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Fraternity Muscle: Part 1


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The Letter

Greg wasn’t sure what to do.

It wasn’t often that he was confused. But he certainly was after he’d read the letter.

Sometime last night the letter had been shoved under the door of his dorm room. Clearly it had been addressed to Greg O’Brien. That was his name.

When he opened it, he had been a bit shocked to read the following words:

“Dear Mr. O’Brien,

Congratulations! It gives me the greatest pleasure to inform you that after a rigorous selection process you have been elected to form a part of the Fall 2009 Pledge Class of the Pi Epsilon Chi Fraternity. As you may be aware, unlike other Greek organizations on campus, Pi Epsilon Chi does not rush freshman. We prefer to select our pledges from members of the student body who have distinguished themselves, shown great aptitude in their chosen fields, and aspire to excellence. It is our opinion that you possess all the traits we are looking for in one of our future brothers. And we hope that you are as excited about this opportunity as we are.

If you accept our invitation to become a pledge of Pi Epsilon Chi, we ask that you show up tonight at midnight at the Pi Epsilon Chi House on Fraternity Row. Please wear a polo shirt and slacks. I must advise you that your acceptance to the fraternity is conditional upon your successful completion of the pledge process. While the pledge process can be rigorous, you would not have chosen to participate if we did not think you were equal to the task.

We very much hope to see you tonight.

Very truly yours,

Robert Pembroke,
President of Pi Epsilon Chi”

Everyone knew the brothers of Pi Epsilon Chi. They were pretty hard to miss. If anyone had asked Greg to name the big men on campus, both literally and figuratively, he would have pointed out his window at the large, ornate Victorian home that sat on a hill at the end of the cul du sac that was Fraternity Row. If the street had ever had another name, it had long since been forgotten. Now all the houses on the street were owned by the various frats and sororities with enough money to purchase them. And that was pretty much every Greek organization at the University. Property values had gotten worse over the years, since no one wanted to live near the sometimes raucous houses.

It had been said that they occasionally liked to party too hard.

The University itself did not officially acknowledge Greek organizations, and had not done so since an incident during pledging that occurred ten years ago which had left a student in a coma. No one could prove anything, but everyone knew who was to blame: the men of Kappa Mu Alpha. Further, Fraternity Row was not part of the campus, and not subject to the University’s jurisdiction. Consequently the twenty Greek organizations still in existence at the University were free from the usual administrative regulations around pledging and the bid process.

Greg knew of course that there was a lot of partying in Greek circles, with some of the organizations being more social and some more professional. Kappa Mu Alpha had the reputation as being THE place to party. But the Pi Epsilon Chi men threw some pretty high class affairs themselves, plus unlike many of the frats they performed numerous charitable activities for the community and the University. And Pi Epsilon Chi men had their pick of the hottest women at the University and off campus too.

They were, quite simply, the best of the best.

None of which helped explain why Greg O’Brien had been asked to join their ranks.

Maybe it was a joke? Would he show up and find they’d be laughing at him?

Or worse, maybe it was a mistake?

That was the most reasonable explanation. It was a big campus and there was probably some other Greg O’Brien that should have received this letter. Maybe if Greg showed up tonight they’d be pissed off and maybe he’d even get his ass kicked for his troubles.

Still, there was his name and dorm room number in the address line of the letter. What were the chances they’d got it wrong? Greg was still not convinced and decided the best thing to do was go get some breakfast and try to relax his mind. His roommate Rich was lying still face down on his bed snoring softly. Yeah, definitely better to think someplace else in peace.

He left the letter lying on the desk.

Greg made his way to the cafeteria across the quad, grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down again. Greg didn’t have many friends. He was considering expanding his work into biochemistry and going for a career in medical research. He had big plans to go to grad school, maybe cure cancer. That sort of thing. Even if the Pi Epsilon Chi men were serious, did he have time for a social life? His grades were critical. And presumably a fraternity was a big commitment.

He was just about to get up and go back to his dorm room when he saw Matt James nod and smile at him from across the cafeteria. Matt was sitting next to a stunning brunette. A woman far too hot for her own good. Greg didn’t think she’d be the type to be wasting any of her time on college guys, but Matt James was an exception. He was the only Pi Epsilon Chi brother that Greg had ever actually met in person. And that’s only because they were paired together as lab partners last semester in a chemistry course. Both were pre-med. Even though it had been an upper level class, Matt as a sophomore and Greg as a freshman had been waived in. Greg had been pleasantly surprised to realize that Matt was more than just a frat boy and a jock; he was also pretty damn smart. And nice too. And what a body. If the chick he was sitting with was hot, Matt was even hotter. He had the kind of face that was on the cover of magazines. His eyelashes long and dark. Lips full. Strong jaw line. Perfect hair. Tanned skin. His neck was corded and ropy with muscle and easily as thick as his head. Even thicker! All of which was moulded onto the broadest set of shoulders, the thickest chest, the narrowest waist and the most athletic ass and legs that Greg had ever seen in reality. The man had a phenomenal build. But his best feature, and it was very hard to pick just one, were his arms. Absolutely massive. Greg had never dreamt of anything so big. Even now, as the sexy brunette laughed at something Matt had said, unflexed they looked ready to burst the sleeves of his t-shirt.

Greg realized he was getting an incredible boner staring at this man and was just thankful that it would be hidden by the loose material of the shorts he was wearing. And he wasn’t even gay.


Greg got up, turned and started walking hastily towards the exit.

“Hey, dude! Wait up!”

He heard Matt’s voice behind him. He’d gotten to know it pretty well when they were partnered up last year. He considered for a minute ignoring Matt.

“Greg!” hollered that voice. Lord, Greg could listen to it all day long. And he’d stopped before he’d even realized it.

He turned around hypnotically to see Matt slow down from a jog as he approached Greg. Watching his body move was like poetry in motion. Every move graceful. Almost elegant.

“Man, I was calling you. Didn’t you hear me?” Matt smiled. Greg felt his knees weaken.

“Uh...hey...Matt,” Greg managed to stammer. “Guess I was in another world.”

“Hey, I understand,” Matt said agreeably. “You must be pretty psyched getting that letter. You are gonna come tonight, right?”

“Uh, well....” Greg tried to say he hadn’t decided, but Matt was grinning at him.

God, anything but the grin. He could not resist the grin.

“You gotta come man,” Matt said, a touch of pleading in his voice. “I’m the one that sponsored you. Although I probably shouldn’t tell you that. But if you don’t come it’ll break my heart. Plus the other guys’ll bust my balls.”

“Uh...okay....” Greg wanted to disappear into the floor.

“Great!” Matt said excitedly. “Look, I gotta get back to Julie.” Matt indicated the hot girl he’d been sitting with. “Pretty soon you’ll get girls like that too. Pi Epsilon Chi men have their pick. Okay, see you tonight.”

Yeah, right, thought Greg.

Matt turned to walk back to Julie, the one with all the tits, and gave her a very deep kiss. Then he looked back one more time at Greg and winked again.

Greg moved so fast, he practically ran from the cafeteria.

When he got back to his dorm room he saw Rich looking over his acceptance letter.

“Wow, man,” said Rich. “This is pretty awesome. I’d give my right nut to get into that frat. Hell, I’d give my left one too. You are going tonight right?”

Rich stared at Greg with a hint of envy and expectation.

Finally Greg nodded. He’d made up his mind just then. He was on a high. It wasn’t a mistake. And the best part was Matt had wanted him to be there.

“Do you know where I can get a polo shirt?” he asked Rich.

Read the Next Part

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