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  1. Maloney2

    Vito Bianchi

    Originally written, with some assistance from Perchance.org's Story Generator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rome, the Eternal City, and also eternally boring for Vito Bianchi. The young celebrity bodybuilder/supermodel, who relaxed on his luxury hotel bed and took in the view of the sunset, didn't find Rome itself to be boring obviously. He loved it here and wanted to see everything the city had to offer before he was on the move again, but that was the problem... He couldn't go out. He wasn't allowed to. A sportswear company had hired Vito to be the face on a few promotional pictures, and the only reason they were in Rome was because they were going to use the tennis courts at Fort Italico as a backdrop. Pietro, his agent, had made it clear that he had "no time for silly caffetteria stops and giro turistico" despite them staying overnight. Right now he'd be content with some peace and quiet until the morning, but not even Vito could afford that luxury, as Pietro swung open the suite's door with force, eyes glued to his phone and giggling with glee. "Pietro, diavolo?!" Vito cursed in Italian, spooked by the doors banging. "Ever heard of knocking?" Unsurprisingly, the salt-and-pepper haired agent ignored him, simply saying: "Hah, this is great!" Vito sighed, putting a hand on his forehead. "And what exactly is 'great'?" he asked. Pietro grinned, his off-white teeth glinting in the soft light of the room. "I managed to convince those Kappa idiotis to pay us double what they offered before! Can you believe it? I'm a miracle worker, Vito mio!" He slapped his hands together, his eyes shining with delight, whilst the young celebrity rolled his eyes and grinned, leaning back on his pillow and grabbing a book to read. "Ah! Not too late up with that book, okay?" He ordered in that almost-forced tone of constant joy he put on. "The car's coming from 7am sharp, so be downstairs and ready by then, va bene?" "Va bene." Vito sighed, and with not another word Pietro laughed heartily and left the suite in a rush. The door closed with a loud click, and the room fell silent aside from the ticking of a clock and the ambience outside. The Italian man leaned up to check the door quickly, assuming for a moment that his agent would barge back in with the most pointless news, but he didn't. Vito got up, locked the door, then darted for the antique wardrobe to snag some clothes from his bags. The hunk stripped down, quickly taking a moment to admire his muscular physique teetering on the edge of extreme bodybuilding, and rub over the lump in his underpants that was his gigantic package. Vito barely suppressed a moan and got semi-hard, but resisted touching himself more until later. Reaching into his baggage, Vito pulled out a pair of denim jeans and pulled them on, struggling to get the waistband past his bulge and ass due to their size. He also grabbed a plain button shirt and barely managed to slip it on, looking down at how wide the button gaps were. "Oh yeah." Vito muttered to himself, grinning a little as he listened to the shirt creaking when he flexed. "Così buono." Vito quickly shut the curtains in his suite, then went into the bathroom and did the same. Being such a luxury room, it had plenty of big windows that gave him a great view of the city, but those outside a great view of him. He reached into the walk-in shower and turned it on, already feeling the heat blast from it making him sweat. Vito stepped beneath the cascading water, enjoying it run down his toned figure and soak into his clothes, then reached for a bar of soap to lubricate his hands. Now all set to have a little fun, the Italian stud quickly got to work pleasuring himself. *CREEAAAK* With one arm Vito flexed, feeling the sleeve bunch and strain against his immense bicep, while his other went down and grabbed at the spherical mass pushing at the front of his jeans, gently shaking it. He moaned and arched his back, thrusting his hips forward slightly as he did so, the jeans growing tighter around his cock. His muscles flexed and glistened with water, his six-pack abs visible through his shirt. Feeling his erection grow, Vito brought his second arm up to flex. *POP!* Went one of the shirt's buttons off his chest, further stretching the others. A seam on his left sleeve began to open itself, and the fabric bunched up above his bulging shoulder. The Italian man's bodybuilder physique was practically glowing, his veins standing out prominently against his taut skin as he flexed. He threw his head back, letting out a low growl as he arched his back, causing his abs to tense and his cock to further tent his jeans, the zipper of which bust open as well. "Cazzo..."He grunted as he flexed harder, the shirt stretched impossibly tight over his lats and biceps, the seams almost ready to pop. Vito was already so close to exploding... Grabbing the ripped fabric and yanking it off with all his might, Vito's godlike upper body was left exposed to the hot water. His muscles flexed and pulsed with power, his biceps bunching into cannonballs. After what remained of his pants' zip broke apart, his log and nuts were only held back by a soaking pair of briefs which struggled to contain them. Pre-cum drooled out the tip of it, forming a tiny pool on the floor as he continued to pleasure himself. "I'm so close..." Vito panted, massaging his engorged manhood as he flexed his other arm. The thick veins on his bicep pulsed with power, the muscle flexing and straining against his glistening skin. He could feel his orgasm building, pressing against the last barrier of his wet briefs. He groaned, arching his back as he thrust his hips forward, the water splashing around him. Now came the part of this he loved the most: the building pressure before an ejaculation... A strange but welcoming thing that always happened with Vito when he was going to cum was a rapid expansion of his privates - and boy, did they grow! His cock stretched impossibly long, as if reaching for something just out of his grasp, and its girth grew as well, filling his struggling briefs to their breaking point. His balls swelled bigger than ripe peaches and tightened. Gripping his shaft and feeling something hot run up it from inside, Vito knew it was time. "ARGH CAZZO!" The Italian hunk yelled out as he buckled. His erect éclair exploded, with hefty douses of Bianchi cream spilling from it. The tip of his briefs filled up a little, then started to leak what it couldn't hold onto the shower floor, where the running water pulled it along to the drains. Vito, meanwhile, was catching his breath as he took in and glowed over how intensely he came. In fact, the pleasure of that orgasm was so amazing that no sooner had he reached towards the shower handle to switch it off, there came another rising up his shaft, and at breakneck speed! "Ohh- oh my god!" Vito gasped out. "A-anothe- AAH!" His second orgasm, while certainly not as powerful as the first, was none the less satisfying for Vito. Another thick rope erupted out through the drenched fabric, making his gigantic cock throb again. The warmth spreading through his body and the feeling of release couldn't be described as anything less than intoxicating. He craved for more, but knew that wasn't possible right now. "Okay... that was fun..." He chuckled almost childishly, standing up and flexing whilst a strand of seed hung off the tip of his clothed erection, whiffing in the arousing scent of musk on his figure. As he left the shower, Vito looked down at what remained of his button shirt scattered all around him, while peeling off his sodden jeans gently and grinning smugly at them. "Not bad, man..." He dumped the torn clothes in a bin, then he covered them with some more trash to be positive they wouldn't be spotted if any maids came to tidy the place while he was gone. The supersized supermodel reached for some toilet roll and wiped the hanging cum strand from his flaccid dick, then flushed it and dried himself off quickly, donning nothing but his still-soaking wet underwear. Vito left the bathroom and strolled towards his bed, a satisfied smirk across his handsome face. "Ugh, cazzo..." He once again cursed, exhausted but euphoric as he got under the sheets and closed his eyes. "I can't wait to just go home." Vito couldn't help but chuckle as he thought about how much fun he had in the shower. All of his body tingled with pride, and the damp briefs still clinging tightly to his waist beneath the covers made him a little pent up again - albeit not enough for a second round. With that, the celebrity's eyes finally shut and he drifted to sleep, where a pleasurable wet-dream already awaited him...
  2. The story takes place in Farmington, Connecticut during the Autumn of 1992 and is told through the first-person perspective of Nathan. Nathan is barely 16 years old, has a pretty average build and height, loves exercising and is far smarter than he looks. Unfortunately, Nathan's life is shit; he's bullied regularly for not being popular, his teachers are assholes, and he basically does not exist to his family, regularly being referred to as "the first kid" and gets neglected in favour of his younger brother and sister, both of whom are incredibly spoiled brats. Nathan considers himself lucky that he inherited his late grandparents' strong wills, or else he'd never survive this family... With school out and having nothing better to do, Nathan decides to take himself into the woods, and to his "utter surprise" his parents brush him off like nothing. He leaves home and goes for a walk, dressed in a comfy fleece and tracksuit pants and with desires in his head. Nathan wishes and prays to have a change in his life, unbothered but tired of being forgotten by everyone. Just as he makes the wish however, the sky shimmers and down falls a meteorite no bigger than his palm, startling Nathan! The teenager approaches the fallen rock and it opens, revealing a green orb with a strange aura surrounding it. Curiosity overrides any logic or sense in Nathan and with not a hint of fear, he picks up the orb and is jolted by an electric shock. He falls back into a bush and starts breathing rapidly, feeling a unfamiliar but arousing mix of sensations coursing around him; his stomach churning, his insides slowly warming up, and raging lust pumping his loins into overdrive! Nathan tugs at his tightening fleece and moans while he grows much taller, and more muscular as well! Nathan looks in the reflection of a nearby stream. He was not only bigger but also looked much older as well - he was somewhere around his mid 20's, with thicker hair, and a handsome face complete with a light stubble! Nathan checks out his body, and it was huge! Nate towered at 7'0" tall with a jacked figure, a more-than-noticeable bulge pants, and a lot more hairy around his crotch. His fleece and pants were straining badly from his muscles, while his sneakers lay in tatters across the forest floor, leaving him barefoot. Once he had took all his changes in, Nathan grinned eagerly! Never has he felt so powerful and full of life, nor has he ever felt so horny too... The big man flexes his new muscles and dry-humps a couple of trees, shamelessly loving every second of it. Despite it being chilly outside, Nathan was hot and panted like a dog left in a warm car in Summer. Realising the orb was the cause of his age progression and massive expansion, he grabs it from the forest ground and grips it tightly, smiling as the feelings return and he grows again! His fleece shrinks and rises up his body, revealing the ten-pack abs which he was rapidly obtaining, and his tracksuit pants start to look more like shorts. Nathan is consumed by lust and wants to continue, demanding for more muscle mass. However, he lets go of it and manages to regain his self-control. Nathan continues to revel in his new size, momentarily dreaming about a multitude of endless possibilities he could achieve in this stage. Nathan thought about his family and what they'd think of him, but then he also thought about just... leaving. They probably would not even care anyways - he went camping in the woods for several days last Summer without a single indication, and when he did come home, his parents actually looked disgusted to see him return. Snapping back to reality, Nathan decided that he was past that life and picked up the orb effortlessly, managing to pull the waistband of his pants out just enough where he could get one hand down there. He carefully wedged the orb onto the tip of his penis. His belly began to churn again and the ecstatic heat returned in full swing Nathan started growing again - growing faster. As Nathan ascends beyond the trees, his ill-fitting fleece tears off at last, and his tracksuit pants begin looking more like a speedo as they struggle to contain his junk. The hulking hunk roars in pleasure, laughing at the sheer size he's accumulating. Farmington fell away as Nathan's height soared like a plane! At some point near to 300ft tall however, the orb's seemingly-infinite energy finally depleted away, and Nathan stopped growing. At the same time however, his libido began to go nuts, with the rising pressure of an impending ejaculation swelling within him. Nathan, lost in the pleasure again, did nothing to hold it back as he came, the warm gooey seed flooding his straining pants and leaking down into the river below. As a titan among mortals, Nathan's life no longer sucked. As his orgasm ended, he continued to flex in pleasure, revelling in his new form. THE END
  3. LionBUff

    Breeding Barn

    Breeding Barn By: LionBUff Part 1: The Beast of the Bull Brutton, a 4,000 lbs breeding bull, looked out into the pasture of cows. He leaned on the wooden fence wearing tight jeans and an even tighter sleeveless shirt with both elbows behind his chest and observed the stomach of every female cow in the field. He had impregnated every last cow on his farm, at least he thought. Brutton examined every female to make sure none of their stomachs were too flat. Every stomach of every female looked noticeably bigger to him. Even if they weren’t carrying a heavy load of his calf, they were carrying buckets of his heavy seed that hadn’t fully digested. Looking at all of the females he had impregnated reminded his testicles how much seamen they held which made his body want to dump the load he was currently carrying. His jeans hugged his stiff rear as they seemed to move towards the front of his body. His cock looked more like an arm trying to rip through. Brutton felt the seams give way to his growing shaft. He looked down at the bulge about to burst and grabbed the tip. He lowered his left hand to squeeze the tip of his cock as a way of telling his body to calm down. He used his other hand to squeeze his balls like he was preventing an explosion of sperm from bursting out of his pants. The skin-tight shirt rose and fell with his muscles as he breathed slowly to relax his body and hormones. "You've stuffed every hole here," he whispered to his bulge as if it were alive. "They can only handle so much cum at one time... you'll be back to breeding before you know it! If there was anyone else you could breed you'd already be flooding their body." Brutton did his best to force his bulge back down but his testosterone was too powerful. A beast like Brutton can never truly ignore his sperm's desires. Knowing his bulge was only a few throbs away from jumping out of his pants he walked back to his private stall. He walked into the barn, made sure the farmer wasn't around and slipped his shirt over his head. There was a water bucket for him in the corner. Brutton walked over to take a large sip but got distracted by his reflection. His muscles alone weighed more than a car. Every inch of him was a blanket of veins and bulging beef. Any human bodybuilder wouldn't stand a chance against this bull that made even the most muscular superheroes and gods look like a regular man. Brutton loved his unstoppable body, but he thought it was a little funny. All of this testosterone dripping from his body and yet he didn't like to fight. He had scared off other bulls at other farms by simply groaning at them and bouncing his chest. He has encountered many bulls who wanted to fight him, but Brutton never wanted to fight any of them. He just wanted to breed the farm with them, and maybe see what his kind felt like. He hated being the only bull on a farm because he has secretly wondered what another male crawling up his holes and flooding his guts with seed felt like. He didn't think another bull would ever want to do anything but fight, but he wished that he could spend time with one. Just long enough to feel the other bull make his belly sag with thick milk. He thought getting pumped full of another bull's milk would feel better than any female. He was so lost in his imagination that he almost ripped his jeans open dreaming of another bull. Thankfully he snapped out of his fantasies before his jeans ripped and he was able to unzip them and drop them to the ground. He looked back at the water hole and imagined a bull just as big as him cramming a veiny cock up his guts. He could see the shape of the other male's breeding beast sticking out of his belly and throbbing visibly. He caressed his own cock and was fully erect in seconds. The pulse in his shaft was throbbing so hard that his waste was starting to feel sore. His cock was so hard that it was almost cramping. His veins breathed like his meat was a thick lung hanging out of his pelvis. Brutton's sperm erupted out of his towering cock and splatter all over his stall. The eruption was so powerful that Brutton thought he had emptied his balls in only three explosive pumps. He sat there with splashes of his slimy seed dripping down his muscles and thought about what that would feel like on the other end. He wanted an explosion of seed even bigger to make him look as pregnant as the cows in the field. Brutton started to feel thirsty and walked over to the bucket of water in the corner. He drank all of it without taking a breath, then sat back down. His testosterone had only gotten stronger as the water seemed to flow right to his testicles... the water instantly flooded his balls with a load even bigger than the last. He felt more pent up than ever. The thought of being impregnated by another beast like him made almost all of the water from the bucket turn into cum. His balls felt heavier than when he started stripping down. Brutton sat there and sprayed three more rounds of cum, each felt like he hadn't jacked off in years. His balls couldn't stop making more sperm... even after four bursts of seed. When Brutton finally ran out of seed, he laid down in the pool of cum in his stall and fell asleep.
  4. LionBUff

    Stuck Inside

    STUCK INSIDE By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
  5. I am transforming, it begins, my clothes are ripping apart, my body is being exposed, my pectorals are violently exposed, a dog tag is pending in my chest. I am embracing this change, I transform. My arms are expanding and becoming immensely powerful, my shoulders are broader and ever more defined, the chain of the dogtag is being stretched, as my back broadened. My abs, the 6 plates of stone become steel, and I feel them with my hands, as my body is remade. I am remade. I transform, the testosterone flows on my body freely, I feel my fucking cock growing fast, throbbing pre-cum, it is erect, and I delicately play with it with my ever changing hands, roaring with the pleasure that the gestures bring me. My heart beats strongly, and my muscles expand. I transform, I am remade, my mind is dominated by war, duty, but also the hormones make me a sex beast. I play with my cock, delicately caressing it as it grows with the rest of my fucking body. I transform, I am remade, I swear to fight for the sake of my brother in arms, I swear to destroy my enemies with my bare, muscular hands. My ever growing hands. I am naked, hard and strong, a God is born, a soldier ready to serve. I no longer play with my cock, as my instincts overwhelm me, I grab the meat with my both hands and I stroke fast, I grunt and bellow, almost forgetting how to talk, lost the track of my thoughts, I cant express myself with words, I just stroke, grunt, roar, explore my body, feel every inch of the monster I became. I transform, and as I do I am reformed. I transform. My glorious muscles covered in cum and sweat, the strong scent of testo in the air, the dogtag washed by the sweat. My whole being washed. I am reborn.
  6. LionBUff

    Stuck Inside

    Stuck Inside By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
  7. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 3

    “Who are you both? I ask again” Geoffrey was more confused than anything else, seeing both very muscular naked men, the embodiment of masculinity, in front of him. ”I should call for Dr. Anthony” ”No need, Geoffrey. I am Dr. Anthony. Or I used to be, I was reborn as Zeus a bit ago, your brother, Grant, was somehow transformed, and he gifted me his new powers.” Geoffrey was listening, even if he couldn’t understand. ”You are not Dr. Anthony... dad? This is... impossible” ”It used to be, son, but years of research have brought its fruits. The world will never be the same. Our world will never be the same. Me and the scientists have been working for the development of the serum for years, and it is a success! Not only one specimen, but a whole family!” ”No, this cant be! How did you both... I am too tired for this”. ”Not for long, brother. Our family is torn apart, we don’t share the same DNA anymore. But you can change this. Join us, brother, join us and be transformed.” ”I am too tired to deal with this, I’m leaving for a walk” He was reaching again for the door, but as he was walking outside of the lab, Zeus pressed a button, and the door was shut down. ”We need to discuss this in depth, son. You can’t turn your back on your family, your future brother in arms! You shall transform” ”No, I won’t, whatever is happening here, I am not taking part of this.” “Brother, you already are, you are stepping in our seed, which is everywhere on this lab. It will break through your shoes and enter in contact to your skin, transforming you. You can go the slow way, or let me offer you my gift” ”I am fine with my shoes, thank you” But the shoes were being eroded, and as he made another step, he slipped on the lake of cum on the lab, and fell on the floor. The cum entered in contact with his skin, causing a massive amount of pain, he screamed. ”GAH! This burns!” ”It is happening, brace yourself, you are about to turn into a sublime soldier” ”GAH! No! What... is... happening to me?” As his face and hands were covered in cum, his transformation was happening. He got into his knees and cried for help, but father and son were roaring with every cry. His body was growing, the thin angelical body of Geoffrey was metamorphosing. His abs came to life, so did his chest, his heart was beating strongly and he was still crying as his shirt was being torn apart by his growing muscles. ”GRAAAAAAAAAAAH” he shouted a deep gutural roar as his hair was burning with the cum in it, the cum covered his whole body, head to toe, passing through his nose and mouth, his eyes were burning as well, being remade. Zeus and Saturn watched with pride their new creation, the birth of the new brother in arms. ”So you are my father” said Geoffrey with a thick deep voice, still transforming, “Grant, whatever happened to you, fuck, this is good” ”You are turning into a God, embrace it” ”Roar, ROAR!” The transforming Geoffrey bellowed. His skin was being reformed, his muscles were at the height of his power, being transformed into a huge machine of war. His shoulders alone could sustain the whole world, his abs going as deep down to his cock as they could. And his fucking cock, stretching thick and powerful, reducing to nothing what was left of his shorts. ”I...... am... remade! How is this possible?” Geoffrey couldnt believe it yet. His whole body was covered in his new metalic skin, he was feeling a pleasure he never felt, and still, he couldn’t believe it 100%. He roared and bellowed as he was discovering his new body, touching himself and masturbating, cumming and passing his cum through his body. He was even stronger and more vigorous than Saturn. This was the birth of Apolo. Soon, his family greeted him, after he finished his pleasurable moment. ”We are one now. You joined us, the family is reunited”. The three roared, and proceeded to explore each other’s bodies in celebration. The soldiers were here, stronger than any scientist could ever dreamt of. Life would never be the same, neither for the new Men, neither for anyone else. But for now, pleasure reigned supreme in the house of Anthony.
  8. MUSCLE MATING SQUIRT "I should have never taken that bet at the gym" Oliver, a 300-pound bodybuilding male deer, thought to himself. "Come on Oliver. What are you scared of? Big bucks like yourself can't be scared of a challenge!" It's my fault for listening. I could have left that locker room long before I dug myself into a hole almost as deep as this monster is digging into me. But I just had to prove I was bigger than Magno. That half-orc half manotaur hybrid beast was huge, but I didn't think he'd be bigger than me. Bucks like me are huge, our male figures are seen as thick veiny trophies to all who lay down with us bucks. I guess I'm not the biggest after all. SQUIRT 15 inches was 3 inches too short. When Magno and I agreed "smallest would bottom" I never expected any man to ever pack an 18-inch cock between their legs. I guess that orc manotaur mix got both specie's huge dick genetics. SQUIRT Now he's at my house... stuffing me like a jelly donut. What makes this worse is that even his loads are bigger than mine. This male has already squirted 10 squirts in me and hasn't stopped thrusting his 18-inch dick into me yet. I don't even think Magno has slowed down. It hurt at first, I felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my core, but all that lubrication from his 10 squirts has made things a lot easier. SQUIRT 11 now. That squirt had to be the biggest yet. I felt that squirt up in my chest that time. I want Magno to think he's only a little more manly than me but even I couldn't breed like this. I'm sure I would have cum all the water in my body by now and this stallion still has cum to spare. I can't lie to myself any longer, he makes me look like a twig. SQUIRT. That one hurt. That squirt drizzled the back of my throat. I only felt a few drops splash against my throat but I didn't know his load would go that deep into me. Things are about to get a lot worse, aren't they? He's grunting a lot more now. His hands just tightened their grip on my legs. I can feel his cock throbbing faster now. These 12 squirts were only pre? Ok, he's slowing down now, what does that mean? Wait, I can feel his rod shaking, why is it shaking so much? WOSH It felt like all of the cum he had left blew out of his dick in one burst that was strong enough to shake my bed. I don't know how much cum he dumped into me but It was enough to make me feel like I gained 50 pounds. His sperm swam through every limb and every joint. Magno's seed is basically my blood now. I wouldn't be surprised if my body has more of his seed than my own blood. This doesn't worry me though, I can't imagine how much pure protein and testosterone I just soaked up. By this time tomorrow, my male hormones will be through the roof. This much male milk might even help me gain a few inches. It would be amazing if this cum can all swim down to my own cock and swell me up. Maybe next time Magno can dock me and make my balls bigger than my head. If I soak up this genetically gifted male's seed regularly I bet I could gain some of his genetics. I bet his protein could make my muscles unstoppable. "That was fun," Magno said holding my legs above me. "Are you done already," I said teasing him. "You couldn't dump half that much cum if I hooked you up to a milking machine!" I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath before I clapped back. "Maybe I can if you keep filling me up like this," I told Magno winking. "I might have to," he told me winking back. Magno set my legs back down so that my knees were on the edge of my bed and he leaned down. Magno put both arms under my shoulder blades, put his head down next to mine, and squeezed my chest into his. He gripped my muscles into his muscles like my buff body was his new body pillow. I was exhausted from being flooded with his seed, but I managed to build up the strength to hug Magno back. "I'm glad you took up that challenge," Magno whispered. I thought he was being sweet until he said "I knew I was bigger and you proved it. Now all the guys in the locker room will stop asking!" "You're only bigger by three inches," I reminded him. Magno laughed and gripped my body again. I gripped him back. We fell asleep in that position. As I laid there under Magno's boulder-like body, I felt trillions of sperm tails swimming around my body... all swimming towards my chest. The liquid from the seamen felt like it was soaking into my muscles as the muscles extracted the protein and testosterone from Magno's slimy meal, but I could very clearly feel the sperm migrate to my chest. The muscles that absorbed the liquid felt mostly normal when they swallowed his gooey flood, but my chest felt like it was swelling up. There were so many sperm cells piling up in my chest that it felt like his seed was fertilizing my chest muscles. A noticeable lump began to form on either side of my chest that grew bigger as more sperm swam up my body to join in. Did Magno impregnate me? Was this alpha male's sperm so strong that it planted his offspring in me? As I laid there, feeling his sperm grow bigger in my chest and countless sperm cells travel through me, I thought about why they would gather in the chest. Then I realized that the chest, especially one as solid as mine, was actually the perfect spot on a male's body to grow offspring. The chest muscles are huge and can swell up without getting in the way of the male's daily life. Multiplying in the arms or legs would strain a male's body too much, and the abdominal muscles were too small. The chest made the most sense, and it was where Magno's sperm gathered. As Magno laid on top of me, wrapping his stiff muscles around me like a warm blanket, his solid body reassuringly held my muscular body. If Magno did impregnate me, this massive male was ready to multiply with me. He liked me, that was obvious, or he wouldn't be holding me so close. He probably would have at least pulled his cock out before he slept on top of me, if not slept next to me instead of on top, for that matter.
  9. LionBUff


    BANG BANG BANG “They would stop shooting at us if your lime green head was full or more than HULK SMASH!” Deadpool and Hulk were forced to team up to investigate an Avengers level threat at a warehouse thought to be empty. Hulk wanted to go with anyone but Deadpool, his least favorite “good guy” of all time, but the other Avengers were out dealing with something else. While they were there inspecting the place, undetected, Deadpool started breaking the fourth wall a little too much. When Hulk asked who he was talking to, he told hulk “you need more than a radioactive pea head to understand what’s going on!” The Hulk lost his temper and started beating up Deadpool… who teased Hulk the entire time. As Hulk was yelling the occupants of the warehouse heard them and ran in with the biggest weapons they could find. Bullets flew at them from every angle, and they ran into a nearby room that used to be a walk-in refrigerator. Hulk’s skin is three times thicker than a bulletproof vest, and Deadpool heals instantly, so t\neither of them were being harmed in the slightest by the bullet shower. However, they couldn't discuss any plans with all of the noise. “It’s true reader. Hulk can’t take a joke. We would be done with the adventure if Hulk Poo would control himself.” “HULK HATE HULK POO” Hulk demanded as he slammed both hands on the wall. “SEE. Hulky poo bear proved my point.” “SHUT UP.” “Look, reader… you… I apologize for this green ape’s grammar. He’s doing his best.” “HULK HATE DEADPOOL! HULK WANT OUT!” “We’ll get out of here when you calm down Hulky poo!” Hulk became bigger, growing by 10o pounds of radioactive muscle bulkier than a bodybuilder. “I know you can’t see it, reader… but Hulk’s bulge is enormous! His bulge is popping out of his body like you wouldn’t believe!” “HULK KNOW HOW TO CALM DOWN NOW! HULK NEED RELEASE! NOW! HULK NEED DEADPOOL ASS MILKING MANY MINI HULKS!” “What,” Deadpool said, turning to Hulk. Hulk's purple tip was rising out of his purple pants. Hulk’s body grew more as his sexual frustration added more stress to his already aggravated body. It wasn’t long before Hulk’s entire rope was swinging up to the air. Hulk was so frustrated that sweat was dripping off of the shaft like a leaky pipe. “Dear good reader you should see the size of this literal fucker! “HULK WANT TO DOMINATE DEADPOOL!” “Don’t worry reader, he's just showing off.” Deadpool laid down on the ground facing down just to aggravate Hulk more. However… Hulk was not kidding about wanting to dominate Deadpool's body. As Deadpool laid down, his ass and the bouncy meat on it looked like a comfortable void surrounded by tropical island fruit waiting to be juiced and eaten. Hulk jumped in the direction of Deadpool and landed with all four limbs on the ground in a plank position directly above Deadpool. His heavy breathing warmed the back of Deadpool's neck. Hulk’s salivating mouth soaked the back of Deadpool’s suit. Hulk assumed that this was going to be a good thing because either Hulk would finally calm down and focus on the mission or he was only trying to scare Deadpool into following his orders and was going to back down any minute. The first option was the one Hulk chose as he ripped through Deadpool’s suit. “I’m not ashamed to tell you, reader… this beast can fuck the life out of anything… except for me of course, because I’m immortal. I’m enjoying this. Hulk is hammering me into the ground like he’s trying to dig a hole to China!” GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM Hulk threw his waist up and down like an oil drilling rig drilling Deadpool’s body. The wet slapping between the lovers sounded like a crate of fish falling off of a tall building and into the ocean. Hulk’s beefy urns bounced into one continuous blurred motion. Hulk’s animalistic mating was thrusting into and against whatever internal objects were in its way. The paces of Deadpool’s shattered spine were flying out of his mouth like a wood chipper. Deadpool’s body was a cavern of bloody ruins. His ass opening was wider than his head. As Hulk sprung his green cock in and out of Deadpool, Deadpool’s body was getting bigger as Hulk leaked pre. Hulk’s balls were so pent up and frustrated that each squirt of pre would be a normal man’s month of cum. Hulk was dumping his cum like a cow’s udder dumps milk. Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after. Deadpool slowly bloated out into a puddle. Most of the cum was unable to escape thanks to Hulk’s girth blocking it in. “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO CARRY HULK BABIE” Hulk screamed “HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING THE MOTHER TO HULK PACK! HULK GONNA MATE TIGHT HOLE LIKE BREEDING BULL!” “LoOOOooo reEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Deadpool tried to say something to the audience reading about Hulk’s sex session with him but he couldn’t catch his breath. The chemicals in his brain responsible for positive feelings were flowing through his blood almost as thick as the cum overpowering the same blood supply. That… and Hulk’s cock was blocking his airways. GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR Neither of the lovers said anything for a long time. Hulk continuously moaned like a busted speaker. Deadpool gave up on saying anything. The Hulk’s seamen was filling Deadpool’s blood so much that he could barely focus on the most simple thought. All Deadpool could think about was cum. He could only focus on Hulk breeding him like a cum sponge. Finally…. Huk couldn’t hold back. His gallons of seamen in his urns of seed were boiling over. “HULK SPLASH” He roared and slammed into Deadpool’s body. Hulk’s purple tip was sticking out of Deadpool’s jaw… which Hulk discovered as all of his cum rushed onto the floor. Hulk grabbed Deadpool’s jaw and forced it closed. This closed gaw gripping his tip aroused the nerves up and down his testicles. Hulk was gushing his milk out at a rate of two pints every second. The gooey stew spread out across Deadpool's body. Even Deadpool's bones were soaked in Hulk cum. On a molecular level, Deadpool truly was soaking up Hulk’s seed. Hulk’s sperm were swimming through Deadpool’s genetic coding and changing it to Hulk’s genetic coding. Deadpool’s muscles directly absorbed Hulk’s sweet and salty protein shake. Deadpool’s heart grew to accommodate the masculine transformation as Deadpool literally absorbed Hulk’s strength. Deadpool’s eyes turned bright green. When Hulk finally decided that he had ejaculated as much cum as he had brewed… he pulled his cock out and stood up. Hulk’s enormous log of meat hung there as if Hulk had mated with a tank of yogurt. White droplets rained on the ground below him. The cum soaking his shaft slowly dripped off of him. Hulk stood there, his bulky and meaty chest rose and fell as he admired his partner's beaten up appearance. Hulk admired Deadpool as if it were his first kill of the hunting season. His green bulging muscles tingled as Hulk thought about his true strength as a lovemaking beast.
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