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I'm a fan of Elongro, but what you did here caught my attention.  Hoping Trent was the biggest guy in the place and had the best people on his side.  Thank you for writing this masterpiece.

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I am a fan of Elongro too.  I was one of the people rooting for the small guy until it sunk in about his expectations to grow without effort.  Although I don't think it was ever really expressed to him how the vaccine worked.  I missed that detail in the story. 

This is a much softer version of it.  Well written.  I wonder what's in store for the future.  I assume there are going to be some complications and probably a vow to destroy. 

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I genuinely love when stories focus on the emotional aspect of how… surprisingly disturbing it would be for someone you know growing taller, and bigger, and stronger than you at levels you wouldn’t even dream about. Such change in a relationship dynamic would be so visceral in real life, which speaks a lot about how us as humans put way more emphasis to the physical characteristics of people around us than we would like to pretend.

And when *everyone* seems to be growing taller and bigger and stronger than you.. damn. I don’t even want to imagine that.

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@Philosopher Exactly, the depth in this story caught me very off guard. I'm 5'8'' and I basically hit that height in Middle School. I was definitely the bitter guy when all my friends got taller than me. This story left me wondering, what role I would've been in had this been me. Would I be able to be a good person and share the dose evenly so we all grew huge? I'd like to think so, and I know that'd be the case now. But as a young idiot in HS or College? I don't know that I would've been the good guy. Stories that cause deep introspection are the best kind of fiction and as I said before this one really left me in a bit of an existential funk. Or maybe my prolactin and e2 are too high atm, who knows... but I can't wait to see how the story continues :)

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I just want to say, after reading chapter 3...


I always had a problem with the lack of confrontation from the smaller guy in Elongro. 

Here, the small guy bassically throws all the shit at the giants. Showing how big of scumbags they were towards him. Love the part when Adam tries to be more corncerned but Trent points out that no, he and the rest were assholes and they knew it.

Interesting change on Seb character, making him so cruel and finding out that he planned on shrinking Trent just to make himself big.

But yeah, good on Trent on getting help and taking a stand for himself. Really curious how you wrote the plot further.

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I agree with you.  On Elongro.  The small guy didn't really put up a fight from what I remember.  He didn't really try to get to the bottom of the problem.  But it was also noted that it was secretly what he wanted all along.  Hence not really putting up a fight.  

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1 hour ago, Lambert771 said:

Interesting change on Seb character, making him so cruel and finding out that he planned on shrinking Trent just to make himself big.

Its interesting how this can happen in real life. Jealosy, anger, resentment can make people do horrible things and here Seb just wanted revenge. He isnt Trent's friends anymore. He just wanted to play agains "his friend" and Trent wasnt a good guy either but he wasnt a bully type like Adam and Maybe Trent loved to tease Seb but he didnt realised how much that was affecting his friend untill it was late untill payback was given.


In chapter two Adam knows well what is happening and it was sad to read how He and Brie fell apart but how can u be happy for someone when you are misserable? like he said, maybe it was his pride but seeing all of them growing and not knowing what is happening to him that just broke him how he went all "dont make do this" would have been enough for a real friend to not push things further but Seb wanted to rub it in and humilliate the guy and teh Brie coming down hard on him for being "lazy" and he didnt even try to explain that he was actually working out and it wasnt working. He had  a fault in what happened but not for the reasons they were all thinking about.


Chapter and the climax of  this part of the story was AMAZING.  I think ALL of them were bad friends  and it will be difficult but not imposible to rebuilt Seb and Trent's friendship if tehre ever is a chance for them to be friends again.



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1 hour ago, Ro20316 said:

it will be difficult but not imposible to rebuilt Seb and Trent's friendship if tehre ever is a chance for them to be friends again.



Honestly, I dont think Trent should try to be friends with Seb.


Call me vindictive but Trent died on a table while getting his treatment. All because of what, Seb feeling bad cause Trent called him small?

The same Trent who got the shots for both him and Seb, who encouraged him during workouts? 


Yeah, fuck Seb, fuck him to n-th degree. He proved to be nothing more then a toxic bitter SOB who just loved to rub in how big he is now.

In my opinion, Trent would be a lot better if he cuts ties with him. Heck, I think its more believable he becomes friends with Adam.

But we shall see when more chapters come.

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Again wanted to express how amazing all the positive feedback is, and the discussion that's cropped up! Just wanted to comment on a couple of things though.

First off, I can't take any credit for the "everyone grows but me" aspect of the story. That's all Dredlifter's. My story changes several crucial elements and heads in a different direction - but that element is frankly the same, and one of the key factors that inspired me to write.

A part of it, too, is the "Lazy" aspect a couple of you have mentioned. It's been talked about how in Dred's original story, it's the lack of effort that caused Trevor's predicament. And yes, that's true - but it doesn't happen in a vacuum, right? He works out all the time at the start, and then he stops. Is that laziness, or are the words and actions of his friends causing that shift in mentality? For me that's what rang true - and it's what inspired this, originally a piece of fanfic, that explores the nature of that relationship through a lens of abuse.

This story, by the way, is absolutely not a "correction" of Dredlifter's Elongro. I cannot stress enough, it's  fantastic and deserves all the love it gets. It's just a different way of taking the same idea.

Trent is in a strange place on his journey. He's confronted his abusers and realized his situation, which is a huge step, but he was almost forced to take it. The reality of his situation was thrust upon him, it's not something he's come to realize himself. As such, he's seen growth, but not on an emotional level. Seb is still very much a shadow on his life, and there's still a long way to go.

I said before I don't want to colour expectations, but maybe I do a little. I want to give Trent a happy ending, and him becoming another Seb is not a "happy" ending. A little catharsis is great, but don't expect a huge revenge spree!

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6 hours ago, Lambert771 said:

Honestly, I dont think Trent should try to be friends with Seb.


Call me vindictive but Trent died on a table while getting his treatment. All because of what, Seb feeling bad cause Trent called him small?

The same Trent who got the shots for both him and Seb, who encouraged him during workouts? 


Yeah, fuck Seb, fuck him to n-th degree. He proved to be nothing more then a toxic bitter SOB who just loved to rub in how big he is now.

In my opinion, Trent would be a lot better if he cuts ties with him. Heck, I think its more believable he becomes friends with Adam.

But we shall see when more chapters come.

he was bullied by Trent and that affected him maybe Trent didnt had bad intentions but that clearly affected Seb  ina  deeper lvl.

I dont think he would be friends with Adam, he asaid he always avoided the guy cause Adam IS a bully and i Trent said he had never liked the guy  instead i think Trent and Seb should talk things out even fight if they have to. They both hurt each otehr in deeper lvls  

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