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The Unknown Investigations of Holmes and Watson : The Case of the Ultimate Theft


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Chapter One : A Historical Case

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"Holmes, must you play that dirge?"

As the great consulting detective stopped playing he looked at his partner, Doctor John Watson, with an odd expression.

"Dirge?" asked Holmes

"That is what it sounded like to me, and you have been playing it for the last hour without stopping. What is wrong with you?"

"I'M BORED!" came the roared reply and with that Holmes threw the violin to the ground and humphed "I need stimulation. I know that Moriarty is still out there!"

"He can't be" replied Watson and gesturing his friend to sit down he said, "I have just finished writing up the notes of that case, may I regale them to you?"

"I have nothing better to do with my time!" complained Holmes and sat down with a bump in his chair.

"It all began on the penultimate night of the year, some three hundred years ago!" began Watson as he regaled the story

The night of March 30th 1649 felt like any other night to the citizens of Paris, but to the two horsemen galloping through the Bois de Boulogne, this night was different. Whilst they looked the same, both men looking as if they were true Titans, the reason for thieir gallop was different to each other. The slightly larger of the two men, whose strength was due to his size, looked at the other man with a concerned look. They had left Paris some thirty minutes prior, due to the man saying just one phrase "Tomorrow, I die, therefore have to do this" and seeking the man's permission asked him to follow him. And yet since then not a word had left the other's lips and not sure the reason for their flight, the man asked the only thing he could.

"Mon chere, please tell me, why are you so sure you will die tomorrow? And what is this thing that you have to do?"

No answer was given until the taller of the two men, just as strong as the other but this was due to his powerful frame, suddenly brought his horse to a stop outside an abandoned house and dismounting, gestured the larger man in. As they both entered, the taller man lit several torches inside and as he did, the larger man gasped in amazement. There at the head of the house, where in times of old, the owner of the house would be seated at some grand feast, were two chairs, one slightly wider than the other, made of oak. For the first time since leaving, the taller man spoke and said "Porthos, this is the last night that I live, therefore I wish to make you the only Titan in Paris, but need to test your resilence. Mon chere, tonight, we become men like never before!"

Holmes looked at Watson with a strange look and asked him "Where did you find all that from then? We were not involved at that stage!"

"That learned collegaue of yours, the man who calls himself Doctor, told me about it!"

"The Doctor? A learned colleague? That man is as clever as I am and as for his...machine. If he had given me a bit more time I am sure I could have understood it"

"If I may continue?" asked Watson a few moments later and was given permission by a grunt of disapproval.

"Pull mon chere, pull against those manacles of oak, pull and show me that you are worthy of my gift!"

As both men, now naked as they day they were born, sweat pouring off them, their bodies showing the agony and estacy of the feat of strength they were performing, pulled against the restraints holding their wrists and ankles, the taller of the two men started to moan.

"Yes, I can feel it mon chere, your strength, your muscles bulging hard, your manhood, yes, yes, yes" and declared "TO ME, ADAM!" at which point his sword flew towards him and nestled in his groin. Panting hard, the man looked at the other man who nodded and with a might breath pulled as hard as he could.

"FOR THE GLORY OF FRANCE" roared the taller man and as the sword started to glow he added "YOU HAVE THE GLORY!"

"Two inverted men, testing their might in some manner of torture as seen on the stage like that Mr. Sandow person" scowled Holmes, "Well, now I know that the Doctor was making it up"

"But Holmes, he was insistent, he even showed me the journals of King Louis, written by Captain Treville himself. These two men were in love with each other!"

"Maybe, but..." and as Holmes shook his head, Watson nodded his

"They were able to become even bigger and stronger than they were, and that's when things started to get interesting!"

With a mighty roar both men, now twice as tall and strong, broke free of their prisons and as they landed on the floor, their chests heaving from the effort, they looked into each other's eyes and kissed.

"Oh, what a touching scene!"

The sudden declaration caused both men to look up and before they had time to react, two green glass balls landed either side of them and exploded releasing a green gas. As both men tried to hold their breath, it was no good and within moments the two men's eyes were completely glazed over. The man who had entered chuckled and taking out a notepad commanded the two men to stand, which they did without question, and announce themselves

"The Ultimate Musketeer" replied the man with an emblem of the fleur de lys on his muscular chest

"The Ultimate Titan" replied the other with an emblem of an anvil on his muscular chest

"Otherwise known" said the man making a note, "as Lt. Henri de Ceredigion and Sub Lt. Issac de Portau of His Majesty's Musketeers from 1625 to 1649. Excellent" and with that he replaced the notebook and declared "Gentlemen, follow me, you shall be part of a scheme so daring that no one, not even Sherlock Holmes himself, will be able to solve it!" and with that he left with the two heroes, for that is what they were, following blankly.

"You've turned the case into a penny dreadful haven't you? I mean really!"

"I am just simply recanting what the Doctor told me, Sherlock, after all remember, we were not there!"

"Can't you get to the part where I got involved?"

"No, a good story needs an introduction, besides, we need a native American first!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Two : The Indian Sheriff

"Oh, Doc, I love it when you do this!"

"Don't tell me" complained Holmes as he looked at Watson, "this will be that American sheriff who came seeking our help, yes?"

Watson simply nodded and then carried on with his recollections

"Well, what would you expect of the most powerful man in North America, eh?" and with that Doctor James Barnaby lay on the bed frame in the outhouse he and his partner, Sheriff Danny Blain, owned, took a deep breath and nodded. As he did, Danny coughed politely and immediately started to cackle.

"So, the mighty Arrowhead has been found wanting, has he? I knew he would. Given the choice between defending his life and that of his lover, it was obvious what he would choose and for that, you are my unwilling volunteer!" and as Danny cackled again as he placed a kitchen sieve on the doctor's head!"

"That is just plain unhygenic" declared Holmes, "If I was there I would have told him that someone would have to..." and then looked up to see Watson pulling an annoyed expression and begrudingly let him carry on

"Now, we need to make sure that you are nicely secured. Your strength is legendary and we cannot have you breaking free can we?" and as he spoke, he restrained the man with braces across his waist, ankles and wrists, exposing the powerful muscles now bulging against the restraints. Continuing he applied a number of paper clips to the doctor's nipples, causing him to moan gently, then to his groin. As the doctor continued to moan, the man organising the torture, for that it was it was said "Now, we apply the fencing wire to attach the kitchen sieve and the clips together to form...well, I think you can guess what it will form?" to which the doctor could only nod.

After only a few moments, the doctor, his muscular chest heaving as he tried to combat the pain of the clips squeezing against his nipples, manhood and groin, could only look on as the torturer next gagged the doctor and pointed his direction to a lever on the wall. Attaching the two pieces of wire to it, he placed his hand on the lever and said, in a menacing tone, "Tell me what I want to know, my dear Arrowhead, or face pain that has never been experienced before. Raw, unbridled, electrical pain surging into your body, turning your mind into mush, pushing your heart to its limits and making you so hard that not even the release of your essence will stop the pain

As the doctor gritted his teeth and grunted "I will never tell you my secrets", another man declared "Thank you, my dear Sheriff, I will take it from here" and with that threw a glass ball that landed squarely on the doctor's chest before exploding and releasing a green gas that covered the doctor's head. When it cleared the sheriff gasped in horror as the doctor's eyes were completely glazed over, but in the time it took him to draw his weapon, he found the man who had entered holding a rifle and announcing "One word out of you, sir, and you will be dead before you can finish the sentence" and then with a command of "Rise, rise, my slave!" the doctor sat up, the restraints around his chest snapping in an instant, as did the restraints around his wrists and ankles. As he stood up, the man who had entered backed out of the outhouse and issued the command "Follow" to which the naked doctor did. As they both left the man called "Not a movement, my dear Sheriff, otherwise this outhouse will explode. Not for another ten minutes!" and with that the two men left with a bright flash a few moments later"

As Holmes thumbed through his own notes, he nodded saying "And when the sheriff in question told us that, I seem to recall that you stated you had never heard of a more ridiculous state of affairs"

"True" replied Watson, "but as he was telling us what had happened, than your friend appeared!"

"Ah yes" smiled Holmes, "the right honourable Lord Fogg of Marylebone!"

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Chapter Three : The Honourable Lord

Taken from the journal of Doctor John Watson, October 30th 1884

As Sherlock was interviewing a Sheriff Danny Blain, from the United States, who had come to us asking our assistance in finding out who had kidnapper the local town's doctor, I was informed by our housekeeper, Mrs. Hudson, that a gentleman wished to see Mr. Holmes on a rather urgent matter. Following her, I was about to explain that Sherlock was involved in another case when I was presented to the person in question and declared "The Right Honourable Lord Fogg of Marylebone!" to which the esteemed gentleman doffed his hat and said "Please, call me Phileas, all my friends do" and with that replaced it and explained that his manservant, Jean Passepartout, had suddenly disappeared from his employment with no signs of a struggle or indeed any explaination at all. I was just starting to take notes when a loud "Watson" caught my attention and begging Lord Fogg's pardon went to see what Sherlock wanted.

I found him pacing the floor, his pipe in his mouth and clearly deducing something. After a moment he stopped pacing and asked me "Has Lord Fogg lost someone as well?" to which I exclaimed "How did you know, Sherlock?" to which he replied "Elementary, my dear Watson, I could hear you talking to him!" at which point the esteemed gentleman was introduced formally and explained the situation. As he did, the sheriff exclaimed "That's precisely what happened to James, I mean the Doc" and as he related his tale, Lord Fogg raised an eyebrow and said "Excuse me, did you say Doctor James? As in James Barnaby?"

When the sheriff nodded Lord Fogg nodded his head and said "Sir, I believe that your doctor and my manservant have been kidnapped by the same person" and as Sherlock nodded sagely, Lord Fogg added "And clearly by someone who needs people who are incredibly strong and powerful. After all, my manservant was recently awarded the prize of the strongest man in Europe!" to which the sheriff replied "Yeah, and the doc was awarded the title of the most powerful physican in the world!"

"Two equally strong men" said Sherlock to himself, "both kidnapped at around the same time, several thousand miles apart" and with that threw his cloak around his shoulders and strode out stating "Gentlemen, we have an appointment at Scotland Yard!"

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Chapter Four : An Old Friend

"Oh, no" groaned Lestrade as he saw Sherlock walk into Scotland Yard and was about to apologise for any number of lapses when a strong voice declared "I wish to see the Commissioner of Police this instant!" As the inspector, Holmes, Watson and Sheriff Blain looked at Lord Fogg, the man who had made the declaration, from the inside of the building came a disbeliving "Phileas? Is that you?" and into the central lobby came a man that the Lord knew very well indeed.

"My dear Inspector Fix!" chuckled the Lord and shook the man's hand to which the man replied "Commissioner!" with a smile adding "Took over from Rowan last year. And how can I help you, my dear friend!"

"We are investigating the kidnapping of two men. One here in London, namely Lord Fogg's manservant and the local doctor of the town that this man is the sheriff of" announced Holmes, "the former crime of which I am amazed to find out that you didn't even know about Lestrade despite the fact that it was reported yesterday!" and gave the inspector a hard look to which the inspector began an apology but was cut off by the Comissioner saying "Ah, so that's what the Sargeant was going on about then?" and turning on a sixpence bellowed "Fullman!" and a few seconds later a rather podgy sargeant came running towards him, panting and saying "Sorry, sir, I was having a doze!"

At the Commissioner's request, the Sargeant regaled a tale, given to him by one of the policeman whose regular beat covered Saville Row, how a gentleman, dressed as any self respecting gentleman would be, was seen leaving Lord Fogg's house with Lord Fogg's manservanr following behind him by a few steps, walking in a very hazhazard manner. The two men walked to a hansom cab which was opened by a man standing a good two feet taller than the manservant, who, without a word of protest or complaint, got into the hansom cab, followed by the taller man and then the gentleman with a call of "Tower Green, my good man!"

"JAMES!" exclaimed the sheriff and babbled that his doctor was at least two feet taller than Lord Fogg's manservant.

"In that case!" said Holmes, turning on his own sixpence, "We are off to the Tower" and gesturing his associates to follow declared "The game is afoot!"

"Oh, Commissioner" said the Sargeant as he watched them all leave, "Do you think that one day we could invite him to the annual dinner?"

"FULLMAN!" declared Lestrade and Fix at the same time, and as the former slapped him with his cap, the latter declared "Can you think of anything bar food?"



The four men standing in the gloaming of the deepest dungeon at the Tower of London immediately stood to attention without a word and as they did so, a gentleman entered the dungeon and smiled to himself. As he looked along the line he smiled to himself and declared "Show me your strength" and as he did all four men, completely naked, puffed out their chests and grit their teeth. Walking down the line the man poked their chests with his finger and smiled to himself, commenting as he did so

"Excellent, Henri, you have pleased me. As have you Issac, James, not bad and Jean, very impressive indeed"

As he reached the end he declared "Relax" and all four men breathed out.

"Gentlemen, you are the strongest and most powerful men in the entire world. Your strength and power are going to be put to use to commit the ultimate crime, for this night, you will help me to do something that has been attempted multiple times, and has only succeeded once albet it partially. Ultimate Musketeer, Ultimate Titan, Arrowhead and the strongest man in Europe, tonight, we steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain!"

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Chapter Five : The Discovery

"From what the Chief Yeoman said" said Holmes as he lead the party down into the depths of the Tower of London, "is that over the last few months, someone has been working down here, on the authority of Her Majesty, on a project that will, in their words "change this country". Now I do not need to remind the likes of you Lord Fogg that change can work both ways"

Lord Fogg nodded his understanding and as the party came to a door, Holmes put his ear to it and listened for a moment before turning to Watson and said "I am going to open this door just enough for you to peek through. When I do I want you to tell me what you can see!" and with that Holmes produced a small knife, jiggled the lock and opened the door just enough for Watson to peer through, all in complete silence. It was silence broken only by a gasp from Watson and as he looked up he stammered "Torture!"

"Sir" whispered Lord Fogg, stepping to the front, "I am the only representative of Parliament here. We have ruled that torture is forbidden in this land therefore I must witness this alleged crime" and as Watson stepped out of the way, Lord Fogg peeped through and instantly stood up. Without saying a word, he took Sheriff Blain to one side, nodding to Holmes and Watson and asked "Sir, I am not familiar with the laws of the United States, but would I be correct in my belief that you adhere to the belief that men have rights?"

"Indeed" came the whispered reply, "certain unalienable rights!"

"In that case" replied Lord Fogg and nodding to Watson who took out his notepad said "I wish to confirm, for the legal record, that behind that door, my manservant, Jean Passepartout, is being tortured by use of an electrical device of some kind, along with three other men. Two of whom are impossibly big and strong with the third one very slender but with a tattoo on his chest"

"JAMES!" exclaimed the sheriff and without thinking the sheriff burst through the door and gasped at the scene in front of him.

James, as well as Lord Fogg's manservant and two men so impossibily muscular and powerful that Danny could feel himself getting hard immediately, had electrodes attached to their nipples, manhood and groin all completely naked. Even though this was Danny's dream, he ran over to James and shouted "James, no, you'll kill yourself!"

"No" came a sterm reply, "he is in no danger, he is, preparing himself" and with that chuckled as he said "You can come in gentlemen, I've known about your presence on the grounds of the Tower for the last hour" and as the rest of the party came in, Holmes shook his head disapprovingly.

"Moriarty" he snarled

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Chapter Six: The Reasoning

"Why, my dear Holmes, what a pleasure it is to see you again. I had heard such rumours that you had fallen off a Swiss waterfall, of course I knew that it couldn't be true but..."

"What are your plans this time" snarled Holmes, his nose up against Moriarty's, "and why are you torturing these men?"

"Torturing?" came the relaxed reply, "Whoever put that idea into your head?" and as he looked at Watson, his head bowed at the men, he chuckled "Oh dear, Watson, you've been reading too many penny dreadfuls in your spare time. If I may be permitted, Holmes?" and with that stepped to one side and raised a lever that caused the men to slump to their knees.

"Proof!" declared Holmes, but Moriarty just wagged a finger and said "My dear doctor, if you would care to examine them?"

Watson took a stethoscope out of his pocket and as he placed them into his ears, Sheriff Blain exclaimed "Did he just take a pair of stethoscopes out of his pocket?"

"Indeed he did" replied Lord Fogg with a chuckle, "I know what you are going to say but it's quite normal" leaving Danny speechlesss.

"Watson" continued Moriarty, "if these men were being tortured as you believe, then do you agree that their pulse should be a lot higher than it is at the moment?"

"That's..." retorted Holmes but was stopped by "Incredible, that's not possible!" from Watson. As Watson moved along the line, his expression was one of amazement and after examining all four declared "Their pulse is normal!".

"It cannot be!" declared the sheriff and Holmes in unison, but Watson nodded and as he did, Jean, Lord Fogg's manservant started to moan. Lord Fogg went to him and whispered "Jean, what is it?"

"Please..." he moaned, "...I beg you....stimulate me....I need stimulation!"

As he finished the other men all started to moan the same statement, in unison

"Stimulate me, master, please, I beg you!"

As Moriarty pulled the level down, the men all threw their heads back and moaned with desire as they stood back up and as they did a chuckled "Torture, Watson, no I am simply invigorating them!"

"For what foul and evil purpose?" demanded Holmes

"As if I would ever tell you!" he said and with that pulled a gun on the detective and ordered the party into a cell. As Lord Fogg entered the cell with his hands raised he declared "You sir are everything wrong with this nation of gentlemen" to which Moriarty smiled as he slammed the door shut and said "Thank you, your Lordship" and then called "Ultimate Titan, come here!".

The largest of the men, removed the electrodes from his body and walked over as if in a trance saying "You called, my lord!"

"Make sure these men do not escape!"

"I obey, my lord" and with that he reached his hand around the lock and crushed it with his bare hands prompting Moriarty to chuckle.

"I'd like to see the great consulting dective, his medical companion, the greatest adventurer England has ever produced and an American sheriff get out of that!" and with that he made his way to the main door announcing "Gentlemen, we have work to do" and with that all of the men, walked towards the main door, the electrodes detaching themselves with the last one out, M. Passepartout slamming the door so hard behind him, that a section of celing collapse, blocking the exit and leaving Sheriff Blain looking at the situation and moaning.

"We're going to die here, aren't we?"

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Chapeter Seven : And you would be...?

"Nonsense" declared Holmes and instantly stepped to one side and nodded to Lord Fogg who walked up to the wall of the cell and to Danny's disbelief pulled a trowel out of his jacket pocket and started chipping away at the wall leaving Danny to exclaim "First a stethoscope, now a trowel, what next? The Prime Minister?"

As Watson took Danny to one side chuckling "Lord Fogg is an Englishman, it's how he managed to complete his journey around the world in eighty days" and started to regale the tale of how Lord Fogg used a trowel to rescue his now wife from a temple of cult followers, Holmes helped Fogg with his excations and at the same time asked his thoughts on the situation.

"It is my belief" replied Lord Fogg, "that your arch enemy believes that if he possesses the Crown Jewels, he will become King of England instantly. I can assure you that if he were to make such a claim, we Lordships would never agree to it, but I agree with you, he cannot be allowed to get his hands on them in the first place"

"And my other belief?" asked Holmes

Lord Fogg stopped chipping away and said "I know that you have said on a number of occasions that no matter who impossible something sounds, if it is the only answer then that much be the answer, but to suggest that my manservant, his doctor and those two other men have been hypnotised is not correct" and with that resumed his chipping.

"Mentally, yes" added Watson, "however, I believe they may be chemically hypnotised. Tell me, have you heard of a branch of chemicals from the hitoxal series? I read a report from a few months ago that a Doctor Syntax, orginally from Oxford University, was expelled from the university for conducting experiments that, if the thesis he produced was correct, had the ability to make anyone who came into contact with it instantly obient to another man!"

"A chemical" gasped Danny and related, making sure to leave out the bit about the sexual desires both he and James were feeling, the method of James's kidnapping to which Watson mused "Yes, that's right, all chemicals in that series are green coloured, with a consistency similar to lime cordial!"

Just then, Lord Fogg's chipping bore fruit and as he and Holmes removed the small rock they have managed to exacatve, they were greeted by a pair of desperate eyes.

"Please, sirs" the voice attached to them said, "Please, forgive me, I didn't realise who I was speaking with!"

"Who are you, sir?" asked Holmes

"Herbert, sir" came the whimpered reply, "Herbert George Wells, sir!"

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Chapter Eight: The Plan Revealed

"There, there, Herbert, it's all right"

As Lord Fogg helped Herbert recover by supplying him with cups of tea, all produced from a flask in his pockets, Danny examined the lock of the cell they were now in having removed enough material to climb through. As he stood up he shook his head and said "There is no way we are opening that lock, one of the toughest I have ever seen!"

"Never say never to an Englishman, my friend" smiled Watson as Holmes produced a screwdriver and started to fiddle around with it. As he did, he took Danny to one side and praised him for his determination in removing the material he had. Danny just smiled and said "Oh, anyone else would have done the same" without letting on that as he was digging away at the barrier he had imagined James, naked, pushing against it with every muscle in his body bulging with power.

As Holmes continued to fiddle, Herbert, now suitably calmed and relaxed said to Lord Fogg, "Sir, I recognise you now, you're that explorer who travelled around the world in eighty days. Tell me, sir, is it true? Did you journey to the centre of the earth, travel under the seas for at least twenty thousand leagues and even travel to the moon?"

Lord Fogg nodded with a smile but was suprised when Herbert replied "Then you know sir, that fact is much better than fiction" and with that Herbert started to weep. Thinking that he was hurt, Watson immediately started to find out where the injury was but was greeted by a wailed "Sirs, please forgive me, I am to blame for this situation" and with that grabbed Lord Fogg's hand and wailed "Everything I wrote happened" and as Lord Fogg and Watson looked at each other they both gasped "It exists!"

Herbert nodded and told a tale of woe from his viewpoint. Earlier that year, having read about Lord Fogg's exploits, he was determined to become a traveller as well, but as Lord Fogg had travelled around the world, across the seas and even into space there was only one medium left for him and so, remembering his journey with a man only known as The Doctor, he built his own version of the Doctor's incredible machine that could travel through time. He tested it and to his amazement it worked, sending him five days into the future. Three weeks later, he arranged a dinner party and at that party told a tale to the gathered diners that he had summarised in a book that was going to be published that very night about who he, using his machine, had travelled some eight hundred thousand years into the future, then another thirty million years and then travelled back to the present day. The next day, he had been kidnapped by the man they had encountered when they entered the cells and forced him to travel back in time to collect the men that they had seen and then throwing him into the cell they were all in. As Herbert conculded his tale wth a "Sir, as a member of the law, I beg you, arrest me, charge me with the crime of aiding to steal the Crown Jewels and let me rot here until the end of my days!"

"Well" replied Holmes, standing up, "unless you know of someone strong enough to rip this lock out, you are likely to get your wish!" however before Danny had a chance to say "Ripping out a lock, you say...", a noise began to fill the cell. As Herbert looked up he gasped "Can it...oh, please, can it be?" and even Lord Fogg chuckled "Well, if it is, then I think we are both in for a reunion" and with that the party stood close to the cell door as in the middle of the room, slowly, but surely, a large blue box started to appear from the ether. As it appeared to land with a thump on the ground, the door opened and a friendly faced man appeared and instantly declared "Really, Phileas, I cannot leave you alone for two minutes can I?"

"DOCTOR" came the exclaimed cry from both Lord Fogg and Herbert.

The Doctor.png

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