the ball of his biceps grew and grew, reached and peaked over and over much like his deltoids did: the handball, the baseball, the softball, the foot ball, the miniature mountain peak, the nearly square formation! All the while that was happening his triceps were growing as well, expanding and increasing in size and shape in the opposite direction. Larger and larger, forming the huge horseshoe shape and then some until between the biceps and itself Ricky's upper arm was most assuredly as large, if not larger round than his own head! The growth and warmth spread down to his forearms causing Ricky to keep flexing and twisting his wrists causing those forearms to bulge and pop and swell and grow until Popeye himself would be jealous of Ricky's size and development. Then Ricky began to swallow hard and crane his neck. He felt himself hold his head higher, and his neck and back stood straighter. His traps that already pushed upward on his head pushed further up and then spread out as Ricky's neck got thicker and thicker, more and more developed. It was a twig, a broom handle, billy club, tree club, tree trunk, marble column. Where once Ricky looked like a bobble head with a big head and thin spring to support it, he now had a massive and muscular neck that was not only as wide as his own head, but went just that tad farther and was as wide as the outside of one ear to the outside of the other. Ricky still lying on the couch that he was now much taller than its length and broader than its depth, tried to think on moving... just a bit. He was so huge now... so built....so muscular....so heavy. But he had forgotten about something that was still running. "Besides the growth of your bones and your muscles, other things will be happening to your body. For instance you may begin to notice that hair begins to appear on your body, perhaps all over. Some men can become very heavy while other develop very little hair. Some men will have what they call a five o'clock shadow, which means their beards are growing in so thick, dark and fast, that even though they shaved at six o'clock that morning, by five p.m. that night you can already see a slight stubble of a beard covering their chin and jaw line. "For some of you, you won't grow that much hair at all, but will grow it where almost every man does: some facial hair, although it might be very fine and hard to grow a mustache and beard, under the arms, around the groin, and perhaps a little over the forearms and the legs. "Still others may almost grow into bears with hair all over their bodies. [sKIP] you are [sKIP] a bear you [sKIP] find hair all over you face, n[sKIP] sh[sKIP] b[sKIP], chest, abdomen, b [sKIP] groin, thighs, shins and calves. Don't worry about being too hairy, men develop into all sorts of various shapes, sizes, and even hairiness." Ricky felt the warm sensation again, followed by an itchiness all over his body. He wanted to scratch, but after doing so for a couple of minutes it began to hurt, so he turned to simply rubbing his hands all over his body. But as he began to do so he began to feel this strange sensation. It felt like he wasn't just rubbing his skin anymore but something kind of like sand paper, then a very short wire brush, then a slightly softer bristle brush, then something kind of furry, then he could actually run his hair through the fibers like... like it was... it was hair. Actually looking himself up and down as best as he could manage over his protruding pectorals, he could see that his legs and arms were covered in hair, and so too was his chest. He moved one hand down under his chest to feel his abs and then down to his crotch and he could feel hair all the way down. It was soft and feathery but thick. Thick enough that even his long and thick giant fingers could sift down into and run through it. Mean while his other hand had traveled up to his face and he could feel the prickliness that was stubble all across his jaw line, running along the hard modelesque angles of his cheek bones, over his upper lip, up the side near his ear. It made a scritch sound when he rubbed his hands over it. "One of the other effects of all the growth hormones is that a young man's voice begins to change and deepen. Some men may not change to much while others will drop what feels like octaves. Just know that it may transition smoothly almost overnight or it may take several months and your voice will fluctuate up and down in a process we call 'breaking.' Remember it [sKIP] matter if your voice drops [sKIP] low [sKIP] [sKIP] you are [sKIP] a man." Ricky was now becoming more aware of what was happening to him and a bit scared to boot so he tried to call out. "Di-ILL-oooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!" In just a few seconds Ricky's voice dropped and dropped very low. It was a big voice, a low voice, a deep and rich voice. Ricky's tried to clear his throat and then tried to just whisper Dillon's name. Even whispering, the rumble from his voice was so much, even Ricky felt the rumble vibrate in his chest. "Now the last set of changes will talk about is with your penis and your testicles. Remember your testicles, sometimes known as balls? We mentioned them at the very beginning of our talk. They, along with the pituitary gland are what started you on this whole journey. "You will find your testicles begin to get a little bit in the way. You might not have every really noticed or felt them there in your groin before, but now they are very sensitive and every move you seem to make, makes them hurt. This is for two reasons: One you balls used to be carried pretty high up and close to your body, whereas now they are beginning to drop a little bit lower. They do this because of point number two: they like the rest of your body are growing in size. They are helping to produce hormones to make your body grow such as testosterone, as well as producing the thing called seamen and sperm. Sperm is the thing a man produces that, after he's married and wishes to have children with his wife, with which he impregnates his wife. We will talk more about that in another chat sometime, or you can talk with your father about it. I'm certain he knows what to tell you and will be happy to help answer your questions. "For now, just know that your testicles will grow and you will begin to produce sperm and the fluid that helps carry them, seamen. Your body will be producing a good amount of this at first while your body is growing up and changing. In fact, you may be producing so much of it that you will have what is called 'nocturnal emissions.' Nocturnal emissions is where you have produced to much sperm that you have a pleasurable dream in the middle of the night. You might be aware of it, but many young men aren't. What happens is you will wake up in the morning and you may find your pajama pants stuck to you as if glued near the waist band or some other area around the groin. This is because you had a nocturnal emission where your body produced too much seamen and has gotten rid of or ejected some of it out your body, your testicles. Don't be afraid or worried, this happens to every man, and all you have to do is go to the bathroom, take a little soap and a little water upon a wash cloth and wash it off and unstick your pajamas. "You may notice that some men seem to have larger balls while some men have smaller ones. This is again, like the body and muscle size, due to the genetics in one's family. But don't worry [sKIP] the size of your balls. [sKIP] will be big [sKIP]. [sKIP] will produce [sKIP] as big [sKIP] and [sKIP] can produce too much." The warming sensation moved down into Ricky's crotch now and he felt his balls begin to swell and come away from his body just a bit. But they grew and grew. The pain he was feeling earlier was beginning to become too much, way too much. There was already not enough room in the crotch area of the nearly nonexistent jeans and now that was filling up as his balls swelled and grew, became more and more bulbous, got heavier and heavier, became fuller and fuller. He could actually feel his sperm swirling and whiling round and round in his ever increasing ball sack. When it stopped there was definitely a defined little mound just above his thighs and under his cock. A couple of snaps were heard from the zipper area of his jeans and Ricky breathed a little easier. "Of course you're probably wondering how the seamen got out of your body. Well, it does the same way your urine does, through your penis, and that's the last part of the body that goes through a change. As you grow so does your penis. It will begin to become a little bit longer in length and a little bit thicker in girth. It will also begin to have what is called an erection, where it seems to swell a bit larger and become stiff like an iron rod. Don't worry, it's not like a swelling or stiffness as if a reaction to being stung by a bee or severely bruising a muscle. It is a natural thing and it occurs when a large flow of blood fills the chambers of the penis, making it swell, grow in girth and lengthen. When it is in this state, it, and probably you too, are aroused. You will probably find that it does this when you see a young lady you find attractive, but that's more of the discussion your father needs to have with you. "At any rate, you may find that your penis becomes erect in the middle of the night, early in the morning, suddenly at lunch break, in the showers after gym, it frequently happens any time, at the drop of a hat as a young man and his body is developing. When you find this happening when you don't want to, don't think about it or excuse yourself and go take a nice long cold shower. "Now the important part to know is that your penis is just like your body. Size does [sKIP] matter and will be different with each and every young man depending upon his family's genetics. However most men are somewhere between 3.5 to 5.5 inches long when erect. Yours will [sKIP] be [sKIP] like these men here who [sKIP] and have [sKIP] eighteen inches. And don't worry about your penis size when flaccid. From flaccid to erect some penis just become hard and thicker but no longer, while some nearly double in size when becoming erect [sKIP] Yours will [sKIP] believe those old wives tales [sKIP] there is [sKIP] truth to them things like: as long as [sKIP], [sKIP] your shoe size minus two." "AHHHHH!" Ricky took in a sudden gasp of breath as the warmth spread through and down his cock. He felt the shaft just ooze and ooze out longer and longer in his jeans groin pouch and his underwear. On and on it continued getting longer and longer, become thicker and thicker as well. The mound around his crotch grew and grew, spreading out further and further causing the zipper to pull further and further apart than it had been. His cock still growing had grown down, under, and was working its way back toward its own base still inflating in girth as well as the growth continued. Finally there were rips and snaps and tears happening all over the groin and the heavy stitching holding the zipper to the fabric gave way. With that gone the jeans and underwear exploded into shreds, slipping off of Ricky's super schlong and behemoth balls, being pulled all the way off and around by his burgeoning thighs. Ricky stood up trying to keep his balance, trying to move his limbs, trying to see and feel what all had happened to him. He stood for a moment looking at an entertainment center with a glass door and stared at his reflection. He was the hulk! He was behemoth mountain of muscle! He was beyond any Mr. Olympia. Any Basketball player. Any football player. All three of them combined! As he stared at his reflection and began to run his hands up and down his body, feel his nips, heft his cock and balls, feeling how extremely large they felt even in his own hands, he began to become aroused and his cock began to become erect. It rose and rose from the position of the tip hanging almost near his near to jutting out further and further growing more and more until it nearly doubled in size. "Now remember in order to keep a healthy body, as well as a body to protect you if you want to play sports, you need to get out and exercise. In fact it is shown that young men who exercise can be anywhere from one to four inches taller than their fellow classmates who sit around all day and do nothing." "AUUUGH!" Ricky suddenly remember in order to keep his health up from all the class work, class time, and two part time jobs, he'd taken to some training in the gymnasium every night so he would be tired enough to get his eight hours of sleep. Which then of course meant that now, Ricky was suddenly lurching, popping, growing, up another few inches in height. His muscles gained that much more in size, density, and strength. He took a couple of faltering steps to reposition his standing stance. They created a series of very large thuds that made the house rattle and shake tremendously. "WHOA! Someone decided to light off some fireworks in the neighborhood or something. Or there must have been a semi truck and trailer with one hell of a load barreling....through...oh...my...gaw.... .... .... .... Ri....Ricky?!" Having heard the stomps and feeling the shakes, Dillon had come in to make his comments only to see a giant of a man standing in the living room taking up all the vertical space from the floor with his enormous feet, to the ceiling with his hair brushing it, perhaps an inch left. The man was huge, gigantic and turned to face him with the largest set of balls and cock he had ever seen on a man, not to mention that he was built like a shit house made of titanium let alone brick. The top of Dillon's head came just to the bottom of the top row of abs on this gorgeous giant hulk. His arms were easily twice the size of Dillon's head, and the hands could probably engulf Dillon's simply by bending the fingers forward no thumb folding or palm cupping required. This man's thighs were easily bigger round than Dillon was anywhere on his torso, and his feet made Dillon's feet look as if he had none at all. "Dillon...I.... I'm...... I'm huge!" Dillon swallowed hard and made a kind of punch drunk smile. "Yes... Ricky.... you....are." There was suddenly a tenting in Dillon's pants. "Dil...Dillon...are you attracted to me?" "Yeah....Rick...I am very attracted to you." "But I'm a giant...I'm a freak... I'm....I'm...." Dillon cut off Ricky by stepping forward, pulling down on Ricky's enormous cock, and letting it lift him upwards from the springing, until Dillon could grab a hold of Ricky's neck, hang on and plant a kiss, as he kicked of his shoes and placed his feet onto Ricky's cock for support. "You're are fucking irresistibly hunky... hmmmmmmmmmm Beautiful! hmmmmmmmm SO DAMN SEXY!" "You think I'm hot this way?" "You still like to watch sci-fi marathons?" "What? ... Yes..." "You still like to sleep nude?" "Uhm yeah...." "If you're still mentally the same Ricky I know, but in the body...I not only find you hot, I want to become a woman and have your child. I want to be yours, take you, pleasure you, be with you all my life...I've always loved you, now I find you irresistible." With that Dillon began to rub his hands through Ricky's chest hair, to play with his nipples, to alternately kiss his lips and suck on his nipples, while taking one foot and rubbing it up and down Ricky's shaft. "...and remember to listen to and be with your family. They say that is also a helpful benefit and that young men who are with a good and strong family, grow up to be taller and stronger than their classmates who aren't.... .... ....." "This is the end of sex education film one." The end of the film came out of the projector while the wheel kept turning, slapping it against the machine. Ricky let out a moan and a groan, while the floor began to creak and wine under increased new weight as Ricky began to grow just a few more inches once again, his head pressing into and through the ceiling, raining small bits of plaster down upon his body, Dillon, and the floor. Dillon mean while moaned in ecstasy, clasped his arms around Ricky's expanding neck, after shucking his pants and underwear down, and began thrusting his cock between Ricky's pecs. "OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Dillon splattered a load just above Ricky's chest, who found it so incredible that Dillon was so small now. That Dillon's shot of spoo seemed like a small bit of spit. That he stood taller than the eight foot tall room, and probably about half as wide as it. That Dillon was able to help keep himself up and balanced standing upon his own cock that was now as long, longer than Dillon's arm and as thick as his waist line. And Dillon was rubbing it with his socked feet.... "OH! OH! DIL!! DILL! dill-ON! DILLON! DIIIIIIIIIIIIILLON! AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!"
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