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Here's Part 4 of the Maximus Protein Series. This is (seriously) the last chapter. Thanks for reading! Travis was on the floor, breathing heavy, covered in cum and sweat and drool, having just swallowed what must have been gallons of Dan's cum. I looked over at the tub of Maximus Protein lying empty on the kitchen floor. "Travis.... did you... drink..." "All of it" Travis said with an exhausted smile on his face. "I drank the protein, and I drank the special ingredient." He gestured toward sperm-donator Dan, who appeared to have fallen asleep right on the table in a post-orgasm bliss. His eyelids fluttered as he snored softly, the huge bulk of his body rising and falling rhythmically with his breath. This was no time to be napping, but Dan looks so adorably innocent there, with his mouth slightly open, I figured it was better to let the behemoth sleep for now. "Ooohhh" Travis groaned from the floor as the rumbling in his stomach grew louder. "I think I drank too much, Scott. I don't feel so good." "I'll say. What the fuck is wrong with you Travis?" I remembered how angry I was that I hadn't gotten to drink any of Dan's cum explosion. I had barely stopped growing, but I was eager to feel myself swell again. If I couldn't drink Dan's, then maybe I could drink from Travis, who, if dosages had anything to do with amount of growth, was about to explode. I watched him carefully as he held his distended stomach and writhed around on the floor. He didn't look like he was growing, he look like he was about to puke. What a waste. I picked his body up carefully, which now felt so small in my giant arms, like picking up a dog, and laid him on the couch while he groaned and shook. he looked pale. "I think you might have just overdosed yourself buddy." Just sweat it out and see what happens. I watched him for a minute for any signs of growth, but nothing happened, just more groaning and intermittent stomach grumbling. "So much for getting your money's worth" I said as I turned away and walked to the mirror over the fireplace. I had felt myself change but I hadn't gotten a good look at myself yet. What I saw was astounding. I had gone from being a slightly fit twink to being a legitimate red haired muscle god. Pushing back my copper colored hair, I admired my strong masculine brow, my roman nose, which had always looked slightly awkward on my face, was now perfectly fitting with the rest of my features. I had evolved into a higher form of man. My Jaw was perfectly squared and evenly covered with a thick beard that complimented it perfectly. Even my lips seemed more masculine and commanding. I couldn't wait to his the bars and see how people reacted to my new looks. I looked kind of ferocious, like a wolf-man. I wondered if I would actually scare guys off. I did an experimental double bicep flex and was shocked at the mountains that rose into view on each of my arms. I brought my arms down into a crab pose, barely even flexing, and still muscle bulged from every angle. I looked like I could kill a man with one punch. I was turning myself on, big time. My sixteen inch cock was rising to attention anew, begging to finally release the load that had been churning in my balls since I transformed, and it would only take a minute to pump it out right here. Why not? I grabbed my tool with both of my huge hands, almost hurting myself with my newly stronger grip, and began pumping away, instantly moaning to myself as I felt what new pleasures my new XL body could bring. I had my eyes shut in ecstasy as I was on the edge of release. I flexed my abs and glutes, arching myback as I neared the point of no return, grunting and growling wildly. Just as I was on the edge, I felt two more hands, much smaller than mine, grip onto my cockhead as a tongue licked up my glans. "OH FUCK!" I jolted with shock and pleasure and snapped open my eyes just in time to see little Travis, having snuck off the couch, clamping his mouth down on my cockhead. "TRAVIS NO-AAAAAGGGHHH!!" I shouted but I was past the point of no return. I unloaded a boiling hot jet of cum straight down my roommate's throat. Then another, and another, and another, causing him to sputter and choke, tears streaming out of his eyes, but still he held on, jamming almost my whole cockhead in his mouth. Minutes passed as my head swam with pleasure and fear. I could barely think straight I was in so much orgasmic pleasure, but I knew I was unloading a record amount of spunk into my already full roommate. If he hadn't been ill before, this could be truly dangerous. "TRAVIS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I shouted as my head cleared form my orgasm. Travis just gasped and wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist. "Thanks *gulp* broaahhh" He patted his stomach, now sticking out like a pot belly under his wifebeater shirt. "That was *burp* just the ticket." "TRAVIS YOU ALREADY OVERDOSED FROM DAN, THIS MUCH MIGHT KILL YOU." "Nah" he said with a cocky shake of his head. "I actually didn't get enough! You gotta *urrp* read the uh, fine print *burp-ahhh*. When you drink a glass of the protein *ooouhhh* you gotta drink a *buh* proportionate amount of cum to *ahh* activate it!" I shook my head in disbelief. Travis took a seat on the floor as he continued to burp and massage his grumbling stomach. He was sweating like a pig and looking quite a bit like one too. "Dan wasn't too much *ulp* cum, man, he wasn't *burp* ENOUGH! So thanks for the help! Now I can *urrrrrrrp* really get going" I was in shock. I was mouthing "what the fuck" to myself just as I saw Travis suddenly sit bolt upright with a look of surprise on his face. He burped loudly and his whole body kind of jumped. "What was that?!" he said aloud, to no one in particular, as his body spasmed and jumped again. He might have not noticed it yet but there seemed to be a little more of Travis every time his body spasmed. There was a little more muscle in the slender legs that were sticking out of his boxers, and his tank top looked a little more closely fit on him. *burp* Travis burped and involuntarily jerked his limbs. There was definitely some growth starting. There was even a little more bulge in the front of his boxers. "Am I *urp* growing yet, Scott? Can you *urp* tell? Ah!" Travis looked down as his latest spasm made his dick jerk against the front of his boxers, there was a respectable tent showing down there now. "Can you find my glasses?" he asked as he looked down at his arms. "I can't tell if anything's *UNHH* happening *AHH* yet" I was speechless. The guy had just taken an elephant dose of muscle growing protein powder and downed what must be enough cum for a hundred men, and here he was still acting like the nerd who loses his glasses. "I think you'll know soon enough" I said, watching as his feet inched a little further across the floor with every grunt and spasm. RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP Travis threw his head back and moaned loudly as another spurt of growth caused his dick to tear out of the front of his boxers. It had to be about a foot long already, and Travis still hadn't grown that much yet. "UHMMM FUCK!" Travis exclaimed in a throaty (deeper already?) voice as he gave his cock a stroke. This seemed to accelerate the growth a bit, and his next two spasms took Travis from looking bigger to actually filling his boxers tightly. His white wifebeater shirt was now pulling down at the chest as his pecs bounced bigger with his stroking. the outlines of a six pack were showing through his soaked shirt. The arm he was using to prop himself up on the ground was now veiny and pulsing bigger and bigger as his triceps started to ripen over his elbow. "UMF! Scott I don't think I *URP* need my *UHN* glasses anymooOOOH!" Travis shook as he was hit by a big growth spurt that seemed to put a whole foot and 50 lbs of muscle on his frame in a second. His boxers were now tightly wrapped around bulky, muscular legs that were quivering and shaking with his stroking. The seams were tearing along the edges to reveal more sweaty hairy muscle bulging out. His wifebeater was hanging on by threads as his chest seemed ready to pop the shoulder straps at any minute. "YUP! I CAN SEE I'M DEFINITELY GROWING NO-O-O-OWWWHHHHHHFUUUUCK!" He bellowed as a new spurt hit his body and he simultaneously burst right out of his boxers while his whole upper body flexed the wifebeater into threads. Travis was now BIG, looking like a heavyweight professional bodybuilder, but off-season, cause he was sprinkled in brown hair and had a nice amount of body fat accentuating his muscles. He flexed his huge size 15 feet, and pounded a massive fist on the floor as another spasm took him just a bit bigger. Most noticeable of all was his giant dick, standing up at 16 inches, and complimented by two of the biggest, juiciest balls I had ever seen, spilling onto the floor between his legs and pulsing, actually pulsing as they generated more and more testosterone for their owner. "Scott *UNH* get a *AAHHH* load of this growth bro!" He was furiously pumping and groaning and he pulsed and flexed slightly bigger again. Now he was starting to worry me. He had to be close to six and a half, seven feet tall now, and inching bigger every minute. Already his dick was starting to rival mine, and there was no way he would be done soon. If I had any hope of not being the absolute smallest guy in the room, I had only one option: to drink Travis' cum. After all, he had taken mine already, right? He owed it to me. "Need a hand, stud?" I asked as I crouched down and palmed his softball size testicles with my hands. Another *UMF* from Travis and they grew even bigger in my hands, grapefruit size now. "I take that as a yes" I said as I started stroking his shaft with both hands. "AHhhhh Thanks bro!"Travis moaned even louder as he took his hand (which was bigger than mine already) off of his shaft and immediately started squeezing his meaty pecs, pinching each big brown nipple and causing little mini-growth spurts. Was he able to control his growth? I knelt down and started sucking Travis' rod with all the gusto I had. "Who-AAHAH!" Travis howled as he spasmed again and I felt his dick expand another inch into my already stuffed mouth. I used my hands to massage his giant testicles, squeezing them in my powerful grip, aching to get a taste of his man juice. Pre cum was oozing constantly out of his dick, making everything incredibly slick. I found some rhythm, pumping my head and trying not to choke on his pulsing dick as his grunts got louder and longer. Finally, I felt a vibration in his balls as they tightened in his scrotum, his cock flexed and grew even bigger in my mouth, causing me to almost panic but I held on. I needed to get his cum down my throat no matter what. His dick was boiling hot to the touch, I could feel the burst of cum about to travel up his shaft. Suddenly, I felt a giant hand grab the back of my hair and yank me off of Travis' dick. I was too shocked to fight it. I had forgotten about Dan! "What the-!!" But it wasn't Dan that had grabbed me away at the moment that Travis was about to shoot. It was Travis himself! The gargantuan man had thrown me off of his own dick and was now jerking himself off furiously and aiming for his own mouth!. "Travis NO!" I shouted but I was too late. With a frantic growl Travis shot like a firehose, hitting his own mouth directly, gurgling and sputtering but drinking it too, just like he had with Dan. "FUck!" Another thick rope of jism erupted from his dick, the majority of his going straight into his huge throat, the rest of his splashing over his stubbly square jaw and trickling down his neck onto his heaving pecs. Rope after rope shot out, Travis grunting and burping, but drinking more, then leaning forward and clamping his lips straight onto his own cockhead, sucking out every drop. I could only watch in disgusted shock. This growing giant had already taken Dan's load, then mine, and now he was guzzling his own? What was even going to happen to him? Dan fell back, orgasm subsiding, and belched loudly as his head popped up slightly higher. He had a smile of total satisfaction on his scruffy face. I was furious. Travis how could you do that to me?!? I exclaimed, not knowing whether to deck him or start pumping my own cock, which was, of course, hard again. I couldn't help feeling a bit turned on by Travis' sudden transformation into an insatiable cum guzzling muscle pig. "I'm *burp* sorry bud! I know you *ulp* wanted some, but I just get soooooooooo *URRRRP* THIRSTY!" "What the fuck is happening to you" I said, more of a statement than a question. I was pretty turned on by what I was seeing, and my cock was standing ramrod straight. Dan suddenly jumped up from the floor and I was shocked to discover that he was almost eye level with me now. He was almost as tall, but a lot wider, looking like a bodybuilder in off season. "What are you gonna do about it? He said cockily, showing his slightly protruding muscle gut into me a bit. I was more turned on that ever. No way this could be the same Travis I had been living with the past year. Guys get a bit of muscle and their whole personality changes, but this Travis was unrecognizable. He almost seemed to growl as he stared up at me, teeth clenched. I decided to call his bluff and spat directly in his face. "What are YOU gonna do about it, runt?" I said, privately shocked at my own new cocky attitude. Travis growled like a lion and wiped my spit off his face. The look of anger on his ultra-masculine face made me doubt my tactics. There was a new, almost feral look in his eye, one that hinted at certain shades of violence and lust. "I'll show you" he said calmly, and sucker punched me straight in the gut, catching me off-guard and causing me to double over in pain. Travis took his opportunity and grabbed me as I was doubled over and quickly position himself behind me pressing himself into me and holding he down with one strong hand on my back. I almost fell, but his strong grip held me up. Suddenly I felt his other hand, wet with precum, roughly lube up between my legs. I was scared, but I wasn't going to stop him, not when I was this close to getting his next load. Despite my newly giant, size, Travis cock still felt absolutely massive entering my hole. I gasped loudly as he rammed it in, yelling out in pain before feeling a huge shiver of pleasure wash over me. The shock of Travis doing this to me was mixed with the thrill of excitement. I couldn't believe this was happening. As Travis began to pump his still-expanding dick inside of me, I looked down at my own massive hands holding me up, the tensed, thick bulging arms that I never thought I'd see connected to my own shoulders. But these weren't my shoulders either, these were true cannonball delts now, the kind only seen on advanced bodybuilders that abused steroids. Was I on steroids? Is that was was int he Maximus Protein that had caused the truly freaky transformations of Dan, me, and Travis this afternoon? I stared at my huge hard cock slapping rhythmically against my washboard eight pack abs, I could feel my hefty balls swaying pendulously between my legs. Travis slammed into me, still grunting and occasionally shuddering as spasms of growth hit him at irregular intervals. I could feel his cock lurching bigger inside of me with every shake of his mammoth body. Soon I noticed it was actually darker in the room. Was the sun going down? I felt Travis's weight shift behind me as I saw his hands come down in front of me. Next to my giant hands, these looked absolutely monstrous. I was afraid to turn my neck and look to see how big Travis was now, but I when I did turn my head all I saw was the side of one of his heavy pecs, bigger than my head, with his underarm close to my shoulder I saw the bushy hair protruding from his armpit. Just the smell from his armpit was intoxicating and sent shivers up my spine as I inhaled deeply. It was the most pungent, most manly musk I had ever smelled. One inhale and I felt high on pure pheromones. Travis was on all fours, above me, his whole body eclipsing mine as he continued to pump his dick into mine. I could feel his muscle gut developing, sliding on my back with his thrusts at first, then starting to actually rest on my back as he grew bigger and his grunts grew louder. "TRAVIS YOU"RE GETTING TOO BIG" I yelled, but he only responded by grunting as he pumped into me more and more. His cock in my ass was starting to become painful as is tensed with a new pop of growth, Travis shook all over, Grunts lowering by another octave. I tried to squirm away from him but his arms had my huge body locked in on either side. His heavy muscle gut was pressing on my back and making it difficult for me to move, it was slowly pinning me flat on the floor. "TRAVIS STOP YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" I yelled as loud as I could. I was about to get suffocated while being fucked to death by my giant roommate. "TRAVIS NO! YOU'RE TOO BIG!" Travis roared deeply in response. But then, he actually stopped pumping. I felt some of the weight of his gut lift off of me as he repositioned himself back onto his knees, and pulling out of my ass with a loud wet slick sound. "ARE YOU HURT?" his voice now sounded like it was being amplified through a stadium speaker. He was practically whispering but it sounded like a fog horn with a bass booster on it. I was relieved, and surprised. The hulk still had a little Banner in him. "I'm okay" I said, on my hands and knees, breathing heavily. "You just...scared me....." Even thought I now possessed the strength of a dozen men and a body that could fight a moose, I felt like a small boy under him. "I'M SORRY" Travis said. It was funny to hear a genuine tenderness in such an intimidating voice. "CAN WE...... UH.... CONTINUE?" All my anger melted away with this oddly touching, nervous question. I always wondered what Travis was like in bed, and now I was getting the XXXXXXXXL version of the surprisingly caring lover that I had supposed him to be. "Yeah" I said, and I finally actually turned to face him, and almost fell back down again. Travis reached his giant arms toward me, now bigger than my own legs, and said in a soft yet commanding baritone "C'MERE BOY." He was absolutely massive. As tall as I was standing up, his head was still a foot higher than me while he was on his knees. And he was WIDE. As I allowed him to pick me up and bring me close he took up almost my whole field of vision. He looked like a fucking viking, with shaggy hair, and a bushy beard that had sprouted up while he was growing. It made him look fierce and warrior like. His traps rose out of his shoulders almost to his ears, his neck was thicker than his head. And his shoulders were beyond being boulders, I was looking at whole mountain range. As he pulled me closer to him the striations rippled through his pecs, now covered in a pelt of deep brown hair, resting on top of a muscular gut. He was a mountain of a man in full-on bear mode. And right under his stomach, between his two titanic furry thighs, resting on top of the biggest balls I had ever seen, was his still hard cock rising up to me. It was dripping precum in a constant flow in anticipation of going into my ass again. I was ready and willing to let this giant put his seed in me. And when he did, I would become a giant too. "READY to CONTINUE?" He boomed. I nodded and jumped onto his dick, feeling it push into me with little resistance and howling with pleasure. Travis made me hold onto his traps as he bucked into me. Effortlessly slamming his multi-foot cock into me and holding almost all of my 500 pounds easily in his arms. "Come on, Travis! I want your giant cum!" I yelled, as I held on for dear life as he bucked away. I dug in and squeezed his traps with my powerful hands, then clenched as he increased his pace. He was getting close. Then I heard a loud hiccup from Travis and looked up to see a surprised look on his face. "OOPS *HIC* I THOUGHT I WAS *HIC*.... DOE GRO*HIC*WING..... BUT I GUESS NOT!" Every hiccup made his mountainous shoulders spring up just a little higher, as his whole body shuddered. His pecs flexed and bulged out more...and more.... and more with each hiccup. And most importantly his dick, already on the edge of what I could handle, pushed into me more and more. Travis shut his eyes and squeezed me right up against his huge warm body as the feelings shook through him. "OH!......FFFFFFFFFF.............FFFF........FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK" The shuddering gave way to a massive full body orgasm as Travis bellowed out and unleashed a fire hose of cum into me, instantly overfilling my insides and spilling out onto his balls. Travis could only moan loudly as the orgasm tore through his body and caused multiple aftershocks. I was pulling off of his cock, which only made more room for the cum he dumping into me. If this stuff had any kind of potency, I'd be leaving the world of normal humans behind in no time. "AAAAWWWWWWW" Travis fell back against the wall, crushing wha was left of the sofa to splinters. "Hey man, I'm not finished!" I yelled, pumping my rod at him. Travis pulled me forward and held me up to rub my dick between his pecs, which were deep enough to feel like a whole new orifice. "Ah fuck!" I was quickly getting close as he tensed and bounced his pecs against my cock. He playfully opened his mouth as my cock grew toward it, sticking his huge tongue out to playfully flick at the head. "Oh FUCK Trav!" I squirted a couple spurts of precum onto his face, coating his beard in sticky fluid. He lapped it up like a bear licking honey. Just as he was about to clamp his mouth onto my nearly-bursting cock, I stopped him. I held his huge square jaw closed with my hand, then waved a finger in his face. "Nah-uh. None for you this time, greedy bastard." Travis groaned loudly as he let go of me and I slid down his body. "Don't worry big guy, there's plenty to go around" I said as I walked toward the dining room table where Dan was still somehow passed out on the table. "But I owe Dan here a little help." I gently tapped (okay kind of slapped) his handsome dopey face and he jolted awake, looking dazed and adorably confused. "Holy SHIT!" He said when he saw the looming form of Travis taking up the whole living room. "Whaaat the ffuck did I miss?" He said confusedly, starting to rise up from the table and rub his head. "No time to explain buddy! I've got something that needs attending to!" I said as I pointed to my fully erect dick, which was ready to blow at any minute. "Yes SIR" Said Dan, huge grin on his face as he wasted no time in pulling himself to the side of the table and opening his mouth wide. I slid my cock in and before I could even get two pumps the sheer sucking force of his mouth and the pressure of his huge tongue against the glans caused me to go off like a rocket. I curled my toes and rocked back in forth in bliss as I pumped gallons of cum into his mouth. He finally coughed and pulled away, cum spilling out of his mouth and onto the floor. "Oh fuck! I'm still going!" I yelled, surprised to see new jets of cum still pumping out. I reached into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing that came to hand- the empty blender that Dan had used to make the initial batch of Maximus Protein, kicking off this whole situation. I had the big blender pitcher about halfway full when my cum flood subsided and I could think straight again. What was I going to do with the leftover cum? Surely I could drink some. I had just taken the biggest load of all time from Travis, and my very full abdomen was already starting o cramp and hint at the growth surge to come. I tingled with excitement thinking about what that cum was going to do to my physique. I lifted the pitcher to my lips to take a sip. I was a growing boy, after all. Then I heard a loud knock on the door that made me jump. Who the fuck could that be? Surely some neighbors had heard us. I grabbed a blanket and sloppily wrapped it around my waist, which didn't do much to cover much of anything, but I had to look at least somewhat presentable. I was about to give whoever was outside the shock of their life, probably. I opened the door not to see a stranger, but to see three of Travis and Dan's close buddies. There was Steve, a somewhat shorter guy who was slightly balding already, but the guys called him Chimp because of his apeman appearance. Then there was Swole Nick, who up until this afternoon had been the biggest and strongest of the group, the guy who always pulled all the women and had the respect of all men due to his imposing stature, chiseled good looks, and steely, confident demeanor. Finally there was Stick Nick, who was called that because where Swole Nick was thick with muscle, Stick Nick was thin and wiry, the polar opposite of his bigger friend. I towered over all three of them as they looked up at me awestruck. "Holy fuck." Swole Nick finally spoke. "The shit really works. Dan told us to get here as soon as we were done at the gym but I didn't expect..... I didn't....." I couldn't help but puff out my chest a little bit and enjoy the feeling of being stared at by men who had hardly even glanced at me before. "Yeah, I guess it works" I said cockily, flexing a mighty bicep and hearing Steve yelp a little bit in surprise. "Well it's a good thing Dan told me to bring the tub that I bought" Stick Nick said, and I saw that he was holding at his side a very familiar sight. "Pretty much blew the bank buying this shit, so let's hope it uh, pays off." He turned the tub of MAXIMUS PROTEIN that he was holding and held it up in front of him. "Got anything to mix this with?" He said. I looked down at the pitcher half-full of cum that was still in my hand. "I've got just the thing for that."
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Long time lurker. First time posting a short story of my own. Enjoy ____________________________________ "Damn it..." Ian was working out on a treadmill in his city's gym. A disappointed expression in his eyes. He was a scrawny, 5'6 feet tall guy, weighing around 120 lbs. He didn't wanted to be so short and without any visible muscle. He wanted to be huge, BIGGER than huge. A masculine beast that everyone will notice and worship. Sadly, no matter how much he tried, his body refused to build any muscle, and over the years he has just gotten even scrawnier and punier. "Fuck man, I wish I could grow bigger..." Getting off the treadmill, he decides to walk outside for a breath of fresh air. Walking to the door, he notices every man in the gym being either highly concentrated in their training, or flexing for themselves in the mirror. Which makes him both aroused and jealous. But while standing outside and stretching a bit, something falls on top of him, covering him from head to toe. "W-what the hell?" He looks to the sky, but it was completely clear. And whatever fell on him felt sticky and gooey. It reminded him of something, but he couldn't quite remember what. Going inside the gym again, he was gonna go straight to the showers to rinse this strange thing off, but the time he came back, his body had completely absorbed it. He couldn't do nothing but stare at where the thing was, but not wanting to overthink, he simply went back to the treadmill. That's when it began. After a few minutes, he began filling a warm and itchy feeling all over his body, forcing him to get off the treadmill again. "What is...h-huh?!" In front of him, his body starts growing. First his previously puny chest, expanding onwards, pushing the shirt to it's limits. Then his arms, ballooning into giant biceps, filling with pound after pound of muscle, the sound of his bones rearranging and his muscles growing being heard through the whole area. Eventually, his shirt completely rips, freeing his still growing pecs from their prison, their "sweat" falling unto the floor as gravity made its job. "My-my pecs...what the...god, this feels so..." a moan leaves his lips. The feeling of his muscles growing feeling just as if he was edging an orgasm. He had already started getting glances from the people in the gym, curious about what was going on. But that's when the transformation continued, his flat belly turning a rock hard six pack, then a 8 pack, followed by his legs, growing in size and muscle, becoming thick enough to rival tree trunks, making rips into his pants until they soon, fall. With longer legs also increases his height, turning slowly from 5,5 to 5,9, then 6,3, then 6,7. His ass became a bubble butt, inflating in size to a fast speed, sending the jockstrap into him. He also started gaining body hair, gaining a beard in the process, and his pecs and abs becoming hairy. Ian thought he was dreaming, and if he was, he didn't wanted it to end. Standing now there only with a jockstrap, he had gone from a twig to a muscular, powerful man. Everyone in the gym had stares only for him. Many of fear, many of curiosity, and even a few filled with lust. He flexes right there, the feeling of his own muscles pressing against each other intoxicating his mind even more. He wa also completely sweating, the smell of man going through the whole gym. Ian thought he was already perfect. But leaving out a painful moan, he realizes that his cock and balls also wanted to be set free. Faster than the rest of his body, his cock starts throbbing in his jockstrap, pushing it down, and eventually setting itself free, slamming against Ian's leg. It was throbbing, pulsating, veins covering it completely, and slowly reaching to the floor. His balls were also growing along with it, becoming sensitive to the touch. "T-this is so much...but..." And that's when he reaches the point of no return. As if his hand was glued to his cock, he starts stroking it, panting in ecstasy, as he falls to his knees and watches in real time as it starts growing, and with it, the rest of his body. His cock soon became thicker than his already bigger hand, and slowly approaching his mouth, before he decided to grab it with his two hands, jerking faster, moving his hips along with it. He was trapped on his own world of lust, the men of the gym taking off their already light clothes jerk off to the sight, overcome with lust. Closer to climaxing, and his head almost reaching the ceiling of the place as his growth intensified, barely being able to move to his biceps becoming too big... He cums. A roar releasing his seed into all the surroundings, his cock shooting volley after volley of thick sperm, shooting random bystanders, and even the very ceiling. The absolute pleasure of his orgasm made the final step of his growth began, and like a broken faucet, the strength of his cum intensified, his dick becoming bigger, thicker, volleys of cum covering the whole gym, men affected by it starting to suck it, becoming big in the same way. Ian's mind was slowly disappearing, being replaced by the desire to grow even bigger, fuck all day, and and cum again and again. The simple thought was enough to make his stream of cum even stronger, now lying on a pool of his own cum that his worshippers were sucking to grow. His muscles were growing to such a rate that his movement was starting to become limited, his balls churning his unlimited seed into his massive cock. Yet he didn't cared. He wanted to grow bigger. "More...Please...MORE..." This command changes something in Ian. And suddenly, he breaks through the gym, his gigantic cock growing into the sky, spewing his seed everywhere like a fountain, the streets becoming rivers of his own cum as he starts growing past buildings and skyscrapers. Worshippers came to him, transformed by his cum, and did their best to pleasure the giant god as he kept growing and growing. Eventually, he stopped getting taller at the height of a skyscraper, but his muscles kept growing still, his head threatening to be shallowed by his traps at any seconds. Yet even then...Ian wanted more. He got a taste of godhood, now he wanted it all. He wanted to turn this world into a neverending orgy. He wanted to show his true power. Growing bigger than the city, a mountain, and and now standing on top of the world...Ian came. And came, and came. The seas turned to white, societies were destroyed by his cum tsunami, people transformed into hyper men looking to grow and fuck 24/7. Ian stood at the top of the world. He was the god of this world now, and the world was nothing more than his playground. A neverending orgy of pure masculinity, sweat, and sex, as everyone swam through his cum, people climbing into his body to worship him. This is what Ian wanted. And yet a thought still remained in his broken mind. "More..." The planet rumbled, unprepared for his next ascension. ---------- END OF PART 1 Tell me your thoughts on this or if you liked it.
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- cock worship
- (and 14 more)
// part 1 of another short series || update: fixed the grammar mistakes Farmer’s boy I was 25 when I knocked against the heavy door of the farmer's house. I was sweaty from my ride on the bicycle, and I gulped audibly when the door swung open… And he stood at the door. "Here for the job?" His low voice was booming… I had never heard such a deep voice before… Fuck, it was sending shivers throughout my bones. My cock was hardening while my eyes tried to process it all… He was huge… Tall and wide… His hairy pecs pushed the fabric of his lumberjack shirt and suspenders to their limits. "Hey, eyes up here" he had a cocky smirk on his lips when I glanced up. My neck felt slightly sore. I always knew I was average with my 6' in height. But that man was huge. He had to be at least 7' in size when he glanced down at me with amusement. "Y Yeah… Here for the job…." "Don't worry, son, you'll grow the muscle you need to get the job done" He led me into his living room where I took place. "You're the only one who didn't turn on his heels after he spotted me…." He tapped the table with his thick fingers while he checked me out. I was athletic… But nothing close to his physique. His biceps looked as if it was close to tearing his shirt's sleeves apart at any given moment. And fuck… He looked like a pro wrestler… Or even a bodybuilder. I've never seen men this big… or potent. But when I recalled his job description… He was "an ordinary farmer and lumberjack looking for a new helper to feed the animals and help him in the woods." "Boy… Listen to my offer before you make your decision" He leaned slightly over the table while filling my glass with fresh milk. "If you work for me over the summer… I'll pay you double and give you a room upstairs… Feeding you through during the next three months." He looked me in the eyes while raising one of his thick brows while I slowly chugged down the glass of milk, wiping my mouth with my forearm. "I'm in for it" I placed the empty glass on the table and was surprised to see his grin widen. I never tasted anything like that fresh milk. "To be honest, I didn't expect you to agree… The last five studs turned on their heels when they spotted me in the doorway…. But in reality, I'm not that intimidating, am I?" He flexed one of his massive arms, and his shirt just ripped apart around the sleeves. I could smell his scent. His sweaty musk filled the air. My own 5.7 inches of cock were hardening full mast in my jeans…. I gulped slowly… "Not at all," I lied while glancing around the room to see where his wife was. He followed my gaze slowly before reaching his full height again. It was the first time that I could take a long stare at his package… His monstrous shaft and nuts were so massive that I could spot them through the jean's fabric… Fuck he was packing. "We're the only two on the farm" he glanced down at me… "Lemme show me your room" He slowly made his way towards the hallway; his broad back turned to me when I tried shoving my hardon underneath my belt before I followed him upstairs. Fuck I felt heated, and my cock was oozing pre like crazy. My muscles felt good. Almost as if I had a decent pump even without hitting the gym. "That's your room… My son used it back in the days… But he moved overseas a week ago…. Never really cleaned up his mess though" He let me inside and leaned against the wooden doorframe behind me… Fuck… he really filled it out to perfection. He had to lean against the top crossbar with his forearm, crunching slightly to glance down at me through the door. "Take whatever you need… My son Jake won't need it any longer… And I'm more than pleased if someone finally takes care of that nasty boy's mess." I slowly nodded when he patted me on my shoulder in approval. "And don't worry about him returning. He won't be back home for at least a few years". He slowly turned around to leave. "Make yourself at home… And take his clothes if you like them… He grew out of them way too fast. . ." He chuckled while walking down the hallway. "I'll introduce you to your work tomorrow…. Dinner is at 7… And call me Mike if you need anything." I could see his monstrous glutes, quads, and calves fighting with the jeans fabric while he slowly made his way downstairs again… I inhaled the air… Feeling more pre oozing out of my shaft before I glanced down… Did my cockhead always push out over the belt… And my arms… They looked massive today. Fuck, my workouts really paid off. I can even spot my abs slightly sticking out underneath my shirt. I slowly moved around the room. Jake had to be a fucking freak of a stud… The ground was covered in jockstraps which either were torn apart or featured prominent stains of what had to be his jizz. I slowly made my way towards the closet and pulled out a shirt. It was big enough for two or three Luke's of my size… And fuck… I got even hornier when I found his underwear drawer… He had to be packing… Clearly coming after his beast of a father. I slowly undressed when I couldn't resist trying it on. I got even harder when I realized my hard cock couldn't stretch the fabric far enough. The waistband was worn out and always slid back down my hips… But Jake had some hot clothes. Prominent red jockstraps… He has enormous hoodies and his own collection of lumberjack shirts. I tried on one of his hoodies and just gulped when I glanced down at myself… The hoodie ended right above my knees…. It looked like a tent on my body… The fabric alone was heavy enough that even I could feel its impact on my body…. Did he grow out of that stuff? That's Impossible, right? I slowly got rid of his hoodie again, making my way to his desk drawers. The upper drawer was filled with polaroids with stuff written onto the white edge beneath. "First day of college" I glanced onto the stud. He was hot. Looked like a regular jock. He had a chiseled jawline, and his school uniform was painted on his body to perfection… "Started wrestling" was the second polaroid…. My cock almost exploded in my pants when I stared at the image. That was porn material. He was huge… He was at least 7'…, more like 7'2 in height… He was standing in the middle of what had to be a locker room. Pinning someone against his side… Against his hairy pits. His huge cock was throbbing. Bulging against his monstrous abs while he clearly did not care if anyone saw his massive member. His nuts were bigger than eggs, more like oranges. And the buff dude to his side looked scrawny compared to his mass. I slowly switched to the next pic… Feeling my cock exploding inside my briefs. "Helping my old man on the farm…." He was clearly the one who held the camera for the selfie… I could see mike standing next to him. His massive right arm wrapped around Mike's shoulders and neck. He was barely tall enough to face his son's huge nipples… He looked … so… puny next to him… Mike had a smile on his lips while he didn't look bothered that his son was all naked. A thick stream of what had to be pre ran over his massive cock onto the muddy ground. And without the other polaroids… I probably would've switched their roles in my head… I slowly pushed the images back into the drawer when I searched for something to eliminate the mess inside my briefs… I panted… Feeling my cock stir even harder inside my underwear… I just came… But my nuts felt like they wanted to blast an even bigger load…. I slowly got up and went to his bed and the drawer next to it. It smelled like gym lockers… Or probably just a potent man… if that was what it is. I slowly opened the drawer and glanced inside. I first spotted a huge bag of condoms… supersize was written in bold letters across the package…. A large flashlight was resting next to the box… And back in the corner, I found an almost empty container of tissues… The flashlight had slightly broken plastic around its sides… Wait… A flashlight? I slowly wrapped my fingers around the large tool and pulled it out of the drawer… It was no flashlight… It was a fucking fleshlight… And judging by its clean state, he never really had a chance to use it properly after the fucking sides were crushed by something… My eyes widened when I remembered… Jake's cock was monstrous in the pictures… more like a forearm than a cock. I slowly pulled down my briefs, forgetting to clean up for the moment, when I slowly lowered the fleshlight over my throbbing cock's head. I always wanted to try one of these… I always wanted to… *NNNGHH FUOOCK* I let out a low growl when my cockhead touched the soft insides… Even with the broken sides…. It fulfilled its duties. I laid back on his bed…. Slowly shoving it further down on my cock while my muscles shivered under the pleasure… I inhaled the air… My balls felt ready to blow as if they were close to just bursting apart under the pressure of my cum… I closed my eyes before I slowly stared up at the ceiling…. Stains were covering the wooden top of the room… I rammed the fleshlight down when I let out a relieved grunt… My cock blasted another load… But this time, it got even worse… I could feel the lust only rise inside my veins… That fucker really just blew his loads against the ceiling…. What a pervert… I let out a lower grunt. My adam's apple slightly pushed outwards. My pecs started inflating just so tiny, stretching the material of my shirt further out. My pecs slowly grew hairier underneath, building a prominent happy trail toward my cock's base. My cock was shivering under the lust… I ignored the fapping sounds each time I thrust my cock back into the wet fleshlight… It felt way too good when I pulled my pants further down… It felt like a prison for my calves… I couldn't get my jeans off on their own… But right now, I didn't care… My calves were rippling. My quads were pushing out further… *NNNGHH FUOOOOCK* I closed my eyes when I bucked my hips further out. My abs rippled and got denser… Thicker… My body slowly grew into a prominent v-shape. My shoulders pushed out while my neck got stronger… Manlier… My jaw got slightly square when I heard Mike's deep booming voice shouting from below… "DINNER'S ALMOST READY" My cock exploded inside the fleshlight when I slowly held my breath and moaned…. I was panting, sweating like crazy… "I I'm coming" My voice was deeper… Fuck I sounded manly right now… I slowly pulled off the fleshlight before glancing down, staring at my cock… It was towering around 8 inches in length… I tried to focus but fuck… What happened… I was… bigger…. My mind was razing before I heard tableware clinging down in the kitchen…. Dinner… Dinner right… I slowly tried pulling my jeans back up when I struggled over my quads… I grimaced when I used more force… Squeezing my jeans back up further… It was fucking torture to get my massive nuts inside… They were slightly blue… As if they wanted to blow another five loads right now… I slightly panicked when I realized my shirt was too short… It only covered down to my belly button right now… And my cock… It was fucking oozing out pre like crazy over my abs and pants… Clearly visible even after I pinned it underneath my belt… I rummaged in his closet when I pulled one of the lumberjack shirts and got it on. It was way too big for my frame… But I just tucked it into my pants, hiding my cock at least slightly from Mike's eyes when I slowly made my way downstairs. My feet felt cramped in my shoes… I almost tripped and slightly cursed when my forehead hit the small doorway into the hallway. . . "Looking good" Mike sat at the same table. It was filled to the rims with different foods. Two large mugs of fresh creamy milk. Large steaks with fresh salads. "Still a bit too large for my frame… But had nothing else to wear" I was sweating… I could feel the heat in my body… I couldn't explain it… But I was so damn horny all the time. "You remind me of my son… When he was your size back in the days" He grinned before he slowly leaned in, filling my glass with the creamy milk again…
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- m/m
- muscle growth
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Hey there yall! First story in the forum. It is a short one, but I hope yall like it anyway! --------- "Ooooooh...fuuuuuck..." A deep, gutteral voice resounds through the room, almost drowned out by the sounds of wet flesh slapping against each other. Two men were seemingly having the best sex of their lives, their loud moans being able to be heard for miles with how loud they were being. The man on bottom couldn't do anythimg but scream "oh god, oh fuck" again and again as a massive cock slammed into him over and over, spreading him wide open as the cock was almost as thick as his wrist and almost as long as one of his arms. And yet, It was going all in effortlessly, all thanks to the owner of it, a man so muscular you would think he was one of the biggest bodybuilders ever, even when he has surpassed all of them long ago. Muscle upon muscle over every inch of his body. His pecs so wide and massive he could barely see over them. Arms so thick they were always in a state of flexing. Legs as thick as tree oaks. Glutes with the perfect mix of plump and muscle. And of course, a long, massive cock, giving him so much pleasure as he pounded away at the bottom, his balls as big to match. Those two weren't the only ones in the room, though. All over it there were men having sex, lost in their own pleasure as they fucked each other brain's out in all kinds of ways. All of them muscular, all of them with massive cocks and asses. All of them insatiable "F...Fuuuuuckkkkkk!" Like a dam breaking, the muscle god thrusts inside the bottom as he cums, gallons upon gallons leaving his balls, most of it going into the bottom's belly, some of it falling on the floor and making a pool. "Oooooh yesssss..." It goes on for a few minutes, and it almost seems like his release is never gonna end, but the flow eventually slows down, the man slowly pulling out his cock with a loud *pop*, the cock flopping down as the bottom drops to the floor, exhausted, but still moaning. " fucking good..." The muscle god stares at his long, thick cock. It was quite a sight to behold, and even looking at it was making him hard again, leaking pre. "Hehe...f-fuckk..." He grips his cock on his hand, softly stroking it as it pulses, slowly and surely, just for his entire body to follow, growing and expanding in size. His pecs become bigger, his arms thicker, his ass rounder and buffer, a few inches taller, moans freely leave his mouth. It was a second orgasm. And his cock...his already massive cock grows even more. Before, he could wrap it on one hand without issue. But now? Now it came up short, and this fact made him shoot a load of pre to the nearest wall, joining an already huge splash of cum that was there hours before. "Fuuuuck...look at fucking fucking horny..." He licks his own arms, smelling his own musky pits, turning him on even more than before. His cock throbbed to life again, as if he didn't just cum gallons after fucking that bottom for dear life. Just like that, his balls were full again, begging for sweet release. And he was gonna give it, for sure, stroking the massive tool with both hands as he looks as the other muscle gods, all fucking without a care in the world. Just like with him, they were massive, muscular men, with massive pecs, massive biceps, massive legs, the biggest cocks and the fattest asses. And every once in a while, they would grow even bigger, lost in the pleasure of growth, just to start fucking again. The floors, the ceiling, the walls. All of them were covered in cum. The only sounds were the sounds of moans, the begging for more, and the slapping of flesh upon flesh. "Mmmf..." There was a very small part of the muscle god that resounded on his head, on the very far back of his memories. Memories of fucking a guy in the gym's showers. Memories of that man giving him a "gift". Memories of waking up that night harder than ever, his cock unable to go down, just for him to grow when he came. Memories of him trying to stop, at some point, just to give in to the evergrowing lust, unable to stop being horny no matter how much he came. Memories of calling in his friend for help...just for him to fuck him, his friend unable to resist temptation, giving him the "gift" too. Memories of going out to the city, into a club, and fucking everyone there. Memories of someone going out, giving the "gift" to another person. Memories of...of... "Mm-mmf..." But his memories become fuzzier as his cock lurches, the stroking intensifying on pure instinct. What showers? What man? What "gift"? None of it was important. None of it was right. He had always been an insatiable muscle god. "Yes...m-mmmf..." A god that could fuck for hours, days, weeks, and never be satiated. A god that turned this city into a field of endless orgy, the men becoming truly happy as they, just like him, became insatiable. No matter where you go, you'll find men fucking in the streets, slowly but surely growing into lustfilled muscle gods, unable to ever go soft, unable to ever be satiated. Even if they tried to stop, they never would. Their "gift" would just make them horny again, swallowing their mind deeper and deeper into that hedonistic, perfect heaven... "F-FUCK!~" He cums again, his memories from before this point becoming swallowed up, any regret disappearing into the cum as gallons upon gallons cover the room, breaking through one of the windows, revealing the cacaphony of moans and sounds on the city below. Everyone in the room became covered in their God's cum...which only make their lust increase, their bodids grow faster. As that happened, the bottom he had just filled, the friend he had called for help, once, moaned and twitched. Just like everyone else, the cum was absorbed into his system as he began to grow, his muscles expanding. But mainly his ass, just so that he could take his god's even thicker cock. "Fuck...m-mmmore..." The god's cock went soft, but just for a second, as the growth kicked in once more, the pleasure hitting in once again. Bigger arms, bigger ass, bigger pecs...and a much, much bigger cock. Now, though, he turned to his favorite bottom, he offering his massive, bubble ass, spreading it to reveal his hole, still leaking out with cum. "Yess..." The god didn't even think twice, and went back to fucking the bottom, the pleasure bigger than before with his bigger, even more sensitive cock. The sounds of raw, pure sex continued on and on. "Fuckkkk...mmmf..." The muscle god could barely even remember his name at this point, but he didn't need a name. He just needed to fuck and grow. "Fuck fucking good..." With every cumshot, with every flex, with every growth surge, his mind sank deeper and deeper into pleasure, away from the life he once knew and embracing his new life further. He cums again, gallons once more, pulling back his still hard cock out of the bottom, cum leaking out. He sees his cock grow even more, pulsing and throbbing with endless need, just for him to thrust inside once more, no other thoughts on his head as he starts pounding away. "More...moooore..." He couldn't stop even if he wanted to, and stopping was the last thing on his mind. On anyone's minds. The hours turned to days. The days turned to months, and the months turned to years. The "gift" had spread all over the world, making it nothing but an orgy of muscle sex, 24/7. Many men had grown to the size of skyscrapers on that time, their growth having no limits, and yet their lust grew just as much, the world becoming covered in their seed as they flooded it all in their endless lovemaking. And even then, they didn't stop. Not one of them ever did. They couldn't. They wouldn't. Only a single thought remained in their heads, so deep into pleasure, and sinking even deeper. "Moooore..." --- "...Muscle sex zombies. You sneaked in, gave this man this virus, and then watched it all break loose?" A voice resounds, talking to a muscular man. They were very far away from that ruined world. Or any world, for that matter. Both of them looked like very muscular men, their naked bodies the image of perfection. "Yup. Thought it would be a silly thing to do. And look at that! Ain't that hot as hell" "Well, can't deny the results. Will they really just...never stop?" "Never ever!. The virus inside of them will just make them grow and fuck forever, sinking into oh-so-sweet bliss. Ain't that the happiest ending? Fuck, even just saying that makes me hard as hell." The man laughs, stroking his cock a bit. "You have issues, and I find this outcome hollow, in the great scheme of things, but...I can't deny it is kind of arousing indeed. So what, do we just leave this timeline alone?" "Sure, there's not much else to do here. Onto the next one!" " will let me do my own experiments now, right? You already had your fun, dooming the world with endless sex." "Hehe, sure sure. Show me your ideas, Mr big shot." The two men disappear, ready to cause even more chaos in random timelines. The multiverse was vast and endless. Surely nobody would mind a few hot experiments in some of them, right?
After classes Owen had trained in his high school gym and was now in the locker room. Though he has only been lifting for two hours, which was less than his usual workout, he worked out a sweat and got a huge pump. Now young beast was clad in nothing but his sweaty posers and was checking himself in the mirror. Side chest, abs pose, Zyzz pose, double biceps, most muscular. He couldn’t get enough of his own power. He wanted to use it, to show it. Suddenly the door opened - it was the high school’s football team getting back from training. The jocks were in a good mood, appreciating each other’s efforts and friendly joking at each other’s mistakes on the field. They were all skillfull athletes, some ripped and some with the layer of fat over their muscles. Air around them reeked with testosterone and their uniforms were tightly rapped around strong young bodies. However, even the captain, who was the biggest, was barely half the weight of Owen and didn’t even reach to his chin. They always admired and even feared the him and coach was said that this muscle giant wasn’t interested in team sports. Owen just continued to flex, while smirking and thinking to himself: “Good! These boy toys came just in time. My cock’s already leaking”. It was true - his massive weapon rose, pushing the posers. Precum alone was so voluminous that it started dripping through the fabric. Jocks noticed it with a shock, but the brutish teenager didn’t feel any shame. He said laughingly: - You miring? That’s a real man’s meat right there. - Oh dude… - the football captain was stuttering, trying to hide his own growing bulge - You are a beast. Can… can I… see it? - Why not? Here you go! The former cocky attitude of the jocks was instantly replaced by the worshipful desire as Owen ripped his posers, letting them see his cum-cannon rising almost to his pecs. Captain couldn’t control himself - he kneeled before Owen and trued to suck him off, but even the cock head alone was too huge and hard, so the jock started to lick it and than shaft and bloated balls, causing the beastly teenager to moan lustfully: - Fuck yeah! Come closer, bitchboys, gonna fuck all of you! The captain was first. Owen effortlessly grabbed him and put on his cock. Only a few thrusts were enough to make the football player cum. The came the next, and the next. Soon all team had Owen’s thick cum flowing from their overstretched holes. It was painful, but they lusted for more and so did Owen, whose mighty cock seemed to only get even harder and bigger after two dozen cumshots. The orgy lasted for about an hour until the team layer completely exhausted on the floor, moaning incoherently. Among them stood Owen, covered in a mix of sweat and cum, arrogantly watching his conquest. “Here cums the last one… Get ready, bitchboys… FUCK YEAH!” It was almost visible as cum traveled through his shaft. Then a flood-like thick load erupted from his cumslit, splitting the sealing and raining over the lying jocks. Enormous orgasm lasted for a few minutes. Owen sniffed in the thick smell of his own testosterone and semen and then glanced over the half-conscious athletes, flowing in the layer of cum that covered the locker room. “Thanks for the help, team, gotta do it again some day!” - he said and strutted to the shower while licking his own cum out of his biceps.
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- cum-flood
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m/m The Tank - Third Chapter 12-27-2022 - T-Juice Hits the Streets
tereshky posted a topic in Stories
Chapter 1 Brian Salk was walking down the street in a tight-fitting T-shirt, the kind that clung to him so snugly that you could see all of his muscles beautifully pressed against the fabric. People who saw him thought he lived a charmed life as one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaires, at 25 he was the latest wonder kid to make it big in the tech industry. He was on the cover of magazines and billboards. The media was taken by his other talents as well, particularly his prowess as a body builder. Shirtless photos of “the Billion Dollar Six Pack” were everywhere. That combined with his ability to speak 10 languages, play piano and violin like a virtuoso, and his status as a chess master made him into quite the modern-day renaissance man. Brian didn’t mind the attention. He liked people checking him out. It was the closest he could get to imagining what being in a relationship was like. His father, to whom he felt he owed everything, did not approve of his son being in a relationship, not because he was gay. His sexuality was common knowledge and all of his “brothers” were (something that was not common knowledge). Rather he and the old man shared a secret, the key to all of Brian’s successes. A secret that if the world were to know, could end Brian’s freedom forever. Brian was the last of the “Children of AIM” (AIM being the Army Institute of Mutagenesis). A military agency devoted to the development of the American Supersoldier. After a disaster that led to the catastrophic quarantine of an entire town, and the “loss” of one of the founders of the program, the project was deemed as too dangerous to continue. The three remaining super soldier subjects or, “Children of AIM” as they were known, were sent to various families within the United States to be raised as normal children. However, Dr. Gregory Salk was unable to say goodbye to the child he had created undertook to raise the boy as his own son and hone his abilities for the good of humanity. His superior intelligence and athletic prowess were the result of billions of dollars of secret investment. But Brian had abilities that went far beyond that. As a gift from his treatments at AIM, he could change his body size and musculature at will, a skill that would have made him nearly invincible on the battlefield. As he was now a free man, that particular talent was no longer strictly needed. It did however come in handy in another of Brian’s hobbies. You see, Brian always felt the need to give back to society, so he led another life, the life of a crime fighting hero. A life that was about to be tested once again. “Hey Brian!” came a familiar voice. “Huh?” he said, looking around. “Oh! Hey Jake!” Jake’s father owned a bank and as his son, he managed all of his charitable work. Being a philanthropist himself, Brian ran into him all the time, which was torture because Jake was the most gorgeous man that he had ever seen and the young billionaire was head over heels for him. To make matters worse Jake was openly gay and single. Brian hated having to keep his feelings a secret. To be fair, Brian only thought he was keeping it a secret. Anyone with half a brain could see the way he blushed whenever Jake walked in a room or fumbled for words. Or the way his package bulged up whenever Jake touched him. “I was just grabbing some coffee big guy,” Jake said, walking over, casually placing a hand on his friend. “You want to join?” “Yeah well… I… uhhh coffee sounds nice… you ummm like coffee?” In truth he’d been on his way to a meeting but those fingers on his arm made him temporarily forget anything about that. “Uh… yeah…” Jake chuckled. “We had coffee together at Autism Gala, and that cancer event before that. For a genius you’ve got a lousy memory.” He said gently prodding his large friend in the side. “Oh right… yeah sorry…” he said, blushing and scratching the back of his head. Soon the thoughts began again. He had a condo in this neighborhood. He could just take Jake up there and they could have glorious… “Earth to Brian.” His thoughts were interrupted by a slightly impatient Jake. “You want to join or…?” “Oh… yeah… sure…” he stammered. “Excellent.” Jake took Brian by the arm, effectively leading him like a puppy. The two walked a few blocks together and were having a great time enjoying their coffee when Brian’s highly engineered hearing picked up a disturbing sound. “Gimmie da cash or I use your guts to paint dese bricks!” That was followed by the sound of someone pleading. “Crap…” He pulled out his phone as cover. “Look I’m really sorry, I’ve got to run!” “Always on the run…” Jake sighed. Without another word Brian jumped up from the table. As soon as he was out of Jake’s line of vision he ducked into an empty alley and pulled a spandex wrestling mask from his back pocket and placed it over his head. Then he pulled off his shirt and pants, stuffing them away into the backpack that he always carried with him and hid it in a corner of the alley, revealing nothing but a tight stretchy bottom. Clenching his teeth and concentrating on his body, his already impressive biceps began to bulge out, his famous six pack bulged into an eight pack, his back muscles went into a state of upheaval as his traps and delts began to broaden. His pecs ballooned out, forcing his nipples even lower. His clingy shorts were stretching against his inflating bubble butt and thighs. He was becoming… The Tank. As his body swelled with more and more muscle he began to grow taller, passing 6’ 6’’ then seven feet. The rush of power flowing through his veins was incredible as pound after pound filled into his body. He passed the 8-foot mark with 800 pounds of raw muscle with arms and legs the size of tree trunks, abs bulging out like grapefruits, with lats that pushed his arms outward. Time for action. He bounded away after the sound, leaping over the street as agile as a deer, darting from alley to alley as if he were flying until he came upon what he was looking for. Three guys had a Somali immigrant pinned to the wall. “I told ya, if ya don’t buy de insurance in dis country, bad t’ings can happen!” “Please… I wont have enough to feed my kids if I pay that much!” he begged. “Sounds like your company needs to go out of business.” It wasn’t the best line but Brian was working on that part of the job. “What da hell?” One of the thugs looked up just a trash can came hurtling at them, knocking two of them off their feet. The remaining one looked up at the behemoth standing before him and realized his worst nightmare had found him. The bulging, masked goliath took a few steps toward him. “De Tank…” he muttered, legs shaking like noodles, and pulled out a gun. Before he could get off a shot, The Tank had slammed a massive elbow into his gut, sending him flying into a nearby chain link fence. He turned to the immigrant. “Get out of here!” But there was no need for that. He’d already taken off down the alley. Brian reached down to the two thugs he’d knocked down with the trash can and picked them up by their shirts. “Now I want to get one thing clear with you punks.” He growled, his voice deep and booming. “There’s gonna be no insurance racket in this town as long as I have anything to say about it. So if I see you again you better have a new occupation.” Suddenly there was a loud bang and flash of pain in his left arm. He knew it instantly, he’d been shot… again. The man he’d knocked into the fence had gotten up and pulled out another gun. He effortlessly hurled the two miscreants on top of his assailant and walked over to the pile and picked up the dropped hand gun as a steady trickle of blood ran down his arm. “You know, that just pisses me off,” he said crushing the weapon in his other hand. “You better be pretty glad I’m not like you.” He said dropping the useless pile of metal. Unhooking a belt from his waist, he stretched it out and wrapped around the three of them. “That ought to hold you.” He said clipping it together, causing a light to begin to flash. Once locked it was nearly impossible for them to get out. The homing beacon would alert the police, and an electronic USB stick would play a recording of the event. He might even make the news tonight, he thought as he bounded away back to the alley where he had dumped his clothes. When he got there, he flexed his arm until the bullet popped out. They never went in very deep. Shrinking back down to his usual size, he pulled a compression bandage out of the backpack and wrapped it around his arm. Bullets didn’t do much damage when he was ‘tanked out’ (as he liked to call it) and his modified body was pretty good at healing without a scar but they did hurt. It was like getting stung by a giant hornet. Quickly getting his clothes on he headed up to the condo he owned in the neighborhood to get cleaned up, sending an email to his colleagues that he was sorry to have missed the meeting. He had five new text messages but one of them in particular was difficult to answer. It was from Jake. “See you around, handsome. Maybe one day you won’t be too busy to hang out.” It bit him to the core. He felt like he would have given anything to have been able to finish that cup of coffee with him. ‘But then that man might not have been able to go home to his kids.’ He heard his father’s voice in his head. That evening, his walk back to Mid Town where he and his father made their primary dwelling on several floors of a skyscraper was a lonely one. “You really could have built me to make the bullets hurt less,” he told his father Gregory that night as the 65-year-old gently attended to the wound. The old man laughed. “You should have seen how some of the other super soldiers reacted. Some of them had better healing than you do and they would scream and run away at the mere sight of a gun.” “Maybe that’s what I should do,” Brian grumbled. “You’re the one who chose to be ‘The Tank’. I would have been just as happy for you to devote your life to computers, arts or science,” his father said. “But I’m proud of you. Every person you save makes my life’s work seem more worthwhile.” He smiled and then added, “Also if you wouldn’t grow so large you wouldn’t make such an easy target. I’m sure you don’t have to be so massive to deal with street thugs.” Brian chuckled. “Do you want to take away the one really fun part of my life?” His father sighed. “I suppose not.” “I met Jake today for a coffee.” Brian threw in as casually as he could. “Oh? How’s his family doing. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen his father.” “They’re fine I guess. I… mostly forgot to ask,” Brian said with a sigh. “You know… we do a lot of charity work, we should plan an event with them or…” “Brian…” his father said, sealing the wound with a special adhesive he’d invented for his son. “Is that really a good idea? I know how you feel about him. There is such a thing as tormenting yourself for no reason.” “Well I wouldn’t have to torture myself if you’d let me see him,” Brian retorted. “And what would he think of us?” Gregory said, “What would he think of our life?! Of who and what you really are?” He sighed and patted his son on his uninjured shoulder. “The army is clear on this. If people find out about AIM through you, they will ‘reposess’ you. It took everything in my power to get them to release you to me when you were 18 months old… I don’t have the connections that I used to have.” “Well what if he doesn’t know?” Brian asked. “I don’t have to tell him!” “Son you grow in your sleep sometimes… It took me four months to design a bed that you wouldn’t break when you were 12. When you get too “excited” you start to morph. These are things you just can’t hide from a partner.” “Well, why can’t you just fix those things?” Brian said. “You come up with solutions to everything else.” “I gave you a mind easily a match for mine, and it’s still young and in its prime. If anyone could fix the kinks of the super soldier program it would be you,” Gregory said. “But I think that Pandora’s box is left closed. You are the last of them… and the most functional I might add.” He said with a bit of pride. “Right now I’d give anything to just be normal. To finally know what it’s like to truly be with someone,” Brian muttered. “I know it’s hard… I’ve had to make the same sacrifices you have. You’re all I’ve got.” The big guy heaved a remorseful sigh. “I’m sorry Father. You’re right.” “Why don’t you stay in tonight.” His father said, patting him on the back. “You’ve done enough for one day. I’ve got something I need to work on in the lab.” Brian was left alone to look out over the city lights. While he was designed to easily be able to go many nights without sleep, and he often did, this particular day felt like it needed to end. So he went to bed. That night he tossed around in his sleep. His dreams were troubled by visions of masked men dressed in black, hunting him down. He jerked himself awake in bed with a loud “No!” and looked down at his swollen body, buffed up by the fear in his nightmare. The pounding of his heart echoed his head. He’d only gained about 100 pounds in his sleep this time. “Perhaps Dad’s right… I just can’t control this.” His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. “Uh… yes?” The door opened and to his shock, Jake stepped into the room. “I heard you shouting and I thought you might need some company.” “How… how did you get in here?” Brian stammered pulling the sheets over his naked body. His dream growth shredded anything comfortable he could sleep in. “Does it matter? I’m here now,” he said walking over to the bed. “Do you want me to leave?” “No… no… I just don’t get…” Brian was fumbling with his words as Jake pulled off his shirt and began to crawl on top of the sheets over to him. He’d seen that lovely chest before, at socials where there was a pool. His cock was throbbing, he’d wanted to touch that body so often and here it was crawling into his bed. Jake climbed onto of his massive target and straddled him before licking those massive pecs which began to swell under his touch. “Fuck… no! I can’t… not in front of… awww fuck.” It felt so good. Jake pressed his lips against Brian’s’ and massaged those nipples as his inflating pecs pushed them downward. “Mmmmm, that’s a neat trick. Why didn’t you tell me about it before?” Jake said licking Brian’s traps, making their veins pop out as they bulged into his face. “Didn’t… think… you’d understand…” Brian said, gently pulling down Jake’s pants so he could feel that luscious ass of his. “I only understand that I’ve never wanted anything more,” Jake said, pulling down the sheets and driving his cock into Brian’s massive abs. “God, you’re incredible,” Brian moaned as his abs bulged around the cock that was riding up and down the slit between them. “Wanted this for so long,” he said, growing taller as the man he’d wanted to be with more than any other began to move up and down his massive frame. His balls began to swell larger than fists as his cock began to grow, poking Jake in the back. “Seems like someone’s ready to play,” Jake said reaching and stroking the massive rod. “Never… done this… before,” Brian moaned. “Let me show you how it’s done,” Jake whispered and mounted the giant member and slowly slid himself down on it. Brian’s balls were so excited that they began to swell like mad first to cantaloupes then to basketballs. His cock grew to 24’’ and Jake had to balance himself on the giant balls to ride it. Brian could feel his ass expanding into an enormous bubble butt. Jake took notice and reached down to squeeze it while he could still reach it. His fingers spread the massive ass cheeks expanded in his hand. The reinforced bed was beginning to creak and strain under the new weight as Brian’s biceps grew larger than Jake’s entire torso. He passed 8’ 6’’ as his balls swelled to the size of beach balls. Each of his massive pecs weighed over 100 pounds of raw muscle as he bounced them in delight. Jake felt the expanding lats pushing even further out from Brian’s massive sides. As he was skewered on the enormous dick like a toy. Pre-cum started to gush out of that giant cock, overflowing Jake’s ass and spilling out down his enormous shaft, completely soaking the bed. “Awww fuck I’m gonna cum!” Brian shouted when suddenly an alarm went off. He opened his eyes as one of his massive balls slid off the cum soaked bed and bounced onto the floor, stretching his sweaty nutsack. A jet of cum blasted him in the face as his balls unloaded onto no one but himself. He was alone it had been a wet dream. His body had expanded so much that the bed alarm had gone off to wake him. Brian had passed the 1000-pound safety limit. He coughed a little as another massive blast of cum covered his face and chest in spunk. He laid there panting for a moment, unable to shrink just yet. The hottest thing he’d ever imagined had just happened and it wasn’t even real. He idly rubbed his cum soaked nipple wishing so hard that Jake could be there but he’d proven his father’s point. As globs of jizz rolled down the bedsides he realized that being intimate with anyone was going to mean revealing his true identity.- 12 replies
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- muscle-growth
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An average night out? | Pt. 1 - 7.2 (last update: 08-10)
hairymusclemorphs posted a topic in Stories
//The start of another story? The heat was almost killing me this afternoon when I finally clocked out. I was working in the local steel mill. Working next to a smelting oven all day was one thing. But it was another thing to end your shift and get released into pure heat. How could it still be around Thirty-six degrees Celsius [96°F] outside? Jake slapped me on my back before forcing me into a slight headlock. “You should join me at the party tonight. Plenty of hot chicks… And enough alcohol for everyone.” He reminded me of a golden retriever. He never gave up with his chiseled jawline and perfect blonde hair. I only stood around 5’7 (170 cm). He knew I wouldn’t say I liked parties. Maybe he chose me as his sidekick because he understood he looked taller next to me. Not muscle-wise. We were ripped through the steel mill's hard work all day long. But while he spent most nights drinking and living his young life, I spent my nights inside the local gym instead. My hard work paid off; most men would probably kill for a body close to mine. Yet I never was satisfied. Maybe it was better this way. I couldn’t tell Jake about my dark fantasies. Or how I fucked girls in the past while recalling muscle porn I read on the web. “I’ll join you… But I won’t drink.” I saw his eyes brighten before pulling me in against his frame. “You’re the best. Catch you at nine” He squeezed my nipple through my shirt slightly before he left, humming on his way to his car. To be honest. I was not too fond of Jake’s parties. He always invited the whole town to increase his chances around the few women who joined in. I slightly rubbed my right pec, still feeling the pain in my hard nipple, before I slowly made my way towards the gym. Nothing topped an excellent pump before getting ready for a night out. It was past eight when I stood in front of my mirror, slowly trying out different dress shirts for the night. I should thank Jake one day. I still remember the first time he invited me to a party. I went downtown to buy a pair of expensive dress shirts for the night. I grinned when I slowly flexed my arms in the dark-blue shirt. My muscles pushed the garment to its limit. I could see the outlines of my arms. I was a tiny beefcake. But what would I give to tower around 7’7 instead of my puny 5’7! I could feel my cock stir in my dark chino trousers. At least my cock was thick and juicy, averaging 5.7 in length. I squeezed it through my pocket before slowly making my way out for the night. Jake’s flat was already crowded when I arrived. It only took minutes until he spotted me in the crowd and pulled me close to his frame, introducing me to his new female guests. The night was long, and with each minute, more and more alcohol filled the guest’s glasses. I had managed to get a spot on the couch, watching the whole thing without much interest, when one of the female guests tripped and stumbled on me. She tried supporting herself on the backrest, but the alcohol was too much to handle. “S Sorry,” she hicked before trying to get back up on her feet. “Hey, get your hand off, my babe” I just managed to help her back up when a man towered in front of her, his fist raised. He was also drunk when he ignored his girlfriend, who tried to calm him back down. He was pumped and stood around 6’. I tried getting up when he used his force to push me back down against the couch. I groaned slightly under the impact, clenching my fist when suddenly an enormous man blocked my view. He was tall and wide. He had to be towering around 6’7 (2m) in height. He didn’t say a word. But he gave me some time to take in his view. He was massive. His glutes were pumping against the fabric of his jeans. He had dark hair and a thick neck which was visible even with his hoodie blocking most of the sight. He had a trained bubble, but. And his broad shoulders were visible through the thick sweater fabric. He was wearing a signal red hoodie with the letters alpha printed all over the back. I could feel my cock stir in my pants. He was everything I always craved to be. I could smell his musk in my nose. The dominance radiated off his body while he still blocked my size. Maybe he just had waited for some trouble to get into a fight. Or perhaps he just arrived at the party. I didn’t spot him in the room earlier. Yet he was, getting rid of my problem without moving his arms. He slowly turned and glanced down at me. His green eyes were locked on my body. Glancing over my pumped frame, over my sculpted abs before he stopped with his focus right around my boner. His cocky attitude sent me almost over the edge when he extended one of his massive hands. “Tom here. Sorry if I got rid of your brawl for the night. But guess he would’ve been beaten up if I let you lay hands on him, huh?” He shoved the stud beside me further before he took the spot next to me on the couch. He lowered his arm and slowly ran his arm around my biceps from behind, giving it a rough squeeze to feel the density. “It’s unusual to find another meat head at a party filled with drunken guys” He slowly positioned his massive arm around my shoulders. He didn’t wait for an answer when he just pulled me against his vast side. I could feel his insane pecs. He was a meathead. He was pumped to his rims. Almost as if he was the bigger version of my own body. I could feel my cock harden even worse when he just threw his rain jacket onto my crotch. His musky pits filled my nose through the dense fabric of his hoodie. “Why is a handsome man like you still single?” He pulled me in rougher. I could feel his strength. “Never got a good match on these parties,” I heard his low chuckle. Saw his adam’s apple push out with each of his words. “Luke here” I slightly shifted underneath his hug. Even his arms had a good weight to them. A few guys were staring at us before Tom glanced in their direction, and they quickly shifted away. Maybe it was due to Tom’s size… Or the fact that he had quite the rugged look. His chiseled square jaw combined with his short buzz cut and beard. For most men, he was intimidating. But for me… He was pure porn material. And apparently. He didn’t even care that I popped a boner in the middle of the party. He pulled me closer against his frame until his giant arm covered my face from the public. I relaxed in his embrace. I just wrapped my arm around his upper body. He had to be built and sculpted underneath the fabric of his sweater. “Don’t worry. I won’t leave before you go for the night,” his low voice whispered in my ear.- 36 replies
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STUCK INSIDE By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
1 University It was the first week in a new town. Lectures startet at eight in the morning. There I was, waiting for the classes to start. I was early. An hour early to be exact. I leant against the cold metal bench in the large hall. There were no other students around. Just a few workers and professors making their way throughout the great hall. It was late autumn. I was wearing a hoodie which was slightly too large for my frame. My jeans slightly lose, only held in place by a tight leather belt. I was average. I only stood around 6 feet and I couldn’t gain any muscle mass. I tried it for over three years, yet I never got any closer to my dream size. I slowly stood up, feeling the call of nature. Or in other words. I needed to piss and this place was a fucking maze. I slowly made my way through the large hall towards one of the dim lit hallways. It was slightly creepy to be all alone. The lights barely lighting the paths. It looked like it was pulled out of a postapocalyptic game. There even were a few hallways which were just blocked with wooden plates and a slightly shifted door with a sign. “Construction ongoing”. – For me it looked more like they just prepared to tear that whole place apart instead of repairing anything in here. I found the restrooms at the end of one of the corridors. It was pitch black inside before I found the scrawny switch next to the door. The lights buzzed in a yellowish color when I slowly made my way through the Anteroom where two sinks were mounted. The second room was also pitch black. The halogen lights needed a few moments, flickering for a few heartbeats before it showed the inside. Two pissuars were mounted onto the walls. This was definitely not the main restroom. There was no way that thousands of students would make all the way up to this place for a fucking stroll. I slowly came to a halt in front of the second pissuar next to the wall when I pulled out my 6 inches of cock. It wasn’t long but thick, even in soft state. I relaxed a little when I heard the beam splatter against the ceramic. I got nervous when I heard steps approaching. I tried hurrying up when the door swung open. I didn’t dare glancing towards the entrance. But it was enough to spot his physique out of the corner of my eyes. He was huge. If I was average… That man had to be a giant. I could smell the potent air. The musk filling my nose. I relaxed slightly. He was probably a construction worker based on his outfit. He took the spot right next to me. His arms were massive. I felt them grind against my side slightly. “Sorry man… Tight space in here” his voice was low. I felt it vibrating throughout the air. “Don’t worry” I heard my voice. It was higher than usual. Fuck… I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t relax when such a freak of a man towered next to me. I let out a slight sigh when I started shaking my cock to get rid of the last drips of piss when I glanced towards his package. He was packing… He had to tower somewhere around 7’5… more like 7’8… Fuck I was barely on eyelevel with his massive pecs. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his rough hands while he slowly started opening his fly. He forced his monstrous anaconda through the opening. It had to be above 10 inches… Fuck was he hard? The scent just got even stronger in the air. He let lose. His massive member grinding against the metal of his zipper. He was massive… And he wasn’t hard at all. I could feel my own cock harden full mast while my eyes widened slowly. His cock was massive enough that he didn’t need to stabilize it all. It just rested over his monstrous nuts. Hot piss blasting out against the cold ceramic when I realized… He was staring down at me the whole time. I tried fidgeting with my cock… Tried stuffing it inside my pants when he just wrapped his monstrous arm around my shoulders, pulling me in against his body. Right up against his musky pits. He was wearing a white tank top. His sweaty, hairy pits pushing against my face when I heard his low masculine voice vibrating throughout my body while he spoke. “Finally a fucking stud who likes what he sees” He pushed me in rougher against his side… “Come on boy… I know you’re here to study some shit… But deep down in your heart… You crave for muscle and mass” He ran his arm and hand slowly further down my back until I felt it squeezing my ass throughout my jeans. I couldn’t deny it…. “I I’m straight” I blasted out like an idiot when I heard his low chuckle… “Fuck boy… I don’t care if you are… But I know that you like what you see… Come on boy… Just admit it” He grabbed my hair with his rough hand before he pushed me to my knees. I was eyelevel with his monstrous shaft. I could see the veins. The outlines. The pubic hair which fought with his fly. The hot piss blasting against the ceramic while I couldn’t even see his face when glancing up. His massive pecs just blocking my sight. I could see his lower abs. A prominent happy trail leading down into his worker pants. “Y… Yeah…. I do”. He pinned me against his massive soft shaft. My cheek grinding against the hot skin while I felt the piss running through. Damn how much was he leaking… “I’m working on construction for years…. But you’re the first runt who is turned on by my stench… By my size… Damn boy you even crave to lick my hairy, sweaty nuts, don’t you?” I had no time for an answer when he pushed my lips closer to his massive mushroom head until he pushed his pissing member inside my mouth. My eyes widened slightly. I wanted to gag but he just pushed it further inside. Clearly getting aroused when I felt the blood pumping throughout his member. I felt the hot fluid rush down my throat. I just tasted his sweaty, musky shaft on my tongue. Feeling the hot sensation inside my throat when his hand started rubbing over my backhead. “Fuck boy… You really are a pervert…” My eyes widened when he rammed his cock further inside my throat. I barely could breath through my nose… His shaft slowly thickened, lengthening while a new sensation slowly took over. Pre started mixing with his piss before I saw his abs flexing… tensing… I heard low grunts when he let out a low moan. “Damn you really like Daddy’s shaft don’t ya?” He grabbed my backhead and forced me all the way down until my lips reached his hairy nuts… I wanted to gag but he didn’t give me a chance to… Instead he just pulled his hips back out and rammed his monstrous cock back in until my lips ran against his pubic hair. His musk was intoxicating. Hot pre was filling me up like a balloon. I skipped breakfast today… But I already felt as if I ate a whole weeks ration of food… “Cum for Daddy” His voice ordered when I felt his steelcapped boots pushing my hard cock down against the floor tiles. I wanted to moan… But he rammed his cock back in all the way. My eyes widened. Smelling his powerful musk when I heard voices outside… “Damn where’s mike…” My cock was exploding underneath his heavy boots before he unloaded his massive load inside my throat… My eyes wide… I couldn’t swallow it all. I tried… But fuck… I felt my gut pressed outwards… My hands cramped around his huge quads when I felt cum just running down my cheeks onto the ground and his shoes…. I felt as if I was drowning when he pulled it out. Just aiming his monstrous cock onto my body. Covering my whole frame with his jizz. I couldn’t talk… My throat was fucking destroyed by his freakish size… I just leant against the wall. Hot cum covering my hoodie and jeans before he slowly shook his monstrous cock to get rid of the last drips of jizz before he wiped his shoes clean against my jeans. “Call me Mike” his low voice boomed before he slowly made his way out. His musk was still in my nose when I heard his low voice in the distance. “I’m coming boys… Just had a piss” he slammed the door shut behind him. I stared down onto myself… I was covered in his thick jizz. I ran my finger slightly through a puddle, licking it off my sweater… But it was no use… I couldn’t go out like that, could I?
- 10 replies
- 45
- m|m
- muscle growth
(and 6 more)
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You should stop. You know how wrong it is. You know the consecuences very well. You know this will change you forever. You know nothing is changing you back. But your mind has been decided. ... You were always an average guy. Average body, average life, etc. The only thing that wasn't average was how arousing muscles on men were for you. You always wanted to grow that big, that massive. Have everyone worship you, feel all that muscle over as their hands caressed every crevice of your massive body. Or also having one of those muscle gods dominate you in every way, their huge, muscular bodies for you to touch and worship, their thick gods inside of you as they flexed for themselves. But you never could grow much at all, no matter how hard you tried. So you resigned yourself to your average life. That is, until you recieved a message from a coworker, telling you a secret spring out of town that could make all of your dreams come true. He told you the place seemed to be cursed though, and that people that were to look for it never returned, but he also said it was just some scary legend. Not having anything to lose, you go to the place on a weekend, your friend having given you a map of it. " it is." The place was a, indeed, a natural spring, hidden well enough inside the forest that you were surprised nobody had found it. But you felr something else was afoot. The road there was completely nonsensical, and even with the map you were sure you got lost at least thrice. Not wanting to waste any more time, though, you quickly lose your shirt and pants, leaving the speedo you were wearing on, and take a step into the spring. To your surprise, it wasn't cold at all, it was at the perfect tempetature, to the point it barely felt as if you were inside. Walking deeper and deeper, you eventually sit yourself on one of the rocks, the water reaching your belly. You didn't know exactly what would happen, but your friend did told you to just come and swim in here. Maybe he just wanted you to have a clear head after such a stressful week? "...Mmf?" Your thoughts get interrupted, though, when you feel your cock get tighter in your speedo. Weird. You weren't really hard right now, and yet it definitely felt tighter. Before you could do anything, though, the same sensation spread to the rest of your body. "W-what the-" Your arms, they felt much, much more tighter, as if they had just been through an intense workout. And, right in front of you, they started swelling in size, thicker and longer. "Holy fuck! Mmf!" The sensation intensified, slowly becoming quite pleasant, almost pleasurable. Your chest followed with the growth, your pecs growing and expanding in size, becoming quite heavier and firm, veins appearing through them. Even your own nipples started to grow in size, becoming longer. "T-this is insane..." You almost couldn't believe how big you were becoming. Slowly, and hesitantly, you bring your new grown arm to your pecs, rubbing them, and feeling how strong they were. You pinch one of your nipples, which used to be the less sensitive part of your body. Yet the moment you do, a loud moan leaves your mouth. It felt no different than gripping the head of your cock. The sudden rush of pleasure made you fall deeper into the spring, now up to your neck, and while panting, you noticed the changes continue, the sensation in your speedo intensifying once more, and your height growing considerably. Your cock was growing, now fully hard, and was trying it's best to free itself from it's speedo prison. Your once flat belly grew an 8-pack, bits of hair appearing through it and on your still massive pecs. Your pits weren't safe, either, hair growing on them at a fast rate. Through the water, you could see it. It stretching the fabric of your speedo, slowly yet surely bulging, throbbing, and growing. Along with it your legs followed, expanding in size the same way your arms just did. The sight made you pant with need. With all hesitation out of the window, you pinch your nipples as hard as you can. Twisting them, pulling them, rubbing them. It was as if your nipples were now cocks, they released a white, thick substance, definitely cum, begging to be worshipped at all times, and your actual cock really liked the pleasure. "Fuck...fuck...more, more!" Your nipple worshipping sent your body into overdrive, a strange heat sipping through. The growth intensified. Your already big arms doubled in size, your biceps becoming bigger than your head. Your pecs grew once more, almost raising your head and shallowing it completely. Your back also wasn't forgotten among these changes, your traps pushing your head onwards as your back kept expanding and dividing. A part of you thought this was becoming much more than you bargained for. If you grew any more, you would be a freak! But it felt so could it be bad? How could it be wrong? "O-ooooh..." The flicker of panic is drowned by what comes next, your cock had already been leaking pre for a while, but the sudden growth made it shoot once, twice, thrice. Each time rising it higher and higher from the water, until it was floating in front of you, as big and thick as a long, yet still throbbing. You were producing pre as if it were cum, coming so close to cumming, and yet your own body was teasing you and holding you back. Panting, your hands still trying to rub your nipples, you slowly thrust your hips upwards, the movement against the speedo sending wave after wave of pleasure through you. The growth continued down your ass, becoming thicker, bigger, and stronger, and helping push the speedo to it's limits. Your ass was clearly becoming much kore sensitive, too, as rubbing against the surface was sending shivers all around. "I'm...i'm..." You were in heaven. You had never felt so much pleasure, so much stimulation, in all of your life. The throbbing, leaking cock, becoming bigger and bigger, more and more sensitive, the tight and pleasurable feeling of growth all over your body, your pecs, almost trapping your head in a prison of sweat and musk, your nipples, no different than a pair of fat cockheads now, intensifying the growth, your biceps, bigger than your own head, being clear shows of your power, your ass, the ass of a true muscle god, being so sensitive to the touch... "GRAAAAAAAH!" With a loud ripping sound, the speedo came undone, your cock was set free, and the release was strong enough to send your balls into overdrive. And so, you came. With the force of a natural geyser, sending the thickest load you've ever seen into the sky, falling right back into the spring. The growth had finally stopped, but this wasn't all of it. No, far from it. Your balls were still quite full, and your cock was still begging for release. " fucking hot..." Barely even needing to lift yourself, you grab your cock, it's massive veins and throbbing making you lick your lips. You thrust your hips again while stroking it in a rhythmical fashion, and your cock happily obliged, shooting again and again into the air, bathing you and the spring in your white, manly seed. Each load felt better than the last one, moans unable to be kept away, you fondling your nipples with your free hand. This was your paradise. You lost track of time, but by the time your balls were empty, the sun was already setting. Your soft cock lay down, sinking under the water and back to between your legs. The spring looked quite smaller than before, and the raw smell of sex and sweat replaced the natural smell it had. You were sure the spring was more cum than water at this point, and the idea made you chuckle in pride. Even so, you couldn't stay there. Rising up from the water, you take a better look at your body. You really had become a muscle god, each crevice of your body was now perfect, and you couldn't help but show off with a double bicep pose. Your hairy pits smelt of musky sweat, and you couldn't help but smile at that. Your cock got hard again, ignoring the hours you spent emptying your grown balls. You softly stroked it, conflicting thoughts in your head. "Should I, really? It's already so late. If it becomes night, I may get pretty feels so...good" Leaving out a needy moan, your lust snd greed win, once more walking into the spring, a smile on your face. Sitting once more in one of the rocks inside the spring, water reaching your pecs, you start stroking, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. It was much, much stronger than before. As if hundred hands were working on each of your body's weak spots. As if our own body became a sexual weak spot. "Oooooh....fuuuuuck..." You even went as far as fingering yourself, your anus so sensitive a single touch send shivers down your spine. "Fuuuuck yeaaaaah...Don't stop this feeling, ever..." You were so focused you didn't noticed when the entrance to the spring had disappeared, covered by rocks, as if it was never there. "So fucking much muscle...oh fuck..." You kept stroking and cumming, stroking and cumming, the growth slow but certain, your mind so deep in pleasure nothing else mattered. Your kissed your biceps and pulled your nipples. You fingered your ass and, as long as if it was, even dared to suck your own cock. "Please...more...Never enough...I don't want it to stop..." You didn't noticed when the night turned to day, when the days started passing. You didn't noticed when people started looking for you. You didn't noticed when the spring had become mostly your cum, drinking it and bathing on it, only intensifying your own endless pleasure. You didn't noticed when the growth had stopped. Only one word was able to come out between your endless moans of lust and need. "More..."
- 4 replies
- cockgrowth
- cum and grow
(and 4 more)
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Okay, here's the start of something new. Let me know if you want me to carry on! What you need to understand is that Harry and I had been friends all our lives, or nearly. When we were in playgroup, I chewed on his toy car. When we went to school together, we taught one another to read. If a teacher asked me what my name was, I’d say: “Max and Harry.” For years, right up till we went to university, people would call us Maxandharry or Harryandmax. Even at Uni, him studying Biological Sciences and me doing Business Studies, we texted nearly every day. For a while, after celebrating our Friendversary, we even changed our Faceboook names to MaxandharryandharryandmaX, till he pointed out it looked a bit gay. I felt a bit sad changing it, but my girlfriend of the time told me he was right. In the years since then, of course, we drifted apart a bit. We were both in London but we would only meet for a drink every couple of months. I guess he slowly started noticing a change in me about summer 2019 when I had made a special effort to get #BeachBodyReady. ‘Shit, mate, you really do have a gym membership, don’t you?’ he said. ‘When are Men’s Health ringing you for a cover feature?’ I was in a short sleeved shirt and I was feeling pretty good about myself back then, but still I knew he was talking shit. ‘Bro, have you seen the guys on Love Island? All I’ve done so far is lose a bit weight really.’ ‘Impressive though,’ he said, sinking the last of his pint. ‘I don’t think so,’ I said. ‘Not yet.’ ‘Well, I reckon Niamh would think so,’ he said. I cuffed his shoulder. ‘She’s not superficial like other ho’s,’ I said. ‘Girls like that sort of thing, though,’ he said. He looked down at himself. ‘They can’t help themselves.’ ‘They like to see we’re taking care of ourselves,’ I told him. ‘Anyway, you’re far from overweight, dude.’ ‘Underweight, if anything,’ he said. ‘I do my heavy lifting with this.’ He tapped his brow, and we both laughed. ‘Mind you don’t go impairing it with two many hipster beers, then,’ I said, getting up to fetch another round. ‘If you promise not to go crazy with this gym stuff,’ he said. ‘You’re fine as you are.’ But I knew he was wrong. By the time we met to toast Christmas, he couldn’t resist squeezing my arm. ‘Holy shit!’ he said, eyes wide. ‘I thought you just had a big jumper on under that coat. You’re huge!’ ‘Not as big as I’d like,’ I couldn’t help saying, blushing. ‘Still a way to go.’ ‘What do you weight though…?’ ‘About 70kg,’ I said, automatically. ‘Roughly 150lbs.’ ‘Whoa,’ he said, ‘I didn’t expect you to actually know. You must be taking this seriously.’ I shrugged. ‘It’s fun too.’ ‘Bet you’re not drinking tonight.’ ‘Maybe just the one. My body fat’s down to 7%.’ I sipped my orange juice. ‘It feels great, though. I’m so alive, so capable. And, bro, let me tell you, the girls are hanging round me like flies around shit.’ God, it felt good.. Harry didn’t seem to feel so, though. ‘Mate, I didn’t need to have another reason to feel inferior,’ he sighed. His mouth was proper down-turned. ‘Niamh,’ I said, testingly. He nodded glumly. ‘I wasn't enough for her, it seems.’ ‘You were too good for her, anyway,’ I said, although I wasn’t sure how true it was. There he sat, a weedy little guy with glasses, maybe half my size. He couldn’t have lifted a weight above his head, let alone bench-pressed what I was doing. He looked pretty pathetic. ‘Maybe you should join my gym. Just to cheer yourself up.’ ‘Can’t think of anything worse,’ he said. ‘Come off it, mate,’ I said. ‘Build a bit of muscle and you’ll feel amazing. Imagine if Niamh sees you on the beach next summer with your shirt off, biceps bulging, pecs rippling…’ I tailed off, thinking how ridiculous this sounded. Even if I could persuade him to take some exercise, I thought, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for him to take his shirt off on camera. He was still as lean and hairless as when we both set off for University. I wondered, was I naturally superior to him? Niamh would certainly have picked me over him for a mate: law of the jungle. I’ve have shown her a better time, as well. I didn’t like to think how embarrassing Harry must have been in bed. I shook my head to clear it. Harry had been talking to me and all the time I’d been thinking about banging his girlfriend, cucking him in his own bed. Crazy thinking. I interrupted him: ‘I don’t want to hear any shit, mate, you’re coming with me to the gym tomorrow and that’s that.’ He sat back in surprise, held up his hands. ‘Fine. Fine!’ There was a long pause. Finally he laughed and got up to go to the bar. ‘Better get a round in while I’m still allowed, then!’ ‘Skip the crisps this time, okay,’ I laughed back. ‘2020’s going to be your year.’ And to be fair to him, he turned up. He obeyed me, as if I was in control of him. He did the exercises I told him to do. He changed his diet. It became quite fun, turning up to see him at the gym – maybe not as often as I would be there, but at least a couple of times a week. He didn’t enjoy it but he worked hard. At the end of January, he had actually lost a bit of weight – but sadly, he hadn’t put on a single shred of muscle. We stood looking at one another in the mirror. ‘I can’t fucking believe it,’ he said. ‘I’m actually smaller than before.’ ‘I’ve just grown bigger,’ I said, ‘that’s all, mate.’ ‘Bullshit,’ he said. ‘Yes, you’re bigger but look at me. I’m a shrimp. Nobody would guess we were the same age.’ ‘You’re a week younger,’ I told him, shrugging off my sweaty vest. ‘Maybe you’ll always be…’ Again, I didn’t want to say the truth. ‘What?’ he demanded. ‘What were you going to say? Weaker? Smaller? Inferior?’ ‘But only to me,’ I told him. ‘You might put on some muscle by summer. You won’t be strong but you’ll be fit.’ ‘That’s really what you think of me,’ he said, eyes wide. Furious. He looked like he wanted to pick a fight with me, but something rational was stopping him. He’d be mullered in a second. Instead, he ran away. Just grabbed his bag and stormed out. I should have run after him, but I was meeting this girl for dinner. He had told me on Tinder that she wanted me to fuck her like an animal, and I was still wondering how best to do that. I was too distracted. That was half my trouble. MaxandharryandharryandmaX was in trouble for the first time in history. An unshakeable bond, broken by the gym. Or maybe more, I thought. Maybe by masculinity and testosterone. Maybe by alpha male power. It could never be equal again now that I had begun to dominate. February slipped past, and I thought about him every day. I dreamt about him. I dreamt he was watching while I effortlessly fucked Niamh. I was pumped and bigger than ever while I worked at her tight snatch, and he got smaller while he watched me. In March, I finally sent him a message. ‘Miss lifting weights with you. Miss lifting pints even more.’ He replied almost straight away. ‘Maybe we should resume one of those activities. Guess which one.’ ‘Gym’s open longer hours,’ I replied, with a emoji to show I wasn’t serious. ‘Mate,’ he texted back, ‘I wouldn’t go there right now.’ ‘Why?’ I asked, expecting a joke. And so, Harry was the first person to tell me about coronavirus. I thought it was just him making an excuse about not exercising. I don’t follow the news, don’t really do social media; in fact, I was pretty buried in work and working out. I suppose, I also didn’t want it to be true. I was in full denial. And so, inevitably, I caught it. I’m strong. I’m healthy. I don’t even take roids, so no strain on my heart. So I guess I was well prepared for it. Even so, it knocked me out for longer than I expected. Those were some crazy weeks. Maybe the weeks that followed were even stranger. Apart from work, Harry was the main person I was in contact with during lockdown. At first we talked a bit about fitness: my gym had closed. I tried to buy gym equipment online, but there was none available. ‘I must have got the last set,’ Harry told me. He told me it was the one good thing in his life now. It was hard for him - he was still so weak - so I sent him tips over email, links to videos and online advice. He asked me questions about diets and supplements and steroids. I told him to do it all clean, which disappointed him, being the biology scientist – he wanted to make himself into his own experiment. But it was a good thing. It was like we were the same person after all, just slightly out of phase. Except I couldn’t work out, not properly. I did some bodyweight stuff and started running. The muscle just melted away. I ended up looking as lean as a stick of celery. ‘You’re going to end up as my trainer,’ he said, when we talked about it. I didn’t like that. What if he caught me up? So we didn’t talk about it. And the lockdown rolled by. The lockdown was raised. Life began to return to normal. It was September when we arranged to meet again. A few drinks in the same old pub we used to frequent – but first, we would work out together, side by side. It struck me, as I walked towards the bench press: we were equals at last. MaxandharryandharryandmaX had been brought closer together by the quarantine. We had both realised something: his innate power, my humility. At last, we would be best friends once again. The only problem was, he didn’t appear to have showed up. The gym was pretty much empty, and the only person hanging around our agreed meeting spot was a big guy. Proper monster. Shaved head. Lats out to here, waist in here, a real triangle. He looked nearly a foot taller than me and I was worried for a second. In an empty gym, it’s pretty bad etiquette to stand waiting for a piece of equipment. I didn’t want him to think I was trying anything on; he could have ripped me apart. He turned around and the light glinted off his glasses. He smiled. ‘Hey, Max, you made it!’ ‘Harry?!’ I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was a wind-up. He opened his arms inviting me for a hug. Each arm was as big as both of mine put together. The muscle was thick and pumped as if he had just completed a workout, not spent months in quarantine. ‘Harry,’ I said, looking up at him. ‘This is insane. You’re a fucking beast.’ ‘I used the lockdown well,’ he said seriously. His voice had grown deeper. It was like talking to a different man with my friend’s face, one who towered over me. ‘All this came from working out?’ ‘Of course,’ he said. ‘I see you went the other way.’ I looked down at myself, blushing. ‘Yes, I’m pretty small these days.’ ‘How big were you before the lockdown?’ he asked me. ‘Let’s not talk about it,’ I said. ‘Maybe we should –’ ‘Cut the crap,’ he said. ‘I asked you a question.’ ‘About 75kg,’ I told him. ‘165lbs.’ He shook his head in disbelief. ‘You used to seem so big,’ he said. He ran his hands over the huge globes of his chest and the hard, thick ripples of his abdominals, lightly brushing his fingers across the giant vascular boulders of his biceps and the vast shoulder-muscles that framed his firm chin. ‘I’m about 270lbs. 125kg.’ ‘It’s not possible,’ I said. ‘Feel it,’ he said. ‘Then you’ll know how possible it is.’ I laughed and held up my hands. ‘That’s fine, I’ll believe you.’ ‘What is the problem with you?’ he said. He didn’t raise his voice but the authority was clear. ‘I told you to feel it, you little bitch.’ ‘Are you okay?’ I asked him. He shook his head for a second. ‘Sorry, bro. It’s the testosterone. Sometimes I lose control. I mean, it’s true that you’re little. And you’re being a bitch.’ He put a hand over his mouth and blushed. The redness spread down his huge neck where it got lost at the tops of his pecs. ‘Jesus. Just bants, mate. Just bants!’ ‘Will it help you if I – if I feel your muscle?’ I said, putting my hands on his physique. ‘Be careful,’ he said. ‘I’m like a loaded gun nowadays.’ ‘More like a cannon,’ I said, feeling his might. ‘The Incredible Hulk has nothing on you. So you went for the steroids after all?’ ‘No way, you little cunt,’ he said, breathing heavily. ‘Ah, I’m sorry, Max. But no – not steroids, exactly. I did some research. With some friends online. Other biology academics into weightlifting. I was looking for short cuts, and they were looking for ways to build size and strength. I think between us we tapped into something that did both. Workouts combined with certain hormones and particular herbs. It’s all perfectly safe, just a few side-effects.’ ‘Like the anger management issues,’ I suggested. ‘And all this fur.’ I ran a hand through the pelt on his monstrous chest. ‘You really are becoming a beast.’ ‘Fuck!’ he gasped. ‘You touched it! I should have warned you – but I thought it would sound gay.’ ‘Touched what?’ I snatched my hand away but he caught it in a giant fist. ‘You touched my nipple. Fucking sensitive nowadays.’ ‘So what – what does that mean?’ ‘It means,’ he said, ‘either I need to fuck a woman in the next ten minutes or…’ ‘Or what?’ Harry looked toward the changing room door. ‘Or, old friend, you’ll have to milk the cum from my big swinging balls…’ TO BE CONTINUED…
- 18 replies
- 38
- worship
- transformation
- (and 8 more)
I walked towards the chamber, I had to trust my instincts to keep on going forward, as I walked I could hear my shoes tapping on the floor of steel. ... Suddenly, when I moved to a certain point on that dark room, the lights turned on, revealing a grey room filled with desks and gadgets, I was surprised I could move without bumping into them. I kept on moving, then suddenly I stopped, as an object caught my attention, a dogtag, soaked in some gooey liquid was above one of the desks, almost falling on the floor, it was silver and had an engraving in it saying: Ξαναγεννιέμαι στρατιώτης Είμαι μυς Ζω για να προστατέψω I could tell it was greek, though I couldn't say the meaning of those words. My curiosity got the best of me, I caught it by its small ball chain, and started studying it more closely, I kept on walking, but now slowly, as I analyzed what I had in my hands. The object was light and captivating, at least for me. In the end, I decided to keep it, passed the chains through my head and carefully put the dogtag inside my clothes. I started to feel a tingly feel, started in my hands, that had some of that gooey liquid present on the dogtag, and then it spread towards my chest. I kept on going, but I started to feel worse and worse. I ignored the burn in my body as I could, as I wanted to keep exploring that desert lab. Then I saw a chamber, in the corner. I walked towards the chamber, I had to trust my instincts to keep on going forward, as I walked I could hear my shoes tapping on the floor of steel. I saw it was large enough for a couple of men to be there one next to the other, but overall nothing than a weird elevator, so I thought, and as I started to move outside it, the doors closed. I was surprised, and then a gooey liquid started to rain above me, covering me into it, what a stinging substance, I started to panic and cried for help, but none was around, none came. My skin burned and the liquid started to flood the place, I was desperate, crying for help, and as I did, more and more of the substance poured above me, quickly inundating the chamber. Before I realized, I was floating in the middle of the chamber. My body was absorbing the liquid, and I screamed in pain as I tried to understand what was happening. Slowly, I realized I was growing taller, not only that, but I could feel my clothes tightening across my body. "How could this be?" I thought as I stopped screaming, even if the pain was still overwhelming. My body grew, my muscles expanded, slowly first, then faster and more aggressively. I felt my chest inflating, my pectoral becoming wide and robust. My screams started to thicken and becoming deeper, I could sense my abs growing inside me, carving its ways into the surface, aggressively and sharply. I could see the progress as my shirt finally started to gave in, revealing more and more of my strong pecs, with each nipple further and further away from each other, I was growing wide, my abs were expanding fast now, my scream was a roar now, and I felt pleasure in the pain, more and more. Not only my shirt, my pants also gave in, starting to reveal my strong legs, thicker and with every single muscle being sculpted into it, my trousers also gave in, revealing that my... my penis was growing too, it was thicker and bigger, and was hard. I could taste my pre-cum mixed within the substance. The smell was overwhelming, and more and more came from my body, I was transforming. And it didn't end there, as I was naked, exposed, with my arms standing beside me, my strong muscular arms, my shoulders, my heroic shoulders, wide and robust, that could sustain so much weight. As I was naked, exposed, I was rushed with a urge to fuck, I had to stroke, I was turning into a monster, and the thought of it invaded my mind, washing away every other thought I had before, I was a soldier, I was a big, thick, muscular, wide soldier, and I felt the urgent need to release my newfound power, I grabbed my cock with my strong veiny hands and violently masturbated, with a strong vigor, the pleasure was blinding, I was moaning and bellowing and roaring, my gutural noise was transforming me even further, I stroke furiously, as my abs grew wider, my nipples were wide apart from each other as my pecs were huge, and the dogtag was there, shining in my chest, feeling my strong heart beating, its sound mixing it with everything else. The dogtag was there beside my body, glued by the musk, the musk that mixed with the formula, that mixed with the pre-cum. I reached the peak of my existence and I came in so strong jets that the chamber started to break down, the cum started a different reaction within me, it was the missing link for my departure to the human race. I grew even thicker and wider, stronger and now my skin was mixing itself with the formula, with my own musk, with my cum. It was solidifying around me, becoming my shield, my new skin, I could feel every cell of my body boiling, and the formula washed away my blood, replacing it. My hair was no more, a strong cover of horns was in its place, I was roaring in octaves so low I wondered if anyone could actually hear me if they could. Not only roaring, but letting my pleasure escape through my words. "Fuck, I fuck, uhhhh, transform me, transform me more, me want more" My older being was lost. I was a creature beyond this world now, my pecs insanely wide and muscular, my thick abs, impenetrable. My strong cock was mutated beyong recognition, evolving beyond my control, not that I wanted to control it, I wanted to unleash my new power. I was transforming, stronger and stronger, and I want more. The liquid was no more, my body had absorbed it all, I opened my way out the chamber with my bare muscular hands, and as I did, again I jerked off, it was the only thing I could do, the only thing I wanted to do. I was reborn a soldier, a voracious one. I am reborn a soldier. I am muscle. I live to protect.
- 7 replies
- 23
- cum
- muscle-growth
- (and 10 more)
Here's the third (and final?) part of the Maximus Protein saga. Hope you enjoy. "WHAT THE FUCK" yelled Travis, causing me to turn and fall out of Dan's lap in alarm. "I GO TO TAKE A NAP AND YOU GUYS JUST DRINK MY PROTEIN? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT SHIT COST?" Travis was livid, red face behind his wire-framed glasses, messy hair sticking up. Standing there in just his loose plaid boxers and a wifebeater shirt, he looked almost comically small. Travis was a couple inches taller than me, sure, and he had a decent frame, but he had always been more on the skinny-fat side and now that Dan was a behemoth who was currently taking up half the living room, he seemed incredibly small. "I can explain, Travis" I said apologetically, getting up and realizing I was completely naked and still semi-hard in front of my roommate, which would have been a mortifying situation on any other day. But not today. Before I could say any more, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and dooubled over, falling to my knees. "Gah! What is this?" I gasped. Dan's rumbling laugh behind me: "It's hap-pe-ning!" he said in a sing-song tone, snickering at me as I started sweating anew, cowering on the floor. Travis stomped out of the room, fists clenched at his side and muttering to himself. I didn't see where he went, I was too focused on whatever was happening to my own body. "What is this?" I gasped to Dan. "Put two and two together, runt." He said in his now-extra-bassy voice. "I drank the Maximus and then I drank your cum, you drank the Maximus, and then uh, took my cum..." "I'm gonna grow." I said, stating it out loud and barely believing it. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that it would happen. I still couldn't believe what happened to Dan. This all felt like some dream that was out of control. But I had had dreams like this before. I wasn't dreaming the burning feeling in my gut, or the sweat racing down my back, or the shaking in my limbs. This was no dream, but I was about to lose control. "Don't sweat it man" Dan said from the couch. He had a huge shit-eating grin on his face, and he was lazily fondling his junk again. He was enjoying this. "Trust me, runt, this (he slapped his huge, hairy muscly stomach, running his fingers over the ridges of his abs, smearing around some precum that had leaked) feels DAMN good." Blood was rushing in my ears, I felt like I could puke or pass out. I opened my mouth to respond to Dan but the only sound I managed was a low groan. "OOOuuuuuhhhh" I fell back into a kneeling position facing Dan on the couch. My suddenly hard erection slapped against my flat stomach and I had no choice but to start jerking it. Just then all the feelings of pain and nausea and burning coalesced into one feeling: I was horny as hell and ready to grow. My cock felt thicker in my hand, and I was working my arm higher up a longer shaft than I had had before. "Unh" I felt my knees spread outward involuntarily and noticed some mass in my quads that hadn't been there a second ago. "Ah" I took a sharp intake of breath as I felt my toes push across the carpet. Simultaneously my ass, which I'd always been proud of, was pushing on my heels. I readjusted my kneeling position without taking my hand off my prodigious dick and felt my balls roll and drop heavily between my legs. I stuck my hand down between my muscular quads (which were getting bigger by the second) and tugged at my balls. They were bigger, definitely. They were the size of limes in my hand, which also felt bigger. I pulled my hand up to look at it and flexed my fingers in front of me. I'd always had slender hands that I was ashamed of, but these looked like a man's hands, beautifully muscular and powerful. My wrists were thicker, and I noticed a shade of my copper red hair, which had always been to wispy to really notice, was now growing thickly on the backs of my hands. Then I couldn't ignore that my whole forearms were looking insanely thick and veiny. "Oh fuck!" I felt a spasm shake through me. This was hot as hell. I knew I had to see my chest, but I was almost afraid to look, afraid to see what I was becoming. I closed my eyes for a second, throwing my head back and breathing, enjoying the expanding sensation. I'd never felt this, but I knew it was all I'd ever wanted to feel. I bit my lip, feeling more stubble growing under my lip than had ever been there before. I was ready for this. I felt like a new man. I could feel my pecs heaving, my abs flexing involuntarily. It was time to become the size of man I wanted to be. "Uhhhhhh" I grunted, as I opened my eyes and adjusted to the immediate shock of everything in the room looking lower (and smaller) than when I had shut them just a minute ago. I looked down at my chest to see pure muscle, twitching and growing outwards, my pale skin flushing red as a luxurious spread of copper hair fanned outward from the gap between my pecs. "Oh holy fuck" I yelled, in a voice that was like mine, just deeper and hoarser. "look at these fucking pecs!" I barely had to turn my head to see the boulder delts that were growing on either side of me. I lifter my left arm up to flex and felt like I could have cum right then at the size of my fucking cannonball bicep surging up from my freakishly veiny, striated arm. That was my arm! I craned my neck to see past my pecs, and saw a dark treasure trail trickling straight down my tensing cobblestone abs to a thick bush. Sprouting out of it was what had to be 11-no 12! perfect inches of rock hard cock , capped off by a flaring cockhead, perfectly pink and juicy. "This is what I am now", I said to myself, barely believing it. "This is all me." I put both arms into a massive most muscular pose and roared like the beast I was. "Hot damn, runt!" I had almost forgotten Dan was there, I was so absorbed in my own growth. "Who are you calling runt!" I demanded, shocking myself at the power of my own voice. Dan just laughed his new, booming laugh. "I think I'm still the big dog around here" he said in a cocky way as he made each of his giant pecs bounce. I instantly jumped to my feet, and immediately was taken off guard by just how high I was off the ground now. I had to be nearing 7 feet. "Big dog? We"ll see who's the big dog! Get the fuck up Dan!" A momentary expression of surprise passed over Dan's face, immediately replaced by his handsome, cocky grin. He leaned forward and hoisted his bulk onto his feet. The couch seemed to groan in relief. He took his time standing up, but boy did he stand up. And up. And up. Fuck. He was probably 9 feet at full height now. He squared up against me, looking down his nose at me, exhaling loudly and puffing out his massive, hairy pecs. He had a neck like a bull, and all I wanted to do was put my hands around it again. "Well, runt" he growled, "You gonna do something?" I could barely keep from cumming right there on the spot, he looked so fucking sexy. I went for the only weakness I knew Dan had: his soft, pink nipples, which were now quite a bit larger than they had been , but still stood out from the dark hair on his heavy pecs like they wanted to be pinched. Before he could say another word I grabbed them with both of my strong hands, squeezing as tight as I could while Dan howled in pain and pleasure, and fell to his knees so hard that it made the whole house shake. I heard some dishes crash in the kitchen. "How's this, big dog" I sneered teasingly, trying to intimidate, even though Dan on his knees was only a little shorter than me. "Ahhhh sonofabitch!" Dan grunted. He was obviously enjoying this. "Ohhh fuck! Ah! Not so hard!" I clamped down, rubbing his nipples roughly between my huge thumbs and forefingers, pulling and twisting. Dan yelped in pain, but his red-hot erection, the size of a baseball bat,, and sticking straight up out of his briefs (how was he still wearing those briefs?) told me he was enjoying this. "Ok I'll do anything you want" He wheezed between short breaths, "just know that I'll do the same to you, twice as hard." Had Dan always been this much of a freak? Why hadn't we hooked up sooner? Maybe he had been sending me signals all along, but I hadn't picked up on them. I had always been pretty shy and lacking in self-confidence. But not anymore. That version of Scott had gone, and now there was a real life hulk where a skinny Bruce Banner had been. I was going to get what I want, and I what I wanted now was Dan. On all fours. "Get down, boy" I growled, surprised at the gravel in my own voice. Dan complied as I let go of his nipples, now swollen and red, and he looked up at me with a mixture of lust and playfulness. Here was the biggest man I'd ever seen, and he was waiting on me to tell him what to do. Suddenly I had an idea. Travis had bought this massive oak table when we had moved into the place, in order to fit the huge dining room that was just right next to the living room. I had mocked him for it at the time, cause we only ever ate dinner leaning against the kitchen counter or sitting on the couch, but he had insisted that it was his viking banquet table. "Dan," I said in the most commanding tone I could muster, "I want you to crawl to the table and lie facedown on it." A huge grin crept across Dan's face, and I had to force myself to stop from smiling too. "Now!" I shouted. Dan complied. The table was much tougher than the couch, and it was a truly massive slab of furniture, so even Dan's awesome bulk fit onto the top of it comfortably. He was lying face down on it lengthwise, and his feet were still dangling off of one end. I took the floor length curtains off the sliding door that let on to the back porch (no sense in privacy anymore) and used them to tie Dan's hands together under the table. It was amzing that his arms were long enough to reach over and under the sides of the six foot wide table, but there was just enough space between his hands to get a good tension. Without saying a word, I walked to the end, grabbed Dan's ankles, and brusquely yanked him toward me, sliding him down the table until his legs were hanging off the end and his giant size ass was sticking out at perfect waist height for me. I took some more curtains off the rod (taking a moment to bend the curtain rod in my meaty hands like a paperclip) and used the curtains to lash each of Dan's gargantuan thighs to one of the equally sturdy table legs. "That oughtta hold you" I grunted. Dan laughed a bit, which earned him a violent slap on the ass. Speaking of Dan's ass, how were his briefs still intacted. The man had practically quadrupled in size this afternoon and still they were stretched across his has, full of tears and see-through thin, but still on him. Not anymore. I knelt down and grabbed at the back of the briefs, shredding them easily in my hands. "HEY! Those were my lucky undies!" Dan shouted. "Well I'd say theyve gotten you pretty lucky" I teased as I grapped the elastic strap and pulled it until it snapped off. "Do you feel lucky?" I said as I spread his huge cheeks to reveal a thicket of hair surrounding his pink, quivering asshole. I spat on it and gave it a lick, inhaling deeply and getting light-headed from the intoxicating man-musk that was steaming off of him. "Well do you?" I asked again, but I didn't wait for an answer before I stuck my face in, slobbering all over his hole, kissing it, drooling on it, working it over with my strong tongue. Dan moaned loudly and writhed against me, flexing his glutes to squeeze my head, grunting animalistically and whimpering as I worked away on his hole. Without warning I stuck two fingers in, then three, working my thick digits around inside his shockingly warm and soft hole.Dan only moaned louder and shoved his hips back toward me. "Is this your first time, big man Dan?" I asked lovingly as I stood up, readying myself to plunge into him. Dan turned his head to try to look at me from his prone position. "Maybe" he said. Bastard. I lubed up my footlong tool with some of the pre that had been leaking from the head and plunged it into his hole without pausing until I was all the way in. "OOOOH! UNNH! FUCK YES" Dan bellowed, and shoved his hips back into me. I started to pump away, shocked at how easily he took my massive tool. Was I big enough to really fuck him I momentarily wondered, and almost immediately I felt the swelling, heaving feeling again. I felt my dick expand wider and lengthen by another couple inches inside of Dan, causing him to squeal. I felt my arms and pecs get thicker, shaking with each pump as I plowed into Dan's ass. I guess the cum that Dan had filled me with was still working. Maybe Maximus Protein continued to work as it digested? I didn't have time to ponder the intricacies of growth effects while enjoying them at the same time, I was getting bigger as I fucked Dan! My arms put on considerable size, looking like two columns of muscle. Where my hands had only been able to paw at Dan's back before, now I could actually get a decent grip around his waist. I squeezed both sides of his hips, adjusted my stance wider to account for my thicker, longer, tree-trunk legs, and began to jackhammer into Dan with my 15, no 16 inch rod. "OH FUCK! FUCK YEAH BIG DOG! GIMME ALL YOU GOT!" Dan was lost in bliss, bucking back against me, shaking the whole table with our motion. I was grunting animalistically, losing all control of my thoughts. I wanted to fuck Dan on this table all night, and I would. Sweat was pooling under us, and I could hear the sound of Dan's huge dick slapping the bottom of the table with each thrust that I put into him. I readjusted my grip, reaching across the expanse of Dan's back and grabbing around his thick warm bull neck with both of my huge paws. I pulled his neck roughly towards me, squeezing my fingers against his windpipe, but it neck muscles with too thick to let me cause him any harm. I pushed his head into the table, grinding his sweaty forehead against the wood. Dan's almost incoherent with pleasure, I could feel his drool spilling down his thick beard and over my fingers, pooling on the table as he drew sharp, ragged breaths. Just then there was a low groan and a faint rumbling sound from Dan. I felt my grip on his neck loosen slightly, but I hadn't relaxed it. "Dan what's... unh.. are you...... aggh.... growing more?" Dan only laughed hoarsely, dumb hanging out of his mouth in an idiot grin of pleasure. I forgot he had drank all my cum from when he fucked me. That had to have some effect. The only thing I could do was keep fucking him, watching in amazement as his head and shoulders crept slowly up the surface of the table, his lats inching wider, arms flexing and pulling at the curtains that were tying his wrists together. I could hear the fabric starting to tear as his thighs pulsed and bulged bigger, straining against the inadequate bonds I had tied him with. I had better hurry up and cum before Dan tore free and had the upper hand on me again. Or should I wait? It had already been a couple hours since I had grown. The huge load that was currently weighing down my grapefruit-sized testicles could surely wait a few more minutes. I wanted to see what would happen. Then I noticed a change in Dan's demeanor. He arched his back up, pulling away from the table and causing his mammoth back muscles to flare and bulge. "UNNNNH" he said. I pumped into him more, but I wasn't causing this sudden change in reaction. Then I realized that I couldn't hear Dan's dick slapping against the bottom of the table anymore. I all I heard was some wet licking sounds. "Wait, Scott" said Dan, out of breath between guttural moans of pleasure, "If you're the one, UNNH, fucking my-Huh, ass... MMMnnn.... then who....AAHhhh.... is sucking my cock?!?" I pulled out of Dan's ass and dove to the ground to see an unbelievable sight. Underneath the table, in a pool of sweat, drool, and precum, was Travis, my roommate, still in his boxers and wifbeater, flat on his back and wrapping his arms and legs around Dan's mammoth cock, hungrily lapping his tongue around the head and using his whole body to jerk him off. Dan's cock was as big as Travis' whole torso, and slick with precum, but Travis hung on for dear life as it twitched and bucked around . Suddenly there was a loud rip as Dan broke his hands loose of his shackles and he instantly grabbed Travis' body with his massive mitts and began to jerk himself off with Travis' body. "WHOEVER"S DOWN THERE.... UNNNGHHH..... BETTER HOLD ON TIGHT!!" Dan bellowed just as he released a torrent of cum straight in to Travis' face, blowing his glasses off his head and causing him to sputter and gurgle. "Dan let go you'll drown him!" I yelled but Dan couldn't hear me over his roaring grunts. I reached down to pull Travis out of Dan's grip when I realized Travis was still holding on to Dan's dick with all his might, and he was, well, he was actually managing to drink most of the cum that was flooding out of Dan's dick. He had his mouth wide open, gulping down spurt after endless spurt of giant seed. I was confused. Travis, my avowedly straight roommate, was guzzling cum that should have been going down my throat if anyone's. I didn't even have time to realize how jealous I was as I looked around the room at the excess cum pooling on the floor. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something on the floor in the kitchen doorway. It was the tub of MAXIMUS PROTEIN, lying on it's side, completely empty. Travis must have drank the whole container. I looked back at Travis under Dan's cock, finally having let go of it as the cum flood ebbed. He was gasping for air, covered in all manner of fluids, and there was a familiar rumbling sound coming from his stomach... To be continued?
- 6 replies
- 45
- cock growth
- cum-flood
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
Stuck Inside By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
- 1
- muscle-growth
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(and 42 more)
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Another tale of Sean & Ty together. Got a bit carried away with the improbably large loads here, but enjoy! Sean & Ty (Part 2 of ?) With thanks to HSMuscleBoy & Galthroc for the inspiration Ty slid off the couch and walked out to the balcony of Sean's twelfth-story apartment, taking his shirt off on the way. His muscled body bulged as he bent over to remove his pants and undergarments. Slowly, he pulled his jeans down. A fat shaft was revealed as the jeans were dragged down and down, more and more was revealed, as though it would never end. Finally, as the jeans reached his knees, he gave a swift final yank and his cock sprang free, the fat footlong shaft slapping his thighs. He gives his boyfriend a wink before climbing into the hot tub, sighing with relief and leaning his head back on the edge of the tub. Sean grinned and followed suit, having already been shirtless and going commando, he slipped out of his cargo pants and climbed into the tub, his low-hanging softballs rolling over the edge as he moved in, his 14 inch soft meat hanging low from its weight. Ty's eyes follow those dangling beauties throughout their descent, watching their every small movement. He licks his lips and scoots closer, extending a thick arm and scooping one of the large testicles in a hand, it barely fitting. He exhales loudly, starting to get aroused as he lifts and plays with the huge thing, feeling how heavy it was. His cock started to poke out of his sheath, as though wanting to see what was going on. "God, Sean... so huge." Sean moaned softly as his equipment was handled by Ty. "Mmmf, Ty..." he groaned. "That's feels great.” He reclined in the hot tub, his arms crossed behind his head, smiling to the concrete overhang above him that was the upper apartment's balcony. Ty caressed those huge balls, shuddering when he let go and they fell onto where Sean was sitting in a heavy heap. His other hand was traveling up and down Sean's body, squeezing his bulging muscles, occasionally squeezing his growing dick. His own cock was already laying flaccid in front of him like a snake, pulsing with life as blood started filling it as he grew more aroused. Sean smirked and wrapped his left hand around the middle of Ty’s growing shaft, rubbing the length with his thumb while squeezing it tight. Ty hunched over to take Sean's swelling cock in his mouth, struggling to fit the mushroom inside his mouth. He managed, letting his tongue swirl around the glands, his throat closing around the head, before popping that fat meat out with a slick sound accompanying. "You taste so nice," he remarked, winking at Sean, his own cock now semi hard, up past his navel and almost as thick as his forearm. His stomach and chest heaved up and down as his breathing grew deep because of his arousal. He put Sean's cock back in his mouth, working magic with his tongue and throat. Sean gasped as his shaft was taken into Ty's mouth, already starting to leak pre inside of him. "God," he said, "you're g-good at this..." He placed his hand on the back of Ty's head, coaxing him on. Ty raised himself and let his palms roam Sean’s body as he licked and slurped on that big cock. He moaned as he cupped the stud’s bulging pecs and washboard abs, loving how his gigantic dick throbbed against his tongue, the taste of the fluids coating the member making him hungrier and hungrier. Ty increased the pace and strength of his sucking, taking more and more cock in his mouth until he gagged, but regained his composure. He kept his lips and throat tight, spit leaking out from his lips and staining his cheeks, precum and saliva oozing down Sean's huge cock. Sucking and slurping noises galore came from Ty as he worked his stuff, making sure Sean got a blow job that'd make him shoot his load like never before. Sean reclined in total bliss. His cock-head was warm and wet and drooled pre by the cup. His urethra pulsed and swelled as copious amounts of precum surged through it. His nuts churned beneath the water. He continued to rub the back of Ty's head. He could feel it through every muscle, every tendon, every nerve ending in his cock; he was close to cumming. Ty pulled back, and lay back in the tub, his own cock landing hard between his pecs. He stroked it eagerly with one hand, the other jerking off Sean’s. "Fuck, Sean, is that monster getting bigger?” he asked, fascinated. Sean smiled and placed a hand affectionately on top of the middle of his dick, stroking it gently as if it was his satisfied stomach. “You like this dude?” he asked with a smile, looking down to his cock that reached almost to his chin. “Twenty-two inches when I last measured.” "FfffUCK!" Ty groaned, arching his back, chest heaving into the air. Hearing just how fucking huge that cock was sent a massive wave of pleasure through him, sending his hips skyward, cock so hard it didn't move despite his squirming. Precum spit out like a water gun, coating his body. "I can't wait to see it cum..." Ty said as he went back to blowing his partner. Ty took more meat in his throat than he thought possible, his throat bulging from the effort. His head bobbed up and down so quickly it was nearly a blur. His free hand jerked and squeezed what remained of Sean's cock outside his mouth so roughly and tightly, he could feel the veins pushing against his palm. At the apex of his advanced blow job, he popped his head off of Sean's cock, let go, and sat back, leaving Sean hanging. He grinned and casually stroked his erect meat, his fat head leaking between his huge pecs. Sean gasped as he stared at the tip of his massive cock. As if perfectly on cue, the slit opened up and a massive wad of precum shot upward, splashing perfectly on Sean's nose. Sean sneezed, wiped the goo away, and then glared evilly at Ty. "Thought we might try some edging. Better payoff in the end. Not to mention your dick gets HUGE right before you cream," he pointed at Sean's huge, throbbing and leaking cock. "And god damn is that hot!" Sean frowned at Ty across from him. "Alright," he said, "if that's how you want to play it." He reached forward and wrapped his hands around Ty's shaft, squeezing tight around the base and slowly, ever so slowly bringing it up to the very tip, then plummeting his hands to the base quickly before restarting the process. Ty's eyes flickered when Sean worked his way up his cock. His whole body would jolt and tense when Sean suddenly forced his hands back down his shaft, muscles popping all over his body. "Ohh FUUCK, Sean. Keep doing that. Don't stop. Oh YEAH!" He moaned, his head jerking back in forth in pleasure. He tried to thrust into Sean's palms, but their grip was too tight to allow that. Precum surged out of his opened slit, oozing in waves down his fat, throbbing shaft, which was growing a darker shade of red by the second, veins starting to pop out and throb. Sean smirked and gently kissed Ty. "Thought you'd enjoy that,” he said and continued his treatment. His fingers felt like magic on Ty's cock, squeezing incredibly tight as he pleasured his boyfriend. He now began to corkscrew his hands back and forth as they slowly rose up the massive length. Ty grit his teeth and squeezed his hands into tight fists, making his arms bulge. Precum was spewing out like his cock was a broken faucet, dousing his body in clear, sticky fluid, his muscles becoming sleek and shiny. His pecs squeezed together and his abs crunched tightly, the base of his cock bulging obscenely as a tidal wave of horse cum prepared to burst forth and shower then both in spunk. "Fuck..Sean...gonna cum soon. Oh God, keep going. It's going to be huge." Sean promptly pulled his entire body away and jumped backwards, his nuts sloshing through the water. He stood there, leaning against the back of the hot tub, his arms folded over his chest and his cock hanging in the air. He smirked over the tip of his own shaft at Ty as he had done the same thing Ty had done to him. "Oh, you were reeeeeeeeeeally hoping to cum, weren't you?" he asked. As if on cue a bubble seemed to form in his urethra and climbed upward until it reached the head. At this point a bead of precum the size of a large grape emerged from the tip and oozed down his shaft, landing with a loud plop in the water beneath them. Ty sat there trembling, trying to fight the urge to cum right there without even touching himself. His cock throbbed and bounced in front of him, piss slit wide open and winking at him, ready to splatter all over the place. With much effort he managed to quell it, his dick "deflating", losing a few inches in length and girth. "Jesus that was close," he said. "Your turn!" he immediately lunged forward and grabbed Sean's enormous cock, jerking the shaft furiously with one hand and swiveling the other around the head in glands. He worked with no mercy, keeping a super tight grip, his motions quick and relentless. "Like that? You're gonna wanna cum in seconds. Look at that big cock throbbing like that!" Sean's eyes went wide and then slammed shut. He braced himself against the hot tub as his cock shot a massive wad of precum onto Ty's face. "Oh, GOD!" he shouted. "FUCK YES!" he tried his best to thrust but couldn't move through Ty's grip. He knew how Ty had felt during his treatment. "Yeah, you really like that don't you?" Ty moved his swiveling hand down a few inches to make room for his mouth, which he planted on Sean's cockhead. He licked and sucked briefly before replacing his mouth with his hand again, licking his lips of Sean's precum. "Mmm so much precum, too. Can't wait to feel that massive load. Yeah, and to rub it all over my body. Wouldn't that be nice to see, Sean? To see all your cum over my big muscles?" he continued to tease Sean as he jerked him fervently. "You like me telling you how much I like your cock? How badly I want you to coat me in your seed?" Sean’s dick spurt a wad of pre onto his chest. "I can feel it already. All that hot spunk all over my body. It'd feel so good..." "And that body..." Ty said, teasing. "So ripped. So much muscle. It makes my cock ache just looking at you.” "Yeah?" Sean grunted, breathing heavily. His member was swollen beyond belief, a few inches of girth being added and lost as it throbbed mightily. His hands trembled, hovering over his shaft, wanting so badly to jerk it and let it be done. Sean whimpered, his shaft swelling to massive proportions from his blood being cut off by Ty's vicelike grip. He panted as his cock became so hard it started turning from red to almost purple, and Sean loved every minute of it. He panted and gasped as his cock drooled more precum in a few seconds than in a normal person's orgasm, his own massive wall of pleasure slowly closing in. Ty placed a palm on that heaving chest, moaning softly as he slowly closed his fingers, squeezing the muscle. His palm traveled over Sean’s shoulder and then down his arm, resting at his bicep, the muscle trembling and twitching. Sean took a deep breath to calm himself, and slowly brought up his arm. A titanic mountain of muscle rose, growing higher and higher as he brought his fist closer to his head. Ty's palm traveled up, up, up, rubbing all over that huge bowling ball-sized muscle. He dug his face onto it, licking it, kissing it, caressing it. Just as quickly as Ty had started, he stopped, removing his hands and putting them down to his side, watching Sean's cock throb hungrily, nearly drooling. "God Sean. You're so fucking big. This just doesn't get old!" Sean roared with anger and lunged forward, practically tackling Ty's cock. He brought his mouth to the piss slit and kissed it hard, opening his mouth and dipping his tongue into it and moving about. His lips travelled around the whole head, kissing and licking about the shaft. He was literally making out with Ty's massive dick. Ty's hips bucked into the air from the sudden burst of pleasure. "FUCK!" he roared, writhing on his seat, muscles tensing and relaxing seemingly at random. His butt clenched constantly as he involuntarily started to lightly thrust his hips. His cock exploded in torrents of precum, splashing all over Sean, who was handling his cock in such a hot way, he knew he wouldn't last long. Sean continued to french kiss Ty shaft in front of him. His hands roamed the surface as his lips roamed the head, loving the taste of the stud’s salty precum covering his face, his shoulders, his chest; pretty much his entire body. Ty arched his back, leaning over the edge of the tub, his legs lifting his bottom off the seat several inched as the pleasure increased to mind-shattering proportions. He could feel the orgasm coming, and he didn't know if Sean would be able to stop on time. Sean promptly let go of Ty's shaft and stood up. He held his arms out to his sides and fell back, plopping into his seat, his cock now at chin level. Ty stood in front of Sean and squatted so that both of their cocks were level, his legs bulging with muscle. He propped his shaft against Sean's and held them together with both hands. Then he started to thrust against Sean's cock, their two members slipping and sliding together, lubricated by the waterfalls of precum seeping out of each one. Sean gasped and braced himself against the wall of the hot tub, pleasure rolling through his massive nearly two-foot cock as the two shafts painted each other with their clear glaze. "Mff, s-so hot..." Ty's cock was throbbing and leaking obscenely, ready to burst. He sped up his thrusting, feeling Sean's shaft pulsating against his own, the feeling driving him crazy with lust as he humped against Sean. "Gonna cum soon..." he moaned. Sean gasped and groaned as his cock continued to spurt. He felt himself on the edge of orgasm. That wasn't good. He promptly pushed Ty back, letting his own cock bubble and spurt before him. "N-not yet," he gasped. "I'm n-not through with you yet..." Sean panted as the pleasure slowly left him. "I-It's your turn," he said with a smirk Ty laughed. "What? I'm the one who lunged at you and started frotting." Sean smirked over his drooling shaft at Ty. "Yes, but you have yet to pleasure me and only me and not yourself. I'm waiting, big boy." Ty huffed and looked down at Sean's huge member. He hunched down and stuck his tongue out, lapping at the base. His hands worked the enormous head while he slowly brought his tongue up the shaft, kissing and licking it. His palms dug into Sean's head, a finger even slipping in the slit. Sean gasps and lowers his head, watching the finger vanish down his cock. "F-fuck," he said, "s-stole my idea..." "Whoops," Ty says, smiling. His trick ends when his mouth finally reaches the top of Sean's cock (which took long enough). He replaced his finger with his tongue, shoving down the slit and darting it in and out while his hands swiveled up and down that huge shaft quickly, squeezing tightly. "M-Mmmmf..." Sean curls his fingers along the edge of the hot tub. His shaft pulses out streams of precum onto Ty's face, glazing him over in warm goo, his own orgasm drawing nearer as Ty's tongue does its job. Ty shoves as much of his tongue as he can down Sean's gaping slit, the taste of precum driving him into a frenzy of lust. He nearly forgot all about Sean's impending orgasm until the tell-tale signs started to emerge. When that big cock he was loving started to get even bigger, he immediately snapped out of his trance and let go, sitting back and smiling. "I think we'll go crazy if we keep this up much longer." Sean was unable to reply, eyes wide and lustful as he clung to the edge of the hot tub, his cock two inches longer than normal and spurting precum by the bucket. "I th-think you're right..." he said. "F-finish? Or more?" Ty's shaft was thumping against his body with need. He rolled his head back and moaned, squeezing his legs together, which made him even harder, his cock turning purple. "Please...I need to finish." "Th-then let's..." Sean reached forward and wrapped his right hand around his cock, squeezing hard around his tip as his orgasm edged nearer. Ty moaned with relief as he grabbed his own shaft, finally able to achieve the orgasm he so craved. It didn't take long. In just a matter of seconds his cock was bigger than ever, throbbing just below his chin, purple and squirting precum. "Ohh YEEEAH!" he roared, his hands flying off his cock as he thrust the air, cum rocketing out like a firehose, flying into the air before splattering back onto his body as well as Sean. Sean howled to the sky as he came as well, his shaft filling up and his urethra bulging out as cum rocketed through him, splattering Ty in massive blasts. He came and came, his massive softballs pulled up to his body and emptying themselves on Ty. "Fuck yeah! Coat me with it! Ohhh GOD...!" Ty roared, rubbing his strong body, his flexed muscles coated with thick layers of semen. His cock thumped on his chest as he did so, spurting a massive rope of cum into the air with every throb and thump. "Keep cumming on me. Don't stop!" Sean threw his head back and continued to moan, his body being pasted with both Ty's cum and his own cum which splashed on impact off of Ty's body onto him. Ty kept rubbing his body, flexing an arm next to him and licking the cum off of his enormous, twitching bicep. He humped the air relentlessly, his cock bobbing to and fro, slapping loudly against his body, spraying cum all over. "FUCK! I never want this to stop!" he roared. "Keep going Sean! Please!" Sean leaned forward in the hot tub and began to make out with the sexy stud in front of him, cum and spit mixing between their mouths as both cocks came together, the tips touching and erupting together. Ropes of cum flew over the side of the jacuzzi as the two studs rode out their mutual orgasms. Sean's hands roamed Ty's muscular body, kneading his own cum into Ty's massive pecs and firm abs. Ty wrapped his strong arms around Sean, holding him close, tongue darting all over Sean's face in a lustful frenzy. He humped against him, his cum-covered cock slipping and sliding all over, adding to the mess every second. He loved the touch of Sean's hands on his body. "Like that?" he managed to moan between kisses. "Don't stop...feels so good..." Sean was happy to obey, his hands flying over Ty's body in all places, rubbing over his firm pecs, his strong abs, his steely, pulsing cock, his low, heavy nuts, his rock solid ass, and everything in between and around them. Sean just continued to kiss. To kiss, and to cum. Ty managed to pop his cock in his mouth as Sean touched him, the greater stimulation making him explode more. He bobbed his head up and down his member, sucking like a vacuum, swallowing what the could and letting the rest pop out of his full cheeks. He pumped his shaft as he sucked, the throbbing piece of meat not ceasing its exploding. Sean roared and bucked upwards, his slickened shaft sliding between Ty’s eyes and hosing him down with cum. His powerful blasts shot straight up onto the concrete balcony above them and ricocheted down, splattering them both. Some even made it off the edge of the balcony, no doubt hitting the cars in the street below. Ty popped his mouth of his cock, his orgasm finally coming to an end with one last, huge spurt that splattered onto Sean on top of him. He pushed Sean back onto his seat and grabbed Sean's cock, jerking it furiously, putting his mouth in the way of the stream a few times. "You taste so good," he said, pumping him. "Come on. Just a bit more. Lemme see that big cock explode." Sean just gasped and squirmed as his titanic pillar of meat unloaded a bucketful of cream into Ty's mouth and onto his face, his cock still spurting several feet into the air whenever Ty's mouth didn't come in its way. Ty slowed his jerking, becoming exhausted from the effort, his orgasm having really fatigued him. He fell back onto his own seat, just watching Sean with amazement in his eyes, running a hand down his cum-soaked body and licking it like ice cream. Sean just stared at his cock with glazed eyes, marveling his level of output. He lazily leaned to his side, aiming his cock over the balcony and spraying blasts of cum over the railing. He smirked lazily as he heard people gasp with terror as steaming white cum splattered the street, their cars, and even them. He felt bad for anyone who had a sunroof open on this fine summer's night. Ty smiled, panting hard, wondering if Sean would ever finish (not that he minded if he wouldn't. He could watch this all day). His cock was still hard and throbbing with need, but it was so sore he was afraid to touch it. The jacuzzi was filled with a mix of their cum and water, the jets struggling to circulate the more viscous fluid. Sean let out a sigh of content as his stream finally slowed, then stopped completely. He licked a strand of Ty’s cum off of his lips. He smirked deviously and looked back to Ty, his cock still hard. He was panting heavily, arms at his sides, body slick with his cum. “Fuck dude, that was intense.” Sean said, panting. His cock laid across his massive chest, rivers of cum dripping down his pecs and into the milky, cum-filled water. Ty sat there, eyes never leaving that member. “Sean….you're so fucking big..." he groaned, "I need you to fuck me...just grab me and FUCK ME!" he growled, thrusting high into the air, his cock lurching and spewing a massive amount of pre right onto his face and body. "Turn around," Sean snarled at Ty. He obeyed, leaning over the wall of the jacuzzi, his perfect rear end facing Sean, swaying to and fro with the intention to tease, eager to feel that huge rod inside him, his small pink hole winking. Sean's cock lurched at the sight, a few drops of cum falling slowly into the pool in long, white, heavy ropes. Inflating to an even large length and girth for a few seconds, he fired off a large wad of precum straight onto Ty's back. Ty moaned when he felt it, bringing his hips down and grinding his cock along the jacuzzi wall. His tight ass clenched and flexed, making Sean all the more anxious to get inside. Sean slowly jerked himself for a while, running his hands up and down his shaft, making it sleek and shiny. "You want me to fill you up with his huge cock?" ”Yes..." Ty moaned, humping the wall very slowly and sensually now, showing his bottom off for Sean. His thighs bulged with muscle, flexing as he thrust his hips. His triceps also jutted out from his arms, supporting his quivering body. "Please. I need to feel it. I need to feel all that cum inside me." "Ohh, yeah?" Sean grinned, teasing Ty by putting his cock between his bulging pecs and flexing them, trapping his meat in the cleft between the two mounds of muscle. He slowly thrust his hips, moving his cock up and down as it was sandwiched between his muscles, tongue out and lapping at the leaking cockhead as it approached his lips. "Mmmm," he moaned. "Don't hold back," he said with a harsh breath, breathing heavily. His dick was so hard it was nearly pointing straight up, his 18 inches of hugely throbbing, cock throbbing as though housing a second heart. "I want you to fuck me senseless.” Sean unclenched his chest and let his cock fall. It slapped against Ty's back. He slowly retracted his hips, letting his member slide down Ty's back, leaving a hot trail of precum in its wake. Finally his cockhead was at Ty's entrance, wet and dripping. He pushed forward -very- slowly, letting only the smallest amount of meat penetrate Ty, his precum already dripping down Ty's legs. Ty convulsed, nearly slipping, but his trembling arms kept him upright. He pushed against the invading cockhead, letting more pop inside him, groaning loudly. Sean had his hands on his hips, letting Ty do all the work. He looked calm and composed enough, but he was struggling greatly to keep the pleasure he was feeling pent up inside him for now. Feeling his nearly apple-sized cockhead popping into that tight hole was incredible. Ty slowly slid more meat inside him, inch by inch. Sean's lip trembled as he grimaced, feeling Ty's tight rear clenching tightly around more and more of his meat. He his hands on Ty's hips, lifted up Ty's rear, and pushed more of his meat deeper into him at a quicker pace. "Oh GOD!" Ty screamed, pounding his fist against the balcony railing, his cock bulging and shooting a wad of precum onto his chest. "MORE!" he demanded, clenching his bottom around Sean's cock, trying to push him out to make Sean feel better. "NNNNGH!" Sean grunted, digging his fingers into Ty's waist, half of his cock now inside him. He pulled out slowly, his cock slick his pre, many ropes of it dripping off his shaft, before slamming his meat back inside. Ty howled, his cock exploding in another torrent of cum, the power of his orgasm increasing as Sean began to fuck him. Ty’s huge cock spewed jet after jet of cum over the balcony edge, screams of terror down below adding to their pleasure. The water sloshed violently as Sean was simultaneously thrusting into Ty as well as moving Ty's bottom up and down his cock, slamming more and more meat inside with every thrust until his cock was nearly entirely engulfed. “Fuck yeah dude! Cum for me!” he moaned, "You like that huge cock inside you?" Ty was nearly crying in pleasure, his cock thumping against his stomach and constantly shooting smaller ropes of cum until he was spent, shooting blanks instead. He turned back and pulled Sean in for a deep kiss, as Sean wrapped his arms around Ty’s chest, squeezing his pecs and nips. His hips continued to pound his monster in and out of Ty’s tight hole. "Fuck me!" Ty cried between roars of pleasure. Sean thrust into Ty a few more times before letting his cock pop out, a wave of precum escaping as well. Sean turned Ty around and lifted him up by the waist, Ty wrapping his arms and legs around his partner. Sean had to bring his hips very far back in order to give his cock enough room. Sean gently entered Ty's ass, their lips locked as Sean’s cock slowly slid back inside. When Sean was completely hilted, he gently thrust in and out in an even, practiced motion. Ty grabbed Sean tightly, crying out in pleasure. He marveled at Sean's strength as well, running his hands over Sean's bulging and throbbing arms, which were flexed in their effort to lift Ty, exploding his muscle. He ran his hands over Sean's biceps, giving them firm squeezes, then let them fall onto Sean's pecs. He tweaked Sean's nippled, squeezed his chest, and worshipped his body. His cock was sandwiched between his body and Sean's constantly being rubbed, making Ty blind with pleasure. Sean was bringing his hips backward, arching his back greatly, before slamming them forward again into Ty. A waterfall of precum was cascading down his shaft and balls, dripping into the tub in long thick ropes as well as flying every which way when he thrust into Ty. His butt clenched with every thrust, which Ty was sure to feel up with his feet, every muscle in his body now flexed and working. Sean balanced Ty on the edge of jacuzzi, lifting his legs and spreading them, still thrusting into Ty. Ty's abs crunched and flexed as he rocked back and forth from the power of Sean's thrusts, his abs sleek with cum. "Getting close..." Sean grunted. "Fill me. I want to feel all that seed inside me." With one final, powerful thrust, Sean hilted his cock inside Ty. He hunched over as the power of his orgasm took hold of him, pumping Ty full of cum that almost instantly squirted out. "OOOOOH GOD!" Ty immediately began to cum again, ropes of cum painting the balcony ceiling. Sean composed himself enough to start fucking Ty again, massive amounts of cum splashing out of Ty and onto Sean's body as well as the tub. Sean was fucking harder than ever now, a primal instinct taking over him, the pleasure controlling him. "RRRRRR," he roared. "TAKE IT!" His cock was nearly a blur, it was moving so fast in and out of Ty. Ty bent down, slurping as his exploding cock. He coughed and gagged on the cum, occasionally popping it out for air, letting the stream instead nearly hit the ceiling, only to fall and rain on his body. His mouth moved up and down his meat, swallowing what he could. The two studs rode out their orgasms, cum filling the jacuzzi. Ty cried out as his cock exploded in another, larger fountain of cum, coating the stud fucking him in his spunk. Sean fell back, supporting himself with his palms, as the teen coated him in warm spunk. "Yeah, shoot all over me..." he moaned. His thrusting soon became too sloppy, however, and his cock fell out, a torrent of seed following it. The studs locked again in a passionate kiss as their orgasms finally ceased. "Now it's your turn loverboy!" Ty growled. The balcony was an absolute mess and the jacuzzi a swamp of cum, but neither wanted it to end. Their hands traveling over each others’ slick muscles as they flexed for each other. Ty growled as he pushed Sean back. Sean winked and spread his legs. He ground his cock between their rock hard abs, enjoying the stimulation. He started to hump their chests, soaking them in even more spunk that also splattered against his chin and the balcony railing behind him. His ass clenched greatly as he thrust, and Ty couldn't resist. Ty mounted Sean, his cock sore but wanting some stimulation after seeing what Sean was doing. Ty spread the stud's cheeks wide before driving his massive rod into Sean. He penetrated Sean, thrusting his full eighteen inches in instantly, making Sean moan. "FUUUCK!" Sean roared, his back rippling and tense, arms braced against the wall as Ty relentlessly fucked him, going until his balls touched his rump before coming all the way out and slamming himself back in. Ty slammed his cock into Sean, hips pulling far back before slamming back down again. "C'mon stud and fuck me good!" Sean growled as Ty fucked him fiercely up the ass. Sean had masterful control over every muscle in his body, including in his ass, and massaged Ty like a pro, while Ty’s huge beast massaged every pleasure zone in Sean’s ass. "God yes...YES!" Sean moaned. He used his massive arms to push his torso back against Ty’s. He kept thrusting forward and back, slamming against Ty's cock, his own member slapping against his chin. He licked and slurped at it. Ty put his palms on the railing behind Sean, his triceps flexing, as he thrust into the stud’s ass. Soon his cock inflated, dumping a load of cum into Sean. Sean wanted to moan out in pleasure, but he was too busy sucking his massive, throbbing cock while being fucked by another. Eighteen inches of stud dick ground hard into the stud while powerful washboard abs rubbed against his throbbing cock. Feeling his insides fill with steaming hot seed made his cock lurch, and orgasm hit him like a brick, bulging his cheeks out and splashing out onto Sean’s body. He popped his mouth off his cock, and pointed his dick towards Ty. His stream of cum splashing onto his body. Ty roared in pleasure as he pulled out and pointed his cock at Sean, his own stream splashing onto the other teen. They jerked themselves feverishly at they came all over each other, kneading their cum into their bodies, hips jerking into the air as they continued to cum, bodies writhing and twitching, muscles flexing. Both teens were groaning and screaming in ecstasy until their bodies finally came to rest, and again the two locked in a passionate embrace. They sat up looking as though they had just stepped out of a bath of cum, which basically they had. "You..." Ty was panting, lying in a heap besides Sean, "are a GOD! We're totally doing that again in a few hours..." “Like I’d wait that long,” Sean said and smiled, helping Ty up onto his feet and pulling him in to a cum covered embrace. They looked around the balcony - the ceiling, the floor, the furniture, and the railing all painted white with their combined loads. The balcony looked like it had been host to a giant orgy, not two oversexed teen muscle gods. Ty climbed out of the jacuzzi turned swamp and looked over the edge of the balcony. Pools of cum were glistening in a wide arc on the ground and cars below, connected by streams of white. One car straight below the balcony was almost completely obscured by thick layers of cum. “Fuck dude,” he said with a smile, “we made huge mess again.” Ty lay back onto a soaked lounge chair and put his arms behind his head, his bodybuilder muscles shining in the moonlight. “Aw fuck yeah dude, we’re fucking gods man” Sean replied, looking down at the carnage. The sight of all that cum and Ty’s glistening body already starting to excite him again. Ty lay back onto the bed as Sean climbed out of the jacuzzi, his cock swaying in front of him, slowly rising up with each step. Ty spread his legs, letting his large balls fall to the bed. “You’re fucking insatiable, Sean!” Ty groaned with a smile. “Can’t help it when your lover is so fucking hot,” Sean replied. Sean's powerful legs flexed with every step, his massive cock swaying to and fro, gigantic baseball testicles swaying and flopping as he walked. Finally Sean got on his knees in front of Ty again, his massive cock presenting itself in front of Ty's lips. Ty immediately obeyed and took it in his mouth, sucking hard. Sean nearly fell back in pleasure, his desire for orgasm rising again. He thrust into Ty’s mouth and soon he found that he was being deepthroated by Ty. The Ty’s growing cock bounced on his chest, spurting pre all over his chin and face, and Sean grabbed the pillar of meat and jerked it roughly as he thrust into Ty’s mouth, spit and precum splashing all over. Sean lay down on top of Ty, kissing his own shaft and Ty’s as both cocks grew rock hard again. He pulled his cock out of Ty’s mouth with a loud pop, quickly replacing it with his tongue, and the two ground against each other as they made out. Sean and Ty kept kissing, really getting into it. They broke the kiss and moaned loudly, bucking against each other, Ty biting his lower lip and looking at Sean with a lust-filled gaze. His cock was being pressed against his chest, a puddle of precum oozing from it and down his side, tickling him. Sean’s butt clenched hotly as he thrust, and soon Ty placed a palm on each cheek, squeezing tightly, holding the teen close against him as their bodies slid against one another. Ty writhed on the bed, sliding his hands all over his muscular body, scooping up handfuls of cum from their coated muscles and licking it up like ice cream. "Yes...." he moaned, humping Sean, his huge cock slapping against his chest, precum splashing him in the face, and the wall behind him. "Don't...fucking...stop!" Suddenly, Sean stood up. “What the fuck Sean,” Ty whined, humping the air, his massive cock begging for release. Sean winked at Ty, “One more show for the world?” he asked, tilting his head towards the balcony rail. Ty caught on and grinned. “You horny fucker,” he said, pushing himself up off of the soaked day bed with a loud squelch. The two leaned back against the balcony railing, their hard cocks sliding between thick layers of cum between their pecs as they each began to suck themselves. Ty’s head traveling up and down the thick length of is giant, throbbing member. He was moaning loudly, torrents of spit and precum coating his cock and puddling on the floor as it oozed down in long, clear ropes from his bulbous, huge balls. The way he was thrusting made his leg muscles flex impressively, his giant quads bursting with strength and power. Sean meanwhile was literally making out with his cock. It was so big, that he could wrap his arms around it and hug and kiss it without even stretching his neck. His arms flexed and bulged with tight, enormous muscles as his hands roamed his titanic shaft, his butt clenching as he thrust into his grip. His mouth traveled all over his cock, kissing it, licking it, shoving it into his mouth. He threw his head back and squeezed his pectorals with both hands, letting his cock fall out of his mouth, a thick rope of precum dripping out and falling to the ground. "Yes...oh yeah...fuck...!" he was moaning, whispering quietly to himself, eyes closed. He was jerking himself painfully slowly, shuddering every time his hands went up, up his cock at a snails pace, and then quickly plummeted down again. He squeezed his muscles, licked them, worshipped them. The two teens took their time, edging and holding off for over an hour. They each could feel each other getting close, catching each other’s eyes as they ran their hands down their wet bodies, tweaking their nipples, toying with their abs, feeling their arms and flexing over and over again in different poses. All the while their cocks was thumping on their chests, hard as a rock, begging for attention, spurting and spurting ropes of pre. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" The pleasure was becoming too great. Ty shoved his cockhead back into his mouth, gagging already on the massive amounts of pre flooding his mouth. He could feel the big one coming. He popped his head off his cock and moaned, rubbing his hands up and down the massive, swollen shaft. He squeezed the base again, gasping as his shaft momentarily inflated due to the blocked bloodflow. His cock turned a deep shade of red, a plethora of veins popping out and throbbing against the sleep flesh. Cum struggled to spurt from the tip, coming in short bursts like a leaky pipe. His cock was simply ready to explode. And that it did when he let go. "FUUUUCK! YES! YES!!!!" he roared as the orgasm of orgasms came. His cock lurched and throbbed with every shot, thumping on his chest after each wad. Wave after wave of thick, creamy spunk splashed against the two muscle studs. They all moaned as their bodies were covered with heavy, warm cum. He turned and ground his spurting cock against the balcony railing, enjoying the pressure against his cock. Ty’s eyes were rolling into the back of his head, his mind becoming overloaded with pleasure. He shut his eyes tight, thrusting harder against the rail, his cock throbbing, veins pulsing. He arched his back, thrusting into the air as cum sprayed out over the balcony, splattering loudly onto the pavement and cars below. "GOD! MORE! MORE!!!" he shouted, his orgasm growing in strength as he thrust the air, his butt clenching mightily. He writhed and continued to roar and moan, running his hands down his soaked body, up his powerful cock. Ty brought his head down again to slurp on his exploding cockhead, which was purple and swollen to the size of an apple. His abs crunched as he sucked, trying to recycle the cum, slurping as much as he could before getting full. "Mmm..MMMMM....UUUGH!" he roared again as his lips popped off his cockhead. Sean doubled his efforts as he felt Ty’s hot load cover his body. He moaned as he gazed on Ty’s gorgeous body flexing as he came. Sean reached down and grabbed the base of his cock, stroking himself with one hand as he brought his other arm up and flexed his bicep, watching it bunch up and throb with power. He kissed it, practically making out with his own muscle as his tongue roamed around it. His cock lurched in his hand as he rapidly jerked his meat. He moaned loudly, kissing his muscle more fervently now. Ty crawled over to help Sean out, licking at the shaft as Sean sucked the top quarter of his member. He fondled Sean's huge balls as Sean's moaning got louder and louder, his cock growing harder and harder, precum spitting out like a broken faucet, ready to burst. It was simply enormous. It had to be the length and thickness of a normal man’s arm, and it's size matched his enormous body perfectly. Simply put, Sean was the perfect embodiment of masculinity and power. Pure pleasure. A sex god. All at once, all four hands gripped Sean's member and jerked it, not even close to covering the whole thing. Sean thrashed around in convulsions of pleasure. Ty was jerking Sean off furiously, pointing Sean’s cock over the balcony. "Come on, you fucking hot stud," Ty growled. "Paint this whole fucking town white." Sean grunted, arms bulging with muscle from the effort of jerking this huge cock. "UHHHHH YEAAAAAHHH!" Sean was roaring, thrusting against Ty's hands, his cock a colossal 22 inch pillar of meat. Sean's whole body went rigid as he finally reached orgasm. It was like nothing either of them had ever even imagined. The rope of cum was so thick, so strong, it could have knocked a man over. Instead, it shot up 10 feet in the air, and rained down on ground below. Ty opened his mouth and leaned in to catch the endless ropes of cum, splattering all over him, coating him in layer after layer of hot spunk. He humped the air as Sean rained more thick ropes of spunk onto the stud’s hard body. "YEAH!" Ty roared, jerking Sean off even harder. Sean flexed his muscles, licked his arms, and started to thrust the air, back arched. Again and again, Sean shot more and more cum from his huge cock that just didn't seem to stop. It was literally like a fire hose, dousing everything around them in white spunk. "FUUUUCK!" Sean roared. It was out of control, and he had no desire to stop its flow. Rope after rope of steamy, thick cum exploded from his inflated member. It throbbed and lurched with every huge spurt, splashing all over the ground, coating cars, setting off alarms. "YES! OH FUCK! YEAH!" Sean roared. Cum soaked his body, and he spread it all over his flexing muscles, worshipping his cock, worshipping himself. He flexed his arms and kissed and licked them, then he bent down to suck his cock again. "So fucking hot..." Ty said, watching Sean suck his meat, marveling at how the cockhead bulged enormously as it deposited load after load into the cum-soaked teen’s throat. Finally, though, that load subsided, and Sean let his softening cock fall out of his mouth, letting it drop between his legs. He breathed heavily, eyes closed, exhausted. "Jesus, I've never seen you shoot such a load!" Ty said in awe. "I've been shooting blanks for a while now! FUCK that was hot!" The two of them embraced and surveyed the damage. The walls were splashed with white, thick pools coating the floor. The lounge chair was completely buried under layers of cum, the jacuzzi similarly covered. They looked over the balcony edge and erupted in laughter. It looked like a freak snowstorm had dropped a 20 foot arc of snow outside their building, several cars buried under thick layers of cum. Sean and Ty felt on top of the world, enjoying the afterglow as they shared another kiss. "We're all covered in cum, you wanna' take a shower?" Sean said with a mischievous grin. “Sounds good to me." Ty replied as they headed inside, arm in arm. They got into the large double-wide shower stall, and turned on the water. Sean and Ty gently washed and scrubbed and each other's magnificent bodies. Water traveled through the gap between their pecs and then through the lines of their eight pac abs, dripping down their softening shafts and falling like a waterfall from their cocks. They moaned softly as they rubbed each other with soap, eyes closed, feeling their wonderful hard muscles. At the end of the shower they dried each other off, taking their time feeling up each other. They headed to the bedroom, Sean pushed Ty onto the king-sized bed. They made out for a few minutes before falling asleep, sleeping in each other's arms. The two giant muscle teens sleeping peacefully like angels, Ty’s head resting on Sean’s huge chest.
MUSCLE MATING SQUIRT "I should have never taken that bet at the gym" Oliver, a 300-pound bodybuilding male deer, thought to himself. "Come on Oliver. What are you scared of? Big bucks like yourself can't be scared of a challenge!" It's my fault for listening. I could have left that locker room long before I dug myself into a hole almost as deep as this monster is digging into me. But I just had to prove I was bigger than Magno. That half-orc half manotaur hybrid beast was huge, but I didn't think he'd be bigger than me. Bucks like me are huge, our male figures are seen as thick veiny trophies to all who lay down with us bucks. I guess I'm not the biggest after all. SQUIRT 15 inches was 3 inches too short. When Magno and I agreed "smallest would bottom" I never expected any man to ever pack an 18-inch cock between their legs. I guess that orc manotaur mix got both specie's huge dick genetics. SQUIRT Now he's at my house... stuffing me like a jelly donut. What makes this worse is that even his loads are bigger than mine. This male has already squirted 10 squirts in me and hasn't stopped thrusting his 18-inch dick into me yet. I don't even think Magno has slowed down. It hurt at first, I felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my core, but all that lubrication from his 10 squirts has made things a lot easier. SQUIRT 11 now. That squirt had to be the biggest yet. I felt that squirt up in my chest that time. I want Magno to think he's only a little more manly than me but even I couldn't breed like this. I'm sure I would have cum all the water in my body by now and this stallion still has cum to spare. I can't lie to myself any longer, he makes me look like a twig. SQUIRT. That one hurt. That squirt drizzled the back of my throat. I only felt a few drops splash against my throat but I didn't know his load would go that deep into me. Things are about to get a lot worse, aren't they? He's grunting a lot more now. His hands just tightened their grip on my legs. I can feel his cock throbbing faster now. These 12 squirts were only pre? Ok, he's slowing down now, what does that mean? Wait, I can feel his rod shaking, why is it shaking so much? WOSH It felt like all of the cum he had left blew out of his dick in one burst that was strong enough to shake my bed. I don't know how much cum he dumped into me but It was enough to make me feel like I gained 50 pounds. His sperm swam through every limb and every joint. Magno's seed is basically my blood now. I wouldn't be surprised if my body has more of his seed than my own blood. This doesn't worry me though, I can't imagine how much pure protein and testosterone I just soaked up. By this time tomorrow, my male hormones will be through the roof. This much male milk might even help me gain a few inches. It would be amazing if this cum can all swim down to my own cock and swell me up. Maybe next time Magno can dock me and make my balls bigger than my head. If I soak up this genetically gifted male's seed regularly I bet I could gain some of his genetics. I bet his protein could make my muscles unstoppable. "That was fun," Magno said holding my legs above me. "Are you done already," I said teasing him. "You couldn't dump half that much cum if I hooked you up to a milking machine!" I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath before I clapped back. "Maybe I can if you keep filling me up like this," I told Magno winking. "I might have to," he told me winking back. Magno set my legs back down so that my knees were on the edge of my bed and he leaned down. Magno put both arms under my shoulder blades, put his head down next to mine, and squeezed my chest into his. He gripped my muscles into his muscles like my buff body was his new body pillow. I was exhausted from being flooded with his seed, but I managed to build up the strength to hug Magno back. "I'm glad you took up that challenge," Magno whispered. I thought he was being sweet until he said "I knew I was bigger and you proved it. Now all the guys in the locker room will stop asking!" "You're only bigger by three inches," I reminded him. Magno laughed and gripped my body again. I gripped him back. We fell asleep in that position. As I laid there under Magno's boulder-like body, I felt trillions of sperm tails swimming around my body... all swimming towards my chest. The liquid from the seamen felt like it was soaking into my muscles as the muscles extracted the protein and testosterone from Magno's slimy meal, but I could very clearly feel the sperm migrate to my chest. The muscles that absorbed the liquid felt mostly normal when they swallowed his gooey flood, but my chest felt like it was swelling up. There were so many sperm cells piling up in my chest that it felt like his seed was fertilizing my chest muscles. A noticeable lump began to form on either side of my chest that grew bigger as more sperm swam up my body to join in. Did Magno impregnate me? Was this alpha male's sperm so strong that it planted his offspring in me? As I laid there, feeling his sperm grow bigger in my chest and countless sperm cells travel through me, I thought about why they would gather in the chest. Then I realized that the chest, especially one as solid as mine, was actually the perfect spot on a male's body to grow offspring. The chest muscles are huge and can swell up without getting in the way of the male's daily life. Multiplying in the arms or legs would strain a male's body too much, and the abdominal muscles were too small. The chest made the most sense, and it was where Magno's sperm gathered. As Magno laid on top of me, wrapping his stiff muscles around me like a warm blanket, his solid body reassuringly held my muscular body. If Magno did impregnate me, this massive male was ready to multiply with me. He liked me, that was obvious, or he wouldn't be holding me so close. He probably would have at least pulled his cock out before he slept on top of me, if not slept next to me instead of on top, for that matter.
- 1 reply
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- orientation-gay
- muscle-growth
- (and 25 more)
The Bull's Bucket The sun was rising over Mathew Acres farm as John, a shy and slim 20 year old horse, walked up to the barn for his first day of work. John had been hired to go into the farm every morning at sunrise and milk a bull named “Fulbon.” John had no idea how you could even milk a bull, but he was told the instructions were in the barn. All he knows for a fact is that he was told to wear clothes that can get messy, because it was a messy job. He knew he would be working in a barn, so he expected the standard barn mess, but he wondered why the messy part was pointed out. He assumed the farmer was just being cautious and continued walking to the barn. The barn was an average looking barn, basically what you imagine when you hear the word, but the smell was a bit different. It didn't smell like a barn… it smelled like a gym locker room. He smelled the same musky manly smell he used to smell in the high school locker room. Every time the wind blew, his nose felt like it was dug deep in football uniforms. The smell of musk got stronger as John opened the barn doors. On the left was a door labeled “closet” with a row of large stables next to it. He noticed one stable had leather hanging from it, the leather looked like the arm assist used in a gym to hold your arms as you did pull ups. On the right was another set of stalls the same size as the ones on the left. Only the right stalls had no leather hanging down. It was only the one stall on the left that had the arm rests. John walked in and looked for the stall labeled “Fulbon.” The stall he was looking for was the stall with the arm rest hanging down. The leather arm rests hung about ¼ of the way from the roof of the barn to the floor. He wondered why they were there as he walked up to the stall. The bull was sleeping in the right corner under a large black comforter type blanket found on the top of beds in hotels. The blanket was bulky and covered the bull’s body well. As John approached the door of the stall, he noticed a defining curve in the center of the bull’s body curving up out of the blanket. John assumed this was a casual pillow or awkward fold in the blanket. John looked around the barn and couldn’t find any clue as to what to do. He leaned over the stall door and looked for some sign of instructions. As he leaned in, the door moved an inch forward quickly and loudly. The bull under the blanket woke up to the banging door. John stepped back, worried about what the bull would say. “Are you the new milker,” the bull asked in an intimidating voice filled with frustration. John quietly nooded. “Thank GOD!” the bull smiled and said “the last one was terrible!” “I’m sorry about that,” John said, being polite. “He would always jerk me around like I did something to him... he just wanted to finish and go. Jokes on him though I never gave him all I could anyway.” John stared at Fulbon. “You,” he asked him. Fulbon raised his eyebrow to John and asked him “what did you think you were doing here?” “I thought I would be looking for a bull named Filbon who was going to help me with the milking, maybe he would relax the cows I was milking, I’m not sure.” Fulbon moved the blanket off of himself and stood up. “You’re milking me,” Fulbon said. John looked down at the bull’s male parts that created the bulge he thought was a wrinkle in the blanket. The testicals hung down just above his knees like ripe fruit from a tree, the shaft of the bull looked like a tree limb curving out of his body and down with a head just above where the balls hung. “What?” John knew what the bull said, but internally he wanted the bull to say he was kidding. “Every day I need my seed to be drained so that the seed I make stays as fresh as possible. I need someone to make sure everything is flowing smoothly and to make sure they get everything they can.” John stood there and felt a small blush of excitement. The bull’s male parts looked extremely smooth and soothing, and he could already imagine the wet girth in his hands. “You want me to make you cum,” John asked just to be sure the bull was being serious. “Until I tell you I’m dry, yes. Your job is to fill up the bucket until I tell you I’m all dried up.” John looked around for the bucket but didn’t see anything. “Check the closet,” Fulbon said as he stretched his body trying to wake himself up. John walked over to the closet door and opened it to see a normal looking closet of barn equipment. He looked around the closet until he saw the only bucket in the back corner, which looked like the white paint was peeling off. He grabbed it and walked back to Fulbon’s stall. “Is this it,” he asked. “The one soaked in dry seamen, yes” he told John. “This is all you,” John asked, fascinated that the bull in front of him could make that much liquid. “I’m impressed,” John said, opening the stall door. “It's what bulls do” Fulbon told him, shaking his balls around with his left hand. John set the bucket down in front of Fulbon and asked; ‘What now?” Fulbon put his elbows in the arm rest and flexed his cock to signal that it was time for the milking. John stared at Fulbon’s body, looking over his tone legs and stomach like an art exhibit. John got down on both knees to the side of the bull cock and grabbed it on the end. John started running his hands from the bottom of his cock to about half way, applying just enough pressure to make a soft sloping noise. “Not bad,” Fulbon told him. John smiled as he continued his rubbing motions. He stood there on his knees watching this beautiful cock spring to life in his hands. He could feel the blood dripping in through the thick tendons of Fulbon. For several moments John caressed the warm log in his hands, paying close attention to remain calm both internally and externally. Fulbon didn’t want to admit it this early, but he was honestly enjoying John’s hands. He felt his meat cramp up as John rubbed the bottom half of his cock with such gentleness that Fulbon felt like he was getting a special treatment. Fulbon wanted to mean, he wanted to let go of the pleasure building up in his voice. He also didn’t want John to hear the groans and get arrogant and change what he was doing. Before John came along, he was used to his cock being thrown around like a frisbee in the hands of his previous milker. The only reason he ever climaxed before was to give the milker something to work with. He gave the previous milker as little as possible to encourage the milker to quit. That tactic finally worked when John showed up. Now that John’s soothing hands were caring for his cock, Fulbon thought he would have a true climax today. He was willing to give John everything he could brew if John kept milking him like this. “How’s this,” John asked him without ever losing concentration. When Fulbon opened his mouth to talk, the moan he was holding back belted out all at once. John didn’t jump at all. John simply paused his caresing for a moment and looked up to ask “to much?” “Actually that’s perfect, I don’t remember the last time my shaft was loved by hands this gentle.” John looked back down at the meat in front of his face and said; “I just want you to spill as much seed as possible, and I want you to enjoy it too. Plus, I’m extracting your seed the same way I extract my own seed.” Fulbon laughed and asked “and how do you do that?” “I don’t force the seamen out… I rub myself calmly as I think about another man being in bed with me and the cum just naturally flows out.” Fulbon grinned and said; “Smart. I can see you have a lot of experience with tending to meat.” John tightened his grip but kept the same speed and said “I guess so. I’ve seen a million ways to tend to meat and i've tried them all… by myself at least. I’ve never laid down with anyone.” John felt a brief moment of jealousy and loneliness as he rubbed the bull’s meat. The first time he touched another man’s cock was for a job. He thought about what this meat in his hands would look like spread out on his bed. Fulbon could see the sinking spirits of John and felt bad for him. John was a decent guy who was hard working and knew how to operate another man’s machine. “I’ll tell you what,” Fulbon said. John slowed his rubbing down and looked up at Fulbon. “You’re a cool guy and you’ve never been with anyone else. I’ve been with countless lovers before, and all of them were too violent to enjoy or wouldn’t stop talking, usually both were true. Even outside this milking stand my lovers have been a pain to deal with. You’re the first one I’ve enjoyed… or even respected for that matter. If you tell the farmer you need to come back tonight to try milking me again, because you couldn’t get much out of me today, he’ll let you come back anytime after dark. Just warn him you’re coming so you don’t spook him and you can walk right up here. I’ll be waiting.” John blushed and asked “what about the milk from right now? Won’t he know you’ve already given me your milk today?” “Good point,” Fulbon answered. He then suggested “only fill it up a fraction of the way. Hand him the bucket of what I gave you and tell him this was everything, then say you want to try again at sunset.” “Good idea,” John said as he picked up his movements where he left off. He continued the same movements for a few more strokes then said “let’s try something else.” john took his hands off of the shaft stood up to stretch his legs and arms. As he did that, Fulbon stared at the horse who supprised him with how good he was at his new job. As Fulbon looked at John, he noticed a curve crawling down his left leg. Fulbon felt bad for John because he thought John was hard as a rock and secretly needed release. Fulbon didn’t know how to bring it up, but he didn;t want to be the only one enjoying himself. “Enjoying this,” he asked John. John continued stretching and said “Absolutely! I can’t believe you haven’t cum yet.” “I’m getting there. I takes bigger loads longer to come out.” John nodded in agreement and blushed again. Fulbon then looked back down at the curve in John’s pants and said “speaking of loads coming out, you can loosen up that grip on your pants. I actually find it hotter when the milker’s cock is out too. Plus it feels less awkward.” “You’re sure?” as much as John was enjoying it, he only saw this as a job, and was worried about looking unprofessional. “Don’t worry,” Fulbon assured him, “the farmer never comes up here during the milking, and no one else ever comes either. Until the farmer sees you with that bucket, he stays far away, he doesn't want to risk seeing the process. John trusted Fulbon’s words and took off his shirt. He threw the shirt to the back corner of the barn and took off his shoes and socks, throwing them in the same pile. “I’ve heard a lot about horses,” Fulbon said watching John unzip his pants. As the zipper slid down, John’s long bump in his pants grew a little longer, then popped out of the pant leg and straight out infront of him. “I want to see if it’s true!” “I’ll let you decide.” John put his pants in the same pile and turned back to Fulbon who was still as hard as he’s been all day. John slid the underwear down, kneeling as he did so. When the underwear was at his feet, John stood up and put his hands on either side of his hips. Fulbon knew John was no athlete, which was made obvious by his thin body, but Fulbon was still shocked to see that John's cock was only a few inches shorter with about the same girth. “It’s not true,” Fulbon sarcastically said. Before John could say anything back, Fulbon said “you’re even bigger than I expected. I’m really going to need a taste later.” “Don’t have to tell me twice,” John admitted. He got back down on his knees, but this time he was directly in front of the bull’s shaft. The tube in the center of the bull cock was staring him right in the face like a one eyed snake. John reached his arms out and grabbed one of Fulbon’s testicals in each hand. He played with the thick and round fruit of the bull and shoved his face into the round head. He stuck his tongue out inside of the cock and licked his innerer tube. Fulbon couldn’t help himself any more. This wasn’t just the first time this move was being done on him, but he was doing it so well too. Fulbon groaned and told John “I’m really close.” John didn’t say anything, mostly because his mouth was suffocated against a bull’s meat. John heard Fulbon, and started squeezing the seedful fruit harder. He tossed them around in his grip as if he were trying to shake something out of them. Thanks to his strong grip, John could feel the cramping in his testicles. The sensation of feeling a bull’s seamen about to erupt made him drip cum a little himself. His hands were nowhere near his own seed sack, yet his sperm were starting to swim out anyway. John, lost in the moment, pulled his mouth out of the cock tube and started licking the head like candy. John was still licking the head and teasing the balls when the first squirt hit him in the face. The small load of cum splattered on his right cheek. When John felt this, he moved to the side of Fulbon where he first started and continued using both hands to shake the bull’s fruit. This method produced a few squirts of pre into the bucket, but he knew this wasn’t all his balls were holding. John then experimented with a new strategy and treated Fulbon’s testicals like an udder and squeezed them up and down. One white river lasting two seconds gracefully fell into the bucket. John watched the stream as he squeezed Fulbon’s balls, hypnotized by the shiny and white flow coming out of the other end. John slowed his squeezing and paid close attention to the folds of skin and veins in his hands. This method released a few more rivers of seamen into the bucket. “Keep going!” Fulbon clenched his teeth and opened his legs, trying to get the biggest possible load he could make. “I can still feel more down there!” John kept his hands squeezing the bull’s testicals and moved his head up against the lower curve of the sack. He started licking the curves between the testicals and pressed his tongue in the valley between the two balls. Fulbon and his seamen both felt John’s tongue exploring the underside of his balls. The intense pleasure was enough to send his climax over the edge. Fulbon sprayed a highly pressured stream with more force than his other two cum rivers combined. The white waterfall made a straight line with no slack directly into the bucket. He stood there and sprayed like a can of violent silly string. This agressive ejeculation lasted for a little over a minute. The entire minute, John was underneath Fulbon stimulating the seed as much as he could. The cum river faded into a few drops as the remaining sperm dripped out of his cock. Finally, he couldn’t feel any more milk in his sack. Fulbon looked down to see the bucket of his milk only centimeters away from the top. “I’m done,” Fulbon told John. John got out from under Fulbon’s testicals and looked at the nearly full bucket. The site of the collection of cum made John dump a few loads of cum himself. The site of another man’s seed made his seed want a taste.
- 1 reply
- 4
- milk
- fullbucket
- (and 17 more)
College had become harder than ever that week. It felt like we had a new paper every day, if not a new exam. I had to get out. I had to walk around the city and make some new friends, forget the stress for a few short hours. I didn't care that I didn't know anyone. I would much rather walk around the city than stare at the same fucking assignments all night. Right as I was leaving my dorm, my roommate Foxursan walked in. He was a decent looking red and orange fox in decent shape. Nothing special, but far from ugly. "Cabbage patch" he called me as I tried to walk out. I was a 4ft bunny named Konijn with a noticeable amount of muscle and almost no fat. That didn't change the fact that I was the height of a trash can from my feet to the tip of my ears. "Finals are a week from now." "I'm going to the library" I lied. "Be safe," he told me and shut the door behind me. I took the bus to the main street in town. The moon was nearly full that night. The blue glow of the moon was reflecting off of all the windows. The city lights and signs were shining bright and beautiful. I left the bus station and walked down the street for a few blocks, trying to find something to do. Then, I saw that sign! The sign that started it all! A large neon sign hanging from the second floor of a large building that read "XXXL GAY AFRICAN JUNGLE CLUB" in beautiful glowing red and yellow letters. I looked around to see who was watching me eye the sign of the African themed strip club. No one I had ever seen before was in sight. I walked in, thinking about what could happen. I was greeted to a long dark hallway, the only light source being well-lit posters of godlike stallions, all creatures from Africa. All wearing nothing but body straps and underwear that looked like it was so tight it was cutting off circulation to the cocks they were trying to cover. They were all hot. Every one of them looked like their massive dominant cock would break me in half. Despite their incredible hotness, I couldn't help but think they all looked like assholes who used to bully me in high school. I wanted to see them in action but wouldn't have the confidence to say hi. I walked down the hall, admiring every inch of every poster thoroughly. Then, I saw one poster that read "Spier." His eyes were greener than money. His chest could suffocate me. His abs could crush a soda can with a single sit-up. His smile was more welcoming than everyone else’s combined. I'm not afraid to admit that staring at Spier's poster made me hard. The bouncer, a huge elephant taller than the door he was guarding, saw me. "He's performing in 10 minutes," he told me, "I think you'll enjoy it." I thought about it. On one hand, I need this mental break more than ever. On the other hand, I should be studying. "How much," I asked. "Normally, $25." "Here ya go" I quickly spit out as I fumbled my wallet out of my pocket. I pulled it out so fast, and my hands were so sweaty, that It flew out of my hand and landed in front of the elephant's feet. He smirked and looked at my red face as he picked it up. He handed it back to me. "Go on in," he looked down and winked, "my treat. I can tell how bad you need this. No one has to know." "Thanks," I said walking over to the door handle. I tried to pull it open, but the hinges must have been old and rusted together. I couldn't get it to even shake. "Like this," he said grabbing the handle. He pulled it open with ease and said "most men who come in here carry more weight in their jockstraps than you have on your entire body. Don't feel bad bunny." I walked in and stared at a dark room, except for the stage with a silver shiny pole in the center of it. The outside of the stage was surrounded by fake bushes that looked surprisingly realistic. I looked around at who else was here. I saw a male horse couple in the front right of the Audience. One horse was softly talking while the other laughed quietly. On the left side towards the middle was a bear checking his watch while a tiger read the menu. The tables they were sitting at had their private light lit just enough for them to read the menu. The rest of the lights on the tables were off. I felt so small and alone seeing these massive men with other massive men to sit with and keep company too. I was a scrawny 4 ft bunny walking in by myself. I was tempted to walk about, but the thought of missing out scared me more. I walked to the back right corner and took a seat. I found the little button at the bottom of the light and turned it on. I read the menu to hide my face behind the large piece of paper. While I was reading over the drinks, the lights went down. Suddenly, the stage was surrounded by an artificial waterfall with a rainbow light shining in the middle. The rainbow light was about 2 feet long and half a foot tall. It was bent into a crescent shape that gave the illusion of sun shining through. The stage itself turned into a bright orange. A low and slow beat started playing. The base shook the restaurant. I could feel my hanging ears vibrate. Suddenly, he came out! Spier slowly crawled onto stage to beat of the song. He lifted one hercules paw on one beat and pounded the stage in the next beat. He did this until he reached the pole shining in bright orange. He stood up and stretched his abs out by leaning to both sides while holding his arms. This defined how solid his abs were better than any picture ever could. Once he stretched, he grabbed the top of the pole with his left hand. He used that hand to grip the pole tightly while he wrapped his legs around the pole. His calves were so huge, you could fit a football inside of them! He stayed in that position and used his right hand to brush the rivers of gold in his main. He moved his paw through his well-brushed bush of hair and held his arm up at an angle that allowed the audience to see his triceps. The audience started at his chiseled arms as he let go of the pole with his left hand. Spier hung upside down as the pole started to turn. After he went around twice, and we all got to look at his testosterone factory of a body, he lifted his shoulder blades up while he held his hands behind his head. "One" he roared in a voice that shook the table. He lowered back into a hanging position and took in a deep breath. He let it out and did it again. I didn't blink a single time as I watched him prove his dominance and power to an audience that had only seen such a flawless stallion in their wettest dreams. Maybe I was the only one thinking this, but I didn't care. My breathing was harder than someone who was about to have a heart attack. I saw stars. I blinked, finally, and realized how hard I was. My cock had more blood it in than my head. It was so hard that I had literally ripped through my pants. My tiny cock was visibly shaking with desperation to meet Spier. I looked down and watched it shake and vibrate as my heart violently pumped every drop of blood I had into my eager cock. The stars I was seeing grew bigger. "You ok," the elephant from earlier asked me. "What... what," I stuttered. I was lying on the floor next to my chair. I had softened down but my meat was still out in the open. This made an uncomfortable draft. My eyes adjust to the lights that were now on. "What happened? Did I blackout?" "Passed out," he corrected. "I don't know how, but judging from the fact that your little excitement ripped a hole in some pretty sturdy jeans, I say you weren't prepared for Spier." "Not the first time," a loud and deep voice boomed. I slowly picked up my head and saw the silhouette of what looked like a giant who ate nothing but steroids. "My appearance has been known to knock people off their feet," he said as he bent down. He placed his baseball glove paw under me and asked me "Was I too much?" As he looked down at me, I couldn't help but stare right at the shiny lime green in his eyes. Those jewels looked like they belonged on the crown of the mightiest king. His thick rich gold mane got in the way of my view of everything else. All I could see was a face that was kind yet vicious, gentle yet bloodthirsty. His lips looked so juicy that ripe fruit would feel like sandpaper in comparison. His nostrils exhaled a level of heat I would only expect from Hell itself. As he sat above me, inspecting me, I could smell a musk that millions of bucks could never produce. A smell that filled my lungs with passion. My exposed meat shot up like a rocket. "You're not too much" I whispered, struggling to catch my breath. What I said next, I thought I was saying quietly enough for no one to hear. "You're just perfect," I said three times louder than the previous thing I said. Spier laughed. The bass in his voice vibrating my organs. "I feel bad," Spier said, "How about I take you for dinner tomorrow and make it up to you!" Spier got up and ran into a back hallway. I watched his cheeks of meat dance as he ran in a jockstrap ten sizes too small. I was thankful he didn't notice how excited I was. "He likes you," the elephant said. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "Usually Spier just brags about his dick with the same crummy joke and walks away." "Wh... what's the joke" I asked while we waited on Spier. "If just looking at me was too much, imagine trying to do me!" I could feel my cock twitch after he said: "do me." The elephant noticed and said; "May wanna get new pants." Spier walked out of the hallway and looked down at my obvious excitement. "Call me and I'll make your embarrassment worthwhile," he said handing me a card. He then walked back to the hallway and said: "You know, if it makes you feel better, you're bigger than I expected." I watched him strut his perfect body of muscles to the back of the hallway until he was out of view. When he was gone, I read the card. It said "If you're seeing this, call me at (969)-420-6669." -the next night- I walked into the restaurant two doors down from the club called "Moonlight On The River." It was one of the most expensive restaurants in the state. I tried to tell Spier over the phone that I can't afford it, but he said he didn't ask me if I could pay. I felt bad for making him pay for a restaurant like THIS, but he insisted and I wasn't going to just cancel a date like this. These thoughts, and many more, orbited my mind the entire time I walked to the restaurant. When I approached the door, I couldn't help but notice how different the crowd looked from me. My suit was rented, their suits couldn't look newer. Everyone else was 6 feet tall or more, I was 4. Looking at all these people who were bigger and richer than me made my ears fall flatter than a piece of paper. I walked in, ears still hanging, and asked the receptionist behind the huge podium if a lion named Spier was here. She pointed and I turned around to see him sitting in a corner booth on the far end of the restaurant. Spier was reading a menu and didn't see me. The walk to his table was painfully embarrassing. Everyone knew I didn't belong. I did my best to ignore my anxiety as I hopped onto the booth. Spier heard me and put the menu down. "You clean up nicely," he said checking out what parts of me he could see over the table. "You almost look as good in clothes as you do out of them," I responded. Spier laughed and said; "You're cute and funny. I was beginning to think I would never meet a decent man in this college town." I looked at him and tried to figure out how to respond. I've never had such a stallion compliment me before. "I would say the same to you but I've already passed out from starring at you once. You already know how hot you are don't you?" "Maybe," he giggled. "Can I ask you something?" I could feel my face getting red as the words left my mouth. "Sure," he said in a soft voice. "Why are you doing this with ME of all people? You have men bigger than my whole family combined walking up to you every night. I'm a bunny, so that's saying a lot." I planned on continuing, but he interrupted me by saying "Because your the only guy I've met that has the slightest hint of manners. Everyone else talks to me like I'm a toy. I don't want to say anything because I like my job. It's much easier than squeezing on a dull suit every day." "But you squeeze on those tiny straps every night," I remind him. "And it feels amazing," he said grinning. "Plus I get to move around instead of sitting at a desk all day. My coworkers are amazing." "I'm sure you've done them all," I said thinking about how much I would love to see that. "Maybe," he said with a wink. "Maybe... all at once," he slowly and softly said. My foot started thumbing the floor and my ears perked up. "But it gets boring after a while. The same moves every time! All my boys shove their dicks into the one with the lowest tips... all at once. Some in the mouth, some in the ass, some just place their meat in his hand for him to massage and warm up while they wait their turn. He's touching everyone's cock one way or another." "God THAT'S THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD" I screamed. I felt my own dick coming to life. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he said, "people are staring." "Sorry." I looked around and saw at least half the people in the restaurant staring at me. "Anyway," he continued, "It gets old, the same re-run of the same shit. That's why I asked you out tonight. I wanted a change!" "Here I am," I said, moving my hands to point at my little bunny nose. "I know," he said smiling at me. The rest of the dinner was amazing. I had a small salad with fries. Spier had ten 15oz stakes, all cooked rare. I fed myself the salad at a slow pace. I usually eat fast, but I was distracted by Spier's eating. Even eating was hot with him! He would grab the entire steak with the fork and put it all in his mouth. As he chewed, the veins in his neck popped just enough to make them visible. He looked like an animal in the wild and it was turning me on! When we left the restaurant, I told Spier I had fun and started to head home. Before I got 10 feet away from him, he asked: "where are you going?" "Home," I said. "Well, ok. I was just hoping that I could show you what these muscles could do under the sheets but I guess I'll see you around." Spier winked and turned around. I ran over to him and said "Well... what can they do?" "Come with me and find out," he said as he put out his hand. The size of his paws was intimidating but I complied. It was a cloudy night, so the drive home was pretty dark. The entire way back, we talked about what life was like before we meat. I was just some tiny bunny going to college. He was a beast using every inch of him to his advantage. He loved his job, but he still felt like nothing but a toy. People couldn't see past his bulge and he said that bothered him. We felt the same for different reasons. As he drove, I grabbed his rock hard and hellishly hot arm to comfort him. My heart was racing and so was his. I could feel both of our pulses. I could feel that our heartbeats were perfectly synced. Every beat my heart made, his heart made at the exact same time. We were two people who felt useless who found who they never knew they were looking for. Our synchronized hearts understood our wounds. I watched the street lights shine onto the face of a creature I thought I had to fear, the king of the animal kingdom. Yet, for some reason, this savage beast laid his guard down at the adorable feet of a bunny, simply to feel what it was like to be seen as a person, not as someone's sex toy. As we pulled into the driveway, the clouds started to clear up. I saw the moon fighting its way through the sky. "Full moon," I said pointing up as we got out of the car. "THAT'S TONIGHT" He screamed as he ran inside. However, he only made it a few meters from his car. I watched in confusion when I small stripe of moonlight peeked through the clouds and onto the back his main. He fell to the ground and moaned. "WHAT HAPPENED" I screamed, running to him. "I meant to tell you" he choked out through his screaming. "I'm... a... uh.... werelion!" "Doesn't bother me," I said, then really thought about what that meant. I then asked: "Should I run?" "No, if I get inside the moon won't be able to touch me." I tried to help him up but he wasn't helping at all, and he has more weight in his strap than I do in my whole body. "You'll be fine, just hide for now. When I transform I'll go inside and let myself turn back... I hope." I ran behind the car and watched from a safe distance. Spier's main disappeared first. His fur turned blacker than the night sky. His ears pointed out. Then, he stood up. I could only see his backside. His ass grew and stretched his pants until they ripped. His cheeks were so plump and round that you could jump on them. Next were his legs. They grew right through what was left of his pants. His thighs were rounder than a tire. His feet grew as his shoes exploded. His feet were 5 feet long 3 feet wide. Then... his balls! Those fruity and juicy sperm sacks dropped to his knees and ballooned out to be wider than his legs which were already big enough to park a car between. The veins popped out around his balls and grew longer. As they grew, it looked like a million worms squirming under his skin. Soon, His testicles looked like a road map. I could see sperm the size of my fingers swinging around his balls. The swarming DNA of the beast pushed against the walls of his hot tubs of cum, desperately trying to mate with the outside world. His cock looked like a pool noodle being lowered onto the ground. The pole of raw wild flesh touched the ground and widened. The girth widened until his cock was big enough to fit an actual pool noodle inside the shaft. The width of his dick started to expand and shrink as blood was rushing in and out, almost like his cock was breathing. His shoulderblades flew out of the shirt like he was trying to grow wings. His arms turned into cranes of muscle as veins moved out of the way of the new muscle, bulging out of his skin. His shoulders turned into mini-mountains. He turned around, revealing his chest. His pecs stuck out far enough to shove your head between them and be completely hidden. They looked like a stack of pillows resting on his statue-like body. His abs looked like he had ingested ten tennis balls, and moved them near his stomach for safekeeping. My jaw dropped almost as low as his meaty shaft hung between his concrete column legs. The new Spier sniffed me out. He ran behind the car, picked me up with his right hand, and used his left hand to grab my feet. He roared and flexed his cock. His meat was summoned like a demon as it rose. It curled out of his waist like an inflatable inflating to life. He stuffed me into his shaft like his cock was a sleeping bag, and he ran inside. My nervous body was being carried by his throbbing shaft. He bounced me around before pulling me out of his tube. We were now in what I assumed was his room. "MY LITTLE FRIENDS WANT TO VISIT YOU" he roared as he moved his waist, causing his pools of cum to jiggle. When he did that, it revealed the sperm trying to escape. The sperm fish were still flying around his bean bag balls. I couldn't imagine what it must've felt like for him to have millions of fish violently throbbing against the outside walls of his ocean of milk. The tales tickled his sack as his scrotum held the weight of fish tanks of liquid. I looked at Spier, begging with my eyes for him to spare my tinny virgin hole. Part 2 I stared into his lime green eyes as he ripped my pants off like wrapping paper on Christmas and threw me onto his bed. The raw power of his strength nearly broke the bed as I hit the mattress like a falling meteor. He lifted my legs gently yet quickly as he put my heels against his hard shoulders and wrapped his arms of stone around my legs, pressing his hands against the insides of my trembling legs. He teased me for a few minutes by placing his juicy tree trunk cock on my stomach and nearly crushed me under the weight. The head was plump and pink and bigger than a beach ball. The tunnel that ran from the head to the tanks between his legs was so wide that I could almost see down it, especially since it was right at my eyes. Under his gorgeous head was a long, black, stone solid, larger than life tube of manhood and testosterone. The length of his hard flesh was defined by veins than ran up and down every inch. His meat was covered with enough veins to move pints of blood at the same time in his cock alone. All of this hard and horny meat lead right back to the body of a freakishly muscular creature staring at me with a look of love in his eyes. With a voice that sounded deeper and richer than a trombone, yet smoother than warm butter, he said "ride or die" as he jammed his stallios shaft of fresh throbbing meat deeper than I thought possible. Everything from my stretched out asshole to my throat felt like it would break in half. I begged him to stop. I couldn't bear the pain of my body being pushed apart by what felt like a train riding it's way up my core. He told me he hasn't even gotten hard and said I needed to relax. I listened, knowing I would get it either way. I decided to take the easy way out. He slowly caressed my insides with a beast that refused to stop expanding. At first, his thrust were slow and steady. The first 20 minutes were the easiest. He massaged every inch of my intestines, treating my tiny body like a brand new fleshlight that was too small. Each pulse of blood that ran through his girth felt like a shock of one million volts throughout my helpless body. Pound after pound of blood vibrated my body aggressively. Finally, he decided he was done with the simple strokes when he used every muscle on his mountain of a man's body to pump my ass into my throat at a rate of 10 thrusts per second. The slapping of his heavy melons against my bed sounded like a drum in a rock concert. His deep voice reminded me of who was in charge while he pounded my organs into soft jelly. He continued for what felt like all night. Pumping and pounding the throbbing log of raw passion and strength into the back of my head. My body stretched around his girth like a living condom. His giant cock didn't care how much damage it did to my frail body... it just kept flying up and down my torso. After 10 minutes of smashing me like a hammer smashes a nail, he stopped. The head of his cock rested in the back of my mouth for a minute. His throbbing felt more like violent twitching similar to an earthquake. Every pulse rocked my body. "HERE I CUM" he screamed. He pulled his veiny head to the tip of my ass then launched the heavenly rocket of testosterone back into me as I felt the first gallon of sperm flood me like a condom. I felt his piping hot milk overflow me as I turned into a waterbed of cum. My stomach began stretching over the side of the bed. I was just a lump of meat lying on the bed growing at an alarming rate. His gorgeous monster meat sprayed my intestines like a power washer. It wouldn’t be long before my bloodstream would have more sperm cells than blood cells. His knot kept it from escaping. I watched his 8pack of abs that looked like tennis balls under his furry skin flex as he held up the weight of his cum filled creation grow heavier and heavier. Gallon after gallon pumped and pumped into me like he was a cum machine that had no plans of slowing down. His breath on me made my outsides feel almost as hot as my insides. He held my feet above his concrete shoulders and gripped his arms around my shaking legs. He asked me how many cubs I think he just pumped into me as his boiling hot milk kept cumming and cumming. I guessed that it had to be at least one cub for every gallon of cum swimming inside me. So, “enough for two packs” I suggested. I told him it would be three packs before the cum flooding stopped. I told him I loved him and he lifted me off the bed with his meaty pole alone while the shaft continued to pump like a machine. My water balloon stomach fell to the floor as his cock lifted me off the bed. He kissed me, putting his tongue on mine and twisted it inside my mouth. My tongue was bathed and soaked in his saliva. After his tongue wrestled with mine, he pulled it out. Our spit stuck together and made a bridge between our mouths. He asked if I was ready for round two. I told him that if he did that, I would pop. He laughed and said, "not if I empty you first." He placed me back on the bed and pulled his cock out. My asshole spewed cum everywhere like a broken fire hydrant. My stomach moved down slowly as his cum flowed out of me and flooded the room. He stood there with his cock still sticking straight up like he had a meaty lamp post strapped to his crotch. I watched the veins on his fat and long shaft pulse up and down. I knew this was going to be both the longest and best night of my life. This monster with a cock almost as big as him was going to mate me until every last sperm was either inside me or on me. My only purpose was to serve this beast. All I ever wanted to do was please him for the rest of my life. I wanted to drown in his milk. If my lounges flooded with hot cum until I couldn't breathe, I would just accept my fate. It would be an honor to die serving a god of sex like him! Part 3 Spiers and I had been together for 5 years now today. It has been exactly 5 years sense I walked into that club and passed out from getting too hard while watching him. I took Spiers to my favorite resturant just next door to where I met him. We had a great dinner and laughed the entire time. We both ate more than we should have because we knew we would need our energy for the wild night ahead of us. After dinner, he couldn't wait to get back to our place. We had just finished sound profing the bedroom of our apartment after the entire city block complained about our moaning and whimpering all night, every night. The last sound proff panel had been placed earlier that day and we were ready to "test it's limits." As soon as we got home, Spiers got on one knee and asked if I wanted a ride to the bedroom. I got on his muscle back and he took off like race horse. When we reached the bedroom, he threw me over his head and I did a front flip onto the bed. I landed and instantly spread my legs apart. Spiers didn't even bother taking off his cloths. He just flexed his cock and the zipper poped. His pants flew to the ground. He grabed his shirt and ripped it off like paper. The separating fabric was like a curtian pulling back to reveal a beutiful beast. He jumped onto the bed right intop of me and licked my long ears. He asked if I had any ways of spicing it up for our aniversary. I told him that I always wanted to try vore. He said that would be to painful. I asked if he was scared, grinning. He told me to shut up and sit still. He held me down to our bed as he began to lick every inch of me and said that it would help me slide in. He pushed me into the soft bed and coved every inch of me with his tounge, one body part at a time. I soaked in ever moment. When he ran his tounge through the crack of my ass I moaned uncontrollably. It felt like a moist and loving snake slithering between my cheeks. Finally he told me to turn around. He jerked his already rock solid cock a few more times for good measure. As much as I enjoyed watching a stalion massage his own juicy shaft, I wanted to get inside it. I wanted to be held and carried by that throbing warmth. He put the tip of his sterdy flesh on the tip of my cute little ears. He groaned as the muscles in his powerful cock pulled me in. First my ears, then my head, then my torso and feet. Spear put his hands behind his back and thrusted his waiste back and forth vigorously to create some momentum to help me slide down his meaty tube. With each tug that suck me in, he moaned with intense pleasure. I could feel each individual vein up his shaft swollow me. Sliding down a lion's cock feels like sliding down a water slide that's boiling hot. Only, this time, the liquid inside could fill you like a turkey for months. That, and it tasted like lightly salted candy. The perfect combination of savory and swett. I could hear him panting as he rythmacly flexed his flesh to pull me in. I licked all the side of the shaft to calm him down. He told me that he was ticklish and to tell my tonge to slow down, his raw meat could only take so much licking at one time. Naturally, I licked faster. This must have annoyed him, because he used his massive paws to push me down only a few seconds after I started licking. I was now fully engulfed in his balls. Balls that were already fat, round, plump, and mezmoring before they injested me. Being surrounded by seamen in every direction is just like being in a bath tub. The weight and warmth of his cum made me feel like I was sitting in a hot tub of sticky glue. Don't get me started on the smell! Every breath I took reminded me just how dominant Spier really was. I was breathing in the strongest musk aroma you could ever find. On the outside, speer was lying there with one hand on the back of his head, rubbing his thumb inside his maine. With the other hand, he runned his palm across his balls slowly and carefully. This proved to be challenging because even the great god of muscle and sex, Spier, had never seen a cum sack this huge. It looked like he placed a full size furry bean bag chair between his legs. Spier placed his paw under his balls and bounced them up and down. He licked his vengs as his godly balls bounced up and down. THIS FEELS AMAZING he cried out. The base in his voice caused the seamen bath I was bathing in to vibrate like a phone. Feeling the vibration of the warm liquid in every hole was like sitting in a massage chair. "How do you feel" Spier asked as he placed his second paw until his cannon balls of furry meat. "Like I'm sitting in a hot tub of milk. I've never felt so hot before." "Are you ready to cum out" he asked me, laughing. Before I could tell him I was having the time of my life swimming in his sperm, and wanted to stay here the rest of my life, his phone rang. "Who is it" I asked. "A suprise" he told me as he awnsered. "Come one up and I'll let you in" he said. I could hear him place the phone down. "You alright" he asked again. "I should be asking you" I smerked "you're the one who has a full grown bunny in you balls!" "I feel hot as hell" he boomed with his voice that once again shook every drop of cum I was sitting in. We sat there for a few more minutes. We were literally soaking up every moment. I licked the inside of his sack and he started laughing. On the outside, Spier started moving his legs around as he said "I'm ticklish, stop" "Make me" I said, licking faster. The inside of his balls tasted like the best stake I've ever had. I was firm, tinder, and salty. "I'M GONNA CUM" he roared. He breathed so heavily that it sounded like he just ran a marathon whith weights on his feet, not that Spier couldn't handle a little weight. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Seriously, just weight" he said as he got off the bed. Spier walked to the door, carrying me in the cumpool between his legs like I wasn't even there. I could hear him open the door. A different, yet equally dominant sounding voice asked "Where's your friend?" "Taking a cumbath in my balls" he bragged. He slapped his balls just to show off how much they shook. "Very impressive" he said in a low and slow voice. "COME ON BOYS" he shouted. This new voice shook Spier's balls just as much as his voice did earlier. I could hear massive footsteps grow closer and louder. Soon, Spier was walking back to the bedroom. The noise of countless footsteps followed. Spier sat on the edge of the bed and said "Fellow stalions, do your worst." Next thing I new, Spier's balls bounced up and down like a basketball during the last game of the season. I was violently thrown up and down. His milk was being shaken around me like I Martini. "FUCK YESSSS" Spier roared "MAKE ME CUM!" I could feels the muscles in his balls close up and the preasere built up. The bouncing got more aggressive as the pressure got tighter. "I CAN FEEL IT COOOMING" He roared. The vibrations mixed with the bouncing made me feel like I was going through an earthquake that could destroy the whole earth. Precum started flowing like a river. First, small cups leaked it. Then, pints leaked out. The pool of cum was shrinking. I could see the veins around me clench up. "STAND BACK BOOOOOYS!" I was launched out and across the entire apartment. I watched our living room furniture pass by unnderneath me as I flew like a jet plane streight for the door, leaving a trail of fresh man milk behind me. My head burst through the door and across the hall, hitting our neighborhood who was walking to her apartment. This didn't even slow me down as I busted down the door of the apartment across the hall. I landed on the couch of the place across the hall. I whiped cum off my eyes and saw a little bear cub was eating cereal. She looked up at me and waved. "Sorry, me and my boyfriend were wrestling" I told her, trying to break the silence. I then remembered I was naked and covered myself with my hands. The momma bear came out and asked why I was covered in a while liquid. She then looked at where the door should be and saw Spier with his cock stuck out like he had an XXXXXXXL pool noodle attached to his crotch. His bean bag balls still swinging from the incredible pressure that had just released. He was still spewing like a fire hydrant. The pool of cum began flooding our apartment. Spier just kept calmy touching himself like he wasn't pumping cum all over the place. "Promise to never let your boyfriend launch you like a jet airplane ever again, and I might not press charges!" "Yes ma'm" I softly spoke, turning around. The walk to my apartment felt so long. Walking through the trail of seamen was sticky and moist and embarrassing. Spier watched me, thinking to himself "my cock is so powerfull that I just cummed my boyfriend to the other side of the hall!" Spier watched me walk back, eyeing his accomplishment. I felt embarrassed that someone saw my soaked is seamen, but hot as hell that Spier had the raw strangth in his balls to throw me that far. When I reached the bedroom, the door was slammed behind. Not by Spier, because he was still standing in the same spot with his balls still swinging. I turned around and saw every single dancer from the club Spier used to work at, including the tiger Spier mated with on stage! My heart fell to my feet! "Spier told us he wouldn't he able to clean you up by himself" the tiger told me, winking with passion in his eyes. "So he called us" said another lion I have only seen in posters. "Once we lick all that juicy cum off of every last hair on your adorable little body, we're all going to give you the best night of your life!" "Spier just flooded the apartment with so much sperm that our couch just floated away. There's no way he can go another round!" "Try me" Spier commanded.
This one is pretty rough and I didn't clean it up much. Its also one of my shorter ones I felt more fitting for the site. Please let me know what you think and if you want more like it. I have a few more on the way, but most of those are longer and will need to be split into chapters. Enjoy your fappy time reading. If You Give An Elf A Cookie Nothing was more exciting than an adventure in the city. At least, that’s how Metka felt. Sabbaticals here had become increasingly rare as the years passed. The lucrative aspect of farm life had waned further and further; tightening the belt of what little could be squired away. Only through fragile dedication had this vacation become ‘affordable’. Meager meals, helpful family, restrained urges, and the abandonment of most other indulgences; all were needed to come back. Even with the miserly guarding of his wallet, it had been four years. In that same spirit of humble enjoyment, no souvenirs or other needless spending was planned. Metka wanted to return home with all the funds he could manage, hoping to return sooner than next time. Despite a normally strict adherence, the elf was guiltily nibbling at his lone transgression. He’d been irresistibly drawn to it at first scent. Though bothered by a lingering self-directed spite for the treat, each morsel was savored to the fullest extent. In one hand Metka held the aforementioned and mostly eaten cookie. The other secured a shoulder-mounted satchel. The ambling tourist’s walk used was slow and distracted He kept finding new diversions in the spectacles along his path. Skyscrapers, public sculptures, and ornate shop displays were all enthralling. The elf’s goal was the same this year as all the ones before. He wanted to see what was new at the museum of art. Many precious sights and amazing masterpieces graced its walls. The curators had always managed to keep several exchange programs running throughout the year, bringing new displays with every visit. Even with the array of beautiful sights from shops; somehow surpassed by the draw of that nearing collection, Metka’s mind kept wondering back to that bakery. Possibly it was from guilt. It might have been caused by the vibrant taste from each small minuet; but the tourist thought it more likely just the experience. The key motivation for feeling that way was how uneasy the shopkeeper had made him. The confectionery salesman showed an uncharacteristic display of glib guile. The man’s encouragement to try the goods rang like silver bells, with a tincture of mended cracks. The elf had tried to listen closely for the sake of instinctual suspicion. That effort failed due to the unquestioning cry of his stomach and an olfactory variation on the siren’s call. Little of the baker’s actual words still lingered in memory, only adding to the eeriness of the event. Popping the last minuscule bite into his mouth, Metka forced himself to relent. No matter how strange or out of place the man had been, he sure as hell knew how to bake. Even after just finishing a sizable snack, the elf already yearned for another. Having walked several blocks away and still trying to balance his budget, seeking more would only be foolhardy. The vacationing tourist tried to distract himself from the remainder of taste by thinking about the museum. He’d been sure to check on the recently acquired displays before starting the trip. That led to much anticipation for most of them. An ancient sword collection and sets of tribal pottery were top on his list, though several other sections also held allure. Metka even began to ignore his surroundings, well trying to visualize a few of the photos he’d seen. The elf was awakened from his fugue state of recall by several gasps around him. Eyes rose from the ground they’d been ignoring; only to meet those of several dismayed stares. All were locked on him and the reason why dawned slowly. His first clue was the realization of how tightly confining his clothes felt; but that was instantly chalked up to the awkwardness of a social spotlight. His second hint was the angle of upraised heads. Full understanding came only as Metka faced his reflection; undeniable in the adjacent black glass wall of a building. The elf had managed to double in height. His shirt now looked meant for a toddler. Formerly roomy pants appeared to be outgrown shants. Even the strap holding his satchel snugly encircled his shoulder. His feet appeared bare, but only because toe-strap sandals were now completely concealed beneath them. The tourist wanted to think that was someone else’s reflection. He wanted to deny the evidence, yet only managed to gape in surprise like everyone else. Most of the on looking crowd started to back away. No one knew what to make of such an event, let alone the man it was happening to. The movement of time returned to Metka with the flash of a camera. He spun in an effort to look everywhere at once, trying to regain coherence to thought. All it accomplished was an equally hurried retreat of the crowed. Most merely took a few steps back, but several ran. The elf opened his mouth to try and explain. A jutting jaw only hung there for a couple seconds, as he realized the lack of any way to do so. Eventually a pitiable excuse was offered instead. “I didn’t…uh…excuse me!” With that, Metka began pacing briskly down the sidewalk again. A path hurriedly cleared for him. A few people went so far as to shove others out of the way, to avoid being caught in it. The only response given by anyone was another electric flash. Soon several people were doing likewise; though most had waited tell he couldn’t identify who. The irregularly strobing light began to fray the straitjacket binding a looming panic. Only upon seeing the mouth of a thin ally, was the tourist able regain some direction and intent. Spotting the escape route more clearly with each elongated step, a primitive plan began forming. Turning into the ally opening with as little warning as possible, Metka quickly grabbed each side of a wheeled dumpster along the far wall. Two minutes ago he wouldn’t have been able to touch both sides at once, but now that didn’t even require stretching. Likewise; the heave used to spin it in front of the ally, was nearly powerful enough to lose control of it all together. The followers that had amassed during his hasty stroll; fell over each other in a forced halt. Noticing a second dumpster on the previous hidden wall, the elf decided to attempt reinforcing the barricade. Raised arms tried to capture more pictures well the tourist tried lifting the other trash bin. Though difficult, he managed to lumber it over on top of the other. That succeeded in cutting off most of the stuttering lights, prompting a sigh of relief from the empowered visitor. Well taking a moment to enjoy the minor success, he turned to inspect the far end of his makeshift haven. Even before finishing the rotation, the felt an awkward and unwarranted sensation. It welled welling up inside like an over-boiling pot. He felt...aroused? The momentum of untimely and out of place feeling, built more with each passing moment. Breath caught in his throat as a ripping sound filled his thoughts. The tightness of over-strained clothing vanished with the diminishing sound effect, but Metka barely noticed. Muscles quickly toned in definition as the transformation progressed. Formally vague abdominals gained clear hills and valleys. Arms formerly layered with thin padding, began to show strained bulges. Caves and thighs swelled with slopping arcs of strength. With every twitch of the throbbing cock between his legs, the appendage gained proportionate length and girth. During it all, his entire body grew with sporadic surges in height. The event didn’t last very long, even if it felt so to the elf. Air had filled his lings with the vacuum of expanding size; but the supernatural breath rushed out upon the culmination of sensation. He’d braced his hands on either wall of the ally as legs grew week, barely noticing them burst through the brick and mortar. A great stream of cum spewed from the engorged penis, followed by two more. Each splattered along the ally’s length; with the thick slap of a full bucket, overturned from an ample height. Likewise, the creamy fluid peppered the area in slow runnels. It oozed down the bricks and street curves like elongating exclamation points. Metka returned to awareness with the first frightened shrieks from his left. He looked over to see one arm half buried in the building there, understanding smacking him like a wet fish. The towering elf wrenched it free. Shock and surprise offered him little grace, resulting in further ruination of the building. One could now see inside and what appeared to be an office of cubicles. Herds of white-shirted workers were already piled up at the far end’s exit. They filtered out an opening fall too small for their enthusiasm. The tourist still panted from his unexpected exertion, well trying to find some bearings. Not daring to look, he withdrew the other arm from its neighboring hole; having to turn sideways in order to do so. The ally was barely big enough to hold him now. The elf had grown to a height of nearly three stories. He turned his head to look back towards the dumpsters; now able to see over them, and spotted the remained of a crowed scatter at his gaze. Well moving to look in the other direction, the ominous warning of distant sirens began. Too big to simply walk out of the ally, Metka had to sidle towards the other end. It was disturbing him to have that lingering arousal encouraged by his penis trailing along the wall in front. Bare feet kicked and crushed the periodic trash can or discarded crate as he moved. It seemed odd that nothing punctured their soles in the process, but that was quickly assumed to be a result of skin’s thickening. The cement beneath him let out an occasional crack under the weight. It reminded him of ponds with thin ice and foolish children. He only hoped there was nothing for him to falling into, should the artificial rock give way. Metka heard another barrage of screams upon exiting the confining ally. He could see the crowded streets clear around him in a widening ripple. Cars screeched to a half and were abandoned, as more people joined the throng of feeling civilians. He hoped that such obstructions would impede the nearing source of those sirens, but doubted it would help that much. Getting out of the city now seemed to be the only option left to him. He didn’t want to hurt anyone and had no clue if another burst of growth was due. Regardless of if it did or not, the authorities were sure to react violently upon spotting him. The elf began to move quickly down the road, still unsure of his direction along the vaguely known streets. He just focused on distancing himself from the direction of the approaching militants. The tourist did his best to avoid stepping on cars and kiosks well advancing, but couldn’t always find an opening. Metal, wood, and plastic, splintered and bent under his substantial mass. Concrete cracked and fissured with the added force of movement. The protest of each rang clearly at each stride’s landing. His sizable erection; which had lost only its demanding throb, bobbed and weaved before him. As Metka reached the next intersection, he began to pivot on one heel. The goal was to turn and see if the city’s edge might be in sight, but the roadway could not support that centered and driving force. It gave way; dropping the foot into the subway beneath, well pitching its owner forward in a fall. The elf was far too distracted to be prepared for the incident. He tumbled forward without a chance to brace for impact or roll to one side. The resulting conclusion was the ample cock’s driving impact with the ground. The tourist had clenched his teeth when the fall began. As his penis bent under the rest of his weight, air hissed inward between them. The street could support its pistoning force no more than the heel’s. Pavement shattered in wake of the driving shaft, well Metka felt the onrush of that implacable feeling once again. A cock with veins the size of fire hoses plunged into the empty canal of the subway. It bulged against the tunnel’s sides like the cork of a wine bottle. An irresistible euphoria overcame the elf as his member fully entered the passage. His body acted in sexual instinct. Hands crashed down on the surface’s neighboring sidewalks. Arms straitened and sent their owner’s back into an arch. Hips thrust forward with destructive vehemence. The swollen phallus erupted in triplicate, as it had before. Bouts of growth fell in time with the ejaculation. The thrust’s bracing hands enlarged in three successive spurts, palms now equaling the size of large tanks. His back arched more with the increase; the proportionate distance between pelvis and arms shortening severely. Colossal toes burrowed into the street and tilled as legs extended. Powerful gusts of breath escaped the giant between each increase in size. The enlarged penis decimated the road above it, as the confines of its housing became too small for the girth. As the storm of libido faded, Metka slumped forward. Forearms trenched the area beneath them, as they slid into a lax posture. The slightly relaxed cock withdrew from its ruined confines, allowing the owner to kneel. Only after a few labored breaths did the elf return his mind to escape. He rose into a sitting kneel and took stock of his new height. Even without standing, the man could see over the tops of some buildings. He took sudden notice of several things in quick succession. The building to either side of him had been gouged by his shoulders as he’d risen, the street below him was utterly destroyed, and helicopters were approaching on the horizon in front. The tourist quickly scrambled to his feet. He was so tall, that the city’s sounds felt faded by the distance. One leg extended the full length of a block in an effort to find an open gap; well a hand used the top of a building for support. The foot found purchase, but he grimaced as the building’s upper half gave way half way though his rise. The maddening cock clipped another building and removed its corner as he turned tried to regain balance. There was no time to muse over the implications or the phenomenon of growth. He just hoped for enough time to escape. Metka turned again and stepped over a ‘short’ apartment complex to one side. The streets themselves were now too narrow for easy travel, but the newfound height allowed him to see the closest edge of the city. Each rushed step took him closer, like a fire-walker seeking the relief of cool ground. Before making it more than half way, the elf heard a concerning and loudening whine from behind. Taking a quick glance back in that direction, he saw the unmistakable smoke trails of nearing missiles. He managed to intercept their path with a sizable skyscraper, but only succeeded in dampening their effect. Several hit in a rapid barrage. The resulting explosions demolished the building and knocked the tourist off his feet. He was sent sprawling over several more structures; that stood no chance against such a gargantuan impact. Metka disappeared beneath a cloud of billowing dust as the world collapsed on every side. When this whole crazy adventure had started, the elf worked word to avoid casualties. After all that had happened and the extent things reached, he’d come to think only of survival. That mentality took a firm root as a world of pulverized brick, cement, and everything else swirled around him. The infinitesimal populous he once belonged to were bound to seek his death from this point out, leaving him with few to no options. Apathy replaced concern in the time it took him to find the ground. Though the impact had done little more than knock the wind from Metka, he managed to hit the ground face first. The second thing to land was his cock, resulting in a sensation that was beginning to feel familiar. Sexual excitement bloomed as the blimp-sized appendage plowed into through a series of buildings. It carved a deep furrow through whole blocks, before the member came to rest against the elf’s stomach and chest. The tidal flow of semen spewed forth without restraint, the tourist starting to embrace his arousal openly. Sticky goo splattered against pectorals and chin, before seeping out over the rubble and adjacent streets. Surges of growth fallowed much as they had the last time. Each gush of cum came with a doubling in size that widened his creator of destruction. Metka returned to himself without daring to open his eyes at first. Only the annoyance of more or larger attacks managed to make him. He beheld little more than the cloud of dust his meteor-like impact had generated. Trying not to breathe it in, despite his racing heart’s demand for it; the elf rose to his feet again. The few buildings still remaining appeared to be no bigger than candy boxes. The majority of what had existed, was now the crushed outlines of his fall and expansion. The tourist looked around in search of the helicopters that had attacked him. He spotted the insect sized specs on the retreat. That allowed him a sigh of relief between panting breaths. The only thing wanted was to get away before another strategy was managed, but the elf had to figure out a place to go. He moved to massage his injured face and found it slick with spent seed. Looking over his cum-covered front, Metka decided that the ocean would be as good a place as any. He was too exhausted mentally and physically to ponder the issue further. As a titanic foot passed overhead, a lone figure slithered out the front of his disheveled bakery. A wide smile sporting two protruding fangs looked up in approval. After all; successful experiments were always so satisfying.
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Farniro pumped massive bellows. The chain belt powering them was exhaustively resilient. He had to hang on it, just to get things started. His fur glistened with sweat and soot. Gebis kept calling for more and more, every sentence another demand. The young feline never seemed to reach the expectation. Either that or it kept rising. The youthful warrior had come to this forge and its master, for the sake of Sanguis. His precious weapon had taken a mighty beating against that golem. He’d arrived with its blade chipped and pitted. The next swing might have snapped it in two. And as precious as Farniro’s tool was to him, it wasn’t something he could forge personally. Gebis was happy to help. The renowned artisan had supplied some of the land’s greatest swords, both magical and mundane. He’d admired Sanguis and gotten to work in short order. He’d delicately fashioned his wonders on the metal, avoiding the actual smelt of its blade. Edges were softened and brought back to shape. Enchanted oils infused the seams, making them vanish without the slightest trace. The smith returned to Farniro, sword gleaming in the sun. That’s when all the troubled started. “Amazing work, nya! It looks as good as new! How’d you do it?” “You should know better than to ask for such secrets, squirt.” Farniro laughed with awkward embarrassment and an emphatic nod. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I just got carried away with the sight of it. How much do I owe you?” “Five-hundred should do it.” “Wow! That’s really kind of you. I wasn’t expecting it to be so cheap.” “Most wouldn’t think so, but who am I to argue with such a deep purse.” The two shared a spell of laughter as the feline rummaged for coins. A bit it had to be the silver requested. The majority condensed with the last of his gold. He was sorry to see the last of that haul go, but it was worth it for Sanguis. When Farniro looked up to hand his pile over, he found a disgruntled mustache twitching in disapproval. A few blinks didn’t dispel an illusion, so the cat opened his mouth to ask what was up. Gebis didn’t wait for the question, asking a rhetorical one of his own instead. “Well aren’t you the hopeful little dreamer?” Farniro tried again, only to be cut off once more. “Five. Hundred. Gold. My work isn’t as cheap as you seem to think.” The feline’s mouth dropped as eyes bugged wide. You could buy out a village for that; feed an army for a month’s march. “Why didn’t you tell me it would be so much?!” “You never asked. I figured you just had deep pockets. Now I come to find out you’re a fool instead.” “But I can’t pay that! I’ve barely had that much to my name in my whole life. I mean, I guess I could focus on finding some hordes and taking some jobs to pay you over time,” Gebis interrupted with a mocking laugh. “I doubt you’ve got what it takes without a sword.” The blacksmith smiled at the swordsman’s sunken expression. Then he clarified, “I get paid or you don’t get it back. I don’t work for pittance.” Farniro clutched his ears and let out a long, “Nyaaaaaaaa!” of frustration. Gebis let the cat squirm, holding back his schadenfreuden chuckles. “Isn’t there something I can do for you to make good on this?” “Tell you what,” the blacksmith let hope build in the yellow eyes before finishing, “You work my bellows and play houseboy for a month, we’ll call it even.” Joyous hope erupted within Farniro and made ready to spew its exuberance in words. Once again, Gebis cut him off. This time it came with savage undertone. “Don’t go thinking you’re getting off light squirt. If you don’t last the month, then the sword is mine. No wining or asking for a second chance either.” The feline gulped in dreaded anticipation, having yet to see the workshop’s interior. Still; he couldn’t abandon the only chance given. “Okay then. It’s a deal.” Gebis’ hand thrust out like a glaive, making the cat jump back at first. Then the latter realized, it was meant for a binding shake. As one hand met the other, Farniro felt the grip and weight of a bad deal. The swordsman wasn’t wrong in his assumption. The room appeared more dungeon than smithery’s workshop. Hung blades reeked of savage intent. The anvil at center was huge and broad, easily mistakable for an altar. The massive furnace eclipsed one wall, chain pulleys edging like decretive columns. Gebis interrupted the awful exploration; with the explanation, “That forge is meant for a man on either side. I’ve been working its bellows by myself for years. So you shouldn’t have too much trouble keeping up.” Farniro looked back to see a swindling smile, frowning an acknowledgement of con.” “You giving up already? Feel free to walk out any time.” “I said I’d do it so I’ll do it. I’m getting Sanguis back.” “We’ll see. Far be it for me to frown at free labor.” Three weeks later, the cat’s ears drooped with exhaustion. On and on the smith bellowed for bellows. They’d only had two days of rest since starting, but even that wasn’t fully true for his laborer. Gebis filled the quiet days with chores, pushing his serf at every turn. That cruel smile became nearly omnipresent. The smith could see his victory in sight. Now Farniro felt the end nearing. He still had a week to go, but so long felt endlessly out of reach. Still he refused to give up. Nothing short of collapse would stop him. Gebis struck and tapped at a new commission. It was a mage blade that baked with red corona, even before putting it to flames. They, or rather Farniro; had needed to douse their coals in a syrupy red goo. His taskmaster had explained it as getting the fires hot enough. The feline had needed to stir both fuels together, straining his arms with weight and thickness. It wore him out before even starting on the chains, making the metal loops feel more like shackles. As the cat shoveled in the first load of drenched coals, he had to pry piles free. Thick tendrils of the goo, stretched in resistance. It layered the shovel and made it impossible to throw loads. Instead, the swordsman had to scrape it free on the open hatch. A hiss came from the wetted fire within a few loads. Wisps of crimson silk began to trail from the opening. It quickly thickened to a haze, which had the cat coughing inside a few minutes. “Work the bellows and clear that stuff out the chimney. I don’t want to start sucking it down. If you were a real man, you could do both at the same time.” Farniro grimaced and kept from showing his sneer. Another cough banished the worry, as he staggered over to the chains. Hands dragged him up the large links. They wanted to slip, but pride and need refused to let them. When chain loosened and the cat found his feet again, he couldn’t help but gasp with the strain. It rushed the cloud deep into lungs, starting him in a hectic fit of coughing. The feline scrabbled his way free of oily smoke, crawling along the floor on knees. Refuge hand him breathing deeply of the cleaner air. No sooner had the serf reached sanctuary, than bidden to return. “Back to it runt.” A scrap of cloth landed next to Farniro, drawing his eyes up to Gebis’. There he found the raised cheeks of a smile, hidden behind another tatter of cloth. The bastard had known and prepared himself already. “If you can’t manage, I’ll take this as a forfeit.” “Nya.” The swordsman uttered between stifled hitches. The cloth pressed loosely against his mouth. Air was still too precious for such restriction. It took about a minute, before he could fasten its ends in place. The feline found strength in anger, forcing a stand and tying the rag. Eyes squinted against the malicious smoke, as he hurried his way back to chains. He forced breath low and kept a steady pace. Another gasp or panting would start it all over. This was hardest in getting the bellows turning again, but that first loosening appeared to help. The cruel-hearted blacksmith was pounding away behind, sparks flying and at the cat. His back and hair were singed, from all the burring metal they’d already caught; meaning Farniro paid them little mind. Blackened holes peppered his sleeveless shirt. The world began to fade for the swordsman. It narrowed to task and strain. The sense of it dulled with every pull. His vision blurred. Time became abstract. Life emptied its meaning. The cat found distance relieving, letting him drift away from the effort. Even the chain's resistance felt lighter, far away in uninhabited lands. As time passed, relief turned to embrace; then to surreal optimism. At least this trial would build up his fortitude and resilience. The feline had faced hectic and strenuous training before, but nothing as taxing without the cuts and bruises to encourage. His only pain was the ache of callused fingers and palms. Even that was starting to fade. The outlook empowered him more than expected. Farniro could barely feel the effort he poured in. The bellows lightened with every tug. The weight of body vanished with his dawning paradigm. Advancing acceptance had more power than dreamed. A muffled voice began to encroach. The swordsman couldn't make it out at first, too lost in reflection for the external. His head shook and thoughts cleared a little, trying to pay attention to the tyrant. It took him far longer than expected, volume rising before he could clarify. "Hold, hold!" were the first clear words. Farniro ended the meditative cycle, turning to face the voice's source. He only made it half a step, before his balance ended precariously. The swordsman teetered and nearly fell over, grabbing the chain to regain equilibrium. The world returned in a rush of disorder, bringing with it a wealth of awareness. The first nuance to register was angle. The feline looked round and upward, finding nothing but roof. He heard Gebis shout from below and looked down in surprise. There the smith was, looking furious and finite. Farniro began to question his memory, remembering the artisan much taller. That left him scrambling for answers within, losing tack of the other's continued rants. Next a register of strain, tightness spread along chest and leggings. The swordsman looked down and answered sight with gasp. His shirt was tattered, ripped across his bulging chest. The crest of pectorals obscured his vision lower. Folded seems at shoulders had degraded to frayed bands. Threads and tatters of cloth, protruded outward like the spokes of a mangled bicycle. With attention rushing away from thought and back to body, elation stuck as a brick to head. Farniro hadn't dared to lean forward and inspect further yet, but he could feel the same decimated fabric below. Now it pressed tighter, centering efforts singularly. Arousal embraced him with all the furnace of homecoming. Cheeks heated beyond forge's power, sprouting from the rivaling sensation below. A region of cloth sundered entirely, freeing the urgency of a mammoth erection. The bulging shaft towered beyond recognition. Its twitching pulse screamed for attention. Farniro returned to ignoring the smith, as rippling arms reached for the prize. He pulled it close and moaned at the feel. Bending it against him brought waves of delight, the head nestling within solar plexus. Its tip graced along the underside of chest, summoning a growling shutter from its owner. Farniro began to stroke himself, unable to resist its call. The heated flesh throbbed in hand, eager to answer the call. Each palm moved slowly, finding their way along every lengthy surface. There was so much to explore. He couldn't fully encircle such manhood, even with both hands parallel; but damned if he wasn't going to try. Gebis looked on with fear and regret. He'd pushed things too far in a quest for victory. Caution took backseat to spite. Vicious provocations were no offset to risk. His cruel smile was gone. It was replaced by rage hiding dread. The enchanted oils had certainly worked their magic for the forge. They'd also pressed the cat to its limits. However, the artisan knew better than to write off this tragedy there. The world hadn't twisted from true, till he'd begun work on the blade. Sentient metal had howled in hand, yet the smith carried on. The resistance was normal enough. The tyrant equated it to shoeing a horse. Any weapon of such caliber, would try to kick and buck just the same. Gebis wore the protections needed, but had limited thought for fallout upon the serf. The ember blade was old and wise. It'd learned of people and their ways though various wielders. Knowing attack was meaningless against the smith, it sought refuge in the only answer left. The dynamic between both men was clear, a servant and master. So the sword had decided to tip those scales, in the most effective method it could. Seeds of enchantment had leapt with shed sparks. They'd worked their way in, layering with every blow. Nevertheless, such results were far beyond expectation. Gebis roared for the feline to halt. He ranted with insults and demands, trying to intimidate the mistake into submission. All of his wailing and wining fell on deaf ears. There was nothing he could do to stop this obscene act. Anger kept the smith from consideration of worse. The idea of reprisal stayed locked behind angst. Farniro cared nothing for murmurs barely registered. He was enthralled by the swelling enjoyment. The few remaining tatters of cloth; snapped and flew free in succession. The bulge in hands expanded ever larger. Every twitch and rush of blood pumped into the mammoth, widened and expanded beyond limit. The feline's head crested ceiling, forcing wood to creak and neck to bend. The newly formed Goliath attempted to sit. He could only spare one hand for the task. The other redoubled its effort toward front, unable to leave arousal unattended. The whole endeavor was lost from the start. Farniro couldn't maintain a balance of his new and ever-expanding form. Too much shifted and proportions went well past acclimation. The mere act of a crouch sent him rocking back. The bracing arm had no grasp of distance. Thus the cat landed with an earth-shaking thud, lanced several cracks along the stone flooring. That's when his tail graced upon the furnace and all hell broke loose. Farniro yowled as the appendage tried to broil. He shot his body upward and away, widening cracks with weight and force. He'd never wielded the power of such legs. Nor could he prepare for the might expelled. The massive cat shot up and through the roof, sundering wood with no more resistance than twigs. He was too focused on the sudden singe for realization, leaving the forge and workshop far behind. Understanding hit in unison with ground. Towering trees broke, flattened under muscular weight. The forest canopy dimpled as it made way for a behemoth. Farniro felt it no more than falling back. His attention and interest were still ruled by other sensations. He didn't spare time or thought over what happened, only returned hands where they were needed. Gebis looked up in marvel. His shop was in shambles. Forge and anvil kilted towards the creator left behind. He stood frozen and held by dismay. The swordsman moaned with impending release. His hands flew faster as excitement clamored. Birds and beasts all flew and ran clear. None dared encounter the monstrosity it hailed from. The feline roared as ecstasy culminated. The world went white, in far more than figurative. Farniro panted, exhausted by it all. He and the surrounding trees were coated, sticky with layers of thickly dripping seed. It took several minutes for the numbing of delight to fade. When it eventually did, a single thought chimed its attention. "I forgot Sanguis!"
- muscle-growth
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(and 4 more)
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