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The Secret Snuffers Society Part 10-Clearing the Board


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Hi everyone, as a friendly warning this story is very heavy on violence, if you don't like snuff stories, please stop reading and go one of the more suitable stories on the page. As always, thanks to Freakoman2 and Mczapl for their inputs, inspiration and critique (hope you're still enjoying). 


The Secret Snuffers Society Part 10-Clearing the Board

The Interviewer was on his bed, he was completely worn out from exhaustion. One month have passed since the police station take over but he still felt worn out. He was on his bed looking at the ceiling. “Did he made the right call?, would he have gone too far?, which repercussions would be?, did he calculated right?” All those revolving thoughts were at his mind, racing one before the other. “You did the right call” Wolf said, Igor nodded his head.  The Interviewer smiled, since the fainting Wolf has grown out somewhat “worried” if that word could exist in Wolf’s dictionary, so Wolf decided strictly that the Interviewer take some time off each night. “We still need you here, I won’t administrate this” was the continuous argument from Wolf at the nagging of the Interviewer, so Wolf and Igor took over some of the activities.   Michal could not come back since he was on charge of the rebuild of the Old Red’s former base since many of the Old Red tugs came back to the base and Michal was training them on the SSS ways, but if they would get any status on the SSS ranks, that was to be seen.

Igor on other hand became also a Wolf’s lackey he underwent on a brutal training and it showed, Igor was packing muscles at an amazing speed even for the SSS standards. He seemed to be forgotten his former Old Red’s status and embraced his rank has an elite candidate for the SSS. But he plainly refused to enter the colosseum if the Interviewer would not see his advances. Wolf tolerated him in the most part because he had administrative experience, so he could counsel Wolf about how to proceed with the SSS.  The Interviewer stood up and went to the bathroom after 15 minutes he came out ad took his usual clothes. The Interviewer felt better, his mind was still racing from the thoughts but the bet was already made and they needed to prepare for the consequences, whichever they could be.

There were some issues still waiting to resolve, Ricardo’s discharges, The Old red’s quarters renewal, and Bucks introduction to the SSS. Buck was quite something, he was a big tall and bald bodybuilder,  he had brown eyes, well defined muscles covered in a tick layer of grayish fur and had a white/grey bear. He was almost in his mid forty’s.  Buck was quite happy to enter the SSS, he had became a training zealot, but he was more akin to Michal’s ways than Wolf’s. However he trained hard and asked also to enter the arena fights, we was already big when he joined the SSS but was getting more defined, and his looks went fiercer. The Interviewer thought that he would be a savage on the arena.  But his overall reach was something to be seen. Ivan and Adam were opposite sides, Ivan was getting better with his training but he was clearly surpassed by Buck and Igor. And Adam lagged in his training, so this issue needed to be solved.

Those issues took his toll on the Interviewer since no-one could else could help and he needed to solve them. Wolf walked at his side “so, you’re ready?” He asked, “Yes, thank you, other more day and you might think that I’m weak, I won’t die yet” The interviewer said. Both men walked to the Interviewer office, there was a new door already. Ricardo was waiting outside, he was nervous, and to be on the office alongside Wolf was getting him even more nervous.
“I, I,” Ricardo tried to mutter some words while entering the room. “Ricardo, what have you been doing all this time?” “I’ve trained hard this time so I can perform even better” Ricardo said with a trembling voice while looking nervously at Wolf. Wolf bounced his pecs casually, but he knew that he could be terrified if someone really knew that there was a possibility of a punishment from him.

The Interviewer looked at Ricardo, he kept that swimmers body but he looked more defined, his abs were marked even relaxed and his pecs were messing against the shirt. His legs were covered by a swimmers shorts that let a well rounded and defined legs  and a flip flop. He looked more like a beach lifesaver than an SSS guard.

 The Interviewer thought that Ricardo was deliberately choosing that outfit to make a better impression, maybe that was the case. He looked at his desk, “Ricardo, you know we don’t tolerate any kind of failure do you?” Ricardo looked terrified at Wolf, Wolf turned to him and slowly his hand pawed Ricardo’s head.  Ricardo stood silently waiting for the bitter end.

“Unfortunately, we are short on personnel since we are taking care of the neighborhood security and I can’t affair to lose an elite guard”. Wolf released Ricardo’s head.    “However that doesn’t mean that you’re forgiven, you’ll go with Michal and help him on rebuilding the new SSS subsidiary, we will need the former Old Red’s tugs to become SSS guards to help to establish the safety of the surroundings”. Ricardo nodded his head. “Prepare your things and we will send you to Michals…now go!”.  The Interviewer ordered. Then he opened his laptop and begun to tap on the excel. “We got good numbers…but Wolf, you really need to destroy your gym at this rate?” Wolf smiled playfully, “you know pal, I’m getting stronger” he said while flexing his arms, making a crab pose and for a new thing he lifted his shorts and flexed his quads and calves. The Interviewer looked amused. “That’s new” he said. “I’M BIGGER” Wolf yelled playfully.  “Also, Igor and Buck destroy a lot of equipment” Wolf said.

The Interviewed tapped his laptop. “ from what I’ve heard, Buck is a total killer, Igor is learning quickly”. He tapped more on his laptop. “Ivan is a good, element,  he is very capable to organize the guards for the security rounds, he was able to solve the drug dealers problem…with Carlos and you”. “Well…they were fun to crush, we even competed in who crushes more” Wolf said with a grin. “Obviously you’ll win” The Interviewer responded, “I only played with my legs…don’t nag at me!” Wolf said. “Oh yes Wolf I’ll nag” The Interviewer said irritated, “you stomped them so hard that at least two warehouses had cracked walls since you stomped them so hard that the ground trembled, and also I know that it was your Idea to bring them here” The Interviewer tapped his laptop again. “You also destroyed the  pavement…I hate to bring construction workers here…if they are not very good candidates we need to dispose of them and I don’t like to do that” the Interviewer kept nagging to Wolf for the increased costs but Wolf ignored most of them. He knew that the Interviewer was pissed because he didn’t let the Interviewer see those executions or that he didn’t do it on the colosseum. He smiled. “I’ve tapped it for you” Wolf said playfully and kept silent waiting for the desired response. The interviewer crossed his fingers in from of his face and his face softened.  “Next time you do that on the arena I’ll add the budget here” the Interviewer said in serious tone but Wolf knew that he nailed it for him and grinned.

“Buck” the Interviewer said. “What?” Wolf responded. “Buck is strong has I see, he’s is less strong than Michal but he is as vicious as him, I think we need to keep him here”,  the Interviewer said. Wolf flexed is pecs “Good, he will be a good training companion” Wolf said.  The Interviewer made a video call on his laptop. After some rings Michal appeared on the screen.  He was on some open space, like a big parking. Behind him the Interviewer could see a training grounds, a lot of homemade weights and a lot of people training  frantically. Near him a battered soldier was on his knees, Michal walked next to him and the Interviewer saw Michal’s hard on. The interviewer covered his face on irritation.

“Michal” the Interviewer said, Michal smiled and flexed his biceps “Hi boss” the Interviewer was unfazed but made a light, almost unnoticeable smile.  Wolf flexed back “Hi” Both men smiled at the growing irritation of the Interviewer. “So Michal, how the rebuild is going”  The Interviewer said.

“The construction is going fine, Igor had a good construction teams support, so we could fix the walls and the spaces quickly” Michal said. “The equipment have been bought and it should arrive shortly, the former Old red’s guards have been preselected and they have been training at a neck breaking pace so we can use them to guard the Warehouses surrounding and the neighborhood” Michal reported.    

“How’ the training going?” The interviewer asked. “Michal walked next to the trembling guard, he stood behind him and palmed his head, then in a sudden movement he crushed the skull, the other guards jumped in fear, Michal wiped his hands agains his tank top “they are still too easy to break, this one was weak, he stopped training and said he was exhausted, so I just gave him a rest” Michal said while rubbing his crotch. “Good” The Interviewer said unfazed. “You should’t kill them too quickly, we still need people here” he said. “I’ll send you good people, I don’t want to give wolf too much toys” Michal said in a teasing tone that Wolf answered with a grin.

“Any news on the ‘issue” there?” The Interviewer said. “Maybe I’ll need some help if that happens” Michal answered in a serious tone, Wolf kept his cool but the tone of the conversation suddenly went from a playful tone to a serious one, the soldier corpse was still pouring blood from the head remains, The Interviewer looked at the corpse and then to Michal. “Do you have any problem if I keep Wolf with me?” Michal went serious, “No problem, I think he’s better with you, we still don’t know if we will be attacked here or there, but if you send heavy muscles we will be able to hold better without them destroying our advances in the construction.

The Interviewer smiled, he got his response, now he knew that even if the SSS could be attacked, in Michals view, he thought that he could destroy any incoming attackers, but his top priority was to keep the construction repairs up, even he refused to let Wolf go there. Also there was a possibility that they would be attacked not only on the new subsidiary /the old Red’s former base) but on the main HQ.  The Interviewer pondered how to place his pieces. “I will lend you two heavy pieces one of my bishops and a knight, use them wisely” the Interviewer said. Michal frowned. The Interviewer knew Michal was confused, “I’ve decided to send Ricardo, he still need training, but he can help you there, Carlos can be of help there;  I’ll stay here with Wolf, and Igor, Ivan will be on charge of the safety net outside.”

“Would you be able to send me Adam?”   Michal said. The interviewer pondered. Adam, he, for some reason was slipping down, he could be a good SSS elite, but he was wounded on the last operation, he recovered, but he plainly refused to train. The Interviewer decided to wait until the right moment appears but unfortunately, then moment have arrived and the Interviewer understood that he could be needed. “I’ll send equipment, and has said Ricardo and Carlos, I still have to decide on that rook… your help will be sent tomorrow morning” Michal nodded, then the Interviewer hung up.

“What are you going to do?” Wolf asked. The Interviewer closed his laptop. “Call Adam and Buck…they need to go to the colosseum, while they arrive, let’s go to walk”.  He said.

Wolf and the Interviewer left the office, the went out of the office warehouse and went to the restaurant, The Interviewer got a coke and Wolf got a beverage can, has usual, he crushed it over his mouth drinking directly from the crushed can and letting the beverage liquid drip to his white shirt, so his muscles adhered to the shirt , the Interviewer let his eyes enjoy the spectacle but kept cool. “Showoff” The Interviewer said, Wolf grinned and bounced his pecs. “Should I rip it?” Wolf asked playfully. “Don’t let that get into your head” The Interviewer said with slight irritation.  Wolf just laughed loudly. He loved to tease the interviewer since the first time. They walked to the arena. “What are you going to do?” Wolf asked. “Let’s see” the Interviewer said. I just hope I can get a good result from this mess. The Interviewer was quietly enraged. Wolf saw the Interviewer back, he knew that the Interviewer rarely gave second opportunities like he did for Ricardo, but Adam…he knew exactly that he had an order not to intervene and he was nearly killed. For some reason he managed to only get his leg injured, but Wolf was puzzled about what Buck had to do with this thing, also even he didn’t knew what he would do.  

After some minutes they entered the arena, Adam and Buck were standing in front of the Interviewer seat. The Interviewer entered silently, he sat on his seat and looked at the space between Buck and Adam’s feet. “So Buck, the Interviewer said, have you been treated well?” Buck nodded, his pecs were big and rounded, his grayish fur were sexy in it’s own way. He liked to bounce his pets and harden his biceps from time time so he looked like a kinda smaller version of Wolf, but he also liked to be on shorts and barefoot, so he looked also like at a stellar version of Michal. “Do you still want to be part of the SSS?” Buck nodded again smiling widely. “Good, you’ll become a warrior, you’ll start on the colosseum, stay alert, we can call you on any moment”.  Buck bounced his pecs and flexed his pecs with a “yeaaaaaah yell”, the Interviewer smiled “maybe I got a rook”,  he thought to himself.  Then he returned to his calmed meditative demeanor.

“Adam” he said. “What’s happening to you?” Adam stood there, his eyes were filled with rage. “I thought I will get real power but all you demand is training after training…then the cop’s takeover, I was wounded, I can’t stand the shame” Adam said with a resentful voice.

“So you acted recklessly during the mission even If you had clear orders to not intervene? The Interviewer said. Adam stood silently. “You even stopped training even if you know it’s part for all our recruits…do you have anything to say?” The Interviewer was cold, he was on his seat with his hands crossed in front of his face.

“I’m sick of this, on the Old Red’s I was a commanding officer, but here…I don’t even have a rank, all you ask me is too train, and train for what?” Adam took his shirt of, the was big and tall but standing in front to Buck and specially with Wolf, “I’m already strong, I don’t need you” Adam said.  The interviewer stood silent. “Let’s see Adam, first you where afraid to fight Michal, so you basically surrendered betraying your former companions…then you went to the SSS operation and tried to ‘help’, but when you screwed up, your facade busted isn’t it?”  

Adam face was in shock, he felt like the Interviewer saw through him. “At least Igor tried to fight using that good for nothing formula but you decided you were too weak, and you are too weak for the SSS, you’re not even worthy of a low guardian for the streets Adam”. The Interviewer stood and clearly said what he thought of Adam. Adam breathing became heavy, he walked next to the Interviewer, Adam was tall, the Interviewer kept looking at Adams face even as Adam was taller and bigger than him. “You’re not so thought…you’re weak, I could kill you at anytime” Adam said sputtering words. “Maybe you can kill me…but you are now and always will be weak”.  Adam closed his fist and launched a punch that landed to the Interviewer. “You’re weak small one” Adam said. The interviewer fell on his seat with a thud and moved his hand to the chest where the punch landed. His breathing was profound, he didn’t emitted any pain sound. Wolf walked next to the interviewer “Shall I kill him now?” Wolf asked, the Interviewer took his time, then, after some seconds where he felt the pain, he assessed his own thoughts and emotions, he evaluated the pain. Then he stood seated in a comfy stance “you’re big…but for someone of your size…you don’t hit that well” The Interviewer said. Wolf ripped his shirt and begun to bounce his pecs. “Now you’re mine” Wolf said.  

Wolf felt a hand on his arm. The Interviewer looked at him and with his hand he made a wait sign. “Adam, I’ll ask you for the last time…want to be part of the SSS?” Adam was dumbfounded, his punches were hard, he even could break bones with them, Igor respected his strength, but this weakling was berating him on his strength?. Adam looked at Wolf, his muscles and understood that he was now in big trouble, he dared to touch one of Wolf’s precious things and he was going to pay the price. Adam tried to run to the open doors but buck tackled him. Adam and Buck stood up, Adam punched Buck chest with all his might but Buck pecs received the punch with only a flex. “You’r really weak” Buck said. Adam punched Buck more in frustration but Wolf reached him. “Now you’re mine” Wolf said. His eyes were red, Adam saw pain and death on his eyes. Wolf was speaking slowly, but there was a hidden rage on his voice that made Adam piss on himself. “Buck, you take care of him” Wolf said pointing at the Interviewer. Buck slowly walked next to the Interviewer, he put a hand on his shoulder and asked “You’re good?” The Interviewer noted with his head. “Adam…now that I have your answer, I’ll give you mine…” The interviewer stood up with his hand over the area he was hit. “You’re not invited anymore to the SSS,  even more, you are rejected… Wolf will decide what to do with you” The Interviewer said, then Buck helped him to seat but the Interviewer rejected the gesture. “No offense Buck, but I won’t be a good leader if you treat me like some royalty member” he said with a slight smile that was cut by a small wince of pain.

Wolf walked near to Adam. “Hit me…” Wolf ordered. Adam knew that Wolf’s strength were legendary, he saw all the destruction he caused on the police station, Adam wept “So sorry man…” then he fell on his knees and begged for mercy. “Your coward” Wolf said kicking Adam on the stomach, Adam flew backwards and fell over his back, he coughed blood. He stood up stumbling while Wolf slowly walked to him, Adam squirmed back, Wolf grabbed his ankle and the he grabbed Adam’s right fist with his right hand. “You really need to respect those stronger than you” With that said Wolf closed his fist crushing Adams hand. Wolf kep pressing until his own fingers became reddish from the pressure.  Blood oozed from between his fingers then Wolf ripped the hand from Adam’s arm. “That’s better” Wolf said. Adam yelled In pain…he tried to squirm free but Wolf was not releasing his bloody forearm stopping the blood flow. “Buck, stop this bleeding” Wolf ordered.

Buck took Adam’s shirt from the ground and ripped in in seams, then he used to to make a tourniquet, then Wolf released the forearm. Adam fell on his butt and tried to run again, but this time Wolf simply pushed him to a Wall, Adam flew yelling in horror, his yells where suddenly muffled when Adam hit the wall, the hit forced the air out of Adam’s lungs. Adam revolved in pain on the ground. “You really stepped out of your own league…bug”. Wolf said he then stomped the  left ankle with his right foot. “Now you’re a crushed bug, you won’t be able to run, but I still haven’t got all my fun” Wolf said in a quiet, enraged voice while twisting his foot over the crushed bone.

Buck walked next to the Interviewer but was excited, he have never been able to see Wolf using his strong against another human being, Buck loved the domination, he even killed the rapist on the police station, but he never saw this kind of brutality, even, when they left the police station he never put too much attention to the scene, since he thought that some red group took over the place. Now he understood that the SSS destroyed the place no the sheer brute strength o his members. His excitement grew and he got a hard on by looking at Wolf’s might. Wolf din’t even cared, he was so focused on Adam that he lost his perception of the place.

Wolf then grabbed Adam’s good ankle and yanked Adam in half circle, Wolf was so strong that Adam’s weight didn’t represented any difficulty for Wolf’s. Adam felt like he was on a sick thematic park ride, excepting that theme parks aren’t meant to be painful, or deadly.  Wolf kept circling Adam in circles from his good Ankle until Adam almost lost conscience.  Wolf flexed his free biceps for show, but kept his grab controlled so he don’t crush the ankle.
After some time where Wolf used Adam’s body like a rag doll or a duster, he yanked Adam up so Adam flew upside and went slamming down. Adam coughed blood and tried to squirm using his good left hand and ankle.

Buck was in complete awe. “Will I be able to do that?” He asked. “Maybe, with proper training…” The Interviewer said, unfazed, his pain was slowing down so he kept concentrated on Adam’s punishment. Wolf grabbed bot Adam’s knees and yanked them dislocating the femur from the pelvic bones but still not tearing his legs apart. “Kill me your coward” Adam yelled in defiance. “Such empty words” Wolf said while walking next to his head. Then Wolf grabbed Adam’s yaw and pressed a little. “I could just rip your jaw…the pain would be unbearable but I still want to hear your cries and your yells”. Wolf then flipped Adam down like a pancake and put his lefthand over one of Adam’s lower ribs.  Wolf pressed one of his thumbs cracking the rib, Wolf pressed the thumb even more until he ripped part of the flesh, the fractured rip protruded from the skin, Wold clipped it using his index and his thumb and ripped it from the body . Adam yelled in pain. Wolf tossed the ripped rip with part of the flesh in front of Adam’s face. Adam was terrified.

Wolf sat on Adams ass, like if Adam’s was a horse. If it where for the gory scene they could me seen playing a child’s game, Wolf then leaned in front, just to whisper on Adam’s ear. “Now you’ll feel what my muscles can do”. Wolf then using his legs pinned Adam’s pelvis and  grabbed both legs and yanked them forward so Adam could see the crushed ankle and the good one from the side of his eyes. “Oh my, let me give you a better view” Wolf said then he grabbed both legs from the knee and ripped them from Adam’s body. The sudden jolt of pain made Adam scream, Wolf tossed the legs in from of Adam who yelled in agony. Then Wolf pinned what’s left of the lower limbs and grabbing the torso he ripped Adam in ‘half’ so Wolf was seating over his still intact pelvis bone.  Buck precumed from Wolf’s brutality and he couldn’t help but grab his dick and stroking slowly while trying to see every second of Adam’s punishment.

Wolf adjusted his position over the still ‘intact’ pelvis while still holding Adam’s torso. Adam was still alive…barely, so Wolf decided to add more terror for him, grabbed the libs and in one movement he ripped both arms, the movement was so strong that one of the libs tore from half of the humerus and other from the shoulder. Adam managed a yell. Wolf grabbed Adam’s remaining torso holding from the neck. He stood up and looking at Bud and The interviewer he moved the torso that looked like some kind of bloody and sick marionette. Wolf closed his head to Adam’s ear, he moved his hand and put his fingers inside the jaw. Adam barely tried to bite Wolf’s fingers he only could say “MPFHHHHHH”. Then Wolf whispered to Adams ear “Now you go” Wolf ripped the jaw, Adam opened is eyes in surprise and pain, he tried to move his head but Wolf’s grab was strong. Then Wolf hugged the Torso and crushed it, blood exploded from the lower abdomen and arm remains swell as his destroyed mouth. Wolf released the crushed chest and Adam felt limp, lifeless to the floor. Wolfs put his left foot on Adam’s head. “Insect”  Wolf muttered and then he flexed his quads crushing the head on one swift movement. Blood, bone and brains exploited at the Wolf’ foot sides. Buck was already jerking off uncontrollably “Wolf then walked in front of the interviewer, grabbed Buck and tossed him at one side, Buck was so mesmerized on his own pleasure that he didn’t stop even when he fell to the side. Wolf snickered, then turning his head to look at the Intervewer. “Got easy” Wolf said. “We have more important things to do” the Interviewer said. “You’re good?” Wolf asked. “I’m not weak” the Interviewer answered while standing up and walking to the door with a blood soaked Wolf at his side, the Interviewer tried to hide a weak tremble on his hand. Buck reached orgasm and yelled, after some seconds he stood up stumbling, still excited and walked slowly behind Wolf’s back. He found some new excitement in life and was going to enjoy it until the last minute.
“Let’s call Carlos and Ricardo, we shall send them to Michal’s place…I lost a bishop, I need to replace it” The Interviewer said leaving the place.

Some days after, On the Old Red’s former quarters Michal was standing in front of the training soldiers. “Too weak” Michal said. He was alone, no one there could be a challenge for him and he got bored from that. He tried his hardest to make those weaklings get up but unfortunately the advances were slow. Two months have passed since Adam’s brutal death at Wolf’s hands. Carlos and Ricardo reached the subsidiary base two days after, Carlos was sent to help with the training and Ricardo was on probation, that meant that Michal physically abused him but until this point Ricardo was still alive and his training was more brutal than ever. “You’ll need to learn your place” Michal related to Ricardo at every opportunity, Ricardo was getting stronger by the day but he couldn’t imagine when his “special training” would stop. Carlos was supportive and sometime they trained together at the same pace so they both grew in size and strength.

Michal remembered the events following Igor’s defeat and the take over of the Old Red’s headquarters. He sent Igor barely standing on his legs, with his ass almost splitted in half.  Michal smiled at the memory, however, somehow Igor resisted it, maybe because the serum worked, of that Igor had a strength he still haven’t found.  Adam and Ivan where also good additions, but unfortunately the rest of the former Old Red’s guards where weak They crawled back, many of them where on the nearby cities when Michal recalled all of them, in part thanks to Igor’s already good communication network he stablished when he was the leader. Most of them returned . However most of them were disappointments. Michal sighed. “Not even a good ass” Michal said. after some days of the recovery the diagnosis was bleak  some of them where tugs, some junkies that were there only for a quick access to any kind of illegal drugs. Michal tried to rehabilitate some of them, the others were dispatched quickly from this world.   Michal tried to made a good selection but even so, there were few good elements, at least for the SSS standards. Igor blushed when the Interviewer confronted him to this but he knew that the SSS was another level, he still had to learn but even so, he had a good level of practical experience that helped find some low level recruits that could be quickly trained for the new security mission on the Neighborhood.  But Michal was impatient, so he forced his way on the recruits. The Interviewer had to calm him down before he started to kill the new recruits.

They were reinforcing the organization from the consequences of the Old Red’s destruction and the Police Station takeover. The Interviewer soon encountered himself short on personnel, they tried to find people but there were some unexpected difficulties, since there were no cops, and the cleaning of the streets were harder than initially thought.

Another raising issue and the main one was the power vacuum, the Old Red’s fall generated made other mobs try to recover the Old red’s remains. Italians, Japanese, and even Latins.  Some of those mobs tried to recruit the Old Red’s members, many of them were already too afraid of Michal to defect, others fled before even reaching the base.  Michal discussed with the Interviewer what to do, but things were difficult, mainly because the lack of manpower to cover all the fronts. Because of this, they decided to focus on the training on the ranks, fortify the headquarters and the subsidiary base for now. Until this point no other mob tried to make a move, they even kept dealing with the SSS on the warehouses business so they kept playing along until they knew that they needed to act.

Michal left the sauna, he walked to Igor’s former office and walked to a window, he   looked at the trailing camp, he put his posing strap and tank top as usual, he pondered how much time he could take to train the next bunch of recruits. They stabilized the lower ranks but has he already discussed with the Interviewer, they needed to reinforce the guards before even trying to get more elites or warriors for the colosseum.  Michal walked to the training camps, Ricardo was already there lifting weights, he was benching press, Carlos was behind him. Michal saw from the distance that the equipment was on the very of collapse. The weight was so big that the barbell was already curving and the bench itself was creaking from the weight. Michal walked next to them and took the weights from Ricardo’s hands with only one hand and lifted. “So tell me, this is all you’re capable off?” Michal said with a smirk. Ricardo blushed. “For now yes, but it’s unfair to compare us to you…same goes for Wolf”. Michal smirked. Then tossed the weights at the side. Suddenly a bang sounded and something hit Michal’s forehead at the side.  Carlos jumped looking at at the sides, the soldiers scrambled and ran in all directions aimlessly, Ricardo stood up and covered Michal and begun to see in all directions. Michal recovered his sense and then he felt a drop of blood from the side of his head and a big deformed mass of metal that resembled some big bullet. Michal recognized it has a snipper rifle bullet, but it was so big that it must have been a vehicle special rifle. Michal tried to look at the side of the shot, suddenly Carlos screamed “there” pointing at a nearby mountain where he was with Ricardo before the Old Red’s base takeover, Carlos begun to run to the point, so Ricardo. Michal stood there pondering what to do and decided to get a vehicle.

Carlos and Ricardo ran quickly, they were so laser focused that they pushed sone of the soldiers so hard that they flew at the sides, one was so unfortunate that Carlos pushed at the front and then stomped his head while running. Carlos and Ricardo almost flew by the mount, after some ,intros of running they found a sniper running while carrying a big Sniper rifle that was too heavy to be carried by just one man. They quickly caught the man and took his rifle. Carlos lifted the man over his head and walked to the base. Ricardo, took the gun. “There” Ricardo said pointing at Michal who was driving a jeep.

Michal stepped down from the jeep and walked casually to the snipper. The snipper jaw dropped at Michal’s size he  begun to mutter some things that seemed prayers with some words in a strange language  like “volo” and “pieta”, or something like that. The snipper struggled to no avail to get free from Carlos,  he lifted him and tossed into the jeep rear and Ricardo jumped into the car, he held the snipper. Where we go? Carlos said. “To the basement”.  Michal said. He drove silently, his breathing was slow, controlled but his face was hardened. When they reached the base, Michal left the car and Carlos noted that the steering wheel was dented on the places Michal held it.  He begun to walk to the main building with Carlos and Ricardo following him with the snipper and the rifle. After some minutes the three man and the snipper got to the basement Carlos was holding tight the snipper and Ricardo carried the rifle on his hands. They entered the basement and then Michal took the rifle and tossed the sniper at the basement interior. “Leave” Michal ordered, Ricardo and Carlos stood at his side dumbfounded. “What?” They asked in unison. “go and train more, leave” Michal said in a cold voice that made very clear that if they said something, Michal could retaliate in a very nasty way.

Michal walked with the rifle in his hand, he spun it like some majorette but the show was clearly to show his strength. “Who are you?” Michal said. The sniper looked in fear and muttered “M…Mario”.  “So tell me Mario, who sent you?” Michal asked while spinning the rifle. Mario looked at his rifle and was wondering how this man could spend his rifle like it was a toy, a toy he wasn’t able to carry at enough speed to scape, a rifle that could’t kill his target even if the same rifle could destroy an armored car.  He trembled in fear but dnd’t answered.

Michal took the rifle and twisted it like a pretzel. “Who sent you?” Michal asked again. Mario looked at Michal’s arms and pecs, he then lowered his gaze to his legs and he saw a bulge growing inside Michal’s pants. “This can be very enjoyable or very nasty…you decide” Mario tried to run but Michal threw the Rifle that hit Mario on the back and threw him to the floor. Michal grabbed Mario and ripped all his clothes. He pinned Mario to the ground and  then, Michal ripped his shirt and posing strap he was huge, angry and horny. “That was my favorite, so you’ll pay it dearly”. Tell me Mario…who sent you? Michal asked, Mario refused to talk. So Michal ripped all his clothes. Mario struggled but Michal was so strong that he handled Mario like he was a doll. Michal breathing became heavier and flipped Mario so Mario was able to see Michal’s face.

Michals eyes were cold his nudeness showed a perfectly balanced body with big legs and a big shaft that looked like a third leg. Michal purred “Tell me Mario…Who send you?” Mario kept himself quiet but hugged himself like that could offer some protection. Michal explored Marios’s body, he was a fit tall twink. His white skin was very cared and on his right shoulder he had a tattooed flag with three vertical stripes that Michal didn’t recognized at first. Michal breathing went heavier…he would not be able to contain himself. Michal pinned Mario to the ground and while holding his arms and caressing his abdomen with his hardened cock he approached his mouth to Marios right ear, Michal bit lightly Mario’s right ear like he was caressing him and whit a whisper he said “Who send you?” Mario yelled..”Fuck you” and squirmed to scape, Michal continued bitting Mario’s ear. “Bad choice” he said in a low, almost pleasing voice. Michal bit off the ear and chewed it like it was bubble gum. Mario yelled in pain and squirmed trying to free himself but Michal had him pinned.

 Michal took Marios leg and spreader them to his anus was exposed. Michal then in a soft calmed voice asked “Who send you?” Mario was in pain so he didn’t answered. Michal rammed Mario’s anus in a slowly deliberate fashion so to cause more pain, the tissued tried to hold but Michal was already an unstoppable ram inside. The tissues begun to tear apart at the trunk that was entering and the pelvis creaked. “Who sent you?” Michal asked, Mario stubbornly and painfully didn’t said nothing. He tried to grab the floor looking for something that could help him but the floor was empty exception fr Mario and the behemoth over him.

Michal begun to thrust, slowly, enjoying the pain, the squirms, the punched Mario tried to hit, but all his efforts where futile, Michal was enjoy taking the virgin ass and destroying it slowly and deliberately so he kept control of his movements. From time to time Michal asked “Who sent you?” But he didn’t got an answer, however the flag tattoo already gave him an idea. Michal thrusts went harder, the muscles and ligaments gave pace the Michal’s cock so Michal begun to thrust faster, Mario squirmed, Mario tried to bite, to tear to make a dent on Michal arms but Michal was harder than anyone he could see. For some vague moments Mario forgot the pain, he thought how futile were his efforts when a tank designed bulled barely damaged him. The other thrust forced him to come back to the place his body was. Michal begun to lose himself on the pleasure,  he spread the legs too hard and the pelvis broke apart.

Michal got furious, he wanted more, but now the pressure on his glans suddenly stopped so Michal decided to thrust even harder, “I’ll get my pleasure one way or another” he said. “You could be a good soldier boy” Michal said and then he begun to thrust faster, harder, stronger, he begun to rip the skin until he reached the abdomen, every thrust Michal con ripped more skin, muscles and guts. Michal went wild, his threes when deeper that his glans felt the vertebrae, Michal lost himself on the carnage and forgot the space and time, there was only pleasure, Michal crushed the vertebrae with his dick forcing the bone against the floor. Blood poured from Mario’s body at every thrust, the basement echoed at the sounds of “Mpfff”, “splooosh” and “aaahhhhh”, Mario barely exited any sound from his mouth, but Michal barely noticed. Michal kept tearing Mario with his cock. Michal grabbed both Mario shoulder ho have a grip and yanked with all his force tearing the limb from his body, Mario was already death, his horrified face with an opened mouth an eyes. Michal feasted n his face while ripping apart the sternum. Michal grabbed the heart and crushed it against his cock. Michal used the blood has lube, Michal stood over his prey. He continued jerking off and put his feet on Mario’s head like a gladiator over his defeated opponent. Michal reached orgasm and the extasis made him crush the head like an eggshell. His cum flew and he yelled in entasis and victory YEEEEEEAAAAHHHH” and fell on his back, breathing heavily as he regained control of himself.

Michal grabbed the tattooed arm and left the basement, he walked next to Ricardo and Carlos that where training, the soldiers stopped their training at the sight of Michal’s bloodied body. Carlos and Ricardo stopped his training and stood at attention like they where on the military. Michal tossed the arm at Carlos. Carlos caught the arm in the air, and examine it, then he saw the tattoo. It was a flag with vertical strips, three in total red, white and green.  Mexicans, Ricardo said. “No your idiot” Carlos rebuked. “Italians” he said. Michal nodded. “Seems that I need to make a call to the headquarters, the Interviewer needs to hear this”.

Some days after the sniper incident Wolf was n the Interviewers office flexing his biceps and feeling his pecs while hearing at the Interviewer. “We’ll need to reinforce our defenses here or we could be attacked by all the other mobs at the same time” The Interviewer said while playing chess on his office with Igor. Wolf smiled “you have me”, “I know Wolf, but you’re strong, not omnipresent..nor does Michal” the Interviewer said with a smirk. “I have one rook, one bishop, one knight and a bunch of pawns” the Interviewer muttered almost to himself. “But you have two queens” Igor said. “I don’t need two queens on the same board” the Interviewer said. He moved his queen and took a rook from the board. “Checkmate” The Interviewer said, then while storing the pieces he said “two mismanaged queens can lead to a stalemate… That’s why I needed to create a new board, so I can make a better use of my stronger pieces  so the SSS gets stronger instead of having them competing” The interviewer wondered for some seconds “Maybe later we’ll need them here, but until that time comes, I prefer to reinforce my two boards”. The Interviewer said while storing the game on his desk… and as we did with Adam, sometimes you need to clear the board so you can move more freely. “For know, I’ll need to get more candidates”.


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Stupid stupid Adam man. I kinda liked you man.

The interviewer  is tougher than he seemed. He could take a hit from Adam who was no way near Wolf lvl but was a strong man himself. It's kinda great but i still want top see him in real trouble where he cant relay on wolf or anyone from the SSS.

It's a chess game after all and maybe just m,aybe he will make a bad play

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