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Lex's Fulfillment


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Lex rocketed himself and the hero captive in his arms straight up thirty miles to the edge of the stratosphere.  Lex wanted to continue taunting his old nemesis, but the speed at which they were moving and the thinning air made speech impossible. Consequently, Lex and his old foe stared into each other’s eyes as the ground below grew distant. The hero continued to try to press his way out of Lex’s grip, but his efforts got him nowhere.  The hero could sense Lex reveling in his new found power, and Lex could feel the hero’s mounting frustration at being held captive in Lex’s oversized arms.

Lex decided to find out just how far he could push that frustration.  Lex scanned the sky with his augmented vision until miles away he saw a passenger airline flying an artic route.  Lex immediately shifted course, hurtling the two of them in the aircraft’s direction.   

When the hero recognized Lex was rocketing them toward an airliner, he feared that it was Lex’s intent to crash into it, sending its passengers falling to their deaths while he was trapped in Lex’s hold and unable to save them.  He furiously doubled his efforts to force his way out of Lex’s arms or to alter their trajectory, but Lex was now just too powerful, and he seemed to grow stronger the more the hero struggled.  

Lex, however, did not fly into the aircraft.  Instead, he moved alongside it, about twenty feet from its windows and matched the jet’s speed. It then dawned on the hero exactly what Lex was up to.  He was giving the flight’s passengers a bird’s eye view of the hero struggling in Lex’s hold.  Glancing at the windows, he could see the passengers’ faces with their smartphones capturing exactly what they saw - their most powerful protector being held helpless captive in the arms of a massive challenger.  As soon as the aircraft touched down, those pictures of the hero being restrained by his old foe would be blanketing the internet. 


Lex wasn’t done with putting on a show. Lex tightened his hold on the hero again, but this time he held nothing back.  Lex watched his arms bulge as he squeezed the hero’s lats with even more crushing pressure.  The hero began scream out in pain as Lex’s vise began to bend the hero’s ribs toward breaking.  Although the flight’s passengers couldn’t hear him, they could tell that the Hercules who had always protected them was now being tortured by an even more powerful Olympian. Sensing that the hero was now in too much pain to mount a meaningful resistance, Lex’s right arm let go of its hold on the hero long enough for Lex to bring it up to his side and flex his monstrous bicep for the passengers pressed against the aircraft window to see.  Lex knew this would guarantee headlines around the world: “Super Lex crushes Man of Steel.” 

When Lex glanced himself at the peak of his bicep, he saw confirmation of what he felt was occurring.  The circumference of his massive arms was now inches greater than when he first challenged the hero, mere hours ago.  As he exerted himself against his old opponent, Lex was actually becoming larger and stronger.  No wonder overpowering the hero had been so easy!  

Lex’s recognition that his power was actually increasing was like a jolt of adrenaline coursing through him. Nothing was beyond him now.  He tensed his arms and core muscles, not to enjoy the agony it inflicted on his enemy, but rather just to enjoy the feeling of the intoxicating power coursing through him.   

The adversary trapped in the vise of Lex’s arms struggled as hard as he could to break free but his efforts only amused Lex. Any moment it suited him, Lex could snap every bone in the hero’s body.  Lex began to regret that his foe was no longer any real challenge. Lex wanted to feel his expanding bulk strain against a worthy opponent, but now he had no idea where he could find such a challenger. Certainly, no one now on this planet could hope to rival him. 

Lex flew them away from the aircraft and hurtled back toward the ground.  As he landed and their feet touched the ground, Lex released his hold and the humiliated hero quickly collapsed on the ground, in pain from the crushing pressure of Lex’s embrace, and unsure just what was happening.

Lex stretched his arms out and pulled them in, watching his biceps expand and feeling his heightened power racing through him.  Looking down, it was clear that as massive as his chest had been hours before, it was now even larger.  He wanted to find a mirror to see just exactly how he was changing. But even more than that, he wanted someone worthy to fight, or fuck, or both. The thought that no such challenger existed was unacceptable.  Lex was born to dominate, but what could he do if there was no one worthy of conquering?   

The hero recuperating on the ground could tell that for the moment, Lex’s attention was not centered on him. And he could tell that something was happening to Lex.  When they had first started struggling mere hours ago, Lex was close to his size, maybe slightly larger. They had squared off close to eye to eye, and they were closely matched. Now Lex was nearly a foot taller, and his musculature was similarly expanding. Lex’s biceps were now much larger than the hero’s head, and the expanse of Lex’s back stretched out farther than the hero could hope to stretch his arms around. 

The hero realized he had no hope now of overpowering Lex, that he needed to get to his hidden fortress and find a weapon from his homeworld that could neutralize Lex.  He  did not like the thought of acting as judge and executioner, but for the sake of all on his adopted planet, he needed to do whatever was necessary to stop Lex. Seeing Lex lost in thought, the hero though he could attempt to make it to his fortress before Lex realized he was gone.

Lex was distracted, but not oblivious. His heightened senses alerted him that the hero had risen and was about to begin flight. Lex’s speed had apparently increased with his strength, as before the hero could even start moving Lex’s gargantuan form was suddenly in front of him.

“And just where do you think you’re going, little one.”  

The hero stopped in his tracks, unable to come up with words. 

Without even bothering to make a fist, Lex’s flung his gigantic hand across the hero’s face.  He could hear the jaw crack as he made contact. The force of the blow sent the hero tumbling backwards, landing on the ground unconscious.  

Lex stood over his long-hated enemy and stared down at him, thinking how his hatred of this alien had been the driving force in his life for more than a decade. That it ended with so little effort felt hollow. Lex wanted a more intense struggle - indeed he felt his gladiator body demand it.  What should he do now with this defeated foe? He considered completing the humiliation by raping him, but it felt pointless to do so to an unconscious husk.

Lex realized he needed more. He needed his new power to be pushed to its limit and overcome. But he could not get that relief from this enemy, at least as he was now. But maybe Lex could do something about that. 

Lex reached down and scooped the life form of the hero into his arms. Then he rose carrying the unresponsive body of the hero up into the sky.

Edited by Lexfan
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On 24/4/2014 at 16:47, Lexfan said:

Lex sintió que se le aceleraba el pulso mientras esperaba la llegada de su enemigo. Estaba rodeado de miles de ovejas que acudían a adorar cada vez que el extraterrestre dejaba saber que estaría presente en un evento público. Esta vez se habían reunido para verlo comenzar la construcción de un nuevo edificio de caridad clavando enormes barras de acero en el suelo. A Lex le disgustaba que ninguno de estos adoradores reconociera cómo el objeto de su admiración sería burlarse de ellos, haciendo en momentos lo que a los equipos les llevaría semanas lograr, y luego solo usando enormes piezas de maquinaria. 


Lex intentó minimizar la atención que llamó colocándose entre un grupo de trabajadores de la construcción en el sitio. Incluso entre estos hombres grandes, la gigantesca figura de 6 pies y cuatro de Lex se elevaba, pero con un casco naranja y una camisa de franela abultada y jeans azules que lo cubrían, se mezcló lo mejor que pudo. Aun así, era difícil ignorar la enorme anchura de sus hombros, las planchas de su pecho y la hinchazón de los músculos de sus brazos que amenazaban con hacer explotar su enorme camisa. Lex había decidido que este era el momento ideal para enfrentarse a su némesis porque le trajo una audiencia de seguidores devotos de su enemigo, y la humillación de ser golpeado frente a ellos sería el golpe más duro para el ego santurrón de su rival.


Justo a tiempo al mediodía, el desprevenido centro de atención con capa aterrizó en el podio construido para el evento, donde el alcalde y el gobernador lo esperaban. Lex no necesitaba esforzarse para ver, ya que los ojos ahora mejorados de Lex le permitían inspeccionar desde la distancia como si estuviera a dos pies de distancia. Lex se volvió ajeno al mundo que lo rodeaba mientras examinaba con avidez a su oponente de pies a cabeza.


La aparición de su rival hizo inevitable que todos los ojos estuvieran puestos en él. Su abundante cabello negro azabache se rizaba ligeramente con la brisa, rodeando un rostro de ojos azules de rasgos masculinos perfectamente equilibrados. Cada parte de su cuerpo perfectamente desarrollado fluyó hacia la siguiente como un fresco vivo de Miguel Ángel, llevando el ideal de la belleza masculina a sus límites. Cualquier otra persona se vería absurda con su traje de color azul y rojo, pero en el oponente de Lex aumentó el efecto del pecho expansivo, los deltoides de bala de cañón, los brazos y los muslos hinchados, la forma alarmante de su ancha espalda hasta las caderas, y los perfectos globos de su trasero. 


Ver a su enemigo de cerca provocó una sacudida de emoción en Lex: ira, odio, emoción y algo que no pudo nombrar. Su cuerpo se tensó mientras su corazón latía con fuerza. Luego, cuando el alcalde presentó a su oponente desprevenido por los altavoces, la multitud estalló en una explosión de aplausos y vítores que solo intensificaron el estado agitado de Lex. Era hora de que Lex hiciera su movimiento.


Dos grandes martinetes sobre grúas se alzaban sobre la multitud a ambos lados, listos para completar el trabajo de clavar el apoyo en el suelo después de que se fuera el invitado de honor. Cuando comenzaron los discursos del día, Lex envió subrepticiamente rayos de calor de sus ojos a intervalos en la parte superior de cada grúa donde colgaban los conductores, debilitándolos gradualmente. Lex cronometró cada uno con cuidado para que uno cediera unos segundos antes que el otro. Finalmente, el primero cedió, enviando el enorme dispositivo de metal a toda velocidad hacia la multitud de abajo. Inmediatamente, por supuesto, el alienígena voló desde el podio y agarró el gran martillo antes de que aplastara a la multitud de abajo. Sin embargo, justo cuando comenzaba a levantar la enorme pieza de metal para ponerla a salvo, vio que al otro lado de la audiencia otra carga se precipitaba hacia la multitud que estallaba abajo. 


El segundo peso, sin embargo, no cayó al suelo. En cambio, un hombre grande que se colocó debajo agarró el objeto que caía en sus manos y lo sostuvo en alto, llevándolo a través del sitio de construcción, literalmente cientos de toneladas de metal, a un espacio vacío donde lo depositó suavemente.

La multitud se quedó en silencio ante este aparente trabajador de la construcción que acababa de realizar una hazaña de habilidad sobrehumana que hasta ahora habían pensado que solo un hombre era capaz de realizar, y ese hombre flotaba en el aire a varios cientos de pies de distancia. Poco a poco, el silencio dio paso a los vítores cuando esta misteriosa figura cruzó el lugar y subió al podio. Se quitó la camisa de franela, para revelar un cuerpo de proporciones asombrosas, vestido para acentuar su tamaño con una camiseta blanca ajustada de "golpeador de esposas", exponiendo deltoides del tamaño de una pelota de baloncesto que fluían hacia sinuosos brazos abultados. La tela vaquera ajustada de sus jeans parece estar a punto de estallar cubriendo enormes muslos, conduciendo a los perfectos globos redondos de su trasero.


El invitado de honor también aterrizó en el podio, aunque por una vez se vio eclipsado a los ojos de los espectadores. Inmediatamente cruzó el escenario para encontrarse con el imponente recién llegado que se estaba quitando el casco para revelar una frente calva sobre rasgos cincelados. Había algo familiar en su rostro, pero el héroe disfrazado sabía que si hubiera conocido a un hombre de este notable tamaño antes, lo recordaría. Algo inseguro, extendió su mano para saludar al recién llegado. "Sea quien sea, gracias por la ayuda. No vi el segundo a tiempo". 


Lex extendió la mano y tomó la mano derecha extendida en la suya. "No hay problema, era lo menos que podía hacer". 


La mirada de incertidumbre en los ojos del héroe disfrazado se convirtió en conmoción, cuando sintió un apretón inesperado como un tornillo de banco en su mano, causando la sensación poco común de dolor.


"Después de todo", continuó Lex, "yo soy la razón por la que se cayeron".


Lex sostuvo su agarre en la mano del héroe y de repente tiró de su brazo derecho hacia atrás, haciendo que su rival tropezara con él. Cuando sus pechos de repente hicieron contacto, Lex flexionó sus pectorales hipertrofiados. El alienígena rebotó hacia atrás como si se hubiera caído contra una pared, pero el agarre de Lex en su mano le impidió moverse más de un pie. Cuando recuperó el equilibrio, el héroe intentó sacar su mano del agarre de Lex, pero Lex no lo soltó.

Aunque no se podía negar el asombroso físico del archienemigo de Lex, Lex sintió una creciente sensación de confianza en que él era el hombre más grande.  


Mirando a los ojos, el reconocimiento finalmente golpeó al héroe desprevenido. 


"¡¿Lex ?!


Lex pronunció una breve respuesta:


"Vamos a jugar." 

Wooooow, Is it normal for me to get really hard and wet just imagining Lex as a better version of Superman?

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When the hero regained consciousness, he could tell he was lying on some kind of platform, but his body was unresponsive when he tried to move - even his eyelids would not open.  Although he could not see himself, he could tell that he was naked and no longer wearing even the remnants of his uniform that had survived his struggles with super-powered Lex.  As he gradually gained sensation, it felt as if all of his skin was burning.  The burning sensation gradually dissipated over several hours as he attempted to regain control over some portion of his body.  

Eventually, the hero managed to open his eyes.  At first, it was difficult to focus, but after a few minutes he could tell he was in a large room filled with mechanical equipment.  Although he could not turn his head, in a mirror above he could make out Lex across the room, his back turned to the hero, reading a monitor.  As if in a hospital, Lex wore blue scrub pants, his dense thighs stretching the material to its limits. The  surgical outfit was incomplete, as he wore no top - it was unlikely one existed that could cover the span of his massive back laterals. Even in his confused state, the hero could not help but notice the massive bulk. However, he could also tell that Lex was no longer the gargantuan creature that he had transformed into just before knocking the hero unconscious. Even without that additional mass, Lex was enormous. 

The hero realized that while he was unconscious, Lex had clearly done something to him, leaving him now paralyzed. He concentrated and managed to raise his left hand slightly a few inches, but it then fell back onto the platform beneath him. At this point, the hero was helpless. Lex heard the sound of the hero’s hand collapsing on the platform and turned around toward the hero. 

“So Sleeping Beauty, you are back with us.”    

Lex walked over to the platform on which the hero lay prone and looked down leaning over the hero’s face.  Even with his limited ability to focus, the hero could not avoid the site of Lex’s massive pecs, traps  arms, making the hero feel even more trapped in this immobile state.     

Lex placed his hand on the hero’s chin and his fingers reached out to stroke the hero’s jaw. It did not escape the hero how even that simple movement caused Lex’s arm to ripple and bulge. 

“Amazing, your jaw was shattered by my hand but you would never know now that it had any damage.  Have to hand it to those super healing powers.”  

The hero recalled the moment of Lex’s over-sized hand striking his face and the sound of his jaw snapping just before he lost consciousness from the concussive force of the blow.

“Are you able to talk yet?”

The hero attempted to use his voice but to no avail.

“Apparently not.  That shouldn’t last long.” 

The hero made an effort to lift himself and his head lifted an inch or two off the platform.

“There you go.  Relax, You will be up and at me in no time.  No need to rush, you took in a lot of energy in the process. Even you will need some time to get over that.”

The hero’s mind raced - what process?  Lex had obviously done something to him, but what? Could Lex have devised some means of draining his power, leaving the world completely defenseless?  If so, what did Lex mean that the hero had taken in a lot of energy?

Lex leaned down moving closer to the prone hero.

“I can see in your eyes you’re worried.  Relax, I didn’t remove your spine or neuter you.  What fun would that be? As I expect you will soon recognize, I went for just the opposite.”  

The hero glared at Lex and again attempted to pull himself up, this time making a few inches more progress.

“There you go. Just give it a little more time. No need to rush. We’ll be playing again real soon. And it should be a lot more fun now for both of us.”

Lex placed his right hand on the upper portion of the hero’s chest. Although the hero could not move his head down enough to see, he could feel Lex’s fingers stretch out and press into the hero’s chest, as if measuring its mass and hardness. 

Lex looked up and down the hero’s naked body and then stared into his eyes.

“You know, you have always been the most beautiful man. You put those statutes of Greek gods to shame.  Just another thing I resented about you. But looking at you now like this - you have no idea how hard I have to work to control myself.” 
The hero felt Lex’s hand slowly move down the crevice between the mounds of the hero’s chest, and then reached around the bottom of the right lower chest, Lex’s powerful fingers squeezing into the meat of the hero’s pectoral. The hero’s eyes shot open with the unexpected sensation of being fondled.

Lex saw the hero’s reaction and responded: “Well that got your attention. Maybe a little more stimulus will accelerate getting you up and moving again. I designed the platform you are on to withstand several tons. Let’s put it to the test.”

Although he could not turn his head sufficiently to see, the hero could hear Lex untie his surgical pants and pull them down. The hero realized that Lex was now standing over him naked. The hero saw Lex reach his massive left arm across the hero, placing his left hand down alongside the hero’s right shoulder. The hero’s heart began to beat faster and he managed to adjust his head to the left side where he saw Lex place his right hand alongside the hero’s left shoulder. 

Suddenly, with his arms straddling either side of the hero’s shoulders, Lex lifted his legs off the ground and raised himself up over the prostrate hero, the toes of his feet landing on either side of the hero’s feet. Lex had positioned himself in push up position with his herculean body hovering directly over the hero, his face looking directly into the hero’s face. Their eyes locked. The hero attempted to lift his arms to push Lex away but still was unable to move them more than a few inches.

“And now my dear old enemy, let’s start really getting to know each other.”

The hero realized Lex’s face was moving closer to his own, and he felt something rock solid pressing suddenly into his chest. He realized Lex was gradually lowering himself onto the hero. As a sense of panic began to take over him, the hero’s still paralyzed body began to slightly shake as he attempted to raise his arms to resist. He made more progress than before but nothing like what would be required to halt Lex’s descent onto him. He could feel the weight of Lex stretched out on top of him. He felt Lex’s chin slide across the hero’s jaw as Lex moved to speak into the hero’s left ear.

“I thought a little full body massage might be just what you needed to get you up and moving again. I hope this feels near as good for you as it does for me.”

The hero could feel Lex begin to rock his hips into the hero.  The hero could tilt his head up just enough to see the large mounds of Lex’s chest push over and over into his own. As Lex pumped his body with increasing intensity into the paralyzed hero underneath him, the hero could feel his own heart begin to pound harder as sensation started to return throughout his body.  

As the hero’s paralysis began to lift, the hero suddenly realized that Lex’s large hard cock was pressing against and rubbing into his own.  He struggled with intensity to regain control of himself and force Lex off him, but most of his body would still not obey after whatever Lex had done to him. Lex could tell the hero was trying to resist which caused him to continue his thrusting even harder. 

“What’s a matter, buddy, not happy being my sex toy? I guess you didn’t spend any time in prison. I suggest you learn to enjoy it. In fact, I think you are starting to enjoy it.”

The hero suddenly realized that his own cock was hardening in response to the stimulation that Lex was forcefully applying.  The hero struggled to try and will his arousal away, but it was pointless. He could feel powerful hormones flowing through his system and his heart pounding. 

Lex wanted to enjoy the sight of the hero fighting against being brought to release. Although he continued rhythmically rocking his cock against the hero’s, he straightened his arms to lift his upper torso so that his eyes looked down into the hero’s eyes. As both of goliaths released precum, the hero’s eyes shot wide open and he was finally able to make some sound. 


“So the vocal chords are back.  Great. Let’s see which of us cums first.”

The hero barely noticed Lex’s words because he was struggling to understand what was happening to him. The sexual stimulation that Lex was forcing on him was resulting in more than just an erection.  He felt contractions happening throughout his body and it seemed electricity was passing through all his nerves. His mind was racing and filled with images, particularly of Lex taunting him, showing off his new brawn and using it to humiliate and overpower the hero.  The hero found his heart pounding not just with a desire to stop Lex from hurting others, but also for revenge - a feeling he had never before known.  

Lex could see a new intensity in the hero’s eyes. He knew the hero had reached the point where there was no going back. The hero’s cock was now rock hard and pressing back against Lex’s cock. 

“That’s it Supes. Go for it. Me and you.  Man to man. This is how it was always meant to be.”

The two warriors stared into each other’s eyes, as their thrusting against each other slowed but increased in force.  Within minutes the hero’s cock became a geyser, filling the space between them. Before the hero had finished his release, Lex also erupted, his fluid mixing with that of his hated nemesis. 

After he finished, Lex lay drape over the now motionless hero for several minutes. When he finally lifted himself up, Lex could tell that the hero had lost consciousness. Lex had expected that to happen.  The release of testosterone in the hero’s system had accelerated the processes with the hero, and they would be complete in a matter of hours.  

Lex put his feet back on the floor. He did not bother putting back on the pants he was wearing before mounting the hero.  Instead, he grabbed a test tube and carefully scooped into it some of the combined ejaculate off the hero’s torso.  Lex had a hunch that he might be able to make use of the specimen. 

Several hours later the hero awoke. Any remaining paralysis had worn off, although he felt somewhat disoriented.  He was able to lean on his side and then move his feet to the floor to stand up.  There was no sign or sound of Lex.  The hero was surprised that Lex seemed to have just left him behind.  The hero felt the proportions of the room just seemed off, but he attributed this simply to his recovery from whatever Lex had done to him while he was unconscious, but he still had no idea what Lex was up to.  

Across the room, the hero saw a mirror over a sink. He needed to find out if there was any visible alteration from Lex’s scheme.  The hero considered that perhaps Lex had disfigured him in some manner to repel the public.  The hero was completely unprepared for the sight that met him in the mirror. 

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