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Chronicles of the Fungi Kingdom [So for the 5th anniversary thing, I went for a classic video game parody with more sinister and greedy nature] The Dark Age of Brewler Mateo looked up at the sinister castle once more, quaking in his shoes. It had been six weeks since the raid of Fungi Castle. A villainous terrorist attack by the neighboring kingdom, which had killed the king and queen and kidnapped their only daughter, Princess Pear. Mateo had no idea if the Princess was alive, but he had to try. He had to stand up to this clan of evil bastards who defiled every treaty and refused to engage in any discussion of peace. All they cared about was their master’s bidding… And quite frankly Mateo didn’t blame them… Their king, a fearsome alpha dragon, the first born in over 300 years, a beast known as “Brewler”... He struck terror into the very eyes of those that dared witness his powerful form. He was a monster, whom devoured kingdom after kingdom in his endless pursuit of dominance and power. Nothing can stop him. Over the years, tensions with Brewler’s kingdom grew higher and higher with the Fungi kingdom. While the Fungi Kingdom pursued scientific studies, tactics, and mathematics, Brewler’s kingdom was always one step ahead utilizing dark magic and forbidden ancient powers sealed away from the mortal world. Eventually once Brewler himself was trained and educated by a dark cult of mages and dark devotees, Brewler’s small kingdom almost overnight devoured every one of the neighboring kingdoms. It made sense that eventually, he would come for the Fungi people… It was just a matter of time… It was the height of the mycelium festival when they struck. For most of the kingdom the day started as a day of peace. A day of celebration. Then the beast appeared on the horizon. Followed by legions of airships led by dastardly crews of specialized fighters and notorious traitors of the former kingdoms conquered by Brewler. The battle was over in minutes, it was too sudden, too much too fast. Brewler simply laid waist to the castle, the town, and the walls, then sent in his head mage, a cruel and twisted bastard by the name of Kane. Kane knew the job he was sent in to do, and he liked it. He walked straight in, stole the soul of the former king, and imprisoned him in stone with an eternal unbreakable curse. He then allowed his men to take turns fucking the corpse of the former queen while he himself took their 23 year old daughter with them back to Brewler’s Castle. For Kane he took pleasure, not in the abuse dealt to the victims, but in the knowledge that the king’s soul will forever be trapped as witness to his wife’s murder and daughter’s abduction, unable even in death to find peace in the further… When Kane left, the few survivors of the slaughter convened and sought out every able body available and willing to help. Mateo, together with his cowardly brother Luis, and a legion of patriotic Fungi residents were tasked with the herculean task of recovering the princess and defeating the monster. They all knew it was a death march, but for them, the idea of turning their back on their country was more pain than being crushed by any dragon. Or so they thought… Mateo looked back at his squadron now… Four… Only four people were left. Himself, his brother, a young adul… no… a child, a fucking teenager by the name of Toah, and his older sister Toahanne. Mateo looked back at his crew and gritted his teeth. “This is it… This is the castle. We… We made it here... I… I don’t know how we did… I don’t know why we were spared while… So many more of us didn’t…” This made Luis snap. “What was the point?! What’s the fucking point of any of this? We can’t stop that monster! There was thirty of us when we left the castle Mateo, THIRTY! WE HAVE NOTHING! Even if we knew where the princess was in that massive death-lined stronghold, even if we got her out and back to the castle safe and sound just the four of us…. The fucking bastard will just destroy our whole kingdom again before….” “SHUT UP!” Toah screamed, glaring into Luis hard. “You going to tell me next Josh died for nothing? Or Jenny? DID MORTIMER DIE FOR NOTHING WHEN HE SAVED YOUR COWARDLY ASS FROM THAT BOMB TRAP?!” Toah ran away into the mist and brimstone. Toahanne glared at Luis: “Nice job asshole. TOAH get back here!” But before Toahanne could catch up to Toah, the ground cracked, and Toah shrieked as he began to fall deep into a subterranean cavern beneath, followed by the other 3. Mateo, for a long time, assumed he was dead. He must have been. That was a 100 foot fall into what must be rocks. But alas, in total darkness, he still felt… Alive. He moaned as he came into consciousness. Luis called out in the dark: “Mateo?! Mateo is that you?! Are you awake?!” “Luis? Is that you?!” “Not just him, Toah and Toahanne too. It seems we all survived the fall, but… We’re stuck.. Somethings sticking to us!” Mateo pulled out his personal lighter and lit it, upon doing so, the surrounding environment lit up in a dazzle of pseudo photosynthesis. Toahanne spoke up: This is a giant mushroom cave. It must be thousands of years old. These must be insanely prehistoric species… Mateo, do you think you can burn yourself out of that mushroom? I wouldn’t recommend touching these things in any way you don’t have to! Mateo, Luis, and Toahanne were all stuck on a northward facing mushroom close to each other, so it was easy for them to release each other. “How the fuck are we going to get out of here?” Luis wondered out loud. “Lets focus on freeing Toah fi….iiiiirrrrsst the FUCK!?!” Toah, whom just earlier today looked like this: 5’4”, scrawny build, almost no muscle. Was now towering over the other 3 as a 10’8 beast rippling with power. “WOAH LITTLE BRO!” Toahanne “… mia!” Mateo said in bewilderment. Luis simply fainted. “What… What did this to you?!” Mateo asked. Toah, somewhat dazed but mostly just distracted by the erotic sensation of feeling the power his body can exert, mumbles something about chewing. “What?” Toahanne barks, annoyed at her “little” brother. “OH..Uh… It was the mushrooms I think, I tried to chew myself out, then I felt this weird stomach ache, and now I’m….. Really…. Really big…. FUCK!” Toahanne examined the mushrooms closer. “I wonder… It’s been theorized the reason we’re known as the “Fungi” kingdom is because hundreds of years ago, it was said mushrooms of that era were able to provide vast sources of power. The school and rest of the world always assumed this was a metaphor to show that a connected consciousness like teamwork and communication would be the strongest ally… But now… I wonder if they were literally just growing stronger from exotic molds….” “Is it going to wear off or something?” “It likely will. We should likely do some testing.” -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mateo, Luis, Toahanne, and Toah would spend the next two weeks in this cave of wonders, testing, experimenting, and documenting their finds. Luis namely searched for food outside while Mateo and Toah took turns being a guinea pig and being a watchman for enemy troops. Toahanne discovered 4 notable facts about the mushrooms in the cave. 1- All mushrooms will double one’s default size and mass upon first consumption. A 150lb man will become 300lbs for example. 2- The effects of eating a mushroom appears to only last a few hours. You’ll retain the size difference until a mushroom is completely passed through your digestive system. 3- The mushrooms do not change effects based on volumes of present material. One mushroom of any size will make you X times as tall or strong. 4- The mushrooms seem to multiply rapidly, but will only occupy muggy or damp areas with little or no light. Mateo peered over the notes and looked at Toahanne. “Do… Do you think this will work?” Toahanne sunk her head. “Its hard to say… there are four of us and if we’re all massive we might stand a chance against a one on one with Brewler… But with his legions of magic and militaristic forces growing by the day…. I can’t be certain of anything.” Luis returned from running errands outside the cave and spoke for the first time in days. “...If you can get us all as big as Toah… I think I might have a plan to kill that monster.” And with that, our four heroes drank in celebration of their new plan, regained hope, and powerful new bodies. Mateo. Luis Toah And Toahanne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Brewler drank viciously from the chalice of wine in his hand as the new prisoner was brought forth. “Who is this?” He asked menacingly. “This is princess Lilly, of the Sandafarian Kingdom overseas. A token of how far your power reaches now my lord….” Some sniveling underling answered. Brewler extended his massive muscular arm and inspected the princess with his claws. “Ugg… Is this really all they have to work with in Sandafaria? What a pathetic excuse for a princess. Flat chested, covered in makeup… Honestly how am I going to skewer this bitch across my cock?” Lilly gasped in fear as she gazed at the beast’s massive swinging package. That thing was easily four times the size of her own body. “Please… Please don’t do that…” she whimpered in fear. “Oh… well you have nothing to worry about then… As I was saying you’re ill fit to provide me with a new generation of children…. I suppose you’ll make a nice appetizer instead!” The bastard laughed with the rest of the room as the princess was effortlessly pulled from her steel shackles and dangled above Brewler’s reptilian jaws… And dropped. However, before she could be eaten, a hunky man in green swooped down from the roof and caught her mid-fall. “Woah there, can’t have a fine flower like you becoming an orderve.” Lilly was mesmerized by the situation, but before she knew it she found herself kissing any part of the mysterious stud she could and repeating “THANK YOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU!” over and over as she did. “I ah… I gotta go save my kingdom and kill this lizard bitch and you should try to get out of here… And if I survive… Hit me up Ok? Name’s Luis.” Lilly starred in bewilderment at her green knight before turning to escape the castle. Down below, Luis saw Toah and Mateo speaking with the beast as Toahanne got into position. “Ah ha ha ha ha…. I must admit… Mateo… Your reputation precedes you… Stopping my tanks, infiltrating my supply lines… You’ve been quite the thorn in the side of my operation into the Fungi kingdom… Although I must admit I see why… You’re much more a king than any of those other losers who stood in my way… I offer you one chance and one chance only. Join me now, and bask in the riches, women, and power I can offer you as one of my generals, or continue this ridiculous idea of challenging me, and perish where you now stand.” Mateo spit at the thought of betraying his home like that. “Then you will die.” The dragon king said as he grinned evilly. Toah and Mateo looked at one another one last time, then bolted in separate directions. Brewler turned to his forces: “kill the other one, he’s of no entertainment for me, but none are to lay a finger on Mateo… That’s my kill. Absorbing his strength by consuming him seems… Delectable.” Before leaping and bellowing after Mateo. Mateo ran from hall to hall as fast as he could, with the relentless monster always hot on his trail… That’s when he saw it… Two days prior, Luis ran a perimeter on the castle, in doing so, he found one particular chamber filled with lava from the outside volcano, suspended right over a sturdy but destroyable bridge. And now, after running for quite a while, Mateo turned and looked the beast square in the eyes. “So long you fucking turtle.” Mateo pointed behind the beast as it stared at him in confusion, there stood Toahanna, with a pair of gardening shears clasped firmly around the bridge’s support. And with one easy thrust, snapped it in two. With an angry roar, Brewler fell into the molten abyss beneath him. As he struggled against the lava, it hardened across him and melted his flesh. Mateo couldn’t believe it… He’d done it! The beast was dead! That’s when he saw a sight that would haunt him most of all. The bones below him turned to him and smiled. “You think you’ve won? HA! You may have defeated me, but you’ve won nothing. The Dragon clan will rule this world long after you and your pathetic Fungi kingdom have given up all hope! Soon, my reborn body will reside on a throne sculpted from the remains of your loved ones! Enjoy the calm before the storm…. “Hero of the Fungi Kingdom… Muahahhahaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaa…………” They finally finished as the bones themselves turned to ash. That was it. The Beast was defeated. Mateo and Toadanne quickly ran back to the throne room. Inside Luis and Toah were surrounded by a pile of unconscious minions. A few of the remaining generals turned towards Mateo with surprise. “Wh… Where is lord Brewler?!” “Dead.” Mateo said with a chilling firmness. There was a laugh in the audience of minions until they realized their master was not appearing to challenge Mateo. Suddenly, a lieutenant stepped forwards. “Well fuck this! I only enlisted because that monster said he was going to kill me if I didn’t join him! Fuck the Dragon Clan!” Soon the whole room was in thunderous applause as the few native Dragon clan members were taken prisoner. Mateo looked around the dungeons as he searched for Princess Pear… But he couldn’t find her… Luis finally caught up to Mateo, embraced him and then gave him an update: “With the exceptions of a few legions of deployed minions, and Kane’s personal squadron, we’ve destroyed or captured all of Brewler’s minions and weaponry.” “And what of the princess?” Mateo asked. “The only place left to check is the southern Tower, where the monster himself resided.” Mateo dashed to the tower and raced up to the top. Inside was a grisly scene, demonic ritual elements, chains, whips, and suspended against the far back wall above Brewler’s giant bed, was Princess Pear. “PRINCESS!” Mateo shouted as he ran to rip the chains binding her from their bolts. As his immense strength shattered the last iron run in one pull, the princess leapt forward into Mateo’s arms. Kissed him, disrobed him, and soon… Explored the rest of his body. “The Reign of the Fallen Princess” Six weeks earlier* Princess Pear kept her eyes shut as she was lead into the throne room. This had to be a dream. IT HAD TO BE! The sinister snickers of Brewler’s minions sent shivers down her spine from across the room. When she finally worked up the courage to open her eyes, she saw she was accompanied by four other women, each one a captured royalty from a neighboring land. The wicked bastard who kidnapped Pear, Kane, was inspecting the princesses with weird measuring instruments. Eventually he got to Pear. “My my… The royal bloodline of the famed Fungi kingdom does not disappoint. Such sturdy hips, such tender legs, such a flexible torso… This is wondrous. I had no doubt the Fungi kingdom’s royal family would serve as a perfect incubator for the future of the Dragon Clan.” Kane snapped his fingers and the guards surrounded the four girls. “Only she is worth anything to us, do as you will with the others.” Kane snapped his fingers again, and thorny vines descended, clasping around Princess Pear forcing her to her knees to watch as her fellow royalty were beheaded and their corpses desecrated before her. The princess wasn’t sure when she lost consciousness, but awoke much later in a small dungeon. A cot, a latrine, a bowl of slop and a single mirror stood on one side of the room, and on the other side was the exit, guarded by a trio of snarling metal beasts. The beasts continuously lunged at the princess, but couldn’t seem to extend far enough to reach her, despite their apparent hunger for her flesh. Pear spent two days in that room, alone, with no contact. She eventually had to resort to drinking from the latrine as she’d grown too thirsty, thankfully she hadn’t used it yet. At sundown on the second day, the door to the princess’s chamber opened to reveal Kane. “It’s time to meet your new master my dear.” He said evilly as he commanded a pair of troops to restrain her as she was carried down out of her tower and lead into a dark ritualistic room illuminated by a series of glowing symbols on the floor In the shadows of the darkness she heard an evil voice she’d never forget…. Brewler… “Ah yes… I’ve been looking forward to this one... Kane, if you would.” Kane bowed and raised his robed hands, commanding the symbols on the floor to creep up the princess’s body, tearing her clothes and zapping her violently, enveloping her in an odd energy force. Brewler laughed menacingly before kane spoke again. “She is now protected by our magic sir… Her body, while no stronger, is now more elastic and resistant to tears. You may now begin your consummation… My lord… “ Brewler grabbed Pear violently and dangled her in front of him as he stood erect off his throne, giving her a birds eye view of his colossal member. However, in the very next minute, Princess Pear was horrified to see the massive member begin to rest between her legs. She screamed and tried to run, but couldn’t. “Good. Scream in terror. I love the feeling I get when I see someone cowering before me.” Brewler grinned. The magic did its job, and soon, princess Pear found her whole body being stretched over the king’s 20ft love muscle, being bucked wildly. The princess was lost in oblivion as her mind had been shattered. Such force, such size, such power. Ripping into her over and over at such violent speeds. Her body, immortally restrained, was in traumatizing pain. She begged for death. She couldn’t take it. It was as if a small car repeatedly filled her insides over and over. No mortal was meant to withstand such a feat. Her brain went into shock, refusing to let her lose consciousness, forcing her into a fever dream like trance where she could no longer move her body. This proceeded for hours, long into the night, until one of the timing candles from the corner fizzled out. Kane spoke up finally: “My lord. The magic is soon to wear thin upon the stroke of midnight, I suggest you wrap things up quickly.” Brewler smiled and flexed his body all over, his cock throbbing as it erupted with energy. The petrified princess lost track of the world around her as a vivid hallucination of a dark endless void consumed her vision. In her dream, Pear was alone in a white oblivion. The only thing she could see was a dark sphere in the center of the room, pulsating with odd noises. “Come to me…” The void hissed at the princess. The princess, frightened, ran from the figure, but found she could gain no distance running away from it. “I will set you free….” The void hissed again as bells began to chime quietly. “I will give you everything you desire…” The void echoed once more. “Just join meeeee…..” Was the last thing it spoke before Pear was snapped back into reality. The princess was alone, it was magic, and Brewler had left the room. Kane now stood before her. “Get up swine.” He commanded. The princess, wobbling, managed to crawl to her feat before Kane snapped her fingers and had the two guards escort her back to her tower. Two weeks later. The princess stared at herself in the mirror. Every day was exactly like the one before. She’d wake up, early, to the sound of Brewler leaving the castle. He’s return the following evening, and from after dinner to midnight, he’d fuck Princess Pear savagely like the monster he was. Pear’s mental health was gone by now. Her last shred of hope torn asunder. She’d felt that monster more than any other victim in his path, over and over. Nothing could stop him. This was her hell. The magic refused to let her die, and there was no escape. Pear had always lived a sheltered life, away from adversity. She wasn’t raised to receive this much stress, ever, much less repeatedly every night with no end in sight. Pear grasped the bloody remains of a former guard she’d pulled from the chained beast while it slept and moved its jaw up and down. “I’m going to do it.” She whispered to it. She giggled and kissed the skull, rubbing the top of it’s mouth with her tongue before whispering to it again. “I’m going to go to the void tonight. I’m going to let it into me. I mean… WHY NOT RIGHT?! IT’S NOT LIKE IT’S GONNA CHANGE ANYTHING AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!” She began to shout. Kane began to open the door behind her, triggering Pear to go into another laughing fit of madness as the guards carried her to the ritual chamber. Once more, Brewler decimated Pear’s body. And in the final moments, once more, Pear appeared before a sphere of darkness. “Let me in…” It called out. The princess’s eyes widened with madness. “YES! YES I LET YOU IN!! I ACCEPT! FILL ME WITH YOUR PRESENCE!” Suddenly the void reached out with demonic tendrils and absorbed itself into Princess Pear’s soul. Pear didn’t know what happened after that but awoke in her bed room. She arrose and walked to the mirror. She couldn’t explain it but somehow. She was different. Something… inside her had changed. She was more confident. But mostly, more accepting. “Ha… HA HAH HA HA HA! Yeeesss….” She moaned as she began to touch her aching sore body. I feel….Stronger today… the princess said to herself with a smirk. This confidence startled the three chained beast which growled, barked, and snapped at her repeatedly. She normally avoided this, but today she felt… In control of these beasts, and slowly began approaching the metal abominations. Kane came at the same time as always to fetch the princess, but when he entered her chamber today.. He was startled by what he found there. The princess was holding one of the metal beasts and standing over another. She caressed them both and whispered : “Mamma’s gonna be back soon, you two behave, or you’ll end up like your brother.” Before swaggering over to Kane with her hips popping with each step. Kane noticed that one of the beasts was missing. But upon closer inspection saw the beast’s teeth were dislodged and arranged into a small crown upon the princess’s head. “Coming Kane?” The princess beckoned as she proceeded to the chamber without him. The following days were much more pleasurable for Pear. She still detested Brewler for what he was, but began to enjoy the ride (literally). The void didn’t appear to her again. Nor did she expect it to. She knew where it was. The void was herself. Once she learned to love this dark side of her, she began to grow stronger against Kane’s magic bit by bit. He still could force her to do as he pleased, but his abilities seemed to favor Pear more. Vines would sprout more vampiric buds to lick her body. Golems and minions that would be summoned by magic took a more feminine form. But perhaps the most noteworthy change was Pears sudden encouragement to fuck the various minions of Brewler in addition to just the king himself. She would occasionally hurt or maim one or two, but inside she began to develop a thirst for their touch. Six weeks had passed sense she’d become Brewler’s prisoner now. She sat atop her bed, covered in the viscera of an unlucky guard, touching herself. She reflected upon her new life and frowned. “What’s the point? I may be finding the silver lining but it means nothing as long as I’m Brewler’s slave… But one day… Someday… I’ll break free of this prison… And when I do… I will make them all…. PAY!” ------------------------------ Mateo awoke to the sound of construction work outside. Figures they’d be repairing everything, what with all the damage to the town Brewler caused. It had been a glorious four days. Returning to Castle Fungi to a hero’s welcome, riches, liquor, women, and of course, the superhuman strength of the mushrooms they collected. Luis had become incredibly enamored with Princess Lilly whom he met during the raid on Brewler’s castle. Toah had risen to head of the mushroom guard. Toahanne had spent all of her time in the cave studying the ruins and mushrooms. As for Mateo himself, he enjoyed the princess’s “gift” to her rescuer, but afterwards she made it clear that Fungi Royalty wouldn’t allow her to “mingle” with the common folk, beith they a champion or not. Mateo spent the rest of his return in various pubs, but today, he would begin his new job as an elite guard of the military directly protecting the princess. He’d never be ready for what he would be asked to do. At first it was basic training, training in special weaponry, advanced protocols, and learning the various tactics of the castle’s defenses. Then, at the end of the day, the new recruits were all brought into a room in the back of the castle, deep in the dungeons. The princess herself attended as she lead in a group of 30 people in chains. Some of them were people knew, who grew up with him. The princess addressed the room: “New recruits, these traitors are charged with high treason by not fighting off the armies of Brewler with their last breath. The heinous loss of faith, will not be tolerated for as long as my bloodline rules this land. As a final test today, you all must execute these traitors. Fail, and you’ll be seen as a traitor yourself, and will join those with lesser faith.” The gagged prisoners begged and pleaded to the very end, and Mateo would never forget the look in their eyes that they gave him pleading for mercy. It haunted him at the core of his soul. What could he do? Hero or not, he couldn’t speak out against the princess. That night, Mateo met with Toahanne for the first time since the defeat. “Mateo! It’s late! I didn’t expect you.” Toahanne said with her muscular form hidden behind a thin robe. Mateo was quick and to the point: “I don’t want the princess finding out about those mushrooms… Look… Today I was forced to do some dark shit. I had no idea the princess was so ruthless. Toahanne nodded. “I think that’s for the best, what I found in the ruins isn’t good either. Apparently, mushrooms are just the first step in an even more powerful process to achieve what the elders referred to as “Nirvana”. “Nirvana?” “Yes, I… I don’t fully understand what that means or what you need to get there, but apparently it grants powers akin to that of one of the old gods. A power far beyond mere strength.” “We can’t let her get anything like that!” “I agree. We can’t let ANYONE get ahold of anything like that. Thankfully, the other components, a flower from the far east, and stardust aren't’ common items. And even if you had either of those, they won’t react with you unless you have the power of the mushroom.” ------------------------------------ Luis woke up again from a peaceful bliss in his princess’s arms. He’d made up his mind and discussed things with Mateo thoroughly. He would immigrate to Sandafaria, marry Lilly, and establish his legacy there. All he needed now was the signature of the royal family to start his new life. Luis was eager to get moving and so started off towards the castle alone. When he arrived, he was immediately brought into the Princess’s chambers. “Hello Luis, I don’t think we ever formally met, but I thank you for your dedication to the family and this kingdom.” The princess opened. “And I trust you know I’ll always be ready to defend my home kingdom, but I have a favor to ask…” “Then ask you may.” “I wish to immigrate to Sandafaria, I have fallen in love with a princess I rescued from Brewler and I want to start a life with her.” The princess frowned. “A pity…. But for a hero of the Fungi kingdom, how can I say no?” Luis smiled and took a knee to say “Thank you Princess” “But… Before I do.. I must ask you something Luis… How did you do it?” “Do what your highness?” “How did you beat Brewler? How did you have the strength to oppose that… beast? Don’t tell me it was blind courage.” Luis swallowed. He knew telling the princess was against Mateo’s wishes, so he had to rely on the discussed fib. “Gadzook’s lab recently developed a top secret serum for the war effort! Unfortunately the team that made it was killed by Brewler’s magic force.” The princess stood up and walked over to a crypt in the corner of the room, she opened it slowly and motioned Luis to approach her as she moved the heavy lid, exposing the insides. Luis’s heart stopped. Inside the crypt, rolling around on it’s own with no body… Was Toah’s severed head. “See it’s funny… This kid said that same thing a few days ago… But Gadzook’s lab has no record of a super steroid…. Now… I know you don’t want to join your former friend her would you? Because surely you know lying to the royal family is a sign of treason... “ The princess said with an ice cold stair. Luis could have ended it there. He could have just refused and maybe stopped this whole thing… But he was a coward, and instead decided to lead the princess to the cave of mushrooms. The princess eyed the truffles before consuming one eagerly. She felt an immense power growing within her pulse by pulse bigger and bigger, after a few minutes she looked down and saw her dress was torn asunder by the power of her muscular growth. The princess chuckled deeply as she explored the power of her new body. Beastly trunks that could lift whole vehicles. Breasts fit for a queen. An ass to match, errotic legs, and a rock-hard core. With this new sensation of power the princess re-emerged from the cave and grinned as she began to give orders. “Have my elite squadron start testing on this stuff immediately. I want this shit fueling the fungi military by the end of the week. The neighbors might think they’re safe now, but they’ll soon find Brewler was a tame puppy compared to the Queen of the Fungi Kingdom.” From the raptors above, waiting in silence, Kane grinned evilly to himself. ---------------------------------------------------------- “Fate is a fickle bitch isn't’ she…” Kane thought to himself. “The seed is planted properly, it will manifest soon…” Kane observed as he teleported away. “I must prepare for the ceremony before that thorn Mateo or his friends obtain the other two ingredients I used on Brewler. I expect it won’t take them long to located the burn blossom, Luis has already fallen smitten with the princess of its native land. That being said…. Obtaining stardust is much more difficult…. Hmm… I wonder if I can use them to my advantage…” ----------------- Mateo, Toahanne, Luis, and Lilly peaked out from their cabin briefly before looking back across the waters to their former home. Toahanne finally put down a paper from that morning. “New Fungi Kingdom Regime Launched, “The world will kneel before the Queen” chants an army of muscular super soldiers seen marching out of the castle.” “Those super soldiers are fueled by those mushrooms… They’ll destroy everything!” “There’s nothing we can do, even with our reserve supply, there’s hundreds of them and four of us…. And… Well… YOU SAW WHAT THEY DID TO TOAH!” Lilly crouched and hugged Toahanne as she sobbed, lamenting her brother’s death. Lilly finally spoke up: “We’ll reach Sandafaria in three days. When we get there I know of the exact garden Toahanne speaks of, it is hidden in the bowels of my castle. I am quite familiar with the flowers that grow there, but they don’t have any magical effect I’m aware of.” “You need to be under the effects of the mushroom to use the power of the burn blossom.” Toahanne explained. “I see…” Luis just stared into the abyss… “How did we fail… We saved our Princess, and now she turns her back on us… I wonder… If maybe… Brewler was meant to kill our Princess….” “Luis we couldn’t have known…” “Look, all I know is we started fucking with power untold and now it’s come back to reap revenge. That’s all…” Mateo hung his head and spoke: “We need a plan… A long term one…” Toahanne answered fiercely: “Simple, get the flower, get the stardust from somewhere, then use that power to kill that bitch. She needs to be stopped at all costs.” ------------------------------------------------ As the boat finally docked in Sandafaria, the group wasted no time in uncovering the power hidden in the burning blossoms. Mateo was the first trial subject. First, the flower seemed to stick to his skin, but quickly, Mateo realized this wasn’t the flower, but fire. A warm glow enveloped Mateo’s body as he felt every muscle twitch By the time the transformation was finished, Mateo was heaving as the pressure and heat building in his chest constantly. This build up was progressional, and eventually Mateo relieved himself by expelling fire from his fists. He felt relieved. It felt good to expend his power like this, to expel fire like if it were a normal daily task like taking a piss. Toahanne ran some tests will Lilly on Mateo and made some deductions: The mushroom’s effects in addition to increasing effectiveness, also have stabilized entirely, meaning muscle loss is no longer a threat. The subject appears to have the ability to convert kinetic energy from one’s muscles into heat energy, this appears limited based on the energy within a subject. The fire itself seems to act as a total negative substance to the flower however. Burning a subject will release the flower and mushroom energy inside. Regular fire does not have this effect. Luis, Toahanne, and Lilly all decided it’d be best to all be equipped with flower abilities, improving their bodies and sculpting them towards the path of power. Toahanne Luis Lilly: *Clap… Clap… Clap..* Was heard in the distance as Lilly finished her transformation. Finally Kane emerged from the shadows. “I must say I am astounded you few found the secret to the flowers… And before the new Queen I must say I am impressed.” “What the fuck is this psychopath doing here?! I thought he was in prison with the rest of Brewler’s goons!” Kane bowed his head. “You mortals are so simple. You with your infinitesimal lifespan, completely blind to the world of those who live beyond yourselves. It would make my life so much easier if you just gave up now…” Luis attacked, but Kane simply melded into the shadows and appeared on the other side of the room. “The world isn’t suited for such insignificant beings as you. Even your own princess understands that. Even now she perseus you, desperate to reach for more power however she may take it.” “Wait what?!” Toahanne shouted. “Oh yes yes… I’m afraid she and a small fleet of guards will arrive here tomorrow. God knows what she’ll do to you after she finds this place... Hmm… For me it matters not…” “Mateo, we gotta prepare the castle! The kingdom!” “That being said though, you’re real issue is finding stardust now isn’t it?” Toahanne glared angrily at the wizard. “Why are you here?” “Well I needed to scout some samples of this devine plant, and to offer an advantage.” Luis’s eyebrow raised “What’s the deal?” “I can take one of you to the woman who rules the stars. The proprietor of the whole cosmos. It will be up to you to convince her to help, but I can only do so much.” “What’s in it for you?” “I get to pick which one of you four goes, as I only offer one passenger. The others will be forced to wait for the star festival, in about a month, on the lunar solsis, where a portal to the world of stardust will appear in the sky above star hill, a mountain to the north.” “I… I don’t know Mateo… This guy’s fucking insane. How can we trust him?” “I don’t think we have a choice…” Mateo said glaring into Kane’s soul. Mateo walked up and extended a hand to Kane, which he shook in delight. “Now…. Eninee meaniee, miniee, YOU!” Kane laughed with glee as he grabbed Lilly and pulled her into the shadows. “LILLY!” Luis shouted. Kane then began to dissolve himself into the darkness, but not before shouting out “GUARDS COME QUICK, THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN MURDERED!!!” with an evil grin. --------------------------------------- "The Siege of Sandafaria" Now locked inside a jail cell, Toahanne, Luis, and Mateo stared out into the world outside the bars of their cage. The three of them with despair on their faces as they stared out over the horizon to the approaching fleet of Fungi ships. Pear would surely kill them if they remained in this cage… They had to get out and defend the tomb of the burning blossoms from that power hungry dictator. Meanwhile Lilly had arrived in a vast cosmic void, and stood before a figure composed of the cosmos itself. “Hello Lillian, Princess of the Sandafarian people, I am known as Roxanne, the keeper of the stars.” “Oh...OH! Hello! Uh… Where am I?” “You are in the break between space, the void. It is my home, where I can observe and influence every inch of the galaxy. I am sorry for the confusion, I was not expecting guests.” “I was brought here by some wizard who used to work for a beast named Brewler… There is a grave race for power and control happening soon in my home kingdom, and soon it will follow me here to your doorstep!” Roxanne chuckled softly, shaking the vast emptiness around Lilly. “I am not worried about being attacked here Lillian. Many foes stronger than you could imagine have attempted to reach me here, and acquire the invincible power held within stardust. But their efforts are futile. They can not reach me here.” “I got here! If I can get here, so can Pear!” “It is complexing… How did you manage to get here?” “I was brought here by a wizard… His name was… Kane. I think..” Roxanne’s eyes flashed at the word “Kane”. “Did… Did you just say… Kane? Oh my gods…. Kane was my apprentice! He learned the art of space magic from… from me… I thought he was killed so long ago….” “YOU KNOW HIM!?!” ----------------------------------------------- As Pear stepped foot upon Sandafarian soil for the first time, she inhaled deeply and smiled “Ahhh yes… Fresh land to conquer….” The Sandafarians had assumed the ships to be messengers or simply in tranzit, after all what little Sandafaria had was nothing to kill for…. And yet the next few days were brutal as the whole capital city was destroyed by artillery fire. Eventually, Pear made it to the castle, and had the prisoners brought forward from the dungeon. “You deserters really are pathetic aren’t you? To think, you had a place here… Working for me… And instead you try to run away? You can’t run away from me you BITCHES!” Pear screamed at Mateo, Luis, and Toahanne. The three looked at her in fear, when Toahanne stepped forward. “Run away? You think we ran from you bitch? HA! I’ll take your spoiled little bitch ass right here!” Pear jumped back, but was struck by Toahanne’s flames. The result was the loss of her fungal strength. Panicking, Pear called out to her guards to help her while ducking behind a wall. Toahanne and co. blasted guard after guard until… The princess’s lust for power truely reared it’s head. “COME ON!” Demanded Toahanne. “WHO ELSE YOU GOT?!” But the last soldier sent in was not a fierce warrior or powerful weapon…. It was a child, half of Toah’s age. Toahanne stepped backwards as the little boy approached her with a long knife. “Wha… WHat are you… YOU’RE JUST A KID!” “TOAHANNE BEHIND YOU!” But it was too late, Pear had snuck up behind Toahanne while she was distracted, and severed her throat. Mateo and Luis screamed into nothing as darkness enveloped them. A hopelessness they’d never felt just overtook them as they dropped to their knees. Meanwhile, Pear had discovered the burning blossoms, plucked one and took a seat upon the Sandafarian castle throne to embellish the thrill she got from the transformation. A passionate heat rose within her, swelling her powerful arms and imbuing her body with the power to control fire. Her clothes turned black as ash afterwards. Pear clenched her fist in ecstasy. “This power…” She grinned evilly. “IS MINE!” as she released a series of powerful fire blasts onto the city below the castle, and began to laugh maniacally as the people beneath her burned. In her fit of madness, a dark voice called out to her from the shadows. “Shame that’s the last of it though…” Pear turned to Kane and sassily placed her hand on her soft, tender hips. “Long time no see.” Pear glared at her former captor. “Soooo…. Hear you’re looking into Mushroom magic… aye aye aye… That’s powerful magic. I know it well.” “You know of this power?” ‘That I do, it was I who initially bestowed that great strength into Brewler. I see you’ve already acquired both the priming fungi and the stabilization herb. All you need now is the dust of the heavens and you’ll amass the same power Brewler once held.” Pear slammed her powerful hand into Kane’s boney collar. “You will tell me where this dust is immediately” Kane smiled and said “Oh I’ll show you… But first I think there’s something else you want to see first.” As he revealed a small vile from under his sleeve. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "The flames of battle" Luis had seen enough. Toah and Toahanne…. Both crushed under this psycho bitch’s evil heels. The love of his life, lost in space… He did the only thing he knew how to do. He grabbed his brother’s collar and yanked him as he retreated out of the castle. Pear noticed the two getting away and yelled “GUARDS! SEIZE THEM!” However, with the power of the Burning Blossom, and their mushroom strength, the two brothers powered through the minions blocking the exit. Kane smiled. “Not to worry, my Queen, I’ll have both of them captured shortly… In the mean time I suggest you prepare for our assault on Star Hill.” “And… you’re sure this vile will ensure my victory?” She asked with a cold stare. “Absolutely.” ----------------------------------------------------- Mateo and Luis fled from the Sandafarian kingdom as fast as they could. What could they do? Even with their newfound strength, how could they stand up to an army? “Star hill… That’s where we’re going…” Mateo said shaking, his voice withered from despair. “Mateo… Even if we aren’t captured… We have no idea where this Hill is! We’ll never find it in time!” Mateo and Luis stared at each other, stricken with sorrow. Until a sound unlike anything the brothers had ever heard before arose in the distance. The fungi super soldiers had acquired burning blossoms. And under the queen’s orders… Had begun burning Sandafaria to the ground. In the chaos and panic, Mateo saw an opportunity. “Luis… This… This may be unpleasant… But I think I see a way to ensure we get to the Hill with Pear… We can take out one of those super soldiers… And replace them. Look they’re wearing gas masks. No one will even expect it’s us!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days hiding amongst Pear’s army were brutal. The officers were ruthless, and the underlings worked to the bone. But the two were never found, and after the sun set two days later, Mateo and Luis gazed forward onto the beauty which must have been Star Mountain. As agreed upon, the two brothers stole a rowboat and ferried ashore ahead of the main ship. The mountain was dark and rough, but eventually, the two found a crystal shrine fixated at the summit of the mountain. Inside was a large blue crystal, and upon approaching, Luis gasped. Within the crystal was Lilly! Blurry and unfocused, but slowly clearing up as the connection from Roxanne’s plain and the crystal shrine neared completion. As the sun appeared on the horizon, the connection completed, and Lilly jumped forth into her man’s arms. Luis sobbed softly into his woman’s hair as he told her about the loss of Toahanne. Lilly cried too at the news, then looked Luis in the eyes and said. “We’re going to make that bitch PAY!” Roxanne stepped forward into the corporeal world. “Hello, Mortals. My name is Roxanne. Lillian here has told me much about you…” “She holds the stardust Mateo, with that, the burning blossom, and the muscle fungi, you’ll be unstoppable.” Mateo’s eyebrows narrowed as he said “Well then… LETS GO!” Roxanne pulled forth a small pouch containing small star-like candies. And Mateo ate the first one. All of sudden, his senses were heightened, and time seemed to slow down a bit. From around the world, light and sound seemed to bounce around him, until he realized the light and sound were emanating from him. Luis and Lilly were next. Roxanne then took a physical form before them. It wasn’t strong or powerful like Mateo, Luis, or Lilly, but she emitted a regal energy that seemed to effect reality around her. “The star candies each contain roughly twelve minutes of invincibility. You need to eat more to retain your immunity from harm. We can’t risk even a single candy getting to Pear or one of her minions, so I will hold them stockpile. It means you’ll only have twelve minutes to kill Pear, afterwards, you’re just another trio of super studs.” As Pear’s ships docked on the shoreline, Mateo saw clearly his former lover strolling onto the mountain dressed in the sexiest attire he’d ever seen her wear before. . “Lets get her.” Luis growled. As Mateo, Luis, and Lilly charged, the princess grinned evilly and waved her hand. A legion of twenty fire-powered guards rose up and charged at the trio. However, they were no match for the rage and power centered within the team. Pear gasped in shock at how easily her elite guards had been dispatched as she sent another. And another. And another. Soon there was no men left… Just herself, and Mateo’s group. Mateo stared at the evil witch with no mercy in his eyes as he prepared to eviscerate her. That’s when she started chuckling. Then laughing. After her fit, she smiled, and tossed an empty vile at Mateo’s feet. Roxanne, who was watching the battle from afar gasped and attempted to call out to Mateo, but she was surprised and muffled by Kane from behind. Mateo, Luis, and Lilly all united and began to burn the evil witch to cinders. But the laughing didn't’ stop… And amidst the flames of her opponents, the queen of the fungi kingdom rose up and began absorbing the energy, transforming her body. From behind she grew a powerful alligator like tail, as her arms legs swelled with power, ripping her charred clothes as the flames fused into the princess’s hair. Kane grinned as he gripped his former master’s neck firmly. “I knew you recognized that potion… Naughty girl. It allows the user to absorb energy and use it to upgrade their body. Your most powerful attack, has now been completely flipped! Soon, the darkness within Pear will break free, and everyone, even you my little vixen…. Will witness the next form of the Eternal Brewler, my most perfect specimen! Mateo and Luis looked up at Pear after the ash settled, she was now over four foot taller, and thicker than they’d ever seen with a powerful dragon tail, and horns just like Brewler. She eyed her prey maliciously as she grabbed the three in one hand and headed for the crystal shrine. -------------------------------------------------------- "The Dark Age of Pear" “Why are they keeping us alive Mateo…?” Luis asked his brother. “I… I don’t know…” Mateo and Luis stood in separate cages, suspended over fire and brimstone. Across the way was a separate chamber, where Lilly and Roxanne were kept, chained to the wall and relentlessly fucked by Pear’s underlings at every opportunity. The crystal dimension where Roxanne used to reside transformed after Pear and Kane walked through, now instead of a minimalist calming void of stars, it was a burning hellscape full of fire and brimstone. On one wall, constantly playing, was a tv screen showing city after city either submitting itself to Pear’s new regime, or burning to ashes, on another was a map of every conquered city now under control of Pear. And the remaining wall, was just the cage where Roxanne and Lilly would slowly lose their minds. After a few days of abuse, Kane and the supersized half-peach, half-Brewler hybrid approached the girls, sat them down, and revealed her new three meter long monster cock. Lilly looked at the beast before her in tears. Roxanne stepped inbetween the two and said “Leave her alone…” Pear extended a thick veiny arm and clasped her deformed claw-like hands around Roxanne’s throat. “... Or else what?” she said with a chuckle. “Hmm… I guess I should start with you, being an immortal and all…” Pear grasped Roxanne by the jaw and ripped it open savagely. Her jaw did not break but rather was forced wide open, forming a massive hole to which Pear extended her mighty shaft into repeatedly. For hours, Pear fucked the two girls savagely, leaving them unconscious and gasping for air. It continued long after that. For over two months the duo were fucked out of their minds every night for hours, all while the beast grew larger and stronger. Mateo and Luis were numb by that point, forced into a fathomless pit of despair at the sight of what their princess was doing to the love of Luis’ life and a powerful space witch. Luis had gone way off the deep end. Listening to Lilly and Roxanne converse every morning about what that monster would do to them, and some “Void” thing that they started worshiping in their intense madness. Mateo hung onto hope though. It was strong against all odds! All he had to do was get out of here, get a star, and fuck that bitch up! Then he could escape! Luis and Lilly could start a life together! Things could go back to normal! That was the last thing Mateo thought to himself before the night the duo were taken away for several days. Three weeks passed, and Mateo and Luis were on their last legs, starved from nearly no food, weak, tired, and unwilling to go on, Mateo and Luis were suddenly jumpstarted, briefly, back into sanity by the sudden appearance of Roxanne and Lilly in the entrance to their cells. They were ecstatic for a brief moment until they saw the guards bowing to them. “Hurry girls! It’s almost time for the resurrection!” Boomed a thunderous voice down the hallway, to which Mateo and Luis looked and saw, to their horror, the largest form they’d ever seen. It was Pear, supercharged and blazing a path of destruction in her wake, relishing in the undeniable power of her own strength. Luis approached Lilly and begged. “Lilly, this isn’t you! I KNOW THERE’S GOOD IN YOU!” And in one clean slash, Luis was gutted in half and left to die by his own fiance’s hand. “No… I belong to the new master now. We belong to the new master now. We all will once he’s returned to us! Mateo, kicking and screaming was dragged out onto an island of lava, and left as Pear approached. In the distance, the moon rose high in the sky, only it wasn’t a normal moon… It was a blood moon. Kane appeared next to Pear and handed her a bag of stardust. Once the light of the blood moon shown down on Pear, she consumed the stardust and began burning with energy and power. “YES YES YES! I AM HERE! I HAVE RETURNED! MY NEW FORM GIFTED TO ME BY ROYAL BLOOD! YOUR KING! BREWLER!” Pear’s skin turned jet black as her eyes burned with flames as every muscle in her powerful body stretched larger and larger, swelling to the size of a giantess’s. The beast grabbed Mateo and held him up to the sky for the last time and spoke. “AND NOW, AS THE FINAL STEP OF MY REBIRTH! I CONSUME THE BODY OF THE ONE WHO SLAYED ME BEFORE!” She shouted as she consumed Mateo, whole, in one snap of the jaw. The shadowy might that was Pear-zilla began to crumble, amidst the rubble laid two figures, the first was Pear, bare naked, with no strength left. The other was unmistakingly Brewler, passed out on his back enjoying the brisk bloodmoonlight. “Oh it’s good to be back! Now that pesky bitch Mateo and his weak little crew are gone forever, leaving me alone to fuck these fine bitches until I resume my worldwide conquest.” Brewler chimed as he was led to his throne room, filled with the riches stolen from conquested kingdoms. Atop the bed in the center was Pear, Lilly, and Roxanne dressed in color coordinated fishnet stockings and bikini tops. “My king… Are you proud of us? Did we never lose faith in our master?” Brewler grinned and laughed. “You bitches did alright, I already feel power returning to my body! Now why don’t you let me complete you in the ways you seem so thirsty for.” Brewler extended his tongue into each member of his new harem, awakening them, and sprouting demonic horns from their heads. End Scene: Brewler leaned in and began fucking his women properly. Brewler sat back as his sluts had taken over most of the work, and placed his arms behind his head. “MMM IT’S GOOD TO BE KING!” Pear leaned in closer with her legs behind her head and begged to Brewler ‘Oh master… Please… Let me call you daddy.” “OOoooooh… I like that… Why doesn’t my little servicer tell me what she can get from “daddy”? Pear bit her lip as she started to take Brewler’s monster cock. “Oh daddy…. DADDY YES! DADDY MORE! DADDY! DADDY! ///…. DAD! DAD WAKE UP! WAKE THE FUCK UP DAD!” “DAD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING UP HERE SLEEPING!” Bowser Jr. cried. “IT’S ALREADY NOON! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PICK UP MORTON JR. FROM BEING TRASHED BY LUIGI THREE HOURS AGO!” Bowser suddenly snapped back into reality with a stinging pain knowing he was no longer an immortal king surrounded by a harem of princesses, but rather a single father of eight with the responsibility of an entire kingdom that can’t even keep a princess away from an overweight plumber. With a groan of understandable dismay, Bowser rolled over and started planning for his revenge against his old nemesis.
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CW: FMG, muscle worship, f/f. Thick white suds and streams of cold water ran down Ellie’s gargantuan body, steam rising up from her overheated muscles in the dim fluorescent light of the butcher’s kitchen. The abandoned facility was the largest room with running water that they could find. Ignoring the vicious meat hooks still hanging in rows along the ceiling became a necessity. It might seem like a cruel space, but it was the only space big enough to bathe Ellie in, except for the freezing lake a mile down the mountain. Ellie hadn’t used a shower since she was 16. Far too cramped. At age 17, she was already too wide for most doors. Now, at age 18, Dina had to hose her down and use a brush and a sponge at the end of poles in order to scrub off the sweat and mud from her bruised and stretch-mark-scarred skin. Dina daren’t stick her hands between the deep crevices of those freakishly bloated muscles. The bones of her fingers might snap with an involuntary flex. Ellie couldn’t always control what her body did. But Dina didn’t mind. Sure, things were different now… When Joel had first introduced the idea of getting stronger in order to survive -- We’re put here on this godforsaken Earth to survive, at all costs, he would say -- the idea of putting on some muscle seemed novel, if not hilarious. Ellie was nowhere close to muscular four years ago and none of them could’ve imagined how much weight she continued to gain. Rapidly. If anything, the rate at which she packed on more mass had increased over the years, not diminished. At first, Ellie and Dina, girlfriends, teased each other about the differences in their weight. Dina always thought the new definition and toning was attractive. Then Ellie’s mind began to change, growing more obsessed as her body grew larger. At some point, Dina began wondering where it would stop as it became apparent that Ellie’s body was responding better than anticipated, but that was long before it spiraled out of control. Now Dina was bathing her like she was cattle. At first, baths were fun and new, even as Ellie’s muscles became frighteningly, alarmingly extreme. They played with the water, shot each other with the hose, and giggled, sometimes wrestled. Now? The air was thick with vapor and humiliation. They didn’t laugh. They didn’t even talk. They were disconnected, clinically so. Dina assumed the role of the nurse. Ellie was the patient. They didn’t look each other in the eye. Dina could tell that it bothered Ellie to have to be washed like an animal, like a semi truck, but she couldn’t find it in herself to comfort her. All there was was the writhing muscular barricade of the body her girlfriend was trapped in. Sometimes Joel talked about Ellie’s miracle, the thought of a cure residing in her genes, how maybe it was her genes that turned her into… this. Next spring, he estimated she would outgrow the butcher’s kitchen. He talked about designing a shower system for her with the bulldozer and a water tower. Joel talked about a lot of things. Mostly survival. Being prepared. He was disconnected in his own way. When he looked at Ellie, she felt like he was looking at someone else, either at somebody from his past who she reminded him of... or somebody he was trying to shape her into. Ellie, staring at the puddles on the cement floor, raised one of her colossal arms. Even a task as simple as that had become difficult, nevermind properly bathing herself without assistance. Dina adjusted the gray strap of her tank top while she waited, bravely enduring the creaking noise of Ellie’s bones hefting all that weight, and the tightening sounds of Ellie’s muscles contracting and stretching. She grabbed hold of one of the big stainless steel hooks, lightly. Ellie’s bicep, the size of a couch cushion, grazed across the side of her cheek, brushing an errant strand of her brown hair over her cute, freckled face. For a moment, Ellie’s green eyes looked up at Dina and their gaze met. Only for a moment. Ellie looked down at the floor again as Dina got to work scrubbing her girlfriend’s armpit. Shame but acceptance. Survive, at all costs... (access the full story at
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