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  1. “Perry, come over here to my cubicle. I promise you that you won’t regret it.” “What are you going on about Jai? Are you fantasizing again?” “Oh, I don’t think it is a fantasy anymore my friend. I think it is about to become a reality.” Over the past few months, the two office coworkers began bonding over their love of muscle and how they would love to just start growing after a long shift to let off some steam. Perry turns the corner and notices that his Indian friend is looking a bit sweaty. “What is going on? Did you take something to make you sweat like this?” “Heh, uhm maybe? I may have gotten a hold of a secret drinky drink that may turn a puny little man like me into a competition ready beast.” He shows his buddy a bottle that he was drinking out of and shakes it a little, making it make a sloshing sound. “Oh? OHH! You are really going to do this here in the office?” “Mmm hmm. It doesn’t matter anyway, does it? You will get to see me grow and become a huge hulk. Then maybe...” “Oh, my gawd, you don’t have to finish that sentence.” Jai smiles as he feels his muscles starting to swell beneath his dress shirt and pants. He can feel his feet straining in his shoes as he stands up and looks around. Perry tries to hide his growing erection, but his cute Indian coworker knows that he is getting excited. He takes his glasses off and puts them on his desk. “You don’t have to date a stereotypical skinny Indian IT guy anymore Perry. I will be your big hunky daddy and...err mm... ahh I think I am getting bigger down below.” They both look down at Jai’s swelling member, which is slowing moving down one of his expanding quads. The Indian is now starting to grip the sides of his cubicle, the veins in his hands are growing larger as they protrude up into his thickening forearms. Perry is starting to leak down his leg, leaving a wet spot in his own pants. “I... uhm...I shouldn’t want this to happen to you but...mmm...I do.” “I know what you want Perry. I want it too. I can already feel my testosterone levels increasing in my brain. Look how close I already am to bursting out of my clothes. I am starting to feel how big I am getting. This material does have some give to it, but enjoy how I look right now in them. This is all for us. Nobody else will ever have to know because they probably won’t recognize me after tonight.” The growing Indian manages to stop his transformation for the time being so he can let Perry take in the sights. He lets his coworker run his hands all over his sweat-stained shirt and pants, feeling each curve and pulsing vein, sighing as he tries to control his breathing and contain his excitement. It is clear that Jai has gained at least 30 pounds of muscle so far onto what was once a very slender frame. He leans in to plant a strong kiss on Perry’s lips, as they both embrace for a couple of minutes, letting his partner enjoy his warm body as his body hair thickens and he moans softly as he feels his facial hair growing and the hair on his head falls off onto the floor. “MMM...you are already so fucking sexy Jai. I can feel how round your pecs and biceps are getting through your shirt. Your handsome face is so much more manly now with the beard and the bald head.” “Heh, thank you cutie. This is fine if you wanted to be just a physique competitor, but I want to look like one of the big boys though. This is also fine if you want to appeal to the ladies too, but I want you, Perry, and I know that you want a lot of thick caramel beef to hold on to and play with.” Jai smiles as he puffs his chest out making a couple of the buttons fly off the top of his shirt. He then grunts as he hears some of the fabric ripping on his sleeves as his swollen biceps are partially freed. The top part of his growing pec shelf is visible now and making Perry lose his composure. “Ahh...that feels a little better. Oh, my guns are looking pretty good, but I need to make them bigger. I can feel my legs...” Jai’s swelling quads are now blasting the seams on his pants open. His bloated ass follows as it rips its way out of his underwear and starts to reveal itself as well. Perry is rubbing on the Indian’s huge tool, which is straining inside the fabric. Jai wants to flex so much as he feels his confidence building rapidly, but he can’t help but to revel in the feeling of hulking out of his clothing. “I think maybe you should move back a little for me Perry so I can outgrow this tiny space. Daddy Jai is ready to emerge and demand some more attention. Err...mmm...oh it feels so damn good...” Perry moves back a few steps as Jai grunts loudly feeling his entire body growing even larger. His feet blast through his shoes and socks as his thickening torso becomes too much for his shirt and it begins to rip in multiple spots. He growls in pleasure as his back splits his shirt down the middle and his lats start to flare wider, causing seams to rip. His pants are now being massacred by his expanding quads and his dick is starting to tear itself out the side of the fabric. “Oh, fuck Jai...I have dreamt of this before. Watching you turn into the man of my dreams is everything that I have ever wanted.” “Heh heh, I am going to be ready to step on a stage when I am done here babe. Look at how amazingly huge and striated I am getting. I can feel my abdominal wall getting so incredibly deep and wide.” He walks forward and moans as he big furry pecs become too much for his shirt and they launch a few more buttons across the cubicle. He barks as he bounces them and lifts his arms up into the air to feel his shirt literally rip open as he does a double bicep for Perry. His huge 22” cannons are now on full display as they rise in the air and harden, showing off their impressive vascularity. His partner marvels at his cavernous pits, which are filling to the brim with thick black fur. “I am... practically speechless Jai. You are so incredibly beautiful and massive.” The huge Indian bodybuilder stops posing for a few seconds to reach down and rip off his pants and his shirt. He then starts flexing his chest and legs for Perry, trying to emulate the huge beasts that he has idolized for quite some time. His big cock is now erect and leaking onto the floor. The cubicle is almost too small for the two men, but he is enjoying the fact that he has grown so much. “Am I big enough for you now Perry? I want you to put your hands all over me.” The stunned coworker is now rubbing his hands all over Jai’s impressive abdominal cavity and his huge heaving caramel-colored pecs as the big man leans down to kiss him again. He moans deeply as he picks him up in his arms to hold him against his huge body. They stay in this position for several minutes, exchanging saliva and enjoying each second together. He puts him back down and turns to let Perry see the back side of him. “Oh, my gawd Jai, you are mind-bogglingly gorgeous. What an incredible ass you have. Those hamstrings are really striated and I love your calves too.” “Yeah, I know. I think I have achieved the body I have always wanted.” He turns back around and kicks his shoes off to the side. He then turns to put his glasses back on, which are practically painted to his face now. He laughs. “Hmm, well I think I will need a new pair. These are about to snap in two with my muscular head.” Perry is petting his tool lovingly as he also gets more acquainted with his Indian partner’s incredibly huge well-developed quads, squeezing them with his hands. Jai can feel his balls getting really swollen and knows that he needs to release his boys really soon. He takes his glasses off again and puts them back on the desk as he also reaches for the bottle of whatever he was drinking earlier. “I saved some for you babe. I was not about to do this alone. I want to share my bodybuilding adventure with you, so we can both take over the competitions and make the other guys wish they were as huge as we are.” Perry takes the bottle from Jai’s hand and looks inside it. The aroma of the concoction permeates his nose and goes straight into his brain. He nearly falls over when the Indian beast reaches out to keep him up. He laughs a bit. “Whoa there Perry. I forgot to tell you that it had a strong smell. In case you didn’t notice, it has cum in it. It came from a warlock who is known to help out those who he deems worthy. He heard about us and felt that we deserved to be given this gift.” “A warlock? Hmm, I don’t know...uhm...damn it...I won’t be able to resist though. My mind is at war with what this stuff is already doing to me mentally.” He looks into Jai’s beautiful hazel eyes and starts to down the substance from the bottle. The huge beast pulls him into his arms again as Perry slowly strokes the huge hunk’s cock and finishes drinking the mixture. He throws it off to the side as the bottle hits one of the cubicles walls. “I have really strong feelings for you Jai. The prospects of being a huge bodybuilding champion alongside you is something I would definitely be willing to share. I think maybe we could take turns winning every other year.” Jai leans down to kiss him on the lips again as he squeezes his biceps and hands against his partner’s back. He can hear Perry groaning softly. The smaller man has stopped stroking his partner and has his hands and arms around the beast’s thick waist and is gripping his huge muscular lower back. They stop kissing so he can concentrate on his growth. “I was expecting it to hurt a lot, but I am feeling my muscles aching and straining. Deep down I feel like I am on the verge of exploding in size. I guess I just want it really badly.” “Oh, I know you do babe. You are probably going to make me cum when you outgrow that outfit. I am falling in love with you Perry. Watching you grow into your true form is everything I want from you and more.” Perry is now starting to feel his body swelling as his pants start to stretch slowly against his expanding quads and glutes. Jai has his hands over top of his partner’s ass, feeling it thicken against his fingers. He is moaning as he softly kisses Perry’s twitching neck, noticing that his coworker’s face is getting more defined as his facial hair starts to grow out as well. “Ahh...you were not wrong when you said that it feels even better once you start to feel your muscles testing the limits of your clothes. I am going to have a massive upper body; I can feel it.” Perry’s inflating arms and chest are starting to cause the fabric on his shirt to make creaky noises. He is toying with the growth as he lets go of Jai to show him what he looks like. His pecs and abs are practically painted onto his shirt as he stares at his arms in shock. He knows if he even flexes that the sleeves will likely burst open. Jai is incredibly turned on and is about to shoot his load. “OH BABE! If you already look this hot at this size, I just don’t know what I will...” “Yeah! I want you to cum all over me beautiful. Big Perry is going to make his entrance.” The growing hunk grunts as his quads start to shred his pants. His huge throbbing tool amazingly tears through the fabric as well as it starts to leak profusely. He gleefully starts to flex his arms, staring at them one at a time, watching as they blast through the sleeves, each bicep rising thicker and beefier. The fur on his body has greatly increased, as the front of his shirt struggles to stay intact under the weight of his bloated hairy pecs. Jai is now cumming all over Perry’s shirt and pants, making him yell “YEAH!” multiple times. He can feel his huge ass splitting his pants in the back as his huge delts and lats are slowly ripping seams as well. He can feel his feet tearing through his shoes as he looks down and marvels at how much he is growing. “I didn’t think I would ever look like this. Oh, my gawd, my chest is getting so fucking thick, I LOVE IT!” Perry moans as he feels his huge chest ripping the fabric on his shirt in multiple places. His huge round hairy melons gradually emerge as his thick abdominals burst through the bottom buttons on his top. He laughs as his huge muscular waist tears his pants apart, falling to where his immense cock is, holding them up with its strength. “Keep coating me with your thick cum Jai. It just makes me want to get even bigger. I love feeling the fabric ripping on my muscles and how this stuff inside me is building up my confidence.” The Indian hulk says, “Bigger Babe” a few times, making Perry moan loudly as he says, “Yeah...more...MORE...I love your fucking voice, Jai.” feeling his back getting larger and thicker, pulling his shirt apart as it sticks to his immense frame. He can feel Jai’s cum still hitting his chest, rolling down in between his massive pec forest and onto his thick cock. He reaches down to pull his mangled pants off his tool and tosses them over to Jai, who laughs. Perry is now gripping the sides of the cubicle now as he sighs, still feeling his arms growing. “I am growing into a muscle monster beautiful, but I don’t think you care, do you?” “OH, FUCK NO babe! You clearly are the dominant one, and I am okay with that.” Perry’s huge pecs are growing even wider as his shirt looks like a second skin now. He pulls himself up like he is doing a dip on the cubicle as it creaks. His arms are gigantic, full of garden-hosed size vascularity and tons of thick blackish-brown fur. His lats are on full display, flaring as he also has a thick forest of hair within his pits. Jai starts to mess with his partner’s huge muscles as he pulls the rest of Perry’s destroyed shirt off of him. The white beast gets down off the cubicle and grabs the Indian beast to pull him into his arms. They kiss each other deeply as Perry starts to shove his fingers into his partner’s wet hole. He reaches down with his other hand to keep stroking Jai’s wet tool as it continues to spill its seed. After a couple of minutes of teasing his partner’s anus, he lifts him up with his powerful arms and slides his thick cock inside the Indian’s eager hole. Jai lets out a few loud “AHHS” and grips the sides of the cubicle as Perry starts to grind him. They are completely unaware that they are being watched by the security guard, who is keeping his distance over by one of the other cubicles.
  2. TheWeremuscleForest

    Bro Scent: The Secret is in the Air

    “So, you somehow rented out the gym for an entire night? How did you manage this, Parker? I have to say that this would have had to be really expensive, right?” “Uh, no? I know the gym owner, so he made up a story about how the gym needed to close for a couple of days to take care of a few things that needed renovated or something like that. Something about fixing the showers or updating some of the machines. It was a very convincing story I thought. Most, if not all, of the members believed it. I would have believed it too.” “Yeah, I did read that on Tiktok and Bluesky. I don’t get why we would need the entire gym to ourselves though. This makes me incredibly nervous, and I wonder if I can fully trust you. You have tried to trick your friends before.” “You have known me for literally 12 years Vik. Besides, you had to know that the reason why I met you here at the gym was because I am a sports scientist, and I have been working on ways to enhance the gym going experience.” Vikram stares at Parker glassy-eyed and realizes why he is there. “OH! No no no no... no... Parker, I didn’t sign up for this. You know how I feel about those experimental projects you have been working on with Kyson. I have no interest in becoming a guinea pig for you or him.” Parker grabs his arm and nervously giggles as he stops him from trying to move towards one of the gym exits. “Vik...I... uh...well I admit that I have sort of dreamt about you becoming a huge, hunky, Indian hulk on more than one occasion. Besides, don’t you remember how much fun we had spending time together at the beach a few months ago? All the big muscle that passed us by there.” Vik sighs as he relaxes just a bit and is then embraced by Parker. The two men stand there hugging each other for a couple of minutes as Vik then surprisingly leans in to kiss his friend’s lips. Parker caresses his Indian friend’s soft black beard before they finally separate. “See...you know how much we like each other. I just want to turn you into my beautiful musclebound beefcake, Vik. You are already so handsome and... uh...I just have this thought to see you...” “You will have to do it too then Parker. I will be extremely pissed off if you do this to me and don’t reciprocate on yourself. This is your insane plan to turn me into a freak and well...I also have to admit that I have this fantasy of you experimenting on yourself with a growth formula.” Parker laughs and kisses Vikram on the lips again. They walk to the back offices together and go into one of the rooms to continue their conversation. “Are you wearing your workout clothes Vik? Here is what I am wearing.” The scientist takes his button-up shirt off and is wearing a white tank top. He then takes his dress pants off and is wearing black gym shorts. He already has sneakers on and is showing that he is well-toned but isn’t greatly developed. Vik sighs again as he takes his own button-up shirt off and is wearing a blue tank. He slowly takes his jeans off and is wearing matching gym trunks, showing off his skinny legs and torso. He is wearing loafers, which makes Parker giggle. “Well, I guess that was probably smarter to wear than what I have on.” “I wasn’t entirely sure what to wear. This was my best guess considering what I thought would be just a regular gym session. I didn’t know that you were going to test one of your concoctions on me.” “It isn’t a concoction silly.” He pulls four vials out of the desk in the office. Vikram stares at them in jest. “Four? How many of us were you planning on trying this out on Parker?” He laughs as he puts them back in the drawer and pulls out a single unlabeled bottle from the same drawer. “I just wanted to see your reaction to them. Those are actually vials of GH. The gym owner has those in his desk for himself. I put my secret stash in here as well. This bottle is what I have been working on. They are just capsules, but they have stuff in them that nobody will be consuming except us...and possibly a couple lucky growers.” “Pills? Really? That isn’t what I was expecting. I figured you were going to jab me with something. Well at least that is a relief.” “Yeah, the stuff in these capsules is activated once your hormones begin to travel through your system. In other words, you can expect things to happen if you get aroused or amped up by working out.” “Aroused? Well then you need to take the first one then. I will certainly respond once I see you start growing.” The scientist unlocks the cap and plops two of the pills in his hand. He points to one of them and has Vikram take it. He then quickly flips the remaining capsule into his mouth and swallows it before locking the bottle. He remembers to get two small bottles of water out for them. The thin Indian doesn’t put it in his mouth yet. “Open your mouth, Parker.” “Damn, you are paranoid Vik.” He opens up and shows that it isn’t hidden anywhere before closing his mouth. He even opens one of the water bottles to drink it. “Down it goof. I did what you wanted me to.” “Fuck, I feel like I am being used by you, but for some reason I feel like you are confident that this would work if you took it.” Vikram puts the pill in his mouth and swallows it while also guzzling water. He is now leaning against his friend and seems more relaxed now that they have proceeded with this. Parker has his right arm around his back and is holding him against him. “Heh, here I was expecting you to get more worked up, but now you are calming down. I am not sure it will work if you stay this way.” “I am just glad that you are being real with me Parker. Do I have to do something to make you, you know...get beautiful?” Parker lightly punches him in the gut and makes a few ‘hmmphs’ as he lets go of Vikram and starts walking back into the main gym. The Indian follows behind him and grins at him. The scientist then turns around and starts to moan. “Maybe you don’t deserve me if I am beautiful mister...mmm...oh yeah...this stuff is already starting to work...” He points down at his legs as they begin to swell. The muscle fibers quickly thicken as his quads and hamstrings stretch his shorts to their limits. He reaches down to rub on his cock as it also starts to grow. His breathing intensifies as his excitement accelerates, feeling his pecs and arms squeaking as they begin to expand as well. He can see that Vikram is becoming entranced by what is happening to him and fully expects his friend to lose control of his inhibitions at any moment. “Ah Vik...I really had no clue that this would be so incredibly intoxicating. The hormones are flooding my mind and my muscles. MMM...you are entirely responsible for this you know that? I can’t imagine myself ever going back to the way I looked before this started.” Parker grunts in delight as he watches his biceps and triceps swelling bigger and squeezes his forearms with both of his hands, feeling them bulging with power. His pecs are now stretching his tank to the point that there is now a huge gap in between the fabric and each impressive mound. Vikram can feel things stirring within himself, but he is groaning, trying desperately to stay in control of his current self, watching in earnest as his friend continues to hulkout. “OH YEAH BABY! I am becoming a fucking huge alpha beast. I need to turn around to look at myself transforming Vik.” The growing beast turns to stare directly into the mirrors and begins flexing. The pump is enough for his shorts to rip all the way up to his waist as his big cock flops out and stands erect towards the mirror. His huge bubble butt has now freed itself and is making Vikram moan deeply as the Indian tries to keep his own manhood from escaping from his trunks. Parker has now ripped his gym shorts completely off and thrown them onto a nearby bench. His tank top tears in multiple places from the back as he grunts loudly feeling his immense chest do the same from the front. He pulls it off and bounces his huge beefy melons for several seconds, also studying his defined face and running his hands all over his thick manly mounds and his blocky six pack. He can feel himself getting ready to cum. “Vik...baby...I love my muscles so much that I am going to...AHH!” Parker blasts the mirrors with his massive load, showering them numerous times and shouting in pleasure as he lustfully stares back at his Indian friend at the same time, making sure that he is still eyeing him. He finishes unloading and turns back around to walk over to the Indian. “It is your turn mister. Oh...erraagghh...” He grunts as his feet finally emerge from his sneakers. “Ha, I completely forgot I was wearing those. I put on so much mass that these shoes felt like nothing against my feet.” He puts both of his hands on Vikram’s face and rubs on his beard slowly. He can feel his friend trembling from the excitement and nervousness. The hunky white beast then leans in to squeeze his huge pythons along his partner’s sides and picks the Indian up in his arms. “Look at me Vik. Am I beautiful to you now? I look and feel so fucking huge, and I want you to do the same. I crave a big, luscious, olive-skinned beast.” “Err Parker...I can feel it building up so much inside me...I can’t stop it any more...I can only think about...OHH...GROW...ING...” The white beast moans as he feels his friend starting to expand in his arms. Vikram’s lower half rapidly expands as it forces Parker to let go of him as the Indian lands on the floor. His loafers explode off his feet and go flying into the walls. His gym trunks can do very little to contain the big uncut power tool that is now arching its way down Vikram’s massively expanding right quad. He stares into the white beast’s eyes and laughs as he feels the growth moving into his upper body. His loose blue tank is now being filled with thick furry mounds of flesh popping out from every crevice of the Indian’s frame. He can feel his biceps and triceps inflating as he turns his attention to them and can’t believe that they are growing as big as they are. The thick garden hose veins on each arm stretching from his wrists all the way up to his shoulders makes him start leaking on the floor. Parker is now brushing up against Vikram and is rubbing his partner’s thick man meat. “YES VIK! You are becoming the dreamboat I have always wanted to be with. I want you so much.” The olive beast grunts in delight as his trunks finally rip off his mammoth quads and pelvis as he grabs Parker and wraps his huge hairy cannons around him to pull him into his swelling chest. “RRAARR...I knew this would turn me into a dom... I could feel it deep within me. I am going to stretch that hot hole of yours Parker and you won’t want anyone else.” “Oh yeah baby...push that big, beautiful beast inside me. I want you to fill me up hairy daddy.” As he manages to separate the white beast’s huge quads to start sliding his cock inside his partner, Vikram sighs as his blue tank top surrenders to his incredible size, shredding under the weight of his immense man cleavage and his rock hard eight pack. Parker yells in pleasure feeling his friend penetrating him forcefully and reveling in the Indian’s amazing thickness. “I have wanted to top you for years Parker. Mm...” Vikram licks his lips as he feels Parker’s hole hugging his huge 11-inch beast like a glove. It has been one of his goals since the two men started taking things up a notch just a few months prior. They have now moved over to one of the workout benches as the Indian beast flips Parker onto his back, lifts his legs up in the air and sits them on his massive chest, and grunts as he positions himself over top of the white beast and growls as he pushes his thick rod all the way in. “OH, FUCKING YES VIK...” “You are my huge hunky power bottom Parker. I have so much milk in these huge balls of mine for you to consume. I am going to pound you so hard...mmm...then, I want to shower you in my thick load and watch as you smother yourself in my gorgeous body.” The huge hulking olive beast yells as he grips Parker’s thick calves and thrusts in and out of his lover. Feeling his cum flowing into his cock after several minutes of intense fucking and the sweat pouring off both hulks, he pulls out of the white bodybuilder and lets his seed start to coat his partner in waves. “OH FUCK YEAH DADDY! Feed me that load!” “RRAARRHH...MMM...open that beautiful mouth Parker. He wants to be drained properly by a hungry mouth.” Vikram sits him up and shoves his big beautiful uncut furry cock in Parker’s face as it continues to squirt its juicy milk all over him. He slowly opens his lips as it slides down his throat. He shutters in pleasure as he gets very acquainted with it. His thick neck muscles flex as the Indian beast moans staring down at his lover as he begins swallowing his wet goo. “AHH...I am in love with you hunky white beast. I feel like I could cum for days.” Parker pulls his thick snake out to look up at him and smiles. “Well, you know I would gladly play with this gorgeous beast for eternity, Vik.” He lovingly strokes him, making the huge olive hulk grunt in pleasure. He picks Parker up off the bench and locks his lips on his lover’s. The two beasts moan loudly as they massage each other passionately, squeezing their muscles together and giggling in delight. They both are reveling in the intoxicating scent in the air that they have created from their fluids and their musk. “MMM...we smell fucking good daddy. This place has been christened by both of us as the growth gym.” Vikram agrees as Parker caresses his partner’s huge hairy chest and lays his head on the Indian’s massive pec shelf as they stand there together. They both turn their heads at the same time and notice that they have a bystander, who has dropped their gym bag on the floor. “WHAT THA...is that...you Parker? And... WOW...is this your friend Vikram?” “Ah, hello there Gregg. I can’t thank you enough for allowing us to use your establishment here to further develop...my studies...and to...well...I think you see that it has been successful, right?” “Uh...oh yeah guys. You are both looking freaking huge...and mmm...it smells really ripe in here as well.” The older man starts moaning under his breath as he takes in the manly vapors that have permeated the gym floor. He is the gym’s owner, judging by his polo with the gym’s name on it in green and gray letters. He is wearing a pair of jean shorts that show off his nicely toned legs and is wearing sock shoes. The bald, mustachioed, 49-year-old is now running his hands along his chest, as he feels his pecs starting to inflate, his nipples stretching the fabric and making his cock twitch as it begins to form a giant outline along the left side of his shorts. The two beasts are now encouraging his muscles to keep growing. “OH YEAH GREGG! We could both use another beast to come and join us.” “MMM...yeah what Parker said. Hulkout for us big daddy!” “GRR...yeah, I have been hungering to get bigger boys. Make me blow up so I can join your party here.” Gregg grunts in delight as his feet tear through his shoes and his swelling quads start to strain the fabric on his shorts. He especially loves the feeling of his upper body testing the limits of his shirt as he flexes his expanding biceps and grins as he watches them continue to inflate. “MMM...all those supplements were such a fucking waste of time...I could have just waited until now to...AHH...it feels so fucking GOOD. My cock is getting so fat and veiny.” The middle-aged man looks down and sighs as his cock starts ripping its way out of his shorts. It swells even bigger as he feels it twitch and shoot several ropes of cum across the room. The two other hulks moan in delight as they continue to watch Gregg growing. He moans louder as his swelling biceps and triceps make loud stretching noises. The veins pulse and expand to twice their size. He strokes his big tool as they walk over to get an even better look at him. “Yeah, beast man, get huge. Me and the Indian hulk are hungry for some more muscle and milk, right Vik? “You better fucking believe I am ready for more, Parker.” They both get down on their knees and start messing with Gregg’s big cock as he feels his shorts give way, releasing his thick tree trunk-sized quads from their prison as well as his expanding ass, which Vik has taken a liking to. The bald beast looks down at both of them and laughs as his pecs start to rip his polo. The sound of the fabric tearing excites all three of them as they leak profusely. Parker and Vikram take turns slurping on Gregg’s veiny shaft. “OH, FUCK BOYS! Daddy Gregg has some more spunk he can share. There is so much power raging in these muscles too, appreciative of what you have done for them. I can’t think you both enough for this.” Both beasts savor the older man’s thick frothy load as they take turns gulping it down as Gregg marvels at how quickly he is able to destroy his polo with his back and chest. His thick abs heave in delight as he greedily rips his top off and slings it to the side. He starts flexing his huge round biceps and wide chest when Vikram gets up off his knees and starts lovingly punching him in his gut, making him react in delight. Parker also gets up off the floor after finishing his cock meal and looks into Gregg’s eyes, petting the older beast’s thick furry chest, and then moans as he leans down to lock his mouth on the gym owner’s huge left pec. Vikram is now trying to maneuver himself in between Gregg’s massive glutes with his bloated brown cock. Gregg is laughing as he attempts to do so as the three beasts enjoy themselves immensely. Unbeknownst to all three of these hulks, another man has quietly entered the gym from a back entrance and has ventured into Gregg’s office. He quickly put his briefcase down on the floor, along with a gym bag that he brought with him. He can hear them down the hall moaning and groaning with each other and can smell their vapors. It is Kyson, the Spanish-born lab partner of Parker’s, and he is intensely shy. The man unfortunately is unprepared for what he is about to experience. Still wearing the dress clothes that he put on at the beginning of the day, he had just left the lab where he was working on more research for another project he was going to present to Parker in a few days. He is inhaling the intense man scent of each of the beasts, and it is already making him feel a bit excited. “MMM...Parker has done it this time. I had no idea it would be...so...ahh...” He can feel his legs and arms expanding beneath the fabric of his shirt and pants. He goes into one of the other rooms in the back and notices that there are mirrors everywhere in the room, so he gets even more pumped up. He moans watching himself growing as his chest starts swelling as well. The stretching sounds coming from his muscles is making his cock leak profusely as he stares at himself in the mirrors. “Ahh...this is something that I always thought was a pipe dream. Now...mmm...heh...it is really happening...” He can feel his feet getting ready to burst through his dress shoes as his expanding quads start ripping the seams on his pants. He can also feel his triceps doing the same to his white button-up shirt. He greedily puffs his chest out and grins as it starts testing the limits of the front. He reaches down to run his right hand along the thick outline of his Spanish cock and his left along the contours of his growing pecs and sighs. “Mmhmm...yyeess...the amount of testosterone and adrenaline pumping through me is so intoxicating...” Kyson watches his face become enveloped in a reddish-brown layer of fur, which is also making him smile. He can feel his ass and back muscles swelling to the point that they are about to emerge at any second from their confines. Interestingly, he feels like he can control the growth now and is savoring the feelings in his head. He looks down at his shoes as his growing toes start tearing through his shoes. “AHH...I love it so much. I could easily fall in love with myself with all of this...mmm...heh...okay I guess you can be free...” The Spanish-American feels his huge biceps tearing through his sleeves as his glutes shred the back of his pants. His cock is getting extremely hard, as it prepares to rip itself out. He moans as he slowly lifts his arms, hearing more seams ripping along the sides of his shirt as his thickening lats begin to flare outward. His pits are filling to capacity with thick fur, which is quite visible to him in the mirrors. He grunts, flexing his huge biceps as they destroy even more of the sleeves, both arms now entirely exposed. He puts his arms back down to his side as he feels his chest starting to blast the top buttons on his top in the mirrors. “YUM! OH yeah...they are getting so big and beautiful...ahh...I think I have really huge fucking abs too...” His swelling neck and traps are now tearing seams as he looks on and stares intensely as his big, swollen pecs launch even more buttons into the mirrors and are now exposed. His big Spanish cock frees itself as his pants start to fall down his huge lower half. It throbs wildly as he continues to look on at his chest as it heaves, drenched in sweat. He rubs each round furry mound in pleasure while also running his fingers along each one of his big cascading abdominal slabs. “I am so fucking beautiful. MMM...seeing myself hulking out like this makes me want to...” “Want to what, Kyson?” Unknowingly, his beastly business partner has sneaked in behind him to catch the last parts of his transformation. Parker is now slowly wrapping his huge arms around the Spanish beast as he leans in to kiss him on his neck. The other two hulks enter the room a couple of minutes later to join them. Parker tears the rest of Kyson’s shirt off as he finds his Spanish partner’s hole and begins to enter him with his huge pole. The Spanish beast moans in delight as he gets tons of attention from behind. Vikram is now starting to give him attention from the front. “Whoa, you are freaking gorgeous. If I had to pick...well...let me just have some fun.” The huge Indian is now starting to suck on Kyson’s huge pecs as he vigorously strokes the Spaniard’s big cock. Gregg is standing beside them and is massaging everyone’s huge muscles as he gets ready to get off again. Will the chain continue to grow if more guys enter the gym during this time? I have no doubt what the answer would be, do you know?
  3. TheWeremuscleForest

    Edging Does A Body Good

    “I’m only doing this because I love you so much Alby. For some reason, we always end up doing things I didn’t think I wanted to be a part of.” The 26-year-old nerdy twink with glasses, Samuel, wasn’t always the most social guy, but he has developed close relationships with guys that his husband Albert introduces him to. Several of them are quite athletic, a couple of which are quite muscular, and have been known to be flirtatious, especially with his squeeze, who is a cute and beefy 27-year-old otter. He normally sports a healthy beard to cover up what he views as an imperfect face. The two partners met in college and became inseparable after Samuel ended up saving Albert’s life during a lacrosse match. It was one of those awkward moments when there were no medical personnel around and the team was in need of someone with medical knowledge. Sam was studying to become a nurse and just happened to be in the second row of the bleachers when Albert collapsed on the ground. The medical doctor that was usually on duty was not available due to an unforeseen illness of their own. Sam thought that Albert was reasonably cute, but he was not entirely interested in ever meeting him in person. He mostly went to the lacrosse matches because he had a sibling that played. His sibling remembered that he studied emergency procedures and made him come down to assist. Albert was in respiratory distress, and nobody knew why. Sam began assessing the situation and addressed his client’s symptoms. He informed his sibling and a few other team members that he needed some things to help Albert breathe better. Once he was able to get more air into his client’s lungs as the EMT’s arrived at the scene, he thought he was finished, but as it turned out, he wasn’t. Albert had made eye contact with him and wanted Sam to go to the hospital. After a little bit of apprehension, he agreed and said he would be there in a few minutes. They placed Albert into the ambulance and drove him to the nearest hospital. Sam told the team that he would go see how the beefy cutie was doing and he would call his sibling to let him know about what happened. The match continued as normal while Sam made his trip to the hospital. When he arrived, he asked about Albert and was told to sit in the waiting area until they came out to speak with him. Surprisingly, it wasn’t more than maybe 30 minutes later when a nurse came out and took him to Albert’s room. Sam wondered why Albert would want him to be the one person to come see him in the hospital. The then 20-year-old was a bit fuller back then and had a lot less fur on his body. He was happy to see his 19-year-old, soon to be partner, come and see him. The bespectacled twink ended up sitting close to Albert after a couple of funny exchanges with each other. At times, Sam would glance at the man’s noticeable bulge underneath the blanket that was over his body. It was something that the young nursing student always had a thing for and couldn’t keep his eyes off it. The lacrosse player seemed to be doing a lot better now than from when they left the match. “I just wanted to thank you for helping me out, buddy. I have seen you at some of the matches before. What is your name?” “Uhh, Samuel Creighton. I guess you pretty much know that I have some medical knowledge. I was just doing what I was studying for. Eric, (his sibling), pretty much volunteered me for the job.” “Yeah, I briefly noticed that. *Pauses for a few seconds* It turns out that I somehow punctured my right lung after getting hit by one of the sticks from the other team. They are supposed to fix it soon.” “Whoa, that is a strange injury. Maybe I should go so they can get you prepped?” Albert grabs his arm. “No buddy. I have no family here and I would appreciate it if you could let the team know about my condition. Actually… my family doesn’t speak to me anymore after I… well you know… came out.” “Uhh, alright. What is your name again?” Albert laughs and coughs a few times. “Ohh shit, you are right. I never told you, my name. It is Albert Gaines. Your cousin Eric has been friends with me for a few years. I wonder why he never mentioned you.” The beefy cutie locks his eyes on Sam’s again which gets a little more interesting. “Ohh, uhh well I’m not sure why. Maybe he didn’t know that you were gay like me. Uhh, ohh why did I say that?” Albert laughs again and slowly rubs Sam’s left forearm. It is obvious that he knew his savior’s sexuality when he glanced and saw that Sam was looking at his bulge beneath the blanket. “I know this is a ridiculous time to ask, but after I get out of this place, would you mind if we started hanging out more? I can’t take my eyes off your gorgeous face.” Samuel is floored by Albert’s suggestion, but he is equally enamored with his soon-to-be partner. “Uhh sure, I guess? I don’t know.” “Heh, it is okay Sammy. Can I call you that? You are insanely adorable and very intelligent. You will not be disappointed, I promise.” After informing the team by phone, and his cousin, he promises to wait and see how the surgery goes for Albert, even though he should be back at the school studying for some upcoming tests. He can’t take himself away from the situation and isn’t sure why really. He is eventually allowed to see Albert in his room after surgery. There are a few patches on the beefy cutie’s right pec, which immediately gets the attention of the medical student. Albert notices and wants him to come sit by him like he did in the emergency department. He grabs Sam’s left hand and places it on his right pec. The nurse in the room is not happy about it and tells them to knock it off. When she finally leaves, Albert once again grabs Sam’s hand and puts it on his pec. “I bet you didn’t think you would be helping people so soon, right? Run your fingers over the pads and tell me what you feel? *Waits a second to act like it hurts* OUCH!” Sam jumps a little and wants to hit Albert, but he doesn’t know him well enough to do something so forward. He accidentally shows a little grin realizing that the man is playing with him. Albert can feel their chemistry building already. He slowly starts running his right hand along Sam’s shoulder. “Whoa, uhh well maybe I shouldn’t be here right now. I do have a few tests to study for back at the dorm. Umm, what is your number Albert… Al… Alby…?” “YES! Call me Alby, Sam. I love that, it is strictly for you. Come here, let me tell you in your ear.” He whispers his phone number, but then, reaches into Samuel’s pants pocket and pulls his phone out before searching for his contacts and typing it in for him. The medical student could feel his leg being lightly massaged as Albert finds his phone. The injured man can feel the twink’s large member along the pocket, so he feels it for a few seconds before pulling his hand out. Sam sighs just a little bit and tries to act like he didn’t notice. He is handed his phone back as the beefy cutie makes eye contact with him again. “Call me Sammy and we can meet up somewhere if you choose to. I doubt that you would want your roommates to have to listen to my drivel all the time. You could come to my place though. I have been trying to figure out if real estate is the direction, I should go in, or if I just do what I really want to do and pursue a career in sports medicine. Oh well, you just let me know and we will figure it out.” “Okay, sure… I mean I suppose. I am not good at this.” “Hey, don’t worry buddy. I’m not either, I just don’t like being alone too long. It isn’t fun.” Albert pulls Sam in again to whisper in his ear again. “You have to kiss me, or I will lie here all night wondering what your lips taste like, or possibly, what your lips would feel like on my cock.” Once again, Sam is shocked by what he is saying, but doesn’t resist as they lock lips. Both sigh as Albert feels his cock jump a few times under the sheets. They can hear a few nurses groaning behind them. They quickly move away from each other after a few seconds. “Heh, okay Sammy. I should have looked at your phone number when I had your phone out. You have to give it to me because I have to text you.” After putting Sam’s number in his phone, he quickly sends him a text and smiles. It is quite flirtatious. Sam responds back, which is noticeably awkward, but Albert laughs as he thinks it is beyond sexy. He is completely hooked on his new friend now. “Don’t be surprised if I bug you a little tonight. I will try to remember that you have things you need to get done, but I admit, I am very interested in who you are and where we can go from here.” A nurse finally chimes in, “Visiting hours are over guys. Let’s wrap up the love fest, okay?” The two guys grin at each other as Sam tries to walk away, but not before Albert grabs his arm and pulls him in again. He looks into the 19-year-old’s eyes and smiles before kissing him again. This kiss has more meaning than the last one. They both moan deeply as Sam touches his friend’s face and Albert rubs his new boyfriends back lovingly. They are pulled apart as the young medical student is whisked down the hall and out of the recovery area. After that night in the hospital, the two college-aged guys would begin a relationship that would continue to evolve into something that not even Albert imagined. They both graduated at the same time. Samuel was VERY intelligent and graduated in three years with an undergraduate degree before moving on to his master’s and then to his rounds at the very hospital he was at that night. Albert ended up graduating with a degree in sports medicine and became obsessed with changing how his body looked. As with many relationships, there was rough patches, but Samuel did support what his partner was doing. Despite what was perceived as a quiet exterior, the young nurse-in-training had some kinks that Albert was into as well. Probably a few months into their relationship, Sam let it slip that he was into watching men grow out of their clothes. It centered on guys that looked like himself and, jokingly thinking it was ridiculous, possibly someone that looked like Albert. It was at that point that the beefy cutie, who was a bit leaner now since he was starting to focus on his body more, realized that he had found someone that might be worth trying things with. Albert loved how Sam was able to manage his two sides when he needed to. The nerdy nurse, which he quickly found out after dating him, had a huge meaty cock that he quickly became obsessed with. Sam knew how to use it and Albert, being the larger guy, was perfectly okay with being the recipient of his partner’s throbbing tool when the urge came. Sam sometimes wondered how he got so lucky to have a partner that didn’t care that he was still the same twinky man he was when they first dated. They would marry a few years into their relationship. Albert was not growing like he wanted to at this point. His body was not responding the way it should have with all of the supplements he was taking. Sam was usually busy with his rounds at the hospital when his new husband would call or text him and complain about how much of a failure, he feels like he is, because he isn’t growing. Sam always reassured him that he would get over his plateau, but he knew it wouldn’t suppress Albert’s hunger for size. Admittedly, Sam did have dreams about his husband growing and hulking out of his clothes in front of him. He wouldn’t reveal his kink for this until they talked about it a few years into their marriage. Which brings us back to the original conversation. After finally admitting that he has dreamed about Albert becoming a hulk, the nurse is told that they are going to try something new, which was not new to Sam, but he never told his husband that he did it with someone else before. The beefy stud has explored other kinks that they share, including sleeping with one of Albert’s close friends he has known for years, Jacoby. He knew that Sam liked spending time with the man, especially since he watched him basically balloon into a huge powerlifter in a matter of months. Jacoby only agreed to the arrangement because he knew that Albert would get off on it. He wasn’t physically attracted to Sam because he didn’t view him in that way. Jacoby was talked into being topped by Sam, which was a total surprise when he saw the beast that was attached to such a small man, because most of their friends never realized that Albert was the bottom in the relationship. Albert could tell that Jacoby was not enjoying the experience after just a few minutes and they ended it. Sam would end up leaving the room, which was the TV room as it turned out, and the other two would end up fucking and making a ruckus. That did make Samuel a bit self-conscious about himself. He knew he wasn’t built like a lot of the guys that Albert knew, but it didn’t matter to the beefy cutie. He was madly in love with Sam, and he was trying to find ways to keep each other engaged, and he was willing to go the extra mile to achieve what he thought they both deserved. That would lead him to a man that was recommended by another one of his friends. This man somehow knew how to make yourself grow more muscle through the process of edging. Albert mentioned the man to Sam one morning after he came home from his shift, but the nurse thought that maybe this would be a bit too unusual to try. After a couple of minutes of trying to convince him though that this might be healthy for his system, especially since he knew how much testosterone Samuel would build up, Albert thought this was an opportunity that his husband couldn’t pass up. Sam agreed to talk to the man because he was interested in seeing if something like that could produce some kind of reaction in not only him, but his husband as well, since he was struggling with his own growth insecurities. It turned out to be someone that they both went to school with a few years prior back in college. His name was Pavel. They both were shocked when they saw what he looked like after meeting up with him again after a few years. He was huge, veiny, bulging, muscles everywhere, and had an impressive beard as well. He looked nothing like that in college. He was small man like Sam back then, which was one reason why they spoke to each other on occasion, and they had similar interests. Pavel could have even been interested in Sam back then, but he resisted the urge to pursue him after he found out he was dating Albert. After a few minutes of explaining the edging process to both of them, Pavel brings them into a separate room that looks like a home gym and sits down in a chair off to the side. He makes them both get on their knees in front of him on two mats. He tells Sam, to his left, to put their right arm out, and Albert, to his right to put his left arm out as he takes them in his huge paws and clamps his fingers on their pulses. He closes his eyes and starts talking candidly about their connection to each other. “You both have a VERY strong bond. It is one of the strongest I have felt in the time I have been doing this. Okay, go ahead and grasp each other's hands together.” They do so as he places his own hands-on top of theirs. “Yes! I think this will happen, but you both will have to follow the rules. Both of you will have to let your testicles rest for a bit. There can be no release, I mean… no cum can be spilled.” He lets go of their hands and tells them to ungrasp each other as he looks down at Sam’s crotch. “You have a gift Sam. Your cock and balls are going to provide you with the hormones to become the beast you are meant to become. You remember what I looked like. I was scrawny and insignificant, but I researched everything I could get my hands on and harnessed my energies and grew myself into what I am now.” He flexes his biceps making the sleeves rip on his dress shirt and smiles. He tells Sam to get up at the same time he does and reaches down to undo his dress pants. He pulls them down slowly, revealing the incredible mass of muscle from his legs, all the way down to his ankles. He is absolutely immense. His cock is throbbing wildly in his briefs. “Now, this is going to probably sound batshit crazy to both of you, but I am going to ask your husband to suck my cock Sam. He is probably going to enjoy it a lot. I know I will. I am so fucking excited right now because I like both of you so much. When you both are done with your transitions, I do want to see both of you again. Are you both okay with this?” Sam looks at him with a weird look on his face as Albert stares intently at the giant bulge in front of him. He doesn’t seem fazed at what he is being asked to do, even if it is so unusual. “I… uhh… well he does know how to service my tool… I can’t complain considering that I trust you more than probably 99.9% of the other guys we know.” “Then come over here Sam.” He moves up to the huge beast. “Put your hand on my huge chest. looks at Sam’s free hand Don’t touch your cock. Put your other hand on my bicep. Feel me… rub me… milk me. pulls his briefs down so his cock stands outward Suck me slowly Al. I am going to give your husband the gift he deserves Sam. There are reasons why he must do this. You will understand when the time is right for you.” After marveling at Pavel’s incredibly thick tool, Albert slowly massages it with one of his hands and reaches down to touch himself with the other. This is quickly rejected by the thick beast though. “No Al. You must build yourself up. No touching it. You will both leak and that is fine. It is actually a sign that you are both being primed.” Albert starts to slowly lick and massage Pavel’s tool with his hands, and watches in awe at what he thinks are the beast’s swelling balls. He looks up and sees Sam leaning in to kiss the behemoth on the lips. They both moan. A few drops of pre roll out of Pavel’s slit. He is sweating and lightly panting. “Excuse me Sam while I… rip Ohh fuck, heh, I seem to have ripped the back of my shirt. *Shows the giant split in the back to Sam* You are both stimulating me, which is causing my testosterone to increase, and I am… mmm… feeling the effects.” The first two buttons on Pavel’s dress shirt fly off as his mammoth tits start to peel out. He grins as he rips the front open making the rest go flying as well. His huge abs contract as his pecs appears to be swelling even bigger. “Go ahead and shove your face in there Sam and fucking munch on my tits so we can move this along. I think your husband will like what will happen next.” Albert seems fine with what is happening between Sam and Pavel because he is convinced that he will get what he wants the most out of this experience. He can taste the precum going down his throat, and it is remarkably tasty. He is now toying with Pavel’s cock, making long strands of precum stretch from the immense tool to his face. He quickly figures out how to stroke the beast as more of it flows down into his throat. “Fuck, you are both turning me on so much. Sam, kiss me again and worship my massive arms.” Their second kiss makes Pavel’s balls swell even bigger as it appears he is making even more cum. Albert is now gulping on the beast’s huge tool and can feel it slowly swelling in his mouth. It is becoming harder to breathe, but he is eager to be fed whatever might come out of the swollen beast. Sam knows what is going on because he can hear his husband moaning deeply. The twinkish man runs his tongue along the giant veins traveling up and down Pavel’s immense arms. Sam’s stimulation of Pavel’s cannons is enough to make them swell even larger, destroying whatever seams remain of the shirt as it rips in tatters. Pavel reaches up and tears it off as he throws it to the side. He flexes his lats, splaying them outwards which makes Sam take in his aroma. The strong smell is enough to make the twinkish man leak down his leg, which prompts Pavel to kiss him again. He stops after a few seconds. “God damn Sam, you definitely have the desire don’t you. Mmm… fuck… that feels ssoo good Al. I know it is getting too big for you. Go ahead and bury your face in my cavernous pits Sam and bring me to the edge so you can watch me feed your husband his overdue reward.” Sam can barely contain himself as he moves his head into the thick forest of hair contained inside the swollen pits. The testosterone being pumped throughout Pavel’s body is making him breathe heavily. Sam is noticeably winded as well. He has soaked part of his pants, which gets the attention of Pavel. “Pull your pants down Sam. Let it breathe, let it drip. We are just about there. Slow, even strokes will do it, Al. Your husband is going to be a beast when this is finally done.” The monstrous pole that Albert has been fooling with is flexing, almost pleading for release. He slowly rubs it, licking the head and getting a nice, tasty stream of precum each time he does so. He can hear Pavel agonizing above him with Sam pulling his trousers down and letting his cock drool all over the floor as he continues to lick his master’s lats and pits. “Okay Sam, watch me fill your husband. Don’t get jealous...heh...I’m sure you will be able to match me…oh fuck…” Albert continues stroking and can feel Pavel’s bull-sized testicles flexing beneath his hands. He is so excited that he thinks he is about to cum. He runs his tongue along the cockhead and catches the first thick river of cum as it comes flying out the beast’s shaft. Sam is right, his husband is a pro at handling big equipment. Pavel is ecstatic when he sees Albert gobbling and gulping every drop down his throat and into his stomach. The svelte athlete somehow is able to keep his breathing in order as he sighs feeling the white flood flowing into his eager body. He looks up at Pavel and smiles as he feels the beast’s cock contracting and flexing inside his mouth. He pets his friend’s giant wet abs and obliques as the cum dissipates from inside the thick beast’s shrinking ballsac. Albert finally pulls Pavel’s immense tool out of his mouth and lets it dangle as it slowly retreats back to its original size. “You are both amazing at pleasuring me. Looks at how swollen Albert’s midsection is How are you feeling now, Al? I’m sure you are wondering what happens next.” The situation has left Albert a bit exhausted as he lies down on his back on the floor. He is unaware that Pavel has decided to take his husband to another room. The thick beastly European-born beast knows that this is his chance at turning Sam into something greater than even Albert could have imagined. Sam is not entirely sure why this is happening, but he feels a connection to Pavel for some reason, and it feels right. Pavel grabs a small pair of gray posers along the way and puts them on over his huge bulge. He quietly tells Sam to pull his pants back up so that he can take him out of the room. He has his left arm draped over Sam’s body and is leading him downstairs into the basement. The room that the thick stud takes him to is unusual in the fact that it has insulated walls that look as if they are meant to keep sound from escaping. It is tucked away so that nobody can hear what is going on in there. There is another man in there, just sitting at a computer. He has a pair of glasses on, and is looking at what is going on in the gym that Pavel and Sam were just in. He turns to look at them and smiles. It is Pavel’s housemate, Kriztian. They have been living together for quite a while and have similar physical features. He gets up from his seat and starts walking towards the doorway. Pavel stops him for a few moments to talk to him. “Have fun, and make sure that you keep him distracted for as long as you can, Kris.” “I don’t think that will be a problem, animal. I would say the same to you, but I know that you will definitely take extra care of this beauty.” They grunt at each other and lean in to plant kisses on each other’s lips. Sam lightly moans as he watches them do this. Kriztian leaves the room, and promptly shuts the door, locking it behind him. Sam stares intently as he hears it locking and starts getting nervous. Pavel can feel his heart rate increasing and places his big palm over his heart. It results in a slow sigh from Sam, who is slowly calming down again. “You are safe in here with me Sam. I promise that you will be taken care of. I thought about just having the two of you come in here for the big reveal and conversion, but this is way more fun. Your husband will transform into his bigger form soon enough, you will witness that on the camera that is set up on this computer over here.” Pavel takes Sam over to the computer set up in the room and has him take a seat. It is at this point that Kriztian enters the room and walks over to pick Albert up off the floor. He plants him beside a couch that is set up near the gym equipment. The exhausted man makes a few gurgling noises before Kris smacks him in the face to get him to come to his senses. He stands up firmly and is directly in front of the sexy European-American cutie. “Wake up man, you have some growing to do here soon. I am here to help you out with that.” Albert snaps out of his stupor long enough to feel something happening in his crotch. Kris can sense it and reaches down to feel the man’s warm ballsac and caresses it slowly in his fingers. He is quickly met with a punch in his left arm. “Who the fuck are you, and where is my husband? You are not the man I saw a few minutes ago.” Kriztian smiles and takes his glasses off. He puts them on a nearby table, out of the way of what is about to transpire. He moans a little as he shows Albert what is starting to happen to him. “Just relax buddy and let’s grow together. Let our cocks get acquainted with each other and make the magic happen between us.” The man slowly pulls his shorts down to reveal his swelling cock, which is fully sheathed in a veiny covering. Albert is slightly distracted by his own growing rod, which appears to be attempting to meet up with Kris’s own tool. The man puts both of his hands on Al’s shoulders and attempts to calm him down. Their cocks finally touch and throb against each other. They both moan deeply, although Albert tries to hide it from this man. “It feels good doesn’t it, buddy? can feel his own excitement building inside him You can just stand here and watch me for a few minutes if you feel like it. I am just here to help you fulfill your desire.” While rubbing his own growing dick against Al’s, Kriztian’s balls expand bigger towards the ground. He groans and smiles feeling the hormones flowing throughout his body. His legs begin expanding and thickening outward, making popping sounds as the veins and muscle fibers react to the energy being released from within himself. He reaches down to grab Albert’s hands and rubs them along his shaft. He starts leaking precum all over Al’s cock when he feels his shoes and socks give way to his growing feet, which emerge with very little effort. His calves are now doubling in size, taking up a great deal of space on his lower legs. He continues to move Al’s hands up and down his immense veiny shaft, coating the man’s fingers in thick goo. “It is exhilarating man. The feeling of just letting your body have its way with you, when you are wanting to just let go with another willing partner. can feel the growth overtaking his upper half Are you ready to see me make a mockery out of my shirt? I’m not as patient as Pavel is, so here goes.” Kris smiles as he lets go of Al’s hands and starts flexing his biceps, making them swell and bulge bigger and bigger with each strain. The sleeves on his shirt shred almost instantly, as bloated garden hose-sized veins emerge from out of nowhere within seconds. His breathing intensifies as his chest inflates like a balloon, making him moan intensely. He greedily bounces his growing pecs as each individual inch quickly fills up the space from beneath the fabric. His top is struggling to stay intact. Albert is mesmerized by what he is seeing, and at the same time, is trying to hold back on his own metamorphosis. He is clearly turned on by this guy’s growth. Kriztian roars as he continues to stare directly into Albert’s eyes, trying to aggressively make his partner lose control. “Mmm...fucking yeah. I love feeling my chest blow up like this. Keep stroking my log dude and make me cum all over you. I know that it will ignite your fire, I can sense it. feels his shirt starting to rip FUCK! This is when I get really big man.” Albert barely strokes Kriztian when the growing beast grunts and launches a stream of cum onto Al’s sweat-soaked shirt and the nearby couch. He laughs as his thick pecs quickly tear through the front of his shirt. Beneath them, are eight perfectly situated abdominal blocks, drenched in a river of sweat. His shirt is still glued to his body, but it is struggling immensely since his back is now finishing off what remains of the fabric, splitting the rest of the seams along his swelling obliques and stabilizers. His lats are wasting no time bursting free from their confines. “Fuck yes...GROW lats...GROW! voice noticeably deeper now I don’t even have to be stroked anymore, man. I can just make myself cum on command, I think. These sensations that are coming from all over my back and from feeling my ass blow up will make me drown you if you don’t start growing in the next minute or so.” Albert is now concentrating on his own transformation. He yells in delight as he feels his legs reacting to what is happening under the skin. The extreme pressure of feeling his quads, hamstrings, and calves growing quickly forces him to readjust his position as he presses himself up against Kris’s own thick, bulging quads. His ballsac is now expanding towards the floor, as well, as his cock grows to match Kriztian’s. The thickly bloated European reaches down with his big fingers and rubs his partner’s swelling tool, stroking it ravenously, to intensify Albert’s growth. “Fucking YES! I want you to beast out. COME ON MAN! Match me, become like me! Don’t think about anything else. This room doesn’t matter anymore. We can fix it after we are done having fun.” Kris decides to yank his own shirt off his upper body so he can finish growing his immense delts, traps, and lower back. His neck stretches wider, pulsing veins visible, stretching from his thick pecs all the way up to his head, which is noticeably more muscular. He is now nearly done growing, as he reaches over to put Albert’s trembling hands on his newly bloated glutes, which are drenched. “GROW, beastman, GROW! I want to see every square inch of you become godlike.” Kris can feel Al’s arms swelling, biceps and forearms bulging with thick veins, against his own massive cannons. He yells, “YES! YES! YES!” multiple times, noticing each time he says the word, his voice gets deeper and deeper. Albert doesn’t want to wait for his shirt to give up and just tears it off. He squeezes his growing chest up against Kriztian’s as he watches both of his pecs widen and start mating with his partner’s tits. He flexes his calves so he can raise himself up to align his nipples up against Kris’s. The sensitivity from doing this sends the man over the edge, and lets the growth completely take over. He matches Kriztian’s body mass at this point and wants a bit more, but is disappointed when it stops. The two beasts decide it would be fun to start wrestling with each other. Furniture is destroyed and the gym equipment around them is being tossed around like they weigh about a pound each. Albert’s apprehension of being with another man during his growth cycle is completely gone, especially since the hormones racing through his brain tell him that it isn’t even a consideration anymore. Remarkably, no penetration commences between the two beasts. After satisfying their temporary fix for showing off with each other, their focus turns to pleasuring each other’s cocks. For about the next twenty minutes, the two hungry muscle beasts find ways to make each other cum by giving each other handjobs, verbal cues without touching themselves, the insinuation of penetrating each other, and their favorite activity, giving each other intense blowjobs. The massive amounts of cum spilled from each other’s tools is clearly evidence of this. When all is said and done, the two beasts have grown to a sizable 350 pounds. Considering that Albert is a good three to four inches shorter, you can guess how much wider he is compared to Kriztian. They both eventually pass out from exhaustion and start to slowly revert back to their original sizes from when this entire sequence started just a little while earlier. Samuel has watched the entire sequence happening on the computer camera that is set up in Pavel’s secret room. The emotions he is feeling are pretty strong, but remarkably, they are not what he was expecting, since his husband did this with another man. The big man that is in the room with him has stayed incredibly close to Sam the whole time, studying his body language, and was rubbing his thick cock along the back of the chair that the twinkish man is sitting in. “What are you feeling right now, Sam? Turns the chair around and is standing in front of him with a hardon in his posers. His swollen rod stretches the fabric to its limits. What you saw there was great, but it will pale in comparison to what will happen to you in here.” Sam, naturally, can’t take his eyes off of Pavel’s huge tool. He reaches out to touch it, which gets an immediate sigh from the bigger man. He squeezes his swollen cockhead and watches as becomes soaked with precum. It dribbles down onto Pavel’s bloated ballsac and down to the floor. “I know you underestimate yourself, Sam. What you are doing right now is built in. Unlike your husband, you can take all the time in the world with me. If you want to have sex first, then that is perfect. I have already primed you for what will happen in a bit.” Sam continues to mess with his partner’s cock, making it swell even larger. Pavel grunts as his posers snap completely off his midsection, allowing the smallish doctor to start licking his hulking, veiny tool. The thickly built powerlifter moans as Sam maneuvers it into his mouth, worshipping its power in the process. “That feels so good, my friend. If you keep doing that, you will be on your way to god status.” Sam’s worshipping of the big guy’s cock lasts for several minutes, stopping in intervals to let the big man take a few breaths, and lets the edge continue. Pavel shows Sam what he is doing to him. “Look at how big my testicles are getting cutie. Points to them swelling. I think it is time to try something a bit more fun.” Pavel picks Sam up out of the chair and starts kissing him. He pulls Sam’s pants down with his free hand and throws them off to the side somewhere. Sam is moaning deeply, knowing what his partner is wanting to do next. They end up on a bed in the corner of the room. The smaller man is now laying on top of Pavel and is worshipping his body, massaging Pavel’s big arms and chest with his mouth. After a few minutes, the big stud stops him to look him in the eyes. “This is just the regular-sized me, Sam. I have to get you loosened up for the bigger me. You have teased me so much over the past twenty to thirty minutes, that I will have to reload again before I finally grow into my bigger me. Come on, let’s start converting you.” Pavel starts kissing Sam again as his cock finds its destination into the twinkish man’s wet and eager hole. The pain subsides for Samuel after a couple of minutes of working its way deeper inside him. The two men are becoming rather fond of each other the more time they spend together, as Sam studies the rhythm of Pavel’s cock and feels his bloated balls rubbing up against his tiny ass. The thick powerlifter is now going to let Sam control the situation. “I really like you a lot, Sammy. You seem like you know what you are doing. Are you just like this with me, or do you do this with other men as well?” Sam pauses, glides up his partner’s thick chest, and smiles into Pavel’s green eyes. “I don’t know. I mean...I feel like this is a turning point for me. Alby has been holding me back a bit, I think. When I started messing around with you, something happened. I can sense a change inside me when I am with you. I want to experience what will happen next now more than ever.” “In that case, my friend, you need to make me cum inside you. I will mold you into the beast you crave.” Pavel, who is a few inches taller than Sam, slowly moves his partner back down onto his cock again, where they fuck for a couple more minutes. This doesn’t last long though, as they both sit up and lean beside each other. “I want to be fucked with you up against me Pavel. How about along the wall?” “Sounds good to me, Sammy.” The powerlifter picks him up and wraps his partner’s legs around his waist. His big cock eagerly throbs, wanting to return to its rightful place inside the twink. They both smile and start lovingly kiss each other again as Pavel easily penetrates his partner and starts thrusting. It is very clear that this is working this time because the powerlifter is ready to let go of his boys. “Are you ready my friend? Here comes the first fleet.” Pavel lets out a few “ARRs” as he fills Samuel with his cum. He holds the man tightly against him, both men dripping with sweat. They remain still for a few minutes, kissing on occasion as the big stud thrusts a few more times to unload a few more jets of cum into his partner. Sam feels a little queasy once Pavel finishes, but it is expected. “I know, you feel a bit off cutie. It won’t last very long though. Your body will absorb it all rather quickly.” It turns out, he is right. Whatever discomfort was caused by the extensive flood he unleashed inside the small man vanishes after a couple of minutes. He is now ready to move on to the next phase of this experiment. He pulls out of Sam and takes the man back over to the bed and sits him down on it. After a few moments of taking time to relax, Pavel starts talking to him again. “Remember what happened earlier out in the gym area? Want to see me do that again? Want to see me do that in clothing? It is up to you.” Sam smiles. “I greatly enjoyed what happened out there, Pavel. Is that as big as you can get?” The powerlifter grins and shakes his head no. “Now wait a minute. Don’t entice me too much, cutie. I can control it to a point, but coax me too much and you will see...” Samuel gets up off the bed and starts playing with the big guy’s balls. It is as if he knew how to jumpstart Pavel’s battery all along. The powerlifter grunts loudly and says, “Wait...WAIT!” He opens a closet and puts on one of his outfits made of thick spandex and leather. It is like a second skin to his body, leaving very little to the imagination, and it turns Sam on exponentially when he sees it meld to Pavel’s frame. “OH, MY GAWD! That looks incredible on you Pavel. Is this meant to prove something when you...you know...reach beast status?” The big guy smiles back at him and puts on a mask made of the same spandex material. It covers up most of his face, except the eyes of course. Sam asks to be picked up and rips the portion of the mouth open so he can see Pavel’s lips. The outfit is black and blue, Pavel’s favorite colors. “I have saved this outfit for this very occasion. I am so fucking excited, Sammy.” Shows his big cock throbbing, beneath the spandex, to Samuel. “Let me roleplay with you for a little bit though, I want to experience my fantasies with you.” Sam agrees, as he is shown that there is another outfit similar to Pavel’s. He goes to put it on. It wasn’t easy to find something in a small, but the big man did have one made just in case there was someone that could fit into it. “The funny part is Sammy, when you do grow, that outfit will practically disintegrate, but it will turn me on so much, I will probably lose my mind. Let’s go check in on the other two, for a few moments, to see what they are doing.” The entire body of both suits are made of spandex, with leather aspects along the legs and arms. It is clear that both suits were designed with growth in mind and meant to be tested. They both go out a secret door in the room, and out into the yard, before peering through a window and seeing the two other men, passed out amongst the carnage they caused. They go through the front door of the house and sneak in beside their partners. Sam has an idea to get their partners off, while they are sleeping. “Sounds good to me, cutie. I like the taste of my friend’s cum anyway.” Kriztian sleeps soundly as Pavel works him over with his mouth and gloved hands. A few jets of cum splash onto the big guy’s mask and lips and it nearly puts him over the edge. He underestimated how much he enjoyed the taste of Kris’s cum. He is clearly trying to control himself as he feels himself slowly growing beneath his suit. Sam is majorly turned on watching this unfold. The sounds of the spandex being stretched is quite loud though and they must rush quickly to leave the area. The two men sleeping are nearly awakened by the noise. Pavel moans deeply, feeling waves of hormones surging through his muscles, the sensation of the fabric being expanded by his own power is making him have to concentrate on just holding it together. “Ohh fuck Sammy...ohh fuck...” They go back into the room with the computer again and lock it quickly. Pavel is breathing heavily but is immensely turned on. His cock tears its way out of the spandex and continues to swell. He doesn’t want to stop growing but is looking for a sign from his partner, in case he wants him to try. He doesn’t get one because Sam is eager to see this play out. Loud “rrruuurrrs” continue to echo through the room as Pavel’s muscles test the limits of whatever power this material has left in it. The strong smell of testosterone is now filling the room, as the fur on Pavel’s body is starting to thicken. This is one of the secrets to how the suit is defeated because the fur penetrates the surface and weakens it. The growing beast roars in delight as he feels his biceps, back, and chest, bursting through the suit and continue to expand. He gestures for Sam to start playing with his cock as he feels his ballsack break free from its confines. “You did this to me, Sammy. I haven’t been this big in... EVER!” His quads and glutes blast through the suit next as he feels himself getting closer to the ceiling. He is now close to 500 pounds. Mountains of muscle all over his body, pieces of the suit scattered all over his frame. He is barely able to focus on Samuel but does manage to get a few sentences out. “Uhh...gawd...whew! I must focus on...ohh fuck it! I want to turn you into a fucking gawd, Sammy. That is my only goal at this point. Sorry, if this is going to hurt, but...” Pavel grabs Sam and turns him around. He rips a hole in the butt of his suit and quickly slides a portion of his massive log into the twink’s wet hole. It is not pleasurable at first, as Sam wails in pain. He, however, doesn’t hate his partner for this, because he knows what will happen once this gets going. They both end up on the floor, with the giant beast pounding him doggystyle. It is entirely intentional for Pavel to do this because he knows he can pump cum into his partner in multiple intervals. “Do it Sammy. You wanted the alpha me to come out, it did. My boys are going to change you in ways you never imagined. Fucking become a gawd... feels the small man reacting against his cock. Ohh shit...I can feel it starting to happen!” Samuel’s growth cycle is remarkable. The suit he is wearing doesn’t last long as his limbs lengthen and expand, making a great deal of the spandex rip open within seconds. He moans deeply feeling his quads, hamstrings, glutes, and feet push him upwards off the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, Pavel watches in delight as his partner’s flat chest, slowly inflates several feet towards the ground. Big, heavy, full pec meat with perfectly centered nipples form within seconds. He is completely lost in his growth, letting it take over every thought in his head. His cock stretches beneath him, towards Pavel’s own, so they can both interact with each other. His arms struggle to keep up with the mammoth soccer-ball sized biceps, and gigantic horseshoe triceps growing beneath his skin. He is growing immense and is one of the most stunning creatures that Pavel has ever laid his eyes on. Sam’s voice now rumbles when he breathes, and his neck and head make quick work of the mask he was wearing. His glasses unfortunately shattered once the growth made it to that part of his body. When Samuel moves his head to the side, he is almost unrecognizable, because he has grown a thickly groomed mane, and has no hair on his head now. His body is covered in thick fur, probably a side effect of the hypermasculine sperm that Pavel passed on to him. Sam can barely pass as a human at all, at this size. His once huge partner can basically sit on one of his truck-sized quads now and take in the sights. There are more muscles in Samuel’s back than Pavel can count, as they all ripple and tense involuntarily. After a few moments, Pavel decides to plunge his cock back into Sam’s hole and go to town on him again. He doesn’t want to see this side of Samuel go away, but he knows that it will probably only last for a short time, so he prepares to put his friend under a little bit of duress once again. “I know you may hate me for this Sammy, but let's do this for just a little bit longer, okay? You are fucking gorgeous, and I am not ready for this to end just yet.” After eclipsing 800 pounds and reaching heights of about ten feet, the behemoth does start to shrink a bit, but not before Pavel musters enough energy to implant more of his boys into the man. The growth isn’t as amazing this next go-around, but it is enough for the two men to enjoy another round of indulging themselves. They both return to their original sizes after a few more minutes of size play. Albert and Samuel’s relationship did change after this experience. Sam is no longer exclusive to him. They discussed it over several weeks and realized that they needed to allow other people in. Pavel would not be the only man that Sam would spend a great deal of time with. It turns out that the man Sam was converted by, had done the same to other men, although not at quite the same level of growth. Albert would start seeing Jacoby again. With Al’s new ability that was given to him by Pavel, he would slowly coax his old friend into allowing him to show him what he could do. This would not happen for several months, since Jacoby was already with another man, and wasn’t entirely open to allowing someone else into his relationship. That is another story of course.
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