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All-American Hulk Patriots! (Chapter 2)


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"Hulk up!"

It was a very chilly cold day today as I was sitting in the small military plane in the sky, I was all alone in the huge plane and wrapped with a simple white tarp over me. I still remembered the very painful sting in my spine as the doctor pushed the syringe very deep into my spinal chord, I had worked so hard for this position as I was finally going to be a hero! It's going to be so cool to beat those commie bastards and spread freedom across the world! I could hear the announcement soon explain how I needed to jump soon, "Subject Alpha, please prepare for the jump" they announced as I would eagerly hop over to the door as they opened the door.

I would look at the early morning dawn as I felt the chilly korean winds, I would soon jump over as the pilot said "Now!", I jumped as hard as I could as I only smiled out of excitement. I would fall down hundreds of meters as I transformed in the mid-air, huge intense flash covered me as new muscles and bones grew out of nowhere, the flesh would cover me entirely as new organs and genitals even formed...my Hulk's face also resembled mine's as our hairs looked similar too!

My entire body would gain beautiful blue skin as the flesh itself was blue too...How lucky! Blue was my favorite color!

Being sucked into the Hulk I would naturally bend down to a fetal position as huge stretches of flesh would burrow under my eyes and attach themselves into my brain, not long after I would open my new Hulk eyes and see the ground approaching, I was tasked to destroy an important communist munitions factory that looked very heavily guarded. 

However I would soon find myself in a dark room full of dead corpses as I saw my body was bloody and my face was bloody too..."W-What's going on?!" I said out loud with my deep voice as I looked around and tried to find a door but to no avail...I felt like the walls were falling down as they were coming closer, I tried to smash them but it didn't help out as I could begin to hear loud screaming coming from the corpses...I held my ears as I fell down to my knees and began weeping as I said "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry" with my scared tearful voice.

Suddendly I woke up to loud cheering for some reason...I opened my eyes and saw the sun as well as huge crowds cheering me on as this must be a military parade, was that just a dream? who cares I just have to man up. I began to wave at the audience as I soon noticed my huge bloody hand, I tried to wipe it away but soon noticed my other hand was bloody too...in fact my whole ceremonial uniform was covered in blood as my red, white and blue skin-tight jumpsuit was covered in blood and metals.

I looked at the ground and saw the entire road being covered in huge puddles of blood as bodyparts littered the flooded streets, "Please welcome our special hero! ALPHA HULK!" I heard a loud cheery announcer say as the audience only clapped harder and began tossing flowers at me, "NO!..I-I'm not a hero!" I tried to shout as I noticed my legs and arms had been tied to chains, "Alpha Hulk! you are our eternal hero!" I could hear the announcer say as I stood on top of a small bloody and rusted stage that seemed to move on itself.

I would begin to tear up as I began to see the audience being replaced by dead soldiers as the sunny sky was being replaced by bloody red crowds...the normal suburbia turned into a battlefield as I heard the screams of thousands of soldiers "MONSTER!", "BEAST", "DEVIL"...while also hearing the announcer say "HERO!", "SAVIOR", "ANGEL!".

"NO!...I'M NOT A HERO, PLEASE LET ME OUT!" I said as I began to cry and tried to pull my human self out of this Hulk, soon enough I could wake up in a small flesh bubble as my entire body was covered with the Hulk flesh with my eyes being connected to the walls through huge pieces of Hulk flesh that were attached under my eyes.

"Let me out!" I tried to scream as the blue fleshy walls would approach closer and closer before suffocating me...

"AAH!" I said out loud as I found myself in my room once again, I sat on my bed naked as I looked at my arms and wiped my sweaty forehead..."I-It was just a dream...I-I gotta man up" I said as I would hazily walk over to my small private bathroom and stare into my mirror...into my blue Hulk marks, huge pecs and abs I have gained, I still remembered the day when I became a Hulk...the intense sting in my spinal chord, I didn't even read the contract as I was just a stupid kid back in the day...god I was so stupid.

I looked into the mirror and jumped back as I saw my face being briefly that of my Hulk forms...grinning and smirking at me with it's bloody mouth, "Calm down it's just a dream...it's just a dream" I reminded myself as my face returned to normal, I would open my small medicine cabinet and take a few bottles of pills, quickly taking few anti-depressants as well as few benzos too before sitting down on the bathroom floor.

I sat there for few hours before noticing the sun rise as I quickly began to make my bed and just forgetting about my dream, I would put on my normal human army uniform as I would have to inform the rest of the Hulks, "Wake up everyone!" I yelled out as I was responsible of the rest of the team.

I was still tired due to those nightmares but I just had to man up...I was a soldier after all!


(Hope you like my second chapter!)

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