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The Secret Snuffers Society Part 16-Dubious move


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I hope you like it, but rememer, this is a snuff story, hope you like it, thanks to Freakoman2 for the idea. If you really find snuff stories distastefull, please look for one of the wonderfull stories out there. 


The Secret Snuffers Society Part 16-Dubious move


He was a guard on the SSS, he was a recent hire, he was on his barracks, and was on his undies. He touched himself for a while, we was beginning to get a pardon when someone opened the door a bit too hard and yelled. “Guard Julio, your orders” It was a strange English with a kind of “Brazilian” tone. Felipe relayed orders to the guard. He took the small piece of paper and said a bit too loudly and resented “Warehouse 4! Again?, that one is empty!!!”. He complained for a but but Felipe was unfazed, “você obedece ou morre” he said and bounced his pecs to assert his position even more. “What?” Julio said. Felipe hardened his face and bluntly said. “obey or die”, then he turned back and left the room.

Julio couldn’t help to look at Felipe’s body, he was tall, dark skinned, and a very masculine and hands, se face that poured aggression at every movement. He felt somewhat threatened by the elite SSS guard but as far as he obeys he would be safe. He took his piece of paper and went to the showers, there were some guards already. “Which warehouse you’re in?” Another guard asked. “Warehouse 4”, Julio answered, “But that one is empty!” A third guard said loudly, it should be easy since there is nothing to guard, you can sleep all day there. Want to change?” “No thanks” Julio answered, a but too bluntly. The other guards decided to let the thing pass and keep concentrated on their bathing. Julio felt his pecs and arms, the SSS hard training was making him grow at more speed than he ever though, he was already in good shape even after he offered himself to join the SSS when the Old Red’s were defeated, he was one of the guards that returned to the old base just after Michal took over. Before that he was one of the tugs but he had a lot of ambition, he craved the money and in some sense the power, he trained very hard for the second thinking the first would come eventually, and the results showed on his body, his stamina and strength grew quiet a lot under Michal’s training regime and watch.  After just two months, Michal saw he was fit to go to patrol the HQ neighborhood streets and soon after, he caught a thief stupid enough to defy the SSS orders and he was quickly dispatched by a group of guards, it was the very first SSS kill he saw, the thief have been dragged to the base, then four guards took each limb, Julio was left the head , since he was the one that found the thief. The guards pulled the limbs out, after some bit os struggling the thief was dismembered, Julio at first was hesitant, then he grabbed the head and twisted from side to side cracking the neck and stopping any movement of the chest and abs. Julio used to kill, but always was with a weapon, a gun, a bat, a rope, but it was the first time he had. To do it with his barehands. Michal taught him the technique but he didn’t had the opportunity until now.  

Soon he was promoted, Julio climbed up the ranks of the SSS until he was a full guard, at first he thought that the missions would be more dangerous, but he soon found himself on a somewhat boring task. The warehouses were lame, and boring, almost no one dared to try to steal anything, but the upper ranks told him that these where very valuable thing and they where there because these goods needed to be trusted so someone worthy, but Julio found these task extremely boring, specially warehouse 4, that was empty, it seemed to be the former Old Red’s warehouse, but apart of some empty crated, the warehouse was empty. No things to see, no treasures, absolutely nothing apart off some blood stains on the floor, there was nothing to see there. Suddenly his phone vibrated on his pants. Julio jumped in surprise, there was no need to be scared since he was all alone on the warehouse.  He received a message and went serious.

Julio’s shift ended late in the night, another guard entered the warehouse and sighted and the empty place. “This will be boring” the guard said “Yeah, I Know, but You could take a nap or two if you want” Julio answered, he went to the restaurant where a lot of sleepy guards from, the warehouses and soldiers from the neighborhood were eating, Julio wasn’t in the mood of talking so he chose a far table and ate his foot as fast as he could.  He tapped on his phone and looked back at the messages.  He looked worried, as soon as he finished his meal he left the place and entered the office warehouse, he walked the almost lone aisles and he went to the barracks, he jumped on his bed and lay still with his eyes opened, soon all his companions passed on the aisles making a lot of noise. Julio sighted and simply laid until the sounds were a distant echo. He got up and slowly walked to the door.  He opened it and poked his head out. He looked at both sides and didn’t saw nothing, he slowly left his quarters and slowly walked to the aisles, he walked in a deliberate way so to not make any unwanted sound, after sometime that felt like an eternity, he found the place he wanted to be, the Interviewer’s office.  

Julio walked to the office door and tried to open the office, the knob didn’t move. “Too easy, they still have some safety here, they’re too confidant on their men”. He thought for himself, he then took two clips and using his fingers he poked the door knob, after some minutes of quiet meddling the knob turned, and Julio entered the Interviewer’s office.

Julio quietly looked at all the things on the office keeping an eye on all the details so if he needed to enter the office again nobody would suspect. He finally opened the drawer and took the PC out, Julio smiled, he opened the PC and tried to hack on it, he tapped the keyboard at first, but an error message appeared on the screen, Julio sighted, “shoudn’t be so easy” he thought. He taped for some minutes with his head very close to the screen since he needed to put the screen in dim mode. Julio sigthed in frustration for several minutes, until the screen changed.

Julio smiled, he could break on the interviewer’s laptop, Julio took his phone and a cable and connected them to initiate a files transfer,  Julio explored the PC explorer looking for important files…after some taps and clicks he frowned. “Strange…there are no files here.” Julio muttered. Julio tapped again fro some more minutes looking for hidden directories and files, after sometime he deemed too dangerous to continue searching the files, so he decided to stop at that point, he put the PC back on it’s place and made sure that nothing was left out of place.

He quietly opened the door poking his head, the aisle was silent, the lights were off and only a lone and away light was on. Julio quietly closed the door and put his clips on the pocket, he slowly walked away, he heard a small breeze and quickly he turned back,  he went nervous and saw something like a shadow on a far away wall, he didn’t dared to move waiting for a surprise but nothing happened, not a sound, not a shadow, “just an illusion” Julio though and quietly returned to his quarters.

Julio woke up early, the door opened a little too hard and Felipe entered “Guard Julio, your orders” he said and handled Julio a small piece of paper. “Warehouse 4 again?” Julio complained. “Você obedece ou morre” Felipe answered unfazed and bouncing his pecs twice before leaving the quarter.  Julio looked at the small piece of paper and decide to get himself ready.  

After some minutes Julio entered the assigned warehouse, his phone vibrated and Julio took his phone from his phone, he tapped it until “tonight” message appeared as sent. Julio walked on the lone warehouse, he looked at the ceiling, his uniform stretched a bit, Julio’s pecs  stretched his shirt’s letting the skin show thought the openings. Julio decided to train on the empty warehouse, he took of his shirt and begun to make some pushups.  

After several minutes Julio stopped his training, he was fit and his abs were just starting to show, but his pecs were big and round, his arms begun to define and Julio was loving the results. His times on the Old Red’s were good, but after joining the SSS he soon craved for more, even as his paycheck on the SSS wasn’t even low, he felt he deserved more, he usually got more money on the Old Red’s but that was thanks to the extortions more that for his salary. His ambition rarely subsided, and he thought that maybe he could make some more money by sending SSS information to the other mafia’s.

The main problem for Julio was to find a contact, but when he was a mere soldier he found his opportunity when he casually found a spy trying to get information about the SSS with the neighbors, the people were clearly uncomfortable with his questions and they soon felt relief when they saw Julio, Julio took out the spy from the streets, he walked with the spy until they found a lone alley, Julio convinced the spy to not try to enter to the HQ “you already have one there, ME, if you try to enter they’ll make sure you end like a stain on the floor” Julio said at that time. The spy offered quite a handsome pay and he gave him his number, from that point they exchanged information, but unfortunately as a mere soldier that was very few valuable information they could exchange.  After some time Julio got his promotion so he had a stream of information he could share, but suddenly the spy begun to ask for more delicate information, specially since they were informed that the SSS lost the secondary base, the information asking where getting more serious and Julio decided he would need to finish his deal. “you give up on us an we will inform the SSS about you” the spy said on one of his messages, that made Julio freak out, he knew the kind of punishments the SSS would do on his members, he once hear that that muscle monster Wolf one exploded the head o one of his members from one clap and how he liked to dismember people weaker than him, he saw him twice from a distance and even from that distance Wolf looked monstrous. Julio feared what could happen to him if he was found but fortunately for him,  he learned almost all the turn shifts and he got the abilities to pick on locks and hacking from his previous jobs. Julio at least caved in and decided to get to the interviewers office and try to hack on his PC so to see the most important files. Unfortunately last night was his first successful visit to the Interviewers office, but he could nog get any file, It was odd, but he decided that that night he would try to enter the office again.

Julio trained for some more time, he decided to make some shadow boxing, he was sweating. “It’s good to see our guards training” a deep low voice echoed on the warehouse. Julio jumped scared and looked at the direction of the voice. Before he was so lost on his own thoughts while training that  he didn’t noticed Wolf who was quietly approaching him.  Julio stood up and tried to grab his shirt “No need for the shirt” Wolf said. Julio stood firm while looking at Wolf.

Wolf was slowly approaching, Julio couldn’t help to admire Wolf’s size “he’s so big” he thought and some strange mixture of awe and fear begun to form on his mind, he trembled at his size, and the strength transfixing his being at every step. Wolf walked slowly, but each step he give made Julio think on how this behemoth of a man could exist.

“You have an Interview…just here” Wolf quietly said. Julio didn’t dared to move, he knew that a visit from the Interviewer was meant business, for better of for worse.  Wolf stood still, bouncing his pecs occasionally, flexing his biceps and grunting sometimes. “He’s a piece of showoff” Julio thought, but at the same time he felt that Wolf was some kind of alpha predator, Julio though that it was better to try to stay on Wolf’s good side.

“You’re Wolf…I mean…THE Wolf?” Julio asked. Wolf looked at him, his dark eyes were almost menacing, Wolf simply grunted. “How much time we will have to wait?” Julio tried to ask. “Wait” Wolf said. He was at first serious then he smirked “weak” Wolf said. Julio felt offended, he didn’t thought that he was weak, he was quite a strong soldier on the Old reds and since he joined the SSS; he became stronger, he looked at Wolf’s size and though that although Wolf was big enough he was only size. Julio was a trained soldier, so he could give this big man a fight.

Wolf stood silent, bouncing his pecs occasionally until the warehouse door opened and the interviewer entered. The Interviewer took his time to approach both men, he had a Sixpack  box of coke cans on his hand.  He walked next to Wolf and handed him the cokes, then he  pushed a wooden box and sat over it.  “You sure?” He said. Wolf nodded with his head. The Interviewer sighed. “Give me one please, they’re cold” the Interviewer said almost ignoring Julio, Wolf tore the box and took a can and threw it gently to the Interviewer, then Wolf grabbed a can over his head and crushed the can that exploded, the soda spilled over Wolf’s mouth, Wolf then made the same movement with the other cans until his thirst was quenched.  There was one last can, “want one?” Wolf said to Julio, “Yes pleas…” Wolf threw the can to Julio with so much strength that the can hit Julios pecs and threw him backwards. Julio stood up and took the soda con opened it and took some sips of the beverage. The Interviewer opened his can and sipped in silence.

“He looks weak” Julio thought, It was the very first time he could see both men close enough to make comparisons, the Interviewer was clearly weaker than himself so he wondered why Wolf worked for the Interviewer, “he must pay Wolf too handsomely” he thought. His thighs were interrupted by the Interviewer.  “So, let’s cut to the chase…what were you doing in my office last night?”

Julio laughed. “I wasn’t in your office last night” he said. “I must act calm” Julio thought for himself. Even so, his thought raced, he looked at the Interviewer and then Wolf “I could be dead if I don’t talk myself out of this” he thought.

“Of course you were, Wolf himself saw you?” The Interviewer quietly responded, takin a sip of his soda and looking at Julio directly in the eye. Julio thought that he seemed to peek inside his mind, “I don’t know, maybe Wolf was confused, at what time he supposedly saw me?” Julio said in a calm tone. Wolf stepped forward, Julio made a step backwards looking at Wolf and then the Interviewer.

“you’re Julio right?” The Interviewer said, his eerie calm voice put Julio on his nerves, he didn’t knew how he could instill fear, maybe was his calmness, or the combined effect of the Interviewer calmness and Wolf’s unfathomable presence, Julio’s mind kept racing thinking at all the possibilities while trying to find quick answers. “Yes, I am” Julio answered.

“See Julio, yesterday someone entered at my office, seems that someone tried to look at some confidential files on my PC, and Wolf saw the someone entering and leaving the office…and to my surprise, that someone just looks like you!”. The Interviewer said.

Julio looked at the Interviewer, it seemed that Wolf was the shadow he thought he saw the night before, he knew that he was in deep trouble but he still had an opportunity, Wolf could give him some trouble , if he could hit him by surprise, he could outrun the Interviewer and reach the door, once outside he could run for his dear life and look for refuge with the spy.


Julio pondered his possibilities, “Look, I don’t know what are you talking about?” Julio said while looking at the warehouse. Wolf slowly begun to walk next to Julio. Julio begun to feel fear, he knew that if Wolf made his movement first he would be in very deep trouble.  

“This isn’t worth my time” the Interviewer said, "tell me quickly who contracted you”,  he demanded. Wolf looked at the Interviewer waiting for some signal but Julio seized the opportunity and jumped to Wolf face and punched  straight to his nose with his right hand.

“CRACK”  Julio felt the sharp pain on his right hand,  and saw how it was already deformed, it was like hitting a wall with all his might  and finding that the wall wouldn’t budge.
Julio decided it was better not to pursue another attack and ran just at the place where the Interviewer was seated, Julio saw the Interviewer jumping at his right just in time to avoid Julio rush, Julio ran was fast as he could, the door was near, every step near, Julio felt he could leave, just five more steps, he stretched out his left hand to reach the knob, he suddenly felt a yank on his right arm, and an irresistible force that launched him backwards.

Julio saw himself flying in slow pace, “how it can be?” He thought, he saw in some comic way all the warehouse in circles, the lights were just rounded beams of light, his right hand was deformed but at that moment he didn’t felt any sensation but the hand was deformed just in the middle, why it was that his hand was in that way.  

Julio crashed to the ground and rolled back some meters, Wolf had thrown almost 10 meters long, “Don’t be so hard we still need him” Julio heard the Interviewer saying in a slight irritated tone. Julio tried to wake up but he was dizzy, he saw Wolf was walking at his direction, Wolf face was unfazed or that was a small smirk.  Julio saw at his uniform and saw it dirty with dust from the ground, he saw some reddish points where his blood were staining the uniform.  

“What’s this” Julio thought while looking ad his uniform, it was so confusing, he was trying to run then he was flying and the landed hard…suddenly he regained his senses and  begun to feel a dull pain coming from his right hand and some painful points on his body, he begun to recover his situational conscience just at the moment Wolf reached him.  

Julio tried to kick Wolf but has before, trying to kick his abs and legs where like hitting a wall, or maybe a safe, “how it could be possible” Julio thought, he have hit may thing, but he never thought that a human being could be this kind of hard.  Wolf grabbed his right arm, “I need to flee” Julio thought and begun to struggle agains Wolf but even if Wolf wasn’t making and harm at this point, his strength was so great that Julio couldn’t scape and flee.  “Hold him” Julio heard in the clear and quiet Interviewer voice. He then felt some ripping sound and he felt  a small scratching pain on his legs followed by the feeling of a cold wind on his thighs. “Here” Wolf said, Julio heard a sound of moving clothes followed by the voice of the Interviewer. “Gross, i didn’t wanted to search in that way”. Julio heard the sound of cloth rubbing for some seconds. “Here it is, I need his face to unlock this thing”.  Julio felt a tug on his left arm and then he felt an irresistible strength that forced him to look at the interviewer. Suddenly he felt himself dangling in the air as two big hands lifted him high. He saw at the interviewer coming near him and he tried to kick the interviewer but he then felt himself being shaken for some minute until he fell too dizzy to respond. A smaller hand lifted his chin “good, grab him while I search here. Julio fell the hands  releasing him. He fell to the ground “I’m in deep trouble, idc they search the phone, they’ll find everything” Julio thought. “The Latins”, Julio was in full alert now, they already saw he was looking for information. “Fortunately the PC on my office was empty of we could be in very deep trouble” Julio heard the Interviewer talking to Wolf, Julio looked at Wolf and he was smirking, suddenly he saw how Wolf looked at him and his smirk changed to a devilish smile. Julio felt panic, his dizziness quickly subsided, the pain on his right hand left his body, Julio jumped and pushed the Interviewer at the side, he ran for his dear life and grabbed the door.  Julio suddenly felt a big hand grabbing his neck and his ass from behind…his heart was racing, he suddenly found himself looking at the ceiling but he wasn’t laying down on anything,  Julio felt to big hands grabbing him and even if he violently squirmed, the hands grabbed him so hard that he only caused damage to himself.

Julio felt for a small second a falling sensation followed by a “thud” and pain as Wolf released him and let him fell to the ground. “Hold him” he heard the Interviewer saying to Wolf. Then Julio felt over his chest a big weight that held him agains the ground. He opened his eyes and saw a big strong leg over his chest and he then understood that Wolf was stepping over him.  He tried to move the foot but it didn’t budge, the fact that his right hand was broken didn’t helped. Julio look upside but Wolf wasn’t looking at him but his smirk made him feel very inferior.

“What Is this guy thinking?” Julio thought, suddenly a feeling of rage filled him so he applied more strength, “Huh?” Wolf smiled at him while looking at his eyes. Julio looked at the dark eyes and tried to release himself from Wolf foot, Wolf lifted his foot and Julio tried to get up and run but Wolf quickly grabbed him and held him to face the Interviewer Julio felt a pair of strong hands holding him from the ribs. .

“What do you know about the Latins?” The Interviewer said. Julio felt his rage boiling, he tried to kick the Interviewer but every time he tried to do something Wolf lifted him until the feet dangled and shook him like a rag doll. Julio was raging “I don’t know nothing, I was just paid by and spy” He said. “What spy?” The Interviewer asked. “Few weeks ago we found a spy, I negotiated with him…” Julio told all the details of the story. All he knew, he thought that maybe if he told the truth he would be spared of his punishment will be softer.  Wolf hold on him softened a little but he didn’t tried to run.  

After some minutes Julio shut his mouth, “that’s all” his last word were heartfelt, he felt somewhat relieved to spill all the beans. Wolf released him. He waited for an answer, he looked at the Interviewer, he was seated on the wooden box pondering an answer, Julio waited while he saw the Interviewer looking at Wolf. “This isn’t worth my time” the Interviewer said bluntly. Suddenly Julio felt Wolf hand’s behind his neck and pelvis, suddenly he felt himself being thrown upwards, Julio’s mind made him look at everything in slow pace, he  looked at Wolf’s from upside down,  Julio though for some milliseconds how big and strong Wolf’ pecs where and he admired ho easy he was throw by those big arms, he slowly begun to fall after just a brisk of time he felt floating ingravidly before falling to Wolf arms.

Julio fell over Wolf biceps, he felt the muscle mass rising over his back, the biceps suddenly got hard as Julio’s weight fell down on Wolf’s arms, Julio felt the air being forced out of his lungs, the felt Wolf arms swollen agains he back for a second befe he was launched again upward and backwards.  Julio felt the pain on his back as he fell over it, he tried to get a breath of air, he decided he need to try to put a fight before running but at the same time he was wondering how this behemoth of a man could be so unfathomable strong. His mind raced, he saw sometime big wrestlers throwing people behind his back but they never got the distance at this man was throwing him and he was nearing the 85kgs. He felt he didn’t had an opportunity in a hand to hand fight but if he thanked well he could have a chance to flee.

Julio looked at his front, Wolf was already walking casually to him bouncing his pecs, and with a devilishly smile. “Good, you haven’t fainted…the training worked” Wold said to him, his words penetrated his mind, the SSS training have hardened his body, that explained why even as he felt a lot of pain, he wasn’t completely defeated, that made him a little more confidant that he could scape. He stood up and although a little dizzy he jumped to Wolf, he flew and kicked Wolf in some king of flying kick that landed on Wolf’s pecs, Wolf simply hardened his pecs blocking the impact that could knock out a normal man. “What kind of man is he” Julio thought while falling to the floor and getting up as soon as he could. He looked at Wolf bouncing pecs, he understood that Wolf was trying to make him inferior and decided he would be a man enough to fight and get free.  “I´ll aim fro his neck” Julio thought in half a second and using all his strength and training he punched as hard as he could, the hit was completely ineffective, as Wolf simply moved an inch and his fist punched the air. Wolf grabbed the  left forearm  by the middle and begun to squeeze with his fingers.

Julio’s brain begun to process the new source of pain, he was still standing on his feet but the pain from Wolf slowly piercing his skin was beginning the trigger his panic, he already heard al the stories of Wolf’s brutality and he begun to understand that this time he was at Wolf’s aim. His mind enters in survival mode and tried to fight Wolf as hard as his instincts   allowed.

Julio kicked Wolf’s legs to no avail, Wolf’s muscles were impenetrable, his face didn’t flinched, Julio wondered why Wolf was still smirking and enjoying his pain and wondered at how slowly Wolf could pierce his skin just for the sake to cause pain. He used his right his elbow to his Wolf’s face but Wolf’s sight was concentrated on Julio’s right forearm. Soon there were some drops of blood drenching Wolf’s fingers, Wolf showed his teeth and licked his lips like a rabbit Wolf enjoying the thrill for what he was about to do.

“I have to run for my life, what I do? Julio’s mind was racing at the moment, the pain on his right arm and hand was increasing by the second at the same time he was feeling WOlf’s fingers clawing on his skin, tearing it with his fingernails that were bargaining to pierce the muscles underneath it. “AAAAARRRGGGHHH” Julio heard himself crying for pain, the yell game him a small relief he tried to hit Wolf’s pecs with his left hand, no…effect, his abs…no effect “what is this man made of?” Julio thought. He kept trying with pecs but all his struggles were in vain, Wolf kept slowly piercing Julios skin and his mind raced but it was too difficult from seeing Wolf’s smiling like a monster enjoying the pain he was inflicting. Julio tried to claw the skin but only managed to rip his shirt over his left pec.  

Julio felt the pressure on his left arm easing. He took the opportunity to break free from Wolf’s hand and jumped to run, Julio ran to the door for one, two, three steps and again he felt Wolf hand behind his neck, this time Wolf lifted him just with one hand. “What kind of might this monster has?” Julio thought while feeling the pressure on his neck and dangling his legs. He slowly felt himself descending to the floor,  “Not yet bug” Wolf said to his ear, Julio thought for some second that Wolf’s voice was nearly menacing but yet, extremely profound and masculine, like the way a  invincible human would speak if he was conscious of the kind of strength he possessed. He felt small, extremely vulnerable and for some time he thought of Wolf like a predator toying with his prey.

Julio felt how he was yanked to the floor, he at first fell face down but he managed to turn himself up, just to see Wolf standing overtime and holding his left calf with his right hand. Wolf was smirking, looking at Julio with eerie superiority, he used only his left hand to rip the remains of his shirt, so Julio could see Wolf’s torso. Julio stopped moving for a second, he couldn’t help but admire Wolf size, the size of his muscles his, pecs, this arms, the extremely well defined muscles on his torso, the extreme size but at the same time the great definition and symmetry. Wolf irradiated power, so much that Julio felt smaller, suddenly the admiration stopped and all the feelings were exchanged for a sharp pain on his left calf.  He felt Wolf’s fingers piercing his skin and calf muscles like he was being put in a hook. This time the pain rose faster than before, when Wolf was pressing his forearm.  Wolf glare was sadistic. “He’s …monster!” Julio thought in fear, while trying to force an scape to no avail, he tried to move his leg but Wolf was pressing so hard that he barely moved, then He tried to kick Wolf in the face with his other leg, but he couldn’t get even close. “How he can be so big” Julio thought.

Suddenly the pain on his calf increases exponentially. “AAAAAAAIIIEEEEEEE” Julio couldn’t help but yell at the sudden pressure on his calf, he felt five increasing pressure points like hooks on his calf and suddenly he felt a warm liquid pouring down his leg.  He looked at his leg and saw Wolf’s left hand piercing his calf, his blood was running out from the holes Wolf made on the skin, his calf muscles stopped responding has Wolf reached the muscle and begun to pierce it, suddenly he felt the tendons giving up against Wolf’s fingers and the calf stopped moving but was still the leg was sending painful stimulus at his brain. “OI campo hold any longer” Julio thought desperately. He heard a devilish laugh, and Julio’s fear begun to rise again. He squirmed but his leg wasn’t responding, Suddenly Julio felt Wolf’s fingers reaching the bone. An evil hard caught was heard and Julio felt a sick flesh tearing sound, followed by an incredible sharp pain on his left leg.

Julio rolled on the floor, the pain was unbearable, he tried to hold his calf but suddenly he felt himself trying to hold a thin hard somewhat cylindric thing, between the pain surges he tried to see at his left leg and saw that his calf wasn’t there instead of a calf there was only the tibia and fibula, naked, exposed to the air, blood was pouring from the leg, he suddenly felt the terror, the pain and yelled with all his strength. Painfull screams echoed thought the warehouse. Julio’s word became shaky as he was rolling on the floor from the pain to lose his shin. While rolling he saw Wolf with his ripped calf on his hand as he was holding a glove that has a shoe attached to it. The pain diminished at the same time Julio begun to feel his conscience  fading away.  Julio’s mind was flying, he felt somewhat incorporeal, at the distance he felt some manipulation on his amputated leg.  His conscience begun to return, “this is only a nightmare” he thought for a second but suddenly he felt the pain of the amputation and saw at the stump of his leg with a tourniquet, then he felt being lifted from his cracked hand and lifted up. The pain on his leg was unbearable but his survival mechanism kicked in, he opened his eyes and saw Wolf looking at him directly in the eye. “What a maniacal face” Julio thought for a millisecond before another painful surge reached his brain. This time from the cracked hand…or lack of. HE looked at his forearm. And saw that no hand was there, he heard Wolf laugh and his ripped hand over Wolf’s left hand. “Noooooo” Julio muttered has he heard a sickening cracking sound. He saw at Wolf’s hand while he was dangling in the air. Wolf’s hand that was closed in a blood stained fist, blood was pouring from Wolf’s interdigital spaces. Julio felt himself being lifted again from his now handless arm. “Why I don’t feel any blood on my arm” Julio stupidly thought, he tried to look up and saw Wolf lifting him with his left hand only and pressing so hard that the blood wasn’t circulating on the arm. “I’m just like a toy that he is destroying” Julio thought, “why I’m still alive?” He wondered. His fight instincts already gave up. Julio was only waiting to die quickly… “Kill me” Julio muttered to Wolf. Wolf stood silent, looking at him. His smirk subsided for a second “I will…not yet” Wolf said in a playful tone that terrified Julio, his stupid instincts tried to make him fell to the ground but he moved like a dying fish on a fishing pole.   He load at Wolfs chest and saw his right hand grabbing his jaw, he felt three fingers inside his mouth, Julio pressed his jaw trying to bit off Wolf’s fingers but he felt that he was trying to bite a brick, his jaw dislocated from the pressure sending a pain surge to the brain, suddenly the pain surge rosa exponentially at the same time he felt a crack follower by a squishy rising sound. “Nooooooo” Julio thought as he saw his jaw on Wolf’s hand. Wolf released his jaw.

“Why I’m alive” Julio mind raced, he tried to yell but the only sound he could heard from himself was a wind tunnel effect co ing from his throat, he felt himself falling to the ground, the fall was slow, or his mind raced so hard that he felt each millimeter from the fall, his brain was a mixture of pain, bewilderment and terror. He wanted to die, he would die too, but the way was too slow, he felt two pairs of hands grabbing his head and lifting…the next thing Julio saw was Wolf’s devilish face, “he’s going to crush my head…at least I will rest” Julio thought, but suddenly he felt 10 fingers piercing his head, he felt so much pain while he felt  Wolf ripping his scalp off from the cranium. “Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah” Wolf was muttering as Julio felt the most unbearable pain until this moment, he felt his skin trying to fight Wolf’s unbearable force, just trying to stay in one piece, but suddenly Julio felt his skin giving up like a piece of torn cloth. Blood sprayed in all directions of Julio’s angle of vision, he felt his body dangling from the ground just by two flaps of skins, one in each side of his head, in each Wolf’s hands. The head bounced up and down a little.  Julio saw his eyes that barely were inside his orbits. “Why he was still alive, why he was suffering more pain than a normal human?…why Wolf could make him suffer in this way?” He suddenly felt his body falling to the floor, he felt a leg pushing him to look upside down. Julio saw Wolf kneeling over him, his pecs were stained in blood and their bounce mad little blood drops jump from his nipples. Wolf smirked in sheer superiority, and while smirking he flexed his arms and put them close to Julio’s eyes, “before you die, you’ll see the muscles that destroyed you…but I will destroy you even more until you finally die…soldier” Wolf said with disdain. “How much more pain I can feel” Julio wondered, but himself unable to scream, or even to die, he resigned to his fate, he saw Wolf grabbing his shoulders and then he saw Wolf’s triceps contacting as Wolf ripped his right arm in one movement, at the same time he saw Wolf ripping the left arm… the sudden pain almost made Julio faint but Wolf worked at such speed that he was unable to hide his mind in unconsciousness.. He saw Wolf flexing his biceps with one of Julio’s arm at each hand.  Wolf then put his hands at each side of his chest , Julio felt the unfathomable crushing strength as he felt his chest being crushed like a cardboard box. Wolf looks at his eyes playfully, “you’re about to go” he said in a devilish way.

“Let me go!”  Julio tried to say but he had no air, almost no oxygen on his head, he was about to die. He felt two powerful hands at the sides of his cranium. He saw to big dark eyes over a superiority smirk. Wolf was enjoying each second of suffering he caused “time to go your piece of shit” Wolf said with contempt. Julio felt the pressure on his head. His vision begun to blur, the pressure was increasing by the second, Julio’s mind was in slow motion as he felt the pressure and the pain increasing simultaneously,  Julio saw how Wolf lowered the head while making pressure and the head was a Wolf’schest level. Julio saw Wolf’s pecs striations growing, there were so much lines on his pecs and every second he saw new lines forming and with each line the pressure on his cranium increased.

Suddenly Julio heard a cracking sound coming from his temples, Julio felt his bones cracking in all directions, Wolf yelled “yeaaaaaaaaaaaah” as the pressure reached it’s climax and Julio felt his head exploding…Julio saw was his blood and brains spraying in all directions his eyeballs were shot at Wolf’s pecs the last thing those eyes saw where Wolf’s blood stained pecs and nipples and everything faded to black.




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Wow. This was AMAZING. The snuffing from the perspective of the snuffed, mixed with muscle worshipping and knowing the true muscle size and strength of Wolf, simply WOW. Need more chapters like this one please!!! 

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The chamged in the POV is a welcome surprise. Julio thought he was smart but the dude wanst. If you dont find anything on the thing you are supposed to look it's because they are onto you.

Julio's POV got me both excited and sad for him when he was trying to scape to no avail eventho knowing what Wolf is capable off. He tried but the idiot just couldnt do it.


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