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  1. Well... here you go. A new story... first part of... maybe three of four. Not really sure. Hope you enjoy it!! Oh... Ive seen so many incredible illustrators out there... if anyone is every interested in illustrating one of my stories... I would love it!!! -Q ThInk It: A Writer's Tool (Based on a True Story) Chapter One: The First Chapter Quinn O’Rourke had never been much of a writer until he began penning erotic muscle growth stories to help further feed his obsession. Finding both mental and physical release through his writing, he lived for sharing his monomania for serious muscle growth and transformation of both mind and body to all of the unknown readers on a website. It made him grateful when he read constructive criticism, and over the moon when people wrote or DM’d him on how much they enjoyed his stories, got off on them, and just like himself, wanted more. His own mania with all things muscle and growth had begun when he was 12 and read a Dungeons and Dragons Choose Your Own Adventure-type book. In it, the hero was a young ninja trying to save his land from a dark magician. As he read, Quinn had become spell-bound when the hero, finding a liquid in a bottle, drank it, and began to grow into a massive and muscular giant. Unfortunately for Quinn, that adventure had ended there as the hero grew and took down the castle, burying him beneath him. Quinn lay there after reading that page… and could feel his blood boiling. He didn’t know why… and he didn’t have the language to comprehend how reading this had turned him on… and how it would mark his future. He did disagree with the ending, and imagined one where the hero rose through the rubble like a God, growing as massive as a mountain, and becoming more and more muscular. When Quinn eventually hit puberty… late… at 16… he hit it with a bang. Up he shot to 6’6, his shoulders became naturally broad, and his body had the musculature of an active teenager. His mother, being somewhat over protective, never let him play after-school sports, but he did excel in gym class, and did go for a swim and run every morning before school. In his bedroom, he jerked off to daydreams of men with muscle beyond imagining, massive penises, and growing to enormous size… his mind always going back to that first story. In college, Quinn worked out for the first time… and took to it like the metaphorical fish to water. Watching his body change, sculpt, and grow became an obsession… one could say… an addiction. By senior year he had really bulked up, adding over 46 lbs of pure muscle, and discovered that his own body turned him on more than anything else… well that was not entirely true… As he stood in front of the mirror, flexing various muscle groups, admiring his own symmetry and size, running his hands over his meaty pecs, and loving how thick his quads were…. he would also fantasise about getting even bigger… more masculine… more muscular, taller… thicker… a beast of a man. Grabbing onto his 7” cock, he would stroke it slowly as he took in his body… imagining growth shooting through him making him bigger and more mighty… more mountain then man. Faster and faster he would stroke, not wanting it to end but needing to feel that orgasmic rush flood through him. Minutes later, sweat dripping from his head and his pits, beads flowing down through the valley between his pecs and over his cobblestoned abs, he would shoot a massive load all over the mirror. Exhausted and panting... he would lean his head against the mirror, frustrated that he would never reach his full potential. Time passed… Quinn graduated… got an internship with a bank… did well… they kept him on… and he began to climb the corporate ladder. He still worked out and took care of his body… but time never allowed him to do it with the same intensity… he was just maintaining. He dated guys… loved how it felt when they worshipped his body and screamed out when he fucked them, but he never could reach the high he was always searching for. Usually when the left or slept, he would go into his bathroom, stand in front of his mirror, flex, lick, and worship himself, imagining his shoulders growing broader, his pecs thicker and larger, his biceps ballooning to sizes larger than his head, and his quads bursting into redwood proportions. Ejaculating to this often satisfied him more than a mouth, ass, or hand could. He once met with a guy who simply wanted to worship his body and muscle, and ‘bask in his masculinity.’ Quinn thought that this might be exactly what he was looking for… but unfortunately it just did very little for him. Perhaps it was that he wasn’t physically attracted to the guy. He did do his best when it came to massaging, licking, cleaning, and all over worshiping Quinn, and even though he was an expert ass-eater and cock sucker… when it was over… it didn’t give Quinn the same high his own overactive imagination could give. Quinn was now 32… he had a high powered job, an office with a kick ass view, a body most 25 year olds would kill for, and a lot of money in the bank. When he was offered the transfer to London to oversee the international sector, with a raise and a bonus of £500,000, he packed his bags and moved. London was an incredible city… always on the move and always alive. There was something to do every second of the day, and when he wasn’t working or working out, he was going to clubs, the theatre, museums, and festivals in the park. It was at Hampstead Heath in July where Quinn’s future took a turn. The Heath, a popular gay cruising site, was a large park with three swimming areas: one for men, one for women, and one for families. With some friends, Quinn went one Bank Holiday to the pond, and there, while swimming, he met Russel. Lying in the sun, they talked, drank, and it was obvious that they both wanted the same thing. As Quinn fucked him at his flat, Russell screamed out words that rang through his head: ‘You’re huge… fuck your muscles... such power… you’re a beast… fuck me harder… use all the strength your body has… use me… show me how Alpha you are!!!’ Using Russell’s words for inspiration, he fucked the life out of him… and when it was finally over and Russell was leaving… he kissed Quinn and said: ‘Fuck!!! If I didn’t have work tomorrow I’d let you do me all night. Never met an Alpha like you! The only thing better would be two of you… or two of you rolled into one! Fuck yeah… muscles going on for days! Fuck… you’d be a mountain of a man! My ultimate fantasy come to life!!! Welcome to London, mate! They exchanged numbers with the knowledge they would never get in touch, and as Quinn lay in bed that night, his cock hard and leaking, he heard the words echo in his head: ‘Alpha… you’re huge… mountain of a man… such power… you’re a beast… use all the strength you have… your muscles… two rolled into one… muscles for days…my fantasy come to life.’ Yes, Quinn thought as he shot all over himself and the bed… that is my fantasy as well… ’ The next day, Quinn made a decision that changed his life. He worked hard but worked out even harder. As his muscles grew larger… he let the hair on his head and body grow out. No more shaving his chest for him… he was a beast... No one at work said anything… but everyone noticed the transformation occurring. You couldn’t miss it!! Within a year and a half he weighed 266 pounds of hard, swollen muscle. He had let his dirty blonde hair grow down to his shoulders, grew a beard, and had several tribal tattoos designed and inked to decorate his body. His exterior matched the Alpha he had always been inside… but as he venerated himself in front of the mirror… as he flexed and licked and touched and stroked… he wanted more… he needed more...he would have more. That was 8 months ago. With months of hard work, some hgh and test, Quinn weighed in at a stacked 293 pounds of ripped muscle. He still did extraordinarily well at work, and even if his boss didn’t like the new look… he couldn’t argue with a man who was bringing in millions each day. Quinn could care less, though. His heart just wasn’t in his job anymore. All he cared about was muscle… fucking… and being the biggest and best in the room. The true Alpha. Through a Google search, he found his way to a muscle growth story web site, and had spent days reading, and wanking. He loved most of what he read, and really respected a good handful of writers… especially the ones who could get him leaking and on the edge of cumming without ever touching himself. Now, those were outstanding stories… but he also felt that many didn’t go far enough. The desire for muscle was one thing… but the need… the obsession… the hunger and the yearning for supremacy wasn’t always there. That erotic mixture of bodily pain and pleasure… that was what Quinn needed. One night, when his fantasies and throbbing cock wouldn’t let him sleep, he decided to try his hand at writing a story of his own. The first couple were horribly cliche, and he wouldn’t dare show anybody. For a while he tried to write at night after work, but found that his imagination was completely fuelled right after working out. \in a new ritual, he would leave the gym swole and horny, his balls churning for relief, take a shower at work, get into a suit that barely fit him anymore, and sit down at his desk to write. Finally, after weeks of hard work, and afraid but willing to give it a shot… he decided to post the first chapter of one of the stories he had been working on… and people actually liked it!!! Soon his days were filled with working out and writing with some work thrown in. The good thing about being upper management of a bank is that everyone below you does the actual work for you. He was just there to manage a team, get the information needed to make the bank even more money, tie it together and deliver with a pretty bow. This gave him plenty of time to write. As he became more captivated by his own words… turned on by his own writing… he wouldn’t let himself cum until what he was working on was perfect! Everything was flawless until the bank put up a new firewall on all of the computers. No attachments could be sent to unauthorised outside computers. If he asked to have his home computer authorised, that would put up several red flags… what could he want to send to himself? If he brought a laptop to work… that would look odd, and if he used a Zip drive in the computer, that was logged automatically onto the system. The only thing he had left to write on was his phone, and his hands were just too large to comfortably hit the right keys on the touch screen. Opening the App Store, he searched for writing apps where he could use his voice to type. Several popped up, but one that caught his eye was called: ThInk It Writing Tool. Reading the app description, it had everything he could want: it was easy to set up, it would detect only one voice if he was outside or somewhere public, it could be programmed to only respond to his voice, it would sink to his cloud, and as an added bonus, it hosted a community of writers and readers if he was ever interested in putting his stories out there to a wider public. The one thing that solidified the deal was the logo: a muscular arm holding a globe with an illustrated brain in it. Waiting till he got home to try the App, he was grateful to see that his friend Jacob, from the States, wasn’t around. He’s probably either at rehearsal, out sightseeing...or whoring around, Quinn thought with a grin as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Any one of those options was a possibility. Quinn and Jacob has been frat brothers in college, and used to play volleyball, and sometimes workout together. After graduation, Jacob followed his dream of staring in musicals on Broadway, and now he was actually doing it. He was in London for the next 8 months playing the role he had originated on Broadway in a West End musical. The production company had rented him a flat, but while it was being recarpeted and painted, Jacob was staying with Quinn. Their friendship was purely platonic, thought being the only two out gay guys in their frat house, they had fooled around together until they realised they were both tops, and just kept the friendship. Jacob fit the quintessential leading man stereotype. His was talented, his voice was amazing, he was an incredible dancer, he was tall, dark, and handsome with a tight hairless muscular body, square jaw, and a smile that could battle the brightness of Piccadilly Circus. The one thing he didn’t have going for him was that he had a small cock. Now, it wasn’t freakish small… it was about 4.5 when hard, and perhaps it was a little thin, but it worked perfectly fine. No one had ever told him that they had a problem with it… but for Jacob, with his height and looks, he was always subconscious. Quinn has never thought this was an issue to Jacob until the other night, when after a few drinks, he began to confess how inadequate he felt. Apparently he had gone home with this cute blonde twink, and found him to be packing a huge piece of meat. Jacob had felt so belittled that he couldn’t even perform and had to leave. He was the top!! The bottom couldn’t have a bigger cock than him!! Totally understanding how Jacob felt regarding his own body dissatisfaction, Quinn tried to talk to him, but Jacob blew him off with a laugh, exclaiming that he had to be joking: Quinn was a muscle master, he said, and he knew it! After that, Quinn never brought it up. Sitting in his favorite chair in the empty flat, a story began to pop into Quinn’s head. He couldn’t help Jacob, but he could write about it. He got out his phone and opened ThInk It! A blank white screen popped up. Character/Characters Name: We recommend using the name of people you know to create realistic characters. Using just his voice, Quinn said loudly: Jacob Effortlessly the name popped up on the screen. Yes, he thought. This is going to work out great. Wonderful. If you have additional characters, please return to this prompt. What is Jacob’s goal? To have a massive cock. Wonderful. How will Jacob achieve this? He buys an experimental drug from a sex shop in SoHo. Wonderful. What is Jacob’s location? My flat. Wonderful. Now dictate the first paragraph and we’ll bring your words to life. Jacob sat on the bus a few moments away from his stop. He was sweating and his heart was beating fast as he thought about what was in his backpack. If he got only half of what that guy had, he thought, he’d be a happy man. Pressing the button, Jacob waited for the bus to come to a stop, and got off. Quickly he walked down the street until he came to the door of the street entrance flat he was staying in for a week with his friend Quinn. Jacob unlocked the door hoping that no one was home, and as he ran from room to room, he was positive he was alone. Quinn must still be at work, he said to himself out loud… Quinn was startled as the door to his flat flew open and Jacob rushed into the living room. - Hey man!! How’s it… - Quinn?! You home? Quinn?? - I’m sitting right… Jacob walked right past him and began looking in each room, calling his name. Finally he returned to the living room. - Quinn must still be at work. As soon as he said those very words, Jacob stopped moving and stood frozen in place. - You okay, man? Quinn got up from his chair and walked toward his friend. Jacob appeared before him as if Quinn had paused him on TV. Even with all of his strength, Quinn couldn’t move him. - What the fuck?? A bell tone came from his phone. As he tried to move Jacob again, the bell tone occurred more often and proceeded to continuously get louder. Frustrated, Quinn grabbed it from where he had laid it down. Wonderful start! Jacob is waiting. What happens next? Quinn looked back at Jacob, looked at his phone, and spoke aloud: Secure that Quinn wasn’t home, Jacob grabbed his backpack, sat on the couch, and opened it. From within he pulled a black plastic bag. Quinn had just finished his last word when Jacob started moving again, doing exactly as Quinn had described. As soon as he pulled out the black bag, he froze again. The bell tone rang again and Quinn looked at the screen. Wonderful! Jacob is waiting. What happens next? When you feel that your authorship of Jacob’s story is complete… you will be faced with the options of saving, deleting, or editing.. How, Quinn thought, how can this be happening? He didn’t want to believe it, but it was true: Through the app, Quinn was controlling Jacob’s reality!! Lets see how far we can go with this! From the black bag, Jacob removed a long box. With serious intention, he opened the box, and sitting within with was a large syringe filled with an orange/brown fluid. Quinn laughed out loud as he watched his words come to life. Looking at the frozen Jacob, Quinns cock started to get hard as he thought about all of the possibilities. Soon his cock began to leak as his imagination went wild. Jacob pulled the large syringe out and looked at it, admiring the orange shine. With a steady hand, he placed it on the table. From the box, he removed a typed slip of paper and read aloud: In the chamber are 6 cc’s of compound 8GN. Although human trials have been conducted, we have discovered that the effectiveness varies per individual. As this compound is not diluted, feel free to dilute with saline solution 1:1 to soften results. As the adage says: a little goes a long way. Remember that all effects are permanent. To use, inject into quad. Results are nearly instantaneous. Jacob put the sheet on the couch next to him, stood up, removed his shoes, and pulled off his jeans and underwear at the same time. Taking a quick glance at his own quad, Jacob leaned over and grabbed the syringe. He had never been a fan of needles, but there was no stopping him now. On the count of three, he impaled his right quad with the syringe. Once the needle was all the way in, Jacob stood there questioning what to do next. With a shaking hand, his thumb pressed down on the syringe and watched as 1cc of liquid plunged moved into his muscle. Stopping for a moment, Jacob proceeded again, this time adding two more. Satisfied, he was going to pull it out, but he stopped himself. If this works… I know myself… I’m gonna use it all. That guy who sold it had a solid 12 incher, and that’s exactly what I want. I want some guys to turn me down cause it’s too big! I want a bulge that shows the world I have a serious piece of meat in my pants. I want to be known by everyone for my twelve inches!! I’ll be a fuckin legend!! Filled with new determination, he injected the rest of the compound, and swiftly removed the empty syringe. Returning the syringe to the box, Jacob sat back down on the couch and waited. One minute passed, then two, when suddenly Jacob felt a flush of heat go over him. A third minute passed, and Jacob began to giggle… he didn’t know why… he just couldn’t help himself. By the fifth minute, Jacob was leaning his head back on the sofa and breathing deeply. Rapidly, his cock went from flaccid to hard in less than three seconds. It’s working!!! I can feel it!! It’s fucking working!!! Jacob lifted his heavy head and looked down at his cock with a grin. It had never been this hard or this swollen ever in his life!! Every vein was plumped up as if he was wearing a cock ring, or had some sort of invisible vice around the base of his shaft. His head kept falling back as wave after wave of elation and rapture shot through him. With each heartbeat Jacob could feel his cock filling more and more with blood, but it seemed as if none of it was exiting back into the rest of his body.. Looking down again with a laugh, his cock looked purple and swollen, the head tighter than it ever had been before. His cock was pulsing to his heartbeat now as more blood was forced in. Jacob was beginning to feel serious pain in his cock, and through his euphoria, worried that perhaps he had made a big mistake. With each heartbeat, as more and more veins popped up and fed his shaft, he worried that the skin from his cock was just going to split open and rip his cock in two. Need to call 911 or watEVER… Jacob fell back onto the couch as he felt himself get kicked in the balls over and over again by an invisible foot. The pain was agonising as his body convulsed. Just when he was positive that he was nearing death, the convulsions tapered down until all he felt was a swelling and a dull burning ache in his testicles. Leaning his head on the back of the sofa, beads of sweat dripping down his face, he moved his shaking hands to his balls and could feel that both were much larger than before, and like his heartbeat, were pulsating. Every few minutes the pain would intensify, and Jacob watched as his balls swelled larger. Within four minutes his testicles had grown to two large eggs fighting for space in his sack. Quinn was certainly hard right now watching Jacob in a fit of pleasure and pain. How far was he going to take this? A rush of power went through Quinn as he suddenly realised he held Jacob’s future in his hand… everyone’s future. He simply had to speak it and it came true. An idea came to him that he wanted to try out. In his fog of testicular growth, Jacob was startled when Quinn came home from work. The chime on his phone went off again, stopping Quinn from proceeding. Wonderful! Are you adding an additional character? Yes Wonderful. What is their name? Quinn. Quinn’s name appeared on the screen. Wonderful. What does Quinn want? This remains to be seen. Wonderful! If you need any character goals, please simply say: Goals. Would you like to return to your story? Yes. Wonderful! Quinn took a deep breath and began again. - Fuuuuck!!! Man… I… Yes… Quinn thought. He can finally see me! I’m part of the story now. What the fuck’s going on?? Jacob tried to answer him, but was slipping into an abyss of carnal lust. My cock… growing… soon… gonna have… twelve inches… of…meat… UUURRRGGGHHH!! Jacob’s head was thrown back as he panted and moaned. He knew Quinn was there… but he didn’t care! He could feel it in his crotch… as his balls continued to swell larger… he knew the birth of his new cock was just around the corner. Lifting his head, he could see his balls were as big as large kiwis now and swelling faster. The pressure in his cock was rising, and either it was going to explode with growth, or burst apart. Here…. it… FFFUUCCKKKKK YYEEAAHH!!! Jacob’s cock began to swell thicker. Breathing heavily as if he were in labour, laughing as well… in minutes it was Coke can thick and he finally felt like he had a real piece of meat in his hands. Growing… a… real… ass… ripper... Throbbing pulsing, and growing with his heartbeat, Jacob realised with glee that his thumb and fingers didn’t meet anymore. Almost as… thick as… my… wrist… now… Quinn. I can fucking see that!! Feel… it… feel how hot… and thick… it is… Feel… it… grow… Quinn kneeled down and placed his large hand on the shaft. Fuck, man!! It’s nearly as thick as a Foster’s can!! Only… the… beginning… Jacob spread his legs wider to accommodate his orange sized testicles that were now laying on the sofa. His sack had begun to grow along with his balls now, and Quinn was shocked when he could actually hear them churning, becoming super driven cum factories. In no time at all, Jacob’s cock head flared wider, the slit grew longer, and pre began to shoot from his cock as if he were cumming. Quinn’s fingers were no longer meeting as Jacob’s cock continued to thicken. The room began to smell of bleach and musk as pre was continuously flowing. A couple of heart beats and a couple of throbs, and there was more than an inch between Quinn’s thumb and middle finger. Gonna… have to… train boys… to take… it… FUICCKK!! Jacob’s cock swelled even wider until finally with the pressure, it began to lengthen. Really… growing… Elated, Jacob and Quinn both watched as Jacob’s cock crept up over 5 inches. Once it had started, it seemed to Jacob that his cock made up for lost time. Passing 5 inches… it soon reached six… and then seven. Let me… feel it… growing. Quinn took his hand away from Jacob’s cock, and in the time it took Jacob to place his own hand there, it was 8 inches. Jacob grinned wildly at Quinn, and throwing his head back, began to stroke himself. Quinn could only stare in awe as his best friend stroked his growing python, Jacob’s moans getting louder and more primal as it grew. Jacob’s balls were larger than baseballs, and shooting out more precum in greater volumes. His cock was now most certainly thicker than Quinn’s own wrist, and showed no sign of stopping. Is it… ten inches… yet??? Oh yeah. Should… be… stopping… soon… But, his cock, enjoying its new power, lengthened to eleven inches and then twelve. Quinn noticed that the veins of Jacob’s cock had grown much larger to force more and more blood in, nourishment needed for the newborn monster. When it hit 13”, Jacob’s cock-head began to join in the growth as it swelled thicker, flaring up and outward. Wanting to be larger than the shaft, it began to lengthen as well as becoming meatie,r until Jacob’s cock head was longer than half of his old cock!! With a loud rip, the slit lengthened even more, till it rivaled the length of Quinn’s thumb. As it hit 14”, Jacob moaned loudly as his cock and balls proceeded to swell even larger. Won’t… be able… to fuck… anyone with… this… now…. too… thick.., I know… I… don’t… care!! I… want… a… monster… Make me… a… freak… Quinn.., It’s as if he knows what’s happening here…. Meeting his best friends eyes… as another wave of growth hit him and it stretched longer than 15” Is this what you want? YES!!!! Are you sure? Do… it!!!! Make me… a fuckin… freak!!! Jacob smiled at Quinn. Within moments of speaking those words, his cock proceeded to grow even faster. FUCK YEAH!!!! At over 17”, his cock head much longer than his old erect cock, and his shaft thicker than Quinn’s 22” bicep, Jacob’s cock began to dip down as the weight of his beast began to overtake it. His balls were bigger than grapefruits now, and were constantly producing enough cum and testosterone for ten men. Using two hands, Jacob was frantically trying to jerk himself off. When it hit 18”, Jacob looked at Quinn and spoke in a suddenly surprising deeper voice I… need more… hands!!! Jerk it… with me! Quinn placed his hands on the immense column, and felt waves of superiority coming from it. The musk Jacob was emitting along with the smell of pre was intoxicating… Quinn looked at his friend, and realised that where once he had been clean shaven, a thick five o’clock shadow had taken up residence on his face. My body… is becoming... a tool for... pure… sex…. Quinn stroked the immense stanchion as it continued to get longer and thicker. More and more veins erupted to the surface, thick as hosing, feeding the emerging beast. Jacob’s stroking along with Quinn’s became more vigorous as his cock grew to a whopping 19”. Quinn stood to get a better grip on the upper shaft and head. My God, he thought… Jacob’s head is bigger than two of my hands! Jacob gave up using his hands and started to simply thrust his cock through Quinn’s hands as if he were fucking them. Jacob’s moans got deeper and louder as his cock hit 20” and showed no sign of stopping its incredible growth. My balls… can you hear them… so loud… producing more cum... and testosterone... than an army of men!!! Quinn looked down at the laughing Jacob. Staring at Jacob, Quinn could see that a change was overtaking his friend. The testosterone flooding through his veins had indeed done a number on him, and he was looking more primal… more masculine than he ever been before. Even his face was changing as his brow began to extend a little further and his eyes became deepset. He had a full beard now, and hair all over his body had sprouted and thickened. The smell coming off of him in waves was overpowering… it made Quinn’s head swim and had him thinking that he wanted to submit himself to Jacob and be used as his sex toy. As the essence passed through both of them, it became apparent that nothing on earth mattered except Jacob and the colossus that was wildy emerging from his crotch. Moaning and thrusting himself faster and harder into Quinn’s hands, lost in his world of sexual stimuli, Jacob began barking orders at Quinn. Fucking… lick my.... Cock head… boy!!! His voice, Quinn thought… his voice is so powerful… so loud, so deep, and… and so commanding. What is all of that testosterone doing to him? Trying to keep in his head that he was the only true Alpha in the room, Quinn found himself obeying Jacob and starting to feverishly lick his cockhead. That’s it… boy… worship this cock!!!! I am. How big… am I… boy? At least 25” inches long… thicker than my quads… Am I… a sex… god… now? Quinn struggled to answer… but he knew he had to tell Jacob the truth. YES!!!! All of the world will worship your cock! Never has there been one so huge, so magnificent, so impressive, so potent, and dominant. In a few minutes... I will cum… I can… feel it… Tell me… what will happen? Your cock will shoot up even longer and thicker. Your balls will swell larger, flooding you with more and more testosterone… You live for one thing and one thing only now… SEX!!! Jacob threw his head back and in a voice that sounded amplified, echoing throughout the flat… a deep deep bass… oozing with sex and power. - YES!!!! Jacob thrust twenty to thirty more times as Quinn tried as best as he could to worship this mighty cock. Suddenly, without warning. Jacob stopped moving, stated at him wide-eyed… and Quinn realised in the silence he could hear the torrent of cum rising up from Jacob’s balls. FFFFFUUUUKKKK!!! Jacob tried his best to grab onto his cock, but as the largest orgasm known to man overtook him, all he could do was close his eyes, pant, moan, and shout. A minute later, a geyser errupted from Jacob’s cock, and cum shot all over the room, hitting Quinn and throwing him backward on impact. It was impossible to control the massive hose as it began to spray the walls, the ceiling, several windows, and shattered the screen of his plasma TV. With each pulse that sent more and more cum skyward, Jacob’s cock and balls proceeded to gain more and more size and mass, shooting up past 31” and getting so thick that it was hard to believe this was a penis and not some redwood or stone pillar. After 5 minutes of continual orgasm, Jacob’s cum production began to slow down until he was only leaking from the massive slit. Just when Quinn thought it was all over,Jacob let out a thunderous, FUCK His cock shot up several more inches, and then he collapsed onto the couch, barely able to hold his head up. Quinn looked around at his flat, completely covered in cum. His friend was frozen once again on the couch, a drop of cum leaking from his cock frozen in mid-air. Fuck, Quinn thought… it's really easy to let your imagination run away with you on this app. Needing to clear his head, Quinn opened up a window. I can’t believe I allowed his musk to become so strong that I couldn’t even control myself. A few minutes longer and I might have let him fuck me. Great to go huge my first time!!! Quinn was taking in another deep breath of clean air from the window when he heard the chime from his phone. Wonderful!! Is your story is finished. Would you like to: a) publish it so it lives on forever, b) delete it and no one will ever know it existed except you, or c) take a moment and edit your story with clearer eyes. What will be your choice? Quinn looked at Jacob and wondered what he would want. Is this how he would want to live… a sex dominated stud with an unimaginably massive cock, a musk that held guys in his power, guys falling to their knees to be fucked by him, cumming gallons every time…. is this how he would want to live? Is this how I would want to live? Looking deeply at Jacob, Quinn knew what he had to do. Jacob tried to catch his breath as he came down from his mind altering orgasm. As he looked around the room at the chaos surrounding him… as he took in his slowly deflating titanic cock and balls, and as he began to feel the beginnings of his balls starting to churn again, he moved his eyes up to meet his friend, grinned, and said in the deepest and most sensual voice Quinn had ever heard: Fuck me!! That’s a pretty powerful weapon you got there now! Tell me about it!! You going to keep it? Don’t think I have an option! Well… while you were firing cumshots around the room, I looked online to see if there was an antidote, and it seems that if you...um… rub olive oil and salt on it… … couldn’t think of anything better on the fly, Quinn??? … within the first three hours of injection, it sucks the formula out and everything goes back to normal. Yeah… I don’t think so. Well, you got your answer. This monstrosity is the best thing to ever happen to me. You have no idea how it feels!! For the first time I feel alive!!! Really alive!! I don’t even exist anymore! It’s my master and I need to serve it. My life now is devoted to sexual pleasure only. I need to find more and more people to worship it, lick it, suck it, let me fuck them with it, and cum over and over and over again. I’ve been called for a greater purpose, boy, and I need to minister to it. You understand? Yeah. I think I do. Good. Jacob stood up the best he could and walked on shaky legs to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. It’s insane, Quinn. My balls are already starting to churn, and it feels even more potent than before, and I think this is how it’s always going to be… getting stronger and stronger… cumming longer and longer, until one day I just orgasm for eternity. How can you carry such weight so easily. The muscles in my groin… I think they evolved to enable me to. It’s heavy… but in a good way!! Love feeling the tug and pull!! Looks like I’m a grower and not much of a shower now! Quinn could see that fully soft, Jacobs cock was only twelve inches long and as thick as a Pringles can. Even his balls had shrunk to something a little more manageable. Take a good look because you’re not going to see it soft like this very often!! I bet! Join me!! Go buy a syringe and join me! I’d love to, man… but I have my own journey coming up… and I think it’s going to rival yours!! Good to hear! I can’t wait. Well, wish I could stay and clean up, but I have followers to initiate into the world of hedonism. Jacob took off the T-shirt he had been wearing and stood in front of Quinn in all of his glory. The testosterone of hundreds of men had perfected his body giving him a larger, muscular frame, and a hairy chest that made his muscles look even sexier. No more clothes for me anymore. Won’t need them. How will you survive? Didn’t I tell you? The day I left America, I bought a lottery ticket… and I won! 50 million dollars!! Good thinking, Quinn!! Give him an even happier ending... a massive cock and 50 million!!! That should be enough to build a temple great enough for this cock. Jacob walked toward the door, opened it, and was about to step out, when he turned back to his friend. Thanks for everything, boy. I might just go to that shop in Soho and buy another syringe or two… see what another dose will do! I bet it will be amazing. I think so too! See you soon, Quinn… and take a hold of that journey you’re about to go on by the balls, and demand the world sees you. Oh… if everything goes to how I imagine it… the world won’t have any option but to see me. Good boy!! It’s our time now. Quinn could hear Jacobs balls loudly beginning to churn and saw a flow of precum begining to leak from his cock head. The aroma hit Quinn right away, and he felt as if he needed to kneel down and worship that God-Cock. Before he submitted, Quinn moved toward the window to clear his head. Bye, Quinn. Don’t worry… we’ll meet again! With that, Jacob left Quinn’s flat. What did the future hold for him? Quinn wasn’t sure, but he knew whatever it was… it was going to be a life satisfying every carnal whim. Exhausted, Quinn leaned against the wall, his own balls aching for relief. Fuck!!! That was amazing, he thought! He was just about to whip his own cock out and jerk off when the bell tone came from his phone. Wonderful! I see your story is complete. Would you like to: a) publish it so it lives on forever, b) delete it and no one will ever know it existed except you, or c) take a moment and edit your story with clearer eyes. What will be your choice? A. Wonderful!!! Your story is now published and out in the world to see. Having completed one story, you have unlocked several new options. We look forward to working with you on your next story. Me too, he thought as he leaned against the wall stroking his hard cock. I can’t wait to see what my next one is!! ... to be continued
  2. czechhunter69

    Hulk - Alex's first (chapter 2)

    This is the sequel to “Tom’s final time” which piggy backs off WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. Please let me know what you think about this, where you think it might go, etc. __________________________________ As Alex opened his eyes, he was met with a confusion he had never experienced before. The cold forest floor beneath him felt foreign and unfamiliar, and as he stood up, he noticed that he felt completely different, his naked body covered in dirt and leaves. The once lean and unremarkable body he had known was now replaced with one that was a slim muscular build and toned, with hair covering most of his chest and arms. Looking down, he realized his dick now had several inches it didn’t have before, adding to his disorientation. Panic set in as he tried to remember how he got there. Adam's heart was pounding in his chest as he took his first steps, the ground feeling strange under his feet. He felt like he was walking on air, but the feeling was quickly replaced by a sense of unease. Last night was a blur, and he couldn't remember much that made sense beyond the incredible sensations and the overwhelming pleasure he had experienced. He thought he could remember something about fucking the Hulk, but it could easily have been a fantasy. But as he looked down at his body, he knew that something had definitely happened. He was bigger, stronger, and more muscular than before, easily up 40lbs. As the distant sound of sirens echoed through the trees, Alex was jolted back to his senses. He couldn't bear to face the truth of what had happened to him, and with the man who would ultimately cause him to become a hulk. The beast's massive, muscular body was overwhelming, but Alex couldn't deny the undeniable attraction he felt. Shame and guilt threatened to consume him, but he pushed the thoughts away and focused on getting out of the forest before anyone could see him. Looking around, he saw the dense trees that surrounded him and was grateful to recognize the familiar rooftop and backyard peeking through. The sight was a small comfort amidst the chaos in his mind. It was as if the beast he had become had a subconscious understanding of where to go. As Alex sneaked into his backyard, his mind was still racing with the events of the night before. He glanced through the windows, relieved to see that his roommate, and ex-boyfriend, Ryan wasn't anywhere to be seen. The last thing he needed was to have to explain his new physique to him. He knew that the sight of him like this would only reignite the flame that had once burned between him and Ryan. Ryan had a type, and it was more exactly what he looked like. Alex's feelings were mixed as he realized that the backdoor was unlatched. On the one hand, he was grateful for the easy access to his own home, but on the other hand, he was angered that Ryan had forgotten to lock up again. It was a recurring issue between them, and he knew that he would have to bring it up with Ryan again, but for now, he just needed to clean off. Alex stood in the steamy shower, the warm water cascading over his broad shoulders and muscular back. He ran his hands over his hairy chest, feeling the new, firm muscles underneath. The soap lathered up between his fingers, the suds mixing with his chest hair and creating an alluring sight. He couldn't help but feel the power of his body as he massaged his biceps, watching the soap suds fall and disappear between the contours of his rippling abs. The water trickled down over his thick thighs and down to his feet. As he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the contented sigh escaped his lips. This was heaven and Alex loved the sensation of his new body, the way it felt beneath his touch. His fingers traced over the curves of his pecs, his nipples hardening at the sensation. He could feel his cock stirring, getting harder with each passing moment. He leaned against the tiled wall, letting the water run over him as he explored his body. It was like he was discovering himself for the first time, and the sensation was incredibly intoxicating. Alex couldn't help but lose himself in the moment, enjoying the pure pleasure of his newfound strength and masculinity. As Alex explored his new body, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and arousal building within him. With each passing moment, his muscles grew just a bit more, his body becoming even more masculine and powerful. He wasn't aware of the changes happening to him, but he could feel the difference in his physique. As he continued to run his soapy hands over his chest, he could feel his pecs swelling, growing larger and firmer under his touch. His biceps and triceps bulged with newfound strength, his veins standing out in sharp relief against his skin. His abs rippled as he flexed them, becoming more defined with each passing second. He felt a surge of excitement and fear as he realized that he was growing, his body expanding and filling up the small shower stall. He could feel his shoulders hitting both sides of the shower walls, and he looked down to see that he was turning a deep shade of green. His breathing became heavy and labored, and he couldn't help but let out grunts and groans as his muscles grew and rippled under his skin. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying, and he didn't know how much more his muscle body could pack-on. He panicked as he felt his body growing even more, his muscles expanding and his bones cracking. With a loud groan, he stumbled backwards, hitting both sides of the shower and causing the curtain to fall down. Suddenly, he lost his balance and fell with a crashing boom, his massive 8-foot-tall, and easily 500-pound rock-hard muscular body hitting the bathroom floor. Alex's heart raced as he realized that if he didn't do something now, he would very quickly repeat the night he had before. The thought of losing control and becoming the hulk again filled him with even more lust, his thoughts becoming less resistant to the idea of transforming. He realized that he needed to find a way to replicate the experience he had with Tom. He remembered that the moment Tom climaxed, he calmed down and became a human again. Alex knew it was a risky plan, but he didn't have any other options. It was this or destroy this house. He began stroking his massive, throbbing dick. He felt the rush of desire coursing through his veins. He needed to fuck something, anything. He was in the midst of his transformation, and it was happening much faster this time as his body began to fill the floor space. His breathing became increasingly labored, his muscles bulging with every thrust of his hand. He craved this feeling, needed it like a drug. As he shifted his other arm above his head, he couldn't help but kiss his own bicep as it made room for his rapidly expanding chest. The sensation was overwhelming, as his body grew and transformed with an intensity he couldn't control. Sweat poured down his face and his heart pounded in his chest, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to let go, to allow the transformation to take him over completely. He closed his eyes, picturing himself with Tom, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The thought of Tom's hand wrapping around his body, Toms lips on his neck, only fueled his arousal even more. His strokes became more rapid, his grip tighter, as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. He let out a guttural groan as the pleasure built inside him, his breaths coming in short gasps as he pumped his thick, muscular arm up and down his engorged member with increasing speed. His body tensed as the pleasure reached a fever pitch, and with one final, desperate thrust, he exploded in a frenzy of ecstasy. Waves of pleasure wracked his body as he collapsed back against the tiled wall, gasping for air. He knew that he had succeeded in calming himself down before it was too late, but the intensity of his release left him wanting to feel it without restraining himself. He wanted to release the beast again already. He wanted to be even more of a hulk than Tom. At this point, he didn't want to be small ever again. As he struggled to stand up, his muscles aching and his lungs gasping for air, he couldn't help but feel exhilarated by the sheer power he had just unleashed. He looked down at his body and saw that he was coated and dripping in a thick layer of his own cum, evidence of just how intense his release had been. He felt a surge of pride and satisfaction, knowing that he had managed to control the transformation and avoid causing any serious damage. But at the same time, he knew that this was going to be a regular occurrence every time he wanted to indulge his desires, or be with another man. It was a thrilling and terrifying thought, and he couldn't wait to see where this newfound power would take him. He grabbed a towel, the soft fabric soothing against his sensitive skin, and wrapped it tightly around his waist, only for it to need adjusting as he shrunk. As he , he couldn't help but glance down at his still prominent bulge, a reminder of the pleasure he had just experienced. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat and his own fluids, but he didn't care. All he could think about was the overwhelming euphoria he had felt. Alex stumbled out of the bathroom, his legs feeling like lead weights. He leaned against the wall for a moment, trying to catch his breath. His body felt heavy and sore, as if he had just run a marathon. The transformation had taken a lot out of him, both physically and mentally. As he walked down the hallway, Alex could feel his heart racing and his breathing quickening. He had never experienced anything like this before, and he wasn't sure how to handle it. The rush of adrenaline and power had been exhilarating, but now he was paying the price. Every step felt like a struggle, and he had to take deep breaths just to keep moving forward. He was bound to collapse from exhaustion any moment now. He made his way into his room. As he closed the door behind him, Alex's towel dropped to the floor, forgotten. Normally, he would have crawled into bed and tried to forget the bizarre events of the past few hours. But something about the reflection in his mirror caught his attention, and he couldn't look away. Alex was completely mesmerized by his reflection. He couldn't believe how much he had changed in such a short amount of time. His once soft, dad-bod had been transformed into a muscular, toned physique that he could not stop admiring. He ran his hands over his broad shoulders, feeling the strength and power pulsating through his veins. His arms, once skinny and weak, were now thick and defined with bulging biceps and triceps, as he did a most muscular pose. He couldn't help but flex every way possible, admiring the way they looked in the mirror. As he explored his new body, Alex's hands found their way to his chest. He couldn't believe how much hair had grown in just a few hours. It was a light brown color and covered his chest and abdomen, trailing all the way down to his feet. The sensation of the coarse hair under his fingertips was sending shivers down his spine. Alex's fingers traveled down to his abs, feeling each individual muscle. He had never had abs before, and the sight of them in the mirror was a huge turn on for him. He couldn't help but run his fingers along the grooves and lines of his new six-pack, feeling the ridges under his skin. But it was his pecs that he loved the most. They were large, firm, and perky, just begging to be touched. Alex couldn't resist squeezing them and watching them bounce in the mirror. The feeling of his nipples was driving him wild as he caressed them. He had never felt so turned on in his life. As he stood there, admiring his new body, Alex felt a rush of power and excitement wash over him. He had never felt so manly before, and the thought of dominating another man with his newfound strength made him even more excited. The idea of pinning someone down and showing off his muscular body was almost too much for him to handle. With a sly smile on his face, Alex couldn't help but think about the possibilities that lay ahead of him. He was a new man now, and he was ready to explore all the new experiences that came with his transformation. As Alex made his way back to his room, his body felt heavy and drained, like he had just run a marathon. The thrill of his newly acquired muscles had dissipated, leaving him feeling tired and achy. The transformation had taken a toll on him, both physically and mentally, and he longed for the comfort of his bed.
  3. Hello all, long time guest, first time writer. I am typing this out on my phone and don't have access to a computer, so I apologize if it seems a little bit choppy. This part will mostly be set up, with much more action in the next chapters. Any feedback would be helpful. Chapter 1 It was an early mid summer morning as Zach was nearing his home. He had just graduated college and spent the remainder of his lease at school before returning back home. Zach had found a position near home, and to celebrate his dad wanted to taken him on a beach trip before starting work. Thankfully, he has already sold away most of his apartment furnishings leaving Zach with only a few things to stuff in his hatchback. Meanwhile, Mark was eagerly waiting for his sons arrival at home. At 45, Mark was 5'11, had short, conservative, grey hair, naturally broad shoulders, soft blue-eyes, and a strong jawline. He'd always been in good shape but spent a lot of time building muscle while his son was away at college. Mark started partly because of how much of a hole Zach not being at home left for him. Mark thought a lot of Zach and wanted to spend more time with him and was elated that his son would be returning home. As Zach pulled in and got out of the car, Mark went out to greet him. "Welcome home son!" as he walked over and tightly hugged Zach. As Zach was being squeezed by his father he remembered how much his father had been growing. He felt his dad's bulging arms, and massive chest against him. He'd always admired his dad and wanted to be just like him - successful, happy, great father, and as of recently... Muscle freak. Zach had many of his dad's physical characteristics, was 6'0 with a similarly conservative blonde haircut, blue eyes, and square jaw. Zach had a fairly athletic build he got from his father - a nice built chest, strong frame, and flat stomach but was nowhere near his dad's size. "Wow, dad! It seems like every time I see you, you've packed on some more muscle. How big are you now? " Mark replied, "Oh, around 240 now," he said with a grin, lifting up his arms to flex. Grunting, his biceps balled up into huge baseball sized lumps, his tight t-shirt riding up on his frame to reveal his lower abs and showing a nicely outline of his massive pecs. "I can't believe how big I'm getting. Brett's really helped me these past few years." Brett was the next door neighbor. When Zach went into college, Mark decided to befriend Brett who was into bodybuilding. He was 34, 5'9, had dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, a charming all-American man, and was truly massive around 275 pounds of lean muscle mass. "By the way I forgot to tell you," Mark stated, "your mom went away with some of her friends on a cruise. She wanted us to have a vacation for the men, so invitied Brett along if that's fine." Zach's cock twitched a little when he had heard this. Zach always knew that he was gay but Brett certainly confirmed it for him. Zach loved muscle beasts. Honestly, Zach wasn't sure where the envy stopped and the attraction began, especially when it came to Brett. Zach was always excited when Brett came around. In fact, he remembered the first time he saw Brett. He was outside doing yardwork and stopped to talk to his dad. Zach saw him from the kitchen window, as he stopped and stared at Brett. He was shirtless with sweat glistening over his perfectly sculpted body, leaning up against a shovel. His pecs and arms were pumped and red from all the activity and his abs were like perfect columns holding up the rest of his body. Zach started to get a little flushed in the face thinking about it. "Son, is that fine?" As Zach snapped back into reality, "Uh, oh, yeah. That's perfect!" "Great, I'll help you get your stuff inside. We're leaving as soon as your ready," as Mark picked up some of Zach's tote bags and his muscular biceps bulging. Soon thereafter Zach had everything put away and already packed his bags to leave for the beach. He put his suitcase back into his dad's SUV and not too long after Brett came out of his house with suitcases in hand followed by Mark. "Hey, man!?" Brett called out to Zach as he approached, "long time no see." Brett was wearing a black t-shirt that was hanging on for dear life. His traps were pushing out of top. The shirt was so tight around his chest you could see the ruffles as a sign it was being stretched to the breaking point. His biceps pushed the sleeves up his arm so that they were nearing his shoulder. He was also wearing some khaki shorts that were completely filled up with his quads and left very little to the imagination. "Hey, Brett. I'm doing well, I hope you are?" Zach gulped and became nervous, realizing he answered a question that wasn't asked of him. How was he going to keep calm this whole week in the presence of his buff dad and hot neighbor. "Doing well, excited for this beach trip. I finally going to show off my summer body a bit!" as Brett smiled, "seems like you and your dad are ready to show yours as well!" Zach blushed while simultaneously feeling a little self-conscious. He had certainly kept fit in college but really didn't have an aim of getting huge due to studying all the time. "Well, I'm not as big as you and dad" "No worries, Zach. Look how big your dad got at his age, you still got plenty of time." said Brett as he put his luggage into the trunk. "Hey Brett, sorry to butt in but did you make sure to get that Grey suitcase" "Yep, I already put it in the back in a safe spot. " "Great, thanks for getting that for me! " Zach was perplexed as to what might be in the suitcase, and why it was so important to his dad. Zach quickly moved on as his dad and Brett were hopping in the car. Zach got in the front seat with his dad who spilled over into his seat, and Brett was sitting in the middle bench with the seat belt snugly between his pecs. It was going to take a lot to get these two of Zach's mind, as he wisely placed a pillow over his hardening cock. After a 6 hour car ride we had finally made it to our destination. My dad had booked a large ocean-front house in the Outer Banks of North Carolina for us to stay in. It was a beautiful house painted a light blue. Mark slowly pulled forward into the parking underneath the wooden deck of the home. As we got out to stretch our stiff muscles, the sound of the ocean waves breaking against the shore were all around and the wind blew fiercely. Zach took a glance at his dad. His taut muscles pushing up against his t-shirt as he brought his arms into the air to stretch. His face had a five-o-clock shadow on it. Zach tried to make it seem like he wasn't staring but it was hard to not notice how intently his eyes followed his dad's swollen muscles. Then as Brett was stretching he noticed himself in the window of the car. He hadn't noticed how big he really was getting. He stopped and started flexing into the car window. He flexed his biceps as his sleeves pushed up, and started popping his pecs up and down. His shirt felt so good on him. Tight everywhere. God, he felt so powerful in the moment. Both Mark and Zach tried hard to not let him see that they were staring at him doing this. Everyone carried their luggage up the stairs as Mark put in the code for the lock. The house was decorated in a mix of light pastel blues and white. The kitchen and living room were open with a staircase pushed up near the doors to the balcony on the other end of the kitchen. Brett spoke up after examining the house, "I'm ready to go to the beach. I haven't seen the ocean in so long! I don't care what you guys do but I'm going down now." "Hold up, big guy. We'll go with you. Let's get situated first." replied Mark, "Zach, if you want you can take one of the rooms upstairs and Brett and myself will take the downstairs. That way you can have your own space." "Thanks dad. That sounds like a plan to me," Zach said as he started to climb the stairs. He found the largest room with a queen sized bed and stripped down to put on his bathing suit. Meanwhile, Brett came into Mark's room. Both were shirtless and had their bathing suits on. They both caught each other staring, as they often had in moments like these. Brett saw Mark remembering how small he used to be. Now, standing before him, was a man with a body men half his age would only dream of. He couldn't believe how progressively hotter Mark had become. Mark wasn't as large as himself but his handsome face and lean muscled body just completely turned him on. Likewise, Mark thought about how truly massive Brett had become. How his abs had slowly turned from a 6-pack to mountainous 8-pack abs. His back had grown so wide that he barely fit any clothes that he wore. He'd never seen anyone nearly as big Brett and he craved how big Brett was making him. "Hey - uh - Mark, I have that suitcase with Zach's present here." "Great let's keep it here with me. I can't wait to give it to him," as Mark smiled slyly, "It'll be a dream come true for more than just him." They quickly gathered in the living room when they heard Zach coming down. Zach saw the two muscle gods standing in the living room with just their thigh length swimming suits. Both of them clearly had been working their bodies and losing fat for this trip. Mark and Brett muscles were ripped and were as hard as rock. Their waists were thin and were laughably small compared to their broad backs and huge shoulders. Zach had to carry a towel around his waist just to keep his hard on from showing. He felt so small compared to them. "Great, you're down. Let's go before we lose too much daylight!" said Mark They all set up their chairs at the beach near the water but not without attention. People all around us were staring at Mark, Brett . Groups of women and men would come up to Mark and Brett and take pictures with them. It was easy to tell by their rock hard bulges they enjoyed the attention. After the crowds subsided the group finally were able to take time just to relax and enjoy themselves. They sunbathed, read, and make small talk amongst themselves. Not to mention the occasional glances they would give one another. Eventually, Mark went back in to order pizza for dinner and to have some moments to himself. Meanwhile, Zach and Brett went out to the water to mess around in the waves. "You know, your dad's a good guy. I'm glad we've become friends since you've been away at college. He's really missed you being around," said Brett to Zach. "I'm glad you've been there for him. You've certainly done a great job with him physically." "Certainly. He's responded to the training so well. Although, it doesn't seem like your mom is very appreciative of the mass he's put on." "I think he's looks great. I hope he continues to grow more and more. I hope you do too." Zach stared at Brett's pecs the whole time as the water ran off of them after each wave. "You know I've seen you staring at methe whole time." breaking Zach of his gaze "Oh no, uh, I'm not staring at you, uhm, now..." Zach fumbled "Not just now, ever since we've met I've seen you looking me. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't like it. A young man looking up to me, wanting what I have. So go on, take a feel. I know you want to..."
  4. tester26

    Sean & Billy Cool Off

    No plot, just lots of sex. Based on HSMuscleBoy's characters. Sean was horny. He always was when he got home after a workout. His hands roamed over the ripped, hard contours of his body, covered only by a white t-shirt and posers. He flexed his sweaty arms and took in a deep breath of his musk. Fuck he smelled good. His muscles strained against the shirt, sweat making the skintight cloth partially transparent. His pecs bulged out, like hills of muscle, his hard nipples pointing down. His cut eight pack was visible beneath the cloth, cobblestone muscles crunching with every breath he took. The shirt rode up his waist a little, revealing his lower abs. He extended both arms straight to the sides. The sleeves were straining against his arms, covering his bowling ball-like shoulders and only a few inches of his arms, expanding nearly beyond their capacity. His muscular legs, oversized bulge, and massive, rippling torso filled him with desire and lust, but he kept his arousal at bay. Sean knew just how he wanted to cool off. He moaned softly again as he rubbed his body, eyes closed, feeling his wonderful hard muscles. His hands drifted down to his massive meat, soft but already 14 inches long, stretching his posers to their limit. “Ohhh yeah..." he slowly moved his palm down his shaft, ending at the fat head. “Mmmf…Save it, save it," he told himself. Sean wandered over to the large mirror next to the bed. He began flexing his chest and abs, grinning as the muscles contracted into fibrous, erotic, bulges and creases. Sean’s shirt was stretched so tight it looked like it was painted onto his powerful body. He put his hand to his narrow waist and slowly caressed the flat abdominal wall. His fingers moved up and slid over the chiseled mounds of muscle. He continued to flex his midsection as the abs molded exactly as he told them to do, obeying his will. He growled softly next as he flexed harder, his midsection pulling tighter as he crunched slightly forward, bringing his flank muscles into play. They instantly tightened, forming rigid fingers of finely etched muscle, angling downward to make his waist seem even narrower. Sean chuckled as he admired himself in the mirror. His upper body was one of extreme muscularity. Everything was extraordinarily over-sized. And etched. God he looked amazing. He looked at himself in the mirror, clad in nothing but the shirt and posers. He was too tall for the mirror, his body cutting off at the neck and not revealing any of his face. All he could see was his hot, muscled torso and huge, bulging crotch. He looked further down his body, past his bulging soft cock and sizable balls, to his thighs. They were thickly muscled tree trunks without him even flexing, and already showed the four separate muscle groups that made up the quadriceps. He knew that once they were flexed, they would show another dimension of definition. He put a foot forward lightly, and set it firmly to the ground. Then he wiggled the thigh muscle from side to side a couple of times. Then instantly, the muscle formed and stopped any and all movement once Sean flexed it hard. The deepest cuts ever seen through a quad muscle, shredding the four muscles deeply, appeared immediately. Not only that, but Sean watched as the thinnest cross-striations rippled across the inner and outer teardrop of the muscle group. Staring down at the thickly-developed muscle in the mirror, Sean let out another soft grunt. He released the pose, and wiggled the quad muscle yet again, then with total control over the huge mass, he flexed, and instantly it ceased all motion, ripping to shreds before his eyes. The muscle was so clearly defined and fully developed, the outer sweep now revealed still only a glimpse of the sheer power in the stud’s quadriceps. Further down his leg rested his calf muscles. With just the slightest change to the angle of his foot, he tightened those chiseled muscles slowly, making them first bulge, then ripple. He turned next to the side, and continued to look at his legs in the mirror. He slightly bent his closer leg, and then as he positioned himself, the sinews in his massive quads rippled. He looked at his growing bulge. It was still soft, but visibly pulsing, hoping to find relief in the near future. His bulge bounced with every flex of his legs, a wet spot forming at the tip of his posers as his dick signaled his arousal. Sean resisted the urge, the need to caress the massive appendage, for now at least. He looked further up at his upper body. He touched the rock hard, and flat wall of muscle, as his fingers lightly brushed over the mounded bricks. He breathed in deeply, his chest puffing out, a large tear forming near his left armpit. He bent his arms at the elbows slowly, watching excitedly as his biceps took form and got bigger, and bigger, and bigger... Riiiiip! His sleeves tore clean off, unable to handle the monsters that were Sean's biceps. "Yeah..." he groaned softly, exhaling, arms bent as much as they could go, blocked by his biceps, huge as bowling balls, capped with a thick, throbbing vein. He breathed in again, another tear forming on the other side of his shirt. Then, with a loud “grrr!" he brought his arms down in front of him, bending over and flexing his back. Boom! His entire shirt burst into shreds. Muscles throbbed with power all over his body, veins pulsating, neck thickening, skin looking as tight as his shirt was when he first put it on. Fuck yeah, he was a stud all right. He looked at the thick slabs of muscle that made up his chest, unflexed but already ripped. The overall display formed huge, hemi-globed slabs of rock. Sean slapped his fist against his left chest muscle. Even with his astonishing strength, and the unflexed muscle, nothing moved at all. A thick thud sound reverberated throughout the whole room, and Sean grunted softly. Then, he bounced his massive pecs. With that slightest movement, the entire muscle shredded impossibly deep. To think, that wasn't even half-flexed. He shrugged next as his huge, thick deltoids lifted, and rippled, showing the cleanest, and hardest mass of muscle capping those tremendous arms. The three heads of his deltoids were clearly visible, even when he was standing still. A few small veins riddled over the muscled caps. He stopped his flexing, standing up straight again. He cocked an eyebrow when the saw the tent forming in his posers. Sean grinned, stroking his huge length through the fabric, enticing it to grow bigger, harder, thicker... Sean looked down at his whole body, and groaned at the feel of his arousal. He lifted both his arm out to his sides, and looked over at them one at a time. He tightened his fists slowly. Even without curling his arm, his biceps had both split along the top of the muscle showing the deepest separation between the twin heads ever seen. His massive, horseshoe triceps hung heavily, but fully in control under that huge teen’s arm. Sean started to curl his arms again, making the biceps muscles rise, grow thicker, harder, the deep split between the two heads of the muscle filling in with mass. The huge, hard muscle pushed the thick vein up against the tight skin and hair, making the vein clearly visible, almost like it was going to come through the skin. It continued to rise higher, harder, thicker, each sinew clearly visible, but molding together to form the hardest biceps muscle ever seen. "Mmph, yes..." he groaned, staring at his massive torso in the mirror. He brought his arms to his face and kissed his biceps, groping the top of each impossibly huge peak with his hands. He closed his eyes as he squeezed his pecs, flexing them over and over. He cracked his eyes open, smiling wryly as he witnessed his bulge growing and growing, tenting his posers greatly, causing them to grow super tight around his round, firm ass. A bead of precum seeped through the cloth, his fist-sized cockhead leaking as it hardened. The base of his thick cock shaft came into view as it pulled his posers away from his body. He planted both large hands on his rear, squeezing them tightly and massaging them, lightly thrusting against the air. Riip. A small tear formed near the middle of his shaft. He was getting too big for his posers. His cock was bent, trying desperately to free itself. The thick-girthed cylinder throbbed and swelled larger and larger as it tried to straighten out, already well over a foot in length. Sean moaned, picturing all the cum he made people shoot at the sight of him, with his big muscles and gigantic monster of a cock. Yeah, he knew they would be thinking about him every night they jacked off, every time they had fun with each other. He was their sex idol. Snap! His posers burst apart, falling in pieces around his feet. "Ugh!" he grunted as his fat cock sprang out, slapping against his hard muscles, where it continued to swell and grow, only about half hard. Two colossal testicles the size of fucking grapefruits descended in their sagging sack of flesh, landing with a thud against his thighs. Sean flexed and his huge, thick manhood lifted and slapped hard against his chest, just between his pecs, teasing him with a thick dollop of precum at the head. He flexed his massive chest just enough to hold that thick pole steady there. He watched the muscle sinews in the mirror as they worked up and down that huge stud shaft, stroking the length. He grabbed it with both hands, licking his lips slowly as he kept his arms still and thrust forward slowly, but powerfully, ass clenching hotly as he fucked his grip. He let go and leaned forward, his cockhead kissed the cold glass of the mirror, and when he reared his hips back, a thick string of precum bridged his cockhead to the glass. Sean raised an arm and brought his bicep next to his head, running his tongue all over it, worshipping his own muscled body, thrusting his cock into the mirror as his hands roamed his torso, squeezing his pecs and abs, his eight pack crunching and flexing as he thrust. Sean repeated this process, going a little faster now, humping into his hands. Precum squelched in his grip, his entire shaft soon lubing up completely. He had to slowly expand his grip as his cock became thicker and thicker. He loved feeling it swell against his palms - feeling those thick veins throbbing against his skin as it became hard as a rock. "Fuck yeah," he turned sideways as he looked at his reflection, his cock too big for the mirror, going past the edge of it, oozing pre onto the carpet. He faced the glass again, cockhead swiping against the glass. He shuddered as he slowly bent his hips forward, his dick sliding up, his two softball-sized nuts swinging between his muscled legs. The base of his shaft touched the glass, and his cock lurched, spurting pre all over the mirror. Sean squeezed the base of his meat, feeling it throb in his hands. Now fully erect, hard as rock and covered with snaking, pulsating veins, it was at least 22 inches in length and 4 inches in diameter. By itself, the purple head was the size of Sean’s fist, with a gaping, finger-sized opening at its tip, leaking its syrupy load of pre-cum. He dug one hand beneath his massive testes; they were HEAVY, wet and sticky, covered with thick furrowed skin and snaking blue veins. He stepped back from the mirror, his cock nestled between his pecs. He sat down on the edge of his bed, still able to see his reflection through the precum-smeared glass. He put one hand on the edge of the bed, smiling as he flexed his tricep, and used his other hand to press his cock against his body. He squeezed his legs, making his dick harder than before, keeping it pointed straight up. He put his hand down and bent his head, watching himself as he let his huge member slid past his open lips. His whole form shivered visibly as he sucked, bobbing his head slowly up and down his cock, feeling the veins pulsating against his lips and cheeks, the wet head pressing against the back of his throat, soft but hard at the same time, like a balloon that was well inflated. He swallowed his precum as it oozed out like a stream. He grasped his shaft with both hands, pumping it slowly up and down, squeezing it hard as the base and pushing the collected precum upwards, getting a large mouthful of it by the time he reached near the top of his shaft that wasn't covered by his lips. He let his balls hang off the edge of the bed, hanging low and heavy. He grasped one and lifted it, moaning as he felt just how heavy it was. Fuck, he was a stud. Who wouldn't want him? He watched his arms bulge in the mirror as he pumped his cock, breathing loudly and heavily through his nose as he got closer and closer to orgasm. His head worked his dick more quickly, slurping and sucking loudly, jerking his cock with the movement of his head: pumping up as his mouth went up, down as it went down. He could take almost a foot of his dick when he really tried, feeling it slide down his esophagus, choking him. God, he loved that - being able to stuff his own massive fuckstick into his own throat. How much did that say about his size? His legs tensed up, squeezing together. His toes curled, and his lips lingered around his glans, hands slowly - painfully slowly working their way up his shaft. He could feel it quivering in his light grasp, swelling before his eyes as he looked at his reflection, forcing his mouth open even more. Sean slid his lips off his cock quickly, falling back onto the bed, eyes shut tight, teeth grit. His hands grasped the base of his cock tightly, feeling his urethra bulging outwards, cum struggling to force its way past his grip. His cock was huge. He saw it turn a purple color, harder than usual, blood trapped in it. Veins stood out greatly along the sleek, taught flesh, like small branches in a tree. Cum sputtered weakly from the tip, waiting for Sean to remove his grip. His face twitched, his body tensed and flexed. His abs crunched as he sat up slightly to look at his titanic monster of a cock - truly enormous, truly godly. He was sent to this earth to fuck, and the sight before him was proof of that. It was like he was willing his muscles to grow. He completely worshipped his own massive reflection, watching his reflection as he kissed his massive muscles. Kissed himself. His power. His superior strength. And so he let go, releasing his nearly two-foot monster as his hips slammed towards the ceiling, releasing the biggest, thickest rope of cum which splattered against the ceiling. He came with the power of a fire hose, spewing out ten times what a healthy male porn star might produce in a week. Sean’s cumblasts came in waves, shooting streams of stringy, thick cum into the air. "YEAH!" he couldn't help but scream, the pleasure too great, like a fire was burning inside him. Rope after thick, heavy rope splashed out with every massive throb of his behemoth. He humped the air, over and over. He groaned and moaned, falling back and writhing on the bed - a huge form of muscle. He slid his hands down from his pecs to his lower abs, cum covering his whole body and puddling on the bed around him. He came and came and came again, infatuated by his own freakishly powerful frame. Multiple blasts hit the ceiling at least 10 feet up, raining back down onto him. His cock swayed to and fro as it throbbed and pulsated, covering the mirror in front of him, cum waterfalling down it and obscuring his image. His legs were stretched out in front of him, bulging quads flexing, as if sculpted and made of marble. "FUCK! Ohhh GOD!" he howled, that stream of cum going and going. Sean fell back onto his bed and flexed his biceps again with his palms behind his head, letting them brush against his cheeks, his tongue roaming all over them, licking the cum off, tracing the veins with his tongue. With one final thrust into the air, Sean’s last shot of cum shot right into his open mouth, which he gulped down greedily. The air was permeated with the smell of his cum. Sean had a hand on his chest, panting. He wiped his cum off his face and looked around his room. White spunk dripped down the mirror and wall behind it, falling in warm droplets from the ceiling. His cock lay between his pecs, a continuous ooze of the thick fluid still flowing from it, spreading across his entire chest and running off onto the bed. Despite his orgasm, it hasn’t lost any of its immense size or hardness. His bed squelched as he pushed himself off of it, striped white with cum. “Aw yeah, fucking muscle stud…” Sean growled as he stood up, cum splattering around him as he shook his limbs and stretched. In the brief silence there, he heard a slow rip come from the doorway. He turned and saw his brother Billy. He was standing there, his own chest heaving lustily, breathing deep, his briefs ripped at his feet. His own massive 18-inch pole pulsed, fully erect, and gloriously impressive. It throbbed between his pecs, smearing pre down his chest. Billy had a tight grip on the base, fighting to keep from cumming. “Holy fuck dude” Billy gasped. Sean smirked at his brother and ambled over to meet him. “Caught some of the gun show big bro? Can’t stop fucking cumming at all this muscle man! Seems like you liked it too huh?” Sean grinned as he flexed his cum covered arms in Billy’s face. “Well if you like that, I have one more pose for you.” With that, Sean unflexed his biceps, and brought those powerful arms downward, forcefully out in front of his body. Every single sinew on his body writhed and threatened to shred his tight skin to pieces as the most unbelievable most-muscular pose emerged. This view drove Billy’s lust through the roof and he lunged at Sean, hungrily kissing his neck, his chest, his stomach. The two teen studs kissed in a frenzy, rubbing their huge cocks together. They grabbed and groped at each other's muscles, kissing them, licking them. Sean’s cock kept slipping out from between their bodies, sliding awkwardly to the side. It looked even bigger the way it jut out that way, but Billy was quick to correct it, putting it back between their bodies, the two sliding against each other in a waterfall of precum. Their pulses pounding faster, two monster cocks fucking two massive sets of cum-slick pecs, their hands flew up down and around their over muscled frames, mouths locked together, until suddenly everything went white as Billy exploded, cum gushing straight up out of his cock, splashing on their chins and necks. Billy’s knees buckled from the force of his orgasm, and before he knew it, Billy was on his knees in front of his brother, slurping on his cock like a vacuum, his hands squeezing Sean’s hard legs and firm butt. "Yeah, work that big cock..." Sean moaned, leaning back, touching his body sensually, thrusting his hips. Billy’s hand clasped onto his tight ass, squeezing tightly. His other hand touched Sean’s cum-covered abs, rubbing his load into the deep grooves. All the while, Sean’s cock was being serviced, being worshipped. Veins pulsated up and down his huge length, his goliath cock visibly throbbing, a squirt of precum flinging out with every throb. Sean groaned and flexed at the massive pleasure he got from his brother’s actions, the groans echoing through the open house. Billy pulled off of Sean’s cock with a resounding pop, leaving his 22.5 inch manhood covered in his saliva. Billy stood up again to embrace the hulk of a teen, wrapping his arms around him, touching and squeezing his muscles. Sean moaned softly, flexing an arm for his brother, who quickly placed his mouth on it. The two teens eyed each other greedily, lustfully. They flexed and caressed each other, their cocks were bouncing and pulsating, pressed tight against their ripped torsos. The two studs fell back on the cum soaked bed. Billy and Sean felt each other up as they wrestled to get on top of each other. Of course Sean was stronger than Billy and Billy was soon worshipping Sean's massive body once again. He rubbed up and down on Sean's massive pecs which flexed over and over leaving striated muscle and hot, deep crevices. Billy ran his hands down the Sean's chest as they entered a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing in a seductive waltz in Sean's mouth. With a resounding groan from Sean, Billy kneeled between the legs of his huge brother. Billy kissed and licked the head of Sean’s massive cock. After this slow work, Billy immediately wrapped his arms around that big cock, rubbing his body against it, kissing and licking the leaking cockhead, shoving his tongue into the slit. He was literally making out with Sean’s member. He licked, sucked and kissed his way from the base of the huge balls to the tip of the cock, coaxing screams of pleasure from the owner. Sean bucked and whined as his brother deep throated half of his manhood, the cock was already slick with the generous amounts of pre being spilled from the slit and running onto the bed below, Sean felt his balls huddle close to the base of his huge cock, suddenly Sean screamed and arched his back, clapping a hand onto the back of the Billy’s head. The flow was immense and continued for minutes, the teen god unleashing jets of cum deep into his brother. Jets of white shot out of Billy’s nostrils and the sides of his mouth as Sean bucked and flexed. Billy moaned and unleashed his own huge load, joining the copious amounts of cum already pooled on the bed, covering their legs with his hot seed. Feeling Billy struggling, Sean let go of his head and Billy came up for air. He eased Sean’s cock out of his mouth and just enjoyed being bathed by the geyser of cum. The two of them panted from their respective orgasms, but their still throbbing cocks showed they were still ready for more. Billy sat up and straddled Sean’s legs. He placed his hands behind his head and crunched his stomach, showing off his beautiful torso. Billy’s throbbing cock was obscuring much his lower abs. Sean reached forward and grasped his penis with his left hand. Precum ran over the channels of Billy’s abs as he flexed, wetting Sean’s hand as he stroked the large cock. Slowly, Sean bent forward and licked the other stud’s torso, tracing the defined creases of Billy’s stomach muscles. He looked up and grinned. Billy leaned forward, pressing himself down on top of Sean. Their big cocks touched, causing both studs to swoon. Carefully, Billy sandwiched their two steel-hard cocks together, the shafts throbbed against one another, the heads kissed, mixing copious amounts of precum from one cock to the other. Billy laid all the way down, pressing his chest against Sean’s chest. He wrapped his arms around the bare back of his brother, who was already softly stroking up the bulging muscles of Billy’s shoulders and down to his ripped sides. The two stared into each other’s eyes. Identical lusts reflected their inner desires. Billy could feel Sean begin to lightly thrust his pelvis, almost imperceptibly rubbing their slick cocks together between their hard stomachs. Billy smiled and reciprocated. Their mouths locked, setting off fireworks inside their heads. They embraced tighter, Sean violently pushing Billy over. Now Billy’s back was against the bed, his hands roaming over Sean’s bare back, enjoying the silky smooth skin, gripping his firm ass. Their cocks slid over one another as their hands attacked each other’s body. The two huge muscle studs sixty-nined, Billy’s throbbing eighteen incher going into Sean’s mouth while Billy tried to tame Sean’s huge 20+ inches for a third time. Their bodies grew sweatier as they groaned and fucked each other's faces. Several minutes later both boys groaned loudly as each ejaculated into each other's mouths, flooding stomachs with thick teenage cum. They started bathing each other in cum when they could not swallow anymore. As their orgasms subsided, Sean gripped Billy and rolled him onto his back, then began kissing the stud’s body with abandon. Squeezing biceps and triceps, cupping pecs, licking erected nipples. This really made Billy moan. Suddenly, Sean looked up with a sly smile and said, “I want to fuck you.” Sean gestured for Billy to spread his legs, his hand on the top of the headboard, bracing for impact. The teen grabbed his own rock-hard erection and started to rub it, pre spilling generously from the pole and slapping onto the sheets below. Sean rubbed the pre that was flowing from his cum-slit and spread it over his huge rod, making it slick. He pulled his length back slightly to tease his brother’s tight, muscular hole. Billy groaned and whined, as he felt his brother poke his tight ring with the fat head of his cock, the stud flexed and flinched as the huge cock stretched his ring to the limit and spread a shockwave of pain through his body. Sean slowly slid five inches into his brother’s tight ass and felt Billy's insides move to accommodate the wide load. “Ohhhhhh...give it to me bro” Billy screamed as Sean slid in another three inches. Sean pushed his length further inside his brother’s tight tunnel, murrring deeply and nipping at Billy’s powerful neck muscles. Billy guided Sean’s hands around to his rippling abs, then Sean couldn't help himself any longer, he moved his mouth to Billy’s throbbing shaft and sucked on the fully-flared head, leaning further forward to take in more of the huge thickness. Precum erupted from both of their shafts, already more than enough to fill both spaces, as the creamy liquid slipped from Sean's tight lips, and Billy’s tight, filled rump. Sean smiled and thrust the remaining 14 inches into his brother. At long last, he felt his entire length deep inside his brother’s tunnel, his huge orbs pressed against Billy’s muscular rump. Sean moaned softly from around Billy’s shaft, and then he grunted as he felt Billy’s incredibly strong tail hole muscles tighten, begging Sean to go deeper. He started to thrust in and out of Billy’s tight ass and he could feel him moving around the cock, his large intestine moving to accommodate with each thrust. Billy's moans echoed through the rooms as Sean screamed and rapidly pounded his ass, he stopped and thrust right the way in, then pulled slowly out and rammed in again, the feeling was astronomically good for both of them. Sean noisily sucked on Billy’s spurting member, and then suddenly Billy moaned. His entire length bulged thicker, Sean’s eyes widened as he braced for the eruption. Brought on by his brother’s stimulation, Billy exploded his seed into Sean’s throat, the latter taking the massive load hungrily. At the same time as his orgasm, Billy’s rump muscles clenched tightly and milked Sean’s erection. Sean groaned loudly at the feeling of this clench, and his own huge gusher began flooding Billy’s tunnel easily. Sean grunted and pushed past Billy’s clenched muscles slightly. This drove Billy’s orgasm into a massive overdrive. He came again, this time so hard that his erection blew completely out of Sean’s clenched lips, and splattered all over the ceiling in the room. A thick coating of cream hung from the ceiling. Sean grunted, bucking his hips hard and cumming with just as much power, forcing Billy’s tightly-clenched rump a foot off the thick length. The thick spooge flowing out of the stud’s rump, forming pools of cream on the floor. The two teens remained together until the orgasms finally subsided. The room was literally coated in their seed. Sean and Billy relaxed against each other, breathing hard. Sean eased himself out of his brother, a river of cum flowing out of Billy and pooling between them. Eventually they started kissing again, enjoying the sheer pleasure of the moment, fondling each other’s bulging muscles. The light from outside was nearly gone. “Fuck we've made a mess, you wanna wash this off in the shower?” Sean said lustfully. "Sound's good to me." Billy replied as they exchanged a hot french kiss. They groaned as they pulled apart to go shower, the drying cum sticking the two of them to the bed and each other like velcro. They got into the large shower stall and turned on the water. The two horny studs took their time soaping each other up, washing, caressing, jacking half-hard cocks. Water traveled through the gap between their sets of pecs and then through the lines of their eight pack abs, falling like twin waterfalls from their thick members. Soon they were were groping each other once more, the steamy shower doing nothing to calm their libidos. Sean stepped behind Billy, and grabbed each of his brother’s arms. Sean stuck his cock in between Billy's firm butt cheeks, sliding it up and down, precum leaking onto the stud’s back. Billy groaned as he let himself be dominated and leaned his head back and kissed Sean passionately. Holding Billy’s wrists back with one arm, Sean reached around with the other and grabbed Billy's cock and slapped against Billy’s body, the huge cockhead throbbed between his pecs. Billy knew what Sean wanted and obeyed happily, breaking the kiss with Sean and wrapping his lips instead around his own cock. Down and down his mouth traveled, bobbing up and down his dick, spit leaking out. "Oh, fuck yeah..." Sean moaned as he watched, grinding himself against Billy’s back. Sean released Billy’s arms and began kissing his neck, looking like a vampire feeding on its prey. Billy moaned loudly, raising an arm above his head and rubbing Sean's head, other hand on his own body as he involuntarily thrust lightly against the air. His massive cock was harder than ever, barely moving due to its hardness despite the movement of his body. His veins, though, kept throbbing, making his cock look like it had a life of its own. Sean pushed Billy forward, slamming him against the shower wall. Billy simply moaned louder, thrusting against the tiles, slathering them with precum. Sean retracted his hips so that he had enough room to maneuver his cockhead against Billy's asshole. He was lubed up well enough from his own pre, and even more seeped out as he poked Billy's hole. With a small push, it popped inside. Billy cried out in pleasure, putting an arm against the shower, leaning on it. "Fuck me with that big horse cock," he moaned. "Take me." Sean grinned. With a loud, short roar, Sean violently thrust more of his meat into Billy. Billy cried out even louder, his cock inflating again and spurting a huge wad of precum. Sean did the same thing again and again until he was finally nearly all the way inside. “God, you’re huge” moaned Billy. “You’re not looking too bad yourself” grinned Sean. Billy’s large cock was smacking against his hard belly as Sean thrust in and out. Their free hands trailed down over the bumpy contours of their own abs and round, smooth pecs. Sean was thrusting into Billy hard and rough, precum squelching out and falling like raindrops onto the floor. Sean's muscles were hard and tense as he thrust, his abs standing out, the sight all the more arousing due to the hot water raining down on them and the steam filling the room. His butt clenched sexily as he humped Billy, and his muscular legs were bulging with strength. Sean wrapped his arms around Billy and slammed him against the shower wall, crushing his brother between the tile and his rock hard chest. Billy's cock stuck out of his side, sliding against the wet tile. Billy leaned his head over and kissed his throbbing cockhead, his tongue dancing over it like it was a popsicle. Sean grunted and growled as he fucked Billy, his huge balls slamming against the teen’s rear. He started fucking Billy with a brutal and intense rhythm. Billy groaned and screamed, his hips bucking as much as possible. Sean and Billy didn't maintain their position for long. Sean wrapped Billy in a full nelson, and stepped back so that Billy was suspended in the air. Using incredible strength, Sean managed to hold Billy above him as he continued to fuck him. Billy's cock thumped and slapped against his body as he was mercilessly handled. "You like being fucked like this?" Sean growled into his ear. "You like this big cock in you?" "Yes!" Billy cried. "Oh...fuck me!" His body rocked and moved as Sean held him up. Sean leaned back against the back of the shower, moving his brother up and down his monster cock like a fucking flesh light, his powerful arms flexed from the effort. Soon, though, Billy’s cock became completely rigid, pointing straight up. "Oh, God...oh..." Precum spit out like it was being restricted. His urethra bulged, and his 18 inches of cock grew longer and thicker as it prepared to blow. His body tightened, chest thrust out, stomach flexing in. One long, thick, creamy rope of pure white cum shot out of Billy with the tremendous force. It easily reached the ceiling, splashing against it and falling back down like rain onto their two writhing bodies. "Fuck yeah! Shoot that huge load," Sean said. Billy continued to cry out and moan and he came and came. His first rope ended, but gave way to yet another. Cum splashed everywhere, covering the walls, the lockers, the ceiling. Sean continued thrusting as Billy convulsed on his massive cock. A third rope, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth. By the time the orgasm was dying down, Billy had fired twenty ropes of hot muscle cum. He hung limply in Sean’s arms, their massive torsos capped in white. Sean lifted Billy up and pulled out. He flipped Billy around so that he was facing him, Billy sliding down the wall, still catching his breath. Sean towered over his big brother, his big cock in hand. It was just a rigid as Billy's was before he came, precum sputtering out like a broken faucet. "Want this big load all over you, stud?" "Yes..." Billy moaned, lost in pleasure, hands roaming his body and cock. "Pleeeease..." "Tell me how much you want it.” “Oh fuck Sean...no one else could fuck me like that. No one else could make me cum like that and want more. No one else..." "Yeah, that's right..." Sean moaned, hands on his butt as he thrust the air, his 22 inches of cock throbbing in front of him. "Oh yeah...oh fuck...YES!" His dick finally exploded just by sheer willpower. With a mighty, enormous throb, Sean's cock gave way to a tidal wave of cum that had completely covered Billy in a matter of seconds. Billy couldn't stop writhing on the ground, bathed in spunk, rubbing it into his body, licking his muscles, sucking on his own cock. As he was being rained upon, he came again. He shot into his mouth, but quickly choked on it, popping his cock out and pointing the remainder of his smaller load onto Sean, who also slid his hands over his body, squeezing his muscles. After a minute, though, it was all over. Sean fell to his knees, his cock growing soft after his tremendous orgasm. He and Billy panted hard. Both studs leaned against the wall, letting the showers wash them off and relax their throbbing muscles. "That...was the most incredible I've ever felt," Billy said, heaving. "You bet...you bet your ass it was," Sean said as he stood up and stretched. Billy then stood up and did the same, then they embraced and kissed each other gently. Finally shampooing and rinsing, they got out of the showers and dried off. The two teen gods walked back into Sean’s room and burst out laughing. The walls were splashed with white, crusts of their loads staining all around. Sean’s bed was still wet - completely soaked, and his formerly brown headboard was caked white as well. “Your bed tonight?” Sean said, slapping Billy’s ass. Billy laughed, “Yeah, we can clean this tomorrow.” Sean closed the door to his room, the stench of cum pungent in the air. They made their way to Billy’s room and collapsed on the bed. Billy laid on top of Sean and ran his hands all over his brother, feeling his hard chest and abs. His cock was rubbing along the creases of Sean’s abs. He leaned down and kissed little brother. Sean’s cock was pointing straight up against his brother’s bare ass, pushing against the tight entrance. His hands were at his sides, allowing Billy full access to his perfect body. The two began making out wildly. Sean’s whole body twitched involuntarily as Billy clenched his glutes, trapping Sean’s cock head between his legs. The boys groaned. Billy leaned forward and they continued sucking on each other’s faces. Billy flopped down on the bed next to Sean. “God, you felt so huge inside of me tonight.” Billy said lustfully as he and Sean exchanged a hot passionate kiss. “Aw fuck yeah bro, you make me so fucking horny… awwww… feels tooo gooood.” Sean moaned as Billy rubbed himself against Sean’s huge body. “Look at all this hard muscle…. Damn, we are amazing.” They made out for a few minutes more before falling asleep, sleeping in each other's arms. The two giant muscle studs sleeping peacefully like angels, Billy’s head resting on his big little brother’s huge chest.
  5. Tilhur

    Gunnar: The Office Flexer

    *** Hello :)) I write a lot, but I have never shared any of my writing with anyone. I have trouble pacing the plot and whatnot, but I decided to post one finally. Any feedback would be great.*** I saw him as soon as I walked in the door. Gigantic beef wrapped up in a suit and tie. Even clothed, it was easy to see he was muscular. His pecs were round and prominent, and his abs were visible through the white button-up. Everything about him was perfection. I watched as he roamed the office throughout the day. It was clear that he enjoyed being huge as much as I enjoyed watching it. Every chance he got, he flexed for himself. In the breakroom, he had his sleeve pulled up, slowly pumping his arm up and down. Veins snaked all over his massive forearm. Using his other hand, he felt the bicep. He wrapped his fingers around it and slowly massaged it. Soon, he brought it up to his mouth and began to slowly, and sensually, make love to the muscle. He licked and kissed it gently as he rubbed the tricep. After several minutes, he rolled the sleeve back down and continued to eat his lunch. In the bathroom, I heard groans and grunts. I slowly poked my head in and saw him with his shirt unbuttoned, punching his abs. With every punch, there was a hard thud, as if he had punched the wall next to him. He would grunt, but because of the pain in his hand, not his abdominals. He hit them a few more times, before he reached up and grabbed his pecs. He bounced them around in his hand as he threw his head back in satisfaction. He rubbed his thumbs around his nipples, obviously getting hard from the sensation. Then, he growled and hunched over, flexing them hard. Striations appeared all over the heavily muscled chest. They hardened like rock, and he began to test them like he had done to his abs. His grunts were primal and almost animal-like. After a few seconds of that, however, he buttoned his shirt back up and washed his hands. His shows weren’t always private. He loved making everyone in the office uncomfortable by flexing around them or showing his godly strength. Our boss had needed some paperwork and came over to his cubicle to collect it. Naturally, the perfect man got it and began to organize it all in order to be stappled. He brought the stapler up to the paper and slowly, thoughtfully pressed it. His entire forearm exploded with muscular, manly veins. The gigantic mass began to push through his shirt. His bicep tensed into its mountainous shape. As he did this demonstration, he stared into the boss’ eyes. The boss, however, was focused only on the growing mounds of muscle in front of him. “Oh no.” he said, dropping the stapler to reveal it was bent out of shape and ruined. “I think I’m going to need a new one…” “I- Yes, I’m sure… we can arrange that.” Quickly, the boss ran to his office, obviously to relieve himself. At the very end of the day, however, was his most impressive feat. Most of our coworkers had left, leaving the two of us alone. I was determined not to leave until he did. I glanced over at his cubicle, finally taking note of the name: Gunnar. What a fitting name for a man with such a monstrous body. I was staring through the reflection of a picture in my desk when he suddenly stood up and stretched. He reached upwards, causing his professionally fitted shirt to untuck. “Hey kid.” I was for sure older than him, but I didn’t care too much. “You don’t mind if my attire gets a little more comfortable, do you?” Of course, I didn’t. In fact, I would give anything to ensure that it happened. I turned to view him. He had already begun fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. “No of course not.” I smiled. He looked up at me from his concentration. “God these f---ing buttons have been giving me problems all day. Come over here and undo them for me.” I was a little stunned. I hadn’t been able to get that close to him all day and now I was expected to assist in de-shirting him? It was almost too much handle. I got up, shaking a little as I walked over. I immediately could smell his manly musk. His shoulders were more than three times as wide as mine and his pecs extended over his shredded torso perfectly. I reached up to begin, but he grabbed my arm with his big hand and stopped me. “Start from the bottom.” He let go of me, and I readjusted myself. His bottom button was a little lower than my chin, so it was easily accessible. His height only added to his perfection. As I unbuttoned each one, slowly his eight pack was revealed. It was like staring into a brick wall. Each ab was laid on top of the next to form a mountainous region of muscle. I brushed my hand over them slowly, taking in the feeling of pure, thick, manly athleticism. “Screw this.” His tone was angry, but not with me. “I don’t even like this shirt.” With that, he hunched over into a most muscular and growled loudly at me. His traps rose like volcanos, ripping through the top of the shirt with ease. His biceps protruded through the sleeves, shredding them to pieces. His pecs blasted open the last few buttons. As the pieces of fabric fell gently to the floor, he stood back up and stared at me. I was in awe.
  6. davinaclark72

    Josh Outgrows Sam

    Hi all, first story here. Bit nervous about sharing. I was debating whether to upload the parts separately, but I think putting them together will just be easier for the time being. Enjoy! Josh ran down the stairs 2 at a time, brushing his teeth while cursing internally. His egotistical roommate, Sam, had unplugged his alarm clock while Josh was asleep. Again. Josh would most likely be late for mandatory registration, which he had already missed twice this week for much this same reason. And it was only Wednesday! Sam was definitely humouring himself through the petty bullying, seeing as he loved the power dynamic and all. Every time Sam did this Josh just felt a little more powerless against the huge fellow he shared a dorm with, like Sam would always be in control of his actions. He would always be the bigger, stronger man of the dorm, towering over Josh’s rather short height of 5” 5’ at a whopping 6” 3’. As Josh quickly did the buttons up of his ill-fitting shirt, he couldn’t help but feel that he had endured enough mental torture from Sam for a lifetime. For instance, every day without fail Sam would come home from his evening gym session and flex in front of the mirror in their shared bedroom, testing the limits of the sleeves of his one size too small compression shirt against his 18 inch biceps while exaggeratedly moaning. Josh knew Sam only did it to wind him up, but that didn’t stop it from working quite fucking well. Josh had always wanted to be bigger than he was, or at the very least big enough to fill out the sleeves of his already small shirts. He had tried to lift before to no avail, and Sam had a field day making fun of him when he attempted a bench press. One of the many reasons he was so frustrating to be around. Sighing, Josh put his several sizes too big hoody on and braced himself for the outside. The journey to campus was quick and uneventful really, and before he knew it he was entering the warm classroom and sitting at the back. The rest of the day passed in a blur; he was told off, given detention (as was customary for these days), and continued with his day. During gym class, which was shared between the whole year, Josh embarrassingly couldn’t even do 10 push-ups. He felt so weak, and although the only people laughing were Sam and his friends, it felt like the whole world was silently mocking him. When it came to be Sam’s turn the whole year sat in awe as he pushed out rep after rep, eventually having to stop at 120 so that other people could actually have a go. Detention rolled around at the end of the day and Josh savoured it, knowing back at his dorm he would have to face Sam before he inevitably left to go workout at the gym. As much as he didn’t like it the thought of Sam lifting heavier and heavier weights every day aroused him to no end. His swear dripping down onto the chair, pushing his muscles to the extremes... Josh had to uncross his legs under the desk so as to not stifle his tiny erection. The rest of detention passed without a hitch, and with slightly wetter underwear than when he entered, Josh made his way back to the dorm. As he opened the door he knew exactly what would be waiting for him. He creeped upstairs to his and Sam’s shared bedroom and opened the door as quietly as he could. Hopefully Sam was downstairs somewhere, making himself another jug of protein shake which he would down in one gulp. Stop giving yourself a boner, he thought, you have to be stealthy. But as he entered the bedroom his heart sank. He knew he was only being hopeful. Sam was sitting at their shared desk, on the computer, the chair sinking lower than normal to accommodate his massive size. Sam turned towards Josh greedily and smiled. His blonde hair was styled in that fashionably messy mop that most college boys have, and the smallest hint of facial hair over his defined jawline. “Heya Josh, didja get up on time this morning?” Josh just glared at him. Sam knew exactly what he was doing. “Josh, buddy, pal, my FRIEND, it feels like we haven’t had a conversation in forever. You keep ignoring me as if I’m not a sight to behold. Which I am.” He turned to the side and did a side chest pose. “When are you going to admit to me that I’m actually quite amazing, and you’re the one who’s making a big mess out of our friendship.” Josh focused on unpacking his bag and preparing it with the books he would need tomorrow. His arms trembled as he tried to lift his admittedly quite heavy maths textbook out of the drawer, trying not to pay attention to the drone of his roommate. “Looks like you’re having trouble there mate. Why don’t I give you a hand?” Josh felt Sam stood up, as no doubt did the residents downstairs. The floorboards groaned as Sam stepped his way towards him. He leaned over Josh, who was struggling to lift the book out of the drawer, and took it with one hand. He raised it quickly, then held it high above his head as if it weighed nothing more than a feather. Which it probably did weigh to him. Then he raised it and lowered it like one would a weight at the gym, smirking the whole time. Josh kicked himself for giving Sam the attention he was after, for staring at the way his bicep bulged as he held the book above his head, the way the corners of his mouth creased into a horribly sexy smile. “Whatever.” Josh replied, and laid down on his bed, pulling out his phone. Sam eventually got bored of pestering him and left for the gym, so Josh put on some lounge trousers and a t-shirt, reclining back into the comfort of his duvet. He made the mistake of getting dressed in front of Sam once. If his skinny body, poor posture and crooked face wasn’t enough to be ashamed of, Sam smacked what little ass Josh had and told him that it matched the rest of his body - absolutely tiny. “Because,” Sam said, “Asses like those aren’t for people like me.” Josh laid there for an hour or two on his phone, scrolling through Twitter and ogling at size morphs. The second he heard the front door open downstairs he switched tabs, he knew he would never hear the end of it if Sam caught him looking at overly buff dudes with enormous bulges edited onto them. He turned over to face the wall as he heard the echos of Sam walking up the stairs, not wanting to even look at him. He heard the bedroom door open. Josh almost wanted to cry when he felt the bed tip to one side as the massive figure of Sam sit next to him. “You look so small curled up there. So puny. You’re a real stick, you know that right? Look at me when I’m talking to you, Josh.” Sam grabbed his head and turned it towards his sweat glistening body covered in the tightest tank top there was. The schools logo was pasted over the front of it, distorted slightly by Sam’s abs. With one hand holding Josh’s head, he slowly lifted his arm and showed off his full 18 inch cold biceps. Josh instinctively sucked in air at such a sight, and looked away to try to lower his arousal. “You like that do you? You like my massive arms, so enormous when compared to yours?” Sam clasped Josh’s arm with one hand and raised it next to his, comparing the two. “Look at it. Fuck, it’s nearly triple the thickness of yours. You’re so TINY!” Struck with fear, he didn’t know what to do. Sam filled his entire vision. A teenage muscle god filling him with even more insecurities. Sam flexed his pecs, making the bounce one by one, the huge mounds of muscle sending shivers down Josh’s spine. “I guess,” said Sam quietly, then raising his voice, “that’s the sort of experience that 200 pounds of muscle does to someone! Urgh, yeah!!” He flexed again. 200 pounds? Sam was becoming a monster. Josh himself was only 120 pounds, no wonder he felt small next to this giant. Suddenly the rumble of Sam’s stomach cut loudly through the quiet atmosphere. “Aw, we’ll have to cut my well deserved worship session short I’m afraid. I’d better have my feast. These guns don’t feed themselves!” He said, flexing both arms at once. When at las he heard Sam thundering back downstairs, Josh adjusted the elastic on his underwear. God, this was hard in more ways than one. But then, as he was about to pull his phone back up, Josh saw a glint of light on the dresser. He stood up, not recognising the cylinder that caught the corner of his eye. A reasonably sized glass bottle with a red lid, labelled as “Xtra Size”. There was no other labels on the bottle. Quickly, Josh opened it and poured a few pills onto his hand. They were half red and half white, quite large, and seemingly inviting. What were these? He checked the label again. Xtra size? There were no other labels to speak of. Josh thought the size Sam possessed - could it really be from these pills? And if so, was there a limit? Sam must’ve been taking these for ages, as from what Josh knew he’d been massive since joining college. He decided to take the bottle and hide it inside the secret compartment of his bag, where he kept the cut outs of photos from the school magazine of the wrestling team. Which Sam was on. Josh hopped back into bed, but the thought of the strange pills was constantly in the back of his mind. Just one wouldn’t hurt, right? It’s only a pill. The worst case scenario, nothing ends up happening. So, moved by his desire to grow bigger, Josh opened the pill bottle back up and swallowed one down his throat, with the assistance of water. There’s no way his throat is strong enough to swallow it without water. At least, not yet. He sat there, waiting for something to happen. And then he realised how stupid he was being - why would a pill activate instantly? He had to actually wait for it to work. So, he waited. He went over to his desk and started doing his homework, thinking about growing bigger the whole time. By the time night fell, when Josh and Sam were both fast asleep, Josh felt a little kick in the back of his chest, like a motor that made been underused for a long time just revving up again. But only for a moment, and by morning Josh had forgotten it. This was going to be an interesting day. Josh woke up feeling refreshed and invigorated, which was something he didn’t feel often. Even when he checked the time and noticed his alarm clock wasn’t working, his joyous mood was not deterred. Instead of rushing to college, he stayed behind a bit longer to make himself beans on toast, when typically he only ate half of a granola bar. Well, he thought, if I’m going to grow, I’m going to need some sort of nutrition. He left the house feeling content, not noticing that his shirt was now a perfect fit. His bag, while extremely heavy due to the maths textbook, was no longer so bad he had to stop to catch his breath every 5 minutes. After arriving on campus the same as yesterday happened, registration, his classes, eating alone at lunch (this time with a slightly bigger serving), although after sitting down in detention he noticed a strange feeling in his chest. It was a weird feeling to describe, it was constrictive while also freeing, and felt boiling hot, like his insides were surging with energy. It tingled slightly in a good way, which oddly reminded Josh of the moments before an orgasm. He thought nothing of it, and by the time he got back home he was almost sure that it was ingestion. As he walked up the stairs to his and Sam’s shared room, he thought to himself about the pills. If they were the reason he felt so good today, why not take more? In fact, in all my time in college, have I ever felt this good? The answer was clearly no, so he decided that when Sam left for the gym he should take another one to see if the trend continued. He opened the door to his bedroom, still afraid of the idea of Sam being there but no longer terrified like he was the previous day. In the mood Josh was in, when he opened the door and saw Sam, he looked a lot less imposing. Josh felt like he could at least handle whatever was thrown at him. Sam seemed to be looking for something, which Josh realised with a start were probably the bottle of pills he left lying on the dresser. Sam looked him up and down menacingly and spoke. “You haven’t seen anyone else in here have you?” That answered Josh’s question, Sam was looking for the pills, and he thought that Josh was so much of a wimp that someone else must have broken in to steal them. A logical explanation, really. “No,” replied Josh, “Why?”. Sam looked him dead in the eyes and spoke. “Because if anyone has been in this room, or touched any of my stuff, I’m going to kill them.” Gulp. “I’m off to the gym early today.” And with that, he was gone. Off to work out his problems by working out, Josh suspected. Sighing in relief, he laid down on his bed. He took the bottle of pills out and swallowed one with help from the bottle of water next to his bedside table. A thought came over him, instantly giving him an erection, but he dismissed it immediately. No... he shouldn’t. But the bottle sat there staring back at him, invitingly. Too much of it could be a bad thing, he thought. Best to leave it for now. Josh decided to occupy his mind by attempting to follow a workout off of youtube, trying to copy the forms. It was surprisingly easy, and by the end he wasn’t even exhausted. Filled with energy, he started pumping out push-ups on the floor of the bedroom, counting them as he went. It was excruciatingly difficult, not as difficult as it had been before, as he was reaching 30, 31, 32... this is the most push-ups he’d ever done in a row! He felt himself start to get hard, imagining himself getting bigger, stronger, lifting weights in the gym just like he imagined Sam would be doing right now. In the middle of the 40th push-up, when he felt close to collapsing, he suddenly felt that pain in his chest again, constricting yet freeing, and he realised with a start that the push-ups were no longer as difficult. In fact, they were getting easier! His shirt felt tighter, his trousers seemed to be losing their elasticity, the hem of his shirt rising slowly but surely to the point you could see his midriff. All through this the feeling continued, he felt his spine crack and straighten, his socks feeling smaller. He stood up and checked himself at himself in the mirror. Woah. Although it wasn’t much, Josh was obviously BIGGER. He flexed his arm under the shirt and felt a wave of glee at seeing the smallest bump underneath the fabric. It wasn’t exactly testing the limits, but it wasn’t there before. His shoulders looked wider, his lats were sticking out tons more, his pecs were very slight but visible- Josh put a hand through his trousers and into his pants, jerking himself off at the thought of growing even bigger. Was his meat bigger too? He took his hand out and grabbed a bendy ruler out from the drawer, one which Sam used to measure his biceps. Sticking his dick up to the ruler, he measured it at 4 inches hard. Not exactly big, but bigger! He lifted his hand away so he could get a look at his legs, leaving his dick dangling out of the top of his trousers. They were so much tighter now that he had actual dimensions to show through them. When Josh turned to his side he nearly came instantly. Look at his arse! It stuck out substantially by at least an inch and a half, making the trousers completely tight around the top half. And if his worship sessions wasn’t good enough already, he felt the tingles of that feeling again, the surge of energy, of gaining mass. He stayed silent for a moment, stifling a moan of pleasure, and then came when he heard a floorboard creak under him due to his growing size. The thought of having so much muscle turned him on to no end. He fell to the floor, orgasming with pleasure, thinking about growing bigger, his pecs stretching over him, his shoulders being so wide he can’t fit through doors any more. In his daze, he took his shirt off and flexed both arms, like he saw Josh doing. Fuck! He kept one arm flexing while using the bendy ruler to measure an arm. 11 and 1/2 inches, I AM HUGE, he thought. He flexed the arm again, watching it slowly pump bigger. 11 and 3/4. But he can grow bigger. And he plans too. Fuck. He needed to grow bigger. He just had to. He rummaged through his bag and grabbed the bottle swallowing 2 more pills that would fuel his growth. Josh was addicted to the growth, and couldn’t stop. But the growth had a mind of its own. Without warning, it had stopped suddenly and quickly, the feeling gone. Like someone turning off a tap. After he realised, he sat down at his desk and tried to do busy himself with his maths homework. He rearranged the complicated algebraic equations almost absentmindedly, thinking about what spurred the growth in the first place. It happened first in detention, and today it happened during his work out. Is there a cause for it? It seemed to be happening randomly, which wasn’t a good sign. He agreed that while it would be hot as hell if he was in the middle of class and he started to outgrow his clothes, it would probably cause quite the scene, which he wanted to avoid. Because if Sam got word that he was inexplicably growing bigger, then he’d know Josh took his pills. But... what Josh was wondering was why Sam hadn’t grown much at all in the past couple of months. He was taking the pills, right? That’s why he had the bottle with him. Why was Sam so determined to get them back if they weren’t having any effect? He heard the echo of Sam walking up the stairs and immediately jumped into bed. Although Josh’s growth was barely noticeable, he didn’t want to take the chance of Sam noticing. Because if he did... well, Josh probably wouldn’t see tomorrow. So, when Sam opened the door, Josh tried his hardest to hide his body under the covers of his bed. Sam was wearing a grey compression shirt today which emphasised the dark shadows between his pecs. His pecs themselves jutted out by a few inches from the rest of his body. When he walked, they bounced delightfully causing enormous creases underneath them, moving the whole shirt with them whenever they bounced due to their size. God, Josh could watch them all day. But he had to stay disinterested. It won’t be too long and he’ll have pecs of his own, and then they’ll grow to be the same size as Sam’s, then they’ll grow even- no, stop, thought Josh. He turned to his side and tried to get some sleep, ignoring the increasingly ridiculous moaning Sam was making to try to draw attention. Sam was going to get his comeuppance, and Josh was going to make sure he would pay dearly for being so spiteful. Josh woke up with his feet much closer to the end of the bed than they were previously. He must be getting taller to accommodate for the mass he was gaining. He might even get taller than Sam! This prompted a morning jerk-off that lasted longer than Josh would like to admit, but the fantasies of Sam becoming smaller and smaller to him as he grew colossally large pleasured him to no end. He took another 2 pills with his breakfast, just to be sure that they would really kick in the growth. His appetite was growing with him, so he cooked up an entire pack of 4 bacon strips to eat along with a few slices of toast. Growing portions for a growing man. Just as he put his hoody on and was about to leave, he felt the trickle of growth that he’d come to love kick in again. It wasn’t only in his chest anymore, it reverberated throughout his whole body, sending waves and waves of euphoria through his brain. He greedily ripped off his hoody and watched through the hall mirror as his head very slowly raised higher. His shoulders grew wider, actually stretching the fabric of his small shirt, and it delighted Josh to hear the faintest of rips. But where the growth really thrived were his pecs. 2 meaty mounds appeared on his chest, becoming more obvious due to the growing size of them, until they were very clearly separate muscles from the rest of his chest. The top button of his shirt actually burst off, his growing chest forcing the shirt to actually break. I’m becoming huge, he thought, which caused him to moan with pleasure. And it felt so good. The tingling spread to his abs, the lowest of which were visible due to the slow rise of the hem of his shirt. The bricks of muscle were defining themselves, no longer hidden behind a flat stomach. Josh’s trousers looked painted on, as his glutes grew even meatier to accommodate for his growing body. His quads were becoming huge, as were his calves, both straining the fabric of the formal trousers. After a few minutes however, the growth pulled to a halt. It seemed it was only happening in unpredictable, 5 minutes doses. Josh raised his arms in what was becoming his signature pose, the double biceps, and was delighted when two very obvious peaks greeted him back. The fabric of his shirt sleeves were now stretched tight, no longer the small mounds from yesterday. The checkered pattern embroidered into the shirt itself was distorted by the huge bicep peaks. He didn’t have time to measure it, but it looked to be about 13 inches. If he kept growing at this rate, he didn’t have long until he had caught up to Sam. And he was so absorbed in worshiping his growing muscles, Josh had completely forgot that he meant to leave. He put his hoody back on, pleased that it couldn’t zip it up all the way to the top due to his expanding chest, while not noticing that it now only came up to his 2nd set of abs, and left the dorm. As he left, he took note of how he was getting closer to the top of the doorframe. Still a good 3 or 4 inches, but he was getting there. He was given detention again, a shocker, and continued on throughout the day much the same he would normally. At lunch, he didn’t even sit alone. A shy looking boy asked to sit near him by the name of Alex, and the two talked for almost the entirety of lunch. When Josh was sure both he and no one else were looking, he swallowed his 2nd chicken breast down with another two pills. The growth hadn’t hit him since this morning, and he hoped it wouldn’t happen until after he got home, but he knew it we foolish to get that lucky. Because his last class, Chemistry, ended up being much more interesting than it normally is. As the teacher was droning on about electromagnetic fields or whatever, Josh felt the now familiar tingles of growth hitting him. It seemed that each pill affects a set amount of growth spurts, so taking more pills makes the spurts more intense. This was especially true as of late. Because while Josh had correctly guessed that more pills equals more growth, he didn’t quite understand that he was now feeling the effects of 6 pills in one single spurt. His whole body went nearly numb with tingles, and he had to stifle a moan as he felt his biceps expanding in size. The chair he was on creaked loudly as he reached down to readjust the zipper on his trousers, which was struggling against the growing bulge in his underwear created by his lengthening manhood. His legs were starting to get closer to the top of the underside of his desk, and he had to frequently shuffle his leg placement in order to not raise the desk with just his legs. Thicker and beefier his chest grew, causing him to unintentionally lean back in his chair in pleasure. The buttons of his shirt were flying off one by one and were too hard to undo manually due to how tight it had become. A few people looked his way, but didn’t say anything. He was at the back of the classroom, so no one could see him. They could only hear the creaking of his chair and his stifled moans of pleasure. His shirt sleeves were much the same story as the front of his shirt; he couldn’t bend his arms now, or he’d feel the small tension of the fabric in the telltale way something does on the verge of tearing. His whole body felt so good, and he put his hand onto his crotch to rub his (unbeknownst to him) 6 inch erection. By the end of the lesson his growth had stopped, although he realised with a start that before he couldn’t see the bottom of the board due to the girl in front of him, but he could now see all of it including a small section of the wall below. He was growing taller, wider and hunkier by the minute. When he lifted his bag onto his shoulders, he had to readjust the straps again due to his wide his shoulders had become. When he left the classroom he even felt the top of his head brush against the top of the door. Josh skipped detention. There was no way he was going to go there when his clothes were in this state. He had to rush home before Sam did and hide under the covers. He wanted to surprise Sam with his newfound size only once he was bigger than him. That way, if Sam tried to take the pills from him Josh could easily retaliate, as he’d have the size as range and growing. He looked down and sighed. Oh Christ, though Josh, I need to check out the size of this dick! Because there was a very obvious bulge created at the front of his trousers, not helped by the tightness caused by enormous glutes. While his way out of campus Josh spotted two of Sam’s wrestler buddies clad in red singlets. They were only slightly beefier than Josh, and he had a feeling he would outgrow them pretty soon. Their bulges were big and tight under their singlets, Josh would outgrow them there too. He found himself walking up to them, for some reason, possibly as a ruler for his future growth, and he introduced himself. They were both about an inch or two taller than Josh was. “Hey bro, I’m Tyler.” Said the one with a big brown mop of hair. He said it with a smirk, but not one of disapproval like Sam did. The other one, who Josh noticed had a slightly more prominent bulge, introduced themselves as Tom. Josh took a liking to these two - they treated him with respect, although he didn’t quite feel he had earned it. “Fuck, dude, you look massive under there” said Tyler, gesturing at his skintight shirt. Tom nodded along with him, and asked “Can you flex for us man?”. Josh was in awe that they even wanted to see his muscles, until he obliged and did his signature double biceps. He forgot that his shirt was so tight, so when he flexed guns the sleeves ripped clean off. Look at how huge his biceps were! Surely they must have been 15 inches by now. He was getting closer and closer to Sam’s size, and he almost definitely had bigger biceps than both Tyler and Tom. “Fuuck man, those peaks are LOADED!” Said Tom. Tyler had similar things to say, and Josh loved the complements. “How big are they?” Tyler asked. Josh could see the bulge growing in Tyler’s singlet. He was clearly aroused by the sight of someone literally ripping their shirt with their muscles. “Uh, I haven’t measured them in a while.” Josh said. “I’ve got a tape measure!” quipped Tom with a smile. He put his rucksack to the floor and grabbed his tape measure, then wrapped it around Josh’s enormous bicep. “16 inches!” They shouted in unison. Wow. Only 2 inches away from Sam, now. “Can I feel it?” asked Tyler. He took his hand away from his crotch, not caring any longer if Josh saw. Besides, it was just guys being dudes, right? “Sure, go ahead.” Josh held out his arm and Tyler put his hand around it. “Woahh. It’s like iron.” Josh raised his other bicep and gestured for Tom to worship him too. Tom happily obliged, feeling the peaks of Josh’s bicep just like his teammate. Look at him, being worshiped by two hunks. I’m becoming one of them now, huh, he thought. “You new here then? We haven’t seen you around.” Josh thought for a moment. Lying could get him in hot water, if they talked to someone who knew him. “I’m Sam’s roommate, actually.” He said. They gasped in shock simultaneously and both leaned in to look at his face again. It would have been hilariously comical if Josh wasn’t so scared that they might blab to Sam about his size. “No way.” Said Tom “I don’t believe it.” “But he said his roommate was proper skinny, right?” “Yeah, yeah, he always goes on about how he’s the alpha male of his dorm.” “But you’re not a skinny little runt!” “No, you’re not skinny at all.” “You’re actually kind of...” They look at each other and whispered the same word. “Hunky...”. Josh thought he’d never see the day where someone called him hunky. But were they wrong? His flexed his arms again. Yeah, they’re right, he was hunky! “I guess so, huh?” he said more to himself than anyone in particular. They completely missed Josh’s intentions and supported his statement “Damn right you are!” “Hell yeah!” Josh noticed Tom pause for a moment, and after a some consideration he said “Hey stud, why don’t you join the wrestling team?” Tyler replied with glee: “Yeah, that’s a wicked idea! We can go down to the gym now and get a feel for things now, if you want.” He was shocked. Him? But, he supposed, he would be growing bigger soon anyway, not that they knew that. And Sam was on the team... Josh thought for a moment about if it was worth the risk. Big, sweaty hunks in close proximity wearing nothing but singlets sounded real good right about now. Josh looked at them with a smirk and said “Sure, I’m sure it won’t be too hard to learn. And,” he continued, now smiling, “It might help me grow a bit bigger all over.” Tyler and Tom lead Josh down to the gym. The weights were on the opposite end of the building so hopefully Sam didn’t stumble upon him. Once there, they found a singlet that only loosely fit Josh, but he told them he’d grow into it. If only they knew how quickly he planned to do so. They measured his stats, as followed: Height: 5” 9’ Weight: 177 pounds Arms: 16 inches Chest: 46 inches Quads: 22 inches If he remembered correctly, Sam was only 200 pounds. He was gaining closer and closer to Sam’s mass. Tyler and Tom showed Josh the basics, such as stance (which he had already had mastered), level changes, and a bunch of boring illegal moves. What really excited Josh was when they started talking about takedowns. Because while Tyler was going on about holding someone down, Josh noticed a feeling in the back of his mind. It was something different that wasn’t quite there before. Struggling to understand what it was, he considered for a moment. It felt like it had always been there, but Josh had never felt it properly. He pictured in his mind the act of growing, of it getting easier and easier to take someone down, holding them down as your whole body outgrows them by double, then triple, until you dominate them completely, the vision of his silhouette slowly expanding to gigantic, hunky proportions, until- he felt it. It was like a tap, he could turn it on and off whenever he pleased. He had figured out how to control his growth. Whatever was causing it before was negligible, he felt like he was in control of the lever accelerated the rate that he grew. Tyler was going on about strength, which only heightened the complete euphoria Josh was feeling as he made himself grow just a little to test his newfound power. Sure enough, as he channeled the energy inside of him, making himself sturdier, bigger and stronger, his eye level started to rise. The previously loose fitting singlet was feeling tighter and tighter as he grew wider and thicker, taller and stronger. He put a hand to the python downstairs which was pulsating with mass, causing the singlet to sag further down. His growing arms were getting further away from his body as his lats pushing them away. His quads felt huge with no clothing constructing them, and he could almost hear the earthquake like vibrations his growth was surely causing. He absentmindedly flexed his arm and massaged it, watching it surge in size. He smirked as he realised he was now taller than both Tom and Tyler, dwarfing them by half an inch and gaining. “Holy shit, Josh, are you listening to me?” He snapped back to reality, and felt the growth slow to a halt. “Your bicep is looking fucking huge, man.” Tom said with awe. And Tyler chimed in “You’re looking bigger all over dude. Especially...” They stared at his bulge. It did look ridiculous, stuffed into a singlet that was probably even a size too small for Josh now. And it was thoughts like that that didn’t exactly make his erection go down. Josh looked at them again. As much as he wanted to worship them, he... has an idea, first. Knowing that they would do anything he asked, he asked them whether they could text Sam to let him know about he was joining the wrestling team. And that Josh challenged Sam to a wrestling match. Tomorrow morning. While Sam was definitely more skilled, Josh had a few tricks up his sleeve. While Tyler and Tom were arguing over who should send the text, Josh sneakily downed another 3 pills. He wouldn’t feel the effects immediately, but when he did it was sure to be incredible. Tyler showed Josh the angry reply Sam had left demanding to know why they let Josh join the team. Josh considered for a moment what to say. Before he could think of anything however, a second text came through. This time it was Sam agreeing to the wrestling match but demanding that he and Josh met up 15 minutes beforehand. Josh told them to agree to to the meet up and to answer no more further questions. There was no doubt Sam now realised that Josh had taken his bottle of pills and was using the extra muscle mass to join the wrestling team. Josh planned on Sam thinking this, because his comeuppance was going to rely on it. He, Tyler and Tom spent the rest of the night goofing off at the wrestling mat and teaching Josh the different strategies. When night fell, with Josh grinning when remembered that he had to duck underneath doors, Tyler offered to let Josh stay at his and Toms apartment until morning. They all walked back to the apartment in their wrestling singlets, bulges and pecs bouncing as they walked. Tyler let him borrow his clothes to sleep in, which were now much too small for Josh’s enormous proportions, but were still better than his old clothes. Josh waited until they were both sleeping to stroke his massive dick, which he measured at 9 inches hard, getting off on what had happened today. This morning, he probably didn’t even come up to Tyler or Toms shoulders in height. And now- he came, loudly, thinking about how he was an inch taller than them. He was growing into a massive stud, and he loved every minute. Josh slept like a log, and when morning came he was more than ready to take on Sam. He felt energised, and swallowed 3 more pills to fuel the growth that was coming later in the day. He thanked Tyler and Tom for letting him stay and that he would see them at the match. Still wearing Tyler’s clothes, he made his way back to his dorm, climbing effortlessly up to the 2nd storey to peek through the window of his bedroom to check that Sam wasn’t in there. He imagined the sight of him, a muscle bound jock in clothes too small scaling the side of a block of dorms. He groaned in discomfort. His manhood was quite restricted in the already tight clothing, and giving himself erections weren’t helping matters. Once he double checked that Sam wasn’t in, he let himself into the dorm and ran up to his and Sam’s bedroom. Although he had been ducking under doors all day, something about ducking under the door that previously he had only seen Sam do was infinity arousing. Once there, he stripped down to his underwear and marvelled at the sight of himself in the reflection of the now small mirror. He was, simply, enormous. He didn’t even all fit onto the mirror, so he had to crane his neck to look at his various features. His shoulders, probably the hardest to see due to their width, were ridiculously wide, at least the length of his head twice. He flexed them. They made his gigantic pecs look even larger! His pecs stuck out by 2 or 3 inches, large squishy mounds of unfathomably huge muscle. He put a hand to them and squeezed, admiring the sheer size and softness of them, awing at the fact one of his hands didn’t even reach around the whole pec. His biceps were a sight to behold too. Long were the days that Sam’s arm was 3x the thickness of his, his now rivalled Sam’s in girth. He did a double bicep, watching how the peaks were almost vertical with height, huge and hunky, packed densely with solid MUSCLE. He put a hand over them, flexing, and couldn’t even make a dent no matter how hard he squeezed. He though to himself; did that make him strong or weak? It didn’t matter. He knew he was becoming a sexy beast, and that was all that mattered. His forearms were massive and veiny monsters, leading down to his equally wide hands. He looked down at his six pack, which was looking more like an eight pack with racks of stone hard muscle that tapered down to his tiny waist. He turned to the size and ogled at his butt. It stuck out substantially more than his pecs did, 2 lumps of jiggly gluteus muscle. He squeezed it, feeling how if he relaxed the muscle was buoyant and bouncy, but flexing it made it impenetrable. His quads were huge as well, thick logs of muscle that could crush a watermelon between them. He flexed again once more, pushing away the thought of making himself grow. No. He had to stick to the plan, as tempting as it was. Just another half an hour or so and he could do as he pleased. The reason he came back to the dorm was to wear some better fitting clothes. Since neither Tyler nor Toms wardrobe fit him anymore, and his certainly didn’t, he turned towards Sam’s. He greedily picked out Sam’s favourite compression long sleeve shirt that he always wore to the gym. It fit a lot tighter than he thought it would - not that it was actually tight, but Josh still couldn’t believe he could actually wear Sam’s clothes without them looking enormous on him. They fit only slightly loosely, and it was miles better than walking around in what felt like children’s clothes. He put on compression trousers to match, leaving his only skin exposed being his head and his hands. He took another pill just in case he hadn’t taken enough before. This was going to be fun. He made his way out of the room, ducking, and towards campus, where Sam said he would meet him in 10 minutes, which was 15 minutes before the game. Sam was surely confident Josh would get beaten to a pulp. He entered the changing rooms not a minute too early. After the door slammed shut behind him and he walked a few feet down the corridor, he heard Sams deep voice call out to him. “That better fucking be you, Josh!” Josh only smiled to himself. He walked into the changing room Sams voice came from and was immediately confronted by Sam. Oh boy. He was not prepared for how much SMALLER Sam looked from this angle. The fact that Josh was so much taller than he used to be was making Sam look so much less imposing. Sam still has 2 inches on him, but it didn’t feel like much at all. When Sam turned around he gasped in shock at the size of Josh. He looked at his pecs, his arms, his legs, in desperation, until he looked down at his eyes and saw he still maintained the height advantage. He spoke coldly and quietly, as if he expected Josh to hang onto every word. “That’s my fucking shirt.” Josh only looked at him inquisitively, mentally preparing for what he was sure was about to happen. “I said,” Sam started again, louder this time, “that’s my fucking shirt!” Josh smirked, then flexed his pecs. “It fits me pretty well, don’t you think?” He said, “Think I’m gonna outgrow it pretty soon though”. Josh flared his lats, trying to aggravate Sam. It worked - he suddenly got close to Josh, grabbing him by the arms and pushing him up against the wall. “It was you, wasn’t it? You took my pills. Hah, I must’ve left them on the dresser for ten minutes and you nabbed them. And look at the state of you now.” He gestured to Josh’s now huge body. Not quite as big as Sam’s however, which Sam took with stride. “Hah, even with the pills, you’re still the smaller man. Once I take the pills back from you, once you stop TAKING THE PILLS THAT ARE RIGHTFULLY MINE, you won’t be able to handle the sudden absence of them. After a few days off of them your body will start shrinking. Smaller and smaller you’ll get, until I can squash you with my FOOT!” Josh couldn’t help but be slightly afraid of him. He was shouting now, completely uncaring whether anyone outside of the changing rooms heard him. But Josh still had a few things left to do. “So if I stop taking the pills, then after a few days I start to shrink, right? Is that what’s going to happen to you?” Josh finished the sentence with what he hoped was a cocky smirk. Sam looked him dead in the eyes and muttered “Give them to me.” Josh smiled back into his face. “GIVE THEM TO ME!!” Sam tore Josh’s bag off of his shoulder, ripping the strap, and rummaged through it, looking for the pills. He ripped open the side compartment deliriously which was now completely empty. Josh had hidden the cut outs of the magazine away in his room, and he was holding the pills of the hour in his right hand. He held them out with a snarl. “You want them? Come and get them.” Sam leapt at Josh’s hand, trying to claw it open. Josh’s grip was strong, but Sam was definitely stronger and was getting closer to unclamping Josh’s hand. And that’s when Josh focused his energy on growing. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment, so Sam would slowly realise he could no longer overpower this growing muscle jock. And grow he did. It started slow, his chest puffing bigger, creating bigger creases underneath it in the tight compression shirt, the fabric over his pecs stretching tighter and tighter. The hem of his shirt rose to become level with the top of his trousers. Josh looked at Sam again. He was getting close to eye level. Sam realised what was happening and tried harder, his fingernails clawing at the bottle tightly clasped in Josh’s hand. He yelled in anger “What the actual fuck Josh!” But it was no use. Josh let out an orgasmic moan as his shoulder stretched further, at least three times as wide as his head both sides. He was growing into a muscle god and Sam was powerless to stop it. He desperately pulled back on Josh’s hand, nearly taking Josh with him, but Josh had grown the muscles needed to fight back now. He watched the bulge in his compression shorts surge bigger, pushing it into Sam’s face as he knelt down to get the bottle of pills back. Sam stood up in disgust, still trying to pry the pills out with more desperation that ever. Their hard bulges were now touching, and while Josh’s was slightly lower than Sam’s that was all about to change. Sam’s face was one of shock, fear, and envy as he watched Josh’s eye level creep higher. Josh paid extra attention to this, watching as his eyes finally became equal to Sam’s own eyes. He locked eyes with him and copied the smirk he’d seen Sam do at him so many times before. And then his eye level kept rising, becoming level with Sam’s eyebrows. He was taller than Sam. His dick, already hard, came instantly. The euphoria hit him, this was unreal. HE WAS BIGGER THAN SAM!! If you looked at their silhouettes straight on, you would only see Josh’s outline. He was bigger. And Josh kept growing larger still. The compression shirt which Josh had always envied Sam for filling out was slowly being outgrown by Josh’s pure muscle mass. Josh laughed, lifting his bicep and being awed but not surprised at the size of the muscle he was greeted with. The shirt stretched taught over his expanding bi’s, and was getting tighter by the second. He felt the fabric get closer its limit, something that Sam was never able to do. All the while he was growing taller still, and Josh could now see the top of Sam’s head. Josh looked down at the hem of his shirt, noticing that it exposed his second set of abs on his midriff due to a mixture of his growing height and it being pulled up by his enormous pecs. This shirt, which fit Sam perfectly, was being torn to shreds by Josh’s expanding body. Sam, upon realising he had lost, tried to flee, but Josh grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back. Josh grasped Sam’s hand and compared it to his own, watching his fingers inch bigger and bigger. Josh dialled up the growth internally to see how big he could really get. Still clasping Sam’s arm in his ever growing one, Josh held Sam’s chin tightly in much the same way he used to do to him. He flexed his double biceps, pleased to hear the sound of tearing fabric as his football sized arms kept getting beefier. His chin was now level with the top of Sam’s head, and still rising, at least an inch ever half minute. He felt the top of his head brush the ceiling. The trousers only came up halfway to his shins, and a massive rip down the side of them told him that they no longer fit him at all. He was absolutely gigantic and Sam was powerless to stop him from growing even larger. “Josh, let me GO!” Sam screamed. Josh instead grabbed his shrinking hand and brought it to Josh’s abs, which the shirt had exposed completely. In fact, it was just underneath his humongous pecs and still rising, although the sound of seams splitting implied wouldn’t fit inside it for much longer. Josh bought Sam’s hand to his abs, making him touch the hot, hard bricks of muscle, each ab the size of Sam’s hand. Josh nearly orgasmed again when he felt his massive pecs literally bursting through his shirt. The warm locker room air on his growing chest muscles felt so good. Josh lost himself in the feeling of growing, bigger, stronger, thicker, hunkier... Until he was pulled out of his growth trance by his phone alarm. He forced himself to stop, as his alarm signalled the start of the wrestling match. Sam looked up at him, Josh’s face obscured by his enormous pecs, he was shirtless save for the small amount of fabric remaining around his midriff. Josh’s trousers were torn to shreds, and his boxers left nothing to the imagination. The bulge in his boxers was still hard and curved around the side of his leg, at least 15 inches of pure meat. Sam stuttered below him. “W-we can cancel the match, right? You’d win anyway, I think.” Josh only looked at him with an evil glint in his eye. “No, I think not..” he paused, and then flexed his double biceps, growing another inch of height as he spoke, “I think your team wants to see who the BIGGER man is.” Thanks for reading! I might add more but if I don’t then consider this the ending
  7. Here we go. It's been a while since I've written anything. Ive been so busy in the world of finance as well as trying to enlarge and perfect my own body. Now, for two weeks I'm on vacation in Florance, Italy staying in an incredible villa that has a pool, a vineyard right next door, an amazing view... and several hot guys!!! Lying here, I've let my mind start to wander, and came up with this story. Hope you all like it. I've really missed you all!! Comments are always welcome. The Vessel Chapter One: The Water Christophe looked into the pool with wild eyes taking in its sheer size and beauty. How could no one have discovered this before, he thought. It’s huge!! It’s more of a lake then a pool…. The closer he got to the water, the clearer he could hear it calling to him. Was he ready? Was he truly going to take the plunge not at all sure what the results would be? This journey of body and souls had begun 15 years prior. Christophe had always been an attractive man… a confident man… a man who always got who he wanted and what he wanted… a man who took care of his body, his wardrobe, and his mind. In a move of sheer genius, he decided to leave his banking job behind and focus on teaching others to be more like him… the man at the top of the food chain… The Alpha. It started out as some badly edited YouTube videos that only a few people watched, but Christophe persevered, knowing that men needed what he had to offer. After about a year, his videos began getting more and more hits, and as he continued making these, he began offering personal one-on-one consultations and classes. This was where the business took off. By the third year, Christophe was bringing in 2 million a year and knew that if he wanted to grow his empire, he would need to bring on a business partner. A surprise encounter at the mall brought him face to face with Neil Hamilton, a friend and frat brother from University. Neil was everything Christophe was not: he was quite, book smart, overweight, balding, and not at all physically active. What he did have going for him was an amazing sense of humor, a keen business sense, and an amazing imagination. Together they brought Christophe’s business to the next level, and then higher. Soon there were books, speaking tours, TED Talks, clothing lines, magazines. If you could imagine it… Neil would make it come true. By no means an Alpha in the physical sense, he was definitely one in the mental capacity. Now they were both forty-five and living the dream of mansions, yachts, sports cars, and vacations anywhere in the world. Everything was within their grasps that money could buy… almost. As he had grown older, Neil’s had become obsessed with the ‘Fountain of Youth.’ What had once been simply a laughable hobby, over the years became a worrying obsession. When not working on a deal or promotion for Christophe,, Neil had been conducting research in ancient texts, consulting brown and crumbling maps, and flying to distant lands to follow leads. Two weeks prior, Christophe was far from amused when Neil burst into his personal gym with a small package. ⁃ This just arrived!! I Wanted to share it with you. The older man was winded by his race through Christophe’s house, and beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead and onto his face. Although Christophe might not have been in the incredible shape he had once been in, he was far healthier than his overweight friend. Neil stood in front of Christophe who was sitting on a bench,, smiled, and carefully shook the box at him. ⁃ I can’t believe it!! I honestly can’t believe it!! Neil began to tear into the box. ⁃ What is it? ⁃ Exactly what I’ve been searching for!! The box revealed a wooden exterior. With careful hands, Neil slid the lid off and removed the contents: a vial of clear liquid no bigger than a test tube. Neil held it up to the light and looked at it. ⁃ After all this time... ⁃ That isn’t... ⁃ It is! Water from THE fountain of youth!! ⁃ How much did this cost you? 500,000. ⁃ You’re insane. ⁃ I thought so too... but I’ve seen the proof... recordings, etc. ⁃ Fakes! ⁃ No! I watched a man de-age right in front of me on Skype. He lost nearly 30 years in ten minutes. ⁃ Where did it come from? ⁃ The secret has been in this South American mans family forever. You should see him... so fucking hot, and he’s nearly 170!! He looks 30! He’s never allowed it out of his family until now. He’s the last survivor and eventually wants to cover the pool up and retire wealthy. ⁃ What happened to the rest of the family? Why aren’t they living forever? ⁃ I asked that very question... and he tried to explain how after living for hundreds of years... everyone eventually wants a rest. ⁃ So he’s selling this at 500,000 a pop? How much has he sold? ⁃ Only to seven people so far. ⁃ Have you talked with them? ⁃ All purchases are anonymous. ⁃ Of course. ⁃ Come on, Chris!! I brought this from home to share this moment with you. I want you to witness it. Neil took out two latex gloves and slipped them on his hands. ⁃ You can never let the water touch your skin. ⁃ But it’s okay for your insides With a smile Neil unscrewed the cap of the test tube and smelt it. ⁃ I’m hard just thinking about this!! ⁃ If this does work... and that’s a big if... how are you going to explain to the world how you suddenly got younger? ⁃ I’m not. If this works... I’m gone. I have to disappear... just like everyone else. ⁃ What? ⁃ We’ve made enough money to last us four lifetimes. It’s time for me to enjoy it... and I know the business is in capable hands. Neil took a breath and then smiled. ⁃ Wish me luck. ⁃ Wait!! How much do you drink? ⁃ It’s been measured to take twenty years off of me. I’m going to be 25 again. ⁃ And if it doesn’t work? ⁃ A foolish dream of an old man. Before Christophe could stop him, and without thinking twice, Neil downed the entire contents of the test tube. Gently he placed it on the desk, never losing eye contact with Christophe. ⁃ Well? ⁃ Tasted like water... very expensive water. Both men began to laugh, when a sudden look of shock covered Neil’s face. Reaching both hands up to his neck, he proceeded to sputter and cough and fall to the floor. Christophe jumped up from the bench and ran to Nei who wasl lying on the floor and smiling. ⁃ You do care! ⁃ You’re a fucking asshole! ⁃ You should have seen your face! ⁃ I was only concerned with what to do with your body! ⁃ Wouldn’t want anyone to think you mmm... murr... you... something’s... happening... ⁃ What? ⁃ It feels... so good... an orgasm... that keeps... building... and building...FUCK!!!! Christophe watched his friend writhe on the floor in ecstasy. In awe he could see Neil’s bald pate suddenly begin to blossom with dark stubble. Within seconds his hair was gaining length, beautifully covering the top of Neil’s head. Christophe found himself getting aroused watching and listening to his friend in absolute ecstasy, and at the same time seeing the hands of time being reversed. Everywhere on his body his skin was becoming taught and youthful. Even the fat all over Neil’s body was being burned away leaving a skinnier and healthier version of its predecessor in its wake. The hair on top of his head had continued to grow, and was soon joined by the hair on his face. Absolutely swimming in the clothes he was wearing, Christophe couldn’t believe the sight of the thirty... and then twenty-five year old form of his friend. Still he continued to get younger, until suddenly Neil’s entire body went stiff... a load moan escaped from his body... and he collapsed entirely onto the floor, breathing quickly but with a smile on his face. A few moments later the twenty year old version of Neil opened his eyes. ⁃ Fuck!!!!! That was the most intense.... Fuck!!!!! Neil laughed heartily on the floor. With a sudden leap, he was on his feet, his clothes pooling around him. ⁃ Mirror. I need a mirror. Quickly Neil moved to the side of the room that held a full-length mirror, and came face to face with himself. ⁃ It really worked!!! I can’t believe it!! Look at me!! Using hands that felt new and alien to him, Neil tore his clothes from his body until he stood naked before the mirror and before Christophe. Where once a severely overweight man had stood, a swimsuit model had taken his place. With just a dusting of dark hair trailing over his abs and down to his cock, the rest of his chest was smooth and tight. Trying to take it all in, Neil ran his hand over the new mound of his pecs and massaging his nipples. With the other arm he flexed, and watched his bicep and tricep swell. ⁃ I feel so strong!! I’ve never felt like this in my lifel! Raising is other arm to a 90 degree angle, he proceeded to flex this one as well, both arms swelling with power. ⁃ I look a thousand times better now than I ever did in my twenties! It’s like it perfected me! Neil simply couldn’t get enough of his new body. Exploring it from every angle, Christophe had to agree that he was indeed an ideal specimen. ⁃ Look at my cock!! So much longer and thicker than before... and foreskin!! I never had foreskin!!! Neil’s hand grasped onto his soft cock and began to massage it. As if on command, the organ began to lengthen and thicken. Christophe looked on in awe as it grew to an impressive 9” with a fat head even thicker than the mighty shaft it sat upon. He had only been hard for a few seconds when a river of pre began to flow, dripping onto the floor. ⁃ So fucking horny!! Haven’t been this horny since I was a teenager... even then... I was never this horny!! As he continued to stroke himself, Neil looked over at Christophe with a huge grin. ⁃ Suck it. You know you want to. In their business relationship, Christophe has always been the alpha, but now with this youthful stud standing before him, he couldn’t help falling to his knees, and proceeded to lick the sweet lubricant leaking from the swollen head. Shocked, Christophe felt Neil’s hand pushing his head from behind. No sooner had he brought Neil’s cock into his mouth, the new-born man began to face fuck him. Christophe stares intently at the pool remembering the rest of that night. Neil had proceeded to cum a massive load into Christophe’s waiting mouth. No sooner had Neil ejaculated, he was hard again. In a frenzy, he tore the clothes from Christophe’s body and proceeded to plunge his huge cock into Christophe’s ass. When it came to fucking men, Christophe had always been the dominant one. Now he couldn’t help but let Neil take complete control. That night, Neil fucked him over and over again until the older man begged him to stop. Unsatisfied, but yielding to his friend, Neil jerked himself off, another massive load splashing onto his pecs, face, and even above his head. The two lay in silence until finally Neil spoke. ⁃ I need to leave soon. No one can see me. ⁃ Where will you go? ⁃ Who knows! I’ll have to get a new passport... a new identity... but I have plenty of money to buy what I’ll need. Neil sat up and looked at his best friend. ⁃ Join me. Email The Keeper and get your own vial. Let’s live the life we always should have. That night, wearing clothes still to baggy on him, Neil disappeared into the night. He had made several phone calls, set up several meetings to get new paperwork, and had moved nearly all of his money into a new account he had opened a week prior under a new name: Gerald Grey... a distant relative that in a surprise change of his will... everything was left to. Kissing Christophe goodbye, Neil... now Gerald... handed over all he would need, which included signed documents handing over 95% of their holdings to him as well as the contact information for The Keeper of the water. ⁃ Don’t waste time. Join me. Still in awe of what had occurred that night, Christophe walked around his house trying to take it all in. If this could be bottled… if this could be created in mass… he would be even richer than he was now! He could make billions!!!! Arriving in the gym, Christophe saw the vial lying on the floor. Picking it up, Christophe saw one small drop at the bottom. He tipped it slowly over so the water flowed to his waiting palm. As soon as it hit him, colours flashed before his eyes, his cock went hard, and he was ejaculating all over the floor. Falling to his knees, Christophe cried out as more and more cum flowed from his penis. In minutes, it was over. That night he slept fitfully, dreams of the water… him… muscle… youth… power… He awoke with a voice in his head calling to him. He had wasted no time contacting The Keeper, and after three weeks of waiting, had finally received a response. The Keeper wanted the same 500,000 in exchange for a vial of the water that would give Christophe his youth back. In his reply, Christophe had a counter offer: £5 million, but he gets the vial as well as seeing the pool for himself. A strict refusal came minutes later, but a second counter offer was made... then a third... and finally a fourth that was accepted: 12 million in exchange for a vial and a glance at the pool. Met in Montevideo by a pilot working for The Keeper, Christophe was blindfolded and quickly brought onto a small plane. Once settled, the pilot quickly injected him with a sedative that had Christophe asleep before he could even protest. Unbeknownst to the pilot or The Keeper, Christophe had expected such measures, and had a small GPS implanted in an area right under his armpit. This GPS was constantly monitoring both his location as well as his heart rate. If his heart was ever to stop, all the information on where he was and what he had been doing would instantly be released. Also hidden away, sewn discreetly into the lining of his jacket was a small and lightweight pistol, undetectable by any sensor, and even if frisked, it would be confused for a piece of his clothing. Christophe refused to let anything fall to chance. If The Keeper didn’t want to do business with him and share in profits from the pool... he would just have to take it. While he slept, the dreams returned even stronger than before. Muscle… mountains of muscle… power unimaginable… it all could be his... From the darkness Christophe heard what could only be a deafening rumble of thunder. ⁃ Wake up!!! Christophe tried with all his might to pull himself out of the dark waters of sleep that held him in their embrace. ⁃ I said wake up!!! A hard kick in his side which felt like it propelled him several feet assisted in Christophe finally opening his eyes. Trying to focus, Christophe found himself face to face with The Keeper. The man... could this actually be a man... was naked because obviously no clothes could ever cover him. Standing nearly 8’ tall and weighing what Christophe could only gather was 1,000 pounds of pure muscle, The Keeper was a sight to behold. Tanned to a dark brown, jet black hair fell to the middle of his back and covering half of his face was a thick black beard that ended right before the massive plates of his pecs began. Staring deep into The Keepers piercing blue eyes, Christophe’s cock became erect, and he found himself convulsing in a fit of pure ecstasy as he orgasmed over and over. This man... this beast... this god was the epitome of virility... of masculinity. His body... forged in an artist's wet dream, put every bodybuilder to shame. His hairy legs were larger the tree trunks, his chest wider then several men, and his immense soft cock fell down to his knees. The only piece of clothing The Keeper carried was a belt that held a large canteen. The strangest thing of all... if any of this could get stranger... was that The Keepers wide and thick dark nipples leaked a drop of liquid every minute or so that fell and got lost in his chest hair. With one large paw, practically the size of Christophe’s own chest, The Keeper grabbed him by the head and twisted it fiercely to the left. ⁃ Is this what you wanted to see?! His voice, heavy with a Spanish accent, was a rumble that Christophe could feel deep within his own chest. Like a rag doll in the massive mans control, Christophe took his first glimpse of the pool. The pool was actually much wider than he had imagined. Though possible to swim from one bank of the deep blue water to the other, it would take some time and great strength. There was a breeze on the air, yet every inch of the water was still. Strangest of all, unlike most bodies of water, not one bird or animal graced its shores. At first glance it looked like a picture postcard... completely undisturbed.. yet there was something definitely supernatural... otherworldly even. In deep awe and reverence to the waters, Christophe was shaken once again by the massive man and lifted off of the ground. ⁃ Why does the pool want you here??? What does it want of you???? The Keeper gave Christophe a second to answer before shaking him again... his own body feeling as if it could be torn apart at any moment. ⁃ In my dreams I’ve seen you!!! Why??? What does the pool want??? ⁃ I... I... I don’t know... what you’re talking about... ⁃ How did you find me? ⁃ A friend. You sent the water to a friend!! ⁃ Who??? The beast began to shake him roughly again. ⁃ Neil Hamilton! His name is Neil Hamilton!! When The Keeper heard the name he stopped shaking Christophe, lifted him over his head, and hurled him to the ground. The mountain of a man took four mighty steps and was standing once again over Christophe. How small he must appear to this giant... how insignificant. Christophe hated feeling that way, and was quickly trying to figure out how to handle this beast before he was killed. Lifting Christophe with only his left hand, The Keeper brought them face to face. ⁃ When you found me... when you sent your message... I did as always and came to the bank of the pool to ask if it accepted you. Barely had I spoken your name when it screamed out for you... over and over and over!! Never had I seen the waters so agitated. I ran from the bank... hearing your name screamed from behind me. For weeks I stayed away from the water... wanting to refuse you... but screams only got louder!!! Louder and louder. Christophe attempted to grasp the gun that was attached to his coat, but The Keepers agitation grew to such a frenzy that he threw him once again to the ground. ⁃ To stop the screams, I accepted you... but then you requested to come here!! Here!!!!! Why did you want to come here!!!! I refused... but then the dreams came. Your face! I saw your face!!! The longer I refused you, the worst it became until I finally had to allow you to come... but on my terms!!!! My terms!!! Moving toward him again with steps that shook the earth Christophe lay upon, he tried to back away, but a foot as large as most of his torso pinned him to the ground. ⁃ Now for once the pool is silent... and now you have to die. Removing the canteen from his waste, the man proceeded to unscrew the cap that held the contents within. ⁃ It will all be over so quickly. You’ll drink and grow younger and younger until you cease to be. Don’t worry... it’s painless... my family never knew what happened to them... The Keeper moved his foot higher till he was standing on Christophe’s neck causing him to open his mouth, gasping for air. Lifting the canteen, he began to pour the liquid in the area of Christophe’s lips and nose.. Unable to breathe, Christophe was still able to move his head from side to side, not allowing the water to enter his mouth, but to fall on his face. As each drop hit his skin, Christophe felt a new strength invigorate his body giving him more will to survive. ⁃ No!!! You must never touch the water!!! Only I could touch the water!!! The man took his foot off of Christophe’s neck and leaned down to lift him up by his shirt. ⁃ The pool called me to be it’s Keeper... so I walked in to my waist, and this is what I became. The pool now wants you... but it never will!!! It’s mine!!! The Keeper lifted the water close to Christophe’s mouth, but stopped suddenly when the gun went off, and the bullet entered his chest. Dropped to the ground... Christophe watched The Keeper stagger backwards and try and look down at what had happened... but his immense pecs didn’t allow him to see below. Using his hand, he lifted some of the flowing blood to his face... and began to laugh. ⁃ You think a bullet can harm me?! I’m immortal!!! I’ve lived for over 500 years!!! In awe, Christophe watched the bullet be pushed from the open wound and then quickly close and heal. Christophe fired again... this time hitting The Keeper’s stomach... and the same thing occurred... the creature laughing even harder! ⁃ More!! I can do this all day!! Knowing there were only three bullets left, Christophe lifted the gun once again, and like David with Goliath, hit The Keeper directly in the eye. Startled, the man fell onto his ass with a thud. Watching the Keeper maniacally claw at his eye to remove the bullet, Christophe could see that it was already beginning to heal. Wasting no time, he approached The Keeper with speed given to him by his brief contact with the water, and shot him in the other eye. A scream that shook the trees erupted from The Keepers mouth. With one bullet left, he directed the gun right to the top of the massive cranium and fired, blowing off a small portion of his head and skull. In shock the mountain of a man fell backward onto the ground with a thud. Seeing that his wound was already beginning to heal, Christophe reached into the hole and began to frantically rip at The Keeper’s brain... pulling pieces of it out. Seeing that this was futile since it would only begin to grow back, Christophe did the next best thing. Taking the canteen, he brought it to The Keepers mouth and emptied the contents, forcing him to swallow. Within minutes, just as all of the wounds were nearly healed, The Keeper began to moan... and then quickly de-age. Quickly the beast shrunk down to the size he had once been before he stepped in the water... a skinny teenager... then a boy of ten... then five... four... three... two... a baby... then a fetus... then nothing. Falling to the ground in exhaustion, Christophe came to terms with what he had done... and a smile crept onto his face as he realised the pool was his. Only he knew where it was... what it did... and he would make trillions from it. Every rich person would pay greatly for a chance to live longer... and they would keep returning to him for more and more!! The business was endless... and he controlled it all!!! Standing, Christophe walked on shaking legs to the pool and looked at its wondrous depths. It looked so cool in the heat of the sun... so welcoming... On the wind he heard it again… calling to him… It wants me, he thought. It has always wanted me. Christophe took a step closer but stopped himself. Was this what he wanted? Was he to be the new Keeper? Would he allow the waters to alter him so that he became a mountain of power? He had always been an Alpha of a man… and now the pool wanted to give it all to him… to live beyond the life of an Alpha. In his mind… images of strength and power unimaginable were projected. His fingers moved quickly over his shirt as he began to unbutton it, swiftly removing it and his jacket. Is this what I want? Is this what I’m to be? Removing his trousers and underwear, he stood before the water naked, his 5” cock harder then it had ever been. If I am to be the next Keeper… I want so much more than you gave to him!!! I want you to propel me even further!!! I have never accepted half-measures. I want it all. A warm wind blew onto him and caressed him. Yes, he thought… but what is everything? Is it what I truly want?? As the new Keeper… what will I be? Refusing to turn back, with one step, his feet entered the pool, and he let out a loud moan. Even slightly covered... less than an inch... he could feel a source of power entering his skin and propelling itself through his body. Wanting more... craving more.. he continued to walk... trying to stay conscious as wave after wave of power coursed through his body. Within moments, as the water covered his chest his body began to spasm continuously from the onslaught of power that was swiftly flowing into him. This feeling is intoxicating... I can’t get enough. This was never what I had intended to happen... yet I was called to be the new Keeper and must take on my new mantle! Moving out still further from the shore, Christophe submerged his entire body into the waters... something even the original Keeper has never done. Screaming beneath the water, electric currents began to enter every pore causing the water to bubble around him. No longer in control of his own body, his mouth opened up, and Christophe drank deeply. The same current that was invading the exterior of his body found another passage as he continued to feed on more and more water. As he ingested more than any had ever drunk before... Christophe felt his entire body filling with new life. Not only was his body getting younger... but his skin, bones, and muscles had begun to throb... Still drinking more and more, and still fully submerged in the pool... Christophe feared he was overdosing on the power that was ravaging him. He felt sick to his stomach as his abdomen expanded and tightened... but still he took on more. Just when he thought his body couldn’t take any more power, he found that the onslaught was getting more and more powerful. Fearing yet welcoming the unknown of what he soon would become... Christophe’s 5” Cock went rigid, and he felt that at any moment his entire body was going to cum. As the power continued to gain strength, Christophe had a sudden realisation... he was never meant to be the new Keeper. The pool had no need for a Keeper… No!! It wanted more! It wanted him to become The Pool itself! With this realisation, Christophe’s body began to tense up and become rigid as his back muscles began to swell and grow. Larger and more defined they became... and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. Beneath the water Christophe screamed as his scapula and collarbone began to expand and fracture, making horrid cracking noises as they grew wider. Watching in shock as his arms proceeded to move further and further away from his body as his back continued to grow wider, he realised that he could now breathe safely under the water as the two were merging together. The pain was agonising but Christophe desired this as he knew his body was being made mighty to hold all of the power the pool had to offer... more then anyone had ever understood or had been a part of. Christophe moaned in ecstasy as his shoulders proceeded to expand wider than any entranceway, and the growth showed no sign of stoping. The bones in his shoulders proceeded tobecome thicker and longer as his trap muscles became further developed. Already much wider than the original Keeper, Christophe knew he would never be able to hold himself upright unless held by the mighty hands of the pool. His delts were becoming thickened and rounder...his upper back packed fully with bulging muscle... his traps mountainous and permeating with strength. ⁃ What am I becoming??? Already My back has surpassed that of The Keeper... Never again will I be able to walk down a hallway built for human’s as I’ll be way to wide!! I can barely turn my head now my traps are so high... my back more muscular than that of a bull’s! With an eruption that rocked the whole pool, Christophe’s lats began to swell, pushing his arms even further from from his side ⁃ It is like 8 bodybuilders were used to form my back... and still I’m growing!! My back is now beyond any human comprehension… and I love it!!!! I can’t believe how quickly my upper back, shoulders and traps had become so monumental!! The pool is propelling me far from the realm of human possibility. Taking more of the water within himself, Christophe screamed for the entire power offered to him by the pool. He was willing to lose his humanity... willing to rise above all other human and be used as the pools tool. With the intake of more of the pool, Christophe’s neck began to bloom into a Roman column of muscle. Each moment he felt it grow larger... it became more difficult to move his head from side to side. Soon his neck was two columns shoved together... then three... As his neck grew further, his traps rose up higher until they fused with his neck right behind his ears. As his lats proceeded to swell even greater, Christophe knew his back must resemble that of an enormous cobra!! If watching from above, one would noticed that the water in the pool was slowly going down as if by evaporation. The bank began to grow larger as more and more of the pool’s essence was fused with Christophe. Soon, the calm lake began to slowly begin to rotate to the left, creating the beginnings of a whirlpool. The sound of cracking that resembled trees being split in two could be heard in the Amazonian rainforest. Far from the destruction of trees... this was the creation and growth of Christophe’s hands and arms as they began to lengthen. Within minutes his arms had surpassed his legs and continued to grow. ⁃ How massive... am I... to become?! The pool no longer needed to be ingested through Christophe’s mouth as his body had begun to mutate to enable the water to flow directly through every pore and orifice. Not to be outdone by his own arms, Christophe’s legs and feet began to elongate as well. To his surprise, it was his hands and arms that hit the bottom of the pool first, and then his legs, enabling him to stand for the first time. Attempting to look up and down, Christophe concluded that the entire pool was nearly 60 feet deep, and he was floating perhaps fifteen feet from the bottom. If he had been on land, he would have been towering above the ground... nearing the height of trees. With his feet planted firmly on the floor of the pool, Christophe proceeded to get taller and wider, his back so filled with peaks and valleys that it resembled a mountain range. The thickness of his neck and traps made it virtually impossible to turn his head anymore, and the human part of Christophe began to be inundated with thoughts of how impractical his size was becoming, yet he was calmed by the pool and began to comprehend his future life as a creature of power and muscle... of instinct... of brute strength. He was becoming new for the world to worship. Lifting his own hands in the water, Christophe marvelled at the sheer size. His palm... fuck... it was becoming wider then his own chest, and each finger... they were quickly surpassing the thickness of his legs!! Above Christophe, the whirlpool was beginning to gain speed and strength... it’s core the man named Christophe the pool was evolving. From above, a muffled scream could be heard as his torso began to snap, pull, and lengthen. As his body became taller and longer, Christophe could see that he was slowly being propelled to the surface. How tall am I now, he thought. Have I reached twenty feet yet? Will my head ever hit the surface, or will I need to crawl out of this pool? Christophe did his best to raise his arm over his head and found that if he were ten feet higher, his fingers would have been breaking the surface... and still he grew. As his back proceeded to grow even wider and more packed with muscle, Christophe began to feel the start of swelling in both of his pecs, and soon after, they were joining the rest of his body exploding with size. Like two king size mattresses growing from his body, Christophe’s pectorals grew firmer, larger, and rounder. The sensation of blood being pumped through his body, feeding his growing muscles made him feel light headed yet free. Stretching his neck forward as much as he could, Christophe smiled as his pecs gained complete control and mastery over the top part of his chest. Moving his immense right hand over his pec, Christophe let out a lewd and guttural moan as his fingers brushed over his nipple. Having never felt such a sensation in his life... Christophe began exploring his nipples more, grabbing onto both and squeezing them first tentatively... then tighter. His cock... so tiny and so far away from his pecs, got harder still and shot a massive wad of precum into the pool. Just as his pecs and chest grew bigger still, so did his nipples; larger, thicker and with wide brown areolas. Fuelled on by his intense nipple play, Christophe’s pecs continued to expand, growing feet after feet from his chest. The chasm between his pecs was now so deep, and as his pecs competed for more and more space, it grew tighter and tighter. Taking his hand, Christophe tried to force his way into the deep canyon, but found it was impossible as his own body fought him. These are the pecs that will soon topple mountains just by my flexing, he thought. Never had the world seen a man so massive... a man so mighty... a man with so much power!! Out of all of the world, I was chosen! Me!!! Since his traps, back, and lats were still getting larger, this new growth brought him more ecstasy and fantasies of his future. The pool was creating a vessel far larger more immense then even Christophe had ever thought. If he knew the plans the pool had for him… how gargantuan…. how colossal he was to be… would he have stopped? The pool promised strength and power… and now it was giving it to Christophe a million fold. As Christophe became lost in thoughts of the creature he was to become, his lower torso and abs began to inflate with muscle. One by one his abs exploded with size, but The Pool had no need for The Vessel to have have a simple six-pack. As his body grew and mutated, it would need more muscle mass to control it, to hold it up, so now he possessed an astronomical sixteen pac, each flexing and fighting for rooms. As the whirlpool grew stronger, and more and more water was sucked into Christophe, he continued to grow. As his head inching up toward the surface, his pecs began fighting each other to find more room in which to grow, both so weighty with mass that his nipples had begun to point down. While his chest expanded, his internal organs and ribs began to swell as well. Since Christophe’s head had only grown a small bit compared to the mountain his body was becoming, it began to become bound between his traps, which now grew mightily past his ears. Barely visible since both his pecs and his deltoids were eclipsing it, his neck had grown thicker than his own waist. Christophe’s top half was now so immense with lats wider than he could imagine. How wide am I now, Christophe wondered as there was no way he could comprehend his size in mere inches or meters. My chest has to be larger than a car... and getting bigger every second!! His abs and waist had proceeded to grow in leaps and bounds. Compared to his chest, no matter how wide and thick his waste became, it would always be the ultimate wasp waist. Each continued to grow wider and thicker forcing Christophe’s Adonis belt to sink in deeper and deeper. When his head was only five feet from the surface, Christophe’s legs started to quake as his feet began to thicken with muscle. Taking on mammoth proportions, both of his calf muscles stretched up and out, swelling so much that the diamond shape of the two heads began to expand outward on all sides and take up more room over his ankle until it appeared that his foot formed right from my calf. Christophe cried out in rapture as each muscle group erupted in size, and a titanic rumbling sound announced the birth of his new elephantine quads. Finding it impossible to hold onto his tiny cock with fingers so massive, he moved again to his other source of pleasure, his nipples. As Christophe pinched, squeezed, and stroked his nipples, he found that he quickly had to widen his stance as the medial and lateral muscles of his quads swelled. With each widening of his stance, it was only moments later that he could feel his quads fighting against each other for room. For a moment, Christophe thought he was shrinking as he realised he was suddenly getting further away from the surface. With a relief, he realised that it was simply his amassing weight that was forcing him to sink into the soill, and that he was still increasing in size. By the third time of spreading his stance wider to allow his quads more room, Christophe realised he could no longer stretch any further. With and exclamation of relief, his pelvis broke and grew, enlarging his stance. As his waist got broader and broader, his upper body was forced to widen even further to maintain his tapered look. As his pelvis cracked and grew three more times, Christophe felt the muscles in his ass start to grow. How long have I been underwater, he thought... how long have I been growing... how much more will I grow? The more I grow, the more magnificent I feel... and my confidence grows to rule this globe... I am becoming pure power... Wanting to feel his massive ass, Christophe tried to touch it with his hands, but soon discovered that his last were spreading so wide that it was virtually impossible for his arms to even reach his backside. Once again, trying to widen his stance even more to accommodate his inflating quads, his rectus burst forth, emerging as two massive teardrops that dipped over his kneecaps and forced him into a bow legged position for comfort. With happiness and resignation, Christophe knew that from now on he would be forced to walk with a crouched gait. Christophe’s legs were now so massive, so engorged, and so muscle bound that they were nearing redwood proportions. My existence as a mere human is ending, he thought... This was never what I wanted but now I can only beg for more. ⁃ Enter me fully!!! I give you this body as your vessel!! Fill me completely that when I walk... this insignificant world quakes beneath my feet!!! With those words, Christophe’s metamorphosis went into overdrive, and he gritted his teeth in both agony and ecstasy as his pelvus broke and grew for the sixth time, extending his waist even more and forcing his stance to be forever bowlegged. Within seconds of gaining hundreds of pounds more of mass... Christophe’s head burst out of the pool like a fetus leaving the womb. Laughing hysterically, Christophe realised that he now stood nearly 65 feet tall. Around him he could see the water spinning faster and faster with him as it’s focal point. With a cry that scattered every bird for miles around, Christophe’s arms began to shudder with a welcomed burning sensation as finally his upper arms joined the rest of his body in its symphony of growth. Lifting his arms out of the water and flexing, Christophe grinned as he watched his upper arm quickly bloat with size and strength… his biceps and triceps becoming thick and dense. A second shout of delirium erupted from Christophe as his clavicle fractured and enlarged to create more room for upper body growth. The prominence of his upper muscles made it difficult to bend his arms even to flex, forcing them to fall slowly down. As the strength and size of his arms continued to grow, Christophe knew that now he could destroy a building with his very hands, pound a mountain into sand… throw a tree miles away… and his strength only grew as his forearms surged with new size. Even the muscles of his hands would easily be able to pulverise the strongest substance to dust. What will the world see when they finally look upon me, Christophe thought as he grew further out of the pond, his pecs now leaving the water behind. I’ve allowed myself to become a total freak… a human monster… a creature of unstoppable strength! The water was soon touching his first set of abs as he surged even larger, his muscles becoming more grotesque with size. I must be 80 feet tall now and still there is so much water to enter me… to fill me! Throughout his growth, Christophe’s head had become only slightly larger then when the day had started. As the water began to enter him faster and faster, and as he proceeded to get even larger, the bones that formed his head began to fracture, stretch, grow, and re-fuse again larger than before. Trying to hold onto his head but finding the size of his lats and his traps made it impossible to reach, Christophe could only feel every aspect of his face getting larger to match his body. Larger and larger and in the throws of agonising bliss… Christophe’s neck muscles grew thicker to support the new weight of his cranium. As his eyes tripled and then quadrupled in size, his cheekbones, mandible, and nose grew as well. Finally, as his chin grew and squared off, and his brow ridge became more prominent, his traps burst larger and more massive than before and fused once again to just below his ears. Looking around at the world, the shrinking pool seemed so far below him as it barely covered his cock. Then, just as his whole body surged even taller… even bigger… Christophe knew this was the moment he had been waiting for, and he cried out as a massive wave of ecstasy hit him. He could feel his cock getting harder than it ever had been before, but it was his balls he really felt it in. He could feel them constantly filling up and churning… filling up and getting heavier. Soon, although he couldn’t see them over his pecs and abs, he could feel his balls swelling… growing larger… and as they grew, Christophe began to get hornier. Very soon his testicles were pulling down on his sack, blowing up like a water balloons Christophe began to pant as he felt his balls become even more hefty. I can barely concentrate, he thought. My mind… so full of lust.. of cock… of fucking… of muscle… MY MUSCLE!! While his balls tripled again in size, Christophe’s penis begins to squirt pre-ejaculate in larger and larger amounts, continuously throbbing and flexing, and getting noticeably thicker. Taken over by pure animal lust, Christophe closes his eyes tight, scrunches his whole massive face, and he could feel the mounting pleasure as his penis began to swell nearly to its bursting point. Smiling, Christophe could hear and feel the flesh of his cock ripping and repairing itself as his cock began to grow thicker… and thicker… longer… and longer… his heart beating faster as more and more blood was pushed into his cock. The weight of his own cock and balls was getting so vast that he could feel them starting to pull on his groin. His balls, growing at the same rate as his mighty shaft could be heard audibly churning more and more seed. Instinctually, Christophe wrapped his hand around his cock and found it was now so thick that he could barely get his own hand around it. As he stroked, pre flowed freely mixing with the remaining water of the pool. Another wave of intense pleasure hit him as blood was forced more into the head causing it to swell and give Christophe the impression that it just might rip in two. Feeling it with his hands, never had he felt a head so thick and meaty and with such a massive piss-slit!! Soon Christoph was using both hands to stroke himself as his cock and balls grew even more titanic. Every second his whole body was growing, but now it seemed it was all mostly focused on his cock. Grunting, Christophe tugged on his cock, feeling it stretch in his hand. - Need… to… fuck!!! Even when I cum…. I know I won’t be satisfied!!! I’m never… going to… be satisfied!!! I’ll live forever… constantly horny!!!! My whole body… so hard… so colossal! Christophe’s cock quickly became as thick as his own forearm, and together his whole body joined in a symphony of growth. As he stroked harder and faster, he realised that his cock was now becoming more sensitive as his body evolved to have thousands more nerve endings embedded throughout it. Opening his eyes, Christophe could finally see his cock over his pecs… so thick and long. Looking around as he stroked, he could see for miles over the trees. I must be at least 80 feet by now and still I grow… the pool only up to my ankles now… soon I will be completely filled… As his balls grew more and more immense, he began to grow even faster, adding on hundreds of pounds of muscle each minute. Christophe’s whole body flexed and grew as his newly evolved testicles sent massive amounts of testosterone flooding into his body and his final evolution went out of control. Like The Keeper, hair erupted all over his body, growing thick on his face and chest. So out of control was his evolution that, where one follicle would once have grown, he now had five or six, making his growing beard thick and dark. Within minutes, Christophe had a full beard that lengthened as he grew. His pecs, now coated in a pelt of jet black hair, grew even more immense so that no matter how much hair he had in his chest… no matter how thick… nothing would ever hide the musculature. Christophe could feel the hairs on his arms and legs growing as well, trailing down onto his hands and feet, and within minutes his underarms had a forest of long jet black hair. With his hands he could feel his pubes growing denser as they covered his pubic mound and ever expanding balls. Veins thicker than pipelines erupted all over his body to further feed his musculature. As this new body needed larger amounts of blood for his elephantine heart to pump, new arteries and veins were formed to send more blood coursing to his muscles. Christophe’s cock, now longer then his arm grew even thicker as pipe-like veins took root, crisscrossing the entire surface and feeding it. So immense was his cock that it stood out as a monument to all things muscle… to all things masculine… to all things powerful. Joining in the constant leaking of precum, Christophe’s nipples began to leak as well. Moving his hand from his cock to his nipples and then moving it as close as he could to his face… he realised that what was flowing out of him were waters from the pool. I am now the pool… he thought. The smell of the water was intoxicating as it emitted the most intense musk of masculinity and sex. The final waters of the pool was quickly being sucked into his feet, and Christophe felt all of his senses become heightened… as he screamed out in one last surge of evolution… his voice became deeper… a rumble of thunder… His body surged even larger as Christophe became the man he always wanted to be… Shooting up taller and thicker with muscle, Christophe let out a roar. Completely filled now with the water, his intellect also grew… the history of the pool… the history of this globe… now resided within him. Taking in his kingdom, Christophe knew he stood larger than 100 feet and weighed as much as a mountain. He was now more powerful than anything on Earth. He was indeed the true Alpha Male… more supreme than anything to come before or after him. As he began to walk, leaving behind an empty crater, he breathed in and discovered he could smell everything… every plant… every tree… every creature. What have I done, Christophe thought. What am I now? What does the pool have instore for me? This is too much even for me to handle. As I walk, the ground shutters… I tower even above the tallest tree… my musculature… nothing has ever existed such as me. Calming his sudden human fears, the wind of his new world blew through his long black hair and caused his titanic nipples to harden and to leak more of his waters. I am now the Vessel, he thought. I am now beyond the Alpha. Soon the chosen would flock to him… soon the chosen would drink from him… soon he would have an army to command… soon he would fuck… - YES!!! SOON I WILL FUCK!!! THE WATER WILL MULTIPLY GROWING EVEN STRONGER… EVEN MORE POWERFUL. The Vessel… which had once been the human Christophe DuPres, stopped walking for thirty minutes to stroke himself to orgasm, his roar echoing for miles as he showered the world down below with his water… with his seed. He was beyond anything imaginable. Soon the world would see him and worship… and what had begun millions of years ago would finally come to fruition. Smelling the air, The Vessel turned in the direction of the Ocean. Yes… it thought… soon we will merge and I will be complete once again!!!
  8. Guest

    Self worship: Pecs

    Hi guys. Here's another one of my self-worship series: time to flex pecs Hope you like it. ----------------------------------- 8:30 am: The clock alarm started buzzing like hell. Greg hardly tried to open his eyes to make sure it was time to wake up. "Aw, fuck..." He was still asleep, and the clock was still buzzing, so he raised his arm, reached the clock, letting his hand fall down onto the button, almost smashing it, and making it finally stop. He started building up his mind for the routine day: having a huge breakfast, then going to gym, have a shower, have his meal, go to work, eat again, rest a bit at home, then eat again before his second gym session of the dat, have his dinner, and then run like hell to lose every ounce of fat and keep his bodyfat as low as possible, then a second shower and sleep. That was his almost every day agenda, and what would have driven crazy to anyone, made him really happy, he just loved it. The only thing that bothered him was his work. He was an engineer, and he loved what he did, but fuck if he were a millionaire he could quit it and fully concentrate on building his body, his true devotion. But until then, he still needed the job. Or, maybe he could find a sponsor for building his body?... Naaah, he thought it a second time and discarded it. "What for? To feel obliged to be worshipped by a bad worshipper every day? No way" He remembered the previous night and regretted again for having accepted that date. He was horned as fuck, too horned, had worked out legs, and had a huge cum after giving himself a self-worship, but he needed more, so he accepted to meet Mark, "the best worshipper you would ever know", in his own words. "Fuck yourself Mark, you're a crap". The guy was only focused on Greg's biceps. He didn't really mind that, he loved to give himself single-muscle worship sessions, but the guy was sooooo fucking boring. The only thing that he wanted was to make Greg flex his biceps and kept them flexed, while he licked them and jacked off. No words, just "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" like a mantra for 15 minutes, who seemed to Greg a whole day. He decided to end that shit, licked his own bicep for the guy, made him cum instantly and sent him home, promising himself not to make the same mistake again: "Greg, don't you EVER meet a worshipper when horned". The worst part of it is that he got so angry with himself that he lost his horniness and went to bed late, horned and with his balls full. And there he was in bed, sleepy as hell, angry again for his mistake, and with a long day ahead. "What do I have to workout today?... Aw yeahh, pecs!!!" That made him happy again, he loved working out pecs. They weren't their fav muscles but fuck, he had a special ability, or genetics, to have a HUGE pump who could last for days. "Ok, let's do some reps, maybe I will get fully awake with it". He got off from bed, got to the floor, kept in a perfect push up position, his 375lbs resting just on his hands and started repping: "1, 2, 3..." He could still feel the cramps from last pecs session, almost a week ago, but he loved that feeling. "21, 22, 23, ..." He started feeling the blood flowing through his pecs. "61, 62, 63, ..." Fuck now he started feeling horned again. "Come on Greg, focus on your pecs, not on your cock. 101, 102, 103..." Now, in the 100th rep, was when he felt their pecs pumped to the max, and the next ones were the ones that made him grow. "131, 132,...hell yeahhh". Now he was fully horned, he couldn't resist it, the feeling of the muscle growing with each rep was too much. He closed his eyes and visualized his pecs working in each rep: when down in the floor, fully extended, fibers freaky visible for havig his skin fully stretched, his insertions in the delts, then starting to raise up, his fibers contracting to pull the arms down and make his 375lbs raise. He could even visualize how the upper fibers started contracting at first, and then, when he was 15cm away from the floor, the upper fibers started working, contracting themselves and pushing him upper. He could even feel the burn of each muscle part and he fucking loved it. Then, when fully up, he hit a huge final crunch, forcing his inner fibers to crunch like hell, making his pecs pop out like two meat balloons. He let himself go with that image he made up in his mind, but then opened his eyes, looked to his pecs and saw them, but much better than what he had imagined: he could see his huge cleavage, the insertions of the pecs in the sternon, every single fiber insertion perfectly thick, huge, like a knife stuck in the middle of his torso, forming a perfect valley, but not in a line, but like a saw. He saw the size of the pecs, HUGE, popping out at least 10cm away from his ribcage, the insertion in the collarbone, shredded even in that position where those fibers didn't really work. He couldn't even find the smallest wrinkle in the join with his arm, his skin was so fucking tight that all of it was filled with muscle. That image was his fucking own muscle lust, and he entered that "zone" where he wasn't really him, but a self-loving muscle freak. He rolled up his eyes and went on repping: "200, 201, 202, ..." With each rep, he visualized the image of his pecs working, getting harder at that image. He wouldn't stop until failing, and that was going to last. "300, 301, 302, ..." His pecs burned like hell, making his cock harder and harder with each burning. "350, 351, ..." He began to lose his strength "362... FUUCKKKKK". He let his body drop, couldn't do another rep, and the sound of his body falling made his dog bark, freaked out. 375lbs falling down onto the floor made him feel as if there was an earthquake. Greg was exhausted, taking enormous quantities of air with each breath, but he was even hornier than before. He placed his huge fists and feet on the floor and raised his sweating 375lbs of muscle, maybe a bit less for so much sweating. He walked like a zombie, feeling a huge pain in his pecs muscles, knowing that this was going to be his biggest pump ever. He finally got to the bathroom, still in shades, reached the light switch and pushed it... And the sight of himself in the mirror just shocked him even harder... He couldn't really recognize his own muscle frame. His pecs were wider than ever, even relaxed, framing much wider that his armpits. The shape of them was almost perfectly squared. The followed the cuts of them wit his eyes, mesmerized with them: the freaky insertion in the delts muscle, as if the muscle were emerging from below the deltoids. It didn't even look like a single insertion, but every fiber bunch inserting into the deltoid, as if the pec were at least five smaller pecs growing from the shoulder. He followed the outer line of the pec, a bit inclined towards the upper abs. All that line was blurry, because of the fibers and striations that were running his pecs horizontally and hiding behind he pecs, inserting in his ribcage, in the part that was covered by his own pec. He raised his right hand and placed it behind his huge pec, finding the insertions of the fibers in the ribcage with his fingertips. He traced that insertion slowly, feeling the saw-like line that formed it. The feeling of that horned him even harder, making his cock grow longer, thicker, and making his huge cockhead slit drip some precum. He left his left pec free visible again for himself and went on enjoying his view. The outer line ended in his thick huge nipple, pointing down for so much meat on his pec. The fibers in his lower pecs were not completely parallel to the other ones, making clearly visible that those fibers helped the muscle make another movements different than the upper pec. He made a slow muscle contraction of the lower pec, really slow, from the bottom up, making the lower striations look deeper than the upper ones. When the muscle wave reached his nipple, it made it point a bit up, long, round and thick, freaky hard from so much blood in his pecs. He let his left pec fully contract in a wave of muscle running up, getting freaky hard, freaky striated, shredded everywhere, dry as fuck. Then he looked at the image: his right pec relaxed, but even so freaky shredded; but his left pec fully contracted, GROTESQUE, DRY, ALL-FIBER, HUGE, INSANE. Any word that came up to his head couldn't really describe what he saw, but his cock could. Now it was fully erect, huge as fuck, almost 15 inches of a thick, meaty muscle now dripping precum non stop. He got a handful of that pre and started sliding it all over his flexed pec. He loved the feeling of his pre in the muscle, the smell, no oil felt that good: He sticked his thumb between the pecs, running the cleavage, oiling it, feeling the freaky hard fibers grating his own finger, but he went on squeezing it harder and harder. Then with his handfull, all five fingers rubbing his huge pec, the palm feeling the whole pec, cupping it. He let his index finger work slowly gently on his nipple, and his full body contracted in pleasure. What could drive him wild as fuck was the idea of someone slowly worshipping his nipple, with his tongue tip. He imagined that in his mind, and got to a higher level of muscle lust. He relaxed his contracted pec, got a huge breath, making his chest expand almost 5 inches wider, freaky, shredded as fuck even in that position, skin stretched, he locked his eyes into his own pecs through the mirror, clenched his teeth and hit the freakiest most muscular pose ever. "FUCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THAT'S IT FUCKER!!!!!" His pecs exploded into two freaky balloons of shredded muscles. They no longer looked like muscles, but like a bunch of fibers, placed one on top of the other, freaky huge insertions everywhere: into his cleavage, into his collarbone, the insertions in his delts freakiest than ever, framed by his huge biceps around them. The view was freaky as fuck, relaxed and contracted them a couple of times, but not slowly, he just wanted to see their pecs explode once and again, and that's what he got: freaky ballons of muscle fibers popping out of his body. Then he looked at the huge pit that his lower pecs formed with his upper abs, making a deep cave made of muscle walls. His cock was harder and longer than ever, he contracted his groin and made his cock raise up up up, and reaching that fuckage cave. He helped his cock and inserted his head in the deep pit and crunched both his abs and his pecs harder, catching his cockhead hard between them. He started humping his own pecs, pushing hard up and grinding his cock with his lower pecs, feeling the fibers with his head, even hurting it because of the hardness of the fibers. But it doesn't mattered, what mattered was that he was in the "zone", he could only think of his muscles, in loving them. He started crunching and relaxing both lower pecs alternatively, slowly jacking his cockhead, leaking precum non stop. He crunched his upper pecs, making such a huge cut in his collarbone so freaky it seemed the pecs were about to pop out of his body. Fuck he loved watching himself being a fucking pec freak. He stopped humping and concentrated of jacking his cockhead. He flexed his lower pecs more and more, giving his pecs a huge jack off, enjoying both the jackoff, but above all the ability of being able of self jack off with his pecs. He felt his balls working hard to make all that cum flow up, the burn of his horniness from head to toe, making his cock get about to cum, but his burn concentrating on his pecs, the aim of his lust, not his cock or his orgasm, but his pecs. But now it was time to let it go. He hit a couple of last crunches, shredding them more than before, giving a huge squeeze in his cock head and making his cock cum like a hose. "YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH FUUUUCKKKKK". The first blast cum laid on his chin, the second blast laid on his left pec, and the rest of them flowing down his cock and his balls. Still horned as fuck, he got all his cock cum with his left hand and started rubbing all along his right pec, covering it and relaxing both of them. He slowly touched his nips with his cummy fingers, and the feeling of his own muscle cum in their hyper sensitive nips made his cock launch a huge last blast of cum right into the mirror. "Fuck, i can't wait to do this again after the workout".
  9. Guest

    Self worship: quads

    Hi guys, a new one, focused on an intense quad workout Hope you like it. ............................................. "Grrrrrrrrrrr......... 9" The pain was freaky intense, but he had to finish the series. He went for the 10th one, almost hard from the intense workout... "Ffffffffuckkkkkkkkk" He started raising the leg, and saw how his right foot was elevating the weight in the leg extensions machine. It wasn't a quick movement, Greg never liked doing quick movements, slow ones made the muscles work harder and, what was the best, observe how the fibers contracted and made his quad get freaky cut. He stopped the elevation about 10cm from the end, making the quads work intensely. It hurted like hell, but he knew the effect of this self-inflicted pain: it would keep his body fat low, really low, burning the last ounce of fat and carbs to stay in a perfect 0%bf condition. He looked at this quad and stood amazed, once again, at it, and got completely hard, his cock fully erect from the excitation of watching that freaky and beautiful work of art that was his own leg. He looked again at his leg, and saw that the knee was barely visible, being his teardrop as thick as it was. He admired how the muscle started at the middle of his thigh, emerging from below the rectus and flowing right under the sartorius muscles. Huge, thick, getting wider and wider as it approaches the knee, growing into a huge thick round teardrop head, almost covering the knee, and making the leg look like a boneless slab of muscle. He caressed the huge quad, as if he were trying to calm the pain down. Each caress made his cock tremble, as if he were jacking off his own cock, instead of being caressing his muscles. "Fuck, it's getting harder and harder each day". The feeling was fucking intense. When he touched any muscle on himself, he got instantly hard. And when touching his thigh, the effect was 10 times more intense. Quads was his favourite muscle group, he trained as much as he could. He moved his paper thin skin over the quad, very slightly, and saw how the superficial veins crawled over the cuts and fibers of the quad. He got hard with that sight. Fuck, how much he loved to see himself as a shredded freak!!. His balls contracted a bit, about to erupt before ending the series, but he had such a huge control over his cock and balls, that he could stop it. He stared at his quads again... "I'm going too far with this shredding stuff, but FUCK I love it" Yeah he loved it, he could be working out quads and watching himself grow for days, and he wouldn't need anything else. Just eat, to keep growing, but that's all. He traced the teardrop with his finger, making the skin get tight, freaky tight all over the cut. Then he cupped the teardrop with his hand, not covering it completely, so thick as it was. He turned the leg outwards, withouth relaxing the contraction, and making his inner thigh show up and make all the effort. The movement made his cock twitch a bit, getting him to the limit once again... but he could stop it again, and focused again on his inner thigh "Fuck, i love this muscle shit". That muscle shit was his sartorius muscle. The most freaky, insane, and weird muscle he had, and one of his fav ones. He saw how that long long muscle emerged from the knee. He could almost see the insertion in the bone, and followed the muscle with his finger, from the beginning, and crawing up, crossing over the end of the teardrop, and ended inserting right under the hip muscle. He lost his cock control just enough to let a huge and thick drop of cum jump and end right on the end of the muscle, next to the knee. "Fuck, it's like a giant cock right on top of the leg", he loved to thick of that muscle as if it was a freaky cock made of muscle. He turned the leg inwards again, to focus on the outer muscle, the vastus lateral and the middle head. And that was the freak show he love to make to himself. He had learnt how to make the ceps relax and contract one by one. At the beginning of the movement, he loved to watch the middle head of the quad getting thick, emerging between the teardrop and the lateral, making it deeper and deeper the cut with the lateral. And then, when turning the leg completely inwards, he saw how that middle head went down, overwhelmed by the size of the teardrop and the lateral head. This last one grew HUGE, it was insane, it was like a freaky second teardrop on his leg. He got horned as fuck again, his cock about to cum, and it got worst when he started to squeeze the lateral cep. "OMFG, this fucking lateral muscle is getting GROSS" And it was, in that position the muscle fibers were clearly visible, the fibers crossing from the knees all over the muscle, surrounding the huge cep and ending in the hamstring muscle. FUCK the view was amazing, in the "horizon" of his thigh, the cuts from the striations were freaky visible, as if the thigh were a ridge make of muscles and striations. He placed his leg again in the start position, to finish the rep and enjoy his view and his muscle orgasm. "Come on Greg, let's fucking enjoy this". He took a deep breath and got ready for the final crunch. Cock fully erect, cum ready and the blood ready to make that freaky gross quad crunch like hell. "Aaaarrrgggggggggggghhhhh" In a quick and final crunch, he finished raising the last 10cm and made his quad EXPLODE. Almost literally exploding into a million fibers, dozens of freaky deep cuts all over his legs. Not just the 4 main heads of the quad, but the rest of the smaller muscles in the leg, transforming it into a freaky and grotesque mass of fibers and striations. "That's it you fucker!!!!" He fucking loved that shit. He got horned, dirty, kinky, everything at the same time, when watching what he could do with his thigh. His balls were hurting, the orgasm was there, impossible to hold it anymore, but there was one more thing to do. He had prepared the machine to add 100lbs more when he wanted, and he wanted it right now. He released the plates, that falled onto the other plates and added 100lbs more to his already painful muscles. "FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK" The leg EXPLODED again. His 4 ceps feathered at the same time. "SHITTTTTTTTTT. Look at that fucking shit!!!!!!!" It was impossible to distinguish where it ended one muscle and where it started the others. All the muscle was FIBERS, it was unbelievable, out of words. The veins popped out, trying to carry all the blood that the leg needed, He loved that view, seeing his own leg turned into a freak show for himself!!!! He couldn't imagine how would one true worshipper enjoy all that pure muscle display. He could resist it anymore and started jacking off, but not his cock, but his leg. With both hands he grabbed as much muscle as he could, and started squeezing them all over the thigh, moving the skin all over the muscle, jacking off like hell. His freaky leg feeling that every stroke is like jacking his dickskin, and sending the horniness right into his cock and balls. He did that as much as he could resist... That was his own muscle heaven, and then... "FUUUCKKKK YESSSSSSSSSSSSS" He started cumming like a hose. A huge first shot of cum flew right onto the teardrop. Second shot flew into the cut between the lateral and middle head, and the rest of the shots landed everywhere in the leg, covering his feathered muscles with cum. Fuck how he loved to cum to his own muscles. As much as flexing them, growing them, and turning himself into a freaky beast. Now he was satisfied. ".... and TEN"
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