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(it was supposed to be part 6 but I made a mistake and put two parts 4, so I decided that there would be 2 chapters in part 4 😅)


Chapter 6: Master Baram's Evil Plan

Gorrio, Jeff and Max:  "WHAT!? Bastia is your brother?"

 David : " Yes I have a brother but I didn't think he was working for the enemy.  Listen Bastia, Baram de Manipule, once he gets what he wants he..."

Before David has even had time to finish his sentence, Bastia appears in front of him, places his hand under his neck, and he lifts him in the air.

Bastia : " HAHAHA!!!!!  Scumbags like you don't belong in my family.  You're Nothing next to me!" He flexes his bicep. "Look at the power I hold!"

Mr GORRIO rushes at Bastia and he punches him in the abdomen which forces him to let go of David, then he punches Bastia again in the pectorals so hard that his throws him, the blow is so strong that the  he shock wave cracks the earth and pushes the clouds apart.  General Bastia gets up, a smile on his face, and cracks his bull's neck.

Bastia : " So that's the power of someone who passed the S exam. You are very strong, I feel like I'm going to have fun"

Gorrio : "Can I ask you a question?  Your base isn't very well hidden, so I guess you wanted to be found, but why? I ask you a question?  Your base isn't very well hidden, so I guess you wanted to be found, but why?"

Bastia : " Okay if you insist I will reveal to you master Baram's plan, we wanted our spy infiltrated in your university to locate our base and inform the professors, following that master Baram knew that we would send you your best warrior to know  Mr GORRIO and his three best students while leaving the school defenseless.  Besides, it makes me think that Justin must have already arrived at your place.  HAHAHAHA!!!!"


Bastia : " No you're not going anywhere, it's time to summon my warriors." Suddenly Bastia flies through the air, his eyes turn shadowy black and he begins to bounce his massive pecs. "COME MY WARRIORS I SUMMON YOU!  !!!". A Magic circle appears on the ground and three super muscular guys wearing balaclavas and masks appear."



During his time at the university, Justin Exterminates the students one after the other.  Two students were kissing when Justin came up behind them, grabbing their heads and smashing them together.  Another student doing his bodybuilding when Justin and arriving behind him, he put his cock in the student's ass, he released a load that shredded his body.  Faced with this spectacle of domination, two students knelt down for him to save their lives, a guy starting to lick one of his feet when Justin lifted his other foot and he exploded the guy's.  Bits of brain and blood stuck to Justin's foot.  He walks towards the other frightened student and he takes his head to come and blow it up against Justin's enormous pectorals.  He arrives in front of the hall of relics, with a punch he disintegrates the guard and the door.

Justin: " Finally the supreme crown is Ours!!" When he was about to take it, he was interrupted by Mr SUAVEZ.

Suavez: "Get out of the Justin!!!!!"

Justin : " And what are you going to do otherwise?"

Mr SUAVEZ rushes Justin and he gives him an uppercut in his face.  Justin hasn't moved an inch, he's there with his hands on his hips, bulging out his chest, and dominating his former teacher.  He flexes his right biceps and with his left hand he lifts Mr SUAVEZ as if he weighed nothing.  "You're so weak, I'll crush you no problem!"

Spark: " Wait Justin!  He could still be useful to us" 

 Justin drops Mr SUAVEZ. 

Justin : " It took you a long time, but Master Baram is proud of you, your information about the university has served us well."

Suavez: " Um....How's that Spark?  are you a spy?"

Spark: " Yes I work for Master Baram"

To be continued.......


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It was a trap to destoy the school and now the 4 guys able to defend are at loss in another planet. Mr Suavez tried to defend what he could but Justin was just too powerfull.

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