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Author's note: hello everynyan! I made this story (on my phone) a while ago while on a plane ride and road trip during springbreak earlier this year. I shared it with some friends that liked it and figured I might as well share it here just in case. I hope you all enjoy. Tags/TW: Latex/goo, muscle, muscle growth, slight hypnosis, bondage, size difference, vore, mentions of death, clones, etc. _____________________________ ERR ERR ERR! The alarm on my phone blared in my ears as I rose groggily out of bed. I dangled my feet from my bed and rubbed sleep from my eyes. Then I finally turned off my phone's fourth alarm. I checked the calendar on my phone. Today was the day I started my new job. I rose to my feet and got out of bed. I grabbed my medication and vitamins from my nightstand and dry swallowed them. Then I made my way over to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Five foot five inches of feline might. Roughly 190 pounds of fury from routine exercise; my build is slightly athletic. My fur is jet black and my eyes golden. I grab my floss from the counter by the sink and begin getting between my fangs and teeth as I recall my past. I graduated college with flying colors after switching majors. Of course the major I switched to had fuck all in terms of job prospects. I started picking up odd jobs to pay the bills. Warehouse worker, pizza delivery boy, babysitter, and now a receptionist for some fancy pharmaceutical company. Networking is truly a crazy thing… of course I'll just be answering phones, but I would've never got this job if it weren't for some friends vouching for me. I bin my floss and proceed to brush my teeth. I spit the toothpaste in the sink and throw on my uniform. Khakis, light blue button up shirt, and black dress shoes that I stole from my father's closet a while back. I pack my lunch and then I am out the door. I breathe in and out before I make my short commute to my new career. … Time could not move more slowly. I am bored out of my mind waiting for the phone to ring. When it does ring it's often companies wanting to schedule meetings, customers asking questions, or people dialing the wrong number. The triad of calls keeps coming in, only broken up by government mandated breaks and lunch time. Speaking of breaks, before my mind can shatter into pieces, I decide to head to the bathroom to look at my phone for five minutes. I set a timer and stood in a stall for privacy. Three minutes into watching videos of people hurting themselves due to their own stupidity, there is a pounding alarm followed by flashing red lights. An intercom with a robotic voice tells everyone to evacuate, this is not a drill, containment has been breached. I jump to my feet and run out of the bathroom. I look around panic stricken. Surprisingly, everyone has already cleared out, but unfortunately, it appears that I am locked in by heavy metal shutters. I hear roaring, gun shots, screams, and splatters. I gotta get out of this hell hole before whatever breached containment finds and murders me. I sprinted down a few hallways. I avoid the sound of what I can only assume to be a massacre going on around me. I run until I am out of breath and sweating, but I have made no progress. Everywhere is a dead end. My mind is swimming and I feel sensory overwhelmed. I put my feet apart and take a deep breath in and out to ground myself. My head stops spinning and my senses come back to me slowly. I feel tense, I still see the scarlet lights flashing, and I hear… I don't hear any more bullets or screaming. Instead the sound is replaced by heavy breathing and a deep and guttural growl. I keep my eyes shut and slowly turn around with my hands up. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted by the visage of a beast before my eyes. The monster is pitch black, nearly absorbing all the light around it. Its skin undulates, slithers, and drips as though it is made of molten latex. It stands what I can only assume to be at least 10 feet tall if not more. It's an absolute hulking behemoth. Muscles jut out where I never knew muscles could theoretically exist. Its arms are legitimately the size of my body if not larger and they radiate ominous and crushing energy. I look down the beast's arms to its giant clawed hands. They're soaked in blood and palming the head of a slain security guard with the ease of a basketball player palming a basketball. I feel my blood run cold as I hear the monster release what I can only assume to be an amused growl. “My my my… so small… so frail… did you not escape with the others?” It says while cocking its head to the side cheekily. “Not like it matters to me. You're here now. So….” It looms over me, leaning in closer with each syllable on its raspy tongue. “Entertain me or…” It gestures to the slain guard who is then enveloped by the monster's ooze. The shape of the guard's corpse can be seen before it slowly fades away, deeper into the behemoth. I swear I can see the monster swell ever so subtly larger… as though it is trying to constrain its growth. I swallow hard before wearily speaking. “Please I don't know what they did to you here. I just started here today. I answer… I pick up phones… please don't kill me…” I plead. Unaware I have fallen to my knees, my mouth has run dry, and tears well in my eyes. “Aww such a nice performance… Now that was truly entertaining! Bravo! Bravo! You should know I am a man of my word.” The beast bends down to wipe tears from eyes with the delicacy of a lover. “You my star. Get to live.” He leans in close as if to whisper in my ear, but he pauses. He smells me deeply. The beast then pulls back and places giant hands on my shoulders, completely engulfing them. He flashes me a toothy grin, his mouth full of blindingly white knives. “My star… you smell divine… tell you what. You get to live, star, but you're mine. All mine!” Suddenly he hugs me to his chest. I flail and struggle against the hulking being. It is no use as tendrils bind my arms and I am pulled into him. I feel like I am falling into an inky abyss with the consistency of honey. I hear his bassy voice laughing around me as my vision fades to black. When I come back I'm back in my apartment. I sit up in bed while my head is absolutely pounding and I swear I have had the worst nightmare in my life. It was all so vivid… so… real. I run a hand through my hair and then smooth out the fur on my face, gently stroking my whiskers. I attempt to get out of bed but am pulled by an absolutely monstrous sized arm. “Aww come cuddle a little kitten~” a baritone voice coos in my ear. “Listen sweet cheeks, I'll give you the short of it. You're now my host and I am basically the best roommate, lover, close confidant, whatever you could ask for or whatever you could ever need.” I struggle against the arm as it brings me to the bed, however it is to no avail as I am thrust flush against an absolutely gargantuan figure. The monster continues, “you smelled so good back then star… you smelled like the perfect mate and I couldn't just let a cutie like you slip from my clutches. We're so compatible as well… I know because I went through your mind while you were knocked out and let's just say… me and your kinks are gonna get along just fine.~” The beast said before grinding against my back seductively. “So just… relax… and let go…” As he said this I felt as though I had been sedated… my nerves and tension slipped away. I turned around and locked eyes with the monster who had taken me as his mate. Wordlessly we both knew that hot alien sex was about to go down. The beast pins me to the bed and stares lovingly into my eyes. “We'll take this slowly dear… I don't want to break my star…” he coos into my ear before chuckling slightly, “not yet anyways darling…” The beast kisses, sucks, and bites lightly along my neck, marking and bruising me to show that I am his. “Oh by the way… call me Ben (Benny or Benjamin) cause I'm big and gonna have you cumming right on time…” He chuckles lightly at his stupid pun and continues to pin me to the mattress with ease. He moves down from my neck to my toned chest and kisses the top of my pectorals. I flinch at the sensation and he pins my wrists to the bed even harder. He tuts and waggles a finger at me. Said finger drips and drops off his hand and onto me. The slime slinks around my body and towards my arms and legs. Before I know it I'm bound to the bed by jet black tendrils. It all happened so fast I'm nearly reeling from the action; I look around panicked. However before I can say anything Ben grabs my chin, tipping it up lightly yet assertively so I am staring at him straight in his white pupil-less eyes. They change shape as easily as an actor or cartoon characters’ face would to show emotion… and his eyes' emotions are telling me to listen to him closely. “Don't worry about a safe word dollface… we won't need one. I know all your limits… and I plan on pushing past them all anyways.” His lips curl into a crooked smile before he leans his head forward and sticks his tongue out. His tongue is whip-like and almost as long as my forearms if not longer… and by the way he traces it down my abdominals and to my groin I would say it's about as dexterous as my bond hands which are clenched in anticipation. However, suddenly he stops. “Poor thing… I told you I KNOW your limits… any more and you would simply… unravel at the seams so to speak…”. His tendril chains slither back into his body. “I suppose we will have to continue this later darling.~” He says coyly before he slithers into my body. He sinks seamlessly into my pores, nose, mouth, and anywhere he can slink into before he's out of sight. However I can still feel his bassy and confident laugh echoing in my mind. After finishing myself off with basic masturbation, I get up and look at my phone. It appears I get a month off of work (which is paid) while they look for the monster that escaped the lab. Turning him in is a no go because he could likely stop my heart or something and plus who knows what unethical bullshit they were doing to him in the first place. Without warning images of electricity, flames, and chemicals flood my mind… along with the pain of said ‘experiments’. Yup. He's not going back there and damn do I need some painkillers for this follow through threat of a migraine. I move to the kitchen and grab some pills and a cup of water before sitting down and taking them. Ben appears before me as I sit and rub my temples. He is sat proudly in a throne made of his own gooey substance. “I'm gonna get those pharmaceutical bastards back, and you're gonna help me.” Ben says bluntly. “How in the world would I help you? Not even why I would help your psychotic ass in the first place. Cause I know you'd black mail or threaten me into it. But how can I help you? I'm not the hulking goo man with powers,” I responded exasperated, leaning back in my chair. “You're moral support, hot stuff. And besides you're my host, you should want to spend time with me…” Ben says as a tendril unfurls from the throne and makes its way towards my face. The tendril cups my chin before morphing into one of Ben's meaty paws. He runs a thumb over my lips. “Do it for daddy, darling…” he says sternly yet lovingly. I simply roll my eyes and throw my hands up in defeat. He grins at my physical response and crosses one of his meaty legs over the other. “Splendid darling, simply splendid,” He coos. The hand under my chin goes towards my neck and lightly squeezes. It's not enough to choke but enough to let me know it's definitely in position to do so. Then the hand morphs into ooze and wraps around my skin. The goo goes under my clothes and forms skin tight under armor. “When the time comes, I'll be there to protect you,” Ben says in a matter of fact manner. The under armor stretches over one of my paws before forming a long blade which replaces my paw completely. I give the blade a few practice swings before the suit retracts and goes back into my body. I nod understanding the idea. Ben has dedicated a piece of himself to be a synthetic power suit for me. “Say… what else can you do?” I ask him genuinely curious to know his abilities. This question excites him, causing him to pounce on me and throw me onto his throne of inky goo. He then looms over me growling in delight. “I thought you'd never ask, dollface.” Ben's form undulates before my very eyes. He vibrates a bit before freezing up. Then as if he is a microscopic organism, he splits into three total entities. One of them talks and another one picks up the sentence where the last left off, as if they are reading from a script. “Well firstly there's the cloning and telepathic link to all parts, pieces, and clones of this hot body.” All of them flash cocky grins and each hit a different pose showing off their hulking physiques. One shows off his watermelon sized glutes, clenching them so hard I swear they could turn coal to diamonds. Another bounces and ripples his pec shelf before flexing them together with enough force to crack walnuts and turn them to find powder. The last one slowly flexes and extends his bicep, causing it to climb higher and higher until it's grossly exaggerated. He gives one final arm flex and the space between his forearm and bicep are so tight it could crush a grown man's windpipe like one would crumple paper. “There's also absorbing people, super strength, a wee bit of hypnosis… other stuff. Ya know. The norm.” He says as casually as one would go about talking about day to day activities. I begin to protest and try to stand up the goo throne, but am pushed back on my ass by one of the clones. The chair then starts vibrating and tendrils start massaging my shoulders. “Relax cutie… wouldn't want you to be too tense. Might tear something when we tear up those cheeks later.” The clones high five each other before hooting and hollering like a group of frat boys. I simply roll my eyes and melt into the surprisingly comfortable alien massage chair. “Okay… so if there's three of you… why do I have to go into combat? Wouldn't one of you be able to destroy the company, while I sit back here and give one of you moral support?” I ask as I finally am freed from the throne that dissipates and slithers back into one of the clones. The clones look at each other for a solid minute before one fuses into the other, leaving only two behind. Then one of the clones turns into mush and slithers into the nearby sink and is likely only going to cause chaos for the company for fucking with it. The other clone lifts me by my armpits and grins like an idiot. “I KNEW I CHOSE THE PURRFECT MATE. MY KITTEN IS SO CUTE AND SMART!” Ben says before nuzzling me, which causes me to unconsciously pur. “Now I can have you safe here at home and have you praise me for my heroics,” he says overly confidently as though he is not about to wage a war (albeit one against corrupt capitalism and unethical laboratory experiments). “Though I do wish I could protect you from bullets and be all like ‘get back babe… daddys got this’” he says playfully before pulling me inside himself. I am wearing the hulking mass of a monster as a suit and can sense everything he does. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing are all linked. He bangs on his chest like a gorilla, dull thuds echoing throughout the apartment. “No bullets are hitting my baby.~” After he releases me from within himself I find myself pulled into his spacious lap. Has moved us from the kitchen to the living room area. Benny sits with his large legs crossed on the rug in the middle of the space. He pats my head, stroking my fur with one hand and uses his free one to turn on the television and flip to a channel playing perfect white noise for idle conversation. After he has settled on the channel he turns his attention to me and stares at me lovingly, waiting for me to make a move. “Uhh… so why are you… uhh are we like… are we really… like lovers?” I ask the behemoth while twiddling my thumbs nervously. Ben strokes my fur and I lean hesitantly into his palm. “Of course my dear. And to prove my love for you, ask anything of me and I'll give it to you. Fame, fortune, murder… especially murder. All for you baby doll…” He says as he coos and hums into my ear gently. “In that case… Do you mind if I feel your muscles… I rarely get to touch other men and I'm a little touch starved…” I ask sheepishly. Ben chuckles before ruffling my fur. “I'll do you one better. You're gonna help me work out, darling.~” Ben got into a push up position before flexing his wide back. A sinewy mountain range of back muscles rippled as he did so. He then pushed off the ground with one arm and used his free arm to point to his back. I hesitantly approached him and sat on what could be considered the small of such a large creature's back. He purred in delight and began to do push ups slowly. While he was doing them, I inched up his back and began massaging and squeezing his lats. He purred in content and kept pushing himself. Truly I believe he could go infinitely, but he paused and laid on the floor for me to get off of him. He must've done at least 70 or so slow and steady push ups in one sitting. I couldn't tell you exactly how many he did because I was too busy watching his muscles flex and swell. Ben then formed a gooey workout bench from his own matter. He got into a tricep dip position and thrusted his hips suggestively. I sat in his lap and braced myself by placing my hands on his freshly pumped and wide chest. Heat and sweat were pouring out of him, causing him to have a musky aroma about him. He slowly did the tricep dips while I kept ogling his muscles. I didn't even notice he was looking at me with a predatory hunger… counting down until his last rep. Then he suddenly struck. He leaned back and placed my rear firmly into his groin. He grabbed my hips with his wide hands, both of which met to wrap around my whole waist. He then switched to hip thrusts. He did them slowly and grunted primarily at the peak of each rep. Moreover, at the peak of each rep he held it for a few seconds and grinded his concealed bulge into me. After he finished thrusting into me he lifted me in his large arms as he got up. He then proceeded to use me for bicep curls. He curled me as close to his face as possible and then gave me a quick kiss before lowering me back down and repeating the process. After he finished that exercise he prepared to use me for deadlifts. I was curious as to how he would tease me during this exercise. However, Ben is a man… or monster of many surprises. He loomed over me before gently yet assertively putting his hand under my chin. He rubbed my lips with his large thumb before lightly parting my lips with them. “Suck.” Is all he bluntly said with his bassy commanding voice and I complied. I sucked his thumb and felt it drip within my mouth. He was forming something in my mouth with his abilities, I just didn't know what it was until he slowly pulled his thumb out of my mouth. A saliva stand followed his thumb’s disappearance. He licked his thumb clean with his long slimy tongue, humming to himself in content as he did. Then he licked the sides of my face with his dexterous tongue. “You're such a good boy.” He said before kissing me on the forehead. I couldn't even utter a response, out of pure shock and due to the fact that he had discretely turned a small part of his body into a ball and gag. Once he realized I had caught on he suddenly flipped me on my back while grinning mischievously and laughing evilly. He cocooned and blind folded me (with his tar like substance) almost instantaneously. Before of course, deadlifting me.
- 2 replies
- 7
- venom
- absorption
- (and 9 more)
The Atlas Man-pire Part 1/3 : The Field Trip John (23/m) and Jack(24/m) were brimming with excitement, the two best friends had been waiting for this all semester, hell their whole college freshman year. A three day archaeological tour of the temple of Atlas, lost for centuries deep in a cave in the heart of a mountain in Germany, only recently discovered and even more recently approved for tours. “I can’t believe this” John said, re-reading the pamphlet over and over on the bus. “We’re going to be the FIRST ONES to explore this temple in centuries!” Jack just smiled. John was always the history buff, Jack was always supportive of his friend, but he just didn’t care at all about the temple. Jack was only interested in Maddy (26/F). Maddy was also an archeology buff, supposedly, however she was an oddball in class. She knew almost nothing about WW2, Messopotamia, or almost any subject outside of ancient Greek or Roman history. On those topics she was an encyclopedia. Both Jack and John were well aware of her quirks, and each of them both fancied her, yet neither wanted to discuss it between them. Both boys secretly scheming to win her attention and impress her. John had a whole plan laid out. He’d studied this temple excessively over the past few months after the trip was announced. All he needed to do was share his niche knowledge of the temple with her, establish a common interest, and surely she’d fall head over heals for him. Jack…. Was a bit less naive. While John was convinced Maddy’s love was for mythology, Jack was well aware of what was really drawing Maddy’s attention: The statues. It wasn’t the history, it was the art. Specifically the human physique. Or rather the idealistic and unrealistic muscular physique of gladiators and warriors. While John was watching the Professor's chalkboard, Jack was watching Maddy’s eyes comb over Zeus’ veins and abdominals. He’d seen that look before. He knew that look, because he liked that look when people gave it to him. The unfortunate reality for John, is that he was, well, a nerd. 4’11, 120lbs, and arms thin enough that they’d snap like pencils if he ever tried to lift anything. Now to be fair he wasn’t completely hideous. His face was well kept and he was perfectly capable of talking to girls, he wasn’t even a virgin. The problem was that Jack had a massive head start in terms of Maddy’s true interests. 6’3, 270lbs, and the epitome of Herculean Physique. His face was just as attractive, but unlike John, Jack had severe anxiety around girls, which is why surprisingly, despite looking like a greek bodybuilder, Jack was actually still a virgin at this point. But he was so close. Jack knew he had Maddy in the bag as she wasn’t just a girl from class, he’d actually caught her at the gym in an increasing amount. All she ever did was run on the treadmill, but it was uncanny WHICH treadmill she was using and why it always had a clear view of Jack and his frequent workouts. It was blatantly obvious to Jack that she was actively stalking him. Jack pieced this together only a week before the trip, but out of respect for his friend, didn’t want to destroy John’s hopes, nor their friendship, as John was very vocal to Jack about the attraction he felt for her, so he pretended nothing was aloof. —------------------------------- The rest of the trip there was pretty uneventful. There were no buildings near the temple, so on the first day they simply checked into the hotel and set up their schedule for the following days. Jack had noticed the hotel had a gym, and considering how lazy the bus ride had been, he figured he’d best make up for it with a quick end-of-day workout. As he stepped out of the room into the hall, he noticed Maddy fumbling her room keys in the room nextdoor. Jack turned back to John and said “Hey I’m gonna go find a gym and get a workout in before the dinner.” to him, just loud enough that Maddy could hear. Jack didn’t even acknowledge John’s remark about drinking water or something as he was too focused on not chuckling at Maddy dropping her room key yet again as she heard this. The gym was empty, and to Jack’s delight, it didn’t look like anyone was going to be snooping by either, meaning no one was going to make a fuss about him working out with his shirt off. Jack was in the zone, he loved the feel of hot blood pumping through his arms. The sweat glistening against his heaving pectorals. The veins thickening with every pump. After a few sets, he slowed down and turned toward the doorway. Loe and behold, there was Maddy. “Sup… You’re Maddy right?” was all the very panicked Jack could muster. “Yeah…” “I’ve seen you in class before… And the gym… You seem pretty cool…” Maddy’s face flushes red at this. “Oh… Yeah I’ve seen you… around. I uh… Think you’re pretty cool too.” Maddy sheepishly responds. Jack then smiles and says “Well… I mean if you’re down we can hang out sometime…” “How about after Dinner” Maddy asserts. “Uh… Yeah! Yeah that’d be great! Did you want to go to like a bar or…” “I was thinking my place.” Maddy suddenly drops. “Oh uh…. Yeah! Fuck yeah! Great!” Jack fumbles together with excitement on his face as Maddy smirks and walks out of the gym swaying her hips from side to side. Jack bites his lip, whispers thank you to whatever god was watching over him, and then resumed his workout. —-------------------------------------------- After dinner, Maddy left nothing to the imagination. As soon as the door shut behind them, Maddy stripped Jack’s clothes off him, exposing his impressive and thick 9” cock swinging between his legs like a bat. As she engulfed his cock with her lips, she pressed him against the wall with all the force she could muster, fighting against her gag reflex so her fingers could analyze and caress Jacks’ muscular body. Jack didn’t know what the fuck to do, and occasionally would mudder something like “Oh yeah, you’re really good at this baby”. Eventually Maddy would have enough climbed onto his chest, mounting his cock as she whispered “Stop talking” into his ear before gagging him with her tongue. For the next hour and a half, they’d continue this display of passion, only stopping to let Jack recover for a moment, while Maddy occupied her thirst by licking the sweat off his body. Meanwhile, John was horrified. As it turns out, the walls of the Hotel are not very thick, and despite John’s attempt to tune it out, all he could do was weep and deny that his worst fears had come to fruition. —-------------------------------------------------------------- The next day on the drive to the temple, John questioned Jack. “I notice you didn’t come home until late yesterday… What happened to you dude?” “Oh… I uh, decided I needed to hit the gym after all those dumplings.” John was furious. But what was he supposed to do? Admit he’d heard everything? Lose John as a friend because some girl got between them? No… No revenge was a desert best served cold, and he’d be DAMN sure Jack would pay for stealing his girl… For now he’d feign ignorance, after all, he can’t let Maddy see him angry like that. “I have NO idea how you keep going through with these workouts man, if it were me I’d be exhausted after the first one you did before dinner.” Jack’s phone dinged as a notification popped up: “My group’s at the southern entrance to the temple, if you get here soon I’ll let you expor….” Was all John could read before the notification cut off. “Woah, is that a text from Maddy?” “Huh?! Oh… Yeah… She uh, asked if we wanted to meet up with her for the temple exploration later when we met at the gym yesterday. Something about her original group getting sick or something…” “Oh… Cool. I can’t wait to see her..” Is all John could respond with. —-------------------------------------------------------------- Both groups met up at the southern entrance to the temple. It was a large dark stone structure, currently illuminated by a series of LED lights strung into the temple by the surveyors who came before. While Jack had explained the John situation to Maddy, and she agreed to hide their involvement for the time being, she was NOT subtil about her intentions as she believed she could be. She’d rest on Jack’s arms regularly as she stared longingly into every masculine sculpture they passed, occasionally even groping Jack who was trying his damnedest to hide his throbbing boner in his pants. Everything was starting to click now that John wasn’t watching Maddy with rose tinted glasses. It destroyed him inside. She was just a size queen. She didn’t care about history, she cared about fucking biceps! “STUPID STUPID STUPID!” rang relentlessly in his mind. “Hold up… What the fuck? Why does this one say “Gilgamesh”.” said a voice behind the three. It was Lucy(29/F) She’d arrived at the cave with Maddy, and unlike her, Lucy had a genuine interest with the history of the building, amidst his anger John didn’t even realize she was still staring at some of the sculptures. “It can’t possibly say Gilgamesh, this temple was built for Atlas, the roman Titan who held up the heavens.” Lucy glared at John. “I can READ roman dude. I’m actually one of the top scholars in reading ancient roman. I’m telling you, this plaque, and this sculpture are for Gilgamesh.” Maddy chimes in: “Actually, this one’s a bit strange too. It’s clearly depicting a scene of david vs goliath…” “Pretty sure this one is Shiva as well… That’s one of the Hindu gods… I can only tell because of the multiple arms” Jack commented. “What culture built this place? Are we being punked?” “Maybe this is some kind of ancient museum for body builders? I… I don’t know… Maybe we’ll find more in the main antichamber up ahead…” Lucy questioned out loud. As the group entered the main chamber, it was clear this was the centerpoint of the whole temple with a massive statue of atlas in the center… Only strangely enough to the group, it was not the typical depiction of atlas struggling to hold the immense weight of the heavens, rather Atlas seemed to hold the sky aloft with a single hand. “This must be the main chamber. We should look around, I bet there’s all kinds of hidden treasures in here. If we’re lucky we may even find some ancient texts!” Lucy began to geek out as she explored the room. Wanting to be as far away from the love birds as possible, John sulkingly began to inspect the inscriptions on a mural in the side of the room. Meanwhile, Maddy became hypnotized by the powerful statue in the middle of the room as she began to inspect it, running her hands all over its stone body. Lucy began to translate the mural. “To all manner of men who walk these halls, I beseech ye to heed this warning. Beneath this temple lies the titan Atlas, a terrible Titan with inhuman power. He is not to be trusted, as his absolute power will corrupt even the most nobel of knights and pure of heart maidens. For the sake of the world, leave this place, and take only memories, less ragnarok be unleashed.” “Ragnarok? Is that really what it says?” John asks with immense skepticism. “It’s… A rough translation.” Lucy answers. However at that moment the whole building lurched in a massive quake. As Lucy and John turn around, they spot the ball Atlas was holding on the floor, as Maddy’s “inspection” had caused it to fall. Ominously, the door frames of the chamber began to close slowly. “What the hell?” Lucy screamed as cracks began to form in the floor, the four panicked as each began to run to the exit. Jack attempted to hold up the door, but only managed to slow it slightly, allowing Lucy and Maddy to escape, however, as John neared, an invisible force pushed Jack out of the doorframe, sending the door slamming down with John trapped inside. A flush of panic descended upon the three as they debated what to do. “We need to get help immediately!” became the group consensus quickly. The temple itself was easy to navigate, and having exhausted every other means of opening the stone door, the trio all left to find help. A rescue effort was coordinated immediately. Over the course of the next 48 hours, over 100 men and women worked tirelessly to open the door, eventually they managed to leverage the door enough to open it. As the door opened, three rescue personnel entered the room. It was distraught. In the center of the room a massive pillar of stone had crushed the atlas statue, leaving only its hand visible. However, despite the compromised structure of the room, unphased in the shadows was a pale boy doing sit-ups on the ground. “Kid! What are you doing?!” One of the team called out. “Situps obviously, how else am I going to define my core?” “You need to get out of here! Have you even had anything to eat today?” “I had some protein bars and a crocodileaid in my bag. I’m fine. See? Not even a scratch. Thanks for getting the door for me though, it’s a little over my max so I’d be stuck in here if not for you. ” John said as he shook the rescuer’s hand. Over the next few days,this operative would begin an intense investigation into the event as various aspects of what happened were just… Bizarre… The temple closing itself was one thing, but parts of the event were simply implausible. For one, the fallen debris in the middle of the room left scratch marks on the ceiling where it came down… However upon analysis… It became clear the scratches showed the pillar not only coming down… But being lifted back up somehow repeatedly… For another, despite initial thoughts, the atlas statue was recovered and re-constructed. However despite every scientific instrument known to german scientists, they were certain this couldn’t be the same statue, as it was not the depiction of the strong titan, but a frail starving man. However, what really stood out was John. He was completely unphased by the isolation, and only took the time to waste what little energy he had doing situps and other workouts like this was his personal gym. Even more bizarre, John had only been in the cave for a couple of days, yet when compared to his picture before his skin was far more pale… And his frame was much more well defined, more muscular even. Even his hair was slightly lighter. However, what disturbed the rescuer the most was when John shook his hand. It was cold. As a rescue veteran, he’d felt skin like that before and recognized it immediately yet he couldn’t bring himself to question it further as he’d be labeled a lunatic. However, in his mind, he was damn sure of it. John’s hands had the same feel as the hands of a corpse… —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For obvious reasons the rest of the trip was canceled and the rest of the class had already traveled home. When John got out of the cave, the only people he knew left were Jack and a few teachers who stayed behind. “JOHN!” Jack cried as he got back from the gym to find his roommate nonchalantly perusing their hotel room as if nothing had happened. Jack quickly ran up and hugged John. “Dude you’re alright! Your parents have been worried sick! Everyone’s been freaking out about this! Are you ok?!?” After a few seconds of embrace, Jack realized something was off about John. “Have… Have you gotten taller dude? And why are you so cold?” “Please don’t touch me anymore Jack. I’ve been in a cave, that’s why I’m so cold… Being in isolation for so long has given me time to think… Tell me the truth… Have you been fucking Maddy?” Jack froze up. “I… I ah…” John didn’t get mad, but rather smiled softly and raised an eyebrow. “Oh you lucky dog.” John said with a laugh. Jack was surprised: “I…I’m sorry dude… I know you had a thing for her, but she’s apparently super into… Well bodybuilders.” “Yeah I noticed in the temple… She was straight gaga for gilgamesh’s triceps. You’d think she’d at least have the decency to stay behind and apologize to the person she let get trapped in a cave.” “You… You aren’t mad?” Jack asked in astonishment. “Wouldn’t do me much good to be mad would it? I mean look at this…” John said, removing his shirt and lying back on the couch. “I’m not exactly her type…” Despite John’s claims, he looked surprisingly more muscular than the day before, but Jack didn’t want to patronize him and was more focused on the positive outcome of the situation. “Hey I’m sorry man, but there’s always more fish in the sea you know… How about I take you out to some bars downtown when you recover?” “Actually Jack, this whole experience has been eye opening for me. I think the best thing I can do now is focus on self improvement. Get that glow-up game going you know… I was actually going to ask you if you’d be alright mentoring me at the gym regularly? I can’t think of anyone else to teach me form and encouragement.” John said in a silky smooth voice like that of the devil himself. “I mean yeah of course! We’ll start whenever you’re ready!” “How about right now? I’m pretty sure the gym here is open.” “You sure? You did just get out of a cave… Do you feel alright?” “Oh Jack… I’m feeling better than ever….” John said with a snicker as he began walking to the gym. —--------------------------------------------- As they entered the gym Jack noticed there were a few people inside at the time and turned to John. “Hey, I wasn’t going to say anything, but considering this is a public gym, it’d likely be best if you put a tank-top or shirt on. It’s not like YOU you know, it’s just like a health thing…” John stared back at Jack like he’d just asked him if he could borrow his toothbrush. “Why should we let THEM intimidate us? If they have a problem with us they can say something. I for one though am not going to be bending my knees to some random douchebags.” “Uh… Well I mean it’s not really a sign of intimidation dude, it’s just… You know, courtesy.” “Oh you mean like talking to your friend before you rail the girl of his dreams in the room next door for an hour? Kinda like that?” John snapped back. “Ok… Deserved… I’ll give you that…” Jack said sheepishly. “Take your damn shirt off Jack, consider it our right to be here, and their privilege to witness us.” John said as he pushed his way past Jack. Jack would continue to wear his shirt, but didn’t bring the topic back up to John. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the workout continued, Jack became more perplexed by John. “How do these things work?” John asked, lifting a 10lb kettlebell. “Oh, those are Kettlebells, they’re mainly used for things like lunges. I don’t hardly use them however as their shape is just a bit off compared to the classic dumbbell. We can start with those if you want.” Jack explained. “I only see them go up to 25lbs… What’s the point of that, even I can curl 25lbs?” “Well contrary to what you might think, it’s actually just an assistance tool, not a direct conflict like normal weights. You don’t really fight the weight itself, you’re fighting the resistance it causes you during other exercises.” “Intriguing….” John said, staring at the weight in the same way a caveman would stare at a laptop. Jack got a good look at the back of John’s head during this and finally asked: “Hey… John… You sure you’re up to push yourself? You haven’t even washed the ash out of your hair…” John simply turned and smiled with a cold voice: “I’m fine Jack. Let’s do some lunges.” Jack and John did a variety of lunges, but after a while Jack spoke up. “Hey, John, I think you should step down to the 15lb weights. You’re not doing any good for your body with that form.” “My form?” John glared back. This startled Jack for a moment. “I mean… Yeah your form dude, you’re leaning all the way to the side as you go down if you keep that up you….” “OW!” A sharp cry could be heard from the other side of the gym, interrupting Jack mid-sentence. “You alright?” “Yeah… It’s this damn cable… It’s frayed and it cut right into my arm…” Said the girl(45/F) from the other group. “You need like a bandage or something?” Jack offered. “No… But honestly I think I’ve had about enough of your friend. Look at him… He’s staring me down. Refuses to put a shirt on… Like fuck off douchebag.” Jack looked at John who had the girl in a deathstare. Even when she mentioned it, he didn’t stop. He was just staring at the girl, not blinking, with every vein in his body fighting back something within him that spooked everyone in the room. “John… Dude, stop staring” Jack eventually said, snapping John back to reality. “I’m sorry man… I think I expended myself too much… I think I’m going to call it for today and… Maybe get a snack… Haven’t eaten a full meal in two days you know…. How bout we pick this up on Friday when we get back home?” John said with a smirk. “Sorry to be a bother miss…” John said to the girl who just glared back at him in disgust as he walked out of the room. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Despite Jack’s promise, he didn’t actually make it to the gym that friday. As the field trip had been a disaster, it meant Jack’s final project was now changed to a completely new form which had Jack up all night. It wasn’t until Sunday that Jack was able to make the time, and to his surprise, as he arrived, he found John there. “What's up dude? You should have told me you were coming, I could have picked you up!” Jack announced as John put down the 20lb weights he was slow-curling. “Ah… Jack… I see you finally decided to show up… I’ve been waiting since Friday.” “Yeah I had to stay in to revise my stupid Archeology make-up final. Ridiculous man, we both nearly die and now they’re coming to finish the job with these last-minute switch ups… You sure you’re good to be here man? Come to think of it, I haven't seen you in class.” “Oh… Right… the final… To be honest I just don’t care anymore. The only reason I took that class was to impress Madeline…” John said. “Wait… you haven’t even started? Dude, what about your GPA?” “What about it…” John said coldly. “John… are you alright? You’ve been acting strange lately and I… I don’t know if it’s a good thing…” Jack said. “Jack… Like I said, being trapped in that cave was mind altering… If you don’t like my more assertive attitude… I really don’t give a shit.” John said glaring into Jack’s soul. “Well… To be honest it’s not just you defending yourself more… It’s physical too…” Jack said inspecting John a bit more closely. “Your hair is still gray… Hell it’s damn near white at this point. And your eyes… I swear I’ve seen moments where they’re ACTUALLY glowing. And not to mention, two weeks ago, you were as scrawny as they come… But now you look like some kind of boyband twink after photoshop…” “What are you, Jack? Gay?” said a nasally voice from behind John. John turned to the voice and saw a boy dressed in the gym’s uniform, with a build and complexion I can only describe as “Weasel like”. “Jack… Who is this person? He’s been following me every trip I’ve been here.” John asked with annoyance. “That’s Randall (24/M)… He works here… I think he also tutors people, he helped me out with trig last semester…” Jack answered. What he left out was that Randall was also a massive snitch and took out his own personal issues with anyone who broke his gym’s rules. “I HAVE to keep following you around! This is the fourth day you’ve been here in a row, and I can’t turn my back without you getting NAKED in the middle of the room.” Randall squealed. “Taking my shirt off does not constitute nudity.” John replied. Jack became alarmed at this and pulled Randall aside: “Ok, I’m sorry about this, a few days ago there was an incident and I think he’s traumatized in some way, I’ll talk to him about the shirt.” Randall, shouting as to ignore the privacy Jack offered, replied: “Look, I’ve already told him, if I see him in here without a shirt on, I’ll get Derick to throw him out!” “Sure dude whatever…” Jack relented. Randall then turned in a huff and went back to the front desk where he’d stare John down for the rest of the workout. John then turned to speak to Jack: “Jack about what you said before… Water under the bridge. To be honest I can understand your concern. When I saw my hair full of ash I immediately LOVED the look, so I dyed my hair lighter. I guess the hair change is bringing out something a bit more “glowy” in my eyes as you put it, and as for my, how did you put it? My boyband twink physique? I’m pretty sure you’re just seeing my pump. I’ve been here for about an hour now.” Jack was skeptical, but shrugged it off, as what other explanation could it be? “And I’m… “sorry” if I’m… Concerning you with how I act, but I’ve put my foot down and I’m growing as a person over this trauma. I refuse to be… Treated like that again…” “What betrayed?” Jack asked. “Forgotten…” John hissed under his breath. “What?” Jack asked before John changed the subject to discuss how much Jack’s max bench was. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jack didn’t question a thing for the rest of the workout vocally, but before long he had some private wonders that were puzzling him. John said he’d been in the gym for an hour, and even described the workouts he was doing. Now Jack figured he was going hard to keep pace with himself, but… It shouldn’t have been possible… Jack went through his whole full-body workout routine (hey, he had to make up for the days lost, no excuses), and while John wasn’t able to lift half the weight Jack was pumping, his stamina seemed almost superhuman. Curl-for-curl John matched every rep with Jack. Even at the end of Jack’s workout, when he himself was drenched in a thick layer of sweat, John’s skin was still dry. Furthermore something about the way John was looking at Jack was putting him off. His arms were darting all over Jack’s arms as if they were analyzing his movements, as if Jack’s form was some kind of meat being teased in front of a hungry wolf. Eventually, Jack had enough. “Damn… I am FEELING it!” he proclaimed. “I gotta start working out with you more often! I had no idea you had this kind of stamina dude! If we keep matching each other we’ll both be yolked as fuck in no time.” “I’m glad you noticed. I know it doesn’t seem like it but I’m practically about to fall over…” John mused as he lifted Jack’s dumbbells and put them back on the rack for him. “Ah… Oh hey it’s Sunday… The gym closes early… What time is it?” Jack asked. Without looking at the clock John replied “6:28PM”. “How did you…?” But before he could ask, John pointed to the large clock on the wall behind Jack. “Hey tell you what, I’ve got some protein powder in my locker, you want some?” Jack offered. “Sure thing… I’m heading back there anyways.” John accepted as he handed Jack his water bottle. —--------------------- Jack went to his personal locker in the back of the gym and started mixing the banana protein powder into his own bottle. That's when he noticed something else off, John’s bottle was bone dry. Not a drop of water left in the thing, not even any residue of water having been there before. “He’s got to learn to drink more water, that’s super important for any workout, particularly one that went that hard…” Jack went out and filled John’s bottle at the cooler. He looked around for John, but didn’t see him. So he walked back into the men’s locker room and called his name. “John?” “Yes?” John replied as he looked back from the shower area, naked as the day he was born. Jack quickly looked away. “Oh sorry dude, here you go, it’s your protein shake, filled up your water bottle too.” Jack had assumed John would put a towel on or something, but he was wrong. Despite being out in the open, John just turned and walked toward Jack without covering anything. Jack refused to look, but he heard something off as John approached. Slap, Thump, Slap, Thump, Slap, Thump. It was some strange noise following every one of John’s footprints. As John entered the locker area he asked “This one mine?” as he grabbed his bottle out of Jack’s hands. There was a long pause of silence. “I asked if this one was mine.” John repeated. “Yeah, I mean of course dude it’s in your bottle… You want to put some clothes on or like a towel or something?” John popped the cap to the bottle and immediately began consuming all of it. For Jack, all he could see was darkness as a disturbing “glug-glug” noise continued over and over until John had shotgunned the whole 45 oz drink. When he finished he popped the cap back on and dropped it on the ground. The sound of the bottle hitting the floor finally startled Jack enough that he looked John’s way, and to John’s amusement, Jack was too stunned to look away once he caught a glimpse. “Fucking Hell!” Jack shouted, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. John just stood there running his hands through his hair, pretending not to notice Jack staring at his monstrous cock. It wasn’t just big. It was inhuman. Massive. God-like. Jack stared in awe and horror at his friend’s *ahem* John-son. “I…. I can’t… What the… How did…?” John walked over to pick up the bottle he “accidentally” dropped. In reality, this was all just to show Jack that it was real. His balls swung freely with every step, contracting and lowering with every sway of his dick. The strange noise from earlier was clearly identified, it was the sound of what must be 25lbs of man-meat slapping John’s knees as the movement of his thighs somehow forced the beast forward with momentum. It was alien to Jack for some reason, and it took him a minute to figure out why when he noticed that his meat’s circumference was larger than his own wrists. HIS WRISTS! Jack couldn’t stop staring. He couldn’t speak. He eventually realized he needed to do something and stared at John. John just sighed and said. “What’s up with you man? You see something you like?” “Don’t just gloss over this, what the FUCK man?! That has to be some kind of trick!” “What trick?” “Dude I have access to the internet, I’ve seen a lot of porn. I’ve seen some pornstars with some absolute pythons, my own dick is bigger than most of them, but FUCK that is…. NOT healthy dude! How has no one noticed that beast between your legs?!?” “Oh my penis? Yeah it’s always been a bit bigger, never bothered me before.” “THAT IS NOT NORMAL!” “Really?” John smiled maliciously before continuing “I had no idea. What’s a normal cock size?” “I don’t know, like that THING must be at least a foot long!” “It’s 14 inches, or at least it was the last I measured. No idea how thick.” John cooed with a soothing voice that ALMOST distracted Jack. “Why don’t you show me yours?” John asked with pride. Jack protested: “Uh, nah man I’m straight… Fuck you’re straight too what the fuck?” “Yeah, but now I’m curious…” John started as he stared deep into Jack's eyes, and the longer Jack stared, the brighter John’s brown…. Yellow? … Red? Eyes began to glow. Jack backed against the lockers, unable to look away from John’s eyes as his own exhausted sweat-covered hands feebly made their way to his own gym shorts. “Take em off… I want to see.” John said as he took a step forward. John didn’t want to, but he did as he was instructed, slowly lowering his pants revealing his flaccid dick against his will. “Come on… All the way…” John requested, taking another step closer. Jack wanted to fight it desperately, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t like his body moved on his own… It was as if his curiosity overpowered his common sense. Some deep part of his subconscious wanted to do it. More than that, it wanted to whip out his own and compare it. He wanted it to be some kind of body dysmorphia, something that would suddenly correct itself if he could just look at his own package, maybe it’d measure up. Maybe it’d fix the obvious illusion before him. Some lingering fragment of his brain still denied the monster in front of him, but all that changed when he heard the sound of his own sweat-soaked shorts hitting the floor. He looked down, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. His own meat at half mast was normal. Finally breaking eye contact, he looked down at it, disappointed. “Oh… That’s it? Is it even hard? I mean neither is mine, but I didn’t know you were juicing.” “I’m not juicing, and it’s not hard… Why would it be?” “Good point.” John replied as he licked the palm of his hand with the entirety of his tongue. “Let's fix that shall we?” Jack was still distracted upon hearing this that he didn’t even notice that John was getting closer. The only thing giving it away was that out of the corner of his eye he saw John’s own meat dangling underneath his own. Without warning John grabbed Jack by the balls with ice-cold hands and massaged them seductively. “Woah! What the fuck DUDE?!” “Relax.” John commanded. “I’m only doing this for science. We’re both straight, remember?” Every ounce of common sense was ignored by Jack as he just continued to let this happen. True to his word, John didn’t try for anything more romantic. Both men were focused on Jack’s cock as it quickly began to rise to John’s finger motions. “It’s like cracking a safe… Only warmer…” John mused. “Ok… That’s full mast man, trust me, you can stop now it’s not getting any bigger.” “Nonsense” John said as his fingers sped up and his grip tightened. “You never know how far you can go until you try…” Jack was about to knock John to the ground when all of a sudden he noticed John was right. He didn’t know why (and quite frankly he didn’t care either), but little by little Jack’s penis continued to expand, thicker and fuller than he’d ever seen it. “Now. THAT is more like it.” John teased as he pulled his hands away. “Don’t stop!” Jack whispered before he caught what he just said. “Sorry buddy, but my work in the alley it aint that cheap bro. Now let's get clean, you reek and they’re about to close up shop.” “Uh… I’m good man, I’m just going to head out.. I’ll shower at home.” Jack said as if nothing had happened, yet determined not to go into the shower with John. “Suit yourself.” John said as he turned and returned to the shower. “Slap”, “Thump”, Slap, Thump, slap, thump… Jack’s mind was reeling from the experience, and there were a great deal of questions that zipped through his mind without answers… He turned to the bathroom mirror and looked at himself again. And as all men would think to do, the last thing Jack did before getting dressed and walking out, was watch his cock move and bounce like he’d never seen before… —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on Jack sat in his shower at home, doing nothing but listen to the foreign sound of water sliding off of his body. He was concerned and curiosity had overcome him finally. What the fuck did John do? What was wrong with him? Why did he do this to him? Or was it all just his own imagination? His thought was interrupted by the sound of his bedroom door opening… “Jack? Baby? Are you here? You didn’t call me like you said you would… Everything Ok?” A grin appeared across Jack’s face for a moment before he realized the decision he was about to make. It took all of about three milliseconds for him to make the choice. “Alright… Time to take this beast out for a test drive…” End of Part 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2 : The Feast ______________________________________________________________________ —----------------------------------------------------------- John continued to sit in the shower. It’d been almost an hour now but it wasn’t like he cared about the gym’s water bill. “What is this dweeb even doing? He locked the front door forty seven minutes ago…How shit do you have to be at your job to not realize someone’s in the shower for forty minutes?” John amused himself as he left the shower running and stepped out to the bathroom, walked up to the mirror, and planted his hands against his reflection in the mirror. “It’s been so long… I’m so close… It’s almost time to feed…” John thought back to what started all of this and how far he’d come, and the gravity of what he was about to do. What he was about to choose to do. —------------------------------------------------------------ *Previously: in the Temple* As the door slammed down he panicked. He screamed. Did the others make it out? Was anyone coming? What could he do? All the exits were shut tight, there was no way out. The only light coming from a damaged LED cable wedged between the door… Was there even any way of getting air in here? He panicked for hours… Until he finally came to terms with the idea he wasn’t getting out of here… His mind slowly started to go to dark places. “This is how I die… The last thing they’ll put on my tombstone will be “Died Simping”.... I swear… I swear if I ever see Jack again I’ll destroy him!... I’ll burn his house down! I’ll screw his mom in front of him! I’ll I’ll….” “Why?” Said a chilling voice within John’s head. Startled, John stood up and asked out loud “Who’s there?!?” “Why are you so angry at your friend? Friendship is the most important thing in the world you know… Once you lose that… All you have is yourself…” The voice continued. “Show yourself!” John demanded. “My my… What spunk… You may not look it physically… But you have a very assertive tone… You’ve twisted my hand….” The voice continued. “Where are you?! Come out right god damn now!” John said, getting angrier. “God.. Damn? You say?.... A fitting choice of words… Alas…. Or rather… My corporeal form has not existed in eons… And my name… Oh my name is not something I can speak… Rules of being a “god” and all… So many ridiculous limitations…” “Is this some kind of prank? It’s been hours man this isn’t funny! I don’t even know if there’s any air in here…” “That’s a good question… I’ve never needed to know if this chamber is still air-tight…” “NOT FUNNY!” “Oh… you’re concerned for your health…Don’t be. In fact… When it comes to your health… Johnathan… I can assure you I won’t allow any harm to fall upon you…” “Who… Who are you?” “You know who I am… Your little friend warned you about me… I believe she called me by my previous human form’s name…" "Atlas" “Atlas? The titan?” “Titan?... It’s been over 2000 years… Why do they still insist on that word… But yesssssss, I am he. I carry the heavens on my shoulders, and bless the worthy with world bending power. I am a primordial being, who brought the concept of strength to this world… What a mistake that was…” “You… Are you holding the heavens right now?” “Oh… Ha ha… No. No, I let go of that millenia ago… Odd thing is… Once I let go, it didn’t fall like a stone or anything normally would… In fact it shot up, higher and higher than ever before far past the moon and the sun… Not even I know where it is now… Likely stretching the skies farther and farther into oblivion…. But I consider it my life’s mission to hold it once more…” “What… Why are you locked up here?” “Oh yes that… On that ground I feel we both share a connection… Maybe that’s why you’re the first one to hear me in so long… You see… I was betrayed… Just like you…” “Over a woman?” “Women were… Not such a weakness for me, no. Not that I cared, but I had fields of devoted maidens, and men too. Sometimes I’d humor them but I never grew any true attachments as you can imagine… No no… I was betrayed by my friend… Prometheus…” “The… Guy who stole fire from the gods and was confined to the earth and pecked by birds?” “Uh… No… Where did you get any of that?” “It’s what I know of Greek Mythology…” “Damn meatheads couldn’t even copy the texts right. Why did we even give them that nice library… Allow me to tell you the tragedy of “Atlas” , the origin of strength. ” —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the world was young, it was populated not by man or beast, but by ideas. The world was less… Defined… Much more abstract. And these Ideas were in constant conflict with each other. How hot things should be, how big the world was, what direction should things face and fall, even the concept of death was debated. So many ideas… Each more ridiculous than the last. This is my earliest memory, and it was so short lived, as once I came into existence, everything seemed to change. I brought the concept of strength to the original ideas of the universe. The concept of having more control over something than someone else… The concept of being BETTER than your opponent. It settled things among the ideas very quickly. However, the consequences were unfathomably horrid. The origin of death took most of the blame, but deep down I knew my own role in the bloodbath that resulted. The concept of colors you can no longer imagine, shapes that you can never create… Blinked out of existence as law and reality defeated them one by one… Eventually, things calmed down. Those who remained were no longer at war with each other, and instead shifted to creation. It took more time than even I can imagine, but eventually they’d managed to create a little ball that everyone loved. They even created little servants for the ideas. They were just little meat computers, designed to prepare meals and settle disputes, however they quickly grew out of hand as the ideas became worshiped by these little meat-golems, to the point these “Humans” would sabotage and kill for the idea they liked more. Of course, when these disputes happened, it eventually would become my responsibility to resolve the issues. I was fair, and bound by the rules of the world, with many conflicts lasting eternity. It was cruel, and I was distraught over how what I brought to the world had begun to do. Then one day, Prometheus, one of my most trusted servants, came to me with an idea. “What if you yourself tipped the scales? These conflicts need not last a millenia, nor shed nearly as much blood if you offer your strength to one side.” The idea was brilliant, but alas, neither I nor Prometheus knew not the trap I was setting for myself. My followers erected this temple in my honor and I took residence here, hiding from the world I had failed in shame. I imbued the temple itself with my power, and told Prometheus of the totems. “Totems?” John asked quizzically. “You don’t even know what those are, do you? I’m sure you saw them on your way here. The statues… They act as conduits, they’re sculpted from the stone this temple is made from, and when one makes one in their image, my power is channeled through them, offering them incredible strength one couldn’t possibly obtain on their own.” “So if I were to break some of this rock and sculpt it into myself…” “You would be blessed with the power of a ‘Titan’ as you put it.” “Cool…” John said as he began looking around for something to chisel with. “Or…At least you would if it weren’t for that damnable statue of myself….” “Your statue?” John said, staring at the Atlas statue in the middle of the room. “Prometheus… Sculpted it for me… It was a gift… He sculpted the whole thing as a surprise for me… But when his servants placed it in this chamber… It crippled me. Suddenly the strength of the world was ripped away from it and forced back in, a loop of disturbing consequences causing chaos and disruption everywhere. It was at this point that the sky came crashing down… To save my people, I caught it, and held it. Determined to keep my worshipers and the other denizens of the world safe… I couldn’t move. All the strength in the world was still in the loop, and what little I had access to was used to hold up the sky. I ordered Prometheus to take the statue away… But for the first time, I looked up to him… And saw what I can only describe as greed in his eyes as he walked behind me and sat on my own throne. “You are the god of strength, and I am now stronger than you. I am the god of strength now.” Were the chilling words of my servant as the pure essence of my power flowed into him. “In a way… I suppose he did steal fire from the gods… But it was me who was cast into the earth…” Prometheus was only the first. Over time thousands sought my power. Eventually I released the sky… As no one was coming to destroy the statue… And found, as some cruel joke, that it was never at risk of crushing this world… I had allowed myself to be used for nothing… “Damn… What a bastard…” John empathized. “The fool… Others soon came to replace him. He defeated many, refusing to relinquish his title of god of strength. However, being the disgusting human he was, began to fornicate with thousands, dividing his own power over his thousands of children. Over time, the humans became so strong they no longer even remembered their former masters. So much of my power was fragmented and broken and I fear it will never be recovered…." That is the tragedy of this world, and the story of the failed idea of strength…and how it was killed by compassion…” John sat in silence. Until eventually he asked: “What would happen if I broke the statue now?” “I would be released, but without a vessel… I’d be just as powerless as I am now…” “A vessel?” “A worthy form to channel my abilities. All of them.” “All of them?” “However, to do so is… Unpredictable… It would be difficult to find anyone who could even handle it.” “ I can. “ John said assertively with a smile. Atlas, formless as he is, became intrigued by this offer. “Brave… But foolish. You do not know strength. You can scarcely imagine it. I have no idea what even only what’s left of my power would do to someone like you.” “I can imagine it, and I want it.” John continued. “YOU KNOW NOT OF THIS POWER BOY!” Boomed the voice in John’s head. “Physical strength is but a window into the power I wield. Strength does not constitute muscles alone, it elevates will power, intelligence, charisma, and control over everything around you.” “I can take it” John replied, truly believing in this voice, ignoring every inkling that this was just some delusion. “I… I am afraid.” Atlas replied. “What do you wish to do with this power? You’ve already shown how your anger will lead you to…” But Atlas never got to finish. “I want to rebuild you. I want to understand what true control entails. Like yourself, I’m also scared, but not of having power. I fear never obtaining it. I fear having everything ripped from me. My love. My life. My self worth. You must know what that’s like… And yet between the two of us, despite pitying yourself for centuries… Only I have overcome this fear.” Atlas sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Eventually he replied: “I am the true source of strength. That is who I am. If I continue to fear losing this strength…Or harming someone with it… I will never reclaim this title…” “Meaning…” John said with a smile. “Please… Undress yourself and sit yourself upon the pile of rubble that used to be my throne… I will grant you more than my blessing. I will grant you the last of my power… We will see if you are worthy of wielding it… If you even survive.” John didn't hesitate for a moment and instantly sat atop the rock, awaiting his prize. “When should I start to feel… AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” John snapped as it began. It was a moment of absolute serenity for John as the power began, and continued to flow into him. Atlas was right, he wasn’t ready. But he would be. It was like taking sunglasses off after walking inside, the whole world seemed beautiful and different. He no longer just saw stone around him, he saw the essence of strength flowing from the ground outward towards the rest of the world. He suddenly experienced the entirety of Atlas’s life in a single moment. More than that, he understood this world in a whole new way. The science of the world broke away, replaced with understandings of power and strength. Every historical battle, every world changing war, the pressure of evil as it shaped and corrupted the beautiful world in the name of progress, all for some… FILTH that was never meant to dominate these lands. It all flowed into John’s mind and body. Atlas called to John when he finally arose from his transformation. “John. Bonding with you… Has opened my mind in ways I never thought I could reach… I see now the fear I had, and only now do we both see purpose. We are no longer god nor man… We are something.. Beyond that… I see now I should have never wept for the people of this world. They are beneath us. And they will kneel before us as we reshape this world. Our world. A world I now see a clear path to conquer. To rule. To improve. A world we will change.” “Indeed my love. You see now the true strength of reality can not be corrupted by compassion, only conquest. We will not only return ourselves to our former power, but we will evolve even more as we rid this world of the filth that has robbed us as we take every ounce of our birthright back.” “My love… Yes… That is what I feel for us now… Love… What an… Amazing concept. I.. I have not felt this since…” “Since we were betrayed.” “Yes… So long ago.” “How much power do we have to work with now my love? I know the extent of my power, but I must know the extent of ours. The limits.” “Enough… Strength is not limited to physical power… Alas… As soon as the seal for this room is broken… We will be limited by the physical rules of this world.” “For now we will. However… We have all the strength left in this blasted temple… And we haven’t existed in physical form in eternity.” The new John smiled as he slammed his foot into the ground, cracking the floor, walls, and ceiling. Dropping a massive stone pillar onto him, which he promptly caught with ease, lifting it like it were paper. “Oh yes… This will do just fine.” The two voices said in unison as they began to express the power they both missed, and never had as they lifted the stones that had entrapped them for so long over and over. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Already reminiscing of our first workout?” Atlas said, snapping John out of his own fascination with his reflection. “Mmmm… I’m just so hungry for it my love… That power… I almost wished they never opened that cave…” “I know… I know… They were simpler times…” “Yes.. And I’ve decided. It will be him… The annoying one… He’ll be the first…” “I can think of no one less deserving of even a fraction of my strength… The thought of reclaiming it fills me with pride. Although… I sense you have… Concerns over the morality of what we must do…” “ I do not. My concerns don’t lie with my own soul’s fate, as we will never face judgment for these actions. No. I weep for you my love. I know this is hard for you… Despite everything they’ve done to us… You still care for these creatures…” “How lucky I must be… To have a soon to be god like you worry about my foolish emotions that trapped me for eternity.” “Oh, my unbound flame… Your emotions are not a weakness, but my concerns are rooted in your compassion… You mustn't let that corrupt us. We can’t allow these vermin to trick us again… How about you let me take care of the seduction… You need not be awake for this.” “No… I can not hide from this any longer. My revenge will not be out of anger, it will only be out of love… As tough as that love must be… I must face it like the Titan I am…” “Titan huh?” “I’m… Warming up to the word… I know you like it…” “What a magnificent gift… I’m sure you’ll love my reciprocation…” John said as he turned towards the sound of someone entering the locker room. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What the fuck!?! What douchebag left the water running?! Derrick is going to have my ass over this…” Randal shouted as he ran into the shower. “Not if we have it first” said a scenester voice from behind as Randal reached for the water. Randal turned around, spotting John in full view blocking the exit, naked. “Woah… WOAH Man… What are you…” Randal started, slipping onto the floor in shock, stopping as he spotted the hypnotizing mega-cock swinging between John’s legs. “What? You want a closer look, loser?” John teased as he stepped closer, towering over the cowering Randal on the floor. “Hey… HEY NO! I swear to fuck you bastard I’ll scream.” “You definitely will.” “GET AWAY FROM ME!” "Shhhh Shhh Shhhhhhhhh…. It's ok… Don’t be shy… I know you want to look at it… Experience it… Fantasize about having it… I can help with that.” John crouched down atop Randal as he slowly covered his body with his own. Randal was terrified, but powerless to move. He couldn’t. He tried. He could move his body, but he couldn’t flee or fight back. It was as if John controlled him like a puppet. Slowly, Randal was stripped, shirt, socks, pants, underwear… And yet he could do nothing but lay there as lukewarm water slowly dripped on him from above. John smiled and stood up, leaving poor Randal directly in front of his monstrous tool. To tease him John remarked: “You like this? I sure as fuck do. I love it. Pride doesn’t begin to explore my attachment to my fuck rod. I love the way it sounds when I spin it around… The “Twack” noise it makes when it hits my thighs… I can’t even stand still while I do it, it’s just too damn heavy you know? Throws off my balance.” As he began whipping his cock about, spinning it around right in front of Randal’s face.After a few whips, it smacked the glasses right off of him Randal was mortified. He couldn’t reach for his glasses, he COULDN’T. All he could think about was… Envy… Desire… Lust… It was slowly corroding his mind… “I want it out of my face!” he initially thought. Moments later his mind changed “I… Want that thing for myself… The power I’d have if it were mine. Respect, Women, Jealousy from others. But that’s crazy… I can’t just wish my dick bigger… Maybe just… Maybe just a touch. A feel… Fuck how to girls ride these things? My ass would never stretch that far… Would it?” “I know you want it… And you can have it.” John whispered menacingly. “All you have to do…" "Is ask for it…” Trembling, Randall looked up at John, his cold pale skin glistening in the dim flickering light from the locker room. His dark red eyes wide and unblinking. Somehow, deep within John’s demeanor he saw, he knew, Randall knew John wasn’t lying… No… He couldn’t lie to him… Who was this man…No… What was this man? Could he… Give him this gift? Could… He really bestow… That? No… Of course not, how could he? It was crazy to even think. “I…. I…” Randall stammered. “Go on…” John leaned in close and whispered: “I need to hear you say it…” “Can… Can you do it? Can you really… Make me a king among men like you?” John grinned widely as he knew Randall was now on the hook. “I can make you into a god above man. As tall, strong, and powerful as your darkest desires could never even entertain.” John said as he extended his hand. Randall’s eyes lit up with greed as he slowly shook John’s hand. “I accept. Make me into something pornstars wish they were.” —--------------------------- That was the final switch. In a sudden and violent motion John lifted the vile worm off the ground, flipped him over, and slammed a powerful jab directly into Randall’s spine. “AHHH! AH WHAT THE FUCK! I… WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!?” “I paralyzed your lower vertebrae. I can’t have you screwing this up. Don’t make me do the same to your arms.” John said, dropping to his knees. From the floor, poor Randall could no longer move his legs, but he could still feel everything, including the menacing cold cylinder lying on the crevice of his back. “No… NO YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” “You have no idea what I can do.” John said from directly behind Randall’s ear, his cold hands slowly feeling all over Randall’s body. “109lbs You weigh a total of 109lbs… Let’s beef that up a bit shall we?” Suddenly, Randall’s body began to seize. He’d lost control over his legs, and could no longer feel anything below his abdomen. As he looked down, it was clear as day why. John’s titanic monster meat had violently ripped its way inside of his tiny virgin ass and was now fucking his insides aggressively. As Randall’s head was forced backwards by the bucking motion, he noticed blood flowing on the shower floor. Randall was powerless to do anything, and waited in horror for the shock to wear off and his body to understand that his insides were being pulverized, but it never came. He knew lethal damage was being done to him. A powerful stomach cramp informed him his intestines were now pulled apart, vomit forced out of his mouth told him his stomach had been crushed, his inability to breathe could only mean his lungs had either been punctured, or completely ripped open. Yet death didn’t claim him. As Randall felt his shattered ribcage he knew he’d been ripped apart from the inside, yet as much as the intense pain kept him frozen in shock, a new feeling began to overwhelm him. Pleasure. As Randall continued to be hate-fucked by John, it was as if he’d climaxed a thousand times at once. Although he had no lungs, Randall somehow managed to form a few words utilizing the air being forced out of him. “M…MOre… Please… MORE!” John thought to himself. “Uhg… Worthless little bitch… I almost want to stop lubricating, and see his mind snap from pain before I finish coaxing the essence of strength out of him…” Randall suddenly looked down to see to his ecstasy that John was a man of his word. His tiny bitch-dick was swelling up larger than he’d ever seen it go. He was too busy having his back and head slammed against the floor to notice, but he eyeballed the measurement. “Four inches… Five inches… Yes… Yes yes more! SIX INCHES! MORE MORE MORE MORE I WANT MORE!” As Randall began to enjoy the sound of his new balls slapping against his flag-like body, his dick finally erupted like a volcano covering himself in his own cum, and John slowly stopped hammering him. “No… No please don’t stop…” “This is your limit. You can go no further. And now… It’s my turn.” John said as he lifted the nerd up by his legs and sank his fangs into Randall’s neck. Randall wanted to protest, but couldn’t as no one was pumping air through his throat anymore. John’s fangs were locked onto Randall’s face. But he wasn’t biting into him, rather, Randall could feel and hear the sounds and motions of sucking. It was relentless. Randall had long since calmed down from being destroyed, and now he simply sat in strange near-silence for minutes as this strange man continued to suck his neck. Randall tried to pull away, but only for a moment. When he finally broke free he noticed something strange… Was the room always this big? But he didn’t get a chance to question further as John had struck back sinking his fangs into Randall’s lips to continue his feast. It wasn’t until Randall realized he was now being held by one hand that he noticed and began to panic. He was shrinking, or rather, his size was being sucked right out of him. Scared, Randall tried to fight back, but it was useless. John didn’t need superhuman strength or stamina to hold him anymore, and with every passing breath he just kept getting smaller and smaller. Soon, Randall fell right out of John’s fangs and into his palm. Randall was now less than three inches tall, his entire body smaller than his own cock was this morning. “What the hell!” A tiny voice called to John. “Change me back.” “Sorry Randall, no can do… See, I need you. Or rather, I need your mass, your strength. And I’ve just claimed it as my own. Little as it may be…” John whispered, yet even these whispers sounded like demonic sonic-booms to Randall. “You bastard! How am I supposed to live like this!” “Like that? Poorly. But I still have one more surprise for you, a reward for participation. I could never let a weakling like you serve alongside me, not even as a servant. There’s only one place for someone like you in MY world…. And don’t worry, this time I’ll use a condom.” John explained as he pulled out an xl rubber, dropped Randall inside of it, and stretched it onto his viscera-drenched member. “Atlas, my love, I’d like you to do the honors.” John thought in his shared mind. A warm feeling began to make its way up through John’s balls as he leaned back in pleasure. Randall, frantically trying in vain to escape the condom, suddenly realized what was about to happen. It wasn’t an eruption, but a slow release of cum from John’s big dick. Even then, it completely covered Randall to the point John couldn’t even see him. Then with a single motion, he lifted the drooping part of the condom upwards and flexed his genitals, pulling the hot cum and Randall all the way inside his dick. John stood in silence for a few minutes with his eyes closed and his head cocked back. It felt so good. So right. Atlas finally broke his mental silence. “It worked… Fascinating.” “Of course, you should trust our abilities completely.” John replied, staring at his own reflection in lust, admiring his new body. “By liquifying his insides with my forbidden broth, it allows you to drain his body of its strength directly with our teeth… This is much more effective than I ever dreamed…” Atlas pondered. “And it’s not done yet either.” John said, licking his lips. “Any moment now, his essence will finish being extracted, and his spiritual form will become my fuel, strength and all.” “ You’ve not just reclaimed my strength from him… But now you’ve trapped his soul as well… Forcing him to exist as nothing more than our fuel for eternity. Amazing… Any other soul would have just killed him, but you my king, you’ve enslaved him for eternity… You’ve… found a means of making yourself even stronger than what should be possible with my abilities….” “Yeesssss…. So much stronger!” John mused, flexing his swollen biceps, traps and glutes as they began to expand within him slowly. Little by little John’s frame filled up. His thighs no longer subject to comparisons to twigs, his abdomen pressing hard against the skin as the layer of muscle began to consume the thin layer of fat in front of it, and his pecs, oh how John had waited for this moment, his pecs were finally heavy enough to caress and squeeze as he no longer had a flat frame. “As I gaze upon you now my love, I wonder which one of us is truly a Titan. I am so fortunate to have met such an unstoppable animal like you.” Atlas cooed from inside John’s mind. “My ascension will be in your name Atlas, I will reclaim what this world took from you, I swear to you, to me, to us. And I will burn this world to do it.” “I love you John. You know this in your core, in the heart of your mind, but I must proclaim it once more, you are beyond worthy of me… And I no longer fear I will never be worthy of you.” John smiled as he began to run his fingers all across his new naked form. It was so massive. So heavy. He stepped onto a scale to reassure himself, despite knowing instinctively how much he weighed down to the ounce. 186lbs “Fuck… I feel like a bodybuilder now… And yet I haven’t even broken 200lbs… God DAMN!!! So this is what it feels like to have an ass I can bounce!(Smacking his own ass to hear the noise reverberate) No wonder Jack is such a beastly jock… If I knew it’d let me feel like this ALL the time… I’d never leave the gym…” John continued to feel himself all over until he eventually satisfied himself. He then gripped his baseball-sized balls and said “Mmm… Keep fighting in there bitch… You’re going to be in there for a long time…” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Don’t…. Don’t you dare stop…” Maddy whimpered as she drifted in and out of consciousness yet again. Jack, despite her demands, was exhausted. It was 3:42 in the morning, and he was still rock hard. He didn’t understand it. He’d never been able to last more than 3 minutes before. Even last week Maddy had to keep the momentum by balancing his dick and tongue action… Yet NOW, with whatever power John had massaged into his balls, Jack was a fortress of solidity, and could recover after mere minutes, even though he’d reached highs he’d never dream of reaching over and over, he just kept fucking! Maddy… The poor girl… She was clearly broken and insatiably hungry for more. Even after Jack finally stopped, she still relentlessly licked her man from lips to ass, desperate for any kind of reaction. Jack himself had passed out from exhaustion by 4AM, and awoke to his alarm at 9AM, only to find Maddy passed out and still gripping his balls. The rest of the day was… Super odd to Jack, but not because anything was different, but because it was the same. It was like walking through a dream where he just ignored the crazy shit that's happened to him the day before. Nothing of note happened for another two days. After finally working up the physical strength to return, Jack entered the gym again… And as he suspected, there was John’s head on the squat machine pushing 300lbs up with his legs. Jack thought about confronting him, but ultimately decided “no. It's just too weird right now. I need to focus on ME. I come here to improve MYSELF. I don't need to think about… Whatever weird shit he’s doing…” Nevertheless, Jack worked his pump in just as fiercely as he had with John. And… As if his eyes were deceiving him, he swore he hit a new PR with his incline press AND squat max. More and more he was captivated by his own reflection as his muscles seemed to swell and define themselves into more perfect, warm, powerful shapes beneath his tank top. It was his last set, machine flys, when he heard a voice behind him. “Oh Jack. I didn’t see you. Damn dude. Looking good.” Jack dropped the weights with a very audible “WHAM” as he knew the voice speaking to him, as he turned around, he wasn’t sure if he should be surprised or expectant of what he saw. John was physically larger than he had been. Somehow this little creep had put on at least another 40lbs of muscle in three days. Absolutely nothing was hidden from him as John was shirtless as well. “Woah, dude I didn’t even recognize you…” Jack said not even attempting to hide his skepticism. “Aw, come on man. I’m not THAT much bigger.” John said, hiding a smirk as he began flexing his arms so Jack could see. “Although….” “Yeah… That’s like… Insane. How are you doing that? You must have put on like what? 40lbs of muscle? In three days?” John just looked at Jack with fake confusion. “40Lbs? No dude. Not even close. MAYBE 5lbs if I really flex.” “Cut the bullshit,” Jack said firmly. “I know you’re doing something, and after what happened the other night in the locker room, I’m sussed the fuck out. Now spill it, what’s going on.” John reached out and grabbed Jack’s left pectoral, gripping it softly. “Yessss…. That’s a good boy…. Stand your ground. You are the master here. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Jack glared at John. “Yeah see this is the EXACT shit I’m telling you about dude.” Jack said with annoyance. John simply looked around and said “Follow me” fake-sheepishly. John led Jack back into the locker room, and opened his backpack. Inside was a small case, which when he opened it, revealed a group of syringes. “I’ve… Been thinking about what you said the other day, and I’ve got to come clean dude… I’ve been juicing.” Jack was shocked but could only reply with: “Juicing?” Yeah… Juicing... "I managed to score some not long after I got out of the cave back in the hotel. I thought about what Maddy wanted in a man, and how I could get there. I’ve always told myself juicing would never work, big muscles didn’t mean anything if my dick didn’t work… I feel so foolish now… I didn’t realize I had such a… Blessed penis to leg ratio… Hell it may even be HEALTHIER for me to let this beast shrink a bit. I mean can you imagine anyone taking THAT thing? It’d rip them apart…. I guess I didn’t realize how much the steroids were messing with my brain chemistry… And I’m sorry about the other night man…” Jack thought about it a bit more, but eventually… He had to succumb. I mean, which was more believable? His friend always had a monster-cock and the changes in behavior were due to steroid abuse? Or was something supernatural going on without explanation? Obviously the former. “I mean… I guess that makes sense…” John said. “I’ve got to know though dude, what kind of chems are you pumping because FUCK, you have swollen the fuck up.” “Oh… I MAY have stolen them from Derrick. Fucking roid-hog likely just blamed his wife or that bitch Randall…” “Dude! Do you have a fucking death wish?” Jack asked, but then noticed something. “Hey wait a minute… Didn’t Randall say he’d have Derrick throw you out if he caught you shirtless in here again?” Jack asked. “Oh I’ve smoothed things over with Derrick. Yesterday I found him in here punching a hole in the wall of the main office, shouting something about how Randall made off with his stash and skipped town. I told him I’d help him finance some more juice in exchange for some kickback.” John lied as he nonchalantly scratched his balls. “So what? Derrick’s hooking you up with roids now?” “Not just roids, top shelf shit. I mean…” John flexed his impressive guns once more for Jack. “You can’t argue with these results.” “How… Effective are these roids? Like legitimately.” Jack asked. “I weigh 170 now Jack. Last week I weighed 140.” John snickered as he turned around and flexed his traps. “That’s… Insane…” Jack said in bewilderment. “You want some?” John finally asked. Jack froze at the proposition. “I mean… I don’t really want to fuck up my own clean record and… I’m sure they’re expensive as hell.” “A month’s worth of shit costs me 35$, my cock is more virile than ever, I’ve broken new PRs daily. Call me when you want to live like a beast, and you better do it soon, because you bet your hot ass I’m coming to take Maddy for myself if you don't.” That was the last John said as he walked out of the locker room, leaving Jack stunned and worried. But after a quick moment of thinking… He knew John was serious and he wasn’t about to become second biggest to a cocky cheater. —-------------------------------------------------------------------- Maddy laid alone in bed again today. What was she going to do? How could she stop? How far was she going to go? Jack had told her about his choice to start juicing, that didn’t bother Maddy, in fact she encouraged it. What concerned her so much, was what was coming next? Would today be the day he’d finally snap her in half? Maddy grabbed the side of the bed as she got out of it for the first time all day. Her knees buckled from exhaustion as she fell to the floor. “Fucking damn it...” Maddy thought to herself as pain from her legs and elbows began to throb in response to her fall. Maddy had always known she wanted a big strong man in her life. She didn’t just want big, she wanted stronger, bigger, a bodybuilder hunk who could finally stand up to her that would never stop impressing her. The perfect catalyst for self improvement. She didn’t understand it. She was gorgeous. 5’10. Luscious flowing hair. A face sculpted beautifully without a pimple or blemish ever. Her body was forced into a perfect ratio from her extremely regulated diet and regular exercises. Maddy had always earned the title “Queen” in every way. She demanded control, not through aggressiveness, but through sheer force of will. Jack did NOT understand the extent of her depraved quiet narcissism. She didn’t eat food, no, to overcome the challenge of controlling her weight perfectly she refused to consume food straight, rather she would spend hours every Thursday scientific instruments to process hyper-specific and strange meals into nameless bricks of nutrients which she would eat throughout the week at minute-specific scheduled intervals. When Jack asked her why she did this her response was unnerving. “I love my body. I really do. And I refuse to abuse it. For years my metabolism drove me mad as I could never control my caloric intake. Most people would just accept the extra calories from meals they didn’t prepare with scientific precision. I don’t. Because I don’t want what’s good enough for anyone. I want the best. Because I am the best. I will always be the best and this is why I am the best.” That was just her diet. She was obsessed with everything about her physical existence. Jack had thought she was just the typical spoiled-hot-girl with daddy’s money who didn’t care about school, but he was FAR off. She didn’t have money, she made money. She refused to model as well. By age 22 from borderline poverty she’d built a multi-million industry off software she wrote herself, before the end of her first college year, and told no one, not even her own parents, living as a millionaire in secrecy. She was a genius and an absolute boss. This power and knowledge allowed herself access to her own scientific instruments, which only worked to fuel her obsessive nature moreso. A variety of surgically implanted nodes allowed her to weigh different portions of her body separately. A chamber hyper-configured to massage and relax calculated parts of her body to burn fat from specific parts of her body. Thermometers, acidity probes, and pill-cams secretly monitored every inch of her body at daily intervals. When she began seeing Jack she was ecstatic at first, but quickly grew bored…. Until about a month ago, when Jack somehow grew 2 inches of his manhood overnight. She was very sure about the change, down to the centimeter. She immediately sent his blood for testing. It contained an unknown foreign substance that left scientists baffled. She needed to know more. By the time the tests were done, Jack had already met with John again, who had sold him on both the Steroids bs explanation, and on the “Steroids” themselves. Maddy was more excited than she’d been in years. The idea of her top-shelf toy growing in every way filled her mind with pride and greedy ambitions. Maddy didn’t just want Jack to grow, she wanted Jack to stand up to her. She wanted to feel it again. Like the world didn’t always bend to her will. Like there was someone who could tell her “no”. Her demeanor, body, and accomplishments had served her too well. She wanted a challenge from somebody…. But all she ever found were more hopeless simps and himbos she’d toy with as she searched for someone better. It didn’t take more than two days of use before Maddy noticed some serious improvements in Jack’s body. By the end of the week, Jack had beefed up to 300lbs. His veins were thicker than earphone cables, his pectorals filled out into two rock solid slabs above eight chiseled abs practically about to push through the skin. And if anything, his dick worked even better after the use. However, Maddy was unaware of how much more this would affect Jack. By week two, he’d begun pushing 315lbs, and had achieved a new max bench of 380lb, his already golden muscles continued to grow. Maddy hadn’t even considered Jack’s height, but one day as he hit his head coming into the apartment, she found he was now 6’5”. Jack hadn’t changed emotionally at all though. Maddy was certain he’d become angrier over time as the roids would affect his body chemistry, but instead he just grew… Bigger and bigger. All while Maddy was about to scream at her lover to stand up to her as she kept asking him to do more and more ridiculous things. He’d always either try to calm her down and explain what was wrong with her request, or he would conceive and do whatever Maddy told him. The only time he’d do anything close to stand up to her is in the bedroom, where she’d begun being torn apart nightly. While Jack’s cock had remained at an impressive 11 inches, the rest of him was growing so fast he was foreign to his own strength, particularly when he began bucking Maddy’s thicc ass. That was two weeks into the juicing. By the end of the month, Jack had plateaued at a staggering 345lbs, 6’7”, and muscles that were actively tearing his skin in places. That appeared to be Jack’s maximum. He had no idea how much more powerful he was from before any of this. To him it just felt like the weight numbers were going up and he had more trouble fitting through doors, but for Maddy, the tight embraces she used to love as he’d grip her ass was beginning to damage her glutes. Her perfect body at long last, despite years of unrealistic regimens and the best scientific innovations, was failing her. She was torn, both physically, and mentally. How can she be the best if she lets this PUSHOVER become too much for her to handle. Years of intense regimens, regular blood tests, extreme fasting periods, relentless workouts, and tireless nights programming her own personalized software WASTED! As Maddy stumbled into the hallway, she looked up at the table which had Jack’s formula on it. She still had no answers. One thing was certain though, whatever was in that serum he was getting from John… It wasn’t any kind of steroid known to man. It was mere IV fluid… Spiked with some kind of foreign super-substance. A somehow intelligent nano-substance which only reacted to Jack’s body, and couldn’t be replicated, or even transferred to another subject. Maddy was done searching for answers conventionally. It was clear the only way she was going to get answers was from John. She’d talked to him about this before, but he simply ignored her with a cocky comment about how “now” she’s interested in him. What a little brat. After a few more hours of rest, Maddy was finally ready. She injected herself with one more dose of antihistamines before slipping into her stealth outfit. (She’d used this before to burgle information from some less than cooperative clients for blackmail). She knew Jack and John were still at the gym, and one way or another, she was going to find out what John was up to… And claim it for herself. —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Sunday yet again, and the gym was soon to close as Jack and John were finishing up their workouts. While Jack had grown a massive 70lbs over the course of the last month, John had only perked up slightly to about 195lbs, a mere 15 lbs from what he’d obtained after consuming Randall. In his mind, Atlas was beginning to question John’s dedication as the progress he’d made was trivial towards their goal. As they shared a mind, John was instantly aware of this as well, but he assured his other half that everything was coming along perfectly. Finishing their last set, the two were approached by a wide-eyed man of impressive size. Jack recognized him immediately as the gym’s owner, Derrick (42/M). “Nice cling bro. Solid fucking work. Gotta say I’m fucking impressed.” The man said from behind. Jack turned around as John continued to push himself a bit further. “Oh hey, Derrick, what’s up?” Jack replied. “Not a whole lot my dudes, not a whole lot. Just… As a bodybuilder myself I HAVE to say I’ve been watching you two over the past weeks and I am blown away by your… Impressive work ethic.” Derrick continued. “Oh well… Thanks!” said Jack. “Do not. … Mention it.” Derrick said in a borderline threatening tone. “See what’s really been working my head over, is this timeline between the two of you. Four straight weeks of nonstop gym seshes, no rest days, multiple-hour workouts… I mean you are some REAL specimens. I’ve been bodybuilding for decades and I gotta say, I’ve never seen anyone with that kind of stamina and will power…” John finally dropped his bar and turned to the pair and spoke: “Sorry Derrick, but we don’t really do autographs.” John teased. Derrick didn’t respond as he looked behind him, he growled as there were still some witnesses all around him. As he did, Jack realized Derrick was clearly about to have an episode and motioned for John that they needed to get out of here. “Well… That’s a full day, I gotta get home to an ice-bath soon or else I’m gonna start cramping…” Derrick was pissed, but eventually smiled “Same time tomorrow?” Jack didn’t speak, but John cockily replied “Of course. You think we’re just going to give up on this like you?” as he flexed his arms in the mirror, without even facing Derrick. Derrick was about to beat the shit out of this little twink, but as he raised his hand, Jack caught it. “Cool it.” Jack said firmly. Derrick was even more pissed now, but in his mind he knew he didn’t stand a chance against Jack, and certainly not both Jack and John. Begrudgingly, Derrick let the pair walk back to the locker room. —---------------------------------------------------------- Jack stepped up onto the scale and frowned. “Damn, 345lb again… Third day in a row… I swear I’ve hit a plateau man… What do I do now?” “Haha… I know the feeling. You have NO idea how much I want to break 200. You doing all the stuff your girlfriend talked about? Eating enough? Cycles? Getting enough sleep? ” “Well fuck man, I know you stopped caring about school but I’ve been run ragged studying, and quite frankly I am SCREWED come Thursday’s English 201 test.” “Sleep is important for a growing man… Rest too. Why don’t you cut back a bit? Take a couple days off… Wouldn’t hurt, right?” “Oh nice try, you just want me to let my guard down so you can blow right past me. NOT GONNA HAPPEN TWINK! HAHA!” Jack bellowed with a double-bi flex and a deep laugh. “Oof. You got me! Ah… But seriously. I’m sure you noticed Derrick.” “What’s his deal?” “He thinks I’m tweaking his product somehow, making it more effective, and not telling him about it.” “Seriously?” “Oh yeah, he’s super jealous…” John said as he removed his shorts, unleashing his beast. “... And it’s going to stay that way for a long time…” John hadn’t exposed himself to Jack since the first incident, Jack wasn’t nearly as stunned this time but still had to keep himself from staring. “So…Uh… I thought you were done with… You know… Exposing yourself… To me?” “Oh don’t act like you don’t…” But John was cut off mid sentence by a sudden deep glare from Jack. “I mean… You said you were on a plateau… You sure you don’t want me to help… Fix that?” John said raising an eyebrow. “I’m fine thanks, the juice does me just fine, and quite frankly I think if I get too much bigger I might start seriously hurting Maddy. I don’t think either of us want that.” John playfully frowned and wrapped himself with a towel. “Oh and about the roids, ration yourself, Derrick is holding out on me now, I’ve got an idea about how I’m going to convince him to give me more (he said focused on moving his fingers) but we’re going to be a little short for a while. At most a week.” “Oh! Well… I mean I guess I’ll need to focus on my studies for now anyway…” Jack said with mild disappointment. “Better get them back quick though… We gotta find a way over this plateau hurdle you know?” Jack said as he began walking towards the exit. “Like your girlfriend says man, Sleep, Rest…” John started as Jack stepped outside with the door swinging behind him. “.... And increase your intake…” He whispered maliciously. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derrick was about to have a stroke. Those little bastards. Think they can come into HIS gym, take HIS roids, scare off HIS cuck slave, and RUIN his secret world of depravity TO HIS FACE!?! Oh no. OH HELL NO. Derrick was pissed off to all hell. From his perspective, his roids were gone, and two new cocky brats were abusing the fuck out of them IN HIS OWN PLACE OF BUISNESS. John knew about all of this, right down to where Derrick’s stash was hidden. He had absorbed all that knowledge from Randall. Randall himself was more than just Derrick’s work-bitch, over the past few months, Randall was Derrick’s private cuck slave. Derrick wasn’t gay himself, but he loved the way Randall would beg in the corner while his muscular body railed whatever prostitute Derrick brought home. Hell, Randall made the 250$ worth it. When Randall suddenly disappeared a few weeks ago, the cops were dumbfounded and had nothing to go off of. The case ran cold for them, but Derrick had his eyes all over the last place he was seen: His own Gym. Derrick didn’t believe it, but all of a sudden things started making sense when he heard a rumor that John, a twink Derrick had never spoken to, was getting roids from himself. Yet when Derrick checked his stash, his shit was sure as fuck gone. All of it was surrounding that little FREAK John. And he was about to spill everything. Or else… Derrick smiled as Jack strolled out of the gym and locked the door behind him. “Cocky little shit better enjoy his last shower” Derrick mused. Derrick stormed into the bathroom and bellowed from his lungs “COME ON OUT HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET REAL UGLY FOR YOU!” John didn’t even flinch as he strolled out of the shower. Derrick caught sight of him and began stomping at him from the other side of the room before like all the others, he was momentarily caught off guard by John’s gorgeous naked body. It only stunned him for a moment before he became even angrier. “I’m about to rip that damn dick off! You little bitch!” John simply continued to stroll to a chair in the middle of the room and sat in it facing Derrick. Before Derrick could get within swinging distance, John spoke a single command, powerfully, as his eyes glowed and the lights flickered. “Kneel”. And as if commanded by a king or superior officer, Derrick dropped to his knees. “Wha… What the fuck!?!” “Wh… WHY CAN’T I GET UP!?!” “Instinct. Your mind might think otherwise, but your body is acting on instinct and obeying its master. " “YOU LITTLE SHIT! I’ll FUCKING…” “Oh Derrick Derrick Derrick… Do you REALLY think you’d stand a chance against “this”. John teased as his whole body flexed on command. “What… THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO RANDALL?” “Randall? Why, he’s right here…” John’s head rolled backwards as he began gripping his own balls and stimulating his cock. Soon it began to ooze a bit of precum, followed by a steady stream. Before long a huge pool of cold pale spunk congealed beneath John’s towering figure. Derrick was mortified, as the white pool continued to grow, thicken, and take form. Pretty soon it was obvious whose form it was taking. It was Randal. His eyes glowed as if his soul was the only thing holding the amalgamation together, with his thin neck bound by a tight ethereal choker on a leash. His hands were bound by chrome chains, his arms and ankles had skin-tight bands on them as well, with a series of demonic tattoos imprinted all over his face and body. He was gagged, but considering their experience, Derrick knew what Randall was screaming clearly. “MMMMMMHERRRRPPPPEEMEEEEE!!!” (Help Me) “Satisfied?” John asked as he inhaled deeply, licking his lips and flexing his now fully erect monster cock. This pulled on Randall’s leash forcefully, dragging every drop of his twisted cum-form back into John’s demonic dick. “What… What the fuck are you!?!” Derrick shuttered, unable to run or even turn away. “Your new Master.” “What?” “I’m sure you’re terrified Derrick… I would be too if I were in your shoes… But I want you to understand…” John said as he got up and strolled around Derrick, who was locked in place, unable to do anything about John as he began caressing and tasting his body. “I am not your enemy.” John cooed. “Up.” John suddenly commanded, and instantly Derrick stood erect. “Bend” John commanded again. “I swear to fuck you arrogant freak I’ll…” “Silence.” And with that Derrick’s mouth shut itself. John was now right behind Derrick as his torso was bent forward at a little more than 90 degrees. His hands caressing his hard stomach muscles and thick manly arms. “Lower” John said as he leaned all over Derrick as he lowered his torso, leaving his ass high up in the air. As John began caressing his back muscles, the salty musk of his Randall-soaked cock filled Derrick’s nostrils; he looked down to see the freakish member swaying between his own legs. “Oh yessss…. You will do just fine.” John finally spoke as he stood back up, Derrick’s thicc ass in hands as he slapped it. “See Derrick… You’re not like my other meals… I’ve been forced to pick off morsels so far… Tiny little bitches like your dear Randall. Vermin who are simply not worthy of worshiping me. Despite being born with power and potential, rats like Randall never even tried to amass strength. They have so little energy, even at twenty four years old, he had less power in him than a 9 volt battery…” “But you Derrick… You are so much more… Even if I wanted to consume you… You have spent your life accrewing so much more strength than average men, and I don’t just approve of that, I’m intoxicated by it. So much of my true love’s power flows through you, that it’d be such a waste to simply entrap you, no, not only that, it’d be wrong to have someone who was already such a devoted servant to my love be damned to the same fate as some lowly bitch like Randal. No… You deserve better. So I offer you a choice.” John stopped pacing and turned to Derrick. Gripped his skull painfully and forced his gaze deep into John’s eyes, imbuing Derrick with intense visions of the power John felt flow through him as he consumed several other people like Randall. “Join me, become my Thrall, and you will be rewarded with a life of unimaginable bliss, power, lust, and immortality." I will only offer this once… Derrick’s head flung back forcefully as John returned to his chair. Still on his knees, Derrick’s mind was fried from those visions. The pleasure, the power… It was so… Extreme… He’d already creamed his pants once and merely remembering the visions seemed to spur a second climax instantly. It was a welcome distraction from the horrors of what all those poor weaklings inside of John were now forced into constantly. John smiled as a grin stretched over Derrick’s face. “Speak” he commanded. “I wish to join you my lord…” Derrick whispered, staring into the unstable fluorescent lights above him. “Louder”. “I WISH TO JOIN YOU MY LORD, TO SERVE YOU, MY MASTER, MY COMMANDER, MY NEW GOD!” “Excellent.” John said as he stood up. “Against the wall” he commanded again. He then approached Derrick from behind and whispered to himself. “Oh yeah… I think I’m going to take my time… And enjoy this one…” as he began fondling Derrick’s plump ass. Derrick was a much bigger man than John’s previous fucks… As he pushed Derrick’s thick legs to each side, he heard Atlas speak to him from within. “We are ready. Our first worshiper has accepted his new title willingly… And what a disciple he is…” Atlas mewed as John gazed upon Derrick’s muscular body one final time. “You know we still don’t know if this will work” John thought. “Oh, but of course we do… I know, because you thought of the whole ritual.” “Only because I can see your world.” “Our world was always visible to you… You only needed to claim it… Now…Do it.” As Atlas commanded, John’s titan cock began to pierce Derrick’s ass by force. Derrick screamed both from his ass, and the sheer force of John’s inhuman grip of Derrick’s love handles. The force of which was like a hydraulic press, crushing Derrick’s roid-gut from the sides painfully. For Derrick, as soon as the transformation began, he knew it was trial by fire, and that weakness meant a violent and painful death. Unlike Randall, this time John didn’t use his own special lubricant, so Derrick felt all of it. His gut being split open from inside like a smoked sausage link, his back tore right down his spine, moving where his legs started up by at least half a foot. Derrick had started to scream, but John simply said “Silence”, and despite the moral peril his life was in, Derrick’s mouth sealed shut. As John continued he laughed in ecstasy. This was so much better than the scraps he’d been eating up until now. So much bigger… So much more control… Soon, John’s big dick erupted inside of Derrick, and whatever pain Derrick felt up until now, it was nothing compared to this. John’s otherwise cold body was suddenly replaced with searing heat, like if someone had spread hot coals or thick boiling soup all inside Derrick. He coughed, and as he did the hot liquid boiled out of his melting throat and burned his tongue. “Lick it back up” John commanded with a snicker. To Derrick’s horror, his body lurched forward, despite his own lips being burned away and frantically began re-consuming the hostile spunk. It was minutes of unending and unbearable pain. As Derrick looked down he saw his left leg had snapped clean off, and there were several holes in his torso, meanwhile John was only growing more and more violent as he continued to hate-fuck Derrick. Finally, John grabbed Derrick’s shoulders and forced his dick up even further, it slid right up what was left of Derrick’s throat and went right through his tonsils… To his brain. At long last, the pain suddenly stopped. As Derrick opened his eyes, believing himself to be dead, he only continued to stare at the locker he was forced against. He was still alive, but suddenly, he felt everything change. The blood of his injury began to flow upwards, covering his skin, tainting it to a deep dark reddish color, filling the tears and damage. Suddenly it all came back, his jaw, his hearing, even the feeling in his left leg. He attempted to stand, but fell against the wall. As he tried again he noticed the reason he fell: His legs were now twice as thick as they had been before. As he realized this, he quickly understood he could control his skeleton freely, and willed his stance to widen itself to accommodate his new red-hot-thunder-thighs. He stood up successfully now, proudly, before hunching back over. He hadn’t realized it, but his back was still mending, and his new pectorals were roughly 130lbs heavier than they were before, not to mention his much broader shoulders and skull-crushing biceps. Soon Derrick noticed something off… He could see so much further, as if his field of view had been increased. It was then that Derrick finally noticed himself in the mirror, and he loved it. He was clearly no longer mortal. His blood red skin glowed with symbols of power tattooed across him, he now commanded not two, but four eyes with perfect vision, atop his head, two horns projected from his cracked skull into a crown-like shape. The reflection told him everything. He was unleashed in terms of potential. His stamina was limitless, and his body was his to command at will. He toyed with his hair for a moment as he suddenly understood each strand was now a new appendage he could control. He no longer needed air, nor water. He no longer needed food, but what he did consume would metabolize perfectly, never leaving his body. Eventually Derrick spoke. “My master. I humbly thank you for this gift. I beg thee to forgive my earlier transgressions. I was a fool. Only now do I understand you are the source of true power for me, how may I serve you?” “Fantastic. My new disciple… You will go forth into the world and live as you please, you will quickly find your lust for strength to be insatiable. Thankfully you have ample resources at your disposal… What you must do for me… Is consume. It is your job to consume more strength, and pass it to me.” “Then I will consume the world in your name, master. No one will stop me! Just let them try and run! I’ll just bash…. AH!” Mid-rant, Derrick was forced to the floor by glowing red chains that enveloped his clawed hands. The chains appeared out of nowhere and extended all the way to John who gripped them firmly. To Foolish Thrall. "Violence and murder will only shame us. No. You must learn seduction and charisma. The “easy” way has no place in my world. As a punishment for assuming such a lazy existence, I will absorb some of your strength, and will continue to do so whenever you disobey or disappoint me.” John smiled as he felt a portion of Derrick’s new strength flow into him. Swelling him far past 200lbs to easily 225. His body began to seize in pleasure as he felt the muscles in his back stretch and expand, pressing his firm figure to an even more massive state. His eyes glowed red as he began to experiment with his new control, he forced wings to grow from his shoulder blades on command, his abdominals spread and grew teeth, opening up to reveal a massive tongue which licked the front of his body like his core was his mouth, he inhaled deeply and began to analyze the very air through senses he’d never dreamed of feeling. When he was done, he returned to his 225lbs human-esque form. “My ascension is now all but guaranteed. And in the dawn of my new form I shall grant you a new name, as your human name… “Derrick”... Will never fit my perfect creation. No. You will now wear the title of “Potesna, first wrath of the new world”. “Yes, my lord.” Potesna obeyed. “I will learn to consume as you have asked, not through fear, but through the core emotions that guide all humans: Greed, Envy, and Lust…. It will be almost too easy.” With that, Potesna willed his skin, body, and face back to a more human form, the red chains still binding him to the floor. “Excellent. Now, hold that position. You are to stay in that stance until sunrise.” “An easy task for this new body” Potesna accepted with pride. “I will know immediately if you fail me, and will take more strength from you if you do.” “I know sire…” “Good. Now I have to go…” John said as he turned menacingly towards the vent window at the edge of the room. “Poor Maddy is terrified across the street… She’s been watching us for quite some time…” John said, narrowing his gaze menacingly. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “SHIT.” Maddy thought to herself. “You can’t run Maddy…” Echoed a haunting voice as Maddy continued Sprinting as fast as she could, she had to get to the safehouse. No… Would she even be safe there? She turned down the alley, opened the door, and froze. It was pitch black inside, but she could tell from instinct he was there… Her worst fears actualized as a crack of fresh lightning illuminated the menacing figure towering in the darkness as his two frightening eyes began to glow crimson. She was frozen in fear until the thunder finally broke the silence. “So… I see you’ve finally taken an interest in…” “EAT LEAD ASSHOLE!” Maddy shouted as she whipped out a Desert Eagle from her belt and fired twelve rounds at John. John didn’t even flinch. He simply took the damage dead on. “... No foreplay then I suppose…” “What the fuck are you?” Maddy glared in defiance at the monster slowly approaching her “I am just like you Maddy… I am everything you’ve ever craved in physical form.” “You’re a freak!” “And so are you.” Those words sent a chill down Maddy’s spine. “You spend every moment chasing perfection for your body, you’ve bypassed every natural instinct in an eternal pursuit, not in pointless fear of escaping death, nor for approval from those lesser than you. You do it to achieve perfection. Divine form.” “No… You don’t know jack shit about me!” Maddy screamed in terror. “Oh but I do. Do you know how I can do this?”John said as he unleashed dozens of tentacle-like veins from his back that quickly covered the room. “FREAK!” “No… Not a freak. This is natural. I can do this because I see strength in its purest form. I have become enlightened and blessed with control over this energy. This is not magic, no soul was sold to achieve this, and no matter the dedication, no science could bring me to half this level.” “Then what is it?” “Knowledge. Vision. Understanding. A blessing from something… Better than what flesh creatures could ever hope to obtain on their own.” “S…SO?! It’s hideous. DISGUSTING!” “How dare she speaks to us that way…” Atlas whispered to John. “WHO’S THERE?!” John’s eyes suddenly snapped back to normal in surprise. “You… Can hear us?” Atlas and John asked in unison “Us?” Atlas began laughing in a deep menacing tone. “If she can hear us from here, she truly is worthy of our blessing.” “Worthy…” Maddy trembled as she continued to lock her eyes onto the monster. “Indeed. Even now her willpower is strong, but soon she will see.” “She has more strength within her than a hundred men…” Atlas mewed. “I’ll… NEVER Join you…” “And I suppose with that attitude you won’t… See, my abilities have more rules than you think… I can’t just force you to accept this gift… I can break your mind, isolate you from reality, or crush you easily… But to do so would mean all the strength you have will be lost for ages… I can not accept that as I yearn to complete my love. ” “Ahahaa… Look, my love… She’s speechless, her mind is afire from the mere sight of you. Her deepest desires enlighten her to your blessing even faster than Derrick… She must be brimming with strength the likes of which I haven’t tasted in millenia… And it wants to be whole again.” “What… What do I do?...” “Open your mind, and allow Atlas to elevate you.” “No my love… I cannot do this alone. Without my temple to direct my influence, she will require direct contact with you.” “Oh… Well. Hahaha, I’m going to enjoy this…” John said as he sat down on a nearby couch and ripped away what remained of his pants. “I… No… I won’t bend to this… YOU CAN’T FORCE ME!” “Oh I definitely can, but I won’t. Tell me what you want.” “I… I want a challenge.” “Is… Jack providing you with this challenge? I need to hear you say the words.” “He… He’s about to break me physically every night…” “From the power I gave him.” “He loves me.” “You’re the first girl he’s ever touched, he doesn’t know love anymore than he knows what a cervix is.” “He treats me like the queen I am.” “You mean like everyone else?” “Stop this… He’s a good person.” “You’re willing to give a man everything you’re worth? For nothing?” “I… I…” “Rip it off now, after all wasn’t that always your plan? Ditch him as soon as someone BETTER comes along?” “No… I don’t want to be… like you… I won’t hurt… people…” “You’d hurt Jack. You hurt Brent… You hurt Sara… Micheal… You ditched Harry because he liked gummy worms… Hurting people is not new to you.” “….” “Clearly if you could.” “Yes… Yes I am already a freak. If it were me trapped in that cave… If it was me Atlas discovered…” “Go on…” “I WOULD HAVE DEVOURED SO MANY MORE! AH AHAAHAA OH FUCK YES! YES PLEASE! PLEASE GIVE IT NOW! NOW! DO IT! I WANT IT ALL! I WANT THIS! I WANT MY POWER! I WANT WHAT I AM OWED! WHAT I WAS BORN TO TAKE!” Maddy screamed in ecstasy. “As you wish… My new Thrall… ” Was the last sound Maddy heard before the sensation of power and bliss enveloped her body with a hundred tendrils. __________________________________________________________________ “Oh yes… OH YES!” Maddy moaned as she explored her new body. “I’m so impressed with you Impertrix…” Atlas cooed from deep within the two’s minds and cristening her with her new name. “So… That’s what all the fuss was about… So much beauty… Such power… The things I can do…” Impertrix spoke softly as she approached a refrigerator. “WITH THIS BODY!” She shouted as she tore it open as if it was made of cardboard. “And this mind…” She continued as she leaned her head back in escastay exploring the new brainpower she'd been bestowed. “You… Are soooo very creative Impertrix…” Atlas mused as he finished melding with the former Maddy’s mind. “As your new lover, I should be…” Impertrix snickered with greed in her mind staring at John. John simply smiled in retaliation as Atlas laughed maniacally once more. “Oh my sweet girl… My succubus servant… No. I’m afraid John is second to no one.” “Let's see about tha… ARRRRRAHAHAAHAAAAA!” Impertrix screamed as her mind was flooded with ideas and plans to expand that even she dare not attempt. “That was a mere portion of what John has shown me. I want to reiterate that part so you truly understand. That is a fragment of the beauty HE showed ME. This world I’ve lived in for over a trillion years, that was molded by me into this hellscape by those who betrayed me…. And yet without these events, I would never have seen such divine brilliance twisted from this deviant mind. You may believe yourself to be an empress, and you may now serve as my new avatar in this world’s upcoming ascension, but do not make the mistake of thinking there is only one god in this room again…” “My love, you speak so well of me…” “Of course John… I would praise you for eternity… This temptress is nothing in such light…” “I understand… I was foolish to think I could ever compare… Please… Punish me for my transgressions… Take my power for your own, and in return I shall absorb all of it back before sunrise!” “A bet then? Interesting…” John smiled. “I set the bar at 50 lbs. You have until dawn breaks… And I’m sure you know the rules…” “Of course Master…” Impertrix giggled in ecstasy as she felt a tenth of her power drain out of her in crippling pain. “I’ve always loved a challenge” End of Part 2 —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Part 3 - Dawn of the New World” Benny (M/58) and Dale (M/56 were sitting together in their regular spot. The two were making quite a ruckus like two stereotype trailer-trash drunks at 11:30 in the morning will do. Tonight was special for the both of them though, as Benny was celebrating his new promotion to Manager and by sheer coincidence Dale had won a 3,000$ prize scratch off lottery ticket earlier that morning. The two were in high heaven as they had the bar to themselves, and had money to burn. Any other night and the two would remember it as one of the best nights of their lives. Then she walked in. Dale’s jaw was agape. Benny’s beer began to slowly drip onto the floor. Gorgeous, a chest the likes of which they’d never imagined possible, a massive ass that bounced with each step. The only thing that may have been tighter than her cut waist was her tiny black choker jingling it’s bell with every hiccup. The whole package wrapped in a tight black short skirt that left nothing to the imagination. Clearly wasted and stumbling towards the bar. “Ay… BAr..Bah… Tender… I… I need a Mojito… Stupid… Nigh (hic) nightclub ‘cross the street THREW ME OUT! Uhg…” She slurred the best she could. “I’ll start a tab, but you gotta promise me to not drive home tonight.” The bartender (who clearly didn’t give a shit about the risks she posed to herself). The girl smiled, tilted her head, stumbled a bit backwards and held out a two-finger peace sign and said “I prawmiss!” As the bartender rolled his eyes and walked away to make the drink. Dale suddenly snapped into reality as he looked at Benny. “You know… Our wives would kill us if we even tried…” Benny mentioned. “Yeah… They sure would if they ever found out…” With a twisted grin the two in unison got up and went and sat on either side of their buxom prey. “Hello there miss… What brings you here tonight? My name’s Dale.” The girl snapped into focus as she finally noticed the two. “Oh HeAeeayyyyy! I’m… I’m you know looking for a goooooood time tonight… You know? I’m… Uh… My name is (hic) “ISsey!” “Issey huh? Nice to meet you, Issey. Do you come here often?” Benny replied, startling the girl with the appearance of another stranger appearing on the other side of her. “No…No I’m just… I’m here for a wedding. My stupid BITCH sister’s wed(hic)ding… Wh… Why she gotta be so mean to me… She just LET me get… She LET me get… This DRUNK and then let them throw me out…” The bartender returned with the Mojito and stared her two new friends down with a questioning gaze. “You… Alright here, miss?” “YUS! Hav…. Ave you met my new friends? THi… THis one is bennybob, and THAT one is CHIP!” she said as she put her arm around Benny and placed her hand onto Dale’s chest, her long nails at first being stagnant, but slowly beginning to feel his chest sensually. “Eh, close enough” the bartender thought as he walked in the back. The girl turned and faced Dale directly. “Oooooo… Your chest is so (hic) so strooooong. Do you work out?” Dale was beaming with pride. “Carrying all those cement bags every day for 30 years was finally paying off” he thought as he looked over the girl’s head to see what Benny was up to behind her. Benny, the absolute bastard he is, had already decided how this night was going to go and spiked her drink with no care at all about the consequences. His lower lip was about to start bleeding from how hard he was biting it as the girl’s thick hips began to rub against his crotch. Once the tablet dissolved, Benny interrupted her exploration of Dale’s pecs by saying “How bout we all have a toast! He said, raising his own beer. “Gasp!” Issy said as she snatched her own glass and joined the cheers. The three clinked their glasses and chugged what was left. “Woooooo!” Issy exclaimed. “AnnnnnOTHer!” The two horrible men just smiled and nodded back at each other, until suddenly they were taken off guard. “Uhhhggg…. My DRINK is gone… I’m sooo thirsty….” She turned to Benny and scrunched her face into the cutest form she could. “Please daddy, can you get me something to drink?” “I mean… The bartender’s gone, but if you really want something to quench ya…” Benny said cockily as he reached under his fat stomach and undid his zipper, whipping out his impressively fat cock. “MMmmm…That’s a FAT one!.... Lets see what daddy two is packing ;)” she said as she gripped Benny’s dick and reached for Dale’s only to find he’d already whipped it out. “Mmm… Let's go to the bathroom for this…” Issey said as she led the two into the restroom by their exposed erections to fuck them. “Oh YEAH, OH YEAH, OH F FFFFFFFUCK YES!” Issy screamed with a cold unchanging perspective as Dale and Benny continued to double-team her with their eyes shut. Suddenly she stopped bucking. “Tell me you want it boys… Tell me you want to be inside me!” She demanded. The two bastards, eager to continue the best gangbang they’ve ever had, complied quickly. “Oh you bet baby… I never want to stop being this far inside you…” “Fuck you are DEEP, and I only want to go DEEPER! >:) “ “Your wish is my command” Issey said coldly as she placed both her hands flat on the sink and gripped it firmly as she prepared for what was about to come. “What’s the hol up baby girl?” Dale awkwardly said from beneath her. “Yeah baby, I’m almost there… Just a little more….” Benny said, bent over Issey’s back. Nothing could be heard from Issey aside from heavy breathing. “Well if you ain’t using that mouth for talking how bout I… huh?” Benny tried to dismount from Issey’s ass, only to find he couldn’t pull out. “The hell? Damn girl… You got me stuck here like a chinese finger trap… How about you move your hips a little… “ Benny asked. “AH!” Dale suddenly said. “GOD… DAMN IT her pussy is about to rip my dick off! My back can’t stay hol up like this much longer! Let go!” Issey took a deep breath and tightened her whole body, causing the two rapists to squeal in pain. “AH! BITCH!... FINE, YOU WANNA KEEP THIS DICK IN YOU, YOU CAN HAVE IT!” Benny shouted angrily as he thrust forward with all his might, but as he pulled back he only found that now, not only was his dick stuck, but his balls and front of his hips too became swallowed by her thick thighs. Dale had begun clinging to Issy from underneath to try and give his back a rest, and in desperation attempted to use his fingers to pull his dick out. “Uh… Benny… I… I think my hand’s stuck!” “The fuck is this shit!?!” Benny cried with fear in his eyes. “No no no… Don’t be scared boys…” Rung a demonically sensual voice in the air. “Don’t tell me this isn’t what you wanted… To be deep inside me…” “YOU RELEASE US RIGHT NOW OR WE’LL KILL YOU YOU DAMN BITCH!” “Kill me? You limp dick bitches tried to drug and rape me. Did you expect sympathy now that you’re stuck powerless and helpless…” “Dale… Dale I’m scared!” “It's… It’s gonna be alright Benny… We just got to AHHH!” was all Dale could say before the sound of his own hand being crushed and mangled forced him to scream. “Wha… What happened Dale?!?” “DAGUM BITCH CRUSHED MY HAND!!!” “Hh… How th… AHHHHHHHHH!” Benny screamed out as more of his hips were pulled in, forcing his back to bend backwards as his two legs and chest stuck out of Issey’s ass. “I think I’m getting the motions now… Teehee” Issey teased. “This is my first time doing this after all…” To Benny and Dale’s horror, the sadistic woman began to sway back and forth, crushing and consuming the two of them faster and faster like she was chewing food with her hips. “MMMmmmmm…. >XD YES YES YES!” Issey screamed as the two men’s screams began to tickle her entrails. “Oh… Oh don’t worry boys… It’s almost over… Here it comes….” A variety of clear juices erupted out of her ass and pussy as the process began its final stages. Benny and Dale inside of her were quickly dissolving into their conscious base essence inside her, where they would become trapped, providing their new queen with endless energy and strength for eternity. “Ok… OK… Oh yes… Ok boys… Let’s make a little room for ya!” Issey hissed as her climax subsided and she began flexing her body which drank up the raw mass from the two men like a sponge, forcing her muscles into larger and larger states. Eventually more muscle groups began to form all over her forearms and abdominals as the power of stealing the mass of two full grown men coursed through her veins and brought her to a whole new climax of excitement. “That… was… SO MUCH BETTER THAN I’D EVER HOPED! GEEEERRR!” She said flexing into the mirror with her reacquired power. HA HA! 50 LBS? THAT’S IT!?! THAT’S ALL THE BET WAS OVER!?! I CLEARED THAT BEFORE MIDNIGHT! My GOD YES! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT YOUR GODDESS IMPERTRIX! AHH! MORE LIKE IMPERTRIX-XXXL!” The sadistic Thrall then gripped her belly tight and spoke to the putrid scum she’d consumed. “Oh it feels so much better knowing you two little cucks deserve it. Any form of strength that ever flowed your way was a clear error. Weaklings like you two… Not even having the spine to try and swoon a woman. Truly pathetic. The lowest form of life, if you can even call it that…” Eventually she grew bored of watching how far she could flex and flaunt her body before her eyes eventually caught a glance at the clock in the mirror. “1:38 PM” “Mmmm… I may even have enough time for another…” She grinned as she slapped her powerful hand against her flat stomach. “What do you think, boys? Ready for round two?” She asked, inside the goopy essence of the two were trying their damnedest to scream, but without form, they merely tickled her insides as the musclebound demoness compressed her body into a significantly sluttier form as she walked across the empty bar and out into the streets to hunt. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack’s mind was in bliss. By the skin of his teeth he passed his Archeology final, and for the first time in ages, the pressures of school for the time being had relaxed its grip. He decided he’d celebrate at home with Maddy. However, he couldn’t find her anywhere. She didn’t even show up for her own final. Suddenly it dawned on Jack that it was Friday and he had been so busy studying that he hadn’t noticed that Maddy hadn’t come home the previous night either… He checked his phone, Wednesday, the last thing he texted her. “ John and I are having another gym sesh. Is that Cool?” “ Let me know if you get any bigger. *heart heart heart* Eggplant Sweat” Was her reply back. Radio silence from that point onwards. A sudden pain hit Jack in the back of his mind. Was she alright? Had he not noticed her not even coming home?! It wasn’t odd for Maddy to disappear for some time, but she normally would tell him. He decided to call her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Meanwhile* Impertrix stood before a group of three friends, Jessica(F 29), Marty(M31) and Lucca (F28) in the dark recesses of the alley behind the Gym. They were horrified as Impertrix had revealed her true form, towering above them at 8’3 now, easily 400 lbs of pure muscle bulging from every inch of her body, and her tree trunk legs forbidding any of the three poor souls from escaping. The three were horrified, as they’d just walked in on this monster as it consumed their friend. “No… NO I CAN’T DIE LIKE THIS!” Jessica screamed as she hid herself in Marty’s arms. “I… Well actually as far as ways to go…” “MARTY!” Jessica growled as she slapped Marty’s perverted thoughts out of his mind. Lucca, the couple’s friend, stood before them and shouted “Get behind me! That THING ate Brent and it’s going to do the same to me next… It’s huge, and I can feel it’s power from here… If I attack it now, it will buy you both a moment to escape while she’s eating me! Get ready!” “Oh… Sweet girl… No no no… I’m not going to eat you… And in fact, you’re all free to run for the hills as soon as I’ve offered you my proposition…” “Pro…Proposition?” Jessica stammered. “You three stand before me at the dawn of a new age, just like… What was his name again? Brend?” “BRENT!” Lucca growled. “Ah yes, just as he did. I offered him a challenge. You see… Those like me can tell from touch the strength that lies in someone’s soul… And I offer the opportunity to expand his own to the likes of which he never dreamed of. The caveat… Is that those who fail my challenge are consumed to fuel those who succeed. Brent’s access to steroids and spoiled upbringing may have supplied him with more than enough physical power, but his soul was unsatisfactory, and true to my word, I consumed him for his failure.” “We…. We can just leave?” Lucca asked as she suddenly noticed her legs were trembling like wind-up-teeth as the amazon demon stepped closer. “Of course. I can’t force this power onto you, and while it would be easy to capture you three, to do so would be to admit to myself that you three could ever cause a problem for me. Even if you were to escape, tell the police, the FBI, the National Guard, the Army, the UN, hell even if you somehow told everyone in the world about us… It wouldn’t change a thing. You only delay your inevitable fate.” Lucca was within arm’s reach of Impertrix, at any moment the hulking beast could snap her in half with a wave of her arm. Yet, even after closing her eyes, the only thing she felt was the warm touch of a strong yet impossibly soft hand as it rested itself on her shoulder. “Lucca… You impress me. You’ve fought for everything your whole life… Would you like the same chance that Brent got?” “N…NO!” Lucca shouted between breaths. “Why?” Impertrix asked with a lulling soft voice. “COMENZO!” Lucca shouted with her eyes slammed shut. “You are a demon! You tempt me, but I know better! If Brent could not pass this trial, neither would I, nor would anyone! Let us go!” *SLAM* Impertrix’s fist had just punched right through the wall of the gym, leaving bricks scattered across what appeared to be the former Derrik’s office. The shockwave rattled all three of the humans who dropped to the floor.In addition, it also set off a few car-alarms behind her. “I do apologize, but I hate it when someone with so much potential simply can not SHUT UP AND LISSSSSSSSTENNNnnnn…” Impertrix hissed. The queen simply recomposed herself and returned to her softer tone. “Now… I told you… Physical strength is meaningless to me. Brent was a massive specimen, but how did he get there? Challenge? Dedication? Hardship? Mmmhhhmmm… No I don’t think so, and you know ALL about that, don’t you Lucca?” The giant stepped down to Lucca’s level and swooned its way behind her ear as she turned her backwards to face her friends. “You’ve fought for everything. As a child you beat a rare sickness no one had ever seen…Your mother passed away soon after… You had to put the food on the table for all five of your brothers and sisters while your bastard father drank himself to death in the TV room… Despite this, you raised your siblings to be good people who are now capable of taking care of each other without you…” Marty decided to speak up. “Hey don’t talk about her…” however a stunning glowing-red-eyed glare from Imperatrix shut him up mid-sentence. “... Now that you’ve worked even harder to earn a scholarship and work full time, and even still you somehow have the energy left to join your friends in the gym. However… In the back of your mind it’s been clawing at you. You’ve dealt with this problem for so long you’ve become immune to it, and don’t even think about the injustice being done to you before you anymore… It’s… So sad…” “Injustice?” Lucca said in a sleepy voice as she opened her eyes and stared at her friends with a weary grogginess as if she’d just been awoken from a nap. “All these privileged brats… They think it’s so easy to enjoy the luxuries they take for granted. Did they have to scrub meth-head shit off the walls of a McDonalds to get by as no one else would hire them? Did they have to sacrifice their childhood to raise their siblings? Every week they surprise you with some other shameful weakness you conquered over a decade ago, letting their cars get towed, splurging on alcohol before a test, wasting money on Uber eats without even bothering to think if they can just go get it themselves…” “They… They’re just normal people, it’s not their fault I had to do more…” “Of coursssssee…” Imperatrix lulled as she pushed Lucca’s chin up with her finger, forcing her to stare right into the horrified eyes of her friends. “... However.. Why does someone like Brent just GET to be bigger than you? He didn’t work for it, he had a personal trainer, steroids, the highest quality equipment and pockets deep enough that it allowed him to focus on himself without having to care about a job or even school.” “That just doesn’t seem… Fair to me.” Imperatrix said as she moved back behind Lucca. “Now… The only real choice you have is before you, Lucca, and you have nothing to fear. Look at your friends as they tremble, and think back to everything this world has taken from you. What it’s burdened you with…” Lucca was petrified but stood strong while Jessica and Marty were pissing themselves in terror still. After a moment, Impertrix turned Lucca around with her finger and forced her to gaze into the muscular giant Imperatrix was. “Then look at me. Look at what I can offer you. You know in your heart that I need not lie. That my judgment is fair. You know you deserve more. That you deserve better. In our new world, no one will suffer as you have and those who can not follow us, those who do not deserve such grace, shall only serve as our food. Marty and Jessica were still on the floor as Lucca continued staring at Imperatrix for what seemed like hours, but was in reality a few minutes. Finally she asked: “If I do this… Will I end up like Brent?” Marty and Jessica’s eyes began to widen as the tone in her voice told them everything, and suddenly they were both very frightened. “L…Lucca? What… What are you doing?” Impertrix answered Lucca calmly: “It certainly can, but I ask you to look at who he was and what he had in comparison to you, and then ask yourself… Will I ever hurt someone like you? Someone who truly deserves happiness and respect?” With that, Lucca turned around and stared directly into her friend’s eyes with cold indifference, as if she was looking for something ANYTHING that they could offer her that could ever compare to Imperatrix's approval. “Lucca… LUCCA NO! WAIT! She’s just going to eat you t…” But Jessica never finished her plea as her former friend had already stepped forward and had begun kissing the Amazon passionately, which soon evolved into the thick latina being absolutely ripped apart by Imperatrix’s sexual tendril veins Imperatrix was efficient and only dwelled on the pleasures of the transformation briefly, as even sharing this experience with such a sexy individual had become mundane for her. Lucca was quickly blessed with the power that linked all of John’s thralls as her mind and body expanded with every thrust. It took a few mere minutes for Lucca’s body to turn completely, all the while Marty and Jessica simply watched in awe as their friend transformed into a busty glowing bodybuilder. They were no longer trembling in fear, but were practically masturbating as they gazed upon the transformation. The heat from Lucca’s new body began to singe what remained of her clothes until she used the new control over her hair to fashion new clothes that could only barely contain her. It was done, Lucca was dead and Fuerza was born. “What a beautiful body!” Imperatrix gleamed as she smacked Fuerza’s massive ass with one of her tentacles. “Oi! Hands off!” Fuerza glared menacingly back. Imperatrix responded by gripping her waist and pushing the hair our of Fuerza’s eyes as she pulled her closer. “So feisty too…” The anger in Fuerza’s eyes slowly faded into a smile as aspects of Imperatrix became more and more… appealing. Her fantasies were cut short upon the realization that Marty and Jessica had thrown themselves at Imperatrix’s legs and were childishly begging for their own turns. “Please Please Please, do me, DO ME! I want it! I deserve it! I’ve worked for it! Please test us!” They cried. Imperatrix looked at Fuerza and gave her a look they both understood immediately. “As you wish…” Imperatrix started before a sudden familiar ringing filled the air. “The fuck… Oh… It’s my phone.. Ha! Haha, I forgot I even had this thing… Who’s calling me? Oh it’s Jack… Hmm… I’m sure John is going to want to break the news to him, fuck knows what those fuckboys have going on between them… I better…” Imperatrix began before stopping in silence until the phone stopped ringing. Heh…Ha… HAAHHAAHAHaHAAHAHAA! Impertrix began to laugh heartily. “My phone can’t even identify my fingerprint anymore! Oh that is just HILARIOUS! I can’t even input the password! My hands are too big!” Both Imperatrix and Fuerza began chuckling at the situation while Jessica and Marty refused to stop staring down Imperatrix. “I suppose I’ll have to compress… It’s a shame, but at least I can stop taking up that fine ass’s spotlight” Imperatrix said, licking her lips at Fuerza. “Do you mind putting them through the challenge yourself? I’m going to have to go attend some… things…” “Of course mistress…. It’d be an honor to bestow the challenge upon my friends… It’d be even more fitting… It’ll bring us so much… Closer together…” Fuerza accepted as Imperatrix forced her body into her compressed form and walked through the hole in the wall she created. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maddy finally picked up on his third call. “Yello” she answered. “Maddy! Thank god, I was so worried! I haven’t seen you for days! Where are you?” “I’ve been taking care of some business, long week, I trust your exams were satisfactory?” “Uh… Yeah. I kinda was in the mood to celebrate if you… Catch my drift.” “Oh… Well Sorry Jack I’m a bit occupied at the moment, although you’re welcome to meet me at the Demon’s Gym, I’ll be here all night.” “Wait, why would you be there all…” *Click* Imperatrix approached John from behind as he finished another set of cable flies. “He’s on his way, you ready?” Is all Imperatrix said “A moment…” John said calmly. In the distance, the sound of two tiny humans were screaming outside. As they did, John felt it again. How heavenly of a feeling it was. Raw power flowed directly into his body, hardening and stretching his god-like muscles even further. He needed no scale anymore, he knew his weight instinctively. 495… 515…. 525! He was now 525 lbs of unleashed strength. John’s Thrall network was expanding. Aside from Potesna, Imperatrix, and Fuerza, he had over a dozen other disciples who had begun stretching out over the city. The strong would become thralls and enter into a new life of bliss, strength, power, and control that could never be compared to their former lives. The weak were quickly and effectively conned out of their bodies, each one sealed away within John’s extended body stretched across his many thralls. Even now the Demon’s Gym had become a den for his latest initiates to test their newfound power. The gym itself had to be upgraded. Any weight less than 45 lbs was thrown out or crushed, all the machines were turned up to a resistance of over 400 lbs, even the weight benches were upgraded with strong electromagnets underneath, turning a 300lbs chest press into a 600lbs impossibly heavy task. His new followers were free to express themselves as they saw fit. Most would end up in flexing competitions or just raw dog fucking each other right in the middle of the room. “45… 46….47…48….49…. 50!” John growled as his powerful form finished his last set of 400lb flys. “Continue,” John commanded. “Jack’s on his way. You have any idea what you’re going to do? Are we making him into… One of us?” “No. I have a special plan for Jack. A perfect retaliation for what he did to me.” “I relish in the divine irony. In the end, this will not be a path of vengeance, but a path of recovery, as once Jack is ready, he will be truly forgiven. “ Atlas boomed from within every mind within the gym. “You fuckboys I swear…” Imperatrix remarked as she rolled her eyes. “Do not be Jell” Atlas chuckled. “In fact if you’re so put off by this… Why don’t you help ease Jack into our new world?” “Whatever… I’ve got so many meetings to set up about mass producing larger phones… Inform me when he gets here..” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Jack pulled up to the Demon’s Gym he could feel something off in the air. It absolutely reeked of sweat and sex, a stench Jack had become very familiar with lately. As he looked around, he noticed he didn’t see any normal gym patrons, but rather more massive bodybuilders like himself walking into the gym, shirtless. “The fuck is there some kind of convention?” Jack wondered to himself. As he walked in he was shocked. EVERYONE in the gym was now a massive muscle monster, some of which were just openly stroking each other’s massive cocks right out in the open. “I uh… Must have the wrong gym somehow…” Jack said to himself dumbfounded at everyone around him. Suddenly a massive latina pulsating with muscle pipped up: “Oi, isn’t that the guy Atlas wants?” “Woah…” Jack said as he was thoroughly captivated by Fuerza’s body. This hypnotism was short lived however, as Jack soon found everyone in the gym was glaring at him menacingly. “Finally showed up huh bitch-boy?” “What?” Jack asked, confused. “We oughta rip you in half right here for what you did to John dipshit! You’re lucky he’s more merciful than us…” “John? What is he here?” “He’s in the back, follow me.” Boomed a menacing voice from just outside Jack’s vision, as he turned his jaw hit the floor. “M….MADDY?!?” he eventually surmised “Yeah Jack, it’s me, surprised?” “YES!” “You shouldn’t be, I told you I’d be here. Did you think I was a liar?” “I MEAN WHY YOU’RE SUDDENLY AN AMAZON!” Jack shouted “That’s what John wants to see you about. He’s in the sauna in the back. Now please, follow me…” “Maddy… Ow! Hey, let go! Tell me what’s going…” Jack asked frantically as the goddess gripped his wrists and began pulling him forcefully towards the back of the gym. “My name is Imperatrix now, you WILL address me as such.” She answered coldly with a glowing-red-eyed glare. —------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Jack was dragged further into the gym, it only became more and more depraved. As is no surprise to anyone, fucking continued to happen just about anywhere, only it became more savage and tended to involve more regular people the further they went back. No wait… Normal people being fucked relentlessly by massive monsters. Some of them even enduring mortal damage. However another question soon piqued his mind. “Wait a minute… This gym doesn’t have a sauna…” As Imperatrix rounded the corner it unveiled a new addition to the gym: A massive stone door leading into a recently dug cave. The cave didn’t cool as Jack was dragged into it, in fact it got hotter and hotter. Suddenly Imperatrix released his hand and said: “Take off your clothes.” “What?” “Take off your clothes or they’ll burn away. Your body is already blessed with the ability to cool itself at these temperatures with your own sweat, but your clothes will burn away not far after this point.” “Oh hell no I’m not being led into the fucking muscle morph sex dungeon with my…” Jack stopped mid sentence as he realized his socks were already stiffening. “Just a moment…” Jack complied as he stripped himself naked and continued on further. She was right, the temperature down here was getting unreal. Soon the two found themselves descending into a thick mist of steam. It became harder and harder to see where Imperatrix was dragging him. However in the shadows Jack saw the source of the mist: Several muscular freaks were going at it with insane speed and power. “It… Couldn’t possibly be pleasurable to be stroked at that speed.” Jack thought to himself. He then noticed that the sweat and other fluids from their bodies was instantly evaporating into the mist. “Are… Are they fucking each other so hard the friction is raising the temperature of this cave?” Jack asked. “Yes. You have no idea how good it feels when your body doesn’t deteriorate to such extreme forces. I think I’ll join them after I drop you off.” “Mad..AHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!” Jack tried to plead with his girlfriend about their relationship, however upon mentioning her old name, Imperatrix crushed the bones in Jack’s left arm. “I told you. My name is Imperatrix. Address me as such or I’ll break the other ones too…” “AHHH! PLEASE, MAaa…IMPERATRIX, I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!” “You’ll be fine, come on, it’s just up ahead.” As the two approached the end of the hallway a large sign read “King’s Chamber” As Imperatrix tossed Jack in he fell to the floor as he looked up he was once again horrified, the beast before him was easily the biggest person Jack had ever seen. He stood there towering above him from at least a height of 9’ tall. However, what spooked Jack the most wasn’t the monstrous frame of such a powerful being, but at the inhuman size of his massive dick. Jack knew that phallus. It haunted him, even now, as it was even bigger than before, he couldn’t help but whimper at the sight of it, and spoke his name before he even noticed the cocky face of the man staring down at him. “J…. JOHN?!!?” “Hello Jack. So glad you could join me…” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Leave us” Commanded John with a flick of his wrists. Everyone except for Imperatrix and Jack left John’s presence. “I figure you have some questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.” “Yeah ok, first off, what the fuck is going on? And don’t feed me any more bullshit about special steroids, I’m not that stupid!” “To be honest I don’t know why you even got this far still thinking that was the explanation. Did you really think you could put on over 70 lbs of muscle in just a month?” Imperatrix mocked from the corner. “Silence Imperatrix, I won’t have you instigating this.” John glared. “So how did I… Uh… We? Yeah, gonna go ahead and guess “We”. How did we grow so much?” “From my blessing” Atlas called from his ethereal plane. “Uh who’s there?” Jack stammered, trying his hardest not to piss himself. “I have come to wear the crown and title of “Atlas”. Despite everything it is a pleasure to finally meet you Jack. I am the origin of all strength in this world. A former titan from before the earth began. I have recently entered into a symbiotic relationship with your friend John and it has opened so many paths for us both.” “I’m gonna guess you two hit it off really well back in that cave?” “Astute too, that will make this so much easier.” Atlas chuckled. “So this guy just unloads free power onto anyone who walks by?” Imperatrix stood up with her backhand high as she stepped forward to strike down the blasphemous Jack before her hand was caught mid-swing by John. “The power is not “Free”, and not just anyone can procure it. Furthermore, power isn’t so much a gift as it is an organization process…” “It’s a glorious process in which the alphamatrix can harmonize with physical forms that have adapted to the astral plane. Through quantumpyriniann injection I can advance those forms to a hyper-machoneauen state, that’s when the omedra catalyst can… ” John began before Atlas interrupted him. “Uh… My love… I believe a few of those concepts might be a bit beyond poor Jack’s understanding…” John stared down at Jack who had his head tilted as far to the left in confusion as he could with his muscular frame. “I see… Atlas my dear, this may be better suited to your enlightenment tactics.” “As we wish John…” “What the hell does thaaaaaaAAHAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAAA!” Jack began to scream as visions of quantum-physics, ancient history, and Atlas’s strength-energy flowing through the universe flooded his mind painfully. AH! AH FUCK OW! JOHN YOU BASTARD THAT FUCKING HURTS! “The pain will subside with rest…” John tried to reassure Jack. “NO! NO, FUCK YOU! UHHHGGG! FUCK THe… FUck the PAIN! What the HELL is wrong with YOU!?!” The silence in the room was the most menacing thing Jack had heard up until this point, nevertheless, he continued after a few seconds. “You… You’ve EATEN people! You just straight up consumed them like they were pizza rolls!” “Well I don’t know how YOU’VE been eating pizza rolls but I don’t recall ever sticking them down my…” “They’re dead! NO!! Worse than that! They’re your fucking slaves! You’ve enslaved people right in front of everyone! They’re trapped in your fat balls like flies on sticky paper! There are hundreds of people ensnared by your sick fucked up quest for power and… NO ONE’S stopping you! You need to undo this NOW! It’s wrong! Release them! They’re just people! Normal people who have a right to freedom!” “Oh Jack, we’re not Americans…” Imperatrix snickered from behind. “I’ve done nothing wrong here Jack. Those people came to me of their own free will and gave themselves to me willingly, thinking they would obtain power they could never hope to hold. Tempted by the idea they could ever overcome the weaknesses that were set into their souls long before they stood before me. You act as though I’ve taken their lives, but to those like us, we don’t even consider what we took from that scum to be worthy of the term “life”. Hollow shells of people with big dreams they’ll never even begin to chase after, needlessly sucking up whatever nutrients they can to survive that should be serving a greater purpose.” “You’re demented! You’re insane!” “Enough.” “NO! You’re FUCKING COO-COO AND I’M NOT GETTING SUCKED INTO YOUR NASTY FUCKING COCK JOHN!” “I said…. ENOUGH!” John said again through gritted teeth, finally startling Jack enough to quiet him for a moment. “No one is going to eat you Jack… No no… You have a special purpose for me. You are my celebration gift to Atlas.” ‘What?” “You’re like a bottle of grape juice now, but over time as the world ages, you shan't. The new world I’ve created will change slowly, and it will take years, perhaps even centuries, to obtain our goal of reuniting the entirety of my beloved Atlas’s strength. In that time, what you once considered “Human” will slowly fade away as disposable weaklings are replaced by my eternal servants. Soon after, they too will evolve once more, over and over into new beings, each rendition stronger and more pure of strength than the last. At the apex of this new era, someone, the final human, the last transgressor and the last frail fragile remnant of the pathetic species that betrayed my love will look at the new universe before them and weep for such beauty is alien to their understanding. That last human will beg for forgiveness, to join the rest of those who have long since left him behind, and to become one with Atlas’s true form.” There was a long pause as John approached Jack and gazed deep into his eyes, into his soul. “That last human, shall be you Jack.” “Wa…What?!” “You will be the ultimate wine for my final form to drink as its first true celebration as it confirms its unparalleled domination over this beautiful world. Not only will you have a vast amount of strength you’ve generated yourself, but you will have the experience of living through the transition as an outside witness. A fixed survivor to the chaos the world will inevitably devolve into as it scrambles in a vain attempt to change its destiny.” “What does that mean?” Imperatrix rolled her eyes and explained: “It means you’ve been immortal for like a month now and haven’t noticed. The rest of the world will become one with Atlas, either by becoming one of his Thralls or being consumed, when no one else is left John will return to you and make his final judgment on whether you will be a part of the new world or not. For fucks sake Jack, keep up.” “That was an… Articulate summation Imperatrix…” John said with mild annoyance at her crass behavior. “I’m immortal? Wait like I straight up can’t die?” “That is what that means, yes.” Atlas, who also seemed annoyed with Jack’s inability to keep up, answered. “But… Like how immortal, like what happens if I…” BANG! Jack stopped mid-sentence as he looked down, seeing a massive blood-stain slowly cover his chest. As he turned around he saw Imperatrix with a smoking gun pointed at him. Jack was horrified for a moment, but suddenly realized the hole had already repaired itself entirely. “Ok…Freaky…. We’re getting off topic!… JOHN! Please! This isn’t you! You know what you’re doing is evil! “ “Evil is a matter of perspective, Jack. To you, all you can see is a monster, to me all I see is a planet covered in a useless parasitic species that’s just begging to have the wheat removed from the chaff.” “Yeah see that’s kinda EXACTLY what the most evil people ever would say to justify their actions.” “Oh? Is it now? How about I show you ‘TRUE’ evil then?” John said as he rolled his head back and began massaging his balls. As John’s body began to pulsate with runic symbols, the horrifying gooey remnants of three of John’s victims slowly oozed out of John’s dick. “Heeeeeeeeelppp MEEeeee!” Each of the cum-zombies begged as they struggled to maintain their form. “This one was a serial killer who the cops couldn’t convict based on lack of evidence.” John said as he strained his waist, slurping one of the ghostly gelatinous forms back into his balls. “I caught him minutes before he was about to abduct another woman on the train.” “This one was a cop who put fourteen different people in an early grave without provocation, all in retaliation for his wife leaving him for beating her.” Jack motioned again as another bastard’s visage was dragged into John’s body. “And this one… Oooohh this one… This one’s a serial rapist, who makes a habit of ripping off her victim’s dicks with her teeth.” John snickered as the final form began lunging at Jack’s exposed dick like a feral dog. “You really want people like THIS out on the street?” John mocked. “Randall didn’t deserve this! He was just a…” “A devious cuck with twisted desires of power. Do you have any idea what he wanted to do with the strength he thought he was being offered? He was going to go on a rampage, murder innocents in the street who wronged him before, rape women who dared show themselves in the daylight, all under the belief he’d be unstoppable. That bastard is RIGHT where he belongs.” Jack was infuriated. “So you’re telling me all the hundreds of people WOULD be bad people with absolute power? No SHIT! It corrupts absolutely! Did you think that phrase was just to sound cool in movies? “John, this troglodyte isn’t going to understand our new world until he sees it. Can we just throw him out already? You’ve more than fulfilled your obligations to inform him.” Imperatrix yawned. “Indeed, those who live in caves fear the warmth of the rising sun.” Atlas mused. “I suppose you’ve worn out your welcome here Jack… Oh, and don’t worry, all of my disciples know better than to bring harm to you or your family, although… Some of them can be VERY naughty…” John said before devolving into a sinister deep laugh. With that, Imperatrix grabbed Jack by the leg and began dragging him towards the exit as he kicked and screamed, begging for John to stop. As John was tossed from the building, the various Thralls from the gym surrounded him and stared down at the tiny hunk and grinned ear-to-ear. “Welcome Jack, to the start of Arm-magedon!” they said in unison as they all flexed themselves to their extreme. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack didn’t know what to do. How could anything stop them? John had already amassed an army of unstoppable, immortal bodybuilders with powers and strength he couldn’t comprehend. What could he do? Who could he turn to? The police? The Army? The UN? He tore through his apartment in despair, frantically breaking anything he could in his panic as google-search after google search from his phone came back with nothing over and over. Soon he found himself in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror…. What the fuck was he… He hadn’t comprehended it up until now, but he was a freak. There was NOTHING natural about how big he was and he was an absolute FOOL for thinking nothing of it until now. His biceps were the size of bowling balls, his legs thicker than rolled-up wrestling mats, his pecs like two massive slabs of lead inscribed with the haunting reality that his power came from an unholy and unnatural origin. He quickly swung at the mirror in rage, shattering it. The rest of the night was a blur for Jack. Perhaps the darkest in his life as each cruel realization began to creep onto him. His muscles were fueled by captured people. His body was tainted with an all-powerful parasite that linked him to the devil incarnate. His only love had abandoned him for demonic power. However the worst parts began as he finally found the exhaustion he needed to sleep, as his subconscious mind raged with visions of the pure beauty of Atlas, the Titan who had started all of this. ____________________________________________________________ Over the next week, dozens of reports were made to the West-city’s police force over missing people. (We’re just going to call the city everyone so far lives as Westcity) This wasn’t ignored, and soon the entire department was pulled into the situation. Chief Mac(M/59) spoke first: “Men, we have over 30 reports of missing people from this last week alone. Whatever and whoever is doing this is able to do it quickly, discreetly, and leaves no evidence, we’ve got the boys in the lab looking all over for answers, today we’re going to put our heads together, because for fucks sake we’ve got over 200 citizens calling every day wondering where the hell their loved ones are AND I CAN’T KEEP TELLING EM THAT THEY UP AND VANISHED AS IF IT WERE THE RAPTURE!” “The first victim we believe was one “Randall Spetinno”, who was last seen at his job at Demon’s Gym. We pulled the video footage from his last minutes… Now look here, 8:35, Randall walks into the locker room, after that he’s never seen again.” “Do we have any recognition as to who could have been in that locker room?” “Unfortunately it’s limited. The locker room has an emergency exit with no alarm, a lot of patrons use that exit to access the second half of the parking lot in the back. All we can confirm is what we can deduce from the gas station across the street’s security footage. We’re certain that no one drove away but…” “CHIEF!” A flustered lieutenant shouts as he bursts into the room. “CHIEF YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!” “What is it? Is it about the missing people?” “That gas station had an ATM machine out front, clear view of the gym’s parking lot, and like all ATMs it comes with its own surveillance system. Look at this… It doesn’t match what we got from the gas station!” “.... So the gas station video was tampered with!? That’d explain everything…” “I think so sir, but… It gets weirder…” “Weirder how…” “Well… I think I can see someone leaving the gym HERE!” The lieutenant stopped the video, and sure enough, a warped image of a dark figure is seen exiting the gym. “Look at that one guy leaves, one car in the parking lot. Do we have any idea who’s car that is?” “It’s the victims. That’s what makes this next part so… Bizarre…” The lieutenant resumes the footage, and the figure crouches down and in one massive thrust, leaps all the way out of the frame of the footage. The officer’s jaws are on the floor witnessing this. “What… The hell? He just… JUMPS away! Like he’s god damn superman!” “Men…. I don’t know what the fuck this is, but it’s our job to find out what… Johnson! Contact the other branches. Contact the military. Contact Interpol. Find fucking MI6 if you have to. Dawson, take Jess and Greg down to that gym, put the squeeze on that bastard that owns the place again, he knows SOMETHING. Everyone else, resume your patrols, we’re not losing anyone else, the Mayor approved a mandatory 10PM curfew until we sort this, anyone you find outside is to be questioned and detained, no exceptions!” —--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours later, Jess(F/29), Greg(M/33), and Dawson(M/58) pulled into the Demon’s Gym parking lot. “You ever been to this place Greg?” Dawson asked. “Nah, I use Silver’s, it’s closer to the precinct… This place is fulla college brats…” “How about you Jess?” “Not my cup of tea and like Greg said, Silver’s closer.” “Jesus….” Greg said as he stared at one of the gym’s patrons. “Fucking hell… He’s huge!” Jess said as she began undressing the behemoth with her eyes. The man in question was about 6’4, absolutely massive, shirtless, and dripping with a thick glistening layer of sweat that the towel around his neck was doing nothing to ease. Suddenly Dawson spoke up: “Fuck me… Look inside! I thought he was big but the rest of these freaks… They make him look like a small fry…” After a few more minutes of gawking, the three finally spoke again. “So… What do we have here? Obviously these bastards are running some kind of super-steroid trafficking business someway…” Dawson surmised. “Maybe these freaks have been just straight up eating the missing victims.” Greg Joked. “We’re going to have to go inside. However… It’s hard to tell, are these just ripped bystanders? Or are they all involved in this somehow? If they are, they might make it difficult to put the squeeze on Derrick…” “I don’t care how big these bastards are, won’t save em from a Glock 22…” Jess gritted through her teeth. “Jess… Just to be safe, why don’t you stay out here in the car?” “Why? Damn it Greg I’ve been doing this job a hell of a lot longer than you, I’m not a damn kid and I don’t need to be looked after, how about YOU stay in the car?” “Shit… Fine by me. You two get in there fast, I want to go home early tonight.” Dawson and Jess entered the building, and although neither of them acknowledged it, a cold chill of uneasiness loomed over the both of them. Dawson rang the front desk’s bell, which caused one of the big fellows who was doing some 80 lbs curls to head over. “Uh… Hello officers, can I interest you in joining us…” “Can it with the sales pitch, meathead. We need to talk to your boss, Derrick. We think he’s not telling us everything he knows about some disappearances we’ve been noticing lately.” Dawson snapped rudely. “Of course… He’s all the way in the back. I’ll take you to him…” As the massive figure began to lead the pair deeper into the building, the strange nature of the gym-goers became more and more depraved. Soon a few of the figures were seen openly fucking each other in private rooms with the doors cracked wide open. “You freaks running some kind of brothel here?” Dawson inquired with disgust in his voice. “I can assure you, all the acts committed here are consensual and in no way monetized. It’s all perfectly legal, and you’re not the first to ask about it either. Oh! And here we are, Mr. Derrick is right inside.” The two cops turned towards the massive strangely out-of-place wooden door and knocked. Moments later, a massive man dripping with sweat opened the door. “Were we interrupting something?” Jess asked. “Yes I was midway through my workout when you knocked. I’m afraid I just tossed on the nearest outfit, I absolutely hate wearing this damn thing, but policy is policy. Now… How can I help you two officers today?” “We're investigating some strange happenings inside your gym, and I don’t want you trying to deny your involvement. Look around you, NONE of this is normal. All you fucking freaks think because you crammed some fancy protein powder into your veins, so now the whole world should be scared of you!? No no no, YOU should be scared of ME! Now where are they?!” Dawson shouted with rage. “Where are whom?” “Derrick” asked with indifference. “The missing people! Randall Spetinno! Kaleb McClive! Dale Dickenson! We have over 100 missing people in this city and we know it has something to do with your gym!” Jess chimed in. “Randall disappeared a few weeks ago, I’ve already given your department…” “THAT FOOTAGE WAS FOUND TO BE DOCTORED!” Dawson roared. “NOW SPILL IT! Where are they, and why are you targeting them?!” “I haven’t the foggiest clue. What would I have to gain from his disappearance?” Jess decided to change the topic. “I notice you got the damn gold standard when it comes to gym members. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone under 200lbs since I walked in. You yourself are looking a bit big too. If I had to guess, you look to be an impressive, what? 370lbs? “411, the shirt is slimming.” “Riiiight….. but from your online photos, it looks like just two months ago you weren’t even pushing 300… Want to tell me how?” “I’ve been using old photos for my social media. It’s a bit deceptive but seeing slow/steady growth is better for business, at least when it comes to advertisements.” “And just about everyone here has just been conveniently altering their online photos too I recon?” “Oh I haven’t the faintest idea about them… I figured there was some kind of steroid craze going about. All the better for my own business so I didn’t ask questions.” “Oh really? So you don’t mind if we take a look around your back-rooms? Make sure you don’t have any kind of lab or nuclear waste back there?” “Be my guest… Although don’t say I didn’t warn you if you walk in on a couple of my patrons in… Compromising positions…” Derrick snickered. “Come on Jess… Let's take a look around, we’re not getting anything from this freak…” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ferrum emerged from the dark recesses of the Demon’s Gym reborn. His former life of misery under the name “Oliver Yates”(43/M) was no more, and his new life as a breathtaking muscular powerhouse had now begun, and he was a very happy man. Ferrum was still high off the rush of the transformation, and with all the newfound power that flowed through him, his mind was overloaded with ways to use his newfound power, the forefront of which involved finally getting revenge on all those who’d wronged him. Oliver’s life was rough from a young age, however the peak of his misfortune occurred when he was 19. He’d worked his ass off to get accepted to a prestigious university, and he was driving home from a final farewell party before his move the next day. He’d thought back to that night often. If he’d gotten a ride home with someone else, if he’d stayed there overnight, if he’d not gone at all. However none of that changed the fact that on his way home, he was pulled over by a police officer. Oliver had done nothing wrong, however, the officer in question, officer Jim Dawson, was an evil man who at the core of his being, took a great deal of pleasure watching peoples lives be destroyed. All it took was planting a little pill bottle with some questionable substances in it to put Oliver away for 15 years. His own parents disowned him, despite his pleas that the drugs weren’t his. He spent the next decade and a half of his life in a correctional facility where things got even worse for him. Within the first five years, Oliver moved from being a weak bitch slapped around by other inmates for fun, to a hardened gang member known for smashing the skulls of anyone who lied to him. When Fuerza had approached him while on Parole, Oliver was desperate for any tail he could chase, and Fuerza was some MIGHTY fine tail. After she explained the test Oliver reflected back to the person he was before his run in with officer Dawson… That boy would have turned tail and run at the idea of losing his freedom for power. But that boy was long gone, and 15 years of prison had opened his perspective drastically as he didn’t even think twice about the risks. The ecstasy he felt as his body swelled with strength was a bliss he figured a damned soul like his own would never reach. However that ecstasy was only second to what he was about to experience. As Ferrum stepped out into the hallway, his heavy swinging cock bounced against his low swinging balls in the open air, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Standing before him was the bastard himself. Officer Jim Dawson. 15 years older, wandering around the Demon’s Gym as if it were a shopping mall with a foxy female coworker who kept averting her eyes from every sexy figure that walked by, naked or otherwise. “No fucking way…” Ferrum said as he maliciously grinned and began following the two cops into one of the back rooms. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dawson, I think it’s just another bedroom. Can we move on? This whole part of the building is just disgusting and it reeks of sex and cum.” “I’m telling you Jess, one of these rooms is going to have some kind of secret passage or something…” Dawson said as he began tossing the bed for some kind of switch or button. “SLAM” Both cops drew their guns as they turned and faced the door that had just closed behind them. “Sup girl. Noticed you walking in and I gotta say I am VERY interested.” said the powerful bodybuilder as he stood naked with one hand on his hip, and the other stroking his massive member slowly. “Get behind me Jess, TAKE ANOTHER STEP FREAK AND I’ll PUMP YOUR DAMN SKULL FULL-A LEAD!” Dawson called out. “Oh what, you don’t remember me pops? You don’t remember little ole Oliver Yates?” “Who?” Dawson said with a glare. It took a moment for anyone to speak again as Ferrum suddenly realized this bastard didn’t even remember him. He committed perjury to put him away, unprovoked, and he didn’t even remember his damn name. “My old name… Was OLIVER YATES. 15 years ago, you planted some shit in my car and had me hauled off to prison! Do you not remember that? Or have you done it so many times, we all just blend together in your sick fucked up head!?” Jess glanced at Dawson and asked “Dawson…What is he talking about?” “Oh yeah… I remember now… Yates, I pulled you over for speeding, found Heroin in his car…” “It was Methamphetamines and YOU planted it!” Ferrum growled as he pointed at Dawson. “He’s lying. Now get your bitch ass on the ground before I put a hole into that creative head of yours.” “Oh… Oh no no no. Not this time pig…” Ferrum grinned as he stepped closer. “STOP OR I WILL SHOOT!” Jess screamed. Ferrum took another step, and true to her word, both Jess and Dawson emptied their clips into Ferrum. To their horror, this only slowed him down for a moment before he began licking his wounds, healing them. Within moments, the only evidence that they’d even fired their guns at all was their empty casings on the floor. “You pigs really want to know what happened to all the bitches that went missing? Come on… Tell me you want to see how.” GREG! GREG CALL FOR BACKUP NOW! Jess screamed as she fumbled with her radio. “I’m sorry, but no one can hear you…” Ferrum said as he crushed the transceiver in his hand. “What the FUCK are you?” Dawson demanded as the menacing tower of muscle stepped closer and Dawson realized he was out of room. “TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MISSING PEOPLE!” “I can’t tell you… But I can show you.“ Ferrum whispered. Suddenly Ferrum picked up Dawson with a single hand that could grip the entire front of his torso and squeezed. Dawson screamed in agony as he felt his ribcage splinter and snap as if he was being crushed by a hydraulic press. His lungs, pierced by shattered bone, burned as it became harder and harder for him to breathe. “Normally, we offer a choice to those we do this to. But you… You bitchass mother fucker… I’m giving you the same choice you gave me. NONE. You will submit, or you will spend the rest of your life bleeding out on a cum stained carpet.” “You… You asshole… How…. Why…” Was all Dawson could muster. “LET HIM GO!” Screamed Jess, but she was ignored. “You asked the owner before, what happened to those missing people… I’ll tell ya, they weren’t strong enough. See only the strong truly get to live free in this world, which is why they’re blessed with power you can’t even imagine. And right now, your only way of getting out of this room alive is with that blessing. GO ON! Look me in the eye and tell me you want to live FUCK PIG!” Dawson, scared and barely able to comprehend what was going on stammered: “I… Please… You don’t… Have to do this…. Please help me!” “Yes it is then” Ferrum said with an evil snicker as he tossed Dawson effortlessly onto the couch and began fucking him mercilessly. His monstrous 1’4” cock ripping Dawson’s guts apart as it plowed through, numbing what was left of his body. Jess wasn’t frozen in terror, and jumped at the two in an attempt to save her partner, however she was quickly swatted away by Ferrum’s insane strength. Dawson was in cripping pain and desperately tried to get away, but his legs were numb, and this monster literally had him by the dick. He wasn’t escaping this, but he still tried. He reached for the edge of the couch, but one swift pull from Ferrum yanked him off. He reached again, only to find he couldn’t reach the edge of the couch anymore, and that Ferrum almost looked even bigger than when he did initially. It didn’t take Jess or Dawson long to figure out that Dawson’s body was shrinking smaller and smaller with every furious pump. Jess stared in amazement as Dawson shrank smaller and smaller, eventually Ferrum’s monster cock was bigger than Dawson himself, leading Ferrum to force it all the way through Dawson, skewering him as a cock larger than his own body was pressed all the way from his virgin ass, all the way up his throat where it snapped his jaw off to escape his body. Soon, Ferrum was wearing Dawson like a broken condom and after minutes of torture, pulled him off, dangled him above his cock, dropped him and allowed his dick to swallow Dawson whole so he could be processed. Ferrum then turned to Jess and smiled. Mortified, Jess wept uncontrollably as she asked “Wha… WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!” “For this part.” Ferrum lulled as his body began to flex and swell as Ferrum’s latest meal had finally begun to fill him. Jess’s eyes filled with wonder as the monstrous hunk before her grew even larger than he had been before. “I… I get it… The people who went missing… You monsters fucking ATE them! All so you could grow… More powerful…So you can be even bigger…” “And you like that don’t you, you skanky little pig.” Ferrum replied as he moved closer and began running his gigantic hand across Jess’s legs. “I… I…” “Oh don’t try to hide it girl… I know. Now take those damn jeans off and bury your face into that pillow before you start talking about your little bitch husband.” Jess didn’t say a word, but did as she was told. Afterwards, from deep within Ferrum’s balls she convinced herself that it was out of fear and panic, but deep down she knew why she gave herself to Ferrum willingly. She knew she wasn’t strong enough to be blessed, and she didn’t care either. For her, she just wanted the best fuck of her life. And she damn well got it as she slowly began shrinking out of existence and her mind broke from ecstasy. —--------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg was starting to get worried. It’d been 10 minutes from Jess’s last report. He radioed in: “Hey, is everything OK?” No answer. “Jess? Dawson? Come in!? JESS DAWSON REPLY NOW!” Greg began to panic, suddenly his squadcar’s door opened and a massive goliath of a man stepped into the passenger’s seat. “WOAH WOAH! HEY GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW!” “Be quiet officer, you need to listen to me. NOW!” The powerful figure boomed. He didn’t know why, but suddenly 10 years of protocol just didn’t seem important in the face of this man. “Your friends are gone. They’ve been taken just like the others, and I don’t think we can get them back, or worse, they might be part of the problem now.” “Who are you!?” “I’m the only thing that’s survived these monsters so far without joining them. You need to take me to the police precinct, guns won’t work on them, we’ll need heavy fire power, maybe even the military.” “WHO ARE YOU!?!” Greg screamed as he finally pulled his gun on the massive intruder. The muscle stud suddenly turned and looked down the barrel of Greg’s gun without blinking. “My name is Jack, and I’m your last hope of surviving this.” (Continued immediately)
Moderators Preface: This story asks for people to vote / like in order to generate the next stage of the story. It is not to be seen as a method of generating views or income for the user. Week 0 Jared jogged down the sidewalk with his airpods in his ears. He was dressed in a big hoodie that hugged his pecs tight and accentuated them jiggling up and down. It didn’t help that Jared’s pecs were already the size of textbooks strapped to his chest. The sleeves of the hoodie strangled his arms inside. As he jogged through the city, his soft cock bounced with his body, clearly visible through his gray sweatpants. His wide hips gave his bubble butt a nice natural sway to his run. “I’ve got the eye of the tiger, a fighter. Dancing through the fire ‘cause I am the champion. And you’re gonna hear me roooooar…” hummed Jared as he passed by a storefront. It was typically abandoned, but there seemed to be one shop lit up at the end of the street. That’s never there, thought Jared to himself. Jared always ran this way to his Friday night shift for work and there had never been any kind of business here. Not even any that were being renovated. Jared paused his music and took his airpods out of his ears. He slowed his pace to a walk, reading the tacky neon signs in the window. BIG SALE read the blue letters, lit up in an explosive cloud of smoke behind it. Jared lifted his head up and saw the massive sign above him light up. “The Sizemologist Cauldron?” mused Jared. He pushed open the door and walked into the surprisingly spacious store. He walked through the shelves of items. His wide shoulders brushing up against the glass bottles on display. He turned his body to read one of the potions on the shelf, but in doing so, his big shoulder made two vials wobble and begin rolling off the wood. “Woah there big guy!” came a voice from behind him. Jared jumped forward startled by the gentleman leaning down behind him. His big pecs lurched forward and pressed into many more glass bottles in front of him on the shelf. “Shit, fuck. Sorry!” Jared steadied himself and carefully pushed the bottles to the back of the shelf. “I thought I had more room to move.” Jared slowly turned back around to see a man with platinum blonde hair holding two bottles. “Jumbo Juice and Two Ton Tonic, a fun mixture, but probably not for right now,” said the man as he put the two bottles on the shelf. “And don’t worry about it. I know how tight these hallways can be,” said the big man as he rubbed his own prestigious belly. The man seemed to be in his mid forties and had a stocky muscular build with a round belly that stuck out a foot or two in front of him. He stood just an inch or two taller than Jared, but Jared was definitely the wider of the two. “Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget how big I am,” replied Jared as he returned the last potion to the shelf. “No worries big guy. My husband says the same thing. Now, what can I do for you today?” asked the salesman as he led Jared through the aisle. “I’m just browsing. I’ve never seen your shop before. When did you open?” asked Jared as his eyes peered across the name tags. Bubble Butt Brew? Pillow Pec Potion? Muscle Milkshake? What’s this guy selling here? thought Jared. “Just yesterday. Had to get out of the last place I was in a bit of a rush. And lucky for me, this place was available to move in immediately.” They entered the main shopping area with multiple kiosks setup with jewelry, sunglasses, even some speedos on manikins. “Feel free to look around. I’m clearing out my entire inventory to make room for a new line of products so don’t be shy.” Jared immediately ran towards the speedos. The manikins modeling them had a substantial bulge outlined in their front pouch and an ass that was spilling out the sides and could be seen from the front. “How much for one of these? I could always use a new speedo for work.” asked Jared, feeling the fabric of a striped red one. “And do they come in bigger sizes?” He brushed his fingers across the hard plastic dick inside. “Those speedos are pretty cheap, only $5. They aren’t as great as you think they might be.” The shopkeep walked over to the manikin and pulled the speedo off of the plastic to reveal a smooth surface. “The charm of the clothes only are in effect when you’re wearing the clothes. Not good if you’re going for long term gains.” Jared’s eye’s did a double take when he saw there was no mold of a dick on the manikin. He grabbed the one he was holding and pulled it off to reveal the same smooth surface. “What the fuck?” Jared backed up from the display and looked around at some of the other items. Lock Cock Ring? Juicer Belt? Gainer’s Snack Sack? His head was spinning as he could only imagine what he might’ve stumbled onto. “What? Not a fan? I would’ve thought you'd at least enjoy looking like you had bigger junk. Given your line of work,” said the shopkeep. “I meant the magic speedos! What kind of place are you running here? And how do you know where I work?” asked Jared. “I’ve seen your act and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed by your size.” Jared gazed into the eyes of the older man leaning against the counter. “And this place is for people who want to get really big. Like yourself.” “Thank you. I have been growing a lot lately,” smiled Jared as he held up his bicep. It balled up and swelled to the size of an orange in its poor black sleeve. “And I’m always looking to grow more.” “You have no idea. Well if you’re interested in a nice speedo, I can show you to my more exclusive selection.” The shop keep held up his hand and pointed towards a sign that read Does This Make Me Look Big?. “Well if everything is on sale, why not? I have time before work.” Jared turned and followed the bigger man down the hallway. At the edge of the shop, there was a glass display with three speedos underneath. “Normally, these speedos would go for around a few hundred bucks, but hopefully they’ll be in your price range.” The shop keep flipped the light and the speedos lit up. “Why are they so expensive?” asked Jared as he examined the selection. There was a dark red one with a black diamond design running down it, a light blue one with white circles emanating from points of the speedo like ripples, and a royal purple one with a golden stag on the crotch. “They allow someone to grow by being paid for it.” Jared snapped his head to the shop keep and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “If I wear this, people can pay to grow me bigger?” His eyes glared back down at the speedos, wide with the possibilities. “Yep.” The shopkeep held the key in his hand with a smirk on his face. “I had a feeling you’d be intrigued by these.” “How does it work?” Jared pressed his face up to the glass, “Is it like a coin machine and it gives candy out?” he changed angles on the glass, “Or is there a barcode I can scan for Venmo or Cashapp?” he changed his angle to stare down at the speedo, “Or will people need to swipe their cards through my ass?” “No no no, calm down big guy.” The shop keep peeled the big excited man off the glass. He turned the lock and pulled out a rectangular metal box behind the display. “It’s done using this remote.” He clicked a button on the remote and the white circles on the blue speedo lit up. “This remote is a money-getting machine. It has a hole to suck in any cash or coin thrown your way, a card reader that can swipe, chip, or tap, as well as a projector for a barcode for people to scan to send money to as well.” The man clicked a button and a barcode lit up on the wall. “That is incredible.” Jared was in awe as he picked up the purple one. “Are they all the same?” “No, they each have special features that can accompany the growth. The red pair is a boost in the wearer’s muscles. The blue is a boost to the wearer’s cock. And the one you’re holding, those will boost both.” Jared stretched the speedo out with his hands and found it had a surplus of stretch. “And I’ve never met someone who has been able to outgrow them if you were worried about that.” “There’s a first time for everything,” said Jared with a smirk. “I’ll take them. How much?” “Normally they’d cost you around $500 for this particular pair,” said the shop keep as he reached for another remote. “But I’ll give them to you for the low price of $50. Do we have a deal?” He plugged in some numbers on the remote and turned it to show Jared the screen that read $50. “Deal.” Jared didn’t waste any time pulling out his wallet and tapping his card on the screen. “So how does this thing work?” Jared took the remote from the man’s hands and started fiddling with the screen. “Why don’t I let him explain.” He leaned forward and tapped a button on the side of the remote that lit up a light blue. Out popped a man clad in only the same speedo as the one Jared had just bought. Except the man was entirely translucent and shiny blue. “Hello there! You must be my new master!” beamed the hologram. The man was completely bald and had a round jaw line with a cartoon-like muscular body beneath his head. “Wo-ho-ho you bought these?! You wanna get bigger? My good sir, you're already huge!” the hologram zipped back behind Jared’s shoulder as it talked like a mosquito in his ear. “I mean look at you! You could already bench, what, 250, 300 pounds? What do you need me here for?” The hologram reached forward and squeezed Jared’s hefty pecs. “350, actually,” Jared swatted away the hologram’s hand, surprised he could feel its touch. “Exactly, what are you doing here looking to get even bigger?” The hologram poofed away and reappeared in front of Jared’s pecs with a straw hat and a flannel. “Y’all tryin’ to grow these milkers even bigga’.” The hologram reached forward and grabbed Jared’s nipples that were visible even under two layers of clothes and started milking them like a cow. “Hey! Cut it out!” Jared reached his arms forward to swat at the hologram only to have them go straight through it. “Wait, what the? How are you doing that!?!” yelled Jared as the hologram vanished and appeared beside the shop keep like a gnat buzzing around the room. “Go easy on him R. People here aren’t as familiar with the mystic arts. This is R, he will teach you how to use the speedo.” The hologram brought its hand up and waved at Jared before putting his hands together in front of him. “Sam I can smell this guy’s hunger for size from here, this isn’t a good idea.” the hologram turned back to the shop keep and glared at him. “Hush up, I just wanna see what he can do. Give him the royal treatment,” said the shop keep, giving the hologram a comically exaggerated bow. “Oh we’re giving this one the royal treatment? He’s that big a deal?” asked the hologram. “I’m definitely a big deal.” Jared smiled and hit a double bicep pose and flexed his arms down in front of him. The hologram simply rolled its eyes and looked back at the shop keep. “Fine, I’ll give him the royal treatment. Hell, I’ll make him as big as he wants.” Jared’s eyes lit up with excitement and he looked back at the remote. “Let’s go, R. I’ve gotta get to work, and I’m sure you can walk and talk.” Jared tapped the Settings button on the remote and connected his airpods to the remote in a second. “Thank you so much sir. I can’t thank you enough. Hopefully, you’ll see how big I get soon.” Jared stuffed the speedo in his pocket and started to briskly walk towards the door. “No problem Jaren. You have a fun time at work!” yelled the shop keep as R blinked the further away Jared got. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” buzzed R as he flickered away. Jared pulled the door open and barreled out of the shop towards the club. He only had a few blocks to go, but he walked slow as he put his air pods back in. “Testing, KEEEETTTCH, Testing, SHEEEEESH Testing, Testing, Testing, is this thing on!” rang a loud voice from the air pods. “God dammit, yes dude I can hear you.” Jared pulled out the remote and looked down at the screen to see a little 2-D animation of R floating on it. “Excellent, let’s start with introductions!” blared the animation. R poofed away and was replaced by 4 more R’s in marching band uniforms holding trumpets blasting a fanfare into Jared’s ear. “Welcome to the Royal Speedo from the Sizemologist’s 4th collection! I am your guide for this machine as well as sometimes the machine itself, here to grow you beyond your wildest dreams!” shouted an R wearing a long flowing royal purple cape and a golden crown. “Still very loud, but I don’t think you understand how big I can dream,” replied Jared. He looked around to see if anyone saw him talking to this remote, but he was alone before he walked into the club. “We’ll see about that,” replied R as he flew off the screen and his head appeared next to the main menu. “So, to get started, you will need to select your levels.” A button labeled Levels highlighted itself and Jared clicked on it. “Select what levels of growth you want based on your prices.” Jared was presented with a screen of sliders. He saw lengths on the left side of the screen and dollar amounts on the right. He swept his fingers up and down on the screen to adjust the numbers accordingly. “What do you think is a generous number for how much I want to grow?” asked Jared. R blinked and the lens of the remote flashed and an angel R and a devil R appeared on Jared’s shoulders. “It would be wise to keep your ratio of cash to size low considering how much money men already give you for your body,” said Angel R on Jared’s shoulder holding a harp with a halo on its head. “Or knowing that you’ll be rolling in the dough come show time, you could make it pretty easy for you to grow with just a little bit. That way you can get huge fast!” grinned the Devil R holding a pitchfork with horns on his head. “I like that idea waaaay more!” Jared didn’t think much as he started moving his money meter down. “No no no, you can't do that! You’ll get so big so fast! That could be dangerous!” shouted the Angel R. “I suggest that you make it so that $100 would grow you a foot.” The Angel R crossed his arms and puffed air out of his nose as he flew in front of Jared’s face. “Dangerous shmangerous, let’s get this cash cow growing!” The Devil R bumped the Angel R away as Jared settled on his ratio. “Excellent choice master.” “Master, I kinda like that.” Jared devilishly grinned as he walked to the back entrance of the club. He had landed on $10 would grow him a foot taller. “And your name is just R? Does that stand for anything?” “Royal Model. I was fashioned for some of the most powerful people in the world,” replied R from back on the remote screen. “Then it’s perfect I’ll be wearing you. But I don’t like the name R. What about…Rob. Short for Robot.” R changed into a floating head with three dots coming out of it giving Jared a blank stare. “Alright, I’ll be Rob. Now to get the machine active, you’ll need to put the speedo on first.” Jared entered the club and made his way to the dressing room. Taking off his hoodie, he peeled off the tight tank top he had on under it. Shimmying out of his sweatpants and sliding his jock off to reveal his chubbed up 8-incher. Picking up the speedo, he fit one leg through the hole then the other. He was surprised just how much they were able to stretch around his massive legs. He pulled it over his fat ass and pulled the creases out around it and his crotch. He rearranged his balls nicely inside then looked at himself in the mirror. He was hot in them, even though it wasn’t advertised for it, Jared could swear his dick looked bigger in the speedo. He turned to the side and his jaw dropped from how fat his ass got. Like an overgrown cantaloupe overflowing the sides of the speedo. “Fuck, I love these things.” “Uh-huh, yeah I know they’re great. Now get over here,” chirped Rob from the remote. “Let me get a quick read through of your stats.” “A what? What are yo- Whoa!” Jared felt a surge of energy flow through his crotch as the golden stag lit up. It rode its way up his body over his abs, up to his pecs, and out his arms. All while running down his legs and spreading to his back. “What the fuck was that?” “You like?” the remote blinked as Jared picked it up and focused on the screen. “That’ll be what it feels like to grow. But for now, it was just to see what we’re working with now.” A table came up as it started tallying together some stats on Jared’s body. Height: 6 Feet Tall Weight: 250 Pounds Cock Size (Flaccid): 8 Inches Long Cock Size (Erect): 10 Inches Long “My oh my, you are a big one. I am excited to watch you grow.” Rob beeped and the screen went away. “Once you’re on stage, you just let me handle collecting the money. You just focus on getting those men’s hard earned cash and getting huge.” “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Jared pulled out his airpods and set them down next to his clothes. “Alright gentlemen, y’all are in for a treat tonight!” came Rob’s voice from the loud speaker. Jared admired himself in the mirror for a moment as his intro music played. “We have for you tonight one of the biggest men out there. And he just plans on getting bigger! You guys like that, right?” The crowd outside erupted with boisterous applause while Jared popped his pecs in the mirror. Rubbing his big nipples with some glitter as he stretched. “Well folks, if you would like to see this next dancer get even bigger, then don’t be afraid to show him some love. And by love, I mean cash!” Jared bounced his hair with his fingers and smiled at himself in the mirror. “Please give it up for…The Hulking Himbo!” (A quick author’s note here at the end, this is a growth drive! For Macro March, I am growing this hulking himbo as big as he can get and that will be based on how much you guys like him. To participate, click on the linktree I have in my bio and it’ll take you to the main post on my Twitter where you can grow this hunk. You can also grow him here by liking/favoriting the story, giving me a follow, or commenting on it on any of the other sites. Either way it’ll count towards this man getting bigger. The first round will go through March 1st to March 13th and I will post those results on March 16th. We’ll see how much he grows after just 1 week Hope you guys enjoy and Happy Macro March!)
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My name is Peter, but everyone calls me Pete. I’m a muscular 6 feet, 2 inches tall, 230 pound bisexual young man of 24 years of age. In Buffalo, New York, where I was born and raised, I’ve always pretty much been the biggest guy around. Chicks drool to have me bed them and a lot of dudes do, as well. Even though bisexual and appreciating anything sexual, really, when asked, I often explain that, like exhibited in most species, I have found the male to be, how shall I put it? Well, I find the male to be the most colorful and attractive, I suppose. I recently traveled up to Ontario, Canada to a city called Thunder Bay. I needed a break from the farm and had heard it was a great little city and a beautiful area. After settling into a hotel and grabbing a bite and a couple of drinks at the Outpost Campus Pub, I headed down to the waterfront just to walk around and found myself walking down by Marina Park when an unbelievably handsome native guy approached walking towards me. He appeared to be a few years older than me and a couple inches taller, which I wasn’t used to seeing. What caused me to do a double-take, however, was his obvious muscular bulk! This guy easily outweighed me by at least 20 or 30 pounds and his massive muscles stretched both his shirt and his jeans to the limit of their ability to contain such brawn and sinew. As we passed each other, we made eye contact and I grinned as he lifted his head in acknowledgment as we walked. Dark skin, simmering, dark eyes, full lips, black hair and an obviously powerful physique radiated this guy's stunning good looks and superior masculinity. I stopped and turned, unable to take my eyes off of this massive and obviously powerful Native American Adonis. His thick neck, massive arms, protruding chest, and powerful shoulders oozed of masculine supremacy. I watched in awe as his thick, rounded glutes rose and fell with each step he took, the width of his shoulders and thick, wing-like lats bulging from his manly frame. He slowed his pace a bit, stopped, and slowly turned towards me. He smirked as I stopped and began to panic at being caught staring. I quickly approached the man and blurted out, “Oh, hey, man! Excuse me, I - uh - I - could you direct me to the boat slips? I’m just visiting from the States and don’t quite know where I’m going.” The massive man looked me over and asked, “Where’s your map?” as he lifted an arm and pointed in the direction I should be heading. “There’s one that way. You know, where you see the boats docked.” he stated in a mocking tone. As he moved, I could see the muscles of his massively thick arms, chest, and neck swell and harden. GOD! The power that must be contained in such size and muscle mass. I regained composure and looked into his eyes. FUCK! Caught again as I’d been devouring hid muscles flexing with each of his movements. “Oh, yeah - uh - thanks, man.” I stuttered as he eyed me with amusement. “You are a pretty big guy. My name’s Kai, by the way. You must work out quite a bit.” he stated as he looked me over and extended his hand. My cock twitched as he mentioned his name. The name “Kai” has always dripped of masculinity and power in my mind and the name definitely fit him! I took his hand, returning his friendly gesture, and immediately felt my hand engulfed by the immensity of his huge paw. I winced as he squeezed, lightly for him, I assume, and shook my hand. “DAMN, you’re strong as FUCK!” I gushed as I pulled my hand back, nursing the pain caused by his grip, “Yeah, I work out quite a bit - and work on a farm, as well, so that helps keep me in shape, I guess. Oh, I’m Peter - you can call me Pete. Good to meet you, Kai.” “Just visiting, eh? Well, I’m heading over to meet my girl for a drink, if you’d like to join us.” he rumbled in response His girl? I couldn’t help but picture this hulking Native Indian with his woman! She, lying on her back, full, perky breasts engulfed by the massive hands of this godly young man as he hunches over her. His freakishly thick, solid muscles flexing as she squeals and moans in lustful pleasure, her hands roaming the expansive ranges of his hard, powerful, and rippling muscle-bod. Her juices squirting from between her legs in anticipation of receiving such a perfect trunk of hyper-masculine, muscle-cock! Kai expertly lines up his pre-cum pouring mushroom head with her her hot, wet, and gyrating pussy before its girth splits her wide open, her vagina eagerly slurping and sucking in its throbbing, steel-hard mass as she begs, “Oh, YES, you titanic beast! Fuck me, fuck - me, FUUUCK MEEE! Oh, GOD! MORE! HARDER! FUCK ME, KAI!” Kai then begins pile driving the pleading, lust-craved woman before ramming his colossal bucking python balls deep into her as his huge nuts pull close into his body and his mammoth cock erupts with volley after volley of his potent, boiling seed, filling her as his hot, thick jizz blows back out around his shaft and coating his titanic testicles. “Sounds good, Kai.” I said, tearing my brain away from my thoughts of this dark, powerful creature’s sexual assault on the object of his desire. He started walking and I began walking with him. “By the way, you must work out quite a bit, too. You’re swole as fuck, dude!” He grinned. “Just started, Pete. I’m naturally big, I guess, but want to be the absolute biggest, a massively muscular BEAST!” He reached down and adjusted his ample package absentmindedly and I marveled at how his huge palm seemed smaller in comparison to his flaccid junk bulging his jeans almost obscenely. “God DAMN, Kai! Standing next to you, you make me feel fucking small compared to your natural muscularity and huge size.” I truthfully praised him. “I hope to see you after you’ve worked out for a couple of years. God DAMN, man - you’ll be a fucking muscle GOD, bro!” I was so engrossed talking to this massive, uber-handsome Native dude that I hadn’t noticed that we had walked to a secluded area. Kai stopped and turned to me. “I know you’re into size. I saw it in your eyes when we passed each other - and you were almost drooling over my muscles when I pointed you to the marina - and when you shook my hand. You gasped out loud, you know. I’ve seen it before - the same look as a lot of women give me. A lot of guys, too, actually.” he smirked. “You gay, little white dude?” he asked tauntingly. Little white dude? I wasn’t used to “little” being any part of a description of me, but it didn’t feel wrong in the presence of this muscle god as his immensity and his sensually deep voice accosted any sense I had of self-masculinity. I took a step away from him, unsure if he was pissed. I can handle myself okay, but, as I mentioned, I did feel pretty inferior compared to him. I looked at him and answered, “I’m bi, actually,” answering the last question before addressing his other observation, “and yes, you are right - I’m TOTALLY into size, muscle, and power. That’s why I started working out so hard when I was just a kid.” This fucking stunning man grinned, lifted his hands and slipped his long fingers beneath the collar of his skin-tight shirt and simply ripped it from his torso effortlessly. All of the glorious muscles dancing beneath his brown skin were flexing in waves, individual muscle fibers rose and fell like dominoes falling beneath his dark, flawless skin before my incredulous eyes. My mouth dropped open as I beheld transcendent masculinity in human form standing before me, bulging and bare. His traps rose majestically behind his thick neck, tapering down and out to massive, boulder-like delts. His magnificent pecs billowed out and over thickly corrugated abdominal muscles flexing and relaxing alternately, his lat wings tapering down to his thin waist from behind - and my GOD! His ARMS! His masses of biceps muscles erupted into mounds of split-headed brawn with pounds of triceps bulging out behind, fighting for space with his upper lats! “Holy f-f-f-uuuuck...” hissed from my lips unconsciously as the behemoth tossed the remains of his shirt aside. I had worked all of my life to build a massively muscled body, but this guy surpassed me in every way, making my own thickly muscled body appear pathetically small and inferior - and he was just BEGINNING his muscle-building journey?!?! He scowled and flexed out a most muscular pose, his already massive musculature erupting with even more size, hardness, and power. Rope-like veins erupted all over his magnificent torso, beginning in his hands and arms and flowing up and out upon the expansive exposed surface of his rock-solid shoulders, neck, chest, and abs. This super man’s entire upper body simply lit up and bulged with veins, muscle and power like a fucking Christmas tree. “Holy fucking CHRIST!” I blurted as my knees went weak and I began to breathe in short ragged gasps. I felt my cock rocketing to attention to salute such masculine superiority. “Yeah, I thought so.” his deep voice rumbled over me as the scent of his testosterone laden sweat wafted into my nostrils. My eyes roamed over his perfectly formed, muscle-bloated torso. I was speechless. I was finding it hard to breathe. Kai raised one arm and flexed, the venous split head of his mountainous biceps rising towards his clenched fist as granite hard triceps exploded down and writhed beneath the skin as if trying to burst free. “Go ahead, little man, you know you want to feel what REAL size and power feels like!” he taunted as he licked his full lips with a tongue that made me wince, moistening his lips as if he were hungry for something. I mindlessly lifted my hand as if obeying a command and placed it on biceps larger than my fucking head. My hand barely capped the peak of the scalding, diamond-hard cap of the exhibition of masculinity bursting up from Kai’s mighty arm. I felt light-headed and weak. This colossal Kai took my wrist in his other massive hand and moved my trembling hand from his biceps to his heaving pectoral, sliding it over his sweaty flesh as he did. “BOOM!” he thundered as he flexed his mighty chest harder as it instantly ballooned further out over his thickly corrugated abdominals. He slid my open palm over the hard, hot waving muscles of his expansive chest to the deep cleavage created by such inhuman mountains of solid, diamond hard power. He relaxed before shoving my hand into the deep pec valley and flexed again, crushing my entire hand in between such potent pectoral perfection. I looked up into his stunningly handsome face as I felt, and saw, his muscles flex even larger, harder, more magnificent! Wait! I looked UP over his billowing pectorals at his face?!?! How could that be? I was just a couple inches shorter than him! I felt even weaker as his body seemed to balloon with even more size and power. Confused and consumed with a lust I’d never before felt, I pleaded weakly, “Wh-what’s happening to me, Kai?” I looked up to see his head nestled back in between his two sloping ranges of rippling trapezius muscle, his thick neck muscles bulging and snaked with thick, pulsing, blood filled veins as his pronounced Adam’s apple bobbed up and down hungrily. “Oh, FUCK, YESSSS!” thundered from this burgeoning colossus of a man as my vision began to blur and I slipped in and out of semi-consciousness. This Native GOD was growing (or was I shrinking?). —------- As I lay semi-conscious at your feet, this is what I saw in my dream-like state: I see you, Kai, exploding into an absolute Native GOD of brutal, lust-filled muscular power. People are drawn to admire you. Your mere aura of masculine perfection draws from them a desire to please you. As you grow, your self-recognition of what you truly are affects all inferior beings and they (we) realize that the world and its inhabitants are nothing but playthings to you . . . existing for your amusement and pleasure. You are to be worshiped, adored, served, and pleased in any way you desire. I see you, Kai, in your future form, what you were always meant to become, a truly brutal and barbaric muscle god! A superior being born of a superior race! You are everything I have always dreamed of becoming, and so much more. You can control your size, as well as the size of anyone and anything else. Your power is limitless! You brush me aside, your new-found size almost glowing. You look me in the eyes and growl, “BEHOLD, PUNY PETER, WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS LONGED TO SEE.” You raise your arms and flex hard, your godly muscles growing as you expand. 10 feet (your jeans, underwear, shoes, and socks, explode in tatters from your muscled limbs as your grow), 15 feet, 25 feet (I scramble to avoid being smeared to a pulp by your expanding feet as you move to compensate for your growth), 50 feet, 75 feet, and, finally, your magnificent, titanic and swole muscle body ceases to grow at over 100 feet of unstoppable power. Your colossal form pulses with masculine superiority in every form - male sexuality, beastly brutality, unstoppable power Your titanic, muscular body is the body of a god. Your flaccid, prodigious penis is larger than any man that ever lived and bulges out over balls the size of cars. I see you smile, reach down and pick up a car from the street. You peel the roof off like it is nothing but tin foil. I can hear the terrified screams of the occupants as your head nestles back into your voluminous traps, your neck bulging with muscle, pronounced Adam’s apple slowly rising and falling. You lift the car over your gaping mouth and slowly tilt the little vehicle. You seem to enjoy the screams of terror of the first victims of your vicious realization of what you are as they tumble from the car, clawing at the air, and into your hungry, waiting mouth. You clench your jaws shut with a snap. You look down at me as I slowly back away from you, trying to be far enough away to see every inch of your dark, swole, all-powerful and godly body. I see you moving the struggling little meat-sacks around in your mouth before you grin and brutally clench your jaws together. Blood sprays out and rains upon me as the squishy crunch for your unfortunate snacks’ demise reaches my ears. You chew and swallow your first mouthful of human protein. I tremble, not so much in fear, but overwhelming awe and excitement of FINALLY seeing a man being true masculinity unleashed. I see the bloody remnants of what, just seconds before, were but puny little humans whose lives you literally held in your hands. Being in your presence fills me with a desire to please you, to witness your size and power used as it should be - to bring you pleasure, no matter the consequences to anything, nor anyone, around you. The blood flowing from the corners of your mouth is nothing but remnants of a snack you desired - and deserved. You notice a man and woman running. You lift your foot and move it so that it overshadows them. The man looks up and stumbles as the woman continues, but turns back. You slowly lower your expansive sole over the little man as he begins to beg. “No, NO, NOOOOO!” as you continue to lower your foot, relishing first the light pressure of his arms uselessly pushing back against your foot’s descent, then the snapping of bones and crushing of his puny little body to a bloody, unrecognizable goop squirting from beneath your foot. Your quads and calf muscles bulge and ripple as you grind your foot into the pavement, easily cracking it. I hear, “OH, YESSS!” rumble from above as I look up at your smirking face. I notice your colossal cock beginning to pulse to life, thickening and lengthening as a road-map of thick veins engorge around the shaft, flooding your sex trunk with shaft-stiffening blood. The woman, staring at your foot that has smashed her man like nothing but an annoying little insect, is screaming insanely. You reach down and pluck her from the sidewalk, flailing and kicking about uselessly. You carefully remove the clothing from her body, damaging her as little as possible in the process. “MMMMM, BEAUTIFUL!” you boom as you place her in your free palm and lick your lips viewing her sexy little body. I see your massive penis continue to thicken, and rise majestically before you, easily overcoming the fight of gravity attempting to pull such hefty, masculine bulk downward. “NORMALLY, I WOULD FUCK YOU,” you chuckle, “BUT I GUESS YOU’LL HAVE TO FUCK ME - OR AT LEAST FEED MY SEXUAL NEEDS, TINY BITCH. HA, HA, HA!” you thunder sadistically as you lower your palm to your throbbing cock head and push the screaming woman’s head into your now pre-cum flowing piss slit. Immediately, the opening begins to close upon the fledgling little woman while pulling her wriggling body in. Your cock quickly devours her and your massive fingers wrap around your thick shaft and slowly stroke, her body crushed to liquid in your deadly cock as you sadistically rumble, “MMMM, YEAH, BABY!” You grab two others not quick enough to escape your reach and simply deposit them upon your cock before enveloping their brittle little bodies with your stroking fist. They are quickly reduced to nothing but smears upon your shaft flesh, a gritty lube for your pleasure (crimson streaks of remains mixed with your boiling, now freely flowing pre-cum adorn - all that is left of the two humants you used). “AWWW, FUCK YEAH!” you bellow as you begin walking away from the waterfront. I hear screams quickly cut short with a loud, squishy CRUNCH with your first step and look as your massive, deadly foot rises, bloody corpses stuck to your sole like nothing but bugs crushed under your immense muscular weight. I see you reach down with your free fist and it encircles a bus. You lift it to your waist. I envy those doomed people in the bus. They get the stunning, close up view of you, our all-powerful muscle-god and the largest muscle-cock ever to exist! What do you have planned for the bus and its occupants, I wonder, as I begin drooling lustfully from every orifice, longing to feel your muscular power, to serve such masculine perfection, no matter the cost to me, one so pathetically small, weak, and inferior. —------- My eyes fluttered open to see the massive Kai leaning over me, your muscles defying gravity as they bulge hard with every movement you make. “My God.” escapes my lips as my cock involuntarily explodes in submissive orgasm at the thought of how easily this godly man could snap me in two, my semi-conscious vision of his beginning rampage still clearly in my mind’s eye. You could easily crush me and smear my muscled body to a paste upon your flesh like nothing but unneeded war paint (your sheer size, power, and superior masculinity would elicit enough fear in any sane man). I babble like a fucking brook, “I unconsciously worshiped you the moment I saw you. I now know I was born to worship such unbridled power, such masculine perfection to serve you.” You smirk and stand. “Good boy.” your powerful voice thunders. You extend your massive hand towards me. “Come on, little man, let me help you up. Let’s go get those drinks. My treat - only fair since you fed me some size. You have NO idea what I am becoming!” Your torso and arms explode with thickly corded, rock-solid muscle as your powerful, oaken arm reaches towards me, your pectorals ballooning and crushing together like two small planets colliding. My cock worshipfully pulses back to life as my brain returns to the thought of you doing anything you please with whoever you please. I feel so exposed, my bulging jeans’ crotch and thigh fabric dark with my recent jizz explosion and, now gawking at manly perfection, freshly flowing pre-cum. “I-I-I th-think I d-d-do know wh-what you are, Kai!” I responded in sheepish awe as I raise my hand to yours, “Whatever you say, Sir.” Your expansive fist swallows mine and you effortlessly lift me to my feet. The stunningly handsome, colossally muscled Native Indian smirks down at me as I look up into dark eyes. FUCK! I am level with your massive pecs! Your eyes lower to my tented, wet crotch which I quickly cover with my free hand. Your eyes raise back to mine as you growl, “Bi my ass, little man. I knew you were a fucking fag when you couldn’t take your eyes off of this.” You raise an arm, flex, turn your head and lick the majestic, hard biceps. You continue, “Looks like I’m a lot bigger than you, doesn’t it, little man?” You swipe my hand away from covering my tented crotch, visibly throbbing. “Or should I say ‘little girl’? Is big, bad, bi Petey turned on by the most powerful muscle-man he’s ever seen?” I pull away and step back, stunned not only by your increased bulk and stature, but by your cocky, dominant attitude. You grab my hand, place it on your mountainous pectoral again and flex. “You my little BITCH, puny white boy?” you growl in disgust. You release my hand, but I unconsciously move it across the massive, inundating and rippling mass of muscle that is the giant Native’s chest, gasping as it lands on your huge man-tit. You grin, raise both arms and flex over me. “Muscle-bitch Petey wants to worship what I am, doesn’t he?” You lower your oaken arms, one hand adjusting the mass of man-meat moving beneath your jeans. My mouth goes dry. I feel butterflies in my gut. My cock throbs painfully. I want to argue, but I can’t take my eyes off of such an absolute mountain of a man. The memories of my semi-conscious visions of this power-house brutally manhandling whoever he chose floods my brain as my head simply nods in response without me even thinking. I long, no LUST, to worship this Native Indian god of muscular size and power, to provide you with ANYTHING you want - and you know it. I long to shower praise upon you for your massive and bulging brawn and sinew, your incredibly powerful and swole masculine perfection, to encourage you to increase, to grow, to overshadow everything, to be the GOD you are created to be! I feel drool dripping from the side of my mouth. “I thought so, you fucking little pussy.” you grunt while turning and walking away. I gasp, again, at the inhuman width of your muscular back and shoulders, your squarely rounded glutes stretching the back of your jeans, rising and falling majestically as you walk away. A guy in a car parked by the sidewalk opens his window and yells at you, “Put a shirt on, you fucking freak!” You slow, stop, and look at the car before slowly and deliberately walking over to it, flexing menacingly. The guy starts the car in order to avoid a confrontation with such a massive and obviously powerful man. You don’t say a word to the guy. You just walk up to the car’s driver side, kneel down and put both hands underneath the car. What happens next brings me to my knees in total disbelief and worshipful awe. Your neck, back, and arms explode with thick, venous muscle and power as your jeans balloon to almost bursting with ass and leg muscle. You slowly lift the car from the road! You actually toss it up to move your massive hands more central under the vehicle for better balance before lifting the car over your head. Your entire upper body is an anatomy chart of the male muscular form. The man in the car begins screaming frantically, “No! No! NOOO! Put me DOWN, You FREAK!” Fear was dripping with his words. You, the almighty Kai, look me in the eye with your menacing, black eyes as you curl your fingers INTO the metal of the car you’re effortlessly holding over your head. You begin to pull the two ends of the car together from underneath. Your colossally muscled body explodes with even more size and super-human strength as the sounds of tortured metal squeal and screech, screaming through the air. The car’s flimsy (to YOU) frame succumbsd to the will of almighty Kai’s vastly superior strength and power. The man continues screaming like a wailing woman until the car simply folds in on itself. The muffled CRUNCH and slurpy SPLAT of the man’s body merges with the sounds of the car’s crunching collapse. Blood and gore spurts out the window and exploding windshield of the now demolished car, dripping down onto your gloriously pumped torso. This colossal Kai is a brutal fucking muscle BEAST! You toss the car aside effortlessly and spread the fresh blood across your hard, rippling chest in triumph. Your head pivots on your powerful neck to glance back at me. “That fucking little INSECT! FUCK, that felt good - it felt RIGHT, little man. Enjoy seeing TRUE power used by a REAL man? Look at you, insignificant, puny Pete, you pathetically weak little INSECT.” you deride me mercilessly. I nut on the spot, my jeans now drenched in my pre-cum mixed with my fresh pulsing, spurting cum. “You coming, you puny little size queen?” you derided me rightfully. “I knew you were drawn to me like a fucking moth to a flame. I could almost smell it flowing from your pores when you first laid eyes on me.” You were right. I stood. I followed. My thickly muscled, 6 feet, 2 inch, 230 pound body is now small and weak compared to colossal Kai’s vastly superior muscular bulk. I suppose it always was. I always thought I was unusually big and strong, but I really had nothing to compare myself to - until YOU . . . until Kai . . . the Native GOD . . massive size, limitless power, and insatiable virility incarnate! Your mere presence emasculated me completely as soon as I saw power personified walking towards me for the first time on that sidewalk. Your supreme existence demands worship and adoration as you increase into MORE! I exist to help you evolve into your desired being.
- 6 replies
- 23
- muscle-growth
- snuff
(and 7 more)
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So with tumblr's new policies, Im finding it hard to find or read some of my favorite MG scinerios and stories, So I made my own here. This one was inspired by "While you were gone..." for those who recognize the simularities. Enjoy. *Also, I appear to have posted this in the wrong location earlier, I do apologize for this. ------------ Hal was a weak guy. Must have been by blood, as he worked out four times a week and consumed protein-rich foods at every occasion, yet still only amassed to about 170lbs and a flat stomach (he worked hard for that, he told himself) but he always wanted more. That all changed with his discovery of "extrazilla". ETZ was a bio-enhancement syrum sold on the black market supposedly as a rejected supersoldier steroid. It required a lot of sleuthing, untrustworthy downloads to his computer, and over four months of saving up bitcoin to finally purchase a product. " Hmmm", he questioned, "New Extrazilla Extraeme, just released today and supposedly works over twenty times as strong as the normal brand, now includes new features *wink*" . Hal smiled with this and clicked "purchase now", " Sounds like thats for me" he said smiling and leaning back in his chair. He was quickly interrupted by his roommate Mark, "Yo I need the computer when you get the chance." Hal responded with, "Yeah sure, give me another few minutes." Mark rolled his eyes and said "You got 10 douche". Mark was a dick, slightly taller than Hal and much more lucky with the genetic lottery. He weighed roughly 190 pounds and could bench 250, but what really pissed Hal off was his phallic regions. Hal felt blessed with a 6" decently sized dick, until a few weeks after moving in, when he caught a brief glimpse of Mark's monster. Hal didn't have the exact numbers but he reasoned it must have been at least 10", if not more. To top it off Mark was rich, never had to work a day as he progressed through college, and frequently brought home different sluts to fuck mercilessly in their shared room. Hal snickered to himself "soon he's going to be the guy envying me" and placed the order. Hal then continued throughout his day, went to bed, and went to work and back in his normal daily cycle for another two days. On the third day he could hardly contain himself at work. As soon as he found the confirmation the package had arrived, he took off early sprinting home to his apartment's mail box room. However, when he arrived, he found the mail box to be empty. Huh. That's strange I definitely received the email... Then a small fear rooted itself in the back of his spine. "No... " Hal dashed upstairs as quickly as he could, and entered his apartment. Inside, he confirmed his fears were well founded. On the counter were two open boxes, one from "Extrazilla" and the other from "Lab 12". As well, Mark's football friend Jake (a taller man ,dumb as rocks, roughly 250 pounds, all muscle) and his on-and-off girlfriend Halley (short, cheer squad member, issues with cocaine, smaller breasts, phat ass). "Well well well, look what we got here Jake! Hold him..." Mark said grinning mischievously. Hal tried to run but Jake caught him, held him down and tied him to a chair. "What the fuck Mark?" I yelled. "Yeah, I know that's what I said! Turns out both our packages arrived today! Imagine my surprise when I find my douchebag roommate ordered the most saught after growth elixir in the world! And you were going to use all this stuff on yourself weren't you Hal?" "Wait what was in your package?" Hal asked. "Something new and exciting from my old man's lab, it's a three piece set actually made by the same people who make your stuff, but this line is more experimental and is meant to target a different audience." Mark smirked as he said this and continued, "Unlike your selfish ass, I decided to share my spoils with my friend Jake there. We just waited around because we wanted you to watch as we bulk into fucking bodybuilders." Hal watched in horror as Mark injected himself with one of the five syringes in my package. For a minute he looked like he was going to be sick, then fell to the floor grinning evilly. "I feel it.... Oh god yes I feel it! More! More!" He screamed. As he did, his chest was rising steadily, pressing against his shirt as his already well-defined pectorals jetted out a few more centimeters. His arms went from slightly buff to outright jacked. "This is too damn slow.." He grunted angrily, thrusting a second syringe into himself. His eyes went full white as they rolled back in his head. His already jacked arms practically doubled in size as the rest of his body burst out of his clothes. He had a perfect 8-pack of abs leading down to his still 10" cock. His legs had grown larger as well launching him from about 6'1 to roughly 7ft tall. "Look at me!" Mark said "Im a fucking machine!" He proceeded to entertain himself by flexing his various muscles. From the other side of the room Jake and Halley were just as wide-eyed as Hal. Halley approached Mark and started rubbing her hands all over him. "Hmmm my big strong man's so big and sexy now" and promptly squatted down slightly to start sucking his massive cock. He grabbed her head and moaned as he rolled his head back. "Mmmmm thats good bitch, use them lips..." Jake spoke up at this point: "Hey dude, Im starting to get a little weirded out by this, so Im goin to go ahead and take my share..." He said injecting two of the syringes in at once. Like Mark, his eyes rolled back into his head as his already massive body started to expand. His shirt was gone in seconds, destroyed by his massive chest. He was certainly bigger than Mark, but he wasn't nearly as well defined, amounting to only a 6 pack and very thick legs jutting him up to about 8ft from 7ft tall. The real miracle at work though was what was between his legs. Jake was packing an absolute anaconda, well over a foot long. Hal stared at the massive man as tears rolled down his face. He had worked for that money. He found and bought that product, and now he had nothing to show for it. As Hal stared in dispair, Jake noticed as his transformation finished. "You like that lil bitch boy? That's fucking 13 inches of cock your fagot ass can't have." Hal turned his head away the best he could, only to catch a glimpse of Halley and Mark on the other side of the room. She was now fully stripped naked, with her clothes laying on the floor ripped in half. She had both of her legs bent upwards as Mark's titanic cock crammed itself inside of her. "Hey bitch boy..." Said Jake, grabbing Hal's face, "You have no idea how fucking Horny this stuff makes you." Hal shuddered and said "Oh I can scarcely imagine". And before he could object, Jake crammed his 13 inch meat into Hal's throat and began force fucking it. For a solid 20 minutes, Jake continued to cram his cock down Hal until he passed out from lack of oxygen. Hal awoke a bit later with his stomach and throath lined with a thick bitter cum. When Hal got up he found he was naked and looked over to Jake and Mark, they were both naked and standing around the table again, this time holding a package with the letter " A " Written on the side of it. It contained pills. Halley opened the bottle and took two. Mark noticed Hal had gotten up and walked over. "Damn dude, you're still alive?" Then quickly crammed one of the pills from his box into Hal's mouth. Hal spit it out in disgust not knowing what it could do to me. Mark didn't like this and picked it up off the floor. He crammed it back into Hal's mouth, this time accompanied by his fingers which pushed it down his throat. It didn't take long for the effects to take place. "Thats a little sample of Sex-zilla prototype 3.2111. Or " A" as the nerds call it. Whatever " A " is, it affects sexual organs". Hal looked down at his now reletively pathetic 6" cock, withered and flacid now making it about 3". As Hal stared at it, it did appear to grow slightly as it hardened. He felt a small dripping of electricity, or hormones, or just straight power flow out of his stomach and into his genitals. It wasn't a huge improvement, but it made Hal's meat about a half-an-inch larger. He thought everything was over, but then ended up grabbing his throat. He felt it changing somehow. And just like that the sensation was gone. "That was one pill," said Halley from the other side of the room. "Look what two gets you..." As Hal looked up he saw her standing dominantly over me touching herself. Her breasts were noticeably larger, growing from a small B cup to at least CCCs. Her ass had expanded as well, now roughly the size of a beachball. "Ive got more for you to luckly little man" she said as she popped a few more of the pills and wrapped her legs around Hal's face. Hal felt her getting bigger as she squeezed him, and although he couldn't see it, Halley's breasts now sat at a whooping FF size, and her ass smoothed and grew into a sexy little firm heart shape. After a few moments she let go and walked back to her man. Mark and Jake were messing with the rest of the "A" pills, and to Hal's horror, saw the two men each downing at least twenty pills apiece. Both of their cocks stood straight up and began to swell. Halley fell on the floor in front of them, opened her legs and said "come on boys, get in there..." Mark and jake immediately crammed their expanding junk into her in any way they could. With each thrust, the two had to pull out further and further. After a full half hour of treating Halley like a pump powered train car, she erupted with cum pouring out of everything and passed out. Jake and Mark high fived each other and admired their new manhoods. Easily each one was two feet long and seemed to breathe almost, swelling to twice the size before subsiding back to the still ridiculous length and girth. "Now for stage 3" Mark said opening box "B". Hal shuddered and tried to escape the room, only to find the door out had been barred with his own bed, much too large for him to move it. Mark approached Halley's unconscious body and injected her with a blue needle. "Now you will become my queen baby" he said. Meanwhile, Jake had approached me and kissed my ear from behind, and stabbing me with another needle from the same box. Hal became worried as he waited for the transformation to take place, but none arrived. Halley however had woken up. "Hmm..." said Mark. "Looks like you need some kind of boost to get the desired effect..." He then took the final Extrazilla serum and inserted it into Halley. She bent backward in ecstasy. She felt a new rush of power sweep over her as her breast expanded a little more and every muscle in her body became supercharged. She quickly gained a flat stomach and toned perfect legs. Soon after, her eyes went jet black as she stood there motionless. "Sorry Jake, looks like we don't have any more for you and your lesser half." Said Mark looking at Hal. Jake looked disappointed. Mark then pulled out the final box marked "C" and drank the entire glass of it. "Hey we were going to share that man!" Jake said suddenly. Mark just looked down at the three of us with intense malice in his eyes. He then stabbed Jake with another needle from box "B" as Jake looked up in horror. He froze in that state as his eyes went jet black. Mark turned to Hal and smiled "You get to watch the fun part...". Marks eyes suddenly changed to a bright green color as the effects of " C" began to take root. His already oversized cock swelled to max size again and seemed to harden to a crystal-like state. Lustfully, he bent down to Halley and picked her up, setting her on this massive cock. Upon doing so, her skin bleached. Turning paler and paler, then, as if his dick was like a straw, he sucked Halley's entire body into his own. "Fuck YES!" Mark screamed. He had grown again. "So... This is what it's like..." Mark said. "I feel everything. Her blood. Her muscles. Her thoughts. Her brain. Its all mine... We... Are one..." Hal looked in horror at this, then realized exactly what was about to happen next. Mark approached Jake from behind and inserted his cock in the same manner as he did to Halley. Just the same, Jake became more and more pale, then just absorbed into Mark's body. It took a lot longer this time, and was a much more noticeable change. Mark was now about 10 feet tall, hunching over to fit in the room. His cock was like a massive snake, and he had full control over it like a third arm as it slithered around the room. Mark flexed continuously as he stared upwards with glowing eyes. "I am smarter now..." He said to no one. "I am the strongest. The fastest. The smartest. I am the most powerful being... On this planet... Hal...." Hal was still desperately trying to escape to no avail, but stopped when Mark said his name. "Please... Please don't eat me..." He whimpered. "You? " Mark asked smirking "You really think we want you to join us? Pathetic. This subhuman waste of garbage would only weaken us. I am better than you Hal, Definitively. It is now a proven fact, deduced mathematically." To Hal this hurt his esteem as much as his sanity. Mark pulled out his phone and placed it on his dick, fusing with the charge port. After a few minutes he spoke again. "To the rest of the world, Halley and Jake have just eloped together to Paris. No one will question their disappearance. Nor will they question mine as I've removed all memory of myself from all of human record." "Where are you going?" Hal asked pathetically. "I'm going to ascend to a higher state of life. I will become a powerful god, capable of controlling the whole universe.... And you... Hal.... You're going to be my bitch." Mark then proceeded to grab Hal and flip him over before he began to fuck him. His massive cock burning a crippling pain in Hal's body. After roughly half an hour of this, a glowing spark of electricity opened like a third eye on Mark's forehead, and in a flash he was gone. Hal awoke sometime that night covered in golden cum. Somehow this healed him from his wounds that should have paralyzed him. Hal didn't know what to think. Everything was gone off the table without a trace. There was no record of anyone else ever having lived there. Eventually Hal decided to take a shower and forget the whole thing. But as he got out of the shower, written in golden cum across his wall was a message "We are everywhere Hal -Mark" Mystified and scared Hal watched as the letters continued to appear "Why don't you try to appease us with some sacrifices. How about shrimp? We are in the mood for seafood. Oh and Hal, I'd hate to find out what the Jake side of me will do to you if you don't do everything we ask. Get ready bitch." As the final letter made its self apparent to him, Hal felt a sharp and familure pain in his throat and ass. (To be continued)
I walked up to the closing fast food joint as a guy was locking the door and begged him to let me in for just a quick bite. He grinned and opened the door and let me in before closing and locking the doors behind us. I looked as he walked to the counter and behind it. I wasn’t here by accident. I knew how massive this kid was! As he walked, he peeled the t-shirt from his torso as I heard his deep voice rumble, “Sorry it’s so hot in here, dude. The a/c cut out a couple of hours ago and they can’t get to it until morning.” I heard him, but was distracted by the full, rounded muscles dancing across this boy’s impossibly wide back. HIs thickly muscled neck and sloping traps were clearly visible due to his short-cropped, black hair. Cannon-ball deltoids rippled and capped oaken arms on either side of this teen colossus’ body as his powerful triceps hardened and relaxed with each swing of his massive arms. He was masculine perfection! I had definitely chosen the right teen on which to test my growth serum. He walked to the back, beyond my view. In a few seconds, he returned, extending his vein-mapped arm with a cappuccino in his massive hand. I looked up into his face. GOD, he was gorgeous! Perfect Asian face, angular jaw, full lips, high and pronounced cheekbones, and piercing, black eyes. My cock lurched at the sensual assault of merely being in the presence of this young, masculine hunk. “Th-thanks.” I stuttered, “But I don’t drink cappuccinos.” The kid smirked down at me and said, “How about if I add some flavor you like, man?” he inquired smugly as he set the steaming cup on the counter in front of him. The cup sat in front of the hulking teen’s crotch and I couldn’t help but notice the bulk straining the fabric below his belt. Without thinking I looked up at him and muttered, “You’re a big one, aren’t you?” His head was leaned forward over the cup with lips pursed. He raised his eyes to meet mine as he released a long rope of spit from his mouth which flowed down into the cup. Still holding eye contact, he extended his tongue to cut off the flow of saliva and raised his head. “Never been called small, dude. Interested now?” he asked in a deep, sultry voice while pushing the large cup on the counter towards me. “What the FUCK, kid?!?! I’m not drinking that?” I blurted. “Dude! I know when a guy appreciates muscle, if you know what I mean - and I think you do. I’ve seen you in here before watching me, little man.” he purred as he raised his arms and flexed over me, his torso erupting with massive, solid mounds of muscle inundating beneath the vein-mapped, dark skin stretched over such powerful brawn. My dick responded immediately and throbbed larger, betraying my lustful appreciation for the godly Asian teen taunting me so mercilessly. He had always been so respectful when I’d been considering him for the experiment. This cockiness was unexpected. What if the serum amplified his superior attitude along with his physical stature, I wondered. The boy glanced at my tenting crotch and smiled, “Yeah, dude, you like what you see, don’t you, little man?” He lowered his arms and slowly unbuckled his belt before unbuttoning the top of his slacks and slowly lowering the zipper. I was mesmerized by every movement this rippling muscle-boy made. He lowered his slacks revealing massive, cut quads and poser briefs fighting a losing battle to contain the mass of his obviously huge cock and balls. They stretched down obscenely and continued to stretch further as his growing python throbbed larger and larger, exposing increasing amounts of the boy’s thick, venous shaft as it continued stretching the fabric thin. I was shaken from my slack-jawed stupor by the boy’s voice, “Oh, yeah, little man, you REALLY like what you see! And you’re in luck, you little size queen, ‘cause I’m horny as FUCK after roasting in this sweltering place all day.” I stepped back as he hoisted his semi-flaccid, vein-encased cock-mass from his posers, his huge, churning balls flopping out over the stretched-thin posers. It was long, at least ten inches, and thick like a vein-wrapped, throbbing beer can with an even thicker, mushroom head beginning to bubble pre-cum from its hungry, gaping slit. He took my cappuccino and stepped back from the counter. He smirked, once again, and lowered the cup to below his prodigious penis, his arms and chest ballooning with muscular size as he did so. “I KNOW what you like, little man.” he purred as he flexed and wagged his semi-hard cock forcing incredible amounts of pre-cum to bubble forth to flow into the steaming cup. At the same time, from above, he pursed his thick lips and deftly spit a little more saliva into the cup. “W-W-What are you d-d-d-oing?!??” I quivered as I felt my now rock-hard dick begin to pour pre-cum into my jeans watching this cocky and horny, drop-dead gorgeous Asian teen. “More flavor and thicker body for your drink, mister. I told you I knew what you like and what you want.” he stated smugly as he lowered his cock-head into the drink and began to stir it with his pre-leaking, growing cock. “Holy FUCK!” I blurted as he closed his eyes and licked his grinning lips. The thought of what my serum might do to this horse-hung, muscle-bound, and studly hunk short-circuited any misgivings I may have had about continuing with my experiment. “Mmmm, oh, YEAH!” he rumbled as he slowly removed his sex-trunk from the cup, still dripping coffee, saliva, and pre-cum back into the steaming liquid. “That cappuccino is almost as hot as I am, little man.” He stroked his thickening, elongating cock a couple of times before lifting his hand to his lips and lapping his man-cappuccino from his powerful appendage. “Yeah, THAT”S the way you like it. Maybe after you finish your drink, I’ll feed you, little man. You said you’re hungry, right, muscle slut?” he asked as he licked his long, thick fingers. “Now I bet you’re REALLY hungry and feel like feeding on a fucking muscle-teen cock, boi, don’t you?” “Yes, Sir.” I responded automatically as one of my hands in my pockets gripped my rigid pole through the fabric, pre-cum now pulsing visibly through my jeans. With my free hand, I reached in my other pocket and grabbed the pre-filled syringe. He held the cup out to me and ordered, “Quench your thirst, first, little man, but, first, strip and show me what YOU’RE made of, little man.” My eyes dilated, taking in his massively muscular, sexually charged form, and stunningly rugged, handsome face. I stumbled back. “WHAT?” I blurted out, trying to figure how to inject this kid. He was not the docile, muscle-bound teen I had thought he was. The muscle-boy stepped back, lowered the cup to his now rigid, foot-long cock pointing straight up in front of his thickly muscled abdominals and below the overhang of his massive pectorals. “Beg for it, boy!” he commanded with complete authority. “Beg for your muscle-god’s spit and pre-cum cappuccino.” He smirked as he raised his free arm and flexed hard. He turned his stunning face and kissed the mountain of split-headed biceps towering up to his massive, clenched fist. He then extended his long, thick tongue and lapped at the expansive, hard surface of the bunched muscle as a guttural, “Mmmm, yeah.” rumbled from his throat. “Oh my GOD!” I blurted. The impossibly swole and handsome teen looked down at me and smirked. “Oh, YEAH, little power freak, tell me more! You want to worship this powerful muscle teen, little man? Be my little bitch, maybe my fucking cum dump?” he growled, aggression obviously festering beneath his self-assured attitude of superiority. He thrust the cup towards me. “Drink it. NOW!” he ordered. I grabbed the cup and slurped it down greedily before handing the empty cup back to him. He grinned, snatched the cup from my hand and pushed his cock head down as he flexed his abs hard. Pre-cum shot into the cup and continued flowing until the large cup was full of his hot, manly nectar. “Holy FUCK!” I blurted in awe as he released his rigid tool and it slapped back up into his abs with a loud THWACK, splattering his still flowing pre-cum onto his lower chest and corrugated abs. I quickly snatched the syringe from my pocket, lifted it to my mouth, and bit down on the needle-cap, pulling it off. Fortunately, he had been focusing on the pre-cum overflowing cup in his hand and I stepped towards him as I moved my hand with the needle behind my back. I took the cup overflowing with his hot pre-cum and roping to the floor. I lifted the cup to my lips, tilted my head back, opened my mouth, and tipped the cup. The thick, salty-sweet pre-cum dumped from the cup in a wad, filling my mouth and flowing over my face and clothing as I gulped down what I could, scooping what escaped from my face and clothing and hungrily devouring it. “Awww, YEAH, little bitch!” the teen muscle-boy boomed. “You're a hungry little cock sucker, aren’t you?” He pushed his cock back down with one hand while grabbing the back of my head with the other, pulling my mouth to his flared, throbbing, and pre-cum pulsing cock head. I opened my pre-slick mouth as he plopped his large mushroom cock crown through my lips. I looked up and saw him smirking down at me as he began to slowly force his shaft into my face I had intended on talking to the boy and asking him if he wanted to be even bigger, the biggest man alive, actually, but I obviously couldn’t talk. He, obviously, loved being massive and in control. I looked up to see his head thrown back into his muscular shoulders as he moaned, “Fuck yeah, little cock-sucker! EAT that massive MEAT!” he rumbled lustily. Still looking at the sexy vision of his handsome face nestled in between his muscled shoulders and thick, rippling neck, eyes closed, I quickly jabbed the needle in his hard, throbbing shaft, and depressed the plunger. He apparently was so into skull fucking me that the injection directly into his long, thick penis didn’t even register. I dropped the needle as he impaled my face balls deep onto his fuck trunk and he moaned, “Oh, FUCK, little man! My cock’s on FIRE! SUCK, little fucker, SUCK! I was choking as he began to rhythmically pile-drive his sex trunk into my throat. Skull fucking was an understatement with the sexually charged teen sex machine. Apparently, my choking was pleasant stimulation because, just before I passed out, I felt the first volley of his volcanic ejaculation flood my stomach. His volume filled my gut until it was pushed back up my throat and out around his shaft. He withdrew his artillery from my mouth and kept cumming, covering me in his jizz. I stumbled back and looked up at him. He had a blissful look on his face as he looked down at me. “Fuck, little cock sucker. That was fucking AWESOME! I’ve never cum so much in my LIFE . . . not even with chicks! And FUCK! I’m still hard as a rock and horny as HELL!” he breathed heavily. I could see his large balls churning, pulling up into his body, then lowering, over and over. He began to stroke his cum slick shaft slowly and moan, “Oh, god . . . oh god . . . oh, FUCK! I feel so fucking horny, so hot! UNGH! Oh, FUCK! My muscles feel tight and hard, pumped, like I just worked out, man!” He looked down at me, raised his arms and flexed, looked over his muscle bulging body, then back down. His eyes focused on the needle. “What the FUCK, you fucking faggot! What did you do?” he bellowed even as he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his torso and gut. “Oh, SHIT! I burn and hurt all over! What the hell did you stick me with, you fucking little FREAK?” I scooted back against the wall. From the times I’d spent examining him at his workplace, I remembered his name was Aziz. “Aziz,” I spoke to him, “You want to be bigger, don’t you? I’ve been working on a serum to help you be more muscular and larger than you already are! I was going to ask you, but, well, it ‘s so obvious you want to be the biggest, the strongest.” He raised his handsome face, wracked with pain, then, suddenly, the pained expression was replaced with one of almost sheer ecstasy. He hissed, “Oh, FUCK! YESSSS!” he hissed. “This feels fucking AWESOME!” He threw his head and shoulders back and roared, “Oh, FUUUUCCKKK!” My jaw dropped at what I was seeing. Thick, hose-like veins pulsed to the surface of his dark, flawless skin. Every square inch throbbing with the blood rushing through his system, feeding his muscles. I saw muscle fibers rippling beneath the stretched-thin skin as it expanded his muscles balloon with solid size and power. Massive, round boulders of muscle bulging larger and larger. He was expanding in size in all directions. He head hit the ten feet ceiling He stepped forward, THROUGH the counter as it exploded away from his oaken legs. He hunched over, growling, as he continued to expand. His feet were now MASSIVE! He growled again and stood upright, blasting through the ceiling and roof of the building. All I could see was two massively muscular tree-trunks of legs with cut, rolling quads and diamond shaped calves larger than my torso. And a cock . . . my GOD! . . . hanging out and over balls as large as my head and drooping to the boy’s knees. Those knee-caps were six feet from the floor! I looked up through the hole in the roof through which Aziz had exploded. He was grinning ear to ear, his glistening white teeth contrasting with the dark complexion of his stunningly handsome face. Massive muscles rippled with power all over his body! He was running his expansive hands over his thickly muscled torso and rippling abdominal bricks. Something caught his eye and I saw him lean over, his abs exploding with rippling size. As he stood back up, I saw his hand holding a car! An evil grin formed his stunningly handsome, Asian face as he reached to the car’s roof with his free hand, his fingers easily piercing the windshield and peeling the roof back as his torso rippled and bulged with power. He plucked the screaming little man from the car like he was nothing but a toy. The man was yelling and flailing about uselessly. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, DAD!” Aziz’s deep voice rumbled as he shook the man he held his fist like nothing but a ragdoll. “YOU THOUGHT I WAS A FREAK BEFORE? HA! LOOK AT ME NOW, DAD! I’M A FUCKING MUSCLE GOD!” Aziz dropped the wrecked car to the street and lifted his other hand and grabbed the half of his dad dangling from the fist holding him. He held his thickly muscled arms in front of his sneering face. The swole arms solidified as he slowly bent the man coming to his senses slowly backwards. The man shrieked in pain. Aziz’s thick cock throbbed larger and twitched, pre-cum bubbling from the large piss-slit. Aziz grinned as the screaming stopped abruptly with the sound of his father’s spine snapping in two. “AWWW, YEAH!” the teen roared as he pulled his dad’s corpse in two, blood and entrails splattering onto his muscled chest and down to the street below. I heard the rumbling of the colossally muscled teen’s muscled gut as he lifted half of his dad’s body to his mouth and took a bite, the sound of bone crunching between his teeth, blood dripping from his lips. “My god!’ I trembled excitedly as I released my steel hard and throbbing dick from my slacks and began to stroke witnessing this stunningly handsome, muscle-bound colossal teen brutally snuff his dad without remorse. I stood and ran to the door, unlocked it and stepped out onto the sidewalk. I looked up as Aziz swallowed, dropped the remaining pieces of his dad’s body to the street with a wet SPLAT. Aziz looked down in eyes and thundered, “Oh, YEAH, you little cock-sucker, I want to be a fucking brutal GOD of powerful muscle!” as he moved one expansive foot over his dad’s lower half and ground it into the pavement cracking under his power “Goddamned fucking insect.” he muttered in disgust. He wrapped a bloody fist around his long, thick cock and slowly stroked, obviously horny with the deadly power his enormous muscle-bod contained. I stood drooling and stroking in lustful awe of this titanically muscular Asian teen obviously drunk with power and bloodlust. Being late at night, the streets were empty in this part of town, thankfully, and I decided to plead for mercy from this godly boy’s destructive, lust-fueled urges. “I hope you are pleased that I chose you, Aziz, to become the most muscular and powerful man on the planet! He raised his arms and flexed, admiring his inhuman musculature, his cock twitching lustfully. “Fuck, I’m HUGE!” he grinned. I continued, “You are a PERFECT man, Aziz! No, not a man, a GOD! You are manly, masculine PERFECTION! All men will instantly feel inferior in the presence of your Herculean, muscular size. Seeing your endowment will cause them to question if they are even men at all! Your hulking body was worthy of worship before I injected you, but now . . .” I began to breathe in ragged gasps, “now you are an unstoppable GOD whose very presence DEMANDS worship!” I lustfully gushed. Aziz sneered down at me, snatched me from the sidewalk in a blood-dripping fist, and lifted me to his stunning face. “You fucking little size queen! You have NO idea what you’ve done, of the things I’ve dreamed of doing, no, the things I’ve LUSTED to do! You’ve given me the power to unleash my deepest and darkest desires, you stupid, insignificant little FUCK!” he growled. Being held in this massively muscular, powerful teen’s fist, hearing his thunderous voice, feeling the humid heat blasting from his dark, sweating flesh, seeing his mountains of bulging, rippling muscles, I felt my body tense and erupt in orgasmic bliss in his palm. “Yeah, you pathetic, fucking little FAG, you can’t help but cum for me, can you, you weak little bitch.” he derided. “I bet every time you came in and watched me, you ducked into the bathroom and jacked your tiny little penis off thinking of me and my muscles, didn’t you, then you went home and masturbated to me even more.” he sneered. Hearing this young beast growl his desire to dominate and the thought of seeing this seething young mountain of muscle unleash his unstoppable power and insatiable bloodlust caused my spent dick to rocket to rock-hard, worshipful attention against the hot, jizz dripping palm in which he held me fast. His overbearing attitude and belittling demeanor withered any desire I might have had to object to anything pertaining to him. “Almighty Aziz,” I spoke as I looked into his dark, massive eyes, “you knew I worshiped your body when I walked in tonight. But NOW, my GOD! I exalt and praise all that you are! You are a GOD of savage and merciless supremacy and strength. Your sexual appetites are brutish and insatiable, your bloodlust ravenous and unquenchable. I now exist only to please you and to witness you satisfying your deepest and darkest cravings. I will serve you until my last breath, Almighty Aziz.” I ended, panting and drooling. Aziz raised his thick and venous free arm and wiped the blood dripping from his lips and grinned before lowering his arm to continue stroking his ponderous penis. “Good little parasite, my first disciple. Your coworkers will be your first offering to your GOD. Direct me to your lab.” he ordered with an evil grin. I hesitated as I thought of my co-workers, my closest friends being nothing but an offering to this colossal, obviously murderous muscle-god. Then I looked over the immensity of muscular power rippling before my eyes, I looked down at a fist that could crush granite to sand slowly stroking a man-sized cock-shaft mapped with cable-like veins. I reached out and placed a palm on the hot, sweaty flesh covering a mountainous, rippling pectoral as Aziz licked his full lips and his stomach rumble, once again. Then I remembered how Aziz, without remorse, snapped his father in two like a dried twig and ripped him apart effortlessly before snacking on some of the remains. My lust to see my GOD reveal his power, to assume his rightful place as GOD to puny humans, to witness his destructive brutality. My lusts quickly overrode my paltry devotion to any other but HIM. “YES, my GOD!” I responded lustfully. “The lab is just on the outskirts of town, out by the army base.” Aziz grinned, turned, and began walking down the center of the deserted street, each footfall leaving a cratered print.
- 21
- muscle-growth
- snuff
(and 4 more)
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If you're seeking to transform your idea into something meaningful and valuable for the community, feel free to reach out to me on Discord with the username czechhunter69. I'd be delighted to help turn your concept into a reality. If you like this and my other stories and would like to support their public release - feel free to send a tip to PayPal at czechhunter69 The Wish Unleashed The night sky was ablaze with streaks of light as Ben parked his car, looking tired after a long day at work. All he wanted was to unwind with his roommates. As he stepped out of the vehicle, his gaze got caught once again by a mesmerizing meteor shower lighting up the heavens. The sight was enchanting, and he couldn't resist silently wishing for the energy to grow stronger and bigger. Ben took a deep breath, gearing up to join the buzz inside the house. His roommates - Cody, Will, and Tom - were probably already deep into their nerdy little world. Tom, especially, had been working tirelessly on this campaign as the Dungeon Master for weeks, and Ben admired his dedication. You could see the pride in Tom's eyes whenever he talked about it. Ben, well, he was a bit of a nerd and a hard worker, always striving to excel. He had an insatiable curiosity and a desire to do more. Although he was friendly, there was something in him that wished he could be more confident, like those athletic guys he'd always admired. That desire for a body that matched his inner spirit had been with him since he was a kid. Lately, he'd been hitting the gym hard during the day, putting in the time and effort to shape himself into the man he wanted to be - and nothing was working for him. With his wish hanging in the air, Ben entered the house that felt more like a haven with his closest friends. Inside, Cody, the ever-lively and playful roommate, brought their ongoing game to a halt and tossed Ben a beer, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Late again, huh? Please don't tell me you were caught up reading comic books at work," Cody teased, giving Ben a playful nudge. Ben couldn't help but laugh, Cody was spot-on with the accusation. "You know me too well," he admitted with a grin he said opening it and running to the sink as the foam spewed over his hands. Taking a sip from the what was left of the beer he skillfully caught, Ben continued, "Alright, alright, it was a rough day, man. It's only like the third time I’ve been late to these." Fatigue weighed down his voice, and all he wanted was to sink into the couch and enjoy the simple pleasure of a cold beer. Cody, always one step ahead, already had one on its way. Ben savored the refreshing taste as he took a long swig. Then, turning to Tom, the mastermind behind their DnD campaign, he asked, "So, what's the story, Tommy? Fill me in." Curiosity lit up his eyes as he tried to catch up with the chaotic in-game events. Tom leaned forward, still beaming with excitement, and began to narrate, "Alright, picture this: we're in a classic brothel setting, right? And then, out of nowhere, chaos magic decides to have some fun with our boy Will, just as he's trying to warm some tea for his character. Result? The entire first floor goes up in flames!" Ben couldn't help but burst into laughter, his amusement uncontainable. "You've got to be kidding me! Will and his chaos magic strikes again, huh?" he exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. The camaraderie among the roommates always brought a sense of joy and unpredictability to their gaming sessions. Laughter and the satisfying clatter of dice filled the room as Cody, Will, and Tom shared their recollections of the firebombing incident. Ben, comfortably settled into his favorite spot on the couch with a beer in hand, absorbed the warmth of his friends' camaraderie. Tom's storytelling prowess led the narrative, offering Ben an opportunity to rejoin the adventure as the group fled the imaginary townsfolk. In this moment, the day's worries faded away, replaced by the shared laughter and fantastical tales spun within their game. An hour slipped by seamlessly as they resumed their campaign, and the room buzzed with anticipation and hushed whispers as the story took an intriguing turn. Ben's character, a valiant hero, had just rescued a Djinn from the clutches of a nefarious group bent on a magical creature holocaust. Tom, the Dungeon Master, leaned in, his voice dripping with mystery as he wove the narrative. "Ben, as your character triumphantly frees the Djinn," Tom narrated, his words cloaked in intrigue, "it turns to you, eyes gleaming with ancient knowledge. The Djinn presents you with a choice: a curse disguised as a blessing, or a blessing veiled as a curse. It offers the power to absorb and consume only what will make you stronger but cautions against the dangers of hunger and the necessity of wisdom for its true potential." A silence fell upon the room, and each roommate was held captive by the gravity of Ben's impending decision. The possibilities stretched out like an infinite horizon, their consequences shrouded in mystery. Ben's character stood at the precipice of destiny, torn between the allure of power and the wisdom to wield it. Ben's eyes widened, reflecting the flickering candlelight on the tabletop, as he contemplated the significance of this pivotal choice. It was as if a shiver coursed through him, mingling curiosity with a touch of caution. He understood that the path he selected would not only define his character but also shape the destiny of their shared narrative. The roommates shared knowing glances, a silent understanding passing between them. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they hung on the cusp of Ben's decision, their imaginations running wild with the possible outcomes in the beloved virtual realm they all cherished. Breaking the silence, Ben's voice held a blend of resolve and uncertainty. "I'll take the Djinn up on its offer," he declared, his gaze locked with the Djinn's imaginary eyes in the game, a secret wish hidden behind his decision, one that transcended the bounds of the game world. "Count me in.” He remembered the cardinal rule of DnD - do what’s fun. As Ben's choice echoed through the room, a mixture of excitement and nervousness hung in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of the potential that lay ahead, both in the game and perhaps beyond it. Once the session reached a natural pause for the night, the group migrated to the back balcony. Their eyes were drawn to the mesmerizing expanse of stars splattered across the night sky. Little did Ben's companions know that his thoughts were consumed by the mystical power bestowed upon his character by the Djinn's blessing. With each streak of light that painted the heavens, a wish began to crystallize within him, one that resonated with the very essence of that enigmatic gift. —————————————————————————————————————————— The following morning played out like any other in Ben's routine life. The whimsical adventure of the previous night - the wish upon the stars, the audacious Djinn rescue - had faded into the recesses of his memory. It all felt like a distant dream, a flight of fancy with no real consequence. As he got dressed for the day, Ben's rational mind brushed it all aside, focusing on more tangible matters. He shot a good morning text to his girlfriend while dismissing any thoughts of DnD adventures from the night before. With the sun casting its welcoming glow, Ben proceeded with his morning rituals. He packed his lunch and snacks, and a steaming cup of coffee, ready to jolt his senses awake, accompanied him. The scent of caffeine filled his car as he embarked on the familiar commute to work, the road stretching ahead in monotonous familiarity. Amidst lane changes and traffic maneuvers, the starry night wish gradually faded from his memory. It was eclipsed by the demands of the day - work, tasks, and deadlines at Bare-Back Comics. As he took sips of his coffee, the liquid seemed to pass through him, devoid of any warmth, as if he were going through the motions of drinking. He consumed it almost mechanically, hardly registering its presence in his stomach. Gone were the days of needing multiple cups to kickstart his day; now, he thrived with newfound energy, handling his job at the store with precision and efficiency. Colors appeared more vivid, sounds sharper, and time flowed quickly as he rode the caffeine wave throughout the morning. Leaving work early due to a lack of customers, he grabbed lunch. Meeting up with some old friends, he exchanged greetings and brief hugs, catching up on the latest in their lives. Despite the mental fatigue, he wasn't tired or hungry in the slightest. He actually had more energy than ever before. He felt invigorated, fueled by the serendipitous turn of events. The conversation eventually drifted to hunger and exhaustion, but Ben couldn't relate. Not after such a fortunate turn of events. With a sense of determination coursing through him, Ben was overcome by an irresistible urge to hit the gym with unprecedented vigor. Weeks of wavering motivation seemed to vanish, replaced by an unshakable drive to sculpt his physique and get a little sweaty. Yet, a persistent thought accompanied this surge of motivation - why not bring Cody along? Cody, who had harbored a long-standing crush on Ben, had always added a playful element of affection to their interactions. It was an open secret, and the complex dance of emotions between them added a layer of intrigue to their friendship. Ben, who wasn't the most avid gym-goer but was deeply enamored with the idea of self-improvement and sculpting his physique, had recently found himself captivated by the idea of sharing this journey with Cody. The prospect of watching his own body grow stronger and more muscular, with Cody being the first to notice, had further stoked his determination. There was no one more skilled at recognizing physique changes than Cody, not even Ben's own girlfriend. With eagerness bubbling within him, Ben dialed Cody's number, his voice radiating excitement and anticipation as the call connected. "Hey, Cody! How's it going?” Cody's voice flowed through the phone, a familiar and warm presence. "Hey, Ben! Just here, scrolling through Grindr. You know I realized your store name stands for Big Black Cock when abbreviated?” After a pregnant pause, Cody spoke up again. “What’s up?” Ben wasted no time in getting to the point. "So, I've been itching to hit the gym, and I thought it'd be awesome if we could go together. You know, be workout buddies and motivate each other.” Cody's enthusiasm resonated clearly in his response. "That sounds fantastic, Ben! I'm all in.” Ben's heart swelled with satisfaction, pleased that Cody was just as eager about the idea as he had hoped. "Perfect! I had a feeling you'd be up for it.” Unbeknownst to Ben, he was the unwitting subject of Cody's affections, a dynamic reminiscent of the classic scenario where one person is blissfully unaware of another's attraction. All his exes looked like Ben and Ben still hadn’t caught on. Cody wasted no time in grabbing his keys, their jingle faintly audible through Ben's headphones as he prepared to meet up with his friend. `Arriving at the gym, Ben changed into his workout attire, taking notice of the familiar faces who frequented the establishment. The regulars, drenched in sweat and pushing their bodies to the limit, commanded his attention. He couldn't help but observe some particularly muscular individuals who had been there the last time he visited, over a month ago. Interestingly, he noticed that despite their rigorous routines, their physical changes seemed minimal if any. Before long, Cody arrived, diving headfirst into their workout routine. With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he enthusiastically assumed the role of Ben's spotter. However, Cody's interpretation of spotting seemed to involve an unusual degree of closeness, his arms occasionally brushing against Ben's as he assisted during lifts. The subtle but electrifying physical contact sent a thrill of anticipation down Ben's spine, infusing him with newfound energy precisely when he thought he had none left. As Ben delved deeper into his workout, an intriguing observation began to crystallize. Despite Cody exerting what seemed like his usual effort, he appeared increasingly drained, much more fatigued than could be expected from merely trying to keep up with Ben's spontaneous routine. Meanwhile, Ben felt like he could easily do ten times more! A flicker of suspicion ignited within Ben's mind, seizing his attention at a crucial juncture. Just as he grappled with a weight that felt insurmountable, Cody instinctively reached out to provide assistance, a typical spotter trying to gauge his buddy’s strength and readiness. His hand brushed against Ben's skin, practically cupping his tricep. Yet, something extraordinary happened in those fleeting moments. The weight that had burdened Ben's muscles suddenly seemed lighter, as if a surge of strength coursed through him, rendering Cody's aid unnecessary. A ripple of perplexity washed over Ben as he discerned the pattern. It was as though Cody's touch acted as a conduit, siphoning fragments of energy from him. Caught between awe and uncertainty, Ben grappled with the implications of this strange phenomenon. Was Ben intentionally drawing upon Cody's energy? The boundaries between friendship and a mystifying energy exchange blurred, leaving Ben both intrigued and cautious. With the weight now lifted with ease, Ben's thoughts buzzed with a mix of curiosity and concern. What else could he lift? How much stronger could he become? The revelation of this energy absorption marked the commencement of a voyage of self-discovery and the unraveling of unforeseen mysteries, forever altering the dynamics of their relationship. Yet, he was inexplicably hungry again. As exhaustion gradually etched into the whites of Cody's eyes, Ben decided to call it a day, even though he felt like he could keep going indefinitely. Cody expressed his gratitude for the workout session, attributing his fatigue to having skipped a meal earlier in the day. Exiting the gym floor, they headed for the locker room. Engaging in casual conversation, Ben couldn't help but share his enthusiasm about the workout. "Man, that was fantastic. I haven't felt this pumped in ages. I think I might've set a new personal record.” Cody, while using a towel to mop the sweat from his face, chuckled tiredly. "Tell me about it, Ben. I'm absolutely spent. I should've had something to eat before hitting the gym.” He said, slumping down on a bench near the lockers. Ben proceeded to the showers, feeling a subtle surge of increased strength and vitality coursing through his veins. As the warm water cascaded over him, he couldn't help but notice a slight enhancement in his muscle definition, causing him to exaggerate its significance in his mind. It was probably just a pump, he reminded himself, as the lingering energy coursing through him led him to engage in some self-pleasure in the shower before drying off. Dressing within the privacy of an enclosure, Ben caught his reflection in the mirror. His physique appeared leaner, yet more athletic, reflecting the physical changes he had been diligently working towards. He even thought his manhood seemed a tad more impressive, igniting fantasies about . In a moment of curiosity and impulsiveness, he snapped a few daring photos, contemplating the idea of sending them to Cody. It was a thought that had never crossed his mind before, and he quickly dismissed it, reminding himself of his sexual orientation and his commitment to his girlfriend. Regaining his composure, he completed his outfit and decided to keep their friendship well within the boundaries of familiarity and camaraderie, opting not to send the pictures to Cody. As Ben finished dressing, his attention shifted to Cody, who was slumped against the lockers, fast asleep and snoring from sheer exhaustion. Strangely, something about Cody's appearance captivated Ben's attention. Was it the way his shirt clung to his body, or the appealing sight of his slender legs in shorts? Maybe it was the lingering scent of sweat in the air, or the realization that his own sexual orientation might be more flexible than he had previously considered. Despite these thoughts, with Cody in such a vulnerable state, Ben felt a mixture of concern and curiosity. Approaching Cody, Ben attempted to rouse him gently, a tinge of unease in his voice. "Hey, Cody, wake up." His words conveyed a sense of uncertainty, an underlying awareness that something was off, even if he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Deep down, he sensed an inexplicable connection between them, one that seemed to grow stronger with each touch. It left him craving for more. “Oops, sorry… I'm just…” Cody yawned, his voice heavy with exhaustion. “I'm wiped.” Cody got up, his breaths labored and drained, practically stumbling over nothing as they navigated the awkward L-shaped turn leading out of the men's locker room. Ben's heart raced, his mind struggling to grasp the unexpected reality that a part of Cody now seemed to reside within him, subtly shifting him in ways he couldn't fully comprehend. It was the only explanation he could fathom for this newfound attraction to men, and it both fascinated and unsettled him. As they made their way toward the gym's exit, Ben's gaze involuntarily flicked toward other men, his desires stretching beyond his previous attraction to women. It was a revelation that left him both intrigued and anxious, a sensation he had never experienced before. Was this what it felt like to be gay? A shiver ran down his spine as he pondered the implications. This wasn't how he had envisioned his life unfolding, but Cody's presence seemed to be reshaping his perspective. Climbing into his car, he tried to refocus his thoughts on Alicia, desperately clinging to the illusion of his heterosexuality. In a state of mild panic, he texted her, inviting her over for dinner. Cooking together would serve as a temporary reassurance, a feeble attempt to affirm his identity for the night, and perhaps get some dessert too. Back at home, Ben and Cody settled onto the couch. Ben found himself immersed in playful and flirtatious text exchanges with Alicia, hoping to maintain the facade of being purely heterosexual. In a daring move, he even sent her the gym photos he had snapped earlier. Deep down, though, Cody's presence lingered in his thoughts, growing more apparent with each passing moment. Meanwhile, Cody slouched on the opposite end of the sofa, slowly leaning toward Ben and resting his head on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Ben didn't resist the closeness; in fact, he welcomed it, yearning for the companionship he had recently been missing. As exhaustion washed over them, Ben eventually collapsed on top of Cody, who was equally drained. In Ben's dreams, a surreal reality took hold. His body soared through a cosmic expanse as a colossal titan. In this fantastical realm, Cody appeared, worshipping Ben's immense muscles and playfully darting in and out of his skin like a mischievous prairie dog. Ben's physique was impossibly masculine and powerful. The dream unfolded with an intensity and otherworldly fervor as Cody reveled in the musky scent emanating from Ben's hairy, sweaty armpits, seemingly burying his face within them - despite his incredibly small size. Ben found himself utterly captivated by the allure of this fantasy, surrendering to its seductive embrace. There was something about it that ignited a deep desire within him to embody the heightened sense of masculinity displayed by the man in his dream. The last time Cody surfaced, Ben smiled down on him before gently picking up the little man, dangling him over his mouth and swallowing his friend whole. —————————————————————————————————————————— Ben was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing, his dream having taken an unexpectedly explicit turn, causing him to drool and snore himself back into consciousness. As he regained his senses, he noticed the caller ID indicating that his girlfriend, Alicia, was calling. "Hey, sorry, I must have dozed off after I got back from the gym," he mumbled, his voice still groggy from sleep. Alicia explained that she was waiting on the porch, and Ben hurriedly gathered himself, his body betraying his recent dream by the undeniable boner in his pants. The thought about hiding it from her, didn’t even cross his mind, especially since his roommates weren’t around. Glancing around, he realized he had been lying on top of a pile of Cody’s clothes. Strangely enough, his underwear. As Ben rushed to his feet, his heart raced with anticipation as he greeted Alicia with a deep, lingering kiss one that practically whispered how much she wanted him. In that moment, their connection sparked, and a wave of affection washed over him. He couldn't help but admire her beauty as her soft lips pressed against his, their tongues entwined in a passionate dance. He looked forward to spending time with her, their bodies irresistibly drawn to each other, especially now that his roommates were absent. Alicia's touch sent electric shivers down his spine, and Ben felt a surge of desire pulse through his veins - he wanted to feel every part of her against him. As they entered the house, Ben's thoughts wandered momentarily to the roommates who weren't there. In his haste, Ben couldn't ignore the unmistakable boner in his pants, and Alicia had long noticed it too. However, she didn't seem to mind, and the anticipation of what awaited them behind the closed bedroom door was palpable. Their footsteps echoed through the hallway, their hearts pounding in unison, as they made their way to his bedroom. The air was thick with desire as they fell onto the bed, laughing, playing, and their bodies entangled in a passionate embrace. Ben was captivated by Alicia's responses to his every touch, her moans filling the room - a level of passion he wasn't accustomed to experiencing. As their intimacy deepened, it became evident to Ben that Alicia wasn’t behaving like her usual self the longer they danced across the mattress soaking the sheets in her release. As the remnants of their passionate encounter lingered in the air, Ben's unease grew with Alicia’s tiredness and withdrawn attitude. He wrote it off to her being worn out. The blending of personalities, the fading of Alicia's vibrant spirit, and the sensation of a peculiar transformation enveloped him. Despite his growing concern, he couldn't deny the allure of her closeness, and they nestled together on the bed- in truth he just wanted to cuddle and unknowingly consume her. He felt a strange urge to pull her even closer, as if waiting for her to become an inseparable part of him. This thought shook him to the core, prompting him to excuse himself and head to the restroom while Alicia slept. However, in the midst of their intimate closeness, a startling realization hit Ben like a bolt of lightning. The changes he had noticed in himself were no mere tricks of his imagination. The unmistakable scent of masculinity, the emergence of new body hair, and the newfound thickness in his physique were all tangible proof of Cody's presence within him. The pieces of the puzzle clicked into place, and the pile of clothes left behind in his room served as haunting confirmation - Cody was now a part of him. With a combination of panic and determination, Ben hastily disentangled himself from Alicia's drowsy embrace, leaving her resting in his bed, exhausted. He moved with urgency towards the bathroom, his heart racing in his chest. As he flicked on the light, the reflection in the mirror staring back at him confirmed his worst fears — he was no longer the same slim, twink of a man he had been just moments ago. Instead, he had gained height and put on a few pounds of muscle. Even some fat as he play with droopy pecs. A few minutes ago, terms like "twink" and "otter" weren't even in his vocabulary. His mind was changing along with his body. He now stood slightly taller and more muscular, and it didn't look like he had simply packed on an extra 148 pounds - which was Cody's weight before he began fondling Ben’s triceps in the gym. But instead maybe 10 to 15 lbs of muscle, and a inch or two of height. As the truth sank in, Ben's mind swirled with a mix of astonishment and intrigue. The realization that he now possessed Cody's knowledge, desires, and even loves was both unsettling and strangely exhilarating. It was as if Cody had become an integral part of him, their souls intertwined in a way he couldn't fully comprehend. And, incredibly, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement about this unexpected transformation. Even more, that he was in the process of consuming Alicia, turned his stomach, but he also wanted more. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Ben. On one hand, the idea of absorbing someone else, of sharing their experiences and desires, should have disturbed him. But on the other hand, there was a lingering sense of fascination and even a hint of excitement - who else could he absorb? Lost in this new realization, he began to notice the subtle curves of muscles, faint but somehow more present than before, the magnetic pull of masculine energy, and the raw sensuality that radiated from within. It was as if Cody's appreciation for men had become his own, amplifying his desires and opening his eyes to a world of passion he had never fully explored. Or maybe it was Alicia’s love for him, that made him appreciate his new form. As he stared at his reflection in the mirror, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Ben's lips. There was a part of him, deep down, that relished this power. The pleasure that came with absorbing his friend's essence were undeniable, intoxicating even. He felt stronger and desired even more absorption. He decided to test it out, almost heading back to the bedroom. Standing in the doorway, Ben's gaze fixated on Alicia's slumbering figure, a mix of curiosity and desire churning within him. He couldn't help but notice the fatigue etched on her face, the slight fragility that seemed to cloak her form. It mirrored exactly what Cody had experienced before leaving the gym. A part of him whispered enticingly, urging him to crawl into bed and explore the possibility of absorbing her as well. The thought excited him, the temptation of absorbing another person stirring a primal hunger deep within. However, a flicker of hesitation danced across Ben's mind. Despite the allure of such an act, a faint trace of rationality urged him to resist the impulse. He couldn't bring himself to take advantage of Alicia's vulnerable state, knowing it would cross a line he wasn't yet prepared to cross. He loved her after all, and he could feel the same love radiating from her spirit in his mind. Fighting against giving in to his desire, Ben turned away from the bedroom and descended the stairs. His steps carried a sense of purpose as he made his way to Cody's phone, guided by an uncanny knowledge of its password. With practiced ease, he navigated to the hidden folder where the dating app, Growlr, was stored - something Cody had been hiding from his, now former, boyfriend. As the screen illuminated with profiles of eager men and HIV Prep ads, Ben's eyes settled on the familiar username of Cody's favorite guy, “Hairless Bear." A wicked grin played at the corners of his lips as he engaged in flirtatious banter with the unsuspecting Ryan behind the username, using the persona he had consumed from Cody to his advantage. He changed the username and began sending pictures of himself to another guy; it felt wrong, but he shrugged it off. The hunger was guiding him, and he knew the kind of blowjobs Ryan could give a man - he would satisfied one way or another tonight. In this moment, Ben couldn't deny the thrilling sensation coursing through his veins. The power of assimilating the desires and experiences of others ignited a reckless fire within him, the fire now demanding he consume more. Unbeknownst to Ryan, he was unwittingly stepping into a web of intrigue spun by a man who was no longer solely himself. As their conversation flowed, Ben felt a hunger for another absorption simmering just beneath the surface. His subconscious craving guided his actions, drawing him closer to the prospect of absorbing yet another person into his ever-expanding self. As minutes melted away, Ben and the hairless bear, Ryan, found themselves nestled in the warm embrace of the hot tub. Ryan’s gaze washing over him like a piece of meat for his next conquest. Conversation danced effortlessly between them thanks to Cody, their connection reigniting as familiarity washed over them. The entire time, Ryan's touch grew bolder, moving up his thigh as if asking for permission, his hand then gliding confidently along Ben's hardening cock, invoking waves of desire that coursed through hungrily his body. That’s when he wondered if he could get bigger by absorbing Ryan. Surrendering to the pleasure, Ben's body floated buoyantly in the water as Ryan skillfully worked his lips and tongue, massaging the base of his shaft at the same time, bringing Ben’s ankles to Ryan's shoulder - something Alicia could only dream of doing in a hot tub like this. Moans of pleasure escaped Ben’s lips, intermingling with the steam rising from the heated waters. As the passion between them grew, Ben's body seemed to burn with newfound energy, strengthening his bones and transforming him into the embodiment of youngish maturity at 30 years old. In the haze of desire, Ryan remained oblivious to the changes rippling through their intertwined bodies. Ben, fueled by the absorbed essence of Cody, felt a surge of strength and power coursing through him. His muscles grew taut, his frame expanding with newfound vitality. In the brief glances to Ryan, he could see that his calfs were large enough to at least see. The once-pudgy bear, Ryan, was slowly shedding pounds, blissfully unaware of the exchange occurring in his own body. Ben and Cody, entwined in a shared euphoria, reveled in their hidden connection to Ryan, their desires intertwining as a new body and soul began to appear inside. The echoes of their passion resonated in the waters, as Ben let go entirely, locking his ankles behind Ryan's head. As the absorption process intensified, Ben's desire to assimilate Ryan grew stronger, overriding any rational thoughts that remained. At this point, his own imagination, pictured a giant version of himself consuming a Ryan barely bigger than a grain of rice. He eagerly sought ways to increase their skin-to-skin contact, relishing the prospect of adding another person to the enigmatic bond he shared with Cody. Their desires intertwined, fueling the absorption in a relentless pursuit of power and connection. Ryan's once-substantial chunky frame rapidly diminished before Ben's eyes, shedding weight at an astonishing rate. From 360 pounds, he swiftly dwindled down to 230 pounds, the transformation unfolding in a matter of minutes. Fatigue began to seep into Ryan's voice as he struggled to articulate his mounting exhaustion. He tried to protest but Ryan was lost in the process. "Something's wrong," Ryan gasped, his breath labored and fragmented. "I... I feel tired…" Ben groaned, focusing on the real goal, taking more from Ryan. "It's… uhhh… going to be ok." Ben's gaze flickered with a mixture of concern and insatiable hunger. He needed more. Ben's voice, laced with a mix of fascination and trepidation, responded, "Just relax, Ryan. Trust me, this is how it's meant to be. You're becoming part of me now." As Ryan desperately attempted to extricate himself from Ben's grasp, his feeble resistance initially yielded some progress in the slippery warm water. However, Ben was stronger, and Ryan was barely recognizable at this point. Yet, a surge of determination coursed through Ben's veins, overriding any doubts or concerns that lingered within him. He knew he needed to be stronger—strong enough to maintain the absorption, to deepen the connection that had consumed him. With a resolute resolve, Ben's grip tightened, his fingers digging into Ryan's flesh as he struggled to keep him in place. The transfer of energy between them intensified, causing Ryan's weakening struggles to falter. The relentless advance of the absorption seemed fueled by an insatiable hunger, as if it sought to devour everything in its path. The connection between them grew stronger, and Ben could feel himself becoming more powerful and complete with each passing moment. Ryan's weakening resistance mingled with a mixture of fear and resignation, his voice trembling as he teetered on the edge of defeat. "Please... stop... I can't... I can't take this anymore…" His feeble plea whispered into the air. But consumed by the intoxicating power and yearning for complete absorption, Ben paid no heed to Ryan's desperate pleas. His desire to grow stronger, to transcend the confines of his former self, eclipsed any semblance of empathy or remorse. With each passing moment, Ryan's form diminished further, his strength waning under the overwhelming force of the absorption. Meanwhile, Ben's transformation became more apparent. His physique expanded, muscles bulging beneath his skin, and a newfound vitality coursed through his veins. The sense of empowerment and fulfillment surged within him, drowning out the fading cries of the person he had absorbed. In a swift and final moment, Ryan withered away until he disappeared entirely. As Ben's legs enveloped empty space, he lowered them into the bubbling water. The once vibrant and lively hot tub now echoed only with the soft symphony of bubbling water and the hum of its machinery. They had foregone clothing, reveling in the freedom of masculine camaraderie, or so Ryan had framed it. In truth, it had become a convenient means for Ryan to assess and size up potential conquests without soiling his own bed sheets or having to really clean the hot tub out because of laundry detergents on other people's clothing. Mostly just to be naked and get to fun stuff quicker. Bathed in the warm hues of the evening glow, Ben's gaze drifted downward, revealing the mesmerizing transformation of his physique. His chest had acquired an even more pronounced athletic contour, now adorned with the sprouting of coarse hair. His upper pecs and some of it on his shoulders - a little strange but not a problem because it looked cute. The musky scent emanating from his pits, though almost overwhelming, ignited a primal hunger within him, as if the two men inside him were urging him on, craving more. It was as if they were watching through him, and it was time to give them a real show, a gratifying spectacle to thank them for their sacrifice. Driven by curiosity, Ben's hand reached out, eager fingers grasping at the newly formed pectoral muscle. Its firmness sent a delicious thrill through him, a tantalizing reminder of the supple curves he had once delighted in with Alicia. Unable to resist the allure, he played and twisted his nipples, relishing the electrifying sensations that coursed through his body as he continued to bask in the warm embrace of the hot tub. Each breath he took seemed to carry an electric charge, and with every flex of his muscles he felt untamed power that left him in awe. His hands roamed down his chest, tracing the contours of his now more athletic and, in his opinion, sexier stomach. He savored the newfound definition, the little lumps now clearly visible, along with the separation on the peak. The pleasure that cascaded through his body was an intoxicating blend of physical gratification and the exhilaration of transformation. His hand drifted further down, and his fingers explored, reveling in the sensations of this enhanced version of himself. It was an intense experience, as if he was tapping into a wellspring of masculine energy that had lain dormant within him until now. The sensations were overwhelming amongst the bubbles, and yet, he couldn't get enough. With every passing moment, he felt more alive, more powerful, and more connected to the men he had absorbed. It was a heady cocktail of desire and strength, and he felt a deep satisfaction in knowing he was becoming something greater. As the intensity swelled, so too did his desire to jerk off and finish the job Ryan couldn’t, a tempest of sensation seemed to engulf him, building to a crescendo that defied containment. And then, with an explosive release, his cum rocketed out of him like a pressurized water gun leaving him breathless and exhilarated in its wake. There was much more of it than usual, and he couldn’t help but take pride in that alone. Ryan definitely knew how to excite a man. The ripples of ecstasy subsided, leaving Ben basking in the aftermath, his body pulsating with satisfaction. As he rose from the water's embrace, tendrils of steam caressed his glistening skin, dancing in the cool evening air. A self-assured smile played upon his lips as he relished in the sensations coursing through his transformed body. The world around him seemed different, as if he had unlocked a hidden realm of pleasure and power. And he was hungry for more of it. Feeling his newly formed pectoral muscles, he couldn't help but run his hands across the firm contours, savoring the thrill that shot through him. The once gentle curves that Alicia had once delighted in were now replaced with rugged masculinity, and the thought of that exhilarated him. He flexed and licked his own biceps, reveling in the newfound definition they held. The little lumps that had once seemed like distant dreams were now tangible realities, and it excited him beyond belief. Even with shadows cast by the lights- the split on his bicep was clear. As he dressed in clothes that now gently hugged his more athletic physique, he felt a surge of confidence and allure. Any man or woman would be proud to have him. He noticed the way his shorts clung to his sculpted thighs, and how his shirt hung differently on his broader shoulders. Each step he took felt different, as if he were wider or as if his own feet had somehow grown. Even his height seemed to have increased just slightly, adding to the excitement of his transformation. Deep within, the presence of Ryan stirred his emotions, intertwining their beings in a way that both fascinated and thrilled him. It was more than just the physical changes; it was the emotional connection he felt with the men he had absorbed. A part of him yearned to experience it again, to delve deeper into the realm of pleasure and power that this unique ability offered. To fuck the hell out of a man before becoming one with him too. He couldn't resist the thought of doing it again, to feel the rush of absorbing another person and becoming even more of who he desired to be. This time, it would have to be someone who worked for it, someone who could give him a lot more strength. As he drove away, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that the journey had only just begun. The power within him had opened up a whole new world of excitement and possibilities, and he was eager to explore every inch of it. The allure of his newfound abilities was irresistible, and he was determined to embrace it fully, without hesitation. Guided by a clandestine sense of purpose, he revved the engine and embarked on a late-night journey to the gym. The clock neared 9 PM, a time when only a select few would remain, driven by their relentless pursuit of physical perfection. As he pulled into the gym's parking lot, his heart quickened with anticipation - he needed to consume more. The dimly lit interior revealed a sparse scattering of individuals, their presence merely accentuated by the rhythmic clinks of weights and the faint echoes of exertion. The men were worth absorbing, and he needed to get to their size. Given how much he had absorbed already, it clearly wasn’t an equal exchange. Surveying the room, his discerning gaze settled upon those whose physiques mirrored the image he aspired to attain. As he dug deeper into his workouts, a mounting sense of determination and hunger coursed through him. The connection with the men he had absorbed surged, as if they were quietly urging him on, their unquenchable desires melding seamlessly with his own. Their cravings for growth and power resonated deep within him, merging into an irresistible drive. With every lift and repetition, he inched closer to the fulfillment of these shared ambitions without needing to bring another person inside him. In his mind, he fixated on images of himself growing bigger, stronger, and more muscular. The men within him reveled in this experience, sharing his fervor for transformation - it was turning them on and in turn, himself as well. As he lifted the weights, he almost felt their satisfaction, their contentment in being part of this extraordinary metamorphosis. In that realm of iron and sweat, he knew what he needed to do - to consume as much muscle as possible. The yearning to grow, to absorb more, and to become stronger had ceased to be a fleeting impulse; it was now a driving force. With each passing moment, his conviction deepened—he was destined for greatness, and his ongoing transformation marked only the beginning of an extraordinary journey. That was when he devised a plan to draw one of the men closer, to encourage further absorption. All he had to do was feign difficulty on the squat rack, loading the bar heavier than he should. A wobbly display of form, unsteady knees, and a stumble forward with a burdensome 180 pounds of plates precariously balanced on his shoulders would suffice. He was still small enough that it would make sense - for now. In just a matter of minutes, the ruse worked, as one of the men couldn't resist stepping in to help him - because it’s a great way to die otherwise. "Woah there, buddy, what the hell do you think you were doing there?" the man grunted as he attempted to bear the weight, his horseshoe-shaped tricep head flaring while slowly lowering the bar to the ground. "Sorry, I, uhhh, don't know what I was thinking. Thanks man,” Ben admitted, holding out his hand. "I'm Ben, kinda new here." The man extended his hand, annoyed, and the moment their palms met, Ben felt an electric surge coursing through him. "Mario, and that could have gotten you killed.” Ben smiled as he watched the visible wave of exhaustion wash over Mario. It was evident in his eyes and seemed to creep across his brows, making him appear as if he might fall asleep at any moment. "You wanna give me a spot on the bench?" Ben asked. “Show me a few pointers?” He said with a child-like smile. Mario, puzzled by his sudden fatigue but deciding it wouldn't hurt, replied, "Sure, I could use a rest before my next set.” Each time Ben pretended to struggle, Mario would offer his assistance, grazing under his arms, unwittingly giving away a piece of himself, his personality, his soul - it didn’t matter. What he was absorbing was getting faster and easier. After three sets and Ben feigning failure each time, it was clear that Mario had lost some size. He was physically smaller and significantly more fatigued than usual after his workout. Mario finished the set with Ben, his heavy breaths a testament to the energy he had unknowingly given away. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to Ben. "I think I'm done for today. Gotta shower and get home," he said, concern in his eyes. "You be careful, okay? Don't overdo it man." Ben nodded, offering an appreciative smile. "Yeah, you too, man. Thanks for the spot. I think this is a good stopping point for me tonight as well.” Together, they walked towards the men's room. Mario focused on gathering his clothes, oblivious to the hunger in Ben's eyes. Ben's attention, however, was solely on the man before him. As Mario removed his shirt, his tattooed physique was revealed, more tantalizing than anything Ben had ever seen. He couldn't help but fixate on the way Mario's pecs twitched as he dug a towel out of his gym bag, how his forearms flexed as he grabbed some body-wash, and more importantly the same fatigue creeping across his brow. This was Ben's chance. He couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He would join Mario in the shower, absorbing as much muscle as he could before taking everything else without resistance. Turning away from Mario, Ben walked over to the scale. He couldn't believe what he saw - he had gained 63 pounds of solid muscle. Gazing at himself in the mirror, he marveled at his transformed physique. He was no longer a twink; he was a hulking, muscular man at 213. The reflection also revealed a naked Mario strutting confidently into the shower room.Ben's mouth went dry as he watched, his desire growing more insatiable. He want to throw that man against the wall now and fuck him then and there - no one would know. A terrifyingly new thought. He needed to see more. In fact, he deserved to see more. As Mario peeled off his shirt, exposing his inked physique, a smoldering desire ignited within Ben. He couldn't take his eyes off the man before him. Mario's broad shoulders, etched with intricate tattoos, drew Ben's gaze like a moth to a flame. His chest, a masterpiece of muscle, rippled with every movement. Dark body hair dusted his pecs and snaked down his abdomen, an alluring contrast to his golden tan skin. The scent of the gym still lingered on Ben’s body, mixed with his natural musk. It should have disgusted him, but instead, it sent a thrill through him that he couldn't deny. He even watched, transfixed, as Mario reached for a towel, his arm muscles flexing and veins practically popping out of his skin. It was as though his very essence was calling out to Ben. However, as Mario lifted his arm to reach for the towel, the scent from his pits hit Mario's nostrils like a punch to the gut. It was pungent, raw, and undeniably masculine. He recoiled in disgust for a moment, the sudden clarity of his situation jolting him. He had to shower now, before leaving the gym. Watching it made Ben have to reach in his pants to readjust his dick, now growing longer and harder. Ben turned away, heading towards the scale to check his own progress, only to avoid eye contact and suspicion. In the mirror's reflection, he could see himself as a slightly larger figure, far from the twink he once was. But the allure of Mario, the need to absorb his strength and essence, was overpowering. His desire was a raging inferno, and he couldn't resist the pull any longer. He needed more, and he was determined to take it all. The moment Mario disappeared behind the shower curtain, Ben swiftly moved. He closed the locker room door with a definitive click, making sure it was securely locked. Every step he took, every breath he drew, was charged with the anticipation of growing larger, of adding yet another person to his collection. Heading toward the showers, Ben could already feel the steam pouring over the top of the curtain. It was a hot shower already, and the steam would only enhance the experience. Approaching the shower, he glimpsed Mario's unkempt feet, facing the wall. The man must be letting the hot water pound over his sore shoulders. Ben didn't waste a moment. He stripped off his clothes, taking a final admiring look at himself in the mirror. He noticed a few more inches of height, along with the muscles that had bulged further. With a grin, he attempted a most muscular flex, mimicking what he had seen before. He was by no means a monster yet, but this was as small as he'd be for a while if he had any say in it. Even the others he had absorbed reveled in the view through his eyes. Finally, he walked up to the shower, opened the shower curtain, and pulled it aside. Mario jumped, startled. "What the fuck, man!" Mario exclaimed, getting into some meager defensive stance trying not to slip on his wet flip-flops. Ben chuckled, stepping inside. "Thought I might join you, big guy." His tone, however, had taken on a menacing edge that sent shivers down Mario's spine. Mario knew what the hungry look was, combined with an already erect cock that put his to shame. “You really helped me out and I was going to return the favor.” Mario backed up, his face contorted with anxiety and frustration. "I'm not into that fag stuff, man," he growled, his voice trembling with tension. "So you either walk out of here, or someone will be picking you up off the fucking floor.” His fist clenched as he tried to get into a fighting stance. Ben chuckled about to step forward, almost taunting Mario - something told him Mario always enjoyed a challenge. Without warning, Mario unleashed a powerful punch that landed squarely on Ben's jaw. But instead of pain, Ben felt a surge of energy as his skin absorbed and healed from the impact, barely flinching. He barely flinched as his eyes turned cold, advancing toward Mario. Confused, Mario struck again, but this time Ben swiftly caught his fist mid-air, his hand now much larger than it had ever been before. "I've been taking size off you all night, man," Ben laughed, his hunger taking control of him. "Now it's my turn to really take a few pounds, and daddies hungry.” He couldn't explain why he needed to call himself daddy, but he felt like Mario would know what that meant. Mario attempted to squeeze past and slip out, but Ben effortlessly threw him back against the wall. "I don't think that's the best choice," Ben purred, moving closer to Mario. The situation was fueling his hunger, making him increasingly horny, a dangerous combination. “You see, I think you might be able to help me with a few more things tonight.” Ben’s voice now quiet and much darker, as he forced Mario to kiss him, taking more and more with each second, as he guided his dick under Mario’s practically steroid emptied ballsack, thrusting and giving him an external prostate massage. Beneath the relentless deluge of the shower, Ben's aggression surged. He maintained his iron grip on Mario as pound after pound of muscle was devoured, the process accelerating with each passing moment. The sound of their labored breathing mixed with the pounding water, creating a cacophony of lust and desperation. Mario was pinned against the wall, his resistance dwindling, and Ben forcing him gradually to waist level. With a primal hunger in his eyes, Ben couldn't suppress his insatiable desire any longer. He forcefully thrust his throbbing erection into Mario's throat, initiating a brutal rhythm of relentless pounding. The wet, slurping sounds of their encounter echoed in the confined space, each thrust accompanied by a guttural moan of submission from Mario who was now growing more frail by the minute. As Ben continued to face-fuck Mario he could feel an increasing sense of power coursing through him, like a growing storm that refused to be contained - this is what absorbing a man like Mario was going to do to him. He liked it. Mario’s personality didn’t care who he hurt or why. Nor was it the first time Mario had been part of something like this, only this time - Mario would be the victim. Mario's will crumbled as Ben grew taller, his body surging with newfound strength. The water cascading around them seemed to mirror the chaos of this transformation, washing away traces of the man who once stood before him. With each forceful thrust and every weakening gasp from Mario, Ben became more formidable, more unstoppable, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and transformation. With a final, explosive climax, Ben's essence coated the wall, his unrestrained desire for dominance reaching its zenith. As the last remnants of Mario seemed to vanish within him, he couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction. Mario's own dark intentions had cast a long shadow, and Ben had absorbed him, preventing horrors he might have unleashed. With Mario's presence now a part of him, Ben couldn't shake the chilling realization that, had he not intervened, Mario might have gone on to commit raped after leaving the gym in a pre-planned tinder hookup. In a strange and disturbing way, his own actions had actually saved someone else. The knowledge weighed heavily on him as he stood in the aftermath of his actions, a palpable transformation coursing through his being, both in body and in mind. The lines between himself and those he absorbed were becoming increasingly blurred. Ben left the wall coated in the viscous residue, not caring about the unseemly puddle forming there as he climbed out of the shower. His breaths still came heavy, and his body continued to throb with the lingering excitement. The aftermath was evident, as his body refused to settle; he was leaking in more ways than one. The desire to repeat what he had just done pulsed within him like an insatiable hunger. It was so easy, and with each passing person, he was growing bigger, stronger. He could now easily reach eye level with the shower rod, a stark contrast to when he had first entered. Stepping out of the shower, he headed straight to the mirror. His reflection revealed a physique that was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Beneath the layer of fat from Ryan, the contours of his muscles were defined and chiseled, the promise of his true strength concealed. His height had surged as well, nearing an imposing 6'7". The scale now read 251 pounds on the dot, and he was already hungry again for more. Struggling to put on his shirt, Ben found his sleeve practically stuck in his armpit, unable to cling to his bulging arms. The shirt barely made it down to his belly button, which was now adorned with thick, well-defined abs, complete with a perfectly groomed treasure trail. The sight of his own body stirred a renewed wave of arousal, his massive member throbbing and imprinting a blatant outline in his underwear. Ben couldn't help but admire the sheer masculinity that now defined his body. The contours of his muscles, now more pronounced than ever, spoke of years spent sculpting his physique - this could not have occurred in a couple of hours. As he reached for his clothing, a delighted grin spread across his face. His old stuff was clearly ill-equipped to handle his new contours. The fabric of his shirt strained against his inflated arms, muscles visibly bulging through the tight material. Chuckling playfully but with a sense of wonder, he lifted an arm and flexed his bicep, savoring the sensation as it effortlessly tore a small tear in the fabric at the hem. A laugh of pure joy escaped his lips as he leaned forward, his body pulsating with newfound strength and masculinity. With each tear in his shirt, he reveled in the sight of his powerful physique, exposed in all its glory. Ben's shirt struggled to contain his chiseled form as he confidently struck a most muscular pose, small tears forming and offering tantalizing glimpses of the raw power beneath. Even when he wrestled his gym shorts on, the sensation was nothing short of thrilling. His massive thighs and rock-hard glutes stretched the fabric to its limit, making for a snug fit that emphasized every inch of his dick against the fabric. With a resigned sigh, he adjusted the waistband and decided it would have to do for now. It was late, and he had no other options. Then again, he could already feel the hunger beginning to grow in him again and there would be no sleep needed tonight. That’s when he got a thought that excited himself and Mario, but scared Ben, Ryan, and the parts of Alicia that he could feel - what he didn’t stop growing? And more importantly, was Alicia still waiting for him?
“T, you were never supposed to know! I’m sorry, T, really. Your mom and dad couldn’t have kids and they begged me. I’d been working on genetic augmentation and they implored me to implant . . . you . . . into El’s womb. I knew they’d be outstanding parents to you, T.” Brad gushed apologetically. Taranis walked over to a dresser that had some abstract piece of art made of granite, wrapped his large hand around it, and lifted it as if it weighed ounces. “Genetic augmentation, B? Now knowing your libidinous passion for hyper-masculinity, muscular size, and cruel, brutally lethal power fused with an insatiable sexual drive. I’ve got to ask you: When your created my embryo, did you create it to become one of your unappeasable, macrophilic, muscle-monsters? Am I the result of your wanton dreams and desires, you self-absorbed little bug?” Taranis demanded. With that, his inhuman muscles swelled to rock-hard mounds of power, he lifted his other hand and easily snapped the granite into two pieces. He held one piece in one hand while wedging the other piece into the deep cleavage formed between his two colossal globes of pectoral muscle. “AM I?” he thundered as he clenched his fist and flexed his powerful pecs together. Both pieces of granite were instantly obliterated into fine powder and dust. “You made me to be the most massive, powerful, and desirable man to ever exist, didn’t you, and with an unquenchable desire to dominate and fuck?” Brad was practically drooling, unable to ascertain if Taranis was truly angered or if he was, once again, appreciative and playing the brutal beast for his godfather’s pleasure. “I did, T, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I could never have known I could accomplish YOU. I love you, I desire you, I worship you with every fiber of my being, Mighty Taranis! You are wired to become the inhumanly massive, powerful, and slaughterous horny titan of my dreams!” T smirked and began to slowly stroke his ever-leaking, always ready battering ram of a cock. Brad began lustfully stroking in unison with his pure embodiment of brutal masculinity. “With the correct combination of stimuli, you will grow larger, T. Larger in every way. Height, mass, muscle density, and . . . “ Brad hesitated, “ . . . and in a lust to use your limitless power to destroy and decimate, to fuck and kill with unfathomable cruelty . . . and all of that is tied to a lust to satiate your immeasurable and enduring sexual desires, a lust that can never be fulfilled.” As Brad spoke, Taranis began to smile broadly. “FUCK, yeah, ‘Dad’! I can actually FEEL the truth in what you say. That is why your little jack-off session that I witnessed last night resonated so deeply within me. It got me so god-damned horny, even after blasting through the ceiling with my cum! I HAD to FUCK . . . I HAD to use all this pent up strength and power . . . I HAD to feed, ‘Dad’!” he snarled as he lifted both arms and flexed. Veins like cables appeared and mapped all over his monstrously mighty, thickly vein encased body. Triceps larger than Brad’s head hung beneath oaken, trunk-like arms and snapped to solid, rippling attention as biceps mounded and rose majestically towards his colossal clenched fists. He turned his stunning face and licked his biceps before pursing his full lips and sloppily kissing them with a lustful hunger for more. “Ahhh, “FUCK YES!” Taranis thundered, actually FEELING his eternal and immortal existence surging from every cell in his body. “You have created a cruel and barbaric GOD of lust, power, and violently savage domination, you pathetic little CUNT!” Brad was drooling from both his mouth and cock as he blurted, “Oh, GOD, YES, Taranis!” Something then clicked in his lust-flooding brain. “Taranis, where are Kai and El? What have you done with them?” pleading for details of his closest friends’ demise at the hands of their “son”, the all-powerful beast looming over him. Taranis grinned and evil grin. “You mean what have YOU done with them, you fucking little power-and-brutality-slut! I think you’ll like seeing how well your little genetic experiment awakened. Well, not so little, maybe, you horny little bug.” “What do you mean? How can I see what we’ve done?” Brad stuttered out, breathing in ragged breaths, uncontrollably horny to learn what had happened, hoping that Taranis' demonically brutal lusts had begun to emerge. “That’s right, BITCH! What WE’VE done!” T grinned broadly. “Shit, diminutive “Dad”, I will take you there to be with us and witness what has begun.” With that he waved his hand and, instantly, they were both standing in T’s room the night before. Brad could smell the gallons of musky spunk dripping from the ceiling. He heard T tell Kai that he would meet his “mom” and “dad” in the basement. He heard the door close. He turned and asked T, “How? How can this be?” “Everything is becoming clear to me now, little Brad, what I am and what I can do.” T responded. “You will learn, in time, the totality of what you have done, little man, and who you have conjured up. I have known I was not Kai’s and El’s biological son for years . . . ever since Kai began looking like a weak llittle son compared to ME!” T flexing hard for emphasis. “I just didn’t have all of the pieces until you filled in the blanks. I am now free to tap into my full, unlimited power as the singular deity that I AM.” Brad shuddered at the pronouncement and became rock-hard and pre-cum flowing all at once. “Come (and Brad did!)” T continued, smirking at Brad’s spontaneous ejaculation from him just speaking a word, “it’s time.” They walked down into the basement. Kai and El looked up confused to see Brad behind their incredibly massive, totally nude son. Their mouths dropped open as the pair reached the bottom of the stairs. El’s eyes glazed over seeing her powerfully built and heavily hung “son” bare for the first time since he was a small child. She immediately moaned, shoved her hand up her skirt and began to orgasm . . . just at the sight of T’s thick, rippling teen body. Kai’s total emasculation at the sight of T stroking his colossal, pre-pouring cock, caused him to fall to his knees, pitch forward, and begin lapping up the pre-cum roping onto T’s feet and pooling on the floor around him. “HA! HA! HA!” Taranis bellowed, “How could you respond any other way to what I AM, you pathetic, weak little deceivers.” T growled at them, “I know I can’t be your son. You are both way too puny, weak, and stupid. And I am, well, THIS!” He flexed hard over them, his body ballooning with pure, unadulterated power. Kai shuffled towards T, eyes glued on the throbbing cock with flared mushroom head pulsing pre constantly. “Tell me who I am, and you can touch it.” T taunted him. El just grabbed a bat, shoved its base into her wet, drooling pussy, and began rhythmically pushing it in and out as she moaned, “I want you to FUCK ME, Taranis! Let me ride your immense, sequoian-like manhood, my perfect, young Hercules! PLEASE! FUCK ME!” Kai, mesmerized by the size and power of his son, told T that he was Brad’s creation, but he didn’t know why, only that he had manipulated genes to create the perfect male. T told him he was pleased at his obedience and commanded him to strip and approach. Kai obediently tore his clothing off and practically leapt to T’s cock. He wrapped two hands as far as he could around its girth and began lapping at the massive, pre-cum and cum slathered shaft. T palmed Kai’s little skull and lifted him from the floor, kicking and clawing at the unstoppable teen. T brought him to his chest and pushed his head between the massive mounds. T slowly flexed, relishing the creaks and cracks of Kai’s puny, compressing skull. He looked in the eyes and grinned, flexing his pecs together hard. Kai’s head immediately squished like a little bug between T’s billowing, diamond-hard pectorals. Kai’s hard little dick exploded in orgasm as his head was pulverized to mush, his spunk coating T’s rippling, corrugated abs. T flexed his pecs alternately until there was nothing substantial enough left between his pecs to hold the body up, The jerking body flopped down to the base of T’s enormous, twitching cock. T looked into El’s eyes as she squealed, “My god! MY GOD! Fuck me, my brutal Adonis, FUCK ME, PUH-LEEZE!’ she begged. Brad just listened, stroking his hard-again dick, and periodically hissing, “Oh, my GOD, T!” and “You are becoming more than I could have EVER hoped for!” Taranis smiled knowingly at Brad while he licked the blood and brains dripping around his death-dealing pectorals. He then lifted Kai’s headless corpse from the base of his cock, and lifted it to his mouth. He sucked on the dripping neck hole while crushing the lifeless torso with his powerful hands, squeezing and wringing out blood and organs. After ingesting ravenously, he tossed the useless shell of a body aside like so much garbage and walked over to El. “STRIP!”, T ordered, and she excitedly complied. He placed his hands around her waist and lifted her. El purred, “So big, so strong!” as T positioned her hungry, wet pussy over his raging cock head. She began to resist, seeing T’s crown’s size so close to her comparatively small pussy. T lowered her, his hot, flowing pre-cum lubed around her hungry hole and prepped her for tender entry. There would be no tenderness. T growled, “Fucking CUNT!” and plunged into her mercilessly. His titanic shaft, his throbbing, massive mushroom head splayed her open and rearranging her insides as it thrust into her, tearing her apart. She screamed in both pain and ecstasy as he used her like a fucking fleshlight. The closer T came to cumming, the harder he squeezed her pathetic little body until he heard, and felt, her puny little bones begin to snap and break. She was rasping out “GOD! NO, STOOOP! . . . No . . . YES! Oh, GOD! YES! FUCK ME, TARANIS, FUCK ME HARDER!” she sputtered as her organs began to rupture under such a terrifyingly destructive sexual assault. Taranis looked her in the eyes and grinned, “As you wish, lying little BITCH!” as he pulled her skewered body, legs and arms flailing uselessly, down to his pubes. He clenched his hard, rippling ass and began jettisoning his godly seed. The first blast shot through her like a fucking missile, exiting her skull and killing her instantly. Her bloody head lolled to the side and the second blast ripped through her neck, severing her head from her body.. T crushed and compressed her worthless little body around his bucking cock like a once-living condom.” Brad shot his load in unison with T’s brutal raping of El to death and using her remains as gritty cock lube. T lifted his blood-drenched hand and licked it clean. He then waved his hand and both he and Brad were instantly back in the hotel room. T smiled down at Brad. “I ingested some of Mom, too, before burying them far below the basement. What’s left of their remains will never be found. And, just so you don’t have to wonder, little ‘Dad’, I WILL be as those photo’s you created of me on your computer. I WILL live out your sick, innermost desires before you, and more. I will become to you as you wished and prayed for, you horny little faggot, and you will worship me as a GOD.” In return for creating me, I will allow you to live and witness me feeding my burgeoning domination and bloodlusts. Know that it is YOU who will have unleashed hell on earth by creating a living muscle-beast fantasy for your own pleasure, you fucking little insect.” Brad now knew it had begun. His deepest, darkest desires were truly now incarnate. He approached his terrifyingly handsome, brutal, and powerful creation. He kneeled on the floor and crawled to Taranis’ huge feet. He lapped pre-cum from those expansive feet and toes, kissing worshipfully, as fresh pre-cum roped down onto his back from Taranis’ arm-thick, deadly cock. “I have loved and worshiped you since you were but a thought in my head, Taranis. All who lay eyes on you will desire you, will long to please you, will worship what you are. Yet all of them, they are but playthings for you . . . toys for your dark amusement and merciless pleasure.” He looked up at Taranis’ stunningly handsome face, “YOU . . . You have always been, and always will be, my GOD, Taranis, even before I created your perfect, powerful body! I just found a way to call you forth. I now exist to please you, to serve you, to LOVE you.” Brad began to drool, once again, continuing, “When will you make yourself known among the puny inhabitants of this world, Almighty Taranis? You are Lord Over All!” Taranis, looking down over his protuberant pectorals, had the urge to lift his foot, place it on Brad’s brittle body, and simply splatter the puny little flesh-sack out of existence, but at least it now knew its place. “Mmmm, your worthless little worm. I long to begin my barbarous rampage right here, right now, but I will not. I will enroll at the University and, from there, I will begin to make myself known in ways that will forcibly inflame your lustful passions. For calling me forth, contemptibly feeble little insect, I love you as much as I am able without mindlessly obliterating you.” Brad, looking up at such a seductively gorgeous, and deathly brutal, mountain of muscle. He felt fear for the first time in Taranis presence. “What have I DONE?!?!” he thought to himself. Taranis could, indeed, callously, and without mercy, obliterate him, and all others, without a second thought nor a hint of remorse. He began to tremble, even as his body again convulsed in worshipful dry ejaculation. Taranis, now knowing his thoughts, with a rumbling whisper, stated matter-of-factly, “What have you done, indeed, you worthless microbial sentient. You are now beginning to understand. Bringing your hidden and deep, dark desires to life will have lethally destructive consequences . . . for all but ME!” Brad, still trembling, cringed in shock, terror, and remorse as a torrent of piss flowed from his dick. Still, his longing and hunger to witness Taranis’ reign prevailed over all. Taranis reached down and gently encircled Brad’s neck with his inhuman large fist. He lifted him to his face and deeply kissed his creator, virtually raping the little man’s mouth with his long, thick tongue. Brad reciprocated while reaching his arms out, his hands roaming over the hot, hard flesh of his hypnotically handsome, godly, and maliciously virulent creation. The phrase, “Yes, my God, YES!” churned in his brain even as his body, seemingly with a mind of its own, dry humped Taranis’ massive, undulating musculature augmenting before him. Taranis set the little man, forever mesmerized and possessed by his inexhaustible and terrifying masculinity, down. “Time to clean up and rest for our University tour tomorrow.” T said, his demeanor returning to the hulking, lovable teen that had arrived at the airport earlier. “Oh, and, while it’s still possible, you can share the bed with me, Uncle B!”
The centurions mulled around the foot of the cross on which the man hung, hands and feet pierced with spikes. The man deserved the punishment he was receiving, running around claiming to be a deity. One of the guards keeping the wailing people back glanced back to see the muscled young man, totally nude and bleeding from the scourging he had received earlier. The long, dark hair matted with blood hung over the man’s traps and down over protruding pectorals overshadowing cobblestone abs with liquid running from a fresh wound in his side. The long, thick cock hung over large testicles that commanded the young guard’s attention. “What a waste.” he thought to himself, a closeted, gay soldier. “This man was definitely worthy of worship!” he mused, “What a shame he is so docile and tenderhearted. He could have been a mighty warrior, powerful and feared.” As the guard looked upon the horrific spectacle, scanning the broken, yet obviously once powerful body of the man, the doomed criminal opened his pained eyes and looked down at the guard from the cross. A grin formed on what was once a handsome face as he mouthed, “It is finished . . . and now my wrath!” Clouds formed above him, lightning flashed, a bolt striking the man squarely in the chest as he hung there. The guard fell to his knees as he witnessed the man seem to absorb the energy and power from the lightning. His body tensed, muscles and veins bulging massive and hard as wounds seemed to disappear from his tortured body. His body began to swell and grow . . . thicker, harder, more imposing and powerful. The cock began to swell, rise, and harden as the thick lips began to grin and then form a sneering smirk. The centurions gathered at the foot of the cross looked up in confusion as the man inflated with thick, rippling and vascular muscular proportion before their eyes. His massive feet quickly touched and cratered the ground at the foot of the cross as he clenched his fists and brought them forward, snapping the cross in two as the spikes slipped through his meaty palms. The thickness of his vein-encased, muscular form bulged forth obscenely as he flexed. One guard standing close was crushed beneath one of those massive feet as it depressed the ground beneath the man’s tonnage. He looked into the kneeling guard’s eyes and grinned as he ground his foot into the cratered earth, grinding the bloody remains of the guard into a gruesome paste beneath him. As he did so, the swollen, granite-hard muscles of his leg ballooned and rippled as they expanded with power. His cock, now throbbing erect and swollen, began to bubble pre-cum from its piss slit. Its size was nearly that of the puny men and women gawking at such a vision of undeniable power and sensual masculinity. With incredible speed, he snatched the guard that had impaled him with his spear, engulfing his torso in his mighty fist, and effortlessly lifted him from the ground as he flailed about like a rag-doll. Eyes glaring from his uber-handsome face, he raised his other massive hand and engulfed the doomed little man’s skull in that fist. The giant man’s arms exploded with more size and power as the little creature’s skull simply exploded from his fist. Blood, skull fragments, and brain matter showered those gaping up at colossal and omnipotent physical perfection. The twitching, headless corpse fell and draped across the base of the titanic muscle-beast’s cock as he grinned and thundered, “I GAVE YOU THE CHANCE TO ADORE A LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE DEITY, BUT NOW YOU WILL WORSHIP WHAT YOU TRULY DESIRE: A POWERFUL AND TERRIFYING GOD! I WILL BE THE BRUTAL BEAST YOU HAVE PRAYED AND LONGED FOR!” With that, he reached towards the two crosses on either side of him, encircled each cross in his fists and effortlessly pulled them from the ground. The men hanging on each cross were pulped in his fists as he raised them up and flexed, their blood and entrails squishing from between his clenched fingers and pouring to the ground as wood splintered and bones were ground to liquid. He opened his hands, brought each to his lips and lapped at the remains of the two thieves. Looking directly at the worshipful guard that had fallen to his knees, now trembling, he bellowed, “You will now lead this band of soldiers, little worshiper. Bring me Pilate and the religious leaders that dared condemn me.” he snarled flatly. He leaned forward and snatched the dumbfounded lead centurion by a leg from the ground, dangling him in front of his massively muscled and rippling body of a GOD. “The rest of you pathetic mortals will follow him or face my wrath.” With that, he lifted his other oaken arm and grabbed the other leg of the squealing, struggling centurion dangling by one leg in front of him. His enormous, powerful muscles ballooned as he flexed his expansive back and pulled his arms apart, ripping the puny man in half as if he was nothing but a twig, He tossed each part into the camp of mesmerized soldiers and boomed, “You WILL obey and please me . . . in one way . . . or another.” He then reached down to the corpse draped over the base of his throbbing, erect shaft and crushed it around the twitching sex spire. He began to slowly stroke the stimulating residue of a man up and down his vein-encased member. “Now GO!” All military bolted down the hill at his command. The worshipping little guard, now commander of the battalion, lagged behind to encourage two women and a civilian man gaping up at the muscled giant now pleasuring himself with the crimson, gelatinous lube that had once been a large man. “You three. Come with me . . . quickly!” he ordered. The younger woman shook her head, her eyes never leaving the swole giant creature looming over her, as she disrobed and stepped towards his expansive feet. She kneeled, dipped her hair in thee pre-cum mixed with blood puddled at her master’s feet, and began to clean his feet with her hair. “NO!” the older woman yelled, but the commander grabbed her and the civilian and began forcing them down the hill towards the town. The godly muscle beast focused on the woman cleaning his feet and dropped to a knee before reaching down and lifting her to his bloody, pulsing cock. She reached out and caressed the hot, hard surface of the glans of the crown of that sensual appendage. She looked up as her inhumanly muscled master rumbled in approval at her light touch before screaming, “Please . . . my God . . . I’ve longed for you since you first found me . . . UNGH! GOD! FUCK ME!” She looked into the eyes of the one she loved, but the kind, gentle eyes had been replaced with a cold, dark, and hungry look. God licked his lips as he snarled down, lifting and positioning her dripping pussy over his hungry cock-head large enough to split her in half. “As you wish.” he thundered as he tightened his grip on her torso and impaled her slowly. The worshipful young woman’s legs splayed and her hips cracked and snapped as she attempted a muffled scream of “YES, MY GOD!” as she felt the deadly trunk pop her open. The massive cock traversed her body, shattering her bones and pulping her organs as she quickly became a cock-sleeve of flesh for the deity’s sexual pleasure. The commander and his two civilians turned at a rumbling roar that shook the earth to witness the young woman’s self-sacrifice to their new insatiable, brutal, and bloodthirsty God. As he continued to stroke his mammoth meat, he stood and began striding down the hill towards the town. The three turned and began to run even as the newly-appointed commander’s cock throbbed to full attention witnessing such masculine beauty, such omnipotent power, such uncaring and insatiable lust. He longed to please his newfound God, to serve him totally!
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The Blood-Thirsty God Defense Project - Part 1
BrutalPowerDemon posted a topic in Continuous Stories
The lead bio-engineer of the BTG Defense Project, and his team, had been working on the lab-created humanoid since the being had finally been successfully formed and had breathed its first breath. The massive facility in which the team worked was built on a secluded Hawaiian island and was similar to a partially above-ground Titan II Missile Complex, but with a much larger missile silo. The 300 feet tall silo, with an equal-sized circumference, is where development of the most complex, living defense weapon ever conceived was created and nurtured to its full potential and usable value as a military asset. The subterranean control center, where the bioengineering team lives and from which their experiment is observed, is similar to where a Titan II complex would have it located at a safe distance from the silo. It is connected to the silo by a 300 feet long tunnel leading to an elevator shaft that has stops at various levels occurring at 50 feet increments along the exterior of the silo. Leaving the elevator at each level empties into the observation decks constructed at those levels. The bottom floor entry into the silo empties into the full gym for the body-builder employees. That gym has a second floor with all walls being mirrored for the bodybuilder workers to examine their progress in the gym. Within 3 years of creation, the male humanoid commissioned by the military was, incredibly, larger than any Mr. Olympia, yet more muscularly bulked, cut, and defined. Even as a toddler, the genetically enhanced Blasian male was stunning in every regard. Its skin was smooth, dark, and impenetrable. Its face was brutally handsome, exhibiting all of the most beautiful traits of the Nubian, Asian, and Caucasion attributes found in those genetic codes. Black, wild, and tight-wavy, coal black hair topped its stunningly strong and confident face with piercing, red eyes; high, squared cheekbones; sensuous, thick lips; and its body genetically honed for pure, limitless power fueled by unmitigated and primal perfection. The swole muscles stretching the venous skin were more akin to a muscle-bound cartoon beast than anything remotely human. By the time it was 12 years of age, the colossal creature was over 100 feet tall and its inhumanly swole stature elicited worshipful awe from those that created it. Even pre-teen, merely being in the presence of this potently powerful and dominant “boy” elicited a response of total inadequacy and inferiority in comparison to such a peerless and predominant organism still growing into both physical and mental perfection. Now a titanic, 200 feet tall, dark and sinister tower of thick, rippling muscle, it weighs in at an overwhelmingly pulverizing 5.5 tons of raging, male brawn and sinew. The being’s absolute supremacy and dominance has now been developing for 18 years as continual electric currents alternatingly exercise every muscle, increasing strength and size heretofore never known to man. Its mind being bombarded daily with the sights and sounds of brutal domination and power eventually infused the creature’s sex drive inextricably with its use of complete dominance and exhibition of muscular power over anything smaller and weaker. At well over 5 tons of hulking, swole, and rippling muscle mass, the creature’s soles, heal to toe, are 28 feet long, its palms are 10 feet across with the longest fingers being that same length. The giant’s devastatingly spine-tingling face alone is 25 feet tall with a mouth width the size of a man. Its glowing red, penetrating eyes are almost 4 feet wide. Even with all of the burgeoning, undulating muscle flexing beneath the almost translucent skin of the creature, its most sight-consuming, awe-inspiring, and devastatingly emasculating appendage is covered with throbbing, hose-like veins wrapping and mapping around the majestic and thick, flaccid 35 foot penis that, when aroused, engorges to a throbbing 50 feet long super-cock that defies gravity as it throbs and twitches up and over an ever-churning, planetary ballsack, each nut capable of housing 2+ of the 6+ feet tall men working at the facility. With the exception of the bioengineering team, the all-male staff for the facility believe they are primarily hired to keep the premises clean and in good repair. They only know the project is referred to as BTG (and not knowing that the full name of the BTG project is “The Blood-Thirsty God defense Project”). They are not permitted in the silo, except the gym contained therein, nor to see the experiment unless they request permission. The full number of workers, outside of the bioengineering team, hired at any given time is 12. Those men are hired from advertisements placed in gyms around the world and a steady supply are at the ready whenever the need arises for replacements. They are enticed to take the job with little pay, but with benefits including room and board, and a full gym designed for only body-builders, yet with only a maximum of 12 users. They are also taunted with the opportunity to work out with the largest and most powerful body-builder of all time. BTG lay across the vast floor of the silo, his wrists and ankles chained with massive chains connected to the floor on which he lay. The chains were long enough for him to stand and move around the cramped, 300 feet space. His superior hearing heard 4 workmen enter the gym and begin working out. At about the same time, two scientists from the bio-engineering team exited the elevator at the 160 feet observation room. BTG slowly stood, chains clanking loudly, until he stood to his full height, his face peering into the observation room with his unearthly, glowing red eyes. The lead engineer, trembling as he always did standing before the powerful titan, lifted a microphone and asked, “How are you doing, Crusher?” (Crusher was a name he had called BTG from the time the creature had been living for less than a year . . . the infant BTG had playfully grabbed the scientist’s hand and squeezed, shattering every bone effortlessly.) The ceiling height window and walls of the observation room rattled as the giant muscle-boy’s full lips curved in a grin, glistening teeth larger than a man’s head sparkling as BTG thundered, “Not bad, Frail Devotee.” BTG’s smile devolved to a smirk as his huge, saliva-slick tongue licked his inviting lips. “I thought I heard jizz-rats in the bug-gym, Tiny. Open the lid . . . I need protein.” Even as the scientist began to protest, BTG raised both arms and flexed, his powerful mountains of muscle stretching his skin as huge mounds of power solidified before the 2 little scientist’s eyes. BTG turned and licked the vast surface and pulsing, cable-sized vein running atop the hot, hard mound of his massive biceps. BTG turned back to the 2 men and glared. “WELL?” he boomed. The lead engineer stuttered, “I - We - Crusher! The workers only just began their workout. Wait until they are in the top of the box and examine their muscles before opening the top . . . please, Sir.” With no roof nor ceiling on any of the observation rooms, BTG grinned, once again, as he lowered his massive hand from flexing, reached into the observation room with two fingers, and plucked the second scientist from the observation deck, screaming wildly, “NO! NO! PLEASE . . . NOOOOO! I’ll do ANYTHING! Put me back! Let me GO!” “A little something while I wait, then.” the teen titan muttered as he dropped the terror-stricken scientist into his other palm while lowering his now free hand to his hyperphysical, blood-engorging cock. “So small. So weak. PATHETIC . . . STRIP!” he ordered, the little scientist complying with the behemoth’s command in near lightning speed. The lead engineer was, indeed, a devotee to his barbarous creation, as Crusher well knew. He pressed against the glass separating him from Crusher and looked down at the massive, always sex-starved and throbbing cock expanding, veins pulsing with blood to feed the beast larger and harder. Crusher slowly stroked as he lifted the scientist to his lips. “FEED ME!” BTG bellowed before extending his tongue and licking the screaming little man. He stuck to the salivating tongue and was pulled into BTG’s hot, humid mouth. The lead engineer dropped to his knees and pulled out his rigid little dick, as he had so many times over the past 18 years. He looked up into the divine being’s eyes. “Yes, Crusher, feed . . . be what you are . . . PLEASE!” he begged. BTG savored the vibrations of the struggling, flailing little scientist filling his mouth as he slowly stroked his gargantuan cock. Looking the lead engineer in the eyes, he grinned as he positioned the doomed scientist on his molars before clamping his jaws shut. The frantic screams were cut short with a CRUNCH and SPLAT as blood shot from his lips, spattering the glass behind which the lead engineer stood, masturbating frantically. BTG smirked a bloody smirk as he continued chewing and swallowing the pathetic little scientist, the huge Adam’s apple bobbing on the thickly muscled neck of the beast as the pulped remains of his snack travelled down his throat. The lead engineer used his free hand to fumble on the control panel before speaking to the 4 bodybuilders through the gym intercom. “We have some things to do shortly, please head upstairs to check your progress before cleaning up and getting to work. You can pose and compare using the mirrors upstairs before leaving the gym.” “Good little bug.” BTG murmured while licking his bloody lips and wiping remains away from his lips with his sequoian forearm. “Oh . . . ungh . . . GOD!” the lead scientist screamed as his volleys of cum splattered the window on which he leaned. BTG grinned a bloody grin as he lowered his massive body to his knees before the gym. He looked up to the lead scientist and mouthed, “Thanks, squirt.” The lead engineer, not taking his eyes from the ruby-like glow of the object of his worship and sexual bliss, fumbled with the control panel again until he found the switch sealing the workers in the second floor of the gym. They did not notice the steel panel sliding into place over the stairwell as they flexed for each other, comparing their gains since they had arrived. One asked the others, “Hey. Have any of you seen that muscle-man that is supposed to be here . . . the largest and most powerful bodybuilder in history?” The gym was like a toy-box to BTG. He flipped a massive latch on the outside of its roof and slowly lifted it like a lid to reveal his 4 fresh, muscle-bound little toys. The lead scientist quickly holstered his freshly throbbing little dick and lurched into the elevator. He longed to see his devilish creation play with his toys from the floor of the silo. The workers stood confused as the roof above them rose, light pouring in to the mirror-lined room. Then they looked up as a shadow moved over them. A massive hand, larger than their massively muscular bodies, was reaching in! All four bolted for the steps, but found the way blocked . . . nothing but floor. The hand and shadow withdrew, but the shadow returned, but what cast the shadow this time was a colossal cock-head roping massive amounts of pre-cum into the room. Then they heard thunder speaking, “Shower in my nectar, measly little bugs. Are you ready to play with a REAL MUSCLE MAN, my pathetic little jizz rats? HA! HA! HA!” All 4 men dropped to their knees looking up in shock as BTG’s pre-cum began to spread and cover the floor. The overpowering scent of sex and power seemed to rise from the hot spunk like steam. The man who last spoke, asking about the largest bodybuilder, crawled over to the expanding pre-cum puddle and scooped a handful to nose and sniffed. His dick lurched immediately and he look up, past the towering thick and throbbing 50 feet long cock, to see the stunning face of a god! Then his eyes roamed over the herculean body of the most thickly muscled man he had ever seen, but he had to be 200 feet tall. “Holy FUCK!” he breathed as he scooted into the pre-cum and positioned himself under the thick liquid roping down. He blurted out to the other 3 as he bathed in BTG’s pre-cum, sliding his posers off and beginning to stroke his now raging hard-on with BTG’s potent pre, “Brahs! GOD IS HERE . . . and He’s SWOLE as FUCK!” The other 3 just stared at their workout partner in shock, their mouths agape. Then they saw the shadow begin to recede from the room as the rope of liquid flowing in traveled across the room and was gone. Their pre-cum soaked friend suddenly screamed and raised his arms defensively before a man-sized thumb and forefinger carefully clamped onto their friend’s head and lifted him from the room, kicking and screaming in terror.-
- 4
- <br />growth
- mega
(and 4 more)
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Chronicles of the Fungi Kingdom [So for the 5th anniversary thing, I went for a classic video game parody with more sinister and greedy nature] The Dark Age of Brewler Mateo looked up at the sinister castle once more, quaking in his shoes. It had been six weeks since the raid of Fungi Castle. A villainous terrorist attack by the neighboring kingdom, which had killed the king and queen and kidnapped their only daughter, Princess Pear. Mateo had no idea if the Princess was alive, but he had to try. He had to stand up to this clan of evil bastards who defiled every treaty and refused to engage in any discussion of peace. All they cared about was their master’s bidding… And quite frankly Mateo didn’t blame them… Their king, a fearsome alpha dragon, the first born in over 300 years, a beast known as “Brewler”... He struck terror into the very eyes of those that dared witness his powerful form. He was a monster, whom devoured kingdom after kingdom in his endless pursuit of dominance and power. Nothing can stop him. Over the years, tensions with Brewler’s kingdom grew higher and higher with the Fungi kingdom. While the Fungi Kingdom pursued scientific studies, tactics, and mathematics, Brewler’s kingdom was always one step ahead utilizing dark magic and forbidden ancient powers sealed away from the mortal world. Eventually once Brewler himself was trained and educated by a dark cult of mages and dark devotees, Brewler’s small kingdom almost overnight devoured every one of the neighboring kingdoms. It made sense that eventually, he would come for the Fungi people… It was just a matter of time… It was the height of the mycelium festival when they struck. For most of the kingdom the day started as a day of peace. A day of celebration. Then the beast appeared on the horizon. Followed by legions of airships led by dastardly crews of specialized fighters and notorious traitors of the former kingdoms conquered by Brewler. The battle was over in minutes, it was too sudden, too much too fast. Brewler simply laid waist to the castle, the town, and the walls, then sent in his head mage, a cruel and twisted bastard by the name of Kane. Kane knew the job he was sent in to do, and he liked it. He walked straight in, stole the soul of the former king, and imprisoned him in stone with an eternal unbreakable curse. He then allowed his men to take turns fucking the corpse of the former queen while he himself took their 23 year old daughter with them back to Brewler’s Castle. For Kane he took pleasure, not in the abuse dealt to the victims, but in the knowledge that the king’s soul will forever be trapped as witness to his wife’s murder and daughter’s abduction, unable even in death to find peace in the further… When Kane left, the few survivors of the slaughter convened and sought out every able body available and willing to help. Mateo, together with his cowardly brother Luis, and a legion of patriotic Fungi residents were tasked with the herculean task of recovering the princess and defeating the monster. They all knew it was a death march, but for them, the idea of turning their back on their country was more pain than being crushed by any dragon. Or so they thought… Mateo looked back at his squadron now… Four… Only four people were left. Himself, his brother, a young adul… no… a child, a fucking teenager by the name of Toah, and his older sister Toahanne. Mateo looked back at his crew and gritted his teeth. “This is it… This is the castle. We… We made it here... I… I don’t know how we did… I don’t know why we were spared while… So many more of us didn’t…” This made Luis snap. “What was the point?! What’s the fucking point of any of this? We can’t stop that monster! There was thirty of us when we left the castle Mateo, THIRTY! WE HAVE NOTHING! Even if we knew where the princess was in that massive death-lined stronghold, even if we got her out and back to the castle safe and sound just the four of us…. The fucking bastard will just destroy our whole kingdom again before….” “SHUT UP!” Toah screamed, glaring into Luis hard. “You going to tell me next Josh died for nothing? Or Jenny? DID MORTIMER DIE FOR NOTHING WHEN HE SAVED YOUR COWARDLY ASS FROM THAT BOMB TRAP?!” Toah ran away into the mist and brimstone. Toahanne glared at Luis: “Nice job asshole. TOAH get back here!” But before Toahanne could catch up to Toah, the ground cracked, and Toah shrieked as he began to fall deep into a subterranean cavern beneath, followed by the other 3. Mateo, for a long time, assumed he was dead. He must have been. That was a 100 foot fall into what must be rocks. But alas, in total darkness, he still felt… Alive. He moaned as he came into consciousness. Luis called out in the dark: “Mateo?! Mateo is that you?! Are you awake?!” “Luis? Is that you?!” “Not just him, Toah and Toahanne too. It seems we all survived the fall, but… We’re stuck.. Somethings sticking to us!” Mateo pulled out his personal lighter and lit it, upon doing so, the surrounding environment lit up in a dazzle of pseudo photosynthesis. Toahanne spoke up: This is a giant mushroom cave. It must be thousands of years old. These must be insanely prehistoric species… Mateo, do you think you can burn yourself out of that mushroom? I wouldn’t recommend touching these things in any way you don’t have to! Mateo, Luis, and Toahanne were all stuck on a northward facing mushroom close to each other, so it was easy for them to release each other. “How the fuck are we going to get out of here?” Luis wondered out loud. “Lets focus on freeing Toah fi….iiiiirrrrsst the FUCK!?!” Toah, whom just earlier today looked like this: 5’4”, scrawny build, almost no muscle. Was now towering over the other 3 as a 10’8 beast rippling with power. “WOAH LITTLE BRO!” Toahanne “… mia!” Mateo said in bewilderment. Luis simply fainted. “What… What did this to you?!” Mateo asked. Toah, somewhat dazed but mostly just distracted by the erotic sensation of feeling the power his body can exert, mumbles something about chewing. “What?” Toahanne barks, annoyed at her “little” brother. “OH..Uh… It was the mushrooms I think, I tried to chew myself out, then I felt this weird stomach ache, and now I’m….. Really…. Really big…. FUCK!” Toahanne examined the mushrooms closer. “I wonder… It’s been theorized the reason we’re known as the “Fungi” kingdom is because hundreds of years ago, it was said mushrooms of that era were able to provide vast sources of power. The school and rest of the world always assumed this was a metaphor to show that a connected consciousness like teamwork and communication would be the strongest ally… But now… I wonder if they were literally just growing stronger from exotic molds….” “Is it going to wear off or something?” “It likely will. We should likely do some testing.” -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mateo, Luis, Toahanne, and Toah would spend the next two weeks in this cave of wonders, testing, experimenting, and documenting their finds. Luis namely searched for food outside while Mateo and Toah took turns being a guinea pig and being a watchman for enemy troops. Toahanne discovered 4 notable facts about the mushrooms in the cave. 1- All mushrooms will double one’s default size and mass upon first consumption. A 150lb man will become 300lbs for example. 2- The effects of eating a mushroom appears to only last a few hours. You’ll retain the size difference until a mushroom is completely passed through your digestive system. 3- The mushrooms do not change effects based on volumes of present material. One mushroom of any size will make you X times as tall or strong. 4- The mushrooms seem to multiply rapidly, but will only occupy muggy or damp areas with little or no light. Mateo peered over the notes and looked at Toahanne. “Do… Do you think this will work?” Toahanne sunk her head. “Its hard to say… there are four of us and if we’re all massive we might stand a chance against a one on one with Brewler… But with his legions of magic and militaristic forces growing by the day…. I can’t be certain of anything.” Luis returned from running errands outside the cave and spoke for the first time in days. “...If you can get us all as big as Toah… I think I might have a plan to kill that monster.” And with that, our four heroes drank in celebration of their new plan, regained hope, and powerful new bodies. Mateo. Luis Toah And Toahanne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Brewler drank viciously from the chalice of wine in his hand as the new prisoner was brought forth. “Who is this?” He asked menacingly. “This is princess Lilly, of the Sandafarian Kingdom overseas. A token of how far your power reaches now my lord….” Some sniveling underling answered. Brewler extended his massive muscular arm and inspected the princess with his claws. “Ugg… Is this really all they have to work with in Sandafaria? What a pathetic excuse for a princess. Flat chested, covered in makeup… Honestly how am I going to skewer this bitch across my cock?” Lilly gasped in fear as she gazed at the beast’s massive swinging package. That thing was easily four times the size of her own body. “Please… Please don’t do that…” she whimpered in fear. “Oh… well you have nothing to worry about then… As I was saying you’re ill fit to provide me with a new generation of children…. I suppose you’ll make a nice appetizer instead!” The bastard laughed with the rest of the room as the princess was effortlessly pulled from her steel shackles and dangled above Brewler’s reptilian jaws… And dropped. However, before she could be eaten, a hunky man in green swooped down from the roof and caught her mid-fall. “Woah there, can’t have a fine flower like you becoming an orderve.” Lilly was mesmerized by the situation, but before she knew it she found herself kissing any part of the mysterious stud she could and repeating “THANK YOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU!” over and over as she did. “I ah… I gotta go save my kingdom and kill this lizard bitch and you should try to get out of here… And if I survive… Hit me up Ok? Name’s Luis.” Lilly starred in bewilderment at her green knight before turning to escape the castle. Down below, Luis saw Toah and Mateo speaking with the beast as Toahanne got into position. “Ah ha ha ha ha…. I must admit… Mateo… Your reputation precedes you… Stopping my tanks, infiltrating my supply lines… You’ve been quite the thorn in the side of my operation into the Fungi kingdom… Although I must admit I see why… You’re much more a king than any of those other losers who stood in my way… I offer you one chance and one chance only. Join me now, and bask in the riches, women, and power I can offer you as one of my generals, or continue this ridiculous idea of challenging me, and perish where you now stand.” Mateo spit at the thought of betraying his home like that. “Then you will die.” The dragon king said as he grinned evilly. Toah and Mateo looked at one another one last time, then bolted in separate directions. Brewler turned to his forces: “kill the other one, he’s of no entertainment for me, but none are to lay a finger on Mateo… That’s my kill. Absorbing his strength by consuming him seems… Delectable.” Before leaping and bellowing after Mateo. Mateo ran from hall to hall as fast as he could, with the relentless monster always hot on his trail… That’s when he saw it… Two days prior, Luis ran a perimeter on the castle, in doing so, he found one particular chamber filled with lava from the outside volcano, suspended right over a sturdy but destroyable bridge. And now, after running for quite a while, Mateo turned and looked the beast square in the eyes. “So long you fucking turtle.” Mateo pointed behind the beast as it stared at him in confusion, there stood Toahanna, with a pair of gardening shears clasped firmly around the bridge’s support. And with one easy thrust, snapped it in two. With an angry roar, Brewler fell into the molten abyss beneath him. As he struggled against the lava, it hardened across him and melted his flesh. Mateo couldn’t believe it… He’d done it! The beast was dead! That’s when he saw a sight that would haunt him most of all. The bones below him turned to him and smiled. “You think you’ve won? HA! You may have defeated me, but you’ve won nothing. The Dragon clan will rule this world long after you and your pathetic Fungi kingdom have given up all hope! Soon, my reborn body will reside on a throne sculpted from the remains of your loved ones! Enjoy the calm before the storm…. “Hero of the Fungi Kingdom… Muahahhahaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaa…………” They finally finished as the bones themselves turned to ash. That was it. The Beast was defeated. Mateo and Toadanne quickly ran back to the throne room. Inside Luis and Toah were surrounded by a pile of unconscious minions. A few of the remaining generals turned towards Mateo with surprise. “Wh… Where is lord Brewler?!” “Dead.” Mateo said with a chilling firmness. There was a laugh in the audience of minions until they realized their master was not appearing to challenge Mateo. Suddenly, a lieutenant stepped forwards. “Well fuck this! I only enlisted because that monster said he was going to kill me if I didn’t join him! Fuck the Dragon Clan!” Soon the whole room was in thunderous applause as the few native Dragon clan members were taken prisoner. Mateo looked around the dungeons as he searched for Princess Pear… But he couldn’t find her… Luis finally caught up to Mateo, embraced him and then gave him an update: “With the exceptions of a few legions of deployed minions, and Kane’s personal squadron, we’ve destroyed or captured all of Brewler’s minions and weaponry.” “And what of the princess?” Mateo asked. “The only place left to check is the southern Tower, where the monster himself resided.” Mateo dashed to the tower and raced up to the top. Inside was a grisly scene, demonic ritual elements, chains, whips, and suspended against the far back wall above Brewler’s giant bed, was Princess Pear. “PRINCESS!” Mateo shouted as he ran to rip the chains binding her from their bolts. As his immense strength shattered the last iron run in one pull, the princess leapt forward into Mateo’s arms. Kissed him, disrobed him, and soon… Explored the rest of his body. “The Reign of the Fallen Princess” Six weeks earlier* Princess Pear kept her eyes shut as she was lead into the throne room. This had to be a dream. IT HAD TO BE! The sinister snickers of Brewler’s minions sent shivers down her spine from across the room. When she finally worked up the courage to open her eyes, she saw she was accompanied by four other women, each one a captured royalty from a neighboring land. The wicked bastard who kidnapped Pear, Kane, was inspecting the princesses with weird measuring instruments. Eventually he got to Pear. “My my… The royal bloodline of the famed Fungi kingdom does not disappoint. Such sturdy hips, such tender legs, such a flexible torso… This is wondrous. I had no doubt the Fungi kingdom’s royal family would serve as a perfect incubator for the future of the Dragon Clan.” Kane snapped his fingers and the guards surrounded the four girls. “Only she is worth anything to us, do as you will with the others.” Kane snapped his fingers again, and thorny vines descended, clasping around Princess Pear forcing her to her knees to watch as her fellow royalty were beheaded and their corpses desecrated before her. The princess wasn’t sure when she lost consciousness, but awoke much later in a small dungeon. A cot, a latrine, a bowl of slop and a single mirror stood on one side of the room, and on the other side was the exit, guarded by a trio of snarling metal beasts. The beasts continuously lunged at the princess, but couldn’t seem to extend far enough to reach her, despite their apparent hunger for her flesh. Pear spent two days in that room, alone, with no contact. She eventually had to resort to drinking from the latrine as she’d grown too thirsty, thankfully she hadn’t used it yet. At sundown on the second day, the door to the princess’s chamber opened to reveal Kane. “It’s time to meet your new master my dear.” He said evilly as he commanded a pair of troops to restrain her as she was carried down out of her tower and lead into a dark ritualistic room illuminated by a series of glowing symbols on the floor In the shadows of the darkness she heard an evil voice she’d never forget…. Brewler… “Ah yes… I’ve been looking forward to this one... Kane, if you would.” Kane bowed and raised his robed hands, commanding the symbols on the floor to creep up the princess’s body, tearing her clothes and zapping her violently, enveloping her in an odd energy force. Brewler laughed menacingly before kane spoke again. “She is now protected by our magic sir… Her body, while no stronger, is now more elastic and resistant to tears. You may now begin your consummation… My lord… “ Brewler grabbed Pear violently and dangled her in front of him as he stood erect off his throne, giving her a birds eye view of his colossal member. However, in the very next minute, Princess Pear was horrified to see the massive member begin to rest between her legs. She screamed and tried to run, but couldn’t. “Good. Scream in terror. I love the feeling I get when I see someone cowering before me.” Brewler grinned. The magic did its job, and soon, princess Pear found her whole body being stretched over the king’s 20ft love muscle, being bucked wildly. The princess was lost in oblivion as her mind had been shattered. Such force, such size, such power. Ripping into her over and over at such violent speeds. Her body, immortally restrained, was in traumatizing pain. She begged for death. She couldn’t take it. It was as if a small car repeatedly filled her insides over and over. No mortal was meant to withstand such a feat. Her brain went into shock, refusing to let her lose consciousness, forcing her into a fever dream like trance where she could no longer move her body. This proceeded for hours, long into the night, until one of the timing candles from the corner fizzled out. Kane spoke up finally: “My lord. The magic is soon to wear thin upon the stroke of midnight, I suggest you wrap things up quickly.” Brewler smiled and flexed his body all over, his cock throbbing as it erupted with energy. The petrified princess lost track of the world around her as a vivid hallucination of a dark endless void consumed her vision. In her dream, Pear was alone in a white oblivion. The only thing she could see was a dark sphere in the center of the room, pulsating with odd noises. “Come to me…” The void hissed at the princess. The princess, frightened, ran from the figure, but found she could gain no distance running away from it. “I will set you free….” The void hissed again as bells began to chime quietly. “I will give you everything you desire…” The void echoed once more. “Just join meeeee…..” Was the last thing it spoke before Pear was snapped back into reality. The princess was alone, it was magic, and Brewler had left the room. Kane now stood before her. “Get up swine.” He commanded. The princess, wobbling, managed to crawl to her feat before Kane snapped her fingers and had the two guards escort her back to her tower. Two weeks later. The princess stared at herself in the mirror. Every day was exactly like the one before. She’d wake up, early, to the sound of Brewler leaving the castle. He’s return the following evening, and from after dinner to midnight, he’d fuck Princess Pear savagely like the monster he was. Pear’s mental health was gone by now. Her last shred of hope torn asunder. She’d felt that monster more than any other victim in his path, over and over. Nothing could stop him. This was her hell. The magic refused to let her die, and there was no escape. Pear had always lived a sheltered life, away from adversity. She wasn’t raised to receive this much stress, ever, much less repeatedly every night with no end in sight. Pear grasped the bloody remains of a former guard she’d pulled from the chained beast while it slept and moved its jaw up and down. “I’m going to do it.” She whispered to it. She giggled and kissed the skull, rubbing the top of it’s mouth with her tongue before whispering to it again. “I’m going to go to the void tonight. I’m going to let it into me. I mean… WHY NOT RIGHT?! IT’S NOT LIKE IT’S GONNA CHANGE ANYTHING AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!” She began to shout. Kane began to open the door behind her, triggering Pear to go into another laughing fit of madness as the guards carried her to the ritual chamber. Once more, Brewler decimated Pear’s body. And in the final moments, once more, Pear appeared before a sphere of darkness. “Let me in…” It called out. The princess’s eyes widened with madness. “YES! YES I LET YOU IN!! I ACCEPT! FILL ME WITH YOUR PRESENCE!” Suddenly the void reached out with demonic tendrils and absorbed itself into Princess Pear’s soul. Pear didn’t know what happened after that but awoke in her bed room. She arrose and walked to the mirror. She couldn’t explain it but somehow. She was different. Something… inside her had changed. She was more confident. But mostly, more accepting. “Ha… HA HAH HA HA HA! Yeeesss….” She moaned as she began to touch her aching sore body. I feel….Stronger today… the princess said to herself with a smirk. This confidence startled the three chained beast which growled, barked, and snapped at her repeatedly. She normally avoided this, but today she felt… In control of these beasts, and slowly began approaching the metal abominations. Kane came at the same time as always to fetch the princess, but when he entered her chamber today.. He was startled by what he found there. The princess was holding one of the metal beasts and standing over another. She caressed them both and whispered : “Mamma’s gonna be back soon, you two behave, or you’ll end up like your brother.” Before swaggering over to Kane with her hips popping with each step. Kane noticed that one of the beasts was missing. But upon closer inspection saw the beast’s teeth were dislodged and arranged into a small crown upon the princess’s head. “Coming Kane?” The princess beckoned as she proceeded to the chamber without him. The following days were much more pleasurable for Pear. She still detested Brewler for what he was, but began to enjoy the ride (literally). The void didn’t appear to her again. Nor did she expect it to. She knew where it was. The void was herself. Once she learned to love this dark side of her, she began to grow stronger against Kane’s magic bit by bit. He still could force her to do as he pleased, but his abilities seemed to favor Pear more. Vines would sprout more vampiric buds to lick her body. Golems and minions that would be summoned by magic took a more feminine form. But perhaps the most noteworthy change was Pears sudden encouragement to fuck the various minions of Brewler in addition to just the king himself. She would occasionally hurt or maim one or two, but inside she began to develop a thirst for their touch. Six weeks had passed sense she’d become Brewler’s prisoner now. She sat atop her bed, covered in the viscera of an unlucky guard, touching herself. She reflected upon her new life and frowned. “What’s the point? I may be finding the silver lining but it means nothing as long as I’m Brewler’s slave… But one day… Someday… I’ll break free of this prison… And when I do… I will make them all…. PAY!” ------------------------------ Mateo awoke to the sound of construction work outside. Figures they’d be repairing everything, what with all the damage to the town Brewler caused. It had been a glorious four days. Returning to Castle Fungi to a hero’s welcome, riches, liquor, women, and of course, the superhuman strength of the mushrooms they collected. Luis had become incredibly enamored with Princess Lilly whom he met during the raid on Brewler’s castle. Toah had risen to head of the mushroom guard. Toahanne had spent all of her time in the cave studying the ruins and mushrooms. As for Mateo himself, he enjoyed the princess’s “gift” to her rescuer, but afterwards she made it clear that Fungi Royalty wouldn’t allow her to “mingle” with the common folk, beith they a champion or not. Mateo spent the rest of his return in various pubs, but today, he would begin his new job as an elite guard of the military directly protecting the princess. He’d never be ready for what he would be asked to do. At first it was basic training, training in special weaponry, advanced protocols, and learning the various tactics of the castle’s defenses. Then, at the end of the day, the new recruits were all brought into a room in the back of the castle, deep in the dungeons. The princess herself attended as she lead in a group of 30 people in chains. Some of them were people knew, who grew up with him. The princess addressed the room: “New recruits, these traitors are charged with high treason by not fighting off the armies of Brewler with their last breath. The heinous loss of faith, will not be tolerated for as long as my bloodline rules this land. As a final test today, you all must execute these traitors. Fail, and you’ll be seen as a traitor yourself, and will join those with lesser faith.” The gagged prisoners begged and pleaded to the very end, and Mateo would never forget the look in their eyes that they gave him pleading for mercy. It haunted him at the core of his soul. What could he do? Hero or not, he couldn’t speak out against the princess. That night, Mateo met with Toahanne for the first time since the defeat. “Mateo! It’s late! I didn’t expect you.” Toahanne said with her muscular form hidden behind a thin robe. Mateo was quick and to the point: “I don’t want the princess finding out about those mushrooms… Look… Today I was forced to do some dark shit. I had no idea the princess was so ruthless. Toahanne nodded. “I think that’s for the best, what I found in the ruins isn’t good either. Apparently, mushrooms are just the first step in an even more powerful process to achieve what the elders referred to as “Nirvana”. “Nirvana?” “Yes, I… I don’t fully understand what that means or what you need to get there, but apparently it grants powers akin to that of one of the old gods. A power far beyond mere strength.” “We can’t let her get anything like that!” “I agree. We can’t let ANYONE get ahold of anything like that. Thankfully, the other components, a flower from the far east, and stardust aren't’ common items. And even if you had either of those, they won’t react with you unless you have the power of the mushroom.” ------------------------------------ Luis woke up again from a peaceful bliss in his princess’s arms. He’d made up his mind and discussed things with Mateo thoroughly. He would immigrate to Sandafaria, marry Lilly, and establish his legacy there. All he needed now was the signature of the royal family to start his new life. Luis was eager to get moving and so started off towards the castle alone. When he arrived, he was immediately brought into the Princess’s chambers. “Hello Luis, I don’t think we ever formally met, but I thank you for your dedication to the family and this kingdom.” The princess opened. “And I trust you know I’ll always be ready to defend my home kingdom, but I have a favor to ask…” “Then ask you may.” “I wish to immigrate to Sandafaria, I have fallen in love with a princess I rescued from Brewler and I want to start a life with her.” The princess frowned. “A pity…. But for a hero of the Fungi kingdom, how can I say no?” Luis smiled and took a knee to say “Thank you Princess” “But… Before I do.. I must ask you something Luis… How did you do it?” “Do what your highness?” “How did you beat Brewler? How did you have the strength to oppose that… beast? Don’t tell me it was blind courage.” Luis swallowed. He knew telling the princess was against Mateo’s wishes, so he had to rely on the discussed fib. “Gadzook’s lab recently developed a top secret serum for the war effort! Unfortunately the team that made it was killed by Brewler’s magic force.” The princess stood up and walked over to a crypt in the corner of the room, she opened it slowly and motioned Luis to approach her as she moved the heavy lid, exposing the insides. Luis’s heart stopped. Inside the crypt, rolling around on it’s own with no body… Was Toah’s severed head. “See it’s funny… This kid said that same thing a few days ago… But Gadzook’s lab has no record of a super steroid…. Now… I know you don’t want to join your former friend her would you? Because surely you know lying to the royal family is a sign of treason... “ The princess said with an ice cold stair. Luis could have ended it there. He could have just refused and maybe stopped this whole thing… But he was a coward, and instead decided to lead the princess to the cave of mushrooms. The princess eyed the truffles before consuming one eagerly. She felt an immense power growing within her pulse by pulse bigger and bigger, after a few minutes she looked down and saw her dress was torn asunder by the power of her muscular growth. The princess chuckled deeply as she explored the power of her new body. Beastly trunks that could lift whole vehicles. Breasts fit for a queen. An ass to match, errotic legs, and a rock-hard core. With this new sensation of power the princess re-emerged from the cave and grinned as she began to give orders. “Have my elite squadron start testing on this stuff immediately. I want this shit fueling the fungi military by the end of the week. The neighbors might think they’re safe now, but they’ll soon find Brewler was a tame puppy compared to the Queen of the Fungi Kingdom.” From the raptors above, waiting in silence, Kane grinned evilly to himself. ---------------------------------------------------------- “Fate is a fickle bitch isn't’ she…” Kane thought to himself. “The seed is planted properly, it will manifest soon…” Kane observed as he teleported away. “I must prepare for the ceremony before that thorn Mateo or his friends obtain the other two ingredients I used on Brewler. I expect it won’t take them long to located the burn blossom, Luis has already fallen smitten with the princess of its native land. That being said…. Obtaining stardust is much more difficult…. Hmm… I wonder if I can use them to my advantage…” ----------------- Mateo, Toahanne, Luis, and Lilly peaked out from their cabin briefly before looking back across the waters to their former home. Toahanne finally put down a paper from that morning. “New Fungi Kingdom Regime Launched, “The world will kneel before the Queen” chants an army of muscular super soldiers seen marching out of the castle.” “Those super soldiers are fueled by those mushrooms… They’ll destroy everything!” “There’s nothing we can do, even with our reserve supply, there’s hundreds of them and four of us…. And… Well… YOU SAW WHAT THEY DID TO TOAH!” Lilly crouched and hugged Toahanne as she sobbed, lamenting her brother’s death. Lilly finally spoke up: “We’ll reach Sandafaria in three days. When we get there I know of the exact garden Toahanne speaks of, it is hidden in the bowels of my castle. I am quite familiar with the flowers that grow there, but they don’t have any magical effect I’m aware of.” “You need to be under the effects of the mushroom to use the power of the burn blossom.” Toahanne explained. “I see…” Luis just stared into the abyss… “How did we fail… We saved our Princess, and now she turns her back on us… I wonder… If maybe… Brewler was meant to kill our Princess….” “Luis we couldn’t have known…” “Look, all I know is we started fucking with power untold and now it’s come back to reap revenge. That’s all…” Mateo hung his head and spoke: “We need a plan… A long term one…” Toahanne answered fiercely: “Simple, get the flower, get the stardust from somewhere, then use that power to kill that bitch. She needs to be stopped at all costs.” ------------------------------------------------ As the boat finally docked in Sandafaria, the group wasted no time in uncovering the power hidden in the burning blossoms. Mateo was the first trial subject. First, the flower seemed to stick to his skin, but quickly, Mateo realized this wasn’t the flower, but fire. A warm glow enveloped Mateo’s body as he felt every muscle twitch By the time the transformation was finished, Mateo was heaving as the pressure and heat building in his chest constantly. This build up was progressional, and eventually Mateo relieved himself by expelling fire from his fists. He felt relieved. It felt good to expend his power like this, to expel fire like if it were a normal daily task like taking a piss. Toahanne ran some tests will Lilly on Mateo and made some deductions: The mushroom’s effects in addition to increasing effectiveness, also have stabilized entirely, meaning muscle loss is no longer a threat. The subject appears to have the ability to convert kinetic energy from one’s muscles into heat energy, this appears limited based on the energy within a subject. The fire itself seems to act as a total negative substance to the flower however. Burning a subject will release the flower and mushroom energy inside. Regular fire does not have this effect. Luis, Toahanne, and Lilly all decided it’d be best to all be equipped with flower abilities, improving their bodies and sculpting them towards the path of power. Toahanne Luis Lilly: *Clap… Clap… Clap..* Was heard in the distance as Lilly finished her transformation. Finally Kane emerged from the shadows. “I must say I am astounded you few found the secret to the flowers… And before the new Queen I must say I am impressed.” “What the fuck is this psychopath doing here?! I thought he was in prison with the rest of Brewler’s goons!” Kane bowed his head. “You mortals are so simple. You with your infinitesimal lifespan, completely blind to the world of those who live beyond yourselves. It would make my life so much easier if you just gave up now…” Luis attacked, but Kane simply melded into the shadows and appeared on the other side of the room. “The world isn’t suited for such insignificant beings as you. Even your own princess understands that. Even now she perseus you, desperate to reach for more power however she may take it.” “Wait what?!” Toahanne shouted. “Oh yes yes… I’m afraid she and a small fleet of guards will arrive here tomorrow. God knows what she’ll do to you after she finds this place... Hmm… For me it matters not…” “Mateo, we gotta prepare the castle! The kingdom!” “That being said though, you’re real issue is finding stardust now isn’t it?” Toahanne glared angrily at the wizard. “Why are you here?” “Well I needed to scout some samples of this devine plant, and to offer an advantage.” Luis’s eyebrow raised “What’s the deal?” “I can take one of you to the woman who rules the stars. The proprietor of the whole cosmos. It will be up to you to convince her to help, but I can only do so much.” “What’s in it for you?” “I get to pick which one of you four goes, as I only offer one passenger. The others will be forced to wait for the star festival, in about a month, on the lunar solsis, where a portal to the world of stardust will appear in the sky above star hill, a mountain to the north.” “I… I don’t know Mateo… This guy’s fucking insane. How can we trust him?” “I don’t think we have a choice…” Mateo said glaring into Kane’s soul. Mateo walked up and extended a hand to Kane, which he shook in delight. “Now…. Eninee meaniee, miniee, YOU!” Kane laughed with glee as he grabbed Lilly and pulled her into the shadows. “LILLY!” Luis shouted. Kane then began to dissolve himself into the darkness, but not before shouting out “GUARDS COME QUICK, THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN MURDERED!!!” with an evil grin. --------------------------------------- "The Siege of Sandafaria" Now locked inside a jail cell, Toahanne, Luis, and Mateo stared out into the world outside the bars of their cage. The three of them with despair on their faces as they stared out over the horizon to the approaching fleet of Fungi ships. Pear would surely kill them if they remained in this cage… They had to get out and defend the tomb of the burning blossoms from that power hungry dictator. Meanwhile Lilly had arrived in a vast cosmic void, and stood before a figure composed of the cosmos itself. “Hello Lillian, Princess of the Sandafarian people, I am known as Roxanne, the keeper of the stars.” “Oh...OH! Hello! Uh… Where am I?” “You are in the break between space, the void. It is my home, where I can observe and influence every inch of the galaxy. I am sorry for the confusion, I was not expecting guests.” “I was brought here by some wizard who used to work for a beast named Brewler… There is a grave race for power and control happening soon in my home kingdom, and soon it will follow me here to your doorstep!” Roxanne chuckled softly, shaking the vast emptiness around Lilly. “I am not worried about being attacked here Lillian. Many foes stronger than you could imagine have attempted to reach me here, and acquire the invincible power held within stardust. But their efforts are futile. They can not reach me here.” “I got here! If I can get here, so can Pear!” “It is complexing… How did you manage to get here?” “I was brought here by a wizard… His name was… Kane. I think..” Roxanne’s eyes flashed at the word “Kane”. “Did… Did you just say… Kane? Oh my gods…. Kane was my apprentice! He learned the art of space magic from… from me… I thought he was killed so long ago….” “YOU KNOW HIM!?!” ----------------------------------------------- As Pear stepped foot upon Sandafarian soil for the first time, she inhaled deeply and smiled “Ahhh yes… Fresh land to conquer….” The Sandafarians had assumed the ships to be messengers or simply in tranzit, after all what little Sandafaria had was nothing to kill for…. And yet the next few days were brutal as the whole capital city was destroyed by artillery fire. Eventually, Pear made it to the castle, and had the prisoners brought forward from the dungeon. “You deserters really are pathetic aren’t you? To think, you had a place here… Working for me… And instead you try to run away? You can’t run away from me you BITCHES!” Pear screamed at Mateo, Luis, and Toahanne. The three looked at her in fear, when Toahanne stepped forward. “Run away? You think we ran from you bitch? HA! I’ll take your spoiled little bitch ass right here!” Pear jumped back, but was struck by Toahanne’s flames. The result was the loss of her fungal strength. Panicking, Pear called out to her guards to help her while ducking behind a wall. Toahanne and co. blasted guard after guard until… The princess’s lust for power truely reared it’s head. “COME ON!” Demanded Toahanne. “WHO ELSE YOU GOT?!” But the last soldier sent in was not a fierce warrior or powerful weapon…. It was a child, half of Toah’s age. Toahanne stepped backwards as the little boy approached her with a long knife. “Wha… WHat are you… YOU’RE JUST A KID!” “TOAHANNE BEHIND YOU!” But it was too late, Pear had snuck up behind Toahanne while she was distracted, and severed her throat. Mateo and Luis screamed into nothing as darkness enveloped them. A hopelessness they’d never felt just overtook them as they dropped to their knees. Meanwhile, Pear had discovered the burning blossoms, plucked one and took a seat upon the Sandafarian castle throne to embellish the thrill she got from the transformation. A passionate heat rose within her, swelling her powerful arms and imbuing her body with the power to control fire. Her clothes turned black as ash afterwards. Pear clenched her fist in ecstasy. “This power…” She grinned evilly. “IS MINE!” as she released a series of powerful fire blasts onto the city below the castle, and began to laugh maniacally as the people beneath her burned. In her fit of madness, a dark voice called out to her from the shadows. “Shame that’s the last of it though…” Pear turned to Kane and sassily placed her hand on her soft, tender hips. “Long time no see.” Pear glared at her former captor. “Soooo…. Hear you’re looking into Mushroom magic… aye aye aye… That’s powerful magic. I know it well.” “You know of this power?” ‘That I do, it was I who initially bestowed that great strength into Brewler. I see you’ve already acquired both the priming fungi and the stabilization herb. All you need now is the dust of the heavens and you’ll amass the same power Brewler once held.” Pear slammed her powerful hand into Kane’s boney collar. “You will tell me where this dust is immediately” Kane smiled and said “Oh I’ll show you… But first I think there’s something else you want to see first.” As he revealed a small vile from under his sleeve. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "The flames of battle" Luis had seen enough. Toah and Toahanne…. Both crushed under this psycho bitch’s evil heels. The love of his life, lost in space… He did the only thing he knew how to do. He grabbed his brother’s collar and yanked him as he retreated out of the castle. Pear noticed the two getting away and yelled “GUARDS! SEIZE THEM!” However, with the power of the Burning Blossom, and their mushroom strength, the two brothers powered through the minions blocking the exit. Kane smiled. “Not to worry, my Queen, I’ll have both of them captured shortly… In the mean time I suggest you prepare for our assault on Star Hill.” “And… you’re sure this vile will ensure my victory?” She asked with a cold stare. “Absolutely.” ----------------------------------------------------- Mateo and Luis fled from the Sandafarian kingdom as fast as they could. What could they do? Even with their newfound strength, how could they stand up to an army? “Star hill… That’s where we’re going…” Mateo said shaking, his voice withered from despair. “Mateo… Even if we aren’t captured… We have no idea where this Hill is! We’ll never find it in time!” Mateo and Luis stared at each other, stricken with sorrow. Until a sound unlike anything the brothers had ever heard before arose in the distance. The fungi super soldiers had acquired burning blossoms. And under the queen’s orders… Had begun burning Sandafaria to the ground. In the chaos and panic, Mateo saw an opportunity. “Luis… This… This may be unpleasant… But I think I see a way to ensure we get to the Hill with Pear… We can take out one of those super soldiers… And replace them. Look they’re wearing gas masks. No one will even expect it’s us!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days hiding amongst Pear’s army were brutal. The officers were ruthless, and the underlings worked to the bone. But the two were never found, and after the sun set two days later, Mateo and Luis gazed forward onto the beauty which must have been Star Mountain. As agreed upon, the two brothers stole a rowboat and ferried ashore ahead of the main ship. The mountain was dark and rough, but eventually, the two found a crystal shrine fixated at the summit of the mountain. Inside was a large blue crystal, and upon approaching, Luis gasped. Within the crystal was Lilly! Blurry and unfocused, but slowly clearing up as the connection from Roxanne’s plain and the crystal shrine neared completion. As the sun appeared on the horizon, the connection completed, and Lilly jumped forth into her man’s arms. Luis sobbed softly into his woman’s hair as he told her about the loss of Toahanne. Lilly cried too at the news, then looked Luis in the eyes and said. “We’re going to make that bitch PAY!” Roxanne stepped forward into the corporeal world. “Hello, Mortals. My name is Roxanne. Lillian here has told me much about you…” “She holds the stardust Mateo, with that, the burning blossom, and the muscle fungi, you’ll be unstoppable.” Mateo’s eyebrows narrowed as he said “Well then… LETS GO!” Roxanne pulled forth a small pouch containing small star-like candies. And Mateo ate the first one. All of sudden, his senses were heightened, and time seemed to slow down a bit. From around the world, light and sound seemed to bounce around him, until he realized the light and sound were emanating from him. Luis and Lilly were next. Roxanne then took a physical form before them. It wasn’t strong or powerful like Mateo, Luis, or Lilly, but she emitted a regal energy that seemed to effect reality around her. “The star candies each contain roughly twelve minutes of invincibility. You need to eat more to retain your immunity from harm. We can’t risk even a single candy getting to Pear or one of her minions, so I will hold them stockpile. It means you’ll only have twelve minutes to kill Pear, afterwards, you’re just another trio of super studs.” As Pear’s ships docked on the shoreline, Mateo saw clearly his former lover strolling onto the mountain dressed in the sexiest attire he’d ever seen her wear before. . “Lets get her.” Luis growled. As Mateo, Luis, and Lilly charged, the princess grinned evilly and waved her hand. A legion of twenty fire-powered guards rose up and charged at the trio. However, they were no match for the rage and power centered within the team. Pear gasped in shock at how easily her elite guards had been dispatched as she sent another. And another. And another. Soon there was no men left… Just herself, and Mateo’s group. Mateo stared at the evil witch with no mercy in his eyes as he prepared to eviscerate her. That’s when she started chuckling. Then laughing. After her fit, she smiled, and tossed an empty vile at Mateo’s feet. Roxanne, who was watching the battle from afar gasped and attempted to call out to Mateo, but she was surprised and muffled by Kane from behind. Mateo, Luis, and Lilly all united and began to burn the evil witch to cinders. But the laughing didn't’ stop… And amidst the flames of her opponents, the queen of the fungi kingdom rose up and began absorbing the energy, transforming her body. From behind she grew a powerful alligator like tail, as her arms legs swelled with power, ripping her charred clothes as the flames fused into the princess’s hair. Kane grinned as he gripped his former master’s neck firmly. “I knew you recognized that potion… Naughty girl. It allows the user to absorb energy and use it to upgrade their body. Your most powerful attack, has now been completely flipped! Soon, the darkness within Pear will break free, and everyone, even you my little vixen…. Will witness the next form of the Eternal Brewler, my most perfect specimen! Mateo and Luis looked up at Pear after the ash settled, she was now over four foot taller, and thicker than they’d ever seen with a powerful dragon tail, and horns just like Brewler. She eyed her prey maliciously as she grabbed the three in one hand and headed for the crystal shrine. -------------------------------------------------------- "The Dark Age of Pear" “Why are they keeping us alive Mateo…?” Luis asked his brother. “I… I don’t know…” Mateo and Luis stood in separate cages, suspended over fire and brimstone. Across the way was a separate chamber, where Lilly and Roxanne were kept, chained to the wall and relentlessly fucked by Pear’s underlings at every opportunity. The crystal dimension where Roxanne used to reside transformed after Pear and Kane walked through, now instead of a minimalist calming void of stars, it was a burning hellscape full of fire and brimstone. On one wall, constantly playing, was a tv screen showing city after city either submitting itself to Pear’s new regime, or burning to ashes, on another was a map of every conquered city now under control of Pear. And the remaining wall, was just the cage where Roxanne and Lilly would slowly lose their minds. After a few days of abuse, Kane and the supersized half-peach, half-Brewler hybrid approached the girls, sat them down, and revealed her new three meter long monster cock. Lilly looked at the beast before her in tears. Roxanne stepped inbetween the two and said “Leave her alone…” Pear extended a thick veiny arm and clasped her deformed claw-like hands around Roxanne’s throat. “... Or else what?” she said with a chuckle. “Hmm… I guess I should start with you, being an immortal and all…” Pear grasped Roxanne by the jaw and ripped it open savagely. Her jaw did not break but rather was forced wide open, forming a massive hole to which Pear extended her mighty shaft into repeatedly. For hours, Pear fucked the two girls savagely, leaving them unconscious and gasping for air. It continued long after that. For over two months the duo were fucked out of their minds every night for hours, all while the beast grew larger and stronger. Mateo and Luis were numb by that point, forced into a fathomless pit of despair at the sight of what their princess was doing to the love of Luis’ life and a powerful space witch. Luis had gone way off the deep end. Listening to Lilly and Roxanne converse every morning about what that monster would do to them, and some “Void” thing that they started worshiping in their intense madness. Mateo hung onto hope though. It was strong against all odds! All he had to do was get out of here, get a star, and fuck that bitch up! Then he could escape! Luis and Lilly could start a life together! Things could go back to normal! That was the last thing Mateo thought to himself before the night the duo were taken away for several days. Three weeks passed, and Mateo and Luis were on their last legs, starved from nearly no food, weak, tired, and unwilling to go on, Mateo and Luis were suddenly jumpstarted, briefly, back into sanity by the sudden appearance of Roxanne and Lilly in the entrance to their cells. They were ecstatic for a brief moment until they saw the guards bowing to them. “Hurry girls! It’s almost time for the resurrection!” Boomed a thunderous voice down the hallway, to which Mateo and Luis looked and saw, to their horror, the largest form they’d ever seen. It was Pear, supercharged and blazing a path of destruction in her wake, relishing in the undeniable power of her own strength. Luis approached Lilly and begged. “Lilly, this isn’t you! I KNOW THERE’S GOOD IN YOU!” And in one clean slash, Luis was gutted in half and left to die by his own fiance’s hand. “No… I belong to the new master now. We belong to the new master now. We all will once he’s returned to us! Mateo, kicking and screaming was dragged out onto an island of lava, and left as Pear approached. In the distance, the moon rose high in the sky, only it wasn’t a normal moon… It was a blood moon. Kane appeared next to Pear and handed her a bag of stardust. Once the light of the blood moon shown down on Pear, she consumed the stardust and began burning with energy and power. “YES YES YES! I AM HERE! I HAVE RETURNED! MY NEW FORM GIFTED TO ME BY ROYAL BLOOD! YOUR KING! BREWLER!” Pear’s skin turned jet black as her eyes burned with flames as every muscle in her powerful body stretched larger and larger, swelling to the size of a giantess’s. The beast grabbed Mateo and held him up to the sky for the last time and spoke. “AND NOW, AS THE FINAL STEP OF MY REBIRTH! I CONSUME THE BODY OF THE ONE WHO SLAYED ME BEFORE!” She shouted as she consumed Mateo, whole, in one snap of the jaw. The shadowy might that was Pear-zilla began to crumble, amidst the rubble laid two figures, the first was Pear, bare naked, with no strength left. The other was unmistakingly Brewler, passed out on his back enjoying the brisk bloodmoonlight. “Oh it’s good to be back! Now that pesky bitch Mateo and his weak little crew are gone forever, leaving me alone to fuck these fine bitches until I resume my worldwide conquest.” Brewler chimed as he was led to his throne room, filled with the riches stolen from conquested kingdoms. Atop the bed in the center was Pear, Lilly, and Roxanne dressed in color coordinated fishnet stockings and bikini tops. “My king… Are you proud of us? Did we never lose faith in our master?” Brewler grinned and laughed. “You bitches did alright, I already feel power returning to my body! Now why don’t you let me complete you in the ways you seem so thirsty for.” Brewler extended his tongue into each member of his new harem, awakening them, and sprouting demonic horns from their heads. End Scene: Brewler leaned in and began fucking his women properly. Brewler sat back as his sluts had taken over most of the work, and placed his arms behind his head. “MMM IT’S GOOD TO BE KING!” Pear leaned in closer with her legs behind her head and begged to Brewler ‘Oh master… Please… Let me call you daddy.” “OOoooooh… I like that… Why doesn’t my little servicer tell me what she can get from “daddy”? Pear bit her lip as she started to take Brewler’s monster cock. “Oh daddy…. DADDY YES! DADDY MORE! DADDY! DADDY! ///…. DAD! DAD WAKE UP! WAKE THE FUCK UP DAD!” “DAD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING UP HERE SLEEPING!” Bowser Jr. cried. “IT’S ALREADY NOON! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PICK UP MORTON JR. FROM BEING TRASHED BY LUIGI THREE HOURS AGO!” Bowser suddenly snapped back into reality with a stinging pain knowing he was no longer an immortal king surrounded by a harem of princesses, but rather a single father of eight with the responsibility of an entire kingdom that can’t even keep a princess away from an overweight plumber. With a groan of understandable dismay, Bowser rolled over and started planning for his revenge against his old nemesis.
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The sun hung high in the midday sky baking the land with its unyielding rays. The heat causing all those who lived in the cities and suburbs to take shelter inside their air-conditioned homes or office buildings. When someone, human or fur, ventured out under the cruel sun's rays they stuck as close as possible to the shadows of the buildings to try and keep as cool as possible. The heatwave had gone unbroken for the past week and there seemed to be no signs of relief on the horizon. All in all, everyone was miserable and longing for a break from the intense heat. Everyone that is except one. Almost fifty miles away one creature was enjoying the heat for all he was worth. His smooth darkly tanned skin soaked up the rays like a man dying of thirst. The sheen of sweat that coated him reflected the light slightly making him almost shine like a beacon. Every inch of his body rock hard and packed with muscle that bulged and bounced with every movement he made. If any had been around to see him they would no doubt be left in pure awe at his sheer size and bulky stature. Though his muscles wouldn't be the only aspect of his physical form that would leave them unable to believe what their eyes were seeing. Standing at an incredible fifty feet high Riley was one of the few human macros around and of them one of only a handful that took an active role in shaping his impressive body. Whereas other giants were more than happy to let their height be the only impressive thing about them. Riley took extra pleasure in keeping up a constant workout routine in order to make his massive body as bulging with muscle as possible. This was achieved by many different ways, primary of which was his pension for carrying increasingly massive boulders and when in a city bench pressing a building or two. But his favorite part of bulking up was the source of his protein. As the giant human grunted hard lifting the massive chunk of rock above his head for the hundredth time, he tossed the rock with a mighty grunt sending it crashing down on top of an old abandoned farmhouse. The structure didn't even get the chance to explode in a cloud of rubble, the entire building was instantly and completely flattened by the sheer size of the rock dropped on top of it. Letting out a loud moan of pleasure as his muscles screamed their relief at finally having dropped the weight, Riley began his post-workout stretching to ease his cramped and tired muscles. His body covered from head to toe with sweat that dropped from him and fell on the ground like a musky rank rain. The giant's callous hands ran over his body, basking in the feel of his own mighty form. Each muscle harder than steel and bulging in a way that would make any bodybuilder envious. Few things in life gave Riley more pleasure than worshiping his own body, a fact made clear by his massive cock swelling and growing harder the more he rubbed and touched himself. In no time at all the tanned member stood proud and fully erect. Thicker than a truck and longer than a plane the massive head covered by a thick foreskin pulled back just enough to show the pre dampened opening. His sack hung low in the high heat, each ball the size of a house and storing several hundred gallons worth of hot potent seed. Wrapping one of his rough hands around the shaft Riley gave his pride and joy a few slow firm strokes watching mesmerized as the muscles of his arm bunched up then relaxed with the action. As his breathing grew deeper and more intense Riley had to force himself to stop stroking his shaft. Despite his desperate need to cum and flood the land around him in his seed he knew that it wouldn't be fully satisfying. There was a very important element missing if he was going to fully enjoy himself and get the relief he wanted. After a few more stretches and a few times of slapping his cock against the palm of his hand just to get him extra horned up, the macro human began to stomp his away from his impromptu workout area and towards the city on the distant horizon. Each step he took covering several miles and sending small tremors through the ground. Riley paid no attention to where he out his feet or what was in his way. Though he did pay enough attention to knock over any of the large metal towers the puny insects used to communicate with one another. An unnecessary act but with that lose the bugs would panic more and that was just extra fun for him. Even at his incredible size, it took Riley almost twenty minutes to approach the city, to his interest he couldn't hear the screams of terror or fear that usually signaled his arrival. As he got closer he couldn't even see swarms of frightened tinies scrambling in the streets to get away. Riley pondered this for a moment wondering why he wasn't being met with the usual fanfare that signaled his arrival at a city. It wasn't until a bright beam of sunlight reflected off a building's windows and directly into his eyes that he realized the reason. Despite him enjoying the heat and it has a much-lessened effect on him at his size he was still mildly hot. If that was the case then the smaller folk would definitely be feeling the heat and trying to stay inside and avoid it at all costs. A grin spread over Riley's face, that was okay he knew exactly how to get the bugs out of their hiding spots and he would take great pleasure in the act. With deliberate steps, the giant began to stomp his way closer to the city. The now increased vibrations caused the small cars and trucks to jump and rock encouraging their alarms to begin wailing. Riley knew that would partly get some attention but if he really wanted a swarm of the pathetic creatures to come swarming out into the streets he would need a bit more. Once he was close to one of the buildings, brick and stone structure that came up to Riley's knee, the giant pulled his foot back and with great force kicked it hard enough to shatter it to bits. Debre flew in all directions as the building exploded with the force of a bomb blast. Rubble pelted the street and hit against other buildings, mixed in with the wood and stone was a few bodies. Or rather chunks of them, the force of the kick along with the shrapnel had shredded any living creature to bits. Riley's cock gave a heavy throb and a thick drop of pre-gathered at the opening of his cock. Only the tip of his foreskin kept the pearl from falling to the ground below. Now the screams began, they were few and faint at first but soon they grew into a fever pitch that was like music to Riley's ears. Finding another building about the same size as the first the giant placed one of his feet on the roof and began to slowly increase the pressure. Loud cracking filled the air as the roof slowly began to cave in, his sensitive ears could pick up the panicked screams coming from inside the building. Just before his foot came down all the way and flattened the building a small crowd of tiny weaklings came flooding out of the front. Chuckling as several of them stopped to gape up at him Riley lifted one of his arms up and flexed making his already bulging muscles stand out even more. A thick vein running over the boulder of his bicep pulsed and throbbed in time with his hard and now fully leaking cock. The thick string of pre that fell from his cock head landed on the street and the splatter of it caused several of the bugs to fall over and get trapped like a bee in honey. Now that the ground had a steady swarm of the little fuckers Riley knew he could have his real fun. Lifting his foot again he swung it over the densest portion of the crowd. Wiggling his toes for a moment Riley brought his foot down carefully until he could feel the crowd wiggling and struggling under his sole. Carefully he began to increase the pressure more and more. It took less than a second for him to feel bones beginning to break and the resulting crunch as a few were flattened under his heel sent a shiver of pure lustful pleasure through his mighty body. Finally, when he pressed his foot flat over the squirming bodies they popped with a wet squish. A flow of thick sticky blood pushed its way up between his toes and around the outside of his foot. Twisting his foot Riley really ground the bugs into the crumbling street. The act causing the others to increase their screaming and their pathetic scrambling. This was the part he loved most and he took several long minutes to bask in his pleasure. Bending down the giant mass of muscle scooped up a dozen of the tiny fuckers in one hand. They screamed and tried to jump free but Riley kept them all cupped in his palm. Bringing the handful up to his hard cock he gripped his shaft and gasped having to grab hold of a taller building to help support him as the wiggling and thrashing sensation against his cock rushed through him. Carefully at first, he began to stroke up and down his length, the mass in his hand adding an extra layer of pleasure to his masturbation. Soon though he grew too eager and gripped his cock harder popping each of the wiggling bodies like grapes. A thick layer of blood and gore coated his shaft and rained down onto those left running around his feet. The loud squishing that came from him jerking off with the blood quickly faded as the blood began to thin and dry out. Riley didn't mind, it just meant he wouldn't blow his load too soon. As he moved further and deeper into the city Riley continues to smash buildings and insuring a never-ending stream of little bugs were constantly swarming around his feet. Each step he took signaled the end of another dozen or so lives. From time to time the giant would scoop up another handful of them and grind them against his hard cock though he soon had to stop since more than once he grew too close to climax and ended up flooding a whole street with his pre that shot out of his cock like missiles. Those that got caught up in the thick goo were either quickly drowned or slowly died from the heat of the bodily fluid. One of Riley's favorite things to do with the bugs, however, was to slowly crush them between his massive bulging muscles. Bending down the giant human picked up two or three at a time and carefully places them in the crease of his elbow between his massive bicep and thick and knotted forearm. He then very slowly flexed his arm until he felt them beginning to break then he would stop. After a small pause, he would begin to flex once again until he heard the crunch and snap of bones. He'd then stop again and listen to their pathetic cries and watch as they flopped about with blood oozing from their mouth, eyes, and ears. Then in one quick motion, he would flex fully splattering their meat soup bodies and rubbing the gore over his muscles. After doing the with both arms he would repeat the process with his massive pecs. Stuffing a dozen into the gap between each muscle of his chest and slowly crushing them into a paste that would run down and over his washboard abs. Within a half-hour of his rampage starting a good portion of Riley's body was coated in wet and drying blood. Placing his hands on his chest the massive male squeezed his pecs several times before running his large rough hands over his body smearing the blood all over himself. Small shivers of pleasure shook his body as he basked in the sensation of the blood coating and cooling on his hot skin. Bits of meat hanging from different places on his body. Entrails and other bloody organs catching in the cracks and crevasses of his muscles hanging like grotesque decorations. Once his initial fun subsided the macro would then begin to partake of his favorite source of protein. Scooping up handfuls of the little bugs Riley held them up above his gaping mouth and let them all free fall into his mouth. Most would land directly on his tongue, but some would miss and bounced off his face, shoulders, and chest only to tumble the fifty feet down to splat wetly on the ground. Once his mouth was full Riley would close his jaws and begin to noisily chew his meal. Blood oozing from the corners of his lips and soaking his stubble rough cheeks and chin. A mighty gulp would send the mess down his gulley and into his stomach where the acids would instantly begin to dissolve any who might have been able to avoid his tombstone like teeth. On some mouthfuls, though the giant wouldn't chew, the feeling of a massive ball of melting bodies wiggling and thrashing around in his gut was such an intense and erotic feeling he couldn't avoid swallowing a few mouthfuls down whole. On those times he would stop his rampage and have to grip the base of his shaft squeezing it hard until the thrashing in his stomach stopped. After a few handfuls the streets had nearly emptied the residents either having been swallowed down or trampled on. Licking his bloody lips Riley didn't worry. He knew the city was far from empty. Approaching one of the buildings he peeked inside and saw to his delight crowds of the little fuckers huddled inside cowering in fear. Standing up straight Riley pressed his messy and bloody cock head against the building and with a hard shove pushed his cock through the glass, wood, and concrete. He shoved in until he was balls deep and his massive sac was pressed up against the outside wall of the building. Grabbing hold of the structure Riley began to rock and thrust his hips grinding his cock in and out of the building. As his pleasure grew the greater his thrusting became. For a time he lost himself to the sensation and it wasn't until the building began to crumble and collapse that he stopped his thrusting and watched the building fall. None of those who had been inside the building had survived the collapse and Riley could see their twisted and mangled bodies half-buried in the rubble. Chuckling deeply to himself Riley slapped his rock hard cock several times knocking the rubble off his shaft. The concussion from the slaps causing the windows in the buildings near him to shatter or fracture. The act made him think of a wolf he used to know who could shatter windows and sometimes cause the little fuckers heads to pop just from the sound of his howl alone. His musing was interrupted by a sudden explosion and a slight sting in the middle of his back. Turning around annoyed Riley saw a series of tanks lining up in the street behind him. Rows and rows of soldiers flanked each tank, their green pattern uniforms making them look even more like bugs. Riley turned to face a small force clearly trying to protect the city. His gore coated body gleaming in the hot sun and he spread his arms wide giving the troops a clear target to shoot at. There was a small pause before the tanks began to fire and the soldiers dropped to their knees and started to fire their tiny guns. Riley just stood there with his arms spread wide. The majority of the tanks blasts his large chest and popped in small clouds of dust and debris. Riley couldn't help but laugh as the whole thing felt more like mosquito bites rather than an actual attack. After almost five minutes the explosions and gunfire halted. Making a big show of it Riley brushed his hands over his chest and abs knocking away the rockets and bullets that had gotten stuck in his thick skin. His cock was as hard as ever, if not more so. Looking down at the group of soldiers he could see the shiver of fear rush through them like wind through a cornfield. Moving forward the giant grabbed one of the tanks in both hands and crushed it into a ball as easily as a can. Once that was done, he dropped the ball on top of another thank causing it's wheels to blow out and a thick cloud of black smoke to billow up from it. The soldiers yelled and screamed as they started trying to run away. Taking a few short minutes to crush the remaining tanks under his foot he then turned his attention to the fleeing soldiers. It took Riley only a few minutes to block off their escape routes and to corral them all into one densely packed crowd. He used the rubble from the buildings and thanks to creating a small enclosed pin for the soldiers who stood cowering in his shadow. With a wicked grin on his face, Riley crouched over them, his massive cock and low hanging balls dangling over their heads. Adjusting his position the giant lowered himself down until his cock was submerged in the middle of the huddled crowd. Without pause, he began to grind and hump into the crowd. The screams of fear quickly turned into ones of pain as the collection of tiny humans and furs were crushed and ground into a bloody meaty soup from the giant's cock and balls alone. His pre-mixing with the gore causing the mess to be slippery and slicker than before. The street under his cock cracked and shattered as he put more force behind his thrusting and it took every ounce of Riley's self-control to keep from blowing his load. For a time he laid there panting heavily as his excitement slowly faded down to a more reasonable level. Pushing himself up he took in a deep breath enjoying the smell that came with his deviating rampage. Looking down at what was left of the soldiers Riley laughed seeing a massive indent vaguely in the shape of his large cock and balls. Streaks of blood and meat coated the broken and crumbled street. With the exception of a random body part here and there, there was hardly anything recognizable of the soldiers. The blood and pre began to pool into the deep divot he had made in the street and the sight amused him greatly. Once his composure was back in place Riley stood and went back to what he had been doing before the sad excuse for an armed force showed up. More buildings fell to his rampage and once again the streets were filled with the tiny bugs. As he watched the crowds flee an idea came to the macro, one he enjoyed very much. Moving closer to the center of the city Riley found a good and mostly clear area. The buildings that were there easily flattened out under his feet or found themselves ripped up by the foundation and hurled dozens of yards away crashing into other buildings. Moving to the center of the area Riley lifted one of his large feet and brought it down with all his might onto the concrete of the street. The material crumbled easily and shattered into bits. Again and again, he stomped the area creating a massive crater several feet deep. Dropping to his knees Riley began to scoop out the loose dirt and clutter creating a large hole in the ground. The act was slightly difficult due to his massive cock constantly getting in the way as it hung straight out from his blood-soaked crotch. Even so, he still managed to dig out a deep enough depression for what he has in mind. Smirking he stood back up and began scooping up handfuls of the little bugs and dumping them into the pit. The first few handfuls fell to their deaths since he didn't bother being gentle when putting them in the pit. The third and fourth though survived but he was sure they had several broken bones from the height of the fall. Beyond that, though the rest of the handfuls Riley dropped in seemed to land without much trouble judging by the way they got back up and tried to scramble up the walls of the pit. Thankfully the dirt was now too loose and shifting that every time they tried they'd fall back down. When the pit was half full of wiggling crying bodies Riley decided that it was good enough for his idea. Next came a slightly harder task. Looking around the giant spotted a few of the extra-long busses the bugs liked to use to get around. Picking them up Riley peeked inside but to his annoyance each one was empty. Bus after bus he picked up and looked at was completely deserted of passengers a fact that greatly angered the macro human. It wasn't until he happened to turn at the right moment and saw one of the busses quickly driving away that he struck gold. Despite the speed, the bus had been traveling at it only took a moment for Riley to stomp over and pick it up in one hand. Lifting it up to his eyes he looked inside and saw to his delight it was positively packed full of the little fuckers. A mixture of smooth-skinned humans and furs all huddled together in fear. They screamed in terror as he smiled at them, his bloody lips and teeth cracked in gore taking up their whole window view. Carrying the bus back to where the crater was Riley sank down to his knees, his legs spread wide around the outer lip of the hole and his hard leaking cock and balls dangling over the mangled ball of bodies. Adjusting his grip on the bus so it was standing straight up, Riley chuckled as the action caused a series of panicked screams to erupt from the inside. Working his tongue around the inside of his mouth for a few minutes the giant raised the front of the bus up to his lips and very carefully let a thick glob of his drool fall from his mouth and onto the windshield. It was tinted slightly red thanks to the blood that still coated his tongue. Using his free hand Riley smeared the spit over the front and sides of the bus costing it liberally in the slime. Once satisfied he reached behind himself and used his spit-soaked fingers to tease and toying with his pale puckered hole. Groaning loudly as his thick rough fingers sank a few inches into his ass Riley bit his lips and shivered. A thick stream of pre leaking from his cock and landing directly on top of the pile of bodies in the pit. Once he felt loose enough Riley placed the front of the spit-lubed bus at the opening of his ass. Relaxing as much as he could and pushing out so his ass hole opened wide Riley began to slowly push the bus full of little fuckers inside him. The screams grew to a fever pitch as the front of the bus crunched and bent slightly but thankfully that was all the damage the bus took at the moment. The massive vehicle turned sex toy sank inch after inch deep inside Riley's ass sending shivers of pleasure through him. The crowd trapped inside screamed and scrambled over one another, making the whole thing shake and vibrate in a perfect imitation of a vibrator. Once the bus sank in up to the back wheel Riley began to pull it back out just as slowly as it had sunk in. He only pulled it out a few feet before sinking it back in again. Again and again, he repeated the process pushing the bus in then pulling it out. All the while his free hand ran up and down the length of his thick cock the foreskin pulling back to show off his gleaming cock head. The hole filled up a quarter of the way with his pre and any of those at the bottom who hadn't died from the fall or been crushed by the weight of the other bodies on top quickly drowned in the thick syrup. Finally unable to fight the urge anymore Riley pushed the bus back into his hole until he felt the back wheels. Then using his pointer and middle finger he pushed the last few feet of the bus deep into his musky tight hole. Arching his back as the bus sank in and pressed right on his prostate Riley fell forward bracing himself up so he didn't fall fully onto the ground. The new position forced his cock deep into the mound of struggling screaming bodies. He felt several of them pop blood smearing over his cock head and shaft. Now fully lost in his lust the mountain of a man began to hump and grind his massive cock in and out of the wet pile of bodies. Each thrust causing bones to break or body parts to rip from their sockets. A constant stream of pre continued to fill the pit drowning more and more of the pathetic occupants. Likewise, each thrust or clench forced the bus to wedge itself deeper and deeper into Riley's mighty muscular ass. The constant pulsing and clenching of his internal muscles causing the tube of metal to compress more and more around the screaming bodies inside. The heat in his cock and balls continued to grow hotter and hotter and Riley knew that at any moment he would blow. He tried to hold off for as long as possible, his massive mountain of a body gleamed with fresh sweat as his hips rocked back and forth. Just as he was sure he couldn't hold on any longer, the bus buried deep inside his ass collapsed completely. The crunch of metal and bones followed by the flood of blood and gore from the destroyed bodies was the final button to be pressed. His floodgates opened wide and the tidal wave of hot cum that had been bubbling in his balls for days finally burst forth. It traveled up his shaft and erupted from his cock head in jets as powerful as a rocket to space. The screams from the hole quickly faded away to struggling gurgling cries as the thick hot cum filled the hole quickly. Each throbbing pulse of his cock pushed another dozen gallons of cum up his shaft and into the hole. His climax lasted for minutes though to Riley it felt like days. His whole body shook and shivered as if he had just spent a whole day running at top speed. When he began to come down from his orgasmic high he collapsed to the side. His muscled arms shaking and unable to hold his weight for a time. His still rock hard cock pulled free from the mess of cum and blood. The whole shaft was coated in the mixture along with a few bodies that clung to it due to the sticky mixture. Panting heavily Riley watched his cock continue to spurt and leak his seed down into the hole. A lazy smile spread over his face as he watched the tangle of bodies struggling to swim to the surface. A few made it but the thickness of the load kept them from staying there for long. When they would try to wipe their faces free of the suffocating slime they would instantly begin to sink again. The heat of the load was so intense that many of them had been instantly cooked alive by it. The ones who survived were in so much shock that they didn't seem to register the fact that large bits of their skin and muscle had been melted away. Riley continued to lay there and watch the show, his cock growing softer and softer though never fully deflating. Finally, after roughly ten minutes, all signs of life in the cum filled out were gone. All that remained was a slowly dissolving mass of broken and mutilated bodies sinking to the bottom. The heavy smell of blood, death and hot cum filled the air and Riley couldn't help but breathe deeply of the smell. It soothed and relaxed him to the point his eyelids began to droop lower and lower. Yawning loudly he figured, where he was at the moment was as good a spot as any to rest for the evening. Stretching out, his muscles cried in protest at the movement and he couldn't help but laugh. The rest would give his muscles a chance to recover both from the workout and the post-workout fun. When he woke up he would find a lake or something to wash himself off in. With the sun high in the sky and the heat soaking into his darkly tanned body, Riley began to doze off a content smile on his face. The city around him nothing but an empty ruined ghost town just like so many others he had visited before. — I commissioned this story from a friend named, smounged1989 over on FA, about a month ago and I gotta say this turned out better then expected, don’t know if you guys would like a sequel to this or not? Maybe another bodybuilder/power lifter you have in mind?