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Here's Part 4 of the Maximus Protein Series. This is (seriously) the last chapter. Thanks for reading! Travis was on the floor, breathing heavy, covered in cum and sweat and drool, having just swallowed what must have been gallons of Dan's cum. I looked over at the tub of Maximus Protein lying empty on the kitchen floor. "Travis.... did you... drink..." "All of it" Travis said with an exhausted smile on his face. "I drank the protein, and I drank the special ingredient." He gestured toward sperm-donator Dan, who appeared to have fallen asleep right on the table in a post-orgasm bliss. His eyelids fluttered as he snored softly, the huge bulk of his body rising and falling rhythmically with his breath. This was no time to be napping, but Dan looks so adorably innocent there, with his mouth slightly open, I figured it was better to let the behemoth sleep for now. "Ooohhh" Travis groaned from the floor as the rumbling in his stomach grew louder. "I think I drank too much, Scott. I don't feel so good." "I'll say. What the fuck is wrong with you Travis?" I remembered how angry I was that I hadn't gotten to drink any of Dan's cum explosion. I had barely stopped growing, but I was eager to feel myself swell again. If I couldn't drink Dan's, then maybe I could drink from Travis, who, if dosages had anything to do with amount of growth, was about to explode. I watched him carefully as he held his distended stomach and writhed around on the floor. He didn't look like he was growing, he look like he was about to puke. What a waste. I picked his body up carefully, which now felt so small in my giant arms, like picking up a dog, and laid him on the couch while he groaned and shook. he looked pale. "I think you might have just overdosed yourself buddy." Just sweat it out and see what happens. I watched him for a minute for any signs of growth, but nothing happened, just more groaning and intermittent stomach grumbling. "So much for getting your money's worth" I said as I turned away and walked to the mirror over the fireplace. I had felt myself change but I hadn't gotten a good look at myself yet. What I saw was astounding. I had gone from being a slightly fit twink to being a legitimate red haired muscle god. Pushing back my copper colored hair, I admired my strong masculine brow, my roman nose, which had always looked slightly awkward on my face, was now perfectly fitting with the rest of my features. I had evolved into a higher form of man. My Jaw was perfectly squared and evenly covered with a thick beard that complimented it perfectly. Even my lips seemed more masculine and commanding. I couldn't wait to his the bars and see how people reacted to my new looks. I looked kind of ferocious, like a wolf-man. I wondered if I would actually scare guys off. I did an experimental double bicep flex and was shocked at the mountains that rose into view on each of my arms. I brought my arms down into a crab pose, barely even flexing, and still muscle bulged from every angle. I looked like I could kill a man with one punch. I was turning myself on, big time. My sixteen inch cock was rising to attention anew, begging to finally release the load that had been churning in my balls since I transformed, and it would only take a minute to pump it out right here. Why not? I grabbed my tool with both of my huge hands, almost hurting myself with my newly stronger grip, and began pumping away, instantly moaning to myself as I felt what new pleasures my new XL body could bring. I had my eyes shut in ecstasy as I was on the edge of release. I flexed my abs and glutes, arching myback as I neared the point of no return, grunting and growling wildly. Just as I was on the edge, I felt two more hands, much smaller than mine, grip onto my cockhead as a tongue licked up my glans. "OH FUCK!" I jolted with shock and pleasure and snapped open my eyes just in time to see little Travis, having snuck off the couch, clamping his mouth down on my cockhead. "TRAVIS NO-AAAAAGGGHHH!!" I shouted but I was past the point of no return. I unloaded a boiling hot jet of cum straight down my roommate's throat. Then another, and another, and another, causing him to sputter and choke, tears streaming out of his eyes, but still he held on, jamming almost my whole cockhead in his mouth. Minutes passed as my head swam with pleasure and fear. I could barely think straight I was in so much orgasmic pleasure, but I knew I was unloading a record amount of spunk into my already full roommate. If he hadn't been ill before, this could be truly dangerous. "TRAVIS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I shouted as my head cleared form my orgasm. Travis just gasped and wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist. "Thanks *gulp* broaahhh" He patted his stomach, now sticking out like a pot belly under his wifebeater shirt. "That was *burp* just the ticket." "TRAVIS YOU ALREADY OVERDOSED FROM DAN, THIS MUCH MIGHT KILL YOU." "Nah" he said with a cocky shake of his head. "I actually didn't get enough! You gotta *urrp* read the uh, fine print *burp-ahhh*. When you drink a glass of the protein *ooouhhh* you gotta drink a *buh* proportionate amount of cum to *ahh* activate it!" I shook my head in disbelief. Travis took a seat on the floor as he continued to burp and massage his grumbling stomach. He was sweating like a pig and looking quite a bit like one too. "Dan wasn't too much *ulp* cum, man, he wasn't *burp* ENOUGH! So thanks for the help! Now I can *urrrrrrrp* really get going" I was in shock. I was mouthing "what the fuck" to myself just as I saw Travis suddenly sit bolt upright with a look of surprise on his face. He burped loudly and his whole body kind of jumped. "What was that?!" he said aloud, to no one in particular, as his body spasmed and jumped again. He might have not noticed it yet but there seemed to be a little more of Travis every time his body spasmed. There was a little more muscle in the slender legs that were sticking out of his boxers, and his tank top looked a little more closely fit on him. *burp* Travis burped and involuntarily jerked his limbs. There was definitely some growth starting. There was even a little more bulge in the front of his boxers. "Am I *urp* growing yet, Scott? Can you *urp* tell? Ah!" Travis looked down as his latest spasm made his dick jerk against the front of his boxers, there was a respectable tent showing down there now. "Can you find my glasses?" he asked as he looked down at his arms. "I can't tell if anything's *UNHH* happening *AHH* yet" I was speechless. The guy had just taken an elephant dose of muscle growing protein powder and downed what must be enough cum for a hundred men, and here he was still acting like the nerd who loses his glasses. "I think you'll know soon enough" I said, watching as his feet inched a little further across the floor with every grunt and spasm. RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP Travis threw his head back and moaned loudly as another spurt of growth caused his dick to tear out of the front of his boxers. It had to be about a foot long already, and Travis still hadn't grown that much yet. "UHMMM FUCK!" Travis exclaimed in a throaty (deeper already?) voice as he gave his cock a stroke. This seemed to accelerate the growth a bit, and his next two spasms took Travis from looking bigger to actually filling his boxers tightly. His white wifebeater shirt was now pulling down at the chest as his pecs bounced bigger with his stroking. the outlines of a six pack were showing through his soaked shirt. The arm he was using to prop himself up on the ground was now veiny and pulsing bigger and bigger as his triceps started to ripen over his elbow. "UMF! Scott I don't think I *URP* need my *UHN* glasses anymooOOOH!" Travis shook as he was hit by a big growth spurt that seemed to put a whole foot and 50 lbs of muscle on his frame in a second. His boxers were now tightly wrapped around bulky, muscular legs that were quivering and shaking with his stroking. The seams were tearing along the edges to reveal more sweaty hairy muscle bulging out. His wifebeater was hanging on by threads as his chest seemed ready to pop the shoulder straps at any minute. "YUP! I CAN SEE I'M DEFINITELY GROWING NO-O-O-OWWWHHHHHHFUUUUCK!" He bellowed as a new spurt hit his body and he simultaneously burst right out of his boxers while his whole upper body flexed the wifebeater into threads. Travis was now BIG, looking like a heavyweight professional bodybuilder, but off-season, cause he was sprinkled in brown hair and had a nice amount of body fat accentuating his muscles. He flexed his huge size 15 feet, and pounded a massive fist on the floor as another spasm took him just a bit bigger. Most noticeable of all was his giant dick, standing up at 16 inches, and complimented by two of the biggest, juiciest balls I had ever seen, spilling onto the floor between his legs and pulsing, actually pulsing as they generated more and more testosterone for their owner. "Scott *UNH* get a *AAHHH* load of this growth bro!" He was furiously pumping and groaning and he pulsed and flexed slightly bigger again. Now he was starting to worry me. He had to be close to six and a half, seven feet tall now, and inching bigger every minute. Already his dick was starting to rival mine, and there was no way he would be done soon. If I had any hope of not being the absolute smallest guy in the room, I had only one option: to drink Travis' cum. After all, he had taken mine already, right? He owed it to me. "Need a hand, stud?" I asked as I crouched down and palmed his softball size testicles with my hands. Another *UMF* from Travis and they grew even bigger in my hands, grapefruit size now. "I take that as a yes" I said as I started stroking his shaft with both hands. "AHhhhh Thanks bro!"Travis moaned even louder as he took his hand (which was bigger than mine already) off of his shaft and immediately started squeezing his meaty pecs, pinching each big brown nipple and causing little mini-growth spurts. Was he able to control his growth? I knelt down and started sucking Travis' rod with all the gusto I had. "Who-AAHAH!" Travis howled as he spasmed again and I felt his dick expand another inch into my already stuffed mouth. I used my hands to massage his giant testicles, squeezing them in my powerful grip, aching to get a taste of his man juice. Pre cum was oozing constantly out of his dick, making everything incredibly slick. I found some rhythm, pumping my head and trying not to choke on his pulsing dick as his grunts got louder and longer. Finally, I felt a vibration in his balls as they tightened in his scrotum, his cock flexed and grew even bigger in my mouth, causing me to almost panic but I held on. I needed to get his cum down my throat no matter what. His dick was boiling hot to the touch, I could feel the burst of cum about to travel up his shaft. Suddenly, I felt a giant hand grab the back of my hair and yank me off of Travis' dick. I was too shocked to fight it. I had forgotten about Dan! "What the-!!" But it wasn't Dan that had grabbed me away at the moment that Travis was about to shoot. It was Travis himself! The gargantuan man had thrown me off of his own dick and was now jerking himself off furiously and aiming for his own mouth!. "Travis NO!" I shouted but I was too late. With a frantic growl Travis shot like a firehose, hitting his own mouth directly, gurgling and sputtering but drinking it too, just like he had with Dan. "FUck!" Another thick rope of jism erupted from his dick, the majority of his going straight into his huge throat, the rest of his splashing over his stubbly square jaw and trickling down his neck onto his heaving pecs. Rope after rope shot out, Travis grunting and burping, but drinking more, then leaning forward and clamping his lips straight onto his own cockhead, sucking out every drop. I could only watch in disgusted shock. This growing giant had already taken Dan's load, then mine, and now he was guzzling his own? What was even going to happen to him? Dan fell back, orgasm subsiding, and belched loudly as his head popped up slightly higher. He had a smile of total satisfaction on his scruffy face. I was furious. Travis how could you do that to me?!? I exclaimed, not knowing whether to deck him or start pumping my own cock, which was, of course, hard again. I couldn't help feeling a bit turned on by Travis' sudden transformation into an insatiable cum guzzling muscle pig. "I'm *burp* sorry bud! I know you *ulp* wanted some, but I just get soooooooooo *URRRRP* THIRSTY!" "What the fuck is happening to you" I said, more of a statement than a question. I was pretty turned on by what I was seeing, and my cock was standing ramrod straight. Dan suddenly jumped up from the floor and I was shocked to discover that he was almost eye level with me now. He was almost as tall, but a lot wider, looking like a bodybuilder in off season. "What are you gonna do about it? He said cockily, showing his slightly protruding muscle gut into me a bit. I was more turned on that ever. No way this could be the same Travis I had been living with the past year. Guys get a bit of muscle and their whole personality changes, but this Travis was unrecognizable. He almost seemed to growl as he stared up at me, teeth clenched. I decided to call his bluff and spat directly in his face. "What are YOU gonna do about it, runt?" I said, privately shocked at my own new cocky attitude. Travis growled like a lion and wiped my spit off his face. The look of anger on his ultra-masculine face made me doubt my tactics. There was a new, almost feral look in his eye, one that hinted at certain shades of violence and lust. "I'll show you" he said calmly, and sucker punched me straight in the gut, catching me off-guard and causing me to double over in pain. Travis took his opportunity and grabbed me as I was doubled over and quickly position himself behind me pressing himself into me and holding he down with one strong hand on my back. I almost fell, but his strong grip held me up. Suddenly I felt his other hand, wet with precum, roughly lube up between my legs. I was scared, but I wasn't going to stop him, not when I was this close to getting his next load. Despite my newly giant, size, Travis cock still felt absolutely massive entering my hole. I gasped loudly as he rammed it in, yelling out in pain before feeling a huge shiver of pleasure wash over me. The shock of Travis doing this to me was mixed with the thrill of excitement. I couldn't believe this was happening. As Travis began to pump his still-expanding dick inside of me, I looked down at my own massive hands holding me up, the tensed, thick bulging arms that I never thought I'd see connected to my own shoulders. But these weren't my shoulders either, these were true cannonball delts now, the kind only seen on advanced bodybuilders that abused steroids. Was I on steroids? Is that was was int he Maximus Protein that had caused the truly freaky transformations of Dan, me, and Travis this afternoon? I stared at my huge hard cock slapping rhythmically against my washboard eight pack abs, I could feel my hefty balls swaying pendulously between my legs. Travis slammed into me, still grunting and occasionally shuddering as spasms of growth hit him at irregular intervals. I could feel his cock lurching bigger inside of me with every shake of his mammoth body. Soon I noticed it was actually darker in the room. Was the sun going down? I felt Travis's weight shift behind me as I saw his hands come down in front of me. Next to my giant hands, these looked absolutely monstrous. I was afraid to turn my neck and look to see how big Travis was now, but I when I did turn my head all I saw was the side of one of his heavy pecs, bigger than my head, with his underarm close to my shoulder I saw the bushy hair protruding from his armpit. Just the smell from his armpit was intoxicating and sent shivers up my spine as I inhaled deeply. It was the most pungent, most manly musk I had ever smelled. One inhale and I felt high on pure pheromones. Travis was on all fours, above me, his whole body eclipsing mine as he continued to pump his dick into mine. I could feel his muscle gut developing, sliding on my back with his thrusts at first, then starting to actually rest on my back as he grew bigger and his grunts grew louder. "TRAVIS YOU"RE GETTING TOO BIG" I yelled, but he only responded by grunting as he pumped into me more and more. His cock in my ass was starting to become painful as is tensed with a new pop of growth, Travis shook all over, Grunts lowering by another octave. I tried to squirm away from him but his arms had my huge body locked in on either side. His heavy muscle gut was pressing on my back and making it difficult for me to move, it was slowly pinning me flat on the floor. "TRAVIS STOP YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" I yelled as loud as I could. I was about to get suffocated while being fucked to death by my giant roommate. "TRAVIS NO! YOU'RE TOO BIG!" Travis roared deeply in response. But then, he actually stopped pumping. I felt some of the weight of his gut lift off of me as he repositioned himself back onto his knees, and pulling out of my ass with a loud wet slick sound. "ARE YOU HURT?" his voice now sounded like it was being amplified through a stadium speaker. He was practically whispering but it sounded like a fog horn with a bass booster on it. I was relieved, and surprised. The hulk still had a little Banner in him. "I'm okay" I said, on my hands and knees, breathing heavily. "You just...scared me....." Even thought I now possessed the strength of a dozen men and a body that could fight a moose, I felt like a small boy under him. "I'M SORRY" Travis said. It was funny to hear a genuine tenderness in such an intimidating voice. "CAN WE...... UH.... CONTINUE?" All my anger melted away with this oddly touching, nervous question. I always wondered what Travis was like in bed, and now I was getting the XXXXXXXXL version of the surprisingly caring lover that I had supposed him to be. "Yeah" I said, and I finally actually turned to face him, and almost fell back down again. Travis reached his giant arms toward me, now bigger than my own legs, and said in a soft yet commanding baritone "C'MERE BOY." He was absolutely massive. As tall as I was standing up, his head was still a foot higher than me while he was on his knees. And he was WIDE. As I allowed him to pick me up and bring me close he took up almost my whole field of vision. He looked like a fucking viking, with shaggy hair, and a bushy beard that had sprouted up while he was growing. It made him look fierce and warrior like. His traps rose out of his shoulders almost to his ears, his neck was thicker than his head. And his shoulders were beyond being boulders, I was looking at whole mountain range. As he pulled me closer to him the striations rippled through his pecs, now covered in a pelt of deep brown hair, resting on top of a muscular gut. He was a mountain of a man in full-on bear mode. And right under his stomach, between his two titanic furry thighs, resting on top of the biggest balls I had ever seen, was his still hard cock rising up to me. It was dripping precum in a constant flow in anticipation of going into my ass again. I was ready and willing to let this giant put his seed in me. And when he did, I would become a giant too. "READY to CONTINUE?" He boomed. I nodded and jumped onto his dick, feeling it push into me with little resistance and howling with pleasure. Travis made me hold onto his traps as he bucked into me. Effortlessly slamming his multi-foot cock into me and holding almost all of my 500 pounds easily in his arms. "Come on, Travis! I want your giant cum!" I yelled, as I held on for dear life as he bucked away. I dug in and squeezed his traps with my powerful hands, then clenched as he increased his pace. He was getting close. Then I heard a loud hiccup from Travis and looked up to see a surprised look on his face. "OOPS *HIC* I THOUGHT I WAS *HIC*.... DOE GRO*HIC*WING..... BUT I GUESS NOT!" Every hiccup made his mountainous shoulders spring up just a little higher, as his whole body shuddered. His pecs flexed and bulged out more...and more.... and more with each hiccup. And most importantly his dick, already on the edge of what I could handle, pushed into me more and more. Travis shut his eyes and squeezed me right up against his huge warm body as the feelings shook through him. "OH!......FFFFFFFFFF.............FFFF........FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK" The shuddering gave way to a massive full body orgasm as Travis bellowed out and unleashed a fire hose of cum into me, instantly overfilling my insides and spilling out onto his balls. Travis could only moan loudly as the orgasm tore through his body and caused multiple aftershocks. I was pulling off of his cock, which only made more room for the cum he dumping into me. If this stuff had any kind of potency, I'd be leaving the world of normal humans behind in no time. "AAAAWWWWWWW" Travis fell back against the wall, crushing wha was left of the sofa to splinters. "Hey man, I'm not finished!" I yelled, pumping my rod at him. Travis pulled me forward and held me up to rub my dick between his pecs, which were deep enough to feel like a whole new orifice. "Ah fuck!" I was quickly getting close as he tensed and bounced his pecs against my cock. He playfully opened his mouth as my cock grew toward it, sticking his huge tongue out to playfully flick at the head. "Oh FUCK Trav!" I squirted a couple spurts of precum onto his face, coating his beard in sticky fluid. He lapped it up like a bear licking honey. Just as he was about to clamp his mouth onto my nearly-bursting cock, I stopped him. I held his huge square jaw closed with my hand, then waved a finger in his face. "Nah-uh. None for you this time, greedy bastard." Travis groaned loudly as he let go of me and I slid down his body. "Don't worry big guy, there's plenty to go around" I said as I walked toward the dining room table where Dan was still somehow passed out on the table. "But I owe Dan here a little help." I gently tapped (okay kind of slapped) his handsome dopey face and he jolted awake, looking dazed and adorably confused. "Holy SHIT!" He said when he saw the looming form of Travis taking up the whole living room. "Whaaat the ffuck did I miss?" He said confusedly, starting to rise up from the table and rub his head. "No time to explain buddy! I've got something that needs attending to!" I said as I pointed to my fully erect dick, which was ready to blow at any minute. "Yes SIR" Said Dan, huge grin on his face as he wasted no time in pulling himself to the side of the table and opening his mouth wide. I slid my cock in and before I could even get two pumps the sheer sucking force of his mouth and the pressure of his huge tongue against the glans caused me to go off like a rocket. I curled my toes and rocked back in forth in bliss as I pumped gallons of cum into his mouth. He finally coughed and pulled away, cum spilling out of his mouth and onto the floor. "Oh fuck! I'm still going!" I yelled, surprised to see new jets of cum still pumping out. I reached into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing that came to hand- the empty blender that Dan had used to make the initial batch of Maximus Protein, kicking off this whole situation. I had the big blender pitcher about halfway full when my cum flood subsided and I could think straight again. What was I going to do with the leftover cum? Surely I could drink some. I had just taken the biggest load of all time from Travis, and my very full abdomen was already starting o cramp and hint at the growth surge to come. I tingled with excitement thinking about what that cum was going to do to my physique. I lifted the pitcher to my lips to take a sip. I was a growing boy, after all. Then I heard a loud knock on the door that made me jump. Who the fuck could that be? Surely some neighbors had heard us. I grabbed a blanket and sloppily wrapped it around my waist, which didn't do much to cover much of anything, but I had to look at least somewhat presentable. I was about to give whoever was outside the shock of their life, probably. I opened the door not to see a stranger, but to see three of Travis and Dan's close buddies. There was Steve, a somewhat shorter guy who was slightly balding already, but the guys called him Chimp because of his apeman appearance. Then there was Swole Nick, who up until this afternoon had been the biggest and strongest of the group, the guy who always pulled all the women and had the respect of all men due to his imposing stature, chiseled good looks, and steely, confident demeanor. Finally there was Stick Nick, who was called that because where Swole Nick was thick with muscle, Stick Nick was thin and wiry, the polar opposite of his bigger friend. I towered over all three of them as they looked up at me awestruck. "Holy fuck." Swole Nick finally spoke. "The shit really works. Dan told us to get here as soon as we were done at the gym but I didn't expect..... I didn't....." I couldn't help but puff out my chest a little bit and enjoy the feeling of being stared at by men who had hardly even glanced at me before. "Yeah, I guess it works" I said cockily, flexing a mighty bicep and hearing Steve yelp a little bit in surprise. "Well it's a good thing Dan told me to bring the tub that I bought" Stick Nick said, and I saw that he was holding at his side a very familiar sight. "Pretty much blew the bank buying this shit, so let's hope it uh, pays off." He turned the tub of MAXIMUS PROTEIN that he was holding and held it up in front of him. "Got anything to mix this with?" He said. I looked down at the pitcher half-full of cum that was still in my hand. "I've got just the thing for that."
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It's been a while since I've written a story, and my first time posting on here! Let me know if you guys enjoy this so far and what you're looking forward to! Thank you! Chapter 1: “Banks, why are you always being so pushy? I already told you I’ll be coming over tonight to play that game you keep begging to play.” “Sorry I know I know, I’m just tired of having to play scrabble with my dad on game nights alone. Especially parcheesi. You know how he gets about that.”, Banks grimaced at the thought of having to spend another game night alone with his father. Sure, he loved his step-dad like any other son would, but sometimes, he needed his space. His father had become more clingy in the last couple years since Banks had gone to college. Being that his mother was no longer with them, and the old man did not really date (or mention that he did?), he most often than not wanted Banks to spend as much time with him as he could. That is partially the reason why he went to community college as well, so he would be closer to his father. Alessandro, was also another reason. Both boys had gotten along in their last year of high school, talking about the sports they played, Alessandro to lacrosse as Banks was to swimming, and overall had many similar hobbies. Not to mention, both guys being gay didn’t help. Sure the two fooled around a couple times when they were extra horned up after practice and didn’t have any dates lined up, which two gay guys didn’t? It was mutual friends with benefits. “You’re gonna have to go over the rules again when I go to your house. Your stud of a dad is going to keep distracting me while I play. You know that.”, Alessandro sighed. “I got ya covered old buddy ol’ pal. Besides, I went out thrifting and found this new board game so we wouldn’t be stuck in the same loop of playing the same stuff all the time. I already told my dad I got a new game.” “And? What is it called?”Alessandro opened up his can of monster energy drink and began to gulp it down bit by bit. “The box called it the Simulated Universe. I didn’t really pay attention to the back but the box looked cool. It has little pieces inside that make us move around a board and we pull cards. Ya know, the basic stuff in any board game. Now hurry your bubbly ass up!”, Banks reached over, placing all his weight on his sturdy friend's shoulder. Nearly choking, “Let me have this! I’m gonna need all the energy I can get after that practice. No fair you get to do your sport in the pool and I am forced to slave away on the hot field all day.” ===================================================================== Alessandro carpooled with Banks on the way home to good ol’ suburbia. The hill ranges could be seen as they took the freeway back from their community college. It was still a bit humid this July, in typical summer fashion. Most people were used to the dry heat here, but this year decided to throw everyone for a loop. The boys were sweating even with the AC blasting in the car. Alessandro had already taken off some of his sports gear showing off his defined upper body and larger arms. He still had a little bit of a gut, but still quite sexy, as Banks would always tell him. His lightly brown skin was coated in some dark hairs. Not too wiry, but more straight and tamed. You could see the trail down his stomach from where his shirt stopped. A little bit of chest hair poked out the top of his tank-top too. Banks was already shirtless. His upper body was covered in a cool, drying sweat. His swimmer pecs glistening, the sweat reflecting the sun’s rays. His tight core was donned with a nice six pack, and of course, smooth. His arms were nicely defined and had some nice mass in his biceps, alongside his thighs. He was a bit more muscular compared to the other swimmers who were leaner. He took to weight lifting before swimming with his step-father in high school, and fortunately, the rewards of that hard work did not fully disappear off the young stud's body. Although Banks was smooth from below the neck, he did ordain his cut jaw-line with some brunette facial hair. He decided to grow it out in high school to not look so boyish. It was a hit with the guys. Pulling into the driveway, Banks pulled his car up next to his step-father’s larger SUV. His was a similar model, but smaller. The two young guys grabbed their belongings and rushed inside to avoid the harsh sun rays and the humidity. Both were hoping that Chad, Banks’ father, had already been home for a while. Usually, he is the first to put on the AC. “Right on schedule boys, how was practice? Looks like you two had your asses beat!”Chad howled. Chad was a handsome middle-aged man. He recently had a birthday putting him at 45, but he looked damn good for his age. Taller than both boys, he stood at a solid 6’2. His step-son Banks stood at 5 '10, which created a slight complex for the young stud in high school. Alessandro on the other hand, looked up to the two taller men as he was still above-average 5 '8. Chad, like his step-son, had a similar chiseled jaw-line, except he had a cleft-chin where Banks did not. He had nice thick black stubble coming in from a recent shave he had done the night prior. Chad was no slouch in the body department, similar to the two boys. He had done football in high school and some weightlifting in his college years. He still had a strong upper body and lower body, especially a nice pair of big pecs that pushed against any shirt he wore.Like Alessandro, he had body hair pushing out the top of his current maroon shirt. You could see a slight little bit of a gut on the older gentleman, but he still had the adonis belt leading downward from the few glances the boys had seen in the past. His head was still full of a thick black coif of hair, with some slight graying here and there. The salt and pepper look only added to his pure sex appeal. Alessandro was already beginning to drool, setting eyes on the older stud standing before the two boys upon entering the home. Alessandro had been attracted to Banks’ step-father since as long as he could remember. He was pretty sure the man was the catalyst for his gay awakening and one of his favorite types of men, daddys. Banks already knew Alessandro had a thing for his step-father and did not really mind it. It’d be a lie at first if Banks said he didn’t find it kind of weird, but he could see the appeal his step-father has. Hell, if he weren’t his step-son, he’d probably be attracted to him too! Even though Banks and Alessandro had fooled around a couple times here and there, they both had their types of guys that they were interested in. After putting their school stuff away the two boys changed into some more comfortable clothes since it was already evening. Alessandro still wore his tank top but borrowed some extra gray sweatpants from Banks. They were a little long since he was not as tall as Banks, but his waist and bubble butt held down the fort. Meanwhile, Banks decided to remain shirtless and exchanged his denim pants for some basketball shorts, similar to his step-father. Chad was already waiting for the boys at the dining room table with some snacks. His muscles were the ones wearing that maroon shirt, meanwhile he lounged around in some light gray basketball shorts, like his step-son. “Alright boys! It’s game night time. Thanks for joining us once again Alessandro,” Chad leaned over putting his large hand on the drooling boy's shoulder, Chad’s biceps bulging. If Alessandro could keep time still, now would be one of those times. Banks did a silent laugh watching at how hopeless his friend looked when seeing someone he was attracted to. Thankfully, his step-father was oblivious to the effects that he was having on his buddy. “So Banksy, what is this game you found? I’ve been looking forward to playing something new with you guys!”Chad reached over for one of the crackers he had prepped on the charcuterie board. “Alright men, let’s see.”, Banks pulled off the top of the box labeled “The Simulated Universe”. The blue-ish white graphics seemed reflective in the light of the dining room. The inside of the box was coated in an indigo-velvet texture where lay a simple board. To the right of the board was a separated section that had a slot for cards, little game pieces, and most importantly, the instructions. The board lay out on the table, loads of squares lead to a path toward the center of the game. In the center was a planet that was purple-greenish in color surrounded by stars of different shades, ranging from yellow, white, blue, and orange. Around the board in a spiral-esque pattern were the squares going planet to planet. On one side of the board were constellations being strung up in the sky with a clear outline of a rectangle shape, meaning the placement of cards should be placed there. Removing the little game pieces from the box, Banks placed them down at the starting line which was laid out in a cosmic type of font. Pulling out the instructions, Banks read, “Welcome to the Simulated Universe! A board game where the players simulate different changes to themselves to reach the center of the universe. As trailblazers of the universe, you must proceed through this simulated universe to reach the end goal, Planet XXX. On your way, you will roll the dice provided. Depending on the color space you land on, you will need to pull a matching colored card. These cards have been blessed by the Aeons of the Universe! Depending on what card you pull, the player who pulls that card will be augmented through the gifts of that Aeon. Each card will have a number determining the value. The Aeons are: The Trichology, Harrisford (Brown) The Mus-Trophy, Massus (Red) The Spongiosum, Priapi (Orange) The Gigantism, Giantilli (Yellow) The Spermiah, Shooteric (Green) The Distendent, Guzzlit (Blue) The Posterior, Gluteha (Indigo) The Virility, Libidon (Purple) The Ascendancy, Dominor (Black) The Acquiescent, Subservoros (White) The Impromptu, Randromeda (Pink) “The Aeons are always willing to give boons to the trailblazers that pass through the universe, as long as they are able to enjoy their boons to the fullest potential. The winner of the game is dictated by who is able to reach the center of the universe first. However, all players must continue to work toward the center after the first player finishes. No trailblazer left behind!” “Sounds simple enough boys! The theme reminds me of some sci-fi games or shows. It looks neat”, Chad enthusiastically reached over for the blue looking astronaut. Alessandro grabbed the purple one while Banks settled on the red one. “So who should go first? Should you pull up that handy wheel Banks?”Alessandro turned his attention to his buddy who was already pulling out his phone. In typical fashion and to make it fair, the group always put their names into a wheel to dictate the order of the turns. “Alrighty, the results are in. First up will be Alessandro, then myself, and lastly, the old man.” “Old man my ass boy!”Chad leaned in to ruffle Banks’ hair, using his knuckles. Alessandro took hold of the dice and noticed it only was shaped similar to a prism. However, the only numbers that could be rolled were either a one, two, three, or four. Looks like the group has a lot of spaces to conquer. Shaking the dice in both hands, Alessandro began to roll. The prism scattered across the box that once held the board game and other components. After hitting the wall and sputtering about, it landed on a two. Alessandro moved his trailblazer forward. “Let’s see…the space is indigo. Let me just reach over.”, Alessandro grazed his hands over the multiple colored backs of the cards until finding the one resembling indigo. Pulling out of that deck and reading it, “The Aeon of Posterior, Gluteha grants you a boon of 2. Cool.”. Alessandro handed the dice over to Banks. He had to readjust himself in his seat since he felt like the sweatpants he was wearing felt a little tight. “I’m going to roll something better than you did dude,” taking his turn Banks rolled a three. His trailblazer moving forward on the board past his buddy landed on the color green. Similar to his buddy, he looked around until his eyes laid on the green backing of a card. “The Aeon of Spermiah, Shooteric grants you a boon of 3. What kind of name is that?”, the group chuckled. “Sounded like sperm to me.”, giggled Alessandro. “Yeah yeah keep chuckling you two. At least I am ahead on the board.”, Banks reached his hand down toward his crotch, giving it a little rub. He felt a tad bit horny since he hadn’t had the chance to jerk off yet after practice. He squeezed his thighs against his package, feeling the nice little tingle of his sac pulsing. Banks made note that he was going to need to jack off after the game finished, and when Alessandro returned home. “Look out for your, how you put it, old man son.”Chad with a flick of the wrist rolled the prism. It landed on one. “Wah wah wahhhhh,” both boys chimed in unison. Chad just scoffed and chuckled before moving his trailblazer. The space he landed on was yellow. “Alright let’s see here, ah yellow! The Aeon of Gigantism, Giantilli grants you a boon of 5. Looks like I got the highest value out of this round boys! Ha!”Chad slammed his card down near where he was sitting. Chad made a grunt as he slammed the card down, receiving a slight wave of dizziness. The doorbell had rung. The pizza he forgot they ordered arrived. “We’ll go get it. Wait here pops.”, Banks left the dining room with Alessandro following behind him. The dizziness spell continued as Chad sat still. He couldn’t tell what had gone over him. His body felt a little sore, but that was probably from his workout this morning right? As the spell of dizziness was beginning to waver the boys returned with the box of pizza. Making room on the table the three got up and grabbed plates for their feast. Taking a swig of water and standing up, Chad was feeling better. Being nimble, he went in to grab a slice of pizza before the two gluttons got to it first. As Chad was reaching over for a slice, Alessandro noticed that the maroon shirt was being lifted up slightly on Chad. The adonis belt he had was exposed alongside a treasure trail. Not only that, but the gym shorts that were once near his knees were riding up to his thighs. Confused, Alessandro kept taking glances before leaning over to Banks. “Hey dude, is it just me, or does your dad look a little taller? I’m not tripping right? His shirt fit him earlier?”, Alessandro whispered. Whispering back, “What middle aged man grows taller? You’re the shortest out of us three so we always look taller to you. But, you’re right, I could have sworn his shirt didn’t expose part of his gut.” “You don’t get it dude, I always ogle your step-dad, he definitely looks bigger somehow.”Alessandro paused to bite into his pizza. Chad was getting some more beverages from the fridge in the kitchen. As Chad returned from the kitchen to put down a variety of soda from the fridge, Banks took note of his step-fathers appearance. He sure looked the same, but Alessandro may have been on to something. Something was off. As his dad continued to walk back to his seat, his head was closer to the top of the doorframe than it normally was. No way, was he actually taller? How much taller though? Banks couldn’t believe it. Chad was taller! As the man sat down his head and torso definitely was higher than it had been when the two boys had gone out to grab the grub. “Alessandro dude, you may be right. But how?”Banks couldn’t stop stealing glances at his father in the most inconspicuous way possible. “Fuck if I know but he looks even better! You don’t think it had to do with that oh so special boon that this game you found gave him, right?” “What did he pull again?”, while the group remained on pause to eat their grub, Banks pulled up a search on what was Aeon's thing again? Gigantism? Through a quick google search, Banks had an answer. He turned his phone over to Alessandro acting like he was showing his friend a meme. Alessandro nodded and did another glance over. “Sounds legit enough. But if he, you know, hypothetically got taller, what the hell did our draws mean?”Alessandro glanced over at their colored cards worried.
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Heya y'all! It's my first time actually posting anything on this site (that i can remember, at least) and the first time I try my hand at writing this kind of story. but since I read a lot of content from lots of authors both from here and from the previous website, I figured it was time to give a small fraction of it back. Fair warning; English isn't my mothertongue, so any mistakes are entirely mine! Without further ado, here's part one! I hope you'll enjoy it. Male Hunger Part one The humid air of his room had gotten warmer. Bran huffed and licked his lips, tasting the salty sweat racing down his head, hips rocking, his wide hands wildly jerking off his thick cock. He groaned lowly, racking a cum-covered palm through his short hair and started slapping his dick on his 6-pack, splashing precum everywhere. After a few beats, his heavy balls surged higher.. And Bran stopped, out of breath, hands off his penis, his body tensing, muscles flexing hard to keep himself from cumming. After a few long seconds, he brought a veiny hand to his mouth and licked the pre off his thick fingers, one after the other. The taste of pre and the weight of each rough fingers in his mouth had him shuddering so much his eyes closed. Bran roughly pinched his nips and grunted quite loudly as saliva filled his mouth. His other hand skimmed down his thick pecs, along the valleys of his abs, to finally grasp at his thick shaft. He fisted his dick and – the immediate, overwhelming pleasure had him gasping out and snorting air back in, nostrils wide, hips pumping- he distantly recognized the potent scent of his own musky sweat and semen, different, stronger than ever before – He needed more. “Fuuck…,” he growled out, kicking his muscled legs further apart. He needed just a bit more. His other hand left his fluid-covered pecs to tug at and massage his bloated balls, the sensations shooting up sparks up his body. They felt so good, so full, he threw his head back on his pillow; his pre-covered hair coating them. He rocked his hips harder, the sound of his bed hitting the wall getting louder. He distantly heard some of his dorm neighbors hit the wall back but he couldn’t find it in himself to give a single fuck; his attention solely focused on pleasuring his thick, weeping cock. “Fuck!,” he snarled, teeth bared, as release started sweeping through his body. He tensed ever more, both hands tight on his shaft now, tense, striated pecs protruding more and hiding the root of his dick. Not that it mattered; his eyes were focused on the way his cock thickened even more, despite the two fists holding it. Long moments passed, during which his heavy balls, usually hanging low, pulled up and sent its fiery magma up. Bran panted wildly, wide eyes almost rolling backwards, as the first load of semen burst out and arched up the wall behind him, almost splashing on the wall. Some of the thick magma dropped back down and landed on his face, in his mouth, in his hair and on his pecs. After a few tense seconds, as the thicker and warmer liquid and its unusually strong taste coated his taste-buds, a second explosion of semen went out. It did much the same as the first. The third was much the same. “Mmhhh… So good...,” Bran moaned lewdly, in a pleasure-filled haze, as his body alternated between tensing and releasing loads of thick cum over and over. He groaned some more at the ninth; the final shot, the rest of his release dribbling out thickly and utterly flooding his abs. Still in a daze, heart beating loudly in his ears, Bran stroked his heaving belly, sliding the thick white goo over his wide torso, up his neck, down to his pubes. He thoroughly coated his still-rock-hard penis and huge, heavy balls in the stuff. Then he scooped as much as he could and licked it up with one hand, the other dedicating itself to playing with his hard cock. After a while, Bran’s stomach cramped. He was quite hungry but couldn’t be bothered to move. But the sleepiness he expected after such a release didn’t come: he started feeling antsy, as though he had had too much caffeine. His cramping stomach decided him; he would eat something, maybe watch something mindless on the TV, and then he’d go back to bed. But as he got up, something felt off; but Bran shrugged the idea away. He did the same with the vague idea of putting on clothes; it was too much trouble, besides no one was there to care besides himself. And he felt quite warm; he was still sweating. The fact he used to care a lot more about not being buck-naked in the dorm, even in his room, a few weeks ago amused him distantly. His feet thudded and left perspiration on the floor as he left the cum-covered bed and wall behind him. He felt something warm hit his legs and snorted in amusement; his hard-on was still leaking. Feeling even hungrier, Bran headed straight to the small fridge and opened the door. The sudden light had him squinting -the sudden cold surprised him – as he bent his head to search for something good to eat. The cold felt good against his warm flesh and he shuddered in delight. He reached for a can of coke, rose back up, and drank it in a few big gulps. He drank another, and another after that. Then, stomach feeling less empty, but still needing fuel, he went back down and was about to take another can when he noticed something and huffed out a short laugh. “Fuckin’ hell,” he whispered. So focused he had been on filling his belly, he hadn’t really noticed that his still leaking hard-on had coated some stuff in pre. He smirked, shook his head and took out some leftover – spaghetti bolognese – to heat up while he turned on the light, searched for a fork and a big plate. After serving himself, he set himself in front of the TV and, before turning it on, he couldn’t help but checking himself out. His reflection showed him as he was; sitting on a slightly-too-small sofa, large arms bursting out off thickly muscled shoulders and traps rising high of his bull neck. Big legs spread wide, cock high and thick, still dripping, heavy balls low and resting on the sofa. His tight musclebound gut and the V-shape low on his hips partially hidden by his wide and 10 inches long cock, his tits hanging low on a decent pair of round pecs, biceps close to 17 inches and veins and striations both easy to see on his 6’3 frame… All of those were pretty good reasons for the deep satisfaction he felt at looking at himself, a smirk reflecting such masculine pride tugging at his lips. His cock pulsed heavily as pre made his abs glisten and- his stomach cramped: he took a big bite of his meal, burped loudly – the coke – huffed out a laugh, and, feeling a bit more satisfied but still quite ravenous, he demolished his meal. But before he knew it, he was back at the fridge, pulling out enough to make another, albeit bigger meal – he was that hungry. But a man his size needed to eat quite a lot to stay so big. He smiled. “’m damn glad Ian’s not back yet,” he snickered, “he’d freak if he saw me right now”. He slapped his belching cock absently, a meaner smirk on his lips. “Though I know how I’d shut him up, mmffhhh…”, Bran closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, imagination running wild, his cock pulsing harder. Bran then smiled and stole an under-cooked chicken breast from the frying pan, too hungry to wait any longer. He munched on it, muscled jaw breaking it down fast, and his strong neck moving as he swallowed, eyes glazing over in pleasure, drool dropping from his lips. Too busy eating, he didn’t notice the bigger veins appearing all over his studly body. He was too taken up by the need to fill his void-like belly. Meanwhile, the scent of his body, of male pleasure and exertion slowly but silently got stronger in the warm and humid air of his room.
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muscle growth Joel's growth ( *** include AI images *** ) / Spanish // Parte 16 de 16 - COMPLETE
DDcisco posted a topic in Stories
PARTE 1 Joel había dedicado todo el verano a entrenar con la ilusión de unirse al equipo de rugby. Para eso, él estableció una pequeña rutina diaria, saliendo a correr 5 km cada mañana y luego para terminar unas flexiones de brazos hasta que el límite de su cuerpo lo permita. Algunas veces hacía 15, otras llegaba a 20-23. Finalmente, llegó el gran día y Joel se presentó en el club. Él estaba ansioso y nervioso. Cuando entró al vestuario, se sintió intimidado por el tamaño de los demás chicos. -- "63 kilos..." -- dijo el entrenador cuando Joel se bajó de la báscula. Oficialmente, eso lo lo convertía en el jugador más pequeño del equipo, a pesar del esfuerzo de sus últimas semanas Joel se desanimó. Pero el entrenador lo miró a los ojos y le dijo -- "Admiro tu perseverancia, muchacho. Puedo ver que te esforzaste en el verano, pero me temo que no es suficiente. En este deporte se necesita ser grande y fuerte En ese momento, Matias, el capitán del equipo interrumpió la conversación, flexionando sus generosos biceps. Su fisico de 1,80 y 90 kilos de musculos, hacian que Joel se viera pequeño a su lado -- "¡Así es como se ve un verdadero jugador de rugby ja!" --. El entrenador volvió su mirada hacia Joel, y le ofreció una oportunidad -- "No puedo incluirte en el equipo, pero estoy seguro que si entrenas con nosotros, te harás fuerte, y quizás te ganes un lugar para la próxima temporada, que dices? te gustaría?" --. Joel aceptó, y desde esa misma semana comenzó a entrenar junto a todos los otros muchachos del equipo. Si ya estaba impresionado con el tamaño de los otros muchachos del equipo, lo estaría mas aún cuando vió la fuerza que tenían. Todos ellos eran capaces de levantar cargas de peso de 5, 6 e incluso 8 veces más pesadas que él. Sigue este treath, para ver como Joel crece -
*WARNING*: This story includes incestual themes that may not be suitable for those who are against having sex with family members. Reader's discretion is advised. All subjects included in this story are of age and there will not be any issues associated with each character. Brody has always loved his dad. Growing up, he looked up to his dad because he learned a lot about life from him. It wasn’t always easy getting any attention from him, considering that Brody had five other brothers to contend with as well. His dad, whom they called Branch, always seemed like he was living life to the fullest when he was younger. His wife, Beverly, had to put up with a lot of shenanigans from him, which was passed on to a couple of Brody’s brothers. He sometimes encouraged them to get out there and experience things on their own when they were teenagers. Brody was always the introverted one though. He just wasn’t interested in all of the typical horny teenager stuff. He wouldn’t realize that his dad noticed this until he was older. By the time all six of his boys were adults, Branch was in his 50s. He was reasonably built when he was younger, but he was never what you would consider a muscular type. He admitted that he did play baseball and run track when he was in high school. A conversation came up one day at one of the family picnics about why Branch decided to have so many kids, and they happened to be all boys. He jokingly said, “I guess I am just that potent!” Which resonated with Brody more than he thought it would. Branch did notice his son’s reaction to his statement and it was like he knew that he had a gay son. It was a secret that he thought he had kept from his dad his entire life. A couple of years into college, Brody came to visit his dad at the home he grew up in. He was surprised to see that his mom was not living there anymore. It turned out that their marriage had been falling apart for years, but they stayed together for the boys. Once the boys were grown, Branch and Beverly felt like they didn’t need to stay together anymore and separated. The 53-year-old man is alone at the house with just Brody, which rarely happened. He tells his son to sit down so they can talk about some ‘important’ things. “Have a seat, my boy. Well, I should say, my man.” “Uhh, what is this about, dad?” “Well, I just wanted to let you know about some things that I have kept to myself for some time.” Brody seems a bit confused with where this conversation is going. “Umm, okay. Does this have to do with you and mom?” Branch smiles. “Actually, it does. Your mother and I decided a few months ago that we needed some time apart. *Pauses for a few moments* Well, hmm. This is actually a bit more awkward than I realized. you remember when you use to have your friend Reese over on your spring and summer breaks a year ago? *a few beads of sweat drip down Branch’s forehead* Well, we kind of did a few things together.” Brody’s eyes widen. He is stunned by what he is hearing. “WAIT...WHAT!? You mean, ‘those’ things?” Branch seems a bit nervous, but understands why Brody would feel this way about the situation. “It really does depend on what you mean by ‘those’ things, Brody. I am implying that I spent some time exploring his body. I don’t know the last time you saw Reese, but he has changed dramatically over the past year.” Brody admits that he hasn’t seen Reese in nearly eight months because the 20-year-old man left the university they went to because he wanted to pursue a career in emergency services. In other words, he wanted to be an EMT. “I am just trying to grasp the idea that you are interested in men, dad. Have you always had an interest in them?” “Well, just a little bit. I did enjoy raising you boys like normal fathers do. I know you probably felt a bit left out at times because I spent a great deal of time with them. I always knew I would have the opportunity to play catch up with you when you got older. Well, here we are.” Brody calms down a bit. He sits down a few feet from his dad on the couch. “ Reese in town now? Are you admitting to me that you are gay? I mean, you had six boys by mom.” “No, I consider myself bi, Brody. I enjoyed my time with your mom, but I feel like that ship has sailed. Reese has helped me explore one of my deep-rooted fantasies. I should call him actually.” Branch gets his phone out and tries to call Reese. He answers after the second ring. “Hello there, Mr. Agassi. How may I pleasure you today?” The middle-aged man blushes and quickly says, “Shh, Brody is here with me.” Reese chuckles a little before saying, “Do you want me to come over before I go to work?” “That would be a good idea, stud.” Reese says, “Okay,” and then hangs up. Brody barely recognizes Reese’s voice. It is considerably deeper than he remembers. “His voice is so different now. What gives?” “I don’t know son. I just know that he is helping me understand who I am. He should be here shortly because he only lives about 20 minutes from here.” After randomly talking about Brody’s brothers for a few minutes, there is a couple of knocks on the front door and a man walks in. He is absolutely massive. He has a well-kempt beard, perfectly parted black hair, the tightest uniform you could imagine, overtop of mammoth garden-hosed veins on what might be 22” biceps and triceps that are so big, they can’t be contained. His chest bulges out of any crevice that might be available. His quads are stretching his pants to their limits. He walks up to Branch and Brody and stands in front of them. “Hello bro and boss. Glad to see you are both here at the same time.” He sits beside Brody and puts his arm around him. He slowly flexes his right bicep to make his friend feel it digging into his side. “Uhh, what happened in the last year to lead to this, Reese? I am blown away by your ‘transformation’.” Reese smiles and decides to tell his story. He grins at Branch because he can see the man’s thick tool swelling his pants. “I left college, but you already knew this Brody. When I started my training to become an EMT, something unusual happened during one of the training exercises. I was accidentally electrocuted by the paddles they use to revive patients. *Sighs a little feeling his bicep accidentally tear his right sleeve* I was taking gear at the time, which I don’t know if you know, but it is supposed to help you grow your muscles. You remember what I looked like; well, I sort of had an unexpected growth spurt that led to an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction a few minutes later. I mean, I loved it, but it was a bit awkward for the people that were training me.” Brody looks over and sees his dad rubbing his cock inside his pants. It is apparent now that his dad has a strong muscle fetish. Reese moves his arm away from Brody and flexes it, making his biceps and triceps swell huge. The tension on the sleeve is way too much as the raging muscles rip their way free from his undershirt and jacket. He does the same with his left arm. “Umm, wow! Well, it appears that whatever happened during that training exercise was a huge benefit to you.” “BRO! You have no idea...well maybe you do. I mean...*pauses for a few moments as he continues to flex* I have a fetish of my own that I want to explore. Well, first I want to tell you Brody that I have had a hardon for your dad for years. He is fucking hot! Last year, when he even gave me an ounce of suggestion, I went for it. Anyway, I want to have a threesome with both of you. I think this could get really interesting if we do it.” Brody is shocked at this suggestion, but Branch seems extremely open to it. He pulls his pants down and shows that he is going commando. It is the first time that Brody has ever seen his dad’s immense tool in all of its glory. The throbbing 10-inch pole pulses wildly dribbling a small amount of precum down the front of it. It turns out that he is uncut as well, but he has the sheath pulled down to let it breathe. Reese gets up and walks over to Branch. His breathing is slightly heavier and is getting a bit excited. “You see how hung your dad is, Brody? I have wanted that inside me for years. We haven’t actually gotten to that point yet, but I think now would be the perfect time.” Reese undoes his belt and unzips his pants. They drop to the ground and unveil his bloated lower body, which is covered in a vast network of veins and black body hair. He is wearing a jock strap which contains a nicely-sized package. He walks over and lets Branch smell him. The older man strokes himself a few times before stopping and letting his cock bounce, it dribbles a bit more precum. Reese makes sure that Brody watches them. “Just watch us for a few minutes bro. We mostly did this type of worship, but I am done with it. I think maybe I can convince him to go further this time. *Stares into Branch’s eyes* You want to taste me, boss?” Branch looks up at him before pulling the young beast into his face and starts licking Reese’s bulge. They both moan. The excitement is enough to prompt an accidental hulkout to happen with the EMT’s shirt and jacket as his pumped back explodes out of the fabric. He decides to go ahead and just do the same with his entire top as he flexes his chest and lets the buttons cascade all over the room. He then rips everything off and lets his furry powerful chest reveal itself. Branch pulls Reese’s jock off and gulps down on his cock. Brody is mesmerized by what he is seeing. He should be horrified to see his dad doing this, but watching this is too hot for words. Reese grunts and flexes his chest and arms as he gets his cock worshipped. He looks over at Brody and motions for him to come over to them. “Come here bro, I want to share this experience with you. Your dad is fulfilling one of his fantasies, will you fulfill one of mine?” The college student is beginning to figure out what he is insinuating. “You are absolutely insane Reese. I have never wanted to do that with my dad, ever. I mean, I admit it is amazing looking but...” “Just imagine that he is another incredibly attractive man with a big tool, Brody. Besides, your dad has mentioned before that he wouldn’t have ever minded if you wanted to come and play with him.” Brody’s curiosity begins to rummage through his brain now. There were instances when he wondered if his dad could produce even more children than he did. It was a weird thought he had at one point or another. Why would he ever want to find out how potent his dad was? Did his dad give him hints? He thinks that maybe he did. Now would be the time for him to find out. As Branch continues to milk Reese’s cock with his mouth and worship his hairy body with his hands, Brody does move over to them and touches his father’s cock for the first time, feeling its thick veiny sheath and bulbous purple head. He is shocked to see how big his dad’s balls are. He cups them in his hands, which gets a huge sigh from his dad. He stops sucking Reese for a minute. “Do it son, worship my cock. I have discussed this with the hot stud here. You have always been my favorite, I just wanted to save this experience for when it was appropriate. Well, this is clearly a great time for it.” The smell emanating from Branch’s crotch is intoxicating. Brody’s judgment is being clouded by the hormones being pumped into his brain from his dad. He starts to kiss his dad’s balls and slowly laps up the sticky goo at the base of his dad’s shaft. Branch moans deeply, realizing what his son is doing. Reese is watching eagerly as well. The beastly EMT motions for Branch to focus more on his upper body than his cock because he thinks he will cum without being milked. “Ohh fuck Brody, you are actually doing it. Gawd, this is fucking hot. I want you to make your dad cum. I can only imagine how amazing it will be.” Brody is now consumed by the need to satisfy his dad’s throbbing tool. He runs his tongue up and down the shaft, making his dad tremble and watches Branch’s balls flexing. Reese floats the idea to let his dad penetrate him, but the college student says no. Reese says he will do it then, but not until he blows his load onto Branch. It turns out that Brody’s dad is quite amazing at being edged because he is able to withstand multiple attempts by his son to make him cum. “Hold on Brody, let me join you. There is no way he can handle two hungry mouths.” Reese gets down on his knees and takes turns with Brody gulping on Branch’s cock and licking his soaked cockhead. The older man is almost in his own world, concentrating on keeping it from happening. He will finally lose the battle as he feels the flood leaving his balls. The two young men can sense it and await their reward. Branch gasps and yells in delight as the cum sprays Brody and Reese in their faces. The EMT shoves Brody’s dad’s cock down his friend’s throat and lets him savor it. “Shit...shit...fuck it is so hot watching you do this. I am about to cum myself Brody. Watch me shower your dad with my load.” Reese barely gets to his feet before his cock begins pumping jet after jet onto Branch’s sweat-soaked shirt and legs. The young beast’s cock, albeit not as impressive as the middle-aged man’s, is still very meaty. He produces a great load himself, as it continues to coat the eager recipient. Brody is able to drink the entirety of his dad’s flood as he pulls it out of his mouth and kisses it lovingly before sitting it onto his dad’s-stained shirt. Brody’s cock pulses wildly in his pants, filling his underwear with a puddle of sticky goo itself. It is at this point that Reese and Brody can hear Branch making some rather unusual grunting noises. They both notice that the EMT’s cum has completely vanished. Did Reece’s cum get absorbed into the older man? It turns out that it did, and it is about to transform the mildly-athletic middle-aged dad into a huge hunky beast. Branch’s excitement is very clear as his cock rises quickly, expanding slightly bigger, as the veins expand and his ballsac swells even bigger. He can feel his feet and hands swelling as the growth slowly moves through his body. He flexes his forearms, watching them expand and twitch, growing thicker and meatier, the fur thickening and the veins pulsing and growing just beneath the skin. His upper arm follows with bulging veins popping out everywhere, the biceps, triceps, and delts expanding quickly, testing the limits of his shirt, before finally emerging within seconds. Both arms are covered with a thick layer of black fur, covering massive mounds of powerful flesh. With Brody in between his legs, he is able to feel his dad’s quads, hamstrings, and calves stretching bigger and meatier along his sides. The fur thickening to cover mammoth tree trunks and oversized mounds of power, that would be classified as calves. He reaches in to feel his dad's glutes ballooning along his hands. His dad once used to say that he had no ass, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem any longer as he can feel them pushing him up into the air. He moans as the growth moves into his chest. His traps rip through the top part of his shirt as his neck expands to twice its size, veins flaring and exposing what is forming beneath it. Chest heaving wildly, the outline of Branch’s swelling pecs is obvious. Thick, wide, pumped mounds of pleasure try desperately to rip free from their confines. Branch’s back will not wait as his lats burst out of the sides, and continue growing. Reese and Brody can hear the beast’s shirt ripping in multiple spots along the back as ripples of thick mountainous muscularity appear out of what seems like nothing. His immense pectorals are pushing his shirt out nearly two to three feet in front of his face, exposing his beautifully formed adonis belt, thick eight-pack of abdominal bliss, and the rapidly-growing obliques that are merging with his incredibly-dense latissimus dorsi. He finally reaches in to slowly rip the rest of his shirt open, revealing what the two young men were eager to see, two bloated, nicely-coated with black fur, incredibly veiny, swollen, rippling, pumped pectorals, with perfectly shaped nipples pointing downward towards his abdominal cavity, that any pro bodybuilder would aspire to achieve. He is also no longer clean-shaven, sporting a newly-sprouted beard, full of a mixture of black, red, and silvery threads of thick and silky hair. It slowly descends down his chin and onto to his immense pec shelf. His eye color has even changed ever so slightly to a hue of bluish-green. The hair that was receding on his scalp, has all but vanished, leaving a shiny, sweat-soaked, and very muscular face and head. He now looks and feels considerably younger and more virile than he could have ever dreamed of. He is insanely handsome as well. He feels the adrenaline flowing through him as he reaches down to run his powerful hands along his son’s face. He smiles at him. “Hello my boy. In case you didn’t know, I have had a longing for this my entire life. Not necessarily the part where you may have consumed some of your dad’s cum, but the part where I may have become like Jay Cutler.” He lifts his son up off the floor and sits him beside him. He then reaches over to shove Reese on top of his now 12x10 inch cock. The EMT groans feeling it stretching his hole, trying to accommodate the now enormous tool. The 20-year-old slowly starts bouncing on top of Branch, flopping pecs, sweat dripping and all, and making grunting noises as the two men try to focus on getting a rhythm going between the them. Brody’s dad looks at his son through what seems to be a different lens now, seemingly more interested in wanting to turn him into what him and Reese are. “Brody... *Branch’s voice noticeably more masculine and remarkably intoxicating* I really want to turn you into a version of me. It would make me the happiest father in the universe. *Continues to grind Reese* Mmm, your old man has never lost his touch with any hole he has entered. *Laughs* I wonder if my cum will make this beast grow again?” He picks up his rhythm and gets up from the couch, holding Reese up with his massive 24” guns, flexing them, making his hairy triceps bulge and swell, showing off his strength. Brody gets a full-view of his massive father’s enormous, bulbous backside, from his bloated glutes, to his valleys and canyons of muscular superiority in his back and hamstrings. He thrusts, making the EMT moan loudly, as Branch turns to say something to Brody. “Come over here son and feel your dad’s muscles. I want you to get acquainted with what you could have. You have the gene to achieve this. I think we are past the point of where this might be a problem. If you want to have some fun with me, don’t be ashamed to pursue it. I love you for who you are, and I will help you out in more ways than one.” Brody briefly questions his dad’s proposition, but realizes how he has never been this turned on ever in his life before. His dad’s transformation into a Roelly Winklaar/Jay Cutler type of musclebeast is something that might have been in the recesses of his mind once before. His cock has spilled so much precum, that it is running down his right leg now. He gets up from the couch and presses himself up against his dad’s gorgeous back. He puts his arms around his dad’s sides, past his flaring lats, and places his hands onto Branch’s swollen pecs. He then slowly kisses his dad’s twitching back muscles and deltoids, which gets a deeply-rooted moan from Branch. The musclebeast is seriously turned on that his son is behind him, and is exploring his body. “Do whatever your heart and mind wants to do Brody. It is built into both of us. I am so grateful that this hot little beast that I am fucking was given the gift to transform me into the beautiful gawd that I was always meant to be.” Feeling his balls swelling with cum, he grunts and groans trying to will them to drain. Reese, loving the fact that Branch is a massive daddy, punches him several times in the abs, making the musclebeast sigh as he feels his cock swelling inside the EMT. It won’t be long now. “Watch your maker unload inside your friend, son.” Branch moans and groans as he stops thrusting and pushes his cumload deep inside Reese. The young beast yells loudly feeling it flow into his intestines. He rubs his huge chest and pecs as it passes through his body. He is barely conscious, as the whole situation is nearly too much for the EMT to take. He is blown away by the experience. Branch motions for Brody to stop what he is doing for a few moments so he can pull out of Reese and lay him on the couch behind them. He then picks up his son in his arms and takes him into his bedroom. He gets into the bed, still carrying him, and lays him on top of his gigantic torso. “Brody...I want you to worship me. Don’t hold back, let your inhibitions roam. *Looks down at Brody’s stain-soaked pants and rips them open. Brody moans* Yes...I know how much you need this. *Starts coating his son’s cock with his own precum and lightly strokes it with his huge hand* Look at me, Brody. *They lock eyes* I love you, son. Reese made me into this, but now, I want to give you my gift of growth.” Branch pulls his son up to his handsome face and kisses him on the lips. There is no resistance at all anymore. Brody pulls his pants down as his dad rips his shirt off of him with one of his hands. The young college student is running his hands up and down his dad’s mammoth forearms and biceps. He rubs his cock up and down Branch’s huge abs as they massage it, kneading its sides. “Play with my chest, Brody.” Without hesitation, the young man runs his tongue and lips along the contours of his dad’s bloated pectorals, chewing on Branch’s nipples and feeling their raging power along his face. He can feel his dad playing with his ass now, placing two fingers inside his wet hole, which are nearly the size of a cock themselves. Brody is humping his fingers now, which gets a major reaction out of Branch. His dad’s cock rises into the air and spits a few droplets of precum onto his son’s back. “Mmm, you are getting your dad incredibly excited Brody. Don’t stop doing what you are doing. Keep exploring me. I promise this will last for a while.” The young man can feel himself getting close to exploding as his beastly dad manages to push two of his fingers all the way in to massage his son. They lock eyes again as Brody tries to muster a few words. “I...uhh...I love you dad. I know this is wrong, but it feels so right.” “It is perfectly alright, my man. Let it all out, let your dad see what you are making in there.” Brody gasps as he starts cumming all over his dad’s abs and pecs. Branch grunts and smiles seeing his son blast his incredible body with his cum. He holds his fingers in place, feeling his son twitching as his prostate undulates against his dad’s fingers. It is one of the most satisfying feelings that Branch has felt with anyone. His cock throbs and swells, eager to find its way into another longing passage. They kiss each other, like any two masculine men would, with deep moans and groans. Branch laughs feeling his son play with the long mane on his chin. He flexes his massive arms up against Brody’s body and slowly starts to push him down towards his cock. “You know what time it is, son. Time for your awakening. I want us to savor this for as long as we both can. *Realizes that he wants to be fully appreciated* Wait, why don’t you explore your dad’s other huge muscles.” He has Brody get up off the bed, while he stands up as well. His cock bounces a few times as the young man immediately starts to massage his dad’s incredibly huge tree trunk quads. He flexes them as Brody kisses the inside of both of them. His dad’s pole rubs itself all over his face as the college student starts playing with his dad’s thick sheath and gulps down his cockhead. Branch moans deeply and tells him to do that again. “Ohh shit, Brody. That feels so good that...doing that again might do something even greater.” The second time the young man runs his tongue along the thick shaft and head, he is greeted with a thick, gooey, jet of precum that is dangerously close to being pure cum. He drinks it down his throat and feels a lot of tingling travel through his body. He is in a state of disorientation, but likes the feeling. His dad sighs and laughs knowing that things will get interesting very soon. “Uhh dad, that felt strangely satisfying. I feel compelled to keep doing that.” “Hold on Brody. Why don’t you move yourself up to my face for a few minutes so I can examine you. I want to see how much your old man has passed on to you. Wait, let me sit down while you stand in front of me.” The young man does what he says as Branch smiles staring at the impressive equipment that his son has. It turns out that Brody does have a decently sized cock with a nice set of balls. His dad rubs his uncut shaft against his sweaty beard as the two men moan deeply. Branch’s son dribbles a few drops of precum onto his dad’s mane, which makes the older beast let out a few “mmms”. He then looks up at his son while leaning in to slowly suck on both of Brody’s testicles, massaging them equally. The young man trembles in delight, as his beastly father holds him up with one of his immense arms. Branch is worshipping his son’s package, running his tongue along his son’s sheath, feeling it throbbing wildly against his muscular face, and letting the precum continue to drip. “Let’s see what you taste like son.” Branch slowly pulls his son’s sheath back with his lips, revealing his big cockhead, as he slowly lets it invade his mouth. He is methodical and laughs as he does so, seeing Brody’s reaction. He knows his son will probably unleash his boys pretty soon because he is so turned on. The massive beast lets out a few gulping sounds when he starts to get a rhythm going, but then picks up speed when his mouth gets used to accommodating Brody’s beauty. “Ohh fuck dad, I can’t hold it back much longer...I feel like I am going to explode...” Branch gives him the thumbs up with his free hand as he continues to work his son over. Brody yells as his balls contract and pushes his load into his engorged shaft. His dad chokes as some of it goes rolling down his thick beard and onto his bloated chest. He keeps his focus though and keeps draining his son, gulping down his cum and smiling. He takes his free hand and grips his son’s pole, stroking it. After about thirty seconds, Branch pulls his son’s cock out of his mouth and lets a few more strands of cum roll down the shaft, licking it lovingly. He kisses Brody’s cockhead. “You did take after me, Brody. I always wondered what that tasted like. *Knows what needs to happen next* If that is any indicator, I have a feeling that you will grow big like me as well, my boy.” The college student seems a bit anxious about growing into a muscle monster, but the thought of being bigger than his brothers does have its benefits. “I would have never considered this before now dad, but I love the thought of being bigger than...” Before he could even get his sentence out, Branch grabs his son with both arms and places him on the bed, turning him around to bend him over. He quickly plugs his eager beast into his son’s wet hole and starts pounding him. Brody groans for a few minutes as his dad grunts, wanting to convert his son into what he is. He stops thrusting to let his precum invade his partner’s insides and feel him tremble against his quads. “This is going to be fucking great Brody. I want to experience your changes at the same time that you do.” Not long after he says this, Branch pumps his son full of cum. The force is enough to make Brody yell nervously, but they both laugh soon afterwards. His dad pulls out of him as they both drop down onto the bed together. The bed breaks, but they don’t move. The thickly-muscled man holds his son against him and awaits his transformation. He can hear Brody groan. “Ohh, it works fast. I suppose that is because it is immediately absorbed into you, my man.” “I can feel it dad. It feels really weird, it surprisingly doesn’t hurt either. I think I am feeling my cock and balls reacting...” Branch lets his son move over beside him on the broken bed as his son’s cock begins to slowly stretch longer and wider. It throbs as he feels his ballsac doing the same, as his testicles double in size, filling in every ounce of space in there. His dad lightly rubs Brody’s growing package, and feels its raging power in one of his thick paws. He then leans over and nuzzles his son with his facial hair on his boy’s face. “I am anxious to see how far this goes Brody. What is next?” The young man moans feeling his ass swelling, pushing him up a few inches off the bedsheets. It is stimulating him to the point that he is leaking precum onto his chest. Branch takes his free hand and glides it underneath his son’s wet glutes and finds his pulsing hole. He massages it slowly, not penetrating him as to distract from his concentration. “Let me help you along buddy.” Branch stops stroking and massaging Brody and moves himself down to his son’s lower half, looking up at his anguished beast-in-waiting, and smiles as he starts to kiss and suck on the young man’s mammoth tool. He moves his hands up and down his growing beast’s legs as they start to expand, seeing his son’s quads hug his immense crotch, filling in the space that used to be between them. Veins pulsing and throbbing, growing bigger and more massive on each tree trunk. Branch’s cock is now throbbing, feeling his young beast’s calves growing against his giant chest and his toes getting thicker with each passing second. The fur thickens on both legs, with a golden-brown tint to them both. The same goes for his crotch, as Brody’s thick and veiny 13-inch rod coats his dad’s beard in a thick gooey layer of precum, after Branch promptly works him over. Branch pants voraciously, sweating profusely feeling his son transform against him. He is about to unload without even touching himself. “I love you son. This is what you are doing to me right now.” The older beast humps his cock on Brody’s thick ankles and feet, and sprays them with his colossal load. He moans deeply as he kisses his son’s bloated quads and runs his soaked beard on both of them, mixing their fur together. It is another fetish that he is not afraid to show. He awaits his son’s transformation on his top half. He can see how much the young man is struggling with his breathing. “Let’s see it happen Brody. I want to feel it happen.” Branch hears his son let out a few odd noises as he moves his immense furry body up in time to feel the young man’s chest starting to react. He tenses up as his abdominal cavity begin to grow rapidly, the obliques and lats practically appear out of nowhere. The older beast grunts and moans loudly, running his hands over top of his son’s emerging eight-pack, which appear in a zig-zag pattern. They are quite dense, veins scattered about. The same golden-brown fur grows overtop of them. He kisses each one and runs his tongue along the deep caverns forming between them, making his son shutter and shake a bit. He gets sprayed by his son’s meaty pole, which delights him, knowing that Brody is fully into it now. “I knew you were like me boy. You just needed someone to help you along.” Brody’s lean pectorals are next to transform, as his moaning turns to yelling, feeling both of them stretching, growing, thickening, several inches higher than they were just seconds before. Branch gets so turned on by this that he sits up really fast to smack his cock on his son’s bloated tits. “YES! FUCKING YES! I can’t get enough Brody...” He blasts both of his son’s gigantic chesticles with his cum, as they are covered with the same coating of golden-brown fur as the rest of his body. The young man no longer looks boyish either, growing a beard, and looking a bit older. His back’s growing mountains and caverns of sheer power are assaulting the bed beneath him, as the bed breaks down even further. He looks directly into his dad’s eyes and starts flexing his arms as they begin their metamorphosis. His cock bounces wildly as he says, “Keep watching dad...KEEP WATCHING!” There are sounds cascading through both of Brody’s arms, as his forearms, triceps, and biceps start exploding in size. His veins swelling cause his arms to shake violently, as Branch reaches in to hold both of them in his hands, helping his son out. “YEAH BOY! Grow big and beautiful like me, I love it! Let the alpha take over.” He positions himself on top of his son’s gargantuan cock and slides Brody inside him. He starts kissing each one of the young beast’s expanding guns, feeling each one of them blow up against his mouth and lips. He can hear his son quietly saying to himself, “more...more...more”, as he realizes that he is imploring his arms to keep growing, and they do. Brody’s forearms are actually fighting with his biceps for positioning as his dad keeps licking them, feeling the veins mate with his mouth. He is bouncing on his mammoth son now, shaking the entire room. “FUCK ME BRODY! Even if we don’t do this ever again, I want you to make your dad feel proud of what he has done for you.” “Dad...*voice incredibly deep now* I am so happy that you did this to me. I love you so much.” “I love you too, my beautiful boy.” Brody finally stops flexing to let his mammoth arms have a rest before his dad leans in to kiss his son on the lips. The two bearded beasts moan and grunt as they wrap their huge arms around each other and proceed to fulfill what they have both wanted, at least for the last hour or two. Lots of cum is unloaded inside and spilled onto each other. They eventually wear each other out and fall asleep. When they wake up, they have trouble getting up off the ground, due to their immense sizes. The two hulking, hairy beauties decide to take turns in the shower, and avoid each other, at least for the time being. Brody is curious to know how big his arms are, so he manages to find a tape measure that Reese left in the family room. He wraps it around one of his arms, and stands in front of a mirror. Looking at himself for the first time, since the change, astounds him. He is more beautiful than he ever imagined. He didn’t realize that he lost the hair on his head through the change, but his beard is quite similar to his dads, only mostly made up of golden-brown hair. He grunts looking at himself, flexing his arm and watches as the tape measure struggles. His left bicep eclipses 26” which stuns him, as he drops the tape measure on the floor. His dad comes up behind him in a towel and hugs him tightly. They look at each other in the reflection and smile. “You just got yourself dirty again, dad.” “I don’t fucking care boy. I just love looking at the two of us. We are both so hot. Go get your shower.” Brody leaves as Branch looks at himself in the mirror. He takes his towel off and watches himself get hard again. He flexes his chest and arms and decides that he might as well just get off again. He is quickly greeted by his son again, who decides to do the same. They press their chests together and laugh, feeling their balls fill up with cum again. The two muscular behemoths realize that they have forgotten about the third man in this scenario at that very moment. “Dad, what happened to Reese? *Laughs a bit* We could have included him in this whole fantasy.” “You’re right Brody. He probably had to go to work. His job is a very important one after all. It is okay, my hunky man. He will be quite shocked the next time he sees you.” They both smile and go back to worshipping each other once again, staring into the floor-length mirror and pumping each other up, flexing and feeling each other’s individual muscle groups once again. While it might be taboo to love your father in this way, Brody can’t imagine things ever being the same again with him. Branch would promise his beastly son that they would keep their sexual fantasies from the rest of the family. It would not be easy to explain Brody’s rather large ascent into muscular godhood. His brothers, who were the center of attention for so many years with their father, would not believe anything that he told them about his new interest in bodybuilding. Their relationship with Branch would become quite strained, seeing that he also had changed physically. Perhaps it was a bit of jealousy on their part? (This was a bit strange though, considering that two of them, who also have the growth gene, became quite big and burly themselves. Only they didn’t get cut and veiny.) The family picnics still happened, but you didn’t see the brothers hanging out with their dad and hulking brother anymore. As for the hunky EMT, he did wake up, dazed and confused that day, and waddled to his truck, completely naked. Incredibly, he left just minutes before Brody went through his tremendous metamorphosis. The strange accident that materialized into Reese’s growth cycle, ended up triggering the extra growth gene that was lying dormant inside of his daddy lover, and ultimately his friend. Reese will indeed get his chance to see the beautiful 20-year-old beast in his new, mind-boggling form, but that is another day.
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forced growth The Struggles of An Unfortunate Son (Sam's Perspective) *Previously Unreleased Story in the Unfortunate Series*
TheWeremuscleForest posted a topic in Stories
*WARNING*: This story includes incestual themes and the subject of forced sex that may not be suitable for those who are against having sex with family members. Reader's discretion is advised. All subjects included in this story are of age and there will not be any issues associated with each character. ‘Oh god no, not now! Please God not now, I am not prepared for this.’ Sam grips the sides of his bathroom sink as he stares into the vanity mirror and grimaces. ‘Ack! It hurts, it hurts…. damnit!’ He feels his back trying to pop as he struggles to maintain his composure. He attempts to keep his voice down so his dad doesn’t hear him, but unfortunately it doesn’t work as he hears someone’s footsteps coming up to the door. They knock a few times. ‘Sam…. son I’m sorry you are going through this buddy. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone trust me. Just try to keep as calm as possible and you might be able to ride it out without too much of a problem.’ Fortunately, the 20-year-old college-aged young man is only wearing his boxer briefs as he feels his muscles starting to tense up and grow on his slender frame. He anguishes in pain feeling his back giving in to the change. The small bulbous muscles in his arms stretch and swell against his skin as the pressure he is putting on the sink causes it to start cracking. He then moans as he feels the changes affecting his nether regions. ‘Sam? Buddy fight it…. (Senses his son’s changes through the door as he feels a bit strange himself). Uh shit…. (Sweat starts to pour down his own face and down his lean chest). Talk to me Sam…. let me know how you are doing.’ Sam’s dad Dale knows he can’t stick around long himself because he too will be thrown into a major transformation of his own. The sound of porcelain hitting the floor behind the door tells Dale that Sam is giving up on trying to fight it anymore. ‘DAD? *His voice noticeably lower now* I think the bathroom is going to have to be remodeled again. Oh…. damn…. *Sounds noticeably pleased* it feels so good this time though.’ Dale rubs his beard slowly and tries to keep his composure. He knows that keeping calm can help contain the man from within himself from coming out and going after Sam. ‘Okay Sam…. just please don’t make too much of a mess.’ The growing teenager feels his legs pushing his boxer briefs higher on his quads as they stretch wider and harder. His calves have now doubled in size as his height begins to increase. His 5’9 frame is now stretching to over 6’2. He moans louder as his pecs balloon outward making his nipples tingle and his crotch react. He rubs his chest as his abs pop out and create a perfect 8 pack. He massages each individual slab and lets out a few deep sighs. Hearing his son’s moans, Dale begins to struggle with his own problem as he feels a twinge inside his stomach. He grimaces grabbing his chest and feeling the sweat increase as it coats his tank top and shorts. ‘Sam…. I won’t be able to help you much longer buddy. You know who is going to want to have a few things to say to you.’ Sam continues to grow as his ass stretches his boxer briefs to their limits as his cock snakes its way out the bottom and pools precum on the floor as his back and lats stretch even wider. He reaches up to feel his face firming up as his massive biceps flex and push his arms further away from his face. He opens his eyes and notices they have changed color from green to brown and he has grown a beard. He reaches down to rip his boxer briefs off freeing up his ass to reach its full potential. ‘MMM damn, *rubs his huge ass* I look so fucking good dad. *Realizes in his mind that his dad may in fact have the same problem* Oh fuck, dad I hope you can keep from letting go. I don’t want what’s his face to show himself anytime soon.’ Feeling the hormones raging inside him though, he can’t help but to reach over and lift the toilet off the ground. He moans staring in the mirror at the muscles twitching as he holds it above his head. He drops it beside him shattering it into pieces and sending water everywhere. The water cascades down his naked gargantuan body making his cock swing erratically as it swells, stretching bigger and longer than before. The young behemoth growls feeling his balls growing from inside his sack as it aches from beneath his huge shaft. He checks out nearly every square inch of his body marveling at all the new bumps and crevices. He tries to keep his voice down to a minimum, but his immensely deep baritone can be heard through the door as his dad continues to move further away from the bathroom door. Dale’s body tenses slightly as he reaches for one of the posts on the front of Sam’s bed. His breathing deepens as he tries to get a few words out. ‘Sam…. son…. I don’t know if you…. can hear me buddy…. I can’t hold him back…. any longer…. (Takes his glasses off and throws them out of the bedroom)’ A loud pop comes from Dale’s back as he falls to the ground and lays his hands by his sides. He tries to control the pace of his breathing as he feels something rising from within him. He then sits up and knows that it won’t be long now. ‘Oh shit…. he really wants out tonight…. *Knows this could be a bad thing* *yells at Sam* I’M SORRY SAM…. SHIT BUDDY HE IS…. RAGING! AHH!’ Dale’s transformation is violent as he feels his muscles growing rapidly starting in his back and chest. Within seconds his tank top rips completely off starting with his back as it splits in the middle and continues all over. His chest explodes in size as his pecs inflate all the way up to his neck. Thick patches of brown fur spread across his chest covering most of the muscle. His nipples follow as they double in size and situate themselves in both corners. His mind changes gears as he laughs feeling his shorts rip open along the seams. The popping increases exponentially as every muscle in his back doubles up on themselves making his body stretch even wider. His lats push his arms further away from his chest. He feels himself getting taller too as his spine cracks and reforms adding more muscle to accommodate the added height. He tries to stand up as his immense quads and calves flex helping him lift himself of the ground. He roars in delight feeling his cock burst through his underwear and over to one side of his leg. The only clothing that remains on his body now is the waistband from his shorts which he is now staring down at. ‘FUCKING DESTROY THAT FABRIC, MUSCLE…. I WANT TO FEEL A COMPLETE FUCKING RELEASE!’ The behemoth’s ass swells bigger as he feels his muscly sides starting to stretch the waistband to its limits. He moans feeling his cock aching and bouncing relentlessly wanting complete freedom from its confines. After feeling himself growing a few more inches in height, his body finally succeeds at ripping the waistband off his pelvic region glistening with a nice brown forest and a river of sweat. The man’s massive rod throbs wildly as his balls make stretching sounds filling in every space in his sack. He looks at his biceps and sees the baseball-sized muscles throbbing but seems very dissatisfied. ‘Come on body, I know you can do better than this. Give me more size damnit, I want to feel like a god!’ The huge muscleman strains making both arms flex harder making the veins press up against the surface of the skin. He grimaces feeling huge pains passing through both arms. After a few seconds, the pain turns to pleasure as deep laughter comes barreling from his lips. His biceps begin swelling again as he watches them both grow to twice their size. His forearms and shoulders follow suit as the veins widen all the way up and down the rest of both arms. ‘YES! OH, FUCK YES! This feels so fucking amazing. *Takes several deep breaths* I haven’t been out of this prison for such a long time, I was beginning to wonder how this felt.’ It appears that the man’s transformation is complete. The formerly slender middle-aged man that inhabited this body is now absent as the man from within transformed it into a 6’4 350-pound behemoth. The man finds Sam’s mirror behind him and stands in front of it. He rubs the thick fur coating his immense chest and legs but won’t touch his cock. The 14-inch rod appears to be close to bursting and quickly turns to walk towards Sam’s bathroom door. There is silence from within the bathroom as it appears that Sam was listening to the whole sequence commence. The man stops a few feet back to speak. ‘Sammy…. open the door man. I need your help with something. Your daddy Dallas will treat you like a king if you come and fix it.’ Sam knows this will not be turn out well if he doesn’t find a way out. This isn’t the first time he has dealt with his dad’s most aggressive personality. His solution he thinks is to break down the door to throw Dallas off and just bash his way out the back of the house. When he tries to attempt this, Dallas punches his arm through the door and gets stuck trying to grab Sam by the neck. The younger behemoth manages to knock him down after the door goes flying off its hinges. Dallas growls as he lies on the ground. The excitement though makes his cock spill a few drops of precum on to his stomach. ‘SAMMY! DAMNIT, I LIKE CHALLENGES BUT THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE A DIFFICULT ONE TO DEAL WITH!’ The older hulk hears a huge crash in the other room as he jumps to his feet and rushes in there. He sees broken glass on the floor as one of the French doors to the backyard lies in a pile of rubble. Dallas seems uninterested in the damage caused and walks over top of it before rushing out the opening in the doorway and into the field behind the house. He sees Sam trying to put some distance between them. He stops at the edge of the field to yell at the younger stud. ‘COME ON SAM! I WON’T HURT YOU MAN! I JUST WANT TO FUCKING FILL YOU UP WITH MY LOVE! *Laughs loudly in his gravelly voice*’ When Sam goes to turn around, he falls dangerously close to the cliff located at the other end of the field. His sheer size is hard to control as he feels himself starting to slide over the edge. A giant hairy arm comes out of nowhere and grabs Sam’s right bicep. It of course is Dallas who has a very frightened look on his face. ‘Sammy…..don’t move man. Don’t move. Why are you running from me? I may not be Dale, but I do love you so much son.’ Sam tries not to panic as he feels his sweaty muscles twitching against his dad’s big hand. ‘Come on, let me lift you up here so we can finally let this happen, okay?’ Sam knows that Dallas will not remain in control for the rest of his dad’s life, but he wonders how long he will be around this time. He also knows that he must let Dallas save him or he will be toast. Within the next ten seconds, the huge hulk grabs Sam’s other arm and quickly lifts him up and places him back on to safe ground. Sam tries to get away from him, but Dallas grabs a hold of his arms and pulls him closer to him. The hulk’s huge rod continues to throb and leak gobs of pre everywhere. ‘NO! NO! Please God no! Dallas, I can’t take it…. you will permanently hurt me if you do this.’ Dallas moans hearing Sam’s cries as his cock shoots several ropes of cum all over his massive back. ‘UGH, Sammy stop struggling, you are just making me want it more. Just relax and let me fuck you.’ Dallas slides him underneath his body and slaps his immense rod on to Sam’s ass a few times before teasing his son’s hole with his cockhead. He pushes the head inside which makes Sam calm down a bit. ‘NO……No……no…. uhhhh…. *Feels his own cock jumping*……why Dallas…. you are my dad…. i shouldn’t like this….’ Dallas pulls it back out and turns Sam over to look him straight in the eyes. ‘We are a part of each other man, I know you will grow to love being with me someday. In a few years, you will even want your big daddy Dallas to be around forever. *Notices Sam’s own cock pulsing* Here I think you need some servicing of your own….’ Dallas lays him on the grass and leans down to start sucking on the 230-pound young man’s cock. Sam groans feeling his body shutter as he grips the ground beside him. His hulking dad rubs his son’s chest and arms and starts to run his tongue up past Sam’s abs, chest, and finally his mouth where he locks lips with him. Sam moans as Dallas lies on top of him and wraps his huge guns underneath the scared man’s body. ‘Stop it, Dallas. My dad will know this happened when he returns.’ ‘Will he? You forget Sammy, you are not yourself either. You may not remember everything either. Come on man, relax for me, please. *Lifts Sam’s legs up over his shoulders* Let your REAL daddy love you like you should be loved.’ Dallas starts to push his cock inside Sam which makes the young adult cry out in pain. Dallas slowly moves in and out of Sam pushing a little further inside each time. Sam can feel his body starting to loosen up now allowing Dallas to take over fully. ‘Good boy…. daddy Dallas will make you feel more satisfied than you ever thought possible.’ The hulking behemoth starts to pound him harder as he moves Sam’s legs around his back and holds him in his arms firmly. The son at this point just holds on feeling Dallas getting closer to exploding. ‘MMM Sammy…. here it comes man.’ Dallas grips him as he feels his cock pumping wildly inside the young man. Sam realizes this might be dangerous and starts to grow agitated. ‘NO Dallas NO! You will kill me, why? Oh god no, I can’t handle this.’ ‘Shhh…. relax Sam…. your body will recover. Don’t worry…. i won’t hurt you. *Feels his balls contracting* UHH YEAH…. OH, SHIT MAN…. OH SHIT…. FUCKKKKK!’ Dallas thrusts all his might into Sam’s hole as he launches massive rivers of cum into his son’s belly and beyond. Sam feels his insides swelling as his stomach stretches against his abs making them look more like a roidgut. This makes Dallas growl loudly. ‘OH, FUCKING YEAH…. I knew you could handle it man. *Rubs Sam’s huge gut and leans down to lick each bloated ab*’ He continues to thrust inside Sam holding him close as he looks up to plunge his tongue down his son’s throat. Sam is about half conscious at this point as he lets his aggressive dad have his way. The huge behemoth finishes cumming and stops kissing his son so he can rub Sam’s back for a few minutes. He peers down and sees his son’s cock leaking more than it did before. At this point, he pulls his own cock out of the man’s hole to move him a little further up. ‘Sammy? Son, I think you need to cum boy. Your cock is going to explode if you don’t do anything soon.’ Sam comes back to his senses and tries to free himself from Dallas again. The hulking brute makes sure he can’t get away by holding him down. ‘No Sam, this must be done. Trust me it will feel so much better when you just let it go.’ Dallas puts his arms underneath his son and lifts his crotch up to the hulk’s waiting lips. He slowly swallows the swollen rod and works it over with slow steady gulps making the young man writhe in ecstasy. Dallas tastes the river of precum flowing into his belly and knows it won’t take much to release the floodgates, so he just gulps the whole shaft down without a second thought. Sam digs his hands into his father’s legs as he pumps Dallas’s body full of thick goo. The young adult can hear his father swallowing what must be a gallon of cum and notices the behemoth sigh with pleasure as he does it. The sweat is pouring profusely from both men as they both sense that something else is about to happen. Sam finishes cumming and goes completely limp in his father’s arms. Dallas lovingly works his son’s cock a few more times in his mouth before it retreats back into its slumber. He kisses the cockhead after it leaves his mouth and picks Sam up in his arms. He kisses the young man on the lips one last time before lying down on the ground. The college-aged youngster can feel Dallas starting to doze off and manages to finally get free from his confines. Unfortunately, Sam is unable to stand up after the unreal pounding he just experienced by the huge hulk. He starts crawling away from Dallas and occasionally turns to see if the behemoth wakes up. Before he gets to the other side of the field, he realizes that he is shrinking as he feels his thick muscles starting to disappear and revert back to their original size. His ridiculously stretched hole manages to repair itself as well which gives him a sense of relief as he tries to stand up again. Once he gets back up to his feet again, he looks down the field and can see that his father Dale has returned to his original self as well and is still lying on the ground sleeping peacefully. The sun is now starting to set as the ordeal appears to be over….at least for now it is.- 1 reply
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- muscle growth
- gay incest
- (and 9 more)
size growth Super Size Me: I Have Taboo Tendencies (Part 3 - I Have Daddy Issues/I Have Brotherly Love)
TheWeremuscleForest posted a topic in Stories
*WARNING*: This story includes incestual themes and the subject of forced sex that may not be suitable for those who are against having sex with family members. Reader's discretion is advised. All subjects included in this story are of age and there will not be any issues associated with each character. Watching from up on the deck at their summer home, Blaine is dumbfounded by what he is witnessing. For one, he can’t believe that Brandon would be so open to letting Brody seduce him into having a sexual encounter with him, especially since he has a wife at home. However, deep down, in a way, the handsome model wonders if maybe this could be an opportunity for him to quite possibly enhance his own prospects, both physically and financially. Blaine is a bit vain and thinks that maybe he should approach the two brotherly behemoths and move forward with what he is thinking about. That is until someone else enters the picture. That someone surprises him unexpectedly. “Taking in the sights, Blaine?” A very rugged voice is heard behind him from about five feet away. “Uh, huh?” Blaine snaps out of his stupor and turns around to see an older, yet insanely massive muscular beast smiling at him. The man is wearing a tight flannel shirt, green and white striped, and painted on black jeans. The top two buttons on his shirt are unbuttoned, showing off his mammoth pec cleavage, gloriously covered in thick strands of black, red, and silvery fur. It isn’t necessarily something that Blaine hasn’t seen before, but it is obvious that this man is trying to look as ridiculously hot as possible, without being too revealing. His cock is draped down the side of his right leg inside his jeans, just resting. Blaine glances briefly at it before looking back up at the man’s face. It is his father Branch, who has an even longer mane from even when he transformed with Brody all those months ago. His dad walks up to him and looks him straight in the eyes. He is quite sweaty, as his beard has a few drops of perspiration moving down onto his flannel top. “Hello there, my boy. I am very happy to see that your brother Brandon came to his senses and decided to join me and Brody on our journey towards family perfection. It is something that I have envisioned for quite some time.” Branch puts his left and right paws on Blaine’s shoulders. “You were always the insanely good-looking one Blaine. I mean, you are all good-looking boys in my eyes, but you decided to show off our beautiful genes to the masses by posing in the media. I think maybe it is time for you to realize your full potential, don’t you think, son?” The reluctant model starts moving away from him but ends up stopping at the edge of the deck and placing his hands along the banister. Branch undoes his jeans and slowly pulls them down to his gargantuan quads, which are glistening with sweat. His thick fur does little to hide the thick peaks and valleys of muscle beneath its covering. His cock stands at attention as it flares out to its full 12-inches. He is leaking profusely. “Blaine, I promise that you won’t feel much pain. I am a big fucker, but you will likely outgrow me with ease. Your other brothers have done so, so why don’t you turn around and look at them again?” The mature beast points at them along the riverbank, which makes Blaine turn around as Branch gets behind him. He slowly starts rubbing his son’s backside and is amazed by how round his boy’s ass is, even as a small man. Blaine tries to maneuver himself away from his father, but he is no match for his dad’s power. The older muscle giant moans deeply as he holds Blaine in position against the railing, trying not to exert too much force. He continues to massage his son’s glutes, reassuring him that he is going to do something he will enjoy later. “Shh...Blaine. Relax son. I know you are scared of this, but everything will be alright. I hope you are not too fond of these clothes because they are not going to survive.” Branch tears Blaine’s shorts open in the back and is getting a lot of resistance from his nervous offspring. The stunned man can feel his dad’s immense fingers starting to find their way to his hole, beneath his thin underwear. He wants to yell out, but he is quickly silenced by Branch’s huge paw that was holding him against the banister. Branch is now up against his son, trying to relax him as he continues to slowly rub his boy’s anus, as well as massaging his round butt. Somehow, this ends up calming Blaine down after a few minutes of teasing. “That is a good boy, Blaine. Your big daddy is just trying to ease you into this. You will be just fine.” The thickly muscled beast grins. “Now, let’s get rid of these tiny briefs.” Branch rips his son’s briefs off, releasing his cock in his shorts, and tosses the remnants over the banister. He then slowly penetrates Blaine’s anus with his fingers, rubbing its walls with light strokes, which gets a big groan from his son. He chuckles to himself in his deep-manly tone and can see a slight difference in Blaine’s demeanor now. He is starting to grind his father’s fingers but is trying to be subtle about it. “I am seeing and feeling you do that Blaine. It is okay son, you will not have to worry about it, you don’t have to admit that you like it to me. We can keep this between us...well between me, you, and maybe your other brothers.” He takes his hand off his son’s mouth, which he hopes will not result in any kind of backlash. He is not disappointed. Blaine, who is wearing a loose t-shirt and a ripped pair of yellow shorts, is now drenched in sweat from the stress of the situation. He is experiencing feelings he never thought he would feel for another man, let alone his own father. It does bother him quite a bit. Branch now kicks his jeans off and over the side of the deck. His pecs are getting bigger somehow, possibly due to his excitement. They are nearly spilling out of his flannel. “Why do I feel like this dad? That isn’t normal, is it? What are you doing to me?” “It is just a part of who we are, Blaine. Getting to the root of each one of us in this family can sometimes take a little bit of effort, but we eventually get there. I think you are ready for me; don’t you think?” Branch removes his fingers from Blaine’s anus and wraps his bloated arms around his son’s waist to turn him around to look at him. He then wraps his son’s legs around his own monstrous waist, and slowly starts to squeeze his mammoth cock inside him. The handsome model groans loudly, feeling his dad spreading him further apart. The massive older stud is so pumped that he feels his pecs pop another button off his flannel shirt. The shocked young man stares intently at his dad’s giant pectorals as they become much clearer to view. This kind of interaction makes Branch leak inside his model son, which the handsome man feels as it slowly flows up inside him. “Mmm…my boy. I am loving how you are looking at my chest. Let me see if I can make this a little…bit…more…interesting.” Branch grunts and groans trying to make himself swell even larger. He moans feeling his bloated shoulders and biceps tensing as he flexes even harder. His upper body shakes wildly, but he is still able to hold his son against him. He manages to rip his sleeves apart finally as his giant guns emerge victorious. He lets his son put his hands on his huge pythons and feel the giant corded veins pulsing beneath the skin. Blaine is really starting to enjoy the experience now. “I don’t know why I am having such strong thoughts about you dad, but I want to see more.” “I know you want more son. I will do my best to provide…more…pleasure.” His father’s flannel is now ripping up along his shoulders, revealing the enormous boulders that were once hidden. He hears Blaine let out a deep moan, which makes him moan as well. He continues to let the precum fill his son’s insides and knows that this will be extremely easy now. The pump is providing the desired effect for him, and he knows now that he will probably make himself cum just by hulking out of his shirt. “I have always had a fetish for hulkouts dad. I always hid this from everyone.” “And I am going to give you what you desire Blaine. Now your big daddy wants to burst out the back of this puny shirt…RRAAWWRR!!” Branch flares his lats as they blast through the sides of the fabric. His pecs can now be seen from each side, which gets Blaine’s attention. He looks as if he wants to do something to them. His father smiles and leans him into his chest. The young man rips the rest of his buttons off and opens his shirt. His beautifully carved torso is free to be explored. His huge abdominal cavity heaves in excitement as his boy fingers his hairy slabs. “Fuck yes Blaine. Do it! You are going to make your old man turn you into a gawd. Worship my body and you will be given the greatest gift imaginable.” Pumped even bigger than before, Branch’s quads and glutes thrust harder against Blaine. Like the hulk, the thick beast splits the back of his shirt in half, reveling in the sounds of the fabric giving way. He shoots his mammoth load inside his son as he feels Blaine running his tongue and fingers up and down his chest, feeling each muscle against his face. He sucks both of his father’s huge nipples, making his dad produce even more cum than he even thought possible. “Uhh…uhh…fuck yes boy. I love it! Now, I demand that you grow against me now. As your maker, I IMPLORE YOU TO DO IT!” The handsome young man can feel his body shaking. His thin muscles are starting to twitch, which is making Branch lose his freaking mind. He can feel his heart rate soaring against his son, who is now moaning and groaning. He feels like he is going to cum again at any second but is trying to hold it back. The nervous young man stops what he is doing to talk to his father. “Uhh fuck dad, I can’t concentrate anymore. It feels like my entire body is in a state of ecstasy. I don’t know if I should be enjoying it or resisting it.” Branch and his son have now moved away from the edge of the deck and are trying to find a spot where they can get a bit more comfortable. It doesn’t take long before things start to get more interesting with Blaine. He barely has his feet on the ground when he starts to feel them swelling. He was wearing flip-flops, but those are no match for the sheer power of his newly swollen toes that are now smashing them. His dad remains standing in front of him, holding Blaine against his pumped chest. He tears his flannel off and grunts. “Show me what you are capable of Blaine. Let it all go, and don’t worry about the consequences.” He can see his son’s calves expanding as his quads begin to swallow up his tattered shorts. They look as if someone is blowing them up like a balloon. The branches of veins and capillaries multiply in seconds on top of two monstrously bloated tree trunks that are now accentuating Blaine’s already impressive ass. He moans in delight feeling his glutes stretching the opening in the back of his shorts. The material is ripping gradually, parting to make way for what is swelling beneath it. Branch is now running his hands along his son’s ass and growing cock, which is bulging beneath the front of his shorts. It emerges out the left side of them and continues to swell. His dad moans, finally spraying his seed all over the deck and gets down on his knees to massage his boy’s throbbing lower half. He is greeted with a few jets of precum on his face and pecs. It is as if Blaine’s cock is trying to tell him something, but the mature beast wants his son to experience a full hulkout. “GOOD BOY! I always knew what all my boys were capable of. Let’s keep the fun going.” “I…I do LOVE IT dad…I don’t want it to stop.” Wanting to see a complete blowout of his son’s shorts, he tucks Blaine’s mammoth rod back inside and sees it start to stretch the waistband of his beleaguered pants. In less than five seconds, they both hear a snap as it hangs helplessly against his growing adonis belt. Branch reaches up to pet it and marvels at its thickness. He even kisses it. He can his son sigh loudly. The muscles in his chest and abdomen are next. Blaine lets out a few “Yes”’s as his swelling abdominal wall emerges from nonexistence. His obliques and stabilizers expand to match the rest of his lower torso. They are all entirely visible underneath his shirt and extremely deep and cavernous. Branch smiles as he looks to the side and sees that his son’s engorged ass is what is keeping his shorts on his body. He quickly pulls them off him and tosses them to the side. He is now toying with his boy’s package, teasing his huge ballsac with his mouth, playing with each testicle, and is sucking on both. Blaine gasps in delight as he moves his dad’s face up to his bloated 11-inch rod. His father grins as he slowly sucks on the beast, slurping and enjoying the precum as it slides down his throat. His big paws are directed by his son’s expanding hands to find their way to his thickening chest. “Feel me become the hulk dad, it…feels…ssoo…gguuoodd…” Blaine starts to rip his shirt, but Branch motions for him to stop. He only slightly tears it along the top, leaving a minor gap. This is just enough to notice the giant cavern that is developing between his two growing enormous pectorals. This gets his father’s attention as he gets back up to his feet. They are nearly eye-level since Blaine was already about the same height as his dad. “I want to feel your chest grow up against mine, you beautiful boy. Make it happen.” Branch is now pressing his huge hairy torso up against his son’s. This seems to be accelerating the growth because Blaine’s chest inflates rapidly, his drenched shirt now painted to his body. They smile at each other as his dad leans in to kiss his son softly on his lips. He laughs as his growing boy feels his shirt ripping in half. His back muscles bulging bigger and wider, lats pushing his arms further away from his torso. Blaine tears his shirt off finally, showing off what the rest of his upper body is doing. He moans feeling his arms pumping more blood and swelling bigger and bigger. The more mature monster marvels at how quickly they are growing and reaches over to squeeze both of them. His son moans as he does so and feels as if he is about to erupt. “I can’t hold it in any longer dad. This whole experience has pumped me up to the point that I can’t hold it any longer.” “That is normal Blaine. Let’s cum together and enjoy the ride.” The two muscle beasts moan and groan, grinding against each other, both showering their swollen torsos with volcanic eruptions, laughing and sighing at the same time. Branch is now noticing his son’s neck bulging wider, as well as his boyish looks dissipating. The hair on his head is falling off, leaving a thickly muscled dome of masculinity which is reshaping his face. He is still remarkably attractive, only now, he is also looking more like an alpha male. He smiles as he flexes his gargantuan 23-inch guns and bloated forearms. His slick skin at this time is now being covered in thick mounds of fur. His dad grunts knowing that it is in their DNA to be furry beasts. Blaine isn’t too sure if he wants to be hairy but knows it would be too tall of a task to keep up with the maintenance. “Don’t worry about it son. You are still the best-looking of us all. Don’t let the others know that I told you that, though.” Blaine smiles and shakes his head no. “You know how unpredictable I can be dad.” “Let me have a look at your backside, my boy.” The young hulk obliges as he turns around and flexes his back. His delts, traps, and shoulders swell in unison, displaying their sheer power. Branch leans in to kiss and mouth each one of them. Blaine grunts a few times and rubs his ass up and down on his father’s pole. It dribbles a few ribbons of precum along the concaves of Blaine’s huge rump. “I am going to love teasing you all the time, old man.” He just now notices that his voice is a couple octaves lower now. “WHOA! My voice sounds like that now. This is fucking amazing!” His dad remarks about how hairy and huge his ass is. He admits that he wants to play with it and then rim the hell out of it, but Blaine has other ideas. He turns around quickly to face the older beast. “I don’t think so mister. You may have created me and had your way with me before I became a hulk, but now I get to have some fun.” The fur that was encircling Blaine’s body appears to be done thickening up. He is now running his fingers through the tufts of fur on his chest and abs. His father is back to pressing his equally impressive torso along his son’s. This time they can match sizes with each other. Their big nipples are finding their way to each other and can touch. This immediately sends ripples of pleasure between the two hulks. “I really like this game dad. I hope we can do this a lot more; don’t you agree?” “Son…I think we can play a lot more games now that we are our true selves.” They slowly squeeze inward, trying to get past their giant pec shelves, to lightly kiss again before ending up on the deck floor. They will roughhouse for several minutes as it starts to rain outside. The two beasts enjoy how the raindrops just cascade down their swollen bodies. Besides chatting briefly, his immense son flexes his muscles which distracts Branch to the point that Blaine overpowers him and turns him over. He has his father laying on his stomach as he plunges his thick tool inside his father. This unexpectedly excites Branch, which makes him yell in delight. His huge hulking son pounds him relentlessly for several minutes, unaware that they are being observed from a close distance. Eventually, a deep and gruff voice is heard. One of them says, “Well…well…well…look who decided that they wanted to join the beast’s club?” While the other one says, “You are really good at plowing our father, Blaine. I doubt that Vanessa ever got that kind of effort out of you before this.” They both look up and notice that Brody and Brandon are now standing on the steps going up to the deck and are watching their other brother and their father having fun without them. “Hello fellow beasts…as you can see, I have our dad right where I want him. And no, I don’t think that Vanessa will ever get this kind of effort out of me. I doubt she will ever take me back now that I am…you know…a demigod. Heh!” Brody and Bran look at each other and smile. Both high-five each other as they make it up to the top of the deck. It isn’t long before they are both sporting huge swollen tools, ready for action once again. Only this time, it will be a much more intense family reunion. Branch looks up at them as they stand above his face, drooling cocks bouncing in unison with each other. “Oh, hello boys. I think maybe it is time for the three of us to spend some more quality time together. Don’t you think?” I think maybe you know what will happen next.-
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- muscle growth
- forced growth
- (and 9 more)
age progression Rapid Aging Syndrome *Previously Unreleased Muscle Genie Episode*
TheWeremuscleForest posted a topic in Stories
Philip has a home gym in his garage. The neighborhood he lives in is a fairly nice one as well. He sometimes keeps his garage door open because he wants the fresh air outside to hit his glistening, hairy body as he pumps out every rep on his bench press from his smith machine, or sometimes if he decides to squeeze his biceps on the bars for his arm exercises. He admits to himself all the time that he enjoys the attention he gets from people as they walk by with their pets or their spouses, and gives him a few glances. He waves back occasionally after doing each set just to see how they would react to him. Some of the women in the neighborhood giggle as they see him flexing in a mirror, which he has set up in the back of the garage, in view of the street. One admirer in particular is the 19-year old neighbor that lives directly beside of Philip. He can see him from his bedroom window, which can see straight into his garage. The window is directly in front of where he does his leg raises. The teenager has watched him lift 800 pounds before on that machine, which interests him greatly. His quads have grown quickly, which delights Philip, because he has been trying to get them up to where his upper body is. The young man, Kyle, has visited him a few times to just get some pointers on the correct way to lift and how much he should be attempting for his age. Philip knows a thing or two about teens because he used to have one himself. Kyle has always had a liking to older men and can't keep his eyes off of his neighbor. One day while he has his garage door open, Kyle sneaks in while Philip is doing a heavy set of shrugs. He startles him to the point that he nearly hurts his back. He goes to sit down for a minute after dropping the barbell on the ground. He gets really angry at him for doing that and tells him to get the hell out. Kyle apologizes several times, but Philip doesn't want to listen and tells him to leave, or there will be consequences. The young man finally leaves, and the older stud decides from that point on that he will keep his garage door closed. That same night, feeling extremely horny after the amount of energy he built up from his workout and the adrenaline from his confrontation with Kyle, he decides to go back out to the garage and pump out a few more reps, just enough to possibly help him relieve his sexual energy. Instead of wearing pants this time, he does it completely naked not thinking that he has an admirer watching him from next door. The young man watches as Philip pumps his chest up and sees his cock bouncing up and down every time he does a rep. He has always been one of those lucky men that could concentrate on working on his muscles, and at the same time, be able to jerk his cock with his mind. Each rep puts him closer to the edge as he stops to take a breather every now and then before starting over again. He gets vocally louder until his cock can’t hold back any longer. He sprays his thick spunk all over the garage floor before realizing how loud he got over this session. Kyle happens to see this whole thing transpire as well. As he watches him, the teenager strokes his cock and thinks about having sex with him. With his eyes still closed, Kyle can feel himself being influenced by a huge figure standing by his bed. It focuses its energy on his maturity and makes it speed up by three years. While he is sitting there busy thinking about Philip, he can feel himself getting taller, growing a few inches in height, and he can somehow feel his voice getting deeper. His body remains quite thin, but it did reshuffle itself to prepare for a change that will occur very soon. When the young man opens his eyes, the figure is gone and the now 22-year-old is unaware of his physical change. When Philip goes to workout the next day in his garage, he notices an attractive man coming out of his house next door, that looks a bit different than he remembers. He tells him to come over and talk as he wonders if he is another family member of the family. He asks him if he is just visiting, which puzzles the young man. He says that he has lived there his whole life and that they just talked yesterday. Unaware of his physical changes, Kyle starts checking Philip out again, skimming the beefy daddy’s thick frame with his eyes. It is somehow different this time with Philip, as he sees Kyle in a different way, than he did the previous day. He invites the man into his gym and has him attempt some reps on his bench press. Kyle is amazed at how much easier it is to do them now than during previous attempts at his school’s gym. He can't help but to watch as his muscles tense up and sees how quickly his abs are developing. The older man lifts his shirt up and starts rubbing on them and tells him how good they are looking. He directs him over to the dumbbells and he has him starts pumping his arms up. Philip stares at how vascular they are getting with each individual curl he does. After a couple of minutes of doing this, Kyle starts working on his pecs. The muscle daddy makes him stop and asks him to take his shirt off so he can rub them. The young man obliges and reaches over to start rubbing on the older man’s. It isn't long before they both start kissing and worshiping each other. Philip spends a few moments licking and mouthing on Kyle’s defined pecs before finally squeezing him in his arms. He doesn't struggle to get away because he has always wanted this to happen between the two of them. As he starts to kiss his partner again, he can feel him starting to grow in his grasp. His finely hairy chest is starting to make a lot of popping and stretching noises. He looks into Philip’s eyes, very frightened, because he isn’t sure what is going to happen to him. Philip lets go of him because he doesn't know what the heck is happening and watches as Kyle lies on the ground in agony, still wearing his shorts from when he got up that day. He watches in amazement as Kyle’s back appears to be adding two more vertebrae making him even taller than he already was. The muscles in his back are swelling up as well, stretching and expanding with each second that passes. His lats are flaring and his delts are flexing wildly. Philip can see his obliques popping out and his abs thickening from the sides. His pecs are now ballooning into perfect symmetry. His skinny arms are growing exponentially as his biceps and triceps swell into giant softballs and perfect horseshoes. His skinny legs explode in size as his swelling quads gradually pull his legs apart and completely shred his shorts. The underwear he is wearing rips completely off due to his new muscularity, as well as revealing something that Philip may or may not want to have a go at. He has a decent-sized cock and it appears to be getting a bit thicker after being unleashed from its confines. The fine hair on his head and body is now swimming in dark colored brownish-fur with a tint of red. Philip is even more amazed when he looks at Kyle’s face. He looks like he has aged another ten years. His face is quite defined now, but he has grown a full beard and the hair on his head is also a brownish red where it was just brown before this happened. He finally reaches down to feel Kyle’s glutes, which are very full and round, and starts to rub on them to feel how wonderfully hairy and defined they are. He can hear the man moaning in a very low and gruff tone and checks to see if he is doing alright. A much more mature Kyle turns his head to look at him with his hazel eyes and smiles. He takes Philip’s hands from his ass and places them on his chest. Then he grabs him and starts kissing him passionately. He can't fight the much bigger Kyle off now because of his sheer size and power. He lays the older man on the ground and holds him down as he towers over him. His sweaty, dripping fur lightly caresses the older man’s own furry body. Philip tries to playfully squirm out from beneath him, but he is unable to move, as Kyle lowers himself against his neighbor, and slides his cock alongside Philip’s. The older hunk gives in to him. Kyle kisses his neck to make him completely submit. Philip immediately wraps his legs around the beast’s thick waist and begs to be penetrated by his cock because he wants to feel him inside and out. He growls and wraps Philip in a bearhug so he can lift him up with his legs since they are still wrapped around Kyle’s waist. Both men end up on the weight bench as Kyle pushes his rod up inside his neighbor. They start kissing which lasts for what seems like an eternity. He grinds the older man as they both continue to lock lips with each other. Philip’s hands squeeze Kyle’s huge reddish-fur covered pecs, which heave and bounce with each thrust. This makes Philip’s cock bounce up and down as he is being fucked. He stares intently as his younger lover’s arms get even more pumped as the veins jut out on his biceps and forearms. The older stud loves the pump his lover is getting as he reaches over to squeeze both of his giant arms and feel their raging power in his fingers. The young beast moans deeply, loving how much his older partner is into his growth, so he begins to pound harder onto his lover’s hole. He yells feeling Kyle’s balls swelling and preparing to dump their contents into his body. Kyle growls as he thrusts several times into him, pumping his huge load with delight into the older stud. Philip is in awe of what is transpiring and is trying to take a few moments to breathe as the rush flows through him. The two drenched men lie on the bench together, breathing heavily and grunting, waiting for what might happen next. He motions for his beastly young partner to stand up and stands up after being pumped full of Kyle’s goo. He starts to walk around to get his mind in focus. The young top walks over to him and holds him tightly, squeezing his muscles to make Philip feel protected in some way. The older hunk doesn’t understand how this entire situation happened, but after it has finished, it feels right. He feels a bit nauseated, but surprisingly, doesn’t feel all that bad. Kyle’s load was a heavy one, and the question now is, will Philip transform now or is this just one-sided?- 1 reply
- 8
- muscle growth
- size difference
- (and 10 more)
“I’m only doing this because I love you so much Alby. For some reason, we always end up doing things I didn’t think I wanted to be a part of.” The 26-year-old nerdy twink with glasses, Samuel, wasn’t always the most social guy, but he has developed close relationships with guys that his husband Albert introduces him to. Several of them are quite athletic, a couple of which are quite muscular, and have been known to be flirtatious, especially with his squeeze, who is a cute and beefy 27-year-old otter. He normally sports a healthy beard to cover up what he views as an imperfect face. The two partners met in college and became inseparable after Samuel ended up saving Albert’s life during a lacrosse match. It was one of those awkward moments when there were no medical personnel around and the team was in need of someone with medical knowledge. Sam was studying to become a nurse and just happened to be in the second row of the bleachers when Albert collapsed on the ground. The medical doctor that was usually on duty was not available due to an unforeseen illness of their own. Sam thought that Albert was reasonably cute, but he was not entirely interested in ever meeting him in person. He mostly went to the lacrosse matches because he had a sibling that played. His sibling remembered that he studied emergency procedures and made him come down to assist. Albert was in respiratory distress, and nobody knew why. Sam began assessing the situation and addressed his client’s symptoms. He informed his sibling and a few other team members that he needed some things to help Albert breathe better. Once he was able to get more air into his client’s lungs as the EMT’s arrived at the scene, he thought he was finished, but as it turned out, he wasn’t. Albert had made eye contact with him and wanted Sam to go to the hospital. After a little bit of apprehension, he agreed and said he would be there in a few minutes. They placed Albert into the ambulance and drove him to the nearest hospital. Sam told the team that he would go see how the beefy cutie was doing and he would call his sibling to let him know about what happened. The match continued as normal while Sam made his trip to the hospital. When he arrived, he asked about Albert and was told to sit in the waiting area until they came out to speak with him. Surprisingly, it wasn’t more than maybe 30 minutes later when a nurse came out and took him to Albert’s room. Sam wondered why Albert would want him to be the one person to come see him in the hospital. The then 20-year-old was a bit fuller back then and had a lot less fur on his body. He was happy to see his 19-year-old, soon to be partner, come and see him. The bespectacled twink ended up sitting close to Albert after a couple of funny exchanges with each other. At times, Sam would glance at the man’s noticeable bulge underneath the blanket that was over his body. It was something that the young nursing student always had a thing for and couldn’t keep his eyes off it. The lacrosse player seemed to be doing a lot better now than from when they left the match. “I just wanted to thank you for helping me out, buddy. I have seen you at some of the matches before. What is your name?” “Uhh, Samuel Creighton. I guess you pretty much know that I have some medical knowledge. I was just doing what I was studying for. Eric, (his sibling), pretty much volunteered me for the job.” “Yeah, I briefly noticed that. *Pauses for a few seconds* It turns out that I somehow punctured my right lung after getting hit by one of the sticks from the other team. They are supposed to fix it soon.” “Whoa, that is a strange injury. Maybe I should go so they can get you prepped?” Albert grabs his arm. “No buddy. I have no family here and I would appreciate it if you could let the team know about my condition. Actually… my family doesn’t speak to me anymore after I… well you know… came out.” “Uhh, alright. What is your name again?” Albert laughs and coughs a few times. “Ohh shit, you are right. I never told you, my name. It is Albert Gaines. Your cousin Eric has been friends with me for a few years. I wonder why he never mentioned you.” The beefy cutie locks his eyes on Sam’s again which gets a little more interesting. “Ohh, uhh well I’m not sure why. Maybe he didn’t know that you were gay like me. Uhh, ohh why did I say that?” Albert laughs again and slowly rubs Sam’s left forearm. It is obvious that he knew his savior’s sexuality when he glanced and saw that Sam was looking at his bulge beneath the blanket. “I know this is a ridiculous time to ask, but after I get out of this place, would you mind if we started hanging out more? I can’t take my eyes off your gorgeous face.” Samuel is floored by Albert’s suggestion, but he is equally enamored with his soon-to-be partner. “Uhh sure, I guess? I don’t know.” “Heh, it is okay Sammy. Can I call you that? You are insanely adorable and very intelligent. You will not be disappointed, I promise.” After informing the team by phone, and his cousin, he promises to wait and see how the surgery goes for Albert, even though he should be back at the school studying for some upcoming tests. He can’t take himself away from the situation and isn’t sure why really. He is eventually allowed to see Albert in his room after surgery. There are a few patches on the beefy cutie’s right pec, which immediately gets the attention of the medical student. Albert notices and wants him to come sit by him like he did in the emergency department. He grabs Sam’s left hand and places it on his right pec. The nurse in the room is not happy about it and tells them to knock it off. When she finally leaves, Albert once again grabs Sam’s hand and puts it on his pec. “I bet you didn’t think you would be helping people so soon, right? Run your fingers over the pads and tell me what you feel? *Waits a second to act like it hurts* OUCH!” Sam jumps a little and wants to hit Albert, but he doesn’t know him well enough to do something so forward. He accidentally shows a little grin realizing that the man is playing with him. Albert can feel their chemistry building already. He slowly starts running his right hand along Sam’s shoulder. “Whoa, uhh well maybe I shouldn’t be here right now. I do have a few tests to study for back at the dorm. Umm, what is your number Albert… Al… Alby…?” “YES! Call me Alby, Sam. I love that, it is strictly for you. Come here, let me tell you in your ear.” He whispers his phone number, but then, reaches into Samuel’s pants pocket and pulls his phone out before searching for his contacts and typing it in for him. The medical student could feel his leg being lightly massaged as Albert finds his phone. The injured man can feel the twink’s large member along the pocket, so he feels it for a few seconds before pulling his hand out. Sam sighs just a little bit and tries to act like he didn’t notice. He is handed his phone back as the beefy cutie makes eye contact with him again. “Call me Sammy and we can meet up somewhere if you choose to. I doubt that you would want your roommates to have to listen to my drivel all the time. You could come to my place though. I have been trying to figure out if real estate is the direction, I should go in, or if I just do what I really want to do and pursue a career in sports medicine. Oh well, you just let me know and we will figure it out.” “Okay, sure… I mean I suppose. I am not good at this.” “Hey, don’t worry buddy. I’m not either, I just don’t like being alone too long. It isn’t fun.” Albert pulls Sam in again to whisper in his ear again. “You have to kiss me, or I will lie here all night wondering what your lips taste like, or possibly, what your lips would feel like on my cock.” Once again, Sam is shocked by what he is saying, but doesn’t resist as they lock lips. Both sigh as Albert feels his cock jump a few times under the sheets. They can hear a few nurses groaning behind them. They quickly move away from each other after a few seconds. “Heh, okay Sammy. I should have looked at your phone number when I had your phone out. You have to give it to me because I have to text you.” After putting Sam’s number in his phone, he quickly sends him a text and smiles. It is quite flirtatious. Sam responds back, which is noticeably awkward, but Albert laughs as he thinks it is beyond sexy. He is completely hooked on his new friend now. “Don’t be surprised if I bug you a little tonight. I will try to remember that you have things you need to get done, but I admit, I am very interested in who you are and where we can go from here.” A nurse finally chimes in, “Visiting hours are over guys. Let’s wrap up the love fest, okay?” The two guys grin at each other as Sam tries to walk away, but not before Albert grabs his arm and pulls him in again. He looks into the 19-year-old’s eyes and smiles before kissing him again. This kiss has more meaning than the last one. They both moan deeply as Sam touches his friend’s face and Albert rubs his new boyfriends back lovingly. They are pulled apart as the young medical student is whisked down the hall and out of the recovery area. After that night in the hospital, the two college-aged guys would begin a relationship that would continue to evolve into something that not even Albert imagined. They both graduated at the same time. Samuel was VERY intelligent and graduated in three years with an undergraduate degree before moving on to his master’s and then to his rounds at the very hospital he was at that night. Albert ended up graduating with a degree in sports medicine and became obsessed with changing how his body looked. As with many relationships, there was rough patches, but Samuel did support what his partner was doing. Despite what was perceived as a quiet exterior, the young nurse-in-training had some kinks that Albert was into as well. Probably a few months into their relationship, Sam let it slip that he was into watching men grow out of their clothes. It centered on guys that looked like himself and, jokingly thinking it was ridiculous, possibly someone that looked like Albert. It was at that point that the beefy cutie, who was a bit leaner now since he was starting to focus on his body more, realized that he had found someone that might be worth trying things with. Albert loved how Sam was able to manage his two sides when he needed to. The nerdy nurse, which he quickly found out after dating him, had a huge meaty cock that he quickly became obsessed with. Sam knew how to use it and Albert, being the larger guy, was perfectly okay with being the recipient of his partner’s throbbing tool when the urge came. Sam sometimes wondered how he got so lucky to have a partner that didn’t care that he was still the same twinky man he was when they first dated. They would marry a few years into their relationship. Albert was not growing like he wanted to at this point. His body was not responding the way it should have with all of the supplements he was taking. Sam was usually busy with his rounds at the hospital when his new husband would call or text him and complain about how much of a failure, he feels like he is, because he isn’t growing. Sam always reassured him that he would get over his plateau, but he knew it wouldn’t suppress Albert’s hunger for size. Admittedly, Sam did have dreams about his husband growing and hulking out of his clothes in front of him. He wouldn’t reveal his kink for this until they talked about it a few years into their marriage. Which brings us back to the original conversation. After finally admitting that he has dreamed about Albert becoming a hulk, the nurse is told that they are going to try something new, which was not new to Sam, but he never told his husband that he did it with someone else before. The beefy stud has explored other kinks that they share, including sleeping with one of Albert’s close friends he has known for years, Jacoby. He knew that Sam liked spending time with the man, especially since he watched him basically balloon into a huge powerlifter in a matter of months. Jacoby only agreed to the arrangement because he knew that Albert would get off on it. He wasn’t physically attracted to Sam because he didn’t view him in that way. Jacoby was talked into being topped by Sam, which was a total surprise when he saw the beast that was attached to such a small man, because most of their friends never realized that Albert was the bottom in the relationship. Albert could tell that Jacoby was not enjoying the experience after just a few minutes and they ended it. Sam would end up leaving the room, which was the TV room as it turned out, and the other two would end up fucking and making a ruckus. That did make Samuel a bit self-conscious about himself. He knew he wasn’t built like a lot of the guys that Albert knew, but it didn’t matter to the beefy cutie. He was madly in love with Sam, and he was trying to find ways to keep each other engaged, and he was willing to go the extra mile to achieve what he thought they both deserved. That would lead him to a man that was recommended by another one of his friends. This man somehow knew how to make yourself grow more muscle through the process of edging. Albert mentioned the man to Sam one morning after he came home from his shift, but the nurse thought that maybe this would be a bit too unusual to try. After a couple of minutes of trying to convince him though that this might be healthy for his system, especially since he knew how much testosterone Samuel would build up, Albert thought this was an opportunity that his husband couldn’t pass up. Sam agreed to talk to the man because he was interested in seeing if something like that could produce some kind of reaction in not only him, but his husband as well, since he was struggling with his own growth insecurities. It turned out to be someone that they both went to school with a few years prior back in college. His name was Pavel. They both were shocked when they saw what he looked like after meeting up with him again after a few years. He was huge, veiny, bulging, muscles everywhere, and had an impressive beard as well. He looked nothing like that in college. He was small man like Sam back then, which was one reason why they spoke to each other on occasion, and they had similar interests. Pavel could have even been interested in Sam back then, but he resisted the urge to pursue him after he found out he was dating Albert. After a few minutes of explaining the edging process to both of them, Pavel brings them into a separate room that looks like a home gym and sits down in a chair off to the side. He makes them both get on their knees in front of him on two mats. He tells Sam, to his left, to put their right arm out, and Albert, to his right to put his left arm out as he takes them in his huge paws and clamps his fingers on their pulses. He closes his eyes and starts talking candidly about their connection to each other. “You both have a VERY strong bond. It is one of the strongest I have felt in the time I have been doing this. Okay, go ahead and grasp each other's hands together.” They do so as he places his own hands-on top of theirs. “Yes! I think this will happen, but you both will have to follow the rules. Both of you will have to let your testicles rest for a bit. There can be no release, I mean… no cum can be spilled.” He lets go of their hands and tells them to ungrasp each other as he looks down at Sam’s crotch. “You have a gift Sam. Your cock and balls are going to provide you with the hormones to become the beast you are meant to become. You remember what I looked like. I was scrawny and insignificant, but I researched everything I could get my hands on and harnessed my energies and grew myself into what I am now.” He flexes his biceps making the sleeves rip on his dress shirt and smiles. He tells Sam to get up at the same time he does and reaches down to undo his dress pants. He pulls them down slowly, revealing the incredible mass of muscle from his legs, all the way down to his ankles. He is absolutely immense. His cock is throbbing wildly in his briefs. “Now, this is going to probably sound batshit crazy to both of you, but I am going to ask your husband to suck my cock Sam. He is probably going to enjoy it a lot. I know I will. I am so fucking excited right now because I like both of you so much. When you both are done with your transitions, I do want to see both of you again. Are you both okay with this?” Sam looks at him with a weird look on his face as Albert stares intently at the giant bulge in front of him. He doesn’t seem fazed at what he is being asked to do, even if it is so unusual. “I… uhh… well he does know how to service my tool… I can’t complain considering that I trust you more than probably 99.9% of the other guys we know.” “Then come over here Sam.” He moves up to the huge beast. “Put your hand on my huge chest. looks at Sam’s free hand Don’t touch your cock. Put your other hand on my bicep. Feel me… rub me… milk me. pulls his briefs down so his cock stands outward Suck me slowly Al. I am going to give your husband the gift he deserves Sam. There are reasons why he must do this. You will understand when the time is right for you.” After marveling at Pavel’s incredibly thick tool, Albert slowly massages it with one of his hands and reaches down to touch himself with the other. This is quickly rejected by the thick beast though. “No Al. You must build yourself up. No touching it. You will both leak and that is fine. It is actually a sign that you are both being primed.” Albert starts to slowly lick and massage Pavel’s tool with his hands, and watches in awe at what he thinks are the beast’s swelling balls. He looks up and sees Sam leaning in to kiss the behemoth on the lips. They both moan. A few drops of pre roll out of Pavel’s slit. He is sweating and lightly panting. “Excuse me Sam while I… rip Ohh fuck, heh, I seem to have ripped the back of my shirt. *Shows the giant split in the back to Sam* You are both stimulating me, which is causing my testosterone to increase, and I am… mmm… feeling the effects.” The first two buttons on Pavel’s dress shirt fly off as his mammoth tits start to peel out. He grins as he rips the front open making the rest go flying as well. His huge abs contract as his pecs appears to be swelling even bigger. “Go ahead and shove your face in there Sam and fucking munch on my tits so we can move this along. I think your husband will like what will happen next.” Albert seems fine with what is happening between Sam and Pavel because he is convinced that he will get what he wants the most out of this experience. He can taste the precum going down his throat, and it is remarkably tasty. He is now toying with Pavel’s cock, making long strands of precum stretch from the immense tool to his face. He quickly figures out how to stroke the beast as more of it flows down into his throat. “Fuck, you are both turning me on so much. Sam, kiss me again and worship my massive arms.” Their second kiss makes Pavel’s balls swell even bigger as it appears he is making even more cum. Albert is now gulping on the beast’s huge tool and can feel it slowly swelling in his mouth. It is becoming harder to breathe, but he is eager to be fed whatever might come out of the swollen beast. Sam knows what is going on because he can hear his husband moaning deeply. The twinkish man runs his tongue along the giant veins traveling up and down Pavel’s immense arms. Sam’s stimulation of Pavel’s cannons is enough to make them swell even larger, destroying whatever seams remain of the shirt as it rips in tatters. Pavel reaches up and tears it off as he throws it to the side. He flexes his lats, splaying them outwards which makes Sam take in his aroma. The strong smell is enough to make the twinkish man leak down his leg, which prompts Pavel to kiss him again. He stops after a few seconds. “God damn Sam, you definitely have the desire don’t you. Mmm… fuck… that feels ssoo good Al. I know it is getting too big for you. Go ahead and bury your face in my cavernous pits Sam and bring me to the edge so you can watch me feed your husband his overdue reward.” Sam can barely contain himself as he moves his head into the thick forest of hair contained inside the swollen pits. The testosterone being pumped throughout Pavel’s body is making him breathe heavily. Sam is noticeably winded as well. He has soaked part of his pants, which gets the attention of Pavel. “Pull your pants down Sam. Let it breathe, let it drip. We are just about there. Slow, even strokes will do it, Al. Your husband is going to be a beast when this is finally done.” The monstrous pole that Albert has been fooling with is flexing, almost pleading for release. He slowly rubs it, licking the head and getting a nice, tasty stream of precum each time he does so. He can hear Pavel agonizing above him with Sam pulling his trousers down and letting his cock drool all over the floor as he continues to lick his master’s lats and pits. “Okay Sam, watch me fill your husband. Don’t get jealous...heh...I’m sure you will be able to match me…oh fuck…” Albert continues stroking and can feel Pavel’s bull-sized testicles flexing beneath his hands. He is so excited that he thinks he is about to cum. He runs his tongue along the cockhead and catches the first thick river of cum as it comes flying out the beast’s shaft. Sam is right, his husband is a pro at handling big equipment. Pavel is ecstatic when he sees Albert gobbling and gulping every drop down his throat and into his stomach. The svelte athlete somehow is able to keep his breathing in order as he sighs feeling the white flood flowing into his eager body. He looks up at Pavel and smiles as he feels the beast’s cock contracting and flexing inside his mouth. He pets his friend’s giant wet abs and obliques as the cum dissipates from inside the thick beast’s shrinking ballsac. Albert finally pulls Pavel’s immense tool out of his mouth and lets it dangle as it slowly retreats back to its original size. “You are both amazing at pleasuring me. Looks at how swollen Albert’s midsection is How are you feeling now, Al? I’m sure you are wondering what happens next.” The situation has left Albert a bit exhausted as he lies down on his back on the floor. He is unaware that Pavel has decided to take his husband to another room. The thick beastly European-born beast knows that this is his chance at turning Sam into something greater than even Albert could have imagined. Sam is not entirely sure why this is happening, but he feels a connection to Pavel for some reason, and it feels right. Pavel grabs a small pair of gray posers along the way and puts them on over his huge bulge. He quietly tells Sam to pull his pants back up so that he can take him out of the room. He has his left arm draped over Sam’s body and is leading him downstairs into the basement. The room that the thick stud takes him to is unusual in the fact that it has insulated walls that look as if they are meant to keep sound from escaping. It is tucked away so that nobody can hear what is going on in there. There is another man in there, just sitting at a computer. He has a pair of glasses on, and is looking at what is going on in the gym that Pavel and Sam were just in. He turns to look at them and smiles. It is Pavel’s housemate, Kriztian. They have been living together for quite a while and have similar physical features. He gets up from his seat and starts walking towards the doorway. Pavel stops him for a few moments to talk to him. “Have fun, and make sure that you keep him distracted for as long as you can, Kris.” “I don’t think that will be a problem, animal. I would say the same to you, but I know that you will definitely take extra care of this beauty.” They grunt at each other and lean in to plant kisses on each other’s lips. Sam lightly moans as he watches them do this. Kriztian leaves the room, and promptly shuts the door, locking it behind him. Sam stares intently as he hears it locking and starts getting nervous. Pavel can feel his heart rate increasing and places his big palm over his heart. It results in a slow sigh from Sam, who is slowly calming down again. “You are safe in here with me Sam. I promise that you will be taken care of. I thought about just having the two of you come in here for the big reveal and conversion, but this is way more fun. Your husband will transform into his bigger form soon enough, you will witness that on the camera that is set up on this computer over here.” Pavel takes Sam over to the computer set up in the room and has him take a seat. It is at this point that Kriztian enters the room and walks over to pick Albert up off the floor. He plants him beside a couch that is set up near the gym equipment. The exhausted man makes a few gurgling noises before Kris smacks him in the face to get him to come to his senses. He stands up firmly and is directly in front of the sexy European-American cutie. “Wake up man, you have some growing to do here soon. I am here to help you out with that.” Albert snaps out of his stupor long enough to feel something happening in his crotch. Kris can sense it and reaches down to feel the man’s warm ballsac and caresses it slowly in his fingers. He is quickly met with a punch in his left arm. “Who the fuck are you, and where is my husband? You are not the man I saw a few minutes ago.” Kriztian smiles and takes his glasses off. He puts them on a nearby table, out of the way of what is about to transpire. He moans a little as he shows Albert what is starting to happen to him. “Just relax buddy and let’s grow together. Let our cocks get acquainted with each other and make the magic happen between us.” The man slowly pulls his shorts down to reveal his swelling cock, which is fully sheathed in a veiny covering. Albert is slightly distracted by his own growing rod, which appears to be attempting to meet up with Kris’s own tool. The man puts both of his hands on Al’s shoulders and attempts to calm him down. Their cocks finally touch and throb against each other. They both moan deeply, although Albert tries to hide it from this man. “It feels good doesn’t it, buddy? can feel his own excitement building inside him You can just stand here and watch me for a few minutes if you feel like it. I am just here to help you fulfill your desire.” While rubbing his own growing dick against Al’s, Kriztian’s balls expand bigger towards the ground. He groans and smiles feeling the hormones flowing throughout his body. His legs begin expanding and thickening outward, making popping sounds as the veins and muscle fibers react to the energy being released from within himself. He reaches down to grab Albert’s hands and rubs them along his shaft. He starts leaking precum all over Al’s cock when he feels his shoes and socks give way to his growing feet, which emerge with very little effort. His calves are now doubling in size, taking up a great deal of space on his lower legs. He continues to move Al’s hands up and down his immense veiny shaft, coating the man’s fingers in thick goo. “It is exhilarating man. The feeling of just letting your body have its way with you, when you are wanting to just let go with another willing partner. can feel the growth overtaking his upper half Are you ready to see me make a mockery out of my shirt? I’m not as patient as Pavel is, so here goes.” Kris smiles as he lets go of Al’s hands and starts flexing his biceps, making them swell and bulge bigger and bigger with each strain. The sleeves on his shirt shred almost instantly, as bloated garden hose-sized veins emerge from out of nowhere within seconds. His breathing intensifies as his chest inflates like a balloon, making him moan intensely. He greedily bounces his growing pecs as each individual inch quickly fills up the space from beneath the fabric. His top is struggling to stay intact. Albert is mesmerized by what he is seeing, and at the same time, is trying to hold back on his own metamorphosis. He is clearly turned on by this guy’s growth. Kriztian roars as he continues to stare directly into Albert’s eyes, trying to aggressively make his partner lose control. “Mmm...fucking yeah. I love feeling my chest blow up like this. Keep stroking my log dude and make me cum all over you. I know that it will ignite your fire, I can sense it. feels his shirt starting to rip FUCK! This is when I get really big man.” Albert barely strokes Kriztian when the growing beast grunts and launches a stream of cum onto Al’s sweat-soaked shirt and the nearby couch. He laughs as his thick pecs quickly tear through the front of his shirt. Beneath them, are eight perfectly situated abdominal blocks, drenched in a river of sweat. His shirt is still glued to his body, but it is struggling immensely since his back is now finishing off what remains of the fabric, splitting the rest of the seams along his swelling obliques and stabilizers. His lats are wasting no time bursting free from their confines. “Fuck yes...GROW lats...GROW! voice noticeably deeper now I don’t even have to be stroked anymore, man. I can just make myself cum on command, I think. These sensations that are coming from all over my back and from feeling my ass blow up will make me drown you if you don’t start growing in the next minute or so.” Albert is now concentrating on his own transformation. He yells in delight as he feels his legs reacting to what is happening under the skin. The extreme pressure of feeling his quads, hamstrings, and calves growing quickly forces him to readjust his position as he presses himself up against Kris’s own thick, bulging quads. His ballsac is now expanding towards the floor, as well, as his cock grows to match Kriztian’s. The thickly bloated European reaches down with his big fingers and rubs his partner’s swelling tool, stroking it ravenously, to intensify Albert’s growth. “Fucking YES! I want you to beast out. COME ON MAN! Match me, become like me! Don’t think about anything else. This room doesn’t matter anymore. We can fix it after we are done having fun.” Kris decides to yank his own shirt off his upper body so he can finish growing his immense delts, traps, and lower back. His neck stretches wider, pulsing veins visible, stretching from his thick pecs all the way up to his head, which is noticeably more muscular. He is now nearly done growing, as he reaches over to put Albert’s trembling hands on his newly bloated glutes, which are drenched. “GROW, beastman, GROW! I want to see every square inch of you become godlike.” Kris can feel Al’s arms swelling, biceps and forearms bulging with thick veins, against his own massive cannons. He yells, “YES! YES! YES!” multiple times, noticing each time he says the word, his voice gets deeper and deeper. Albert doesn’t want to wait for his shirt to give up and just tears it off. He squeezes his growing chest up against Kriztian’s as he watches both of his pecs widen and start mating with his partner’s tits. He flexes his calves so he can raise himself up to align his nipples up against Kris’s. The sensitivity from doing this sends the man over the edge, and lets the growth completely take over. He matches Kriztian’s body mass at this point and wants a bit more, but is disappointed when it stops. The two beasts decide it would be fun to start wrestling with each other. Furniture is destroyed and the gym equipment around them is being tossed around like they weigh about a pound each. Albert’s apprehension of being with another man during his growth cycle is completely gone, especially since the hormones racing through his brain tell him that it isn’t even a consideration anymore. Remarkably, no penetration commences between the two beasts. After satisfying their temporary fix for showing off with each other, their focus turns to pleasuring each other’s cocks. For about the next twenty minutes, the two hungry muscle beasts find ways to make each other cum by giving each other handjobs, verbal cues without touching themselves, the insinuation of penetrating each other, and their favorite activity, giving each other intense blowjobs. The massive amounts of cum spilled from each other’s tools is clearly evidence of this. When all is said and done, the two beasts have grown to a sizable 350 pounds. Considering that Albert is a good three to four inches shorter, you can guess how much wider he is compared to Kriztian. They both eventually pass out from exhaustion and start to slowly revert back to their original sizes from when this entire sequence started just a little while earlier. Samuel has watched the entire sequence happening on the computer camera that is set up in Pavel’s secret room. The emotions he is feeling are pretty strong, but remarkably, they are not what he was expecting, since his husband did this with another man. The big man that is in the room with him has stayed incredibly close to Sam the whole time, studying his body language, and was rubbing his thick cock along the back of the chair that the twinkish man is sitting in. “What are you feeling right now, Sam? Turns the chair around and is standing in front of him with a hardon in his posers. His swollen rod stretches the fabric to its limits. What you saw there was great, but it will pale in comparison to what will happen to you in here.” Sam, naturally, can’t take his eyes off of Pavel’s huge tool. He reaches out to touch it, which gets an immediate sigh from the bigger man. He squeezes his swollen cockhead and watches as becomes soaked with precum. It dribbles down onto Pavel’s bloated ballsac and down to the floor. “I know you underestimate yourself, Sam. What you are doing right now is built in. Unlike your husband, you can take all the time in the world with me. If you want to have sex first, then that is perfect. I have already primed you for what will happen in a bit.” Sam continues to mess with his partner’s cock, making it swell even larger. Pavel grunts as his posers snap completely off his midsection, allowing the smallish doctor to start licking his hulking, veiny tool. The thickly built powerlifter moans as Sam maneuvers it into his mouth, worshipping its power in the process. “That feels so good, my friend. If you keep doing that, you will be on your way to god status.” Sam’s worshipping of the big guy’s cock lasts for several minutes, stopping in intervals to let the big man take a few breaths, and lets the edge continue. Pavel shows Sam what he is doing to him. “Look at how big my testicles are getting cutie. Points to them swelling. I think it is time to try something a bit more fun.” Pavel picks Sam up out of the chair and starts kissing him. He pulls Sam’s pants down with his free hand and throws them off to the side somewhere. Sam is moaning deeply, knowing what his partner is wanting to do next. They end up on a bed in the corner of the room. The smaller man is now laying on top of Pavel and is worshipping his body, massaging Pavel’s big arms and chest with his mouth. After a few minutes, the big stud stops him to look him in the eyes. “This is just the regular-sized me, Sam. I have to get you loosened up for the bigger me. You have teased me so much over the past twenty to thirty minutes, that I will have to reload again before I finally grow into my bigger me. Come on, let’s start converting you.” Pavel starts kissing Sam again as his cock finds its destination into the twinkish man’s wet and eager hole. The pain subsides for Samuel after a couple of minutes of working its way deeper inside him. The two men are becoming rather fond of each other the more time they spend together, as Sam studies the rhythm of Pavel’s cock and feels his bloated balls rubbing up against his tiny ass. The thick powerlifter is now going to let Sam control the situation. “I really like you a lot, Sammy. You seem like you know what you are doing. Are you just like this with me, or do you do this with other men as well?” Sam pauses, glides up his partner’s thick chest, and smiles into Pavel’s green eyes. “I don’t know. I mean...I feel like this is a turning point for me. Alby has been holding me back a bit, I think. When I started messing around with you, something happened. I can sense a change inside me when I am with you. I want to experience what will happen next now more than ever.” “In that case, my friend, you need to make me cum inside you. I will mold you into the beast you crave.” Pavel, who is a few inches taller than Sam, slowly moves his partner back down onto his cock again, where they fuck for a couple more minutes. This doesn’t last long though, as they both sit up and lean beside each other. “I want to be fucked with you up against me Pavel. How about along the wall?” “Sounds good to me, Sammy.” The powerlifter picks him up and wraps his partner’s legs around his waist. His big cock eagerly throbs, wanting to return to its rightful place inside the twink. They both smile and start lovingly kiss each other again as Pavel easily penetrates his partner and starts thrusting. It is very clear that this is working this time because the powerlifter is ready to let go of his boys. “Are you ready my friend? Here comes the first fleet.” Pavel lets out a few “ARRs” as he fills Samuel with his cum. He holds the man tightly against him, both men dripping with sweat. They remain still for a few minutes, kissing on occasion as the big stud thrusts a few more times to unload a few more jets of cum into his partner. Sam feels a little queasy once Pavel finishes, but it is expected. “I know, you feel a bit off cutie. It won’t last very long though. Your body will absorb it all rather quickly.” It turns out, he is right. Whatever discomfort was caused by the extensive flood he unleashed inside the small man vanishes after a couple of minutes. He is now ready to move on to the next phase of this experiment. He pulls out of Sam and takes the man back over to the bed and sits him down on it. After a few moments of taking time to relax, Pavel starts talking to him again. “Remember what happened earlier out in the gym area? Want to see me do that again? Want to see me do that in clothing? It is up to you.” Sam smiles. “I greatly enjoyed what happened out there, Pavel. Is that as big as you can get?” The powerlifter grins and shakes his head no. “Now wait a minute. Don’t entice me too much, cutie. I can control it to a point, but coax me too much and you will see...” Samuel gets up off the bed and starts playing with the big guy’s balls. It is as if he knew how to jumpstart Pavel’s battery all along. The powerlifter grunts loudly and says, “Wait...WAIT!” He opens a closet and puts on one of his outfits made of thick spandex and leather. It is like a second skin to his body, leaving very little to the imagination, and it turns Sam on exponentially when he sees it meld to Pavel’s frame. “OH, MY GAWD! That looks incredible on you Pavel. Is this meant to prove something when know...reach beast status?” The big guy smiles back at him and puts on a mask made of the same spandex material. It covers up most of his face, except the eyes of course. Sam asks to be picked up and rips the portion of the mouth open so he can see Pavel’s lips. The outfit is black and blue, Pavel’s favorite colors. “I have saved this outfit for this very occasion. I am so fucking excited, Sammy.” Shows his big cock throbbing, beneath the spandex, to Samuel. “Let me roleplay with you for a little bit though, I want to experience my fantasies with you.” Sam agrees, as he is shown that there is another outfit similar to Pavel’s. He goes to put it on. It wasn’t easy to find something in a small, but the big man did have one made just in case there was someone that could fit into it. “The funny part is Sammy, when you do grow, that outfit will practically disintegrate, but it will turn me on so much, I will probably lose my mind. Let’s go check in on the other two, for a few moments, to see what they are doing.” The entire body of both suits are made of spandex, with leather aspects along the legs and arms. It is clear that both suits were designed with growth in mind and meant to be tested. They both go out a secret door in the room, and out into the yard, before peering through a window and seeing the two other men, passed out amongst the carnage they caused. They go through the front door of the house and sneak in beside their partners. Sam has an idea to get their partners off, while they are sleeping. “Sounds good to me, cutie. I like the taste of my friend’s cum anyway.” Kriztian sleeps soundly as Pavel works him over with his mouth and gloved hands. A few jets of cum splash onto the big guy’s mask and lips and it nearly puts him over the edge. He underestimated how much he enjoyed the taste of Kris’s cum. He is clearly trying to control himself as he feels himself slowly growing beneath his suit. Sam is majorly turned on watching this unfold. The sounds of the spandex being stretched is quite loud though and they must rush quickly to leave the area. The two men sleeping are nearly awakened by the noise. Pavel moans deeply, feeling waves of hormones surging through his muscles, the sensation of the fabric being expanded by his own power is making him have to concentrate on just holding it together. “Ohh fuck Sammy...ohh fuck...” They go back into the room with the computer again and lock it quickly. Pavel is breathing heavily but is immensely turned on. His cock tears its way out of the spandex and continues to swell. He doesn’t want to stop growing but is looking for a sign from his partner, in case he wants him to try. He doesn’t get one because Sam is eager to see this play out. Loud “rrruuurrrs” continue to echo through the room as Pavel’s muscles test the limits of whatever power this material has left in it. The strong smell of testosterone is now filling the room, as the fur on Pavel’s body is starting to thicken. This is one of the secrets to how the suit is defeated because the fur penetrates the surface and weakens it. The growing beast roars in delight as he feels his biceps, back, and chest, bursting through the suit and continue to expand. He gestures for Sam to start playing with his cock as he feels his ballsack break free from its confines. “You did this to me, Sammy. I haven’t been this big in... EVER!” His quads and glutes blast through the suit next as he feels himself getting closer to the ceiling. He is now close to 500 pounds. Mountains of muscle all over his body, pieces of the suit scattered all over his frame. He is barely able to focus on Samuel but does manage to get a few sentences out. “Uhh...gawd...whew! I must focus on...ohh fuck it! I want to turn you into a fucking gawd, Sammy. That is my only goal at this point. Sorry, if this is going to hurt, but...” Pavel grabs Sam and turns him around. He rips a hole in the butt of his suit and quickly slides a portion of his massive log into the twink’s wet hole. It is not pleasurable at first, as Sam wails in pain. He, however, doesn’t hate his partner for this, because he knows what will happen once this gets going. They both end up on the floor, with the giant beast pounding him doggystyle. It is entirely intentional for Pavel to do this because he knows he can pump cum into his partner in multiple intervals. “Do it Sammy. You wanted the alpha me to come out, it did. My boys are going to change you in ways you never imagined. Fucking become a gawd... feels the small man reacting against his cock. Ohh shit...I can feel it starting to happen!” Samuel’s growth cycle is remarkable. The suit he is wearing doesn’t last long as his limbs lengthen and expand, making a great deal of the spandex rip open within seconds. He moans deeply feeling his quads, hamstrings, glutes, and feet push him upwards off the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, Pavel watches in delight as his partner’s flat chest, slowly inflates several feet towards the ground. Big, heavy, full pec meat with perfectly centered nipples form within seconds. He is completely lost in his growth, letting it take over every thought in his head. His cock stretches beneath him, towards Pavel’s own, so they can both interact with each other. His arms struggle to keep up with the mammoth soccer-ball sized biceps, and gigantic horseshoe triceps growing beneath his skin. He is growing immense and is one of the most stunning creatures that Pavel has ever laid his eyes on. Sam’s voice now rumbles when he breathes, and his neck and head make quick work of the mask he was wearing. His glasses unfortunately shattered once the growth made it to that part of his body. When Samuel moves his head to the side, he is almost unrecognizable, because he has grown a thickly groomed mane, and has no hair on his head now. His body is covered in thick fur, probably a side effect of the hypermasculine sperm that Pavel passed on to him. Sam can barely pass as a human at all, at this size. His once huge partner can basically sit on one of his truck-sized quads now and take in the sights. There are more muscles in Samuel’s back than Pavel can count, as they all ripple and tense involuntarily. After a few moments, Pavel decides to plunge his cock back into Sam’s hole and go to town on him again. He doesn’t want to see this side of Samuel go away, but he knows that it will probably only last for a short time, so he prepares to put his friend under a little bit of duress once again. “I know you may hate me for this Sammy, but let's do this for just a little bit longer, okay? You are fucking gorgeous, and I am not ready for this to end just yet.” After eclipsing 800 pounds and reaching heights of about ten feet, the behemoth does start to shrink a bit, but not before Pavel musters enough energy to implant more of his boys into the man. The growth isn’t as amazing this next go-around, but it is enough for the two men to enjoy another round of indulging themselves. They both return to their original sizes after a few more minutes of size play. Albert and Samuel’s relationship did change after this experience. Sam is no longer exclusive to him. They discussed it over several weeks and realized that they needed to allow other people in. Pavel would not be the only man that Sam would spend a great deal of time with. It turns out that the man Sam was converted by, had done the same to other men, although not at quite the same level of growth. Albert would start seeing Jacoby again. With Al’s new ability that was given to him by Pavel, he would slowly coax his old friend into allowing him to show him what he could do. This would not happen for several months, since Jacoby was already with another man, and wasn’t entirely open to allowing someone else into his relationship. That is another story of course.
- 3 replies
- 12
- growth transformation
- size difference
- (and 11 more)
I Hacía dos años que el hijo del viejo Donaldo (Donaldo él también) era peon en mi campo. Tenía dieciciete años. Era un joven trabajador y responsable que nunca tenía un solo pero y siempre se le ocurría una solución para cualquier problema que hubiera que solucionar. Por eso cuando me vino a pedir si podía darle trabajo a un amigo suyo, un tal Estanislao. Le dije que me lo trajera para entrevistarlo. No tenía mucho mas espacio en el campo pero quizás podía darle una ayuda, o una recomendación. Al día siguiente trajo a su amigo Estanislao y lo dejó ahi en la galería. De lo grande que es la casa de seguro se sintió intimidado pobre crío. Donaldo me avisó que me esperaba y se fue a hacer sus cosas. Cuando salí me quedé sorprendido. Era un muchacho rubio, alto y fuerte. Tenía buena contextura, unos hombros anchos y unas manos grandes. —¿Estanislao? Mucho gusto —le dije y le ofrecí la mano. Saludó con fuerza, tenía una mano hermosa, grande y fuerte. —Buen día, señor —dijo todo timido. Era bastante buen mozo, tenía el pelo corto y bien rubio, debía ser descendiente de alemanes o algo parecido. Eso sí, era tímido que bajaba la cabeza a cada rato. De todos modos me sacaba una cabeza de alto. Cuando Donaldo me dijo que tenía un amigo, me había imaginado otro muchacho como él, pero Estanislao no se le parecía en nada. —Me dijo Donaldo que andás buscando trabajo. —Si, señor. —¿Y qué sabés hacer? —Lo que se,a señor, puedo aprender el oficio que necesite. Hablaba de una forma que no se condecía con su cuerpo. Era un rubio de metro ochenta que debía pesar noventa kilos, pero hablaba como un chico de quince años de la mitad de tamaño. —¿Cuantos años tenés, Estanislao? —Deciseis, señor. Le mostré el campo y todas las cosas que había que hacer. Él me contó que no tenía familia que había dejado el colegio. Su forma de hablar era muy tímida, le costaba hacerse escuchar y se sonrojaba aunque tenía una piel algo bronceada que con su pelo rubio le daba un aire hermoso. Eso sin contar su porte que se veía fuerte, mucho mas fuerte que todos los demás chicos de su edad que había conocido y a mis cincuenta años había conocido muchos. Al verlo se me ocurrió lo siguiente: —Estanislao, te voy a decir la verdad, no necesito a nadie más en el campo... —Lo entiendo, señor, discúlpeme las molestias. —No te apures, que todavía no terminé. Como te decía, no necesito a nadie más, pero me vendría bien alguien que sea fuerte que pueda darme una mano cuando lo necesite. Me detuve y le busqué la mirada aunque la bajó a mis pies. —¿Te interesaría probar? Veo que sos un joven fuerte, la pregunta es ¿cuan fuerte crees que sos? —No lo sé, señor, pero si no le molesta me gustaría probar. El día estaba lindo, no hacía calor ni frío, se podía estar con una camisa como la que estaba él o sin remera en caso de que lo necesitara. Lo llevé adentro de casa y le mostré un escritorio que yo tenía que hacía tiempo quería mover a otra de las habitaciones. Era un escritorio sumamente pesado dado que estaba hecho no solo de madera sino tambien de piedra. Vaya uno a saber por qué. Le expliqué lo que necesitaba y Estanislao se apuró. —Si querés sacarte la camisa para no ensuciarla, yo no me opongo —dije. Cuando se sacó la camisa me temblaron las piernas. Tenía un cuerpo todo marcado con sus abdominales perfectos y su cintura estrecha y sobre eso, dos pectorales super desarrollados que hacían pensar que este joven levantaba pesas. Lo mismo sus hombros redondos y sus brazos. —Wow —dije—, parece que me encontré alguien verdaderamente fuerte. Estanislao levantó el escritorio sobre su cabeza. —¿Donde lo pongo? Sus músculos se tensaron por el esfuerzo y se marcaron todos. Era un hombre impresionante. —Ejem, en este cuarto, por favor. Ni bien lo dejó se sacudió las manos para quitarse el polvo y dijo: —Es una casa muy grande. Yo lo único que podía pensar que era grande era su increible pecho. ¡Que hombre! Acababa de descubrir oro. Ahi estaba sin remera con su cuerpo cubierto de musculos como si no pasara nada. —Estanislao, creo que en el campo hay trabajo para alguien fuerte como vos. Su rostro infantil se iluminó con una sonrisa. —Hagamos tres meses de prueba y vamos como resulta. Estanislao se vino a vivir junto con Donaldo en la casa menor destinada a los peones. Supuse que ahí debian estar mas cómodos. Lo primero que hice fue definirle a ambos como ibamos a trabajar. —Estanislao, quiero que ayudes a Donaldo en todas las tareas que él requiera algo de fuerza. Donaldo quiero que aproveches las fuerza de él para lo que te venga bien, de todos modos no va a ser su único trabajo. Hay varias cosas que tengo que arreglar en el campo para lo que necesito alguien fuerte. —Si, señor —dijeron ambos. La semanas siguientes le pedí a Estanislao todo tipo de tareas para que hiciera fuerza. Lo hice cargar troncos, talar arboles, llevar cosas pesadas de un lado a otro, levantar una pared pequeña de piedras. La temperatura para mi suerte fue subiendo y él no tuvo más remedio que sacarse la remera para cada una de estas tareas. Cuando no tenía sentido que lo supervisara lo espiaba escondido. Su cuerpo era impresionante. Nunca había visto a un hombre con un pecho tan desarrollado y duro. Se notaba que no tenía nada grasa y que sobresalía solo por el inmenso tamaño muscular que tenía. Y para mi sorpresa con cada trabajo que yo le daba no solo tenía que sacarse la camisa sino que se veía que estaba cada vez mas musculoso. Una tarde que le pedi que me ayudara a mover unos muebles. Antes de sacarse la camisa, el boton del pecho salió volando por la presión de sus tetas enormes y musculosas. —Se te cayó esto —dije acercándome. Había quedado a la altura de su pecho enorme que sobresalía por la camisa. Estanislao estaba tan avergonzado que no sabía que decir. —Disculpe, señor, es la única camisa que tengo. —Bueno, vamos a tener que solucionar eso —dije—. Sacate la ropa. Fui a mi ropero y busqué la cinta para medir. Cuando volví me encontré con Estanislao totalmente desnudo. La imagen de su cuerpo me dejó mudo. Me acerqué sin pensar. No solo su torso era una maravilla enorme y dura perfecta con unos pectorales que sobresalían y unos abdominales marcados en su cintura muy pequeña, sus piernas eran dos troncos gigantes llenos de tendones y su pija era enorme. —Perdón, no fui claro, quedate en calzones. —Oh, perdón, señor, perdón. No entendí. Estanislao estaba rojo de vergüenza. Se notaba que no tenía experiencia en el trato con personas, aunque su cuerpo daba a pensar en cosas duras y fuertes, su personalidad era todo lo contrario. —No te preocupes —dije y lo miré como si fuera un jarrón—. Algo me dice que se te rompió la ropa porque estás un poco mas grande. ¿Puede ser? —No sé, señor. Es la única ropa que tengo. —No te preocupes, vamos a solucionar eso —dije y comencé a tomarle las medidas de todo su impresionante cuerpo—. ¿Siempre fuiste así de grande, Estanisao? Digo, estás bastante desarrollado muscularmente para tu edad. —Supongo que si, señor. No lo sé en verdad, no tengo con quien comparar. —Te lo digo yo —dije mientras medía su cuerpo y sin pudor aproveché para apoyar mis manos sobre sus pectorales como si fueran cualquier cosa—. Nunca tuve un peon tan desarrollado. Estanislao no dijo nada. Cuando terminé me paré a su lado a centímetros de su increible pecho y le mostré lo que había anotado. —Estas son tus medidas, ¿Ves? Con esto voy a pedir ropa de tu talle para asegurarnos que no te vuelva a pasar eso. Mientras tanto si querés podés andar sin camisa. —Gracias, señor —me dijo y se fue a cargar cosas. Semana a semana la cosa siguió de esa manera. Estanislao cargaba cosas, usaba su musculoso cuerpo para lo que yo quisiera y tenía el enorme placer de verlo pasar sin remera haciendo fuerza. Era un espectáculo impresionante. Para mi sorpresa a las dos semanas volvió todo acongojado. —Señor, disculpe. —¿Que pasa, Estanislao? Ahi me mostró que el mismo botón de antes había vuelto a salirse de la nueva camisa que le había comprado. Su pecho estaba cada vez más grande. —Le pido mil disculpas, señor. Le prometo que le voy a pagar la camisa rota. Lo hice pasar a la casa y le dije: —Estanislao, no te preocupes por esta camisa, yo solo quiero que estés cómodo y se ve que tu cuerpo no está cómodo en esta camisa. Al parecer tanto esfuerzo físico te volviendo más grande. Dejame que te ayude. Y con mucha suavidad le saqué la camisa. Aproveché para pasar mis manos por sus músculos. Eran enormes y duros. Era un tacto increible. —Definitivamente tenés el pecho más grande —dije con mis dos manos sobre su pectorales—. Lo mismo le pasó a tus hombros y tus brazos. Volví a tomar las medidas y le mostré la diferencia. Parado junto a él me di cuenta de algo. —¿Estás mas alto? —No lo sé, señor. Vamos a medirte. Y con eso me subí a un banquito para quedar a su misma altura y dejé caer un metro sobre su espalda increible. —Un metro ochenta y cinco. Me bajé del banquito y perdí el equilibrio. Me apoyé en sus increibles pectorales y él me sostuvo con sus enormes brazos. —Gracias, señor —me dijo y se fue. Semana a semana tuvimos que medir sus musculos, el tamaño de su espalda, su altura y el ancho de sus piernas. Estanislao crecía como una planta. Cada semana estaba más musculoso, mas alto y con la espalda más ancha. Era increible verlo crecer y pararme a su lado me hacía temblar de los nervios. Así fue como llegó hasta el metro noventa y cinco. Su pecho enorme flotaba sobre mi cabeza. Cuandos se cumplieron los tres meses de prueba ocurrió esto: —Estanislao, como sabés acaban de terminar los tres meses de prueba. —Si, señor. Le quiero agradecer por la oportunidad, señor. —No hay nada que agradecer. Te quería contar como vamos a hacer ahora. Lo llevé a un galpón que tenía casi vacío donde tenía un gimnasio bastante viejo que había usado cuando era joven. Estaba lleno de polvo y la verdad que estaba todo oxidado. —Quiero que limpies este lugar y lo uses. —¿Que lo use? —Si, necesito que estés mas fuerte para las tareas que te voy a pedir. —¿Que tareas señor? —No importa, por ahora lo unico que me interesa es que te vuelvas mas fuerte porque no creo que con la fuerza que tenés ahora puedas hacer lo que necesito y eso es muy importante. —Entiendo señor. —Para eso vamos a cambiar tus comidas así estás bien alimentado. La cocinera te va a llevar la comida y los suplementos para que comas. —Si, señor. —¿Alguna vez estuviste en un gimnasio? —No, señor. —¿No? Bueno, hagamos esto. Limpia todo y cuando esté limpio yo te enseño como entrenar. Cuando entré a la casa me avisaron que había llegado el correo. Las pastillas de anabólicos habían llegado. No podía estar mas contento. Estanislao limpió todo y ese mismo día le di una rutina y le enseñé como entrenar. —Quiero que entrenes de lunes a viernes durante dos horas. Yo te voy a dejar los ejercicios anotados, pero los pesos los vas a ir descubriendo vos. Quiero que tengas claro que necesito que ganes mucha mucha fuerza para lo que te voy a pedir de hacer por lo que vas a tener que esforzarte mucho. ¿Entendido? —Si, señor. Estanislao no tenía idea de como entrenar pero su cuerpo eran tan fuerte que los pesos y las máquinas que estaban en ese lugar rapidamente le quedaron chicos, por lo que invertí un buen dinero en comprar máquinas nuevas, barras, mancueras y otras cosas. En un mes convertí ese garage en un gimnasio super equipado. —Estanislao, esa ropa que tenés no sirve para entrenar así que te compré estos pantalones y estas zapatillas. Eran los pantalones mas cortos que había conseguido para alguien de su tamaño. —¿Sin camisa, señor? —Sin camisa y solo con esto. Cuando se cambió por poco me desvanecí. Su pecho parecía hecho de cemento, brotaba como dos montañas duras sobre su cuerpo. Daban ganas de apretarlo con fuerza. Con cada ejercicio que él no entendía (no entendía ninguno) yo aprovechaba para tocarle el cuerpo y mostrarle donde tenía que hacer fuerza y qué musculo tenía que tensar. Su cuerpo estaba durísimo, mucho más duro de lo que había imaginado. Pronto los anabólicos empezaron a hacer efecto, se los disolvía en cada comida y su cuerpo no tardó en crecer todavía más. De una semana a la otra su fuerza se duplicó y todos sus musculos aumentaron de tamaño. Fue tanto lo que creció que no podía bajar los brazos de lo hipertrofiada que tenía la espalda. Era un espectáculo increible. Al mes ya levantaba 200 kilos en el banco plano. Cuando terminaba sus pectorales parecian a punto de explotar. —¿Está bien, señor que tenga el pecho tan duro? —decía y se acercaba para que me fijara. Yo apoyaba mis manos sobre su pecho y lo masajeaba bien fuerte. Era increible el tamaño de sus músculos. Semana a semana seguía midiéndo su cuerpo. No tardó en llegar a los dos metros y superó los 130 kilos. Se estaba convirtiendo en una bestia. —¿Estoy suficientemente fuerte, señor? —me preguntaba con su voz toda tímida con su cuerpo inmenso y todo duro en calzones mientras yo medía cada músculo de su cuerpo. Yo me apoyaba en su pecho cuando me subía al banquito. Era una sensación indescriptible el tamaño y lo duro que tenía los pectorales. —Estás bien, pero hay que seguir creciendo —le decía yo. Un día que tocaba medirse me preguntó si podía traerle un pantalón mas grande. Entonces me alejé y miré lo que estaba pasando debajo. Sus piernas se habían convertido en dos monstruos llenos de músculos inmensos, pero no solo eso. Dentro del pantalón parecía llevar una banana enorme. —Vamos a tener que medirlo todo. —Si, señor —dijo y se bajó el pantalón. No estaba preparado para lo que vi. Su pija era gigante. Igual de grande y desproporcionada que el resto de sus músculos. —Permiso —dije como si fuera un doctor y le levanté la enorme poronga con una mano mientras medía con la otra. Era veinticinco centímetros flácida y tan ancha que no podía rodearla con una mano. —Estanislao, voy a necesitar que se te pare para medirla bien. —¿Cómo, señor? —dijo sonrojándose. Era un gigante musculoso desnudo con una fuerza increible en todo su cuerpo pero que se comportaba como un niño. —Quiero que cierres los ojos y pienses en cosas que te exciten. Yo te voy a ayudar. —Si, señor. Aproveché para poner mis dos manos sobre sus pectorales y los empecé a masajear con fuerza mientras su pija se iba parando y adquiría un tamaño impresionante y deproporcionado. Aproveché para tocar todos sus músculos, sus brazos enormes, sus piernas duras y musculosas, gigantes. Pero sobre todo su pecho, su increible pecho de hombre, enorme y lleno de fuerza. Un pecho de macho que parecía a punto de explotar de lo grande y duro que estaba. Cuando terminó su pija era un monumento a un cañon. Apoyé una mano sobre su pija mientras contra la otra masajeaba su pecho. —Impresionante —dije—. Sos enorme, Estanislao. —¿Soy lo suficientemente grande, señor? —me preguntó. —Estás muy bien. Su pija medía medio metro de largo. Así siguió la cosa. Cada día Estanislao estaba mas grande y musculoso. Cada semana ocurrían cosas como estas. Estanislao estaba en mi cuarto totalmente desnudo y transpirado después del entrenamiento. Yo lo secaba con una toalla y terminaba de medirlo incluido su pija erecta. Él siempre me preguntaba. —¿Soy lo suficientemente grande, señor? Yo me acercaba y le tocaba todo el cuerpo. Todos los músculos enormes y llenos de fuerza y le decía: —Estás muy bien, me gusta que estés bien musculoso, solo falta un poco más y vas a estar listo. Para ese entonces ya me sacaba tres cabezas. —Estás mucho mas alto. —Siento que estoy un poco grande, señor. —¿Un poco? Estas gigante. ¿Te sentís mas fuerte? —Sí, señor, me siento muy fuerte. Siento que puedo levantar un auto con mis manos. ¿Soy lo suficientemente musculoso para usted? —¿Sentís el pecho mas grande? —Si, señor, lo tengo muy duro todo el tiempo. Y cada vez mas grande, ya no me entran las camisas. Aproveché para tocarle los pectorales. —Tenés el pecho inmenso, Estanislao. Nunca había un pecho tan grande como el tuyo. —Siento que tengo mucha fuerza en el pecho. —Se nota, este pecho es impresionante. Una tarde le pedí que me ayudara a cambiar una lamparita. Estanislao entró todo inflado después de entrenar y con los brazos todos duros. Su pecho brillaba. Le pedí que me levantara. Me alzó sin problema, no le pesaba en lo más mínimo. Cambié la lamparita y me agarré de sus hombros enormes y duros. —¿No te peso, Estanislao? —Para nada, señor, apenas siento el esfuerzo. —Tenés los músculos enormes. Puedo sentir tus hombros todos duros. ¿Tanta fuerza tenés? —Sí, señor, puedo sostenerlo así durante un rato largo sin cansarme. —¿Me podés levantar y subir? —Sí, señor —dijo y me bajó y subió como un bebé. —Hacelo varias veces que quiero ver algo. —Sí, señor. Usó mi cuerpo de mancuernas mientras sus brazos se inflaban con cada movimiento. —Estás enorme, Estanislao. Sos un hombre inmenso. —¿Estoy lo suficientemente fuerte, señor? —Flexioná el brazo. Se me quedó mirando sin entender. Me bajó y le mostré como hacerlo. —¿Así, señor? —dijo y su bicep se volvió una montaña. —Impresionante. ¿Te gusta ser tan grande y musculoso? —Sí, señor, me siento muy fuerte. Mientras hablaba y flexionaba yo aproveché para tocar todo su cuerpo. Sus pectorales enormes, sus brazos, su espalda, sus piernas y hasta su pija erecta. A la semana siguiente pedí una dosis mas alta de anabólicos. Dos semanas después Estanislao entró todo transpirado. Parecía brillar. Sus musculos eran gigantes, estaba todavía mas alto y enorme. Era una bestia. Me contó que había levantando 400 kilos con el pecho. Me sacaba cuatro cabezas. Me subí al banquito para tocarle le pecho. —Estás enorme, Estanislao, nunca vi un hombre tan musculoso. —Me siento muy grande, señor. Tengo todo el cuerpo duro y los músculos cada vez mas grandes. Me acerqué para acariciar sus abdominales. Me miró desde arriba de sus pectorales, con la pija inmensa parada y las piernas enormes. Me preguntó: —¿Soy lo suficientemente musculoso para usted, señor? Y ahí sin mas no pude evitarlo. Le empecé a chupar la pija erecta. Era demasiado grande y su cuerpo demasiado musculoso. —Sos enorme, Estanislao. Nunca vi un hombre tan grande. —¿Tengo la pija lo suficientemente grande, señor? —me preguntó mientras él se la agarraba con una mano y con la otra se tocaba el pecho— ¿Y mi pecho es lo suficientemente musculoso, señor? ¿Le alcanza mi fuerza, señor? Si lo necesita puedo crecer mas. Puedo volverme mucho mas grande si usted lo necesita. —Si, lo necesito... —dije y Estanislao acabó un enorme rio de semen.
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- muscle-growth
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Hey guys. I haven't been very active here for a long time. Must have been a year at least. But I'd really like to be again, because this is my favorite community and place to be on the interwebs. So I figured I'd just upload my recent project here. It's posted in the Stories Category, because it tells a kind of story, and doesn't really fit in the Media category. I have this up on Twitter as well~ The story has the magical name of "Egon muscular shot 03 outtake" or EMSO, how I prefer to call it. The reason it has this silly, ugly name is because this was never planned to be or meant to be a full project. But now here I am working on Page 112... Please let me know what you think!
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- size growth
- size difference
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Hi everyone! I have a lot of story ideas, but I've always kind of wanted to do a sequel to my story They’re Really Sensitive Now. It's heavily inspired by a lot of great moments with me and my husband, who is a big guy but sort of shy about it sometimes. This is sort of a story about him breaking past those insecurities and embracing and loving himself. The story features size/muscle growth, sex, some light sub/dom elements, and giant/macro growth especially towards the end. Jorge had always been a big guy, even since he was young. A thick, chubby kid growing up, he was always self-conscious about his size. He was teased and his parents had given him a hard time, even as he grew into his thick frame and settled at 6’2”. In his early 20s, he was able to get to the gym a little bit and created a solid foundation of beef, but he was never comfortable at the gym, never serious about it. By the time he was in his late 20s, he had leveled out at 320lb and thick, with a round, prodigious belly, broad shoulders and barrel chest, and plump quads and huge calves from carrying around his chubby frame for so long. Fortunately, Jorge found someone who loved his thickness and embraced his size. Even though he often felt insecure and self-conscious about his bulk, his husband Sean made him feel like a catch, like the features he felt shame about were actually strengths. It was fast approaching Jorge’s 40th birthday, and he was feeling a little past his prime. His gut sagged over his fat pad as he sat down for Chipotle with Sean, and his big arms felt like they were losing some of their heft and solidity. His bushy, dark mustache tickled his nose and his rich, mocha-colored skin was coted with a generous layer of fur covering his chest, arms, shoulders, and back. He was a big, meaty Latino bear, maybe not quite muscular enough to quality as a “musclebear” but certainly packing a lot of heft. Despite his efforts, Sean hadn’t been successful in dragging Jorge to the gym until recently, despite both of them knowing he had the potential to be bigger. But Jorge didn’t really want to be bigger. He had always been self-conscious about his size; why would he want to add even more? “So, sweety, your birthday is next week,” Sean said over his double meat chicken bowl. He was fresh from the gym and looking fit and sweaty, pumped and solid, shoulders and traps swollen from a hard lift. “Remember when you said last year that you had always wanted to get your nipples pierced?” Sean said past a mouthful of chicken. “Well yeah, but that was more like just talking at the bar, I was wasn’t really that serious, I mean, I wouldn’t want them like poking out of my clothes or whatever…” Jorge started, reaching an arm up to rub his chest. “Plus, it would probably hurt right?” “Well, yeah, but I went ahead and got you a surprise early birthday present to get them pierced!” Sean said as he came around to the other side of the table and nuzzled his short, black beard against Jorge’s neck rolls. Sean didn’t have to lean down too far, as he was only 5’7”. “But what about The Incident from last year, you know, of that guy like… growing?” Jorge said, sounding nervous. “That was supposedly from getting his nipples pierced right?” “Do you really believe that?” Sean scoffed, puffing a breath into Jorge’s ear. “That’s an urban legend and it was over a year ago. That was a freak incident of some weird genetic anomaly, I read an article about it on Vice News. Besides, that was just the one guy, it’s not like everyone who gets pierced now magically grows bigger,” Sean said. “Plus, it’s just a couple small bar piercings to start with. The appointment is on your birthday. Sound good?” Sean cooed, obviously excited to get his husband pieced. “Oh, uh, jeez, wow, yeah ok, let’s do it!” Jorge said, a little nervous and reluctant. Sean was definitely the one in the relationship who called the shots; he made more money, was more sexually aggressive, and usually got what he wanted. Jorge was more than happy to support him and make him happy and try to stay in the background when they were out at the bar or social engagements; that had been his survival strategy for years when was more insecure about his body. Jorge rubbed his nipples a little nervously; they twitched with an excitement he wasn’t expecting. “Awesome, hmmm, it’ll feel so good babe! And it’ll make those big pecs stand out even more!” Sean growled as he rubbed his big husbear’s thick traps. What Jorge didn’t know was that Sean had been able to track down the guy who had pierced Josh’s last year, the same man who grew into a monstrous giant just a year prior. It was unlikely that it would have the same profound effect on Jorge, but Sean secretly hoped that it would. ------- Sunday came around, and Jorge came back home with his piercings. He and Sean had gone to the gym to get a nice chest pump, then to the piercing place, so both of them were sweaty, pumped, and horny when they got home. “Mmmm Jorge these look so GOOD on you!” Sean said excitedly as they dropped their bags and Sean started rubbing the big bear’s broad chest. “Heh, yeah, and it didn’t hurt a bit… if anything it, unf, felt kinda good!” Jorge said, his deep rumbling bass interrupted when Sean brushed against the silver metal bar of his new piercing. “Yeah? So uh, what if I did this?” Sean said and he grabbed the ends of the metal bar with his fingers and pulled slightly. Jorge threw his head back and grunted. “Ooof, whoa, yeah, that’s intense,” he said as his cock twitched involuntarily in his tight mesh shorts. “You gotta be, huuuuhhh, careful with these!” Jorge breathed as Sean flicked and teased both nips at the same time. “Oh ho ho, so it looks like big papi is sensitive and connected after all!” Sean said with delight, twisting the bars and sending another shiver into Jorge’s tall, broad frame. “I told you it might help make that connection and turn you on some more!” Sean said as he started pushing Jorge towards the bedroom. “Yeah, but I – uuuhhhhfff – didn’t think the effect would be so immediate! It’s like a tingling, burning, electric buzz through – ahhhhhhh! – my whole body and right down to my cock!” Jorge groaned as they went to the main-floor bedroom. Sean took a moment to strip out of his sweaty tanktop, his pits ripe and musky to match his musclebear husband’s, and stumbled out of his shorts and briefs. His thick, meaty cock tumbled out, half-chubbed and growing steadily. Jorge was covered with a slick sheen of sweat; their AC had been out for a couple days it was in a humid, 80-something degree day after their chest day at the gym. Sean pushed Jorge down on to the bed. The frame groaned as Jorge’s full weight fell onto it. “That’s so awesome, big bear, now you know how it feels for me!” Sean said as he paused to flick his own nipples, making his own swelling cock leak into his jock strap and mesh shorts. He shucked both of them off his legs and then climbed on top of Jorge. He straddled his bubble butt against Jorge’s thick, heavy bulge and reached up to keep teasing the newly-pierced nips. “Unf, wow, yeah, it’s just…. Unnnggg, ohhhhhh, so sensitive!” Jorge groaned as he squirmed under Sean as the leaner, more muscular otter twisted and tweaked his meaty nips, which seemed to be swelling and getting redder and thicker as he played with them more and more. He started feeling warm, even hot to the touch as he sweated profusely. Sean raised his arms up to grip the headboard, a wave of pit stink wafting up to Sean, causing the smaller man to breath in deeply. “Yeah big pig, grunt and groan for me,” Sean said, getting into it more, calling Jorge a name that was used to bully him in the past but they had reclaimed as a way to get into size disparity headspace in the bedroom that drove them both crazy. “Growing so swole in the gym lately, pig, gonna keep working on turning you into a big boar, how do you like that?” Sean growled as he started grinding his furry ass against Jorge’s leaking bulge. “My big pig,” Sean said, grinding his ass and flicking Jorge’s nips in rhythm, his fingernails flicking the metal rods poking out the sides of Jorge’s increasingly thick nubs. “That’s right sir, unf, feels so – aaauuuugghhhh!” Jorge groaned, his breathing shaking and gasping as jolts of pleasure rumbled through his body. “Yeah, you really like this huh?” Sean said as he leaned down, pressing his hands against his husband’s huge broad hairy chest, and buried his face in Jorge’s hairy armpit. Sean rubbed his nose in it, massaging Jorge’s beefy chest as he did, getting that pit stink all over his nose and upper lip. Finally he came up for air. “Such a good boar! You excited to grow bigger for me, boar?” Sean teased as he backed his furry, tight hole right up against Jorge’s thick uncut cockhead. “Uh, uh huh, unf, I’ve been lifting – ruuufff – hard for you, sir!” Jorge said, shuddering under Sean’s relentless fingers. “I’m your big boar, aren’t I?” As he shuddered, a strange flex in his chest and shoulders rippled across his body, right under Sean’s hands. “So sensitive…!” “That’s right… and with any luck here, you’ll be growing bigger for me!” Sean purred as he kept rubbing Jorge’s thick nips. Sean felt his hips raise up higher as Jorge’s bulge and belly swelled up suddenly. “Unf, big guy, really getting into it, huh?” “Unf, I, pppffffttt auuuhhhhhh!!” Jorge groaned as his body suddenly, noticeably, undeniably swelled up bigger all over. Sean gasped and sat back, stunned, as he took in his noticeably bigger husband spreading before him; it wasn’t too much, but he looked like he suddenly had the biggest gym pump in his life, his gut felt full and round, his limbs looked just a big longer, and his shoulders spread wider than ever. “Whoa, what the… holy shit,” Sean said, as he climbed off his big boar. “Jorge, I think you just grew,” he said. “Ha ha, very funny,” Jorge said as he rolled over onto his stomach before lifting himself off of the bed. “You’re taking the scene too far, I think, heh,” he said sheepishly before standing up in front of Sean. Instead of Sean being eye-level with Jorge’s chin, he was now suddenly looking straight-on at his nipples. The meaty nubs throbbed subtly as Sean looked up, mouth agape, at his now bigger husband. He had to be at least 6’6”. “Holy shit, Jorge. You… you grew!” Sean said. He couldn’t help but put his hands all over Jorge’s bigger body, exploring the changes, feeling the hardness and fullness of his chest and upper arms and shoulders. Jorge wriggled away from him. “I – what!? How? No no no no, I don’t…” the burly, hairy Jorge growled, his voice noticeably deeper than before. He rumbled over to the bathroom, the floor shaking a bit, and he looked in the mirror. “Ahhhh! Ay Dios mio...! Whoa…,” he gasped. “Uhhh yeah man. Look at yourself, just… wow,” Sean said lustfully as he joined Jorge in the bathroom. Jorge was eyeing all the changes and flexing a bit in the mirror. Jorge wasn’t just the same proportions but bigger – was more muscular, broader, thicker, wider, and taller. He shifted around sidewise and took a deep breath, flexing his chest and comparing himself to the suddenly diminutive Sean. “Jesus, look at my pecs,” said Jorge as he bounced the fur-covered mounds and rubbed his hands over his prodigious gut, which stood out even farther than before. “I’m so big… damn, I’m huge,” he said softly, almost under his breath, as he slowly flexed his right arm and watched his bicep peak swell up, way bigger than before, a round, hard peak forming on upper arms that were easily over 20 inches around. Then he brought his hands down, his chest bunching together, and hefted the weighty overhang of his gut up and down. New stretch marks streaked across his upper pecs, shoulders, hips, and belly. “Oh yeah big boar, told you! Growing so big for me, mmmm,” Sean said as he pressed himself up against his bigger, broader husband. “Can’t wait to grow you even bigger now!” Sean said as he reached up for Jorge’s nips, which were an angry shade of red, highlighted by the gleaming metal piercings. “N-no, wait, I, I don’t know, I don’t know if I want to gr----ohhhhhhh god, unf,” Jorge groaned as Sean reached over and rubbed his fingers in a circle around the meaty nubs. Sean shifted around in front of him and kept prodding, pinching, and pulling on them, using the metal piercings to cause even more pleasure. “Come on boar, I know deep down you want it, don’t you? You’ve always been a big boy, and now you’re gonna be the biggest!” Sean said, mercilessly teasing Jorge’s sensitive nips. “Unf, I’m already, hhhhuuuuhhhh oooooph, so big!” Jorge groaned, just in time to see another wave of growth erupt across his body. He could see it himself in the mirror as he surged a few inches taller, bulged thicker, spread wider. His briefs were suddenly, painfully tight around his expanding bulge, his cock longer and harder and heavier than he remembered. “Ohhhhh, too big, fuck I’m getting bigger agai—ahhhhhhuunnnggg!” he moaned as his head started approaching the 7’ ceiling. “No such thing as too big, boar, remember what I said when we started lifting together? I’m gonna turn you into the meatiest muscleboar out there, right piggy? Still plenty of chunk on you too, heh,” Sean teased as he smacked Jorge’s growing gut, which started pressing him against the countertop. “Yeah, bigger, grow for me, pig!” Sean said as he relentlessly rubbed Jorge’s nipples even more, reaching up to flick his thumps along the bottom and top, up and down, up and down. “Unnnhhh, no, ung, stop, it’s too – hehehhhh – too much! Too sensitive!” Jorge groaned as Sean kept flicking, the bar piercings pulling the swelling meat of his nipples up and down more and more forcefully. “Too bad, boar! Plus, I know you like this, don’t you?” Sean teased, pausing to suddenly pinch the sensitive flesh hard. Jorge gasped and his chest swelled wider, his pecs surging with more muscle. “Y-yeah, but, unnnggg, it’s so… rrrrhhnnnnggg!!” Jorge groaned and squirmed as Sean kept the pressure on and Jorge’s head hit the ceiling with a thump. “It’s too much!” He gasped and panted, totally overwhelmed and overstimulated. “Hehe, look at yourself grow, pig, flex these big arms,” Sean ordered, and Jorge obeyed, clenching his fists and lifting them up into a huge bicep flex, his pit stink stronger than ever. Sean buried his nose in Jorge’s exposed, hairy pit and he kept prodding the big man’s nips. “Unnffff, fuck I’m so big,” Jorge groaned, the source of his biggest insecurity now growing right before him, his emotions a swirling mix of anxiety, excitement, uncertainty, lust, and awe. “So BIG!” He brought his fists together and flexed his chest and shoulders; massive traps erupted next to his neck as another explosion of growth rippled across his body, muscles and beef swelling bigger, his thighs ballooning with so much more mass that he was forced to adjust his stance, his head grinding into the ceiling until plaster dust started raising down. “We have to… have to st-stoaaaahhhhh fuuuuuuck,” he roared as another shiver of growth ripped through his chest and shoulders, causing his frame to expand wider in the mirror. Jorge’s huge bulge pressed uncomfortably against the briefs that were cutting deep into his waist; he reached down with one huge paw and ripped them away from his body until they fell to the floor. He sighed and adjusted his manhood; a 10” uncut cock as thick as a beer can erupted from the ripped briefs, his hardon bouncing against Sean’s furry chest and stomach. He reached down and peeled back the foreskin, revealing his huge mushroom head, glistening with precum. “Unf fuck, I’m so BIG all over!” he grunted and pressed harder against Sean, pinning him against the sink. “Fuck, boar, we gotta take this back to the bed, I need that cock inside me before you get too much bigger,” Sean said as grabbed the metal rods of the nipple piercings and pulled Jorge towards the bedroom. Jorge was helpless to resist as he stumbled to follow Sean until his forehead smacked into the doorframe, cracking the wood and paint. “Ooof oww fuck,” Jorge groaned. “Too tall…” he rumbled. Sean just grinned and yanked on his nips again, another wave of growth sprouting him up taller and thicker, as Jorge stumbled into the bedroom. It felt like the whole house shook as he collapsed onto the king-size bed heavily, the frame groaning in protest. “Oh yeah, YEAH pig, I’m gonna fatten you up good, growing my prize-winning boar, that’s right, squeal for me,” Sean said, getting worked up, as he bounced on Jorge’s enormous body, which was spread out and taking up nearly the whole bed. Sean’s rock-hard cock pressed against Jorge’s expansive, round gut as he seized the meaty red nubs and continued his pleasure-torture. “Yeah, grow for me, boar, I wanna to see MORE!” Sean growled. Jorge grunted unintelligibly as he writhed and wriggled, trying to buck Sean off his huge frame half-heartedly. Muscle exploded across his shoulders, arms, and traps, a mountain range of size bulging up into round, thick peaks. He took a deep breath and bellowed, his suddenly deep bass rattling the windows as his shoulders spread wider, reaching the edges of the king sized bed on both sides. His enormous, thick calves spilled over the edge of the bed as he stretched longer and taller. “I need that cock inside me! Get the lube, boar!” Sean groaned as he positioned himself on Jorge’s thick, uncut cock. The huge Latino musclebear easily reached to the side table and pulled out the lube, brought it to his junk, and liberally squirted enough around to coat his entire, massive, growing cock. “Unnnhgggggg yeah Sean, I’m gonna fill you up so good, such a big cock now, gonna feel amaz—unnhhhhhHHHNNNNGGGG,” Jorge growled as he thrust into Sean in one clean go, his insatiable bottom swallowing up the entire massive stump. “OHHHHHHH god, yes!” Sean groaned as the giant cock invaded him. He settled in on it, twisting and wriggling down further and further until Jorge was balls deep. Sean leaned forward. “You know what it’s time for now, right?” Jorge shook his head and wrapped his huge hands around Sean’s arms. “No, no more sir, I can’t, I’m already too biiiiiiiaaaaAAHHHHHH! RRRRRRROOUUUURRRR!!!” the expanding giant roared, his shoulders spreading wider, his legs stretching until his feet hit the opposite wall of the room, his chest and belly expanding thicker and bigger and rounder as Sean grabbed his nipple piercings and twisted, gently but firmly, the pressure turning on a faucet of growth that poured into his massive frame. His muscles weren’t the only thing growing, of course. His cock started swelling, twisting, and expanding right inside of Sean. “Oh FUCK yeah I can FEEL you growing inside me, boar, fuck YES, so BIG!” Sean groaned, his ass getting stretched further than ever. “Grab me, pig, I want to feel you break me apart, keep GROWING!” he groaned, lost in lust, his desire for growth insatiable, flicking and rubbing Jorge’s nipples relentlessly. Jorge grabbed Sean’s arms and started ramming him up and down on his monster cock, suddenly realizing how thin and frail his husband felt in his oversized hands but too overcome with lust to stop. “GROOOINNNNNKKK yes sir!!” He bounced Sean up and down for several minutes, both of them lost in the trace of lust and pleasure, heedless to the size that Jorge was packing onto his massive frame until Jorge’s head bonked against the headboard. He was now tall enough to stretch from one wall to the other. “Fuck, I… I… I’m too big, Sean, it’s too much, you gotta stop, I can hardly – rrrRRUUUunnnnggg – fit in the room! I, ung, I, UNF, gotta st-stop and – hhhHHhhhaaaahhHHHUUUUUhhhh,” Jorge moaned, his chubby cheeks expanding and black mustache thickening as more dense hair spread across his chest and shoulders. “Feels so GOOD, boar, I need MORE, love watching you GROW, my growing fucking PIG, fuck YEAH!!!” Sean roared, ignoring the pleas of his husband as he sprayed his load all across Jorge’s enormous gut and chest. He shot all the way up to Jorge’s chin, streaks of cum dribbling over the contours of Jorge’s enormous, growing body. When he was finished, Sean stood up on the mattress and slid off of Jorge’s manhood with a wet squelch. Jorge shivered but didn’t cum, though his cock was red and swollen and angry, clearly needing release. Sean stood at the end of the bed, between Jorge’s feet. The big man was stretched from head to toe on opposite walls of the room, which were 10 feet apart. “Sean, we gotta, we gotta slow down, this is all too much!” Jorge panted. He shifted his weight to the side of the bed, and the frame cracked and broke, falling awkwardly to the ground in a crash. “Fuck, I’m so heavy now,” Jorge groaned. He tried to stand up, but only got about 3/4ths the way up; his shoulders and back were bent over uncomfortably in their suddenly tiny bedroom. “Mmmm… when I got these pierced, I was hoping this would happen!” Sean admitted as he stepped closer to Jorge. Sean only came up to his enormous, deep belly button now; Jorge’s swollen, leaking cock smeared precum and lube along Sean’s chest as he pressed closer. “I found the same guy who gave that giant Josh his piercings last year. It wasn’t easy… dude ghosted after The Incident last year and vowed to never do it again in case he was the cause, but I can be very convincing. And now… now we get to see just how big we can push you, pig!” “Wh-what? No, Sean, I’m, I’m already way too big, like, how am I going to live normally, how am I even going to get out of the house!” Jorge moaned; it was strange to see such an enormous man, towering over Sean and packed with more hard, dense muscle than anyone on earth, complain. His belly wobbled as he adjusted his weight and stepped forward, the house shaking as his huge footstep rattled the windows, cobblestone abs protruding under the thick layer of fat coating his gut. “Well big boar, there’s only one way I can think of!” Sean said with a cheeky grin, and he pointed his thump upwards and jerked it towards the ceiling. “Onward and upward, big man!” he said and he pounced on Jorge’s nipples, wrapping his legs around Jorge’s ample belly and holding on tight. “UUUHAAAAHHHH, UnnnFFFFF FUCK!” Jorge groaned as his back and shoulders pressed hard into the ceiling, cracking the surface of it and pushing up into the second floor. “N-no, Sean, I’m too…UuuuuHHHAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHRRRR!” the giant roared as his grown accelerated. He exploded bigger and fatter and more muscular. His delts and traps ripped through the hardwood floor of their second-story guest room as he straightened to his full height, Sean still flicking and rubbing his nips, sheltered by Jorge’s huge pec shelf. “YEAH Jorge, keep growing! You’re doing it, yeah, MORE!” Sean laughed as he kept playing with Jorge’s meaty nubs and feeling his enormous husband grow in his hands. Jorge shivered and grew bigger, reaching up and pressing his enormous hands against the second-story ceiling. He pushed and the ceiling broke apart in his hands like cardboard as his incredible strength multiplied. Another wave of growth jolted through his spine and soon his head cracked into the underside of the roof, breaking through support beams like they weren’t even there. Sean had to use his hands now instead of his fingers to grip the meaty nubs protruding from Jorge’s huge pecs, squeezing and pulling and twisting, the metal rods now as big as rail spikes to him. “UNNNGGGG FUCKKKK, HUHHHHH, UMMMPPPHHH, RRRROOOOAAAAA!!!” Jorge groaned uncontrollably as wave after wave of growth tore through his body, thicker and more muscular than a strongman competitor, massive muscles bulging round and hard, his huge gut hanging down and pressing against his huge, hard cock. At 25 feet tall, Jorge’s head rose up out of their suddenly fragile roof. “UNNNNNGGGGG, SEAN, PLEASE, TOO SENSITIVE, YOU’VE GOTTA – UUUUHHHG HHUUH HHUHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCK!” the giant roared as his pecs and shoulders broke open a wider, bigger hole in the roof, causing the structure to crumble around him as Jorge grew and grew. “I’M SO BIG, TOO BIG, TOO SENSITIVE, FUUUUUCKKKK!” Jorge groaned as his massive cock broke through the back wall of the house and ripped up through what remained of the roof, precum spurting and leaking onto the back yard like a super soaker. Finally, as he crested the nearby powerlines, Jorge brought his hand up, snatching Sean away from his chest and into his grip. Jorge’s hand covered about half of Sean’s tiny, frail body. He felt like a little action figure in Jorge’s hand, and he squeezed his husband, feeling his strength as Sean squirmed in his hand. “FUCK, SEAN, YOU WENT TOO FAR THIS TIME!” Jorge boomed, his voice deep and resonant, rattling Sean’s ribcage as he spoke. “I’M TOO BIG NOW! AND LOOK AT THE HOUSE!” Jorge stepped, his enormous left foot rising up 10 feet, lifting out of the house and crashing through the remains. He shifted his weight into the backyard, his tonnage rumbling the surrounding neighborhood, settling in a wide stance to make room for his thighs, which as big around as oil tankers. “JEEZ I’M EVEN BIGGER THAN THE TREES, THEY’RE MORE LIKE WEEKS TO ME NOW,” Jorge rumbled as he reached down with his other hand and casually ripped a 20 foot tall birch out of the ground with seemingly no effort at all. “FUCK, I’M STRONG…,” the giant rumbled, marveling at his own power as he clenched his fist, the tree splintered in his hand like a toothpick, branches and debris falling to the ground. “Heh, yeah, sorry big man, I guess I got carried away,” Sean said, suddenly realizing he was definitely NOT in control anymore as Jorge brought him up to his face. “But you’re my big boar, and I know, deep down, you’ve always wanted this, always loved being big, haven’t you?” Sean asked. Jorge’s thick, bristling mustache twitched into an unexpected grin as he held Sean in his hand. “M-MAYBE… BUT I, I MEAN, I SHOULDN’T GET BIGGER, RIGHT?” the giant rumbled half-heartedly. “EVEN THOUGH IT FEELS SO GOOD…,” Jorge boomed. He brought Sean down to his chest, the massive pecs spreading before him like a dark, furry wall of muscle. The huge metal rods gleamed in the sunlight as Jorge brought Sean closer to his right nipple. Sean grabbed ahold and yanked it as hard as he could. “OOOF, FUCK, THAT’S… SEAN WE CAN’T, I – AUUUGGHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!” the giant groaned as Sean teased his nipple again. “Admit it! You want this, don’t you!” Sean said, egging on the big man. “N-NO… I WANT… I NEED… YOU… YOU GOTTA… RRRRRUUUUURRRRHHHHHH FUCK YEAH I NEED MORE!!!!” Jorge boomed, his voice growing deeper and louder as his attitude shifted and he finally, after 40 years, embraced his big size. “GIVE ME MORE, SEAN, I NEED TO GROW BIGGER! YEAH!” he rumbled as he brought his left hand up and roughly pinched his nipple with far more force than Sean could ever muster in his whole body. A massive surge of growth ripped through him, causing him to surge taller and wider and more muscular, more beef packing onto his body. His chest exploded with size, his quads ballooned out to the sides, and his gut swelled rounder and softer. He shifted his weight, crushing his neighbor’s fences and bushes with a careless move of his foot, and he settled into a wide stance, the ground rumbling under his tonnage. “FUCK YEAH,” Jorge grunted as he dragged Sean down along his expansive belly to his 6-foot long cock. The monster dick was spurting and leaking pre, dripping and swelling as it grew bigger every second, the musky stench of his crotch radiating off him, growing more intense as he pressed Sean against his thickening member. “GET TO WORK DOWN THERE LITTLE GUY, DADDY BOAR HAS MORE GROWING TO DO AND HE NEEDS BOTH HANDS!” Jorge boomed as he dumped Sean onto his huge cock. The giant Latino musclebear reached up with his right hand and twisted his other piercing, and size poured into his body, like a tap opening up to full blast as he rubbed, tweaked, flicked, and prodded his own meaty nipples. His huge biceps flexed and pressed against the sides of his pecs as he rubbed and rubbed, hedonistically feeling more size packing onto his monstrous frame. “OH FUCK YEAH, MORE, BIGGER, FEELS SO FUCKIN’ GOOD, GIVE IT TO YOUR DADDY BOAR, SO SENSITIVE, FUUUUUCK!” he roared as he felt Sean’s body, now not even as tall as his cock was long, squirming and squeezing and humping his cock. “GONNA GET SO MUCH BIGGER, FEELS SO GOOD, SO SENSITIVE, FUCKIN…UNNNNGGG…. UUUUHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGGG!!!” Jorge roared as his cock exploded. Cum showered down across the remains of their house, now in rubble at Jorge’s feet as he continued to grow and grow. When it was finally over, Jorge stood tall enough to look over even the biggest trees in the neighborhood. The houses only came up to his knees. He reached down and brought Sean back up to his face. He bristled the tiny man with his dark mustache and stuck out an enormous tongue to lick him up, cleaning most of the sticky white cum clinging to him. “MMM SEAN YOU TASTE GOOD WHEN YOU’RE COVERED WITH MY CUM,” he rumbled, his voice rattling Sean’s ears and chest. Sean was petrified, too stunned to speak. “NOW DADDY BOAR’S GONNA SEE JUST WHAT HE CAN DO WITH THIS SIZE AND POWER!” Jorge boomed ominously. He grinned at the nearby houses, which looked so small and fragile. He stepped towards his neighbor’s house, covering dozens of feet with one step. He pressed a massive, thick foot down, his enormous calf muscle twitching, and pushed his full tonnage onto it. It collapsed like a house of cards under him. “HEH HEH, COOL!” he boomed. He reached up and flicked his nipples, excited by his new size and power, and felt a familiar rush of power crackle through his body, up and down his spine, filling him with pleasure as he surged even bigger. “LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!”
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I was an ordinary person living in a city in the middle of Russia with my mother. I had no father. I lives a quiet simple life: I had a good apartment, and I worked two days on, two days off, which meant I have a lot of free time. On these free days I liked to communicate and make new acquaintances, both online and in real life. So I met a good man from out of town. His name was Alexander. He was two years older than me (I was 23). As it turned out, Alexander was in a difficult position. There were quite a lot of problems in his city, and he often complained about his life. I had to sympathize with him and support him morally, as this guy was very charismatic. I liked chatting with him. His manner of dialogue, his turns of phrase, a selection of words…. I liked it all. Once he even sent me a photo of himself with his girlfriend. His rough face, chiseled cheekbones, and bald head all added to his aggressive style. Truth was, the body he had turned out to be quite ordinary. I didn’t understand how it could all be combined. But it suited me. We just communicated at a distance and nothing more could be. The only question I had in my subconscious was, how could a man like me be interested in him? And most importantly, why? But that didn’t bother me much, even I didn’t want to think about it. If I thought about it, I would want to ask Alexander, and that would destroy our friendship (or so I thought). My mother died a couple of years later. That changed me a lot. I became withdrawn and depressed. I was getting along less and less with people. I knew I couldn’t go on like this, I’d go crazy alone. Eventually, communicating with Alexander I found out he had come into a bit money, and he was looking to buy an apartment in another city and move there. I realized this was my chance to distract myself and maybe have a life partner. Having written to him that I have a good one-bedroom apartment and I now lived alone (now alone, as he thought I still live with my mother) I offered to move in with me. Alexander was delighted with the idea. He was very happy to be able to move to another city and away from all his problems, and also to have a roommate with whom he had established a very friendly relationship. A week later, Alexander was already with me. All became better as I suspected. I was not so lonely from the loss of my mother and I had a supportive friend. I helped Alexander get a job in a construction company. And he was as lucky as I was. Our schedule coincided. So we spent two days together in the apartment, chatting, watching TV, playing, sometimes drinking. Everything was stable in our house until winter came. We lived on the second floor. On the ground floor, as in many apartment buildings, there were commercial establishments. Specifically in our building it was a gym. During the onset of frost, one of the cracks in the wall grew so much that it was dangerous to work out in the gym itself, and the building management decided to rent one of the big apartments in the residential part of the building, as close as possible to the first floor, and move the gyms there, leaving the locker room and shower on the first floor. The new gym space was in an apartment above ours. As a result, it turned out that a bunch of hefty, sweaty, smelly men were always walking around in the hallways, just past our apartment. I began to notice that Alexander, on our days off, was standing at the door, peering through the peephole at these huge, muscular pieces of meat as they passed. I once asked why he did it. After all, he had a girlfriend for sex. He said that they broke up, but that bodybuilders are not the objects of his sexual desires and that he did it purely for motivation. I stopped paying attention to it. One day there was a leak in our ceiling. Alexander was engaged in repair and realized that the leak was from the gym. So he began to run up and down, there and back, in order to do the repair from both directions. Meanwhile, my schedule was switched so I was working on what had been my off days. I was told it was time, and there was nothing for it, so I resigned myself, and Alexander was still busy on our weekend fixing the pipe and reconstructing the floor and ceiling between us and the gym. I did not know now what had happened in the house and to Alexander in my absence. But I trusted him completely, so I was not afraid. But his life began to change dramatically beyond my sight. Once he brought underpants of some of the athletes down from the gym. As it turned out, this was the cause of the clogging of the pipe. But it doesn’t matter. The strange thing was that Alexander kept them. He was attracted to them. In the evening Alexander lay in bed in his room considering the underwear, trying to figure out what the lure was for him. One night he decided to suck the breath into his nose. It was the smell of a real steroid giant. In Alexander’s mind were images of this incredibly large and very muscular guy. As this guy was sweating, wearing these undershorts, as sweat soaked into them, the smell of his member and sperm was also in it, which inexplicably began to excite Alexander. He now understood that his personality had begun to change. He became obsessed with these sensations, which made him afraid. He knew it was only the smell of human body secretions. But that’s what was maddening, because it was the sweat and sperm of a very huge athlete. He wanted to be like that. This desire seized his mind, and he began to plan how to realize it. The first and easiest way was to go to that gym and start working out there. To be a part of this group of big, hard men and hope that in time you will become like them. So he did. He started going to the gym and just like everyone else he trained, went to the shower, discuss working out and each other’s achievements. That lasted a while before something happened that Alexander could not have imagined. I should say that before and after training, Alexander started “doping”, by licking those undershorts that were his reason to go to the gym. It is understood this occupation could not long remain unnoticed. Two very sweaty and cheerful athletes noticed Alexander “taking his dope” after training and thought he was gay. He began to make excuses, but it was useless. These stupid pieces of huge meat really wanted to get off, and so they began to abuse Alexander. They called him a whore. They pulled his hair, yanking his face into their groins and telling him to lick their sweaty members, since he was excited by such thing. One of them fell in behind Alexander and tried to enter his ass. The second one, so that would Alexander would not yell, threatened to punch him if he screamed, and if he used his teeth, then he will knock all of his teeth out. Alexander was forced to start sucking the sweaty and sluggish member of the second athlete, while the first athlete decided to take soap and lubricate his member. Alexander’s ass was ripped open, and he was deprived of his anal virginity. He was ready to cry, which only incited his rapists. The huge men poured sperm inside Alexander’s mouth and ass, then took his clothes and wiped their sweaty bodies and sperm-covered members, and then left. Alexander was deprived of any strength. He lay there for a while, but he felt something warm inside him. There was something that was in his stomach and ass. It was the semen of his sweaty, huge, pumped-up rapists. It began to soak into his body, in consequence of which he felt a surge of strength and was able to get up. He dressed in sweat-soaked cloths, walked past all the bodybuilders, and went home. In the morning he was surprisingly more cheerful than usual, although the pain from yesterday’s violation did not stop aching. Alexander went to the bathroom and washed himself went to the mirror. He didn’t pay attention at first while shaving, but his body…. his body… it was pumped like after a workout, but he had never been this pumped. He decided to examine his entire body and take measurements. The numbers shocked him. He had grown!! He’d blown up! All his muscles had increased! And his cock was 5 mm longer! He was shocked and pleased by what is happening. Time passed, but Alexander did not notice the repeated successes and certainly not the sudden growth that had so amazed him. After going back over it, he guessed that he needed to try again to use the sperm and sweat of other athletes. It was weird and crazy. He was about to give it up. But he thought… what am I missing? He still was determined to put the sweat and sperm of a huge muscular beast back in himself. But how? At the gym, he went about his routine after the rape, and his rapists stopped going to that gym, thinking they were going to the same gym as a gay man. Alexander decided to find the biggest of all the guys that he had ever seen. He was a monster! A giant with a mass larger than that of a bull. An increase of 2 meters, if not higher, and pounds to approximately 210. He took out the chloroform he had purchased and decided to act. Alexander went to the gym where this monster of mass trained. He waited for him to go into the toilet and went in after him. Pursuing him he smelled a pungent odor of sweat, of which there was much, since so much muscle mass could not produce little sweat. The bully went to the toilet and Alexander attacked him from behind with a handkerchief soaked in chloroform. The athlete only managed to turn around and swing, but immediately after that he passed out and hit the door with his head fell into the toilet cubicle. Alexander pulled out the two test tubes into which he had planned to muster what was for him priceless material. He began his work. Undressing the muscular carcass of the bull, he squeezed sweat into a test tube from his tight jerseys and began to clean off the sweat from the muscles, all of which he collected in a test tube. As the bodybuilder had hit his head there was a small trickle of blood from the head that polluted the sweat, and Alexander had to collect sweat mixed with blood. By the end of the collection, he had collected a lot of fluid, almost half of a tube. He stoppered the tube and pocketed it. Next he had the most difficult job… sperm production. Pills and other substances he did not want to get, because the substances remained active too long and would be detectable. He had to use his hands. Having bared the not-too-small member of the bodybuilder, Alexander began to masturbate him furiously. He was lucky, and the member became excited and flowed pre-ejaculate. Putting the other test tube in place, he collected a couple of drops of pre-ejaculate and began to quickly masturbate the penis. The cock throbbed and the athlete emptied his full sperm, filling the test tube to the brim with sperm! Wow! Alexander thought, was he human? So much cum. Apparently those rumors about how you couldn’t jerk off when engaged in bodybuilding because it conflicts with the hormones were true. Alexander quickly packed up and went home. He was alone at home, with me at work. Taking both tubes he examined them, still doubtful. He thought it over again, wondering what he should do. But he’d already got this discharge of a huge, muscular, sweaty piece of meat, so he decided he would to keep going once he’d started this. After drinking both tubes, he ran to the bathroom, thinking that he would vomit. In the bathroom, hunched over the sink waiting, he felt the same warmth as before—but it was different, it was much stronger and had already spread throughout the body! His cock began to get excited and become hard! It was an unbearably sweet feeling. Then came an unanticipated effect. Probably because of the sweat, because instead of like the first time, when the sweat was absorbed into the body through the clothes, now the sweat was already inside him and worked together with sperm as growth hormone for Alexander. Alexander began to feel a surge of strength, more and more! Each time he took great pleasure in the pulsation of blood in his body. His muscles, they were growing! “Oh my God!” he shouted. “It really works! Fuck!!! Yeah!! More!!” His muscles bulged, the relief on his chest and shoulders began to show, the biceps grew and the abs on his stomach bulged. His legs were getting stronger. But Alexander got full ecstasy from the feeling of growth of his penis! Oh yeah! He grabbed his growing cock with his new strong and muscular hand. A sense of growing power and flesh gave him confidence. The experience lasted about five minutes, until Alexander was bigger than his old self. He still wasn’t big enough to match a bodybuilder, but he was big. He was as a well-trained athlete, though his muscles had never been visible under his shirt before. After the end of the growth Alexander fiercely came three times for five minutes each, until he filled the toilet with his sperm. His excitement had passed and there was peace. Alexander realized that this is not enough for him, and he wanted more and more. But what could he do? He couldn’t constantly stun athletes and milk them. And he had an idea. He took advantage of his position as a master of repair and reconstruction. As the repairs of the ceiling in their apartment and repair of gym floor had not been completed yet, he decided to slightly change their design. On the floor of the gym he put a very thin layer of porous rubber coating, which was very well absorbed and conducted moisture. This was used on outdoor sports grounds to divert rain. Since it was a coating for sports, it was approved by the gym management, and he installed simulators directly on this coating. And under the floor, already the ceiling of the room, he also installed special moisture collectors, which were connected to a 5-liter bottle. When everything was ready, Alexander was left to figure out how to get these huge muscular pigs to cum on this cover. And he came up with a plan for that, too. He made an announcement on social media. It said that this gym was for gay people, and it worked. Watching the athletes come to the gym through the peephole in the door, he realized that it was definitely turning gay, and they were very muscular. Everything was ready for a feast, a feast of sweaty, pumped-up bodybuilders who had to sweat and cum. During training, Alexander closed the air conditioning and turned on the heating system, and before leaving, he put a few Viagra tablets in the ventilation. He waited in his room, trembling with impatience. Finally, the sweat of huge gay bodybuilders began to drip on the coating and by a cunning system trickled into his 5-liter bottle. After learning that the air conditioning was not working athletes decided to turn on the ventilation, which they did. The pill began to dissolve in the air and act on the huge muscular pigs. Athletes have become fiercer to train. And their members began to harden. After seeing each other get turned on, they all began to have sex! Sweating and shooting spurts of cum on the floor. “Yes Yes Yes! My cows are finally giving their milk!” Alexander thought. Finally the noises upstairs ended and Alexander began to drink, drink, and drink some more. The 5-liter bottle was half full thanks to 20 muscular bulls. And thanks to all that time and effort… growth! The growth of his whole body was very powerful because of the huge dosage from pure secretions of young fleshy beauties. His cock was bursting with pleasure! He fought in ecstasy even stronger than the previous times. He shot sperm at the walls harder and harder, his balls growing and ready to create more and more sperm. In the end, he grew up and became more like the “donors” that started him growing. His body was unbearably huge, his muscles so big they prevented him from moving and seeing his body. His heavy member reached down to his knees once it was (mostly) soft. His skin had become more sensitive, ready absorb all that spilled on it. Every vein in his body throbbed in time with his pulse. This feeling of power, masculinity! It’s perfect! His mind went blank as he heard the herd of milked athletes go down the stairs to the shower and locker room. Alexander broke down the door, as he’d never be able to pass through it in the usual way. Having reached the first floor he smashed into the locker and shower room and saw the naked pumped up muscular guys sharply smelling sweat and sperm. This smell, the smell of his “dope”, drove him mad even more. Alexander was excited by the shocked expressions of all these guys, who do not understand where the monster came from, and how he had such huge muscles and a 48-centimeter penis. Alexander growled and absolutely without conscious thought closed on the athletes and began to act. The first athlete he came across, he bent down and inserted his huge cock into his. He tore his ass, making him scream in pain. With one hand he pulled a second athlete to him and began to suck him, he grabbed the member of the third athlete and pulled out the sperm out of him with a single monstrous stroke. Alexander soaked up the sweat of these three with his balls and his body, forcing them to rub against him and absorbing the blood from the ass of the first athlete. After the two athletes came Alexander drank the sperm and began to grow again! Everyone stared in shock, and no one was able move! All the athletes stood and watched as the huge muscular monster became even more muscular. Having finished squeezing the juices out of these three, Alexander rushed to the others and did everything to milk them all to the last drop… as a result, Alexander grew to such an extent that he occupied the entire room with his volume and his penis filled the entire corridor. Sated at last and losing consciousness from all that was happening to him, Alexander was left to lie completely filling the room by himself and never regained consciousness.
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- cock growth
- muscle-growth
- (and 12 more)
Okie Dokie, The first chapter of a story I wrote myself a while back. I have read many stories on many sites over the years, but I have never posted a story on any site ever! I think this is the last thing I had left at being a virgin of. I look forward to getting your first impressions on my story line and writing style. I completed writing this story back in 2002. I am currently re-reading and editing it and will post chapters afterwards. All I ask is for people responding to be respectful. I have no problem being critiqued but do with being criticized! This story may now be for you, or the have subject matter you like, if so stop reading and move on. Don't waste your time reading it, then waste my time by writing to me telling me how bad it was and how much you didn't like the characters, the plot, the story line and the subject matter. "If you don't have anything nice or relevant to write or say, than don't write or say anything" Please and Thank you! The people, places and some of the events in this story are real and based up me and my life. Some names and places slightly altered out of respect and privacy of others. The story has content like the following: muscle growth, super strength, cock growth, gay sex, m/m, interracial sex, white guys, black guys, massive muscles, bodybuilders. Chapter One My parents were old, my father 58, my mother 48, when I was born. Bless their hearts! In 1964, a pregnant 48-year-old woman was not only rare but also considered dangerous for the mother. My mother was a wee bit of a woman, 5-foot 1 inch tall and soaking wet and carrying her purse weighed no more than 90 pounds. Dr. Millington had been my mother’s doctor for over thirty years. He spoke with my parents and reminded them about the problems and difficulty she had giving birth to my brother 21 years ago when my mother was 27 years old. He then reminded them how much harder and more difficult it had been giving birth to my sister 11 years ago when my mother was 37 years old. At 48 it would be even worse. Strangely, as soon as her heart started beating again, without her pushing, or even having a contraction and totally unnoticed by the doctor and nurses their focus on her heart, I emerged and let out a single cry that startled all of them. I don’t know how she actually survived, I weighed 15 pounds 8 ounces and measure 25.5 inches in length. Last time I checked I still held the record for the biggest baby born in the state of Maine. In great detail he told them about all damage it could do to her body, kidney and liver failure, back, neck, hip and knee damage, destruction of her bladder, damage to her lungs, she could suffer a stroke or heart attack, that there was a good chance she could even die. He also told them there was a good chance of birth defects like deformed limbs, bad muscle development, possibly crippled, or blind or deaf, retardation more than likely. He recommended and encouraged them to consider abortion. He figured she was about a month a long, so they needed to act quickly. First of all, amazingly abortions were legal in Maine in the 1960’s. Second, kudos to Dr. Millington for not only talking about and suggesting an abortion but also that he had studied and learned the procedure and performed abortions as needed. Surprisingly and thankfully, decided not to have the abortion. At their age they thought it was a miracle just to conceive. Three months later when my mother was in pain, having problems with her kidneys, having difficulty breathing, had no control of her bladder and high blood pressure, I am sure I was no longer a heavenly miracle and more like a hellish curse. Dr. Millington gave my parents two options, either she could stay home, but only if she stayed in bed 23 out of the 24 hours in a day. No standing longer than a couple of minutes, no lifting, no working, no cooking, no cleaning. Or he could admit her into the hospital, which he recommended. Both options would be until either I had developed enough that he could perform a fairly new procedure call a C-section or until she gave birth naturally. She chose to stay at home. Fortunately for her and my father, a bunch of my mothers’ friends and neighbors pitched in, took days, shifts, chores, housework and meals and made it possible. Somehow my mother held on, until just six days before the expected due date, her water broke and she went into labor. Her belly was enormous, she had gained 21 pounds all of it there. They had to call an ambulance because she could bare move let alone walk or get into the car. My mother had been in labor for over 19 hours and just minutes before I finally decided to come out, her heart stopped. There was a mad rush as Dr. Millington and one of the nurses performed their first CPR, a brand-new procedure they had only been trained on a week before. I grew in a small town in Maine, on a farm, a 280-acre farm, with cows, horses, chickens, pigs, turkey's, over 20 acres of gardens, 10 acres of apple, pear and peach trees. 5 acres of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. We had over 85 acres of hay fields. I started working, doing chores right after I start walking. By age 5. I was driving the smaller tractor and farm truck and had learned how to and was doing most of the chores myself. My brother had joined the Army and left three years before I was born. My sister who was very intelligent was a senior in high school at age 16, was active in Field Hockey, played clarinet in the band and a member of several different clubs and was too busy to regularly do chores. My father’s construction business consumed his almost every waking moment and at age 63 kept him way to busy. I was a big baby and by big I mean huge. I was an even big toddler and I just kept getting bigger. When my mother took me in to register for kindergarten in the fall, they didn’t believe that I was 5 years old, even with the birth certificate. I was taller and bigger than most 8 and 9-year-old boys. Having me was not easy, they had gone into debt for all the bills just having me. Raising, feeding and supplying clothes and shoes that fit me was not easy. Thank god we lived on that farm, because by age 3 I was eating twice as much as both my mother and father ate. By age 5 at meals I was eating four or five times as much as the both of them. While doing chores, I would eat whatever was in season and rip, not always the later. How much I ate was the only thing I had really thought about until I started school. I had never given any thought about how tall I was, or how much I weighed. I hadn’t even notice I had muscles, or the size of them until then. By age 10 I had learned and could do every chore, operate every piece of equipment, and do whatever work needed on the farm. My sister had been gone four years by that point, moved to California for college and work. She hadn’t been home in over two years. At 68 my father was slowing down; his business still consumed all this time. Almost every day of the year I was up at 4 am to do morning chores. When I finished, I would eat breakfast, then shower, dress and go to school when it was in session. I would come home after school, change into work clothes, grab an apple or something to eat as I headed to the barn. There was a refrigerator in the barn, where after milking the cows, we shortly stored the milk until it was quickly drank or used. At 10, I was 5 foot 6.5 inches tall and weighed 140 pounds. I was at least a foot taller and weighed twice as much as guys my age. I was also way stronger than them too, I was quite sure I was stronger than guys twice my age, but I kept that secret to myself. My parents didn’t even know how strong I was. It was the third Saturday in April, I was on the John Deere 4020 tricycle tractor and was attempting to discs harrow one of the 8-acre garden plots, so I could then till and plow, ready to plant that year’s crop. It wasn’t going well at all. It had snowed more that winter than it had in sixty years. It had rained hard, every day the first 13 days of April and the sun had only been out and shining five days. Parts of the garden for dry and firm, some a little damp and little soft a couple areas wet and very soft. I had just gotten through one of those areas, the disc harrower completely bunged up and full of wet dirt. I stopped the tractor, shut it off, got off and went to clear out the disc harrower. I was just about done, when the disc harrower started to move. I jump to get out of the way and then saw why it was moving. The right rear tire of where I had stopped turned out to be the softest spot in the garden and the wheel had sunken down past and over the top of the axle. I don’t know who the idiot was that had the idea to build a tricycle tractor in first place, they where unstable on hills, slopped field and most uneven surfaces. Not have the stability of two front wheels, that right rear wheel had sunk so far down that the tractor slowly rolled over onto its side. That was the first time I ever used the word, “FUCK”! As I jogged back to the barn to get the Ford Front Loader and some chains, I was trying to figure out how I could do this all by myself. I figured that if I could lift that right rear side up with the Ford to the point where the wheel was just above the ground I could then slide several oak planks under it, with the tractors weight dispersed on them it shouldn’t sink when I lowered it and got the Ford out of the way, then I should be able to drive the John Deere forward and be out of this mess. Everything was going according to my plan until no matter where or how I connected the chain the Ford Front Loader could not lift the rear wheel of the John Deere completely up and out of the ground. There was more than a foot left to go. I had laid the six oak planks on the ground close to where I would need them. One had placed one of the planks right beside the sunken wheel for me to stand on so I could attach and hook up the chain. I was standing on that plank, frustrated as hell the wheel wasn’t higher. For some reason, I squatted down and grabbed a hold of each side of the huge rear wheel to try and lift the tractor. I knew I was frustrated and worked up and figured I must just be blowing off some steam. When the tractor didn’t move, I move from frustrated to mad, which made me try even harder to life the tractor. I lost my grip when I was surprised to see and feel the tractor start to move and lift up. I sank a little deep than if had been, that moved me from mad to angry. I squatted and grabbed a hold of each side of the huge rear wheel again, I had a death grip on the damn thing. I poured every ounce of concentration and energy into that lift. The harder I strained, the more blood rushed into my muscles, making me get hot all over. The hotter I got the move power I had to lift harder, causing more blood to rush to my muscle, making me get even hotter, which gave me more power to lift even harder. My head cleared a little and I realized that I was standing up straight, my arms and hands still locked onto the huge rear wheel and that the bottom of the tire was about fifteen inches off the group. What the…? How the…? I thought. That’s when I noticed that I didn’t feel anything different than when I picked up and held my pet cat Shikon. Then I realized that I may have picked up the tractor, but how the hell was I going to get the planks underneath the wheel? I needed both hands to keep the wheel and tractor up. Or did I? It seriously didn’t feel like I was holding anything up. I leaned in hard and pressed my chest against the top of the tire with everything I could. I was hoping that would give me the second to two I needed to move my hands up under my chest to the inside top of the rim and lift from there. I thought hopefully that I might be able to remove my right hand and hold the tractor up with just my left hand. I could then use my right hand and arm to move the planks under the wheel. And I did just that! With just my left hand I lowered the tractor down till the wheel was resting on the planks. I just stood there, trying to make sense of it all. I looked at the ground, at the John Deere, at my hands, at my arms, at my legs and at my chest. I was big for a 10-year-old, but still how was it even possible for anyone weighing 140 pounds to pick up a tractor that weighed over 10,000 pounds, let alone hold it up with just one hand. I didn’t think it was typical for 140-pound, 10-year old’s to be that strong. I removed the chains, back the drove the Ford off the garden and parked it on the grass surrounding the garden. I went back and reconnect the discs harrower to the John Deere, got on started up the tractor and drove forward off the planks and off the garden and parked it on the grass, where I was going to leave it for now. I picked up and loaded all of the oak planks into the bucket on the Ford and drove back to the barn. I put the oak planks back from where I got them. Got the water hose and rinsed off all the mud and dirt on the Ford and then turned the hose onto myself, I was covered in dirt and mud pretty much from head to toe. The water coming out of the hose was ice cold, it felt good! All of my muscle still felt burning hot. When the first bit of cold water hit my chest, I swore I heard, “hhhhhiiiissssssss” and saw a flash of steam rise from them. I hadn’t got anything done that I had planned on doing that day. And with my mind reliving what had happen, racing and thinking about how it happened and trying to figure out what I should do about it, if anything. Should I tell my parents? What if they or someone else had seen me or somehow found out? Would the military or some doctors come and take me away to study me? How strong was I actually? Will I get even stronger as I grow up? I had some many thoughts racing through my mind, that I knew I couldn’t get any work done. All I wanted and was ready to do was go to my room, lay down on my bed and go to sleep. I remembered I had some shirts and shorts in one of the cabinets in the barn. So, I stripped naked and washed myself clean with the cold water from the hose. Coiled the hose up after finishing, picked up my old wet clothes and laid them over a never by fence rail. I was as dry as I was going to get without a towel, so pulled on a pair on shorts and a t shirt, picked up my steel toed boots and headed for the house, my room, my bed. Mercifully the house was empty. My father at work as usual, my mother out doing errands or something. There is no way she would have let me go without explaining why I had stopped working, why I was going to my room and why I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I had never down any of these things and there would be no way in hell, she would stop until she knew what the hell was going on. I think I was asleep the second my head hit the pillow.
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El asunto comenzó cuando Ramiro me regaló unos calzoncillos blancos de slip. Ramiro y yo éramos amigos desde la secundaria. El día que había decidido irme a vivir solo, él se encontraba en la misma situación así y me dijo de alquilar un departamento con tres ambientes y compartir los gastos. Me pareció una buena idea y así fue: a los pocos meses encontramos un departamento enorme que podíamos pagar entre los dos. Ramiro era gay, pero eso a mí nunca me había importado. Al parecer yo no era el tipo de chabón que a él le gustaba, lo cual no complicaba el asunto entre nosotros. Pero como decía, el asunto comenzó cuando Ramiro me regaló unos calzoncillos blancos de slip. En verdad el asunto era un chiste que él me había hecho. —Te quedarían bien unas slipetas blancas —me dijo. Entonces para mi cumpleaños, a modo de chiste, me regaló unos calzoncillos de esos. Nos reímos y eso fue todo. Ramiro era un chaboncito muy gracioso, medía 1,40 lo cual lo volvía una suerte de ratita. Era flaco como un fideo y siempre decía que tenía el cuerpo de un chico de doce años. No le molestaba ser tan chiquito, es más, siempre decía que le gustaba ser así porque le gustaban los hombres mas grandes que él y bueno, no era muy dificil ser mas grande que él. Yo tampoco era un gigante, mido 1.70, algo bastante normal. Iba al gimnasio para no volverme una ameba y me cuidaba en las comidas, pero solo eso. Y resultó que un día, antes de trabajar, cuando fui a buscar un calzón descubrí que estaban todos sucios, excepto el que Ramiro me había regalado. Me lo puse para salir del paso y descubrí que no eran tan incómodos como había imaginado. Ese día me sentí super energizado, como si tuviera una suerte de alegría o algo. Las chicas de la oficina me dijeron que me veían muy bien, incluso me preguntaron si estaba ejercitando. La verdad era que me sentía muy bien y bastante caliente. Esa misma tarde hablando con la recepcionista me di cuenta que me la estaba levantando y con una naturalidad que no sabía que tenía me la chamuyé para llevarla a mi depto. Esa noche garchamos como conejos. Yo me sentía al palo. Esa semana fue toda así, incluso en el gimnasio empecé a levantar mas peso. Tenía una energía interminable. En el espejo empecé a notar que estaba mas musculoso y por alguna razon me empezó a gustar usar el slip de Ramiro. También era verdad que cuando las chicas con las que me acosté esa semana (fueron 3) me vieron usando eso me dijeron que les encantaba. Así fue que me lo dejé puesto. Lo lavaba cada vez que me bañaba, dormía desnudo y al día siguiente estaba seco. Ustedes se preguntarán que pasó. No tengo la menor idea, pero empecé a crecer. Fue una locura, era algo de no creer. Mis músculos se inflaron hasta el punto de que la ropa me empezó a quedar apretada. Pero no solo fueron mis músculos sino que tambien empecé a crecer en altura. Así fue como al mes de estar usando la slipeta medía 1.75 y pesaba 80kilos. Pegué una espalda de la puta madre y mis brazos se volvieron enormes. Me sentía una bestia. Y como si fuera poco la pija me empezó a crecer. Yo no entendía que estaba pasando, pero la sensación era genial. Me sentía superman y tenía el cuerpo de superman. Me empezó a pasar que ni bien llegaba a casa quería sacarme la remera.Yo nunca había sido así de andar sin remera, pero ahora sentía que quería estar así, solo con la slipeta. Me causaba gracia que Ramiro no me podía sacar los ojos de encima. Me daba cuenta de que me miraba hacer el más mínimo movimiento. Mis nuevos músculos lo volvían loco. Y pasó que me empezó a gustar que me mirara lo grande que estaba. Y para mi sorpresa el asunto de crecer no había terminado. Recién empezaba. Cada día que pasaba yo estaba no solo más alto sino con músculos más grandes, era como que me estaba inflando con cada día que pasaba. A los dos meses ya medía 1.80 y pesaba 95kilos. En el trabajo las minas estaban locas con mis músculos. Se la pasaban tocándome y diciendo lo bueno que estaba. Durante esa época me la pasé garchando, casi todos los días llevaba una mina nueva y la hacía mierda en mi cama. Tenía la pija enorme, me había convertido en un semental. Pero a las minas les encantaba que tuviera el pecho tan grande, era verdad. Mis pectorales se habían inflado y eran dos montañas gigantes llenas de fuerza. Me costaba encontrar remeras que me entraran. En casa andaba todo el día en slipeta. Todo mi cuerpo musculoso quedaba al aire. Ramiro no podía sacarme los ojos de encima, pero no se animaba a decir nada. Yo lo veía ahí debajo mio moviéndose alrededor como una ratita alrededor de un queso gigante y me moría de risa. Cada día lo veía mas chiquito y flacucho, pero en verdad era que yo me estaba volviendo mas grande y musculoso. Empezó a pasar que mis hombros se volvieron tan enormes y mi espalda tan ancha que tenía que girar para pasar por las puertas y a los tres meses había crecido tanto que me tenía que agachar para pasar por las puertas. Mi pija se había vuelto una anaconda de veinte centímetros flácida, pero que crecía hasta medio metro. La slipeta me quedaba tan apretada que pija colgaba enorme con mis bolas llenas de semen. Me había vuelto un gigante inmenso. Me causaba gracia ver como Ramiro intentaba ocultar su pijita parada cada vez que me veía caminar desnudo con todos mis enormes músculos al aire. Mis piernas eran dos troncos enormes llenos de fuerza y músculos. Cada una de mis piernas se había vuelto mas ancha que su cuerpo. Mis biceps era mas grandes que su cabecita y mi pectorales eran tan grandes que me tenía que inclinar sobre ellos para verlo ahí debajo admirando mi enorme musculatura. A veces para joderlo, mientras cocinaba en calzones decía cosas como: —Uh, chabon, estoy re duro, no sabés como me cuesta moverme con estos músculos. —… —¿Qué decís? —le preguntaba flexionando un brazo gigante que explotaba con un bicep enorme—¿Te parece que estoy suficientemente grande? Mirá este brazo. Soy una bestia. O a veces le contaba a las minas que me había garchado la noche anterior. —Boludo, no sabés como estaban las minas ayer, se volvían locas por mi pecho. Me lamieron las tetas estas y me tocaron todo. Estaban locas por mis músculos. Me parece que cuanto mas grande me vuelvo más se excitan esas putas. Y cuando me las garcho acaban como cinco veces. Boludo, no sabés lo enorme que tengo la pija. Parezco un caballo. —… Al mes de eso pegué un estirón todavía mas grande. Llegué al 1.90 y a los 120 kilos. Pero apenas tenía grasa y todos mis músculos eran enormes y duros. Me sentía Hulk, aunque tenía una cintura bastante chica lo cual acentuaba la forma de V de mi espalda. La slipeta todavía me entraba aunque los pelos de mis huevos asomaban por ambos lados y se veía el tamaño inmenso de mi poronga. De todos modos seguía sacándome la ropa al llegar a casa y Ramiro al verme corría al baño. Yo me daba cuenta de que se pajeaba con solo verme caminar. Y la verdad que no podía culparlo. Mi cuerpo musculoso era impresionante. Parecía una estatua tallada en piedra toda gigante y musculosa. Mi pecho era inmenso, ancho y abultado. Mis brazos eran dos piedras enormes y mi espalda parecía un valle de músculos. Me había vuelto un macho inmenso y super dotado. —¿Qué decís, chabon? A que soy el hombre mas grande que viste tu vida. Mira el tamaño de mis músculos. A esa altura Ramiro me parecía un enano diminuto. Lo veía todo flaquito y chiquito que me causaba gracia como se movía alrededor de mis gigantezcos músculos. A veces sin querer me tocaba el cuerpo y yo me daba cuenta de que se estremecía a punto de acabar. Se la pasaba llendo al baño. Una noche después de cenar él se levantó con los platos y me di cuenta que ya era mas alto que él estando sentado. Le sacaba mas de una cabeza. —A ver, vení chabon, acercate —le dije. Me obedeció temblando. No solo le pasaba a él, todo el mundo parecía obedecerme a cualquier cosa que dijera. Al parecer cuando te volvías así de musculoso y grande la gente se sentía intimidada. —Vení, acercate, quiero ver cuanto mas grande soy. Me abrí de piernas y me senté derecho. Todo mi cuerpo musculoso brillaba y mi pija en la slipeta se abultaba gigante. Había cogido toda la semana pero las ganas de seguir cogiendo no se me habían ido. Ramiro se acercó sosteniendo los platos. —Deja eso. Lo dejó sobre la mesa. —Vení, acercate más a mi cuerpo. Quiero ver lo enorme que soy. Se acercó hasta quedar a centímetros de mi pecho enorme. Mi cuerpo junto al suyo parecía todavía mas grande, de pronto sentía que mis músculos se endurecían como cuando entrenaba. Me estaba inflando solo de estar cerca de esa mierdita. —Creo que estoy un poco grande —dije y flexioné mi brazo frente a su cara. Sus ojos se abriero como platos. —Sacate la remera. Temblando se sacó la remera. Ramiro era un flacucho diminuto y pálido sin un músculo. —ja, boludo, sos mínimo. No tenés ni un músculo. Mirá la diferencia de nuestro cuerpos,. Yo estoy todo enorme, mirame el pecho. Vení mas cerca. Así, fijate lo grande que lo tengo. Mirame los hombros y los brazos. Estoy todo duro. Estoy super inflado. Ramiro estaba con la boca abierta viendo mi cuerpo cada vez mas grande, duro y brillante. Mi pecho parecía haberse duplicado de tamaño. Me sentía gigante. —Sacate el pantalón —le dije y empecé a acariciarme la pija debajo del calzón. Me daba cuenta de que me había crecido. Todo mi cuerpo estaba mucho mas grande. Me sentia gigante y fuerte. Capaz de levantar un auto con mis brazos musculosos. Ramiro se sacó el pantalón y asomaron sus piernitas de gallina. Era apenas un palito. Su pijita parada era mas chica que mi dedo meñique. —Boludo, sos una mierdita. Mirá la diferencia de nuestros cuerpos. Soy como veinte veces mas grande que vos. Mirá el pecho que tengo. Estoy enorme. Boludo, ¿y vos te crees un hombre con ese cuerpo? Esto es un hombre. Mira el cuerpo que tengo. Flexioné ambos brazos y acabó apenas con un suspiro. —jaja, ¿acabaste de solo ver mis músculos? Que puto que sos. A ver mostrame esa pijita. Sacate el calzoncillo a si veo lo chiquita que tenés la pija. Se lo sacó. Era todavía más chica de lo que yo pensaba. —Jajaja, chabon, la tenés diminuta. Boludo, ¿Qué hacés con eso? Es un maní. Apuesto a que querés ver una pija en serio. ¿Querés ver el tamaño de mi poronga?¿Querés ver la pija gigante que tengo? Apuesto que te moris de ganas de verme en pelotas. ¿Qué decís? Querés ver todo mi cuerpo musculoso y mi pija gigante parada. Ramiro dijo que si. De los ojos le caían lágrimas. Me puse de pie despacio viendo como se achicaba debajo de mi pecho gigante. Él me veía cada vez mas grande y más alto. Con todos mis músculos brillando, enormes y duros. —Uh, chabon, estoy enorme. Me paré y toqué el techo con la cabeza. Debía medir más de dos metros. Mi músculos se habían inflado hasta la locura. Me bajé la slipeta y pudo ver mi pija gigante y flacida asomando como la trompa de un elefante. Empecé a masturbarme con una mano mientras con la otra me tocaba los músculos. —Jaja, mirá el tamaño de mis músculos. Mirá el cuerpo de hombre gigante que tengo —mi pija se había parado por la mitad y ya era mas grande y ancha que antes—. Mirá el hombre enorme en que se convirtió tu amigo. Soy un dios, chabon, mirá mi pecho. Soy gigante. Mirá mis brazos enormes. Mirá mis piernas y mirá esta pija gigante que tengo. Era una cosa inmensa, una anaconda enorme, parada y dura. Flexioné ambos brazos. —Mirá lo grande que estoy, putito enano, mirá al gigante de tu amigo musculoso. Siento que estoy creciendo de solo estar en bolas. ¿Qué decís, enano, soy lo suficientemente musculoso? Apuesto a que querés lamerme todo el cuerpo y tocarme los músculos. ¿Qué decís? ¿Me querés chupar la pija gigante? Mirá este tronco que tengo. Soy un semental. Mi pecho se infló de repente y mis brazos tambien. —uh, estoy enorme —dije. Mi espalda se volvió más ancha y mis piernas crecieron como jamones. De pronto estaba inflándome todo. Necesitaba garchar cuanto antes. Mis bolas se habían llenado de semen. —Es tu día de suerte, enano, te voy a romper el culo de un buen pijazo —dije y mis músculos se inflaron más.
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Astromuscle: Not to sound like every other writer here but I have never done anything like this before but I have had this idea in my head for awhile and I wanted everyone else to be able to enjoy it. There is a bit of set up first, but I promise a lot of growth in the later chapters. As a skeptic, I never believed that 2 people were destined for each other. But you know what people say, hindsight is 20-20. My entire life I looked on people at a distance. Muscles were always a turn on for me (the bigger the better naturally) but I was always self conscious about what I looked like. At 5' 9" most people were taller than me, and my body was nothing to be desired, fat but not even fat enough to satisfy a fetish. Nothing about me was sexually desirable, so off to the side I stood, looking on at the muscle bulls who come and go in my life. One day I finally worked up the nerve to go to a gay bar. Far out of my element, I would have been pissing myself nervous, if it weren't for the distraction sitting at the bar. And what a distraction he was. I couldn't tell exactly how tall he was but damn he sat head and shoulders above the rest... while sitting. His shoulders were covered by a sweater but even through there you could see great mounds that made volleyballs to shame. My eyes started to move down, but I was disappointed that my view was blocked by a swarm of people all trying to talk to this man. In fact, now out of my stupor he did look rather overwhelmed. Wide eyed and looking from person to person he couldn't keep up with the onslaught of people who were becoming less and less subtle in their interest and more and more touchy. I couldn't tell you if it was the kindness of seeing someone struggling, or jealousy at how forward these guys (who I couldn't help but notice were all more attractive than me... FML) but I decided I needed to take action. I made a beeline for the door to the kitchen, as I did so I unbuttoned my nicer shirt, revealing a plain white T-shirt underneath. Looking now, I might have been able to see my nipples through it, it wasn't noticeable though so I moved on. It was a Friday night so the bartenders didn't even notice me slip into the back. Inside the door was a hallway, with a cordless phone mounted on the wall. Moving cautiously forward I saw the kitchen with cooks preparing appetizers. Just in front of me in the entrance to the kitchen a dirty apron hung on a hook. Before I overstayed my welcome I swiped the apron, tied it around my waist and grabbed the phone on my way out. As I came out I walked up to one of the less daring men who got pushed out of the mosh-pit that formed around the mystery muscle man. "hey man, what is that guy's name?" It took a sec for the man to tear his eyes away and notice me. In a entranced, yet slightly annoyed voice he whispered, "Damian." I walked away then before he could ask me anything from there on. I walked behind the bar, around a bartender, bumping him and quickly got to in front of Damian. "Are you Damian?", I said from the only direction not swarming with gay men... well except for me know I guess... He didn't seem to hear me among the swarm so I shouted at the top of my lungs "PHONE CALL FOR DAMIAN!" That got his attention. He reached for the phone with an arm with a forearm bigger than his already large hands. I managed to focus for long enough to pull the phone away and point to the kitchen door. "IT WILL BE QUIETER THERE!" At this point my plan payed off, for in that moment the behemoth had relief in his eyes as he stood up and excused himself from the sea of men. As he stood I could finally get a bead on his height. Where sitting people came up to his shoulders, now they only came up to his mid pec. My eyes were about level with where I would have to imagine his nips were, why did he have to where that sweater? Why did he have to wear anything?... Once we were both in the back we stood in the hallway between the kitchen and the bar, I handed him the phone which he put up to his ear and tried to talk into for a solid 5 seconds before he looked at it for another couple seconds, and then weighed me in his mind. Before he could form his own conclusion for better or for worse I interjected, "You looked as if you were having difficulty out there, thought you might like a bit of relief." With that I took a snapshot in my mind (that was going to come in handy later tonight in my room) and turned to go. I didn't realize how dwarfed I would be, I didn't deserve to be in his presence, so it was time for me to make my exit. Before I could leave though, a paw of a hand held half of my body in place. SERIOUSLY, thumb on my upper back and fingers extending over my chest, was this guy for real?! "Thank you" a guttural voice said. My mind could only come up with the analogy of Morgan Freeman's Voice, if his balls dropped one or two more times. I might have been able to respond or appreciate the sentiment if every ounce of my being wasn't focused on trying not to go hard. The hand holding me came off and I turned around. Looking shyly away Damian looked like he had more to say but the words weren't coming out... Could he be nervous? Do muscle beasts like him get nervous? I so wanted to hear what he had to say, unfortunately that was the point we were interrupted by the bartender I had bumped. "Excuse me but you both need to leave. You don't even work here!" And with that we found both of ourselves out on the curb. I offered to buy the man a cab because it was my fault he got kicked out, but he insisted on doing the reverse, it turned out he didn't want to be there in the first place, he just really wanted to meet some people "and I think I did" he said. With that he asked for my number and I gave it to him. Is that all it takes? I had literally never been in this situation! And with this man to end all men. I was so excited I didn't even notice both our cabs roll up. I was in wonderland. He told me he would call me up sometime for a date and hopped into his cab, with some difficulty... God he was huge. Finally once the spell wore off, assisted by the honking horn of the cab driver, I climbed into my own cab and went home. The cab ride was quieter than usual and it wasn't until I got out that I realized that I had a raging boner the whole time. There was no need to put it to waste though, so I went inside and had myself an amazing night.
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It was a cloudless night; moonlight was the only source of light to guide my escape. I couldn’t see where I was going well but I knew HE wasn’t far behind! The thundering crash of trees smashing into the wooden wall of houses made me turn back. There he was! The first thing I noticed was his blond army crew haircut and how his head was visible above the small forest I came from. Mick was closing in on me. “Shit! He grew again?” I said to myself as I ran into the kitchen of the house beside me. I crawled over to a window facing him, and peeked outside. “Come out wherever you are Little Man,” he yelled. With a grunt, the four trees in front of him were uprooted. Holding their bark above his head like they were paper with his huge titanic arms he threw them towards the backyard of the house I was hiding in. The grassy backyard was destroyed in seconds. He stepped out of the forest and I let out a gasp at what I saw. Mick had grown so tall that the second floor bedroom was already at his eye level. His muscles were engorged with power and blood. Each bicep was the size of a wrecking ball, his barrel chest was large and strong enough to balance a fully loaded truck. My eyes drifted lower and I marveled at the tightness of his 6 pack-abs each as large as a plasma sized TV. And between his titanic thighs was his humongous boner piercing the sky. A drop of pre fell from the slit of his dick with a plop. I knew what he was after, and how he could break me in seconds but seeing that massive muscle giant made me hard. Mick stepped closer to the house; I could see his massive feet through the window to the elft of the backdoor. “Show yourself Little Man, you know you can’t resist this.” I couldn’t see what he was doing, but the sound of his heavy moaning meant he was feeling his muscles again like back in the lab- what a narcissist. I crawled closer to the backdoor and looked up through the window, and there he was licking his right bicep while stroking his giant member with his free hand. “All of this rock hard muscle, how can you be so selfish and not share it with the world Little Man? If you do as I say I promise you can have muscle giants to play with 24-7.” Mick released a guttural growl as his dick fired a torrent of pre-cum against the wall of the house. That one squirt made the house shake a little. “Fine if you want to play hard to get…” Mick started twisting his right nipple and was jerking his cock faster. His face was red hot with ecstasy; I knew he was going to cum soon! I quickly ran for the front door and managed to escape the house. A powerful roar came from behind me, I just had seconds to dodge to my right when the roof of the house I was in was blown away by a tidal wave of cum. Pieces of wood, tiles and globs of semen flew across the street, but the show wasn’t over just yet. I watched in horror as Mick’s back was growing larger by the second. Every time he cummed he would grow. When his growth stopped was the height of a telephone tower. “THERE YOU ARE LITTLE MAN,” he said in his booming voice. It took all my willpower to move, but before I could get far a giant hand had captured me. It's pretty short, hehe this is what happens when I write in a horny mood. The original idea was muscle giant hide and seek. Thanks to Ferren_Wolf on CF for proofreading. Comments appreciated. Love to write for muscle growers.