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  1. Psuace

    Winter Hook-up, parts 1 - 4

    Trying something a little different this time. Shorter chapters for quicker reading. As always, enjoy the feedback. Winter Hook-Up Part 1. As I look out the front door windows of the Hampton Inn Sayre in north central Pennsylvania, about ½ mile south of the New York state line, all I see is snow. Snow and more snow. It’s been snowing most of the day. I glance back down to my computer and see five or six of our confirmed reservations have not checked in yet, on this snowy, cold Friday evening. I glance at my computer and it indicates the temp is in the low teens, a few degrees lower than it was earlier. I’m hoping the roads have been plowed and salted on this frigid January night. We already have two feet of snow from earlier storms at Christmas and last weekend, but this one has some lake effect snow reaching us, which will add another half foot by midnight. I’m glad the back office has a bed and that I packed an overnight bag. I always bring one, if there is any call for the white stuff. I’ve learned the hard way about traveling on unplowed roads from my home in Ulster to the hotel. It’s only 11 miles and on a good day I can make the drive north on route 220 in 15 minutes, but add any snow, and it becomes a treacherous 45-minute ride through the mountains. Not that I’m scared of driving on a snowy road, my black 2017 Chevy Silverado 1500 is great and has all-wheel drive, which is a life saver, it’s the other drivers which make me nervous. I’ve seen too many spin-outs and crashes this time of year due to inexperience or over-confidence. I glance up at the TV in the lounge and see the local weather person is showing potential accumulations. I sigh heavily as she indicates we’re expecting more than what was predicted. My eyes shift to the front doors as they slide open and a gust of snow filled cold air sweeps in. A tall gentleman walks thru bundled in a neon yellow and black Uline Class 3 Hi-Vis Polar parka. He has an LL Bean Storm Teal Mountain Classic Cordura duffel bag slung over his enormous right shoulder. He has a gray knit cap covering his head and it has one of those silly pom-pom tops, which my parents wore back in the late 70’s or early 80’s, his pom-pom is bright green. His hands are covered with brown leather gloves which seem to be insulated. But the thing which shocks me out of my staring at him is that he is wearing skin tight black sweatpants and a pair of dark blue Asics sneakers, in the frigid night air. The sneakers are covered with snow from his short trip from the frozen parking lot, but he does not seem phased by it. I control myself as best as possible, but something about him… He confidently walks up to the desk. I put on my best smile and say, “Good evening, sir, welcome to the Hampton Inn. How may I help you?” He lets the duffel slide off his shoulder, then he pulls off the gloves, and shoves them into pockets of the jacket. His hands are huge, hairy, and calloused. No desk job for this guy. He pulls the snow-covered knit hat off, holds it in his right hand, revealing a full head of mouse brown hair neatly pulled back into a tight bun. He greets me with a deep manly voice as his dark green eyes shift to my name tag then back to my light brown eyes, “Good evening, Samuel, I was hoping it is not too late for me to check in?” I smile again and reply, “Of course not, sir. We’re just glad you made it here thru the inclement weather.” He smiles to me. “May I have your name, please.” “Finn O’Daniel.” There’s an Irish name if I’ve ever heard one. I grin and see him smile at me with pearly white teeth. His face is clean shaven and he has a strong jaw line. I detect a bit of a tan on his face and hands. My hands dance over the keyboard entering his name. I quickly find his reservation. “Yes, sir, here we are. Mr. O’Daniel, two nights, Friday and Saturday.” I glance up and he nods. I look back down and start checking boxes indicating he’s arrived and no other guests with him as indicated. I print out the reservation confirmation form, grab two key cards, activate them, and put them in a small envelope. “Mr. O’Daniel, here are your keys cards for room 333, a copy of the reservation form, and a placard for your vehicle. Please put it on your dashboard so we don’t have it towed, by accident.” He nods. “If you could please sign here and here,” I make small checks where he needs to sign. “We have your credit card on file. We will use that one at check-out, unless you indicate you’d like to use a different one.” He grabs a pen with his left hand and signs where I have indicated. “I do have a question regarding payment.” He glances into my eyes and slyly smiling asks, “Would it be possible to pay with cash when I check-out?” I’ve had this request in the past and it’s a bit weird in todays’ credit card world, but we do accept cash. “Of course, sir, no problem.” He smiles. “Just be sure to let us know so we don’t charge your card.” “Thank you.” He nods. I make a note on the computer under his reservation, just to be safe. As I review the form on my computer, I see one more question I need to ask, “May I ask the reason for your visit this weekend? Business or pleasure?” I glance back up to him and see he’s got an ear-to-ear grin. “Well, truth be told, Samuel, I’m here for the amateur wrestling event at the Harlan Rowe middle school tomorrow afternoon.” He winks at me and I blush. “I guess it would be considered ‘business’” He air quotes business, “but it will be more fun than work.” I keep staring at his face so my eyes don’t do an obvious gawk of his still hidden body. His eyes shift to scan my body first. I’m in the standard hotel uniform; black suit jacket, white shirt, black tie, and black pants and shoes with black argyle socks. I’m supposed to have my jacket buttoned when greeting customers, but the jacket is getting tight due to my new work-out routine, so I leave it unbuttoned. I stand at 5’9”, weigh 160 lbs., and am proud of the tight body I’ve working for. My brown hair is spiked and has blonde highlights on the tips. He smiles again and nods. I do a quick once over of him, but cannot get a read on what’s under that heavy jacket. He’s at least 6’2’, and he must be huge as the jacket is either an XL or XXL. His feet look to be size 14 and his legs, well let’s just say, he doesn’t skip leg day. I now see his quads and calves clearly in the tightly stretched black sweatpants. We lock eyes again and he politely asks, “Is there a place to grab a bite to eat? The trip from Schenectady took a bit longer due to the snow and I ate my last Chocolate Peanut butter PowerBar around Sidney.” “Of course, Mr. O’Daniel.” I pull a menu from the brochure stand. “Right across the parking lot is the Bluestone Brewery. Great craft beer and food. If you’re into burgers, may I suggest the Big ‘Mac daddy’ burger.” He takes the menu, nods and says thanks. He gathers up his duffel, wanders to the curved stairway in the far corner of the lobby, and makes his way up, taking the stairs two at a time. A minute later I faintly hear the door on the third floor open and shut. I let out my breath and sit heavily in the chair behind me. I think, ‘Wow.’ I heard about the wrestling event as other people who checked in today were talking about it, but thought it was just some half-assed event that a bunch of locals threw together for some winter fun. You know, the former high school wrestlers trying to relive their youth and glory. But Mr. O’Daniel seems to be the real deal and many steps above the local talent. I get on the computer, do a quick search, and find the event. I see it’s being promoted by a reputable business. I look for a line-up, but cannot find one. I guess with the snow, some wrestlers may have had to cancel and they did not want to prematurely list the participants. I think back to earlier in the day, we had a few families check in, and they’re reason for the visit was ‘pleasure’. I don’t remember seeing and other bigger guys come in, but maybe Shari did during her shift, or they could be staying at a few of the other hotels near-by. I go back to my chair and relax. I’m skimming thru Insta when faintly I hear a door open on one of the upper floors. A few minutes later Mr. O’Daniel comes down the curved stairs and makes his way thru the lobby and out the front doors as another gust of snowy wind pushes into the lobby. I see he changed his pants from sweats to jeans. Everything else is the same. I see the snow has not let up and is accumulating in the parking lot and on the sidewalk. I walk around the desk to the door and do a quick scan, looking for Jordan and his plow truck. I spy him at the far end of the parking lot, maneuvering around the parked vehicles. Stan and Evelyn are bundled up and clearing the sidewalks between the lots. I walk back behind the deck and settle in for a long, slow night. The snow will definitely keep people away. 45 minutes later and dad and his two teenage sons walk in. All of them are bundled up, carrying overnight bags, and are shaking snow from their hats and shoes. As I am finishing checking them in, I see Mr. O’Daniel come thru the doors with a take-away bag of leftovers. The younger son spots him and his eyes light up. He grabs his older brother’s arm and not so quietly says, “Dude, there’s the Irish Madman.” The brother turns and his eyes get just as large. “Oh my god, you’re right, that’s him.” The older son pokes his dad’s side and says, “Dad…dad, look, the Irish Madman is staying here…look.” The father calmly says, “Hold on Gordie, let me finish getting us checked in.” He signs all the paperwork and turns to see his kids have left him and gone over to see the wrestler. He turns back to me, smiles and says, “Kids.” I smile back and glance over to the crowd. The kids have surrounded Mr. O’Daniel and are peppering him with questions. He is calmly answering them and has his ear-to-ear grin on his face. The father walks over and attempts to pull his kids away from their apparent idol. I hear him patiently say, “Guys, stop bugging Mr. Madman.” I hear Mr. O’Daniel proudly say, “It’s all right sir, I’m always happy to meet fans and talk to them.” I notice he’s added a definite Irish brogue to his voice. Part of this gimmick, I guess. They talk for another few minutes, he signs some autographs and takes some pictures. The dad pulls his sons away and head up the stairs. Mr. O’Daniel heads toward me, giving the family time to get up the steps, so he is not ambushed. As he approaches the desk, I calmly ask, “So Mr. Irish Madman, how does it feel to meet your fans.” He unzips his jacket and I see he is wearing a white compression t-shirt, which leaves nothing to the imagination. It is tucked into his jeans, showing off his taut abs. His chest is huge and stretches the shirt to the limit. His nipples are hard, apparently from the cold, and are poking the shirt. I see a sprout of hair coming out the top of the shirt, indicating he probably has a nice hairy chest. He chuckles, winks, and says without the accent, “95% of the time, the fans are harmless, like those guys. The other 5%, well…let’s just say their hands tend to get a bit too frisky.” He rolls his eyes and I let out a laugh. I glance at his chest and think, ‘I can see why’. I immediately ask, “How was your dinner?” He smiles again and slaps his huge hand on the counter with a loud bang, “Samuel, you hit the nail on the head with your suggestion.” I grin. “That place was great. The burger was awesome and their Penna Pale Ale was outstanding.” He dangles the carry-out bag and says, “Just some more protein for later tonight.” “You’re welcome, and please call me Sammy. Only my gran calls me ‘Samuel’ outside of this place.” He laughs and says, ‘Well ok, Sammy. Then please call me Finn.” I nod in appreciation and we shake, his hand engulfing mine. “How long does your shift last?” He’s trying to make small talk to make sure he can get upstairs undetected. I could show him the back stairwell, but this is nice and he seems to genuinely want to talk to me. “I get done around midnight, or whenever my replacement gets here with this snow.” He nods. “It’s not too bad. At least I don’t have to drive home. I brought an overnight bag and there’s a bed in the back office.” “Well, it’s good you don’t need to drive tonight. The roads were getting bad on my drive down and even from the walk to the bar and back, it’s coming down harder.” He casually looks me in the eyes and asks, “What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?” I think, ‘oh fuck, he’s hitting on me.’ How do I answer that? ‘Would I like to spend time with Finn, yeah, to get to know him, but…’ He interrupts my thought with, “Would you like some tickets to the wrestling event?” In my mind I breathe a sigh of relief. “They gave me a bunch to give to friends and family, but no one wanted to travel down here with this storm going on, so I have extra to give away.” I casually say, “Sure. I’m off tomorrow, so that would be great.” He claps his hands together and excitedly says, “Nice, how many do you want? 3 or 4?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I blush and say, “Just one for me is fine, thank you.” His eyebrows go up a quarter of an inch as he asks, “What? No friends or family? Gran not into seeing ‘The Irish Madman’?” He leans back, puffs out his huge chest and does a quick double bi pose, but his jacket hides his arms, but I’m guessing they’re pretty big, like the rest of him. He adds his fake Irish brogue when saying his stage name. I laugh with him, but blurt out, ‘No, just one. Gran’s not the one into big muscular guys wrestling around.” I curse myself, ‘fuck, that came out completely wrong, dammit.’ Finn leans back, slaps his right hand on the desk, and lets out a hearty roar. “You’d be surprised how many older ladies we get in the audience. Remember the 5% who can be too frisky with their hands? Well half of them are the older ladies.” I take the bait, “Who are the other half?”, knowing what he’s about to say. Finn puffs out his already huge chest and says with his Irish brogue, “The gay gentlemen. They can be the worst.” He lets out another laugh and so do I. “Ok, I’ll run up and get the ticket for you.” “Thanks, you know where I’ll be.” He winks and heads up the steps, taking them two at a time. A few minutes later I hear him coming back down. He’s shed his jacket and is back in sweatpants. He is huge. Larger than I imagined. The compression shirt is long sleeved, but his arms stretch it to the limit, like his chest does. He must be pushing 275 easy. He catches me glancing at him and just smiles. He hands me the ticket and winks, then quickly heads back up the steps. I catch a glimpse of his ass, and it is magnificent. About 20 minutes later, at about 10:30, the front doors slide open and younger gentlemen walks in, covered in snow, and bundled up. I don’t recognize him as a guest, but he glances around the lobby, see the steps, but looks to his right and see the elevators. He heads to the elevators and patiently waits for one. The doors ding, open, he steps in, and they close. He must have checked in earlier in the day with Shari. I notice it stops on the third floor. I go back to reading my Kindle. Next thing I know, it’s getting close to midnight. Nobody else has checked in. I’m hoping Jimmy will be able to make it in. I check my phone, but don’t see any messages from him. Guessing he’s still on the way. I don’t send him a text as I don’t want to distract him, if he’s still driving. I hear the elevator ding. The guy who came in a while ago is bundled up and is on his way out. I pause for a split second; then just let it go. I’ve done the random hook-up in a hotel, so I’m not surprised about it. I am kind of shocked he did it on this snowy night. I do wonder who he met with? I briefly consider Finn, but put it out of my head. He seems to fly the straight and narrow, although, with his body, I’m sure he could get a lot of men or women to spend some time with him. Ten minutes later, I hear the office door open behind me and Jimmy walks in. His face is flushed and his hair is damp. I bob my head to him and say, “Hey.” He nods back, rubbing his hands together. “I’d ask, but I can tell.” Jimmy is a few years younger than my 32, and he’s lived in Sayre his whole life. He curtly says, “It never gets old. Stupid people still drive like not a flake has fallen. You wouldn’t believe the number of spin-outs I passed.” He shakes his head. I laugh. “You should have a quiet night.” He nods. “Only one or two reservations have not checked in. My guess is, they’ve cancelled due to the snow, but just didn’t call.” He nods again. “I’m going to stay in the back office. Not really in a mood to get into an accident tonight.” “Wise move, Sammy.” We continue to talk and the front doors open and a middle age man comes in. We glance over and see he’s bundled up, of course, with snow on his jacket and baseball hat, and heads to the stairs. He heads up and I don’t give it a second thought. Jimmy comments, “A bit late to be coming back. He doesn’t look like he’s been drinking?” I shrug my shoulders, “Eh, to each his own.” I sign-off the computer so Jimmy can sign-in. “I’m going to hit the head, then call it a night.” He nods as I head to the back office. Saturday morning. I’m sitting in the breakfast area in a pair of comfortable jeans and a sweatshirt, after grabbing a quick shower in pool area bathroom. I am looking out the large windows at the risen sun. It’s about 8:30 and last night’s snow has come to an end. Jordan, Evelyn and Stan have done a great job at clearing the parking lots and sidewalks. Plenty of salt has been spread. There are not too many people in the room. I scoop another helping of scrambled eggs onto my fork and stab a piece of sausage. I hear a strong manly voice behind me ask, “Sammy, would you mind if I joined you?” I turn, already knowing it’s Finn. I smile and wave my hand to an empty chair and say, “Of course, Finn. Please sit.” I see he’s in jeans, a short sleeve dark blue compression shirt, and sneakers. His hair is still in a bun. He has not shaved yet and I can see a day’s worth of stubble appearing. I glance at his arms and almost choke on the sausage I’m still chewing. They’re huge, at least 17 inches unflexed. As he sits, he sets his plate down and I see he has twice as much food on it as I did. Well, he is about twice my size, so it makes sense. Lots of eggs and bacon, a few bananas, and a bowl of strawberries. He also has a large glass of water. I remark, “No coffee?” He shakes his head as he chews a strip of bacon. He swallows and says, “No. Never got the taste for it. You?” “Same. Also, I am pretty much either asleep or awake. There is no in-between, so no need for coffee to wake me up.” He nods in understanding while scooping up another helping of eggs. “I’m glad to see the storm has passed. Should be a clear day, all-be-it frigid, but clear.” He nods again. “Any word if the wrestling match is still on or not?” He finishes his mouthful of eggs and says, “It is still on. I got a text this morning that the school parking lot has been plowed and the event staff are there right now getting everything set up.” Now it’s my turn to nod as I chew on a granny smith apple. “I’ll be heading over in a few hours to stretch and warm up. What are your plans for the day?” He gives me a coy smile and playfully asks, “Any exciting plans on your day off?” He chuckles and so do I. I sarcastically respond, “Well, I do have a week’s worth of white shirts that need washing and ironing, plus a house that needs a good vacuuming. So, yeah, lots of exciting things to do today.” He smiles and shakes his head. I casually add, “Oh, and I have a free ticket to some bush league wrestling event later this afternoon. I may head over and see what backwater talent they scraped together.” I raise an eyebrow at him and he raises one back at me. He puts his left elbow on the table, make a fist with his hand, and moves it toward his chin. But what he wants me to see, without saying, is the 21-inch bicep he’s flexing. He innocently asks, while flexing and unflexing his arm, “I hope this is bush league enough for you?” I gulp and he winks at me again. “I think I have a pretty good chance of winning, don’t you?” I quickly and quietly say, “Yes.” I may have overstepped. I immediately apologize, “I’m sorry if I offended you, Finn. It was not my intention.” He playfully responds, “No worries, Sammy. I get it all the time. Trust me, this is not my 9 to 5. If it were, I’d be upset. This is just one of my hobbies. This, the occasional bodybuilding contest, and giving awesome massages, are what I do to have some fun.” I breathe a sigh of relief, but my ears perk up. “You give massages?” I ask in a shocked voice. He nods. “What technique do you use, deep tissue, Swedish, or Tantric?” Finn’s fork stops in mid-air as he stares at me. He points his left pinkie at me, squints, and cautiously asks, “Sammy, how do you know massage terms like that? Are you holding back on me?” I casually shrug my shoulders, not letting on that I also give massages on the side. “Most people barely know there are different massage techniques, even fewer know the correct names.” I give the barest of smiles. “Uh-huh. Ok, so Bellhop boy here does massage work on the side.” I start to laugh at his playful jab. He laughs as well and jokingly says, “We may need to compare techniques at some point.” My face drains and I think, ‘Is he being serious?’. He pokes again and says, “Come on Bellhop,” His new nickname for me it would seem, “What do you say, we give each other a massage and compare techniques and results?” He raises his left eyebrow again. I easily respond with his new nickname, “Ok bush league, deal.” I reach my small hand across the table and his mitt of a hand engulfs mine, and we shake. He gives me another once over, I guess to see what my muscle mass looks like. I catch his glance and wave him off, “Don’t you worry about my size, bush league, I’ve got enough muscle to work over guys bigger than you.” I know, as one of my regulars, Tommy, is over 300 pounds, but he is not nearly as muscular as Finn. He smiles and says, “I’m sure you do, Bellhop, I’m sure you do.” He checks the clock on the wall as do I. It’s about 9:30. “Damn. Sorry Sammy, I’ve got to run.” He pulls his phone out, opens it, and goes to the contacts section, “Here, give me your number so I can contact you. Not sure how available I’ll be during the event or afterwards.” I quickly enter my name and number. I then take the liberty of sending a text to my phone. As my phone chirps, I open it and add Finn to my contacts list. He smiles and says, “Done and done. Ok Bellhop, I’ll be seeing you later.” He gives me a wink and takes his tray to the trash can. As he walks into the lobby, I see a younger kid come in the front doors. Finn sees him and approaches him. They bro-hug like old buddies, then head to the elevators. I clean up the table, walk to the lobby and say good-bye to Jimmy, then head out. As I drive home, I see the roads have been cleared and there are not too many people out and about. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home. I take a proper shower and throw on some comfortable sweats. I toss a load of laundry in the washer, then pull the Dyson vacuum out. I think Finn would be shocked that I was not lying about the list of stuff I have to do. After I finish vacuuming, I sit on the sofa and open my computer. I want to scratch an itch I have about Finn. I pull up Rentmen, then click the link for Rentmasseur. I scroll thru the listings for the area and there he is. Finn O’Daniel, or as he calls himself on Rentmasseur, ‘Irish muscles’. His listing indicates he’ll be in Sayre for the weekend, which confirms why we had some drop-ins last night and the kid this morning. I review his profile and his write-up. It matches what he told me. I take a look at his 4 pics. No nudes, go figure. But, two of them show him in a white wife-beater, which clings to every muscle and crevice on his hirsute upper body, and black nylon mesh gym shorts, which show off his hairy tree trunk legs, and leave very little to the imagination as to what is under them. He’s semi-hard in three photos. In one photo he’s let his hair down. His wavy mouse brown hair extends below his shoulders. Another photo shows him standing over a massage table, flexing his left arm. I start to stiffen and involuntarily lick my lips. I go back to his personal info and see his age is 30, his height is 6’3” and weight is listed as 285-lbs. This may be out of date, but he is larger than I originally guessed. He lists his sexual orientation as bi-sexual, which means absolutely nothing. Until you get in a room with someone and get down to it, that info is just for show. He has a number of reviews, mostly 5 stars, and the write-ups all praise his technique and maturity. His price per hour seems reasonable. His write-up says he has 8 years’ experience and is a qualified masseuse. I wonder if he took the same classes I did. I took 4 years of classes, worked in a salon for a while, then decided to go out on my own. The extra income is nice and I can tailor my schedule around the job at the hotel. I hear the washer ding and realize I’ve been on the site a bit too long. I also note I’ve sprouted a woody from looking at his pics. He is a good-looking man. I jump off the computer and continue to clean around the house. I toss the shirts in the dryer for a few minutes, get out the ironing board, then iron them. It may seem old-fashioned to manually iron shirts when they are cleaners who will do it for you, but I enjoy it and it allows me to watch a movie or a couple episodes of shows I’m watching. Two hours later, the shirts are done, I also pressed some work pants and a few of my jackets. I finish dusting the house, check to make sure I’m set for food for the next few days, and finally sit for a minute to relax. I check my phone and see it’s 3:30. The wrestling event starts at 5. I change into a pair of worn Lee jeans, a pair of size 9 ½ black Asics sneakers, a black mesh t-shirt, then a grey sweatshirt. Grab the phone, wallet, and keys, and out the door. The drive back to Sayre is uneventful. I stop by Bluestone and grab an appetizer and a quick 16 oz For the Record NEIPA (New England IPA). The bar is crowded with families intending to attend the event. I make the quick 2 ½ mile trip to the middle school in 10 minutes. Parking is easy. I see a number of vehicles are already there. I show my ticket at the door, they hand me a program, and let me know I have a ring side reserved seat. I’m astonished, but not upset. I wander thru the school to the gym. The lights are still up and people are milling around. I decide to make a quick trip to the men’s room before settling in. I wander down the hallway and see a roped off area with a large tarp covering the rest of the hallway. It must be the wrestler’s area. I head into the men’s room and as I’m walking in, I run into Finn as he’s exiting. He’s looking the other way, so I quickly put my hand up to keep him from bowling me over. It lands flat on his chest. It feels like a brick wall, but is enough to get his attention. He quickly turns and see me. He jokingly says, “Yo, Bellhop, you made it, nice.” “Hey bush league, yeah, just got here. Thanks again for the ticket. I see it’s for reserved front row seating. Very nice. Is this so I can massage your back as you’re lying on the floor from being tossed out of the ring?” I wink at him and he catches my heavy dose of sarcasm. As we talk, I see he’s in an oversized green T-shirt which has a shamrock on the front. He’s in black mesh shorts and wrestler’s shoes. His hair is still in a bun. He leans over and pulls me into a bro-hug and slaps my back a few times. “Yeah, yeah…we’ll see about that.” We chat for another minute then he excuses himself. “I need to get back to the staging area.” We shake and he smiles and with an honest tone says, “I hope you have a fun time, Sammy, and I’m glad you came.” We bro-hug again and he leaves. I do my business and as I’m washing up, I look in the mirror and think, ‘He’s a nice guy. Better than my last boyfriend, Jon.’ I shake my head realizing Finn is being nice because I was nice to him last night and this morning. He’s got an outgoing personality and is probably this casual and comfortable with everyone. I make my way back to my seat wait for the show to start.
  2. CardiMuscleman

    The Student and the Coach

    Part One "Yeah, come on, coach, you've got this in the bag!" James was not the only one cheering at the small, but powerfully built men on stage in the over 60's class of his local bodybuilding contest, but he was certainly the loudest, and with good reason. His coach, Larry, was almost certain to win his fifth regional title in as many years and as he finished off his routine with a most muscular that defied his size, he smiled, bowed to the audience and strode off back stage where his student picked him up and grunted "You may only be ten stone, but this is how much I want to congratulate you!" As he placed Larry on the ground a few seconds later, Larry just smiled and said "Remember, this time last year you couldn't even pick me up, but I thank you. It's nice to get some positive feedback from a student" and with that they went off to prepare Larry for the presentation. Larry and James really couldn't have been more different if they tried. Larry was 69 years old, had been training since his 14th birthday and although only standing 5ft 2 tall and weighing 138lbs, his 38½ inch chest, 33½ inch waist, 13 inch biceps, 21 inch quads and 14½ inch calves looked hewn from granite. James, on the other hand, was not only ten inches taller, but worlds apart. He weighed 220lbs, but with a 46 inch chest, 45 in waist, 13 inch biceps, 23 inch quads and 14½ inch calves, it was obvious that he had a long way to go to match his coach, but that did not dampen his enthusiasm for his coach and what he lacked in muscle, he more than made up for in cleverness. Indeed, it was his idea to create a social media account for his coach's bodybuilding exploits, accounts which were regularly shared by the stars of bodybuilding although James made quite sure that everyone realised that Larry's muscle development was following the "PHS method" of training which Larry explained as the "Porthos, Hercules and Samson" method of training until he couldn't do anymore and without any drugs whatsoever. That evening as the two drove home, James nursing the trophy like a baby, he looked at it and said "Larry, did you really mean what you said last year when I joined your gym. That in the space of three years I could win one of these myself!" Larry chuckled "Of course I did, I mean look at your progress. Your bench, squat and deadlift have increased exponentially from nothing to 104lbs, 94lbs and 84lbs respectively, you can pick me up for at least thirty seconds when you couldn't managed it before, and might I note that you've become more confident as well" and with that smiled at him. "Yes" smiled James, "my naked posing sessions after we train" and with that added, "I can't help myself, I say. After I train I feel, well, like, like the biggest and strongest man in the world, I want to rip off my posing suit and flex, flex, flex" "Tell you what then" smiled Larry, "special treat this evening. Before I tuck into my post contest ice cream, we'll pose down together, naked, and you can show me what poses I should do for my next guest posing session next weekend, Deal?" "Deal!" nodded James, frantically.
  3. Employee of the Month by Broody Monday June 1 I’d only been in this office job since March when the boss named me Employee of the Month. It was a sports betting company and the 30 or so employees were almost all straight men. Mr. Sartorius was a tall, handsome silver fox with a taste for well cut suits and a sexy Dutch accent that made me smile as I listened to him make the announcement at the monthly all-staff meeting. “…And Jeffrey’s selection is especially appropriate considering June is… Pride Month!” My smile froze into an embarrassed rictus. I hadn’t come out to anybody in the office. And I certainly hadn’t in the interview. An awkward silence came over the conference room where everyone was packed in standing room only. I looked out at the sea of faces, all masculine former jocks, and stretched my smile into what probably looked like a crazed serial killer grin. Mr Sartorius looked at me with such oblivious sincerity, then back out at the staff expectantly. Several people looked at their feet. Someone coughed. Then Banner, a young ex-soldier with arms like ham hocks, pumped his fist in the air. “Pride month!” he yelled. “HOOAH!” Mr Sartorius was super pleased at this and slapped me on the back with a hand the size of a shovel. I tried to mask my wince of pain. “FUCK YEAH Pride Month!!” Someone else boomed. The boss furrowed his brow and the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. Mr Sartorius didn’t like swears. “All right everyone. Back to work. You can all congratulate Jeffrey personally when you have the chance.” I shook his hand and thanked him before fleeing back to my desk. It felt like I had 30 pairs of eyes boring into the back of my head. I plopped down on my cubicle desk chair, relieved. Almost immediately, Banner filled my cubicle entrance. His bowling ball deltoids stretched the maroon fabric of his polo shirt as his jacked Army-honed physique made me throw major wood in my dress slacks. I’d never been this close to him before. He smelled crazy good, like Mennen Speed Stick and spearmint gum. “Jeffy,” he said, a nickname I hated but would let Banner call me forever. “Pride month. That’s the gay month, right?” I full-on blushed and stammered “Uh, uh, uh.” Oh my God. So hot. So dumb. I turned from him and wildly yanked on the sliding platform that allowed my keyboard to be tucked in just below the desk’s surface. It jammed with a squeak. “I got you, Jeffy, this used to be my cube. I know the trick.” Banner reached down between my legs and palmed the bottom of the platform. His cheek brushed mine and the feel of his stubble sent an electric shock straight to my cock. His thick, bare muscular arm stretched out in front of me and as I saw the tension in the tendons and muscles grow I could see clearly what was about to happen but I was a deer caught in the headlights. Banner pulled and his biceps exploded into a breath-taking rippling gourd of veiny power; his forearm then twisted and a second peak pushed out of the muscle like it was giving birth to a baby. I instantly came in my pants. He froze and looked down wide eyed at the wet spot and bulge in my crotch. “Jeffy,” was all he had time to say before suddenly Mr Sartorius was standing next to him. He stood up straight and actually saluted, his eyes practically popping out of his skull. “At ease, soldier,” he chuckled warmly. “I’m glad to see your enthusiasm for your co-worker, Banner, I hope you will encourage your colleagues to be similarly charitable this month.” Banner looked wildly about, confused. “Charitable, Mr S?” “Yes, charitable.” “Sir, yes, sir!” Banner huffed. “Good. Well, carry on.” Banner disappeared so fast he might have vapourized. I grinned stupidly up at the boss, my hands in my lap. He looked at me oddly and sniffed, then shook his head, the pleased smile returning. “So glad you are getting on well here, Jeffrey,” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. “We really appreciate you.” “Thank you sir,” I burbled, trying for the first time ever to NOT appreciate how nicely thick he was through the chest. Please go down, boner! He turned away and I finally managed to pull out my keyboard. I typed away for the painful last hour before quitting time. As I rushed out to leave, I saw Banner still moving from man to man, whispering in each colleagues’ ear as he alternately pointed at me, and at the boss’ office door. Oh shit. Cont.
  4. Vasilij

    Sophie’s family

    The door to the shower opened and two gigantic teenage athletes came into the locker room, torrents of sex juices finally washed from their perfect bodies. Girl and boy, they were equally impressive and powerful. Sophie took her towel to dry off and started with her firm boobs. Owen saw this and his soft dick, already being the size of an average boner, started swelling. - Still not satisfied, gym boy? - giggled Sophie and seductively licked her lips. - I never am, but I can wait. First let’s go to your house. I’d like to meet your parents. Hopefully you don’t have any issues. - Well, mom doesn’t interfere with my dates, but my dad is sometimes… critical. - Critical? - He thinks I should only date “worthy” men, as he says. It’s not like he bullied my previous boyfriends, but he may want to test you. My dad is a bodybuilder too and he loves to compete. - Some family you have, but it will be fun for me. Let’s go! My own dad doesn’t need me right now and, besides, he already knows who is the man of the house. Sophie lived in a single-family house. When she knocked the door, it was opened by a young man, a few years older than Owen and equally muscular, except he was pale and red haired, while Owen was tan and brunette. - Hi sis, that wimp is your new boyfriend? - How did you call me? - asked Owen coldly, clenching his massive fists. - Don’t be angry, Davis didn’t mean to offend you. Davis, this is Owen. I met him at the gym. - So my dick’s not enough for you, sis? - Wait, you guys fuck each other?! - Owen wasn’t disgusted, after he was fucking his own dad, but he was surprised. - If a pussy is next to me, it is mine. - stated Devis, flexing his half hard dick through the jeans. - Actually, big brother, he might be a little bigger than you down there. - We’ll see. Come in, you should meet dad. They went through the house to the door which has led to the back yard. Even before opening it Owen heard loud masculine hoofs and moans. The backyard was made into a training ground. There have been a lot of empty bars, plates, kettlebells, and simple rocks, even the smallest of which would be challenging for an average man to lift. There have also been a few unusually big and thickly built benches. What impressed Owen the most was the user of the weights - an old and already grey bodybuilder at least equal to his own size, though not as ripped, was benching a bar twice the girth of normal bars in the gym, loaded with ten big plates of each side. - Hey there, kids. - said the giant casually, not even slowing the reps - Let me finish this set first. - Wow, that’s more than my usual weight. How much exactly. - 1500… - the man gritted his teeth and struggled in a last rep - pounds! He racked the weight behind his head and it smashed to the concrete floor. Owen mentioned to himself that the old bodybuilder didn’t have anything spitting him, but this beast was too strong to need any. - Dad, this is Owen. He lives in this town and I decided to date him. - Well hello, boy. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone but my kids being so close to me in size. My name is Mitch. - Nice to meet you. - Owen shaked the old man’s hand. - Hey, pops. Maybe we should welcome him into our family and test if these muscles aren’t just for show? - asked David. - You are right. What’s the matter boy, nervous. Owen actually was, for the first time in his life he wasn’t sure if his strength will be enough. Still, he wasn’t gonna refuse the challenge. His motto was: “Any opponent is just a bitch I haven’t fucked yet”. First came the measuring contest between Owen and Davis. Mitch was the judge and he also ordered what poses to make, while Sophie just enjoyed the view. Both studs stroke one mighty pose after another, but each time Owen managed to flex his a little harder, making his muscles swell an inch more and look more defined. Davis was annoyed and strained to outflex him until his pale skin became red, but Owen was still the winner. - Who’s the wimp now? - There is still manhood to measure. - answered Davis. - Make ‘em hard, boys. Sophie, motivate them. The muscle girl was already horned up after watching the bodybuilding skeptical. Without a second thought she took off her pants and underwear, revealing a pussy still tight even after Owen’s savage assault at the gym. Davis got hard first, his duck rising over his navel. - Check this out. That’s the cock that owns this pussy. - You sure? - Owen smirked. During years of practice in gym and bed alike he learnt to control his penis as well and his muscles. With a simple concentration he made his eight inch soft swell to a foot long fuck-sword in just a few seconds. Then he strained a little more, growling: “Come one, grow you fucker!”, and his duck grew two inches more, spurting pre cum on his own pecs. Both Mitch and Davis couldn’t help, but utter “Wow”. Owen proudly flexed his pecs, catching his dick and massaging it with them. He moaned from the feeling and asked: - Bet none of you boys can give yourself a pec job? - That’s just the first round, kid. Let’s see how much you can lift.
  5. Chapter 3: Rebuilding I’d recovered from my injuries and was headed to the Hulkster’s private place. Good to see ya kid. I’m too old to do the training to take our revenge on Steiner. But you grow like a weed and seem to have doubled your strength in a few months. I was open mouthed. How did he know. He wasn’t there. I see you’re confused. It’s the old saying telephone telegraph tell a wrestler lol. I got an old friend that works there. He’s been giving me updates. Your growth rate and ability to perfect moves is amazing. I’m gonna train you. Can you make me bigger and stronger than Steiner? Hulk smirked. I got the methods. I’ve got this private gym with unlimited weight. My personal chef will make all your meals. He handed me a cooler nag of containers. All that 4 a day? A day. That’s your lunch. Do you want this or not. I want it. I’ll do anything. Good because we’re gonna push you to the breaking point. Then we got hot tubs cold tubs, cryo, hyperbaric chambers, and 2 massage therapists just 4 you. I want Steiner destroyed as bad as you. I smiled. I’m coming for you big poppa pump. Gonna destroy you in every way possible. I could feel my muscles throbbing. Which way to the gym hulk…. Over the next few weeks Hulk put my body thru the ringer. Lifting and wrestling 12 hours a day.. Training like a man possessed. Bench I’m now warming up with 405. I think. Hulks plates have no numbers. They look like 45s but seem heavy. I asked but hes being vague. I finish a set then hulk adds a plate and I go again. I work up to 675 which I know I can lift. I’m getting my 10to 15 but it seems its heavier. Time to see your 1 rep max. He kept adding plates and I kept knocking em down. Finally 10 plates a side. 945. I wondered if even Steiner can bench this. As if reading my mind hulk says I heard Steiner does 5 with this. Let’s see if you can match the reps. 5 reps at 945? Something like that. Do you want this or not? Steiner isn’t resting. I snort a grunt and get under the bar. Its heavy AF. I get 1. Then 2. 3 is excruciating. I think I’m gonna die as I barely manage 4reps. Fuck. Steiner is doing more. Hogan is smirking. Something like that. What’s going on Hulk? Well these plates on here aren’t 45s. So I didn’t do 945. Damn it. How much less is it? I say in disgust. Bro, I didn’t say it was less. I had these special plates made for you. They aren’t 45 but they’re not less they’re more. You were gaining strength so fast I figured we couldn’t load enough on the bar. You just did 10 – 100lb plates per side. So I just did 4 reps with 2000lbs? Plus the bar, so 2045. I was absolutely stunned. I hadn’t just beaten Steiners best bench but I I destroyed it. I couldn’t be more pumped and not literally explode. Bro I told you your progress is off the charts. Its why I spent a crap load of my money. You just let Steiner get in my head. I mean look at you. You’re not exactly the same size as a month ago. I stared at the mirror and realized I took up some serious real estate. I just flexed my most muscular. My shirt began straining as my muscles ballooned with a bonkers pump. Then RRRRRIIIIIPPPPPP the shirt literally exploded off my body. I was now a muscle God. I was stronger. I was bigger. And I wasn’t at all satisfied. How much has Steiner grown in strength and size? Actually, hes pretty stagnant. He was training super hard to keep ahead of you. Once he thought he’d broken you he went back to regular training. He seems more focused on using your ex as a cum dumpster. I snorted and grunted. Easy big man. You’ll get your shot. Steiner had the biggest arms in the world. I need to destroy him everywhere. What’s he curl. 200lb dumbbells I’ve been told. I walked over to what appeared to be 200s. I fired out rep after rep. 5,10, 15,20. I’m coming for you Steiner. I’m gonna destroy you. After 50 reps I tossed em down. Hogans jaw was on the floor. Dude, those aren’t exactly 200lb dumbbells. By now I was wise to Hogan. How much more. Those are 400lb dumbbells. I was even more pumped than I thought possible. I flexed my guns as hard as possible. The peak rose and rose until it moved my hand out of the way. You think I got Big Poppa Pump beat? Hogan nodded as he caressed my arm. You like that huh? I’ve got an idea. I grab my belt. 32inches like my waist. I get Hogan to wrap it around my arm. Watch this Hulkster. I flex my arms hard. And in less than a blink the belt explodes off my arm. I guess 36 beats Steiners 27 or whatever, I scoff. As I roar my cock rips thru my shorts. Looks like I’m gonna destroy Steiner everywhere. Hulk is beside himself beating his meat. I am now the 1 true Muscle God. And I flex over and over. My python throbs as I flex. As I let out a primal scream I erupt load after load 20ft to the gym mirror. I think its time for me to go to Nitro eh Hulk? Chapter 4: Nitro Hulkster had a plan to get our revenge on Steiner. I came to Monday Nitro in a mask. When Hulk brought me out into the arena 18,000 people gasped. This is my new protégé. He’s been in the dungeon. Nothing but food and training. I’m back and we’re taking over. I began flexing and the spandex of my suit bulged bigger and bigger. Even at 375lbs or ripped rock-hard muscle it held. Hulk has got space aged stuff that was amazingly stretchy yet tight enough that everybody knew who I was. I was the biggest. I was the strongest. I was HULKULES. Soon after I had my first few matches against guys known as jobber. To say it was too easy was an understatement. I could have pinned them in seconds. But we were on tv and the crowd deserved a show. During 1 match I had a guy up for a suplex. And I just held him (a 250lb man) like a feather. I wasn’t even breaking a sweat. So I dropped I arm and I flexed my free arm while holding him. The crowd gasped at not only the massive 32inch arm but the sheer power of the display. I was so pumped that I tossed him up in the air several feet and he landed in my full nelson. I locked my fingers and shook him like a rag doll. I was about to snap his spine when I heard Hogan from ringside. Easy on the guy. He’s not Steiner and he has a family. So I awoke from my muscle rage and just began to pose for my fans. The roof nearly blew off the place. Soon I was taking on 2 and 3 guys at a time like I saw Steiner do. Then I thought. Why not 5 guys at once. Hogan nodded, that will get everyone’s attention. In ring, I had 1 guy in each arm pressing them over my head, repping them with ease. I saw some female fans in the 1st row, Hulkules your so strong. But can you lift them all. Her JJ breasts filled her top to the breaking point. How could I let my fans down. I grabbed 2 guys in each arm, not even slowing my reps. Do em all baby, show me your power mighty Hulkules. The 5th guy jumped off the ropes and I caught him with the other 4 guys like a baseball glove. I could see my sexy fans nipples poking thru her shirt. I smirked at her and tossed all 5 to the entrance ramp. I rolled out the ring and told hulk to bring her back to my dressing room After all Hulkules had needs. All night long needs. Back in the dressing room I was toweling off sweat and getting in another meal because I need to be even bigger, Stronger. Hulk brought in the busty gal. Kristy meet Hulkules. Hulkules meet Kristy. He stared at her bounteous bosom. You uh biggest fan. Have fun kids. I walked up to her and grunted. Hulkules like sexy curvy. Oooh the muscle God talks. Well sexy curvy likes you too stud. She ran her hand across my now 100inch chest. I bounced my beach ball size pecs as the striations rippled. Hulkules wanna compare pecs with his sexy fan. And with a swift motion I ripped off her shirt and bra. I picked her up and set the JJs against my pecs. I bounced my pecs and her cleavage bounced too. I will service you in any way you need. I am your slave my muscle God. I need to worship the mighty Hulkules. No mere mortal can handle this might weapon. I flexed my legs and glutes as hard as I could. My tights ripped then blew across the room. My formerly 10inches had ballooned with the rest of my muscles. Before her was 15inched of the thickest dick anyone had ever seen. Soon her lips were trying to stretch around it. I can my lord. I am your slave. I need it now in every hole. If it doesn’t fit force it in and grow even bigger. Don’t hold back give me 110% Hulkules. I didn’t know if she was the 1 but nobody had ever been this into me. So submissive yet knowing exactly what I wanted. I thought about my ex and realized I had definitely upgraded. Freak 2.0 was bustier yet had a tiny little weight with the abs of a bikini fitness competitor. And a large round muscle bottom I was definitely gonna bend over. Steiner I have past you on every level. I roared. Then I realized Hulk was still in the room. Hulk leave now. Hulkules has business with his freak. You go get me my match with Steiner. I barely heard the doo close before I impaled her for the first of many times. You ever had anything close to this babe. I once had Big Poppa pump’s 12inches and he fucks pretty hard …. She topped when I started snarling. Oh but you are so muscle bigger. Bigger muscles. Stronger muscles. Way bigger cock. Longer and almost twice as thick. I bent her over and began forcing into her wet but oh so tight hole. OMG OMG OMG fawk sooooo big. More sir. Don’t hold back. Use me as your sex doll. I forced in most of it and I could feel her shudder around me, coating my huge balls with her juice. But I did not stop I kept going on going. Until she literally passed out after the 30th orgasm. I pulled out beat my chest like king kong and just let out a primal roar. Then I came again load after load firing across the room painting the wall.
  6. Hello guys, it's been a long time since I posted a story, I was very busy latest months and hard to hold on to writing (imagining a story is easy, writing it is more difficult) but the desire to post a new hot story was stronger. So this story was a commission that someone asked me few months ago. But the story will probably more longer than I previewed so for to avoid to make you wait again for several months or me to loose motivation, I decided to split it in several parts. I hope you will still enjoy this first chapter. As usual, all reviews are welcome, even negatives. This story is based on the character of Harvey Kinkle of the old cartoon "Sabrina The Animated Series". In one of episodes (called Harvzilla because at the end, he tranforms himself in a dragon like Godzilla), he uses a magical spray and becomes more and more muscular. Fun fact, I saw this series when I was younger and weirdly, I remembered perfectly of this episode in particular, I wonder me why..... mmmmmh maybe because of that ). Oh yes and of course, this story takes times several years after the official series (so yes, Harvey is over 18y old !) I also warn than when it's a commission, so I try to respect the desire of the one who asked me this commission (so here, he wanted a gay relationship even if in the serie Harvey was in love of Sabrina, so don't be surprised if it diverges from the serie) Again, don't hesitate to give me your opinions, it will allow me to make the following parts even better. Enjoy ! ========================= Part 1: The promise ========================= I was preparing myself for my wrestling match. I practice this sport for a few years now. However, I don't have the body of a wrestler. I was skinny, average tall, 5'10", and weak. Fun fact: my nickname was Harvzilla but I didn't have anything of "Godzilla", on the contrary, I should have been called "Weakzilla". But I don't know, I love this sport. Even if I lose often. And for not to change... I will probably lose again today: I heard my opponent was new in this college, but he was already famous. I really ask me why. Ok, this is time. I put my white shirt and my green tank top and I went to the field. When I arrived on the field, the hall was crowded. What the fuck ? Usually, there weren't as many people... and I don't think there were here for me. I was starting to warm up when I heard the public shouting. What the fuck ? I looked the entrance. I don't know describe what I felt at this moment... I was immediately hypnotized by those blue eyes, this perfect nose, this amazing jawline, with a perfect mouth, his blond hair seemed divine. And his skin... Gooosh, he had a natural tan. Never I had seen a so beautiful face like this. And it was just the beginning... because there was not only his face which was incredibly beautiful. His body... HO-LY FUCK...HOLY MOTHER FUCKING FUCK ! We were almost same tall mmmmh although not, he was taller but what was sure, that was we didn't have the same weight and for cause: below this angelic face, there is a fucking muscular neck, which was almost wider than his head and this neck was surrounded by two mountains that came out of his back, his shoulders were canonballs, his sleeves were very tight cause his two big ripped guns, probably 18 inches, nice veins were browsing them, his forearms were so fucking muscular and venous, and fuuuuuuuuuuuck: bigger than my arms, his pecs were two enormous balloons, which pushed clearly against his shirt and tank top, his nipples were clearly visible and were obviously pointing down. Despite his singlet, I could see clearly six bumps (and they were not flexed !), perfectly symmetricals. Gooosh ! I'm going to avoid kicking this brick wall muscle. I could also see his adonis betl, cut to the axe. Below, his bulges suggested the size of his "package" and obviously, it was an XXL package. Next then came his legs, hem sorry, his tree trunks. I could see the bumps of his quads trought his short. And his calves were like two boulders implanted under his skin. Goooooooosh ! It was not possible, I must have been in the wrong sports hall. Was I to a wrestling match or a bodybuilding contest ? Because this god could clearly participate and win the first place very easily. The referee started the match. I caught his hands and I tried to push him but fuuuuuck he didn't move, even not only one inch. Personally, I used my whole strength but him, he seemed to not provide the slightest effort. Goooosh, I was totally surpassed by his strength. Then, very easily he started to push me backward. I tried to resist but nothing to do. He seemed amused by the situation because he fixed me, in smiling abut not badly, rather interested. He stopped, did one or two steps back; waited few seconds, then he smiled and restarted to push me. But now, he forced really. I couldn't do nothing, I was absolutely overwhelmed... and the next second I was out of circle. Shit, one point for him... The second round started, I tried to put him on the ground, so I surrounded him. And shiiiit, his muscles were so fucking hard, so warm. I couldn't help to feel his amazing abs. I'm sure he noticed because he has had a little laugh. Of course, he didn't move, not even a bit. And suddenly... I was on the ground. I didn't understand what happened. He lifted me as I weighted absolutely nothing and the second after, I was on the ground. Then he belted me. I tried to escape me but nothing do. I could feel his enormous weight on me, I was a fucking stick compared to him. And my shoulders touched the ground. The match was over... Of course, I already lost but never like this. I was absolutely powerless against him. He could have crush me if he wanted. I had lost but weirdly, I had loved this match. Really loved. I had loved to feel his body, this amazing and powerful body and I don't know but I think he noticed it and... I think he loved too. He walked towards me and shooked my hand, welll, more exactly, he broke my hand. Shit, his strength was so incredible. "Nice match !" he said in smiling. Oh fucking god, even his voice was amazing. Strong and deep, like his godlike body. "Eeehh... thanks..." Nice match ? I have been pulverized. He has literally played with me like a cat with a mouse. "Don't worry hahaha. You will win maybe one day" he said in laughing. "What ?" "You reaction. I know what you think: I have been pulverized isn't ?" "Wha...But how do you..." "I'm used to it. And don't worry, it will not be our last match. You can still enjoy hahaha !" Oh shit, he has noticed. I turned all red. Then he added. "And sooner than you think..." with a strange look. "What ?" "Don't worry, you will see... very soon" And he went with his coach. "Well Harvey... you are sorely lacking in training, as usual" said my coach, disappointed. "Yeah......" "Well, go shower, we talk about this ... carnage... later" Ten minutes later, I was in the showers. Weirdly, I should be disappointed by this match, one more defeat, however I don't know why but I was only able to think about one thing: Pedro. I remembered the moment where I saw him, his godlike body, his godlike muscles, his angelic face. Goooosh. My heart was beating quickly, I felt hot. But why ? Why did I feel this for this guy ? The only time I felt the same thing, it was when I saw Sabrina for the first time. And then I understood: was I just... in love ? In love of Pedro ? But... I mean, Pedro is a boy and... No, it's not possible, I can't... but I couldn't finish my phase when I heard: "Hello !" Th...this voice ?! I was so in my thoughts that I didn't hear him coming. Pedro ? Pedro was here, next to me ? I turned my head and...... HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT OF FUCKING GOD OF FUCKING SHIT OF FUCKING GOD. Yes, Pedro was next to me, under the shower and obviously... naked. And yes, I was not wrong, really not: this guy was a FUCKING GOD ! Blue eyes His head was surrounding by huge traps, his shoulders were canonballs, his arms were so huge, 18 inches at least, with a big vein, and in talking of veins, his forearms were covered with it. His pecs were two balloons and below, there was six fucking boulders which exploded out of his stomach, perfectly symetrical. His adonis belt seemed to be cut with an ax, with an incredible set of veins. My eyes widened when I saw his "monster". Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck ! Look this dick ! Look this FUCKING DICK ! It...it wasn't humanly possible... Holy crap ! His legs looked like trees, ripped, venous, covered of muscular bumps and his calves were two fucking boulders. Even his feet was inhuman. "This too, I'm used to it hahaha" he said in laughing. "What ?" "You've been looking at me from head to toe for 2 minutes" he said in smiling. Oh crap ! I turned all red again. "But yeah, I understand you, it's amazing isn't ?" "What ?" "This one, it's amazing isn't ?" he said in flexing his 18" gun. Holy shit, I could feel my heart beat very quickly and above all, I was totally horny... but how can you not be horny by this perfection ? And what he says didn't help me. "Do you want to feel ?" Oh crap, oh fucking crap. I was hard instantly ! Shit Harvey, calm down, calm down, he must not notice it. "Y...Y...Yeah". I swallow and approached to him. My hand landed on his amazing mountain. Oh crap, I was right: hard as steel. "So, do you like ?" he said in smiling. Shit ! Shit shit shit ! I was going to cum ! But no Harvey, out of the question, you must no cum, you must no cum you MUST NO c... Unfortunately, I saw three milky jets come to smash against his brick wall abs. At this moment, I think i turned redder than a tomato. Oh crap, oh fucking crap, oh fucking shit of fucking crap ! "........................." he looked me in saying nothing. Crap, I'm dead. I'm fucking dead. Then he approached to me. You are dead Harvey, you are fucking dead. From red I went to blue. But what happened next, I would never have imagined it. He placed hi hands behind my head, he looked me, right in the eyes and... he kissed me. I remained stoic during few seconds. He was kissing me ? HE was kissing ME ? Pedro WAS KISSING ME ??? My whole body was shaking, but not of fear, no it was joy and hapiness. Fuuuuuuck, the most improbable scene I had imagined was happening !!!! He broke the kiss. "I told you that you would see soon haha" Oh crap, never I would imagine this. "Well, do you want to continue ?" he said me. I looked him for few seconds... and I threw myself on him. Honestly, I wasn't myself at this moment. My hand was everywhere, I felt his traps, I went down to his incredible shoulders, feeling each striations, I followed the pipe which roamed his humongous guns then his incredible forearms. I put my hands on his two muscular balloons and he made them bounce ! Oh crap ! I devoured his nipples then my tongue went down, going through every crevice of his amazing sixpack. I followed the incredible markdown of his adonis belt. And finally, I arrived to the boss. I had never sucked a boy. I didn't think I would ever do it. But here, I was in automatic mode. I swallowed mythe head in my mouth and I began to suck. Pedro started to moan. "Oh shit it's so GOOD !" he yelled. I sucked, and sucked, and sucked. Pedro moaned then roared, louder and louder. "OH SHIT OH FUCK AAAAAAH AAAAAH AAAAAH OOOOOOH NNNNNNNGGGGGGHHH OOOOOOOH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!" And Pedro came, and came, dand came. I felt a sticky warm liquid flow down in my throat. Gosh, even his cum was so delicious. He shot about 15 charges before stopping. "Oh fuuuuck.. ha...ha...ha...ha..ha...shit....it...it...was.... absolutely...ha ...ha...ha...ha....amazing" said Pedro in panting. I was going to answer him when suddenly he lifted me, stuck me against the wall and kissed me again. I had still cum in my mouth but he didn't care. Our tongue intertwined. Gosh, evenThen, he turned me to face the wall. "What the fnnnnnnnnnnnnnGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". I didn't have time to understand when his huge python entered into me. OH FUCK, OH FUCKING FUCK! OH FUCK FUCK FUCK ! It was the first time that I was getting fucked. And gosh, it felt so FUCKING GOOD ! My eyes rolled back, my mouth was open and I was moaning and drooling. The feeling was just unbelievable. Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fucking fuck ! Quickly Pedro accelerated the pace and started to groan, slowy at the beginning then more louder and quickly. I don't know how long it lasted, or how many times I felt his monster enter and leave my ass but each penetration sent me a wave of pure pleasure. It was the most intense feeling I felt of my life and it could continue like that for the eternity. But the pleasure was very too much, fortunately when I was about to pass out, Pedro came. "nnnngggaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" I felt again a warm liquid fill my rectum. I was just able to do glutural moans, lost in an extreme pleasure, my eyes were rolling back. It was so INCREDIBLE ! Yes, I would never have imagined that I would live this today. for a moment I thought I was even in a dream but no, it was the reality. Pedro, the most amazing muscle god I have seen of my life, had just fucked me. And then it was over. Pedro was panting. "ha....ha....ha...ha...you see ? I told you you will see soon ! And gosh, you know very well suck dude hahaha !" "Honestly... I didn't know it myself..." Pedro laughed. "But I don't understand, you love me ? Really ? But why ?" "Honestly, I don't know how to explain it either. But when I saw you, instantly, I knew it; I knew it that I wanted to fuck you, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly... and I have to admit that I did not expect the blowjob. It was a true surprise and shit Harvey but you are really fucking good for that" "Haha maybe. So next time could swap places no ?" "Ah ? You want to fuck me ? Interesting" said Pedro with a little smile. "Ok ! But at one condition... "One condition ?" "You will have to earn your place ! You want my ass ? Okay, no problem: we will determine that by a wrestling match, the winner will have the right to claim his trophy ? Ok for these rules ?" "A wrestling match ? But... Pedro, I could never win against you. I mean, you have literally pulverized me today, never I could win against you..." "To be honest, without training, no, you will not to be able to win. Never" he said in flexing his huge 18". Fuck, if I wasn't empty, I'm sure I would have ejaculated again. "But... if you train hard, maybe you will have a chance. So now Harvey, you know what you have to do. Beat me and this ass will be yours... but if you lose I will claim my trophy. Okay ?" "............ Pedro ?" "Yes Harvey ?" "I will fuck you... I will fuck you like you've never been" "Hahaha, I don't want to scare you but nobody ever succeeded. I am always the one who fuck" "Not for longer. I will succeed, I promise you !" "Well, I can't wait to see this hahaha" said Pedro in smiling maliciously. From this moment, I had only one desire: fuck him. Pedro, I promise you that I will claim my trophy, by any way !
  7. Hulkukes

    Me and Big Poppa Pump.

    Chapter 1: Wrestling Fan Growing up I was a huge wrestling fan. Big strong power men dominating other big strong powerful men. It was incredible. My favorite was Scott Steiner. Big biceps and explosive suplexes. I was in absolute awe. Then 1 day he turned on his brother Rick. I couldn’t believe it. I could wait for Monday nitro. When Steiner came out and cut a promo my life changed. Scott Steiner was no more. This was BIG POPPA PUMP. He was so aggressive and brash. Radiating power. He said all that mattered were his freaks and his peaks. The women in the audience swooned and the men were mesmerized. Then he flexed his massive biceps (were they bigger???). and kissed that peak that went up. Seemingly forever. A true mountain peak. This man was my idol and a true MUSCLE GOD. He was everything. I wanted to be. I was gonna shred my fluff and become a ripped muscleman. I hit the gym every day. I was already reasonably strong, but you couldn’t see my muscles thru my fat. But I was determined to change that. I was gonna be like my idol big poppa pump. I found some YouTube videos of Steiner training. He threw 405 on the bench and repped it like an empty bar. Then he tossed 1 of his freaks on each side. The sexiest women for the most powerful man. With like 650 on the bar, he cranked out a set. His pecs like muscle balloons. Big poppa pump is more then just arms. Bigger and stronger everyday. Right ladies. He grabbed them both tight. Huge DDs against his pecs. Ramming his tongue down their throats. Oooh big poppa pump they cooed. Their hands roamed his god bod. Then lower. Big poppa pump was big everywhere. I was more determined to follow his path. I put 225 on the bar and got 10. I could feel a pump. I added 25s and manage 5 sets of 5. I was proud but had so much work to do. I continued to hit the gym hard 5 days a week while never missing a Monday nitro. Every week those arms of Big poppa pump got bigger. He suplexed guys out of the ring. Then flexed for us as he waited for them to crawl back in. Then he locked in the Steiner recliner. Chest arms and traps bulging. It was all the motivation I needed to redouble my efforts. I was now benching 315 for 5 by 5. My chest and arms were showing more muscle. All those protein shakes and veggies were paying off. I was leaner as well as more muscular. I was on my way to being like my idol. I flexed in the mirror. My arms raised up. Def gains on these guns. I pumped them a few more times and was happy to see em get a little bigger. I turned around and noticed a few people checking me out. That’s new. Wait till the see me as big as Big Poppa Pump. 6 months later I was now benching 405 for 5 sets of 15. My strength was rocketing up. I wonder how many reps Big poppa pump could do with 405? Then I remembered he put his freaks on the bar too. The girls at the gym were noticing and that also fueled me. I bounce my now 50inch pecs. Muscles rippling. I was getting cut but nowhere as shredded as big poppa pump. But I wouldn’t stop until I got there. I took off my shirt and flexed a side chest and most muscular. Boned myself looking ay my hard work becoming visible. Meanwhile, on Nitro, Big Poppa pump was scheduled to fight hulk hogan for the world title. Hogan you talk about your 24inch pythons. But what is that compared to the largest arms in the world. Then he flexed. Holy fawk. The bicep kept rising. Up. And up. He’d gotten even bigger. Bulges upon bulges. And not an ounce to be seen on his beyond shredded abs. That’s right Hogan. 25inches of freaky peaks. And check the shreds. You’re a fat ass Hogan. I’m gonna destroy you and take what’s mine. The world heavyweight championship. His muscles weren’t the only thing growing. I was rock hard. I was definitely muscle sexual. I throbbed hard as Steiner flexed and his sexy freaks rubbed his God muscles. Omg yes big poppa pump. I am gonna be you. I’m gonna be your size. I’m gonna be your strength. I’m gonna get my own freaks. I erupted. Muscles pulsing. I need to measure my own peaks. Damn. 19inches. And I was even harder in my shorts. I pulled out my impressive member and began stroking as I flexed. Fuck yeah. Gonna get as big as Big Poppa Pump. Gonna bang all my freaks. FLEXXXXX unhhhh I erupted like crazy. I hit the gym harder than ever. I got my bench up to 455 for my sets. I was curling the 100lb dumbbells. And I was getting serious pumps. I started posing in the mirror. I wonder how big I am now. Can’t stop won’t stop till I’m like my idol. I flexed harder than ever. Omg that guy is so massive. I heard behind me. I turned around and saw a hot fit busty woman staring. I flexed right at her. She smiled and I flexed again. Hitting my most muscular at max pump. My traps were heading to my ears. Striations and veins in my pecs and arms Check out these guns. My bis swole up bigger than before. Peaks rising over boulder shoulders. She came over and asked to feel my arms. I nodded as she rubbed my rock hard bis. I’d never been confident in my physique before but if I’m gonna be big poppa pump, I need it. You like that babe. How big are your arms stud. 19inches. Really? My ex had 19inch arms and your guns dwarf his pistols. Maybe you should measure them. She grabbed a tape I had in my bag. Ok big guy, flex as hard as you can. Grrrrrr. I flexed harder and harder. I saw the tape moving. 18 18.5 19 19.5 .. wait what …. 20 ….. I was shocked. Then she said I said flex harder stud I let out a massive roar and the tape expanded to just over 21. So much mmmmmuscle. She rubbed my arm and gave me that look. Maybe you can do my other measurements somewhere more private. We never got to the measurements. We steeped into a private changeroom with a shower. Clothes were quickly discarded. She roamed my powerful muscular back as I fondled her giant tits. I picked her up and she wrapped her firm fit legs around my flat hard abs. I pressed her against the wall. OMG you are so strong. I grunted at my throbbing 10incvhes rubber against her. I then thrust my thick python deep inside her. She squealed in delight. I was grunting and snorting in lust. I began jackhammering her tightness. I looked in the mirror. Who was this stud. And then it came to me as I roared. I am HULKULES. And she began shuddering with orgasm after orgasm and I fired my huge load deep inside her. I had scored my first freak. And ooh what a freak she was.
  8. Vasilij

    Big nerd vs annoying jock

    The school’s hall was pretty empty at the end of the day. It was used either for team sports or for celebrations, but today nothing was planned. There was only one 18-yo boy standing here after his studies have just ended. “That’s it! If you think you are so tough, how about we settle this one on one?” - Axel remembered saying this to Tyler. That douche was bullying him ever since they first met. Well, bullying didn’t mean beatings or wedgies. Tyler might have been the strongest jock and the captain of the football team, but Axel wasn’t weak himself. At only 18 years he was 180 pounds of toned hard muscle. When you travel to your school by bicycle every day and have access to a well equipped gym, it’s not that hard to get jacked. Despite this, he was pretty nerdy in both appearance and personality. He never payed much attention to clothing and was wearing large glasses. Axel spent most of the time alone either with books or with bugs that he liked to observe whenever went to some near park or forest. That’s why Tyler and the other jocks picked him as their target. Axel tried to ignore teasing, but today Tyler crossed the line. You don’t simply tear a nerd’s textbook and expect him to be ok with it. It was time to put this asshole in his place. Tyler entered, swaggering and grinning cockily as usual. He only wore a tight t-shirt and shorts, which showed off his defined vascular muscles. He quickly took this clothes off as well, only leaving the jock strap, which showed off his decent bulge and left his hard glutes on full display. - Ready for humiliation, nerd? - he smirked. - Yes, yours! - Axel quickly took off his glasses and clothes until only the old boxers remained. - Really? Are gonna fight blind? - My eyesight isn’t that bad. Without glasses I may not see texts, but I know where to hit. - Ok then. Come on, loser, give me your worst! Axel practically jumped on Tyler. The jock wasn’t expecting such ferocity and fell to the floor, painfully hitting his back. However, he managed to grab Axel’s torso with his hands and applied a bear hug. In return Axel grabbed his neck and started to choke him. Tyler’s grip weakened, but he reached to Axel’s boxers, tore them off and grabbed his balls. “You asshole!” - Axel growled through pain and let go. He managed to free himself and took a few steps back, massaging his aching crotch. - You will pay for this! This was my favorite underwear. - Oh, but you are still enjoying it, aren’t you? - Tyler smiled mischievously, pointing at Axel’s hardening dick - I must admit, you are quite well equipped down there. Let’s compare! Suddenly Tyler took off his last piece of clothing, revealing his own 9 inch hard-on. Axel wasn’t sure about his sexual preference, since usually sex just wasn’t what interested him, but now he was getting horny. Was he bi? Or even gay? Never mind, what mattered now was winning. He wasn’t gonna lose to some obnoxious self-important meathead. They continued to grapple, pretty evenly matched. Sweat started pouring down their reddish skin. Once Tyler managed to get Axel in camel clutch, but the pain in back only angered the nerd and he managed to overpower his foe. Another time Axel grabbed Tyler by the legs and managed to knock him down, but the jock quickly rolled over and stood again. Their dicks were now painfully hard, pre I’m dripping on the floor. It was already hard for Axel to concentrate, when suddenly Tyler grabbed his shaft. - What are you… - Let’s see how longer can you last, he-he. - Tyler started jerking his opponent off roughly. - No… you bastard… let go! - Axel couldn’t concentrate, but decided to return the favour and grabbed Tyler’s cock so hard he might have bruised it. - Oh fuck! You like this game, don’t you? - Tyler said in his usual manner, but it was clear that he also struggles to keep control. Both studs fell to the floor, moaning and breathing heavily. They continued to violently jerk each other off, none willing to cum first. Suddenly, even through pain and pleasure, Axel managed to from a thought: “Are doing this just to weaken each other? Or am I actually… drawn to him? Do I like it? How… oh fffuuu…”. They roared in unison, shooting hot cum. At the same time they continued to wrestle, grabbing and enjoying - yes, enjoying - each other’s hot cum covered bodies. - So… who won? - We both! You enjoyed it, right, nerd? - One day I’m gonna beat the shit out of you… but yeah, it was fun. - Axel agreed unsurely. - You are stronger than most of my pals, I’ll give you that. Maybe you’re not such a loser after all! Axel didn’t know how to react, but was mostly pleased. It wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but at least he gained some respect from his bully.
  9. czechhunter69

    Chapter 6 - The Hulk Contagion

    I'm sorry for the delay in getting Chapter 6 to you. It's been a difficult time for me lately, with financial struggles and personal stress weighing heavily on my mind. These past few days have been particularly rough financially - so you're welcome to commission your own stories. However, I don't want to make this about money. Without further ado, here is Chapter 6, and I hope that you find it enjoyable and engaging. 5) Escaping 4) Exes Once more 3) Alex Loses Control 2) Alex's First time 1) Tom’s final time Source: WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. The once-bustling highway had been transformed into a battleground, and the two colossal figures were locked in an explosive battle for dominance. Cars were crushed under their massive weight, their metal twisted and mangled beyond recognition. With every exchange of blows, shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking buildings and rattling windows. Alex was a behemoth, towering over the old man with his rippling green-skinned muscles, poised to burst with raw power. His face contorted into a snarl of primal rage, his eyes ablaze with an intense fury that sent shivers down the spine of onlookers. Every movement was explosive, his muscles bulging and straining with exertion, his veins pulsating with every breath. Despite his towering strength, the old man was an imposing opponent, with a massive and heavily muscled body almost equal in strength. Deep wrinkles lined his face, and his eyes burned with fierce determination. His every move was slower than Alex's, but the weight of his immense strength behind every blow he landed was like a sledgehammer. As the two behemoths clashed, their bodies glistened with sweat, their muscles flexing with every movement. The sound of their grunts and growls filled the air, occasionally punctuated by a moan of pleasure. Despite the destruction and chaos around them, their fight was filled with a strange passion and lust. At times, they would pause and grab unsuspecting men as they fled with their families, forcing them to join in their wild and lustful fight. These men were powerless to resist, caught up in the throes of the two behemoths' unbridled passion. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and sex as they continued to thrust and grapple with each other, lost in a world of raw physical pleasure. Alex's primal fury burned bright in his eyes as he fucked the old man with unrelenting determination, causing the older man to wonder why he even bothered with his wife. The sound of their skin slapping together echoed through the air, intermingled with the occasional groan of pleasure as they bordered on ecstasy. As Alex's thrusts grew faster and more frenzied, the metal of the cars under them them began to buckle and deform with the weight of their colossal bodies. They were lost in a world of passion and lust, locked in a size battle that showed no signs of slowing down. Their muscles contacted and rippled with every movement, their bodies straining with the effort of overpowering the other. The raw, primal energy that flowed between them was palpable, as they pushed each other to the limits of pleasure and pain. The unsuspecting men they grabbed from nearby cars were in for a wild ride, forced to join in the two behemoths' lustful fight. They trembled with fear and excitement as they were manhandled by the hulking figures, their bodies completely dominated by their raw power. The men were powerless to resist, caught up in the throes of the two behemoths' unbridled passion. All it took was a single kiss, and they were transformed into worshipful servants, servicing the two titans with their mouths, hands, and bodies. Their moans of pleasure mixed with the grunts and growls of Alex and the old man, creating a symphony of carnal desire. The men were used as pawns, tossed around like ragdolls before being stuff like Twinkies, oozing with cum. The scene was a display of raw power and unbridled passion, with no regard for the destruction they brought trampling down the highway, car after car crushed or thrown. As Alex and the old man continued their epic battle, they failed to notice the transformation taking place around them. The men lay bruised and broken, their bodies twitching and convulsing as they underwent a metamorphosis unlike anything they had ever experienced before. Their muscles began to swell and expand, their skin turning a sickly shade of green. They screamed in agony as their bones shifted and cracked, reshaping themselves into new forms, the only pain they had was healing as they recovered from being ripped open by a massive throbbing cock, too large for a human to just handle. But as the pain subsided, they stood up, their bodies transformed into towering hulks just like Alex and the old man. They were now part of the fight, driven by the same uncontrolled passion and lust that had consumed the two behemoths. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and sex as they joined in, their massive bodies colliding with bone-crushing force. The onlookers were in awe and terror, unsure if they should run for their lives or stay and watch the spectacle unfold. The ground shook beneath their feet as the hulking figures grappled and wrestled, completely lost in their world of primal urges. With every blow they exchanged, shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking buildings and rattling windows. Cars were tossed aside like toys, and the destruction continued to escalate as more and more men joined in the fray. The men screamed in ecstasy as they fought, their bodies slick with sweat, and their muscles bulging with every movement. The scene was a chaotic and erotic display of power and passion, leaving no doubt that nothing else in the world existed except for the two titans and their army of lustful followers. The unstoppable transformation spread relentlessly, leaving a trail of destruction and carnage in its wake. Climax after climax, the victims succumbed to the frenzied fucking, with only a handful surviving the ordeal. Almost 20 hulks now roamed the streets, some consumed by their primal urges, while others revelled in their newfound power. When the police arrived, their attempts to quell the chaos were futile, resulting in most of them being killed. The hulks' thick skin shrugged off bullets like rain, and they destroyed the police cars with ease. The hulks became too powerful and too numerous, smashing everything in their path and sending anyone who could flee for their lives. As the chaos escalated, buildings collapsed and entire city blocks were engulfed in flames. Amid the deafening chaos and the sound of buildings crumbling, Alex's heart raced with excitement as he leaped into the air, his powerful legs propelling him miles away from the epicenter of the destruction. He landed deep in the heart of the woods, his adrenaline still pumping through his veins. As he stood there, basking in the afterglow of the chaos he had unleashed, he watched the sun rise slowly, his naked body shrinking back to its original size. As he transformed back to his human form, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the destruction he had caused. His mind was still racing with the memories of the frenzied fucking and wild battles he had experienced as a hulk. He felt his dick already growing harder at the thought of the power he had wielded, and the lustful desires that had consumed him.
  10. tester26

    The New Champion

    The audience cheered as two huge studs stepped into the ring and faced each other, both naked but for skintight shorts, both with their giant, swollen, veined, hugely pumped up muscles gleaming with oil. The reigning five-time champion, Dan Lonning, was about to face off against a new challenger, Evan Haney. The crowd buzzed in anticipation. Dan was famous for putting on a show; all of his fights ended with him raping his opponent in the ring, his huge cock turning the toughest opponent into a ruined cum-covered mess. The two circled the ring, sizing each other up. Both fighters looked incredible. Their facial features were flawless, their skin as smooth as it was the day they were born. Amazingly broad shoulders. Biceps that made footballs blush and forearms like steel. Throughout their muscled bods ran thick veins, which stood out proudly. Both men had huge slabs of beef for pectorals, chiseled and cut perfectly, protruding out from the body by several inches. Between them was a divide that seemed so deep, it looked like water had carved out a canyon. The 8-pack abs on both men gave a new meaning to the term washboard abs. All of this on top of powerful, tree trunk legs and a bulge that made it clear that they were hung like horses. “I’m gonna enjoy beating the shit out of ya. I’ll trash ya good and then fuck the living daylights out of ya”, Dan growled. “You talk the talk but can you walk the walk?” Evan answered tauntingly. “Let’s do this!”, Dan yelled and moved in on his opponent. "Contestants ready?" the ref said. They both nodded. A bell sounded and the two muscle studs began pushing against each other. The audience cheered. Dan moved Evan backwards a step or two, but Evan came back strong, using his powerful legs to press back. They both panted and squinted their faces as they fought the force of the other. Dan's huge arms bulged as he started to bend Evan's wrists backward. Evan yelled in agony as Dan muscled his wrists. Evan's feet nearly left the floor as Dan lifted him. Evan hissed and stepped forward, knocking Dan slightly off balance. By sheer brute force, Evan bent his wrists forward, and Dan's back. Evan jerked his body hard, in an effort to force Dan back more. Dan began pressing Evan's arms backwards. Evan's face was red with intensity, and his breathing became shorter and harder. Dan's huge body was dominating Evan's. Evan was being forced lower. The crowd was deafening. Evan looked up into the eyes of his tormentor, and Dan seemed to smile. Dan bit his lip a bit and pushed Evan downward farther. Evan was almost kneeling in front of the champ, in a sort of forced worship. Finally, Dan's gargantuan arms bulged in one last push, and Evan's knee touched the floor. A great cheer went up as Dan pushed Evan to the ground. The two studs grappled and rolled, clenched on to each other's bodies as if they were inseparable. Muscle clutched muscle, limb wrapped around limb. Neither seemed able to get any purchase on the other. Dan locked his huge paws behind the challenger’s neck and took him in a full nelson. Evan squirmed and flexed his muscles to escape but the strong hold didn’t break. No matter what he tried, he couldn’t break his opponent’s grip. A bell rang. "First fall, Dan!" “YEAH!”, Dan boomed as he released his opponent. “Thirsty for more?” he asked as he circled around the Evan. Evan growled and sprang to his feet, charging at Dan. Before he could react, the challenger's strong arms wrapped around Dan and he was body slammed hard onto the mat. He grunted in pain as his broad back collided with the mats. “What’s the matter? Not strong enough to get free?” Evan asked mockingly as he withstood the champ’s struggles. Second bell. One fall each. The two sex objects grappled each other for what seemed like an eternity, their hugeness glinting and glimmering in the spotlights. Muscles tensed and strained, veins popped unbelievably. Eyes flashed, teeth bared, sexy threats rang across the ring to the cheers from the crowd. Thick muscled bodies crashed onto the mat. Impossible holds were impossibly escaped from. “Let’s end this,” Dan said and jumped up while maintaining his grip on the other muscleman. He stretched his torso upward and threw his opponent down as he released his grip. “Agh,” Evan grunted in pain as his thickly muscled back crashed hard onto the mat. Dan slowly lowered himself atop the fallen stud, pressing his protruding chest into his opponent’s thick pecs and waited for the ref the end the match while staring Evan in the eye. “1… 2…” Just before the referee could say ‘3’, Evan placed his big hands against the side of Dan’s pecs and lifted him up. He cranked out a few reps as if he was doing bench presses and shoved the wrestler aside, jumping to his feet. Dan couldn’t believe his opponent had escaped his hold but wasn’t going to let him get away. He got up quickly, trying to catch Evan off guard to knock him over again. But Evan braced himself for Dan's approach and locked his arms around him in a bone crushing bear hug. He used the momentum of his opponent’s charge to turn around and slammed him down on the mat. Dan smacked down on the mat on his back, closing his eyes and grunting as pain hit him. Dan’s hulking body shook in pain as Evan's arms overpowered him. It felt like steely girders wrapped around and compressing his concrete-like hard muscles. His head shot back as more excruciating pain rolled over his body as Evan tightened his grip. He tried to summon every last ounce of power left in him to break free. Evan saw the determination on Dan’s face and felt the wrestler squirming in his grasp. He roared deeply and tapped onto the last reserve of power left in his own body. He grunted from the effort as his rock-hard arm flexed harder. Dan moaned in deep pain, his eyes closed as the impossibly hard peaks of his opponent’s massive biceps dug into him. He was on the verge of passing out. Evan flipped him around and wrapped his arms around Dan's neck in a sleeper hold. He leaned in and growled in Dan's ear. "Well here we are, champ. Who's gonna fuck who now, huh? Don't you love the feel of my huge muscle crushing yours? Yeah, man, feel this huge arm cuttin' off your air supply! Feel that huge bicep flexing under your chin and that thick forearm sqeezin' against your jugular! Sleepy, yet? Here, let me help you! There - almost out! But not so far gone that you can't feel THIS!" Evan bent slightly through his legs, his quads bulging with mass and power, and stretched upward quickly. He turned around, opened his hold and slammed the wrestler down on the mat with full force. Another weak grunt of pain escaped Dan’s mouth as his back smacked hard onto the mats. He reopened his eyes and saw the challenger moving in. He didn’t have time to react as the other stud sat down on his chest, preventing him from moving. The bell rang. "The champion Dan Lonning is down! His challenger Evan Haney gets the final point by fall and wins the match." The announcer's muffled voice rang in Dan's ears, confirming what he already knew. The match was over, and the former champ's fighting spirit shattered into a million pieces. He had lost his title for the first time in five years and was about to face the consequences of his defeat. Right now, the ex-champ was buried under a literal mountain of muscle. As soon as his defeat was clear, the stud released him from the oppressive hold and gave Dan a moment to catch his breath. But of course that wasn't the end of that. The best was yet to come. Evan flexed every great, provocative muscle in his body as he struck first a most muscular pose, then a front double bicep as he placed a foot on Dan's chest and ROARED. The crowd took up the roar and developed a continuous chant: "Loser gets fucked! Loser gets fucked! Loser gets fucked!" Without wasting another second, Evan stripped off his shorts and straddled Dan's chest, shoving his sweat-soaked red jockstrap right into his face, smothering him with the rapidly swelling bulge. The defeated stud groaned as drops of sweat dripped onto his face, leaving a tangy, salty taste on his lips, and every breath he took was rank with the muscleman's musky stench. "I've been waiting to do this for a long time, you smug bitch. Months and months of training, but now, it's time," Evan snickered. A triumphant grin grew on his face as he ogled Dan with hungry eyes. Rocking his hips back and forth, he rubbed more of his heavy musk and sweat into the fallen champ's face while flexing for the audience, stoking the masses with his bulging muscles. He had robbed Dan of his title, and now it was time to rob him of his dignity in front of everyone, including the television cameras. The entire world would learn that the champion had fallen. After reveling in the cheers and applause for another minute, Evan returned his attention to the beaten man. "I think that's enough teasing. Wouldn't want to neglect my prize, would I?" The new champ reached behind his butt and quickly unlocked the straps of his jock, pulling it away and tossing it into the crowd with a single swing. An ecstatic cry emerged from the ranks as a lucky guy caught the priceless gift. However, the piece of soaked, musky fabric couldn't compare to the glorious cock that flopped on Dan's face. A massive slab of uncut meat, the wet dream of at least half of the audience, and the ultimate symbol of his defeat. He knew that the image of more than a foot of cock leaking pre and sweat all over his face would decorate more than a few magazine covers in the weeks to come. As if the penis in his face wasn't humiliating enough, the stud shuffled forward and teased Dan with his bloated nuts before burying him under his heavy ass. Everything went black, and the sounds of the raving masses were muffled by a pair of crushing thighs. A potent, masculine flavor flooded his senses and made his head spin, triggering the most embarrassing reaction and making him rock-hard in no time. "Are you enjoying yourself this much already? Color me surprised. I didn't take you for such a butt slut," Evan sneered and brushed his hand over Dan's growing bulge, teasing him with his own depraved arousal. The last scraps of the former champion's authority vanished into thin air, and he yielded to his victorious opponent and his own swelling lust. Evan's cock grew as he tormented the fallen champ, rising up eighteen inches long, with an incredible thickness to match. His cockhead slid between his sweat soaked pecs, his perfectly carved torso forming a perfect backdrop for the incredible organ. The audience went wild with lust. Evan moved his fingertips over his shaft. It looked like it was laced with thousands of veins, popping out and bulging all over. Even against his massive body, his cock looked terrifyingly oversized. He cupped his orange-sized balls and pulled gently on the base of the skin of his shaft. Evan took the opportunity to drive the audience crazy as he hit a few poses on his knees, his huge baseball bat of a cock pointing nearly straight up. After humping Dan for another blissful minute, Evan called it with a raunchy chuckle. "Alright, that's enough for now, boy. Time to give you a big cream filling." The new champion rose from Dan's face, pausing for a moment to really rub in how much bigger, stronger, and better he was as he towered over the champ in all his musclebound glory. Evan reached under the fallen champ's thigh and around his neck and threw him back on his belly. Dan wheezed as he smacked into the ground and his voice rising to a horny whine as the stud tore his shorts open, forcibly spread his firm buttocks, and spat on his exposed asshole. As if this moment wasn't already humiliating enough! And yet, having not suffered defeat in years, the abrupt and utter loss thrilled Dan more than he liked to admit because, for better or worse, he had finally found someone who could beat him. Evan granted the stud a moment of peace, allowing Dan to catch his breath and steel himself before he grabbed his waist and aligned his fist-sized tip with the defeated champion's asshole. Then, without any warning, the muscleman thrust forward, forcing Dan's sphincter wide open and shoving inch after inch into his tight depths. Dan howled at the top of his lungs as the musclestud rammed his schlong into him, claiming his whole rectum in one fierce shove and pounding his prostate into utter submission. Where the fingers had only spawned an occasional flicker of pleasure, the overwhelming girth of the new champ's prick elicited a sparkling bonfire of stimulation, more than his sorry brain could handle. And yet, the sensation of the initial penetration was still nothing compared to the pounding that followed. The tightness of his wet, warm hole alone wasn't enough for the horny stud. He needed more, and he began to hammer Dan's ass with reckless abandon. Within seconds, the former champ's brain turned to mush, and he moaned with pleasure. Every thrust, Evan rammed his cock a little deeper inside him, mercilessly breaking him in and subjugating him to his superior strength. Dan had found his match in the musclebound stud, and as lust clouded and muddied his brain, he learned to fully appreciate the shift in power. Looking around, he could see all the cameras recording him from virtually every angle. The same mechanical eyes that had captured his numerous victories now showed his defeat in the highest fidelity. For the first time, he was on the receiving end, getting humiliated in front of thousands of watchers, and there was no way to undo the match or its outcome. He had lost his title and was now nothing more but the muscleman's slut, a reward for his strength and superiority. This was his fate, and as soon as that realization struck him, a switch flipped in his brain. The last bits of his shame at his defeat vanished, and he embraced his new position. Staring right at one of the cameras, Dan's mouth flopped open, and he began to moan with intense passion. "Fuck yeah dude, let everybody hear how much you love my monster cock," Evan roared and bent over, wrapping an arm around Dan's neck and pulling him back up against his massive, sweaty chest. "Let's give them the show they deserve." The new champ sweated and grunted through gritted teeth as he fucked his new conquest even harder and forced the last few of his eighteen inches of thick cock meat into his tight ass. More than enough to visibly bulge Dan's ripped abdomen and make him lose it completely. The defeated champion moaned and howled, not caring one bit about his rapidly decaying image. He wasn't an immaculate hero anymore. He had been dethroned, and he had the unique opportunity and duty to make even his downfall the most remarkable imaginable. Even as he surrendered his title, he wanted to entertain the crowds the best he could, and it looked like it was working. The raving of the masses had acquired a lewd touch as they celebrated the defeat of the unbeatable. Dan winced when Evan suddenly licked his ear. Once the stronger male had gained his attention, he showed him his next trick. "Your jock looks like it's about to burst. Shall I lend you a hand?" he growled and slipped a finger under the man's waistband, ripping it off. In a chain reaction, the rest of his jock exploded and revealed his large cock. It was a few inches smaller than Evan's behemoth but still an impressive sight. Admittedly, a little less so at the moment, as it flailed around like a thin twig in the wind, stirred by his partner's excessive thrusts. "Don't you dare touching yourself. Losers don't get to touch themselves," Evan added raunchily and held down Dan's hands. The stud whined in protest but complied, especially since he was pretty close anyway. His body was bursting at the seams with lust. Every thrust of Evan's fat, thick schlong pummeled his prostate, distended his belly, and drowned his mind with stimulation, enriching his voice with slutty joy and pleasure before he ultimately broke under the endless onslaught. The whole world watched as Dan succumbed to a powerful anal orgasm. He roared and howled at the top of his lungs as time slowed down around him. His balls tightened, his cock jumped, and the first squirt of cum erupted with immense force. A thick, milky rope shot high into the air and arched through the ring before hitting the lens of one of the cameras dead-center. But that was just the beginning, and Evan's endless pounding wrenched even more semen out of his poor prostate, eliciting a huge torrent of sticky jizz. More and more strands rained down on the floor, painting it white with the messy goo. "Fuck, you've nutted just from taking it in the ass? I underestimated you," Evan cackled before pounding him even harder, making Dan squirm and struggle as he hammered his hypersensitive insides. "Now I'm gonna show you what a true orgasm looks like." Evan immediately put his words into action. He shafted his cock inside the muscle stud and came with a deafening roar, churning up a massive load for his thoroughly defeated opponent. Bent back against the new champion, Dan's belly was fully exposed to the audience and the cameras. They could witness Evan's massive orgasm in its whole glory, from the throbbing cock distending Dan's ripped midriff, the gurgling and sloshing of thick jizz as it rushed through his guts, and the growing bulge as he was bloated and inflated with cum. Evan's orgasm kept going with undiminished intensity for more than a minute. The musclestud grunted and huffed directly into Dan's ear, lewdly licking his cheek as he continued to blast out semen like a loose fire hose, turning Dan from a seasoned fighter into a moaning cum-dump. Aroused by the sheer perversion and humiliation of Evan's superior load, Dan got hard again in no time. His cock swelled back to full mast, throbbing and dripping with pre as Evan kept bloating and ruining him. But soon, even Evan's voluminous eruption came to an end. "You're a lot of fun, slut," the new champ sighed and ran his hand over Dan's bloated belly, rounded and brimful with cum. Pushing the sloshing bulge and squeezing Dan's leaky cock, he teased a few more meager grunts and groans from the defeated male and toying with him in front of the mechanical eyes of the world. "Oh, how you've fallen. Now you know what a stronger male feels like." Dan moaned and toppled over as Evan pulled out of him, his massive cock parting with an obscene slurp and a visceral pop, and before he could get back up, Evan reached for Dan's ass and spread his gaping, battered asshole for the cameras. The sight of the former champ's ruined, leaking crater flashed on the countless monitors scattered around the arena as the stud presented it like a lewd trophy, a sign of his accomplishment and ultimate victory. He hadn't just won the fight and unseated the champ, the bull-hung bastard had literally ruined him. As he did this, a spurt of thick sperm blew out of Dan's asshole and down side of his lower cheek, piling on the floor. In a cruel, taunting display he gave Dan's right ass cheek a big spank and then kissed it. But even now, the stud wasn't done with him. Evan moved behind Dan, pulled him on his knees, and draped his soaked cock and fat nuts over his shoulder. Another great image for the cover pages, another show of ultimate dominance and humiliation. But in a fit of wanton lust, Dan decided to give it a personal spin. With a naughty grin, he turned his head, grabbed Evan's massive wang, and pressed it against his face, kissing and licking it, having a taste of the new champ's cum and his own ass. "The Defeated Champion Worships His Victorious Opponent's Sweaty Cock." How was that for a title? "Fuck, you're really getting into this, aren't you?" Evan chuckled as he finally stepped back. He even offered Dan a hand to help him back on his feet. "You took the defeat pretty well. Not that I'm complaining. That was the most fun win I've had in a long time." "I can't wait to get my revenge and make you eat those words," Dan grunted with a crooked grin. "We'll see about that, ex-champ. I've got the feeling that you're going to throw the next match just because you want more of my dick. How about I fuck your smug face in the showers and cram another nut into your stomach right now?" Evan laughed and reached under the muscleman's butt, picking him up with ease and throwing him over his shoulders in another display of raw strength. Dan's heart raced in his chest, and he almost burst with excitement as the hunky muscleman carried him out of the ring and out of the arena like a cheap whore, to the cheers of the crowd. Evan made his way down the hallway, Dan bent over his shoulder, the noise of the crowd fading in the background. Dan panted as he tried to come to grips with what had just happened. He had just lost his cherished title and been brutally fucked and humiliated in front of the world. But he enjoyed it? His asshole twitched as he felt Evan's load drip down his leg. Neither man said a word until they reached the locker room. Finally out of sight of the cameras, Evan set Dan down on a bench. He grinned ear to ear as he looked down at Dan, all of his training having finally paid off. He turned his attention to the mirror by the showers, flexing his triumphant body. The beaten Dan lay on the bench, sore from the pounding he took. “Fuck, I’m HUGE!” he grunted. “Do you want this body? You know you do. Aw fuck yeah, fucking musclegod dude!" Evan said, mostly to himself as he admired his reflection. Dan sat up and watched the new champion flex and pose, the god that had taken his crown and claimed him for his own. Without thinking, his hand drifted to his soft cock and began stroking himself as he lusted for Evan's body. "Having fun there, slut?" Evan said with a grin, catching Dan's eye in the mirror. Dan snapped out of his trance and turned beet red. "That was a good match, you nearly had me for a second, champ," Evan laughed. "Come here," he commanded. He turned away from his reflection and grabbed his fellow stud's armpits. Dan’s legs shook slightly as they supported his weight. He looked straight into the other stud's blue eyes. “Let’s see what you’re made of, champ,” Evan sneered. He turned his gaze to the mirror to compare their incredibly muscular physiques. Dan looked in the mirror again to admire the body that had beaten his. The muscles on both their bodies were beyond huge: slabs of protruding beef hung heavily from their chest atop a deeply grooved 8-pack of cobblestone-sized abs; thick, perfectly round bowling ball-sized delts gave them an awesome v-taper; huge, long arms hung relaxed yet threatingly next to their torsos. “Pair of fucking muscle studs man," Evan said, admiring the two of them. "Check this out," he said, flexing an arm in Dan's face. "This is the body that took you down.” Dan stared like a zombie, copying Evan's every move. “Let’s check our arms,” Evan said He stepped up behind Dan and the two of them flexed their arms. Dan’s mouth fell open in disbelief at the scene: when Evan’ arms were fully extended, his titanic triceps already hung lower than his own flexed ones; the bulging biceps exploded upward and outward, easily surpassing his. Evan brought in his arms completely and hardened his flex; the peaks that rose to the ceiling. Dan just stared as the mind blowing muscles swelled some more. He never thought there'd be anyone who'd make him feel small. Yet between Evan's size and confidence, Dan felt tiny, submissive. He couldn’t believe that Evan’ biceps were bigger and clearly harder than his own huge ones. He lowered his arms and gaped at the full glory of the new champion's arms in the mirror. Evan smirked as he thought of how he had overpowered Dan’s powerful body and completely dominated over him. His cock grew hard once again, sliding up between Dan's glutes and smacking his back. Dan shivered as he felt the 18 inch cock smack against him. He turned around, his own hard dick brushing against Evan’s goliath and extended his hands to feel the hardness of those flexed monster arms. “Worship my perfect body, dude”, Evan sneered at the former champ. He groped his titanic, flexed right bicep with his left hand and felt the hardness of the mound. Dan fondled Evan's flexed right bicep and began licking the hot, hard surface. The tip of his tongue traced the thick veins that snaked across the cannonball-sized muscle atop his arm. “Mmh, hard as steel,” he grunted in between licks. “So fucking strong,” he said as his tongue descended to his low hanging tricep and he sniffed Evan's deep armpit. Dan knelt down and kissed Evan's feet, then reaching around the backs of his legs he grabbed Evan's huge calves. “Feel those thighs, fucker!” Evan commanded. Dan stroked and squeezed Evan's giant legs, sliding his fingers between the rock-hard valleys. He began to run his tongue along the ridges and veins, eliciting a groan from above, “Oooh yeah baby, you love those thighs, don’t you? Show me how much you love them.” Dan licked his way up Evan's legs. Evan put his hands behind his head, flexing as he swayed his hips slowly side to side, enjoying Dan's worship. Dan kissed the deep grooves of Evan's Adonis belt, inhaling the heady mix scents from Evan's musk and their first fuck. Finally he was face-to-head with Evan's 18-inch long beast, a stream of pre dripping onto the ground. Dan buried his face in Evan's large ballsack and began to kiss the shaft, when Evan pushed his mouth away. "Not yet buddy, get up here and worship my chest," he growled. Dan stood up and began to grope the edges of Evan's titanic pecs. He closed his eyes as he kissed his way down Evan's collarbone, the new champion murmuring his approval. Evan slid his dick between Dan's legs; the heat radiating off the massive bat sent a shiver down Dan's spine. All at once, Evan rippled his right pec, tensed and flexed his left bicep, and brought his massive left thigh up between Dan's legs, trapping him in a cage of muscle. Dan was being crushed inside a velvet-lined vice of iron, his fully engorged 14 inch long dick pointed straight up, the dark red head crushed between his pecs. But Dan didn't notice it all: he was drinking in the muscle god wrapped around him. He moaned as an orgasm rolled over him. His throbbing dick was trapped between his pecs and blasted load after load of thick, sticky cum right onto his face, in his eyes, and onto both of their oversized chests. After 7 blasts, his orgasm slowed down and more loads flowed from his cock, pooling onto his pecs and slowly sliding into the deep canyon that held his deflating cock. Evan laughed. “Did I made you cum without even touching yourself? My fucking huge muscles make you cum bitch?” Evan released Dan from his massive embrace and the former champ crumbled to the floor. Evan laughed and threw another double bicep pose. Dan’s cock jolted at the sight of the monstrous biceps hardening again and it shot a final load onto his cum-covered face. He lowered his head in defeat and every ounce of resistance left him as he noticed that Evan hadn’t even climaxed himself. “Fuck dude, that was a nice load," Evan smirked as he traced the ropes of cum sliding between his abs. "I’m gonna shower,” Evan said. “You can come suck me off while I get cleaned up.” Evan stepped over Dan and slowly strutted into the shower zone, his erect cock throbbing and smearing Dan's cum on his pecs as he savored his domination. Evan grabbed some soap and began soaping his chest and abs. Dan weakly got up on his knees, crawling to join Evan and grabbing hold of the other stud's thick quads for support and faced the plump cock that stood atop a set of orange-sized balls. He opened his lips, took in the monster shaft and began sucking. Evan rumbled in pleasure as his cock was teased by the muscleman’s tongue. He stopped soaping his torso and played with his hard nipples as the sucking on his huge cock intensified. “Oh yeah”, Evan grunted as Dan's tongue and teeth played with his rock hard shaft. He slid his left hand down from his chest, over his intimidating 8-pack and grabbed the back of Dan’s head. He began bucking his hips and fucked the mouth of his opponent. Dan choked slightly as the beast began thrusting the 18 incher roughly in his mouth. He tried to retreat but the strong hand held his head in place. He grabbed the flexing quads in front of him to steady himself and kept sucking hard on the shaft. He could feel the massive bulge of Evan's cum-tube flattening his tongue, the leaking of his hot, thick pre-cum down his throat - so much it was like he was pissing. “Here it comes!” Evan growled, his breath quickening after a few minutes of ripping up Dan's guts with his pipe. “Swallow it all, you fuckin’ bitch!” he hissed through gritted teeth, tossing his head back. Dan grabbed Evan's ass and an orgasm tore through his massive body. He could feel the powerful, virile ropes of nut as they splattered inside him. “YEAH!!” Evan’s roar filled the shower area as his cock exploded in his former opponent’s mouth. He pumped in and out of the spasming throat as load after load of cum flew from his cock. Dan gagged and swallowed as cum blasted from the 18 inch long monster fucking his face. Evan roared in ecstasy as his second orgasm of the day rolled over him. He looked down and grinned as he saw cum pouring from corners of the other stud's mouth and nose. He withdrew from his mouth, spraying a final jet onto Dan's face. Dan looked up as the cock left his mouth, just to get his face covered in cum. His eyes slowly traveled up along the majestic body towering over him and locked onto the piercing blue eyes staring down. He nodded respectfully. Evan smiled and pulled the other muscleman up. “Good boy”, he said, “Now get up, I want that ass again.” Dan reached for the tiled wall for support and managed to get up off the slick tile floor. The instant Dan stood up in front of him, Evan lifted him by the waist and rammed his still fully engorged cock into the tight muscled ass. He groaned in pleasure as he fucked the muscleman with full force: the feeling of the strong muscles clenching around his rock hard dick drove him wild. Dan instinctively clenched his ass in protection as he felt the hot rod enter. “Ugh,” he moaned as his body rocked back and forth by the force of the fucking. Tears flowed down his cheeks and his muscles swelled even more as Dan rode Evan's cock. "Aw fuck yeah, clench that ass, bitch!" Evan commanded. He admired Dan's flexing body as it squeezed and twisted around his massive invader. Evan placed his hands against the tilled wall for extra support and upped the force of his thrusts even more. He reveled in being able to shove all of his cock into Dan's ass at full force. He felt all powerful ravaging the former champ. "Yea, flex those muscles, boy. Turn me on with your incredible body. Your flexing is making my dick so fucking hard!" “Fuuuuuuuuck!” Dan cried. His mouth opened and he sprayed out harsh breaths. His penis was squeezed tightly between their chests, the cockhead being mashed flat by Evan's pecs, and his insides were gripping the invader like a second skin. It felt… Amazing. Overwhelming. There was absolutely no restraint in his cry, no pride, no grasping for the last vestiges of dignity as he rode Evan's monster. His eyes rolled. He moaned like a wild beast. Without touching himself, his big dick erupted once again, spraying the two rutting beasts in the face. He came harder than he ever had in his life, all over that giant cock. He cried out as he laid his head in the crook of Evan's neck, supporting himself with his hands behind him. Dan was seeing stars. The intensity of Evan's fucking was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Evan crushed Dan against the tile wall, his muscled chest giving the wall stiff competition as to which was harder. The black dots now almost filled Dan's vision as his big muscles did everything they could to withstand Evan’s unstoppable mass. The unbearable pain mixed with pleasure as the hot, hard shaft invaded his ass again and again. “You were such a cocky bitch but now you’re cumming like a slut all over this cock,” Evan growled into his ear. “You really love that cock, huh? Let me hear you say it.” Dan panted and gasped. Evan hilted himself inside him. “Yes! Yes, I fucking... love it!” he wailed, his eyes looking overwhelmed and exhausted from the pleasure and pressure of being dominated. “I fucking love your giant cock!” Dan's switch had been hit. Evan hadn't just beaten him in a match, he'd conquered him. The brutal, soul-evaculating orgasms had more intense than anything he had ever felt. He looked down at his own midsection with glazed, spent eyes and looked at the bulging dick-shape that was stretching out his chiseled abs with pure awe. Realizing he had dominated this massive muscle stud both physically and sexually sent Evan over the edge. Evan bellowed in pleasure and his muscles flexed as his cock exploded in the muscular ass he was fucking. Volley after volley of thick cum blasted from his throbbing shaft. He could feel his own cum sliding along his rock hard 18-inch erection as more loads blasted from it. Dan cried out as the dick in his ass exploded. His huge body shook in harmony with the blasts that filled him. A watery load of cum dripped from his own semi-hard cock, sore from the overstimulation. “FUCK YEAH!!!!” After twelve blasts, his orgasm cooled down and Evan withdrew his slowly deflating dick from the other behemoth’s ass. He grinned in triumph as his opponent slumped down, cum dripping from his ass. Dan’s worn out body just collapsed as the huge cock retreated from his ass. He stared up in awe and defeat at the godly frame towering over him. Evan milked the last few blasts of cum from his cock onto Dan's face. He released his deflating cock and looked down on his beaten opponent. Dan blinked as two strong hands grabbed his armpits and lifted him up. He shook from exhaustion as his weight rested once more on his feet; luckily the big paws still supported him. He looked groggily into the blue eyes in front of him. “Finally know your place, buddy?” Evan boomed at the worn out opponent in his grasp. He grinned as he saw the big guy nod weakly. As if in a trance, Dan leaned forward and kissed Evan on the lips. Evan was shocked but didn't resist. They embraced. Evan took Dan's cheeks in his hands and held his head still while he pressed his lips against the former champ's. Dan's knees bent slightly, then he put his hands on Evan's freakish triceps to steady himself. Evan's mouth opened in the kiss, as did Dan's and their lips alternately parted and touched. Evan pushed his tongue into Dan's mouth, causing the latter to moan loudly and reciprocate. The two men embraced fully, running their hands up and down each other's bulging muscles. Dan and Evan stepped out of the shower, not releasing their embrace. Dan grabbed his towel and dried the new champion's body lovingly before drying his own. He spread the towel down on the bench and laid down on it. Evan laid on top of him, the bench creaked from their combined weight. The two men continued kissing, passionately, wrapping their huge arms around each other, overcome with lust for each other's bodies. “I need more,” Dan whispered, looking deep into Evan's eyes. “Please, I need that fucking monster in my ass again.” Evan smiled, sitting up as Dan spread his legs to show off his gaped hole, deep red from the brutal fucking it had already endured. Evan pushed his cock head up against the stud's ruined hole and looked down at him. "Beg me for it, tell me how much you want this." A devilish grin on Evan's face came as he teased Dan, prodding the hole with his cock. Dan's feet were on each side of Evan's shoulders now, completely trusting his body for Evan to use it. "Fuck me! Please fuck the shit out of me!" Dan pleaded. "Shove that big fucking cock into my fucking ass and take me. FUCK!" Evan roared, burying his oversized fuck pole balls deep into Dan's horny hole in one thrust. Evan grunted as he rammed his 18-inch goliath in the muscular ass, “Gotta love being huge. I feel so powerful!” He began pumping his cock violently in and out the clenching ass in foot-long strokes. Dan moaned in pleasure and exhaustion as his ass was being plowed by the muscular behemoth. He held onto the bench for support and closed his eyes as Evan's thrusts became a blur as his 18 thick inches jammed inside Dan's body roughly, over and over, making Dan gasp as the huge intruder stretched his insides. "FUCK FUCK FUCKKKK YEAH you fuck me so fucking good!! AHHHHHHH!'' Dan screamed. The sensation was overwhelming. His throat was getting sore from how much he screamed for Evan and his monster cock but he didn't care. The once proud champion now looked like the cheapest slut. Eyeballs rolled to the back of his head, mouth wide open moaning, fingers hornily pinching and twisting at his own nipples, belly sucked in from how the new champ's monster cock bulged it out, his 14-inch dick flopping everywhere as he endured Evan's brutal thrusting. Evan felt his orgasm start to build up as his whole body tensed up. "FUCK DUDE.. I'M GONNA CUM....." Dan looked up in bliss at his new master and moaned loudly, "YES CUM... CUM IN ME.. BREED ME! COVER ME! FUCK YESSSSSS....!!!" “Just… ugh… remember . I… ugh… OWN you…” Evan groaned in between quickening breaths. He upped the pace of his thrusts and drove his cock into the muscular ass like a battering ram. "YES! I'm all yours! Fuck me whenever you want! Wherever! OH MY GOOOODDD---!" Dan triggered his own orgasm as his cock shot the biggest load of his life without anyone touching it, spraying his face yet again. Evan couldn't hold himself back any longer either. "OH FUUUUUUUCK!!" He screamed out and pumped out rope after rope of thick cum, flooding Dan's insides for a fourth time with his massive release. Dan let out his loudest scream yet, not caring if the whole world knows he was getting railed by the biggest cock there was. The pain and the ecstasy was so great he drifted in and out of consciousness while he was pushed into a cycle of endless orgasms, his cock turning red as it came until he was empty. The visual of Dan's sexy body spasming in ecstasy drove Evan wild as his cock kept pumping more cum inside his ass. This was a huge load, even for him! And especially after dumping three loads into Dan already. Dan was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion and pleasure. After their massive mutual orgasms, they both came down to earth. Dan looked up in a state of lust and a level of high he never knew before. His belly was full from Evan's impossibly huge loads, his ass sore with creamy sticky cum pouring out of it. "Thanks dude....that was fun," Evan grunted as he slowly fucked the last dregs of his load into Dan's overstuffed ass. Dan nodded at his master’s remark and marveled at Evan's power, both physically and sexually. Evan laid down on top of Dan once again. They laid there, clasped in each other's deliciously sweaty arms, giant muscles and bodies welded to each other, feeling each other's every breath and muscular contraction. A half hour later, Evan pulled out of Dan, causing a waterfall of cum to pour from his ruined asshole. He stood up and grabbed a fresh towel, wiping his cum-covered chest and cock clean before tossing it onto Dan's chest. "Get yourself cleaned up slut, you're coming home with me." He grinned as he looked down at Dan. "You aren't human, I've never been fucked like that in my life. Fuck, my cock has never been this raw before." Dan groaned. Evan laughed and said: “Oh we're not done yet baby, I'm gonna fuck you until you can't walk. Hope you're ready to get your brains fucked out!” He flexed a massive arm while he stroked his hardening monster cock with the other. Dan couldn't believe Evan was ready to go again. He stared up at his insatiable muscle god and nodded.
  11. Vasilij

    Challenging dad

    My first try, so please don’t judge harshly. ”Really? You think you can beat me, boy?” - chuckled John. He was a giant middle aged bodybuilder with 400 lbs of hairy rock-hard muscle packed on his 2 meters long body. His squared face was ruggedly handsome, with a short beard and mustache covering it. “Think? I fucking know it! I’ve inherited your best genes and I am now 18, so it looks like there is gonna be a new man of the house!” - responded his son cockily. Owen could be described as a pretty boy with his smooth tanned body and boyish, even cute face. However, even though less masculine than his dad, he was equally huge. To enhance his point, he flexed a double bicep pose, two huge peaks swelling almost to the size of basketball. Owen kept the pose for a few seconds, growling confidently and enjoying the pose. However, his dad was not intimidated and responded: “All right, champ, let’s wrestle! The winner takes the loser. Just don’t blame me when ass starts hurting, he-he.” Father and son were in their homemade gym completely naked, since they didn’t feel any shame constantly competing with each other in lifting weights or running cardio. They always showed off and admired each other, and even now their massive manhoods were half hard with apple sized cum-filled balls hanging beneath them. Owen knew exactly what his father meant by “winner takes the loser” and was eager to completely dominate him. There was enough empty space in the gym, so John and Owen decided to wrestle right here - they didn’t need mats, because their bodies were too tough to feel pain from falling on the floor. They were both fired up for wrestling and soon their dicks became foot long steel-like poles dripping precum on the floor. Two muscle beasts charged at each other and started grappling. During half an hour one has put another into a hold, but in a few seconds the opponent managed to free himself. When testosterone level have reached it’s peak, they, despite the word “wrestling” moved to punches. Once Owen got hit into his eight pack abs. This punch could have left a dent in concrete, but Owen just slightly grunted, not suffering but enjoying this feeling. Even his dad was impressed: - You are tougher than I thought, I will give you that. - Like I told you, old man - it’s my time now! After saying that, Owen got John into a bear hug. Dad tried to resist, but his hairy pecs got gave way to even stronger chest of his son, and arms were crushed under young veiny biceps. His cock got painfully squashed by Owen’s pumped abs and ass felt the wet touch of young bodybuilder’s leaking cockhead. “Seems like I have to show you who is the top dog here!” - said Owen with a lusty grin on his face. His muscles were pumped from fighting, his dick got even bigger than usual, he reveled his own superiority and power. After strangling his dad for about a minute, young stud through him on the floor, jumped on top of him and immediately drove his man meat into the hairy ass, almost ripping the sphincter in process. John growled in the mix of pain and anger, but was too weakened to resist the arms of his son keeping him on the floor. Owen pounded his dad with such force that would have crushed an average man’s pelvis. His unstoppable dick was reaching the guts of John, making the older manly bodybuilder moan like some kind of a pussyboy. It lasted for about ten minutes until finally Owen let out a loud extatic roar and started shooting thick and voluminous cum. His dad was almost unconscious by now, his ass bruiced and his abs floating due to enormous supply of his own son’s semen. Finally Owen rose, his cock still standing hard and spewing now smaller loads. He felt great - his dad have always been the source of inspiration for him, a specimen of perfect masculinity and unbeatable power. But now the older bodybuilder was surpassed, defeated and claimed by his own son. “Fuck yeah! I wonder if there will be any other challenges for me now. I’m gonna continue growing till any other bodybuilder will be nothing more but my cocksleeve” - he thought and then went to the shower, casually stroking his dick and feeling his sweaty muscles.
  12. Mrmusclewriter

    ***Cyclist Man Crusher*** (Part 2)

    Like a boa constrictor Rob was squeezing the life out of Ben’s body restlessly. Ben was his prey, his game, his toy. The pressure produced by his quads was close to finest and deadliest animal in the world. Ben’s core was losing volume each minute passed. In agony and pain, he was screaming and crying like a child. There was no chance that he could have been heard and helped in the middle of a wood. Rob was staring at him with satisfaction, proud of what his body was able to accomplish to a bodybuilder, pain, torture, agony and demolition. Ben’s body was demolished like never before. Screaming in the gym while working out for the pain over his muscle was nothing compared to what he was experiencing in those minutes. The agony was going in crescendo like an orchestra during a concert and certainly he would have passed out soon if not away. Rob knew his strength and the strength of his legs. As a boa constrictor could squeeze his prey with a pressure of 12 pounds per inch, the German Cyclist was able to reach 35 pounds per inch but that was not known by the rest of the world. As previously mentioned, Rob destroyed and pulverised several people in his life but never and ever used all his full strength but probably that was the right day and the right moment to fully expel all his inhuman and manly strength. “It fucking hurts, doen’t it?” Rob asked Ben was not able to reply but only screaming for the pain with his mouth full opened. Rob’s face was permeated with a mix of pleasure and cruelty. “Let me show you my real strength” Rob said while he squeezed harder. Ben stopped screaming as his vertebrae cracked and at the same time moved away from their original position. No air was left in his lungs and a floor of tears wetted his face. His spine was broken and wrecked. Violently Rob opened his spread his legs realising the hold. Ben felt more pain as his ribs tried to come back to the original set up and his core recovered his original volume. Blood spitted out from his mouth and his body collapsed over Rob’s chest that promptly kicked away like a bag of trash. “Get the fuck away from me!” Rob stated. Ben rolled over the soil, powerless and painful. He was there laying, semi consciousness, his body was in agony. Rob stood up and went towering Ben looking at him from the top. “I want to have fun with your puny body!” Rob said. Ben did not reply. The Canadian was taken by the throat and lifted up. Two punches hit his face with extreme violence. Rob wrapped his right arm over Ben’s neck from behind, forcing his body to bend inward and lifted over the air in a horizontal position in a perfect pre-suplex. Weighting 212 lbs Rob was carrying with extreme ease a 300 lbs bodybuilder over the air as a feather. Both faces were beside each other in opposite direction. “You couldn’t imagine, I could carry you so easily, pretty boy, couldn’t you?” Rob asked Ben, already knowing the response. “Please, don’t, I beg you, let me go, you tortured me enough!” Ben begged. Rob started walking around the wood with Ben over the air, until he saw a bit semi rectangular stone. Rob approached the stone and completed his suplex with Ben’s back dramatically hitting the rock and bending over it. His body shivered for the impact and Rob screamed of joy completing that movement. Rob quickly stood up going straight to Ben that was grabbed by the head and placed over Rob’s quad with his face facing the German’s crotch. Ben applied pressure and began his head scissor. Ben’s face was in shock as Rob kept squeezing, his jaw dislocated and at the same time broke, Ben yelled. Rob closed his right hand in a fist and punched several times his forehead like in a MMA fight. The cyclist went on for several second, increasing the pressure more and more, until he stopped, releasing the hold. “I spare your life this time, next time you will meet me, change your route or I will seriously wreck you body!”. Rob stated. Rob disappeared from the wood leaving Ben laying on the rock like an abandoned can of beer. He woke up at the hospital three days later surrounded by four of his bodybuilder friend.
  13. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Jon and Austin enjoy a day on campus together, availing themselves of the gym, wrestling practice room, and cafeteria. Jon woke up and realized there was a weight pressing down on top of his massive chest. He breathed in deep and saw Austin, his beautiful stepson Sir, whose body rose and fell with every one of Jon’s breaths. He breathed in deep again through his nose, breathing in the scent of his Sir that filled the room, mixed in with his own tangy musk and the smell of dried cum. His little Sir had slept on top of him all night, using Jon like a big muscly mattress. Jon didn’t fit on the absurdly small twin-sized mattress underneath him; his legs hung off the end of the bed from the knees down, and his shoulders and arms spilled over the sides and onto the floor. It hadn’t been the most comfortable sleep, but with Austin in his arms, it was the best sleep in the world. Jon sighed contently, the warm wind of his nose causing Austin to stir and awaken as well. “Good morning, Sir,” Jon said softly. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around Austin, squeezing him tightly against his bulk. “It feels so good waking up with you in my arms,” Jon sighed. “Mmm, same to you, pup,” Austin said groggily. He propped himself up by pressing his hands against Jon’s pillow-sized pecs and pressed his hard cock against his stepdad’s round belly. “Last night was so much fun!” Austin said with a smirk. “I’m glad you liked it, Sir,” Jon said. “I can still feel your loads inside me, filling me with strength,” Jon growled. Austin felt something smack him from behind and realized it was Jon’s enormous cock slapping his back. It twitched and swelled bigger, thicker, longer, smearing precum along Austin’s spine as it grew and grew to full hardness. “Well well, someone is excited to wake up with his master on top of him, aren’t they?” Austin said. He leaned back against Jon, rubbing his furry crack against his dad’s hard cock. “Unf, Sir, you just make me feel… rrruuuuuhffff,” Jon groaned as his cock twitched and leaked uncontrollably. “Gotta cum real bad, Sir,” he rumbled. “Well pup, we can’t yet. We have a big day ahead of us,” Austin said. “No loads until I say so, got it?” Austin said in jokingly sing-songy voice, like one would use with a child. Jon groaned and stretched, arching his back and lifting Austin higher up into the air. “Uhhhgggg but Sir, I need it so bad!” Jon whined and he reached down to squeeze his cock against Austin’s back. The massive tool reached halfway up Austin’s back, ooze leaking all over Austin’s spine. “I know, big bull, but right now you need to eat! Get up and carry me over to the fridge!” Austin said. Jon, of course, did as he was told, effortlessly lifting his 230lb Sir up as he rose to his towering 8 feet tall height. His head bumped into the ceiling and he chuckled, amused by his own enormity. They were both naked, their bodies rubbing against each other. Jon’s cavernous stomach groaned and gurgled loudly. “Mmm, I AM pretty hungry, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he stomped over to his stepson’s dorm kitchenette, the entire room shaking with each step. “Well I’ve got just the thing for you,” Austin said as Jon put him down. Austin put together the biggest, thickest, most calorie-dense shake Jon had ever seen, filling it with gainer shake powder, bananas, oats, olive oil, honey, whole milk, preworkout, and more. By the time he was done, it was a brown slurry that filled the blender to the brim. “Drink, now, every drop, chug it,” Austin commanded. The massive bear palmed the blender container in one huge hand and lifted it to his maw. He started gulping it down the viscous sludge shockingly fast, astounding Austin with the aggressive, relentless speed he consumed it, his Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down fast. In seconds, he was done, a couple drops dribbling down into his thick beard. Jon gasped for air when he was done and took a deep breath. His belch shook the window panes with its ferocity and depth. “MORE!” he boomed as he handed the blender back to Austin. This continued several more times until Jon had his fill, each time his gut swelling out rounder and bigger and heavier. Austin encouraged him by rubbing his massive belly and reminding him how much bigger all these calories were going to make him. Jon kept asking for more after each shake, his hunger seemingly insatiable. By the time Jon was done, he had already put away around 10000 calories and hundreds of grams of protein. “Now, pup, I have what you’re going to wear today,” Austin said as he dug around in his closet. “I was going to give this to you as a present, but since you need a shirt… Such a good obedient pup needs to let everyone know what he is!” Austin said as he handed Jon his new shirt. Jon unfolded it. It was an absurdly small, tan-colored crop-top with one word emblazoned in rainbow lettering on the front: BEEF. Jon grinned and his eyes lit up. “I am Beef!” he bellowed. He bent over and Austin helped him into the shirt, wriggling and shimmying to get the tight garment to stretch over his enormous bulk. He did the same with the black jock strap and white Under Armour compression shorts, then put on his extra wide Otomix. Jon looked down, past his beard which merged with his furry chest, and looked at this new label, BEEF, and grinned. He flexed his chest, the surging pec meat making his shirt stretch taut across his shoulders and between his pecs. His round, furry gut was totally exposed, and his massive bulge and huge ass stood out prominently thanks to the jock strap. “Today you are no longer bull or pup or Jon, you are Beef. Mine to command and obey,” Austin said with a smirk. “Your goal, Beef, is to pack on as much meat onto your giant frame as possible today, got it?” “YES SIR!” Beef rumbled and stood at attention, his bulge twitching, his shoulders round and wide. “Then, if you are good, we will come home and we will take care of his,” Austin said as he cupped Beef’s huge package and fondled it up and down. Beef shivered and grunted, and his cock throbbed in his jock. “Finally, I’m going to lead you to the gym using this,” Austin said, and he pulled out a leash. “Lean down,” he commanded, and Beef obeyed. Austin clicked the leash harness through one of the links of Beef’s heavy chain necklace. “Everyone on campus will know that you are mine. You’re going to be a good boy and do everything I say, right Beef?” Austin said. Beef nodded eagerly, his eyebrows arching with an expression that made it clear he was desperate to please his master. “Good boy,” Austin said as he tugged on the leash, Beef’s thick neck hardly budging against the firm leash. “Now, to the gym!” Austin said, and he led Beef out of the door. As they walked across campus, other students gawked, some laughing or pointing, others giving them a wide berth, while others stared and adjusted their crotches. Beef obediently followed his master, waddling across campus with heavy, thudding strides. His huge thighs rubbed against each other as he walked, and his belly swayed and jiggled, uncovered by the tight crop-top. Austin led the way, occasionally tugging at Beef’s leash and grinning at people gawking at them. Despite the frosty February temperatures, Beef wasn’t cold at all, steam rising off of his bull neck and wide shoulders. In fact, by the time they reached the gym he was already damp with sweat. His collar and leash jingled as they entered the building and went to the front desk of the gym. “I need a parent guest pass for my stepdad here,” Austin said to the desk clerk, gesturing to the enormous, bulky man next to him. Beef grinned broadly at the clerk, his face blushing bright red, his intense blue eyes sparkling. The clerk stared at him, slack-jawed, not knowing how to process the giant man in a comically tight crop-top attached to a dog leash. Beef took a deep breath, his chest expanding bigger and wider, and he flexed his pecs. “WOOF, RRUUUFFF!! Ready to LIFT!” he boomed down at the clerk, causing the underclassmen to flinch and reach for a day pass. Austin filled it out for Beef, and the two of them strode into the gym, heading for the squat rack. It was leg day, but Austin had Beef do a little bit of everything so he got a nice pump and got a good sweat going. Austin let Beef off his leash as they started to lift, and Beef nuzzled his chest against Austin’s face in appreciation. It was hard to find enough weight to challenge Beef, and Austin had to get creative. Beef had grown even stronger than Austin thought, and in trying to max out weights to challenge him, they used nearly every plate available. Austin tried standing on stacks of weights on the cable machine to create enough resistance for Beef, tried using bands and chains to add resistance, and did higher reps than he would normally think of, but it was rarely enough. Beef could easily curl hundreds of pounds, squat and deadlift double his weight, and did leg press with as many 100s and 45s as they could fit on the stack. He was tireless, relentless, and hardly needed any pauses between sets. Once Austin told him to do something, Beef did so with perfect form, ferocious intensity, and terrifying power. He panted and huffed and puffed but never complained, never slowed down, and looked absolutely content and in his element. Puddles of sweat followed them wherever they went, drops of it dripping off Beef’s face, arms, and shoulders, trickling down over his round gut and tree trunk-thick legs, soaked like he was caught in a rainstorm. Austin kept him fed with a bright-pink drink, a mix of powders and supplements that made Beef feel electric and focused and wired, the pump bloating his body up bigger and thicker than ever. Austin was shameless in touching and rubbing Beef’s big body as they lifted, groping his biceps and meaty ass as he lifted, Beef’s focus never fading, the only indication that he noticed coming from the enormous hard-ons that sprung up whenever Austin touched him. Beef grunted loudly with each rep, his resonant voice and massive weights booming in the open gym space, scaring off many of the usual early-morning crowd. He stared intensely as his own reflection in the mirror or at Austin, unblinking, locked in. After 3 hours straight of lifting, Beef stepped up closer to Austin and looked down at him from his 8 foot vantage. His massive gut groaned louder than Austin had ever heard it. “Sir, I’m hungry,” Beef rumbled, reaching down to rub his belly in a wide circle, sweat dripping off his hand in sheets as he did. His crop top was soaked, now a darker shade of tan, and Austin could see the straps and pouch of Beef’s jock strap through the tight compression shorts. “Need to fuel these muscles, Sir. When’s lunch?” Austin looked Beef over. His thighs and calves bulged with a massive pump, and his chest, arms, and shoulders were ruddy and swollen. Beef reached up and ran a hand through his mohawk, a spray of sweat misting off his hair and down onto Austin. “Soon, big boy. You’ve worked SO hard this morning, and now it’s time to eat. But first let’s go to the bathroom,” Austin said. He reached up and clasped Beef’s leash back on, and Beef moaned with pleasure as it locked around his heavy chain necklace. Austin led Beef back into the locker room, jerking his leash to get him to follow. Beef’s enormously wide shoulders took up the full breadth of the hallways, causing other gym goers to retreat. Beef and Austin made their way to the bathroom and went into the handicap stall. “Alright Beef, go ahead and relieve yourself,” Austin said. Beef dropped trou, his massive hose spilling out of his jock pouch, heavy balls emitting an intense musk. “Ahhhhhhh,” Beef groaned as a thick stream of piss started filling up the bowl. “Mmmm, such a big boy,” Austin said as he rubbed Beef’s thick glutes. “Such a good pump today, Beef, you worked hard,” Austin purred. Beef finished, bouncing his chubbed-up cock to get any stray drops, then stuffed his package back into the jock strap. “Thank you, Sir!” he boomed. Beef realized he could easily see over the bathroom stall partitions; he could just see himself reflected in the mirrors looming over the stalls. Beef grinned and his cock chubbed up more, realizing how big and tall he was getting. “Get on your knees, Beef,” Austin commanded, and Beef dropped down; he still came up to Austin’s chin even on his knees. “Now, get on all fours,” Austin said, and Beef pressed his big hands against the dirty floor of the bathroom stall; he looked up at his Sir with expectant, hungry eyes. “Good boy,” Austin said as he pulled his gym shorts down to reveal his own hard, throbbing cock. He ran a hand through Beef’s sweat-slicked hair and down his cheek to his thick beard. “Suck,” Austin said simply and stepped forward, rubbing his cock against Beef’s lips. Beef obeyed and opened his mouth. Austin groaned as Beef’s powerful lips sucked harder than he could believe, his prickly beard and mustache tingling along his cock. Beef was hungry, and his Sir’s sweaty cock excited him greatly; he slurped and grunted and licked and sucked greedily. Suddenly, someone else came into the bathroom, the door opening with a thump. The small room was filled with Beef’s grunting, moaning, and slurping sounds and Austin’s dirty talk. Beef felt so embarrassed but he sucked harder. He had to make his Sir happy. The stranger came closer and saw two massive meatheads sharing one stall, raised his eyebrows, apologized, and awkwardly left the bathroom. “Fuck yeah, everyone knows you’re my bull now, Beef, mmmph, take my fucking load!” Austin grunted as pleasure rippled up his spine. Austin exploded and Beef slurped up his thick load. “Mmm, good boy,” Austin said as Beef rose back up to his full, massive height. Beef grinned down at Austin and rubbed a knuckle against his lip, wiping a dribble of cum from his beard. As they left the bathroom, they passed by the wrestling practice room, which was a small, secluded room full of wrestling mats and practice gear. It was behind a locked door, but because Austin had a prestigious spot on the football team, he had a master key for every door at his college’s gym. “Hey Beef, wanna wrestle?” Austin said with a smirk. Beef’s eyes lit up. “YEAH!” he boomed as Austin opened up the door. The smell of stale sweat from years of wrestling practice and wrestling mats overwhelmed them as they entered the room. Austin closed and locked the door and they were alone. “Let’s see what we’ve got… here we go,” Austin said as he rummaged through a pile of dirty, used practice singlets. “This is the biggest one I can find, see it if fits.” Austin tossed the maroon-colored singlet to Beef, who raised it up to his nose and breathed in deeply, savoring the musk of wrestling practices gone by. He stripped down to his jock and struggled to put on the too-tight singlet, stumbling to keep his balance. “One foot at a time, there you go, mmm these are gonna stretch tight over your big thighs, huh?” Austin said as he helped Beef step into the singlet. It stretched and stretched, rubbing over the furry expanse of Beef’s massive thighs. Beef slowly rolled the singlet up the round expanse of his muscle gut, sweat already soaked into it, the material stretching and straining. Austin started putting on a singlet of his own, and Beef’s cock strained as he watched his hot master putting on the tight garment. A wet spot started forming on Beef’s bulging package, pre soaking through the singlet. “Sir, I need help with the final straps,” Beef rumbled. He waddled over to Austin and bent down, allowing Austin to reach up and stretch the straps over his huge traps. Beef’s meaty nipples poked out to the sides, his impossibly wide chest and shoulders too much for the singlet to handle. He rose to his full height, the straps taut between his traps and pecs, so tight they dug into his skin. His huge gut stretched the fabric so it looked more pink than maroon. “How do I look, Sir?” Beef boomed as he looked down at his master. “Like a champion heavyweight!” Austin said. He stepped forward and ran a hand across Beef’s lycra-covered gut, teased his meaty nipples that stuck out from the singlet, and bumped his knuckle against Beef’s absurd bulge. “Mmm, yeah, I’m the BIGGEST heavyweight around!” Beef boasted, then lifted his arms and flexed his big biceps. His musky stink was so strong it soon dominated the odor of the practice room, five minutes of Beef’s B.O. stronger than dozens of college wrestlers over years and year. “Let’s see if you can pin me, bud, I don’t think you can!” Austin said as he got into a wrestling stance and challenged his bigger stepdad. “Oh yeah?” Beef said as he advanced on his smaller master. “Come here, little guy!” Austin dodged out of his stepdad’s lumbering approach, but underestimated Beef’s long reach. Austin was surprised as the big man scooped him up and easily lifted him off the ground. Austin wheezed as the air was squeezed out of his lungs in an instant. “Bear hug!” Beef groaned as he flexed and crushed Austin against his enormous torso. He flailed his smaller master around, the tight lyrca singlets rubbing against each other, Beef’s sweat soaking Austin’s singlet, before squashing him down on the mat. Austin groaned as he was crushed under his bull’s tremendous weight, pressing him hard against the wrestling mats. “Takedown!” boomed Beef as he readjusted his position on top of his tiny master. He gripped Austin’s forearms, which felt so small and fragile in his huge hands, and pinned his wrists to the ground. He shifted his weight up, settling his hips and ass on top of Austin’s thighs and crotch. His gut pressed against Austin’s chest. Austin pushed against it to try to shift his weight, tried to slip his wrist out from Beef’s vice grip, tried to flip his hips over and around to fight back, but it was all completely futile. “Are you fighting back, Sir? I hardly feel anything! I’m just so much BIGGER than you, huh?” Beef growled, leaning down to whisper in his Sir’s ear. “Feels real good, feeling you struggle and squirm underneath me, Sir. You fight back so hard,” Beef said as he rubbed his leaking bulge over Austin’s torso. “But it’s pointless, I’m TOO STRONG!” “Huuffff, uff, you, huuuuff, you haven’t beat me yet!” Austin groaned under Beef’s mass. Beef just laughed. “Ha! Try your hardest, little master. I can barely feel you push back. Go ahead, try,” Beef said, shifting his weight even harder on his little captive. Austin pushed back as hard as he could, using all his jock strength, his face straining as he struggled against his stepdad’s overwhelming mass. “Hmmmm I maybe felt a little push of something underneath me?” Beef said, sweat dripping down onto Austin. Beef’s wrist-thick cock throbbed as it rubbed against Austin, lycra on lycra, the swish sound of singlets rubbing together filling the air. He leaned down even harder on Austin until Austin collapsed against the mat, helpless and out of breath. “I think that’s a three-count, Sir!” Beef wrapped his huge arms around Austin and stood up, easily carrying his master. He adjusted his grip on Austin until they were face to face. Beef had a huge, giddy grin on his face. “Heh, so easy to pick you up and move around now!” he boomed. Jon shifted Austin around in his grip again and lowered him face-down onto the mats again, in total control. “Mmmm yeah, your ass looks so good in the singlet, Sir,” Beef boomed from above Austin. Beef shifted his singlet straps off of his traps and over his huge shoulders until they hung at his sides, breathing a sigh as the tight singlet no longer dug into his skin. His chest and shoulders seemed even bigger without the straps on. “Beef wants to fuck little master so bad,” he rumbled as he fell to his knees and straddled Austin, pressing his huge lycra-bound bulge against the smaller man’s ass. “Big Beef fucking his jock stud Sir, mmmmh yeah, fuck,” Beef growled, his self-control fading, his primal instincts bucking against Austin’s control. He rubbed his cock against Austin’s singlet, leaning down harder and wrapping a huge bicep around Austin’s neck and pulling back hard to press his cock in harder. “Mmm yeah, so much fuckin’ BIGGER than you, Sir… and still GROWING!” Austin’s face was turning red and he felt the weight and pressure from his stepdad’s gigantic arm threatening to crush his windpipe. Beef’s cock pushed harder against his ass, spurting wads of precum; Austin could feel the wetness through the sweaty singlets. He knew he couldn’t keep him waiting much longer, but he knew there was one more thing he would want even more right now. “Well, big Beef, you know what you need to keep growing?” Austin choked as he best he could, voice strained as Beef squeezed harder and harder. “Food!” Beef’s gut growled loudly; hadn’t he just eaten less a couple hours ago? But suddenly he realized how starving he was, how much he NEEDED to eat and fuel his gains and feed his growing muscles and have MORE. “Oh, oh yeah! You’re right, Sir!” Beef said loudly as he let go of Austin and stood up suddenly. Austin shook his head as he got up, took a deep breath, and turned to face his giant daddy bear. That had been close. “Now Beef, you know better than to pin your Sir down without his permission, don’t you?” Austin said, putting his hands on his hips. Beef sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, Sir, I just got, um,” he sighed heavily, his cock throbbing. “I guess I got a little carried away, Sir,” he said with a grin. “I’m just so excited to be around my hot little stepson Sir, and I—” he explained before Austin cut him off. “Shh, it’s ok, big Beef. I understand,” Austin said as he stepped closer to rubbed his hands over Jon’s sweaty lycra. “It’s hard to contain all your big bull energy, huh?” he asked as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s bulging cock. “Y-yeah,” Jon gasped, his knees shaking as his master played with his bulge. “I just want you so bad, sir,” he rumbled. “I know, Beef. And you’ll have your chance. Just don’t forget who’s in charge,” Austin, grabbing and tugging on Beef’s chain necklace and running his hand over the padlock. “Y-yes sir!” Jon said. “But for now, let’s go have lunch,” Austin said. Beef’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Get out of that singlet and let’s go!” They quickly changed, leaving their sweat and precut-soaked singlets on the mats, and Austin hooked the leash back up to his stepdad. Austin could hardly keep up as Beef rumbled towards the cafeteria, tugging at the leash; the big man was sniffing the air and following his instincts. They entered the cafeteria, and the workers stopped and stared at the massive, half-naked man on a leash. Beef’s eyes lit up when he saw all the food. “Wow! There’s so much! And so many options!” Beef boomed as he looked back at his master. “Let me take care of it, big guy. Just carry the trays and I’ll stack up the food.” Austin loaded up on chicken breasts, pasta, milk, a whole pizza, and more. When they were finished, they were carrying half a dozen trays loaded up with food, Beef balancing them between his big hands and meaty chest. “Have at it,” Austin said when they were seated; he made sure they were at a prominent spot where everyone could see them. Beef proceeded to inhale everything with shocking speed, devouring and consuming every bit of food in front of him, barely pausing to take a breath or wash down the food with greedy gulps of whole milk. “More,” Beef grunted as he finished the first tray, and Austin slid the second one in front of him. Beef continued to eat and eat. “More!” he boomed as he finished another tray. “More!!” he rumbled, his belly bulging with so much food that he had to adjust his chair. His breathing became slower and heavier, his massive shoulders slumped over the table, bent over to eat more food faster. “MORE!!” Austin kept it coming, grinning and encouraging Beef, eventually moving around next to him to rub his sweaty gut and feed him when Beef struggled to finish the last tray. “Good boy, you’ve had so much! The more you eat, the more you grow,” Austin said, a mantra that he sent along to his stepdad almost every day via text message, and Beef nodded. “Soon all this food will fuel more gains and help you get even bigger. You know, you’re getting so close to 1000 pounds,” Austin said as he rubbed his stepdad’s round, hard gut in wide circles. “Mmmmph,” Beef groaned around a mouthful of chicken, his cock throbbing in his jock strap. “Half a ton of bulky, meaty muscle. How do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred, leaning close to his daddy. Everyone stared, and Beef knew they were all staring. He blushed and sweated but Austin’s words also gave him butterflies in his stomach. “MMMph!” Beef grunted, imagining himself getting even bigger. “M-more!” he groaned, and leaned back in his chair and clutched his gut. It was stretched out, the top of it pushing and bunching up his BEEF crop-top even more. “Awww good Beef, you want to grow more for your Sir, don’t you?” Austin said, squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s enormous bicep and shoulder. “Such a good boy.” “Y-yeah, bigger,” Beef groaned, then burped and gulped down the last of his food. “Always bigger for you, Sir!” “Mmm this is why I love you so much,” Austin said. “But I made a promise earlier this morning. Do you remember it?” Austin said, leaning closer and nearly whispering. Beef gulped and his massive package throbbed. “Yeah!” Beef rumbled. He pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. He swelled out his chest and then erupted with the loudest, deepest belch that Austin had every heard. “When we go home after lifting and eating, I get to cum,” Beef boomed loud enough for everyone around them to hear. “That’s right,” Austin said, rising out of his chair as well. “And today is very special,” Austin said. He reached up and tugged on Beef’s chain until he was leaning down to Austin’s level. “Today, you get to fuck your master and fill me with your thick load,” Austin whispered. Beef’s eyes bulged wide and the hair on his neck stood up. His cock throbbed and until it was rock-hard. “Y-you mean it, Sir?” he sighed desperately. “Uh huh,” Austin breathed, his breath tickling Beef’s ear. “I need you to stretch out my meaty bubble butt,” he said. “Yeah?” Beef panted, his chest heaving. “I need you to fill up my tight hole,” Austin teased. “Yeah??” Beef grunted, louder and more excited this time. “I need your cum inside me, Beef, for you to pound me senseless, and I want you to carry me back to the dorm right now,” Austin commanded. “YEAH!!!” Beef boomed, then picked his Sir up and threw him up over his huge shoulder. “FUCK YEAH, gonna fuck you GOOD, Sir!” Beef roared and stormed out of the cafeteria, the wet spot on his compression shorts growing.
  14. PART 1: The Season Opener I swallowed hard. The time had almost come, just another minute to go. I was sweating bullets as I waited behind the archway for my cue. The sound of the crowd out there was almost deafening, even back here behind the soundproof walls. I don't think I've ever been this excited or nervous before in my life. It was time for my very first match! An incredibly important one at that; the big opening match of the season. After months of anticipation, it was finally time to see if all those extreme stretches and stress tests were worth the effort. This match-up was going to push me to my limits. I was going up against the second biggest guy in the league right out the gate. It was a hell of a surprise for a first-time rookie like myself. Most guys in my position are lucky to book a match with an opponent at the lower end of the size rankings, maybe a mid-tier. My dinky little boner throbbed in my singlet just thinking about how gargantuan this guy was gonna be. I couldn't wait for him to crush me flatter than a pancake. "Ladiiiiiiies and gentlemen," I heard the announcer start. "We here at the C.W.L. hope you're ready for an explosive evening of heavy slamming, hard blasting, ultra intense, and extra imbalanced mayhem!" Deep breaths, Jeremy, deep breaths. Here we go... "And now, without further ado: In this corner, standing at mere 4 foot, 9 inches and weighing in at a measly 90 lbs, your Jobber for this evening: Jeremyyyyyy 'The Doormat' Smallwood." Right on cue, I walk through the entryway and began my first ever walk to the ring. Fireworks streamed out along the pathway, spunky theme music pumped through the speakers, and the crowd was cheering with ravenous anticipation. The intense wall of sound hit my ears like a freight train, but the overwhelming cacophany jazzed me up for what was ahead. It took me a hot minute to journey down the lengthy path, climb the daunting stairs, and awkwardly clamber to my corner. I took a moment to soak in the sight of the sprawling expanse of empty mat and the towering turnbuckles looming overhead. The ring here had to be extra, extra enormous since this league's wrestlers were- *THOOM* *BOOM* *THOOM* A mighty and imposing form had slowly stomped its way to the entryway opposite mine, waiting in the shadows for his cue to come out next. I could barely see his outline with all the overwhelming lights, lasers, and fog machines blasting everywhere, but my opponent was ready. I swallowed hard again, shaking like a leaf in anticipation. He was even bigger than I had anticipated. Hell yeah. "In this corner, standing at an incredible 24 feet, 11 inches and weighing a staggering 45,550 lbs, your Colossus for the evening: Apollooooo 'The Apocalypse' Rexford." *BOOM* *THOOM* *DOOM* *FOOM* Thunderous footfalls made the entire stadium shake intensely as Apollo slowly stomped his way to the ring. The league didn't typically bother playing theme music for the big boys; the booms generated by their every step were more than enough to raise the crowd's excitement. It was like the thumping of drums from a barbarian warship, signaling the arival of an unstoppable force. The cheers from the crowd when they saw me paled in comparison to how loudly they screamed for Apollo. I bit my lip as I watched him make his way toward the ring, his head rising higher and higher while simultaneously filling more and more of my horizonal view. He was a towering, impossible wall of muscles on muscles on muscles on MUSCLES even wider than he was tall. It took all of my concentration not to cream my singlet right then and there just from the quaking vibrations his mammoth feet. I'd saved up all week for this, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste. You may be wondering why a minuscule shrimp like me is being matched up against a man 500 times his weight and five times his height. Seems a little bit one-sided for a wrestling match, right? Absolutely! That's how things have always been in the Colossus Wrestling League. In the C.W.L. it's always a tiny resilient wimp against a hulking multi-ton bully. My job isn't to actually wrestle this monstrous man, goodness no. That would be silly. My job is to be his personal plaything, punching bag, and boy toy for the next few hours while an adoring horny adult audience enjoys the spectacle. That's the life of a professional jobber in this miraculous age. We jobbers are few and far between; an extremely rare mutation of human that is almost entirely immune to direct physical damage or injury. We're naturally small and scrawny in build, but you can crush us, squish us, slam us, bend us, stretch us, twist us - whatever really. We'll always end up springing back to normal soon enough like a rubbery cartoon prop. And on top of that, we're also highly resistant to pain. Being smooshed like a grape certainly feels intense, even overwhelming and uncomfortable at times, but it doesn't particularly hurt. If anything, for me at least, it's the ultimate turn-on. On the opposite end of the spectrum, but no less rare, are the colossi. While jobbers are tiny and resistant, they're gargantuan and tough. All colossi are ridiculously tall and naturally bursting at the seams with inhuman muscles. Even if a colossus never lifted a weight in his life he would have a bod so impossibly powerful and pumped he'd make the Incredible Hulk feel scrawny. But a big bod comes with hefty needs for fuel and relief; colossi have infamously massive appetites and sex drives to match their muscle. With the C.W.L. footing all their members' sky-high food bills and providing willing toys like me, most are more than happy to sign up as wrestlers and entertain the horny masses. And so, here we are. The big match. After many quake-inducing steps, Apollo had made it to the ring. My eyes widened as nearly 23 tons of bulk effortlessly stepped over the lofty ropes and made the specially-built, highly reinforced wrestling mat sag noticeably. His muscles, glistening under the lights with a perpetual cascade of sweat, were even more magnificent close up. Every obscenely disproportionate muscle group battled ferociously with one another for space at the tiniest of movements while an awe-inspiring tangle of thick, undulating vascularity snaked across every rippling surface. I once more bit my lip, overwhelmed by, not just the sight of him, but also his smell. Apollo, like most colossi, radiated a naturally intoxicating pheromone-heavy masculine musk. Few were immune to its enticing effects, and the bigger the colossus, the more potent his reek. I took a deep, deep inhale while my eyes were busy drinking in as many visual details of the beautiful he-man who would be flattening me tonight as they possibly could. Frick, he was absurdly handsome. Apollo's face seemed just as excessively macho as his body, with rugged features that looked like they had been carved from granite. That hard square chin. Those razor sharp cheekbones. That flawless stubble. Those full kissable lips. Long flowing locks of gorgeous golden hair flowed down from his head to the base of his 'neck.' Although, honestly, his neck was so thick with bulging meat that it barely resembled a neck at all any more. In fact, all of Apollo's extreme beef threatened to engulf his lovely face entirely from just about every direction. As if 25 feet of brute height wasn't enough, his trapezius muscles towered over his head by several additional feet. His massive deltoids, spread what felt like a mile apart, looked bigger than sedans. His prodigious powerful pectorals seemed like they'd dwarf small blimps. Both beef zeppelins pressed up intensely at his chin while jutting forward so unbelievably far that I'm honestly surprised the shelf's weight didn't topple him over. A dozen people could've been swallowed whole in the dark abyss between those tiddies. I certainly hoped I could go spelunking in those caverns eventually. His mile-wide upper body cinched down rapidly to create the most extreme, exaggerated hour-glass figure you can imagine. His long, hard 18-pack abs and rippling obliques tensed with densely-packed power as they worked overtime to keep his immense upper body balanced. The valleys between each pair of abs was also impressively deep; I bet if he did sit-ups you could crush coal into diamonds. To my surprise given the infamous nature of colossus dongs, there wasn't much of, if any, bulge to speak of in the front of his skin-tight sapphire blue speedo. I ever-so briefly experienced the one tiny twinge of disappointment I would feel that night... right up until I lowered my gaze a little further. Apollo's lower body immediately exploded back outward from his lean waist. His monstrous rippling pillars of quad muscle were as wide as his shoulders. There was NO space between them - it was quad vs quad in the ultimate battle for supremacy. You'd probably need to sit way back in the arena's nosebleed seats to observe all his hyper-developed leg meat at once. His calves were no less impressive, the fat carved diamonds were bulging like meat mattresses from carrying all that sheer tonnage. And then, at the very bottom, below his perfectly sculpted ankles, were his feet. Holy shit, those feet. Even for a man of his size and extreme dimensions they seemed disproportionately huge and muscly. Outside the ring Apollo normally wore specialized shoes made of an advanced shock-absorbing material so he didn't destroy every surface he stepped on. But here in the wrestling ring I got to see them in all their beautiful bare glory: perfectly smooth, immaculately clean, and flawlessly pedicured. In fact, every inch of my massive opponent from head to toe was flawlessly well-kept, since the colossi were pampered like royalty behind the scenes. The jobbers were treated fairly well too, but we didn't require quite as much upkeep as the men whose nails outsize trashcan lids. It took noticeable effort for him to do so, but Apollo managed to press his big burly chin down low enough into his obscuring tit meat to look at me directly. He licked his lips, a hungry and flirtatious smile spreading over his face. He let out a low, deep, velvety baritone grunt of desire that seemed to ripple through his muscles and vibrate from there throughout the entire arena. I once more came dangerously close to blasting in my load, but managed to hold on. Judging by some moans I heard in the crowd, several people weren't able to hold back as effectively. "Oh yeah..." he growled low, drinking in the audience's lust as he stared me down. "I'm gonna have fun with you, little man." Apollo began to raise up his arms, preparing to flex for his adoring public. The two monoliths were so incredibly thick they may well have put even his pecs and quads to shame. His forearms were so fat with bulging meat I was earnestly surprised he had as much mobility as he did. The preposterous pythons throbbed with macho power, bunching up and battling with themselves from just this simple lifting motion, and hovered tangelizingly out to each side. A hush came over the crowd in anticipation of the coming display. I was drooling a little. *BOOM* A shockwave of air rippled out from each peak as Apollo performed a front double-bicep pose. Each arm muscle blasted upward, forming a perfectly split peak that reached up to his clenched fists. The audience once more erupted with cheers, but he wasn't done just yet. With clenched teeth and a primal grunt he flexed his arms harder, willing more mass to spill out as his veins engorged with blood. Through this Herculean efforts both biceps rapidly rose, releasing another shockwave while the peaks reached the same astounding height as his traps. Not to be outdone, his triceps had simultaneously erupted in the opposite direction, becoming so large that their beautifully absurd forms slammed into the wrestling mat below. The mini-earthquake this created made me fall over, and I whimpered as I once more struggled not to pop off before the match even started. I wanted to worship this man with every fiber of my being. He was a grotesque monument to pure unhindered muscularity, and I wanted to lick every inch of him. As he bounced both bodacious biceps rhythmically, Apollo's audience showered him with yet more cheers and adoration. He beamed with satisfaction. The rhythmic bounces sent his abundant arm sweat spritzing out into the audience, splashing a lucky handful. After a minute or so of this pumped peacock display he finally relaxed his flex, his tremendous arms shrinking down to their smaller, though still awe-inspiring, size. I couldn't wait to see if his other muscles were capable of such extreme explosions of excess bulk. "Listen up, all you pathetic little PIPSQUEAKS!" Apollo commanded to his captivated audience. His neck meat clenched intensely whenever he raised his voice for emphasis. There was no need for microphones with colossi since their deep booming voices usually filled the arena with relatively little effort. "It's the first match of the season. A BIG event! And BIG events featuring dudes as BIG as me need big BIG surprises. So for a long while now I've been brewing an extra special gift for whichever miniscule, microscopic, scrawny little piece of fresh meat I eventually got paired with today." He pointed to me with a ravenous smirk. My heart was aflutter. "You know us big guys, we are a HORNY bunch. Most of us can't go more than a couple hours without pumping out one of our infamous monster loads. But, y'know what? You know what, weaklings? While you impatient bugs were out there beating off daily to my perfectly sculpted muscles," He did a small (for him at least) side-chest pose for emphasis. From where I was standing I could actually hear his muscle fibers groan. "I haven't let loose even once since the last season ended. Not. One. Single. Time." The audience let out a collective gasp. A colossus going one day without a release was one thing, maybe a week if they had the willpower... but several months? Utterly unheard of. "That's right, you PUNY JOBBER RUNT," he gleefully barked, turning his attention back to me. "I hope you're ready for the ride of your little life because I am PENT," With an audible lurching throb, the previously lacking bulge in Apollo's blue speedo surged outward, a mound bigger than my entire body throbbing from nowhere under the fabric. "-the FUCK," It lurched again harder, rapidly multiplying in erect mass. His previously non-existant balls suddenly rivaled small mini-vans in size, spilling out from the the impossibly stretched spandex, which somehow managed to retain its shape around the increasingly large hardening dick. The two multi-ton mounds hit the ground hard enough to cause another quake. "-UP!!" With one last monumental surge Apollo's rock-hard, heavily-veined schlong was towering above me at almost 15 feet long. I'm pretty sure it was twice as thick in circumference as my entire body. It was nothing short of a scientific miracle that his speedo was still intact. It was stretched comically thin and tight, leaving most of him exposed and rendering it a little bit superfluous. His mighty balls were now comparible to his pecs in rounded size, visibly churning with the countless gallons upon gallons of spunk he had been saving up those many months and somehow kept secret until mere moments ago. The visible skin of his dick throbbed crimson as globs of pre the size of my head dripped down like a leaky faucet through the soaked fabric at the tip. It looked, for lack of a better word, ANGRY. This thing was pissed off about holding back for so long, and it was looking to let out its pent-up aggression on someone small, wimpy, and conveniantly invulnerable to damage. As I salivated silently over this latest erogenous display of hypermasculinity and battled once more to keep my loins calm... the bell suddenly rang. Time for the match to begin.
  15. Mrmusclewriter

    Meet the Machine - The Wrong Fight Part 2

    The testosterone level was sky high in the auditorium while the people were evacuated brought outside the building. The other guys were in the locker room getting dressed, leaving tan stains all over their clothes. To be such huge men, they were very scared to what was going to happen on the stage. None of them wanted to participate to fight and Kiril well instructed the fellas to leave the stage immediately. The audience leaving the building and stomping their feet while leaving the building sounded like bombs were detonating all over the place. If the two rivals could have had super power, with the anger running through their veins, they probably had the building destroyed in few seconds. Kirill and Adam were staring at each other at long distance, to the opposite side of the stage. "I will destroy you Kirill, I will wreck you, you will be dead by the end of the day" Adam said. Kirill only smiled to such ego and arrogance and replied: "Try me" "You think I came alone, don't you Kirill? Nikolay, came in". A damn huge Russian bodybuilder emerged from the curtain. He was a living tank, taller and bigger compared to the two bodybuilders on the stage. His face was squared and massive, the right structure for his rock hard and muscular body. Nikolay walked toward Kirill, he stopped in front of him, he was a tower compared to the Ukrainian muscleman, he crossed his huge arms over his chest and spoke: "I will smash you" Kirill smiled again and that attitude drove Nikolay insane. Nikolay punched Kirill face, the Ukrainian guys did not move a single inch, like if Nikolay was punching a hard concrete wall. Nikolay was surprised, he tried again but the punch was stopped by Kirill hand. Kirill wrapped his hands over Nikolay's arms like like cling film. Firmly he squeezed his opponent hand. Noise of cracked fingers were heard, Nikolay was brought to his knee, screaming and moaning for the pain. Kirill with an evil look, watched his prey suffering down, while he was still applying pressure to the tank's fingers; few bones snapped and Nikolay screamed louder for each broken finger. The Ukrainian released the hold, Nikolay grabbed his destroyed hand and brought it to his massive chest, he was crying like a baby. "I am not done yet with you, tank" Kirill said. With his left hand he grabbed Nikolay by the jaw and afterwards he was standing with an additional pain on his face. While Kirill grabbed the Russian's over his jaw, he applied so much pressure that he was able to fracture the jaw of the huge guy. Nikolay cried more, Kiril spoke: "You are useless to be so big, I will end you". Kirill got closer to the Russian tank, he wrapped his arms over him locking the big guy in a bearhug. Nikolay's arm were locked in the squeezed, not able to move them. Kirill started applying pressure, Nikolay's arms bent in an unnatural way, his arms were breaking so was his back that was bending backward, Nikolay screamed and cried at the same time with his head reclined to stare the ceiling. Two typed of screamed thundered the auditorium; the pain of Nikolay and the excitement of Kirill. A loud snap boomed the stage, Nikolay's back was broken, his ribs crushed, his arms diverted. Kirill released the hold, Nikolay fell off onto the floor like a bag of potatoes, Adam was shocked and scared at the same time, he could not believe at his own eyes. "Meet the machine, the crushing killing machine" Kirill said, looking at Adam with evil smile and so much proud. Kirill Nikolay Adam:
  16. My best friend was always quite a weakling-he was really tall, 6 foot 5, but never weighed more than 165lbs Until he made some changes... I think it all started some years ago. He just turned 16. At this time My body was already quite well developed. My arms were at 15.75 inches, my legs were big and I had some abs and noticeable pecs. That was when I started working out. I often picked on my friend and fun wrestled him as he had no chance against me (I was 6 feet tall- almost 6 inches shorter than him but weighed 170lbs). It was so funny to see him trying to get out of a headscissor or a headlock by using all his strenght. He someday told me not to humiliate him any longer because he’d feel extremely sad and weak... So when he turned 17 he started hitting the gym too. His first half year transformation was insane! He put on 33lbs! From 165 to 198 lbs. His arms swell like nothing I had ever seen, he probably had 13inch arms but now they were at 15.75! (Mine were 17in at this time.) His legs started to show some muscles and his pecs were already as big as mine. He started to show some abs too. So today, 3.5 years later he’s 20 and took going to the gym quite serious - primarily because he wanted to become a better Football player. We ALWAYS went to the gym together but he gained much faster than I did. He pretty soon was able to deadlift 440lbs several times and benchpress 330lbs once. His legs are at 30inches and his chest at 47inches circumference. His arms don’t look like arms anymore- they passed the 19 inch mark as mine rested only at 18. His abs were fucking ripped and his bulging obliques formed an awesome V-line. He weighed 245lbs and had bulging abs. Just imagine that. People were afraid of him, for example when we went out partying and someone was in his way, they immediately apologised. Also tons of girls felt up his arms and pecs as he bounced them well visible under his tshirt in the middle of the dance floor. One day we were at our flat in the city and had some friends over. We were all quite drunk and made fun of each other. I somehow said something stupid about him. He stood up and “fun wrestled” me. But what was fun for him was hell for me. He grabbed my arms, wrapped them around me, threw me onto the couch, sat down on me, wrapped only one of his huge hands around my throat and said:,, Never disrespect me again in front of everyone else” I was shocked. He was fucking strong. Not even I could have finished him that fast three years ago. He could have killed me in less than 15 seconds if he wanted to... As everyone left he came to me. I thought he’d say sorry or something but instead he just said:,, Now I’m the stronger one of us -,,SHRIMP“! The FAR stronger one! It’s my time to humiliate you now!” I was shook. At that point I was really afraid of him, towering in front of me with his huge muscles. I just said ok, and took some steps away from him, turned around and started going to my room. When he just silently said:,,Now is the time to humiliate YOU...” I turned around and saw how he took off his shirt, uncovering his huuuge pecs and ripped abs. I could almost see the blood rushing through the veins on his chest and arms. I was really afraid at this moment. He threw his shirt to me. “Smell it!” “No, why should i?”, I said “Because I am the alpha now! Sooner or later you’ll smell on it!” He ran to me, grabbed my neck from behind and rubbed his shirt into my face. “But why just smell my shirt, if you could smell... ME!” He turned me around and flexed his arm. “Kiss this biceps.” I just looked at him. “KISS IT!” He pushed my head against his peak and flexed it intermittently. He dragged my head from his biceps over his armpit to his pecs and gave me a bearhug. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screamed. He just laughed:,, Hahaha! So what?! That’s not even 50% of my strenght!” He tightened the bearhug even more and bounced his meaty, massive, naked pecs into my face. I got really hard and just hoped that he didn’t notice. My trousers were quite loose and that’s when he noticed. “What have we got here? Lil’ omega boy is aroused by some real steel muscles overpowering him?”, he said as he let go of the bearhug. He dropped me onto the couch. He had me in a headlock immediately. He wrapped his huge biceps around my... my.... mouth?! He really was playing with me... as I wanted to bite his biceps he flexed it, laughed and said: ,,Watch out for your teeth, weakling!” He wrapped his arms around my neck now- totally cutting off my air supply. The only thing that didn’t make me pass out was the fact that he flexed and bounced his 19 inch bicepspeak intermittently. But as he stopped I had to tap. He totally let go of me. I was stunned. It could have been that easy?! His arms were almost half way back at him as he wrapped them around y neck again, layed on my back and said:,, Only weaklings tap...” and he made me pass out. I woke up again. All I saw were his massive calves because he put me in a headscissor while I was knocked out. First thing I noticed were all those veins running down his super hairless tree trunk legs. Wait. What was that? He only took off his shirt before?! And he wore a long blue Jean just before he sent me to sleep... Does that mean that he’s... naked...? ,,Ah, so you’re back, twink! Now you get to feel how it is to be totally humiliated.After tensing his massive quads a few times he somehow turned me around so that now my neck was just a bit above his knee I was facing towards his... cock. I could see his massive, vascular 30inch tree trunk legs. But what impressed me at least as much as his muscles was that cock. It was limp, but really thick and already quite long. It was waaay bigger than mine... actually I‘ve never seen such a massive prick, not even in porn He shove it up my throat and I felt it growing in my mouth.... It filled out the whole space in my mouth as it grew bigger and bigger. It was crazy how big it actually was. Because of his massive tree tunk legs and his overall massive frame his dick was much bigger than it seemed. It already almost filled out my mouth as it was limp. But as it got hard I felt it growing down my throat. Inch by inch. I tried to bend my head backwards but his huge quads were in my way. I gagged and nearly suffocated again because I didn’t know what cut off my airway more, his leg muscles which he flexed all the time or his giant cock... As he got fully erected he started talking to me:,, So, lil weakling! U remember when u were the stronger one of us? Those times are over now and will never come back again! I am the alpha now! No, I’m more than alpha... I’m a god!” He grabbed my hair and moved my head, so that I was giving him a blowjob right now. ,,Well twink, just accept it, I am way stronger than you are.” He started moving his hips. ,,I could easily break you into pieces, just look at my arms, man! They are way bigger than yours! Hmm, if I am a muscle god, u should also treat me like one!” He took my left hand and laid it onto his pec. He started bouncing it. After a while he slid my hand over his rock hard abs. Up and down, up and down with his cock still deep down in my throat. I could feel all his masculinity rush through his cock and his pulse beating in those massive muscles. He then loosened the legscissors and slowly moved my head back from his cock. It looked like it never wanted to end. He pulled out and pulled out, i was really amazed that all that fit inside my mouth. It must have been at least 9inches long... I was totally out of breath as he got up to kneel in front of me on the couch. It was so impressive... he started flexing all his muscles. He did a double biceps pose, flexed his rocky abs, bounced his pecs, tensed his traps. Totally naked. ,,Don’t you get it?!”, he shouted at me as he again reached out for my neck and pulled my face to his chest. He rubbed my face all over those gorgeous pecs and abs. ,,You are my little bitch by now! You are supposed to do everything I command you! I mean, you could try to resist but in the end there’s nothing you could do against me...!”, he said. ,,You should clean up my muscles. Too bad I didn’t sweat by wrestling with u... guess I’d have to work out with you now to get started.” He commanded me to get naked too. He then told me to get on his shoulders to do some pullups. My cock was rock hard all the time and pressing against his lower back. As he went down to do some pushups he told me to get on his back. I did so. He started pushing. It still seemed very easy for him. And then I noticed something. I was in the perfect position to get him in a headlock. Should I really dare to do this? It the only way I could show him that I’m not that weak as he says. I slowly moved my arm under his throat, pulled it back to me And locked it with my other arm. I had him. I had this muscle monster in a real headlock- HIS throat against MY biceps. But what was that? Quite unimpressed he just stood up and started running backwards into the wall. He really bumped me in quite hard but I still had him. I could feel him loose his breath and he started to panic a bit. Now he took together all his left over strength and bowed over, throwing me over his head with my back hitting the floor. Fuck. I probably gonna be dead now. He stood up from his kneeling position and what I saw was frightening. His legs and arms as well as his lower abs and chest were totally covered in veins. They were bulging on his totally pumped muscles. He was breathing very hard and heavy. ,,You really shouldn’t have done that! You know what I gotta do now!!!”, he said really angry. He ran over to me, just like a fucking tank, his pecs were jumping with every step. His massive limp dick was bouncing too. He punched me in my stomach making me go to the ground. Then he wrapped his 19inch arms around my neck, adjusted them a bit an flexed them. I was really afraid that he was going to kill me now... I tapped but passed out again... I came back... I wasn’t dead?! I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. His massive 30inch legs, his huge cock, those swelling ripped abs, his crazy arms and everything was still covered in those thick veins. He truly looked like an animal. ,,I don’t know why you don’t get it weakling! I am the alpha now, I’m almost twice your size, you stand no chance against me!!”, he said. He wrapped both his big muscular long fingers around my neck and lifted me up with his bare hands- choking me at the same time. I was some inches above the ground, just so that my eyes were on the same level as his. He stared into my eyes like a wild beast right before breaking the neck of it’s prey. In a matter of no time he dropped me and held me in a bearhug. I could feel his massive chest and ripped abs on my limp and weakened body... My cock grew rock hard and pressed against his upper quad. ,,U like that?!”, he said as he squeezed me harder. I wanted to say something but I just wasn’t able anymore. I had no air, no strength and was totally done... ,,Awww, lil boy is so exhausted he can’t speak no more... HAHAHAH WHAT A WEAKLING!”, he screamed and tightened the bearhug even more. I felt his monster cock grow bigger and bigger too-pressing against my (much less ripped) abs. He made me pass out again... I wasn’t even aware that a bearhug could make you pass out... As I regained my consciousness I found myself still in his arms. ,,It’s so easy to overpower you. Guess how easy it would be to kill you! But then I’d have nobody to worship my muscles. Well except all those girls...”, he said. He dropped me on the floor and I was amazed by what I saw... A ripped monster with huge bulging muscles all covered in veins - jerking a huge cock... ,,I sweat just a little, twink. But enough for you to clean me up.” He hit a double biceps pose and made me stand up. I didn’t have enough energy to ask or even just say something anymore. I got his point. He was so submissive... I should have done all this three years ago with him... Back when I was able to do that... ,,LICK THEM!”, he said flexing his biceps. I did so. And I loved it. The salty taste of his testosterone loaded sweat. The form of his arms with all those veins... I cleaned his hole body. From his armpit to his massive chest. He bounced it so his pecs would jump a few inches what made it hard to keep my tongue on his skin. I caught a lot of “underboob sweat”. He grabbed my head and lead it around while I licked his washboard abs. I knew that it’s not gonna be enough for him... he pressed me downwards even more. Now my mouth was at those big balls. They smelled really manly. He didn’t even have to command me. I sucked up all his sweat and started swallowing his massive prick. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever received... I felt up his muscles with my hands. As I run my fingers down his abs with one hand and worshipped the inside of his huge thighs he came. ,,Mhhhhh... Now you know your place. I don’t allow you to spit it out! Eat it- it’s extra protein for you!” I really loved his taste. I chewed on it and I hope that his testosterone loaded load will give me a boost in strength... I’ll probably suck him off more often, perhaps I’m gonna become as big as him some day....
  17. Chilis

    Pirate Adventures

    Hello everyone! This story will take a different twist after part 1. Oliver is 18 years old. Marcus is 39. The Captain is 20. This story takes place in an old time when pirates were still a thing. Hope you all like it! Feel free to leave suggestions and comments! ------------------ Part 1 The sky was clear, the tides appeared to be calm and the temperature was… well, bearable. Oliver thought that luck was finally on their side. He had boarded this ship weeks ago, and since then only disaster had followed him and the crew. Terrible storms, huge waves, assaulting rival pirates, killing mermaids and even a giant kraken. It had been days of tiring work and lots of dead, but it looked like he could finally have a break from disaster and relax. The boy pulled out a small mirror from his bag and tried to fix his hair. He had messy blonde hair, freckles and a small nose. His green eyes glanced over his face, satisfied with being somewhat adorable looking. He then looked down through the reflection and sighed. Regardless of his attractive facade, Oliver was very disappointed with his body. He was slightly athletic thanks to his sailing job, yet he still felt very skinny. If he wasn’t wearing any clothes, he could’ve seen his thin arms, his flat chest, and his rib bones showing a little. At least he had some decent abs… “What ya doin’, pretty eyes?” Oliver blinked and lost the attention on his mirror. His pal Marcus had showed up out of nowhere, putting an arm around his shoulders. The man was middle aged, ugly as they come. He was missing several teeth, had a dirty beard, and a belly so inflated that Oliver thought it would pop like a bubble at any moment. But despite his disgusting looks, the blonde boy and the hideous pirate had become friends even before boarding the ship. Marcus was fun to be around, and he had a gentle heart, always willing to help his smaller companion. “Looks like our problems are finally over, eh?” Marcus said, extending his arm towards the vast ocean. Oliver chuckled “We shouldn’t let our hopes get too high. I bet another disaster is about to hit us. This is just the sea making fun of us before it does”. “Eerr… aren’t ya a positive one” Marcus went serious all the sudden, observing the horizon “The tide Gods haven’t been generous with us this trip. But I assure you, we will reach the new lands in no time now. The Captain is making sure of it”. The blonde boy frowned “The Captain…”. Oliver had mixed feelings about the Captain. The guy was only a few years older than him, and both of them were younger than everybody in the ship. Still, Oliver was treated like a subordinate, while everyone respected the Captain in an almost religious manner. The blonde boy could see why though… The Captain’s only presence imposed respect and fear. The young man was two heads taller than Oliver, and his body was built with gigantic muscle able to crush anybody that opposed him. The Captain’s frame was lean, yet large enough to stretch out his clothes. He had long dark hair, and piercing blue eyes that sent shivers down your spine whenever you looked at them directly. One large scar went across his nose, while a smaller one decorated his chin. He was a gorgeous, yet terrifying person. Oliver had admired the Captain at first. However, as time passed in the sea, the blonde boy began to envy him. Whenever they were in trouble, the muscular man would save everyone with his powerful body. The Captain was the one that defeated all of their invading enemy pirates with merely his fists. He was the one that wrestled the kraken down. And the one that made the mermaids forget about eating them by making them fall in love with him. Meanwhile, Oliver was sent to clean and cook, unable to defend himself from all the threats, or to help his dying crew friends. “He is a brave man, that one..” said Marcus all the sudden, burping before continuing talking “I have to admit, when I met him I doubted someone so young would be able to navigate the seas. I didn’t even think he could control a whole crew!” “Well, he hasn’t gotten us to the new lands yet…” said Oliver in a low tone, but Marcus didn’t listen to him. “But I am telling ya! After seeing how heroic and strong the Captain is, I have no more doubts about him! I would follow him to the end of the world, ya know! We could all learn more from him…” Marcus seemed to be daydreaming about the young man, and that made Oliver uncomfortable. “Are you in love with him or something?” the blonde guy said, teasing his friend. Instead of being offended, Marcus bursted out laughing “HAH! Aren’t we all on this ship!? Some are saying he is even a demigod, I’m telling ya!” Oliver didn’t expect that answer. He rolled his eyes and walked away. “Yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later, I am not done mopping the main deck” More weeks passed without anything eventful happening. Oliver cleaned, mopped, and cooked as always. He felt relieved that there were no more life threatening things going on, but a new problem was starting to arise. The crew was feeling uneasy; they should've been approaching the new lands by now. However, the ship was still sailing across the vast open ocean, with no shore to be seen anytime soon. Oliver’s friends began to fear that they were going in the wrong direction, but everybody respected (or feared) the Captain too much to demand answers. Besides, the Captain was not seen around the ship much anymore, as he stayed in his cabin most of the time, unless he came out to give orders. Oliver mostly felt unbothered by the situation. Or that was until one night the crew organized a meeting to see who would go ask the Captain about the trajectory of the ship. The filthy pirates started to discuss what to do calmly at first, yet the conversation quickly turned into a heated discussion. “I am not going over there! Have you seen the arm of that man!? It’s bigger than my leg!” someone said. “You are a coward! He is our Captain, he wouldn’t hurt us for a simple question” someone else argued. “Then why don’t you go ask him!?” a third one demanded. “Anyone know if we have more whisky?” added Marcus, clearly drunk. “He deserves respect, he is a demigod! Didn’t you see how he beated up that kraken!?” another one yelled. People kept screaming and pointing fingers. Oliver was just sitting in the corner, cleaning his tiny mirror with some cloth. He listened for a while and tried to ignore the noise. The accusations and demands kept getting louder, and Oliver was feeling more frustrated by the second. The boy clenched his teeth. “Be quiet!” he said, but he was so small that nobody noticed him. He grunted in rage and stood up. “SHUT UP!” he yelled “You are all pathetic! I’ll go talk to him!!!”. This time the crew heard him, and they went silent. All eyes were on Oliver, and he immediately felt embarrassed. Then everyone started laughing. “You!? The Captain will crush you with his finger alone” one person said. “Hah! The Captain is three times your size!” another mentioned. “Seriously guys, where is the whisky?” Marcus commented, scratching his head. “Go back to the kitchen, boy!” someone yelled. Oliver’s face turned red and he clenched his fists in rage. He gave the crew a defiant expression, and stormed out. The crew just kept laughing behind him, thinking that the blonde boy had gone to cry in his room. But Oliver felt a bright flame inside him, and he headed to the Captain’s cabin. “Stupid pirates, you’ll see” Oliver stood in front of the cabin’s door for a moment. He raised his fist with hesitation, doubting if he should do this after all. Then he remembered the crew laughing at him, and he knocked the door with rage. No answer. He knocked again, and again. Only the sound of the waves against the ship could be heard. Oliver was about to knock a fourth time when the door opened. The blond boy almost fell down on his butt as the huge frame appeared in front of him. “C-captain. A-ahoy!” Oliver managed to stutter. The Captain was so tall that his wide chest was facing Oliver’s face. The young man was wearing elegant sailor clothes, but he had ripped his shirt’s sleeves off to reveal his enormous arms. He looked down at the blonde boy, and Oliver felt some kind of hatred and admiration towards him. The Captain had a youthful face, almost the same as Oliver, but that was the only similar aspect between the two. The large pirate had a prominent beard that was trimmed short with a knife. His hair was bushy and heroic looking. He was bigger, stronger, and more attractive than anyone on the ship. Oliver frowned, frustrated with the idea that this guy was almost his same age, yet more of a man he would ever be. The Captain tilted his head without saying anything, awaiting for Oliver to speak. His chest was raising up and down, his breath clearly displaying the power his body possessed. Oliver swallowed, and then stood firmly “T-t-the- c-c-rew...” He shut his mouth, enraged that he was too nervous to talk. The Captain simply chuckled and turned his back to him. “Come in” Oliver looked at the back of the Captain, twice his own torso. He walked inside and observed the cabin. The place was filled with mirrors, way too many for a normal room. The desk was full of maps and other sailing objects. From the window, the moonlight sprayed it’s brightness over the frame of the large Captain. The man was looking at one of the many reflective glasses, his blue eyes locked on his own body. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” said the Captain. Oliver raised an eyebrow, unsure of what he was talking about. “What is?” The Captain raised his arm and flexed. His biceps rose up like a mountain, muscle stretching his skin thin. The blonde boy couldn’t stop staring, amazed by how hard and strong the muscle looked. “My body, of course…” commented the Captain. Oliver narrowed his eyes, confused. He looked away and pretended that he was not drooling over the sculpted body of the Captain. “S-sure…” Oliver answered “Um… s-sir. The crew has b-been wondering…” Suddenly Oliver felt a stream of courage running through his being “The crew… The crew has been wondering if we are going in the right direction! We should be arriving in the new land by now, but there is nothing out there except for the ocean! We are starting to question if you are actually capable of navigating this ship. After all, you are just a boy like me” Oliver spoke so quickly he felt almost out of breath when he finished. He looked at the Captain with an exhilarating smile, and instantly felt regret as the man turned to face him. “We are not going to the new land” said the Captain blandly. “W-what?” Oliver felt even smaller while the muscular man approached him. The Captain snatched him by the neck and lifted up his body. He wasn’t choking him, but he was still grabbing him firmly like a puppet. “Was I not clear? We are not going to the new land” the Captain smiled. His smirk would’ve looked terrifying, if his face wasn’t so perfectly handsome... “I have other goals in mind... I might be stronger than anyone in this pathetic ship, but I still can’t navigate a ship on my own. You silly pirates were a great help to get me across the sea though. Thank you” The man flexed the arm he was holding Oliver with, muscle bulging out everywhere. He grinned more “I suppose there is no need to pretend I care about you all anymore, as we are approaching our destination” Oliver started shaking, trying to set himself free “W-what are you doing!? The crew respects you, why are you betraying them like that!? Where are we even going!” The blonde boy grabbed the Captain’s arm, trying to push away. It was like holding a pillar of rock, and Oliver wasn’t sure if he was aroused or scared. He was envious, for sure. He also felt so helpless. The Captain chuckled. He moved Oliver, pulling him towards him. He was now carrying him in his arms. The blonde boy could feel all the hard muscle around him, while the Captain hugged him with his mighty arms like a baby. “Don’t worry, I do not intend to hurt any of you” he locked his blue eyes with Oliver’s “Aren’t you pretty? I might keep you around... I bet you’d like it” Then he walked to one large mirror and smashed Oliver against it. The Captain pushed his frame against his, and started thrusting with his whole figure. Oliver felt like a beast was smashing him, muscle pressing against his own body, pure raw strength overpowering him. The Captain was simply looking at himself flexing, almost making out with his reflection, while Oliver was getting squished. “I am such perfection. Look at my muscles, so strong, so powerful. You are feeling the full power of a perfect being!” Oliver tried to push him away or escape, but it was useless. The Captain’s body was too large and muscular for him to do anything. Nevertheless, the blonde boy soon was now longer scared; he was moaning, his hand grabbing and touching every part of the muscular man. Oliver felt so much admiration, and so much rage and envy… “That 's right. You know your place now” said the Captain, still observing himself instead of the blonde boy “I’ve been watching you, you know? You are the only pretty thing in this hideous ship. Except for me, obviously. You’ll be a great pet” The Captain started thrusting harder, his huge bulge rubbing against Oliver, evidently hard. The mirror started to crack, unable to contain the muscle strength “We are going to a place where I will obtain all the power I deserve. A forgotten place by many, but not me. I will take what’s mine” “I-I… I will not let you get away with his” Oliver managed to yell “I’ll tell the crew. They won’t accept this” The Captain laughed out loud. He then began kissing his reflection, flexing his muscles all over Oliver, pushing him harder and harder against the surface. The mirror finally gave in and broke in pieces. The blonde boy let out a scream of pain, arousal and surprise. The Captain stepped back with a proud grin, breathing intensely, and with his sweaty muscle shining under the moonlight. Oliver just dropped to his knees, and noticed that his crotch was wet. He looked up to the captain, feeling pathetic and defeated. The Captain was still full of energy, and he continued flexing his big muscles while watching them bulge up and harden. Without even bothering to look at Oliver, he said “What is the crew going to do about it? They think I am a demigod! And to be honest, they might be right…” The muscle man grabbed the blonde boy by the shirt and lifted him up. Without warning, he kissed him softly “You and everyone in this ship will keep doing what I say. And you are staying here, with me. There’s nothing you can do about it, my pet” Oliver wanted to run away, to punch him, to scream for help. But he felt so tired, so weak. His vision got blurry, and before he could say anything, he passed out.
  18. davinaclark72

    Josh Outgrows Sam

    Hi all, first story here. Bit nervous about sharing. I was debating whether to upload the parts separately, but I think putting them together will just be easier for the time being. Enjoy! Josh ran down the stairs 2 at a time, brushing his teeth while cursing internally. His egotistical roommate, Sam, had unplugged his alarm clock while Josh was asleep. Again. Josh would most likely be late for mandatory registration, which he had already missed twice this week for much this same reason. And it was only Wednesday! Sam was definitely humouring himself through the petty bullying, seeing as he loved the power dynamic and all. Every time Sam did this Josh just felt a little more powerless against the huge fellow he shared a dorm with, like Sam would always be in control of his actions. He would always be the bigger, stronger man of the dorm, towering over Josh’s rather short height of 5” 5’ at a whopping 6” 3’. As Josh quickly did the buttons up of his ill-fitting shirt, he couldn’t help but feel that he had endured enough mental torture from Sam for a lifetime. For instance, every day without fail Sam would come home from his evening gym session and flex in front of the mirror in their shared bedroom, testing the limits of the sleeves of his one size too small compression shirt against his 18 inch biceps while exaggeratedly moaning. Josh knew Sam only did it to wind him up, but that didn’t stop it from working quite fucking well. Josh had always wanted to be bigger than he was, or at the very least big enough to fill out the sleeves of his already small shirts. He had tried to lift before to no avail, and Sam had a field day making fun of him when he attempted a bench press. One of the many reasons he was so frustrating to be around. Sighing, Josh put his several sizes too big hoody on and braced himself for the outside. The journey to campus was quick and uneventful really, and before he knew it he was entering the warm classroom and sitting at the back. The rest of the day passed in a blur; he was told off, given detention (as was customary for these days), and continued with his day. During gym class, which was shared between the whole year, Josh embarrassingly couldn’t even do 10 push-ups. He felt so weak, and although the only people laughing were Sam and his friends, it felt like the whole world was silently mocking him. When it came to be Sam’s turn the whole year sat in awe as he pushed out rep after rep, eventually having to stop at 120 so that other people could actually have a go. Detention rolled around at the end of the day and Josh savoured it, knowing back at his dorm he would have to face Sam before he inevitably left to go workout at the gym. As much as he didn’t like it the thought of Sam lifting heavier and heavier weights every day aroused him to no end. His swear dripping down onto the chair, pushing his muscles to the extremes... Josh had to uncross his legs under the desk so as to not stifle his tiny erection. The rest of detention passed without a hitch, and with slightly wetter underwear than when he entered, Josh made his way back to the dorm. As he opened the door he knew exactly what would be waiting for him. He creeped upstairs to his and Sam’s shared bedroom and opened the door as quietly as he could. Hopefully Sam was downstairs somewhere, making himself another jug of protein shake which he would down in one gulp. Stop giving yourself a boner, he thought, you have to be stealthy. But as he entered the bedroom his heart sank. He knew he was only being hopeful. Sam was sitting at their shared desk, on the computer, the chair sinking lower than normal to accommodate his massive size. Sam turned towards Josh greedily and smiled. His blonde hair was styled in that fashionably messy mop that most college boys have, and the smallest hint of facial hair over his defined jawline. “Heya Josh, didja get up on time this morning?” Josh just glared at him. Sam knew exactly what he was doing. “Josh, buddy, pal, my FRIEND, it feels like we haven’t had a conversation in forever. You keep ignoring me as if I’m not a sight to behold. Which I am.” He turned to the side and did a side chest pose. “When are you going to admit to me that I’m actually quite amazing, and you’re the one who’s making a big mess out of our friendship.” Josh focused on unpacking his bag and preparing it with the books he would need tomorrow. His arms trembled as he tried to lift his admittedly quite heavy maths textbook out of the drawer, trying not to pay attention to the drone of his roommate. “Looks like you’re having trouble there mate. Why don’t I give you a hand?” Josh felt Sam stood up, as no doubt did the residents downstairs. The floorboards groaned as Sam stepped his way towards him. He leaned over Josh, who was struggling to lift the book out of the drawer, and took it with one hand. He raised it quickly, then held it high above his head as if it weighed nothing more than a feather. Which it probably did weigh to him. Then he raised it and lowered it like one would a weight at the gym, smirking the whole time. Josh kicked himself for giving Sam the attention he was after, for staring at the way his bicep bulged as he held the book above his head, the way the corners of his mouth creased into a horribly sexy smile. “Whatever.” Josh replied, and laid down on his bed, pulling out his phone. Sam eventually got bored of pestering him and left for the gym, so Josh put on some lounge trousers and a t-shirt, reclining back into the comfort of his duvet. He made the mistake of getting dressed in front of Sam once. If his skinny body, poor posture and crooked face wasn’t enough to be ashamed of, Sam smacked what little ass Josh had and told him that it matched the rest of his body - absolutely tiny. “Because,” Sam said, “Asses like those aren’t for people like me.” Josh laid there for an hour or two on his phone, scrolling through Twitter and ogling at size morphs. The second he heard the front door open downstairs he switched tabs, he knew he would never hear the end of it if Sam caught him looking at overly buff dudes with enormous bulges edited onto them. He turned over to face the wall as he heard the echos of Sam walking up the stairs, not wanting to even look at him. He heard the bedroom door open. Josh almost wanted to cry when he felt the bed tip to one side as the massive figure of Sam sit next to him. “You look so small curled up there. So puny. You’re a real stick, you know that right? Look at me when I’m talking to you, Josh.” Sam grabbed his head and turned it towards his sweat glistening body covered in the tightest tank top there was. The schools logo was pasted over the front of it, distorted slightly by Sam’s abs. With one hand holding Josh’s head, he slowly lifted his arm and showed off his full 18 inch cold biceps. Josh instinctively sucked in air at such a sight, and looked away to try to lower his arousal. “You like that do you? You like my massive arms, so enormous when compared to yours?” Sam clasped Josh’s arm with one hand and raised it next to his, comparing the two. “Look at it. Fuck, it’s nearly triple the thickness of yours. You’re so TINY!” Struck with fear, he didn’t know what to do. Sam filled his entire vision. A teenage muscle god filling him with even more insecurities. Sam flexed his pecs, making the bounce one by one, the huge mounds of muscle sending shivers down Josh’s spine. “I guess,” said Sam quietly, then raising his voice, “that’s the sort of experience that 200 pounds of muscle does to someone! Urgh, yeah!!” He flexed again. 200 pounds? Sam was becoming a monster. Josh himself was only 120 pounds, no wonder he felt small next to this giant. Suddenly the rumble of Sam’s stomach cut loudly through the quiet atmosphere. “Aw, we’ll have to cut my well deserved worship session short I’m afraid. I’d better have my feast. These guns don’t feed themselves!” He said, flexing both arms at once. When at las he heard Sam thundering back downstairs, Josh adjusted the elastic on his underwear. God, this was hard in more ways than one. But then, as he was about to pull his phone back up, Josh saw a glint of light on the dresser. He stood up, not recognising the cylinder that caught the corner of his eye. A reasonably sized glass bottle with a red lid, labelled as “Xtra Size”. There was no other labels on the bottle. Quickly, Josh opened it and poured a few pills onto his hand. They were half red and half white, quite large, and seemingly inviting. What were these? He checked the label again. Xtra size? There were no other labels to speak of. Josh thought the size Sam possessed - could it really be from these pills? And if so, was there a limit? Sam must’ve been taking these for ages, as from what Josh knew he’d been massive since joining college. He decided to take the bottle and hide it inside the secret compartment of his bag, where he kept the cut outs of photos from the school magazine of the wrestling team. Which Sam was on. Josh hopped back into bed, but the thought of the strange pills was constantly in the back of his mind. Just one wouldn’t hurt, right? It’s only a pill. The worst case scenario, nothing ends up happening. So, moved by his desire to grow bigger, Josh opened the pill bottle back up and swallowed one down his throat, with the assistance of water. There’s no way his throat is strong enough to swallow it without water. At least, not yet. He sat there, waiting for something to happen. And then he realised how stupid he was being - why would a pill activate instantly? He had to actually wait for it to work. So, he waited. He went over to his desk and started doing his homework, thinking about growing bigger the whole time. By the time night fell, when Josh and Sam were both fast asleep, Josh felt a little kick in the back of his chest, like a motor that made been underused for a long time just revving up again. But only for a moment, and by morning Josh had forgotten it. This was going to be an interesting day. Josh woke up feeling refreshed and invigorated, which was something he didn’t feel often. Even when he checked the time and noticed his alarm clock wasn’t working, his joyous mood was not deterred. Instead of rushing to college, he stayed behind a bit longer to make himself beans on toast, when typically he only ate half of a granola bar. Well, he thought, if I’m going to grow, I’m going to need some sort of nutrition. He left the house feeling content, not noticing that his shirt was now a perfect fit. His bag, while extremely heavy due to the maths textbook, was no longer so bad he had to stop to catch his breath every 5 minutes. After arriving on campus the same as yesterday happened, registration, his classes, eating alone at lunch (this time with a slightly bigger serving), although after sitting down in detention he noticed a strange feeling in his chest. It was a weird feeling to describe, it was constrictive while also freeing, and felt boiling hot, like his insides were surging with energy. It tingled slightly in a good way, which oddly reminded Josh of the moments before an orgasm. He thought nothing of it, and by the time he got back home he was almost sure that it was ingestion. As he walked up the stairs to his and Sam’s shared room, he thought to himself about the pills. If they were the reason he felt so good today, why not take more? In fact, in all my time in college, have I ever felt this good? The answer was clearly no, so he decided that when Sam left for the gym he should take another one to see if the trend continued. He opened the door to his bedroom, still afraid of the idea of Sam being there but no longer terrified like he was the previous day. In the mood Josh was in, when he opened the door and saw Sam, he looked a lot less imposing. Josh felt like he could at least handle whatever was thrown at him. Sam seemed to be looking for something, which Josh realised with a start were probably the bottle of pills he left lying on the dresser. Sam looked him up and down menacingly and spoke. “You haven’t seen anyone else in here have you?” That answered Josh’s question, Sam was looking for the pills, and he thought that Josh was so much of a wimp that someone else must have broken in to steal them. A logical explanation, really. “No,” replied Josh, “Why?”. Sam looked him dead in the eyes and spoke. “Because if anyone has been in this room, or touched any of my stuff, I’m going to kill them.” Gulp. “I’m off to the gym early today.” And with that, he was gone. Off to work out his problems by working out, Josh suspected. Sighing in relief, he laid down on his bed. He took the bottle of pills out and swallowed one with help from the bottle of water next to his bedside table. A thought came over him, instantly giving him an erection, but he dismissed it immediately. No... he shouldn’t. But the bottle sat there staring back at him, invitingly. Too much of it could be a bad thing, he thought. Best to leave it for now. Josh decided to occupy his mind by attempting to follow a workout off of youtube, trying to copy the forms. It was surprisingly easy, and by the end he wasn’t even exhausted. Filled with energy, he started pumping out push-ups on the floor of the bedroom, counting them as he went. It was excruciatingly difficult, not as difficult as it had been before, as he was reaching 30, 31, 32... this is the most push-ups he’d ever done in a row! He felt himself start to get hard, imagining himself getting bigger, stronger, lifting weights in the gym just like he imagined Sam would be doing right now. In the middle of the 40th push-up, when he felt close to collapsing, he suddenly felt that pain in his chest again, constricting yet freeing, and he realised with a start that the push-ups were no longer as difficult. In fact, they were getting easier! His shirt felt tighter, his trousers seemed to be losing their elasticity, the hem of his shirt rising slowly but surely to the point you could see his midriff. All through this the feeling continued, he felt his spine crack and straighten, his socks feeling smaller. He stood up and checked himself at himself in the mirror. Woah. Although it wasn’t much, Josh was obviously BIGGER. He flexed his arm under the shirt and felt a wave of glee at seeing the smallest bump underneath the fabric. It wasn’t exactly testing the limits, but it wasn’t there before. His shoulders looked wider, his lats were sticking out tons more, his pecs were very slight but visible- Josh put a hand through his trousers and into his pants, jerking himself off at the thought of growing even bigger. Was his meat bigger too? He took his hand out and grabbed a bendy ruler out from the drawer, one which Sam used to measure his biceps. Sticking his dick up to the ruler, he measured it at 4 inches hard. Not exactly big, but bigger! He lifted his hand away so he could get a look at his legs, leaving his dick dangling out of the top of his trousers. They were so much tighter now that he had actual dimensions to show through them. When Josh turned to his side he nearly came instantly. Look at his arse! It stuck out substantially by at least an inch and a half, making the trousers completely tight around the top half. And if his worship sessions wasn’t good enough already, he felt the tingles of that feeling again, the surge of energy, of gaining mass. He stayed silent for a moment, stifling a moan of pleasure, and then came when he heard a floorboard creak under him due to his growing size. The thought of having so much muscle turned him on to no end. He fell to the floor, orgasming with pleasure, thinking about growing bigger, his pecs stretching over him, his shoulders being so wide he can’t fit through doors any more. In his daze, he took his shirt off and flexed both arms, like he saw Josh doing. Fuck! He kept one arm flexing while using the bendy ruler to measure an arm. 11 and 1/2 inches, I AM HUGE, he thought. He flexed the arm again, watching it slowly pump bigger. 11 and 3/4. But he can grow bigger. And he plans too. Fuck. He needed to grow bigger. He just had to. He rummaged through his bag and grabbed the bottle swallowing 2 more pills that would fuel his growth. Josh was addicted to the growth, and couldn’t stop. But the growth had a mind of its own. Without warning, it had stopped suddenly and quickly, the feeling gone. Like someone turning off a tap. After he realised, he sat down at his desk and tried to do busy himself with his maths homework. He rearranged the complicated algebraic equations almost absentmindedly, thinking about what spurred the growth in the first place. It happened first in detention, and today it happened during his work out. Is there a cause for it? It seemed to be happening randomly, which wasn’t a good sign. He agreed that while it would be hot as hell if he was in the middle of class and he started to outgrow his clothes, it would probably cause quite the scene, which he wanted to avoid. Because if Sam got word that he was inexplicably growing bigger, then he’d know Josh took his pills. But... what Josh was wondering was why Sam hadn’t grown much at all in the past couple of months. He was taking the pills, right? That’s why he had the bottle with him. Why was Sam so determined to get them back if they weren’t having any effect? He heard the echo of Sam walking up the stairs and immediately jumped into bed. Although Josh’s growth was barely noticeable, he didn’t want to take the chance of Sam noticing. Because if he did... well, Josh probably wouldn’t see tomorrow. So, when Sam opened the door, Josh tried his hardest to hide his body under the covers of his bed. Sam was wearing a grey compression shirt today which emphasised the dark shadows between his pecs. His pecs themselves jutted out by a few inches from the rest of his body. When he walked, they bounced delightfully causing enormous creases underneath them, moving the whole shirt with them whenever they bounced due to their size. God, Josh could watch them all day. But he had to stay disinterested. It won’t be too long and he’ll have pecs of his own, and then they’ll grow to be the same size as Sam’s, then they’ll grow even- no, stop, thought Josh. He turned to his side and tried to get some sleep, ignoring the increasingly ridiculous moaning Sam was making to try to draw attention. Sam was going to get his comeuppance, and Josh was going to make sure he would pay dearly for being so spiteful. Josh woke up with his feet much closer to the end of the bed than they were previously. He must be getting taller to accommodate for the mass he was gaining. He might even get taller than Sam! This prompted a morning jerk-off that lasted longer than Josh would like to admit, but the fantasies of Sam becoming smaller and smaller to him as he grew colossally large pleasured him to no end. He took another 2 pills with his breakfast, just to be sure that they would really kick in the growth. His appetite was growing with him, so he cooked up an entire pack of 4 bacon strips to eat along with a few slices of toast. Growing portions for a growing man. Just as he put his hoody on and was about to leave, he felt the trickle of growth that he’d come to love kick in again. It wasn’t only in his chest anymore, it reverberated throughout his whole body, sending waves and waves of euphoria through his brain. He greedily ripped off his hoody and watched through the hall mirror as his head very slowly raised higher. His shoulders grew wider, actually stretching the fabric of his small shirt, and it delighted Josh to hear the faintest of rips. But where the growth really thrived were his pecs. 2 meaty mounds appeared on his chest, becoming more obvious due to the growing size of them, until they were very clearly separate muscles from the rest of his chest. The top button of his shirt actually burst off, his growing chest forcing the shirt to actually break. I’m becoming huge, he thought, which caused him to moan with pleasure. And it felt so good. The tingling spread to his abs, the lowest of which were visible due to the slow rise of the hem of his shirt. The bricks of muscle were defining themselves, no longer hidden behind a flat stomach. Josh’s trousers looked painted on, as his glutes grew even meatier to accommodate for his growing body. His quads were becoming huge, as were his calves, both straining the fabric of the formal trousers. After a few minutes however, the growth pulled to a halt. It seemed it was only happening in unpredictable, 5 minutes doses. Josh raised his arms in what was becoming his signature pose, the double biceps, and was delighted when two very obvious peaks greeted him back. The fabric of his shirt sleeves were now stretched tight, no longer the small mounds from yesterday. The checkered pattern embroidered into the shirt itself was distorted by the huge bicep peaks. He didn’t have time to measure it, but it looked to be about 13 inches. If he kept growing at this rate, he didn’t have long until he had caught up to Sam. And he was so absorbed in worshiping his growing muscles, Josh had completely forgot that he meant to leave. He put his hoody back on, pleased that it couldn’t zip it up all the way to the top due to his expanding chest, while not noticing that it now only came up to his 2nd set of abs, and left the dorm. As he left, he took note of how he was getting closer to the top of the doorframe. Still a good 3 or 4 inches, but he was getting there. He was given detention again, a shocker, and continued on throughout the day much the same he would normally. At lunch, he didn’t even sit alone. A shy looking boy asked to sit near him by the name of Alex, and the two talked for almost the entirety of lunch. When Josh was sure both he and no one else were looking, he swallowed his 2nd chicken breast down with another two pills. The growth hadn’t hit him since this morning, and he hoped it wouldn’t happen until after he got home, but he knew it we foolish to get that lucky. Because his last class, Chemistry, ended up being much more interesting than it normally is. As the teacher was droning on about electromagnetic fields or whatever, Josh felt the now familiar tingles of growth hitting him. It seemed that each pill affects a set amount of growth spurts, so taking more pills makes the spurts more intense. This was especially true as of late. Because while Josh had correctly guessed that more pills equals more growth, he didn’t quite understand that he was now feeling the effects of 6 pills in one single spurt. His whole body went nearly numb with tingles, and he had to stifle a moan as he felt his biceps expanding in size. The chair he was on creaked loudly as he reached down to readjust the zipper on his trousers, which was struggling against the growing bulge in his underwear created by his lengthening manhood. His legs were starting to get closer to the top of the underside of his desk, and he had to frequently shuffle his leg placement in order to not raise the desk with just his legs. Thicker and beefier his chest grew, causing him to unintentionally lean back in his chair in pleasure. The buttons of his shirt were flying off one by one and were too hard to undo manually due to how tight it had become. A few people looked his way, but didn’t say anything. He was at the back of the classroom, so no one could see him. They could only hear the creaking of his chair and his stifled moans of pleasure. His shirt sleeves were much the same story as the front of his shirt; he couldn’t bend his arms now, or he’d feel the small tension of the fabric in the telltale way something does on the verge of tearing. His whole body felt so good, and he put his hand onto his crotch to rub his (unbeknownst to him) 6 inch erection. By the end of the lesson his growth had stopped, although he realised with a start that before he couldn’t see the bottom of the board due to the girl in front of him, but he could now see all of it including a small section of the wall below. He was growing taller, wider and hunkier by the minute. When he lifted his bag onto his shoulders, he had to readjust the straps again due to his wide his shoulders had become. When he left the classroom he even felt the top of his head brush against the top of the door. Josh skipped detention. There was no way he was going to go there when his clothes were in this state. He had to rush home before Sam did and hide under the covers. He wanted to surprise Sam with his newfound size only once he was bigger than him. That way, if Sam tried to take the pills from him Josh could easily retaliate, as he’d have the size as range and growing. He looked down and sighed. Oh Christ, though Josh, I need to check out the size of this dick! Because there was a very obvious bulge created at the front of his trousers, not helped by the tightness caused by enormous glutes. While his way out of campus Josh spotted two of Sam’s wrestler buddies clad in red singlets. They were only slightly beefier than Josh, and he had a feeling he would outgrow them pretty soon. Their bulges were big and tight under their singlets, Josh would outgrow them there too. He found himself walking up to them, for some reason, possibly as a ruler for his future growth, and he introduced himself. They were both about an inch or two taller than Josh was. “Hey bro, I’m Tyler.” Said the one with a big brown mop of hair. He said it with a smirk, but not one of disapproval like Sam did. The other one, who Josh noticed had a slightly more prominent bulge, introduced themselves as Tom. Josh took a liking to these two - they treated him with respect, although he didn’t quite feel he had earned it. “Fuck, dude, you look massive under there” said Tyler, gesturing at his skintight shirt. Tom nodded along with him, and asked “Can you flex for us man?”. Josh was in awe that they even wanted to see his muscles, until he obliged and did his signature double biceps. He forgot that his shirt was so tight, so when he flexed guns the sleeves ripped clean off. Look at how huge his biceps were! Surely they must have been 15 inches by now. He was getting closer and closer to Sam’s size, and he almost definitely had bigger biceps than both Tyler and Tom. “Fuuck man, those peaks are LOADED!” Said Tom. Tyler had similar things to say, and Josh loved the complements. “How big are they?” Tyler asked. Josh could see the bulge growing in Tyler’s singlet. He was clearly aroused by the sight of someone literally ripping their shirt with their muscles. “Uh, I haven’t measured them in a while.” Josh said. “I’ve got a tape measure!” quipped Tom with a smile. He put his rucksack to the floor and grabbed his tape measure, then wrapped it around Josh’s enormous bicep. “16 inches!” They shouted in unison. Wow. Only 2 inches away from Sam, now. “Can I feel it?” asked Tyler. He took his hand away from his crotch, not caring any longer if Josh saw. Besides, it was just guys being dudes, right? “Sure, go ahead.” Josh held out his arm and Tyler put his hand around it. “Woahh. It’s like iron.” Josh raised his other bicep and gestured for Tom to worship him too. Tom happily obliged, feeling the peaks of Josh’s bicep just like his teammate. Look at him, being worshiped by two hunks. I’m becoming one of them now, huh, he thought. “You new here then? We haven’t seen you around.” Josh thought for a moment. Lying could get him in hot water, if they talked to someone who knew him. “I’m Sam’s roommate, actually.” He said. They gasped in shock simultaneously and both leaned in to look at his face again. It would have been hilariously comical if Josh wasn’t so scared that they might blab to Sam about his size. “No way.” Said Tom “I don’t believe it.” “But he said his roommate was proper skinny, right?” “Yeah, yeah, he always goes on about how he’s the alpha male of his dorm.” “But you’re not a skinny little runt!” “No, you’re not skinny at all.” “You’re actually kind of...” They look at each other and whispered the same word. “Hunky...”. Josh thought he’d never see the day where someone called him hunky. But were they wrong? His flexed his arms again. Yeah, they’re right, he was hunky! “I guess so, huh?” he said more to himself than anyone in particular. They completely missed Josh’s intentions and supported his statement “Damn right you are!” “Hell yeah!” Josh noticed Tom pause for a moment, and after a some consideration he said “Hey stud, why don’t you join the wrestling team?” Tyler replied with glee: “Yeah, that’s a wicked idea! We can go down to the gym now and get a feel for things now, if you want.” He was shocked. Him? But, he supposed, he would be growing bigger soon anyway, not that they knew that. And Sam was on the team... Josh thought for a moment about if it was worth the risk. Big, sweaty hunks in close proximity wearing nothing but singlets sounded real good right about now. Josh looked at them with a smirk and said “Sure, I’m sure it won’t be too hard to learn. And,” he continued, now smiling, “It might help me grow a bit bigger all over.” Tyler and Tom lead Josh down to the gym. The weights were on the opposite end of the building so hopefully Sam didn’t stumble upon him. Once there, they found a singlet that only loosely fit Josh, but he told them he’d grow into it. If only they knew how quickly he planned to do so. They measured his stats, as followed: Height: 5” 9’ Weight: 177 pounds Arms: 16 inches Chest: 46 inches Quads: 22 inches If he remembered correctly, Sam was only 200 pounds. He was gaining closer and closer to Sam’s mass. Tyler and Tom showed Josh the basics, such as stance (which he had already had mastered), level changes, and a bunch of boring illegal moves. What really excited Josh was when they started talking about takedowns. Because while Tyler was going on about holding someone down, Josh noticed a feeling in the back of his mind. It was something different that wasn’t quite there before. Struggling to understand what it was, he considered for a moment. It felt like it had always been there, but Josh had never felt it properly. He pictured in his mind the act of growing, of it getting easier and easier to take someone down, holding them down as your whole body outgrows them by double, then triple, until you dominate them completely, the vision of his silhouette slowly expanding to gigantic, hunky proportions, until- he felt it. It was like a tap, he could turn it on and off whenever he pleased. He had figured out how to control his growth. Whatever was causing it before was negligible, he felt like he was in control of the lever accelerated the rate that he grew. Tyler was going on about strength, which only heightened the complete euphoria Josh was feeling as he made himself grow just a little to test his newfound power. Sure enough, as he channeled the energy inside of him, making himself sturdier, bigger and stronger, his eye level started to rise. The previously loose fitting singlet was feeling tighter and tighter as he grew wider and thicker, taller and stronger. He put a hand to the python downstairs which was pulsating with mass, causing the singlet to sag further down. His growing arms were getting further away from his body as his lats pushing them away. His quads felt huge with no clothing constructing them, and he could almost hear the earthquake like vibrations his growth was surely causing. He absentmindedly flexed his arm and massaged it, watching it surge in size. He smirked as he realised he was now taller than both Tom and Tyler, dwarfing them by half an inch and gaining. “Holy shit, Josh, are you listening to me?” He snapped back to reality, and felt the growth slow to a halt. “Your bicep is looking fucking huge, man.” Tom said with awe. And Tyler chimed in “You’re looking bigger all over dude. Especially...” They stared at his bulge. It did look ridiculous, stuffed into a singlet that was probably even a size too small for Josh now. And it was thoughts like that that didn’t exactly make his erection go down. Josh looked at them again. As much as he wanted to worship them, he... has an idea, first. Knowing that they would do anything he asked, he asked them whether they could text Sam to let him know about he was joining the wrestling team. And that Josh challenged Sam to a wrestling match. Tomorrow morning. While Sam was definitely more skilled, Josh had a few tricks up his sleeve. While Tyler and Tom were arguing over who should send the text, Josh sneakily downed another 3 pills. He wouldn’t feel the effects immediately, but when he did it was sure to be incredible. Tyler showed Josh the angry reply Sam had left demanding to know why they let Josh join the team. Josh considered for a moment what to say. Before he could think of anything however, a second text came through. This time it was Sam agreeing to the wrestling match but demanding that he and Josh met up 15 minutes beforehand. Josh told them to agree to to the meet up and to answer no more further questions. There was no doubt Sam now realised that Josh had taken his bottle of pills and was using the extra muscle mass to join the wrestling team. Josh planned on Sam thinking this, because his comeuppance was going to rely on it. He, Tyler and Tom spent the rest of the night goofing off at the wrestling mat and teaching Josh the different strategies. When night fell, with Josh grinning when remembered that he had to duck underneath doors, Tyler offered to let Josh stay at his and Toms apartment until morning. They all walked back to the apartment in their wrestling singlets, bulges and pecs bouncing as they walked. Tyler let him borrow his clothes to sleep in, which were now much too small for Josh’s enormous proportions, but were still better than his old clothes. Josh waited until they were both sleeping to stroke his massive dick, which he measured at 9 inches hard, getting off on what had happened today. This morning, he probably didn’t even come up to Tyler or Toms shoulders in height. And now- he came, loudly, thinking about how he was an inch taller than them. He was growing into a massive stud, and he loved every minute. Josh slept like a log, and when morning came he was more than ready to take on Sam. He felt energised, and swallowed 3 more pills to fuel the growth that was coming later in the day. He thanked Tyler and Tom for letting him stay and that he would see them at the match. Still wearing Tyler’s clothes, he made his way back to his dorm, climbing effortlessly up to the 2nd storey to peek through the window of his bedroom to check that Sam wasn’t in there. He imagined the sight of him, a muscle bound jock in clothes too small scaling the side of a block of dorms. He groaned in discomfort. His manhood was quite restricted in the already tight clothing, and giving himself erections weren’t helping matters. Once he double checked that Sam wasn’t in, he let himself into the dorm and ran up to his and Sam’s bedroom. Although he had been ducking under doors all day, something about ducking under the door that previously he had only seen Sam do was infinity arousing. Once there, he stripped down to his underwear and marvelled at the sight of himself in the reflection of the now small mirror. He was, simply, enormous. He didn’t even all fit onto the mirror, so he had to crane his neck to look at his various features. His shoulders, probably the hardest to see due to their width, were ridiculously wide, at least the length of his head twice. He flexed them. They made his gigantic pecs look even larger! His pecs stuck out by 2 or 3 inches, large squishy mounds of unfathomably huge muscle. He put a hand to them and squeezed, admiring the sheer size and softness of them, awing at the fact one of his hands didn’t even reach around the whole pec. His biceps were a sight to behold too. Long were the days that Sam’s arm was 3x the thickness of his, his now rivalled Sam’s in girth. He did a double bicep, watching how the peaks were almost vertical with height, huge and hunky, packed densely with solid MUSCLE. He put a hand over them, flexing, and couldn’t even make a dent no matter how hard he squeezed. He though to himself; did that make him strong or weak? It didn’t matter. He knew he was becoming a sexy beast, and that was all that mattered. His forearms were massive and veiny monsters, leading down to his equally wide hands. He looked down at his six pack, which was looking more like an eight pack with racks of stone hard muscle that tapered down to his tiny waist. He turned to the size and ogled at his butt. It stuck out substantially more than his pecs did, 2 lumps of jiggly gluteus muscle. He squeezed it, feeling how if he relaxed the muscle was buoyant and bouncy, but flexing it made it impenetrable. His quads were huge as well, thick logs of muscle that could crush a watermelon between them. He flexed again once more, pushing away the thought of making himself grow. No. He had to stick to the plan, as tempting as it was. Just another half an hour or so and he could do as he pleased. The reason he came back to the dorm was to wear some better fitting clothes. Since neither Tyler nor Toms wardrobe fit him anymore, and his certainly didn’t, he turned towards Sam’s. He greedily picked out Sam’s favourite compression long sleeve shirt that he always wore to the gym. It fit a lot tighter than he thought it would - not that it was actually tight, but Josh still couldn’t believe he could actually wear Sam’s clothes without them looking enormous on him. They fit only slightly loosely, and it was miles better than walking around in what felt like children’s clothes. He put on compression trousers to match, leaving his only skin exposed being his head and his hands. He took another pill just in case he hadn’t taken enough before. This was going to be fun. He made his way out of the room, ducking, and towards campus, where Sam said he would meet him in 10 minutes, which was 15 minutes before the game. Sam was surely confident Josh would get beaten to a pulp. He entered the changing rooms not a minute too early. After the door slammed shut behind him and he walked a few feet down the corridor, he heard Sams deep voice call out to him. “That better fucking be you, Josh!” Josh only smiled to himself. He walked into the changing room Sams voice came from and was immediately confronted by Sam. Oh boy. He was not prepared for how much SMALLER Sam looked from this angle. The fact that Josh was so much taller than he used to be was making Sam look so much less imposing. Sam still has 2 inches on him, but it didn’t feel like much at all. When Sam turned around he gasped in shock at the size of Josh. He looked at his pecs, his arms, his legs, in desperation, until he looked down at his eyes and saw he still maintained the height advantage. He spoke coldly and quietly, as if he expected Josh to hang onto every word. “That’s my fucking shirt.” Josh only looked at him inquisitively, mentally preparing for what he was sure was about to happen. “I said,” Sam started again, louder this time, “that’s my fucking shirt!” Josh smirked, then flexed his pecs. “It fits me pretty well, don’t you think?” He said, “Think I’m gonna outgrow it pretty soon though”. Josh flared his lats, trying to aggravate Sam. It worked - he suddenly got close to Josh, grabbing him by the arms and pushing him up against the wall. “It was you, wasn’t it? You took my pills. Hah, I must’ve left them on the dresser for ten minutes and you nabbed them. And look at the state of you now.” He gestured to Josh’s now huge body. Not quite as big as Sam’s however, which Sam took with stride. “Hah, even with the pills, you’re still the smaller man. Once I take the pills back from you, once you stop TAKING THE PILLS THAT ARE RIGHTFULLY MINE, you won’t be able to handle the sudden absence of them. After a few days off of them your body will start shrinking. Smaller and smaller you’ll get, until I can squash you with my FOOT!” Josh couldn’t help but be slightly afraid of him. He was shouting now, completely uncaring whether anyone outside of the changing rooms heard him. But Josh still had a few things left to do. “So if I stop taking the pills, then after a few days I start to shrink, right? Is that what’s going to happen to you?” Josh finished the sentence with what he hoped was a cocky smirk. Sam looked him dead in the eyes and muttered “Give them to me.” Josh smiled back into his face. “GIVE THEM TO ME!!” Sam tore Josh’s bag off of his shoulder, ripping the strap, and rummaged through it, looking for the pills. He ripped open the side compartment deliriously which was now completely empty. Josh had hidden the cut outs of the magazine away in his room, and he was holding the pills of the hour in his right hand. He held them out with a snarl. “You want them? Come and get them.” Sam leapt at Josh’s hand, trying to claw it open. Josh’s grip was strong, but Sam was definitely stronger and was getting closer to unclamping Josh’s hand. And that’s when Josh focused his energy on growing. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment, so Sam would slowly realise he could no longer overpower this growing muscle jock. And grow he did. It started slow, his chest puffing bigger, creating bigger creases underneath it in the tight compression shirt, the fabric over his pecs stretching tighter and tighter. The hem of his shirt rose to become level with the top of his trousers. Josh looked at Sam again. He was getting close to eye level. Sam realised what was happening and tried harder, his fingernails clawing at the bottle tightly clasped in Josh’s hand. He yelled in anger “What the actual fuck Josh!” But it was no use. Josh let out an orgasmic moan as his shoulder stretched further, at least three times as wide as his head both sides. He was growing into a muscle god and Sam was powerless to stop it. He desperately pulled back on Josh’s hand, nearly taking Josh with him, but Josh had grown the muscles needed to fight back now. He watched the bulge in his compression shorts surge bigger, pushing it into Sam’s face as he knelt down to get the bottle of pills back. Sam stood up in disgust, still trying to pry the pills out with more desperation that ever. Their hard bulges were now touching, and while Josh’s was slightly lower than Sam’s that was all about to change. Sam’s face was one of shock, fear, and envy as he watched Josh’s eye level creep higher. Josh paid extra attention to this, watching as his eyes finally became equal to Sam’s own eyes. He locked eyes with him and copied the smirk he’d seen Sam do at him so many times before. And then his eye level kept rising, becoming level with Sam’s eyebrows. He was taller than Sam. His dick, already hard, came instantly. The euphoria hit him, this was unreal. HE WAS BIGGER THAN SAM!! If you looked at their silhouettes straight on, you would only see Josh’s outline. He was bigger. And Josh kept growing larger still. The compression shirt which Josh had always envied Sam for filling out was slowly being outgrown by Josh’s pure muscle mass. Josh laughed, lifting his bicep and being awed but not surprised at the size of the muscle he was greeted with. The shirt stretched taught over his expanding bi’s, and was getting tighter by the second. He felt the fabric get closer its limit, something that Sam was never able to do. All the while he was growing taller still, and Josh could now see the top of Sam’s head. Josh looked down at the hem of his shirt, noticing that it exposed his second set of abs on his midriff due to a mixture of his growing height and it being pulled up by his enormous pecs. This shirt, which fit Sam perfectly, was being torn to shreds by Josh’s expanding body. Sam, upon realising he had lost, tried to flee, but Josh grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back. Josh grasped Sam’s hand and compared it to his own, watching his fingers inch bigger and bigger. Josh dialled up the growth internally to see how big he could really get. Still clasping Sam’s arm in his ever growing one, Josh held Sam’s chin tightly in much the same way he used to do to him. He flexed his double biceps, pleased to hear the sound of tearing fabric as his football sized arms kept getting beefier. His chin was now level with the top of Sam’s head, and still rising, at least an inch ever half minute. He felt the top of his head brush the ceiling. The trousers only came up halfway to his shins, and a massive rip down the side of them told him that they no longer fit him at all. He was absolutely gigantic and Sam was powerless to stop him from growing even larger. “Josh, let me GO!” Sam screamed. Josh instead grabbed his shrinking hand and brought it to Josh’s abs, which the shirt had exposed completely. In fact, it was just underneath his humongous pecs and still rising, although the sound of seams splitting implied wouldn’t fit inside it for much longer. Josh bought Sam’s hand to his abs, making him touch the hot, hard bricks of muscle, each ab the size of Sam’s hand. Josh nearly orgasmed again when he felt his massive pecs literally bursting through his shirt. The warm locker room air on his growing chest muscles felt so good. Josh lost himself in the feeling of growing, bigger, stronger, thicker, hunkier... Until he was pulled out of his growth trance by his phone alarm. He forced himself to stop, as his alarm signalled the start of the wrestling match. Sam looked up at him, Josh’s face obscured by his enormous pecs, he was shirtless save for the small amount of fabric remaining around his midriff. Josh’s trousers were torn to shreds, and his boxers left nothing to the imagination. The bulge in his boxers was still hard and curved around the side of his leg, at least 15 inches of pure meat. Sam stuttered below him. “W-we can cancel the match, right? You’d win anyway, I think.” Josh only looked at him with an evil glint in his eye. “No, I think not..” he paused, and then flexed his double biceps, growing another inch of height as he spoke, “I think your team wants to see who the BIGGER man is.” Thanks for reading! I might add more but if I don’t then consider this the ending
  19. CardiMuscleman

    The American Musketeer REDUX

    Part One Roger Dixon was a stud! It was almost as if he only had to step onto a bodybuilding stage and the world just caved into him. He won every single class he entered be it his local contest, the statewide contest, a regional contest, a national contest, a continent contest or even the day he was crowned Mr. Universe in his class, indeed that day he really let them know what he was packing. He stood up to his maximum height and brought the house down, showing off every sinew of his proportionate 266lb mass. His proportionate 53 inch chest, with his proportionate 2½ inch long nipples just oozed mascunlinity and when coupled with a proportionate 27 inch waist his proportionate eight pack was a thing of wonder to behold. His proportionate 22 inch guns, with veins streaking along them, were unmissable, his proportionate 28 inch quads glistened under the lights, his proportionate 23 inch calves and his proportionate 22 inch thick neck ensured that he won the best poser class as well and was even brought out to pose against the overall winner. But that was all in the past. It was his own desire that was his undoing. First, when at a photoshoot he attempted a 300lb bench much more than he could actually manage to show off his power and tore both his pecs and then the real trouble came when he was caught in a media sting operation and outed. He had always been gay, he loved the attention of people drooling over his muscles, his cock a proportionate 9 inch monster when hard was his pride and joy, no one had complained when photos showing his bulge on stage flooded the magazines but as soon as he was outed, he was dropped faster than you could say "One Hit Wonder". Even now, twenty years after last stepping on stage, he still looked after himself but knew that standing just a mere five foot two tall, weighing 146lbs though still as lean as anything, his 42½ inch chest, 32 inch waist, 14½ inch biceps, 22½ inch quads and 15 inch calves would never cut the mustard against the modern stars of the stage. Even the people in his grand master classes were bigger than he was and as he watched the recording of the last show he had streamed, he traced the buldging pecs of Mr. Grand Master Colorado 2015, a man aged as the same as Roger, 65, yet so muscular Roger wanted to wrap his arms about him and pummel him into submission. But Roger now happy living at his home in Fort Collins, Colorado where he spent most of his days on online forums discussing bodybuilding history and reading stories about the most powerful men ever to exist on the face of the planet had his dreams and would regularly wake up, covered with a thick layer of cum having read stories, both real and fan made, of Hercules lifting an entire cliff face, He-Man wrestling a clone of himself, Milos of Croton splitting a tree apart with his bare hands and his personal favourite, the final act of that Titan, Porthos, holding up a cave to allow his friend to escape. Whenever he read that story, his dreams were always the same. He would rescue that man, take him to his own personal gym where people could train in the nude, and work that man until he begged for mercy, then ram him until he screamed for mercy and then, torture him with high voltage until he caved in and panted "I submit" and allow him and Roger to swap bodies so that Roger could experience the power of the Titan for himself. This interest in the Titan of old eventually developed into an interest in Renn Faires and it wasn't long before Roger, dressed as the Titan himself, was a regular feature and made sure that his body was the centre of attention as demonstrated just the previous week when, whilst holding a talk on the strength of heroes, and deadlifting two hundred pounds for the whole talk, a Spartan came up, grabbed hold of his biceps and squeezed them saying "Arms, that would defy Hercules in their strength" It was after a Renn Faire, where having been a member for a decade the organisers presented him with a leather bound copy of all of the tales of the Musketeers, that Roger found himself in a unique position. He'd been reading another one of Porthos's feats of strength and as per usual was getting very excited about it. “This group was superintended by the man whom D'Artagnan had already remarked, and who appeared to be the engineer-in-chief. A plan was lying open before him upon a large stone forming a table, and at some paces from him a crane was in action. This engineer, who by his evident importance first attracted the attention of D'Artagnan, wore a justaucorps, which, from its sumptuousness, was scarcely in harmony with the work he was employed in, that rather necessitated the costume of a master-mason than of a noble. He was a man of immense stature and great square shoulders, and wore a hat covered with feathers. He gesticulated in the most majestic manner, and appeared, for D'Artagnan only saw his back, to be scolding the workmen for their idleness and want of strength” “Oh, yeah” moaned Roger, “I think I know where this is headed” and with that started to rub his cock in anticipation. “D'Artagnan continued to draw nearer. At that moment, the man with the feathers ceased to gesticulate, and, with his hands placed upon his knees, was following, half-bent, the effort of six workmen to raise a block of hewn stone to the top of a piece of timber destined to support that stone, so that the cord of the crane might be passed under it. The six men, all on one side of the stone, united their efforts to raise it to eight or ten inches from the ground, sweating and blowing, whilst a seventh got ready for when there should be daylight enough beneath it to slide in the roller that was to support it. But the stone had already twice escaped from their hands before gaining a sufficient height for the roller to be introduced. There can be no doubt that every time the stone escaped them, they bounded quickly backwards, to keep their feet from being crushed by the refalling stone. Every time, the stone, abandoned by them, sunk deeper into the damp earth, which rendered the operation more and more difficult. A third effort was followed by no better success, but with progressive discouragement. And yet, when the six men were bent towards the stone, the man with the feathers had himself, with a powerful voice, given the word of command, "Ferme!" which regulates maneuvers of strength. Then he drew himself up” “Yeah” moaned Roger, the rubbing becoming faster making his cock longer, harder and redder , “You show them, Porthos” “The workmen, as commanded by the engineer, drew back with their ears down, and shaking their heads, except for the one who held the plank, who prepared to perform the office” “Oh, fuck” Roger moaned, as his hips started to buck and he could feel himself getting even more aroused “The man with the feathers went up to the stone, stooped, slipped his hands under the face lying upon the ground, stiffened his Herculean muscles, and without a strain, with a slow motion, like that of a machine, lifted the end of the rock a foot from the ground” “Yeah” he moaned again, “show them pure muscle!” “The workman who held the plank profited by the space thus given him, and slipped the roller under the stone. "That's the way," said the giant, not letting the rock fall again, but placing it upon its support” “YEAH!” roared Roger, “SHOW THEM ALL WHAT IT MEANS TO BE PORTHOS” and with that he came so violently that in combination with the long day and the orgasm that followed, Roger started to fall asleep and dropped the book to the ground moaning “Oh, Porthos, I wish I could meet you one day!” and with that slipped into sleep, his cock spurting cum as he did so. This will be a very long story (but I cannot say how many parts it will be). I know from experience how boring that long a story can be so therefore I would like members to help liven it up with their artistic skills be it people like @powerbeats illustrating the sheer effort needed to perform a feat of near superhuman strength, people like @leogrando showing how big people are, or even @darkluster4 showing what happens later on when Roger experiences the full force of the Titan. Therefore I am giving every single illustrator carte blanche to draw what they like when they like
  20. GEOFF and jim: Camp Avslapning Part 1 June 2010 I’d been looking forward to this trip for a while. A bunch of my friends – several from work and a few others – and I were heading to the mountains for a week. We had rented a hike-in-only camp comprising five sleeping cabins (each slept two to four adults), a mess hall, a washroom building divided into two – for men and women – with toilet stalls and gang style showers, and a bunch of outdoor facilities including a sauna (everyone and every place had one here), a wood burning cedar hot tub, and a cold dunk. The place was billed as a rustic retreat where you can get away from it all. The camp warned that there was no cell signal and so our mobile devices would not connect with our data plans. This sounded PERFECT for me. Typically I (and most of my co-workers) worked 60 hour weeks; we felt like we were always on call and expected to be on our email constantly. But, we had just finished a huge deal and several of us were getting away to celebrate. What better way than to be off the grid for 8 days? I got out of town late. A few things came up at work on Friday morning and I was driving out at 5 (I intended to leave at noon) – typical. Fortunately, it was the middle of June and the days were long (albeit cool given how far north we lived). I got to the trail head at 730p and while it didn’t ever get pitch black up here – it did get dark and I had a 7 kilometer hike ahead of me and knew that I had to hoof it. Although it was a bit cool (10 degrees or so) I only had a long sleeve shirt from REI on and some hiking pants – my jacket was in the outer pocket of my backpack. I parked my car, got out and headed to the back to get my pack on and get going. I caught my reflection in the car window and – I have to confess – I liked what I saw. At 45, I had a lean athletic build that filled out my shirt nicely. You could see the mounds of my pecs through my shirt, my muscular shoulders capped my 16.5” arms which filled out the sleeves, and my broad shoulders tapered down to a tight 29” waist. You couldn’t see my legs because of my pants, but my ass was perky (I turned around to catch a glimpse) from my hip thrusts, deadlifts, and squats. AT 5-10 and 175 pounds I was an athletic middle aged man with a silver beard. And I relished the opportunity to show off my physical dominance over other men – whether it was at my box (its what we called our functional fitness gym), the gym where I lifted weights, or wrestling around in my gay wrestling league. I put my backpack on, took one final quick look at myself in the reflection (damn I’m a hot alpha) and headed to the trail. At the trail head was a sign 7K to Camp Avslapning. Attached to the sign was a note: Hey Jim, sorry you had to get a late start. As an FYI – you’ll be bunking with Geoff. See you when you get here. “Huh,” I thought, “I haven’t seen Geoff in 5 years. It’ll be good to catch up.” And with that I headed off. It was a challenging trail – even for me. But that didn’t stop my mind from wondering a bit. I was thinking back to the last time Geoff and I had hung out. He was Jane’s (my co-worker) younger brother. I had just moved here and Jane was hosting a welcome party for me at her flat. Geoff was visiting her from the US. He was 20 years old and in the middle of his engineering degree. He had just come out and I could tell he had a crush on me. He was tall, 6’3”, handsome face with a sharp jaw line, curly blond hair, but skinny. Sopping weight he weighed - at most – 150lbs. We chatted most of the night – we both got a little bit tipsy – and agreed to meet up a couple days later. We had brunch and I told him I liked to wrestle (was part of a wrestling league in University). He said that he always found it interesting and I invited him back to my place to roll around. I’m ashamed to admit that I took quite a bit of pleasure in wiping the floor with him. I know I walked the line – almost pushed it too far – his exclamations of agony let me know that I was effectively using my muscular body to inflict a bit of pain… and I may have held some holds just a bit longer than I should have; but, it was all in good fun and he assured me that he enjoyed himself. His semi-hardon confirmed that for me, too. We hung out quite a bit that summer, five years ago. We wrestled a lot – I dominated him, we had lunch and dinners together on the weekend, hiked in the mountains just outside of town, and went rock climbing quite a bit. I could see in his blue eyes that he was smitten for me. He’d ask me to flex my arms for him, for permission to rub his hands on my washboard abs, and would even request a pec bounce or two. I told him the price of admission was that he had to allow me to squeeze out a few wrestling submissions from his lips… he always agreed and I always took it right up to the line. I even taught him some safe words to let me know if I was approaching his limit or had crossed over (I only crossed over a couple of times). But, he was 20 years younger and was just a rail. I like my subs to have some meat on them – some ability to fight back. A sub that is tough to control is just more fun. I wonder how Geoff’s been. I may even wipe the cabin floor with him again. I smirked and headed off at a fast pace. Two and a half hours later I was hiking into camp. It was dusk and cool – maybe 5 degrees. In spite of this, I was sweaty and felt exhilarated. At the entrance to cap was a map with a note attached to it. Hey Jim, you’ll be with Geoff in Cabin 2. Figured with your love of fitness and activity, you’d appreciate the hike to it. Geoff is game, too. I looked at the map – Cabin 2 was way up the hill, isolated and out of the way. It was the furthest from any of the camp’s amenities. Probably a 10 minute walk from the nearest cabin and 15 from the showers. I walked into camp. It looked like everyone had headed to bed already. I was kinda surprised – I expected folks to be in the sauna or the hot tub. And I began my hike up to the Cabin. Cabin 2 was the only one with the light on. A few minutes later I was opening the door. I looked around – yup this is rustic. A concrete floor with a throw rug in the middle. And a single bunk bed. On the bottom bunk was what looked to be a bigger version of Geoff. He was spread out over the bed – it barely contained him – wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. He was reading a book. I saw him and thought “oh man the boy got fat, too bad.” On the top bunk he had spread out all of his stuff. Geoff looked up from his book a great big smile on his face. He saw me looking at the top bunk – with his stuff strewn all over it – and his smile took on a slightly different look. “JIM! Hey! It is so good to see you!” Geoff didn’t get up. “Geoff, wow man. Good to see you too! You’ve…… changed.” “Yeah, I’ve put on a bit of weight. Once I turned 21, I found it hard to keep the weight off… but what can you do?” “Yeah, well….. hey, there’s only one bunk bed in here. I thought all the cabins had two.” “Yeah” Geoff said, “we decided to move the other bunk that was in here down to Cabin 1 for Jane. She brought some friends with her and they all wanted to bunk together. I said you’d be game.” “Yeah sure.” I said, “Well, why don’t you help me move your stuff off the top bunk and we can catch up.” “I’ve got a better idea, Jim. Let’s wrestle for the top bunk. Whoever gets five submissions first can claim the top bunk.” “Well, I just hiked 7 K with a 20kilo pack on… but sure… it will probably be a bit more of a fair match that way.” Geoff just smiled. He stood up and removed his sweatshirt. My jaw dropped. What I had assumed to be a fat flabby body beneath that sweatshirt was the muscular body of a powerlifter. Only, Geoff had hardly any fat on him. I took in the sight – he was a gorilla. He had a thick powerful waist – probably 34” or so, but I could easily see his abs on his stomach as he breathed in and out. His pecs were massive – so much so that his nipples pointed down to the cold concrete floor. While I was taking in their sheer size, the left pec twitched – seemingly unbeknownst to Geoff. As it did so, ripples emerged just under his tight skin. He had veins running up and down his arms and shoulders and a couple across his pecs. His traps were like mounds sitting on either side of his massive neck. He bent over to remove his sweat pants. I got quick flash of his massive and muscular back. It was thick with mounds of muscle – powerful. When his sweat pants were removed, he revealed massive legs that were proportionate to the rest of his powerful body; he was wearing briefs that barely contained his glutes. His thighs were at least 30” of muscle, his calves bulged and dwarfed my upper arms. And, as with his upper body, hardly any fat was visible. It was all granite muscle. And across his entire body was a thick mound of body hair – almost fur. Geoffrey was a beast. This is going to be fun, I thought to myself. I loved to dominate muscle subs. And what stood before me was the epitome of muscle subs. Geoff saw that I was taking in his body with a greedy delight. He smiled. “You like what you see, now?” As he spoke he reached up and ran his right hand through his hair, his right bicep bulged as he did so (he wasn’t flexing). “Yeah Geoff, you’ve been working out!” “I have. I’m up to 260 pounds now. My arms were 22” when I measured them a couple months ago. But with my supplements they may be 22.5” by now.” He flexed his right bicep as he said this and it erupted in a mountain of muscle. He lowered his arm and bounced his pecs. He bounced them in sync and then one at a time. They were so hefty I could almost hear them as they lifted and dropped with each flex. And, striations beneath his chest hair appeared and disappeared with each contraction. He smiled. “Now, Jim, before we begin, remind me what were the safe words again?” I smiled, this is going to be fun – I LOVE pushing muscle subs to the limit and sometimes guiding them to just beyond. And from the stable of subs I’ve collected, they love it too. “Yellow when you’re at the limit but don’t want the scene to end. Red when the lines’ been crossed and we need stop.” “Ahh yes. That’s right. I’d forgotten how dull your safety words were. With my subs, I have a different set of words. Water for when you need a break but don’t want the scene to end and rock if I’ve taken you over the limit and you need the scene to end, immediately. I guess I should tell you, Jim - in the last five years, in addition to putting on mass, I’ve been training in martial arts. I just received my brown belt in Jujitsu fastest progression ever seen at my school. I’ve been looking forward to this for the past 5 years.” “Fuck” I thought. I had been in a wrestling league for years but never had any formal training. It was all erotic fun for me. The only times that I ever lost were to someone with formal training and the most humiliating losses were handed to me by blue and purple belts in jujitsu. Now, standing in front of me was massive bodybuilder/power lifter, someone with grappling training, and someone who had just announced that he was an alpha with a stable of subs of his own. What was even more frightening in that moment was all the recollections that came flooding back to me – times when I had used my athletic prowess to dominate a young skinny sub – and push him beyond his submission point – forced him to beg me to end a scene through cries of pain. I looked at him, his massive chest rising and falling with each breath, his powerful core showcasing a set of washboard abs, his quads, arms, and neck. I could see the strength in every fiber of his body and wondered if his claim of grappling training was true. If it was, I was about to have my ass handed to me. And given that we were in the cabin furthest from the rest of camp, no one was likely to hear my screams. His mouth was partially open - a look of hunger, like a snake about to eat its prey. He slowly licked his lips. Geoffrey raised his arms in a double bicep pose. Mountains of granite on both arms. And then into a most muscular pose. His face turned from a devilish grin into an aggressive show of dominance. “Ready for some pain old man?” I took in this muscular alpha with a look of aggressive, killer lust in his eyes. I noted that his briefs had filled and it looked like his cock was hard. A wet spot was forming on the front. Geoffrey was getting turned on by his show of dominance and we had not even begun. Fuck what was about to happen to me?
  21. Happy Holidays from ABSMAN420! Based on Aardvark's LIFE STORE series, here's a classic absman story I found on the shelf and dusted off for you for Christmas! Enjoy a family-themed holiday muscle growth story! “Dad?!? I’m HOME!” He emerged from the upstairs bedroom, wearing only a pair of cotton pajama bottoms and a black baseball cap with the gold Iowa Hawkeyes logo on the front. Barely in his forties, he was densely muscled with the kind of powerful neck that betrayed all wrestlers. Every inch the coach, every inch the man who’d devoted his life to a sport, he’d wrestled since sixth grade, made varsity in ninth, high school national champion soon thereafter, recruited by Iowa, collegiate nationals champion his junior and senior years, now head coach at the junior college that prepped talent for UI, and first in line for the assistant’s position at the big school. He looked down on me from the top of the balcony and in his gravelly voice said, “Oh, I see Loser U is finally on Christmas break. Wait, what do you liberals call it? WINTER break, right?” He chuckled hoarsely at his own joke, running a hand over his bare, muscular torso. Even though I promised myself I wouldn’t react to his bait – the whole bus ride halfway across the country, I’d promised myself over and over – immediately I was defensive. “Dad… not everybody celebrates Christmas.” “Oh, Jesus, Brian! It was a joke – a freakin’ joke!” He descended the stairs as he bitched, his big muscles bouncing as he plodded down. “That’s the problem with you east coast intellectuals, you’re too freakin’ good for everything! Sometimes I wish your little Liberal U HAD a wrestling team – it’d be fun to come in there and kick their ass!” At the base of the stairs, we faced each other – at five-nine, we were the same height and structure, but he easily had me by forty pounds of muscle. He just seemed taller than me by the way he carried himself, by his confidence and posture, inflated by his ego. We didn’t hug. He only hugged his wrestlers – and then only when they won – never his son. No, he held his hand out for me to shake. And naturally, he seemed disappointed by the firmness of my grip. “So c’mon in and see the place,” he said, leading the way into the house. I followed, eye-level with his massive traps. This little off-campus, post-divorce house of his was a testament to his life as a single man and wrestler. A shrine, almost. Trophies and medals and photographs everywhere, posters and playbills from various events and contests, equipment and gear stashed here and there, a mishmash of obsession – maybe Mom had been right. The whole place was a disaster. Torn apart, laundry discarded, dirty dishes in stacks, this was clearly not the work of one man. He obviously had his wrestlers over often – the gigantic sectional sofa looked well-worn and comfortable beneath its wrinkled throw, and there was no belittling the entertainment center and the nearly wall-sized plasma TV. What college-aged guy wouldn’t like that? One of the coffee tables had been awkwardly cleared and a small, fake Christmas tree blinked merrily away, despite being decorated with a couple of dirty socks and someone’s jockstrap covering the face of the angel on top. Underneath was a single wrapped present, about the size of a shirt box. “That’s for you,” Dad said, handing it to me. “Well, really, it’s for BOTH of us, but, uh… I think you’ll get more out of it… initially. Open it.” “Isn’t it a little early for…?” “What?” he said impatiently – he wasn’t used to being questioned, some things never change. “It’s Christmas Eve, the sun’s almost down. What the fuck? Let’s start your homecoming right.” I’d never seen that much sentiment out of my father, so I sat awkwardly on the sofa arm and opened his gift, tearing through the paper and opening the box. “What is this…?” I asked under my breath as I looked inside. It was the strangest thing – he’d given me a singlet, an old Iowa singlet, black with gold piping and the word “IOWA” spelled across one leg, the Hawkeye logo emblazoned on the center front, where it would be directly over the heart when worn. It wasn’t even a NEW singlet. Beat up and flaking, stretched at the seams, as if the guy who’d worn it had been way too big for it – it was certainly too big for me, scarecrow that I am. Also a jockstrap in the same condition. Well-worn, stretched elastic, there was no mistaking that this jock had been worn by someone with monstrous genitalia, the cotton pouch was so distended. It may have been laundered clean, but it was still someone’s used jockstrap. He’d given me someone’s used jockstrap for Christmas. Was this his idea of a joke? He wasn’t laughing – rather, he had an anticipatory smile on his face. “Okay, now before you say something that pisses me off,” he said, sitting on the coffee table before me, pushing some dishes out of the way so he could, “let me explain it.” I made a fist and comfortably fit it in the pouch of the jock. “Absolutely,” I said. “I’d love to hear your explanation for THIS.” “Okay,” he said, nodding slightly. “But first, go put that stuff on.” “What?” “I bought it for you, Brian. Put it on.” He said that with a “coach” attitude, a man who wasn’t used to being questioned. “But…” He held up his hand for me to stop. “But nothing. Put it on. It’ll be like your Christmas present to me. Your old man wants to see you in a Hawkeyes uniform just once before he dies, okay? Indulge me?” “You’re not gonna die, are you?” “Just put the fucking thing on!” And so, in the filthy bathroom just off the kitchen, I shucked my clothes and put on the outfit Dad had given me for Christmas. The jockstrap didn’t even come close to fitting – or at least, that’s what I suspected. I’d only ever worn a jockstrap one time before that, and it’d given me a rash. Just a little too big in the waist, so that it fell and settled on my hip bones, and to make the pouch fit I’d need a balled-up pair of socks, or a grapefruit. The singlet was just as bad. Though its elasticity was better, it was still clearly two sizes too large. With my boney bod, I might as well have been a wire hanger for the way it hung on me from the shoulders. I looked ridiculous. Comical. Embarrassing. How could my Dad and I differ that much? When I went back to the living room, the smile on his face was the largest I’d ever seen on him – especially directed at me. A shark spying his evening meal. “This thing is huge on me,” I said, embarrassed by his scrutiny, humiliated by his gaze. “Yeah,” he said, like it was an unimportant detail. He reached down and adjusted his package beneath his sweats. “Is this one of your old ones?” I asked. “No,” he said quietly. “Mine would probably fit you, though you still wouldn’t fill it out as well.” He winked to indicate he was teasing – I let it go. “No, that there must’ve belonged to one of the big boys – maybe Gunter, or Johnny No-Neck.” “Well, where did you get it? Why are you giving it to me?” “First things first,” he said, standing. There was no hiding his dick as it pushed out against the loose cotton sweats he wore. Was seeing me in this singlet giving my Dad a hard-on? Ignoring it, and my unmistakable reaction to it, he reached in his pocket, pushing his big half-log to the side to retrieve a small plastic pouch. He tossed it to me. Naturally, I fumbled it instead of catching it smoothly. “Take those,” he said, crossing his hands before his package, lightly holding himself and tickling his dick with a finger. “Take those, then we’ll talk. I’ll explain everything.” It was a small, plastic pouch about the size of a business card, two pills inside. Stapled to it, a typed paper label reading, “WRESTLING MATT, 20, 215lb class, Coach’s Favorite.” “What is this?” “Take ‘em,” Dad said – I think he WAS playing with himself. “You need some water or something?” He picked a half-full bottle from the table and held it out to me. “But, what…?” He spoke sharply, inflating his ribcage and bristling his muscle. “Brian,” he said, “just do what I say. Don’t make me MAKE you take them.” And so I dry-swallowed them – but they must’ve been gel-coated, because they went down easy -- one tasted slightly metallic. “Thank you,” he said in a lighter tone. “Now sit down and I’ll tell you what this is all about.” When I plopped myself back on the arm of the sofa, my hands crossed before my crotch, he continued, hurrying through the exposition. “I was in the city not long ago on a tourney, staying at a hotel in this weird little neighborhood on the east side. I was coming back after practice, walking down this street with all these little shops and shit and I pass by this vintage clothing store. There’s a singlet in the window – catches my eye – an old-school Iowa lo-cut singlet, like we wore in the eighties, when I was there. “Anyway, I go inside, and the Man who owns the store, a little dumpy fag with this kind of know-it-all attitude sees me checkin’ out the singlet and the first thing out of his mouth – not ‘hello’, not ‘how are you?’, not ‘welcome to my store’ – no, he says, ‘Your son’s a disappointment to you. You wish he’d found the passion for wrestling that you have.’ “And what was I gonna do, Brian? It’s true. And it caught me off-guard. So, instead of questioning how he knew it, or what business of his it was, I nodded and said, ‘Yeah…’ “Because, it IS a disappointment to me, Brian. It breaks my heart that you don’t like wrestling – since before you were born, it was my dream to raise a little wrestler and be your coach.” It was so weird to hear my Dad talking like this – it was almost too much. I was feeling a little light-headed, so I slid down onto the seat of the sofa and leaned back against the soft material, my hands still covering my crotch. “I’m sorry, Dad,” I said, near tears. “I wish I could’ve been the son you wanted.” Dad smiled and barked a laugh. “That’s what HE said,” he said, “the Man at the shop. He said it was possible for me to have the son I’d always wanted. He said I could BUY that – I didn’t have to wish it, I could buy it – and he had just the thing!” “What?” I asked – I WAS feeling dizzy, clouded. I was having trouble keeping up with the narrative. I felt like I had just taken cold medicine or something. “So we’re in the back of his shop where the cash register and stuff is and we go to this filing cabinet. He tells me that this place is called THE LIFE STORE – the clothing thing is just a front – and through some unexplainable combination of alchemy and nano-technology or something, he’s able to craft complete new lives for people. He sells new lives! “Okay, NOW I think he’s crazy and I’m just indulging him. I really just want to buy the singlet and get the hell out of there, right? And he pulls out this thick file marked ‘ATHLETES,’ and it’s full of biographies and profiles of all these different jocks and all these different sports. He’s humming as he sorts through them. There’s only a few wrestlers – what a shock, right? – when he pulls one out and says, ‘This is it!’” It was still hard to follow what my Dad was talking about, but I realized that I wasn’t sick, wasn’t dizzy – no, just the opposite. I was starting to feel a buzz, like the coming wave that rides you up to drug-induced ecstasy. I was feeling kind of good. I was even starting to get a hard-on. I could feel it growing beneath the loose jockstrap. Instead of being embarrassed by it, however, I briefly thought, “Well, so does DAD…” before I dismissed it. Fuck it, let it get hard – it felt good. Besides, Dad wasn’t trying to hide his. “It was a helluva profile,” Dad continued, watching me curiously. “And I loved how the guy’s name was a pun – Wrestling Matt.” He chuckled. “Oh, Brian, you’re gonna love being him.” “What?” I asked, almost fully hard. “What do you mean?” “I’m turning you into him, into the son I’ve always wanted. I bought the profile from the Life Store and I’m turning you into Wrestling Matt, a twenty year old, two-hundred fifteen pound, cocky, nationally-ranked super-jock whose only desire is to please his coach and be like his dad, obsessed with wrestling and training hard at the gym. He loves it, he loves Iowa, he loves his teammates, he loves his jock life, and he owes it all to his Dad, his coach, and he loves to show his gratitude.” He touched his dick again and dreamily added, “It’s gonna be fuckin’ awesome to have him around instead of you....” “But… how…?” Dad shrugged, his big traps flexing and falling. “I don’t know. The Man tried to explain it to me but it didn’t make any sense. Who fuckin’ cares HOW it works? All that matters is that it does.” He looked me up and down quickly, taking his measure, then said, “And it’s obvious that’s something’s happening to you. Stand up.” I obeyed him so quickly that it surprised me. I didn’t even pause to consider any other options. He commanded and I obeyed, just like that – and it felt good to please my coach… I mean, my Dad. “You’re already bigger,” he said. “How do you feel, Matt?” Weakly, I said, “It’s Brian…” A stern look crossed his face – he didn’t like being contradicted. (How could you be Coach’s Favorite if you questioned an order, Brian?) Dad got up in my face and growled. “It’s whatever I say it is… Matt. Answer the question.” Again, without even waiting for him to finish the order, I obeyed it – and that gave me such pleasure. “I feel kind of weird,” I said, tingling, “but good. I can feel my body getting… I don’t know, THICKER almost. Inside and out. Stronger.” And before I could stop myself, I said, “But it’s nothing compared to how good it feels when I obey an order from you.” There was triumph in his smirk, even though he hadn’t won, yet. It kind of pissed me off that he thought I’d be so easy to defeat – I was starting to feel kind of aggressive, kind of angry. Masculine. I was rock hard now, and even the jockstrap wasn’t able to contain me. Turn me into some kind of super-jock, will he? Fuck, when I’m two-hundred fifteen pounds I’ll show him. I orgasmed then, facing off with my Dad. I grunted and moaned as I shot, breaking eye-contact with him – a big, wet stain immediately spreading on the singlet, but still I didn’t stop. I wasn’t even embarrassed by it – no, I fuckin’ LOVED it! It felt so GOOD! “Yeah,” Dad growled. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about…” “Fuck!” I screamed as the orgasm subsided, a few vain left-over spurts feebly making their way out of my still-hard cock. I felt so vibrant – so STRONG. “Where’s… a fuckin’… MIRROR?” I said, my voice gaining a rough edge it had never had before. That was certainly the first time I’d used the “F”-word in front of my coach… I mean, my Dad. He seemed to be taking it okay, though. He had a huge smile on his face as he led me to the full-length mirror at the end of the hallway. A light shone done from directly above where we were standing, making for kind of dramatic lighting as I saw what had begun happening to me. Mirrors had never been my friends – they always showed my flaws, my weaknesses. I would avoid my reflection as much as I could. But standing here with my Dad, I looked in the mirror and saw a whole different me. And since my dad was reflected accurately, then I must have been, too. I didn’t see the skinny, weak, loser I had always been. No, I saw a developing athlete instead, with a strong muscular base that seemed to be growing before my eyes. Damn, I looked good in this singlet, tight as it was becoming – like it was MADE for me. Made for my body. Made to show off my muscle, my power – my very generous cock. I never thought I could be so hot. So incredible. Maybe I wouldn’t mind being this Wrestling Matt after all… “Flex,” Coach said, looking at my reflection rather than me. I instantly obeyed, throwing up a double-bis, and my erection instantly returned. Look how fucking big I was getting! I went from pose to pose, Coach showing me the ones I didn’t really know – most muscular, side chest – my musculature improving and growing the more I flexed. Look at my traps, my neck – years of neck bridges showed as I flexed. “Let’s see the abs,” Coach said, putting his hands behind his own head and flexing his – no wonder he stressed core-training as much as he did. His abs were incredible, dense, thick and separated by deep, oxen-plowed grooves. I quickly pulled the straps of my singlet down, eager to see what mine looked like next to his. I wasn’t disappointed. All the hours we’d spent training together – the nearly obsessive nature of it – had clearly paid off. I remember it used to drive Mom fuckin’ crazy. No wonder she and Dad split up – she couldn’t understand men who had our priorities. My abs were actually better than Dad’s… I mean, than my Coach’s. He was thicker through the middle than me – a little middle-aged spread, I’d joke with him when I really wanted to piss him off – my waist was almost two inches smaller than the old man and my tiny little hips gave me a “V” much more sever than his. “Hard not to be envious, isn’t it?” I asked in my gravelly new voice as we fought for mirror space. Coach barked out a “Fuck you” and cocked his fist like he was gonna punch me. “Go ahead, old man,” I said, smirking, running a hand over my eight-pack. “Give it your best shot.” As soon as his fist came in contact with my muscle, I orgasmed again, this time so powerful, it brought me to my knees. My big cock just kept pumping out the jizz, soaking the material and dripping down my leg. I fuckin’ LOVED it! When I could control myself again, there on my knees in the hallway, I looked over at Coach, standing there with a triumphant smirk on his face – God damn, I loved him! After all, I owed him fucking EVERYTHING – he made me into the man I was today. He’d trained me all my life to be the best I could be – to be like HIM. His big hard dick fought the confines of his loose sweats, and as the Coach’s Favorite, I knew what my job was. Without waiting for his order or his guidance, I reached over, untied the waistband, and pulled out his thick, nine-incher. Damn, I may’ve had better abs, but I had nothing on Coach’s hot, hot cock. “You gonna stare at it,” he asked, “or are you gonna do something with it?” “Just give me the order, Coach.” That smirk – that cocky fuckin’ smirk – the one I’d inherited. Yeah, fucker, just watch what your favorite can do. Feel my talented mouth. “Suck my cock, Matt,” he said, slapping it against my face. The rush of pleasure I felt when I took it in my mouth caused me to cum again. Seeing our reflections in the mirror, this hulking college wrestler blowing his Coach, their muscle flexing, their faces locked in ecstasy, made it even hotter. I knew just what to do, just how to tickle, just when to deep-throat, and when he orgasmed, filling my mouth with his salty-sweet jism, choking me with its volume, I knew with certainty that was why I’d been created. And I’d never be satisfied. “Isn’t this better than being some pansy-ass performing arts major at Liberal U, Brian?” he asked as he leaned against the wall and I licked him clean. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked as I ran my tongue down the length of his impressive shaft. “My name is Matt. Don’t you remember, or did it take all the blood from your brain to fill this big dick of yours? I go to Iowa, like my dad before me. I’m on a wrestling scholarship that you helped me earn, and for which....” I kissed the head of his cock and slipped it back into his sweats. “…I will be forever grateful.” “Excellent,” he said, patting me on the head. “Let’s go hit the mats, then, Matt. I want to see what you learned at Iowa this semester.” It was our best Christmas ever – we could train, eat, and fuck without Mom breathing down our necks. Coach and I trudged through the snow to the Athletic Building on campus, opened up the wrestling room, turned up the heat, and grappled the night away. We started in our Iowa singlets, which was hot enough, then we stripped down to jocks and finally rolled naked together, sweaty. muscular and masculine. He was a tough bitch and I still couldn’t take him – but he took me, often and ferociously. Quite literally, too. He took me right there on the wrestling mats, fucking me the way a man uses his favorite sex toy, the same way he had for years. I loved it so much. As team captain, I always had my pick of the other wrestler’s tight little asses, but rarely had to give up my own – that’s how often I lost. But man, Coach could always do me, and do me right. He could fuck me hard on the soft mats and I always wanted more. I may’ve even shouted “I love you!” as he came inside me – I don’t remember, I was so lost in ecstasy. So lost in gratitude. I was Wrestling Matt, the Coach’s Favorite, a two-hundred fifteen pound state champion and fuck machine. And I loved it. Afterwards, I licked the mats clean and joined my Coach in the shower. END
  22. Guest

    The muscle frat (8)

    Eight The next morning Tristan was wolfing down his breakfast when Mark walked into the kitchen. "Ready for some training, T.?", the wrestler asked as he sat down in front of the huge teen and dug into a big bowl of cereal. "Can't wait to toss your frail body around", Tristan replied with a grin and shrugged his shoulders, making striations explode across his wide, perfectly round delts. Mark took in the display of male dominance and emptied his bowl. "I'll grab my gear and meet ya in the locker room", he said and got up. In the locker room, Brad was getting ready for his morning workout. He'd just put on his workout gear when he heard the door open. "Hi, Brad" Brad turned around and saw Mark, the heavyweight wrestle champ entering. "'sup", he replied. "In for some practice", Mark said as he went to his locker and put his bag in front of it while he unlocked it. "Who's the victim?", Brad asked as he tossed his towel over his shoulder and locked his locker. "Oh", Mark began but was cut off by the opening door. "Ya're already here", Tristan said as he entered and saw the heavyweight wrestler. "Bro?", he asked as he noticed his older brother in the center of the room. Brad stared in horror at his massive brother who seemed to fill the entire locker room with his presence. "You guys are brothers?", Mark let out incredulously. "Yeah. He's 3 years older than me. But you wouldn't say", Tristan said smugly and stepped up to his brother. Brad gulped as his younger brother towered over him. "I guess I have the good genes. Don't ya agree, bro?", Tristan said playfully and put his right paw atop his brother's bare shoulder. A hint of disappointment flickered in his eyes as no tingling sensation brook out. "Mind if I pass and get to the gym?", Brad said as deeply as possible. "Good idea, bro. You need to grow a bit to be a real man", Tristan replied and put some pressure on his brother's muscular shoulder. Brad felt his brother's fingers dig into his delts and his knees buckled a bit from the force. He summoned every ounce of strength not to sink to the ground. "Don't want to disturb you ladies but I'ld like to get some practice in", Mark said. "Catch ya later, bro", Tristan said to Brad as he let go of his shoulder and turned to the wrestler. Brad headed over into the gym for his morning workout, hurrying to get away from his brother. "You have a singlet, T.?", Mark asked while he grabbed his customized blue singlet from his locker. "Nope", Tristan stated, "why don't we wrestle in our boxers?". He took off his hoodie and pulled off his shirt. "Fine", Mark replied and put his singlet back inside his locker and stripped down to his boxers. He turned aside and gulped as he noticed how the beastly teen outsized him in every department. "Still want to go through with this?", Tristan asked mockingly while he compared their bodies: Mark's 220 pound frame was filled with thick muscles but also carried a certain amount of fat that gave him a bulky look; his own 300 pound body was a living anatomy chart with insanely ripped muscles that rippled with every breath he took. "Let's do this", Mark said and led the teen beast over into the wrestle hall. Tristan followed the heavyweight wrestle champ and stopped in the center of the mat as instructed. He looked at his 220 pound training partner who faced him from a few feet away. He nodded as Mark explained the basic rules. "Ready, T.?", Mark asked as he took a defensive position. "Bring it on, little guy", Tristan replied. He was surprised by the swift attack of his opponent and felt the guy's hand grabbing his neck before he could react. He braced his thick legs for support and his right paw grabbed the champ's neck while his left hand interlocked with the guy's left hand. Mark instantly felt the beastly teen's incredible force and flexed his heavily muscled quads to withstand the counterattack. His strong left arm was being pushed back by his opponent's 30 inch arm. He jumped backward to free himself and took a few deep breaths to control his breathing. "What have I gotten myself into?", he thought as he kept his gaze on his huge opponent. "Running away?", Tristan asked as the champ retreated. He moved in on the heavyweight wrestler. Mark anticipated the attack and dove under the paws that reached for him. He found himself inches from the teen beast and wrapped his 22 inch arms around the guy's torso in a bear hug. "Trapped?", he asked playfully and hardened his grip, veins exploding along his arms. "Ugh", Tristan let out in surprise as the strong arms hardened around his torso. "Guess again", he replied and lifted his thick arms up to easily break the grasp. Mark stumbled back in disbelief: until now, no one had ever broken free from his bear hug. He held up his hands in a defensive motion and thought about his next move. "My turn", Tristan growled and moved in on the heavyweight wrestler. Mark followed his huge opponent's moves, he knew he didn't stand a chance if the beastly teen could grab him. So he took a step back with every step the 300 pound Tristan made in his direction. As he turned in circles to maintain the distance, Mark felt his own breathing slow down and he also noted from the heaving of his opponent's protruding chest that Tristan wasn't used to training. "Tired, big guy?", he asked tauntingly. Tristan let out a low, vibrating grunt in response. "Quit dancing around and fight", he barked and moved in. Mark saw the teen beast slight lower his arms as he stepped toward him and made his move: he dodged the paws and moved swiftly behind his 300 pound opponent, his arms reaching underneath the perfectly round, cannonball-sized shoulders as his big hands reached for the back of the thickly muscled neck. "What the ...", Tristan said, surprised by the heavyweight wrestler's sudden move. Mark's hands joined together and he locked them hard, securing his full nelson atop the thick traps. "Gotcha", he said into the teen beast's ear. Tristan shrugged his shoulders, making his traps mound upward and budging against the hands locked behind his neck. He felt the grasp giving away against his meaty traps and repeated the process. Striations exploded across his wide shoulders as he shrugged them once more. Mark felt his grip being pushed apart and used every trick he'd learned over the past years, holding onto the beastly teen's neck with everything he got left. A wave of euphoria went through him as he managed to maintain his full nelson. His cock hardened a bit from the friction against the muscular lower back. "No fucking way", Tristan groaned as he tried getting free. He tried reaching for the heavyweight wrestler, but his 30 inch arms couldn't free him like before. No matter what he tried, his opponent refused to let go and was wearing him out. He felt the cock harden against his back, sending a responsive jolt through his own flaccid member as he slowly sank to his knees. "You give?", Mark asked in between fast breaths without releasing his hold. "I… yeah", Tristan replied. Instantly the arms let go of his neck and he laid down on his back on the mat, inhaling deeply to control his breathing. "Who's the champ?", Mark yelled and threw a double bicep pose. Excitement and adrenaline rushed through his body as he realized he'd just taken down an 80 pound heavier opponent. Tristan looked up at the heavyweight wrestler, noticing how his muscles glistened with sweat and the growing bulge inside the guy's boxers. He placed his hands aside his body and sat up, his thick triceps flexing in the process. "Congrats, man", he said, "I really thought I could take ya". "Yar strength is unreal, I felt it from the start. My experience handed me the win. If ya learn the moves, ya'll be unstoppable", Mark replied. His gaze travelled down to the growing bulge in the beastly teen's boxers. "Let's hit the showers", he said and extended his hand to help his 300 pound opponent get up. Tristan grabbed the hand and got up. He looked down into the 6 feet champ's eyes and before he could react, the guy kissed him on the lips. "What…", Tristan said as he broke the kiss. "I… ehr… sorry", Mark muttered as he looked up into the beastly teen's dark brown eyes, his heart pounding in chest as he realized the guy towered over him in height and width. "Tristan, I…", he began. "We both want this", Tristan said, grabbed the back of the heavyweight wrestler's head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Mark's eyes widened in surprise as his 220 pound body was pulled against the 300 pound beast and the tongue invaded his mouth. He returned the kiss and let his big hands roam the mounds of muscle that flowed into each other across the insanely wide back. The teen's thick pecs pushed into his own heavy chest and one of the guy's paws cupped his muscular ass. Black dots began dancing before his eyes as the beast kept kissing him. Tristan finally broke the kiss and took in a deep breath, making his protruding pecs dig into the harden against the wrestler's muscular ones. He felt his own dick grow to full hardness between their heavily muscled bodies along the 220 pound guy's rock-hard cock. "Fuck me", Mark moaned in pleasure as his hands grabbed the beefy biceps and tested the hardness of the beasty teen's relaxed arms. "I…", Tristan muttered and began blushing. "You're a virgin, aren’t ya?", Mark asked as he noted the shy reaction of the huge guy. Tristan nodded. "I mean… I had blowjobs before but never really", he rattled on and clenched his fists to make his bicep harden under the heavyweight wrestler's touch. Mark's rock-hard cock jolted in his boxers as the steely biceps pried open his hands. "You're cute when you blush, T.", he said, "And no worries: I've never been fucked before. We'll take things slowly". He ripped away his own boxers and did the same with the teen beast's boxers. Both their rock-hard cocks smacking against their abs as they were freed from their fabric prison. He kissed the 300 pound Tristan on the lips again and slowly leaned back, letting the teen beast gently lead him down on the wrestle mat. Tristan carefully laid the heavyweight wrestler with his back on the mat. He placed his knees aside his legs, positioned his elbows next to the guy's heavily muscled torso and kissed him once more as he was leaning over him. Their rock-hard cocks brushing against each other, sending shivers of bliss through their bodies. "Common, fuck me", Mark whispered in the teen's ear while he gently bit the earlobe and rubbed the hot surface of the thick pecs that hung over him. "Mhm", Tristan mounded and positioned the fat head of his 14 inch cock against the meaty ass of the heavyweight wrestler. "Here we go", he said as he very slowly drove his cock in between the ass cheeks. Mark's muscular back arched up from the mat as the thick head pushed passed his ass cheeks and slowly brushed against his hole. His hole clenched in anticipation. Tristan gently pushed further and let the head of his 14 incher enter the 220 pound athlete. "Umpf", Mark grunted in pleasure as the searing hot pole pushed past his defenses and invaded him teasingly slowly. His back arched further off the mat and his arms wrapped around the heavily muscled torso leaning over him, trapping his own rock-hard 10 incher between his bulky six-pack and the teen's ripped eight-pack. Tristan placed his paws against the wrestler's back and kept driving his lengthy snake inside him. Pleasure flowed through his 300 pound body as the tight ass engulfed his cock like a fleshy glove. Lightning bolt-like flashes crackled in Mark's vision as the 14 incher was completely inside him and the pubes of the teen beast's brushed his muscular ass. He felt like a ragdoll in the grasp of the hulking man and loved it: his cock was throbbing against the deeply grooved eight-pack while his hands groped the hard mass on the guy's broad back. Tristan began pumping his cock back and forth inside the clenching ass; slowly at first but faster and deeper as he seemed to gain more confidence. "UGHN", he bellowed as his balls exploded and his cock blasted a first load into the heavyweight wrestler. A spark of energy shot from the bottom of Mark's spine up into his head, exploding into a firework of white light as the beastly teen filled him with his seed. His own 10 incher exploded between their muscular bodies, covering their pecs and abs in his sticky juices. Tristan's orgasm lasted seven long, big blasts before wearing off. He gently withdrew from the 220 pound athlete and laid down next to him, his chest heaving from the orgasm. "Best sex I've ever had", Mark said and ruffled the 80 pound heavier guy's hair. He smiled as the beastly teen blushed once again. "Let's shower", he said and got up.
  23. Travis quickly stripped naked, exposing his godlike body to the chill Alaskan air. Even relaxed and cold, his muscles were enormous, and they seemed to dance as he bent over and arranged his clothes, neatly folding them into a pile on the tundra rocks. 20 yards back Tina was filming her boyfriend and she couldn't help but get wet at the sight of his glorious nude body, 265 lbs of impossibly strong muscular beef. Her eyes danced over the orgy of ripped muscles that lay before her. His shoulders were her favourite she decided, they bulged huge, easily as large as pair of football helmets. She always had to stretch her arms wide to grope and fondle both of them at the same time. From the front she was a big fan of his massive pecs and thickly muscled abdomen, which were both without equal even in the world of super-heavyweight bodybuilders. Of course her eyes always crept back to his naked sexy ass, round and tight with all its incredible thrusting power. This was the fifth time in as many years that Travis had come to Alaska. Four times he had tried to defeat one of the massive grizzly bears during their mating season fights. Each time he had been forced to withdraw, unable to match the sheer size and strength and of these 700lb creatures. The mighty bodybuilder was feeling good about his chances this year though. He finally broke through the one-tonne squat plateau at the start of the year, and had benched 1300lbs a short time later. Knowing that a naked wrestling match with a grizzly would require superhuman endurance and pain tolerance, he had increased the ferocity of his workouts to unbelievable levels. For months he suffered through 20-rep squats with over a thousand pounds slung across his vast shoulders. He even bought a cruel whip for Tina, and she would mercilessly pound his body with it until his skin was covered in red marks. She had never beaten him though, his determined mind always fighting through the pain until his girlfriend would lie collapsed on the floor in exhaustion, defeated by her bodybuilding boyfriend that she had taken to calling "Superman." Travis walked up to a mighty grizzly, large even for its species, and tipping the scales at over 800 lbs. The huge bear had easily defeated a young male the day before and was eager to breed, its gigantic body coursing with animal testosterone. It reared on its hind legs as Travis approached. Even with his supersized bodybuilder muscles, he looked like small, easy prey for this ultimate apex predator. Travis made himself look big, making his challenging intentions clear. The bear roared and fell on top of Travis. Tina gasped as this happened but her boyfriend's nude body didn't yield to the immense weight, his ass tightened into an iron ball and his forearms stood out like steel cables as he absorbed having all that animal muscle fall onto him. Holding the bear for a second, he used his massive pecs to shove the bear backwards, the huge animal toppling over in a giant crash. Travis admired what he had done for a second and he made his pillow like pecs dance in triumph. He had trained his body to such an extent that he could bench press this huge bear if he wanted to and this fact turned him on immensely. Uninjured but angry, the bear got up and charged. Any other human would have fled in terror but Travis held his ground, crouching forward with all his spectacular muscles flexing hard. The collision of these two goliaths, one of them triple the size of the other, was monumental. Travis' heavy body was actually pushed back several feet, his bare toes sliding over the rough hard ground. Powerful paws tore into his skin, leaving red marks but unable to pierce his iron-hard muscles. Claws that would have sliced a normal human to ribbons were simply an annoyance to Travis' amazing body. The bear's crushing jaws were another matter, they could eviscerate his face or throat if he wasn't careful. Holding the 800 pound bear back with one hand, he used the other to force those massive jaws upwards and away from him. The two mighty animals were locked in a test of strength now. Bare naked human muscle somehow, impossibly, was a match for something that was could have easily slain a dozen normal men. For several minutes the two creatures wrestled, holding each other tightly. Travis could tell that he was much stronger than even this huge bear, although its sheer weight and towering height kept things even, not to mention having to use one arm to keep those jaws away from him. This realization made him very excited, it was one of his strength fantasies coming true! Thousands of hours in the gym had forged himself into a real life Hercules. He could feel the bear's struggles growing weaker now as his muscular endurance also proved superior than this ferocious wild animal. Redoubling his efforts, he used his massively pumped legs to force the bear backwards, much to Tina's delight. Her boyfriend was going to win! She couldn't see it, but Travis was enjoying himself even more so. As the feeling of male power washed over him, his monster sized cock surged upwards. An erection stronger than he had ever enjoyed brushed animal fur before finally reaching just above the dense plates of his thick eight pack. Strength-lust overcame Travis' mind and he wanted nothing more than to shoot a huge load off. He reversed his efforts and pulled the massive bear forward onto him, letting them both fall backwards onto the hard earth! There was an immense thud as 800lbs of wild animal slammed Travis' broad back into the ground. The weight was nothing to his splendid muscles and he loved the feeling of all that mass pressing him into the earth. Wrapping his redwood thighs around the massive bear, he used this once powerful creature as simulation, thrusting himself against its furry belly again and again. His huge naked thighs pressed into the grizzly, causing it pain as Travis realized that he could literally crush this huge animal to death if he wanted, its enormous body no match for his powerhouse thighs that, even on a bad day, could easily crack coconuts. Now they were so pumped, so swollen with muscle that even a bowling ball wouldn't stand a chance against them. Holding the bear's jaws shut with both hands now, the pumped up bodybuilder thrust his cock with wild abandon until he came harder that he had ever before in his life. Vast quantities of superhuman sperm shot out of his fist sized balls as Travis nearly blacked out from the pleasure.The sexy man closed his eyes and moaned loudly as his huge cock just kept cumming and cumming. Both muscular bronzed skin and dark brown fur were getting extremely sticky now from the enormous load that spewed out in endless thick gouts. Tina was close by now, filming her boyfriend having a better orgasm with a male bear that he had ever had with her. Finally his moaning stopped as he orgasm wound down. His erection was still steel hard and monstrous and Travis wanted nothing more than experience that feeling again. The naked man manhandled the exhausted grizzly until he had it in a rear choke. "Sweet dreams pal" Tina thought as the bear slipped into unconsciousness, defeated by the tremendous strength of a powerful male bodybuilder. Travis' dirty, sticky body looked awesome as he stood up, his pumped up physique bulging in all directions with impossible muscles. He placed a bare foot on the defeated grizzly and posed his naked body for the camera, flexing all the massive hard muscles and proudly showing off his colossal manhood. The realization that he was now strong enough to defeat a huge grizzly bear hit him again and his glorious cock once again became as hard as steel. Tina centered the camera on his dick as Travis jerked himself off yet again. His normally massive 11 incher HAD to be past 12 now she thought, and swollen to soda-can levels of girth. His veins on it were raised and looked positively angry as his gargantuan dick spurted forth again. While Tina was soaking her panties, Travis proceeded to soak the bear. Unbelievable quantities of jizz sprayed all over the unconscious beast until it almost seemed like it was more white than brown. Finally the hyper-muscular man's moans and groans subsided as his orgasm finished up. Turning towards his flustered girlfriend, he easily picked her up with one hand and gave her a deep French kiss. "I think its time for the alpha male to impregnate its female" Tina whispered. Travis grinned and started effortlessly shredding her clothing.
  24. Xyggurat

    The Bigger Man

    Short, aggressive, and dirty. In keeping with the season, I figured I'd sneak this one out in the middle of the night, like Santa but pornier. Merry Christmas! I apologize for any typos or the like and will get back to them later. I am bone-tired from baking cookies and running D&D. -X- ===== Logan couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he realized he was in too deep. It was probably around the time he finished tying the knot in the rope around Troy Larkin’s wrists. At any moment, the unconscious jock would come around, and there’d be no going back. Truthfully, though, Logan had passed the point of no return a few days prior. He’d been driven to the line a number of times, like when Troy had casually knocked a weight out of his hand while he was doing shoulder presses, or all of those times he and his dumb jock buddies had mocked him while he was getting changed. But all of those paled in comparison to that fateful Saturday when he decided he’d finally had enough of the humiliation. In retrospect, calling Troy a “roided up asshole” in the locker room was exactly the wrong way to retaliate to the latest round of jeers and snickers. One shove led to another, and suddenly he found himself on his knees in the middle of an otherwise empty locker room, staring at Troy’s donkey dick eye-to-eye. The jock had slapped him across the cheek with it before hefting his balls in one hand, grinding them against Logan’s face. “Do these look like they’re shriveled up, bitch?” Troy had asked. He needn’t have asked. Everyone at the gym knew that Troy freeballed at the gym. It was impossible not to notice the thick bulge of his dick swinging in his shorts. Logan had always wanted to see it, but not in this scenario. He had struggled, but Troy’s grip was like iron on his shoulders. He’d been forced to endure the whole, humiliating scenario, tears stinging his eyes and his heart pounding like a jackhammer. To make matters worse, he’d been painfully hard the whole time. At least Troy hadn’t seen that. Shaking with rage in the car afterward, Logan knew he needed to get revenge, but he might not have gone through with it if it weren’t for the old man he’d nearly hit on the way home. He had slammed on his brakes and threw open the door, hurrying to make sure his near-victim was all right. To his surprise, the old man--a dapper old fellow with stark white hair and a suit that seemed out of place in the summer heat of San Cristobal--seemed far calmer. “You must have been in a hurry,” the old man had said. Logan had helped him to his feet, apologizing all the while. “I’ll be fine,” the old man had assured him. “But you, son, you look like someone’s got under your skin.” For some reason, Logan found himself sitting on the street corner, telling the old man all about Troy. He wasn’t sure why he shared so much, except that there was something calming, reassuring, about the pale blue eyes that regarded him while he talked. When he was finished, the old man said, “It sounds like you already know what you need to do. Put this bully in his place. You’ll come out of it the bigger man.” That flew in the face of everything Logan had learned in school. His parents had always told him not to rise to the bait. That was what made you the bigger man. But as the old man talked, he became surer and surer of his course of action. Troy’s eyelids fluttered. Groggily, the jock shook his head, lifting his head from the locker room floor. He looked around as if seeing the place for the first time, but when his gaze settled on Logan standing there before him, he came sharply awake. “The fuck are you doing?” he asked, ever-so-eloquently. Logan didn’t respond. He let Troy’s dawning awareness take in the fullness of his situation, the ropes binding his arms and legs. Logan standing before him, thin arms folded over his narrow chest. Troy struggled against his bonds and let out a mindless cry for help. “No one’s here,” said Logan. “One of the perks of working out this late, I guess. We have the whole place to ourselves.” That part of the plan had been easier than Logan expected. The desk clerk had been eager to get off of his shift early. Logan had waited until he and Troy were the only clients at the gym, and then he’d offered to lock up so the clerk could go home early. The kid had been all too ready to accept. Troy strained against the ropes again. The corded musculature of his arms bunched impressively, and all over his shirtless torso, hard slabs of beef tensed and rippled into sharp relief. Logan could have sworn he heard the individual fibers crying out in protest. He almost took a step back. But no, even Troy couldn’t break out of that. He slumped back onto the ground and shook his head, still clearly woozy. His eyes, full of fury, speared Logan. “You put something into my drink.” Logan shrugged. His heart was pounding in his chest like he’d just run a hill sprint, but his voice sounded oddly calm and detached. “You shouldn’t have left it lying around while doing supersets.” Troy snarled. “What’s this all about? You try anything, you little fa--” The clap of flesh against flesh surprised even Logan. Dimly, through the rushing adrenaline and endorphins, he felt stinging heat in his palm. “Don’t use that word with me.” Troy’s face went scarlet as he struggled against his bonds. One cheek was a deeper red where Logan’s hand had connected. He sagged again, quicker this time. A sheen of sweat glistened over his body, highlighting the wide taper of his lats and the thick, bunching traps that framed his neck. “What’re you going to do?” Troy asked. “You fucked with me one too many times,” said Logan. “This is payback.” He hiked his trembling thumbs under the waistband of his gym shorts and pulled them down. In his baby blue boxer briefs underneath, his cock was already half-hard and inflating to its full six and a half inches. Troy looked up at him blankly. Then comprehension dawned. “You’re a sick fuck,” he spat. “When I get out of these, you’re dead.” The threat hit Logan with a physical force. Throughout all of his fevered planning for revenge, there had been a cold voice of warning in the back of his head: there would be consequences. He had shut that voice away, time and again. He tried to do so again as he peeled his boxer briefs down. His cock, at least, had no worries. It sprang up and bobbed in the air, a bead of precum glistening at the head. No, Logan told himself. He had come this far, and he was going to see his revenge through. One hand slid down the length of his cock. A quiver of pleasure echoed up his spine the hard flesh under his hand bucked like a startled horse. The sight of Troy’s pecs, pumped from his efforts and rippling with the jock’s impotent rage, only fueled his boner. “Don’t you fucking do it, you little pervert.” “Try and stop me,” Logan grunted, lost in pleasure and vindication. Was this how Troy had felt when he had shoved his junk in Logan’s face? He had expected to feel guilty, but every stroke of his cock washed away a bit more of the remorse and fear in his belly. He was in control. It felt good. Powerful. His strokes sped up, the sound of skin against skin an odd counterpoint to Troy’s raging. To Logan’s surprise, a higher-pitched edge of helplessness soured the jock’s litany of threats, until all of a sudden, he let out one shrill word. “Please!” The sound of it, the knowledge that he had complete and total power of Troy Larkin, sent Logan over the edge. Hot white pleasure arced up his spine and burned down his limbs as an orgasm built in the base of his balls. He felt them pull up as his dick went rigid in his hand. Bliss. That was the only word he could use to describe the explosive wave of energy that tore through him, the only one he could hold in his mind against the blinding tide. It was unlike any orgasm he’d ever had before, a thousand times more intense. The first spray of cum spurted out across Troy’s beautiful face, a streak that crossed from temple to chiseled cheek. He opened his mouth to protest, and a second blast splattered across his lips and into his mouth. Not that Logan could see. His eyes were shut against the storm of pleasure raging around him. Every millisecond of it stretched into eternity as searing euphoria hit him in waves. That dim voice of warning perked up, telling him that something was not normal about this, but its shouts weren’t even a whisper against the roar of his own pleasure. He realized that the roar wasn’t in his head. It ripped from his throat, a sound of purest, primal exultation. But something had to be wrong with his ears. His voice sounded deeper, as if he had a cold. Still he came, drenching Troy’s face in jism. Warmth poured down his spine and into his limbs. He felt like he was being *stretched* somehow in every direction at once, like the air was pulling at his skin. And then he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He’d gotten used to the sight of his form, short and lean, over the course of months failing to put on any muscle. He knew immediately that his reflection had changed. He was still thin, yes, but the guy in the mirror might as well have been a stranger. The Logan he knew didn’t have horseshoe triceps when he wasn’t flexing, or a tangled blue vein down each arm. And he definitely didn’t have the solid four-pack he saw in the mirror. As he stared, knees still buckling under the power of his orgasm, the figure in the mirror changed further. With every improbable shot of cum, muscles swelled and tightened. Two more abs resolved themselves into stern definition on his stomach, and his newly forged six-pack rippled and hardened. Mass mounded up on his shoulders and traps, giving his body new breadth. The changes in his lower body were even more pronounced. Logan’s ass had always been bony, but firm globes of muscle were pulsing outward, even as his meager quads expanded in fits and spurts. None of the miraculous growth could have prepared him for the strange sensation of his dick expanding in his hand. His cock had been at full mast the whole time, but it was as if he was getting an erection on top of the first. The head strained forward, lengthening past his clenched fist, even as his shaft pulsed thicker and wider, forcing his grip apart. Hips still bucking, he gave a powerful stroke of his new cock and marveled at how long it took to travel the full length of it. It had to be a good seven and a half inches, and so thick he couldn’t close his fingers around it. A moan from Troy drew Logan’s attention downward. He realized two things: first, that he was looking further down than he was used to, and second, that he wasn’t the only one changing. The metamorphosis working its way through Logan’s body was mirrored and reversed in Troy. As Logan’s orgasm began to subside, he watched as Troy’s bunched biceps softened and dwindled, losing mass and definition at once. The jock’s huge feet visibly retracted, leaving them merely large. Everywhere, from his cannonball delts to the heaving globes of muscle at his chest, it looked like air was being slowly let out of a ball. Logan sagged against a locker as the orgasm finally ebbed away. It was a strange dichotomy. He felt so spent from the pleasure that he could barely stand, but his newly muscled legs carried his weight more easily than they ever had before. Troy, too, slumped down onto the ground. All of the fight had gone out of him. He was still muscular, though hardly the amateur middleweight bodybuilder he had been before. And with Logan’s cum still dripping down his face, he had never before looked so pathetic. “What the hell happened?” Logan asked, not expecting an answer. He turned to the mirror again. One hand roamed over his chest. Hard plates of muscle met his hand as he explored the uncharted topography of his new physique. He let out a gasp as a stray finger brushed over a surprisingly sensitive nipple. His hand voyaged lower, sliding over the sweat-slicked grooves of his abs. There was no fat there, only skin shrink-wrapped over taut bricks of muscle, leading like cobblestones toward the heavy cock at his groin. It felt too big, slapping against his thigh as he turned to flex in the mirror. No, not too big. Fucking great. Logan raised one arm up and bent it, sucking in a breath at the hard tennis ball of muscle that exploded upward as he flexed. He wasn’t huge by any means, but he’d packed on years of progress in a matter of minutes, and he was taller besides--maybe 5’9 now. Just barely above average, but he’d stopped growing in high school and had resigned himself to a life of needing stools to reach high shelves. His growth--and Troy’s shrinking--was impossible. Utterly impossible. He’d heard stories, of course, like everyone in San Cristobal did, but those were just silly tales people at the college told. Staring at his mounding biceps, he wondered just how many of them were true, and how this had happened to him. You’ll come out of it the bigger man, the old man had said. Impossible. Logan let out a laugh at the absurdity of it. He was so consumed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that Troy had gotten free. Logan had tied the ropes tightly around Troy’s hamhock-sized forearms, but they had shrunk with the rest of the bound jock. Somehow, he had managed to get one hand loose and clamber to his feet. All of this passed through Logan’s mind as the jock’s still-sizeable bulk hurtled into his back. He went down, face slamming against hard tile. Wind exploded from his lungs. He tried to suck in a breath, but Troy’s weight pressed down on his back. Still stunned, he felt like a rag doll as the jock twisted him onto his back and pinned him down. Hate-filled eyes bored down into his. Spittle and spent cum rained down on him as Troy’s fingers dug into his shoulders. “What did you do to me!?” Logan stared at him, half numb from the pain and half devoid of words to describe the impossible. A sudden, delirious laugh tore free from his battered lungs. “Stop laughing!” Troy shrieked at him. Through fits of laughter, Logan blurted out, “My cum’s--” “Change me back!” “--on your face!” With a wordless roar, Troy drew back a fist and swung down at Logan. Desperate, the smaller man raised his hand to block the blow. His hand caught the punch. The strength of the blow drove Logan’s hand down to the ground, but he saw awareness dawn in Troy’s eyes. The big jock was still stronger, but the gap between them had narrowed. Emboldened, Logan struggled against the muscled physique pressing him down onto the cold tiles. He fought as Troy drove down on him, the jock’s hot breath stinging against his ear. Somehow, he managed to wriggle one sweat-slicked leg free. Desperate, he drove his knee up into the jock’s crotch. The feeble kick lacked momentum, but a grunt of pain and fury shook Troy's body. Logan took his chance, throwing his full strength at one of Troy’s arms. He wriggled out from under Troy and tried to get back to his feet. The jock clawed at him, bringing him back down. Logan lashed out blindly. His fingers closed on fabric as he fought to free himself again, and he pulled frantically. Troy’s shorts gave way with a rip. As they battled, Logan felt something big, hot, and thick press into his side. “This what you want?” Troy jeered as his cock slid across Logan’s ass. Sheer fear lent Logan strength. He caught Troy around the midsection with one arm and got a grip on one of the jock’s wrists with the other. Ignoring the throbbing in his head and the protestations of his battered body, he managed to twist Troy’s arm behind his back. The jock tried to yank free, but he’d spent too much of his strength trying to escape his bonds, and was at a bad angle besides. He let out another enraged grunt as Logan managed to get on top of him. His grunt went suddenly high-pitched. Logan looked down, taking a moment to realize why. Amidst all of the other concerns of his body, he’d barely noticed his still-hard cock pressing against the crack of Troy’s huge bubble butt. A wicked grin spread across his face, fueled by delirium and pain. He tugged Troy’s arm backwards and leaned in, whispering, “Is this what you want?” Logan shifted his hips, using his thighs and free arm to press down on Troy’s back. The jock bucked, his incredible strength almost dismounting Logan, but he just tugged on Troy’s bent arm once more. The jock let out a hiss of pain. It was nothing compared to the curses he let out as Logan positioned his still-hard cock against Troy’s exposed hole. The jock had violated him, made him feel like less of a man. “It’s time to return the favor,” he said, and drove his cock in. Logan had topped before, but this was a whole new experience. Always before, he’d been on the smaller side of average. As he pressed into Troy’s virgin hole, he felt the walls inside gripping his dick like a glove. Mixed with the rush of endorphins, it was bliss all over again. “Beat the hell out of me if you want,” Logan spat. “You’re always going to remember that you were my bitch.” He didn’t know where the words were coming from. Logan had never talked like this before, never been so brutally aggressive in his life. But it felt so good, the raw, mean masculinity of it. He pulled back and drove his dick in again, savoring the length of the strokes. It didn’t take long for his pleasure to crescendo once more. He couldn’t brace himself against the volcanic surge from his balls as he blasted a volley of cum into Troy’s ass. His moans deepened as he began, again, to feel the tugging at the edges of his limbs, the swelling heat in his muscles. This time, he luxuriated in the power of it, bringing his arms up into a savage flex as his peaks climbed higher. Every muscle in his body felt pumped with blood, overfilled and huge, but they only grew bigger. He was dimly aware of Troy’s dwindling beneath him, but that was nothing compared to the sensation of his lengthening cock driving deeper into the vanquished jock. Logan’s back stretched and lengthened. He threw his head back as his pecs surged forward, going from solid plates to dense globes of striated muscle. Below, his abs refined themselves into a perfect eight-pack. He widened, too, his shoulders going from merely broad to impressively so. At the same time, he felt his lats unfurling like wings, the expanding musculature of his back giving him the depth of a lightweight bodybuilder. As his orgasmic transformation subsided, he began pulling out of the man beneath him. Calling Troy a jock now would be charitable. He was toned, perhaps, but only slightly larger than Logan had once been. Logan could barely spare any attention for that. He was awed by the sheer size of his dick as he pulled slowly free. It felt like the shaft could go on forever. He was definitely over eight inches, maybe closing in on nine, and thicker than his wrists--or at least, his wrists as they had been earlier that night. Beneath him, Troy was shaking. Logan stared at his enemy as he flipped him over. Gone were all traces of the defiant alpha male. He looked so small now, in every sense of the word. Well, not every sense. Logan glanced down as something hard prodded him in the thigh. Troy’s dick was definitely not small. It wasn’t the monster that it had been, but it was still above average. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” The cocky sound of Logan’s voice surprised him. This wasn’t him, taunting someone after they’d lost everything. He almost stopped himself. Almost. “All of that time. All of that abuse. I took it, Troy, and I didn’t say anything. I guess that does make me the bigger man,” Logan said. He reached out with one meaty hand and gripped Troy’s dick tightly. Instantly, the former jock began to protest, dull ‘no’s bubbling up on his lips. His treacherous hips, however, bucked into Logan’s hand. “I guess your buddies are going to have to find a new lifting partner,” said Logan, smirking. “You probably can’t keep up with even the smallest of them any more. But you know what? I think your muscles look better on me.” He raised one arm in front of Troy’s face and bent it slowly. The high, vein-tangled peak rose before Troy’s eyes. He let out one last whimper, and his entire body tensed. Hot cum sprinkled up into the air. The last of Troy’s definition began to fade away as his remaining mass flowed into Logan. The flexed arm swelled, denser and higher, until Logan felt like his arm might burst from sheer size. In his hand, Troy’s cock dwindled, retreating into Logan’s expanding fist, and Logan’s began to attain truly monstrous proportions. He stood, still growing, and regarded himself. It was impossible not to admire the god in the mirror. Well over six feet, he had to stoop a bit to see his entire body, but it was worth the effort. As he watched, pound after pound of competition-ready muscle poured into his body. Logan bent and went into an astounding most muscular, and for the first time in his life, he looked anything but ridiculous in the pose. Not that he’d be competing. The huge shank of meat between his legs was almost a foot long and thick as a beer can, and there’d be no hiding that in posers. He tore himself away from his reflection and went to the former jock’s locker. To his shock, Troy’s clothes were small on him. They still smelled like the jock, but he wasn’t going to drive home naked. With some effort, he squeezed himself into a tank top and shorts. They’d never fit Troy this well. With a last glance at his nemesis, he headed for the door. Troy called out to no one in particular. “My muscles,” he wailed. “You’re dead. You’re fucking dead.” Logan almost let the rage come over him once more, let that cockiness out for one last blow to Troy’s ego. But as he looked down at the bully, the shadow of a man who’d never bully anyone else again, he shook off the threats. They were as impotent as Troy himself. He left the locker room, saying nothing at all. After all, he was the bigger man.
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