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I walk through the party, past cousins and other relatives. I don’t really like family reunions, but I do love reminding everyone that I am the biggest in the family. I enjoy making my younger cousins I grew up with squirm. I push past the crowd and bump into one of my uncles I almost didn’t recognize. “Yo, Uncle Dave? How have you been? You look skinny!” I’ve only known my uncle as absolutely jacked. Rough and chiseled from working in construction for 30 years. His sleeves used to hug his biceps and his chest would never let his top buttons close. He was the one other person in the family who could almost size up to me. Now his shirt hangs loosely off his skinny shoulders. “Hey, Petey. Yeah, I lost some weight,” he sighed. “I gotta get you in the gym, Unc. Put some meat back on those bones. I’ll get you looking huge like me again in no time!” I snickered. I spread out my arms and curl my biceps. My thick muscles pack my shirt tight and my sleeves stretch around my girthy arms. I’ve always been a muscle head since I was a kid. I played football and started powerlifting at 13. I was a beast growing up and now I’m twice the size of anyone else in the family, especially now that Uncle Dave is skinny. Fuck, seeing how big I am compared to him now is feeding my ego well. “Of course, you’ll still be tiny compared to these veiny pythons! But it’ll be a start,” I laughed. “Speaking of, have you seen Slim and Tiny around anywhere? Need to find those twigs and put them in their place!” “Slim and Tin—? Oh... Go out and check the shed. I’m sure they’ll find you…” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I walk out into the backyard and make my way past the circles of cousins and uncles all chatting over some beers. In the back corner of the yard by the shed, there are stacks of 45 plates, a bench press, a squat rack, and even some cable rigs to make a rough prison yard gym. Bet those two nerds went all out to try and start working out. I need to go put those boys in their place and show them how a real man lifts! I flex my pecs in anticipation. From the shed, I hear deep grunts and metal plates clanging. Rep after rep, the grunts transform into barks. I turn the corner and my jaw and flex drop as I see what is inside the dark shed. An absolute behemoth of a man stands in a too-small stringer and leggings that squeeze the definition out of his massive quads and put his near-absent bulge on display. He carries a barbell at his chest and reps out more military presses. Three plates are stacked on either side of the bar. His monstrous delts ripple as he barks and lifts. On the bench against the wall sits another hulking beast hunched over with his haunches of forearms resting on his knees. He grunts out in a deep voice, calling out the rep count of his giant friend. Twenty-seven, twenty-eight… He turns and catches a look at me. “Well, shit… look who it is, Tiny!” he growls in a mocking tone. “Looks like little big-shot Petey decided to show up!” Tiny? No, that can’t be. And that would make him… Slim... No, these aren’t my cousins. They had to be actors hired to play a prank on me or something. These can’t be those same little nerds I used to tease back in high school. They’re too fucking big! Tiny drops the barbell to the mat with a clang and turns to face me with a smile. His veiny, pumped-up delts protrude off of his shoulders cartoonishly. His monstrous arms hang out to the sides with his meaty lats grown too big for his ribcage. He is a brick wall of muscle. “You know, I used to remember you were bigger, Pete,” Tiny grins. “Have you lost weight or something? You look skinny!” The two behemoths approach me and I can finally see the tight definition of their terrifying size in the sunlight. These two goliaths tower above me. Must be nearly 7’ feet tall. My eyes are level with their chiseled pecs that squeeze against the tanks they have so clearly outgrown. Slim flexes his pecs intimidatingly and his massive tits free themselves from beneath his tank as the fabric stretches and is squeezed between his pecs. His shirt rides up and reveals his chiseled Adonis belt and I see the thick bulge threatening to fall out from his shorts. “No… no, this isn’t right,” I stammer as I step back from these two behemoths. “Where are my actual little cousins? You’ve got to be fucking with me…” “We’re right here, Petey…” Tiny grins as he approaches and wraps his arms over my shoulders. “We got pretty big, huh, Tiny?” Slim groans with another flex. “Oh, bigger than that… You see Pete, we got tired of ego-fueled meatheads like you walking all over us. Calling us small and weak and pathetic…” “And so we decided to grow… and grow…” “Oh, we fucking grew…” Tiny flexes and crushes my neck between his forearm and chiseled bicep. “Now we’re fucking giants and it’s all thanks to cocky gym rats like you,” Slim pokes into my sternum and pushes me back. “No, this can’t be…” I feel powerless. “What are you gonna do to me? “Hey, Ma! Come take a picture of us and Petey!” Slim roars out across the yard, avoiding my question. “Yeah, we want you to remember how big you used to be before we drain you…” Tiny growls in a whisper. I gulp and try to think of a way out of here. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • After getting a picture, it’s just the three of us again all sitting on the bench in the shed with the two of them crushing me between their massive shoulders. The smell of their musk is overwhelming as they wrap their arms around me and squeeze me between their lats. Their ripe stench stuffs my nose full and for some reason my dick twitches. The two titans stand up, carrying me with them, and pin me into a tight circle between them. Slim looks down and sees my dick jumping against my will. “Oh, ho! Looky here…” Slim chuckles as he flicks my bulge. “Looks like the little man loves being crushed between two superior alphas!” “No wonder little Petey was in the gym all the time,” Tiny guffaws. I had truly never been attracted to men. The thought repulsed me. Even now, the stench of their ripe musk was sickening, but my penis throbs despite my opposition. Slim raises his arms and the wafting musk hits me like a wall. He crunches his thick, bullish abs and flares out his lats to put his pits on display. “Think it’s time for the pit crew!” Slim creaked a smile. Oh shit… Before I can react, Tiny grabs me and forces my face deep between Slim’s muscles and into his hairy pit. Same move I used to pull on them growing up. But fuck, my eyes roll back and I can’t help but moan out. Fuck, this isn’t right. Something about his scent is hypnotizing me. I can’t control my own dick. It twitches and hardens. I remember doing the same thing to Tiny and Slim growing up. I would sneak up behind them and call out for the pit crew before pulling them into a headlock under my arms. Kept them locked in to force them to huff my pit sweat until they squirmed under my superior arms and begged for me to let them go. Never wore deodorant to family gatherings just to really torture them. Fuck, I never expected them to ever get me back for it all. “I can feel his dick getting hard against my quads!” Slim lets out a belly laugh. Fuck, I am getting a boner. I can’t help it. I feel my dick growing and slipping between the muscle definition of his quads. So thick and hard pressed against my boner. Tiny keeps pushing me into Slim, forcing my dick to grind and press against his rock-solid muscle. I feel Slim flexing his quad on purpose to tease my erection. Fuck, I’m so hard… And then I feel something else press into me. A long, thick piece of meat squished against my abs. Oh, fuck… Is that his dick? It’s fucking massive too… I feel it press into my belly button and hang down next to the base of my shaft. It’s still only soft too… What fucking happened to him? “God, he’s so fucking horny! Look! He’s still huffing my pits!” Slim laughs. I didn’t even realize that Tiny had stopped holding my face into it. His pits were a fucking trap I couldn’t pull my nose out of. Fuck, I don’t know if I even wanted to. “Think this little guy is gonna cum off my alpha musk alone, Tiny!” Slim teases. “All right Slim, you’ve had your fun,” Tiny sighs as he let go of me. “I’m hungry and I want to feed while he’s still got those extra inches…” Fuck, what are they going to do to me? Slim grabs the back of my head and pulls me out from his armpit. He cricks my neck back and forces me to look up at him. He just smiles and looks down to scan my physique. There is a hunger in his stare. “Y’know what, I think little Petey has grown a bit since we last saw him,” Slim chuckles. “Not like us muscle freaks,” he flexes, “but I see some extra size on those biceps now. Check him out, Tiny!” I can’t tell if they’re still fucking with me. “Why don’t you flex for us, Pete?” Tiny asks in a stern tone. I step back, but Slim blocks me with his massive body. “Tiny gave you a command, Petey…” I take a heavy breath and follow their orders. I raise my right arm and curl my bicep. My peak pops out and my veins pump. I felt more than satisfied with my muscle and size just a few minutes ago, but now as I stand here beneath my two younger cousins with a boner I can’t control, I feel so weak and small. “Look at that peak! There’s some good meat there,” Tiny smiles. I bring up my other arm and curl it as well. I puff up my chest and flare out my lats to make myself as big as possible, but I know it’s useless. I’m puny compared to them. My cock throbs harder as I flex my muscles like a toy for these two behemoths. “Definitely some good meat…” Slim laughs slowly. Slim steps closer as I hold my flex. He wraps his hand over my bicep, holding my entire peak in his palm. He runs his thumb into the valleys of my muscles and works his thumb into the meat of my arm. He’s so strong… I feel my bicep grow numb as he gropes my muscle. “Oh, yeah… This’ll make me grow nice and big…” What the fuck did he say? Oh, shit… Fuck, my muscles are twitching and flexing compulsively. My bicep aches. And then I turn and see what’s happening. My arm is shrinking! Oh, fuck… my arm deflates with all its muscle mass, looking tiny compared to the rest of my body as Slim keeps groping and squeezing the muscle from my bicep. I look up to Slim with fear in my eyes as he drains me. Slim only chuckles under his breath. Then he begins to grow. His thick chiseled arm throbs even bigger, growing muscle in waves. As my biceps shrink, his swell bigger and bigger. Fuck, his arm is getting so huge… It expands faster and outsizes the rest of his body. Then he takes his other hand and does the same to my deteriorating bicep. He uses every ounce of muscle from my arm to grow two gorilla-huge arms that hang lankily compared to the rest of his body. My right arm is a twig hanging from my still-chiseled torso. It hangs as the drained husk of what once was a 19-inch python of an arm. And then I feel Tiny latch his hand around my left lat and squeeze the muscle up into my pit. “Don’t hog all the good meat, Slim,” Tiny teases. “There’s plenty of him to share.” Tiny squeezes the muscle from me. Stealing pound after pound of muscle from my back. My body shrinks and topples slightly as my balance is thrown off by the mass being stolen from me. My pecs feel too heavy hanging from my chest now. All my mass flows into Tiny’s back and his lats stretch wider with every pulse. He lets out a deep groan and growls as he expands. His lats push his arms further out from his body as they swell. He throbs bigger and bigger until I can hardly see around him. His little tank top stretches and begins to tear as he outgrows it with the muscle he takes from me. Tiny moans in pleasure as his body expands and his shirt is torn to shreds that fall from his chest. His bare torso is chiseled with pure muscle that churns as he steals my mass. Waves of size ripple up his lats and visibly surge with more and more muscle. “Ohh, fuuckk yeahhh… Make me fucking grow, Petey,” Tiny whines. “God, I’m getting so fucking huge!” My two cousins continue to grope and use my muscles to grow. They play with me and steal my size in no particular order, leaving me an asymmetrical mess of muscle as they moan and grow happily. A quad here. A pec there. Taking and taking to fuel their insatiable lust for growth. They stack bigger and bigger above me as I fall more and more powerless to their whims. My clothes drape over my shrinking frame as they take and take. “Oh yeah, this is even better than draining Uncle Dave,” Slim huffs. “It felt so good to finally be bigger than him so we could drain that old man of all that useless muscle. Got fucking huge off of him.” “But Pete has that thick and defined muscle, little body fat, perfect for fucking growing…” Tiny growls. “Oh fuck, look at us… We’re getting so much fucking bigger off him alone.” The two behemoths stretch bigger and bigger, outgrowing everything. Their muscles surge with seemingly endless mass. Slim’s tank begins to tear as his stomach inflates into a gut of pure muscle. He chuckles and flexes his pecs proudly and his shirt is torn apart by his swelling chest. Tiny’s quads pump and swell asymmetrically, practically fighting for dominance as his legs are crushed together by their size. His leggings stretch across his quads and eventually begin to rip. Tears spread across his legs and reveal the throbbing muscle beneath. The elastic of the waistband finally gives and there’s a loud crack as his leggings explode and he’s stood naked above me. His cock throbs, but even hard it barely pushes out past his surging quads and muscle gut. It looks tiny in comparison to his powerful muscles. Slim’s ass expands and overwhelms his shorts much quicker. The fabric tears and falls to reveal much more. As the shorts fall, Slim’s cock unfurls from its hiding spot and swings down his legs. It’s fucking monstrous. 13 inches of veiny cock hangs lazily. And then it starts to grow… It inches bigger as the veins throb. Slim lets out a deep rumbling growl as his cock expands further and further down. He humps forward and makes it rock up and swing under its immense weight. It surges faster. 17 inches. 20 inches. It throbs and bounces on its own, drooling out a thick stream of precum as Slim moans in deep pleasure. His cock grows massive to match his pulsing muscles in contrast to Tiny’s little dick which is dwarfed by his muscles. They tower bigger and bigger above me. Naked behemoths with surging mass. They both hit the ceiling as I shrink down below their hips. Slim’s gargantuan cock hangs in front of my face, drooling like a hungry animal. My clothes drape off my shrunken body. “Fuck…” I mutter under my breath. “I’m fucking puny…” Then Slim grabs me around my entire waist and lifts me off the ground. He brings me closer to eye level with them as they hunch to fit inside the shed. They must be fucking 9’ feet tall… They are fucking freaks of muscle mass. Meanwhile, I’ve been shrunk down to barely 4’ feet of skin and bones. “Puny?!” Slim laughs. “Oh, I fucking love that!” He shakes me in his hand and my shorts fall off of me and down to the ground. My cock springs out, rock hard. My 9” inch dick hangs down in front of me. I had always been proud that my cock was big to match my naturally muscular frame. Now it looks freakishly oversized hanging from my now scrawny frame. It throbs against my will and swings itself between my knees. I’ve always wanted a bigger cock to outsize my build, but not like this. Fuck, it’s too big for my weak body… It feels too heavy swinging from my waist. I can feel it weighing down and pulling my skin tight. My cock is too fucking big… “Hey, Tim,” Slim smirks. “Looks like Puny here has got some last extra meat for you to take!” “About time,” Tim chuckles. “You always take the dicks first, Slater.” Tim takes my throbbing dick in his hand and squishes the shaft. He lifts it up from where it hangs and it feels like a huge relief. Even my 9” cock barely fills his giant hand. It’s so sensitive that even just his crushing grip makes my cock spit up precum. I can’t hold back my moans. My dick spits precum and throbs as he takes my inches from me. Precum pools into his hand as my cock shrinks into his fist. My vision goes blurry from the stimulation, but I can see Tim’s cock expanding. Pushing longer and fatter from behind his muscle gut. It throbs bigger and bigger, hitting double digits as he groans from the growth. It surges and throbs with more girth. It keeps swelling thicker and thicker. Inches pack onto his pulsing cock. Tim moans and laughs as he throbs. He’s growing so big from my cock… “Oh… fuck yes!” Tim groans. “Oh, yeah… my cock is getting so heavy… fuuckk… more!” My dick shrinks until he is just barely holding it between his giant thumb and forefinger. It feels like such a relief to have all that extra weight taken off of me. He rubs my puny cock between his fingers and I can’t take it anymore. I try to hold back my moans, but it’s useless. I whine and moan and beg to cum. My cock spasms between his fingers. Tim smiles and slides his hand under my taint and uses his middle finger to push into my hole. My cock throbs happily. I didn’t think having my ass penetrated could feel so good… My dick looks like a tic tac in his giant palm. It flexes against my will and then it starts to squirt. Shooting my load into his hand as it bounces around. I moan and heave to try and catch my breath from my orgasm. My cock spurts its load across his palm and starts to pool in the middle. My exhausted penis hangs over my balls as the last bit of cum spills out. Tim just chuckles under his breath as he brings his palm up to his mouth. With one lick, what felt like a huge load was slurped up with ease by his giant tongue. With my head starting to clear, I could now see the monster cock he used me to create. It was thick and veins pulsed all along the shaft. The head throbbed to size up to his overwhelming girth. Thick beads of precum oozed down his tip. Then another surge of growth shot up his cock like an aftershock. My cum was giving him even more size! I watched his girth throb bigger and stretch his skin tight. It pulsed past 14” inches and shot up to 19” in just three big spurts of growth. Tim moaned and his cock just began pouring precum. It spasmed on its own and slowly the precum grew milky. “Get ready, Puny,” Slater laughed as he placed me back onto the ground. “Agh, fuuck…” Tim roared. His surging cock jumps and shoots out a thick jet of cum that splatters across my body and onto the wall behind me. His creamy white cum paints my naked body. His cock continues to erupt hands-free. His cock bounces with each shot and swings back and forth on its own accord. Long white ropes spurt over and over as he climaxes. The overwhelming sensation of growth forced him to erupt without warning. The cumshots slow down, but his dick remains rock hard. It continues to ooze precum as it hangs above me. I stand in the aftermath of his orgasm and look up at the two behemoth cocks looming above me and the brutes connected to them. Tim and Slater face each other and their dicks press together. I thought Tim’s 19-inch dick was enormous, but now it was dwarfed beneath Slater’s hulking 27-inch beast of a cock. Slater’s dick was as thick as his arm and just as veiny with his foreskin spilling out precum as well. I stare in awe at their size. I fantasize about how it must feel to be that fucking huge. It must feel fucking amazing to be so big and powerful. I grab my puny 2-inch cock between my fingers and stroke my cock. They are gods above me. I don’t know what I want to do, but I know I wanted their size. Slater looks down and sees me touching myself. “Nuh-uh, Puny,” he smiles. “You won’t be needing that anymore.” He bends down and pinches my dick between his fingers. He groans as his dick pulses once and expands slightly from the last bit of my cock. He releases and flicks my precum off his finger. And my dick is gone. All my inches, all my muscles, my height, everything has been taken from me. I was nothing and they were gods. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • They poke me out of the shed with my clothes draped across my body and send me back to the party with my new size while they enjoy theirs. “Wow, they really got you, huh, kid?” Uncle David says as he approaches me. “Yeah…” I sigh. “They’re fucking massive now.” “They did the same thing to me last month. I’m only just now starting to get some muscle mass back.” “I don’t think anything is going to be able to stop them now.” “They won’t stop until… fuck, I don’t think they’ll ever stop.” And then the shed begins to bulge and crack and collapse as Slater breaks through the ceiling.
- 7 replies
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- muscle theft
- cock theft
- (and 10 more)
Heres some more stories i've found on an old cd from 2003. FUN TIME : A CHRONIVAC ENTRY Jeff Got his package in the mail, and opened it. He noticed the USB cable so he hooked the device up to his PC. When he installed the program the Device came to life. each of the 10 displays lit up The Computer screen read Please configure, Choose 10 options. There were a list of options Jeff looked through them, and choose a few that sounded interesting. Nationality, Age, gender, height, breasts, weight, chest, waist, hips, and legs. The Screen flashed configuration complete. in the 10 slots appeared the options Jeff had chosen and a number beneath that read 000 on all the slots. He unplugged the devicedand examined it. Along with the 10 options there were 4 other buttons off/on, Save, undo, and Unaware. The off and on Button and the Unaware button both had LED's ABOVE them to show status. Both lights were on. Jeff pushed all of the option buttons but nothing happened. He heard a door slam and his little Sister walked in passing in front of him and went into the kitchen. The Device came to life, the word 'Scanning" came on then, all the option boxes changed from 000's to proper values. 'Holy shit it works.' NOW what. On all the values, Jeff found something fun. It had height, weight, hair colour, body hair amount, penis length and thickness and other stuff that he scrolled by on his computer. Well detailed, and many options. And when he looked around on Chronivac, he found packages, transform packages. A small forum for those who got the program, a display on how it would look before changing and links to transform packages sites. "Jeff, I'm gonna tell mom you do strange things, she's gonna get mad at you. And what's that Chronivac?...'Transform for fun'...bad slogan..." She tripps away and then close the door. After a short while Jeff hears the voice of his irritating sister screaming for mom. Luckily she wasn't at home, and he could easily uninstall it and put away the CD somewhere safe. He sighs, and then look at the screen with a excited face and red chins. Then he found one site that really got his interest. 'Chronivac transforming central', with alot of packages to download. He had thought about small changes on his body, but he didn't understand the menus and the program recommended the packages for beginners. But which one should he choose...animal transformations..furry transform...muscle...ageing...hairyness...mythical had it all. He runs quickly to his door and locks it and then return to the screen and shoves his chair closer to the screen and lays his hands the computer mouse. And which category should he take? Jeff looked them over and quickly chose the hairy package. At 16, Jeff was jealous of all those guys at his school who were growing facial hair. Ben still didn’t have any, much less any real body hair. Sure he had hair under his armpits and in his groin, but there wasn’t much. Jeff even knew guys younger than him with sideburns! He knew this machine could solve his problems. Hell, he could turn himself into the hairiest guy in his school! After he clicked it, a window appeared on the screen, showing that the package was downloading. Then a little text box opened: "Welcome to chronovac center, and thank you for selecting one of our special packages... The Hairy Package is specially designed for Boys or Men who want more hair on their body..." Jeff was getting excited. "The package includes different degrees of hairiness, as well as special associated options such as hair color and type. This very special package also comes with 6 other non-hair-related options, such as: Voice pitch, height, weight, muscularity, apparent age and genital size. (Note: all special options come with certain restrictions, to download them without these restrictions, go to our website)(This package is intended for males only, women are not suggested to use this package)" "Sweet!" Jeff exclaimed. Then the download was done. "That was fast" he said. He then took his chronovac from the computer and quickly looked up his package. "Hairy package" appeared, and he selected it. Male/age: 16/hairyness-index: 3/weight: 134/height: 5’9” This sat atop the screen. Underneath this was a long bar which indicated the hairiness index. it read: ________________________________________________________________________________ 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16_17_18_19_20_21_22_23_24_25_26_27_28_29_30 1) Little or no Body hair 3) Some pubic and auxiliary hair 5) Some leg hair 7) Medium thickness of public and auxiliary hair/medium leg hair (teenager/Caucasian) 10) Some hair on abdomen/some facial hair/medium leg hair 12) Medium thickness of public and auxiliary hair/facial hair/substantial leg hair (adult/Caucasian) 13) Substantial abdominal hair/some chest hair/full facial hair/substantial auxiliary hair. 15) Medium chest hair (adult/Caucasian) 17) Substantial Chest hair/very substantial leg hair/ more than average facial hair 19) Very substantial Chest hair/some back hair/ 21) Very substantial chest hair/substantial back hair 23) Substantial shoulder hair/very substantial back hair/full body hair (!!!NOTE!!! These indicators do not cover all the body hair changes. Arm hair and eyebrow thickness, as well as the speed of growth will all be changed with an increase in overall hairiness. Changes may vary from person to person. Changes are permanent) (Note: this does not cover men with male pattern baldness, nor will this option cure male pattern baldness)" Underneath that was a set of individual changes that could be made separately. These options were chest hair, arm pit hair, facial hair...etc. But Jeff wanted all of them, so underneath was the box that read: "Desired body hair (index number): " Jeff looked back at the bar and typed in... Jeff wanted it all. He wanted to have chest hair, and he wanted to be able to grow a full beard if he wanted to, and he wanted to be just hairy enough to feel manly, but not too hairy to feel like an ape. He envied all those guys who had stubble on their faces after only a day of not shaving, it wasn’t fair to him that he still had nothing to shave. But this was perfect. Then Jeff pressed enter on the chronovac. Suddenly, he got a funny sensation. An odd tingling overcame his body, especially on his stomach and legs. Jeff realized that it was working and quickly took of his shirt to examine the changes. Nothing seemed to appear yet. So Jeff stood up out of his seat and began to take off his pants. Soon he was standing there in only his boxers staring eagerly at his body, waiting for the hair to sprout. He felt an itching around his crotch. When he pulled his boxers open he could already see that the hair down there was already thickening and darkening. "Whoa" he said to himself. Then his legs started itching. He walked to the bathroom, though the hallway mirror all the while he was scratching his legs. Yet he was self conscious not to be caught like this. He peeked around the door just before he left the privacy of that room before walking into the hallway. He went to into the bathroom quickly and closed the door, locking it. There he stood in front of the mirror, Nothing still on his chest or stomach, but it did itch. His legs were noticeably thicker. "Dude!" he said to himself as he examined his armpit, shocked at how thick it was growing. He looked down again, nonchalantly scratching his navel, now he noticed something. Hair! finally appearing there beneath his navel, starting to thicken, darken. It was soft and short, the hairs very thin and barely visible at first, but they were quickly becoming more and more visible. Soon, he was able to see a well-established "happy trail", yet it was still somewhat faint in the mirror. That wasn’t all, simultaneously, hair began spreading up his stomach, reaching past his navel. Thickening. Then Jeff realized that it had become more noticeable in the mirror, that dark line of hair, in fact, it was clear as day. Jeff was ecstatic. Then, as he stared down, Jeff began to notice something else different. Hair was starting to appear around his nipples. Little thin dark brown hairs were surrounding them. Jeff scratched his chest, and as he did so, he swore he could see tiny hairs sprout from it. Those tiny hairs we're growing fast though, and all that time he spent staring at his chest, he didn’t even notice how thick the hair on his stomach was becoming. It almost covered his entire stomach now. It was more than visible in the mirror, and he thought how odd he looked, being so hairy. He didn’t recognize his own body. Meanwhile, Jeff was also scratching his chin, and the rest of his face. He quickly leaned over to the mirror to watch for changes on his face. Sure enough, little brown hairs were appearing on his upper lip and chin. As well as the slight sign of sideburns. Jeff watched closely, closer than ever as the hairs began to spread and thicken. They were lengthening too, growing longer. When Jeff finally looked at himself again in the mirror he was amazed, his face had hair on it! He had grown a little brown moustache, some light sideburns and a little under his chin. Jeff was still scratching his chest... Jeff moved back from the mirror to get a look at his body. He was shocked. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of his chest for more than a few seconds, but the change was more than drastic. Thick brown chest hair had grown in between his little pecs, and the hair was even starting the spread onto them. The hairs around his nipples were much more noticeable. Jeff could see the hair on his chest even while standing feet away from the mirror. Not to mention the abundant amount of hair that had grown and was still growing on his stomach. "This is weird" he thought to himself, while moving his hands slowly though the massive happytrail on his abs. he felt more masculine, that was for sure. As he looked down, he noticed his arms were different, they were more hairy, a lot more hairy. They looked like a man's in that sense. His forearms were still thin, but they were definitely changed. His jaw, looking back in the mirror, was now covered with thin brown downy hair. He rubbed his hands on it. It felt soft and small, while he now had a rather pronounced goatee. His moustache had grown so thick, and it had spread all the way down to the hair on his chin, as well as connecting to the hair sprouting just underneath his lips. "This is so awesome" he muttered to himself, overcome with intense excitement. Looking back at his chest was again, shocking. The hair was spreading, now at a more rapid pace, across the top of his chest and over his pecs. In the mirror he saw a thick mass of hair under his arms, and watched intently as his chest hair began to spread towards his pits. He was amazed at the rate it was now growing, far faster than before, He placed his hand upon his chest towards the base of his neck, high on his chest and felt the hairs thickening and growing underneath his hand. This was beyond amazing, it was surreal. He removed his hand to see a patch of hair quickly moving up towards his neck, thickening all the while. Soon a little tuft appeared on the base of his neck, then the hairs started up again, on their seemingly endless march upwards. His neck was soon covered with those soft downy brown hairs that had overtaken his jaws and his chin, now it was starting to grow on his cheeks as well. He noticed how thick his sideburns had become, as he stood there, Hell, he had grown a full beard now. More than a beard, actually, a beard that connected to his chest hair. His chest, as he stared wide eyed at it, was now transformed into a mass of brown swirling hair. it was like nothing he'd ever imagined. He ran his fingers though it, admiring it and loving every moment of it. He stood back a bit in the mirror and admired his new hair. His chest hair now fully covered the front side of his body, fully connected to his neck, his stomach, and his armpits, where hair was bulging out all over. "I’m a freaking animal" he said aloud. He looked down at his hands. Hair had appeared everywhere, all over his arm, thick and full, extending well past his wrists. Nothing could hide his hairiness now. he looked at his face. How old he looked with a beard. He looked very manly, but odd. It seemed strange seeing how young he was, having a full hairy middle-age-man-sized beard. He noticed also how thick his eyebrows had grown. Thick and heavy. He looked darker, more masculine with all this new hair. He was so impressed by it, he loved every bit of it. Jeff pulled his T-shirt back on. It couldn’t possibly cover how hairy he was now. The thick tuffs of hair overwhelming the collar of his shirt. Plus his beard! As manly as he felt, he didn’t like his beard. It was too much. He thought, it didn’t make him look so, handsome, or at least like he wanted. All he wanted were some good, solid sideburns. But he got much, much more than that. "Man, I need to shave" he said. But this presented a problem. He owned no razor, and the only one in the house was upstairs in his dad's bathroom. But he didn’t want to go up there looking like this... What if his sister saw him? He needed to think of a way to sneak past her. "Good thing dad isn’t home,” he said quietly. He gave himself a final look in the mirror, overcome with the excitement of a possible first shave, he opened the door and ran up the stairs, still in his boxers.... Jeff heard his sister opening the upstairs bathroom door and quickly ran back down the stairs and back into his room, locking the door behind him. His sister pounded on his door and said she was going over to her friend Sue’s house. Jeff knew she wasn’t supposed to, but he could always say later that she had left without his knowing. His sister was taking her time about leaving so Jeff looked at the Chronovac options again. Something came over Jeff. His mind sort of went blank as he adjusted the hair settings by three to 21 and made some adjustments to mental attitude, height, muscularity, male endowment, weight, eye color and hair color. After making the adjustments Jeff hit the ‘preview’ button and saw before him a man that looked much like his father, with a full chestnut beard. Jeff without thinking hit the enter key. Jeff heard his sister leave and in the next instant was wracked with growing pains. He felt sick to his stomach as if he’d been kicked in the groin. Jeff fell on his bed and curled up into the fetal position as he changed. His clothes ripped as he grew to over 6 feet. His body grew very muscular, but he also gained fat that rounded out the muscle and gave him a slight beer belly. All over his body coarse dark brown hair grew, his back became as hairy as his front and his beard thickened and grew full and high on his cheeks. His eyes changed to a light hazel, but Jeff didn’t notice as his brain was on fire and his body alternately ached and twitched in pain. Between his legs, Jeff’s cock grew longer and thicker and his balls became twice the size the had been. Jeff’s moans of pain became deeper as his voice changed. Finally the changes stopped. Jeff’s pains ceased and in the peace that followed, Jeff fell asleep. Thirty minutes later, Jeff awoke. He was very curious to see what he looked like. Jeff walked over to the full length mirror and was amazed at the fully grown man that looked back at him. He was clearly a twenty three to twenty five year old version of his own father in looks with a full thick medium length beard. He had as much body hair his dad and he knew that dad didn’t have this much at twenty five. The mental adjustments he had set on the Chronovac were for maturity, responsibility and confidence. Jeff looked at his slightly chunky muscular form that was a match of his father’s middle aged body, except he was more muscular and of course, younger. Jeff looked at his broader face and decided that his new beard merely enhanced his looks. It did need to be trimmed though, as it was a bit too bushy. Removing the remnants of the clothing still hanging on his body, Jeff unlocked his door and padded up to the bathroom naked. After trimming his beard and shaving the front of his neck, Jeff stepped into the shower. Jeff toweled off and went to his dad’s room to find clothes that would fit. Jeff dressed in a flannel shirt, jeans and an extra pair of his dad’s tennis shoes. He went down stairs, turned on the television and nodded while watching. The changes had sapped his energy. Three hours later the phone rang and woke Jeff. His sister left a message saying she was going to sleep over at her friend’s house. About the same time she hung up, Jeff’s dad walked through the door. Jeff was just getting up from the recliner. His dad looked at Jeff in confusion and said… The Chronovac had a built in feature that alterted the surrondings, according to the changes. Jeff is now his father's younger brother, staying in for the week. Jeff has all the old memories of his past life, but comes with a new, more manly, more laid back personailty. "Hey, how's it going?" "Uh... Hi Steve!" Jeff, now Billy says in a deep baritone that takes him aback for a second, "I thought you'd be at work still." "I decided to burn a couple of hours vacation and get off early. You wanna beer or something?" Jeff's now 'older brother' says as he makes his way to the kitchen. "Yeah, sure!" Billy says and his mind fills with the memories of knocking back a few with Steve and their dad just last summer. His sister Courtney, now niece, playing with some friends at the picnic. "So where's Courtney?" Steve says as he hands his younger, hairier brother a Sierra Nevada pale ale. "Oh, she's uh..." Billy pauses because he doesn't quite remember if he was supposed to let Courtney go to a friend's house. "Forget where you left her bro?" Steve says with a grin. "Nah, just forgot the name of her little friend, the blond kid, wazzhername... Sue! That's it!" Billy covers quickly. "It's OK, Isn't it? I mean I walked her over and she can stay the night, right?" "Yeah, Sue's folks are responsible. She's in good hands." Steve says and takes another swig of his beer. "So, what say we order a pizza or something? Is Richard gonna be here later?" "Richard?" Billy says. "Don't tell me you broke up with Richard! You guys were all serious about your commitment ceremony, is that off or something?" Steve says with a somewhat puzzled look on his face. "Uh... No... We’re OK..." Billy says, searching his memories for Richard and suddenly those memories are supplied. A tall, beefy guy about Steve's age with a thick salt and pepper beard and hair from bushy eyebrows to toes fills Billy's mind and all the things he's been doing with Richard in the bedroom for the last two years as well. Billy blushes and simultaneously gets a raging hard on. "Uh, Billy, you're drooling again." Steve says. "What's with you? Are you feeling sick?" "Uh, No. I'm fine; I'm just a little tired is all." Billy says and takes several long pulls on his beer. "So is Richard coming by later, should I get an extra pizza and some salad?" Steve says. "Yeah, Richard will be here around seven or so, he'll spend the weekend here and then we'll go home." Billy says and his mind is racing to remember if he accidentally hit the wrong button on the sexual orientation menu of the Chronivac. Obviously he did and now he honestly wouldn't change it if he could. Richard is a kind and loving man and it is apparent that his brother Steve and their father have no problem with Billy being gay. "Great!" Steve says, "I haven't seen much of you two since you got engaged. It'll be nice to have you guys here for the weekend. I'm gonna call up the pizza place." "OK. Hey, I'm gonna go work on something in the guest bedroom, do ya mind?" Billy says. "No, Bro, I'll just watch some TV. Nap if you need to, I'll wake you when Richard gets here." Steve says. Billy, closing the door behind him, Billy is a little surprised to see that his room when he was Jeff is now a guest bedroom. He moves over to the Chronivac looks at the options he chose carefully and finds that with all the other permanent selections, he had inadvertently selected gay. Well, that was just fine with him, he and Richard were quite happy, but perhaps there were some modifications he could prepare for Richard when he got here. Richard was a big furry bear of a man and that really turned Billy on, but perhaps a little more muscle, a little more height and a little more endowment wouldn't hurt. Billy rubbed his crotch as he made the selections for his mate... ========== me too Little did Billy know that his personality changes weren't quite over yet..... Mabye HE could be a little fatter, and a little more muscular too.... The last of Billy's personality changes kicked in just about the time he finished with Richard's modifications. Billy checked over the stats before concentrating on some further modifications for himself. Richard was 6'1"; Billy modified him to 6'6". Richard was work-hardened muscled; Billy modified him to weight lifter. Billy was fond of the 'body builder' look; he loved rippling ,pumped muscle like the 'strong men' contestants had. Richard had a somewhat thin 10" cock; Billy modified it to 14" with THICK with heavy, large low hanging balls. He further modified Richard's prostate gland to 'Excessively Over Productive' knowing that Richard would love to 'piss come' into Billy's mouth or ass. Richard was already hairy enough. On the Chronivac scale he'd used earlier to bump his own fur level to a 21, Richard was about a 24. He was a healthily furred Bear. Next, he changed Richard's personality. Richard was a kind, gentle and loving partner and Billy appreciated that, but in the bedroom he was a little too 'bottom' for Billy. Billy needed a 'Poppa Bear'. He modified Richard's personality to 'Considerate Top Bear' and his kink level to 'Adventurous' knowing that this would preserve Richard's kind and loving nature, but make him more aggressive and willing to try some light kink in bed. Finally, Billy modified Richard's favored mode of dress to denim and leather, selected the option for 'Clothes Modified to Other Changes' so Richard wouldn't need to buy more clothes and 'Memory Modified to Suit Changes' so that he wouldn't remember being changed. His work on Richard was done! Now all that remained was for Richard to walk into the room and a private moment or three. Billy saved the modifications and then returned to his own specs. Billy was well muscled, but he knew Richard would like him to gain just a bit more bulk. Billy increased his bulk to 'Professional Wrestler'; not the pretty-boy type muscle but thick fireplug beef, somewhat like the Rick and Scott Stiener wrestling team had way back when. The personality changes he’d already experienced made Billy desire a little more fat on his well-muscled frame. He also knew that Richard loved the little beer belly he already had. Billy increased his fat weight by 20 pounds. Nothing that would really hurt his health, but it would give him a nice bit of padding and it would drive Richard wild to plough his ass now. He could rub Billy's belly as he fucked him and feel all that muscle under the soft fat layer. Finally, Billy changed his cock size. He didn't want to be as big as his 'Daddy' would be, but he wanted a little more than his recently modified 8 inches. Billy settled on 12- 1/2" and as thick as Richard's new size to be. Billy modified his ball size to 'Bull Balls' and his prostate to 'Over Productive'. Finally, Billy increased his IQ, an option he wished he'd thought of earlier. Billy was no slouch at an IQ of 135, but increasing it to 160 would definitely have some benefits. Billy modified his personality to 'Willing Bottom Cub'. He finally selected 'Clothes Modified to Other Changes', so that he wouldn't be naked when he finally left the room, and selected the 'Flannel and denim Cub' as favored dress mode. With those modifications made, Billy undressed and hit the button and the process of transformation began. This time, because they were minor modifications, it wasn't nearly as painful and removing his clothing prior to transformation was something he hadn't thought of before. The modifications to his brain and personality were having a strange effect on Billy. It was an almost psychedelic experience but that lasted a very brief three minutes. He felt his body expanding and there was some pain. The process only took 10 minutes, but as before, it made Billy tired. He lay naked on the queen sized guest bed and fell asleep. Thirty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Steve said Richard had just pulled into the driveway and the pizza and salads had just arrived. Richard opened the bedroom door and Billy was waiting. He hit the button on the Chronivac with the options he'd programmed for Richard. Richard shut the door and instantly fell to his knees, doubled over in pain. "What have you done to me!" Richard moaned in his deep voice. The usual soft rumble of Richard's voice stolen by pain. He fell, dropping his cigarette on the floor. Billy knelt and bent over his lover, picked up the cigarette and stroked his lover's furry neck and petted his beard lovingly. "It's OK, Honey, it will be over soon and you'll like it, I promise." Billy said. Billy began stroking his cock as he watched his big furry Bear undergo the amazing transformation. Watching his lover transform was very erotic for Billy. There was a knock at the door. "Is everything alright in there guys?" Steve said. "It's OK Bro!" Billy said in his deep baritone. "Richard is just saying hello." Richard moaned in a way that sounded like pleasure and Billy saw Richard rub his crotch through his jeans. "OK... I'll just start on the pizza, help yourselves when you’re... Er... Done." Steve said and Billy could clearly hear the embarrassment in his voice. Richard, through his spasms, looked up into Billy's face and said.... An Hour later, they went downstairs and enjoyed their pizza. Needless to say, Billy and Richard were enjoying thier "upgrades". Then three teens came in the door, his niece, her friend, and a smaller boy. They were all good friends, although it looked like the boy was much younger. After they went upstairs to play, Steve explained that Mark, the young boy, was actually in the same age and grade. He did get picked on a lot becasue he was a late bloomer. Billy knew what he had to do- give the kid more confidence and more laid-back....and also, get him to be equal in terms of his peers. He went into the guest bedroom, and pulled up the stats 14/5'0/90 Pounds First, the Chronovac would put everyone in the house into a trance while it adjusted reality. First, it would work on his mind, making him to be rough and a little aggressive, but not cruel. Also, he was a straight A student, but to make some more firiends, he would decrease his IQ a LITTLE - just so he could start to use slang and feel comfortable around others. Being a extrovert was a must. Then the bodliy changes, he would no longer be a late bloomer- catching up EXACTLY to all his classmates. Finally, his haircut and clothes and other secondary things would chage. He pressed Enter....
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muscle-growth Male Growth Fertility Cream - Part 3.2 Added (03.10.2023)
Patric030814 posted a topic in Stories
Part 1 – Physical Checkup Within vibrant city Silvercrest resided Alex, a 21-year-old first-year law student who hailed from a privileged background. However, he was determined to carve his own path and chase his aspirations with unwavering dedication. Despite his affluent upbringing, he valued the pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery, recognizing that true success comes from personal growth and achievement. Balancing his academic pursuits with a lively social life, Alex found solace in the company of his close-knit group of friends. Whether they engaged in heated debates or had exciting adventures, they forged a bond that transcended the shallow traps of societal expectations. Before his college days, Alex was a standout athlete in high school, particularly excelling in track and field. His lithe figure and athletic prowess made him an object of admiration, drawing the attention of many admirers. Yet, he prioritized his ambitions over fleeting romantic encounters, believing that love would find its way when the time was right. In addition, he was a superhero buff, although he didn’t look like one. One quiet afternoon, Alex went to the campus medical clinic for a routine check-up. Being a member of the university athletics team, he understood how important it is to maintain good physical condition and health. However, he considered it partly a waste of time, when at the same time he could use his time more effectively to study or relaxing by reading his favorite superhero comics. When Alex entered the doctor's office, he exuded confidence and athletic grace. His blond hair was meticulously swept back, revealing the well-defined features of his face. His blue eyes caught attention and reflect a sense of determination. Alex's fair complexion was flawless and radiant. His jawline was chiseled, accentuating the masculinity of his jaw. His athletic physique, standing at an impressive 6′0″, was evident even beneath his clothes, with pronounced muscle contours indicating his dedication to sports training. Clothed in a casual attire, consisting of a well-fitted shirt and jeans, Alex greeted with the doctor. Alex: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Good morning, Alex. The doctor was a middle-aged man, with a balding head covered in silver-streaked black hair. He wore a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, with lenses that magnified his large, hazel eyes. He was of average build, but carried himself with a confident air. He was wearing a white lab coat over a navy blue dress shirt, with black pants and a pair of polished loafer shoes. Doctor: Please have a seat. What brings you here? Alex: Just here for my regular check-up. Doctor: That's great to hear. We'll start by measuring your height. Alex took off his shoes and stood tall against the height measurement chart on the wall. The doctor carefully placed the measuring tape against the crown of Alex's head, noting down the measurement. Doctor: Your height is 6 feet (183cm). Now, let's move on to your weight. Alex stepped onto the scale, trying to maintain a balanced posture as the doctor adjusted the weights. The scale settled, and the doctor recorded the weight. Doctor: Your weight is 183 pounds (83kg). Now, let's determine your body fat percentage. Alex followed the doctor to the body composition analyzer, where he stood still as the electrodes sent gentle currents through his body. The machine displayed the results, and the doctor took note of the body fat percentage. Doctor: Your body fat percentage is 12%. That's quite impressive, Alex. Now, let's measure a few key body circumferences. The doctor took out a measuring tape and measured the circumferences of the chest, shoulders, neck, biceps, forearms, thighs, calves, and waist. He summarized the following results in the table: · Chest – 36 inches/91cm · Shoulders – 39 inches/99cm · Neck – 14 inches/36cm · Biceps – 13 inches/33cm each · Forearms – 10 inches/25cm each · Thighs – 19 inches/48cm each · Calves – 14 inches/36cm each · Waist – 34 inches/86cm With all the measurements taken and recorded, the doctor smiled and addressed Alex. Doctor: Overall, your physical measurements and body composition are quite impressive, Alex. Your dedication to fitness and athletics is clearly evident. Keep up the good work! Alex nodded, feeling that the doctor's compliments were just polite gestures. In his mind, he had images of the imposing silhouettes of superheroes from his comic books, fueling his desire to push his physical limits even further. However, as his eyes scanned the table behind the doctor, they landed on a jar labeled "Male Growth Fertility Cream," piquing his curiosity. He couldn't help but inquire about it. Alex: Excuse me, Doctor. I couldn't help but notice the jar over there. What's the "Male Growth Fertility Cream" for? The doctor's expression turned slightly surprised, but he maintained a professional demeanor. Doctor: Ah, yes. A pharmaceutical representative left that product here recently. While I appreciate the gesture, I must admit that I don't personally believe in its effectiveness. It's marketed as a plant-based cream that supposedly promotes muscle growth and enhances certain physical attributes, but there is limited scientific evidence to support those claims. Alex's curiosity deepened as he listened to the doctor's response. Alex: So, you're saying it might not actually work? Doctor: That's correct, Alex. While the cream may have some ingredients that are known to have potential effects on muscle growth, the overall efficacy and safety of the product remain uncertain. Alex nodded, secretly hoping that someday there might be magical shortcuts to his desired figure. Doctor: Let's get back to the checkup, do you agree that I should test your testicles? Alex: Of course, no problem, Doc The doctor then reached for the box of disposable gloves, but it was empty. Doctor: Let me leave you for a second, I'll just go get some new disposable gloves and we'll get started right away. As he waited for the doctor, his eyes were glued to the male growth cream. Alex (in his mind): This is my only chance, it's made of natural ingredients, so it shouldn't have any side effects. Without much thought, he took the opportunity to grab a jar of cream and quickly rubs the cream into his penis and puts it back before the doctor arrives. Once the doctor arrived the Alex’s muscles began to grow a little at various places. The doctor suspected this but he rejected the idea in cause of his sight defect. Doctor: Aaah okay, can you take off your briefs? Alex, wanting to take off his briefs, started to get up from the medical couch, but he immediately felt a burning sensation with every move he made and sat down immediately on the couch feeling the sensation in his briefs. Doctor: Are you okay? Alex (whimpering): GRAAAR! Alex groaned and gripped the couches tightly in his hands. Alex (in his mind): Fuck it burns! It hurts all over all! My skin is melting... stretching... fuck! It's hurts... so goooood!! He had experienced never before felt sensations of orgasmic pleasure throughout his body, and it felt as if he was being taken to heights of bliss that he hadn't even been able to imagine before. The doctor was confused as he watched as Alex's genitals began to grow at an alarming rate in his panties, stretching their material to the limit and finally destroying them. Alex (roaring deeply): Yessss!, I'm so fucking horny! Alex was excited as he had never felt anything like it before. He griped the couch harder as his muscles begun to stretch and bulge from his body uncontrollably, His chest grew larger, arms more defined and bigger, and waist smaller as his abs tightened. His legs bulked up and became solid pillars of muscle, capable of incredible feats of athleticism. His penis also seemed to grow as his testicles began to swell and throb, feeling that they had grown to gigantic proportions, almost like basketballs swollen with semen. His entire body has been marked and pierced by veins. His skin had ripped in strategic areas and now reveal impressive abs, pectorals, biceps and triceps. His hips and ass was round and tight. He became a better version of himself, something almost equal to a superhero's vision that he couldn't resist to flexed his newborn heights of muscles because he looked like a fitness model. Doctor: Holy shit! The doctor was amazed as he watched the Alex's transformation, his jaw and eyes were in a silent shock. Alex could barely contain his pleasure as the pain from his muscles growing and splitting subsided into an intense orgasmic feeling of pleasure. As he finished his transformation, he stand up and looked into the mirror, grabbing his meat in hands, which was leaking with precum and realized that he had become an Adonis, a perfect specimen of masculine beauty. He had lighter, thicker hair and his face seemed more chiseled from lower bodyfat. The doctor, seeing the ideal of a man in his eyes, gave in to hidden urges and desires. He began to adore the hunk in front of him, weighing huge balls in his hands. Doctor (grinning): "I was wondering...shall we celebrate this moment?" Alex just nodded, smiling wildly and soon doctor knelt before the handsome devil and began stroking his immense cock with one hand, while with the other hand he massaging and kneading his giant balls. The young man let out a deep moan of pleasure as the doctor skillfully worked his manhood, milking more and more precum from his giant cock. Alex (roaring): Damn, I need a hole now! Alex brutally grabbed the doctor, aggressively ripping off his pants, including his underwear. Without mercy, Alex firmly grasped the doctor's hips and shoved his leaking dick sharply into his tight ass, savoring every sensations. Alex (moaning): Ohhh... so tight! Doctor (gasping): Aaahn!!! Shit!!! The doctor gasped in a mix of surprise and pleasure, their bodies melding together in a symphony of ecstasy. He could feel the blows of that monstrous cock in his stomach, but quickly discomfort turned into pure pleasure. As Alex set a rhythm, the room filled with the sounds of their pleasure, the doctor's moans mingling with Alex's growls of satisfaction. Their movements became more urgent, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Doctor (whimpering): Urgh! Fuuck! Alex (grunting with desire): Do you like the way I widen your ass, Doc? Doctor (gasping): Yes big guy, it’s incredible to be penetrated by real male! Lost in the throes of passion, they explored the depths of their desires, giving in to the raw intensity of their connection. With each thrust, their orgasmic sensations took them to new heights of pleasure. Alex (screaming): Shit! I’m going to explode inside you! Finally, the young man and doctor released his pent- up pleasure in a rapturous scream of ecstasy, as wave upon wave of intense orgasmic pleasure coursed through their bodies and filled Doctor's belly with warm cum and the room with the fragrance of sexual pleasure. However, Alex then realized what he had done to the doctor and that his penis and testicles had shrunk, although they were still bigger than before. Alex: I'm so sorry doctor, I don't know what got into me. The doctor didn’t answer, his legs felt like jelly, he was kneeling on all fours, which worried the boy. Alex: Are you okay? I am very sorry. It's all about this cream. Then, unexpectedly, the doctor seemed to cringe in pain and freeze, accepting it. Doctor (in deep voice like a thunder): Now, it's my turn! Alex knew what’s coming. =============================================================================================================================== If there are mistakes in the text, I apologize and would be grateful if you point them out. English isn't my native language. I hope you liked it and I would love to read your feedback.- 7 replies
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This is my first story I've ever posted on here! Let me know what you think and what you think I could improve as I move forward with writing this! If you have an suggestions on where the story should go, don't be scared to leave those too! I'm still brainstorming where this might go! The AntiHero Chapter 1: Frankie no more... Frankie was just your ordinary lad. He wasn’t too muscular, not too athletic, and not at all coordinated. In fact the only thing he had going for him was his devilishly handsome face and his charming grin. Other than that Frankie was the definition of average at best. This was a big difference compared to Quinn, Frankie’s longtime rival who consistently one-upped everything Frankie tried to do. Quinn was a lad’s lad. He had the good looks, fit body, and boyish charm to get any girl swooning. He knew it too. Quinn exuded confidence and always walked around like his shit didn’t stink. He’d consistently take sexy shirtless selfies with a seductive grin for his Instagram and other socials. Day by day, Frankie could do nothing but watch his rival get all the attention and praise. Frankie was sick of living as the “average at best” kinda guy. But he didn’t know how to change it. For months he went to bed wishing every night that something would change. That he could become the better man. A real “man” among the “men”, if you know what I mean. Halloween was quickly approaching, and for once Frankie wished he could be the hunk at the costume party that was strutting around in a seductive getup. But alas, once again it would be Quinn who would most likely come dressed up as some sexy superhero, a spartan warrior, or a chippendale dancer. At least…. this is how it was supposed to be. But sometimes plans change and people change too. In fact, Frankie’s wishes may just be coming true after so many months of hope. Soon he’ll be this “man” among the men. And soon he’ll be the one strutting around the costume party in a sexy head turning getup. It was on Halloween morning when the mysterious package that would do all this arrived at Frankie’s door. Frankie was sitting and watching TV just like he does any other day, when the doorbell rang. He wasn’t expecting anyone or anything, so he was quite off-put when he opened the door to a package at his feet. He looked around for a few moments before picking up the box and bringing it inside. “Maybe it was dropped at the wrong address” Frankie thought. But alas, his name and address was on the box. Curiously, Frankie began slicing open the taped up edges with a box cutter. “I wonder what’s inside” he pondered under his breath. As he flipped open the cardboard lids, Frankie was not only taken back by what he saw, but also beginning to feel a pit of rage in his gut. “Fucking Quinn’s such an asshole” Frankie snarled through gritted teeth as he pulled out the contents. He held up what looked like a military vest and then threw it aside. His face became redder and redder as he went in for the second item in the box. He wrapped his hands around the leather straps and metallic clasps. He instantly knew what this was. “The prick thought it would be funny to get me a bane costume.” Knowing it would look awful on his slim frame, Frankie was infuriated and humiliated at the same time. There was no way he could go to the costume party now. “I bet Quinn is probably gonna wear the same costume too, just to show me up” Frankie internally sulked. He threw the mask aside, not noticing the note that was sitting at the bottom of the box. Hours passed as Frankie sat defeated, stuffing his face with junk food. The annual Halloween party was in just 45 minutes, so at this point Frankie couldn’t even think about getting another costume ready. He felt every negative emotion in the book. He was ashamed with his physical form, but also loathed the fact he was gonna miss the opportunity to attend this event. That’s when something strange happened. His phone began buzzing to a mysterious text from an unknown number. “Put the mask on Frankie, we will be one soon. Just be patient.” “What the fuck is this shit. Is he really texting me from a fake number now?” Frankie growled. “You know what fuck Quinn. I’m going to go to the party dressed as bane and be perfectly confident. That will show him.” Frankie stormed over to the box and grabbed the mask. He began to pull it over his head, and it immediately fit quite snugly around his jaw. As Frankie squeezed the mask over the back of his head, he felt a several slight stings, almost as if he was being pricked by several needles in the back of his skull. “Must just be my hair getting caught” he thought to himself. But Frankie was quite wrong. The second Frankie put the mask on, his fate was sealed and forever changed. Almost immediately, Frankie began to feel an enormous amount of pressure in the back of his head and temples. At first he thought he was going to pass out, but this sensation was quite different. Frankie felt buzzed, and quite energized. Without warning, the pain began shooting down his spine and then out towards his lats. As the pain wrapped itself around his rib cage, Frankie could feel a heat flooding his body. It went down each arm into the fingertips, through his legs, and even into his groin. “What the fuck is happening to me!” Frankie squealed in a high pitch scream of terror. He grabbed the back of the mask and attempt to pry it off his scalp, but it was just too tight. Even more, it felt like the back of the mask was latched inside his skin where the pinching feeling was felt. The pain was rapidly increasing and that’s when it began… Frankie heard a loud crack as an unbearable pain shot down his spine. He let out a blood curdling scream as his spine began stretching his frame taller. “No! Make it stop, please!” Frankie whimpered as he fell on his hands and knees to the floor. “I don’t want this anymore!” He slammed his hands into the floorboards as the unbearable pain shot to his lats and ribcage which began cracking and spreading wider apart. To Frankie’s surprise, his hit caused the wooden board to crack and splinter. “So fucking strong” Frankie moaned animalistically. There was an evil gleam in his eye for a second, but he quickly snapped out of it. “No! Did I just fucking do that.” He winced. “This isn’t me. I’m a gentle guy.” He sat on those words for a few seconds before beginning to snicker to himself. “I’m not gentle. I’m fucking powerful and dominant” he growled sadistically. As he said this, the pain moved into his chest and biceps. Interestingly, the pain wasn’t bothering Frankie as much. He actually liked how it was beginning to feel. Every second he was feeling more and more manly. More authoritative. More godly. Frankie snapped back into reality when he saw the veins in his forearms begin to plump. As they pulsed in rhythm with his heartbeat, they grew green in color and began to push against his tightening skin. Frankie watched in horror as his forearms and biceps grew thick and solid. A spider web of veins entangling around them. With his voice trembling, he whimpered “please no more!” He stood up and once again tried to rip the mask off. Despite his arms being much stronger, the mask still wouldn’t un-latch itself from the back of his skull. Frankie was beginning to feel angrier than ever. But with this anger came a feeling of power and an even greater desire for more power. He began puffing his chest out, giving his pecs room to expand into big, veiny globs full of muscle sinews. Frankie’s Black T-shirt was stretching to its limits. Any onlooker would have just assumed he was wearing an athletic compression shirt if they didn’t know it was once quite loose fitting on his frame. “Fuck this feels so good” Frankie growled while throwing his head back, letting his pecs and lats extend to their full size. At this moment, his shirt snapped open and slid off his arms. In one swift motion Frankie threw his fist at the wall, creating a crumbling crater in the cement and wood barrier. Frankie cackled and sneered a cocky grin. Frankie moved to a nearby mirror to see the god... - I mean “man” - he was turning into. Upon seeing his reflection the real Frankie suddenly came back. “No! This isn’t who I’m supposed to be. This is a monster. I’m not…” He stopped talking, transfixed on his expanding legs, which he now didn’t even notice were in a great deal of pain. In a deeper octave than just seconds ago he muttered “I AM a monster.” The hulking beast emphasized the word AM. As the last of the masks venom spread through his body, Frankie let out a guttural and baritone growl raising his biceps into a double bicep pose. “Fuck ya! I am a monster! I am fucking bane!” Bane felt an instant urge to use his strength… to break something. The first thing that came to mind was the couch his former self was sulking on all night. With a single hand he lifted the 900lb object over his head. “I’m so strong... So powerful. This feels fucking fantastic!” As he said this, Frankie… -I mean Bane - brought the couch down onto his knee, cracking it in two. He no longer feared the beast he was becoming. In fact inside little Frankie was beginning to lose himself to the power that he felt. He loved that he had become an inhumanly strong god among men. He loved that his muscles were absolutely bulging with striations and chiseled beyond belief. And most of all, he loved that he was going to show Quinn what a real “man” is supposed to be. Frankie grabbed the vest that was sitting in the box and tried to strap it over his shirtless torso, but there was no way it was going to fit. “Fuck it, I look better shirtless anyway” he snarled. Then he noticed the note sitting in the bottom of the box. He picked it up and read it aloud with his dense, baritone voice. “Frankie, I’ve chosen you to become the next King of our beings. Just put on the mask and you will be Bane. Attend the party as Bane and I will find you. Then we’ll merge and become strong enough to rule this world and force everyone to bow to our power! I know you want this Frankie. You always have, so just put on the mask.” The note was signed “Venom.” Bane’s bloodthirsty growl said it all. Deep down, the last bit of the innocent Frankie faded. “You’re right Venom. I was born to be a fucking god! I may have been Frankie, but from now on my worshipers will know me only as Bane!!!!” And with that… little Frankie was no more.
- 11 replies
- 42
- cocky
- mental change
- (and 8 more)
The Onyx Heart The darkness was cold and silent. Michael couldn’t see anything past the tip of his nose. He was scared, looking frantically for anything to grasp on inside the void. “Michael? Is that you?” A familiar voice echoed through the black infinity, calling up for Michael. He started running desperately towards its direction. He felt his heart was going to burst out of his chest, as he fought his way through the nothingness looking for the source of the voice. “Michael, help me! I can’t take it! Please…! Make it stop…”, echoed the voice, slowly fading away. “No! Don’t go! I’m trying, I swear I’m trying…”, said Michael desperately, forcing his weak legs to propel him forward. Suddenly, a sharp pain enveloped his torso. He looked down, only to find heavy black chains digging on his skin, pulling him backwards. “Please, I need to go forward! I’m almost there…” He fought with all his might, but the cold metal wouldn’t budge. With one last surge of strength, he threw himself forward, only to be yanked by the heavy chain. He screamed as he was swallowed by the darkness, losing the fading echo that was calling for him. Michael was abruptly woken up by the sudden screeching of the old taxi’s breaks. It was hot, and the young man was sweating through his shirt. “There you go señor”, said the gruff voice of the taxi driver, his stern face looking back expectantly. “Oh, yes thank you,'' said Michael absently, grabbing a thousand pesos bill and putting it in the man’s thick hands. “Keep the change, it was a long ride.” The taxi driver eased his expression a little bit, his thick mustache twitching while he observed the young man opening the trunk to take his baggage out. He rolled down the window and whistled to get his attention. “Thank you señor. Let me give you some advice. This town is older than our country itself. Treat it with respect. And most important of all, let it treat you with the kindness you need.” Michael listened to the heavy accented voice, trying to make sense of what the old man was saying. Before he could ask anything, the tires screeched again and he was left standing in the middle of a dust cloud. He covered his face coughing, as he turned around to check out his surroundings. Small Spanish colonial houses decorated each side of the wide street. In the distance, the bell tower of the cathedral stood tall above the rooftops, watching proudly above the entire town. He had heard wonders about Mexican “Pueblos magicos”, but the rumors paled in comparison to the real deal. The entire town seemed to have been taken out of a storybook. He took his luggage and headed back towards the entrance of the hotel. The massive wooden doors were surrounded by two handsome bellboys, who took Michael’s luggage and welcomed him inside. He headed towards the front desk, admiring the iron chandeliers hanging from the tall ceiling and the lavish decoration of the ex-hacienda’s lobby. “Welcome to San Miguel de Allende, Mr. Andersen. Could I please bother you with your passport and reservation number?”, said the gorgeous receptionist on the other side of the desk. His tight suit fitted the curves of his square chest perfectly, making it hard for Michael to focus on handing out the needed documents for the check-in. Fumbling with his bag, he handed in the papers to the receptionist, who swiftly typed in the needed information. “Your room number is 245. You’re free to explore all of our facilities, including the spa and the fitness center. Your luggage will be waiting for you in your room. If you need anything during your stay, let me know.”, he said flashing a heart melting smile and signaling the buff bellboy to come and pick up the suitcases. The hotel’s interior was just as gorgeous as the lobby. The ancient colonial building was adorned by all kinds of stone sculptures and old paintings depicting a past era of Mexican history. The hallways leading to the rooms formed a giant square, and in the middle, you could see the tables of the famous hotel’s restaurant surrounding the tall volcanic stone fountain in the center. The golden rays of sunlight made the water look like liquid fire, bubbling out of the sculpture’s intricate design. Michael’s room was on one corner of the uppermost floor. When he opened the big wooden doors, he found himself in the most luxurious room he had ever been in. A small living room with a few couches and an ornamental fireplace led to a big bedroom with a robust king size bed. Four door-sized windows lead to a wide balcony that overlooked the hills that surrounded the small town, along with the famous vineyard that belonged to the hotel. Michael just dropped his handbag and opened one of the doors leading outside. The hot air immediately hit his face, as he walked outside staring into the beautiful scenery. He let the scent of the arid breeze fill his lungs, as he felt he could relax for the first time in months. He begrudgingly let himself be convinced of taking a holiday by his friends back home, but he never expected to feel at such ease in a foreign country. This next week might be just what he needed to let his sorrow go. Michael was so enthralled by the landscape, that he completely missed the fact that the suite he was in was definitely not the room he booked. This kind of luxury would be definitely out of his budget. Once he truly realized what kind of room he was standing in, he rushed to the small coffee table next to one of the couches, and immediately dialed the number from the front desk. “Front desk, Hector Ramirez speaking.”, Michael instantly recognized the deep accented voice on the other side of the line. It was that handsome receptionist that checked him in just a few minutes ago. “Yes, uh…, I’m Michael Andersen from room 245. I just checked in with you a few moments ago.”, said Michael hesitantly. He scorned himself for sounding so nervous, but even through the phone he was still intimidated by the other man’s looks. “I think there might have been a mistake with my booking.” “Alright Mr. Andersen, let me check your reservation quickly.” Michael could hear the typing on the other side of the line. Seconds felt like hours, as the poor tourist grew more nervous thinking the mistake was his. “Everything seems to be alright Mr. Andersen,'' said the receptionist. Michael just stood in place meditating his next few words. “I’m sorry, but that can’t be. I booked a regular room, not… a suite.” “Your reservation states that you booked the presidential suite, Mr. Andersen. Let me check with my supervisor to see what can be done. I’ll call you in a moment.” Michael waited seated on the couch, tapping his feet nervously on the expensive red carpet. There was no way he booked a presidential suite at one of the town’s most expensive hotels. It was a miracle he could afford anything other than a hostel, let alone a five-star resort. Most of his savings had gone to this trip, so he was already feeling dreadful about spending that money. If they charged him for the suite, he would be stuck in Mexico doing work for the hotel to pay off his debt. As his anxiety started to get the best out of him, the ringing of the room’s phone made him jump in his seat. He immediately took the call, hearing that familiar mellifluous voice on the other side of the line. “Mr. Andersen! It’s Hector Ramirez again. I spoke to my supervisor about your problem, and it seems we’re in a difficult situation. We can’t move you to any other room, because the hotel is fully booked due to the national holidays this weekend. The mistake was probably caused by a change in our system, so the least we can do for you is to charge you the price of a regular single room and offer you the presidential suite for your entire stay.” Michael couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Not only did he make it to a storybook town, but he was going full luxury on his stay. “Uhhh…. Thanks. I appreciate that.”, he said shyly to the phone. “Nothing to thank us for, Mr. Andersen. Our number one priority is to make your stay as comfortable as possible. If you need anything, I’m at your service.” Michael hung up the phone and for the first time in very long, he felt a genuine smile paint itself on his lips. This trip wasn’t going to be so bad after all. It might just be the remedy he needed. He jumped into the giant bed, letting himself be swallowed by its soft surface. Then, everything went dark. The agonizing screams kept getting closer, as Michael ran through the darkness looking desperately for the source of the sounds. Suddenly, it was cold. Very cold. It reminded Michael of the winters back home, where the sun hid for a couple of months, and a taciturn silence reigned supreme over the city. The happiness that the holidays once brought was long gone, one winter worse than the last one. This winter had been, by far, the worst time in his life. Feeling the cold brush against his skin as he ran through the darkness reminded him of the pain he felt when he was trapped inside his apartment with… “Michael, please! Hurry!” His footsteps started to get clumsy, as the ground shattered underneath him, like thin ice, submerging him into a frozen abyss. He felt his consciousness drift away once more, and the voice was suddenly like the beacon in a far-off lighthouse, lost in the winter mist. The sun was starting to set when Michael opened his eyes. The beautiful room was painted golden, giving it an even cozier appearance. He groggily stood up and checked out his phone. Many messages from his friends and family popped up on the screen. With a frustrated groan, he threw the phone on the bed and stretched his limbs. That little nap had been very refreshing, despite the horrible nightmares that still haunted him. “It must be the bed,'' he said out loud, admiring the mattresses’ soft texture. It was the first time he slept on silk sheets. He definitely understood rich people’s fascination for the expensive material. He went to the bathroom to wash himself and plan his evening. It was just as beautiful as the rest of the suite, with intricate marble decorations and even a big jacuzzi. The sink was just underneath a wall-sized mirror, where Michael could admire, or dread, his unkempt appearance. He didn’t realize how much he had let himself go these last few months. His dirty blonde hair looked greasy, and was in desperate need of styling. His chin and sideburns were covered by the little scruff he was able to grow, looking more like a rebellious teenager trying to grow his sparse facial hair than the twenty-five-year-old man he actually was. His baby-blue eyes were sunken on their sockets, encased by deep eye bags unable to conceal their tiredness. He was a cute guy, or so he heard. He didn’t really care for his youthful looks or his increasingly thin body. He was too tired to care for his appearance. After splashing some water on his face and brushing his teeth, he opened the browser on his phone to look for some activities. He found out the best way to explore the town, was actually heading to the center and do some walking himself. He changed his shirt and headed outside. The restaurant was starting to fill in with people. Michael made a mental note to himself to make a dinner reservation there to try out the local cuisine. Hector Ramirez was gone from the front desk, replaced by an equally hot Mexican stud. He took one little tourist leaflet from the information stand, and headed outside through the massive wooden doors. The streets looked way livelier than before, as people ventured to explore the old town’s streets safe from the scorching hot sun. The town’s central plaza wasn’t far from where he was, so he decided to take a stroll and check out what kind of activities he was willing to try out. By the time he made it in front of Saint Michael’s cathedral, the sun was already setting, and the small streets were absolutely filled with tourists. Mariachi music echoed through the streets, as people gathered inside cantinas and restaurants, getting ready for a night of partying. Michael wasn’t a fan of socializing, so he immediately discarded the party scene from his to-do list. On his way to the plaza, he found a sightseeing bus, some good restaurants and lots of artisanal shops. The cathedral was already closed, so he decided to check out some of those stores around the center before finding somewhere to eat. All the small shops sold essentially the same things. A lot of artisanal stone cravings, some quartz sculptures, paintings and some variety of clothing. Michael checked out the pieces of art, admiring the Catrinas and pieces of fruit made out of precious minerals. He considered buying some souvenirs for people back home, but decided to wait until the end of his trip so he didn’t have to carry heavy stones while he headed for dinner. Once the stores started closing, he made his way through the streets looking for an empty-looking restaurant to sit in peace and enjoy the Mexican culinary culture. All the places looked extremely full though, which discouraged Michael to try out some of the Restaurants on the main streets. After walking for a while, he found himself on smaller, darker looking alleys. People were still walking around, so he wasn’t nervous. He read online that the town was very safe, despite what the media back home sputtered about the Latin American country. Once he got tired of looking for a restaurant, he took out his phone to google which good dining places were close to him. A faint voice caught his attention, as he looked up from the screen to find an old looking woman sitting on the curb of the alley. She was wearing an intricate shawl, adorned with colorful details. Her tan face was covered in wrinkles, giving her a wise appearance. On her lap laid a carpet full of artisanal stone carvings, similar to what Michael saw on the different shops across town. But these articles looked more detailed, and complicated. He approached the old woman, who just smiled staring straight into Michael’s blue eyes. “Ah, joven. What can I help you with?”, she said. Her voice was raspy and dry, and her accent very strong. Still, she spoke in such a way that Michael didn’t have any trouble understanding. “Your stuff is very beautiful. Do you make these yourself?” “Si, I do. Very, very hard. Hands don’t trabajan like before.” “Still, I’m very impressed…”, said Michael checking out the wares. “Tell me, joven. What can I help you with?” Her tone was eerie, but very calm. Michael looked at her once again, not knowing what he should answer. “You think I don’t know, joven. But I do. I can see your dolor. Your pain.” Michael went pale, feeling completely defenseless against the mysterious woman’s gaze. He started to sweat, as he felt the sincerest words he had said in a long time bubble up from his throat. “I want to be happy again. I want to laugh, and cheer, and love again. I want to feel life is worth living. And most of all, I want to recover the strength I lost.” He immediately covered his mouth, not believing what he just said. The woman smiled, her dull eyes sparkling for an instant. Without looking, she reached for her pocket, and took out what seemed to be a black rock. When she opened her palm, Michael saw a small but very detailed black heart. “This is an onyx heart. It helps you to let go of the past. What has happened to you will strengthen your heart. Let this precious stone guide you to your destiny.” Michael took the stone in his hands. It was cold to the touch, its surface smooth and free of any impurity. Before he could reach for his wallet, the woman stopped him with a sign from his hands. “No payment. The heart has always been yours. You will pay with your actions, not with your money.” Michael smiled at the old woman, not fully understanding what she meant. With a cordial “gracias” he got up and headed to the lit street at the end of the alley. The woman smiled, knowing already what the land had planned for that young man’s destiny. “Pollo con mole, tiradito de atún, escamoles….” Michael was trying his best to understand the exotic dishes printed on the small restaurant’s menu. According to TripAdvisor, this was one of the best places to be having dinner. It wasn’t very expensive, so he decided to treat himself with a nice meal. Being a victim of Montezuma’s revenge scared him a little, but the sounds coming from his empty stomach indicated a stronger need to stuff himself with anything he could find. When the waiter came with the fruity margarita he ordered, he asked him what his recommendation was. “You should have the Aguachile, señor. It’s the best one in town!” “But isn’t it too spicy?”, asked Michael remembering chile means chili. Doing Spanish in high school was starting to pay off. “Nah, don’t you worry señor. I’ll ask the chef to make it mild just for you.”, said the waiter smiling through his dense mustache. “Alright, thanks! I’ll have some guacamole as well.” “Coming right up!” The waiter rushed back into the kitchen, leaving the student alone to enjoy his margarita. When his lips touched the salt frosted glass, he winced tasting the strong tequila even through the sugary strawberry syrup. The strong agave distillate slid down his throat, burning everything on its path. “If you make those faces with a margarita, imagine when you move to a real caballito.” A deep voice caught Michael’s attention, who turned around and was faced by the most handsome man he had ever seen. A short black beard covered his square jaw, sprinkled with some white hairs giving it a regal appearance. Two deep brown eyes hooded by two bushy, but well-groomed eyebrows stared at the young student intensely. His hair was black as well, styled perfectly in a faded quiff. The man looked very muscular, his athletic build encased in a perfectly tailored black shirt. It was open, exposing the hard ridge of his upper chest, and his arms strained against the expensive looking fabric. He was probably in his early- to mid- forties judging by the white strands on his hair. Michael was so impressed by the man’s appearance, he completely missed what he had said. “Huh? What do you mean?”, was the only thing he could stutter. The man just chuckled, his chest shaking inside the shirt, threatening to rip it apart. “I mean, when you start drinking tequila how it was meant to be drunk. On a caballito. Like a shot glass.” The man then stood up, exposing his impressive figure to the speechless student. His legs were proportionally big as well, stretching the tailored pants with each step. “Mind if I join you?”, he asked. Michael just nodded, trying his hardest not to start drooling in front of such a person. The man sat down next to him, putting his own caballito on the table. “Where are my manners? My name is Iñigo de la Fuente.” His voice was soft, but deep and commanding. His gaze stern, but warm and welcoming. There was something about this man Michael couldn’t put his finger on. Even his scent was alluring, exuding an expensive wooden smell product of some cologne on his neck. “I-I’m Michael Andersen.”, he said shakingly. “Pleasure to meet you Mr. Andersen. Can I call you Michael?”, he said extending his hand. “Sure, it’s fine,'' answered the student, taking the man’s hand. His grip was strong, his palm rough and calloused. Despite his impeccable appearance, the man was no stranger to hard labor it seemed. “You can call me Iñigo too,'' he said, sipping some tequila from his glass. “What brings you to San Miguel de Allende, Michael?” “My friends recommended the trip for me to relax and get out of the routine. Some…stuff happened back at home, so I needed a break,” said Michael diverting his gaze from the man’s. Iñigo immediately saw the pain that haunted the young student. “I see. This is a magical place. It changes you in more than one way. I really hope you find what you’re looking for.” “I hope so too,'' said Michael taking another sip from his margarita. “What about you?” “What brings me here you mean?”, said Iñigo chuckling. “My family has been living here since colonial times. I was born and raised here.” “Oh, I see,'' said the student, feeling a bit embarrassed. “So, any recommendations? Anything I can’t miss during my stay here?” “Well, the town is beautiful. You should definitely get lost on the streets and explore it by yourself. You can visit some local art galleries as well. If you want something more, non-conventional, you should pay a visit to the local vineyards.” “Yes! I saw many on my way here. I have a view over one from my hotel room as well.” “In which hotel are you staying?”, asked Iñigo, stroking his beard. “It’s called Real de Rosales. Not so far from here, I think.” Iñigo just stayed quiet, his eyes scanning the young man before him. “Yes, I know where it is,'' he said absently. “You can’t miss the restaurant there too.” “It looks very good! I definitely wanna try it!” They talked for a while, discussing Michael’s engineering studies, and some other local subtleties. The waiter came with the food, and both men joined to have dinner. Hours felt like minutes, as both Michael and Iñigo grew more interested in each other. They laughed, ate and drank for a long time. Iñigo even tried to convince Michael to try some pure tequila, but the student refused, not willing to lose his composure in front of that elegant man. Some time past midnight, Iñigo asked for the check and even paid for Michael’s meal. “This one’s on me. For the good company.”, he said flashing a heart melting smile. Michael felt embarrassed that a stranger was paying for his expenses. “No! I can’t let you pay for me, he said, reaching for his wallet. Iñigo stopped him, grabbing his arm. Michael could feel the strong grip almost surrounding its entire circumference. “I insist. In fact, if you do feel bad about it, next one’s on you.” Michael couldn’t believe his ears. This gorgeous man he just met was asking to meet him again. He enthusiastically nodded, a cheerful smile printing itself on the student’s lips. Iñigo smiled as well, wondering what it was that he found so attractive in this young man. “Tomorrow, I promise,'' said Michael, extending his hand. Iñigo grabbed it and both men sealed the promise with a handshake. The student ordered a taxi to go back to the hotel. Before closing the door, he yelled to catch Iñigo’s attention, who was heading to his own car. “Wait! How can I contact you? I don’t have your number or anything.”, he said. Iñigo let out a booming laugh, and approached the open taxi. “I’ll pick you up at six in your hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, the taxi door was closed and the infatuated student was on his way back to the hotel. The moment he entered the suite, he threw himself on the bed like a lovestruck teenager. He couldn’t wait to see what that handsome man had planned for both of them. He drifted into sleep, the cold black onyx heart still in his pocket. The screams were getting closer this time. Michael was still fighting his way through the darkness, when suddenly he found a door. A very familiar door, identical to the one back at home in his apartment. He slowly opened it, and found himself standing in the middle of his small living room. The place was messy and dirty, almost like it had been uninhabited for a long time. Spiderwebs hung from the ceiling, and dust gathered on every surface. The screams had stopped. Michael explored his living room, seeing all his consoles and books in their respective places. He took one of the picture frames, and swept the dust off the glass surface. He remembered the picture. A healthier looking Michael was smiling back at him, along with another person. A very familiar person. The next few pictures were taken with the exact same person. All of them depicted fun and happy moments between both the student and the other man. In fact, the living room was filled with different mementos covered in dust and spiderwebs. Valentine’s day balloons, letters, a music box, a stuffed animal and even some empty wine bottles. A sound coming from the hallway caught Michael’s attention. He headed towards the noise, entering the dark hallway. It was cold again, Michael could see his breath condensing in front of him. He started shaking uncontrollably, his teeth chattering due to the bitter cold. The hallway grew more and more unkempt, the floorboards starting to crack and break under the student’s feet. When he reached the end of the hallway, he found himself in front of his bedroom door. He heard a whisper from the other side. As he approached to listen to what it was saying, the door opened and a chain with a harpoon pierced Michael’s chest, yanking him inside the bedroom. The student woke up screaming, almost jumping out of bed. He was sweating profusely, the silk sheets sticking to his skin. He was having nightmares again. He rubbed his eyes groggily, and saw some morning sun peeking through the thick curtains. He checked his phone, seeing he had some missed calls from his friends and family. He grunted annoyed, and wrote a few short texts to let everyone know he was fine. When he got out of bed, he felt heavy. “I shouldn’t have eaten that much so late,'' he said to himself as he headed towards the bathroom to wash himself. The shower was glorious, being equipped with a hydro massage and a sauna. Michael relished in on the sensations that the water caused on his skin. He couldn’t help but feel something out of place, almost as if the water flowed differently on his skin. After he was done, he approached the mirror to brush his teeth. When he saw his reflection, he felt a bit uneasy. He couldn’t tell why, but his hair looked a shade darker. He brushed it with his fingers, and a few strands came off, sticking to his hand. His face looked different as well, almost as if the lighting in the bathroom was casting a shadow on his jawline. It made it look sharper as well. When he inspected the rest of his body, he saw that his formerly smooth skin was now plagued by small but thick bristles. It was denser on his arms, his chest and his legs. Even his pubic hair looked darker as well. Michael was very confused, but he attributed it to the lack of recovery sleep and the food the day prior. At least Montezuma didn’t show up to mess up his night some more. He got dressed, wearing some shorts and a simple t-shirt. His legs felt a bit snug against the fabric, and so did his arms. He made another mental note to himself to eat less heavy stuff so the bloating would go away. He took the onyx heart with him on his way out, storing it inside his pocket. He had breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant. The buffet was filled with all kinds of tasty dishes and exotic fruits. Michael served himself a lot of eggs, some chilaquiles and fried beans. His appetite wasn’t usually that big early in the morning, but this time he engulfed all in his path. Michael didn’t find it alarming, thinking it would help to carry him through the very active routine he had planned. He left the hotel, greeting Hector on his way out, and headed towards the town’s center. It was a hot day. Michael was already sweating when he stepped out into the scorching sunlight. The street seemed brighter than the day before. Michael didn’t know if it was the magic of the place, or just sleeping in such a luxurious bed that had him in a good mood. He even smiled and greeted a few strangers that walked past him. The slight discomfort of his legs rubbing with each other made him widen his stance, not noticing the change in his stride. By the time he made it to the sightseeing bus stop, his drenched t-shirt was sticking tight against his torso, and he could feel the waistband of his shorts dig into his flesh. “Weird.”, he mumbled, trying to pull down the hem of his t-shirt down to cover his lower belly. He paid his ticket, and immediately took his seat inside the old bus. The tour was in Spanish, so he hoped to catch a few phrases to at least understand the context of what the tour guide was saying. “San Miguel de Allende fue un poblado pre-hispanico chichimeca…” Michael was listening to the woman’s explanation about the town’s history, understanding way more than he thought he would. He even knew some facts about Mexican history before the guide would mention them. He never considered himself well educated in foreign matters, but the way the woman was talking about the Mexican War of Independence and the Mexican Revolution seemed familiar. Almost like he had heard the tale somewhere else before. The bus drove through the streets full of tourists, making a few stops on the town’s most important landmarks. Michael was paying attention to the tour, but he couldn’t help but notice some different aspects all over the landscape, like where people gathered the most to buy food, or where the different colonial building façades looked most worn out by the weather. He couldn’t help but think of ways to improve the streets, making them cleaner and more attractive to different kinds of people. His wandering mind was interrupted by the announcement that the tour was over. His daydream made him miss the rest of the explanation. He got out of the bus, leaving the lady a very generous tip for her service. The next few hours went over fast. He grabbed a cold michelada and sat on a bench right outside Saint Michael’s cathedral, admiring the beauty of the bell tower. “No wonder this town is so famous. Everything is gorgeous”, he said, feeling completely at ease. Despite sitting directly under the sun, he felt no discomfort. His pale skin was usually very sensitive to light and hot weather, burning even after the smallest exposure. But at that moment, he was enjoying the warmth against his face, fully bathing in the afternoon sunlight. It was a nice contrast to the cold and dark weather back home. He left back to the hotel two hours before the time he was supposed to meet Iñigo, so he could get ready for the date in peace. Once he was back in his suite, he headed straight for the shower to wash off all the stale sweat from the excursion earlier. He struggled trying to take his t-shirt off, almost like it was a few sizes too small. The button from his shorts practically burst on its own, releasing the tension Michael kept feeling during the day. Looking in the mirror, he definitely looked bigger. His arms seemed stronger, just like his legs. His formerly teen-sized waist had thickened considerably, along with his flat chest. He reached up to grab one of his pecs, and was surprised to feel a very small chunk of hard muscle underneath. It was still imperceptible to the eyes, but it was definitely there. The small bristles had also grown some, covering his limbs with a dark dusting of sparse hair. But instead of feeling alarmed by the second puberty he was going through, Michael felt it was the most normal thing in the world. He didn’t pay any attention to the changes, heading straight into the shower. He had sweat a lot, so he made sure to wash every part of his body thoroughly. The idea of showing up even with the smallest amount of dirt to his date disgusted him. Iñigo was a very elegant man, so the least he could do was to try and get on his level. He chose to wear some dark jeans, along with the only button shirt he had brought to the trip. The fact that it was a size too big was perfect to accommodate his new bulk. Again, he took the small onyx heart before leaving the room. When he arrived in the lobby, his eyes were immediately attracted by Iñigo’s imposing figure. Like the day before, he was clad in a perfectly tailored black suit that hugged every curve of his body. He was leaning over the front desk, casually chatting with Hector Ramirez, who looked just as gorgeous as every time Michael saw him. The student’s heart sank on his chest, thinking he might have misinterpreted things with the local man. After all, why would such a stud be interested in a weedy foreign man? Self-doubt plagued Michael’s mind, triggering his flight instinct. But before he could sneak out of there unembarrassed, he heard Iñigo’s booming voice resonate on the high ceiling of the hacienda. “Michael! Over here!” Michael’s resistance melted the instant he heard that deep accented bass mention his name. He turned around, putting on the best smile his lips could muster. “Hello Iñigo. You’re a bit early”, he said approaching the handsome man. Iñigo immediately took his hand for a firm handshake. The student’s heart skipped a bit, feeling that strong grasp on his palm again. “Ah, yes. I was talking a bit with the guys at the front desk. I’m always impressed to see how much Hector has grown.”, he said looking back at the front desk. “The boy was raised on one of my family’s properties. It makes me proud to see he grew up to be such a responsible young man.” Michael wasn’t surprised to find out that Iñigo was probably an influential figure in this town. His poise, his style and his manners depicted a very cultured and educated person. “So, are you ready to taste the best tequila you ever had?”, asked Iñigo, inviting Michael to walk next to him. “Only a little bit. I’m not ready to re-live my university party days.” “Ah, of course. It’s only going to be a taste. After all, the highlight of this town is the wine. I’ll be your own personal sommelier tonight.”, said Iñigo. Both men then headed outside, where the man’s car was waiting for them. The place they were visiting was more on the outer part of town. The art gallery used to be an old factory, adapted to showcase the local artists’ works. According to the Mexican, one of the best cantinas was right next to the place. Before heading for dinner, Iñigo invited Michael to take a look through the many exhibitions. Walking around, the student got more and more mesmerized by the handsome man, as he explained all the different art movements embodied in the paintings. “Many of the upcoming artists here are struggling. This gallery gives them an opportunity to show their talent to the world. Even if their work isn’t immediately bought, the fact that they’re being seen for their artistry is enough for most of them. Creativity flourishes in adversity.”, said Iñigo, admiring the different paintings before them. Michael just listened silently. He could relate more to those artists than the man thought, having gone through plenty of adversity himself. Iñigo noticed the student’s increasingly grim expression, and made a detour to head to the cantina. Once they were sitting on a table, the waiter brought them a few snacks and two caballitos. Iñigo ordered the best tequila in the house in Spanish. Michael didn’t realize he was starting to understand even the single expressions in the foreign language. The waiter poured both glasses full, and with a small toast both men took a sip of the agave drink. “So, Michael. These two eyes have seen many people come and go from this town. When I see you, I see you’re in need of a friend. What happened there?” The student looked down on his glass, not knowing what to answer. Iñigo was still a stranger after all. But there was something inside of him that wanted to vomit his concealed feelings. The emotions were bubbling inside of him, causing his body temperature to rise. He unbuttoned his shirt's uppermost button, feeling the fresh air brush against his hot skin. The handsome man’s allure was too powerful, inspiring trust and confidence in Michael. “Nothing important,'' he said, taking a sip of tequila. “Art galleries remind me of someone.” “Someone? As in important someone?”, asked Iñigo. His dark eyes staring deeply into the student’s own. “Yes. My ex-boyfriend was a very talented artist. He used to love visiting these places, interpreting the paintings and translating the artists’ emotions in such a way that I understood everything.” Michael’s eyes started to water, but he made an inhuman effort to swallow the tears. Iñigo noticed the student’s distress, and took his hand. “Whatever happened between you two, it's in the past. You can learn from it, but you can’t live in it. You have to let go.” “How…?”, asked Michael, his voice breaking. The onyx heart in his pocket started to pulse, its cold surface heating up slowly. “I spent months trying to heal. My entire life crumbled right in front of me. That’s why I’m here. This was my last resort, so I wouldn’t…”. He couldn’t finish the sentence. Iñigo rubbed his rough fingers on the student’s hand, trying his best to calm him down. The man’s touch was having a positive effect on Michael, a feeling of safety washing all over him. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so comfortable with someone, despite talking about the one thing he couldn’t talk about to other people. “Pain is a very strange thing,'' said Iñigo. “You can feel it trying to destroy you. If you let it, it will. But the truth is, that pain teaches you how strong you are.” “What do you mean?”, asked Michael looking up to meet the man’s gaze. “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but the fact that you’re sitting here with me is a testament to your fortitude. You survived.” Michael’s expression eased up, as the man’s words entered his being, and washed all the sorrow away. He could almost feel the black heart syphoning the negativity away. “Once you let go of the past, you will see your destiny.” Michael smiled at Iñigo, his own heart warming up. He took the tequila glass up and made another toast. “For destiny.” Iñigo raised his glass too, smiling at the student. He could feel a strong attraction for him as well, and he couldn’t tell why. A lifetime in that town had taught him not to question destiny’s intricate design. Letting things flow was the best path of action one could take. “For destiny.” Both men kept drinking all night. Michael didn’t notice how much alcohol went into his system. He was a lightweight when it came to alcohol, but for some reason he could keep up with Iñigo all night long. He could feel his torso slowly starting to press against the shirt, the buttons starting to struggle to keep it closed. His movement was being restricted by the fabric, his back forbidding his arms to move forward. The pressure on his jeans was unbearable, so he eventually took off his belt and unbuttoned the pants. By the time the bottle was empty, it was past midnight and both men were slightly drunk. “So, my friend. I owe you an apology.”, said Iñigo, his voice losing some of its elegance and acquiring a hint of macho that made Michael’s manhood twitch. “I didn’t let you try out the wine I promised.” “Don’t worry, hombre.”, said Michael, his own voice feeling a bit more raspy than usual. “I’ll still be here a couple of more days.” “Then let me promise, tomorrow I’ll take you to the vineyard. A private tour. What do you say?” “Of course, I’d love it. With one condition. You have to wear some sexy outfit para el campo” Iñigo’s laugh almost made the bar’s glasses shake. “You got it, my friend.” Iñigo’s driver dropped Michael at his hotel, and drove away into the night. By the time he made it to his room, the drunk student barely managed to take off his shoes and plummet into the bed, straight into Morpheus’ embrace. When Michael opened his eyes, he was standing in an identical copy of his bedroom. His sheets were undone, as usual, and his clothes were laying on their usual spot on the floor. The lights were on, and everything looked normal. Someone was sitting on the bed, facing straight into the dark window on the other side of the room. “So, you finally made it huh? Took you long enough.” Michael’s face grew pale, as the person turned around and he knew exactly who he was. “Will?” “In the flesh,'' said Will standing up from the bed. “I really thought you weren’t going to make it.” “When have I not made it?” asked Michael approaching the other man. “You know when.” “That’s not fair Will, I gave you everything I had.” Will’s face grew somber, a sinister shadow spreading on his eyes. “Not everything. You never gave your all for this relationship. Not even a year and you’re already looking for a replacement.” “That’s not true! It was a difficult time for both of us. The world was trying its best to kill us. And I stayed. It tore me apart, but I stayed. You were the one that left!” “You know it wasn’t my fault!”, roared Will, the room shaking uncontrollably. The dark shadow was spreading from Will’s body into the surroundings, making the wooden floor decay and the painting on the walls peel down. “I was sick! What else were you expecting? Can you really blame me for what happened? Let me rephrase that. Do you still blame me for what happened?!” Before Michael could answer, the decaying floor gave away, and the student fell into the darkness below. On his way down, he heard the dreaded siren of an ambulance, he saw the blue lights of a police car, and felt his own wails of suffering escape his throat once again. The light of the room went up and away like a shooting star. “Room service!” A knocking on the door pulled Michael out from his sleep. He had no idea how late it was, but judging by the bright light coming in from the window, it must be nearing noon. He felt like he was run over by a bulldozer. Slowly, he dragged his heavy body out of the bed to answer the knocking. “Un Segundo”, he said, his accent in Spanish not as pronounced as it used to be. When he opened the door, he was met by the startled face of a small woman in a maid’s outfit. “Uhh…, vuelvo después.”, she said and rapidly disappeared with her car in the hallway. Michael just stood there with the door half open, wondering if he said something wrong. The woman looked embarrassed and impressed. He headed to the bathroom for his morning routine, but when he saw himself in the mirror he almost screamed for help, thinking a stranger had gotten inside his suite. “Damn, is that me?”, he said admiring his different body on the reflective surface. The shirt had given up during the night, and on the opening Michael could see a lean muscular torso. The small bristles had grown into a full dark carpet that covered his hard chest and descended over the faint ridges of his abdominal muscles into the overly stretched waistband of his jeans. He struggled to take the ruined garment off, to finally free his much thicker arms from their confinement. They were covered by thick body hair as well. He flexed in front of the mirror, a small hill rising from his upper arm. Even his armpit hair was different, the sparse blonde hair replaced by a thick bush. Despite being so hairy, he still looked well groomed. Not a single hair looked unkempt, all his pelt meticulously designed to accentuate the much more athletic body. He forcefully took off his jeans, revealing thick corded muscle underneath. His boxer briefs were now stretched by an actual ass, instead of the flat surface that occupied them before. Even his bigger feet were hairy now, each toe displaying a dusting of its own. He took a closer look at his face. His nose seemed bigger, along with a more pronounced brow and higher cheekbones. He looked rougher, and mature. His blue eyes looked a bit darker, and his hair was browner instead of blonde now, and looked more wavy than straight like it used to be. What really stood out from his new visage was the dark five o’clock shadow covering his square jaw. It was rough as sandpaper, and so thick no naked skin was visible underneath. Michael was completely speechless, feeling new strength and energy coursing through his whole body. Somehow, it felt right. He wasn’t scared, he was just surprised. The more time he moved his body in front of the mirror, the more normal it seemed. By the time he was able to turn around and get into the shower, the changes settled in his mind, and he fully accepted his new looks like they had always been there. Even the water felt more erogenous, flowing against the thick hair. He looked for something to wear, but the only things that fit him now were a pair of athletic shorts, and an oversized t-shirt he brought in case he decided to work out. His stomach rumbled loudly, so he quickly went out to grab something to eat. On his way to the restaurant, he greeted both hotel staff, and guests cordially, feeling very at ease with the people surrounding him. His shy demeanor was slowly disappearing, letting out a more confident and friendly personality. He ordered a lot of food from the restaurant’s lunch menu, enjoying every bite with a newfound taste. His tolerance to chili had grown as well, his palate discovering new sensations that came together with the wide variety of spices being served in the local cuisine. Michael was about to order a third plate, when he heard a familiar voice yell at him from the distance. “Miguel! There you are! I was worried you weren’t going to survive the killer hangover,” said Iñigo approaching the table where the student was sitting. He looked different, wearing a skin-tight white shirt, open to expose his herculean chest. His jeans were sticking perfectly to his muscular legs, leaving nothing to Michael’s imagination about what the man was packing between his legs. Something about his greeting seemed strange to him though, but the infatuated student couldn’t point out what. “Hey Iñigo! What did you just call me?” “What do you mean? I said Michael, there you are. It seems some of the tequila’s blessings are still in your body!”, he said putting his heavy hand on Michael’s shoulders. “So, are you ready for your surprise today?” “What surprise? You told me we’re going to the vineyard, right?” “Ah, yes! I just didn’t tell you what we were going to do there!”, said Iñigo laughing. “But you’ll have to change clothes. That outfit is not suited for a day on the field. The ants will eat you alive.” “But they’re my only clothes left…”, said the student looking down embarrassed. He was already feeling a bit self-conscious on spending a day on his workout clothes, not to mention the rest of his wardrobe was rendered useless with his increased mass. “Don’t worry. I’ll tell Hector to bring you some proper clothes to your room. Once you’re done changing, meet me at the entrance to the field at the back of the hotel.” Iñigo then walked back to the front desk, leaving Michael sitting on the table, wondering how that man could have anything he wanted with the click of his fingers. And true to his word, when he came back to the room, he found a bag of brand-new clothes waiting for him. A white shirt like the one Iñigo was wearing, alone with a pair of jeans, boots and a hat. The clothes looked big at first, but once he put the whole outfit on, he felt surprisingly comfortable. He took the onyx heart once again, putting it in his pocket, and left to meet Iñigo. The vineyard belonging to the hotel was immense. Row after row of grape vines painted the dry field green, giving it a fertile appearance. A small building on top of the hill overlooked the crops. Michael assumed that must be the winery, where they distilled the fruit to make the drinks. He approached the wooden arch that worked as the entrance, when he heard heavy steps coming his way. Within a cloud of dust, Iñigo appeared sitting on a gigantic black stallion. The animal was beautiful, both powerful and graceful, fitting for the handsome man sitting on top. Next to him was an equally big and gorgeous chocolate colored horse, with an empty saddle on top. “So, are you ready for our tour?”, said Iñigo. “Horseback riding? I can’t even drive a bicycle! What makes you think I’ll be able to control…that.”, said the student nodding towards the imposing beast. “It’s more intuitive than you think. Once you get on, you’ll feel you’ve been doing it your entire life.” Michael hesitated for an instant, a milliard of possible accidents flashing quickly on his mind. He looked at the horse, and both man and creature made eye contact. Suddenly, the student felt calm and confident, and decided to give it a shot. With a grace he didn’t know he had, he jumped on the horse, taking it by the reigns. “For someone who has never been on a horse, you sure look like a natural,'' said Iñigo checking the student out. He looked very attractive with his fitted white shirt and cowboy hat. “Follow me!”, he said and signaled his own stallion to gallop into the vineyard. Michael followed suit, using an instinct he didn’t know he had to guide the animal inside. Both men galloped for some time, enjoying the warm breeze and the bright sunlight. Michael was grabbing the reins with force, using his newfound strength to keep his body in the right positions. The movement of the horse was sending ripples across his body, making his muscles twitch and adapt in response. His forearms flexed and grew, sinewy muscle taking root in the previously slender limbs. He used one free hand to roll up the sleeves, exposing the hairy muscle to the hot exterior. His biceps bulged out too, growing stronger the more the student pulled the reins. His triceps grew as big as the horseshoes the beast had attached to its hooves, hanging down and stretching the sleeves to impossible limits. His shoulders rounded out and grew as big as cannon balls, proportionate to the arms they were now supposed to carry. He was using his legs to stabilize himself, squeezing the animal with strength. The thick fabric of his jeans started to stretch, giving away to the tree trunks that were replacing his legs. He felt more comfortable once his ass ballooned out making a perfect cushion for the hard saddle underneath. Once he caught up with Iñigo, he used all his might to stop the horse, pulling the reins and making it rear. The sudden display of strength made his chest puff out into two massive concrete slabs, bursting out from the upper part of his shirt and forming an almost obscene cleavage. His stomach hardened into a perfectly cut eight-pack, bulging with strength, and his back flared out almost ripping the rest of the shirt to shreds. “Woah! What a rrrush,” said Michael, rolling his tongue to pronounce the word. “I told you, you’re a natural,'' said Iñigo, getting off the horse. “Come with me. I want you to take a look at the fruits.” Both men entered one of the furthest rows of vines. Grapes hung from the plant’s cordons, giving some color to the otherwise green landscape. Iñigo took one fruit and tore it off, handing it to Michael. The student looked perplexed for a bit, worried they might get into trouble for damaging the plants. Iñigo saw Michael’s face, reading through his emotions, and smiled. “Don’t worry. No one is going to tell us anything.” “I’m sure a tour around the vineyard doesn’t include stealing some of the fruit.” “It’s not stealing if you own it,'' said Iñigo laughing. Michael opened both his eyes in surprise, everything about the mysterious Mexican man suddenly making sense. “Wait, so you own the vineyard? And the hotel?” “Well, not only me.”, he said, his gaze suddenly getting lost in the distance. “Who else?”, asked Michael, scratching his hairy pecs with his free hands. “No, just me. I got confused for a second,” said Iñigo, diverting his attention back to Michael. “Anyways, try it out and tell me your opinion.” Michael took the grape and put it in his mouth, its rich fruity flavor inundating his mind. He stayed quiet for a moment, his brain interpreting the taste and all the possible combinations with it. Iñigo leaned down playfully, looking for the student’s lost eyes. “And?” “Very tasty and rich in flavor. The tannins don’t taste that strong. It’s going to be a good crop. Malbec, right?” Iñigo smiled, partially surprised the student had such a wide viticulture. Michael smiled back at him, puffing out his chest proudly and standing straighter. He didn’t notice when his body stretched up a few inches. “Yes, it is. It’s the house’s specialty. We’re known for our wine’s rich and…” “…and spicy flavor. I know. Very impressive, Iñigo. Well done.” “If you want to try out some of the already prepared wine, let’s go to the winery. I assumed you would like wine, so I arranged a tasting for us.” “I love it. Thank you, Iñigo.”, said Michael taking the now shorter man’s hand, squeezing it tenderly. “Well, follow me then,'' said Iñigo, getting on his stallion and galloping uphill. Michael followed suit, and soon both men were entering the winery. The rich scent of freshly pressed grapes, wine and wood filled in their nostrils, as they made a small tour looking at the machinery and storage. The distillery was big enough to be the most important in town, with the wine getting exported nationally and internationally. Iñigo explained the process to make wine, and Michael listened carefully. A lot of things made more sense than he thought, almost like he was an expert oenologist himself. When they made it to the end of the tour, a small candle lit table was waiting for them next to the massive storage shelves filled with bottles. They sat on opposing sides, chatting gleefully about new production methods and marketing ideas. “I had no idea you’d be such a wine enthusiast”, said Iñigo taking a sip off his glass. “What can I say, wine culture is in my family.”, said Michael, his mind erasing the fact that his parents didn’t even drink. “And you, my friend, have truly made a name for yourself with this winery. Everything is exquisite.” Michael’s voice started to crack and drop, reaching a gruff bass deeper than Iñigo’s. His neck bulged out, thick cords of muscle climbing up from his traps to his head. “Only the best for you, my friend,'' said Iñigo, filling up the student’s glass. Both men looked up, staring at each other. Michael was finding it harder and harder not to throw himself on the Mexican man, and judging by his face, so was Iñigo. “So, Miguel, how have you liked your trip?” “Well, I certainly love the town. It’s filled with good people. Not to mention the rich cultural heritage.” “Tell me, what has been your favorite part?”, Iñigo asked, already knowing the answer. Neither one of them realized the conversation shifted naturally to Spanish, Michael speaking perfectly in the tonality of the region. “Well, the food is definitely tastier and richer, the architecture exquisite, a testament to both colonial and Mexican artistry, and the artistic talent lurking around every corner. I couldn’t possibly just choose one.” He stayed quiet for a moment, admiring Iñigo’s handsome face. “If I had to choose… I would choose you. You made the whole trip magical. I wish it wouldn’t end.” “It doesn’t have to,'' said Iñigo, getting closer. “You could stay. I’d like you to stay.” Michael looked down for a bit, a glimmer of his sorrow still present inside of him. “I can’t… I need to go back home.” “Why? You could start fresh here! Live a new life, and leave your past behind.” Michael’s head was spinning. Part of him was still attached to his pain, almost addicted to it. The pain he used as an excuse not to move forward, to stay tacit and not look for change. Even if that change brought happiness with it. But another part of him was telling him he belonged there. He could make his life, and the life of others, much better if he just let go off the past. The black stone in his pocket was pulsing, balancing the energy inside his body. Soon, the part of him that was frozen in the past started to get smaller, its voice drowning in the shine of the possible future. He was ready to take that leap of faith, and find a new destiny. Without saying a word, he got up and threw himself at Iñigo, their mouths interlocking in a passionate kiss. With a mighty push of his arm, he wiped the wooden table off the glasses and plates, and both men threw themselves on the sturdy surface, which miraculously stayed in one piece, supporting the weight of both massive bodies. Michael explored every corner of the Mexican man’s mouth, tasting the sweet aftermath of the wine. His jaw cracked and grew like a cinder block, ending with a cleft chin worthy of a superhero. The rough shadow of his beard stayed the same length, but a majestic handlebar of a mustache blossomed on his upper lip. He descended on Iñigo’s neck, biting and licking it, filling his lungs with the man’s strong scent. He could practically taste the wooden smell, along with the intoxicating natural musk product of an afternoon in the hot sunlight. Iñigo grabbed the student’s body with his both hands, feeling the vast expanse of his muscular back underneath his palms. With ease, Michael tore Iñigo’s shirt open, exposing a chiseled torso worthy of a renaissance marble sculpture. The light caramel tone of his skin only accentuated the deep cuts of his muscle. It wasn’t as massive as Michael’s, but much more meticulously sculpted to the point of obsession. He descended further, licking the man’s hard chest and tasting the salty flavor of fresh sweat. Michael’s face changed further, cracking and growing to match his new size. His brow was pronounced over his eyes, and his nose cracked and grew thicker, giving him a much rougher appearance than Iñigo. The hair on his head darkened, finally matching the pelt on his body, and styled itself into an elegant side part. Iñigo tore the student’s shirt open too, exposing the hairy mountains underneath. Even his back was hairy, sporting its own dark dusting. Michael’s pecs were round and heavy, less defined than Iñigo’s, but much more powerful-looking. He had to tear the sleeves apart, because the gargantuan arms wouldn’t fit through the openings anymore. Once Michael made it to the Mexican’s crotch, he swiftly undid the button and took his pants away, exposing some tight silk briefs with a massive bulge inside. Playfully, he bit the elastic and pulled it down, and Iñigo’s overgrown penis jumped out, almost slapping him on the face. With dexterity, he took the entire member inside his mouth and began massaging it with his tongue. Iñigo’s deep moans resonated through the rows of shelves, as he relished in the feelings that were spreading from his loins. Michael started to taste the flavor of the Mexican’s essence, which triggered another phase in his change. His muscles thickened and grew some more, gaining a layer of healthy fat over them. His stomach bulged out like a tortoise’s shell, worthy of a strongman more than a bodybuilder. His chest got heavier, and his ass bulged out further into a massive boulder. Then, his pale skin started to darken, acquiring the characteristic caramel tone of a Latin man. His features rearranged to cement his new heritage. After some minutes, he stopped sucking Iñigo’s manhood, and took off his own jeans, exposing his underwear. A small tent could be seen inside, the last remainder of his old body. In an impressive display of strength, he turned Iñigo around, took off his underwear, and started to rub himself against the man’s hard bubble butt. He got on top of him, their faces meeting once again, and tenderly kissed the Mexican’s cheek whilst opening his way inside of Iñigo. The Mexican man grunted; the slight pain being swiftly replaced by pleasure jolts that travelled across his body. Michael started to pump harder, his own deep moans overshadowing the other man’s. The pressure in the student’s own member started to grow, filling it with more blood and filling it beyond its limit. Thrust after thrust the manhood grew, until Michael had a penis comparable to a wine bottle. Iñigo was squirming underneath the much bigger man, his body almost unable to handle so much pleasure. Michael’s balls swelled as well, dropping lower and hitting the Mexican’s hamstrings in a constant rhythm. The overexposure to new hormones changed Michael’s body further. Muscles aged, looking more lived in. His skin roughened up some more, and sprinkles of white extended all over his body hair. His hairline receded, and his mustache acquired a gray hue. Crow’s feet extended from his eyes, giving the man’s new age away. With a powerful thrust, he inundated the Mexican’s gut with his seed, both men screaming in ecstasy. He fell on top of Iñigo, who finished a couple of times on the table. Both men were sweating profusely, the scent of sex almost overtaking the wine’s fruity smell. They cuddled in silence for a bit, enjoying the last orgasmic ripples leaving their bodies. “So, I hope I could convince you to stay,'' said Iñigo, rubbing his face against the bigger man’s hairy chest. “How could I leave? This is my home.”, said Michael, the new memories slowly overwriting his old ones. After getting dressed, both men left towards the hotel. Iñigo entered the room with Michael, and the two of them joined in passionate lovemaking the rest of the night, with the pale moon as their only witness watching peacefully from the big windows. When Michael opened his eyes, he was standing on the top of a green hill. The sun was shining, and he could feel the fresh spring breeze on his face. On top of the hill was a tree, and underneath its shadow laid Will, with his arms behind his head and his gaze fixed on the sky, watching the white clouds pass. The student walked towards the tree, and sat in the shade next to him. “This is it? The end? For your life?”, asked Will without looking at Michael. “No, Will. This is a new opportunity.” “Lucky you. You still have an opportunity.”, answered Will sarcastically, looking at Michael’s peaceful face. “So, what’s gonna happen to me?” Michael took a deep breath, enjoying the almost forgotten peace he so much craved. “You’re going to live inside of me. All the memories, all the experiences, all the laughs and jokes and surprises will be forever in my heart. But also, the grief, the loss, the impotence. I will never forget what you taught me.” Will looked at Michael quizzically, a hint of doubt still lurking behind his eyes. “I need to tell you one last thing. I’m sorry, Will. I’m sorry for not being the strong pillar you needed. I’m sorry for letting my own demons blind me from your pain. And most of all, I’m sorry for not expressing enough how accompanied you were. You were never alone. I need you to understand that. You were loved, and cared for. Despite what you might think, I was always there for you.”, said Michael, a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. “I forgive you. And, please, forgive me. I’m going to start a new life, and I need to let you go.” Will smiled, his somber demeanor fading away and leaving his usual playful side behind. “You were always the sentimental one. Fine, you have my blessing.”, he said standing up and heading down the hill. Before fading from view, he looked back at Michael. “You deserve to be happy. Glad you finally understood it.” And with that, he disappeared into the distance. Michael stood up and stretched. He felt the new weight on his body, and when he looked down he was greeted by his new form. His powerful chest was blocking his view from the lower side of his body, and he could feel his mustache quiver in the wind. He took one last breath, and let himself be swallowed by the sunlight. When he opened his eyes, he was no longer Michael, but Miguel. He looked to his side, to find Iñigo laying next to him, still sleeping. He got up and observed his surroundings. The room looked slightly changed, more lived in. The big closet was filled to the brim with different suits, boots and hats. The bathroom sink was full of lotions, creams and shaving utensils. Staring in the mirror he saw himself for the first time since the change. He looked imposing and regal, like a true gentleman. He stroked his thick mustache, feeling its softness with his fingers. He heard Iñigo groaning, so he headed into the room. Iñigo stared at him with his dark brown eyes, with the same infatuation from the first day they met. “Buenos días, amor,'' he said, getting up and planting a sweet kiss on the older man’s lips. Suddenly, Miguel’s mind filled in the holes of his new life. He was Miguel Rosales de la Fuente, owner of the hotel Real de Rosales, along with its vineyard and winery. A true staple in San Miguel de Allende’s society, and Iñigo de la Fuente’s husband. He felt the gold wedding ring on his finger, remembering the day he first saw Iñigo when he arrived in town almost thirty years ago. He was fresh out of university, and Iñigo was barely entering adulthood. He stayed in the de la Fuente’s family hostel, and soon grew fascinated with the town. He put his education to good use, and founded the winery. The hotel came afterwards, and soon the entire town revered him as a mentor. He was responsible for the many restoration processes all over town. He loved it, and did his best in keeping it in shape. Iñigo declared his love with many serenatas, and soon both men were tying the knot in an alternative ceremony. It was decades later when they were finally able to officialize their marriage, and they have been living and travelling the world ever since. Miguel liked to come back to town from time to time, always staying in his hotel. “Buenos días, cielo,'' said Miguel embracing the shorter man. “What’s your plan for today?” “I told Hector I would show him his new workout regime. The kid is growing big.” “I know, I’ve had to buy a couple of new uniforms for him this year alone.”, said Miguel flexing his biceps absentmindedly. “Mind if I join you? I need to let out some steam before the many scheduled reunions today. Gotta meet with the mayor for a new trash recycling plan, and if I don’t lift heavy, I’m going to have a difficult time keeping my temper.” “Sure! I’m certain Hector will appreciate having you around. Sometimes I feel you’re the one he takes seriously.” “It's probably because the mass impresses him!”, said Miguel laughing loudly, puffing out his chest. “You’re the expert in training, not me.” “That much is true. Let’s go then, you don’t wanna be late to your meetings. And we both know how much time you need to actually get ready.” Iñigo headed into the bathroom to wash himself, and Miguel approached the window, watching the whole vineyard before him. He really made a difference when he decided to stay in San Miguel de Allende. It was truly a magical town. He looked back at the bedside table. The onyx heart was laying there, its smooth surface glistening. Miguel smiled, thanking it quietly. Despite having adopted a new life, a last vestige of the person he used to be remained inside of him, to remind him how precious life was, and how you can always find a new destiny in the most unexpected places.
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- race change
- muscle growth
- (and 7 more)
First time I've ever posted a story of my own. No real growth in this part, but hope you all like it! "Are you sure it's fine? It'll be a couple weeks, I promise....right. Thanks Brian." I tapped the red button on my phone sighing in relief. Calling to ask for favors wasn't really my thing, but I had no choice. I needed a place to stay for two weeks while my house was being repaired from the recent storm. I collected my essentials and brought them over to Brian's. He was a good friend of mine, but since Covid hit I haven't seen him in over a year. Driving to his place, I observed the neighborhood. It was a standard suburban area, seemed quiet too. I pulled up to his house, it was decently big. "I guess he wasn't kidding when he said there was room to spare." I rang the bell waiting patiently. The door swung open and the first thing I saw was Brian, at least not the same Brian I remembered. "Woah...Hi Brian." Was all I could muster as I took him in. He was broader and leaner. He used to be a lot fatter but he dropped a good chunk of it. Not to mention it was replaced by some sizeable muscle. "Hey Chris, come inside. I don't want the A/C getting out." I stepped in holding my belongings. Looking around seeing Brian's place. "Let me hold that, follow me." He said grabbing the box out of my hand. We walked to the stairway. I got a view of his back. It was naturally wide from his size but I can tell it was bigger. Walking up the stairs I could see his calves were built too with some nice definition. My focus on his back and legs was interrupted when we stopped and Brian showed me the room. "This is your room, sorry for the stuff everywhere. I've been kind of using it as a temporary storage." Brian lowered the box on the floor. I saw his tricep flexing with a horseshoe shape. "Its fine, this is more than enough. Thanks man." I looked around and saw he had boxes of protein powder, pre-workout and some other stuff I wasn't sure of. "I gotta say you're really taking this workout thing seriously. Plus you lost weight." I said looking Brian up and down. "'This workout thing' has changed my life. Also I haven't really lost weight, I pretty much gained more if you know what I mean." Brian flexed his arm with a chuckle. I watched his arm ball up. "Yeah, I can see that..." "Speaking of which I need to get to the gym soon." Brian walked over to one of his protein powder boxes and picked it up. "Feel free to use the kitchen and anything else, make yourself feel at home." Brian said on his way out. "Thanks Brian, I will." I unpacked my things and during that I heard Brian leave heading to the gym. After unpacking I decided to head downstairs. I went through Brian's fridge and there were a couple packs of chicken and steak. His fridge was full of protein and some veggies. I decided I'd make some dinner for us both. I looked through the pantry and thought to make chicken parmesan. After preping everything and cooking it. I started washing up. I heard the front door open and heard Brian "Im home, smells good..." he walked over and hovered over the pan. "Is it ready?" He asked intently. "Yeah, was just waiting for you to get home." I got up plating a portion of pasta and chicken for both if us. Brian sat at the table, fork and knife in hand as I put the food down. He dug in, eating fast. I watched him chow down while I took a few bites. He must have trained shoulders because they looked more rounded. Before I was halfway through Brian cleaned his plate. "Want some more?" I asked. "Yes please." "Here you go." I placed the plate in front of him. The same thing happened. It's like the first meal never happened by how fast Brian ate. I just about finished mine until I asked. "Uhhh... want more?" Brian nodded. "Chicken only.... 2 pieces." I knew Brian had a big appetite but he was never this ravenous. After Brian had his fill, he chugged his water. I could see his arm flex as he did. "Ahhh! That was really good Chris. Haven't had a good home meal like that in a long time." Brian pat his belly in admiration. "Well I'm glad you liked it, it's the least I can do to say thanks." I smiled Brian smiled back and yawned right after. "Think I'm going to shower and head to bed early. Have work in the morning." "Alright, I'll clean up here and head to bed too." Clean up was quick. I got into bed and felt pretty tired. I heard the shower stop and soon after Brian knocked on my door and walked in. "You awake? I just need to grab something sorry." He whispered. Walking over to the pile of boxes, grabbing one with no name. It was strange but I saw it had a logo on it. It was too dark to tell what it was. In the doorway I got a decent glimpse of Brian in the light. He was shirtless, his chest bare with some hair covering it. Wearing only underwear and I could see his quads hugging the fabric, among other things. "Goodnight Chris." "Goodnight." I whispered back. I couldn't believe this was the same Brian. I never thought he would have turned into such a muscle bear in just over a year. Before I knew it my dick was getting hard. Falling asleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.
- 24 replies
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transformation Jock Super smart Wristwatch (wip) Update 20.11. edit
tegalus posted a topic in Stories
Jock Super smart Wristwatch A preface This is my first story, my English is not so good so I am using a translator. I apologize if the spelling or grammar is incorrect but that has never been my strong point. If anyone is interested in revising the story and improving the grammar and spelling then send a private message. and thanks to : @Azerreza @mrnonsense76 who have motivated me to try it nevertheless So now we come to the story Jock Super smart Wristwatch Kyle was a college football player (name of college) he had just gotten a scholarship. He was told that he could get the scholarship but he had to get his grades right. In the beginning Kyle had no problem because it was repetitive and he was able to get average grades until his sophomore year when it became noticeably difficult for him because he didn't understand a lot of things and at the same time he was under pressure from the football team to do a better job of presenting himself because the puppy dog rule was over. After a while of settling in, Kyle had to cut back on other things, which was cheaper than losing his scholarship. In the last game Kyle clearly noticed that the opponents had the advantage even if they won by a small margin, Kyle noticed that his body could not cope with the new demands, so he started watching to improve his body, which is why he had to do more sports after school and on weekends, which had an effect on his learning. As his body slowly got better, his grades slowly got worse which he didn't notice until a teacher told him that his grade point average was getting below average and recommended that he get tutoring to get better. Pissed off at the conversation Kyle swallowed the classroom door shut tightly on his way out. On his way out Kyle's stomach growled and he went to the nearest snack machine and bought himself a pair of protein bars to lower his stress which often helped and at the same time he was able to gain weight again. While chewing the protein bar kyle looked on the bulletin board and saw everything from room swaps, personal care, 450€ jobs, and then he saw a note your grades are getting bad and you do not know more then contact me I can help you I give only one person tutoring oh you want to know my name is Jay I am happy to meet you. Later after gym kyle looked where he could find Jay. Kyle had to go to the college basement that Jay works there alone. He knocked on the door. Jay was sitting in the lab and suddenly heard a knock on the door he thought who got lost here? So Jay said, "The door's open, you can come in. When Kyle heard he could come in he went in, he was a little scared that the room was so big but also saw Jay a typical nerd. Kyle froze for a moment when he saw Kyle, he never thought a football player would come here. Hi my name is Jay and I am a football player I saw your note while eating my protein bar regarding tutoring I would like to take it. Hey my name is Jay and I'm studying here for math and engineering. I'm having a problem with both of my math related classes getting more and more out of my grasp and of course my grades are getting lower as a result. Okay, Kyle, let me see if I can help you out. Yeah Jay thanks that would be good I have 1 condition I have a tight schedule I only have 1 hour for tutoring I can't give you more time than that so make the most of it Ok give me your stuff and I'll see what I can do. I'll be back in 2 days and I'll need my stuff back. the next day at the football game the coach was pissed that Kyle's performance had dropped drastically the coach threatened him if you don't bulk up in 2 months then that's it for you then you can look for another college !!!! . Kyle was now very tense the stress from studying and now stress from the coach had done something to him his head was so full that a couple of nerves were overloaded and they burst and Kyle suddenly realized that he had never had such a calm in the head but the burst nerves also led to kyle changing suddenly he didn't care about some things he just wanted to reach his goal to be a very good football player in school. Later when Kyle was home he decided to stop using the legal way to gain mass, he just thought coach wants me to have more mass on my body then he should get it. So he ordered steroids he didn't care about the side effects as long as his body got more mass. Jay was reading Kyle's stuff and had to laugh that it was pretty simple what he didn't understand. The more Jay thought about it the more he thought about Kyle with his big body, muscular big and Jay thought he saw some veins on Kyle's palm, Jay shook his head and tanned himself again and worked out a little plan for studying with Kyle. The next day Kyle went to Jay's house cursing in his head that he finally wanted the fucking steroids. When Kyle was almost at Jay's he knocked on the door again instead of softly with his fingers like last time he did it with his fist a couple of times but very hard, Jay was startled who was that? When the door opened he saw Kyle then he calmed down and said hey Kyle I made a study plan we can start right away if you want , Jay could smell and see that Kyle had been working out , all of a sudden he felt downstairs that he was getting aroused he had never had that before he quickly turned around so Kyle wouldn't see it , but Kyle saw it he pretended he didn't notice but realized that Jay was getting aroused by him , Kyle thought that could be interesting . Kyle took his bag and threw it on a table Jay said Loud HEY what are you doing !!!! don't you ever do that again!!! Kyle stood and grunted and walked over to Jay and said AB right now you talk quiet only I talk loud understood and squeezed Jay hand very tight to show who is the stronger one here. Jay got quiet and went to work with Kyle to study. Kyle liked the way Jay had made the study plan he had another exam next week and so he could prepare well Jay asked if it was all ok YES said Kyle's voice. When Kyle was gone Jay almost fainted because he couldn't get enough of looking at Kyle's body and he wanted to try to convince Kyle that he needed more help. Kyle got up the next day and saw a package lying in front of the door. Finally Kyle thought it was there he quickly took it and opened it and saw little bottles of steroids on it he grinned devilishly and thought now the fun could finally begin. Kyle immediately took a syringe and filled it up and injected it into his arm, he threw the syringe in the trash can and got his workout clothes time for sports. When he started he slowly noticed that he felt better and better and had more energy but he wanted to make sure with energy and another energy drink mixed with a protein shake. Without realizing it Kyle was almost 5 hours in the gym but he had never felt so good when he looked at the clock he saw that it was time for tutoring. Without showering with the clothes from yesterday he went to Jay, Jay was already waiting for him he again a loud knock on the door and said quietly come in, Kyle came in still slightly sweaty and threw his bag back on the table, Jay wanted to say something again but Kyle looked quickly at him and wanted to say nothing now, Jay had to drool in his head when he saw Kyle sweaty bathed his cock was also very excited, Kyle wore a thin T-shirt so Jay could see that Kyle's body had veins everywhere, Jay asked now we start with the tutoring or not!!! Yeah of course here after an hour she was done and Jay wanted to ask Kyle if we tutored more often or longer we could get more results Kyle stood up with a huff and took Kyle's hands and squeezed them so hard Jay almost had to scream in pain I hate to repeat myself I have a set schedule and it stays that way this is not important gym and football is important !!!! Next time you say anything, I'll break your fingers. Got it. !!!! With tears in his eyes and fear of Kyle Jay said yes that will never happen again, very good said Kyle. A few days have passed and Kyle has passed the exam well, also the steroids slowly showed their effect without Kyle noticing it also changed his mood he was very irritable and could get angry quickly that had Jay the last few days to feel Kyle looked more and more often at the scale and saw every day a larger number on the scale. The learning went well Jay found Kyle he also noticed that it stayed in his head better 1 week before Coach's deadline Kyle looked very different his attitude had changed he now had a lot more muscle and had gained quite a bit of mass but the team was starting to get scared because Kyle had become more aggressive and very irritable he didn't allow it when someone didn't show him respect. Weeks passed again and Kyle became more and more massive and muscular but his grades were now only bad he was angry and boiled with rage when it was time for tutoring again Kyle kicked in Jay's door and said friend from now on you will make a better plan or I will find someone else !!!! When Jay heard what Kyle said he was scared and erect at the same time, Jay became more and more in love with Kyle and couldn't imagine Kyle leaving him now so Jay said before Kyle left wait give me a week and I have a solution for you. I hope Kyle said you know how I feel about my time being wasted. !!!! . Kyle went home after Jay to get another steroid shot, then it was time for him to satisfy himself. Kyle worked out more and at the same time increased the steroid dosage he was always afraid if he didn't have anything. The coach was scared how Kyle was changing, he was getting scared of Kyle, Kyle wanted more and more special treatment in the team. I would appreciate your feedback -
Part 1: "You, uh, need a hand carrying that in?" Bruce asked. He scratched his balding head as he watched Aaron haul the enormous piece of equipment all by himself. Aaron simply grunted in response. Despite being in his 50's, he managed to retain most of his hard-earned muscles from his college days through diligent training. And even though he could barely wrap his meaty arms around the length of the monitor, Aaron showed no struggle carrying the machine into the frat house. "I think he's got it," Philip replied lamely. The two watched as Aaron's wide back disappeared into the dark building. Aaron was dressed in a tank top and basketball shorts that hugged his rugged body nicely, and was probably one of the few among his alumni brothers that could pull off that look so casually. Bruce, for example, was a victim among many with his slowing metabolism and widening beer belly. He sighed as he mentally compared himself to Aaron and glanced down at the gut stretching his dress shirt, subconsciously tucking his thumbs under suspender straps. Philip, however, had the opposite problem. He was never able to gain much weight for as long as he remembered. He was so thin his brothers used to joke that he could easily hide behind a telephone pole without having to turn. Even now, Philip looked at his own loose, billowing semi-formal clothes, feeling like he could blow away if the wind wanted him to. The two were broken out of their self-loathing by the sound of a soft thud coming from inside the frat house. They filed in, Philip tracing his hand on the wall for the light switch. Bruce couldn't help but notice a musty smell in the humid air. With a flick, the main room of the frat house they once called home lit up around them. It was surprisingly tidy, although that was only because it was still summer, and most of the fraternity brothers were still on vacation. The furniture, walls, and floors, however, could not hide their age no matter how well-kept it was. Aaron had his arms on his hips as he stood by a cluster of old sofas with his device plopped down in the center facing them. "Well, I told ya the house was still standing." "Barely." Bruce remarked, glancing at the peeling paint on the walls. "It's a surprise to see they haven't made plans on remodeling, or hell, getting a new house altogether." Philip said, grimacing at the old stains on the floor. "That's why I invited you guys here. Since you guys both said you'll be too busy for homecoming-" "Work." Bruce grunted. "Family vacation." Philip chimed in. Aaron held his hands up in mock-surrender. "I know, I know. But since you guys will be pre-occupied like you are every year, I wanted to discuss the alumni dues so that we can-" Bruce groaned. "/That's/ why you invited us here? I thought we were going to hang and catch up over beer and football like old times." He tried to cross his arms but failed so he put his hands on his hips like Aaron did; though he seemed much less intimidating. Philip rolled his eyes. He looked like he was already thinking of excuses to get out of this situation. "Now hold on, hold on." Aaron said, his voice firm. "We /are/ going to catch up. I /know/ alumni dues are completely voluntary, and I /know/ that we're all building up our savings for early retirement like the next guy. But I want to give back to the organization that helped make me who I am today." Bruce could swear he saw Aaron puff up his chest a little. "And I thought," Aaron continued, "what better way to show why we should care about the future generations than to present them on this invention." He patted the top of the strange monitor. Bruce took a closer look at the machine. It somewhat resembled a CRT television, but the frame was purple and translucent. 'Like the special edition GameBoy Color,' Bruce thought. 'Did old TV's always have so many wires?' On top of the monitor, a bundle of multi-colored wires from the back collected together and funneled into the small end of what seemed to be an old-fashioned ear trumpet made of copper. The large end of the ear trumpet faced the front like a strange speaker. Below the screen, instead of buttons or dials there was an exhaust vent of some sort. Bruce thought it was strange as those little holes were usually on the back. The portly man gave a bemused smirk. "Come on Aaron, we may be old but even /I/ know this is junk. The boys are gonna laugh at your sad excuse of a donation." "I didn't know you still 'invented' things," said Philip with a stifled chuckle. "Yeah I thought you gave up on making those silly doo-hickeys freshman year," Bruce added. Aaron's proud stance faltered for a moment as he nervously glanced at the unplugged machine, then looking visibly relieved. "It's not for watching football or anything like that," he said. "It's-" he paused, thinking for a second. "It's a device that lets us replay our favorite memories on screen." Without further hesitation he crouched around the 'doo-hickey' and got to work plugging everything in. "Here, let me show you." The two guests looked at each other with skepticism. If this was a chance to make fun of another one of Aaron's failed inventions, they didn't want to miss it. 'Just like old times,' thought Bruce. Philip tapped his foot impatiently and Bruce huffed as he sat down on one of the couches right in the middle. Bruce couldn't help but stare at what Aaron was currently "showing" as his pert ass shifted and swayed in those stretched-out shorts while the TV was being set up. Suddenly realizing that he wasn't alone, Bruce glanced at Philip, who met eyes with him. He was caught in the act. Philip started to say something when the TV suddenly lit up and presented nothing but static and a soft *kssshhhh* noise. "There!" Aaron announced. The three of them stared at the screen, waiting in anticipation. "Soooo... now what?" Said Philip. About two seconds later, the screen changed to show the main room of the frat house, but from Philip's point of view. "Soooo... now what?" His voice mimed from the screen. "Woah! How'd you do that?" Philip exclaimed, whirling around and checking himself for a hidden camera. The screen copied his words and spun around with him. "Big deal. It can record and play a live feed," Bruce grumbled. The TV instantly changed and was now showing the room from Bruce's perspective. His replayed voice sounded equally unimpressed. "It- it can also play whatever memory we request," Aaron added, his voice sounding slightly panicked. He took a quick breath and then continued more calmly. "Right now, it's playing whatever surface level memories are presented from the last person that spoke." And on cue, the TV replayed his explanation. "Okay, take it away, Mr. Inventor." Bruce gestured to the screen. Aaron's eyes glimmered for a moment before facing the monitor. The machine repeated Bruce, almost as if to give Aaron permission to use it himself. Aaron straightened himself up and spoke clearly into the ear trumpet. "Show us my sophomore year Halloween party." The lights above flickered as the screen sputtered between static and blurred images as if a poorly-focused time lapse video was being played. After a few moments, the screen became clearer, and the trio was presented with the sight of a veiny, pumped forearm pushing a door open to reveal the frat house's main room, garishly decorated with an assortment of Halloween props, lit by blinding orange, green, and purple strobe lights. The new furniture was pushed to the walls as the center floor was brimming with bodies shaking to the music and hands exploring wherever they landed. Several people, to the shock of the viewers, were recognized as their old fraternity brothers. Except they were all young and carefree, some dancing, some flirting with sorority girls, and some doing things their parents probably wouldn't approve of. Most of the party goers were dressed, if you could call it that, in costumes that showed as much skin as possible. "Hey! There's me!" Bruce pointed at the screen. Young Bruce was no exception. Sloppily painted head-to-toe in green and clad in purple trunks, the man was quite a hunk. While not the tallest brother in the fraternity, he was definitely one of the biggest, and he liked to flaunt it. Even then, he had the slight hint of a beer gut beginning to emerge underneath his cut abs. Old Bruce thought it was strange seeing his young self acting so... fratty, but didn't complain with what he saw. The chicks loved him. And he loved them. As if hearing his thoughts, the younger and slimmer version of Bruce eyed the screen and his face lit up. He hollered something over the loud music and waved. The "camera" bobbed up and down in response as it made it's way through the house, greeting the brothers and other party guests in a similar gesture. The screen seemed to pan in every direction, as if looking for someone, until it landed on Philip. "And there's me." Philip gasped, now sitting. The screen advanced on Young Philip who was leaning with his back and one foot against the wall, one hand in his pocket, and holding a cup of spiked punch in the other. He meekly raised his cup at the screen with a small smile and then took a sip, staring back at the crowd. Unlike the others, he was dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks. "Hah! Phil you look like you haven't changed a bit. You're still as skinny as you were so many years ago!" Bruce guffawed and slapped his knee, clearly enjoying his jabs at Philip, who now looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the sofa cushions. "Actually," Aaron began, "I think he's been looking a lot healthier." They both stared at him, puzzled. "I mean, you really packed on quite a bit of muscles since then. It's- it's all because of that diet and weight training routine you started in sophomore year wasn't it?" The lights flickered slightly but nobody paid mind to it. Bruce couldn't see anything in his peripheral vision for a brief moment. When the light returned, he turned to look at his brother again. "Phil-" Bruce started, but his jaw dropped. Beside him was still his fraternity brother, only he seemed different. His clothes were not loose, his posture oozed confidence, and his presence was more notable. It was like he had a stronger gravitational pull. "Wha-" Bruce tried to speak, but suddenly it felt like two plus two didn't equal four. "Actually," Aaron said again, "Bruce was right about one thing," he spoke slowly. "Phil, you don't look a day over twenty-five. Not a single wrinkle on that baby-face of yours. How'd you do it? Was it the skin care brand you work for?" He paused, glancing at the screen. "It was your investment in that company when you finished your major in business, wasn't it? You mentioned you were interested in it at this party, I think." The ceiling lights dimmed, then turned back to normal. "Yea I... Oh, I think our young selves are talking about it right now!" Philip directed his attention back to the TV. Bruce tore his eyes from Philip's body and looked at the screen. Sure enough, the camera was now half-watching the party and half-turned to Philip as young Aaron spoke with him. The camera seemed to peer down at Aaron's feet or look at the party whenever Philip smiled or laughed. Aaron whistled and sat back on the other neighboring couch. "Wow, I guess I never noticed it back then, but that workout plan really did wonders on your body early on, too." Aaron murmured. "It's a good thing you never broke your habit from the routine." . The lights flickered harshly this time. Bruce watched, rapt as the camera blinked and then focused on young Philip and his B-list superhero costume, the sexy version of course, now standing proudly on his own two feet and towering over Aaron. He was animatedly talking about his career plans, but his bare abs seemed to be the new point of emphasis for the camera. It wandered to the small but firm pecs wrapped tight in spandex along with his disproportionately huge upper arms and bulging legs. Bruce felt something stirring underneath his gut. He shook his head. 'Wait, wasn't Philip dressed in...' His train of thought halted at the sight of the hulking stud next to him. Philip was now leaning back, his gorilla-like arms slightly akimbo from his wide lats. His dress shirt was trying to keep everything together, but it looked like the buttons would pop if he simply took a deep breath. It stretched obscenely over his rounded, stuffed pecs and shoulders that were bigger than his own head. Even his traps rose above the couch cushions. The slacks did not look like they were faring any better as Bruce could make out the separations in the quadriceps through the thin fabric. "It all comes at a price, though," Philip mused, looking down at himself. "One of the side effects of the lotion is that it removes any body hair, permanently. Good thing I never need to moisturize my pits." He raised both arms overhead; two rips slowly drawn out as his lats pushed their way out from the constricting shirt. More rips were heard in quick succession as the sleeves tore apart between his biceps and triceps and from his shoulders. And he was right: while completely hairless anywhere else except for the curly locks on his head, his cavernous armpit still had some tufts of hair. "Ahh, that felt so good. Which reminds me," he continued, lowering his beefy arms, "it also makes everything really sensitive." He spread his legs and pushed them forward a little, the bulge in his groin swelling bigger and bigger. Bruce gulped at the lewd display. 'Was Philip making a pass because of what he saw earlier?' "It's a good thing," Aaron started, trying to find his words, "it's a good thing nobody ever minded how much or how little clothing you wore." Morph by Hardtrainer01 "That's true." Philip nonchalantly agreed, grabbing a handful of his overflowing underwear and scratching his exposed pecs. "Besides, finding clothes that would fit me is such a bother." He raised one arm to play with his hair, but every little movement sent his 20+ inch biceps bouncing, inviting Bruce to stare. "I bet you have a similar problem with clothes, huh Bruce?" "Uh, huh?" Bruce now realized he spent the better half of the last few moments drooling over Phil's smooth, jacked body. His hefty cock was still plumping up and clearly visible through the underwear, and his nipples, free from any constraints, already looked erect. Suck-able, even. "Yea- I mean- no. Not quite. You two can easily shop at the Big and Tall store; I just shop at Big." The brothers chuckled at this, then returned their attention to the monitor. Bruce tried to as well, but his gut was telling him that something was very wrong, and looking at Philip might shed some light. It wasn't because he was insanely hot and practically inviting him to do gay shit. No, maybe if he looked long enough he would figure it out. But Phil's sideways glance and smirk was all that was needed to make the man blush and turn back to the screen. He liked ladies, damnit! He has a wife at home! And speaking of ladies, he watched with reassurance as the sorority girls flocked to young Bruce and felt up his muscles. "Bro, I just realized why you picked this year's party." Bruce sat up and grinned at Aaron. "This was the fucking year we invited every single sorority sister-" "Sisters' polyamorous boyfriends!" Aaron finished. "Dude, what- no. We..." The lights flickered. Once, twice, and on the third time a bulb broke somewhere behind them. When Bruce turned to look back at the screen, he didn't see any sorority girls around him. Instead he was now sulking near the camera with Aaron and Philip, absentmindedly sipping from his punch. The dance floor was still populated by a couple college girls, but most of them were taken. Young Philip and young Aaron sounded like they were trying to cheer him up, keeping him company. Bruce was touched that he had such an unbreakable bond with them. Whenever they rough-housed, Bruce always ended up being sandwiched between their testosterone-laden bodies. On the outside, he was just another straight macho bro. But between those two towering studs, Bruce was putty in their hands. He fantasized about women, sure, but nothing made him harder than the thought of Aaron's funky gym smell rubbing off on him as he pilfered his roommate's dirty stretched-out laundry, or Philip's sweaty and pumped body, fresh from his rigorous workout, pressed against his during a wrestling match. And while other brothers were skeptical that he never found a wife, Aaron and Philip never once gave him shit for it. Even though he trusted them with anything about his life, he'd never let them know how hot and bothered they made him whenever they were around. Even now, Bruce swore under his breath as he felt the cool tingle at the tip of his dick, a spurt of pre-cum leaking into his trousers. "Well, it made sense, considering how our fraternity only recruits bi and gay men." Aaron explained. "Wait, what?" To be continued... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everyone! Thank you for all your kind comments on my last story. I was recently inspired again, and wanted to play around with a genre that I've always enjoyed: reality changing. I didn't really do as much scene-hopping as I did with my other story, and my writing in the 3rd person (limited) is still a little rusty, but I hope that the pacing and language comes across smoothly. I realized as I started writing that this couldn't be a one-shot like my last story, however. The ideas just keep coming! So this will split into several parts. Feedback is always welcomed, and hit that follow button to- *lights out*
- 12 replies
- 42
- reality change
- mental change
- (and 3 more)
Grow Up! A collaboration between myself and Aardvark. This story was altered from its original form and updated. – “Porter!” Silence. “Porter!!!” Silence. “HEY!!! PORTER!!!!!!” “WHAT?!” Porter appeared at the top of the stairs, staring down in anger at his little brother Bode at the foot of them. “WHAT, BODE? The house better be on fire!!!” “I wanna play the Playstation.” “You have seen me set it up for you ten. Thousand. Times. Why can’t you do it yourself?” Porter said with a huge amount of annoyance as he trudged down the steps. “I always mix up the cables,” Bode shrugged, completely without remorse. The family entertainment center was a bit out of date. The amount of cording behind the television was enough to confuse even the most adept of techies. In the bedroom, Freddie rolled his eyes and set his phone on the bed. He and Porter hadn’t really been doing anything. Just laying back and shooting the shit about what they wanted to do over their last summer before senior year. So far, the only exciting thing was Harry Greco’s big party this Saturday. Because of Bode, they couldn’t just do whatever – he couldn’t be left home alone. Seriously, if the kid could just be a tiny bit older, Freddie and Porter’s lives could be so much easier. Walking into the living room, Freddie saw Porter wrestling with the entertainment center. Freddie arched a blonde brow as he assessed everything. “Your family does know that HDMI cords have been invented, right?” Porter snorted. “You think my father knows anything about technology other than Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer? He’d look at this and say, ‘Oh, it’s not that bad, Port! Get in there and help your little brother!’” “He’s right!” Bode chirped from his position on the La-Z-Boy near the television. “When are they coming back?” The venom exuding Porter’s face could have dissolved solid stone. “They told you literally yesterday. You seriously don’t remember?” Bode shrugged. “Nope.” Freddie facepalmed. “Two weeks. They said two weeks.” “Oh. ‘Kay. Are you done, Porter?” Before Porter could answer, there was a loud crack and a shower of sparks and the brunette leapt back from the television. Bode yelped. Porter hissed and made sure he was uninjured while Freddie checked the television. “This,” he announced, “is dead. Looks like your dad’s modernizing whether he likes it or not, bro.” “I’m telling mom!” Bode announced, hopping off the La-Z-Boy and making for the phone. Freddie ran after him. Porter groaned and put his head in his hands. “I’m in so much trouble now.” “Bode, put the phone down,” Freddie commanded as the younger teen approached the family cell phone. “Porter broke the TV and I want them to buy me a new one so I can play games while they’re gone! I can’t use the one in their bedroom, you can’t plug anything in cause it’s on the wall!” Bode reached for the phone but Freddie batted it away. “Ow! You shocked me!” “It’s your fault he had to tinker with it in the first place!” Freddie snapped. “You have a laptop, play games on that! Stop trying to just fuck up Porter’s life for no-” “That’s a bad word!” Bode gasped. How could anyone be so innocent at this age? Probably because his mother babied him so much. “-FOR NO REASON,” Freddie continued. He gave Bode a light nudge as he held the phone up out of the other boy’s grasp. “Grow up!” “No! I wanna play games!” “GROW UP, BODE!” Freddie said again with another light nudge, except this time Bode went sailing across the room as if he’d been shot out of a cannon. “Holy…” Freddie said, jogging over to the younger boy on the floor. Porter showed up then and saw his friend crouching over his little brother. “What’d you do?!” “Nothing!” “It was… it was nothing…” Bode said, sitting up and giving his head a shake. “I was being rude.” He looked up at Porter. “Sorry, P. I know you were just trying to help me out. I won’t tell on you.” “Uh… thanks.” “Maybe I…” Bode stood up and smoothed down his rumpled sweatpants. “Maybe I should buy us a new TV.” “You? You don’t have that kind of money, Bode, TVs are expensive.” “I have… some money…” Bode said, in a vacant voice. “Yeah… I’ll go upstairs and look at some TVs online.” Porter and Freddie watched Bode walk back up the stairs and to his room. “That was weird,” Freddie murmured. “Least he’s out of our hair for now.” Upstairs, Bode shut the door to his room and groaned, running a hand over his forehead. “Weird… I didn’t… didn’t feel sick when I… uh… oof…!” He put a hand over his stomach, which let loose a rumbling growl. “Unnnh…” he moaned, grimacing. He staggered for his bed, flopping onto it and idly pawing around for his laptop. His hand felt weird. Like it was too big… What was going on here? This was bizarre. “I… I need to get…” What? Get what? His mind grasped for the end to the statement, but found nothing except… workout techniques? What the-? The feeling of too-bigness crept up his arm, and he groaned. This wasn’t right. He rolled over and grunted, as his crotch began to feel tight. He tried to loosen his sweatpants, but the bulge was already there, growing larger and lewder by the minute. “F-Fuck,” Bode murmured, now unconcerned whether it was a bad word or not. He tried to put it out of his mind, though he kept absently pawing at his cock, which ached inside his underwear. To distract himself, true to his word, he opened up his laptop and went to the Best Buy website to search for TVs. Some of them were pretty expensive, but Bode was excited to see a 4K one at a holiday discount with all the trimmings, including everything he needed for gaming. It was $800 – Bode knew that was a lot of money for a TV, but it was worth it. He rummaged through his backpack… why did this darn thing have so many pockets? Finally, he found a Velcro wallet with Bart Simpson on it. It had once been Porter’s when he was Bode’s age, and had gotten passed down. Their mom didn’t like Bart Simpson because he was rebellious, which made Bode like the wallet more. He pulled out his school lunch card, an unused movie pass he was saving for the next Spider-Man movie, and finally found what he wanted: his American Express Platinum card. He wondered if he had enough reward points stored up to get the TV for free. And how to get it? In-store pickup? Bode wasn’t sure if he could drive. He didn’t have a license. Did Porter have a license? Nah, he’d just have it delivered. With a few more clicks and a number typed in, the TV was headed their way. Bode smiled to himself and sat up. His stomach still ached and gurgled with a ferocity the likes of which he’d never experienced before. Maybe he needed some Coke. The carbonation would settle his stomach. So Bode went downstairs, calling out “TV’s on its way” as he turned to go into the kitchen. In the living room, Porter called back, “Thanks, kid.” Kid? Bode didn’t like that. He wasn’t a kid, was he…? Well, yeah, he was kind of a kid. So why did he feel so much older? Ugh, this made his head hurt. He opened the fridge, grabbing for a beer… Wait, beer? No, a Coke. Red can, swoopy-swirly logo. Can in hand, he headed into the living room. “So what are we doing?” he asked. Freddie and Porter regarded him as if his appearance – a teenager with the arms and hands of a seasoned stevedore – wasn’t unusual. A collective “nothing” met his question. “Hmm. We could… I dunno, play charades until the TV gets here?” Bode suggested. Freddie and Porter stared at each other for a moment. There wasn’t anything else to do, they figured, so why not? “I’ll go first,” Bode said, hopping up in front of the entertainment center. He thought for a moment. Scratched his chin. Then he raised both his arms out to the sides and slightly above his head, flashing a double peace sign and a big fake smile. “Arnold Schwarzenegger!” “Popeye!” “Hulk Hogan!” “Um… uh… Gaston!” Bode’s brow furrowed. He’d thought it was super obvious. “John Cena!” “Hercules!” “The Rock!” “No!” Bode said, dropping his arms in annoyance. “Richard Nixon! The V-sign! He made it when the Vietnam War ended!” Porter and Freddie stared up blankly at him. “Sheesh, you guys have never heard of Nixon?” “Was he a bodybuilder?” “No, he was the president!” Bode grew more exasperated. “A bodybuilder? Why on Earth were you guessing wrestlers and Hercules?” “We thought you were flexing.” “I just have big arms,” Bode shrugged, and it was an understatement to say the least. Biceps as big as cannonballs had wedged his sleeves up under his arms. His upper arms – massive, veiny – looked to have roughly the same circumference as his waist. It looked freakish. “You go, I guess I’m not good at this,” Bode barked to Freddie. Freddie leapt up immediately and Bode smiled, reaching up to rub the older teen’s hair. An odd gesture, but no one mentioned it as Bode sat down cross-legged on the floor and folded his gargantuan arms over his chest. Freddie went, almost bending in half and moving his legs to make a sprinting motion. Bode grunted and adjusted his legs a bit “An ice skater!” “A sheep!” Freddie looked at Porter like he’d grown a second head and signaled a “no.” Porter kept shouting out increasingly outlandish answers while Bode grunted, pushing out his legs. They pulsed and throbbed, and the feeling of too-bigness crept down them until there was a tearing noise. His sweatpants had burst! And yet Freddie and Porter didn’t notice! Bode looked down to see two redwoods jutting from his pelvis. Enormous thighs, swollen with fat, meaty muscles which would have been rubbing together if his enormous package wasn’t separating them. It strained against his undies, which looked like they’d give way at any moment. Bode idly massaged it as he flexed his enormous calves. After a minute, making sure not to pop a boner in front of the boys, he looked up. “Usain Bolt,” he called out. Freddie hopped into a normal stance, grinning. “That’s right!” He returned to his seat. Porter stewed as Bode strode up. “Alright, you go, sport,” Bode said, noticing Porter’s irritation. He chuckled fondly and shook his head. No one noted the “sport” comment, and Bode plopped down next to Freddie. He looked the other one over and took in just how fit Freddie was. It looked good. Really good, in fact… Bode had never noticed how handsome Freddie had become. Freddie and Porter had been friends for years, thick as thieves, so Bode saw Freddie almost daily, which had made Freddie’s puberty seem less abrupt. But the boy next door had grown up beautifully. He had a strong chin, a broad chest that Bode knew would eventually get a lot thicker, wide shoulders, and a nice deep voice. Bode imagined an older, bearded Freddie wearing a suit and tie and reading the news. He’d be good at that. And when that tie came off, the neck muscles underneath… the top of that muscular chest on view… Out of Porter’s view, Bode’s hand wandered up to the middle of Freddie’s back and began rubbing. He felt Freddie’s sharp intake of breath, and the neighbor boy’s blue eyes widened slightly, but he didn’t pull away or look over. Bode’s fingers were stretching across Freddie’s back, his palm widening, his knuckles popping as big as quarters. More muscled bulged its way out of his arms, spreading up into his shoulders, and the crew neck of his t-shirt started to pull apart as Bode’s collarbone began extending, eventually bumping him into Freddie. Freddie didn’t move as Bode’s shoulders forced them to snuggle together, growing massively broad, twice as wide as Freddie’s. Bode slid his huge hand down to Freddie’s lower back, and his pinkie rubbed along waistband of Freddie’s underwear. He smirked. “Are you guys paying attention?!” Porter snipped. “Sorry P!” Bode said, his voice cracking. “We’re lookin’.” Bode grunted, adjusting his stance some more. He felt broad and kinda heavy, but not especially thick. Mm, he’d have to fix that… He took a deep breath and turned to watch Porter, who was standing bow-legged and had his hands out before him like he was trying to hold a large gut. Hmmm. “The Fatman?” “The what?” they asked. “Oh, I guess neither of you were around for Jake and the Fatman, were ya,” Bode muttered, not even sure he was around for that show. “Keep going.” Another deep breath and he found himself groaning as his shirt was pulled out. He tugged at it to no avail and grunted again, only succeeding in tearing the shirt off. Muscles bulged underneath his just-short-of-ponderous gut. Abs formed, and he rubbed it. All solid muscle. This was so strange… “A sumo wrestler?” Freddie called. “Right!” Porter called out. Bode clapped a hand to Freddie’s back. “Good job, son!” he enthused. Freddie blushed. “Thanks, Mister Arnell,” he said, getting up to take his turn. ‘Mister Arnell’? Since when did Brode qualify as a mister anything? He wasn’t… he wasn’t old enough, was he? Brode frowned as Freddie began to pose and flex before the TV. The teenage muscles bulged and Brode grunted uncomfortably as his loins responded perhaps a bit too favorably. Freddie had been held back, so he was 18. He was legal. But… this was his son’s best friend. They were practically brothers. And wouldn't getting with Freddie be unfaithful to Alan? Wait. His son? Alan? What the hell was he thinking? His frown deepened as he looked back up to Freddie, who was now doing a pec bounce. Brode belched, feeling Coca-Cola bubbles simmering in his throat. Brode arched his back, his mouth dropping open. His chest felt so tight. He rolled his shoulders back, extended his arms a little, trying to stretch it out. But the muscles didn’t feel like they fit correctly under his skin. He could see little stretch marks forming around his shoulders and under his nipples. He hiccuped, and his chest heaved up, but it stayed raised and began to swell. His view of his lap and stomach vanished. Brode looked down agog at his pecs as they inflated, and suddenly they began bouncing in rhythm with Freddie’s. But now they were much bigger than Freddie’s, and growing still, stretching out enormous and thick like a couple of car tires. “It’s uh-” he said, staring at Freddie. He cupped his hands under his pecs, their weight now so ponderous that he was irrationally scared they were going to fall off. Freddie was making some odd gesture around his neck, little flicks with his fingers. “He’s, uhhh, wearing a necklace?” Porter asked. Freddie shook his head no. Brode felt a tickle and looked down to see hair suddenly flowering out over his pecs. He grinned. Long curls erupted through his skin, covering it in a healthy coating of fluff, just enough to poke through all his collars. He liked being hairy. Freddie raised his arms high above his head. “I think,” Brode said, easing up onto his feet, “that you’re impersonating me!” And as he announced it, his body began stretching upward, muscle exploding out of his mountainous frame, until his chest was eye-level for Freddie – no mean feat, seeing that Freddie was six feet tall. He stared down at the neighbor boy with a grin. “Pretty good, kid. I liked the chest hair bit.” He scratched at his furry pecs and bounced them for Freddie, who stared hungrily. “I love your-” Freddie started to say, before realizing what he had almost admitted in front of Porter. He went crimson and sat down, leaving Brode towering over the two older teens. He looked down at them – but couldn’t see them. All he saw was his chest. Unsure of how to continue, Brode tried to tap his chin as he pondered, but as he did, his lats exploded out, and his arms couldn’t quite move to meet his face. He grunted in irritation and stepped back a bit. Freddie was staring up at him adoringly. Brode grinned at him salaciously before his face fell. A tearing noise stopped everything else dead and he felt his big, fat dick slap his thighs. “Dude!” Porter yelped as Freddie moaned. Brode didn’t stick around to find out what he was moaning about, and beat a hasty retreat upstairs. His cock grew the whole way, hardening and snaking up to fit the underside of his musclegut. Thick, prominent veins snaked along its length and even fully hard the foreskin clung to the swollen head. It stopped around his bellybutton and as soon as Brode entered his room and plopped onto his bed, it exploded, shooting cum all over his tremendous ball gut. He bellowed in pleasure, tweaking one of his prominent nipples and leaning back, one hand furiously jerking his meat. Good God, this felt divine! After almost a minute of unloading, Brode fell back, panting and chuckling as he felt the cum on his hairy gut. Incredibly thick, sticky, and piping hot. God, he was a virile sonuvabitch. But… something felt wrong. This all felt wrong. The more he thought about it, the more wrong it felt, and his mind was soon reeling. He tried to marshal his thoughts. His name was… Brodae. No…? Wait… maybe? It might be Brady… He decided he’d come back to that. Age. Right, that was easy: he was, uh… 20? 30? No, wait! He was 45, definitely. Had his kid at 28. Wait, kid? Since when did he have a- oh, right, Porter! Good kid, made his old man proud in and out of the gym. But why couldn’t he shake the feeling Porter was his older brother? Shit… why was he so sure Porter was from his ex-wife Sheila? He tried to remember, and all that came to mind was a hard-fought custody battle, winning sole parental rights when Porter turned six… then Porter, himself, and his then-boyfriend Alan going out for a celebratory pizza. Porter had eaten until he’d gotten a tummy ache and Alan had held him all night long. Brodae chuckled at the memory, and gasped when he realized how deep his voice was. Loud and booming like a foghorn. It felt wrong. But why? WHY!? “Nothing makes sense anymore!” Brodae snarled, rubbing his bald head. Wait, when did he lose his hair? He had a full head of it… well, wait, he did, up until two years ago when Alan… oh. Oh, god, how could he forget his husband getting cancer? Brodae had shaved his head in solidarity once the chemo started, and kept doing it even after… after Alan had passed away. He and Porter still had nightmares about it sometimes… Brodae sat back, rubbing his eyes as they watered. It still hurt. It still didn’t feel entirely real. Had it really happened? He shook his head. Even if it wasn’t real, which he was sure it was, he couldn’t waste anymore tears on it. Moving forward. That’s what he had to do. No doubt he’d meet someone with as good as he looked! Wait, how did he look? The titan staggered to the mirror and gaped at his reflection in shock. Why did he have some kid’s face!? He moved his hands back up to run them over his smooth head. This gesture pushed his pecs up against his chin, smushed his deltoids against his cheeks, and exposed his furry pits. Another shot of cum splattered over the mirror and onto the floor. He had two voices in his head and both told him he wasn’t supposed to look like this. One was talking about his body – the hundreds of pounds of muscle – and the other was talking about the smooth baby face on top of that mountain of virility. He and Porter had both gotten so much bigger after Alan died. They’d taken their grief out on the gym. They still cried together, sometimes – Porter had come into Brodae’s bedroom just last week in the middle of the night, his handsome face wet with tears like a child’s, and he’d spent the night in Brodae’s embrace. They hadn’t mentioned it since. Brodae knew his boy wanted to be a strong man, but even strong men just needed to let it out now and then. “M-Mister Arnell?” Freddie’s voice was on the other side of the door. “The TV’s here…” Brodae opened the door, his naked body on full display. Freddie took a nervous step back. “I’m sorry, sir-” “Don’t apologize, son. Does Porter need me?” “I don’t think so,” Freddie said, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him. “I think he’s got… everything under control…” Freddie’s nose was almost buried between Brodae’s hairy pecs. He began kissing them. Brodae rubbed his head. “Thanks.” “I wanna… I wanna be just like you…” Freddie gurgled between kisses. He wrapped his lips around Brodae’s nipple and sucked as the big stud guided him over to the bed. Brodae stroked his dick and felt a rubbery texture. A condom. He pulled on Freddie’s shorts and yanked them off, and the teen fell back on the bed with a gasp, spreading his legs wide, staring up at Brodae’s angelic face, moaning and mewling with desire. Brodae groaned back, his jaw cracking. “Fuckin’ Christ!” he swore, rubbing it. It was now comically square, and it didn’t quite fit his face at all. He began to thrust into Freddie’s hole, and the teenager moaned his appreciation. Brodae’s face continued to change. His nose was wide and thick, jutting out and bending in the middle. Most would call it a hawk’s beak nose, but Brodae always thought of it more like an eagle’s beak. Big, majestic, and possessing impressively broad wings – just like Brodae (well, he had impressively broad lats, but the principle was similar). His lower lip plumped up a bit more than his upper one and his lower jaw jutted out a bit more, too. Combined with his heavy new brow and thick eyebrows, he’d look classically brutish if it wasn’t for his jaw and newly clefted chin. He looked downright superheroic. His thrusting was picking up speed, and both he and Freddie were moaning and hollering fit to bring the house down. It was a wonder Porter hadn’t run in with all the noise. Finally, with a roar that would make a gorilla duck for cover, Brodae came hard into Freddie’s tight hole. He shot rope after rope of thick cum deep inside his younger lover, then collapsed onto him, bringing him in for a kiss, his thicker stubble rubbing against Freddie’s. “This is wrong,” he rumbled, running a hand over Freddie’s hair. “Then I don’t wanna be right,” Freddie replied. It was cheesy, and they both grinned. “I just wanna be yours, Brodan.” “Son, you’ve been mine for a long time,” Brodan growled back, cupping the back of Freddie’s head with one hand and kissing him again. They laid like that for a little while, just cuddling and kissing with Brodan’s enormous prick lodged in Freddie’s hole, until Porter walked in. “Dad, I- WHAT THE FUCK!?” Brodan leapt up in surprise, pulling his dick out of Freddie so fast that the blond teen yelped. “Port!” he grunted. He’d… he’d forgotten… he was stark fucking naked… Brodan grabbed around for something to cover himself with. He found the only piece of fabric in the room big enough to cover him – a bedsheet. As soon as he swung it around his hulking form, it tightened around him like a cocoon, stitching itself together until it had become a men’s dress shirt, the same navy blue Brodan’s sheets had been. The buttons over Brodan’s chest fell open, displaying his hairy chest, while they pulled too tight over his bulging stomach. The shirt was tucked into a pair of gray trousers with a higher waist than any pants Brodan had worn before, but since he was a man now, this was how he would dress from now on. He was even sporting a nice pair of brown wingtip shoes all of a sudden. As lines webbed out around his eyes and a pair of trendy eyeglasses fell onto his nose, he looked every inch the superheroic dad he had molded himself to be. Porter blinked at his new father. Hadn’t he been… naked a second before? But no, that was silly… what had he and Freddie been doing…? He’d felt so embarrassed, but now that was only because he’d barged in. “Sorry, guys,” Porter said, “I should’ve knocked.” “S’fine. I just, uh, needed advice about something,” Freddie said, still feeling confusion over his newfound homosexuality. All he could think about was standing up and unbuttoning Mr. Arnell’s shirt and kissing him, worshiping him, sucking his enormous, porn star cock… And he looked at Porter, and Porter had that same chin, that same beefy chest that made his shirts too tight… fuck, Porter was so hot. Had he always looked like that? “You okay, buddy?” Brodan asked his son, with a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “The – the TV is here, they’ve set it up, you just have to sign for it.” Porter said. “No problem,” Brodan said, walking down the stairs, opening another button on his shirt and wiping some sweat off his gleaming bald head. “You Mister Arnell?” the deliveryman asked, dwarfed by Brodan’s immense size. “Call me Brogan,” the bodybuilder said, his pecs vibrating a bit bigger. He took the clipboard the deliveryman offered and signed. Another button popped off of Brogan’s shirt. The titan chuckled. “Sorry about that, brother! I lose more good shirts that way.” The deliveryman muttered something about a “freak” and ducked out. Brogan smirked at that. Yeah, he was a freak, and he loved every minute of it. Freddie and Porter entered as the door shut. “Niiice!” Porter declared, gazing at the television like it was his new best friend. Brogan laughed, but was cut off by his text jingle before he could reply. After a quick glance, he clapped a hand to Porter’s back. “I gotta run,” he grunted. “Work needs me. You be good while I’m gone, alright, big guy?” “Aren’t I always?” Porter replied, before hastily adding: “Don’t answer that. Have fun at work, pops.” “I always do. And don’t stay up all night watchin’ TV. You’ll rot your brain.” Brogan kissed his son’s forehead as Porter made token protests, then wrapped an arm around Freddie’s shoulder. “C’mon, kid.” “Wait, what?” Freddie asked as Porter did the same. “You wanted to be just like me, right? Well, you can start now. Besides, we should spend some quality time together, sport,” Brogan replied with a significant look, and Freddie picked up what he meant, nodding. He fell into step with Brogan and they were out the door before Porter could say any more. They hopped into the huge emerald green F-250 in the driveway – the same color as Brogan and Porter’s eyes – and roared off. The massive DILF glanced over to Freddie as they drove. “About what happened in the bedroom…” “It feels like a dream,” Freddie murmured. “One of the best dreams I’ve ever had. Whatever it was, I’m happy with it happening a lot more often,” Brogan rumbled. Seeing Freddie’s face light up, he laughed. “On a couple conditions, son.” “Name ‘em.” “We keep it secret until next summer and you make good on becoming just like me.” “Deal!” Freddie agreed. “I’m so excited! Like, you don’t even know, sir!” “Simmer down, sport,” Brogan chuckled, turning out of town. Freddie looked confused and Brogan’s smile broadened. “You thought we were going to the gym, right?” “Uh, yeah…” “Well, tough luck. Actually, we’re starting on my other job.” The F-250 pulled into the parking lot of a brick building bearing a pink neon sign. It read “Poker in the Rear” and a man’s hand poking a woman’s shapely rear end. Below that read: “Saturday: Gay Night! Sunday: Lesbian Night!” Freddie blinked a few times before turning to Brogan with a broad grin. “Oh, hell yeah!” Brogan laughed and gave Freddie a deep kiss. “That’s what I like to hear, my love. Now c’mon, I’m on in 20 and you got a front row seat.” “Sweet. Can I maybe get a private lap dance later?” Brogan smirked at Freddie. “You have to ask?” – Well, with Tumblr deciding it knows better than consenting adults a few years ago, I figure it was high time I posted all my stories from there – and some new ones! – over here on MG. I do plan on continuing my Sean series as well, if only for the novelty of fanfiction about other series in the community. Well, that, and I have had that planned out with varying levels of detail for years now. That said, if you enjoyed this story then like it, upvote it, or gimme some thanks. If you wanna be in my good books, maybe even give me some feedback! Also… remember the name Harry Greco. This isn’t the last you’ll be hearing of that party. - Trav
- 15 replies
- 11
- mental change
- sex
- (and 7 more)
I wake up. I stand there tied to a block of steel. My arms are stung by wires. It hurts, I scream in pain. I barely remember the events that lead to this moment, I can only remember being tied to this block, siringes being injected in my arms, the pain making me unconscious. Now I wake up, I feel pain, and in the mist of it, warmth spreading all over me. I can feel my blood being infected with what they're injecting in me through the wires, it hurts so bad, I scream in pain. As I scream, my whole body flex, as if I'm trying to embrace myself, bracing for something beyond my comprehension. I flex, once more, harder, and I beg them to stop, byt they don't, instead, more pain. I struggle to remember how did I end up here, how did I tied to this block. "UNGH" "AHH" It hurts, deeply, I feel it infecting my organs and brain... Something is about to happen, something big. As the pain surges once again, I feel my clothes tighter, I feel, as I flex, my arms tougher, my chest wider. Something is happening with me, something big. I scream, I do my best to release myself, I can't, and the more I try, the more I feel the infection spreading. I am growing bigger, wider, and my clothes start to feel uncomfortable, I scream in pain, I don't know what is happening still, but I don't want this, I don't want this pain, this liquid, this infection. I desperately try to remember. I am growing bigger, wider, my clothes start ripping apart, my body is now washed in sweat, the ripping fabric is glued to my blody by the thick layer of foul sweat that covers me now. I scream, I want ti to stop. As my clothes rip itself apart, glued to my body even further, I feel the chain of my dogtag stretching across my back, neck and chest, as they grow thicker, wider, stronger. It happens, I feel the energy of a thousand suns within me. My screams transform into deep roars, slowly but surely, my voice is bellowing octaves, I don't know how. It happens, I feel my legs thickening, stretching, ripping my trousers. Ripping my boxers. I feel my penis hard with the pressure. My shirt is slowly reduced to shambles as my pecs widen, my abs grow within me, hard and powerful, capable of many feats. My shoulders, oh, my shoulders get stronger by the minute. I try to remember why this is happening to me, but I feel my brain changing, too, I feel the pain slowly turn to pleasure, I feel my suffering facial expression turning into a grin, my eyes are frowning and my eyes are filled with power and anger. I am losing my innocence, I am transforming, transforming into a beast, and I want more. Slowly but surely, this desire consumes me. "Yes, please, more!" "Oh yea! Oh my cock! My fucking cock! Bigger!" "More, I want more!" "MORE, I WANT MORE" "GAHHHHHH" My voice turn into loud and angry grunts, the transformation capture me fully, and is determined to change me completely, from a regular man into a fighting beast. A powerful muscular monster. I feel my whole body changes as I'm getting naked, My cock is standing like a pilar in my front, trembling with blood and the formula that is now part of my being, part of my genes. My pecs expand larger and larger, I like how my skin stretches, desperate to catch up with my delicious and tremendous transformation. The modified testosterone of my body fills the air, this is the aroma of my thick sweat, this is who I am, a beast, more than a man, the figure of pure raw masculine power. And I want more, I demand for more. I am able to release myself from the block, some of the wires fall in the floor, but I'm still transforming, I feel immense pleasure as I release myself, my feat of strenght, causing me to cum, jets and jets of my thick seed mix with my sweat, the strong smell of it fills the air, and it hits me, finally. How I ended up turning to a beast of pure raw deep power. My previous self, so curious, got caught in a secret project from a powerful organization, and this is my punishment, to lose my humanity, to become the first test subject of their ambitions. I don't mind, and then my mind blanks as I keep spurting my seed. I roar a deep roar of satisfaction, I am who I want to be, I embrace my change, I am what they want me to become. They asked, they received. I feel more power within me by the second. And it hits me, this power, needs to be shared. I know what my next move is.
Synopsis: "Some time in the far future, a government dissenter and anti-war activist is drafted to become a new, gamma-powered super soldier." A little experimental piece. There’s a brief bit on mental changes/mental conditioning involving American imagery. I apologize if it’s much. Disclaimer: The copyrights to the Incredible Hulk and any related characters or depictions are owned by Marvel. This story is not intended to infringe on such copyright. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The ride on the prisoners’ transport vehicle was silent, other than the slight bumps on the road rocking it every so often. Other than that unsightly, masked, heavily armored person who could only be assumed to be a soldier, Nick was the only person sitting in the back. He’d just woken up after being knocked out for a few hours, finding himself handcuffed from the back, chained to the bar behind him. It was dark inside, and Nick’s bluish-gray eyes strained to see anything through the small window across from him. Other than the fact it was sunny outside, he couldn’t see anything else. But that was probably because the window was too small for him to get a good look at anything. Instead, he brought his eyes toward the only other person he could see: the soldier. Nick coughed, his throat and mouth feeling dry. He licked his lips to try to feel some moisture, but he felt exhausted. As his hacking stopped, he called out to the soldier in a raspy voice. “Where are you taking me?” “Quiet.” The soldier’s voice was deep. A headache slowed Nick’s response, but it eventually came after a gulp. “I deserve to know where we’re going,” he said. His voice grew stronger. “You’re a government dissenter. A disgrace,” the soldier said, standing up. He approached Nick, and got close to his face. “You’re supposedly anti-war, but you disrupted the country’s law and order with your so-called ‘activism.’ You don’t deserve shit, and you deserve the draft.” Then it came back to Nick. After a day of him strategizing with local activists to put pressure on the increasingly corrupt government, the army raided his apartment and took him. He stared into where he guessed the soldier’s eyes would be. “You know this draft’s illegal,” he said. No response. “So where are you taking me? Bootcamp?” The soldier scoffed. “Better than that.” Nick’s face dropped. That’s not good news, he thought. The vehicle slowed down and he realized something big was about to happen to him. Did that soldier mean… No, that project was scrapped. It was never greenlit. But with the military in charge, they could… The soldier undid the chain attaching Nick to the vehicle, and pulled him up. Nick winced at the man’s tight grasp of his arm but had no time to react as the truck’s door opened, blinding him, then pushing him out. He had little time to find his footing or to allow his eyes to adjust as the soldier pushed him towards the entrance of a large mysterious facility, the only label on it being “Military Operations” on a small plaque above the large door. It didn’t take long before he found himself approaching what seemed like a holding cell. Another soldier was stationed at the door with what seemed to be a uniform in hand. That soldier unlocked the cell, grabbed ahold of Nick’s arm — ignoring his wincing and clear reaction of pain — then freeing him from his handcuffs and pushing him in. Nick turned around and watched the two soldiers talk briefly, presumably about him, before they parted. He stepped back as the soldier with the clothes stepped in. He spoke with a deep voice, not unlike the other. “Strip to your underwear, keep your socks, and toss your current clothes to me and put these on,” he commanded. He threw the clothes he had to the floor in Nick’s direction before pressing on. “Now!” Understanding the situation very well, Nick did not hesitate to start taking off his clothing. His attitude from earlier had completely gone away, replaced by a sense of anxiety and urgency. He slipped his shirt over his head and tossed it to the soldier, just as he was told; the same was done for his pants, shoes, and socks. Nick’s feelings of humiliation and invasion of privacy needed to be quickly discarded, so he slipped on the provided khaki pants (just a size too big), and tried to fit through the plain white shirt he was given. After a moment of tugging it over his head, he gave up and told the soldier, “This doesn’t fit.” His eyes locked with the soldier’s before darting away. The soldier sighed. “Fine,” he said, sounding irritated. He walked over and grabbed the shirt out of Nick’s hand. “I guess you’ll go without a shirt.” He collected Nick’s old clothing and started heading out. “Wait!” Nick called out as the door began to close. “What’s gonna happen to me? I haven’t gone through due process!” “When the doctor is ready for you, I’ll get you.” Nick paled. “The doctor?” The soldier walked away. Despite the lack of response, his silence answered Nick’s question and his fear. When Nick was organizing, he and other lead protestors had heard about a top secret project meant to enhance soldiers. It was called Project GAMMA, he was told. A science experiment to create the American super soldier. He never got all the details, since it was supposedly never approved, but his current circumstances could only be explained by that. Why else would there be a scientist involved in what seems like a testing facility? Yet as Nick made his way to the dirty mirror in the cell and stared at himself — his fairly slim, pale body and his 5’9” stature — he couldn’t understand why he of all people would be picked for this. At 19, he was different from any of his involved peers. He was far from a soldier and could never live in their mindset. He was independent, and not quite patriotic. The most athletic he got was running, so he wouldn’t stand a chance against the hulking soldiers around him. His heart was racing. What were they about to do to him? The answer of that question would come soon enough, as the soldier had already come back. He opened the door. “Get out,” he demanded. Nick looked at the soldier and walked to the door and the soldier immediately grabbed ahold of his arm. He could try to make a break for it, he thought, but with a place as large as this facility being in the middle of nowhere, attempting would surely be a death sentence. He allowed himself to be tugged along to a door labeled “TESTING LAB 1-H” as he grimly walked down the fluorescent-lit hallways. A new man, short, aged, with a sickly, greenish tint to his skin was standing inside, patiently waiting for who was inevitably to become his test subject. He stood next to a large machine. It was reminiscent of an external beam radiation machine but modified: the treatment table was fixed at an angle so that the subject would be more upright, the radiation laser seemed to cover a larger area, and a small screen was attached to it. The scientist grinned when he saw Nick’s look of fear at the machine. “Strap him to the table, Sarge.” Within a few moments, Nick was forcibly strapped and bound to the table around his waist, his wrists, and his ankles. He tried to get a look at the ID card hanging from the scientist’s lab coat: Dr. Samuel Sterns. “Thank you,” Dr. Sterns said. “You can leave us.” And so the soldier did, leaving Nick and the malicious man in the room. Nick’s heart was beating out of his chest, feeling fear as Dr. Sterns began to circle Nick, as if to inspect him, with a mischievous grin on his face. “Who… who the hell are you?” Nick asked, his voice shaking. “My name is Dr. Samuel Sterns. Yours is Nicklas Radler, but you prefer to just go by Nick, I heard,” he started, locking his eyes with Nick’s. “I am the lead scientist of this small project.” “Is this… Project GAMMA?” Dr. Sterns stopped pacing around Nick. He scoffed as he looked Nick up and down. “So you’ve been told?” “No. I’ve heard about it… I thought this project was dead.” “It was. It really was.” Dr. Sterns stepped forward before he continued, prompting Nick to take a sharp breath as his heart began to race even more. “That was until your little band of kids began picking up traction. People stopped enlisting, and the draft became more aggressive. What we didn’t anticipate was how you guys sowed so much resistance against the government. So, I made my case to the men in charge and got my way. You were… picked up because you fit what we needed at the moment, in comparison to your anarchist teammates.” Nick was silent, and a feeling of dread came upon him. Was everyone else in danger? “What are you going to do to me?” The grin on the scientist’s face grew wider and more wicked. “Project GAMMA is meant to make the world’s first gamma-powered super soldier, hence the name. A combination of nanites, serum, and radiation to turn the mind and body of any man into one of a true American patriot, ready to fight for his country. A total transformation — one that you’ll be the first to enjoy.” Mind and body? Radiation? “Gamma radiation kills,” Nick said frantically. Maybe he could bargain his way out of here. “Not at certain frequencies for short bursts of time,” Dr. Sterns retorted. “I could never fight for this country, doc. I’ve never had a passion for this country, and I never will. I don’t plan on contributing to war.” + “Ah, that’s what you think.” Dr. Sterns stepped away and pressed a button. On the side of the machine came a few vials and a few syringes. He took one vial, filled with a greenish liquid, and another, filled with a clear thick liquid, along with one of the syringes. “You see the nanites we’re using today are special,” he explained. He loaded the syringe with the clear liquid. “These change your psychology to be a little more… suggestible. More flexible and eager to accept what is presented. A bit of programming through audio and visuals, a boost of testosterone, and your mindset will be changed. You’ll come out a new man.” “Fuck you,” Nick said quietly. Dr. Sterns grabbed Nick’s neck and slowly positioned it before he injected the liquid (which Nick now safely assumed to be the nanite fluid) into his neck, straight into his spine. As soon as Dr. Sterns removed the needle, Nick started to feel a slight haze settle on his mind. It was like locks on his mind slowly began to unravel and he felt vulnerable. It stung as he felt a numbing pain from his neck spread to the rest of his spine and seemingly his brain. He fought hard to fight it, now knowing what was about to happen. “No, no…” he muttered. “The serum will do to your body what the nanites will do to your mind. Open your body to stimulation and transformation,” Dr. Sterns said. “Inspired by the work of an ‘old colleague,’ you shouldn’t have to worry too much. At least you won’t be the scrawny stick you are now.” Still reeling from the slight pain of the nanites, Nick looked back at Sterns in horror as he saw the scientist grab his left arm. “Get off me!” He yelled, desperate to leave. He thrashed his arm around, trying to make it hard for Sterns to find a vein to inject. “No! Please, doc, don’t put that shit inside me!” His efforts were futile as Sterns pulled another strap around his arm to keep bound to the table as he injected. The serum burned as it entered Nick’s system, prompting him to scream. He felt defeated, unlike the proud and defiant protester he was when he got taken. The burning quickly subsided, however, as the last of it left the syringe and the syringe left his body. “You’re a loud one,” Sterns said. “I can see why you were put on the front lines of those protests. You’ll need that energy on the battlefield.” He undid the extra strap around his arm and left the room. He appeared once again behind a window, an observational control room that looked into the room Nick was strapped in. Dr. Sterns seemed to flick a couple switches before the radiation machine whirred to life. The machine buzzed as the beam transport lowered around and lit up, a heated greenish light shining against Nick. The screen came down with it, shoved into Nick’s face, turning on to an image of the American flag. “Are you ready, Nick?” Dr. Sterns’ voice came through speakers into the room. “Fuck you!” “So we shall begin.” Click. The beam transport unleashed gamma rays against Nick’s body as he shut his eyes. The radiation beam oscillated around him. The voices of men that weren’t there filled his ears. Dr. Sterns of course noticed Nick’s shut eyes and sought to rectify it. “Open your eyes, Nick,” he said through the speakers. “Why should I?” “You need to open your eyes.” The commanding sound of Sterns’ voice compelled something inside him to open his eyes, to become exposed to the propaganda on the screen. The nanites were already doing their job. “No…” Nick felt his body heat up as he received the radiation and his body began to mutate. His eyes were wide open as words and imagery came onto the screen. YOU ARE A PATRIOT. YOU ARE AMERICAN. Nick recoiled at the sound of deep-voiced men repeating the phrases being blasted in his ears. He tried his best to think about anything else other than the words on the screen, but with his eyes peeled he couldn’t resist the messaging. An American flag flashed onto the screen. “I’m… not a patriot,” he said to himself. That much was true for the moment, but his mind was quickly melding to what was being introduced. He foolishly tried to imagine himself as a dumb patriot, but realized it felt more real than he expected. Without any warning, he suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through his body before it subsided. The changes were beginning, and he was unable to stop it. AMERICA FIRST. SERVE YOUR COUNTRY. His eyes flashed green for a moment as the physical changes made themselves known. Not only were they more apparent, Nick could feel them take place from the inside out. He had little room to glance down as all the muscles in his body began to burn, as if he had just gone through some strenuous workout. His toes curled and his hands rolled into fists as the sensation of growth became intense. His heart was beating heavily as his body began to stretch, adding extra inches to his height. “God… what the fuck…” Nick shut his eyes for a moment before feeling compelled to open them once again, staring directly at the words. Again, another image of the flag then of a camo uniform flashed in front of him. He felt scared when he could suddenly imagine himself wearing that very uniform before the words changed again. AMERICAN TRADITION IS GOOD. BROTHERHOOD AND CAMARADERIE. The images of fraternity bros flashed onto the screen, the same kind that he had rejected being friends with in college, before also being replaced with what seemed to be military men enjoying each others’ company. What Nick didn’t anticipate was how arousing the idea of finally accepting “American values” would suddenly be, and how arousing being a ‘bro’ would sound. As if he started to subconsciously will it, he very briefly flexed his whole body despite his position, and his muscles tightened and began to grow. Nick glanced down, saw, and felt his biceps begin to grow. They stretched outward almost beautifully but slowly, as if he was watching a timelapse of a person building muscle. The feeling of growth only added to the burning but was surprisingly pleasure-inducing. Nick couldn’t control the soft moan that left his lips as his now rock hard cock caught friction against the inside of his boxers. Quickly he felt a crisis of identity coming on. “No I’m not like them… I could never be like them,” he told himself. But as he repeated those words in his head, he became less and less confident in them. After all, a voice in the back of his head began to say, who wouldn’t want a bro to lean back on? THIS WE’LL DEFEND. SEMPER FI. Nick immediately recognized the phrases as they were screamed into his ear: the mottos of the Army and the Marines. Photos of men from each branch flashed, the voices of men speaking to him to become a recruit invading his brain. “But I’m not… them!” He tried harder to strengthen his resolve. It was undercut by a new pang of pleasure, eliciting a louder moan than before, as he saw and felt another round of growth in his body. His pecs ballooned and became more defined, and he felt his thighs and calves begin to experience the same treatment as his arms. All parts of his body began to feel heavier but stronger. Nick gasped as he felt like the air was knocked out of him for a second — his abdomen tightened as his abs became much more prominent and larger, jutting out. Droplets of sweat began to form all over his body. A sudden increase of testosterone in his system as his body reacted to its own changes. The military men on the screen suddenly became familiar. Nick’s eyes widened when he realized who they were: guys from his high school who he had cut off shortly after he found out they enlisted. BE A MAN. BE A SOLDIER. “I am… a man…” Nick’s words were slowing as his brain was processing everything thrown at it. Now images of people he knew from his high school and men from his college playing football flashed across. Expressions and screams of masculinity and aggression played on the screen. The images of traditional American masculinity inserted themselves into his sense of self, tying his ideas of being a man to that. “Stop! No!” He screamed out as he realized the thoughts popping into his head. It was no use, of course, as he began to cultivate a subtle desire to “BE A MAN” like the ones he saw on screen. A voice in his head whispered temptations, of course he should want to be a man! As much as he presently hated the changes happening to him, Nick started to love the sensations he felt all over his body. He felt confused, knowing that he absolutely shouldn’t, but his mind and body were betraying his spirit. Case in point: Nick moaned as he felt his cock get longer and larger in his boxers. He could feel pre begin to leak just a tad as it brushed past wet spots. “Fuck,” he muttered. He looked down as more and more of his muscles pushed outward. His chest and shoulders became broader and his back widened. His now eight-pack abs were cut and large, his lats flared, and his pants now fit more snugly around his waist and legs. It was clear, however, that fat wasn’t the cause for this. YOU ARE STRONG. YOU HAVE MUSCLE. At this, as if his body took a mind of its own, Nick suddenly flexed his new muscles as much as he could while strapped down. He moaned; the sensation felt so good, releasing the right hormones in his body. Veins pushed up, his vascularity being unlike anything he ever had before. In fact, his whole body was unlike anything he ever had before. Never in his life had Nick been built like this, but now he was built like the perfect soldier. And he was feeling good. On the screen in front of him, he saw shirtless athletes and bodybuilders exercising and flexing flash in front of his eyes. He was a man like them, Nick thought, he was strong as hell and he could prove it. He could enlist. But he interrupted that train of thought as he realized how much he had changed. His will, however, was being muddied by his libido. On a screen from the control room, connected to a camera pointed at Nick’s face, Dr. Sterns watched as Nick’s gray eyes became a bright green. The scientist smiled. “Perfect.” SERVE IN THE WAR. YOU LOVE AMERICA. “No, no…” As the words changed, Nick knew he needed to resist the mental changes. So he tried, but everything felt so good. He was on fire in the best way possible. And he was losing himself. Nick’s cock struggled against his boxers, wanting to free itself so desperately. He moaned and yelled in pleasure. He needed to release. He needed to be free. Suddenly he felt a new primal, savage energy spring forth from within him. The feeling of pure anger and power entered his veins, prompting Nick to feel like he unlocked a new part of the serum. In a way he did, activated by the prolonged gamma radiation. Nick’s skin began to shift to a green, just like that of the Hulk he had heard about years ago. His hair went from a light brown to a dark green. His newly-muscled body shifted into something even more powerful, as all his muscles packed on more mass. His pants began to rip as his body became much more than the fabric could handle. His growth shifted to his height as he now added another near-foot to his new human height of 6’1”. The strap around his waist burst open from the force of his new transformation. Nick ripped through the straps bounding his wrists and ankles like they were nothing, fueling a new dangerous arrogance. Dr. Sterns was unconcerned. YOU ARE A PATRIOT. Fuck patriotism, Nick thought. Nick looked down to briefly admire his body and flexed, but knew he couldn’t wait. He knew that the emerald beast he had become had the strength he needed to punch out and leave. But he was frozen, in front of the screen. There was unbridled energy, power, and strength inside him, but his mind was so occupied by his rock-hard cock. He couldn’t help but begin to rip off the tatters of his pants and boxers, and stroke. He screamed at himself in his head, he needed to stop! He needed to leave! But Nick continued to stroke. His eyes were glued to the screen. Pictures and videos of American soldiers, shirtless and in action, young patriotic men built like he was now built, all shining from the screen and attaching themselves into the deepest recesses of his brain. He was becoming. Nick started to want it. And as he continued to stroke, he moaned, distracted by his own pleasure, changing more and more… Until, at long last, the release and relief he was looking for. He yelled out powerfully as he finally came, greenish off-white semen shooting all over him and on the floor. With each powerful shot was also the release of everything he used to be. No longer could he be the scrawny, smug, seditious little activist he used to be. Not when he could be like this. And as he panted in the aftermath, shrinking down to his new human normal, with his greenness fading away, he thought only one thing as he stared at the screen. Of course he was a patriot. YOU ARE A SOLDIER. As the last words appeared on screen, and his reversion to his new normal finished, the beam transport stopped oscillating. The machine died down, the screen folded back up, and soon no sound was in the room except for Nick’s own breathing. Nick slowly stepped off the table, approaching the glass through which he could clearly see Dr. Sterns and a faint reflection of himself. There was a new subtly cocky strut in the way he walked, and he had an arrogant smirk on his face. Truly, he’d become an alpha, fit for combat. “How’d I do, doc?” Nick said, his voice just a tad bit deeper than before. He brought up an arm to flex for a moment before bringing it back down. Dr. Sterns seemed more than satisfied. “Thank you for participating in Project GAMMA, Nick. I’m happy to say it was a success,” he said through the speakers. Through the glass, he wore a smile. “You may find new clothes on the compartment on the side.” Nick looked and found a new pair of khaki pants to replace the one he had ruined, a new pair of boxers, and a plain white shirt that very clearly fit him. But after he put on his pants, he decided he didn’t need to wear the shirt. “Now I’m obligated to tell you that you have been drafted into the U.S. Army, to become a part of their first GAMMA platoon,” Dr. Sterns said on the speakers. Nick scoffed. “Finally. Some good news.”
- 3 replies
- 17
- mental change
- muscle
(and 3 more)
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Metal muscle 4 solder soldier specialist Jacob and Levi were invited to Benson’s frat party. Jacob was driving them while Levi was navigating using a GPS app on his phone. “Just a couple more minutes and tell we reach frat house”, Levi said. Movie a lock of black hair from his green eyes. “finally, we are nearly there,” Jacob said in exasperation. Levi,” Are you sure you won’t stay for the party Jacob?” Jacob nodded his head and said,” no Levi I have to study I have a test next Monday and it’s an important one. Beside my parents are coming tomorrow. If my mother saw me with a hangover, she would never let it down. Plus, Benson’s parties are kind of lame.” Levi,” you’re just saying that because Ella doesn’t plan to go.” Jacob blushed at this statement. “I knew it,” Levi said with a shit eating grin. “Oh, look we’re here,” Jacob said changing the conversation. Jacob road up next to the door to drop off Levi at the large building, driving off as they said their goodbyes. Before Jacob could leave the parking lot his car mysteriously shot down. Jacob did the usual checkup for his car only to find that the car battery had died. Jacob pulled out his cellphone to fine that the battery was extremely low too low for him to call for help. Jacob thought he charged his cell phone when he left to take Levi to the party. Jacob pulled out a spare phone charger from his car and made his way to the frat house. Jacob’s annoyed mood as his car died turn into fear, for some reason Jacob had a bad feeling but did not know why. Jacob was at the door when he had a second thought he was about to turn when he felt a powerful sense of fear which caused him to immediately open the door and entering the strangely subdued building. It was then that Jacob realized why something felt off, there was no music or sound of people partying, instead he heard strange rhythming heart beat sound and saw in horror, everyone on the floor as if they were all dead. Then he saw Levi prone body on the floor, unthinking Jacob ran towards his fallen friend. Jacob saw that Levi was alive, but his green eyes are starting to turn red. It was then that Jacob heard a deep voice in his head. “I was not expecting one of your blood to be here, but I see it has diluted enough.” Jacob looked around not knowing where the voice came seem to come from everywhere. Jacob yelled out, “who’s there?” “How the mighty bloodline falls to this weakling. Not even worthy of my name let alone my respect.” The mysterious voice says in contempt. Jacob felt angry and scared still looking for that voice. Not understanding that it was telepathy. “It is fitting that the descendent of one who led to my defeat those many ages ago will be the first to be consumed by my might.” Jacob,” what in hell are you talking about,” yelled out loud in frustration as he stands up. “If you do not know who I am then clearly you have shamed your ancestors with your ignorants, or has it been so long that I have been forgotten, but do not worry. We will rectify that, when I am done with you will be praising the name Emperor maximum and your blood will be mine. For I will not make the same mistake.” It was then that Jacob attempted to leave only to find the way block fine a huge muscular metal man with glowing red eyes. In horror Jacob realize what was going on. he did not hear the tearing of clothes; he did not see the pools of liquid metal all over the wooden floor where girl’s clothes were getting dissolved. it was if a malevolent force made him blind and deaf to his surroundings. Looking around he noticed the partygoers getting up. Jacob could clearly hear clothing taring as he saw them begin to grow with huge muscle. Shirts and pants of all types began to stretch before tear started to appear, they are clothes unable to handle the new growth. Regardless of their skin color the ones human partygoers started to turn gray then it became metallic. At this point there are clothes worrying being dissolved by their metal skin or were in tatters on the floor or even both revealing their new metallic muscles. There newly grown beefy metal pecs larger than his hand, muscling thighs way larger than tree trunks, bicep larger than a bowling ball, strong lower legs and arms, with the huge feet support their weight, Strong wide shoulders. Some had 6 pack others had 8 pack ads with a strong V while others had huge muscle gut. Regardless of their former size they all became 8 feet tall, With a fat 10-inch-long erect cock and big metallic balls. Whatever hair they had was gone there faces had strong jaws and strong facial features giving them a masculine look, with malevolent glowing red eyes. Jacob was surrounded by these huge metal men, who were slowly making their way towards him, with evil intent in their glowing red eyes. For some instinctual reason Jacob knew that if these metal men touched him for too long, he would be doomed, but it was already too late for him to escape. Jacob felt a strong crushing grip on his left arm as he saw Levi who was 80% covered in metal and Hugh with muscle like the rest. It did not take long for his right arm to be grab by another huge metal men. Jacobs arms were in pain not only were they being crushed by the strength of these metal men, it felt like something was burning his arm off. Jacob tried to escape iron like grip of the changing Levi and former party goer. Jacob looked up at Levi with pleading eyes as he said, “Please Levi fight it, let me go, resistance it’s evil influence.” For a second when Jacob was looking into Levi’s human green eyes, Jacob saw a glimmer of recognition, but it was not to last. As a red slowly covered the green of Levi’s eyes, his white slowly turn black as one final human tear crept down only to be transmuted to liquid metal as it touched the metal skin that was spreading to his face. Before Jacob’s eyes metal consumed Levi’s face as it eats his hair leaving him bald. His one boyish face twisted and became brutally masculine like the rest of the metal men. Jacob began to cry as he struggled to get loose. He could literally feel his skin turning into metal where the two metal musclemen were holding him. Then he felt it a strong force of malevolent intent. It hit Jacob in a wave causing him to scream in pain and fear. Jacob heard a door open than close, as some of the metal musclemen parted revealing a metal man who was holding a red crystal heart. It began to glow as Jacob heard in his head. Crystal heart, “Scream for me little runt.” And with that said. Two huge veins like tubes coming from the crystal heart stabbed it into Jacob, pumping it metallic blood into his veins. The rest of the metal men began to rub their hard-fat cocks in anticipation of Jacobs conversion. Jacob screen as he felt the liquid metal eat away his body transmuting his blood and organs into living metal. Jacob’s clothes began to tighten as being pumped with muscle. His clothes began to tear with the growth of his muscles, as he grew taller. His veins darken as his dick Harden. He stopped screaming and began to moan in pleasure. His flesh grayed out as it turned metallic and, his tight clothes bursting off of his changing body. His once chubby belly flattening than began to rise with eight pack. His growing pecs swelled and swelled until they were like small tight pillows. While his biceps filled out like a balloon reaching the size of compressed bowling balls. His neck grew so thick you may have thought that he had none. His shoulders widen letting His back muscles grew and became more defined. His ass filled out giving him a nice metal bubble butt. While his thighs grew like huge muscling tree trunks with teardrops. His lower legs were not spared growing as well to support his new weight as well as his feet. His 10-inch-long cock was pre-cuming profusely as his huge metallic balls swelled with new growth. Like the rest of the metal men his face changed becoming more masculine, but unlike the others he had metallic stubble giving him a 5 o’clock shadow. The metal man that was once Jacob felt his huge metal balls tighten as his back stiffened and came, shooting his metallic cum all over the floor. The rest of the metal men came as well covering the floor with their cum. All the liquid metal that came from metal men’s cum and the metal that came from remains of the dead female metal flesh started to gather near the crystal heart. Then the liquid metal rises out to reached toward the heart as it retracted its vein from specialist metal man that it created. The crystal heart was slowly covered by the liquid metal it gathered forming a huge metal ball. Thee in case crystal heart began to levitate off of the hand that was holding it. Crystal heart, “My brothers revel in the glory of our father Emperor maximum and take pleasure for this night for in the morning we will seek a general to lead my army so he will spread the glory of our father.” “For Emperor maximum,” all the metal men say. They began to worship and pleasure each other.
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