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Bakecraft and Broomsticks – Andrew – Part 1 It had been another long day of classes at the local university. Andrew walked down the sidewalk towards his apartment building going over his lesson plans and homework in his mind. He was deeply absorbed in his tasks and didn’t notice when his shoulder collided with something solid and heard someone say “what the hell man?!” Stumbling back a little bit and snapping out of his trance, Andrew looked to see who he hit and blanched. It was Tadd, the top wrestler at their school, and a bigger jerk you could not find. Andrew meant that literally as Tadd was one of the biggest jocks on campus and liked to throw his weight around. Easily 6’6” and built like a brick house, his considerable strength was used both on the mat and on campus, just not in any way that was good to those on the receiving end. Andrew also had a prime view of Tadd’s other big source of pride as his considerable crotch was right in line of sight as Andrew kept his head down. It was no secret Tadd was the most endowed man on campus, the singlets he wore for competitions guaranteed everyone knew that. “Oh crap, sorry Tadd,” Andrew said as he dropped his gaze and hurried to move on from this awkward and potentially bad situation. “I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see you,” Andrew stammered as he hoped to disappear instantly. Tadd wheeled around and saw Andrew, his face changing from mild annoyance to malicious delight as fast as a light switch. “Well, if it ain’t little ol’ stickbug,” Tadd said with contempt as puffed his considerable chest out, making himself look as big as possible. “Didn’t know anyone could miss seeing me,” he laughed to his buddies. Andrew blushed and said nothing, he hated that nickname, and Tadd knew it, so he took every opportunity to call him that. Andrew never knew why Tadd had singled him out freshman year, but for some reason Tadd had decided Andrew was going to be his college bullying target. “You’re lucky I gotta meet up with the coach and I’m running late,” Tadd barked snidely, “otherwise I’d take great pleasure in making you pay for bumping into me.” With a deliberate force, Tadd rammed his own elbow into Andrew’s arm as he passed, leaving Andrew clutching what would most definitely be a bruise soon enough. Andrew let out a long sigh and was just thankful he got off easy as he started up his route home again. “Stickbug!” the taunt rang in his head as Tadd’s snarky face swam about with his trademark sneer. Though he hated that nickname, he knew it was not without merit. Andrew was quite often mistaken as someone still in high school, even though was nearing 22. At only 5’ 9” tall, he was painfully aware how average he was. His thin frame was not unhealthy or anything, he was in good shape if a little skinny. One could say Andrew was good looking in his own way, but when you’re followed around by someone like Tadd all the time, anything good ceases to exist when compared to him. Tadd only made the nickname up to draw an even more stark contrast between the two of them, to show how big he was compared to this, “stickbug”. “One day that guy will get what he deserves,” Andrew muttered despondently, “just wish it was me giving it to him.” Andrew knew he had less than a snowball’s chance in hell to win in a fight with Tadd, apart from the obvious physical differences, Andrew just wasn’t very confrontational or confident. Andrew’s mind formed an image that made him smile at the ground. There was Andrew; bigger, stronger and more powerful than Tadd, holding him up by the scruff of the neck while his legs kicked uselessly in the air. Andrew saw himself laughing as he paid back in kind the treatment he had endured since starting university. He couldn’t help but blush as he took in the enhanced version of himself his imagination had created, including the other item that had to out doo Tadd, his junk. There a grapefruit sized bulge stood out in pants that looked ready to burst open. Andrew felt his own member tingle and shift in his underwear and immediately snapped himself out of it, throwing all those enticing images away to avoid an embarrassing situation in public. “Knock it off,” he admonished himself, “nothing like that will ever happen and you know it.” It was when he had stopped shaking his head clear of those thoughts that he noticed it. Andrew had stopped right in front of a shop he had never seen before. It appeared to be a bakery by the displays of treats and goodies in the window displays. Elegant cakes, tasty looking cookies, and mouthwatering tarts lay artistically arranged in decorative cases behind the glass. He lifted his head to see a sign above the doorway, made of wrought iron, twisted into the shape of a chef or was it a witch, a wizard perhaps? The figure was on a broomstick flying through the air, with the name underneath: Bakecraft and Broomsticks. “That’s actually kind of cute,” thought Andrew when he had finished reading the sign. He bet this was some new bakery that opened up recently, as he pictured a sweet little granny in a costume witch hat serving a tray of fresh baked goods. This made Andrew smile remembering treats his own grandma had made for him when he was young. Strangely, Andrew noticed that nobody else walking past it even glanced at the mouthwatering display. In fact it was almost as if they couldn’t see the place, but its elaborate front was almost impossible to miss. Let alone to ignore the smell coming from there. “Wait,” thought Andrew, there wasn’t a smell just a bit ago, was there?” Something deep inside of him felt a slight, uneasiness, at the confusion he felt about this place. Had he been hit by Tadd harder than he thought, and was now hallucinating? His arm gave a sharp throb at the thought of Tadd, and the pain snapped him from concern. At the same time he smelt the sweet scent from the shop and his stomach gave a soft rumble. The thought of a sweet treat was enough to push any concern to the back of his mind. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a look inside,” thought Andrew as he considered taking something home to make up for the earlier run in with Tadd. As he reached for the door handle he paused just long enough to register an odd feeling in the center of his chest, something that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He hadn’t even had a chance to recognize it before he heard the tinkling of a bell as he stepped inside. ~~~~ I hope you all enjoyed this, please let me know of any comments or feedback you have. I'm relatively new to sharing my writing, so I hope I'm doing okay. Thanks!! Ferin Rosca
It's been a very long time since I've posted a story here. I was taken by some inspiration recently and whipped up a new one to share here. As with all my stories, every character is an adult over the age of 18. Please keep in mind that this work of fiction is a fantasy and you very much are not, please practice safe sex and use protection. *** It was strange to see how the elves changed over such a small period of time. It's been over a decade since the elves came out of hiding and showed themselves again in the land, proclaiming worship to a new god. Ahrys, the God of Strength. The most notable changes were outward in appearance. While the elves had been previously considered the fair folk of the land, their new allegiance to a god of strength, power and virility changed their bodies. Now instead of slender and lithe bodies, the elves commanded towering powerful bodies with exotic proportions and bulging muscles. This was the result of a century or so of intense physical training and exercise that was demanded of the elves by their new lord. The elves' own training had been limited to archery and other forms of combat, but now they found themselves in awe of the warriors, knights and lovers of Ahrys. Ahrys' priests encouraged this change in the elves, and it spread quickly throughout the elven population. The elves grew more confident, stronger, and bolder than ever before. They became a race of warrior-priests, and their society was based on the concept of strength, both physical and mental. Men were not only expected to be strong physically, but also to have the will and determination needed to rule and ensure that the word of Ahrys would endure for years to come. This led to an interesting phenomenon. Male elves began to marry other men, but this did not render the women obsolete. Instead, they married into the male dominated society and took many mates instead of staying monogamous. Their husbands took up the role of warrior and ruler as well as father, provider, and protector. Soon the elves began to proselytize outside of their old forests and began to migrate into settlements of other races to expand their god's influence. None were more welcoming than the race of Orc. In previous generations the elves and orcs were often at odds, butting heads with each other in many ways. The elves considered the Orcs brutish and cruel, while the orcs sneered at the frail elves and their puny bodies. But now that the orcs had embraced Ahrys, they were quick to adopt his teachings and become even more powerful and aggressive than before. Initially there were concerns from many of the other kingdoms that Ahrys would teach the orcs to become even more brutal and cruel, but that could not have been further from the truth. Ahrys taught them to be patient, understanding and kind, but also taught them to respect strength and power above all else. He taught them to be disciplined and selfless, to sacrifice themselves for others. The orcs took to this new gospel like a parched man to water and embraced all aspects of Ahrys' teachings. While orcs celebrated relationships between men before their new lord's teachings, it exploded in popularity as well as necessity. The bodies the orcs perfected under the god of strength were truly awesome to behold. The new generation of orcs were taller, broader, more muscular, and significantly stronger than the previous. While the orcs had always been a fierce and warlike people, they were still prone to violence and brutality. Under Ahrys' teachings though, they learned to control their anger and aggression, and to channel it into acts of love and protection, both socially and physically. To lay with one of Ahrys' orcs was to experience sex at a heightened level. The bodies of the new orcs were ripe with power and virility and just itching to use their sexual prowess to fuck their partners into levels of bliss previously unheard of. Often the sounds of fucking and the enthralling moans of their partners would permeate throughout entire villages as Ahrys' new disciples exercised their bodies and spread their seed, breeding the other men they slept with until their holes were filled with potent orcish sperm. Quite often their orgasms were powerful and drawn out lasting for minutes at a time and often leaving them exhausted afterwards. And despite the success in finding partners of all races the orcs found themselves becoming addicted to this powerful sexual feeling, and they began to seek it out in greater numbers. And thus, the two once distant races began to intermingle and co-exist in peace and lust, united under the banner of Ahrys. The first of many great cities was erected in the valley of two large mountains and was populated rather quickly by both orcs and elves alike. The men of both races combined the raw power of their physically and sexually enhanced bodies to create one of the most beautiful cities to grace the face of the planet, a glistening city of granite, marble and stone carved into the side of the mountains, known as Yhrgaan. It stood tall and proud and was built to last forever. A monument to the joining of two distinct species, bonded together under the teachings of Ahrys. ⁂ "Are you certain this is the place?" "Of course, I am! What do you take me for, some illiterate bastard? I know how to read a book and I damn well know how to read a map." Sigurd and Albran continued their bickering as they trudged out of the dark and gloomy tunnel. The voyage into the mountain tunnels had been difficult and fraught with danger so the two friends were at each other’s throat and eager to see the sun. As the light of freedom grew ever closer both humans cried out with joy and bolted out of the passage at a breakneck pace. As their eyes adjusted to the light the young men were dazzled by the wondrous sight of Yhrgaan, the City of Stones. “By the gods!" exclaimed Sigurd, "I can't believe we made it!” Albran laughed, "Don’t get your hopes up to quickly. We've only reached the end of the entrance tunnel. Now we must hike down to the city walls." "Well, what are we waiting for then?" asked Sigurd. "We're not waiting for anything." Albran grumbled, "It's at least another half a day on foot to the entrance and I'm not exactly keen on continuing the trek when my legs are wobblier than my nan's evening pudding." Sigurd looked at him skeptically, "What do you mean? You don't look any worse than me." Albran smiled, "Trust me, lad, you ain't looking too good either." The two men slowed their pace and surveyed the landscape, gazing upon the city's shining glory. Yhrgaan was unlike any city they had ever seen. It was constructed entirely of smooth white granite and the buildings were carved directly from the rock itself. There were no bricks, no mortar, and no wood. Only the most skilled and strongest of craftsmen could have created such a feat of architecture, and even then, it would have taken centuries to complete. "This is incredible," said Sigurd, awestruck. "That it is, lad. That it is." Continuing the path at a leisurely pace the two friends noticed a few buildings on the outskirts of the city walls, made not of marble but unpolished and unsculpted granite. These structures, while not graced with as much beauty as the city itself, were still a testament to the skill and power of the denizens within. Albran and Sigurd gazed at each other with an unspoken unease and curiosity and slowly veered of the path to inspect these huts. As the duo passed the first two it became obvious to both men that these structures were built specifically to house troops and train them in the art of war. One of the buildings housed a group of orcs, while the other was occupied by a large number of elves. The two men stopped to watch the orcs sparring and training. They saw the orcs doing pushups and sit-ups, lifting heavy stones and trading blows with powerful weapons. The elves were equally impressive, their movements fluid and precise as they practiced archery. The orcs seemed better trained in martial combat than the elves, as their bodies seemed to be chiseled from pure muscle and sinew. The elves were more slender than the orcs, but their muscles rippled with perfect symmetry and their limbs were thick and powerful, no doubt capable of lethal blows themselves. After watching the soldiers for a few moments, the two men decided to continue onward towards the city walls. Another granite structure came into view just beyond the garrisons however this one was built with much more skill and finery. It appeared a very modest looking inn and tavern with a large garden, mill and even an archery field at the farthest end. Business seemed slow as the two humans knocked against the cool granite door. Sigurd attempted to open the door but paused as he was unable to open the door at first attempt. After a few seconds he put his full weight into his shoulder and collided with the door enough for it to open properly. The inn's interior was warm and dry. A long bar faced the pair immediately opposite the entrance and the shelves behind it were stocked with wine, beer, liquor and other substances in jars the humans had never seen before. Ornate chairs of fine polished marble lined with woven cushions surrounded over a dozen tables spread throughout the interior. At the far end of the tavern to the right of the two men, a large fire danced merrily in the hearth. The windows were shuttered closed, and the only illumination was provided the fire and some small wax candles at the middle of each table. The few patrons scattered throughout the room were quietly enjoying their meals and drinks. At one table sat a solitary orc of massive proportions. His broad body cast a long shadow as the light from the roaring fire danced across his dark green skin. He was clad in shining metal plate armor which was padded with fine leathers and bright red cloth, signifying him as a soldier of Yhrgaan. His body was muscular and wide, and his bulging arms were snaked with thick veins. His enormous battle-axe was strapped to his back and he looked as if it weighed nothing to him. He was eating a steak with a knife and fork, but he did not notice the two men enter the inn. At another table sat an elf with more decorum than the orc. His strong body was draped in fine cloth around his back and around his waist, creating a kind of robe. This garment accentuated the elf's form well and showcased the fine muscles of his entire body. The top of his chest and shoulders were exposed, revealing his defined pectoral muscles and his expansive shoulders. His powerful arms were adorned with gold bracelets and his fingers were adorned with rings of precious metals and gems. His blonde hair was long and flowing, reaching down to his lower back. His face was handsome and well proportioned, but his nose was slightly crooked and had a slight bend to it. Sigurd felt his heart skip a beat as he drank the sight of this beautiful elf. His eyes wandered down the elf's muscular frame to the evidence of his impressive endowment. The elf's member was visible beneath the fabric of his robe and the young human could tell the elf's cock was already bigger than his, and he wasn't even erect yet. Unable to look away Sigurd continued his way down the elf's body and gasped slightly as he saw the elf's rippling legs that were clearly extremely muscular and incredibly toned. Sigurd reckoned this elf could probably haul in a slab of granite into the room and still have the energy to fuck him senseless if he so wished. Continuing his examination of the inn's inhabitants Sigurd noticed a smaller orc sitting in the corner of the establishment. This orc was clearly much younger than the one clad in armor, but Sigurd still couldn't help but stare at him. The youth was perhaps twenty or so years old, and he was wearing simple tunic and trousers. His dark green skin was a little lighter than the orc in the armor, and his muscles were less developed though still prominent. His arms were thinner, and his shoulders were a bit wider. His shining black hair was pulled back tight in a small wolfs tail held together with a woven leather strap. Sigurd’s breath caught in his chest as his eyes met the orc’s gaze. Piercing and intense. Sigurd could tell that while he could not see beneath the cloth there was no shortage of Ahrys' disciples in this inn. After a brief moment a blushing Sigurd turned back to Albran who was staring at him with a puzzled expression. The young man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sorry about that, mate. I guess I was just caught off guard by the sights and sounds of the place. Lets find the owner and ask about a few rooms for the night, eh? Maybe something in the barracks for you, Albran?" "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," replied Albran. The two men moved through the quiet inn and made their way to the bar. The duo waited for moment and when no one in the vicinity acknowledged their presence, Albran knocked three times on the bar with a gloved fist with as much force as he could muster against the cold granite. The sound echoed slightly through the inn and after a few seconds the older orc looked up from his meal and gave the two men a curious look. He took a long sip of his ale and asked, "And who might you be?" Sigurd stepped forward and introduced himself, "My name is Sigurd and this is my friend Albran. We've traveled quite a long way to come and see Yhrgaan." The orc gently set his ale down and continued to cut at his meat, not meeting the humans eye to eye. "A-ha, I see. Well, I am Hrothgar, the proprietor of this establishment. And what brings you to our fair city?" Sigurd was surprised at the calm and polite nature of the orc. He had expected someone so massive to be nothing short of brutish. "Well, we've come here to learn the ways of Ahrys. His word has spread far beyond the mountains and forests of old, across the lakes and rivers of the plains, to every city of the continent and possibly across the oceans as well. We want to learn all we can from him." Hrothgar nodded slowly to himself and finished the last piece of steak on his now empty plate. With a low rumbling sound, the orc pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. He towered over the two men and the rest of the room by at least a foot. His arms were so big that his hands could undoubtedly touch the ceiling, and his thighs were so thick and powerful that Sigurd thought he could probably lift a horse with ease. The orc flexed his arms and rolled his shoulders, stretching his body underneath his heavy armor while coincidentally displaying his muscles to the best effect. With slow and purposeful steps the orc made his way around the table and approached the two men. He loomed over them with a piercing gaze and a flat expression on his face. After a moment the old orc smiled and said used his large hands to clasp onto each Sigurd and Albran's shoulders, the force of which nearly caused the younger man's knees to buckle. "I'm glad you're here," said the orc. "You'll need to be ready for some rigorous training. I hope you do not think it crude of me to say but you two will undoubtedly stick out as foreigners. Best to start practicing those introductions, I am sure you'll be asked quite a few times." Albran and Sigurd shared a nervous glance, and both men were quick to respond, "Yes sir, thank you for your hospitality." Hrothgar nodded once again and let go of the two men. He then turned and walked around the bar and pulled out two large stone keys and gave one to each human. "First evening is free. It's getting late and you two need a night to relax. We'll worry about the coin in the morning once you two are of sound mind and stern body. Now get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day." As the two humans turned away from the bar they heard the old orc bark, "Yjolmar. Be a good lad, show the new blood to their rooms." The young orc jumped up from his seat and hurried to the side of the bar. He grabbed two small bags from a shelf and handed them to the two humans. Sigurd opened the bag and found it contained a change of clothes, soap, towels, and several blankets. Albran opened his own bag and found it also contained the same items. The two men thanked the orc and followed him up a long flight of stairs. These stairs were taller and longer than any the two had previously encountered and they soon found themselves huffing and puffing by the end of their ascent. Once they reached the landing, they saw Yjolmar had already lit a small lantern and was waiting for the duo with a stern expression on his youthful face. "This way," the young orc said. He turned on his heels and marched down the long corridor past presumably occupied rooms. As the duo obeyed, Sigurd took the opportunity to admire Yjolmar's physique from the rear. The young orc was slightly taller than Sigurd and broad shouldered, with a slim waist and a tight ass. His shoulders were wide, and his back looked as if carved out of stone. Now that he was upright Sigurd noticed that the orc's tunic clung to his body in places where the muscles were the most pronounced. His exposed biceps were full and round, powerful slabs of meat that were currently flexed as he held the lantern. Sigurd's eyes drifted southward and marveled at the beautiful arse that was caged within the orc's humble trousers. It was round and perky, but tight and powerful. With a body like his, Sigurd had no doubt to which god this orc prayed. The young human quickly looked away and tried to focus on following the orc down the hall. After a few moments Yjolmar stopped in front of a large ornate door made of both stone and polished wood. He faced Albran and then gestured at the door with the arm holding the lantern. "Your room. Has a nice view of the mountains." Albran nodded and opened the door, revealing a spacious room with a large bed and a fireplace. The room was furnished with a couple of chairs and a small table. A window overlooked the outskirts of the city below and the outline of the mountains beyond. Albran went to the table and set his gear down. Sigurd followed him into the room and admired the view. "I recon we can see the city lights from here," said Albran, his expression brightening for the first time in a long time. Before Sigurd could respond, he heard a polite cough coming from the door. The orc glowered at Sigurd with the same eyes he'd seen before. Piercing and intense. "Your room's this way." The orc's tone was more commanding than before, and Sigurd guessed he must have been doing it intentionally. Yjolmar led the Sigurd down the hallway to a second door, which looked like the previous one. The only thing that differentiated this room from the other was a small sign above the door. It read, "Private". Yjolmar stood aside and allowed Sigurd to unlock the door. The room was very plain with a comfy looking bed that was lined with furs, a small desk and a chest of drawers, and a circular table opposite the bed behind the open door. There was a single window in the wall opposite the door and Sigurd could see the edge of the city. "It's small, but it's quiet," Yjolmar rumbled, turning to leave. Sigurd opened his mouth to thank the orc and suddenly shut it. Just as Yjolmar's hand reached to close the door Sigurd blurt out, "Why do I get the private room?" The orc paused and turned to face the human. The expression on his face was blank, but the eyes were still piercing. After a moment Yjolmar gently set the lantern on the small table and kicked the door shut behind him. Sigurd heard a small click as the door's latch locked him in with this smoldering hunk of orc. Sigurd suddenly felt his heart pounding in his chest. The lantern portrayed Yjolmar in a striking light, the shadows dancing across his strong form. He was still wearing the same outfit he'd worn earlier, but now the cloth clung to his body in places that Sigurd had never seen before. Yjolmar took a step closer to the human and began to untie the leather strap of his tunic. His piercing eyes never broke contact with Sigurd as the garment began to reveal the orc's powerful chest. Sigurd wanted to say something but could not bring himself to stop the beautiful display before him. Yjolmar's physique was a prime example of masculinity blessed by the power of his god. Yjolmar's large hands slid under the fabric and released it from his muscular frame. The orc stood proudly before the human, his massive arms and torso bare to the world. The light from the lantern cast deep shadows on his muscled chest and stomach, giving the impression that the orc was a statue carved from rock. His body was perfectly proportioned, his chest wide and thick, his abdomen lean and powerful. Yjolmar took another step closer, losing his hair from its woven leather straps and asked, "You know which god I worship, don't you Human? Sigurd gulped and nodded slightly, "Ahrys, god of Strength." The orc smiled and took another step forward. "That's right. He gives me strength in all things. Strength to carry my burdens on my back. The duty to build my body and become stronger. The fortitude to serve and protect my brethren. And power to exert my strength unto others." Yjolmar took a slow deep breath in and let his formidable chest expand. His large hands caressed every facet of his torso and his fingers lingered on his nipples, giving himself a firm twist, and letting out a soft but rumbling moan. He continued his ministrations by stretching out his right arm and caressing his bicep. His skin was smooth and tight, and his muscles were taut and hard. Sigurd watched as Yjolmar flexed his arm causing his bicep to snap into sharp relief, his veins pumping power into the enormous muscle. This caused the orc further arousal and out of the corner of his eyes, unable to rip them free of the vision before him, Sigurd saw an outline of the orc's cock twitch. "I know the stories that stretch beyond the mountains. The orcs and elves that came before me, how they grew stronger, more powerful and..." The orc let out a rolling, rumbling, firm moan. "More virile." Sigurd let out an involuntary gasp before he could stop himself. "I know that's why you've come. To study from my god. To embrace his wisdom. To lay with his disciples." Yjolmar sneered. He moved his large hand away from us bicep and luridly dragged it down his firm chest to rest lazily on the rim of his trousers. "I can be your first teacher, if you’d like." Yjolmar's voice was barely above a whisper now. He took his last step toward Sigurd, closing the gap between them so the two young men were chest to chest. Heat radiated off of the young orc and threatened to overpower Sigurd but the human held onto his reality by sheer force of will. "All you have to do is ask." Sigurd was breathing heavily. His eyes darted to every inch of the handsome orc in front of him and he knew there was no escaping this. Not that he wanted to. All his dreams were standing before him, hot and ready. So, the only thing Sigurd could say was... "Yes.” Yjolmar's face lit up with a smile. He threw the tunic to the ground and stepped forward, crashing into the smaller man. He placed his hands on the human's shoulders and pushed him back against the wall. Sigurd's mind was racing. He had never experienced anything like this before. He was being forced to submit to this mighty orc and was loving every second of it. Yjolmar wasted no time. He knelt on the floor and took hold of Sigurd's trousers. He pulled them down slowly and carefully, his hands sliding up the human's legs and over his thighs. Sigurd felt the orc's breath on his groin and the heat of his body. He looked down to see Yjolmar's dark eyes staring at his crotch, his nostrils flaring as he smelled the human's arousal. "Let's start with something simple," Yjolmar whispered. In an instant Sigurd felt his member engulfed in the order ravenous mouth. The orc's tongue lashed the underside of his shaft, drawing forth a moan from the human's throat. The orc's hands gripped his hips tightly and he began to thrust his hips back and forth, massaging the human's throbbing erection with his lips and tongue. Sigurd's moans became louder and more frequent as the orc worked him over. The orc's hands traveled south, grasping Sigurd's balls, and squeezing them firmly. Sigurd could feel the orc's breath on his sack and the sensation was driving him wild. His cock was as hard as it had ever been in his life, and this was only the beginning. Yjolmar's hands slid further south and Sigurd felt his cock slide between the orc's powerful fingers. The orc squeezed and stroked the human's dick with his hand while his mouth continued to work the human's cock. "Oh fuck, oh god, oh gods, oh fuck, oh god," Sigurd chanted as the orc's hand and mouth drove him to the brink. The orc's head popped up from the human's crotch and he looked up at Sigurd, his eyes burning with lust. "Tell me what you want," he growled. Sigurd looked down at the orc, his eyes glazed with desire. "I want you to fuck me." Yjolmar grinned and stood up. He grabbed the human's hips and lifted him up, pulling him in close for a long and demanding kiss. With a playful shove he tossed Sigurd onto the bed and admired the human’s physique has he clambered onto the bed and lay on his back. Yjolmar crawled on top of him, straddling his waist. From this angle Sigurd could see a large wet spot forming down the right side of Yjolmar's trousers. They grew further still as he noticed the sheer size of the member currently obscured by the blasted garment. Yjolmar straightened up in bed and began to shuck his trousers. Sigurd's eyes widened as he saw the orc's cock. It was huge, longer than his forearm and almost twice as thick. It was a dark green color with a large vein running along its length and a copious amount of his seed already leaking from his shaft. Sigurd's jaw dropped and he let out a whimper. "Fret not. You're safe with me." Yjolmar's words brought Sigurd's attention back to the orc. The orc's eyes were alight with excitement, and he was staring at the human's face with a look of pure lust. "You know what to do." Sigurd nodded and reached out to grab the orc's cock. It was warm and firm in his hand and pulsed bigger with each passing second. Sigurd tentatively wrapped his hand around the orc's cock and began to stroke it slowly. Yjolmar moaned and leaned forward, his hands gripping the bed sheets. Sigurd's mouth was watering, and his heart was beating fast. His cock was rock hard and dripping precum. He didn't know if he could take much more of this. He was lost in the moment, his body reacting to the sheer dominance his lover radiated. He kept stroking the orc's cock, moving his hand up and down the long shaft, watching the large veins pulse and the enormous tip bulge. He could feel the orc's breathing become heavy and his cock begin to spasm. Yjolmar's hips began to buck, pushing his cock deeper into the human's hand. "A-Ah! My lord! Please!" Yjolmar yelled, his voice hoarse and full of lust. Sigurd couldn't help but let out a grunt as the orc's cock throbbed in his hand. He pumped faster and faster, his own cock leaking like an unending faucet. Suddenly Yjolmar's body tensed up and was frozen. His taught muscles strained against his skin as the orc fought with all his might to resist the urge to cum. Sigurd continued to pump the orc's cock, his hand moving faster and faster. He could hear the orc's breathing becoming erratic and his cock twitching in his hand. He could tell that the orc was close. Sigurd's own orgasm began to rise and he sped up his strokes, his hand flying across the orc's cock. "Ahh, ah, AHHH! Please lord Ahrys, not yet!" Yjolmar screamed, his body wracked with strain and concentration as he used his entire constitution not to cum in the humans hands. Sigurd had no such limitations and after a few more seconds released the orc's member as his own orgasm overwhelmed him. He wailed and moaned as he shot load after load onto the orcs abdomen, letting his seed soak into his orcish lover as well as the furs beneath him. Sigurd's explosive volley subsided and soon he felt the exhaustion wash over him. His days of unending travel coupled with the explosive orgasm finally allowed his true level of fatigue to sink in. The human was physically, emotionally and sexually spent. But Yjolmar was just beginning. The orc pulled himself up onto the bed and rolled the human over, pinning him to the mattress. He smiled down at the human and ran his hands over the human's body, gently touching every inch of him. "I've been waiting for this," Yjolmar hissed. He pulled his hands away and pressed them against the human's stomach. "I've wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you." The massive orc took his hands and scooped some of the human's seed off his abdomen and sucked it off his fingers, licking his lips as he went. Using his newly lubed appendages Yjolmar gradually probed at the human's entrance. Sigurd felt the orc's large hands grasp his hips and he opened his legs wider, his eyes fluttering shut as the orc's fingers pressed against his opening. First one, then two and soon he felt the orc's tongue dart out and lick his hole, sending a shiver through his body. Yjolmar took his time, his tongue working the human's puckered hole, savoring the taste of his seed and the musky scent of his sex. He began to push his tongue inside the human's ass, pressing deeper and deeper until his nose was buried in the human's crack. Sigurd's mind was hazy, his body was sore and his cock was still hard. He was completely and utterly lost in the moment, his world reduced to nothing but the orc's large hands on his hips and his tongue in his ass. Yjolmar’s tongue slid out and he licked the human's hole again, his tongue teasing the rim of the human's anus. He then pushed it back inside the human's ass and began to slowly fuck the human's ass with his tongue. Sigurd was losing track of time. He could feel the orc's cock rubbing against his balls and knew that it would be inside him any minute. He was afraid to move, knowing that he wouldn't last very long. The orc's tongue penetrated deeper and deeper, making the human moan loudly. The tongue swirled around the human's prostate, and he felt his cock twitch in response. "Oh fuck, oh gods, I'm going to cum," Sigurd moaned. Yjolmar smiled and pulled his tongue out of the human's ass, leaving a trail of saliva behind. He moved up his lover’s body and positioned his cock at the human's puckered hole. He pressed the head of his cock into the tight waiting hole and held it there for a moment, allowing the human to adjust to the intrusion. Sigurd gasped. He knew it would hurt but he did not expect the tip to feel this pleasurable as well. The orc chuckled to himself as he caressed his conquest's body with his hands, entreating him to relax and enjoy. Yjolmar slowly pushed the head of his cock into the human's ass, hissing as he felt the tight ring stretch around the shaft. "Shhh, it's ok little one. Just let me in." Sigurd tried to relax, his muscles tensing up as the orc's cock stretched his insides. "Ahhhh, ahhhhh," Sigurd groaned as the orc's cock filled him. Yjolmar slowly pulled back, letting the human's muscles tighten and pull the him in. Then he pushed back in again, eliciting another moan from the human. Sigurd's ass was now fully stretched, and he felt the orc's cock slide in further, reaching his deepest depths. The orc was all the way in and he felt his cock throbbing inside the human's ass. Yjolmar began to thrust in and out of the human's ass, the sounds of their bodies slapping together filling the room. The orc's cock was slick with the human's juices and he was able to slide in and out of the human's ass easily. Yjolmar started with long slow strokes, allowing the human to get used to his tremendous size. He slowed his pace enough to find Sigurd's inner most pleasurable spots and one he'd found them his face twisted into a crooked smile. Sigurd was moaning constantly, his eyes rolling back in his head as the orc fucked him. He was beyond caring about anything but the pleasure coursing through his body. Yjolmar picked up speed and began to pound the human's ass, the bed creaking under the force of the orc's thrusts. "Fuck yes! Oh fuck, oh god, oh please!" Sigurd cried. "I'm going to...!" "OH NO YOU WONT!" The ork roared. In an instant Yjolmar withdrew his member from the pleading human below him and flipped him onto his back, his face and cock facing the sky. Looking at Yjolmar. With one final moan Sigurd ejaculated ropes of seed into the air and all over his orc lover. The orc huffed in approval, satisfied with the amount of seed Sigurd had shot. He again allowed his strong hands to roam his body and collect all his human's seed. In full view of Sigurd, Yjolmar ate his lovers cum until his hands were squeaky clean. Then the orc crawled up the human's body and began to greedily lick the human's chest and belly, savoring the taste of his conquest’s seed. He moved down and began to suckle on the human's cock, taking it deep into his throat and bobbing up and down, sucking the human dry. Sigurd was delirious with pleasure, his mind clouded by the powerful orgasm. He could barely keep his eyes open as he watched Yjolmar devour his cock like some kind of sex crazed animal. Finally he stopped and allowed Sigurd a brief moment of respite. The humans vision blurred and his senses waned while be listened to his conqueror mutter under his breath. A fluid and lyrical pattern of speech escaped Yjolmar's lips as Sigurd faded into the sheets. For a moment he could have thought that Yjolmar was... Praying. The human’s eyes snapped open as he realized two things. Who his lover bad prayed too. And that the orc still had not cum. "You wish to pray before my god," Yjolmar cooed, his voice a terrible rumbling whisper. "Yet you have bit even seen a fraction of his power." The orc grunted and Sigurd could have sworn he saw his lovers member bulge. Coming out of his reverie the human watched mouth agape as Yjolmar's body pulsed. With each beat of his heart the orc grew larger. His muscles denser, heavier, filled with more power. His chest was noticeable first. Each slab of pectoral muscles were suddenly filled with veins, pumping the muscle larger and filling out the flat expanded into a bulging bulbous cleft of pectorals with two firm dark green nipples that grew just enough that they probably could have poked through fabric. Next came the arms. The veins snaked their way into each bicep and filled it with even more muscle while simultaneously dissolving any traces of fat. With each flex Yjolmar moaned and cried and his cock squirted additional slick milky seed. His forearms filled to match the muscles before it and then orcs hands pulsed with newfound power. Then his legs. The veins of the muscle pulsed and swelled and he felt the bones shift, growing thicker, longer, stronger. They expanded upward ward and out, filling the legs with more dense muscle and powerful sinew. His ass became a large, meaty orb with intricate striations that looked made to fuck. Sigurd looked up at his lover, his jaw hanging open in awe. Yjolmar was showing him what awaited in his future. The orc was going to grow into something extraordinary. Yjolmar laughed, the sound almost bestial, and grabbed the human's hips. He pulled Sigurd up so that he was sitting upright, his ass high in the air. "Come on little one. Show me your might. Show me how you will serve Ahrys." Sigurd was too weak to resist, he couldn't believe how good it felt to be lifted by the orc and be tossed around as if he weighed nothing. Yjolmar moved him until he was straddling the orc's waist and he sat down on his thick leaking cock. "Mmmmmmm," Yjolmar moaned. Sigurd felt the orc's cock throb and pulse in his ass and he shuddered. "Fuck, you're tight," Yjolmar growled. He grabbed the human's hips and began to pound his ass, sliding in and out of the human's body. Filling him to the brim with his huge orcish meat. Sigurd was gasping for breath, his head spinning as the orc pounded him even harder than he ever had before. "More." Yjolmar demanded. Suddenly Sigurn felt a pulse inside him. It was subtle at first but it grew stronger and stronger. He could feel it in his chest, it was in his ass, it was in his cock. It was in his soul. His lovers manhood was growing inside him. And it would make him cum. The orc was pounding Sigurd's ass hard and fast, his cock throbbing inside the human's body. Sigurd was breathing hard, his entire body tingling as the orc's cock continued to swell, filling him to the point of pain. But now that he was blessed by his lovers seed, pain and pleasure had become one. "Cum for me little one. Cum for your new god." Yjolmar commanded. Sigurd couldn't help it. His body was on fire. His mind was delirious and his cock could take it no longer. He felt the seed begin to flow out of his cock, shooting straight up into the air and landing on Yjolmar's chest and shoulders. "Yes, oh yes, cum for me," Yjolmar said as he continued to pound the human's ass. Sigurd screamed as he came, his body shaking uncontrollably as he emptied his balls onto his orc lover. Yjolmar moaned loudly as Sigurd's ass clamped down on him, squeezing the orc's cock tighter than ever before. With one final guttural roar the orc finally unloaded his seed into the human's ass, each shot of his load filled the human witch such pleasure, each volley powerful enough to stimulate his prostate, causing another wave of pleasure to crash over the human. Yjolmar was not done yet, he kept fucking the human, his cock pulsing in the human's ass as he pumped his seed into the human's body, fully and completely, breeding him for his god. His cock did not go down quickly, and he continued his assault on the human’s arse until it was safe to extricate himself. With a loud pop and a dribble of cum the Yjolmar released himself from his prize. With his last ounce of strength the orc pushed the human’s cheeks shut, forcing him to accept his seed permanently. When he was finished, he collapsed next to Sigurd, panting heavily. "That was amazing," Sigurd whispered. Yjolmar looked to the human and smiled. For a brief moment Sigurd saw the face of the quiet young orc sitting next to the fireplace instead of the man who had fucked him to heaven and back. His features were softer now than they had been before, no longer the stern face of a stranger but a powerful visage of a caring lover. "I'm glad you liked it," Yjolmar said, kissing the human's forehead. "Now rest. Your journey was tiring, and soon there will be much to do." Sigurd nodded and closed his eyes, succumbing to sleep as he was enveloped by his new lover. *** Comments and constructed feedback wanted. I really do need an editor so please point out any grammatical mistakes you notice and I will correct them.
The Tusk Wars show By Big-Zargo Dash and Lucius were both laying on the couch setting up to watch the fifth episode of Tusk Wars. “Here we are Lucius, bacon-flavored popcorn,” Dash said with a smile. “Thanks, man, I’ve been having a craving for these ever since I watched the first episode,” Lucius said with a grin. “Me too,” Dash said. “Maybe will be able to finish the whole season by the end of the weekend,” Lucius said. “Well let’s try,” Dash said, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. He quickly brought up the show, and they began watching the fifth episode. The powerful orc wizard’s staff lays broken on the ground as one of the mighty heroes stands before him. The orc wizard tries to grab one of the pieces of his broken staff, but the hero simply kicks it away while holding a gun up to the orc's head. “Not so fast monster, any more movement from you, and I put a bullet in your head,” the hero says with cold determination. The orc stops moving his body and looks at the hero with rage in his eyes. “Now tell me where is my brother you bastard. His name was Tom strong Holland, short black hair, clean-shaven, average build,” the hero demanded at the fallen orc wizard. The orc wizard Snickers at the hero for saying. “The one you look for is not dead, for he is behind you. “What trick is this,” the hero demands. “No trick, Hans,” the deep voice says. The hero Hans turns his face around to find a huge orc that barely resembled his brother. As both Dash and Lucius watched the scene on the TV it blanks out. Both men are annoyed at the strange blackout when they hear…. Thump… thump…. Behind them. The sound of two huge feet hitting the floor had been felt by both men, as the dark fog begins slowly creeping from behind them and from the TV they were watching. Both men cursed as they got up from the Couch. A strong smell passes both men’s noses, at first, they gag at the strange smell, but they quickly begin to love it. Before Dash or Lucius could do or say anything a huge muscular Orc appears behind them dispersing the couch like a mirage. Before their very eyes with the orc from the Tusk Wars; the one that they just saw. The orc was naked, his huge body had a sprinkling of black hair, a huge chest with plump nipples, a big round muscle gut stroked with a thick carpet of here that both reached and covered to his big round meaty pecs. His huge muscular arms and legs were attached to his big bulky body as complements to his girth. The orcs big around hairy balls and thick fat cock was a testament to being well endowed. The orc was both beastly and handsome at the same time with its sort spiky hair, sexy mustache, and his stubble jawline reminding both men of an action hero where his yellow animal-like eyes, green skin, protruding eyebrow ridge, and big tasks and probably sharp teeth gave the beast a paradox feel. Before Dash and Lucius can do anything, the orc lifted his two meaty arms in a double bicep pose revealing to both men the beast’s hairy armpits. Their mouth watered and their bodies moved out of their control towards the beast. Each man’s silent screams of horror were very palpable to the orc which made him smile for what is to come. Both men planted their faces into the orc’s armpits. The men’s hardening cock rubbed against the orcs muscular body, as the human’s minds slowly succumb to the orcs will. Lucius was the first to partake orc’s nipple, while Dash’s hands began moving across the orc's muscular body. Both men slowly worshiped and grouped at the beast’s body, feeling strong back muscles, groping thick thighs, rubbing big around biceps and pecs. All the while two men were slowly turning green as the orc. They tried returning to sniffing at the armpits, but the orc stopped them. The orc began to flex his huge muscles while the two changing humans were completely enthralled by the sight and smell of him. Both Dash and Lucius's mouths lay open like panting dogs as tusks began growing from their lower canines. Dash and Lucius' completely green-skinned bodies slowly swelled with height and muscle as they watched and masturbated at the sight of the flexing orc. Their clothes slowly became tight against their growing flesh. Sweat poured off of the changing men staining their tight clothes as their huge muscles began ripping and tearing against their confines. If they were paying attention to their cock and balls, they would find that they were growing in size. Orcish hormones pass through their veins as they slowly became hairier and beastly. Sounds of tearing ripping could be heard as they grew beyond the clothes’ limits to contain as muscle monsters were being born. They swell and swell necks thickening and tell they were like bulls, and tell their shoulders were twice as wide as a heavyweight bodybuilder, there biceps flow with the power to bend steel, their hand grew big and meaty mitts attached with forearms with the power to crush human’s skulls, with huge meaty thighs that could run for hours, and big feet that could crush a man’s spine. Their asses were big round and meaty, their big balls were filled with Orcish testosterone and corrupting seed, their bellies grew abs of hard steel softened pelt of hair which reached and covered their huge beefy pecs. The smell of musk intensified as Dash and Lucius began producing their Orcish musk from their hairy armpits and body. Their long fat cocks dripped with corrupting seed as they kept stroking them. Their human faces changed becoming more beastly, with the strong square jaw to hold tusks, pointed ears to hear better, beastly eyes to see into the dark and big noses for smelling to the sexy Orcish musk. They were no longer looking at the flexing orc they were now smelling each other, kissing each other, fucking each other. Their humanity was now completely gone leaving beasts behind. The now Orcish Dash laid on top now Orcish Lucius’s pounding his ass, while Lucius drools and slobbers in pleasure. With two passionate roars, both newly changed orcs hit the peak of their orgasm one after the other. They continue like sex-crazed zombies as their Orcish hormones flow through their veins. Tom the orc was no longer flexing his muscles instead he was masturbating, as the two orcs were fucking each other. Once Tom was done pleasuring himself and the two other orcs were done with their sex, he walked to them. “Stand hut, recruits,” Tom commanded. Immediately the two orcs broke away from each other and stand at attention with their semi-hard cocks. Tom - “Is your duty to serve…” “The great master. To conquer in his name. To turn all humans into Horny Orcs and to obey.” Dash and Lucius said, at the same time. “Excellent,” Tom said with a tusk-filled smile. Hans sees his corrupted brother standing before him, but before he can do anything he is blasted from the side and back to the ground. As he gets up, he discovers that his orc brother and two more orcs have surrounded him each having cruel smiles on their faces.
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(and 4 more)
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PLEASE NOTE!!! This story contains the following elements: muscle growth, Orc tf, hair growth, musk, some foot concentration, self worship, mildly embarrassing situations. If any of this offends you, please refrain from reading the story. Thanks, and hope you enjoy. Written as part of a trade with someone from a different site. (first time posting a story on muscle growth btw, but have done some writing before) ----- Phil had gotten back to his home after yet another day of work. He got to his front door and noticed a small package included with his usual assortment of mail. He brought the stuff inside and, setting the mail down, looked more closely at the box. It had no label on it to indicate what it was. He was nervous for a moment. What if it was a prank thing or something worse? Curiosity got the better of him though, and grabbing his scissors, he cut open the package. He could instantly smell something of linen, as well as something else he couldn't quite place. Inside was a fairly large white shirt and (Phil blushed) a jockstrap fell out as well. He picked up the shirt first; one of those fitted polyester sports shirts athletes wore. It seemed just a size too large for him though, so he set it aside. He then tentatively picked up the jockstrap. Unlike the shirt, this article looked to be about his size. It looked clean, but he felt he could smell something curious on it. He slowly brought the jockstrap closer to his face before taking a big whiff of it, smelling the slight aroma of a strong musk. He blushed and pulled the jock away as he felt his cock harden a bit. He tried to think of what to do with the stuff. Clearly at least the jock had been used before, despite being clean looking, but Phil thought about how much he loved stuff like this. He looked at his skinny arms, always fantasizing about becoming a muscled beast of a man. He looked at the stuff resting on the table, especially the jockstrap. "Maybe I could just wear that... make me feel like a regular athlete." He paused a moment longer before he dropped his pants and boxers, sliding the jockstrap up between his legs. As it finally slid past his slender butt and lightly cupped his crotch, he went over to a mirror to check himself out. He looked at himself in his jockstrap and shirt, looking anything but muscular, especially with his very slight belly pushing out his shirt. Despite that, he couldn't deny how well the jockstrap fit against his body. He stared at himself a while longer, finally snapping out of it as he realized he was slowly getting a hard on. He shook his head and went to go put his clothing back on, not bothering to take off the jockstrap. The next couple hours seemed just fine. Phil went to his desk and got to work on some drawings-a favorite hobby of his. He was doing well, his craft honed from years of practice as he drew a character on the page. Even this needed a break though. He stood up and massaged his somewhat sore hand as he went over to the bathroom. As he pulled down the zipper, he was reminded of the jockstrap. He had almost forgotten it, the fabric was starting to feel so natural against his frame. He smiled and relieved himself, wanting to get back to work. When he sat back down though, he started feeling a bit uncomfortable. The room felt a bit warmer than usual, causing Phil to lightly sweat. He pulled off his shirt to cool down, his moderately hairy torso glistening a bit with sweat. He felt more comfortable though, and he leaned forward to continue his work. The jockstrap, starting to soak in a bit of his sweat, tingled lightly against his crotch. He ignored the light pulses of pleasure he was feeling as he picked up his pencil, and he immediately paused after grasping it. He looked at his hand confused. The pencil felt a bit awkward in his grasp, as if it had become a more slender style. It didn't seem any different in his grasp, but it felt off nonetheless. He continued trying to draw, having more difficulty due to the feeling. As he slumped over the desk, his sweat-glistened torso began to alter. His small stomach receded slightly as his chest swelled out lightly. Resting his arms on the desk as he worked, his flexed biceps puffed outwards as well, the muscles cramping for a moment before settling into their new size. He paused. His whole body had a slight tingling soreness to it he couldn't quite place. He passed it off as having sat too long, giving him a reason to respond to a new hunger he hadn't noticed before. His stomach gave a loud rumble as he pulled his shirt on over his head. For some reason it felt tighter than usual. He looked down and saw his pecs lightly pressed against the fabric where they would have been obscured before. His shirt sleeves bunched up on his arms a bit too as he flexed. Phil felt great concern for these new developments, but another rumble reminded him of more urgent cares. Phil rushed to the kitchen and wrenched the refrigerator door harder than he had intended, not knowing his new strength. He looked around inside, wondering what would be best. His eye caught a large, packaged steak, and his mouth watered as he pictured eating it rare. He shook his head. "Rare? I only eat medium well." Still though, the steak looked appetizing. He popped it on the stove to cook and tossed a few potatoes into the oven. As the meat sizzled, his patience grew thin; the aroma of the meat made him salivate and lick his lips. He waited only 7 minutes before pulling it from the stove, digging in almost immediately. The meat easily ripped apart in his mouth as his lower canines gained a little height and sharpness. The steak was medium rare, but no steak had ever tasted so good in his life. He resolved to eat them like that from then on. After 8 minutes of inhaling his food, he sat back in his chair, releasing a great belch. It took a few moments, but Phil realized how he had just acted, and felt a bit appalled he even ate his steak that rare. "I must be coming down with something. I've been feeling weird all evening..." Wanting to put whatever sickness he had to rest, Phil carried himself upstairs to get ready for bed, unchanging down to his new jock before plopping down onto his bed, entering a deep sleep. ----- The rays of sunlight eventually stirred the man as he slept. He yawned and stretched, feeling a bit sore all over. Phil let out a belch as well, and it was then that he realized something else was off this morning. Bleary-eyed, he pulled off the sheets and was immediately hit with a wave of strong musk. It felt like he hadn't showered in a week, and to his surprise, he grew a little hard at the thought. From what he could tell, his feet weren't faring too well themselves in the scent department. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and reached for his glasses on the dresser. He blinked and took them off for a moment. It almost seemed like... he could see a little better without the glasses. A double check confirmed his theory. He gave an annoyed grunt, vowing to see his eye doctor soon enough for a better pair. With his slightly blurred vision, he didn't notice the changes his body went through in the night. His muscles had increased a bit more, and the hairs on his chest continued to thicken. He stumbled into the bathroom, pulling aside the pouch of the jock to let his cock free to unload his bladder. He aimed it with one hand, noting it felt oddly heavy. He guessed that his cock was just still subsiding from morning wood, not realizing it was indeed thicker than the day before. He slipped the tool back into the pouch of his jock and took a look in the mirror. His beard seemed a bit fuller or scragglier than usual. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his razor, trimming it up back to its normal chinstrap look. He took a quick look at the clock in his room and realized he would have to start moving quickly if he didn't want to be late for classes. "Crap!" He shouted before bolting out of the bathroom, any idea of a shower pushed out of his mind. In a rush, he grabbed a can of deodorant and sprayed his pits and crotch vigorously, hiding the musk under a thick layer of aromas. Tossing the can aside, he pulled open his dresser drawers to try and find something suitable to wear. A pair of jeans fit more snugly than usual, but he was still able to get them on without too much trouble. His shirts, on the other hand, did not fare as well. He could barely get any t-shirt to fit over the top of his head and larger shoulders, let alone allow him any sort of decent motion. In frustration he ripped them off, tearing a few with his new strength. Desperate for something to work, his eye looked at the package from yesterday. With no other options, he took the athletic shirt out and wrenched it on. Despite having seemed too large the previous day, it seemed to hug his body in all the right places now, accentuating his pecs, forming abs, and bulging arms. He rubbed a hand down the front, his fingers gliding over the smooth material felt good as he felt the slight contours of his torso. He thought he could feel abs too. He was confused and looked down. Sure enough, his stomach had receded enough to show light bumps when he flexed his stomach. "Guess I never realized how far I've come with the dieting..." he mumbled to himself, a bit scared but excited at the same time. It Made him feel manlier. Remembering he was on a time schedule, Phil grabbed a coat and his bag. He quickly shoveled some food into his stomach in the kitchen, grunting to himself about the lack of meat people have for breakfast, then ran out the door. His morning classes seemed alright, but Phil kept his jacket on to try and hide the odd body changes he had started experiencing. The information in the classes was going right over his head as his mind started drifting. Thoughts of working out and relaxing seemed so much better than boring books, and the occasional rumble of his stomach wasn't helping him concentrate either. He stretched in his seat to try and wake himself up a bit more, pausing when he felt resistance in his clothing. The shirt had fit comfortably only a few hours ago. He subtly unzipped part of his jacket and took a peek inside. His pecs were pushing harder against the fabric, nipples slightly hardened too. His shoulders were also bulging the sleeves. Phil quickly zipped the jacket back up and gulped. This shouldn't be happening. He had no idea what was wrong with his body. To make things worse, seeing his altering body had made him a bit horny. He adjusted his meat inside the jockstrap, trying to will it to go down, but the attention only made him want to play with it more. He gave it a couple of lewd gropes before realizing he was in public, blushing deep red. This only made things worse for the confused man. The combination of embarrassed heat and having the jacket on began to make him sweat, small beads running down his wider back and through the crevices on his chest and abs. His crotch started to sweat as well, the salty water mixing in his pubes and jockstrap causing a reaction. Unknown to him, his musk was starting to slowly overpower the deodorant he applied that morning. Around him, a few people were beginning to crinkle their noses in disgust while some others, confused and nervous, adjusted themselves. Phil eventually got a whiff of it as well and realized, judging from the looks being shot occasionally in his direction, that it was him. He coughed nervously and blushed a bit, waiting desperately for the clock to hit 12:30. With his embarrassment and stomach leading the way, Phil walked out of the classroom as quickly as he could. Phil was starting to panic a bit, and he vowed to sort it out as soon as possible. His stomach growled loudly. Maybe he'd wait till after lunch... Following his stomach, Phil walked to the cafeteria. He started moving towards the salad bar-a common choice ever since he started trying to diet- but after grabbing a couple different veggies he gave a grunt of dissatisfaction. His nostrils flared a bit as he smelled something delicious in the air. His mouth watered as he turned to the grill area, forgetting the plate he had been preparing. On a whim, he ordered 3 burgers and a large helping of fries. Quickly paying for the items, he rushed to sit down at one of the tables, wolfing down the first burger in seconds. It wasn't rare like he would have liked it, but meat was meat. He shrugged and started work on the second burger, taking a bit more time to savor the juicy meal. His body was immediately beginning to take to the nutrients he was receiving. The shirt feeling tighter than ever as his pecs pushed out more, abs looking more like thick cobble stones. His widening lats weren't doing any favors to the poor shirt either, stretching it taught. Even his pants were beginning to feel a bit tight as his glutes swelled like hard rocks and his legs followed suit. Tightest of all though were his shoes. His toes crammed against the ends as it felt like the material was crushing his feet. Halfway through the third burger, he gave a grunt of discomfort in a voice lower than he usually had. He unzipped his jacket and shimmied it off himself in an effort to feel some relief from the tightness. All he managed to accomplish was letting his musk out more freely, radiating a bit from his pits but especially from his crotch. He took in a deep breath, his nostrils staying flared this time, and felt himself harden a bit. He felt like such a man eating meat and smelling like a beast. He started rubbing his crotch through his pants again as he began working on the french fries. Absorbed in the image of his masculinity, coupled with the pleasure of his teasing, Phil didn't realize anything was wrong till a loud rip brought him back to reality. Looking down between his arms, he noticed a large rip down half the middle of his shirt, showing off the deep and hairier crevice between his well-formed pecs. It seemed so unreal. He reached a hand up to cup one of the slabs of muscle, giving a deep, masculine moan as he brushed one of his nips. The sounds had started to attract some attention from surrounding tables. People gave him looks of confusion while others whispered and laughed. Phil blushed a bit and tried to act natural, attempting to pull on his coat again. The motions of his larger muscles caused his athletic shirt to rip further, beginning to reveal the hairy hills of his abs. He thought all would be safe, but as he pulled the jacket over his shoulders, he accidentally ripped a hole in the back, forgetting his new strength. This all seemed to just attract even more attention, making the man even more embarrassed. To add insult to injury, his rising heat levels made his musk radiate more, the jock clinging to his crotch tightly with sweat. Standing up was even worse, as he realized his boner-a full 2 inches longer than normal- pressed tightly against the fabric of his pants. Adding to the attention surrounding him, his first couple of steps were marked with loud rips as large, hairy toes poked out the front of his shoes. At this point, there was little he could do to remain unnoticed, so he rushed out of the cafeteria, knocking a few people over in his haste. He shoved himself into his car, adjusting the seat back a few notches so he would fit more easily, and awkwardly pressed down on the gas with his growing feet. The laces were straining, the rips in the shoes growing bigger as the shirt continued to rip as well. He got into the driveway and bolted into the house, slamming the door behind him and breathing heavily. "This is wrong. So very, very wrong" Phil groaned to himself. With hesitant eyes, he looked down, seeing the moderate mounds of his pecs pushing against his coat. He tentatively unzipped it and carefully took it off, groaning again as he saw the tattered shirt and odd muscled and hairy body underneath. With a frustrated grunt, he ripped the shirt right off his body and tossed it to the ground. His muscled torso glistened with sweat, and it felt good to finally get some cooling relief. Large pecs with hard nipples, rows of hairy abs, a defined Adonis belt, and biceps the size of soft balls. It looked as good as it felt. Looking further down, he noticed the large outline of his cock draping down one of his pant legs. His eyes widened. Even at full erection, he was never as big as he saw now. He felt an impulse to fondle it, but held his hand in check as he took note of the other changes. His muscles hugged close to the jean fabric, making the friction on his crotch all the more intense, and the shoes were a complete mess. He bent down to loosen the tight laces in hope of getting them off his feet. His hands, a bit larger and meatier than he was used to, fumbled clumsily with the strings and he instead opted to rip off the shoes with force, his shoulders and arms flexing hard as he pulled apart the sad shoes. Wiggling his toes, it finally struck him how smelly he was. His feet, overly hairy on the tops and toes, had a sweaty smell to them, and his armpits weren't faring any better. He took another good whiff, his flared nostrils stretching out further. He gave a deep moan as his voice became fully baritone, his cock pressing even harder as if wanting release. Phil felt so strange, he had never been that into scent, especially his own, and the muscle that should have made him panic only brought more excitement. He stood there, conflicted for a minute, before his second head won the fight. Phil rushed to his bedroom and shimmied out of his tight pants, giving a huge sigh of relief as his cock was allowed to spring forth, partially hugged by the jockstrap. The remaining article of clothing was completely damp with sweat and hugged his balls tight. The musk radiating off of it smelled like a much stronger version of what Phil had remembered yesterday. Some inkling in his mind knew that the jockstrap and possibly sweat was causing him to change, but he didn't care at that moment. With a grunt, Phil grabbed his now 10" tool with one of his large, meaty hands and started stroking. The rippling feeling of his muscles as he stroked, the manly musk radiating off his body, Phil was in pure ecstasy. He lifted his free arm and shoved his nose into the pit, his open nostrils taking in the salty, manly musk. All the strange new feelings he had, added to his semi-hard on he had all day, caused him not to last too long. Body growing even hotter and drenching his bed in a bit of sweat, the man roared and shot his load, getting a bit on himself but a lot on the wall behind him. The intense experience left him drained, and Phil quickly nodded off to sleep only in his jockstrap. ------ Everything was quiet, apart from some of the snorting snores occasionally filling the space. Phil slowly awoke, eyes cracking as he peered around. It was still dark, some early hour of the morning. He glanced at the clock on his end table, seeing it read 4:00am. It didn't even register in his mind that he was seeing the numbers clearly without his glasses. What did register was the soreness he was feeling throughout his body. All of his muscles throbbed, as if he had the most intense workout of his life the days before. Coupled with that, the stench was as strong as ever. The cum that he splashed on his skin had been dried, and that coupled with the scent of his old sweat was pungent. The original jock strap smell was nothing compared to the animal he smelled like now. He reached an arm over to flip the light switch and was welcomed with a foreign sight. Two slabs of meaty pecs greeted him as he looked down. Underneath, a 6-pac with nearly an 8-pac visible. He reached to feel his chest, feeling the curve of the muscles and the crevice between them. In place of the cum that had sprayed his chest yesterday, a thick forest of hair was in its place. The same could be said for his even furrier abs, and his legs, though not in the firing range, had become hairy masses. His feet looked strangest of all, a full 4 or 5 sizes larger than the previous day. His toes were thick, the nails darker for some reason. Phil sat up slowly, leaning his back against the head board. He stretches, his muscles and joints popping. He had grown a couple inches overnight too, not that it was noticeable over his other changes currently. "What is wrong with me? It feels so good, but... it doesn't feel right." He held his head in his hands as he tried to think, and he jumped a bit as he brushed past his ears. He got out of bed and walked over to the full length mirror he had on his closet door. Sure enough, his ears were different. The cartilage had stretched itself at the tips, growing into points that increased the size of his ears by a good inch or so. As his mouth stood a bit agape, he noticed a couple of his lower teeth poked into vision more clearly than the others. He pulled back his lower lip and viewed his lower canines, both having indeed grown longer and thicker like tusks almost. "And they'll be even bigger soon" Phil thought to himself, his cock hardening at the apparently masculine image. He lowered his hands and shook his head. Where had such a thought come from? Though his body was so much bigger, he hadn't had any troubles moving in it either. It was as if... he had been like this all along. Was that right? Everything was getting harder for him to think about as attention was drawn more to his stirring crotch and his own musk permeated his nose. Hadn't this been what he wanted all along anyways? He always wanted to be muscular, manlier. Looking at himself in the mirror, he admired his body, looking like a natural bodybuilder covered in a pretty thick, masculine layer of fuzz on his torso, legs, and forearms. His beard was thicker too, higher on his cheeks and a bit longer. His chest puffed out as he lifted an arm and flexed to himself, his thick arm bulging with muscle. The sight empowered him even more, and his cock pressed more strongly against the fabric of his jockstrap. The thing still somehow was large enough to fit him, though it felt pleasantly tight against his cock and balls. One hand moving to start rubbing his crotch through the fabric. He continued to flex, seeing his arm bulge, his pec expand-giving one of his nipples a good squeeze too-, his thick quads which seemed even thicker like tree trunks, his large, hard glutes, everything. The more he flexed, explored, and rubbed, the more turned on he got. His cock started poking through the top of the waistband as it grew and grew. His foreskin had fully grown back overnight too. Flexing a bit more, he slid the jock off and held it in one hand, continuing to admire his large frame. A particularly kinky thought crossed his mind, and he blushed a bit at the thought. He glanced down at the moist jock in his hand and slowly brought it up to his nose. He grunted loudly as he inhaled his own scent in deep. It was just like when he had first gotten the jockstrap, but so much more. He closed his eyes and greedily sucked in the scent, beginning to really jerk his cock with his free hand. As he started jacking, his fingertips and cock started to turn a funny color, going from sickly to pale green to a richer green. The color slowly spread down his body, slowly transforming his meaty hands and turning his cock into a rich green. With the changing color spreading, his cock got more sensitive, and his body seemed to puff out just a tad more. His arms bulged as he jerked, his cock now a solid 12". It all felt so good, but Phil needed to come up for air for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he saw his face again in the mirror. His nose, which had flared out and curved a bit the other day, was now almost vertical, looking more like a snout. It was wide and flat on the front. He blinked a moment before giving a tusky smirk. It looked positively primal, masculine. He took another deep sniff of the jock, and his nose finally finished pushing out into a small snout. Though he admired his body for all the changes he was experiencing, he hadn't started to notice the creeping green going up his arm and spreading over his pelvis. It crept along his body, leaving the areas stronger than before. His ears stretched up another inch, showing the fey influences of his new being prominently. By the time Phil noticed the green skin, it had covered most of his torso, arms, and legs, creeping up his face now too. A small voice in the back of his mind shouted and pleaded for the changes to stop, but the altering skin wouldn't listen. It crept over his chin, his now dark green lips, his snout, and moving up his forehead and pointy ears last. He closed his mind as he struggled with these last parts of the changes. The next time he opened them though, they glowed with a redish fire that overpowered the original brown irises. Suddenly, the changes didn't matter in the slightest. If anything, he was completely enjoying the experience with no reservations. Phil went back over to his bed, dropping the jock on the floor as he fell back onto the covers. He admired his body more as he continued to stroke his green rod. His fingers traced the furry valley between his pecs, the hills of his abs, and the wide sweeps of his obliques. His balls bounced heavily with each stroke, full of testosterone and seed. Everywhere he explored was covered in muscle and dark hair, and the stench of musk still hung lightly in the air. He felt the buildup starting at the base of his cock as he tweaked a meaty, green nipple. Grunting and moaning deeply, Phil tilted his head back and flexed his massive legs hard. Rope after rope of greenish cum sprayed across his huge furry chest and chin, even hitting the wall behind him like last night. The orgasm wracked him for a solid minute before his grunting breaths started to steady. With his seed spent and his body relaxing, Phil was finally able to think clearly again. He sat up in the bed and really got a good look at his new body. It felt at the same time so foreign and natural. It was significantly bulkier than he had been before, but some recalibration allowed him the dexterous movement he had before. Despite how strange his body felt, on the inside he felt... normal. After the frenzy of his libido had quieted down, he could finally concentrate again. Though, feeling his cock twitch slightly as he admired his body and large feet, there were some recalibrations there too. Phil had no idea what he was going to do in his current state; he certainly couldn't go out in the world looking like this. For the moment at least he knew what he wanted to do: take a shower. There was a little nagging in the back of his mind not to do it, but he brushed it aside with the reminder that he would soon be musky again. Unfortunately, he soon realized afterwards that he lacked any clothing to accommodate his new form, and, improvising, wrapped himself in a sheet toga style. He figured he would clean up the room a bit too, ripping the dirty sheets off his bed and tossing them into a hamper. He paused when he saw the jockstrap on the floor. It looked relatively clean, but he could smell the musk he had transferred to it. He picked it up and thought to himself for a moment, wondering at the mysterious power of the object. After a pause, a little thought came to his mind. He smirked and went to the kitchen where the empty box stood from two days ago. He folded the garment and placed it in the box with some wrapping paper, smirking as he considered what doorstep he'd place it.
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