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Weird, But Sweet (Complete Story, 1/18/23, Bonus Material added 1/25/23)


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I thought the wild day of sex scene was ingrained, an entire bridal party where the smallest named character is in the double digits with stuffed pouches is a drool worthy image 🤤

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Me, muffled by a mouthful of buttered popcorn while "Dancing on the Ceiling" plays during the closing credits:  "THEY DIDN'T SAY THE THING AT THE END!"  🤯

Later in bed:  "If Mason got to 700 lbs and Roy got to 600 lbs, they would be a baker's dozen hundred lbs.  That sounds sweet."  😇

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Loved this story!  Only problem - it's over!

The innovative touches you put into your muscle growth stories elevate your stories miles above  everyone else  -

-muscle growth by hard work, assisted by magic.

-Fully realized characters with an inner life and values beyond just having big muscles or /and large cocks & balls

-Interesting "real life" jobs - bakers and accountants/// contrasted with the entire magic/muscles/incredible sex scenario

-Humorous dialog - I really, REALLY love this!!

-Classic writing technique of recapping the story title during various episodes, which are "Weird, but sweet!" The self referencing is a funny technique that makes the story more believable by subtly breaking the "fourth wall" with the audience!

Kudos, congratulations, three cheers!  Huzzah, @TQuintA  !

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Whenever I finish a story on this site, I like to give some bonus behind the scenes material.


First off, I’m going to unashamedly admit I almost cut chapters 29 and 30—there was nothing in there that served the plot or fulfilled my personal desires, and I felt that they went on too long.  I kept them because I suspected some of my readers would like the content especially, “you fucked my hip out of its socket” (a moment inspired by a story a friend of a friend told me about his most wild night with his then boyfriend).


Another reason I kept them was that, for this story, I cut a lot.  Most of it was only ever prewriting, but some of it I actually drafted.  Everything I cut needlessly bogged down the main plot.


One of the details I tried to squeeze in a million times was that Katherine named her son Roy because he was her prince.  But there was no place where it felt like anything other than a distraction, so I cut it.


Melody’s coven were originally much bigger characters, fully aware of Roy before he reached out, and constantly trying to trick Roy into joining because of how rare healing witches are.  Before I cut that subplot, I actually wrote the chapter where he met them (if there’s interest in reading it, I’ll post it).  Part of the chapter is setting up the characters Gladys Price and Jay, whom I had big plans for.  Gladys is not above violence and threats and was desperate for Roy to join the coven.  As for Jay, let’s just say that Jay’s good at glamours and (despite being straight) was going to try to honey pot both Roy and Mason at different points in the story.


I had so much planned for after Gramps’s abjuration ended, or what I called the Post-Game in my notes.  Most, not all, of these tidbits were going to be flashforwards thanks to Gramps’s newfound psychic ability.


Part of the Post-Game involved a showdown between him and Gladys in which he utterly obliterates her chances of victory.  Gladys (like Voldemort) fears death more than anything else, so Gramps curses her with eternal life and ever-worsening health so she’ll beg for death one day, and makes it so only Roy can remove the curse.  Out of compassion, Roy removes it immediately, and that act of automatic, unprompted mercy makes her declare peace with Roy.


Other parts of the Post-Game actually were more intricate.  Five years after Mason and Roy get married, Roy finds out he has the same genetic condition that caused his mother’s kidneys to fail.  He needs a transplant, or he will die.  They seek out Billy Whitaker to try to get a kidney from him, but it turns out he can’t donate a kidney because of years of steroid abuse to keep the giant size Katherine gave him.  Also, it turns out he’s incredibly gay and only married Katherine because he thought she was the only woman he’d ever been sexually attracted to.  He had confused his arousal over his own growing body with attraction to Katherine.  I even had some half-formed idea of Billy and Dalton getting a happily ever after.  Without his father’s kidney, Julie’s promise to give Roy a kidney ultimately saves Roy’s life.  Roy is able to use his mother’s magic to make the anti-rejection medication more effective.  I cut this because it was overly involved and complicated, and felt like a whole new story rather than a continuation of this one.


Also cut from the Post-Game, Julie is confused when she finds out the baby she is pregnant with “is a boy” and concludes Gramps saw a vision of some future daughter she is going to have.  But when her only child comes out as trans at age 16, Julie buys her a violin to show her support, and Julie and Phil’s daughter becomes a famous violinist.  This was the most painful cut for me.  I was well aware of Harry Potter’s influence on my story, so I wanted to include some trans-positivity.  But when I cut most of the Post-Game it felt self-indulgent to keep this whole tangent, so as a compromise to myself, I kept the planting and cut the payoff.


I never even prewrote the honeymoon because I want Gramps’s wedding curse to do whatever devious and sexually twisted thing you want it to do.  Only having one answer felt limiting in this story.


The biggest behind the scenes peak I have technically shared elsewhere.  Originally, my plan was to take three pictures that turned my crank and write stories about them.  I started “Completely Customizable,” I Can Fix Him, and this all at the same time, but “Completely Customizable” turned out to be 1/10 as long as the other two, so I published it early.  If it’s of interest to the audience, I will share the pics that inspired these stories, but none of the images are mine, and I can’t credit the original creators because I don’t know who they are.


Thanks for reading, and thanks for the digital love.

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I still would like to hear your vision for the honeymoon.  We all know it would be outside the story at this point.  Everyone has their own version of it.  I would like to hear yours.  If you don't want to post it publically you can DM me. 

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