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Author's Note: Totally didn't give myself enough time to do this up right. Didn't really proofread but I hope that doesn't make it less enjoyable for everyone. After this event I might repost with some further editing. Enjoy!

Embrace Muscle!

The college library was in a huge building, multiple floors with blocks of shelves filled with books, most of which were donated by other libraries or stores. Some sections were definitely a mess as they didn't have the staff to sort through everything. The library has quite a number of magazines of different lines, which you’ve spent some time looking through the various fitness and muscle mags in an isolated little reading area. 

The shuffle of books is barely audible in the large building as you are looking around at the shelves now during your long break between classes, one of those three-hour slots between your morning and afternoon classes. You could’ve headed home but you decided that today you wanted to hang out at the library and do some exploring. 

The library has a lot of duplicates you notice, probably a local bookstore went out of business and just dumped it into the college library system. You can tell the magazines have mostly just been stuffed into the shelves here without even a scan tag. You’ve seen some other students just put away some car mags under their shirts and walk out. You are definitely tempted as you pick up a shiny issue from a magazine line you’ve never heard of before, “Embrace Muscle!” the title shouts from above a macro shot of a thick-set of pectorals. Skimming through, you can see it's full of glossy photos and illustrations of individual specimens of muscular limbs. You muse how objectifying it is, the photos don’t even show the faces of the models, just an extreme closeup of a bicep here, a quad here, everything just pressed right up to the camera. 

The photos are actually pretty great but as you flip from one page-- illustrated with a big juicy arm, you notice that the ink on the pages make them really tacky, like the ink was badly mixed or formulated. You lift up a page that is stuck on your thumb and the page just tears away from the rest of the magazine-- and it’s still stuck to your hand! 

You crumple up the page, looking around for a trashcan to get rid of the evidence of damaging a library book-- magazine. You find one and lightly place the magazine on the floor as you try to toss away the page. The paper of the magazine apparently is of terrible quality, its shredding and disintegrating as you try to pull it from your hand, sticking to your hand and arm in tiny bits and pieces, somehow becoming even tackier. You toss away a small crumpled chunk of the page but most of it is still stuck on you. You try to rub off the adhesive with your thumb and the paper seems to smear into your arm, causing something like an allergic reaction as you notice your hand is flushed with blood and swollen.

You watch your arm continue to swell gently, taking on a size similar to the arm you remember seeing as the photograph on the page. Not quite the same size but as you flex and twist your forearm you can see the muscles striate and twist over themselves visibly.
It's so strange as you examine your different arms, your left arm somewhat on the skinny side and the other that looks like it's the punchline for figuring out which arm a guy masturbates with.

“Fuck!” You pull down your sleeve watch in shock as you flex your one big forearm. You compare your two arms. It is bizarre seeing one arm so familiar and one so… hot. Flexing your fingers causes thick muscles to tense and press up against your thin forearm skin like strange piano keys. You tug down your sleeve to stretch across over your bicep and up your forearm, “Shit, I can’t leave the library like this.”

You pick up the magazine, digging through the pages. You are careful to avoid sticking to the pages while lingering on a few choice photos. As it starts to sink in what each page might be capable of doing-- well, you are distracted. 

With a final flip, you find what you are looking for, another macro shot of a huge flexing arm. You gingerly tear it from the page and smooth it over your left arm. You watch as the veins in your arm thicken and darken slightly as it spreads up your arm and soon your bicep is growing to meet them. With a final pulse you now have two thick arms-- though as you compare them now your left arm is a touch bigger.

You are top-heavy now but good enough to pass as a really arm-focused gym-bro. You begin flipping through the pages of the magazine, thinking about the house party tonight. You are definitely going to be attracting some attention, good. 

You distract yourself for the next couple of hours by flipping through the magazine and you work to balance out your body. You don’t have to use the correct photo on the right body part, it just slows down how quickly your body seems to absorb the muscle. This means your arms are even bigger now and creeping a few inches past into the 20-inch mark. It was a tough call not to use a half-dozen photos to make your body that big all over… but you aren’t quite ready for that. Besides, it was kinda hot as your out-sized arms looked even bigger against your lean body. 

You open up Embrace Muscle to a page where a bodybuilder is overfilling his speedo. You carefully tear out the page and slide the page down your pants, wrapping it around your cock and balls where the page seems to conform comfortably around. No danger of paper cuts here! 

The page feels warm and it makes your crotch swollen, like just before you cum but it doesn’t stop. “Ah, so good, it feels so good.” You moan as the heat pulses in your crotch, your hand is just cupping it now and you can feel it filling up the palm of your hand as it throbs bigger and bigger, pressing out to create a mouth-watering bulge in your jeans. 

“Okay, maybe just one page before I head out.” You rip out another page from the middle of the magazine, a fitness model with his back turned with his hips in-between someone’s two outstretched legs with nice calves. You slap the page on your large thigh and finish buckling up your pants, struggling with your zipper for just a moment. 


You head to the backyard after grabbing a big red cup of beer. You can tell your walk is different, not just because of your thick thighs but also the fact that your cock is like a magnet pulling you forward. Pulling you towards every fuckable prospect. You head to the backyard and find a group of guys laying around and chatting. Finding a nice spot of grass, you sit down and despite the sun having set you feel pleasantly warmth, throbbing up from your leg where the magazine page is still affecting you. 

It’s hard to focus between the throbbing warmth and the hot frat guys that are similarly struggling from not staring at your full crotch. You shift your thighs in the grass, spreading out your legs and the conversation dies off as the two guys’ eyes flicker to yours. The tension breaks as the taller one… Tom, you think, pushes his hands into your meaty chest and presses his face into yours. You can feel hands on your pants, undoing you belt and you hear the zipper being pulled down followed by, you think Sam, mutter “fuck.” 

You push back Tom gently and you reach down to take your underwear down, releasing your cock into the cool night air. You give it a few strokes and move it towards Tom and Sam. 

Sam was the one most ready, giving your head a salivating suck and letting his tongue drape and slide over your cock. Your hip twitches up and he looks up at you, his eyes locked on yours as starts to move up and down the length of you. Tom takes your nipples in each hand and twists, making your stretch out in toe-curling shock and pleasure. Your nipples had never been sensitive before! Your hand reaches down and you tangle your hands in Sam’s hair. You hear him make a happy “Mmmhhh” as you guide him deeper on your cock. Tom’s tongue is tasting your mouth as he gives another twist of your nipples. It’s like a bolt that goes down your stacked abs and into your balls. Your feet twist into the grass and you groan into Tom’s mouth, your fists clench and Sam fully deep-throats your cock. You feel your dick surge bigger, beyond hard-- stretching Sam’s tight throat. You feel your balls tighten hard. 


You and the guys are sprawled on the grass, your hot misty breath hanging in the air and drifting down your naked torsos. You take a few minutes wordlessly resting in euphoria before you sit up to tug your shirt on. Looks like you are the first one up, Sam and Tom have dozed off in each other’s arms. You struggle your arms through the sleeves and you smile, outgrowing my clothes.

Finally you just rip off the sleeves and even manage to get three buttons back up before heading back into the party. You can enjoy the party a bit more now that you don’t feel so dick-possessed. You dance a bit to the shouts and whistles of the women and men at the party. You quickly lose the rest of your shirt to a very drunk woman. 

You retire out near a big hallway, putting on your--well, vest back on. 

“Need some help with that?” asked a voice, deep and vibrating. You know that voice. 

You look up at the stairway at Owen. You’ve never been too shy around most guys, but Owen is one to make you feel timid and shy. The man is on the wrestling team but not thickset as the others in his weight class, Owen was a bodybuilder, and a serious one. He was currently leaning out, so it was easy to miss it under clothes unless you were paying attention. You were one to pay attention, the thick veins that sat on his biceps and the striations that made it clear that his bulk was all muscle. 

“Uh, hey Owen, yeah,  just a little too drunk to get my clothes on.”

“It’s not just the beer. We must have very different schedules cause I would notice another gold member. You should come by in the late evenings, my last workout partner got busy with classes and couldn’t keep up.” 

Owen watches you finish wiggling into your shirt and mused, “Though my classes have gotten pretty heavy too, so if you don’t find me at the gym maybe bring something to read.”


You are standing over Owen on the bench press on his last set, your bulge is over his face as you tell him, “One more, burn it all off, Owen.” You let the weight dip down onto his chest, the cold metal brushing his hairy sweaty chest.  You extend your hand forward onto the bar to assist him as he struggles to press it up with you helping him, your hands on either side of his. 

You can see the strain of the weight in his face and you can see him focusing on the stretch of fabric in your shorts. You feel a rush of excitement as your fingers touch his and you begin to push up with him, your bicep bulging.

As Owen rests on the bench you are just so impressed, “Your bench weight is incredible Owen.” You watch his pumped chest expanding and contracting, you’ve been trying to keep up but it’s been obvious that Owen hasn’t been able to push himself with you. “Let me freshen up my water bottle. Hydration is important, y’know.”

You start heading towards the lockers and grab up your bag and that bottle of water, gulping it down quickly as you walk into the locker rooms before taking out the “Embrace Muscle!” magazine from your bag. You are feeling left behind and feeling like you need to stop holding back Owen. You flip open the magazine to reveal a page of a flexed pair of bodybuilder legs with huge hanging quads. 

You tear out the page from the magazine and pull down your shorts to smooth the page over your sweaty upper thighs like some kind of slow-release muscle patch. You flex your legs a little and watch them ripple satisfyingly. 

You head back out to the gym and get to the squat rack. When Owen starts to remove weights for your set, you shake your head, “Lemme try the weight as-is, maybe just as a max lift check.”

Owen looks a bit confused as you haven’t been looking to do a max lift on anything before this but he nods and rescues the weights. You step underneath the weight as you ready yourself underneath the weight. Lifting the bar off the supports and letting it settle across your shoulders your face immediately flushes from the weight and you feel Owen press up against your back, ready to catch you if it’s too much. You slowly begin lowering the weight, feeling your legs and core harden and swell with the force bearing down on it. 

You can feel the torn page from “Embrace Muscle!” crinkle as it begins to be absorbed by your thighs, no, being devoured. You grunt as you hear your thighs rip the bottom of your shorts. Behind you, Owen bites his lip as you complete the movement to the sound of your pants ripping around your leg. You heave the bar back onto the supports and step out of the squat cage. 

Owen comes around ready to hype you up when you grab his head and pull him into you, kissing him firmly on the lips. His hand goes to your waist but then slides around to your back, lingering into the kiss before leaning away, “Well, that was nice…”

You falter a bit after that intense piece of passion, “S-sorry, just got an adrenaline rush, that was a big jump in my squat record.”

“It’s fine. I get it. The juices are flowing and everything, we’ve all got our little kinks in the gym.” Owen steps back and smiles, pulling his top off over his head and tossing it aside. 

“Oh yeah? So what's your ‘gym kink’?”

Own flexes his arm in front of you and leans in. You can smell his sweat as he goes in for another kiss, his lips just gently brushing against your own. You tilt your head up into him and Owen’s hand presses into your waist, his thumb pressing into the top of your crotch. He whispers into your ear, “Look, I love bodybuilding, I love watching my body change but-- I’ve got a thing for guys bigger than I am.” Owen brushes your neck with his hand, kissing the sensitive skin back there as you feel a warm chill. 

Your face flushes, “So does that make me your type then?” you ask. 

Owen slicks his finger across your sweaty chest and takes a moment to look you over. “You are pretty sexy, but not yet. I didn’t think you could hit my squat weight but it was sexy watching you do it. I know I was throwing some compliments at you last night but I was not expecting that from you. I figured I’d invite you out here, get you sweating and see how we click.”

The gym is probably empty-- empty enough. Owen smiles at you as he begins to untie your shorts and pulling it down over your swelling penis. You see him suck in his breath when he sees the top of your cock, “Phew, alight, there’s definitely a part of you that is bigger than I am.” You both laugh as he works your shorts down, exposing your legs, “What’s this”?” Owen points at the smudgy page,  you realize that you still have a part of the “Embrace Muscle!” page plastered on your leg, partially dissolving into the muscle. 

“Oh, uh, I cut myself earlier and I didn’t have a bandaid-- so I just stuck a magazine page on it since I knew it’d stick with the sweat?”

Owen shakes his head, “Okay, that’s not gonna cut it, come-on, something is up with you. I’ve got eyes and I know my way around these weights. You were not this strong coming into this workout and you definitely did not look like-- this big. This is beyond just a good pump” 

You think it’s time to come clean, “So. I have this magazine, it’s called “Embrace Muscle!”. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but, if I take a page from it, stick it to my body, I somehow--well I absorb the muscle from the photos on the page.”

Owen looks you over slowly, “So, the day I met you in the hallway, you had…?”

You laugh nervously and scratch your chest, “Yeah, I had a page on then. Look, it's crazy, it's unbelievable but that’s how I did that squat weight. I’m using it to get bigger.”

Owen gives you a funny look and rubs the back of his neck, “You really got some guts telling me this man, I knew something was up with but I didn’t think, well, never thought it’d be-- are you sure you’re not bullshitting me?”

“-- You want me to prove it?”

You watch Owen’s expression shift to a very interested look. “Yeah, I think I do.”

This was a surprising situation but you don’t hate it, “Alright, I’ve got the magazine here, you just pick a page, tear it out and press it onto my body.” Owen looks at you from the side as he flips through a few pages, his fingers tucked into a few choice pages. You can tell his level of excitement is rising as he flips through page after page of muscle. He’s having difficulty just choosing one page, his eyes keep flickering to you as he scans for the right page. 

“Comeon Owen, just pick anything.”

Owen looks up to you with a look, he seems to have made up his mind and tags a finger-full of pages and rips them from the magazine, each with a page of a fully flexing bodybuilder on stage, “Alright, I’ll choose them all!” You put up your hands in surprise as Owen rushes at you, plastering the ripped pages against your chest. The pages flutter out as Owen manages to smack you directly with a couple pages but they seem to fly up to wrap themselves on your legs and arms; Photographs of huge flexing bodybuilders glisten on the magazine pages that now cover your body. “Oh fuck, that’s so many pages.”

Everywhere on your body you can physically feel your muscles drinking in the ink and the muscle in the pages, gorging and swelling as size ripples through your body. 

“Unggh, Owen, this feels incredible, I can feel my muscles growing. You’re making this happen, I’m going to grow so huge for you.” 

Skin and muscle swell under the magazine pages and a thrill rushes through you as Owen’s eyes flicker all over your body trying to take it all in. “This is so hot, you're already looking massive.” 

You give a huff of pleasure as Owen grabs your crotch, wrapping another magazine page around your girth, he rubs it in over your hard dick as it throbs and swells with pulses, driving up into the air from your waistband as your expanding muscle ass destroys the stretching waistband of your pants. Owen continues to pump your penis, smearing dark ink over it with one hand as he feels up the rest of your growing body, snaking his fingers along your deepening crevices. 

Your legs expand and lengthen and you duck down under the encroaching ceiling, Owen pushes you down onto the tile as you collapse with a crash against the wall of machines, weights falling over and thundering across the concrete. Owen leans against your monstrous cock and you blink through the feeling of your growing body which is finally slowing down, “So, you said something about you like guys being bigger than you, do I qualify now?”

Owen kneels down over your bulging abs, “Oh yeah, you qualify.”

“Fuucck yeah, I’m the biggest guy you know!” you shout. 

You flex box arms up, watching them stretch across multiple lockers, “There’s just so much of me, I don’t know what to do with it all.” 

You feel your weight slowly lifting off the floor as your legs reach across the floor to the other wall, raising up your knees and cupping Owen closer to your body and chest. “Am I still growing?” 

Owen looks at you, his eyes wide, “Fuck, this is glorious.” You feel your broad feet rise up and flatten against the far wall as your chest and arms bulge out, forcing you from the lockers. 

“Oh god, Owen, where did you put the magazine? I don’t see it on the floor.”

Owen grins, “I think you’re sitting on it.” You moan as your body grows larger and larger, your chest bulging outwards into Owen’s embrace as he licks and kisses each pec, he presses himself deeply into your body, desperate for more skin contact. You look over and past him and see a few last pages of the magazine off to the side and you gingerly pick them up with a couple fingers. It’s a page spread of bodybuilders on stage, you count more than ten standing proudly before you press the page into Owen’s broad backside. 

“A piece for you,” you growl, “For everything you’ve given me.”

Owen smiles happily at your face before his eyes widen in surprise before his mouth opens in a bass moan. “Oh, fuck!” His body thrusts into yours in orgasmic reflex and again as his body begins to swell with compounding muscle. You can hear tearing as his body grows bigger and bigger beneath your gaze. He lets out a groan of pure pleasure, his muscles swelling and his cock quickly ripping through his own gym shorts that fall to the ground between your hanging monstrous hamstrings. 

“Oh fuck. Yes. Fuck, yes. Fuck, yes!”

Owen’s cock is out in his hands, he strokes he frantically overcome by his own growth and yours. You hear the sounds of men and women, other students rushing into the weight room, drawn by the sounds of crashing gym equipment. Several students have their phones out taking pictures of the two behemoths fondling each other in a circle of knocked over weight machines. You smile down at Owen, “You think we’ll show up in a magazine?” 

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  • Thanks 1

This is a new muscle MacGuffin! Bodybuilding pictures as a growth stimulus! IF only that really worked! 


  • Like 2

I try to be inventive with how muscle growth happens. I'm glad its fun for everyone :)

  • Like 1

Fuck man what a fantastic one shot.

The Ink in the magazine was the magical elemnt for teh growth and they both knew how to take advantage of it.

I do wonder if we will see more "Embrace Muscle" Magazines laying around?

  • Thanks 1

Great story!  Loved the unique growth trigger. 

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