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Love and Legends


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Love and Legends

Part One: The Legend of Zyrathiel



Once upon a time…

In a distant realm of Gods and Goddesses, there was a great war. The Gods of Old fought countless battles for superiority and in the end… one rose above the rest and was deemed the God King of Aervothar. He was a giant, muscular, anthropomorphic wolf with light gray fur, skin darker than the darkest night, and long flowing beautiful locks atop his head that settled down upon his mighty and godly shoulders.


Broad and mighty shoulders they were. The God was a massive and hyper muscular giant that stood fourteen feet tall from the soles of his massive feet to the tips of his ears. His facial features were not only undeniably masculine but the most beautiful in all the realm. Speaking of masculine features, he had massive pecs that were large enough that a full grown man could have curled up inside one, were they hollow shells. They most assuredly were not hollow though as with the proper coaxing of his massive and nigh invincible nipples, he could produce enough milk to feed a village for a year in a matter of moments and with such a power that the streams could blast through the walls of a castle by his impossible God strength.


The true level of his strength was quite unknown, as he had never found anyone nor anything that could properly test just how strong his impossible and indestructible muscles were. Another thing that was considered impossible, aside from his shapely, well-defined, and overly muscled body, was what he kept in his undercarriage. A massive cock that would put most battering rams to shame.


When flaccid his member was a full three feet in length and nearly half as wide. While fully hard his stronger-than-titanium rod of power was at a minimum seven feet long and at the thickest point was two and a half feet thick. It should be clarified that saying that was the minimum is because should he so have chosen, he could flex it like any of his muscles with impossible control and could increase both it and his tremendous wrecking balls to any size he so chose.


The legend of his incredible feats of strength surpassed his realm and into the realms of the mortals. It is said that he lifted a mountain single handed, that he blasted entire villages to dust with his orgasmic bliss, and that he had never lost a battle in his long and vivacious life as a God. However, the other Gods and Goddesses were not pleased with him and wanted to rule the realm of Aervothar themselves and so they turned to underhanded tactics to remove the Wolf God from his seat of power.


They knew that no one could defeat him in battle and that his cock alone could wash away entire armies in a milky wave that even the immortals could not best. So they waited until he slumbered and placed him under a powerful curse. He was sealed inside an obsidian obelisk and within it’s confines he would be cursed to sleep for all eternity. The obsidian obelisk was banished to a distant realm, the descriptions in every tale of which were lacking. Wherever it may have been hidden was to have been the final resting place of King Zyrathiel: The Crushing Darkness.


It was those legends and the images that depicted Zyrathiel as the God he was, ever so long ago, that drew in the imagination of the young Rabbit. Before he was a teenager, he had snuck into the alchemist library at his formative academy and went straight for the forbidden books section. It was there and only there where they kept the sacred books on the Old Gods.


His name was Bertram Craddock, though his friends called him Bertie, what few he had. His fur was white in the middle of his torso and turned black halfway down his thighs while his humanoid feet ended in white with black toenails. His fingernails were similarly black and the soft rabbit fur was black around his neck and over his shoulders and chest to frame the very top of his torso like a short cloth wrapped around him. There were speckles of black fur that traced down his biceps and a few along his face with his ears tipped in black and his eyes had black circles to frame them. Speaking of his eyes, they always seemed to have a mystic purple glow coming from the irises and even managed to shine through the long locks of wavy, ivory, hair that draped off the top of his head.


Bertie looked back at that day all those years ago as though it must have been his predestined fate to flip open that book right to Zyrathiel’s page. He read their stories by the flickering light of a single candle. All those tales of his power and the destruction his had reaped in that distant realm held the young lad’s interest in a death grip. When he saw that painting in the ancient tome, depicting him in all his majesty and glory, he knew then and there that he needed to know more. This God was the most perfect being he had ever read of and in that moment, deep in his heart, he took a silent vow to find him and free him no matter the cost. Zyrathiel was the object of little Bertie’s heart’s desire and he dedicated his life to learning everything he could about th God, how he had been cursed, and how his curse might be broken.


The magics it would take to find and free the imprisoned and slumbering beauty were those of the highest order… and magic became his obsession so that he might free his perfect God. It became apparent after so long in study that it would take a lifetime or more to learn and perfect magics powerful enough to find and free him… and so he found ways to extend his life through mystic means. He ended up being right as well. It took him several lifetimes to realize his fullest potential in the magic arts and a lifetime more just to find the location of the obsidian obelisk.


His travels took him to several realms further out of the one from whence he came until he ended up in Voityrnia, the realm of the Never-Was King. It took years to earn the trust of the royal courts and eventually of the Never-Was King himself. He worked until he was granted his own lands in Voityrnia and with it a flying castle to rule over his own corner of the Never Kingdom, known as Gremore.


It was in his lands, after having his subjects mine the Olyran Mountains, he found the obsidian obelisk and had it taken to his castle in the sky. The Obelisk was darker than the blackest night no matter how much light shown upon it. It reminded Bertram of a massive black crystal, thirty feet high and ten feet wide, with red glowing runes inscribed upon every face and corner.


At that point, several lifetimes past the beginning of his quest, he had retained his youthful appearance to that of a man in his twenties with only the depth of his gaze revealing his true age. The only garb he wore was a short loin cloth that only just barely covered the prodigious package of the six foot tall rabbit. In addition to that he wore a white scarf around his neck, black and white laced sleeves that covered his arms from mid biceps to his hands, and similar sleeves that covered his legs from mid thigh down to the tops of his feet.


Around him floated several porcelain hands, no less than twenty at any given moment, and each with a crystal eye in the centers of their palms. They were constructs he made to serve him and to tend not only to his castle but to most of his everyday needs, called the Dovudynth. Those hands encircled the obelisk as a purple light emanated from the black and white Bertram. He chanted a spell over and over as he had done every day for a full month in the throne room of his massive flying castle. The glowing runes began to flicker and slowly faded.


Bertram’s resolve was absolute. His magic was powerful and his will was unwavering. He had come so far, worked so long, and the end was nigh. As his eyes glowed with a powerful amethyst light as the crimson runes of the obsidian obelisk faded to nothing and then the structure cracked. It was like an egg hatching as the fragments of the crystal structure fragmented. A viscous pink goo flowed forth from the interior of the massive structure and all the contents poured out over the floor, including one massive and muscular God.


Zyrathiel roused but for a moment from his eons deep slumber, only to see the rabbit wading towards him in a throne room through the fluid that had kept him captive and cursed all that time.


“Worry not, my God,” began the rabbit as he approached the massive wolf, “You are free now from your unending torment. Rest and when you are ready I will ensure you never want for anything ever again.”


The slumber he was trapped in was not a true sleep, as the God had been awake and aware of himself the entire time. A form of torment slipped in by his captors. The slumber he faded into was a true rest after all that time. Everything for the wolf God faded to black.


Suddenly Zyrathiel awoke with a start. Nightmares of his capture and imprisonment were his every consuming thought for so long. When he awoke he felt that he was going to have to do battle to regain his realm once more. However... He found that he was not surrounded by any Gods at all. In point of fact he was in a very unfamiliar room.


The room he was in was a truly massive royal bedroom with magic appliances this way and that. Were one so inclined they might be able to live in the massive room, that was the size of some two strory houses, and remain there happily for a very long time. He looked around at the various luxuries of his setting and then realized he was on the most massive bed he had ever seen. It was supported by steel beams that went deep into the floor and susupended a mattress that was easily triple the size of a regular king sized matress, making even someone as large as the fourteen foot tall wolf able to stretch out in comfort. He was covered by the softest blanket he had ever felt and slept atop pillows that had to be enchanted to keep their efervescent softness.


Still the wolf God was prepared for battle and tossed the cover aside, leaping from the bed and cracking the stone floor with his ten tons of muscle weight. He stomped forward, cracking stone between his massive toes with a thoom thoom thoom as he made his way towards the tall and arched chamber doorway. Then he stopped. He felt something was rubbing against his whole body. Something was restraining him... and then he caught his reflection in a tall mirror that looked as though it was made for a God of his stature, stretching from the floor to a few feet above his head.


Zyrathiel looked himself over and saw that he was adorned in a massive, frilly, sky blue and white night gown, with a night cap placed atop his head. He reached up and felt the silk ripple and slide over his massive muscles, removing the night cap so that he could get a better look at it and the white pom pom on it's very tip.


“The hell?” said the God in a state of utter confusion of his garb and surroundings.


“One should hope it would be quite the opposite, my one true God King,” came a voice from a chair that had been seated next to the bed. It was Bertram the rabbit who had apparently been sitting there, watching over the God as he slumbered.


The rabbit rose to his feet and gave a bit of a stretch.


The Wolf God scoffed at the smaller man and walked up imposingly, “Explain to me what is going on here and now or I will destroy all you care about and make you watch.”


Bertram's heart soared and he swooned a bit at seeing his God in the flesh, walking towards him under his own power, and booming out commands to him in that amazing, deep, and powerful voice. It took a moment for the rabbit to register that he was being addressed by the massive muscular wolf and he then lowered himself, falling to his knees, averting his gaze, and bowing on the ground before his god, “You have been freed oh mighty God King, Zyrathiel. The Crushing Darkness. The Living Eclipse. The Flood of Urithos. The one and only true ruler of Aervothar and over all the Gods of Old.”


The massive wolf stopped a few feet from the smaller rabbit, looking down over his silk clothed pecs at the unfamiliar man, “Who is it that has freed me from the obsidian obelisk?”


The rabbit rose to his feet, still keeping his gaze lowered with arms outstretched gracefully as he continued to bow, “My name is Bertram Craddock, my God King. I have studied the mystic arts for several mortal lifetimes and searched for the obelisk for a lifetime more so that I might free you.”


The wolf thought a moment, “Why would you do such a thing, Mr. Craddock?”


“I was compelled to,” began the rabbit, “From the moment I read your story and saw the images of your glory depicted... I knew that it was my destiny to set you free. I have dedicated all that I am to free you from your prison so that you might rule once more in your home realm. I am glad to say that no picture of you has done your true form justice in the least.”


The wolf got to his knee and leaned closer to look over the rabbit, “You will look me in the eye when addressing me, young one... and tell me where we are.”


The rabbit smiled and looked to the God with love in his purple eyes. He fell silent as he was allowed to gaze into the other's eyes and behold the beauty before him and ever so close. It took his breath away and so it took a moment longer than normal for him to reply, “We are in the realm of the Never-Was King. We are in my personal flying castle I call the Castle Mistros. It is outfitted with powerful magic engines that are capable of transporting the castle anywhere we could possibly need. I have worked over those several lifetimes not only to free you but to ensure that you would be as comfortable as possible for as long as you would so desire, my God King,” the rabbit then gave another smaller bow to the God.


The God nodded as he looked over the smaller man with a grin before rising to his feet to look around the bedchamber and then to his garments, “What is this garb that is on my body?”


“It is a silk nightgown. After my Dovudynth bathed you and collected the remnants of the obelisk, I had them dress you and put you to bed so that you could recover fully from the curse those other Gods had placed upon you. It would seem you have recovered well,” smiled the rabbit to the wolf.


The wolf looked back to him and said, “You have done well, Mr. Craddock. It would seem I am in your debt.”


“I could never hold a debt to be paid against the one I love, my God King,” said the rabbit with a respectful bow.


The God was taken aback and blinked a moment. He had had worshippers before and even taken lovers but none had said they loved him until just that very moment. There were those that feared him and those who lusted for him... but love was not a word any had before used to describe the forcefully abdicated king of the Gods, “Love me, do you? You know not the things I've done nor the things I am capable of. How could you know that from our briefest of encounters?”


“It is not from our brief encounter here today,” clarified Bertram, “I have loved you since I first read of you and came to know of your existence. I read every story of the wondrous things you have done. Your awesome power...”


“Is one you hoped to harness under your control. Right?” asked the wolf.


Bertram shook his head, “I wanted nothing more than to witness your power and be by your side. An ever serving companion who would do any and everything you so desired.”


The God crossed his arms over that massive barrel chest of his and glared down at the rabbit with a quirked eyebrow, “So your only wish is to help me?”


“Yes, Master.”


“Even if that means finding a way back to my realm and taking control back over?”


“I had even anticipated that you may desire such a thing, my master. That is why we are in this specific castle,” the rabbit smiled.




Bertram nodded and held up his hands, projecting an image of the flying castle before the God, “Well... this is more than just a flying castle. It is a machine of my own design. I made it with an engine capable of transporting us between the realms.”


“Huh...” said the God in the nightie, “So you really DO just want to help me...”


The rabbit bowed graciously, “It would be the highest honor that I could ever know, my Master.”


“And you know of my history and the things I tend to do?”


The rabbit beamed happily, “It is why I fell in love with you, my Master.”


Zyrathiel shifted, putting his hands on his hips as he looked the rabbit over from top to bottom. For the first time he began to believe the rabbit. With his godly powers, the massive wolf took a peak into the mind of his would-be servant only to see that he was completely on the level and completely obsessed with the God that stood before him. He nodded, “I could use a servant like you, I suppose.”


The rabbit lit up as even a statement such as that was possibly the closest thing to affection he thought the God could ever muster. He clasped his hands joyously and the porcelean hands that floated about the room suddenly shifted and flew off to unknown places to assist them further. The rabbit gave another bow, “Thank you, master!”


“Another thing... no more bowing. No more calling me master. No more averting your gaze. You can observe me in all my magnificence and I give you permission to call me Zyrathiel. You are now my second in command. My right hand rabbit and I will not have you be looked down upon by others. If you demean yourself before them then you demean me. You are now second in command over everything that ever was and the only person you answer to... is me. Do you understand?” asked the mighty wolven God.


Bertram nodded vigariously as his gaze met that of his god's, “Yes Mas... um... Yes, Zyrathiel.”


The God nodded and then walked to the massive bed to sit upon it's edge as he took in his surroundings once more, “You have done well for me so far but I think the first order of business would be to return to Aervothar and reclaim my crown from those who stole it from me.”


The God then laid down and sprawled upon the bed made just for him and his tremendous weight. The rabbit chuckled a bit and scratched the back of his head nervously, “There might be a few small problems with that, my lei... err Zyrathiel.”


Zyrathiel then sat up suddenly and looked at the smaller man, “Define problem... is this castle not a machine to take us to any realm?”


“Indeed it is but you see... the coordinates needed to navigate the void between realms all the way to Aervothar has been lost. I could try to reach there by speculation but it would be like trying to hit a single grain of sand, in the dark, while spinning in circles, using a live bumble bee. It's not entirely impossible but...”


“So then how do we find the way back?” asked the God as he rose from the bed to stand.


Several of the hands lifted the rabbit into the air and made him hover in front of his God, “As with so many things I knew it would be hard, but before I awakened you I made sure to prepare. There IS a way we can get back. You see, everyone, no matter what realm they are from, vibrate at the same level as the realm they originated from and every realm is unique, which is why they aren't colliding on top of each other constantly. You and the other Gods from your realm all vibrate at the same frequency as Aervothar...”


“So you are saying that you could use me to get back to my realm somehow?”


“To do so would be to put you in a machine and I'm not entirely sure for how long you would need to remain in there for it to be effective. I could never let my God suffer such an indignity... and so I found another solution... Which is why we are still in the realm of the Never-Was King,” Bertram explained.


“Go on.”


“The Never-Was King is someone who came to this realm long ago... he chose the name because before he was here he Never Was to become the King in his home realm. You might know him better as Otarron the Thunder Foot...” said Bertram.


“Otarron... he gave me so much trouble in Aervothar. So the ruler here is a God from my realm then. Would he fit into your machine then?” asked the God.


Bertram gave a wicked smile and a small shrug, “Part of him would.”


The wolf then smiled down at the rabbit, “Then if I am to conquer this realm from under his grip I should probably dress for the occasion...”


Zyrathiel then flexed his mighty muscles, his whole body swelled with power and caused the silk fabric of the nightgown to shred, tear and explode off his form, leaving him in his naked glory, posing for his worshipper. The rabbit could not help but star and drool as the god flexed for him and after wiping the drool from his maw he cleared his throat, regained his composure, and then replied, “I have an entire series of wardrobes of clothing in your size, tailored to fit you perfectly Zyrathiel.”


With those words, the rabbit's floating had servants zipped across the room to several massive closets filled with clothing in the massive wolf's size. The God walked over, the stones trembling under his mighty feet as he looked over the wardrobe options. His fingers traced over quite a number of clothing options before he pulled out a selection then looked to the rabbit, “Do you have something to wear that would match this?”


Bertram walked into the closet with his God and nodded, “I have matching clothes for everything in here and in the other seventeen closets I filled for you.”


“...So you made enough clothes to fill twenty massive walk in closets for me?” asked Zyrathiel.


The rabbit nodded, “Of the ones I kept? Yes.”

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Love and Legends


Part Two: The Love of Zyrathiel



In a realm so far and departed from our own...

There was a massive city built into a mountain. It was carved so deep that it appeared to have been carved out of the mountain itself. The city was Oristav the capitol of the entire realm and ruled over by the Never-Was King, also known as Otarron the Thunder Foot. It was constructed in such a way that it was hard to tell where Castle Montavro ended and Oristav began.


Castle Montavro was actually constructed directly into back of the Uthil Mountains that were half carved away, it rose five hundred feet tall and was carved in the shape of a massive throne, upon that throne, for eons now, sat the ruler himself, Otarron. He was a massive, muscled and quite hirsute elephant man that was more than capable of filling his castle throne. At his groin was a codpiece, large even for his sizable frame and there were pauldrons of the same stone, all of which were made as though pieces of the same castle throne on which he sat.


Between his tusks was a platform suspended by massive chains that went between the ivory pillars, every day the leaders of his various kingdoms would come and report to him on the goings on of his realm. All in all the Never-Was King was quite pleased with himself and content with the realm he had conquered so long ago. He had no reason to stress over a thing until the day that the flying Castle Mistros floated into view and cast a shadow over Oristav.


Otarron quirked an eyebrow and for the first time in centuries his muscles tensed and flexed with a sense of unease. The atop the castle, at the tallest platform of the highest tower, stood Zyrathiel, his old king, with a shorter white rabbit sitting atop his shoulder. The wolf God was clad in a long, black, sleeveless leather duster, a very over stuffed black leather thong, and a set of black leather chaps that stretched perfectly taught over his powerful legs. The collar of his duster was flipped up and feathered but his mighty chest was left entirely bare. The rabbit on his shoulder wore an outfit to match.


It was a face that the Never-Was King had never thought he would see again. The devious grin that parted Zyrathiel's lips unsettled the massive god. He looked down upon the subjects at his feet and spoke in a powerful voice that resonated throughout his city. “All of those who value their lives will run for them now. Leave the city or die.”


People ran screaming through the streets in a panic as their god did something none of them had ever seen as the thousand foot tall, gargantuan, muscled, elephant man rose to his feet. Stone under his feet cracked, crumbled, and moaned from the sheer weight of the five hundred thousand tons of anthropomorphic elephant stood.


Bertram slid down his god's shoulder, over the pecs, landing safely cradled in one of Zyrathiel's arms, held firmly but careful so as not to crush. The pair shared a smile and then the wolf god jumped from atop the flying castle, falling towards the ground at incredible speed. He landed on a four story stone building with walls each a foot thick and on impact with his feet it exploded out from under him, each floor blowing out and away from the wolf god till he stood in a crater fifty feet deep and a two hundred feet across where a sizable portion of a city block once stood. The sides of his leather pants split open and several tears formed from him merely flexing his legs lightly as he cushioned the landing for his smaller companion.


The wolf god set his barefoot rabbit down and grinned, “Feels good to be out and about again, Bertram. To feel stone crumble under me. The winds rushing against me. Stay here within the circle of my crater and you shall be safe. That I can promise you. Nothing else here will be though.”


The rabbit was ecstatic, “Thank you, my love. It will be a pleasure and honor to watch you work after waiting for so long.”


The fourteen foot tall muscled wolf gave him a nod and walked unafraid towards the towering titan of a man before him. The gargantuan elephant raised a foot and brought it down in the city square, quaking the landscape with a single, thunderous footfall. He crushed a building under his foot and took pleasure in feeling the stone of the formerly mighty structure crumble against his toes and sole. Another step equaled the pleasure of the first as he strode towards his enemy, knowing that if he were not stopped quickly then there would be nothing worth fighting for.


While Zayrathiel stood less than a fiftieth the size of the other God he ran forward, plowing through buildings like they were tissue paper, only to have them collapse as he broke through the opposite side. His body remained unscathed even as he ran over vehicles and erupted through a marketplace like he were an unstoppable force of nature. He didn't even slow as he came upon the titanic Otarron. The tremendous elephant god raised a foot and brought it crashing down with such an impact that it hit the wolf and the ground like a bomb.


His mighty stomp shook the rabbit from his feet and erupted a cloud of dust that blanketed the landscape for miles in all directions. His impact leveled twenty city blocks in a moment and cratered the ground in half that space, sinking the ground beneath the elephant into a crater that rested three hundred feet deep. The sewers in half the city collapsed on the impact of his single mighty stomp. He stepped so fast and hard that it took his mind a moment to notice a searing pain coming from hist tremendous foot. Among the sounds of the crashing that echoed out it was hard to discern the sound of his godly bones snapping as he broke that massive and thunderous stomper.


Beneath the awesome god foot the wolf stood strong with hands over head, having caught the foot and not wavered a single inch on impact. Zayrathiel cried out with a booming and powerful voice that rang out through the city and the wind of which blew away the dust cloud from the other God's stomp, “Weakling! You dare try to face me?! I will show you the power of a God King!”


With a flex of his mighty muscles he lowered down and stood, throwing the five hundred thousand tons of titan weight as though it were light as a feather. Unfortunately for his clothing, his muscles exploded in size at even such a light exertion and his jacket, along with the shredded remnants of his pants, popped and ripped with loud protesting sounds then fluttered away from his massive form. He was left only in his ridiculously overstuffed black thong as he looked over his near naked body thinking that the clothes were nice while they lasted. Then again not many articles of clothing lasted long on a body like his.


The wolf and bunny looked up just in time to see the Never-Was King finish soaring through the air and impact his castle throne, collapsing it instantly with his weight and crashing half into the mountainside behind him. The crash exploded outwards with a palpable concussion that sent waves of air that blew out with a hundred times the impact of the titan's stomp. Otarron collapsed against the mountainside on the rubble of his castle, his castle paudrons and codpiece collapsing from the powerful impact, leaving him in the nude as well. He had just long enough to look up, only to see the wolf having leaped through the air to land directly on his midsection with such a force that it knocked the wind from him and left the titanic elephant gasping for air.


Otarron reached up to swat away the pest but as his unstoppable hand reached for the wolf who was striding up his chest, Zayrathiel turned and delivered a swift kick to the hand, shattering the bones of his palm on impact and with seeming ease.


“No more of that,” said the wolf God as he delivered a stomp to the elephant's chest. The elephant coughed up blood after the impact, having felt a number of his ribs snap like egg noodles with a simple stomp of the wolf.


He hopped atop the trunk of the mighty beast of a God and walked slowly along it till he could look eye to eye with the elephant, giving time for the dust to settle, “Now then. I'm going to make you pay and I'm going to enjoy it. Afterwards you will vow to serve me and my second in command as we are now the rulers of your realm.”


The elephant looked to the wolf and then to the rabbit in the distance he was motioning to, “He is not even a God and you expect me to bow to that? I would rather die.”


A light smack cracked a few of the elephant's bones and reminded him who was in charge, “You will not die... You will not only bow to him... you shall now be his devoted servant.”


The wolf began to walk down the elephant's trunk once more. The titan grinned, “Not going to kill me... then how would you force me to serve such a being as him?”


Zayrathiel never stopped his walk but allowed his genitals to expand, the thong he wore did not survive, snapping off as his balls and prodigious member expanded to double their previous size even though he were still soft. He merely looked over his shoulder and said, “You'd be surprised what our kind can live through. Speaking of... It's been a few millenia since I was able to get a proper lay. Thinking you look just perfect for the job, big guy.”


The elephant's eye's went wide at his memories of the wolf's previous sexual conquests and could only imagine what thousands of years of being backed up would do to the God's libido. He began to struggle but then received a swift swat by the wolf that made him recoil in pain, “Please... no... I'll do anything... please...”


“There's no stopping this now...” said the wolf as he pointed to his hard cock, now standing at a full seven feet long, throbbing and leaking gallons of precum every throbbing second that passed, “Truth be told... I was going to do this whether you agreed to worship my second in command or not.”


“W... worship?” asked the elephant.


“Yes...” said the wolf, “Now you will also be his devoted worshipper, for good measure.”


He then hopped off the elephant and landed in the castle rubble near his hips. Using his cock alone he thrust into the rubble then with a flex of his mighty member he flipped the elephant over so that his awe inspiring and impossibly muscled bubble butt was aimed upwards, his face pressed to the side of the carved out mountain. The crash was considerably less than those previous but even so, such a weight moving so fast and crashing down still caused further earthquakes to rumble out throughout the lands.


Another quick hop later and the wolf Got was stood upon the cleftal horizon of the largest buttocks in all the realm. He reached down with his mighty hands and parted the sea of ass before him then dropped down, his shoulders keeping the titanic butt cheeks parted as his precum billowing cock slickened over the pucker large enough to swallow whole buildings in a single kinky session. The elephant began to struggle but the smaller wolf was able to shake him of his desires to escape, and the ability, by rocking him back onto all fours once more, every time.


The wolf God decided he waned a bit more space and so he flexed the muscles of his mighty body, making himself wider by his arm and leg muscles expanding outward to the sides. They erupted in size and spread the ass cheeks of the elephant titan wide fast and hard. The massive elephant cried out as he felt his cheeks spread, knowing what was to come and who was to cum not long after.


The rabbit pulled a telescope out from his jacket and with a few adjustments was able to get a great view of both back sides. His God had positioned the titan and the city's destruction perfectly so that his worshipper would have the best possible view from safety. Bertram undid his thong, allowing it to fall and unleashing his 12 inch long throbbing cock to the cool breeze blowing through the city. Already leaking pre, he used his spyglass to watch all the happenings as he stroked his slick member while observing his god with great interest.


Zayrathiel positioned himself so that his cock was guided to the massive hole of the elephant titan and then with a flex, he grew his cock bigger. It swelled forward fast and pushed into the massive titan's rump. The elephant quivered with fear and was about to move when he felt the growing cock swell within him, but a shake of the wolf god steadied him and informed him there would be worse things if he fought back. His memory was sharp and he knew from ages past that this was Zayrathiel at his most gentle when conquering. This was him using great restraint.


The massive wolf cock expanded forward, his balls already swollen to the size of the elephant's ass cheeks, resting atop them while his cock was swollen to the size of a massive building within the titan, spreading his ass wide and the length of it, bulged the tight abs of Otarron out painfully. The elephant's own cock grew to full hardness, plowing through buildings as it did but was still only half the size of the wolf's that rested within him. When Zayrathiel felt satisfied with his cock size, he began to thrust.


He didn't start slow and build to a crescendo, but rather went full ramming speed from the get go. He pounded that elephant's ass with power no other god could hope for. He thrust in and out hard, his massive balls now twice the size of the elephant's ass cheeks each and they slapped the titan's ass with thunderous claps that shook the entire city and knocked several closer buildings to rubble with the mere air palpitations that billowed out from Zayrathiel's impossible pounding. The ground trembled and were Bertram anywhere else he would have been knocked from his feet by the quaking but his god was precise in every movement and again, the crater was safe from all his destruction. Rubble erupted and fell all around the crater but the rabbit was never more safe.


The rabbit was getting closer and closer to cumming as he watched his master but squeezed the base of his cock to hold off, edging over and over as his master pounded the titan against the side of that mountain. All the remnant of his castle throne were smashed to dust by the hour long battering that quaked the land and the air palpitations burst forth altered the winds. Clouds drew in overhead until the day sky was made dark as night by the sheer power of the gods pounding. The elephant god, despite his incredible power could not hold off his orgasm any longer.


The humanoid cock the size of a building erupted as it pounded the ground beneath him, unleashing tidal waves of white that washed over his city, the only area untouched by his flooding was the crater in which Bertram resided, still stroking and edging, the rabbit also barely able to contain himself. Waves fwooshed past him, some were three hundred feet tall, crashing and splashing, washing the streets clean of vehicles, rubble, some smaller buildings and any people who remained in the titan's capitol city.


The Never-Was King was reduced to a quivering mass as the wolf god fucked him, the titan's belly swollen to huge proportions not only by the size of the wolf cock but by the ungodly amount of precum that filled him more than some of the lakes surrounding his capitol.


Zayrathiel laughed as he pounded, “Pathetic! You call that an orgasm? Let me show you how a real man cums.”


Bertram thought that he had felt a rumbling before, till he was knocked from his feet when the wolf's orgasm approached. The quaking intensified as the powerful god howled with a sound that was heard world wide. The skies themselves trembled and rang out with lightning and then all fell to a sudden calm. Then he came.


The flood roared from the wolf's cock and blew out with a rumble that quaked mightier than a hundred of the elephant's orgasms put together. Otarron thought that his stomach was bulging before and were he not a god he surely would have popped like a balloon already but his stomach lifted him off the ground, expanding under him and took him off his feet. His cock erupted again with double the force of his previous cum flood but was a drop in the pond compared to the wolf's first shot that made his stomach cover the entirety of his city's remnants, all except for the crater where the rabbit remained safe. The mountain was engulfed by the elephant's gut as the wolf fired his second shot and his stomach expanded out like a flood of elephantine mass that swallowed forests and lakes in it's wake as a third, fourth, fifth and sixth shot roared out. Cum spewed forth with a thousand times the force of Otarron's orgasm from his rump, mouth and trunk, raining down in all directions.


The wolf flexed his cock and released the rump of the elephant, sliding out of his first lay in thousands of years. His weight slammed back down to wedge his impossible cock, now longer than Otarron's torso, between the expanded and gigantic bubble butt cheeks of the titan. Hotdogging, the wolf god thrust that cock through the rump clevage, along his back, and aimed towards the sky. Zayrathiel unflexed his cock and unleashed more shots.


To say they were more shots would be inaccurate as it all blew out as what seemed a massive and unending shot of white that exploded through the skies in a stream that blew away the clouds, turning night to day once more. The rabbit had lost track of how many times he came just watching his wolf god erupt over and over. Bertram was overwhelmed as the wolf cum rained down over the world of the Never-Was King and passed out a midst the cum rain.


Several hours later the rabbit awoke in a six inch deep puddle of wolf cum, the rain still falling and the wolf still shooting his cock born death ray of ecstasy. Bertram looked up in awe as the wolf's orgasm only just started to die down, his balls returned to a more normal size. As the orgasm came to an end, the wolf returned himself to more normal, but still huge proportions as he slid down the elephant's hide to his rabbit.


Zayrathiel smiled, scooped up his cum soaked companion and then with a single leap, landed perfectly at the top of the tallest tower with a skilled precision. The wolf actually broke a sweat and his musk was a fine cologne to the notstrils of his loving rabbit companion. He was cradled like a babe in the arms of the god and nuzzled in ecstasy against the pecs of his one true love. Bertram shuddered and came just from being held so affectionately in the arms of the invincible wolf man. As his seed coated the pec of the massive hirsute man, the wolf chuckled and brought him in for a kiss on the lips.


The rabbit didn't know if he had kissed for a few moments or for a few years as time melted away in that perfect embrace. The kiss parted too soon for the Rabbit's tastes but then the wolf put a finger to his cheek and made him look out over the landscape. His jaw dropped as he saw the landscape covered in the elephant belly and literal rings of cum now surrounded the planet in orbit, like the rings of Saturn. Bertram's eyes could make out the end of the elephant's gargantuan flood of a stomach and it was surrounded by a sea of cum on it's own as well.


“That... was more than the stories led me to believe,” said Bertram.


“Too much for you to handle?” asked Zayrathiel.


Bertram shook his head and kissed the wolf on the lips again, “You are better in person than I could have ever imagined. Was this... a big load for you?”


“I have to admit I've been pent up after thousands of years of doing without... but I'm sure once I shake off the cob webs that I'll be able to really let loose, little one,” smiled the wolf with a wink.


The rabbit shuddered and found himself getting hard again in his God's grip, “We could go again right now, if you'd like?”


“Hmmm,” The wolf began, “If experience has taught me anything... it is that non-gods can not take my member and remain alive.”


The rabbit's ears drooped, “Oh... I see...”


The wolf drew him in for another kiss and watched the sadness melt away, “Not to fret. Lucky for you I happen to know how to make you a god.”


The rabbit's eyes went wide and a smile crept across his face, “Really?”


The wolf nodded and motioned to the ballooned elephant, “That could be you by this time next week if you still desired to...”


Zayrathiel's words were interrupted as Bertram engaged in another kiss and he grinned as his cock began to harden once more.

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