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  1. Miałem niedawno bardzo dziwną serię fantazji które postanowiłem tu zapisać w formie złożonej, wieloczęściowej historii. Czemu po polsku? Po pierwsze... chciałem być autorem pierwszego polskiego opowiadania MG na tym forum, nawet jeśli przeczyta je tylko parę osób. Po drugie, historia którą wymyśliłem jest BARDZO polska. Wszystko kręci się wokół dresów! W pierwszym odcinku nie dzieje się zbyt wiele, ale mam już przygotowanę parę BARDZO mięsistych scen na kolejne części. ROZDZIAŁ 1 Widoki za oknem pociągu sunęły powoli w lewo. Nadal w powietrzu unosił się letni żar, jednak niektóre drzewa już zdawały się wiedzieć, że niedługo przyjdzie im zmienić barwę na złoto i brąz. Był początek września, a Sebastian Janecki nadal czuł w ustach smak urodzinowego tortu. 20 lat. Przede mną siódme niebo. A właściwie cały wrzesień na zaaklimatyzowanie się w nowej stancji. Akademik zamknęli na remont, więc teraz jego rodzice znaleźli ogłoszenie w gazecie, że jest gdzieś tanie mieszkanko, za grosze, na Warszawskiej Pradze Północ, tak że wystarczyło mu przejść na drugą stronę Wisły. Rodzice załatwiali mu dużo rzeczy. Pan Janecki był wójtem małej wsi Sterynin, więc małemu Sebusiowi nic nigdy nie brakowało. Jako jedynak mógł skupić na sobie całą miłość rodziców. Gorzej, że wyszedł przez to na straszną ciapę i niedojdę... Sebastian skupił wzrok z krajobrazu na własne odbicie w brudnej szybie pociągu. Zobaczył okrągłą, pyzatą i różową twarz przygniecioną parą ciężkich okularów w grubych oprawkach. Seba nie był przystojny, ale ludzie zawsze mówili mu, że wygląda miło i poczciwie, jak pluszowy miś. Miał krótkie, czarne, kręcone włosy, solidne brwi i ciemne, brązowe oczy. Jego dziadek od strony mamy był chyba Grekiem, albo Gruzinem, i przekazał wnukowi w genach trochę południowej urody. Sebastian i tak go nie poznał. Spojrzał trochę niżej i westchnął. Sebastian nie lubił swojego ciała. Wzrost był jeszcze ok, 173 cm mieściły go w ramach średniego wzrostu. Niestety, był przy tym drobny i chudy, dopiero niedawno nastoletni metabolizm zostawił go w spokoju i pozwolił mu odrobinę przytyć. Miał teraz mały brzuszek, a jego kości przykrył tłuszczyk, jednak Sebastian nie tego chciał. Sebastian chciał mieć mięśnie. Wiedział to od dawna. Zawsze gdy przebierał się na WFie w szatni, oglądał sylwetki swoich kolegów. Były to solidne chłopaki ze wsi, które musiały pomagać rodzicom na roli i w gospodarstwie. Z roku na rok robili się coraz szersi i silniejsi, kiedy Sebastian pozostawał kujonkiem niedojdą. Nie potrafił stwierdzić, czemu wtedy nie potrafił oderwać od nich wzroku, czemu rumienił się i chował przed resztą. Kiedy koledzy nazywali go pedałem, wypierał się wszystkiego i mówił, że to przez smród ich potu. Pewnie nawet sam starał się w to uwierzyć. Jednak życie postawiło przed nim dwa niezbite dowody: Pierwszym była transmisja zawodów Mr. Olimpia w telewizyjnej dwójce, w roku 1999. Sebastian zaczynał wtedy liceum. Gdy rodziców nie było w domu, on, późną nocą siedział przyklejony do telewizora, oglądając największych, najbardziej umięśnionych mężczyzn jakich tylko potrafił sobie wyobrazić. Prawdziwe bestie, tak ciężkie, że trzęsła się od nich scena. Przy każdej ich pozie Sebastian dosłownie ślinił się na koszulkę. Ich muskuły były tak wielkie, że dosłownie rozpychały się na ich ciałach, próbując wywalczyć sobie odrobinę miejsca. Gdy w końcu Ronnie Coleman otrzymał złoty medal, Sebastian czuł się absolutnie pijany. Nocą śnił o tym, że wielcy kulturyści komplementowali go, dotykali jego ciała, całowali i przytulali swoimi wyrzeźbionymi łapskami. Rano okazało się, że zmazał sobie całą pościel. Wtedy Sebastian był już pewien, że 1.Jest gejem 2.Chciałby być mięśniakiem 3.Chciałby mieć jeszcze większego mięśniaka za męża Drugie olśnienie przyszło do niego tuż po 18tce, w 2002. Sebastian przez przypadek znalazł podczas sprzątania kasety VHS podpisane po niemiecku. Z ciekawości wrzucił jedną z nich do odtwarzacza. Okazało się być to stare, dobre porno. Najpierw Seba zaczął się śmiać, potem umarł z żenady, że jego rodzice kupili sobie takie rzeczy, a potem... oglądał dalej. Jego uwagę przykuł mężczyzna na filmie - nosił on skórzaną kominiarkę, skórzaną uprząż i niewiele poza tym. Był też świetnie zbudowany - choć nie tak wielki jak kulturyści na Mr.Olympia, to jego włochate muskuły prezentowały się pysznie, gdy dominował pulchną, niemiecką blondynę, lub gdy przeciwnie - ulegał jej, pozwalając się smagać batem . Jego erekcja była przy tym tak wielka, że Sebastian zastanawiał się, jak on wogóle znajdował na nią miejsce w spodniach. W pewnym momencie przestał widzieć blondynę, a zamiast niej widział siebie - lepszego siebie, wspaniałego i wielkiego. Marzył, że to on jest karcony, chłostany i zapinany przez zamaskowanego włochacza, a potem role odwracają się, Seba podnosi go za uprząż nad głowę i zaczyna dominować go, miażdżyć mięśniami i ryczeć rozkazy i obelgi, gdy tamten wył z rozkoszy. Niestety, z tych marzeń nie wyszło nic. Sebastian 3 razy podchodził do trenowania na serio, zawsze rzucał to po miesiącu, gdy nie umiał zobaczyć żadnych efektów. Być może nie miał do tego genów. Skupił się więc na nauce. Ze wszystkich nauk wybrał sobie socjologię i starał się ze wszystkich sił, aby dostać się na wydział socjologii w Warszawie. Sebastian lubił ludzi, choć niespecjalnie lubił się do nich odzywać. Obserwował ich bardziej jak kolonię mrówek zza szyby, więc zawód socjologa wydał mu się idealny. Zza szyby mrówki nie mogły go pokąsać. W 2003 dostał się z marszu na uczelnię. W końcu pociąg stanął, a Sebastian wytoczył się z zestawem walizek na peron. Był stanowczo za słaby aby wziąć te wszystkie walizy na raz, ale chciał załatwić przeprowadzkę jak najszybciej. Przed nim widać było Warszawę Wschodnią - co było dość blisko do jego nowego mieszkania, ale spacer z takim obciążeniem był katorgą. No pięknie. Urządziłeś się, Sebuś, idealnie. Po chwili spaceru migające neony przerzedziły się, elewacja budynków pociemniała i pokryła się wulgarnymi grafitti. Wszystko wyglądało groźnie i obskurnie. Sceneria wyglądała jak z horroru i tylko sylwetka wszechobecnego Pałacu Kultury przypomniała mu, że nadal znajdował się w tym samym mieście. Po plecach Sebastiana przeszedł dreszcz, gdy jeszcze raz upewniał się, że jest na dobrej ulicy. Szlag, przynajmniej teraz wiedział, dlaczego mieszkanie było tak tanie. Choć w Unii byliśmy raptem od kilku miesięcy, to na efekty tego członkostwa trzeba będzie poczekać wiele lat, na samą Pragę Północ pewnie pójdą ciężkie miliardy. Sebastian na drugim końcu ulicy dojrzał grupkę karków i zdębiał. Trzech łysych bandziorów bardzo głośno dyskutowało przy butelkach Żywca, okutani kibolskimi flagami. To w sumie śmieszne. Jakby nie patrzeć, miał na imię Seba, jednak różnił się od typowego dresa praktycznie wszystkim. No i nikt nie mówił do niego Seba. Nigdy. Dresy też były wielkie, silne i w pewien sposób seksowne, ale strach przebijał jakąkolwiek żądzę jaką Sebuś mógłby do nich poczuć. Próba podrywu równałaby się z samobójstwem. Samo zbliżenie się równałoby się utratą telefonu i portfela. Zdecydował się więc obejść ich szerokim łukiem, idąc boczną uliczką. Po nadłożeniu parunastu minut drogi i taszczenia waliz, w końcu stanął przed właściwym adresem, pod starą, odrapaną kamienicą. Przy drzwiach wejściowych stał blady chłopak. Spoglądał gdzieś w przestrzeń ponad Sebastianem, miętoląc w ustach peta ze smętnymi resztkami papierosa. Był mniej-więcej w jego wieku, nosił ortalionowe spodnie i stary, lekko pożółkły podkoszulek. Wzrok Sebastiana przykuły odsłonięte ramiona tamtego gościa. Był on kościstym chudzielcem, tak samo jak Sebastian, jednak gdy ramiona Seby były delikatne i słabe jak rozgotowany makaron, ramiona palącego chłopaka składały się z ciasnej plątaniny żył i ścięgien, najgęściej skupionych na przedramionach, wędrujących w górę jego smukłych ramion, po zarysowanych bicepsach, znikając przy wystających dramatycznie obojczykach, tylko po to by opleść jego chudą szyję z widocznym jabłkiem adama. Sebastian poczuł dziwne napięcie patrząc na jego twarz. Była przystojna, lecz surowa, wpisana w trójkąt między kośćmi policzkowymi a spiczastym podbródkiem. Miał lekko germańską urodę - krótkie włosy strzyżone maszynką w kolorze jasnego blondu, dumnie zadarty nos i zimne, niebieskie oczy których wzrok starannie omijał zgarbionego Sebastiana. Jaka szkoda... Tego dresa nie mógł w tej chwili - ale też nie chciał - ominąć. Przez chwile stali tak w milczeniu, blady dresik palił, Sebastian garbił się pod ciężarem walizek z ubraniami i sprzętami, nie potrafiąc odezwać się do chłopaka, o którym nie potrafił myśleć inaczej niż "piękny." W końcu ów piękny dres chrząknął i w końcu spojrzał w stronę Sebastiana: "Ta?" burknął. "Nooo taaa co...? A w sensie... Ja tutaj do mieszkania. Z umową." Blady chłopak westchnął, krzywiąc się. "A więc to ty będziesz teraz wynajmować pokój? Troche sie pospieszyłeś, bo mamy jeszcze nie ma." Sebastian zamrugał, zdziwiony. "Mieliśmy podpisywać umowę..." "No ale mama jest jeszcze w robocie. Nie wyczaruje ci jej." Blady dresik burknął i wrócił do miętolenia resztek papierosa. "Mogę chociaż wejść i się rozpakować?" Zapytał Sebastian, powoli kierując się w stronę wejścia. Blady zastawił mu drogę. "Ej, ej, ej! Gdzie ty się pchasz?" "Chciałbym wejść do środka." "Bez umowy? Niby po co?" Sebastian zmarszczył brwi. Uroda urodą, ale blondas okazywał się być niezłym dupkiem. "Bo mi ciężko z tymi walizami." Blady dresik zmierzył go wzrokiem od stóp do głów. Przez chwilę zdawał się coś kalkulować, jednak po chwili odstąpił przejście: "No na siłacza nie wyglądasz. A takie grzeczne kujonki jak ty raczej nie kradną." Sebastian nie miał nawet sił się obrazić, tylko wtoczył się z walizami na obskurny korytarz. Nagle rozległo się szczekanie. Zza rogu wypadła radosna kulka brązowego futra która zaczęła wściekle obwąchiwać i łasić się do nóg Seby. Student uśmiechnął się i machinalnie zaczął drapać kundelka po główce. Blady uniósł brwi, a na jego wąskich ustach po raz pierwszy pojawił się lekki uśmiech: "No proszę. Kapeć cie lubi, a ta łajza warczy na byle-kogo. Chyba jednak jesteś w porządku." Z tymi słowy wziął od Seby jedną z walizek - jego niewielki biceps napiął się przy tym elegancko - a drugą rękę skierował w jego stronę. Najwidoczniej "Test Psa" został zdany: "Jestem Mateusz, ale ludzie mówią mi Siwy." "Sebastian." Student odwzajemnił uścisk dłoni. Mateusz uśmiechnął się szerzej: "Seba? Naprawdę? Nie gadaj!" "Taaa, to imię średnio do mnie pasuje." Sebastian uśmiechnął się słabo. Mieszkanie było małe, ale wystarczające dla jednej osoby. Główny pokój, kuchnia, łazienka, przedpokój. Pokoik miał sklejkową meblościankę z poprzedniego systemu, mały telewizor i biurko, turecki dywan oraz potężną, zabytkową kanapę z ciemnego dębu, która musiała służyć tu za łóżko. Wszystkie ściany były w kolorze mentolowej zieleni, od której Sebastianowi robiło się niedobrze. "Okej. Czuj się jak u siebie." Siwy kiwnął głową na całą tą skromiznę, patrząc jak Sebastian powolutku otwiera swoje walizy: "No a teraz regulamin." "Czytałem regulamin." Sebastian wzruszył ramionami wyciągając starannie złożone ubrania. Część Seby bardzo chciałaby, aby chudzielec już sobie poszedł. Druga część, ta spychana i ignorowana, chciała aby został jak najdłużej. "Wolę ci go powtórzyć. Jak masz jakieś zwierzaki, idzie kaucja. Jak coś zepsujesz, idzie kaucja albo płacisz za szkody. Jak sprowadzisz na mieszkanie psiarnię, idzie grzywna..." "Już mówiłeś o zwierzętach." "Jezu, o policji gadam, nie zgrywaj debila." Siwy wywrócił oczami i wrócił do wyliczania na palcach: "Jeśli coś nam zwędzisz, grzywna. Jeśli będziesz palić wewnątrz, grzywna. Jeśli zarysujesz podłogę, kaucja. Jak zgubisz klucz, kaucja." "Dużo tych kaucji..." mruknął Sebastian niepewnie. "To jest Praga-Północ. Ludzie potrafią tu odwalać takie cuda, że by ci oko zbielało." Mateusz zaśmiał się wrednie. "A jeśli... Nie będę mieć kasy na grzywnę?" "To zdobędziesz?" "A ... Jak nie zdobędę?" Dopytywał Seba nieśmiało. "To będziesz kurwa łamany." Wredny uśmieszek Matiego zrobił się szerszy, uniósł ramiona i strzelił głośno knykciami, tak że chude mięśnie na jego przedramionach zagrały pięknie. Nie dało się stwierdzić, czy żartował, czy mówił na serio. "Złam mnie proszę" odezwał się zdradziecki głosik w głowie Sebastiana, zezującego na te knykcie. On sam jednak tylko skinął głową. Pani Danuta Pyziak-Miller okazała się być dużo milszą osobą od swojego synalka. Po podpisaniu umowy w kuchni, gdzie wokół matki kręcił się jeszcze Kajtek - mały chłopczyk kropla-w-kroplę podobny do Siwego, zapewne brat, Sebastian otrzymał klucze do mieszkania i do skrzynki pocztowej. Czynsz był faktycznie niski. Mieszkanie Pyziaków znajdowało się naprzeciwko stancji, więc szansa, że będzie natykał się na pięknego złośliwca Mateuszka, była bardzo wysoka. Coś za coś. Zostało mu się tylko rozpakować. Dwie godziny później Sebastian czuł, że dla wszystkich ubrań, sprzętów i drobiazgów udało mu się znaleźć dobre miejsce. Została jeszcze jedna walizka z ubraniami na chłodniejsze dni. Sebastian wyjmował bluzę za bluzą, póki zwały ubrań nie odkryły... małej paczuszki owiniętej w różowy papier urodzinowy. Sebastian nie pamiętał, żeby pakował coś takiego. Powoli chwycił ją w obie dłonie - była miękka. Rozerwał papier, z którego wypadła karteczka. "Jak już mieszkasz na Pradze, Seba, to musisz odpowiednio wyglądać! Sto lat, bandziorze! Wujek Staszek" Wujek był bratem ojca, który zawsze miewał dziwne pomysły i dość żenujące poczucie humoru. Zwykle pojawiał się tylko na rodziny i święta z naręczem dziwnych i niesmacznych prezentów, jak stringi dla babci czy koszulki z napisem "Piwo to moje paliwo". Właśnie tego typu koszulki spodziewał się Sebastian, jednak jego brwi uniosły się aż do linii włosów, gdy w paczce ujrzał grubą, czarną kominiarkę.
  2. Here's Part 4 of the Maximus Protein Series. This is (seriously) the last chapter. Thanks for reading! Travis was on the floor, breathing heavy, covered in cum and sweat and drool, having just swallowed what must have been gallons of Dan's cum. I looked over at the tub of Maximus Protein lying empty on the kitchen floor. "Travis.... did you... drink..." "All of it" Travis said with an exhausted smile on his face. "I drank the protein, and I drank the special ingredient." He gestured toward sperm-donator Dan, who appeared to have fallen asleep right on the table in a post-orgasm bliss. His eyelids fluttered as he snored softly, the huge bulk of his body rising and falling rhythmically with his breath. This was no time to be napping, but Dan looks so adorably innocent there, with his mouth slightly open, I figured it was better to let the behemoth sleep for now. "Ooohhh" Travis groaned from the floor as the rumbling in his stomach grew louder. "I think I drank too much, Scott. I don't feel so good." "I'll say. What the fuck is wrong with you Travis?" I remembered how angry I was that I hadn't gotten to drink any of Dan's cum explosion. I had barely stopped growing, but I was eager to feel myself swell again. If I couldn't drink Dan's, then maybe I could drink from Travis, who, if dosages had anything to do with amount of growth, was about to explode. I watched him carefully as he held his distended stomach and writhed around on the floor. He didn't look like he was growing, he look like he was about to puke. What a waste. I picked his body up carefully, which now felt so small in my giant arms, like picking up a dog, and laid him on the couch while he groaned and shook. he looked pale. "I think you might have just overdosed yourself buddy." Just sweat it out and see what happens. I watched him for a minute for any signs of growth, but nothing happened, just more groaning and intermittent stomach grumbling. "So much for getting your money's worth" I said as I turned away and walked to the mirror over the fireplace. I had felt myself change but I hadn't gotten a good look at myself yet. What I saw was astounding. I had gone from being a slightly fit twink to being a legitimate red haired muscle god. Pushing back my copper colored hair, I admired my strong masculine brow, my roman nose, which had always looked slightly awkward on my face, was now perfectly fitting with the rest of my features. I had evolved into a higher form of man. My Jaw was perfectly squared and evenly covered with a thick beard that complimented it perfectly. Even my lips seemed more masculine and commanding. I couldn't wait to his the bars and see how people reacted to my new looks. I looked kind of ferocious, like a wolf-man. I wondered if I would actually scare guys off. I did an experimental double bicep flex and was shocked at the mountains that rose into view on each of my arms. I brought my arms down into a crab pose, barely even flexing, and still muscle bulged from every angle. I looked like I could kill a man with one punch. I was turning myself on, big time. My sixteen inch cock was rising to attention anew, begging to finally release the load that had been churning in my balls since I transformed, and it would only take a minute to pump it out right here. Why not? I grabbed my tool with both of my huge hands, almost hurting myself with my newly stronger grip, and began pumping away, instantly moaning to myself as I felt what new pleasures my new XL body could bring. I had my eyes shut in ecstasy as I was on the edge of release. I flexed my abs and glutes, arching myback as I neared the point of no return, grunting and growling wildly. Just as I was on the edge, I felt two more hands, much smaller than mine, grip onto my cockhead as a tongue licked up my glans. "OH FUCK!" I jolted with shock and pleasure and snapped open my eyes just in time to see little Travis, having snuck off the couch, clamping his mouth down on my cockhead. "TRAVIS NO-AAAAAGGGHHH!!" I shouted but I was past the point of no return. I unloaded a boiling hot jet of cum straight down my roommate's throat. Then another, and another, and another, causing him to sputter and choke, tears streaming out of his eyes, but still he held on, jamming almost my whole cockhead in his mouth. Minutes passed as my head swam with pleasure and fear. I could barely think straight I was in so much orgasmic pleasure, but I knew I was unloading a record amount of spunk into my already full roommate. If he hadn't been ill before, this could be truly dangerous. "TRAVIS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I shouted as my head cleared form my orgasm. Travis just gasped and wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist. "Thanks *gulp* broaahhh" He patted his stomach, now sticking out like a pot belly under his wifebeater shirt. "That was *burp* just the ticket." "TRAVIS YOU ALREADY OVERDOSED FROM DAN, THIS MUCH MIGHT KILL YOU." "Nah" he said with a cocky shake of his head. "I actually didn't get enough! You gotta *urrp* read the uh, fine print *burp-ahhh*. When you drink a glass of the protein *ooouhhh* you gotta drink a *buh* proportionate amount of cum to *ahh* activate it!" I shook my head in disbelief. Travis took a seat on the floor as he continued to burp and massage his grumbling stomach. He was sweating like a pig and looking quite a bit like one too. "Dan wasn't too much *ulp* cum, man, he wasn't *burp* ENOUGH! So thanks for the help! Now I can *urrrrrrrp* really get going" I was in shock. I was mouthing "what the fuck" to myself just as I saw Travis suddenly sit bolt upright with a look of surprise on his face. He burped loudly and his whole body kind of jumped. "What was that?!" he said aloud, to no one in particular, as his body spasmed and jumped again. He might have not noticed it yet but there seemed to be a little more of Travis every time his body spasmed. There was a little more muscle in the slender legs that were sticking out of his boxers, and his tank top looked a little more closely fit on him. *burp* Travis burped and involuntarily jerked his limbs. There was definitely some growth starting. There was even a little more bulge in the front of his boxers. "Am I *urp* growing yet, Scott? Can you *urp* tell? Ah!" Travis looked down as his latest spasm made his dick jerk against the front of his boxers, there was a respectable tent showing down there now. "Can you find my glasses?" he asked as he looked down at his arms. "I can't tell if anything's *UNHH* happening *AHH* yet" I was speechless. The guy had just taken an elephant dose of muscle growing protein powder and downed what must be enough cum for a hundred men, and here he was still acting like the nerd who loses his glasses. "I think you'll know soon enough" I said, watching as his feet inched a little further across the floor with every grunt and spasm. RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP Travis threw his head back and moaned loudly as another spurt of growth caused his dick to tear out of the front of his boxers. It had to be about a foot long already, and Travis still hadn't grown that much yet. "UHMMM FUCK!" Travis exclaimed in a throaty (deeper already?) voice as he gave his cock a stroke. This seemed to accelerate the growth a bit, and his next two spasms took Travis from looking bigger to actually filling his boxers tightly. His white wifebeater shirt was now pulling down at the chest as his pecs bounced bigger with his stroking. the outlines of a six pack were showing through his soaked shirt. The arm he was using to prop himself up on the ground was now veiny and pulsing bigger and bigger as his triceps started to ripen over his elbow. "UMF! Scott I don't think I *URP* need my *UHN* glasses anymooOOOH!" Travis shook as he was hit by a big growth spurt that seemed to put a whole foot and 50 lbs of muscle on his frame in a second. His boxers were now tightly wrapped around bulky, muscular legs that were quivering and shaking with his stroking. The seams were tearing along the edges to reveal more sweaty hairy muscle bulging out. His wifebeater was hanging on by threads as his chest seemed ready to pop the shoulder straps at any minute. "YUP! I CAN SEE I'M DEFINITELY GROWING NO-O-O-OWWWHHHHHHFUUUUCK!" He bellowed as a new spurt hit his body and he simultaneously burst right out of his boxers while his whole upper body flexed the wifebeater into threads. Travis was now BIG, looking like a heavyweight professional bodybuilder, but off-season, cause he was sprinkled in brown hair and had a nice amount of body fat accentuating his muscles. He flexed his huge size 15 feet, and pounded a massive fist on the floor as another spasm took him just a bit bigger. Most noticeable of all was his giant dick, standing up at 16 inches, and complimented by two of the biggest, juiciest balls I had ever seen, spilling onto the floor between his legs and pulsing, actually pulsing as they generated more and more testosterone for their owner. "Scott *UNH* get a *AAHHH* load of this growth bro!" He was furiously pumping and groaning and he pulsed and flexed slightly bigger again. Now he was starting to worry me. He had to be close to six and a half, seven feet tall now, and inching bigger every minute. Already his dick was starting to rival mine, and there was no way he would be done soon. If I had any hope of not being the absolute smallest guy in the room, I had only one option: to drink Travis' cum. After all, he had taken mine already, right? He owed it to me. "Need a hand, stud?" I asked as I crouched down and palmed his softball size testicles with my hands. Another *UMF* from Travis and they grew even bigger in my hands, grapefruit size now. "I take that as a yes" I said as I started stroking his shaft with both hands. "AHhhhh Thanks bro!"Travis moaned even louder as he took his hand (which was bigger than mine already) off of his shaft and immediately started squeezing his meaty pecs, pinching each big brown nipple and causing little mini-growth spurts. Was he able to control his growth? I knelt down and started sucking Travis' rod with all the gusto I had. "Who-AAHAH!" Travis howled as he spasmed again and I felt his dick expand another inch into my already stuffed mouth. I used my hands to massage his giant testicles, squeezing them in my powerful grip, aching to get a taste of his man juice. Pre cum was oozing constantly out of his dick, making everything incredibly slick. I found some rhythm, pumping my head and trying not to choke on his pulsing dick as his grunts got louder and longer. Finally, I felt a vibration in his balls as they tightened in his scrotum, his cock flexed and grew even bigger in my mouth, causing me to almost panic but I held on. I needed to get his cum down my throat no matter what. His dick was boiling hot to the touch, I could feel the burst of cum about to travel up his shaft. Suddenly, I felt a giant hand grab the back of my hair and yank me off of Travis' dick. I was too shocked to fight it. I had forgotten about Dan! "What the-!!" But it wasn't Dan that had grabbed me away at the moment that Travis was about to shoot. It was Travis himself! The gargantuan man had thrown me off of his own dick and was now jerking himself off furiously and aiming for his own mouth!. "Travis NO!" I shouted but I was too late. With a frantic growl Travis shot like a firehose, hitting his own mouth directly, gurgling and sputtering but drinking it too, just like he had with Dan. "FUck!" Another thick rope of jism erupted from his dick, the majority of his going straight into his huge throat, the rest of his splashing over his stubbly square jaw and trickling down his neck onto his heaving pecs. Rope after rope shot out, Travis grunting and burping, but drinking more, then leaning forward and clamping his lips straight onto his own cockhead, sucking out every drop. I could only watch in disgusted shock. This growing giant had already taken Dan's load, then mine, and now he was guzzling his own? What was even going to happen to him? Dan fell back, orgasm subsiding, and belched loudly as his head popped up slightly higher. He had a smile of total satisfaction on his scruffy face. I was furious. Travis how could you do that to me?!? I exclaimed, not knowing whether to deck him or start pumping my own cock, which was, of course, hard again. I couldn't help feeling a bit turned on by Travis' sudden transformation into an insatiable cum guzzling muscle pig. "I'm *burp* sorry bud! I know you *ulp* wanted some, but I just get soooooooooo *URRRRP* THIRSTY!" "What the fuck is happening to you" I said, more of a statement than a question. I was pretty turned on by what I was seeing, and my cock was standing ramrod straight. Dan suddenly jumped up from the floor and I was shocked to discover that he was almost eye level with me now. He was almost as tall, but a lot wider, looking like a bodybuilder in off season. "What are you gonna do about it? He said cockily, showing his slightly protruding muscle gut into me a bit. I was more turned on that ever. No way this could be the same Travis I had been living with the past year. Guys get a bit of muscle and their whole personality changes, but this Travis was unrecognizable. He almost seemed to growl as he stared up at me, teeth clenched. I decided to call his bluff and spat directly in his face. "What are YOU gonna do about it, runt?" I said, privately shocked at my own new cocky attitude. Travis growled like a lion and wiped my spit off his face. The look of anger on his ultra-masculine face made me doubt my tactics. There was a new, almost feral look in his eye, one that hinted at certain shades of violence and lust. "I'll show you" he said calmly, and sucker punched me straight in the gut, catching me off-guard and causing me to double over in pain. Travis took his opportunity and grabbed me as I was doubled over and quickly position himself behind me pressing himself into me and holding he down with one strong hand on my back. I almost fell, but his strong grip held me up. Suddenly I felt his other hand, wet with precum, roughly lube up between my legs. I was scared, but I wasn't going to stop him, not when I was this close to getting his next load. Despite my newly giant, size, Travis cock still felt absolutely massive entering my hole. I gasped loudly as he rammed it in, yelling out in pain before feeling a huge shiver of pleasure wash over me. The shock of Travis doing this to me was mixed with the thrill of excitement. I couldn't believe this was happening. As Travis began to pump his still-expanding dick inside of me, I looked down at my own massive hands holding me up, the tensed, thick bulging arms that I never thought I'd see connected to my own shoulders. But these weren't my shoulders either, these were true cannonball delts now, the kind only seen on advanced bodybuilders that abused steroids. Was I on steroids? Is that was was int he Maximus Protein that had caused the truly freaky transformations of Dan, me, and Travis this afternoon? I stared at my huge hard cock slapping rhythmically against my washboard eight pack abs, I could feel my hefty balls swaying pendulously between my legs. Travis slammed into me, still grunting and occasionally shuddering as spasms of growth hit him at irregular intervals. I could feel his cock lurching bigger inside of me with every shake of his mammoth body. Soon I noticed it was actually darker in the room. Was the sun going down? I felt Travis's weight shift behind me as I saw his hands come down in front of me. Next to my giant hands, these looked absolutely monstrous. I was afraid to turn my neck and look to see how big Travis was now, but I when I did turn my head all I saw was the side of one of his heavy pecs, bigger than my head, with his underarm close to my shoulder I saw the bushy hair protruding from his armpit. Just the smell from his armpit was intoxicating and sent shivers up my spine as I inhaled deeply. It was the most pungent, most manly musk I had ever smelled. One inhale and I felt high on pure pheromones. Travis was on all fours, above me, his whole body eclipsing mine as he continued to pump his dick into mine. I could feel his muscle gut developing, sliding on my back with his thrusts at first, then starting to actually rest on my back as he grew bigger and his grunts grew louder. "TRAVIS YOU"RE GETTING TOO BIG" I yelled, but he only responded by grunting as he pumped into me more and more. His cock in my ass was starting to become painful as is tensed with a new pop of growth, Travis shook all over, Grunts lowering by another octave. I tried to squirm away from him but his arms had my huge body locked in on either side. His heavy muscle gut was pressing on my back and making it difficult for me to move, it was slowly pinning me flat on the floor. "TRAVIS STOP YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" I yelled as loud as I could. I was about to get suffocated while being fucked to death by my giant roommate. "TRAVIS NO! YOU'RE TOO BIG!" Travis roared deeply in response. But then, he actually stopped pumping. I felt some of the weight of his gut lift off of me as he repositioned himself back onto his knees, and pulling out of my ass with a loud wet slick sound. "ARE YOU HURT?" his voice now sounded like it was being amplified through a stadium speaker. He was practically whispering but it sounded like a fog horn with a bass booster on it. I was relieved, and surprised. The hulk still had a little Banner in him. "I'm okay" I said, on my hands and knees, breathing heavily. "You just...scared me....." Even thought I now possessed the strength of a dozen men and a body that could fight a moose, I felt like a small boy under him. "I'M SORRY" Travis said. It was funny to hear a genuine tenderness in such an intimidating voice. "CAN WE...... UH.... CONTINUE?" All my anger melted away with this oddly touching, nervous question. I always wondered what Travis was like in bed, and now I was getting the XXXXXXXXL version of the surprisingly caring lover that I had supposed him to be. "Yeah" I said, and I finally actually turned to face him, and almost fell back down again. Travis reached his giant arms toward me, now bigger than my own legs, and said in a soft yet commanding baritone "C'MERE BOY." He was absolutely massive. As tall as I was standing up, his head was still a foot higher than me while he was on his knees. And he was WIDE. As I allowed him to pick me up and bring me close he took up almost my whole field of vision. He looked like a fucking viking, with shaggy hair, and a bushy beard that had sprouted up while he was growing. It made him look fierce and warrior like. His traps rose out of his shoulders almost to his ears, his neck was thicker than his head. And his shoulders were beyond being boulders, I was looking at whole mountain range. As he pulled me closer to him the striations rippled through his pecs, now covered in a pelt of deep brown hair, resting on top of a muscular gut. He was a mountain of a man in full-on bear mode. And right under his stomach, between his two titanic furry thighs, resting on top of the biggest balls I had ever seen, was his still hard cock rising up to me. It was dripping precum in a constant flow in anticipation of going into my ass again. I was ready and willing to let this giant put his seed in me. And when he did, I would become a giant too. "READY to CONTINUE?" He boomed. I nodded and jumped onto his dick, feeling it push into me with little resistance and howling with pleasure. Travis made me hold onto his traps as he bucked into me. Effortlessly slamming his multi-foot cock into me and holding almost all of my 500 pounds easily in his arms. "Come on, Travis! I want your giant cum!" I yelled, as I held on for dear life as he bucked away. I dug in and squeezed his traps with my powerful hands, then clenched as he increased his pace. He was getting close. Then I heard a loud hiccup from Travis and looked up to see a surprised look on his face. "OOPS *HIC* I THOUGHT I WAS *HIC*.... DOE GRO*HIC*WING..... BUT I GUESS NOT!" Every hiccup made his mountainous shoulders spring up just a little higher, as his whole body shuddered. His pecs flexed and bulged out more...and more.... and more with each hiccup. And most importantly his dick, already on the edge of what I could handle, pushed into me more and more. Travis shut his eyes and squeezed me right up against his huge warm body as the feelings shook through him. "OH!......FFFFFFFFFF.............FFFF........FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK" The shuddering gave way to a massive full body orgasm as Travis bellowed out and unleashed a fire hose of cum into me, instantly overfilling my insides and spilling out onto his balls. Travis could only moan loudly as the orgasm tore through his body and caused multiple aftershocks. I was pulling off of his cock, which only made more room for the cum he dumping into me. If this stuff had any kind of potency, I'd be leaving the world of normal humans behind in no time. "AAAAWWWWWWW" Travis fell back against the wall, crushing wha was left of the sofa to splinters. "Hey man, I'm not finished!" I yelled, pumping my rod at him. Travis pulled me forward and held me up to rub my dick between his pecs, which were deep enough to feel like a whole new orifice. "Ah fuck!" I was quickly getting close as he tensed and bounced his pecs against my cock. He playfully opened his mouth as my cock grew toward it, sticking his huge tongue out to playfully flick at the head. "Oh FUCK Trav!" I squirted a couple spurts of precum onto his face, coating his beard in sticky fluid. He lapped it up like a bear licking honey. Just as he was about to clamp his mouth onto my nearly-bursting cock, I stopped him. I held his huge square jaw closed with my hand, then waved a finger in his face. "Nah-uh. None for you this time, greedy bastard." Travis groaned loudly as he let go of me and I slid down his body. "Don't worry big guy, there's plenty to go around" I said as I walked toward the dining room table where Dan was still somehow passed out on the table. "But I owe Dan here a little help." I gently tapped (okay kind of slapped) his handsome dopey face and he jolted awake, looking dazed and adorably confused. "Holy SHIT!" He said when he saw the looming form of Travis taking up the whole living room. "Whaaat the ffuck did I miss?" He said confusedly, starting to rise up from the table and rub his head. "No time to explain buddy! I've got something that needs attending to!" I said as I pointed to my fully erect dick, which was ready to blow at any minute. "Yes SIR" Said Dan, huge grin on his face as he wasted no time in pulling himself to the side of the table and opening his mouth wide. I slid my cock in and before I could even get two pumps the sheer sucking force of his mouth and the pressure of his huge tongue against the glans caused me to go off like a rocket. I curled my toes and rocked back in forth in bliss as I pumped gallons of cum into his mouth. He finally coughed and pulled away, cum spilling out of his mouth and onto the floor. "Oh fuck! I'm still going!" I yelled, surprised to see new jets of cum still pumping out. I reached into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing that came to hand- the empty blender that Dan had used to make the initial batch of Maximus Protein, kicking off this whole situation. I had the big blender pitcher about halfway full when my cum flood subsided and I could think straight again. What was I going to do with the leftover cum? Surely I could drink some. I had just taken the biggest load of all time from Travis, and my very full abdomen was already starting o cramp and hint at the growth surge to come. I tingled with excitement thinking about what that cum was going to do to my physique. I lifted the pitcher to my lips to take a sip. I was a growing boy, after all. Then I heard a loud knock on the door that made me jump. Who the fuck could that be? Surely some neighbors had heard us. I grabbed a blanket and sloppily wrapped it around my waist, which didn't do much to cover much of anything, but I had to look at least somewhat presentable. I was about to give whoever was outside the shock of their life, probably. I opened the door not to see a stranger, but to see three of Travis and Dan's close buddies. There was Steve, a somewhat shorter guy who was slightly balding already, but the guys called him Chimp because of his apeman appearance. Then there was Swole Nick, who up until this afternoon had been the biggest and strongest of the group, the guy who always pulled all the women and had the respect of all men due to his imposing stature, chiseled good looks, and steely, confident demeanor. Finally there was Stick Nick, who was called that because where Swole Nick was thick with muscle, Stick Nick was thin and wiry, the polar opposite of his bigger friend. I towered over all three of them as they looked up at me awestruck. "Holy fuck." Swole Nick finally spoke. "The shit really works. Dan told us to get here as soon as we were done at the gym but I didn't expect..... I didn't....." I couldn't help but puff out my chest a little bit and enjoy the feeling of being stared at by men who had hardly even glanced at me before. "Yeah, I guess it works" I said cockily, flexing a mighty bicep and hearing Steve yelp a little bit in surprise. "Well it's a good thing Dan told me to bring the tub that I bought" Stick Nick said, and I saw that he was holding at his side a very familiar sight. "Pretty much blew the bank buying this shit, so let's hope it uh, pays off." He turned the tub of MAXIMUS PROTEIN that he was holding and held it up in front of him. "Got anything to mix this with?" He said. I looked down at the pitcher half-full of cum that was still in my hand. "I've got just the thing for that."
  3. GenericExcuse

    Vengeful Ass

    Something I cooked up for the ass-lover part of me. I apologize for the long intro. There may be some ass growth in the future, as well. *Growl* Nico's stomach protested just as he dropped his imposing frame onto the couch. A pang of discomfort led him to sigh and lift himself back up, couch groaning similarly. Walking to the fridge, he called out to the other resident of the single-story home. "Son? You want some food?" His bass bellowed down the hall. No reply. Emile usually keeps his door open. As he lumbered down the hall, Nico could hear, in increasing clarity, the muffled sound of distressed weeping. Heart thumping with concern, he pushed his son's door fully open and stepped in, ducking under the door frame. "Son?! What's wrong?" Emile was laying on his side, hugging a pillow tightly and sobbing into it. Nico rushed over, pressing his weight onto the small bed and reaching out to grab his son. Embraced tightly, his son wailed into his belly, arms wrapped as far around his father as he could. Nico could feel his tank top getting damp with snot and tears, but he didn't care. "It's ok, son, I'm here..." he spoke softly, rubbing Emile's back. After a few minutes of silence, occasionally interrupted by a sad hiccup, Emile pulled away and rubbed his face, staring at the bedsheet. "You wanna tell me what's going on?" Nico prodded gently, rough fingers wiping his son's tears. "Allen...cheated on me..." Emile sniffed, followed by more tears. Nico embraced his son again, squeezing tighter than before. "Oh, son, I'm so sorry..." Hugging closely for a while, they were interrupted by a ping from Emile's phone. "Y-Yeah, we're done..." his voice shook out. He tossed his phone onto the bed in defeat. "Come here, let's get you something to eat, okay? Let me know what you need." "O-Okay..." While he prepared a snack for his son, Nico recalled the one time he had met his son's now ex-boyfriend. He seemed like a nice enough man, but there was something about him... Grumbling, he felt a new, unique type of anger. It had been years and years since he had seen his son cry like that. It shattered his heart to see. And to know it was a person who caused it? There would be consequences, no doubt. "Dad?" Nico whipped around. "What, son?" "The knife..." Nico looked down at the kitchen knife in his hand. In his brooding, he had crushed the handle nearly flat. "Sorry, son. Just lost focus. You know I'm too strong for my own good sometimes, hah!" "Dad...please don't do anything to him..." Nico sighed, placing the mangled knife down. "I won't son. I won't lay a finger on him. But I will talk to him." "Dad-!" "No one fucks with my son. I'll make sure he understands that." Nico looked his son in the eyes. "I'll just talk to him." "Okay...I trust you." Next day. Nico knocked on the door loudly. His thick knuckles easily left deep dents in the wood. A few moments later, a tall, grumpy looking man with a neatly trimmed beard answered. "Hello? What's with the noise?" "You're Allen?" "Yes? Who are you?" "You just broke up with my son." "Oh, y-you're Emile's dad?" He looked the mountainous man up and down, lingering on his thick midsection. "Hehe, n-nice to meet you!" "We've met before." Nico shoved open the door, causing Allen to stumble back. Deciding not to hide his anger, Nico glared at the shocked man, crossing his bulky arms. As tall as Allen was, Nico was at least a half-foot taller. "Want to explain why you broke my son's heart after 4 years? Cheated on him?" "Hey, calm down, it's not that crazy-!" Allen was cut off by the display of Nico's flexed forearms, each much larger than his thighs. The seething glare was still boring into him, making him sweat. "No one hurts my boy. I want you to apologize to him. In person. Not over text like a wimp." Nico shifted his stance, spreading his legs and showing off their size. Each movement seemed to shake the room. "Man...I'll think about it! Just get outta my house." "Not yet." Nico stepped forward, grabbing Allen by the shoulder and nudging him to the nearby wall. "I promised my boy I wouldn't hurt you, but I still wanna make sure you never fuck with him, or anyone, again." Nico began undoing his belt. "Damn, man. I get it! S-Stop that!" Nico tossed his belt aside, then pulled his jeans down. Allen watched him as the large pants struggled to get around smoothly. Nico's beefy bulge took a moment to deal with, the obscene package finally bringing Allen to silence. Shrugging his jeans off, Nico stood in just his tank and overstuffed briefs. "When my son introduced you to me a few years back, something about you caught my eye." Nico smirked, looking down at the nearly trembling man over his flexed forearms. "Or rather, something about me caught your eye." He turned, slowly. "You couldn't take your beady eyes off my ass." Nico heard Allen gasp as he took in the sight of his beautifully sculpted and fat ass. The massive butt shook powerfully, stretching the white briefs nearly to transparency. "Don't think I didn't notice you watching me back then." Nico reached back and took huge fist fulls of his own thick, bubbly, furry ass. He squeezed, then let it bounce, and repeated. "And since then, I've made sure this ass has gotten bigger, fuller, beefier..." he punctuated each word with a tight, gripping squeeze, letting his fingers sink into his glorious rump. In a flash, Allen pounced, but Nico flipped around and grabbed his clawed hands, pinning them to the wall. "P-Please, I need it!" Allen trembled and slobbered, in painful heat caused simply by Nico giving a tease of his voluptuous, wobbling butt. The weak-willed man was thrashing, trying to break free and have at the ass behind Nico. His eyes never lost focus. "No," Nico rumbled. He held Allen securely, not letting the man budge. Advancing, he slowly pressed his massive gut against Allen, squeezing him in a vice grip. "You will apologize to my son," Nico growled and pressed his fat gut forward, nearly suffocating Allen with its heft. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please please please! Tell Emile I'm really sorry and I'll do anything he wants! PLEASE I NEED YOUR ASS!" "This fat fucking ass has turned men far stronger than you into helpless, mindless sluts, cumming their brains out with just the thought of me turning around. You think a dirty low-life whore like you deserves it?" "Please please please, sir! I can't take it! I-I'm cumming! F-Fuck! I need to fuck you! PLEASE!" Allen whined and begged, cum dripping between his legs. He collapsed, too weak to stand. Nico crouched down with him, letting his thick bulge and butt slap onto the ground with a thud. "Cum." Allen grimaced and came again instantly, shooting a hot spurt onto Nico's briefs. "Your willpower is pathetic, and you think you could take my ass? It would snap your cock in half like a fucking twig." Allen whimpered, grabbed his cock, and rubbed it absentmindedly. "Sir...please...just a touch...Just let me look at it! Please, please!" He tried shifting to look around Nico's wide hips and belly. "Fine, but I need some assurance." Nico dragged Allen around the apartment, picking up his jeans along the way. Finding the bedroom, he tossed the noisy man on top. Allen scrambled, trying to use this free moment to latch onto Nico's behind. Nico effortlessly caught him and restrained him. He squeezed Allen's throat between his forearm and upper arm, flexing to make it clear how easily his bicep could crush him. It took some maneuvering and wrestling, but Nico kept Allen flat on the bed with one thick arm. He used his free hand to reach into his jeans' pockets and grab his zipties. Working quickly, he securely fastened Allen's arms to the headboard and feet to the footboard, but not without a struggle. "Please! I need you!" He panted, drooling over his chest. He thrusted his now exposed dick upwards, arching his back in pure arousal. Nico silently got onto the bed and promptly turned around. Allen went quiet momentarily, halting his wild movement. Nico teasingly swayed his huge butt several inches over the throbbing, dripping cock. "You get a good look?" Nico grunted out. "Yes, sir! Thank you thank you thank you..!" Allen slurred, seemingly drunk in his heat. "P-Please let me fuck you!" Nico lowered himself, slowly coming closer to the tip of Allen's cock, which was being violently thrusted up. When he was merely a few centimeters from contact, he simply stayed there. Allen furiously tried to reach, desperately thrusting and pulling at his restraints. "Please..." Allen's voice took on a whiny, exhausted tone. His precum shot up in spurts, coating the planetoid mounds of beefy butt hovering above him. He ceaselessly moaned and gasped, his brain fully feral. Nico decided to take it a step further by manually spreading his bubbly cheeks, revealing his twitching, pinkish hole. Allen cried out shamelessly with his eyes tightly shut. His pleas were ignored. "Hot." Nico uttered with a low growl, catching Allen's attention. "Tight. Soft. Like a woman's wet pussy, but immeasurably better. Those are some things I've been told about my hole, and I've had countless partners to tell me. It's so easy for men to get a piece of this. I'm not very particular about who I let fuck me senseless. In fact, I could probably find several men right here in this building who I've let cum deep in my gut until they were crying and shooting blanks. All you need to do is sink your cock in there, down to the base, and you'll feel how smooth and warm it is. So easy, so what's stopping you? Aren't you jealous of all the men here?" Nico bobbed his butt up and down, bringing it so close to Allen's cock that they almost touched. Allen could no longer form sentences. His brain was foggy, eyes glazed over. Images of Nico's ass swirled around in his mind. Then, it happened. Nico let just the very tip of Allen's cock touch him. Just a tiny graze, barely noticeable, and Allen trembled, orgasming so hard that he shook. Having cum so often before, nothing came out this time. He shuddered as his cock lurched wildly. "What, no load for me? Guess you don't want me that badly..." Nico sighed and dismounted the bed. He used the comforter to wipe his precum-covered ass. Then he grabbed his jeans and quickly put them on, letting the back catch on his butt briefly. "Wha-Wha..?" Allen muttered, still in a daze. He watched silently as Nico pulled the zipties apart with just a flick of his thick fingers. "I still expect an apology to my son. After that, never speak to him again unless he initiates." Nico let himself out, calmly closing the door behind him. He trotted home, intending to spend more time comforting his son.
  4. LionBUff

    Breeding Barn

    Breeding Barn By: LionBUff Part 1: The Beast of the Bull Brutton, a 4,000 lbs breeding bull, looked out into the pasture of cows. He leaned on the wooden fence wearing tight jeans and an even tighter sleeveless shirt with both elbows behind his chest and observed the stomach of every female cow in the field. He had impregnated every last cow on his farm, at least he thought. Brutton examined every female to make sure none of their stomachs were too flat. Every stomach of every female looked noticeably bigger to him. Even if they weren’t carrying a heavy load of his calf, they were carrying buckets of his heavy seed that hadn’t fully digested. Looking at all of the females he had impregnated reminded his testicles how much seamen they held which made his body want to dump the load he was currently carrying. His jeans hugged his stiff rear as they seemed to move towards the front of his body. His cock looked more like an arm trying to rip through. Brutton felt the seams give way to his growing shaft. He looked down at the bulge about to burst and grabbed the tip. He lowered his left hand to squeeze the tip of his cock as a way of telling his body to calm down. He used his other hand to squeeze his balls like he was preventing an explosion of sperm from bursting out of his pants. The skin-tight shirt rose and fell with his muscles as he breathed slowly to relax his body and hormones. "You've stuffed every hole here," he whispered to his bulge as if it were alive. "They can only handle so much cum at one time... you'll be back to breeding before you know it! If there was anyone else you could breed you'd already be flooding their body." Brutton did his best to force his bulge back down but his testosterone was too powerful. A beast like Brutton can never truly ignore his sperm's desires. Knowing his bulge was only a few throbs away from jumping out of his pants he walked back to his private stall. He walked into the barn, made sure the farmer wasn't around and slipped his shirt over his head. There was a water bucket for him in the corner. Brutton walked over to take a large sip but got distracted by his reflection. His muscles alone weighed more than a car. Every inch of him was a blanket of veins and bulging beef. Any human bodybuilder wouldn't stand a chance against this bull that made even the most muscular superheroes and gods look like a regular man. Brutton loved his unstoppable body, but he thought it was a little funny. All of this testosterone dripping from his body and yet he didn't like to fight. He had scared off other bulls at other farms by simply groaning at them and bouncing his chest. He has encountered many bulls who wanted to fight him, but Brutton never wanted to fight any of them. He just wanted to breed the farm with them, and maybe see what his kind felt like. He hated being the only bull on a farm because he has secretly wondered what another male crawling up his holes and flooding his guts with seed felt like. He didn't think another bull would ever want to do anything but fight, but he wished that he could spend time with one. Just long enough to feel the other bull make his belly sag with thick milk. He thought getting pumped full of another bull's milk would feel better than any female. He was so lost in his imagination that he almost ripped his jeans open dreaming of another bull. Thankfully he snapped out of his fantasies before his jeans ripped and he was able to unzip them and drop them to the ground. He looked back at the water hole and imagined a bull just as big as him cramming a veiny cock up his guts. He could see the shape of the other male's breeding beast sticking out of his belly and throbbing visibly. He caressed his own cock and was fully erect in seconds. The pulse in his shaft was throbbing so hard that his waste was starting to feel sore. His cock was so hard that it was almost cramping. His veins breathed like his meat was a thick lung hanging out of his pelvis. Brutton's sperm erupted out of his towering cock and splatter all over his stall. The eruption was so powerful that Brutton thought he had emptied his balls in only three explosive pumps. He sat there with splashes of his slimy seed dripping down his muscles and thought about what that would feel like on the other end. He wanted an explosion of seed even bigger to make him look as pregnant as the cows in the field. Brutton started to feel thirsty and walked over to the bucket of water in the corner. He drank all of it without taking a breath, then sat back down. His testosterone had only gotten stronger as the water seemed to flow right to his testicles... the water instantly flooded his balls with a load even bigger than the last. He felt more pent up than ever. The thought of being impregnated by another beast like him made almost all of the water from the bucket turn into cum. His balls felt heavier than when he started stripping down. Brutton sat there and sprayed three more rounds of cum, each felt like he hadn't jacked off in years. His balls couldn't stop making more sperm... even after four bursts of seed. When Brutton finally ran out of seed, he laid down in the pool of cum in his stall and fell asleep.
  5. Hey everyone, long time lurker here. For those who do not know, I am the MMGArchivist on Twitter and YouTube where I'm creating a living archive dedicated to capturing male muscle growth moments in the medium of animation. And I've decided to throw my hat in the writing ring this year so I hope you enjoy this first installment of The Multiverse of Animated Muscle Madness - where the mechanization of a mysteries Architect leads to some of our favorite men in animation becoming hirsute, hyper-masculine musclegods. With our first unknowing recipients being a certain blonde haired sidekick who loves Bueno Nacho and his best pal Rufus. Enjoy! PART ONE "There we go!" Ron Stoppable said as he slid the last egg into place, a wide grin breaking through the intense concentration. Leaning backwards he folded his arms, admiring with pride his latest creation. It was a towering mountain of food, with the base being a regular extra large Naco, but then piled high with bacon, sausage, eggs. All drizzled with syrup at the top, running down like maple lava rivers to the scattered base of French sticks. A culinary nightmare to some, but sweet, delicious madness to the blonde. Ron ignored the temptation to nibble on his masterpiece and picked it up, wobbling only slightly as he turned from the stove to the island counter. Walking quickly, he deposited the precariously leaning tower of cholesterol onto the counter before Rufus, his small naked mole rat. Not wanting to leave his best friend and pal out, Ron had permanently installed a small table on the counter with its own small chair, where Rufus currently sat excitedly chittering "Ooh boy CHEESE!" while wearing a small white napkin as a bib. "Here we go buddy! My world famous Bueno Nacho Naco Breakfast to tide us over until KP gets back." Ron said, moving to sit in his new favorite chair. After sitting down, Ron stuck his hands into the pile and pulled out a couple of chips covered in eggs, bacon, sausage bits, strings of cheese still connecting them to the rest of the mountain. The syrup had barely rolled off the mess in his hands before Ron had smashed them into his mouth, his eyes closing in joy as he slurped. Not needing to be asked twice, Rufus eagerly threw off his bib before diving headfirst into the nearest side of the pile, practically tunneling himself into the mountain. The duo were acting like starving coyotes going after a fresh meal. Which, to be honest, they were. Starving, that is, and not being coyotes. You see, young Ron Stoppable and his pal Rufus had just spent the last several days refurbishing their new abode in a rush, just days before the upcoming fall semester began at Middleton Community College. When Ron had originally applied to the school a year after graduation, the dean had come to his parent's home in person to accept him, going off on how ecstatic the school was to have a prestige member of team Possible as one of their students and future alumni. This led to a full ride scholarship and flexibility with his teachers to accommodate his mission work with Kim and the best of on student housing. And for the first month of his freshman year, Ron had really eaten up the popularity, and his fellow classmates and teachers were in awe of his adventures. And the jocks and popular boys and the nerds were all in awe of the fact that he - Ron Stoppable- had bagged Kim Possible, the world's greatest action hero, as his girlfriend. But as the semester went on, the administration of MCC learned the hard way why the principal of Middleton High laughed himself into a fit when they called to receive Ron's records to process him as a student. Not even two months in and Magilligan had broken out of prison and had tried to take out the son of a rival clan during a school spirit day, only to learn that Ron attended the school. And after getting his behind handed to a monkey-fu powered Ron and sent back to prison, the Scotsman sang like a lark to all the villains about this development. So began a series of villain attacks on the university to see who would bring down their shared enemy and foe Kim Possible first by going after her achiles heel - the Dweeb. While the Dean had budgeted plenty for Ron's bottomless appetite, his infamous clumsiness, and the occasional rogue experiment from the science department (Dr. Drakken was also an alumnus), the school had not accounted for a global villain network declaring hunting season on Ron. Insurance rates and costs for repairs were already skyrocketing by November, because of Shego's personal motto of "if I can lift it, it's a projectile weapon". The school winter holidays festival had to be cancelled because of a resurrected evil snowman by the Seniors. And everyone refused to even talk about the anthropomorphic horrors D.N. Amy unleashed during Valentine's Day and she hadn't even come after Ron. During solitary, an artist site called Deviancyart had inspired her to recreate her own perfect anthropomorphic OC in real life to marry. The young and mature male victims alone- Amy apparently didn't age discriminate at the university - kept the school counselors busy for weeks afterwards. But while the administration was getting grey hair over the situation, the students loved having Ron and his popularity stayed pretty much the same. Then came the Gill incident in August. Not only was Ron's apartment destroyed in the toxic goo mess, he lost all three of his roommates in the same attack. But they didn't die! One ended up transforming and becoming Gil's hunky shark boyfriend that visits him regularly in prison. They saved another from transforming fully intime and he reverted, dropped out of college and became a famous environmentalist on MyTube. The last one needed extensive psychotherapy and still gets a panic attack when he even sees anything slimy. So for the safety of Ron and Rufus, the school moved them to the old groundskeeper and wood shop teacher's cabin, right on the outskirts of school grounds, right next to Middleton's only forest. "For your safety and no other reason at all!" the Dean had said quickly to Ron and his parents in his office just after the announcement, his now salt and pepper hair and goatee damp from the buckets of nervous sweat pouring off him from the glare Mrs. Stoppable was sending him. And when asked why Ron couldn't just stay in any of the on campus or even close to off campus housing since he was popular with the student body, the Dean had nervously stuttered out how many students current insurance didn't cover villain attacks that occur in private residencies - only public spaces and they didn't want to risk it. So, with that announcement, Ron and Rufus found themselves moved into a rustic cabin near the woods that needed a lot of TLC. When the dean had said rustic, he meant huntsman from Little Red Riding Hood rustic. The wood shop teacher had not only built the cabin himself, but he had custom-built all the furniture, including the queen sized bed in the master bedroom, to accommodate his partner and his much larger sizes. So not only did Ron have beds and couches that could fit two of him in - which made the couches great napping spots - but they were also custom decorated by the groundskeeper, who liked to hunt. That meant Ron and Kim walking into the master bedroom and them screaming in terror at seeing a fully stuffed bear - completely with head in a death roar - staring at them from atop the massive bed. Furs covered all the furniture in the housing from the bed to the couches while the mounted heads and antlers of several prizes dotted the walls wherever the room was available. They had used several pairs of antlers to create lamps, seasoning shelves in the kitchen, and even bath-towel racks in both the guest and master bedroom. All of which Kim, Monique, Mrs. Stoppable and Mrs. Possible all had to go. Which then led to a vote, which was won by the boys. On the condition, however, that their partners could hold veto power over anything that was truly hideous. Which led to the ladies watching with Rufus, sunglasses on and sipping lemonades, while the boys showed them things and they vetoed them, having the dejected man taking the thing to the storage truck to send it all to the owner's new home. It took several days of painting, moving in new coverings for the bed and couches, and patching some leaks in the roof. Yet as Ron looked around at their new living space in the light of day, he could see how much they'd transformed the place. While the kitchen remained "charmingly" rustic with hardwood and oak shelves, the living area was a contrast in relaxing modernity with soft plush grey couches and armchairs circling a coffee table. Directly in front of the coffee table was a fireplace and above that, a nice large-screen television, perfect for movies and gaming. From the living room came the entryway, that was lined with some of Ron's favorite movie posters and a shelf for shoes next to the front door. Everything created a cozy, relaxing atmosphere. "Spekingh off relaxcingh" Ron said loudly to catch Rufus' attention, his mouth full of naco. Rufus peeked his head out of his gooey tunnel, cheeks stuffed, as he looked up at Ron in curiosity. Ron swallowed before giving a belch. "Whoops! Sorry, buddy. Anyway, since we have time to kill before KP gets here in the car, want to play Super Crash Bros after breakfast?" Rufus excitedly nodded his head and chittered, slobber flying from his full cheeks. Ron laughed, taking that for an enthusiastic yes before returning to help demolish the rest of the mountain that was now only a small hill. Yep, Ron thought gleefully, this was the life. He couldn't wait to finish and race with his best bud and once again absolutely cream his cousin Todd online. He had a nice place to stay. His parents and he had set everything up for school in a few days. Kim and he were going strong. Everything was finally going his way. Which is right when the doorbell rang. Ron turned towards the door, cheeks bulging with food. He swallowed, then stood up, stretching his tight muscles as he did. "Oh geez! I'm getting old buddy and I don't like it. But it's so early for the mail woman to be coming by." He said with a frown. Then Ron shrugged. "Ah well. It doesn't matter, anyway. It's not like it's going to be something life changing or mind-blowing." Ron laughed, walking down to the entryway. Little did Ron realize how soon he would quickly eat those words- among other things. For as his hand went to open the door, missing the dark silhouette that blocked all light from entering the glass window, Ron would soon receive something that would change not only his own life. But the entire trajectory of his world and universe as they knew it. But we're getting far ahead of ourselves. Completely oblivious to the dark silhouette, Ron's hand paused on the doorknob as a thought struck him. "What if KP came back because she didn't get our normal goodbye kiss?!" he said, eyes widening in shock. Quickly, that shock faded as a cocky expression replaced it, a smirk crinkling his eyes as he chuckled. "But who am I to not give my girlfriend what she wants?" Still chuckling and shaking his head, Ron opened the door. "Kim, Kim, Kim. If you wanted a goodbye kiss, all you had to do was ask! But that's okay. I'm more than happy to oblige, my lady." He said, eyes closed. Ron puckered his lips and leaned forward, eager to kiss his girlfriend. Silence greeted him. Then a deep, bassy chuckle shattered the silence. "Normally I wouldn't kiss on the job. But I'd make an exception, cutie." Ron's eyes snapped open. "Huh? Who said- AGHAHAHA!" Ron screamed, his hands coming up to his chest as terror and shock filled him as he stared at the massive behemoth standing in front of him. He had to be the biggest man he'd ever seen in real life- and he'd fought a guy possessed by the spirit of Anubis, a turned evil Hego, and a genetically modified Drakken from the future. (The last one, Ron and Kim still weren't sure if that had really happened or not. Gotta love those time travel loopholes!) Anyway, back to the hunk of man towering above Ron's blonde head by several feet. The man wore an expensive, obviously custom tailored black suit over a white undershirt, black dress pants stretched across spread sequoia-thick thighs. Resting right above both tree trunks was a massive gut, a thick round sphere of pure muscle sheathed in the fabric of the black suit. A pair of titanic pecs rose above the man's core, each slab square and tightly packed against the other, wrestling for space between the straining confines of the man's clothing. The visible buttons on his chest were valiantly holding on for dear life, patches of midnight dark skin and coily black hairs as thick as a forest visible within. The barn door sized width of his lats and back also pushed against the sides of his clothing, yet still stressing the man's form, giving him an almost X shape. Ron's eyes couldn't help but dart from the man's boulder shoulders down to the dense muscle threatening to burst through the seams of the suit's sleeves. Round watermelon biceps pressed for space against his monstrous lats and pecs, pushing the stranger's arms at an angle. Meaty forearms pulled his jacket and shirt cuffs tight away from his wrist and closer to his elbows, leaving an enormous expanse of vascular, hairy black skin visible before his hands disappeared into the pockets of his suit. But what truly drew the eye was the black bow tie perched at the bottom of the man's thick neck. Because there was no collar, possibly large enough to go around such an elephantine pillar of muscle. Thickly corded tendons flexed all along the length of the thickest, meatiest neck Ron had ever seen. A literal tree trunk of thick muscle seamlessly rose from boulder shoulders and traps to uphold the man's enormous head. Thick black stubble covered the bottom half of his smirking face and down his neck until it reached the large Adam's apple. Perched atop a broad, enormous nose sat a pair of almost dainty glasses through which two eyes the same shade as Monique's skin looked down at Ron, filled with warmth. A perfectly manicured yet bushy eyebrow rose, giving the man a playful and confident, yet not arrogant, expression. Like the ruling lion of a pride, looking down in fond amusement at a kitten. Just like a lion, a mane of wonderfully intricate interwoven braids framed his face. And as the man tilted his head to the side to better stare at the frozen Ron, the rest of his braids flowed from a knot down to his massive back, giving the man a ponytail woven from beautifully multicolored beaded braids. It was this beauty that robbed Ron of thought, paralyzing him speechless, the fear rapidly draining from him to be replaced with awe. This ruggedly masculine man, the epitome of masculinity, was also the most beautiful human being he'd ever encountered. Even thoughts of Kim's beauty fled from his mind as it struggled to comprehend the being before it. How a person could not only be so enormous and muscular, yet be so captivatingly gorgeous and ethereal at the same time. If Ron didn't know better, he'd think the man before him was some sort of angel or demigod. The man chuckled, a deep rumble rising from his chest. "Leaves you kind of speechless, don't it?" His voice was like a river of caramel, smooth and deep and just as strong and commanding of attention. Ron could only nod, mouth agape and eyes wide. The man tilted his head to the left, amused as he eyed the boyish man before him. He truly was adorable -a skinny yet lithe body clothed in baggy, obviously comfy clothing. A fluffy blonde mop framed a round, brown-eyed face that looked young beyond its twenty years. The freckles didn't help either. He licked his lips, hunger rising sharply within him as he continued to eye Ron. Our Lord is right once again. He will truly be a delicious morsel in the upcoming feast. He thought, his mind flooding with the graphic visuals and visions his Lord had described for Their disciples. Filling the stirrings of a familiar warmth below the belt, the man quickly took his mind from the gutter to the task his Lord had given him. There would be time to indulge in such things much later. As well as the window was shrinking before a certain stick-in-the-mud sensed his presence. Getting back to the task at hand, the man gave Ron a megawatt smile, white teeth gleaming and bright against his skin. "I know these seem terribly rude, but could I come in for just a few minutes? I'm not from around here and not used to this summer heat." the man said, looking at Ron while he willed the young mortal to believe his words. And it was true - his feet were tired after walking around the entire campus, trying to find someone who knew where the blonde man's new housing was. Ron quickly shook himself, realizing how rude he was being leaving this man out in the sun like this. Being absolutely trusting, Ron quickly moved out of the doorway. "Of-of course. Let's go inside so you can cool down. The heat is brutal today!" He said, waving the man indoors. It didn't even occur to Ron that the man could've been an evil minion or someone sent to take him back to the enemy. All he saw was a large man in need of aid, and his aching heat quickly took over. "I'm Ron, by the way. It's nice to meet you." Ron said over his shoulder as he moved down the entryway, the enormous man following behind him. The stranger had to turn sideways and shuffle his way through the doorway before trailing behind the blonde, his wide shoulders brushing against the wall while his head was only a foot or so away from the eight foot tall ceilings. The man nodded. "Nice to meet you, Ron. My name is Mr. Cleido." He answered back as the pair entered the communal area of the home. The towering breakfast mountain was now only a pile of a few cheesy chips. Cradled on top of the pile, Rufus was rubbing his inflated stomach, chittering in contentment. Rufus looked up as Ron came into the kitchen, his small eyes widening and jaw dropping in shock at the beautiful black man coming up behind him. "Take a seat, man, and let me get you some water." Ron said, moving through the kitchen. He picked up Rufus, the rodent still speechless. Rufus turned his head to look at Ron, still dazed, and the blonde laughed. "Same here buddy." he whispered, popping the rotund rodent into shirt pocket while he returned to look for a clean glass. "Oh, I couldn't possibly inconvenience you anymore than I already am! Especially since it looks like I'm interrupting your breakfast as well." Mr. Cleido rumbled, looking at the couches and sofas around the coffee table. Picking the sturdiest one, he slowly lowered himself down, successfully not wincing at the groan of the springs. Or how the chair sunk deeper into the carpet. "Hey man you're not bothering me at all." Ron said, coming into the living room. In one hand he had a large coffee mug full of water, the other hand holding the last bit of his breakfast nacos. He placed them both on the coffee table, the nacos directly in the middle, while he sat on the large sofa next to Mr. Cleido. Once he saw his new guest was drinking, Ron went to town on the chips, popping some into his mouth. "Don't mean to dig or anything, but what's a guy like you doing wandering outside dressed like that?" Ron said around a mouthful of chips, vaguely gesturing to the bigger man's ensemble. "Were you trying to get a job on campus? OH! Are you a bodyguard? Did the school send you to be my bodyguard?! That would be so cool!" Ron said, throwing his arms up in the air in excitement. Though the blonde could more than take care of himself, having a bodyguard was seen as a status symbol of wealth or influence. And it would just make Ron's status on campus even better because he was so sought after by the villain underbelly and was such a threat, he needed protection twenty-four seven. Ron's mind raced, picturing how he and Mr. Cleido would become the best of friends after multiple attempts, flashing through various fanciful scenarios in their completely fictional friendship. He imagined the bodyguard sobbing as Ron and Kim were married, Ron stomping on the traditional cup in a Jewish wedding. Him becoming the godfather to their kids. He even imagined the day he'd grasp hands with the man who'd been his second best friend and secondary father to him for the last time, watching as in a hospital he took a deep rattling breath in his wizened form. While Ron's wild imagination zoomed through decades of a fictional relationship, Mr. Cleido finished his sip, meaty hand dwarfing the mug. Gently bringing it back down on the coffee table, the man gave another chuckle. "Getting into enough trouble to warrant a bodyguard, are we?" he teased. The man's words shattered Ron's daydream - Kim consoling him as they stared down at a ridiculously large grave - and caused the blonde to turn back to the present. Embarrassed, Ron rubbed the back of his head, cheeks flushing red. "Yeah, not necessarily. I'm not the one getting into trouble. It's just more that trouble seems to... find me." He said, not looking at Mr. Cleido. Mr. Cleido nodded. "And when it finds you, it gets everyone around you involved as well, I take it?" Ron looked back at the man, nodding repeatedly. "Exactly! It's not my fault the bad guys want a piece of me finally! They just keep coming for some reason and it's been very annoying! Specially since everyone but Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Gill keeps getting my name wrong." Ron huffed, folding his arms in frustration. He remembered how - just weeks before the Gill incident- Senior Senior Senior had called Ron every name under the sun that ended in "-on" except his actual name. Which was additionally insulting since he'd been the one to request him and Kim's services in the first place! Rufus gave his owner's arm a pat, returning Ron's mind again to the present. Ron quickly unfolded his arms, leaning forward towards the built man now with excitement. "But now that I have a bodyguard with me, they'll HAVE to take me seriously enough to remember my name! And it will improve my street cred even more, which would finally help me get into the frat parties, which are the best parties on campus!" Ron said, looking up at Mr. Cleido with joy in his eyes. Oh, you are such a cutie. Mr. Cleido thought. If this were a different mission, he'd have gladly gone along with the plan if it meant spending more time with the endearing, strange man before him. But even now, he could feel the window shrinking more. Plus, he knew the reward for fulfilling his Lord's will would be far sweeter and orgasmic than what the young man currently could ever reward him with. Mr. Cleido gave Ron an apologetic look. "While I'm very flattered, I am already employed." Seeing Ron wilt in disappointment and embarrassment, he hurried to continue. "Do you remember the Mr. Universe pageant you and Miss Possible saved at the beginning of this summer? The one with the international delegations competing which lost to Junior Junior Senior?" Ron looked back at the man, his disappointment at not getting a bodyguard fading away. Confused at the question, he answered slowly. "Yeah, I remember it. It's hard to forget those male beauty pageants. Especially when everyone's all slicked up and strutting their stuff in man bikinis." Ron said. Mr. Cleido's eyebrows rose at the statement. "Man biki-oh! Haha! They really are kinda of man bikinis!" he said. Throwing his head back, Mr. Cleido exploded with laughter. Ron and Rufus gasped as the power and strength of the giant's laugh shook everything in the room. Calming himself, Mr. Cleido continued to chuckle while he wiped a stray tear from his eye. "Ah, that was good! And male beauty pageants truly are the best way to describe those competitions. Hahaha. Can't wait to tell the others this one, especially Glōōdeal." he said. Still chuckling, the man continued. "But yes. The biggest sponsors of male beauty pageants as you were, especially the Mr. Universe one you saved, are the Male Muscle Growth Agency or the MMGA for short. I'm the personal attendant for the CEO. Think of me like his, um, head of staff." Mr. Cleido said, taking another sip of water. More confused now than ever, Ron spoke again. "So what brought you here, then?" he asked. Concern filled him, worried he'd accidentally offended the mysterious CEO in some way. "Did I tick him off? What did I break - oh gosh, what's it going to cost me? I'm a broke college kid. I don't have that much money to begin with!" Ron panicked, hands flying to his face. Mr. Cleido quickly put a comforting mitt on Ron's arm, his hand wrapping entirely around the limb. "You broke nothing of value at the venue Mr. A, my boss, won't be able to cover. And I'm not here to shake you down for money. In fact, they were so impressed and grateful, they wanted to show their appreciation through a gift. Which I currently have on my person." Releasing the blonde's arm, Mr. Cleido stood up, reaching into his suit pockets as he did so. Fiddling around for a moment, he gave a soft- for him- exclamation as he pulled out a package. Gesturing for Ron to open his hands, Mr. Cleido bent down to place the package in his hands while he explained. "The CEO of another company owed my employer a favor, and they cashed in. And while there is no money in the envelope - don't whine-" he said with a laugh as Ron pouted at the news,"- it is a letter better explaining the gift. Best to read it once I'm gone." Mr. Cleido finished, covering Ron's entire hand as he placed the package there. He truly wished he could stay for a little while longer - just to witness as the scrumptious twink tried on the gift his Lord and Master had given him. But he could feel the brief window was almost gone and that soon unwanted eyes would notice his presence in this universe. So filled with regret, Mr. Cleido drew back up to his full height. Pretending to look at a nonexistent watch, he acted shocked. "Would you look at the time? I must go if I'm to make it back to your campus on time to catch my ride back to work." "Oh for sure, let me just -" Ron said, putting the package down to stand up and escort his guest out like his mom would expect. Before he could fully stand up, though, a large hand came and gently pushed him back down, causing Ron and Rufus to fall backwards onto the couch. "Nonsense! I've already taken enough of your time and hospitality. I can see myself out. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintances." Mr. Cleido said, grabbing Ron's hand to give it a shake that rattled the young man. Properly disoriented, Mr. Cleido scooped back up the package as he walked by, placing it back in Ron's hand. As he elegantly moved past the blonde, he couldn't help but be coy. Right before he reached the entryway, he pretended to stop like he had forgotten something. "How unprofessional of me to forget!" Turning his head over his meaty neck, the man sent a stunning smile back to the rattled Ron. "My employer would prefer you to try on your gift in the mirror. You'll thank us later." Turning back around, his long and powerful legs carried him swiftly through the entryway and out the door. Ron quickly reoriented himself and stood up. "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN-" The front door closed, cutting off his question to the mysterious man. "Try it on. Nevermind." Ron sighed, slumping slightly against the side of the sofa. He and Rufus exchanged looks. "I'd say that was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to us, but we've fought babies." Rufus nodded his head, chittering in agreement. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Ron quickly put the strange departure of Mr. Cleido to the back of his mind as he focused on the package he was still clutching. Unfolding his hand, the duo saw it was a long rectangular box - like one would use to put like a necklace or jewelry in. Tethered to the box was a white envelope tied there by a golden ribbon. The envelope was very plain and unadorned - the only remarkable thing being there TO RON STOPPABLE printed in nondescript gold type right in the middle. Neither Ron nor Rufus knew what to make of the strange gift. "Huh. Wonder what could be in here?" Ron said, standing back up. He ambled back to his bedroom, distractedly unraveling the ribbon, while spitballing ideas to Rufus. "I know he said it wasn't money, but OH, what if it's like a sold gold chain?! I could sell that and get tons of dough for it!" He looked down at Rufus, who looked down at the box, then quickly shook his head. "Yeah, you're right. It would probably be a lot heavier even if it was a necklace. Gold's pretty heavy stuff. But he said to try it on..." Ron said, pausing in the doorway in his room. If it wasn't a solid gold chain, then what could it be? Was it like an experimental smart watch or necklace? One of those foldable VR headsets Wade had been rambling excitedly about? A collar with a virtual picture of me and Kim? Before he could think more about it, Ron felt a claw tapping on his neck. "Hmmm?" he said, looking down at Rufus. "What's up, little buddy?" Rufus pointed at the envelope in Ron's hand, chattering while miming opening the envelope. "Oh yeah, go for it, buddy. Here ya go- whoopsie daisy!" Ron said, handing the envelope to Rufus, only for the box to slide out of his hand. Fumbling quickly, he caught the box, embarrassed. "Oh, boy! That was a close one, hahaha." Ron laughed, lifting his hand to make sure he hadn't accidentally damaged the box. His laughter trailed off, however, as a familiar orange logo caught his eye. "Wait a minute - HenchCo.? HenchCo. made this?" Ron said, bringing the box closer to his face while Rufus was busy ripping open the envelope. Sure enough, his eyes weren't deceiving him. Right in the middle of the box, in bright orange letters, was the HENCHCO logo - the world's pre-eminent supplier of military and scientific hardware and henchmen to evil geniuses worldwide. They'd built the Molecular Transducer and the Attitudinator that had turned Ron evil and Drakken good that one time. They'd even accidentally turned Ron into an orange, hulking brute after he'd fallen into a vat of the experimental Titan Project. But none of those are wearable except- Ron thought, his eyes widening as the realization of what he was potentially holding struck him like lightning. Rufus let out a sharp squeak as Ron suddenly darted toward forwards, leading the rodent to hold tight to the letter in one hand while grabbing Ron's shoulder with another. "Waitaminute-waitaminute-waitaminute," Ron said repeatedly, excitement growing within him as he moved. Entering his large and spacious bedroom, Ron quickly made his way to the opposite end where, between his walk-in closet and the dresser beside his bed, stood a long full-length mirror. Bingo! Ron thought as he made his way closer to the mirror. Still excitedly chanting, he distractedly deposited Rufus onto the dresser alongside the box. "Waitaminute-waitaminute- wait. a. MINUTE! NO WAY!" Ron exclaimed, bouncing back a step. "Rufus, Mr. C. said I was supposed to look in a mirror while I tried it on, right?" He said, hands up and gesturing wildly. Rufus looked back at Ron and chittered in agreement, confused. "And that his boss had asked a certain CEO to make this for me as a gift. Which we now know because HenchCo made it, it means Jack Hench is that CEO, right?" Ron asked the rodent, lifting the box to showcase the label again. Rufus again chittered in agreement. "Mmhm mmh right mmhm mmhm?" Ron dropped the box back onto the dresser, nodding his head excitedly. The blonde was so excited he couldn't help but start pacing back and forth. "So Mr. C's boss had Jack Hench give us something wearable. And they make a lot of wearable stuff like the Tudeinator. But those could only fit in a hatbox and this is obviously not a hatbox. Nor could it be a tiara or crown - though that would look cool with my hair." Ron said, pausing as he thought of how majestic he'd look with a cool crown around his blonde hair and if Kim would like that. Quickly, he shook himself from that daydream and continued to pace as he rambled to his increasingly confused, concerned companion. "Nothing HenchCo makes could ever be small enough to fit in this box. Except one thing." Ron said, stopping with his back turned to the rodent. With a dramatic whirl, he spun to face Rufus, pointing at the rodent. "What is the one thing HenchCo has ever made that is small enough to wear and put in a box, buddy?" he asked, an excited grin on his face. Rufus scrunched his face, concentrating as he tried to think. What had Henchco ever made that was tiny, wearable, and fit in a box? The rodent's eyes widened, his tiny mouth opening in shock. He looked up at Ron and excitedly chittered back at him, "OH mgmmg mgmgm mgmgm!" while miming with his hands, like he was putting something on one of his fingers. Ron excitedly nodded his head again, bouncing now. "Exactly buddy! The only thing HenchCo has ever made that could fit in this box is-" Ron said, grabbing the box and lifting it between the duo. With an ungraceful yank, Ron pulled the top off with one hand while the other dove in and claimed his prize. And with a dramatic flourish, Ron pulled out the tiny item, dropping the box to the ground while, between two fingers, he held the gift. "A MOLECULAR MUSCLE ENHANCER RING BABY!" Ron crowed, throwing his head back as Rufus squealed in excitement. Indeed, held gingerly between Ron's average fingers, was an infamous molecular muscle enhancer ring. Or, as many henchmen, heroes, and civilians now called them on the street, an M.M.E. ring for short. Since Drakken's "acquisition" of them years ago, the M.M.E. ring had become one of HenchCo's most lucrative tech requested by villains and civilians alike. Appearing to be a simple golden twist ring, the powerful tech used powerful energies to manipulate the wearer's body down to the molecular level to give them considerable increases in height, muscle mass, and strength. And since the rings had hit both the public and villainous sectors, many sporting competitions had made rules outlawing their practice while certain sports - such as wrestling and MMA- actively encouraged the usage of the rings as it provided lucrative entertainment options. This had also led to a rise in catfishing on online dating apps, as many skinny men used the rings to create profiles to catch potential partners, only for their scheme to fall apart when the rings fell off their fingers. There actually was a hilarious reality TV show the Possible family and Ron watched where a woman with a camera crew went out to catch these dudes and expose them on air. Catfishing them and then, when they least expected it, yanking off the rings and watching them deflate into skinny dudes drowning in a puddle of clothes. None of that was on Ron's mind as he held the ring, though. No, what was going through his mind was all the potential the ring could bring him. "Do you know what this means, Rufus?" He asked. Rufus shook his head. "It means I can finally not only physically keep up with Kim when we go on missions, but I could start seriously kicking bad guy's butt! Imagine me using my monkey powers while being all manly again. It would totally rock!" Ron said, eyes shut so he could picture it better. Him walking to class, now the size of one of the football players on campus. A bad guy coming - like Gill again - snarky. and confident until they saw the new manly Ron, mighty pecs filling his shirt, his hair spiking as he went into monkey mode. How easily his meaty fists, mystically powered, would easily subdue the threat before Kim and the police showed up. And, with a dirpy chuckle, he imagined how, while annoyed at him using the ring, that wouldn't stop Kim from giving him the best kisses in the world. Nodding, determination filled Ron as he clutched the ring tightly in his hand. "Yeah baby let’s do this!" he said. Ron moved from the dresser to stand before the full-length mirror. He looked down, opening his hand to look once more at the small ring. Ron then looked back at his reflection, taking it in for a moment. He took in his boyish, freckled face, made younger by his shaggy blonde hair. How his jersey-turtleneck combo and cargo pants were baggy on his wiry frame. How his jersey was doing an excellent job to his small gut he had from all the fast food he ate and his monstrous metabolism couldn't rid him completely off. And while, unlike the first time, Ron was incredibly secure in his masculinity and his prowess, he was absolutely sick and tired of not being taken seriously as his girlfriend when he was just as strong and terrifying as she was. But the image staring back at him, combined with his average height, meant no one besides the Possible family - and lord Monkey Fist - rarely took him seriously. Hence why they called him The Dweeb. "Not for long, though." Ron muttered, a cocky smirk blossoming on his face as he picked up the ring with his other hand. And with rising excitement, Ron placed the M.M.E. ring onto his right ring finger. And as his hand lifted, twisting the top part to the right, releasing a familiar series of flashing lights and chirps and whirs between the two bands. A faint warmth surrounded the ring on Ron’s finger while a shiver rippled throughout Ron’s body as the ring scanned and mapped his form, from the tips of his hair down to the ends of his toes swaddled in the plain cotton socks on his feet. As the ring scanned him, the microchips and processors whirred and flared as they moved to the default setting as established by HenchCo scientists. All of this occurring within microseconds, the ring completed its assessment and began the transformation of its wearer. From the ring, it issued a pulse of warmth. A gurgling sound dragged Ron’s attention from the ring to his chest. A tingle rose from the center of his chest, like pins and needles, but somehow deeper. It spread outwards, covering his chest. As he watched, his shirt billowed and undulated like boiling soup, while a gurgling sound emanated from deep within his chest. That faint warmth grew, along with a strange pressure rising, pressing forward against his undulating flesh. Then, with a mighty lurch, his meager chest surged forwards, swiftly swelling outwards and hardening, until Ron boasted a pair of massive pectorals. "Oh yeah!" Ron exclaimed, looking down at the brawny shelf extending from his chest. "I can't see past my pecs!" He said, barely able to see his socks wiggling beneath his heavier chest. Ron's right hand went to touch his pecs, wanting to cup and test their weight and softness. However, another pulse came from the ring, causing the pins and needles sensation accompanied by the warm energy to rise within his chest once again. The warm current of energy bulleted down from his shoulders through his arm, causing it to shoot out away from his body. As it stiffened, the energy rolled downwards, enlarging his entire arm to three times its normal size, the seams in his clothing nearly bursting trying to contain all the new mass. Once the energy hit Ron's hand, it ricocheted back up towards his shoulder, hardening and defining along the way. Ron's thin gamer hand was now thick with brawn, attached to a meaty forearm that wrestled for space with the now massive biceps and tricep filling the sleeve of Ron's jersey and turtleneck. Glancing at his enlarged limb, Ron couldn't help but bring it up for a flex, grinning wickedly at the sight of the clothed mountain peak the size of his head appearing in his vision. It was absolutely massive, brimming with power and strength that could easily lift a desk with a person sitting on it with ease. Ron looked absolutely ridiculous at this point, with a pair of massive muscle knockers pulling the front of his jersey down while having only the right arm of a bodybuilder. And flexing his arm led to the young man wobbling, his balance overthrown by the shifting weight. The ring had expected this, however, and it issued out two pulses, back to back. The warm energy collected in Ron's right shoulder surged forwards through Ron's upper back, causing him to drop the flex and twist to his right as the wave of transformative energy widened and broadened his shoulders until he now was as wide as two of his old self put together. His left arm then shot out to the side as the energy crashed over the limb, broadening and swelling it to be a mirror copy of the other arm. The pins and needles sensation faded from his arms as the energy now centered itself within his shoulders, specifically his traps. The energy swirled within his shoulders, spreading up through his neck. As Ron gasped at the sensation, he felt his neck pulse and puff up, thickening and swelling, until his head rested upon a thick column of sinewy muscle. The energy swirled downwards, broadening his traps until they were three times their original size. Complete with that, the ring then directed the wave of transformative energy down the rest of Ron's back, which was still so skinny that you could see his spine if he took his shirt off. The ring loved nothing more than a challenge, however, and it pushed the energy down the man's back in a cascade. As the energy swept down his spine, Ron's clothes filled out as non-existent muscles emerged and wrestled for space. Soon a mountain range of veiny, chiseled muscle pulled Ron's jersey skin tight against his body. It was so tightly pulled that the planes and ridges of Ron's now Mr. Barkin wide back imprinted themselves against the fabric like a car map. Flaring out from his sides were winglike lats, corded sinew that flared with every breath from Ron's now much bigger chest and lungs and flowed downwards to his equally muscular lower back. And as Ron breathed, the energy within his lower back crawled forwards and spread across his core. With a deep inhale, his stomach ballooned outwards several times its normal size, gurgling and bubbling just like his chest did in the beginning of his transformation. When he exhaled, the bubbling mass rapidly changed and continued to shrink until even the regular belly he had before was gone and Ron's shirt billowed over an impossibly skinny waist. But with the next inhalation, it swelled with sinew and growth, definition appearing on the expanding muscle until, with a deep exhale, the front of his shirt now rested against a defined eight pack. Thanks to his much bigger upper body, Ron's jersey and turtleneck pulled close enough that the wall of abs were clearly visible, the definition and sharpness visible even through his jersey. Pins and needles now rushed from his abs into his lower body, cascading towards and filling his toes. Once the energy filled his toes, the ring issued another pulsed and Ron's toes flexed. As his toes flexed, all of Ron's limbs expanded and lengthened, sending the blonde up several inches in height. Once his height had increased, the energy went into overdrive. The socks covering Ron's feet shivered and twitched, his toes and feet broadening and swelling until, with a series of loud SHRIIPS & RIIPS, his much bigger feet shredded through them. The energy then rolled up from his ankles through his calves, flooding them with energy as they became thicker and broader, swelling into baseball sized diamonds of muscle. The energy rose higher, pouring into the rest of his legs. His thighs quickly packed on several pounds, swelling and thickening the once skinny runner's legs into powerful teardrop trunks of strength and brawn. They were so thick and swollen with brawn that they shoved against one another until, with another pulse from the ring, they grew too big and pushed against the other, giving Ron now a much wider gait, almost a waddle. Looking into the mirror, Ron couldn't help himself as a smirk rose on his face. He looked like an actual professional bodybuilder. A thick barrel chest wrestled for space against his massive biceps, framed by broad shoulders and winglike lats. His back was so girthy and large, he knew he would have to walk sideways through most doorways from now on - he just wouldn't fit through them like normal anymore. He put his hands on his chest and flexed, his muscles flaring against his shirt. "Yeah baby!" he said as his chiseled waist became visible again through his jersey. "Look at me Rufus! I'm hot!" Ron said excitedly, now twisting his legs back and forth. He couldn't help but admire how his once baggy cargo pants were now so tight, the striations and planes of his thighs straining against their fabric prison. And while all his clothes were tighter now on him, it wasn't uncomfortable. And he had the designers of the ring to thank for that, as its original programming kept Ron's body from growing to the point, it shredded his clothes. As long as the designers of said clothing had designed the clothes to not require a certain muscle group to not be above certain dimensions. Such as the gluteus muscles and hips for the seat of their pants, for instance. "Boo-yeah!" Ron said, bringing up both arms into a double bicep pose. Rufus whistled and cheered, letter all but forgotten as he clapped as he looked up at his much bigger owner. Ron was now truly a sight to behold - absolutely massive, as big if not a smidge bigger than Mr. Barkin or even Junior. And Ron relished the strength he felt packed within his body, the power that normally lay dormant deep within now coursing just below the surface. Almost as if his powers had just been waiting for his physical body to match them with might and strength. Ron couldn't wait for Kim to get back to show off his new, manly physique and try to use his powers again. And it was at this moment that the ring sent out a final pulse of energy, completing the transformation of Ron's body. Distracted by his mighty muscles and feelings of manliness, Ron didn't notice the flare of heat within his glutes. As the energy swirled into Ron's glutes, they quickly swelled out, pulling tight against his boxers until two dimpled round globes of muscle pushed against the seat of Ron's pants. And while Ron's boxers could handle his bigger buns, the combination of his wider hips and now broader and rounder rear was too much for the back of Ron's pants as tears formed with every jostle and movement from the blonde bodybuilder. So as Ron moved into a most muscular pose, growling as every muscle flexed tightly against his clothes, a loud RIIIIP cut Ron's growl short. His eyes widened when he felt a cold breeze flow over his hindquarters. "No, no no no no!" Ron chanted as he spun around, turning over his neck to look into the mirror. And he saw that, while the rest of his clothes had survived the transformation, the now blown out seat of his pants had not and the world had a clear window at the now tightly packed back of his blue spotted shorts. "Ah man, my pants!"
  6. Guest

    Muscle Milk

    Travis walked into the store, skeptical at best. He had received the advertisement in the mail, and right off the bat it had captured his interest. You see, Travis was obsessed with bodybuilding. Well, maybe not obsessed. He was as into working out as every testosterone-filled 18-year old jock. The results were clear enough: veined, swollen biceps, a generous muscle belly, huge calves and thick thighs, and a bubble butt. But his true obsession was with his chest. Travis was in love with his pecs, and had gone for broke in freshman year with copious chest workouts. The results had been most pleasing. Travis’s chest was big. Gorgeously so. His pecs were full and swollen, creating a beautiful bulge from the side. If he wasn’t so unmistakably male, they may have been confused for modest tits. So when he had received the mail urging him to “put fifty pounds on your desired muscle group or your money back!”, he had been quite eager to check it out, as skeptical as he was. Looking around, he was as impressed as he thought he’d be. The store was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing. The inside was deserted, save for a tall, lanky cashier. The shelves were filled with colorful boxes, each a different shade. The cashier heard the bell and looked up, eyes widening as he took in Travis’ frame. “Uh…hi there!” Travis caught his gaze, smirking. “Never seen a boy with breasts before?” The cashier straightened, face reddening. “I’m not gay, pal. It’s just…you’re the first customer in months! It’s like a miracle!” Travis flushed, his sneak attack failing horribly. “R-really?” The cashier nodded. “How’d you even get here?” Travis tilted his head. “I got this coupon…” The cashier’s eyes widened hugely. “Really?! Well, if that’s the case…” He stepped out from behind the counter, beckoning for Travis to follow. Travis, still quite embarrassed, followed the man to a shelf where the cashier took a bright red box and handed it to Travis. “You get one packet free with that coupon. The rest is on you. Try it out. I guarantee you’ll like it.” Travis smiled, looking it over. The box read “Insta-Growth. Results guaranteed!” Smirking, he nodded. “A-all right. I’ll go try it out.” The man nodded. “Come back soon!” Travis walked out of the shop, chuckling. What a load of crap. Stuff like that only existed in movies. Real growth took months of willpower, exercise, and diet. No miracle powder could do it in seconds. He went to go toss the stuff, but smirked, reading the label. “Ingest entirety of packet in an eight-ounce glass of water. Caress area of desired growth for thirty seconds. Do not ingest more than one packet at a time. What a load of crap.” He chuckled, pulling out a water bottle from his backpack. He sat at a nearby park bench and opened the box. Inside resided only a single packet of powder. Travis rolled his eyes. “God, what a load of bs. Thirty bucks for one fake gig. That’s capitalism for you.” Pouring the packet into his water bottle, he watched the liquid turn a dark red. Surprisingly, he found his heart pounding. “Stupid. It’s just Kool-Aid.” As skeptical as he was, he downed the whole thing in one sitting. Gulping, he looked around before gently massaging his burgeoning pecs. He loved rubbing his firm, solid breasts, but today seemed electric. Exciting. Like something looming on the horizon. He tried to convince himself that nothing was going to happen, but he noticed a growing tingling in his pecs as he rubbed them. No way. He massaged his flesh harder, the tingling increasing in intensity. As the tingle almost started to become painful, Travis felt his swollen pec flesh bulk out slightly. His mouth dropped and he started rubbing with a passion. His reward was another slight growth spurt from his chest. He laughed aloud in delight, his constant rubbing forcing small growths, one after another. He watched his chest slowly but surely begin to eclipse his vision, the nipples pressing tighter and tighter against the fabric of his shirt. His pecs firmed up, rounding out on his front as they packed on mass. Soon the back of his athletic tee was stretching across his back as his pecs tugged and pulled on them from the other side. He kept massaging, wondering just how much they’d grow. Not that he was complaining! He must have put on five pounds of pure chest muscle already! Slowly the tingle receded back into Travis’ chest, and he pouted slightly. God, that had been amazing! Travis looked around. No one. Grinning lewdly, he pulled up his shirt to gawk at his new merchandise. Shit, they were huge! Fat and perky and bulging! He pulled his shirt down, holding his hands tight over the waistline as he turned sideways, gazing at his surface in the water. Even distended and rippling, his frame was magnificent. The perfect breast muscles, sitting plump and bloated atop an otherwise lean body. It seemed like the powder had sucked up all the excess fat from his belly and shoved it right into his chest! Fuck…he needed more! He all but sprinted back to the store. He composed himself before walking back in. The cashier looked up sharply, but smirked as Travis shyly walked back in, fabric tight around his bloated tits. “Back already? I take it you’re impressed?” Travis nodded blankly. “I-I’d like another…please.” The cashier sighed. “Unfortunately, your coupon only bought you one free one. Anything else you gotta pay for.” Travis nodded, blushing, ashamed at himself for liking this so much. But he was just so sexy now! He walked around the store, looking. There were no labels on any of these! Were all of them muscle growth packets? Each was thirty bucks, with only mild fluctuations on some of the brighter packets. Damn, this was confusing. And Travis didn’t dare ask for help…this was embarrassing enough. He found the red packets, but next to the end of the shelf lay a moderate box. Travis picked it up, interested. It was a group of four! And it was only twenty dollars!! Score! Travis brought it to the counter, trying not to smile. The cashier smirked, ringing him up. “Good choice, stud.” Travis blushed at the comment, nodded, and eagerly left with his purchase. The cashier called out as he opened the door, causing Travis to turn. “Buddy, listen. The directions don’t lie. Do NOT take more than one at once. This isn’t a ‘it’ll triple your growth thing…you’ll OD and die.” Travis jerked. He had almost been thinking that! Shit… “Th-thanks a lot.” “You had that look in your eye. Everyone does.” Travis nodded numbly and walked out, gulping. He went straight home this time, as he was out of water. But he wasted no time in ripping open the box, panting for air as his libido climbed. He pushed the packets onto the table. One was red, but the rest were varying colors. One green, one blue, one magenta. Deciding he’d care later, Travis pulled off his shirt, not wanting to deny his new pecs love. They sat beautifully full on his chest, round and swollen and almost beginning to form cleavage. Pausing briefly to grope one, Travis bit his lip and ripped open the red packet, pouring it into a glass of water. His fingers trembling, he gulped it down and eagerly began massaging his plump pecs. Instantly the tingle shot into his chest, his tits swelling before his eyes. He rubbed harder and harder, determined to make them into real pec-breasts! They bulked and swelled, fattening up while still staying beautifully firm. His nipples gorged and swelled as his pecs swelled to DD size, swaying slightly as the tingle receded. Travis panted in lust, squeezing his sensitive chest mounds before eagerly jerking his body up. His breasts wobbled seductively, not nearly boob full but definitely more fleshy than most men’s. Biting his lip, feeling his cock tent hard against his pants, he tore open the magenta packet, pouring it into the refilled glass. If he had bothered to read the packet, he would have noticed the directions were different. But he gulped it down and immediately started rubbing his pecs again. However, the tingle began to burn a little lower this time. Looking down in shock, Travis watched his pecs stay the same size. What the? Shit…the different color did mean something! Grinning, Travis pulled down his pants to find his achingly hard cock throb and pulse, the tingle running into it. Instantly it started to stretch longer and thicker, each throb sending another inch up its impressive seven span. Travis began to rub it, grunting in pleasure as it grew more and more sensitive, veins pulsing to the surface as his head turned a dark, gorgeous plum color. Only when the thing was a good thirteen inches long, five wide did it stop. Travis laughed aloud, groaning in pleasure as his sensitive head twitched and oozed pre onto his hand. Looking at the blue packet, Travis wasted no time in ripping it open and gulping down its contents. He bit his lip, not bothering to massage anything. But when the tingle reignited in his chest, he promptly started caressing the bulging flesh. Oh god, grow again PLEASE. And grow they did. But rather than firm up, his pecs actually bulked a little heavier, sagging just the tiniest bit as they swelled impressively. God, they looked so PERFECT! He bit his lip, massaging the behemoth chest. A tight pressure just under his fat nipple made him rub harder. Suddenly his nipple jerked and spurted a small stream of milk. Travis gasped in shock, pressing a little harder. Fat droplets of milk oozed from his dark nipples as he squeezed them. Grunting, Travis watched his cut abs soften, jiggling slightly as it formed a manly paunch on his otherwise bulky frame. The pudge was back! Ripping open the last packet in an almost feral rage, Travis gulped down the green powder, not even waiting for water this time! He felt a strange burning in his pits and lifted them to find his armpit hair crackling and stretching out, bushing into a veritable forest. He gasped, finding the hair massively bushy even with his arms down! His arms darkened, forearms growing hair as his knuckles grew darker as well. His legs grew nearly pitch black with the sudden hair growth. His nipples sprouted long wiry hairs as the bush spread across his chest and down to his belly. Erupting like a forest, his bush spread to his immensely dark pubes. His ass furred up, crack fuzzy and lush with hair. Travis gagged in horror and…slight erotic lust. He liked feeling masculine. And girls did love hairy boys. His head tingled as his hair stretched longer and longer, falling into a hot surfer look. His stubble crackled and grew dark, covering his chin, cheeks, and neck while leaving his lip clean. He looked at himself in the doorway, grinning. God, he was beautiful. Big, buff muscles, with a gorgeous layer of hair all over him. Huge fat pec-titties and a bulky, marbled belly full of luscious weight. He jiggled both his gut and his tits before gazing back to the box. Grabbing another twenty, he pulled on his tiny clothes, watching his plump middle heave past the fabric’s end as he headed out the door.
  7. Hi everyone! I have a lot of story ideas, but I've always kind of wanted to do a sequel to my story They’re Really Sensitive Now. It's heavily inspired by a lot of great moments with me and my husband, who is a big guy but sort of shy about it sometimes. This is sort of a story about him breaking past those insecurities and embracing and loving himself. The story features size/muscle growth, sex, some light sub/dom elements, and giant/macro growth especially towards the end. Jorge had always been a big guy, even since he was young. A thick, chubby kid growing up, he was always self-conscious about his size. He was teased and his parents had given him a hard time, even as he grew into his thick frame and settled at 6’2”. In his early 20s, he was able to get to the gym a little bit and created a solid foundation of beef, but he was never comfortable at the gym, never serious about it. By the time he was in his late 20s, he had leveled out at 320lb and thick, with a round, prodigious belly, broad shoulders and barrel chest, and plump quads and huge calves from carrying around his chubby frame for so long. Fortunately, Jorge found someone who loved his thickness and embraced his size. Even though he often felt insecure and self-conscious about his bulk, his husband Sean made him feel like a catch, like the features he felt shame about were actually strengths. It was fast approaching Jorge’s 40th birthday, and he was feeling a little past his prime. His gut sagged over his fat pad as he sat down for Chipotle with Sean, and his big arms felt like they were losing some of their heft and solidity. His bushy, dark mustache tickled his nose and his rich, mocha-colored skin was coted with a generous layer of fur covering his chest, arms, shoulders, and back. He was a big, meaty Latino bear, maybe not quite muscular enough to quality as a “musclebear” but certainly packing a lot of heft. Despite his efforts, Sean hadn’t been successful in dragging Jorge to the gym until recently, despite both of them knowing he had the potential to be bigger. But Jorge didn’t really want to be bigger. He had always been self-conscious about his size; why would he want to add even more? “So, sweety, your birthday is next week,” Sean said over his double meat chicken bowl. He was fresh from the gym and looking fit and sweaty, pumped and solid, shoulders and traps swollen from a hard lift. “Remember when you said last year that you had always wanted to get your nipples pierced?” Sean said past a mouthful of chicken. “Well yeah, but that was more like just talking at the bar, I was wasn’t really that serious, I mean, I wouldn’t want them like poking out of my clothes or whatever…” Jorge started, reaching an arm up to rub his chest. “Plus, it would probably hurt right?” “Well, yeah, but I went ahead and got you a surprise early birthday present to get them pierced!” Sean said as he came around to the other side of the table and nuzzled his short, black beard against Jorge’s neck rolls. Sean didn’t have to lean down too far, as he was only 5’7”. “But what about The Incident from last year, you know, of that guy like… growing?” Jorge said, sounding nervous. “That was supposedly from getting his nipples pierced right?” “Do you really believe that?” Sean scoffed, puffing a breath into Jorge’s ear. “That’s an urban legend and it was over a year ago. That was a freak incident of some weird genetic anomaly, I read an article about it on Vice News. Besides, that was just the one guy, it’s not like everyone who gets pierced now magically grows bigger,” Sean said. “Plus, it’s just a couple small bar piercings to start with. The appointment is on your birthday. Sound good?” Sean cooed, obviously excited to get his husband pieced. “Oh, uh, jeez, wow, yeah ok, let’s do it!” Jorge said, a little nervous and reluctant. Sean was definitely the one in the relationship who called the shots; he made more money, was more sexually aggressive, and usually got what he wanted. Jorge was more than happy to support him and make him happy and try to stay in the background when they were out at the bar or social engagements; that had been his survival strategy for years when was more insecure about his body. Jorge rubbed his nipples a little nervously; they twitched with an excitement he wasn’t expecting. “Awesome, hmmm, it’ll feel so good babe! And it’ll make those big pecs stand out even more!” Sean growled as he rubbed his big husbear’s thick traps. What Jorge didn’t know was that Sean had been able to track down the guy who had pierced Josh’s last year, the same man who grew into a monstrous giant just a year prior. It was unlikely that it would have the same profound effect on Jorge, but Sean secretly hoped that it would. ------- Sunday came around, and Jorge came back home with his piercings. He and Sean had gone to the gym to get a nice chest pump, then to the piercing place, so both of them were sweaty, pumped, and horny when they got home. “Mmmm Jorge these look so GOOD on you!” Sean said excitedly as they dropped their bags and Sean started rubbing the big bear’s broad chest. “Heh, yeah, and it didn’t hurt a bit… if anything it, unf, felt kinda good!” Jorge said, his deep rumbling bass interrupted when Sean brushed against the silver metal bar of his new piercing. “Yeah? So uh, what if I did this?” Sean said and he grabbed the ends of the metal bar with his fingers and pulled slightly. Jorge threw his head back and grunted. “Ooof, whoa, yeah, that’s intense,” he said as his cock twitched involuntarily in his tight mesh shorts. “You gotta be, huuuuhhh, careful with these!” Jorge breathed as Sean flicked and teased both nips at the same time. “Oh ho ho, so it looks like big papi is sensitive and connected after all!” Sean said with delight, twisting the bars and sending another shiver into Jorge’s tall, broad frame. “I told you it might help make that connection and turn you on some more!” Sean said as he started pushing Jorge towards the bedroom. “Yeah, but I – uuuhhhhfff – didn’t think the effect would be so immediate! It’s like a tingling, burning, electric buzz through – ahhhhhhh! – my whole body and right down to my cock!” Jorge groaned as they went to the main-floor bedroom. Sean took a moment to strip out of his sweaty tanktop, his pits ripe and musky to match his musclebear husband’s, and stumbled out of his shorts and briefs. His thick, meaty cock tumbled out, half-chubbed and growing steadily. Jorge was covered with a slick sheen of sweat; their AC had been out for a couple days it was in a humid, 80-something degree day after their chest day at the gym. Sean pushed Jorge down on to the bed. The frame groaned as Jorge’s full weight fell onto it. “That’s so awesome, big bear, now you know how it feels for me!” Sean said as he paused to flick his own nipples, making his own swelling cock leak into his jock strap and mesh shorts. He shucked both of them off his legs and then climbed on top of Jorge. He straddled his bubble butt against Jorge’s thick, heavy bulge and reached up to keep teasing the newly-pierced nips. “Unf, wow, yeah, it’s just…. Unnnggg, ohhhhhh, so sensitive!” Jorge groaned as he squirmed under Sean as the leaner, more muscular otter twisted and tweaked his meaty nips, which seemed to be swelling and getting redder and thicker as he played with them more and more. He started feeling warm, even hot to the touch as he sweated profusely. Sean raised his arms up to grip the headboard, a wave of pit stink wafting up to Sean, causing the smaller man to breath in deeply. “Yeah big pig, grunt and groan for me,” Sean said, getting into it more, calling Jorge a name that was used to bully him in the past but they had reclaimed as a way to get into size disparity headspace in the bedroom that drove them both crazy. “Growing so swole in the gym lately, pig, gonna keep working on turning you into a big boar, how do you like that?” Sean growled as he started grinding his furry ass against Jorge’s leaking bulge. “My big pig,” Sean said, grinding his ass and flicking Jorge’s nips in rhythm, his fingernails flicking the metal rods poking out the sides of Jorge’s increasingly thick nubs. “That’s right sir, unf, feels so – aaauuuugghhhh!” Jorge groaned, his breathing shaking and gasping as jolts of pleasure rumbled through his body. “Yeah, you really like this huh?” Sean said as he leaned down, pressing his hands against his husband’s huge broad hairy chest, and buried his face in Jorge’s hairy armpit. Sean rubbed his nose in it, massaging Jorge’s beefy chest as he did, getting that pit stink all over his nose and upper lip. Finally he came up for air. “Such a good boar! You excited to grow bigger for me, boar?” Sean teased as he backed his furry, tight hole right up against Jorge’s thick uncut cockhead. “Uh, uh huh, unf, I’ve been lifting – ruuufff – hard for you, sir!” Jorge said, shuddering under Sean’s relentless fingers. “I’m your big boar, aren’t I?” As he shuddered, a strange flex in his chest and shoulders rippled across his body, right under Sean’s hands. “So sensitive…!” “That’s right… and with any luck here, you’ll be growing bigger for me!” Sean purred as he kept rubbing Jorge’s thick nips. Sean felt his hips raise up higher as Jorge’s bulge and belly swelled up suddenly. “Unf, big guy, really getting into it, huh?” “Unf, I, pppffffttt auuuhhhhhh!!” Jorge groaned as his body suddenly, noticeably, undeniably swelled up bigger all over. Sean gasped and sat back, stunned, as he took in his noticeably bigger husband spreading before him; it wasn’t too much, but he looked like he suddenly had the biggest gym pump in his life, his gut felt full and round, his limbs looked just a big longer, and his shoulders spread wider than ever. “Whoa, what the… holy shit,” Sean said, as he climbed off his big boar. “Jorge, I think you just grew,” he said. “Ha ha, very funny,” Jorge said as he rolled over onto his stomach before lifting himself off of the bed. “You’re taking the scene too far, I think, heh,” he said sheepishly before standing up in front of Sean. Instead of Sean being eye-level with Jorge’s chin, he was now suddenly looking straight-on at his nipples. The meaty nubs throbbed subtly as Sean looked up, mouth agape, at his now bigger husband. He had to be at least 6’6”. “Holy shit, Jorge. You… you grew!” Sean said. He couldn’t help but put his hands all over Jorge’s bigger body, exploring the changes, feeling the hardness and fullness of his chest and upper arms and shoulders. Jorge wriggled away from him. “I – what!? How? No no no no, I don’t…” the burly, hairy Jorge growled, his voice noticeably deeper than before. He rumbled over to the bathroom, the floor shaking a bit, and he looked in the mirror. “Ahhhh! Ay Dios mio...! Whoa…,” he gasped. “Uhhh yeah man. Look at yourself, just… wow,” Sean said lustfully as he joined Jorge in the bathroom. Jorge was eyeing all the changes and flexing a bit in the mirror. Jorge wasn’t just the same proportions but bigger – was more muscular, broader, thicker, wider, and taller. He shifted around sidewise and took a deep breath, flexing his chest and comparing himself to the suddenly diminutive Sean. “Jesus, look at my pecs,” said Jorge as he bounced the fur-covered mounds and rubbed his hands over his prodigious gut, which stood out even farther than before. “I’m so big… damn, I’m huge,” he said softly, almost under his breath, as he slowly flexed his right arm and watched his bicep peak swell up, way bigger than before, a round, hard peak forming on upper arms that were easily over 20 inches around. Then he brought his hands down, his chest bunching together, and hefted the weighty overhang of his gut up and down. New stretch marks streaked across his upper pecs, shoulders, hips, and belly. “Oh yeah big boar, told you! Growing so big for me, mmmm,” Sean said as he pressed himself up against his bigger, broader husband. “Can’t wait to grow you even bigger now!” Sean said as he reached up for Jorge’s nips, which were an angry shade of red, highlighted by the gleaming metal piercings. “N-no, wait, I, I don’t know, I don’t know if I want to gr----ohhhhhhh god, unf,” Jorge groaned as Sean reached over and rubbed his fingers in a circle around the meaty nubs. Sean shifted around in front of him and kept prodding, pinching, and pulling on them, using the metal piercings to cause even more pleasure. “Come on boar, I know deep down you want it, don’t you? You’ve always been a big boy, and now you’re gonna be the biggest!” Sean said, mercilessly teasing Jorge’s sensitive nips. “Unf, I’m already, hhhhuuuuhhhh oooooph, so big!” Jorge groaned, just in time to see another wave of growth erupt across his body. He could see it himself in the mirror as he surged a few inches taller, bulged thicker, spread wider. His briefs were suddenly, painfully tight around his expanding bulge, his cock longer and harder and heavier than he remembered. “Ohhhhh, too big, fuck I’m getting bigger agai—ahhhhhhuunnnggg!” he moaned as his head started approaching the 7’ ceiling. “No such thing as too big, boar, remember what I said when we started lifting together? I’m gonna turn you into the meatiest muscleboar out there, right piggy? Still plenty of chunk on you too, heh,” Sean teased as he smacked Jorge’s growing gut, which started pressing him against the countertop. “Yeah, bigger, grow for me, pig!” Sean said as he relentlessly rubbed Jorge’s nipples even more, reaching up to flick his thumps along the bottom and top, up and down, up and down. “Unnnhhh, no, ung, stop, it’s too – hehehhhh – too much! Too sensitive!” Jorge groaned as Sean kept flicking, the bar piercings pulling the swelling meat of his nipples up and down more and more forcefully. “Too bad, boar! Plus, I know you like this, don’t you?” Sean teased, pausing to suddenly pinch the sensitive flesh hard. Jorge gasped and his chest swelled wider, his pecs surging with more muscle. “Y-yeah, but, unnnggg, it’s so… rrrrhhnnnnggg!!” Jorge groaned and squirmed as Sean kept the pressure on and Jorge’s head hit the ceiling with a thump. “It’s too much!” He gasped and panted, totally overwhelmed and overstimulated. “Hehe, look at yourself grow, pig, flex these big arms,” Sean ordered, and Jorge obeyed, clenching his fists and lifting them up into a huge bicep flex, his pit stink stronger than ever. Sean buried his nose in Jorge’s exposed, hairy pit and he kept prodding the big man’s nips. “Unnffff, fuck I’m so big,” Jorge groaned, the source of his biggest insecurity now growing right before him, his emotions a swirling mix of anxiety, excitement, uncertainty, lust, and awe. “So BIG!” He brought his fists together and flexed his chest and shoulders; massive traps erupted next to his neck as another explosion of growth rippled across his body, muscles and beef swelling bigger, his thighs ballooning with so much more mass that he was forced to adjust his stance, his head grinding into the ceiling until plaster dust started raising down. “We have to… have to st-stoaaaahhhhh fuuuuuuck,” he roared as another shiver of growth ripped through his chest and shoulders, causing his frame to expand wider in the mirror. Jorge’s huge bulge pressed uncomfortably against the briefs that were cutting deep into his waist; he reached down with one huge paw and ripped them away from his body until they fell to the floor. He sighed and adjusted his manhood; a 10” uncut cock as thick as a beer can erupted from the ripped briefs, his hardon bouncing against Sean’s furry chest and stomach. He reached down and peeled back the foreskin, revealing his huge mushroom head, glistening with precum. “Unf fuck, I’m so BIG all over!” he grunted and pressed harder against Sean, pinning him against the sink. “Fuck, boar, we gotta take this back to the bed, I need that cock inside me before you get too much bigger,” Sean said as grabbed the metal rods of the nipple piercings and pulled Jorge towards the bedroom. Jorge was helpless to resist as he stumbled to follow Sean until his forehead smacked into the doorframe, cracking the wood and paint. “Ooof oww fuck,” Jorge groaned. “Too tall…” he rumbled. Sean just grinned and yanked on his nips again, another wave of growth sprouting him up taller and thicker, as Jorge stumbled into the bedroom. It felt like the whole house shook as he collapsed onto the king-size bed heavily, the frame groaning in protest. “Oh yeah, YEAH pig, I’m gonna fatten you up good, growing my prize-winning boar, that’s right, squeal for me,” Sean said, getting worked up, as he bounced on Jorge’s enormous body, which was spread out and taking up nearly the whole bed. Sean’s rock-hard cock pressed against Jorge’s expansive, round gut as he seized the meaty red nubs and continued his pleasure-torture. “Yeah, grow for me, boar, I wanna to see MORE!” Sean growled. Jorge grunted unintelligibly as he writhed and wriggled, trying to buck Sean off his huge frame half-heartedly. Muscle exploded across his shoulders, arms, and traps, a mountain range of size bulging up into round, thick peaks. He took a deep breath and bellowed, his suddenly deep bass rattling the windows as his shoulders spread wider, reaching the edges of the king sized bed on both sides. His enormous, thick calves spilled over the edge of the bed as he stretched longer and taller. “I need that cock inside me! Get the lube, boar!” Sean groaned as he positioned himself on Jorge’s thick, uncut cock. The huge Latino musclebear easily reached to the side table and pulled out the lube, brought it to his junk, and liberally squirted enough around to coat his entire, massive, growing cock. “Unnnhgggggg yeah Sean, I’m gonna fill you up so good, such a big cock now, gonna feel amaz—unnhhhhhHHHNNNNGGGG,” Jorge growled as he thrust into Sean in one clean go, his insatiable bottom swallowing up the entire massive stump. “OHHHHHHH god, yes!” Sean groaned as the giant cock invaded him. He settled in on it, twisting and wriggling down further and further until Jorge was balls deep. Sean leaned forward. “You know what it’s time for now, right?” Jorge shook his head and wrapped his huge hands around Sean’s arms. “No, no more sir, I can’t, I’m already too biiiiiiiaaaaAAHHHHHH! RRRRRRROOUUUURRRR!!!” the expanding giant roared, his shoulders spreading wider, his legs stretching until his feet hit the opposite wall of the room, his chest and belly expanding thicker and bigger and rounder as Sean grabbed his nipple piercings and twisted, gently but firmly, the pressure turning on a faucet of growth that poured into his massive frame. His muscles weren’t the only thing growing, of course. His cock started swelling, twisting, and expanding right inside of Sean. “Oh FUCK yeah I can FEEL you growing inside me, boar, fuck YES, so BIG!” Sean groaned, his ass getting stretched further than ever. “Grab me, pig, I want to feel you break me apart, keep GROWING!” he groaned, lost in lust, his desire for growth insatiable, flicking and rubbing Jorge’s nipples relentlessly. Jorge grabbed Sean’s arms and started ramming him up and down on his monster cock, suddenly realizing how thin and frail his husband felt in his oversized hands but too overcome with lust to stop. “GROOOINNNNNKKK yes sir!!” He bounced Sean up and down for several minutes, both of them lost in the trace of lust and pleasure, heedless to the size that Jorge was packing onto his massive frame until Jorge’s head bonked against the headboard. He was now tall enough to stretch from one wall to the other. “Fuck, I… I… I’m too big, Sean, it’s too much, you gotta stop, I can hardly – rrrRRUUUunnnnggg – fit in the room! I, ung, I, UNF, gotta st-stop and – hhhHHhhhaaaahhHHHUUUUUhhhh,” Jorge moaned, his chubby cheeks expanding and black mustache thickening as more dense hair spread across his chest and shoulders. “Feels so GOOD, boar, I need MORE, love watching you GROW, my growing fucking PIG, fuck YEAH!!!” Sean roared, ignoring the pleas of his husband as he sprayed his load all across Jorge’s enormous gut and chest. He shot all the way up to Jorge’s chin, streaks of cum dribbling over the contours of Jorge’s enormous, growing body. When he was finished, Sean stood up on the mattress and slid off of Jorge’s manhood with a wet squelch. Jorge shivered but didn’t cum, though his cock was red and swollen and angry, clearly needing release. Sean stood at the end of the bed, between Jorge’s feet. The big man was stretched from head to toe on opposite walls of the room, which were 10 feet apart. “Sean, we gotta, we gotta slow down, this is all too much!” Jorge panted. He shifted his weight to the side of the bed, and the frame cracked and broke, falling awkwardly to the ground in a crash. “Fuck, I’m so heavy now,” Jorge groaned. He tried to stand up, but only got about 3/4ths the way up; his shoulders and back were bent over uncomfortably in their suddenly tiny bedroom. “Mmmm… when I got these pierced, I was hoping this would happen!” Sean admitted as he stepped closer to Jorge. Sean only came up to his enormous, deep belly button now; Jorge’s swollen, leaking cock smeared precum and lube along Sean’s chest as he pressed closer. “I found the same guy who gave that giant Josh his piercings last year. It wasn’t easy… dude ghosted after The Incident last year and vowed to never do it again in case he was the cause, but I can be very convincing. And now… now we get to see just how big we can push you, pig!” “Wh-what? No, Sean, I’m, I’m already way too big, like, how am I going to live normally, how am I even going to get out of the house!” Jorge moaned; it was strange to see such an enormous man, towering over Sean and packed with more hard, dense muscle than anyone on earth, complain. His belly wobbled as he adjusted his weight and stepped forward, the house shaking as his huge footstep rattled the windows, cobblestone abs protruding under the thick layer of fat coating his gut. “Well big boar, there’s only one way I can think of!” Sean said with a cheeky grin, and he pointed his thump upwards and jerked it towards the ceiling. “Onward and upward, big man!” he said and he pounced on Jorge’s nipples, wrapping his legs around Jorge’s ample belly and holding on tight. “UUUHAAAAHHHH, UnnnFFFFF FUCK!” Jorge groaned as his back and shoulders pressed hard into the ceiling, cracking the surface of it and pushing up into the second floor. “N-no, Sean, I’m too…UuuuuHHHAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHRRRR!” the giant roared as his grown accelerated. He exploded bigger and fatter and more muscular. His delts and traps ripped through the hardwood floor of their second-story guest room as he straightened to his full height, Sean still flicking and rubbing his nips, sheltered by Jorge’s huge pec shelf. “YEAH Jorge, keep growing! You’re doing it, yeah, MORE!” Sean laughed as he kept playing with Jorge’s meaty nubs and feeling his enormous husband grow in his hands. Jorge shivered and grew bigger, reaching up and pressing his enormous hands against the second-story ceiling. He pushed and the ceiling broke apart in his hands like cardboard as his incredible strength multiplied. Another wave of growth jolted through his spine and soon his head cracked into the underside of the roof, breaking through support beams like they weren’t even there. Sean had to use his hands now instead of his fingers to grip the meaty nubs protruding from Jorge’s huge pecs, squeezing and pulling and twisting, the metal rods now as big as rail spikes to him. “UNNNGGGG FUCKKKK, HUHHHHH, UMMMPPPHHH, RRRROOOOAAAAA!!!” Jorge groaned uncontrollably as wave after wave of growth tore through his body, thicker and more muscular than a strongman competitor, massive muscles bulging round and hard, his huge gut hanging down and pressing against his huge, hard cock. At 25 feet tall, Jorge’s head rose up out of their suddenly fragile roof. “UNNNNNGGGGG, SEAN, PLEASE, TOO SENSITIVE, YOU’VE GOTTA – UUUUHHHG HHUUH HHUHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCK!” the giant roared as his pecs and shoulders broke open a wider, bigger hole in the roof, causing the structure to crumble around him as Jorge grew and grew. “I’M SO BIG, TOO BIG, TOO SENSITIVE, FUUUUUCKKKK!” Jorge groaned as his massive cock broke through the back wall of the house and ripped up through what remained of the roof, precum spurting and leaking onto the back yard like a super soaker. Finally, as he crested the nearby powerlines, Jorge brought his hand up, snatching Sean away from his chest and into his grip. Jorge’s hand covered about half of Sean’s tiny, frail body. He felt like a little action figure in Jorge’s hand, and he squeezed his husband, feeling his strength as Sean squirmed in his hand. “FUCK, SEAN, YOU WENT TOO FAR THIS TIME!” Jorge boomed, his voice deep and resonant, rattling Sean’s ribcage as he spoke. “I’M TOO BIG NOW! AND LOOK AT THE HOUSE!” Jorge stepped, his enormous left foot rising up 10 feet, lifting out of the house and crashing through the remains. He shifted his weight into the backyard, his tonnage rumbling the surrounding neighborhood, settling in a wide stance to make room for his thighs, which as big around as oil tankers. “JEEZ I’M EVEN BIGGER THAN THE TREES, THEY’RE MORE LIKE WEEKS TO ME NOW,” Jorge rumbled as he reached down with his other hand and casually ripped a 20 foot tall birch out of the ground with seemingly no effort at all. “FUCK, I’M STRONG…,” the giant rumbled, marveling at his own power as he clenched his fist, the tree splintered in his hand like a toothpick, branches and debris falling to the ground. “Heh, yeah, sorry big man, I guess I got carried away,” Sean said, suddenly realizing he was definitely NOT in control anymore as Jorge brought him up to his face. “But you’re my big boar, and I know, deep down, you’ve always wanted this, always loved being big, haven’t you?” Sean asked. Jorge’s thick, bristling mustache twitched into an unexpected grin as he held Sean in his hand. “M-MAYBE… BUT I, I MEAN, I SHOULDN’T GET BIGGER, RIGHT?” the giant rumbled half-heartedly. “EVEN THOUGH IT FEELS SO GOOD…,” Jorge boomed. He brought Sean down to his chest, the massive pecs spreading before him like a dark, furry wall of muscle. The huge metal rods gleamed in the sunlight as Jorge brought Sean closer to his right nipple. Sean grabbed ahold and yanked it as hard as he could. “OOOF, FUCK, THAT’S… SEAN WE CAN’T, I – AUUUGGHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!” the giant groaned as Sean teased his nipple again. “Admit it! You want this, don’t you!” Sean said, egging on the big man. “N-NO… I WANT… I NEED… YOU… YOU GOTTA… RRRRRUUUUURRRRHHHHHH FUCK YEAH I NEED MORE!!!!” Jorge boomed, his voice growing deeper and louder as his attitude shifted and he finally, after 40 years, embraced his big size. “GIVE ME MORE, SEAN, I NEED TO GROW BIGGER! YEAH!” he rumbled as he brought his left hand up and roughly pinched his nipple with far more force than Sean could ever muster in his whole body. A massive surge of growth ripped through him, causing him to surge taller and wider and more muscular, more beef packing onto his body. His chest exploded with size, his quads ballooned out to the sides, and his gut swelled rounder and softer. He shifted his weight, crushing his neighbor’s fences and bushes with a careless move of his foot, and he settled into a wide stance, the ground rumbling under his tonnage. “FUCK YEAH,” Jorge grunted as he dragged Sean down along his expansive belly to his 6-foot long cock. The monster dick was spurting and leaking pre, dripping and swelling as it grew bigger every second, the musky stench of his crotch radiating off him, growing more intense as he pressed Sean against his thickening member. “GET TO WORK DOWN THERE LITTLE GUY, DADDY BOAR HAS MORE GROWING TO DO AND HE NEEDS BOTH HANDS!” Jorge boomed as he dumped Sean onto his huge cock. The giant Latino musclebear reached up with his right hand and twisted his other piercing, and size poured into his body, like a tap opening up to full blast as he rubbed, tweaked, flicked, and prodded his own meaty nipples. His huge biceps flexed and pressed against the sides of his pecs as he rubbed and rubbed, hedonistically feeling more size packing onto his monstrous frame. “OH FUCK YEAH, MORE, BIGGER, FEELS SO FUCKIN’ GOOD, GIVE IT TO YOUR DADDY BOAR, SO SENSITIVE, FUUUUUCK!” he roared as he felt Sean’s body, now not even as tall as his cock was long, squirming and squeezing and humping his cock. “GONNA GET SO MUCH BIGGER, FEELS SO GOOD, SO SENSITIVE, FUCKIN…UNNNNGGG…. UUUUHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGGG!!!” Jorge roared as his cock exploded. Cum showered down across the remains of their house, now in rubble at Jorge’s feet as he continued to grow and grow. When it was finally over, Jorge stood tall enough to look over even the biggest trees in the neighborhood. The houses only came up to his knees. He reached down and brought Sean back up to his face. He bristled the tiny man with his dark mustache and stuck out an enormous tongue to lick him up, cleaning most of the sticky white cum clinging to him. “MMM SEAN YOU TASTE GOOD WHEN YOU’RE COVERED WITH MY CUM,” he rumbled, his voice rattling Sean’s ears and chest. Sean was petrified, too stunned to speak. “NOW DADDY BOAR’S GONNA SEE JUST WHAT HE CAN DO WITH THIS SIZE AND POWER!” Jorge boomed ominously. He grinned at the nearby houses, which looked so small and fragile. He stepped towards his neighbor’s house, covering dozens of feet with one step. He pressed a massive, thick foot down, his enormous calf muscle twitching, and pushed his full tonnage onto it. It collapsed like a house of cards under him. “HEH HEH, COOL!” he boomed. He reached up and flicked his nipples, excited by his new size and power, and felt a familiar rush of power crackle through his body, up and down his spine, filling him with pleasure as he surged even bigger. “LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!”
  8. Hello yall! First time I post a story here I believe! For Halloween, this year, I've been working on making a transformation/growth-mystery story (based on the murder-mystery genre) and thought I could post it here if some of yall are into that! This series will have show multiple takes on masculinization, mostly about making huge, beefy and muscled bearish guys. If that's your thing and you like some story plot around the meat, here's something for you! I think I will add the next chapters on this thread, so you won't have to look around the forums for the previous instalment if needed. Without further ado, here's the prologue to the story! ***Disclaimer: the prologue does not contain sex scenes or physical changes yet, but serves as an introduction to the ten characters and to set the story context. Synopsis: Ten young, homophobic adults gather for Halloween. At 10 PM, lights shut off, phones fry up, game starts and none can leave. What’s more, it seems there is one imposter among them. Can they make it out until morning? What is this “game” all about anyway? ~ One of Us ~ Prologue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 7:00 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The full moon forecasted on Halloween, a Saturday, promised a memorable night… if it was not for the whole pandemic thing. Halloween couldn’t just be cancelled. There could have been a tornado or an earthquake and the festivities would have still happened. Who cared for a stupid invisible virus! It was a mild evening by the Wrights’ house on the outskirts of Austin Town. Dimitri, a tall twenty-year-old who lifted weights daily had invited a couple of buddies for Halloween. He didn’t care for the pandemic and had the mansion by himself since his parents were out of town — he forgot exactly where. But all he cared for, in the moment, was throwing the party with his friends. He put on a cowboy hat, a checkered vest and a pair of faded jeans to look the part. The only boots he found around his home were his father’s 13s, which felt tight on the sides for his big boy ones. After all, he was two inches taller than his six-foot dad. The mansion hall was grandiose, looking as if it came from a movie or catalogue. A big staircase sculpted into rich oak wood crept the left wall of the hall and led to the upper rooms. On the right wall, a more discreet yet still impressive staircase led down to the basement, where the theatre room and the home bar would receive the guests later during the night. Next to the last staircase, wide double doors opened on a spacious living room. A fireplace took place on the left wall, right next to a sturdy door, and under a big plasma TV. Two long couches surrounded a glass table at the centre of the room, onto which half a dozen big bowls were filled with candies and chips. Against the farther wall, a tennis table had been set up by the garage door, onto which red plastic cups had been piled. Right next to the table, Dimitri’s best friend Asher was sitting on a stool with a beer can in hand. The 5′9″ man did not wait for other guests to show up before cracking up a beer and taking a handful of chips. He was dressed up in camo clothes and a war helmet — which consisted of a grotesquely painted bicycle helmet. The man scrolled through the song playlist in his phone, plugged into the speakers, hanging in the high corners of the room. He had created a selection of spooky and Halloween-themed song to play, but had somehow managed to either lose or erase it. To his feet under the table, Dimitri had a cooler which contained the few six-packs of beers he’s brought along for the night — probably the only six-pack thing about the bulky guy. Whereas Asher did not have abdominals to show, the bearded redhead had his own share of strength. Asher was telling his friend the latest conquest he’s had when a loud booming car entered the driveway. The two men looked through the wide windows of the living room, noticing how more of the guests arrived. Two more men and their girlfriends walked out of the car. The two girls were the first to get out, a short yet curvy dirty blond and a tall svelte latina with jet black hair. A short man on the passenger side joined the girl of similar height while the driver, a giant although quite lanky young man, turned the ignition off and joined with the crew. “Yo! Is that the double Js!” Asher called out through the window with a tipsy laugh, before following the host back in the hall to greet the guests. “In the flesh and the hair!” The taller man — Sebastian Joseph — replied with a wide grin over his stubbly face, ruffling his head full of shaggy chestnut hair for effect. The other shorter guy — Theodore James — walked with a crate full of beers, letting out an enthusiastic “got the booze” to the host. Albeit not dressed in their costumes yet, the quartet had a few bags with them, giving the impression they would change once inside. “Need help with something, boys?” The raven-haired girl asked with a giggle. “I do, Mathy, but I doubt your ‘tall-boi’ here would agree to share ya with me.” Asher chuckled before receiving a playful blow from giga-Seb on the shoulder. The girls jiggled between each other at the display of rough masculinity between the guys. Theo made himself silent as he brought the beer and his backpack inside. “Perhaps Theo might be more compliant on the deal with Jenny, though.” The womanizer grinned as he sized up the short blond. “Don’t you dare touching my girl, bro!” Theodore shouted from the inside. “Bro, just keep your dick in your pants.” Dimitri slapped his best friend teasingly on the back as he was taking a sip of beer, resulting in him spitting some down. “Dude, bro! Don’t do that! You can’t waste that shit!” Asher dramatized as booze also leaked into his beard and camo vest. In the middle of laughs, the short girl asked if there was a room where they could get changed. “Yeah, there’s a bathroom in the corridor behind the stairs.” Dimitri pointed at the staircase. “First door to your left, girls.” “Need some assistance, girls?” Asher joked again. “We’ll be fine, dickhead.” Jenny rolled her eyes, although still amused. “Come on, Mathilda.” “You’ll see, boys. Once we’ll be out, you’ll be the ones asking for our help!” The latina giggled, winking at them before following her bossy little friend. “I’ll be waiting for that!” Asher exclaimed, grabbing his crotch for emphasis. “Dude, have you gotten laid recently?” Sebastian elbowed the bulky womanizer. “I did, but that pandemic thing right now is really killing my strike. Can’t believe there’s so many scared pussies around. It’s terrifying for the male race, dude.” “Unless you’re a fag, bro!” Sebastian chuckled. “Aww, fuck off, dude!” Asher smirked before finishing his beer. “Hmm… let me get myself another one. Or just come in and get one yourself.” The three guys went into the living room, where Theodore was missing. “Theo? Buddy? Where’re you at?” Dimitri called the little guy. “I think he went for the kitchen.” Sebastian said, pulling a furry toque from the bag in his hands. “Alright, I’m gonna check on him if he needs anything.” Dimitri left his two friends going in the living room and went for the double doors leading to the left of the hall. He entered a large dining room with a long table that could welcome a dozen people to eat. He remembered how his mother, a judge in the federal court, used to make parties with her colleagues years ago. The expanse of the furniture in the room proved to be useful when his brother or himself invited friends over. The host walked past a second fireplace in the dining room until he reached a broad door leading into the kitchen. Right by the counter, Theodore was looking as if he was texting someone. “Hey, dude, what are you doing?” Theo startled at the question, not realizing someone had walked in on him. He turned around with a blush on his face and a nervous laugh. “Hey! I… didn’t hear you walking in.” “Bro… I know this face! Who were you talking to?” Dimitri asked with a coy grin, lowering his voice. “No one!” Theo brushed off, storing his phone back into his pocket and proceeding to store some food and booze in the fridge for later tonight. “Your call, dude!” Dimitri lifted his hands in acceptance. “C’mon and get your ass in the room with the boys! Let’s get this party going!” Right on cue, Asher’s spooky music started blowing through the speakers of the living room. As they joined Asher and Seb, the two men were just starting a beer pong game. Seb had put on the toque on his head and a plaid jacket on top of his now naked chest. The lanky giant had a few sparse chest hair and a meagre treasure trail, but little to no definition whatsoever. To complement the look, he even had an axe which he let by the couch for the moment. “Hope you don’t mind the view, guys!” Sebastian mocked by faking a striptease. “You’re such a dork, Seb!” Theo guffawed at the ridicule of his friend. “Hey, not my fault if no one can resist me! Remember that gay dude in High School, guys?” “That was fucking hilarious!” The short guy laughed at the memory. “SUP, BITCHES!” A voice echoed from the hall. The crew turned around and greeted with enthusiasm the arrival of a new party member. Already wearing his costume, Wesley entered the place like he owned it. The man was wearing old ratty and torn clothes as well as a puffy hat. His face looked even paler than usual and large dark circles surrounded his eyes as if he hadn’t slept in ages. “What are you dressed as, my old Wes?” Sebastian asked with a toothy grin, welcoming him with an arm around the shoulders. “A tramp?” “Funny one, Seb! Nah, I’m more like an undead or zombie kinda thing. Or a Frankenstein, whatever.” “Actually, Frankenstein is the scientist and not the monster.” Theodore intervened. “I doubt you meant the—…” “Ahh shut up, nerd. You know who I’m talkin’ about.” Wes spited in annoyance. “Hey, play cool, guys.” Dimitri chuckled. “Say, how about we play some beer pong?” “Well, I think I’m gonna take a shit while you’re debating what you’re gonna do.” Asher said. “That’s fucking nasty, dude!” Seb grimaced and chuckled at the same time. “Guess you’ll have to take the downstairs one, dude. The bitches are taking their sweet fucking time here.” Dimitri said, just loud enough so that the girls in question could hear his comment. “Tie a knot with your dicks if you can’t wait, fuckers!” They heard back from the bathroom, probably from Jennifer. “Are we having some single ladies tonight?” Wes asked with a devious grin plastered on his face, idly rubbing his crotch. “Apparently not, bro.” Asher sympathized with a shoulder pat as he walked past him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 7:30 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It was pretty annoying how, despite the good insulation of the house, Larry could still hear the noise of his big brother’s party upstairs. With the pandemic stuff going on, he would have thought he could just spend a nice calming night playing videogames just as he always does. Oh well. The six-foot eighteen years old stretched into his gaming chair, dropping his Xbox controller on his lap. While he used to be a regular gym goer, the pandemic had benefited him and his brother with buying gym equipment. Well, it was their parents who actually paid, but that was beside the point. Between gaming and working out, Larry had grown a more athletic shape without even needing to leave the house. Sure, he wanted to eventually achieve thick proportions like Dimitri, who could almost pass for a bodybuilder now, but he believed he’d get there sooner or later. “Yo! Lar!” A voice boomed into the room as the door barged opened. The young man jumped with surprise at the sudden outburst. He turned around, mostly nude except from an old stained pair of boxer shorts covering his junk. There, in the entrance, stood Asher, booze in hand, laughing. “Phew! Glad I didn’t barge into you whacking off again!” The trickster exclaimed. “Get the fuck out!” Larry snapped, beet red. Larry grabbed onto the first object he didn’t value much — an empty beer can — and threw it at his brother’s friend, who closed the door just in time. The gamer heard the man step away, still laughing. His heartbeat was still high, but Larry was calming down. He turned back to his station and tried changing games, only to remember his account had been suspended from Fortdey. “Guess I’ll just play some Olah Reach.” The teen shrugged, scratching at the rough stubble he had not shaved in days. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 7:45 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “How do I look?” Mathilda asked to her friend as she applied the makeup. “You’re looking like a queen.” Jennifer complimented, finally stepping and showing her the result. The Latina beamed with joy at her display in the mirror. She looked just like Cleopatra. As for her shorter pal, she had disguised herself with a little white dress and brought her hair into a green flowery bulb on top of her head. Pink heels, transparent wings and a rooty wand complemented her appearance as a forest fairy. “Ready to show off to the boys?” Jennifer enticed. “You bet your ass, girl!” “Let’s get a round of salute!” “Heeeere we coooome!” Mathilda announced to the guys as they walked out into the lobby. Crossing the hall into the living room, the chicks were greeted with a series of wolf whistles and acclamations. Since the moment they entered the bathroom, a few more guests had joined the party. In addition to Wes, two more men had arrived. One of them was Braxton, an ex-neighbour of Dimitri, who moved before High School. Tall and wide-shouldered, he was almost matching Dimitri’s body builder size at about 250 pounds. Member of the football team back then, and again in college, Braxton had decided against all originality to disguise himself as a footballer for Halloween. “Talk about original, huh, Brax?” Jennifer snarked. “That’s because you’ve not seen anything yet, little girl.” He chuckled, removing his helmet. Right under the headwear, the sportsman had apparently covered his face in makeup to look like some werewolf. He had even added pointy ears and fake fangs to complement the disguise. “Wow! I must say I’m surprised you actually put some effort in your costume.” Mathilda nodded. “Hmm, yeah, I agree.” Her friend approved. “Now, does any of you wants to play with the big wolf on campus? Grrrr!” The jock joked as he acted the part. “Only if you want me to turn you into a cute puppy!” Jennifer said with a smile, raising her wand to playfully poke the footballer’s nose. “Oh! Turn him into a cat! It would look great with my costume!” The Cleopatra giggled along. “You girls are helpless!” The last guest spoke, disguised as Captain America. With his blond hair and chiselled jaw, devoid of any, the man actually looked like the Steve Rogers from the Marvel comics. Albeit a little shorter than the canon superhero, the second jock was still taller than average at 5′11″ and he depicted a stature that testified countless hours dedicated to the gym. “Victor! It’s been so long since I last saw you!” The short fairy exclaimed. “Victor?! Damn, dude, what are you on?! Tell me that’s part of the costume!” Mathilda gasped, putting a hand on her chest as she observed the massive bulk threatening the sleeves to tear. “That’s all me, ladies!” Victor laughed with his loud rich voice, flexing a bicep for evidence. The girls could almost hear in their head the seams about to rip as he tensed the enormous arm, unfortunately inaudible through the booming music. “I’ve been hitting the gym pretty hard, you see, babes?” “You can show off all you want, bro, but you ain’t got nothing on these guns!” Braxton chimed in, pushing his longtime friend aside to flex. “At least I’ve still got abs, bro!” Victor scoffed at him by shaking the soft midsection. “Put your faggy hands away, bro! It’s padding for the field!” “Sure, bro. Sure. Just be careful so that I don’t mistake you for a bear next time we go hunting, bro!” The two teasing jocks gave each other a few hits before erupting with laughter. However, when they turned around to see the girls, they had since long left them to their silly talk. They had joined in with Dimitri to play beer pong — their boyfriends nowhere to be found. The two meatheads exchanged a wolfish grin and went after the two women, intent on playing a few drinking ones with them. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 9:15 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Settled in the study, Sebastian and Wesley had been smoking and relaxing aside from the main events of the party, taking some time to catch up. Ever since Wesley has moved district with his parents as a teen, the two of them hadn’t seen each other as much as they used to in elementary school. They ended growing up in quite different neighbours. While Sebastian had lived in a middle-class environment, Wesley had been subjected to a rather lower one. Sebastian never really knew why Wes’s folks relocated there, but suspected they might have struggled financially. The roughness of these new surroundings perhaps contributed to Wes becoming reckless and carefree in the last couple weeks, such as starting taking and exchanging drugs and booze. Nonetheless, he was still Sebastian’s old friend and the tall lad just simply couldn’t forget the strong bond they’ve built up many years ago. The two men were chilling peacefully when the door to the study opened by Theodore, dressed as a wizard with a blue robe and hat. The short pal had put on a ridiculous fake white beard, but had it off in his hands, the material itching him after a while. Even if he wasn’t fond of having his glasses daily — usually opting for contacts — Theo had decided to put on the nerdy eyewear his parents shamefully bought him a couple months ago, before the pandemic happened. “There you are, guys!” Theo blurted out. “We were looking for you everywhere! Well, technically, I was the one who… whatever. Anyway, what are you doing here?” “Whether you in or out, just close the damn door!” Wes grumbled. Theo blushed red and shut it after stepping inside. Already, the strong aroma of weed hit his nose. The smell didn’t disgust him, but he couldn’t help being rational about it. “Guys, you know that thing fries your brain cells, right?” “Doesn’t take any to say you’re an annoying little twat.” The drug addict chimed. “Hey, hey…” Seb spoke before the tension arose — he pulled the handmade fag from his mouth and offered it to his standing pal by the door. “Take it and sit down with us, bro.” Imitating an obedient puppy, Theo bowed his head down slightly in submission and listened to Seb’s command like an order. After Theo sat and brought the joint to his lips, taking a puff. Wesley glared at his childhood friend, unhappy with Seb’s decision to hand out his weed stash to anyone. “There, buddy. Chill a bit with us, alright, pal?” Seb smirked as he rolled himself another fag on the old walnut desk. “Dude! Don’t you go giving my stuff to everyone here tonight, bro!” Wesley vocalized. “Calm down, Wes. That’s my little buddy Theo and I love him to death! No homo, tho, bro!” Seb chuckled as he lighted the new cig. “You’re so gay, dude.” Theo rolled his eyes. “Good thing Dimi’s a cowboy tonight.” Wesley added, setting back in the leather chair behind the computer desk. “If we’ve got a fag slipping in, that gun might have some use.” “Dude, that’s not a bit radical?” Theo frowned. “Don’t get me wrong — I don’t approve of their lifestyle choice, but we kinda need these guys in society too.” Wesley gave him a dark eye. He aggressively took his beer can on the expansive desk. “Name me one thing this garbage is good for.” He spitted out of spite. “Well… I kinda need someone to make my coffee at McDonald’s.” Theo sniggered. “And that means more girls for us.” The scorn on the drug addict’s face shifted into a scary smile as he burst into laughter. “Dude! Seb, is that the Theo guy you talked about?” “In the flesh!” Sebastian gestured like a show master. “I guess you were right. Even nerds can be funny sometimes. Maybe there’s hope for the male race after all!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 9:45 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A party wouldn’t just be one without playing flip-the-cup. Braxton and Victor had both removed their headwear to facilitate the downing of their beer cups against the two girls with whom the competed. Mathilda now used her majestic faux-golden staff more like a cane rather than an artifact for her costume — she barely could stand anymore. Jennifer, on the other hand, had better alcohol retention, but she kept jiggling and spilling beer on the sticky table and floor. The hair she had earlier shaped into a beautiful flower bulb had lost it dynamism and now looked like a greenish muffin top. While the girls were winning another round against the jocks, Asher and Dimitri just arrived on the first floor, having dragged up a foosball table from the home bar downstairs. The guys walked across the hall into the living room where the heart of the party was beating full mast. “Foosball time!” Dimitri and Asher shouted in chorus before bursting into laughter like a buffoon duo. The call was hyping the guests enough that even the smoking trio in the study left their cave to join in the fun. The games started as teams of two, until Mathilda had the brightest idea in the world and everyone held on to only one rotator, making sides of four instead. It was crowded and people kept bickering and shoving each other out of the way, but it provided a lot of fun nonetheless. As a good host, Dimitri gave his place to his eight guests until Wesley grew bored with the game and lie back on one of the couches. Mathilda was questioning herself about her idea when a repetitive soft tug in her hair starting annoying her. She thought her hair had tangled into her costume, but when she turned around, she met with a white ghostly face screaming at her. Her shriek made everyone look for her and begin to laugh as the Latina slipped on the wet floor and fell on her ass. Right behind her stood a tall person dressed in robes as dark as night, with the mask of Ghostface, holding in a knife in its hand. The figure was soon grabbed into a headlock by Dimitri, then Braxton, the three of them slipping on the ground as well. The two brutes had the stalker under control until they also heard the laughs coming from underneath the costume. “You should have seen her face!” The voice guffawed. “Larry? What the fuck, bro!” Dimitri exclaimed in shock, but soon after joined in the laugh. The two men on top of him moved and the host took his little brother’s hand to help him back up. Mathilda, embarrassed to no end, snapped with anger, failing to stand by keeping on slipping on the beer-covered floor. “You’re such a creep!” She pestered at him, red with humiliation. Jennifer tried pulling her back up via the Egyptian staff — while her boyfriend was laughing out loud — but the two girls ended falling on top of each other. “Jenny — ouch! Seb — DO SOMETHING! You, fucker! I’m gonna kill you! I’m gonna kill you ALL! All of you!” “Alright, alright.” Sebastian complied, walking to help his lover up. “That was a good one, bro!” Dimitri approved, giving Larry a brotherly slap on the back. “Though you should run away while you can!” “I was just coming to get a few snacks before my raid.” Larry pulled his mask off, beaming a content smile. “Well, you—…” Lights went off abruptly. Music faded into nothingness. Total darkness invaded the space. The surprised cries and exclamations were absorbed into the thick void surrounding the party members. Dimitri tried to bring back the attention to him when, out of a sudden, the fireplace lightened by itself, diffusing a dimmed orange hue to the vast living room. “What the fuck is going on?!” Dimitri blurted out in confusion. “HELLO.” A distorted voice echoed from the corners of the room and from within each present individual. The first one to take his phone out was Theo, who attempted to use its flashlight. Only then did he realize his screen looked glitched out — the alien sound came from its small speakers. “What… guys! My phone’s bugged!” “Fucking hell?! Mine too!” Braxton added before the distorted voice spoke again. “Tonight is not like any others. The ten of you gathered here is no mere coincidence. Each of you, to an extent depicted examples of homophobic bigotry against people, which lead to the self-destruction and suffering of poor, weaker-minded individuals.” “Where the fuck are you?” Seb asked aloud, taking in his hands the axe he’s left by the couch earlier. “Show yourself!” The voice continued: “Braxton Bellman — your jealousy against Richard Biggs making the football team only fuelled your homophobic bigotry to kick him out. But the school wouldn’t let him out because he was the best player. So, you made sure to ‘accidentally’ have his leg broken so that he couldn’t play on the team anymore. Did that bitter win in your hollow head made up for all the further matches your team lost? Victor Fortune — whilst you confidently say you are a handsome fuck machine, you had often pushed back the advances of numerous people because of their skin colour or orientation. You never miss a chance to proudly display your confederation flag to show much of a white suprematist you are. You used your straight white cis male privileges to influence many peers as the representative student in school, disrespecting whoever didn’t share the same traits as yours. Theodore James — you do not exert physical violence to assert your intolerance, but you rather attack psychologically your victims. The shameful names and stereotypes you call them instead of the proper ones make them all the more vulnerable to others who would act brutally. Sebastian Joseph — in any room you go, you attract anyone’s eyes. You are the tall, charismatic, person any man or woman would love to spend a good time with. However, this handsome shell of yours hides a dark soul. In pure malice, you used your good looks to flirt with Henri Thompson, just to play him out as a whole joke in front of the school. That man still is afraid to date anyone today. Mathilda Lopez — instead of sympathizing with your ex-boyfriend Greg when he confided you with his bisexuality, you acted like the worst bitch ever. Not only you broke up with him, but you leaked multiple personal pics of him on social media, shaming him for his sexual orientation as well, resulting in having him brutalized and sent to the ER. He is still in the coma to this day. Wesley Peterson — you are a dropout and a thug who doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than himself. You vandalized Oliver McClay’s car and locker with graffiti in High School, showing the world that he was homosexual. Know that Oliver McClay took his own life a month after changing school. Asher Ship — your homophobic bigotry against your younger brother Ken has led him into clinical depression. This led him to grow overweight and develop paranoia. He even tried to take his own life numerous times, almost succeeding more than once. It’s a miracle of sorts if he is still alive today. Jennifer Taylor — nobody can confide you anything. When Roger Mayer shared you his biggest secret that he was a homosexual, you betrayed him and told others. No longer a mystery, Roger’s parents eventually heard about it, making his life as miserable at home as he’s had it at school. Say, when was the last time you talked with Roger? Were you even his friend? Dimitri Wright — host of the night, you clearly selected your guests carefully. Your fingers probably don’t make up for the number of wedgies you’ve given those homosexuals and intellectuals in school. You’re a leader, but you used your diplomatic gifts to bully others rather than implementing justice. Perhaps it’s time to turn the tables? Finally, Larry Wright — just like your brother Dimitri, you have deeply rooted homophobia. If you come across a gay guy in your Fortdey servers, you don’t hesitate to shame and tag them, taking mischievous pleasure in bashing and blackmailing them. Sucks when the servers suspend your account for inappropriate actions, does it?” A hard-felt silence weighed on the ten young adults, to which Wes blurted out: “So fuckin’ what?!” before being hushed at. “Now that your facets are displayed on the table, let’s play a little game, shall we? If you can make it intact by six in the morning, I will let you go. Oh, but we can’t allow cheater, don’t we? No one can leave the house grounds. No electricity, no data. Cheating or sleeping through the night will immediately result in a person losing. Also, let’s spice things up a bit. Anyone who loses can make others lose as well. Among the ten of you, there is one who knows what’s going on — an imposter of sorts. Will you find who fakes this out? Finding it out might make you win earlier than sunrise, but a wrong answer will result in another loss. Good luck.” The speakers shut, and so did all their phones — batteries fried up.
  9. Alright guys. Here it is. My contribution to storiversary. I honestly had a lot of trouble coming up with what to write and I feel like what I did come up with is a little fast paced, almost rushed. But if you don't like wasting time and getting right to the good stuff (muscle growth) then this story is for you. lol Enjoy! ************************************** Where to begin? Well, I guess the beginning. My buddy Nolan and I have been inseparable since birth. We went to the same elementary, middle, high school, we graduated together, and now we’re college roomies. We’d just gotten settled in to our new apartment on campus. Nolan was struggling to get his last box of supplies through the door. He finally plopped the box down in the living room with a loud thud and huffed loudly. The box couldn’t have weighed more than fifty pounds, but he was a little guy, barely 5’6”, no more than 140lbs soaking wet. He was a good looking dude in the youthful kind of way. He couldn’t grow a beard to save his life, so had long since embraced the baby face look. Although he had plenty of self-confidence in his looks, he was extremely self conscious of his size. He always wore extremely baggy clothes in an attempt to hide his frail physique. He had always wanted to play on the football team at school. Obviously, no coach was going to let a little shrimp like Nolan play. Unfortunately, he just didn’t have the willpower. He would hire the personal trainers, but wouldn’t follow through. He would start the meal plans, but not finish them. And I wasn’t any help. I didn’t hold him accountable. So by senior year, he had accepted his fate. He was doomed to be the skinny twerp for the rest of his life. What Nolan didn’t know, is that I’d been doing a ton of research in my spare time and I might have figured out a solution to all of his problems. Now, what I’m about to explain sounds crazy - absolutely impossible - but it’s not. I mean, yeah, it’s crazy, for sure, but somehow, entirely possible. I had stumbled upon a device that will allow me to channel my consciousness back in time. My plan is to travel back to various times in our past and impress upon Nolan to push himself harder and give him the push to grow far before he was really thinking about it. Hopefully, his genetics are only restricting him so much and a little extra inspiration will give him the push to actually put on some size. Hell, I would strap him down and force feed him if I needed to! But for now, back to reality. Unpacking. After several hours, we finally got the apartment looking somewhat like a home, with pretty much everything put in its place. We were both wiped out. But we were done. Nolan lifted up the front of his baggy shirt to wipe the sweat off his brow, uncovering his skinny abs. Jesus, I swear you could almost see his ribs underneath. We had some pizza delivered, chowed down, and Nolan stumbled to his room and passed out for the night. Classes didn’t begin for a couple of days, which was nice. We had a few days to get settled in. I went to my room and pulled the little device out of my pocket and stared at it intently. All I had to do was enter a date on the screen and place the device on my forehead and go to sleep and I would travel via my conscious back to whatever time I had entered. Obviously it had to be a time that I existed or I wouldn’t have a body to land in. I had decided on a date about five years ago, right before we were to finish 8th grade and start high school - the summer before. It seemed like a semi-pivotal point in our lives. I didn’t want to do anything too drastic to start so this seemed like the most straightforward option. I entered the date, stuck the weird device to my forehead and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep, and all of a sudden, I’m staring at adolescent Nolan, which unfortunately for him, wasn’t much different from adult Nolan. I blinked twice. Was I in a dream or did the device actually work? This felt so real. “Hello? Earth to James. Knock, knock! Anybody there?” Shit I had stared to long and zoned out. I snapped out of it and smirked at him. “Sorry man just thinking about how dope this summer is gonna be. We’re gonna get jacked this summer right?”, I joked. Nolan just laughed. “Yeah right dude. Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? Mr. Jack Skellington, himself.”, he said as he gestured to his gaunt figure. “No man I’m serious. This time’s going to be different. I’m holding you accountable. We’re going to work out every day, and eat until we literally can’t eat anything else.” This would, hopefully, be the tipping point. So for the next month, I ripped into him. I forced protein shakes down his throat, dragged him to the gym, until he finally seemed to be less resistant to the whole thing. I had pushed it onto him just long enough where I think he started noticing the slightest of results, and that was all it took for him to be hooked. That was all I needed. As I went to ‘sleep’, in my dream state, I willed myself back to the present, which was an even weirder feeling than when I got here. I woke up with a start and checked my watch. I had been asleep for what literally felt like a month, but less than 5 seconds had passed in the present. I took off the device and actually went to sleep, anxious for what changes, if any, tomorrow would bring. ************************************** The sun peeked through the blinds, slowly waking me up from a great night’s sleep. I got rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. The cotton shorts I slept in felt different, like not tighter, but more fitted if that makes sense? I got to the bathroom and was shocked at the sight that greeted me. Now keep in mind, I was no slouch, weighing in at a solid 180lbs of toned muscle, but I was hardly considered buff. The beefcake attached to my head would beg to differ. I wasn’t huge, but I was definitely bigger than I’d ever been. There was no way I weighed under 215 now. My arms had more shape to them, my pecs cast the slightest shadow from their size. I couldn’t see it as much as I could feel it, but my butt was slightly bigger, pulling the fabric of my cotton shorts more tightly. My thighs were beefier, which would explain why my shorts felt different. They were wrapped tautly around my lower body now, accenting every bit of definition in my legs. I guess I didn’t really think about how changing the past would affect me. I had only thought about how it would affect Nolan, but it made sense. We were inseparable, so if he started working out and bulking up, I was going to be working out right next to him and pushing him harder and harder. I definitely wasn’t upset with the results. I casually started flexing my thicker arms, marveling at their size and their definition. I flexed my chest and bounced my pecs. I grinned viciously. I’d never been able to do that before. This was awesome. I threw on a t shirt, relishing in feeling of my new muscles pressing lightly against the fabric, and walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen to whip together some breakfast. My thoughts were starting to get scrambled, mixing the old reality with the new. My brain was automatically telling me I needed to make my “usual” healthy breakfast of 6 egg whites and a slice of whole wheat toast, but I also knew that I had never in my life made a breakfast like that. As I was cooking my eggs, I heard Nolan shuffle into the kitchen as well. I turned to look at him, excited about what changes I would be able to see. I was instantly met with disappointment. If he was different, it wasn’t noticeable underneath the still baggy clothes he always wore. His face looked a little more masculine and his neck seemed a bit thicker, but any other potential changes were hidden beneath those damned baggy clothes. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk and made himself a protein shake. Hmmmm. Well that was definitely a change. He chugged the whole thing in one gulp and burped loudly, grinning stupidly. “Bruh you making enough for both of us? You know I’m trying for lineman by next season. Boy’s gonna have to pack on the pounds if I’m gonna be big enough for that!” said Nolan. Fuck, his voice was the slightest bit deeper now. And he’s trying to be lineman by next season? He was going to have to do more than just a little growing if he planned on being a lineman. “Uh…yeah man. I was gonna go ahead and cook the whole carton of eggs anyways…” I muttered, noting that my voice also had a deeper, richer tone to it as well. We ate our breakfast and next on our “daily routine” was the gym, of course. Man this was weird. So Nolan got up from the table, tossed his dish in the sink and headed to his room to change. And then, without a second thought, Nolan started to strip off his clothes. I didn’t even have time to react. Apparently he had gained a bit more confidence with these changes as well. Nolan was never one to just take off his clothes, even around his closest bro. Yet, here he was taking off every piece of clothing and tossing it wherever it landed as he walked to his room. The body that was hiding underneath those baggy clothes exceeded anything I could have imagined. He wasn’t huge, by any means. But he was a far cry from the shrimpy Nolan that I had grown up with - at least until last night. He had first peeled off the baggy hoody he had been wearing, which revealed a back so wide, so cut and defined, I’m sure you could break rocks against it. His thick back was capped with a pair of softball sized shoulders, toned with every striation visible. I got a glimpse of his biceps as he brought his arms back down, again, cut as fuck, and about the size of baseballs. His triceps had a nice horseshoe shape to them. Just as I was processing all of this, he hopped out of his sweatpants, revealing a pair of cut-as-fuck legs. Each thigh writhed and bulged with each step he made. His calves were just as cut and defined. His butt was hard as granite and straining his tighter boxer briefs. Overall, he had the look of a pro athlete now. Whatever I had done in the past, lit a fire deep inside of him and he had tightened up and grown his body to an unbelievable condition. He was a bonafide hunk! He reemerged from his room moments later in his workout gear, which was a drastic change from his usual garb. Each piece of clothing was pulled tight across each engorged muscle, straining the material just the right amount. The tightness of the clothing highlighted each of his muscles perfectly. He actually had the beginnings of a pec shelf bulging from the front of his shirt. He was mindlessly scratching at his midsection, which allowed me to get a peek at his ripped 8 pack abs. Fuck, he was a real beast now. I quickly snapped out of my stupor and ran and threw on some clothes as well. It was obvious he was waiting on me. So off we rushed to the gym. Everyone greeted us as if we were regulars there, which I guess we were in this new reality. Again, my brain is still adjusting to this shift. Apparently today was leg day. I just followed Nolan’s lead since I had no clue what we were doing. I had no recollection of my PRs or anything. But, as we started our workout all of this information started flooding my brain. By the time we were through the first workout, I had the knowledge of a seasoned lifter, but I still remembered how I didn’t have that knowledge just a few minutes ago. This is fucking weird. Anyways, we warmed up with regular squats, I found out my one rep max was 325lbs, which is just wild to me. Nolan’s was something like 375? I was loving the feeling of my pumped quads pressing tightly against my workout shorts, this all felt so new to me, and yet not at the same time. We powered through the most excruciating leg day I had ever experienced - squats, box squats, kettlebell lunges, dead lifts, leg press….we ended with calf raises. Devastated, we each stumbled our way out of the gym back to the car - the sign of a good leg day. My legs felt like they were about to explode from this unreal pump. We got in the car and I took note of how bloated Nolan’s legs looked now in his workout shorts. All definition had left and given way to the pump. Nolan caught me staring and just laughed and smacked each leg. “Fuck man the pump is too real today. Legs are lookin’ extra JOOCEEY.” he said, smirking. “Damn brah, I’m fuckin’ starvin’ man. Let’s go get some grub.” Something about Nolan’s personality was off to me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. He seemed more “broish” than normal? Eh whatever. Probably just the massive amounts of testosterone pumping through his veins after that insane workout. We hit up the nearest buffet and did some major damage. I felt like I had eaten a lot but jesus christ, Nolan put away the food. He ate more than I thought was possible for one human to consume in one sitting. He was like an animal. “Gotta grow man. My body's like a furnace, burning through all these calories. I gotta eat so I can grow.”, grumbled Nolan, in between mouthfuls of baked potato. Nolan eventually got full and we left the restaurant. His 8 pack abs were distended from the obscene amount of food he just put away, bulging out against his shirt. The remainder of the day was fairly uneventful, since school hadn’t started yet. We just lounged around the house, binged a few shows, ate more food if you can believe it. Eventually, it was time for bed again. I had gotten all the confirmation I had needed from today that this little experiment was a success and I knew I was just getting started. If Nolan wanted to be a linebacker, well. He was going to get that. This time, I had traveled back to a time when we were kids. I planned on making several stops this time. I didn’t spend as much time here as I did before. I just spent a couple of days and did nothing but talk about working out and muscles. I wanted to make sure Nolan got it engrained in his head that the only thing that matter was muscles and getting as massive as possible. I then travelled back to the same time I had gone to previously and was pleasantly surprised to see that version of Nolan looking pretty much like the present day Nolan did right now. This got me real excited. If he was already this big now, just how much bigger could he get in the next five years? I egged him on even more in this time period. He was all about dieting and nutrition and staying cut. I told him to fuck all that and just eat big and lift heavy weight. That should do the trick. I could hardly wait to see what kind of reality I was going to wake up to the next morning. ************************************** I awoke the next morning to a totally different apartment. The two bedroom apartment we previously had was now a loft. And it had a pungent scent to it that was inescapable - it reeked of pure masculinity. I blearily observed my surroundings before landing on a bed on the other side of the room. And in that bed was something otherworldly, absolutely massive. Whatever it was, was hidden underneath a ton of blankets, but It’s mass could not be hidden underneath the blankets, like a mountain rising out of the ocean. A deep, guttural moan came from across the room and the creature rolled over, causing the blanket to fall and I immediately gasped aloud. The face was almost unrecognizable, but it was definitely Nolan, albeit, a hyper masculine version of Nolan. He had a thick beard covering his face that was attached to a neck that easily outsized a telephone pole. His shoulders were almost comically large, stretching easily two feet in each direction. It was then that I noticed his twin sized mattress had been replaced with a king size mattress, and he still dwarfed even that. This titan, this beast across the room was Nolan - little shrimpy Nolan no longer existed in this reality. He had been replaced by a literal wall of muscle. I hadn’t been mentally prepared for this much of a change, so slight gasp managed to escape my mouth, causing the beast to stir. He groggily opened his eyes, seeing me stare wide-eyed at him from across the room. He began to shift and literally roll his massive body out of his bed. Only then was I able to take in the full extent of what I’d done. It seemed he had grown a couple of inches, somehow, putting him at around 5’8” now. How he had managed to pack such an obscene amount of muscle on such a short frame was beyond me. He was just about as broad as he was tall. His pecs had to completely obscure anything in his immediate vicinity. They bulged up and outwards to the point that he could easily rest his chin on the top of his pecs if he so desired. His nipples were completely hidden, having been pushed down and back from the immensity of the bulging globes of his chest. The thickness of his back forced his equally massive arms (easily 28 inches, cold) outwards at a 45 degree angle. The tight 8 pack I so fondly remembered yesterday was also long gone, replaced by a massive, bulging gut. I guess he took my “fuck clean eating” mantra to heart after all. He had the look of the largest, most off season bodybuilder you could imagine. Each of his legs were more massive than the size of his entire body had been previously. But these legs were not cut and striated, like they used to be. These legs were instruments of pure power, bulging with pure mass. The two thighs were at a constant battle for space, even with his gigantic feet planted 4 feet apart. As I stared at Nolan in pure awe and wonderment, I was instantly hit with all these new memories. I felt like my brain was going into overload, all the old memories overlapping with new memories and contradicting each other. I remembered Nolan as always being the tiny shrimpy dork, but then I remembered us deciding when we were kids that we wanted to be the biggest dudes ever and we had started working out religiously, Nolan absolutely blowing the fuck up once we hit high school. Yesterday he had finally clocked in at his goal of a massive 450lbs. My mind was working overtime right now to process everything, when the deepest, richest bassy voice sounded off across the room. “Buddy, bro you ok? You don’t look so great. I mean obviously you look GREAT but…” he chuckled, literally shaking the room with his booming voice. What did he mean I looked great? My memories continued to form and with wide eyes, I looked down. I was immediately met with a wall of flesh. Nolan, again, wasn’t the only one affected by my time meddling. I was fucking enormous. My chest was absolutely enormous, blocking my view of everything below me. The valley between them was so deep, you could lose a whole arm in there. I stared in awe at what little I could see of my incredible physique. My hands were so fucking thick now - the size of dinner plates. Each finger was thicker than a sausage. As I got out of bed, I now felt more and more how much weight had been added to my frame. I felt so damn heavy, yet each movement was easier than it had ever been. I had so much power now. I stood up and walked over to the mirror - well attempted to. My massive legs struggled to get around each other, which caused me to waddle awkwardly, but man I loved it. It felt amazing to just be taking up so much more space in the room. As I gazed upon my newly massive self in the mirror, I grew completely hard instantly. That’s when I noticed that my muscle wasn’t the only thing that had grown. My cock had grown to an inhuman 19 inches rock hard. It was wedged comfortably between my thick, juicy pecs. Where Nolan was an enigma of pure mass and power, I had dialed it in a little more. I was every bit as huge as Nolan, but I was also cut-as-fuck. The amount of definition I somehow still managed to show in each muscle while maintaining such a massive size was unheard of. What did he mean I looked great? I mean of course I looked great. All we did was eat and lift. What did he think would come of that? “Fuck bruh. I’m good. Real good. I’m feelin’ extra pumped today.” I marveled at the depth of my voice now - so deep and sexy. I made James Earl Jones sound like a little girl. “Fuck yah brah, lets go make some gains, my guy.” boomed Nolan. As my new memories continued to compile in my brain, clouding over the old ones, I realized that whatever changes I had made in the past had affected us so much, that we had actually dropped out of high school and devoted our entire lives to making gains, which is why the apartment had changed. We were no longer about to start college. We just rented a loft with an open floor plan because it best suited our massive sizes. I could literally feel the intelligence getting sucked out of my brain. Sure, we were probably now the two most massive alpha males to ever walk the planet, but at what cost? I had unintentionally turned the both of us into two hulking dumb brutes. But by now, I'm past regretting it. The new reality has just about taken over and all I can think about now is eating, lifting, and growing. Nolan threw on his workout clothes, which hardly qualified as clothes. There weren’t a whole lot of options to cover up something as massive as he was. He struggled to pull an XXXXL tank top over his thick head and stretched it over his enormous bulk. His enormous chesticles bulged out the sides of the tank obscenely and spilled out of the collar. The bottom half of the tank top was stretched across the vast expanse of his bulging gut. His “basketball shorts” (they would be if they were on a normal sized person) were his only option for pants at this point. It was the only material that would stretch and give enough to hold up against his titanic tree trunk legs and his enormous ass. They also needed to stretch across his crotch enough to hold the massive salami and orange-size balls he had too - I forgot to mention that. My cock is real big at 19 inches hard. It’s nothing compared to Nolan’s python. 24 fucking inches hard. TWO FEET. and 12 inches around. It’s as thick as a two liter bottle. His enormous hands could palm a basketball easily, and even then he had to use both of his hands to grope his thick cock. So between that giant hose and his big ole’ balls, his basketball shorts were looking pretty obscene. The fact that there is absolutely no space between his legs only amplifies the bulge in his shorts by pushing his massive junk forward even more. “Fuck man,” Nolan grunted, “These clothes are so damned tight. I’ll see ya there, my guy.” Finally dressed, er sort of, Nolan saunters out the door. I watch his thick ass and legs hungrily as he walks off - each muscle throbbing and writhing with each step. As massive as he was, every bit of that mass was needed to move such an immense amount of weight. The floor is actually shaking as he makes his way across the room, each step booming. I chuckled as I watched him trying to exit the building. We had had the door replaced with a double door since we’d gotten so big, but even then, at his current size, his massive shoulders still brushed both sides of the doorway at the same time. It wouldn’t be too much longer and he would need an even larger opening. As soon as he left, I scrambled to find the device. Given my new size, this was easier said than done. Even though most of the new reality and been set, my brain was still adjusting to how to maneuver all this mass the best way possible, so awkwardness. I knew we were already big enough - I mean we were pushing the limits of realistic size at this point, but there was a part of me that wanted to see Nolan even bigger. Like MASSIVE. I’m talking godhood - a giant. Also I was worried that if I waited much longer, I would be too dumb to even figure out how to work the device or remember that it even existed. So, I found the device and entered a time codes and popped it on before I could think about the ramifications of what I was doing and change my mind. First, I traveled to the future (weird right?) where new drugs and supplements had been developed to stimulate growth. Not just muscle growth, but height as well. The size I had in mind for Nolan required him to be much taller, otherwise he would just be a musclebound blob. This is where it gets complicated. Since only my consciousness traveled through time, I couldn’t just take the supplements with me. I won’t bore you with the details, so the short version is that I spent several months in the labs with the doctor that created these drugs and memorized the steps to recreate these drugs in the past, which was no easy feat with my increasingly diminishing IQ. I then traveled back to the time period I had originally traveled to, gained access to a lab and recreated the supplements. I gave them to Nolan and peaced out. Phew. This better be worth it. ************************************** As soon as I opened my eyes, this new reality hit me like a ton of bricks. There was no acclimating like the last times. My mind was immediately inundated with new memories. I remember Nolan giving me some pills back when we were kids. He said it would help us get bigger. I had been hesitant to take them at first, so Nolan was several doses ahead of me before I finally joined him. The result had been an explosive amount of growth that spanned the next five years. The loft was now a huge mansion with massive ceilings and entryways. In fact, everything about the mansion was supersized. It was supersized because we had to have a place built specifically for us because we were so fucking huge now. We were literal giants. Gods. I walked past a mirror and stopped to admire myself. I mean, it was hard not to do when you look like I do now. Every muscle on my body was so bloated and engorged with pure mass. I had a custom made towel that was the size of a bed sheet wrapped around my waist, and yet it did nothing to hide the mass that was underneath. Just this morning I clocked in weighing 935lbs at 11’5”. I was really hoping to hit quad digits soon. Like I said. Actual giant. We had ended up earning a fortune making cam shows. Obviously dudes our size were very rare and people paid just about anything to watch two muscle gods go to pound town. We were the only ones that could handle the other’s size after all. The doorbell rang. A little guy was at the door. I say little guy, because he was a little guy to us. To the standard person, he was a big dude. He was about the size of a pro bodybuilder. He must’ve been one of our “premium customers”. Jesus I forget sometimes just how big we are now. Seeing a full grown man barely come up to your waist, his entire body smaller than one of my titanic legs, really puts things into perspective again. “Bruh. Come in man. Are you ready for the time of your life or what?” The depth of my voice shook the poor guy to his very core. “uh-uh-y-y-y-yessir. I-I-I-I think I am.” the poor guy stammered. “What’s your name, little bud?” I asked. “B-B-B-Ben, s-s-s-s-sir.” He was frightened out his mind. I didn’t blame him of course. I could literally destroy him with the mere flick of a finger. I patted him on his head, my massive mitt engulfing it completely. I could honestly crush his head one-handed if I so desired. This kind of power was intoxicating. I watched his eyes grow wider and wider as I slowly removed the towel from my waist, unleashing the beast. My three foot cock sprang forward, smacking the little guy right in the face, knocking him backwards. The thing was nearly as big as he was, The head alone was much larger than the man’s fist. He stumbled back to his feet and something switched in him. All fear was gone as he literally leapt onto my massive cock and just started massaging it and sucking on any part of It’s surface he could attach himself to. I moaned in pure ecstasy as he continued to work his way up and down my member. As the moment of truth arrived, Ben clung to my dick for dear life as he literally felt it “charging up”. Just in time too, as I came almost right after. And when I say I came…I’m saying like a canon. A geyser of cum erupted from me that seemed to never end. The aftermath was quite messy. In the middle of the massive pool of cum sat my poor little muscle worshipper, Ben. The force of my cum explosion still managed to launch him off of my giant cock and into the torrential geyser of cum, but he seemed to be completely content. All of a sudden, there was the sound of thunder coming from the entryway to the house. Nolan was home. Around the corner came the men of all men. He was truly the reason we needed the giant-size house with the giant-size furniture. Even with the 15 foot ceilings, Nolan’s head still brushed the top. The extra wide hallways were still just barely wide enough to hold the giant behemoth. Even at almost 15 feet tall, he was just as wide and musclebound as ever. Last time we weighed in, he was over two tons of beef. Yes, it’s just as unbelievable as it sounds. As I had maintained my cut physique, Nolan had stuck with his off season look. It made him look even bigger. His enormous muscle gut was the only thing that bulged out far enough for him to see past his planet-sized pecs. Well that and his massive dick, but we’ll get to that. “Yooooo you must be Ben.” boomed Nolan with a toothy grin. “This is the lil guy who paid the big bucks to have a private sesh with us bruh!” Before Ben had time to react, Nolan had picked him up in one of his massive hands and just held him. He fit easily in one of his enormous palms, the size of a truck tire. Ben looked absolutely terrified but also completely turned on all at once. Nolan chuckled deeply, shaking the whole house and gently place him back on the ground. Ben was still in awe of the mass of muscle before him. Nolan’s calves, alone, were larger than Ben’s entire body. He barely came up to mid thigh on Nolan, which put him right at eye level with his “third leg”. Nolan’s cock was otherworldly. It was just about large enough to have It’s own zip code. It was as big around as a telephone pole and, last we checked, nearly six feet long. Meaning, Nolan’s cock was actually bigger than Ben was. The head of his cock was bigger than Ben’s own actual head. As soon as Ben made “eye contact”, it began to plump up and engorge with blood, growing even larger and getting harder. Ben then repeated the same process that he did with me, riding Nolan’s enormous cock and just writhing and licking and kissing all over it until Nolan erupted and a seemingly endless fountain of cum showered the entire living room. Ben spent the next couple of hours “playing” on us like we were a jungle gym. He climbed around each of our enormous bodies and worshipped just about every inch of our bodies until he could handle no more. He called his banker and had the $10,000 that we had requested wired directly to our bank account and he left, never to be seen again. As tired as he was, all of the activities of the day had been a mere warm up for us. So, after his departure we went at it like animals. Fucked for 3 hours straight. We almost destroyed the house. After all, there’s no gentle way for two giant masses of muscle to have consensual sex. In the afterglow of our night of pure ecstasy, I lay in our “bed”. I say bed but it was really the size of a normal room. Again, custom made. The thing still barely held Nolan, much less both of us together. I casually fondled his doorknob sized nipples as I reminisced on our incredible journey of growth together. Who knew five years ago, that we would ever end up so inhumanly massive, so powerful? Well apparently, I did, but I’d forgotten that already. This really was the life. I couldn’t possibly imagine life any other way. ************************************** Once Ben had gotten home from that absolutely wild day he had had, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a strange looking device. He had heard rumors of a device that had been invented that allowed you to manipulate reality via time travel. Very few of them were made, but he knew exactly what it looked like. So when he saw what looked like one on one of the tables at the giants’ house, he snagged the thing without a second thought when neither of the giants were looking. He fumbled with the parameters on the device and placed the device on his head, already imagining what wondrous changes he had in store for himself. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with a grin on his face. THE END
  10. MUSCLE MATING SQUIRT "I should have never taken that bet at the gym" Oliver, a 300-pound bodybuilding male deer, thought to himself. "Come on Oliver. What are you scared of? Big bucks like yourself can't be scared of a challenge!" It's my fault for listening. I could have left that locker room long before I dug myself into a hole almost as deep as this monster is digging into me. But I just had to prove I was bigger than Magno. That half-orc half manotaur hybrid beast was huge, but I didn't think he'd be bigger than me. Bucks like me are huge, our male figures are seen as thick veiny trophies to all who lay down with us bucks. I guess I'm not the biggest after all. SQUIRT 15 inches was 3 inches too short. When Magno and I agreed "smallest would bottom" I never expected any man to ever pack an 18-inch cock between their legs. I guess that orc manotaur mix got both specie's huge dick genetics. SQUIRT Now he's at my house... stuffing me like a jelly donut. What makes this worse is that even his loads are bigger than mine. This male has already squirted 10 squirts in me and hasn't stopped thrusting his 18-inch dick into me yet. I don't even think Magno has slowed down. It hurt at first, I felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my core, but all that lubrication from his 10 squirts has made things a lot easier. SQUIRT 11 now. That squirt had to be the biggest yet. I felt that squirt up in my chest that time. I want Magno to think he's only a little more manly than me but even I couldn't breed like this. I'm sure I would have cum all the water in my body by now and this stallion still has cum to spare. I can't lie to myself any longer, he makes me look like a twig. SQUIRT. That one hurt. That squirt drizzled the back of my throat. I only felt a few drops splash against my throat but I didn't know his load would go that deep into me. Things are about to get a lot worse, aren't they? He's grunting a lot more now. His hands just tightened their grip on my legs. I can feel his cock throbbing faster now. These 12 squirts were only pre? Ok, he's slowing down now, what does that mean? Wait, I can feel his rod shaking, why is it shaking so much? WOSH It felt like all of the cum he had left blew out of his dick in one burst that was strong enough to shake my bed. I don't know how much cum he dumped into me but It was enough to make me feel like I gained 50 pounds. His sperm swam through every limb and every joint. Magno's seed is basically my blood now. I wouldn't be surprised if my body has more of his seed than my own blood. This doesn't worry me though, I can't imagine how much pure protein and testosterone I just soaked up. By this time tomorrow, my male hormones will be through the roof. This much male milk might even help me gain a few inches. It would be amazing if this cum can all swim down to my own cock and swell me up. Maybe next time Magno can dock me and make my balls bigger than my head. If I soak up this genetically gifted male's seed regularly I bet I could gain some of his genetics. I bet his protein could make my muscles unstoppable. "That was fun," Magno said holding my legs above me. "Are you done already," I said teasing him. "You couldn't dump half that much cum if I hooked you up to a milking machine!" I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath before I clapped back. "Maybe I can if you keep filling me up like this," I told Magno winking. "I might have to," he told me winking back. Magno set my legs back down so that my knees were on the edge of my bed and he leaned down. Magno put both arms under my shoulder blades, put his head down next to mine, and squeezed my chest into his. He gripped my muscles into his muscles like my buff body was his new body pillow. I was exhausted from being flooded with his seed, but I managed to build up the strength to hug Magno back. "I'm glad you took up that challenge," Magno whispered. I thought he was being sweet until he said "I knew I was bigger and you proved it. Now all the guys in the locker room will stop asking!" "You're only bigger by three inches," I reminded him. Magno laughed and gripped my body again. I gripped him back. We fell asleep in that position. As I laid there under Magno's boulder-like body, I felt trillions of sperm tails swimming around my body... all swimming towards my chest. The liquid from the seamen felt like it was soaking into my muscles as the muscles extracted the protein and testosterone from Magno's slimy meal, but I could very clearly feel the sperm migrate to my chest. The muscles that absorbed the liquid felt mostly normal when they swallowed his gooey flood, but my chest felt like it was swelling up. There were so many sperm cells piling up in my chest that it felt like his seed was fertilizing my chest muscles. A noticeable lump began to form on either side of my chest that grew bigger as more sperm swam up my body to join in. Did Magno impregnate me? Was this alpha male's sperm so strong that it planted his offspring in me? As I laid there, feeling his sperm grow bigger in my chest and countless sperm cells travel through me, I thought about why they would gather in the chest. Then I realized that the chest, especially one as solid as mine, was actually the perfect spot on a male's body to grow offspring. The chest muscles are huge and can swell up without getting in the way of the male's daily life. Multiplying in the arms or legs would strain a male's body too much, and the abdominal muscles were too small. The chest made the most sense, and it was where Magno's sperm gathered. As Magno laid on top of me, wrapping his stiff muscles around me like a warm blanket, his solid body reassuringly held my muscular body. If Magno did impregnate me, this massive male was ready to multiply with me. He liked me, that was obvious, or he wouldn't be holding me so close. He probably would have at least pulled his cock out before he slept on top of me, if not slept next to me instead of on top, for that matter.
  11. LionBUff


    College had become harder than ever that week. It felt like we had a new paper every day, if not a new exam. I had to get out. I had to walk around the city and make some new friends, forget the stress for a few short hours. I didn't care that I didn't know anyone. I would much rather walk around the city than stare at the same fucking assignments all night. Right as I was leaving my dorm, my roommate Foxursan walked in. He was a decent looking red and orange fox in decent shape. Nothing special, but far from ugly. "Cabbage patch" he called me as I tried to walk out. I was a 4ft bunny named Konijn with a noticeable amount of muscle and almost no fat. That didn't change the fact that I was the height of a trash can from my feet to the tip of my ears. "Finals are a week from now." "I'm going to the library" I lied. "Be safe," he told me and shut the door behind me. I took the bus to the main street in town. The moon was nearly full that night. The blue glow of the moon was reflecting off of all the windows. The city lights and signs were shining bright and beautiful. I left the bus station and walked down the street for a few blocks, trying to find something to do. Then, I saw that sign! The sign that started it all! A large neon sign hanging from the second floor of a large building that read "XXXL GAY AFRICAN JUNGLE CLUB" in beautiful glowing red and yellow letters. I looked around to see who was watching me eye the sign of the African themed strip club. No one I had ever seen before was in sight. I walked in, thinking about what could happen. I was greeted to a long dark hallway, the only light source being well-lit posters of godlike stallions, all creatures from Africa. All wearing nothing but body straps and underwear that looked like it was so tight it was cutting off circulation to the cocks they were trying to cover. They were all hot. Every one of them looked like their massive dominant cock would break me in half. Despite their incredible hotness, I couldn't help but think they all looked like assholes who used to bully me in high school. I wanted to see them in action but wouldn't have the confidence to say hi. I walked down the hall, admiring every inch of every poster thoroughly. Then, I saw one poster that read "Spier." His eyes were greener than money. His chest could suffocate me. His abs could crush a soda can with a single sit-up. His smile was more welcoming than everyone else’s combined. I'm not afraid to admit that staring at Spier's poster made me hard. The bouncer, a huge elephant taller than the door he was guarding, saw me. "He's performing in 10 minutes," he told me, "I think you'll enjoy it." I thought about it. On one hand, I need this mental break more than ever. On the other hand, I should be studying. "How much," I asked. "Normally, $25." "Here ya go" I quickly spit out as I fumbled my wallet out of my pocket. I pulled it out so fast, and my hands were so sweaty, that It flew out of my hand and landed in front of the elephant's feet. He smirked and looked at my red face as he picked it up. He handed it back to me. "Go on in," he looked down and winked, "my treat. I can tell how bad you need this. No one has to know." "Thanks," I said walking over to the door handle. I tried to pull it open, but the hinges must have been old and rusted together. I couldn't get it to even shake. "Like this," he said grabbing the handle. He pulled it open with ease and said "most men who come in here carry more weight in their jockstraps than you have on your entire body. Don't feel bad bunny." I walked in and stared at a dark room, except for the stage with a silver shiny pole in the center of it. The outside of the stage was surrounded by fake bushes that looked surprisingly realistic. I looked around at who else was here. I saw a male horse couple in the front right of the Audience. One horse was softly talking while the other laughed quietly. On the left side towards the middle was a bear checking his watch while a tiger read the menu. The tables they were sitting at had their private light lit just enough for them to read the menu. The rest of the lights on the tables were off. I felt so small and alone seeing these massive men with other massive men to sit with and keep company too. I was a scrawny 4 ft bunny walking in by myself. I was tempted to walk about, but the thought of missing out scared me more. I walked to the back right corner and took a seat. I found the little button at the bottom of the light and turned it on. I read the menu to hide my face behind the large piece of paper. While I was reading over the drinks, the lights went down. Suddenly, the stage was surrounded by an artificial waterfall with a rainbow light shining in the middle. The rainbow light was about 2 feet long and half a foot tall. It was bent into a crescent shape that gave the illusion of sun shining through. The stage itself turned into a bright orange. A low and slow beat started playing. The base shook the restaurant. I could feel my hanging ears vibrate. Suddenly, he came out! Spier slowly crawled onto stage to beat of the song. He lifted one hercules paw on one beat and pounded the stage in the next beat. He did this until he reached the pole shining in bright orange. He stood up and stretched his abs out by leaning to both sides while holding his arms. This defined how solid his abs were better than any picture ever could. Once he stretched, he grabbed the top of the pole with his left hand. He used that hand to grip the pole tightly while he wrapped his legs around the pole. His calves were so huge, you could fit a football inside of them! He stayed in that position and used his right hand to brush the rivers of gold in his main. He moved his paw through his well-brushed bush of hair and held his arm up at an angle that allowed the audience to see his triceps. The audience started at his chiseled arms as he let go of the pole with his left hand. Spier hung upside down as the pole started to turn. After he went around twice, and we all got to look at his testosterone factory of a body, he lifted his shoulder blades up while he held his hands behind his head. "One" he roared in a voice that shook the table. He lowered back into a hanging position and took in a deep breath. He let it out and did it again. I didn't blink a single time as I watched him prove his dominance and power to an audience that had only seen such a flawless stallion in their wettest dreams. Maybe I was the only one thinking this, but I didn't care. My breathing was harder than someone who was about to have a heart attack. I saw stars. I blinked, finally, and realized how hard I was. My cock had more blood it in than my head. It was so hard that I had literally ripped through my pants. My tiny cock was visibly shaking with desperation to meet Spier. I looked down and watched it shake and vibrate as my heart violently pumped every drop of blood I had into my eager cock. The stars I was seeing grew bigger. "You ok," the elephant from earlier asked me. "What... what," I stuttered. I was lying on the floor next to my chair. I had softened down but my meat was still out in the open. This made an uncomfortable draft. My eyes adjust to the lights that were now on. "What happened? Did I blackout?" "Passed out," he corrected. "I don't know how, but judging from the fact that your little excitement ripped a hole in some pretty sturdy jeans, I say you weren't prepared for Spier." "Not the first time," a loud and deep voice boomed. I slowly picked up my head and saw the silhouette of what looked like a giant who ate nothing but steroids. "My appearance has been known to knock people off their feet," he said as he bent down. He placed his baseball glove paw under me and asked me "Was I too much?" As he looked down at me, I couldn't help but stare right at the shiny lime green in his eyes. Those jewels looked like they belonged on the crown of the mightiest king. His thick rich gold mane got in the way of my view of everything else. All I could see was a face that was kind yet vicious, gentle yet bloodthirsty. His lips looked so juicy that ripe fruit would feel like sandpaper in comparison. His nostrils exhaled a level of heat I would only expect from Hell itself. As he sat above me, inspecting me, I could smell a musk that millions of bucks could never produce. A smell that filled my lungs with passion. My exposed meat shot up like a rocket. "You're not too much" I whispered, struggling to catch my breath. What I said next, I thought I was saying quietly enough for no one to hear. "You're just perfect," I said three times louder than the previous thing I said. Spier laughed. The bass in his voice vibrating my organs. "I feel bad," Spier said, "How about I take you for dinner tomorrow and make it up to you!" Spier got up and ran into a back hallway. I watched his cheeks of meat dance as he ran in a jockstrap ten sizes too small. I was thankful he didn't notice how excited I was. "He likes you," the elephant said. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "Usually Spier just brags about his dick with the same crummy joke and walks away." "Wh... what's the joke" I asked while we waited on Spier. "If just looking at me was too much, imagine trying to do me!" I could feel my cock twitch after he said: "do me." The elephant noticed and said; "May wanna get new pants." Spier walked out of the hallway and looked down at my obvious excitement. "Call me and I'll make your embarrassment worthwhile," he said handing me a card. He then walked back to the hallway and said: "You know, if it makes you feel better, you're bigger than I expected." I watched him strut his perfect body of muscles to the back of the hallway until he was out of view. When he was gone, I read the card. It said "If you're seeing this, call me at (969)-420-6669." -the next night- I walked into the restaurant two doors down from the club called "Moonlight On The River." It was one of the most expensive restaurants in the state. I tried to tell Spier over the phone that I can't afford it, but he said he didn't ask me if I could pay. I felt bad for making him pay for a restaurant like THIS, but he insisted and I wasn't going to just cancel a date like this. These thoughts, and many more, orbited my mind the entire time I walked to the restaurant. When I approached the door, I couldn't help but notice how different the crowd looked from me. My suit was rented, their suits couldn't look newer. Everyone else was 6 feet tall or more, I was 4. Looking at all these people who were bigger and richer than me made my ears fall flatter than a piece of paper. I walked in, ears still hanging, and asked the receptionist behind the huge podium if a lion named Spier was here. She pointed and I turned around to see him sitting in a corner booth on the far end of the restaurant. Spier was reading a menu and didn't see me. The walk to his table was painfully embarrassing. Everyone knew I didn't belong. I did my best to ignore my anxiety as I hopped onto the booth. Spier heard me and put the menu down. "You clean up nicely," he said checking out what parts of me he could see over the table. "You almost look as good in clothes as you do out of them," I responded. Spier laughed and said; "You're cute and funny. I was beginning to think I would never meet a decent man in this college town." I looked at him and tried to figure out how to respond. I've never had such a stallion compliment me before. "I would say the same to you but I've already passed out from starring at you once. You already know how hot you are don't you?" "Maybe," he giggled. "Can I ask you something?" I could feel my face getting red as the words left my mouth. "Sure," he said in a soft voice. "Why are you doing this with ME of all people? You have men bigger than my whole family combined walking up to you every night. I'm a bunny, so that's saying a lot." I planned on continuing, but he interrupted me by saying "Because your the only guy I've met that has the slightest hint of manners. Everyone else talks to me like I'm a toy. I don't want to say anything because I like my job. It's much easier than squeezing on a dull suit every day." "But you squeeze on those tiny straps every night," I remind him. "And it feels amazing," he said grinning. "Plus I get to move around instead of sitting at a desk all day. My coworkers are amazing." "I'm sure you've done them all," I said thinking about how much I would love to see that. "Maybe," he said with a wink. "Maybe... all at once," he slowly and softly said. My foot started thumbing the floor and my ears perked up. "But it gets boring after a while. The same moves every time! All my boys shove their dicks into the one with the lowest tips... all at once. Some in the mouth, some in the ass, some just place their meat in his hand for him to massage and warm up while they wait their turn. He's touching everyone's cock one way or another." "God THAT'S THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD" I screamed. I felt my own dick coming to life. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he said, "people are staring." "Sorry." I looked around and saw at least half the people in the restaurant staring at me. "Anyway," he continued, "It gets old, the same re-run of the same shit. That's why I asked you out tonight. I wanted a change!" "Here I am," I said, moving my hands to point at my little bunny nose. "I know," he said smiling at me. The rest of the dinner was amazing. I had a small salad with fries. Spier had ten 15oz stakes, all cooked rare. I fed myself the salad at a slow pace. I usually eat fast, but I was distracted by Spier's eating. Even eating was hot with him! He would grab the entire steak with the fork and put it all in his mouth. As he chewed, the veins in his neck popped just enough to make them visible. He looked like an animal in the wild and it was turning me on! When we left the restaurant, I told Spier I had fun and started to head home. Before I got 10 feet away from him, he asked: "where are you going?" "Home," I said. "Well, ok. I was just hoping that I could show you what these muscles could do under the sheets but I guess I'll see you around." Spier winked and turned around. I ran over to him and said "Well... what can they do?" "Come with me and find out," he said as he put out his hand. The size of his paws was intimidating but I complied. It was a cloudy night, so the drive home was pretty dark. The entire way back, we talked about what life was like before we meat. I was just some tiny bunny going to college. He was a beast using every inch of him to his advantage. He loved his job, but he still felt like nothing but a toy. People couldn't see past his bulge and he said that bothered him. We felt the same for different reasons. As he drove, I grabbed his rock hard and hellishly hot arm to comfort him. My heart was racing and so was his. I could feel both of our pulses. I could feel that our heartbeats were perfectly synced. Every beat my heart made, his heart made at the exact same time. We were two people who felt useless who found who they never knew they were looking for. Our synchronized hearts understood our wounds. I watched the street lights shine onto the face of a creature I thought I had to fear, the king of the animal kingdom. Yet, for some reason, this savage beast laid his guard down at the adorable feet of a bunny, simply to feel what it was like to be seen as a person, not as someone's sex toy. As we pulled into the driveway, the clouds started to clear up. I saw the moon fighting its way through the sky. "Full moon," I said pointing up as we got out of the car. "THAT'S TONIGHT" He screamed as he ran inside. However, he only made it a few meters from his car. I watched in confusion when I small stripe of moonlight peeked through the clouds and onto the back his main. He fell to the ground and moaned. "WHAT HAPPENED" I screamed, running to him. "I meant to tell you" he choked out through his screaming. "I'm... a... uh.... werelion!" "Doesn't bother me," I said, then really thought about what that meant. I then asked: "Should I run?" "No, if I get inside the moon won't be able to touch me." I tried to help him up but he wasn't helping at all, and he has more weight in his strap than I do in my whole body. "You'll be fine, just hide for now. When I transform I'll go inside and let myself turn back... I hope." I ran behind the car and watched from a safe distance. Spier's main disappeared first. His fur turned blacker than the night sky. His ears pointed out. Then, he stood up. I could only see his backside. His ass grew and stretched his pants until they ripped. His cheeks were so plump and round that you could jump on them. Next were his legs. They grew right through what was left of his pants. His thighs were rounder than a tire. His feet grew as his shoes exploded. His feet were 5 feet long 3 feet wide. Then... his balls! Those fruity and juicy sperm sacks dropped to his knees and ballooned out to be wider than his legs which were already big enough to park a car between. The veins popped out around his balls and grew longer. As they grew, it looked like a million worms squirming under his skin. Soon, His testicles looked like a road map. I could see sperm the size of my fingers swinging around his balls. The swarming DNA of the beast pushed against the walls of his hot tubs of cum, desperately trying to mate with the outside world. His cock looked like a pool noodle being lowered onto the ground. The pole of raw wild flesh touched the ground and widened. The girth widened until his cock was big enough to fit an actual pool noodle inside the shaft. The width of his dick started to expand and shrink as blood was rushing in and out, almost like his cock was breathing. His shoulderblades flew out of the shirt like he was trying to grow wings. His arms turned into cranes of muscle as veins moved out of the way of the new muscle, bulging out of his skin. His shoulders turned into mini-mountains. He turned around, revealing his chest. His pecs stuck out far enough to shove your head between them and be completely hidden. They looked like a stack of pillows resting on his statue-like body. His abs looked like he had ingested ten tennis balls, and moved them near his stomach for safekeeping. My jaw dropped almost as low as his meaty shaft hung between his concrete column legs. The new Spier sniffed me out. He ran behind the car, picked me up with his right hand, and used his left hand to grab my feet. He roared and flexed his cock. His meat was summoned like a demon as it rose. It curled out of his waist like an inflatable inflating to life. He stuffed me into his shaft like his cock was a sleeping bag, and he ran inside. My nervous body was being carried by his throbbing shaft. He bounced me around before pulling me out of his tube. We were now in what I assumed was his room. "MY LITTLE FRIENDS WANT TO VISIT YOU" he roared as he moved his waist, causing his pools of cum to jiggle. When he did that, it revealed the sperm trying to escape. The sperm fish were still flying around his bean bag balls. I couldn't imagine what it must've felt like for him to have millions of fish violently throbbing against the outside walls of his ocean of milk. The tales tickled his sack as his scrotum held the weight of fish tanks of liquid. I looked at Spier, begging with my eyes for him to spare my tinny virgin hole. Part 2 I stared into his lime green eyes as he ripped my pants off like wrapping paper on Christmas and threw me onto his bed. The raw power of his strength nearly broke the bed as I hit the mattress like a falling meteor. He lifted my legs gently yet quickly as he put my heels against his hard shoulders and wrapped his arms of stone around my legs, pressing his hands against the insides of my trembling legs. He teased me for a few minutes by placing his juicy tree trunk cock on my stomach and nearly crushed me under the weight. The head was plump and pink and bigger than a beach ball. The tunnel that ran from the head to the tanks between his legs was so wide that I could almost see down it, especially since it was right at my eyes. Under his gorgeous head was a long, black, stone solid, larger than life tube of manhood and testosterone. The length of his hard flesh was defined by veins than ran up and down every inch. His meat was covered with enough veins to move pints of blood at the same time in his cock alone. All of this hard and horny meat lead right back to the body of a freakishly muscular creature staring at me with a look of love in his eyes. With a voice that sounded deeper and richer than a trombone, yet smoother than warm butter, he said "ride or die" as he jammed his stallios shaft of fresh throbbing meat deeper than I thought possible. Everything from my stretched out asshole to my throat felt like it would break in half. I begged him to stop. I couldn't bear the pain of my body being pushed apart by what felt like a train riding it's way up my core. He told me he hasn't even gotten hard and said I needed to relax. I listened, knowing I would get it either way. I decided to take the easy way out. He slowly caressed my insides with a beast that refused to stop expanding. At first, his thrust were slow and steady. The first 20 minutes were the easiest. He massaged every inch of my intestines, treating my tiny body like a brand new fleshlight that was too small. Each pulse of blood that ran through his girth felt like a shock of one million volts throughout my helpless body. Pound after pound of blood vibrated my body aggressively. Finally, he decided he was done with the simple strokes when he used every muscle on his mountain of a man's body to pump my ass into my throat at a rate of 10 thrusts per second. The slapping of his heavy melons against my bed sounded like a drum in a rock concert. His deep voice reminded me of who was in charge while he pounded my organs into soft jelly. He continued for what felt like all night. Pumping and pounding the throbbing log of raw passion and strength into the back of my head. My body stretched around his girth like a living condom. His giant cock didn't care how much damage it did to my frail body... it just kept flying up and down my torso. After 10 minutes of smashing me like a hammer smashes a nail, he stopped. The head of his cock rested in the back of my mouth for a minute. His throbbing felt more like violent twitching similar to an earthquake. Every pulse rocked my body. "HERE I CUM" he screamed. He pulled his veiny head to the tip of my ass then launched the heavenly rocket of testosterone back into me as I felt the first gallon of sperm flood me like a condom. I felt his piping hot milk overflow me as I turned into a waterbed of cum. My stomach began stretching over the side of the bed. I was just a lump of meat lying on the bed growing at an alarming rate. His gorgeous monster meat sprayed my intestines like a power washer. It wouldn’t be long before my bloodstream would have more sperm cells than blood cells. His knot kept it from escaping. I watched his 8pack of abs that looked like tennis balls under his furry skin flex as he held up the weight of his cum filled creation grow heavier and heavier. Gallon after gallon pumped and pumped into me like he was a cum machine that had no plans of slowing down. His breath on me made my outsides feel almost as hot as my insides. He held my feet above his concrete shoulders and gripped his arms around my shaking legs. He asked me how many cubs I think he just pumped into me as his boiling hot milk kept cumming and cumming. I guessed that it had to be at least one cub for every gallon of cum swimming inside me. So, “enough for two packs” I suggested. I told him it would be three packs before the cum flooding stopped. I told him I loved him and he lifted me off the bed with his meaty pole alone while the shaft continued to pump like a machine. My water balloon stomach fell to the floor as his cock lifted me off the bed. He kissed me, putting his tongue on mine and twisted it inside my mouth. My tongue was bathed and soaked in his saliva. After his tongue wrestled with mine, he pulled it out. Our spit stuck together and made a bridge between our mouths. He asked if I was ready for round two. I told him that if he did that, I would pop. He laughed and said, "not if I empty you first." He placed me back on the bed and pulled his cock out. My asshole spewed cum everywhere like a broken fire hydrant. My stomach moved down slowly as his cum flowed out of me and flooded the room. He stood there with his cock still sticking straight up like he had a meaty lamp post strapped to his crotch. I watched the veins on his fat and long shaft pulse up and down. I knew this was going to be both the longest and best night of my life. This monster with a cock almost as big as him was going to mate me until every last sperm was either inside me or on me. My only purpose was to serve this beast. All I ever wanted to do was please him for the rest of my life. I wanted to drown in his milk. If my lounges flooded with hot cum until I couldn't breathe, I would just accept my fate. It would be an honor to die serving a god of sex like him! Part 3 Spiers and I had been together for 5 years now today. It has been exactly 5 years sense I walked into that club and passed out from getting too hard while watching him. I took Spiers to my favorite resturant just next door to where I met him. We had a great dinner and laughed the entire time. We both ate more than we should have because we knew we would need our energy for the wild night ahead of us. After dinner, he couldn't wait to get back to our place. We had just finished sound profing the bedroom of our apartment after the entire city block complained about our moaning and whimpering all night, every night. The last sound proff panel had been placed earlier that day and we were ready to "test it's limits." As soon as we got home, Spiers got on one knee and asked if I wanted a ride to the bedroom. I got on his muscle back and he took off like race horse. When we reached the bedroom, he threw me over his head and I did a front flip onto the bed. I landed and instantly spread my legs apart. Spiers didn't even bother taking off his cloths. He just flexed his cock and the zipper poped. His pants flew to the ground. He grabed his shirt and ripped it off like paper. The separating fabric was like a curtian pulling back to reveal a beutiful beast. He jumped onto the bed right intop of me and licked my long ears. He asked if I had any ways of spicing it up for our aniversary. I told him that I always wanted to try vore. He said that would be to painful. I asked if he was scared, grinning. He told me to shut up and sit still. He held me down to our bed as he began to lick every inch of me and said that it would help me slide in. He pushed me into the soft bed and coved every inch of me with his tounge, one body part at a time. I soaked in ever moment. When he ran his tounge through the crack of my ass I moaned uncontrollably. It felt like a moist and loving snake slithering between my cheeks. Finally he told me to turn around. He jerked his already rock solid cock a few more times for good measure. As much as I enjoyed watching a stalion massage his own juicy shaft, I wanted to get inside it. I wanted to be held and carried by that throbing warmth. He put the tip of his sterdy flesh on the tip of my cute little ears. He groaned as the muscles in his powerful cock pulled me in. First my ears, then my head, then my torso and feet. Spear put his hands behind his back and thrusted his waiste back and forth vigorously to create some momentum to help me slide down his meaty tube. With each tug that suck me in, he moaned with intense pleasure. I could feel each individual vein up his shaft swollow me. Sliding down a lion's cock feels like sliding down a water slide that's boiling hot. Only, this time, the liquid inside could fill you like a turkey for months. That, and it tasted like lightly salted candy. The perfect combination of savory and swett. I could hear him panting as he rythmacly flexed his flesh to pull me in. I licked all the side of the shaft to calm him down. He told me that he was ticklish and to tell my tonge to slow down, his raw meat could only take so much licking at one time. Naturally, I licked faster. This must have annoyed him, because he used his massive paws to push me down only a few seconds after I started licking. I was now fully engulfed in his balls. Balls that were already fat, round, plump, and mezmoring before they injested me. Being surrounded by seamen in every direction is just like being in a bath tub. The weight and warmth of his cum made me feel like I was sitting in a hot tub of sticky glue. Don't get me started on the smell! Every breath I took reminded me just how dominant Spier really was. I was breathing in the strongest musk aroma you could ever find. On the outside, speer was lying there with one hand on the back of his head, rubbing his thumb inside his maine. With the other hand, he runned his palm across his balls slowly and carefully. This proved to be challenging because even the great god of muscle and sex, Spier, had never seen a cum sack this huge. It looked like he placed a full size furry bean bag chair between his legs. Spier placed his paw under his balls and bounced them up and down. He licked his vengs as his godly balls bounced up and down. THIS FEELS AMAZING he cried out. The base in his voice caused the seamen bath I was bathing in to vibrate like a phone. Feeling the vibration of the warm liquid in every hole was like sitting in a massage chair. "How do you feel" Spier asked as he placed his second paw until his cannon balls of furry meat. "Like I'm sitting in a hot tub of milk. I've never felt so hot before." "Are you ready to cum out" he asked me, laughing. Before I could tell him I was having the time of my life swimming in his sperm, and wanted to stay here the rest of my life, his phone rang. "Who is it" I asked. "A suprise" he told me as he awnsered. "Come one up and I'll let you in" he said. I could hear him place the phone down. "You alright" he asked again. "I should be asking you" I smerked "you're the one who has a full grown bunny in you balls!" "I feel hot as hell" he boomed with his voice that once again shook every drop of cum I was sitting in. We sat there for a few more minutes. We were literally soaking up every moment. I licked the inside of his sack and he started laughing. On the outside, Spier started moving his legs around as he said "I'm ticklish, stop" "Make me" I said, licking faster. The inside of his balls tasted like the best stake I've ever had. I was firm, tinder, and salty. "I'M GONNA CUM" he roared. He breathed so heavily that it sounded like he just ran a marathon whith weights on his feet, not that Spier couldn't handle a little weight. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Seriously, just weight" he said as he got off the bed. Spier walked to the door, carrying me in the cumpool between his legs like I wasn't even there. I could hear him open the door. A different, yet equally dominant sounding voice asked "Where's your friend?" "Taking a cumbath in my balls" he bragged. He slapped his balls just to show off how much they shook. "Very impressive" he said in a low and slow voice. "COME ON BOYS" he shouted. This new voice shook Spier's balls just as much as his voice did earlier. I could hear massive footsteps grow closer and louder. Soon, Spier was walking back to the bedroom. The noise of countless footsteps followed. Spier sat on the edge of the bed and said "Fellow stalions, do your worst." Next thing I new, Spier's balls bounced up and down like a basketball during the last game of the season. I was violently thrown up and down. His milk was being shaken around me like I Martini. "FUCK YESSSS" Spier roared "MAKE ME CUM!" I could feels the muscles in his balls close up and the preasere built up. The bouncing got more aggressive as the pressure got tighter. "I CAN FEEL IT COOOMING" He roared. The vibrations mixed with the bouncing made me feel like I was going through an earthquake that could destroy the whole earth. Precum started flowing like a river. First, small cups leaked it. Then, pints leaked out. The pool of cum was shrinking. I could see the veins around me clench up. "STAND BACK BOOOOOYS!" I was launched out and across the entire apartment. I watched our living room furniture pass by unnderneath me as I flew like a jet plane streight for the door, leaving a trail of fresh man milk behind me. My head burst through the door and across the hall, hitting our neighborhood who was walking to her apartment. This didn't even slow me down as I busted down the door of the apartment across the hall. I landed on the couch of the place across the hall. I whiped cum off my eyes and saw a little bear cub was eating cereal. She looked up at me and waved. "Sorry, me and my boyfriend were wrestling" I told her, trying to break the silence. I then remembered I was naked and covered myself with my hands. The momma bear came out and asked why I was covered in a while liquid. She then looked at where the door should be and saw Spier with his cock stuck out like he had an XXXXXXXL pool noodle attached to his crotch. His bean bag balls still swinging from the incredible pressure that had just released. He was still spewing like a fire hydrant. The pool of cum began flooding our apartment. Spier just kept calmy touching himself like he wasn't pumping cum all over the place. "Promise to never let your boyfriend launch you like a jet airplane ever again, and I might not press charges!" "Yes ma'm" I softly spoke, turning around. The walk to my apartment felt so long. Walking through the trail of seamen was sticky and moist and embarrassing. Spier watched me, thinking to himself "my cock is so powerfull that I just cummed my boyfriend to the other side of the hall!" Spier watched me walk back, eyeing his accomplishment. I felt embarrassed that someone saw my soaked is seamen, but hot as hell that Spier had the raw strangth in his balls to throw me that far. When I reached the bedroom, the door was slammed behind. Not by Spier, because he was still standing in the same spot with his balls still swinging. I turned around and saw every single dancer from the club Spier used to work at, including the tiger Spier mated with on stage! My heart fell to my feet! "Spier told us he wouldn't he able to clean you up by himself" the tiger told me, winking with passion in his eyes. "So he called us" said another lion I have only seen in posters. "Once we lick all that juicy cum off of every last hair on your adorable little body, we're all going to give you the best night of your life!" "Spier just flooded the apartment with so much sperm that our couch just floated away. There's no way he can go another round!" "Try me" Spier commanded.
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