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  1. ChurchOfHarvey


    Luka doesn’t remember much of last night. It’s all a bit of a blur after about five drinks and when his buddy Dylan ditched him for some girl he just met. Some designated driver! From then, he remembers getting progressively more undressed as he flexed for random girls at the bar. Luka was the type of man who stood out in a crowd with his broad shoulders and strong physique. Luckily, he’s a fun drunk. If he was the type of guy who got in fights after a few drinks, someone would more than likely end up in an ambulance. But Luka prefers to just show off his strong muscles and let strangers tell him how big he is. Being admired turns him on. Eventually, he stumbled the five blocks back to his apartment after his DD had abandoned him. The semi-hard cock poking down the leg of his tight khakis forced him to walk with a slight limp. Usually, the walk isn’t too bad, but Luka was drunk and his bladder was full. About halfway home, he had to pull into an alleyway to take a leak. Still visible to the street, he pulled out his slightly hardened dick and pissed on the side of a black-bricked building. His penis is his least impressive muscle, but it does what it needs to. Leaning up against the wall, Luka holds his cock in his hand, mindlessly thumbing the shaft. Strangely, that was the last thing he managed to remember from the previous night. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Luka wakes up in the morning in his bed. Seems he got home just fine. Guess whatever happened the rest of the way home was of no importance. He sits up on his mattress, his thin bed covers slipping down his naked body. He scratches his wide back lazily. Still waking up. His morning wood jumps, pushing up the bed sheet playfully. Half asleep, he scratches his balls too before he winces. The quick sting of pain confuses Luka more than anything. He lifts the sheet to examine his penis. Two scrapes scratch down the length of his shaft. They aren’t too bad, but enough to break the skin. Red marks around the wound make it tender. Luka gently grabs his penis and slowly feels up the marks with his thumb. His dick throbs reflexively, plumping up in his palm. “Huh, that’s weird,” Luka mutters to himself. He shifts his legs over the edge of the mattress and stands to head to the shower. The sheets fall behind Luka, pulling from his naked body as he strides toward the door. His nude build is fully revealed, his bulky chest and thick arms swinging gently. His tight abs are at a near-constant flex. The sheets fall from his legs and reveal his thick ass and impressive thighs. His morning erection rocked with each step, dwarfed by his powerful build. Luka steps out of his room into the common area of his apartment. His bare muscles are exposed without caution as he walks past his roommate Paul who is sitting on the couch with his late afternoon tea. “Well, rise and shine, big guy! Have fun last night?” Paul teases. Luka just lets out a grunt of agreement as he slumps into the bathroom. The whole naked roommate bit was never an issue between the two of them. Paul is a proud, and sometimes forward, gay man. Luka is comfortable in his heterosexuality, even more so in his sculpted body, so he never really saw any issue with their living arrangements. Paul gets a common area with a view, and Luka gets to dress (or lack thereof) comfortably in his own home while getting the occasional ego boost. The only slight issue that has ever come up was the volume of Paul’s night company. But Luka can’t really say much. He’s brought in his fair share of ladies back to the apartment when his roommate was trying to sleep. Both just have to live with the fact that their roommate fucks. After a shower, Luka comes out in a towel. His morning wood is now quelled thanks to the load he just sprayed all over the cold shower tiles. He falls back onto the couch and lets out a deep sigh. “So, did you have any fun while I was out drinking last night?” Luka says, making conversation. “Yeah, I had Riley over last night. Wine and fucking.” Paul turns over towards Luka. “You know, the usual.” “That’s good. I know that kid is packing some serious dick too. Saw it bulging last time he was hanging around the apartment.” “Oh, I know. Young and hung! Those study abroad students get so pent up,” Paul laughs. “So, the bar was fun?” “Yeah, it was! Dylan ended up ditching me for some girl, but it was all fine. Got felt up by some American girls after a couple of drinks. The bar was pretty handsy last night.” Luka smiles at the thought. “Although, I did end up with a scratch on my penis. I don’t remember how I got it. I don’t think any of the girls touched my dick. They all seemed pretty focused on my gains.” “That is strange. It’s not like a rash or irritation?” “No, it’s an actual scratch,” Luka clarifies. He stands up and puts his hand on his towel, about to pull it off. “Do you want to see it?” Luka asks, realizing he should’ve started with that. “Yeah, let’s see it,” Paul chuckles. Luka drops his towel. His soft penis hangs on top of his heavy balls. All of which still seem small in comparison to his tree trunk thighs. Luka is clean-shaven to make sure his genitalia is well presented. He likes to make the most of what he’s got. Paul leans closer, examining the side of Luka’s penis. He sees the two scratch marks that follow down the length of the shaft. The irritation has gone down since Luka woke up, but it is still slightly red. “May I touch it?” Paul asks. “Yeah, it’s okay.” Paul’s warm hand cups Luka’s dick. Holding the shaft up and to the side to get a better look at the scratches. Luka fights a shiver as Paul’s fingers wrap gently around his penis. “These look like teeth marks. Like if someone didn’t have their jaw open wide enough,” Paul explains. “What? But I didn’t get any head last night. Not that I remember at least. My dick also isn’t even that big! I’m not cracking any jaws with this thing.” Luka swings his hips and makes his penis slap against his thighs a couple of times. “I don’t know what else to say. That’s what it looks like to me. And I’ve seen a few scratched-up penises in my time.” “Huh, strange…” “But I will say,” Paul smiles as he drops Luka’s dick from his palm. “You do have a very handsome cock. Being uncut is a bonus.” “Oh, please. It’s not that impressive,” Luka blushes. “Oh, trust me, aesthetics are impressive! Like Riley for example. That kid has a massive cock! But it’s big and veiny like a sweet potato,” Paul chuckles. “Still love taking it, but it’s not the most handsome penis. Monster cock is an apt descriptor for what he’s packing. But you, you’ve got the looks.” “Well, thank you,” Luka accepts the compliment. “And I guess these scratches aren’t too much to worry about.” “Yeah, I’d say you’ll be fine. Just keep that dick clean. Don’t want an infection or anything.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Later that night, Luka returns from his room dressed in a pair of tight grey briefs, the ones that hug his muscular ass and lift his penis to give some definition to his bulge, as well as a fitted muscle tank that’s stretched out by his full pecs. “So, what are we watching tonight, big guy?” Luka says with a smile before flopping on the couch. Paul steps out of the kitchen with two glasses of scotch. He’s dressed in a black silk robe, opened to reveal his smooth chest and the pair of bright pink briefs he wears under his robe. He is a skinny guy with a runner’s build, so his above-average dick fits awkwardly on his waist. All 8 inches looking oversized in his tight briefs. Despite his impressive penis, he was a strict bottom, always looking for a bigger cock to put him in his place. “I was thinking about Suspiria. Get in the spirit of the season,” Paul suggested as he handed a glass over to Luka. “Sounds good, P,” Luka says, bringing the glass to his lips. “Why don’t you pull it up while I work on this drink.” Paul starts up the movie while Luka takes a big swig of scotch. They both lounged on the sofa, enjoying the movie and finishing their drinks. About 15 minutes into the movie, Luka stands and grabs the bottle from the kitchen. A couple of glasses in, Luka lazes into the corner of the sofa, nursing his third drink. At this point, he’s a little too drunk to understand the movie, but he enjoys spending time with his roommate. Luka shuts his eyes with his hand lazily slumped over his bulge. Then, out of nowhere, he feels his chest start to itch. The same way it does after he shaves. Luka slips his hand under his tank and lifts it to scratch at his chest. His body hair slips between his fingers. And then his stomach turns. His muscles suddenly start to ache. Luka sits up and lets out a groan. His biceps cramp and flex. “You all right, man?” Paul sits up as well. Still only on his second drink. “Yeah, I think so.” Another cramp makes Luka’s pecs flex against his tank top. And the itching moves down to his crotch. He moves his hand down and slips his fingers beneath the waistband of his briefs. Scratching the base of his flaccid cock roughly. “Ah, fuck!” And then Luka starts to get hard as he scratches. Against his will, his dick starts to swell up. Getting fatter. Pushing out against the tight fabric of his underwear. Throbbing, getting bigger with each flex, stretching out the pouch until the sides of his hardening shaft peeked out. “Holy shit! I didn’t know you got that big when you were hard,” Paul said slack-jawed. “It… doesn’t… oh, shit…” Luka groaned. The moon shines through the balcony window, casting its gossamer glow on the floor of the apartment. Luka stops scratching and stares as his penis grows erect and then continues to grow. His grey briefs stretch out past his usual 6 inches. Luka’s dick repeatedly flexes, pushing up and out and out. Bigger and bigger, and all he can do was watch. Must be at least 9 inches now. His cock tugs on his briefs, stretching them further out until they hear some of the stitches start to pop. Still no sign of slowing down. Luka’s balls start to swell up too. Precum stains the fabric as Luka’s dick continues to grow. So big now that his briefs hardly cover his cock. In an effort to save his underwear, Luka pulls his waistband down and strains the stitching to pull it over his growing cock. A couple more stitches pop, but he manages to unleash his penis. It stands upright from Luka’s waist. Thick veins pumping along the side of his meaty shaft. His cock starts to turn red as it swells up. Foreskin pulled back so tight that he almost looks circumcised. Luka struggles but sits upright. His cock doesn’t stop and throbs up to his chest. Must be over a foot long now. Standing tall and rigid from his waist. Slowly, he reaches toward his beastly endowment and wraps his palm as best he can around the swelling girth. With just a touch, his dick twitches and flexes until a glob of precum squirts out, dripping down his overheating cock. “Ah… oh… fuuck…” Luka whines like a dog. And then his cock throbs again. Only this time, it doesn’t just grow larger. Luka’s cock head swells and morphs. It stretches out into a point giving it an additional inch. More precum leaks down the new head of his cock, slicking up his transforming penis. Luka lets out a strained whine as his dick continues to morph. The pain is immeasurable but euphoric. It feels like the best erection no man has ever felt. His dick gets so hot, physically hot, that the precum dripping down his cock begins to steam. His dick just continues to get bigger and harder, ignoring all human limitations. He was more than a man now. The base of his dick pulses, throbbing with more girth. Getting thicker and thicker. And then, suddenly, his penis erupts from his waist. A thick, veiny knot forces its way out from his body, pushing his cock out another four inches. Luka can’t hold back his howl as his new cock grows to its full potential. “Ahh… Ahh, fffuck… Oh, fuck yeah!” Luka just falls back on the sofa, huffing and fighting to catch his breath as the pain subsides partially. “What the fuck… Luka? Are you a fucking werewolf?” Paul just stares in astonishment. Admiring the entire process of Luka’s cock’s transformation. “I… I don’t… know…” Luka huffs. “But it feels fucking great!” Paul looks over the beastly dick sticking up off of Luka. Massive and swollen red. It stands like a living pillar, throbbing idly. Paul lifts his forearm next to the true monster cock in front of him to compare its size. With his elbow on Luka’s thigh, his fist does not even reach the head. Just over 16 inches of wolf dick, even thicker than his arm. “Can I touch it?” Paul asks cautiously. Luka gives a slight nod, “Please…” He rests his head back on the sofa. Paul places his hand on Luka’s new cock, wrapping his palm around the shaft just below the head. His fingers stretch to try pathetically to wrap around its girth and don’t even come close. Paul then slowly begins to stroke, rubbing his hand up and pressing into the ridge of Luka’s cock head. It is so hard that it barely moves against Paul’s touch, but with each stroke, it throbbed and milked out another pulse of precum. Luka squirms as Paul lightly strokes his now huge and very sensitive penis. Huffing and whining under his touch. “Oh yeah… that’s fucking gooood…” Paul likes the way he moans, so he takes his other hand and places it around the base of his shaft. He begins to stroke just a little faster. One hand massaging up and under the ridge of the cock head, the other pushing down and putting pressure on Luka’s thick knot. Luka whines louder as Paul milks his giant cock. Precum now constantly streamed out from the tip of his red rocket, pulsing with each stroke. His cock glistens as precum coats his shaft. His massive balls hang over the edge of the sofa and shift from Paul’s touch. Precum pours out from Luka’s dick like a hose. A pool of it building up around his balls and on the floor. Luka suddenly sits up and leans forward. His dick reaches up to his chin without even trying. He comes face to face with his wolf-like endowment. “Don’t stop…” Luka orders with a growl. Paul doesn’t even slow his rhythm. Stroking and milking more precum out from Luka’s cock. Luka then leans closer and runs his tongue up the pointed head of his cock, licking up and drinking his own precum. He uses his tongue like a dog, tasting himself. His new self. It tastes so good. Luka wraps his lips around the tip and attempts to take the entire head in his mouth. The sensation of his tongue on himself makes him throb in his own mouth. Drinking up his precum as it continues to squirt out from his cock. He never knew he wanted to suck his own dick, but seeing this monster cock in front of him, he can’t help but taste himself. His milky precum overflows in his mouth and spills off his lips and down his cock. He just can’t believe this is really his cock. It’s fucking massive and it feels so fucking good. Luka never really thought size mattered. He was happy with his just above-average-sized penis. But feeling how it is to have a fucking ginormous cock makes him so horny, he can hardly take it. Paul, while still stroking, gets down to the floor on his knees. He continues stroking the beast in front of him. It almost completely obscures Luka from this perspective. Paul is rock-hard himself. He’s a size queen, but he never thought he’d get to live out a fantasy like this. His cock reaches out from the waistband of his underwear as it throbs happily. Paul gets closer, using his forearms now to stroke Luka’s lycanthropic endowment. His arms put pressure on the sensitive beast in front of him. He moves forward and presses his hard cock against Luka’s massive testicles. His bulge fits so nicely between those giant balls. Rubbing up and dry fucking them like a pair of pecs. “Ugh… AH… ahh… fuuckkk,” Luka growls. He pulls off of his dick, precum coating his chin. He feels itchy again. All up his chest and arms. Paul lets go of Luka’s cock, letting it slump forward slightly under its own weight. And then he grabs one of Luka’s fat nuts in each hand. Weighing them in his palms like big coconuts. He can almost hear them sloshing with an awful amount of cum. Then he presses them together on either side of his dick. So big and heavy as they squish his shaft. Then he starts fucking them, sliding his 8-inch cock between them. Slowly at first, but it’s not long until Paul starts vigorously fucking the tight space between Luka’s balls. It’s such a perfect sensation, using these werewolf nuts like a fleshlight. Luka moans in response. His giant cock spurts out even more precum that now drips onto Paul’s face below it. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot… Keep playing with my huge balls… Fuck, that feels good!” Paul licks the dripping precum off of his face, so lost in the fantasy. His cock is stimulated by Luka’s massive, hairy balls as he slips it up and down his scrotum. His own precum starts to mix with Luka’s. Luka scratches at his chest as the itching gets worse. He feels his tank top getting tighter against his torso as well. He looks down, finally pulling his attention away from his attention-stealing cock, and stares at his pecs. They stretch out his shirt even more so now, swelling up with more mass and thick hair sprouting all over them. As his pecs widen, his shirt stretches down tightly, and his nipples are revealed. They are big and sensitive, islands of pink in a sea of dark brown hair. Luka grabs his shirt and tries to pull it up and over his chest, but tears it off in the process. Now bare, his chest flexes and swells into two giant slabs of meat. His pecs hanging over his now thick abs. He raises his arms and flexes both his biceps beside his head, now also covered in thick hair. Luka already looked like a gym rat, usually one of the biggest guys on the gym floor, but now he was a muscle beast. His body still looked human, just bigger. Only his cock had transformed into something truly beastly. Still flexing, Luka leans down and huffs his overgrown pit. The scent of man and beast musk overwhelms his nose. But it makes his cock jump. He takes a bigger whiff, this time picking up the scent of something else. Perhaps someone else. “Hooo, fuuuuck…” Luka huffs. “Damn, I smell fucking good.” Paul slows down from fucking Luka’s balls and leans toward the giant cock in front of him. He presses his face against the shaft, his skin sticking to the coat of precum pouring down the length of Luka’s cock. He gets a good whiff of Luka’s musk. “You’re telling me, big guy,” Paul moans. He stands up, hands sliding up Luka’s dick as he rises. Even with him standing and Luka sitting on the sofa, the cock between them reaches up to Paul’s chest. He wraps his arms around it and presses his inferior man-penis against the beast-cock’s shaft. He uses his hand to massage the pointed tip of Luka’s dick. Squeezing more and more precum out as his thumb edges the urethra. “Fuuck…” Luka growls. “I need to cum so bad. My cock is so big and hard, I can’t take it. I need a hole. I need a hole so fucking bad.” Before Paul can respond, Luka stands up from his seat, now standing slightly higher than usual above his roommate. His cock flumped forward against Paul’s chest. If he wasn’t so turned on right now, Paul, like any rational person, would probably be terrified. But feeling this giant werewolf cock slumped against him brought him to the edge. “On your knees now, pup,” Luka commands. Paul grabs the tip pathetically in his hand, massaging the sensitive underside of the ridge. Petting it like it alone was a wild beast. A spurt of precum shoots out onto his face. He licks it off his lip slowly. “I thought you would never ask,” Paul moans. “Stop talking,” Luka barks sternly. He grabs Paul, moving him easily with his new werewolf strength, and positions him bent over on the sofa. Paul’s knees spread out, his arms steadying him on the back cushion. His silk robe drapes lightly over his round ass that’s arched back for Luka. He knows this position well and his dick still throbs in anticipation. Luka lifts Paul’s robe to reveal his beautiful ass. Pink briefs cling tight to his butt, getting swallowed between his thick cheeks. Luka bends down, getting his face close. With one hand, he tears the briefs effortlessly from his body. Paul’s ass jiggles and spreads as he arches further back in response. Paul’s hairless hole is so perfect, Luka grabs his hips and pulls his face between his cheeks. Sloppily licking and tasting his hole. His tongue pushes past the threshold and into Paul which makes him moan. Luka makes out with his hole, using his tongue to push open and loosen Paul’s ass. “Oh, fuuck… I didn’t know you ate ass like that,” Paul whines as his ass is devoured. Luka gets lost in his meal, feeling Paul’s prostate against his tongue. Loosening up his ass as much as he can. He leans back, admiring the pink, spit-coated hole in front of him. His cock is going to tear that shit open. He sits up on his knees, lifting his heavy cock from the ground. Using both hands, Luka positions his dick against Paul’s begging hole. “Oh, doggy style? Really?” Paul jokes. “Shut it.” He starts slow. He gently pushes the pointed tip of his cock into Paul’s ass. It stretches open and accepts the head first. Precum already starts to flood his hole. Luka moans as Paul’s tight hole wraps tight around his cock. He needs more. Slowly pushing another inch in. Then a couple more. He stretches Paul’s ass open even wider, making room for his excess of dick. Paul whines as his ass is forced open. No signs of slowing. Just more and more dick pushing into him. He can feel the tip pressing into his stomach, making his skinny stomach bulge up towards his chest. His hole squelches as Luka’s flood of precum pushes out from his ass. Finally, he feels the thick knot press against his cheeks, preventing Luka’s cock from going any deeper. But Luka is not done yet. Luka grabs Paul’s waist and starts to thrust. Slowly at first. Long, steady strokes push his dick into Paul’s chest. The tight, warm sensation makes his dick flex inside of him. “Oh fuuck… Such a good hole,” Luka moans, lost in a sexual trance. He starts to thrust faster. Pushing deep rhythmic strokes into Paul. His cock throbs and swells. More precum oozes out from between his cock and Paul’s hole. Luka could feel his cock starting to grow again. It flexes as if begging to release its load. He pushes faster and deeper. His knot pushes up against Paul’s ass, slapping his meaty girth against his hole, and then it finally forces its way in. Paul’s hole is forced open, stretching wide until he can almost feel it tear as it takes the fat knot of Luka’s magnificent cock. “Oh, shiiiit!” Paul cries out. Luka’s werewolf dick locks itself balls deep into Paul. Throbbing and pulsing as it dumps its load into him. It flexes as it shoots cumshot after cumshot against the walls of his stomach. Its balls flex and lift themselves, rubbing themselves against Paul’s legs like an affectionate pet. They bounce happily as wave after wave of cum is emptied. Luka loses count of how many shots he pumps out, but his orgasm continues for nearly a minute. Eventually, he starts to catch his breath. His knot is still squeezed tight by Paul’s hole. He huffs, slowly trying to catch his breath. He sits up to readjust his position, but then he feels his cock twitch again. He can feel the cum pouring through his shaft. More of his hot load ready to bust. He whines, leaning forward onto Paul’s back as his dick pulses again as he shoots another wave of shots against his will. Hot, steamy cum spills out from Paul’s ass and drips down Luka’s giant balls. “Whew… fuuck! God damn, I needed that. Thanks for letting me use your ass, P,” Luka huffs. “Didn’t know your ass felt that good.” His knot is still lodged in Paul’s tight hole. “Fuck yeah…” Paul struggles. “So… please tell me this is gonna be… a monthly thing…” “I hope so, pup…”
  2. Guest

    Muscle Ascension

    Long time lurker. First time posting a short story of my own. Enjoy ____________________________________ "Damn it..." Ian was working out on a treadmill in his city's gym. A disappointed expression in his eyes. He was a scrawny, 5'6 feet tall guy, weighing around 120 lbs. He didn't wanted to be so short and without any visible muscle. He wanted to be huge, BIGGER than huge. A masculine beast that everyone will notice and worship. Sadly, no matter how much he tried, his body refused to build any muscle, and over the years he has just gotten even scrawnier and punier. "Fuck man, I wish I could grow bigger..." Getting off the treadmill, he decides to walk outside for a breath of fresh air. Walking to the door, he notices every man in the gym being either highly concentrated in their training, or flexing for themselves in the mirror. Which makes him both aroused and jealous. But while standing outside and stretching a bit, something falls on top of him, covering him from head to toe. "W-what the hell?" He looks to the sky, but it was completely clear. And whatever fell on him felt sticky and gooey. It reminded him of something, but he couldn't quite remember what. Going inside the gym again, he was gonna go straight to the showers to rinse this strange thing off, but the time he came back, his body had completely absorbed it. He couldn't do nothing but stare at where the thing was, but not wanting to overthink, he simply went back to the treadmill. That's when it began. After a few minutes, he began filling a warm and itchy feeling all over his body, forcing him to get off the treadmill again. "What is...h-huh?!" In front of him, his body starts growing. First his previously puny chest, expanding onwards, pushing the shirt to it's limits. Then his arms, ballooning into giant biceps, filling with pound after pound of muscle, the sound of his bones rearranging and his muscles growing being heard through the whole area. Eventually, his shirt completely rips, freeing his still growing pecs from their prison, their "sweat" falling unto the floor as gravity made its job. "My-my pecs...what the...god, this feels so..." a moan leaves his lips. The feeling of his muscles growing feeling just as if he was edging an orgasm. He had already started getting glances from the people in the gym, curious about what was going on. But that's when the transformation continued, his flat belly turning a rock hard six pack, then a 8 pack, followed by his legs, growing in size and muscle, becoming thick enough to rival tree trunks, making rips into his pants until they soon, fall. With longer legs also increases his height, turning slowly from 5,5 to 5,9, then 6,3, then 6,7. His ass became a bubble butt, inflating in size to a fast speed, sending the jockstrap into him. He also started gaining body hair, gaining a beard in the process, and his pecs and abs becoming hairy. Ian thought he was dreaming, and if he was, he didn't wanted it to end. Standing now there only with a jockstrap, he had gone from a twig to a muscular, powerful man. Everyone in the gym had stares only for him. Many of fear, many of curiosity, and even a few filled with lust. He flexes right there, the feeling of his own muscles pressing against each other intoxicating his mind even more. He wa also completely sweating, the smell of man going through the whole gym. Ian thought he was already perfect. But leaving out a painful moan, he realizes that his cock and balls also wanted to be set free. Faster than the rest of his body, his cock starts throbbing in his jockstrap, pushing it down, and eventually setting itself free, slamming against Ian's leg. It was throbbing, pulsating, veins covering it completely, and slowly reaching to the floor. His balls were also growing along with it, becoming sensitive to the touch. "T-this is so much...but..." And that's when he reaches the point of no return. As if his hand was glued to his cock, he starts stroking it, panting in ecstasy, as he falls to his knees and watches in real time as it starts growing, and with it, the rest of his body. His cock soon became thicker than his already bigger hand, and slowly approaching his mouth, before he decided to grab it with his two hands, jerking faster, moving his hips along with it. He was trapped on his own world of lust, the men of the gym taking off their already light clothes jerk off to the sight, overcome with lust. Closer to climaxing, and his head almost reaching the ceiling of the place as his growth intensified, barely being able to move to his biceps becoming too big... He cums. A roar releasing his seed into all the surroundings, his cock shooting volley after volley of thick sperm, shooting random bystanders, and even the very ceiling. The absolute pleasure of his orgasm made the final step of his growth began, and like a broken faucet, the strength of his cum intensified, his dick becoming bigger, thicker, volleys of cum covering the whole gym, men affected by it starting to suck it, becoming big in the same way. Ian's mind was slowly disappearing, being replaced by the desire to grow even bigger, fuck all day, and and cum again and again. The simple thought was enough to make his stream of cum even stronger, now lying on a pool of his own cum that his worshippers were sucking to grow. His muscles were growing to such a rate that his movement was starting to become limited, his balls churning his unlimited seed into his massive cock. Yet he didn't cared. He wanted to grow bigger. "More...Please...MORE..." This command changes something in Ian. And suddenly, he breaks through the gym, his gigantic cock growing into the sky, spewing his seed everywhere like a fountain, the streets becoming rivers of his own cum as he starts growing past buildings and skyscrapers. Worshippers came to him, transformed by his cum, and did their best to pleasure the giant god as he kept growing and growing. Eventually, he stopped getting taller at the height of a skyscraper, but his muscles kept growing still, his head threatening to be shallowed by his traps at any seconds. Yet even then...Ian wanted more. He got a taste of godhood, now he wanted it all. He wanted to turn this world into a neverending orgy. He wanted to show his true power. Growing bigger than the city, a mountain, and and now standing on top of the world...Ian came. And came, and came. The seas turned to white, societies were destroyed by his cum tsunami, people transformed into hyper men looking to grow and fuck 24/7. Ian stood at the top of the world. He was the god of this world now, and the world was nothing more than his playground. A neverending orgy of pure masculinity, sweat, and sex, as everyone swam through his cum, people climbing into his body to worship him. This is what Ian wanted. And yet a thought still remained in his broken mind. "More..." The planet rumbled, unprepared for his next ascension. ---------- END OF PART 1 Tell me your thoughts on this or if you liked it.
  3. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
  4. Bigrowinggod

    Man up runt

    Im still working on my other story wanted to try somthing a little different. first person but with mutliple perspectives Chapter 1 Steve pov "I just dont get whats wrong with him his younger brother owns a sucsesful startup and his sister is on the road to be governor in a few years" i say slamming down another drink "like how is the oldest such a screwup hes supposed to be an example for them but all he does is play video games for money like man up your 23" . "Dosnt he pay most of your bills at this point though" one of my drunk friends taunts before downing another shot "only cause i let him and it dosnt matter anyways he needs a real job not some hobby he can make money off of" "Well if you want him to man up i may have somthing my job has had me researching male enhancement might push him towards the right path only thing is i cant say its 100% safe yet due to lack of test subjects"says jim the only person in stem in the building and a drinking buddy Maybe it was becuase i was drunk but i took the offer even with my closest friend clark telling me it was shameful to let my son be used as a test subject i didnt care my wimp of a son would finally man up a bit. Raymond pov "I get that im not as sucsesful as jannet or zack but im doing well for myself you know" eric my fwb having listened this rant many times before rolls his eyes "dude normally im fine listening to your rants but i came here cuase im horny dude now shut that mouth and fuck me" before kissing me to shut me up "Damn guess your really are addicted to this huh" i say pulling out my 8 inches "finally the real reason im here" eric jokes as he strips revealing his toned body lays on my bed his ass in the air. I grin seeing he is already ready i thrust into him. I keep a steady rythm going until i hear dad stumble into the house i start moving alot faster making sure he can hear erics moans as he walks by. Steve pov "Fuck my sons not only a faluire but a slut too" i say bitterly "well thats going to change" i mumble to as i put the case jim gave me under the bed grinning as i remember what he said "Hes going to be a real man by the end of the week"
  5. Bigrowinggod

    From Big brother to huge brother

    Warning incest and probably other weird stuff down the line u have been warned first time writing here sorry if it’s a mess lotta set up in chapter 1 and maybe 2 Also writing this on phone so if the formatting is weird I apologize with that all out of the way here we go ryan got out of bed sore from yesterdays workout. feeling good he was finally making a good income off of his only fans after working for so long to be able to build up his body and fan base with the support of his older brother Ray. “come on get out here u big dork” Ray yelled. Ryan chuckled to himself only his older brother could get away with calling him a dork with him being a 6’3 hunky mix of Viking and indigenous blood “ I don’t care if your tired get out here” Ray yelled. Ryan put some blue shorts on and met his brother in the living room a similarly attractive but bespectacled man being slightly shorter at 6’2 with a lot less muscle on him. “Come on lay down if your going to help pay the bills with that body I gotta make sure your taking care of it” after Ryan lays down Ray carefully massages his muscles sometimes giving an area a playful squeeze “your lucky I took the time to learn this u big hunk imagine if u had to pay Someone for this you lucky ass” he says squeezing his brothers butt jokingly. “Now u can stay there if u want but I’m making breakfast” Ryan lays there for a bit just enjoying his less sore body watching his brother cook in nothing but his shorts and a cute apron. “He should really get back into working out again I miss him coming to the gym with me”Ryan thought “come on Prince Charming foods ready” setting a large but healthy meal for his brother and himself. “four eyes you ever gonna run out of names for me” ryan says between bites “not any time soon Goliath” they both laugh at the dumb game the have made between each other. “Now on to business” Ray says in a jokingly serious voice “ your finally making enough for the both of us I’m proud of yah you big nerd sooo what the plan moving forwards mr.swole” “Well for one with u having to take less hours now I was hoping You would join me in the gym it was fun spending time with you. Secondly I’d like to take us on a vacation ” Ryan said with a hopeful look on his face “uh sure I guess I won’t need to work so much overtime now might as well bulk back up a bit and take some time off” Ray says flexing his average but toned arms. “So when do you want me joining you in the gym ?” “how about tomorrow runt” Ryan flexing his huge 22 inch arms “whatever you say bigger bro” Ray jokes while cleaning the dishes. ryans smile fades for a second that didn’t feel right before the pandemic the roles were reversed .his ripped nerdy big brother dragging him to the gym celebrating him meeting his goals and reassuring him when he fell short. But with their parents passing Ray didn’t have as much time for the gym having to work his ass off to earn enough for both of them his body fading some what still fit but nowhere near to wear he was. “Hey I’m not bigger everywhere u half-horse” hoping to give his big bro a little confidence boost. “hey I’ll let u know the correct term is centaur” shamelessly dropping his shorts swinging his soft 6 inches around. Ryan blushing slightly “come on horse man get those pants back on we got some stuff to do.” Not wanting the admit he found that hot . Ryan enjoys his rest day by buying his big bro some workout clothes then later submerging himself in a bubble bath in there giant tub. while Ray works from his home computer as a game designer happily logging off after a dreadful 9 hours he flops onto the couch turns on the tv. Ryan flops on top of him in nothing but his towel “hey u big lug if u wanna share a spot shouldn’t it the bigger guy be the one being laid on” Ryan ignoring him passing out his head on his brothers lap “great now I’m stuck here” Ray says gently stroking his brother hair eventually passing out himself
  6. hairymusclemorphs

    Assembly line | 01 - 03

    // Another shorter series Part 1.1 It was already midnight when I started my shift at the assembly line. I am average in every way possible, slightly below average in some aspects. My muscles developed somewhat through the years of hard labor. I stand around 5'7 feet (1.7 m) in height, and it was the first time I had listened to an audiobook that my sister gifted me just the other day. Listening to a few books calms you during work. Her words - She was cute for trying to make the monotonous work more pleasing. I was used like a robot, doing repetitive tasks for hours. Only the breaks gave me some room to breathe, and the brief toilet breaks. But it paid well, and now I had a few audiobooks to listen to. I never was a fan of books or literature. Music was more appropriate for this type of work. Starting the audiobook, I was entirely captivated by the story of a woman who changed her life. The key message of her research and talk was straightforward—almost too easy to be legitimate: "Fake it till you make it. Your body will adapt to your new behavior." I have always been rather shy around others, unable to stand crowds, and never dared hit the gym in my spare time. "Fake it till you make it, huh? " I muttered to myself when the loud whistle signaled it was time for a break. I slowly made my way towards the restrooms for a piss while I decided I'd try it. I slightly puffed my chest out, pushing my chin up instead of constantly glancing down. It was a strange feeling. It was uncomfortable to see all the other workers. Most of them were reflecting on their phones. To be honest, all of them were well-built and quite hot. There were only three urinals in the small room, which had become run down over the years but was mainly empty during break time after most workers used their working hours to take a toilet break. I was alone when I took the spot closest to the wall. I was slightly tensed when I pulled my 5-inch shaft out for a stroll. The door swung open, and one of my colleagues entered. He was huge, black, and pumped to the rims like a beast of a man. His tank top was at its limits. He had to tower at least a head or two taller than me. Moving powerfully, he slowly strolled down the small room and took the spot right next to me after nodding towards me. I inhaled slowly when I remembered to relax. To change my behavior. My shoulders lowered when I slowly smelled the potent musk next to me. "Hey man, Abed here." His voice was deep and masculine. I could feel my cock slightly harden when I almost forgot how to talk in the blink of a moment. "Liam here. This is the first time I've seen you around... Looking good, man." I couldn't resist glancing all over his body while he slowly whipped his massive cock out of his jeans. He needed both his hands to pull his fat anaconda through the fly. "That's because you always stare down at your feet. It was the first time we made eye contact... "And I have to admit... Walking with your chin up raised makes you way more attractive." I slowly glanced down toward his cock, which almost kissed the ceramic. It was almost nothing compared to his intense beam of piss. His cock was heavy enough that he didn't need hands. His thick shaft's base fought with his zipper. "Like what you see?" Abed grinned before slowly laying his colossal hand around my biceps, giving it a firm squeeze. "Are you lifting?" I slowly shook my head. "Never saw a gym from the inside." - "Really? How bout you join me after shifts from now on?" He squeezed my biceps slightly rougher before slowly lifting his enormous arm in front of my face for a flex. His hairy, sweaty pits slowly made my cock harden in my grip. His biceps alone were almost as big as my head. - I had to change my behavior... Leave my old self behind... "Fuck I'm willing to take anything to get anywhere close to your size, man." - "Can see that." Abed grinned slightly, leaning in before he wrapped his hand around my stiff shaft and pulled me against his side and musky pits. I could feel his enormous pecs and abs. He had just finished his business when he slightly leaned in until his juicy lips were right next to my ears. "I'll make a fucking freak out of you. There's only one rule... No cumming before the workout is finished." He squeezed my stiff shaft, slightly fapping it before he slowly rolled his massive shoulders back with a wicked grin on his lips. "Promise." He wiggled his hips and let his fat shaft slap from one side to the other. It had to be above 10 inches. I never saw a member that big. "I... promise...". - "And don't worry bout after the workout. I'll show you how to get some relief after a good pump." He squeezed his monstrous shaft before pushing it back inside his jeans with force. "I'll wait in front of the factory entrance after our shift. I saw his cocky grin. His hot attitude when he slowly shifted and strolled away towards the exit. My cock was still pulsating in my grip, oozing slightly when I tried calming myself down again. I feel good right now. I felt confident for the moment when I pushed my hardon back into my jeans. My pecs felt juiced up, slightly grinding against my shirt. I couldn't tell why, but my muscles felt like I had just gotten a good pump. I slowly approached the sink and mirrors, glancing at the man in the mirror. I lightly ran my hands over the V-neck I wore. It looked tighter than usual. I could see my belly slightly sticking out as if I had washed it too hot in the machine the other day. My sleeves looked painted on. I slowly tucked it into my jeans before returning to grab something to eat. Then, I returned to the assembly line, tucking my earbuds back in for the next chapter.
  7. hairymusclemorphs


    Wrote a small story about a delivery man. Its more like a raw manuscript (just ignore the mistakes in some of the parts). Day 1 It was my second month working for the shady delivery company in my city. And it was the first time that I found my way around town without any navigation or maps. It was insane what people ordered and how huge and heavy some of these packages could get. But I couldn’t complain. After all I never made my way in the industry. I was a nobody. And I was built to lift heavy stuff. I stand around 6’2 and my jockish physique is quite handy in my field. To be honest it always was a fucking kink of mine to work out and feel the burning sensation in my guns each time the weights competed with my endurance. Probably one of the reasons why I never managed to start an academic career. It was just way more tempting for me to spend my time in the gym all day long with lifting, instead of reading books all day long. So there I stood in the beaming heat. My olive green shirt drenched in sweat. The outlines of my 8 inch cock grinding against my uniforms shorts while I stared at my next delivery… To be exact… It was the last delivery on my tour. The box looked regular sized. But I remembered when I had to lift that thing into the truck. It had to be above 100 lbs. Maybe even more like a whopping 140 lbs. I ran my arm over my forehead to get rid of the build up sweat before I slowly grabbed the package with both of my hands. My muscles were already sore from my workday and it made me slightly hard when I imagined how Jack, my colleague would probably give up immediately, after he’s the one in our team who was built like a twig compared to myself. I slowly left my truck behind, making my way into the expensive looking apartment complex. I rang the bell. “Delivery for Mr. O’ Connor”. There was no feedback, no answer. The door just buzzed and opened up. It was the Penthouse on the 10th floor of the building. And just when I stopped in front of the elevator I found the “OUT OF ORDER” sign. The second red flag. I should’ve probably just thrown the package down and leave without another word like my colleagues usually did. But my cock was slightly aroused just by the weight of the box alone. I could feel the challenge in my bones. And fuck. I could smell my own musk and my fucking pits soaking the fabric with my sweat. And on top of that I needed the money. That rich bastard would probably tip me for making my way all the way up. I opened the door for the stairs and slowly started making my way up. I tried to focus on something else than my throbbing cock and my bulging muscles. I was pumped by the weight of the package. I could feel the testosterone in my blood and the fucking lust running through my veins. It didn’t even bother me that the light in here were dim. I wasn’t built for cardio. Probably the reason why when I made it to the 10th floor and towered in front of the doorway which lead to the hallway, my shirt was wet and completely soaked in my sweat. I slightly adjusted my belt, forcing my raging boner in between it and under my shirt to cover it up somehow before I made my way inside the hallway towards the only, prominent door. Everything looked expensive, even the material of the wooden floor boards. I knocked on the door slowly, already squatting down to place the package in front of the door when it swung open and the biggest fucking bear of a man just glared down at me. His voice already boomed when I was about to stand back upright. “Fuck boy…. Time for your reward for your delivery, right?” His voice was deep and masculine. Fuck I felt like a runt compared to his hypermasculine body. My eyes widened when he grabbed his package. It had to be at least above 10 inches and thicker than a beercan when it slowly grew harder. His scent drove me wild when I muttered a weak “Sry sir. I’m not into men” He grabbed the package out of my hands like a fucking toy with one arm before he pulled me into his flat down on my knees and up against his massive hairy nuts. I tried to edge away with all my bodyweight but my resistance just made him harder. “You’re fucking boning boy…. Love submissive whores like you” He grinned when he just forced my lips up against his massive cockbase. The musk flooding my nostrils. My own cock pulsating while I let out a weak attempt to get off the hook: “Can’t ruin my uniform, sir” He just laughed, pulling me back onto my feet before he lifted me in a wrestling manner and tossed me through his flat onto his couch like a fucking toy. He still held the package under one of his pumped arms while his other started stroking his fat cock. “Can’t ruin your uniform… huh? Your only fear right now?” He got even cockier than before while thick strands of pre started flowing out of his fat member down onto his massive feet and calves. His hairy quads and calves probably powerful enough to crush anything in between. “Take care of it then” His low voice rumbled when he started to jerk his cock rougher. His massive nuts pushing outwards, swelling bigger before he tossed the package onto the ground to lift his second arm up in the air for a flex. He took a good whiff of his pit while his nipples pushed out fully erect. I just stared at him dazzled for a long moment while my brain struggled with my next decision. I couldn’t run off. He was a fucking berserker of a man. A monster. He could probably break me in half if needed. I could feel my hands run over my belt slowly unbuckling it. My throbbing cock already visible when I slowly got out of my shoes and shorts. My shirt fighting with my pecs for a long moment before I stood in front of him. I felt like a fucking twink. My body mainly shaved. The exact opposite to his display of power and destruction. “Not gay, huh? Your cock tells me you like what you see…. And can’t complain about the sight either…. Fuck boy you’re the jackpot” He grinned when he slowly advanced in my direction. I wanted to open my mouth and got slapped by his massive cock on my cheeks. He just grabbed me like a fucking twig, lifting me off the couch and into midair…. “Fuck boy… You really took your time coming all the way up here…. Already had a bit of foreplay.” His hands were wrapping around my biceps, holding me in position while he slowly licked over my sweaty abs and pecs. His tongue running over my nipples before he let out a low chuckle when he saw my cock twiching desperately. “Looks like you aren’t used to that type of foreplay, huh?” He slowly forced my cock in between his massive hairy pecs. “Come on…. Tell Papa that you like his monstrous pecs way more than any of your sluts tits” He flexed his pecs full mast, grinning when my cock just unloaded its complete shot all inside them at once. My abs slightly crunching in the process. “Good boy” He licked over my abs once again before he forced his small finger inside my hole after his rough hands started spreading my cheeks apart. My hands cramped around his hair on his head, slightly tugging on it but he just rammed in another one of his thick fingers down to his knuckles in exchange… I wasn’t horny any longer…. But I could feel the stimulation rise again when he hit the right spot in my ass as if he never made anything else. My cock twiched again but my balls were fucking dry…. He continued before he slowly let me slide down in his massive arms…. Grinning cockily at me before he forced his tongue inside my mouth. I could feel my cock grind against his abs now instead. They were hairy… Sculpted like small fucking mountains…. And they were pulsating. I could feel his abs flex and relax in a rythmic perfection while his fat anaconda slapped up against my back and cheeks…. “Now be a good whore and take my whole load” He lowered one of his hands to help his shaft inside my unfucked hole. I could feel the dimensions of it…. My muscles slightly cramping at the inhuman size…. “Don’t worry…. I’ll be gentle today” His low voice whispered in my ear before he forced me in for another kiss and slammed a third of his massive cock inside my ass, slowly advancing in further. My eyes widened…. My hands tugged on his skin, squeezed harder than I ever squeezed anything. I could feel my fucking quads and calves cramp around his body when he started humping his hip forward to force another inch inside my ass. His pre alone was enough to push my abs out slightly. My whole body felt…. Fucking good……. My cock suddenly erupted with another load…. *NNNNGHH FUOOOCK* My moans muffled by his tongue when my cock came a athird time. Almost as if his pre was refilling my nuts…. He just grinned when he stopped halfway in…. “Can’t ruin your hole on the first visit” his low voice was sending shivers through my body. I could feel my slightly dried cum up on my abs when my eyes widened when I felt his hot semen enter my whole. Forcing its way all inside my body. Pushing my gut outwards… *NNNNNNGHH FUOOOOCK* My eyes slightly blacked out when I clung to his arms. He pulled out after a while, tossing me on his couch… But his cock wasn’t done yet. He was still masturbating. Massive valleys of cum splashing over my body and against my face. I swallowed gallons of it while he continued, before his cock finally relaxed… He ignored me like a used toy. I just laid there for a while. Listening while the shower ran in the other room… My uniform covered in his jizz along with my whole body and got. I used the chance and pushed myself up… My muscles felt…. Fucking good. Only my ass was fucking sore. I felt cum run out of it. I found a blanket and just cleaned off as much cum as I could before I pushed myself back in my jizz-covered uniform…. I felt my sticky briefs. But I couldn’t stay here… I wouldn’t let him fuck me for a second round….. I charged back outside…. Still struggling with my pants when I already made my way down the staircase. I could feel how sticky my skin was. Like fucking glue all over me. And the fucking scent. As if he just marked his property. My cock was hard again….. I wasn’t hungry any longer…. Instead I could see my roid gut push out underneath my shirt slightly. “That fucker…” I inhaled the air…. But somehow…. I could lift a bear right now…. I rarely visited the gym, because my job usually took over tha tpart…. But this night….. I spent it all lifting and working out instead. Day 2 I felt great when I finished my workout that night. I felt like a beast, ready to breed any women in my way. But somehow I couldn’t think about tits that night. I tried masturbating to some porn. But each time when I saw it I revisited the scene from work…. How he forced me to breed his massive, hairy pecs. How he fucking used me like a toy. My cock was getting rock hard when I sprayed my load all over my chest and abs. I wiped it off, tasting a bit on my fingers tip before I focused on my abs. They looked sculpted tonight. The prominent happy trail catching my attention when I slowly ran my finger over my cum-soaked hairy abs. … Fuck’s sake… I never had visible abs…. But now there they were. A perfect six pack pumped enough to be visible even with my cum-filled roid gut. I ran my fingers further upwards over my pecs…. They felt fucking pumped. My mind was wandering and I imagined how it would’ve been if I was the fucking monster instead…. My cock got hard again, throbbing when I imagined how it was if I was the fucking hulking beast of a man towering in his doorway instead…. Crushing his fucking heavy delivery with my biceps before I return his favor… My chest so fucking dense and hairy that his cum would be just absorbed by my frame…. Fuck… I imagined how it would’ve been if he was the fucking runt barely reaching my abs. I let out a low moan before my cock exploded all over me again. I edged slightly back when it even hit my fucking face this time. “Fuck…. Probably need a shower, huh?” I grinned when I lifted my arm for a flex to inhale my stinking, weaty pits…. The workout really paid off in all aspects…. It was the first morning in weeks that I had a morning wood. To be exact…. A fucking throbbing morning wood that needed attention. But I was already late for my fucking shift when I rushed out my bed and towards my closet. I could still smell my musk…. Even forgot to shower the day before. I grimaced slightly… But there was no fucking way I’d make it on time. I forced my boxer briefs over my package. My fat anaconda fighting with my rough hands and abs before I decided to just stuff it between my belt and under my shirt. My uniform was clean again…. But the stench… It smelled like him. Like the testosterone filled air in his flat. I felt my ass cheeks flex at that thought before I forced my body inside my uniform. Struggling with my shirt and quads - Luckily we could wear shorts in the summer. I must’ve used the wrong cleaning program because I could see my hairy abs sticking out under the shirt…. And even worse… My plan to cover up my hard rod with it was turned upside down when I saw my fat member greeting me instead….. “Fuck was I always that gifted?” I ran my finger over my shivering cock and slightly grinned, before I grabbed its beercan thick mushroom-head to just force it inside my briefs with force…. “I’m in a rush fucker…” I looked in the mirror. I could see my fucking boner through the uniform…. But somehow… Today I didn’t give a fuck about it. I squeezed one of my juicy pecs before I ran my hand over my slight 3-day beard… When was the last time I shaved?... Right…. Yesterday… I could see my neck and cleavage pushing the uniform to its limits. My adam apple looked sculpted. Even greek statues would be jealous…. I never really had a jizzled jawline…. But today… I looked good… I rushed into my bathroom to brush my teeth, my cock slowly relaxing again when I finally grabbed my keys and charged out the house. My first stop was at the small lokal bakery. Jonny, a young 25 year old twunk of a man leant against the counter when I charged inside. “The usual Jonny” I let out a low grunt in my rush. I saw him stare at me… Then slowly at my cleavage, abs and bulge before he slowly wanted to open his jaw for a speech and decided to just shut up instead. It was more than obvious that he was hard again. I still remembered how many times he tried to get my number. And how often I’d turned him down. “Eyes up here” I grinned slightly before I grabbed the order and tossed him his charge. Jonny opened his mouth for a second attempt… “When did you…” “I’m already late… Gotta talk another time” I bounced my pecs slightly like I usual did, revealing even more of my hairy abs before I charged back outside. Jonny just stood there behind the counter. His 6 inches of cock throbbing in his pants. His nuts aching while he saw his best customer leave. He could see his glutes fight with the fabric. His wide shoulders and his fucking arms slightly kissing the doorway…. How…. When…. He couldn’t recall that Luke had to duck to get through their small entrance. And that scent… Fuck he smelled like a whole wrestling team. “Finally” Adam grinned when he spotted my truck on the large areal. He gaped when I swung myself out the driver seat. “Holy shit…” He stared at me like I was out of his world… “Don’t give me that look man…. I’ll help you out, no worries” I ran my hand through his hair, pinning him against my side to tease him like I usually did…. Before I remembered that I missed my shower the day before… I could feel his wiggling body, his weak fists slightly slamming against my abs… And fuck the size comparision made me slightly hard when I slowly released him to make my way to his truck. Adam was a twink… He only managed to fullfil his deliveries by begging his customers for help all day long. And couldn’t blame him. After all he was able to seduce me to lift the heavier packages into his truck since day one. Today was fucking off. The packages were all way lighter than usual. “Damn… Next time call me only if there’s something heavier to lift” I groaned and slightly adjusted my bulge while glaring down at him. He just opened his jaw again. Thinking for a long while… “I I can’t lift them Luke… You know I’m a fucking twig…. And there was even a fucking fridge for the tour…” I stopped in my haze for a moment… I just lifted a fridge and it felt like a fucking cardbox filled with beginner weights…. “Well…. In that case…. You better make it more tempting for me to help you out next time” I pinned him up against my body, squeezing his ass slightly through his jeans while I couldn’t resist the urge to compare my size to his twig-like frame…. He wanted to get away… But I just bearhugged him up against my body, muffled his words with my musky pits before I lifted him slightly off the ground just to see how heavy his body felt compared to the fridge I lifted earlier… “Damn you really should eat more” I let him back down and watched him edge away to his truck. “Fucking demon” he muttered, trying to cover up his throbbing boner. I grinned slightly. I stared filling my own truck for my tour. Just stopping when I felt my muscles strain like hell with another smaller box. This time it looked even more pathetic than the box yesterday. Two packages for the monster…. For the fucking alpha in the huge apartment complex…. My cock hardened full mast when I barely could lift both at the same time…. Whatever it was… It had to be a fucking dense material. My cockhead was forcing its way out of my shorts’ left leg, leaking pre down my hairy leg while I slowly manouvered the two packages into the truck. That fucker… The whole Tour was a fucking wet dream for me. I delivered a fucking fridge into the fifth floor and carried it like a fucking toy on one of my arms - And I could swear the man who opened me up had a boner next to his drooling girlfriend. It was strange… Each fucking package felt lighter than the package before. And after each house I visited…. I felt hornier…. I felt needier… I still remember how I took my lunchbreak to jerk off five massive loads into the woods….. Fuck I could blast another five any moment. I didn’t even bother to pull my shirt back down as my second row of hairy abs started showing during the day. It was no use…. And it didn’t bother me. Instead they tipped me for my service when I did what I was best at…. Lift heavy stuff…. My muscles burned after 8 hours of delivering heavy stuff around the town. And there I stood at the last house…. My cock throbbing already. Pre leaking from my cock’s tip onto my sneakers, soaking the fabric mesh. “Time for the last client today, huh?” I ran my hand over my package to give my greedy cock a good squeeze…. “Time to return his favor, huh?” I grinned, slowly grabbing both the packages in my truck. They were heavy…. But it just made me hornier than before when I made my way towards the apartment complex. “Delivery” my low voice growled towards the microphone before the door buzzed open. Everything exactly the same…. The elevator was out of order again when I made my way up the stairs…. I could feel the sensation of my rock hard cock, rubbing against the fabric of my way too tight shorts with each step. I could feel my hot pre drip down onto my sweaty feet every few seconds. And I could feel my hard nipples grinding against my shirt while I made sure to carry both packages directly under my stinking pits…. If I had to deliver to that fucker I wanted to make sure that his packages stank like a true man…. I felt cockier than ever when I made my way down the hallway…. Towering in front of his door again before I knocked against the door with my foot….. “Finally…” his low voice boomed when he opened up the door…. I could only see a massive set of hairy pecs, abs and a cock when he opened up the door. He stepped back a bit, grinning even cockier than yesterday when he saw me….. “Knew you’d come back for service” I just stared, not backing off this time. I made my way inside, feeling my cock screaming for release while I slowly handed him both boxes. He let them drop to the ground when he eyed me slowly…. “Fuck boy…. Can’t remember I ordered a confident bastard” He flexed a most muscular right in front of me. His hairy pecs bulging in front of my face before He let out a low chuckle. “Wanted to impress me by wearing a shirt two sizes smaller, huh?” His hand wrapped around my glutes, pulling me in against his body. I used all the strenght I had, slamming my fists against his abs…. Fuck it wasn’t like I imagined. I didn’t want to end up as his fucking toy again…. “Looks like you need a fucking lecture by your Master, huh?” He slammed me against the ground, ripping my clothes off with a single movemet. My cock was crushed against the floor and my body. He let his massive cock slap up against my ass cheeks again. Against my sculpted back… But this time…. It felt smaller… Or was I bigger? I wanted to scream but he just muffled me by wrapping his rough hand around my mouth, lifting my head slightly before I felt his hairy pecs up against my head. His cock slowly getting into position…. “You made me wait, runt” His cock got heavier. Slowly filling with blood when he slowly got it into position. “EIGHT HOURS TO BE EXACT” He slammed his mast down my hole until my cock exploded against the ground and my abs… I felt fucking defeated but he wasn’t done. His arms rippled when he wrapped his arma round my upper body, upa gainst his monstrous, sculpted frame. Hi cock pulsating inside my hole…. “Don’t even think that I’ll be gentle tonight….” His low voice whispering when I zoned out. I felt muscles…. Destruction… And I heard the sound of his slapping nuts against my pumped quads. I caughed up dense semen now and then… But he just continued. He shifted into different positions after some while…. And the worse part was his bedroom. When he decided it would be better to spend the rest of the night in his bedroom instead I was fucking done. His master bedroom was a fucking mancave. My musk was nothing compared to his stench. I still remember how my cock exploded on my way through the doorframe. And how it only made him even hornier in return. How he fucking rubbed his nuts against my chest and abs at some point to force his fat cockhead in my mouth instead. And at no point…. At no fucking point I was in charge…. He was… He used me like his personal sex slave. He fucking showed me that I was just a worm in his eyes. A fucking runt… Even when night break in he just bearhugged me up against our cum soaked bodies. He didn’t care that the fucking bed was soaked with this thick semen. He just forced me into a fucking bearhug against his pits for the night. Ignoring my weak attempts to break free….. I still remember how I woke up in the middle of the night, trying my way out of his arms again but he just thanked me for the weak attempt by another round with his fuckrod, filling me up once again with his hot seed. To be fair… It warmed me up from the inside before his bearish frame froced me back up against his pits…. He knew I wouldn’t be missed on a Sunday. And he couldn’t care less about my weak escape attempts. Even if I went to the fucking police… He’d probably just breed them instead. It was hard dreaming about outgrowing that fucker…. Because he showed me the whole time how a real man had to behave. How strong he was… And how less of a thread I was…. Each time when I tried to squeeze his glutes during the night to fill my fantasy more he just forced me back up against his sweaty pits or forced one of his thick fingers inside my hole for revenge. . . ----- I could feel my cock throbbing the moment I woke up. His massive cock grinding against my ass and quads. His sweaty pecs were kissing my shoulder blades and neck while one of his rough hand were kneeded one of my juicy pecs. I tried getting up but his second arm made sure I was locked in place. Forcing me back up against his frame into another fucking tight bearhug. I shifted…. But I couldn’t deny it…. I fucking loved the scent in his bedroom. The fucking smell of cum, sweat and masculinity in the air. I felt my boner lube up against my abs…. Fuck…. I couldn’t recall that my cock ever reached my abs while boning….. I tried to take a look…. And was greeted by my pumped, slightly hairy pecs…. Fuck…. I couldn’t recall them to be that juicy either…. I could see the peaks of my biceps slightly before his massive arms blocked my sight further down. *NNNGH* I groaned, shifting slightly in his grip when I felt his cock awaken. It was subtle at first…. His fat anaconda slowly hardening up against my quads, forcing its way in between my legs and up against my hairy nuts before it was lifting my cock up slightly…. “Morning runt” His low voice boomed in my ear when he just bearhugged me from behind like a stuffed animal. I didn’t say a word. Still pissed about our last encounter and how I ended up bottom again. “Makes you even hotter when you’re mad at me” his voice sent fucking shivers through my bones. “I’m not mad” my voice was rougher…. Lower…. It felt unfamiliar…. But in a good way…. “You’re not? Huh?” He squeeezed my nipple harder, slowly squeezing my fat cock with one of his rough hands…. “In that case…. Don’t mind me” He growled before he slowly losened his grip around my pecs. He slowly got up…. Towering besides the bed… He was tall…. But not really intimidating any longer. I slowly made my way to the edge of the mattress when his rough hands just wrapped around my ankles, pulling me all the way towards his massive throbbing anaconda. “If you’re not mad…. You won’t mind if I claim that ass a third time, right?” He didn’t wait for an answer. I felt my cock squirm without any control again when I felt my hairy nuts, nipples and cock rubbing against the fabric of the mattress on my way towards the edge. My eyes widened when I felt his cock slap against my cheeks again, this time feeling… Smaller…. But still…. The way he moved…. His rough hands on my hips before he forced my upper body off the mattress in for a kiss…. He still turned me on…… But the fucking magic was missing that I felt on our first meet up…. I could feel his fat member thrust inside my ass…. He wanted to make me squirm…. He wanted to fucking ruin my ass….. But today I felt hungrier than ever… My glutes almost acted on their own when they started massaging his giant anaconda…. I could feel my own lust level rising steadily. But I couldn’t cum. Perhaps it was the fact that I was way smaller when he fucked me the first time. Or it was the reason that he fingerd my hole all night long. He trained me…. He fucking created me…. I was already getting cocky when his low voice suddenly stopped my thoughts and I felt his body lean in. His rough arms wrapping around my body…. “Guess you’re ready for the last few inches then, huh?” His thick fingers found their way in my mouth when I suddenly felt another 3 to 4 inches thrust into my ass until I felt his hairy nuts slapping against my glutes and quads. My eyes widened. My cock exploded all over my hairy pecs and abs. Ruining the fabric on the sheets. “Fuck boy… Papa just got started” My eyes widened when I felt my glutes struggling against his cock. His cock base was way thicker than I expected. Fucking splitting me apart when I felt his cockhead fight with my hairy abs from the inside. I felt my legs losing the ground underneath when he slowly lifted me off the bed. His hands just wrapping around my pumped frame, slowly going over to breed me mid air. He wanted to show me that he was still in charge… That he was the fucking alpha. *NNNGHH FUOOOOCK* I let out a deep grunt when he continued breeding me mid air. I could feel him struggle. He was clearly exhausted. His whole body sweating all over while he tried to play his role of the invincible Alpha. My eyes widened when I felt his arms slightly push the air out of my abs when he started to thrust his hips in harder, faster…. The beat of his nuts slapping against my ass speeding up…. My balls hurt, pumped from all the pressure in between. He repositioned me after a while, forcing me to face his sweaty front instead…. My cock was fucking his hairy abs and pecs…. But this time…. I was bigger…. I slowly wrapped my pumped quads around his waist and hips. Stabilizing my body when I slowly ran my pumped arms around his neck and shoulders, pulling myself in for a kiss…. I slightly grinned when I saw how he tried to avoid my gaze. How he shifted slightly uncomfortable before I just flexed my glutes with all my strenght. Hearing his uncontrolled moan under our kiss. I could feel his hot semen fill me up…. But this time it didn’t spurt out of my mouth. It just gave me a slight roid gut after my body just absorbed it all into my system. I kept kissing him. I ignored the fact that he had to sit down on the edge of his bed after he couldn’t hold my weight upright any longer. He was almost cute when he let his body sink into cum-soaked mattress. My ass still milking the last drips off his fat anaconda before I slowly pulled myself off his cock, licking over his massive abs and pecs to get a taste of his sweaty frame…. He looked almost innocent while he laid there. Eyes closed, exhausted by our fuck session. I kept sitting on his body a while longer until I felt his hardon slowly get soft again, hearing his heavy breaths while he was asleep again… I slowly got off his frame and stared into the full-length mirror on his wall…. “Fuck….” I flexed my right arm while grabbing my massive cock with my left hand…. I was huge…. I grinned cockier when I slowly forced my nose under my hairy pit to take a whiff of my new musk….. Feeling my cock ripple in my hands, thicken underneath my grip while pre started to pour down over my hairy quads and calves….. “Fuck…. Would love to ruin his ass already….. But first I need a workout…. It’s best to work out while you’re horny after all, right?” I squeezed my fat member and slowly looked around his flat. He was huge… Pumped and roided. There was no way he’d make a long way to the gym each day. I made myself slightly at home while looking through his cabinet first. He had tons of suits hanging inside. One looked more expensive than the other. I slowly closed it back down again when I found a cum-stained red jockstrap resting on the side of his bed. I slowly lifted it up to take a good whiff before I slowly pushed it over my legs. My cock got even harder when I realized that it almost fit… Still a bit too big… But fuck it made me feel like the dominant part for once…. I slowly made my way outside the bedroom. His flat was massive. I only saw a fraction. There was the entrance and living room area. The master bedroom… A massive bathroom with walk in showers and quite an amount of cum dripping off the mirrors…. But apparently it wasn’t his main kink room in his flat. His kitchen was a fucking arsenal of growth powder, supplements and - to my surprise – high quality food… Even prepped for a week or two. Well he wouldn’t mind if I made myself at home… I took one of the packed portions and started downing the portion. Rice with chicken and veggies. Nothing special… But it didn’t taste normal… Almost as if he mixed protein powder into the recept. Behind the kitchen was a long hallway leading to a massive roof area. A garden, a massive pool and even a fucking hot tub. A few more rooms on the side. One of it looked like a guest room. And another like his office. Just when I thought there was nothing more to discover I found it…. His gym… It was as big as the rest of the fucking flat. And it was separated into different rooms. Each equipment had its own fucking spotlight. Massive weight racks. He even had machines without visible weights. Just fucking cords and a computer monitor who displayed a weight count instead. It stank like musk and cum… And it turned me on… Fuck I could understand his lust for muscle and growth…. But the real fucking mess was inside the gym lockerroom. He had his own gym lockers in his personal home gym…. And it was covered with jizz, ripped jockstraps and clothes. The showerdrain still fought with a glue-like substance and I couldn’t blame him…. He just lived the fucking dream…. He even had a small protein bar at one of the walls with a fucking automat for protein shakes. I let it dispense a shake. The buttons had morphed studs on the outside. I downed the thick substance and slowly walked towards the machine where I found the most ripped jocks resting on its side. “Fucking hightech shit, huh?” I slowly stared at the cable cords. It was a weight bench. But it had cable cords instead of real weights… Just when I sat down on the bench the monitor started to light up. It took a short moment before I heard the walls slightly vibrate. “Welcome back, Master” a deep, masculine voice hummed through the air…. – “Fuck that kinky motherfucker” I muttered when I slowly grabbed the cable cords. “You lost weight, master. Your workout routine will take that into consideration” I laid down and stared at the ceiling when a number was projected onto it… 35 reps a 5. I started lifting my arms for a bench press. I held it for a fucking toy at first…. The numbers didn’t change for the first 15 reps before the text briefly changed. “Warm up complete” The weight slowly got heavier…. Heavier…. *NNNNGH* I growled under the fucking weights… I never lifted anything that heavy on work…. But fuck… I could feel my cock fight against the fabric of my jockstrap. It still kept going. I heard the machine rattling while the 35 still lit up and I hadn’t managed a single rep. I klenched my teeth when I put all I’ve got into it. My muscles rippled underneath my skin. My veins pumped more blood into my muscles while my bones slowly got denser. Tried to adapt and grow to give my body the fucking stature needed for the job. My muscle fibers slowly got denser. Thicker and tried to enhance my body further. “Should I decrease the weights further, master?” The deep voice asked again but I just growled back in an even deeper tone. “Add… More…” I heard my jockstrap ripping apart, felt my cock slapping against my abs while I slowly pushed out the first rep. Feeling my muscles fucking burn…. I grinned cockier… hornier… FUOOOCK I Loved that feeling. The fucking sensation in my muscle fibers… The fucking pain in my system…. I felt my calves slightly cramp underneath all the lust and pleasure. My thick veins pushing out even bigger. With each rep… With each set I could feel the urge to add on even more weights to the machine. It was so fucking easy. Just an order and I could feel the resistance rise further. Just when I finished the last repetition I heard the low voice. “You finished your last set with a weight of 650 lbs” My cock almost exploded under that last line…. I barely lifted 200 just three days ago…. But now…. Could lift a whopping 650 without maxing out….. I jerked my massive cock slowly in front of the mirror…. I wanted to cum so bad…. I wanted to cover the whole mirror with my seed…. But fuck….. I still had more workouts ahead of me…. /// It was already late afternoon when he woke back up. His balls aching… Emptied to the last drop of cum. His muscles burning from his fuck session earlier. He slowly pushed his upper body off the mattress, clenching his teeth slightly when he felt his burning abs. . . That fucker….. That runt…. He slowly got up, running his hand over his hairy abs and soft shaft before he slowly stepped out of his room to grab something to eat. He found the empty container, which made him slightly pissed… “He shoul’ve begged on all fours for that” He kneeded one of his pecs slightly, before he slowly started digging down another container and a huge protien shaker. /// Almost two hours had passed since I started my workout at the bench press. And somehow my muscles didn’t feel sore… Almost as if my muscle fibers just healed in mere seconds afte reach repetition. I finished the last biceps curl and felt my cock stir when I heard the announcer again. The max weight was 200 lbs”. “Fuck’s sake… I usually lifted with 75 at my old gym…. And now I just managed to push out above 30 with a fucking inhuman weight of 200?” I stroked my cock slightly while I slowly made my way back out of his home gym… I heard the shower running in his master bedroom…. My massive cock was fighting with my senses…. I wanted to breed him… Wanted to fucking break him…. I grinned when more pre rushed out of my shaft…. But fuck…. First I want him to get cocky again. I wanna see his cocky grin fade when he opens the door for his next delivery…. I made my way in his bedroom, slowly grabbing a pair of his cum-soaked jockstraps. My semi-hard cock was fighting with the urge to just snap them apart. I searched through his cabinet and threw over one of his bigger hoodies and a pair of grey sweat pants. I grabbed a few more speedos and a few more shirts and sweat pants under my arm before I made my way out of his flat, cursing slightly when I bumped my forehead against the frame. I was surprised to see the elevator working again when I made my way back down to the entrance. My delivery truck stood still in the driveway… Well… Have to give tham that bit. Probably a plus that these rich bastards have private security around all day long… Else I could’ve searched for an excuse why my truck was stolen. . . I tossed the clothes which I borrowed onto the passenger side before I left him alone for the night.
  8. Sizemologist

    Serial Breeder

    After a fun weekend of partying, the fraternity of Alpha Sigma Zeta settle in for a night when the power suddenly goes out. After encountering a handsome stranger, the Vice President of the frat, Devon, is in for a good time. Part 1: It was a Dark and Stormy Night Cole rounded the corner of the frat house heading towards the main entrance. The big jock briskly walked towards the door as red and blue lights shined through the glass. Standing on the welcome mat leading outside, Cole paused for a second. He straightened up his spine and took a deep breath in and out, his mouth settling into a warm smile. Reaching for the door handle, he opened it and looked down to see a couple of men in brown jackets. “Good evening officers! How can I help you?” said Cole with a cheery tone. “Good evening sir, my name is Detective Gonzalez and this is Detective Dawson. Sorry to bother you so late, but we’re looking for a Cole Garrison. Is he here by chance?” said the man on the left. He was about 6 feet tall and had a slender build to him. “I’m Cole Garrison. I’m not in trouble am I?” asked Cole with a cheesy grin on his face. “No, we’re just here to ask a few questions regarding the whereabouts of some of the members of your fraternity,” said Detective Gonzalez. “I can answer as best as I can. But I can only do so much to keep tabs on all of my guys,” said Cole as he stepped to the side to let the detectives in. Detective Gonzalez walked in first followed by Dawson. Detective Dawson was significantly smaller than Cole at maybe 5’6 and he had somewhat of a gut to him. “Thank you for being so cooperative. Is there somewhere we can meet privately?” asked Detective Gonzalez. “Sure, most of the guys are out seeing a movie tonight so we have the house almost entirely to ourselves,” said Cole as he led them through the house towards a dining room with a table that could hold 50 people at it. Cole closed the door to the room and took a seat across the table from the two detectives. “So, what can I tell you gentlemen?” “Just a moment, do you mind if we record this?” asked Detective Gonzalez. “Not at all.” “Thank you son.” Detective Gonzalez pulled out his phone and tapped a few buttons on the screen then set it down on the table. “Now sir could you state for the record who you are, your age, and your official title?” asked Detective Gonzalez. “Of course. My name is Cole Garrison, I am 23 years old, and I am the current president of Alpha Sigma Zeta.” “Thank you. Now we are here to discuss the events of the night of August 4th. We have multiple claims from eye witnesses that link a few members of your fraternity to a party where there was an incident with a few of the other party goers.” “An incident? What kind of incident?” asked Cole. “We can’t disclose that at this time,” stated Detective Dawson in a flat tone. “Cole, we're just trying to get a clear picture here of the events of that night. And some things are just not adding up. Like when we first approached some of your brothers about the party, they all claimed to be here doing some initiation that they refused to disclose. But then we have multiple eye witness accounts that put them at the party. We’re just trying to get the story straight. So, if you don’t mind, could you tell me the whereabouts of these five members of your fraternity?” Detective Gonzalez pulled out a sheet of paper with five names on it. “Well I can confirm that they were here on the night of the 4th. We always have one of our meetings for the new recruits the Friday night before school starts.” “Yes but that’s only for new recruits. All of the members we are looking for are current members of the frat. Are they required to come?” “They are not, but all of these gentlemen on this list are members of the cabinet here in Alpha Sig. See Devon Hodges, he’s my VP. And Hayden Smith, he’s our treasurer. Any member of leadership is required to come to all events for the new members,” said Cole. “Ah I see. Now this might sound a bit…invasive, but do you happen to have any proof that they were here? Because currently the only thing we’re going off is one person’s word against another.” “Well, I somewhat do. But you won’t like it.” Cole bared his teeth at the officer and sharply inhaled. “So, I’m going to be completely honest with y’all. That first Friday before the start of school, we always have an initiation party. The initiation is optional to the members, we just encourage them because it’s a fun thing to do.” “And how is that proof?” asked Detective Dawson. “How the initiation works is that pledges have to say certain phrases and do actions in a very specific way in order to pass. It’s nothing bad, just really long and really hard to get right on the first couple tries. Once they get it right, they’re officially in and we have fun.” “Fun?” asked Detective Gonzalez. “I won’t lie to you detectives, we do drink a bit. Especially the members who are over 21 years old. Which leads me to why I have proof. Because some of our members have a little bit too much fun, there used to be a problem of remembering who had succeeded and failed. So we started to record the initiation so that we can go back and see who did and didn’t make it. If you would like to see, by all means I have the tape on my laptop,” said Cole pointing back to his room. “That would be greatly appreciated,” said Detective Gonzalez. “I’ll be right back.” Cole got up and left the room to go upstairs. He climbed the stairs to the second floor where all of the rooms were for the frat. Cole walked down to the very end of the hall passing by many rooms. Hearing the sound of footsteps, a brunette gentleman poked his head out from one of the rooms. “Are they gone?” asked the brother “No Devon, they want proof that y’all were here so I have to get them proof. Might get a few fines for catching some of the 19 and 20 year olds drinking, but cops in this town rarely care about underaged drinking,” said Cole as he opened the door to his bedroom. “And what are the cops gonna say when they realize that video is from last year’s initiation party?” asked Devon. “They’re not gonna know. AI is great for just changing the date of old videos. Doesn’t give it a whole lot to mess up. Especially if the video itself is authentic, only the date isn’t,” said Cole grabbing his laptop out of his room. “Helps when we know exactly what we’re dealing with in advance.” “Yeah, thanks dude for getting all of this taken care of. We really owe you,” said Devon standing in Cole’s doorway. “Nothing we haven’t done before.” Cole walked past Devon and down the stairs to see the detectives. “I’ve got your proof right here gentlemen.” Cole put his laptop down and started up a video. The time stamp on it was for 9:42 pm, August 4th, when many frat members could be seen in the dining room. One by one, many of them demonstrated and participated in the initiation including all of the names on Detective Gonzalez’s list. The two detectives watched the video in disbelief as they saw the men they thought were at the party all on the video. “Well, I guess that settles that. We will have to hit your organization with a few fines for the minors in possession in the video, but other than that, I think we are all set. We have what we came for,” said Detective Gonzalez as he got up from the table. “Yeah, but now we’re back to square one,” said Detective Dawson. “But thank you for your time sir. Sorry to bother you this evening.” “It’s no problem detectives. I am happy to comply with law enforcement.” Cole shut his laptop and shook their hands. “It always makes our job easier when people cooperate,” said Detective Gonzalez as the pair walked to the door. “And if I can do anything else for you, please feel free to give me a call. Or call the number on our website and typically I’ll answer,” said Cole as he opened the door. He gave the detectives a warm smile as they walked outside. “Will do. Have a good rest of your evening,” said Detective Gonzalez. A large beam of lightning flashed in the distance followed by a roar of thunder. “And be sure to keep all your brothers inside tonight with that storm on the horizon,” said Detective Dawson. “Yes sir,” said Cole, giving the pair a salute with a smile. The two detectives turned and walked back to their car as Cole shut the door. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Cole’s back hit the wall beside him. “Devon, you owe me big time!” shouted Cole up the stairwell. He walked back into the living room as Devon ran down the stairs. “Yeah, me and half of the frat does,” said Devon as he landed on the bottom floor. “I’ll Venmo you the money later. Do you know when the guys are getting back?” asked Devon. As he spoke, the back door of the house came flying open as 2 dozen men filtered through it. “Right about now,” said Cole as he turned around to see his frat brothers all getting into the frat house. Cole put two of his fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle that silenced everyone in the room. “ALPHA SIG!” yelled Cole as all of the frat brothers turned to him. “Yes Mr. President!” replied the frat in unison. “We had some cops sniffing around our house just a little bit ago and we don’t need anymore suspicion being drawn our way!” yelled Cole. “Now I want you all to go up to your rooms and go to bed! I mean it tonight. We’ve got too much heat on us right now. So no booze, no girls, no weed, no anything! Now get to bed!” “Yes Mr. President,” said the brothers less enthused. They all begrudgingly went up the stairs to their own individual rooms and started to prepare for bed. “It’s probably for the best that we don’t do anything tonight. Ya know besides the cops being on our ass,” said Devon as he walked through the downstairs turning off the lights with Cole. “There’s supposed to be one hell of a storm tonight by the looks of it. We don’t need any of our boys getting caught in that.” “You and the pigs worry too much,” said Cole, flicking the lights off in the living room. “It’s just a little rain. It can’t be that bad.” As the words left his mouth, a lightning strike hit the telephone pole outside and every light in the house shut off in an instant. “You were saying?” said Devon in the dark. “I can’t see it, but wipe that shit eating grin off your face.” Cole fished around in his pocket for his phone and turned his flashlight on. “I’m going upstairs to call the electric company to see if we can get power back any time soon. You go check the breaker outside.” “On it!” In the short amount of time the brothers came back from the movies and when the power shut off, the rain had already started pouring down. Devon walked outside with an umbrella as he trudged through mud and grass to get to the side of the house where the breaker was. Opening the box, Devon started flipping all the switches to try and get the power back on to no avail. The massive frat house remained dark other than the occasional phone flashlight that shined out of the windows. Defeated, Devon walked back through the mud to the front door and started to walk inside. “Excuse me?” Devon nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice from behind him. “Woah, sorry man. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Devon blinked a couple times as he shined his flashlight on a dark figure on the front porch. “My name is Chris and I crashed my car on the road outside y’all’s frat house.” The stranger pointed back towards the road where, in the darkness, a silhouette of a car could be seen. “Do you mind if I come inside while I call a tow truck?” As his vision focused in, Devon could see a man around his age standing there in a soaked t-shirt and jeans. “Uh, yeah. Sure man. We don’t have any power at the moment, but it’ll at least keep you dry.” Devon closed his umbrella and shook off the water. “Thanks bro,” said Chris as they walked inside. Devon shucked off his muddy shoes and shook his head of what little water was in it. Chris however was dripping from head to toe with water. “That rain really came out of nowhere and drenched me in a few seconds.” “Yeah, I was just telling our president the same thing,” said Devon as Chris tried to wring what water he could out of his clothes. “Here, you go put your clothes in our laundry room. It’s just right through that door. Let me go grab you a towel and a fresh change of clothes so you don’t catch pneumonia,” said Devon putting the umbrella away. “You don’t have to do that. Just a towel is fine,” said Chris. “I insist. I’ll be right back.” Devon quickly ran up the stairs of the house and saw that many of the brothers had gone to their rooms for the night with not much to do with no electricity in the house. After grabbing a pair of athletic shorts, a t-shirt, and a towel, Devon popped his head into Cole’s room. “Any word from the electric company?” “Yeah, it’s the whole block. They’re sending someone out, but we probably won’t see power till tomorrow morning,” said Cole as he played a game on his phone from his bed. “Okay. By the way, we have a guest downstairs. His car crashed outside and I told him he could chill here until a tow truck comes.” “Alright, but don’t let him snoop around. Keep him downstairs on the couch if he crashes here. I was serious about no funny business. We already had two cops here. We don’t need anymore.” “I can do that. Goodnight.” “Night.” With that, Devon shut the door and headed back downstairs. Still in the dark and using his phone as a flashlight, he made his way over to the laundry room. “Hey Chris, I think these should fit y-” Devon’s sentence was cut short by the sight of a Greek adonis standing in his laundry room fully naked. He hadn’t gotten a good look at Chris before in the dark, but now with a spotlight on him, Devon couldn’t look away. At 6 feet tall, Chris had the perfect swimmer's body. He had thick pecs for his slender shoulders that even with Devon’s flashlight shining on him, there was a small shadow being cast from them. His arms had veins running up and down them with biceps bigger than baseballs. Moving down to his washboard abs, they looked like they were chiseled from a block of marble by a master sculptor. His powerful V led to the biggest part of his body. His massive dick. It hung down 8 inches as thick as a silver dollar coin with two egg sized balls behind it. Lastly his thick quads that could crush a watermelon between them and they supported a nice plump bubble butt behind him. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you coming,” said Chris as he remained facing Devon. “I uh, I…I…I” Devon could hardly form a word as Chris sauntered forward. His cock slapped his thighs as his hips swayed. “What’s wrong Devon? Cat got your tongue?” asked Chris as he closed the gap between them. Their bodies almost touching. “How did you- how do you know my name?” Devon blinked for a second as an aroma filled the air. He couldn’t tell what it was, but it was intoxicating to his senses. “Shh shh shh, none of that now. Just come here and take it alllllll in.” Chris reached his arms out and wrapped Devon in a bear hug. Pulling the 5’8 Devon in between his pecs. Devon’s head was spinning when he took a whiff of Chris’s musk. It smelled like…bacon frying. “You came in here to do something. What was it?” asked Chris as he rubbed the small of Devon’s back with his hand. “I- I can’t remember.” Devon rested his head on Chris’s pecs and relaxed into his embrace. “It had something to do with clothes.” “I know! It was to take your clothes off. It’s hard for a dumb jock like you to remember these things.” Chris reached down and pulled the back of Devon’s shirt up and above his head. “Dumb jock,” repeated Devon. He grabbed at his belt and started to pull his pants down to reveal his own throbbing cock. Devon himself was only 5’8, but he looked like he had been playing sports and going to the gym all his life. He had a similar build to Chris, except he looked unrefined and unpolished compared to Chris’s godly figure. “Yes, that’s it. You’re just a dumb jock.” Chris leaned forward and kissed Devon sensually. Holding him as the smaller man’s knees gave out from under him. “Don’t you want to service your Big Daddy?” asked Chris as he shoved his now hard cock forward into Devon’s abs. “Yes Big Daddy.” Chris released Devon from his grip and he fell to his knees, now eye level with Chris’s 11 inch hard on. Without skipping a beat, Devon leaned forward and shoved Chris’s cock into his mouth. Chris stifled a moan as Devon’s tongue danced around his slit, head and shaft. “Wow Devon, if I didn’t know any better, you’ve done this before,” said Chris as he grabbed Devon’s head and shoved it down to his balls. Chris let a moan slip out of his mouth when Devon sucked on his cock like a lolli-pop. “Oh yeah, you’ve definitely done this before.” Chris began to buck his hips as Devon choked on his cock. Chris licked his lips as he leaned his body forward and reached down towards Devon’s ass. He put his fingers between Devon’s supple cheeks and, despite Devon’s fairly thin athletic build, he had always had a nice ass. It was perky and created a nice shelf behind him when he walked. Using both of his hands, Chris slapped each of the cheeks and massaged them. “Oh yeah, I bet you’ll be able to take a lot. Get up.” Chris pulled Devon’s head off of his cock and Devon looked pleadingly up at Chris’s face. “What can I do for you, Big Daddy?” asked Devon with a string of pre and spit dripping from his mouth. Chris lifted Devon up by the shoulders like he was a rag doll, turned him around, and pushed him into the washing machine with a bang. Pressing his bare torso down against the cold metal, Chris grabbed his slick cock and lined it up with Devon’s hole. “You’re gonna get filled up you dumb ass jock.” Chris thrusted forward and Devon practically screamed as Chris’s thick cock head penetrated his hole. “And stay quiet.” Chris put his hand on his mouth to stifle another moan from Devon as more of his cock disappeared into Devon’s ass. With one hard thrust, Chris’s balls slapped against Devon’s ass. “If your frat brothers are as tight as you, this is going to be an even better night than I’d hoped.” Chris reached forward and felt a bulge in Devon’s stomach where his cock was. “Hope you are stretchy little guy.” Chris began pulling his cock out and thrusting it back into Devon in a rhythm. The sound of Devon’s ass cheeks clapping rang through the entire frat house as Chris fucked the shit out of Devon’s virgin hole. “I want to have all of you inside me, Big Daddy. Always,” said Devon in a muffled voice. Chris’s hand was still gagging him so his moans wouldn’t alert the entire house of their presents. “Wow I didn’t think the spell would work that well on you,” mused Chris as he started leaking pre into the small man’s ass. Making sure not to waste a single drop. “But the fun is just getting started.” Chris grinned as lightning crackled outside. It was going to be a good night.
  9. SizePervert

    The 'real' Beast on the Farm

    (Longtime Lurker, First Time writing a story here. I used to write short FMG stories, but this is my first male muscle story, so please be gentle with me! English is also not my first language, so please forgive me any grammatical or other mistakes! So...now I hope you enjoy!) The sun rose over the Dreb Farm. It was a big farm, next to a town called Bettle Mine. It was a shit hole of a town, located in the middle of nowhere. There was no reason to ever visit the town or the farm next to it. But still, someone made the long trip, into the middle of nowhere, to visit the farm, and the only person living on it. Screeching car tires came to a stop in front of the huge white house that resembled the entrance to the farm. "Dreb Farm...still no idea why you want to visit, Sir." The taxi driver said. But I didn't listen. I had my reason to visit this place...and deep inside I hoped that I would never leave. "It's none of your buisness anyway." I told him, paid him half a fortune for the long ride, grabbed my small suitcase and got out. As soon as I had closed the car door behind me, the taxi drove off. Here I was. 7 am. In the middle of nowhere. I slowly walked up to the house. It was massive, painted white, probably build around the 19th century. But for it's age it looked like in a very good shape. My feet went up the stairs that lead to the front door. My eyes quickly noticed small cracks next to the hinges, like someone had taken the door out multiple times. I knew that only one person lived here, so I couldn't think of a reason why anyone should do that. My hand went to the small bell that hung next to the door and I rang it. I had read about this place in a newspaper a while back. In it there was an article about the owner of the Dreb Farm dying, leaving the house and the farm to his only son, Brutus Dreb. The article said that the son had never been seen in public and wasn't willing to give them a statement. That catched my interesst on the topic. While doing my research I found out that most medical documents of Brutus had been stolen, destroyed or simply nonexistent. It was like he was a ghost. Only one doctor gave me a very vague description of him: "He is a beast. Fucking freak." Well, it wasn't much...but it certainly increased my interesst in the entire topic. As I stood there, waiting, my nose suddenly catched a strange smell. It was kind of sweet, but also smelled like dirt...The smell got stronger and stronger until someone opened the door. I couldn't believe my eyes. In front of me stood of 3m giant. He had to bow down by a lot to even look me in the face. He was almost naked, only incredible skin tight jeans partly covered his crotch. He was packed with muscles. Every inch of him seemed to be trained past perfection and past human limits. My entire body could have possible fitted into one of his arms. His chest and armpits were covered in messy black hair and glistening with sweat. Probably the source of the that musky smell that was making it hard to think. It was hard for me to even see his face, because it was blocked, from my point of view, with his enourmous pecs and fat nipples. A massive bulge formed in his jeans and his gigantic cock head looked out of his right jeans leg. It was leaking pre cum, obviously leaving a trail wherever he went. His feet were fucking enormous. If he wanted, he could simply step on me and I would have been gone. The doctor had been right. He was a monster. But at the same time I could barely hold back my raging boner. "What do you want?" the deep voice asked me. (So far, so good, I think. Would you like to see/read more?)
  10. Guest

    Symbiotic Bonding Part 06

    This part I am sure is one of the bigger parts of the Original RP people wanted... I hope I did this justice... There is a very ORIGINAL way I did the theft in this part, which was what I think people enjoyed the most. Also there's a bit of an easter egg to a few other theft stories. Enough chatter, I hope you enjoy this part. Previous Parts: -Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 - Part 05 - Part 06 Risk Takers Matt wraps his large arms around Andrew in a tight embrace. “You won’t lose me, bro. I’ll always be your big lunk of a gym rat brother.” He notices the warmth of Andrew’s body up against him; his size much bigger and solid than what he’s been used to before. Even though Andrew is still quite a bit smaller than him, Matt can feel the difference of his smaller twin’s body size. It felt so good actually he began go become a bit more attracted to Andrew’s new size. “You know…” Matt pauses a second, swallowing the lump in his throat. “If we used rubbers, the cum wouldn’t touch…” Matt takes a deep breath, proud of the thought but also nervous on Andrew’s overall reaction. “We know that it’s the cum itself that is making these changes – the cups proved that. So all we have to do is use some condoms, and we can fuck all we want without having to worry.” Matt chuckles nervously, squeezing Andrew a bit more firmly, pulling him in tighter into his body. Andrew looks up at Matt, a bit of a happier tone spread across his face at this new revelation that his twin has proposed to him. “That actually sounds like a great idea!” Before Andrew could even finish his sentence, Matt had his brother scooped up and in his arms. The effort he put into it was a bit of a struggle at their new sizes, but Matt made sure to get in a comfortable position for himself to carry Andrew; up the stairs to their room, where Matt gently places Andrew onto his bed. Matt runs his hands over Andrew’s body, taking note of the new muscle that has formed under his brother’s skin. “Gotta admit, Andrew, watching you grow like that was pretty fucking hot.” Matt smirked down at Andrew, groping his hardening bulge in his shorts, before pulling them down his thighs as they dropped to the floor which he kicks off of his feet and pushes them aside. Matt crawls on the bed between Andrew, his eight rock hard inches at full attention. Reaching out, gently gripping Andrew’s thighs, rubbing them up and down before slowly pushing them apart. Matt reaches over Andrew to his nightstand, pulling the drawer open and grabbing one of the many condoms inside. Smirking down at Andrew seductively, he puts the condom package to his lips, ripping it open with his teeth as he pops the latex sheath out of its wrapper and slides it over his hard dick. He takes note that it’s not quite as tight as he remembered it used to fit him. Matt shook off the unwanted feeling of his smaller self as he grabbed a tube of lube from the drawer, applying a generous amount to slick up his rubber-clad cock. Matt begins to tease Andrew’s hole, prodding it with his finger, applying a bit of lube to make sure he was ready to take him fully. “I’m gonna give you a good fucking, bro. Show you I’ve still got it, even if I’m a bit smaller than before. Andrew moans loud in pleasure as Matt’s finger probes his hole, opening him up for the incoming invasion. “Please be gentle… I haven’t done it before, bro.” Andrew’s hole was tight, and spasming; his ass clamping down tightly on Matt’s lubed finger. “I’ve wanted this for a long time though, bro. I’ve wanted you to Want Me, like this…” Matt feels a bit uneasy at those words, a chill running down his spine. He leans down slowly, kissing Andrew, removing his finger from his tight hole. His lubed up cock, covered by the rubber, is achingly hard. Matt leans forward into Andrew, making sure to press the head of his mushroom tip against his brother’s hole. The tightness of Andrew and the feeling of being opened up by Matt causes them both to moan in unison. With a soft moan, Matt slowly pushes his cockhead into Andrew’s very tight hole. He watches Andrew wince a bit in pain and grunts; Matt leans in to comfort him, pushing his lips onto his twin’s in a deep kiss. His mouth engulfing Andrew’s, tongue forcing its way between his lips and teeth. Matt growls into the kiss, pushing his cock in half way before feeling Andrew tense up more under him, his bro’s hole clamping down on the four inches inside him. Matt pauses for a moment, giving Andrew a chance to adjust to his size; even at eight inches, he’s still quite the hung stud. As he keeps his dick half inside he moves his mouth down Andrew’s face, to his jaw, then his neck, nuzzling against his brother’s ear before teasing it with his tongue. Andrew moans as his body is relieved of some tension, his hole relaxing a bit more, as he gives permission for Matt to proceed further. His hole opening up, Matt pushes in further, loving the groans and moans that escape Andrew’s lips. “Oh yeah,” Matt moans, feeling his thin pubes press against Andrew’s round muscle ass cheeks as he finally reaches the end, his cock fully pressed into his bro. “Fuck you got a nice ass, Andrew.” His breathing more labored as their bodies are pressed firmly together. Matt lifts Andrew up off the bed, letting his slightly smaller twin wrap his legs around his waist; Matt’s cock moving and shifting inside of him as they changed sexual positions. Matt moves over to his desk, sitting down on it. He places his hands on Andrew’s ass as he begins to lift his brother up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm. Andrew moans more and more with each thrust up and down Matt’s shaft in pure pleasure. Every time he is dropped to the base of Matt’s cock he gasps as he feels the large phallus leaving him as he is lifted back up the shaft towards the large head, just to start his long moan as he is lowered again. Andrew’s cock is rock hard and slapping firmly against Matt’s abs as Matt holds him close to his chest. Something then snaps in his own mind right then, the consequences if Andrew was to cum now without something blocking his spunk would be very bad. “Matt… Fuck… nnn… This….Is…A… Bad… Position…” Andrew manages to get out as Matt pounds into him, steadily speeding up his rhythm as he begins to go faster… and faster… “Mmm, Fuck no, Bro! This position is fucking amazing!” Matt growl’s holding Andrew steady as he slams his dick up inside of Andrew, roughly fucking his twin, loving the way Andrew’s lust is evident from his panting and grimacing facial expressions; the way Andrew’s cock hits his abs over and over as he fucks him hard, yet passionately. Matt’s own ass begins to rise up off the chair slightly as he tries to drive his cock in even deeper if it could even be possible; spreading his strong muscular legs wider, leaning back against the desk, driving his dick up into Andrew as he holds his bro in position. His balls begin to ache, he wants to fill Andrew up so much with his love, but they seem to tremble and swell as they begin to cause him pain. Matt snarl’s angrily, desperately wanting to cum as he begins to fuck Andrew even harder, roughly thrusting up into his twin, muscles tensing and flexing with extra effort as beads of sweat begin to form on his skin. Andrew continues to be tossed around, enjoying the pounding as he notices Matt’s face begin to turn red, as he finally cries out in agony, desperate for relief. “Ah, Fuck… Please Matt…” he moans into the rhythm. With a loud cry of pain and pleasure, but pure ecstasy, Matt explodes. “AH FUCK!!!!” Pushing deep inside, Matt feels his dick spasm wildly, the big rod rocking about wildly as his seed continues to erupt from his shaft, filling the condom. The reservoir tip beginning to fill… more… and more… There is so much cum rocketing forth, Matt feels like his cock won’t stop, but he realizes it’s not his choice, it’s something more. Matt’s Symbiote controlled balls are working in overdrive, filling the tip of the condom, making it swell larger and larger inside of Andrew as it continues to fill with Matt’s splooge. “Oh fuck, Matt…” Andrew’s eyes go wide as the rubber reservoir tip expands so much it ruptures inside of him, flooding the enhanced cock cream throughout Andrew completely. As soon as it breaks and flows into him, it’s immediately absorbed, but this time Andrew isn’t warmth spreading over his body; heat begins to fill him, a fire. Every muscle in Andrew’s body begins to tense up all at once, flexing hard against an unseen resistance. “FUCK! THIS…IS… HUGE!” Andrew’s height shoots upwards, almost instantly he is four inches taller, his shoulders broadening wider to provide new space for the muscle that is pumping out from under his skin. Every fiber of his being tensing as he gets bigger everywhere, the veins making a road map to every part of him as they pump with blood and begin to be seen without even a flex. Fifty pounds of solid mass was just added to him in mere minutes, and the show was just starting. Andrew’s own cock, six and a half inches of rock hard meat expands upwards and outwards, throbbing madly as it added one more inch of length and bloated thicker to accommodate his new size. As Andrew’s growth begins to subside, his body bordering on close to Matt’s size now, their bodies even closer than ever, his cock begins rubbing against the ridges of Matt’s abs. As it grew longer and thicker, his body becoming closer to perfection like his larger twin, he begins to gaze at himself in awe from these new changes, the pressure in his own balls begins to come to a head and spill out. As Andrew tries to move up off of Matt’s cock, his body has it’s own desires as his now perfect muscular bubble butt ass latches down on Matt’s cock, “FUCK!!!!” Andrew’s cock explodes! The load firing up into the air as it lands across Matt’s face, chin, and chest. There is nothing else he can do now, but to wait. Andrew wraps his larger arms around Matt, as his cock fires again, his brain going into protective mode, as all he wants to do is hold onto Matt, not realizing his cock is still firing off between their bodies as Matt begins to shrink a bit more. “No…. no no no no no!” Andrew holds Matt tightly as he sits on his cock still balls deep. Their eyes meeting for the first time since they were kids. Matt looks straight across, eye level to Andrew. But it seems a bit off, his eyes may be even a bit lower, but that’s not really surprising since Andrew is still impaled on his dick. Before he came, Andrew had to tilt his head down to look at him, this new status change had him slightly tilting his head up. “Damn Andrew,” he croaked, words a bit slurred. Matt reached up and tries to pull Andrew off of his tool, but Andrew is now too big, too heavy. 200lbs of pure beef sitting on his lap. Matt’s ass touches down on the chair, his trembling legs no longer able to hold up his brother’s weight as easily as he was able to before. “Fuck… you look good…” Matt finally takes in the full size and weight of his twin. His larger muscles, his masculine rock hard hairy chest, his powerful shoulders, and his vasularly huge arms. Andrew lifts his ass up off of Matt’s cock, pulling the obliterated latex condom out of his hole. “Look at me, Matt.” He walks over to Matt’s large mirror that he had installed to check his own perfected body out in. Andrew lifts his right arm up, flexing, watching the ball form of his bicep. He brings his other arm up and shows off a most muscular for Matt. Seeing the tightness of his six pack and much larger pecs. Andrew in a matter of minutes has went from a jock built to something more like an amateur athlete. Andrew moves his hand down his furry chest, crossing his hairy covered abs till it meets his cock, which now looks much more adequate with his thick pubic bush. He gives it a squeeze, as he notices Matt looking at him through the mirror. Andrew spins around to face his twin. “No more, Matt…” Matt shivers with desire as he watches Andrew flex and pose and feel up his bigger body. He slowly stands up, walking up to his twin. He’s still taller, but only barely. One inch at most. He also has a slight bit of muscle still on his once tiny bro, but maybe only about twenty pounds if that. Matt brings his own arms up and flexes, his biceps rising up proudly under his skin – he’d still be impressive to anyone who hadn’t seen him flex a few days earlier. His arms are clearly still a bit bigger then Andrews. Their cocks, on the other hand, look exactly the same size. While Andrew’s dick is more obscured by his new full bush, it’s clear that the two were hanging equally low. “Damn, Andrew. You look good.” Matt purred as he looked his twin up and down. “I’m almost glad that was a defective rubber. Andrew smirks at his bro, crossing his larger muscular arms in front of his newly firm pecs. “Control yourself bro,” his voice has lowered more drastically with this new change. “Another mishap and I’ll probably be the same size as you.” He stretches his arms over his head, feeling his new size. “Well, we wasted our day with experimenting. All this growth sure is making me tired.” Andrew lets out a deep yawn as he goes to sit on his bed. Matt’s eyes never leaving his body. Matt walks over and joins Andrew on his bed, reaching out, massaging Andrew’s newly thick shoulders and traps. “Having a twin who’s the same size as me wouldn’t be the worst thing,” he tried joking as he rubbed Andrew’s thick neck. “Who knows, Bro? Maybe you’ll become a gym rat like me!” Matt laughs, as he throws his head against the pillow on Andrew’s bed. Matt pulls Andrew back into him, until they are both prone and laying in each other’s arms. “Remember how we used to do this, as kids? Sneak into each other’s beds, just stay awake for hours at night, talking to each other? Well, whispering back then. We didn’t want our parents to hear us awake.” He chuckled. “Those were good times, weren’t they?” Andrew lays against Matt’s arm; its smaller then he’s used to with his new size and the lack of size Matt once had as he reminisces about those great times they shared. He grins, turning to face Matt. “Yeah…” Andrew leans in and tries to get a whiff of Matt’s underarm, but when his nose nuzzles Matt’s inner arm, there is no longer that manly masculine scent that he loved so much. He sighs, “Don’t you miss being big, Matt?” “A little. Okay, more than a little. I do miss it. It’s weird, you know? One day I’m the big man on campus and the next, well, not so much.” Matt pauses for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts. “But it’s not all bad, you know? I’m, uh, learning to look at things differently. A Different perspective or whatever. Maybe I wouldn’t have chosen this, if you’d asked me a couple days ago. But hey, lemonade out of lemons right?” Matt turns his own body to look Andrew right in the eyes. “And you’re finally getting some meat on you! For me, that’s definitely a big plus!” Matt grins back at Andrew, running a hand over his brother’s hairy chest, feeling the contours of the new slab of Andrew’s pecs. “Could be worse, right?” Andrew pushes himself up on his elbows. “You’re right. It could have been worse. What if we were complete strangers, or even some stupid roommates?” Andrew bursts out laughing. “At least it’s happening between us, two close brothers.” Andrew moves in to kiss Matt, this time much deeper as the wall between them begins to break, most likely due to the recent surge of Andrew’s confidence from the recent growth. “If I get bigger then you, Matt, I will be there for you like you have always been for me all these years.” “Mmm..” Matt murmurs, surprised and pleased by the force of Andrew’s affections. “I know you’ll be there, Andrew. I know you’ll look out for me. I want you… too…” Matt’s voice catches as the words “Want You” escape past his lips. Like something deeper inside him is triggered. Matt can’t quite figure it out, but it makes him feel safe pressed against Andrew; their hard bodies mashed together on Andrew’s bed. His dick slowly starts to stir again, but Matt wills himself to behave. After all that’s gone on so far, he’s not entirely sure he can take much more, even though a deep part of him desperately wants it. Andrew yawns again, exasperated from the events of the day. “Well… I’m just gonna… sleep…” Andrew crashes out on the spot, his head hitting the pillow as he begins a deep snore. His body needing to recharge from today’s dramatic growth ordeal. As Matt pushes himself off the bed to move over towards his own, Andrew begins to mumble words in his sleep… To Be Continued... Coming Soon Part 07: While You Were Sleeping
  11. Littlerjim

    Ego Boost (FINAL part added July 11th)

    This place isn’t a club; it’s a hunting ground. At least, that’s the chief thought that runs through Sean’s head as he slinks into the bar with cat-like grace. He has a crooked smile on his face as he thanks the bouncer that lets him in - there’s no waiting in line for him any more, he’s practically part of the furniture here - then scans the crowd for new faces. One place he differs from his feline counterparts, however, is his choice of prey. He’s not looking for something tiny to pester and toy with. He’s in the market for something bigger. Much bigger. At 5’5”, and with a slim though toned frame, you’d hardly think he’d have the swagger to own the place. Yet he struts across the dancefloor like it all the same, receiving smiles - some warm, some false, several nervous - from those that recognize him. Today he’s decided on a more understated look - a simple tank top that cuts off at his midriff, exposing his flat but not ripped stomach, a pair of jeans and some comfortable shoes. Very few people are taken in by it though, his reputation well and truly proceeding him, and for good reason. This man is dangerous. His little tour around the club, taking stock of his kingdom, takes him inevitably upstairs and to the bar. It was always a packed affair, and he usually had people to go and queue for him - but today was different. Because standing at the bar, he had found his quarry. Sean was a man who felt he had seen it all and done it all and, due to his particular circumstances, he’d certainly done a lot more than most others. But as his eyes fall upon the individual waiting patiently for his turn at the bar, they can’t help but widen in surprise. He just hoped they weren’t bigger than his belly. The man is gigantic, and not just in a way that feels that way to the diminutive Sean. He’s gigantic in a way that stands head and shoulders above everybody around him. In a way that makes him broader than anyone close - huge burly muscles clearly visible through the near-transparent white shirt that fails valiantly at covering his tapering torso. His thick arms, bared to the bar, look thicker than Sean’s legs. The man’s jeans stretch to almost paper-thin across impossible quads, his long legs bulk outward to support his impressive frame. He was easily the biggest person Sean had ever encountered; and given his disposition, Sean had encountered several large people. His mind boggles at the possibilities. And yet, for all that size and power, which the attention of the club around him like a black hole, there's a softness to the man. He's by no means fat - every muscle on his frame is displayed with prominence in spite of any painted-on clothing. But they looked pliable, like freshly risen dough, and it took Sean a considerable amount of self-control to resist walking straight up and sinking his fingers in. But soft, too, is the expression on his face. Under a small curtain of dark brown hair, his eyes survey the bar around him with curiosity, and a patient smile plays across his lips. Sean catches himself, closing his mouth and instinctively checking that nobody had clocked him. They hadn't. All eyes in this part of the bar are fixed on the seemingly oblivious giant. The anonymity it grants him is almost refreshing; almost. But he steels the bitter sting of jealousy with one thought; they've seen nothing yet. He approaches. The size of the man was halting from a distance, but from this close, Sean's brain is put into eddying circles. He barely reaches the man's armpits, and he cranes his neck upward; that same, steady smile is fixed there, not noticing the smaller man. Well this was embarrassing. Sean considers clearing his throat, but there's no guarantee the sound would even carry the distance up to the man's ears given the volume of the music in here. Instead he stands close and, spotting the man's hands resting patiently on the bar, reaches forward. Their forearms rest against each other as Sean weedles his slender fingers between the man's much larger digits, the difference in their respective sizes immediately telling. "Excuse me, sir? Sorry, but it seems you've mistakenly put your hand on mine." Sean had been staring into the middle distance, playing coy and pretending not to notice the titan next to him. The man's voice is surprising, less bass-y than he expected but with enough power to carry his otherwise soft tone over the noisy bar. When Sean does turn to once again invoke vertigo by looking up at the man, he finds the patient smile is still present, though this time it's marred by a slightly cocked eyebrow, as genuine concern seeps from every pore. "Did I? How clumsy of me," Sean responds, without hint of an apology, nor moving his hand. "Have you been waiting long?" "Just ten minutes or so. But it's fine, there's a lot of thirsty people here," The man said, shooting another confused look at their hands, but not saying anything. "10 minutes? Sounds like you need the VIP treatment. You strike me as a beer guy, am I right?" Sean asks. "Yes - well, sometimes. I normally don't drink alcohol at all, but it's a nice change from time to time," the man responds awkwardly. "Well, they've got something better than beer here..." Sean says, before leaning over and gesturing to a barmaid that catches his eye. "What's that?" "Free beer." The drinks arrive within seconds, and the barmaid leaves without another word. Sean hands the man a glass, near overflowing with the cold, amber liquid. "Oh no, I couldn't possibly! Here." He takes his hand away from the bar, and reaches into his jeans pocket. Sean isn't quite sure how he found space to actually store anything - perhaps they're bigger on the inside? - but he somehow manages to withdraw a wallet, from which he tries to push a crumpled note into the smaller man's hands. Sean moves his palms into the air like a gun is being pointed at him. "Keep your money!" He laughs, refusing to accept it, "You can always get the next one." "The next one?" That confused look is back on his face - it's kind of cute, Sean admits. "After you drink these with me," he says, sucking a small amount of his own drink through its straw, "Part of the VIP treatment is getting to spend time with other VIPs, don't you know. Name's Sean." "Peter," the large man acting on instinct and offering his hand. Sean doesn't miss his opportunity and takes it, his own quickly enveloped by the soft warm flesh. "Are you here alone? I am..." He says softly, still revelling at the feeling of this huge paw. "No, I'm here with my brother - “ He looks around him and gestures vaguely towards a balcony overlooking this floor below, but his arm quickly falls by his side. David had been there just a moment ago, talking to a young woman the two of them had run into, but now that he looks there’s no trace of him. “-or at least I was.” “You’d think he’d be easy to spot,” Sean says, still staring at their hands. “Why?” This breaks his gaze once more, but again there’s nothing but innocence and confusion on the big man’s face. “Because if there’s any family resemblance at all, he’ll be sticking out head and shoulders above everyone else in the room?” Sean hazards, not quite trusting his apparent sincerity. -zip- Peter pulls his hand away from Sean’s instinctively. He feels… something. He wasn’t sure what - it was almost like a static shock, but not painful. Just a small crack of something in his hand, followed by a warm feeling that spreads through his nervous system. He freezes for a moment, then shakes his head, as if regaining his bearings. “Oh, um, no - he’s not as tall as me. Not since I was, like, 12? I’m sure he’s around somewhere though.” “Well, why don’t you keep me company until he comes back? A little guy like me could certainly use someone like you to keep an eye on him…” Sean says, appealing to his ego. “Aha, well, I’m not sure what to say…” Peter says, an embarrassed smile spreading over his face, a pair of deep dimples sinking into his cheeks. He lifts his arm up and scratches the back of his head nervously, causing Sean to almost drool as he stares at the peak that forms there. It looks bigger than his head, surely that poor sleeve can’t take much more. SHHHHHHRRRRPPPPP As if by magic, a tear forms slowly at first, then rapidly stretches up the length of the sleeve almost to the armpit. Peter drops his arm in alarm - this isn’t the first time he’d destroyed an item of clothing, but this shirt was new-on tonight. It had been tight - everything was tight on him - but surely it wasn’t that precarious? “I’m s-so sorry!” He stammers, seemingly mortified at this display of his absolute size, “I promise I wasn’t trying to show off, or anything! Really, I should be more careful-” “Hey, hey, hey - there’s nothing to apologise for! It’s got to be tough being built like you,” Sean says soothingly, reaching forward to stroke Peter on the arm, his eyes lingering on the shredded shirt for just a moment, “If you’re worried about causing a scene though, why don’t you come with me? We can find a quiet little booth out of the way, but still keep our eyes on the bar for your brother. Sound good?” Peter nods, and lets the smaller man lead him away. Sean is glad to be facing away from him - he can only hold the excitement in for so long, a hungry look haunting his face as he drops his guard for just a moment. It was starting already!
  12. hairymusclemorphs


    Part 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was still cold outside when I enter the corridor of the public swimming hall. I was in my second year of university when I decided to join the swimming club. I wasn’t built for swimming. I enjoyed weight lifting and wrestling. Well… and growing in every aspect possible. But my doctor told me I could use the extra cardio to get my blood pumping once a week. Most of the other studs were twunks. Maybe it was just my view of the world. I was tall with my 6’4 (193cm) in height. And no one even got close to my physique. I looked like a muscle freak compared to their slim swimmer bodies. And it wasn’t a bad thing… To be honest – It was a great feeling to outman them with my own image of masculinity. I rummaged through my bag searching for my speedo. But it was no luck. I glanced over to Jake. We weren’t close friends, but I could sense his lust for my body. I catched him checking me out from time to time. And even now he was clearly glancing further down towards my prominent bulge. I was packing close to 10 inches. And I couldn’t hide the fact that my bulge was pushing my jockstrap slightly down, revealing the heavy base of my shaft.. “You don’t happen to have a spare speedo?” He slowly took his opportunity to glance all over my frame. I was pumped from my workout earlier. My pecs were slightly hairy and my cock was pushing my jockstrap out to perfection, revealing a slight trail of pubic hair. I was the only stud inside the swimming group who wasn’t shaved to the bones. Probably because speed didn’t matter in my eyes. He just nodded towards the equipment room. “I don’t have any… But they have a collection of lost speedos. Just pick of them.” He focused on my massive cock and blushed when I slowly adjusted my fat package, pushing my jockstrap further up again… “Thanks man” I slapped him on his athletic back before I slowly steered towards the storage room. The light was dim in there. It stank like chlorine when I searched for lost items. The lost stuff was stored inside a huge wooden chest. *Damn… Looks like no one wants a pair of lost speedos back…* When I opened the heavy box, I found a collection of 30 to 40 speedos, several bodysuits, and swimming caps in all colors and sizes in there. Most looked rather boring. And many were way too small for my physique. I slightly got hard when I just imagined how they wouldn’t even survive my pumped calves or quads by trying them on. I already heard the showers running in the nearby shower room when I grabbed the hottest one out of the pack. It was a signal red one with a white cross over the top. That man had to be a fucking freak, because when I tried it on… It fit. And to my surprise: It was even a few numbers too huge for my 10 incher and my bull nuts. I felt small for once when I had to use the built in Laces to pull it tight around my sculpted hips. I spotted Jake in the shower room and took the spot right next to him. Just when the water hit my sculpted body and the fabric of my speedo I let out a deep, long and uncontrolled moan. I slightly crunched forward under the pleasure… Fuck…. It felt like I just came when the water hit my package… I let out a low grunt, slowly trying to get back control over my lust before I inhaled slowly… Until I realizing everyone in the shower room stared at me. A few were clearly aroused by the sight. Others disgusted. “Care bout your own business already” My voice was deeper.. manlier… I saw Jake gaping when I just forced him into a headlock. I was rock hard. I ignored the other men in the showers who just left as quickly as possible. “Fuck… Whatever you put into my speedo… You clearly knew what was going to happen, right?” I pinned him rougher against my musky pit, ignoring his weak attempts to get out of my grip… “I PROMISE..” His voice was muffled “..NNGH I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WITH YOUR SPEEDOS” He squirmed and gasped for air when I released him. At least he was also popping a boner now… “..I swear I’ll fucking break you if you lied” I saw his red head.. He was still cute with his pumped athletic frame. I Couldn’t be mad about him more than few minutes so I decided to help him with his boner problem in an instance. I pulled him underneath my showerhead and switched the water to the coldest setting. It was winter. And I knew how cold the water could get in public places. The cold stream hit our bodies. He wanted to shift away, tried to shout but I Just muffled his shouts with my rough hand, forcing him up against my sculpted body. It worked for him… But it didn’t work for my part. It only made me even harder when I felt the water hit my massive pecs, rushing down over my sculpted abs and my throbbing boner. It was almost as if my body just adapted to the cold while I felt him shiver in my arms. At least the trick worked for him… When I switched the water back to hot. He was clearly pissed, pushing my arm away before he stomped off into the swimming hall. I sighed, watching his bubble but waddling away while I still waited a few more minutes until I had my fat cock back under control. It still was semi. But I didn’t care. I couldn’t hide my cock even if it was soft. They can stare as long as they want. Because I would do the same if I saw my reflection in a mirror right now.
  13. Chapter 1: The First Day Jayden looked over the website, looking for a new job. His funds had gotten low, and he was getting to that point where his roommates were pressuring him to find a new job, to help pay the bills. His current job as a janitor at a school wasn't really paying well, and he paid less bills than his roommates. So, he decided to try something new. Sighing, he rested his head on his desk. The young 22 year old's eyes had bags under them, having not slept for near on 23 hours now. He was about to give up hope, until he spotted a strange looking advertisement. It stood out to him, as it had an interesting job name: "Towel Boy/Escort Wanted! Male Only!" He shrugged, and decided to check it out. He clicked on it, and it took him to an external site. The site's color pallet was red and black. It was for a gym called "Pump and Hump". "The...Pump and Hump? That's...strange. Probably means something like 'hump day' or something." The young man shrugged, and continued to read the ad: Towel Boy/Escort Wanted! Male Only! We are seeking a young man, aged between 19 to 26. The applicant must be good with their hands, and be in shape. Preferably, the applicant must also be homosexual, or, at the least, bisexual. The applicant must also be willing to engage in possible intercourse. No references required! Pump and Hump is a homosexual gym proudly founded in 2017, by Mr. Tim Yates. It is a place for exercise nuts to come and be themselves, working out, and enjoying a public shower and locker room. We are specifically looking for a young man to towel down sweaty bodybuilders, as well as service them. The Position comes with many benefits: you will be provided health insurance, and free access to the gym and showers. In addition, your hourly rate will be $25. We hope you'll apply, and give us a chance. Jayden looked at the ad, his eyes wide. He never knew a place like this existed. He looked at the provided pictures, and the interior was clean, immaculate, and was filled with various pieces of exercise equipment. The showers were very large, and the locker room boasted 900 lockers. He then decided to look up Tim Yates, and found himself looking at a rather attractive image. Tim seemed to be a 47 year old man, who was tall, boasted a strong musculature, and was well-endowed. He had gorgeous brown eyes, and short, sandy blond hair. He was the epitome of masculinity. Jayden gulped. He was gay himself, and the thought of toweling down and servicing handsome men appealed to him. And with such good benefits, he was very tempted. He looked at the required schedule, and the expected maximum hours were 72 hours a week, at most, 24 hours at least. He quickly tapped apply, and sent off his resume, along with, as he hoped would help, a picture of himself. Jayden was a rather handsome guy. 6 foot even, and toned. He had blue eyes, and shoulder length brown hair. He also was proud of his 10 inches. He got up, and was about to head to bed. Before his head hit the pillow, his phone buzzed, telling him that he had an email. He blinked, picking up his phone. It was a text from...Tim Yates! "HI THERE! I was wanting to say, love the resume. We'd love to have you. Please, come by tomorrow at 10am sharp." Jayden's eyes went wide. Did he just net the job? He grinned, before passing out. Awakening several hours later, Jayden remembered his interview, and quickly washed up, suited up, and headed out. His short drive to the gym was uneventful, but he was thinking about what would happen. He could only imagine the types of guys that would be there. He grinned stupidly, before coming to when he got to the gym. He pulled up, and noticed that there were few cars in the car park. Maybe most people walked there? Regardless, the young man made his way inside, and found himself in a small reception area. It was soothing, playing rock music over the stereo system. "Hey there. You Jayden?" Jayden stopped looking around, and focused on the guy behind the counter, blushing bright red. The man was handsome! He must've been 6 foot 6, and was muscular enough that his chest bulged out his shirt, his nipples visible. His arms were strong, with veins on them. He was sitting, so unfortunately, Jayden didn't get a good look at the goods. The man, who's name was Adam, according to his name tag, had a gorgeous, heart melting smile. This man seemed genuinely nice. "U-Uh, yeah, that's me. Mr Yates wanted to see me?" "Yeah, for sure! Follow me!" Adam stood up, and led Jayden down a hallway behind the desk. Jayden watched Adam's bubble butt bounce with each step. It was mesmerizing, filling out his shorts nicely. Jayden grinned, before he quickly looked away when he noticed Adam looking over his shoulder. He stopped at a door, with a manager sign on it, and knocked. There was quiet for a couple of minutes, before it opened up, and Tim peeked out. He was really tall in reality, probably about 6 foot 10. "Jayden? Excellent! Come on in." Adam left them to it, as Jayden stepped in, Tim closing the door. They both took seats, and Tim looked over the young man, like he was looking for something. He nodded, seemingly pleased, and smiled at Jayden. "So, the ad...you know what you applied for? You may go home stinking of sweat, and with a sore ass." Jayden chuckled awkwardly, before nodding. "Yeah, I know. It's...It's why I applied, sir. If I have to be honest, this is kinda my dream job. I was caught off-guard something like this existed." "Is that so? So, tell me, Jayden, you're gay, right? You outed? Or closeted?" "Uh, I'm...kinda still closeted. I haven't told many people." "Heh, that's alright. Well, if you'd like, today we can give ya your first shift." Jayden blinked. He wasn't expecting to be hired immediately. He rubbed behind his head, and nodded. "Sure, but, don't I need a uniform? And to give you my bank details?" Tim nodded. He got up, and headed to a storage closet. He disappeared inside of it, before returning with a uniform. It was like Adam's, with a pair of shorts and a polo shirt with the logo on it. And, after this, Tim and Jayden sorted out the paperwork details, before Jayden was sent to change. He found the uniform comfortable, and it was shaped to his body nicely. He grinned, blushing that he had this job. He looked at himself in the mirror, before he lifted his arm into a flex. It wasn't impressive, but it showed that the lad worked out a little bit, at least. Jayden grinned, before the lights were blocked, and he looked at the mirror again, seeing someone standing behind him. He jumped, and turned around, looking up. It was an Adonis of a man. He must've been 7 foot tall, and powerfully built. He looked like a Greek god, his pecs as big as barrels, and his abs like saucers. His arms were as thick as basketballs. And, those tree trunk like legs. And, being covered by his only piece of clothing, his package hung heavy, the bulge itself looking like he was smuggling a bowling ball. "Hey there, cutie. Never seen you here before. New here?" "Uh, y-yeah. I am. You're...fucking huge..." Jayden facepalmed himself at his comment, which he had said out loud. The big guy laughed, and lifted his arm into a flex. That arm could've knocked down a wall. Jayden reached up for it, before stopping himself. The big guy cooed to him gently, before handing him a towel. Jayden then noticed that the huge guy was covered head to toe in sweat, super musky. He had a strong, masculine smell, and had an earthy tone to it. Jayden began wiping down the guy's abs, before the guy smirked, and tugged Jayden close, forcing Jayden's face into his armpit. Jayden groaned, his face and now moist hair covered in the big guy's sweat. "Towels are boring, aren't I right, cutie? So, let's be fun with this. Lick the pits, cutie." Jayden nodded, tossing the useless towel away, as he ran his tongue up the larger guy's hairy pit. He tasted the sweat, and it was rather salty, but it tasted nice to him. He sampled the pit, before the big guy pushed him back. "What's your name, kid? Mine is Phil, but you can call me daddy." Jayden huffed, licking his wet lips, as he was slightly dazed by the scent still. He shook himself back to reality. "Mine is Jayden, daddy." Phil nodded, admiring Jayden. He flexed his bicep, and Jayden immediately reached up, caressing the bicep. It was powerful, like it was made of marble. Jayden kissed it gently, massaging the bicep. Phil groaned happily, his shorts growing tight. Jayden turned his attention to those two, huge pecs. He smiled, running his tongue up the crevice between them. He then kissed each of them, massaging them happily. He would come closer, and would slip a thick nipple into his mouth. He suckled on it greedily, making the bodybuilder moan out in pleasure. "Fuuuuck, kid. Easy now. I wanna finish inside of ya." Jayden pulled off of that nipple, and kissed down the huge man's abs, before ending up on his knees in front of the huge man. He would hug around a thick leg, and would lick up and down it, tracing the muscles that flexed in it when Phil moved. He moved to the other leg, and ran his tongue up it, before finding himself face to face with that package. Phil grinned, and stroked Jayden's head. "That's right. Daddy has a present for ya. Gotta unwrap it first." Jayden hastily tugged down those shorts to the huge guy's ankles. He went wide-eyed, staring at the package before him. If he had to guess, the cock that was poking his nose now must've roughly been 20 inches of pure man, with a heavy set of balls dangling beneath them. Jayden was unsure, but he remembered his job. He looked up, and took the head of that monster into his mouth. He would slowly bob his head on it, running his tongue down the sides of it. He was an amateur, and it showed, fitting only 4 inches of it into his gob. The man still moaned in pleasure, gripping a hold of the lad's hair. Jayden didn't want to make the man bored though. He gripped the man's balls in one hand, and stroked them. And, with his other hands, he gripped the shaft that wasn't in his mouth, and began jerking it off. The man groaned, with a grin. "Fuck, kid, ya must be a pro? Or you've watched a lot of porn." Jayden blushed, working that cock in his mouth. Phil moaned out, before he began thrusting his hips. He looked down at Jayden, who looked up at the man, past his heavy pecs. THe two shared a look, before Phil grinned. He slammed a fist into a locker, denting it, as he let out a yell of pleasure. Jayden winced when his cheeks swelled up, his mouth quickly filling with the alpha male's cum. He gulped it down as quick as he could, only to be replaced by more cum. It felt like a long time, Jayden's eyes watering up from the heat. Phil was clenching his teeth, experiencing a hard orgasm. Jayden felt a breeze on his belly. After a couple minutes had passed, Phil pulled back, spurting some cum into Jayden's hair. He panted, swaying a bit, before he looked down at Jayden. "Well, kid, I gotta get back to work. But, you enjoy yourself now." Phil tugged his shorts up and left. Jayden shakily got to his knees, and looked at himself in the mirror. He was shocked to find that his belly had swollen up. He rubbed over it. It had swollen with Phil's seed, and the young man looked several months pregnant. Jayden belched, the smell of Phil's musky seed. He grinned, jiggling his now sloshing gut. "Fuck, if this is my first day, this job is going to be the time of my life." And, with that, Jayden went around the first day of his shift, stinking of the alpha male's sweat, and with a sloshing gut, as he attended to his customers. And Jayden had the best day of his life.
  14. hairymusclemorphs

    Farmer's boy

    // part 1 of another short series || update: fixed the grammar mistakes Farmer’s boy I was 25 when I knocked against the heavy door of the farmer's house. I was sweaty from my ride on the bicycle, and I gulped audibly when the door swung open… And he stood at the door. "Here for the job?" His low voice was booming… I had never heard such a deep voice before… Fuck, it was sending shivers throughout my bones. My cock was hardening while my eyes tried to process it all… He was huge… Tall and wide… His hairy pecs pushed the fabric of his lumberjack shirt and suspenders to their limits. "Hey, eyes up here" he had a cocky smirk on his lips when I glanced up. My neck felt slightly sore. I always knew I was average with my 6' in height. But that man was huge. He had to be at least 7' in size when he glanced down at me with amusement. "Y Yeah… Here for the job…." "Don't worry, son, you'll grow the muscle you need to get the job done" He led me into his living room where I took place. "You're the only one who didn't turn on his heels after he spotted me…." He tapped the table with his thick fingers while he checked me out. I was athletic… But nothing close to his physique. His biceps looked as if it was close to tearing his shirt's sleeves apart at any given moment. And fuck… He looked like a pro wrestler… Or even a bodybuilder. I've never seen men this big… or potent. But when I recalled his job description… He was "an ordinary farmer and lumberjack looking for a new helper to feed the animals and help him in the woods." "Boy… Listen to my offer before you make your decision" He leaned slightly over the table while filling my glass with fresh milk. "If you work for me over the summer… I'll pay you double and give you a room upstairs… Feeding you through during the next three months." He looked me in the eyes while raising one of his thick brows while I slowly chugged down the glass of milk, wiping my mouth with my forearm. "I'm in for it" I placed the empty glass on the table and was surprised to see his grin widen. I never tasted anything like that fresh milk. "To be honest, I didn't expect you to agree… The last five studs turned on their heels when they spotted me in the doorway…. But in reality, I'm not that intimidating, am I?" He flexed one of his massive arms, and his shirt just ripped apart around the sleeves. I could smell his scent. His sweaty musk filled the air. My own 5.7 inches of cock were hardening full mast in my jeans…. I gulped slowly… "Not at all," I lied while glancing around the room to see where his wife was. He followed my gaze slowly before reaching his full height again. It was the first time that I could take a long stare at his package… His monstrous shaft and nuts were so massive that I could spot them through the jean's fabric… Fuck he was packing. "We're the only two on the farm" he glanced down at me… "Lemme show me your room" He slowly made his way towards the hallway; his broad back turned to me when I tried shoving my hardon underneath my belt before I followed him upstairs. Fuck I felt heated, and my cock was oozing pre like crazy. My muscles felt good. Almost as if I had a decent pump even without hitting the gym. "That's your room… My son used it back in the days… But he moved overseas a week ago…. Never really cleaned up his mess though" He let me inside and leaned against the wooden doorframe behind me… Fuck… he really filled it out to perfection. He had to lean against the top crossbar with his forearm, crunching slightly to glance down at me through the door. "Take whatever you need… My son Jake won't need it any longer… And I'm more than pleased if someone finally takes care of that nasty boy's mess." I slowly nodded when he patted me on my shoulder in approval. "And don't worry about him returning. He won't be back home for at least a few years". He slowly turned around to leave. "Make yourself at home… And take his clothes if you like them… He grew out of them way too fast. . ." He chuckled while walking down the hallway. "I'll introduce you to your work tomorrow…. Dinner is at 7… And call me Mike if you need anything." I could see his monstrous glutes, quads, and calves fighting with the jeans fabric while he slowly made his way downstairs again… I inhaled the air… Feeling more pre oozing out of my shaft before I glanced down… Did my cockhead always push out over the belt… And my arms… They looked massive today. Fuck, my workouts really paid off. I can even spot my abs slightly sticking out underneath my shirt. I slowly moved around the room. Jake had to be a fucking freak of a stud… The ground was covered in jockstraps which either were torn apart or featured prominent stains of what had to be his jizz. I slowly made my way towards the closet and pulled out a shirt. It was big enough for two or three Luke's of my size… And fuck… I got even hornier when I found his underwear drawer… He had to be packing… Clearly coming after his beast of a father. I slowly undressed when I couldn't resist trying it on. I got even harder when I realized my hard cock couldn't stretch the fabric far enough. The waistband was worn out and always slid back down my hips… But Jake had some hot clothes. Prominent red jockstraps… He has enormous hoodies and his own collection of lumberjack shirts. I tried on one of his hoodies and just gulped when I glanced down at myself… The hoodie ended right above my knees…. It looked like a tent on my body… The fabric alone was heavy enough that even I could feel its impact on my body…. Did he grow out of that stuff? That's Impossible, right? I slowly got rid of his hoodie again, making my way to his desk drawers. The upper drawer was filled with polaroids with stuff written onto the white edge beneath. "First day of college" I glanced onto the stud. He was hot. Looked like a regular jock. He had a chiseled jawline, and his school uniform was painted on his body to perfection… "Started wrestling" was the second polaroid…. My cock almost exploded in my pants when I stared at the image. That was porn material. He was huge… He was at least 7'…, more like 7'2 in height… He was standing in the middle of what had to be a locker room. Pinning someone against his side… Against his hairy pits. His huge cock was throbbing. Bulging against his monstrous abs while he clearly did not care if anyone saw his massive member. His nuts were bigger than eggs, more like oranges. And the buff dude to his side looked scrawny compared to his mass. I slowly switched to the next pic… Feeling my cock exploding inside my briefs. "Helping my old man on the farm…." He was clearly the one who held the camera for the selfie… I could see mike standing next to him. His massive right arm wrapped around Mike's shoulders and neck. He was barely tall enough to face his son's huge nipples… He looked … so… puny next to him… Mike had a smile on his lips while he didn't look bothered that his son was all naked. A thick stream of what had to be pre ran over his massive cock onto the muddy ground. And without the other polaroids… I probably would've switched their roles in my head… I slowly pushed the images back into the drawer when I searched for something to eliminate the mess inside my briefs… I panted… Feeling my cock stir even harder inside my underwear… I just came… But my nuts felt like they wanted to blast an even bigger load…. I slowly got up and went to his bed and the drawer next to it. It smelled like gym lockers… Or probably just a potent man… if that was what it is. I slowly opened the drawer and glanced inside. I first spotted a huge bag of condoms… supersize was written in bold letters across the package…. A large flashlight was resting next to the box… And back in the corner, I found an almost empty container of tissues… The flashlight had slightly broken plastic around its sides… Wait… A flashlight? I slowly wrapped my fingers around the large tool and pulled it out of the drawer… It was no flashlight… It was a fucking fleshlight… And judging by its clean state, he never really had a chance to use it properly after the fucking sides were crushed by something… My eyes widened when I remembered… Jake's cock was monstrous in the pictures… more like a forearm than a cock. I slowly pulled down my briefs, forgetting to clean up for the moment, when I slowly lowered the fleshlight over my throbbing cock's head. I always wanted to try one of these… I always wanted to… *NNNGHH FUOOCK* I let out a low growl when my cockhead touched the soft insides… Even with the broken sides…. It fulfilled its duties. I laid back on his bed…. Slowly shoving it further down on my cock while my muscles shivered under the pleasure… I inhaled the air… My balls felt ready to blow as if they were close to just bursting apart under the pressure of my cum… I closed my eyes before I slowly stared up at the ceiling…. Stains were covering the wooden top of the room… I rammed the fleshlight down when I let out a relieved grunt… My cock blasted another load… But this time, it got even worse… I could feel the lust only rise inside my veins… That fucker really just blew his loads against the ceiling…. What a pervert… I let out a lower grunt. My adam's apple slightly pushed outwards. My pecs started inflating just so tiny, stretching the material of my shirt further out. My pecs slowly grew hairier underneath, building a prominent happy trail toward my cock's base. My cock was shivering under the lust… I ignored the fapping sounds each time I thrust my cock back into the wet fleshlight… It felt way too good when I pulled my pants further down… It felt like a prison for my calves… I couldn't get my jeans off on their own… But right now, I didn't care… My calves were rippling. My quads were pushing out further… *NNNGHH FUOOOOCK* I closed my eyes when I bucked my hips further out. My abs rippled and got denser… Thicker… My body slowly grew into a prominent v-shape. My shoulders pushed out while my neck got stronger… Manlier… My jaw got slightly square when I heard Mike's deep booming voice shouting from below… "DINNER'S ALMOST READY" My cock exploded inside the fleshlight when I slowly held my breath and moaned…. I was panting, sweating like crazy… "I I'm coming" My voice was deeper… Fuck I sounded manly right now… I slowly pulled off the fleshlight before glancing down, staring at my cock… It was towering around 8 inches in length… I tried to focus but fuck… What happened… I was… bigger…. My mind was razing before I heard tableware clinging down in the kitchen…. Dinner… Dinner right… I slowly tried pulling my jeans back up when I struggled over my quads… I grimaced when I used more force… Squeezing my jeans back up further… It was fucking torture to get my massive nuts inside… They were slightly blue… As if they wanted to blow another five loads right now… I slightly panicked when I realized my shirt was too short… It only covered down to my belly button right now… And my cock… It was fucking oozing out pre like crazy over my abs and pants… Clearly visible even after I pinned it underneath my belt… I rummaged in his closet when I pulled one of the lumberjack shirts and got it on. It was way too big for my frame… But I just tucked it into my pants, hiding my cock at least slightly from Mike's eyes when I slowly made my way downstairs. My feet felt cramped in my shoes… I almost tripped and slightly cursed when my forehead hit the small doorway into the hallway. . . "Looking good" Mike sat at the same table. It was filled to the rims with different foods. Two large mugs of fresh creamy milk. Large steaks with fresh salads. "Still a bit too large for my frame… But had nothing else to wear" I was sweating… I could feel the heat in my body… I couldn't explain it… But I was so damn horny all the time. "You remind me of my son… When he was your size back in the days" He grinned before he slowly leaned in, filling my glass with the creamy milk again…
  15. Heya y'all! It's my first time actually posting anything on this site (that i can remember, at least) and the first time I try my hand at writing this kind of story. but since I read a lot of content from lots of authors both from here and from the previous website, I figured it was time to give a small fraction of it back. Fair warning; English isn't my mothertongue, so any mistakes are entirely mine! Without further ado, here's part one! I hope you'll enjoy it. Male Hunger Part one The humid air of his room had gotten warmer. Bran huffed and licked his lips, tasting the salty sweat racing down his head, hips rocking, his wide hands wildly jerking off his thick cock. He groaned lowly, racking a cum-covered palm through his short hair and started slapping his dick on his 6-pack, splashing precum everywhere. After a few beats, his heavy balls surged higher.. And Bran stopped, out of breath, hands off his penis, his body tensing, muscles flexing hard to keep himself from cumming. After a few long seconds, he brought a veiny hand to his mouth and licked the pre off his thick fingers, one after the other. The taste of pre and the weight of each rough fingers in his mouth had him shuddering so much his eyes closed. Bran roughly pinched his nips and grunted quite loudly as saliva filled his mouth. His other hand skimmed down his thick pecs, along the valleys of his abs, to finally grasp at his thick shaft. He fisted his dick and – the immediate, overwhelming pleasure had him gasping out and snorting air back in, nostrils wide, hips pumping- he distantly recognized the potent scent of his own musky sweat and semen, different, stronger than ever before – He needed more. “Fuuck…,” he growled out, kicking his muscled legs further apart. He needed just a bit more. His other hand left his fluid-covered pecs to tug at and massage his bloated balls, the sensations shooting up sparks up his body. They felt so good, so full, he threw his head back on his pillow; his pre-covered hair coating them. He rocked his hips harder, the sound of his bed hitting the wall getting louder. He distantly heard some of his dorm neighbors hit the wall back but he couldn’t find it in himself to give a single fuck; his attention solely focused on pleasuring his thick, weeping cock. “Fuck!,” he snarled, teeth bared, as release started sweeping through his body. He tensed ever more, both hands tight on his shaft now, tense, striated pecs protruding more and hiding the root of his dick. Not that it mattered; his eyes were focused on the way his cock thickened even more, despite the two fists holding it. Long moments passed, during which his heavy balls, usually hanging low, pulled up and sent its fiery magma up. Bran panted wildly, wide eyes almost rolling backwards, as the first load of semen burst out and arched up the wall behind him, almost splashing on the wall. Some of the thick magma dropped back down and landed on his face, in his mouth, in his hair and on his pecs. After a few tense seconds, as the thicker and warmer liquid and its unusually strong taste coated his taste-buds, a second explosion of semen went out. It did much the same as the first. The third was much the same. “Mmhhh… So good...,” Bran moaned lewdly, in a pleasure-filled haze, as his body alternated between tensing and releasing loads of thick cum over and over. He groaned some more at the ninth; the final shot, the rest of his release dribbling out thickly and utterly flooding his abs. Still in a daze, heart beating loudly in his ears, Bran stroked his heaving belly, sliding the thick white goo over his wide torso, up his neck, down to his pubes. He thoroughly coated his still-rock-hard penis and huge, heavy balls in the stuff. Then he scooped as much as he could and licked it up with one hand, the other dedicating itself to playing with his hard cock. After a while, Bran’s stomach cramped. He was quite hungry but couldn’t be bothered to move. But the sleepiness he expected after such a release didn’t come: he started feeling antsy, as though he had had too much caffeine. His cramping stomach decided him; he would eat something, maybe watch something mindless on the TV, and then he’d go back to bed. But as he got up, something felt off; but Bran shrugged the idea away. He did the same with the vague idea of putting on clothes; it was too much trouble, besides no one was there to care besides himself. And he felt quite warm; he was still sweating. The fact he used to care a lot more about not being buck-naked in the dorm, even in his room, a few weeks ago amused him distantly. His feet thudded and left perspiration on the floor as he left the cum-covered bed and wall behind him. He felt something warm hit his legs and snorted in amusement; his hard-on was still leaking. Feeling even hungrier, Bran headed straight to the small fridge and opened the door. The sudden light had him squinting -the sudden cold surprised him – as he bent his head to search for something good to eat. The cold felt good against his warm flesh and he shuddered in delight. He reached for a can of coke, rose back up, and drank it in a few big gulps. He drank another, and another after that. Then, stomach feeling less empty, but still needing fuel, he went back down and was about to take another can when he noticed something and huffed out a short laugh. “Fuckin’ hell,” he whispered. So focused he had been on filling his belly, he hadn’t really noticed that his still leaking hard-on had coated some stuff in pre. He smirked, shook his head and took out some leftover – spaghetti bolognese – to heat up while he turned on the light, searched for a fork and a big plate. After serving himself, he set himself in front of the TV and, before turning it on, he couldn’t help but checking himself out. His reflection showed him as he was; sitting on a slightly-too-small sofa, large arms bursting out off thickly muscled shoulders and traps rising high of his bull neck. Big legs spread wide, cock high and thick, still dripping, heavy balls low and resting on the sofa. His tight musclebound gut and the V-shape low on his hips partially hidden by his wide and 10 inches long cock, his tits hanging low on a decent pair of round pecs, biceps close to 17 inches and veins and striations both easy to see on his 6’3 frame… All of those were pretty good reasons for the deep satisfaction he felt at looking at himself, a smirk reflecting such masculine pride tugging at his lips. His cock pulsed heavily as pre made his abs glisten and- his stomach cramped: he took a big bite of his meal, burped loudly – the coke – huffed out a laugh, and, feeling a bit more satisfied but still quite ravenous, he demolished his meal. But before he knew it, he was back at the fridge, pulling out enough to make another, albeit bigger meal – he was that hungry. But a man his size needed to eat quite a lot to stay so big. He smiled. “’m damn glad Ian’s not back yet,” he snickered, “he’d freak if he saw me right now”. He slapped his belching cock absently, a meaner smirk on his lips. “Though I know how I’d shut him up, mmffhhh…”, Bran closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, imagination running wild, his cock pulsing harder. Bran then smiled and stole an under-cooked chicken breast from the frying pan, too hungry to wait any longer. He munched on it, muscled jaw breaking it down fast, and his strong neck moving as he swallowed, eyes glazing over in pleasure, drool dropping from his lips. Too busy eating, he didn’t notice the bigger veins appearing all over his studly body. He was too taken up by the need to fill his void-like belly. Meanwhile, the scent of his body, of male pleasure and exertion slowly but silently got stronger in the warm and humid air of his room.
  16. tegalus

    Kyle, the bully God

    Commissioned from SaltyCat56 on FurAffinity It was his first 10k Story and first Commission https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saltycat56/ A thanky to @Kymuscleboy for helping with the Tags . All characters are +18 Kyle eagerly walked down to the science lab, pushing aside any nerds and bitches that got in his way. Normally he'd be down in the cafeteria shaking people down of any food with protein in it, but he had skipped lunch in order to talk a bunch of nerds about making a machine that could make his brains match his brawn, something he needed in order to pass his classes and not be held back a year. He'd threatened the nerds a week ago that he would steal their girlfriends if they didn't have the machine ready by Monday lunch, assuming any of them could get girlfriends in the first place. When he reached the science lab, he barged in with barely any effort. The pathetic nerds jumped at his presence, working on something with two chambers big enough to put groups of people in. Kyle walked up to the machine, using his tail like a whip to firmly smack the ass of a nerd burying their head into a book. Their fault for having their back turned to their better. He eyed up the machine, unsure of what he was looking at. He used his tail again, this time wrapping it around a frail-looking nerd like a lasso and pulling him closer, pressing him to his bulky, muscled body. To the poor nerd it probably felt like he was being pushed up against a wall. "Hey Nerd, the fuck am I looking at?" Kyle asked while looking down at him, the nerd in question at eye level with his nipples. He stammered before finally answering the question. "Ba-basically, it's, uh, a conversion chamber. One steps into the intelligence donor chamber and the person in the intelligence recipient will inherit the intelligence being donated." The nerd squeaked out, surprisingly not speaking in annoying science lingo. "Al-fuckin-right then! Who's volunteering to help me pass my college level math class?" Kyle shouted eagerly. He started to get annoyed though when no nerds volunteered and the one he pulled close to him spoke up. "W-well, actually, we think their might be some negative neuropsychological ramifications for the donor, not to mention unwanted-" was all the nerd got out before being given a wedgie by Kyle, yelping as he dangled a solid foot off the ground before being swung in the direction of one of the chambers. "That right there's the donor chamber, right?" Kyle asked demandingly. The nerd nodded. "Y-yes Kyle!" The wedgie got more intense. "I think ya meant to say 'yes, sir', bitch boy." Kyle corrected the pathetic nerd. "Y-yes, s-sir!" The nerd desperately yelled out before being shoved into the donor chamber. The nerd desperately adjusted his junk as Kyle pulled another nerd up to the machine. "Run the machine and no funny shit or I'm beating down all of y'all!" Kyle demanded as he stepped into the other chamber. The other nerd complied as he started up the machine. The doors locked by the time the first nerd managed to readjust himself and tried to get out. He pounded on the chamber door, pleading to be let out as the machine started to work on the intelligence transfer. The nerd's pleading and pounding grew quieter until nothing. After about a minute, the machine rang and the doors unlocked. Kyle stepped out of his chamber a bit bigger than he used to but he hadn't seemed to have noticed. He looked around at the other five nerds in the room, all of them looking at him. "Alright, someone get me a trigonometry book, that shit was the worst for me." He ordered before noticing that he was a bit taller than before, by about half an inch. Another nerd handed Kyle a trigonometry book and he started to skim through it. Some concepts that were hard for him to process before were now relatively quick and simple for him to understand. Kyle chuckled in delight as he started to think of what he could do with this machine. He opened up the donor chamber to see the nerd he shoved in now being more meek than he was before. The nerd crawled out as if he had neither the muscle nor the brain capacity to walk, collapsing face-first onto Kyle's sneaker. Kyle looked down at the emaciated weakling as the once nerd looked up and had a look in his eye akin to a dog acknowledging its owner before it started licking at Kyle's sneaker. "The hell happened to him?" Kyle asked, pointing down to the pathetic husk at his feet, noticing he was short a nerd but didn't say anything about it. "Well, it had to do with the negative neuropsychological side effects he was talking about earlier." A nerd started explaining. "More or less, it completely drained him of the intelligence necessary for many basic functions. I think it's safe to say he's incapable of much speech or critical thinking. However, this seems to have impacted physicality as well. It ended up not just donating intelligence but also muscle mass. If you haven't already noticed, you came out just slightly bigger than when you came in." By the time the nerd pointed that out, the one missing nerd returned with a full body mirror, probably getting it from the theater class. As the other nerd put the full body mirror in front of him, he noticed his body was a bit bulkier. Probably about 5 pounds of muscle mass had been added to his already muscular body. He couldn't help but flex and groan in satisfaction with the results. Especially looking down to see the husk of his donor still practically worshiping his feet. But he clearly wasn't done just yet. Hegrabbed the nerd who explained the situation to him, pulling him into a headlock. "So what do you think would happen if I sapped all of y'all of everything? Would I be able to improve the machine?" Kyle asked sadistically, looking down at the nerd with a wicked smirk. He pathetically tried to squirm free to no avail, Kyle’s bicep squeezing down on his neck as he started rounding up all the other ones before they could even think of leaving. The nerd would just struggle even harder before being shoved into the donor chamber along with all the other nerds, Kyle forcing the door shut on them. "Only one way to find out then, would be my guess." Kyle said nonchalantly as the nerds pounded on the door while letting out pathetic pleas. Kyle proceeded to pick the nerd husk off the ground, away from his feet, and got the former nerd to sit in the teacher's chair which he pulled in front of the control console. "Start the machine when I go into the other chamber, understand?" Kyle instructed the husk very slowly, unsure admittedly of its capacity to understand, let alone its ability to turn on the machine. The husk nodded in response, looking up at Kyle. "Yes master." The husk responded slowly and almost absent-mindedly. Hearing the husk refer to him like that was a bit of a turn on as he stepped into the other chamber, feeling a bit more confident about his decision. As the door closed behind Kyle, the machine started up once again. This time Kyle ended up feeling a massive amount of pressure while in the chamber. Enough to make it painful but only for a short while. It actually got him a bit hard after a few seconds. When the machine rang once again, Kyle had to squeeze his way out. His muscles were definitely bulking up, a few veins now visible on his biceps. When he went to observe himself in the full body mirror, not only had his body almost outgrown all of his clothes, all of it barely able to contain his massive body to the point to where just flexing along could probably rip the clothes off, but his noggin also grew, not close to how his body grew but enough to be noticeable, especially a small, visible vein on the left side of his forehead. He opened up the donor chamber to see all the other former nerds pathetically fumble out of the chamber, all of them mindlessly clamoring around Kyle to worship him, kissing his sneakers and hugging onto his muscular legs, one of them getting a visible hard on as he kissed the tip of Kyle's sneaker. He chuckled before snapping his fingers twice, making them all stop and sit like dogs, all of them looking up at Kyle. He then flexed his massive body, the clothes around him ripping as exposing some of his body, veins forming on his biceps and pecs, bouncing them to entice the husks beneath him, all of their puny dicks twitching as they looked on in awe of their alpha. "You puny bitches like what you see?" Kyle asked his new slaves teasingly, fully knowing what their answer would be but wanted to hear it anyway. They all nodded, some drooling, one letting out a pathetically horny whimper. Of course they loved it, it was in their nature as dull-brained squirms to admire their better. He slowly stripped down to his jock to entice his new slaves to make them more susceptible to his will. Small visible veins were scattered throughout his muscular body. "You pathetic horn dogs want your master bigger and smarter? Go get more people for me to drain while I work on improving this little toy you dumbasses made. Y’all couldn’t even get this thing to maximum efficiency, but I bet I can now. Go." Kyle ordered all the husks cowering beneath his towering body, which was only emphasized when compared to their small, puny frames, so thin you could practically see their skeletal structure. They nodded as they scrambled up to their feet and started shambling out of the classroom. Kyle playfully tail whipped the last husk to leave before grabbing some of the nearby tools and getting to work on improving the haphazardly put together chamber, the task now easy for him to manage. A good few minutes passed by before some of the husks came back with some of their friends, just in time for Kyle to expand both the donor chamber and the recipient chamber. He’d also remade the recipient chamber out of sturdier metal so they could handle potential overgrowth from Kyle. He has also allied the interior of both chambers with multiple full body mirrors. Not only so he can watch himself grow and bulk up but also his victims could watch all their muscle mass be drained from them, hopefully learning their fate as they become more dull-brained husk slaves, now only living to serve their better. He had also created a remote activator so he could activate the machine from inside the recipient chamber. Kyle lassoed the soon to be victims, a group of 7, with his tail and wrangled them into the donor chamber. He slammed the donor chamber door shut, chuckling at the pathetic resistance of the people brought in. The best part of creating the remote activator was that Kyle could simply activate the machine himself and didn't have to rely on a husk to activate it and risk something going wrong. He activated the machine and felt a jolt of painful pleasure surging through his body. Now he also had the opportunity to see the progress in the mirrors. His muscles rapidly throbbing and writhing under his skin. Even his forehead started to do this as well, though it was harder to notice. Kyle groaned pleasurably as he watched his body expand once more. As the jolt started to subside, his muscles started to settle down but still ended up bigger than before, more veins visible on his body and the ones from before became more prominent, his biceps and thighs being most veiny. Another vein appeared on his forehead, this time on the right side. More husks to serve and worship Kyle, crawling out of the chamber, crawling to his feet. "More, bitches!" Kyle shouted demandingly before the new husks could even begin worshiping his body. He got tired of how long it took for them to scramble to their feet so he helped them up without intending to. By some force, the husks got quickly elevated to their feet. It took Kyle only a second to realize he did it with his mind. He chuckled as he toyed with one for a bit while the rest of the husks left to get more puny humans for the practical living God that Kyle was becoming. He used his telekinetic abilities to wiggle the meek husk around a bit before pulling the puny thing into the cleavage of his massive pecs. Chuckling as the pathetic husk groaned as he got pressed as much against Kyle as was possible. Effortlessly flexing his pecs to make it bounce against the husk, pushing its head further into his cleavage much to the husk's pleasure. Feeling a rush of pleasure too, the semi-hard on making the jockstrap make an audible rip, he decided to keep the husk around a bit while waiting for the rest to come back. "Worship your God's pecs, bitch!" Kyle demanded of the now horny husk, not that its puny dick was noticeable any more. The husk moaned as it caressed Kyle's pecs while he groaned and flexed more, admiring all the visible veins and muscle mass he accumulated. The pleasure amplified more as the husk wisely decided to start licking and sucking on his pecs, hitting Kyle's magic spot that completely gave him a hard on. "Oh yeah, just like that, slave bitch!" Kyle shouted eagerly as he pinned the husk to the wall with his towering body, now starting up a sweat from being in heat, his dick throbbing in between the husks legs, making it more clear to the husk that Kyle was his better, his dick now big enough for the husk to ride like a horse, especially now that it was fully hard. After just minutes of worshiping Kyle's pecs the husk apparently had already come, Kyle feeling a pathetic squirt that was mostly covered by the husk’s pants, but was still damp enough against Kyle's prominent 6-pack for Kyle to tell what happened. "Seriously, not only do you come to your new God without approval, but you let out such a pathetic fucking load?" Kyle asked disappointedly. Backing up from the wall but telepathically keeping the husk pinned to the wall, giving up on the idea of wearing any clothes by ripping off his jockstrap and kicking off his shoes, completely forgetting that he was building up foot stink for an eager to pay foot freak who he was meeting up after school. The freak would most likely be gathered up anyway so decided to forget about the whole arrangement. He forced the husk to his knees, Kyle's massive, throbbing cock in front of his face. "Suck, bitch!" Kyle shouted in a horny fit as he practically pushed his dick against the husk's face. The husk groaned as it started to suck Kyle off. Kyle groaned in pleasure as his dick throbbed and hardened more. He was very tempted to just skull fuck the puny husk, using it's body like a fleshlight but he decided to spare the pathetic thing from potentially being completely broken. After all he didn't quite want to break his toy, as now its only purpose was to serve him anyway. The husk started to get past the tip of Kyle's dick, groaning as it throbbed against its mouth. Kyle started to sweat more as he used his telekinesis to get the husk to fully deepthroat from the husk, the husk's body flinching as a reaction to being penetrated from Kyle's girth. As he started to thrust his dick inside the husk's mouth, apparently more people clamored into the science lab. Kyle turned towards them while he fucked the husk but was a bit confused when he saw that they weren't brought in by the other husks that he sent out. It wasn't until he noticed some flustered faces and tents in guy's pants that he figured that his body was emitting intense pheromones, apparently making everyone nearby mindlessly horny for Kyle. It was practically a form of hypnosis. He grinned deviously as he saw the gym coach among the growing crowd, along with some of the gym kids, getting an idea to take the steroids that they were taking, an unspoken thing in this school. "Hey, gym bitches, gimme your steroids!" Kyle shouted to them. They left, presumably to get them from their lockers. Kyle started to get close, almost forgetting about the lucky husk below him. He panted and groaned as he grabbed the head of the husk, deciding to skull fuck the husk anyway, as the husk wasn't doing enough to get him fully off. He played gently through, trying not to break the puny, pathetic fucker. He got his dick as far into the husk's mouth before finally coming, panting heavily. Just in time for the gym bitches to come back with their steroid doses, all of them using pill forms. The husk had to retract his body and gag out about two gallons worth of load onto the floor. Kyle looks down at the pathetic thing, raising one of his feet and pushing it down on the husk's body, pushing it into the pile of load onto the floor. "Lick it all up, dick taster." Kyle ordered, taking the steroids afterwards. Taking a large dose but not enough to induce an overdose. Even though at his size, he could probably take all of them, he didn't want to take the risk. He then used his telekinetic abilities to stuff as many people into the donor chamber as possible. Stepping down a bit more on the husk as it licked his load off the floor before walking off toward the recipient chamber, his dick still dripping a bit. He got into the chamber after cramming in about 20 people into the donor chamber, looking back to see everyone at the school now clamoring around the classroom. He grinned as he closed the donor chamber and stepped into the other chamber, closing it behind him and turning it on. The jolt is now really intense, making Kyle fall to his knees. Panting as he felt the muscles writhing, expanding and contracting under his skin. It expanded more rapidly as he groaned in a mixture of absolute pain and absolute pleasure. Not only were his muscles expanding, but his brain was well, his head swelling in the multiple reflections in the chamber. His head flooded with an immense amount of knowledge and comprehension. He figured if he used up the entire school, he could dominate and drain the world with ease. His nails scratching the floor of the chamber as he endured the pain, all worth it for practical God-hood. The chamber rang, giving Kyle an indication that it was over. He slowly got up, the floor of the chamber creaking a bit under his weight. He opened the door and slowly squeezed himself out of the chamber. He had to bend the door frame a bit just to get his broad, veiny shoulders fully out. He eventually managed to pop himself out. He sized himself up, noticing that he was now at least a foot taller than he last was. His pecs were so big now, he can't look down enough to see much of his torso. He noticed his biceps were about half covered in veins, mostly covered when he flexed them. He groaned in absolute delight, flexing before his horny, soon to be slaves. "You bitches and bitch boys love what you see~? Wanna see your new God get even bigger and brighter~?" Kyle asked his crowd teasingly. Flexing as a way to maximize his pheromone output. Sweat glistened across his whole, muscled-up body. The sunlight from the window poked in and bounced off the beads of sweat in a way that would make him look like the living, breathing God he knew he would become in a matter of days. What the final results would be according to Kyle's calculations, would make the muscular Gods of myth look like pathetic, tiny twinks compared to him. It seemed like the show was enough to get the crowd eager to give themselves to Kyle, even after seeing the aftermath of donating their muscle and mind to him as the 20 husks crawled out of the donor chamber. The crowd cheered and gathered around the donor chamber, already getting in, already knowing the process and eager to give themselves to him. Kyle chuckled as he squeezed himself back into the recipient chamber. After hearing the donor chamber close, he closed the recipient chamber and turned it back on. There was less pain and more pleasure this time, his body now getting used to the process. He groaned as his body grew once more as he watched in the mirrors. His pecs now sprinkled with veins along with the rest of his body and even his head, his head getting bigger, by centimeters with each series of processes. Each time the machine rang, people helped the husks vacate so they could get into the donor chamber, Kyle not even bothering to leave the chamber. Though eventually he had too, each expansion making the chamber creak and groan more and more around him. He had to start crouching just to try to buy the chamber more time. Around the 6th process, the chamber was too tight for comfort. With a tired and slightly frustrated grunt he stood up and flexed, destroying the chamber the same way a baby bird breaks out of an egg. The crowd looked on in awe, about 1/10th of the school now turned into husks. He towered over the crowd, his head now grazing the ceiling of the classroom. He didn't quite know if the gym would be able to properly accommodate his projected size if his calculations were correct, which was most likely. He weighed the odds in his head, the veins getting more prominent as he thought about it. Ultimately, it didn't matter much was his conclusion. He stomped past the clamored group in the science lab, uncaring of those he knocked down with his feet and even stepped on. He effortlessly tore down the wall, scooting the debris aside with his feet to make a clearer way "Alright, you lot, I want that machine moved to the gym in the next hour! If it's not there by…" He quickly glances down the hall to see that it's 2:52 in the afternoon. "3:45, I'll charge you all to be my servants and it'll cost y'all EVERY CENT you do and don't have!" He chuckled as he walked down the hallway towards the gym. The ground shook slightly with each step, every door frame along the way breaking like Styrofoam. He could have moved the machine himself but he wanted to see how much these dopes were committed to the whole arrangement. After a few minutes he burst into the gym, or at least, that's what it may have looked like to a puny person. For Kyle, he just casually walked in, not even bothering to try to open the doors. Waste of effort and energy when his body could simply break anything that got in the way. He reclined in the bleachers in his usual spot, the bleachers creaking a bit under him. He reclined and relaxed though. He thought about the chances of them actually bringing the machine on time. He side-eyed the clock over on top of the basketball scoreboard. 3 on the dot. While it would be impressive if they did bring it on time, he knew they realistically wouldn't. The machine would be difficult to get on a trolley and they would have to carefully maneuver it down the hall even if they did find enough trolleys that could handle all that weight. He mostly now contemplated on how to degrade them as he had to probably do the work for them. Maybe chew out the roided-up lifters for being weak betas while also making them cling to his arm to feel what true muscle felt like. He dismissed the latter half of the idea. Bit too…"dad literally picking up kids from school" vibes. Though he did like the idea of them all referring to him as "daddy", make them look and even feel more puny and pathetic along the way. Time passed by until the clock struck 3:45 and just as he thought, no machine in the gym yet. He got up, letting out a groan of expectancy mixed with disappointment and walked his way back to the science lab. The more muscular people were trying to nudge the machine up a small ramp onto a trolley that was made of a bunch of smaller trolleys put together by duct and scotch tape. Honestly, pretty pathetic that they haven't even started moving it down the halls yet. Even back at his smaller size, he would've had the machine on the trolley about half an hour ago. He whistled loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Y'all seriously haven't even gotten this thing rolling yet?" He asked, not really expecting a response as he approached the machine. He made sure to tower over all of the gym bros as he casually held the machine under his arm and pressed to his side like you would hold a basketball. He caught quick glances of the wannabe bodybuilders. One of annoyance, most impressed and awe-inspired, some got visibly turned on. "Fucking pathetic." He said dismissively, walking down the hall with the machine, making sure to tail whip the dissatisfied guy in the crotch. Kyle heard him groan and buckle down onto the ground, not even paying much attention. His dick was gonna have no value to it soon anyway, assuming it had any to begin with. The crowd followed him down the hall, still hooked on his pheromones. "Since it's past 3:45 and you dumbasses couldn't even get the machine into the hallway, y'all are getting the locker cramming treatment once I make adjustments to the machine. Y'all still owe me ALL of your money, by the way. I expect all of your wallets with your bank information in them, including your accounting and routing numbers." He remarked to the crowd as he walked to the gym. He noticed some of them getting on their cell phones and some walking into classrooms they would pass by, probably to get papers and pens. Upon getting into the gym, he gently set down the machine and started making modifications, making the donor chamber bigger as well as making a brand new recipient chamber from scratch and hopefully big enough to endure draining the whole school. As he did this, he telepathically made nearby plastic bins float around people. "Wallets in the bins, people. Don't have your wallets, strip down to your birthday suits so everyone knows you for being a broke loser." He shouted to ensure everyone could hear him. He tinkered with the machine as if this marvel of medical technology was nothing more than a Lego set to him. By the time he was finished, everyone had already deposited their wallets into the plastic bins, except about a sixth of the crowd who were completely naked. "Alright, since there were more broke bitches than I thought, paying customers, front of the line, birthday suits, go to the back of the line and crawl on all fours like the useless mutts you are!" He announced before all of the students and staff got into their places, chuckling as he grabbed a group of six puny humans with ease while watching the wave of ass cheeks flood to the back of the line. He forcibly cramed the worthless people into his machine, not even bothering to make sure there was much room for them to move. He slammed the door shut before stepping into the donor chamber, having shoved about 40 or more people in. He closed the door and looked up at the mirrors he installed after taking them from the locker rooms. His muscles practically bulged under his skin which developed stretch marks. He smirked and flexed, seeing more veins appear on his body. An already perfect body that would have professional bodybuilders revere and worship every prominent vein, knowing they could never obtain what he did with ease. He turned on the machine that he also had to rebuild to account for his size. A familiar but welcoming jolt of pain and pleasure courses through him, making him harder than any partner in lingerie could. He buckled down as if to bow before his new body, even more perfect and godly than what he has now. Writhing, stretching and tearing, practically bubbling under the skin would be the best way to describe this transformation into the next stage of evolution. A being of absolute perfection that everyone, every being, was born to worship. He chuckled as he just now noticed that his ego was growing along with the mind and body. Who cared though? He deserved this, to become the most perfect God in all of myth. Everyone and everything only had a fraction of value compared to just one of his stretch marks. Little pissants whose only value was in giving themselves to his might and worship. Once the machine rang, steam had fogged up the mirrors, his body in intense heat. He opened the door and wiped the fog off the nearest mirror, his forehead now having five visible veins on it, not including any that would be covered up by his hair, his forehead almost 1.5 times its usual size. Getting hard from the absolute monster he had become now compared to how he was mere hours ago. And got harder upon realizing this was just the beginning for him. He stomped out of the chamber, the floor creaking from his admittedly overly eager showcasing to the others. He even left a foot indentation on the gym floor, the same way as you would by walking barefoot through mud. Enjoying the brief "crunch" sound under his weight. He then started briefly showing off his body, flexing and bouncing his pecs as well as letting out a loud, dominant growl. "You want more from this muscle God~?! Lemme hear how much y'all want more!" He shouted into the crowd before getting the shouts and applause he wanted. Of course these bugs wanted more, that's their whole purpose. Even pheromones wouldn't drive up this much enthusiasm, this was something more. This was more than bee-like pheromones that make workers serve a queen. This was absolute divinity they were witnessing. A true God of muscle and might appearing before their puny, fragile bodies. He walked up to the donor chamber and telepathically scooped out the husks before replacing them with more people than last time, still wanting to experience that jolt of growth and pleasure. Scooping people up with his muscular arms and practically tossing them in haphazardly. Once it got to absolute maximum capacity, he stepped into the recipient chamber once more and flipped on the switch after closing the door behind him. This process would continue for a few rounds before he got to the broke crowd, towering before them like a titanic mass of muscle and musk, the constant growth making his body sweat with each process. He tried to look down at them but his pecs became so big it impacted his ability to look down effectively. Still able to see the tips of his toes but nothing beyond that. He looked down at them, thinking about the best way to degrade them further for a second. "Bark if you dogs think you're worth serving me." He spoke, stalling a bit for time. A good chunk of the crowd barked, only a few barking continuously. He brought up a foot and dropped it down on one of the barkers, silencing all the ones who did bark, except the one under his foot who let out a grunt like someone who accidentally dropped the bar on his chest during bench presses. "The few who didn't bark were smart. None of you broke bitches are worthy of even licking the beads of sweat off my balls, let alone serving me truly." He corrected the dogs, instinctively looking down to check on the dog under his foot to see the guy's head poking out from under his heel. Still seemed fine so he playfully grinded his foot on top of the dog's back as the rest looked pitifully up at him. He pressed the foot down further before finally letting off and backing off to look down at the runt, his back coated in dirt and sweat. "As one of the dogs who barked, foot rug, it's up to you to beg me to forgive the rest of them for their arrogance~" Kyle chuckled at the demand, intrigued to see how the foot rug of a man would beg. He had already forgave them like the merciful God he is, but still wanted to see at least one of them grovel before draining them. The man slumbered into a low bow while still on his knees. "Please forgive us, our walking God." The man started pleading, to Kyle's delight. "We were just so eager to serve, we forgot our place and why we were the last in the school to give our whole selves to you, master. Please, I will serve as a rug for you to wipe the dirt off your feet on, I will lick up every bead of sweat off your balls like it's the savory liquor of the Gods. Just please, let us serve, master." The begging and bargaining was so pathetic and submissive, it made Kyle's dick twitch a bit. Either this guy was a submissive little bitch with plenty of begging experience or they really have started seeing him as a type of God. Amusing him to make him chuckle a bit at the idea of "Kyleism" soon becoming the religion of the planet soon. But a devious idea of completely absorbing all of these broke bitches entered his mind and it leaked out into a wicked smile. "Alright, since you begged so well, I've forgiven you dogs like the benevolent God I am. However, such arrogance doesn't come without consequence. Give me a few minutes to make some adjustments to the machine and you will get what you deserve and seek~" Kyle spoke to the crowd before turning his back to them, letting down his hefty tail onto the back of the groveling dog. It crushed the puny human with a loud grunt and maybe a soft crack. He didn't even flinch at the sound. They would obtain a great fate anyhow. Kyle grabbed his tools and tinkered with the machine. Creating an "absolute absorption" feature that would completely absorb every single atom, molecular, microscopic and nanoscopic organism inside the donor chamber. Now these formally worthless people will finally put themselves to some use. Maybe if that one groveler was lucky, maybe his atoms would go to his feet or balls. Unfortunately for them, their consciousness would evaporate as there would be no mind or brain remaining to retain it. Some would probably relish the idea of being fused to his flesh, understandably so. Who wouldn't want to be a part of his perfect body? He soon finished mere minutes later, even installing the new mode to be an option on his remote via a dial. Wiping some sweat off his forehead, he looked back at the crowd of dogs, chuckling as he knew what would soon come of them. "Alright you worthless mutts, get the fuck in there where y'all belong~" he told the dogs as he started to stuff and shove then donor chamber, more an order of compliance than a statement. He made sure to save the groveller for last, cramming all the dogs in, to the point to where the metal would creak around them. He then wrapped his tail around the ankle and dangled the pathetic bug in front of him. Making it so that way the main thing that the puny insect sees is Kyle's dick and balls, Kyle's flaccid shaft half as big as the insect's body. His dick throbbed at the thought of what he was about to do next. "Now, what do you say, foot rug?" Kyle asked, looking down at the puny man, manipulating his tail to make the human's body sway while being dangled like a pendulum. "Th-thank you, master Kyle." Kyle chuckled and brought the human's face right up against the tip of his dìck. The human's head was actually a bit smaller than the head he was pressed up against. "Good, now kiss your God's dick like a good rug" Kyle ordered, his dick throbbing once more, bumping more into the human's face. The human would surprisingly hesitate before finally giving in to Kyle's order, his lips making contact with Kyle's urethra as much as it could. This made Kyle groan and get hard a bit. "Good little bitch. Don't be afraid to use your tongue while you're at it~." Kyle moaned while the human whimpered in a bit of disgust. Though maybe it might've been that one thing that bottoms do when they pretend like they don't like something when they clearly do. He didn't care whether the bitch boy actually liked it, it felt good to him and as far as this insect should be concerned, that would be the only thing that mattered. A few minutes would pass by, the bug disappointingly not using tongue at all. Kyle would use his tail to toss the man into the donor chamber before slamming the door on them. Chuckling as he set the machine to "absolute absorption" mode before stepping into the recipient chamber. Closing the door behind him, he turned on the machine, an instant shock overwhelming him. A feeling of an explosion pouring over his body as every inch of his body pulsed and throbbed rapidly. As if there was some resistance from where his strength and mind enhancement was coming from. Thoughts that were not his own appeared in his mind. Pleads and begs of the pathetic dogs flashing in and out of his mind as Kyle dropped to his knees, slamming his knuckle into the floor of the machine. "Shut up and accept your fates. Y'all know this is what you deserve. You should be grateful little bastards. Y'all get to be part of something bigger, better. You get to be a part of a God! Now submit as you were meant to and let yourselves be one with your God." Kyle shouted at the stream of other's consciousness flowing into him, mentally straining a bit for complete dominance. The veins on his forehead became more prominent as his head grew in size. The stream was losing strength as Kyle was shown moments of other's memories and knowledge flowing into him. His muscles bubbled under his scales as they stretched and expanded far more than the normal process. The knowledge of other people's lives converted to knowledge of all probable lifeforms in this universe and the next. Knowledge of all known languages. How to completely bend the minds and wills of all life to his will. He grimaced with knowledge of how to conquer all life in this universe. His body steamed and sweated profusely, fogging up the chamber and it creaked and groaned around him. His body kept expanding as Kyle mentally declared himself the king of this universe for all will submit to him! At this thought, he ended up bursting out of the chamber yet again. Each one acting as an egg for his proverbial rebirths. His body had stopped expanding by this point, good thing too as he noticed that he and his husks were standing in complete darkness, not even any light from the sun emerging from the windows. The big gym clock stopped at 8:56. The power most likely went out from all the electricity used to perform the absolute absorption mode. Kyle opened the donor chamber to see nothing in there. Not a single speck of dirt or dust in there from what little Kyle could see. He flexed his muscular body once more. All those puny little bitches now became nothing more than the muscles on his body. He got hard at the thought as he flexed. Admittedly wishing there was a way to keep them conscious so they could mentally worship him. Feel every flex of his muscles in what used to be their bodies. Feel every step from their God, get to enjoy the flow of blood into his dick which, when fully hardened, could easily tower over a whole person. Probably about 6 feet in length by now. It made him curious how it would feel to be remade into a sperm cell swimming in the balls of a God. He would probably obtain this knowledge later on during his conquest of the universe. But merely serving as part of his ever-expanding muscles was surely a fitting enough reward for a bunch of worthless bitches. He laid rest on the floor, not really caring if he crushed a husk to death under his body or not. Their lives were made to serve him, after all. Speaking of which, his dick throbbed as he telepathically lifted up the puny insects and pressed them to his towering body. "Worship and caress your God till he falls asleep. You all may sleep when I am fully asleep first." Kyle ordered the husks. They unreluctantly worshiped the muscled-up God. Kyle relaxed on the floor, resting his forearms behind his head with a bit of strain, all the muscles on his body making it a bit harder than usual. He relished in every action of his husks, from all the caressing and massaging down to each lick of his body. Some were worshiping his dick and balls, making it admittedly a bit difficult to fall asleep but eventually sleep came for the massive dragon as he was slowly lulled into slumber. Great visions of glory and God-hood would play out in Kyle's dreams. Him towering over Skyscrapers, his very knees piercing the clouds above. Him laying on a lavish chariot made of the planet's finest and studier materials and luxuries. Him gulping down a custom made glass of ocean water, "accidentally" consuming little specks that were once to him recognizable as humans without care or thought. Thousands crushed under a single step from the uncaring God as they would be absorbed into his body either way. Him sitting on the Earth reshaped into a throne, using the moon as a footrest. All alien life cowering as he absorbed them without any effort at all. The begging, whines, and pleads as he absorbs damn near everything with a pulse. Planets drained of all life repurposed into beads on lavish looking jewelry. All would be one with his glorious body and worship him! The dream, possibly a vision of things to come for him, would slowly fade as his eyelids slowly drew open. Instead of upon his throne, he was back laying on the floor of the gym. Still being worshiped by the insignificant bugs that he let bugs worship him. A thought would come to the awakening giant. He didn't need these insects or that puny machine they made for him. Through his telekinetic abilities, he could simply extract all beings his own damn self. Cut out the middleman and just drain them himself. He felt a pathetic insect dare to squirt over by his left armpit. Getting him to eventually acknowledge all the other insects that were still awake, still worshiping him. Annoyed with this particular insect he telepathically pulled the bug up to his face, his eyes tiredly looking up in disgust towards this insect. "Did you really just come on your God, while he was just waking up and without approval?" He asked the pathetic being that he now recognized as the first nerd he shoved into the machine. His puny, muscle depraved body was honestly not that different from how he looked 24 hours ago. Only difference now was the absence of clothes and glasses. He waited tediously long for the bitches response. "Master smell good…" was slowly sputtered by the pathetic thing as he still leaked, dripping down onto his lower lip. Kyle simply rolled his eyes before licking up the bit of seed that dripped onto his lip. Setting the bug down onto his chest. Of course these bugs couldn't help but to come to him. He was a living example of perfection. The whole flock of insects could come now and it wouldn't be more than a mere inconvenience. He groaned as he got up, the very gym shaking underneath him. What was left of the wooden floor beneath him anyway. Several indentations in the floor from where he walked and laid down. He walked to the exit of the gym, feeling at least a few of the husks cushion each step he took. He didn't even slow down or walk cautiously for them. If they didn't want to be stepped on, they would've gotten out of his way. By the time he got to the exit, at least 3 bugs got peeled off his godly feet. With barely any effort, he broke down the wall leading outside. This ended up being beneficial for the insects to follow him. They served no purpose without him so of course they followed their new God that they gave everything to. This flock of insects were cute but not nearly enough for a God. He walked out into the city with his goal already in mind. He needed all of humankind, no, ALL LIFE to submit to him. He walked into the more populated parts of the town. Leaving behind foot prints on whatever he walked on. Grass, concrete, cars, people who would not walk out of their God's way. Each step announcing his arrival to his servants like the bells and trumpets that were spoken of when the concept of a rapture got explored. His pheromones got caught on the wind and spread far and wide across the town. Like a skunk being run over, people could smell it for miles away but they were naturally drawn into the scent of a God. All who got a whiff, inevitably started to follow the scent and the stomping sounds made by their God. Many followed him throughout the downtown area. Some tried, and even succeeded, to cling onto their God. Most clung to his broad, muscular ankles, some clung onto his balls and shaft which were close to dragging across the floor. Some merely wished to kiss his feet or balls. The fools got trampled over, especially the ones trying to kiss the soles of his feet. Whatever spots weren't being covered by the mortals anyway. By the time he got to the center of the town, his feet were completely cushioned by both husks and humans. He looked out onto the crowd that followed him, thousands at minimum, ensuring him that there was not much difference between husk and man. They were all made to serve him after all. "ATTENTION ALL MY SERVANTS! YOU'RE GOD IS NOW HERE AND DEMANDS ALL OF YOU PRESENT!" He shouted into the air, his voice booming and far reaching. The message echoed across the town and even a few miles out further. He sat down on the roof of a nearby parking garage. An inadequate place for a God to sit but it was enough to sit and wait for his subjects to arrive. As he waited, his servants would bow to their new owner. This got a chuckle out of Kyle before he curiously looked at the sole of one of his feet. About 8 mortals were stuck to their God's foot. Actually upon closer look, they were clinging onto his foot. Not that it mattered much anyways. They should be thankful to serve their God in such a way, even if it was completely unwilling. Within an hour, all his servants appeared before him. Hundreds of thousands of indistinguishable insects looking up at their God in reverence. His pheromones had definitely spread far enough to get every one of them hooked to his powerful will and eager to serve. Seeing some cameras of various types pointing at him, he decided that he probably needed to perform…less casually, at the very least. He actually had not thought about what kind of God he was going to be when it came to addressing his servants. He always degraded, bullied and humiliated others back when he was mortal so might as well keep going with what was natural. He slowly stood up, indifferent to the crunching of bones underneath him from the servants basking in his glory. "As pathetic as this flock is, it surely will do for how you all may help your God. Your God is a powerful one as you all can see." He says before performatively flexing his body. The muscles and shadows being emphasized by the sun set above him like a spotlight. "But…this is not enough from your God. Your God has ambitions. Far higher than any of you puny insects ever could have. What you all need to know is that your God demands power. As much as possible, you will no longer need any. All y'all will need is to surrender yourselves to me and worship me. That shall be your lives purpose from now on. So I expect all of you to work together to build a ray gun to surge all of the Earth's power into your God. Do this and your species will be rewarded very well, this is my promise to you, my lowly, insignificant servants." He finished before sitting back down. All the insects below taking that as their cue to get to work on this ray gun. He relaxed as his message spread not just to the bugs in front of him but also because of the bugs with the cameras, all the insects across the planet got to work as well. All his servants heard their God's word, his pheromones apparently speaking across the planet. They all now work together, finally truly unified as one to serve their God's will. The utopia that has been discussed and debated for centuries will all soon be theirs once their God ascends further and all will be able to truly bask in his glory very soon from the sounds of it. Could he have made it himself? Realistically yes but this was a test of this lower species' devotion to their better. After a few hours the ray gun was finally constructed. Kyle was semi-impressed. Took longer than if he would've built it but that would've taken just the power of the whole continent. These insects managed to arrange things so all the electrical, solar and nuclear power on the planet would all surge into him. He stomped in front of the ray, truly uncaring of who or what he stepped on and demanded that the mortals turned it on. A glow of pure light from the ray guns tip was all Kyle saw before he got an intense burning engulf him, making him send out a massive wail of pain, making him buckle down onto his knees. Each cell in his body breaking down and duplicating at speeds faster than the speed of light. The scream from their God made the mortals turn on the machine in naive fear that this would even so much as hurt their God. This was just part of his ascension. His body steamed and pulsed within the scales on his body as he was at least 4 times bigger than when he approached all his servants. His whole being glowing in pure, radiant light before revealing his red hot, scorching body. With a raging hard-on that had collapsed a few buildings around him, he looked down at the mortal furiously. "I DIDN'T SAY FOR YOU TO TURN IT OFF, YOU WORM! TURN IT BACK ON AND DON'T TURN IT OFF AGAIN!" He shouted furiously at the beetle sized mortal who dared to blue ball him at the beginning of this glorious moment. The demand was so loud it was heard from the other side of the planet. The insect of a man trembled and pathetically begged his God for forgiveness as it turned the ray gun back on. The same flash of light before the overwhelming pain surged through the living God. He rapidly grew more quickly than ever before. His expansion was akin to an un-bursting balloon being hooked up to a thousand air machines. His screams turned into moans of triumph and dominion over all that exists, the feelings of pleasure converted into feelings of pure pleasure, bliss and ecstasy. He grew to tower the whole land, able to see past the horizon on the planet as all conceivable knowledge flowed into his mind. The timelines of this dimension and galaxy along with all other ones. Not only could he know of them, he could control them by mere thought alone. With this, he altered all dimensions and galaxies to worship him and him alone. Not even other versions of himself in other dimensions. Those pathetic versions of himself should've obtained true God-hood and dominion of all that is, isn't and isn't yet before he could. Once all the power got drained from the planet, he took his stand. His foot alone was the size of a small island. Each step creating a deep indentation in the puny lands beneath him. His musk and pheromones had replaced all the oxygen in the air, making it the only thing any of his servants could smell. He looked down to barely be able to see his lowly servants anymore. His cock throbbed with might, dripping some pre down onto a city that got blessed with their God's seed. He bellowed in triumph and might as a wicked way to reward his servants popped into his mind. His mind was certain now what kind of rapture his subjects would experience. "MY SERVANTS CALLED HUMANS, YOU HAVE SERVED YOUR GOD WELL AND HAVE REDEEMED ALL LIFE ON THIS PITIFUL, LOWLY PLANET! SO THUS, ALLOW YOUR GOD TO REWARD YOU WITH WHAT YOU ALL SHALL TRULY DESIRE!" He yelled to all his servants below. He held up his right hand over the planet and started to telepathically lift up all life on Earth towards them. Every man, every animal, every insect, every virus and multi-cell organism joined together to be pressed against the mighty hand of their God. He proceeded to take all the creatures and used their bodies to create a fleshlight that would barely be capable of handling his eclipsing shaft. He then put it to work, jamming his massive, throbbing cock into the writhing collection of life on this planet. He didn't go gentle on the insignificant specs, thrusting in and out rapidly as he started to absorb all the lifeforms. This was their purpose fully realized. Their heaven would be becoming a conscious addition to their God. He grew and grew even more. The usual sensation was more of a tingle this time around. He was so damn close, he had hoped that some of the pathetic life forms would survive long enough to experience their God coming. As a being outside of him that is. They would have all of eternity to experience being both their God's cock and the load he shoots out at the same time. He groaned as his mighty body and cock expanded far outside the stratosphere making him able to see all of space before him, the continent cracking under his weight. He screamed gloriously as he squeezed his dick tightly, unleashed his load that would've replaced the very oceans of the planet off into space. This would crush and press any remaining specks of life into his cock. He panted tiredly as all of life would get absorbed into his glorious, perfectly Godly form. Then in his maniacal state where he didn't want the smallest risk of his rule being undone, he absorbed all the Kyle's in the other dimensions. Some were stupid enough to think they were safe from his grasp and all begging to be spared. Even one that was close to finishing using his dimensions servants just as he had finished seconds before he did. He should've gotten that taken care of a few seconds earlier. He didn't even get a bit of mercy from his better self as he was just on the edge of climaxing before he and all of his servants in that dimension were all absorbed. Not only were all the other Kyle's absorbed but all of their blasphemous followers. There was to be nothing worshiped as God other than him. As they got absorbed, jet black ram-like horns rapidly grew along his head along with spikes on his back and his tail. All the colors of each spike were that of each Kyle absorbed. His eyes changed color as well, becoming a dimly glowing deep purple color. Giving the God a cold, cruel stare even though he himself grew indifferent and it showed in his face. As a result of this, he had grown to the point that the Earth would no longer be able to withstand his size so he had to step off of the lifeless planet. His body had become coated in veins, every vein his body bulging out and competing with his muscles for which would be more prominent. Also, he had become all knowing, knowing of every thought and action across all the dimensions, even before they occurred and this was showcased by his bulbous forehead which was as long, if not longer, than his abdomen. He could feel all the life he had absorbed coursing through them. Not only that, but all the intelligence and malicious, evil intentions of the other Kyles. All their thoughts, all their praises and prayers, all their begging and pleading for release.it was decided through absorbing all the other Kyles and their evil, however, that he would not rule as a benevolent or indifferent God, but one that was more cruel and punishing than any devil to exist all because he merely could. All life was far too beneath him to hold any maliciousness towards them. All was solely to remind them every second of their lives knowing their place. He dismissed all the voices and feelings equally to work on shifting the very planets and the various dimensions to his will. Pressing the planets in his dimension together and breaking them down to forge a throne worthy of his rule. He then proceeded to make all the other dimensions pay for not aiding in his ascension by giving them form, pressing them against each other to create his new garments: a pair of gladiator sandals, forced to have some of the foulest part of his body be the very thing they breathed in with no reprieve whatsoever. As he sat down on his throne, his servants and selves from other dimensions all now relishing in becoming a part of their God, he then grabbed the very sun itself and broke it in two. One half forged onto a crown and the other half served as a cock ring to keep the deity forever erect. He needed to repay his lowly servants after all and being in a constant state of sexual arousal which they all could feel was the very least this God could do for them. I would appreciate feedback in the comments section I'm always open to collaboration if anyone needs ideas for a corrupt story where the evil tyrant wants to get even stronger. Just write me a private message if I have aroused your interest.
  17. Guest

    Short Story: Muscle City

    Here's another installment on this series of stories! Hope yall enjoy, and I do take suggestions for the next chapters! --------- "M...mmf" Light falls upon Brad's face as he wakes up, a yawn leaving his face as he sits on his bed, the mattress groaning under his weight. "Mmf...Hey there~" He looked down at his body, smirking at the familiar sight of his massive pecs, his right arm slowly moving to his crotch, slowly stroking his morning wood. He proceeded to lift his left arm as his bicep came to life, veins covering it as he flexed, before proceeding to bury his face on his armpit and take a whiff of his manly musk. "Mmmf...~" This was a morning routine to him, to fully appreciate and worship his body, not an inch ever going unappreciated. He moved his left arm to rub his pecs, playing with his fat nipples as he continued to stroke his cock, a few drops of pre falling to the sheets. "F-fuck..." He started stroking faster, his 10 inches cock throbbing madly as he stroked his cock and groped his body, his lemon sized balls filling up. He had massive, veiny pecs that many times were sucked. His solid 8-pack that could cut class, his rock solid legs that could create holes on the pavement, his firm glutes that could milk the biggest cocks...he was a fucking god, and he loved it. "FFFFUCKKK~" He finally reaches the climax, shooting load after load into the air and covering his body, the sheets, and the ceiling on his seed. After 10 shots, he finally slows down, panting heavily. "Woof...10 shots! Nick won't believe it." Grabbing his hand and licking off some of the cum, he finally gets off the bed, throwing off the sheets into a corner as he walks to the shower. But not before standing at the mirror, seeing his 6'3, cum covered body on it's full glory, his cock with a semi and still leaking some cum. He does a double bicep pose and smirks, walking off to the bathroom to wash himself and clean off the cum off his body. Going out of the shower with a towel around his waist, he chooses his clothes for the day. A nice jockstrap that accentuated his firm ass, some shorts, and a tank top. He didn't needed anything else for the day, nor any other day. "Hehe...Mmph!" He stood once again in front of the mirror, his sight making a noticeable bulge appear on his pants. He cockily gropes it, though, a moan leaving his mouth. He was hot as hell and maniy as fuck. That fact would always turn him on. He eventually leaves the house grabbing his bag, ready to go to the gym. Hia favorite gym was a few corners away from his house, but even so there were many of them on the city. As he walked, he saw many other men walking around. A lot of them in skimpy clothing, some of them kissing or groping their partner. All of them massively muscular and well endowed. This was a city created many decades ago. A city where only men like these live and thrive. One day, years ago, a strange virus broke out among gay men. ONLY gay men. Whoever was affected by it would go through a wild, yet incredibly pleasurable transformation. First their libido would increase, their need for sexual release growing higher than usual, along with their sexual organs growing bigger. Their metabolism would follow, not needing to ingest as much food or liquids to gain energy through the day. Their aging slowed down, making them able to live for much longer than those unaffected. And finally, they would develop muscle mass at a much bigger rate, a few workouts enough to make them gain multiple pounds, and in some subjects, the growth may even occur from flexing or sexual arousal alone. It was a blessing. A miracle. And scientists had no idea why it happened. All men were healthy, MORE than healthy, their bodies showing no abnornalities in any scans. At first it was one or two men in a country. Then 500. Then 1,000. Then 50,000. Soon enough It had become an epidemic, affecting almost every adult gay man in the world and turning them into a God of their own. The world goverments didn't really want to deal with all of this, as such, on a faraway island, a new city was built just for these kind of men. Muscletropolis. And for decades, this place has welcomed these enhanced, godly men, a city built for these men, ruled by these men, where they indulged in all of their deepest needs and pleasures their bodies would give them. Brad finally walks into the gym, the raw smell of sweat and musk hitting him like a welcoming embrace, his cock once again hardening. All around him where men working out in minimal articles of clothing. Some in shorts, others jockstraps, and many in nothing at all. All massive beyond belief, with a need to get even bigger imprinted unto them as they grunted and moaned. "Hey, Brad!" From the other side of the gym, Brad spots his friend Nick, one of the first guys he met when he moved to the city after his infection. He was 6'5, and a bit wider than Brad. "Bro!" The two of them meet and proceed to hold their sweaty bodies close in a bro hug, none of the men of the city afraid of getting physically close. Their bulges rubbed together, Brad feeling Nick's 11 incher, hard as steel, but none of them separating. "Mmf...Nice to see you too, stud~" Nick gropes Brad's chiseled ass, rubbing his bulge against Brad's own before the two of them kiss one another passionately. Everyone in the city was close to one another to this degree. If you has the virus, your inhibitions and reserves would quickly melt away, your libido too high and your need for muscle too strong for any reservations to remain for long. In this city, It was okay to be debacherous, hedonistic, and down to fuck with every muscle stud you laid your eyes own. Many would fuck on the alleys, grope each other without shame, or just walk around naked or with barely any clothes. There was no secrets or shame between these men. "Mmff...bro...I shot 10 loads this morning...isn't that hot as fuck..." "Fuuuck...mmf...and not on my ass, dude?" "Turn around then, big guy. I'll do it right here until you faint on my thick cock." Their cocks were still rubbing against one another, their jockstraps barely able to hold them together. Even so, they break apart with a wink. Nick going back to working with some dumbbells while Brad was ready to work with a barbell several tons heavy. "There we...go...MMPH!" He liftes them with barely any issue, a noticeable bulge still on his crotch as he worked, his arms becoming pumped. "Fuck yes...mff..." Working out his body with the idea of growing even bigger always brought him so much pleasure. Every day since his arrival he's gone to the gym, pushing himself bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger, everything for his own self satisfaction. He needed to be big. He craved it more than anything. And it seems like his body responded to that craving, a pleasurable sensation filling his body as he lifted the barbell. "Hah...MMPH..." His body was growing with every lift, slowly yet surely pound after pound was being added to him, the feeling orgasmic, addicting. The same was for everyone with the virus, every one of these hundred thousand men in the city, and especially those grunting and moaning in the gym. Every rep, every lift, even every flex...it made them all grow. Bigger, taller, stronger, hornier. He took off his shorts, then his jockstrap, having a bit of difficulty with the latter, and then his shirt. Fully naked, he went back to the barbell, ready to keep the pump going, thrusting his hips with every lift. It seems the virus was always active, always mutating within their bodies, making sure their need for size and cock was always there, always growing. It was the reason the world goverments threw them all on an island far away, to stop them from disrupting "normal life" by having almost immortal, incredibly strong, growing muscle freaks running around. "Hufff...mmmff...mmore..." But as Brad kept lifting the barbell, it slowly becoming lighter by the second, his cock joining the growth as it throbbed with thickness, the feeling of lifting so pleasurable he could orgasm right there...this was his normal. Being bigger than any bodybuilder that came before, waking up every morning with a morning wood he couldn't resist jacking off, staring at the mirror and see himself grow wider and taller every day, working out till the sun goes down, fucking and getting fucked until the sun rises, flexing and posing for the world to see, shamelessly walking with a boner for everyone to feel. This was his normal. This was his heaven. "FFUUUUCK~" And as such, he cums, volley after volley falling over him, on the floor, on the ceiling. All around him there were many also climaxing, their own workout so pleasurable they couldn't help themselves, an even louder cacaphony of moans and grunts filling the gym. "Mmmfff...huff..." Eventually, the flow slows down, Brad throwing the now kinda light barbell to the size, standing in a mirror next to him. It was subtle at a glance...but he had definitely grown. Wider, bigger, much more defined. "Hehe..." He groped his still hard cock...He had shot 11 shots, and he still was just as hard as before. Was this a effect of the virus? Was it mutating? Becoming even stronger? Or was he just THAT manly, that powerful? "Fuck yeah...so BIG!" He flexed for himself, his cock throbbing as he felt lust over his reflection, worshipping his arms, his pecs, his abs, his legs, and his oh so beautiful cock and balls. "Look at this, at this fucking stud..." He kept posing for himself, moans leaving his mouth now and then. To say his muscles were basically a sexual organ would not be a lie. "Fuckkk...dude, I need your cock inside me, It's been so long..." Nick came from the side, he also looking slighter bigger. He rubbed Brad's cock with his ass, rubbing it right on the crack. "Heh...fine bro. Let's hit the showers. Been a while since we clogged the drains..." With a smirk and another deep kiss, the two friends walk to the showers, a few of the men following close behind wanting in on the fun. Those were how the days went down on Muscletropolis. A safe heaven of muscle and pleasure for those that were blessed with it's gift. ... "Fuck man, that was so hot!" "Of course It was. I know how this works." Two men watched from far, far away, seeing the events unfold. "A virus that increases their size, their libido, and even slows down aging...put them in a city of just infected, and It's the hottest thing ever, mmfff!~" The louder man stroke his thick cock as he spoke, having cum multiple times as he observed the world's events unfold, and ready to cum again at any second. His companion also had cum multiple times during that, his cock still leaking. "Yup. You need depth and nuance on these kind of things, you know...which is why I hope your next idea is not as swallow as before." "Hehe, of course bro. I'm gonna make something that'll make us cum for hours on end~" At his partner's suggestion, the man's cock twitches. What depraved, decadent pleasures had his partner planned for the next timeline? He couldn't wait to see. And as such, the two proceed on their adventure. Turning all kinds of timelines into pleasurable heavens for their amusement, and to enjoy their limitless power to the fullest.
  18. hairymusclemorphs

    Ride sharing at night | B

    (Was about time for another short story) I was already late when I rushed through the city towards the pickup place. It was the first time that I signed myself up for ride-sharing. A car journey across Europe with people I've never met. I was slightly pissed that my earbuds broke down. I couldn't last a whole 10-hour trip without something to listen to. I was already past the train station when I noticed a small shop that looked techy and cheap. There were no other customers around. Just an old man slightly leaning on the counter, eying me skeptically. "Wie Kann ich dem jungen Herr behilfich sein?" I cursed under my breath when I pointed toward my broken headphones. "I need something to listen to." I gestured wildly around, trying to get my point across, when he stroked his beard, thinking for a long moment. He pulled out an old sony walkman with a color-matched cord, "40 euros". I slowly pulled out my wallet. If that man knew how expensive retro stuff is in bigger cities, he wouldn't sell it for mere 40 bucks. He pulled out a bag and handed it along with an unlabeled audio cassette. "A gift." I thanked him one more time before I rushed out towards the street behind the train station. It was a black BMW. It looked badass. Usually, I'd never even dare to get close to men who drove cars like that. Yet there I was, slowly approaching the group of men who stood around it. "Liam?" the driver asked in a strong german accent. He was buff, yet nothing compared to the other passengers. "Guess you have to take the middle seat," he nodded towards the back of the car when I noticed one stud was already inside. "Don't worry, he won't bite," he chuckled before slowly making his way towards the driver's seat. At the same time, another hunk took place on the passenger seat next to the driver. The stud to my left turned out to be Alex. He had to be above 6'8 (2 m) in height, judging by how his legs pressed against the seat. He was at least twice as wide as I was. I could feel his pumped arm grinding against my side before the situation worsened when Tom took his seat to my right. I didn't dare to move. Tom and Alex were huge and hung. The car already reeked of their scent, while the AC unit only worsened it. "Hey, eyes up here" Tom grinned while adjusting his cock with his rough hand. It had to be above 8 inches soft. And as if it wasn't enough, they both made sure I felt how pathetic I was between their colossal bodies. The following hours were rather unspectacular. They swiped through their phones for another hour before slowly dozing off slightly past midnight. In the meantime, I fiddled with the walkman. It worked, but it was a bummer that my phone had no headphone jack, rendering my deal almost useless. Hopefully, the mixtape wasn't as bad as my deal... I felt like a twig, like a runt. These guys all were built like brick walls, and their musk alone was enough to drive me insane. I had luck that I was wearing jeans tonight, else it'd been hard to hide my boner while I finally managed to tuck the mixtape into the walkman in the dark. "Inhale." It was a deep, masculine voice that spoke on the tape. Probably a meditation and no songs at all. I had already thought about stopping the cassette when I slowly took a deep breath. "Take a deep breath and relax. Adjust your stance or seated position". I slightly rolled my shoulders back and pushed my legs further out when I noticed it was almost no use against these behemoths. "Focus on your muscles, how each fiber runs underneath your skin." This voice was way too good. A deep, almost hypnotizing masculine baritone. "And now. Grow for me." I swallowed when I heard it. It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order. I felt my cock harden full mast under his last line. My pecs pushed outwards just so slightly. My arms felt as if I had just got a good pump in. I never had a body that was built for weight lifting. I had small wrists and wasn't tall or wide. I was just below average and couldn't build on mass even when I constantly worked out for years. "Does that make you hard?" His deep voice pulsated in my brain. I could feel Alex's and Tom's arms grinding rougher to my side. "Focus your attention on your cock. With each breath, you can feel how it gets bigger. Thicker... Destroying your pathetic pair of briefs in mere minutes". My breath slowed down slightly when I could feel it. Each breath made me harder, hornier. Pre was running down my legs while I swallowed even harder. The driver was all focused on the street. He didn't even notice how hard I was. Painfully hard. I slowly glanced down. It was almost impossible to spot my bulge in the dark moonlight, yet I could see the outlines changing. How did he know I was wearing the same pair of briefs I wore in high school. A fucking pair of no-name briefs because I never was proud enough to get me something hot. I exhaled, feeling the seams of the fabric slowly give in. "Can you feel it? How your filthy, hairy nuts grow even bigger with each breath? How your cock pushed against the fabric, extending it further and further. Can you smell your own jizz competing with the sweaty musk in the air?" I slightly panicked when I felt my balls forcing rougher against my legs. It was getting tight down there. I was squeezed against Tom and Alex's legs. And at the same time, I could feel the pressure building up between my quads. Each breath made the feeling worse. And then I could smell it. The scent of my pre was filling the air. "What are you so worried about? You already have the biggest cock in that car. Yet you want even more?" I heard his low chuckle. Deep, masculine. Pure domination. I felt my cock push out bigger. Thicker. My brief waistband slightly pushed off my skin when my cockhead fought for a way out, pushing up underneath my belt. I tried hiding it with my shirt, feeling it slowly slide further up, growing with each breath before it pushed against my belly button. "Still need more, huh?" My fingers trembled. I could stop it anytime, right? But this feeling was way better than any workout I had. Way better than any orgasm. I gulped once more when I felt the pressure get almost unbearable in my briefs. "Lemme gets you some space, boy" His deep voice made a shiver run down my spine when I felt it. The first thing I noticed was my shoes getting snug. My toes slowly but steadily pushed up against the tip of my shoe. I bit my lips when I saw how Alex and Tom slowly weren't that high up any longer. The pain got worse, and my bones shifted throughout my body. "Good boy. Guess you really love torture, don't ya?" My cock pulsated even worse while the pain got almost unbearable. "Don't be shy... Take the space you deserve." My pecs slowly pushed outwards, hairier and denser. I could feel the material of my black v-neck shirt fighting with my growing muscles and my increasing height. I tried to make myself small in the middle between them. But the more I tried, the more significant I grew. I could feel the pressure building up inside my nuts before I thought about how my belt got painfully tight. I slowly tried opening it up. My gaze shifted down towards my pecs which were pushing out hairy and sweaty in the dim moonlight. I already looked like a beast of a man. It had to be a dream... right? My finger slowly ran over the metal of the belt's buckle before I opened it up, feeling my hair brush the car's ceiling at the exact moment. Pre was constantly flowing over my abs. I could feel how they were rippling with each breath. The material of my clothes stuck like hell against my damp skin. My feet ripped through the leather of my shoes when I heard my socks rip open in the front. My hairy quads and colossal calves just shredding my jeans seconds after. I looked towards the middle mirror in the front of the car when our eyes met. It was intense for a few moments before he got distracted again by traffic. "Lemme give you a better taste, boy" I let out an uncontrolled moan when my balls expanded again. My cock just exploded all over my hairy chest and abs, soaking my shirt from the insides with my cum. My pits grew hairier while my once boyish face now looked more mature in the rear mirror. And it didn't stop there: I could feel my shaft how it still throbbed as if it wanted more. I slowly lifted my arms, hearing my sleeves tearing open when I tried to get them in a more comfortable spot. "Already got enough? Or do you still want more? Turn the tape around if you're man enough" I swallowed slowly while I felt my Adam's apple pushing out even further. I wrapped my extended arms around Liam's and Alex's necks, pulling them close. They didn't wake up, yet their cocks started throbbing while pinned against my hairy, sweaty pits. By now, they had no chance against me. Pinned to the car's sides while my legs took up most of the available space. I enjoyed the moment for a long time before my eyes slowly glanced back toward the walkman. "A" was written on the cassette. . . Guess it's time for Page B, then.
  19. Well... here you go. A new story... first part of... maybe three of four. Not really sure. Hope you enjoy it!! Oh... Ive seen so many incredible illustrators out there... if anyone is every interested in illustrating one of my stories... I would love it!!! -Q ThInk It: A Writer's Tool (Based on a True Story) Chapter One: The First Chapter Quinn O’Rourke had never been much of a writer until he began penning erotic muscle growth stories to help further feed his obsession. Finding both mental and physical release through his writing, he lived for sharing his monomania for serious muscle growth and transformation of both mind and body to all of the unknown readers on a website. It made him grateful when he read constructive criticism, and over the moon when people wrote or DM’d him on how much they enjoyed his stories, got off on them, and just like himself, wanted more. His own mania with all things muscle and growth had begun when he was 12 and read a Dungeons and Dragons Choose Your Own Adventure-type book. In it, the hero was a young ninja trying to save his land from a dark magician. As he read, Quinn had become spell-bound when the hero, finding a liquid in a bottle, drank it, and began to grow into a massive and muscular giant. Unfortunately for Quinn, that adventure had ended there as the hero grew and took down the castle, burying him beneath him. Quinn lay there after reading that page… and could feel his blood boiling. He didn’t know why… and he didn’t have the language to comprehend how reading this had turned him on… and how it would mark his future. He did disagree with the ending, and imagined one where the hero rose through the rubble like a God, growing as massive as a mountain, and becoming more and more muscular. When Quinn eventually hit puberty… late… at 16… he hit it with a bang. Up he shot to 6’6, his shoulders became naturally broad, and his body had the musculature of an active teenager. His mother, being somewhat over protective, never let him play after-school sports, but he did excel in gym class, and did go for a swim and run every morning before school. In his bedroom, he jerked off to daydreams of men with muscle beyond imagining, massive penises, and growing to enormous size… his mind always going back to that first story. In college, Quinn worked out for the first time… and took to it like the metaphorical fish to water. Watching his body change, sculpt, and grow became an obsession… one could say… an addiction. By senior year he had really bulked up, adding over 46 lbs of pure muscle, and discovered that his own body turned him on more than anything else… well that was not entirely true… As he stood in front of the mirror, flexing various muscle groups, admiring his own symmetry and size, running his hands over his meaty pecs, and loving how thick his quads were…. he would also fantasise about getting even bigger… more masculine… more muscular, taller… thicker… a beast of a man. Grabbing onto his 7” cock, he would stroke it slowly as he took in his body… imagining growth shooting through him making him bigger and more mighty… more mountain then man. Faster and faster he would stroke, not wanting it to end but needing to feel that orgasmic rush flood through him. Minutes later, sweat dripping from his head and his pits, beads flowing down through the valley between his pecs and over his cobblestoned abs, he would shoot a massive load all over the mirror. Exhausted and panting... he would lean his head against the mirror, frustrated that he would never reach his full potential. Time passed… Quinn graduated… got an internship with a bank… did well… they kept him on… and he began to climb the corporate ladder. He still worked out and took care of his body… but time never allowed him to do it with the same intensity… he was just maintaining. He dated guys… loved how it felt when they worshipped his body and screamed out when he fucked them, but he never could reach the high he was always searching for. Usually when the left or slept, he would go into his bathroom, stand in front of his mirror, flex, lick, and worship himself, imagining his shoulders growing broader, his pecs thicker and larger, his biceps ballooning to sizes larger than his head, and his quads bursting into redwood proportions. Ejaculating to this often satisfied him more than a mouth, ass, or hand could. He once met with a guy who simply wanted to worship his body and muscle, and ‘bask in his masculinity.’ Quinn thought that this might be exactly what he was looking for… but unfortunately it just did very little for him. Perhaps it was that he wasn’t physically attracted to the guy. He did do his best when it came to massaging, licking, cleaning, and all over worshiping Quinn, and even though he was an expert ass-eater and cock sucker… when it was over… it didn’t give Quinn the same high his own overactive imagination could give. Quinn was now 32… he had a high powered job, an office with a kick ass view, a body most 25 year olds would kill for, and a lot of money in the bank. When he was offered the transfer to London to oversee the international sector, with a raise and a bonus of £500,000, he packed his bags and moved. London was an incredible city… always on the move and always alive. There was something to do every second of the day, and when he wasn’t working or working out, he was going to clubs, the theatre, museums, and festivals in the park. It was at Hampstead Heath in July where Quinn’s future took a turn. The Heath, a popular gay cruising site, was a large park with three swimming areas: one for men, one for women, and one for families. With some friends, Quinn went one Bank Holiday to the pond, and there, while swimming, he met Russel. Lying in the sun, they talked, drank, and it was obvious that they both wanted the same thing. As Quinn fucked him at his flat, Russell screamed out words that rang through his head: ‘You’re huge… fuck your muscles... such power… you’re a beast… fuck me harder… use all the strength your body has… use me… show me how Alpha you are!!!’ Using Russell’s words for inspiration, he fucked the life out of him… and when it was finally over and Russell was leaving… he kissed Quinn and said: ‘Fuck!!! If I didn’t have work tomorrow I’d let you do me all night. Never met an Alpha like you! The only thing better would be two of you… or two of you rolled into one! Fuck yeah… muscles going on for days! Fuck… you’d be a mountain of a man! My ultimate fantasy come to life!!! Welcome to London, mate! They exchanged numbers with the knowledge they would never get in touch, and as Quinn lay in bed that night, his cock hard and leaking, he heard the words echo in his head: ‘Alpha… you’re huge… mountain of a man… such power… you’re a beast… use all the strength you have… your muscles… two rolled into one… muscles for days…my fantasy come to life.’ Yes, Quinn thought as he shot all over himself and the bed… that is my fantasy as well… ’ The next day, Quinn made a decision that changed his life. He worked hard but worked out even harder. As his muscles grew larger… he let the hair on his head and body grow out. No more shaving his chest for him… he was a beast... No one at work said anything… but everyone noticed the transformation occurring. You couldn’t miss it!! Within a year and a half he weighed 266 pounds of hard, swollen muscle. He had let his dirty blonde hair grow down to his shoulders, grew a beard, and had several tribal tattoos designed and inked to decorate his body. His exterior matched the Alpha he had always been inside… but as he venerated himself in front of the mirror… as he flexed and licked and touched and stroked… he wanted more… he needed more...he would have more. That was 8 months ago. With months of hard work, some hgh and test, Quinn weighed in at a stacked 293 pounds of ripped muscle. He still did extraordinarily well at work, and even if his boss didn’t like the new look… he couldn’t argue with a man who was bringing in millions each day. Quinn could care less, though. His heart just wasn’t in his job anymore. All he cared about was muscle… fucking… and being the biggest and best in the room. The true Alpha. Through a Google search, he found his way to a muscle growth story web site, and had spent days reading, and wanking. He loved most of what he read, and really respected a good handful of writers… especially the ones who could get him leaking and on the edge of cumming without ever touching himself. Now, those were outstanding stories… but he also felt that many didn’t go far enough. The desire for muscle was one thing… but the need… the obsession… the hunger and the yearning for supremacy wasn’t always there. That erotic mixture of bodily pain and pleasure… that was what Quinn needed. One night, when his fantasies and throbbing cock wouldn’t let him sleep, he decided to try his hand at writing a story of his own. The first couple were horribly cliche, and he wouldn’t dare show anybody. For a while he tried to write at night after work, but found that his imagination was completely fuelled right after working out. \in a new ritual, he would leave the gym swole and horny, his balls churning for relief, take a shower at work, get into a suit that barely fit him anymore, and sit down at his desk to write. Finally, after weeks of hard work, and afraid but willing to give it a shot… he decided to post the first chapter of one of the stories he had been working on… and people actually liked it!!! Soon his days were filled with working out and writing with some work thrown in. The good thing about being upper management of a bank is that everyone below you does the actual work for you. He was just there to manage a team, get the information needed to make the bank even more money, tie it together and deliver with a pretty bow. This gave him plenty of time to write. As he became more captivated by his own words… turned on by his own writing… he wouldn’t let himself cum until what he was working on was perfect! Everything was flawless until the bank put up a new firewall on all of the computers. No attachments could be sent to unauthorised outside computers. If he asked to have his home computer authorised, that would put up several red flags… what could he want to send to himself? If he brought a laptop to work… that would look odd, and if he used a Zip drive in the computer, that was logged automatically onto the system. The only thing he had left to write on was his phone, and his hands were just too large to comfortably hit the right keys on the touch screen. Opening the App Store, he searched for writing apps where he could use his voice to type. Several popped up, but one that caught his eye was called: ThInk It Writing Tool. Reading the app description, it had everything he could want: it was easy to set up, it would detect only one voice if he was outside or somewhere public, it could be programmed to only respond to his voice, it would sink to his cloud, and as an added bonus, it hosted a community of writers and readers if he was ever interested in putting his stories out there to a wider public. The one thing that solidified the deal was the logo: a muscular arm holding a globe with an illustrated brain in it. Waiting till he got home to try the App, he was grateful to see that his friend Jacob, from the States, wasn’t around. He’s probably either at rehearsal, out sightseeing...or whoring around, Quinn thought with a grin as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Any one of those options was a possibility. Quinn and Jacob has been frat brothers in college, and used to play volleyball, and sometimes workout together. After graduation, Jacob followed his dream of staring in musicals on Broadway, and now he was actually doing it. He was in London for the next 8 months playing the role he had originated on Broadway in a West End musical. The production company had rented him a flat, but while it was being recarpeted and painted, Jacob was staying with Quinn. Their friendship was purely platonic, thought being the only two out gay guys in their frat house, they had fooled around together until they realised they were both tops, and just kept the friendship. Jacob fit the quintessential leading man stereotype. His was talented, his voice was amazing, he was an incredible dancer, he was tall, dark, and handsome with a tight hairless muscular body, square jaw, and a smile that could battle the brightness of Piccadilly Circus. The one thing he didn’t have going for him was that he had a small cock. Now, it wasn’t freakish small… it was about 4.5 when hard, and perhaps it was a little thin, but it worked perfectly fine. No one had ever told him that they had a problem with it… but for Jacob, with his height and looks, he was always subconscious. Quinn has never thought this was an issue to Jacob until the other night, when after a few drinks, he began to confess how inadequate he felt. Apparently he had gone home with this cute blonde twink, and found him to be packing a huge piece of meat. Jacob had felt so belittled that he couldn’t even perform and had to leave. He was the top!! The bottom couldn’t have a bigger cock than him!! Totally understanding how Jacob felt regarding his own body dissatisfaction, Quinn tried to talk to him, but Jacob blew him off with a laugh, exclaiming that he had to be joking: Quinn was a muscle master, he said, and he knew it! After that, Quinn never brought it up. Sitting in his favorite chair in the empty flat, a story began to pop into Quinn’s head. He couldn’t help Jacob, but he could write about it. He got out his phone and opened ThInk It! A blank white screen popped up. Character/Characters Name: We recommend using the name of people you know to create realistic characters. Using just his voice, Quinn said loudly: Jacob Effortlessly the name popped up on the screen. Yes, he thought. This is going to work out great. Wonderful. If you have additional characters, please return to this prompt. What is Jacob’s goal? To have a massive cock. Wonderful. How will Jacob achieve this? He buys an experimental drug from a sex shop in SoHo. Wonderful. What is Jacob’s location? My flat. Wonderful. Now dictate the first paragraph and we’ll bring your words to life. Jacob sat on the bus a few moments away from his stop. He was sweating and his heart was beating fast as he thought about what was in his backpack. If he got only half of what that guy had, he thought, he’d be a happy man. Pressing the button, Jacob waited for the bus to come to a stop, and got off. Quickly he walked down the street until he came to the door of the street entrance flat he was staying in for a week with his friend Quinn. Jacob unlocked the door hoping that no one was home, and as he ran from room to room, he was positive he was alone. Quinn must still be at work, he said to himself out loud… Quinn was startled as the door to his flat flew open and Jacob rushed into the living room. - Hey man!! How’s it… - Quinn?! You home? Quinn?? - I’m sitting right… Jacob walked right past him and began looking in each room, calling his name. Finally he returned to the living room. - Quinn must still be at work. As soon as he said those very words, Jacob stopped moving and stood frozen in place. - You okay, man? Quinn got up from his chair and walked toward his friend. Jacob appeared before him as if Quinn had paused him on TV. Even with all of his strength, Quinn couldn’t move him. - What the fuck?? A bell tone came from his phone. As he tried to move Jacob again, the bell tone occurred more often and proceeded to continuously get louder. Frustrated, Quinn grabbed it from where he had laid it down. Wonderful start! Jacob is waiting. What happens next? Quinn looked back at Jacob, looked at his phone, and spoke aloud: Secure that Quinn wasn’t home, Jacob grabbed his backpack, sat on the couch, and opened it. From within he pulled a black plastic bag. Quinn had just finished his last word when Jacob started moving again, doing exactly as Quinn had described. As soon as he pulled out the black bag, he froze again. The bell tone rang again and Quinn looked at the screen. Wonderful! Jacob is waiting. What happens next? When you feel that your authorship of Jacob’s story is complete… you will be faced with the options of saving, deleting, or editing.. How, Quinn thought, how can this be happening? He didn’t want to believe it, but it was true: Through the app, Quinn was controlling Jacob’s reality!! Lets see how far we can go with this! From the black bag, Jacob removed a long box. With serious intention, he opened the box, and sitting within with was a large syringe filled with an orange/brown fluid. Quinn laughed out loud as he watched his words come to life. Looking at the frozen Jacob, Quinns cock started to get hard as he thought about all of the possibilities. Soon his cock began to leak as his imagination went wild. Jacob pulled the large syringe out and looked at it, admiring the orange shine. With a steady hand, he placed it on the table. From the box, he removed a typed slip of paper and read aloud: In the chamber are 6 cc’s of compound 8GN. Although human trials have been conducted, we have discovered that the effectiveness varies per individual. As this compound is not diluted, feel free to dilute with saline solution 1:1 to soften results. As the adage says: a little goes a long way. Remember that all effects are permanent. To use, inject into quad. Results are nearly instantaneous. Jacob put the sheet on the couch next to him, stood up, removed his shoes, and pulled off his jeans and underwear at the same time. Taking a quick glance at his own quad, Jacob leaned over and grabbed the syringe. He had never been a fan of needles, but there was no stopping him now. On the count of three, he impaled his right quad with the syringe. Once the needle was all the way in, Jacob stood there questioning what to do next. With a shaking hand, his thumb pressed down on the syringe and watched as 1cc of liquid plunged moved into his muscle. Stopping for a moment, Jacob proceeded again, this time adding two more. Satisfied, he was going to pull it out, but he stopped himself. If this works… I know myself… I’m gonna use it all. That guy who sold it had a solid 12 incher, and that’s exactly what I want. I want some guys to turn me down cause it’s too big! I want a bulge that shows the world I have a serious piece of meat in my pants. I want to be known by everyone for my twelve inches!! I’ll be a fuckin legend!! Filled with new determination, he injected the rest of the compound, and swiftly removed the empty syringe. Returning the syringe to the box, Jacob sat back down on the couch and waited. One minute passed, then two, when suddenly Jacob felt a flush of heat go over him. A third minute passed, and Jacob began to giggle… he didn’t know why… he just couldn’t help himself. By the fifth minute, Jacob was leaning his head back on the sofa and breathing deeply. Rapidly, his cock went from flaccid to hard in less than three seconds. It’s working!!! I can feel it!! It’s fucking working!!! Jacob lifted his heavy head and looked down at his cock with a grin. It had never been this hard or this swollen ever in his life!! Every vein was plumped up as if he was wearing a cock ring, or had some sort of invisible vice around the base of his shaft. His head kept falling back as wave after wave of elation and rapture shot through him. With each heartbeat Jacob could feel his cock filling more and more with blood, but it seemed as if none of it was exiting back into the rest of his body.. Looking down again with a laugh, his cock looked purple and swollen, the head tighter than it ever had been before. His cock was pulsing to his heartbeat now as more blood was forced in. Jacob was beginning to feel serious pain in his cock, and through his euphoria, worried that perhaps he had made a big mistake. With each heartbeat, as more and more veins popped up and fed his shaft, he worried that the skin from his cock was just going to split open and rip his cock in two. Need to call 911 or watEVER… Jacob fell back onto the couch as he felt himself get kicked in the balls over and over again by an invisible foot. The pain was agonising as his body convulsed. Just when he was positive that he was nearing death, the convulsions tapered down until all he felt was a swelling and a dull burning ache in his testicles. Leaning his head on the back of the sofa, beads of sweat dripping down his face, he moved his shaking hands to his balls and could feel that both were much larger than before, and like his heartbeat, were pulsating. Every few minutes the pain would intensify, and Jacob watched as his balls swelled larger. Within four minutes his testicles had grown to two large eggs fighting for space in his sack. Quinn was certainly hard right now watching Jacob in a fit of pleasure and pain. How far was he going to take this? A rush of power went through Quinn as he suddenly realised he held Jacob’s future in his hand… everyone’s future. He simply had to speak it and it came true. An idea came to him that he wanted to try out. In his fog of testicular growth, Jacob was startled when Quinn came home from work. The chime on his phone went off again, stopping Quinn from proceeding. Wonderful! Are you adding an additional character? Yes Wonderful. What is their name? Quinn. Quinn’s name appeared on the screen. Wonderful. What does Quinn want? This remains to be seen. Wonderful! If you need any character goals, please simply say: Goals. Would you like to return to your story? Yes. Wonderful! Quinn took a deep breath and began again. - Fuuuuck!!! Man… I… Yes… Quinn thought. He can finally see me! I’m part of the story now. What the fuck’s going on?? Jacob tried to answer him, but was slipping into an abyss of carnal lust. My cock… growing… soon… gonna have… twelve inches… of…meat… UUURRRGGGHHH!! Jacob’s head was thrown back as he panted and moaned. He knew Quinn was there… but he didn’t care! He could feel it in his crotch… as his balls continued to swell larger… he knew the birth of his new cock was just around the corner. Lifting his head, he could see his balls were as big as large kiwis now and swelling faster. The pressure in his cock was rising, and either it was going to explode with growth, or burst apart. Here…. it… FFFUUCCKKKKK YYEEAAHH!!! Jacob’s cock began to swell thicker. Breathing heavily as if he were in labour, laughing as well… in minutes it was Coke can thick and he finally felt like he had a real piece of meat in his hands. Growing… a… real… ass… ripper... Throbbing pulsing, and growing with his heartbeat, Jacob realised with glee that his thumb and fingers didn’t meet anymore. Almost as… thick as… my… wrist… now… Quinn. I can fucking see that!! Feel… it… feel how hot… and thick… it is… Feel… it… grow… Quinn kneeled down and placed his large hand on the shaft. Fuck, man!! It’s nearly as thick as a Foster’s can!! Only… the… beginning… Jacob spread his legs wider to accommodate his orange sized testicles that were now laying on the sofa. His sack had begun to grow along with his balls now, and Quinn was shocked when he could actually hear them churning, becoming super driven cum factories. In no time at all, Jacob’s cock head flared wider, the slit grew longer, and pre began to shoot from his cock as if he were cumming. Quinn’s fingers were no longer meeting as Jacob’s cock continued to thicken. The room began to smell of bleach and musk as pre was continuously flowing. A couple of heart beats and a couple of throbs, and there was more than an inch between Quinn’s thumb and middle finger. Gonna… have to… train boys… to take… it… FUICCKK!! Jacob’s cock swelled even wider until finally with the pressure, it began to lengthen. Really… growing… Elated, Jacob and Quinn both watched as Jacob’s cock crept up over 5 inches. Once it had started, it seemed to Jacob that his cock made up for lost time. Passing 5 inches… it soon reached six… and then seven. Let me… feel it… growing. Quinn took his hand away from Jacob’s cock, and in the time it took Jacob to place his own hand there, it was 8 inches. Jacob grinned wildly at Quinn, and throwing his head back, began to stroke himself. Quinn could only stare in awe as his best friend stroked his growing python, Jacob’s moans getting louder and more primal as it grew. Jacob’s balls were larger than baseballs, and shooting out more precum in greater volumes. His cock was now most certainly thicker than Quinn’s own wrist, and showed no sign of stopping. Is it… ten inches… yet??? Oh yeah. Should… be… stopping… soon… But, his cock, enjoying its new power, lengthened to eleven inches and then twelve. Quinn noticed that the veins of Jacob’s cock had grown much larger to force more and more blood in, nourishment needed for the newborn monster. When it hit 13”, Jacob’s cock-head began to join in the growth as it swelled thicker, flaring up and outward. Wanting to be larger than the shaft, it began to lengthen as well as becoming meatie,r until Jacob’s cock head was longer than half of his old cock!! With a loud rip, the slit lengthened even more, till it rivaled the length of Quinn’s thumb. As it hit 14”, Jacob moaned loudly as his cock and balls proceeded to swell even larger. Won’t… be able… to fuck… anyone with… this… now…. too… thick.., I know… I… don’t… care!! I… want… a… monster… Make me… a… freak… Quinn.., It’s as if he knows what’s happening here…. Meeting his best friends eyes… as another wave of growth hit him and it stretched longer than 15” Is this what you want? YES!!!! Are you sure? Do… it!!!! Make me… a fuckin… freak!!! Jacob smiled at Quinn. Within moments of speaking those words, his cock proceeded to grow even faster. FUCK YEAH!!!! At over 17”, his cock head much longer than his old erect cock, and his shaft thicker than Quinn’s 22” bicep, Jacob’s cock began to dip down as the weight of his beast began to overtake it. His balls were bigger than grapefruits now, and were constantly producing enough cum and testosterone for ten men. Using two hands, Jacob was frantically trying to jerk himself off. When it hit 18”, Jacob looked at Quinn and spoke in a suddenly surprising deeper voice I… need more… hands!!! Jerk it… with me! Quinn placed his hands on the immense column, and felt waves of superiority coming from it. The musk Jacob was emitting along with the smell of pre was intoxicating… Quinn looked at his friend, and realised that where once he had been clean shaven, a thick five o’clock shadow had taken up residence on his face. My body… is becoming... a tool for... pure… sex…. Quinn stroked the immense stanchion as it continued to get longer and thicker. More and more veins erupted to the surface, thick as hosing, feeding the emerging beast. Jacob’s stroking along with Quinn’s became more vigorous as his cock grew to a whopping 19”. Quinn stood to get a better grip on the upper shaft and head. My God, he thought… Jacob’s head is bigger than two of my hands! Jacob gave up using his hands and started to simply thrust his cock through Quinn’s hands as if he were fucking them. Jacob’s moans got deeper and louder as his cock hit 20” and showed no sign of stopping its incredible growth. My balls… can you hear them… so loud… producing more cum... and testosterone... than an army of men!!! Quinn looked down at the laughing Jacob. Staring at Jacob, Quinn could see that a change was overtaking his friend. The testosterone flooding through his veins had indeed done a number on him, and he was looking more primal… more masculine than he ever been before. Even his face was changing as his brow began to extend a little further and his eyes became deepset. He had a full beard now, and hair all over his body had sprouted and thickened. The smell coming off of him in waves was overpowering… it made Quinn’s head swim and had him thinking that he wanted to submit himself to Jacob and be used as his sex toy. As the essence passed through both of them, it became apparent that nothing on earth mattered except Jacob and the colossus that was wildy emerging from his crotch. Moaning and thrusting himself faster and harder into Quinn’s hands, lost in his world of sexual stimuli, Jacob began barking orders at Quinn. Fucking… lick my.... Cock head… boy!!! His voice, Quinn thought… his voice is so powerful… so loud, so deep, and… and so commanding. What is all of that testosterone doing to him? Trying to keep in his head that he was the only true Alpha in the room, Quinn found himself obeying Jacob and starting to feverishly lick his cockhead. That’s it… boy… worship this cock!!!! I am. How big… am I… boy? At least 25” inches long… thicker than my quads… Am I… a sex… god… now? Quinn struggled to answer… but he knew he had to tell Jacob the truth. YES!!!! All of the world will worship your cock! Never has there been one so huge, so magnificent, so impressive, so potent, and dominant. In a few minutes... I will cum… I can… feel it… Tell me… what will happen? Your cock will shoot up even longer and thicker. Your balls will swell larger, flooding you with more and more testosterone… You live for one thing and one thing only now… SEX!!! Jacob threw his head back and in a voice that sounded amplified, echoing throughout the flat… a deep deep bass… oozing with sex and power. - YES!!!! Jacob thrust twenty to thirty more times as Quinn tried as best as he could to worship this mighty cock. Suddenly, without warning. Jacob stopped moving, stated at him wide-eyed… and Quinn realised in the silence he could hear the torrent of cum rising up from Jacob’s balls. FFFFFUUUUKKKK!!! Jacob tried his best to grab onto his cock, but as the largest orgasm known to man overtook him, all he could do was close his eyes, pant, moan, and shout. A minute later, a geyser errupted from Jacob’s cock, and cum shot all over the room, hitting Quinn and throwing him backward on impact. It was impossible to control the massive hose as it began to spray the walls, the ceiling, several windows, and shattered the screen of his plasma TV. With each pulse that sent more and more cum skyward, Jacob’s cock and balls proceeded to gain more and more size and mass, shooting up past 31” and getting so thick that it was hard to believe this was a penis and not some redwood or stone pillar. After 5 minutes of continual orgasm, Jacob’s cum production began to slow down until he was only leaking from the massive slit. Just when Quinn thought it was all over,Jacob let out a thunderous, FUCK His cock shot up several more inches, and then he collapsed onto the couch, barely able to hold his head up. Quinn looked around at his flat, completely covered in cum. His friend was frozen once again on the couch, a drop of cum leaking from his cock frozen in mid-air. Fuck, Quinn thought… it's really easy to let your imagination run away with you on this app. Needing to clear his head, Quinn opened up a window. I can’t believe I allowed his musk to become so strong that I couldn’t even control myself. A few minutes longer and I might have let him fuck me. Great to go huge my first time!!! Quinn was taking in another deep breath of clean air from the window when he heard the chime from his phone. Wonderful!! Is your story is finished. Would you like to: a) publish it so it lives on forever, b) delete it and no one will ever know it existed except you, or c) take a moment and edit your story with clearer eyes. What will be your choice? Quinn looked at Jacob and wondered what he would want. Is this how he would want to live… a sex dominated stud with an unimaginably massive cock, a musk that held guys in his power, guys falling to their knees to be fucked by him, cumming gallons every time…. is this how he would want to live? Is this how I would want to live? Looking deeply at Jacob, Quinn knew what he had to do. Jacob tried to catch his breath as he came down from his mind altering orgasm. As he looked around the room at the chaos surrounding him… as he took in his slowly deflating titanic cock and balls, and as he began to feel the beginnings of his balls starting to churn again, he moved his eyes up to meet his friend, grinned, and said in the deepest and most sensual voice Quinn had ever heard: Fuck me!! That’s a pretty powerful weapon you got there now! Tell me about it!! You going to keep it? Don’t think I have an option! Well… while you were firing cumshots around the room, I looked online to see if there was an antidote, and it seems that if you...um… rub olive oil and salt on it… … couldn’t think of anything better on the fly, Quinn??? … within the first three hours of injection, it sucks the formula out and everything goes back to normal. Yeah… I don’t think so. Well, you got your answer. This monstrosity is the best thing to ever happen to me. You have no idea how it feels!! For the first time I feel alive!!! Really alive!! I don’t even exist anymore! It’s my master and I need to serve it. My life now is devoted to sexual pleasure only. I need to find more and more people to worship it, lick it, suck it, let me fuck them with it, and cum over and over and over again. I’ve been called for a greater purpose, boy, and I need to minister to it. You understand? Yeah. I think I do. Good. Jacob stood up the best he could and walked on shaky legs to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. It’s insane, Quinn. My balls are already starting to churn, and it feels even more potent than before, and I think this is how it’s always going to be… getting stronger and stronger… cumming longer and longer, until one day I just orgasm for eternity. How can you carry such weight so easily. The muscles in my groin… I think they evolved to enable me to. It’s heavy… but in a good way!! Love feeling the tug and pull!! Looks like I’m a grower and not much of a shower now! Quinn could see that fully soft, Jacobs cock was only twelve inches long and as thick as a Pringles can. Even his balls had shrunk to something a little more manageable. Take a good look because you’re not going to see it soft like this very often!! I bet! Join me!! Go buy a syringe and join me! I’d love to, man… but I have my own journey coming up… and I think it’s going to rival yours!! Good to hear! I can’t wait. Well, wish I could stay and clean up, but I have followers to initiate into the world of hedonism. Jacob took off the T-shirt he had been wearing and stood in front of Quinn in all of his glory. The testosterone of hundreds of men had perfected his body giving him a larger, muscular frame, and a hairy chest that made his muscles look even sexier. No more clothes for me anymore. Won’t need them. How will you survive? Didn’t I tell you? The day I left America, I bought a lottery ticket… and I won! 50 million dollars!! Good thinking, Quinn!! Give him an even happier ending... a massive cock and 50 million!!! That should be enough to build a temple great enough for this cock. Jacob walked toward the door, opened it, and was about to step out, when he turned back to his friend. Thanks for everything, boy. I might just go to that shop in Soho and buy another syringe or two… see what another dose will do! I bet it will be amazing. I think so too! See you soon, Quinn… and take a hold of that journey you’re about to go on by the balls, and demand the world sees you. Oh… if everything goes to how I imagine it… the world won’t have any option but to see me. Good boy!! It’s our time now. Quinn could hear Jacobs balls loudly beginning to churn and saw a flow of precum begining to leak from his cock head. The aroma hit Quinn right away, and he felt as if he needed to kneel down and worship that God-Cock. Before he submitted, Quinn moved toward the window to clear his head. Bye, Quinn. Don’t worry… we’ll meet again! With that, Jacob left Quinn’s flat. What did the future hold for him? Quinn wasn’t sure, but he knew whatever it was… it was going to be a life satisfying every carnal whim. Exhausted, Quinn leaned against the wall, his own balls aching for relief. Fuck!!! That was amazing, he thought! He was just about to whip his own cock out and jerk off when the bell tone came from his phone. Wonderful! I see your story is complete. Would you like to: a) publish it so it lives on forever, b) delete it and no one will ever know it existed except you, or c) take a moment and edit your story with clearer eyes. What will be your choice? A. Wonderful!!! Your story is now published and out in the world to see. Having completed one story, you have unlocked several new options. We look forward to working with you on your next story. Me too, he thought as he leaned against the wall stroking his hard cock. I can’t wait to see what my next one is!! ... to be continued
  20. Chapter 1: My name is Dean a 23-year-old Junior in university with a huge obsession with muscular men, but an even bigger heart as a hopeless romantic. Now you might think this story is all about me meeting the biggest man of my dreams but read on and you’ll soon see that the BIGGEST things come in the smallest packages. The cool breeze hits my face as the empty road filled my view, boundless fields of wheat encompassing everything to my left and right. Classic rock blasting in my car feeling relaxed as I drive my way home. The recent pump I had given myself was already fading fresh out the gym. I was heading home on a long drive across the state after being away for a year at the university. See I had transferred from community college trying to save some money. Taking a glance at the mirror I was proud of myself for the progress I had made in the past year in the gym. I’d always been overweight all my life and wanted the attention of the guys I had liked, but I was never seen as anything other than a piece of meat ready to be discarded. My weight loss and lifting journey had started for that reason, but I quickly learned that I wanted to do it for my own self and not some random hot guys who still wouldn’t even bat an eye at the progress I’ve made. If I had to be honest with myself, I never even wanted to get huge, but I wanted to feel comfortable in my own clothing and even though I just said I wasn’t doing it for “hot” guys it still wouldn’t hurt if one happened to come my way from all my hard work. Being a big gay nerd who wasn’t stereotypically gay I struggled to find a place to belong, always ending up finding the straight guys who got weirded out when they found out I was gay and then there was the gay community on college campus full of guys who just wanted to hook up and party which wasn’t me at all. I’m a bit of a homebody and I prefer one on one activities not some frat party where I just feel my anxiety spike. I felt like a fraud of gay man not fitting in anywhere except with the few close friends I had made in high school. I’ve come to realize that I seem to have a fear of men even though I’m attracted to them. Most of my early life I was made fun of by other boys in school for my weight and subsequently me being gay, even before I knew what being gay was. Which translated to that fear now making me a mess when it came to meeting guy let alone trying to be friends with them. Any time I’ve gone out of my way to try it I end up hurting myself as I end up catching feelings for them only to suffer the time old response of “Sorry I’m straight” or the polite no I’ve grown so accustomed too. As the next song plays on my playlist the whiplash from going to some upbeat video game music from one of my favorite bands the doors, causes my mind to snap out of its slide down the slippery slope that I tended to have when remembering all the rough times I went through in the past. Instead, I focused on the rode as the beeps and boops played in my car, letting my mind clear out now feeling excited to finally get back home. Arriving back in town I got to my parents’ house where I was greeted by my mom, dad and sister who were all shocked to have seen me lose 30 pounds of fat in year that I had been away, but even more shocked that I had started hitting the gym. They always pushed me to get healthier which I appreciated but I had a crippling anxiety when it came to going so, they could never get me to go. But we all caught up and headed inside where I went into detail about my time in university as we all ate dinner together for the first time in a while. After we finished eating like true siblings my sis immediately got me to cough up the tea on all the stuff I wouldn’t say in front of my parents. I quickly turned to a darkened mood as the tea she had wanted to know was what got me in the gym in the first place. I wasn’t quite ready to share just yet, so I deflected the conversation in another direction. Afterwards I got back into my nightly routine after unpacking and fell asleep in my childhood room. The next morning, I went ahead and reached out to a few of my few close friends asking to hang out and repeating the same until the week had passed by in a flash. It wasn’t until the end of the week that I had realized that I almost missed my chance to meet up with one of my only guy friends Jake. Although he must have heard I was in town as when I got out the local gym later that night Jake had invited me over again to hangout one last time and watch a movie before returning to university once spring break was over. He let me know that he probably wouldn’t be home yet but I’m more than welcome to come over before then, since his little brother Brett was still home. I took him up on his offer and decided that seeing Jake and Brett would be a nice time before needing to leave in the morning. So, I hopped in my car fresh out the gym, but quickly realized I needed a shower, I contemplated driving home first, but his place was on the way so I might as well shower over there; it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to shower at his place in a rush and we were close enough that he wouldn’t mind. Parking into the driveway I made sure to leave room for Jake to park as he had not gotten home yet but I could see Brett’s car neatly parked. I hadn’t seen his little bro Brett in a while, but he was always close to me, he was practically my own little brother, maybe even more so than Jake himself from how much he clung to me when I was around. With only having a year of difference in age it wasn’t difficult to find common ground between the two of us, so I always enjoyed getting to see the little shrimp whenever I came over. And a shrimp he indeed was, Brett had to have been the unluckiest dude in his family when it came to the height lottery as everyone related to him was over 6 ft tall, Jake included always towering over him and myself at 6’3. The poor guy was left at 5’4 and I could always see the small gleans of yearning or jealously for the height that his own brother had. Getting to the door I knocked on it, wondering if he grew anymore in all that time apart over the past year. A few moments pass and there was no answer at the door. I tried knocking again but as my knuckles were about to bang against the metal door, it swings open with Brett now standing right in front of me. “DEAN is that you?!” The cute little shrimp I knew and loved was staring at me not having changed one bit, with a look of pure happiness to see his friend had come back to visit. Before I could even get a word out Brett had launched himself at me jumping onto me giving me a full body hug. Clinging to my body I could feel that he had gotten even lighter since the last time he had done this with me after all my brief time at the gym while I was away. “Yeah yeah bud, it’s me now quit monkeying around and get off of me.” Brett was never one to listen to me though as he clung tightly to me, clearly having missed me deeply since the last time we had seen each other. “Or don’t I guess, never have been good at saying no to you haha.” Stepping inside the house I had to practically pry him off me. Brett speaks “Fine I’ll get off now, I can’t believe you’re here! Jake didn’t tell me you were in town!” “Well, you better believe it, I couldn’t come back to town without seeing two of my closest friends.” I wrap my arm around Brett. “I guess I also came to show off all these gains I’ve made too.” I give Brett a tight squeeze letting him feel the brunt of my increased strength. “Dude, you put on a good bit of size! But that gut is still there I see.” Brett said poking fun at him. In response I squeeze him tighter pressing the air out his small chest. “Oh, you think you can just keep making comments like old times huh, I’ll have you know I built these bad boys up just to do that whenever your cocky ass makes one.” Being the smallest one of their group Brett was always one to cling to the one thing he had going for him, his lighting fast metabolism that let him eat like a black whole and no matter how much he ate he’d always have the faint outline of his abs peeking through his skin. I always let him get away with his jokes but occasionally, I liked to keep him in check. “Alright alright, you proved your point I take it back, your gut is just as great as the rest of you! But is it better than these!” Brett grabs his shirt lifting it up and flashing his stomach to me, revealing a set of more defined abs since the last time we had seen each other. “Holy fuck dude, how’d you get even more ripped since last year.” “Oh well I actually heard from Jake that you’d been working out and I decided I’d do the same.” But looking at the rest of him I could see he was nowhere nearly as developed as the set of stone bricks in his abdomen. I felt a twinge of jealousy as I looked at them since I could never burn off all the fat in my stomach, I just loved food too much to commit to staying shredded. “Well where are the rest of your muscles looked like you haven’t added anything else?” I could see his prideful look deflate a bit. “Oh well… I haven’t had much luck in that department been trying like hell to build up my arms and chest, but nothing seems to be working.” “Hey, chin up bro, you look amazing regardless, especially with these cum gutters.” I playfully feel up his abs while taking note of the new whisps of hair forming into a happy trail. “That’s pretty gay bro!” We both look at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing. The both of us had come out as gay to each other years back when Bret worked up the courage to tell me not realizing I was gay myself, blowing his mind completely when the one person he confided in was just like him. Ever since the bond between us was inseparable. There were a few times when the two of us got intimate with each other but that brotherly bond always made the two of us stop before anything could happen, although I had the feeling that the both of us wanted never wanted it to stop. As my mind reminisced I failed to remember I had just worked out and with my sweaty body hovering around him it was only a matter of time before he made a comment on your scent. “Dean as much as I love feeling your arms around me, you fucking reek go take a damn shower!” Having snapped back to reality I was embarrassed hearing his reaction to my smell causing me to jab back at him in a playful way. “And here I thought you always loved my natural scent when you used to cuddle up next to me during horror movie nights.” Jokingly I grab his head which was perfectly perpendicular with my pits turning his head into it. He tries fighting against my stronger grasp unable to break free, I can feel his deep breathes taking in in pure masculine scent after a grueling workout. But once I felt he’d had enough I released him. Almost coughing he’s catching his breathe wiping off all the sweat from my pits with his shirt, letting me once again catch a glimpse of his ridiculous set of abs. Seeing them gave me an urge to reach out and touch them again feeling each ridge as I would trace them, but I knew better than to risk our friendship and stopped the thought before it snowballed out of control. “Damn you’re strong now Dean, I used to be able to break free from your hold a year ago.” “Thanks for the compliment. It means a lot coming from you. But I’m gonna head off and shower now, hopefully Jake takes a bit longer to get back so we can catch up some more! Oh, and would you mind putting these to wash for me.” The two of us were close enough that we’ve seen each other naked multiple times so I stripped down to just my boxers and handing him my sweaty clothes before heading over to the bathroom. “Sure thing, but don’t get used to this I’m not your butler Dean.” “Sure, you aren’t, you’re just my cute little butler. Oh, and don’t make me ring the bell for a set of new clothes please.” “Ha hah, very funny, just don’t waste too much water in there, I’m the one paying the water bill now.” With that last comment I left the room, failing to notice that in all my fooling around I didn’t see the faint outline of Brett’s bulge getting tighter. As he stared longingly at my slightly broad back disappearing into the bathroom. Deep down Brett had always known he had feelings for Dean, but he never allowed himself to act upon them because he was afraid of losing the man, he was closest to in his life. He loved him regardless of his body; in fact, he loved cuddling up next to his once chubby build during their movie nights, but after seeing his slimmer and more muscular physique he appreciated the hard work he was putting in and wanted to admire him and body he was building for himself. But as much as he wanted to be proud of Dean, he could also feel his own insecurities flare up still being the smallest guy in pretty much every situation. One of which he was slightly thankful for in the current moment as his rock hard 3 incher was creating the smallest tent in his shorts looking like a regular soft bulge on most other guys, so Dean didn’t take notice of his arousal at the events that just happened between the two of them. On the other hand, he felt like shit about all his progress over the past year barely showing when he knew full well the kinds of men that Dean was attracted to physically. Brett had always secretly yearned to get taller and work himself into a hulking mass, not even Dean knew of his desires for himself. But with his feelings for Dean coming into the mix it made him even more ravenous to grow into the god he dreamed off and be the man of Deans dreams while he was at it. While Brett was lost in thought of the body, he wanted the smell from Deans clothes wafted by his nose as he took a deep breathe trying to compose himself. As he registered the scent coming from the clothes, he was holding his mind was overtaken by a sudden primal urge like a flip had switched in his mind and it was telling him only one thing. “I’m gonna get so fucking HUGE!”
  21. GenericExcuse

    Training Partners

    Roger stepped up to his locker and took off his tank. He felt sweat trickle down his carved muscles as he opened his locker and began to change. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a shorter, smaller man watching him closely. He decided to ignore him and continue changing. After he finished, he closed his locker, and turned around to see the small man standing before him. Roger let out a sigh. "Can I help you, dude?" Roger asked. The man blinked in surprise and responded. "I-I'm sorry, I was just wondering if you could help me work out. You're the biggest guy around here." "That's true. What makes you think I'll help you? And for free?" Roger grunted. "Oh, no! I can pay you," he quickly recovered. "Hmph. You're pretty scrawny, but I'm not against helping little guys out. What's your name?" Roger asked. "Jake, sir," he spoke faintly. As soon as he said 'sir', something in Roger clicked. He liked it. It made him feel powerful. "'Sir', huh? Call me that again." "Sir?" "Louder," he ordered. "Sir!" Jake shouted and stood up straight, then relaxed again with an uneasy smile. Roger smirked and gave Jake a pat on the shoulder with his big hands. Jake marveled at the thick arm and the beefy muscle on it, but Roger didn't pick up any jealousy, only admiration. "Yeah, I'll train you. In fact, no need to pay me. I have a feeling we can come to an agreement." A few days later, Roger met Jake in the gym. It was time for their first training session, and Jake seemed intimidated. "You'll be fine, dude. Just do what I say." "Y-Yes, sir," Jake whimpered out. "Good. First, follow me to the locker room," Roger spoke while starting his walk to the lockers. Jake quickly followed behind. He was given an opportunity to stare at Roger's wide, rippling back, but also the massive, bouncing ass below it. Jake was almost hypnotized by the rhythmic jiggling of the expansive, plush cheeks Roger carried behind him like cargo. Only his wide, tree-like thighs could carry something of that volume. He was snapped out of his trance by Roger's gruff voice calling him. "Hey, you can start by putting my clothes away after I change," Roger said without turning around. "Oh? Uh, sure, I guess." Jake was ready to do pretty much anything for the behemoth of a man. Roger abruptly halted, causing Jake to collide with his towering stature. Fortunately for him, he was cushioned by Roger's bulging ass cheeks. "'Yes, sir'. Say it," Roger said without turning around, only shifting his head halfway in slight annoyance. Jake was surprised by the sudden expectation and attitude. "Y-Yes, sir!" Roger nodded and they continued walking. A few seconds later they arrived at the lockers. Roger approached his locker and retrieved his gym clothes from his bag. He quickly shed his clothes, revealing a densely muscled body, with dark hair covering his boulder chest and trailing down his rocky abs to his crotch. There, Jake became privy to Roger's gifted bulge: the big, thick, filled pouch of a jockstrap. He stared wide-eyed at the gently swinging package, even stuffed in a jock it reached halfway down his furry thighs. Roger dug through his bag, suddenly realizing Jake's staring. "The fuck are you staring at? Did I say that was part of the deal?" Roger growled in irritation. He referred, of course, to the deal they made prior to their arrival. It was simple. Jake was to do whatever Roger told him to, immediately and without question or hesitation, and in return, Roger would train him. Jake hesitated to agree, since his side seemed a tad extreme, but he had ultimately decided that someone who had an aura of authority, like Roger, deserved it. He would be happy to do whatever this idol of a man told him to do. "S-Sorry, sir!" Jake yelped and turned to his own locker. He hastily changed, putting on a t-shirt and shorts. Roger put on his sleeveless shirt and shorts, showing off his hairy, mountain-like shoulders, hill-like traps grazing his ears. He noticed Jake trying not to stare and shook his head. "C'mere, runt," Roger commanded. Jake hurriedly approached, looking up into Roger's looming pecs. "Strip." Jake looked confused, but Roger made himself clear. "Now..." he growled. Jake blinked and quickly took off his clothes, his underwear being the only garment left. "All of it." Jake gulped, looking at Roger's masculine face; he emanated authority and dominance. Jake pushed down his underwear, revealing a relatively small, cute dick. Roger almost smirked at it. "Good. You'll be naked while we're working out." Jake went wide-eyed. "Wh-What? But..." he almost whimpered, face flushing. Roger grabbed him roughly, pushing him against the wall and lifting his feet off the floor. "What was that?" Roger grumbled. Jake immediately felt powerless and submissive, as if following Roger's orders was all he was made for. He 'yes sir'-ed. causing Roger to drop him. Roger turned and walked out, with Jake quickly following, hands over his crotch. Roger made his way to his usual benchpress, which was luckily not taken. He promptly added several large weights, haphazardly sliding them on. Jake nervously looked around, noticing some people glancing at him with strange looks. Jake tried to hide behind Roger, but Roger grabbed him again and put him in direct view of the rest of the gym. Jake felt his stomach twist. Roger leaned onto the bench, his rippling back supporting him. Immediately, Jake became enthralled by the sight. Roger effortlessly lifted the weight, arms pumping and blowing up with muscle. Jake eyed the wide rings of weights on the thick bar, counting a total of at least 800 pounds. Roger grunted softly, his chest expanding with muscle and breath. Jake was pulled from his trance by an employee tapping his shoulder. "Um, hello? Nudity isn't allowed in this gym, it's a public space. I'm going to have to ask you to put on clothing or leave." Jake watched his stern face, then stuttered out a pathetic response. Luckily, Roger noticed. "Hey," he called to the employee, who looked at him in surprise. "Fuck off." The employee was taken aback at first, but as he noticed the sheer size of Roger, as well as his angered face, he backed off, clearly intimidated. "U-Uh, right... sorry..." he turned and rushed back to the front of the gym. While Roger was turned, he noticed Jake's hands covering his crotch. "Move your hands off," Roger ordered. Jake obliged quickly, giving nervous glances around while his hands fidgeted restlessly at his sides. "Now turn to the rest of the gym." Jake gulped, but did so. He stood staring straight ahead at a far wall, feeling a few eyes on his crotch. Roger smirked, seeing Jake's cute butt. He lay back and continued his workout. Some time later, Jake was sitting on a bench, wearing shorts, which Roger had graciously allowed after hearing Jake's constant nervous whimpers. Roger had just about finished, and he called for Jake to follow him to the locker room. Jake realized early on that Roger had no intention of actually training Jake, at least today. He didn't mind, though, since staring at Roger's big, sweaty body for a few hours was more than worth it. Roger approached his locker and started removing his shirt, pulling the soaked fabric off with a huff. He raised a titanic arm, leaning into his hairy pit to evaluate his cleanliness. As expected, he was very musky. He turned to Jake, looking down at him over massive pecs. "I'm sweaty as hell. C'mere and clean me up," he gestured to Jake while lifting an arm and sitting on a bench. It groaned under the immense weight, his pillow-like ass spilling over the edge. "Y-Yes, sir," Jake said, moving to grab a towel, but Roger grabbed his shoulder to stop him, then pulled him in by his neck. Jake let out a weak yelp before his face was shoved into Roger's densely hairy pit. Roger used his meaty hand to hold Jake by the back of his head and keep him in place. Jake grunted, inhaling the sweat and musk of the cavernous pit. He tried to cough, the scent was intense yet intoxicating to him. He vaguely heard Roger's next command. "Lick it clean, runt." Jake whined and began licking the sweat up, his face tickled by the forest of hair. At this point, Roger let go of his head, but Jake continued anyway. The hand on his head shifted down to his back, then on his ass, squeezing slightly. Jake was completely devoted to his task, reaching his arms around to hug Roger's wall-like lat and slowly grinding his stiff bulge against Roger's hip. He licked with fervor, slathering and slobbering. Roger was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm. "Okay, that's enough," he pulled Jake away, to his disappointment, though it was only temporary as Roger guided him to his other side. Jake hungrily sat, finishing the job. After a few minutes, Roger heard muffled moaning from Jake. He pulled him back, and saw that his eyes were relaxed and he was panting heavily, arms still wrapped around Roger. One look at his soaked crotch told him everything he needed to know. Secretly pleased, Roger kept his intimidation up. "Did you just fucking cum?" Roger growled. Jake immediately snapped out of his trance. "Wh-...? I-I didn't mean to, I'm s-sorr-" "Fucking hell," Roger sighed. "Take a shower." Jake got up and sheepishly tugged off his pants. His cum-covered cock was soft now. He made his way to the showers. Jake entered the shower area, turning the knob and feeling the water pour on him. It was cold at first, but quickly warmed to a comfortable temperature, so he turned the knob back so the water would stay cold. He looked down at his cock, washing the cum off. Then he washed his mouth of any lingering sweat he lapped up. He cleaned his body, but froze when he felt and heard heavy thuds coming closer. He gasped as Roger stood behind him, grabbing his shoulder and turning him. Jake looked up at the beast of a man, his face partially obscured by his massive set of hairy pecs. "What's taking so long? You're a scrawny fucker," Roger rumbled. He saw Jake half covered in soap. He reached a big hand out and rinsed some soap off of his thin shoulder. "Wash all that shit off." Jake quickly did so. "Good. Now..." Roger said while turning around, "Since I'm already here, you can get my ass next. It's sweaty as hell." Jake stared at the massive, juicy butt bouncing before him, wet and hairy, and he almost collapsed. Slightly nervous, he began to knead the ass. He gasped as he felt how soft and round it was. He squeezed, hands now surrounded by the meaty butt. "The hell? I said wash, not fondle." Jake gulped and began to wash Roger's backside as best he could while distracted. A few minutes later, the two dried off in the locker room. "We're going to my place, runt," Roger asserted. Jake nodded timidly. He followed the larger man to his truck. Roger's weight caused it to tilt and dip as he entered. Jake scrambled into the passenger seat, realizing that the truck smelled like Roger. It was a strong, masculine scent that Jake loved. He sagged lazily in the seat as the two drove off.
  22. VampyVamp

    Mad scientist gone perverted

    Disclaimers: this is both an m/f AND m/m story, the m/f version is on top while the m/m version is at the bottom. Please note that not only does pronouns NOT equal gender, but your genitalia does not define your gender identity read the version you want based on whether or not you’re a yaoi enthusiast or not. Also ignore the spacing between the two vers being different, I forgot the order of the spacing in the original ver. Both characters go back and forth being dom and sub; muscle subs aren’t exactly my type but I imagine Mao being a switch anyway so I guess this works out, I also see Beryl as a switch it still works out. This also has some musk and degradation stuff because I was jamming all of my fetishes/kinks into this shit sooo yeah enjoy! also spoilers but Beryl kinda breaks the laws of physics to ride Mao’s cock but thats ok because its my insane sex and I make the rules (also also some of this stuff only make sense if you’ve played Disgaea 3 which I’m not sure a lot of people here have so uhh) ___ M/F version: “Mao, I brought you some snacks!” Beryl notified, walking towards her childhood… rival’s dorm. “Great, just leave it at the door, I’m busy.” Mao responded before diverting his attention back to whatever was making him busy. “Busy? Heh, now I’m curious.” Beryl chuckled before waltzing into Mao’s room. “Just what are you up to? Do you need any help?” “No, I don’t need any help- and get out of my room! You pesky delinquent…” Mao tsked, trying his best to ignore Beryl after that. However, it was pretty hard to get Beryl out of his hair; she was just like that. “C’mon, just tell me. I don’t bite, I promise!” Beryl said with her usual cheery tone, although it was obvious she was begging. “Don’t make promises! Demons don’t do that kind of thing!” Mao spat in response, not budging from his spot despite being obviously annoyed by Beryl. The girl sighed. She really wanted an answer from Mao but he wasn't giving one, so she would just have to push further. “I know you're hiding something, Mao. That's why you dodged my pleads just now. So, what is it?! What are you working on? And don't lie to me! You know I'm a good judge of character!” Beryl demanded, but with her voice Mao could never really take her seriously. “Fine! If you must know, I am currently working on a new experiment.” Mao spilled. “Hmph, I already knew that, tell me more-“ “That’s all you’re getting out of me. Now just give me the snacks and get out. Isn’t it against your moral highgrounds as a delinquent to break into someone’s room?” Mao huffed. Beryl rolled her eyes. There were times when Mao came off as such an ass “Um, just answer this much; is it something pervy…?” The girl asked. “No. If you’re really that curious, then I’m making a potion to make me grow muscles.” Mao finally revealed, with Beryl giving him a rather surprised expression in response. “Oh, that’s not what you usually make… usually, you’re just dissecting people and/or giving them outrageous upgrades and all that baloney.” Beryl said with a chuckle. “Hey, my upgrades aren’t outrageous, nor are they baloney! They actually work!” Mao argued, taking offence to the latter statement. “Yeah, I guess I’ll give you that much. But anyway, why are you making this kinda potion anyway? I never knew you were into that stuff.” Beryl said. “This isn’t a fetish thing, I have my reasons; I need to grow strong just like one of those super heroes!” Mao explained, putting a serious face on. “Why are you so fixated on heroes if you just hate them? Just think about it; all those comics you read about them, all the animes you watch about them, all the time you consume ‘researching’ about them. Why do you even care about it?” Beryl asked. “Hmph, you already know the reason. Anyway, this potion will make me bigger every time I eat something! Sounds nice, right?” Mao said with an excited smile. “No offense but… aren’t there easier ways to go about this? Like, growing stronger through training or something? It doesn't seem like it'd be that effective." Beryl replied, tilting her head. "Training is for losers! I want to get strong NOW! Plus I get to eat food while I grow, that's what I call a win-win situation!" Mao shouted. “Then… wouldn’t taking steroids be a much less time-consuming way to get jacked?” Beryl asked, thinking aloud. “Heh, the Evil Academy’s biggest delinquent, Beryl herself, recommending that I take steroids? How ironic.” Mao scoffed. “Anyway, I don't need to take steroids! This potion is perfect for me! Besides, I don't even know how to use steroids properly! I can only do the one thing I know well, which is this!” Mao declared proudly. "Well, are you done making the potion? I’m still curious, y’know…” Beryl asked. “Basically. I’ll make adjustments later if I need to, but the base formula is ready. All I have to do now is drink it, of course!” Mao said happily, getting up from his desk and grabbing the bottle the potion was in. He then proceeded to drink it all down, without leaving anything left behind. “Mao… You drank it… all?!" Beryl gasped. “What? it needs to be drunk entirely. It has to absorb into my body and spread around. Or else it won’t work!” Mao explained. “Now, you brought snacks, didn’t you? Come on, give me something!” “Oh, right…! Here you go. This is just a small snack though...” Beryl said, handing Mao a plate full of assorted sweets. “Gimme!” Mao demanded, swiftly taking the treats. He then stuffed his mouth with all the snacks he could manage in one go, before letting out a satisfied sigh. “Wow, this is so good! I never thought that food could be this delicious! I'm hungry again! Gimme more! More, I say!!” Mao complained. “You sure are greedy, huh? Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to gorge yourself?" Beryl teased. “And it’s just mere sweets, too… haven’t you eaten anything any better before?” “Ah, now that you mention it, I don’t think I remember enjoying sweets *this* much before. Eh, oh well. I'll just keep eating until I feel full, yeah?” Mao declared. Suddenly, he felt his stomach growl loudly. “See? it’s not good to eat so many sweets at once… hey, hold on. You’re, uhhh- you’re kind of sweating… like, a lot.” Beryl noted. “Hmph, you’re right. And hey, I… I kind of feel strange too… What's happening to me?” Mao pondered, looking down at his hands. They suddenly seemed… well, a little bigger. A little bigger than before. “What? Huh? Uhh- what is this?” Mao exclaimed, confused before his face turned into one of realization. A grin grew on his face. “Eheh, I knew it! This potion actually works! I've got a feeling that I'm gonna grow even bigger, soon!” Mao proclaimed proudly. And, to be fair, he wasn’t wrong; he was already a bit taller than before. Not by much, but enough to notice. "So, how do you feel? Any side effects yet? I mean, if this potion really does what it claims to... then you should be fine..." Beryl asked, eyeing Mao suspiciously. “Hey, wait, your legs. They’re… expanding?” It was true, Mao's legs were buffing up rapidly; his thigh gap had gotten a lot narrower and they looked pretty toned. His quads were definitely bulging, too. His chest also appeared to be growing in size, too, and his shoulders were starting to get broader. His pecs swelled up impressively, too. As a matter of fact, everything on his upper body seemed to be expanding quickly. He quickly began developing rows of abs, his back muscles seemed to be getting bigger and denser, and his biceps and forearms started to look noticeably beefier, too. It was all very impressive, especially considering the speed at which it occurred. His neck was also starting to thicken, and his Adam's apple was becoming noticeable, too. However, his growth paused shortly after that, it seems like he needed more food… I guess it was like gas for a car. “Beryl, feed me more snacks! I want to fill myself up, alright?! I'll be fine, trust me!” Mao demanded, his glasses fogging up perversely as he slurped up the drool that was drooling down his chin. Oh, now that Beryl knew that this was turning him on, this changed everything for her. “Mhm, more food coming right up!” Beryl happily obliged, trying to hide the lust that had started bubbling up inside of her. She grabbed a few plates of snacks and handed them over to Mao, who greedily snatched them up. He then stuffed himself with all the snacks he could possibly manage, stuffing his cheeks with each bite. The more food he ate, the bigger he’d grow, and soon he grew once more. He grew even larger, rapidly transforming from a thin, scrawny boy into a muscular hunk of a man. His muscle mass increased dramatically, and while he was growing bigger, he also grew hungrier, constantly demanding more food. Even when he was full, he still managed to stuff himself with more food, constantly eating until he couldn't anymore, but who knew when that would be. His clothes strained under the immense pressure of his expanded frame, and they were soon ripped off his body, leaving him naked from above the waist. Beryl stared at him with wide eyes. She could feel herself getting increasingly wet down below, and it was getting harder for her to hide her overwhelming lust. Mao’s body glistened with sweat, making him seem like he was lathered with oil and even more desirable. His nipples were big and hard, and they stood out prominently against his large chest, and his pecs and abs were bulging. His biceps, triceps, pectorals, deltoids, lats, traps, delts, and forearms all bulged impressively, and his veins appeared clearly defined. His ass was also getting bigger, and it looked great. He was starting to develop a nice bubble butt, and the roundness of it was magnificent. Beryl had to restrain her urges to just masturbating right there and then, she’d probably be teased to death if she went through with her filthy actions… but to be fair, Mao wasn’t any better; his dick had been growing all this time and was now half-hard. As Mao grew, he had sweat profusely, giving him a sexy, musky smell. He practically oozed sexual appeal and sensuality, making Beryl want to fuck him right then and there, but she restrained herself. It didn’t take long after that for his belt to snap and his white shorts to rip. His knee-length tights and boxers threatened to rip to shreds any moment. Soon, he was completely naked, his dick rising to full attention. His body was covered in a layer of sweat, and it glistened in whatever light seeped into the room. A small bead of precum dripped out of his tip, making its way down his shaft. In response to Mao's nudity, Beryl blushed deeply. Her heart beat faster, and she felt like she might pass out from excitement, she was so aroused. The overwhelmed girl couldn't help but stare at Mao's impressive physique, his massive cock twitching against his belly. She wanted nothing more than to give it a stroke, or lick it, or even suck on it. She eyed his member hungrily, salivating at the thought of taking a bite out of it. She licked her lips unconsciously, and her face turned redder by the second. She could feel her panties getting soaked, and she desperately tried to grab them and hide her arousal. But, as if he sensed what Beryl was thinking, Mao leaned forward, staring deep into her eyes. "You want some?" Mao asked, grabbing Beryl's head with both hands. "Come on, you know you want it." Beryl nodded, unable to speak due to her raging lust. It seemed like Beryl was the pervert now. And now there was no point not to give into her urges, right? …Although, a large majority of her urges involved… feeding him more? Yes, that sounded perfect. She wanted to be a potentially gentle but definitely domineering feeder who fed him all of his meals, making him even buffer, and give him much more than that. She knew it wouldn’t be the best idea, given how Mao had already gained a bit too much mass than ‘recommended’, but she couldn’t help it; she didn’t care if he broke through the ceiling, she didn’t care if the boy outgrew the whole damn academy, she just couldn’t get this image of her sitting on top of his behemoth cock, feeding him more and more, enhancing his growth continuously out of her head. And that was why she shoved her hand past her skirt and between her thighs, rubbing her clit furiously through her tights and panties. She had to cum right away, otherwise she'd go insane. Her breathing became heavy, and her face was now bright red. Her pussy throbbed, and she was already so close to an orgasm. But she held back, determined to keep going for as long as possible. Mao smirked at Beryl, who was clearly horny as hell, and his member continued to twitch. He could tell that Beryl was enjoying herself, and he wasn't about to deny her wishes. That would just be cruel. He lifted Beryl up and placed her on his lap, straddling him. His member dangled over her pelvis, and it looked like it was going to fall into her crotch any moment. Beryl moaned softly, and her legs spread open slightly. Mao gave her a teasing look, “come on, tell me all of your desires. We’ll see who the real pervert here is.” Beryl glared at him, and her eyes were burning with lust. She wanted to scream her thoughts out, to tell him exactly how she felt, but she decided to keep things classy, and kept quiet, only moaning quietly when he'd tease her. "Well?" Mao asked again, grinning widely. "What do you desire?" Beryl stared into Mao's eyes, her fingers moving faster along her dripping wet slit. "I- I... um, want to be your feeder. Your..." she paused, trying to find the right words, "...your food provider." Mao smirked, pleased with what she said. "Oh really?" he said, licking his lips. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you want to be my feeder because you're attracted to me?" but the giant boy received no answer from the smaller girl in response. "Or maybe you want to see me grow? Are you curious to see just how big I can get?" he asked, his voice becoming husky.“You’re so dirty, Beryl. You want to see how big and buff I can get, don't you?” he whispered, staring deep into her eyes. God, since when did this boy get so damn teasing?! Beryl didn't think she'd ever been this turned on before. But of course, she had to pursue what she wanted; feeding him and making him grow even bigger. She gave her best attempt at a smirk. “I guess I am. And yes, I want to see how big you can get.” And Mao smiled, satisfied with what she said. He leaned back a little, and then grabbed another snack and handed it to the pink-haired girl that sat on his enormous girth. She then licked her lips and brought the piece of food closer to the mouth of the giant in front of her, and he started chewing. She slowly fed him bite by bite, and after a few minutes, he finished the whole thing. She then tilted her head and asked him, "Do you want more?" The giant boy smirked, "of course. What else would I want? More food, of course." Beryl giggled, and handed him another snack. Then she fed him more bites until he was full once again. This time, she made sure to slow down, savoring every second she spent feeding him. It didn’t long for his growth to resume, and soon he was rapidly swelling up again. His legs grew longer, and his arms got wider, and he gained some new muscles. Soon, he was almost as tall as the ceiling itself, and he was getting bigger by the minute, and his growth was relentless. But Beryl didn't mind. She wanted to see what he would become, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to contain her excitement. So, she reached out and grabbed hold of his growing pecs and squeezed them. “Aaaah!" Mao moaned loudly. "That feels amazing! Don't stop squeezing them, I love it!" Beryl grinned, feeling powerful and sexy as hell. She was stroking and squeezing the massive shoulders of the giant boy, and it felt absolutely amazing. He responded well to her touch, and his huge frame shook as Beryl slowly began to dominate him. His cock swelled hard against the inside of her thighs, and soon the giant was completely erect, ready to shoot his first load. Beryl moaned happily, and her fingers moved faster, gripping his muscular body tighter than ever. She loved the way he reacted to her, and she felt so incredibly sexy. The demon girl looked up at his face, and she saw his glasses were fogged up like hell, as if he couldn't control himself. He was breathing heavier than usual too, and his chest expanded with each breath, making him look even more impressive. She knew he was close, and she smirked, knowing she had to take matters into her own hands. She moved her small hands back to Mao’s shiny pecs, and she started massaging them harder. She watched as his muscles rippled beneath her small palms, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, as she rubbed and squeezed his perfect body. Her tight grip made him moan louder, which excited her even more. She continued to massage him, and soon she heard him groan loudly. She quickly moved her fingers to his nipples, and she pinched them roughly, causing him to cry out in pleasure. The pink-haired girl moaned, and she bit her lip in anticipation. She continued to pinch and twist his rock hard nipples, while still working his body. She kept rubbing his pecs and abs, until he finally screamed out loud, a deep guttural sound that echoed through the room. His cock throbbed against her inner thighs, and his thick cum erupted in between her thighs. She couldn't believe how much he shot. A large amount of thick white jizz splattered onto her thighs, and she touched them and held the semen up to her face, smiling. "Wow..." she murmured, looking at the globs of cum that were oozing out of his dick. Mao's breathing slowed down and he looked over at the smaller girl. He smiled, "that was intense." “Yeah, but I have the feeling you’re up for at least one more round.” Beryl smirked. Mao nodded, his mouth watering as Beryl pulled another piece of food out of literally no where. She placed it in front of him, and he took a bite of it before she gave him another. She continued to feed him this way until he was full again, and he was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. His gargantuan frame threatened to break through the ceiling, and Beryl was loving every single second of it. She felt like a goddess of sorts herself, and she loved the fact that her power over him seemed to be limitless. She saw the giant boy grow, and she smiled as she admired him. She stroked his massive frame, and she could feel his cock throbbing against her inner thigh. She smirked, and looked up at his face, "you like the way my hand feels on your body?" Mao nodded, still breathing heavily. His arms were covered in sweat, and his chest was soaked in it. He was drenched with manly sweat and musk, and a tad bit of it infiltrated Beryl’s nose. But surprisingly, it turned her on even more. She stroked his chest and abs, and let her hand slide down his stomach, until she reached his thick meaty cock. She smirked, and she started stroking him vigorously, and she knew it wouldn't take long for him to blow his load again. But she was definitely caught off guard when Mao began sliding her skirt off and he tossed it aside, revealing to top of her tights and panties. She gasped at his boldness, but she was intrigued. She wanted to see just how far he would go, and she decided to let him do whatever he wanted. He pulled her panties aside, and he was greeted by her wet pussy. It was dripping from all the excitement, and he didn't hesitate to spread her thighs apart and bury his face between them. Beryl moaned loudly, and she grabbed his hair tightly, pulling on it as he ate her out. Mao licked her slit and clit, and he sucked on her fat lips, his tongue swirling around her wet flesh. Beryl's eyes rolled back in her head, and she moaned deeply, "oh fuck... mhm..." Mao looked up at her and he felt a rush of pleasure run through his body. The adorable pink-haired girl was moaning and panting, as his tongue flicked over her sensitive clit. He could tell she was incredibly close to cumming, but he also wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself. So he stopped licking her pussy for a brief moment, and he moved his big hand between her legs. He slid one of his meaty fingers inside her tight hole, and he curled it around, while continuing to lick her clit. Beryl cried out, "oh god!" and her nails dug into his scalp as she came hard. Her juices squirted out of her pussy, coating Mao's face, and she threw her head back, screaming loudly. The titan in between her thighs just swallowed all of the tasty juice up, and it seemed to make him grow as well. The ceiling just above Mao’s head couldn’t restrain him any longer, and it crumbled under the weight of his monstrous form. Beryl looked down at Mao still in front of her sex and she smirked. The boy with glasses looked so fucking hot, with his face covered in cum and his dick rock hard and needy. The two were practically glowing with arousal, and Beryl knew that her orgasm had left her flushed in more than one way. She moaned and she ran her hands through Mao’s sweaty hair, pulling on it as she came closer and closer to cumming herself. She looked down at her “rival’s” beefy fingers, coated in her cum, and she brought them to her lips. She tasted the sweet liquid on her tongue, and she moaned, "mmmmm..." Mao could feel his growth continue, sending him wave after wave of pleasure. At this point, he was dying to fuck Beryl’s pussy. He needed to be inside her, and he wanted to pound her deepest parts. And judging from the way Beryl was reacting, she wanted him to do the same thing. She kissed his hand, and then she licked his fingers clean. She smiled seductively at him, and she grabbed his cock with both hands, stroking its length. She squeezed it firmly, causing his dick to twitch and throb, and she couldn't help but notice how much stronger it was now. She stroked him slowly, massaging his shaft, and she whispered something in his ear, "I want you to come inside me." Mao groaned lustfully, and he nodded his head eagerly. Beryl smirked, and she lowered herself onto his shaft. She wrapped her legs around whatever of his waist her small body could reach, and she took all of his cock inside her pussy. She moaned loudly, feeling the huge monster inside her, and she gripped his back tightly. She held him against her, grinding her hips in a circular motion, and she told him how good he felt inside her, "fuck yeah..." Mao grunted and he thrust his hips upward, pushing deeper inside Beryl, until he bottomed out. She shuddered, and she sighed deeply, as he filled her completely. She wiggled her butt, and she ground her pelvis against his, urging him to move. Mao obliged, and he started sliding his cock in and out of her tight pussy. He leaned forward slightly, and he grabbed onto Beryl's thighs with his large hands, holding them tightly against his shoulders. Beryl gasped, and she lifted her ass higher, allowing him to drive deeper into her. She smiled wickedly, and she said, "fuck me, Mao... fuck me harder..." Mao grunted and he slammed himself deep inside her. Beryl cried out, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She bit her lip as she looked into his eyes, "you're so big... fuck... I can feel every inch of your cock inside me..." Mao was overcome with pleasure, and he couldn't take it anymore. He bent forward and he buried his face in her neck, kissing the soft skin there. He moaned deeply, and he continued pumping his cock in and out of her tight pussy. the walls began to crack under the pressure of his immense frame. He pounded her mercilessly, and he reached behind himself, grabbing onto Beryl's tits. They were small, but they felt amazing in his hands, and he squeezed them roughly, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Beryl wasn't going to last long. She could already feel an intense orgasm approaching, and she was desperate to get there. She arched her back, and she screamed wildly as she came, spasming around his dick. She had never felt anything this good before, and she pulled him even closer to her. She fucked herself on his cock, and she rode it desperately, trying to prolong the pleasure that was coursing through her entire body. He placed one of his massive hands on her chest, and he squeezed it lovingly. He looked into her eyes, and he grinned, "good girl..." Beryl giggled and she rolled her eyes, "can we just cuddle for a little bit?" Mao chuckled, and he nodded his head, "of course." And proceeding to shove Beryl into his beefy, sweaty globes on his chest, A.K.A his gigantic pecs. Beryl squealed happily, wrapping her arms around whatever of him she could reach, and she nuzzled his muscle tits affectionately. She lay there, pressed against his muscular chest, and she smiled dreamily at him, taking his rough, manly scent in. She kissed his chest playfully, running her tongue along his thick muscles. His skin tasted salty, like sweat. She inhaled deeply, and she closed her eyes, letting the smell of his musk wash over her. She had never smelled anything so delicious in her life. Her mind wandered, and her thoughts became clouded by lust and desire. She couldn't stop thinking about this magnificent hunk next to her. She couldn't believe how strong he was. How handsome he looked. The demon girl wondered if the demon boy had any more surprises in store for her. She felt his bulge growing beneath her, and she shivered with anticipation. She wanted to feel it inside her again. But this time, she wanted to be in control; she wanted to ride him. "Do you want some more?" Mao asked, licking his lips seductively. Beryl smiled wickedly, and she shook her head, "I think I need another round... two, maybe three." Mao laughed. He kissed her neck sweetly, and he whispered huskily in her ear, "you got it, Beryl..." He pushed her flat against his chest, and he spread her legs open wide. Beryl giggled, and she looked up at him coyly, "go ahead..." Mao smiled wickedly, and he slid his cock slowly inside her. Beryl gasped, and she moaned as he filled her once again. He was thicker than he had been before, and he felt bigger too. She found it hard to imagine how he would ever fit even one more inch inside her, but she didn't have much choice. The demon girl was already impossibly stretched by his massive cock, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to handle any more. She tried not to think about it, though. She was determined to keep enjoying herself. Beryl bit her lip, and she arched her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she squeezed his muscular pecs. She moaned loudly, and she looked into Mao's eyes, "fuck me harder... make me cum again..." Mao smirked, and he did just what she wanted him to do. He grabbed her by the hips, and he thrust his cock into her tight pussy hard and fast. Beryl groaned, and she tightened her grip on his pecs. Normally, this would have been totally impossible thanks to their burgeoning size difference, Beryl decided it was ok to break the laws of physics just this once. The demon girl dug her nails into his pecs, as she took all that he could give her. She was so close to cumming again already, and she hoped that it wouldn't take long before she would. She squeezed her eyes shut, and she threw her head back, moaning loudly. She started panting heavily, and she focused only on the feeling of being fucked. She was so overwhelmed with pleasure, and the heat between her legs was building rapidly. She could feel her orgasm rushing towards her, and she moaned loudly as she came, crying out in pleasure. She came hard, shaking uncontrollably, and she shuddered as she rode out her orgasm. She felt every pulse of his cock inside of her, and her whole body trembled, tensing up as she climaxed. She whimpered softly, gasping, "ahhhhhh..." Mao growled, and he grunted as he kept pounding her. He wanted to make sure that she felt the full extent of his cock. He loved making her feel good, and he wanted to show her that he cared about her. He wasn't afraid of hurting her or doing something wrong. He was sure that she would let him know if he was, and he had faith in her. He continued thrusting into her, even after her orgasm had passed. He was still hard, and he was ready for round 2. He picked up the pace, and he pounded her relentlessly. He grabbed her ass tight, squeezing it in his hands, making Beryl yelp and gyrate her hips once more, riding his cock. She rode him faster and faster, until she was on the verge of another orgasm. She needed to cum again, right now! Mao grinned, and he squeezed her butt harder, "cum for me, Beryl," he commanded, grinning. Beryl nodded, and she whimpered, "yes... yes..." She squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip. She cried out loudly, and she shivered as her pussy clenched down on his dick. She screamed, and she came again, shaking violently. She shook from head to toe, and she shuddered uncontrollably. It felt like a dozen orgasms had hit her at once, and she couldn't help herself. She buried her face into his shoulder, sobbing and gasping in pleasure. She had never come so hard in her life. Mao groaned, and he thrust into her one last time. He held her close to him, and he kissed her neck tenderly. He tried to pull out of her, but Beryl stopped him before he could. “No,” she said, beginning to ride Mao’s manhood once more. It was the buff giant’s turn to be in the hot seat, and he was loving every second of it. He moaned and whimpered, clearly enjoying the tides turning. All Beryl responded with was a wicked chuckle, and Mao wasn’t really sure it fit her character, but he couldn’t really care, instead focusing on how much he was getting off to being used by this much smaller girl. Beryl smirked, and she teased him vocally, "ohhhh, you like this, don't you?" Mao moaned, and he nodded weakly, "uh huh. How’d I know?" Beryl pumped her hips, and she bit her lower lip, "it's ok, I'll make sure to keep doing this to you." Mao nodded, and he smiled, "okay, I guess I can deal with it." Beryl laughed, and she leaned forward, kissing him passionately. They both moaned loudly, and they kissed as they pleasured each other. They were completely lost in their own little world, which is exactly where they wanted to be. Beryl continued teasing Mao to hell and back while she stayed riding his thick, long rod. He had yet to reach his peak, and it was driving him insane. He loved having her ride him like this; it was so beautiful to him. She had such a cute face, and she was so small, but her body was incredible. She was so tight around him, and she gripped him tightly, milking his shaft for all its worth. Mao couldn't take it anymore, and he reached his limit. He pulled out of her, and he leaned over her back, grunting. He grabbed onto her shoulders, holding himself up. He took a deep breath, and he panted, "I'm gonna... cum!" he warned her, and she nodded, quickly leaning back against his chest. “Hehe, who’s the dirty one now~?” Beryl giggled, and she turned her face upwards, looking at him. He panted, drooling slightly, he looked so damn pathetic. She knew that she was going to have to make sure to use him like this often, because he looked so incredibly adorable when he was trying to hold back his load, and he looked so damn sexy too. It made her want to fuck him senseless! Beryl smirked, and she arched her back, grinding her hips against him. She forced his cock inside of her, and she began riding him rapidly. She bounced on his massive, thick member, and she moaned, "yes... yes..." She rode him enthusiastically, and she gasped, "you're so big... m-more... muah... ah..." She looked down at him, and she licked her lips, "c-can you handle it? Are you a good boy?" Mao nodded, and he whimpered a bit, "haha... yeah..." His voice was raspy, and he sounded like he was about to lose control of himself. Beryl smirked, "good." She leaned forward, pressing her breasts against his chest. She closed her eyes, and she moaned, "fuck me... please..." Beryl heard a moan next to her, and she opened her eyes slowly. She found Mao staring at her breasts, his face was flushed bright red. He looked so slutty, and so utterly happy. He was panting lightly, and he looked so excited. She was glad that he liked them, and that they weren't just a letdown. She smiled softly, and she bit her bottom lip, "here I go." She started to rock back and forth faster and harder. She was smiling wide now, and she leaned forward, kissing him. She felt his hands on her ass, squeezing her cheeks, and she moaned into his mouth as they kissed. The two of them were moaning and panting loudly, and they didn't even care. "Yes... oh god. Yes," she cried out, and she squeezed his arms tighter, trying to keep herself from bouncing too hard. She wasn't about to stop though, and neither was Mao. He knew how much she enjoyed riding him, and he could tell that she was close to her limit. He pulled her closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around her. He lifted her up off of him, and he held her in place, allowing her to grind herself against him without actually moving. Beryl purred, and she leaned her forehead against his, panting heavily. Her body shook from the intense feeling, and she groaned, "Are you close, Mao? Are you getting close?" Mao nodded, and he groaned, "yeah, I'm so close. Can you feel it?" Beryl nodded, and she grinned, "I can, Mao. Just keep letting me toy with you, and I‘d appreciate some whimpers with that too!” The girl joked, and she started to bounce faster. She hit all of his most sensitive spots, and she could feel his cock throbbing inside her every time. She rubbed her clit against his pelvis, and she cried out, "oh god! Mao... mmmf!" she moaned, and she bucked her hips desperately, thrusting herself up and down on his thick, long pole. “C-Come on, beg for it. Beg me to make you cum..!” Beryl moaned, and she squeezed her inner walls around his shaft, grinding against him. Mao moaned, "Please, Beryl!" he begged her, "Please ruin me..." The girl giggled, "Oh god, Mao. You sound like such a little slut sometimes. I love it." She moaned loudly, and she continuer her movements, bouncing frantically. “But thats just because that’s what you are; a slutty, filthy whore. Whores need to be ruined. They need to learn their place. And I’m going to make you see that...” She continued to ride him, and her pussy gripped him tightly. This wasn’t like her at all, but she couldn’t help herself. Mao’s new muscles seemed to have awakened something inside of her. Beryl's pussy clenched tight around his cock, and she moaned in orgasmic bliss. She came on him, and she came hard. She trembled as she rode him through it. Her juices flowed freely from her cunt, and she gasped, "no... no... don't stop!" Mao chuckled, and he slowed his pace to match hers. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. He kissed her deeply, and he cupped her cheek, holding her still. The two of them were panting loudly, and they both kept moaning. They moaned together, and they kissed passionately while the girl recovered from her climax. "You're such a dirty little whore, Mao," Beryl moaned softly, "and I've never loved anything more. I love you so much right now, Mao." Mao smiled, and he kissed her again, "me too, Beryl. Me too. Want to keep feeding me?” Mao asked perversly. Oh right, the feeding thing! Beryl had forgotten all of that, which was surprising considering it was her initial desire when this whole muscle growth thing had started. And she nodded in response, going to grab some more food. ——— M/M version: “Mao, I brought you some snacks!” Beryl notified, walking towards his childhood… rival’s dorm. “Great, just leave it at the door, I’m busy,” Mao responded before diverting his attention back to whatever was making him busy. “Busy? Heh, now I’m curious.” Beryl chuckled before waltzing into Mao’s room. “Just what are you up to? Do you need any help?” “No, I don’t need any help- and get out of my room! You pesky delinquent…” Mao tsked, trying his best to ignore Beryl after that. However, it was pretty hard to get Beryl out of his hair; he was just like that. “C’mon, just tell me. I don’t bite, I promise!” Beryl said with his usual cheery tone, although it was obvious he was begging. “Don’t make promises! Demons don’t do that kind of thing!” Mao spat in response, not budging from his spot despite being annoyed by Beryl. The boy sighed. He really wanted an answer from Mao but he wasn't giving one, so he would just have to push further. “I know you're hiding something, Mao. That's why you dodged my pleas just now. So, what is it?! What are you working on? And don't lie to me! You know I'm a good judge of character!” Beryl demanded, but with his voice, Mao could never really take him seriously. “Fine! If you must know, I am currently working on a new experiment.” Mao spilled. “Hmph, I already knew that, tell me more-“ “That’s all you’re getting out of me. Now just give me the snacks and get out. Isn’t it against your moral high grounds as a delinquent to break into someone’s room?” Mao huffed. Beryl rolled his eyes. There were times when Mao came off as such an ass “Um, just answer this much; is it something pervy…?” The boy asked. “No. If you’re really that curious, then I’m making a potion to make me grow muscles.” Mao finally revealed, with Beryl giving him a rather surprised expression in response. “Oh, that’s not what you usually make… usually, you’re just dissecting people and/or giving them outrageous upgrades and all that baloney,” Beryl said with a chuckle. “Hey, my upgrades aren’t outrageous, nor are they baloney! They actually work!” Mao argued, taking offense to the latter statement. “Yeah, I guess I’ll give you that much. But anyway, why are you making this kinda potion anyway? I never knew you were into that stuff.” Beryl said. “This isn’t a fetish thing, I have my reasons; I need to grow strong just like one of those superheroes!” Mao explained, putting a serious face on. “Why are you so fixated on heroes if you just hate them? Just think about it; all those comics you read about them, all the animes you watch about them, all the time you consume ‘researching’ about them. Why do you even care about it?” Beryl asked. “Hmph, you already know the reason. Anyway, this potion will make me bigger every time I eat something! Sounds nice, right?” Mao said with an excited smile. “No offense but… aren’t there easier ways to go about this? Like, growing stronger through training or something? It doesn't seem like it'd be that effective." Beryl replied, tilting his head. "Training is for losers! I want to get strong NOW! Plus I get to eat food while I grow, that's what I call a win-win situation!" Mao shouted. “Then… wouldn’t taking steroids be a much less… time-consuming way to get jacked?” Beryl asked, thinking aloud. “Heh, the Evil Academy’s biggest delinquent, Beryl himself, recommending that I take steroids? How ironic.” Mao scoffed. “Anyway, I don't need to take steroids! This potion is perfect for me! Besides, I don't even know how to use steroids properly! I can only do the one thing I know well, which is this!” Mao declared proudly. "Well, are you done making the potion? I’m still curious, y’know…” Beryl asked. “Basically. I’ll make adjustments later if I need to, but the base formula is ready. All I have to do now is drink it, of course!” Mao said happily, getting up from his desk and grabbing the bottle the potion was in. He then proceeded to drink it all down, without leaving anything left behind. “Mao… You drank it… all?!" Beryl gasped. “What? it needs to be drunk entirely. It has to absorb into my body and spread around. Or else it won’t work!” Mao explained. “Now, you brought snacks, didn’t you? Come on, give me something!” “Oh, right…! Here you go. This is just a small snack though...” Beryl said, handing Mao a plate full of assorted sweets. “Gimme!” Mao demanded, swiftly taking the treats. He then stuffed his mouth with all the snacks he could manage in one go, before letting out a satisfied sigh. “Wow, this is so good! I never thought that food could be this delicious! I'm hungry again! Gimme more! More, I say!!” Mao demanded. “You sure are greedy, huh? Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to gorge yourself?" Beryl teased. “And it’s just mere sweets, too… haven’t you eaten anything any better before?” “Ah, now that you mention it, I don’t think I remember enjoying sweets *this* much before. Eh, oh well. I'll just keep eating until I feel full, yeah?” Mao declared. Suddenly, he felt his stomach growl loudly. “See? it’s not good to eat so many sweets at once… hey, hold on. You’re, uhhh- you’re kind of sweating… like, a lot.” Beryl noted. “Hmph, you’re right. And hey, I… I kind of feel strange too… What's happening to me?” Mao pondered, looking down at his hands. They suddenly seemed… well, a little bigger. A little bigger than before. “What? Huh? Uhh- what is this?” Mao exclaimed, confused before his face turned into one of realization. A grin grew on his face. “Eheh, I knew it! This potion actually works! I've got a feeling that I'm gonna grow even bigger, soon!” Mao proclaimed proudly. And, to be fair, he wasn’t wrong; he was already a bit taller than before. Not by much, but enough to notice. "So, how do you feel? Any side effects yet? I mean, if this potion really does what it claims to... then you should be fine..." Beryl asked, eyeing Mao suspiciously. “Hey, wait, your legs. They’re… expanding?” It was true, Mao's legs were buffing up rapidly; his thigh gap had gotten a lot narrower and they looked pretty toned. His quads were definitely bulging, too. His chest also appeared to be growing in size, too, and his shoulders were starting to get broader. His pecs swelled up impressively, too. As a matter of fact, everything on his upper body seemed to be expanding quickly. He quickly began developing rows of abs, his back muscles seemed to be getting bigger and denser, and his biceps and forearms started to look noticeably beefier, too. It was all very impressive, especially considering the speed at which it occurred. His neck was also starting to thicken, and Adam's apple was becoming noticeable, too. However, his growth paused shortly after that, it seems like he needed more food… I guess it was like gas for a car. “Beryl, feed me more snacks! I want to fill myself up, alright?! I'll be fine, trust me!” Mao demanded, his glasses fogging up perversely as he slurped up the drool that was drooling down his chin. Oh, now that Beryl knew that this was turning him on, this changed everything for her. “Mhm, more food coming right up!” Beryl happily obliged, trying to hide the lust that had started bubbling up inside of him. He grabbed a few plates of snacks and handed them over to Mao, who greedily snatched them up. He then stuffed himself with all the snacks he could possibly manage, stuffing his cheeks with each bite. The more food he ate, the bigger he’d grow, and soon he grew once more. He grew even larger, rapidly transforming from a thin, scrawny boy into a muscular hunk of a man. His muscle mass increased dramatically, and while he was growing bigger, he also grew hungrier, constantly demanding more food. Even when he was full, he still managed to stuff himself with more food, constantly eating until he couldn't anymore, but who knew when that would be? His clothes strained under the immense pressure of his expanded frame, and they were soon ripped off his body, leaving him naked from above the waist. Beryl stared at him with wide eyes. He could feel himself getting increasingly wet and hard down below, and it was getting harder for him to hide his overwhelming lust. Mao’s body glistened with sweat, making the expanding boy seem like he was lathered with oil and even more desirable. His nipples were big and hard, and they stood out prominently against his large chest, and his pecs and abs were bulging. His biceps, triceps, pectorals, deltoids, lats, traps, delts, and forearms all bulged impressively, and his veins appeared clearly defined. His ass was also getting bigger, and it looked great. He was starting to develop a nice bubble butt, and the roundness of it was magnificent. Beryl had to restrain his urges to just masturbate right there and then, he’d probably be teased to death if he went through with his filthy actions… but to be fair, Mao wasn’t any better; his dick had been growing all this time and was now half-hard. As Mao grew, he sweat profusely, giving him a sexy, musky smell. He practically oozed sexual appeal and sensuality, making Beryl want to fuck him right then and there, but he restrained himself. It didn’t take long after that for Mao’s belt to snap and his white shorts to rip. His knee-length tights and boxers threatened to rip to shreds any moment. Soon, he was completely naked, his dick rising to full attention. His body was covered in a layer of sweat, and it glistened in whatever light seeped into the room. A small bead of precum dripped out of his tip, making its way down his shaft. In response to Mao's nudity, Beryl blushed deeply. His heart beat faster, and he felt like he might pass out from excitement, he was so aroused. The overwhelmed boy couldn't help but stare at Mao's impressive physique, his massive cock twitching against his belly. Beryl wanted nothing more than to give it a stroke, lick it, or even suck on it. He eyed Mao’s member hungrily, salivating at the thought of taking a bite out of it. Beryl licked his lips unconsciously, and his face turned redder by the second. He could feel his panties getting soaked, and he desperately tried to grab them and hide his arousal. But, as if he sensed what Beryl was thinking, Mao leaned forward, staring deep into the smaller boy’s eyes. "You want some?" Mao asked. "Come on, you know you want it." Beryl nodded, unable to speak due to his raging lust. It seemed like Beryl was the pervert now. And now there was no point not to give into his urges, right? …Although, a large majority of his urges involved… feeding Mao more? Yes, that sounded perfect. He wanted to be a potentially gentle but definitely domineering feeder who fed Mao all of his meals, making him even buffer, and giving him much more than that. Beryl knew it wouldn’t be the best idea, given how Mao had already gained a bit too much mass than ‘recommended’, but he couldn’t help it; he didn’t care if Mao broke through the ceiling, he didn’t care if the boy outgrew the whole damn academy, he just couldn’t get this image of his sitting on top of Mao’s behemoth cock, feeding him more and more, enhancing his growth continuously out of his head. And that was why Beryl shoved his hand past his skirt and into his crotch, stroking his boner furiously through his tights and panties. He had to cum right away, otherwise, he’d go insane. His breathing became heavy, and his face was now bright red. His cock throbbed, and he was already so close to an orgasm. But he held back, determined to keep going for as long as possible. Mao smirked at Beryl, who was clearly horny as hell, and his member continued to twitch. He could tell that Beryl was enjoying himself, and he wasn't about to deny his wishes. That would just be cruel. He lifted Beryl up and placed him on his lap, straddling him. His member dangled over his ass, and it looked like it was going to fall into his asshole any moment. Beryl moaned softly, and his legs spread open slightly. Mao gave Beryl a teasing look, “come on, tell me all of your desires. We’ll see who the real pervert here is.” Beryl glared at him, and his eyes were burning with lust. Beryl wanted to scream his thoughts out, to tell Mao exactly how he felt, but he decided to keep things classy, and kept quiet, only moaning quietly when Mao teased him. "Well?" Mao asked again, grinning widely. "What do you desire?" Beryl stared into Mao's eyes, his fingers moving faster along his dripping dick. "I- I... um, want to be your feeder. Your..." he paused, trying to find the right words, "...your food provider." Mao smirked, pleased with what Beryl said. "Oh really?" he said, licking his lips. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you want to be my feeder because you're attracted to me?" but the giant boy received no answer from the smaller boy in response. "Or maybe you want to see me grow? Are you curious to see just how big I can get?" he asked, his voice becoming husky.“You’re so dirty, Beryl. You want to see how big and buff I can get, don't you?” he whispered, staring deep into his rival’s eyes. God, since when did this boy get so damn teasing?! Beryl didn't think he’d ever been this turned on before. But of course, he had to pursue what he wanted; feeding Mao and making him grow even bigger. Beryl gave his best attempt at a smirk. “I guess I am. And yes, I want to see how big you can get.” And Mao smiled, satisfied with what Berul said. He leaned back a little, and then grabbed another snack and handed it to the pink-haired boy that sat on his enormous girth. Beryl then licked his lips and brought the piece of food closer to the mouth of the giant in front of him, and he started chewing. Beryl slowly fed Mao bite by bite, and after a few minutes, he finished the whole thing. Beryl then tilted his head and asked Mao, "Do you want more?" The giant boy smirked, "of course. What else would I want? More food, of course." Beryl giggled and handed him another snack. Then he fed him more bites until he was full once again. This time, Beryl made sure to slow down, savoring every second he spent feeding Mao. It didn’t long before his growth resumed, and soon he was rapidly swelling up again. His legs grew longer, and his arms got wider, and he gained some new muscles. Soon, he was almost as tall as the ceiling itself, and he was getting bigger by the minute, and his growth was relentless. But Beryl didn't mind. He wanted to see what Mao would become, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to contain his excitement. So, he reached out and grabbed hold of Mao’s growing pecs and squeezed them. “Aaaah!" Mao moaned loudly. "That feels amazing! Don't stop squeezing them, I love it!" Beryl grinned, feeling powerful and sexy as hell. He was stroking and squeezing the massive shoulders of the giant boy, and it felt absolutely amazing. He responded well to his touch, and his huge frame shook as Beryl slowly began to dominate him. His cock swelled hard against the inside of his thighs, and soon the giant was completely erect, ready to shoot his first load. Beryl moaned happily, and his fingers moved faster, gripping Mao’s muscular body tighter than ever. Beryl loved the way Mao reacted to him, and he felt so incredibly sexy. The demon boy looked up at Mao’s face, and he saw his glasses were fogged up like hell as if he couldn't control himself. He was breathing heavier than usual too, and his chest expanded with each breath, making him look even more impressive. Beryl knew Mao was close, and he smirked, knowing he had to take matters into his own hands. He moved his small hands back to Mao’s shiny pecs, and he started massaging them harder. He watched as his muscles rippled beneath his small palms, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he rubbed and squeezed his perfect body. Beryl’s tight grip made Mao moan louder, which excited the delinquent boy even more. He continued to massage his rival, and soon he heard Mak groan loudly. He quickly moved his fingers to Mao’s nipples, and he pinched them roughly, causing the titan to cry out in pleasure. The pink-haired boy moaned, and he bit his lip in anticipation. He continued to pinch and twist Mao’a rock-hard nipples, while still working his body. He kept rubbing his pecs and abs, until Mao finally screamed out loud, a deep guttural sound that echoed through the room. His cock throbbed against Beryl’s inner thighs, and his thick cum erupted in between his thighs. Beryl couldn't believe how much Mao shot. A large amount of thick white jizz splattered onto his thighs, and he touched them and held the semen up to his face, smiling. "Wow..." Beryl murmured, looking at the globs of cum that were oozing out of his dick. Mao's breathing slowed down and he looked over at the smaller boy. He smiled, "that was intense." “Yeah, but I have the feeling you’re up for at least one more round,” Beryl smirked. Mao nodded, his mouth watering as Beryl pulled another piece of food out of literally nowhere. He placed it in front of him, and he took a bite of it before he gave him another. Beryl continued to feed him this way until he was full again, and he was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. His gargantuan frame threatened to break through the ceiling, and Beryl was loving every single second of it. He felt like a god of sorts himself, and he loved the fact that his power over Mao seemed to be limitless. He saw the giant boy grow, and he smiled as he admired him. He stroked his massive frame, and he could feel his cock throbbing against his inner thigh. Beryl smirked, and looked up at his face, "you like the way my hand feels on your body?" Mao nodded, still breathing heavily. His arms were covered in sweat, and his chest was soaked in it. He was drenched with manly sweat and musk, and a tad bit of it infiltrated Beryl’s nose. But surprisingly, it turned him on even more. He stroked his chest and abs, and let his hand slide down his rival’s stomach until he reached his thick meaty cock. Beryl smirked, and he started stroking Mao vigorously, and the delinquent knew it wouldn't take long for Mao to blow his load again. But he was definitely caught off guard when Mao began sliding Beryl’s skirt off and he tossed it aside, revealing to top of his tights and panties. Beryl gasped at Mao’s boldness, but he was intrigued. He wanted to see just how far Mao would go, and Beryl decided to let him do whatever he wanted. Mao pulled her panties aside, and he was greeted by Beryl’s hard dick, It was dripping from all the excitement, and he didn't hesitate to spread his thighs apart and bury his face between them. Beryl moaned loudly, and he grabbed Mao’s hair tightly, pulling on it as he sucked him off. Mao ran his tongue up Beryl’s erection from the base to the tip, and he sucked on his sexy penis, his tongue swirling around the head. Beryl's eyes rolled back in his head, and he moaned deeply, "oh fuck... mhm..." Mao looked up at Beryl and he felt a rush of pleasure run through his body. The adorable pink-haired boy was moaning and panting, as Mao’s tongue flicked over the sensitive underside of his cock. He could tell Beryl was incredibly close to cumming, but he also wanted to make sure he enjoyed himself. So Mao stopped sucking Beryl’s member for a brief moment, and he moved his big hand between Beryl’s legs. He wrapped it around the base of his cock and began stroking it while continuing to suck his cock. Beryl cried out, "oh god!" and his nails dug into Mao’s scalp as he came hard. His juices squirted out of his cock, shooting down Mao’s throat, and he threw his head back, screaming loudly. The titan in between his thighs just swallowed all of the tasty juice up, and it seemed to make him grow as well. The ceiling just above Mao’s head couldn’t restrain him any longer, and it crumbled under the weight of his monstrous form. Beryl looked down at Mao still in front of his sex and he smirked. The boy with glasses looked so fucking hot, with his face all flushed and his dick rock hard and needy. The two were practically glowing with arousal, and Beryl knew that his orgasm had left him flushed in more than one way. He moaned and ran his hands through Mao’s sweaty hair, pulling on it as he came closer and closer to cumming. Beryl looked down at her “rival’s” beefy fingers, so big and beefy, and he brought them to his lips. He swirled his tongue around the meaty digits and moaned, "Mmmmm..." Mao could feel his growth continue, sending him wave after wave of pleasure. At this point, he was dying to fuck Beryl’s ass. He needed to be inside him, and he wanted to pound his deepest parts. And judging from the way Beryl was reacting, he wanted Mao to do the same thing. Beryl kissed Mao’s hand, and then he licked his fingers once again. The pink-haired boy smiled seductively at the hunk in front of him, and he grabbed his cock with both hands, stroking its length. Beryl squeezed it firmly, causing Mao’s dick to twitch and throb, and he couldn't help but notice how much stronger it was now. He stroked Mao slowly, massaging his shaft, and he whispered something in his ear, "I want you to come inside me." Mao groaned lustfully, and he nodded his head eagerly. Beryl smirked, and he lowered himself onto his shaft. He wrapped his legs around whatever of Mao’s waist his small body could reach, and he took all of his cock inside her asshole. He moaned loudly, feeling the huge monster inside him, and he gripped Mao’s back tightly. Beryl held him against him, grinding his hips in a circular motion, and he told him how good he felt inside him, "fuck yeah..." Mao grunted and he thrust his hips upward, pushing deeper inside Beryl until he bottomed out. Beryl shuddered, and he sighed deeply, as Mao filled him completely. Beryl wiggled his butt, and he ground his ass against Mao’s, urging him to move. Mao obliged, and he started sliding his cock in and out of his tight hole. He leaned forward slightly, and he grabbed onto Beryl's thighs with his large hands, holding them tightly against his shoulders. Beryl gasped, and he lifted his ass higher, allowing Mao to drive deeper into him. Beryl smiled wickedly, and he said, "fuck me, Mao... fuck me harder..." Mao grunted and he slammed himself deep inside Beryl, who moaned and wrapped his arms around the other male’s neck. Beryl bit his lip as he looked into Mao’s eyes, "you're so big... fuck... I can feel every inch of your cock inside me..." Mao was overcome with pleasure, and he couldn't take it anymore. He bent forward and buried his face in Beryl’s neck, kissing the soft skin there. He moaned deeply, and he continued pumping his cock in and out of Beryl’s tight ass. The walls began to crack under the pressure of Mao’s immense frame. He pounded Beryl mercilessly, and he reached behind himself, grabbing onto the other boy’s tits. They were small, but they felt amazing in his hands, and he squeezed them roughly, causing the male to cry out in pleasure. Beryl wasn't going to last long. He could already feel an intense orgasm approaching, and he was desperate to get there. He arched her back, and he screamed wildly as he came, spasming around Mao’s dick. He had never felt anything this good before, and he pulled his ‘rival’ even closer to him. Berul fucked himself on Mao’s cock, and he rode it desperately, trying to prolong the pleasure that was coursing through his entire body. Mao placed one of his massive hands on Beryl’s chest, and he squeezed it lovingly. He looked into the smaller male’s eyes, and he grinned, "good boy..." Beryl giggled and rolled his eyes, "can we just cuddle for a little bit?" Mao chuckled, and he nodded his head, "of course." And proceeding to shove Beryl into his beefy, sweaty globes on his chest, A.K.A his gigantic pecs. Beryl squealed happily, wrapping his arms around whatever of Mao the guy could reach, and he nuzzled his muscle tits affectionately. Beryl lay there, pressed against his muscular chest, and he smiled dreamily at him, taking his rough, manly scent in. He kissed the larger male’s chest playfully, running his tongue along his thick muscles. His skin tasted salty, like sweat. Beryl inhaled deeply, and he closed his eyes, letting the smell of Mao’s musk wash over him. He had never smelled anything so delicious in his life. His mind wandered, and his thoughts became clouded by lust and desire. She couldn't stop thinking about this magnificent hunk next to him. He couldn't believe how strong he was. How handsome he looked. The demon boy wondered if the other demon boy had any more surprises in store for him. He felt his bulge growing beneath him, and he shivered with anticipation. Beryl wanted to feel it inside her again. But this time, he wanted to be in control; he wanted to ride him dominantly. "Do you want some more?" Mao asked, licking his lips seductively. Beryl smiled wickedly, and he shook his head, "I think I need another round... two, maybe three." Mao laughed. He kissed Beryl’s neck sweetly, and he whispered huskily in his ear, "you got it, Beryl..." He pushed the smaller demon’s flat chest against his massive one, and he spread the tinies legs open wide. Beryl giggled, and he looked up at the titan coyly, "go ahead..." Mao smiled wickedly, and he slid his cock slowly inside him. Beryl gasped, and he moaned as Mao filled him once again. The giant was thicker than he had been before, and he felt bigger too. The tiny one found it hard to imagine how he would ever fit even one more inch inside him, but he didn't have much choice. The demon delinquent was already impossibly stretched by the honor student’s massive cock, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to handle it anymore. He tried not to think about it, though. He was determined to keep enjoying himself. Beryl bit his lip and arched his back. He wrapped his arms around Mao’s thick neck and then squeezed his muscular pecs. The small male moaned loudly, and he looked into Mao's eyes, "fuck me harder... make me cum again..." Mao smirked, and he did just what the other boy wanted him to do. He grabbed Beryl by the hips, and he thrust his cock into his tight asshole hard and fast. Beryl groaned, and he tightened his grip on Mao’s pecs. Normally, all this fucking would have been totally impossible thanks to their burgeoning size difference, but Beryl decided it was ok to break the laws of physics just this once. The demon boy dug his nails into Mao’s pecs, as he took all that the behemoth could give him. He was so close to cumming again already, and he hoped that it wouldn't take long before he would. Beryl squeezed his eyes shut, and he threw his head back, moaning loudly. He started panting heavily, and he focused only on the feeling of being fucked. He was so overwhelmed with pleasure, and the heat between his legs was building rapidly. He could feel his orgasm rushing towards him, and he moaned loudly as he came, crying out in pleasure. He came hard, shaking uncontrollably, and he shuddered as he rode out his orgasm. He felt every pulse of Mao’s cock inside of him, and his whole body trembled, tensing up as he climaxed. He whimpered softly, gasping, "ahhhhhh..." Mao growled, and he grunted as he kept pounding Beryl. The titan wanted to make sure that the tiny male felt the full extent of his cock. He loved making him feel good, and he wanted to show him that he cared about him. He wasn't afraid of hurting him or doing something wrong. He was sure that he would let him know if he was, and he had faith in him. Mao continued thrusting into Beryl, even after his orgasm had passed. He was still hard, and he was ready for round 2. He picked up the pace, and he pounded the itty bitty male relentlessly. The giant grabbed his ass tight, squeezing it in his hands, making Beryl yelp and gyrate his hips once more, riding his cock. He rode him faster and faster until he was on the verge of another orgasm. He needed to cum again, right now! Mao grinned, and he squeezed Beryl’s butt harder, "cum for me, Beryl," he commanded, grinning. Beryl nodded, and he whimpered, "yes... yes..." He squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lip. He cried out loudly and shivered as his greedy asshole clenched down on her ‘rival’s dick. The tiny male screamed, and he came again, shaking violently. He shook from head to toe, and he shuddered uncontrollably. It felt like a dozen orgasms had hit him at once, and he couldn't help himself. He buried his face into Mao’s shoulder, sobbing and gasping in pleasure. Beryl had never come so hard in his life. Mao groaned, and he thrust into Beryl one last time. He held him close to him, and he kissed his neck tenderly. He tried to pull out of him, but Beryl stopped him before he could. “No,” he said, beginning to ride Mao’s manhood once more. It was the buff giant’s turn to be in the hot seat, and he was loving every second of it. He moaned and whimpered, clearly enjoying the tides turning. All Beryl responded with was a wicked chuckle, and Mao wasn’t really sure it fit his character, but he couldn’t really care, instead focusing on how much he was getting off to being used by this much smaller boy. Beryl smirked, and he teased Mao vocally, "ohhhh, you like this, don't you?" Mao nodded weakly, "uh huh. How’d I know?" Beryl pumped his hips and bit hus lower lip, "it's ok, I'll make sure to keep doing this to you." Mao nodded, and he smiled, "okay, I guess I can deal with it." Beryl laughed, and he leaned forward, kissing Mao passionately. They both moaned loudly, and they kissed as they pleasured each other. They were completely lost in their own little world, which is exactly where they wanted to be. Beryl continued teasing Mao to hell and back while he stayed riding the titan’s thick, long rod. Mao had yet to reach his peak, and it was driving him insane. He loved having Beryl ride him like this; it was so beautiful to him. He had such a cute face, and he was so small, but his body was incredible. He was so tight around him, and have gripped him tightly, milking his shaft for all its worth. Mao couldn't take it anymore, and he reached his limit. He pulled out of Beryl, and he leaned over him back, grunting. He grabbed onto his shoulders, holding himself up. He took a deep breath, and panted, "I'm gonna... cum!" he warned him, and he nodded, quickly leaning back against his chest. “Hehe, who’s the dirty one now~?” Beryl giggled, and he turned his face upwards, looking at Mal. He panted, drooling slightly, he looked so damn pathetic. Beryl knew that he was going to have to make sure to use him like this often, because he looked so incredibly adorable when he was trying to hold back his load, and he looked so damn sexy too. It made the small one want to fuck him senseless! Beryl smirked, and he arched his back, grinding his hips against Mao. The gigantic male forced his cock inside of her, and he began riding him rapidly. He bounced on his massive, thick member, and he moaned, "yes... yes..." he rode him enthusiastically, and she gasped, "you're so big... m-more... muah... ah..." he looked up at him, and licked his lips, "c-can you handle it? Are you a good boy?" Mao nodded, and he whimpered a bit, "haha... yeah..." His voice was raspy, and he sounded like he was about to lose control of himself. Beryl smirked, "good.” He leaned forward, pressing his breasts against Mao’s chest. He closed his eyes, and he moaned, "fuck me... please..." Beryl heard a moan next to him, and he opened his eyes slowly. He found Mao staring at his breasts, his face was flushed bright red. The buff male looked so slutty, and so utterly happy. He was panting lightly, and he looked so excited. Beryl was glad that he liked his little tits, and that they weren't just a letdown. He smiled softly, and he bit his bottom lip, "here I go." Hes started to rock back and forth faster and harder. He was smiling wide now, and he leaned forward, kissing this giant. He felt his hands on his ass, squeezing his cheeks, and he moaned into his mouth as they kissed. The two of them were moaning and panting loudly, and they didn't even care. "Yes... Oh god. Yes," Beryl cried out, and he squeezed Mao’s arms tighter, trying to keep himself from bouncing too hard. He wasn't about to stop though, and neither was Mao. They both knew how much Beryl enjoyed riding him, and he could tell that he was close to hus limit. He pulled him closer, and he wrapped his arms around him. He lifted him up off of him, and he held him in place, allowing him to grind himself against him without actually moving. Beryl purred, and he leaned his forehead against Mao’s, panting heavily. His body shook from the intense feeling, and he groaned, "Are you close, Mao? Are you getting close?" Mao nodded, and he groaned, "yeah, I'm so close. Can you feel it?" Beryl nodded, and he grinned, "I can, Mao. Just keep letting me toy with you, and I‘d appreciate some whimpers with that too!” The boy joked, and he started to bounce faster. He hit all of Mao’s most sensitive spots, and he could feel his cock throbbing inside him every time. "oh god! Mao... mmmf!" he moaned, bucking his hips desperately, thrusting himself up and down on the giant’s thick, long pole. “C-Come on, beg for it. Beg me to make you cum..!” Beryl moaned, and he squeezed hia inner walls around Mao’s shaft, grinding against him. Mao moaned, "Please, Beryl!" he begged, "Please ruin me..." The boy giggled, "Oh god, Mao. You sound like such a little slut sometimes. I love it." He moaned loudly, and he continued his movements, bouncing frantically. “But that's just because that’s what you are; a slutty, filthy whore. Whores need to be ruined. They need to learn their place. And I’m going to make you see that...” He continued with his riding, gripping the other male tightly. This wasn’t like him at all, but he couldn’t help himself. Mao’s new muscles seemed to have awakened something inside of him. Beryl's asshole clenched tight around Mao’s cock, and he moaned in orgasmic bliss. He came on him, and he came hard. He trembled as he rode through it. His juices gushed freely from his throbbing hard-on, and he gasped, "no... no... don't stop!" Mao chuckled, and he slowed his pace to match the tinies. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against Beryl’s. He kissed him deeply, and he cupped his cheek, holding him still. The two of them were panting loudly, and they both kept moaning. They moaned together, and they kissed passionately while the two boys recovered from their climax. "You're such a dirty little whore, Mao," Beryl moaned softly, "and I've never loved anything more. I love you so much right now, Mao." Mao smiled, and he kissed her again, "me too, Beryl. Me too. Want to keep feeding me?” Mao asked perversely. Oh right, the feeding thing! Beryl had forgotten all of that, which was surprising considering it was his initial desire when this whole muscle growth thing started. And he nodded in response, going to grab some more food. ——— Yeah that was the fic, hope you liked it! It’s probably a little out of character but I don’t care I just needed to let the horny out, which I very much did. When I’m completely done with this fic I don’t know when the next one will be not only have I been lacking the time to write stuff like this, I haven’t had the motivation to write stuff like this either (hell I wrote this when I had a random surge of motivation I haven’t had for a while XD) but I’ll probably announce when I’ve started writing my next sexy thing so be on the look out for that also before anyone asks something like “why post the M/F version here when this site is dominated by strictly gay men?” To be honest I don’t know I just thought it would be fun XD Anyway bye I love yaaaa ♡
  23. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 In the final chapter of the series, Austin lets Jon take control and do whatever the big muscle bullpup wants to his smaller stepson. Jon is all too eager to exert his full strength and size to get what he wants. Thanks to everyone who has been along for the ride, and sorry for the long delay in posting this last chapter. I guess in some ways I didn't want this story to end, and it didn't feel like it would if I didn't post the last chapter! Even though this story has generated less traction than some of my older stories, I'm really proud of it and I think it's some of my best work. When Austin was finished, he pulled out, leaving behind a streak of cum dripping out of Jon’s huge furry hole. He stepped back and gave Jon’s rump a firm, satisfied smack, causing the big man to gasp and chuckle as he looked back at his diminutive Sir. “That’s my bull, mmm felt so good, pup,” Austin said as Jon turned around, still on his knees, still taller than Austin. Jon raised his hands up to his chest and put his fists together, muscles bulging and tensing as he did, and he cocked his head to one side, seeking his master’s praise. “Arrooooo?” he grunted. His jock-bound cock pressed against the side of the deck, leaking pre, hard as a rock. “Oooh yeah pup, we need to drain those big balls of yours too,” Austin said, stepping closer. He reached his hands out and rubbed Jon’s huge pecs in wide circles, spreading the rain and sweat over the chest hair, flicking across his sensitive nipples. Jon gasped and grunted as Austin teased him. “I want to try something that we haven’t done yet, pup,” Austin said conspiratorially. He reached up and tugged his thick chain necklace to make him look down. They locked eyes, Austin’s green staring into Jon’s intense blue. “Borrrk?” Jon grunted, still fully in pup mode. He was locked in to pup space until his monster cock was relieved of its payload. “Bull, you’re the biggest, strongest, most powerful man to ever exist,” Austin said. He reached over and rubbed Jon’s massive right delt and bicep, marveling at the hard, round, full, fur-covered muscle in his hand. Jon flexed in response, always wanting to impress his master. “And you do such a good job of doing everything I say and having me be in total control all the time, like a good bullpup should,” Austin continued. His hand continued down to the convex curve of Jon’s huge muscle gut. Jon breathed a deep sigh, his belly swelling out even more. “Well,” Austin said, stepping closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. “This time, I want my bull to do whatever he wants to his Sir.” Jon took a big breath and stiffened his shoulders, raising himself up higher and tensing. His cock bulged and burbled out more pre. “I’m going to let you borrow control and use me however you want, pup,” Austin continued, leaning his head against Jon’s huge chest. Jon’s breathing intensified and a shiver of excitement and anticipation ran through him like an electric current. His cock bulged and surged more until the head of it pushed out of the tight jock and rubbed against the bottom of his huge gut. “I will always be in control and expect obedience, but I want to feel the full power of my bull pup when he lets go and does whatever he wants. No stopping until you cum, no matter what I say, no matter how hard I might beg you to stop, you hear that, pup?” Austin said firmly, commanding his pup. “AAARRROOOOOOOF!” Jon boomed in excitement. He bolted to his feet and towered over the smaller man. Jon took in the full power difference he had over his Sir, his mind clearing in a way he hadn’t felt in months, and realized just how helpless Austin was before him. He looked down at the sheer size of himself, his enormous, powerful muscles, his round, furry gut, his stupendous height, and he tensed his massive fists. He’d never felt so powerful in his entire life, had never fully realized just how huge he had become. “I’m all yours, pup. What do you want to do to your Sir?” Austin said, spreading his arms wide, his naked muscular body glistening in the light rain, his cock still dripping with football jock cum. He was so grateful that his master was letting him experience the full power he possessed, the true size difference between them. He felt light-headed at the possibilities. Jon looked down at Austin. Jon was twice his height. Jon was several times his weight. Jon was the strongest man on earth. A grin spread across Jon’s face under his pup hood and couldn’t help but laugh in anticipation and excitement. Jon tore at the jock containing his mighty bulge until the elastic snapped, freeing his manhood. It slapped against the bottom of his gut, 20 inches long and as thick as a milk jug. He growled and breathed heavily, his cock throbbing and leaking pre as he looked down at Austin. He reached down and lifted Austin up effortlessly, scooping him up under the armpits and bringing him up to his pup mask. “AAARRRFFF, WOOOOOF!” Jon grunted as he rubbed his master against the snout of his hood and licked him, tasting master’s cum and sweaty and rain-soaked naked body. Jon’s hot, protein shake-smelling breath washed over Austin and the smaller man groaned. “Yeah pup, use your master however you want, don’t stop until you cum, pup,” Austin breathed as Jon nuzzled him aggressively. “MMMLLAAHHH,” Jon breathed as he thrust his tongue aggressively against Austin’s mouth, making out hard, holding him up in the air easily, his hands rubbing against Austin’s tight, hard, muscular body. Austin could hardly breathe as Jon’s tongue pressed into his mouth, pinning down his own tongue, exploring his mouth. Jon walked to the middle of the backyard as he continued kissing his master, scraping his beard against Austin’s face, overwhelming Austin’s senses. Even Jon’s beard was bigger, thicker, and stronger than he was. Eventually, Jon separated from Austin and held him at arm’s length, looking him up and down, rain and sweat dripping down his naked torso. Jon’s cock throbbed in anticipation. Whatever he wanted? As hard as he wanted? Jon bounced Austin up and down in his hands, marveling at the lightness of his muscular, football jock master. Jon laughed at the absurd power difference he felt, really understanding it for the first time. Jon dropped to his knees and set Austin on the grass. Jon raised his arms up and flexed, huge biceps bulging, his furry pits exposed and ripe. “RRPHHH, MMPH!” Jon grunted and gestured for Austin to rub his flexing muscles. Austin got the hint and stepped forward, running his hands over Jon’s huge arms. “Yeah pup, you’re so big and muscular, huh?” Austin said, worshipping his muscle pup. “You like all this attention, don’t you?” “WRRROOOOF!” Jon boomed and flexed harder. He dropped his left arm and reached around behind Austin before pushing him hard towards Jon. Austin stumbled and fell against Jon’s thick, furry chest, gripping on to Jon’s harness. “Yeah, you like having your chest rubbed, huh?” Austin said, his hands running in circles around Jon’s big pecs and flicking his meaty nipples. Austin’s cock rubbed against Jon’s round, hard, furry gut. “MMM-MMOOOOORE!” Jon rumbled as he pushed Austin closer, crushing the smaller man against his huge chest. He pushed and rubbed Austin’s face against his rough chest fur, manhandling Austin as he ran him over the mountains of his pecs, laughing at the ease he controlled Austin’s body. Austin groaned and tried to speak, but his mouth was full of Jon’s beard and chest fur. Jon adjusted his grip and pushed Austin over to his dense, hairy armpit. “TASTE MY MUSK, SIR,” Jon bellowed as he pressed Austin into his pit. He held him there forcefully, ignoring Austin’s squirming attempts to back up. “BREATHE DEEP, SIR, LET THAT BULL MUSK TAKE OVER,” Jon said. Austin finally gasped and breathed in deep, his mind feeling cloudy and overwhelmed by the force of Jon’s potent, masculine pit musk. “THAT’S RIGHT, SIR. GIVE IN TO YOUR PUP,” Jon boomed. “JUST MY MUSK IS STRONGER THAN YOU…IMAGINE WHAT MY MASSIVE MUSCLES ARE ABOUT TO DO TO YOU,” Jon said with a chuckle before finally letting Austin back up and take a breath. Austin coughed and sputtered and gasped, but didn’t have long to recover. Jon dropped down on all fours, his fists slamming into the ground next to Austin. “RUUUFFFF! GRRRUFF, MMPH!” Jon grunted in pup-speak, the ground shaking, 3000lbs of muscle bear looming in front of his Sir. “GRRRRFFF, ARRRRRF!” Jon rumbled as he surged forward and bumped his huge chest against Austin, who staggered backwards. “Heh, yeah pup, you wanna play now?” Austin said, teasingly, moving backwards and sideways to try to avoid Jon’s massive paws and looming muscles. “You wanna roughhouse with your Sir?” “MMMPH, UUURRRFF!” Jon grunted as he his cock pressed against his furry gut and smeared pre around until it dripped to the muddy grass. He moved forward until his chest and gut were over Austin, then he dropped down, pinning his little Sir before he could escape. “Fuck, pup, you’re so, uugghh, heavy!” Austin groaned underneath his massive pup, pushing his arms up to try to keep his chest off the ground so he could breathe. It was a futile effort; Jon kept pressing down harder with his body weight until Austin was crushed against the dirt, mud smearing on his back. “Can’t… move!” he grunted, and he felt the pain of Jon’s bulk crushing him into the ground. “MMMMPH, MORE!!” Jon grunted as he squashed his little Sir. He could feel Austin wriggling and writhing underneath him, trying to escape. Jon knew he couldn’t. He was too big. And master was too small. He pressed down harder and wiggled his huge meaty ass in the air, reveling in the effortless power he wielded. “HAHAHA, CAN’T ESCAPE, HUH? I’M SO… BIG!” Jon laughed as he scooted his torso forward. He planted two massive fists into the grass, strong calloused fingers digging into the soil easily, then pushed himself up off the ground. He hovered his torso over Austin, then scooted forward. Jon coughed as he shifted around, trying to stand up until a massive battering ram of a cock slammed into his chest. He was knocked over again, a smear of warm pre slicking up his chest. He looked up to see the giant cock looming over him; it stretched from Austin’s belly button to his chin, and it throbbed almost as if it had a mind of its own as he looked at it. “MMMPH, SIR IS SO SMALL!” Jon bellowed as he stretched forward and pressed his elbows into the ground. “AND PUP IS SO BIG!” Jon’s cock suddenly surged forward, pinning Austin onto the ground. Austin fell over onto his back, knocked down by the throbbing, hot cock that pressed down on his torso. It bucked and throbbed as Jon pressed more of his tonnage down, pressing into Jon harder until he was unable to move. Austin wrapped his arms around the cock to try to control it, but it was no use. “Pup, whoa ther—oomph!” Austin grunted but was interrupted by Jon’s aggressive humping, the head of the huge cock punching him in the chin, Austin’s jaw reeling from the impact. “HEH, MMPH, UNNNGGG,” Jon grunted as waves of pleasure shimmered up his spine as he felt his cock press and rub against the furry torso of his tiny master. “EVEN MY COCK IS STRONGER THAN YOU NOW, SIR!” Jon’s huge hairy balls slammed against Austin’s own hard cock again and again as he humped, causing Austin to get turned on again despite cumming just minutes ago. Jon’s cock smeared pre across Austin’s slick torso until the whole thing was coated in pup slime. “AARRROOOOF, GGRRRRRRPH, MMMMPH, BIG!” Jon grunted mindlessly, his thoughts lost in pup space, thinking only about his own pleasure for once. He rubbed and rubbed his massive cock against Austin’s lean, hard, muscular body, harder and faster, pressing the smaller man into the dirt again and again, lost in pleasure. Eventually, he shifted down and re-positioned his massive cock until he felt Austin’s tight, furry hole. His Sir’s hole. “MMMMMPH YEEEEAAAAAAHHH,” Jon breathed as he pushed and humped against Austin’s ass, the massive head pressing hard against Austin’s hole, knocking on the door, insistent, undeniable. The huge head split Austin’s hole apart and started pushing in, a moment of pain rippling through Austin before the cock slipped out and rubbed between Austin’s legs instead. “Pup!” Austin gasped, his back and ass grinding roughly against the grass and mud underneath, rainwater and sweat pooling beneath him as Jon started to rub a furrow into the yard. He looked up and back at the massive, jiggling, harness-bound pecs above him and tried to wriggle out from under Jon. “MMMPH GOTTA MAKE IT FIT!” Jon bellowed. He lined up his huge cock against the warm, tight slit underneath him and pushed harder, thrusting forward aggressively. “Aaaahhhh, pup wait!” Austin groaned as the massive cock head battered him, pushing up against his hole and trying to break in, but only succeeding in pushing Austin’s whole body around. Austin tumbled roughly against the ground, grass and dirt scraping against his back and shoulders. “FUCK, TOO, MMMPH, BIG FOR SIR’S HOLE!” Jon groaned as he pressed harder than ever and pinned Austin with his huge, furry gut, trying to hold him in place. Austin braced himself against the ridges of Jon’s roid belly and felt his hole splitting open, and he groaned in pain. But even lined up perfectly, it wouldn’t squeeze in. “HA, GRRRPH, TOO BIG! HAHAHA!” Jon laughed as he slipped his cock out from Austin’s furry crack and repositioned himself until his cock hovered over Austin’s torso. Jon slammed back down on Austin with all his weight and power. The big bull sighed and grunted and groaned as he resumed frotting on his minuscule master. “Pup, stop, you have to, mmmph, wait!” Austin pleaded, his eyes suddenly bulging with fear. He had underestimated just how massive and powerful his pup was. He patted his hand against Jon’s tremendous, furry flanks trying to get the big man’s attention, but Jon ignored him at first. Austin slapped harder, smacking the muscular lats of the huge man humping into the ground. “Stop, pup, you’re too heavy!” Jon froze in place as his master tapped him, instinctively listening to Austin. Rain fell steadily on his wide back as he panted and huffed, looming over his smaller sir as he lifted his tonnage off Austin’s smaller body. But then Jon remembered. His master had ordered him to use him however Jon wanted, as hard as he wanted, until Jon came, no matter what master had said, no matter how hard he begged to stop. Austin’s exact words rang in his mind. He tilted his head to one side and his tongue lolled out of his mouth, and he looked down at his smaller sir hungrily. “NO, SIR!” Jon boomed. He positioned himself carefully over again Austin and then slammed his full body weight back down on him, pinning him effortlessly. “BIG BULLPUP’S GOTTA CUM!” Jon grunted, his mind obeying his Sir’s original orders to the T. He started humping harder and faster than before. He pressed his gut down heavier against Austin, and a new wave of pleasure washed over him. The furry gut pressed down on Austin’s head and face, pinning him back and down even harder. He readjusted, digging his massive hands deeper into the dirt, scraping up more of the lawn as he braced himself to pound his master harder and faster. “No, pup, this is, pppfftt, too much, I can’t breathe!” Austin sputtered, his mouth slimed by spurts of pre that got more and more viscous as Jon humped and pumped harder. He felt the mud around him rising up and onto his pecs and shoulders as his giant pup rutted deeper into the grass. Austin could feel Jon’s balls growing tighter and firmer as he approached climax. Pup ignored his master, lost in pleasure. “MMMMMPH, RRUUFFFFFF, MORE, BIGGER!” Jon groaned and muttered, his heavy chain lock jingling against his harness, his beard draping down to the grass. Thick, meaty muscles jiggled and shook and flexed as he humped his master recklessly, mindlessly. He looked down and under himself, watching Austin wriggle and writhe against his enormous cock, and he laughed, truly seeing the size difference between them now, his vision blurred in a red haze of lust. Jon had become truly gigantic, but all he could think about was MORE. “OHHHHH, MMMPH, HHAAAHHH,” Jon breathed as he imagined himself swelling bigger still, feeling pride as he knew his master would approve, determined to grow and grow endlessly for him. His cock bucked and swelled, burying his Sir harder into the mud. “HHAAAAARRRRRROOOOOOOOF!” Jon bellowed as his cock exploded, jets of hot white cum spraying against Austin’s face until he was in a puddle of mud and cum, more and more fluid filling up the furrow Jon had dug with his enormous cock. When he was done, pup collapsed down, squashing Austin under him. He felt his little Sir squirm and twitch underneath him. Jon reveled in his superior power and strength. He groaned and sighed as his cock throbbed one final time. Snapping out of his trance, Jon pushed himself up then kneeled upright and let Austin stand. Austin sputtered and coughed and caught his breath as Jon looked down at him, his blue eyes glittering through the slits of the pup hood. “Sorry I got a little carried away, Master, but I needed to cum sooooo bad!” Jon boomed as he sat back on his ass, shaking the ground. “No no pup, *cough*, you were perfect and I might’ve bit off more than I can chew, but you obeyed, *pfft*, Sir’s orders to the letter!” Austin said as he wiped goop off of his torso and face. “Sir is so proud of you, big bullpup!” Jon grinned uncontrollably and reached up to take his pup hood off, revealing more of his masculine face and perfectly trimmed beard. “You mean it, Sir?” he asked sheepishly, a lump welling up in his throat. “Of course, dad, you’re the best pup a master could ever ask for!” Austin said as he reached his arms up, indicating he wanted to be lifted up. Jon obliged and he lifted Austin up. Austin straddled Jon’s torso as best he could and rested his knees against Jon’s chest and his feet against Jon’s gut as he leaned in for an enormous, sloppy, slimy kiss. Their tongues wrestled, Jon’s bigger and thicker but giving way to Austin’s aggressive thrusts. Jon leaned back, supporting his Sir with his enormous hands, and he laid back onto the grass, rain falling softly on them, washing away the sweat and cum that coated them both. “I love you, Sir,” Jon rumbled. “I love you too, pup,” Austin said right back. Both of their cocks swelled back to life as they kissed, harder and harder, Jon’s growing until it pressed against Austin’s perky hole, Austin’s cock smaller but harder and rubbing against his bullpup’s enormous, furry chest. They both laughed and groaned as the rain started falling harder, both of them feeling utter contentment.
  24. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 — Graduation Fuck Austin pulled into the driveway of their house, the truck laboring as he shifted into park. It wasn’t meant to haul around this heavy of a load in the bed; the handling and acceleration was awful the whole drive home, and he could smell burning rubber whenever he hit the brakes. They would need to upgrade the truck to something bigger soon to keep up with Jon’s growth. Austin came around to the tailgate and opened it. A slimy layer of precum dripped out of the truck bed and onto the driveway as he did, and Austin looked up to see Jon sheepishly scratching the back of his head, exposing his enormous furry armpit and flexing his titanic bicep. His jock was soaked with pre and a steady stream of it leaked out of his cock head. “Oh pup, you’re just raring to go, huh?” Austin teased as he gestured for his big daddy to get out of the truck. “All that vibration from driving got you even more worked up, I bet,” he said. “Grrrmmmpphhhh, ruuarrrfff!” Jon whined as he shifted off of the truck and onto the ground. He rose to his full height, towering over Austin, literally twice his height and over twelve times his weight. Jon reached up and adjusted his harness, the leather creaking and metal studs and rings jingling against his neck chain and padlock. “Come around to the backyard,” Austin said as he led his bullpup around the house. Jon didn’t fit inside the house anymore, not comfortably anyway. Austin had started the process of finding a new property to move into, ideally one with a large warehouse or hangar or barn that could be converted into a living quarters for the growing brute. Jon’s growth had only accelerated over the last few weeks and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon; Austin had to plan for BIG things in the future! Suddenly from behind, Austin was grabbed and lifted up and spun around. “Mmrrowwff, mmphhh!!” Jon grunted as he nuzzled his pup mask against Austin, rubbing his Sir. He lowered him down and started rubbing Austin again his sweaty, furry chest and gut, then lower still until Austin could feel Jon’s slimy cock pressing insistently against his pants. “Whoa there, pup, so eager to please your Sir, aren’t you?” Austin said calmly. He was used to his pup getting boisterous sometimes when he was excited and knew how to handle him. “Well first we need to do another weigh-in. Put me down and hop on the scale, bull,” Austin commanded. “AARROOOF!” Jon boomed, still locked into pup-speak. When he was in pup space like this, he was only capable of simple thoughts and ideas and speech, but that’s how his master liked it. Jon set Austin down and then waddled over to the scale. They had set it on the concrete pad next to the deck after Jon had partially destroyed the deck a few weeks ago. The scale creaked and groaned as Jon stepped on. Jon, of course, couldn’t see down to what the number read; his blond and grey bushy beard, enormous shelf-like pecs, and round, hard gut blocked his view. “Wow bullpup, we finally did it. We passed the limit!” Austin said excitedly. “Over 3000 pounds officially, pup. Goddamn you’ve been growing FAST lately!” Austin said as he reached up and smacked Jon’s round, meaty ass that protruded from the tight straps of his jock. “You don’t seem to be slowing down, pup, you just keep growing more and more!” Jon stepped back off of the scale and looked down at his Sir. He grinned through his pup mask, cocked his head to one side, and brought his fists together. He flexed hard, the fur of his pecs curling into wet rings, sweat dripping down off his huge, meaty nips onto Austin. “Bigger?” Jon grunted, knowing the answer but still wanting to hear it from his master. “That’s right, bull, bigger than ever, growing so much for me like a good pup,” Austin cooed, reaching up to rub Jon’s round, solid gut and furry, sweaty chest, which he couldn’t quite reach. “Still gotta keep getting bigger though!” “WWRROOOOOF!!” bellowed the big daddy muscle bear. “BIGGER!” He straightened to his full height. Jon’s throbbing bulge strained his jock strap and threatened to rip it open. Austin walked up onto the deck and gestured for Jon to follow him on the ground. The deck was about two feet raised up off the ground, which gave him a little more height. The wooden railing on the deck was still in the way though. “Tear out this railing, pup,” Austin said. Jon reached down and grabbed the railing at the base where it connected with the deck boards and tugged up hard with a grunt. The railing tore out with a loud snap. He did this one-by-one until the whole thing was disconnected. “Destroy it, pup, tear it all apart,” Austin demanded, rubbing his erection as he watched his big stepdad manhandle the heavy deck wood. “RRROOWWFF!” Jon boomed happily, then brought his fists down on the deck railing hard. Wood splintered and the deck shook. Jon grunted as he grabbed the top railing and pushed down and in, pressing and snapping the wood together like an accordion. He tossed half of it into the yard, laughing and grunting, then shifted over and did the same on the rest of it, relishing the opportunity to use his strength without holding back, his muscles tensing and bulging, veins throbbing as he destroyed the deck railing in seconds. “That’s my pup, big and strong!” Austin said. “Down on your knees, pup, now,” Austin ordered. Jon thumped down to the ground, the earth shaking as his tonnage dropped hard. He was kneeling in front of Austin, who was almost at eye level now. Jon’s gut surged forward onto the deck, his bulge pressing the side of the porch, his wide shoulders, harness-bound chest, and massive arms filling Austin’s field of view. “Flex for me, pup, show me those muscles,” Austin said, stepping closer to Jon. Jon raised his arms up and flexed his biceps, the round, hard peaks exploding up like mountains. Every inch of his torso was covered in dense, dirty blond fur, matted and curled by sweat. Jon’s pits were exposed as he flexed, and Austin was assaulted by the heady, cloying stink of Jon’s musk. “This new cycle has you smelling extra good, pup,” Austin said as he stepped closer, reached up, and squeezed the impossibly huge biceps. He buried his face in Jon’s left pit and huffed deeply, smearing bullpup sweat all over his nose. “Mmmph yeah that’s it, such a good pup. Big stepdad muscle bull. Who would have thought you’d ever be THIS big nine months ago, huh?” Austin said, feeling high on the distilled testosterone stench of Jon’s wet, furry pits. “Arrrrawarruff!” Jon rumbled as he brought his arms down, trapping his Sir in his deep, furry pit. “Am I a big bull pup now, Sir?” Jon asked, his voice muffled in the neoprene and leather mask. “Yes, bull, but not big enough… never big enough!” Austin said, his own voice muffled by Jon’s furry pit, his hands wandering over to Jon’s immense chest, his fingers running through the dense fur and long beard trailing against Jon’s pecs. He grabbed the thick, sturdy leather of the harness straps and pulled hard, but Jon didn’t budge. He was so heavy, too sturdy, too strong. “Gotta grow bigger for my master,” Jon whispered, his eyes closed, every touch from Austin sending fireworks of pleasure up his spine. His cock throbbed and pushed up and out further from his jock strap, belching up more pre. He squeezed Austin into a tighter headlock and growled until Austin tapped his big arm, signaling him to let go and come up for air. “Need to mark my territory, bull. You’re mine now. Isn’t that right?” Austin said, huffing Jon’s stink against his upper lip, his hands rubbing more frantically against Jon’s giant body, exploring the wide v-shaped lats and trailing down to his round, hard, furry gut. Jon sighed contentedly when he heard those words. “Arrroooof, mmmrrrooof!” Jon breathed, then brought his arms around Austin and pressed the smaller man against his big body. Austin tugged down on the harness again, clinking the padlock against the central ring of the harness. “Kiss me, pup, now, hard!” Austin said, just as desperate to make Jon feel good as Jon was to make his master feel good. Jon leaned down and nuzzled his Sir, their tongues wrestling as they kissed hard and sloppy, their beards brushing against each other roughly. “Taste my hole,” Austin demanded, and Jon obeyed. Jon grunted as he grabbed on to Austin’s dress pants and tore them apart, ripping and shredding and tearing until they fell to the ground, revealing Austin’s hard 8” cock and bubble butt. Austin had grown thicker and more muscular over the last few months training and eating with Jon, and he looked sexier than ever. Austin bent over and turned around, revealing his tight, furry hole. It was sweaty and musky, which now started to mix with the light rain that began to fall, coating them both. “MMMPH, grrrff!” Jon growled as he dove into Austin’s meaty ass, his pup mask snout pushing his cheeks apart to get to Austin’s tight hole. Jon’s thick, powerful tongue reached up and dragged slowly against Austin’s hole, causing the smaller man to shiver and groan. Jon pushed his tongue in harder, insistent, pressing past any resistance and penetrating his Sir. Even his tongue had grown bigger and stronger over the last few months! Slurping and sighing happily, sniffing master’s deep, sweaty musk, Jon ate Austin’s furry hole relentlessly, pushing him hard so Austin had to brace himself against the porch. Jon buried his nose deep in his master’s crack and then shook his face back and forth, his metal chain clinking around like when a wet dog shakes himself to get dry, sending another wave of stimulation surging through his Sir’s tight, muscular body. “Mmmmph, grrrfff, mmmmlllaaahhh!” Jon growled as he pushed his tongue in deeper, deeper, fucking his Sir’s hole with his huge tongue, slurping up every morsel of football jock hole he could get. “Lift me up, pup!” Austin groaned. Jon backed up, removing his tongue from Austin’s ass, and stood back up to his full height. He reached down and Jon’s huge, calloused hands wrapped around Austin and lifted him up effortlessly. Austin straddled Jon’s thick bull neck and massive traps with his legs, his ass resting on Jon’s chest-like pecs, his cock right in front of Jon’s pup snout. Austin looked down at Jon’s intense, focused, pleading eyes through the pup hood, his own cock throbbing and leaking, rain dripping down onto both of them. “Get your tongue back in there, pup, I need more,” Austin commanded, and Jon lifted and pressed Austin’s 250lbs like it was nothing. He raised Austin up, leaned his head back, and slurped out with his tongue, lapping up against the tight, sweaty, furry hole of his Sir. “Ssssslluurrrp, mrraraahahhhh, mrroooof!” Jon grunted and breathed as he slurped and licked. He lowered Austin down until Austin’s weight was fully pressed down on his mouth and tongue, allowing him to push in even deeper and rub his master’s jock stink all over his mouth and pup mask. “Oh god, yes pup, eat my hole, making your Sir feel SO good,” Austin moaned. He reached down and steadied himself on the smooth, dark neoprene of Jon’s pup hood, which was becoming more slippery as the rain increased in intensity. After several minutes of this, Austin had Jon put him back down on the deck. “Back on all fours, pup. Head up, good,” Austin ordered, Jon dutifully moving however his master ordered. “Turn around, pup, let me see that ass,” Austin said, breathing heavily as he still felt the stretched-out presence of Jon’s tongue in his butt. “WRROOOOF!” Jon rumbled as he rotated around, his knees and fists pressing into the worn-down grass and dirt, which was starting to get muddy as the rain came down. He planted himself facing away from Austin, head held up high, his wide, furry, muscular glutes bowing out round to the sides and towards Austin. His enormous hamstrings framed his round, heavy balls, which were barely contained in his oversized jock strap. His silicone butt plug tail was enormous, three feet long and as thick around as Austin’s upper arm at its widest point; it bobbed back and forth, up and down as Jon parked his ass in front of Austin. “Time to remove your tail, pup,” Austin said teasingly. Jon groaned as he felt Austin’s rough hands rake across the edges of the tight, filling plug. Austin pulled with all his might, and the massive plug slowly inched out, dragging across the inside of Jon’s hole, slick and wet. Jon bellowed as the huge plug came out, the heavy black tail thumping onto the deck next to Austin; the custom-made item was deceptively heavy. Left behind was Jon’s twitching, furry, pink, stretched-out pup hole, framed by Jon’s jock strap. “Get that ass up in the air more,” Austin said, stepping closer to his bullpup and pressing his face against Jon’s deep, furry crack. Austin licked and huffed his pup’s musky hole, causing it to twitch and pulse more. “AarrOOOOF!!” Jon rumbled, squirming and groaning as his Sir worked his hole. “MmMMMRPH, aaarrUUUFF, FUUUCK,” he groaned as he pressed his ass back harder towards the deck, his boots and knees digging into the muddy ground, his fists clutching a handful of grass and tearing it up as pleasure electrified his body. Austin rubbed his beard over Jon’s sensitive hole, licked up and down, in and out, all around, making his bullpup squirm and whine and bark. He came up for air with a gasp, the heady stink of his pup’s sweaty musk covering every inch of his face, breathing it in like perfume. “Drop that ass, pup, your Sir needs to plant his seed now,” Austin growled. Jon obeyed, dropping lower so his Sir could get at the right angle. He whimpered and twitched and panted in anticipation. He could feel his Sir’s hard, wet cock pressing against the outside of his hole. He could feel his Sir’s muscular torso leaning against his round, hairy ass, could feel his knees pressing against his hard hamstrings, could feel his arms reaching up to just barely grab on to his heavy leather harness and pull down and back. “You want your Sir’s cock?” Austin growled as he ground against Jon’s furry, sweaty crack, the rain mixing with the pre and sweat to make it slick. “Mmmrrrphhh, mmmm!” Jon whined desperately, his ass wiggling back and forth. “You think you deserve your Sir’s load?” Austin teased, pressing against Jon’s hole, right on the doorstep. “Uuurrrfff, arf, mmmh!” Jon begged, pressing back against the cock head that pressed against his pucker, small to his perception but powerful in what it meant to the two of them. “Such a good pup, you DO deserve your Sir’s cock!” Austin roared as he punched his way inside of Jon. “AAARRRUUUUUUFF!!” Jon bellowed as Austin thrust inside of him. His powerful glutes wrapped around Austin’s cock and squeezed tightly. “My big GROWING bull, all mine!” Austin growled as he started pounding into his bullpup with reckless abandon. Jon’s hole gripped his Sir’s cock, fitting together perfectly. Jon grunted and growled as his master filled him up; there was nothing more satisfying than feeling Austin inside of him, being this close, enjoying the fruits of Jon’s labor. Serving his master and making him happy was as gratifying as sex, as necessary as breathing to Jon now. Austin’s lust-filled grunts and moans sent shivers of happiness down Jon’s muscular spine, and he pushed back in time to Austin’s thrusts to increase their mutual pleasure. Jon planted his fists harder into the wet grass, sinking them into the ground to gain more traction as Austin pounded harder and harder. He raised his head proudly, arching his big back and feeling his jock-bound cock scraping against the ground, the head of it pressing hard against the ground and scraping up grass. “Feel me breeding you hard, bull?” Austin grunted through gritted teeth. He panted and pushed his cock deeper, more aggressively, roughly. He knew his big stepdad could take any kind of force he put into it. “GRRRUUUFFFF, MMMMPH!” Jon growled. His harness and chain jingled steadily as Austin’s pounding cock sent shivers through his big body. Rain and sweat dripped off of him, slicking up the dense fur covering his back and shoulders. “Sir needs to mark his territory, bull,” Austin groaned. Jon growled deeply, his voice resonating in Austin’s chest. “Sir needs to keep his pup’s hole full of his seed so you know you’re mine,” Austin breathed, his cock throbbing and swelling, his balls growing tighter and more sensitive. Jon bellowed and groaned unintelligibly in response, pushing back even harder on Austin, almost knocking him over, but Austin was able to brace himself. Austin reached up and gripped Jon’s harness harder. He thrust in deeper than ever, deeper than Jon had ever felt, and something in him broke; happiness, completion, satisfaction, and euphoria washed over him. His hole clamped down tighter around his master’s cock. “Yeah, take it!” Austin breathed, slowing his rhythm as he took in the full, monumental scope of the wide, muscular back and huge, powerful ass gripping his cock. “Take my fucking load, bull, unnnngggg!” Austin groaned as he felt Jon’s hole squeeze his cock and milk the cum out of him like a suction hose. Jon threw his head back and howled into the sky, rain pattering off his pup mask, his own cock leaking into the wet ground and digging up more dirt, his huge ass threatening to knock Austin over.
  25. The Tusk Wars show By Big-Zargo Dash and Lucius were both laying on the couch setting up to watch the fifth episode of Tusk Wars. “Here we are Lucius, bacon-flavored popcorn,” Dash said with a smile. “Thanks, man, I’ve been having a craving for these ever since I watched the first episode,” Lucius said with a grin. “Me too,” Dash said. “Maybe will be able to finish the whole season by the end of the weekend,” Lucius said. “Well let’s try,” Dash said, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. He quickly brought up the show, and they began watching the fifth episode. The powerful orc wizard’s staff lays broken on the ground as one of the mighty heroes stands before him. The orc wizard tries to grab one of the pieces of his broken staff, but the hero simply kicks it away while holding a gun up to the orc's head. “Not so fast monster, any more movement from you, and I put a bullet in your head,” the hero says with cold determination. The orc stops moving his body and looks at the hero with rage in his eyes. “Now tell me where is my brother you bastard. His name was Tom strong Holland, short black hair, clean-shaven, average build,” the hero demanded at the fallen orc wizard. The orc wizard Snickers at the hero for saying. “The one you look for is not dead, for he is behind you. “What trick is this,” the hero demands. “No trick, Hans,” the deep voice says. The hero Hans turns his face around to find a huge orc that barely resembled his brother. As both Dash and Lucius watched the scene on the TV it blanks out. Both men are annoyed at the strange blackout when they hear…. Thump… thump…. Behind them. The sound of two huge feet hitting the floor had been felt by both men, as the dark fog begins slowly creeping from behind them and from the TV they were watching. Both men cursed as they got up from the Couch. A strong smell passes both men’s noses, at first, they gag at the strange smell, but they quickly begin to love it. Before Dash or Lucius could do or say anything a huge muscular Orc appears behind them dispersing the couch like a mirage. Before their very eyes with the orc from the Tusk Wars; the one that they just saw. The orc was naked, his huge body had a sprinkling of black hair, a huge chest with plump nipples, a big round muscle gut stroked with a thick carpet of here that both reached and covered to his big round meaty pecs. His huge muscular arms and legs were attached to his big bulky body as complements to his girth. The orcs big around hairy balls and thick fat cock was a testament to being well endowed. The orc was both beastly and handsome at the same time with its sort spiky hair, sexy mustache, and his stubble jawline reminding both men of an action hero where his yellow animal-like eyes, green skin, protruding eyebrow ridge, and big tasks and probably sharp teeth gave the beast a paradox feel. Before Dash and Lucius can do anything, the orc lifted his two meaty arms in a double bicep pose revealing to both men the beast’s hairy armpits. Their mouth watered and their bodies moved out of their control towards the beast. Each man’s silent screams of horror were very palpable to the orc which made him smile for what is to come. Both men planted their faces into the orc’s armpits. The men’s hardening cock rubbed against the orcs muscular body, as the human’s minds slowly succumb to the orcs will. Lucius was the first to partake orc’s nipple, while Dash’s hands began moving across the orc's muscular body. Both men slowly worshiped and grouped at the beast’s body, feeling strong back muscles, groping thick thighs, rubbing big around biceps and pecs. All the while two men were slowly turning green as the orc. They tried returning to sniffing at the armpits, but the orc stopped them. The orc began to flex his huge muscles while the two changing humans were completely enthralled by the sight and smell of him. Both Dash and Lucius's mouths lay open like panting dogs as tusks began growing from their lower canines. Dash and Lucius' completely green-skinned bodies slowly swelled with height and muscle as they watched and masturbated at the sight of the flexing orc. Their clothes slowly became tight against their growing flesh. Sweat poured off of the changing men staining their tight clothes as their huge muscles began ripping and tearing against their confines. If they were paying attention to their cock and balls, they would find that they were growing in size. Orcish hormones pass through their veins as they slowly became hairier and beastly. Sounds of tearing ripping could be heard as they grew beyond the clothes’ limits to contain as muscle monsters were being born. They swell and swell necks thickening and tell they were like bulls, and tell their shoulders were twice as wide as a heavyweight bodybuilder, there biceps flow with the power to bend steel, their hand grew big and meaty mitts attached with forearms with the power to crush human’s skulls, with huge meaty thighs that could run for hours, and big feet that could crush a man’s spine. Their asses were big round and meaty, their big balls were filled with Orcish testosterone and corrupting seed, their bellies grew abs of hard steel softened pelt of hair which reached and covered their huge beefy pecs. The smell of musk intensified as Dash and Lucius began producing their Orcish musk from their hairy armpits and body. Their long fat cocks dripped with corrupting seed as they kept stroking them. Their human faces changed becoming more beastly, with the strong square jaw to hold tusks, pointed ears to hear better, beastly eyes to see into the dark and big noses for smelling to the sexy Orcish musk. They were no longer looking at the flexing orc they were now smelling each other, kissing each other, fucking each other. Their humanity was now completely gone leaving beasts behind. The now Orcish Dash laid on top now Orcish Lucius’s pounding his ass, while Lucius drools and slobbers in pleasure. With two passionate roars, both newly changed orcs hit the peak of their orgasm one after the other. They continue like sex-crazed zombies as their Orcish hormones flow through their veins. Tom the orc was no longer flexing his muscles instead he was masturbating, as the two orcs were fucking each other. Once Tom was done pleasuring himself and the two other orcs were done with their sex, he walked to them. “Stand hut, recruits,” Tom commanded. Immediately the two orcs broke away from each other and stand at attention with their semi-hard cocks. Tom - “Is your duty to serve…” “The great master. To conquer in his name. To turn all humans into Horny Orcs and to obey.” Dash and Lucius said, at the same time. “Excellent,” Tom said with a tusk-filled smile. Hans sees his corrupted brother standing before him, but before he can do anything he is blasted from the side and back to the ground. As he gets up, he discovers that his orc brother and two more orcs have surrounded him each having cruel smiles on their faces.
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