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  1. Broody

    POP, part 8 added 02/FEB

    Trying something a little different here. Basic synopsis: A powerful, dominant serial killer is murdering massive bodybuilders with his bare hands, and a police detective (himself a massive bodybuilder) must track him down while fighting his own lustful attraction to the uber-masculine perpetrator.] Warnings: Snuff, Gore, Horror POP by Broody “You’re supposed to wear a coverall, like me,” said Dr Stain, the medical examiner, who in his white head-to-toe gear, contrasted sharply with the slimy red gore that covered the entire apartment. “And look like a cumshot in a uterus, like you?” said Detective Carnitas. “Not likely, chum. ‘Sides, they didn’t have one in my size.” “They don’t have doors in your size, Detective.” “True. Guess I’m just too much man for this world.” Carnitas did have to turn sideways to fit his 6’6” 450 lbs of swollen muscles through the door of this crime-scene-cum-abattoir. “This guy was too. Now literally, I guess. So be careful what you wish for.” The giant detective looked at the body. It looked like a skeleton wrapped in a bag of oversized skin. “What the fuck are you on about? This was a fat dude that had some kind of weight-loss surgery.” “Very sudden weight-loss surgery.” The doctor extended a pair of stainless steel forceps and pulled up the skin of the ragged corpse’s chest. “Weird.” Carnitas grabbed the second tool offered by the pathologist and together they raised the pec skin, which had enough area to cover a 60 inch chest. “And this surgeon needs to sharpen his scalpel, look here.” Jagged rends broke the skin at the top and sides of the chest. “It’s like the fat just burst outta him,” said the dumbfounded cop. “Not fat.” The doc pointed at the ceiling, walls and windows. “Look around at all this tissue, it’s pure red meat, no adipose.” “Are you telling me some perp exploded an Olympia-sized, fully-conditioned bodybuilder in his own apartment? What kind of weapon could do that? There’s no grenade shrapnel or burns.” Det. Carnitas felt his heart racing. “No weapon.” “So he took it with him.” “Nope.” Carnitas looked askance at the doctor. “No need to tax your brain overmuch, Detective. There’s video.” The doctor stood and crossed to a desktop computer with a webcam and used his gloved hand to wipe gore off the screen. Carnitas took a sharp breath. It was a freeze-frame shot of a red explosion that was surely the moment of death. But the red burst had a milky-white center. He found himself holding his breath, his heart fluttering as he looked closer. It was a man’s back. Though the man was half the size of the victim, he had the most densely muscled back Carnitas had ever seen. The groove of the spinal erectors in his Christmas tree was deep enough to trap a man’s fingers up to the third knuckle. His lats looked like twin wine barrels tucked under his brawny arms. His massive, tenticular traps formed a monstrous Kraken that seemed to pin Carnitas’ brown eyes with a burning glare. “What the fuck?” The doctor grabbed the mouse to click the symbol to back the vid up ten seconds. Carnitas gasped when primal sounds erupted from a fully equipped stereo system. The video showed a bloated mega-heavyweight bodybuilder who could have been Carnitas’ twin, held aloft and practically vibrating with lust in the concrete arms of the muscular perp. A high-pitched sexual whine ululated out of the bodybuilder’s cum-covered lips as the perps lats spread to eclipse their view of the vic’s mid-torso. The dominating bear-hug compressed the middle of the massive victim’s physique, swelling the top half of his pecs so much they pushed up into his chin, forcing his neck back til his whole head was obscured by deformed pec-meat blistered with stretch marks. Beastly basso-profundo grunts shot out of the subwoofer as that inhuman back rippled and flexed with incalculable strength. “Fucking hell.” Carnitas was finding it hard to breathe. The grunts got longer, louder and deeper, a counterpoint to the rising tone of the vic’s squeal, which sounded like air leaking out of a balloon. “No…” burbled the helpless vic, just as his body became a crimson supernova. Red flesh burst in all directions out of distressed skin as muscles built over years of obsessive workouts splattered like bugs on a windshield against vastly superior brawn. Carnitas was shocked and bewildered, but what happened next truly turned his world upside down. The perps wordless grunts slid into consonants and vowels as a long lingering… “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” … vibrated the floorboards. The sheer manly amplitude of the perp’s ultra-deep voice traveled the distance to where Carnitas stood, thundered up his shins, crossed in an X across his 38” quads and locked his groin in a vice. He couldn’t have taken his eyes off of the screen if he wanted to, as the perp turned to the side. The massive arms dropped casually to his sides, and the crushed torso slumped, but still clung goo-like to granite pecs shaped like Atlas stones that now filled the vic’s ribcage where vital organs once pulsed. A pec bounce jiggled the deformed corpse like a macabre marionette, which the perp found amusing. “HUH-HUH-HUH.” His lewd, rumbly chuckle reached out to Carnitas’ bloated prick and blasted the cum out of it like toothpaste from a tube crushed by a fist. Another pec bounce loosened the vacuum of the vic’s collapsed lungs and the sodden necrotic mess slid to the floor. As those insanely pumped, veiny boulder pecs approached the camera, the perp wiped the victim’s blood from their curvature, revealing a massive chest-and-abs tatt that penetrated the bodybuilder cop’s brain like an ice pick: GONNA POP U BITCH Carnitas blacked out as he heard the perp’s final words: “WHO’S NEXT?”
  2. RealIn2Growth

    Winning Breeding Rights (Complete Story)

    This is a one off. I wrote this when I had nothing better to do. I was watching two guys working out at the gym. They were both extremely muscular and attractive, and I wondered if they had ever competed for who was top dog. This is my imagination at work! Enjoy!! Winning Breeding Rights “So… this is your place. A lot cleaner and better decorated than I imagined.” Ned walked into the open planned living room like he owned it. “Thanks. Think I’d just have jocks and shaker bottles scattered around?” I followed him in, catching sight of the outline of his ass in his skinny jeans. Fuck!! He had a great ass. Actually better than mine, to be honest. It was round, firm, and sat high like a shelf. It just screamed out to be grabbed. “Actually… yeah. What do you do for a living?” Stopping at the sofa, the 6’6, dark hair man I was now lusting after took off his coat. “I’m an influencer.” He laughed. “Really?” “Yeah really! Bet I make more than you. What do you do?” “Lawyer.” “Fuck. Smart too. When do you find time to go to the gym?” “Need to be disciplined. I live in a state of constant discipline.” From his jacket pocket, Ned removed a silver flask. “Whiskey from 1864. Incredible flavor notes. Brought it to toast your win.” Ned opened the flask and took a swig. When he was done, he handed it to me. “We’re really going to do this?” “A deal is a deal. You were able to bench the most, curl the most, squat the most, and deadlift the most. You’re the man. Besides me never setting foot in the gym again, you win breeding rights.” “Look. I kicked your ass. We can leave it at that. You don’t have to stop coming to the gym.” “You won fair and square. You’re the strongest of us both.” “You’re sure?” “Yes. I’m sure. Why? You don’t want to fuck me?” I was silent. I did want to fuck him. Badly. “Your silence speaks volumes. Drink.” I took a long swing from the flask and handed it back to him. I wasn’t a huge whiskey fan. I was more of a beer drinker, so I had no clue what flavor notes I should be looking for. It burned though as it went down my throat, so I imagined it was good. I handed the flask back to Ned. He accepted it happily. “Here’s to us! To getting everything we want.” Ned nervously took a long drink from his flask and then handed it to me once again. “To getting everything that we want.” I took a swig, feeling the whisky burn once again. I handed it back, but he refused. “Finish it. You deserve it.” I grinned at him and downed the rest of the contents. We were in my bedroom five minutes later. I watched as he tentatively yet energetically took off his clothes. Even though I had seen him at the gym, I was surprised to see that he was hairier than I remembered. It wasn’t gorilla hairy. More sexy hairy. He didn’t have any hair on his shoulders or on his back. Just a jet black carpet that trailed over his pecs, down across his abs, and grew up around his uncut cock. I was dying to run my hands through the hair on his chest and tweak his nipples. “Just want you to know, besides having a girl's finger up my ass a couple of times, you’re getting virgin territory.” Fuck! That got me hard. “Really?” “Yep. Never been with a guy.” I was slightly shocked. I thought my bi radar was going off loud and clear when he approached me in the gym two weeks ago. “You sure you want to do this then? No foul if you say no.” “I want to do this. Believe me. I’ve never wanted anything more. Really.” After stepping out of his boxer briefs, he took a few steps towards me, his sizable hard cock pointing towards his left hip. “I want you to fuck me. No matter what, I want you all the way in, and I want you cumming inside of me. I want you to dominate me just like you did in the gym.” I didn’t have to be told twice. * Once the waves of such an intense orgasm passed through me… once every drop of my seed had been shot deep within Ned, I felt his thick, muscular legs begin to loosen from around me. Looking down on his naked body I saw a grin emerge on his face, trailing from ear to ear. Sweat poured down his face. “Looks like you enjoyed that.” I brushed blonde hair away from my eyes as I looked down at him. Fuck, he was cute. I’d had sex with men before. Why not? I was proud of being bi. There’s nothing wrong being able to appreciate both men and women in bed. Guys are just built differently than women, and sometimes you just need to let loose with another guy. Especially with a guy like Ned who could really take it. But, could I actually be thinking romantic thoughts about him? Did I actually want to ask him out on a date? Could actually be thinking about a guy in a romantic way and not just as a place to drop my load? “I didn’t think I would, but I did. A lot. I’ve always been curious. I can’t believe you got me to cum twice. Fuck!!” I grinned down at him, happy to see I had given him the ride of his life. As if assuring me this was true, Ned wrapped his legs around me again, refusing to let me go. That was fine. I was really comfortable when I was inside of him. Very. “Curious… how?” “I think I’m pretty much straight… but… when I saw you for the first time, I told myself that I’d let you fuck me.” “You must be psychic.” “Or the winning prize was my idea.” I grinned. “It was, wasn’t it.” I leaned closer to him. I wasn’t sure if I should… but I also felt I needed to test the waters. I leaned nearer still before placing my lips on his. Ned was surprised at first, but soon tentatively began to kiss me back. When my tongue slipped into his mouth, he stiffened slightly, but only for a moment. A second later, his tongue was fighting with mine in my mouth. We kissed for a couple of minutes more before I pulled away. “Fuck! You’re a great kisser, Ned.” I felt Ned’s sphincter and ass cheeks flex, tightening around the shaft of my cock. “Someone’s still hard in there!” “Tell me about it! I feel like a teenager again; cumming and staying hard. Your ass just feels so good.” I flexed my cock for him and laughed when I saw the reaction of pleasure wash over his face. “I never thought I’d say this, but I love the feeling of your hard cock planted deep in me. How big is that thing?” “9.4x6 inches.” “Jesus..” “You were a champ! I barely ever get in balls deep, but you took it all on your first go. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a bit of a size queen!” I leaned towards him, and we began to kiss again. His legs wrapped tighter around me, and if possible, shoved me in still deeper. After a couple of minutes of post-coital kissing, our passion for each other began to mount once more. I couldn’t get enough of him. I was so fucking hard. I wanted to ride his fit ass once again, burying my cock in deeper than before, if that was possible. “I could probably go another round if you’re interested. Remember, what happens in my bedroom stays in my bedroom. I’m just so crazy horny for you. I haven’t been this hard in ages. I could go all day.” I felt my thick cock throb inside Ned, who winced as if in pain. “You okay? Let me pull out for a few minutes; let you rest. I forget how thick I am sometimes” I went to do so, but Ned tightened his legs around me. “One minute more. I love the feel of your huge cock inside of me. It feels perfect.” “You’re not too small yourself. Next time you might have to tap me!” My cock throbbed again and somehow felt impossibly harder than it ever had been before. I watched as Ned winced again, letting out a soft moan. “That’s it. It’s working. I can feel it flowing through my body now. I bet you can too.” “What? What are you talking about?” My cock throbbed for a third time, hardening even further, and sending a shiver of cold and then deep heat through me. Fuck!! It felt so good being buried deep in Ned’s ass. I wanted to be there forever. I thrust in further, if that was possible, and was rewarded with a deep moan from his lips. “When I first saw you… at the gym… I hated you. You were bigger… taller… more muscular… stronger… bigger cock. I always thought I was the biggest around. There aren’t many over 6’6…” “I’m 6 '10, but who’s counting?” “Who’s counting? I was counting… and it was driving me crazy.” I laughed, turned on by his competitive side, grabbed his ass and tried to ride him again. My cock barely moved as his hole suddenly felt tighter than before. Ned groaned loudly, and pulled his legs in even tauter around me. “Fuck you’re tight. I thought I opened you up good.” “You did… I…”. Ned looked deep into my eyes. “You’re never getting rid of me.” “What?” I laughed uncomfortably. I suddenly began to regret what we had done. Some straight and bi guys can’t handle their own emotions and reactions after they experiment for the first time. They either run away as fast as possible, or they become super clingy. I was beginning to think Ned was the latter. “We’re merging, Alec. It’s already begun. There’s no stopping it no matter what we try.” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “We’re merging. We’re becoming one new person.” “One new…!” Ned was starting to freak me out. I tried to pull out, but found my cock was stuck where it was. I pulled harder, but this only seemed to drag Ned closer to me. Looking down, my eyes grew huge and my heart began to beat wildly with fear as I began to see what was happening. Ned’s legs, wrapped so tightly around me… the skin of my hips and his legs… they had somehow become entirely fused together! My crotch and his ass were now one complete entity! Where I ended… he began!!! We were like some form of nightmare conjoined twins. I pulled again, but this only seemed to tighten and strengthen the connecting flesh even more. Running my fingers over the new skin, I found I could feel the sensation of touching my own body. I grabbed Ned, and it was the same. It was like I was touching an offshoot of me!!! My heart raced. “What the fuck is going on.” I tugged again, my feet firmly on the floor, but this only moved Ned along the bed. “When I went to New Orleans last week for a conference… I met an old woman in a shop. She sold me this elixir that I mixed with the whiskey that you drank when I got here. She said not to mix it with anything… that it could possibly have unforeseen results, but I couldn’t think of any other way for you to drink it… and we both needed to drink it at the same time. You drank a lot more of it than me, but then, you are the Alpha.” Both Ned and I groaned at the same time as a wave of heat passed through us. “Fuck!! It’s really working!!! As soon as she saw me… she knew. She told me what I needed to do to be fully satisfied with my lot in life. It was like she had known me for my entire life… could see the secrets I kept hidden from myself. You see. It’s for the best. With you around… I could never win. I could never beat you… so I had to join you.” I pulled against Ned as hard as I could, but it only caused myself pain. It was like trying to tear off my own arm. “It's too late, Alex. It’s happening. We can’t stop it. We’re merging. You should be glad though. You’re the true Alpha. You bred me, so you’re the one who’s going to be in control. Me… my body’s reforming for a different purpose.” Ned just smiled at me. “What do you mean? What purpose?” “I’m going to become your new cock.” I couldn’t believe the nonsense I was hearing. I wildly looked around my room for hidden cameras of some kind. Some proof that this was all a prank. “You’re going to be amazing, Alex. The merging will add my muscle to your muscle… my height to your height. Plus… I thought you… we… deserved it. I paid her to give you an even bigger boost in the size department. I know how much you love size. All of my wants… needs… desires… my sex drive… all added to yours, and I’ll always be there as your cock. I swear I’ll be a good cock. I’ll always be horny. I’ll always get hard for you…” Ned groaned loudly. His eyes closed and his face contorted. His eyes opened, and when they did… he had fear in his eyes. “My… arms…” I looked down, and saw that Ned’s upper arms appeared to rapidly be melding with his torso. It happened so fast! Soon, his upper arms didn’t move at all, just lay rigidly next to his torso. His lower arms and hands flailed wildly around… out of control. Soon though, all movement in his arms just… stopped. “I can’t… I can’t feel my arms! I can’t… Christ! I don’t know if I really thought this through! I’m really… I’m really turning into a cock! Holy fuck! I’m going to be a cock!! I’m going to be your cock!! OH FUCK!!” Ned screamed as the skin of his torso appeared to take the form of liquid rubber or molten lava and slowly begin to pool over his arms. Ned screamed again loudly as he appeared to forcefully press his arms into his torso while the liquid skin pooled around them. Quickly, they appeared to be integrated into his sides until only his hands remained. They too were forced to blend in with his body as well, and when his skin settled back in place once again, Ned was just one huge, muscular torso attached to my crotch! My own arms rapidly began to burn. I looked down at my hands as if I had never seen them before. Each finger began to contract wildly on its own. These contractions spread to my lower arms, and then my upper arms. Just like Ned’s before, my arms began to flail around wildly before the bones started cracking and breaking. Agonising pain spread through my arms and hands as they began spontaneously stretching longer. Inch by inch they grew. Longer and longer. When my hands hit the bedroom floor with a thud, I lifted them up to have a look at what was happening to me. I had always had huge hands, but now, each finger had stretched and swelled to the size of German sausages. With the width of the palm, my hands appeared larger than manhole covers, while my arms had grown so insanely long that the elbow rested on the ground. Lifting both arms up, I raised them higher and higher until I easily touched the ceiling of my bedroom! I could easily have reached up higher with my monstrous arms, but there was nowhere else for them to go! Fuck!! My arms were nearly as long as I was tall!! “What are you doing to me!!” I screamed at him in fear and agony. “I told you. We’re merging. You’re getting my size on top of yours… plus a little extra.” “A little extra?! Look at me!!” My hands smashed into the ceiling over and over again, knocking huge holes into it. “You need to be big to carry me. I thought you’d love this! You’re totally into size!” “I know, but…”. I stopped speaking as a deep, orgasmic feeling filled my arms. All I could do was groan as first my fingers… then forearms… then upper arms… grew thicker with muscle. “Fuck yeah… oh fuck…”. My biceps and triceps swelled, the peak rising up higher and higher. I had always had large biceps, 20 inches… and Ned was no slouch in that department either. I stared in awe as my upper arm grew larger in circumference than Greg Kovaks, and then proceeded to grow larger… and larger… and larger!! Soon my biceps and triceps swelled to 30 inches… 35… 40… 45… 50… 51… 52… 53… 54… 55… 56… 57… 58… 59… 60!!! 60 inches!! Each bicep peak was at least 60 inches!! The peak was so huge and mountainous and took up so much of my upper arm that it was nearly impossible to bend them! My entire arms looked absolutely insane compared to the rest of my body. Lifting them, they felt as if they each weighed 175 lbs. “This isn’t just you and me!! My arms!! My biceps bigger than your fucking chest!!” I didn’t know if I should be angry or in awe of my own arms. “I told you… in order to carry me… you needed to be… slightly bigger.” “Slightly?! You call this…” I was interrupted by Ned screaming again. From my own body… our body… my body… my skin slithered and pooled around his calves and lower legs. My ass and quads started to feel heavier and fatter as his lower legs and feet were incorporated into my body. Like my biceps before, my quads grew thicker and more powerful. I was forced to widen my stance several times as my quads swelled. Soon, they were 60 inches around… then… when my own pelvis cracked and spread out even wider, I knew my quads had only begun to grow. Wider my pelvis expanded until my lower half was as wide as the bed. My pelvis was wider than my own shoulders!! Not to be outdone, my calves grew dense with new muscle. When they finally stopped, each leg was thicker than Ned and I combined. My quads had grown to a staggering 96 inches around. Fuck!! Everything about me was tripling in size. Feeling my body swell so insanely with muscle felt incredible, but I was still haunted by what was happening to me. I had to be dreaming. There was no way this was actually happening! My abs swelled and thickened, each plate becoming larger than a cinder block… and then doubling in size. Quickly, I had a massive round gut of titanic abs. My lower back muscles exploded with size as well, causing my glutes to grow thicker and fatter. My massive hands felt around behind me, taking in my more muscular ass, my thicker quads, and the dense muscle of my lower back. “We’re… we’re going to be huge,” was all Ned could get out. “We… FUCK!!” My shoulders!! The bones in my shoulders cracked and split as they grew broader and my delts grew rounder. I looked down at Ned, and watched as his shoulders were swiftly melting into his own torso. Too quickly his torso was one complete line from my wide pelvis, up to his neck. As my shoulders grew past my waist, I couldn’t deny it anymore. “You’re really becoming my cock.” “I am.” “Why? Why would you do this? You barely know me.” “I don’t need to know you well to know you’re more superior to me and always will be. Better to let you rule with me at your side than being second best. I’m terrified, Alex… but I also can’t wait. We’re going to be the biggest influencer on the planet! Think of all of the guys that will be lining up for us to fuck then! With our sex drives tripled, that’s all we’ll ever want to do. Just fuck.” Ned’s torso began to violently spasm. Please don’t die, I thought. Please don’t die! His torso rocked and wriggled several times, slamming against the mattress. I heard loud crunching and snapping noises as his rib cage appeared to collapse in on itself and then just… disappeared. His thick pecs were next. They slowly deflated… growing flatter and flatter, until eventually, his pecs completely disappeared along with his nipples. With each new development… his torso was becoming more shaft-like. I, on the other hand, gained what he lost. My shoulders cracked and snapped, growing broader, faster. My own ribcage flared out, forcing my upper body to grow impossibly wider. I grunted and groaned as I expanded further and further. I had to reposition myself as I was now twice as wide as I had been minutes before and I was quickly filling the room. I thought my impossible growth would halt when my right shoulder slammed into the wall, but it kept on growing. My chest and ribcage ached as it continued to snap and spread. Soon, my upper torso was three times as wide as I once originally was. I had no idea how I was going to get out of the room. Any way that I turned, my shoulders hit the walls!! And then I thought… I’m 6’10… Ned is 6’5… plus the third… Oh Fuck!!! My heart beat wildly at the thought, but all I could do was moan as, on its new, wide expanse, my pecs grew larger and fatter and heavier. All too quickly… my pecs grew until they gained Ned’s mass as well… and then the mysterious third! Do you know how big three times your original size is? Trust me… when you’re growing, it’s immense. I tried to catch my breath as my pecs swelled to the size of pillows. My nipples had begun to turn down from the weight, and I was starting to find it difficult seeing over them. They just kept growing fatter, stretching out before me like a shelf. I tried to push them down so I could see, but they were too thick. They refused to be adjusted. Soon, while still growing out and to the side, they began rising upwards as well. As if being punished for trying to look below me, I needed to bend my head further back in order not to be smothered by my own pecs!! Hoisting myself backwards, I leaned my shoulders and upper back against the wall behind me. This allowed me to hoist Ned upwards slightly so I could get a look at him. My glance lasted less than 10 seconds before my mass forced the wall I was leaning against to begin collapsing behind me. Hearing it fall apart aroused and frightened me. I repositioned myself to relieve the pressure, but what had begun continued, and my bedroom wall collapsed into the hallways. At least I didn’t have to worry about how I was going to get out of the room. I would be able to demolish the entire house with my size! My quick glance at Ned let me see that he had rapidly begun to look more and more like a cock. He appeared totally devoid of any musculature, or to that matter, any skeletal structure. The skin of his torso had become a shade darker in color, while his face had taken on a deeper reddish/purple color. “I can actually feel your heart beating within me… pumping blood through my veins. Mine stopped beating several minutes ago. I thought I would be freaked out… but it’s fine. I don’t think I even have lungs anymore… or organs.” I leaned back into the hallway so that I could hoist Ned up above my pecs. He looked up at me as best as he could with a slight smile. “You’re looking huge, Alec. Beautiful.” I went to speak, but my lower body began to shift and reconstruct itself, dragging Ned slightly downwards once again, forcing him to become more central on my groin. He was now positioned exactly where my cock would be. My cock… my old cock… swelled and throbbed one last time within Ned, and then felt as if it somehow locked into place. There was a pull and a shift on my groin… and suddenly, my cock felt impossibly heavy. I flexed my groin muscles, and watched as Ned jumped, spasming below me… just as my cock would have done. “You’re… you’re really becoming my cock.” “I… I really am. I’m so horny, Alex. So horny. That’s all the feelings or emotions I have now. I just want to fuck. I just want to get off and cum hundreds of times a day. That’s all I want to do. You should be excited. I know this has to seem so crazy to you… but since we met… I fantasized about your cock… and dreamt of what it must be like to be your cock. It took the old woman telling me my part in the merge to make me fully understand what I needed to be.” “This is… insane! How am I going to live being this huge?” “You’ll love it when it’s done, Alec. I know you will. OH GOD!!!” Ned began to spasm and pull at my crotch. His tremors grew worse. I was able to grab him with my long arms and huge hands, and try to hold him still, but the sensation of touching Ned seemed alien. It felt like I was touching a part of myself. Just like I was touching my arm or my leg… or my cock, I could feel every inch my hands travelled over, and it felt so fucking good! “Body becoming… blood vessels and tissue. Oh my god! This is it, Alex. This is really it. I can’t believe I’ve actually done this! It’s so fucking insane!!” As his body became made entirely of tissue, Ned’s own cock and balls began to shrink and be absorbed by his body. When this occurred, I watched in surprise as Ned began suddenly to grow longer and fatter. His stretching torso appeared to be growing longer and fatter. No.., not appeared. He was growing longer and fatter. My cock… he’s ingested it, so he’s gaining my cock’s length… his own… plus a third! I was 10.5… he was 8… and the third? He’s going to gain at least two feet in length! Ned’s head and torso grew fatter as he stretched longer. When his head hit the opposite wall, I tried to position myself to give him more room to grow. I kept arching my back further and further while he grew fatter and wider. His torso grew more cylindrical as his back begin to round outwards. By the time his growth stopped, his torso and head were over 7 feet in length and three in width. My balls burned as they began to gain size. My XL eggs swelled quickly, filling my sack. As more room was needed for my balls to grow even larger, my sack began to stretch longer. If Ned had me beat in any department, it was in the size of his balls. They were enormous, and now they were being added to mine. “So… fucking… horny, Alex. I’m so fucking horny. We need to fuck. Now.” “We will. I swear. Once you’re completely my cock, we’ll find some hot guy and fuck the shit out of him.” “That sounds soooo good. Fuck! Our balls. We’re so virile now. Balls the size of plums now… and only getting bigger. You need huge balls to go with your huge cock, Alex.” “Yeah I do.” And grow they did. They went from plum size… to peach size… to balls the size of apples. “Can you feel them churning, Alex?” “I… I can!” “Feels… so… good.” Ned coughed. A clear liquid came shooting from his mouth, landing onto my chest. “Sooo… good…”. Ned convulsed and coughed several times more before pre began to pour from his mouth. I watched as he opened and closed his jaw several times, surprised to see that his teeth were beginning to dissolve. As they did, my jaw cracked. I felt the movement of my facial features being slightly altered. My jaw… it squared off, becoming more like Ned’s. My mouth stretched larger as my head started to balloon. My skull cracked and split in several locations as it spread out and grew bigger. Looking in the mirror over my dresser, I saw I had gained Ned’s nose as well. My neck felt weak as my head doubled in size. In my mouth, I felt my teeth begin to shift as larger ones burrowed out and replaced them. Still my cranium and face grew larger until it was three times its original size. It was wobbly and heavy on my thin neck. The one positive to a larger head was that it was slightly easier to see over my mountainous pecs. Looking up at him, I saw Ned was still drooling pre from his mouth, but his eyes were closed. “Ned?” My voice was much deeper and louder. “You nearly have all of me, Alec, and I’m 85 percent cock. My brain… what is left of it… can only think mostly sexual thoughts…” My brain though… Fuck… I was gaining all of Ned’s thoughts and memories. I suddenly knew everything there was to know about Ned… and everything he had ever learned. Ned knew how to speak Spanish and German. Now I knew how to speak Spanish and German. I understood the law as he practiced it as an attorney. I knew all of his passwords. I… I was me… yet I was Ned! “I’m both of us, Ned. I know everything you know.” Thick, pipeline veins began to run up and down his body. A massive arm width sized vein grew up the middle of him from my groin, feeding him more of my blood. At the same time, on what had been Ned's chest, his face, and his head, hair began to fall out, just as mine started to grow. Every inch of my body burned and itched. Looking down, stubble began to sprout all over my body. The hair was dark. Mine had always been blonde… but Ned’s had been dark… and I guessed his genes were the stronger of the two. He had also been extremely hairy, while I wasn’t. Hair grew on and over my mountainous pecs, and over my thick abs. My legs and arms both grew hairier as did my armpits. The itching spread to my face, and soon stubble was erupting. My chest hair grew longer. Soon it curled and cascaded over my pecs. The hair in my pits was now quite long, as was the hair growing on my groin and around Ned’s root. The hair on my head cascaded down towards my shoulders as my beard grew thick and long. Fuck, I was becoming hairier than Ned and I combined! As my beard grew even denser, hair exploded on my neck, merging into my pecs. Unlike Ned, I felt hair begin to grow in the small of my back, trailing upwards across my lats. Fuck! I was hairy! My bush was as thick as my beard, covering the connection where Ned and I had merged. Hair grew on my ball sack and dusted my ass checks. I soon hair invade my asshole and grow there, circling the hole, just as the hair on my ass grew longer. The hair on my head grew to my shoulders and then down my back while also falling into my eyes. My eyebrows grew bushier. The hair around my cock grew darker, longer, and thicker becoming a serviceable bush that now hid where we were connected.. While my hair grew like a weed, Ned’s began to disappear. Well, not quite disappear. It seemed that his head was forcing the hair to fall out, only to be filled in with more thick flesh. His head appeared to be overtaking his shaft in size, growing thicker… fatter… and more bulbous. Ned grunted as this new flesh continued to swell, filling in the area surrounding his neck. It undulated and pulsated, fattening and filling in his neck, enveloping it until there was no difference in size between his neck and his head. The tip then continued to be enveloped with skin, creating a large ridge around his head where the back of his head and his chin would have been, rising up and over Ned’s head, enveloping it. Fuck, I thought. The flesh around his head grew larger and fatter, until it took on the formation of an immense cock head. He really is nearly my cock now. My own neck grew thicker and more muscular as Ned’s disappeared. My traps rose up, further thickening my neck, giving me a dense bull neck, while his traps reformed themselves into the ridge surrounding his head. My neck grew and evolved to become three times the size it had once been… and three times as muscular. I flexed my neck muscles, feeling the strength and power that now filled this part of my body. Fuck. I really wanted to see myself. I had to look like a sex filled wet dream of a man. I knew that when men and women saw me, all they would think was of every way I could sexually fulfil them. Just like Ned said before, my brain was becoming filled with every possible way to please and satisfy sexually. I no longer felt like a human man, but more as a vehicle to show off and carry my cock. All of this muscle… all of this size was to properly show off my cock for the work of art it was. The things I knew how to do with my tongue… my fingers… my lips. The sexual ecstasy I could bring a person to. Seeing Ned now, his transformation was nearly complete, as was mine. I knew what I had left, and that scared me most of all. I still needed to grow three times taller. “I’m… nearly… your cock. I’m so excited… yet I’m so fucking scared. I can’t believe I’m a cock! This is going to be my life.” “I’m scared too. I’m going to be huge.” “You deserve it. You really will be the true Alpha.” “We will be.” “I can feel you now completely. Can you feel me?” “I can. You’re… you’re nearly my cock now.” I flexed my groin and watched as Ned… my cock… flexed, leaped, and throbbed. “Oh fuck yeah, Alex. That feels so incredible.” I flexed again, and more pre began to pour from his mouth. Instinctually, I leaned over, and with my extra long arms and hands, began to run my hands along my shaft, feeling the girth and the heat it was giving off. “Don’t stop, Alex. Keep going. More. Please…” more! Something… happening…” With more intensity, I grabbed onto my cock and began to jerk it. With a deep, guttural groan from both of us, Ned proceeded to begin to stretch longer. “Blood… rushing into me… filling me up… think… I don’t know how your cock was before… but I’m a serious grower now!!” It was true. Ned’s body seemed to swell up even further, and begin to stretch longer, trailing upwards until the top of his fleshy head hit the wall. This didn’t stop his growth or from getting harder. It seemed to happen at an even faster rate as what had once been Ned’s torso stretched and expanded to over 8 feet… then to 9 As Ned began to rise up towards the ceiling, growing fatter by the second, my cock continued to grow longer. The flesh of Ned’s head grew fatter as well, forming more of a seriously thick cock head. As it grew, his nose was ingested by the flesh. Like before, my own nose began to grow larger and more distinguished. I felt my own tongue grow longer and fatter, filling my large mouth as Ned stretched his mouth, opening up wider and wider. His mouth wasn’t only getting wider. It was stretching upwards as well, splitting his face in half and becoming a massive piss slit. Ned was so immense and so weighty, that I fell backwards and slammed into the opposite wall of the hallway. Ned rose up before me larger, heavier, and thicker. With a loud thud, my cock head slammed into the ceiling. It looked down at me, grinning, if you could call it that. Precum flowed from Ned’s slit like a river. When he spoke, his voice sounded distorted and no longer human. “This… is… it. My brain… becoming… pure tissue… my… Fuck… Alex… I’m a cock… I’m a cock…” My hardening cock was getting heavier as it rose up, aiming for the ceiling. When it surpassed 10 feet, I fell through the adjoining wall and into the bathroom. the floor. 3 more feet was granted by my destruction, but soon, Ned’s massive cock head was slamming against the ceiling of my bedroom once again, pieces of drywall falling to the ground below. Below where his chin had once been, tendrils of skin began to form, knitting together to create a larger piece of skin. This skin became thicker and longer…. Riding up… until it became foreskin that rose up to where his nose would have been. “I’m a cock… Alex… I’m a cock… I’m…” Ned’s head began to swell even fatter until both of his eyes were completely enveloped. His head tilted backwards as more pre shot from his mouth. Further and further back his head tilted until his mouth… his slit… faced upwards. There was nothing left to say that Ned had ever been the person who became my cock. Now… he was completely cock, and he was beautiful. I groaned as my cockhead rammed through the ceiling. I was practically impaled to the floor by my own cock! When it hit 13 feet long, it was so hard… so fat… the veins up and down the shaft were so large that I was tongue tied. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t think. All I could do was bathe in the pure beauty of my own cock. Beyond the pounding of my heart, there was sudden silence in the room, “Ned? Ned?” Nothing. I lay there, alone with my immense, hard, 13.5 foot cock. Ned had truly transformed into my cock now… and although I knew he was still with me, I felt alone. Wanting to celebrate what Ned had become, what he had sacrificed to get what he truly wanted, I started to jerk my cock with both of my hands. Immense waves of pleasure shot through me. I stroked faster and with more determination than ever before. Every nerve ending in my cock was sending out the strongest and most mind numbing sensations. Possibly 6 minutes after I began stroking my cock, I started to feel it. It began between my asshole and my balls. It grew stronger until my entire body became affected. My heart pounded in my immense chest as I gasped for breath. Each second my orgasm grew stronger and stronger, until I thought my body was going to be torn apart. I didn’t stop though. I only imagined, if I felt this good, what Ned was experiencing on the brink of orgasm for the first time as my cock. I felt my balls rise up, shooting gallons of cum slowly up the shaft. It seemed to take forever, but soon, I felt the head of my cock flare wider, and ropes of cum began to be shot out like rocket fire. From below, I could hear it smashing into beams of wood and metal pipes in the attic. Dust and wood particles began to fall through the hole my cock had made. Soon, cum began raining down from the hole and into the bedroom. My body burned. I felt like a star about to go supernova!! I felt more alive at that moment than I had ever felt in my entire life. I knew what I needed to do. It was all that was left. I needed to grow. I needed to take my place as the top Alpha in this world. I had to be the Sex God that Ned so desperately wanted me to be. “Lets… fucking… do… this! Let’s… grow!!” Every thick vein in my body pulsated and throbbed with life, threatening to explode outwards from my body. My skin grew tighter, becoming shrink wrapped around my musculature. My body suddenly felt heavier than it ever had been before… until suddenly… “YES!!!!” My spine lengthened as my legs stretched longer. My incredibly long arms stayed the same length, but seemed to still grow impossibly thicker. Both my hands and feet grew wider while my fingers and toes grew fatter. Lightning coursed through my balls as they expelled more and more cum. At the same time, they began to swell. I roared as my body took up more space in the bathroom. My heart raced. Just like Ned before me… I was so excited, yet scared at the same time. Nothing had prepared me for what I was about to become. I had been huge for most of my life, but now I was going to be immense. I began to panic. How was I going to live? Where was I going to live? What would I wear? How could I work? How much would I eat? As my fear threatened to take me over, I felt him. I felt Ned. He was reminding me that I was the true Alpha. That I was going to be the one in charge and choose how and where I lived because no one could stop me. My body groaned as I grew. My bones snapped and splintered and fused as I expanded. I felt the organs within me swell with my body as I took up more and more of the bathroom before tearing through a larger part of the hallway. I looked up at my cock and saw that as I grew larger, it was beginning to get smaller. Once again, my body was ingesting its size. I’m the Alpha, I thought. I’m the true Alpha. No. We’re the true Alpha. My head smashed into the ceiling. I tried to crouch down more, but my body filled first the bathroom… and then the hallway. I kicked at the wall between the hallway and my bedroom, and watched it fall apart on impact. I now filled three rooms of my house!!! With glee, I swung my massive arm into the dresser and watched as the wood crumpled under the blow, expelling clothes around the room I would never wear again. My head slammed into the ceiling again, creating a massive hole, sending large sections of the ceiling falling down around me. My lats spread wider, filling the area behind me. My neck thickened as my traps rose up. My shoulders grew even broader as my delts rounded with armour like muscle. My bent legs swelled further with muscle. My knee knocked into the wall with, what seemed like a mere tap to me, but it sent the wall exploding outwards. Every muscle in my body swelled to unseen proportions. There was barely any space left in this half of the house as my orgasm ended. The growth faded. I collapsed onto the floor, taking down the wall that separated the hallways and my living room. I laughed, releasing a loud, guttural rumbling. Fuck! This house was destroyed! I looked towards my softening cock.fully into the floor, looking down at my softening cock. It was still immense, and would most likely remain at 3 feet in length when soft. I on the other hand, I guessed I was probably around 25 feet tall and tens of thousands of pounds of muscle. I was truly a giant. My soft cock leapt, and I knew it wanted to fuck. “Think we’ll find holes that can take us?” My voice was a growl; so deep and raspy. I could hear Ned in my head: “It’s time we show ourselves to the world.” “Agreed.” We couldn’t remain in this house forever. I moved to stand up. My body rose up and up and up. I easily smashed through the ceiling as if it were made of paper. Tearing through the attic with my head and shoulders took down beams and wiring. My head burst through the roof. The rest of the roof exploded outwards as I rose to my complete 25 feet of height. I looked around at the world below me, and saw it was now so small… so tiny… so fragile. My name was no longer Alex or Ned. I had been born an entirely new person. I was The Alpha, and it was time I took my place. Smashing through what remained of the house, I finally emerged. Below me, the first sound I heard was the screams of the old woman who lived next door.3 I had always hated the nosey bitch. “SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I’LL EAT YOU FIRST!” I had never seen her run so fast. Two steps from the house, my foot long cock hardened. Arching up towards the sky, it demanded attention. Wrapping my huge right hand around the 6 foot long shaft and my left around the head, I began to jerk it. I could hear people below me stopping their cars and emerging from their homes. I didn’t care. They’d need to get used to this. Jerking my cock had never felt so incredible. It throbbed and pulsated as I jerked my shaft while playing with my balls. Although a nice evening, the wind blew, tossing my hair around while toying with my nipples. From below, I heard police cars pull up. “Halt what you’re doing.” I laughed. I grunted. “Make me!” I blew a massive load, dropping it onto them and their cars. The smell of my cum mixed with the smell of my musk. I turned and walked away. It was time for me to be worshiped.
  3. Wild

    Drinking Champagne

    A down on his luck Onlyfans Star tries to restart his falling career after a scandal. --- He wasn’t just your type, he was everyone’s. 6’5, and shaggy brown hair, and a dusting of chin fuzz that’d feel real good against your skin, and just enough of a bro vibe that he felt special to his audience. Thomas had it all. It’s not that he hadn’t worked hard for it. Some was luck, a lot of it was just banging at it for seven years. He WAS pulling in 120k a month for just from the back catalogue, and all he had to do is make a new video four times a month and be with a dude for 80 minutes and make sure they get just one solid angle. Bodybuilding for seven years, and then getting some enhancements, Thomas had the build you’d see in a superhero movie. The taller the person, the harder it is to look built, but somehow he’d managed to gain an impressive frame that would look just massive on a shorter body. Muscled, athletic arms, big but lean to see the muscle underneath, with the kind of arms you’d see on an archer. There was help to get there. All the bigger guys in the industry were on some PEDs, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Who wouldn’t want to look the best you possibly could? In his industry, you had to look among the best, and that definitely made it easier. Cut muscles, and a killer smile… and just a little… something special that people can’t put their finger on. That thing? That straight vibe he gives off isn’t fake. Sure, his special move is climaxing into some good looking guy? Yeah, just some ED medication and real good lighting can go far. And when Thomas came out as straight, it didn’t just sink his career… it just, well, it just middled it. Now only making 60k a month, he had to resort… to something he swore off… More dude stuff. “Hey guys, it’s me Thomas. And here I’m with Fox and….” Thomas rubbed his chest, popping them out and making them even bigger with a flex… “After coming out as straight… I’ve been really rethinking some things. It’s been harder to connect with my longtime girlfriend and some feelings… well… now I want to explore the old stuff… you liked that old stuff let's have the fun you… and I both liked…” He put his hand on Fox’s belly. Fox himself was pretty lean. About a foot shorter than Thomas, and short but buzzed ginger hair, a soft playful, somewhat innocent look on his face. “And what we missed… Well, you loved when I tried bottoming with Bolt, and I’ve been bad, guys, so maybe…” Thomas reached over and gave Fox a push on the chest. There wasn’t much muscle on him at all, a rather plain flat chest, and pale white skin that freckled across his nose and shoulders. Contrasted against Thomas’s tan fuzzy body, there wasn’t much on Fox besides a lean body that looked like if it needed to move, it could. He couldn’t have been more than 120 pounds. “How do you feel Fox… and…” Thomas bit his lip, looking back to the camera. Fox just looked up and down his partner, a soft smile of desire and hunger. “He’s a bit smaller, but that’s hot right? Maybe I’m giving back?” “Whatever you say man…” Fox reached over and grabbed Tom’s hand and gave it a nibble, and then reached behind Thomas and brought him down for a kiss. Thomas’s eyes went wide for a moment, before narrowing quickly as he overly moaned out the side. Tom pushed Fox away up and rubbed his mouth off on the back of his hand. “Hmmmm. Yeah. That was so great dude.” And then motioned behind him towards the bed. “I’ve got a great angle… I’ve got some pillows, let’s get the camera down by the edge of the bed near my head… and go from there bro…” Even laying down, Thomas looked absolutely massive. Edges of his muscles caught the shadow, highlighting their thickness and definition. Anyone who appreciated muscle would love to run a hand across its thickness and warmth. And his back cliffed behind him, with face turned towards the camera as Fox easily slipped behind Thomas as he presented himself in dog position. “Just be nice to me… even though I’ve been bad....” Gay porn isn’t about penetration, it’s about the enjoyment. A good illusion can be good enough. And just like with Bolt, a mixture of shadow and positioning was good enough to give that illusion. “What do you want me to do with you?” Fox asked, as Thomas reached behind himself and pulled down his shorts. “Take me…” Fox positioned himself behind Thomas, and reached down and grasped him by the hips. “As you want.” It’s a rare thing to see a partner being a foot shorter than the other, and yet there was Fox behind Thomas, in many ways dwarfed in size, width, and length. Pale white skin grasping against Thomas’s tan. Thomas bit his lip. “Oh wow… you’re not playing…” he dully spoke with a laugh. “Yehaw man, keep going…” The two rocked together. “Take it bro…” and flexed his lower back. Fox smiled outwardly, an earliest smile with a hint of mischief. He took his arms under Thomas’s armpits, and held him as he started to press forward. “As much as I want?” “Yeah man… I’ve been bad…” and wiggled his hips. For the first time that night outside his pump, Thomas felt hot. The hands cupping his lats pooled heat into him, and his face flushed red as a soft pleasant warmth started to spread across his back, warming him in a way he’d never felt before. Thomas moaned. A real moan. It felt… good. It felt even better for Fox. As his flat tummy pressed against Thomas’s backside, at the top of his buttocks, his nards just slightly under Thomas’s, he inhaled deeply as he sucked in a deep breath, enjoying Thomas’s heat. The soft, undefined frame that Fox had when he first took off his shirt was now filling out. A shadow grew, at first just crevice between his two pecs, but then hooked under as his chest swelled outwards. Where once nothing sat, was a real handful. “This is hot right? I’m feeling hot right? You’re feeling hot right? Keep going F-f-f-fox.” It wasn’t just Fox’s chest that had filled out; his arms became massive, and powerful, and continued to hold Thomas in place as the two of them rocked together. His back spread out, becoming a shield across his shorter frame, his lats broadened out. Short and built, Fox could have been called Wolverine from all the muscle on his shorter frame. Thomas still relatively looked like an athlete going into college, far, far from where he once was. Fox reached down with his head, and nibbled at Thomas’s shoulders, chewing on the heat, before rubbing his face into the man’s neck infront of him. “Take anything I want…” Fox huffed a kiss into his neck. “Yeah bro, yeah… keep going… this is hot.” It was pretty impressive, the difference in size between them when they first started. In some ways, Thomas could have easily been twice Fox’s size before, but now, they’d probably stand ear to ear. But Fox already was wider… Broader. Thick sinuous muscles were packed across his body, Fox as he continued to push forward. His once lighter abs now lean and athletic, showing the edges of each ab as it pushed through, with a fresh treasure trail just below his belly button. His shoulders were wide enough to give his back a tall V shape. Fox put his arms around Thomas’s midsection, and pulled him back, showing his face to the camera as a now big meaty hand helped hold him. He dipped Thomas’s head back and put his mouth on his, and drank him deeply with deep mouth gulping kisses. Thomas was at full attention, and how could he not be? The three blue pills would make him ready to go for hours. But his head rested into the kiss, as shadows covered Fox’s thighs. With each thrust, Thomas just seemed a little more dwarfed by his partner. His head had to crane back a little more each time to kiss more, until it became impossible, and his mouth agape as he was being swallowed up… “I can… uh… uh… see myself doing a lot more gay stuff… uh… uh… in the future.” His tongue hung out of the side of his mouth, as Fox held onto his midsection, covering it up under his palms with just their size. Thomas huffed and looked into the camera dreamily. Now everything felt weird. Like everything was slanted. Nothing sat quite right. He knew what everything was, just its angle was weird, like he was kneeling. “Wow… man… 80 minutes already? You guys didn’t see it but I must’ve came…” Thomas pulled away from Fox, and for the first moment all that size from Thomas went. No longer the mousey, featureless dude that had been unwrapped before. A large, 6’6 athletically muscled guy. Large separated deltoids pinned his frame together, with two thick traps holding them in place. The same pleased smile with a hint of mischief still glimmered on this large bodybuilder’s form. Even his once buzzed hair now curled away from in ginger curls. “Aww man… my head has such a rush Fox, but you look… even better than when we first met I think? But… my head is swimming.” A lot of years at the gym had built him up, and about 80 minutes with Fox, Thomas was now a few inches taller than five feet, and could perhaps scrape 100 pounds. Thomas smiled a big toothy smile for the camera. His shaggy hair had gone and was now a light buzz against his head. “I might… do more gay stuff… I’m unsure about my feelings… I don’t know guys… anyhow… lot more content coming… make sure to subscribe… just going through something major right now… let’s get those numbers up… I love you guys.”
  4. These are stories that I personally really enjoy. It's all about muscle theft. I would like to introduce them to you. Unfortunately, the author of these novels appears to no longer be writing 1. Desperate Husbands https://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/clarence591/desperate-husbands.html 2. My Father's Child https://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/clarence591/my-fathers-child.html 3. Taking the Good https://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/clarence591/taking-the-good.html 4. Second Chances https://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/clarence591/second-chances-00.html
  5. Synopsis: Gabriel Cassidy is a muscular young man, leading a perfectly normal life in his California hometown, but a tragic death turns his world upside down and sends him on the adventure of a lifetime. Monsters are real, Magic is real, demons are real, and there are other worlds than this one. Gabe soon learns his life is anything but normal. But will his newfound knowledge and the help of 3 very strange companions be enough to save the world from evil? Prologue: Welcome to Their World Delion Blackmoor stood beneath a ragged white street sign that read ‘Dead End Dr.’ in big black letters. How funny, he thought. As hungry as he was it might very well be a dead end for someone. It was the witching hour and Delion stood watching his quarry take quick nervous steps down Maple Ave. Delion plunged his hands into the pockets of his long black leather Jacket and crept silently from Dead End Dr. onto Maple. The street was wet from the day’s rain and the air smelled clean. His quarry continued moving down Maple away from him, taking furtive glances behind him, every so often. But Delion knew his quarry wouldn’t see him. The hunter stood perfectly still when watched, for he had learned long ago that when he stood perfectly still, he could become one with shadow, unnoticed if he so pleased. Just before his quarry was out of sight Delion leapt into a sprint. He moved so fast and with such a light step, he ran on air, as soundless as the wings of an owl. Another beast that hunts at night. Delion was one of a great host of night prowlers: owls, foxes, leopards, hyenas, bats… Crisp night air hit his pale skin and ran like fingers through his shiny black curls. The world around him was a blur at this speed as he raced toward his prey. He had seen the man earlier that evening steal from a woman’s purse on the number five bus. He had followed him, as the man stole more and more, pickpocketing and even holding up a convenience store, racking up sin after sin. Such bad deeds needed to be punished, and Delion loved to dole out punishment, often with a heavy hand. He knew his friends, Vargan and Franco, wouldn’t be happy with him taking a detour from the mission, but when hunger calls… He was in front of his quarry now. To the thief he had been nothing but a strong wind blowing by. He might have taken him quickly, but no. Delion liked to look his prey in the eyes. He like to toy with them and have his fun. His stomach rumbled in protest. It had been so long since his last feeding and his body showed the lack of nourishment. He placed a hand on the cobblestone abs of his torso. He knew beneath his clothing he looked fit enough. The average person gazing upon his naked form would see a toned muscular physique, smooth and defined, the envy of any male model. But to Delion it paled in comparison to his usual, larger form. Oh, how he hungered for that size and strength. The thief stopped suddenly upon seeing Delion standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He had greasy, dirty blonde hair and high cheek bones. An ill-fitting beige jacket hung over his shoulders like a tarp. His blue jeans and brown boots had spots of mud, no doubt from the earlier rain. Delion curled his thin lips into a smile and stared at the thief with coal black eyes. The thief would see a flash of red in them like the light from a laser pointer. He would be confused at first. His prey always was. The instinct to run would come and then leave in an instant as the mesmer magic took hold. The thief stared at him with green eyes and Delion could see the expression of lust fall on his features, sexual energy radiating off him like heat. The thief lunged forward into Delion’s arms. “What is your name?” Delion asked in a voice like velvet. “Lukas,” He said, before placing a passionate kiss on Delion’s lips. *** He didn’t know what came over him. He wasn’t gay. He liked women, but the man in the black leather coat standing before him was the sexiest creature he had ever seen. Lukas could hardly believe his eyes. The man seemed to glow, and he smelled like…Lukas didn’t know what that smell was, but he felt like a moth attracted to the pheromones of its mate. Lukas groped at the body of the strange sexy man in black as he kissed him, their tongues entwined in a dance. There was muscle underneath this stranger’s leather jacket. Lukas reached beneath it and then beneath the man’s black shirt. He ran his fingers along the stranger’s abs, up to his chest and squeezed. It was invigorating. He had never kissed a man before, much less felt one up. What would his crew think if they saw him now? Lukas gone fag! The man in black grabbed his waist and guided, no, carried him into an alley with a graceful ease. He was strong as well as sexy and Lukas was his plaything. His toy. It was freeing. The man gripped his crotch, squeezing Lukas’ throbbing erection. Lukas returned the favor, though his companion was not hard yet. I’ll rectify that, Lukas thought, rubbing the stranger’s thick, soft cock. As his tongue explored his companion’s mouth, Lukas couldn’t help but notice the teeth. They were longer than normal. Sharp. He cut his tongue and tasted the salty metallic tang of his own blood. His companion’s eyes fluttered open at the taste of it. There was that red flash again. Lukas almost wanted to pull away, but the desire was too strong. He stayed entwined with the stranger in black. The danger of it, somehow made it more arousing. His companion broke away from their kiss and then Lukas could feel his lips on his neck. They were cold. How had he not noticed they were cold before? Then pressure on his neck. Then a sudden jolt of pain that evolved into a spasm of pleasure like a total body orgasm. What is this man doing to me? What is he? “Ooooh!” Lukas moaned to the black sky. Whatever he’s doing he could do it all night. Lukas’ hand was on the man’s chest and to his surprise he felt the pec muscles grow in his grasp. Was he flexing? No! Swelling! He was getting bigger. Lukas ran his hands over the stranger’s body again, under and over his clothes, as the man held his neck in his mouth. The biceps and triceps swelled, straining at the fabric of the leather jacket. They must have grown from 16 to 19 inches in the span of several seconds. The stranger’s lats flared like a cobra’s neck and his shoulders widened and rounded out, further testing the limits of his jacket. The man’s quads swelled, bumping into Lukas’ own skinny legs. The muscle was so hard. RIP! A seam, somewhere burst, standing no chance against his companion’s expanding frame. Lukas’ legs felt like strips of wet cardboard. His arms fell limp at his sides. His strength was being drained. His life-force. His blood! The only thing keeping him standing now was the strong arms of the creature in black. “Hey, Del!” Lukas heard a gruff voice call from up high. The creature released his neck and let him slip from his arms onto the filthy pavement of the alley. As he slid down the creature’s body, he could feel that its cock had finally become rock hard. Lukas’ limp body lay on the ground like a wet rag and darkness took ahold of him. His last sight, before closing his eyes, was of the sexiest muscle man he had ever seen staring down at him with a satisfied smile plastered across his pale face. A smile, that revealed two sharp canines, dripping red with blood. *** Delion wiped the blood from his mouth onto the sleeve of his jacket. He flexed his muscles and poked them, feeling sated. He wouldn’t have to eat again for several weeks, at least. Vargan jumped down off of the fire escape from which he had called Delion, disturbing his meal. The big man fell what must have been 50 feet and landed heavily on the pavement but was completely unhurt. “The fuck?” Vargan snapped, gesturing to Lukas. “Snacking at a time like this.” “I was hungry.” Vargan shook his head. He had long brown hair, down to his shoulders and a short beard. Beneath his XL grey hoodie, his muscular body was covered in hair. “And how much time did you waste hunting him, having your fun?” “A few hours,” Delion said. “Hardly a waste. Look at me.” He flexed, nearly bursting out of his cloths. Over the next few weeks he would grow smaller until his next feeding. “You couldn’t have been quicker about it?” Vargan said. “You act like you don’t realize how serious this situation is.” “Oh, believe me, I do.” Delion eyed Vargan, gravely. “That’s why I needed extra strength.” “Well, you sure as hell got it. You’re damn near as big as me, haha!” A familiar voice drifted in on the night air. Delion and Vargan turned to the entrance of the Alleyway and saw Bob Franco, the bodybuilder, approaching. His broad shoulders, thick arms and massive chest were pushing a navy-blue Henley to its limits. “This guy dead?” Bob gestured to Lukas. “No. I think Vargan stopped me just in time. I got a little carried away. Though he’ll need a hospital and quick.” Bob pulled out a burner cell phone, dialed 9-1-1, and placed the call. The bodybuilder was shorter than his friends with a wide head, square jaw and short sandy brown hair. “Let’s get a move on, before the ambulance gets here,” Vargan said. “We’ve wasted enough time already. There’s work to do.” “Always work to do,” Del said, running behind his friends. Hunting the forces of darkness. They were The Border Guard, defending the borders of our world from those that threatened the delicate balance between realms.
  6. Greatsword812

    The Deal - (Part 1)

    Here’s something a tad spookier for Halloween. I’ll be diving into some fetishes I haven’t really experimented with but know that I like, such as size theft, which I am not super familiar with. I hope you enjoy exploring it with me. I'm already working on future parts so hopefully I'll have them up within a few days. This is just something to whet your appetites. Again, I'm shit at editing, so grammatical mistakes may abound. *** The Deal (Part 1). Zaid knew this would be a good fuck. The other man was gorgeous. Handsome and powerful, beautiful and strong. His tanned skin looked slightly red in the dim light of his bedroom and Zaid thought that made the situation even more erotic, more passionate and potent. As Zaid held the man close his fingers roamed the his form and they discovered a hard, sculpted body. They had both stripped off their clothing except for undergarments and it was apparent that he kept himself in excellent shape. Not bulky, but built. Broad shoulders tapered down to narrow hips that fit beautifully inside Zaid's palms as they gripped him. Both their moans escaped on the airwaves in low tremors of pleasure and desire. The other man lay under him and accepted everything he had to offer. He was clearly experienced and already looked to be opening himself to Zaid. It had only been two hours ago when Zaid first spotted him in that crowded nightclub. The thumping music still pulsed through him. Only a half hour ago they had exchanged pleasantries before leaving together, both knowing what they wanted to do to each other once they got alone. Zaid's relished the contrast of his dark skin against the gorgeous crimson tinted tan of the stranger's hard body and felt his dick harden fully for the first time of the evening, straining against his briefs. The man's long dark hair splayed out on the satin sheets and Zaid bent down to inhale his prey's scent. "God you smell so fucking good." He whispered into the stranger's ear. "Mmmm...I know. But thank you..." came the reply, sultry and sweet. Zaid's hands ran up along the smooth expanse of the stranger's chest and he could feel every striation of muscle beneath the hot flesh. Zaid was no stranger to fitness and the two men were close in size and development. Fit but not overly muscular and wide but not huge. It was a nice middle ground that Zaid had built for himself, but he was always wanting more. Needing to get stronger and bigger. The constant need fueled him on through in everything that he did. His profession, his hobbies, his passions. All culminated to try and bring himself closer to his goal of becoming a peak display of masculinity. Including this fuck, it would be wonderful cardio. The stranger turned his head again and locked eyes with Zaid. He knew it would be time soon. The red tinted man with hair like curling shadows suddenly removed Zaid's hand from his luscious hips and removed his own boxers, revealing his manhood. It was hard and leaking, close to seven inches and slightly curved upwards at the end, deliciously plump. Zaid stared as the stranger raised one knee up towards his torso and leaned back exposing his puckered hole. "Damn you really do know how to turn a man on." Zaid said as he slipped his fingers underneath his brief's and finally revealed his own cock. He felt himself throbbing at the mere sight of his lover for tonight. Eight inches long and uncircumcised, already dripping from his tip and incredibly sensitive. In the dim light it looked even darker than it usually did, like onyx. Zaid grabbed himself at the base and stroked to the tip, producing a huge amount of precum to slather against his partner's hole, lubing it up before he dove in. The handsome devil chuckled, a deep low sound, and spread himself wider for Zaid's eventual penetration. "I am all yours, beautiful. Make me scream." Zaid was as taught as a bow string, ready to push into this man's warmth and heat. He gripped himself harder and lined up to the beckoning ass and slid inside smoothly and powerfully. It felt like heaven. A delicious warmth spread over his manhood as it disappeared further and further into the handsome mystery man. His face was tense but delighted, enjoying every second of pleasure that was rocking his system. Zaid made sure to take his time and open him deliberately before he took off to the races. Couldn't risk hurting him. At least not yet. "Fuuuuuck..." Zaid whispered and then moaned loudly as he hilted himself fully. The mystery man looked insatiable. His smile wide and gleaming. He started pushing his body upward against Zaid, encouraging him to start fucking, wasting no time to get to his pleasure. His heavy voice was lilting and musical as Zaid took him with slow and tantalizing thrusts, vocalizing his approval for everything the dark skinned god above him was doing to him. The man's dick looked like it was rock solid and hard enough to crack diamond. Zaid loved watching him squirm as he thrust into him hard and deep, tensing and coiling as his pleasure ramped upward. He leaned down and captured the stranger's mouth in a kiss and drank in his lust like wine. Suddenly Zaid began to feel a hot sensation in his gut, burning and strange, as the two men's fucking reached a fever pitch. It spurred him onward and made him feel alive. Electric. Like lightning was racing through him. The man he fucked looked equally energized and in fact looked revitalized. Reborn, almost. His dark eyes and darker hair were intoxicating and Zaid felt himself lost inside them, staring into those portals into the abyss. His moan's were deeper now, full of a bass tone that reverberated throughout his body. "You truly are gorgeous. Strong and hard. Filling me so well. I can't get enough of this. I need more of you." His voice was quiet, but it was all Zaid could hear. The stranger brought legs up around him and beckoned him further like a monster trying to ensnare its prey, his grip tight and deliberate. Zaid groaned and accepted the new position, climbing on top of the gorgeous stud and enveloping him fully, still thrusting heavily. They were so close now he could feel the man's heat radiating out like a furnace and Zaid began to sweat from the contact. The strange feeling returned again, building slowly. A coil that was being wound tighter and tighter in his stomach as he exhausted all his energy fucking the man beneath him. No matter how hard he tried the bastard he was inside of just clenched him tighter, determined to hold out from cumming for as long as possible, never ceasing his own movements backward against Zaid's relentless pounding. Something was different. But nothing was wrong. Zaid was in a frenzy now. He loved every second of this sex. It was purely primal. He fucked without reservations and dug in deep with his fingers into the taut flesh of this dark man's skin, now crimson red as if it was burning. The man moaned his approval as the pain melded into pleasure, just the way he liked it. Time was becoming distorted for Zaid. How long had they been going at it? Thirty minutes? An hour? A day? He wasn't sure, he just knew that he didn't want it to stop. He now ignored all the things wrong with what was happening, he simply didn't care anymore. The stranger's skin didn't just look red, it was red. A deep crimson hue that cast long shadows in the bedroom. His hair was now shadow. Deep black strands swirled about his body as it was ravaged by Zaid's mammoth cock. Even his eyes changing to a dark purple huge didn't perturb Zaid, it only made him harder inside the man. His otherworldly beauty drove him to even greater heights. When the horns sprouted from his head and the tail wrapped around his calf it came as no surprise. There was no fear or terror. Only love and acceptance. Zaid felt so safe inside the monster's body. He pumped in and out of the infernal creature and reveled in the ecstasy their fucking. He knew what he saw was impossible, but he didn't care. He simply wanted to fill this man with his seed over and over again until he screamed and cried out for him to stop. He just wasn't sure if that was possible. "I see your need." The demon purred, his words coming in the form of song, sweet music that drew Zaid deeper into his erotic trance. "Ever since you were young, you’ve always been small. Weak. Pathetic. You've spent your entire adult life working to fix that but you always find yourself lacking, don't you? Never strong enough. Always one step behind your dreams." He paused and stroked Zaid's face, dragging a claw across his cheek. "Not big enough to impress your friends. Not strong enough to conqueror your rivals. Not beautiful enough to capture your lovers hearts. And certainly not big enough to fulfill your dreams." The devil smiled wide at Zaid, revealing sharp teeth. Zaid moaned deeply and bent forward to kiss the monstrous maw. He knew that mouth was dangerous but he was too far gone to care. The demon’s lips were plump and beautiful, they needed to be smothered with his. "I see your dreams and lust. I know how badly you crave power and strength. I feel the desire radiating from your loins like a beacon of fire. To be strong and beautiful. Defined like a marble statue and as hard as one too. Powerful, masculine, dominant. You crave this. Yearn for it. Dream of it nightly." Zaid simply sped up his strokes in affirmation, unable to use his own words. The demon's face grew rapturous and he bit his lips, looking directly into Zaid's eyes and smiling wide. "I can make your dreams come true. Bring every fantasy you've ever had to life right before your eyes. Let you become stronger and bigger than you've ever dared to hope you could be. All I require is..." He licked his lips. "My soul..." Zaid grunted out between hard thrusts. "YEEESSS!" The demon came hard all over his chiseled body. White spunk splattered on red skin. Black claws dug into Zaid's flesh. His eyes blazed bright and his balls contracted with each volley. His seed shot wild like a spout, arching high before landing on his abs and chest. He looked divine in his rapture, a true figure of lust and beauty. Zaid knew what this would mean. Losing himself to an unholy incubus. Becoming a thrall for this sex demon. An eternity of sin and pleasure awaited him should he say yes. His dreams and desires turned reality. His true need now front and center stage. Everything he craved within reach. And it was all he ever wanted. "YES!" Zaid yelled back as the first torrent of cum fired out of his dick and filled his demon lover. The demon roared in joyous exultation and bucked against Zaid wildly, accepting and wanting every drop that filled him. His heat was intense now, scalding and hot enough to burn. Zaid had never cum like this before in his life. His orgasm seemed boundless and his cum spilled everywhere, drenching them both and overflowing out of the incubus. But it kept going. Unyeilding. Never ending joy and passion as their deal was struck in fire and lust. The darkness enveloped the pair and smothered them into nothing. Zaid awoke gently. He felt the moonlight drape over him like a satin robe and luxuriated under its cool touch. How long had it been? For all he knew it could be a new millennia. Slowly and deliberately he opened his eyes to look upon a world that seemed familiar but now fiendishly unknown. He was in his bedroom, relaxed and serene upon a mattress. He felt fantastic, healthy and refreshed as he rose to take stock of his surroundings. Nothing seemed to have changed as far as he could tell. The same posters on the wall, same bed sheets, same computer humming in the background. It all felt painfully similar and yet, very different. This was his world, yes, but now he was changed forever. A smile crept up over his face and he stretched luxuriously in bed, ready for whatever might come next. Zaid was full of excitement for the future. What would it hold? Power, sex, pleasure? Or damnation, horror and pain? He wasn't sure he could distinguish between them any more. The faintest scent of sulfur tinghed his nose and his attention turned to his desk. A slight wisp of smoke drifted off of an envelope that was sitting atop his keyboard. It looked intricate and ornate, a lavish message left by someone who wanted it to be seen. Zaid smiled and stood up from the bed and walked over to inspect it. Melted red wax covered the black envelope's lip and was marked with a seal he did not know. The wax was still warm and pliable to his touch, just barely starting to solidify. He flipped the paper in his hands and saw a message scrawled in intricate cursive with gorgeous white ink that gleamed in the dim light of his room. "To Zaid. Our Terms." His heart beat faster with anticipation and he pulled apart the seal with delicacy, sure to preserve this treasure for himself. Inside was a long folded piece of brown parchment that looked both worn and crisp with use. Careful not to tear it, Zaid opened it and felt a flood of emotions as he gazed upon the detailed penmanship. He knew who had written this. It could only be the stranger he met tonight, the handsome enigma that had changed everything in an instant of mindblowing sex. "Zaid. Your soul is strong and nourishing. It was simply divine, and I have never tasted anything like it in all my centuries on earth and below. You are a special individual indeed, both inside and out, and your gift to me has been matched in kind. Herein I will detail the rules of engagement but not the intricate details of your new gifts. I've found that surprise is one of life's truest emotions and to take that away from you would be simply criminal. So, let us begin, shall we? To start off with. YOU ARE MINE. There is no escaping this. I've dined upon your soul and bound you to me forever. That being said you do have free will. I enjoy it when my thralls indulge themselves unrestrained and live their lives to the fullest, but always remember you belong to me. I could pull your strings any time I wish to bring you back to me, so do not stray. YOUR PURPOSE. This is simple. We incubi are vessels of lust and sex, seeking always to fulfill our needs. As my thrall you must assist me in capturing souls for my collection, lest you fade into nothing. The capturing of the soul at the height of pleasure is paramount, as there is no better taste in the universe than a mortal at the peak of climax. While that may sound complex, I assure you it will be as familiar to you as breathing. This is all I ask of you. To help me treasure that feeling for eternity. No more, no less. YOUR GIFTS. I won't spoil them all, so don't ask. I'll simply point you in the right direction. I know your needs and wants. I've seen your desire for strength. Felt it with my own body as you pounded away inside of me. I want what you want. To make you bigger and stronger. More powerful and intimidating. A true stallion stud. An alpha worth of worship. Fear not. The path to this change will reveal itself to you soon. Until then, explore your newfound sexuality and indulge in carnal delights whenever the urge strikes you. Know that I will make it worth your wild. YOUR LIMITS. I have given you 100 years of perfect youth. After that it will be time for you to return to me, where we can feast upon a collection of souls for eternity. Things will be different. Family and friends will not recognize you now that you have become mine. They were never important to you anyways. You will make new ones. New friends, new family. Perhaps even new loves. I daresay I would enjoy meeting someone who could capture your heart. It would be simply delicious. YOUR RESOURCES. Limitless. The banality of human necessities like money are simply unimportant to creatures like myself or those that serve me, which makes them all the easier to acquire. Check your accounts. I trust they will be sufficient. Ensure your passports are up to date as well. You'll find no place on this earth that you cannot experience. Travel is in your future and it will not be confined to this earthly sphere. MY GUIDANCE. When the need arises, I will be there. To protect, to safeguard, to revel, to delight. Remember that I am always with you. I can see you in this moment reading this letter. My power fills you, makes you whole, drives you to sate your lust. Your pleasures are my own and when you indulge in the flesh, I too will take my fill. FOREVER YOURS, AS YOU ARE MINE. --- Master." Zaid sat in stunned silence as he finished reading the missive. There was no mistaking it. Everything was real. This was no longer a fantasy; it was his new reality. His old life was gone and, in its place, something better had arisen. More beautiful and horrible than he could have ever imagined. For the briefest moment, fear swept through him from this head to his toes. He squashed it with a thought. There was only the present now. Only the here and the now mattered, everything else was just dust, gone and lost forever. The only thing to do now was figure out where to start.
  7. Short theft story inspired by this piece from _w0lf0_ (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/-w0lf0-/): You don’t know what it was about this sissy twink but something about him drew you to him like a moth to a flame. You could feel your dick get harder than you ever remember it being in your entire life as you went to a private posing room at your gym together. Without saying anything he strips down to his boxers and helps you struggle out of your skin tight clothing exposing your completely naked body to his scrutiny. A King of Kings is what you’ve made yourself after many years of hard work putting you at the epitome of muscularity, bodybuilding, and what it means to be a man. “Flex,” he commands you with a surprisingly deep voice as you follow his command reflexively. He caresses your muscles as if taking the time to commit them to memory before he brings his hands down to your very full balls that have been aching for release ever since he got near you. With one hand he lazily fully strokes the entire expanse of your adamantine hard manhood while the other pushes one of your balls into his mouth which he starts to swirl around expertly tonging every atom of it for over a minute before he does the to same to its twin. Your dick is constantly spewing pre like you’re a water balloon that has sprung a leak as he continues stroking it before pulling it parallel to the ground with an unexpected strength as he begins to deep throat it. It takes less than a moment before his mouth is all the way to the root of your dick yet you can feel it continue to work its way further down his gullet while simultaneously your balls begin to swell and travel down the massively thick expanse of your legs towards your kneecaps. Unbidden to release the flex you are still stuck in a double bicep pose as he works your growing dick with gulping motions driving you insane as you feel yourself driven past the point of no return minutes ago but are unable to cum until he allows you to. Mercifully after what feels like an eternity you can feel both your dick and balls swell to a size comparatively rivaling your physique and feel him begin to push himself off of you until only the head of your forearm thick dick is left in his mouth. He teases the slit of your dick with his tongue before pushing it into the hole swirling it around as he does so. He looks at you and as he stares into your eyes he gives a subtle nod pulling the trigger of your doom. A yelp and a long moan of a timbre higher than you’ve ever had escapes your throat as his begins to bulge with an unending flood of your seed. Cum escapes his mouth rocketing to the ground and on him as he swallows his fill but he is unbothered by it as his physique starts to swell with muscle. Soon you can hear the ripping of cloth as his boxers are violently torn from his body and his mirrors your own before surpassing it in both size and perfection. Having gotten all he wanted he withdraws from your still cumming dick as you begin to paint the underside of your massive pec shelf with a deluge that is ricocheted over the rest of your body and the ground. He walks over to his clothes that are now little better than rags to him if he were to wear them as he cleans himself of your cum before putting on your clothing which tears in multiple places trying to hold his even more godlike frame. He smiles evilly at you before leaving the room with only his soiled clothing and your reflection to leave you company as you feel a deep pain in your still flexed muscles, dick, and balls. The frequency and intensity of your ejaculation increase multiplicatively as you begin to painfully flex your entire body with every jettisoned stream. With every flex, with every fountaining blast you can feel your muscles get just a bit smaller. Soon your pec shelf is no longer thick enough to damn the flood as you begin to cum into the air above you and all over yourself all while you grow ever smaller. One, two, five, and even a dozen minutes pass as you keep raining into the air a hurricane of your own spent masculinity until the pain increases evermore into your over stimulated balls. You can no longer call yourself a bodybuilder let alone a pro bodybuilder or a god like you once were as your balls and dick follow suit with your muscles. Blast after blast continue to rain into the air with the same pace and ferocity as slowly you finally feel the orgasm stop allowing you to be under your own power since the man first told you to flex. It’s been over an hour of you flexing, being deep throated, and cumming leaving you so exhausted you crumple onto the ground as a sweaty mess now smaller than the man you thought of as a sissy twink who could out bench your emaciated state. You’ve had best the orgasm of several lifetimes but was it worth it for what you lost?
  8. KingDryops

    King Dryops: Chapters 1-3

    He was my plaything. He didn’t even know how beautiful he was as I spread his asscheeks and owned every inch of him. He was gripping his legs and lifting them almost vertical, the powerful bulges of hamstrings and calf muscles producing an erotic, tormenting display. His abs were crunched into an obscene display of ridges and valleys. His pecs almost colliding with his chin. Every inch of him was tortuously displayed as he released pant after pant in exquisite agony as I penetrated him and made him mine. He never seemed to understand just how I used him. My thick cock, the size of most men’s forearms, was violating his rectum and breaking him in ways he couldn’t even imagine. He was too dumb. It wasn’t my fault Carl was that way - I’d helped him along physically, but the mental side often came with the territory. It seemed like the dumber they are, the more keen they are to lift things repetitively, to count every rep, to squeeze every fiber of muscle until it almost rips. That part had been my doing. I had paid for Carl’s gym membership, his personal trainer, his nutritionist and even his entry to the IFBB pro circuit. As a result, here I was impaling the most perfect ass on the West Coast on my gargantuan cock. Carl’s cock flopped noisily against his abs. But with each thrust into his ass, his cock made a little less of a resounding slap against his cobblestone midsection. Carl had been beautiful when I had selected him. He walked into one of my gyms. He was shorter than me: about 5’10”, not so tall he’d be noticed immediately but no so short that he was a midget. His black hair was cut short and swept back and he had a skin fade to his tanned features. Carl was a builder by trade. He had a few tribal tattoos on his shoulders and toned biceps. His features were symmetrical and his brown eyes were almost beautiful. His thick lips concealed a perfect, straight smile. Those lips were now gasping for air and I shoved my thumb in there, emphasising to him just how powerless he really was in this situation - I could fill any hole and there wasn’t a thing he could do. He almost lost his grip on his thighs as I further stretched his hole with my thick, hungry meat. Carl met me on one of the bench presses as I repped out over 700lbs and his eyes were immediately captivated by over 350lbs of ripped, hairy, former pro bodybuilder, powerlifter, college-wrestler muscle. My shaved bald head and thick beard topped off my 6’6” frame and I could see he was struggling. I shook his hand and his mouth was like a desert immediately. I told him that he’d be training with me and his eyes glazed over. The sheer anticipation made him short of breath. Carl knew his body couldn’t cope with the relentless, savage pounding he was receiving. Something bad had to be happening to his guts. He had no idea. His forearms cramped and his thighs ended up wrapped around me as his once powerful arms felt weak. My thighs and ass, powerful as they were, had never felt so invigorated and alive as I aimed to impregnate this beautiful muscle boy beneath me. It was almost six months of consistent training before I invited Carl into one of my gym’s posing rooms. I removed my compression shirt and revealed my thick, mountainous pecs. He almost collapsed when he saw them. Swirls of hair arced across my powerful pectorals as they vied for space and formed a deep crevice. That was the first time I let him properly touch me as I told him to trace the shape of my pecs to understand how they were formed and could be forced to grow ever larger. He was entranced from the very beginning. Carl’s eyes crossed when I changed the angle of entry into his exhausted boypussy. I owned him so completely now but there was still something there: his hand came up and pushed on my chest so weakly that it barely registered for me. But it was a minuscule sign of resistance. I grabbed his hand and moved it down to my abs. His hand roamed over the irresistible scalloped ridges covered with a dusting of hair and gradually sunk lower to the base of my cock, where it met the recently plundered hole. He whimpered then made a grab for his own cock. Hard, but now only an inch or so long. His whimpers grew to a wail until I clasped my thick, calloused fingers over his mouth. Carl was under my tutelage, learning all he could of training, for just under a year. He was pumped full of tren, deca, HGH - everything that could make an average man into a beast on the bodybuilding circuit. Until he was ready. He still looked like a dwarf compared to a true alpha muscle-god like myself, but he won easily. His beautiful features grimaced in agony as he flexed through pose after pose on stage. He saw me cheering him on and his grin turned into a beaming smile. This boy could win on an Olympia stage but he had earned his pro card and that’s all he wanted. When he exited the stage and met me after the show, I hugged him against my body and his whole body quivered in response. I knew he was ready. I leant backwards so that Carl could see every ridge of my body and the beautiful mountainous protrusion of my pectorals, covered in thick black hair. I continued pumping upwards into him, demonstrating the sheer power in my torso to manipulate him in any way I wanted. His shrivelled balls pumped a tiny dribble out of his shrunken meat. He was over 230lbs. Lean. Ripped. But still only 19 years old and beautiful. His body had been broken down and rebuilt in a way that I knew I could use. I intended to take what I wanted. When I suggested he come to mine for the night instead of going back to his parents, he immediately jumped at the opportunity. When I let him in, he practically jumped for me and when I wouldn’t let him approach me, he begged. That’s when he got a taste of my true power. Carl was too focused on me initially to notice his own body. After all, when you have a being like me on top of you, it’s hard to consider much else. He hadn’t noticed his hard won muscles losing their pump. He hadn’t even seen at first how that symbol of his manhood between his legs had become a husk of its former self. His inattention to detail was exacerbated by the seemingly never-ending pump I was developing from the marathon fuck session. My own biceps seemed fuller, rounder. My pectorals seemed impossibly to swell from my rib cage. My back thickened. Carl was succumbing completely to my power and after more than 6 hours, I bred his hole for the final time. Carl’s body now weighed no more than 160lbs. He had lost at least 5 stone in the process. His muscles, while still beautiful, had reverted to their state before I took him under my wing. As I withdrew from his exhausted, battered hole, cum spilled out everywhere. He looked very similar to how he had appeared when he first entered my gym. My beard appeared shorter and I had a slightly less weathered face, but still one which exuded superiority. “What?” Carl murmured as he hazily looked around. “Let me explain.” I started in a deep baritone from my heavier, more muscular, more perfect physique. “You may have heard of fairies and nymphs…their existence is indisputable given their appearance in so many disparate mythologies. But tell me…have you ever heard of a dryad?”
  9. The following is a section of a story based on Muscleboy: a superpowered, supermuscled, and cocky young hero that takes on villains for the good of humanity. He's got a few weaknesses as you'll learn. Imagine superman with supercock/cum powers, even more cockiness that he uses against strange and powerful foes. He's not a jobber, so even if he may or may not prevail against the parasite, please don't assume that Muscleboy's defacto state is to fall against villains. On the contrary, he's usually the victor, getting stronger with every bout. Consider this a slice of his story (and with enough interest, maybe I'll start at the beginning). For visuals, I thought I'd insert our fair hero and what you can imagine him looking like: For a long while now, I've been working with @sampsonmuscle (too long) on roleplays and stories related to his original character. I wanted to preface saying he's been amazing in regard to chatting about lifting/the gym as well as fun (and hot) roleplay scenes. Tags: Superhero, Superpowers, Muscle Theft, Drain, Cum, Supervillain, Muscle Growth, Cock Growth Warnings: If you don't like campy superhero stuff, muscle growth/theft, this probably isn't the story for you. Now, with all that being said - I'm happy to post the first section of The Adventures of Muscleboy: In The Parasite's Clutches!
  10. Guest

    Symbiotic Bonding Part 06

    This part I am sure is one of the bigger parts of the Original RP people wanted... I hope I did this justice... There is a very ORIGINAL way I did the theft in this part, which was what I think people enjoyed the most. Also there's a bit of an easter egg to a few other theft stories. Enough chatter, I hope you enjoy this part. Previous Parts: -Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 - Part 05 - Part 06 Risk Takers Matt wraps his large arms around Andrew in a tight embrace. “You won’t lose me, bro. I’ll always be your big lunk of a gym rat brother.” He notices the warmth of Andrew’s body up against him; his size much bigger and solid than what he’s been used to before. Even though Andrew is still quite a bit smaller than him, Matt can feel the difference of his smaller twin’s body size. It felt so good actually he began go become a bit more attracted to Andrew’s new size. “You know…” Matt pauses a second, swallowing the lump in his throat. “If we used rubbers, the cum wouldn’t touch…” Matt takes a deep breath, proud of the thought but also nervous on Andrew’s overall reaction. “We know that it’s the cum itself that is making these changes – the cups proved that. So all we have to do is use some condoms, and we can fuck all we want without having to worry.” Matt chuckles nervously, squeezing Andrew a bit more firmly, pulling him in tighter into his body. Andrew looks up at Matt, a bit of a happier tone spread across his face at this new revelation that his twin has proposed to him. “That actually sounds like a great idea!” Before Andrew could even finish his sentence, Matt had his brother scooped up and in his arms. The effort he put into it was a bit of a struggle at their new sizes, but Matt made sure to get in a comfortable position for himself to carry Andrew; up the stairs to their room, where Matt gently places Andrew onto his bed. Matt runs his hands over Andrew’s body, taking note of the new muscle that has formed under his brother’s skin. “Gotta admit, Andrew, watching you grow like that was pretty fucking hot.” Matt smirked down at Andrew, groping his hardening bulge in his shorts, before pulling them down his thighs as they dropped to the floor which he kicks off of his feet and pushes them aside. Matt crawls on the bed between Andrew, his eight rock hard inches at full attention. Reaching out, gently gripping Andrew’s thighs, rubbing them up and down before slowly pushing them apart. Matt reaches over Andrew to his nightstand, pulling the drawer open and grabbing one of the many condoms inside. Smirking down at Andrew seductively, he puts the condom package to his lips, ripping it open with his teeth as he pops the latex sheath out of its wrapper and slides it over his hard dick. He takes note that it’s not quite as tight as he remembered it used to fit him. Matt shook off the unwanted feeling of his smaller self as he grabbed a tube of lube from the drawer, applying a generous amount to slick up his rubber-clad cock. Matt begins to tease Andrew’s hole, prodding it with his finger, applying a bit of lube to make sure he was ready to take him fully. “I’m gonna give you a good fucking, bro. Show you I’ve still got it, even if I’m a bit smaller than before. Andrew moans loud in pleasure as Matt’s finger probes his hole, opening him up for the incoming invasion. “Please be gentle… I haven’t done it before, bro.” Andrew’s hole was tight, and spasming; his ass clamping down tightly on Matt’s lubed finger. “I’ve wanted this for a long time though, bro. I’ve wanted you to Want Me, like this…” Matt feels a bit uneasy at those words, a chill running down his spine. He leans down slowly, kissing Andrew, removing his finger from his tight hole. His lubed up cock, covered by the rubber, is achingly hard. Matt leans forward into Andrew, making sure to press the head of his mushroom tip against his brother’s hole. The tightness of Andrew and the feeling of being opened up by Matt causes them both to moan in unison. With a soft moan, Matt slowly pushes his cockhead into Andrew’s very tight hole. He watches Andrew wince a bit in pain and grunts; Matt leans in to comfort him, pushing his lips onto his twin’s in a deep kiss. His mouth engulfing Andrew’s, tongue forcing its way between his lips and teeth. Matt growls into the kiss, pushing his cock in half way before feeling Andrew tense up more under him, his bro’s hole clamping down on the four inches inside him. Matt pauses for a moment, giving Andrew a chance to adjust to his size; even at eight inches, he’s still quite the hung stud. As he keeps his dick half inside he moves his mouth down Andrew’s face, to his jaw, then his neck, nuzzling against his brother’s ear before teasing it with his tongue. Andrew moans as his body is relieved of some tension, his hole relaxing a bit more, as he gives permission for Matt to proceed further. His hole opening up, Matt pushes in further, loving the groans and moans that escape Andrew’s lips. “Oh yeah,” Matt moans, feeling his thin pubes press against Andrew’s round muscle ass cheeks as he finally reaches the end, his cock fully pressed into his bro. “Fuck you got a nice ass, Andrew.” His breathing more labored as their bodies are pressed firmly together. Matt lifts Andrew up off the bed, letting his slightly smaller twin wrap his legs around his waist; Matt’s cock moving and shifting inside of him as they changed sexual positions. Matt moves over to his desk, sitting down on it. He places his hands on Andrew’s ass as he begins to lift his brother up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm. Andrew moans more and more with each thrust up and down Matt’s shaft in pure pleasure. Every time he is dropped to the base of Matt’s cock he gasps as he feels the large phallus leaving him as he is lifted back up the shaft towards the large head, just to start his long moan as he is lowered again. Andrew’s cock is rock hard and slapping firmly against Matt’s abs as Matt holds him close to his chest. Something then snaps in his own mind right then, the consequences if Andrew was to cum now without something blocking his spunk would be very bad. “Matt… Fuck… nnn… This….Is…A… Bad… Position…” Andrew manages to get out as Matt pounds into him, steadily speeding up his rhythm as he begins to go faster… and faster… “Mmm, Fuck no, Bro! This position is fucking amazing!” Matt growl’s holding Andrew steady as he slams his dick up inside of Andrew, roughly fucking his twin, loving the way Andrew’s lust is evident from his panting and grimacing facial expressions; the way Andrew’s cock hits his abs over and over as he fucks him hard, yet passionately. Matt’s own ass begins to rise up off the chair slightly as he tries to drive his cock in even deeper if it could even be possible; spreading his strong muscular legs wider, leaning back against the desk, driving his dick up into Andrew as he holds his bro in position. His balls begin to ache, he wants to fill Andrew up so much with his love, but they seem to tremble and swell as they begin to cause him pain. Matt snarl’s angrily, desperately wanting to cum as he begins to fuck Andrew even harder, roughly thrusting up into his twin, muscles tensing and flexing with extra effort as beads of sweat begin to form on his skin. Andrew continues to be tossed around, enjoying the pounding as he notices Matt’s face begin to turn red, as he finally cries out in agony, desperate for relief. “Ah, Fuck… Please Matt…” he moans into the rhythm. With a loud cry of pain and pleasure, but pure ecstasy, Matt explodes. “AH FUCK!!!!” Pushing deep inside, Matt feels his dick spasm wildly, the big rod rocking about wildly as his seed continues to erupt from his shaft, filling the condom. The reservoir tip beginning to fill… more… and more… There is so much cum rocketing forth, Matt feels like his cock won’t stop, but he realizes it’s not his choice, it’s something more. Matt’s Symbiote controlled balls are working in overdrive, filling the tip of the condom, making it swell larger and larger inside of Andrew as it continues to fill with Matt’s splooge. “Oh fuck, Matt…” Andrew’s eyes go wide as the rubber reservoir tip expands so much it ruptures inside of him, flooding the enhanced cock cream throughout Andrew completely. As soon as it breaks and flows into him, it’s immediately absorbed, but this time Andrew isn’t warmth spreading over his body; heat begins to fill him, a fire. Every muscle in Andrew’s body begins to tense up all at once, flexing hard against an unseen resistance. “FUCK! THIS…IS… HUGE!” Andrew’s height shoots upwards, almost instantly he is four inches taller, his shoulders broadening wider to provide new space for the muscle that is pumping out from under his skin. Every fiber of his being tensing as he gets bigger everywhere, the veins making a road map to every part of him as they pump with blood and begin to be seen without even a flex. Fifty pounds of solid mass was just added to him in mere minutes, and the show was just starting. Andrew’s own cock, six and a half inches of rock hard meat expands upwards and outwards, throbbing madly as it added one more inch of length and bloated thicker to accommodate his new size. As Andrew’s growth begins to subside, his body bordering on close to Matt’s size now, their bodies even closer than ever, his cock begins rubbing against the ridges of Matt’s abs. As it grew longer and thicker, his body becoming closer to perfection like his larger twin, he begins to gaze at himself in awe from these new changes, the pressure in his own balls begins to come to a head and spill out. As Andrew tries to move up off of Matt’s cock, his body has it’s own desires as his now perfect muscular bubble butt ass latches down on Matt’s cock, “FUCK!!!!” Andrew’s cock explodes! The load firing up into the air as it lands across Matt’s face, chin, and chest. There is nothing else he can do now, but to wait. Andrew wraps his larger arms around Matt, as his cock fires again, his brain going into protective mode, as all he wants to do is hold onto Matt, not realizing his cock is still firing off between their bodies as Matt begins to shrink a bit more. “No…. no no no no no!” Andrew holds Matt tightly as he sits on his cock still balls deep. Their eyes meeting for the first time since they were kids. Matt looks straight across, eye level to Andrew. But it seems a bit off, his eyes may be even a bit lower, but that’s not really surprising since Andrew is still impaled on his dick. Before he came, Andrew had to tilt his head down to look at him, this new status change had him slightly tilting his head up. “Damn Andrew,” he croaked, words a bit slurred. Matt reached up and tries to pull Andrew off of his tool, but Andrew is now too big, too heavy. 200lbs of pure beef sitting on his lap. Matt’s ass touches down on the chair, his trembling legs no longer able to hold up his brother’s weight as easily as he was able to before. “Fuck… you look good…” Matt finally takes in the full size and weight of his twin. His larger muscles, his masculine rock hard hairy chest, his powerful shoulders, and his vasularly huge arms. Andrew lifts his ass up off of Matt’s cock, pulling the obliterated latex condom out of his hole. “Look at me, Matt.” He walks over to Matt’s large mirror that he had installed to check his own perfected body out in. Andrew lifts his right arm up, flexing, watching the ball form of his bicep. He brings his other arm up and shows off a most muscular for Matt. Seeing the tightness of his six pack and much larger pecs. Andrew in a matter of minutes has went from a jock built to something more like an amateur athlete. Andrew moves his hand down his furry chest, crossing his hairy covered abs till it meets his cock, which now looks much more adequate with his thick pubic bush. He gives it a squeeze, as he notices Matt looking at him through the mirror. Andrew spins around to face his twin. “No more, Matt…” Matt shivers with desire as he watches Andrew flex and pose and feel up his bigger body. He slowly stands up, walking up to his twin. He’s still taller, but only barely. One inch at most. He also has a slight bit of muscle still on his once tiny bro, but maybe only about twenty pounds if that. Matt brings his own arms up and flexes, his biceps rising up proudly under his skin – he’d still be impressive to anyone who hadn’t seen him flex a few days earlier. His arms are clearly still a bit bigger then Andrews. Their cocks, on the other hand, look exactly the same size. While Andrew’s dick is more obscured by his new full bush, it’s clear that the two were hanging equally low. “Damn, Andrew. You look good.” Matt purred as he looked his twin up and down. “I’m almost glad that was a defective rubber. Andrew smirks at his bro, crossing his larger muscular arms in front of his newly firm pecs. “Control yourself bro,” his voice has lowered more drastically with this new change. “Another mishap and I’ll probably be the same size as you.” He stretches his arms over his head, feeling his new size. “Well, we wasted our day with experimenting. All this growth sure is making me tired.” Andrew lets out a deep yawn as he goes to sit on his bed. Matt’s eyes never leaving his body. Matt walks over and joins Andrew on his bed, reaching out, massaging Andrew’s newly thick shoulders and traps. “Having a twin who’s the same size as me wouldn’t be the worst thing,” he tried joking as he rubbed Andrew’s thick neck. “Who knows, Bro? Maybe you’ll become a gym rat like me!” Matt laughs, as he throws his head against the pillow on Andrew’s bed. Matt pulls Andrew back into him, until they are both prone and laying in each other’s arms. “Remember how we used to do this, as kids? Sneak into each other’s beds, just stay awake for hours at night, talking to each other? Well, whispering back then. We didn’t want our parents to hear us awake.” He chuckled. “Those were good times, weren’t they?” Andrew lays against Matt’s arm; its smaller then he’s used to with his new size and the lack of size Matt once had as he reminisces about those great times they shared. He grins, turning to face Matt. “Yeah…” Andrew leans in and tries to get a whiff of Matt’s underarm, but when his nose nuzzles Matt’s inner arm, there is no longer that manly masculine scent that he loved so much. He sighs, “Don’t you miss being big, Matt?” “A little. Okay, more than a little. I do miss it. It’s weird, you know? One day I’m the big man on campus and the next, well, not so much.” Matt pauses for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts. “But it’s not all bad, you know? I’m, uh, learning to look at things differently. A Different perspective or whatever. Maybe I wouldn’t have chosen this, if you’d asked me a couple days ago. But hey, lemonade out of lemons right?” Matt turns his own body to look Andrew right in the eyes. “And you’re finally getting some meat on you! For me, that’s definitely a big plus!” Matt grins back at Andrew, running a hand over his brother’s hairy chest, feeling the contours of the new slab of Andrew’s pecs. “Could be worse, right?” Andrew pushes himself up on his elbows. “You’re right. It could have been worse. What if we were complete strangers, or even some stupid roommates?” Andrew bursts out laughing. “At least it’s happening between us, two close brothers.” Andrew moves in to kiss Matt, this time much deeper as the wall between them begins to break, most likely due to the recent surge of Andrew’s confidence from the recent growth. “If I get bigger then you, Matt, I will be there for you like you have always been for me all these years.” “Mmm..” Matt murmurs, surprised and pleased by the force of Andrew’s affections. “I know you’ll be there, Andrew. I know you’ll look out for me. I want you… too…” Matt’s voice catches as the words “Want You” escape past his lips. Like something deeper inside him is triggered. Matt can’t quite figure it out, but it makes him feel safe pressed against Andrew; their hard bodies mashed together on Andrew’s bed. His dick slowly starts to stir again, but Matt wills himself to behave. After all that’s gone on so far, he’s not entirely sure he can take much more, even though a deep part of him desperately wants it. Andrew yawns again, exasperated from the events of the day. “Well… I’m just gonna… sleep…” Andrew crashes out on the spot, his head hitting the pillow as he begins a deep snore. His body needing to recharge from today’s dramatic growth ordeal. As Matt pushes himself off the bed to move over towards his own, Andrew begins to mumble words in his sleep… To Be Continued... Coming Soon Part 07: While You Were Sleeping
  11. This is a fictional story. Any semblance to any person, thing or concept in the particular multiverse in which you live may not correspond to the universe of this story or may be purely coincidental. PART ONE “So did you measure it to make sure it’s as big as he claims?” asked Dr. Piro. “Yes, sir. And it’s as long and wide as he said it was,” answered Simon, his lab assistant. “And he agreed to do it for the price?” “Yes. He said that he felt erotic just thinking about it. He said it was the chance of a lifetime to use his great prowess to take down a superhero,” replied Simon. Rubbing his hands together, Dr. Piro said, “Now we are ready.” The 6 -foot three, 245 pound, brown haired alien with bulging muscles in his skintight suit known as Powerman had long been a thorn in the side of right wing, libertarian, coke-addict billionaire Lonnie Mucus. “Too much all-American, goody-two shoes for my taste,” he was quoted as saying to a magazine about Powerman. When Powerman offered to take a new communications satellite into Space for the US Government to replace an old one that had suddenly failed, Mucus saw a superhero that was now competing with his new Space launching satellite business that the American government had become dependent on. He decided Powerman had to go. So Mucus hired Dr. Piro, a scrawny but brilliant scientist, to do whatever it takes to disable Powerman as a threat to his own values and businesses. “Kill him if you must, but if you can preserve him for lab study, that would be even better,” he told the scientist. With almost unlimited funding, Dr. Piro began his task but after five years of hard work, the scientist had been unable to discover a way to kill or disable the superhero. During that time, Powerman had become more outspoken in terms of promoting the values of truth, justice, and community and against the “freedom to say and do whatever you want” attitude of the billionaire, anti-regulation, laissez faire libertarian philosophy of the billionaire further angering him. Powerman received a secret message from an FBI agent, who was secretly on the payroll of Mucus, that an informant in the campaign of the presidential candidate that Mucus was helping to bankroll, was willing to pass on damaging information about the candidate and Mucus. But he would do it only if Powerman met him secretly and alone at a powerplant, which just happened to be owned by Mucus. Powerman agreed to meet the informant at the powerplant and flew there for the meeting. Powerman scanned the industrial building on the plant site from the sky and saw a large room with a lot of electrical equipment and then an adjacent room which contained four burly men and a smaller man. “Humm,” thought Powerman, “everything looks safe and nothing seems unusual for a pwoerplant.” Following the instructions he was given, Powerman landed outside the front entrance of the building and entered through large metal door. Once inside the main, well-lit room, he saw large disks of what looked like heat lamps all over the walls and ceiling of the room. He stepped deeper into the room and shouted, “Hello, I am here.” Suddenly, he heard a loud humming noise. Then the lights lighting the room went out and it was dark. Unbeknowst to Powerman, at that same moment there was blackout in the city surrounding the powerplant and for about 5 seconds all the energy created by the plant was directed into those disks that surrounded Powerman. The light created by that energy filled the room bathing Powerman with it. “Uggh,” cried the super strong hero. Never before had he felt so weak and drained. He suddenly face-planted onto the floor unconscious. Watching the entire event through security cameras from the adjacent room, Dr. Piro and the four muscular men then entered the main room. Looking at the prostrate, white-costumed superhero with his bubble butt protruding into the air, he said, “It worked just as predicted. Now boys, carry our friend down the stairs to the laboratory underneath this building. His transformation has just begun!” PART TWO Dr. Piro’s mobile rang. It was Mucus. “How is it going, my good doctor?” “Just as I planned, sir. Powerman is currently unconscious and we are set up to start the process," Dr. Piro responded. “Good. Good. I like your plan. Humiliation and captivity are even better than death.” “Well, if all goes as planned, you’ll have a new breed of bodyguards and henchmen at your service.” “There is no if, good doctor. There is no fail,” retorted Mucus. “You had better make this happen.” Mucus then hung up. Powerman was stretched out on his stomach spread eagle in some device that looked something like a flat operating chair used for colonoscopies. His legs were separated, each one strapped in with metal bands. His thick bulbous ass pointing slightly up with his torso slightly raised making a slight arch in his muscular back. Each powerful arm was flared out from his body and slightly bent at the elbow while being held on place by metal bands. His head was secured inside a metal cage attached to the device but his face was open and visible but the head harness permitted only his mouth to move. The device hinged at his hips and torso permitting it to move if he were to hip thrust or arch his back further. The arms did not permit movement except to move slightly forward with this torso and the leg braces also permitted some abduction but not much. His red and white suit remained intact except it had been stripped off his back and his ass leaving him naked there and revealing a back of tan rippled muscles like waves on a sea. Slowly Powerman began to return to full consciousness. Groggy, he began to mumble, ”Where, what, how.” “Well, my favorite alien is beginning to wake up and join our party, Simon,” mocked Dr. Piro to his assistant. Powerman tried to raise his head but the metal straps held it down. His muscles swelled as he struggled to free both his arms and legs but the device held him firmly. He felt so tired and exhausted. He could see his super strength was gone. He decided he needed the stall Dr. Piro and recover from whatever he did to him. “Simon, let’s make our guest more comfortable so we can talk. Raise the chair.” Simon pressed several buttons on a wireless controller. The device holding our superhero raised Powerman higher from the floor and tiled his body vertically so now he was face to face with his captor. PART THREE Powerman was now eye to eye with the old, short, bald, eyeglass-wearing doctor and his assistant, the young, brown-haired bespectacled Simon. “I suppose my caped spandex hero is wondering how you got in his predicament. Well, I am going to tell you my soon to be neutered muscleman. It goes to my own ingenuity and brilliance and that of humankind in general over your alien race. You see, Powerman, it seems you would occasionally connect your computers in your mountain liar to the satellite Internet network owned by my employer, Mr. Mucus. Yes, your Internet defenses were very strong and my Russian hacking friends were frustrated after trying to penetrate them. But with some additional help from Chinese hackers and AI we were finally able to get in. From there we were able to download the history of your society and all the biological information about your alien race. Although written in your alien language, our AI was able to decipher it in less than three months.” Powerman listened carefully to Dr. Piro. He wondered if he could have really penetrated his systems. How then did he manage to neutralize his superpowers? He then noticed he was feeling less tired and the grogginess of his mind had cleared. “And what an interesting history and biology it is!” continued the scrawny doctor. “I learned your society is divided into three castes—the female caste whose primary purpose is reproduction, a eunuch working class whose role is to serve as workers for the entire society and finally the super powerful male warrior class, of which you are a prime specimen! The females seem to be 300-400 pound, essentially immobile creatures who have a lust for sex constantly except during the 13-month period of pregnancy. So they are basically sex slaves cared for by the eunuchs. Meanwhile the warrior class men rule your society where everyone serves them and they maintain the harmony and order. Might not seem all that interesting at first given human history but then I learned that all members of your race are genetically hermaphrodites! Apparently whether a female gives birth to another female, a eunuch or a warrior is determined by what foods are given the female during her pregnancy. By controlling the nutrition of the captive pregnant females, the warriors control what type of person is born based on the warrior class’ needs.” Now Powerman was getting worried. He realized that Dr. Piro had been successful in obtaining information from his liar. But with each passing minute he was feeling less and less exhausted. Perhaps his superpowers were returning, and he would eventually be able to break free. He needed to stall whatever Dr. Piro planned next. “But….” interrupted Powerman. “Shut up! No interruptions!” shouted the doctor and he slapped Powerman across his face. Powerman winced in pain with the blow and decided it was best to keep quiet for now. Simon looked pained seeing Powerman slapped. He admired the superhero’s chiseled jaw and straight narrow nose. He had a handsome face as well as a well-proportioned muscled body. The epitome of human maleness in his view. Now trapped in the clutches of his ugly old boss. He found Powerman’s helpless predicament sad but yet wildly erotic and exhilarating at the same time. His member stirred. “Now where was I?” Dr. Piro queried. “Oh yes. While your warrior class with their superpowers kept your planet peaceful once in a while a warrior or two would rebel and would need to be neutralized. But given those superpowers that was not easy to do. Fortunately, it appears that there is a biological failsafe mechanism built right into your genetics.” To be continued
  12. I don't do a lot of writing, but this one has been a little vivid for me, and I thought I'd share it. There is an incomplete part 2 I'll get out sometime in the future. THE SHORT ONE “Yeah, Mike! Drive that UUUUP!!!!” Yelled Rick, as Mike, the squat, broad, bearded, powerlifter, drove the four-hundred-pound loaded bar upwards again. “Good man!” Rick continued, smacking the shorter fire hydrant-like man on the back. “Good one! Six reps, that’s a new record for you!” Breathing heavily, Mike huffed out between breaths, “Yeah..(huff)...new one…(huff)...took me…(huff)...forever to get…(huff)...there.” Mike, a young guy of 30, standing 5’6”, weighed in at almost 270 pounds of bulky powerlifter beef. The last two years of heavy lifting and training - and all the gear he could handle - had made him a sight at the gym. Looking at Mike you knew he was a powerlifter. He had become a brick all the way from his traps to his waist, and his legs were thick enough that he had developed a waddle. He had no neck left to speak of, just traps that made a mountain range from his skull down, then out to his ultra-wide shoulders. Mikes’ thick back was complimented by a bulging turtle-shell stomach and spinal erectors you could lose your hand in. He had an obvious squatters-butt which went down to thick thighs and bulging calves. Stairs were sometimes a problem for Mike - his breathing wasn’t the best, but he didn’t care. Just what he could squat, bench, deadlift. That was his life and he had become totally dedicated to it over the last two years. Rick, his coach, was part of his drive. Encouraging him, and making sure every day at the gym was a good one, and every meal, and every shot of gear, drove him forward to his goal. “Rick, what do you think, am I there yet?” Mike eventually huffed out. “Man, this is great. You’re definitely at the top of your weight class, and you’ll bring this one in for sure!” “Yeah, but what then?” “What then? After the state competition, the regional, just like we talked about.” “No man, I mean how do I go up in weight from here? The next class up!” Rick frowned and furrowed his brow, “Buddy, we talked about this…. You’re amazing, but that next class up, it’s not something you’ll do well in. You’re huge, and at this height you’re as big as you can get,” “Gotta get bigger, Rick. You know that!” Rick sighed. “Man, I didn’t know the monster I created.” He laughed, “Okay, let’s just call it a day and see what we can do this next session tomorrow, OK?” “Ok man. But, if I were bigger - you know, taller, and all - you could move me up a class, right?” Rick waved his hands and looked up at the ceiling, “Yeah, but man, it ain’t gonna happen! You have to work with what you’ve got! You’re big, huge! You’re doing fine in your class!” “Okay Rick, I got it. No worries, OK? I’ll get taller, got it handled!” “Right man, I know….” Rick, thinking he must have misheard Mike, just brushed off the comment. “I’m headed out for dinner. Catch you Wednesday for training!” Rick nodded back & waved Mike off. LATER THAT NIGHT. Greg put five ounces of chicken into the twelfth meal container just as the doorbell rang. He rinsed off his hands and yelled “One second, Mike! I’ll be right there!” Leaving behind for a moment the kitchen-manufacturing lines of rice, chicken, and vegetables, the big bear went to the door and let in his short, squat powerlifter buddy, Mike. “Thanks man, I’m starving!” Growled the dumpster-like short brick house powerlifter. “You always do the best for me, man!” They shared a typically off-balance greeting hug: Mike, phenomenally strong and powerlifter-thick, was 5’6”. Greg on the other hand was a towering 6’10”. Greg had broad shoulders from time in the gym, but he wasn’t an iron-addict like Mike. Greg smiled. “Hey, I love supporting my best friend. I’ve almost got 2 days worth of meals put together for you, just finishing up. Hang on, I’ve got dinner for us both. You start & I’ll join you in a sec, I want those covered & in the fridge before I call it done.” He gestured to plates with huge portions of chicken, pasta, and vegetables. “Take those over & I’ll be there in a moment.” “You know just what I need!” Mike took the food to the dining table, helped himself to utensils, and set out the meals for both of them. After putting lids on meal containers and putting them in neat stacks in the fridge, Greg joined Mike and sat at the table. Eating for a few minutes quietly, Greg reflected on what a funny pair they were. Good friends, and occasionally with benefits, they had a lot of interests in common. Mike turned thoughtful for a second, fidgeting with a ring on his right ring finger. “Greg, I gotta ask you something serious.” “Ok, what’s up?” Mike leaned in and put his right hand on Greg’s right hand. “You know how you’re so supportive of my powerlifting?” “Yeah bud, of course! I know how important it is to you. I love seeing you conquer those lifts!” Mike smiled. “Yeah, you’re always ready to help me in any way, right?” “Yes, that’s why I’ve got the meals together for you, and help keep you on schedule.” “I know, and you’d do anything to help me, right?” “Yes. Isn’t that what I just said?” “Yeah, it is. I just really need to know.” Mike leaned in towards the bigger man. “You’re totally on my side, happy to help me any way you can, right?” Greg looked confused. “Bud, I don’t know why this is so big a deal to you. Yes, I am. I’ve told you a bunch and I still mean it. Now, what’s up?” Mike let go of Greg’s hand with a big smile and sat up solid in his chair, hands on his thighs. The ring on his hand showing a soft glow before fading away. “You know how Rick, my trainer, has been down on me, right?” Greg scowled a little. “No, I know how you have been down on him because he can’t move you up a weight class. He’s telling you, like he has for a while, that you’re going to have a hard time packing on weight to compete with those guys. They run sixty to eighty pounds more, and have the taller frame to carry it.” “Yeah, but if I could be that big I’d be able to compete there!” Greg said, “I know...but...look, where is this going?” Greg and Mike had joked once or twice that they were born at the wrong heights. If Mike were Greg’s size - sixteen inches taller - he’d be spending all his time adding two hundred pounds to his frame, and many more hundreds to his lifts, working on being either the world champion of powerlifting or strongman competitions. But life doesn’t always deal those cards the way you wanted. Mike looked at him squarely and said “Since you’re up for helping me with anything, I need you give me half your size and strength.” Greg laughed, “Man, I’d love to, I just don’t know how!”. “Well, I solved that problem”, said Mike. He raised his right hand and wiggled the ring finger. “I found this charm at a Chinese magic shop. I didn’t believe it, but I tested it and it worked. If you agree to help me three times while I hold your hand...you can help me in any way, including by giving me your size. Stand up! I’ll show you. It takes some time.” Mike stood up. Greg looked skeptical, but smiled. “I don’t know what you’re smoking, but I’ll run with this little scene if you’re up for some playtime tonight. It's not like we haven’t started some fun with that as a scene before.” Greg stood up and stepped closer to Mike, looking down at the thick fireplug. Only...he wasn’t looking down as much as he expected. “Mike, are you on your toes?” “No big guy...I’m getting bigger. And, you are getting smaller.” “No way! It can’t be!” Greg moved right up to Mike, and put his hands on Mike’s shoulders, looking down into Mikes eyes and paying attention to his hands & shoulders. After just a moment he could tell his perspective was shifting down, and his hands were moving up. He could feel Mike’s shoulders slowly growing bigger under his hands. “Fuck! No way!” Greg shouted! They had actually role-played something like this a few times. Greg had fantasies about being a smaller guy, not always being the biggest guy in a room, the focus of attention for men, and women. Being in the spotlight, every time and always, just because of his towering height. Mike, meanwhile couldn’t want anything more than to have exactly that. He craved it Both the attention...and the frame to put on all the size he wanted. To be the biggest guy in any room. He dreamed of never having to look up, at anyone, ever. Mike grinned as he and Greg locked gazes, knowing that at least for one person, he wouldn't be looking up at him again...very soon. “For real man, you’re gonna be half your size, maybe less, in a few minutes. And I’m going to be a goddam giant, bigger than you ever were! Biggest, strongest man in the world, coming right up!” Greg was too entranced by what was happening to think about what Mike was saying. The danger in the words was blocked by having his fantasy of being smaller really happening. Mike brushed Greg’s hands off his shoulders, then reached down and pulled his shirt off over his head. This revealed his thick pecs, broad on his chest, covered with fur. He looked up (but not as far as before) into Greg’s eyes, and brought both 20” arms up into a double bicep pose, spreading his thick legs apart to keep him steady. His bulging shoulders and traps crowded his head, his big turtle shell belly pushed out as he arched his back keeping his arms up. “Lick that big, growing arm, shrinking bear!” he ordered Greg. Having played this before, Greg closed his eyes, leaned down, and started licking Mikes’ right biceps, stroking Mike’s chest with one hand, while running the other back and forth from Mike’s right shoulder to fingertips, squeezing the strong, solid powerlifter muscles from time to time. He aggressively made love to the muscles in front of him, loving their hardness, the soft cover of fat and fur over them. Mike groaned in pleasure, sometimes taking his left hand, reaching up, and rubbing Greg’s scalp, squeezing Greg’s traps or shoulders, as Greg kept worshipping Mike’s muscles with his eyes closed.. But something was different this time. After a couple more minutes Greg realized he wasn’t leaning down so much anymore to suck & lick on that meaty bicep bulge in front of him. Just a few inches down where before he was bending way down - from six-ten! - now, they were closer in height, and moving closer still. Mike loved it. Mike hadn’t gained as much height as Greg had lost. Apparently the charm thought of “size and strength” as related. Much of Greg’s strength came from being so tall a guy - he was strong, but a lot came from his raw size. Meanwhile, Mike was a weight-trained tank. He was much stronger than his height would suggest. Every inch he grew taller was hugely more strong than the inch that Greg lost. Mike kept his eyes open the whole time. He saw the perspective of the room changing around him. Saw Greg leaning down less and less. The man who had started at 5’6” was now an even six foot tall, and Greg was just a little taller, about 6’2”. “Keep those eyes closed a little more, Shrinking Bear. I am going to have a surprise for you in just...another...minute! Keep making love to that big arm. Does it feel bigger to you?” Mike’s 19” arms had grown to at least 21” as he took in size and strength from Greg. “Yes, Big Bear! It feels so big!” “Yeah, little Shrinker! It is. It is sooo much bigger. You can’t get your hands around it now, can you?’ “No, Big Bear, I can’t! I used to, and I can’t now!” It was true. At six-ten, Greg’s huge hands could make a circle covering 20”...but now, being smaller, and that arm bulging bigger, he tried, and he couldn’t. Greg loved the proof that he was getting smaller. After another minute of being stroked and adored, Mike spoke again. “Okay, Shrinking Bear...you can open your eyes.” He opened his eyes to find he was looking just slightly down into Mikes eyes. Greg was just an inch taller than Mike. Mike smiled broadly. “See, ‘big guy’...? I’m getting bigger than you! You’re going to have to really mean it now when you call me Big Mike! Keep looking at me right now. Look straight into my eyes….” Greg’s cock was already solid. Now it has turned to iron. He was looking just a little down into Mike’s eyes. Mike had expanded proportionally in every way, with his muscles expanding more than his height, growing in strength. About six inches taller, he was about a hundred or more pounds heavier and his muscles were all bulging out more than before. His arms were definitely 23” by now. Mike could feel how much heavier he was getting in his limbs, he could see his perspective change as Greg shrank and he grew to his rightful size, thicker and bigger than before. “I love seeing you bigger, bud! You have always been Big Mike to me - but now it;s gonna be a different thing!” Greg noticed the room around them. “Are we both six feet tall now?!?! Fuck! Things seem bigger to me from here!” He looked around a little “I’m used to seeing the top of the fridge all the time...and now I can’t see it at all!” “I’ll let you know what it looks like in a few minutes. See Greg? Are you looking right at me?” Greg returned to looking right at Mike’s eyes. “Yes Big Bear! Right at you!” “Good. Now keep looking at me….there! Do you see it now?” Greg took a moment, looking in Mike’s eyes. It took him an extra second or two. “Holy crap! I’m looking up at you! I can’t fucking believe it! I’m looking up at you!” “That’s right, Shrinking Bear! You’re going to keep shrinking until I have half of what you were carrying around on you! I wonder how small you’ll be by then?” Mike smirked, loving his new stature over his formerly towering friend. “Okay Shrinker, look at that arm you’re supposed to be licking.” Mike hoisted his right arm up to shoulder position again, bulging more out than before, his thick mass of muscle, fat and fur right in Greg’s face. Or, as Greg now noticed...just above his face. “No...way….” Greg started. Noticing that Mike’s arm was slowly rising above his own eye level. “Better lick it soon, Shrinking Greg. Big Mike will only want to lean down for a little while to help you….” Mike grew warm inside from dominating Greg and having it be real. In the past, he had said those words but had to rely on Greg to play along. “Not today,” he thought to himself. “Not again, ever. Now is the time for Big Mike! Maybe even Big Big Mike!” “Lick that arm, Shrinking Bear! While you can!” Greg got up on his toes and resumed kissing and caressing Mike’s massive arm, licking the biceps and triceps. He stood more and more on his tiptoes as he worshipped the burgeoning, growing arm. His own hands and mouth shrinking away with time, everything about Mike seemed bigger and bigger to him. Lost in the thrill of it, he distantly wondered if this is how Mike had felt about him, when Mike looked up and almost a foot and a half separated them. Mike kept flexing his muscles for Greg. After another minute even all the way up on his toes, stretching to his limit, his mouth couldn’t make contact with Mike’s raised biceps any more. Greg stopped, breathing hard, catching his breath, and leaned against Mike’s massive, hard gut for a moment, the flesh still growing up slowly. Mike’s body is still very slowly expanding, getting bigger, stronger, all over. Growing more full, round, padded muscle on top of his already large body. Mike leaned forward, his huge chest looming over Greg’s head, and put his big hands on Greg’s back, pushing him inwards against his massive, sweaty gut. “Yeah Little Bear, clean up this big, sweaty lifter...lick me clean...I can just feel those little hands of yours rubbing around my big, solid, belly. Can’t even reach around to my waist, can you?!? Yeah, you little fuck...let’s see how small you are now….” Greg moved back a little, momentarily shocked out of his focus on his sexual energy and worship of Mike’s growing body. Mike looked down at him and took stock of the room. Mike could see the top of the fridge now, looking down on it easily. And he was at least twice as wide. He had grown into a massive bull of a man, vast traps and shoulder width. Thick pecs that blocked his sight down, and a solid turtle-shell gut that blocked even more. His arms and legs were thick with muscle and padding, the shape of the muscles still seen, and becoming pronounced when he moved. He weighed almost 400 pounds and guessed his height at about 6’5”, almost a foot taller than he had been. Greg craned his head way back and looked up at Mike’s face so far above. Greg stepped in just a little and rested his chest against the top of Mike’s massive barrel, his arms reaching up and resting on Mikes’ power belly. Mike guessed Greg was about 5’ tall now, getting close to Mikes’ gut. Greg was slim. “You...you...you are a real giant to me - you’re like twice my size!” “Yeah little man, and maybe ten times your weight! HA HA HA!!!” Mike lifted his arms again into a giant double bicep pose, lording his massiveness over Greg, turning his head to see his own flexing 25” arms. “Yeah you little fucker! Look at that arm! Bigger than your head!” Mike looked down at Greg. “No, you can’t see it from down there. Let me fix that!” Mike crabbed down into a most muscular pose, his great shaggy head just a foot away from Gregs face, his arms on either side of Greg’s tiny body. “BOOM!” Mike said. Mikes’ watermelon sized arms flexed inwards at Greg, his chest almost knocking the tiny man over being flexed in front of him. Greg put one hand on each pulsing bicep, stroking and mumbling. “So big...so thick..surrounding me….” “Yeah buddy! I’m BIG Mike! And that’s just my arms!” Greg looked up at Mike, towering almost half again his size - something no one had done to him since early childhood! Greg was stuttering. “So...big...so...massive….” Mike: “Feel that leg now, Tiny Bear! Feel my calf while you’re there! Get on your knees!” Greg dropped to both knees, his head now just bumping into Mike’s bulging crotch. “Big Bear...I think you grew somewhere else too!” “Yes! Hadn’t planned on it...but a big man can use a big cock! But, you’ll get that dessert later, Little Bear.” Mike grinned the way only a man with a giant cock does. “Right now...lick those quads. I’m not as clean as I want to be. BOOM!” Mike flexed one leg closest to Greg, every head of the quadriceps bulging and separated hugely before him. “Lick those lines clean Little Man!” Greg started licking, loving being smaller than ever, being dominated for real by a giant man, bigger than him, overpowering him, making him do whatever the bigger man said. As a tall man he had never truly given in before...now he was. He licked and stroked the massive thigh in front of him. His hands moving over the muscle were so tiny in comparison. Greg had not had to look up at someone in years and intimidated most men he met. Being in front of a man who must be at least four times his weight, and 25% taller, was entrancing. “Now my calf. Clean it boy!” Mike lifted the flexed leg up on toes, making the massive calf ball up and bulge out even more. “Yes, my Big Bear Master! Yes!” Greg’s cock was as hard as it could get, dying for release. He licked the two heads of the calf in front of him, all of his attention focused on pleasing his Big Musclebear Master. “Sir, may I come? I so want to come! You are so big over me...so...so..so..strong.!” “Shrinking Bear, I’m going to pick you up, and you can come when I tell you. It’ll be soon. Now, stand up again.” Greg stood up, Mike leaned forward over him again, making Greg move back just a little in shock of the man so much bigger than him. “I bet you don’t weigh a damn thing Little Bear. Let’s see!” Mike grabbed Greg around the waist with both hands and picked him so his arms were straight out in front of him. Greg’s head was just a little above Mike’s. “So light, you’re just so fucking LIGHT!!!! YES!!!!” Greg’s cock was sticking straight out as he looked down, some, at Mike. The 6’5” powerlifter was inhumanly vast from his growth, at least four feet across the shoulders, and two from front to back. Mike’s shoulders were legitimately bigger than basketballs. “Little bear, I’m going to suck your cock just like this while I’m standing here, and you’re going to come right then, so you please your Musclebear Master, yes?” “Yes sir! Ye-” Before Greg could finish his sentence Mike opened his big mouth and took Greg’s cock and balls inside, sucking on Greg’s cock, teasing his balls. Greg came in less than ten seconds, screaming in pleasure instantly. “YEEEEESSSSS! YESSSSSSSS!!! AUGGGHHHHH!!! OH GOD, AUUGGGGGHHHHH! YES!!!!!!!” It felt like Mike had sucked his balls totally dry right in that moment...but Greg knew he had more, just not yet. Greg dropped limp in Mikes grasp, totally spent. Mike lowered Greg down, back to shoulder height, and gradually made his way over to Greg’s oversized couch nearby. Being so tall, Greg had a lot of “big guy” furniture. Mike wasn’t yet the height Greg had been, but he was far heavier and thicker. Mike lay out on the couch in his gym shorts, his right leg up on the couch, his left foot on the ground, with the five foot tall Greg stretched out against him, his back against Mike’s torso, legs up on the couch. Greg was still dazed and spent, happy in the strongest afterglow he had ever been in. Mike’s giant right arm held Greg against him. With his left hand, Mike stroked Greg slowly. “Yes little bear, rest a moment. You’re going to need it. There you go...rest a bit….” Greg, naked, shrunken, and spent, actually fell asleep against Mike. Mike - Big Mike - just watched the little man against his chest. Sometimes flexing his own arm or moving his hand, feeling happy about how massive he was, and how small his formerly towering friend felt against him. About a half hour later, Greg slowly woke up. He took a moment to realize the massive arm across him was real. In his own mind, he was still an almost 7’ tall man. For a moment, he was in the arm of a ten foot hill of fur and muscle, holding him tight. Then he realized that the couch and everything else were bigger, and that what had happened was real. “Mike.” “Yes, Greg.” “Can we get up?” “Yes. But you’re not getting ‘up’ as much as you’re used to!” Mike lifted his arm, and Greg swung himself around and stood up on the floor. Mike stayed seated on the couch, but swung around to sit up, facing Greg. Greg, standing, was only a handful of inches taller than Mike, seated. Greg was just staring at Mike for a moment, reaching out and rubbing Mike’s massive shoulders. “Damn, you are so big, Bear! So wide!” “Yeah, buddy! But I think I’m still not as tall as you were.” “I think you might be right, but man, you have to understand what it’s like to be looking at you like this.” “Like this? How about like THIS!” Mike stood up. Greg was staring into the bottom of Mike’s thick chest. Greg got instantly hard again. “Yeah big man, that’s definitely it. Damn, your arms are the size of my head!” “Yeah, they are”, Mike brought them up for a big bicep flex which took Greg a moment back, “but I think it’s time for me to find out just how big I’ve grown in the shorts, know what I mean?” Mike dropped his hands to his gym shorts and underwear, shoved them down, then kicked them away. His cock was starting to rise up. Mike had been below height, but about average on his dick. Now, having grown almost 20% bigger, his cock was also bigger in proportion. “Greg,I think it’s time to bury this big cock somewhere, little buddy!” Bury it somewhere before it’s too big for you to take it anymore, Mike thought to himself. Greg looked at the 9” cock in front of him, seeming much larger than he would have taken it just a day ago. “Yes Big Mike! Let’s go for it!” Greg opened an end table drawer next to the couch, pulled out a bottle of lube. “Go for it big man!” Mike threw the cushions from the couch onto the floor in a pile, and pushed Greg, surprised, down onto them. Mike was forceful, but never this much, when they’d played around before. “Flip over, little man. I want you face down.” Greg turned over as the big, naked, musclebear squirted some lube into his hand, then onto Greg’s hole, and his own cock. Mike’s 9” cock slid easily into Greg’s hole, and his arms readily reached around Greg’s chest from behind. Mike was surprised that Greg wasn’t a tighter fit, but remembered what a size queen Greg was, for both toys and men. Even at this size he wasn’t really tight, but Greg was definitely having a good time. It wasn’t bad for him, but he had tighter, and bigger, plans. “Buddy”, Mike said,”This is great, but how about you give me whatever another six inches of your height and strength are?” “What? Mike, you’re already inside….wowowohhhh fuuuuuuuccccckkkkk!” As Mike kept Greg stuffed from behind and held across his front, Greg felt what seemed to be Mike’s cock growing inside him, bigger every moment, and pulsing differently as Mike pumped his ass, alternating with twitching his cock inside the smaller man’s butt. Mike only grew an inch or two from this new “gift” of Greg’s, but to Greg, the world was getting a lot bigger. In one specific way, the way he was wrapped around what seemed to him to be a steadily growing cock, Greg’s world was getting just a little smaller. “Yeah, that’s it Shrinking Bear, getting tighter all over my cock, just what I wanted! YES!” he kept slowly pounding in and out of Greg’s ass, his now smaller body tight around his cock. “YES! Just what I fucking wanted! Pounding your little, tiny ass, Shrinking bear! So small now!” Mike kept pumping Greg, revelling in his size over this man who was now approaching two-thirds his size. He was just as turned on by the feelings in his cock as the feelings in his head, knowing the man he’s pounding right now used to be the tallest man he’d ever met. That idea built and built in Mike’s mind, and in a few moments the dam broke against the moving water-wall of fuck-energy and Mike came, yelling, and Greg came again, yelling in pleasure. After a few moments of both men shouting, Greg coming and Mike shooting inside Greg’s hole, Mike pulled out and they both rolled over onto their backs, momentarily spent and breathing hard. Mike turned his head towards Greg. “Bud, that was the best fuck I’ve had in a long time, and it was all due to your shrunken ass, Small Bear.” “Big man, that was one of the best I’ve ever had!”
  13. clfmql

    Austin's bet

    “I want all your muscles, your stamina, your metabolism, your masculine beauty, your physical potential, your athleticism.” **** A stream of warm water spurted out from the thick shower head. In the steam-filled shower booth, Austin's naked body began to be drenched in water. The tanned, healthy skin became shiny when it touched the water stream. Water cascaded down his broad shoulders and down his massive, deep muscular chest like a mountain range. It soon cleansed the eight-pack abs and moistened the massive cock and testicles between the thick legs. As Austin lazily turned back, the warm water flowed down his deep, bulging, broad muscular back, and soon his firm buttocks could feel the water. Austin enjoyed the warm, wonderful sensation for a few minutes and then took out the shower soap. His thick hands gently massaged his broad chest, brushed down his shoulders, and toned down his 20-inch biceps and deep abs. He then gently stroked his pipe-like 11-inch cock and large testicles, wiping away any traces of the night's fun. He reluctantly moved his hand from his cock to his firm, thick thighs, where his muscles were clearly visible, and rubbed them for a while. He begins to slowly brush his knees and calves, following the lines of those beautiful muscles. While enjoying his shower time, Austin thought about Ted and the 'bet' he had made. Ted was very popular as the best football player in the school, but to Austin, Ted was just a bad student who bullied Austin himself. Austin, who wanted revenge on Ted, decided to use witchcraft he had discovered in ancient books. Everything went according to Austin's plan, and as a result, Austin won the 'bet' and demanded a reward from Ted: his muscles, his physical potential, and his masculine beauty. From then on, as time passed, Ted took Austin's essence and gradually became smaller and more ordinary, and as Austin took Ted's essence little by little, he became bigger and stronger. After taking a shower, Austin returned to his room and put on a white shirt and underwear. Then suddenly, Austin stopped as he felt a huge pain in his testicles. Austin lifted his underwear and looked down to see that his testicles were writhing as if they were being squeezed. Austin finally realized that the final swap had begun. Austin had no time to react to this sudden phenomenon and just moaned and held his testicles in his hands. He felt the last of Ted's original essence being absorbed into his testicles, and it soon began to pump the last of his strength, causing his veins to pulsate throughout his body. "!!" While Austin just let out a moan, his body once again became covered in sweat and began to slowly bulge and grow. The muscles in his entire body twitched and became bigger and stronger, increasing his height to nearly 7ft. The cock and testicles he held in his hand seemed to swell and grow in size. It was too big to hold with one hand, so Austin managed to hold it with both hands. "Aaaah... yes! YES!!" Meanwhile, Austin's vision was forcibly becoming clearer, and he was getting a mild headache as more athletic knowledge flowed into his head. Even that was enough to give Austin an ecstatic feeling. In every way, Austin's body grew bigger and stronger. When Austin finally let out an orgasmic scream, the white shirt he had just been wearing was torn apart. Austin, who had been panting for a while as if after his long workout, checked out his body in amazement. Now he realized he had a muscular body of exactly the same size and shape as Ted had before his bet: biceps approaching 25 inches to prove it. Ted's biceps were the biggest in the school, they were 25 inches, and when Austin measured himself with a tape measure now, they were exactly 25 inches. Austin let out a low laugh, throwing his torn clothes on the floor, cutting off his underwear with scissors and throwing them on the bed. At this moment, a new school athlete was born who would perfectly replace Ted. What was even more pleasant was that this spell modified parts of reality so that no one would notice their changes. In this reality, Ted will always be a small, weak student, while Austin himself will be the dominant school athlete. Well, maybe he's even better than Ted in that he's sincere, humble, and kind. Austin giggled as he looked at the sweaty 7ft massive muscular body and went into the bathroom to wash up again.
  14. Guest

    Suck and Grow

    This is a story which I posted on the wrong section (archive). Rome is a collegiate athlete. For the last 3 years of his college life, he has been training hard and it really shows. At 22, 6'3 and 250 lbs, he has a body that rivals those big YouTubers you see online. This body of his earned him the title of team captain of the football team. Not only that, with his fair skin, thick eyebrows, and thick brown hair, he is deemed as the campus' heartthrob. One night, after training and working out with his team, Rome really had the urge to fuck someone. After cockily putting his body on display to the team in the shower room, he put on some baggy pants and a tight black tank top that showcases his thick arms and really highlights his huge chest. He decided he'll go to the bar and pick a fuck buddy for the night. After all, he could get anyone with his looks. Arriving at the club, his body alone is already enough to get him looks and turns. On his third drink, someone sat next to him. "That one's on me!", the man said. Rome looked and saw a short Asian man. The man looked young, almost like a college freshman. At around 5'5, Rome dwarfs this guy. "Aren't you a little too young to be here?", Rome asks with a smirk. "Haha I'm 21, today's actually my birthday, see?" the man replies, showing Rome his ID. "Hmm, so your name's Evan." Rome said, returning Evan's ID to him. "What do you want from me?" Rome then asks. "I always see you at the campus gym, and frankly, you really turn me on. What do you say we hit it up?" Evan says with a smile. "I don't think you can handle me." Rome replies, once again with a smirk. "Come on, you know you wanna do this. Besides, I can give you an experience of a lifetime." Evan teases, touching Rome's arms. Rome really wanted to release his load tonight, so he reluctantly agrees. Evan brings Rome to his dorm. They both take off their clothes. Rome strips down, revealing his powerful body and his 10 inch cock. Evan takes his jacket off, showing a skin tight white shirt, revealing some definition in his body. He's not big by any means, probably 135 lbs, but he's got some definition. He then removes his pants, revealing his own 4 incher. Just as he was about to take off his shirt, Rome cannot wait and pulls him to the bed and started fucking him. Evan was caught by surprise. But his moans and groans of pain turned into moans of pleasure as he sees the view while he's getting rammed. "Ugh fuck, you're so hot!" Evan said as reaches and caresses Rome's pecs. His hands explore Romes torso. "Ugh, dude you're gonna make me cum!" he replied back. Rome posed a double bicep and showed off his bulging arms to Evan. He's so big that it turned Evan on even harder. "You're so hot man- ughh! Sh-shit! Ughh!" Evan cums to the sight of Rome's flexing. Evan's cum shot up to Rome's mouth as he was moaning harder. "Ughhh fuck I'm gonna cu- UGHHH!" Rome moans and whimpers as he ejaculates into Evan's ass. Cum fills Evan after load after load is released by Rome. All while Evan continues to rub Rome's muscles. "Ugh fuck that was good" Rome pulls his cock out. Their moans die down and all that's left are their heavy breathing. "My turn..." Evan says. "What?" Rome confusely asks. “I'm gonna fuck you now, baby," Evan said while Rome licks his lips. "And I'll make sure you feel every inch of my cock." "Huh? You? What w-" Rome cockily says before getting interrupted. Evan grabbed Rome by the waist and pushed him down onto the bed, switching their position. Rome cockily chuckles, looking at Evan's 4 inch cock compared to his own 10 incher. "What are you gonna do, huh?" Rome cockily teases while flexing his muscles in front of Evan's scrawny frame. Rome's 6'3, 250 lbs frame completely dwarfs Evan's 5'5, 135 lbs. Evan ignores Rome's teases and grabbed the base of his 4 inch shaft and started pumping in and out of Rome's tight hole. The feeling of having another man's cock inside his body made him moan louder than ever before. "Fuck yeah, baby! You're so fucking hot!" Evan moaned as he continued to pound Rome's ass. "Ughhh! Dude what the fuc- ugh" Rome moans as he feels Evan's cock throbbing inside his ass. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Evan moans as he continues to thrust his cock deep inside Rome's ass. "Ughhh shit!" Rome moans loudly as he felt Evan's cock pulsating inside his ass. "Ughhhhh! Oh god, I'm gonna cum!" Evan moans as he starts to spurt his load all over Rome's insides. "Ughhh! Ughhh! Ughhh!" Rome moans as he feels Evan's cock spurting his seed inside his ass. Evan smiles, knowing a step of his plan has been enacted. After a few minutes of rest, they both got up from the bed and went for a shower together. They were still naked and their dicks were hard. They both got into the shower and began to wash each other, Rome not knowing Evan's plan. While showering, Evan kneels in front of Rome. "Okay, here goes nothing," Evan thought to himself. He grabbed Rome's dick and started sucking it like a pro. "Mmmmmm, mmmmm!" Rome moans as he feels Evan's tongue sliding along his shaft. "Oh fuck, ughh!" Rome moans as he grabs Evan's head and pushes it deeper onto his dick. "Ughhh! Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to suck Rome's cock. "Damn, you're really good at this!" Rome moans as he starts to feel his orgasm building. "Ughhh! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Rome moans as he starts to shoot his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he swallows Rome's load. "Mmppphhhh!" Rome moans as he feels his cock spasm and start to spew more cum into Evan's mouth. "Fuuuck! Mmmmm!" Evan moans as he keeps swallowing Rome's load. But Evan continues to suck even harder. "Ughhh! Fuck! I'm cumming again! Okay, enough..." Rome moans as he continues to pump his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to swallow Rome's load. He continues to suck HARDER. "Man, I said enough..." Rome whimpers. But Evan sucks harder. Rome starts to feel a bit weak. "No, I said stop!" Rome whimpers. But Evan keeps sucking harder. "UGHHHHH! FUCK PLEASE! STOP!" Rome screams. "ugh I'm cumming again!" Rome yells as he shoots his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to forcefully suck Rome's load out. Rome tries to push Evan away, but to his surprise, Evan is not moved by this. He seems stronger "Mmmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to suck Rome's load out. He feels himself getting bigger and stronger. Evan starts feeling his arms and chest be filled with more mass as he swallows more of Rome's seed. "Ughhhh, dude please!" Rome cries out in pain as he feels his cock spasm and start to spew his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to swallow Rome's load. Evan feels his cock grow an inch or two, he also feels Rome's shrink in his mouth. "Ughhh! Ughhh! AAAAAAAAH!" Rome screams as he feels his cock spasm and shoot his load into Evan's throat. Evan swallows it all and stops. Evan then stands, looking Rome in the eye. Rome opens his eyes and notices how he isn't looking down at Evan that much anymore. "Fuck dude, that was hot!" Evan breaks the silence. Rome is still too stunned to speak. Rome begins looking at Evan's body, noticing how muscled Evan is. Evan then proceeds to inspect his now 8 inch cock and brags about it to Rome, "Wow, this is huge, thanks for that!". Rome looks at his own cock and sees his shrunken 6 incher, also noticing his own body. "WHAT THE FUCK?! MY COCK! M-MY BODY!"
  15. ChurchOfHarvey

    Slim + Tiny

    I walk through the party, past cousins and other relatives. I don’t really like family reunions, but I do love reminding everyone that I am the biggest in the family. I enjoy making my younger cousins I grew up with squirm. I push past the crowd and bump into one of my uncles I almost didn’t recognize. “Yo, Uncle Dave? How have you been? You look skinny!” I’ve only known my uncle as absolutely jacked. Rough and chiseled from working in construction for 30 years. His sleeves used to hug his biceps and his chest would never let his top buttons close. He was the one other person in the family who could almost size up to me. Now his shirt hangs loosely off his skinny shoulders. “Hey, Petey. Yeah, I lost some weight,” he sighed. “I gotta get you in the gym, Unc. Put some meat back on those bones. I’ll get you looking huge like me again in no time!” I snickered. I spread out my arms and curl my biceps. My thick muscles pack my shirt tight and my sleeves stretch around my girthy arms. I’ve always been a muscle head since I was a kid. I played football and started powerlifting at 13. I was a beast growing up and now I’m twice the size of anyone else in the family, especially now that Uncle Dave is skinny. Fuck, seeing how big I am compared to him now is feeding my ego well. “Of course, you’ll still be tiny compared to these veiny pythons! But it’ll be a start,” I laughed. “Speaking of, have you seen Slim and Tiny around anywhere? Need to find those twigs and put them in their place!” “Slim and Tin—? Oh... Go out and check the shed. I’m sure they’ll find you…” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I walk out into the backyard and make my way past the circles of cousins and uncles all chatting over some beers. In the back corner of the yard by the shed, there are stacks of 45 plates, a bench press, a squat rack, and even some cable rigs to make a rough prison yard gym. Bet those two nerds went all out to try and start working out. I need to go put those boys in their place and show them how a real man lifts! I flex my pecs in anticipation. From the shed, I hear deep grunts and metal plates clanging. Rep after rep, the grunts transform into barks. I turn the corner and my jaw and flex drop as I see what is inside the dark shed. An absolute behemoth of a man stands in a too-small stringer and leggings that squeeze the definition out of his massive quads and put his near-absent bulge on display. He carries a barbell at his chest and reps out more military presses. Three plates are stacked on either side of the bar. His monstrous delts ripple as he barks and lifts. On the bench against the wall sits another hulking beast hunched over with his haunches of forearms resting on his knees. He grunts out in a deep voice, calling out the rep count of his giant friend. Twenty-seven, twenty-eight… He turns and catches a look at me. “Well, shit… look who it is, Tiny!” he growls in a mocking tone. “Looks like little big-shot Petey decided to show up!” Tiny? No, that can’t be. And that would make him… Slim... No, these aren’t my cousins. They had to be actors hired to play a prank on me or something. These can’t be those same little nerds I used to tease back in high school. They’re too fucking big! Tiny drops the barbell to the mat with a clang and turns to face me with a smile. His veiny, pumped-up delts protrude off of his shoulders cartoonishly. His monstrous arms hang out to the sides with his meaty lats grown too big for his ribcage. He is a brick wall of muscle. “You know, I used to remember you were bigger, Pete,” Tiny grins. “Have you lost weight or something? You look skinny!” The two behemoths approach me and I can finally see the tight definition of their terrifying size in the sunlight. These two goliaths tower above me. Must be nearly 7’ feet tall. My eyes are level with their chiseled pecs that squeeze against the tanks they have so clearly outgrown. Slim flexes his pecs intimidatingly and his massive tits free themselves from beneath his tank as the fabric stretches and is squeezed between his pecs. His shirt rides up and reveals his chiseled Adonis belt and I see the thick bulge threatening to fall out from his shorts. “No… no, this isn’t right,” I stammer as I step back from these two behemoths. “Where are my actual little cousins? You’ve got to be fucking with me…” “We’re right here, Petey…” Tiny grins as he approaches and wraps his arms over my shoulders. “We got pretty big, huh, Tiny?” Slim groans with another flex. “Oh, bigger than that… You see Pete, we got tired of ego-fueled meatheads like you walking all over us. Calling us small and weak and pathetic…” “And so we decided to grow… and grow…” “Oh, we fucking grew…” Tiny flexes and crushes my neck between his forearm and chiseled bicep. “Now we’re fucking giants and it’s all thanks to cocky gym rats like you,” Slim pokes into my sternum and pushes me back. “No, this can’t be…” I feel powerless. “What are you gonna do to me? “Hey, Ma! Come take a picture of us and Petey!” Slim roars out across the yard, avoiding my question. “Yeah, we want you to remember how big you used to be before we drain you…” Tiny growls in a whisper. I gulp and try to think of a way out of here. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • After getting a picture, it’s just the three of us again all sitting on the bench in the shed with the two of them crushing me between their massive shoulders. The smell of their musk is overwhelming as they wrap their arms around me and squeeze me between their lats. Their ripe stench stuffs my nose full and for some reason my dick twitches. The two titans stand up, carrying me with them, and pin me into a tight circle between them. Slim looks down and sees my dick jumping against my will. “Oh, ho! Looky here…” Slim chuckles as he flicks my bulge. “Looks like the little man loves being crushed between two superior alphas!” “No wonder little Petey was in the gym all the time,” Tiny guffaws. I had truly never been attracted to men. The thought repulsed me. Even now, the stench of their ripe musk was sickening, but my penis throbs despite my opposition. Slim raises his arms and the wafting musk hits me like a wall. He crunches his thick, bullish abs and flares out his lats to put his pits on display. “Think it’s time for the pit crew!” Slim creaked a smile. Oh shit… Before I can react, Tiny grabs me and forces my face deep between Slim’s muscles and into his hairy pit. Same move I used to pull on them growing up. But fuck, my eyes roll back and I can’t help but moan out. Fuck, this isn’t right. Something about his scent is hypnotizing me. I can’t control my own dick. It twitches and hardens. I remember doing the same thing to Tiny and Slim growing up. I would sneak up behind them and call out for the pit crew before pulling them into a headlock under my arms. Kept them locked in to force them to huff my pit sweat until they squirmed under my superior arms and begged for me to let them go. Never wore deodorant to family gatherings just to really torture them. Fuck, I never expected them to ever get me back for it all. “I can feel his dick getting hard against my quads!” Slim lets out a belly laugh. Fuck, I am getting a boner. I can’t help it. I feel my dick growing and slipping between the muscle definition of his quads. So thick and hard pressed against my boner. Tiny keeps pushing me into Slim, forcing my dick to grind and press against his rock-solid muscle. I feel Slim flexing his quad on purpose to tease my erection. Fuck, I’m so hard… And then I feel something else press into me. A long, thick piece of meat squished against my abs. Oh, fuck… Is that his dick? It’s fucking massive too… I feel it press into my belly button and hang down next to the base of my shaft. It’s still only soft too… What fucking happened to him? “God, he’s so fucking horny! Look! He’s still huffing my pits!” Slim laughs. I didn’t even realize that Tiny had stopped holding my face into it. His pits were a fucking trap I couldn’t pull my nose out of. Fuck, I don’t know if I even wanted to. “Think this little guy is gonna cum off my alpha musk alone, Tiny!” Slim teases. “All right Slim, you’ve had your fun,” Tiny sighs as he let go of me. “I’m hungry and I want to feed while he’s still got those extra inches…” Fuck, what are they going to do to me? Slim grabs the back of my head and pulls me out from his armpit. He cricks my neck back and forces me to look up at him. He just smiles and looks down to scan my physique. There is a hunger in his stare. “Y’know what, I think little Petey has grown a bit since we last saw him,” Slim chuckles. “Not like us muscle freaks,” he flexes, “but I see some extra size on those biceps now. Check him out, Tiny!” I can’t tell if they’re still fucking with me. “Why don’t you flex for us, Pete?” Tiny asks in a stern tone. I step back, but Slim blocks me with his massive body. “Tiny gave you a command, Petey…” I take a heavy breath and follow their orders. I raise my right arm and curl my bicep. My peak pops out and my veins pump. I felt more than satisfied with my muscle and size just a few minutes ago, but now as I stand here beneath my two younger cousins with a boner I can’t control, I feel so weak and small. “Look at that peak! There’s some good meat there,” Tiny smiles. I bring up my other arm and curl it as well. I puff up my chest and flare out my lats to make myself as big as possible, but I know it’s useless. I’m puny compared to them. My cock throbs harder as I flex my muscles like a toy for these two behemoths. “Definitely some good meat…” Slim laughs slowly. Slim steps closer as I hold my flex. He wraps his hand over my bicep, holding my entire peak in his palm. He runs his thumb into the valleys of my muscles and works his thumb into the meat of my arm. He’s so strong… I feel my bicep grow numb as he gropes my muscle. “Oh, yeah… This’ll make me grow nice and big…” What the fuck did he say? Oh, shit… Fuck, my muscles are twitching and flexing compulsively. My bicep aches. And then I turn and see what’s happening. My arm is shrinking! Oh, fuck… my arm deflates with all its muscle mass, looking tiny compared to the rest of my body as Slim keeps groping and squeezing the muscle from my bicep. I look up to Slim with fear in my eyes as he drains me. Slim only chuckles under his breath. Then he begins to grow. His thick chiseled arm throbs even bigger, growing muscle in waves. As my biceps shrink, his swell bigger and bigger. Fuck, his arm is getting so huge… It expands faster and outsizes the rest of his body. Then he takes his other hand and does the same to my deteriorating bicep. He uses every ounce of muscle from my arm to grow two gorilla-huge arms that hang lankily compared to the rest of his body. My right arm is a twig hanging from my still-chiseled torso. It hangs as the drained husk of what once was a 19-inch python of an arm. And then I feel Tiny latch his hand around my left lat and squeeze the muscle up into my pit. “Don’t hog all the good meat, Slim,” Tiny teases. “There’s plenty of him to share.” Tiny squeezes the muscle from me. Stealing pound after pound of muscle from my back. My body shrinks and topples slightly as my balance is thrown off by the mass being stolen from me. My pecs feel too heavy hanging from my chest now. All my mass flows into Tiny’s back and his lats stretch wider with every pulse. He lets out a deep groan and growls as he expands. His lats push his arms further out from his body as they swell. He throbs bigger and bigger until I can hardly see around him. His little tank top stretches and begins to tear as he outgrows it with the muscle he takes from me. Tiny moans in pleasure as his body expands and his shirt is torn to shreds that fall from his chest. His bare torso is chiseled with pure muscle that churns as he steals my mass. Waves of size ripple up his lats and visibly surge with more and more muscle. “Ohh, fuuckk yeahhh… Make me fucking grow, Petey,” Tiny whines. “God, I’m getting so fucking huge!” My two cousins continue to grope and use my muscles to grow. They play with me and steal my size in no particular order, leaving me an asymmetrical mess of muscle as they moan and grow happily. A quad here. A pec there. Taking and taking to fuel their insatiable lust for growth. They stack bigger and bigger above me as I fall more and more powerless to their whims. My clothes drape over my shrinking frame as they take and take. “Oh yeah, this is even better than draining Uncle Dave,” Slim huffs. “It felt so good to finally be bigger than him so we could drain that old man of all that useless muscle. Got fucking huge off of him.” “But Pete has that thick and defined muscle, little body fat, perfect for fucking growing…” Tiny growls. “Oh fuck, look at us… We’re getting so much fucking bigger off him alone.” The two behemoths stretch bigger and bigger, outgrowing everything. Their muscles surge with seemingly endless mass. Slim’s tank begins to tear as his stomach inflates into a gut of pure muscle. He chuckles and flexes his pecs proudly and his shirt is torn apart by his swelling chest. Tiny’s quads pump and swell asymmetrically, practically fighting for dominance as his legs are crushed together by their size. His leggings stretch across his quads and eventually begin to rip. Tears spread across his legs and reveal the throbbing muscle beneath. The elastic of the waistband finally gives and there’s a loud crack as his leggings explode and he’s stood naked above me. His cock throbs, but even hard it barely pushes out past his surging quads and muscle gut. It looks tiny in comparison to his powerful muscles. Slim’s ass expands and overwhelms his shorts much quicker. The fabric tears and falls to reveal much more. As the shorts fall, Slim’s cock unfurls from its hiding spot and swings down his legs. It’s fucking monstrous. 13 inches of veiny cock hangs lazily. And then it starts to grow… It inches bigger as the veins throb. Slim lets out a deep rumbling growl as his cock expands further and further down. He humps forward and makes it rock up and swing under its immense weight. It surges faster. 17 inches. 20 inches. It throbs and bounces on its own, drooling out a thick stream of precum as Slim moans in deep pleasure. His cock grows massive to match his pulsing muscles in contrast to Tiny’s little dick which is dwarfed by his muscles. They tower bigger and bigger above me. Naked behemoths with surging mass. They both hit the ceiling as I shrink down below their hips. Slim’s gargantuan cock hangs in front of my face, drooling like a hungry animal. My clothes drape off my shrunken body. “Fuck…” I mutter under my breath. “I’m fucking puny…” Then Slim grabs me around my entire waist and lifts me off the ground. He brings me closer to eye level with them as they hunch to fit inside the shed. They must be fucking 9’ feet tall… They are fucking freaks of muscle mass. Meanwhile, I’ve been shrunk down to barely 4’ feet of skin and bones. “Puny?!” Slim laughs. “Oh, I fucking love that!” He shakes me in his hand and my shorts fall off of me and down to the ground. My cock springs out, rock hard. My 9” inch dick hangs down in front of me. I had always been proud that my cock was big to match my naturally muscular frame. Now it looks freakishly oversized hanging from my now scrawny frame. It throbs against my will and swings itself between my knees. I’ve always wanted a bigger cock to outsize my build, but not like this. Fuck, it’s too big for my weak body… It feels too heavy swinging from my waist. I can feel it weighing down and pulling my skin tight. My cock is too fucking big… “Hey, Tim,” Slim smirks. “Looks like Puny here has got some last extra meat for you to take!” “About time,” Tim chuckles. “You always take the dicks first, Slater.” Tim takes my throbbing dick in his hand and squishes the shaft. He lifts it up from where it hangs and it feels like a huge relief. Even my 9” cock barely fills his giant hand. It’s so sensitive that even just his crushing grip makes my cock spit up precum. I can’t hold back my moans. My dick spits precum and throbs as he takes my inches from me. Precum pools into his hand as my cock shrinks into his fist. My vision goes blurry from the stimulation, but I can see Tim’s cock expanding. Pushing longer and fatter from behind his muscle gut. It throbs bigger and bigger, hitting double digits as he groans from the growth. It surges and throbs with more girth. It keeps swelling thicker and thicker. Inches pack onto his pulsing cock. Tim moans and laughs as he throbs. He’s growing so big from my cock… “Oh… fuck yes!” Tim groans. “Oh, yeah… my cock is getting so heavy… fuuckk… more!” My dick shrinks until he is just barely holding it between his giant thumb and forefinger. It feels like such a relief to have all that extra weight taken off of me. He rubs my puny cock between his fingers and I can’t take it anymore. I try to hold back my moans, but it’s useless. I whine and moan and beg to cum. My cock spasms between his fingers. Tim smiles and slides his hand under my taint and uses his middle finger to push into my hole. My cock throbs happily. I didn’t think having my ass penetrated could feel so good… My dick looks like a tic tac in his giant palm. It flexes against my will and then it starts to squirt. Shooting my load into his hand as it bounces around. I moan and heave to try and catch my breath from my orgasm. My cock spurts its load across his palm and starts to pool in the middle. My exhausted penis hangs over my balls as the last bit of cum spills out. Tim just chuckles under his breath as he brings his palm up to his mouth. With one lick, what felt like a huge load was slurped up with ease by his giant tongue. With my head starting to clear, I could now see the monster cock he used me to create. It was thick and veins pulsed all along the shaft. The head throbbed to size up to his overwhelming girth. Thick beads of precum oozed down his tip. Then another surge of growth shot up his cock like an aftershock. My cum was giving him even more size! I watched his girth throb bigger and stretch his skin tight. It pulsed past 14” inches and shot up to 19” in just three big spurts of growth. Tim moaned and his cock just began pouring precum. It spasmed on its own and slowly the precum grew milky. “Get ready, Puny,” Slater laughed as he placed me back onto the ground. “Agh, fuuck…” Tim roared. His surging cock jumps and shoots out a thick jet of cum that splatters across my body and onto the wall behind me. His creamy white cum paints my naked body. His cock continues to erupt hands-free. His cock bounces with each shot and swings back and forth on its own accord. Long white ropes spurt over and over as he climaxes. The overwhelming sensation of growth forced him to erupt without warning. The cumshots slow down, but his dick remains rock hard. It continues to ooze precum as it hangs above me. I stand in the aftermath of his orgasm and look up at the two behemoth cocks looming above me and the brutes connected to them. Tim and Slater face each other and their dicks press together. I thought Tim’s 19-inch dick was enormous, but now it was dwarfed beneath Slater’s hulking 27-inch beast of a cock. Slater’s dick was as thick as his arm and just as veiny with his foreskin spilling out precum as well. I stare in awe at their size. I fantasize about how it must feel to be that fucking huge. It must feel fucking amazing to be so big and powerful. I grab my puny 2-inch cock between my fingers and stroke my cock. They are gods above me. I don’t know what I want to do, but I know I wanted their size. Slater looks down and sees me touching myself. “Nuh-uh, Puny,” he smiles. “You won’t be needing that anymore.” He bends down and pinches my dick between his fingers. He groans as his dick pulses once and expands slightly from the last bit of my cock. He releases and flicks my precum off his finger. And my dick is gone. All my inches, all my muscles, my height, everything has been taken from me. I was nothing and they were gods. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • They poke me out of the shed with my clothes draped across my body and send me back to the party with my new size while they enjoy theirs. “Wow, they really got you, huh, kid?” Uncle David says as he approaches me. “Yeah…” I sigh. “They’re fucking massive now.” “They did the same thing to me last month. I’m only just now starting to get some muscle mass back.” “I don’t think anything is going to be able to stop them now.” “They won’t stop until… fuck, I don’t think they’ll ever stop.” And then the shed begins to bulge and crack and collapse as Slater breaks through the ceiling.
  16. #Recording file M - 2908 "I... i can't help but moan. Orgasm... with some pain." "It happened every time my body got bigger, which then activated my orgasm more intensely. First of all, the legs." "Oh my goodness! The thin, wrinkled legs I once had were no longer there, and in their place were healthy legs with huge, muscular thighs and calves. Huge muscles work in harmony to show off each other's greatness, and snake-like veins stand out on the legs. My skin was as smooth as when I was in my 20s. No, it was much healthier and softer than my skin was in my 20s!" "This transformation wasn't just about my legs. Every time the red power essence of the young man in the bathtub flowed into my bathtub, and each time it was absorbed into my skin, my body became hotter and bigger. My chest grew and bulged, and my slim abdomen became thicker and firmer, soon revealing strong ten abs. My shoulders and back suddenly became wider and stronger, and my pale skin became healthy and smooth. My body gradually began to resemble the giant muscles of a young man. Yes, in just a moment I will be an 8 foot tall muscular bodybuilder." "And I felt my power essence flowing out of my body and into the bathtub next to me. It was blue and so fragile. Each time it was absorbed into the young man's body, the young man's body gradually became smaller. His chest, which was bigger than anyone else's, dried up and his abs disappeared. His shoulders and back narrowed, and his healthy tanned skin turned pale. The young man will soon be five feet tall, thin and frail, just like I used to be." "As you can see, we are exchanging each other's power essence. This was possible thanks to my research results. However, the unfortunate thing is that we cannot change our age. That is, my body from the neck down was young and strong, like that of a young man, but my head and face were still the same as those of a man in his 90s: a wrinkled white beard and an old face full of hair. Still, there were some good points. The healthier my body became, the more changes I noticed in my old hair and face. The wrinkles remained the same, but the tanned skin became firmer, healthier, and more attractive. My once sparse white hair has now grown voluminously, long and even shiny, covering my back. "There are no more helpless, useless old scienti-" *Crack!* *Crack!* "Ugh! Argh!" *Crack!* *Crack!* … ... "Ah… haha… I'm sorry, I suddenly got bigger again." "Okay, now I'm pretty close to 8 feet. The experiment will end in exactly 3 minutes. And I will become a perfect elder bodybuilder…" "So just a little more…"
  17. clfmql

    A little revenge

    Jake was facing his great fate. He checked the yellow bodybuilding speedo he was holding in his hand. This yellow speedo belongs to Kevin, the bodybuilder who lives next door. Last night, Jake snuck into Kevin’s house to complete the magic. At that time, Kevin was doing laundry, and Jake found a yellow Speedo among Kevin’s laundry. He secretly stole this and quickly returned home. Fortunately, Jake could smell Kevin’s body odor strongly in the speedo: the scent that, like it or not, emanated from Kevin’s genitals. It was a masculine, deep body odor that could never be removed with detergent. Jake placed Kevin’s Speedo in the large jar he had prepared ahead of time. He then filled the jar with the magic potion. After a while, light particles appeared in the potion and began to stick to the yellow speedo one by one. The next day, when Jake woke up, Speedo had absorbed most of the potion. Jake stood in front of the mirror as he waited for every last drop to be absorbed into the speedo. A 5'4", 90 lb. skinny man was in the mirror: wispy chest, skinny abdomen, thin limbs, and a plain ugly face. Jake had lived his whole life as a quiet, lonely nerd. Even now, as a college student, he had no friends. He was rarely there, he was always alone. Even his life as a college student was even worse than when he was in high school: because Kevin started bullying him. ‘Maybe I’ll have to live as a nerd from now on.’ Jake thought. Literally, if he didn’t know about the existence of the magic potion, he might have had a terrible college life, being bullied by Kevin. Kevin’s bullying firstly gave him a desire for revenge, and secondly it taught him a desire for a strong, muscular body. Kevin’s body was the most ideal and perfectly muscular body Jake had in mind. Kevin was a successful 21-year-old athlete and college student who attended the same college as Jake: a 7'3", 500 lb American football player with a huge muscular body. He had even competed in several bodybuilding competitions, and easily won first place in all of them. Naturally, this gave him sky-high popularity. Every boy and girl wanted to be with Kevin. His only flaw was his personality: kind to others, but vicious to Jake. It was just because Jake was a nerd. That was why Jake wanted revenge on Kevin, and it was also why he got a magic potion from some suspicious witch. According to the witch’s explanation, this potion has the power to swap physical traits between two men. It was simple to use. First, soak Kevin’s underwear in the potion. Once all of the potion has been absorbed into the underwear, Jake puts it on. Finally, Jake chants the magic spell, and the magic begins. This means that all of Kevin’s traits (muscles, skeleton, stamina, metabolism, DNA levels, etc.) will be transferred to Jake’s body. And this also means that all of Jake’s traits are transferred to Kevin’s body. Finally, Kevin’s speedo absorbed every last drop of the potion. Soon, just as the witch had explained, it glowed with a weak light and soon returned to normal. Jake instinctively knew that the magic was ready. Now all he has to do is wear it and chant the magic spell and the magic begins. But instead of putting it on right away, Jake made a little plan. First, he took off all his clothes and wore only Kevin’s yellow speedo and gray training pants. The speedo and pants were too much larger than Jake’s thin waist and small thigh, But he did not care. 'Soon these will fit me perfectly. Maybe it will become smaller.’ Jake grinned. He hurried out to the backyard of the house. At that time, Kevin was doing some light warm-up work-out in the backyard. He was wearing nothing except sports pants. He often worked out like this, wearing only pants. There was no shame in him. If has such a big, nice muscular body, who would feel embarrassed to expose it? Well, maybe today is different. When Jake came out to the backyard, Kevin, who was stretching, automatically turned his gaze towards Jake. Kevin immediately laughed when he saw Jake wearing too big and baggy sweatpants. “Ha! Anyone who sees you will think you’re a beggar.” Said Kevin. He flexed his biceps. “Or are you jealous of this wonderf-” “-Your favorite Speedo,” Then Jake said. Kevin immediately noticed something strange. Jake was strangely confident. “What the-” “-has disappeared yesterday, dont you?” “…How do you know that?” “Because I have it.” Jake took off his sweatpants. To be precise, he only let go of his pants. The pants slid to the floor, revealing Kevin’s yellow speedo hidden inside. Jake looked at Kevin, his hand clutching his speedo triumphantly. Kevin’s face was twisted with anger. “You little thief!” Kevin immediately jumped over the fence and charged at Jake like a bull. But Jake was a little faster. Just before Kevin’s hand touched Jake, Jake chanted a magic spell. At that moment, Kevin and Jake’s bodies seemed to stop as if time had stopped. As if paralyzed. The transformation came slowly but surely. As Kevin struggled to move, he noticed something strange. Jake didn’t look small anymore. Their height difference was obvious, so Kevin always looked down on Jake. But now there wasn’t much difference between his and Jake’s eye levels. No, the eye level has become the same. No, Jake started to look down at Kevin little by little…? 'Jake is getting bigger?’ Kevin thought. But he felt like he was missing something more essential. Then he saw his surroundings and realized what he was missing. Although it was not growing as rapidly as Jake, the surrounding scenery was also slowly growing. And through it all he could see his own arm. An arm whose massive muscles are gradually drying out. Kevin finally realized the truth. Just as Jake was getting bigger, Kevin himself was getting smaller! It was exactly as Kevin realized. Kevin’s massive muscles began to dry out quickly. His thick shoulders became as thin and narrow as Jake’s, and his chest, which was as massive as a mountain, became as flat as a dry plain. His proud arms shrank like small twigs. His perfect ten-pack abs disappeared from his abdomen and became thin. The vast back, which was wider than the door, suddenly became as thin as Jake. Both the bulky thighs and thick calves disappeared, and only weak legs remained. As his muscles shrunk, his once thick bones gradually became thinner and shorter. He shrunk to exactly the same height as Jake. Meanwhile, his huge penis, the essence and source of all his masculinity, became as small as Jake’s. Kevin was exhausted and out of breath. The fatigue was such that Kevin didn’t even notice that part of his facial structure was deforming. The fatigue he felt for the first time in his life. Meanwhile, Kevin’s handsome, masculine face has now become a plain, somewhat nerd-like face. Kevin flopped down in his seat. The sports pants he was wearing flowed down Kevin’s slender legs. “what…!” Kevin said. His deep baritone voice has now changed into a high-pitched voice. The star athlete and bodybuilder who once dominated college campuses has become a frail, small man like Jake. At that moment, Jake’s thin and weak muscles began to become strong and massive in an instant. His narrow, skinny shoulders became as wide and thick as Kevin’s, and a huge mountain of magnificent muscle bulged from his flat chest. The two arms, which were thin like tree branches, became thick and huge to the point of being proud. His slim abdomen became firm, and after a while, his perfect ten-pack abs were clearly revealed on his abdomen. The skinny and weak back became as wide and strong as Kevin’s. His skinny thighs became bulky, and his weak calves became strong. As his muscles grew, his thin, small bones gradually became thicker and longer. It grew exactly as tall as Kevin. Meanwhile, Jake felt a hot, tingling sensation in his groin. His testicles twitched as if they were being squeezed, then grew as large as an apple as all the essence of Kevin’s masculinity was injected into them. A thick vein rose from his testicles and connected to his cock, and in an instant, his small dick became as thick and long as Kevin’s. Jake also gasped for air. It was not because he was exhausted like Kevin, but because of the intense and ecstatic sensation he felt for the first time in his life. It was so intense that, like Kevin, Jake didn’t even notice that part of his facial structure was deforming. Soon the plain, nerd-looking face was upgraded to the most manly and handsome version of Jake himself. Jake stood proudly in his place. The sweatpants no longer fit him at all, and the only thing that fit him was Kevin’s yellow Speedo. “Good…” Jake finally said. His high-pitched voice changed into a deep baritone voice. By taking everything from Kevin, the once frail and small man was reborn as a star athlete and bodybuilder who dominated the college campus. “What have you done to-?!” “Shut up.” Jake said. Kevin instinctively closed his mouth due to the overwhelming feeling of intimidation. He had never faced anyone bigger than himself. The fear and awe it brought was much more terrifying than Kevin had imagined. Meanwhile Jake lifted his arms and placed them behind his head. He looked down at Kevin with a satisfied smile. Like a predator looking down at its prey. “Thanks for donating your muscles, idiot. Now it’s time to payback.”
  18. Guest

    A Donation From Big Bro

    Happy New Year, growers! Here's a new story that I wrote, probably the longest one. I took inspiration from "The Lockerroom Thief" by CockTFBoi. I hope you find this good. If this gets good reviews, I'll add pictures. I just reposted this here in the stories section since I accidentally posted it in story archive. Without further ado, here it is. A Donation From Big Bro Having been left by their father since they were kids, half-brothers Jason and Blake grew up separately. Jason, 26, the older of the two, chose to leave the house 10 years ago to try and live independently. Meanwhile Blake, 18, the younger brother, was left to grow up with his mother. Jason got a small job when he left and when he had his first pay, he invested in a gym membership. His investment obviously paid off. Seeming to have gotten some of the best genes, he grew up to be 6'2 and 260 lbs of muscle. His body, partnered with his chiseled face, tan skin, and jet black hair could really make many heads turn whenever he walks by. Blake on the other hand, chose to focus more on his studies. In fact, he just finished high school and is now an incoming college freshman. After moving in his dorm and unpacking, he lied down and scrolled on social media and that's when he saw it, his older brother's profile. He looked through Jason's photos and he was wowed by how his brother looked. At 5'5 and 130 lbs, he was nowhere near the looks of his brother. They do look alike but besides their body, Blake's wavy brown hair separates the two. Blake continued scrolling on Jason's profile and he discovered that Jason is now a personal trainer and is actually the owner of the gym near his college campus. Blake put some thought into it and decided that he wanted to turn his body around in college, he wanted to be the heartthrob of the campus. Jason was about to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked and saw that someone had messaged him. He immediately recognized the name and photo, it's his little brother and he wants to meet with him. Tomorrow morning came and Blake was nervous as he's about to meet his older brother after 10 years. He looked around and saw huge figure of a man. The man was wearing sweatpants paired with a tank top. His shoulders were wide, his arms defined, his back tapering into a V shape, his legs shaped like boulders. "J-Jason?" Blake called. The man looked behind him and down at Blake. Blake was met with the man's portruding pecs. It was Jason. "Blake? Hey little bro. Wow, you've really grown, young man!" Jason said to his brother. "I can say the same thing to you. Wow, you're huge, man!" Blake replied. "Thanks man, I've put a lotta work into this body" Jason said, flexing his biceps in front of his brother. "So why did you want to meet after all this years?" Jason followed. "I want to be built and jacked, and I think you're the one that can help me." Blake answered, touching his thin arms. "Well, I'm flattered, little man..." Jason smirks. "So, what do you say?" Blake followed up. "Let’s make you huge, lil bro!" Jason exclaimed. Jason really stayed true to his word. He began training Blake intensively. To Blake's surprise, he started gaining weight and really noticed changes happening on his body. After training for 6 months, his weight went from 130 lbs to 150. He saw his abs being visible, his chest starting to portrude, his bicep having a bump. Blake enjoyed these changes. One night after training, Jason and Blake went to the shower room, going into separate cubicles. They were both pumped after working out and Blake was really feeling his body. But Blake wanted to see how Jason looks, so he peeked into Jason's cubicle as Jason was busy showering. Blake saw Jason's wide V tapered back leading down his ass, but the biggest treat was when he saw what was at front. Jason turned, eyes closed, and Blake saw his thick, monstrous 10 inch cock. Blake immediately felt his own cock harden. Blake couldn't help it, he took a picture of his view of Jason and went back to his cubicle. The brothers finished showering. Blake put some shorts on and before he put on a shirt, he flexed a bit in front of the mirror, admiring his progress. Jason enters the room to change, with only a towel on his waist, when he sees Blake flexing. "Feels great huh? Seeing your progress in the mirror." Jason says while smiling. "Yeah but now with you beside me, damn I'm dwarfed." Blake answers. "You'll get there lil bro." Jason says while raising an arm into a bicep pose. Jason flexes his other arm, posing a double bicep. He puts them down and proceeded to flex a couple more poses. Meanwhile Blake can't help but stare at his brother, admiring his frame. Jason sees Blake staring and he smiled. "It's okay bro, you can touch." Jason says to his staring brother. Blake almost instantly reaches for his brother's pecs, feeling the size of it in his small hands. Blake can't help but let out a sigh of amazement. His hands then move to Jason's rounded shoulders, going to his biceps. "Chest is 58 inches, biceps are 24 inches." Jason proudly states, flexing them. He then raises his towel a bit. "Calves 21 inches, Thighs 30 inches" He adds. Jason feels his ego rise, with his little brother admiring his body that he put a lot of effort into. He flexes his abs while Blake rubs his hands on the rock-hard surface, feeling the crevices. Jason turns around, flexing his wide back, tapering into a V-shape. Blake touches the wall-like back of his brother. Blake feels himself getting aroused and his cock starts to harden. He almost let out a moan, but he suppressed it upon realizing. He becomes afraid his brother will see so he stopped and put his shirt on. "I need to go, I gotta pack for the winter break." Blake blurts out. "See you in two weeks, I guess?" He says. "Actually, make that a month. I'll be going out of the country to collaborate with other gym influencers" Jason answers. "Oh, okay then..." Blake says back. "Continue your workouts huh lil bro. I don't want you getting smaller when I get back." Jason cockily teases as Blake leaves. Blake gets home to his dorm, taking his shorts off and letting his hard 4 inch cock out. He takes out his phone and opens the photos he took earlier, looking at his brother’s huge body and monstrous cock. He begins stroking his cock, feeling more and more aroused as he zooms in on his big bro. "Ughhh Jason fuck" He moans. He begins touching his body sensually, making his breaths heavier. He imagines his big bro's enormous pecs, larger-than-grapefruit biceps, washboard abs. He feels himself get closer and closer. "Ughhh sh- shit" "Oh fuck uh- huge" "Ugh ughh" "oH- UGHHHNN!" With a wave of pleasure, he cums. His cum shoots everywhere. "Ughh uhh" Blake moans and breathes heavily. He then passes out. That's when he realizes, he wants Jason's size. He wants his height. He wants his body, from his strong arms, thick legs, to his heavily muscled torso. He wants all of Jason to himself. Immediately, he went looking for a way to gain what he wants to take. He searched books and the web and after three days, he found one. He got it and he was excited to make his fantasies real. But in the meantime, he followed what Jason told him and he continued his workouts extensively. He chased for growth. Finally, a month has passed. Blake was excited to see Jason again. He was thrilled to show how consistent he has been. In a month, he added about 10 lbs. Not just that, being in his teenage years, he grew an inch in height, making him 5'6 and 140 lbs. He might not be as big and lean as his brother, but he is filling out his frame quite nicely. His chest now pushes out his shirt, his abs more fuller looking, and his biceps now fit his sleeves perfectly. But beyond all of that, he was excited for his plan. He knew that in a short period of time, his biggest desire will be reality. Blake went to the gym before the sun could rise. He knew that Jason has arrived and that he would be working out. Blake was right, he saw his brother right away. Jason was even bigger than last time, making Blake want him more. "Hey Jason" Blake greeted. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see. Damn bro, you're filling out quite nicely." Jason greets back. "You're not getting any smaller either... By the way, I got us this sports drink." Blake gives his brother one. "Thanks bro, perfect timing, I'm about to start my workout." Jason takes a few sips and went on to start his workout. "Great, I'll join you then." Blake drinks his own sports drink and grins, following Jason to the weightroom. Jason starts doing push-ups for warm-up. As he approaches 30 reps, he started feeling off. He felt a strange sensation throughout his body, kinda like the feeling when having an orgasm. "Ughh- oh" Jason groans as he stops his push-ups and falls to the ground. "Hey, you okay, big bro?" Blake asked. "I'm fine, I think it's just my amount of sleep catching up on me." Jason answered unsure. "Here, drink up." Blake handed Jason's sports drink to him. Blake made sure Jason drank of all of it, grinning as he does so. "Alright then, let's help you get bigger. Let's do bench press." Jason said to Blake. "Careful with this one, lil bro" Jason loaded 155 lbs plates on the bar and spotted Blake. Blake lifted it and did 10 reps with it. "Too easy!" he said. Jason was surprised. "My turn, little man!" Jason said, loading 460 lbs on the bar. Jason lifted the bar and started repping. As he was doing so, his mind was flooded with sexual images. He started to get turned on. "Ughhh" Jason started to moan and groan with every breath everytime the bar descends. He feels his cock getting hard so he put the bar back into place. "H-hold on a little" Jason stood up, and went to the locker room to avoid Blake from seeing his hard-on. But blake already noticed it, he smirked. Jason went into the locker room, his mind all over the place. He feels so sensitive. All that's in his mind makes him wanna orgasm. Little does he know, Blake's the one behind it. Blake followed into the locker room and saw Jason. "Hey big bro, what's going on? Come on let's continue." Blake said to his brother. "Blake, oh uhm. I- I'm just..." Jason explains, trying to cover his hard-on. Blake gets closer to Jason. "Come on big bro..." Blake said, touching the tent on Jason's shorts. "Ughhhh" Jason lets out a whimper. Jason doesn't understand what he's feeling, he's not gay, but what Blake is doing is really turning him on. Blake took Jason's shirt off and started lowering Jason's shorts. "You want to help me get bigger, right?" Blake said to his brother. "Y-yes" Jason staggeringly answers. "Good, bro" Blake said as he takes Jason's shorts off, revealing Jason's hardened masculinity, growing into 11 inches. Without any warning, Blake put Jason's cock in his mouth, making him moan. Blake started sucking, working his way on Jason's cock. Jason can no longer suppress his moans. Jason feels this sinking feeling as he nears his orgasm. The pleasure was wild and he feels closer and closer as Blake moves up and down his shaft. A shudder ran down his body and his balls start churning. "Ughhhh fuuu-" Jason cums. Blake made sure to swallow every bit of it as it shoots hard into his mouth. Jason was overwhelmed with pleasure. He fell into the bench behind him, eyes closed. Blake felt himself get taller, he felt his limbs extending and his view getting higher. As his body gets lengthier, the bulk he had put on disappears, his muscles adjusting into his body. Meanwhile, the opposite happens to Jason. He feels his spine shorten and retract. With that, his muscles enlarge, adjusting to his shortening frame. His pecs and arms bulged out, his legs grew thicker. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Jason said upon opening his eyes and seeing his short frame. "You helped me grow, isn't that what we wanted?" Blake answered. "Y-yes" Jason said, but he felt something was wrong. Seeing his brother's enlarged muscles made Blake more and more excited, so he proceeded to the next step. "I'm gonna get so massive with what we will be doing." He said. Blake lays Jason down the bench and grabbed his brother's still hard cock. He rode it and lowered himself onto it. Blake moved up and down, filling Jason with pleasure. Jason's cock started to spew pre-cum. Blake's body started reacting to it. He felt his body start to swell with muscle. Blake touched Jason's hard pecs and squeezed it as he bounces on his cock. Blake feels his body expand outward as he absorbs more of Jason's precum. His pecs start to form, his biceps tensing into a ball, his abs forming crevices. Jason feels Blake get heavier. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again- ohhh!" Jason finally shoots his load inside Blake. Jason's bulk slowly shrank into him. His biceps slowly thinned out, his treetrunk legs became weak, his torso got drained of its size, his chest on which Blake is grabbing on to lowered slowly from being mountains to a flat surface. "Ohhh fuck- ughh!" Blake can't help but groan as he feels his body fill up. He flexes a double bicep pose as his arms expand into mounds of rock. Meanwhile his legs got thicker and thicker, proportioning into his new height. His pecs grow into boulders, rivaling melons, he touches them and squeezes them. "Fuck, yes!" Blake exclaims as he poses his muscles. He went to the scale and measured his height and weight. "6'4 and 270 lbs, damn. Only one thing left." Blake says to himself as he gets back to Jason. Blake stands Jason up and turns him around. "Hey bro, just one last thing and we're done." Blake said to Jason's ear, caressing Jason's cock in his hand. Jason's cock immediately springs back up to life. Jason whimpers as he feels pleasure build up with Blake stroking his cock. While doing so, Blake slides his 4 incher into Jason's hole. Jason moans as intense pleasure fills hin again, but he can't cum. "You're gonna help me grow right?" Blake says. "Y-yes, anything for you ugh-" Jason answered. "Even my cock?" Blake follows up. "Yes, take it. Take my fucking cock." As pre-cum comes out of Jason's cock, Blake feels it slowly dwindle into his hand while his own cock grows and more and more enters Jason's ass. Blake starts thrusting, making Jason feel more pleasure, all as he strokes Jason's cock. Blake's cock grows and grows inside Jason, going into 12 inches. Jason's, however, retracted into Blake's hand, it shrank into 3 inches. "Ughh, please Blake... I need to cum" Jason whimpers. "Not until I do. Ughhh!" Blake cums into Jason's ass the largest he has ever cum. "Ughhh- shi- ughh!" Jason moans as he experiences being cummed in the ass for the first time. The two brothers experience their greatest orgasm, but one while experiencing his fantasy and one while experiencing loss. Jason shoots cum from his now 3 incher, moaning and passing out in the process. Blake pulls out his brother and admires his new 12 incher shooting more load on his passed out brother. He flexes on the mirror he once flexed on with his brother a month ago, but now being the superior one. "Thanks for the donation... little bro." He said as he leaves his brother in the locker room. Jason gains consciousness and snaps out of the drink's effects, realizing what had just happened.
  19. Happy New Year, growers! Here's a new story that I wrote, probably the longest one. I took inspiration from "The Lockerroom Thief" by CockTFBoi. I hope you find this good. If this gets good reviews, I'll add pictures. Without further ado, here it is. A Donation From Big Bro Having been left by their father since they were kids, half-brothers Jason and Blake grew up separately. Jason, 26, the older of the two, chose to leave the house 10 years ago to try and live independently. Meanwhile Blake, 18, the younger brother, was left to grow up with his mother. Jason got a small job when he left and when he had his first pay, he invested in a gym membership. His investment obviously paid off. Seeming to have gotten some of the best genes, he grew up to be 6'2 and 260 lbs of muscle. His body, partnered with his chiseled face, tan skin, and jet black hair could really make many heads turn whenever he walks by. Blake on the other hand, chose to focus more on his studies. In fact, he just finished high school and is now an incoming college freshman. After moving in his dorm and unpacking, he lied down and scrolled on social media and that's when he saw it, his older brother's profile. He looked through Jason's photos and he was wowed by how his brother looked. At 5'5 and 130 lbs, he was nowhere near the looks of his brother. They do look alike but besides their body, Blake's wavy brown hair separates the two. Blake continued scrolling on Jason's profile and he discovered that Jason is now a personal trainer and is actually the owner of the gym near his college campus. Blake put some thought into it and decided that he wanted to turn his body around in college, he wanted to be the heartthrob of the campus. Jason was about to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked and saw that someone had messaged him. He immediately recognized the name and photo, it's his little brother and he wants to meet with him. Tomorrow morning came and Blake was nervous as he's about to meet his older brother after 10 years. He looked around and saw huge figure of a man. The man was wearing sweatpants paired with a tank top. His shoulders were wide, his arms defined, his back tapering into a V shape, his legs shaped like boulders. "J-Jason?" Blake called. The man looked behind him and down at Blake. Blake was met with the man's portruding pecs. It was Jason. "Blake? Hey little bro. Wow, you've really grown, young man!" Jason said to his brother. "I can say the same thing to you. Wow, you're huge, man!" Blake replied. "Thanks man, I've put a lotta work into this body" Jason said, flexing his biceps in front of his brother. "So why did you want to meet after all this years?" Jason followed. "I want to be built and jacked, and I think you're the one that can help me." Blake answered, touching his thin arms. "Well, I'm flattered, little man..." Jason smirks. "So, what do you say?" Blake followed up. "Let’s make you huge, lil bro!" Jason exclaimed. Jason really stayed true to his word. He began training Blake intensively. To Blake's surprise, he started gaining weight and really noticed changes happening on his body. After training for 6 months, his weight went from 130 lbs to 150. He saw his abs being visible, his chest starting to portrude, his bicep having a bump. Blake enjoyed these changes. One night after training, Jason and Blake went to the shower room, going into separate cubicles. They were both pumped after working out and Blake was really feeling his body. But Blake wanted to see how Jason looks, so he peeked into Jason's cubicle as Jason was busy showering. Blake saw Jason's wide V tapered back leading down his ass, but the biggest treat was when he saw what was at front. Jason turned, eyes closed, and Blake saw his thick, monstrous 10 inch cock. Blake immediately felt his own cock harden. Blake couldn't help it, he took a picture of his view of Jason and went back to his cubicle. The brothers finished showering. Blake put some shorts on and before he put on a shirt, he flexed a bit in front of the mirror, admiring his progress. Jason enters the room to change, with only a towel on his waist, when he sees Blake flexing. "Feels great huh? Seeing your progress in the mirror." Jason says while smiling. "Yeah but now with you beside me, damn I'm dwarfed." Blake answers. "You'll get there lil bro." Jason says while raising an arm into a bicep pose. Jason flexes his other arm, posing a double bicep. He puts them down and proceeded to flex a couple more poses. Meanwhile Blake can't help but stare at his brother, admiring his frame. Jason sees Blake staring and he smiled. "It's okay bro, you can touch." Jason says to his staring brother. Blake almost instantly reaches for his brother's pecs, feeling the size of it in his small hands. Blake can't help but let out a sigh of amazement. His hands then move to Jason's rounded shoulders, going to his biceps. "Chest is 58 inches, biceps are 24 inches." Jason proudly states, flexing them. He then raises his towel a bit. "Calves 21 inches, Thighs 30 inches" He adds. Jason feels his ego rise, with his little brother admiring his body that he put a lot of effort into. He flexes his abs while Blake rubs his hands on the rock-hard surface, feeling the crevices. Jason turns around, flexing his wide back, tapering into a V-shape. Blake touches the wall-like back of his brother. Blake feels himself getting aroused and his cock starts to harden. He almost let out a moan, but he suppressed it upon realizing. He becomes afraid his brother will see so he stopped and put his shirt on. "I need to go, I gotta pack for the winter break." Blake blurts out. "See you in two weeks, I guess?" He says. "Actually, make that a month. I'll be going out of the country to collaborate with other gym influencers" Jason answers. "Oh, okay then..." Blake says back. "Continue your workouts huh lil bro. I don't want you getting smaller when I get back." Jason cockily teases as Blake leaves. Blake gets home to his dorm, taking his shorts off and letting his hard 4 inch cock out. He takes out his phone and opens the photos he took earlier, looking at his brother’s huge body and monstrous cock. He begins stroking his cock, feeling more and more aroused as he zooms in on his big bro. "Ughhh Jason fuck" He moans. He begins touching his body sensually, making his breaths heavier. He imagines his big bro's enormous pecs, larger-than-grapefruit biceps, washboard abs. He feels himself get closer and closer. "Ughhh sh- shit" "Oh fuck uh- huge" "Ugh ughh" "oH- UGHHHNN!" With a wave of pleasure, he cums. His cum shoots everywhere. "Ughh uhh" Blake moans and breathes heavily. He then passes out. That's when he realizes, he wants Jason's size. He wants his height. He wants his body, from his strong arms, thick legs, to his heavily muscled torso. He wants all of Jason to himself. Immediately, he went looking for a way to gain what he wants to take. He searched books and the web and after three days, he found one. He got it and he was excited to make his fantasies real. But in the meantime, he followed what Jason told him and he continued his workouts extensively. He chased for growth. Finally, a month has passed. Blake was excited to see Jason again. He was thrilled to show how consistent he has been. In a month, he added about 10 lbs. Not just that, being in his teenage years, he grew an inch in height, making him 5'6 and 140 lbs. He might not be as big and lean as his brother, but he is filling out his frame quite nicely. His chest now pushes out his shirt, his abs more fuller looking, and his biceps now fit his sleeves perfectly. But beyond all of that, he was excited for his plan. He knew that in a short period of time, his biggest desire will be reality. Blake went to the gym before the sun could rise. He knew that Jason has arrived and that he would be working out. Blake was right, he saw his brother right away. Jason was even bigger than last time, making Blake want him more. "Hey Jason" Blake greeted. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see. Damn bro, you're filling out quite nicely." Jason greets back. "You're not getting any smaller either... By the way, I got us this sports drink." Blake gives his brother one. "Thanks bro, perfect timing, I'm about to start my workout." Jason takes a few sips and went on to start his workout. "Great, I'll join you then." Blake drinks his own sports drink and grins, following Jason to the weightroom. Jason starts doing push-ups for warm-up. As he approaches 30 reps, he started feeling off. He felt a strange sensation throughout his body, kinda like the feeling when having an orgasm. "Ughh- oh" Jason groans as he stops his push-ups and falls to the ground. "Hey, you okay, big bro?" Blake asked. "I'm fine, I think it's just my amount of sleep catching up on me." Jason answered unsure. "Here, drink up." Blake handed Jason's sports drink to him. Blake made sure Jason drank of all of it, grinning as he does so. "Alright then, let's help you get bigger. Let's do bench press." Jason said to Blake. "Careful with this one, lil bro" Jason loaded 155 lbs plates on the bar and spotted Blake. Blake lifted it and did 10 reps with it. "Too easy!" he said. Jason was surprised. "My turn, little man!" Jason said, loading 460 lbs on the bar. Jason lifted the bar and started repping. As he was doing so, his mind was flooded with sexual images. He started to get turned on. "Ughhh" Jason started to moan and groan with every breath everytime the bar descends. He feels his cock getting hard so he put the bar back into place. "H-hold on a little" Jason stood up, and went to the locker room to avoid Blake from seeing his hard-on. But blake already noticed it, he smirked. Jason went into the locker room, his mind all over the place. He feels so sensitive. All that's in his mind makes him wanna orgasm. Little does he know, Blake's the one behind it. Blake followed into the locker room and saw Jason. "Hey big bro, what's going on? Come on let's continue." Blake said to his brother. "Blake, oh uhm. I- I'm just..." Jason explains, trying to cover his hard-on. Blake gets closer to Jason. "Come on big bro..." Blake said, touching the tent on Jason's shorts. "Ughhhh" Jason lets out a whimper. Jason doesn't understand what he's feeling, he's not gay, but what Blake is doing is really turning him on. Blake took Jason's shirt off and started lowering Jason's shorts. "You want to help me get bigger, right?" Blake said to his brother. "Y-yes" Jason staggeringly answers. "Good, bro" Blake said as he takes Jason's shorts off, revealing Jason's hardened masculinity, growing into 11 inches. Without any warning, Blake put Jason's cock in his mouth, making him moan. Blake started sucking, working his way on Jason's cock. Jason can no longer suppress his moans. Jason feels this sinking feeling as he nears his orgasm. The pleasure was wild and he feels closer and closer as Blake moves up and down his shaft. A shudder ran down his body and his balls start churning. "Ughhhh fuuu-" Jason cums. Blake made sure to swallow every bit of it as it shoots hard into his mouth. Jason was overwhelmed with pleasure. He fell into the bench behind him, eyes closed. Blake felt himself get taller, he felt his limbs extending and his view getting higher. As his body gets lengthier, the bulk he had put on disappears, his muscles adjusting into his body. Meanwhile, the opposite happens to Jason. He feels his spine shorten and retract. With that, his muscles enlarge, adjusting to his shortening frame. His pecs and arms bulged out, his legs grew thicker. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Jason said upon opening his eyes and seeing his short frame. "You helped me grow, isn't that what we wanted?" Blake answered. "Y-yes" Jason said, but he felt something was wrong. Seeing his brother's enlarged muscles made Blake more and more excited, so he proceeded to the next step. "I'm gonna get so massive with what we will be doing." He said. Blake lays Jason down the bench and grabbed his brother's still hard cock. He rode it and lowered himself onto it. Blake moved up and down, filling Jason with pleasure. Jason's cock started to spew pre-cum. Blake's body started reacting to it. He felt his body start to swell with muscle. Blake touched Jason's hard pecs and squeezed it as he bounces on his cock. Blake feels his body expand outward as he absorbs more of Jason's precum. His pecs start to form, his biceps tensing into a ball, his abs forming crevices. Jason feels Blake get heavier. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again- ohhh!" Jason finally shoots his load inside Blake. Jason's bulk slowly shrank into him. His biceps slowly thinned out, his treetrunk legs became weak, his torso got drained of its size, his chest on which Blake is grabbing on to lowered slowly from being mountains to a flat surface. "Ohhh fuck- ughh!" Blake can't help but groan as he feels his body fill up. He flexes a double bicep pose as his arms expand into mounds of rock. Meanwhile his legs got thicker and thicker, proportioning into his new height. His pecs grow into boulders, rivaling melons, he touches them and squeezes them. "Fuck, yes!" Blake exclaims as he poses his muscles. He went to the scale and measured his height and weight. "6'4 and 270 lbs, damn. Only one thing left." Blake says to himself as he gets back to Jason. Blake stands Jason up and turns him around. "Hey bro, just one last thing and we're done." Blake said to Jason's ear, caressing Jason's cock in his hand. Jason's cock immediately springs back up to life. Jason whimpers as he feels pleasure build up with Blake stroking his cock. While doing so, Blake slides his 4 incher into Jason's hole. Jason moans as intense pleasure fills hin again, but he can't cum. "You're gonna help me grow right?" Blake says. "Y-yes, anything for you ugh-" Jason answered. "Even my cock?" Blake follows up. "Yes, take it. Take my fucking cock." As pre-cum comes out of Jason's cock, Blake feels it slowly dwindle into his hand while his own cock grows and more and more enters Jason's ass. Blake starts thrusting, making Jason feel more pleasure, all as he strokes Jason's cock. Blake's cock grows and grows inside Jason, going into 12 inches. Jason's, however, retracted into Blake's hand, it shrank into 3 inches. "Ughh, please Blake... I need to cum" Jason whimpers. "Not until I do. Ughhh!" Blake cums into Jason's ass the largest he has ever cum. "Ughhh- shi- ughh!" Jason moans as he experiences being cummed in the ass for the first time. The two brothers experience their greatest orgasm, but one while experiencing his fantasy and one while experiencing loss. Jason shoots cum from his now 3 incher, moaning and passing out in the process. Blake pulls out his brother and admires his new 12 incher shooting more load on his passed out brother. He flexes on the mirror he once flexed on with his brother a month ago, but now being the superior one. "Thanks for the donation... little bro." He said as he leaves his brother in the locker room.
  20. clfmql

    I want everything from you

    Ha! I'm a genius scientist, so I knew my experiment would be completed successfully, but I never expected it to be this perfectly beautiful. Chase's muscles, bones, stamina, metabolism, and even his genetic levels are all mine! Chase...My younger brother has everything I don't never have: giant muscles, handsome faces, tremendous power, superior alpha DNA! Just a high school student, he's already 7ft tall, a perfect muscular body, and even smart. It's made him one of the most famous star athletes in the area, including high school. He even won overwhelmingly in local bodybuilding this time. As an older brother, I've always been jealous and hate Chase. I was only 5ft tall, and my body was as thin as a branch. I was ugly and didn't get anyone's attention. Even from my parents. I wanted to be like Chase. But no matter how hard I worked out or tried to be recognized by people, I realized it was just an unachievable dream. That's why I decided to take Chase's muscles. There's only one thing that makes me better than Chase: intelligence. Even I had incredibly high intelligence. It's not surprising that I got interested in science and started researching the human body. At first, I worked on body swaps. Yeah, I wanted to be like Chase. But unfortunately, even with my high intelligence, I couldn't find a way, and I just found out that body swap are absolutely impossible. It's impossible to transfer a person's consciousness to another body in any case. So I set the direction of my research a little different. What if I transfer material, not consciousness? For example, what if I transfer Chase's massive muscles, thick bones, powerful stamina, high metabolism, superior genetic levels to my body and at the same time my small muscles, thin bones, weak stamina, low metabolism, inferior genetic levels to Chase's body? What if I and Chase had a one-on-one exchange of muscle-to-muscle, bone-to-bone? I've worked on it, and surprisingly found out it's possible. If it's the only problem, this one-on-one exchange has to happen in less than a nanosecond. That way, we can proceed absolutely safely. But I'm a genius scientist! It's very easy to solve that problem. Still, there was something disappointing. Another thing, this experiment did not promise a perfect body swap. Because our appearance will remain the same after the experiment. Still, there was one hope. Because our genetic levels are also swapped, my appearance will be the most idealized version of myself, while Chase's appearance will be the worst version of himself. Well, I'm very satisfied with just that. I immediately built two glass, cylindrical chamber-shaped machines in the basement. Then I tricked Chase into locking him in. And… yeah, my experiment succeeded. Can you believe that the biceps and bones in my arms are the ones that were in Chase's body just now? I mean, in cells and tissue units. I can feel it, the power and heat of it… in my massive chest, in my 10 pack abs, in my thighs and calves, even in my thick, long cock. Is this something Chase has always felt 24/7? And, yeah, not just the muscles and bones. I take Chase's stamina and metabolism. And Chase's superior genetic levels too. With this I can keep these muscles and bones very easily. It's fantastic. Plus, Best of all, as I expected, Chase's genetic levels gave me the best-looking, idealized version of myself. ..... Oh, don't you wonder where my original muscles and bones went, Chase? It's in your body now, of course. My small muscles, thin bones, weak stamina, low metabolism and inferior genetic levels… I don't need them anymore. I can't let them stay in my body and damage my perfection. So I dumped them all on your body. That's why I thought of a one-on-one exchange. Yes, Chase. From now on... I'm a heavyweight bodybuilder at 7ft and a college student. And you're now a 5ft skinny nerd high school student. I have finally become a real man! And you... Chase, you are nothing now.
  21. Another old story of mine involving myth and ancient strongmen who battle Crime moments welcome especially if you want to see more of my work THE STRENGTH CHRONICLES

(c) 2023 All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or posted without author's permission. 

Hero of Mordac
 Part I

 The oracle raised her eyes to the small glowing blue orb of clouds, which was suspended in the air above her whereupon she called out, "My Lord, your people in Gloth cry out for your deliverance from their evil Queen Lynya and her oppression. Will you not send Goliath to liberate them?"

 The orb began to rotate quickly and flashed brightly as it spoke to her slowly with a deep and commanding voice. "I, Mordac, have heard these pleas. Their liberation will come at a great sacrifice but the time is upon us. Summon Goliath here, for this task will fall to him and it will be his greatest challenge."

 "As you command, my Lord."

 Goliath upon receiving the message from the oracle quickly journeyed to her temple. It had been six years since the god Mordac, the First among the gods and Goliath's benefactor, had given him the gift of super strength to end injustice in the mortal world. He was before the gift a tall, solid framed but ordinary man. With the gift, he grew into a muscular figure; with a height of 6 foot one (186 cm), 220 lbs (102 kg) of muscle and power. His hairless chest was 51 inches (129 cm) and he had biceps of 19 inches (48 cm) and off his 30 inch (76 cm) waist were quads of 26 inches (66 cm). Mordac had chosen Goliath for his moral goodness and bravery and had made him his servant. Since the gift, Goliath had already performed many tasks for the supreme god, helping the armies of the weak overcome their oppressors and had traveled far. But he was weary from his last labour and had sought a rest. That rest was short lived.

 " Come Markus, come Estus, it is not much farther," Goliath shouted to his pupil and servant. Estus watched Goliath as he climbed the steep steps up to the oracle's temple. He was always in awe of him. Of his power. Of his strength. Of his physique. Of his masculine beauty. We watched his broad lats that grew widely out of his waist and as each foot of the giant hit the stone step, his gastroc and soleus flashed at him. But Estus knew all that beauty and power came at a price imposed by the god. He also knew his admiration and love of his mentor would never be returned.

As he reached the entryway, Goliath said "Estus come with me and you Markus wait here." Markus was a short and thin man, limited in mind and will, but always eager to help his two masters. He rarely complained about the carrying burdens placed on him in their long and dangerous journeys. However, he did not share in the full knowledge of Goliath's tasks and burdens nor his secrets. He wanted to join his friends inside the temple to see what they and learn what he learned of their new quest but he knew he had to obey. Yet he peered and tried to look inside from behind a bush at the entrance of the stone temple.

 Estus and Goliath entered the temple where the oracle was waiting for them. 
Without a greeting, she addressed them. "You face a most difficult challenge in Gloth against Queen Lynya and her henchmen," she said. "She is a sorceress and a follower of Lardac."

 Estus shuttered. Lardac, the most feared and hated god, was the female twin sister of Mordac who had overcome her to become the First among the Gods. Following that struggle, she had turned to doing great evil among the mortals to gain revenge on her brother and the world he protected. It was said that she was almost as powerful as her divine twin. While Estus and Goliath had faced many of the minor gods and their servants, not one was as powerful as Lardac.

 “You must go to Gloth and rally the rebels who oppose her for there is much fear in their hearts. But remember your oath, Goliath. And if you break your oath, your gift will pass." 

Goliath nodded as did Estus. He remembered the two promises he had to make to Mordac to receive the gift. "Fear not," he said to reassure the oracle, "I have kept my vow and have not fulfilled my lust for any woman that I desired.” "

Mordac knows of the strong lust that lies within your heart and he is pleased with you," said the Oracle. "You shall travel to Gloth for the Festival of Arkyll. During the festival, you will issue to the Queen the Gordarian Challenge. Go now to the home of Areleus outside of Gloth and prepare your plan!"

 Goliath bowed his head and he and Estus left the temple and joined Markus outside for their long journey to Gloth. "What is the Gordarian Challenge?" asked Estus. "During the festival, any man can challenge the rule of the Queen. Both sides pick a warrior to represent them in the arena for a fight. Whosever's warrior wins becomes the ruler of the kingdom. The custom was used in Gloth for centuries to avoid civil wars." Goliath explained. "It will save many lives if the Queen cooperates?."

 Queen Lynya and Yamin entered the Temple of Lardac to consult the High Priestess. The Queen was not a beautiful woman, shapely but plump yet with fair skin and long dark hair. Her servants worked hard to give her what beauty she had. She wore flowing robes of the finest silk and covered herself with jewelry bought from the spoils of her rule. Yamin, the Queen's personal bodyguard and commander of her security guards, accompanied her and was often acted in her stead. He was handsome with a physique that rivaled that of Goliath. She found him very attractive and often just gazed at his beauty with his curly dark hair and deep blue eyes with grapefruit-sized delts, his massive 50 inch (127 cm) chest with square pecs, and 18 inch (46 cm) biceps, down to his 29 inch (74 cm) waist, rock hard abs and huge quads, all rapped in his olive, hairless skin. He was known as the strongest man in her kingdom and he was cunning. It was said that he once pushed over a stone building to crush a rebellion in the marketplace against the Queen's rule.

 "I seek the help of Lord Lardac," said the Queen as she came upon the priestess.

 "Lord Lardac knows why you are here," said the priestess. "Your rule faces its greatest danger for Mordac has sent his servant Goliath to overthrow you."

The Queen knew what this danger meant and she beseeched the priestess. "I beg Lord Lardac to help me against this threat. What greater delight would Lord Lardac have than to see the servant of Mordac defeated? Will she not help me overcome him?"

 “Golaith is a powerful man and has the gift of strength from Mordac. And like all of Mordac's gifts to mortals, it comes with a vow for its use."

 “Tell me, what is this vow and how will this help me?" she begged.

 “Not even Lord Lardac knows, for Mordac shields this knowledge from her. However, that is what Lord Lardac says you must discover. You do not have much time for even now the rebels plan against you. You will face the Gordarian Challenge during the Festival of Arkyll."

 Realizing she would get no further with the priestess, the Queen returned to her chambers in the palace with Yamin. She pondered her next move. She spoke aloud, "If the knowledge is hidden from even Lardac, my sorcery will not reveal it from the Fates." Yasmin replied, "But Goliath must have this knowledge and perhaps one of his servants also knows and if we can get it from them, we will victorious," said Yamin. 

 Golaith and his men reached the home of Arellus and knocked on the door. His servant, Morus, let them in. "Welcome Goliath," said Arellus. "I heard that you were coming to help us, thank the Gods! With you at our side, I know now the people will rally and the Queen's rule will come to an end."

 “Let us hope so. Now we must plan," he replied.

 Golaith, Arellus and Estus made their plans to attack if the Queen did not surrender following Goliath's win in the Gordarian Challenge, while Morus served them food and drink. Later that night, Goliath said, "Ah our plans are now complete. I will go to the palace tomorrow to issue the challenge to the Queen."

 "You must be careful Goliath. Her warrior will be Yamin who is said to be the strongest man in Gloth. It will not be an easy fight," advised Arellus.

 ”Don't worry. No one has ever bested my strength. Golaith flexed his huge lean bicep to show its size to Arellus while the veins around it exploded. "You forget Mordac's power is within me."

 "I have no doubts my friend" as he padded Goliath on his ripped back. "Once your victory in the contest is complete, our forces will attack if the Queen does not go peacefully into exile. We will be hidden around the coliseum awaiting the result and will have a victory march to the palace upon your victory."

 As the men went to sleep, Morus slipped out of the house that night and headed toward the palace. At the Palace, Yamin listened to Morus and gave him 18 pieces of silver.

 To be continued THE STRENGTH CHRONICLES Hero of Mordac Part II The next day, Goliath, Estus and Markus entered the city. The city was crowded with visitors who came to celebrate the Festival of Arkyll. The men approached the palace gate. The gatekeeper recognized Goliath from just looking at the size of his build and let them in and said, "Our Queen is awaiting you Goliath. I shall take you to her." The men entered the throne room. The Queen sat on her throne at the end of the room with Yamin standing at her right side akimbo at her side with two bulging hairless tan pecs above them. He dropped his arms as Goliath approached. Estus gaped and could not believe the size of Yamin. He had never seen any man come close to Goliath in size or shape. His 17-inch (43 cm) gastrocs poked out from behind his lower legs, his quads were large, lean and hung down like he had a second knee cap. His six pack abs were large and cut. His forearms showed all his vascularity and his triceps and lats hung wide. He had 25-inch (63 cm) shoulders with bulging delts and an 18 inch (46 cm) thick neck. His eyes traveled up to Yamin's deep blue eyes. Yamin's cold eyes caught Estus's staring at him. Estus's heart leaped and his eyes jumped away from Yamin's piercing glare. Yamin smirked and understood. "Goliath" said the Queen. "We heard of your pending visit and we welcome you to Gloth for the Festival of Arkyll." "Then you know I am here not to celebrate, your Majesty, but to present the Gordorian Challenge to you. Your rule has been cruel and it must come to an end." "Hubris does not become you, Goliath. If this were not the Festival of Arkyll, I would have my guards cut you down as you stand before me. But I am bound by the rules of the Gods and I accept your challenge. Who is your sponsor Goliath or do you plan to rule my kingdom yourself if you win?" "My sponsor is Arellus, former head of the Senate. Name your challenger." "Yes, Arellus. I should have known. Remind me to have him killed when this is over. Well, my challenger shall be Yamin who stands here at my side. You will find him a formidable opponent." Goliath eyed Yamin who tightened his muscles and flared his lats to show off his size. Goliath was unfazed. "As is the custom, you and your friends shall stay here tonight. As you know no harm will come to you and your Sponsor for we respect the rules of the challenge. You will attend a dinner in your honor tonight but without your man-servants." "So be it," said Goliath and the guards showed Goliath and his two companions their separate palace rooms. After Goliath left his room for evening banquet, guards came to the room of Estus. Estus let them in expecting supper. There at the door was instead stood the husky muscled Captain of the Guard, Axus, and his men. "Come with me, Estus." "Come where?" asked Estus. "You will see?" replied the captain as he turned around to leave. "I am not going anywhere with you," snapped Estus. The captain swung around and landed his fist across Estus's jaw knocking him out. Estus was a well developed man of about 5 foot 10 inches (178 cm) in height and 180 lbs (82 kg). He was broad shouldered and lean and muscular like an athlete. But the punch surprised him and the guards carried him to the dungeon where his limbs were hung from chains. The captain threw water in Estus's face to awaken him. Estus stared at his captor. "Let me go," he said. "This is a violation of the rules!" "Well, not quite," said the captain. You see the rules only protect the warrior and the sponsor, not any of their friends." Estus's eyes narrowed in anger. "Now Estus, we know that there is a vow Goliath gave to Mordac and we need to tell it to us." Estus's eyes widened with surprise, then he realized he needed to control his expressions. "What are you talking about”! I know of no such vow. Just wait till your Yamin meets Goliath in the arena tomorrow. He will be crushed." "Ha!" laughed the captain. "If you don't cooperate with us, that man over there is going to make you cooperate." In the corner of the cell was a large, fat, hairy bear-chested man carrying a hot glowing steel rod. "I will never tell you anything because there is nothing to tell," said Estus. In his mind he knew he would not betray the man he loved. His torturer approached. At the banquet, the food platters were immense and numerous. Wine flowed freely to the guests. Goliath was hungry but regretted that he did not insist that Estus and Markus be able to attend. Yamin did not eat with the guests. He stood by watching Goliath's every move and pondering. He scanned Goliath's physique to compare it to his own. He admired how Goliath's biceps moved so smoothly and visibly under his thin skin as he drank his wine. Yamin thought he looked slightly smaller than Goliath. Would he be able to overpower Goliath in the contest? Clearly Goliath had a physique that rivaled his own. But he knew larger does not always mean stronger, for he had taken down giants many times larger than he was with his own strength. And what was this super strength that Mordac had given him? How powerful was it? Why was it given to him? The Queen had been giving Yamin a brew from the creatine plant over the past week which she said would increase his strength. Would it be enough? If Goliath were to lose the gift, would he still be strong or would he be a weakling? These and other thoughts ran through his head. As Yamin was pondering, Axus came up to him from behind and whispered in his ear. Yamin grinned widely. The Hero of Mordac Part III As Yamin was pondering, Axus came up to him from behind and whispered in his ear. Yamin grinned widely. He went over to the Queen and whispered in her ear. “Excuse me,” the Queen said to Goliath. “There is something I must handle. I will be back shortly.” Goliath and the Queen went to her chambers. “This is amazing,” said the Queen. “It is too easy.” “Well, don’t be so sure,” cautioned Yamin. “He must have very strong will power and we cannot be sure the information is totally correct. It seems too incredible.” The queen fumbled around the draws of her bureau as if looking for something while Yamin watched. “Here it is!” and she pulled out a black, shiny girdle and she held it up in the light and it glistened. Yamin laughed. “You are looking for underwear at a time like this?” “Yes but a potent one. This is the Venusian girdle. No man who is the least attracted to me can resist my overtures while I wear it! Goliath himself will fall to my seduction!” Yamin looked skeptical. Reaching for a vial filled with red fluid from the shelf, the Queen told Yamin, “Put this special portion in Goliath’s wine tonight. Be sure you deliver it at the end of the meal in the final toast. The wine will help weaken his will power and this potion will make him sleepy and when he sleeps it will cause him to forget everything that happened after he drank it.” Yamin nodded. They returned to the banquet room which has grown boisterous with music and dance. Goliath ate and drank heavily that night, and toward the end of the banquet, Yamin signaled to the head waiter to deliver the wine glass with the Queen’s special potion in it to Goliath. Following the closing toast, the Queen quickly returned to her quarters while Axus showed Goliath to his room. In her chambers, the Queen undressed and slipped into the black girdle. She gazed at herself in the mirror and her plumb figure. Suddenly the girdle seemed to warm up. Then as she watched, her skin seemed to be absorbing it. Soon the girdle had disappeared into her hips. She looked at herself nude in front of the mirror. She became warm all over and her skin began to glow. It started in her hips. They smoothed out and her excess fat melted away leaving her butt smooth, round and toned. Then the changes traveled down her legs and up into her chest. Her waist shrunk and became tight and small. Again her body fat melted leaving her belly flat, firm and smooth. Her nipples rose and her breasts became firm, rounded and erect, hanging like two plump grapefruits from her chest with cleavage between them. Meanwhile, her legs grew shapely. Her arms thinned and toned while her shoulders grew slightly wider. She gazed at her new body and moved her hands along her new curves. She was amazed at the beauty. She quickly put on her silk nightgown and called to Axus who was outside her door to bring Goliath to her. Axus knocked on Goliath’s door while he was getting ready for sleep. “Goliath, the Queen requests you to meet her now.” “What for, at this hour?” asked Goliath for he was feeling sleepy. “She wants to discuss a way to avoid this fight in the arena tomorrow,” said Axus. “Well, may be now she has come to her senses,” said Goliath. “Lead on.” Axus left Goliath in the Queen’s chambers. From behind him, the Queen called him and said, “Goliath, we have important matters to discuss.” Goliath turned around and there he saw the Queen leaning against the wall in a semi-transparent nightgown. Othertimes she had been wearing her heavy, stately robes. He stared at her. Her shape was smooth, her breasts full and succulent. He had never examined her shape this way before but now the girdle was working its magic. His heart began beating faster. She approached him and touched his arms gently, running her fingers up to his massive triceps. “You know,” she said, “when I saw your handsome face before me, I thought there must be another way to resolve our quarrel and I must find it.” Goliath just stared at her admiring her beauty, her words almost sounding musical to him. “I never wanted this challenge for you or for me. Maybe there is way I can change and we can avoid all this. You know, Goliath, running a kingdom is hard. Decisions are not easy to make, especially alone, and sometimes we make the wrong ones,” she said as she massaged his shoulders. “Yes, if you change, we could avoid all this,” he answered meekly as her kneading relaxed his muscles and thought and his eyes began to close. She took him by the hand and led him to a silk covered ottoman and they sat down. She leaned back on the pillows and held her chest up and Goliath gazed at her full and round breasts. He had become aroused now and then he remembered his vow and looked away from her and cleared his voice, and said firmly. “If you give up your throne and restore the Senate, this would all end. Arellus would agree to this. All you have to do is announce it to the people.” She reached out gracefully with her finger and touched his square jaw to turn his head toward her face. He resisted but she said, “Look at me, Goliath, I need to see the sincerity in your eyes when we speak about such important things.” So Goliath turned his face toward her and he caught his gaze in the beauty and firmness of her large, erect nipples. “I could agree to this but I am frightened,” she whispered. “I know many people hate me. If I give up my guards, my throne, how do I know I won’t be killed? Who will protect me?” she cooed. She sat up and drew her face close to his as he raised his eyes to hers. He was now fully erect and she could see the bulge in his loincloth. His voice said to himself, “I am only looking at her. I have kept my vow. Nothing will happen. I will walk away soon once we have made a deal. I need to be here now to settle this.” She gently stroked his cheek with her smooth palm. “While…I….” he stammered, “will make sure no one hurts you if you make this bargain. You have the word of Goliath,” he whispered. “I must thank you,” she said and pressed her lips against his. He pulled his head back but she placed her hand behind his head and forced their lips together again. The sensation exploded in his brain. It had been six years since he felt this way. His reason seemed suspended in air as the voice of his will began to fade inside his head. He embraced her. After their kiss, she whispered “Oh to touch you this way!” and kissed him again and began stroking him between his legs while he placed his hand on her breast. Her breast swelled with his touch and she stood up bringing his face into her bosom. Fragrant, clear drops of an aphrodisiac formed on her nipples. He smelled their sweetness and brought his lips to suck on them. “Come to me for I am yours tonight,” she said. The drops worked quickly and all remaining reason left him and his inner voice was silenced. He mounted her on the bed and they made love. With each thrust, his man juice flowed and flowed eventually overwhelming her. It leaked out of her over the bed and onto the floor. He kept pumping her and their ecstasy grew. She never felt such power from a lover and he seemed unable to stop, like a dam bursting with an endless supply of raging water. After an hour though, he finally weakened and collapsed on top of her exhausted. As Goliath lay deep asleep, the Queen signaled Yamin who was waiting. His cum was everywhere. “Take him to his room now. The potion will keep him asleep and he will remember nothing of this night.” Yamin hoisted the slumbering giant onto his shoulders and carried him to the guest quarters. He placed the naked muscleman down onto his bed and left his clothes nearby. He saw the cum on Goliath’s legs and scooped it up into his hand. He looked at it and wondered if it contained Goliath’s super strength. Gathering as much of it as he could and rubbed it into his own pecs and biceps hoping it would bring him the strength that Goliath was said to have. He then left the giant to his dreams knowing he would remember nothing of that night. The Gordian Challenge---Next! Hero of Mordac Part IV The Gordian Challenge With Goliath taken away, the Queen removed the girdle for she knew its dangers if it were worn too long. She placed it back in her drawer and went to bed to rest from the exhausting night. Estus's body hung from the chains in the dungeon. Half alive, half dead. He could barely see with his left eye and his right was swelled shut from the beatings. Tears of blood from his head left dried tracks on the side of his face. His body was battered, bruised and bleeding from the whippings, kicks, burnings and punches. His chin rested on his dirty and bloodied chest as he barely had any strength to hold it up. The room was partially lit from the torches that hung in the walls. The iron door to his cell was closed but the barred window at its top let more light in from the flaming urn in the hallway. Suddenly the door swung open but Estus made no effort to look up for he did not wish to see the next round of torture he felt was coming. Axus walked in, smiling at the tortured man before him. "Estus, wake up!" he shouted. "I bring you good news. Your torture is over for we have learned what we needed to know about Goliath!" Estus weakly raised his head to look at him with his left eye. "I have told you nothing, you pig" Estus hissed with defiance. "Yes, yes. But unfortunately for Goliath, someone else did," answered Axus who snapped his fingers at Estus's cell door. In came three guards, two of whom were carrying the broken and wounded body of Markus. Estus opened his left eye as wide as he could to see who it was. Markus slowly lifted his bloodied, swollen face and looked up at his friend and barely able to speak whispered, "I'm sorry, Master Estus. They promised to stop if I told them. I overheard Goliath at the temple speaking of his vow." Estus said in fright, "No you didn't Markus. You didn't hear anything. No!" "I had to tell. Forgive me. The pain… " and Markus's head went limp and he expired. As the guards began to take the body away, Estus shouted, "No, it's lies! Markus doesn't know anything. It's all lies!" and he began to cry. As the dawn arrived, Yamin awoke. He got up and looked in his mirror. He could see the caked cum on his arms and chest. He stared at himself. Were his biceps and pecs bigger? He flexed his right bicep. It rose high, round and large. Could the cum have changed him? Could he have Goliath's power now added to his own? He wasn't sure. No matter, he thought. Goliath could not have that god-like strength anymore and he was confident he could overpower him. He undressed and bathed in the hot springs tub next to his sleeping quarters. As he rose from the tub, his tan muscles glistened in the morning sunlight. He looked again at himself and rubbed his hands across his inflated pec wondering what it would be like to have a god's strength. An hour after the sun rose, a palace guard knocked on Goliath's door and entered his room. "Awake, Goliath! It is time for you to prepare for the Gordian Challenge!" The muscle titan slowly opened his eyes. He grabbed his head with his hands as it pounded with a headache. "Awake!" shouted the guard again. "I heard you!" shouted back Goliath, "Now leave me before I crush you!" The guard quickly retreated. The giant slowly stood up and staggered over to a basin of fresh water where placing his arms on the side of the table to told himself upright, his inverted v-shaped triceps jutting out. He bent his arms and dipped his face in the cool water. He shook the water from his head and raised it looking in the mirror in front of him. As the water dripped down his face back into the bowl, he saw that he looked tired. He noticed his arms looked smooth and not as defined as usual but they were still large though not as pumped. As he stood up, he noticed his pecs were not as full. "Too much wine," he thought to himself. He quickly bathed and got dressed and ate the bread and berries that were in his room. He remembered nothing of the night in the Queen's sleeping quarters as the elixir Yamin had put in his wine was still working its magic. Axus then arrived and escorted him to the arena floor where Yamin was waiting for him. The Queen had filled the arena seats with her supporters, many of whom were to be paid for their attendance and cheering. She sat in front wearing her regalia. On her right as is the custom for the Gordian Challenge was Arellus who was the challenger. "So glad you are here, Arellus," she said, "so you can see the death of your friend at the hands of my Yamin who is, no doubt you have heard, the strongest man there is." "I am glad to be here today, your Highness, so I can see Goliath bring an end to your rule," Arellus replied unemotionally. Axus raised his hands before the crowd and it grew silent. "Today is the day of the Gordian Challenge," he shouted. "Senator Arellus, through his challenger Goliath, challenges Queen Lyvna, who is defended by Yamin. Each challenger may pick a weapon which if lost may not be used again. What do you pick, Goliath?" "I pick the whip." "And you Yamin?" "The sword." "So be it" answered Axus and each man was handed their weapon of choice and they were placed twenty feet apart. Axus clapped his hands and shouted, "The Gordian Challenge has begun!" Each man slowly began to move toward the other. As Yamin and Goliath grew within range of Goliath's whip, Goliath snapped it and Yamin jumped back. Goliath charged and using his whip, snapped the sword from Yamin's hand which then fell to the ground. Stopping, Goliath snapped the whip again and it wrapped itself around Yamin's mighty forearm. It stung but Yamin grabbed the whip with both hands and yanked it hard. Goliath was pulled forward and landed face down on the ground with the whip pulled from his hands. As Yamin quickly removed the whip from his arm, he ran toward Goliath raising his left fist but Goliath was too quick and recovered to his feet where he grabbed the left arm of the charging Yamin and with his leg kicked him in the abs. As Yamin bent forward, Goliath slammed his clasped fisted hands into Yamin's wide lats sending him to the ground. As Yamin came up, Goliath wrapped his mighty right arm around Yamin's neck and began to choke the Queen's defender from behind. "Surrender now, Yamin or you will meet your end," he said. Yamin groaned and grabbed Goliath's right wrist and tried to pull the arm away from his throat. At first Goliath's arm did not move but slowly Yamin began to pull it back. Goliath pulled harder making his bicep even larger and once again his arm was squeezing Yamin's neck. Yamin brought up his right foot to the ground so he was now only kneeing on his left knee. Yamin's triceps began to tighten and swell more and again slowly Yamin began to move Goliath's arm away from him. Goliath could not understand this. He called upon more of his strength. He saw his bicep's muscle fibres dance under his skin but his arm did not respond with greater power as it had in the past. "How can this be?" he thought and he tried harder but Yamin slowly pulled Goliath's arm away. Goliath began to wince in pain as his bicep fibres began to tear. Yamin slowly rose up while jabbing his left elbow into Goliath's abs sending the former super powerful muscle god back hunched over in pain. Now Goliath was having doubts. Where was his strength and unlimited power? Could Yamin be stronger than he was? Why did his muscles not respond when he called upon them? How could Mordac have allowed this? Maybe he was still just tired from last night. His thinking and doubts distracted him and helped Goliath. Both giants rose and faced each other but Yamin turned around too quickly for the distracted Goliath and with his right leg Yamin gave Goliath a swift kick across his jaw turning it left. Then like lightening Yamin with his other leg's kick, hurled Goliath's jaw to the right, stunning him. Using his great tan quads, the Queen's muscular champion jumped off the ground and slammed both feet into Goliath's muscular chest sending his body against the stone wall of the arena. With the now stunned Goliath up against the wall, Yamin pounded his fists into the titan's six pack abs. Goliath instinctively tightened them when the first fist struck, making them rock hard as his mind attempted to clear. However, the fists continued to pound his strong abdominal muscles. With each pounding, one right then one left, Goliath's abs began to weaken. Once again Goliath tightened them making them harder than before and once again they began to weaken. He tried harder but his abs tightened each time less than before. The pounding continued and the muscle fibres began to give way to the continued strong onslaught of Yamin's relentless fists of power. Soon, no six pack was visible any more as the fibers became soft. As his mind began to clear, Goliath used his arms to shove Yamin away and out of the reach of the defender's fists. Goliath hunched over in agony fell onto one knee in pain wrapping his arms over his abs. The crowd cheered. While the push was powerful enough to move the 220-pound Yamin back, it did not send him far or to the ground as Goliath had expected. Goliath knew now that something was seriously wrong, his power was failing him and he did not understand why. "Lord Mordac, do not abandon me in this time of need," he whispered. Having heard his whisper and looking down at the kneeing giant, Yamin taunted him. "What is the matter mighty Goliath? Where is your great strength? Your broke your vow and don't even know it! You are a weakling compared to me now! You should worship me!" Goliath was shocked. How could Yamin know of his vow? Then Yamin said, "Maybe this will help you remember," and the towering muscleman repeated the magic words that the Queen had taught him that would break the spell of the elixir that had suppressed Goliath's memory. "Marrock boc sheeji." Goliath grabbed his head as his mind exploded with a visualization of all the events that happened last night in the Queen's bedroom. A look of horror and then anger filled his face. "Lord Mordac, please forgive me and help me one more time," he prayed. Yamin looked up at the cheering crowd. Meanwhile Goliath summoned all his power and strength into his left arm, back and leg muscles and quickly swung up from his kneeling position like a discus thrower and as Yamin turned toward him, Goliath pounded his mighty fist into the other giant's jaw turning it and sending the man stumbling to the right. Goliath thought Yamin seemed to be woozy from the blow. Yamin turned his face back to look at Goliath and smiled with all his beautiful white teeth. "Is that all the power you have left, weakling?" he said. Goliath swung his left again at him but Yamin put up his thick striated right arm and blocked the swing. Then using his left fist, Yamin swung it into Goliath's jaw and then hit him again with his right. The once mighty Goliath just stood there not able to move or regain consciousness fast enough to counter or escape. Yamin's fists pounded Goliath's head. Then the Queen's champion raised his fists overhead and pounded Goliath on his broad shoulders sending the stunned giant down onto his knees. As Goliath began to teeter, Yamin went around Goliath's wide back and grabbed the semi-unconscious victim's head and with a sharp powerful jerk, twisted it around to the back snapping his neck. The lifeless body of Goliath then fell forward into the dirt. Yamin stood up and flexed his huge arms in a double bicep pose as the crowd cheered at his victory. Axus shouted, "The contest is over and the Yamin has won. The Queen wins the Gordian Challenge!" Arellus had the look of shock and fright on his face. The Queen turned to him and said mockingly. "I am so sorry but it looks like you have lost. Now guards please take Arellus to the dungeon where he can join Goliath's other friends. Oh, did I forget to mention? As we speak, your rebel friends are being rounded up this very moment outside the arena in case you were thinking they might rescue you." Hero of Mordac Part V Enter Mordac Hanging from his chains in his dungeon cell, Estus could hear the roars of the Queen's spectators. He knew the more they roared, that Goliath was in trouble. "Would Goliath still be strong enough to defeat Yamin?" he worried. "How could he help him?" He closed his eyes and prayed to Lord Mordac. While he was praying, a small, glowing blue orb of clouds appeared in front of him. "Estus," said the orb, "I, Lord Mordac, have heard you." Estus raised his head and opened his eyes as best he could. "Goliath has broken his vow and has been defeated by Yamin in the arena. The Queen has won the Gordian Challenge," said the deep and strong voice from the orb. Estus's head and heart sank but the news was not unexpected to him. Just then the door to his cell unlocked and Axus entered closing the door behind him. He looked up and saw Estus looking at the orb. Axus drew his sword and raised it to slice the orb but what looked like a wave of clear power emanated from the orb and hit Axus in the chest, throwing him against the door, closing it and stunning him. He slid down the door onto his ass. "But all hope is not lost for the people of Gloth, Estus," the orb continued, "Will you take up Goliath's fight and with it, the risk of your death?" Estus was surprised. He was no hero. He loved Goliath, worshipped him and served him tirelessly knowing his love would never be returned. But become a hero? How could he? Meanwhile, Axus began to regain consciousness. "How could I, Lord Mordac? I am not even a solider and look at me. I can barely see or stand." Axus stared at the two in awe and fright. "Do not doubt my power!" said the god sternly. "For I will heal your wounds and pass the power of Goliath onto you if you will take the vow freely and so long as you abide by it." Confused, tired and in pain, Estus tried to think. A thousand thoughts and feelings raced through his mind. That strength! That physique! That sacrifice. Maybe for a short while. Just to avenge Goliath and to help here. But what of Yamin? "You will need to use all your willpower to succeed in this task and you must focus on the Queen and her death. Your strength will be greater than Yamin's!" assured the orb. Estus said, "Yes, I accept and take the vow." Part VI The Test and the Choice The orb began to spin faster and a green beam shot out of it hitting Estus in the chest. The beam then spread over the skin of his entire body making him glow. Feelings of solitude and serenity filled his mind as he still hung from the chains. He felt as if he were floating. His heart beat slowed; he was relaxed and calm. His wounds began to heal. The swelling of his face deflated. His bleeding cuts scabbed and then cleared. His whip burns melted away. His body was restored to its youthful, athletic, and healthy appearance. Then the color of the beam changed to red. Estus began to feel warm, then hot like he had a fever. He began to sweat. Suddenly he felt sharp pains in his bones all over his body. He screamed loudly but no sound left the red glow that surrounded him. His bones began to expand. His modest frame size grew. His wrists, which used to be 8 inches (20.3 cm) around, grew to 9.5 inches (24 cm). His legs and shoulders too. His entire frame was being enlarged and his skin and muscles began to stretch to fill it. He was now 6 ft 1 tall (183 cm). When his bones stopped growing, his muscles began to thicken. His pecs grew full and deep, so heavy that his quarter-sized nipples pointed down to the floor as they hung from his now huge chest. His quads grew to 25 inches (65 cm), his biceps to 19.5 inches (49.5 cm). His forearms, delts, neck, back muscles, and calves followed suit. Axus now fearing for his life upon seeing the growing muscle god before him, rose from the floor and ran out of the cell, locking the cell door behind him and knocking over a flaming urn in the hallway in his haste. Smoke from the now fallen urn began to fill the hallways of the dungeon and the remaining guards, fearing a fire had erupted, fled as they saw Axus in panic. Axus, who was always fiercely loyal to only Yamin, ran to warn him. Panting and out of breath, Axus came upon Yamin and the Queen in her sitting room and told them all he had seen. The Queen said to Yamin, "Mordac must be a fool. I will just seduce Estus as I did Goliath." "It may not be that easy," answered Yamin who was becoming lost in thought. "Estus may have more willpower than Goliath," Axus said to them. "Yamin, you must trick Estus into coming to my chambers and I will handle it from there," said the Queen as she reached for the Venusian girdle in her drawer. Almost not hearing her, Yamin said "Yes, I have a plan." Estus breathed heavily from the pain and the stress causing his six pack abs to contract and expand quickly. His skin again stretched further accommodating his new mass for he was now 215 lbs (97.7 kg) of muscle with 7% bodyfat. The pain began to subside as did the heat. The red glow began to recede back into the orb. The flickering flames from the torches on the wall of his cell danced on Estus's new sweaty musculature. He felt relaxed now that the pain had ended and surprisingly energetic given his ordeal. "It is done now," said Mordac. "Now go Estus and heed my advice." The orb then faded away. Estus, still hanging from the chains, looked down at his new massive physique. He went to put his right hand on his chest and, without realizing it, yanked the ceiling chain. It broke off at his wrist. Realizing what had happened, he then pulled down his left hand, easily snapping the other chain and leaving him with two black iron collars around each of his large wrists. He brought his hands to his hard pecs, feeling his sternum cleavage. Then he brought them down to his rock six pack abs feeling each one as they rose and fell in his torso. He flexed his now 19.5 inch (49.5 cm) biceps admiring their size, vascularity and leanness. He extended his leg and pointed his foot, tightening his quads and watched his large intermedius and medialis dance before him. What beauty, he thought, what manly perfection, what power. He wanted to test it. He walked over to the door of his cell and grabbing the bars, with a hard pull, the door came off its iron hinges. Holding it, he stared at it almost not believing what his new strength had done. Now, he thought, he was ready to find the Queen as Lord Mordac had commanded him. He stepped into the smoky hallway. As he looked down the hall toward a hazy light, he could see someone walking down stone stairs towards him. As the figure came closer, he saw its large muscular frame. Given the person's size, he first thought it was Goliath as it strode with that bodybuilder's gait. But he noticed the waist was smaller than Goliath's and the height slightly shorter. He realized it could only be Yamin. He stared again at the physique. Yamin looked even more handsome than he remembered him in the Queen's throne room. That small waist, those broad shoulders, bubbled delts, powerful pecs and biceps and olive skin. Estus's heart began to pound. As the muscular being came in sight through the smoky haze, Estus slowly walked backwards into his cell, planning to confront the queen's champion there. As Yamin walked down the hall toward Estus, he first spotted the outline of a very powerful man. At first Yamin could still not believe it was Estus but it could be no one else based on Axus's description. This above average athletic man was suddenly as muscular and large as Goliath had been. Yamin marveled at the power Mordac must have. "But was that strength really greater than his own?" he wondered. He wanted to test it and find out yet he was afraid. He wondered if that power could be drained from Estus, why could he not make it flow into him instead? Yamin stepped into Estus's cell. Estus raised his forearms like a wrestler. Consciously keeping his hands at his sides, Yamin spoke. "Estus, listen to me. I come here not to fight you ...." "Better for you!" snapped Estus interrupting Yamin. "For the power of Mordac is in me and I will defeat you and your Queen." Estus reached down to the floor and picked up one of iron pokers that was used to torture him. With his two hands, he bent it into a U and threw it at Yamin's feet. Yamin stared at Estus thinking of the display of strength he just saw. Estus stared back into Yamin's blue eyes. He became distracted and scanned Yamin's body noticing every muscle, its size and shape. He blinked back into focus. "I have come here to ask for you help. Together we can defeat the Queen and her soldiers if we join forces. I will help you kill her," said Yamin. "Ha!" laughed Estus. "Do you think me a fool?" Looking down, Yamin answered, "No Estus. You are no fool. I never wanted to fight Goliath but I had no choice. I have seen the Queen's cruelty for many years now and I have had enough. Now is my chance to make amends. Our chance to do it together." He lifted his head and looked at Estus sincerely. "You are different. I noticed you when you first walked into the throne room before I even noticed Goliath. I saw the love in your eyes when you looked at him. A love we all now know could never be answered due to Mordac. I admired it and was jealous of it." Estus could not believe what he was hearing. He could smell Yamin's testosterone. There was a powerfulness to him that attracted him. He felt it in the throne room and he felt it now, much stronger. Yamin was beautiful. Estus's heart beat even faster and he became aroused. He wanted to touch Yamin, to feel his rock-hard muscles. He felt a pull toward him. Estus cleared his mind of these thoughts and shouted "Enough lies!" as he swung his fist at Yamin knocking the muscle god to the ground. On the ground Yamin shook his head and quickly came back into consciousness. Never had he felt a punch like that before. He realized he had met more than his match. Estus was surprised at what he had done. He looked at his fist almost not believing its power as he let Yamin rise to his feet. Yamin faced the young muscle god and like two wrestlers they circled each other. "I won't fight you, Estus," Yamin said. "I can't?.." Estus began to doubt his convictions. He began to think that perhaps Yamin has changed He began to want to believe him. He was so handsome. Yet Estus leapt forward toward the titan. Yamin was surprised but with a quick move he raised his hands to meet Estus's and their fingers were laced in a test of strength. Estus pressed hard. His arm muscles ballooned. Yamin met the force with an equal amount. Estus pressed harder and Yamin again matched him. Yamin's veins popped up wildly across his arms and chest. Again Estus pressed pulling up his reserves of power and strength. Their faces were close and each gritted his teeth. Slowly Yamin's hands began to bend backward as Estus's strength began to show its superior power. Yamin did not know what to do. His strength for the first time in his life was being overpowered by another. He was no longer the greatest power. Their eyes met as they struggled. Estus again could not help but notice Yamin's powerful deep blue eyes. He also found his overpowering of the muscular champion strangely erotic. Now he was the muscle god he thought worthy of another's attention just as he had worshipped Goliath. Estus became even more aroused. Yamin brought his face closer to Estus and place his lips on Estus's. Estus could not believe the feeling inside him. How he longed for the touch and feel of Goliath. Now here he was with a muscle god as handsome if not more so. Could this be true? Could his dreams finally be answered? But what of his vow? Estus was now fully erect. Yamin had said he would help him end the Queen's rule. Estus slowly released the pressure on Yamin's hands and each titan wrapped their arms around the other and continued their embrace. Yamin released one arm and brought it down between them and began to stroke Estus in his groin. Slowly the giants lowered themselves to the floor and Yamin removed Estus belt and loincloth and continued his stroking. Estus placed his hands on Yamin's pecs and felt their hardness. Yamin said, "You are so beautiful, Estus" and before Estus could stop him, Yamin moved his mouth down to Estus’s member for he wanted Estus to break his vow and for Mordac's power to flow out of Estus. With that touch, Estus lost all his resistance and his mind exploded in sexual sensation. And flow it did and Estus succumbed to his never fulfilled dreams of love with a muscle god. With each thrust, Yamin swallowed more and more, hoping he could absorb the greater strength that had bested him. When it was over, the two muscle gods embraced again and kissed. Yamin stood up and helped Estus up and whispered to the young man. "One more, my love before we end the Queen's rule." Estus placed his lips on Yamin's wrapping his arms around his dream. Yamin brought his ripped arms around Estus's lower back. They hugged. Yamin however continued to squeeze. Estus cried in pain. Yamin squeezed the once powerful giant once more even harder. Estus began to pound his fists into Yamin's chest and front delts. But the blows simply bounced off the champion's large muscles for the power of Mordac had left Estus and his strength was no longer any match for Yamin's. Then Estus fainted and grew limp as Yamin's powerful arms crushed Estus's back. Yamin placed the unconscious former muscle god down on the floor of the cell. His plan had worked and taking his fingers to his hips, he pulled down and the once invisible Venusian girdle reappeared and Yamin took it off and threw it next to the now paralyzed body of Estus. As he starred pathetically at Estus, suddenly Yamin noticed a red glow around his hands. The glow grew along his arms and soon covered his whole body. He began to feel warm and as he looked at himself his large muscles began to grow even larger. He became larger than any pump he had ever had and larger than even Goliath. He reached up to the ceiling with his arms admiring their beauty. "Yes!" he thought. He had found the secret and it had worked. He had swallowed Mordac's power and his muscles were now incorporating it into his own! He flexed his bicep and it grew to 22 inches (56 cm), hard, lean and peaked. He needed to test his strength to be sure and in the corner of the cell was an iron torture rack that weighed over 1000 lbs. (450 kg ). He tried to lift it. At first he struggled but then he raised it two inches, then six, then a foot off the ground! Yes, power was now his! He felt exhilarated. Then the blue orb of clouds materialized before him. "Yamin," said the orb. "You have proven yourself to be a remarkable opponent." Yamin starred in awe of Lord Mordac. "Your superior mind, cunning and perception allowed you to overcome my two stronger champions but now it is time for you to choose." "I need nothing from you, Mordac," shouted Yamin. "I have taken your power from Estus and now it is mine to do as I wish," pounding his fist on his chest in defiance. "Foolish mortal" said Mordac calmly. "You thought your act with Estus gave you his power? No, my Yamin. I willed it so. I wanted you to feel the strength and size that you have craved for so long. The effects are only temporary. Even as we speak the gift is leaving you. Look at your arm." Yamin looked at his right arm and flexed it so that his giant biceps reappeared again. He noticed just as Mordac had spoken it was slightly smaller that just a few minutes ago. "But now you must choose Yamin whether to become my servant or not. To keep the gift that I have given you, you must take the vow and do my bidding for the rest of your life. And your first task will be to kill the Queen and bring Arellus to power." Yamin climbed the stairs out of the dungeon and the soldiers cheered him. He was tired. He conferred with Axus outside the Queen's chambers. Axus patted him on his shoulder as Yamin entered the Queen's private room. The Queen, having already heard the news of his defeat of Estus, approached him with a loving embrace and they kissed. While they embraced Yamin brought his large boned hands up and placed them around the Queen's neck. She tried to pull away and scream but the muscle god quickly tightened his grip and crushed the Queen's neck. He laid the dead Queen down on the floor. He turned to Axus whom he had briefed before he entered the room. "Go Axus, release Arellus from the dungeon for he, as the former head of the Senate, is now the new King of Gloth. The people of Gloth will now be free. Then pack your things for we have other tasks to perform for Lord Mordac." End
  22. Nick and Brandon are stepbrothers. The two brothers never really bonded with each other due to their differences in basically everything, not just their environment. Nick is the older brother, 24 years old, 6'3 tall, and 250 lbs. Brandon is the younger one, 18 years old, 5'4 tall, and 120 lbs. Nick always acts cockily around his younger brother. He would always bully and beat Brandon. Although Brandon is turned on by his brother’s size, he wishes he can be of equal match to him at the very least. One night, after working out, Nick saw himself at a mirror in his own room. He admired his pump. He flexed and worshipped his body and it gave him pleasure. He rubbed his pecs that were the size of melons. He moved his hands to his perfect washboard abs. He flexed both his arms which were bigger than grapefruits. He continued to touch himself. The feeling felt so good that he slipped his hand in his shorts and started caressing his cock, he started moaning and breathing heavily while his other hand touches his big body. Brandon heard his brother moan and sneakily peeked at the door. He secretly watched his brother pleasure himself and it turned him on. He continued to watch as Nick moaned louder and harder. He was getting close to cumming. Brandon could not help but feel aroused seeing his brother masturbating. He wanted to do something to his brother. He decided to take action. When Nick is finally asleep, Brandon went to his brother’s room and took off all Nick's clothes. He then proceeded to grab his brother’s body. He started with grabbing his brother's huge biceps and flexing them. He moved to his chest and grabbed his brother's washboard abs. Then he reached down and grabbed his small cock. It was about 4 inches long. He wrapped his fingers around it and stroked it. After a few minutes, he noticed Nick's tight asshole and noticed that he is sleeping heavily. He put his cock in his brother's ass and started thrusting into him. After a couple of minutes, he felt his brother wake up. He felt his brother’s massive cock start to get hard. Brandon started moaning and pumping harder in his brother. His orgasm started to build up inside him. When Brandon was nearing release and was moaning hard, Nick woke up. As Nick opened his eyes and saw what was happening, Brandon busted his load inside Nick. "Ughhh! Fuck yes!" Brandon shot several loads of cum deep in his brother's ass, not knowing Nick is now awake. Nick grunted as he felt his brother's hot jizz filling his hole. Brandon then pulled out his cock and shot another load of cum on Nick's face. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Nick is enraged. He grabs Brandon and starts beating him. "You fucking bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Nick grabs his brother and pushes him against the wall. Nick begins beating his brother up until he feels a weird sensation inside him. His body seems to be reacting to his brother’s cum. Nick becomes dizzy for a split second and he looks back at Brandon. Nick then notices he is not looking down at Brandon as much as before. “What the fuck?" Nick utters in confusion. Nick sees his body has shrunken. He is still big but he is no longer the giant he was before. He is now about 5'10 and 200 lbs. Nick didn't realize his cock is hardening, but Brandon did. Busy contemplating what just happened, Nick didn't notice Brandon kneeling in front of him and started sucking his massive cock. "Uhh, oh fuck!" Nick moaned. Brandon had been dreaming about this moment for years. He always wanted to suck his brother's cock. He never got the chance to do so because Nick always humiliated him. Now that he finally gets the opportunity, he takes advantage of it. Brandon continues to suck his brother's cock while touching Nick's hot body. Nick was in heaven. The feeling of having Brandon's mouth around his cock is indescribable. He felt so much pleasure that his knees weakened and he lied down. Brandon sucked harder. “Oh god, Brandon, stop." Brandon kept sucking his brother's cock. He then reaches under Nick's body and gropes his huge balls. Brandon started sucking his brother's dick faster. He could tell Nick was close to cumming. He wanted to make sure he shoots a lot of sperm in his brother's mouth. Nick was getting closer to orgasm. "Shshhit! Ughh ohh ughhh"He moaned loudly and started shooting his load in Brandon's mouth. Brandon swallowed every drop of his brother's cum, while sucking harder. Change started to gradually happen to both of them. Nick's cock was shrinking and getting smaller. Brandon's body was growing bigger and stronger. He feels his pecs growing bigger and juicier as he squeezes Nick's shrinking ones. While still sucking hard on Nick's cock, he poses a double bicep. Brandon's cock grows longer and thicker as he feels Nick's cock shrink in his mouth. He feel his limbs lengthen as he grows taller. At this point, the 24 year old Nick is about 5'5 tall and 170 lbs, he still has the muscle mass of a model, but not big as before. The 18 year old Brandon, on the other hand, is now about 6'2 and 250 lbs. Nick's cock shrunk from 10 inches to 4 inches and the opposite happened to Brandon. Nick had begged him to stop, but Brandon didn't. "Can you still beat me up, little guy?!" Brandon exclaimed. Brandon swallows and he stood up, looking at both his and his brother's bodies. He comes to the mirror and worships himself, like he saw Nick do earlier. He cums on the mirror. "Fuck that's hot! I get why you like doing that now." Brandon says. Nick stares in disbelief. "But you know what would be hotter? If I were bigger. I see you have more size I can take, I want it." Brandon says, glancing back at Nick. Brandon starts to rub and suck on Nick's now smaller body. "No please, no more, I'm too small now, please!" Nick protests and attempts to fight back but Brandon is stronger. Brandon begins squeezing every muscle he can feel. Nick feels his limbs retracting as he gets shorter. His muscles start to condense in his smaller frame. He is now about 5'3 while Brandon grows into a towering 6'4. Brandon then proceeds to knead his now thicker muscles. As he squeezes his Nick's juicy chest, it slowly transfers onto him. He works his way around his other muscles, taking it all, leaving but a faint outline of abs. Brandon checks out his body now, he is now bigger than Nick ever was. As Brandon was distracted by his own body, Nick feels a build up of pleasure churning inside him and his cock started to harden from seeing how big Brandon got. Nick started stroking his 4 incher and he started moaning. Nick's moans got Brandon's attention which made him look at Nick. "I'm gonna need that as well to complete the look." Brandon said. As Nick was about to cum, Brandon placed his hand on Nick's cock. Nick's cock began to dwindle in size while Brandon's grew into a full 12 inches. "Ughh oh fuck uh" when Nick's cock had shrunken into a little nub, he finally cums on Brandon's hand. Brandon licks his palm and smears the cum on his face, making his face more chiseled. "That's better, thanks for the donation, little bro." Brandon tells his emaciated brother as he leaves the room.
  23. Guest

    The Factory

    First story, so feedback wanted Part 1 Max quickly perked up as he heard the knock on the door. Ever since he heard that his neighborhood was next, he sat right on view of the front door; not wanting to waste any second. Why wouldn't he be excited? Class president, captain of sports teams, volunteer, and of course, tall, buff, and handsome. If someone's a lock to be an enhanced, it's him. "You're one, where's the other?" The buff officer said as he taps on his tablet. Max's look of excitement falters a little as he's hit with worry. He had hoped a clerical error or a stroke of luck hit, and his brother didn't have to go through the procedure. Who'd want to see the one he cares the most fall to the bottom rung of society? But now that the officer specifically called for him, Max has to cooperate. With hesitation, Max points towards a door on the of the hallway. =================== 10 deaths, 11 deaths, 12 deaths Timmy bangs his desk in frustration. Seems like the only thing he's good at is failing. School, romance, family, and now, games. Not that he'll quit gaming though; at least not until the government assigns his place. He knows he's destined for the lows, unlike his brother. That's why he's pouring everything into gaming; there might not be time to play when the only thing he's allowed to do is serve the enhanced. Max, that fuck. Always pretending to care. Always pushing me to go to the gym. Always inviting me to volunteer and shit. Probably wants me there to laugh at me. At least I wo... Suddenly Timmy's door breaks. Two imposing men here to collect the new shit-scraper. They look at Timmy with disgust. A smelly, short and pudgy mess, a pig sty for a room, and practically no achievements of note. Even if Timmy was never someone of note intelligence wise, he still knew what was going on. He knew this was inevitable, but he's not going down without a fight. ================ From the truck outside, Max hears screams coming from inside the house. Then, just a minute later, out come Timmy trying his best to hold back his tears. "YOU BROKE MY PC!" He screamed as he angrily stomps towards the truck. In his haste, he sat right in front of Max, the person he hates the most. Max tried to calm him down, but it was only met with silence. Max knew he had to do something to fix this. On the horizon they saw the machine. As wide as factories, as tall as skyscrapers. The motor of modern society, the factory. ======================= What started out as an idea thrown around pre-war, it quickly gained steam after the great war. Famine, deaths, and lack of skill made it hard for society to rebuild, so they turned to an old idea as a solution. A machine to determine and set ones role in society. One who gives or takes intelligence, skill, and size according to ones role. Within the first few runs, it was clear that the machine creates a clear social ladder. The rich, beautiful, and powerful, and the meek, stupid and poor. All determined by weights and algorithms of the machine. At first people protested, although once the enhanced people gained power, resistance got slowly squashed. And once the social ladder was set for the whole society, no one dared to question the continuation of the program. ====================== "Get your card and Lineup!" Max stood right in front of Timmy as the group they're in slowly enters the chamber underneath the machine. The pattern was obvious. The accomplished gets enhanced, the failures gets devolved, while the average ones are more of a crapshoot. In the line itself, there were two clear outliers. Max, who towered above everyone in both accomplishments and physicality, and Timmy, who is towered above by everyone else in both accomplishments and physicality. Timmy nervously fidgets and Max sees it. Max couldn't help but hate the thought of Timmy being so far underneath him while he becomes a leader among leaders. Max then did the unthinkable, switching both of their cards without Timmy knowing. His thinking was that the card holds the information for ones accomplishments, and if Timmy's body was combined with Max's accomplishments he'd also be enhanced. Max didn't care if he was just a regular enhanced, he just wants both of them to be equal. ==================== A project lead once realized a problem. A person's current body may not hold the true potential of themselves. Either through issues ranging from socio-economic, accidental, even to an unexpected disease. It is not uncommon to see someone not hitting their physical potential. Thankfully, the enhanced age has brought a new realm of science. Now, ones genetic potential is coded into their cards. No longer must the machine slowly scan ones body. All they need is ones card to acquire all their genetic information and their complete real-life resume. ================ Finally, the line arrived at Max. Timmy's card in hand, he entered the tube.
  24. Guest

    Maciste and the Muscle Demon

    Here’s an old story I pulled from the archives and recently updated I am working on a few ones. Happy to get comments back here or in PMs especially if you want to see more. I write about superheroes, peplum, magic, muscle growth & theft, & superhero fights & destruction. Btw I noticed the apostrophes and quotes changed to another character in the paste I’ll try to fix that next time. Maciste and the Muscle Demon Maciste after much effort disposed of the muscular warriors who were guarding the path to the cave that was the home to the demon. These guards would have been more than a match for any attacking force. Even the powerful Maciste had to struggle against them. They were men from the village who had been transformed into the demonÕs worshippers. Maciste did not harm the men, only knocked them unconscious. The women of the village had called Maciste to save their men from the demon. Several months ago the village miners had unearthed an ancient tomb deep inside the mountain. But it wasnÕt really a tomb. It was a jail for a demon whom the Ancients had encapsulated in stone there when the human race was young. Once released from his confinement, the demon slowly enslaved the men the village. The men abandoned their village, wives and their children, only to serve the sexual desires of the demon. The women had called upon Maciste to come and rescue their men from the enchantment. With the help of an old wizard, Maciste had obtained a magical, silver dagger with which he could kill the demon and vanquish him from the dimension of earth. As he reached the cave, he saw something in the brush next to the entrance. He paused to look. There was the body of a young man, but it was merely skin and bones on a body as if it had been starved of food. His eyes were still open and his hallowed cheeks and mouth frozen open as if he were still screaming. Maciste put his hands over the young manÕs eyes and closed them. ÒDonÕt worry, son, I will avenge you,Ó he said to the body and he entered the cave. Maciste walked slowly and surreptitiously through the cave hugging the stonewall looking for additional guards. At the end of the passageway, he came to the entry of a large hollowed room. There at the far end were torches on either side of a stone throne. In it sat the demon . ÒI know you are there, Maciste. Welcome,Ó he said. ÒCome closer so we can get a good look at each other. His hiding exposed, Maciste walked closer to the demon and came within 20 feet of him. He stared at the demon. The demon had the body of a tall, lean muscular man with broad shoulders and long dark wavy hair that reached his shoulders. His skin was light brown and he wore nothing but a small loincloth that barely covered his large member. ÒYou stare, Maciste. Do you like this human form that I have chosen? It suits my needs. But you are quite an impressive specimen of manhood yourself, Ó said the demon as he admired MacisteÕs larger and leaner muscular physique. The demon was hungry. “Enough of this,Ó Maciste shouted. ÒRelease these men of the village now from your spells, and I will not harm you!” The demon laughed at the demand. ÒI am sure you are quite formidable. But you are going to meet a challenger whom I think you will find most extraordinary. His name is Sarkus.Ó From the shadows off to the side of the stone throne, a blonde, bronzed man stepped into the torchlight. MacisteÕs eyes turned to the foe. He was the same height and build as Maciste, about 6’ 2” with broad bulbous shoulders that tapered to a 32- inch waist and etched abs. But he had about 20 pounds of more muscle than Maciste had on the same frame. Sarkus smiled confidently at Maciste and slowly raised his right arm and flexed. SarkusÕs right bicep rose and rose and rose. His arm peaked at 22 inches, almost two inches bigger than the village womenÕs hero. “Yes, you see Maciste. Sarkus was the strongest and largest warrior in this village until he joined me. And with the gifts I have bestowed on him, he is now the strongest man in the world! Oh, IÕm sorry. DidnÕt that used to be your title?Ó snickered the demon. ÒI have defeated larger opponents in the past,Ó Maciste answered confidently. ÒSarkus will be no different.” “Well then, Sarkus, why donÕt you dethrone Maciste from his title officially?” Sarkus strode toward the hero. Maciste pulled the magic dagger from its sheath in his belt and lunged toward his larger twin. He planned to push Sarkus aside and head toward to the demon himself. But Sarkus was fast for his size and he quickly stopped MacisteÕs advance. He grabbed MacisteÕs left arm that held dagger and then his right. The two muscle giants were locked hand to hand in a contest of pure strength. As each one pressed upon the other and seemed to gain an inch, his opponent pushed back and recovered the lost ground. The struggle went on and on. Sarkus focused his right grip, which was his stronger side, on MacisteÕs left wrist. His hand pressed like a vise attempting to force Maciste to drop the dagger. Maciste resisted but his wrist contained little direct muscular power to resist the powerful vise. Eventually his wrist gave way and the dagger fell from his hand whereupon Sarkus kicked it toward the edge of the darkness of the chamber. With the dropping of the weapon, Maciste was freer to force back SarkusÕs hand and once again the titans were locked in what seemed like an unending test of strength. “Surprised, Maciste?” taunted the demon. “Never felt this kind of power before, have you? I knew when I made SarkusÕs muscles larger, they would with my help become more powerful than yours!” Yes, Maciste was surprised. No man, no matter how large, had been able to match Maciste in power for this long. A small seed of doubt began to grow in MacisteÕs mind, and where there is doubt, there is weakness. In a battle of near equals, doubt can make a difference. As doubt began to swirl in MacisteÕs mind, the endurance of his powerful muscles began to weaken. As Sarkus pushed, Maciste could no longer recover the lost ground. Sarkus noticed this; his confidence grew and with confidence comes more strength into the body. That confidence made Sarkus push even harder than he ever had before, further weakening Maciste and pushing him back further and down. Maciste looked into the burning brown eyes of this opponent who was slowly overpowering him. Then in those eyes he saw the face of SarkusÕs wife calling Maciste to help her. “Sarkus, think of your wife and children,” Maciste said. Sarkus almost seemed to pause. That gave Maciste an opportunity. Using the force that Sarkus was himself applying, Maciste added his own and pulled both himself and Sarkus backwards. As MacisteÕs back hit the floor, he lifted his feet onto the washboard abdomen of his foe and propelled him backward with such a force that Sarkus was body slammed against the cavityÕs stonewall. His foe fell to the floor unconscious. Maciste leaped to his feet and faced the demon who rose from his chair and slowly approached him, clapping. Maciste needed to stall. He needed to find the dagger on the cave floor. His eyes scanned for it while trying to be watchful of the demon. “Very good, Maciste. You have lived up to your reputation.” The demon and the hero circled each other as they spoke. Unknown to Maciste, the demonÕ s breath contained a chemical that acted like a narcotic that weakened a humanÕs will. As he scanned for the dagger, Maciste decided to engage the demon. “Now release these men before itÕs too late,” Maciste threatened. Again the demon laughed. “Did you know, Maciste, that each one of these men joined me willingly? Yes, each one wanted to be manlier and more powerful, for their women, for their place in their village, for their work. So I gave them the strength and the physiques they dreamed about. As each one saw what I had given them, more came to me asking for the same thing! Their own lack of self worth turned them to me.” ”But you enchanted them. They rejected their wives, and left their families to become your slave.” Maciste ‘s tone was no longer angry like previously. He seemed to become calm as the demonÕs breath began to take effect on him. Then he spotted a flicker of light off the silver dagger on the floor. The two continued to circle each other as they talked but Maciste stopped when he reached the spot where he saw the flicker. “Ha! How little you know! These men asked for the physical gifts I gave them. In exchange, I asked for their love. They experienced an ecstasy with me that their wives could never provide them. Once they tasted my pleasure, no women could satisfy them again. From their love, I grew even more powerful.” ”You care nothing of these men, their village or their families,” Maciste said with conviction. His heart rate was slowing. “In fact, I care for and know them quiet well,” answered the demon. “I even know you, Maciste, better than you do. I know your character. Yes, you are good and true but I know what moves you?” “You know nothing about me.” Maciste began to feel lightheaded. His heart was no longer racing. He began to think about his timing. He needed to step back and reach for the dagger and plunge it into the demon but he needed to lull the demon into thinking he was not a threat. The demonÕs breath though was distracting his concentration. “Oh but I do. You see, your conviction, your courage, your confidence, your goodness, your steadfastness comes not from your inner nature. It comes from your strength, your looks and your body. Without them, your nature is just as weak as everyone elseÕs. I can enhance that body for you” Maciste stepped back and his left foot stepped on the blade of the dagger. He was not ready though. His mind was cloudy and relaxed and he listened to the demon further. “Let me show you. Curl your right arm for me and show me that beautiful manliness of your arm.” Now was the time for Maciste to reach for the dagger but he was confused and susceptible. He secretly enjoyed showing off his physique to the women he slept with and he wanted to show it off now. He did as the demon suggested and raise his arm showing off his 20 inch peaked tan bicep. “Yes, look at it Maciste.”Maciste stared at it. “Oh , it is so beautiful,” said the demon. “Now squeeze it a little harder and watch it!” As Maciste flexed more, he watched his bicep began to grow larger and larger till it was 23 inches. MacisteÕs eyes opened wide. “Yes, I have made it even more beautiful. Now kiss it.” Maciste continued to stare at his right gun and the veins and striations that ran across it. Never had it been that pumped. The demon gently touched the back of MacisteÕs head, pushing his face toward his bicep until MacisteÕs lips reached it and then hesitantly kissed it. “Yes, itÕs beautiful, isnÕt it?” the demon repeated. “Join me, Maciste, love me, and that bicep will be yours forever.” Maciste pondered those words as he continued to stare at his incredible masculine arm. Then from the place where Sarkus was lying, came a moan as Sarkus began to wake up, pressing himself off the floor with his inverted V triceps. Maciste turned his head toward Sarkus. That distraction was enough to break the mesmerizing moment for Maciste. He pushed the demon back and shouted “No. Never!” The demon was surprised but not alarmed. He stepped further back from his prey. “So Maciste. You have chosen. But as I said, who you are comes from that physique of yours. Without it, you are no hero, no moral guardian. You are no better nor more valorous than others, may be even weaker than most.” Maciste stood watching the demon as he spoke. His mind was so dazed, he did not know what to do though the dagger lay at his feet. “Where shall we start? LetÕs start with those arms of yours. Every man notices first another manÕs arm muscles. What if those arms suddenly shrunk and turned to flab?Ó Maciste looked at his right arm. Gone were the leanness, the veins, the bulbous delts, the defined biceps and triceps. Replaced with a mound of flab, straight and smooth and hanging off his arm. “No,” shouted Maciste. By now, Sarkus was standing behind the demon watching MacisteÕs transformation. “And how about those powerful legs of yours that propelled my Sarkus?” As the demon spoke, MacisteÕs defined muscular quads and calves muscles shrunk to bone and flab. “My legs!” He shouted as the demon laughed. ”Let’s turn that six pack into a bowl of jelly.” Our hero’s incredible abdominal armor flattened and disappeared into a small belly of fat. ”No, stop!” He reached and touched his now soft, cushiony stomach. ”And of course, those rounded striated pecs of yours.” His impressive domed pecs deflated and drooped. His once taunt nipples puffed out. His chest looked like old man bitch tits in need of a bra. “No, my chest! My power! My strength! What have you done to me! Give it back to me! Give it back!” he shouted. Maciste fell to his knees and he placed his hands on his now hanging man boobs. Whereas before he had felt his strong hard pec muscles, now he felt only softness like a womanÕs breast. That feeling was too much for him. “So Maciste, where is that confidence? Where is that goodness of yours? Where is that bravery?” The demon laughed. Sarkus smiled. Maciste then felt the dagger at his ankle. He reached down and grabbed it. He quickly jumped up and pointed the dagger at the demon, staring him in the eyes. “Stop, Maciste. If you strike me with that dagger, your present form will become permanent. You will never become the man you were.” Suddenly Maciste froze. Could the demonÕs words be true? Could he kill the demon but be trapped without his strength, power and physique? He had to kill him. He had to save the others. He must do it. He looked down at his fatty chest and his bulging belly. Maciste let go of the knife and it fell to the floor with a clang. He dropped his head to his chest and whispered, I will do what you want so long as you change me back.” The demon laughed. He picked up the dagger and handed it to Sarkus and said, “Destroy it..” Sarkus took the dagger into his hands and began to bend it, breaking it in two. The demon walked around Maciste as he spoke to him. “So our hero wasnÕt really the hero was he? Yes, it was easy before, wasnÕt it, Maciste? You were stronger than everyone, you were more powerful than everyone, you were handsome, you had that physique of yours that every man was jealous of and every woman loved. It was easy to be brave! It was easy to be righteous! It was easy to sacrifice and do the right thing! Because you never had to sacrifice, did you? But now with all that gone, itÕs hard, isnÕt it? In fact, for you, it was too hard. You couldnÕt do it without your power, your strength, your beauty. You were in fact all this time, weak inside. Weak where it counted. Not so wonderful and godlike as everyone thought!” Maciste head was bowed. His wide but now smoothed shoulders slumped forward. He realized all the demon said was true. It was easy for him to be good when he was so powerful. He could never fail. Tears began to well in his eyes. “I’ve agreed to do as you wish, now change me back,” whispered the broken former muscleman. “Give me back my strength,” he hesitated, “please..” ”Go into that room over there and sit on the floor,” said the demon pointing at an opening at the far end of the chamber. “Wait for me there!” he ordered. Two other muscular henchmen escorted Maciste out the large chamber. The demon turned toward the room and Sarkus grabbed his sinewy arm. “ Master,” he said, “please give him to me. Let me have him.” “No,” he replied, grabbing SarkusÕs arm and quickly removing it from his. “His power and strength are enormous. Unlike any I have felt before. I must have it for myself. I do not have much time. I found a weakness in his mind and my little transformation trick will not last long. I must move quickly before he realizes he lost his size but not his great strength.” Maciste entered the room and sat down on the black bear skin rug that covered the stone floor. As he sat, he looked down at his chest. There hung two sacks of fat looking like udders where his massive tight rounded pecs once were. He began to weep. He thought as soon as his strength was restored, he would crush the demonÕs head with it. But he needed to cooperate with the demon for his plan to work. The demon entered the small room alone and stood in front of the weeping Maciste.”So Maciste, do you miss your power? Do you miss your muscles?” “Yes, “ the once confident hero whimpered. “I want them back. I need them. What do you want from me?” ”If I give them back, will you promise to keave this area and never come back?” ”Yes, I will do as you wish,” said the defeated hero. “ I will restore them then But during the spell you must give yourself utterly to me. With all your will and with all your heart. ” I donÕt know if I can,” he said. “You must if you want the magic to change you back. Or do you prefer a chest like this?” And the demon took his hands and lifted each sagging pecs of Maciste and let them fall back onto the warriorÕs chest. Maciste wiped the tears from his face. He knew he had no choice. “.I'll try as you wish.” And his chin sunk lower onto this chest, hoping his moment for revenge would come soon. ”First, you must drink.” The demon knelt in front of the hero and began to massage his own powerful left pec. Maciste raised his head and watched. As the demon pressed into the pec, the pec began to swell. It quickly became bloated and the nipple, once tight, was now puffy. The demon lifted the tumescent chest muscle with his left hand, leaned toward Maciste and with his right hand behind the heroÕs head brought MacisteÕs mouth to the demonÕs nipple and said, “Now drink this milk from me.” Reluctantly, Maciste began to suck as commanded. The milk was both sweet and sour, neither foul nor refreshing. The demonÕs head and eyes looked toward the ceiling as he enjoyed the heroÕs mouth on his areola. Maciste drank until the pec was no longer inflated and had returned to its original shape. ”Now onto your hands and knees, Maciste,”ordered the demon. The warrior complied. Maciste looked down and saw his pecs hanging off his chest with his nipples pointing to the rug like small udders. His pecs no longer grew like cliffs from his sternum. More tears flowed into his eyes. “I must do this,” he angrily said to himself. “I must get my body back and then I will take care of this demon.” Though he was angry, he began to feel a sense of calm, not realizing the DemonÕs pec milk was having a soothing effect on him. The demon ripped MacisteÕs loincloth from him and the warrior was now totally naked. The demon knelt beside MacisteÕs torso and rubbed his hands together. As he rubbed, his pores began to open up and secreted a special whitish oil. The demon began to massage the oil into the warriorÕs smooth back and shoulders. As the demon rubbed, the warriorÕs delts, lats, traps and rhomboids began to grow and reappear. The oil and the rubbing created a warming sensation in Maciste. As the demon rubbed, the warming sensation had a further soothing effect on the warrior. His mind began to feel at ease and adrift either from the warmth or the demon milk or both. Maciste did not know which, but more important, he did not care. He tried to stay angry but began to yearn for the stress relief it provided. That comfort gradually led to feelings of pleasure. He began to enjoy the massage the demon was giving him. The demon extended the massage to the heroÕs sagging glutes. The fattiness of his glutes began to melt away and was replaced with hard firming muscle. He could feel his back and glute muscles growing and tightening. “Yes,” he said to himself, “ My power will be back soon, and I will slay this devil.” Soon his buttocks were muscular and round like they were before. Maciste knew his strength must be returning. These feelings of warmth, pleasure and strength began to spread down his legs and to his arms and chest from his back and butt. More skin and fat retreated across his body, and he could see his chest filling again with muscle. A battle of anger against the demon and the pleasurable feelings battled in his mind and his thoughts flowed back and forth between the two. “How are you feeling, Maciste. Do you want more muscle back?”asked the demon. “Yes,yes” he said, “more.” The demon began to massage the warriorÕs legs and arms and to work the palm secretions into the warriorÕs butt hole. This was a sensation the strongman had never felt before for no man had entered there. A corner of his mind resisted but other parts said no, he must allow it to regain his strength and get his revenge. By now, MacisteÕs mind was entering a daze. All he felt was pleasure. His anger faded even more into a mental whisper. He could see and feel his muscles returning. He lifted his hand off the floor to touch his right pec to feel the hardness and his pec cliffs returning. He thought it was almost time to turn on the demon, but the pleasure was so overwhelming and calming. He paused and thought he must wait till he knew his strength was fully restored. Besides surely the pleasure would subside by then. His member began to swell. “Now, Maciste, it is time to complete your transformation back,” smiled the demon. The demon removed his own loincloth to reveal an organ unlike any human maleÕs. It was long, covered with large pores with smooth but hard edges that encircled the shaft. The demon began to rub it and it swelled to over 12 inches quickly. A black gel began to ooze from the pores on the head and sides once it stiffened. The demon inserted his organ into the dazed strongman. Maciste winced and cried, “Agggh” for nothing had entered butt hole before. There was pain but the gel though smoothed that away. As the demon began to pump the strongman , the secretions eased the rubbing and surged into MacisteÕs body. Volumes and volumes were released with each breeding thrust so much so that Maciste muscled belly began to distend like a time lapsed pregnancy. The black ooze travelled everywhere, to every muscle and to his brain. With each thrust, the demonÕs member vibrated, flooding new sensations into the warriorÕs mind. MacisteÕs member quickly engorged and grew stiff. “Now say it, Maciste, say ‘I am yours, master,’” said the demon. “Agree to give yourself to me.” Even with the pleasure overflowing his mind, Maciste hesitated. The hero though then looked at his arms and as the demon pumped. He admired his muscular beauty. His muscle and vascularity had returned. His member was now taller and tighter than it had ever been. A small voice in his head said he must turn and attack now. “Now say it, Maciste. Say ‘I am yours, master,’” ordered the demon as the pounding sent waves of euphoria through MacisteÕs brain and further filling the heroÕs enlarged belly with more magical ooze. “I, I” Maciste repeated, but his mind was full of conflicting voices and still resisted. The secretions from the demon were transforming not only his body but his mind as well. His anger was gone and his warriorÕs will was weakening. “Now say it. Feel the hardness of your muscles, Maciste. You know you want them. Say you are mine. Otherwise your strength will be lost forever and you will lose the physique that I have returned to you. SAY IT!” His anger growing with impatience. “This is taking too long,” thought the demon. As the thrusts continued, the highs and lows of the euphoria leveled out. Maciste entered a dream state of bliss. He hardly noticed the thrusting anymore and could barely hear the demonÕs voice which sounded faint and muffled in the new state his mind was in. He lifted his left arm and moved his hand across his chest crevice resting it on his right pec. He looked down at it. It felt hard and it showed striations as he flexed it. Touching his hard muscle magnified the pleasure feelings even more. His finger grazed his right nipple and a spike of orgasm flooded his brain. His member began to ache for release. “Do you want your muscles or not?” shouted the demon as he pressed faster and harder into the restored muscleman. “SAY it!” the demon shouted again. Maciste looked again at his restored chest keeping his hand pressing against his hard muscle. Inside his brain, a faint voice called to what remained of his willpower, “Turn now and strike him” a faint voice whispered in his head. As he began to turn his torso and arm toward the demon, his voice whispered “I am yours, master.” Maciste then climaxed with such force that he was close to fainting. His seed shot copiously onto the rug. “Yes!” shouted the demon as he looked toward the caveÕs ceiling in victory. “Give me your power!” he called out hitting his fists on his chest as he continued to breed the muscleman whose belly was so distended full of the demon’s black cum. The demon then climaxed. The spell was now complete. Just then MacisteÕs body began to shutter. Every muscle that had been restored quivered. The body of the demon also began to quiver. Then it was if a vacuum had started inside the warriorÕs body. His muscles began to shrink and shrink. Meanwhile the demonÕs physique began to grow and grow. Larger and ever more muscular, and the demon shouted “Yes, yes, give me all of it!” As the demon withdrew from the hero. MacisteÕs body collapsed face forward onto the floor. There lay a tall, broad shouldered man of only skin and bones like the desiccated male body the hero had found outside the caveÕs entrance. All his muscle stripped from him. The demon raised his arms in a double bicep pose and stared at them. They were larger than ever before! Larger than any man had ever seen. Full of strength and might. Now the power of Maciste had become his.
  25. tegalus

    Kyle, the bully God

    Commissioned from SaltyCat56 on FurAffinity It was his first 10k Story and first Commission https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saltycat56/ A thanky to @Kymuscleboy for helping with the Tags . All characters are +18 Kyle eagerly walked down to the science lab, pushing aside any nerds and bitches that got in his way. Normally he'd be down in the cafeteria shaking people down of any food with protein in it, but he had skipped lunch in order to talk a bunch of nerds about making a machine that could make his brains match his brawn, something he needed in order to pass his classes and not be held back a year. He'd threatened the nerds a week ago that he would steal their girlfriends if they didn't have the machine ready by Monday lunch, assuming any of them could get girlfriends in the first place. When he reached the science lab, he barged in with barely any effort. The pathetic nerds jumped at his presence, working on something with two chambers big enough to put groups of people in. Kyle walked up to the machine, using his tail like a whip to firmly smack the ass of a nerd burying their head into a book. Their fault for having their back turned to their better. He eyed up the machine, unsure of what he was looking at. He used his tail again, this time wrapping it around a frail-looking nerd like a lasso and pulling him closer, pressing him to his bulky, muscled body. To the poor nerd it probably felt like he was being pushed up against a wall. "Hey Nerd, the fuck am I looking at?" Kyle asked while looking down at him, the nerd in question at eye level with his nipples. He stammered before finally answering the question. "Ba-basically, it's, uh, a conversion chamber. One steps into the intelligence donor chamber and the person in the intelligence recipient will inherit the intelligence being donated." The nerd squeaked out, surprisingly not speaking in annoying science lingo. "Al-fuckin-right then! Who's volunteering to help me pass my college level math class?" Kyle shouted eagerly. He started to get annoyed though when no nerds volunteered and the one he pulled close to him spoke up. "W-well, actually, we think their might be some negative neuropsychological ramifications for the donor, not to mention unwanted-" was all the nerd got out before being given a wedgie by Kyle, yelping as he dangled a solid foot off the ground before being swung in the direction of one of the chambers. "That right there's the donor chamber, right?" Kyle asked demandingly. The nerd nodded. "Y-yes Kyle!" The wedgie got more intense. "I think ya meant to say 'yes, sir', bitch boy." Kyle corrected the pathetic nerd. "Y-yes, s-sir!" The nerd desperately yelled out before being shoved into the donor chamber. The nerd desperately adjusted his junk as Kyle pulled another nerd up to the machine. "Run the machine and no funny shit or I'm beating down all of y'all!" Kyle demanded as he stepped into the other chamber. The other nerd complied as he started up the machine. The doors locked by the time the first nerd managed to readjust himself and tried to get out. He pounded on the chamber door, pleading to be let out as the machine started to work on the intelligence transfer. The nerd's pleading and pounding grew quieter until nothing. After about a minute, the machine rang and the doors unlocked. Kyle stepped out of his chamber a bit bigger than he used to but he hadn't seemed to have noticed. He looked around at the other five nerds in the room, all of them looking at him. "Alright, someone get me a trigonometry book, that shit was the worst for me." He ordered before noticing that he was a bit taller than before, by about half an inch. Another nerd handed Kyle a trigonometry book and he started to skim through it. Some concepts that were hard for him to process before were now relatively quick and simple for him to understand. Kyle chuckled in delight as he started to think of what he could do with this machine. He opened up the donor chamber to see the nerd he shoved in now being more meek than he was before. The nerd crawled out as if he had neither the muscle nor the brain capacity to walk, collapsing face-first onto Kyle's sneaker. Kyle looked down at the emaciated weakling as the once nerd looked up and had a look in his eye akin to a dog acknowledging its owner before it started licking at Kyle's sneaker. "The hell happened to him?" Kyle asked, pointing down to the pathetic husk at his feet, noticing he was short a nerd but didn't say anything about it. "Well, it had to do with the negative neuropsychological side effects he was talking about earlier." A nerd started explaining. "More or less, it completely drained him of the intelligence necessary for many basic functions. I think it's safe to say he's incapable of much speech or critical thinking. However, this seems to have impacted physicality as well. It ended up not just donating intelligence but also muscle mass. If you haven't already noticed, you came out just slightly bigger than when you came in." By the time the nerd pointed that out, the one missing nerd returned with a full body mirror, probably getting it from the theater class. As the other nerd put the full body mirror in front of him, he noticed his body was a bit bulkier. Probably about 5 pounds of muscle mass had been added to his already muscular body. He couldn't help but flex and groan in satisfaction with the results. Especially looking down to see the husk of his donor still practically worshiping his feet. But he clearly wasn't done just yet. Hegrabbed the nerd who explained the situation to him, pulling him into a headlock. "So what do you think would happen if I sapped all of y'all of everything? Would I be able to improve the machine?" Kyle asked sadistically, looking down at the nerd with a wicked smirk. He pathetically tried to squirm free to no avail, Kyle’s bicep squeezing down on his neck as he started rounding up all the other ones before they could even think of leaving. The nerd would just struggle even harder before being shoved into the donor chamber along with all the other nerds, Kyle forcing the door shut on them. "Only one way to find out then, would be my guess." Kyle said nonchalantly as the nerds pounded on the door while letting out pathetic pleas. Kyle proceeded to pick the nerd husk off the ground, away from his feet, and got the former nerd to sit in the teacher's chair which he pulled in front of the control console. "Start the machine when I go into the other chamber, understand?" Kyle instructed the husk very slowly, unsure admittedly of its capacity to understand, let alone its ability to turn on the machine. The husk nodded in response, looking up at Kyle. "Yes master." The husk responded slowly and almost absent-mindedly. Hearing the husk refer to him like that was a bit of a turn on as he stepped into the other chamber, feeling a bit more confident about his decision. As the door closed behind Kyle, the machine started up once again. This time Kyle ended up feeling a massive amount of pressure while in the chamber. Enough to make it painful but only for a short while. It actually got him a bit hard after a few seconds. When the machine rang once again, Kyle had to squeeze his way out. His muscles were definitely bulking up, a few veins now visible on his biceps. When he went to observe himself in the full body mirror, not only had his body almost outgrown all of his clothes, all of it barely able to contain his massive body to the point to where just flexing along could probably rip the clothes off, but his noggin also grew, not close to how his body grew but enough to be noticeable, especially a small, visible vein on the left side of his forehead. He opened up the donor chamber to see all the other former nerds pathetically fumble out of the chamber, all of them mindlessly clamoring around Kyle to worship him, kissing his sneakers and hugging onto his muscular legs, one of them getting a visible hard on as he kissed the tip of Kyle's sneaker. He chuckled before snapping his fingers twice, making them all stop and sit like dogs, all of them looking up at Kyle. He then flexed his massive body, the clothes around him ripping as exposing some of his body, veins forming on his biceps and pecs, bouncing them to entice the husks beneath him, all of their puny dicks twitching as they looked on in awe of their alpha. "You puny bitches like what you see?" Kyle asked his new slaves teasingly, fully knowing what their answer would be but wanted to hear it anyway. They all nodded, some drooling, one letting out a pathetically horny whimper. Of course they loved it, it was in their nature as dull-brained squirms to admire their better. He slowly stripped down to his jock to entice his new slaves to make them more susceptible to his will. Small visible veins were scattered throughout his muscular body. "You pathetic horn dogs want your master bigger and smarter? Go get more people for me to drain while I work on improving this little toy you dumbasses made. Y’all couldn’t even get this thing to maximum efficiency, but I bet I can now. Go." Kyle ordered all the husks cowering beneath his towering body, which was only emphasized when compared to their small, puny frames, so thin you could practically see their skeletal structure. They nodded as they scrambled up to their feet and started shambling out of the classroom. Kyle playfully tail whipped the last husk to leave before grabbing some of the nearby tools and getting to work on improving the haphazardly put together chamber, the task now easy for him to manage. A good few minutes passed by before some of the husks came back with some of their friends, just in time for Kyle to expand both the donor chamber and the recipient chamber. He’d also remade the recipient chamber out of sturdier metal so they could handle potential overgrowth from Kyle. He has also allied the interior of both chambers with multiple full body mirrors. Not only so he can watch himself grow and bulk up but also his victims could watch all their muscle mass be drained from them, hopefully learning their fate as they become more dull-brained husk slaves, now only living to serve their better. He had also created a remote activator so he could activate the machine from inside the recipient chamber. Kyle lassoed the soon to be victims, a group of 7, with his tail and wrangled them into the donor chamber. He slammed the donor chamber door shut, chuckling at the pathetic resistance of the people brought in. The best part of creating the remote activator was that Kyle could simply activate the machine himself and didn't have to rely on a husk to activate it and risk something going wrong. He activated the machine and felt a jolt of painful pleasure surging through his body. Now he also had the opportunity to see the progress in the mirrors. His muscles rapidly throbbing and writhing under his skin. Even his forehead started to do this as well, though it was harder to notice. Kyle groaned pleasurably as he watched his body expand once more. As the jolt started to subside, his muscles started to settle down but still ended up bigger than before, more veins visible on his body and the ones from before became more prominent, his biceps and thighs being most veiny. Another vein appeared on his forehead, this time on the right side. More husks to serve and worship Kyle, crawling out of the chamber, crawling to his feet. "More, bitches!" Kyle shouted demandingly before the new husks could even begin worshiping his body. He got tired of how long it took for them to scramble to their feet so he helped them up without intending to. By some force, the husks got quickly elevated to their feet. It took Kyle only a second to realize he did it with his mind. He chuckled as he toyed with one for a bit while the rest of the husks left to get more puny humans for the practical living God that Kyle was becoming. He used his telekinetic abilities to wiggle the meek husk around a bit before pulling the puny thing into the cleavage of his massive pecs. Chuckling as the pathetic husk groaned as he got pressed as much against Kyle as was possible. Effortlessly flexing his pecs to make it bounce against the husk, pushing its head further into his cleavage much to the husk's pleasure. Feeling a rush of pleasure too, the semi-hard on making the jockstrap make an audible rip, he decided to keep the husk around a bit while waiting for the rest to come back. "Worship your God's pecs, bitch!" Kyle demanded of the now horny husk, not that its puny dick was noticeable any more. The husk moaned as it caressed Kyle's pecs while he groaned and flexed more, admiring all the visible veins and muscle mass he accumulated. The pleasure amplified more as the husk wisely decided to start licking and sucking on his pecs, hitting Kyle's magic spot that completely gave him a hard on. "Oh yeah, just like that, slave bitch!" Kyle shouted eagerly as he pinned the husk to the wall with his towering body, now starting up a sweat from being in heat, his dick throbbing in between the husks legs, making it more clear to the husk that Kyle was his better, his dick now big enough for the husk to ride like a horse, especially now that it was fully hard. After just minutes of worshiping Kyle's pecs the husk apparently had already come, Kyle feeling a pathetic squirt that was mostly covered by the husk’s pants, but was still damp enough against Kyle's prominent 6-pack for Kyle to tell what happened. "Seriously, not only do you come to your new God without approval, but you let out such a pathetic fucking load?" Kyle asked disappointedly. Backing up from the wall but telepathically keeping the husk pinned to the wall, giving up on the idea of wearing any clothes by ripping off his jockstrap and kicking off his shoes, completely forgetting that he was building up foot stink for an eager to pay foot freak who he was meeting up after school. The freak would most likely be gathered up anyway so decided to forget about the whole arrangement. He forced the husk to his knees, Kyle's massive, throbbing cock in front of his face. "Suck, bitch!" Kyle shouted in a horny fit as he practically pushed his dick against the husk's face. The husk groaned as it started to suck Kyle off. Kyle groaned in pleasure as his dick throbbed and hardened more. He was very tempted to just skull fuck the puny husk, using it's body like a fleshlight but he decided to spare the pathetic thing from potentially being completely broken. After all he didn't quite want to break his toy, as now its only purpose was to serve him anyway. The husk started to get past the tip of Kyle's dick, groaning as it throbbed against its mouth. Kyle started to sweat more as he used his telekinesis to get the husk to fully deepthroat from the husk, the husk's body flinching as a reaction to being penetrated from Kyle's girth. As he started to thrust his dick inside the husk's mouth, apparently more people clamored into the science lab. Kyle turned towards them while he fucked the husk but was a bit confused when he saw that they weren't brought in by the other husks that he sent out. It wasn't until he noticed some flustered faces and tents in guy's pants that he figured that his body was emitting intense pheromones, apparently making everyone nearby mindlessly horny for Kyle. It was practically a form of hypnosis. He grinned deviously as he saw the gym coach among the growing crowd, along with some of the gym kids, getting an idea to take the steroids that they were taking, an unspoken thing in this school. "Hey, gym bitches, gimme your steroids!" Kyle shouted to them. They left, presumably to get them from their lockers. Kyle started to get close, almost forgetting about the lucky husk below him. He panted and groaned as he grabbed the head of the husk, deciding to skull fuck the husk anyway, as the husk wasn't doing enough to get him fully off. He played gently through, trying not to break the puny, pathetic fucker. He got his dick as far into the husk's mouth before finally coming, panting heavily. Just in time for the gym bitches to come back with their steroid doses, all of them using pill forms. The husk had to retract his body and gag out about two gallons worth of load onto the floor. Kyle looks down at the pathetic thing, raising one of his feet and pushing it down on the husk's body, pushing it into the pile of load onto the floor. "Lick it all up, dick taster." Kyle ordered, taking the steroids afterwards. Taking a large dose but not enough to induce an overdose. Even though at his size, he could probably take all of them, he didn't want to take the risk. He then used his telekinetic abilities to stuff as many people into the donor chamber as possible. Stepping down a bit more on the husk as it licked his load off the floor before walking off toward the recipient chamber, his dick still dripping a bit. He got into the chamber after cramming in about 20 people into the donor chamber, looking back to see everyone at the school now clamoring around the classroom. He grinned as he closed the donor chamber and stepped into the other chamber, closing it behind him and turning it on. The jolt is now really intense, making Kyle fall to his knees. Panting as he felt the muscles writhing, expanding and contracting under his skin. It expanded more rapidly as he groaned in a mixture of absolute pain and absolute pleasure. Not only were his muscles expanding, but his brain was well, his head swelling in the multiple reflections in the chamber. His head flooded with an immense amount of knowledge and comprehension. He figured if he used up the entire school, he could dominate and drain the world with ease. His nails scratching the floor of the chamber as he endured the pain, all worth it for practical God-hood. The chamber rang, giving Kyle an indication that it was over. He slowly got up, the floor of the chamber creaking a bit under his weight. He opened the door and slowly squeezed himself out of the chamber. He had to bend the door frame a bit just to get his broad, veiny shoulders fully out. He eventually managed to pop himself out. He sized himself up, noticing that he was now at least a foot taller than he last was. His pecs were so big now, he can't look down enough to see much of his torso. He noticed his biceps were about half covered in veins, mostly covered when he flexed them. He groaned in absolute delight, flexing before his horny, soon to be slaves. "You bitches and bitch boys love what you see~? Wanna see your new God get even bigger and brighter~?" Kyle asked his crowd teasingly. Flexing as a way to maximize his pheromone output. Sweat glistened across his whole, muscled-up body. The sunlight from the window poked in and bounced off the beads of sweat in a way that would make him look like the living, breathing God he knew he would become in a matter of days. What the final results would be according to Kyle's calculations, would make the muscular Gods of myth look like pathetic, tiny twinks compared to him. It seemed like the show was enough to get the crowd eager to give themselves to Kyle, even after seeing the aftermath of donating their muscle and mind to him as the 20 husks crawled out of the donor chamber. The crowd cheered and gathered around the donor chamber, already getting in, already knowing the process and eager to give themselves to him. Kyle chuckled as he squeezed himself back into the recipient chamber. After hearing the donor chamber close, he closed the recipient chamber and turned it back on. There was less pain and more pleasure this time, his body now getting used to the process. He groaned as his body grew once more as he watched in the mirrors. His pecs now sprinkled with veins along with the rest of his body and even his head, his head getting bigger, by centimeters with each series of processes. Each time the machine rang, people helped the husks vacate so they could get into the donor chamber, Kyle not even bothering to leave the chamber. Though eventually he had too, each expansion making the chamber creak and groan more and more around him. He had to start crouching just to try to buy the chamber more time. Around the 6th process, the chamber was too tight for comfort. With a tired and slightly frustrated grunt he stood up and flexed, destroying the chamber the same way a baby bird breaks out of an egg. The crowd looked on in awe, about 1/10th of the school now turned into husks. He towered over the crowd, his head now grazing the ceiling of the classroom. He didn't quite know if the gym would be able to properly accommodate his projected size if his calculations were correct, which was most likely. He weighed the odds in his head, the veins getting more prominent as he thought about it. Ultimately, it didn't matter much was his conclusion. He stomped past the clamored group in the science lab, uncaring of those he knocked down with his feet and even stepped on. He effortlessly tore down the wall, scooting the debris aside with his feet to make a clearer way "Alright, you lot, I want that machine moved to the gym in the next hour! If it's not there by…" He quickly glances down the hall to see that it's 2:52 in the afternoon. "3:45, I'll charge you all to be my servants and it'll cost y'all EVERY CENT you do and don't have!" He chuckled as he walked down the hallway towards the gym. The ground shook slightly with each step, every door frame along the way breaking like Styrofoam. He could have moved the machine himself but he wanted to see how much these dopes were committed to the whole arrangement. After a few minutes he burst into the gym, or at least, that's what it may have looked like to a puny person. For Kyle, he just casually walked in, not even bothering to try to open the doors. Waste of effort and energy when his body could simply break anything that got in the way. He reclined in the bleachers in his usual spot, the bleachers creaking a bit under him. He reclined and relaxed though. He thought about the chances of them actually bringing the machine on time. He side-eyed the clock over on top of the basketball scoreboard. 3 on the dot. While it would be impressive if they did bring it on time, he knew they realistically wouldn't. The machine would be difficult to get on a trolley and they would have to carefully maneuver it down the hall even if they did find enough trolleys that could handle all that weight. He mostly now contemplated on how to degrade them as he had to probably do the work for them. Maybe chew out the roided-up lifters for being weak betas while also making them cling to his arm to feel what true muscle felt like. He dismissed the latter half of the idea. Bit too…"dad literally picking up kids from school" vibes. Though he did like the idea of them all referring to him as "daddy", make them look and even feel more puny and pathetic along the way. Time passed by until the clock struck 3:45 and just as he thought, no machine in the gym yet. He got up, letting out a groan of expectancy mixed with disappointment and walked his way back to the science lab. The more muscular people were trying to nudge the machine up a small ramp onto a trolley that was made of a bunch of smaller trolleys put together by duct and scotch tape. Honestly, pretty pathetic that they haven't even started moving it down the halls yet. Even back at his smaller size, he would've had the machine on the trolley about half an hour ago. He whistled loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Y'all seriously haven't even gotten this thing rolling yet?" He asked, not really expecting a response as he approached the machine. He made sure to tower over all of the gym bros as he casually held the machine under his arm and pressed to his side like you would hold a basketball. He caught quick glances of the wannabe bodybuilders. One of annoyance, most impressed and awe-inspired, some got visibly turned on. "Fucking pathetic." He said dismissively, walking down the hall with the machine, making sure to tail whip the dissatisfied guy in the crotch. Kyle heard him groan and buckle down onto the ground, not even paying much attention. His dick was gonna have no value to it soon anyway, assuming it had any to begin with. The crowd followed him down the hall, still hooked on his pheromones. "Since it's past 3:45 and you dumbasses couldn't even get the machine into the hallway, y'all are getting the locker cramming treatment once I make adjustments to the machine. Y'all still owe me ALL of your money, by the way. I expect all of your wallets with your bank information in them, including your accounting and routing numbers." He remarked to the crowd as he walked to the gym. He noticed some of them getting on their cell phones and some walking into classrooms they would pass by, probably to get papers and pens. Upon getting into the gym, he gently set down the machine and started making modifications, making the donor chamber bigger as well as making a brand new recipient chamber from scratch and hopefully big enough to endure draining the whole school. As he did this, he telepathically made nearby plastic bins float around people. "Wallets in the bins, people. Don't have your wallets, strip down to your birthday suits so everyone knows you for being a broke loser." He shouted to ensure everyone could hear him. He tinkered with the machine as if this marvel of medical technology was nothing more than a Lego set to him. By the time he was finished, everyone had already deposited their wallets into the plastic bins, except about a sixth of the crowd who were completely naked. "Alright, since there were more broke bitches than I thought, paying customers, front of the line, birthday suits, go to the back of the line and crawl on all fours like the useless mutts you are!" He announced before all of the students and staff got into their places, chuckling as he grabbed a group of six puny humans with ease while watching the wave of ass cheeks flood to the back of the line. He forcibly cramed the worthless people into his machine, not even bothering to make sure there was much room for them to move. He slammed the door shut before stepping into the donor chamber, having shoved about 40 or more people in. He closed the door and looked up at the mirrors he installed after taking them from the locker rooms. His muscles practically bulged under his skin which developed stretch marks. He smirked and flexed, seeing more veins appear on his body. An already perfect body that would have professional bodybuilders revere and worship every prominent vein, knowing they could never obtain what he did with ease. He turned on the machine that he also had to rebuild to account for his size. A familiar but welcoming jolt of pain and pleasure courses through him, making him harder than any partner in lingerie could. He buckled down as if to bow before his new body, even more perfect and godly than what he has now. Writhing, stretching and tearing, practically bubbling under the skin would be the best way to describe this transformation into the next stage of evolution. A being of absolute perfection that everyone, every being, was born to worship. He chuckled as he just now noticed that his ego was growing along with the mind and body. Who cared though? He deserved this, to become the most perfect God in all of myth. Everyone and everything only had a fraction of value compared to just one of his stretch marks. Little pissants whose only value was in giving themselves to his might and worship. Once the machine rang, steam had fogged up the mirrors, his body in intense heat. He opened the door and wiped the fog off the nearest mirror, his forehead now having five visible veins on it, not including any that would be covered up by his hair, his forehead almost 1.5 times its usual size. Getting hard from the absolute monster he had become now compared to how he was mere hours ago. And got harder upon realizing this was just the beginning for him. He stomped out of the chamber, the floor creaking from his admittedly overly eager showcasing to the others. He even left a foot indentation on the gym floor, the same way as you would by walking barefoot through mud. Enjoying the brief "crunch" sound under his weight. He then started briefly showing off his body, flexing and bouncing his pecs as well as letting out a loud, dominant growl. "You want more from this muscle God~?! Lemme hear how much y'all want more!" He shouted into the crowd before getting the shouts and applause he wanted. Of course these bugs wanted more, that's their whole purpose. Even pheromones wouldn't drive up this much enthusiasm, this was something more. This was more than bee-like pheromones that make workers serve a queen. This was absolute divinity they were witnessing. A true God of muscle and might appearing before their puny, fragile bodies. He walked up to the donor chamber and telepathically scooped out the husks before replacing them with more people than last time, still wanting to experience that jolt of growth and pleasure. Scooping people up with his muscular arms and practically tossing them in haphazardly. Once it got to absolute maximum capacity, he stepped into the recipient chamber once more and flipped on the switch after closing the door behind him. This process would continue for a few rounds before he got to the broke crowd, towering before them like a titanic mass of muscle and musk, the constant growth making his body sweat with each process. He tried to look down at them but his pecs became so big it impacted his ability to look down effectively. Still able to see the tips of his toes but nothing beyond that. He looked down at them, thinking about the best way to degrade them further for a second. "Bark if you dogs think you're worth serving me." He spoke, stalling a bit for time. A good chunk of the crowd barked, only a few barking continuously. He brought up a foot and dropped it down on one of the barkers, silencing all the ones who did bark, except the one under his foot who let out a grunt like someone who accidentally dropped the bar on his chest during bench presses. "The few who didn't bark were smart. None of you broke bitches are worthy of even licking the beads of sweat off my balls, let alone serving me truly." He corrected the dogs, instinctively looking down to check on the dog under his foot to see the guy's head poking out from under his heel. Still seemed fine so he playfully grinded his foot on top of the dog's back as the rest looked pitifully up at him. He pressed the foot down further before finally letting off and backing off to look down at the runt, his back coated in dirt and sweat. "As one of the dogs who barked, foot rug, it's up to you to beg me to forgive the rest of them for their arrogance~" Kyle chuckled at the demand, intrigued to see how the foot rug of a man would beg. He had already forgave them like the merciful God he is, but still wanted to see at least one of them grovel before draining them. The man slumbered into a low bow while still on his knees. "Please forgive us, our walking God." The man started pleading, to Kyle's delight. "We were just so eager to serve, we forgot our place and why we were the last in the school to give our whole selves to you, master. Please, I will serve as a rug for you to wipe the dirt off your feet on, I will lick up every bead of sweat off your balls like it's the savory liquor of the Gods. Just please, let us serve, master." The begging and bargaining was so pathetic and submissive, it made Kyle's dick twitch a bit. Either this guy was a submissive little bitch with plenty of begging experience or they really have started seeing him as a type of God. Amusing him to make him chuckle a bit at the idea of "Kyleism" soon becoming the religion of the planet soon. But a devious idea of completely absorbing all of these broke bitches entered his mind and it leaked out into a wicked smile. "Alright, since you begged so well, I've forgiven you dogs like the benevolent God I am. However, such arrogance doesn't come without consequence. Give me a few minutes to make some adjustments to the machine and you will get what you deserve and seek~" Kyle spoke to the crowd before turning his back to them, letting down his hefty tail onto the back of the groveling dog. It crushed the puny human with a loud grunt and maybe a soft crack. He didn't even flinch at the sound. They would obtain a great fate anyhow. Kyle grabbed his tools and tinkered with the machine. Creating an "absolute absorption" feature that would completely absorb every single atom, molecular, microscopic and nanoscopic organism inside the donor chamber. Now these formally worthless people will finally put themselves to some use. Maybe if that one groveler was lucky, maybe his atoms would go to his feet or balls. Unfortunately for them, their consciousness would evaporate as there would be no mind or brain remaining to retain it. Some would probably relish the idea of being fused to his flesh, understandably so. Who wouldn't want to be a part of his perfect body? He soon finished mere minutes later, even installing the new mode to be an option on his remote via a dial. Wiping some sweat off his forehead, he looked back at the crowd of dogs, chuckling as he knew what would soon come of them. "Alright you worthless mutts, get the fuck in there where y'all belong~" he told the dogs as he started to stuff and shove then donor chamber, more an order of compliance than a statement. He made sure to save the groveller for last, cramming all the dogs in, to the point to where the metal would creak around them. He then wrapped his tail around the ankle and dangled the pathetic bug in front of him. Making it so that way the main thing that the puny insect sees is Kyle's dick and balls, Kyle's flaccid shaft half as big as the insect's body. His dick throbbed at the thought of what he was about to do next. "Now, what do you say, foot rug?" Kyle asked, looking down at the puny man, manipulating his tail to make the human's body sway while being dangled like a pendulum. "Th-thank you, master Kyle." Kyle chuckled and brought the human's face right up against the tip of his dìck. The human's head was actually a bit smaller than the head he was pressed up against. "Good, now kiss your God's dick like a good rug" Kyle ordered, his dick throbbing once more, bumping more into the human's face. The human would surprisingly hesitate before finally giving in to Kyle's order, his lips making contact with Kyle's urethra as much as it could. This made Kyle groan and get hard a bit. "Good little bitch. Don't be afraid to use your tongue while you're at it~." Kyle moaned while the human whimpered in a bit of disgust. Though maybe it might've been that one thing that bottoms do when they pretend like they don't like something when they clearly do. He didn't care whether the bitch boy actually liked it, it felt good to him and as far as this insect should be concerned, that would be the only thing that mattered. A few minutes would pass by, the bug disappointingly not using tongue at all. Kyle would use his tail to toss the man into the donor chamber before slamming the door on them. Chuckling as he set the machine to "absolute absorption" mode before stepping into the recipient chamber. Closing the door behind him, he turned on the machine, an instant shock overwhelming him. A feeling of an explosion pouring over his body as every inch of his body pulsed and throbbed rapidly. As if there was some resistance from where his strength and mind enhancement was coming from. Thoughts that were not his own appeared in his mind. Pleads and begs of the pathetic dogs flashing in and out of his mind as Kyle dropped to his knees, slamming his knuckle into the floor of the machine. "Shut up and accept your fates. Y'all know this is what you deserve. You should be grateful little bastards. Y'all get to be part of something bigger, better. You get to be a part of a God! Now submit as you were meant to and let yourselves be one with your God." Kyle shouted at the stream of other's consciousness flowing into him, mentally straining a bit for complete dominance. The veins on his forehead became more prominent as his head grew in size. The stream was losing strength as Kyle was shown moments of other's memories and knowledge flowing into him. His muscles bubbled under his scales as they stretched and expanded far more than the normal process. The knowledge of other people's lives converted to knowledge of all probable lifeforms in this universe and the next. Knowledge of all known languages. How to completely bend the minds and wills of all life to his will. He grimaced with knowledge of how to conquer all life in this universe. His body steamed and sweated profusely, fogging up the chamber and it creaked and groaned around him. His body kept expanding as Kyle mentally declared himself the king of this universe for all will submit to him! At this thought, he ended up bursting out of the chamber yet again. Each one acting as an egg for his proverbial rebirths. His body had stopped expanding by this point, good thing too as he noticed that he and his husks were standing in complete darkness, not even any light from the sun emerging from the windows. The big gym clock stopped at 8:56. The power most likely went out from all the electricity used to perform the absolute absorption mode. Kyle opened the donor chamber to see nothing in there. Not a single speck of dirt or dust in there from what little Kyle could see. He flexed his muscular body once more. All those puny little bitches now became nothing more than the muscles on his body. He got hard at the thought as he flexed. Admittedly wishing there was a way to keep them conscious so they could mentally worship him. Feel every flex of his muscles in what used to be their bodies. Feel every step from their God, get to enjoy the flow of blood into his dick which, when fully hardened, could easily tower over a whole person. Probably about 6 feet in length by now. It made him curious how it would feel to be remade into a sperm cell swimming in the balls of a God. He would probably obtain this knowledge later on during his conquest of the universe. But merely serving as part of his ever-expanding muscles was surely a fitting enough reward for a bunch of worthless bitches. He laid rest on the floor, not really caring if he crushed a husk to death under his body or not. Their lives were made to serve him, after all. Speaking of which, his dick throbbed as he telepathically lifted up the puny insects and pressed them to his towering body. "Worship and caress your God till he falls asleep. You all may sleep when I am fully asleep first." Kyle ordered the husks. They unreluctantly worshiped the muscled-up God. Kyle relaxed on the floor, resting his forearms behind his head with a bit of strain, all the muscles on his body making it a bit harder than usual. He relished in every action of his husks, from all the caressing and massaging down to each lick of his body. Some were worshiping his dick and balls, making it admittedly a bit difficult to fall asleep but eventually sleep came for the massive dragon as he was slowly lulled into slumber. Great visions of glory and God-hood would play out in Kyle's dreams. Him towering over Skyscrapers, his very knees piercing the clouds above. Him laying on a lavish chariot made of the planet's finest and studier materials and luxuries. Him gulping down a custom made glass of ocean water, "accidentally" consuming little specks that were once to him recognizable as humans without care or thought. Thousands crushed under a single step from the uncaring God as they would be absorbed into his body either way. Him sitting on the Earth reshaped into a throne, using the moon as a footrest. All alien life cowering as he absorbed them without any effort at all. The begging, whines, and pleads as he absorbs damn near everything with a pulse. Planets drained of all life repurposed into beads on lavish looking jewelry. All would be one with his glorious body and worship him! The dream, possibly a vision of things to come for him, would slowly fade as his eyelids slowly drew open. Instead of upon his throne, he was back laying on the floor of the gym. Still being worshiped by the insignificant bugs that he let bugs worship him. A thought would come to the awakening giant. He didn't need these insects or that puny machine they made for him. Through his telekinetic abilities, he could simply extract all beings his own damn self. Cut out the middleman and just drain them himself. He felt a pathetic insect dare to squirt over by his left armpit. Getting him to eventually acknowledge all the other insects that were still awake, still worshiping him. Annoyed with this particular insect he telepathically pulled the bug up to his face, his eyes tiredly looking up in disgust towards this insect. "Did you really just come on your God, while he was just waking up and without approval?" He asked the pathetic being that he now recognized as the first nerd he shoved into the machine. His puny, muscle depraved body was honestly not that different from how he looked 24 hours ago. Only difference now was the absence of clothes and glasses. He waited tediously long for the bitches response. "Master smell good…" was slowly sputtered by the pathetic thing as he still leaked, dripping down onto his lower lip. Kyle simply rolled his eyes before licking up the bit of seed that dripped onto his lip. Setting the bug down onto his chest. Of course these bugs couldn't help but to come to him. He was a living example of perfection. The whole flock of insects could come now and it wouldn't be more than a mere inconvenience. He groaned as he got up, the very gym shaking underneath him. What was left of the wooden floor beneath him anyway. Several indentations in the floor from where he walked and laid down. He walked to the exit of the gym, feeling at least a few of the husks cushion each step he took. He didn't even slow down or walk cautiously for them. If they didn't want to be stepped on, they would've gotten out of his way. By the time he got to the exit, at least 3 bugs got peeled off his godly feet. With barely any effort, he broke down the wall leading outside. This ended up being beneficial for the insects to follow him. They served no purpose without him so of course they followed their new God that they gave everything to. This flock of insects were cute but not nearly enough for a God. He walked out into the city with his goal already in mind. He needed all of humankind, no, ALL LIFE to submit to him. He walked into the more populated parts of the town. Leaving behind foot prints on whatever he walked on. Grass, concrete, cars, people who would not walk out of their God's way. Each step announcing his arrival to his servants like the bells and trumpets that were spoken of when the concept of a rapture got explored. His pheromones got caught on the wind and spread far and wide across the town. Like a skunk being run over, people could smell it for miles away but they were naturally drawn into the scent of a God. All who got a whiff, inevitably started to follow the scent and the stomping sounds made by their God. Many followed him throughout the downtown area. Some tried, and even succeeded, to cling onto their God. Most clung to his broad, muscular ankles, some clung onto his balls and shaft which were close to dragging across the floor. Some merely wished to kiss his feet or balls. The fools got trampled over, especially the ones trying to kiss the soles of his feet. Whatever spots weren't being covered by the mortals anyway. By the time he got to the center of the town, his feet were completely cushioned by both husks and humans. He looked out onto the crowd that followed him, thousands at minimum, ensuring him that there was not much difference between husk and man. They were all made to serve him after all. "ATTENTION ALL MY SERVANTS! YOU'RE GOD IS NOW HERE AND DEMANDS ALL OF YOU PRESENT!" He shouted into the air, his voice booming and far reaching. The message echoed across the town and even a few miles out further. He sat down on the roof of a nearby parking garage. An inadequate place for a God to sit but it was enough to sit and wait for his subjects to arrive. As he waited, his servants would bow to their new owner. This got a chuckle out of Kyle before he curiously looked at the sole of one of his feet. About 8 mortals were stuck to their God's foot. Actually upon closer look, they were clinging onto his foot. Not that it mattered much anyways. They should be thankful to serve their God in such a way, even if it was completely unwilling. Within an hour, all his servants appeared before him. Hundreds of thousands of indistinguishable insects looking up at their God in reverence. His pheromones had definitely spread far enough to get every one of them hooked to his powerful will and eager to serve. Seeing some cameras of various types pointing at him, he decided that he probably needed to perform…less casually, at the very least. He actually had not thought about what kind of God he was going to be when it came to addressing his servants. He always degraded, bullied and humiliated others back when he was mortal so might as well keep going with what was natural. He slowly stood up, indifferent to the crunching of bones underneath him from the servants basking in his glory. "As pathetic as this flock is, it surely will do for how you all may help your God. Your God is a powerful one as you all can see." He says before performatively flexing his body. The muscles and shadows being emphasized by the sun set above him like a spotlight. "But…this is not enough from your God. Your God has ambitions. Far higher than any of you puny insects ever could have. What you all need to know is that your God demands power. As much as possible, you will no longer need any. All y'all will need is to surrender yourselves to me and worship me. That shall be your lives purpose from now on. So I expect all of you to work together to build a ray gun to surge all of the Earth's power into your God. Do this and your species will be rewarded very well, this is my promise to you, my lowly, insignificant servants." He finished before sitting back down. All the insects below taking that as their cue to get to work on this ray gun. He relaxed as his message spread not just to the bugs in front of him but also because of the bugs with the cameras, all the insects across the planet got to work as well. All his servants heard their God's word, his pheromones apparently speaking across the planet. They all now work together, finally truly unified as one to serve their God's will. The utopia that has been discussed and debated for centuries will all soon be theirs once their God ascends further and all will be able to truly bask in his glory very soon from the sounds of it. Could he have made it himself? Realistically yes but this was a test of this lower species' devotion to their better. After a few hours the ray gun was finally constructed. Kyle was semi-impressed. Took longer than if he would've built it but that would've taken just the power of the whole continent. These insects managed to arrange things so all the electrical, solar and nuclear power on the planet would all surge into him. He stomped in front of the ray, truly uncaring of who or what he stepped on and demanded that the mortals turned it on. A glow of pure light from the ray guns tip was all Kyle saw before he got an intense burning engulf him, making him send out a massive wail of pain, making him buckle down onto his knees. Each cell in his body breaking down and duplicating at speeds faster than the speed of light. The scream from their God made the mortals turn on the machine in naive fear that this would even so much as hurt their God. This was just part of his ascension. His body steamed and pulsed within the scales on his body as he was at least 4 times bigger than when he approached all his servants. His whole being glowing in pure, radiant light before revealing his red hot, scorching body. With a raging hard-on that had collapsed a few buildings around him, he looked down at the mortal furiously. "I DIDN'T SAY FOR YOU TO TURN IT OFF, YOU WORM! TURN IT BACK ON AND DON'T TURN IT OFF AGAIN!" He shouted furiously at the beetle sized mortal who dared to blue ball him at the beginning of this glorious moment. The demand was so loud it was heard from the other side of the planet. The insect of a man trembled and pathetically begged his God for forgiveness as it turned the ray gun back on. The same flash of light before the overwhelming pain surged through the living God. He rapidly grew more quickly than ever before. His expansion was akin to an un-bursting balloon being hooked up to a thousand air machines. His screams turned into moans of triumph and dominion over all that exists, the feelings of pleasure converted into feelings of pure pleasure, bliss and ecstasy. He grew to tower the whole land, able to see past the horizon on the planet as all conceivable knowledge flowed into his mind. The timelines of this dimension and galaxy along with all other ones. Not only could he know of them, he could control them by mere thought alone. With this, he altered all dimensions and galaxies to worship him and him alone. Not even other versions of himself in other dimensions. Those pathetic versions of himself should've obtained true God-hood and dominion of all that is, isn't and isn't yet before he could. Once all the power got drained from the planet, he took his stand. His foot alone was the size of a small island. Each step creating a deep indentation in the puny lands beneath him. His musk and pheromones had replaced all the oxygen in the air, making it the only thing any of his servants could smell. He looked down to barely be able to see his lowly servants anymore. His cock throbbed with might, dripping some pre down onto a city that got blessed with their God's seed. He bellowed in triumph and might as a wicked way to reward his servants popped into his mind. His mind was certain now what kind of rapture his subjects would experience. "MY SERVANTS CALLED HUMANS, YOU HAVE SERVED YOUR GOD WELL AND HAVE REDEEMED ALL LIFE ON THIS PITIFUL, LOWLY PLANET! SO THUS, ALLOW YOUR GOD TO REWARD YOU WITH WHAT YOU ALL SHALL TRULY DESIRE!" He yelled to all his servants below. He held up his right hand over the planet and started to telepathically lift up all life on Earth towards them. Every man, every animal, every insect, every virus and multi-cell organism joined together to be pressed against the mighty hand of their God. He proceeded to take all the creatures and used their bodies to create a fleshlight that would barely be capable of handling his eclipsing shaft. He then put it to work, jamming his massive, throbbing cock into the writhing collection of life on this planet. He didn't go gentle on the insignificant specs, thrusting in and out rapidly as he started to absorb all the lifeforms. This was their purpose fully realized. Their heaven would be becoming a conscious addition to their God. He grew and grew even more. The usual sensation was more of a tingle this time around. He was so damn close, he had hoped that some of the pathetic life forms would survive long enough to experience their God coming. As a being outside of him that is. They would have all of eternity to experience being both their God's cock and the load he shoots out at the same time. He groaned as his mighty body and cock expanded far outside the stratosphere making him able to see all of space before him, the continent cracking under his weight. He screamed gloriously as he squeezed his dick tightly, unleashed his load that would've replaced the very oceans of the planet off into space. This would crush and press any remaining specks of life into his cock. He panted tiredly as all of life would get absorbed into his glorious, perfectly Godly form. Then in his maniacal state where he didn't want the smallest risk of his rule being undone, he absorbed all the Kyle's in the other dimensions. Some were stupid enough to think they were safe from his grasp and all begging to be spared. Even one that was close to finishing using his dimensions servants just as he had finished seconds before he did. He should've gotten that taken care of a few seconds earlier. He didn't even get a bit of mercy from his better self as he was just on the edge of climaxing before he and all of his servants in that dimension were all absorbed. Not only were all the other Kyle's absorbed but all of their blasphemous followers. There was to be nothing worshiped as God other than him. As they got absorbed, jet black ram-like horns rapidly grew along his head along with spikes on his back and his tail. All the colors of each spike were that of each Kyle absorbed. His eyes changed color as well, becoming a dimly glowing deep purple color. Giving the God a cold, cruel stare even though he himself grew indifferent and it showed in his face. As a result of this, he had grown to the point that the Earth would no longer be able to withstand his size so he had to step off of the lifeless planet. His body had become coated in veins, every vein his body bulging out and competing with his muscles for which would be more prominent. Also, he had become all knowing, knowing of every thought and action across all the dimensions, even before they occurred and this was showcased by his bulbous forehead which was as long, if not longer, than his abdomen. He could feel all the life he had absorbed coursing through them. Not only that, but all the intelligence and malicious, evil intentions of the other Kyles. All their thoughts, all their praises and prayers, all their begging and pleading for release.it was decided through absorbing all the other Kyles and their evil, however, that he would not rule as a benevolent or indifferent God, but one that was more cruel and punishing than any devil to exist all because he merely could. All life was far too beneath him to hold any maliciousness towards them. All was solely to remind them every second of their lives knowing their place. He dismissed all the voices and feelings equally to work on shifting the very planets and the various dimensions to his will. Pressing the planets in his dimension together and breaking them down to forge a throne worthy of his rule. He then proceeded to make all the other dimensions pay for not aiding in his ascension by giving them form, pressing them against each other to create his new garments: a pair of gladiator sandals, forced to have some of the foulest part of his body be the very thing they breathed in with no reprieve whatsoever. As he sat down on his throne, his servants and selves from other dimensions all now relishing in becoming a part of their God, he then grabbed the very sun itself and broke it in two. One half forged onto a crown and the other half served as a cock ring to keep the deity forever erect. He needed to repay his lowly servants after all and being in a constant state of sexual arousal which they all could feel was the very least this God could do for them. I would appreciate feedback in the comments section I'm always open to collaboration if anyone needs ideas for a corrupt story where the evil tyrant wants to get even stronger. Just write me a private message if I have aroused your interest.
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