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  1. RealIn2Growth


    Hi Everyone! Hope you are all having a great summer. Here is a new story. I have completely written the entire thing, so there will be no chance of it not continuing. I know I have to finish Food of the Gods, and now that I am finished with the one project I have been working on since January, I can get back at that one. I hope you enjoy this story. It was something drifting through my brain for a while. The System Part One Some might call me a genius. It does have a nice ring to it when paired with my name. Dante Cirilo, genius. Others might call me insane. You can’t please everyone. The rest… and you might be one of them… call me destruction. That doesn’t look too good on your resume. But, you can’t argue with the truth… and sometimes the truth hurts. You might wonder why I’ve broken my five year silence… why I’m making contact after all of these years. I’ve had so much time to just… think… to try and put it all together and maybe… understand. We all have needs and wants and desires. Maybe mine… even from the beginning… we’re stronger than others. Maybe… whatever sent The Dreams saw this… saw a way they could use me for their own ends. I don’t know. I’ve often wondered if this whole thing was just some sort of cosmic experiment. I still have no clue and doubt I’ll ever know. What I do know for sure… our story begins with The Dreams. Look at it… my cock still leaps to attention at the thought of The Dreams. They began when I was 10. Dreams of cables and wires, or monitors and keyboards, of waves and timelines. I didn’t know it then… but this was laying the groundwork for the creation of The System. At ten, if I would have understood what was being fed to me… I could have built it then… everything I needed had been downloaded into my brain on that first night… but of course… I had no clue what any of it meant. It was just a dream… one that I had continuously for a month's time… and then it faded away. For years I’ve wondered who or what was feeding me the The Dreams.. Even now, I still don’t know. It will forever remain one of the unsolved mysteries of all of existence. Maybe one day I’ll join whatever consciousness chose to do it… or perhaps they have decided to forever remain hidden. No matter. I was spoon fed the workings of The System so I guess, technically, I’m not really a genius. Maybe I was just a tool. A really big tool. You decide. The Dream returned every 7 years like clockwork to haunt me for one month straight. At 24… I began to write it all down. Page after page after page. I drew pictures of what I saw: crude sketches of a machine… the interior… exterior… wires going here, there, and everywhere. I wrote down the coding I saw like a madman… pages and pages and pages of coding. Thirteen straight hours of writing had me fill five complete journals. When I was finished… I passed out… exhausted. I slept for two days straight. The Dreams never returned. At 24, I was in grad school for both electrical engineering and computer science. By this time, I had a brief idea of what it could be I had written down, but I doubted my own intellect. It wasn’t until I was 36, years after I had completed my doctorate and was teaching at a University level did I begin to go back to the journals and attempt to make heads or tails of what it could possibly all mean. What began as an insane hobby became an obsession. I ate… slept… and lived what I had written down in those journals… and slowly… ever so slowly… I began to understand what it was… what I could build. I didn’t dare say it out loud or even tell anyone in case they locked me away. My journals held intricate plans for a time machine… but not one as you might imagine it. You couldn’t hop in and travel back and forth like in the HG Wells novel or Doctor Who. What it could do… hypothetically… was collect the data of one person's timeline… allow someone to view every single second… analyse it… judge it… and potentially… alter it. The System was born. For anyone who might use this record to study what led up to this life you live today, I called it The System from the very beginning, even when I didn’t know what it did. The name just stuck. It felt right. If you can think of a better name… use it… but I prefer The System I won’t bore you with the details, but in my 37th year I started my work in The System, and when I was a little over 42, it was finally completed. And it worked! Mining 14 of my own bodily samples, I began the journey of mapping my own timeline. It took 4 months for the process to be completed and for a full timeline to be built. But, I’ll never forget, as long as I exist, what it felt like to… to glimpse the first sparks of my own creation. At first… there was nothing… darkness… like the start of the best film… and then… I came into being! I cried. I actually cried watching the sperm and egg merge and then… fuck!! Just experiencing the time in my mothers womb and my own birth… magical. Impossible to describe. I was able to view everything on the three monitors patched into The System. It was always from my own perspective… and often… why I’m not sure… the quality wasn’t always the best… but I was able to replay and watch my own life take place. And each second… my timeline grew longer. I was able to go back and watch myself watching myself!! The System broke down each part of my life into Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. Each of these could be paused, fast forwards, reversed or repeated. Then… each of these timed sections were grouped into ‘Events.’ These Events were further divided into three separate color coded sections: Red: A fixed point in time. They were locked and could not be changed. For example, my own birth. This would always happen. I could lock whatever moments I didn’t want to alter in my life. I locked the sections where I had the dreams, wrote the journals, as well as my building of The System. No matter what happened, The System would always be created. There were actually very few fixed points in time, which surprised me. Orange: Points in time where choices were made. These sections pretty much filled the timeline. Green: Areas where timelines intersected. Any change to my timeline would effect theirs as well. How The System processed these, that was beyond my own comprehension. It was like magic… yet it was real. Within each Event of the timeline, there was an area that I came to refer to as The Notes. This was my life written out in narrative form. It was filled with what was occuring, had occurred, my thoughts, my feelings, and my processes. This, like any word processing program, was where items could be edited. The only difference was that I would be editing and changing my own life. You might be thinking to yourself… what would I change in my life if I could go back? Very little, I can assure you. I watched moments of my life that I thought I would want to change… bad dates… missed calls… jobs I didn’t get… lost items… arguments… but none of them seemed worth it. Where I was at that moment… at that time… I was good. Changing any of those things would just seem… not worth it. There was one moment. An Orange and Green moment. I was 16… My father came into my room on my birthday. I thought he was going to ask me if I wanted to go to the movies with him. I always wanted him to take me to the movies, but he never did. That always seemed to be my mothers job. Anyway, that wasn’t what he asked me. He wanted to know if I would go to the gym with him. I was old enough now and he’d ’Show me how to push some iron.’ My Father. I was nothing like my Father. My father was a real man’s man. An ex marine. He was big… strong… hairy… drank beer with dinner… sometimes smoked a cigar. He was a walking cliche and he didn’t know it or care. I remember seeing him naked one time… and was shocked by how huge his balls and cock were. He caught me staring, and proudly grabbed a hold of it, showing it off. ‘Hopefully you inherited what God gave me.’ That was all he said. Guess what, Dad, I didn’t… but that’s another story. In the dictionary… next to The Stereotypical Man… there would definitely be a picture of my father: Christopher Cirrulo. I just looked up at him from the book I was reading. “The gym… umm… I’m good, Dad. Really. I’ll see you when you get back.” He never asked me again to go to the gym with him… or do anything with him. He wasn’t cruel about it. He wasn’t dismissive or withheld his love. I just knew and could always feel that something that could have always bonded us was lost. He died right before my 18th birthday. If I would have gone with him… maybe… maybe everything would have been… different between us. Maybe we might have actually had a relationship beyond that paternal love. I watched that Event over and over again. I must have watched it ten times before I made my decision. What actual harm could one visit to the gym with my father cause. Maybe it would be good for me. I was a 5’8 geeky weakling. Maybe lifting some weights a few times with my Dad would give me even a hint of definition. Maybe I’d get into the habit and continue it through life. I opened up The Notes section… and with my heart beating like mad… I erased what had happened and rewrote: Dante looks at his Father. Sure… he is disappointed. He really wants to go to the movies, but he makes the decision that he will go to the gym with him and that he will love it. His Dad went to the gym every day. This was a mysterious place to Dante, and he wanted to go but had always been somewhat afraid of it. It was such a… manish thing to do. He wanted to understand why his Dad went every day. He wanted to get big and strong like his Dad. No. Bigger! This decision excited him. The idea of working out excited him. The idea of getting bigger excited him. It was a fire that burned within him and couldn’t be put out. “Sure. I’d love for you to show me how to work out… hang out… you show me the ropes… maybe help me get big like you.” His Father grins and hugs him. This is the first time he can remember being embraced by his father. He’ll work out everyday if it makes his father happy. He’ll work out several times a day forever if it makes him proud. He’ll become obsessed with size and muscle. It’s all he’ll live for. Confident that my wording sounded good, I pressed POST and then CONFIRM Several seconds passed. The wheel turned and turned and turned. Then… What felt like an electrical current shot through my body, A roaring wind exploded in my head and felt as if it was cycloning around me… through me. My body… it was being torn in two. I was here… and I was there. I grabbed the arm of my chair to try and give my body some stability. Emotions erupted within me. I was ecstatic… energized… exhausted… sick… bloated… starved… and sore all at once. I leaned over the arm of the chair and dry heaved several times. The counter began to scroll through the seconds… minutes… hours… days… weeks… months… New memories filled my head. That afternoon… my father… so proud… escorted me into his Iron Den. He introduced me to the guys… his bro’s…. They pat me on the back… tussle my hair. He told them how he’s there to ‘Build me into a beast.” They all laughed… joked about how skinny I was but how, one day I’d be bigger than them all. How they all wished they had started as young as me. He downed a preworkout and we got started. He went through his chest routine with me. Fuck!! I was so weak. I could barely lift one plate! He was proud of me as I tried to keep up with him. We got home… exhausted. We ate Italian that night. The next day he asked me if I wanted to go again. I said yes and hopped out of bed. I felt like I had to go… needed to go. We went to the gym the day after that… and the day after that… and the day after that. First week… chest… legs… arms… push… pull… core… cardio. Week after week Week after week. Week after week. A fire within me had erupted and was growing stronger. I loved working out… needed to work out. I wanted to go twice a day… but he said rest was just as important as working out. I hated to listen to him, but I did. I grew stronger. My body began to change. Small lumps of muscle began to form. I flexed for myself in the mirror… watched myself. I wanted to be big and strong like my father… like his friends. No… bigger… stronger… My father was huge… but I knew I could be bigger. For my 17th birthday… he got me my own membership to the gym… and a trainer. I worked out harder… fixed my form… perfected myself. In my chair… I’m 42… I began to sweat. Waves of heat passed through my body making me lightheaded. Another wave. My skin flushed. My neck felt tight. My cock. My cock was so hard. I could feel it leaking in my jeans. My entire body shook. It was wracked with the worst full body charlie-horse I’d ever felt. Suddenly… I was 17. I’m 18. My body, mixed with my own natural testosterone and puberty, grew me bigger… stronger. My father hired a new personal trainer for me, this one for muscle fine tuning and posing, and together, they prepared me for competing. My father… Tears welled up in my eyes. My father… he didn’t… die! In my original timeline… he died before my 18th birthday. But now… he… he… lived till I’m 34! He died being so fucking proud of his muscle bound son!! I went to the gym twice a day when I wasn't studying. I treated my mind like I treated my body. I wanted to have it all. I wanted to be immense… and an electrical engineer. I’m 19. I went away to college. Dad didn’t want me to go. He wanted me to focus on my body and become a fitness model… make the money now so that I had it for later. I couldn’t. I had to go to college. I had to go to grad school. I had to get my doctorate. I had to create something… something important… I’m 42. I grabbed onto the desk trying to steady myself. I let out a long, deep groan. The whole room goes in and out of focus. The cramp that has a hold of my body gets worse and worse. I was panting. Sweat poured down my face. My heart thumped loudly in my body. The cramp grew in intensity before… My skinny body… it felt… swollen. The sleeves of my T-shirt rode up my… my biceps! I had biceps!!! My nipples pressed against the fabric of my T-shirt thanks to my thicker pecs. I lifted my right arm and I flexed… and I was rewarded with a peak that rose up higher than it had that morning! I raised my left arm and threw a double bicep pose. My shoulders… they felt much more rounded, while my back muscles tightened and flexed me wider. I flexed hard… harder… harder still… and I’m rewarded with it growing even larger and thicker… splitting the seam in my pit. Lowering my arms, I felt the flex remain even when at rest. My upper arms looked so much thicker than they had minutes before. I’m 20… 21… 22… 23… 24… 25 I competed. I won every prize. Men’s Physique: Mine Classic Physique: Mine Lightweight: Mine Heavyweight: Mine! IFBB Title and Pro Card: Mine… Mine… MINE!!. I graduated with straight A’s and went to grad school and then on to get my doctorate. My mother couldn't stop telling me how incredibly proud she was of me. My father didn't say a word… but I knew. They were both proud beyond words. I didn’t have the words to express how I felt. Deep down though… a fire burned. Size! That's all I could think of. That's all I really needed. I needed to work out more… I needed to grow… I needed to be the biggest… the best! I’m 42. My body pulsed with new life. The pulsing… it became a throbbing that kept growing in intensity. It didn’t hurt… it almost felt slightly orgasmic. It made me feel… alive. Every muscle group began to flex and swell. I released a tiny moan as pressure filled every muscle of my body. My body… I felt more jacked and swollen than I had just seconds before. My whole body felt thicker… stronger. My hands. My hands had grown calluses from the 27 years of working out… so many of them without gloves. My hands were thick and rough. I loved the way my hands felt. Fuck!! Every inch of my body was heavy and full… and only getting more so. Time sped up. It roared around and through me. I got my doctorate. I began working at a University. I transferred from there two years later to work at an even more prestigious one. I still competed. I was known by my students as Professor Hulk. I loved when they called me that. I worked out harder to give them what they wanted. My skin… it pulled tight over my body. My hands fumbled for my clothes, trying to take off what I could. I pulled my jeans down and found that I had difficulty getting them over my thick quads. I pulled and pulled, and the fabric tore. My quads! It was like someone had shoved two quads together to make my one. My calves… my calves were the size of what my quads had once been. My shoulders grew rounder. My neck got thicker. My traps began to rise up. My lats… my lats flared out. My T-Shirt. There was no helping it. It tore under the strain. I was sitting at my desk chair in my socks and briefs, and soon my briefs would give in to my growing quads and glutes. I’m 34. My father passed away. It was hard on my mother, but I knew she’d carry on. She was strong that way. For me… it released me to go after my secret passion. PED growth! For my father, I had always remained natural. He hated any type of steroid use… but now that he was gone, I found I could experiment. I’m 42. My muscles… they were so bloated! I could see every individual muscle fiber under my thin skin every time they flexed and throbbed. I became twice as vascular as I had ever been before. I felt so heavy. I was heavy! I felt like I was wearing a muscle costume, but I wasn’t. Each and every swollen muscle… they were all mine. My heart thumped loudly. I felt like the Michelin Man due to how bloated and engorged with muscle I’d become. The pressure within me kept mounting. My muscles… they kept swelling larger and larger and larger. How large could I possibly grow? My pecs flexed and pulsed and expanded right before my eyes. My pecs were so much fuller than I had ever imagined they could be. I cupped them with my hands, and felt them swell even further beneath my grasp. My body… I no longer had any control over it. All it did was flex and relax… flex and relax… flex and relax. Each time, swelling larger and thicker. Looking down over swollen pecs, I could barely see my hard 4 inch cock. My ballooning quads rubbed against each other no matter how far apart I spred my legs. From what I could see of my body, I knew I was bigger than fucking Arnold Shwarzenegger. I flexed both of my biceps again and watched the peak rise up even higher. I was growing. I was actually growing into a massive muscular body builder!! I’m 35. Through the University… I had contacts with scientists and researchers that others didn’t have, and they had contacts that maybe they shouldn’t have. I went through cycle after cycle after cycle. I did my blood work. I watched my internal organs. I took care of myself probably better than I ever had before. I blew up in size. By the time I was 36… I weighed 320 lbs of thick muscle. The quest for size burned even brighter. To cool my mind from the screams of wanting to grow bigger… I began work on something I had dreamt of since I was a kid. It was a machine of some sort… a time machine. I couldn’t think of a catchy name so I just call it The System. I'm 42. The growth built up within my entire body. It felt more powerful than before… stronger… more ferocious. I became hyper aware of my entire body, aware of how huge and heavy I was now. My body was growing larger… and still demanded more. The chair beneath me began to groan under the pressure. My body lurched larger. My body felt on the cusp of tearing apart. I screamed. It echoed through my entire laboratory as my muscles expanded again. My neck… it was thick as a tree trunk! My lats forced my arms out further than ever before. My traps! I never had traps before. Now they rode high up my neck. My abs!! I now had thick cinder block abs that I could wash clothes on!!! I had to be over 300 lbs. I’m 37. Progress on The System was going well… but I couldn’t get growth out of my head. A friend of a friend introduced me to Dr. James Wilton. They said we definitely had one thing in common. Muscle. Wilton was an attractive and well built biological scientist. A geneticist. From the moment he saw me he was obsessed with me… of my size. One time… drunk… he texted me… told me he’d do anything for me… that he’d do anything to help me get bigger. To be the biggest. He said he had science on his size… and the passion for size. I used this to my advantage. “Grow me,” I text him. “Grow me and you can use my body as your playground.” I made a date to meet him for coffee the next day When he saw me, he had fire in his eyes and an obvious hard on. “Were you serious… what you said… about letting me grow you?” “Were YOU serious?” “I’ve been working on ways since I was in college. They’re pretty extreme.” “I like extreme.” “Fuck me now.” “Okay. In bed that afternoon. “I want you to get me as humanly possible… and then go even bigger. You think you can do that?” “I know I can do that.” Stroking his hard cock, I leaned into him. “Can I tell you a secret? Something I’ve never told anyone?” “Tell me.” “I’ve always wanted to be a muscle giant. A real… living… breathing… muscle giant.” I began licking his pecs. “Fe… Fi… Fo… Fum…” “Take the size you imagine when I say Muscle Giant… and double it.” “Fuck. I’ve died and gone to heaven.” We fucked again. Later that evening over a glass of wine on my balcony. “What do you know about the concept of forced evolution?” Wilton through this out as if it was normal conversation. “Nothing.” “It’s a concept I’m working on at the moment. Say… you want to force a certain trait into a population. Blue hair. You can either start breeding in various colored hair until you finally get blue… or you force that population to evolve with a need to have blue hair… say… for camouflage.” “Right. Okay.” “Say… for instance… you wanted a group to be bigger… more muscular…. taller…” “Go on. “You would force evolution on them to favor being strong and muscular, Make it a requirement to survive. A need.” “Too bad no one has thousands of years to do that.” “Not unless you found a way to force evolution in an organism… convince their body that it’s evolving… trick it… until it begins to happen… till it believes their body is evolving for hundreds of thousands of years.” “You think you can do that?” “I know I can.” “Interesting.” “I'm working on a project right now. I’m about two years and 150,000 dollars away from making my dream… and yours a reality.” “I like the idea… and the craziness of it… and I’d be all in… but 2 years. That’s too long. I need now.” “Okay.., then we’ll have to go my other favorite route… mad scientist chemistry. Did you know there are herbs in South America that certain bats have eaten and they proceed to grow three and four times their original size…” Wilton comes through. With herbs from both South America and Africa… combined with experimental steroids and growth hormones… and other bouts of questionable science, he came up with a cocktail that sounded deadly on paper. “Just two injections, Dante and you’ll grow like a weed. With 4… you’re a freak. With 6… you’re a monster. With 8… you’re a legend.” “What’s a legend look like?” “7 or 8 feet tall and 1,500 lbs of muscle.” “Let's make a legend then.” I'm 42. The memories whipped around me. I did this, didn’t I? I created this thirst for size that torments me to always want to get bigger. It was in my prompt… I know it was. I created this obsession with size and growth… and now… what is my 37 year old self going to do?! I’m 37. I took a 24 week sabbatical from The University. I told some of my students that Professor Hulk was going to work on his body so he’d come back the biggest and the best. Wilton decided to rent a cabin in the woods. Wilton would stay with me for the first week, and then come back each consecutive week for a check in. That first night, Wilton injected 4 into my pituitary gland, 4 into my testicles, and one into my spine. I screamed for three hours straight. I felt like all I could do was scream. My body… it was on fire… my body…. Wilton has to knock me out. If not… I would have screamed for 12 hours straight. I’m 42. “FUCK!!!” I screamed as my 5’8” body began to stretch taller. This couldn’t… this couldn’t really be happening to me. All I could do was grunt and groan. Within three minutes, I was 5’10. As I expanded,I felt my body demand more and more size. It’s out of control. I’m out of control! My body flexed and spasmed. My bones broke and refuse as my body grew larger. My muscles tensed as a deep groan was expelled from my lips. Bones all over my body loudly shattered and broke again… lengthening, rehealing, and strengthening before the process started over and over and over again. I lifted my hands and watched as my fingers stretched longer and thicker. Opening and closing them seemed to only quicken the process, and soon I was in possession of two grizzly bear sized paws!! Each finger was the size of a German sausage!! Fuck…my hands were growing again! I was growing taller… but each muscle group was multiplying as well. I had gotten used to how I felt at 320 lbs… but now.. I had to be 450 pounds of shredded muscle, and gaining more and more size every second. I wished that I was standing in front of a mirror so that I could watch my insane growth, but I doubt that I would ever be able to focus on one area before another would explode with even more size. I’m 37. Wilton did my bloodwork and monitored me every day for the first week. I could see from how he looked at me… and my growing body… that I was exceeding every estimate that he originally had. Believe me when I tell you, for me, It was nothing like what you read in the stories. It was pain… agony… tears… crying… and even doubt. For Wilton… he jerked off watching me grow so often that his cock was red and raw. 10 days after the injections… I stood 6 foot 4 and 610 lbs of muscle. I’m 42. My body expanded past 6 foot and what I guessed was 500 lbs. I ran my hands down my mountainous pecs and played with my overly sensitive nipples before moving downwards to my cobblestone abs. Steam and sweat poured off my body. My body cramped again, and this time it was even worse than it ever had been before. I fell from the chair and landed on my hands and knees. I felt sick… feverish. It took every effort to try and stand. I waddled into my bedroom. I had a full length mirror in there. It wasn’t huge… but at least i could see what I was becoming. When I reached it… when I saw… my jaw nearly fell to the floor. My skin… it was paper thin… and a highway of swollen veins criss-crossed my body. Every vein was nearly twice the size they had been prior…pumping blood and nutrients into my expanding body. I’m 37. “What are you so worried about now, Jack?” Watson had just finished riding my cock… a cock that, he said, he could feel growing larger as it was inside of him. Now that he had shot his load, I could see worry and reality cross his face again “I underestimated how good I am at my job… by a lot.” “What are you trying to say?” “You’re growth… I fed your new stats into the computer. It spit out new estimates based on the data.” “And…” “Legendary just got a lot bigger.” I’m 42 I grunted as my cock stiffened. Thick veins now traveled over the shaft giving it a more engorged appearance than I ever was used to seeing before. I massaged my cock for a few seconds before traveling northward to my abs. My body shuddered and the veins in my body swelled even larger. Running my hands over my pecs and abs, I was surprised by how the new topography felt with the addition of such new hosepipe roadways crossing over it. I backed away so that I could see more of my body in the mirror, when it went rigid. Every muscle flexed uncontrollably and then relaxed. Each time it flexed, it took longer and longer to release… and the pain that radiated through my body got worse. My groans turned to screams as the pain took over my body again. My body trembled and then quaked as every muscle in my body swelled and expanded. My body grew so much thicker. I could actually hear gallons of blood flow through my new hose pipe veins as they fed my muscle growth. Looking in the mirror, I’m rewarded with the view of every muscle on my body increasing. I was easily over 700 lbs. I flexed my arms and I’m rewarded with a peak that the biggest bodybuilder wouldn’t ever be able to achieve. Even in the grip of pain… my body felt so alive! I’m 37. The Cabin. “What are you saying?” “I’m saying… we estimated you’d top out at 9 foot and 3,000 lbs in 8 weeks “What are we looking at now?” “We’re looking at the growth period extending by another possible 8 weeks. Your body… It's processing the formula slower than I thought it would. It’s holding onto it as long as it can… squeezing it like a sponge for every possible drop. We’re looking at you growing to 12 feet… maybe 13… and over 5,500 lbs of muscle.” “Fuck. I’m terrified and my cock is rock hard. It’s some powerful shit you invented.” “Guess I should never work when I’m horny.” “You’d never work!” I’m 42 again. I felt my mass increasing. I flexed my arms and I’m rewarded by a peak that rises higher than I ever imagined. My entire body rocked, spasmed, and flexed as I grew. The pain was awful… and yet… it seemed worth it. The pain I was going through meant I was earning the size I was gaining. My body quaked with even more force than before. The skin, which appeared to grow even thinner, could barely hold back the muscle that exploded with new size. I watched as I seemed to take on a dark red color as every muscle became even further engorged with blood. The contractions affecting my entire body appeared to doubly focus on my pecs. Already of a formidable size I haven’t yet gotten used to, I watched as they ballooned larger, taking up more and more landscape on my chest. I cupped the growing mounds with my hands and was rewarded by the sensation of them being forced higher and further apart as my pecs swelled. My whole body was expanding… multiplying at an unprecedented rate. Reality shifts. I’m 37 again. “It’s been three weeks. Why does it feel like the growth is getting stronger?” “The formula has a longer half life than expected.” “The computer is now estimating 7,000 lbs of muscle.” I stumble. I’m 42. I grunted as my lats began to thicken and spread. I had to look like some insane Timelapse video of someone who’s worked out and grown over a twenty year period. I laughed when I realized that’s exactly what I was! My traps rose higher as my neck swelled, until it was nearly impossible to distinguish where my back and chest ended and my head began. Muscle fibers from my neck traveled upwards and began to invade my face. Soon, thick tentacles of muscle caused my chin to appear more squared while my eyes looked deeper set. Within minutes, my face took on a chiseled and refined look that actors and models would give their nutsack to have! Time roars through me. I’m 37. “Fuck, Dante! Your head looks twice the size that it was last week! Every time I come up here… you’re so much bigger… take up more and more of this room.” “How do you think I feel? Good thing the ceilings are high. I can’t fit into the bathroom anymore. I need to piss in the sink and shit in garbage bags.” “Fuck, that’s hot.” “You do realize that as you stand there looking at me… I’m growing. By this time tomorrow… just 24 hours… I’ll be bigger than I am right now?” Wilton says nothing. His mouth is attached to my cock. I’m 42. I felt like I was strapped to a primitive torture rack as my limbs and torso began to slowly lengthen again. No matter how long my arms and leg became, my muscles quickly swelled and took up all the newly acquired space. All too quickly, I stood 8 feet tall and had more muscle mass than one of those insane morphs people do. I found myself having to go to my knees in order to not hit the ceiling with my head. Every inch of me swelled larger. When I flexed my legs and arms, they expanded further with muscle. I attempted to raise my arms up towards the ceiling, but my expanding and widening lats prevented this from happening. I released I deep bellow as my shoulders stretched wider. My growth sped up. Every muscle group ballooned beyond the extreme, growing more and more monstrous. I grinned, thinking, ‘Dad, if you could see me now!’ The floor below me groaned under my increasing weight and expanding mass. Looking at my shrinking room, I began to have trouble seeing around and below me. My view was getting completely blocked by my massive pecs while my thickening neck and traps were making it difficult to turn my head. I found myself stumbling slightly to the right, and toppled into my dresser. It was pulverized under my weight. “Fuck!! Barely felt that!! AAHH!!” I screamed as my entire body began to stretch and expand all at once. I was quickly growing into a human mountain of muscle. My leg muscles… fuck… they were as thick as my entire body had once been… and they were growing in leaps and bounds. Even on my hands and knees, my body rapidly filled the room. My arms flexed on their own as the growth process sped up in that group. My guns… fuck… more like tanks… they grew even more impossibly huge until soon, my bicep began to slam into my forearm as it flexed. My bicep was much larger than my own head with hose pipe veins feeding it to grow even more. My world shifts I’m 37. I was growing too large for the cabin. I stood at 10 feet tall and thousands of pounds of heaving muscle that was always growing larger and denser. Wilton stopped measuring me. It had become nearly impossible since I was always growing larger. My world was growing too small… too difficult to manage. Being this size, the main room of the cabin, the only room I now fit in, seemed more like a 2 foot by 2 foot box. I was already slowly taking down the cabin day by day, no matter how careful I tried to be. Sitting on any of the furniture was out of the question. So was holding any glasses or silverware. Everything broke u def the strength of my hands… and even the stream of my piss chipped the sink! That morning, my elbow had shattered a window less than 10 minutes after my pecs tore down the widescreen TV. This was my life now. The world wasn’t created for a man of my size and stature. To live now, I’d need to build my own world. Everything would need to be built bigger and stronger and more formidable. It would make humans feel like children when they came into my domain. My body shuddered. Was I ready to live this way… shut out from so much of the world? Fuck yeah… and I secretly wanted more. The fire for growth was still alive within me and refused to let go. I don’t know how much Wilton spent on high protein food and shakes, but soon, he found it more manageable to attach me to a pick line and just feed my body intravenously. The only problem with this was that it seemed to speed up the process. “I fed your current stats into the computer.” “And…” “From that grin on your face… I’m sure you already know what I’m going to say.” “Bigger than legendary?” “Bigger than legendary. Much bigger.” That night… Wilton jerks me off with two hands. I loved how tiny he looked when he did this. He said my cock had gotten way too big for him to take up his ass. It still looked tiny to me. My load is huge though… covering his face, chest, and forming a puddle on the floor. “You roared when you came.” “Don’t be ridiculous.” “You did. You actually roared when you came. You sounded like a grizzly.” I was instantly hard again. Cupping his back with my hand… I pushed him forward for round two. A part of me wanted to pick Wilton up and slam him down on my cock… force him to take it… but I controlled myself. Hands would have to suffice. I wasn’t a monster. I’m 42. All I could do was pant, basking in the orgasmic and painful rush of my own growth. I guessed I would now stand 10 feet tall if I stood up! 10 feet tall… and I was still growing! Even on my knees… the ceiling was coming closer and closer… and my muscle mass was quickly filling the entire room. A continually loud snapping sound erupted from my body. My shoulders began to broaden even further causing bat wing-like lats to widen my back and force my arms farther from my body. My back muscles bubbled and swelled, growing thicker and more dense as I grew wider. At over 11 feet tall… I was growing into an abomination. I was the true definition of a muscle monster. And the growth showed no signs of stopping. In fact, the larger I became, the faster my growth progressed. I’m 37 again. I’m panting. Fuck!! My growth is out of control today. My mind is trying hard to hold on. I want to rage…. I want to tear my cage down. I want to be free. “I’ve… I’ve… Listen to me, Wilton!!! Fucking… listen!!!” I slam my foot down splitting five thick floorboards that formed part of the floor beneath me. Wilton listens. “I’ve transferred 1,000,000 to you. Buy me a place in the middle of nowhere… in the country… the woods… I don’t give a shit where. Someplace with a massive barn or silo. Someplace where I can finish growing… where I can spread out. I need to spread out!!!” Wilton did as I requested. He always did as I requested. That same week, I had a ranch in the country with a house and enormous barn, When we left the cabin, I pulled two, old pine trees down to completely demolish the front of the place, masking the massive hole I had to create to squeeze my 13 foot body out. Wilton didn’t owe the owners any money for the deposit… and in fact… they paid him 20,000 to not have him sue for ‘old trees nearly killing him.’ In a rented truck… Wilton carted me to my new existence. I had to put a lot more money into the farmhouse to make it big enough to live, and while the work was being done and I continued to grow, I lived in the barn. I was 42. I roared! I screamed. I I grew bigger and heavier. My muscles widened… thickened… My muscle growth went into overdrive. I needed to laugh… scream… and roar at the same time. I just kept growing bigger and heavier. The physical and mental sensations I experienced made it difficult to think. All he knew was that my body refused to stop growing. I was now so mountainous… so immense… so impractical for my quickly shrinking world. I screamed out again as my body was forced to stretch larger. My head slammed forcefully into the ceiling causing large cracks to appear. I tried to make myself smaller, but found the size of my quads and calves made it difficult to perform this simple movement. Again my body was propelled upwards as first my traps and then my head tore through the ceiling. Water pipes burst as I exploded upwards. The water cascaded down my swollen body, crashing like a waterfall onto the floor. My left leg smashed into the wall as I swelled. My body now took up the entirety of my bedroom. I could no longer look up or down or side to side, My body began to forcefully shake as it stretched larger. My shoulders tore apart more of the ceiling as my legs demolished the other standing walls. My chest ballooned even further, growing heavier than I could have imagined while my back thickened into large plates of muscle that tore through wood, ductwork, wiring, and concrete like it was tissue paper. I stumbled… and found myself tearing through the wall of my master bedroom and into the bathroom. The propulsion kept me moving, and soon I was ripped out of the side of my house and into the world, Part of the roof caved in as the outer brick wall collapsed. My house falling in on itself sounded like a bomb had gone off in the neighborhood. Car alarms began peeling while dogs started to bark. Looking wildly around as best as I could, I saw lights going on in the houses around me. It was night… but even in the dark… my neighbors couldn’t miss me. Lifting my immense mass up proved to be a difficult task, but soon I was standing. My feet sunk through the grass of my front yard. I took a step… leaving behind a massive footprint. I looked around. Fuck… the world… it was… tiny! No. It was me. I had to stand over 19 feet tall and nearly 15,000 lbs of flexing and pulsating muscle. How was I going to live? Where would I live? How would I eat? I could never travel again! I heard my first scream. It was next door. I tried to turn my head, but my traps completely prevented this. I had to turn my whole body, but this caused me to tear up more of my lawn and knock down the fence between our properties. Fuck. It was my 60 year old neighbor. What is she thinking when she sees me? She has to be terrified. My cock is hard and leaking. My muscles… they flexed on their own. I had to stabilize the situation. “Mary... this isn’t...”. My voice. Fuck… it was so deep; a deep, rumbling bass. Mary wasn’t lured in by the sexiness of my voice. She screamed again and ran inside. I could hear other doors opening. People coming outside. I attempted to look down and see them, but my pecs blocked my view. I only knew that although it had definitely slowed, I was still growing. I could tell from the sensations in my body I was still feeling. I heard a cop car in the distance. My heart sped up… but then I laughed. What were they going to do? Arrest me? I laughed again… and decided to take three steps towards the road. I heard more voices and screams. Fuck… I was… I groaned as I shot up again. People screamed and backed away as my feet grew larger. I felt the street below me crack… or was that my body? I grew larger… heavier… thicker.., “Stop what you’re doing!” It was a cop on a bull horn! I laughed. “If I could… I…. would!” My voice! It was so much louder than I was used to hearing… so much deeper…. I could feel my hard cock slap against my mountainous abs. Fuck. I was rock hard in front of all of these people! I grew again. Three more cop cars zoomed down the street towards me. Their sirens merged with my beating heart. I… I was 20 feet tall… I towered over the street I had lived on for 12 years. I had destroyed my own house! I laughed. If you could see me now, Dad. Stay natural, you said! My laughter sounded distorted as the sirens grew louder. Every sense seemed… heightened. I thought I was going to faint. Had this all been too much for my body? I took several more steps…. I was Gulliver… exploring my new world… The world… it lurched… it shifted… Time rushed as it folded and collapsed in on itself. The warm night air grew colder. The street beneath my feet… the sounds of barking dogs and people… they all seemed to fade into the distance. Suddenly… there was smooth wood beneath my feet. I stood… in a barn. My barn, My new timeline… it had caught up with me… or had I caught up with it? I was 20 feet tall and over 17,000 lbs of muscle. I was… I was a freak. Secretly though… I knew I wasn't big enough… but this would have to do. Once the growth eventually subsided… well… somewhat subsided. Wilton discovered that my pituitary gland had been forever altered by the formula… and that I was still growing… about a half a foot a year. When Wilton eventually could fully measure me, I was: Height: 20.3 feet Chest: 24.8 feet Bicep: 10.7 feet Waist; 10.4 feet Quads: 11.4 feet Cock: 14x7 inches. Weight: 17,476 lbs I was 37. It was time to start my new life. I had memories of both my old life and my new. Sometimes it was difficult keeping track of what was now and what was then. My head would hurt as I tried to keep hold of them all. What did I need to remember? What had I changed by playing with my timeline? First though, I knew I had to work on myself. To help with my flexibility and prevent me from being muscle bound, I began to do yoga. It took a while, but it definitely did help. I soon found myself able to turn my head a little to the left and the right. It would never be how it was before, but it was better than nothing. With Wilton acting as my figurehead I had the farmhouse rebuilt to accommodate my size. When it was being worked on, I kept out of sight in the barn. I eventually had that rebuilt as a laboratory for myself and for Wilton. I never returned to my teaching job. Professor Hulk had retired. I missed my students… but how could you teach when you couldn’t even get in the building?! To make money… I joined OnlyFans, MacroFans and Patreon. I had 60,000 fans in two months. I was making money hand over fist by creating flexing and strength videos. Most thought it was elaborate CGI… but the ones who paid more… they got to meet me in person and play with my huge body. I loved watching them compare themselves with me. They were always in shock when they first saw me and discovered that I actually existed. They loved comparing themselves to me. I loved the worship sessions. I never wore clothes. Why bother? When it got cold, I’d just wrap a thick, tailor made toga around myself, but most of the time, I remained naked. I’m 42… again. I’m 25 feet tall and 32,000 lbs of muscle. Wilton, who is still around at times, likes to remind me that when I’m 50 I’ll be 30 feet and close to 53,000 lbs. I make close to 75,000 a month just being me for my fans. I flex, I stomp on things, I lift things, I destroy things. I’m a legend. In my spare time… and I have a lot of spare time… I completed The System. It was a massive piece of machinery, mostly to accommodate my size. It is far better than the first one. The image is clearer and I have much more control. My initial life… I remembered it now like… a dream. It became less and less real the longer I lived in this timeline. You wonder: why create The System again? What use did I have for it? Well… I’m still obsessed with size. That spark has never gone away. That moment that I altered… my birthday… it’s red and locked and impossible to alter. And honestly, even if I could, I wouldn’t change what I am now. Well… there is one thing I’d change. At 42, my sex drive was through the roof. I was dropping 10-12 huge loads a day. Sometimes, an orgasm would just explode out of nowhere, and I would find myself cumming all over the walls and the floor. Wilton told me that it must have been a side effect of the formula. It helped that some of my fans paid extra for the right to play with my body. My cock had grown in proportion to my body… and although, in normal human terms, it was huge… it was nothing to scream about. Most guys, with the right encouragement, and lube, and practice could take it. I’d let them ride me since, if I fucked them, my strength would either rupture them or tear them apart. Let’s be honest. My body… it’s so.., ginormous.., it makes my cock look… puny. I know I must sound so vain… but you try being 25 feet tall with a tiny 20 inch cock. I knew I have the capability to fix this. TO BE CONTINUED...
  2. Ripped

    Black Cats

    Black Cats Sequel to Black Cat. Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 Chapter 1 Early Tuesday morning I was awoken by the feeling of a pair of firm tits straddling my left thigh, a hard dick against my right foot and tongues licking my ironwood hard morning erection and pomegranate-sized balls. As I laid on my back with my eyes closed and soaked up the worship of the sister and brother I thought about all those fantastic things that happened to me in the past week. This whole adventure started last Monday when I found a little black cat in an alley downtown. When I picked up, cradled the purring furball in my arms and saw the beautiful electric blue eyes lovingly looking up at me I knew that I would do anything to keep her safe. I took the cat to a downtown veterinarian school for a check up and adopted Brenna, that’s what the vet named her, as soon as her exam was finished. After my long term cheat’n bitch of a girlfriend walked out on me later in the week I found out that Brenna was actually a kind of therianthrope; a being that can shapeshift into any form she chose. I uttered a moan from deep in my chest and put my big hands behind my head as I basked in the sensations emanating from my monster cock. I opened my eyes and looked down. The first thing I saw were my magnificent pecs. I had to lift my head to look over my overpowered hyper-masculine chest to see my ten pack abs and shredded obliques. I flexed and squeezed every muscle and watched as my pecs turned into hemispherical boulders with a deep vertical crevasse and each segment of my abs rose to stretch the thin skin and thick veins covering them. The two bodies covering my legs were raised by my massive quads and hamstrings. “Oh, fuck Bruce,” Brenna moaned. She kept her cat eyes and ears while taking the shape of an ultra-muscled sexy human female. “mmmm, I love it when you do that.” I felt her pussy against my shin leak a copious amount of cunt juice and drank in the rush of lust she emanated. You see, I wasn’t always the pinnacle of masculinity. Just a few days ago I was a 26 year old, short, obese, balding 9-to-5 office drone at an accounting firm in downtown Madison, right next to the capitol. The most exercise I ever got was doing mental gymnastics trying to figure out why a client thought it would be a good idea to try to claim their new Lamborghini as a business expense when they owned a small deli that barely broke even in West Towne Mall. That all changed Friday night. Brenna did something to me that allowed me to capture and store emotional energy directed at me. I can use this energy to change myself; increase height, gain muscle mass, grow stronger and slightly change my appearance. Hell, I can even make my balls large enough to produce gallons of cum and my cock into a telephone pole. To reward Brenna for the delicious pre-breakfast emotion drink I added an inch of length and girth to my cock. She responded appropriately by loudly purring, unhinging her jaw and greedily taking my glans deep down her throat. Not only had Bre changed me physically, she also tweaked my psyche, amplifying my Id. This change allowed me to become the dominant personality I always yearned to be. Then early Saturday morning, she sent me off to Madtown Fitness, a gym on the south side by the beltline, to test my new body. There I broke my limits, both physically and mentally. I exceeded any physical expectation I had as I crushed all house lift records. Took any throat, pussy or ass I wanted. Exerted my dominance over everything and everyone. With one very painful exception, it was a fucking amazing day. “Oh, Gods, Daaaddy. That’s hot. That’s sooo fucking BIG.” Arthur, Brenna’s brother, whimpered into my scrotum between licks with a long, wide, soft dog tongue. Bre’s lips curled into a smile around my cock as I chugged his submission and rolled my eyes. I remembered how I met Art when I came home from the gym late Saturday night. Bre said he was an ex-boy friend that was in need of punishment. So I, now an uber dominant personality, made my physique explode. I must have grown well over seven feet tall and weighed over six hundred pounds, all muscle. I would have looked like a caricature of an over-the-top muscle bound freak if I didn’t have an extremely dangerous looking, three foot long, ten inch thick, rock hard cock sticking straight up from a low hanging scrotum containing testicles the size of a fastpitch softball. I ravaged Art’s throat and ass. I beat him to within an inch of death without realizing it. To save him I had to blow the whale sized load of cum. Consequently, Art says that now more than half of his DNA is from me, ergo, I’m his father. Yeah. That’s what I said, too. ‘Get our lazy ass up! Remember, I got a text last night from Keena saying we have a physical examination and lab work that has to be done before eight o’clock this morning or you can’t start work tomorrow,’ I heard in my head. That was another change. While meeting with Dr. Keena Panthera, the gym’s owner, Saturday the resident muscle head, Terry “Zapp Brannigan” Limppernoodle, attacked her. After I subdued the bastard she told me that he had sexually assaulted her, raped her. Even though I just met Keena that day, I felt an overwhelming instinct to protect her. Learning that she had been violated threw me into an uncontrollable rage. That rage ended with me on a shower floor and in my own vomit. I had snapped both of Terry’s femurs like twigs, ripped his arms off, crushed his head between my hands like it was a paper cup and ripped his genitals off. I tossed the bloody dick and balls at Keena’s feet like a trophy. I don’t know why I did that. Maybe I subconsciously wanted to indelibly stamp my dominance and superiority on her. My mom and uncle fought the last war. When my uncle returned he told me of fellow soldiers that were changed after their first kill, especially if it happened in hand-to-hand combat. I guess I changed that way, too. A part of me recoiled from the horror of what I did, splitting my mind into two equal and nearly opposite halves. The voice I just mentally heard calls himself Ego. He has an amplified intellect and is a fucking pain in the ass. He also can’t keep his pronouns straight. ‘I goddamn fucking asshole,’ Ego bitched. ‘I quit your job to work at the gym so he could fuck around all day long. Get my lazy ass out of bed!’ I reminisced about Sunday and Monday as I try to get my legs out from under my worshipers. Saturday night my BFF with benefits, Deb, the maniacal Uber driver, aimed me at a bored wife of a supplements company executive. On Sunday I met the wife and the couple’s maid in their mansion on Lake Mendota’s north shore. I found that not only did the husband have impeccable taste in cars and women, he also was having an affair with, and beat, the petite French maid. The next day, after proving my superiority in every way, impregnating the wife and making him a submissive cuck, I ripped away from him the things he loved the most (in reverse order); his wife, his mistress, his company and his W Motors Lykan HyperSport. Let me say right now that the irony of me owning a car named after a human that can change into a wolf is not lost on me. Art lifted his head from my balls. I was greeted with a big, panting, corgi face. Arthur’s ears wiggled as he said, “Are you gonna fuck me in the shower, Daddy? I’ve been a veeery bad doggy.” Art’s dog breath hit my nose like a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick, “Geez, Art! Your breath stinks! What the hell, have you been licking your ass again?” Art tilted his head to the side the way dogs do when you try to explain the symmetrical beauty of double entry accounting. “No,” he replied. “I’ve been licking yours.” Brenna chuckled while I moaned and gruffly commanded, “Get off me and brush your fucking teeth!” He whimpered and gave me puppy-dog eyes, but obeyed. He climbed off me and made his way to the bathroom with his tail between his legs. Literally. Bre pulled my cock out of her throat. The head popped out of her mouth. “Oh, good. You’re all mine now,” Bre murmured just before taking my entire length, down to the root, in her throat. Her mighty neck muscles started to ripple against my unyielding god-rod. I wanted nothing more than her servicing me for the rest of the day, but, as Ego said, I had things to do. “YOU need to make coffee and breakfast while I take a shower,” I declared. Her brow furrowed, eyes pleaded as she shook her head as best she could with a huge titanium rod stretching her esophagus and apple-sized glans in her stomach. I gripped the hair at the back of her head and started to pull her off me. “That wasn’t a request, cat.” At that she tightened her throat around my cock. Her neck muscles bulged, her traps thickened and rose up until they looked like steel I-beams and her back until it looked like an impenetrable mountain range as she fought against me. I smiled, took a drop of the emotional power I kept in reserve (stored somewhere off the Cayman Islands) and slowly pulled her off, easily overpowering her. When my cock head popped out of her mouth and smacked my chest she breathlessly whined, “Pleeeease, Master. I need you. I need your cock!” “Food now, play later,” I said as I rotated my shoulder and brought the 350 pound female bodybuilder, who could easily overpower a middle-weight state bodybuilding champion, to her back like she was a rag doll. While I still held her hair I propped myself up on an elbow and captured her jaw in my free hand. “Here’s a little taste for now,” I said. Then released her jaw, moved my hand slowly over her magnificent, firm breasts. I tweaked a thick nipple between my index and middle fingers, then stroked her brick wall abs and, finally, burried a finger in her sex. Her eyes rolled back as she moaned and gasped for air when I flicked her clit. She was writhing and on the edge of a powerful orgasm. Then I stopped. She hissed and punched my shoulder with enough power to blast a hole in a foot thick solid steel wall. My deltoid only dented a little bit. “Now get going and I might buy you a toy mouse later,” I teased and released her hair. She rolled off the bed and massaged the hand that punched me. With a look of lust, fury, resignation and pointing a finger at me she said, “That better be one hell of a mouse, buddy.” She turned and picked up the button down shirt I wore yesterday. As she shrugged the shirt on I noticed that her back almost filled up the garment that could barely contain me. She lifted the front of the shirt and took a deep breath as she turned back to me. Her breasts pushed the shirt open, revealing her large, firm breasts, deep cleavage and ruggedly segmented abs. Her nipples grew hard, denting the fabric, her lower abs started to powerfully flex, her expression like a predator ready to strike its prey. “Fuck,” she moaned. “I can still smell you on this.” I growled and jabbed a finger at the bedroom door. She scowled and cat-walked, her glutes flexing and rolling against each other, out of my bedroom as her face assumed a more human visage. I laid for a few seconds more, then rolled out of bed. I yawned, raised my arms above my head and stretched to work out all the kinks in my sleepy mountains of muscle. I heard my back crack (twice), my sternum pop and heard Art still brushing his teeth. The urge to urinate was strong, so I willed my raging cock to settle down. It deflated as I moved towards the bathroom and immediately stubbed my foot on the corner of the bed. Cursing and promising for the 1,001st time to rearrange the furniture, I limped to the bathroom. Art was getting ready to spit into the sink when I moved up behind him. I studied the contrast of body types I saw in the mirror. Art morphed from a human/corgi mix into a complete human with the appearance and physique of an average height twenty year old blond, blue-eyed, olympic swimmer. I could see the well toned muscles roll and flex as he bent over the sink to spit as he shifted his weight between his strong legs. When he stood up the top of his head reached the bottom of my chin. His adequately developed chest had wisps of blond hair above a decent six pack. I applied a little emotional power to pack on tens of pounds of muscle and increase my height until his head was below my chest. I proportionally grew the rest of my body, except for my cock. Then I lengthed and thickened it too until I had a baseball bat swinging between my knees. After that I took a half step forward, pinning his narrow pelvis between me and the vanity. I thrust my chest forward, brought my arms up into a double bi pose and flexed. The bathroom vanity lights glinted off my hairless scalp and chest. A weekend’s growth of thick whiskers gave my face a rugged appearance. My traps, delts and pecs grew to insane proportions. My biceps, already big, grew to dwarf Art’s head. I gritted my teeth, growled and squeezed harder. The already apparent striations deepened into crevasses as the superficial veins that criss-crossed my body like a road map tried to burst through my skin. The two heads of each bicep grew and separated, causing a vein filled valley to form from my deltoids to my pronator tres and brachioradialis. Art’s eyes grew wide, his mouth slack and he moaned as he leaned back into me. I think I even saw a little bit of saliva escape the corner of his mouth. He started leaking below too. Next to me, Schwarzenegger and Colman look like they don’t even lift. I AM the Greatest Of All Time. “Oh, fuuuuck, Daddy,” Art moaned as he flexed his ass against my cock. His strong glute muscles gave me more than enough friction stimulation to bring me to erection. “Do me right here. I don’t care if you rip me in half. Please, just fuck me.” I broke the pose and palmed Art’s head, my hand nearly encompassed his skull, and slammed the side of his head against the mirror. A network of spider web cracks appeared under him in the mirror. Even though he whimpered from the pain, I could feel the overwhelming lust and pleasure pulsing off him. I soaked up every drop of that, sending it to my reserves as I caused my cock, which was now the size of his calf, to become harder and cleave Art’s glutes, lifting him off his feet. I leaned in and gave him a predatory snarl, hot breath against his ear and I said, “If I did that, I’d have to blow an even bigger load than last time to bring you back. Then Bre would pound us both to pulp. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” A weak, “uh-huh” escaped his lips as his hips started bucking against me and the vanity. He was about to cum from the mere suggestion of so much agony. I gave him a second or two of that mental image before I released his head, stood straight and stepped back. He barely caught himself before he fell to his knees. “Start my shower,” I ordered. Then I moved to stand over the toilet and relieved myself. It took a moment for Art to realize I issued an order. When he pulled his head away from the mirror I saw that he left a few drops of blood and a sweaty impression of an ear and cheek on the fractured mirror. He gazed upon my infinitely superior physique with a mixture of anger, lust and anticipation and whined, “You’re a fucking tease, you know that?” and punched my back as he passed behind me and into the shower. “Owww! Fuck!” he said and turned the handle. I heard the water cascade out of the shower head and Art yelling, “GODS DAMN this water is COLD!” As I relieved myself I happened to glance at my toothbrush in its holder beside the sink. “Art, did you use my toothbrush?” “Yeah, I hope you don’t mind,” he said. He stuck his head out of the shower and continued, “Dog saliva is very hypoallergenic,” and licked the inside of one of his nostrils with a long dog tongue. I grumbled, flicked off the last drop of urine into the toilet and flushed. I leaned against the wall next to the shower and counted my fingers, waiting for the water to become scalding hot. As usual, right on the count of five Art screams, “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!” and bolted out of the shower. I grabbed his neck before he got too far and threw him back into the shower. The house shuddered as he was driven into the shower wall. I ducked my head under the bar that holds the shower doors as I stepped into the stall. Then I turned the shower handle a quarter turn towards cold and slid the door closed behind me. Arthur looked at me with wide eyes and a slack jaw as my bulk almost filled the stall. I could feel the lust, pain and want cascading off of him. The delicious treat made me involuntarily flex my pecs against him, pushing him further into the wall. As the tile, drywall and wall frame cracked under him he said in a gasp, “Could you please not take up the entire shower?” I was disappointed he phrased it that way. If he had said, “Make yourself smaller,” I would have given myself a hundred pounds of muscle, flexed everything and pushed him through the wall so hard he would have exploded into the next room. Instead, I compressed my height until the top of his head was just below my chin, just enough height that he'd have to crane his neck to look me in the eyes. I did that without losing any muscle; I looked even more fucking massive. Now that I could maneuver in the shower I grabbed Art by the neck, ripped him out of the wall and forcefully set his feet on the floor of the shower. “You will wash me. If you do a good enough job I might fuck you into next week,” I growled and shoved the bar of soap from the shower caddy that hung from the showerhead into his hands. I then bent my left arm and flexed the bicep. Razor cut striations jutted across the twin peaks of the muscle. I straightened my arm and flexed again, this time including the forearm in the flex. The already insanely huge muscles grew larger and harder as even the smallest superficial vein doubled in size and pulsed with unbridled power. Art, with eyes wide, started to soap my upper left arm. “NO!” I barked. He flinched as if I had flicked a finger against his abs, expelling all air from his lungs and launching him across the room. He looked up timidly into my eyes. “Worship my might, worship the physique you dream about, worship the only true Alpha. Lick the sweat off me. Clean me with your tiny tongue. Then use the soap.” He instantly dropped the soap and started tonguing, kissing and caressing my massive arm. I gulped down each delicious drop his submission and want. He emanated so much I started to get drunk on the power I was soaking up. When I sent most of it to my reserves my head cleared and I felt Art sucking on my anterior delt head. “Grrrrrr! That’s it, little man. Show me how inferior you are,” I said menacingly, then grabbed the back of his head with my right hand and dragged his mouth to the downward pointing left nipple. “You love how I can, how I HAVE, ripped you apart without even breaking a sweat, don’t you?” I didn’t need him to say anything; I already knew the answer. He fucking loved it. I brought my left arm down, put his head in the crook of the elbow and flexed the left side. His mouth yielded to my incredibly hard pec as my bicep and forearm’s titanic brachioradialis and pronator teres bore into his skull. I kept increasing the pressure until I heard cracks and Art whimpering in pain. Then I released him. He fell on his hands and knees to the floor. The shower head sprayed water against the back of my head. What water didn’t flow down my back was cascading off my pecs like Niagara Falls and pummeled his back and head. I clenched my hands into fists and slightly bent my arms while expanding my chest, flexing my arms, pecs and abs. I squeezed the muscles of my legs until they resembled the marble columns of a Greek temple. I looked down my nose at the pathetic excuse for a male at my feet. I am Colossus standing before a teenager. A teenager with an Olympic swimmer muscular body. When Art finally looked up his eyes became as big as saucers. The head of my semi-hard summer sausage sized cock was an inch from his face. When he reached up to my cock I grabbed his hands “Please,” he pleaded. “I want...NEED your cock in me!” I could see his six inch dicklet was as hard as it could get over his inadequate balls. I put his trembling hands on my cinder block abs. “I will NOT repeat myself,” I said in a low menacing voice. He almost cried in frustration as he slid his hands over my abs, down my adonis belt, over each bulging muscle group in my left quad’s rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, then onto the gastrocnemius and peroneus longus, the two halves of my diamond shaped left calf. From there he licked two days worth of sweat and grime off every inch of me. I flexed and squeezed the muscle under Art’s mouth just to remind him how immensely powerful I am. After he tongue bathed both arms and armpits he placed his hands on my mountainous trapezius and stood on his toes to reach my neck. The sensation of his tiny body against my solid granite muscles started to arouse me. My rapidly hardening cock rising against his pintsized six pack made me groan. Thankfully Art finished his makeout session with my traps and neck quickly. I turned around, flared the muscles of my back; trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboid major and teres, major and minor. Calmly as I could, commanded, “Now my back. Start at the bottom.” I heard him drop to his knees and felt his hands on my hips as he buried his nose and tongue between unbreakable globes of my gluteus maximus. New sensations shot up my spine, ricocheted around my brain, back down my spine, bounced off my testicles, went up my cock and exploded in the glans. I involuntarily threw back my head and grunted as a literal pint of pre splashed against the shower wall. I saw two of the tiles crack after being hit with such pressure. Art must have noticed because he was taking his own sweet fucking time licking off any piece of shit I missed. ‘Shit,’ I thought. ‘I’m going to have to make sure he brushes his teeth again.’ ‘Can’t me think of any better puns than that?’ Ego snidely interjected. ‘Tell him to fucking hurry it up.’ “Boy, if you keep that up there won’t be any cum left for your ass. Move up.” “Yes, Daddy,” Art disappointedly replied. He licked, sucked and kissed up my wide, thick back until he swept the last speck of sweat off my trapezius at the back of my neck. When I felt his pathetic little wee-wee against me I spun around to face him, grabbed his neck and lifted him off his feet. He must have weighed 200 pounds, but it felt like I was lifting a paper marionette. “Are you ready to get FUCKED, boy?!” I growled from deep in my chest. He put his delicate hands on my pectoralis major, caressing them. “Yes, Daddy. Fuck your little boy.” His hands slid downward, over my ten pack abs. “Show me how an Alpha takes what He wants…” He started spreading the pre flowing from the meatus over the shaft, hand over hand, with another eight inches of cock exposed. His hands couldn't even encircle half my girth. “...whenever He wants.” He then slid his right hand up and thumbed the sensitive spot on the shaft. The sensation made my pelvic floor and prostate clench, forcing a heavy blast of pre to splash against his abs and chest. Arthur scooped the emissions off with his right hand while still stroking my rod from base to tip with his left. He brought his cupped hand, completely covered and overflowing with sticky precum, to his mouth and drank. As he drained his hand of the clear, thick liquid, I felt his throat contract four times as he swallowed the goo. “And now I know,” he said with a quiet voice filled with lust and licentious inference, “what the mightiest Alpha on the planet and the last descendant tastes like.” ‘The WHAT?!’ Ego said loudly. ‘SHUT. THE FUCK. UP.’ I internally growled as I flicked my wrist, tossing and twisting this average height, muscular boy in the air. I caught the back of his head when it was facing me and drove it into the tile on the shower wall. Blood, bone and broken tile were blasted out from the crater I created in the wall. Art’s legs were instantly swept aside as my fully engorged cock rammed up into my totally helpless prey. With my cock supporting all his weight I released his head and put him into a Full Nelson hold, both of my hands were thrust under his arms, then I pressed against the back of his neck. As I pulled him away from the wall I saw blood splashing the destroyed tile; I must have crushed his nose. When I thrust up his weak hole he hooked his ankles around my dorsal calves and started to caress the rock-solid muscle. Now that I had him completely under my control I teased the fuck out of him by slowly and repeatedly only penetrating him with the glans. Still, he grunted from each breach of his rectum. “Fuck me...come on!”, he pleaded. “Fuck...grunt..me..aieee!...HARD!” I drew a devilishly evil grin as I did exactly not that. For minutes I teased this boy cunt as he begged louder and louder until he was screaming at the top of his lungs. “FUUUCK MEE! HURT MEE! GODS DAMMIT PUNISH ME!!” Suddenly rage blasted off of him, he unhooked his feet from my legs and planted them on the shower wall. Huge claws exploded out of his toes and heals, fracturing the tile as they were buried deep in the wall. Each of his legs grew thicker than my waist with impossibly huge thighs. In an inhuman voice he bellowed, “I SAID HURT ME!” I could feel his rectum constrict around my cock tighter than any hole I’ve ever had, squeezing down and painfully compressing my shaft. “FUCK ME HARD!” Then he thrust back. I was slammed into the wall under the shower head. I felt the tile behind me fracture as his tight hole forced its way down my cock. I heard tearing sounds and saw his ass rupture. His copious blood provided a little bit of lubrication, but not enough; it felt like the skin on my shaft was being rubbed off. He kept screaming in a sound that shouldn’t come from any living thing, “PUNISH ME!”. When his ass finally impacted my root, faster than I could see, he pulled off and rammed back down. Between his battering assaults I saw my cock distend and almost rupture his abdomen several times. If he kept this up any longer he was going to fuck himself to death. When he was within reach I hooked my right elbow around his neck and clasped hands. “Arthur! You have to stop this!” I yelled. He bucked like a bronco, I almost lost my grip twice before I was able to squeeze and restrict the blood flow in his carotid artery. Just before he passed out he entire body tensed up, his rectum almost ripped my cock off. A blast of cum blew tile off the shower wall in front of us. Then he slowly went limp and I lowered him to the floor. When my cock popped out of him, blood geysered out of him and down the shower drain. I stood up and looked down at him. His face was a mass of shredded skin, broken bone and blood, yet I could see the devastation on his face already healing. My cock looked no better. It was red, swollen, covered with his blood and shit and hurt like hell. As I rinsed off I applied some power to heal myself. By the time I finished Arthur was whimpering in his sleep. ‘What the hell just happened?’ I asked Ego. ‘You have no idea. I better get him in bed. Let him sleep,’ he replied. I picked up Arthur off the shower floor and cradled him in my arms. As I took him to the bed he softly cried, “I’m sorry...I tried…not my fault...forgive...” He immediately went into a fetal position when I laid him down on the bed. He let out a sigh when I brought the comforter over him as, somehow, a large brown teddy bear appeared in his arms. I went back into the bathroom and found a fresh toothbrush under the sink. After unpacking the toothbrush I gazed at my stubble covered cheeks and jaw in the mirror. It had been three days since I last shaved. I rubbed a hand along my jawline; I kinda liked the way this protobeard made me look. I decided to keep it. As I brushed my teeth, Ego said, ‘I don’t like the way he seeks pain. There’s something terribly wrong with him. Why does he feel he needs to be punished?’ ‘I don’t know,’ I mentally replied. ‘Whatever it was, it couldn’t be healthy for him to feel that way.’ “Are you two almost done?” I heard Bre yell from the kitchen. “You had the hell better not let all this food go to waste or I’ll barf a hairball in your shoes!” And I know she would. I exited the bathroom, expanded myself to the height I was earlier, packed on twice the muscle and walked towards the bedroom door leading to the hallway, looking at Arthur calmly lying on the mattress as I passed the bed. The comforter roiled and bulged in ways a human could never cause. I looked up just in time to bash my forehead on the top of the doorframe. ‘Smooth move, dude,’ I heard mockingly in my head. “Will you FUCK OFF!” I yelled aloud. “You had the HELL better not be talking to me, buster!” I heard from the kitchen. I grumbled, ducked my head and started down the hallway to the sun drenched kitchen. Rubbing my forehead I said, “I’m not. I just bashed my forehead on the door frame.” When I entered the kitchen Brenna was right at my side, guiding me to a chair at the kitchen table. As I sat (and the chair creaked under my weight) my mouth started watering from sight and scent of the food overflowing the table; eight three-egg omelettes (four cheese, mushroom & bacon and four veggie), a stack of twenty pancakes smothered in real maple syrup topped with real butter, two pounds of bacon, three pounds of venison sausage (from my uncle), two loaves of whole grain and seed bread and, the pièce de résistance, a two full pound of cheese curds. I love those big chunks of cheese, especially how they squeak when you bite into them. Hey! I’m a Wisconsinite, don’t judge me! Yes, I even have a Cheesehead Cheese Hat. My hungry eyes were torn away from the feast before me by a pair of ultra strong female hands on my cheeks. “Let me see,” Bre said with concern and straddled my lap, the top of her head below my chin. The taste of that emotion was like taking a bite of an orange flavored strawberry. Interesting, but not as interesting as looking down her cleavage, deeply segmented abs and her little exposed clit. “Well, you’re a little red up there,” she motheringly said, “but I don’t see any permanent damage.“ She brushed my forehead with her hand and pieces of wood and gypsum board fell into my line of sight. “You probably hurt the wall more than it hurt you.” “Speaking of hurting, did you hear Arthur and me in the shower.” She tilted her head down and her sad eyes slowly moved from my forehead to my abs. She put her hands lightly on my trapezius, feelings of worry and doubt made bile rise in my throat. “Something long ago…” she snapped her eyes to mine without lifting her chin “...happened to him. He won’t talk about it, no matter how much I ask. I...I just try to emotionally support him...love him the best I can.” Tears started to fall from her eyes. “I just don’t know what to do.” I wrapped my arms around and clutched her to my chest. She began to silently sob. ‘Well, shit. There goes the mood,’ Ego lamented. I silently agreed with him and slowly made myself decrease in size and mass. When Bre’s chin touches my collar bone, her puffy, tear streaked eyes meet mine and she sniffed. “Wha...what are you doing?” “I thought that you wouldn’t be in the mood since…” I said quietly, gently. “Oh, no you don’t you FUCKER!” she interrupted me, jabbed a hard finger into my sternum and exclaimed with all the ferocity of an IRS conducting a multi-year, twenty million dollar audit. “You fucking TEASED ME by making me suck you off ALL FUCKING NIGHT! I had to listen as you got tongue bathed and kissed all over your perfect body! Do you know how hard it was NOT to plunge my fingers up my cunt when I heard that?! Oh, you’re gonna fuck me, pal, and your gonna fuck me HARD! YOU WILL BE as big, as thick and as hard as you were when you walked in and YOU WILL pound me into submission! You’re gonna prove to me that you’re still my Master!” My cock rose against her ass in anticipation of feeling her hot, wet, tight hole and her admission of subservience. Her face then slowly went into the most evil grin I’ve ever seen and said, “But first you're eating all this food.” I groaned and complained, “And I’m called a tease.” “Yup!’ Bre laughed as she rose off my lap to stand beside me. She stood up on her toes, leaned forward, patted the top of my head and said, “I’m the queen Molly of teasing, baby. Now EAT!” My stomach loudly growled as I picked up a fork and spoon and dug into the mountain of protein, carbs and fiber. I kept glancing at Brenna between shoving huge chunks of food in my mouth. She was still in my unbuttoned dress shirt, leaning her perfect, hard gluteus maximus against the kitchen counter and holding one of my biggest ceramic coffee mugs. It’s the one that says, “Accountants take accounting of their accounts.” Before you say ANYTHING, it was a UW graduation gift from my aunt. Every once and a while she would take a sip from the steaming liquid in the mug. A few seconds later she would sigh, tilt her head to the side and her eyelids would almost close. The liquid’s scent wafting in my direction smelled like mint and chamomile. I fucking HATE herbal teas. When I was a teenager I had to help my uncle with bailing hay at the farm. After a whole day of breathing in dust and alfalfa flowers the crap running down my throat tastes exactly like herbal tea. Anyway, I finally shoveled in the last forkful of breakfast, leaned back in the chair and gave a hearty belch. “Now you have a choice, big boy.” Bre was still leaning back against the kitchen counter only now she had a huge stainless steel travel mug in one hand and her tea in the other. “Coffee…” she raised the travel mug “…tea…” she raised the ceramic mug “…or me?” She shrugged her shoulders, the button down shirt fell down to her elbows and waistline revealing a body that a heavy weight bodybuilder dreams of; tight waist, tendinous inscriptions that were three inches thick, shredded serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi that imitated a cobra’s hood, at least twenty-five inch upper arms, deltoids the size and hardness of bowling balls, trapezius that rose two-thirds of the way to her ears and pectorals that were hard and firm. If just those muscles were on a woman her size that woman would be considered pretty stacked. Brenna had those muscles AND incredible breasts with small brown areola and thick, inch long, nipples. Her torso supported by legs thick enough to squat a ton, yet shapely enough to give a guy whiplash as he turned his head for a second or fourth look. All this sculpted marble muscle on a five foot three inch frame made her look freaky...freaky sexy! I locked eyes with her and, deliberately, slowly stood up. As I rose from the chair I made myself grow in height until Bre’s eyes were level with my navel. I flexed first my left bicep, then my right, then my cock, as I walked towards her. I made sure that each footstep made the house rattle. When my glans pressed into her impenetrable abs I raised my hand as if I was to stroke her cheek. She tilted her head in that direction expecting my touch. In the last instant, I grabbed the travel mug, downed the entire contents in two gulps, crushed the container and tossed the now useless scrap metal over my shoulder. If you remember from our first (one-sided) conversation, you know that I can’t function in the mornings without a couple of cups of coffee in me. While the caffeine worked its magic on the A1 and A2A receptors I advanced on my prey. Bre held up a finger and said, “Waitaminute,” and took a deep drink from her tea. Almost instantly her pupils dilated. She set the mug on the countertop behind her and reached up to put both of her muscled, veined, tiny hands on my pecs. Then she extended and dragged feline-like claws from the ends of her fingers across my taut skin. She took a step or two towards me, making my painfully hard cock rise up until it was nestled in her cleavage. “So, are you going to use this big thing to fuck me?” she seductively said. “Plunge it deep into my hot, wet cunt?” She started to slowly bounce her pectorals, making her breasts stroke my leaking cock. “I think you're just going to peter out, “she brought her elbows inward, using her upper arms to squeeze her breasts tighter, “just like the little boy you are.” That did it. Now I was not just sexually aroused, but my dominance was thrown into question. Yes, I know she did that on purpose just to get me to fuck her hard. Well...it worked. I growled as I grabbed her gluteus maximus and lifted her 350 pound weight above my head like she was a feather. I easily squeezed and spread those unbreakable muscles in my hands to expose her ass and pussy. It took me a second or two to properly line up my cock with her leaking hole, then I explosively brought her down. As soon as I felt her hot, wet lips against my glans I flexed my rectus abdominis and thrust up into her. Whether by design or not, she was so virgin tight that I was only able to get the glans and an inch of shaft into her. She threw back her head and screamed so loud I’m sure the neighbors would call the cops. Her hands clenched my trapezius hard. Her claws pierced my skin, but couldn’t penetrate the steel-hard muscle. I repeatedly pulled my cock out to the glans using my core muscles, then forced her to take another inch while I roared and she screamed at every fuck, “YOU THINK...” two inches in, pull out “...THAT THIS COCK...three inches in, pull out “...is a BOY’S DICK…” four inches in, pull out “THIS!” five in “IS” six in “A” seven in “MAN’S” eight in “COCK!” I rammed the remainder of my shaft into her as she started to scratch my back with those sharp claws. I still hadn’t touched her cervix, she must have deepened her vagina just to tease me. I wasn’t in the mood for any of that. In the next thrust I lengthen my cock until I felt the entrance to her inner core. The next time I withdrew I packed on five more inches, two more inches in girth and hardened the organ until I could punch a hole through a three inch steel plate. Then I shattered her core with a single devastating ram. She threw back her head, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she used every last molecule of air in her lungs to scream again. At the same time I roared into her face with victory and dominance. I looked down and saw two or three inches of shaft were not buried in her. That would not do. I forced in the final inches until I’m balls deep in the most exquisite pussy on Earth. I removed my left hand from her ass, brought my arm up, bent the elbow and flexed my bicep so big it made Colman’s arms look insignificant. I continued my devastation of her vigina and womb. I dropped my voice three octaves and, with each skewering thrust punctuating each word, said, “I...am...your...ALPHA...your...MASTER!” She grunted and cried out with every word. “Every...other...male...is...insignificant...next...to...ME!” She grabbed my incredibly hard, vein covered arm and threw her mouth onto my shoulder. She bit down as I felt her legs begin to spasm. “I...AM...A...YOUR…GOD!” With the last word I drop my voice into the infrasound level. That word couldn’t be heard, yet windows and plates rattled, the house creaked. Brenna screamed around the muscle in her mouth and explosively squirted a gallon of girl cum on my abs and legs. Now that the natural order of things had been reestablished I lifted her off me and threw her against the kitchen counter in front of the sink and the window to the backyard. Her rectus abdominis shattered the marble countertop and bent the stainless steel sink. I waste no time in pinning her hands to the countertop at her side and ramming myself up her still quivering cunt. I took my time now, relishing each inch of her. While I slowly saw in and out of her I admired her shoulders and back. I ran a hand over her back. Her teres, major and minor, rhomboid major and infraspinatus almost rose above the larger trapezius and latissimus dorsi. Each muscle group was incredibly defined, stirated, thick and hard. She was the apex of muscular beauty. And my blood boiled with testosterone as I broke her. I cupped her chin and slowly pulled her head back. She resisted with all her considerable might, muscles flexed and pumped up with blood and superficial veins popped up under reddening skin. I could see her breasts swinging on her chest when her head met my upper abs. Her nipples were long, thick and diamond hard. I moved my hand down to her neck, slammed into her and demanded, “Who am I?” “AHHHHH!! You’re Bruce Banderole!” She squeezed her eyes shut. I viciously ram up. “Wrong answer. LOOK AT ME!!” Brenna eyes fly open as she grunts from the impact, “You...you’re my MMMaaasterrr!” Again, I smash through her cervix and punch the far wall of her uterus. “Try AGAIN!” “You’re the...the LAST ONE!!” she screamed as another orgasm racked her body and she crushed the marble countertop under her hands. Not exactly what I was working towards. ‘What the FUCK?!’ Ego interjected. I ignored him and released Brenna’s neck. She fell forward into the sink. Her back was covered with sweat and she was breathing like she just finished a marathon. I, however, was breathing like I was sitting in a chair and no moisture appeared on my brow. I looked out the window and saw Fred Metzer holding a hose in his hand in his backyard. His hand was at his side as he was totally engrossed with the carnal spectacle I was giving him. The hose looked like his limp two inch dick. His mischievous son had crimped the hose causing the water pressure to fall. I seized Bre’s hair and lifted her head up so she could see Fred. “See that beta boy? See how limp his dick is?” She started breathing hard again. I released her hair and gave Fred the biggest fucking monster sized double bi flex he would ever see. His life changed forever; his eyes bugged out, he slouched and became the lesser male I always knew he was. Yeah, that’s right, boy. You’re a one, maybe two, on the male scale. I’m a one fucking hundred. “That’s what every other male is next to me.” I drank in the firehose of emotions Fred was directing at me; envy, submission and, wait a minute, need? That little fucker actually thinks I’d let him touch me. I gave him a little taste of what he would never have, never achieve; I bent my head down and licked a throbbing vein on a football-sized bicep. Brenna jerked and cried out when I took that power to thicken my already titanic cock, harden it until I could pulverize diamonds. Fred finally noticed that the water wasn’t coming out of the hose and lifted it up to peer inside. His son chose that exact moment to release the pressure. The poor beta got a face full of water that blasted out of the hose. “And that happens every time those weakling BOYS see me fuck their women, claim their women, TAKE their women!” Her third orgasm hit her like a 10.0 Richter Scale earthquake. She pushed her hands forward, plowing through the two inch thick stone countertop as easily as you would push your hand through clay. When she comes down from the euphoria she’s so out of it that her trembling legs aren’t supporting her weight. The only thing keeping her upright is my cock. I take a step backwards, pulling her away from the countertop. I let her leg dangle in midair for a few seconds, then I lowered my still mind blowingly hard cock. She slid down my cock to lay like a puddle of muscle on the kitchen linoleum. I reached down, grabbed her hair, yanked her to her knees, bellowed, “I’m not done with you yet!” and rammed my cock down her throat. It took a few seconds to come to and realize I was fucking her throat, but when she does, oooh man, she took over. Her tongue lashed and whipped every inch of cock that wasn’t in her throat, bobbed her head up and down my shaft so fast she became a blur. Under that assault it wasn’t long before I reached and shattered my own orgasmic threshold. I arched my back, threw back my head, shoulders and arms and flexed every single muscle cell in my entire body in an effort to blast my very essence through the little slit at the tip of my cock and roared. Brenna grabbed my hips and hung on for dear life as I erupted for five minutes down her throat. She clawed at my legs as she slid down my satisfied cock. She purred when I looked down over my pecs at her. She eventually shifted herself to sit against the cabinet. She reached up and stroked my softening, yet still massive cock. “Feeling better now?” I said. Brenna, my cat, said, “Hmmmm, maybe a little,” and smiled up at me. Bre then reached up and took the mug from the countertop. Somehow it had survived the destruction we wrought against the granite stone and sink. She took a sip and said, “Oooo yeah...that’s better.” She complained as I took the mug out of her hand, held it to my nose and sniffed. Yeah, it definitely smelled like a thirteen hour day of bailing hay, yet there was something else in it...something familiar. “What the hell is this?” I asked Bre. “It’s catnip tea,” Arthur said from the kitchen doorway looking only at his sister. Bre snatched the mug out of my hand and drained the remaining tea in one gulp. Art stood at five feet four inches tall and looked like a pale university freshman. His long brown hair hung over his hazel eyes and he was rail thin. The skinny jeans he wore were baggy, his dirty white shoes untied and his maroon wife beater shirt was three sizes too big. The shirt had a cartoon of Goldy Gopher, the University of Minnesota mascot, coming out of a hole in the ground giving a thumbs up. The caption, in a semicircle above the illustration, said, “GO MIGHTY GOPHERS!” “She’s like you with coffee; needs it to start the day.” Bre looked up at me, nodded her head and giggled. “We sometimes like to keep part of the animal when we are human. I, for instance, just like every dog, likes…” Bre perked up, raised herself on one arm while she pointed the mug at her brother. “Oh, no. DON’T YOU DARE say what I think you’re going to say!” Undeterred Art continues “...to suck on a bone and lick some balls every once and awhile.” I chuckled while Bre, who’s probably heard every pun Art has uttered, put her head in her hand, pinched the bridge of her nose and said, “Oh, gods dammit. I was just about to have a good day.” “Anyway, remember that thing that happened four days ago?” Bre immediately sobered up, turned serious, looked up to Art and put a trembling hand on my thigh. “Yeah,” she said, trying to hide the concern in her voice. “I got a text. I have to do the thing. Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be gone for several days.” I didn’t like the sound of this. I turned to face him and returned myself to my default setting, six foot six inches tall, on-season championship bodybuilder with a thick, uncut seven inch flaccid penis and testicles to match. “Arthur, about what happened in the shower,” I started to say. “I won’t be able to contact you Bre...” he ignored and interrupted me. “...so don’t worry. I’ll be fine,” he said, then turned towards the front door and walked away. “Whatever is troubling you...” Art stopped halfway to the door and stood still; his back tensed up. “...I know we can work it out together.” Without acknowledging my offer he continued to the front door. He turned the doorknob and threw the door open. Even before the door slammed into the adjoining wall, he was gone. The door bounced off the wall, only closing half way. From the time Authur entered the kitchen to when he left, I only felt darkness from him. Bre walked up to my side. She slipped under my arm and wrapped her arm around my waist. Her free hand rested on my chest. Staring at the door I quietly said, “I’m worried about him.” “I know.” “He’ll be beaten to a pulp if the football team sees him in that shirt.” “I’m more worried about what he’d do to them.” Bre then looked up, patted my chest and said, “Come on. You’ve got that human physical thing to do and it’s getting late.” She grabbed my hand, went up to the front door to close it then led me back to my bedroom where she proceeded to open my closet and rifled through my clothes. Three wardrobe changes later I’m wearing a tight red polo shirt, blue jeans and a pair of running shoes. Brenna had fastened all the buttons on the shirt. I immediately flexed my pectorals and trapezius, making the buttons burst off of me and ricochet off the walls. I looked down to see the canyon of my chest cleavage. She rolled her eyes and shoved me out the door. “Have fun, and don’t worry about the cum stains everywhere. I’ll lick them up!” she yelled after me and slammed the door. I turned around to get in the Lycan and saw old Ms. Chakancy, with her little white miniature poodle Killer on a leash, giving me an incredulous look. I just looked at her as I walked to the car and opened the door, gave her an award-winning smile and said, “Don’t ya just love weekend long orgies?” and entered the car. “Well, I never!” she exclaimed. Ego snorted and said, ‘No shit lady. You probably couldn’t get laid giving blow jobs at a horny blind man's convention.’ ‘Now, now, let’s be nice to the old bat,’ I internally replied, started the car and burnt rubber rocketing out of the driveway and onto the street. ‘Be nice! She calls the cops every time Debbie drives up with her stereo on!’ Ahh, yes. Deb does love her Norwegian Death Metal music at maximum volume. I get the mental impression of Ego taking a deep breath and calming himself down. ‘Alright. The doctor’s office in Verona. Due to my morning extracurricular activities...” he emphasized the word ‘activities’ ‘…the morning rush is over so it should only take I seventeen minutes to get there. The appointment is forty-five minutes from now so me have plenty of time. And what the fuck is this ‘You’re the last descendent’ and ‘You’re the one’ bullshit?’ I rolled my eyes and said aloud, “How the hell should I know and thanks, Siri.” ‘Oh, so I’m my digital assistant now, eh? In that case…’ and I’m forced to listen to knock knock jokes until, three miles later, in the middle of South Midvale Boulevard, the car backfired and rapidly lost power.
  3. CONTENT WARNING: This is a story fundamentally about abuse - how it affects us, and how we recover from it. To do this, it depicts this abuse - not in an especially graphic way, but enough to make me (an abuse survivor) feel uncomfortable writing it. Mostly this is focused around Chapter 2, with the rest of the story focusing on confrontation and rehabilitation. Chapter 1-3 this page Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 AUTHORS'S NOTE: This is a story in seven eight parts. I plan to release the first three today, with a staggered release of parts 4-8. I've finished writing, but there are some extensive re-writes I'd like to put in to those later chapters. The story is inspired by the amazing Elongro by Dredlifter. In fact, it started life as fanfiction of this story. Dred was incredibly supportive of the idea and generous with his time, but ultimately I had made major misunderstandings about his characters that caused my own to be completely different to how he envisioned them. But I was still pretty proud of the story I wanted to tell, and wanted to share it - so I've made it my own. There are basic plot elements that you might find familiar if you've read Elongro - and if you haven't, you probably should, it's great - but these dissipate as the story progresses, and completely changes by Chapter 3. -------------------------------------------------------- “I still want to be friends. But right now there's nobody to be friends with. You need to find yourself, first, Trent.” It isn’t raining. Somehow, it feels like it should be. If this was a movie, he’d be sitting here, still, with those words ringing in his ears, the room long-cold around him. And rain against the glass. But there’s no rain. And the reality of the emptiness in him, that gnawing, festering wound in the pit of his stomach was anything but a movie. It was real. When did it get like this? -------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, what’s good, sh- I mean, Seb?” Sebastian’s expression sours as his taller, stronger roommate bounds in and throws himself on the sofa next to him, jostling him around. He liked the guy - they were best friends, really, ever since rooming together in freshman year. Now sophomores, and still sharing an apartment together, they had become inseparable. Except for… “short stuff”. He wasn’t exactly tiny, but at 5’7” he was definitely one of the shorter guys on campus. He’d always been fine with it. He jogged regularly and had a lithe runner’s frame, a pretty-boy face and, honestly, more interest in his academic studies and nerdier interests for his relative lack of size to bother him. But then Trent came along. It mostly wasn’t his fault - just as Seb wasn’t tiny, Trent wasn’t gigantic, but his 5’10” certainly seemed a lot to his smaller roommate. And he worked hard at the gym; nothing world-beating, but a ripped 180lbs that had become 190lbs during freshman year, of which he was immensely proud. Proximity to that couldn’t help but make Sebastian feel… small. But he was cool with it. Except when Trent called him “short stuff”. “Sorry man…” Trent says, picking up his mistake. His face is one of genuine concern, but then it lights up. “But, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about! I got the answer for you; whaddya know about B825?” Seb rolls his eyes - Trent was always trying anything he could to make himself bigger and stronger, and he’d heard it all before. Though even he had to admit, Trent was more animated than usual, and he’d never tried to get him on board before. He spills on and on about this experimental drug; it was illegal in the US, but most of Europe and even Canada had recently condoned its use in certain cases. It had become a hot topic on most of the forums Trent followed, with stories of its success varying wildly. Some people claimed to bulk up a few pounds, maybe an inch or two in height - others, however, claimed to have experienced much, much more than this, cannoning up in height and gains to unbelievable levels. Trent’s imagination was ablaze. He knew it was probably tall tales, but… the possibility that it could be true? That was worth it to him. “....and it’s all sorted, if we want it. Zenico have a lab just over the border that does appointments, and I have one next Wednesday. What do you say?” “I say; what’s it gonna cost me?” Asks Seb, still sceptical. “$250” “$250?! Come on, Trent. You know it’s probably all bogus right? You won’t even grow an inch.” “But what if it isn’t? Can’t you imagine it? Me and you, big men on campus? And we can grow some friends too, there’s six doses in total. Aren’t you fed up with being the little guy?” Sebastian’s brow furrows again. -------------------------------------------------------- “Ah!” Seb sucks his teeth as the needle enters the cheek of his buttocks. “Easy man, it’ll all be worth it.” says Trent as he carefully depresses the syringe, and removes it. He’d had a hard time getting his hands to stay steady; he’d had a smile on his face the entire drive back over the border, and all but bounded into the apartment, demanding that Sebastian drop trou immediately. Seb still wasn’t convinced, and he was starting to have second thoughts. If Trent was like this now, and this stuff did work - what would a bigger, more boisterous Trent be like? “Alright, now it’s my turn. Time to get big, pal!” The two of them swap places, as Seb buckles up, Trent prepares for his injection. He stands with his pants pulled down slightly and waits - and waits a little longer. “Sorry man, I just want to get this right - I’ve never done it before!” Seb says, before he finally feels the sharp scratch of the needle himself. He grits his teeth, and thinks of everything it’s going to bring him - just as the door opens. “Hey - oh, couldn’t wait for me, huh?” Trent’s girlfriend, Brie, throws her bag onto the sofa and heads on over, going onto tiptoes to plant a kiss on her boyfriend’s lips. Seb removes the needles hurriedly, surprised by the intrusion. “Oh, hey! Trent never mentioned you were coming over. Did you know about…” “The B825? You mean the only thing he’s talked about for the last week? Yeah, I might have heard about it. I swear, it’s like he doesn’t love me anymore…” “As if!” Trent kisses her again, and pulls up his pants. “Brie here’s our third dose. But given where it’s injected, I think I’ll handle this one buddy!” With a smirk and a wink, he turns and takes the vial and fresh syringe from his friend. “Don’t wait up. But remember - tomorrow it all starts. I’m taking you to the gym, and we’re going to start getting huge!” -------------------------------------------------------- “8……….. 9, come on man, push push push…… 10! Alright, good work bro! I’m proud of you.” Trent takes the bar from Seb and racks it. He’d been impressed by Seb’s gains these last few months; he’d taken to lifting like a duck to water, the B825 obviously doing its work. Perhaps because he’d been so small to begin with, Sebastian’s transformation seemed explosive. He was wearing new clothes, the cheapest he could get, and borrowed hand-me-downs from Trent, eating bigger and of course lifting bigger. Trent couldn’t help but notice the difference between him and his little friend getting less and less each day, but he couldn’t be prouder. It felt like his hard work just as much as Seb’s. And the theory of it affecting smaller people quicker certainly held water with Brie. He’d seen her last night for their last meeting before the summer. He’d managed to find work back home, and she had a temporary internship, and they had made sure their last meeting would be memorable. He grinned as he thought about it - she had so much more energy these days, and she could take him like she never could before. He wasn’t huge - a respectable 6.5 inches - but that was more than enough for her previously diminutive, 5’3” frame. She was now up to 5’7”, and the difference was palpable. Whereas for Trent… nothing. No, nothing yet, he reminds himself. It was coming. The stuff worked, obviously. He was bigger, technically - another 5lbs over the months he’d been working hard with Seb, but he hadn’t noticed any change to his height, and there certainly wasn’t the dramatic change to his strength he’d seen with either his girlfriend or best friend. But he couldn’t wait until he did. “God, I’m wiped!” Seb says, wiping himself with a towel. “How much was that, anyway?” “190, that’s 60lbs more than when you started. You’re doing incredible, buddy!” “Naw, man, I wouldn’t be anywhere near this alone. It’s all down to you, Trent.” “Really? I thought it was all down to her…” Trent gives his friend a sly smile and nods his head towards the girl on the treadmill across from them. She’s tall, fit, voluptuous and certainly getting a lot of attention. “Don’t tell me you haven’t been checking her out, I’ve seen you. I think you were digging deep for her, not me…” “Stop being a creep,” Seb says, his cheeks flushing even redder. “Anyway, it’s you I want to strip... Wanna measure me before we head? I want to see how much I grow over the summer!” he jokes. Trent assents, a little bit puzzled by the leap in his chest at the suggestion. Seb, of course, would be going nowhere over the summer break; potentially literally, the way he spoke about it, he had no plans of leaving the gym. Money wasn’t an issue, with an allowance from his parents that was more than generous, and his sights were clearly set on one thing. The boys wash and change, and head back to the apartment, where they strip down to their undies. As requested, Trent begins to measure his friend. “185lbs, bro you’re bulking fast! And… shit, 16.5”, nice guns.” He says, genuinely amazed at Seb’s progress. But that’s not what Seb wants to know. He stands against the wall of the apartment, and Trent dutifully measures his height for him. And it slaps him in the face. “Dude… this says 5’10”” He looks in disbelief at Sebastian, who beams and punches the air, laughing to himself. But he was 5’10”... how could Seb have caught him up so quickly? How could he have not noticed that they were the same height? “That’s awesome, dude! And that means you’ve grown too, right?” Seb says, jubilantly. “Huh?” “Aw, don’t act stupid. You’re definitely taller than me bro. C’mon, we’ll do that first!” Trent nods, and takes Seb’s position. He couldn’t really tell - was he still taller? Seb seemed sure, but to him it seemed- “YEAH! Way to go bro!” “What? I’m taller? What am I, 5’11”?” “Yep. Well, near enough. Say 5’10 and a half? But you know what that means, right? You’ve finally joined the club! Man, I can’t wait to see what the summer brings.” Trent is conflicted. He’d grown. Finally. But nowhere near as much as his friends. Still it had started, and it was only a matter of time. Right?
  4. adoniss

    Gabriel the Sculptor - Intro

    Hey Folks! I'm here to let you guys know that i'm planning on doing some stories about transformation and muscle gain (in a magic + effort way). So to contextualize, i created this dialogue between the main character and his friend, just for an initial immersion and to give an insight on how things will run. Also i have to mention that i will be using the work from @rstle an awesom A.I creator, who inspired me trought whis images to give them stories to complete the artwork. I hope you guys like it!! -Introduction- - So to be as clear as i can, you need to know how i do what i do and who i trully am. - Stop messing with me Gabriel and explain it already. - OK Chill Carlos, you found my diary logs, and i know seems confuse, but i promisse you everything in there is true. - You say in there, that you somehow has an affect in peoples body, how and why? - Come on let me talk, i can't explaind if you interrupt me all the time, i know is a lot to take but in the end makes sense. - Dude i... i... Wtf man, you did it to mee too? - LISTEN TO ME! Please calm down. ( After Carlos finally is able to focus) - Carlos you remember i went on a site visit on to the old excavation site? - Yeah i do, you even invited me but i thought it was to boring for me. - Exactly, in there i was following the group, and i heard someone calling me behind my back, and i was the last one in line, so i was creeped out, and you know i'm not a fan of ghost stories. - You know they don't exist right? - I thought it too, until i saw myself alone, far from the group, i decide to follow the path in front of me, nothing and no one in sight, so i heard it again, as i turn to the voice i see a face carved on the wall, it looked like an mayan or some other coulture had sculpt it, i decide to get closer.... the face starts to shine its eye wide open, looking straight to me and the voice comes from it saying, "thou who walks upon the rest of your ancestor, shall recieve the blessing of sculpt, shape your warriors as they deserve". - Bullshit - The face shines brighter almost like an flashbang, and when i notice, i'm back to the track, and people are screaming my name, i was so confused that i didn't told anyone, so they don't think i was delusional. - Sounds like a bad trip to me, did you smoke something or inhale a gas? -Carlos sarcastic as always. - Ha Ha so funny, anyway later that night i dreamed with the face again, but this time it was telling me the rules about the "blessing", he refered to me as an sculptor, as you saw on the logs i wrote, i can change a person physic traits, but i cant do it only by my will, requires the person want the changes to happen, and if the person discover or has any sort of suspect i'm the cause of the changes, the "blessing" will stop workin on him. And now that you know it, will stop working on you too. - If what you're saying somehow is true, what did you change in me? cause i don't notice nothing diferent. - Actualy i didn't change much, cause i know you since forever and you're my friend so i just gave you what you wanted. - Oh really? wath did i wanted smart ass? - Before i answer that let me explain a important part of being an sculptor, the gift alows me to shape other persons sort as a combination of what they want and how far i will make it possible. To start the process i need to be alone with the person and all i need is to they answer an simple question, if is a true and sincere answer the process begins, and lasts until i decide they had enough or they get happy with the changes. - And what is the question? - Oh is nothing fancy, they just need to answer: If i could, would you let me mold you? - I KNEW IT! cought you red handed, i don't remember you asking me this. - Page 5. - What the actual fuck? - Page 5 on the diary, read it for me. - No way you set up this shit so hard. - You asked for the truth and i'm giving it. - Ok, so page 5.... it says "it's funny they don't seem to remember the key question to activate the process, i will try asking more direct next time"... how convenient to you huh? - Actualy it really is cause at the person point of view seams an all natural process, you remember the guys on the gym asking you if you was on roids? - i... i do, but they ware just complementing me no? - Sort of, but how do you explain in only four months, you evolved like a god? - Genetics? - haha you do got good ones dont get me wrong, but at this speed, is almost inhuman, i would say it is magic your evolution. - But if so, why you don't chage yourself? we started the same day on the gym, and you ware bragin that youre was gona get huge. - Yeah, i was braggin cause at that time i didn't knew the blessing limts yet, it has an wekened effect on me, i did got more fit as you see, but no near close to what you got. - Dude, are you saying it wasn't my effort that payed? - No no, i said that to the changes happen the target needs to want the change, you said to me that you wanted to be stronger, and i suggested we entered the gym, and in that day that i made you the question, of course i helped a lot, but it was all your work. - So the changes aren't instant? - No, they are accelerated by the persons will and her actions, for exemple i sculped a girl who wanted to be a runner, so i gave her more stamina to endure and some ajusts to make her an axcelent runner. - Wait, Ana from the grocery store? - The one and only. - You gota be kiding me. - Nope, go and ask her..... btw don't she will think youre an wierdo for sure. - Yeah this hole story seams wierd. - You didin't bought it didn't? - You had me on the frist half. - Oh so you want a proof that i can make this stuf? - I was going to ask you for that right now. - We are best friends right? and knowing you since forever let me refresh your mind, once you had a prety embarasing moment, with that girl from highschol. - Don't you dare to brin- (interupting him i proceed) - So you know what i'm talkin about right? Do i need to say that she was no impressed with that 5 ich? - We were teenagers, it was a normal measure for the time. - Come on, you were 20 years old, puberty has long past. - She would be impressed now if i got to her. - Of course now that i got you an help, and oh boy what a help. - You what? - Do you really think you got a late grouth sprout? - But.... - And so if you had one, how would i know that he grow to the exacts 9.5 inch? - WTF..... How? - I just explained to you, you gave me no option, i had to drop this bomb. - Dude if it was really you.... - What? - Can you do more? - Duh, Smart ass, as i told you when the person discovers the trouth, i can no longer help with anything, now you're on your own. - So you made me a prodige in the gym and a horse in bed? - Exactly as you wished my guy. - Thank you. - Why are you mumbling? i can't hear you. - Thank you. - Oh, You're welcome, but don't give me all credit, if you didn't made your part, it would all be a waste. - If you say so. - is that enough proof? - Yeah man i belive you, but now that i know your secret.... - oh, i guess that makes you my personal criter, you can see my work now. - alright, at least i will see the Gabriel the Sculptor in action. - And talking about my work, let's see your before and after, i saw you remade that photo i took from you in the park... - Go ahead. - Here, look at you, i guess we did a great work toghether. And you? Will let me mold, you if i could?
  5. Hank, How are ya, stud? Man do I wish you was here. Sun, palm trees, beaches, all the rum you can drink. Shore leave in fucking paradise, and all that’s on my mind is our last brawl. Don’t help that none of the S.O.B.’s on this tinfoil barge can fight worth a damn. They talk big, get in your face, but then can’t take a punch. No kidding I dropped this one waif-like creature with a bare flick of a jab. I ain’t playing no more ‘til these bums come up with a salty bear like you who can handle these big fists. Hugs and Kisses (har-de-har-har), Liam Liam, Got such a fight-boner when I read your card, I went out and found a scrap on a New York rooftop with some swabbies from the Sea Queen. At five-on-one it wasn’t quite fair (for them, ha!). And with a knuckle-dragging stud like you on my mind, I went and popped my load too early. First guy crumpled under my left hook. Second guy lost all his front teeth to my haymaker. I kid you not the third and fourth wimps then shat their dress whites when I screamed in their faces. Hell you know how I can get when I get riled up. Fifth guy was made of somewhat sterner stuff, even caught me with an uppercut right on the button before I flattened him. But you know me, chin like a moose. I’ll post this (don’t lick the blood splatter, you animal), then go placate the Sea Queen’s first mate, smooth things over about the injuries, and the shitstains. Look at you, getting me in trouble, even from halfway ‘round the world. Bear hugs from your bearfriend (har-de-har-har), Hank Hank, Knew I could count on ya to get me back in the game. Give my best to the Sea Queen’s first mate; I once gut-slugged him so hard he re-savoured a week's worth of navy chow. You always know best, my brother in brawn. Who am I to avoid fightin’, on account of the delicate constitutions of weaker men? I went right back to that beach and pasted seven able seamen thinking of your handsome mug, and what I’d do to it should I see ya once more. They is not so able now (har-de-har-har), what with their busted ribs and all. Took some hard knocks, but ya know my noggin, harder than a coconut. I should know, I cracked one open with these paws and am now enjoying a refreshing drink in victory. Ya must remember my grip (wink wink)? Hope you counted, with that big brain of yours (“placate?”) that seven is more than five. Try to keep up. Smooches (on mine own biceps), Liam Liam, Guess there’s only one way we’re settlin’ this. I’m coming to get your ass. That’s the kind of grip you meant, right (har-de-har-har)? Ran into the minor problem of finding a ship headed in your general direction, and then the problem that said ship was The Defiant, remember them? They sure remember you and me, back when we were skinny recruits. We packed a wallop even then, but look at us now, with muscles coming out of our ears. They needed some convincing, did them deck apes, all ten of ‘em (math, boy), but you surely know how convincing these arms can be. Plus since they were now shorthanded, what choice did the skipper have? I know how to get my way, you remember? And if you don’t, sit tight, I’ll remind you soon enough. Drippingly yours, Hank
  6. Black Cat Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 WARNING! Contains snuff. Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 Epilogue Sequel: Black Cats Chapter 1 The wife lays on the bed on her side, passed out. Her long auburn hair covers her sweaty, cummy face, neck and tits. Cum leaks out of her pussy and ass onto the soaked hotel sheets. Sunlight from the window lands on her 36C breasts, her nipples still hard and extended from my manipulations. Those beautiful breasts jiggle, the bed creeks and the headboard hits the wall with each of my thrusts. "Oh, God! Fuuuuck!" the husband moans under me. I pin his head to the bed with my left hand. My right hand grips and lifts his pelvis keeping his ass inline with my cock. For the last twenty minutes I've been pulling all the way out, waiting for his sphincter to close, then, with a low-pitch growl, ramming in deep. "You like that, boy? hmmmggggggrrrrrr. Like getting fucked slow and hard?" The husband moans something that sounds like, "yes, Daddy", as his fists tightly clutch the sheets. I roll my head back and inhale deeply, relishing the musky scent of sex. I spike his ass with a quarter of my rod. "AAAAHHHHHHGGOOOOOODD!" the pitiful excuse for a male wails. "GRRRR! I don't give a FUCK what you like, cunt," I growl. Enough of treading lightly with this virgin ass. I grab his shoulders with both hands and use my abs for countless short hard strokes, smashing into his prostate with every fuck. The bed frame crashes against that wall with a loud BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM as I bore into him. I keep up the rapid-fire assault, grunting with each fuck, until he yells, "I'm cumming!" I wrap my left hand around his throat and lift him off the bed. I stand tall and press the back of his head into my chest. He utters a satisfying scream as he slides father down. A minuscule amount of cum bubbles through the tiny cock cage his little penis is trapped in. His legs swing and bump my shins as I walk to the floor-to-ceiling mirror. By the time I reach the mirror he's panting like a bitch in heat. I turn to face the mirror and look over the "man" impaled on my cock. Mid-twenties, crew-cut blond hair, handsome features. I guess you could say that he's got a middleweight bodybuilder physique. A decent chest above his six pack. An above average limp dick swings off of him. He could probably place in a regional bodybuilding competition if he didn't skip leg days. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut. "Open your eyes. Come on boy," I thump his head with my free hand, "open." When he doesn't obey I forcefully flex my abs, driving my ramrod deeper into his gut. "Aaaarrrg!" his eyes snap open and looks at me in the mirror with fear, lust and fear. He begins to hyperventilate. "Hey, calm down, little man." I slide my hand off of his throat putting him in a choke hold. I lightly squeeze his windpipe between my forearm and bicep. His hands immediately grab my arm and vainly tries to move it. I whisper into his ear, "Take slow deep breaths. That's it. Good boy." With his breathing slowing I find myself involuntarily slow fucking his tight ass and watching my hulking figure in the mirror. The husband's head, his mouth gaping open, is held between a forearm thicker than his upper arm and a bicep bigger than his head. Thick veins under my paper-thin skin look like a metropolitan subway map. Above my bowling ball delts thick traps rise like mountains to meet my corded neck. The husband whimpers when I flex my free arm into a Herculean ball of power. "You like that, puny boy? Grrrr, yeah, I think we both know who's superior." I feel a pair of tits against my wide lats and a sopping wet pussy grinding on my massive rippling leg. "Fuck him, baby." The wife wraps her tiny hands around my torso. One hand slowly strokes my ten-pack, fingers following the perimeter of each thick cobblestone segment. Her other hand travels up to my shelf-like pecs to try to squeeze the rock-hard muscle. Giving that up, she begins to pinch and tweak a downward pointing nipple. "Show him how to use that thing between his legs." She's kissing and licking my back. "He's never satisfied me. You…oh god…you made me cum more than I've ever had. Show him how a real man fucks." Never wanting to disappoint the ladies I break the bi pose and slap the husband's glute. He yelps and calls out for mercy to whatever deity he thinks is listening. I seize a leg and bring it to his chest as I start to pound his ass balls deep. I roar. The husband screams in terror and submission. The wife moans, "Make him your bitch like you made me your whore…Master" *** Good. Now I have your attention. With all the instant gratification, short news cycles and screaming 140 to 280 character dispatches from who-the fuck-cares you have to grab attention by the balls, squeeze and not let go. Even if the owner of said balls slaps you with an injunction. Which never happens to me…usually. Hi, I'm Bruce. Bruce Banderole. Ripped let me hijack his account to tell my story. I didn't used to be this way. The domineering alpha male, not the ball grabber. Well, maybe not that either. Anyway, I was just your typical, average office worker schmuck sitting in a nondescript cube surrounded by sappy inspirational posters from HR in the boring corporate world. To say I was the pinnacle of physical health would be laughable. Twenty-six years old at this time. Under the average height for a male, just under the definition of obese, nearsighted and balding. My idea of exercise was carrying a box of a dozen doughnuts to the office every Friday. The only thing in my life that brought a ray of sunshine into my gloom was my girlfriend, Val. Six weeks ago that would all start to change. On that Monday nothing could brighten my mood. I grabbed two different socks out of the sock drawer, my sandwich was moldy, the printer repeatedly jammed on duplication of a fifty page report and I had my review. See, there's me after work in line at the bus stop waiting for the 5:10 to my house. Hunched shoulders, thinking about the day and mumbling, "How the fuck did I get a 'adequate' on the Reynolds account? I busted my ass for that fucker!" I look up to the guy behind me, "Tell me why a guy that looks like an avocado had sex with an older more disgusting avocado complained?" The old lady behind him stepped back aghast. The guy looked at me and said, "Maybe it's your use of harsh language." When I realized I left my umbrella at home, it started to rain. I sighed defeat to the universe as the bus rolled to a stop. The doors opened and I heard something in the alley. I ignored it and shuffled forward. After a few steps I heard it again. This time I think I heard a cat. I had a cat once. My sister wanted to name it Dog. A few more shuffling steps and I definitely heard a cat. I reached the bus door, looked up at the driver and said "Wait for me, I'll be right back." I think I heard the driver mumble, "Yeah right buddy" as I turned into the ally. "Here, kitty kitty kitty." I heard a reply from the left ten feet down the alley. I called out again, followed the reply and found an average sized undernourished young adult black cat under a piece of cardboard. It looked up at me with pleading electric blue eyes. I knelt down to the cat, and slowly blinked, "Hey, there." I extended a finger in front of its nose. "You don't look too well." The cat sniffed my finger, blinked and replied with a meow that almost sounded like, "Help?" I extended the finger to scratch the cat's chin. I didn't see a collar when the cat lifted its head for more scratches. "Oh, so you're a stray huh? Well we can't have you walking the streets can we?" As I gently lifted the cat it began to purr. I turned around with the cat cradled in my arms just in time to see the back of the bus disappear down the street. I sigh and mutter, "Fuck." "Mew?" "It's just been one of those days, cat. There's a vet school a few blocks from here. How about we get you checked out and get something to eat?" "Purrrrmoowprrrr" "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Two hours later I ordered an Uber and headed for home with a $200 vet bill, a box of stuff and a very groggy cat. When the Uber pulled up I saw my favorite driver, Debbie, in her beat up Hyundai Accent. "What the fuck ya got there, Bruce?" she yelled at me over the blaring death metal as I put the cat carrier and box in the back seat. I closed the squeaky back door and yanked on the front passenger door until it opened. Most people don't like Debbie. It might be that she curses like a sailor or that she'd rather insult you than get a tip. I kinda liked her; the petite figure, the girl-next-door face, the long blond hair in pigtails just went so well with the spiked leather collar, ripped band t-shirt, short shorts and bowie knife strapped to her thigh. Think Harley Quinn without a psychopathic homicidal boyfriend with a pasty complexion. At least I hoped so. "I found a stray cat and decided to adopt her," I replied once I sat down in the seat and turned down the screaming Norwegians. "The vet named her Brenna. Apparently that's Gaelic for 'black hair'." Debbie lifted a single eyebrow when she glanced from the back seat to me, "You, a cat? What's that fucking bitch Val gonna say?" I buckled up and replied, "Yeah, a cat. I'm secure enough in my manhood that I don't need a hundred fifty pound slobbering dog that you have to get up at five o'clock in the morning to walk. Besides, everyone should have a little pussy." She blushed as she pulled the car out into that traffic and replied, "Uh-huh. You got food and a goddamn cat box yet?" I pointed my thumb at the box in the back, "Yeah. The vet gave me a box of stuff. Said it was a CCL Starter Kit." We almost get into an accident when Debbie snorted and started laughing. "You mind not killing us and tell me what's so funny?" She composed herself just enough to reply, "Shit! CCL stands for Crazy Cat Lady." My eyes involuntary rolled heavenwards, "Laugh it up, Deb. One cat doth not a crazy make." "Mrr, aarrr?" came from the back seat. "I didn't ask you." With a snicker she stated, "They say the fucking first step is talking to the them." "And yet you talk to your crappy car." "Hey, don't insult Reggy! He's very sensitive!" The car backfired in agreement. She started stroking the dashboard, winked at me and said, "There, there, Reg. Don't listen to that mean asshole. You still haven't said how your cocksucking bitch-friend's going to react." "A FUCKING CAT!" was the reply I got from Val to a text with a pic of Brenna on my lap. When we got home I set everything up for Brenna. She had some water and cat food from her bowls in the kitchen and used her box in the bathroom. With her belly full she constantly purred while I scratched and rubbed her chin, throat and belly. She held my arm with her paws to make sure I didn't stop. She especially wanted me to scratch under her new orange-red nylon collar. I tried to think why the love of my life would say that as I scrolled up the app and saw all the pics she sent of her Pekingese, Alcaeus. The many, many pictures of Alcaeus dressed in a toga, birthday hat, sunglasses. In a sombrero for Cinco de Mayo. In a Santa beard and stocking cap for Christmas. The pics of Alcaeus with a hair bow on its head, in a Che Guevara t-shirt and beret, dressed as a Minion, lapping up a strawberry smoothie (from MY glass, mind you), wearing a Mario cap and, the worst, with cat ears. I typed out my reply with the thumb the little spoiled shit bit last week when I tried to get him away from my smoothie, "I found her in an alley downtown. I'm not going to walk away from that. Come on over and meet her, babe." A minute later the reply chat bubble started bubbling. Two minutes later I see, "Ugh fine cu soon." "We're going to have company, Brenna," I told the purring ball of fur on my lap as I rubbed behind her ears. Then I noticed the pizza boxes on the coffee table and dirty socks on the sofa. I sighed and said, "Looks like I've got to clean this place up a bit…" "Myeah." "…so you're gonna have to…Wait a minute, did you just say 'yeah'?" She just blinked those beautiful electric blue eyes and purred. "Ooookay then. Let me just set," I lifted her up and settled her on the sofa, "you here while I straighten up the place." The garbage was tossed and a load of laundry started when I heard the familiar sounds of Cadaver's "Cannibalistic Dissection" outside, Val screaming, "You expect a TIP after THAT?!" and a creaky car door slam. I open my front door to Val in a tight blue mid-thigh dress, her auburn hair in a bun, oversized sunglasses and a floppy wide brimmed hat. Behind her I saw a Hyundai peeling rubber and the driver's arm sticking out the window with a middle finger extended. "Ugh! That cabbie is the WORST! I don't know why they don't just fire her ass!" "She's not a cabbie and they can't." I gave Val a kiss on the cheek as she blew past me. "You know she's an independent contractor and the best driver in the city." "WHATEVER. So," she scanned the room, "where's this cat?" When Val set her oversized purse down her "dog" squeaked and poked his head out. "She's on the sofa. Be gentle, she's not used to…" When Val saw Brenna she charged towards her. Loudly, she said, "Oh, aren't you just the cutest thing!" Brenna jumped to the back of the couch, yelled, "Moor? REEEOW!" and hissed. When Val started to reach for her she jumped down and hid under the couch. "Hey! That's not how you act around a new pet, Valerie!" Alcaeus jumped out of the purse and started yapping at the couch. "Pfft, what do you know. It's just a cat." Brenna came out and sat in front of Alcaeus. Alcaeus continued to yap away as if he was a fearsome beast. Brenna, just yawned and cleaned her paw. "Yeah, well, she MY cat and I won't have her becoming neurotic due to…" We both heard a cut off yip and looked down to see Brenna's paw pinning Alcaeus's head to the floor. Her tail swished and she gave a "humph" sound. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DOG!" Val exclaimed. I suppressed a snicker and said pridefully, "I see there's no chance of that." Val reached down to pick up the dog Brenna sniffed her hand. "Get away!" She clutched the shivering dog to her breasts, "That cat is EVIL!" "No she's not. This is all new to her. It'll take time for her to adjust." "Yeah, well…" Val's phone sounded out a notification I haven't heard before. Her face went flush and her eyes widened when she looked at her phone. "Sorry, babe. Gotta go." "You just got here?" I said, my hands outspread. "I know, but somethings come up…at work," Val collected her purse, shoved the shivering mutt in it and headed toward the door. "Can I call you an Uber?" "With HER again. I don't think so. Besides, my ride is already outside. Bye!" And with that Val slammed the front door on her way out. I stood in the middle of the living room wondering what just happened when I felt Brenna winding herself around my legs. "Well, that could have gone better." I said looking down at her. She blinked twice. "She's really very nice, ya know." "Mnoow," was the only reply in the room. Did my cat just say, "No"?
  7. Don't Push Me Chapter One The weights rattled loudly as I strained with all my might to lift the bar and as it slammed against the rack, I collapsed back onto the bench. My chest was on fire, pain ripped through every muscle. I was panting like a rabid dog and sweat stung my eyes. “Are you ok?” I heard Pete ask from nearby. I slowly raised my trembling right hand and placed it on my swollen, boated pecs. I shuddered as the dense muscles twitched involuntarily. I could feel the individual striations dance and flex. I bit my lip to contain a moan and just mumbled confirmation to Pete that I was fine. After a minute of recovery, I slowly sat up on the bench and immediately made eye contact with my reflection in the nearby mirror. I placed both hands on my hips and slowly squeezed my pecs. Pain contorted my face as I watched waves of muscle tense under my now skin-tight t-shirt. My shoulders swelled, pulling the sleeves of my shirt higher, showing my equally pumped arms. “Damn Sam, you look buff.” Pete said with a look of lust and awe on his face. “Not enough.” I grunted. “I know, I know, never enough.” Pete said having heard me say the same thing a thousand times. “Well, you look huge to me, what do you weigh now?” “190 pounds.” I said, never breaking eye contact with the mirror. Every minuscule movement caused new, deeper cuts to appear on my pumped pecs. New veins emerged on my neck as my shirt collar felt tighter. “Damn. And here I am, still trying to get past 150 pounds.” Pete said. I glanced over my shoulder to look at Pete. We had been dating and lifting together for six months. In that time, he had gained 10 pounds of solid muscle on his skinny body. He was my height, 5’10” and the same age, 24. I had to admit, I liked his tight, ripped body but as I returned my gaze to the mirror, our similarities quickly dissolved. When we met, I was barely 160 pounds. In the last six months, through hours of brutal workouts, countless meals and multiple injections of steroids, I barely recognized myself. I could feel the pain in my pecs lessen slightly as I tore myself away from the mirror and moved to a free bench near the rack of dumbbells. I lifted the seat and grabbed two 60 pound weights off the rack. Without hesitation, I started to quickly crank out reps, pausing at the top of each one to really force my pecs to work hard. I wasn’t even counting and eventually, let the weights fall to to the floor. As I rose from the bench, Pete was waiting with a pair of 30 pound weights. His pace was slower but his form was perfect. As he cranked out his reps, my eyes turned back towards the mirror. There was a dark shadow across the front of my t-shirt where my pumped pecs grew larger with each rep. I knew to most people, I was a sight to behold, young, handsome and bigger than most. To me however, the sight was a disappointment. I was nowhere near as big as I wanted to be. I glanced towards the end of the weight rack and locked onto the 130 pound set of dumbbells. I imagined the day I would perform 100 reps with those huge weights. “S-S-Sam!” Pete’s voice brought me back to reality. I looked down to see him struggling with the weights. I quickly bend down and placed my hands on his elbows, allowing him to finish his rep. He stood up and placed a hand on his hard, left pec. “That was intense.” “Good set.” I said as I hoisted the 70 pound wights. “Four more sets and then cables.” “Fuck, you are really pushing us today aren’t you.?” Pete said. “Yup.” I mumbled as the weights rose. As I pressed the weights, my mind returned to the thought of me lifting the 130 pounds weights for an hour straight. I lost count of the reps again as I fantasized about just how intense I knew my workouts would become someday. I smiled as I imagined how Pete would handle those future workouts. Later that night, after my third helping of chicken and rice, I was relaxing on the sofa, scrolling through countless posts of huge, ripped, roid-fuelled bodybuilders. Pete came to sit beside me and glanced at the screen. “Ugh, that guy is way too big.” I stopped scrolling and stared at the image. It was true, he was massive. The image was him standing in the gym, two huge dumbbells in each hand. His forearms and biceps barely looked like two separate body parts. Thick, snake-like veins covered every inch of flesh. He was only wearing tight shorts so his massive upper body swelled in every direction. Each pec looked like an inflated pumpkin, while his abs appeared to be etched from stone. “You think?” I asked nonchalantly and continued to scroll. “Come on! You have to admit, being that big can’t be healthy, not to mention, completely impractical. I mean, how does he even find clothes that fit?” I stopped at another image. It was of the current Mr. Olympia. It was taken at the height of his off-season, when he wasn’t super ripped. The caption read /317 pounds/. I couldn’t resist letting out a moan. Pete turned to look at me. “You like that?” “FUCK YEAH I like that. Look at him! He’s a total freak. I’d kill to have his mass.” Pete started to laugh, clearly not taking me seriously. “Sure, good luck walking at that size.” He said a got up from the sofa. “Grab me a shake?” I said. “You just ate three huge plates of food?” “I’m still hungry.” I said with a smile I knew Pete could not resist. As he shook his head and walked away, my attention returned to the image on my phone. I zoomed in so each massive body part could be inspected closely. I moved to the right shoulder and moaned again at its shear mass and density. As I moved my finger the mountainous trap came into view and rose comically towards where a neck used to be. Moving down, I paused at the outrageous divide between chest muscles, imagining how deep the crevasse really was. I paused for a moment because my dick had become so hard, I needed to adjust my position on the sofa. It wasn’t because of the man on the screen, it was because it was imagining this as my body. I slowly moved lower on the image, feeling my mouth go dry as each cobblestone ab muscle passed by, each as hard and dense as stone. I moved past his crotch, I didn’t need to linger there, I wanted to see more muscle. I zoomed out slightly to take in both upper quads. Another moan escaped my mouth. The size of each leg was incomprehensible. I knew this picture was taken after a gruelling legs workout because no one possessed quads that huge on a permanent basis. There was no separation between the two limbs until almost at the knee. Thick, deep muscle valleys were on full display even with the incredible muscle pump they displayed. I grimaced as gobs of pre-cum started to fill my shorts. Slowly I moved lower, to the apex of this inhuman monster, the calves. Where the muscle above slammed together only to separate at the knee, they once again converged. Each muscle was so astonishingly huge they appeared to almost touch, even with feet spread wide to accommodate the quads above. Even with a generous layer of body fat elsewhere, the calves were covered in thick, almost pulsing veins. They jutted out so dramatically in both directions, it appears as though someone was pressing on them from behind. I had to cup my hand over my mouth to stop a loud scream. I stood up so fast, partially jumped into the air. I literally jogged to the bathroom, shut the door and barely pulled down my shorts before a massive load of hot cum sprayed across the room. When I finally grabbed my swollen cock, I placed my phone on the counter and closed my eyes. With only two strong tugs, I knew I was about to cum again. “Oh my fuck! I’m going to be so much bigger than that! I’m going to be the bigger, freakiest, most muscular THING to ever walk the earth!” I said as quietly as I could as more hot cum poured from my cock.
  8. NTMuscle

    Big Mick (pt.16 1/18/23) Completed

    Had this idea for awhile, I think I may continue it but I hope you all like it! Big Mick I couldn’t believe it. My favorite muscle guy, the source of many jerking sessions, the person I desired to build towards and look like in my own city just suddenly vanished without a trace. His posts just stopped on social media, his only fans page went dark everything surrounding Big Mick just vanished. Luckily I saved and downloaded a lot of content so my sessions and lust for this behemoth of a man of muscle can continue. They didn’t call him Big Mick for nothing either. He stood 6’4 and weighed closed to 400lbs of muscle. Last recorded weight he did showed he was at 393.5lbs and he was eagerly awaiting until the scale tipped that 400 mark. He had less than 10% bodyfat so he was for the most part pure muscle. If you were able to see my favorite photo of Big Mick you would see why I just love everything about him. He is standing in front of a doorway not even flexing but is wider than the doorway with no shirt on. Traps rising up to the bottom of his ears, back and lats so wide that for him to be able to walk through the doorway it would need to be two and a half times wide but even then, I think his massive shoulders and triceps would still brush up against the doorframe. Then there are his biceps with a thick vein running down the middle of each feeding his meaty forearms. Again remember he isn’t flexing he is just standing there with a smirk on his face and a look in his eyes knowing that you are jerking off to him. Then his pecs, man listen you wanna talk about a pec shelf, in other photos I have he placed an entire 6 pack of soda along his pec shelf just to show how large he was and they also cast a shadow on two and a quarter of his solid 8-pack abs but in this photo he really has a 10-pack but it is hidden. I will get to that in a minute though. His pecs also were sporting 2 large fat nipples that you could see pointing downward but you could see some of the areola but if his pecs got any larger then you would only be able to see them from below. Mick was also sporting calves so large you could see them bulging from both sides of his lower legs each with a thick vein running on the side of them. They probably would touch if his quads weren’t so massive which caused him to have to stand in a wide stance as they stretched the fabric of his shorts to the max exposing all the striations in his legs which leads me to his massive balls that would also prevent him from walking normally. Funny he had his shorts on just right so you could see them perfectly almost as if they were exposed. Now you can’t really see his last 2 abs because they are pretty low near the crotch area and the fact cock was at full attention and slightly tilted to the side with his cock head brushing up against one of his fat nipples leaking precum. Again, probably my absolute favorite picture of him and actually I need to take just a minute to clean up because it’s just so enticing. There is another of him turning sideways trying to fit through the doorway and he stops in the perfect spot where the doorframe is digging in his muscled ass crack and the cleavage of his pecs while fighting his massive back and quads just amazing. Yes, there are videos too of Big Mick having worship sessions, showing off feats of strength, flexing out of clothes, as he continued to grow bigger and stronger. All of that greatness just gone. Some say it was because of all the roids and other things he took to get that big because it was just unnatural to be so big. Of course there is no such thing as too big. Granted I’m not as tall as Big Mick and not even half his size but hell I wouldn’t mind having a body like that or participating in a session but he is just gone. A couple of die hard fans found where he was “last seen” to go see if there were any clues about his whereabouts and found nothing. Some even when to his last known address and saw nothing but an abandoned house. After some time they gave up but when I saw the address of the house I had to go see where it was especially since it wasn’t that long of a drive just to be in the area of his presence even if it was formerly. I made it to the house and true to form, it was abandoned, and pretty quiet around so I figured why not see what’s inside maybe there’s something left in the house that they didn’t take. I walked in and it was pretty dusty even after all this time it had the smell of musk and cum like it was fresh. I looked around and saw empty bottles, some syringes, and pills. Guess he did take some enhancements but again who cared clearly it didn’t have a negative impact on him because his still had a big cock and was massive so no harm no foul. I went down the hall and into what I presume was his bedroom which was a treasure trove of mementos. I recognized the tank tops from some of his videos, some jockstraps, posers, all sorts of things. Made me wonder why nobody even looked in here until I heard something move. Then a faint sound of something enough to make me wanna just drop everything and leave which is probably what everyone else did and probably said the place was haunted. Haunted yeah right but leaving did sound like a good idea but curiosity got the better of me. The sound stopped so I shrugged it off and continued to grab things I wanted to remember Big Mick with. Even went into other rooms and noticed a sign next to a door that said gym. Hell since I’m the only one here I just put everything down that I had on a chair and was ready to explore this gym. I opened the door and was immediately hit with an extreme smell of musk and cum looking at the stairs to go down. As I started to descend the stairs I heard the sound again but paid it no mind because the entire basement was a gym for the ages, I was so distracted that I didn’t notice the sounds growing louder until eventually something fell over in a corner. I moved back a few steps to readjust to what I was seeing. It looked like a large entryway but blocked by something. Of course I see a back door to leave and act like this never happened but once again curiosity got the better of me. I slowly move closer to the blocked off area and as I did the whole house shook like it was struck by an earthquake. As I moved closer to the blockage I noticed it was moving and touched the wall. As soon as I made contact, a loud and deep rumble of a voice said “Who’s there” that I felt in my chest. I froze in place speechless. The voice said “I know someone is there I felt your touch, listen I’m Big Mick, I had a freak accident of an overdose of a cocktail and got stuck, please please go upstairs and make a hole where you hear me thumping.” Still in somewhat of a shock I went upstairs and did what Big Mick asked. I couldn’t believe that Big Mick was still alive, but I was curious as to how, its been awhile but I’m sure that will come soon enough. I made the opening where I heard the thumping. He must have been trying to do this for awhile because it didn’t take much effort. Soon the opening was big enough to see his face and it sure was Big Mick but way bigger and sadly fatter than I remember. He thanked me for this and figured I had a ton of questions and I had time so explained everything. Big Mick was in fact not natural, he made a concoction for himself years ago. Apparently he used to be close in size to me when it all began. This concoction accelerated his growth and essentially gave him another puberty if you will where started growing taller but lankier. He then started working out and saw that he put on muscle pretty easily and then started taking protein powders, creatine, and even roids to see how they would impact him and the results were phenomenal as we all know. He was raking in tons of money, making appearances, loved worship sessions everything. He loved it all so much he was no longer content with just trying to be 400lbs he just wanted to be more than everything a modern real life Hercules or Incredible Hulk. Then the idea hit him why not take another mix of his concoction, he had the recipe still and if one instance did this he fantasized what another dose would do. He wrote down everything he did to get to his current size even after he took his concoction so it shouldn’t be hard to replicate. Big Mick told me of how he dreamed of outgrowing his car, his house, and eventually just becoming a muscle god to all of us and that’s where it all went wrong. He took a second dose and instantly things started to change. He was inching up taller and started swelling. He went downstairs to the room he was stuck in now to see himself change in all the mirrors. But then things went south. His increased mass soon started to turn soft and flabby. His balls grew to reach the floor as did his cock grow over his pecs. He was amazed at the sight and feeling of that but soon felt his once 10-pack abs turn into a big glob of fat and push against his now growing cock and figured he needed to do something about it but couldn’t move like he thought as he wasn’t used to his new size and girth. He tried to turn himself but his once muscular and powerful legs became a pile of fat that forced him on his ass. The force of the crash must have broken the windows I saw. He kept growing and swelling to the size he is now. I was still curious how he sustained himself all this time and he told me drinking his own cum kept him alive for now and is still causing him to grow but much slower now. This explained all the sounds and smells. He figured his true fans would find him and call for help but as quickly as they came they ran away thinking the house was haunted. At this point he doesn’t want any of his fans to see him like this because he is ashamed of what he has become. I told him this isn’t a way to live and because he has been gone for so long without a trace people legit thought he was dead. He didn’t want to eventually die like this and asked if I could help him. I thought about it and he just looked at me with his blue eyes. I could still see the guy of my fantasy underneath all that fat and mass. Big Mick broke my concentration with an idea. He asked me if I liked his shows and things he did in the past. “Of course I did!” He came up with an idea about me becoming like Big Mick II. My eyes widened and my dick got hard at the prospect of actually being able to be like Big Mick. He saw my hard dick and knew that was the answer. He told me where the concoction, books, and notes were that made him who he was. The agreement was I had to come back periodically during the “growing days” to feed him and check on him. Once I had the funds I had to basically dig him out and put him in a decent place to live out his days. Hell that was simple enough to agree too, I’m going to be like Big FUCKIN MICK well the way he was. I found everything and started reading through it all and had a devious thought. If the concoction is what caused all of this and you essentially could only take it once, I wonder what would happen if I modify it. Fortunately Big Mick took very detailed notes about himself prior to this and after and true to form he was the same height as me about 5’10”, I weighed more than he did prior with more bodyfat but all good. I’m not a simpleton so I adjusted his concoction to fit my body type now. Now he didn’t realize until later that he wanted to be like the Hulk and all those other guys. Me on the other hand I know I want to be like that off the rip if not larger. At first I was only going to double the ingredients in this here cocktail but I saw that he had plenty of the ingredients available so I made it 4x as potent as the one he took. While waiting for the mixture to settle like the instructions said I was fantasizing about all of the things I was going to be able to do like Big Mick plus some. He was starting to lift small cars, doing domination sessions, having smaller guys do pullups on his cock like I was just ready. I also read through his notes of what happened next, when it happened, and everything. Doesn’t look like changes didn’t start until the next day. I grabbed another notebook for my own notes to compare. Fortunately I had a duffle bag in the car. Went to get it and put the notes in there along with all the bottles, syringes, powders, and pills. I even grabbed some of the clothes that I took from his room because I wanted my future fans of Big Mick to see me outgrow their former muscle mans own clothes. But those would be posted later because they would probably come to the house and see him. After a few more moments it was ready, a nice amber color. Big Mick called out and asked if it were ready and I said it was so I walked back into the room where he was. Big Mick told me he could wait to see what Big Mick II had in store. I downed the mixture in front of him thinking the same about what was to come next. I told him I would be back in a couple days so he could see my progress. Deep down Big Mick was going to watch me ascend to the throne he wanted but couldn’t have and I can’t wait to enjoy every moment of change to come. I left the room, grabbed my duffle bag with everything in it. I made sure I left no trace of this concoction or his supplements, gear, or anything in case someone did come through here rummaging I would be the only one hell the last one to take this mixture. As I drive back home my mind wonders off into space. Soon I won’t be able to fit in this car, I make it to my apartment, and think soon I won’t be able to fit through these doors, through the elevator, the shower, these clothes, everything. The thoughts of this made me cream my pants hard. First night was to rest and take measurements the next day. Can’t wait for tomorrow especially with the enhanced mixture I took.
  9. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Jon enjoys a BIG dinner and Austin makes sure his growing stepdad gets nice and full, which gets both men worked up quite a bit. The doorbell rang right as Austin walked inside. Perfect timing! The pizza delivery guy was here. Austin had ordered it ahead in anticipation of Jon being done with his workout. “Dinner’s here!” Austin yelled. “Come into the kitchen and get ready to eat, bull!” Jon’s thunderous footsteps followed; the big man positioned himself in front of their back door, leaned down, and started wedging himself through the doorway. He had already expanded it himself accidentally weeks ago, and the half-fixed under-construction wider, taller doorway was already barely big enough to allow him to pass through. Austin watched as Jon crawled through the entrance on his hands and knees, grunting and squirming to fit his wide shoulders and round butt through the doorway, shimmying in until he was inside. Austin just watched, the front door momentarily forgotten; he loved watching his big bull struggle to fit into the normal-sized world. “Ooof!” Jon grunted as he rose to his full 10’ tall height, his head thumping into the ceiling, sending plaster dust raining down into the kitchen. He just grinned and blew some of the dust off his nose. He stepped forward and leaned against the counter, his gut and bulge flopping down onto it, post-cum from his load smearing onto the granite through his white compression shorts. His triceps flared out bigger as he leaned his weight against the counter. His gut gurgled and then groaned loudly, audible throughout the main floor of the house. “Sir, I guess I’m really ready to eat today!” Jon said with a laugh as he stared eagerly at his master. Austin opened the door to get the pizzas. “Big party?” the delivery guy said as he handed him 8 extra larges. “Heh, not exactly,” Austin said as he took them, balancing them carefully. Austin set the pizzas on the kitchen counter, the house filling up with the smell. “Alright bull, ready to eat big? You’re not gonna stop until I tell you, ok?” “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed enthusiastically. He grabbed one of the boxes, the extra large box looking so small in his huge hand, and opened it. His eyes lit up and his gut rumbled again as he saw the pizza. “Meat lovers! My favorite. Thank you, Sir, I don’t deserve all this,” Jon said. “Of course you do, big man. You’ve been working so hard lately and growing so fast for Master. You think you can finish all of these?” Jon scoffed and stepped closer to Austin, looming over him; Austin only came up to his bulging belly button. “Sir, I’ll bet you that I can finish all eight of these in less than half an hour. By myself.” the big man rumbled, looking down at Austin with a smirk. He rubbed his hairy gut, the fur scraping against his calloused hands. It responded by gurgling again, louder than before. “You’re on, pup, I’d love to see you try,” Austin said with a grin. With that, Jon grabbed a quarter of his first pizza. The meat lover’s was stacked with bacon, sausage, pepperoni, and chicken. He folded the pieces over on top of each other until they were stacked up together into one huge piece. He opened wide and took a huge bite; half of the quad slice disappeared into his maw and he chomped down on it loudly. “Mmm,” Jon groaned around a mouthful of pizza. “So good. Gotta feed the beast to grow bigger!” he said and slapped the side of his big belly. It jiggled, then rumbled some more, demanding more food. Jon opened wide and stuffed the rest into his mouth, devouring 4 slices in just two bites. “Heh, that’s right bull, keep eating,” Austin said. “Clock’s ticking! Here, use this to wash it down,” he said as he got a 6 pack of Leinie’s from the fridge and slid it over to Jon. “Mmm, yeah!” Jon boomed as he wrapped a hand around one of the cans and pulled it out. The can looked comically small in his massive paw. He carefully snapped it open, then lifted it up to his mouth, his massive arm bulging into a bicep flex as he did. He guzzled the whole can down in seconds, crushing in it his grip as he got to the end. “BBBBRRUUUPPPPP!” Jon erupted as he tossed the can aside and reached down for more pizza. Jon kept eating. It only took him five minutes to demolish the first pizza. He set the box aside and opened the second one. He tore into that one with the same ferocity as the first one, his hunger seemingly not abated at all. “Good bull, keep eating. Don’t stop until I say so,” Austin said, staring intently as his pup. “I’m always so hungry these days, Sir. Just trying to eat enough to keep growing is a lot of work, you know?” Jon said before chomping down on another stack of slices. “I know, pup. You work so hard to grow for your master, and I’m so proud of you. You really know how to put it away, huh?” Austin said, stepping closer and reaching up to rub Jon’s huge round tummy. “You’re gonna keep eating and getting bigger, right?” Jon groaned. “Yes Sir,” Jon sighed between bites, then ripped another huge piece off and kept eating. After finishing off the fourth pizza (and Austin eating a little bit of one of them), Jon paused. His breathing had become faster and more labored, and he had started sweating profusely, his bull musk filling up the kitchen along with the pizza smells. He looked over and caught his reflection in the glass of the cabinets. He rubbed his belly and chuckled. “What’s so funny, pup?” Austin said. “It’s hard to believe how big I’ve grown, Sir. I look at myself sometimes and marvel at how enormous I am,” Jon said, straightening his shoulders and swelling his chest and gut out, emphasizing his full size. “Yeah, well you should be proud of it, pup. You’ve worked hard for your gains! Tell me how much you like being big, pup,” Austin said, looking up at his submissive dad with a smirk. “I love it so much. Everything is thanks to you, Sir. Your leadership and guidance are responsible for it all,” Jon said, a quiver in his voice. “All of what, pup? Show me.” Austin ordered, motioning him to flex. “All of this,” Jon growled, then raised his arms up into a huge bicep flex until his fists bumped against the 10-foot ceiling. The round, thick peak of his arms rose up like a mountain, matched only by his bowling-ball delts and thick traps. “And this,” he continued, reaching down and rubbing a huge hand over his round, furry gut. “I’m outgrowing the damn house thanks to you, Sir!” Jon boomed excitedly. He scraped his head against the ceiling, again sending plastery powder raining down on both men. Jon’s Underarmour-bound package flopped onto the countertop again, pushing aside one of the pizza boxes. “I’d still be an average weakling without you. Look at me now! I’m the biggest man in the world!” Austin stepped closer to feel his massive muscle pup. He reached up and tugged on Jon’s thick heavy chain necklace, grabbing him by the padlock and pulling his head down to look at his master. “Are you done growing yet, pup?” “No Sir! I’ll keep growing as long as you want me to. As big as you want. Whatever it takes!” Jon rumbled, growling intensely, his voice shaking with emotion. “That’s my good pup, you make your Sir so proud,” Austin said, leaning in closer and whispering in Jon’s ear, their beards scraping together. “You’re gonna keep growing bigger and bigger until I say you’re big enough, how do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred. Jon’s big body shook, shivers of pleasure and anticipation rattling through his body. His package throbbed and a wet streak of pre smeared across the countertop. “Yes Sir, *huff*, anything for you, Sir!” he breathed desperately, pizza breath washing over Austin. “Good pups listen to their master!” Jon said, his eyes suddenly welling up with tears. He reached down, wrapped his massive arms around Austin and lifted him up in to a huge bear hug. “Gotta keep growing for my boy, for my Sir!” Jon’s furry torso scraped against Austin’s and Austin could feel the intense heat radiating off his huge body. Sweat and pizza grease smeared against Austin as the two rubbed against each other, both of their cocks throbbing. “Good pup, your master loves you very much. Now put me down,” Austin commanded. Jon took a deep breath to compose himself, his arms still wrapped around Austin. “I love you too, Master, so much,” Jon whimpered, a strange sound from such a big man, before setting Austin down. He wiped the tears away from his eyes. He was overcome with intense devotion. “Do you know how big bulls like you keep growing?” Austin asked, and motioned towards the remaining pizzas. “Gotta eat big to grow big!” Jon boomed, repeating the words that Austin had told him many times over the last 7 months. Jon scooped up another four slices of pizza, crushed them together into one big stack, and stuffed them into his mouth, cramming them all inside. *crruuunnnchhh* and suddenly all that was left in his huge hand was a line of crust. “Good pup, that’s the way. You’re looking bigger already!” Austin said, encouraging his pup, rubbing the side of his mammoth gut. Jon smacked the other side of his belly with a huge hand, slapping it repeatedly, his firm, hard gut barely shaking from the impact. He chuckled around his mouthful of pizza before swallowing it shockingly fast. “UUUURRRRPPP!” Jon belched, the deep, resonant burp making the glass on the cabinets rattle. He followed that up with several smaller burps as he reached down and cracked open another beer. He lifted it up to chug it, but in doing so his huge bulge bumped the half-empty pizza box onto the floor, sending several slices tumbling down onto the ground at Jon’s feet. “Uh oh,” Austin said, looking up at his pup knowingly. “You know my rule about wasting food, pup. What is it?” he said, flicking a nipple on Jon’s bloated pecs. Jon shivered and groaned between panting breaths. “No wasted food, no matter what,” Jon rumbled. He licked his lips and his cock throbbed again, more pre leaking through his compression shorts. “That’s right. Get down there and clean it up,” Austin said, gesturing down to the ground where the fallen pizza lay face-down on the kitchen floor. “Yes Sir,” Jon grunted. The big man, dropped down to his knees, causing the room to shake, then got down on all fours. Even on all fours, he was still almost as tall as Austin. He reached for the pizza before Austin patted him on his shoulder and shook his head. “Not like that pup,” Austin said. He came around to Jon’s front, rubbing a hand across Jon’s expansive, muscular back, feeling the lumpy ridges of his enormous traps. “With your tongue. Get every little bit that you dropped. No wasted food, no matter what,” Austin said authoritatively, looking his bull right in the eyes. Jon nodded obediently, his face flushing red, his breathing heavy. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed, then dove down to lick up the fallen pizza off the floor, his metal chain clinking around as he did. He slurped, grunted, and moaned as he licked the floor, getting every fleck of sauce, every chunk of sausage, every crumb of crust until all that remained was a wet spot from his own spit. “Licking food off the ground, god you are such a greedy, hungry mutt aren’t you?” Austin teased, scratching the dirty blond mohawk and rubbing his fingers over Jon’s neck rolls. “I need it all, Sir, gotta have more to grow bigger for you, Sir,” Jon breathed. Jon felt dirty, but his cock leaked onto the floor, belying his true feelings. “Good bull, such a hungry pup, you make me so happy,” Austin cooed, moving his hand to Jon’s back and rubbing the bulging traps through the big bull’s back and shoulder fur, feeling the muscles twitch against his calloused hand. “Mmmph, need MORE, Sir!” Jon rumbled as he sat up, eye-level with Austin for a moment. “Still so hungry!” “Good bull, let’s keep eating then, I’m still timing you!” Austin said as he stepped closer. He rubbed his hands against Jon’s round belly and swollen pecs, every inch of him furry and sweaty. He could smell Jon’s pizza breath. He leaned in closer until he planted a firm kiss on Jon’s big lips. Jon groaned as his master kissed him. Nothing felt better than getting Austin’s approval and praise. Nothing felt better than Austin’s lips on his. Jon reached out and rubbed his big hands up and down Austin’s lean, hard body, feeling the firm muscles dance and twitch as they ground against each other in lust. Jon’s cock throbbed again, soaking his compression shorts even more. His gut groaned in hunger. “Still so HUNGRY!” Jon boomed, then stood back up to his full, towering, 10 foot tall height until his head bumped the ceiling. Austin had to back up to not get knocked over by Jon’s huge pecs, gut, and bulge as he stood. Austin looked up at his giant stepdad looming over him; there were still times that even he was shocked at how big Jon was growing. Jon reached down and resumed eating with renewed vigor, gobbling up the pizzas with obscene grunts, chewing, and growling. In just a few more minutes, Jon polished off another 3 beers and 3 more pizzas until there were only a few pieces left. The big man was huffing and puffing and his gut had swollen out rounder and fuller than before. Jon raised the last stack of 4 slices up to his mouth and crunched down on them, breathing heavily out of his nose, chewing slowly. He groaned and swallowed. “DONE!” the big man boomed, smacking his round gut loudly. A deep, resonant burp escaped his lips, and he jiggled his gut proudly in front of Austin. “Such a big meal, Sir. So full,” he groaned. He reached a big fist up and rubbed pizza grease off of his lips and mustache, then licked his hand to make sure he got every bit. But Austin knew the big bull still had more room. “Good job, pup! So proud of you. Such a BIG bull. But you took too long, bull,” Austin said, holding up his timer, which read 30 minutes and 24 seconds. “You must still have room! You’re not done yet,” Austin said, and Jon groaned. “Go over to the living room and sit down in front of the couch. I’ve got more for you coming,” Austin said, rubbing Jon’s full, furry tummy and looking up at his big pup. Jon looked exhausted and overwhelmed. He puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, which turned into a deep, rumbling burp that rose up from the depths of his belly. “Y-yes Sir,” was all the big man could manage before he lumbered off to the living room. Jon sat down heavily and spread out his legs, his tremendous gut spilling into his lap and pressing against his bulge. He closed his eyes and rested for a moment, reaching up to run his fingers across the heavy metal chain and lock that wrapped around his neck, something he did to comfort himself and remind himself of his Sir’s love. A moment later, Austin came out holding three blender containers, each one full to the brim of a vaguely brown-looking sludge and a big red funnel. “Ok bull, now let’s top off that big binge with some protein, huh?” Austin said as he set the shakes down on the coffee table and walked between Jon’s huge legs to get closer. With Jon sitting, Austin was eye level with the big bull. “Three huge, thick gainer shakes to wash down all that pizza, how does that sound?” Jon groaned and rubbed his already full belly. “Y-yes SirUUUUPPP,” Jon rumbled as his words turned into another burp. “Gotta eat big… to grow big,” he groaned. “That’s right pup. Now hold the funnel in place,” Austin ordered, handing Jon the red funnel. Jon set it against his lips and tilted his head back; they had done this routine many times before and Jon knew what to do. “Here it comes,” Austin said as he reached up and poured the thick, brown protein-rich sludge into the funnel. “Mmmmmph,” Jon moaned as the shake hit his tongue, his appetite renewed as he tasted the sweet chocolatey sludge. He drank it with shocking speed, slurping and gulping, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, mega-sized gulps loud and clear for Austin to hear, big lips sucking, eager for more. In mere seconds, the entire shake was gone. Austin pulled the empty blender container away, leaving Jon slurping and licking for the final drops. “Good bull, I knew you weren’t done yet,” Austin said with a smirk, smacking Jon’s round, sweaty gut. It gurgled in response, the shake filling in any gaps between the pizzas that filled up his belly. Jon breathed hard and held the funnel against his belly, letting some of the remaining shake leak against it. He closed his eyes and licked his lips then burped in satisfaction. “More…” he sighed dreamily as he rubbed the top of his belly and grinned. His cock throbbed harder, straining the elastic and threatening to escape the tight confines of his compression shorts again. He raised the funnel up into the ready position. Austin just grinned and readied the second shake. “Here it comes, bull, such a good pup growing bigger for his Sir,” Austin said as he lifted up the second shake and started pouring. Jon moaned contentedly as the second shake hit his lips and he started sucking on the funnel loudly. Austin could hardly pour fast enough to keep up with Jon’s eager gulping, the sound of which filled the room with obscene slurping, chugging, guzzling noises. Austin could see Jon’s belly swell bigger, rounder, tighter as Jon consumed every drop. It went down shockingly, unbelievably fast considering how full the big man was. Jon came up for air with a gasp, rumbling a deep chuckle as he caught his breath. He palmed his vast gut and rubbed it. “Uuufffff, Sir, huuufff, I’ve never, rruurrff, been more full,” Jon panted, feeling his upper belly. “It’s so, grrroooofff, TIGHT!” the big bull groaned. “That’s right, bull, SO tight and round, so full of growth fuel,” Austin said, rubbing Jon’s belly in wide, slow circles. “You’re doing SUCH a good job for your Sir, getting so big, so round and strong,” Austin said, heaping praise upon praise. Jon broke into a broad, exhausted grin and closed his eyes . “I don’t know if I can have any more after that,” he said between short, labored breaths. A small burp escaped from his lips and he groaned some more. “So full!” “Aww come on bull, I know you can take a little bit more,” Austin said, leaning in closer and pressing his own hard bulge against Jon’s gut. Standing, Austin was about the same height as Jon was sitting down, and his cock was at just the right height to press against Jon’s thick pecs and the top of his round, hard gut. Austin rubbed up and down against the bulky torso of his huge stepdad and groaned. “Kiss me, pup, I need to taste you,” Austin whispered. Jon grunted and grinned in response. He opened his eyes and leaned forward to kiss his Sir. They locked lips, Jon’s bigger face and beard and lips smothering Austin’s, his thick tongue easily overpowering his Sir’s aggressive embrace. Austin lowered his pants and underwear so he could rub directly against Jon’s massive chest and belly; Jon growled when he felt the slick, warm precum spreading around between his enormous pecs. They both breathed heavily through their noses and grunted and groaned, their hands exploring each others’ bodies freely, greedily, hungrily. Austin could taste the thick, sweet protein shake on Jon’s lips and relished the flavor. After being apart for months, they still savored the benefits that came from being together all the time. After what seemed like an eternity and not enough time, they separated, both of them catching their breath, both men’s cocks throbbing and leaking pre. “Mmmph, well damn you taste good, pup,” Austin said with a grin. “Yeah? What do I taste like, son?” Jon said with a smirk, his cock emerging from the top of his Underarmour, the head of it as big as Austin’s fist. Austin stepped closer until he was inches away from his stepdad’s face. “Like protein and sweat and cum and MAN,” Austin growled, rubbing his beard against Jon’s. “And knowing you’re going to grow even BIGGER has got me so worked up,” Austin said, pressing his cock against Jon’s chest again and smearing more pre around. “Y-yeah!” Jon breathed, then jerked as a belch slipped up and out of his maw. “Always bigger, always more,” Jon intoned. “Good pup. Let’s see that big bicep and let me smell you, bull,” Austin commanded. Jon obeyed. He raised up an arm and flexed his mighty bicep, exposing his hairy, sweat-matted hairy pit. A wave of Jon’s BO funk filled the living room. Austin grabbed the massive, round bicep, leaned forward, and buried his nose in Jon’s armpit, rubbing it around in the deep, sweaty, furry crevice, huffing in the heady smell and groaning with pleasure. Jon shifted his weight and reached over with his other arm to lightly press his Sir into his musky pit, holding him there and feeling his master wriggle against his firm grip. “Mmmmmph, so good,” Austin breathed as he came up for air, sniffing his own upper lip, savoring the musk that coated his beard. “Glad you like it, Sir. I think that’s getting stronger the bigger I get!” Jon said sheepishly. “Yeah? Let’s test that theory,” Austin said before rubbing his nose in the damp, furry pit cave again, huffing in the heady smell, groaning as he did. “What do you think? Muskier? Sweatier?” Jon asked as he held Austin’s head in place. Austin gasped as he came up for air. “Definitely,” he said between breaths. “The bigger you grow, the better you stink,” Austin said, grinning. “Heh, that’s right Sir!” Jon rumbled, looking quite pleased with himself. He pressed Austin against his furry pit again, forcing his Sir to get another huff of his potent bull musk. His master looked so cute desperately rubbing and licking and sniffing his deep, muscular pit. “Ruff, Sir loves my stink, and I do too,” Jon said after Austin had his fill. Jon leaned over and sniffed his own pit and sighed, enjoying his own musk. “Well if growing bigger makes you stink better, then let’s keep going, bull,” Austin said. “And to grow bigger, my bull needs to drink one more big, thick, rich gainer shake. 14,000 calories in every one of these babies, and it’s all for you, pup,” Austin breathed, his voice rising in excitement. He stepped back to grab the last pitcher. Jon breathed more heavily and reached forward to rub his drum-tight belly. “But Sir, I’—URRRPPP—I’m so full!” Jon pleaded, his belly sloshing and groaning as he adjusted his weight. “Now pup, listen to your Sir. You know you can’t say no to me,” Austin said, stepping closer with the shake. “But, but Sir I — BBRRUUAGHHH — I can’t fit, any more, huffff, food in this big belly!” Jon groaned as he palmed the vast expanse, his belly swelled out to the max, heavy and furry and round. “Good pups listen to their masters, don’t they?” Austin cooed, relentless, insistent. He returned to where he was standing before and pressed his cock against Jon’s tight belly again. “Good pups liste—BBBRUUHHHHP—listen to their masters,” Jon repeated. “And are you a good pup?” Austin said, his eyebrow raised, a confident smirk on his face. “I’m a good pup, Sir,” Jon breathed, his eyes welling with sudden emotion. He was filled with a desperate need to make Austin happy, and to do that he needed to drink that shake. He felt a second wind, and his mouth salivated in anticipation of the thick, rich liquid. He grimaced and flexed, his traps and neck bulging with muscle. “Give me more, Sir. I need MORE!!” Jon raised the funnel back up to his lips, his massive bicep flexing as he did, and he tipped his head back again. Austin wasted no time, dumping the final shake into the funnel. Jon moaned, desperate to chug it down, and he guzzled it all up faster than either of the previous shakes, his grunts and chugs turning into greedy-sounding growls. When the final shake was gone, Jon put the funnel in the container and Austin set it aside. Both of them growling and chuckling. Austin pressed his cock against Jon’s rock-hard gut and meaty pecs, and started grinding against his giant stepdad. “Such a huge, hungry, growing PUP, I’m so proud of you, Jon,” Austin breathed as he bucked against Jon, frotting aggressively against Jon’s furry beef. Austin suddenly felt something huge and hard rubbing between his legs; he looked down and saw Jon’s freed, hard cock, thick and long as a Pringles can, rubbing up and down his legs until the tip of it pressed against Austin’s tight balls. “Of course, Sir, I’d do anything for you, Sir, gotta grow BIG for you, Sir!” Jon panted, working into a frenzy, sweat dripping off him and mixing with Austin’s precum, making a slick, furry surface for Austin to rub on. Jon’s cock spurted out another wad of precum, soaking Austin’s balls, and Austin returned the favor, leaking more between Jon’s furry pecs. “So FULL for you, Sir!” Jon bellowed, feeling bigger than ever before. “That’s right bull, always GROWING, turning into my prized muscle daddy BULLPUP, you want that don’t you, dad?” Austin said through gritted teeth, picking up speed as he desperately humped against the wall of beef in front of him, Jon’s round gut trying to push him backwards. “Yes Sir, gonna be the BIGGEST damn bullpup for you!” Jon groaned, his cock flaring up harder and longer as he approached climax. “Aww yeah, fuck yeah,” Austin panted, his hands squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s impossibly enormous delts and arms. He leaned in and kissed Jon hard, both of them moaning and panting and growling as their tongues wrestled, both of them desperate for a taste of each other. They separated and Jon tensed his arms, flexing the round, hard biceps for his Sir. Austin squeezed harder, his comparatively small fingers hardly denting Jon’s massive muscles. Jon grinned. “Mmmm, even after all that food, son, you know what?” Jon rumbled. “What’s that pup?” Austin groaned. Jon’s pushed out his belly into full roundness, full hardness, squeezing Austin’s cock harder between his gut and Austin’s own muscular body. His gut groaned and gurgled loudly, like it was still empty. “I’m still HUNGRY!” Jon roared. Austin groaned and exploded, his cock spraying cum all over Jon’s chest, jets of it getting all over his bullpup’s huge beard. Jon’s cock followed suit, gushing cum against the underside of Austin’s throbbing balls, cum and sweat and fur mixing together in a moment of perfect release. They went on shooting for almost a minute, both of their bodies shaking and throbbing, cum dripping all over the carpet underneath them, smearing all over Jon’s huge body and Austin’s muscular legs and abs. Austin collapsed against his pup, utterly spent. Jon wrapped his enormous arms around his Sir and squeezed, securing his son against his cum and sweat-soaked body. “I love you so much, pup,” Austin whispered in Jon’s ear. “I love you too, Master,” Jon breathed and both of them felt a contentment that few on Earth ever get to experience.
  10. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Austin enjoys life with his growing, submissive stepdad. Jon lifts some weights in the backyard, then gets excited after his weigh-in and gets an intense blowjob from his Master. Chapter 10: Spring Break — Life With a Growing, Submissive Bull Pt1 The ground shook as Austin watched the beat-up old Ford F150 rise up into the air and crash back down again, bouncing on its shocks each time it hit the ground. The truck itself weighed somewhere around 2 tons, at least according to what Austin had looked up online when he bought it. Perfect weight to challenge the enormous man hefting it up and down like a medicine ball. Jon grunted as he picked up the truck again, lifted it over his head, and grinned down at his master. “Twenty!” Jon boomed proudly, straightening out his arms all the way, his enormous triceps and delts hard and flexing as he held the truck 12 feet off the ground, gripping the axles underneath. He wasn’t shaking or struggling at all, even 20 reps in; it was getting noticeably easier for him just in the last few days, Austin noted. He’d have to try to find another, heavier truck for Jon to lift with soon. The truck crashed down to the ground again, adding to the muddy divots in the grass of the backyard. Jon was soaked and dripping with sweat despite the cool spring Minnesota air, grunting and breathing heavily, clouds of vapor billowing from his beard-covered mouth. His quads shook as he walked around the truck to come closer to Austin, each one swelling out to the sides with round arcs of muscle. Each thigh rubbed against the other one roughly, the enormous bulge in his white Underarmour compression shorts bouncing as he did, the head of his huge cock plainly visible. The tight athletic boxer-briefs were the only thing he had on except for leather bicep straps, custom-made Underarmour football cleats, and long compression socks that were stretched thin over his massive calves. A wet spot spread over his bulge as he looked down at Austin and grinned. “How’s that, Sir? Bigger?” Jon rumbled, his voice unnaturally deep and loud. He planted the tip of his cleat on the grass, the spikes digging into the dirt, and flexed a calf muscle bigger than Austin’s thigh. The straining socks somehow made it look even bigger. He shook the meaty mass of his quads before flexing them, and they hardened into bulging slabs of muscle. His huge, round gut jiggled too, just looming above Austin’s face. “Do you think I’m growing?” the muscle bear boomed. Austin shook his head. Jon always asked questions like that even when the answer seemed obvious, but he knew it was because he craved the approval of his Sir. “Yes, bull, you’re bigger than ever!” “Oh, hehe, that’s good!” Jon said, a huge grin breaking out on his face. He reached up and stroked his dirty blonde beard, which stretched down into his pec cleavage, sticking to the sweaty expanse of his chest. Austin looked up at the giant above him; Jon had just passed 10 feet tall two days ago and was closing in on an even ton. “Looking easier for you, huh?” Austin said. He reached forward to rub his stepdad’s enormous thighs, running his hands through the sweaty, furry, hard expanse of muscle. Austin came up to Jon’s expansive gut, so his huge legs, barrel chest, and thick midsection were all in easy reach. His knuckles brushed against Jon’s bulge and the wet spot on his briefs grew as another spurt of precum leaked out. “Y-yes Sir, two tons is easy for a giant bull like me,” Jon groaned, trying to control his feelings. His cock throbbed and grew, the head of it poking out above his briefs and burping up more pre. It was very hard to stay focused when Master watched him lift weights. He rubbed his hands up and down his sweaty, furry torso, a mist of sweat rising into the cool spring air. “Good bull, that’s right,” Austin said. “And you’re gonna keep getting stronger. Show me your bench press,” Austin said. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed, and he went back over to the truck. He laid down on the ground, getting dirt and brown grass over his expansive back, then reached one hand under the truck and pulled it over closer. With impossible strength, he hoisted the truck onto his chest, his pillowy pecs taking the impact of the tires and undercarriage with no problem. He gripped the axles and pressed, lifting 4000lbs of truck into the air like it was a warmup. The truck flew up and down, up and down, Jon grunting and sweating but hardly straining against the two-ton weight. “Light weight, Sir! I need more!” Jon grunted between reps as he lifted and lifted, flying past 25 reps with no sign of slowing down. “Gotta lift big to get big, that’s what you always say, Sir!” “That’s right bull, keep going until 100!” Austin said. He had to adjust his own package watching his giant muscle daddy lifting. His strength was beyond anything he had ever seen, unbelievable if he wasn’t witnessing it himself. Jon’s impossible, endless second puberty had only picked up steam since he had visited his dorm room just over a month ago and Austin had moved back in with Jon. Their total focus and dedication had only accelerated his uncanny growth. Jon threw the truck aside, crashing it onto its side as he roared past 100 reps. He scrambled to his feet with startling speed and energy, seemingly not tired at all despite being two hours into his second workout of the day. “Now, let’s do some cardio!” Austin held up a basketball. Jon instinctively turned and dropped into a three-point stance, facing the expansive backyard, his meaty ass in Austin’s face. “Go!” Austin yelled as he threw the ball as hard as he could. Jon grunted and bounded after the ball, his custom-made oversized cleats tearing more divots into the once-pristine grass of the backyard. Jon ran, the huge, rumbling footsteps of the massive brute eating up space surprisingly fast. His heavy chain necklace jingled as he ran. The ball sailed a long ways, and Jon was so focused on it that he didn’t notice the thin birch tree that stood in his way until he shouldered into it; the tree exploded into splinters and fell over as Jon plowed into it. Seeing his target, Jon lunged onto the ball, squashing it under his enormous weight until it popped open with a crack. Rising quickly, he ran back to Austin just as fast, ball tucked into the crook of his arm, pressed between his enormous bicep and meaty chest. He nearly barreled into Austin before skidding to a halt, tearing up more grass. He beamed down at his master, grunting and breathing heavy. “Another one?” Austin said, looking up at his giant stepdad with a disapproving look. “Throw it on the pile,” Austin said, gesturing to the pile of other broken balls and fetching toys. “Heh, sorry Sir, I got excited,” Jon said as he adjusted the tight leather straps digging into his biceps. Austin had bought the custom, adjustable straps at his local fetish gear shop a couple weeks ago with the intention that they would last for months. They weren’t on the loosest setting of 36” yet, but as Austin eyed Jon’s throbbing, hard biceps and heard the leather groaning, he knew they wouldn’t last long. “That’s fine, pup, I love your enthusiasm!” Austin said, getting another ball. “Ooh ooh, can I do another one? Please?” Jon pleaded, bouncing up and down excitedly as he inched closer to his Sir. Austin knew that Jon could take the ball from him whenever he wanted, but he wanted to please his master and run hard for him. Sprinting made his legs and lungs stronger for master. “Ready?” Austin teased, and Jon dropped into a three-point stance again, like a giant football player. “All the way down this time,” Austin said, and Jon dropped onto his stomach with a thump, the nearly plants and trees shaking from the impact. “Go!” Grass ripped up from the ground as Jon exploded off the ground with terrifying power and he launched himself after the ball again. They kept at this for half an hour, Austin working Jon until he was a sweaty mess, the dense fur covering every inch of body soaked and curling with sweat, dirt covering his cleats and calves, his compression shorts soaked through. When Austin finally said that was enough, Jon was panting and tuckered out. “Bring it in, pup, such good work,” Austin said. “Here you go,” he said and held up a gallon-sized jug filled with brown liquid. “Hrrrrmmmmmph just what I need!” Jon grunted as he grabbed the jug, his fingers easily wrapping all the way around it, and started chugging the thick, viscous shake. Austin marveled at how quickly the big man could consume, watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down, listening to the gurgling, groaning, throbbing sound of Jon chugging the 4000 calorie shake. Austin looked up at Jon’s round gut noticeably expanding as it filled up with protein shake until the arc of it brushed against Austin’s forehead. In seconds, the jug was empty. “Ahhhh, that hit the spot, Master!” Jon sighed contentedly as he rubbed his belly, bumping Austin backwards as he did. “More?” Jon asked eagerly as he looked down as his diminutive master, his cock throbbing as he did. “Later, bull. First it’s time for our daily weigh-in!” Austin said and he gestured over to the scale. Jon knew the drill. They followed the same routine every day, lifting and feeding times regimented and organized, weigh-ins and measurements regular and tracked by Austin’s diligent eye, calories and nutrition and exercise optimized for maximum growth. They had an industrial-size scale that was meant for livestock set up on the back deck, which was a couple feet elevated up off the ground. Jon lumbered over, the deck straining under his mass as he walked across, his ass shaking and jiggling up and down as he waddled. Suddenly his right foot broke through the wooden decking and he fell forward and down a foot or two. “Uh oh! Sorry Sir. Rrrruuuuffff, grrrufff!” Jon grunted as he ripped his foot up through the decking, tearing up more of the deck as he kept walking over to the scale. Casual, accidental destruction was becoming more and more common with Jon as he grew beyond normal human scale. The scrapes and holes that dotted the ceilings and the cracked, partly-destroyed doorways in the house were testament to that. Jon stepped on the scale until the number evened out. “1824 pounds! Great job, bull. Boy, you’re getting so big, aren’t you?” Austin said, praising his prized bullpup as he rubbed Jon’s huge, round ass. “Yeah, always bigger, always more, that’s what you always say, Sir,” Jon grunted. “I gotta keep growing, right?” Jon stepped off the scale and turned to face his Sir, looking down at him from over the round hills of his pecs and gut. Sweat dripped down off his nose and nipples, some of it splashing on Austin. “That’s right, pup, always bigger, always more!” Austin repeated. It was the mantra that Austin had come up with since he had moved in to help keep them both focused and motivated on their shared goal. Every aspect of their lives was focused on one thing: to grow Jon as big and strong as they possibly could. “Yeah,” Jon breathed, steam puffing into the air. He looked up into the grey sky and raised his arms up into a flex, steam and heat from his sweaty pits radiating off him. “MORE!” His arms were spread wide, biceps flexed, his forearms spread out at a 45 degree angle, making the biceps look extra thick. Jon’s bulge throbbed and swelled in his Underarmour until they stretched the white material close to bursting. The cock head surged and poked out at the top as if it had a mind of its own. Jon grunted involuntarily as a glob of precum gushed out and splashed onto the grass in front of Austin. “You worked so hard today, bull,” Austin said, looking up at his submissive daddy. They locked eyes, staring intensely, each of them breathing heavily, cocks throbbing. “Let me help you with that.” Austin stepped forward and tugged at the hem of Jon’s shorts until he freed the rest of the meaty, Pringles-can sized cock from its confines. The heady, funky smell of Jon’s crotch and balls wafted into the air, steam rising from his loins. Austin huffed in the smell, sending tingles of excitement down his spine. He was at the perfect height now to suck Jon’s dick while standing. He opened wide and gobbled up as much of his pup’s cock as he could. “Ohhhhhhhnnggggg Sirrrrrr,” Jon groaned, a bassy rumble filling the air, deep enough to rattle Austin’s ribcage. “Rrrrrrruuuuuffffff,” he moaned unintelligibly. Austin pushed deeper, the massive cock head filling every inch of his mouth, jamming it until it scraped the back of his throat. He could only swallow up about half of its length now and barely wrap his lips around it. He was well-practiced with it at this point and didn’t gag, though he knew that he wouldn’t be able to take such a huge cock for too much longer as Jon grew more and more. “Yeahhhhhhh, gotta grow more for my Sirrrrrr,” Jon purred. He reached down, past the love handles of his huge gut, and wrapped his hands around Austin’s chest, easily lifting him into the air. He brought Austin up to his bearded mouth and kissed him roughly, his tongue plunging into Austin’s mouth aggressively. “Morrrrrrre,” he groaned as he walked over to the wall of the house, protein breath washing over Austin as Jon breathed heavily. Jon plopped Austin back down to the ground and brandished his cock like a club, thumping Austin in the face with the swollen, throbbing member. “Harrrrrder,” Jon groaned, his thoughts focused only on pleasure. Jon slammed his weight forward into Austin’s awaiting mouth. Jon looked down and couldn’t see anything past the expanse of his enormous furry muscles and round power gut. He could feel Austin sucking and choking and gagging on his cock but couldn’t see him at all. Jon was just too big. “So big. The biggest!” Jon moaned, humping his enormous body against Austin. He leaned forward onto the house, bracing against the wall with his thick, veiny, hairy forearms, leaving smears of sweat against the cold siding. Austin could only groan and brace himself against the huge thighs that surrounded him. He pressed his arms against the huge, heavy gut that pressed down on him, but it was futile; it was simply too heavy. Austin felt himself squeeze harder against the wall of the house as Jon humped harder and faster, picking up steam. “Always bigger, always more for you, Sir!” Jon groaned as he plowed his master’s tight mouth. His Sir had given him purpose and value and meaning, all he ever needed. The thought of growing even bigger, of swelling beyond the impossible size he had already reached, of making his master even happier and even more proud of him, filled him with euphoria. His cock throbbed harder and more precum oozed down Austin’s throat. “You like how strong I am now, Sir?” Jon asked, an edge of pleading and begging in his sonorous voice. Austin grunted and groaned, his throat choking on the massive cock as he tried to respond. “You want me to keep growing bigger, Sir?” Jon groaned, his deep voice straining as his cock throbbed harder and harder. Austin moaned as loudly as he could, needing his pup’s cum. “I’ll do anything for you Sir, I’m gonna be the very biggest for you, Sir, all for you Sirrrrrrrrahahhhhhhhhh!!!!” Jon roared as his cock exploded, his huge balls tensing and throbbing as jets of cum sprayed directly down Austin’s throat, feeding his master his potent bull cream. Austin gulped furiously, trying to cope with the intense volume of cum flowing into him, but it was no use. Spurts of cum dribbled from his mouth and onto his beard, mixing together with Jon’s sweat in his sweaty, bushy pubes. Jon leaned into Austin harder until every drop was drained, grunting and groaning loudly. Jon arched his neck and back and sighed contently, a plume of steam rising into the air, satiated for now. He was proud to give his master a thick meal of bull cum. Jon stepped back and Austin coughed and sputtered, cum drooling down his mouth and covering his beard and parts of his shirt. He grinned up at his pup. “Good work, bull, wow that was some load! You were really worked up, huh?” “Heh, yeah, grruuuufff, love humping my Sir’s face I guess,” Jon said, raising his arm up and scratching the back of his head sheepishly. As he did, his enormous tummy rumbled loudly, demanding more food. “Sounds like it’s time to eat!” Austin said, staring up at his big pup. Jon rubbed his round belly and licked his lips in anticipation. “Sure is, Sir. I’m STARVING!” Jon rumbled as his gut growled again, louder and longer.
  11. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Jon makes a surprise visit to see Austin on campus. The two celebrate Valentine's Day together the best way a pup and his sir know how. Chapter 7: Valentine’s Day Austin leaned back from his textbook and yawned, beleaguered from another long evening of studying. He knew he less than two quarters left of college, but he had to study hard for midterms to keep on track to graduate. His mind was constantly occupied with planning his life after college, and especially with the football season over, he had little to look forward to on campus. He lived in a small single room in a relatively older building on campus, a strange choice for a senior who had more than enough resources to move somewhere nicer, but Austin appreciated the spartan accommodations; it helped him stay on track with his goals. Besides, he wasn’t around much anyway, usually either at the gym, at class, at the cafeteria, or at the library. Austin heard heavy footsteps thump outside of his room, then suddenly a loud knock thumped on his door three times. He jumped a little, alarmed and taken aback; no one ever visited him, especially not at 10pm on a Friday night. “Hello?” he asked as he got up and went over to his door, unlocking it and then pulling it open. There in front of him was a wall of beefy muscle, barely contained by a comically tight shirt with the mascot logo of the college stretched to absurdity. Austin’s eyes traveled up from the exposed, round, cobblestone gut, up to the tight grey fabric that strained across the widest chest he had ever seen, up to the shoulders that protruded from the torn-off sleeves, up to the grinning, bearded face that stared down at him from the ceiling of the hallway. “Sir!” Jon boomed as he saw Austin. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” He reached his massive paws forward to grab Austin, only for Jon’s forehead to crack against the metal doorframe of Austin’s room. The metal dented and a chunk of plaster fell onto the floor. “Ouch, dammit, happening more and more lately,” Jon grumbled as Austin stepped backwards into his room. “Pup, what are you doing here!? It’s… how…,” Austin said, breathless and confused and excited. Jon ducked down and turned sideways, reached his massive arms through the entrance, and squeezed his way into Austin’s room, his chest and ass and gut scraping against the doorframe until he suddenly popped into the room, a wave of heat and musky BO stink rushing inside as he entered. His head scraped against the 8 foot ceiling as he stood to his full, unbelievable height. He took a deep breath and sighed when he finally was inside, shutting the door harder than he needed to as he grinned down – way down! – at his smaller stepson. “Surprise! I just had to come see you, it’s been WEEKS,” Jon said as he stepped closer to his little master. “I’m so excited to see you!” Jon said as he bent down, reached forward, and gathered Austin up into the biggest bear hug in history, effortlessly lifting the 230lb college jock off his feet and squeezing him tight. “Mmmmm my little Sir, you’re even smaller than you were at Christmas, hehe,” Jon grunted, his voice deeper and more resonant than Austin remembered. “P-pup, put me – uunnnhhhgggg – down!” Austin croaked as the breath was squeezed out his lungs and he felt his back pop. “Heh, oops, sorry Sir,” Jon said as he put Austin down. He still kept close though, crowding Austin’s space and pinning him up against the desk. “I was just so excited to see you, and even though you didn’t tell me to, I had to come see you, Sir,” Jon said bashfully as he rubbed up against Austin, his throbbing bulge pulsing against Austin’s chest. Austin could easily feel Jon’s cock through the thin compression shorts that served as Jon’s pants; he was sure it was the only thing left he could find that fit. “Well, pup, it’s amazing to see you... and feel you,” Austin said as he brought his hands up to rub his stepdad’s incredibly huge belly, arms, and chest. “Yeah?” Jon said, pushing Austin harder into the desk. “Am I bigger?” “Uh, yeah bull, you’re WAY bigger, like holy cow!” Austin said, laughing at the absurdity of Jon’s question. “Your head is to the ceiling and you’ve gotta be twice as wide as me now. So much size…” Austin said as he rubbed harder, reaching under the too-tight shirt to rub his pup’s furry chest. Austin realized this was the same 4XL that he gave his dad at Christmas; it had been tight then, but now it clearly didn’t fit. “I wanna be huge,” Jon grunted dreamily as Austin rubbed his meaty nips. “I follow your routine and schedule every day to the letter, Sir,” the massive weightlifter groaned. “Feels so good to follow your orders, Sir, need to make master happy,” he sighed and his massive bulge drooled through his compression shorts and onto Austin’s tank top. “I need more, Sir, gotta get huge for you.” “Good bullpup, that’s good,” Austin whispered, pushing back against his stepdad; Jon didn’t budge. “How big are you now, pup?” Austin knew from the daily updates he had his dad send him now, but he wanted to hear it anyway. “Just passed 8 feet tall on Wednesday,” Jon grunted as he rutted against his master, pushing the desk harder against the wall. “Up to, uunnnfff, 900 pounds,” Jon said as he raised his arms up and pressed his palms against the ceiling and flexed, his biceps exploding with size, his hairy pits reeking of man musk, his shirt riding up and exposing his round, furry gut. “All for you, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he loomed over his smaller stepson. “Almost four times your weight now, Sir!” “Good, bull, good. But you’re very naughty for coming here! I didn’t tell you to come see me,” Austin said with a hint of disapproval in his voice, reaching up and tugging on Jon’s heavy lock and chain that wrapped around his thick neck. Jon looked down at his little Sir and his eyes welled with tears. “S-Sir, I just hadn’t seen you and I wanted, uh, I needed…” he whimpered, his chin quivering. “Well, I’m not sure pup deserves to see me since he came here without my permission,” Austin said, tugging on the chain harder and pulling Jon down until they were face to face, Jon’s weathered, slightly wrinkled forehead bumping against Austin’s smooth, young skin. “Did I tell you to drive here? Aren’t you supposed to be having your third workout right now before your late-night protein binge?” Jon looked down, away from his master’s intense gaze. “N-no Sir, I mean yes I should be doing that now Sir,” he said, in as small and sad of a voice as an 8 foot tall, 42-year-old hulk could manage. He dropped his arms and brought his hands down, pressing his pointer fingers against each other nervously. “I just—“ “And what did I say about doing stuff like this without telling me first?” Austin said. They were both breathing hard against each other, their lips close, Jon’s breath smelling like protein shakes and fast food. Jon gulped and stuttered. “T-to always tell you first,” Jon said timidly, his bassy voice quivering. “I just, Sir, I—“ Jon started, then wrapped his enormous arms around Austin, engulfing him completely. “I just love you so much I had to see you, and it’s Valentine’s, and I—” he gushed, choking up a little. “Awww, there there pup, that’s a good boy. You just missed your Sir that much, huh?” Austin said, letting his stepdad rest his heavy head against his shoulder as they embraced. Jon nodded heavily, his grey-blonde beard tickling against Austin’s neck as he did. “Bull gets real lonely without his Sir to take care of him, doesn’t he?” Austin rubbed his hand through Jon’s tightly trimmed mohawk and against his thick neck rolls. *Sniff* “Y-yeah!” Jon sighed, his warm breath blowing against Austin’s ear. He shuddered as he took in a big breath. “I NEED you, Sir!” Austin could feel Jon’s enormous cock press harder against his firm abs. “Aww pup, I can’t say no to you! My big, sweet bull. I love you too.” Jon sighed and shuddered as he heard those words. He squeezed his enormous, steel-hard arms against Austin even harder and his cock inched higher and longer against Austin’s torso. He rubbed his baseball glove-sized paws against Austin’s back in wide, firm circles, feeling the lean, taut muscle of his master. “And hey bud, I missed you too. It’s been hard without you and I think about you all the time,” Austin said. “You know what I think you need, pup?” Austin said as he separated from Jon and they stood apart for a moment, both of them eyeing each other up and down, both of them breathing heavy and starting to sweat. “What’s that, Sir?” Jon said as he adjusted his leaking bulge. “I think you need your Sir’s seed inside to you to remind you who’s in charge,” Austin growled and then hefted his own weighty package. Jon huffed and and sighed at those words, and his cock throbbed anew. “Grrruuuff, yes Sir! That’s just what I need!” Jon grunted desperately. He reached up to the hem of his shirt and tugged hard, and the shirt ripped clean down the middle, revealing his enormous, wide, hairy chest and round, turtleshell gut. His cock tented his compression shorts obscenely. Austin stepped closer to his stepdad and reached up to rub the enormous pecs looming over him. “My god, pup, you’re getting absolutely gigantic, aren’t you?” Austin said, flicking Jon’s nips. Jon’s pecs twitched and bounced, heaving up and down as Austin played with them, thick and meaty then hard when he flexed them, covered in a dense layer of blonde and grey fur. “Ruufff, unnnfff!” Jon grunted, pleasure and submissiveness making it difficult to speak. “That’s — rrrfff! — right, Sir! All for you, Sir!” Jon grunted as he tensed and bounced his enormous pecs. “I bet this big chest is bigger around than I am tall now, huh?” Austin said in a low, intense voice, his cock twitching in the basketball shorts he used as pajamas. “Big bull freak growing every day, huh?” “Yeah!” Jon said, his chest heaving up and down. “Yeah!!” he boomed and lifted his massive arms up into a flex. His fists crunched against the ceiling, leaving dents and sending plaster to the floor, but Jon didn’t even flinch. His arms surged to full size, bigger than Jon’s head, bigger around than Austin’s thighs, round hard bicep peaks throbbing, watermelon-sized delts spreading wider, thick traps surging up like a mountain range. “So fuckin’ BIG, yeah!” Austin growled as he reached up to feel Jon’s enormous arms. He could barely reach them. He couldn’t even get his hands halfway around them; he clutched at them hungrily, sliding his hands over the sweat-slick peaks and down into the damp, furry pits. Jon grinned with pride. “Turn around and show me that big ass, bull,” Austin commanded, his voice deep and authoritative. He huffed Jon’s pit stink on his fingers and his cock twitched. Jon obeyed, his cock throbbing in acknowledgement. “Been working them hard for you Sir,” Jon rumbled. He turned around, bent over, and started wriggling out of his compression shorts. “What do you think? Am I bigger?” Jon’s enormous round glutes spread apart just wide enough for Austin to see Jon’s tight, furry hole tensing in anticipation. Austin grabbed the compression shorts and pulled them down lower, revealing Jon’s freaky thick hamstrings, which twitched as Jon shifted his weight. His ass was covered in dirty blonde fur; hard, thick muscle jiggled and bulged as Jon bent down further. “Oh yeah, bull, much bigger, so massive. You’ve done so well, pup. You’ve been growing so much these last few weeks huh?” Austin said as he jiggled Jon’s bubble butt with one hand and reached for the lube next to his nightstand with the other. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed. He put his hands on his hips and spread his back and shoulders as wide as he could, his incredible traps and lats on display, bulging and huge. His shoulders were wider than the big TV Austin had in his dorm room, blocking out the entire frame. His lats spread out so wide they pushed his arms out even farther, and his traps surged into mountains of muscle; he had no neck to speak of anymore. “Growing faster than ever! Bigger for you, Sir! I still need MORE though, gotta get HU—uuuhhhhgggg ohhhhhh Sir!” Jon moaned as Austin’s fingers probed his tight, muscular hole. “Yeah pup, you like that? You like your Sir’s fingers loosening up that tight hole, don’t you?” Austin growled as he entered his stepdad, leaning against Jon’s massive furry back and rubbing his muscles. “Rruuuuurrrfff, uhhhhggg, rooooooffff!!!” Jon rumbled. He started huffing and panting as Austin got him ready for the main event. “Such a good bull pup, so proud of my pup. I can’t stay mad at you, pup, not when you keep growing big like this. You’re the biggest man on the damn planet now, you know that?” Austin said, pumping him up and loosening his muscular hole. “Ruffff!!” Jon grunted and flexed his big muscles. “Gotta grow big for you, Sir! That’s all that matters!” “That’s right,” Austin said, slipping out of his shorts and revealing his own 8” cock. He rubbed it against Jon’s furry hole, smearing sticky precum that mixed into Jon’s fur. “Such a good, obedient bull! Now are you ready for your son to breed you, dad?” Jon spread his legs wider, his hole begging to be pounded, and moaned unintelligibly in anticipation. Austin had to get on his tip-toes for his cock to line up with Jon’s ass. The curly blonde fur felt incredible against his raging hard-on, and Austin leaned his 230lbs against his musclebear stepdad, his bulbous cock head penetrating Jon’s tight hole. “GGGGRRRRAAAAHHHHHH!!” Jon grunted as Austin entered him. “BREED ME, SIR! BREED YOUR BULL!” Jon bellowed as Austin pressed into him balls deep. “Fuck yeah, dad, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” Austin sighed as he reached up and grabbed on to Jon’s enormous traps. Jon was so much bigger than Austin that he could just barely reach all the way up. Austin got into a rhythm quickly, pushing deep and stretching Jon out as the older man groaned and grunted in time with Austin’s thrusts. He started slow, then started pushing faster as he found his groove. Jon’s cock grew even harder as he got fucked, the wrist-thick shaft throbbing with veins, smearing precum all over Austin’s laptop and desk, pools of it leaking onto Austin’s papers. “Fuck, bull, I can’t believe how big you’re getting,” Austin panted as he pounded his pup. “Grrruuf, uuurrrrhhhggg, aahahhhhh!!” Jon grunted, sweat splashing down onto Austin’s desk. “You’re growing, unnnggg, so goddamn fast, bull, unnfff, it’s just unreal!” Austin gasped, taking in the full size and width of the man in front of him. Jon’s triceps bulged with thick muscle as he braced himself against the desk. “No one has grown so big so fast, dad, ever!” “Ruuuuooooofffff fuck yeah, all for you, son!” Jon boomed as he pushed his weight back against Austin, causing his cock to punch in even deeper but also making Austin stumble back a bit. Austin backed up, taking Jon with him, and looked across the room to the full-length mirror on the back of his door. “Look at us, bull! Football jock son breeding my big bull dad, just like you needed, huh?” Jon looked over at the reflection and groaned, his own massive cock throbbing harder and spurting pre onto the rug. “Arrroooooffff, breed me, son, give me your load, daddy bull needs it!” Jon grunted, guttural, primal, out of control. He looked in the mirror again, marveling at the size difference between them, flexing his bicep in the mirror and watching it swell, fixating on his own massive bulk. He then looked at the hot jock stud thrusting into his huge ass, the smaller man half his age, Austin’s face grimacing in concentration and pleasure, sweat glistening on his arms and chest. Jon pushed back harder against Austin, causing the big football jock to stumble again, Jon’s bulk overwhelming his son. “Fuck, bull, you’re so goddamn heavy, pushing against my cock so hard!” Austin said as he realized he was backed against his bed. “Rrrruuuugggh, ruuuufff, mmmmrrrrooooo!” Jon bellowed as he pushed harder against Austin’s cock, needing it deeper and harder, craving his master’s cum, his own cock throbbing harder and leaking all over the place. Austin lost his balance and sat down on his bed, and his massive stepdad crashed down on top of him, pressing his enormous ass and 900lbs of musclebear mass down onto Austin. The pathetically small twin bed cracked and collapsed, causing both men to crash down to the floor. Austin’s cock pressed even deeper into Jon’s tight hole, and the big man roared with pleasure. Austin grunted and gasped as Jon’s full weight bore down on him, pressing his cock in deeper and harder, his dad threatening to crush him under his impossibly huge body. “Unnnffff, dad, you’re so… so fuckin… BIG!” Austin grunted. “I’m gonna… getting so close to… UNNGGH!” “FUCK yeah Sir, give me your load!, RRRRUUUHHHHRRR” Jon boomed as he bounced up and down on Austin’s big cock, slamming his prostate against Austin’s meaty cock head over and over, nearly half a ton of muscle daddy crushing down on Austin’s cock. Jon’s cock pumped up thicker and throbbed as he got closer to shooting his own load, and he grabbed onto it with both hands and stroked himself desperately. “Unnnnggg, fuck yeah bull, take my seed, fuuuuucccckkk!” Austin roared as he exploded inside of Jon, filling the massive muscle bull with hot jock cum. Both men grunted and groaned as they both shot epic loads, Jon’s cock exploding all over Austin’s dorm, filling the room with the tang of pungent bull cum and musky BO. Their grunts and moans could be heard throughout the building. When they were done, Jon lifted himself off of Austin, his smaller stepson groaning and gasping as Jon’s 900 pounds stopped crushing him. Jon turned around and towered over his Sir, cum dripping down onto the bed and floor; he rubbed some of it into the fur of his chest and gut and tasted the cream that was dripping off his fingers. Austin panted for a moment, then looked up at Jon with a laugh. “Mmm, you really needed my load, didn’t you bull?” Jon licked his fingers and nodded. “Mmmm hmm Sir, I did.” “Heh, I could tell, you knocked me over, you were so eager for it,” Austin said. “Now you have your Sir’s seed inside of you, as it should be,” he said. Jon reached down and offered his Sir a hand, and Austin took it. Jon lifted him up so hard and fast that Austin popped up off his feet and fell against Jon’s massive, cum-covered chest; Jon caught him in mid-air and supported him, his huge hands cupping Austin’s bubble butt. Their cocks pressed against each other as they proceeded to make out in the afterglow, their cum mixing together and smearing against their sweaty bodies. “Yes Sir, feels good to have your warm seed inside me, I needed it so badly,” Jon said, his cock already chubbing up again thinking about it. “I feel complete now, Sir, with you here in my big arms,” he purred as he rubbed his long blonde beard against Austin’s shorter, darker beard. “That’s my good daddy bull,” Austin whispered to him as Jon held him effortlessly in the middle of the room, sticky and sweaty and utterly content. "Happy Valentine's Day," he said, and they kissed passionately.
  12. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Jon and Austin enjoy a day on campus together, availing themselves of the gym, wrestling practice room, and cafeteria. Jon woke up and realized there was a weight pressing down on top of his massive chest. He breathed in deep and saw Austin, his beautiful stepson Sir, whose body rose and fell with every one of Jon’s breaths. He breathed in deep again through his nose, breathing in the scent of his Sir that filled the room, mixed in with his own tangy musk and the smell of dried cum. His little Sir had slept on top of him all night, using Jon like a big muscly mattress. Jon didn’t fit on the absurdly small twin-sized mattress underneath him; his legs hung off the end of the bed from the knees down, and his shoulders and arms spilled over the sides and onto the floor. It hadn’t been the most comfortable sleep, but with Austin in his arms, it was the best sleep in the world. Jon sighed contently, the warm wind of his nose causing Austin to stir and awaken as well. “Good morning, Sir,” Jon said softly. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around Austin, squeezing him tightly against his bulk. “It feels so good waking up with you in my arms,” Jon sighed. “Mmm, same to you, pup,” Austin said groggily. He propped himself up by pressing his hands against Jon’s pillow-sized pecs and pressed his hard cock against his stepdad’s round belly. “Last night was so much fun!” Austin said with a smirk. “I’m glad you liked it, Sir,” Jon said. “I can still feel your loads inside me, filling me with strength,” Jon growled. Austin felt something smack him from behind and realized it was Jon’s enormous cock slapping his back. It twitched and swelled bigger, thicker, longer, smearing precum along Austin’s spine as it grew and grew to full hardness. “Well well, someone is excited to wake up with his master on top of him, aren’t they?” Austin said. He leaned back against Jon, rubbing his furry crack against his dad’s hard cock. “Unf, Sir, you just make me feel… rrruuuuuhffff,” Jon groaned as his cock twitched and leaked uncontrollably. “Gotta cum real bad, Sir,” he rumbled. “Well pup, we can’t yet. We have a big day ahead of us,” Austin said. “No loads until I say so, got it?” Austin said in jokingly sing-songy voice, like one would use with a child. Jon groaned and stretched, arching his back and lifting Austin higher up into the air. “Uhhhgggg but Sir, I need it so bad!” Jon whined and he reached down to squeeze his cock against Austin’s back. The massive tool reached halfway up Austin’s back, ooze leaking all over Austin’s spine. “I know, big bull, but right now you need to eat! Get up and carry me over to the fridge!” Austin said. Jon, of course, did as he was told, effortlessly lifting his 230lb Sir up as he rose to his towering 8 feet tall height. His head bumped into the ceiling and he chuckled, amused by his own enormity. They were both naked, their bodies rubbing against each other. Jon’s cavernous stomach groaned and gurgled loudly. “Mmm, I AM pretty hungry, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he stomped over to his stepson’s dorm kitchenette, the entire room shaking with each step. “Well I’ve got just the thing for you,” Austin said as Jon put him down. Austin put together the biggest, thickest, most calorie-dense shake Jon had ever seen, filling it with gainer shake powder, bananas, oats, olive oil, honey, whole milk, preworkout, and more. By the time he was done, it was a brown slurry that filled the blender to the brim. “Drink, now, every drop, chug it,” Austin commanded. The massive bear palmed the blender container in one huge hand and lifted it to his maw. He started gulping it down the viscous sludge shockingly fast, astounding Austin with the aggressive, relentless speed he consumed it, his Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down fast. In seconds, he was done, a couple drops dribbling down into his thick beard. Jon gasped for air when he was done and took a deep breath. His belch shook the window panes with its ferocity and depth. “MORE!” he boomed as he handed the blender back to Austin. This continued several more times until Jon had his fill, each time his gut swelling out rounder and bigger and heavier. Austin encouraged him by rubbing his massive belly and reminding him how much bigger all these calories were going to make him. Jon kept asking for more after each shake, his hunger seemingly insatiable. By the time Jon was done, he had already put away around 10000 calories and hundreds of grams of protein. “Now, pup, I have what you’re going to wear today,” Austin said as he dug around in his closet. “I was going to give this to you as a present, but since you need a shirt… Such a good obedient pup needs to let everyone know what he is!” Austin said as he handed Jon his new shirt. Jon unfolded it. It was an absurdly small, tan-colored crop-top with one word emblazoned in rainbow lettering on the front: BEEF. Jon grinned and his eyes lit up. “I am Beef!” he bellowed. He bent over and Austin helped him into the shirt, wriggling and shimmying to get the tight garment to stretch over his enormous bulk. He did the same with the black jock strap and white Under Armour compression shorts, then put on his extra wide Otomix. Jon looked down, past his beard which merged with his furry chest, and looked at this new label, BEEF, and grinned. He flexed his chest, the surging pec meat making his shirt stretch taut across his shoulders and between his pecs. His round, furry gut was totally exposed, and his massive bulge and huge ass stood out prominently thanks to the jock strap. “Today you are no longer bull or pup or Jon, you are Beef. Mine to command and obey,” Austin said with a smirk. “Your goal, Beef, is to pack on as much meat onto your giant frame as possible today, got it?” “YES SIR!” Beef rumbled and stood at attention, his bulge twitching, his shoulders round and wide. “Then, if you are good, we will come home and we will take care of his,” Austin said as he cupped Beef’s huge package and fondled it up and down. Beef shivered and grunted, and his cock throbbed in his jock. “Finally, I’m going to lead you to the gym using this,” Austin said, and he pulled out a leash. “Lean down,” he commanded, and Beef obeyed. Austin clicked the leash harness through one of the links of Beef’s heavy chain necklace. “Everyone on campus will know that you are mine. You’re going to be a good boy and do everything I say, right Beef?” Austin said. Beef nodded eagerly, his eyebrows arching with an expression that made it clear he was desperate to please his master. “Good boy,” Austin said as he tugged on the leash, Beef’s thick neck hardly budging against the firm leash. “Now, to the gym!” Austin said, and he led Beef out of the door. As they walked across campus, other students gawked, some laughing or pointing, others giving them a wide berth, while others stared and adjusted their crotches. Beef obediently followed his master, waddling across campus with heavy, thudding strides. His huge thighs rubbed against each other as he walked, and his belly swayed and jiggled, uncovered by the tight crop-top. Austin led the way, occasionally tugging at Beef’s leash and grinning at people gawking at them. Despite the frosty February temperatures, Beef wasn’t cold at all, steam rising off of his bull neck and wide shoulders. In fact, by the time they reached the gym he was already damp with sweat. His collar and leash jingled as they entered the building and went to the front desk of the gym. “I need a parent guest pass for my stepdad here,” Austin said to the desk clerk, gesturing to the enormous, bulky man next to him. Beef grinned broadly at the clerk, his face blushing bright red, his intense blue eyes sparkling. The clerk stared at him, slack-jawed, not knowing how to process the giant man in a comically tight crop-top attached to a dog leash. Beef took a deep breath, his chest expanding bigger and wider, and he flexed his pecs. “WOOF, RRUUUFFF!! Ready to LIFT!” he boomed down at the clerk, causing the underclassmen to flinch and reach for a day pass. Austin filled it out for Beef, and the two of them strode into the gym, heading for the squat rack. It was leg day, but Austin had Beef do a little bit of everything so he got a nice pump and got a good sweat going. Austin let Beef off his leash as they started to lift, and Beef nuzzled his chest against Austin’s face in appreciation. It was hard to find enough weight to challenge Beef, and Austin had to get creative. Beef had grown even stronger than Austin thought, and in trying to max out weights to challenge him, they used nearly every plate available. Austin tried standing on stacks of weights on the cable machine to create enough resistance for Beef, tried using bands and chains to add resistance, and did higher reps than he would normally think of, but it was rarely enough. Beef could easily curl hundreds of pounds, squat and deadlift double his weight, and did leg press with as many 100s and 45s as they could fit on the stack. He was tireless, relentless, and hardly needed any pauses between sets. Once Austin told him to do something, Beef did so with perfect form, ferocious intensity, and terrifying power. He panted and huffed and puffed but never complained, never slowed down, and looked absolutely content and in his element. Puddles of sweat followed them wherever they went, drops of it dripping off Beef’s face, arms, and shoulders, trickling down over his round gut and tree trunk-thick legs, soaked like he was caught in a rainstorm. Austin kept him fed with a bright-pink drink, a mix of powders and supplements that made Beef feel electric and focused and wired, the pump bloating his body up bigger and thicker than ever. Austin was shameless in touching and rubbing Beef’s big body as they lifted, groping his biceps and meaty ass as he lifted, Beef’s focus never fading, the only indication that he noticed coming from the enormous hard-ons that sprung up whenever Austin touched him. Beef grunted loudly with each rep, his resonant voice and massive weights booming in the open gym space, scaring off many of the usual early-morning crowd. He stared intensely as his own reflection in the mirror or at Austin, unblinking, locked in. After 3 hours straight of lifting, Beef stepped up closer to Austin and looked down at him from his 8 foot vantage. His massive gut groaned louder than Austin had ever heard it. “Sir, I’m hungry,” Beef rumbled, reaching down to rub his belly in a wide circle, sweat dripping off his hand in sheets as he did. His crop top was soaked, now a darker shade of tan, and Austin could see the straps and pouch of Beef’s jock strap through the tight compression shorts. “Need to fuel these muscles, Sir. When’s lunch?” Austin looked Beef over. His thighs and calves bulged with a massive pump, and his chest, arms, and shoulders were ruddy and swollen. Beef reached up and ran a hand through his mohawk, a spray of sweat misting off his hair and down onto Austin. “Soon, big boy. You’ve worked SO hard this morning, and now it’s time to eat. But first let’s go to the bathroom,” Austin said. He reached up and clasped Beef’s leash back on, and Beef moaned with pleasure as it locked around his heavy chain necklace. Austin led Beef back into the locker room, jerking his leash to get him to follow. Beef’s enormously wide shoulders took up the full breadth of the hallways, causing other gym goers to retreat. Beef and Austin made their way to the bathroom and went into the handicap stall. “Alright Beef, go ahead and relieve yourself,” Austin said. Beef dropped trou, his massive hose spilling out of his jock pouch, heavy balls emitting an intense musk. “Ahhhhhhh,” Beef groaned as a thick stream of piss started filling up the bowl. “Mmmm, such a big boy,” Austin said as he rubbed Beef’s thick glutes. “Such a good pump today, Beef, you worked hard,” Austin purred. Beef finished, bouncing his chubbed-up cock to get any stray drops, then stuffed his package back into the jock strap. “Thank you, Sir!” he boomed. Beef realized he could easily see over the bathroom stall partitions; he could just see himself reflected in the mirrors looming over the stalls. Beef grinned and his cock chubbed up more, realizing how big and tall he was getting. “Get on your knees, Beef,” Austin commanded, and Beef dropped down; he still came up to Austin’s chin even on his knees. “Now, get on all fours,” Austin said, and Beef pressed his big hands against the dirty floor of the bathroom stall; he looked up at his Sir with expectant, hungry eyes. “Good boy,” Austin said as he pulled his gym shorts down to reveal his own hard, throbbing cock. He ran a hand through Beef’s sweat-slicked hair and down his cheek to his thick beard. “Suck,” Austin said simply and stepped forward, rubbing his cock against Beef’s lips. Beef obeyed and opened his mouth. Austin groaned as Beef’s powerful lips sucked harder than he could believe, his prickly beard and mustache tingling along his cock. Beef was hungry, and his Sir’s sweaty cock excited him greatly; he slurped and grunted and licked and sucked greedily. Suddenly, someone else came into the bathroom, the door opening with a thump. The small room was filled with Beef’s grunting, moaning, and slurping sounds and Austin’s dirty talk. Beef felt so embarrassed but he sucked harder. He had to make his Sir happy. The stranger came closer and saw two massive meatheads sharing one stall, raised his eyebrows, apologized, and awkwardly left the bathroom. “Fuck yeah, everyone knows you’re my bull now, Beef, mmmph, take my fucking load!” Austin grunted as pleasure rippled up his spine. Austin exploded and Beef slurped up his thick load. “Mmm, good boy,” Austin said as Beef rose back up to his full, massive height. Beef grinned down at Austin and rubbed a knuckle against his lip, wiping a dribble of cum from his beard. As they left the bathroom, they passed by the wrestling practice room, which was a small, secluded room full of wrestling mats and practice gear. It was behind a locked door, but because Austin had a prestigious spot on the football team, he had a master key for every door at his college’s gym. “Hey Beef, wanna wrestle?” Austin said with a smirk. Beef’s eyes lit up. “YEAH!” he boomed as Austin opened up the door. The smell of stale sweat from years of wrestling practice and wrestling mats overwhelmed them as they entered the room. Austin closed and locked the door and they were alone. “Let’s see what we’ve got… here we go,” Austin said as he rummaged through a pile of dirty, used practice singlets. “This is the biggest one I can find, see it if fits.” Austin tossed the maroon-colored singlet to Beef, who raised it up to his nose and breathed in deeply, savoring the musk of wrestling practices gone by. He stripped down to his jock and struggled to put on the too-tight singlet, stumbling to keep his balance. “One foot at a time, there you go, mmm these are gonna stretch tight over your big thighs, huh?” Austin said as he helped Beef step into the singlet. It stretched and stretched, rubbing over the furry expanse of Beef’s massive thighs. Beef slowly rolled the singlet up the round expanse of his muscle gut, sweat already soaked into it, the material stretching and straining. Austin started putting on a singlet of his own, and Beef’s cock strained as he watched his hot master putting on the tight garment. A wet spot started forming on Beef’s bulging package, pre soaking through the singlet. “Sir, I need help with the final straps,” Beef rumbled. He waddled over to Austin and bent down, allowing Austin to reach up and stretch the straps over his huge traps. Beef’s meaty nipples poked out to the sides, his impossibly wide chest and shoulders too much for the singlet to handle. He rose to his full height, the straps taut between his traps and pecs, so tight they dug into his skin. His huge gut stretched the fabric so it looked more pink than maroon. “How do I look, Sir?” Beef boomed as he looked down at his master. “Like a champion heavyweight!” Austin said. He stepped forward and ran a hand across Beef’s lycra-covered gut, teased his meaty nipples that stuck out from the singlet, and bumped his knuckle against Beef’s absurd bulge. “Mmm, yeah, I’m the BIGGEST heavyweight around!” Beef boasted, then lifted his arms and flexed his big biceps. His musky stink was so strong it soon dominated the odor of the practice room, five minutes of Beef’s B.O. stronger than dozens of college wrestlers over years and year. “Let’s see if you can pin me, bud, I don’t think you can!” Austin said as he got into a wrestling stance and challenged his bigger stepdad. “Oh yeah?” Beef said as he advanced on his smaller master. “Come here, little guy!” Austin dodged out of his stepdad’s lumbering approach, but underestimated Beef’s long reach. Austin was surprised as the big man scooped him up and easily lifted him off the ground. Austin wheezed as the air was squeezed out of his lungs in an instant. “Bear hug!” Beef groaned as he flexed and crushed Austin against his enormous torso. He flailed his smaller master around, the tight lyrca singlets rubbing against each other, Beef’s sweat soaking Austin’s singlet, before squashing him down on the mat. Austin groaned as he was crushed under his bull’s tremendous weight, pressing him hard against the wrestling mats. “Takedown!” boomed Beef as he readjusted his position on top of his tiny master. He gripped Austin’s forearms, which felt so small and fragile in his huge hands, and pinned his wrists to the ground. He shifted his weight up, settling his hips and ass on top of Austin’s thighs and crotch. His gut pressed against Austin’s chest. Austin pushed against it to try to shift his weight, tried to slip his wrist out from Beef’s vice grip, tried to flip his hips over and around to fight back, but it was all completely futile. “Are you fighting back, Sir? I hardly feel anything! I’m just so much BIGGER than you, huh?” Beef growled, leaning down to whisper in his Sir’s ear. “Feels real good, feeling you struggle and squirm underneath me, Sir. You fight back so hard,” Beef said as he rubbed his leaking bulge over Austin’s torso. “But it’s pointless, I’m TOO STRONG!” “Huuffff, uff, you, huuuuff, you haven’t beat me yet!” Austin groaned under Beef’s mass. Beef just laughed. “Ha! Try your hardest, little master. I can barely feel you push back. Go ahead, try,” Beef said, shifting his weight even harder on his little captive. Austin pushed back as hard as he could, using all his jock strength, his face straining as he struggled against his stepdad’s overwhelming mass. “Hmmmm I maybe felt a little push of something underneath me?” Beef said, sweat dripping down onto Austin. Beef’s wrist-thick cock throbbed as it rubbed against Austin, lycra on lycra, the swish sound of singlets rubbing together filling the air. He leaned down even harder on Austin until Austin collapsed against the mat, helpless and out of breath. “I think that’s a three-count, Sir!” Beef wrapped his huge arms around Austin and stood up, easily carrying his master. He adjusted his grip on Austin until they were face to face. Beef had a huge, giddy grin on his face. “Heh, so easy to pick you up and move around now!” he boomed. Jon shifted Austin around in his grip again and lowered him face-down onto the mats again, in total control. “Mmmm yeah, your ass looks so good in the singlet, Sir,” Beef boomed from above Austin. Beef shifted his singlet straps off of his traps and over his huge shoulders until they hung at his sides, breathing a sigh as the tight singlet no longer dug into his skin. His chest and shoulders seemed even bigger without the straps on. “Beef wants to fuck little master so bad,” he rumbled as he fell to his knees and straddled Austin, pressing his huge lycra-bound bulge against the smaller man’s ass. “Big Beef fucking his jock stud Sir, mmmmh yeah, fuck,” Beef growled, his self-control fading, his primal instincts bucking against Austin’s control. He rubbed his cock against Austin’s singlet, leaning down harder and wrapping a huge bicep around Austin’s neck and pulling back hard to press his cock in harder. “Mmm yeah, so much fuckin’ BIGGER than you, Sir… and still GROWING!” Austin’s face was turning red and he felt the weight and pressure from his stepdad’s gigantic arm threatening to crush his windpipe. Beef’s cock pushed harder against his ass, spurting wads of precum; Austin could feel the wetness through the sweaty singlets. He knew he couldn’t keep him waiting much longer, but he knew there was one more thing he would want even more right now. “Well, big Beef, you know what you need to keep growing?” Austin choked as he best he could, voice strained as Beef squeezed harder and harder. “Food!” Beef’s gut growled loudly; hadn’t he just eaten less a couple hours ago? But suddenly he realized how starving he was, how much he NEEDED to eat and fuel his gains and feed his growing muscles and have MORE. “Oh, oh yeah! You’re right, Sir!” Beef said loudly as he let go of Austin and stood up suddenly. Austin shook his head as he got up, took a deep breath, and turned to face his giant daddy bear. That had been close. “Now Beef, you know better than to pin your Sir down without his permission, don’t you?” Austin said, putting his hands on his hips. Beef sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, Sir, I just got, um,” he sighed heavily, his cock throbbing. “I guess I got a little carried away, Sir,” he said with a grin. “I’m just so excited to be around my hot little stepson Sir, and I—” he explained before Austin cut him off. “Shh, it’s ok, big Beef. I understand,” Austin said as he stepped closer to rubbed his hands over Jon’s sweaty lycra. “It’s hard to contain all your big bull energy, huh?” he asked as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s bulging cock. “Y-yeah,” Jon gasped, his knees shaking as his master played with his bulge. “I just want you so bad, sir,” he rumbled. “I know, Beef. And you’ll have your chance. Just don’t forget who’s in charge,” Austin, grabbing and tugging on Beef’s chain necklace and running his hand over the padlock. “Y-yes sir!” Jon said. “But for now, let’s go have lunch,” Austin said. Beef’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Get out of that singlet and let’s go!” They quickly changed, leaving their sweat and precut-soaked singlets on the mats, and Austin hooked the leash back up to his stepdad. Austin could hardly keep up as Beef rumbled towards the cafeteria, tugging at the leash; the big man was sniffing the air and following his instincts. They entered the cafeteria, and the workers stopped and stared at the massive, half-naked man on a leash. Beef’s eyes lit up when he saw all the food. “Wow! There’s so much! And so many options!” Beef boomed as he looked back at his master. “Let me take care of it, big guy. Just carry the trays and I’ll stack up the food.” Austin loaded up on chicken breasts, pasta, milk, a whole pizza, and more. When they were finished, they were carrying half a dozen trays loaded up with food, Beef balancing them between his big hands and meaty chest. “Have at it,” Austin said when they were seated; he made sure they were at a prominent spot where everyone could see them. Beef proceeded to inhale everything with shocking speed, devouring and consuming every bit of food in front of him, barely pausing to take a breath or wash down the food with greedy gulps of whole milk. “More,” Beef grunted as he finished the first tray, and Austin slid the second one in front of him. Beef continued to eat and eat. “More!” he boomed as he finished another tray. “More!!” he rumbled, his belly bulging with so much food that he had to adjust his chair. His breathing became slower and heavier, his massive shoulders slumped over the table, bent over to eat more food faster. “MORE!!” Austin kept it coming, grinning and encouraging Beef, eventually moving around next to him to rub his sweaty gut and feed him when Beef struggled to finish the last tray. “Good boy, you’ve had so much! The more you eat, the more you grow,” Austin said, a mantra that he sent along to his stepdad almost every day via text message, and Beef nodded. “Soon all this food will fuel more gains and help you get even bigger. You know, you’re getting so close to 1000 pounds,” Austin said as he rubbed his stepdad’s round, hard gut in wide circles. “Mmmmph,” Beef groaned around a mouthful of chicken, his cock throbbing in his jock strap. “Half a ton of bulky, meaty muscle. How do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred, leaning close to his daddy. Everyone stared, and Beef knew they were all staring. He blushed and sweated but Austin’s words also gave him butterflies in his stomach. “MMMph!” Beef grunted, imagining himself getting even bigger. “M-more!” he groaned, and leaned back in his chair and clutched his gut. It was stretched out, the top of it pushing and bunching up his BEEF crop-top even more. “Awww good Beef, you want to grow more for your Sir, don’t you?” Austin said, squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s enormous bicep and shoulder. “Such a good boy.” “Y-yeah, bigger,” Beef groaned, then burped and gulped down the last of his food. “Always bigger for you, Sir!” “Mmm this is why I love you so much,” Austin said. “But I made a promise earlier this morning. Do you remember it?” Austin said, leaning closer and nearly whispering. Beef gulped and his massive package throbbed. “Yeah!” Beef rumbled. He pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. He swelled out his chest and then erupted with the loudest, deepest belch that Austin had every heard. “When we go home after lifting and eating, I get to cum,” Beef boomed loud enough for everyone around them to hear. “That’s right,” Austin said, rising out of his chair as well. “And today is very special,” Austin said. He reached up and tugged on Beef’s chain until he was leaning down to Austin’s level. “Today, you get to fuck your master and fill me with your thick load,” Austin whispered. Beef’s eyes bulged wide and the hair on his neck stood up. His cock throbbed and until it was rock-hard. “Y-you mean it, Sir?” he sighed desperately. “Uh huh,” Austin breathed, his breath tickling Beef’s ear. “I need you to stretch out my meaty bubble butt,” he said. “Yeah?” Beef panted, his chest heaving. “I need you to fill up my tight hole,” Austin teased. “Yeah??” Beef grunted, louder and more excited this time. “I need your cum inside me, Beef, for you to pound me senseless, and I want you to carry me back to the dorm right now,” Austin commanded. “YEAH!!!” Beef boomed, then picked his Sir up and threw him up over his huge shoulder. “FUCK YEAH, gonna fuck you GOOD, Sir!” Beef roared and stormed out of the cafeteria, the wet spot on his compression shorts growing.
  13. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Beef, or rather Jon, finally gets to fuck his little master. Austin decides he can't live away from his growing stepdad any longer. Beef practically ran across campus, holding Austin in a fireman’s carry, grunting and woofing excitedly, panting and sweating and growling. He took the stairs up to Austin’s room three at a time and burst the door open, busting through the lock with one shove. He set Austin down, pushed him into the room, then wedged himself through and closed the door as best he could. Turning to Austin, he towered over the college jock and looked at him with an expression Austin had never seen before: unbridled, uncontrolled, overwhelming lust. “Beef wants to fuck!” he boomed, tearing at his compression shorts and jock until they tore off. His enormous cock sprang forth, drooling precum in a thin line of ooze that dripped to the floor. “Beef NEEDS to fuck!” he said as he stepped towards Austin. There was no doubt that everyone in the neighboring rooms could hear Jon’s words. “Yeah? You want my tight jock butt, Beef?” Austin teased, backing up and towards the middle of the room. “YES! I NEED IT NOW!” Beef rumbled, reaching for Austin with his huge, powerful hands. His lifted Austin up, pinned him to the ceiling, and tore at Austin’s shorts and underwear and shoes until they all fell to the floor. “Mmm, Beef is excited to fuck his Sir, isn’t he?” Austin continued to tease. “It’s gonna feel so GOOD to put that big cock inside me, huh?” Austin said. “MMMMMPH FUCK,” Beef groaned as his cock spurted pre. “Tight fucking HOLE for Beef to FUCK,” he said. He swung Austin down and wrapped his huge hands around Austin’s shoulders, gripping him so tight it hurt. He effortlessly lifted him off the ground, his tremendous arms bulging with power, his cock aimed right at Austin’s waiting hole. “Stop!” Austin said, and Beef immediately froze, holding his stepson in the air. “Good boy. You’re such an obedient piece of Beef. You worked so hard today, and I’m proud of you. Before you fuck me, you need to loosen me up. You’ve got a big monster cock, don’t you?” Austin said. Beef breathed heavily out his nose, huffing and puffing. “Y-yeah, I sure do,” he breathed, calmer than a moment ago but shaking as he held back, his sweat-soaked crop-top heaving up and down as his pecs switched in anticipation. His cock oozed precum onto the floor in heavy drops. “Then rub that slick precum up against my hole, slowly,” Austin said. Beef lowered him. “Oohhhhh, fuuuckk, rruuuuhhhh,” Beef groaned as his huge cock rubbed against Austin’s firm, round bubble butt, the huge cock head pressing against the furry, tight hole, smearing ooze all around. “Oh fuck yeah dad, feels so amazing,” Austin breathed. “So fuckin’ strong, just holding me in place,” he said. “You’re so light, son, you weigh nothing to me,” Beef grunted through gritted teeth. “Gotta fuck you so bad, kid, uuuuhhhhrrrrffff,” the monster rumbled. “Press against my hole harder, Jon,” Austin whispered. Jon’s eyes widened and a wave of emotion flooded into him as Austin used his real name. “Austin, I love you so much,” Jon groaned. The pressure from Jon’s cock became more and more insistent, pressing harder against Austin’s tight hole until it gave way. “You’re so big, so perfect, and I had so much fun today, you mean more to me than you’ll ever know, dad,” Austin breathed. Jon teared up and he became totally overwhelmed by Austin’s words. “I’m going to fill you up with my love, every inch,” Jon grunted and he pushed his cock in harder. Austin’s tight hole wrapped itself around Jon’s cock head like they were made to fit together. Austin groaned loudly, his stepdad stretching him out in a way he had never felt before. Jon pressed down harder, easing Austin down slowly but relentlessly with perfect control. “Oh my god Sir, it feels so incredible,” the huge muscle bear groaned. “You’re so fuckin’ tight… and I’m so fuckin’ HUGE!” Jon boomed. “Yeah that’s right, bull, so massive!” Austin groaned as his stepdad’s cock invaded him. “And you’re, ahhhh, just gonna keep, unnnfff, growing BIGGER!” “FUCK YEAH,” Jon roared as he pushed and pushed, faster and harder now, Austin sliding inexorably down Jon’s shaft. “So big, so thick, so STRONG!” Jon grunted until Austin was all the way in, 14” long and as thick as a beer can filling Austin. Heat and pleasure and pain radiated through every nerve of Austin’s body, and he breathed deeply and moaned and shuddered as his dad lifted him up slowly, then slammed him back down hard. “Unnnffff, fuck!” Jon grunted, his voice shaking with lust. He slammed Austin down again, making him cry out. “RrrrrRRRuuuuFFffffuck,” the big man groaned. Again. “OOOHHHHHH yeah!” Jon kept this up for several minutes, slowly lifting Austin up and slamming him back down in mid-air, his incredible strength lifting the 230lb jock like up and down like he weighed nothing, his cock impaling his stepson again and again and again. Ripples of pleasure shattered Jon’s mind over and over until his eyes glazed over. His body was soon covered in a shiny gleam of sweat, the sweat dripping until the rug underneath them was dark and damp. Austin leaned in closer and pressed his lips against Jon’s, their tongues intermingling with each other, pressing and probing as they made love, grunting and rubbing their beards together. Jon increased his pace as their kissing intensified, each of them breathing hard through their noses, Jon’s heady pit musk filling the room as he exerted himself, the stink becoming the dominant smell in the room and overriding Austin’s. “Mmmoooore,” Jon groaned as his cock swelled thicker and his balls tightened. “MMMOOOOOORRRE!” he growled as he increased speed, Austin’s ass slamming down harder and harder. “That’s right, bull,” Austin groaned, his voice quavering with each thrust. “You’re just gonna keep growing bigger, aren’t you?” he asked. “Fuck YEAH,” Jon growled. “Fuckin’ BIGGER!” he bumped his head against the ceiling to emphasize his height. “Already so fuckin’ HUGE, but just gonna keep GROWING MORE!!” the monster groaned. “Hell yeah, pup, my big bull, unstoppable GROWTH, you haven’t even started to grow yet, you’re gonna get so much BIGGER still!” Austin moaned. “Look at yourself in the mirror, dad, just look at the size and POWER you have!” Jon turned and saw himself in the full-length mirror. He gasped at what he saw. His massive biceps bulged with power, a huge round peak flexing with every thrust, lifting and pushing his big jock son up and down like he was a child. His round gut bounced and jiggled, Austin’s hard cock pressing against it and smearing precum against its hard, furry expanse. His shoulders and traps consumed his neck, and his thick beard trailed down until it brushed against his shelf-like pecs. His enormous legs bulged with power, swollen with a huge pump from the gym, and his whole body was red and ruddy with exertion, slick and shiny with sweat. Austin’s round, bulbous ass wrapped tightly around his massive cock, which was red and slick and pulsed with thick veins as he watched it go in and out of Austin’s hole. He was an absolute beast, and deep down he knew he was only just beginning to tap into his potential for size, power, and obedience. “Goddamn I’m so fuckin’ BIG,” Jon grunted, rearing his head back and growling with pleasure. “I’m gonna keep feeding you and breeding you, dad, gonna force more and more growth into your enormous muscle bull body!” Austin grunted, his own cock swelling closer to climax as it rubbed against Jon’s firm gut. “Uuuuhhhhffff, Sir, that sounds so good, I need that so much, I need MORE!” Jon boomed. He looked in the mirror again and thought of how much smaller he was a few months ago and laughed. He owed everything to Austin, his little Sir, his perfect, sexy stepson who was writhing with pleasure in his arms at this very moment. Jon looked into Austin’s eyes, and then two of them connected, madly in love with each other with an intensity that overwhelmed both of them. “I’m… I’m gonna…” Jon groaned. “Yeah daddy?” Austin said. “I love you so fuckin’ MUCH, son, now take daddy’s big fuckin’ LOAD!!!!” Jon roared. “Yeah!” Austin moaned and both of them exploded at the same time, Austin’s load spraying all over Jon’s torso and Jon’s jetting inside Austin so forcefully that Austin could feel his insides filling with the warmth of his dad’s potent muscle cum. They both shot spurt after spurt of cum, fueled by their epic gym session, public play, and enormous lunch. Cum gushed and rubbed between each other and dripped down to the floor until the room reeked of brawny alpha males. Jon lifted Austin up until he heard a slick, slurping *pop*. Austin groaned at the sudden emptiness he felt without Jon’s cock inside of him. Jon lowered Austin, sliding him against his slick torso, until his feet hit the ground, still holding him in his arms gently. He looked down at him and smiled. “I love you, little Sir,” Jon said, then leaned down for another kiss. Austin tilted his neck back and opened his mouth, tasting his muscle pup’s tongue. When they came up for air, Austin couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too, pup. Now, how about we shower?” “As long as we can do it together and that we don’t have to wash my pits,” Jon rumbled, swelling out his chest bigger. “Heh, we’re gonna freak out all my dorm mates even more with you walking around looking like that,” Austin said and rubbed the cum and sweat mixture into his dad’s furry chest, causing the hair to curl into ringlets. “Mmmm yeah? I love that,” Jon grunted, realizing the things he would have found embarrassing or humiliating a few months ago turned him on immensely now. “We should keep the curtains open in the shower so everyone can see. Who’s going to stop us?” Austin shook his head. “Jon, I can’t just send you back home after this. We share something so powerful when we’re together,” Austin said, stepping closer and wrapping his arms as far as he could around Jon. “I need to be closer to you, to be your Sir and help you maximize these incredible gifts you have,” Austin said, rubbing his hands up and down his stepdad’s enormous arms. “I’m going to find a way to take the rest of my classes online so I can live with you at home. How does that sound?” Austin looked up at Jon and saw that the big man had tears welling in his eyes. “Do you mean it, Sir?” Jon said, his voice shaking. “Yes pup, I do, I need you, I need you every day,” Austin said as he buried his face into Jon’s furry chest. “I want that so much, Sir, you would make me the happiest, luckiest pup in the world!” Jon said as he reached down until his hands cupped Austin’s meaty ass. He lifted Austin up and squeezed him harder than ever. Austin groaned as his giant muscle bull hugged him hard. “We can fuck and lift and eat and grow bigger and bigger together, finally!” Austin wheezed. Jon squeezed him even more tightly, his cock throbbing and his muscles bulging “Fuck yes!” he roared before leaning down to make out with Austin again.
  14. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Austin takes Jon to the doctor to figure out how his huge stepdad is growing so fast. They use the opportunity to have some fun with Jon's new size at the doctor's office. Chapter 5: Christmas Break Checkup Austin told Jon to drive, and they both piled into Jon’s souped-up, lifted truck. The thing weighed over 2 tons but it still lurched to one side as Jon hauled himself up into the cab. Even with the size of the vehicle, Jon’s massive, wide shoulders still pressed against the driver side door and threatened to creep into Austin’s passenger side space as Jon started the truck, the diesel engine rumbling to life. “Where to, Sir?” Jon asked, turning to Austin and smirking. Austin loved how much Jon was increasingly asking him for everything and waiting for guidance and direction even on everyday sorts of tasks. “First, to the doctor for your check up, then dinner,” Austin said as he typed in the directions on his phone and they pulled out of the driveway. “But Sir, I’m hungry now,” Jon complained, his grumbling tummy audible even over the rumble of the diesel engine. Jon’s huge truck towered over all the other cars on the street, and Austin sort of felt like he was in a monster truck. It certainly matched up with the size advantage that Jon sported over normal people. “Well pup you’re gonna have to wait. I want you to be EXTRA hungry for your big dinner so you can eat as much as possible,” Austin explained. Jon sighed and pouted. “Ok Sir… I’m gonna eat SO much when we’re done!” They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the truck. Jon tugged at his too-small polo, trying in vain to cover up his protruding belly. His sleeves crept up and up his arms as he walked until they were pressing against his pits, cutting into the wide bulk of his upper arm like a tourniquet and exposing his huge biceps. He tried adjusting the sleeves a little but it didn’t do much good; his arms were just too big. His gym shorts rode up into his massive bubble butt and only came halfway down his thighs. He blushed as they approached the door. “Open the door for me, pup,” Austin said and Jon complied, holding it open for him. He followed Austin inside, ducking and turning to fit inside the doorway. The receptionists and patients waiting in the lobby all turned and looked at the massive man squeezing through the doorway, some of them gasping audibly. It wasn’t everyday you saw one of the largest men on Earth. They got checked in, Austin doing all the talking and handling Jon’s documents. The receptionist thought it a little odd but was too distracted by the huge man in front of her, his clothes barely covering his mass. They made their way to the waiting area. There were a few other people there, and they openly gawked at the enormity of the man who had just walked in. A wave of BO stink preceded him, causing some to wrinkle their noses and move to another seat. Austin sat down in a chair, and Jon tried to sit next to him. His massive thighs and wide ass wedged down into the chair, and it clearly wasn’t wide enough. “Go on, Jon. Sit down in the chair,” Austin said, encouraging the bigger man. “You can fit…probably. Give it a try,” Austin said with a smirk, knowing what was going to happen. “O-ok Sir, but I don’t think…” Jon started and suddenly stopped when the arms of the chair creaked and cracked. “Maybe I shouldn’t—“ “Jon, sit in the chair,” Austin insisted. Jon continued lowering his bulk into the chair until the wooden arms of the chair cracked and splintered, bending outward at a 45 degree angle until Jon was sort of wedged into the chair. His shoulders spread wide enough for three seats, his delts spilling over in front of Austin; Jon was hunched over trying to fit. “Hah, you broke it! You’re getting too big for normal furniture,” Austin teased as he rubbed his stepdad’s big shoulder. “Heh, yeah I guess so,” Jon said, blushing, embarrassed. He stood back up and the chair came with him before dropping to the ground with a clunk, ruined. “Come sit on the floor instead,” Austin said, pointing to the space between Austin’s thighs. “O-Ok Sir,” Jon said, his face flushing a deeper red across his chubby cheeks and under his dirty blonde beard. He sat, shaking the waiting room with his 500+lbs as he did. “That’s better,” Austin said. He spread his legs out wider to make space and he rubbed Jon’s thick neck, playing with his thick neck folds as they waited. Jon purred in appreciation, a deep, growling sound of satisfaction as Austin’s strong hands massaged him. Several of the other people in the waiting room gave them weird looks, and Jon felt a little self-conscious, but Austin reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. “I’m so excited to see what the doctor says,” Austin said, leaning down to whisper in Jon’s ear. “You’ve gotten so big so fast… I bet he’s never seen anything like it, you big freak,” Austin said, grinning. Jon’s cock swelled and bulged as Austin spoke. “Y-yeah? A freak? Never seen a bull growing like this huh?” Jon said and he raised his right arm to flex his huge bicep, the peak straining the tight sleeve of his polo shirt, pushing it back until the entire upper arm was exposed again. A wave of jock stink spread through the small waiting room, becoming inescapably strong. Austin breathed in the heady scent. “I bet he hasn’t,” Austin said, squeezing his bull’s big bicep and then smacking it. It was hard and hot to the touch and had a thick, throbbing vein coursing over it. “Jon!” the receptionist called outa while later. Jon rose to his feet and the nurse gasped audibly. Austin and Jon headed back to the exam rooms, Jon’s walking gait now decidedly a waddle that made the floor vibrate, his massive thighs rubbing against each other, his package impossible to hide, pushed forward from the girth of his quads. “H-hello, come on in, and you are?” she said, addressing Austin. “The stepson. I’ll be handling any questions about my father’s health.” Austin said authoritatively. “Alright then, well, hop onto the scale big guy,” she said. “Sure thing!” Jon said affably as he stepped onto the scale. He liked being called “big guy”. *Clank* *Squeeeeee* *Ping* The metal scale made a distressing series of sounds as Jon stepped on, and the needle on the scale, which at first rose sharply, fell back to zero. “Looks like I broke it!” Jon said, lifting an arm up and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. The nurse wrinkled her nose and stepped back as a fresh wave of Jon’s musk emitted from his exposed armpit. “T-that’s ok, um, let’s just write down…,” “504 as of this morning, though he might have added some since then,” Austin said sharply. “Ok then, and let’s check your height,” she said. “Back up against the wall there and take your shoes off,” the nurse directed and Jon complied, his huge Otomix lifting shoes clunking heavily as he removed them, the smell of his feet acrid and musky. The nurse quickly realized that she couldn’t reach all the way up to the top of his head. “Jon, help her out, would you?” Austin said, and Jon reached out and grabbed the diminutive nurse. She was probably a quarter of his weight and over a foot shorter. She yelped as his huge hands wrapped around her waist and she rose into the air. “Up we go!” Jon said as he lifted her up so she could reach the scale. She adjusted it until it leveled with Jon’s head, 6’8”. Jon put her down. Looking disheveled, she walked them to an exam room and shut the door. “Well, I don’t think they’ve ever had someone break the scale before, pup,” Austin said as he moved closer to his huge stepdad. “I really get a sense of how big you are next to all these normal-sized people.” Jon grinned. He spread his shoulders wide, rose up to his full height, and puffed up his chest proudly. “Heh, yeah!” A knock came at the door and the doctor entered. He was a short man, probably just 5’4” or so and lean, and his eyes bugged open when he saw the size, and smelled the musk, of the giant in the exam room. “Whoa! So, what brings you in today?” “Just a routine physical for my father,” Austin said, taking charge. “He’s had quite a growth spurt lately and has been responding exceptionally well to my training, and I want to make sure he’s in good shape. What do you think about his size, doc?” Austin asked. “Go on, show him Jon.” “Sure!” Jon said and he brought his arms together in a most-muscular pose. “GRRRRR yeah I’ve been really putting on size since my son here started training me! I love growing bigger,” Jon grunted through gritted teeth as he flexed as hard as he could for the doctor. His chest heaved up and down as he flexed and bounced his pecs. “MMMphh, mmmmphhhh, yeah!” Jon grunted. “I, well, I mean,” the doctor sputtered, flabbergasted by the display of size and muscle in front of him. “I’ve never had a patient like you before! Let’s go ahead and take a look. Hop up on the exam table.” Jon did just that, which caused the table to raise off the floor on the other side, nearly tipping it over. Jon slipped off of it and the table clanged loudly back into place. “On second thought, uh, you could just stand. Let’s get your vitals,” he said. “I brought the extra large cuff here so that should work fine for your blood pressure,” he started, before holding the cuff up to Jon’s arm. He wrapped what he could around it, but it was several inches too short. The label said it was big enough for 20” arms. “That’s not going to work, I promise,” Austin said with a smirk. “Jon’s grown too big for that, isn’t that right pup?” Jon grinned and flexed his huge upper arm, the mass and veins and peak of it swelling bigger. “Mmm hmm!” “A-alright then, uh, well, I could get the adult thigh size cuff, but for now let’s get a blood sample and then I’ll ask some questions,” the doctor said. He proceeded to get a couple vials of Jon’s blood and sent those to the lab. “Well, last time you were in you were…” the doctor started, before scrolling through the info on the computer a few more times with a confused look on his face. “…5’10” and 175 pounds? That can’t be right, that was just a few months ago,” he said. “No, that’s right,” Austin said from his chair. “Like I said, my father has been making significant progress on his body over the last few months under my care. Tell him about some of your gains, pup,” Austin said, nodding to Jon. “Sure son! I’m about 500 pounds now, I can bench, deadlift, and squat over three times my weight for each exercise, my biceps are at least 26” around, thighs are bigger than most peoples’ waists, I eat 12,000 calories a day at least, and I just seem to keep growing and growing! Oh, also, I’m 6’8” now so I’ve grown about 10 inches in the last 4 months too,” Jon said, rattling off the info. He stepped closer to the doctor, who was seated with his back to Jon, and Jon loomed over him, casting him in shadow. Jon was turning himself on a bit as he thought about how much bigger and stronger he was getting. His bulge shifted in his tight jock strap and he reached down to adjust himself, smelling his musky hand afterwards. “That… that shouldn’t be possible… you’re a 42 year old man! You shouldn’t just gain 300 pounds and grow almost a foot in a matter of months!” the doctor exclaimed. He looked over his shoulder and saw that Jon was standing over him. The big bear grinned down at him, his polo taut over his massive chest. The doctor stood up from his chair and retreated to a corner of the room to give himself space. “It’s extraordinary, doctor, we know. But all that matters is that he’s healthy and that he can keep growing bigger,” Austin said, standing up and patting the doctor on the shoulder with a reassuring hand. The doctor immediately relaxed, which he knew deep down he shouldn’t feel with such an unusual and alarming patient, but he felt it nonetheless. “You-you’re right of course. Yes. Absolutely, he should keep growing!” the doctor said enthusiastically. “Glad you can see it our way!” Austin said, smiling. "Let’s see what the blood work says, it just got finished at the lab,” he said as he sat back down. “Ok, blood work, and… wow!” “Wow? Wow good, or wow bad, doc?” Austin said. “Wow, I’ve never seen these kinds of readings before. They’re not necessarily indicative of any health issues, but… growth hormone, testosterone, luteinizing hormone, pituitary activity, it’s all just… totally off the charts! Like, look here,” he said pointing at some numbers on the screen. “This number here is about ten times what we see in teenage boys going through puberty. It’s like he’s going through some sort of second growth spurt but magnified into adult-sized proportions.” “And on top of that I’m feeding him a diet to maximize growth and pumping him full of supplements and steroids,” Austin said proudly. “So, what you’re saying is…?” “What I’m saying is,” the doctor said as he stood up. “Jon is just going to keep growing, and there’s nothing at all wrong with his health. On the contrary, he’s one of the healthiest 42-year-old men I’ve ever seen,” Jon grinned at that. “Alright! That’s great news!” he said and he wrapped his arms around the doctor, pinning him against his firm belly. The doctor squirmed and tried to say something as his face was pressed between Jon’s pillowy pecs, but all that came out was a muffled “Mmmmph!” “Jon, let him go… he still has a couple other things to check,” Austin said. “Doc, I’d like you to do a more close-up physical exam. Jon, take your shirt off and doc, look for any suspicious moles, will you?” They both obeyed Austin quickly. Jon struggled out of his tight shirt but eventually got stuck with his arms over his head. “Uh, a little help?” the big man said, his face obscured by his shirt, his belly and pecs exposed. “Heh, sure thing dad, lean over,” Austin said. He grabbed the tight shirt sleeves as Jon bent over and he pulled, tugged, and wriggled the shirt around until it was free from his huge stepdad. Jon staggered backwards and sighed, then stood back to his full height. He stepped forward closer to the doctor and puffed his chest out, looking down at him with a grin. “Wow!” the doctor breathed as he took in Jon’s full musculature now that he was shirtless. “Well you certainly are adding some muscle mass,” he said, trying to sound professional, but his voice wavering. He walked around Jon looking for moles. “So you were just an average build before this, then?” he asked. “That’s right,” Austin said, speaking for his father. “I gave him a new training regime this fall and he has responded to it beyond my expectations. Our mutual goal is to keep growing as big as possible, isn’t that right Jon?” Austin said. “That’s right, bigger and bigger!” Jon said happily. The doctor stood in front of him and Jon flexed his chest slightly for him. His dense, dirty blonde chest hair was curled into ringlets from sweating so much earlier. “Jon, go ahead and pick him up like you did with the nurse,” Austin said with a smirk. “What? I don—whaaaa!” The doctor yelped as he flew into the air, his head almost touching the ceiling. “Heh, you’re so light, Doc! What do you weigh?” Jon said as he bounced the doctor up and down like a child, brushing him against his furry chest and round, hard gut. “150! Put me down please!” he said as Jon played with him. “Heh, I’m more than three times your weight! And soon I’ll be even bigger!” Jon said as he set the doctor down, who took a few steps to steady himself. “One more thing before we leave then, doc. Jon, drop trou. Go ahead and check his balls for any issues. Those have been growing too!” Austin with a chuckle, unable to contain his grin. “They sure have!” Jon said as he unceremoniously yanked his pants down. His package bulged obscenely in his jock strap, which was stained yellow from weeks of intense workout sweat and leaking precum. He pulled the jock down too and his thick cock flopped out, slapping against his massive, hairy thigh. “Oh my, that’s not necessa… oh wow,” the doctor said as he stepped closer and squatted down. He crinkled his nose at the intense jock BO musk that radiated from Jon’s package. He cupped Jon’s balls in his hand and gasped. “My goodness, they’re as big as lemons…” he hefted them up and down, appreciating the sizable weight of them, struggling to be professional. “And growing bigger every day,” Jon said as his cock stirred to life at the doctor’s touch. “Gotta keep ‘em regularly drained too!” he said with a booming laugh. The doctor’s hands brushed against the furry undersides of Jon’s balls and Jon shivered. The doctor asked him to cough, and Jon did. His cock stirred to life, swelling and thickening quickly as the doctor shifted the grip on his balls. “Doc, what’s an average size for a man his height?” Austin asked, enjoying the size disparity between the two men. “5, maybe 6 inches for most Americans,” he said, watching Jon’s cock lurching and twitching as it grew. “Maybe a couple inches more for someone of Jon’s, um, stature.” “And how big would you say Jon is?” Austin said, smirking again. “Well it’s hard to say, but – oof!” the doctor said as a thick cock bumped against his cheek. Jon’s cock suddenly swelled bigger and lurched to one side, smacking the doctor in the face again. Jon grinned down at him and shifted his weight, his cock bulging to full hardness in a matter of seconds. He pushed it against the doctor again, making him lose his balance and fall over. “Oops, sorry doc. I’ve always been a grower not a shower!” Jon boomed from above. “Ha! Jon, your dick is so big it should be classified as a weapon!” Austin said with a laugh. “What do you think, doc? How big does it look from down there?” The doctor looked up at the two muscular studs above him, Austin the epitome of arrogant young jock, and Jon an unimaginably huge giant of a man, naked and hard. Jon grinned down at him from over the mound of his barrel chest, his round gut, and his swelling bulge and laughed. “It’s… enormous… definitely over 10” and I’ve never seen something quite that thick…” the doc sputtered. “As for Jon’s health, yes, everything looks… exemplary,” he said, adjusting his glasses and trying to salvage his pride. “Very good. You’re dismissed,” Austin said and the doctor immediately gathered his things. “Jon, be sure not to block the door…” Austin said with a wink. “Heh sure son,” Austin said and immediately moved to the door. His massive, wide frame wedged into the door frame, his head brushing the top of it and his thighs and shoulders just a bit too wide for it, still naked. “Hey, guys, come on,” the doctor said, flustered. “I have other patients to see,” he said as he tried to find some space to move past Jon. He pushed against Jon’s bulk, and Jon barely felt it. He refused to move, toying with the little man, gently pushing him back or shifting his weight. Jon hardly even had to try. The doctor tried to slip under Jon’s armpit, and Jon squeezed his head between his bicep and bulging lat, rubbing jock musk on the doctor’s face. Austin started laughing as he saw the little man’s futile attempts. Jon did too, and he reached out to palm the doctor’s head and hold him back at arms’ length. The doctor pushed against his wrist and tried to step forward, but it was pointless. “You guys… this isn’t funny!” he said. Austin laughed some more. “Sure it is!” “What should I do with him, Sir?” Jon asked with a twinkle in his eye. “Jon why don’t you help him now?” Austin said as he gathered up Jon’s clothes. “Take him back out to the hall.” Jon suddenly stepped forward and scooped the doctor up into both arms. He swung him through the door frame, holding him effortlessly. He then rubbed him against Jon’s furry chest and bounced him around, the doctor gasping and yelping as he did. “Pin him on the ceiling, Jon,” Austin said, egging him on. The big man did just that, raising him over his head and pressing him against the ceiling easily, dislodging a couple ceiling tiles. “Yeah, that’s great. Alright pup, enough messing around. Let’s go!” Jon smiled and he unceremoniously set the doctor onto the floor in a heap. “Later, doc! Thanks for the check up!” “Alright pup, now walk out to the lobby naked, I want to see everyone’s reactions!” “Naked? Me?” Jon said, suddenly blushing. “Ok Sir!” The massive muscle bear waddled back to the entrance, his bulk filling up the entire hallway as shocked nurses and patients parted before him. Jon liked the reactions he was causing, and he liked that Austin was bossing him around. His stomach growled ferociously and he remembered it was time to eat!
  15. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Austin takes Jon out to dinner at Fogo de Chao, the all-you-can-eat steak restaurant, and Jon eats his fill. Jon expresses his devotion to Austin in front of everyone, and the guys take their relationship to the next level. Chapter 6 — Christmas Break Dinner Austin walked into Fogo de Chao and checked in with the receptionist. Jon followed behind, ducking his head slightly to make sure he cleared the doorway and having to open both doors to fit his prodigious width through. When the receptionist looked up from his book, he gasped as he saw the enormous man suddenly standing in front of him. He eyed the big man up and down, perplexed by the comically small polo shirt that did a terrible job containing his stupendous bulk. He wrinkled his nose as the wave of BO stink emanating from the mountainous muscle bear hit him. He almost said something – people usually dressed and cleaned up before coming to this place – but gulped when he heard the big man’s stomach growl audibly. He quickly ushered them to their table after Austin confirmed their reservation. The table seemed small as the two big men approached it; it was right in the middle of the restaurant. Jon looked around a little nervously, self-conscious of how much he stood out in such a public space, especially in his too-small polo and tight gym shorts that only came halfway down his tree trunk thighs. “Sir, I didn’t know we were going to such a nice restaurant,” Jon said as he tugged a little at his shirt, trying to make sure his round belly was covered. “Only the best for my big guy!” Austin said as he sat down. “You look incredible. Everyone should be jealous of how massive and powerful you look, Jon. Give me a flex,” Austin said. Jon grinned as his master’s praise perked him up, and he brought his fists together to flex, his arms and traps stretching the already tight fabric of his polo. “Mmm yeah you like?” Jon said as he grunted. “Hell yeah pup, now let’s fill up that big tank and help you grow! Big bear needs plenty of protein to pack on more size,” Austin said. Jon carefully lowered himself into his chair. It was built for normal-sized people, not 500+lb musclebears, and it creaked ominously as he shifted his bulk down. He could see himself in a big mirror off to one side of the room and marveled at how huge he looked compared to the normal-sized tables and chairs and people; he hadn’t been out to many public spaces other than the gym since growing so much. His shoulders were three times the width of the chair he sat in, and his long legs easily stretched over to Austin’s side of the table. He scratched his salt-and-pepper beard and grinned, his bulge tenting a little in his tight jock; he liked what he saw. The waiter came by and explained how the restaurant worked, but they were both familiar with the all-you-can-eat steakhouse. Jon looked up at the waiter. “I’m gonna have this card on green all night, so you better keep it coming. I have a BIG appetite!” he said as he gave his belly a firm slap, the loud smacking sound making some other diners look their way. Jon blushed but grinned too. “It takes a LOT to fill this tank!” “Of course, Sir,” the waiter stammered as he dished up the mashed potatoes and fried candied bananas. “Jon, just how big are you these days? Just so the waiter knows what he’s dealing with,” Austin said, egging on his big musclebear dad. “Sure, son. I’m 6 foot 8 and just north of 500 pounds, as of this morning anyway. I’d like that number to be MUCH higher by the end of this meal!” Jon said with a laugh. He rubbed his gut, which gurgled loudly. “This tank needs to be FULL by the time I’m done!” he guffawed. Jon grabbed the whole platter of potatoes, brought them up to his mouth, and gobbled them up, spooning and scraping at the plate until they were gone. “I’ll, uh, be sure to get you more of those,” the waiter said, looking back and forth between the strange couple before taking off. Austin laughed and shook his head. Jon looked back at Austin, eager for approval. “Did you like how I did that, Sir? His face when he saw me rub my belly was priceless!” Jon said, bumping the table as he adjusted his swelling bulge. “That was great! I love how confident you are, pup, showing off for me like that. Get eating, bull. I’m gonna go get some things from the salad bar. Want anything?” Austin asked. Jon was too busy cramming bananas into his mouth to properly respond. “Whatever you don’t eat, I’ll take care of,” the big man said. Austin walked by Jon on his way over, rubbing his hand across his stepdad’s fresh high fade haircut and brushing his bulge against Jon’s wide shoulders. The first gaucho-waiter approached Jon’s table, looking slightly trepidatious at the massive man at this small table. “The house special?” he said, offering his skewer of meat. There were 3 medallions of glistening beef on the skewer, each one about twice the size of a hockey puck. “Just slide the whole thing onto my plate!” Jon said. He leaned back, the chair creaking painfully, and lifted his arms up to flex his biceps. “Gotta eat big to get big!” “S-Sir,” the waiter started, “I… very well,” he said, realizing he couldn’t say no to such a big man. He slid all three chunks of the house special onto Jon’s plate, the juice of the meat spreading around his plate, steaming and salty. “Mmm,” Jon growled as he skewered one with a fork, brought it up to his mouth and tore into it, devouring half of a chunk in one bite. Austin came back with two huge plates of veggies, cheese, and more, taking some for himself but leaving most of it for his hungry musclebull stepdad. “Looks like you’re off to a good start, pup,” Austin said. Jon just grunted and kept eating, his eyes glazed over in a food trance. More waiters came by, and Jon always took as much as he could, meat piling high on his plate. He ate it all; sausages, chicken, lamb, every cut of beef they had, bacon-wrapped pork chops, the juice of it all getting into his salt and pepper beard and dripping down onto his new polo shirt, which slowly rode up his belly as the meal went on. He even ate the gristle. “Look at you go, Jon,” Austin said after about 20 minutes. “You’re my big hungry bull, huh? Every bite is gonna make you bigger and stronger,” he said. “Yeah,” Jon said, rubbing a fist against the juice dripping down his salt-and-pepper beard. He paused briefly to wash down another filet mignon with a whole glass of wine, which he downed in three big gulps. “Are you impressed by how much I can take down? Been eating more and more everyday while you were gone,” he said as he tore into another lamb chop. “Seems like my appetite is growing as fast as my muscles are!” he said, taking a deep breath. His chest and belly swelled out and the table shifted back towards Austin, rattling the dishes and glasses. “Hell yeah, bull, you’re eating as much as a whole damn offensive line!” Austin said. “The more you eat, the bigger you grow!” “That’s – URRPP – right!” Jon said, a loud burp escaping his lips, drawing another round of stares from nearby tables. “Starting to sweat there, big guy,” Austin said, noticing the pit stains and U-shaped wet spots under his pecs. “Got the meat sweats, dontcha?” Austin teased. “Mmph,” Jon grunted, his mouth full of meat. He reached up and scratched at the fur that was busting out of the collar of his polo, his bicep swelling as he did. “Come on dad, I know a big lug like you can eat more, keep going!” Austin said. Another waiter approached the table to offer more of the bottom sirloin. “More,” was all Jon said. The juicy, warm protein triggered a feeding frenzy that went on for half an hour, Austin encouraging him, Jon eager to impress. Eventually, Jon got up, his massive gut bumping the table. His chair cracked dangerously as he did. He rose to his full height and towered over Austin. “Gotta lighten the load,” he said, hefting his sizable bulge as he grinned down at Austin, and waddled over to the bathroom. The big man opened the door and a face squashed into his belly as he collided with another dinner guest, causing the smaller man to stumble backwards. Jon didn’t budge. “Oops, sorry there bud. Sometimes it’s tough for me to see down that far!” Jon said with a laugh, measuring himself against the little guy he had nearly knocked over. He looked in the bathroom mirror and noted that the guy came up to his nipples, which poked out prominently from his painted-on polo. “Heh, uh, excuse me,” the little guy said, his cheeks red with embarrassment, and he scampered off. Jon approached the stall and realized he’d have to really contort himself to get in there. He turned sidewise and squeezed in just barely, his gut scraping against the door frame. He closed the door and turned, his shoulders pressing against the sides of the stall; he had never felt bigger. As he came back to the table, Jon’s stomach fluttered when he saw Austin, looking handsome and muscular in his tight dress shirt, his high-and-tight and lantern jaw and trimmed beard making Jon’s cock stir in his jock. He was so lucky to have such a handsome master. He approached Austin’s chair from behind and pressed his belly and bulge against him. “I’m back,” Jon purred from behind Austin, his deep, rich voice vibrating against Austin’s head. “I could feel your footsteps from halfway across the room, big man,” Austin said as he looked up at his stepdad. “You ready for round two?” he said as he beckoned Jon to sit again and resume his feasting. “Hell yeah,” Jon said as he sat down, then chomped into another lamb chop. Jon kept eating for another 45 minutes, stopping only to eat some carbs and wash it all down with more wine. Austin talked to him about lifting and football and the gym, Jon nodding and grunting and occasionally adding in a few comments before resuming his gluttony. The waiters asked them if they were close to wrapping it up several times, but Jon just said “Keep it coming,” “More!”, or “Not done yet!” Austin got more and more worked up as the meal went on, seeing his giant stepdad filling himself up with meat. Austin’s package bulged under the table, throbbing for most of the meal as he watched Jon stuff himself with reckless abandon, Austin watching his huge muscles twitching with every subtle movement. Jon seemed to swell up bigger as he ate and ate. After an hour and half, his shirt was half-soaked with patches of sweat on his back, chest, and arms, and it was stretched taut over his round, solid, full gut. He was breathing heavily through his nose, grunting and groaning after each bite. “Slowing down there, champ?” Austin said. “Come on, pup, you’re not done yet, are you?” *Huff, grunt* “No!” Jon said defiantly, forking up another big bite of steak and stuffing his face. “Gotta get full for you, Sir.” “I’m so proud of you, Jon,” Austin said. With that, he pushed his own fork off the table and onto the floor. “Oops. Get that for me, pup,” Austin said. Jon rose out of his chair, once again bumping the table, taking a huge breath and stretching before erupting into the biggest, loudest burp either of them had ever heard. Everyone in the restaurant looked over in shock and stared at the massive brute whose shirt only covered half his gut. “Unf, that’s better,” the big man said as he thumped on his belly and grinned. He lowered himself to his knees and reached for the fork. “Jon, look at me,” Austin said while Jon was on his knees. His big stepdad looked up at him, his blue eyes glistening. “Yes Sir,” Jon said, holding the fork in his hand. He steadied himself against Austin’s firm thigh. “Open wide, bull,” Austin said as he brought a huge piece of filet mignon to Jon’s mouth with his fingers. Jon opened his hungry maw and took the whole thing, his tongue brushing against Austin’s fingertips, chewing a couple times before gulping it down. “Mmmm good bull, still so hungry and eating right out of my hand,” Austin purred and he rubbed his hand through his stepdad’s short hair. “Yes Sir, feed me more, please,” Jon purred in his deep, rich voice, still on his hands and knees, needing it so badly, any sense of embarrassment overridden by the need to serve. “Good pup,” Austin said, as he got another piece of steak and brought it to his stepdad’s eager lips. “Such a good bull.” Jon grinned and plucked the steak from his master’s fingers gently, showing how much he appreciated it, then chewing quickly and swallowing hard. He opening his mouth up for more, begging shamelessly, panting like a dog. “Yeah bull, keep eating more,” Austin breathed as he leaned down to feed his stepdad. “Just imagine how big you’re gonna grow from this single meal.” “Mmmmph, more,” Jon purred as he gobbled up another piece, then another, then another until Austin’s plate was almost empty. “You’ve done such a good job these last few months, Jon,” Austin said, “Growing bigger than I ever imagined and devoting yourself to me.” He brought another piece of meat to Jon’s lips and the big man obediently slurped it up, his big lips wrapping around Austin’s fingers and leaving behind a trail of saliva. Guests at the other tables looked in shock and bewilderment at the enormous older man eating out of his stepson’s hand. “I couldn’t ask for a better father, especially after losing mom last fall. I want you to be part of my life forever, closer to me, pup.” He rubbed Jon’s huge shoulder and trap, feeling the firmness and size of Jon’s mass. Jon breathed heavily, overcome not just with several pounds of steak in his gut but with intense emotion unlike anything he had ever felt. “I want that so badly, Sir, I need it, to be your bull,” Jon breathed. It felt like everyone in the restaurant was watching them, this huge salt-and-pepper hulk leaning in close to his fit, muscular, younger companion. People whispered and ogled, and Jon felt nervous and sweaty, but elated and excited too. “Are you ready to be bound to your Sir, pup?” Austin said, as he reached behind him. Heavy, bulky chains clinked against each other as he pulled out a big metal padlock and chain necklace from a hidden pocket of his jacket, big enough to wrap around Jon’s massive neck and traps. The lock gleamed in the light. Jon’s heart fluttered. “You will be my good, obedient bull pup and live to serve your master. I will always be there for you no matter what, and you will be there for me and do as I say,” Austin said. Jon scooted closer and lowered his head into Austin’s lap. “Yes Sir, I want that more than anything Sir, I would be honored,” Jon said, his voice quivering with emotion. “Bullpup is ready to serve you.” “Good bull,” Jon said, lifting the heavy chain, wrapping it around Jon’s enormous neck and locking it into place. “Look at me, pup,” Austin said, and Jon did so, tears mixing into his salt-and-pepper beard. Austin put on his own smaller chain necklace, a large metal key at the end of it; Jon knew it was for his lock. Austin reached behind Jon’s head, gripping his neck rolls, and pulled him in for an aggressive, hungry, passionate kiss. They pressed together roughly, their tongues fighting against each other, beards scraping coarsely as they panted through their noses, grunting and growling. “Mmmph, good pup,” Austin said as he broke away, leaving Jon wanting more. “Now let’s finish this meal and get home. There’s more of that waiting for you there,” Austin said as he grasped the sizable bulge in his shorts and squeezed, making a wet spot appear through his khakis. “Yes, Sir!” Jon boomed loudly as he rose to his full height, towering over his smaller stepson. His gut bulged out prominently, his polo only reaching down to his belly button; belly and pec meat swelled out of his shirt, the sleeves straining to contain his massive upper arms, which had already pushed up to his delts. His shorts tented obscenely, and the meat sweats had only increased, jock musk spreading around their table from Jon’s potent pits. Jon reached up and felt the heavy chain and lock around his neck. It felt RIGHT, like something had been missing and was now in place; it was cool against the furry expanse of his chest, a reassuring, comforting weight against him. “Sir?” Jon said. “Yes, pup,” Austin said as he looked up. Jon suddenly reached down and grabbed Austin, hooking his big hands under Austin’s arms and lifting him right out of his chair like he weighed nothing. He lifted him up as high as he could, then lowered him down so they were face-to-face, their bodies pressing against each other. “I love you, Sir!” Jon said loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. His cheeks were red, but his cock throbbed as he said it. Jon leaned in for a forceful kiss, grunting and planting his tongue on Austin’s lips. Austin could taste the steak and wine from dinner as he kissed back, Austin’s feet dangling several inches off the ground. Jon could feel the eyes and hear the shocked comments of everyone at the restaurant, and at first he felt nervous, self-conscious, and exposed. But as he kissed Austin and pressed his enormous, muscular chest against Austin’s, everything was right in the world, and all he felt was happiness. Finally Jon broke their kiss, and he held Austin at arm’s length, grinning. “Let’s go home NOW, Sir,” Jon said, and he scooped Austin up into his arms to carry him out. Austin looked around for the waiter and said, “Check please!” Jon and Austin could barely keep their hands to themselves on the way home, both of them reaching across the cab of Jon’s huge truck to rub the others’ leg or arm or neck, both breathing hard. When they pulled into Jon’s house, the big man came around to the other side to carry Austin inside. Jon scooped Austin’s formidable weight into his arms and waddled towards the front door. This close, Jon could smell Austin’s cologne, and Austin could smell Jon’s musk and meat breath. “What a great dinner, Sir,” Jon said as Austin fished his keys out of his pocket. “Glad you appreciated that, bull, you deserve it,” Austin said as he opened the door, Jon bending down to let him reach the keyhole. They entered, Jon turning sideways to fit both of them in, and kicked off their shoes. “Set me down,” Austin ordered and Jon complied, then straightened back to his full height, looking down at Austin. “Ever since you started growing, I’ve had these feelings,” Austin said as he stepped closer to his stepdad. “More than just pride or happy that we were coming together more after what happened to mom.” Austin planted his hands on Jon’s big pecs, the material of the new polo shirt smooth but damp from Jon’s sweat, and squeezed, massaging Jon’s huge chest. His fingers bumped against Jon’s big chain and heavy metal lock. “Mmmm,” Jon growled, “Me too, Sir. I—I had such an empty space in my life. As I dedicated myself to your desires, it just felt so good. So right. And I started to see the strong, handsome young man you’re becoming, and I—MMMMPH,” Jon groaned as Austin suddenly pinched his meaty, sensitive nipples through his shirt, causing the big man to squirm and flex his pecs. “Yeah, you started coming around, huh?” Austin said, teasing Jon’s nips some more. “It feels right to do what you’re told and obey your Sir, doesn’t it?” Jon breathed a heavy, shuddering sigh and nodded silently, staring intently at his master. Austin moved his hands lower until he got to where the polo didn’t cover Jon’s gut. Austin palmed Jon’s huge, round belly and bounced it up and down, the firm expanse of it furry and warm. “Like growing so big for me,” Austin said as he looked up at Jon, admiring his salt-and-pepper beard that came down to his chest. “So much bigger than me now, bull, quite the change from a few months ago.” “Y-yeah,” Jon said. He reached down and adjusted his huge bulge. “Did you like when I kissed you at the restaurant?” Jon said, sounding a bit sheepish. “I just couldn’t help myself.” “You mean like this?” Austin asked as he stepped closer until they were pressing together. He reached up and around Jon’s thick neck rolls and pulled his head down and planted another kiss. They made out in the entryway for over a minute, hands exploring each others’ bodies. Austin remembered the mirror in the entryway and turned them so they could both see themselves making out, finally fulfilling an unspoken desire that had grown over the last few months. They both groaned as they saw the size disparity, Jon half a foot taller and twice or three times as thick as Austin. Jon reached his hands under Austin’s shirt and felt his firm, furry abs, and Austin grabbed Jon’s enormous upper arms and squeezed. The big bull flexed them in response, Austin’s fingers spreading apart under the huge muscle. Finally they separated, both of them breathing hard, grinning and chuckling. “Jon, looks like you’re bigger all over,” Austin said as he looked in the mirror. He reached down and brushed a hand against Jon’s swollen package. Jon flinched and grinned, a shiver running up his bloated body. “Heh, yeah, I guess so…feels…” Jon started but trailed off as he reached down past his gut to squeeze his huge cock, causing his arms and shoulders and traps to flex. “Kinda good, right?” Austin said. Jon nodded wordlessly, gulping and breathing hard. “Why don’t you take your shirt and shorts off and show me how big you’re getting?” “Sure,” Jon breathed, his deep voice sounding strong but nervous. He grabbed the neck of his new polo and tore, and the wet fabric somehow still ripped apart easily, broken by Jon’s tremendous power. Austin had to help pull the sleeves past his bulbous biceps. His heavy chain clinked around as he took the shirt off. Then Jon stepped out of his shorts, the floor shaking as he did. All he was wearing now was a stuffed jock strap, which was stained from months of soaking up jock sweat. His massive balls poked out of the bottom and the outline of his massive cock head bulged obscenely. He adjusted his package and bounced it up and down for effect, admiring his own size in the mirror. “Jeez, Jon, you’re so… wow…” Austin said as he stepped forward and felt Jon’s enormous chest. The meaty muscle felt solid and heavy in his hands. Jon flexed, bouncing the pecs up and down to show off for his stepson. “You’re so big,” Austin finished as he rubbed Jon’s chest and across his bulging traps and bowling ball delts, tracing the lines of tiger stripe stretch marks. Smears of sweat made Jon’s blonde chest fur curl into ringlets, and Austin’s hands came away soaked with salty, musky sweat. His bullpup had grown so big, so fast. Jon just growled and purred as Austin explored his big torso. Jon looked at himself in the mirror and grinned, his now comparatively lean son worshipping his big, thick body; his cock got harder and harder, precum soaking the sweaty jock strap. “My big bull needs lots of attention and praise,” Austin said breathlessly, accelerating his rubbing, feeling the musclebear’s furry round shoulders, bulging biceps, and round gut. “Yeah, that’s right, and I’m just getting bigger and bigger, Sir,” Jon grunted as he raised an arm and flexed, causing Austin to feel the massive bicep. “You’re turning me into such a beast, Austin, just lifting and eating and feeling horny all the time,” Jon growled. “That’s right, my big horny beast, with a big package to match,” Austin grunted as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s cock. They rubbed and grunted for a minute, Jon feeling Austin’s lean body, which felt so good in Jon’s big hands. He looked in the mirror and saw something he never expected to see. “I never thought I was gay before… before all this,” Jon sighed as he ran his big hands over Austin’s muscular shoulders and arms. “I – I’ve never done anything like—“ Jon started before Austin shushed him. “This is what we’ve both wanted for months, haven’t you felt the tension building between us? And someone your size, with your muscles, who has worked so hard to grow so much, you deserve to feel good, you deserve your master’s full attention,” Austin said. He had Jon raise his left arm up before burying his face in Jon’s sweaty, hairy armpit, rubbing the dank pit sweat all over his nose, lips, and beard, licking and huffing the heady stink. “Yeah, you’re right,” Jon sighed, and reached over to press Austin’s head harder against his sweaty pit. “You like how I stink, don’t you?” Jon growled. Austin rotated and pressed Jon against the wall of the entryway; Jon looked down to see himself being worshipped by his jock son and everything felt so right. Austin came up for breath and grinned. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I saw you were getting bigger,” Austin said, gasping for air, his left hand groping against Jon’s lat and gut while his other reached down to rub Jon’s hard, leaking cock. “I can’t hold back any more. You’re my big beast and I’m going to keep growing you bigger and bigger,” Austin breathed while he moved closer to Jon’s bearded lips. “And a big, hard-working musclebear like you deserves a master who treats him right,” Austin said before planting a hard kiss on Jon’s lips. Jon kissed back just as aggressively, making Austin lean back as the bigger man’s full weight pressed against him; they struggled back and forth over who was in physical control, and the tension made both of them hard. “Fuck yeah,” Jon breathed as they broke their kiss, his hands rubbing harder against Austin’s hard, muscular body, feeling the football jock’s firm shoulders, meaty chest, and big arms. “My hot little jock stud, turning me into a big daddy musclebear, treating me so good. I’d do anything for you, little Sir,” Jon rumbled. “‘Little Sir’, I love when you call me that,” Austin grunted as he pushed his brute hard against the wall again, Jon’s sweat leaving an imprint. “I need more from you. 500 pounds is big, but it’s just the beginning. And you need one more thing to eat today,” Austin said before reaching up to push down on Jon’s big traps. Jon dropped to his knees, the floor thumping as he did, and Austin pushed his shorts to the ground. His own cock, rock-hard, red, and leaking, bounced out of his boxer briefs and smacked Jon in the face. “Been waiting to do this since Thanksgiving,” Austin said. “Open wide, pup,” he commanded. Jon leaned down and slurped up Austin’s eight inches in one go. Austin gasped as his big, obedient stepdad started working his sweaty cock. Austin reached down and ran his fingers across Jon’s prickly high-and-tight, feeling the neck rolls that had grown over the last few months, then ran his hands over his pup’s chain necklace. This big brute was his, and now he was on his knees, his big head bobbing up and down rhythmically, servicing him. Jon wrapped his arms around Austin, gripping the football jock’s meaty ass in his big hands, and he sucked harder. “This is where you belong, pup, on your knees serving your master,” Austin said. He looked down and had a great view of Jon’s massive shoulders and traps, his barrel chest, and his massive arms flexing and bouncing as he gave the most intense blow job Austin had ever received. Jon grunted and slurped, sucked and growled. “You like it down there, huh?” “Mmmph, mmmm,” Jon hummed as he slurped up Austin’s long, hard cock. He looked up at his master, Austin’s thin chain necklace and golden key gleaming around his neck. His heart fluttered, their eyes meeting. “Fuck yeah, that’s a good muscle pup, slurp out every drop of my jock load and grow more,” Austin groaned as he leaned his hips against Jon’s beard and gripped his huge, hard traps. “You’re growing so big, so fast Jon, such a big freak, such a good pup, so good for your Sir aren’t you?” Austin gasped, getting closer to blowing his load. “Mmmmph!” Jon grunted as he sucked faster, the massive musclebear pleasing his younger master. Jon reached down to stroke his own enormous cock through his jock strap, pre leaking profusely. “UuunnnnghhUUUUGHHHHH,”Austin groaned as he came, filling his stepdad’s mouth with creamy seed. “Yeah, take it, pup!” Austin growled. Jon hungrily gulped down every drop, chugging it like a man in the desert who had finally reached the oasis. Jon licked his lips, swallowed whatever remained of Austin’s load, and looked up at his master. “You taste so good, Sir,” he said. Jon wrapped his arms around Austin’s legs and gripped his ass firmly. “Now it’s MY turn!” Jon lifted Austin up easily as he stood, throwing him over his shoulder, manhandling his smaller stepson and carrying him up the stairs and into his bedroom. He threw Austin across the room, who sailed farther than Jon expected until he landed roughly on the king size bed. “GODDAMN I’m strong now!” Jon said. He took a deep breath and flexed his chest, then reached up and rubbed the salt-and-pepper fur covering his pecs. “So BIG!” He grabbed the heavy chain and lock around his neck and pulled and flexed, his biceps and shoulders bulging with muscle, the metal clinking around. “Whoa there pup!” Austin said as his huge stepdad approached the side of the bed, waddling over and shaking the floor with heavy, purposeful steps. His cock tented the jock strap, soaked with precum. “Eager after all this build-up, aren’t you?” “Yeah!” Jon grunted. He was breathing heavily through his nose, his chest heaving up and down. “Take that jock off, I want to see your cock,” Austin said as he crawled over to the edge of the bed. Jon pulled the jock down until his cock was free. The massive, thick log bounced up and slapped against his huge musclegut. “Brrrooof, rrrruuuffff, mmmph,” he breathed as he stepped out of the jock and adjusted his heavy, tight balls. He squeezed his cock and a long drip of pre leaked down from the tip and onto the floor. He had to have been at least 10” long and as thick as a beer can. “Oh yeah, bull, look at this monster,” Austin said as he hefted his stepdad’s package and scooted himself to the edge of the bed. “A huge cock for a huge bull, huh?” “Rrrrrooofff, that’s right,” Jon grunted as he stepped closer. “You turn me on so much, Sir. Your tight, muscular body, your sweet cum, always taking charge and looking after me and my progress, giving me someone to serve,” Jon breathed as he loomed over Austin, looking down at him from over his barrel chest and round belly. “I need to give you everything, Sir.” Jon rubbed his bulbous cock against Austin’s cheek. “Need to grow so much bigger for you, Sir.” The BO stink from Jon’s bulging crotch filled Austin’s nose with a heady funk. “Yeah, that’s right Jon. Imagine how big you’re gonna be by spring break… or even graduation time!” Austin said. Jon’s cock bucked and twitched and leaked a dribble of pre down onto Austin as he thought about that. Austin reached up and squeezed Jon’s massive cock; he could barely get his hands all the way around it. “MMMMPH boooowwwrrruuff,” Jon growled. “How big do you want me to get, Sir?” “So big you outgrow all your clothes. So big you can’t fit through doorways.” Austin licked the head of Jon’s huge cock. “Grrrroooooff…” Jon sighed, bucking his hips and flicking his nips as Austin stroked. “So big you can’t live a normal life and have to let your little master take care of you.” Austin kissed the cock head, wrapping his lips around it briefly. “Uuuuurrrrffff, grruuuuff!” Jon growled, his deep booming voice rumbling above Austin’s head. “My big trophy musclebull daddy pup. You want that?” Austin said, squeezing and stroking Jon’s cock. “Aaaroooooooofff!” Jon breathed. “Then give me your seed, pup,” Austin said as he opened wide and slurped up his stepdad’s massive cock, struggling to fit it in, gulping and choking and gagging until the entire cock was in his mouth. Jon groaned as pleasure washed over him. He reached down and gripped his stepson’s head in his huge, calloused hands and roughly pressed him against his massive tool. “Fuck yes, Sir, take your bullpup’s big cock,” Jon groaned as Austin bobbed against his cock. “Baaarrroooooff!” Jon looked down, past his enormous pecs and forest of chest hair which hadn’t been there 5 months ago, past his round, solid, furry gut which pressed against Austin’s forehead, down to the sight of his dominant jock stepson slurping a load out of him, and he was overcome with emotions. Jon grunted and growled in a haze of animalistic lust, slamming into Austin’s warm mouth and throat, months of pent-up sexual pressure overflowing out of him. “Fuck yeah, so fuckin’ huge, growing BIG for you Sir, YEAH!” Jon boomed as he got into a rhythm. “Just imagine how much BIGGER I’m gonna get, all for you, Sir, GRRRROOOOOOF!” Jon paused and pulled out, leaving Austin gasping and drooling, then reached down and grabbed his stepson under his pits. He pushed forward, scooting Austin onto the bed, and climbed on top of his smaller Sir. His massive thighs straddled the big football player easily, and he leaned down and forward until his huge cock pressed against Austin’s lips again. “Yeah pup, show me your true size and power, fuck my face,” Austin said as he opened wide. “Uuunnnfff, uurrrff,” Jon breathed as his battering ram cock invaded Austin’s smaller, tight mouth. “So big, GGRRRFFF,” Jon groaned as he squeezed Austin’s comparatively small torso with his 38” thighs, pressing his 500lb weight down onto his stepson as he started thrusting and humping harder. Jon looked down, his helpless master greedily slurping up his cock, eager for his bull pup’s thick cream, and pictured himself rising taller, bigger, wider, thicker, his muscles expanding harder and huger until he couldn’t even fit into this room and he felt his balls twitch and tighten. “YEAH, TAKE YOUR DADDY’S LOAD, Sir, UHHHHFFFRRRAAHHHH,” Jon roared as he exploded, the biggest load he had ever shot. Austin eagerly gulped up all of his stepdad’s potent, thick seed. When he was finished, he leaned back, cum and saliva dripping off of his cock. Austin coughed and sputtered, then reached up and rubbed the massive furry gut and muscular chest looming above him. Jon shifted his weight off his master and then moved around until he was spooning Austin, the mattress groaning as the 500 pound man shifted his weight. “Mmm, amazing,” Jon sighed. He reached a big arm around Austin, who pressed perfectly against his beefy side, tucked against his sweaty pit. Austin’s head rested on Jon’s enormous right pec. He could feel Jon’s warm breath and hear his heartbeat, still elevated. “My big bull, such a good pup,” Austin cooed as he rubbed Jon’s furry chest, lingering over the heavy metal lock and chain that lay against Jon’s chest. “And now we have all Christmas Break to spend time together,” he said. “That’s right,” Jon said. His enormous cock twitched and lurched, ooze smearing across his big thighs. “We can do all kinds of stuff together.” “Uh huh. Are you gonna be a good bull and lift with me?” Austin said, whispering in his stepdad’s ear. “Yeah,” Jon said in a ragged whisper. His cock twitched, already bulging longer even though he had just cum. “And cook for me and eat as much as you can?” Austin said. “Oh yeah,” Jon growled. His balls tightened. “And take care of all your master’s needs?” Jon’s cock bulged fully hard, all the way up to his deep belly button. He leaned down and kissed his little master on the forehead. “Of course, Sir,” Jon said obediently. “Good pup,” Austin said, who reached over and started stroking Jon’s thick cock. “Good.”
  16. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Austin comes home for Christmas Break to see how much bigger his musclebear step dad has grown. Jon shows off his new size and strength, and the two continue to grow closer together. Chapter 4: Christmas Break Austin pulled into the driveway of his dad’s house, the snow crunching under the tires of his big truck. His stepdad’s own new truck, which was even bigger than his, sat in the driveway. It was a bright and sunny afternoon, but cold with snow all around, a lovely white Christmas as Austin arrived home for winter break. Austin knew that if Jon had been following his regimen, he would be napping now. Austin had given Jon a strict schedule and routine to follow, down to the hour, and had worked hard to order food, supplements, clothes, equipment, and more since going back to college after Thanksgiving break. He had really stepped up Jon’s growth and training, sending over food deliveries every day and even supplying him with growth hormones and steroids. Austin wanted to maximize this opportunity to make Jon grow as big as possible, whatever it took. He had also told Jon not to give him regular updates on his progress; Austin wanted to be surprised how much Jon had grown over the last 4 weeks. Austin quietly opened the door, making his way into the house through the front door. He sniffed deeply as he came inside; the whole house smelled like a locker room, sweaty and musky, but he also smelled freshly-baked cookies. He could see a stack of recently-eaten plastic food containers and a decimated tray of gingerbread cookies; Jon had a big lunch, just like Austin told him to. “SSNNNNRRRRHHHH… Hhhhhnnnngggg.” Even from the entrance, he could hear the deep, rumbling snores of his big muscle pup stepdad from the bedroom upstairs. He made his way there quietly, taking off his jeans and jacket and getting down to his tight boxer briefs and tank top, his bullpup’s snores getting louder as he got closer, the musky jock stink getting stronger as he opened up the door to the bedroom. Inside, Jon lay sprawled out on the bed under the covers, a mountainous, ursine form rising and falling with each thunderous snore. Austin could see his face, his cheeks fuller and plumper than when he had last seen him, his mouth slightly open, drooling in total relaxation. His beard was thick and luxurious, waves of brown, blonde, and white fur filling out and down. Austin approached and carefully got into bed, nestling in under the covers next to his massive dad, letting Jon be the big spoon to Austin’s little spoon. The temperature and humidity under the covers was intense, and Austin immediately started sweating; Jon’s body was radiating heat like a furnace. Jon, still asleep, breathed in deeply and then exhaled, his warm breath washing over Austin as he smacked his lips. Jon adjusted his weight and wrapped his arms around the warm, firm mass he had suddenly found pressing against him. Austin felt his huge pup’s bulge under the covers swell to life, twitching and growing as it strained the tighty whities that contained it. It throbbed until it pressed firmly against Austin’s furry, muscular ass. Jon bucked against him in his sleep. Jon’s breathing became more erratic as his cock grew even bigger, and his arms suddenly squeezed Austin tightly; his strength was unbelievable! Austin grunted as Jon’s bulge pushed right against his tight hole, teasing and threatening to invade, until Austin managed to twist around in his pup’s grip and face him. “Hey there, big pup, guess who’s home?” Austin said as he reached out and felt Jon’s enormous chest under the covers. Jon was shirtless under the covers, and his pecs were slick with sweat. His dense chest fur curled into ringlets as Austin rubbed. He couldn’t see it yet, but the amount of mass under there made him gasp; just how big had his daddy pup grown? Jon awoke, the ice blue of his eyes sparkling and a massive smile spreading across his face. “Sir!” his deep voice boomed, vibrating Austin’s torso with the force of it. “You’re home already!” Jon squeezed Austin in his massive arms, the muscles of his biceps pressing against Austin’s sides until he almost felt ribs popping, his breath smelling of chocolate protein powder and chicken. “MMM, I’m so excited to see you!” Jon said, bulge rubbing against Austin’s under the covers. “Hhhhnnggg, pup you hug so hard!” Austin wheezed, feeling the air press out of his lungs. “Merry Christmas, dad!” Jon grinned wider. “Heh sorry son, I don’t know my strength!” Jon adjusted his weight, causing the bed to shake, and rubbed Austin’s lean, hard abs and sides under the covers, running his huge hands up and down his master’s torso. “Mmm we could cuddle in bed like this all day,” Jon purred. Austin noticed that his voice was even deeper than it was at Thanksgiving. “I missed you so much,” Jon whispered as quietly as his deep voice would allow, emotion causing his lower lip to quiver a bit. “Aww, big guy, I missed you too,” Austin said, rubbing his hands across his stepdad’s bigger, thicker body. He leaned in closer until they were face to face. We’re gonna spend so much quality time these next two weeks,” Austin whispered. Both of them breathed in deeply and sighed, feeling excited and relieved to be together again. “Mmm, sounds good, sir,” Jon said as he stretched and flexed his huge body. “We should keep cuddling like this, I missed this the most,” he said as he wrapped his big arms around Austin’s smaller body. “We could, but then we’d miss valuable opportunities for you to grow! And I think it’s almost time for your afternoon lift, isn’t it?” Austin said. “Have you been a good pup and following Sir’s schedule?” “Of course, Sir!” Jon said, sounding more serious. “Your schedule is perfect. It’s really been helping me grow BIGGER,” Jon said. “Plus, I’m already getting hungry again, almost time for me to feed.” Austin slipped out of Jon’s arms and scooted out of bed. Jon’s eyes lit up and scanned Austin’s lean, muscular body as he stood next to the bed. “Like what you see, pup?” Austin said, showing off his fit, muscular build, flexing his hard pecs and trim waist. He was college muscle jock perfection. “Yeah, Sir, you look great,” Jon rumbled as he shifted off the covers, planted his feet next to the bed, and stood slowly. “But you’re so much smaller than me now!” Austin took a step back, his jaw dropping open, as his stepdad rose to his full height. He was way taller than Austin’s 6’0” now. Austin stared straight at his dad’s chest, then craned his neck to look up at the brute smirking down at him. The floorboards creaked as Jon shifted his weight and took a deep breath, expanding his massive chest in Austin’s face, the thick musculature of his pecs swelling to full size. Jon exhaled, his breath ruffling Austin’s hair, and grinned. “Heh, little master looks smaller than last time!” Jon rumbled, standing nearly naked in front of Austin. His immense torso heaved with thick muscles as he breathed in and out. His calves and thighs bulged outwards, great mounds of muscle to hold up his titanic torso, and pushed his obscene bulge forward. Jon was slick and shiny with sweat, like he had just lifted even though he was napping. Austin noticed the sheets were soaked and stained yellow from Jon’s constant sweating, a side-effect from his unprecedented growth, and the full strength of his BO funk washed over Austin in waves of sharp, sour musk. “I don’t think I’ve gotten any smaller, but you certainly have grown a lot bigger!” Austin said as he breathed in his dad’s musk and rubbed his hands against Jon’s huge, broad chest. Jon stepped forward and bounced his belly against Austin, causing him to take a step back. “I’ve been growing really fast since Thanksgiving, Sir,” Jon breathed and he brought his fists together in front of his gut to flex. His round, thick chest, mountainous traps, and bulging biceps all swelled with size, so much bigger and thicker and harder than just a month ago. “Usually 7 or 8 pounds a day. Is that good?” Jon said innocently, pressing harder against his hard, lean, muscular stepson. “Jon you’re… so much bigger! How is this… wow!” Austin stammered, feeling his stepdad’s bigger, stronger, thicker body. “Just following your directions, Sir. Eat, lift, eat, nap, eat, lift, eat, lift, eat, sleep,” he said, counting off each step with a finger. “I need to work hard to grow big for you, son. Are you proud of me?” Jon said as he stepped closer again, backing Austin up against a wall. Jon pressed his belly and chest against Austin’s torso and face. “Do you like all my gains? It’s all for you, Sir…” Jon said as he started to rub his sweaty bulk against Austin. “Love growing bigger for you…” Jon’s cock had grown along with the rest of him, and the sweaty, stained underwear strained to contain it; it swelled as Jon rubbed against Austin, pre forming a wet spot on his underwear. Jon shuttered as he felt his bulk pin Austin to the wall. “So much bigger than you now…” Jon breathed, his balls tightening, and Austin could feel his barely-contained bull strength physically and mentally overpower him. Austin pushed back, his will overtaking Jon’s. “No, pup, not yet. We still have more work to do before we can have fun!” Austin said forcefully. “Yes Sir!” Jon growled, his deep voice booming. “It’s time for your afternoon lift, pup. Let’s get to it. This time with your little master pushing you to your limit. Let’s see what this big body of yours is capable of!” Jon smacked his fist into his palm, flexed his chest, and grunted. “Yes Sir!” “Step over to the scale and let’s just see how big you’ve gotten,” Austin said, and Jon obeyed. The scale was a big, industrial-strength one for measuring freight; Austin had purchased that knowing they would need it in the months to come. The number flashed 504 when it had equalized. “Over 200 pounds in 4 weeks! I’m so proud of you, pup,” Austin said, rubbing his hand against Jon’s wide, muscular back. “Getting SO big, pup!” “Mmmph, yes Sir, growing bigger for you!” Jon said. His whole body shivered with pleasure and his big bulge twitched. Nothing pleased him more than hearing his Sir praise him. “Step over to the mirror,” Austin ordered, and his pup obeyed. Austin noticed the hardwood in front of the mirror was stained white and yellow, and dried, milky streaks dirtied the mirror itself. “Stand up straight,” Austin said as he walked around his hulking stepdad, inspecting the growing specimen. Jon’s shoulders bulged out to the sides, his arms pressed against his thick lats, and his back spread wider than two regular men. His waist narrowed and looked trim against the absurd width of his shoulders, but his round, hard gut swelled out in front, matched only by the thick pec shelf that hung above it. Jon’s beard had grown longer to the point where it was brushing against the dirty blonde chest fur, which was coiled in sweat-soaked ringlets that covered his giant pecs. The beard had a bright blonde streak running down the middle, flanked with darker, denser fur that covered all the way up to his ruddy, full cheeks. His hair was freshly trimmed, just like Austin had asked for. More fur spread along his traps and shoulders and inched down his back; it was growing thicker back there quickly. The giant shifted his weight, his massive 500lbs causing the floor to groan, and Austin saw how his enormous thighs twitched and swelled to support his mass. “Good, bull. My, my you’re getting big, aren’t you?” Austin said. “Y-yes Sir,” Jon said, enormously turned on, his hard cock throbbing and leaking as he looked at his own reflection, his muscles twitching with every slight movement. “How do you feel about your growth and progress, pup?” Austin said, teasing the big man further, running a hand over the immense, dense expanse of Jon’s upper right arm and bulbous, round, hard deltoid. Jon instinctively flexed for his master. “G-good… big! So much growth… all I do, Sir, I lift, I eat, I sleep. I can’t think about anything else but MORE, Sir. I want it so badly,” Jon groaned, even more so when Austin ran his hand against Jon’s bulky pec and flicked a meaty nipple. “Good. You’re a good pup, aren’t you? Always listening to me,” Austin said as he circled around his enormous stepdad, rubbing his calloused hand against Jon’s enormous, thick bubble butt and bouncing it up and down. Jon sighed, his body shaking. “Yes Sir, always Sir, of course!” he said, trying to sound tough but his voice wavering, his mind overcome with desire. “Anything for you!” “Mmmm good,” Austin cooed. “But is this enough?” he said, reaching up to pull Jon’s ear down to him. “Or do you want more?” Austin said, the last word a breathy whisper that lingered. Jon shuddered instinctively, his cock twitching, his muscles shaking. A thick strand of precum oozed out of his hard cock and made a growing wet spot on his briefs. “Unnnggg, Sir, I need…” he trailed off, before taking a heavy breath and gulping, suddenly thirsty. “I need MORE!” “That’s what I want to hear,” Austin said, still holding Jon’s head to lean down to his height. “Now get dressed and show me what you can do with all that bulk,” he said as he released his pup and smacked his ass hard. Jon grinned and straightened to his full, towering 6’8” and 504lbs. “Yes Sir!” he boomed as he flexed in the mirror for his little master. “LET’S GOOOO, PUSH, NOW!” Austin yelled in a commanding voice right in Jon’s face, squatting down in front of his massive stepdad. “FUCKING NOW, PUP, DO IT!” Jon grunted loudly as he stood from deep in the pocket. A thick Olympic bar with enough weight on each side to make it bend lay across his enormous traps and shoulders as the huge man stood, slowly but surely. His quads quivered as he did, shaking with power and exertion. “RRRRHHHHUUUUUHHHHH,” Jon growled as he stood to his full height, the weights shaking as his legs flexed, holding over a thousand pounds on his back. He had just finished another set of 12. “FUCK YES, BULL!” Austin said, slapping his huge dad on the back as Jon unclasped his belt and breathed heavily, his chest heaving up and down. A puddle of sweat pooled underneath him as it dropped off his face and arms. He bent over to catch his breath, grunting and shaking, adrenaline surging through his veins. Jon was wearing black gym shorts that only came halfway up his thighs, which were ruddy and swollen with pump, and a stringer tank top that was a shade darker than it ought to be from sweat, a mascot logo of Austin’s school on the front, faded from overuse even though it was just a couple months old. It was comically small for the big man. The look was completed by huge, wide, heavy Otomix shoes, the flat bottoms perfect for lifting heavy, the laces open to make room for Jon’s thick feet. “Four hours of hard work and grinding and showing your Sir what you’re capable of,” Austin said, leaning down and speaking into his dad’s ear. “And you know what?” Austin asked. “Huuhhh, ffffuhhhh, mmmmuuaaaahh, what,” Jon gasped. “You’re the biggest,” Austin said, punctuating his words by slapping his dad’s meaty ass, “strongest,” *smack* “thickest” *smack* “hardest working,” *smack* “bullpup I’ve ever seen,” Austin said, ending by grabbing a handful of Jon’s thick glutes and squeezing. “Hehe, *huff*, thank you, Sir!” Jon panted, standing and putting his hands on his hips, pacing around and shaking out his overclocked quads. “Couldn’t have done it *huff* without you pushing me.” They were just wrapping up a 4 hour long marathon gym session. The garage had been further upgraded into a world-class gym, way bigger and better than the old set up a month ago. They had done a little bit of everything, Austin ordering Jon around and pushing him harder than ever, yelling at him, spotting for him, keeping him going harder and harder. Jon was eager to show off for his stepson too. He had worked so hard over these months, mostly alone, feeling the need to make his son happy and proud of him, needing to grow bigger and stronger. Now that his master was here in person, pushing him harder, that desire consumed every thought in his mind. To do so in front of him now, achieving results he never dreamed possible, was extremely fulfilling. “I’m so proud of you, pup. You know, you are easily the strongest man in the world now,” Austin said, coming up to his sweat-soaked stepdad and wrapping his arms around him. He could only reach to his lats, not even able to reach his back now. Sweat dripped down on him from Jon’s beard and nose. “Absolutely crushing world records in front of me like it’s no big deal,” Austin said as he looked up at his obedient pup. Influencing him like this felt so easy, so good in person. Jon grinned as he looked down at Austin. He took a deep breath and expanded his chest, making Austin’s arms lose their grip around his lats. He swelled with pride, and his cock bulged in his shorts. “All for you, son. Turning into the biggest damn stepdad in the world!” Jon said. He lifted his arms up for a double-bicep pose. “Mmm that’s right,” Austin said, reaching up to caress Jon’s massive arms, which were covered in a slick sheen of sweat. The musky jock smell that radiated from Jon’s pits hit Austin like a wave, intense and tangy and manly. The whole room was hot and humid even though it was winter outside. “And you smell so good,” Austin said. He stepped forward and buried his nose in Jon’s deep, hairy pit. “Mmm glad that you like my scent, Sir,” Jon grunted, pup said with a smirk. He lowered his arm, trapping Austin in his musky armpit. “Yeah, getting my man smell all over you, mmm,” Jon grunted. Austin gasped as he came up for air, snuffling and looking dizzy. “Hoo, wow, that’s good,” he said. “Such a musky pup! Makes sense with how hard you’ve been working and how big you’re getting, huh?” Austin teased. “All the gear I’m on makes my musk smell even more potent, Sir,” Jon rumbled. He cranked his neck over to his hairy pit and huffed deeply, breathing in his own musk. He exhaled and then took another whiff, his muscles straining, hard for him to move his nose over that far now. “So good, rrrfff,” Jon sighed. “Now go pump up those pecs some more,” Austin said, pointing to the pec deck. Jon obediently complied. “I’ve grown so fast… it’s almost hard to believe,” Jon said as he lowered his arms. He waddled over to the pec deck, which was already set at the highest weight, like all the machines were. “I’m a new man, a bigger, better man! And I just keep growing… I keep wondering if it’s going to stop or slow down, but if anything I’m just growing faster every day. It’s an addiction. It’s all I think about. And all for you, son,” Jon grunted as he started cranking out reps. “I know,” Austin said, walking over to Jon and watching him pump his chest, each rep more than what Austin weighed. “I never expected this. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see and feel it myself,” he said. 20, 30, 40 reps without a rest…Jon made it look like warm up weight. Jon’s pecs swelled up fuller and bigger; Austin reached out and felt Jon’s chest hardening and squeezing with each rep, rubbing the sweat that ran down Jon’s pec cleavage. “Feels amazing, pup,” Austin said as he rubbed. Austin looked right into Jon’s blue eyes. Jon stared back, both of them locked in. “And you’re just gonna keep getting bigger, I can feel it.” “It feels, unf, so good, Sir,” Jon grunted, passing 50 reps. “I never knew how badly I needed to grow. I’m so glad, unf, I have you to guide me. And, unf, how much size I keep packing on. And how much, unf, taller I’m getting! It’s awesome. I, unf, wake up every morning in awe of my own, unf, GAINS, and it’s all because of you, son,” Jon grunted, perfect rep after perfect rep making him sweat profusely. “Of course, dad,” Austin said. “Anything for my growing pup. Your growth is beyond anything I ever dreamed of. When I told you to get into lifting 4 months ago, I never realized I’d be creating a MONSTER,” he said. Jon finished his 100th rep, looking like he could have gone for another 100 even though he had been lifting unreal weights for 4 hours. The weights clanked back into place and the big musclebear daddy stood to his full height again, towering over Austin. “Mmmmm I love when you call me that,” Jon growled, his deep voice rumbling Austin’s chest. He adjusted his weight, his pumped chest pushing out between his flimsy tank top. “Monster grow big for master,” he grunted in a goofy, goonish voice, his eyes glazing over, his obscene bulge throbbing in his tiny gym shorts. “Such a good pup,” Austin said, stepping forward and rubbing Jon’s huge chest. “And such a handsome one too,” Austin said. He looked up and let his hand move up to Jon’s beard and he held his hand against Jon’s cheek. “It’s so good to be here with you in person again, pup,” Austin said, locking eyes with Jon. “I’m such a lucky master.” Jon took a deep, shuddering breath. It had nothing to do with his long workout. He gulped heavily, anxious and excited. “Yeah Sir, I feel the same way for sure,” Jon said. His cock throbbed as he pressed against Austin’s firm torso, so lean and hard. “I’m the lucky one!” Jon said. He ran his big hands up and down Austin’s torso, feeling his youthful frame and firm muscles, and closed his eyes, overwhelmed by what he was feeling. He bent his head down so Austin could rub the side of his face and head more. He opened his eyes again and stared as Austin’s face; a short beard, a strong jawline, and glittering green eyes. “You’re so hot, you know that?” Jon sighed, feeling relieved to admit that. “Heh, thanks dad,” Austin said as he scratched and rubbed his stepdad’s beard affectionately. “That means a lot coming from, stud,” Austin said. “And just think, we have two whole weeks of this.” Jon sighed contentedly and wrapped his arms around Austin. They held each other like that for a full minute, breathing each other in, feeling each others’ heartbeats. Finally, Austin pulled away. “Let’s finish with a big arm pump, hmm?” Austin said and pointed to the tricep pulldown machine. Jon just grinned and nodded. Jon waddled over to the machine, wrapped his calloused hands around the rope, thrust his chest out, and started cranking out perfect reps, the entire weight rack flying up and down like it was nothing. Jon huffed and growled with each rep; his rumbling, guttural grunts made him sound like a prized bull. Austin stepped closer and felt Jon’s enormous right upper arm hardening and flexing with each rep. “Yeah, you like getting bigger huh? Feels good to pump up these big arms for me?” Austin said, rubbing the sweaty mass of his stepdad’s tricep. The upper arm was unbelievably big, dense, and hard. Austin wondered if it was bigger than his thigh yet. He knew it would be sooner or later. Jon grunted louder as he passed 50 reps, his chest thrust out with a fresh pump, straining the pathetic straps of his too-tight tank top. Fresh waves of musk wafted out from his pits with every rep. “It’s – mmmph – really intense having you – rrrfff – here with me as I – ggrrrph – lift and get bigger for you – uuhhhff – Sir,” Jon grunted as his triceps pumped up more and more. His bulge, already obscene in his sweat-soaked gym shorts, tented considerably as Austin rubbed his arm. “You like it?” he groaned as he slammed the weight back down after his 100th rep. Jon flexed hard, the definition and raw bulky size popping out even more. “You think I’m bigger than before?” he asked, his eyes desperate for approval. “Oh yeah, pup, so much bigger. Now finish up with some curls in the mirror,” Austin said, leading the bigger man over to the rack of dumbbells. They were all custom ordered and went all the way up to 200lbs. “Grab those 100s. There you go. Now, shoulders back, elbows locked in, I don’t want to see any swinging. Good,” Austin said, directly his bull into perfect form as Jon started cranking out reps. “Give it a good squeeze and pause at the top of the rep, feel that mind-muscle connection.” Austin said, and held his hand on the hard peak of Jon’s left bicep. “Like this?” Jon said, staring at himself in the mirror, making sure his form was perfect, eager to please Austin. His upper arms, which had to be 25” at least at this point, bulged in a rhythmic, almost mechanical precision, each rep perfect, each rep making his arms expand even bigger. Jon’s bulge tented even more as he noticed that the size difference between the two of them was even more dramatic than it was a month ago. He was getting so big, just what Austin wanted, and nothing made him feel happier than that. “Perfect,” Austin said, squeezing the huge bicep. “So big, bull pup. Pump ‘em up more. Push through the pain. Get to 100 reps for me, come on!” “Grrruuuuhh – MMMpphhh – UUHHHHPH!” Jon grunted louder and louder as he cranked out 100 perfect reps, filling the garage with guttural groans, sweat dripping off his face and elbows and onto the floor mats below, his eyes locked onto the mirror. Finally he dropped the weights, which thunked to the floor. He turned to Austin, raised his arms, and flexed, showing off his hard-earned mass. “MMMphh, how’s that, Sir?” he groaned as he flexed, sweat dripping everywhere, his clothes soaked, his furry pits and chest radiating heat and musk. “Good! Big!” Austin said, smacking Jon’s big arms. “Now it’s time to reward you for your hard work.” Austin pulled out a package he had been hiding nearby and he unfolded it. “4XLT was the biggest they had in stock, so I made sure to get that. But I think you may have exceeded even this size, stud,” Austin said as he held up a brand new polo shirt with his college’s logo as the chest patch. “Mmmm I love it,” Jon said. He gripped the neck of his old tank top and tore, the shirt easily peeling in half down the middle, yielding to Jon’s power. “Thank you, Sir,” the musclebear growled. “Put it on now, even though I know you’re going to soak it with bear sweat. We’re gonna head to the doctor now to get you checked out, and then it will be time for you to feed, huh?” Austin said as his bullpup struggled into the shirt. “Need some help there?” “It’s… I can’t get it on,” Jon grunted as he struggled to wrestle the shirt on over his head. His range of motion was limited from his massive pump. “Here, pup, let me help,” Austin said. “Poor guy, too big to fit into clothes. Better get used to that,” Austin teased as he helped adjust the shirt, yanking it down over his dad’s sweaty back and thick trunk. “Grrrrr soon you’ll run out of things that fit me, son,” Jon mused. He stood to his full height again when the shirt was finally on. “Haha, Jon I think you might be too big for 4XLT already,” Austin said, trying not to laugh. The shirt was stretched taut across his broad chest, each pec straining the fabric. The sleeves stretched across his massive arms, barely hanging on and cutting into his beefy biceps, constricting them a bit. The neck hole was too small and threatened to choke Jon until he reached up and ripped it a bit wider. Most noticeable of all, the shirt only came down to Jon’s belly button, struggling to cover the huge, round belly of the big musclebear. A sliver of furry powerlifter tummy protruded from the bottom, like dough popping out of a can. “Doesn’t fit, Sir,” Jon said with a smirk, then raised his arms to flex. His biceps rose into thick, hard peaks. The sleeves pressing harder and harder against the massive muscle until they ripped simultaneously with a dramatic snap sound. “Heh, yeah!” Jon chuckled as he checked out his newly freed biceps and pumped them a couple times. He speed his lats wider, and his shoulders and traps bulged with power. The shirt strained to contain him, and it rode up even higher on his belly. He lowered his arms and laughed, the shirt staying stuck on his sweaty chest and belly. “Heh, I think it’s perfect, pup,” Austin said and rubbed his stepdad’s round gut. “I think everyone is going to know how big you are when you wear this, including the doctor. And then we’re going to go out and get a BIG dinner, my treat,” Austin said. “Mmmm sounds amazing,” Jon hummed, relishing Austin’s belly rubs. His cock thickened and swelled at the touch of his jacked, dominant stepson, tenting in his short, black gym shorts that revealed his massive quads and bulbous calves. “So hungry,” he said, and on cue his huge belly rumbled loud enough for Austin to hear clearly. “Well I’m gonna make sure to fill you up GOOD,” Austin said. “Let’s see how much you can pack away now that you’re even bigger!”
  17. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Austin comes home for Thanksgiving Break, and Jon has grown much bigger. Austin cooks a huge Thanksgiving feast for his stepdad, who is eager to impress his stepson. Jon and Austin's relationship continues to evolve. Chapter 3: Thanksgiving Break The garage door opened, and the morning sun crept in slowly, revealing an elaborate, fully-featured home gym. The light spread, revealing a bench next to a rack full of weight plates, a squat rack with a loaded barbell, a set of heavy kettlebells, a multi-use cable machine, and a full row of dumbbells that went all the way up to 150lbs. The walls were lined with full-length mirrors, and mid-90s rock blared from the speakers installed in the upper corners. Standing in the back of the garage, wearing a sweat-soaked tank top, completely focused on his set of heavy preacher curls, was Jon. Austin rolled his big truck into the driveway and got out, admiring the good work the installation crew he hired had done to set up the home gym. The football season freshly completed, Austin was at his peak fitness, the biggest and best shape he had ever been in at 6’0” and 240lbs, heavier than he probably should have been at his position of quarterback but he loved the size. And he couldn’t wait to see how much bigger his dad had become. He couldn’t see him yet, as Jon was behind the cable machine at the back of the garage. Over the loud music Austin could hear the weights shifting and Jon’s deep grunts. “Mmpph… Rrrffff… Uuunnfff… Hrrrfff…”, getting louder as Austin walked past a barbell loaded up for deadlifts with 400lbs of plates on it. “Huuuffff…Mmmph…Uuahh…,” *CLANK* Finally winding past the cable machine, Austin gasped and dropped his bag as he approached Jon from the side. Jon stood up from his preacher curls to his full height, bringing his fists together and flexing his arms in the mirror. Massive, pumped biceps bulged with muscle, the length of his arms slick and shiny with sweat. His tank top was comically small; it only covered his sizable gut down to his belly button, the material creased and strained over his wide shoulders and chest, and the straps were pulled taut against his mountainous traps and huge pecs. Wide, burly shoulders were capped with thick, hard-looking traps. Huge, meaty upper arms trailed down to equally impressive forearms. Jon’s legs were big too. Austin noted that every single muscle group of his once-diminutive stepdad was easily bigger than own. “Dad?” Austin said, hardly believing how much bigger Jon had become since he had last seen him. Jon turned to his stepson and a huge smile broke out on his face. “Austin! Hey, you’re here earlier than I thought and I was so locked in I didn’t notice you coming in,” Jon said as he stepped out of the preacher curl set up and spread his arms to bring Austin into a big bear hug. Austin noted with disbelief that he had to look up to meet Jon’s gaze now; Jon had somehow grown taller. “Grrrrrr haha you’re looking great, son!” the big bear growled as he clamped his arms tight around Austin’s waist. He leaned back and lifted all 240lbs of him clean off the floor. “I’ve been lifting since 6am, I was so excited to see you I couldn’t sleep!” “Huuuu jeez dad, you’re so…” Austin started but the air was squeezed out of his lungs as his big stepdad bearhugged him. Austin could hardly believe Jon’s strength; he could feel it in his big hug, harder than anything he’d felt during the football season this year. Jon’s sweat-soaked body rubbed against his stepson, getting Austin’s shirt wet. Jon relented and put Austin down. “Jesus, Jon, fucking look at the SIZE of you!” “Hehe, yeah? Am I bigger?” Jon said modestly, bringing a big arm up and scratching the back of his head, which caused his massive upper arm to flex and bulge with muscle. “I guess I’ve been growing some the last few weeks.” His voice was noticeably deeper than a few weeks ago. He dropped his hands down to grab the hem of his shirt and lifted it up to wipe the profuse sweat dripping down his face, exposing the massive hairy belly and chest underneath. Jon dwarfed Austin, the 21-year-old realized; wider, taller, thicker, just fucking bigger all over! His eyes swept up and down, hardly believing the size and rapid growth of his 42-year-old step father. “Flex your arm,” Austin commanded, and Jon did, curling his big arm down towards his belly and flexing hard, his shoulders surging, his upper arm swelling with thick muscle as it pressed against the side of his thick pec. Austin reached out to feel, his fingers small over the expanse of his stepdad’s huge, hard bicep. It throbbed and felt warm to the touch; a big blue vein pulsed down the middle of it, leading to a network of them that could be seen under the blond hair of his thick forearm. “21 inches as of yesterday, getting hard to measure myself though,” Jon said as he lifted up his other arm, bringing it into a big bicep flex. A wave of intense, musky BO washed over Austin from the sweaty, hairy armpit. “Well maybe I can help you out with that later this weekend, you big galoot.” Austin smacked Jon’s beefy shoulder and nodded. “Wow, your progress is even more spectacular than I was expecting. I’m so proud of you, dad,” Austin said and he squeezed Jon’s shoulder, feeling its size and hardness. “You’re really turning into a big, strong musclebear daddy, aren’t you? And you love it, huh?” Jon said, stepping closer and putting his hands on his dad’s big chest, smacking his sweaty pecs. Jon grinned and squeezed his chest, letting Austin feel the hardness and size of his pecs. “Uh huh, I love it,” Jon said, enjoying the feeling of Austin’s calloused hands rubbing his chest. Jon’s big cock chubbed up in his gym shorts, pressing against the tight jock strap for space. “Growing so big for you, son,” Jon said dreamily. “Mmmmm, good,” Austin purred. “Let’s step over to that scale and see just how much bigger you’ve gotten since I’ve been gone.” As they walked over to the scale, Austin noted that Jon was indeed taller than him now… how was his dad growing taller in addition to growing so fast? Austin decided to return to that question later. The scale clanked and groaned as Jon stepped on, his high tops taking up most of the room on the scale, which rattled around until it leveled off. “290!” Jon said proudly. “How’s that for you, son?” Austin patted the big bear on his wide back, admiring how his lats stretched the fabric of the tank top. He pulled at the fabric and laughed at how tight it was. He rubbed his hand over the damp upper back. “It’s unreal, dad, just amazing. 70lbs in 6 week!? You’re a monster! My big growing bull,” Austin said, rubbing his hand harder on Jon’s neck, causing the big guy to growl. “Told you that you would outgrow these XXLs, didn’t I?” Austin said. Jon was wearing the one with the big, buff mascot on it. Even though it was only 6 weeks old, it already looked worn, faded, and sweat-stained under the pits. Jon stepped off of the scale and they headed into the house, Austin closing the garage door as they did. A trail of fresh, funky BO followed Jon where ever he walked, and Austin breathed it in like a perfume. “Yeah, I’ve been doing what you said, I wear them every time I lift. I was washing them after each lift at first, but it started feeling pointless to wash them so often, so I don’t anymore. Haven’t washed this one in a couple weeks, I think,” Jon said as they walked to the kitchen. Jon’s walk had changed into more of a waddle, his huge thighs rubbing against each other, his wide shoulders swaggering back and forth as he did. Jon reached up to grab a clean shaker bottle from the immaculately organized and cleaned kitchen – Jon had followed Austin’s directions there too – and started making his post-workout protein shake. “Yeah I can smell that, bull, when’d you last take a shower?” Austin asked. Jon shrugged, his big traps bulging. “Not sure, I kind of like my own stink and sometimes I lose track when I get real focused on my routine of lift, eat, rest, repeat,” the big bear said. He lifted a big arm up, exposing his hairy pit, leaned in and sniffed deeply, then sighed contentedly. “Well I’ve got more shirts and tanks with me this time, ones that will actually fit you right and cover up the gut you’ve got growing,” Austin said as he reached behind his dad and jiggled the bottom of his belly. “Heh, fuck off, it comes with the territory of growing bigger! Still can’t believe it took me this long to get into putting on size and lifting. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Jon said as he shook his shake. He popped it open and tilted his head back. *glug, glurrp, slrrrrp* The shake was thick and lumpy with peanut butter, gainer shake powder, and more. Jon’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed the whole shake in one go, slurping and chugging faster than Austin could believe. *glub, gurrb, sluuuuurrrrp slrrp slrrp* Jon’s gut swelled out noticeably as he drank and drank, his big tank filling up with post-workout growth fuel. “AHhhhhhh!” Jon slammed the bottle down and exhaled. *BUUUUUURRPP* He belched loudly, the burp rising up from the depths of his belly right in Austin’s face. He looked down sheepishly and grinned, rubbing his gut in a wide circle and bouncing it at the bottom. “Jesus, dad, what the fuck!” Austin said, waving a hand to dissipate the burp and stepping back. “What can I say, I’m a growing guy!” Jon said as he started warming up a pre-prepared meal kit. “I need to eat so much to grow, but thanks to your diet plan and all these food deliveries, it’s been easy to keep up with. I’m also just constantly hungry now that I’m lifting twice or three times a day instead of working,” Jon said. “Seems like I can never get enough food to feel full. It’s all thanks to you, son.” “I’m just glad you’ve taken to it so well, dad,” Austin said. “Let’s see if you can tear that old shirt open,” he said. Jon snapped to attention and dropped what he was doing and immediately grabbed the neck of his too-small tanktop and pulled on it. “RRRGGGGG!” Jon roared, and even though the material was damp with sweat and only a few weeks old, it tore right down the middle, splitting the muscled mascot logo in half. “AAaaaahhgg!” Jon took another big rip until it split open at the bottom. He spread his arms and shoulders and tore at the chest again until it peeled off of his big arms and fell to the floor in tatters. “Good, good, big bull! That was awesome,” Austin said. “You made that look easy, you big show off.” Jon straightened to his full height and spread his shoulders wide. “I’m getting real big, it feels great to grow every day and see the scale go up and up and up,” Jon said as he flexed his shoulders and arms. “I should tear up shirts like that more often! So what do you think, is all my hard work paying off?” Jon really was a changed man over the last few weeks, and not just his size. His hair was cut in a crisp high and tight, just like Austin had told him to do a week ago, a mix of dirty blond and grey where it was longer at the top. His piercing blue eyes rested under bright blond eyebrows. His cheeks were fuller and rounder from all the weight he put on. His dirty blond, salt and pepper beard had grown much longer than it was in October; it was getting long enough to brush against the chest hair of his big pecs. It was blond in the middle and darker out to the sides, with flecks of grey sprinkled in. His chest was covered with a much denser layer of hair than a few weeks ago, and even his upper arms and shoulders were dusted with patches of fur. His arms stood out to the sides a bit, pushed away from his body by his lats, and his gut was round, firm, and covered with a dusting of hair that concentrated into a line leading down to his waist. Dramatic, red stretch marks lined the sides of his belly and streaked across his upper chest, his deep armpits, and his burly round shoulders, evidence of the speed and ferocity of his growth. A huge, swollen bulge pressed out from his tight shorts, massive thighs stretching the material apart at the edges and drooping over his knees. His hairy calves bulged out round and hard, accentuated by the Otomix high tops on his big feet. Austin shook his head, astounded by Jon’s progress. He never imagined in his wildest dreams that his dad would erupt into a massive muscle bear in just 3 months of lifting, but now that they had come this far, Austin was obsessed with the idea of pushing Jon as big as he could get. “Oh yes, Jon, you’ve made me very happy. I’m so proud of you. But I know you can still get a LOT bigger,” Austin said as he gestured for his dad to start eating his lunch. “Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am going to make a BIG meal for you!” Jon actually looked disappointed. “But Austin, I said that I was going to cook for you, you deserve to be served on Thanksgiving and I want to show you how much you mean to me,” he started, but Jon held up a hand to interrupt him. “I’m so flattered by that, I really am, but Jon, it’s YOU who deserves a reward for all the hard work you’ve done, for following my directions so perfectly and obeying me so much,” Jon said, relishing the power dynamics; he was the alpha, and this huge brute of a man shoveling chicken and rice into his maw was all his. “I’m going to make so much food tomorrow, and I want you to eat as much as possible. In fact,” Austin said, as he walked up to his dad and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as much as he could, “I want to see you break 300lbs this weekend. I’m gonna stuff you silly, bull. Got it?” Austin said, leaning closer and talking right into Jon’s ear. Jon breathed hard and shuddered as he thought of busting past the 300lb barrier. Austin’s words echoed in his head, and it was all he could think about. “Y-yes Austin, that sounds great.” “Call me Sir,” Austin whispered, leaning in even closer. “Y-yes Sir,” Jon whispered back, his breath catching after he said it. It felt right. It felt good. “And then we’ll lift and eat and watch football and hang out the rest of the weekend,” Austin said as he rubbed the back of his dad’s thick neck. “Sound good, bull?” Jon sighed and adjusted the massive bulge that was leaking into his jock. “Yes Sir!” -------------------------------------------------------------- The dining room table had never been more crowded. Austin had done more cooking than he’d ever done in a single day to prepare a truly epic Thanksgiving for his growing stepdad. A huge bowl of buttery mashed potatoes, serving dishes filled with corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and stuffing, several huge boats of heavy gravy, three different pies, and of course in the middle of the table, a plate full of moist slices of perfectly cooked turkey. Austin had never been motivated to cook such a perfect meal, but something about how his dad was growing, something about the joy Jon was taking in getting bigger and stronger and more muscular every time Austin saw him, filled Austin with a fervor. He wanted to fuel Jon’s growth just as badly as Jon wanted to grow for Austin. “Alright big guy, dinner is ready!” Austin called out. Jon burst into the kitchen from the garage gym, his new tank top soaked and darkened with sweat, drops of it running down his bearded face. His bloated arms were pumped from an all-day gym session; he had been lifting non-stop since that morning, pausing only to eat a little for breakfast. Besides that, he had been fasting and building up his hunger so he could eat as much as possible at dinner. His eyes widened when he saw the spread on the table and his mouth dropped open. “Austin! Whoa! This is… I’ve never had a Thanksgiving dinner like THIS!” Jon said, walking around the table and seeing all the options spread out before him. His mouth watered, he licked his lips hungrily, and the bulge in his tight gym shorts tented knowing that all of this food was going to fuel even more gains. “It’s all for you, Jon. I want to see you eat as much of this as possible tonight so you can grow!” Austin said, pulling the seat out for his big stepdad. The chair creaked as the huge musclebear sat down, a squiggly vein running from his chest, over his shoulder, and down his bicep throbbing as he reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes. “Mmmmmm, my son knows how to take care of me,” Jon said. Austin helped out by laying several thick slices of turkey on his plate before sitting down himself. For the next 30 minutes, neither man spoke more than a couple words to ask for the other to pass along more food. Instead they mostly grunted, chewed, or went “mmmph” after a particularly good bite. After his fourth helping, Austin finally threw in the towel. He stood up, feeling the roundness of his own full belly, and walked over to Jon’s side of the table. “Getting full yet, you big beast?” Austin said, noting that they had polished off about half of the food. Jon washed down a huge mouthful of food with a big swig of pinot noir; he had already drank an entire bottle himself. “Just getting started,” he rumbled as he dug in for another bite, a mix of turkey breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and corn. He was sweating again, this time from the huge amount of calories he was taking in, and his tight gym shorts were pressing uncomfortably against his swelling belly. “That’s what I want to hear,” Austin said as he ran a hand over his stepdad’s huge, bulbous shoulder; it was rock-hard to the touch and slick with sweat. Jon grunted and ate faster. Austin started clearing away some of the empty or half-empty trays. A moment later Austin returned from the kitchen with a brand new heaping platter of turkey meat, dark and white meats dripping with juice and steaming, and a fresh bottle of wine which he popped open before refilling Jon’s glass. Jon kept his head down, eating like a starving man, shoving food into his mouth at an alarming rate. “Still so hungry,” Jon said between bites, pausing to drink more wine and then stuffing more meat into his gob. “And all of this tastes so good, son, you did great.” “Thanks bud, you deserve it with all the hard work you’ve been putting in at the gym,” Austin said as he scooted a chair over right next to Jon. “It’s been amazing to come home and see your progress in these huge leaps and spurts. It’s kind of freaky how fast you’re growing, you know that right?” Austin said. Jon struggled to swallow a particularly big bite, then gasped for air. “Yeah, there are some days I don’t see it, but then other times I step on the scale or look in the mirror and think, ‘What the hell, I’m fuckin’ huge’, heh,” Jon rumbled as he leaned back and stretched, his damp tank top riding up the curve of his swelling belly. “I don’t know exactly how or why it’s happening, but I’ve never felt this good in my life, and all I can think about it getting bigger,” Jon said before tucking back in to his plate. “I know, big bull, I know,” Austin said. “I don’t think anyone your age has ever grown this fast, but I love it. You’re so big, and so strong, but this is just the beginning,” Austin said before slipping a hand over Jon’s huge, round thigh. Jon growled contently as he felt Austin squeeze his big quad, and the bulge in his shorts stretched tighter. “Over Christmas break we can go check it out with a doctor and make sure everything is healthy, but for now,” Austin said as he moved his hand from Jon’s bulky thigh to his round, swelling gut. “For now let’s focus on growing you as big as possible.” Jon grunted and smirked, then took another big bite. Jon finished another 2 plates piled high with food and half a bottle of wine before he started to show signs of slowing down. Gravy and drips of turkey juice dotted his dirty blond beard, his shirt was stained with food that had dropped down onto his shelf-like chest, and his distended belly button and lower arc of his gut protruded from his sweaty tank top. “I think I might be slowing down, kid,” Jon grunted as he adjusted his prodigious weight in the seat, the wooden chair creaking. “Six plates of Thanksgiving dinner is a lot of food,” he said. “Nope,” Austin said, suddenly authoritative as he looked his stepdad in the eye. “You’re not done yet. You’re gonna keep eating until I tell you to stop,” he said, and he scooted closer before slopping more mashed potatoes, a huge serving spoon full of stuffing and gravy, and three thick slabs of turkey meat on to Jon’s plate. “A-Alright,” Jon groaned. He sat up in his chair and straightened out his shoulders, which jutted far wider than his chair. “Gimme some more,” Jon said as he sniffed and grunted, his breathing heavy. His belly pressed into the table as he tried to scoot in, but found he couldn’t without pushing the table back. “Here let me help,” Austin said, and he picked up Jon’s spoon. Austin loaded up a huge spoon of potatoes, stuffing, and gravy, then brought it up to Jon’s mouth, which eagerly opened to take it. “Yeah, there you go. You wanna keep growing big, right Jon?” Austin said as he loaded up another bite. Jon nodded vigorously as he chewed and chewed, breathing out of his nose and grunting as he swallowed. “Yeah,” he breathed before opening for another bite. “Well then you gotta eat, big guy. Eat big, lift big, get big, that’s the formula, right?” Austin said, leaning in closer and pressing against Jon’s massive, sweaty arm. “That’s – *urp * -- that’s right,” Jon said. He tensed his right arm in response to Austin’s touch and flexed. Austin fed him another big bite. Jon’s bicep swelled up into a hard, massive peak as he chewed and chewed. “Yeah, that’s my big bull,” Austin purred. “I’d say today is a cheat day, but you can pretty much eat whatever you want all the time, huh dad?” Austin said. “Such a big bull, getting so huge and so fat.” Jon finished his bite then snorted like a pig. “What can I say, I’m always hungry for more! Gotta get huge no matter what,” he said before rubbing his belly in big, round circles. Austin grabbed a big piece of turkey in his fingers and raised it up over Jon’s face. Jon tilted his head back, his neck rolls bunching up, and opened wide. Austin fed it to Jon, his stepdad taking an exaggerated big bite out of it and chewing like an animal. “You’ve got a big appetite for food and an even bigger appetite for growth, huh big bull?” Jon just breathed heavily as he ate the rest of the turkey Austin held, his lips slurping against Austin’s fingers until every morsel was gone. Jon adjusted his weight as his cock thickened and pulsed until it was harder than he’d ever felt before in his life. Austin’s full attention and persuasion washed over Jon like a spell; all Jon could think about was eating, lifting, and growing. “Yeah you’re still hungry, I know you are. You’re gonna finish every bite on this table before I’m done with you, bull. You’re done when I say you’re done, got it?” Austin said, his voice dropping as their feeding session became more intense. “Yes Sir, unf, more please,” Jon grunted and then opened his mouth wide for a big slice of pie. Austin continued feeding Jon for another half an hour, gradually powering through every bite of every dish on the table, Austin rubbing Jon’s muscles and belly as he fed him. Jon’s breathing was heavy, his big chest rising and falling, and his gut was round and tight; Jon had never been fuller in his life. He was still sweating, and a potent jock musk radiated from his hairy pits as he raised his arms and leaned back after Austin fed him his last bite of Thanksgiving dinner. “Unnnngggghhhhh fuck I’m full,” Jon grunted as he stretched, his tank top rising up until it was stuck between his thick, overhanging pecs and his swollen gut. “That was some damn meal, Austin.” He reached down to adjust his shorts, which were digging into his waist, and he sighed when he wriggled them down a bit to make more room. His huge, thick cock pressed obscenely against his thigh, slowly throbbing as he felt the full hugeness of his body after the biggest meal of his life. “I’m so proud of you, big bull pup, you ate it all. Imagine how much you’re gonna grow from all this food now, mmmm,” Austin said as he rubbed Jon’s huge belly, running his hand through the blond fur and occasionally jiggling his meaty love handles or belly overhang. “We should eat big like this more often,” Jon said as he finished the second bottle of wine. He then erupted in a huge, long, deafening burp, which made both of them laugh. “Wanna go check the scale?” Austin said with a twinkle in his eye. Jon’s eyes widened and he grinned excitedly before slow pushing himself up from the table and standing to his full height. Jon led the way and Austin admired his stepdad’s wide shoulders and how he waddled when he walked, his huge thighs rubbing against each other and his big belly and lats pressing his arms out to his sides. Jon’s huge ass bounced up and down rhythmically with every step, mesmerizing Austin; he could see every inch of muscle tensing up and down, a massive jock bubble butt hugged by obscenely tight shorts. Austin’s formidable cock hardened as he followed Jon into the bathroom. Austin noticed that doorways were starting to get pretty tight for his growing stepdad. Jon stepped on the scale, peered down over his massive gut, and then grinned. “300!” Jon and Austin exclaimed together. Jon stepped down from the scale and turned to the big mirror in the master bathroom. “Fuck, I’m fat,” Jon said as he turned sidewise and cradled his bloated belly in the mirror. “Yeah, you’re so big now, Jon. You look amazing. Look at all that size, all that muscle, the power,” Austin said, showering his stepdad with praise. “Look how much you’ve GROWN in the last 3 months,” he said, standing next to him in the mirror and rubbing Jon’s big arm and shoulder. Jon turned to face the mirror again and lifted his arm to flex, his sweaty, rank pit right in Austin’s face. “Yeah, that’s a hell of a bicep, big bull,” Austin said and rubbed the massive, hard peak. It was solid; Austin squeezed harder but couldn’t dent it. Jon smirked with pride in the mirror as he watched his son try and fail to dent his hard muscle. “Yeah? You like?” Jon said, really seeing how much bigger he was than his football jock son for the first time. “All that food is gonna make these muscles grow too,” Jon said. He reached down to take his soaked tank top off, then brought his big fists together in front of his gut and flexed. He sucked in a big breath, making his pecs swell bigger, then grunted as he showed Austin how big he was getting. His traps and shoulders expanded with size as the muscles flexed, veins snaking across his shoulders and arms, and his arms tensed with hard muscle. “Look at how much bigger you are than me now, dad,” Austin said as he gestured to the mirror. “You’re so, so much bigger. What a monster, what a freak,” Austin said as he stripped out of his own shirt and flexed too. He looked like a skinny kid next to his big stepdad. Jon’s huge cock tented his shorts obscenely as they both grunted and flexed. “Yeah… bigger,” Jon grunted, feeling lightheaded from the food, the alcohol, as from how overwhelmingly horny he felt. “You look small next to my big bulk, hehe,” he slurred drunkenly. His weighty, swollen gut pressed down against the big bulge in his shorts. He turned towards Austin and raised both arms into a bicep flex. “That’s right, Jon, you make me feel so small,” Austin said as he reached up to feel, Jon’s huge arms impossible to reach around even with two hands, the overwhelming stink of Austin’s workout and dinner stuffing-fueled sweat overwhelming his senses. Jon stepped closer to Austin, forcing him to back up until he was pinned against the door. Austin took a deep breath as his hulking stepdad leaned in closer, the size disparity between them making his heart race, Jon’s huge biceps rising into perfect, thick peaks. It was all happening so fast, and Austin didn’t want to make Jon feel weird by pushing it to the next level yet. “So hey, Jon, I bet you’re feeling really full,” Austin said as he reached down to palm Jon’s big tummy. Jon shivered and laughed as he stepped back, and the tension dissipated. “Take your shorts off, that’ll relieve some tension,” Austin said. Jon stepped back and slid the gym shorts down revealing a tight pair of sweat-soaked blue briefs. The outline of his cock head was clearly visible, a sizable bulge stretching the fabric out. “Why don’t we go out to the living room and watch the game? We can lay down and digest that big feast,” Austin continued as he put his shirt back on and stepped out of the bathroom. Jon followed obediently, but kept his shirt off. “Yeah, the game! Good idea. Definitely need to let all this settle,” Jon said as he smacked his gut and gave it a rub. Austin sat down on the loveseat, and Jon started moving towards the recliner. “Why don’t you come over here and sit with me, Jon?” Austin said. “Sure thing, bud,” Jon said, immediately obeying Austin as usual. The big bear rumbled over and wedged in next to Austin, the two of them clearly too big to share the little loveseat that had fit them just fine a few weeks ago. Their shoulders pushed against each other, and Jon’s wide ass and big legs brushed against Austin’s. Austin tried to lean back and make some more space for himself, but Jon’s wide frame wouldn’t budge. Austin turned the football on, as was tradition on Thanksgiving, and wriggled around to try to get comfortable against his mountain of a stepdad. Jon’s arm pressed harder into Austin as he relaxed, the damp mass of his triceps getting Austin’s shirt wet with dad sweat. “Jon, why don’t you try this,” Austin said as he lifted his dad’s right arm up and placed it around Austin’s broad shoulders. That freed up some room between them, and Jon leaned closer to stay pressed against his stepson. “Mmmm yeah that’s better,” Jon purred as he relaxed, letting out his full tummy and sighing contentedly. His arm smeared sweat all over Austin’s neck and traps, and his hairy, sweaty, stinky armpit rubbed right against Austin’s left shoulder. A heady funk filled Austin’s nose, inescapable at this range, and he breathed it in like a drug. “Jeez, dad, you smell like the locker room on game day,” Austin laughed, turning his head a bit to breathe in his dad’s musk. “Oh jeez, sorry, I didn’t even think about it,” Jon said, embarrassed, and started to pull away. “No no, it’s… I actually kind of like it,” Austin said and he put his left hand on Jon’s right thigh, rubbing it firmly all the way up to the hem of his briefs. “Leave your arm right where it was, I want to smell it some more,” Austin said, and Jon put his arm right back, leaning even harder against his smaller, leaner son. “Mmm, ok,” Jon said. “Guess it reminds you of the locker room, huh?” he said. “I bet you’re kinda sad about your last season being over, huh?” Jon said. “Yeah, for sure,” Austin said. “It’s sort of the end of an era, something I’ve been doing since I was a kid. But also, I’ve always just loved the gym more, lifting and getting bigger. You know?” Austin said and leaned his head back against Jon’s meaty bicep. “So now I can just focus on that. Plus, I won’t miss practice and all the injury risks,” Austin finished. “Yeah I totally get that,” Jon said. He adjusted his weight, the loveseat creaking underneath him, and Austin got a fresh wave of BO stink in his face. Austin sniffed the air deeply then sighed and grunted. “Mmph, I never want you to wash these pits again, bull, you got that?” Austin said authoritatively, turning to look Jon in the eye. “Mmmm yes Sir,” Jon said as he lifted his right arm and leaned in, getting his hairy, musky pit right in Austin’s face, his biceps and shoulder muscles bulging. Austin turned and rubbed his nose in it, getting Jon’s potent sweat all over his nose and upper lip. Austin pulled away and relaxed again, sniffing his upper lip and grunting. “Unf, good, mmm,” he said. They both laid back and relaxed, leaning against each other more heavily. “I like this,” Jon purred and he squeezed Austin with his extended right hand, pulling him in closer and pressing him against his big bulk. “Feels good next to you.” Jon’s cock stiffened, tenting obscenely and obviously, unable to hide it, but they both ignored it for now. “Yeah?” Austin said, trying to contain his growing hard-on and taking a deep breath. It was hard to calm down and stay in control with Jon’s pit stink making his head spin. “I bet you’re kind of lonely here by yourself, huh?” Austin said. He tried to focus on the game, but couldn’t help but rub Jon’s big, hard right thigh. “Yeah that’s kind of the one thing I’m missing,” Jon said. “The gym has given me a great new focus, but I want to share it with, well, with you more,” Jon said. Austin switched to rubbing his stepdad’s gut in big, slow, round circles, feeling the distended mass of his belly full of food. “Well we can cuddle like this. Nothing wrong with gym buds relaxing a little together,” Austin said. He lifted his right arm and flexed, and his stepdad squeezed and felt the round, hard bicep and shoulders appreciatively. “Mmm nothing wrong at all,” Jon said. “Your arm feels great too, nice and muscular. You’re a lot leaner and harder than me,” Jon breathed. He rotated a bit, bringing his left arm close enough to reach over and feel Austin’s solid chest. He slipped his hands under Austin’s shirt to feel his cobbled abs. “Yeah, wow, you’re jacked, son,” Austin said. “Thanks, Jon. Was doing it for the team but now that my football career is done, I’m doing it for you. We can get big and jacked together,” Austin said, flexing his leaner, hard chest muscles for Jon. “Fuck yeah,” Jon breathed. “I like the sound of that.” They sat quietly for a bit, idly rubbing each other slowly and watching football, Jon’s full tummy grumbling occasionally and his sweaty pits filling the room with jock stink. They did a player profile on some huge linebacker during a timeout, showing his lifting routine, the big NFL player sweating and flexing as he showed off his size. “You know Jon, you’re bigger than most of these guys already, especially now that you’ve crossed the 300 mark” Austin said. “Well except the linemen, but you’re catching up!” he said and he gave his stepdad’s belly a jiggle. Jon grunted and wriggled against the smaller jock, then pressed his weight against him, crushing him in to the loveseat armrest. “Yup and it took me just 3 months to get there, thanks to my coach,” Jon said. “Belly and all!” “Well you’re gonna outgrow those guys real soon if you keep doing what I say,” Austin said. “And you’re definitely gonna keep listening to your coach, right?” he continued, turning to look Jon in the eye then reaching up to grab Jon’s beard and tug it gently. “That’s right,” Jon breathed. “Or maybe even bigger than that strongman we were watching last time I was here for fall break, remember? He was 450lbs. I bet you can pass that if you keep this up, dad,” Austin said, rubbing Jon harder. “Of course, little Sir,” Jon said as he lifted his chin so Austin could rub his thick beard better. “Little Sir, huh? I kinda like the sound of that,” Austin said with a grin. “You know, it sounds kinda weird, but I love following your directions and having you tell me what to do,” Jon said tentatively. “I kind of got that feeling, bull,” Austin said as he rubbed Jon’s beard. “You need a strong presence in your life to give you a direction, don’t you?” he purred. He felt something unlock inside of Jon, like he was letting his guard down even more, and Jon’s heavy bulk leaned against Austin even harder. “Y-yeah,” Jon sighed, feeling relieved he could give voice to this powerful feeling. “I do, I really do. I need it,” Jon said, almost in a whisper, as he gave in to his submissive feelings. His bulge twitched and a wet spot on his briefs grew. “That’s good, my big musclebear dad,” Austin said. “Now, you just rest yourself against me and relax and let me take care of everything,” Austin said, and Jon did just that, wrapping his arm around Austin even tighter and leaning his massive shoulder and chest against the smaller college jock. “Good pup,” Austin said. “Pup?” Jon asked, with an anxious, eager tone in his voice. “That’s right. That means I’ll always look after you, especially when we grow and eat and cuddle together. How’s that sound, pup?” Jon sighed contentedly. “Sounds great, Sir.” Jon was soon snoring, the big heavy meal causing him to doze off against Austin’s chest, and Austin smiled down at his big submissive dad contentedly.
  18. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Jon makes great progress with his new lifting and diet routine, which impresses Austin. The guys start growing closer together. Chapter 2 — Fall Break Austin pulled into the driveway of his dad’s house. It was fall break, really just a glorified long weekend but good enough for Austin to make the journey back home from college. Austin closed the door of his brand-new black Ford F-150, his one big splurge after getting his inheritance money. Austin and Jon texted every day and he had called his stepdad a couple times since school had started, mostly to keep Jon company and to check in on his gym progress. Jon was devoted, Austin gave him that… every day he’d text Austin which exercises he had done, a summary of what he had been eating, how long he lifted, everything in great detail. At first they were just in text messages, but soon they were links to a shared Google Sheets page, everything organized in rows and cells. The one thing Austin couldn’t see is what weights his stepdad had been using for all these different lifts, as his dad had set a filter on that so only he could see. The other thing that Austin didn’t see was any pictures. Jon wanted to surprise his stepson on the progress he’d been making. Austin had made progress on his own; he’d put on another 5lbs of muscle and was in top in-season shape. At 6’0” and 235lbs, he was the biggest and best quarterback of his D-3 conference at the small private school he went to. He also had a 3.8 GPA and was acing all of his classes. Austin approached the front door, carrying a weighty duffel bag full of dirty laundry, and found it unlocked. Inside, the house had changed in the last 6 weeks. It was less organized, less neat, and smelled differently; gone was the clean scented candle smell his mom cultivated, replaced with something else. It smelled masculine, fresh but tangy and sharp, a mix of his stepdad’s beard oil and his team’s football locker room. “Jon?” Austin called out, but didn’t hear any response other than music coming from the basement. Austin dropped his bag and made his way downstairs, following the narrow stairs and low ceiling into the basement. As he made his way down, he spotted someone doing pushups. Austin arched his eyebrow, a little confused, because it didn’t really look like his stepdad; this guy was way too big to be Jon. The stranger cranked out pushups tirelessly and with perfect form, quickly going up and down, up and down, squeezing each rep. “Hello?” Austin said. The stranger stopped mid-rep and then twisted around to see. Jon got up from the mat and stood to greet his stepson. “Austin! There you are! Welcome home, son!” he said as he wiped the dripping sweat from his forehead onto his shirt, revealing his furry and hard-looking tummy. He stepped forward and embraced Austin in a wet hug. “J-Jon? Wow, I mean, it’s great to see you, I didn’t even recognize you!” Austin sputtered as he embraced his stepdad. He could feel how much more solid, how much wider, how much bigger Jon was all over. “You… you look incredible, Jon!” Jon stepped back and puffed out his chest, proud and eager to show off his gains to Austin. “You think so? I know I’ve been making some progress but not sure how much you were expecting,” Jon said. His shirt was way too small, soaked and dark under his pits, down the middle of his chest, and across his bulging tummy. The shirt had a cartoon version of his stepson’s college football mascot, the Saint Brian Tigers; the tiger was huge and muscular, bowling past the mascot characters from rival schools. His solid-looking arms strained the tight sleeves, and his chest and traps made the front of the shirt ride up and strain in the middle. A sliver of hairy tummy stood out at the bottom, a slight overhang over his mesh shorts. His shorts, too, looked small and struggled to contain his muscular thighs. His quads bulged out to the sides and down, with ample muscle hanging over his knees and bulging calves. Jon had grown a short beard, the middle of it blonder and longer than the cheeks and sides, with sprinkles of grey spreading throughout; his hair was a mess of short dirty blond curls. “Jon, you… holy shit, I mean, I’ve never seen progress like this before!” Austin exclaimed, flabbergasted. “I knew you had been working hard and following my plan, but this is… wow!” Austin said, and stepped closer. Jon flexed his right bicep and smiled, showing off for his stepson as the muscle pushed back the tight sleeve of his t-shirt. “You like?” Jon asked, an uncontrollable grin spreading across his bearded face. “Your plan has really been great. You did such a good job coming up with it. They must really be teaching you good stuff at college!” A wave of sharp musk radiated from his sweat-soaked shirt and armpits as he raised his arm, the same smell that Austin had smelled upstairs. “Feels solid, dude, way to go,” Austin said as he rubbed the hard peak. It wasn’t the biggest bicep Austin had ever seen, but it was solid and bulging with new muscle. “Just how big are you now, Jon?” Austin asked, a little overwhelmed by his suddenly jacked dad. “Weighed myself this morning, I’m 225 lbs now… gained 50 pounds since you last saw me! Is that good?” Jon asked, stepping back and turning sideways to show his thickness. “I’ve been following your instructions exactly, Austin, and I gotta say, I don’t know why I didn’t start lifting sooner. I’m getting kind of obsessed with it!” Jon said as he flexed his chest, breathing in sharply through his nose and grunting out through his mouth, bits of sweat dripping off his nose and eyebrows. Austin was speechless. 50lbs in 6 weeks? How was this even possible? He laughed at the absurdity of it. “Uh yeah I can see that! These gains are incredible, Jon! You’re almost as heavy as me now, though I’ll still always be taller,” Austin said as he stood closer, to prove his point. “Heh, I guess so. Let’s go upstairs and eat, I’m starving!” Jon said and the two jocks went to the kitchen. Jon’s kitchen had become a mess of Tupperware, half-cleaned dishes, shaker bottles, and jugs of protein powder and supplements. “Jon, you gotta clean this place up. You can’t make as efficient of gains if you’re not organized,” Austin said. Jon looked around the kitchen. “Yeah, you’re right son,” he said. Austin paused for a moment, then sat at the dining room table and looked over at Jon. He wondered what else Jon would do for him. “And make me a protein shake too. You remember the recipe I sent you a couple weeks ago?” Austin said as his stepdad grabbed two clean shaker bottles. “Of course, son, coming right up,” he said. He loaded up the first shaker bottle with two scoops of chocolate protein powder, a banana, oats, peanut butter, olive oil, and water. The second one he did the same but doubled all the solids. “I’ve been doubling the recipe lately because just one wasn’t filling me up. I hope that’s ok!” Jon said. There was so much in the bottle there was hardly room for it to shake. “Yeah Jon, of course. You’re really serious about these gains, aren’t you?” Austin said as his stepdad walked over to him. He really did look amazing, like a fit ex-jock who lifted every day. It was already such a dramatic change from when he last saw him, and Austin got the feeling this was just the beginning. “I really like drinking these shakes, especially since it was you who gave the recipe to me,” Jon said as he stood next to his stepson. “They’re definitely helping with the gains!” He raised the bottle to his mouth, tipped his head back, and chugged, the thick sludge disappearing quickly. “*glug, glug, sluurrrrp, slllrp, glub glug, slluuuuurp slllrp*” Jon rubbed his stomach as he chugged, the shake filling him up as it disappeared. His tummy bulged out round and taut, making his shirt ride up a little, and he took a big breath when he was done. “Grrruff, mmph, *sniff*, that hit the spot! Now I’m ready to make dinner for us,” Jon said. Austin just watched all of this in wonderment. No wonder his stepdad had grown so much since he last saw him. “Jon, you doubled the shake recipe and you’re still hungry?” Austin asked as Jon started cleaning up the kitchen, just like Austin had asked. “Since you told me to start lifting, it seems like I’m always hungry! I guess maybe I’m eating a little too much since I have a little bit of a tummy too, I’m not cut like you are,” Jon said. “Maybe it’s also the beer I’ve been drinking.” “You should keep drinking that, though,” Austin said, the words coming out before he could stop them. Wait, did he want Jon to keep getting bigger and have a bit of a tummy? Yeah, he realized, he definitely did. It would make Jon look even better. Austin adjusted his crotch as he thought about his handsome, older stepdad growing into a proper daddy muscle bear, pushing past 250lbs or maybe even bigger. “The extra calories from the beer, uh, help round out your gains and helps dull joint pain. I read a study about it in class,” Austin lied. “Great!” said Jon as he reached into the fridge and cracked open a cold one. “Make spaghetti, a double batch with 3lbs of beef. And make garlic bread too. I’m gonna take a shower,” Austin said. “That’s a great idea!” Jon replied enthusiastically and started cooking. -- The next day, the guys got up and had a big breakfast. Austin again asked Jon to cook, and his stepdad was eager to do so. They loaded up on carbs and protein and headed to the gym together, both of them packing into Austin’s F150. At the gym, Austin was unforgiving, putting Jon through his paces with an intense push day. They started with dumbbell bench press, Austin urging Jon to try 90lb dumbbells that he had never had the courage to try himself. They did decline and incline, Austin making Jon go until failure on every set, pushing him to new PRs. Jon grunted and groaned, his focus intense, his form always perfect, eager to prove himself to his bigger, stronger stepson. Sweat dripped off of Jon’s nose as they went over to do cable flies, Austin making sure he squeezed and paused at the top of each rep. Austin was blown away by how strong his stepdad had become in such a short time; it wouldn’t be long until the 42-year-old caught up to his virile college football athlete stepson if he kept this up. By the time they were done with their workout, their tank tops were a different shade than when they arrived, soaked in sweat and clinging to their pumped-up bodies. They eagerly guzzled protein shakes in the parking lot before riding home, talking about their favorite lifts. They drove home, both of them buzzing with a gym high. They got out of the truck, and Austin walked over to Jon. “Jon, there’s one more thing I want you to do today, and that’s mow the lawn. And I want you to do it shirtless so you can show off all the awesome progress you’ve made to the neighborhood!” Austin said. Jon looked down at his shirt, the Tiger mascot looking darker because the shirt was soaked with sweat. It was an unseasonably warm afternoon, even though it was mid-October. “I don’t know, Austin, I usually wear a shirt when I’m lifting and I don’t think I’m really fit enough to—“ Jon started. “Stop. No way, Jon, look at you,” Austin started. He walked up to his stepdad, reached out and patted his arms and shoulders. “I mean, damn man, you’ve beefed up so much since I’ve been gone. Look at your biceps, I mean really flex and look at them,” Austin said, trying to pump Jon up. Jon flexed his arm timidly at first, but then with more gusto when he looked down and saw them. He lifted his arms up and flexed harder, his biceps bulging into hard, impressive peaks. Austin squeezed and felt Jon’s big arms. They were already almost as big around as Austin’s. “Yeah, jeez look at those big hard guns. You think most guys in their 40s are built like this?” Jon couldn’t help but grin and he scratched the back of his head, making his round bicep peak bulge out more. “Heh, yeah I guess you’re right, son,” Jon said sheepishly. “If you think I should, I guess I will mow shirtless. Why not!” he said. With that, he peeled off his shirt and headed for the garage. He soon emerged with the lawn mower. He was already soaked with sweat from the gym, and after just a couple minutes in the hot sun, he was drenched again, sweat dripping from his arms and chest, his shorts turning darker as they soaked through, revealing a prominent bulge bouncing back and forth as he walked. Bulging dad muscle on display for the entire neighborhood to see, furry and sweaty and hot. Austin sat on the front step and watched his stepdad, his pumped shoulders and biceps gleaming with a sheen of sweat in the afternoon sun. Jon looked over and smiled, seeking Austin’s approval. In that moment, Austin knew he was in charge. The power dynamic of the house had shifted, officially. He was the alpha dog. And Jon would do whatever Austin wished. -- Jon finished cleaning up after another enormous dinner and another post-meal protein shake. Austin had Jon drinking 5 shakes a day on top of 5 meals so his growing stepdad had a regular intake of calories and protein. His shirtless torso bulged with muscle and a round, full tummy as he walked into the living room and sat down next to Austin, who was watching football. They had to share the loveseat, because the recliner was piled high with the most recent shipment of Jon’s supplements and protein powder. They both had wide shoulders and took up most of the space, only a few inches between them. “Your season has been going great, son, I’ve watched every game,” Jon said. “You’ve been great reading the defense and shedding defenders. Your increased strength is paying off!” he said, beaming with pride. “I was so impressed with you at the gym today too, bud, I’ve never seen a guy your age be that strong,” Jon said, patting his stepson on the back and rubbing his neck. “Beast!” Austin sat up straighter in his seat and spread his shoulders wide. “Heh, you’re telling me, I’ve never seen anybody make the gains you’ve made over such a short time, Jon,” he said, appreciating his dad rubbing his neck and shoulders. Jon’s raised arm exposed his pits, and Austin could smell the fresh, ripe smell of musk, the kind you get after a hard, sweaty workout. “You’re gonna pass me if you keep this up, old man. But yeah, I had to get a new set of pads, the ones I had freshmen through junior year were too small, too tight,” Austin said and shifted his arms around, flexing his shoulders and traps. The football game went to halftime and the guys switched over to watching World’s Strongest Man on ESPN. Austin got an idea as he saw one of the big strongmen getting massaged between events. “Say Jon, why don’t you rub my shoulders? They’re feeling tight after the gym and it would feel great if you rubbed them. Plus, you owe me as your trainer!” Austin said as he stood up, looking down at Jon. Jon looked up at Austin and adjusted the bulge in his gym shorts, his hard thighs shifting wider to make room for his stepson. “Sure thing, bud, have a seat and let me loosen you up,” Jon said. Austin took his shirt off, revealing his naked torso to Jon. Austin’s wide shoulders framed his broad, meaty chest. Abs studded his stomach, which were covered in a light dusting of brown hair. “Wow, son, you really are jacked, look at you!” Jon said. Austin smirked at Jon and flexed his bicep, the peak bulging up bigger than Jon’s had when they were outside. Austin got a whiff of his own musk; Jon wasn’t the only one stinking up the living room after his workout. Austin sat down and leaned back against Jon’s warm thighs. Jon started rubbing Austin’s hard traps, kneading his fingers into the dense muscles. Austin could feel the rough gym callouses his stepdad had developed over the last couple months scrape against his neck and upper back as he dug in. “Oooooh yeah wow Jon, that feels great,” Austin groaned as his stepdad rubbed harder. “You’re pretty good at this, you know?” “Your mom had me train to be a massage therapist a couple years ago because she said I wasn’t any good at it. Guess I picked up a thing or two. The things we do for love…” Jon said as he leaned down and pressed his forearm and elbow into Austin’s traps and down his shoulder blades. “Uuunnnnnggggg damn that’s it,” Austin moaned as Jon loosened his hard muscles. Austin could feel and smell Jon’s breathing on his neck as he rubbed and rubbed; his breath smelled like protein shake and his beard had a whiff of cedar beard oil. The combination of all the different smells in the room made Austin’s head spin and his cock pulse. “Feels amazing,” he cooed. “Mmm glad you like it, son,” Jon said, his voice deep and relaxing. Austin could feel Jon’s bulge shift and throb as he leaned harder into his tight muscles. This was clearly turning Jon on, Austin realized. Austin felt a flitter of excitement for the forbidden but undeniable attraction to his stepdad. Seemed it was mutual, to his surprise. He had assumed Jon was straight, but apparently not! Austin took a deep breath and sat up a little bit, creating a little distance between them. He had to take this slower. Austin looked up and saw last year’s strongman champion on the screen, a hulking monster at 6’8” and over 450lbs. He had a flash of Jon somehow getting that big, transforming him into a massive muscle monster with bulging arms and shoulders like the big strongman on TV. Austin knew something extraordinary was happening with his stepdad; no one grew that fast, especially not in their 40s, but somehow Jon was doing it. How far could Austin push it? Jon seemed to love it, totally addicted to the gym, the growth, the lifestyle of being a lifter. Austin knew he had to try. Jon continued rubbing Austin’s back until the football game came back on. “Alright Jon, now it’s your turn. You deserve it after such a long day,” Austin said as he stood up to switch spots. Jon stood up too, and suddenly they were face-to-face, brushing past each other, both of them shirtless. They both grinned awkwardly and then shifted past each other to get in place, Austin on the chair and Jon between his legs, pressing back against the quarterback’s firm thighs. Jon’s traps and shoulders were firm and plump, ruddy from his workout. Austin could feel how much harder and bigger his stepdad was than when he had left him just 6 weeks ago. He could hardly believe it… the hard muscle shifting around in his grip felt nothing like the soft, flat shoulders that were there not long ago. “Ohhhhh, mmmm son this is great, keep rubbing,” Jon groaned. The sounds of football washed over them and Austin rubbed Jon’s shoulders, both of them relaxing but feeling an undeniable tension. When the game was over, they both headed up to shower and said goodnight to each other. Austin could hear Jon grunting and then yelling in the shower… was that his stepdad jerking off? He had plenty of reason to, after the tension he felt between them and the heavy lifting they had done. -- Austin threw his fresh laundry and other stuff into the bed of his truck. He was wearing a black tank top with the school logo on it and short white gym shorts that did little to conceal his prominent bulge. “Jon, it’s been awesome staying here the last few days. I’m so proud of the gym progress you’re making. You seem so much happier than last time I had to leave,” Austin said. Jon was wearing a tight grey polo and khakis, as he had work later that morning. “I wish you didn’t have to leave, but I can’t wait to get more workout and diet plans from you, son. I’ll be bigger than ever next time you see me!” Jon said with a spark in his eye. He lifted up his right arm and flexed, the peak pushing back the tight sleeve of his polo shirt and exposing his big bicep. “You better be, or else I’ll be disappointed!” Austin said and lightly squeezed Jon’s bicep. “Jon, there’s something else I want to talk about.” “What is it, son?” Jon said. “I’m so happy with your gym progress, Jon. It’s given you a new direction and given me a project I feel so passionate about. And you know, we have so much money that mom left us. I want to build on this,” Austin said, stepping closer to his stepdad. He put his hands on Jon’s chest and felt the muscles of his pecs through through the tight polo. “I want to see you push your limits and really grow. You understand?” Austin said and looked Jon right in the eyes. Jon looked up at his stepson. He felt a quiver of excitement in his chest, just like Austin had felt the night before. “Y-yes, son, I do understand. More than you know,” he said. “Good. I want you to go into work today and quit your job. You’re going to start devoting all of your time to lifting, eating right, and maintaining the house, got it?” Austin said. “You are my first priority, and I can’t get the most of you if you’re distracted by work.” “Are… are you sure? I mean, I’ll have so much time, and what about money, and,” Jon sputtered, his old insecure self coming out for a moment, but Austin wrapped his arm around his shoulder. “Don’t worry about any of that… dad,” Austin said. It was the first time he had ever called Jon his dad, but after this weekend, it felt right. “I’ve got it all under control.” Jon’s mouth dropped open a little. “Did you just call me… oh son, I’ve been hoping for that for a long time,” Jon said, clearly moved. They hugged and patted each other on the back. “Well dad, I’ve got something else for you too,” Austin said as he reached into his backpack on the ground. “These are tank-tops from the team store at college. I’ve been saving them for the end of the weekend, and you’ve earned them,” Austin said and he tossed them to his dad. Jon caught them; three tank tops, all with different motifs of the school’s football mascot logo, one straightforward and clean, one the old-school logo from the 70s, and the other a more cartoonish one with the tiger flexing his huge muscles over a vanquished rival, snarling and wearing football pads and cleats. “You are to wear these and only these during your workouts between now and when I get back for Thanksgiving break, got it? Take off your shirt and try one of these on, now,” Austin said in a firm tone. Jon did so right away, but struggled a bit to get his polo off. He slipped on the tank top and looked awkward. He wasn’t used to wearing them. “This’ll take some getting used to… and, Austin, these… these don’t really fit! I mean, it’s an XXL,” Jon said. He was right, the tank top was a bit too big for him and sagged off his shoulders and drooped below his waist like a pajama shirt. “You’ll grow into it, dad. I challenge you to make it be too small come Thanksgiving,” Austin said with a smirk. Jon grinned. “You’re on!” Austin climbed up into his huge truck and started it up, the loud diesel engine rumbling. “Oh dad!” he called down to Jon. “One more thing. Expect some delivery and installation guys in the next few days,” “What for?” Jon asked, looking a bit silly in a tank top and khakis. “I’m turning the garage into a professional-grade gym. You’re gonna have everything you need right here at home to get fucking huge. Sound good?” Austin said as he put his sunglasses on. Jon raised his chin up to look at Austin. “Sounds amazing,” he said and an uncontrollable smile spread across his face. He couldn’t wait for Thanksgiving to show the progress he was going to make for his son.
  19. At long last, I'm starting to post my new story! I've been working on this on-and-off since before the pandemic. Motivation over the last couple years has been sporadic and life has been busy, but I'm really happy with the final product. I want to thank Jon (boston_muscle on Insta, collegeboy on here) for providing the initial inspiration for the story; though the story ended up going in different directions than we originally chatted about, I hope you will still like it, pup. I also want to thank my friend Claude (Huskythick on CF) for being my sounding board and proof reader. His contributions made the story significantly better! This first chapter is mostly set-up, but trust me, things start growing and heating up very soon. Chapter 1: Summer Break Austin stared down at the file that the family lawyer had given him a moment ago. He was in the lawyer’s office, and suddenly he felt very alone. It was his mother’s last will and testament, for him and him alone to see. He opened the leather-bound folder and started reading what his mom had left. It was a somewhat unusual move that his mother, a powerful, wealthy lawyer known for winning nearly every case she ever tried, had left everything to him instead of Austin’s stepfather Jon. Her and Austin had always shared a close bond, being so similar in personality and looks, but usually the husband received the inheritance. Austin was also only 21, about to enter his final year of college, and though he was mature and intelligent beyond his years, it was still a little daunting. Austin paged through the documents of his mother’s will, his eyes popping a bit seeing just how much wealth his mother had accrued in her 52 years. Investments, property, trust funds, millions of dollars of liquid assets and more. He would be set for life and free to live comfortably. “Thanks mom,” Austin said to himself quietly, his voice deep but tender. Arriving at the final page, he shifted his 6’0”, 230lb athletic frame as he sat up in the chair. It was a letter, hand-written from his mother. Dear Austin, My dear. I’m so sorry to leave you like this. You have been my greatest achievement, and I’m so proud of everything you have done and everything I know you will accomplish in the future. I’m just sad I won’t be there to watch you thrive as an adult. You will always be my son, and I will love you forever. You know that I’m a strong-willed person, and you are your mother’s son. I admire that confidence, leadership, and attitude that you got from me; use that, and you will achieve whatever you want in life. We have even more in common than you know, which is why I am leaving everything to you. Austin raised an eyebrow and couldn’t help but laugh at that paragraph – especially at the line about his “attitude”. She knew him too well, and he knew he got that from her. I’m sure you will know best how to use everything I have left behind for you and Jon. Oh, Jon. Out of everything I leave behind, I am most concerned about him. Jon is the most supportive, caring man I’ve ever known, and the five years we were together were some of the happiest in my life. He was the perfect complement to my headstrong nature, happy to follow my lead. I couldn’t have asked for a better match. But Jon is a man who needs direction, who needs a strong influence and leader in his life. Without me, I am afraid he will drift into depression, apathy, and loneliness. Austin, I am asking you to help take care of Jon after I am gone. I know this sounds strange, because he is twice your age, but give him something to focus on, a new direction, when I’m gone. You are so talented and driven, I know you can help him find something to inspire him. Austin sat back and took a deep breath. His stepfather was a nice guy, and the few years they had known each other were positive. But he still felt like he didn’t know him very well, even after five years. In high school, he was busy with football, wrestling, and being the valedictorian of his graduating class, and during college he was away from home for most of the year at a school hundreds of miles away. Austin knew Jon was everything his mother had said – kind, supportive, eager-to-please, generous with his time and efforts – but he didn’t know the man well enough to lead him like his mother had. Finally, I leave to you my greatest gift, and my greatest secret. It’s something I was going to share with you after you graduated from college, but my time is up. Austin, our family comes from a long line of extraordinary people – leaders, generals, royalty – and you are the latest in that line. We didn’t achieve these things by accident; when you finish reading this letter, you will be blessed with the power that I have, that my father had, that my ancestors had. The power of influence, the power of leading and shaping people as you see fit. You must use this gift to improve the lives of people around you, to help others achieve greatness and help you achieve greatness yourself. It is a gift not to be used lightly. It is a gift you must keep secret, even from your stepfather. Love, always Mom Austin sat up, looked around the room to make sure that no one else was around. What the hell? His mother always had a way with people, could convince anyone of just about anything (which had made her an excellent lawyer), but this was just silly. Had the chemo drugs gone to her head when she wrote this? He looked back down at the letter, and the final line was in a script he had never seen before, but instinctively he knew how to read it. He did so, intoning the words to himself as he did, and the words flashed on the page and then disappeared. Austin felt a burning tingle in his eyes, and he blinked hard, feeling something shift inside him. And then it was gone. He looked back down at the letter, and it was just a blank page. -- In the weeks after Austin read the will, life was a hectic blur for the young quarterback. Suddenly he was thrust into a world of transferring account information, meeting with financial estate planners and investment brokers, bankers and funeral home directors. It was hardly fair for someone just 21 years old, but Austin had little choice, as his stepfather Jon was in no shape to help out. Jon had been listless in his mid-30s when he had met her. He had always been attractive: curly, dirty blonde hair and beard that was lighter near his goatee, an effortlessly athletic build that hinted at untapped potential, and piercing blue eyes. He was a very average 5’10” and 175lbs, lean and trim, which is just what Jennifer wanted. She didn’t allow him to get any bigger than that. Jon had dropped everything to be with her, a powerful, self-made woman who gave meaning and direction to his life, who he was happy to support in every way: cooking, cleaning, running her errands, shopping for her, arranging travel and finances, even sharing her bed with other partners. He had become quite the accomplished chef in his years serving Jennifer. Austin saw that once Jon put his mind to something, he went at it with gusto, but without direction, he seemed to wilt like a plant without water. And now she was gone. No wonder he had spent the last two weeks of August sitting on the couch in their palatial suburban home mindlessly watching TV and eating takeout. He had become listless and increasingly out of shape; he had lost the fit, lean look that Jennifer had preferred. Work didn’t offer much of a spark for Jon’s life either, as he worked a mindless office job at an insurance company. He went through the motions, just like he was going through the motions without the person who had given meaning and direction to his life. Austin saw all of this as he worked through the aftermath of his mother’s death. At first he didn’t know what to do about Jon, thinking that his step-father who he didn’t know that well wasn’t his responsibility. But then one day, as he saw Jon slouched over on the couch and eating cold leftovers, he remembered what his mother had said in her letter: “Take care of Jon after I am gone… give him something to focus on, a new direction”. Austin sat down on the couch next to his stepdad. “I can tell you’re having a rough time processing all this. Do you want to talk?” Jon turned to Austin and tears welled up in his eyes. He looked like had been waiting for Austin to ask him this exact question for days. “I… I just don’t know what to do now. I feel… so lost,” Jon said before taking a deep breath to try to collect himself. “Your mom was everything to me. And not just like emotionally, I mean she was the direction and drive for everything in my life. Without her, I just… I don’t know who I am or what I should do. I’m sort of helpless on my own,” he said with a mirthless chuckle. Even though he was just 21 to his stepdad’s 42 years old, Austin realized he was so much more mature, in a lot of ways: he had always been self-motivated, was taller, bigger, fitter, and stronger, and knew how to lead people and take command. Austin reached out to pat Jon on his shoulder and noticed how flat and soft it was. Maybe that could be a starting point… Austin was an exercise science major and he knew that, in addition to its physical benefits, exercise helps improve one’s mental well-being too. “Well Jon, maybe I can help with that now. I could set you up with a working and training regimen to give you something to focus on. It would be good practice for me too, like you’d be my first personal training client! What do you think?” A light flickered in Jon’s eyes, the kind Austin hadn’t seen since his mother had passed. “Yeah… yeah that sounds like a great idea! What would you want me to do?” Austin felt a tingling in his neck, like the feeling he got when he finished his mom’s letter. Could it be… “Jon, have you ever thought about adding some bulk to your frame?” Austin asked, looking directly at Jon. “It’s great for your metabolism and you have the perfect, natural build for adding more muscle. I think you’d take to it really well,” Austin said. Jon’s face lit up like a revelation had come over him. “Yeah… yes! That’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. Your mom always preferred to keep me lean and hard, but I admit, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be bigger. My dad was a weightlifter and my mom’s side of the family is full of huge guys, so I have the genetic background for it,” Jon said excitedly. He set his leftovers aside and shifted his weight around to Jon. “Tell me everything you want me to do!” Austin smiled. -- The first two weeks of working out together went really well. Jon took to lifting like a natural, and Austin loved bossing his stepdad around the gym and pushing him to work harder. Jon finished his first few workouts extremely sore and tired, but got over the back-to-the-gym hump quickly with Austin’s adept coaching. They would work out for hours – stretching, lifting, active recovery, Austin teaching Jon as many different kinds of lifts as he could from his college classes. Jon listened and followed every instruction like a perfect pupil and was always eager to please and eager to do what he was told. If Austin said jump, he’d jump until he was told to stop; if Austin said to push, Jon pushed as hard as he could, always putting in maximum effort. At home, it was the same. Austin threw out all the crap food that Jon had around the house and revamped Jon’s entire diet. Austin worked hard to create a new meal plan for his stepdad, a binder full of daily instructions for exactly what to eat, recipes on suggested meals, snacks, and pre and post-workout shakes, everything that would be needed to help Jon pack on size. And money was no object; he set Jon up with food catering and delivery services to get food, protein powder, and pre-prepped meals flowing in constantly. Meanwhile, Austin heaped praise on his new client, telling him how proud of was of Jon’s hard work, how much he wanted to help him achieve his goals, praising every little improvement and encouraging his stepdad to keep getting bigger and fitter. And by the time Austin was set to go back to college, Jon had everything he needed – motivation, workouts, food, and a goal – to succeed. Throughout those two weeks, a new dynamic had built up between the two of them. Whereas once it was a little awkward and Austin looked up to his stepdad as an adult in charge, now it was clear that Austin was the one in charge. Jon had taken to following Austin’s instructions not just in lifting but in everything else around the house too. “I’ll be back in 6 weeks for fall break, Jon,” Austin said as he finished loading up his truck to drive back to college. Jon was wearing a sweat-soaked t-shirt and gym shorts. He was noticeably healthier-looking than just a couple weeks ago, though not necessarily smaller. His chest, shoulders, and arms looked fuller and solid, and his legs had a nice pump. His once-lean abs were covered by some extra bulk, but Austin had told him he was on a bulking diet and needed to eat, eat, eat. “Sounds good, Austin. I’ll check in with you about my workouts every day like you said! If I need your help I’ll let you know,” Jon said, a bit of insecurity creeping into his voice. “Can… can you text me and call me every so often to check in? I just want to make sure I’m doing what you want and that I’m doing it right…” Austin walked over to Jon. He was several inches taller than his stepdad and much bigger and fitter. He patted Jon’s shoulder and noted how much firmer it felt than just two weeks ago. “Jon, of course I will. I’m going to help take care of you and turn you into a new man, got it?” Austin said, leaning down and looking his stepdad right in the eyes. Jon looked up at him and smiled, his blue eyes glittering, any kind of doubt washing away with Austin’s reassuring words.
  20. BrawnyBound

    The Flashback Machine

    Part 1: "You, uh, need a hand carrying that in?" Bruce asked. He scratched his balding head as he watched Aaron haul the enormous piece of equipment all by himself. Aaron simply grunted in response. Despite being in his 50's, he managed to retain most of his hard-earned muscles from his college days through diligent training. And even though he could barely wrap his meaty arms around the length of the monitor, Aaron showed no struggle carrying the machine into the frat house. "I think he's got it," Philip replied lamely. The two watched as Aaron's wide back disappeared into the dark building. Aaron was dressed in a tank top and basketball shorts that hugged his rugged body nicely, and was probably one of the few among his alumni brothers that could pull off that look so casually. Bruce, for example, was a victim among many with his slowing metabolism and widening beer belly. He sighed as he mentally compared himself to Aaron and glanced down at the gut stretching his dress shirt, subconsciously tucking his thumbs under suspender straps. Philip, however, had the opposite problem. He was never able to gain much weight for as long as he remembered. He was so thin his brothers used to joke that he could easily hide behind a telephone pole without having to turn. Even now, Philip looked at his own loose, billowing semi-formal clothes, feeling like he could blow away if the wind wanted him to. The two were broken out of their self-loathing by the sound of a soft thud coming from inside the frat house. They filed in, Philip tracing his hand on the wall for the light switch. Bruce couldn't help but notice a musty smell in the humid air. With a flick, the main room of the frat house they once called home lit up around them. It was surprisingly tidy, although that was only because it was still summer, and most of the fraternity brothers were still on vacation. The furniture, walls, and floors, however, could not hide their age no matter how well-kept it was. Aaron had his arms on his hips as he stood by a cluster of old sofas with his device plopped down in the center facing them. "Well, I told ya the house was still standing." "Barely." Bruce remarked, glancing at the peeling paint on the walls. "It's a surprise to see they haven't made plans on remodeling, or hell, getting a new house altogether." Philip said, grimacing at the old stains on the floor. "That's why I invited you guys here. Since you guys both said you'll be too busy for homecoming-" "Work." Bruce grunted. "Family vacation." Philip chimed in. Aaron held his hands up in mock-surrender. "I know, I know. But since you guys will be pre-occupied like you are every year, I wanted to discuss the alumni dues so that we can-" Bruce groaned. "/That's/ why you invited us here? I thought we were going to hang and catch up over beer and football like old times." He tried to cross his arms but failed so he put his hands on his hips like Aaron did; though he seemed much less intimidating. Philip rolled his eyes. He looked like he was already thinking of excuses to get out of this situation. "Now hold on, hold on." Aaron said, his voice firm. "We /are/ going to catch up. I /know/ alumni dues are completely voluntary, and I /know/ that we're all building up our savings for early retirement like the next guy. But I want to give back to the organization that helped make me who I am today." Bruce could swear he saw Aaron puff up his chest a little. "And I thought," Aaron continued, "what better way to show why we should care about the future generations than to present them on this invention." He patted the top of the strange monitor. Bruce took a closer look at the machine. It somewhat resembled a CRT television, but the frame was purple and translucent. 'Like the special edition GameBoy Color,' Bruce thought. 'Did old TV's always have so many wires?' On top of the monitor, a bundle of multi-colored wires from the back collected together and funneled into the small end of what seemed to be an old-fashioned ear trumpet made of copper. The large end of the ear trumpet faced the front like a strange speaker. Below the screen, instead of buttons or dials there was an exhaust vent of some sort. Bruce thought it was strange as those little holes were usually on the back. The portly man gave a bemused smirk. "Come on Aaron, we may be old but even /I/ know this is junk. The boys are gonna laugh at your sad excuse of a donation." "I didn't know you still 'invented' things," said Philip with a stifled chuckle. "Yeah I thought you gave up on making those silly doo-hickeys freshman year," Bruce added. Aaron's proud stance faltered for a moment as he nervously glanced at the unplugged machine, then looking visibly relieved. "It's not for watching football or anything like that," he said. "It's-" he paused, thinking for a second. "It's a device that lets us replay our favorite memories on screen." Without further hesitation he crouched around the 'doo-hickey' and got to work plugging everything in. "Here, let me show you." The two guests looked at each other with skepticism. If this was a chance to make fun of another one of Aaron's failed inventions, they didn't want to miss it. 'Just like old times,' thought Bruce. Philip tapped his foot impatiently and Bruce huffed as he sat down on one of the couches right in the middle. Bruce couldn't help but stare at what Aaron was currently "showing" as his pert ass shifted and swayed in those stretched-out shorts while the TV was being set up. Suddenly realizing that he wasn't alone, Bruce glanced at Philip, who met eyes with him. He was caught in the act. Philip started to say something when the TV suddenly lit up and presented nothing but static and a soft *kssshhhh* noise. "There!" Aaron announced. The three of them stared at the screen, waiting in anticipation. "Soooo... now what?" Said Philip. About two seconds later, the screen changed to show the main room of the frat house, but from Philip's point of view. "Soooo... now what?" His voice mimed from the screen. "Woah! How'd you do that?" Philip exclaimed, whirling around and checking himself for a hidden camera. The screen copied his words and spun around with him. "Big deal. It can record and play a live feed," Bruce grumbled. The TV instantly changed and was now showing the room from Bruce's perspective. His replayed voice sounded equally unimpressed. "It- it can also play whatever memory we request," Aaron added, his voice sounding slightly panicked. He took a quick breath and then continued more calmly. "Right now, it's playing whatever surface level memories are presented from the last person that spoke." And on cue, the TV replayed his explanation. "Okay, take it away, Mr. Inventor." Bruce gestured to the screen. Aaron's eyes glimmered for a moment before facing the monitor. The machine repeated Bruce, almost as if to give Aaron permission to use it himself. Aaron straightened himself up and spoke clearly into the ear trumpet. "Show us my sophomore year Halloween party." The lights above flickered as the screen sputtered between static and blurred images as if a poorly-focused time lapse video was being played. After a few moments, the screen became clearer, and the trio was presented with the sight of a veiny, pumped forearm pushing a door open to reveal the frat house's main room, garishly decorated with an assortment of Halloween props, lit by blinding orange, green, and purple strobe lights. The new furniture was pushed to the walls as the center floor was brimming with bodies shaking to the music and hands exploring wherever they landed. Several people, to the shock of the viewers, were recognized as their old fraternity brothers. Except they were all young and carefree, some dancing, some flirting with sorority girls, and some doing things their parents probably wouldn't approve of. Most of the party goers were dressed, if you could call it that, in costumes that showed as much skin as possible. "Hey! There's me!" Bruce pointed at the screen. Young Bruce was no exception. Sloppily painted head-to-toe in green and clad in purple trunks, the man was quite a hunk. While not the tallest brother in the fraternity, he was definitely one of the biggest, and he liked to flaunt it. Even then, he had the slight hint of a beer gut beginning to emerge underneath his cut abs. Old Bruce thought it was strange seeing his young self acting so... fratty, but didn't complain with what he saw. The chicks loved him. And he loved them. As if hearing his thoughts, the younger and slimmer version of Bruce eyed the screen and his face lit up. He hollered something over the loud music and waved. The "camera" bobbed up and down in response as it made it's way through the house, greeting the brothers and other party guests in a similar gesture. The screen seemed to pan in every direction, as if looking for someone, until it landed on Philip. "And there's me." Philip gasped, now sitting. The screen advanced on Young Philip who was leaning with his back and one foot against the wall, one hand in his pocket, and holding a cup of spiked punch in the other. He meekly raised his cup at the screen with a small smile and then took a sip, staring back at the crowd. Unlike the others, he was dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks. "Hah! Phil you look like you haven't changed a bit. You're still as skinny as you were so many years ago!" Bruce guffawed and slapped his knee, clearly enjoying his jabs at Philip, who now looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the sofa cushions. "Actually," Aaron began, "I think he's been looking a lot healthier." They both stared at him, puzzled. "I mean, you really packed on quite a bit of muscles since then. It's- it's all because of that diet and weight training routine you started in sophomore year wasn't it?" The lights flickered slightly but nobody paid mind to it. Bruce couldn't see anything in his peripheral vision for a brief moment. When the light returned, he turned to look at his brother again. "Phil-" Bruce started, but his jaw dropped. Beside him was still his fraternity brother, only he seemed different. His clothes were not loose, his posture oozed confidence, and his presence was more notable. It was like he had a stronger gravitational pull. "Wha-" Bruce tried to speak, but suddenly it felt like two plus two didn't equal four. "Actually," Aaron said again, "Bruce was right about one thing," he spoke slowly. "Phil, you don't look a day over twenty-five. Not a single wrinkle on that baby-face of yours. How'd you do it? Was it the skin care brand you work for?" He paused, glancing at the screen. "It was your investment in that company when you finished your major in business, wasn't it? You mentioned you were interested in it at this party, I think." The ceiling lights dimmed, then turned back to normal. "Yea I... Oh, I think our young selves are talking about it right now!" Philip directed his attention back to the TV. Bruce tore his eyes from Philip's body and looked at the screen. Sure enough, the camera was now half-watching the party and half-turned to Philip as young Aaron spoke with him. The camera seemed to peer down at Aaron's feet or look at the party whenever Philip smiled or laughed. Aaron whistled and sat back on the other neighboring couch. "Wow, I guess I never noticed it back then, but that workout plan really did wonders on your body early on, too." Aaron murmured. "It's a good thing you never broke your habit from the routine." . The lights flickered harshly this time. Bruce watched, rapt as the camera blinked and then focused on young Philip and his B-list superhero costume, the sexy version of course, now standing proudly on his own two feet and towering over Aaron. He was animatedly talking about his career plans, but his bare abs seemed to be the new point of emphasis for the camera. It wandered to the small but firm pecs wrapped tight in spandex along with his disproportionately huge upper arms and bulging legs. Bruce felt something stirring underneath his gut. He shook his head. 'Wait, wasn't Philip dressed in...' His train of thought halted at the sight of the hulking stud next to him. Philip was now leaning back, his gorilla-like arms slightly akimbo from his wide lats. His dress shirt was trying to keep everything together, but it looked like the buttons would pop if he simply took a deep breath. It stretched obscenely over his rounded, stuffed pecs and shoulders that were bigger than his own head. Even his traps rose above the couch cushions. The slacks did not look like they were faring any better as Bruce could make out the separations in the quadriceps through the thin fabric. "It all comes at a price, though," Philip mused, looking down at himself. "One of the side effects of the lotion is that it removes any body hair, permanently. Good thing I never need to moisturize my pits." He raised both arms overhead; two rips slowly drawn out as his lats pushed their way out from the constricting shirt. More rips were heard in quick succession as the sleeves tore apart between his biceps and triceps and from his shoulders. And he was right: while completely hairless anywhere else except for the curly locks on his head, his cavernous armpit still had some tufts of hair. "Ahh, that felt so good. Which reminds me," he continued, lowering his beefy arms, "it also makes everything really sensitive." He spread his legs and pushed them forward a little, the bulge in his groin swelling bigger and bigger. Bruce gulped at the lewd display. 'Was Philip making a pass because of what he saw earlier?' "It's a good thing," Aaron started, trying to find his words, "it's a good thing nobody ever minded how much or how little clothing you wore." Morph by Hardtrainer01 "That's true." Philip nonchalantly agreed, grabbing a handful of his overflowing underwear and scratching his exposed pecs. "Besides, finding clothes that would fit me is such a bother." He raised one arm to play with his hair, but every little movement sent his 20+ inch biceps bouncing, inviting Bruce to stare. "I bet you have a similar problem with clothes, huh Bruce?" "Uh, huh?" Bruce now realized he spent the better half of the last few moments drooling over Phil's smooth, jacked body. His hefty cock was still plumping up and clearly visible through the underwear, and his nipples, free from any constraints, already looked erect. Suck-able, even. "Yea- I mean- no. Not quite. You two can easily shop at the Big and Tall store; I just shop at Big." The brothers chuckled at this, then returned their attention to the monitor. Bruce tried to as well, but his gut was telling him that something was very wrong, and looking at Philip might shed some light. It wasn't because he was insanely hot and practically inviting him to do gay shit. No, maybe if he looked long enough he would figure it out. But Phil's sideways glance and smirk was all that was needed to make the man blush and turn back to the screen. He liked ladies, damnit! He has a wife at home! And speaking of ladies, he watched with reassurance as the sorority girls flocked to young Bruce and felt up his muscles. "Bro, I just realized why you picked this year's party." Bruce sat up and grinned at Aaron. "This was the fucking year we invited every single sorority sister-" "Sisters' polyamorous boyfriends!" Aaron finished. "Dude, what- no. We..." The lights flickered. Once, twice, and on the third time a bulb broke somewhere behind them. When Bruce turned to look back at the screen, he didn't see any sorority girls around him. Instead he was now sulking near the camera with Aaron and Philip, absentmindedly sipping from his punch. The dance floor was still populated by a couple college girls, but most of them were taken. Young Philip and young Aaron sounded like they were trying to cheer him up, keeping him company. Bruce was touched that he had such an unbreakable bond with them. Whenever they rough-housed, Bruce always ended up being sandwiched between their testosterone-laden bodies. On the outside, he was just another straight macho bro. But between those two towering studs, Bruce was putty in their hands. He fantasized about women, sure, but nothing made him harder than the thought of Aaron's funky gym smell rubbing off on him as he pilfered his roommate's dirty stretched-out laundry, or Philip's sweaty and pumped body, fresh from his rigorous workout, pressed against his during a wrestling match. And while other brothers were skeptical that he never found a wife, Aaron and Philip never once gave him shit for it. Even though he trusted them with anything about his life, he'd never let them know how hot and bothered they made him whenever they were around. Even now, Bruce swore under his breath as he felt the cool tingle at the tip of his dick, a spurt of pre-cum leaking into his trousers. "Well, it made sense, considering how our fraternity only recruits bi and gay men." Aaron explained. "Wait, what?" To be continued... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everyone! Thank you for all your kind comments on my last story. I was recently inspired again, and wanted to play around with a genre that I've always enjoyed: reality changing. I didn't really do as much scene-hopping as I did with my other story, and my writing in the 3rd person (limited) is still a little rusty, but I hope that the pacing and language comes across smoothly. I realized as I started writing that this couldn't be a one-shot like my last story, however. The ideas just keep coming! So this will split into several parts. Feedback is always welcomed, and hit that follow button to- *lights out*
  21. Austinevenson42

    Loving My Summer Body

    Loving My Summer Body – July 12th Entry Describing myself, Wyatt, has always been a difficult task, as it would be so easy to focus on what most would consider boring or stereotypically nerdy. When I attended the University of Chicago for my undergraduate degree in history, all four years were almost exclusively focused on my studies and getting into graduate school. There was no such thing for me as spring break vacations, or even summer and winter breaks, which were prime internship periods. Honestly, I barely even saw my parents, as I rarely had the time to go home. Human interaction was basically just roommates, professors, students from classes or projects, and the rare party or hookup. On the other hand, any solitary free time, once in a blue moon, was the expected video games, television shows, movies, anime, and anything else you’d likely associate with a geek. I know what you’re probably thinking at this point, some combination of “what a nerd” and it sounds like I probably needed a break. The latter is truer than you’ll ever know, as I was experiencing pretty intense burnout just by the end of the first year. Coming into my sophomore year I had no idea how I was going to keep up with my schedule, but then my roommate recommended something that would change my life forever. He wanted to get into working out to increase his game and didn’t want to do it alone, so he suggested it as a stress reliever for me between work. At the time, I was willing to try anything to get my life back on track, so I agreed. Little did I know he would drop it within the month, and I would totally fall in love with my gym time. Working out became my time to forget about school and focus on myself, which even the nerdy stuff couldn’t fully accomplish. Ultimately, I never expected working out to change my body, that wasn’t why I was doing it, but the results came within the year. Coming into college, my body was skinny on a good day, and a little chubby at worst. Yet, little by little, the gym began to sculpt my body into something high school me could only have dreamt of looking like. The fat burned away from my face down to my stomach, and muscle began to form all over, from my chest to my calves. Honestly, I didn’t even notice the changes at first, I wasn’t expecting any muscle to form, but maybe that was naïve of me. I went hard on my workouts for the relaxation and to get my stress out, but it changed me completely. I was a 6’4” average-looking kid when I started, but by the end of college I had transformed myself from a boy into a full on man. For me at least, the changes were first most notable in my face, which went from looking pretty ordinary to almost like a sculptor took the time to chisel out my jawline. But overtime, the mirror would make very clear what was happening to my body. Every morning I’d wake up to brush my teeth in front of the bathroom mirror only to be greeted by I guy with no chest, twigs for arms, chicken legs, and some stomach fat. But then, after my face began to transform, I next noticed the fat from my body was basically all gone, then signs of an actual chest and biceps quickly followed. It was genuinely exciting, I didn’t expect this at all, and I was still dedicated to my studies more than anything, but I was impressed with myself. Eventually, I think I just got use to the incremental changes when one day the realization of what was happening truly hit me. Standing in front of me was no longer the lanky kid that had walked onto campus, I had become a total, unrivaled hunk. Standing at 6’4” with 220 pounds of pure muscle, I finally realized how much of a beast I had become over the two-plus years of training. When I started I had no chest to speak of, the area was practically just bone, but now I had two monstrous pecs with a light coating of hair on top. Along with my now wide, broad shoulders and thick, bull neck, my pecs helped me fill out shirts unlike I ever had before. Similarly, no longer did I have tiny, weak arms, I was proud of my new baseball-sized, veiny biceps that I happily showed off at any opportunity. Combined with the other features, I legit had to get new shirts just to fit me, which I won’t lie, I did tend to get them on the tighter end. Yet, the godliest feature, I’d say, was the development of my stomach, which now sported a rock-hard eight-pack with completely shredded obliques. Not to be forgotten, my upper body was also sporting an insane back, which I didn’t even know was something you could mold into shape. There were ridges and crevasses all over when I flexed, honestly just looked like a map, I kid you not. Then, not to be out done by my torso, my lower body also developed its own set of incredible results. My thighs and calves basically gave me tree trunk like legs that just looked gigantic whenever I wore shorts. Pants were sometimes even hard to fit into, an issue that I kind of just find hilarious at times, but also pretty sexy. Funny enough, I’d probably argue that my biggest change down there though was probably my butt. I had the flattest ass you could possibly imagine at the start of this process, but now I had a total bubble butt, which became as hard as steel when I flexed. At the end of the day, I developed the body of a fitness model, and I loved it. Working out gave me an outlet for the stress of college, which I was able to then manage perfectly. Yet, it also transformed my body into something most men can only dream of accomplishing. I had essentially become a god among men, I just didn’t understand the full extent of my power. Sure, I knew people looked, but more than anything I had my head in books, I didn’t have time to see the benefits that my newly muscled physique could provide. Of course, these incredible muscles have gotten me laid, but that was just with a girl and a guy, separately, just to try it, and honestly, they were pretty scary and uncomfortable first times. Ultimately, I know how sexy and beautiful I look now, I just haven’t had the opportunity to fully explore what I’ve earned. With all of that said, most importantly, all of my hard work in school paid off and I was able to graduate with a 4.0 GPA and various academic accomplishments, assuring my place in Columbia University’s doctoral program in history. Yet, as proud of this achievement as I was, I did kind of feel like I had missed out on the fun of college, especially what a body like mine could have gotten around to doing. I definitely could have had way more sex, gone out with friends, drank at parties, and ultimately asserted my alpha male status. I’ve seen plenty of porn and instances where muscular hunks get everything they want and have a blast, I wanted that to be me. Before my program starts in September, I’m dedicated to making this happen, I want this to be a summer of fun where I’m the center of attention and get all the sex I can handle. I’ve been so busy I haven’t even had the time to show off my body at the beach or pool, it’s totally nuts, I know. But then, as I was planning out my summer, an insane opportunity hit me, my old friends from high school wanted to meet up again for a reunion. I genuinely hadn’t seen them in years, with us barely taking the time to text one another during undergrad. Between studying, internships, research, and working out, high school had been the last thing on my mind throughout my time at the University of Chicago. Yet, when my old friend Olivia messaged me about doing a trip to Myrtle Beach, my mind travelled back to high school. Long before getting ripped and focusing so much on my education, I was just an average looking, closeted boy getting by at Academic Magnet High School in North Charleston, South Carolina. Back then, my friend group, which consisted of Olivia, Logan, and Eli, was how I got through it all. Olivia was by far the leader of our group, and arguably the smartest at the time. Although she was only 5’2” with a pretty average-to-skinny body, she was definitely a force to be reckoned with, and she knew it. Logan, on the other hand, at 5’11” and a little chubby, was what I would call your average dude, although he was still smart. If you had any issues with your computer, he was the guy to talk to, or honestly if you were just looking for a good laugh. Then, there was Eli, a guy I could talk about for hours, he was my best friend, and my first real crush. Standing at 5’9” with an even skinner body then mine, hazel eyes, and the cutest face, he captivated my attention for most of high school. It was my attraction to him that helped me come to terms with my bisexuality, although no one knew, and Eli was straight. But, more importantly, we had everything in common, out of the four of us, Eli and I were the closest. When it came to all that fun nerdy stuff I talked about earlier, we were in sync. Ultimately, we were the stereotypical friend group you see in movies, but that changed quickly by the time we received our college admissions letters our senior year. I got into the University of Chicago for history, Logan would be attending the University of Pennsylvania for computer science, and both Eli and Olivia would be going to Boston College to study biology. The world was separating us, but for the sake of our futures, maybe it really was time to move on. Yet, in planning to head to Boston, Olivia and Eli grew closer than ever before, a clear wedge being created between myself and Eli. Everyone saw it, and many speculated that they were probably even secretly dating, but I didn't know anything about that. By the time we graduated, the group was meeting less and less, which was sad, but maybe that’s just a part of life after high school. Luckily, we did create a post-high school group chat, but that was sparingly used for bigger news. This included big internship announcements and other academic achievements, but also the news that Olivia and Eli were now dating and me coming out as bisexual to the group. In hindsight, this would have been the place to mention my insane transformation, but by the time I came into my own, the group chat was completely dead. When Olivia messaged us all about the potential of a weekend trip to Myrtle Beach, I hadn’t opened that chat in almost two years. This was more than just a suggestion for me, it was a blast from the past that brought back so many memories and emotions. Yet, what dominated my thinking, and gave me butterflies in my stomach, was the idea that I would see Eli again after all these years. I know he’s straight, and we’ve both changed so much in our own ways, but when I got that text I was transported back to a time where we were discovering ourselves together. At the same time, I had no idea how he and the others would react to my rippled muscles, nor did I know how I would feel around Olivia and Eli as a couple. It would definitely be weird, but my gut was telling me I had to see this through, and on some level, I missed all of them. Ultimately, after thinking more about it, I knew I had to get out there more, and decided to message the group that I was definitely interested. Soon after, Eli confirmed as well, and Logan was also in, asking if he could bring his girlfriend. Great, I agreed to a beach vacation with two couples, but it was too late to back out now, I have to go and show off the new me. Ironing out the details, we realized I would be the last to get back to South Carolina after wrapping up in Chicago, so we decided it would be easier if I just headed straight there after sending my dorm stuff home. It was a weird feeling, I genuinely hadn’t gone to the beach in years and now I was going to Myrtle Beach to meet up with people who use to be my closest friends. All of this was making me feel like I was back in high school, I was the nervous little kid again despite these rippling abs and massive pecs. But soon enough, I had to man up, so I packed up everything I needed and headed to Myrtle Beach. Olivia gave me the address of the house, and even though I was supposed to arrive last, somehow, I made it there first. Yet, without the key, I was stuck just waiting outside in my car. I don’t know how long I was just sitting there checking stuff out on my phone, but then all of a sudden, another car pulled up next to me and lowered its window. “Are you the owner of this house?” asked a pretty attractive girl with light-brown hair, blue eyes, and honestly solid breasts. “No, I’m actually staying here with some friends for the weekend,” I responded, smiling back, probably flirting a little. “Wait a minute, it can’t be, Wyatt?” added the guy next to her in the driver’s seat, who I couldn’t get a good look at because of the sun in my eye. Finally adjusting my vision, I put two and two together and realized Logan was the one driving. He had definitely changed a bit, gaining the expected college weight, but it was clearly him. Now I felt kind of bad for looking at his girlfriend so much, but wow did he luck out with her. Anyways, bringing myself back to reality, “Yeah it’s me Logan, long time no see,” I said, genuinely enthusiastic to see a familiar face. “No way man, I barely recognized you! Let me park over there and we can catch up a bit,” he replied as he drove away with the goofiest looking smile on his face. As he parked and got out of the car with his girlfriend, the butterflies returned, this was actually happening, it was go-time. I turned off the air conditioner, took the key out of the car, fixed my hair in the mirror, put on my sunglasses, and stepped out of the car. The two of them walked over to the entrance of the house, and as I approached them I forgot how much I actually towered over Logan. Back then, I was just a skinny kid, even if I was taller, Logan could have beat the shit out of me easy if he ever wanted. But now, I was wider, with my muscles giving me an edge that made me the true alpha here. When I finally got to the entrance, it was easy to tell that Logan had come to the exact same conclusion, I was in charge now. “I wasn’t sure seeing you from the car, but holy shit man what happened to you?” Logan asked looking me up and down, from the pecs stretching out my shirt to my large guns half poking out from my short sleeves. “Like, actually...Logan, I had no idea you were friends with a model, I’m Zoey by the way,” she stated giggling, practically tripping over her words. “Okay Zoey, I get that he’s hot, but you don’t have to drool over him,” Logan added, half joking, and half genuinely intimidated by my new hunky body. Unable to stop myself from laughing, but at the same time enjoying every minute of this I responded, “Really, I just started working out during college, then one thing led to another, and boom.” “Boom is right man, how much are you benching, you’re looking huge,” Logan responded, admiring my progress in his usual bro attitude. “Around 355 pounds give or take, but honestly, I don’t keep too much track of that. I started working out for fun basically and then ended up with these,” I said pointing to my juicy pecs. Not even knowing where to look, Zoey blurted out, “the real question is how are you still single looking like that, doesn’t make any sense to me.” With Logan practically giving her a dirty look, I replied, “I just haven’t had time to look for the right person I guess.” As those words came out of my mouth, I couldn’t help but think of Eli. Yet, before I could add anything further, I heard a voice that sent shivers down my spine, it was him. A car had driven up the drive-way while we were talking and when the window rolled down, Eli greeted all of us from the passenger seat as Olivia parked. It was time, it was now or never, I had to man up and do this. Over the past three years I had developed the body of a muscled god, but Eli was looking cuter then ever as he stepped out of the car. Other than maturing a little and filling out more, he looked practically the same. You could basically say that about Olivia too, but, in this moment, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Eli. Waking me from my trance, Olivia yelled out, “No way! Wyatt! You’re looking amazing!” She then ran up into my arms giving me a big hug, half expecting me to hold her up. “Jesus, you’re as hard as a rock, what were they feeding you,” she added while trying, and failing, to wrap her hands around my perfectly sculpted biceps. “That’s exactly what we were just talking about,” said Logan as he jokingly slapped me on my back, feeling how dense my chiseled back muscles really were. “Thanks for the compliments guys,” I responded as I blushed, “it means a lot, I’m pretty proud of the progress I’ve made.” Not knowing the commotion I’d cause, I jokingly finished that off by flexing my right bicep, forming a large veiny mound of pure muscle under my tight skin. Literally all of their jaws fell to the ground, with more praise coming for my muscles. Yet, in the background, Eli stood there, looking disinterested, unfazed by my new body. If anything, I wanted him most to be happy with my progress, but nothing, it hurt. Practically reading my mind, Olivia next stated, “Isn’t Wyatt’s transformation insane Eli?” Almost as if being forced, Eli finally said something, “Yeah, definitely,” and then proceeded to grab his and Olivia’s stuff from the trunk as he headed for the house. “What’s gotten into him,” Logan responded. “Oh, I think he’s just tired from the trip, and probably acting a little shy since it's been so long,” Olivia replied as she put her hand over her forehead and laughed a little. “That make sense, maybe if we all go get settled in he’ll open up then,” Zoey added, attempting to break any sort of tension. I was feeling irrational, like I was overthinking the whole situation, but it felt like he didn’t care at all about my growth, and worse, didn’t seem interested in this reunion. Yet, maybe he was actually just being shy; either way, I couldn’t let my negative thinking ruin this vacation. Like everyone else, I grabbed my stuff from the car and headed inside the house. Olivia really had outdone herself, the place looked like it was straight out of a magazine, with a gorgeous view in the back of the house facing the beach. Renting it for the weekend must have cost a fortune, but Olivia said she was happy to cover the expense if we all brought the food and drinks. As I walked around taking it all in, it seemed like Olivia and Eli had already taken the upstairs master bedroom for themselves, leaving one room for me and another for Logan and Zoey. As I put everything away in my room, attempting to think positively, I couldn’t help but love all the attention the others were giving me. Knowing we would be heading to the beach shortly after, I decided to take this as an excuse to show off further. Not even caring that the door was still open, I stripped down to my boxer briefs, just barely managing to squeeze my shirt off above my large, meaty pecs, and my pants down passed my enormous, thick thighs. Then I put on my sexy new blue swim trunks and grabbed my grey backpack, ready to head out when everyone else was ready, but more importantly excited to show off further. Looking at my shirtless body in the mirror hanging from the closet, fuck did I look hot. Walking back out into the living room, I took in the view of the beach, feeling the ocean breeze against my ripped body. With the light hitting me just right, I really must have looked like a god among men. As cute as Eli was, and manly Logan looked, those guys had nothing on the body that I had chiseled in the gym for hours on end. On top of that, my naturally tan skin gave me the perfect summer body unlike any other, which I was ready to happily share with everyone. I wanted to be admired like a Greek god, for others to look at me with envy or lust, making me the center of attention that I longed deserve to have. Chuckling to myself, catching my cocky new attitude, I couldn’t believe my thoughts. This really was going to be a summer to remember. “Wyatt, your back is legitimately insane,” Olivia blurted out as she walked down the stairs in her beach attire, taking in the view of the beach and the body of a real man standing in front. I don’t think my muscles turned her on the same way as Zoey, but she couldn’t help but stare either. As I turned around to reveal my torso in its full, incredible glory, Olivia was just in pure shock, only awoken by a knock at the door. Olivia was still seemingly stuck in place, so I walked over to the entrance and opened it. I recognized the guy on the other side, Derek, from the listing that Olivia showed me when she sent me the address. Either way, it was clear that he was enjoying the view, arguably drooling more than Zoey ever had. I couldn’t help but flex a little, showing the full extent of beauty my muscular physique had to offer. I think I even bounced my pecs a little without thinking about it, which he definitely took note of before finally trying to speak to me. “Um…hi…I’m Derek, the owner of this property…just wanted to greet you guys…and give you the key to the shed in the back with…um…some stuff you might need,” he barely got out. Chuckling to myself, and amazed at the power I had over him, I replied, “Thanks man, appreciate it.” I then went to slowly take the key from his hand, which took a little effort as he was clearly just staring at my body while trying not to make it too obvious. “Well, um…bye for now then…let me know if you have any…issues,” Derek said as he walked away slowly, trying to take in the view of my body for as long as he could. Finally regaining her composure, Olivia walked up next to me and asked as I closed the door, “That was Derek, right? What did he want?” “Nothing really, just wanted to greet us and give us a key to what I think is house supplies, not sure, he wasn’t very clear about that,” I responded as I put my right hand on the back of my neck. “You know he was totally checking you out though right, but like who could blame him I guess,” Olivia stated before realizing the full extent of her words and blushing ever so slightly. “I think I’m just new to this whole looking like a stud idea, I’ve legit just been focusing so much on school work these past few years,” I responded as I looked down to take in my own body again. Laughing to herself, Olivia said, “I can’t speak for your washboard abs and what not, but I understand the school work bit. I’ve been working my butt off in biology to get into graduate school, and it looks like I’ll be headed to Rutgers’ neuroscience doctoral program.” Practically scaring her with my excitement, I blurted out, “Oh my God, congrats Olivia, I’m heading to Columbia University for history, we’ll actually be kind of close for once!” “No way, Eli is actually looking for work in New York City, maybe you guys can be roommates or something. But wait, let me actually go see how he’s doing, I want to get to the beach ASAP,” Olivia stated before running off up the stairs and closing the door behind her. She really was as fun as ever, and the idea of rooming with Eli drove me crazy. I walked over to grab a drink of water from the fridge, but before I could even take a sip, it seemed like everyone just came out of their rooms at once. All of them were in their beach attire, but definitely not as ready as I was. Nevertheless, they were each having their own conversations, kind of making me feel left out, but once they made it into the kitchen all eyes were definitely on me. At this point, I craved the attention, the admiration, and from Zoey, the lust. Yet, as much as Eli looked, he didn’t, it was like I had done something wrong and he didn’t even want to make eye contact with me. Nevertheless, I took the time to lightly flex while I drank my water, their conversations dying down in favor of staring. I was genuinely tempted just to spill the water over my luscious pecs and killer abs just to see how they’d react, but I’m not that nuts, yet. “So guys, are we heading to the beach or what,” I said trying to wake people up while I walked towards the back door. “Yeah, let’s get going, we can catch up there,” responded Logan as he grabbed his stuff with one hand and Zoey with the other, as Eli and Olivia walked behind them. Walking past the pool in the back onto the wooded path on the way to the sand, the beach air felt phenomenal against my ripped body, it was a shame I hadn’t been to the beach in years. It was amusing to walk with everyone, as not only did I tower over all of them, but I just looked totally out of place with my fitness-model physique. But, soon enough, it was the moment of truth, as when we walked onto the beach with other college students, families, locals, and so on, it was clear that I was the biggest guy on the beach. No one came close to having a body that could compete with mine, it was incredible. I had never felt like more of an alpha, which was only made better as Logan took off his shirt to reveal a slight gut, and Eli revealed his adorably skinny, small frame. Olivia was similarly average as she took off her clothes to reveal her bikini, but Zoey on the other hand had a genuinely great body that I couldn’t help but admire even if she was with Logan. Nevertheless, I felt like it was up to me to get the conversation going again, as all of them were ogling my body to different degrees, or just trying not to look too much, while setting up their towels. “So, Logan, I was talking to Olivia about her college experience before, how was yours?” I asked as I began to spray sun screen over my giant shoulders and incredible pecs. “Honestly a lot of fun, even with all the work, and now I’m headed to do programming and security for a startup. Either way though, the real highlight was meeting Zoey,” he replied as he grabbed her hand and smiled. “How long have you two been together?” Olivia added as she grabbed Eli’s hand. “A little over a year, but nowhere near the three years I’ve heard you two have been together, what’s your secret?” Zoey commented, genuinely curious. “I wouldn’t say there’s any single secret, but maybe it’s being friends more than anything that helps keep people together,” Olivia replied, smiling and blushing a little. Finally seeming to gain the courage to speak, Eli added, “Not only are we dating, but she’s genuinely my best friend, I could not have survived college without her. I think we just click as people more than anything.” Then, for just a second, he looked over at me, but when we made eye contact, he turned back to Olivia. “Exactly, but now it looks like we’ll be a little separated. I think we can make it work though,” Olivia stated as she leaned over for a brief kiss with Eli. “Oh yeah Eli, Olivia said you would be looking for work in New York, I’ll be there for grad school,” I replied trying to get him to finally acknowledge me directly. “Yeah I will be, cool,” Eli responded before quickly changing the topic as he turned to Logan and Zoey, “and how will you guys deal with the post-college separation?” “We might not have to separate as much, any of us actually, because my job is New York, and Zoey will be attending nursing school at NYU,” Logan said like a gleeful little kid. Seemingly far more excited, Eli replied, “that’s awesome, maybe we can work something out in the city then.” Before, I had definitely just been paranoid about the whole situation, but that was weird. He clearly just ignored me, but when Logan basically said the exact same thing, Eli seemed pumped. Instead of worrying so much about this though, I decided to try to take charge of the situation myself, so I suggested we all go play in the water for a bit. I feel like in high school no one really listened to me, or it just wasn’t as easy to convince them, but now my words were basically seen as orders. No one questioned what I was saying, they moved on command, I guess I really was the alpha of the group now. My incredible new body warranted respect, which they just automatically gave me, almost instinctually, even Eli. Nevertheless, I think once we broke the ice, the overall group dynamic started to go well, just not my relationship with Eli. We splashed around in the ocean, told funny college stories, tossed a ball around, tanned a bit, and not even kidding, played with the sand a little. At the same time, I enjoyed the stares from people that passed us on the beach. It was clear that my body was a spectacle, I bet so many of them wanted to come over and touch, but I probably made them shy. With that said, I did find excuses to flex whenever I could, which even my friends enjoyed. By far, I was the king of the beach, and my body deserved every minute of it. But, eventually, the fun had to come to an end, and when the sun started going down, I suggested we go inside, and of course, they all listened. On our way back we stopped at the outdoor shower that belonged to the rental property, and each took turns cleaning off the sand from our bodies. When it was my turn, I felt like putting on a little show, so as the water trickled over my body I sensually began to rub each of my muscles. I was removing the sand, but I was doing it in probably the hottest way I could think of. Gently rubbing every ripped region of my body, as it glistened under the water, fuck I must have looked so sexy. It was clear that they all took a second to watch me, even Eli and Logan, because in that moment I was irresistible even if you were a straight man. Interestingly though, it was Eli who broke up the viewing party, as he was the last one who needed to shower. He was a little skinny guy, but I couldn’t help but watch as he took his turn. In that moment, I was back in high school, watching my best friend with pure lust, but when he turned off the water, I was reminded that he couldn’t be mine, and possibly wasn’t even interested in being friends. Back at the house, everyone took the time to shower and change. This time I chose not to go shirtless, but instead went with a tight, revealing sleeveless grey shirt with maroon shorts that hugged my strong thighs just right. Again, I was the first one that made it out into the living room, and I could have sworn I heard sex noises coming from Logan and Zoey’s designated bathroom, but I only caught the tail end if anything. Not going to lie, I was jealous, everyone was auto going to get action on this vacation, but I was going to have to work for it. I guess maybe that’s an exaggeration, as I probably could have grabbed someone off the beach and fucked their brains out right then and there. The idea was getting my kind of turned on, but before I could entertain the fantasy for too long, Olivia and Eli made their way downstairs. “That was such a fun time at the beach,” Olivia said as she headed into the kitchen, “but I think it’s time we cut loose a little bit and have some real fun.” She returned with one of the bottles of vodka that we brought and started pouring shots for everyone. Sitting down on the couch next to me she handed one to me, and then motioned Eli to come over for his. He was reluctant at first, but then made his way next to her. Eli then proceeded to take shot like it was nothing, but it was soon clear that he wasn’t used to drinking at all. “You next Wyatt,” Olivia said with an adorable smile on her face. I obliged, taking the shot like a champ. I definitely didn’t have much experience drinking, but the taste wasn’t any worse than some of the protein shakes I had started taking. Olivia also didn’t have too much trouble drinking hers, and soon enough Logan and Zoey joined us, who seemed to be far more versed in partying. Eli and I didn’t end up drinking as much as the rest of them, but given his small, petite frame, he eventually got just as drunk as them. By the end of the night, they were all pretty drunk, but we were having a blast, the alcohol finally breaking down the remaining walls between us. Yet, Eli still didn’t acknowledge me any more than he had to, something that at this point was just pissing me off more than anything. Eventually though, it was clear that the alcohol was really getting to the couples, with Logan and Zoey all but grinding on one another. First, they left to their rooms and turned on music, probably to cover up their fucking, and then I think Eli was just legit passing out, so Olivia said good night and headed off to bed with him. There I was, left alone, not even tired, so I decided to clean up the place a little, just so we wouldn’t have to in the morning. Once I had gotten the kitchen and living room looking how we found it, I decided to take out the trash, where I saw Derek talking with some guy on the other side of the fence. Jealous of the fun everyone else was having, I decided to head over to them, and just see what might happen. “Woah it’s the hunk from earlier, sorry about coming off a little weird, it’s just that I didn’t expect that at all,” Derek said as he looked me up and down like before. “No worries, I’m honestly just growing into the power this body has,” I chuckled to myself, “and it’s Wyatt by the way, who’s your friend though.” “Oh, that’s my boyfriend Alex,” Derek responded as he smiled at him and winked. “Wow, it really does seem like everyone is dating someone, and here I was hoping to find someone to have sex with on this trip,” I replied half kidding, but at the same time totally serious. Biting his bottom lip, Alex stated, “well that can be arranged, you’re so fucking hot man.” “Since earlier I’ve wanted to get my hands all over you,” Derek added as the two of them hopped the fence over to my side. Genuinely not expecting this I stated, “oh, well, I’ve never done anything like this guys.” “Don’t worry, we can take the lead, just lift your shirt and show us those rock hard abs and sexy v-shape,” practically begged Derek. During my previous sexual experiences, I was total virgin, the idea of sex scared me even if I had this amazing body. Yet, now, I was coming into my own, I was a hunk, and I deserved to be pleasured, no worshipped, by little wimps like Derek and Alex. They really did take charge though, these twinks were hungry for my body, quickly getting on their knees. Derek took the opportunity to lick each of my eight individual abs while unbuckling my belt, while Alex began to rub my thick, hairy legs, taking in the god that was in front of him. Soon enough, Derek had me down to my black boxer briefs as he started playing with my growing cock through them. Alex, on the other hand, wanted some time licking my abs for himself while rubbing my equally as impressive obliques. Neither of them could control themselves around me, I didn’t even have to do anything. Eventually though, they had had enough and together they stripped off my underwear revealing my hard 7-inch cut cock. “Fuck, your cock is just as amazing as your body Wyatt,” Alex remarked as he began to play with my balls. “You’re a wet dream come true,” added Derek as he began to put my cock in his mouth. “God, that feels so good Derek,” I said as I began to push his head deeper into my groin. This was incredible, the power I had over these two was something I could never imagine. Sure, my friends were in the house having sex, but here I was being blown by the hot neighbors in the backyard. I didn’t care who could be watching, I bet it would even turn them on to see us like this. By this point, Alex practically had his mouth completely around my balls while he rubbed my rock hard ass, which I eagerly flexed for him. Derek, on the other hand, was my personal play thing, as I had my hands on the back of his head face fucking him. The little wimp could barely breathe, with tears running down his cheeks, but he couldn’t get enough of my steel rod. Once it was clear he had had enough, I pushed him to the ground and let Alex have his turn, who just as eagerly took all of my cock down his throat. That’s when Derek got up, and standing above Alex, leaned over to suck on my delicious abs and meaty pecs. The little guy was losing it over my hard muscles, while his boyfriend begged for my cum in his mouth. I couldn’t believe that I had turned this couple into my personal sex slaves, and we were just getting started. Yet, I was getting close, I might look like a sex machine, but my journey had just began. It was taking all of my core and groin strength at this point to stop myself from exploding inside of Alex’s pretty little mouth. “Fuck, guys…I’m so close,” I stated as I was beginning to pant loudly Without saying a word, the weaklings knew exactly what to do before the big finish. Alex took his mouth off of my cock before Derek knelt down next to him again. Then, Alex began to jerk me off as Derek played with my balls, while the two of them began to lick my sculpted, shredded abs simultaneously. This was driving me crazy, they were both worshipping my body and pleasuring the cock of their god. Eventually, I just couldn’t hold it anymore, and with little to no effort, I shoved the pair to the ground as I grabbed my monstrous cock, furiously jerking over their frail little bodies. In no time I was spewing my hot cum over the couple; I was so backed up that it sprayed all over their bodies and faces, completely drenching them. As my stream was finally finishing up the two frantically began to lick it off of one another, hoping not to waste a single drop. I had never been so turned on, so powerful, so in control in my entire life, and I wanted more. Yet, before we could have any more fun I heard a voice coming from the house. “Hey, is everything alright out there, is that you Wyatt?” Olivia asked almost as if she was speaking into the void. Startled, I quickly shook off any remaining cum, picked up my shorts, zipped up, and headed for the house. Looking back, I could see that Alex and Derek were still having the time of their lives, and I wish that I could keep going with them, but I didn’t need my friends seeing me act like some sex starved lunatic in the backyard. When I made it inside, Olivia greeted me half asleep and still kind of drunk. She was planning to do some cleaning up herself but was happy to see that I had done it. Yet, when she noticed that the door was still open, she just wanted to make sure that nothing had had happened to me. Little did she know that I had just started my sexual journey this weekend. Back in my room, stripping down to my boxers, I laid in bed thinking about what just happened, while hoping for more. At the same time though, I could not shake Eli from my head. He was the dream, but if he’s straight, I have to try to move on with fun like tonight. Not waking up as hungover as my friends, I decided to head to a nearby gym that allowed guests for a small fee. If I was going to have fun this weekend I needed to maintain my perfect body, but at the same time the stress of Eli had me wanting to clear my head with a solid workout. Thinking I might need my strength more than anything, I worked on my biceps the most, with veins popping up all over my arms. Facing a mirror in front of me, I was able to see my muscles flex and unflex as the sweat made my arms glisten. Fuck, I was a total beast, and last night proved that, I longed for that power again. You could see the dedication on my face, I was going to have endless sex, no one was going to stop me. Eli might not have been a possibility, but, as awful as it sounds, Zoey was. From the moment we met, to the beach, to the outdoor shower, to her constantly touching me while she was drunk, the girl wanted it bad. Yet, I couldn’t do that to Logan, it was just a hot idea. After working up a good pump for about an hour and a half I made my way back to the house, where I still found everyone fast asleep. But, when I finally got into the shower, giving each of my massive muscles a nice lathering, I finally heard motion coming from upstairs. Getting back to the shower though, honestly, I loved feeling my own muscles, I was just so hard everywhere. Sure, having another person worship your body is next level, but just being able to play with your own muscles, realizing how much of a god you are, that’s something only I can experience. Just me, standing in this hot steamy bathroom, only a piece of glass separating me from the outside world. The outline must looked incredible, and at my height, I basically took up the entire panel. It’s probably super cocky and egotistical to love your own body so much, but wouldn’t you if you looked like me, trust me, you would. Soon enough, I had genuinely just turned myself on, rubbing my giant pecs, playing with each of my chiseled abs, flexing my pumped rock-hard biceps, grabbing at my steel-like ass, it was too much, even for me. My cock was rock hard, pure testosterone flowing through my veins, I was ready to explode like last night. I couldn’t help myself, so I leaned back against the wall; with my right hand I began to jerk myself off thinking of fucking Alex and Derek, and with my left hand I was tracing ever single area of my Adonis level physique. Not holding back, it only took a few minutes before my cock was erupting, this time all over the shower panel. Stream after stream coating the glass with my man juice as I moaned softly and continue to rub my pulsating muscles. Yet, in the throes of ecstasy I could just barely make out the outline of someone looking at me through the glass. I must have been so into myself and in deep thought that I didn’t hear the door open. But, as I finished cumming, and went to go look at who that might have been on the other side, they were gone, the door left ajar. Toweling myself off, I could only imagine it was Zoey sneaking a peek at my body, god did I want to fuck the shit out of her. Well, either way, I’m glad to have put on a good show for her, maybe she’ll have sex with Logan thinking of me; Jesus I’m turning into such a dick. Heading back to my room with a towel wrapped tightly around my waist, I noticed there was no one around, so Zoey must have run back into her room after what she saw. Then, back in my room, I left the door slightly open, half hoping to attract the peeper again, and dropped my towel. I never got tired of looking at my full naked body in the mirror, it really was amazing. Honestly, I could keep jerking off all day to my body, but I decided to get dressed and make breakfast for everyone. Logan and Zoey especially drank a lot last night, so I just wanted to do something nice for everyone. Sure, the idea of endless sex is so hot, but like, I’m still a chill guy that cares about other people, the part of me which ultimately won’t let go of Eli, I imagine. “Woah man, whatever you’re making smells so good, get me a piece of that,” Logan said walking into the kitchen with the worst bed head. “Yeah of course, I thought you guys would all be a little hungover, so I decided to make some breakfast,” I responded looking back with a smile. “Man, in the most hetero way possible, you’re a fucking catch, you know that. Muscles like superman and you can cook? Bet you can get anyone you want,” Logan went on as he sat in a chair by the kitchen island. Laughing to myself, and knowing the truth, I replied, “Sure Logan, whatever you say.” Then I passed him one of my classic omelets, “hope you enjoy this.” After just one bite he stopped to savor it, then added, “Yes I’m hungover, but this omelet is still fucking banging.” “Okay I want whatever you guys are having, I’m starving,” stated Olivia as she came down the stairs surprisingly put together and ready compared to how I saw her last night. “Definitely, coming right up…so where’s Eli,” I blurted out before quickly adding, “and Zoey.” “Well, Eli hopped into the shower a little while ago, so he should be down soon,” Olivia responded like it was a perfectly normal question. “Zoey was actually finishing up her makeup before I left,” Logan stated as he continued to scarf down his omelet. “She does know the spa is on the agenda today, right?” Olivia questioned skeptically. “Oh fuck, I totally forgot,” Logan said before running out of the kitchen and back into his room. “Where did you get the idea for a spa anyways,” I said while handing Olivia her breakfast. “Well, apparently this is supposed to be the best spa in the area, and what’s better than some massages and real relaxation after the stress of college,” Olivia stated while eating her omelet. “Well you got me there...looking forward to it,” I replied smiling as I dug into my own breakfast. Shortly after, the rest of the gang joined us downstairs, with Zoey a little annoyed that she didn’t know today’s plans. Nevertheless, we enjoyed some more fun conversation, with occasional hangover complaints as everyone finished their breakfast. Then, people headed back to their rooms, got their stuff, and we were off to the spa. Luckily, the location was just a few miles away, and we were all looking forward to some genuine relaxation after last night. As expected, Eli barely spoke a word to me, but I felt like I was getting really close with the others. Similarly, as you might assume, Zoey continued to stick close to me, yet, now, she seemed more annoyed with Logan than usual. Honestly, it felt like the make-up thing was just scratching the surface of something going on between them. Either way, not my problem...unless it was. As we were walking into the spa, Eli commented, “Hey Olivia, did you know this was a Korean spa by any chance.” “Does that matter babe?” she genuinely asked back. “You’re kidding right?” he laughed, “aren’t these places like nude only, separated by gender or something." “No, that can’t be right, don’t worry about that babe,” she responded, only half sure of what she was saying. Despite what Olivia told Eli though, he was right, after we paid we were asked to go to separate locker-rooms and strip completely naked. The idea was weird, but it didn’t necessarily freak me or Logan out, yet Eli was not having it. Sadly for him, Olivia and Zoey ran off before he could say anything, so he either had to come in with us, or spend the whole day outside in the parking lot. He looked legitimately worried, embarrassed at the idea of us seeing him naked, but eventually he caved and walked into the locker-room with us. “Come on guys, how does this not weird you out,” Eli said, hoping we would agree with him and leave. “Eli, listen, it’s not a big deal,” Logan replied as he began to strip down, “We’re all friends here, no one is going to make fun of how you look naked." Turning red, Eli yelled back, “fine...whatever sure.” “You’ll be okay Eli, don’t worry,” I said as I followed Logan’s lead by stripping off my own clothes and grabbing one of the spa-provided towels. Not even looking at me, and clearly annoyed, Eli responded, “Well Wyatt, not all of us look like you, so maybe it’s not as easy to just get naked in front of whoever.” Before I could respond, Logan turned to me, now nude as well, and exclaimed, “Holy shit Wyatt, you look incredible. Muscular, and you have a big dick, that’s not fair. How big is that bad boy?” Beginning to feel just a little comfortable in this situation, I replied, “Roughly around 7-inches I think?” “Damn, you have like a whole inch on me dude,” Logan said, “but it looks like I’m a little bigger than Eli over here,” he added looking over to the now nude Eli. “Ha, ha, laugh it up Logan, yeah it’s an average 5.5-inches, big deal,” Eli stated while grabbing a towel and holding it up in front of his dick. “Come on Eli, I didn’t mean it like that,” Logan responded, feeling a little shitty for how he had worded that. “Let’s just get going, I think there’s a sauna right outside the locker-room." The locker-room had been pretty sparse, but once we showered up and walked out into the main area of the men’s side of the spa, there was a good number of guys lounging and moving from activity to activity. As we followed a sign that pointed us towards the sauna, it was clear that my tall, massive figure was catching the attention of the guys we passed. Some of them looked with envy, hating that they weren’t even half as good looking as me, while others clearly liked what they were seeing, wishing that I would grab them and take them this very second. No matter where I went, the beach or the spa, I looked like a mother fucking god, I was always the alpha in the room, and I loved every minute of it. My body itself was magnificent, chiseled out of marble, but on top of that, no one would expect a guy at my height to build such muscle, and then have a pretty decent dick on top of that. Either way, all these wimps at the spa couldn’t help but admire such a stud as we made it to the sauna. Yet, here I was, eyeing Eli’s cute little ass, wishing I could fuck the shit out of him against the nearby wall. Doing my best to control myself as we entered the sauna and sat down, I leaned back against the wall, the sweat from the steam already showing off my body perfectly, and I exclaimed, “this was so long overdue, wow.” “You can say that again, life has been pretty stressful recently,” Logan stated as he leaned back as well, closing his eyes. “With what, the job hunt?” Eli replied, “that’s been pretty tough for me honestly.” “Nah, nah, well, yeah, but what’s really been bothering me is my relationship with Zoey,” Eli said, almost uncertain if he should even be talking about this. Leaning forward almost too quickly, my pecs shaking a little, causing the sweat to drip down them slowly, I responded, “How so? I feel like you guys are so good together.” “I guess we do a good job of hiding it then,” Logan said, chuckling to himself. “But, no, we haven’t really been alright for a month or two now. We just aren’t clicking as much anymore, and we’re fighting a lot even if we still have...some good times.” “I’m really sorry to hear that, “ Eli remarked, looking sadly over to Logan. “Is there anything we can do to help.” “Yeah Logan, it’s been a long time, but we’re here for you,” I commented, moving closer. “Thanks guys, I really appreciate it, but it just is what it is,” Logan stated as he wiped sweat off his forehead. “But enough about my dumb love life…Wyatt, you must be loving all the attention, I know that shit would go straight to my head. We all noticed those guys guys staring at you as we walked over here.” Of course I loved it, I craved it at this point, it turned me on so much, but I didn’t want to be a dick about it. “I’m gonna be honest, it’s kind of fun,” I blurted out, not knowing how the two of them would react.” “I bet,” Eli replied snarkily. “Come on Eli, you know that if you looked like that you’d be flaunting it all over, don’t be jealous” Logan said as he laughed and shook his head. “Maybe you should start working out with Wyatt in New York, bet Olivia would love to see you with some muscle on those bones.” Turning a little red, Eli responded, “Whatever Logan, if you like his body so much, why don’t you go for him.” “Well, I’m confident enough in my sexuality to say that if I were gay, I would not be able to control myself around Wyatt,” Logan responded, staring at my glorious meaty pecs, before playfully punching them with his right hand. “Jesus Wyatt, you’re legit hard as a rock, come feel this Eli.” “I’m fine,” Eli stated, leaning back, closing his eyes. Later, after spending a little more time sweating away in the sauna, we decided to go for back massages. Eli seemed far more relaxed in this situation, as each staff member took us to our designated massage table, asked us to lay on our stomachs, and got to work on our backs. Honestly, it seemed like the lady working with me was having her own fun, rubbing her hands hard across the ridges of my back muscles. It was kind of funny though because I was so tall that my legs were slightly hanging off of the table. But genuinely, aside from how sexy I probably looked, and how turned on the lady probably was, it was a fantastic massage. It took her some time to really get into my rock-hard muscles, but after a little while I was more relaxed than I’ve been in years. By the time we all got up, I could tell the others were feeling just as good. Eli actually enjoyed it so much that he had developed a little hard-on, which he quickly tried to hide, but failed to, like at all. Next, after getting some lunch at the main cafeteria, we moved on to the hot tub, which felt amazing after the massage earlier. But once we had had enough, we finished off our day at the spa with facial treatments. Honestly, when it comes to muscle-growth, no one talks about what it does to your face. Sure, your pecs become gigantic and your abs become shredded, but the shape of your face can change completely. If just my body had changed, I’d still be hot as fuck, but the jawline that developed in the process just takes me to the next level. For lack of a better word, I just had an ordinary face, but now, at the right angle, with the right look, I could probably turn on anyone I wanted, even you. Sure, I hadn’t used my good looks for sex and partying much until now, but I definitely used my charm over people academically. I knew that professors were nicer to me because they wanted me around, it was easy for me to take control of group projects with thirsty classmates, and interviewers for internships and graduate school ate me up. Ultimately, people looked up to me in my major, I was smart, but people wanted to stare at my sexy face and gorgeous body too. A wink, smile, and a tight shirt has really opened doors for me on top of my intense studying and school work. Once we finished up our time at the spa, we headed back to the locker-room, took our time changing, and then headed out of the building to meet up with the girls by the cars. Even though Eli had enjoyed his time, he did seem kind of annoyed with Olivia, or at least just not as affectionate as he normally was with her. Everyone else though raved about their time, wanting to go back, wondering why they hadn’t done it before. Sure, being nude was kind of weird, but also in a way freeing, and getting to see Eli naked is something I won’t forget. Soon enough though, I was awoken from my thoughts when we arrived back at the house. Sadly, with the couples each heading to continue relaxing in their rooms, and likely more, I was left alone, again. Not knowing what to do, I decided to go sit by the beach. Grabbing a towel and removing my shirt, I made my way down and splashed around the water a bit to cool off. Then I actually ended up passing out on my towel next to the path up to the house, my sexy, muscular body glistening as the sun set. “Oh shit, I didn’t see you there,” said Zoey as she woke me up from my nap, the beach now dark and empty. Getting up from my towel, my rippling muscles still slightly wet, I responded, “Sorry, I think I must have lost track of time. The spa was just so relaxing, I laid down and I was out.” “No, no, it’s my fault, I just needed some air,” Zoey replied, trying not to stare directly at my hunky, ripped body. “Really, what happened?” I asked, genuinely concerned. “It’s just me and Logan, we’ve been fighting for the longest time, and I just decided to end it tonight after we were screaming at each other,” Zoey stated, now staring deeply into my blue eyes. Hoping to comfort her, I went in for a hug, not realizing the chain reaction this would cause. She wrapped her arms around me, comforted, but then began to sensually rub her face up against my monstrous pecs. Zoey knew exactly what she was doing, the feelings she would awaken, and I was in no mindset to stop it. Now rubbing her hands up and down my insane back, she turned her head slightly and began to lick my right nipple, first slowly, and then frantically. My nipple was extremely sensitive to her touch, quickly hardening as I could feel my boner forming in my shorts. Zoey then moved to licking the bottom edges of my pecs, lifting the mounds of pure muscle up ever so slightly with her tongue. I was getting so turned on by her saliva, but Zoey was in complete heaven worshipping the pecs of a god. Seeing how much fun she was having with my muscles I lifted her head, wiped some drool from her lips, and then flexed my right bicep for her as hard as I could. Zoey immediately latched on to it, first trying to wrap her hands around the massive, baseball-sized muscle, then moving to suck on the pure meat. “Looks like you really love muscle, don’t you,” I said, beyond turned on by this situation. “Fuck Wyatt, I’ve been watching you since we first met,” Zoey managed to reply between sucking and heavy breathing, “You make me so horny, I want you, I want all of you.” “How about you give my abs some attention then?” I cockily responded. Zoey didn’t need to be told twice, in seconds she was on her knees, rubbing my marble-like eight-pack with her soft, little fingers. Then, she started to use her tongue to trace the outline of each ab, one by one, before beginning to violently shake, having her first orgasm of the night. Unable to control myself any further, I picked her up into my arms, her legs instinctually wrapping against my strong, tight waist, and we began to furiously make out. Although her shirt was in the way, I could feel her hard nipples rubbing up and down my pecs, and the wet spot from her orgasm through her booty shorts on my stomach. Zoey begged to feel my muscular physique against her tiny frame, rhythmically shifting her body up against my torso. Hoping to increase her pleasure, and the intense horniness of the situation getting to my head, I effortlessly ripped her top and shorts off, the shreds falling onto the ground. Her now fully exposed, naked body was finally free to make direct contact with my Greek god of a body. It honestly took effort to keep her in place as she began to grind her vagina vigorously against my washboard abs. “GOD…FUCK…this is amazing…Wyatt…your body…” Zoey could barely get out as she continued to make out with me. “Jesus Zoey, you’re so…fucking horny...aren’t you,” I responded as I happily flexed and unflexed my abs against her engorged pussy. Zoey couldn’t get enough of my amazing abs, rubbing her vagina against them faster and faster, her moans getting louder and longer between kisses. Soon enough she let out a loud scream as she orgasmed again, now all over my abs. I had to hold her tightly, just so she wouldn’t fall out of my arms as the liquid continued to flow from her vagina. Yet, after all that, Zoey still hadn’t had enough, she wanted more, so I took one of her breasts into my mouth and started sucking on it while my wet abs continued to play with her tight pussy. Somehow, she began to moan even more, as if she were desperately trying to catch her breath. Zoey didn’t know what to do with her hands, they moved frantically around my body, attempting to grab onto any muscle she could. It was so easy to hold her up, I could literally have done anything to her and she’d continue to orgasm all over me. There’s no way Logan ever came close to bringing her this much pleasure, he was nothing compare to me. “Oh god…WYATT…I can’t hold it anymore…please fuck me…” Zoey begged as she had her third orgasm all over my abs again, completely drenching them. “Gladly,” I replied as I fished a condom out of my shorts and dropped them down, exposing my meaty, hungry cock. Losing all sense of control, I placed the condom on my steel pipe of a cock, lowered Zoey ever so slightly, and slid my dick into her tight vagina. With only half of it in, barely fucking her, she was already screaming my name, orgasming all over my penis. Little by little more of my cock was making it into her vagina as I began to fuck her harder and harder, deeper and deeper. By the time my dick was all the way inside of her, and I was fucking her as hard as I could standing up, I legitimately lost track of how many times Zoey had orgasmed, she was insatiable. Minutes passed, and I could tell she was beginning to pass out from the insane levels of ecstasy. Yet, as I was getting close, I noticed that someone was watching from the top of the path down to the beach; it was Eli. We made eye contact as I began to shoot load after load of hot, juicy cum into Zoey, while she herself had another earth-shattering orgasm. But then, by the time I finished and was able to sit Zoey’s practically lifeless body onto my towel, Eli was gone. That’s when the full reality of the situation hit me, I just had the hottest time of my life, but it was with Logan’s ex-girlfriend. They literally just broke up who knows how long ago, but I couldn’t help myself, she wanted me more than anything, and I deserved to be pleasured like the god I am. Finally coming down from her orgasmic high, Zoey somehow managed to say, “Holy shit Wyatt, I’ve never orgasmed that many times in my life…you’re a fucking sex machine.” “Would you believe that was only the second time I made good use of this body?” I responded jokingly, but at the same time accurately. “No way Wyatt, don't mess with me,” Zoey replied breathing heavily, “I literally don’t think my vagina will ever be the same after that.” Turning a little red, proud of my sexual ability, I added, “yet, I kind of feel shitty about this, like don’t get me wrong, that was amazing, but…Logan.” “I know…I just couldn’t help myself,” Zoey stated, almost regretting the situation, but still relishing in the pleasure, “we should just get going…and talk about this later, I don’t know.” That’s when I remembered about Eli, I wasn’t sure if we were going to tell Logan about this, but he knew. Not wanting to stress Zoey out any further though, I decided not to tell her and deal with Eli myself. Cleaning ourselves up in the outdoor shower, almost half tempted to go at it again, we picked up our belongings and headed back to the house. Zoey was wrapped in only a towel, so she headed straight for the bathroom, where she had left some clothes earlier. Dropping her off, and probably still reeking of sex, I decided to go upstairs and see if I could talk to Eli. Instead, Olivia answered the door, telling me that Ethan was in the shower and likely to go straight to bed afterwards. She thought that if it wasn’t anything urgent, it would be best to talk to him in the morning. Not wanting to make any sort of scene, I agreed, heading back downstairs to shower. Back in bed, I smiled to myself, remembering the out of this world time I had with Zoey. It was so wrong, but I was finally a real man worthy of this godlike physique. Waking up before everyone else again, I decided to get in a quick workout doing some laps in the pool. I didn’t normally incorporate swimming into my workouts, but fuck was it a full body workout if you took it seriously. After I had had enough I decided to lay down on one of the nearby pool chairs to catch my breath, take in some sun, and enjoying my last day at the beach house. Truly, my body was a sight to behold at this angle, sometimes I couldn’t believe how hot I had become, legitimately a miracle. Yet, after a little while, I sat up, remembering that Derek had given us a key to the shed on the other end of the pool. Unlocking the door, I found some extra toiletries and house supplies, but, more importantly, there was a bunch of beach and pool stuff, including fun floats. Sure, this couldn’t solve all of our problems, but I thought maybe we could just enjoy some fun in the pool before we left, and cut down on the tension. With that said, hopefully this didn't mess with Olivia’s schedule too much, I joked to myself. The next moment was probably a comedic sight; pulling out a large pizza-shaped float from the shed, I laid it on the water and managed to just barely get on top of it. It was clearly not made for someone of my mass and height, but I was able to make it work. “Comfy out there man?” Logan said as he walked outside with his usual bed head. “Yes actually,” I chuckled, “Come join me. We have a pool...we might as well use it.” “Hey, when you’re right, you’re right,” Logan responded as he took his shirt off and grabbed a pool noodle. “So, um, how was everything with Zoey last night” I stated, fishing for information on what might have happened last night between them. “Well, long story short, we broke up,” Logan mumbled, “we had a pretty big fight, she ran off and did whatever, then she asked me to sleep on the floor in the room when she got back.” “Damn…I’m so sorry,” I replied, feeling more and more like a dick about last night. Yet, before he could properly respond, Zoey walked out, making the situation pretty awkward. We both turned to look at her, but when she momentarily faced me, I didn’t see the same lust as usual, there was regret, even if it was the time of her life. With that said, she still joined us in the pool with her own pool noodle, heading to Logan, possibly looking to reconcile. It was kind of weird after last night, but I think we were all interested in moving forward in our own ways. But, there was still the issue of Eli seeing us, I had no idea what he was thinking, and when he made it out to the pool with Olivia, he didn’t have any discernible mindset or reaction. As per usual, he briefly looked over to me and then walked over to sit on a chair with Olivia. “Hey guys, I didn’t know we were having a pool party out here,” Olivia exclaimed, excited to see everyone, from her perspective, having a good time. “Yeah, I was getting in some laps and then I found all of these in the shed,” I said to Olivia, smiling from my float. “Thought we could just chill for a bit and then head over to whatever you had planned.” “Sounds great to me, the agenda was just a pretty chill day at the boardwalk, so we can really do whatever,” Olivia replied as she took the time to spray some sun block on Eli's face. Surprisingly, the rest of our time by the pool went pretty smoothly. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, with Logan and Zoey being friendly towards one another, me and Olivia chatting it up, and Eli surprisingly joining us for that. Don’t get too excited though, he only really talked to Olivia, only occasionally looking over and reacting to what I had to say. Either way, it was a good time, and I wasn’t going to let Eli’s attitude get in the way. Yet, eventually we did have to get ready to go down to the boardwalk. Making my way out of the pool, showing off my pumped up body in the process, I grabbed all of the floats, locked up the shed, and went to get ready with everyone else. Unlike my normal tight clothing, I decided to go with something a little nicer this time around for the final day. Looking through the clothing I had brought, I went with a blue button-down and green pants, with a slightly fancier pair of sunglasses to tie the whole outfit together. Once everyone was ready and had some lunch, we walked over together, making our way to the boardwalk in just a few minutes. When we arrived, Logan and Eli went off on their own; my assumption was that Logan was going to tell Eli about his situation last night. Yet, I was scared of what Eli might say in response. We were all finally bonding, establishing a potential for more hangouts, but the events of last night could put that into jeopardy. Hoping I could prevent that, I tried to follow them, but Zoey stopped me before I could get any further. I imagine she wanted to clear up what happened between us last night, but she had no idea what could happen. Whatever the case, I decided it would be best to settle everything with Zoey first, hoping that Eli didn’t hate me enough to ruin this for all of us. “Wyatt, what happened last night, it was amazing, really, but it can’t happen again,” Zoey pleaded. “You’re right, I totally agree, I’ve been feeling shitty about it all morning,” I replied, feeling good about where we stood. “Woah, what are you guys talking about,” asked Olivia, genuinely concerned. “Well…Logan and I broke up last night and then Wyatt fucked me,” Zoey blurted out, unsure of how Olivia might react. “Honestly Zoey, I can’t blame you…look at him,” Olivia said just being honest, “but you were broken up, so now it just depends on what you want.” “Honestly, Wyatt is one of the most beautiful, muscular men I’ve ever seen in my life, but deep down inside I love Logan. I want to make it work,” Zoey responded, speaking from the heart. “Alright, okay, then how about you and I go and talk with Logan then, I’m happy to help,” Olivia said with a big smile on her face. “Plus, I think Eli and Wyatt have their own tension to talk about if you ask me.” “Wait, what,” I blurted out as Olivia took my hand and we all walked over to Logan and Eli; subsequently leaving me with just Eli, a dream, or maybe a nightmare. There I was, finally left alone with Eli, and all I could muster up was, “so, what’s up.” “Logan was just telling me about everything that happened between him and Zoey last night,” Eli responded, “but he’s hopeful they’ll get through it.” Despite towering over Eli with a body that could easily rip him apart, I replied, shaking, “Eli, I can explain.” “Please, just stop, I don’t want to hear it” “It was just a spur of the moment thing, we couldn’t control ourselves, we’ve talked about it. It won’t happen again.” “Really Wyatt, just don’t.” Finally having enough of this, I practically yelled out, “Okay Eli, what’s up, we were such good friends and now you’re honestly treating me like shit." Eli looked away, giving no response for what felt like minutes, it was agony, plain and simple. Not knowing what to do, I put my hand gently against his little shoulder, which startled him, prompting Eli to move away. Then, after a little while, he finally turned back to face me and exclaimed, “fine, do you really want to know what’s up?” “Yes...please,” was all I could muster up in response. “Okay, just not here…back at the house,” he stated as he started to walk in that direction. When we made it to the house and walked inside I closed the door behind us, turning back towards Eli only to find him in tears. Just barely, he was able to get out “I’m so sorry Wyatt.” Concerned, I commented, “for what…I just don’t get it.” “Oh my god Wyatt, for being so smart you really can be dumb at times,” he chuckled between tears. “I’m fucking gay Wyatt, I’m fucking gay…are you happy, I’m fucking gay.” I didn’t even know how to respond to this revelation, but after at least a minute of silence, he continued, “I’ve been crushing on you since high school, and now with this body, it takes everything in my power to stop myself from wanting you.” “But…but…how, why, what….” I said, unable to string any coherent sentences together. “My parents would have completely disowned me if I came out to them in high school, but as best friends I was able to pretend, and it was amazing. Yet, when it came time to head off to college, Olivia and I truly clicked. I love her, but as a friend more than anything…I needed my parents off my back though, so I chose her over my happiness to convince them I wasn’t gay. Ultimately though, she was there for me all through college, I couldn’t have done it without her, and it seemed like you had moved on…” Cutting him off, “honestly, I never moved on.” Looking deep into my eyes, finally seeing me for the first time this whole trip, Eli responded, “either way, I couldn’t just drop Olivia like that, by this point I owe her my life. Yet, from the moment I saw you on Friday, I couldn’t stop myself from imagining what it would be like to be with you. Seeing you walk around shirtless with the…muscles of a god, it was too much for me. I couldn’t talk to you, or even look at you straight in that beautiful chiseled face, it was too much for my body to handle.” “I’m sorry it was so tough for you, but the way you acted, it hurt me…more than you know,” I stated, with tears now coming down my face. Then, while coming over to hug me, Eli said, “I hate the way that I acted towards you this weekend…really I was awful. You made me so horny though, I spent showers masturbating, thinking of you, and whenever I could sneak a peek at your gorgeous body, I drifted away. Then, when we had to get naked together at the spa, I was so scared that my secret would come out, that you’d make me hard and I wouldn’t be able to control myself.” Chuckling lightly, I added, “for the record, I was barely able to control myself.” “Oh stop, you’re some insanely muscled model hunk, I’m just a little wimp, I don’t know what you could possibly find attractive about me.” Leaning down, moving my face closer to his, I replied, “don’t say that, just don't, I’ve known I was bisexual since high school, I loved spending every minute with you. But, sure, you don’t have big muscles, you’re still beyond adorable though.” Blushing, Eli said, “the worse part of it though was that as I was repressing my feelings, I couldn’t help but spy on you. I noticed you were showering yesterday morning, and I couldn’t help but watch, then when I saw you fucking Zoey, I couldn’t help but stare, wishing that was me in her place. When I wasn’t with you all I could think about was you, naked, in bed, with me. Even when Olivia and I failed to have sex the first night, you were dominating my thoughts.” I really had been an idiot; the pieces were all there for me to put together. Thinking Eli was straight, I didn’t see anything he did as potentially gay, focusing solely on Zoey as the only potential voyeur. Trying to break the tension a bit, I responded, “I can’t believe that was you spying on me, I genuinely thought it was Zoey.” “Honestly, it might have been Zoey too, you’d have to be blind not to have seen her flirting with you, and clearly you did take note,” Eli stated in a jealous tone, shaking his head. “I meant what I said earlier, that was a mistake, it didn’t mean anything…” Then, completely unexpectedly, Eli cut me off, planting a long, passionate kiss on my lips that sent shivers through my body. “Wow, I’ve been waiting for that kiss since high school,” I said, breathing heavily, staring deeply into his beautiful hazel eyes. “But, what is this, what are we?” “I don’t want to put you in another uncomfortable situation, but I can’t be with Olivia anymore. We’re the closest of friends, yet every time we go on a date, have sex, kiss, or whatever, it’s a lie. This weekend has made it clearer than ever before that I’m just preventing her from having what I have for you.” “And that is?” “Love? Desire? Passion? I don't know for sure.” “Do you think it’s been too long since high school, have we grown too far apart?” “Well, you’ve clearly changed a little bit physically, but I can’t wait to find out the rest about you; how you’ve changed, and how you’re the same guy I fell for. Also, I wanted to be with you without your muscles, yet, now that you have them, I can’t stop thinking about them.” “How about you take a closer look then,” I replied, ripping my shirt open, buttons flying in every direction. In that moment, something switched on for Eli, years of repression melted away as he raised his hand to my pecs, sliding them down to my abs, all while he began to breathe deeply. Then, he took the initiative of helping me to fully take my shirt off, exposing my immaculate torso in all its glory. Pushing me lightly up against the front door, we began to passionately make out, practically eating each other’s faces as Eli continued to feel my muscles. I couldn’t help but hold him tightly, feeling his warmth, his momentary desperation, his love and horniness, all up against my shirtless body. This was everything I had ever dreamt of, and more, but I wanted to be sure that Eli was comfortable with this going any further. Holding him back ever so slightly, pausing our love making, I managed to say, “Eli, are you sure about where this is going.” “Oh my god Wyatt, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” he responded as we continued making out, and I picked him up into my arms, ready to carry him into my bedroom. Yet, being new to all these feelings, and never having worshipped such a muscled hunk, Eli began to cum in my arms, shaking violently as a significant wet spot formed in his pants. Continuing to hug him tightly, with a little cum getting on my abs, I asked, “are you okay Eli?” Embarrassed, and quickly turning red, Eli stated, “God, that was…amazing…the power you have over me, it’s incredible. But, I hope I didn’t just ruin the moment.” “Don’t worry about it,” I replied as I started to make out with him and continued walking towards the bedroom. Once there, I stripped down to my grayish-blue underwear, letting Eli take in my full body from the other end of the bed. “You’re a Greek god you know that Wyatt, I can’t take my eyes off of you,” Eli said, practically salivating. “Get over here then, show me how much you want these muscles,” I kinkily demanded. Making his way on top of me, my massive frame easily engulfing him, we began to make out again. One hand had the pleasure of worshipping my muscles, from my ripped, veiny arms to my bulging neck, while the other took this opportunity to massage my growing erection, also coming in contact with my defined adonis-belt. He was making me hornier than ever, but at the same time, I wanted to savor every minute of this. Pausing for a bit, I took the time to slowly lift his shirt over his head and removed his shorts, exposing his adorable twink body. Eli was definitely shy at first, comparing his bony little frame to my massive muscles, but when I began to rub my hands against his figure, he realized I was just as into him. We were both rock-hard by this point, unable to keep our hands off of each other, making out like it was the last time we ever could. Yet, wanting to please him more than anything, I got the idea to sit him down on my lap, with his back rubbing up against my delicious pecs and chiseled abs. I then continued to rub his skinny little body, stopping to massage his nipples, before ripping his underwear clean off and grabbing his cock. “Fuck Wyatt…FUCK…I’m close already…you feel SO good, you’re a sex machine…how are you doing this to me,” Eli managed to get out between moans. Hearing how horny Eli had become only gave me more incentive to treat him like a prince and give him all the pleasure he deserved. From there, my gentile tugging of his dick only grew faster, pre-cum dripping all over my meaty fingers. My large hand easily covered his dick, allowing me to play with it with ease. Then, while continuing to flex and unflex my muscles against his warmth, I proceeded to nibble on his neck, which drove him mad. The ecstasy was hitting him from multiple angles, and soon enough, his body was barely able to handle it any longer. But, if all of that wasn’t enough, I decided to take a chance and begin rubbing my index finger against his tight hole. I had no idea how he would respond, but it was clear Eli was enjoying it. Testing my luck, I began to push deeper into his little ass, which might have produced some discomfort at first, only to be followed by what seemed to be full-on intense pleasure. Moaning louder than ever, Eli began to cum in my hands, shooting thick globs across the bed and down onto my fingers. As before, he shook with pleasure, leaning back on my muscular frame for support himself until he finished. Unable to stop myself, I ate up the cum that had fallen on my hand before turning Eli’s face slightly to kiss him again. “You’re incredible…you know that…please, don’t stop,” Eli stated, begging for more. “What’s next then?” I jokingly replied, but genuinely curious where his mind was. “You’ve done so much for me already, let me return the favor,” Eli said as he turned around and began to lick my muscles. Seeing Eli so hungry for my muscles, worshipping me like a god, wanting to pleasure me, it was enough to get me moaning. Then, he made his way down to my underwear, which Eli struggled to take off my hunky waist, only to then be smacked in the face by my massive cock. Yet, that didn’t stop him, Eli proceeded to wrap his tongue around my dick, tugging at my balls with one hand and practically clawing at my shredded abs with the other. For never having been with a man, he knew exactly how to push all of my buttons. Next, he started to take my cock into his mouth, yet unlike with Derek and Alex, I wanted Eli to take it at this own speed. Ultimately, he was only able to take about half of it into his mouth, but as he sucked faster and faster, I grew closer to exploding. Not wanting to cum in his mouth, I quickly pulled Eli off, turning him over so that I was now on top of him ready to pop. He loved how easily I could dominate him, his cock already hardening once again as I unloaded endless streams of cum onto his cute little frame. “Jesus Wyatt, you’re a monster…like holy shit,” Eli managed to say after I finished cumming. “You were pretty incredible too,” I responded, smiling and winking at him. Wanting to show him what I could do, I decided to slide down to the end of the bed, pulling him with me, before taking his full cock into my mouth. Not expecting this, Eli let out his loudest scream yet before defaulting to steady moaning. Simultaneously holding him down and rubbing his nipples, Eli also began to repeat my name over and over again, amazed as the pleasure I was able to give him. He was experiencing pure, uncontrollable ecstasy, while I also began to play with his balls as I deep throated his raging hard-on. Ultimately, he became putty in my hands, I could do anything that my muscles and I wanted. Yet, the only thing that mattered to me in this very moment was his enjoyment. Then, unexpectedly, he began to shoot his loads of cum into my mouth. Unlike me, he was unable to pull out, unable to stop himself, unable to assert any power over my massive body. Luckily, I didn’t mind swallowing his cum, and tasting him in my mouse was a dream come true. I wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take, Eli was already looking exhausted, but I didn’t want this to end. Managing to lean up from the edge of the bed, Eli stated, “Fuck, I can’t stop cumming…your body...it’s magical” Hoping for a grand finale, I asked, “would it be okay if I fucked you?” “God, fucking GOD, yes…as hard as you can,” Eli begged. Excited to fuck him, but knowing he definitely couldn’t take me at my roughest, with his tight little hole, I decided to make the best of it and take it slow. With Zoey, I honestly made it more about my pleasure than anything else, yet, I wanted Eli to enjoy this just as much as I did. Now standing up, my incredible, sweat covered physique towering over him, I brought Eli closer to my cock, lifting his legs in the process. Grabbing a condom from my pants pocket, I slid it on and began to aim my hard as ever cock into his ass. Eli screamed in both pleasure and pain, practically squealing, as I slid about a third of my cock into his ass, beginning the process of loosening him up. I took it slow at first, but I guess I couldn’t tell my full strength during such intense pleasure that I started going harder and harder, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Eventually, I think I maxed out at about two-thirds of my thick, meaty cock, probably fucking Eli half as hard as my muscles could truly allow. The pleasure was unimaginable for Eli as he moaned louder than ever, letting out occasional screams, begging for more, and saying my name a few times. “GOD….more Wyatt….I…love you…” Eli said in the throes of ecstasy, but genuinely meaning it, finally admitting it fully to himself, and me.” As we both reached the breaking point and began to cum endlessly, I responded, “Oh, oh…OH…I love you too Eli.” Finally having enough, I made my way back onto the bed, moving myself and a pretty loopy Eli to the top by the frame. Staring into his eyes as he drifted to sleep in my strong, comforting arms, it was all dream. It wasn't the summer I expected, but the one I always wanted. The journey ahead would be tough though, but, together, we could handle it.
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