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  1. “Perry, come over here to my cubicle. I promise you that you won’t regret it.” “What are you going on about Jai? Are you fantasizing again?” “Oh, I don’t think it is a fantasy anymore my friend. I think it is about to become a reality.” Over the past few months, the two office coworkers began bonding over their love of muscle and how they would love to just start growing after a long shift to let off some steam. Perry turns the corner and notices that his Indian friend is looking a bit sweaty. “What is going on? Did you take something to make you sweat like this?” “Heh, uhm maybe? I may have gotten a hold of a secret drinky drink that may turn a puny little man like me into a competition ready beast.” He shows his buddy a bottle that he was drinking out of and shakes it a little, making it make a sloshing sound. “Oh? OHH! You are really going to do this here in the office?” “Mmm hmm. It doesn’t matter anyway, does it? You will get to see me grow and become a huge hulk. Then maybe...” “Oh, my gawd, you don’t have to finish that sentence.” Jai smiles as he feels his muscles starting to swell beneath his dress shirt and pants. He can feel his feet straining in his shoes as he stands up and looks around. Perry tries to hide his growing erection, but his cute Indian coworker knows that he is getting excited. He takes his glasses off and puts them on his desk. “You don’t have to date a stereotypical skinny Indian IT guy anymore Perry. I will be your big hunky daddy and...err mm... ahh I think I am getting bigger down below.” They both look down at Jai’s swelling member, which is slowing moving down one of his expanding quads. The Indian is now starting to grip the sides of his cubicle, the veins in his hands are growing larger as they protrude up into his thickening forearms. Perry is starting to leak down his leg, leaving a wet spot in his own pants. “I... uhm...I shouldn’t want this to happen to you but...mmm...I do.” “I know what you want Perry. I want it too. I can already feel my testosterone levels increasing in my brain. Look how close I already am to bursting out of my clothes. I am starting to feel how big I am getting. This material does have some give to it, but enjoy how I look right now in them. This is all for us. Nobody else will ever have to know because they probably won’t recognize me after tonight.” The growing Indian manages to stop his transformation for the time being so he can let Perry take in the sights. He lets his coworker run his hands all over his sweat-stained shirt and pants, feeling each curve and pulsing vein, sighing as he tries to control his breathing and contain his excitement. It is clear that Jai has gained at least 30 pounds of muscle so far onto what was once a very slender frame. He leans in to plant a strong kiss on Perry’s lips, as they both embrace for a couple of minutes, letting his partner enjoy his warm body as his body hair thickens and he moans softly as he feels his facial hair growing and the hair on his head falls off onto the floor. “MMM...you are already so fucking sexy Jai. I can feel how round your pecs and biceps are getting through your shirt. Your handsome face is so much more manly now with the beard and the bald head.” “Heh, thank you cutie. This is fine if you wanted to be just a physique competitor, but I want to look like one of the big boys though. This is also fine if you want to appeal to the ladies too, but I want you, Perry, and I know that you want a lot of thick caramel beef to hold on to and play with.” Jai smiles as he puffs his chest out making a couple of the buttons fly off the top of his shirt. He then grunts as he hears some of the fabric ripping on his sleeves as his swollen biceps are partially freed. The top part of his growing pec shelf is visible now and making Perry lose his composure. “Ahh...that feels a little better. Oh, my guns are looking pretty good, but I need to make them bigger. I can feel my legs...” Jai’s swelling quads are now blasting the seams on his pants open. His bloated ass follows as it rips its way out of his underwear and starts to reveal itself as well. Perry is rubbing on the Indian’s huge tool, which is straining inside the fabric. Jai wants to flex so much as he feels his confidence building rapidly, but he can’t help but to revel in the feeling of hulking out of his clothing. “I think maybe you should move back a little for me Perry so I can outgrow this tiny space. Daddy Jai is ready to emerge and demand some more attention. Err...mmm...oh it feels so damn good...” Perry moves back a few steps as Jai grunts loudly feeling his entire body growing even larger. His feet blast through his shoes and socks as his thickening torso becomes too much for his shirt and it begins to rip in multiple spots. He growls in pleasure as his back splits his shirt down the middle and his lats start to flare wider, causing seams to rip. His pants are now being massacred by his expanding quads and his dick is starting to tear itself out the side of the fabric. “Oh, fuck Jai...I have dreamt of this before. Watching you turn into the man of my dreams is everything that I have ever wanted.” “Heh heh, I am going to be ready to step on a stage when I am done here babe. Look at how amazingly huge and striated I am getting. I can feel my abdominal wall getting so incredibly deep and wide.” He walks forward and moans as he big furry pecs become too much for his shirt and they launch a few more buttons across the cubicle. He barks as he bounces them and lifts his arms up into the air to feel his shirt literally rip open as he does a double bicep for Perry. His huge 22” cannons are now on full display as they rise in the air and harden, showing off their impressive vascularity. His partner marvels at his cavernous pits, which are filling to the brim with thick black fur. “I am... practically speechless Jai. You are so incredibly beautiful and massive.” The huge Indian bodybuilder stops posing for a few seconds to reach down and rip off his pants and his shirt. He then starts flexing his chest and legs for Perry, trying to emulate the huge beasts that he has idolized for quite some time. His big cock is now erect and leaking onto the floor. The cubicle is almost too small for the two men, but he is enjoying the fact that he has grown so much. “Am I big enough for you now Perry? I want you to put your hands all over me.” The stunned coworker is now rubbing his hands all over Jai’s impressive abdominal cavity and his huge heaving caramel-colored pecs as the big man leans down to kiss him again. He moans deeply as he picks him up in his arms to hold him against his huge body. They stay in this position for several minutes, exchanging saliva and enjoying each second together. He puts him back down and turns to let Perry see the back side of him. “Oh, my gawd Jai, you are mind-bogglingly gorgeous. What an incredible ass you have. Those hamstrings are really striated and I love your calves too.” “Yeah, I know. I think I have achieved the body I have always wanted.” He turns back around and kicks his shoes off to the side. He then turns to put his glasses back on, which are practically painted to his face now. He laughs. “Hmm, well I think I will need a new pair. These are about to snap in two with my muscular head.” Perry is petting his tool lovingly as he also gets more acquainted with his Indian partner’s incredibly huge well-developed quads, squeezing them with his hands. Jai can feel his balls getting really swollen and knows that he needs to release his boys really soon. He takes his glasses off again and puts them back on the desk as he also reaches for the bottle of whatever he was drinking earlier. “I saved some for you babe. I was not about to do this alone. I want to share my bodybuilding adventure with you, so we can both take over the competitions and make the other guys wish they were as huge as we are.” Perry takes the bottle from Jai’s hand and looks inside it. The aroma of the concoction permeates his nose and goes straight into his brain. He nearly falls over when the Indian beast reaches out to keep him up. He laughs a bit. “Whoa there Perry. I forgot to tell you that it had a strong smell. In case you didn’t notice, it has cum in it. It came from a warlock who is known to help out those who he deems worthy. He heard about us and felt that we deserved to be given this gift.” “A warlock? Hmm, I don’t know...uhm...damn it...I won’t be able to resist though. My mind is at war with what this stuff is already doing to me mentally.” He looks into Jai’s beautiful hazel eyes and starts to down the substance from the bottle. The huge beast pulls him into his arms again as Perry slowly strokes the huge hunk’s cock and finishes drinking the mixture. He throws it off to the side as the bottle hits one of the cubicles walls. “I have really strong feelings for you Jai. The prospects of being a huge bodybuilding champion alongside you is something I would definitely be willing to share. I think maybe we could take turns winning every other year.” Jai leans down to kiss him on the lips again as he squeezes his biceps and hands against his partner’s back. He can hear Perry groaning softly. The smaller man has stopped stroking his partner and has his hands and arms around the beast’s thick waist and is gripping his huge muscular lower back. They stop kissing so he can concentrate on his growth. “I was expecting it to hurt a lot, but I am feeling my muscles aching and straining. Deep down I feel like I am on the verge of exploding in size. I guess I just want it really badly.” “Oh, I know you do babe. You are probably going to make me cum when you outgrow that outfit. I am falling in love with you Perry. Watching you grow into your true form is everything I want from you and more.” Perry is now starting to feel his body swelling as his pants start to stretch slowly against his expanding quads and glutes. Jai has his hands over top of his partner’s ass, feeling it thicken against his fingers. He is moaning as he softly kisses Perry’s twitching neck, noticing that his coworker’s face is getting more defined as his facial hair starts to grow out as well. “Ahh...you were not wrong when you said that it feels even better once you start to feel your muscles testing the limits of your clothes. I am going to have a massive upper body; I can feel it.” Perry’s inflating arms and chest are starting to cause the fabric on his shirt to make creaky noises. He is toying with the growth as he lets go of Jai to show him what he looks like. His pecs and abs are practically painted onto his shirt as he stares at his arms in shock. He knows if he even flexes that the sleeves will likely burst open. Jai is incredibly turned on and is about to shoot his load. “OH BABE! If you already look this hot at this size, I just don’t know what I will...” “Yeah! I want you to cum all over me beautiful. Big Perry is going to make his entrance.” The growing hunk grunts as his quads start to shred his pants. His huge throbbing tool amazingly tears through the fabric as well as it starts to leak profusely. He gleefully starts to flex his arms, staring at them one at a time, watching as they blast through the sleeves, each bicep rising thicker and beefier. The fur on his body has greatly increased, as the front of his shirt struggles to stay intact under the weight of his bloated hairy pecs. Jai is now cumming all over Perry’s shirt and pants, making him yell “YEAH!” multiple times. He can feel his huge ass splitting his pants in the back as his huge delts and lats are slowly ripping seams as well. He can feel his feet tearing through his shoes as he looks down and marvels at how much he is growing. “I didn’t think I would ever look like this. Oh, my gawd, my chest is getting so fucking thick, I LOVE IT!” Perry moans as he feels his huge chest ripping the fabric on his shirt in multiple places. His huge round hairy melons gradually emerge as his thick abdominals burst through the bottom buttons on his top. He laughs as his huge muscular waist tears his pants apart, falling to where his immense cock is, holding them up with its strength. “Keep coating me with your thick cum Jai. It just makes me want to get even bigger. I love feeling the fabric ripping on my muscles and how this stuff inside me is building up my confidence.” The Indian hulk says, “Bigger Babe” a few times, making Perry moan loudly as he says, “Yeah...more...MORE...I love your fucking voice, Jai.” feeling his back getting larger and thicker, pulling his shirt apart as it sticks to his immense frame. He can feel Jai’s cum still hitting his chest, rolling down in between his massive pec forest and onto his thick cock. He reaches down to pull his mangled pants off his tool and tosses them over to Jai, who laughs. Perry is now gripping the sides of the cubicle now as he sighs, still feeling his arms growing. “I am growing into a muscle monster beautiful, but I don’t think you care, do you?” “OH, FUCK NO babe! You clearly are the dominant one, and I am okay with that.” Perry’s huge pecs are growing even wider as his shirt looks like a second skin now. He pulls himself up like he is doing a dip on the cubicle as it creaks. His arms are gigantic, full of garden-hosed size vascularity and tons of thick blackish-brown fur. His lats are on full display, flaring as he also has a thick forest of hair within his pits. Jai starts to mess with his partner’s huge muscles as he pulls the rest of Perry’s destroyed shirt off of him. The white beast gets down off the cubicle and grabs the Indian beast to pull him into his arms. They kiss each other deeply as Perry starts to shove his fingers into his partner’s wet hole. He reaches down with his other hand to keep stroking Jai’s wet tool as it continues to spill its seed. After a couple of minutes of teasing his partner’s anus, he lifts him up with his powerful arms and slides his thick cock inside the Indian’s eager hole. Jai lets out a few loud “AHHS” and grips the sides of the cubicle as Perry starts to grind him. They are completely unaware that they are being watched by the security guard, who is keeping his distance over by one of the other cubicles.
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