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  1. New Year, New story. Hope you enjoy. I've been playing around in my head about starting a Patreon account to post rewritten version of my stories and new stories before posting here. I'd love to create a really tight community of people interested in transformation, serious growth, and muscle growth. Let me know if you might be interested in something like that. Until then... here we go! Rise of a Sex God “Feed the birds? Tuppence a bag.” Mary spread the breadcrumbs in front of the bench as Ben walked near. Ben couldn’t put a finger on when or why he had first started talking to the old woman, but it had become a daily event that he looked forward to on the walk home from work, Her dog, Puppy, an aging chihuahua that Ben had barely ever seen awake, lay comfortably on her lap. “Happy New Year, Mary. It’s getting really cold out here. You should be getting home.” “Piph! Don’t feel cold like the others. Too tough. Besides, have me job to do before I can check out for the day, Sweetie.” She spread another handful of breadcrumbs on the ground before her. Ben watched as dozens of birds flew out of the sky and landed before her, feasting on her gift to them. “Look at them all. How would they eat if I weren’t here?” Looking up she smiled, her crooked teeth catching the remaining sunlight. “Sit. Sit!” Ben sat, placing his backpack on the bench next to him. Mary reached into her cloth bag and handed him a packet of bag of crumbs. “On the house.” “Thanks, Mary.” Ben opened the small packet and threw some crumbs to a pair of pigeons that, if he didn’t know any better, looked very much in love. “Another year gone… the same shit in front of us. You’ll never here me complain. Don’t get nothing from complaining.” Ben knew he could definitely be complaining. On his way out of the office, his boss had told him that he had been passed over for a promotion. Trying not to look disappointed, Ben had taken the brown envelope his boss had handed him, and walked out the door. Year end bonus! His annual review had been spectacular. He thought he would find a cheque for 1,500 like the top sellers got last year. Instead, he found 3 crisp £100 notes. 300 fucking pounds! He sat outside the tube station trying to convince himself that he should be happy with what he got. He thought about switching jobs, but what would be the use? He was 36 and had been at this agency for the past 12 years. When he thought about change, it made Ben sweat, so he tried to never think about it. “If I was a bird, Mary, I’d be an ostrich. You?” “Me? A Robin, I think. That way people would have to take a look at me.” “Yeah. You and me both” Mary held out another packet. “Feed the birds?” “I need to get home. New Year’s Day tomorrow. Any resolutions?” “I want to tell more people to fuck themselves.” Ben smiled. That was the resolution he should have as well, but he was too timid to actually do it. Fuck his job… fuck his promotion… and fuck his bonus. “I thought… Mary…”. Ben shoved his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out the brown envelope. A Thank You card. It wasn’t even signed! And who still put cash in a card for their employees? “I thought you could feed some birds in my name this year. Here.” He opened the card, took out the cash, and held it out to her. “Will this help?” Mary gently took the cash from Ben, only to try and hand it back to him seconds later. “Too much. Tuppence a bag.” “You keep it. Really. Go grab something to eat… or… whatever makes you happy. Happy New Year.” Ben stood up to go, grabbing his backpack as he did. “I… I got you a present too, Sweetie.” From beside her, Mary pulled out a stick that measured about a foot long. The wind must have caused it to fall down next to her. Ben had seen it when he sat down and had thought she might have been saving it for Puppy, though he doubted the ancient dog would lift the stick, let alone run with it. Happily, Mary held it out to him. “Here.” “Um.. thanks. I appreciate it,” She waved him closer as if to tell the world's biggest secret. “At midnight tonight, as the bells of Big Ben chime, make your most deep rooted wish. You need to speak it out loud. Then… at the 12th chime… break it in half.” She looked him in the eye looking more lucid than she ever had before. Sadly, that moment was short lived. “Feed the birds, Sweetie?” Mary held out the stick to Ben until he took it. “Thanks for this, Mary. Have a Happy New Year.” “Make it a good one. Fuck them all up!” Ben wondered if she meant the wish or the new year. “Happy New Year.” Ben turned and, still holding the stick, made his way up Broadway Market and to home. He had nowhere to be on New Year's Eve. All of his friends were out of town, and the thought of heading to a crowded pub alone made Ben feel sad and pathetic. For a brief, insane moment, he thought about going into Central London to see all of the touristic madness the evening held, but then reason prevailed. No sane person would ever put themselves through such torture, He prepared a roast for himself. Nothing fancy. Just something to enjoy on New Years Eve, with just enough left over for lunch on New Year's Day. As the chicken cooked, Ben opened a bottle of wine and began to scroll through both Grindr and Scruff. Ben couldn’t remember how many times he had downloaded the ‘hook up’ apps, only to delete them a few days later. The pattern of download and delete would occur every couple of months when he found himself bored, lonely, or horny; which was most of the time. He never did anything. He usually only cruised, going to bed early to jerk off; imagining what he might do if he were more sure of himself and how he looked. Assessing himself honestly, Ben knew his body was fine. In his 20’s, he had a naturally tight, somewhat muscular body. He never had to go to the gym. His high metabolism had kept him looking fit. Now that he was in his mid thirties, and after spending too much time at a desk or watching TV or grabbing a pint at the pub, he had gained some thickness around his middle. I needed to join the gym, he thought as he scrolled. He promised himself he’d start in February. That way he’d miss those people who joined on January 1st and then stopped going by the 31st. Yeah. He would definitely make sure that he joined the gym.. Scrolling, Ben was reminded of how many hot and hung guys there appeared to be out there in the wild. Two glasses of wine in, and he got up the nerve to message a few that were close by. He quickly received: UNDERCONSTRUCTION: “Thanks.” MUSCLEMAXX: “Not my type.” Silence and then: HOTHUNG9.5: “Stop trying to pitch above your pay grade.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Honestly… if you were me… would you really be interested in fucking around with you? Look at me and then look in the mirror.” Ben threw the phone down and grabbed the bottle of wine. Why did people have to be such assholes, especially when they could hide behind a faceless torso? How hard was it just to say, Thanks but no thanks. There was definitely no need to be rude. He poured himself an extra large glass of white and set it down on the living room end table. He then went to take his chicken out of the oven… only to find that it was still raw. The oven was as cold as ice. Well, of course it was. He had been in his own world that he hadn’t even bothered to turn it on. Ben grabbed the chicken, and tossed it and the pan with potatoes and root veggies into the refrigerator. It was too late now to start cooking it. He would just do it tomorrow. He then took out some luncheon meat and bread and made himself a sandwich. “Happy New Year’s Eve to me!” He thought, biting into his sandwich. Ben was back on Grindr at 23:40. By that time, he was incredibly horny and somewhat drunk. He had some interest pop up, but nothing concrete. Everyone appeared to be waiting for something a little better to come along. I bet, he thought, if I was some hung hunk, guys would be banging down my door to get a piece of me. A warm chill passed through him. Ben inhaled. The scent of something strong and fertile filled the air and tickled his nose. It was… spicy… like cinnamon… yet leathery at the same time.spice filled forest filled the air. Yeah. If I… If I was some kind of a sex god with a massive cock and bulging muscles… I’d have them lining up down the street for me to pound them. He looked at the clock. 11:58. Ben was horny… he was drunk… he was frustrated. He grabbed the stick. Happy New Year! The bells began to chime. One… Two… “I wish to be a sex god and grow the biggest cock in the world. Four… Five… Beyond the biggest in the world! Seven… Eight. Ben’s heart beat faster as the room was filled with the overpowering smell of lust and sex. “I want the biggest cock of all time with the largest, most attractive, most masculine of bodies. I want to be worshipped and lusted after by everyone! Sexually, no one can or would want to resist me. Men orgasm just from the sight of me. But most of all… my cock… everything!! You can’t even imagine how huge and powerful I will grow!” Ten… Eleven... “My reign will be epic. I’ll be epic. Twelve!! At the exact moment of the final bong… Ben broke the stick in two. His cock was hard. He was incredibly horny. He waited. He laughed. Nothing. Just as he had expected. Standing up to grab another bottle of wine, he threw the stick into the rubbish bin. He always forgot to take it out. Pulling the black bin bag out of the silver container, he placed it by his door to take out in the morning. His phone buzzed. Grindr. Ben thought about turning it off and going to bed, but he had just opened another bottle and he was definitely horny. A smile erupted on Ben’s face. He knew this guy. It was Owen, the barista from the fifth coffee shop to open this year on the market. Ben had lusted after him for the past six months, only having enough courage to spark up a conversation about two months ago. He was only about 500 feet away… and he had written to Ben! BREWME: “Hey there, Cutie. Happy New Year. What’s up?” Really? Ben was in shock. This tall hunk of a man was calling him cutie? Ben was obviously ten years older than Owen, and nowhere near as fit. MIDLANDSBLOKE: Happy New Year to you too. I’m doing well. Just having some wine and watching the fireworks. You?” BREWME: “Sitting in my flat. Make any resolutions?” MIDLANDSBLOKE: “Not really. You?” BREWME: “Have as much sex as I can this year.” SILENCE BREWME: “Want to help me out?” Ben thought about all the reasons to say no. He thought of Owen coming over and being so intimidated by his yoga fit body that he wouldn’t be able to get it up. He imagined Owen showing up and walking out when he saw Ben naked. He’d never be able to get coffee from him again… and his coffee was incredible. No! It was a new year. A new Ben. It was time to be the sex god he always wished to be. He typed: MIDLANDSBLOKE: “Yeah I would. Now?” BREWME: “Yep. Always wanted to kiss that cute face whenever I saw you in the shop… and give you a blowjob.” MIDLANDSBLOKE: “Let’s do it.” Ben gave him his address. BREWME: “See you in 3 minutes!” In the 3 minutes it would take Owen to walk down the street, Ben brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, sprayed on some cologne, and put order in the already clean living room. He was nervous. It had been too long since the last time he had fooled around with a guy. He had butterflies in his stomach and a nervous energy that seemed to grow stronger as each minute passed. The image of Owen on his knees in front of him made Ben grin and grow hard. He could see his face perfectly, looking up at him with admiration and lust in his eyes. Ben began massaging the bulge in his jeans as he imagined it. When the buzzer sounded, he ran down the stairs to let Owen in. He was grinning at Ben through the glass door. Fuck, he’s so attractive, Ben thought, with a mop of thick brown hair and dark eyes. Ben wondered if Owen had some Italian or Mediterranean ancestry due to his dark features and olive colored skin. He was taller than Ben, probably 6’2, and his firm body was maintained by playing on a park football league he often talked about as well as the many yoga and wall climbing classes he took. When Ben opened the door, Owen smiled. “Hey there” “Hey.” Owen leaned in, and suddenly the two men were kissing. The kiss lasted 30 seconds or so and had begun to grow in passion before Ben suggested they take it upstairs. The door to his flat wasn’t closed for three seconds before they were both back in each others arms and making out. “You’re a damn good kisser, mate “ “Thanks. You too.” Ben could already feel the razor burn from Owen’s face on his own skin, and he loved it. Owen massaged Ben’s crotch, feeling his hard cock. Keeping an eye on him, he unbuttoned Ben’s jeans and pulled them down. “Fuck yeah. Nice cock. “Thanks.” Owen ran his hand over the shaft which made Ben shudder and spasm. “Really nice.” He then opened his mouth and took the head and first inch of Ben’s shaft in. “Oh fuck!” Ben was hard, but as Owen bobbed up and down on his cock, he felt it grow even harder. The smell of cinnamon and evergreen was back in the air, and Ben found his head getting drunk on it. He smiled at the sound of Owen choking several times trying to take his entire cock in, balls deep. Pulling off of it, Owen licked the head while jerking off the shaft. “I love the feeling of a cock getting growing longer and fatter in my mouth. Drives me crazy. Makes me want to worship it.” Hearing those words made Ben shudder. Owen dove back onto his cock again with more vigour, his lips wrapped around the shaft, trying to go deeper while playing with Ben’s balls. Emboldened, Ben grabbed the back of Owen’s head and ran his hands through his hair. Soon, unlike the passive role he had always taken when someone was giving him a blowjob, Ben found himself pushing Owen’s head further down towards the root. After he gaged a couple of times, Ben allowed him to come up for air. “Fuck, me, mate. I love your cock. It’s so fucking perfect. It’s straight… long… thick. Perfect boyfriend cock.” Owen was jerking Ben off now as he looked up at him. Looking down… Ben was surprised to see that his cock did look a tad larger… thicker… the head fuller. Ben grabbed it with his own hand, jerked it a couple of times, before slapping Owen’s face with it. “You gonna finish me off? Horny as hell up here.” Ben stroked his cock again, enjoying the feel of its thickness. “I hadn’t planned on this… I’m usually a top… but suddenly I want to do something different for a change. I really want to ride that cock of yours.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. Badly. You got a condom?” “In my bedroom. Want to come with me?” “I’m good here. I want you lying on the floor as I ride you.” Ben hurried to his bedroom feeling his hard cock slapping his hip and stomach. Fuck, he thought, Owen actually wants me to fuck him… with my cock!! Happy New Year to me! Back in the living room, Owen practically threw Ben on the floor where he slipped the condom on Ben’s waiting cock, and then slowly lowered his ass down onto it. Owen had decided to face away from him, which Ben thought was odd, but he had to admit he did enjoy the view of Owen’s round, smooth ass and muscular back as he slid all the way down his cock. “Oh yeah. That feels so fucking good. Love meaty cocks.” Once Owen landed entirely on Ben’s groin, he began slowly and methodically riding him. The rhythm changed often, but all Ben knew was that he was in ecstasy. Owen’s ass was tight yet giving. He clenched down on Ben’s cock with force, yet let up at just the right time, only to clench again. He’s a five star rider, was all Ben could think as he came closer and closer to orgasm. “I’m… gonna blow, Owen!” “Me too, mate! Me too!!” “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!!” Owen rode Ben’s dick frantically as he got closer and closer to cumming. Finally, Ben felt his balls rise up, and seconds later, he and Owen were both coming. The clenching of his ass made Ben cum even harder and more forcefully than usual. Finally, after the longest orgasm he could remember, Ben lay back on the throw rug, exhausted. “Fuck!! That felt… incredible. You got the perfect cock. Not too big, not too small. Just perfect.” Slowly Owen removed himself from being impaled on Ben’s cock, causing another shudder to throb through him. “Thanks.” Turning around and leaning over, Owen kissed Ben before making his way into the toilet. Ben stood up, took the condom off of his deflating cock, and threw it away. He then cleaned up the large amount of cum Owen had left on the wood floor. When Owen returned from the toilet, the mood felt slightly strange. He grabbed his pants and began to put them in. Not wanting the moment to end, Ben turned to him. “Do you want a tea or some wine?” “Nah. Need to get to sleep. Early day tomorrow.” “You’re open?” “Always! Believe me… I’d stay and worship that boyfriend cock of yours all night, but I need my beauty rest.” “Yeah. Right.” As Ben walked back towards the living room, a lightning bolt cramp developed in the pit of his stomach, shooting right into his cock and balls. It only lasted for the briefest of moments before it went away, but it caught him off guard. “You okay?” Owen was quickly next him, a look of concern on his face. “Fine. Stepped wrong. Guess my legs are still weak from one of the best rides of my life.” With a lopsided smile, Owen leaned in, and they kissed for a while longer; slow and passionate. A shiver ran through Ben as his cock hardened again and the smell of cinnamon filled the room. “Damn, mate! Look at this thing! You said you were horny.” “Yeah. I guess I still am.” Ben’s cock jumped as it spasmed and hardened further. Quickly it was bobbing in front of him, more rigid than it had been before. “I’d take care of that. But I really need to run.” “No. It’s fine. Believe me.” A cramp shot through Ben’s stomach again, for Ching his cock to flex and shoot a wad of pre onto the floor. “Fuck man!” “I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Just ignore it. Want me to walk you down?” Owen looked into Ben’s eyes, and then fell to his knees in front of him. “Guess I just need to worship this cock one more time.” Ben shivered as Owen took Ben's cock in his mouth and down his throat. Soon, both men were groaning as Owen showed even more oral skills than before. It felt to Ben as if Owen had multiple tongues in his mouth as he toyed with both his cock head and shaft. “That’s… so… good. Don’t stop. Don’t stop!!” Owen’s hands began to massage Ben’s balls as he got face fucked. It felt to Ben as if they were filling up with gallons of seed, growing heavier and fuller. Soon, he began to feel that familiar erotic sensation as his balls began to rise up in his sack. “Gonna… blow..,” Owen took him in deeper as his cock began to flex and spasm, releasing rope after rope into his throat and stomach. His orgasm seemed never ending as it rose in intensity before starting to fade away. Ben shot a few more streams of cum before starting to go soft again. Pulling himself off of Ben, Owen said: ‘Guess I won’t need a protein shake before work tomorrow.” Both men laughed. “Now I really have to go.” Owen stood up, leaned in, and kissed Ben. He could taste his own essence on Owen’s tongue. Quickly, he felt himself grow hard once again; his cock making itself known to Owen. “You’re insatiable. I love it.” Hearing Owen purr in his ear caused Ben’s cock to spasm again. He wants me to fuck him, Ben thought, but he really needs to sleep before opening at 6 am tomorrow. “You better go, Owen, before I throw you down and fuck that hit ass of yours.” Owen grinned at the forcefulness in Ben’s voice. Stroking Ben’s cock a couple of times, he said: “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ben. Skinny oat latte.” Owen kissed him one last time before moving towards the door. At his feet, he couldn’t miss the black bin bag. “This going out?” “Yeah. I’ll take it later “ “I got it!” Owen grabbed the bag, and with a smile, he had opened the door to Ben’s flat, and was gone. To Be Continued...
    47 points
  2. Hi all, this is my first story that coming to my mind that I want to share and hear opinions from you. Sorry that English is not my native language, hope my descriptions on some scene can still be understand! I always be the fan of the story that little bro outgrow his brother, so my story will be more on this. Please let me know what you think. (26/1/25) Last part added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 "Clang! Clang! Bang!" It must be Jack lifting barbell. "Why can't he just do it more softly or just stop doing it?!" Luke had been annoyed by the sound since 2 hours ago. After finish workout, Jake walk towards the full body mirror in the room and start to flex. "Look at my muscles! See how big my biceps pump! Do you see how big and hard they are?!" While flexing, Jack ask cockily to his little brother. "Yeah.. yeah.." Luke didn't even turn to see, he just busy with his school reports. Jack grab the chair and pull it hardly close to him and turn it to make Luke face to him. "Looks like you can't tell the difference between a request and an order. I SAID LOOK AT MY MUSCLES!" Luke just stunned at there, watching his brother breathing heavily, huge pecs that measured in 38 inches flexed and contracted, pushing out and drawing back in with each movement, following by six cobble-stone abs that cannot be unseen. "Do I still need my HUGE GUN to tell you who's in charge here?" Jack raises his arms and flexes, his biceps swelling to 21 inches. "Sorry.. I was just too focused on my work.." Jake pushed the chair away with such force that Luke nearly slammed into the table. Luckily, he managed to stop himself just in time with his foot. "Good! Hope this is the last time I have to remind you. There won’t be a next time!" Afterward, Jake grabbed the towel and headed to the bathroom for a shower. "Why do I need to share my room with this fucking jerk!" Luke just can't understand why his brother always acting like a jerk. Luke is 18 years old and his brother Jack is 20 years old, although they are brothers but they doesn't look alike. Jack had always been a muscle jock. Ever since hitting puberty, he became obsessed with working out and building muscle. He dedicated all his free time to activities that helped him grow bigger—pumping iron at the gym, participating in various sports, and eating protein-rich foods. By the time he turned 20, he stood 5'9" and weighed 205 pounds of pure muscle. Luke was a typical nerd. He never got involved in sports after injuring himself while playing basketball in his early teenage years. He remembered falling during the game because he didn’t have the nerves for sports. None of his friends, including Jake, helped him—they just laughed at him for being clumsy. The humiliation he felt made him refuse to play any sport after that; he was too afraid of experiencing the same thing again. In result at 18, he stood 5'6" and weighed 170 pounds but most of it was fat, making him looks chubby. As Jack continued to grow, he felt that working out in the gym alone wasn’t enough. He asked his parents to buy him gym equipment for the house so he could lift weights whenever he wanted. His mom and dad were glad to see their son so dedicated to improving himself. The only problem was that there wasn’t enough room to fit it all. "I don’t see it as a problem, right Luke?" he said to his brother, pressing his big hand on Luke’s shoulder. In the end, Luke had to share a room with Jack, as his original room was turned into a small gym filled with equipment. Being in the same room with Jack felt like hell for Luke. He no longer had any privacy. When he was brushing his teeth, his brother would walk straight into the bathroom without hesitation. "Why can't you just knock or wait outside?" Luke asked, watching as Jack walked in with his naked upper body and only his white briefs on. "I'm totally fine to wait you stupid nerd to slowly brush your teeth, but my BIG buddy here thinks differently!" said Jake while he pulling down his briefs to reveal his 10 inches semi-hard manhood and start to jerk. "You know it's always a problem to deal with morning wood right? Especially when you are having a big dick like this." following the movement of Jack's hand, the semi-hard manhood now become fully hard, it had been measured around 12 inches straight up pointing to the ceiling, revealing the orange sized balls. "Sorry, I forget that 5 inches pecker like you would NEVER has this kind of problem right?! HAHAHAHAHA!" Luke watches Jack pleasures his big dick with both of his hand, as it is so thick that impossible to wrap around with one hand, eventually Jack shoot all the load into toilet bowl. "God! My cum just become keep getting more and more, do you see it? It feels like more than your 3 days cum and this is just my first load of the day!" Jake force his still hard dick back into briefs, make the briefs bulge like it going to explode anytime. "Remember help me clean up my mess after you finish with your puny dick HAH! Fuck, I feels like all of my briefs just getting tighter and tighter everyday, and this problem will NEVER happen on you!" Jake smirk watching small bulge in Luke's crotch and leave the bathroom. "One day, I will make you regret on what had you done to me!" Luke muttered through gritted teeth. The next day, as Jack was heading out for a date with his girlfriend Diana, Luke decided to sneak into his room, which had now become a 'gym' next to their shared room. Jack really loved all the equipment that helped him build muscle; everything seemed to be well-maintained and in excellent condition. Luke walked over to the bench and lay down, trying to lift the barbell just like he had seen in YouTube videos. He only managed to do with 5 reps before he began to feel his chest stretching painfully. The pain made him want to stop, but when he thought about his brother's muscular physique, he pushed through, determined to finish all 10 reps. He rested for a moment, staring at the barbell, which displayed a total of 210 lbs. "Was this consider heavy for a beginner?" Luke had no idea what the 210 pounds meant; he was just worried that his brother would notice he had been using the equipment. That’s why he didn’t dare remove the weight plates from the barbell. What Luke didn’t know was even for Jack, he could only manage 20-25 reps with 210 lbs. After resting for a bit, Luke continued lifting the barbell. This time, it didn’t feel as hard after the first 5 reps, and he was able to reach 10 reps without much struggle. "Wow, this feeling of sweat after the workout feels amazing!" Luke began to feel like his pecs were starting to get in shape, but he ignored it and thought it was his imagination, as he just started working out. Maybe it was just the desire to grow bigger that was making him feel that way? HHe moved on to the other equipment, doing his best to follow the workout routines he’d seen bodybuilders do. When he was done, he stood there, breathing heavily. Luke tried to flex his biceps like Jack always did after a workout. They bulged a little, but it was still nothing compared to his brother’s impressive physique, realizing he still had a long way to go. Suddenly Luke heard a noice from downstairs. "Shit! It must be Jack!" he quickly close the gym room and hide inside, praying that Jack would not find out what he had done in here. He was terrified of getting caught, and the fear made his already-pumped heart race even faster. "Do you want to see how big and hard will your man's muscle be after workout?" Jack carrying Diana and walking towards upstairs. "Mmmph.. we all already know what your BIG PECKER can do, so just straight to the main course! I can't hold on anymore.." Diana groaned softly while holding by Jack, using her hands to feel his meaty pec. Diana's hand felt so small on his mighty pec and this sight make Jack so turned on. Jack responses it with flex, slowly and harder in pace. "God.. you really will make me cum.. if you flex harder.." "And you know.. I will!" Both of them can't hold on anymore, when Jack walk inside his room, he throw Diana onto the bed and slam the door loudly. Luke let out a deep sigh of relief after he heard Jack head straight to the bedroom instead of here. Luke sat down and leaned back against the wall, his heart still pounding loudly in his chest. He knew what was about to happen on the other side of the wall, but he felt powerless to stop it, even though he was also the owner of the room. "OH MY GOD! JACK! Does it getting bigger again?!" Luke heard Diana scream. "Seems like the muscles is not the only thing that you had grown!" "YEAH BABY! It had grown into 12 inches of steel pole just to match your boobs that are getting BIGGER as well!" "Mmph.. normally others dick will completely buried in my boobs! But yours.. mmmph.. is.. just too big.. even the dick left outside alone is still.. so BIG! It is so hard to fit in my mouth.." Diana using her round and firm boobs which measured to be F cup, giving Jack titfuck and blowjob at the same time. "That because I am not any normal guys out there, I AM A REAL MUSCLE STUD!!!" Jack roared and flex his double biceps into a huge bulge. Diana couldn't control herself to feel these big hard biceps. "Owh.. fuck, it feels sooo HARD like a ROCK!" Jack get on top of Diana, using his long pussy cracker slap on her firm abs, let her feel what kind of weapon is going to be stick insider her. "I'm can't wait anymore! Just GIVE IT TO ME already!" Jack had tease her enough. "As you wish!" just the head enough to let Diana felt the pain, Jack slowly put more and more dick inside. "FUCK! IT SO BIG AND HARD!" "Wait till me put it all in!" Diana shocked as she saw there is still half of it outside. When Jack started to move, Diana can't help but just cum instantly. The movement is so long and hard, each thrust making her brain empty, all she know was no other men can fulfil her lust anymore. All the time Jack just keep flexing his whole body, all his muscle now covered in vein and he keep slamming his manhood inside Diana, the touch of her on his pec and abs make him go wild and he start to thrust harder and harder. "I can't hold on anymore! GET READY FOR YOUR MUSCLE STUD CUMS!" After thrusting for an hour, Jack finally pull out his dick and blow all his load over Diana. "ARGH!! FUCK!! TAKE ALL MY MUSCLE SEED! URGH!" Jack still cumming hard even after all the mess he made, he still jerking his big pole and the other hand rubbing his pec and abs, feeling the tension of his own huge muscle. Diana watching her boyfriend's big dick turn into a volcano and the cums just keep explode from it over and over again. When Jack finally stop, he saw Diana beautiful face and tits was fully covered by his white thick load. "Oh.. Fuck.. Just how much do you want to cum?! Even though you didn't directly shoot into my mouth, I still feel like I had drank a cup of cums! " Diana slowly rub on her stomach that seems to be full with cums. "These big balls here are not just for show!" Jack guide Diana to his balls. "It still feel so heavy after all these cums that seems to be produced by 5 mans?!" she lick the balls and feel the weight in her hands. "That's because your MUSCLE STUD still have more to go!" Luke on the other room, hearing the noise still continue for another hour. His dick is raging hard all the time and he even let out small load inside his briefs. He just can't stop thinking how his big dicked muscle brother having sex with such sexy girl, Jack was just much more man compared to him. But only for NOW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 For the following days, Luke continued working out secretly whenever Jack wasn’t around. By the second week, Luke could really feel his muscles growing — and this time, he knew it wasn’t just his imagination. As he lifted the barbell, the 210 lbs began to feel light. He managed to complete 30 reps without even breaking a sweat. He thought Jack had removed some of the weight plates, but when he stopped to double-check, he realized another 20 lbs had been added. "Hmm.. maybe I should try lift heavier next time?" For now he just continue finish the rest of the reps. Following hours the desire for growing muscle kept him from wanting to stop, he like the feeling that all his muscle getting pump after each workout. Before finishing his final workout, Luke walk towards the barbell again. "Maybe I can try bicep curl with this weight?" with that, he started to use the barbell for bicep curl. He grunted quietly with each rep, the barbell scraping slightly as it moved up and down, the intense burn in his bicep makes him feel so good. 'RIIP!' Luke heard a loud sound as his shirt's sleeve couldn't handle the strain of his bulging bicep and ripped apart. "Ohh.. FUCK!" Luke was so turned on when he saw the remaining sleeve not even able to cover half of his pumped biceps. Luke stand in front the full body mirror, take off his already ripped shirt and shorts, flexing and enjoying the full view of his pumped muscle body. His chest now must be measured 36 inches, 19 inches of bicep that just break through his shirt, six-brick of deep abs that shapes so well. When it come to the thigh, it seems to be expand too to match his buff body, 25 inches of quads and 16 inches of calves. Luke couldn't believe that this muscular, jock-like physique belongs to him! After just two weeks of intense workouts, it seemed like he had almost caught up to his brother’s progress in years. Luke started to imagine that he was about to outgrow his muscle stud brother, his dick start to come alive, making his crotch bulging bigger and bigger, the cockhead just not able to fit inside anymore and pop out from the briefs. "Holy! Fuck! My DICK is growing too?!" Luke felt like he was finally going through the growth spurt he had missed during puberty. His dick was now stood 10 inches straight, "Mmmph.. 10 inches of meaty pole.. it's still nothing.. compared to Jake.. but just for NOW! I KNOW.. IT WILL KEEP GETTING BIGGER.. AND BIGGER SOON!" Luke start to jerk his dick, he can't stop thinking the fantasy outgrowing Jack and turn the table. When he's at the edge to cum, he stroke it harder and faster, watching his pec flex following each of his movement and finally explode multiple load that cover half of the mirror. "Unghh! Wooh.. seems like these nuts starting to get on track as well huh?!" Luke cup his lemon sized ball in his hand, feeling the warm and weight of it. He quickly cleaned up the mess before Jack got back home. Luke's body started to respond to his growing fantasy; no matter how much he ate, he would still feel hungry after just a few hours. Before he started working out, Luke had actually cut back to just one meal a day, as he was gaining fat due to a lack of exercise. At first, he was worried that eating more would make him increased in fat again, but his body proved him wrong. Instead of storing fat, it seemed like every meal he consumed was absorbed by his muscles and fuelling his growth. Luke even started go to gym instead of doing workout in home, those weights that Jack struggled to lift were now just a warm-up for him! He needed to lift heavier, he not just want to be like Jack, he WANT TO GROW BIGGER THAN HIM. Maybe Luke had just gotten used to Jack’s godly muscle body, he felt weird when he hit the gym first time because he didn’t see anyone bigger than him or Jack. People gasped as Luke walked in, assuming he was some kind of professional bodybuilder, but the truth was he’d only been lifting for a month. He started lifting the barbell as usual, but this time, the weight had jumped to 340 lbs. The feeling was incredible as he watched his massive pecs expand and contract with every movement, they were so thick that they almost touched the barbell’s shaft when he lowered it. Luke pulled off his oversized hoodie as he started to feel the heat, revealing the massive, godly body that had been hidden underneath all this time. Everyone around him just couldn't believe what are they watching, his muscle is so well-defined and HUGE at the same time. Watermelon sized of pec, fucking deep 8 cut abs, even the lats is expanding so much that make his already huge body become double in size. As Luke continued with his bicep curls, one of the guys couldn’t hold back his curiosity and walked up to him. "Hi, I am Alex! Erm.. I just wanted to ask, how did you get so big?" Luke stopped and stared at the man. Alex's body was actually quite fit—lean and full of muscle, but it just didn’t stand a chance to compared with Luke. "Well, just like everyone else does," Luke said with a grin. "Keep working out, every time lift heavier than your last reps. Simple!" said Luke as he started to flex his pecs and abs in front of the mirror. His pecs had become so thick that they seemed to push out nearly 3 inches from his chest with every flex, making his nipple pointing down straight. His already deep-cut abs now looked so solid that it seemed like they could crush someone’s fingers if they dared to press on them. As Luke continued with his double bicep pose, his biceps kept expanding upwards, forming a sharp, hard peak that looked like it could slice through the air. "WOW! JUST WOW!" Alex has no other words to describe the inhuman muscle jock in front of him. Luke continued to remove his pants, leaving only his boxers visible, as his quad muscles flexed beneath it. As he was growing everywhere, the briefs is not enough to fit him anymore. Luke's quad muscle looks like a big barrel even without flex, Alex uses his eyes to compare himself with Luke, each of them must be equal to his 2 quads combined, or either bigger than. When Luke flex his quad the 'barrel' just explode in size, his thighs expand so much that they almost touching each others. "Oh Shit! What a MUSCLE GOD!" Alex shouts in excited. "Erm.. just curious.. can I know your muscle measurement?" "Sure! But I haven't measured it in a while. Or.. would you like to help me measure now?" asked Luke and he replied with excitement. "Yes! Yes please! Let me help!" When he wrapped the tape around his chest, the number he saw didn’t make sense. "Oh my God, 53 inches! How is that possible?!" Luke grinned and smiled, "You better believe it cause there’s more to come!" Luke continue to flex his huge bicep that now measured in 29 inches, 36 inches of huge quad and 25 inches of calves. "Guess I just keep getting bigger and bigger every time I hit the gym!" Hearing all these large value making Alex's dick start to throb. "Sir, bigger is not enough to describe you, you looks like a GOD! A TRUE MUSCLE GOD!" Luke heard and laugh loudly "Hah! Why call me ‘sir’? I just turned 18 this year!" Alex was shocked and stared at the teen muscle god. "Is... is this some kind of joke?! NO WAY you built bigger than most of the bodybuilder only in age of 18?!" "Yeah! You better believe it, and I'm just getting started! Just imagine how BIG I’d get if I keep working out non-stop! I JUST KEEP GETTING BIG IN EVERYWHERE!" when Luke emphasize 'everywhere', the huge bulge start rising under the Luke's boxers that Alex can't unseen, he asked in awe "Does.. this big python.. able to be bigger.. by trained as well?" Luke burst out laugh. "HAHA! NICE JOKE! I don't think it works that way." This is the first time Alex starts to understand just how unfair life can be. Whenever Luke is home, he always wears an oversized hoodie to hide his massive muscles from his brother, still waiting for the perfect time to reveal them. He can't wait to see the look of shock on his brother’s face. Normally, Luke’s muscles were so big that even with the oversized hoodie, it wasn’t hard to spot the difference. Thanks to Jack's cocky attitude, he never cared about his little brother or even bothered to look at him. Right after he finish changed to his hoodie after workout, Jack reach home together with Diana. Luke sitting at the dinner table enjoying his after workout meals. "God, don't you feel shame when you are FAT enough but still don't know how to control your diet?!" Jack walked up to Luke and flexed his 24-inch bicep right in his little brother’s face. "See these guns? Do they look like they can be built by just sitting there and eating non-stop?" Jack notice a small bulge under Luke's crotch. "Aww, our cute little brother here getting hard by watching his bro BIG MUSCLE?! Don't feel bad about it, at least your little 5 inches pecker start to caught up in size! It seems like it start to improve but obviously, it still had a loo...ong way to go if you want to compare with my 14 inches anaconda!" Jack pull down his short a little to show the big bulge of his crotch. "Tell me now, do you see the gap between us?" Luke tried his best to hide himself replied softly "yes.." Jack wants to humiliate his little brother more, "So, your slightly improved little pecker now measure how long?" "1...7..." again, Luke reply in soft. "17CM?! Bwahahahaha! NOT BAD! NOT BAD! You almost reach half of my mighty manhood! Maybe you can try harder? Although I don't think you would stand a chance compete with me!" Diana stepped forward and stopped Jack from acting like a jerk. "Bae! Just stop talking nonsense already! Why would you always being so mean to your brother? Even though you are stronger and elder than him doesn't mean that you can being rude to him anytime!" Jack stopped and stared at Diana, knowing she was really getting angry. He then headed for the stairs. "You’re lucky this time!" he said, before walking to his bedroom. "Luke... are you okay? Don’t mind what he said, he’s just not in the right mood." Diana ask softly to Luke. "Nevermind, it's fine. I'm already used to it. Thanks!" Diana replied with a smile, placing her hand on his arm trying to comfort him. The sensation didn’t feel like Luke was fat; it was more like touching hard steel. "Luke, did you..." Luke didn’t give Diana a chance to finish her sentence. "I forgot I still haven’t finished my work. Gotta go!" he said, dodging and running away from her. Even though he tried so hard to hide his secret, Diana still started to feel suspicious about him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3 It's another Monday morning, and Luke woke up early to prepare himself before heading to school for two reasons. Obviously, one was that he didn’t want to expose his giant, muscle-bound body to his brother yet. The other was with such huge muscles, wearing clothes and pants had become a real issue for Luke. He tried to find the biggest uniform and pants, even Jack's shirts can't fit him as well. He wasn't flexing his bicep but the sleeves just simply tore apart when he try to put on it, and the buttons couldn’t even reach the other side of the uniform, exposing all his massive pecs and rock hard abs. Same things happened with his pants; it was impossible to pull them over his huge thighs. Even if the pants could be pulled up to his waist, his huge flaccid dick wouldn’t allow the zipper to function properly. Luke had no choice but to wear his huge oversized hoodie and baggy pants again. When Luke reached his classroom, all his classmates couldn’t stop staring at him. "Eh, do you feel like Luke is getting taller?" "You feel it too? I thought it was something wrong with my eyes!" "But.. why do he wearing the hoodie that not able to suit him?" "I bet he's just getting fat and want to hide from us!" All the gossip made him feel uncomfortable. In a moment, Luke thought about pulling off his hoodie to show these idiots what real muscles look like, but he didn’t as it might let Jack know too. He stood up immediately and walked out of the classroom at fast pace. He almost hit into someone when he tried to turn, he stop and apologise "Sorry! I was just trying.." "Luke?" it was Lena. "Owh! Hi.. Lena.. Erm, sorry I'm not feeling well today!" Luke replied quickly and ran away from her. His heart is pumping so fast and he quickly hide into storeroom on the other floor. Luke is acting weird because he actually has a crush on Lena, even when Luke is still in his chubby state, Lena never treat him differently, she didn't laugh at him when others is making fun of him. Thinking of her beautiful face and her firm body with bouncy boobs making his cock thicken and throb bigger. "Luke, are you okay?" Luke suddenly saw the door open and heard Lena's voice. He forget to lock the door. "I'm fine! I'm fine! But could you just lock the door first?" Lena nodded and lock the door. When Lena getting close to him, he felt a strong lust rushing inside him. Luke trying to hold back but his manhood refuse to do so, causing it throbbing a lot more under his crotch. "Are you sure you are fine, Luke? Your face looks.." "RIIP!" Lena stopped and looked around, trying to find the source of the RIP sound. "Luke, did you heard a.." Lena was shocked when she looked at Luke again. His whole body had suddenly expanded, filling up the oversized hoodie and making it look like it was painted onto his body. Now, Lena could see that under the hoodie, it wasn’t fat or anything else—it was just pure muscle. BIG MUSCLE! "Sorry Lena, I can't hold it back ANYMORE!" Luke growl loudly as his body explode in size, he flex hardly and hoodie now was tore in parts. First thing come in Lena's sight was that 2 fucking huge watermelon-sized pec, and the abs that each of them seems to be bigger than her fist. 2.. 4.. 6.. 8.. 10! Lena counts silently and realize it was a fucking 10-pack of abs! "How is this possible..?" Lena moan softly, watching the HUGE BICEP don't even had to flexed it still easily bigger than her head. "Oh my God! Luke what happen to you?! How did you get so BIG?!" "Er.. I start to hit gym.." Luke replied in short. "That's it?! I have seen a lot people that go to gym as well but none of them looks like you!" "I guess my body just work in different way? Hah.." Luke feel abit awkward being shirtless in front of his crush, but luckily it was new Luke that full with muscle instead of belly fat. "Lena, there's something I want to tell you long time ago.. I really like you!" Lena stunned at there for awhile, "Actually I like you too, Luke! Not because you had become some sort of MUSCLE FREAK, I like you just because you are Luke!" "Really?" "Yes! You had always being smart and kind," Lena place her hand trying to grab the big pecs keep bouncing up and down following Luke's breathe. "And now even become so fucking HOT!" Lena's touch was so smooth and warm, he wanted to impress her as well, so he flexed his pecs as hard as he could. "Ummph.. fuck! I don't think 'watermelon' is enough to describe your massive pecs! They feel bigger than watermelons!" feeling Luke's pec movement alone was enough to make her cum. She moved one of her hand down and rubbed the 10 pack fist-sized abs, each of the bricks feel so big and hard, while the other hand trying to hold Luke's bicep. She not even able to wrap aroud one-third of his big guns. And when he flex, she only able to cover the peak of the mountain. "Urgnnh FUCK! Your whole body feel so HARD!" Lena can't take her hand off from this mighty body. "The BEST is yet to come!" said Luke as he standing up, tyring to let Lena admire his full body view. His height now stood 6'5" and weight 320 lbs, FULL OF MUSCLE. With a sudden flex of his quads, the remaining pants ripped, revealing his huge quads. "Ughh! Do you like what you see?" Lena couldn't get enough of his muscle. She touched his quads, and immediately Luke responded with a flex, making the veins pop up all over his massive quads. "Ohh.. Fuck! Your thigh looks even bigger than a tree trunk!" Watching the MUSCLE FREAK shows make Lena feel so horny. Luke could sense the lust in Lena, he then pull Lena close to him and tear her shirts aparts just like tearing a paper. Her double E boobs bounce out immediately, her body was so lean that Luke could even notice the small 6-pack abs on it. The beautiful shape of her boobs and body make Luke raging hard. "Are you ready for the BIGGEST SHOWS?" Luke whispered in a low and seductive voice beside Lena's ear. What happened next was something Lena could never forget. She watch Luke's crotch is bulging so huge! "Mmmh.. It looks soo delicious!" "HAH! Wait till it become fully hard and you will see!" Lena jaw open widely, "You mean... this massive meat is not even hard?!" "Yup!" "But it already looks bigger than any porn star out there!" Lena was in the edge to cum. "I guess I JUST TOO MUCH OF MAN?! HAHAHAHA!" as Luke replied, he start to flex his whole body. His body now expand out bigger again! Lena eyes widen as she saw the already huge anaconda started to fill the crotch make it feel like paint on his python, the huge and thick cock outline can now be clearly seen, and Luke wasn't lying! The crotch trying his best to keep the 'monster inside the cage' but it seems meaningless, it started to ripped slowly, revealing the volleyball-sized nuts. With a final flex, the crotch gave up and being tore apart, the erection is so huge that it bounce up and hit over Luke's pec. Lena instantly cum when she saw the fucking huge python standing stragiht and the apple sized cock head pointing at ceiling. "OHH... FUCK! Look at you, Luke! Your body just grow into a big GIANT full with MUSCLE! AND THIS MASSIVE PYTHON! It doesn't looks like it should be on HUMAN BODY!" "You are right, Lena. Because I AM MUSCLE GOD! HAHA!" Lena trying to grab his mighty manhood, with both of her hand can only wrap around two-third of the pole. "LOOK HOW THICK IS THIS! My hand can't even hold it!" Luke smile and grab one of Lena's arm, he could only bend his dick slightly as it was too hard like a steel pole, then he place under Lena hand. "Like what you see?" Lena moan as she saw Luke's dick is much longer and thicker than her WHOLE ARM. "My arms would completely disappear under your fuck pole!" Lena start to use her boobs to pleasant Luke, wrapped around his dick and slowly move up and down, she can't take her eyes off this godly python, all she want is using her whole body to worship muscle stud, but fact is Luke was just too BIG! When he's having fully hard erection, Lena had no chance to get the taste on the huge mouthwatering cockhead as the shaft is towering and overwhelming over her eye's level, she only able to lick underside of thick shaft. "OHH... GOD! Your boobs is so BIG and SOFT!" massive amount of precum start leaking and cover his whole shaft. Watching his sturdy shaft suddenly thicken in size again between her boobs was truly astonishing, she know that Luke was clutching to the edge and ready to explode, the throbbing wave grow stronger as she speed up her movement. Lena raised her head and gazing in awe, watching Luke's impressive rock-hard pecs flaring outward so much that he able to give him own member titfuck! "OHH GOD!!" Lena just lost control and cumming again watching such a display of full masculinity. "URGHH.. I'M.. GONNA.. CUMMMMM!!" Luke let out a deep roar, continuous surge of white thick cums burst out from his dick, each load feels like having gallon of cums. His thick cums erupted with such force that it hit the ceiling and splattered over him and Lena. "FUCK!! IT FEELS SOOO GOOD!!" His member doesn't show any sign to stop, he was intoxicated by the sheer force of his own powerful masculinity, forcing his thick member into his own mouth and start drinking his own muscle cum. Lena watching muscle beast in front her overwhelmed by his own lust, she couldn’t believe her eyes as his stomach slowly started to expand and bulge outwards. Lena don't understand how could he cumming so much, just when she realise his huge ball sack now expand to a soccer-ball sized, it explain everything. Few minutes later, Luke finally stop his eruption, leaving them and ceiling fully painted in white. "Just how much are you gonna cum?! I'm pretty sure all these cums must be enough impregnated every girl in our class and even the whole school!" She cupped the cums that filled between her cleavage and drink, it was so thick that she had difficulty drinking it without it clogging up. "Hmmph.. it taste so good!" "I know right?!" Luke smirk and flexing again his bicep. "Your godly shaft still raging hard?!" she gasped, watching the big buddy there still throbbing hard. She look around her, watching the volume of cums seems to be produced by 5 mans in a week, and the muscle stud here still showing no sign to stop. "I guess you just really turned me on so much? Hah.." Now she know what kind of muscle beast she’s up against, and she's absolutely drawn to it! After hours of passion, they finally stopped. Luke’s beast-like stamina was still ready for more, but he didn’t want to hurt Lena, so he decided to take a break. Lena's head now lying on the mountain pec, feeling its movement with each breath he took. Her arms wrapped around his massive torso, while her other hand gently stroked his rock-hard and defined abs. Luke's semi-hard dick laying on her forearm, the heavy weight pressing against her made her let out a soft moan. "Hmmhp.. Luke.. you're amazing! I just can't get enough of you!" Luke replied with a kiss. "Lena, I was preparing a 'fun event', would you mind to join?" "Hmm.. what kind of event was it?" "It’s difficult to explain in detail, but I guarantee you, it will make you UNFORGETTABLE FOR SURE!" Luke flashed a wide smile and bounced his pecs once more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 4 Later that night In bedroom, Diana straddled on top of Jack, her fingertips tracing the contours of his muscles beneath the tight fabric of his shirt. Jack lay back, watching her with a mix of amusement and desire, his hands resting lightly on her hips. "You like what you feel?" he asked, his voice low and teasing. Diana met his gaze, her lips curving into a playful smile. "How could anyone not like such big muscles?" Just when they about to get start, the door suddenly burst open, and it was Luke standing there with Lena. "What the fuck?! Luke! How dare you ruining our good time?!" Jack shout loudly at Luke. Oops, my bad, bro! Didn’t see you there, I swear!" Luke’s grin spreads wider, the edge of his voice betraying his excitement. He’s been gearing up for this moment, and now that it’s finally here, he’s ready to dominate his BIG BRO. As soon as Jack laid eyes on Lena, a wicked grin curled on his lips. "You must be Luke's girlfriend. Feels bad for you, I bet you’re never really satisfied with such WEAK BODY HUH?" Jack's voice dripped with condescension, his words carefully chosen to strike a nerve. "Why don't you two come and join us? I will show you what a REAL MAN CAN DO, and who knows maybe my LITTLE BRO can learn something too? Although I doubt with his WEAK body could really handle it! HAHAHA!" Jack’s laugh was full of mockery, his eyes gleaming with superiority and confidence. He had grown bigger too, and he thought his puny brother will never would never be able to measure up to him. As Luke walked closer, Jack couldn’t shake the feeling that Luke was growing taller with every step and seems taller than him. "What... is this some kind of trick?" Jack wondered, his mind racing with confusion. He was right. Luke now stood an imposing 7'1" in front of him. "Wow.. Ha.. looks like you've gone through another growth spurt huh... " Jack stood at 6'2" beside him, looking up in disbelief. "Yeah.. just a LITTLE GROWTH." Luke replied with a smirk. "You know, height isn’t the real measure of a man. It’s all about muscle!". "I totally agree! Let's compare our body and let the ladies be the judge. I've been hitting gym too, though mine might not as IMPRESSIVE as yours," Luke said, knowing his brother’s ego would take the bait for sure. "Deal!" Instead of pulling of his shirt, Jack used his bare hand to tear his shirt apart just to show off his powerful strength. "Ooh, babe, you look amazing!" Diana murmured softly, her eyes locked on his beefy pecs, watching them flex and grow even more defined, his rock-hard abs had now transformed from 6 into an impressive 8-pack, each muscle sharply defined. "Nice one BRO! Now, IT'S MY TURN! URGHHH....!" The oversized hoodie on Luke suddenly stretched and filled with his MASSIVE MUSCLE! It was only now that Jack realized what he had assumed was fat beneath the loose shirt was actually muscle, PURE MUSCLE. Luke’s well-defined abs and pecs were now clearly visible beneath the oversized hoodie, the fabric stretched tight against his muscular frame. "AAGRHH... FUCK!" With one final flex, the hoodie ripped apart, exploding into pieces as his muscles surged through. Jack and Diana froze in shock, their eyes wide as they gazed up at the god-like physique towering over them. "WOOH! That’s how you show off your strength, BIG BRO!" Luke grinned, his voice dripping with confidence as he gave his pecs a slight flex and bounce. "What..? How did he.." Jack stammered, still feeling confused. Lena handed a measuring tape to Diana with a sly smile. "Since this is a comparison, it needs to be accurate, right? Would you mind helping me out?" "Huh...? Oh... yeah, sure.." Diana replied with shaky voice, trying to understand what happen to Luke. Diana wrapped the measuring tape around Jack's flexed biceps, the numbers stopping at an 26 inches. Even though Jack had grown bigger than before, he had already lost his confidence as Luke simply dwarfed him now. "Let me show you something.." Luke said, stopping Lena just as she was about to measure him. He bent his knees slightly, the motion causing his pants to tear at the seams, then raise his arm fully stretching out in front of Jack's flexed bicep. "SEE?! HAHAHA! I don't even need to flex and it's already BIGGER THAN YOURS FULLY FLEXED!" Luke laughed, his tone dripping with smug confidence when he noticed his brother arm was completely block by his HUGE ARM. "And this is how a real BICEP looks like!" Jack watched Luke's bicep bulged into GIGANTIC ball when he flexed, it now stretched to an impressive 37 inches. Moving on to chest measurement, Jack's large pecs had grown to 43 inches, but Luke easily outsized him as his chest measuring an impressive 60 inches of pure MUSCLE. Luke flexed his abs hard, causing his deep 10-pack to become even more defined and visible with each movement. He tried to look down at his abs, but his two massive pecs blocked the view, like two towering mountains. "Sorry, Lena, it's a bit hard to see from here. Could you calculate it for me?" Luke asked with a playful grin. Lena placed her hands on his brick-like abs and began to rub gently from top to bottom, her fingers tracing the deep lines of his muscle. "2.. 4.. 6.. 8.. 10! Mmmhp.. this delicious chocolate bar is packed with 10 BIG irresistible bites!" Lena let out a soft moan. "Thanks Lena! Well, I’m not the best at math, but I think 10 is definitely BIGGER than 8—simple calculation, right Jack? Hahaha!" Luke grinned, thoroughly enjoying the chance to humiliate his 'BIG BRO'. "Shall we move on to the lower body?" Luke smirk, effortlessly tearing his brother’s pants in half. "Wow, looks like you’re packing quite a big barrel down there! But sorry Jack, the big things you’re going to face down here are fucking TREE TRUNKS!" With that, Luke flexed his massive quads, causing his pants to completely rip apart. "See what I mean now?! I don't even need to flex and it still looks like TWICE the size of yours! HAHAHA!" Jack's quad now measured into 32 inches with 20 inches of calves. Luke flexed his thigh, its sheer power looked capable to crush anything between them. Every vein stood out, clearly visible beneath his skin, emphasizing the raw strength of his muscle. His massive quads now measured a straight 50 inches each, together with calves that stretch into 29 inches. Watching Luke display all his manliness made Jack feel a mix of awe and lust at the same time, causes his dick start throbbing semi-hard in his white briefs. Then, he saw a HUGE bulge under Luke's briefs, reminding him last time Luke claims about his 17cm dick. "Well, I admit it... your muscles have completely outgrown mine everywhere, but we still had one last thing to compare!" the fabric of Jack's briefs stretched tightly as his dick beneath them start throbbing hard, he pull down the briefs to reveal the fully hard 16 inches pole. "Seems like you also understand your PUNY DICK would never match your huge muscle, that's why you stuffing so much things inside your briefs?! HAHA!" Jack laughed while stroking his huge shaft a few times. He noticed that many bodybuilders' dick weren’t as big as his, its appearing small in comparison. Especially alongside Luke’s massive torso, he thought it must make the difference even more obvious. Luke replied with a smirk, slightly pull down his briefs, reveal an insane thick base of his member. "Does it still look like it getting stuffed for you now?!" Jack and Diana couldn't believe what they had just seen, that thing looks so thick like a baseball bat. "What..? But HOW DOES IT GROW SO BIG?! You've been lying to me about its size all the time?!" "HA! Of course not! It was 17 FUCKING INCHES SOFT before! You always thought I would never be bigger than you, and that's why your ego made you believe it would only be 17CM! And guess what?! It GROWS again, now the HUGE CANNON here reach 20 INCHES FLACCID! HAHA!" "NO WAY! IT CAN'T BE!" Watching the expressions on Jack and Diana’s faces really turn him on. "I’m BIGGER SOFT than you are when you're HARD! See how tightly the briefs are stretched? It looks like they might burst any moment!" Jack just stood there, frozen. "Oh, I forgot to mention—don’t you find this briefs familiar? This is the BIGGEST BRIEFS that I able to find from your closet!" Most briefs never fit Jack when he's in a semi-hard state. These were the biggest ones he could find in stores, just large enough to contain him. But now even Luke's soft dick was stretching it to its limit, seemed like it might burst at any moment. With a slight flex, Luke's impressive member began to push against the fabric, threatening to tear the briefs. He stopped when he heard a 'RIP' sound, then flexed harder again, repeating the motion to tease them all. Jack and Diana were speechless, unable to understand how Luke had done that. It seemed like even his dick was packed with MUSCLE, and now the muscle-bound stud was FLEXING his DICK with ease. 'RIIIP!' the briefs finally tore apart as Luke's dick keep getting thicker and longer, bounced up and slapped against his abs before bouncing back at a 45-degree angle. "It'll be tough to measure when it's fully hard, so I guess you'd better come and measure it now!" Luke said with a smirk while inviting Diana. "Okay.." Diana slowly placed the tape at the base and carefully pulled it up to the head of massive shaft, she let out a soft moan, seeing her arms looks like a chopstick compared to his mighty cock. "IT WAS 26 INCHES!" "HAHA! See how BIG your 'LITTLE BRO PUNY DICK' had turned into?!" To emphasize his pure strength, Luke carefully lifted Diana, her back resting against his massive chest as she sat on his dick. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Diana watched in awe as her entire body was supported by his DICK ONLY, her feet lifting off the ground by 4 inches. "Like what you see?!" Luke asked playfully, bouncing his pecs against her back. "I'M FUCKING LOVE IT! Can you see it, JACK?! It looks like I'm having a MUCH BIGGER DICK THAN YOU! It feels AMAZING!" Diana start to stroke it with both of her hands, still not able to wrap around the whole shaft even in his semi-hard state. "Owh.. FUCK!" Luke groan softly as Diana felt her hands being pushed outward, unable to contain the sheer size. With a slight throb, a torrent of liquids shot out from Luke's dick, splashing against the opposite wall and coated Jack's ripped body, causing his big bro cum immediately. "Wow, you really cum a lot! Maybe give me a warning next time before you cum!" she said with a playful grin, slightly bend down her body to lick the HUGE cock head that still leaking non-stop. Luke and Lena stared at each other, and burst out laugh. "Diana, I think you might’ve missed the point—I’M STILL ONLY SEMI-HARD! These are just my PRECUM!" Diana paused and turned to look at Luke, his expression making it clear he wasn’t lying. "THERE'S NO WAY! I never met any guy that able to cum more that Jack, and now you’re telling me that all these liquid which looks like it could match Jack’s 3 day load, was JUST YOUR PRE?!" "I guess my HUGE BALLS know if they didn't produce enough of PRE, my MUSCLE DICK will never have a chance to fit inside anyone! HAHA!" Luke laughed while giving his huge cock a slight flex making Dian swing up and down. "You better believe it!" Lena said with a knowing tone as she already experience it before. Luke guide Diana hand to his HUGE BALL SACK that hung low, each of the balls was so huge that she can't even fit in her hand. The weight of it spoke for itself, still full and undeniable. "Now it's time to show you WHAT A REAL STUD CAN DO!" Jack sat there, watching as his LITTLE BROTHER flexed every muscle. His already massive torso swelled even BIGGER and HARDER, with his inhuman DICK expanding alongside it, showcasing his sheer power. It rose up straight, towering over Diana head and pressing her even harder against his thick pec, his fully hard dick now measured an impressive 31 inches. "Hmmph.. FUCK! Your whole body feel so HUGE AND HARD!" Diana start to use her boobs to pleasant this HUGE STEEL POLE. "Jack, remember when you mentioned that my growing boobs were making your HUGE COCK feel small in between of them? JUST FUCKING SEE THIS! The fucking pole that spring out from my boobs was MUCH LONGER AND THICKER THAN YOUR WHOLE COCK!" Jack semi-hard dick throb again, watching his girlfriend cumming non-stop while she using her whole body, trying so hard just to make the MUSCLE STUD cum. "Owhh.. Fuck! Your boobs feels SO BIG AND SOFT, feeling them bounce so fast and strong around my dick, I can feel how much effort you've put in! Now, it's time for your rewards! Watch closely BIG BRO, this is.. how.. YOU SHOULD CUM! URGHH!" With that, Luke's whole MUSCLE BODY flexed into godly physique, his dick thicken again and explode his mighty cum. Every force felt so overwhelming that Diana's boobs could no longer hold on, and the BIG HARD DICK slipped free from her. "FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD! I CAN'T STOP CUMMING!" Luke still cumming hard, making the white thick cum rain over them, fully covered each of them with all his muscle seed. Luke finally stop after few minutes, gently lifting Diana off and laying her down on the bed that painted in white with his cum. "Now you know how to cum like a REAL MUSCLE STUD, 'BIG BRO'?! It's simple right? You just need to have these HUGE PACKAGE!" Luke said as he lifts his huge nuts in his hand. "Hmm.. FUCK! It still feel so FULL and HEAVY even after I cum more that YOUR 1 WEEK LOADS! This is MY 9TH LOAD OF THE DAY and I still cumming non-stop like a BEAST!" Lena now use one of her hand, stroking on his huge dick while another hand feeling massive pec, feeling it changed from soft huge pillow to hard rock with every flex. Luke's huge dick start to getting HARD again, the dickhead that stick below his under pec surged upward with force, sliding past his massive pecs and reaching his mouth. "Jack, can you imagine how does it feels?! When your cock is HUGE and LONG enough that you don't even need to bend you body or head and able to suck you own cock? When your cock is so THICK that even with massive hands like mine, you still need both of them to handle it? When your pecs are so MASSIVE and THICK that your nipples not even visible from the front and pointing straight down instead? You'll never understand what it feels like, BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A MUSCLE GOD LIKE ME!" Luke carefully lifts Lena and lays her down on the bed beside Diana. "Hmmph.. seems like I've awakened the MUSCLE BEAST down there!" Lena playfully kissing on his huge dick that raging hard above her body. Diana can clearly see from side, it is BIGGER than her torso. "That's because you are so SEXY and HOT! I just can't seem to calm down when I see your body covered in my THICK CUM!" Luke now slowly to put his huge cock into Lena, just the pressure of the head alone was enough to make the pain shoot through her, causing her to clutch her feet. "Lena, are you okay?! Sorry I didn't meant to hurt you!" "I'm fine! Just.. your HUGE DICK... never stop amazing me! Every time it stick inside me, this MONSTER feels like grow even BIGGER! This feeling is SO FUCKING GOOD!" Lena wrapped her arms tightly around Luke's bulging shoulders and softly whispered in his ear, "Now, I want MORE of your HUGE DICK INSIDE ME!" She really knew how to turn him on so well. With that, Luke start to pound FASTER and HARDER, Diana and Jack could see each thrust was so hard that her toned 6-pack abs faded, replaced by a HUGE bulge in her stomach. The fact is Luke was just too HUGE, only half of his DICK able to fit inside Lena. Diana reach another orgasm just by watching the MUSCLE STUD pounding her girlfriend hard, seeing the size that left exposed was enough to make Jack's 16 inches cock seem much SMALLER in comparison, she can't help but placing her hand on Lena's stomach. The outline of his HUGE DICK was so defined that she could even can feel it flexing harder as she began rubbing Lena's stomach. "Oohh.. Fuck! It feel so tight inside you!" Luke groaned softly, precum start to gushing out from her, she know he's about to cum again. "OH FUCK! LUKE YOUR COCK IS THROBBING SO HARD! JUST CUM INSIDE ME! I WANT IT ALL!" Luke is cumming again, the force of cum is so STRONG and POWERFUL even Diana can feel it. The gallon of cum caused Lena's stomach to instantly bulge, unable to contain it all and it overflowed like a river. Luke pull his raging dick out from Lena, admiring at the view of his WHITE THICK CUM non-stop leaking from Lena, her stomach bulged as if she were already three months pregnant. Jack cum again by watching such a scene full of masculinity and power, though he just leaking his much tiny load compared to Luke's. Luke's member still raging hard, Lena guided him to sit at the edge of bed, then she keeled down beside him and uses her boobs to cover the base of throbbing dick. "Mind joining us, Diana? As you can see, there’s still plenty of space here and I can't handle it all by myself." Diana replied with a smile and walk towards them. Jack watching in disbelief, Luke seems to turn into a TURE MUSCLE GOD. His HUGE DICK was so LONG, enough space for two girls with BIG and ROUND boobs to cover on it, and still able to use his own THICK MOUNTAIN PEC to press against it. "Oh.. GOD! Did you see it, JACK?! This feeling is AMAZING when your DICK is fully covered with 4 SOFT and BIG BOOBS! Oops! Sorry, I forget that YOU WILL NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO EXPERIENCE IT! Why? BECAUSE YOUR PUNY DICK JUST NOT HAVING ENOUGH SPACE FOR THEM! HAHAHAHA!" Luke laugh loudly at his 'big bro'. Soon, the volcano erupted again. After the 11th load of the day it finally seems to decrease in intensity, though it was still powerful enough to make the others seem pathetic. "So, 'BIG BRO', like how the tables turned now?" Next morning, when Jack woke up, he couldn't help but stare in awe at the bed, the floor, his body, Luke's muscle torso, and even the two girls, all marked with WHITE THICK CUM from the night before. He rush into bathroom try to clean it up but it was too sticky. "Morning Jack!" Luke walk inside to the bathroom, completely naked with his 27 inches semi-hard dick stretching upwards and outwards. "Thanks for inviting me to the 'surprise party'! I was having so much 'fun' last night!" Then he walk straight to the bathroom tub, "You are right Jack, it's really a problem to deal with morning wood, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE HAVING A MONSTER DICK LIKE THIS!" Luke using both his gigantic hand to WORSHIP his HUGE FUCK MUSCLE. After 30 minutes, gallons of white thick cum burst out with immense force, spilling everywhere and quickly filling up the bathtub. "Woah... sorry, BRO! I’m sure you understand that I can't use the toilet bowl with this much THICK CUM right?! It will definitely clog the toilet bowl! Although it’s a bit difficult, but don’t forget to CLEAN it up for me, GOT IT?!" Luke then walking out with the MASSIVE FLACCID DICK hanging low. "Owh by the way, now I FULLY understand the feeling when your briefs start to get tighten EVERYDAY! None of your briefs will able to fit my HUGE SOFT COCK already! I once tried to force it fit inside the briefs, and guess what?! The next morning I only saw my MIGHTY HUGE ROD raging HARD, your BIGGEST BRIEFS JUST TORE IN PIECES AROUND IT! HAHAHAHA! I guess I'm just NOT A NERD ANYMORE!"
    33 points
  3. Long time lurker here, save for occasionally posting in the AI pictures threads - although these days I tend to keep that to X and DeviantArt. Anyway, my first and greatest love on this forum is the muscle growth stories section, so I thought I would try writing my own. I am pleased that I actually managed to finish it (I've started and abandoned several muscle growth stories). Maybe I'll try to do another one at some point. I should also point out that there's been no AI involved in this one - it's 100% the product of my own (horny) brain. Enjoy! Breaking A Colt The letter on Danny’s desk read as follows: “Dear Dr Myerson, I hope you do not mind me writing to you, but I am praying you can help me where no one else can. I am deeply concerned for my son, Colton Walker. I understand that you are a world expert in hyperpuberty, that you have helped families who have suffered with it, even managed to cure it. I hope you can do the same with my son. Colt is eighteen. He was always such a nice boy, so very polite and really rather timid up until a few months ago. Then the curse of hyperpuberty struck, and now he is just a completely different person. He used to be such a small, slim boy, but in the course of about two months, he put on over 500 pounds of muscle. He is an absolute terror and his strength is horrifying; he breaks solid wooden and metal furniture as easily as I might crush a paper cup. Almost none of his clothes fit, but he says he does not care and wants people to see as much of his body as possible. He seems to enjoy it all so much, it is obscene. I hope you will forgive the vulgarity of me saying this, but it is not just his muscles that have grown to freakish proportions. His manhood is abnormally large too, and he just does not seem to care who sees it – it is shameful! In fact, it really is a bigger problem than anything else. Ever since hyperpuberty hit, all Colt seems interested in are muscles and sex. I am getting complaints from other parents at his college: I am aware that he has got 27 girls pregnant in the last month alone, and heaven knows how many other girls (and boys, if even a tenth of what I hear is true!) he is having relations with. Please, please, please Dr Myerson, use your expertise and help my son manage his condition – and, if you can, turn him back the way he was. Yours sincerely, Mary Walker” Well, with a letter like that, it was only natural that Danny would want to help the poor boy. He drummed his fingers on the desk, lost in thought. If there was an expert on hyperpuberty, he guessed it was probably him. It had been about five years since the phenomenon had emerged: a second ‘puberty’, hitting males in their late teens and affecting about 0.01% of the population, during which the teen would rapidly put on masses of muscle that would once have been well beyond natural human limits, and with that muscle mass came extreme strength, extreme stamina and a massively heighted sexual capacity. And, he thought wryly, a certain sense of superiority. After all, what cocky teen wouldn’t feel superior being able to bench-press a car before fucking the entire cheerleading team senseless? Since the emergence of hyperpuberty, some people had started to study it academically, and Danny Myerson’s PhD thesis had been one of the first written on the subject. Since then, he had acquired more than a dozen ‘patients’ – but he was always keen for more, so his response to Mrs Walker had been polite, enthusiastic and encouraging. It had been followed by a phone call, and a promise from the worried mother that she would try to persuade her son (on the grounds that it was now impossible to try to force him to do anything he didn’t want to) to pay him a visit this morning. Danny’s desk was in the corner of a massive space – his office/lab/gym was an old, dilapidated former aircraft hangar on a closed airfield. The roof had a tendency to leak like hell when it rained, but the rent was cheap, the place was private, and there was plenty of space. As well as an ‘office area’ and a modest ‘laboratory’ area, there were a number of items of heavily-modified gym equipment that Danny had collected especially for men with hyperpuberty. Collecting data was so important... “Are you Dr Myerson?” came a voice from over by the hangar door, breaking Danny’s reflections. Ah, he thought, this must be Colton Walker. “Yup! Come on in!” And in walked the teenager. Yes, thought Danny, absolutely a case of hyperpuberty. Colton had a handsome and still somewhat boyish face, with piercing blue eyes, a confident smirk and tousled dark blond hair. There was absolutely nothing boyish, however, about everything he had below his face. Standing at six feet six inches tall, and nearly as wide across, his thick, bull-like neck emerged from towering, massively muscular shoulders. He was wearing a tanktop, the front of which was pushed out by his insanely huge, boulder-like pectorals. The garment seemed to have been chosen to display as much of his striated, bulging cleavage as possible, as his pectoral shelf protruded nearly a foot out from his chest; the material was tight across his body, his nipples clearly visible, and Danny could see the outlines of thick veins too. If the material of the tanktop was straining against Colton’s pecs, it was similarly tight against his inhumanly massive abs, showing the clear definition of eight enormous, cobblestone-like boulders. At his side swung two immensely swollen, hypermuscled arms: even unflexed, each arm was thicker than a normal man’s waist, and bulging with thick veins. Colton wore a pair of baggy tracksuit bottoms – well, they would have been baggy on a normal man, but for him they were strained almost to tearing point by his vast thighs, whose insane definition was clearly visible under the tight material as he walked into the hangar. Finally, Danny’s eye could not help but be drawn to the massive bulge at his crotch, the material of the tracksuit bottoms stretched and distended by the sheer size of Colton’s massive manhood. Colton was, quite simply, a living demigod. Even by the usual accepted standards of hyperpuberty, this was one of the most developed cases Danny had seen. This would be a challenge, he thought, and he felt his cock harden slightly in anticipation. “Welcome, Mr Walker, a pleasure to meet you,” said Danny with a warm smile. “Call me Colt,” said the enormous teen, “everyone does. Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy and all, and very clever, but I’m only here because my mom wouldn’t stop complaining. I don’t want to be ‘cured’ or to have my condition ‘managed’ – these muscles are fucking awesome, and I am not going to let anyone take them from me.” As if to emphasise his point, Colt loomed over Danny, glaring down over the shelf of his pecs with more than a touch of threat. There was a hint of contempt in his expression: Danny, though quite handsome in a twink-ish sort of way, was only average height and had a slender build. Colt looked like he weighed at least four times as much as him. “Don’t worry, Colt, you’re perfectly safe with me,” said Danny reassuringly, “nothing will happen unless you want it to, I promise.” Colt backed away a bit, but his expression was still guarded. “I thought you were supposed to be some sort of super world-class expert? You don’t look much older than me, Dr Myerson.” Danny conceded that he didn’t look much like an expert, clad as he was in a t-shirt and jeans. “I’m twenty-three, which I’ll admit is young for an academic, but I really am an expert,” smiled Danny, “and I really am very, very clever. And please, call me Danny.” “Ok, Danny, fine, let’s do this. What do you want me to do first?” “Ok, well I think we should get some essential stats. First, let’s get you weighed...” “682 pounds,” interrupted Colt, pride and arrogance suffusing his voice, “or nearly 49 stone, if you prefer. Two months ago I weighed 173 pounds.” Christ, thought Danny as he rubbed a hand through his sandy hair, he’s really getting off on all his muscle. Not that he can be blamed for that... “That’s great, Colt, thank you. I’d like to take some photographs for my files, if that’s ok? Would you mind taking off your tanktop?” “Sure thing, Dr Danny,” said Colt mockingly. He didn’t bother to take the garment off; he simply grabbed the front and tore it off himself. His revealed muscles were as incredible as Danny had imagined they would be: insanely huge and hyperdefined, with thick veins pumping immense strength and power into them. He struck a powerful double bicep pose, his mighty arms throbbing into giant peaks each nearly as large as a normal man’s chest. “Yeah, you like the gunshow, Doc?” he said. “You want me to take off my pants too?” “Yes, that would...” “Watch this!” shouted Colt, interrupting. Putting his hands on hips, he flexed his monstrous thighs and, sure enough, with a loud tearing sound the material of each leg tore open, unable to contain the sheer size and power of his legs. Thicker than a telegraph pole and loaded with all-powerful muscle, they were an incredible sight. Colt tore the remains away, leaving him naked except for a hugely over-stuffed jockstrap that was trying – and failing – to contain the enormity of his cock, the base of the shaft clearly visible where it pushed away the material, the rest bulging with obscene size. If this was him flaccid, what was he like erect? “Want me to take off the jockstrap too?” “No, thank you, Colt, not for now,” said Danny. Colt didn’t seem to pick up on the insinuation that he might be asked to remove it later. At Danny’s direction, Colt stood in a clear area of hangar, doing pose after pose whilst Danny took pictures. Colt was clearly having fun, enjoying the attention and the thrill of being so strong. Danny was enjoying himself to: working with teens who had gone through hyperpuberty was always a rewarding experience. “Heh, I can tell you’re enjoying yourself,” said Colt. Danny raised an eyebrow, and the teen looked pointedly at the bulge in Danny’s pants. “I guess you really like muscles, Doc? You getting off on photographing me? I guess I can’t blame you when I’m so goddamn strong and sexy!” “Yeah, you caught me,” said Danny wryly. “Watching you has given me one hell of a hard-on. Take it as a compliment.” “Maybe later I’ll show you my hard-on, you can see what a REAL man looks like! Bet I could make you cum without even touching yourself.” “Perhaps,” said Danny, “but don’t forget, I’ve worked with loads of guys with hyperpuberty. You’d be amazed at the things I’ve seen and done. And for now, I’m not even sure you’re the biggest and strongest guy I’ve seen...” That got Colt’s attention. “I bet I am!” he shouted, “I’m a fucking beast, and don’t you forget it. I’ve searched on the net for others with hyperpuberty, and I reckon there’s no one out there that comes near my strength.” How wrong you are, thought Danny. “Well,” he said, “let’s put that theory to the test – it’s time to see how much you can bench press.” He indicated some machinery over in the gym area, and Colt set off – giving Danny a perfect view of his mountainously muscled back, bulging with strength, and his insanely muscled ass that swayed seductively as he walked. “This machine? What is it?” asked Colt. The machine had a large bench, adapted for someone Colt’s size, and a thick bar above it, just like a typical bench press machine, but the ends of the bar went into a large apparatus that formed a huge arch over the bench. “It’s a specially adapted bench press. All this machinery can be used to set the weight for the bar, using a mixture of actual weights and simulated resistance. It can be set to any weight we want – up to 20,000 tons.” “20,000 tons?” said Colt, his amazement breaking his haughty demeanour for a moment. “That’s crazy. Really cool, but crazy.” “Yeah, well, let’s see what you can do, Colt. Do you think you could bench press one ton?” “Ha! Easy!” he smirked. Danny tapped a few buttons on a digital display, and there was a few seconds of whirring sounds from within the machine. Colt eagerly got on to the bench. Lying down, the obscene size of his pecs was even more noticeable. Danny made no secret of enjoying the view of Colt’s bulging muscles, not only his monster pecs but the insane abs that lead up to them – to say nothing of the way his pleasingly full jockstrap twitched and flexed as he got into position. Putting his hands on the bar, he slowly but smoothly pushed it upwards with perfect form, his pecs flexing sexily as they pushed a ton of weight up. One, two, three... Colt put out rep after rep, seemingly easily, though Danny noted he had stopped talking and there was a light sheen of sweat on his immense body. “Is this a bit too easy?” asked Danny, after counting twenty reps. “Shall I put it up to 1.5 tons? Are you up to the challenge?” “Yeah,” said Colt through gritted teeth, “do it.” When the bar came down, Danny typed the number into the machine and there were more noises from within. This time, Colt’s presses were even slower: the effort was visible on his face, but nevertheless he still managed to bench the enormous weight. His vast muscles pumped and strained with the effort, thick veins standing out prominently across his arms and chest as he benched one and a half tons. One... two... three... as Colt worked through the reps, Danny decided to encourage him. “Well done, Colt, keep going... 1.5 tons, that’s... what? 3,000 pounds? That’s got to be the weight of about 15 people! That’s amazing! They could never do what you can do, be as strong and powerful as you are! I bet all the guys are jealous of how massive you are!” Danny grinned as he saw his words were having the intended effect. As Colt’s reps got into double figures, he watched the teen’s massive manhood begin to flex and grow, the already straining material of his jockstrap being put under unstoppable pressure as his thick fuckpole hardened. With a tearing sound, Colt’s superhuman cock shredded the jockstrap, throbbing with power as it grew and grew. Twelve inches... fourteen inches... sixteen inches... Colt’s cock finally reached full hardness at a mind-blowing eighteen inches. His shaft was considerably thicker than a soda can, with thick veins all along it pumping blood and strength into it. His foreskin was fully retracted to show off his flared, angry cockhead, easily bigger in size than Danny’s entire fist, and as the shredded material fell away it revealed two massive, baseball-sized gonads. His whole monster penis throbbed eagerly, demanding release. “Dammit, Doc... you’re gonna regret getting me hard... ungh... when I blow my fuckin’ load... ungh... these weights feel great... like the first challenge I’ve had in weeks... ungh... I feel so fuckin’ pumped... twenty-eight... twenty-nine... THIRTY!” With a crash, Colt let the bar slam down and, in moments, was back up on his feet. The effect of his workout was evident: his muscles, pumped and swollen by lifting the massive weight, were visibly bigger. His whole body was suffused with bulging, hyperpowerful muscle, all of which was sending an intense feeling of unstoppable power straight to his godlike cock. “Uhh... yeah... I’m so fuckin’ powerful... I’m a fuckin’ god... ughn... I feel so strong... I AM ALL MUSCLE! ALL STRENGTH! ALL COCK!” With an animalistic roar, Colt flexed his entire body, his pecs bulging wildly to the size of massive rocks, his biceps exploding with raw size, his 8-pack abs shredded to hyperdefinition. Without even touching himself, his insane eighteen inch cock, diamond-hard and reaching almost to his pecs, simply exploded, huge ropes of thick, virile cum blasting from his angry cockhead, splattering noisily on the hangar floor many feet away. Colt’s whole body throbbed with the sheer power of his orgasm, that lasted for over a full minute. “Well, that was an impressive show,” said Danny as Colt’s orgasm finally subsided. He noted that the teen’s cock remained as big and hard as it had been before, as if he hadn’t just splattered what appeared to be several pints of seed over the gym area. “Damn straight,” said Colt, panting slightly but grinning proudly, “I’m impressing even myself. So, as I ain’t giving up any of this power, now that I’ve given you a show I’m gonna go. Maybe find myself a dozen hot bitches to bang, as that’s the only way my cock is getting soft again anytime soon.” “No, wait!” said Danny. “I told your mom I’d ‘help’ you. I didn’t say I’d ‘cure’ you or anything like that.” “Whaddaya mean, Doc?” “What if I could help you... get bigger?” That caught Colt’s attention. His gaze snapped round, his piercing eyes focusing straight on Danny. “Bigger? How much bigger?” said Colt. His voice was focused and controlled, but Danny noticed that his cock twitched eagerly, causing a large bead of cum to fall to the ground. “As big as your willpower is prepared to go,” said Danny. He stepped forward so that his face was only a few inches from Colt’s massive pecs. He rested his hand on Colt’s massive manhood, firmly stroking it as he spoke, and looking up into Colt’s eyes. “I have this theory – tested with success – that hyperpuberty just removes all your limits. You have complete control over the size and strength of your muscles. I can help you push forward as much as you want. So, Colt, the question is... just how strong do you want to be?” “I want to get bigger,” he growled, “so much bigger! Bigger than anyone has ever been, bigger than anyone could ever be! I’m nowhere near strong enough at the moment!” Danny’s own cock was rock hard, carried away by the teen’s sheer, uncontrolled muscle-lust. He couldn’t help but lean fractionally closer while Colt was talking, letting his lips and tongue caress Colt’s insanely massive pec. “You have to want it hard enough,” he said softly, “but the only limit is your own desire. Are you sure you want to do this?”. He could feel Colt’s cock throbbing eagerly under his hand. “Do it, Doc,” said the teen without hesitation, “do it now! Make me bigger!” “Close your eyes and focus intensely on my voice,” said Danny. “While I speak, only answer my direct questions – don’t interrupt otherwise. I’m going to be massaging your muscles and your manhood. For the moment, I just want you to take a few moments to relax, to clear your mind and just focus on your body.” As Colt closed his eyes, Danny glanced at the teen’s massive fuckpole. It was so large that, combined with Colt’s massive height, the Danny barely had to incline his head to bring his lips into contact with the enormous, flared cockhead. It was far too big for Danny to have any chance of getting his mouth around it, but he rolled his tongue over its broad expanse, teasing the piss-slit, tasting the salty-sweet remnants of Colt’s orgasm. Colt’s cock was impossibly hard and hot, and Danny could sense the teen’s near limitless virility. He had no doubt Colt could fuck for hours and hours at a time. Sucking on Colt’s cock wasn’t strictly necessary, but Danny knew it would help the teen focus on his body – and he wanted to, of course. As he licked and sucked, one hand stroked the massive length of his shaft whilst the other massaged Colt’s huge gonads. “Damn, Doc, you’re good at this,” mumbled Colt, his eyes closed, “if you keep it up I’m gonna blow a load down your throat.” “No talking, remember!” grinned Danny. Now that he had Colt’s attention, he released his cock and laid his hands on the teen’s bulging abs. As his fingers massaged Colt’s boulder-like eight-pack, he revelled in their insane size and hardness. His own cock was so damn hard, he was surprised he hadn’t jizzed himself yet. Soon, he thought, soon... “Focus on your muscles, Colt. Focus on their size. Focus on their strength,” Danny began to intone while he massaged Colt’s muscles, his voice a hypnotic drone. “Think of all your strength. Think of all your power. Think of how big and hard your cock is. How strong are you, Colt? Tell me.” “Ungh... I’m so fuckin’ strong... this power is so great... and I’m so fuckin’ horny all the time, thinking of all my muscles... yeah, I’m a super-strong super-stud,” he growled, his eyes closed. His cock throbbed visibly and eagerly. “Good, that’s good,” said Danny, his hands still kneading Colt’s abs. “Focus on your strength, your power, your virility. See it as light, see it as energy. A torrent of energy that fills your entire body. Can you see it?” “Yeah...” he breathed, “yeah... so much power... so much fuckin’ power.” “Excellent,” intoned Danny, his hands moving up to massage Colt’s enormous, bulging pecs. “That power is within your body, that’s all yours. But imagine there is more of that energy, so much more, an infinite amount, just behind you. You can feel the heat of it warming your back. Can you sense it?” There was a pause. Colt’s eyes were still closed, but the look of concentration on his face was unmistakable. “Yeah, I can... I can... fuck, there’s so much power there.” “And what you have already is just the merest drop of that ocean,” said Danny. “What if you could just reach out and take it? Imagine if all that strength, all that power was flowing through you. Do you want it? Or does it frighten you?” “I want... I want strength and power that will shake the Earth, that will cause everyone to bow down and worship me for the god that I am – and then, once they’ve done that, I want even more strength! More size! I don’t just want to be a god, I want to be a FUCKING COSMIC SUPER-GOD! NO STRENGTH WILL EVER BE ENOUGH! IF YOU CAN MAKE ME BIGGER, DOC, DO IT!!!” “Reach out, Colt! Reach out and take it! Take that power!” shouted Danny, giving Colt’s pecs a final hard squeeze before pulling back. “UHHNNN... YEAH! FUCK, IT’S AMAZING! SO... MUCH... FUCKING... POWER!!!” cried Colt, his voice noticeably deepening and his face suffused with ecstasy as his body embraced the strength that was waiting for him. Colt flexed his arms, his massive biceps rising to the size of a normal man’s torso, thick veins standing out prominently on their insane mass. Then, as his strength surged, his inhumanly massive biceps flexed to new impossible size... five feet... six feet... seven feet in height, huge mountains of incredibly veiny, super-strong muscle each of which was taller than 99.999962% of people on Earth. Colt’s whole body was growing too, his already colossal frame expanding as his body desperately tried to accommodate his muscles as they surged with unstoppable size and mass. His traps exploded inhumanly, beachball-sized and impossibly powerful as they surged above the level of his head, throbbing with raw strength. His whole height blasted upwards, inches visibly adding to his frame as he soared past seven feet, then seven and half, then eight feet... “FUUUCCCKKKK! SO STRONG... SO POWERFUL! MORE! MORE! FUCKIN’ MMOOOOOORRRREEEE!!” Colt’s pecs were becoming the pecs of an unstoppable god. Moments before, they had jutted out an impressive foot from his torso, but now that seemed impossibly puny compared to the sheer size and power they were now amassing. Impossibly defined, striated, veiny muscle throbbed outwards, mind-bending strength contained within them, now reaching the size of boulders. Colt’s abs, too, were growing wildly, blasting out of his stomach, growing and widening into ten deeply carved, impossibly shredded slabs of solid muscle that heaved in and out with every breath he took. “UUNNNNGGGGHHHH! YEAH! I’M A FUCKIN’ GOD... A GOD OF MUSCLE!!! AND I WANT MOOOORRREEE!!!” His thighs were transforming into titanic, bulging masses of all-powerful muscle, shifting and flexing under his skin, getting bigger and bigger and bigger until Danny doubted his hands would meet if he were to put his arms around even one superhuman thigh. Even Colt’s calves were growing insanely, blasting passed the size of basketballs, flaring out larger and larger as they flexed powerfully below the obscene mass of his thighs. Not to be outdone, Colt’s massive python-like cock was growing too, stretching and growing with mighty throbs, his flared cockhead expanding wider and wider as his shaft got thicker, longer, harder and stronger. Twenty-two inches... twenty-six inches... thirty-two inches... on and on it went, thickening and growing, before finally straining to an incredible forty-nine inches, thicker than a fire extinguisher and over four feet of diamond-hard manhood, thick veins pumping it with unstoppable power. His balls, too, swelled bigger than watermelons, almost audibly churning with insane amounts of thick, virile cum. As Colt’s growth finally slowed, Danny grinned with pleasure at the teen’s inhumanly vast body, incredible masses of superstrong muscle bulging in every direction. Danny was getting to be a pretty good judge of these things, and he was pretty sure that Colt’s body had to be packing over 3,000 pounds of pure muscle, more than one and half tons of hyperstrong beef. Colt, lost in the mind-blowing sensations of the godlike power that was coursing through his entire body, seemed determined to milk his growth spurt for every ounce he could get. He flexed his whole body, causing everything to bulge and surge with obscene, sexy muscle for one final push. “COME ON, COME ON! I WANT MORE STRENGTH! MORE POWER! MAKE ME A FUCKING HYPERMUSCLED FREAK! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” With a deep bass roar that shook the whole aircraft hanger, Colt’s cock exploded. If his orgasm before had been intense and powerful, it was nothing compared to the extreme musclegasm that blasted through him. Danny literally dived out of the way as several gallons of Colt’s cum, a single blast, showered the spot where he had been standing. On and on and on it went. Colt seized his cock with both hands, his muscles bulging and flexing as he powerfully jerked off, sending massive loads of cum splattering all over the hangar. His titanic gonads surged and churned, pumping out gallons and gallons of hot teen seed. The hangar, fortunately, had built-in floor drains, and so huge was the volume of cum that it flowed like a flood into them. Eventually, after more than five minutes, Colt’s orgasm finally subsided. “Fuck, that was intense...” he panted, “but it felt soooo good...” His obscenely enormous muscles bulged and flexed as he breathed out, a sheen of sweat coating his vast body. His titanic cock remained fully, absurdly erect despite the epic orgasm he had just unleashed, his massive cockhead resting in the insane cleft between his wrecking-ball sized pecs. “Well, how’s that for some progress?” said Danny cheerfully. “Wanna see how much you can bench now?” “Fuck yeah,” he growled, “let’s see what these muscles can do!” Colt’s cock visibly throbbed with anticipation, a steady stream of pre-cum wetting his immense shaft, as they walked over to Danny’s machine. Colt walked slightly ahead, which gave Danny the opportunity to admire the incredible topography of the teenager’s insanely muscular back, as well as the beautiful motion of his monster thighs sexily rubbing each other as he walked. More than that, however, was the enticing sight of Colt’s hypermuscular ass, his glutes two massive bulging globes of hyperdefined, striated power. Danny couldn’t help but think how wonderful it would be to pound that ass for hours and hours... They reached the specialised bench press machine and Colt eagerly lowered himself on the bench; the apparatus groaned audibly under his weight, but it held. With a whirring sound, the bar automatically raised to allow for Colt’s increased arm range, and more importantly to allow the bar to be clear of his colossal pecs. “So frickin’ cool. I’m gonna come over a lot to use this machine, Doc.” It wasn’t a question or a request: Danny suspected that Colt would be in no mood for ever asking for permission for anything ever again. After all, if he wanted to do something, who could stop him? “What shall we try, Colt? Twenty tons?” “Do it!” grunted Colt. Danny’s adjusted the settings, the machine producing the usual mechanical as it prepared to simulate a weight of twenty tons. Colt blasted out a couple of reps before letting the bar fall with an almighty crash. “Too light, it’s not even a challenge. Heavier!” Danny set it to thirty tons. This seemed to produce a little more resistance, and to require some more effort on Colt’s part, but again he let the bar drop after a few reps. “Still not enough! Hah, I’m so FUCKING STRONG that even thirty tons is nothing! More, Doc!” Danny set the machine to forty tons. This time, Colt’s effort was visible. His obscenely large muscles bulged and pumped with the effort, the pipe-thick veins standing out on his arms and chest as he raised the enormously heavy bar. “YEAH! THAT’S MORE LIKE IT!” he bellowed as he began to do rep after rep. His insane pecs surged with each rep, two massive boulders flexing with unmatched power and sexiness, and his arms flared bigger and bigger with unstoppable might. His form was unmatched, and watching his absurd muscles flex and pump as he blasted out rep after rep was hypnotically sexy. “Very impressive, Colt,” murmured Danny, enjoying the reaction he knew his words would provoke, “forty tons... that’s about, what, equivalent to thirty cars? Think how weak you were before, struggling with a mere one and half tons. You thought you were a god before, but now look at you.” Colt’s cock thickened and strained, his massive cockhead sandwiched between his enormous pecs as they flexed with each rep. The pressure was probably hard enough to crush rocks, but Colt’s cock was far, far harder than rock. Copious amounts of pre-cum flowed from it and mixed with his sweat, running in rivulets down his colossal body. “UUHHHN! IT FEELS SO GOOD! I’M SO PUMPED... AND SO FUCKIN’ STRONG!” he roared. “FORTY TONS!?! I’M A FUCKIN’ GOD... AND SO FUCKING HARD RIGHT NOW!!!” With a bellow that shook the hangar, Colt hit his hundredth rep and, as the bar slammed home, his cock finally succumbed to the impossibly intense pleasure throbbing through his whole body, torrents of cum exploding yet again from his absurdly huge manhood. Lying down as he was, Colt was able to use his hands to push his cock-shaft into the cavernous chasm between his own pecs, pec-fucking himself as seemingly never-ending gallons of jizz blasted over his head. Unable to restrain himself, Danny knelt down between the two monstrous, bulging, sweaty masses of Colt’s thighs, and began to massage Colt’s watermelon-sized balls. The heat coming off them was intense, and he could feel them churning wildly under his fingers as they produced incredible amounts of hyper-virile seed to carry on feeding Colt’s extreme orgasm. With his tongue, he began to lick the base of the giant teen’s massive, throbbing shaft, a tiny additional pleasure piled on the intense eroticism the teen felt as he fucked his own godly pecs. “SO... FUCKING... INTENSE!” Colt cried. “I’M CUMMING AND CUMMING... I’M THE STRONGEST FUCKIN’ STUD IN HISTORY! SHIT... I COULD IMPREGNATE AN ENTIRE FUCKING CITY!!!!” The thick, hose-like veins on his super-cock thickened and surged as they fed his hyper orgasm. Huge veins also suffused his insanely massive pecs, flexing and squeezing around his cock like a steel vice. The pleasure was so intense, the feeling of unstoppable power so intoxicating, that Colt was nearly losing consciousness, his only thought being to maintain and prolong his climax. With a final, mind-shattering thrust, his orgasm finally ended with a last superhuman blast of cum, and Colt lay there panting, his whole massive body slick with sweat and cum. Meanwhile, huge areas of the hangar were covered in vast quantities of his semen, the drains almost at their limit as the surplus flowed away. Danny stood and grinned as he looked around – cleaning up was going to be a massive pain in the ass, but it was worth it to cultivate a subject with as much promise as Colton Walker. Colt stood, pausing only a moment to wipe some of the excess cum from his huge pectorals, before striking a stunning crab pose, more than 3,000 pounds of pure, perfect muscle flexed to perfection. Unsurprisingly, his monster cock remained fully hard, despite having just had his third massive orgasm in less than 30 minutes. “That was... epic...” he panted, “damn, it’s incredible to feel this strong, this powerful... I fucking love it!” “You’ve done very well, Colt,” said Danny, “I’m proud of you.” Colt looked at Danny, almost as if he had forgotten he was there. For a moment, an almost boyish grin spread over his face, before his expression hardened into one of imperious arrogance. “Doc, you helped me get this big... but it’s not enough. Nowhere near enough. I sensed all that power that you taught me to see, and this is just a drop in the ocean. I wanna get much, much bigger and much, much stronger. Make it happen, Doc. Now.” “Perhaps we can try that, in a future session,” said Danny calmly, “but that’s enough for today.” Colt stepped forward, letting himself loom over Danny. His look was one of cold arrogance as he stared down at Danny over the vast bulk of his inhuman pecs, letting the implicit threat of his words carry. “I said ‘now’, Doc. You’re going to help me get bigger right now,” growled the teen. All that growth has taken his already manly voice down a couple of octaves. “No, Colt, not today,” said Danny firmly. Colt’s monster cock, wider than Danny’s whole head, loomed above him, like a battering ram. “It wasn’t a request, Doc. I can break you like a fucking twig if I have to. BIGGER! NOW!” Danny sighed. A memory suddenly came to mind from his childhood, visiting his Uncle Clive’s farm. The young Danny Myerson was always fascinated by all aspects of farming life, and Uncle Clive had loved showing him around on every visit. He remembered one visit, where Uncle Clive had brought him to a young, energetic colt and explained that he wouldn’t let anyone ride him – that horses, naturally, hated having anyone on their back. It was a matter of teaching the colt who was boss, letting it learn that you were in charge; after that, it would happily let you ride it. This process was referred to as ‘breaking’ the colt. Danny smiled. Time to “break the Colt”, as it were. “No,” he said softly. Colt swung his obscenely massive arm, hitting Danny’s chest with a blow hard enough to shatter concrete. His expression changed from arrogance to surprise as Danny didn’t even move, even as the thundercrack sound of the blow echoed around the hangar. By all rights, Danny should have been a smear on the far wall. “Wh... what..?” said Colt, suddenly uncertain. “How do you think I know so much about hyperpuberty, Colt? Why do you think I’m such an expert?” asked Danny softly, unable to keep a smile from his face. “Because I’ve been through it too.” Several years of practice had given Danny complete control over his entire body, being able to pull his muscles into such incredible density that he could pass for a normal man of slim build; he could even draw in his height and cock size. But nothing... NOTHING... felt as incredible as letting loose and just letting sheer unstoppable muscle power take over. With a smile, he reached out with his senses and embraced the massive well of energy that always seemed to be just out of sight. In an instant, sheer raw strength surged through his body. Danny’s t-shirt, which moments ago had hung loosely on his slim frame, suddenly was no longer loose. His muscles swelled and bulged, and he enjoyed the feeling of the t-shirt suddenly being tight across his chest as his pecs pumped to the level that would make a pro-bodybuilder jealous. “Mmm... oh yeah, this never gets old...” he murmured. He flexed his arms, and with a loud tearing sound his basketball-sized biceps shredded the sleeves, the fabric giving way before the veiny, powerful mass that now bulged out of his arms. It wasn’t only his sleeves that were tearing. Danny had been hard from the moment he had set eyes on Colt, and keeping his cock under control had been a conscious effort – but not any longer. His jeans tore with a loud ripping sound as his cock simply could not be contained, thickening and lengthening to an impressive nineteen inches. The tears continued to lengthen as his thighs swelled to superhuman proportions, the splitting material starting to show the bulging, corded, striated muscle within. “Huh... that’s cool,” muttered Colt, trying to recover some of his original arrogance, “but you’re still a pipsqueak compared to me, Doc. That all you got?” “Oh, Colt, we really need to do something about that attitude of yours,” said Danny with a smile, “I’m just beginning!” Danny threw his head back, a moan escaping his lips as the sheer orgasmic feeling of unstoppable strength flooded through him, waves and waves of indescribable pleasure pounding through him as his muscles surged and expanded. What remained of Danny’s t-shirt survived for only seconds, the material shredding as his pecs exploded with heaving, monstrous, striated mass. The absurd bulk of his pecs was further pushed up as his abs bulged with insane strength, a massively shredded and defined 10-pack fighting for space on his torso as they evolved into a landscape of rock-hard valleys and plateaus. His back expanded too, growing broader and broader as his muscles grew beyond godly proportions, his neck thickening as monstrous traps bulged into globes of seemingly-limitless strength. His arms, even unflexed, burgeoned to gargantuan size, two immense pillars of bulging, corded, explosive muscle. “FUCK!” he shouted, unable to contain himself. “EVERY TIME IT FEELS... SO... FUCKING... GOOD!” The remains of his pants fell away, leaving Danny’s impossibly growing form completely naked as his colossal thighs and monstrous quads and glutes blasted outwards with thick, corded, striated muscle, ever fibre visible under his taught skin and somehow managing to make his boulder-sized calves seem small in comparison. His cock too continued to grow, straining and throbbing to ever greater length and thickness as his muscles ascended to godhood. As his height surged, Danny found himself suddenly looking Colt straight in the eye. For the moment, they looked perfectly matched – two insanely strong demigods, their bodies overflowing with unstoppable muscle and insatiable cock. The expression on Colt’s handsome face was a wild mixture of emotions: arrogance, wonder, fear, lust, desire... ...and Danny was nowhere near finished. “SO COLT... WHO WERE YOU CALLING A PIPSQUEAK?” he boomed, his voice having dropped several octaves. With a rumble that shook the hangar, his muscles carried on with their insane growth, showing no sign of stopping. Danny remembered Colt’s amazement at flexing his biceps to seven feet in height. With his own cocky grin, Danny flexed his arms and Colt watched in wonder and lust as they bulged up into immense veiny peaks, before they began to grow even larger. With an incredible push, his flexed arms surged to ten feet in height, two obscenely huge mountains of throbbing, striated, bulging, veiny muscle, each one bigger than Colt’s whole body. “Fuck...” said Colt, his voice filled with terror and desire in equal measure, a gush of pre-cum running from his huge, throbbing cock. “Doc, I want this power... I want this strength... I want... you...” With a triumphant laugh, Danny reached forward and grabbed Colt, easily lifting his 3,000 pound bulk like he was a child. He flipped him and slammed him into the floor, the concrete splintering and cracking with the force of Colt’s impact. The teen’s muscles might be nothing compared to Danny’s still growing body, but Danny licked his lips appreciatively as the sight of the younger man’s bulging, mountainous back, his vast thighs, and his invitingly and absurdly muscled ass. Danny’s growing cock had reached sixty insane inches, taller than some people and most definitely thicker than most men’s waists. If he was going to fuck Colt, he’d need to do it before his cock got too big: any bigger and he might accidentally kill him. He looked forward to getting Colt to a big enough size where he could take Danny’s true size, but for now his diamond-hard, throbbing, veiny fuckpole needed to claim the teen’s gorgeous ass. “YEAH, COLT... YOU WANT MUSCLES LIKE THESE, YOU’RE GONNA NEED TO GET USED TO HAVING THAT ASS OF YOURS TAKE ALL OF MY HUGE, FUCKING COCK!” Danny knelt, his vast, bulging, growing thighs straddling Colt’s own massive legs, which were themselves obscenely huge until they were compared with Danny’s inhuman limbs. Danny manoeuvred the medicine ball-sized glans of his massive cock to Colt’s ass, rubbing the head between the teen’s hyper-striated, bulging glutes, coating them in his streaming pre-cum. With an almost bestial snarl, Danny pushed forward, sinking his cock deep into Colt’s ass. Colt gave a whimper that was halfway between pain and desire as his ass had to stretch to accommodate Danny’s vast girth. Danny leaned in, crushing his insane, still-growing pecs into the mountains that made up Colt’s inhuman back. Colt’s back had superhuman definition, but Danny’s pecs were each now the size of Colt’s entire torso, bulging with unstoppable strength that massively outstripped Colt’s own prodigious strength. The concrete floor continued to shatter and crack as Danny utterly dominated Colt with his superior strength, driving his cock deep into Colt’s ass with relentless force. “FUCK!” yelled Colt, his voice cracking with an equal mix of intense pleasure and pain. “YOU’RE A FUCKING BEAST, DOC, A FUCKING SUPER-GOD! I WANT ALL YOUR MUSCLES, ALL YOUR STRENGTH... FUCK, I CAN FEEL YOU GROWING INSIDE ME!” With a deep bass laugh, Danny climbed to his feet, bringing Colt with him. Incredibly, Colt’s entire 3,000 weight was easily held aloft by Danny’s super-cock, as if he was wearing the insanely-muscled teen as a human condom. His still-growing cock had filled Colt’s ass completely, so as he grew the teen slowly inched up and up his godly fuckpole, his ass stretching superhumanly to take as much of Danny’s absurd girth as he could. Danny pecs surged again, now each reaching the size of a car, hyper-striated and fed with incredible strength by pipe-thick veins. His boulder-sized traps continued to ascend to godhood, pushing his bodily height to 15 feet. He was now easily over 7,000 pounds of hyper-dense, hyper-strong muscle. Each of Danny’s thighs was as wide as a truck and still growing with every passing moment, two massive planetoids of shredded, bulging muscle that easily supported Colt and Danny’s own immense weight. As his cock surged bigger and harder than ever, Colt’s position became more upright, his superbly muscled ass spreading beautifully to try to accommodate Danny’s monster manhood. The effect of this movement was press his whole body against Danny’s insane 10-pack of throbbing, ultra-hard, hyper-massive abs. The intense heat and raw, sexy power they gave off was more than Colt could handle: his own cock erupted with yet another godly orgasm, huge ropes of seed firing in great arcs to splatter prodigiously all over the hangar. Craning his bull-like neck up, he began to lick the underside of Danny’s mammoth pecs, that hung like a vast shelf over him. “HEH? YOU LIKE THAT, PIPSQUEAK?” roared Danny. “WHY DON’T I SHOW YOU SOMETHING THAT’LL MAKE YOU CUM EVEN HARDER?” With Colt impaled on his cock, Danny walked over to his adaptive weights machine, enjoying the feeling of the hyper-muscled teen riding him, the heat and tightness of his ass as it struggled to accommodate as much as it could of a cock now over eight feet long and thicker than an oil barrel. The musky smell of Colt’s spraying cum, flooding the hangar, was also an immense turn-on. Danny could sense that he would be blowing his own load soon, but he was determined to show the teen who was boss and to make it as spectacular as possible. The hangar shook with each footstep, the abused concrete floor continuing to split and crack under Danny’s bare feet. His fingers jabbed the controls, setting the simulated weight machine to the maximum setting of 20,000 tons. “Wha...?” said Colt, looking on in lustful fascination even through the brain-fog of his ongoing, hyper-intense orgasm. Indeed, the mere suggestion of such weight seemed to intensify it slightly, the eruptions of cum suddenly harder, stronger, thicker. Wrapping a single fist around the bar, Danny lifted. With a strained groan from the mechanism, the bar slowly but surely raised up. Danny’s bicep surged wildly, straining and flexing to insane, absurd, obscene new size. It didn’t even look like an arm anymore: it was a twenty foot high mountain of godly, bulging, hyper-defined muscle, covered with thick, throbbing veins. Unstoppable, incalculable power and strength flooded powerfully, orgasmically, through his body as he bicep-curled TWENTY THOUSAND FUCKING TONS! “Fuck, Doc!” panted Colt, both hands gripping his shaft as he came and came. “That’s... fucking incredible! Please... please, I want you to make me as strong as you! Please! I’ll do anything! I’ll let you fuck me as hard as you want!” “LET? YOU THINK I NEED YOUR PERMISSION TO CLAIM YOUR ASS?” roared Danny. “I WILL HELP YOU GET STRONGER, BUT ONLY SO YOU CAN TAKE MY COCK WHENEVER I WANT. UNDERSTAND, PIPSQUEAK? I PLAN TO GET MUCH, MUCH STRONGER... AND I WILL ALWAYS BE THE FUCKING BOSS OF YOU!!!” “Uh... Yes! Yes! Anything! I love you! I want you! I’ll do whatever you say, just MAKE ME INTO A MUSCLE GOD AND FUCK ME HARD!” Danny’s free hand, grown in size to accommodate his body’s vast growth, gripped Colt’s hyper-muscled torso – which managed to appear small and lean compared to Danny’s inhumanly freakish bulk – and began to pump the teen’s whole body up and down his gargantuan shaft. There was no way Colt’s ass could now take even a quarter of Danny’s cock, but Danny enjoyed the feeling of pushing him almost to breaking point. Up and down, up and down, he pounded the head of his cock into Colt’s ass in time with each rep he blasted out on the machine. With a roar, Danny smashed out his thirtieth rep. Letting the bar drop, it slammed down with enough force to send great cracks spiralling through the walls of the hangar. With a final superhuman, world-crushing show of strength, he flexed his entire body. His ultra-striated pecs surged to the size of tanks, his abs to the size of cars, throbbing with overwhelming strength that would easily outmatch the entire combined strength of an entire city’s population. His obscene traps and delts blasted up with unstoppable, veiny, striated mass to clear twenty feet in height, even as his arms became more absurdly developed and bulged to over thirty feet in diameter. His thighs, powerful enough to propel him into orbit if he chose, had also reached the level of godhood, their absurdly huge mass rubbing sexily together with a force that would instantly grind titanium into dust. This amazing surge of his muscles, and the intense feeling of the strength pounding through his body, finally brought Danny to climax. With an impossible throb, his cock expanded to ten feet long and as thick as a mighty oak tree. Colt’s ass, pushed beyond limit, could no longer contain any part of him, and he was forced up, ending for a moment sitting on Danny’s immense cockhead, gallons of precum leaking down his muscular thighs. He was suddenly thrown off as Danny’s cock erupted like a volcano, sending the teen spinning to the floor. Dozens of gallons per second of hot jizz thundered upwards, hitting the corrugated iron ceiling of the hangar with such force that it caused the metal to buckle and warp. On and on it went, an unstoppable tsunami of seed raining down. Colt lay stunned on the floor, his own cock still erupting heavily, as Danny’s cum overwhelmed everything. It got in his mouth, his nose, his ass... and he loved it. Looking up at the insanely muscled god, his muscles so vastly freakish he was barely human-shaped anymore, roaring with pleasure and strength as he unleashed an ocean of cum, Colt knew that he wanted nothing more than help Danny get even bigger, and to get bigger himself so that he could worship at this living altar of unstoppable sex and muscle. “This is what the future looks like...” he muttered to himself as his consciousness slipped away in the face of utter sensory and orgasmic overload. *********************** “Very nice to meet you, Mrs Walker,” said Danny, shaking her hand. They were out on the old airfield, in the sunshine, and out of sight of the old hangar. Danny had locked it up: it would be questionable as to whether the structure could even be saved given the damage, but even if could it would be the work of several days to clear up the mess of his and Colt’s initial meeting. In any event, he was pretty sure he was outgrowing the hangar (in every meaning of the word), so finding somewhere else to carry on his experiments was probably a good idea. Perhaps some uninhabited island? Danny had shrunk down to his original size. Well, nearly his original size: he had permitted himself his own hint of vanity, and the sleeveless vest he was now wearing showed off a pair of well developed arms and a set of pecs that would have pleased any serious weightlifter. Only a nod towards his true strength, but it had been a good day and he wanted to end it on a high note. “Dr Myerson, I can’t believe what you’ve done – it’s a miracle!” burbled Colt’s mother, looking happily at her son. It had taken Danny an hour to finish cumming... the first time. Colt had pleaded to be allowed to worship his muscles, and Danny had obliged, which had in due course led to another titanic orgasm from both of them. Then Danny had started teaching Colt the method of controlling his muscles, compressing and compacting them to disguise his condition. Colt hadn’t quite perfected the technique yet, but they had managed to get his form down to a plausible size for a normal 18 year old, although one who engaged in intensive bodybuilding. They had also managed to get his cock down to a realistic, if still very impressive, ten inches, although he remained permanently rock hard – Danny had suggested he find a dozen willing lovers as soon as possible and just try to work the lust out of his system. In the meantime, they had just put him in the baggiest tracksuit that Danny had in storage, and evidently it had passed Mrs Walker’s standards. It helped that Colt’s haughty and arrogant expression was now gone, replaced with a sheepish grin and a sparkle in his eyes whenever he glanced at Danny. “Yes,” said Danny, “Colt has responded very well to my techniques. But he is not cured yet, I’m afraid – he may never be. In order to keep on top of his condition, I will need to see him regularly...” “Weekly,” interrupted Colt. “At least.” “I will need to see him weekly, at the very least,” continued Danny smoothly. “I would also like him to meet some of my other patients – I have over a dozen young men now – as I feel that would help with his rehabilitation. I think that together, we could do great things. Perhaps change the world.” “Of course, of course, Dr Myerson,” she said, still enthusiastically shaking his hand. “I’ll make sure Colt comes every time.” “I doubt Colt will need any help cumming...” said Danny with a grin at the teen, the joke sailing clean over Mrs Walker’s head, “well, I look forward to seeing you very soon, Colt.” “Yeah, see you soon... sir.”
    29 points
  4. I was making some AI images of a scenario I found especially hot. I started writing a caption for some of those images, but since I can't do succinct, it turned into a writing that I think is long enough to post as a story. Just noting, the images below are AI (obviously), but the story is not. ++++++++++++++++++ Hank huffed as he pumped up backstage. He had been hoping this would be his breakout year, a top 5 placing at the Mr. Galaxy Bodybuilding Competition, this biggest contest in the world. But this prep had been a disaster. Injuries, illness, bad compounds, and more had taken it's toll in the preceding weeks and days. Still enormous compared to the average person, but looking around at the other mass monsters also pumping up, it was clear he was outclassed here. His muscles were flat, he was holding water and pockets of fat, in bodybuilding terms...he looked like shit. And is if it couldn't get any worse...his coach was running late with his tanner. Flat, holding water and pale, Hank considered throwing in the towel right there before even stepping on stage. Suddenly his coach ran in. "Sorry Hank, the tanner just came in the mail from Thailand, it's something new I wanted to try, it almost didn't get here in time". With minutes to spare, they painted on the deep, dark tan to his body. Hank noticed how as it went on it seemed to calm him. It tingled in his muscles, almost feeling like his muscles were being massaged and rubbed. He could practically feel new blood flowing into his muscles. It felt good. It seemed to give Hank new energy. As he posed and flexed on stage his body came alive. His once flat, deflated muscles pumped up out of nowhere, pulsing with blood and energy. His water retention receded, leaving his body covered in veins and his abs cobbled and grainy. "Fuck yeah" Hank thought as he hit a double biceps pose...thinking it almost looked like his biceps were even bigger than he thought. To his surprise, his suddenly great body had propelled him into the finals, and in the pose down with the other finalists Hank really took charge. He stomped around the stage, flexing over and in front of the other big men. And Hank noticed...he was bigger and leaner than all of them! He might actually win this! His poser felt tighter than normal, but he wasn't getting an erection. He had competed often enough to be able to control his libido, but he felt bigger and more manly than ever "down there". His body tingled anew and he hit a most muscular, looking to the side at the supposed-favorite to win...a very tall world-famous mass monster. And then Hank looked closer and wondered...wait, was he as tall as him? And he definitely looked more muscular than him. After the posedown, to no one's surprise, Hank was awarded the trophy for Mr. Galaxy, a title reserved for being the biggest, best bodybuilder in the world. Hank held the trophy high and roared...and then with a wave of dizziness...he GREW. The crowd gasped. He competitors on stage stepped away. He was growing, not just more muscular...but TALLER. He rocketed up a couple of feet at first, a small surge, to what had to be about 8 ft in height. Hank looked around...down, at the small men looking up at to him. "Well that was-" Suddenly, Hank began expanding at a magnificent rate. He grunted and groaned as tightness enveloped his body, but it felt oh so good, so powerful at the same time. 10 ft tall, then 15 ft, then 20 ft! Lights flashed constantly from frantic cameras documenting the scene. The other competitors stepped back, looking nervous and stunned. Hank opened his eyes as the ground seemed to fall away from him. He grinned, quickly realizing his power and size. His muscles continuing to pump up even more proportionally to his ever growing height. With a deafening roar he flexed a titanic biceps, a muscle that to him looked to be well over 25 inches in size with a split peak that you could put a hot dog in. At 30 ft, the roar from the muscleman set reality in for the some in the crowd. Some people began to nervously and quickly exit the arena, as he surged wider and taller. Others, those who were entranced with the handsome...sexy...Herculean giant bodybuilder with the overstuffed posers stayed put, eager to see more of the growing muscle stud. Soon though, once Hank hit 75 ft of colossal tan glistening brawn, it became clear to every one and Hank himself...he was nowhere near done growing. Hank looked around and up as the walls and ceiling of the arena grew closer. The once cavernous arena now compacting in towards him. A couple of awestruck bodybuilders stood near his feet, just ankle high to him, looking so tiny. So weak. So feeble. These tiny guys where once his competition? Hank laughed to himself. That just made him feel even BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL. A feeling that made his overstuffed posers even tighter, as Hank could no longer hold back the arousal of being HUGE. Of being a true MUSCLE GIANT. "You little men better get out of here. I'm becoming too much of a man for this little building," Hank boomed with a rumbling chuckle. He watched the tiny gerbil-sized men scurry away. Similarly, the people in the stands were now flooding out of the building. Hank looked up and with shock saw the rafters just over his head. "Fuck, I'm HUGE, I must be 100 ft tall now! "Every get out as fast you can!" he thundered. "I gonna have to break out of here soon, I don't want to hurt any of you runts!" Overall Hank was a good soul. He didn't want any of the tiny people to get hurt. He wanted every one to survive. After all, that's just more tiny people to admire his superiority over them. Hank turned to a section of the arena that had cleared out, now hunching over to fit under the rafters. It was time to show the world what a REAL MAN looks like. He crawled toward the wall, crushing the folding seats under his hands and feet. People stood outside the arena on the cement, most of whom had fled from the arena, but many of whom had been watching event on TV and social media. Suddenly the exterior wall bowed outward and slabs of contract and steel fell to the ground, narrowly missing a few lucky bodybuilding enthusiasts. Wisely, the people ran away from this portion of the wall to a supposed safe distance. After a few seconds of silence, suddenly a car-sized fist PLUNGED through wall, causing an explosion of building debris to rain down onto concrete at the base of the arena. A deep, rumbling chuckle could be heard as two giant thick hands pried the building open, making the hole bigger and bigger, destroying the side of the arena. Through the dust...HANK began to emerge. Murmurs, gasps and groans of fear, of awe...and of LUST, swept through the crowd as the biggest, most powerful, most muscular human in history crawled through the gap in the massive building. A true epic bodybuilder of titanic proportions. His blemish free skin a dark shiny tan from the contest. At his size so much beautiful skin, pulled tight across mountainous striated muscles. The people looked up his heavy calves...now high above them, making them feel so tiny and insignificant. They followed the legs up even HIGHER and saw the various separations and meaty masses of his quadriceps. More gasps erupted as they gazed upon a posing pouch sagging VERY heavily between his thighs. The strap of the pouch straining against the mass inside, the pouch pulled so low that the root of a VERY thick manhood could be seen. Like his muscles, even to Hank his cock felt massive. Proportionally, it felt like it was must be at least 8 thick inches completely soft! Instantly all the men felt their own junk shriveling, totally emasculated. As his enormous muscular legs stepped out into the outside world, Hank began to stand up, happy to be unrestrained by the ceiling of the pathetically small arena. His rows of perfect abs contracted. His pecs SURGED forward. To those who stood closely to him, at first they had no chance of seeing his angular face because his pecs hung so heavily over his abs, obscuring their view of the most ruggedly handsome bodybuilder, regardless of size, in the world. Hank stood up tall, fragments of the building's wall and roof raining off his back and shoulders as he pushed through the still-to-small gap, his head now rising into the blue sky. The tiny onlookers' mouths hung open as they took in his ridiculously pumped biceps and delts, so wide and broad it's not wonder he had to turn sideways to get out of the building. Hank elongated himself to the sky, rising higher...and higher...and HIGHER! To the tiny people outside, now even his big toe was taller than them! The more dimensionally inclined folks in the crowd estimated him to be around 200 ft tall! With a satisfied smirk, Hank stood tall and proud, gazing out over the city in front of him. He was so HUGE that for a moment he even forgot about the crowds of pathetically tiny people immediately below him. They were just so small they were easy to overlook. But they were his first witnesses and for that he would be forever grateful of them. He leaned forward, finally allowing his perfect masculine face to see and be seen by all the bug-sized people. "YOU KNOW, AFTER THE WINNER IS GIVEN HIS TROPHY, IT'S CUSTOMARY FOR THE CHAMPION TO GIVE A FEW MORE POSES TO THE CROWD FOR PHOTOS. SO WHIP OUT THOSE CAMERAS!" And with that Hank crunched into an epic most muscular. Veins the size of sewer pipes erupted over his muscles. Hank shifted into an abs and thighs pose. His giant feet making just a small shift to him, but the tiny people on the ground it sent many of them running to avoid being caught underneath his soles. To others on the ground, the movement of such MASS caused a gust of wind to blow over them. He stomped one leg down causing a tremor to unsettle the ground and causing his quadriceps to explode with muscular power. "AND FINALLY, LETS FINISH WITH THE GUN SHOW. BOOOOM!" Hank flexed both biceps that to him seemed around 30 muscular inches to compliment a chest that looked to be proportionally around 70 incredible inches around. At first the crowd stood frozen. Hank held the biceps flex for many seconds, straining and sweaty, basketball-ball sized droplets of sweat falling off him. The crowd was fixated on his biceps...on all of him really, but many had their eyes locked on this crotch. Hank looked down to his junk with a sheepish grin. He knew, and every one in the crowd also knew there is no way to contain such a colossal muscle cock, which was now plumping up even bigger. Hank cupped his pouch with one colossal hand, feeling the weight of his enlarged dick and balls. Now about 1/2 erect, he guessed to himself that he felt about 10 inches. He smirked as he wonder how big that would be to the tinies below him. While a few inches of the root of his megadick were now exposed, his trunks held on valiantly, still encasing most of his length and his uncut head, showing the most epic VPL ever imagined. No wonder his posing trunks felt so small, he's practically spilling out of them! At first Hank covered himself up with his enormous hands, but quicky realized...there was nothing he can do to hide it. And he shouldn't HAVE to hide it. He and everyone below quickly accept it as a privilege to get to see such perfect maleness. Satisfied, Hank places his hands on his hips, proudly letting his junk sag toward to the ground, and looks down a the crowd with a wry grin, Hank asked, "WELL, WHAT DO YOU THINK?" Suddenly, the tiny crowd erupted in cheers! They loved him! This caused Hank to jovially laugh, his mega pecs bouncing, he salutes the tiny crowd to thank his admirers. He is the perfect giant, with a perfect muscular physique, and he knows it, and the crowd knows it. Hank looks out ahead at the taller buildings in the city center. It was time to show the rest of the world his superiority. "LOOK OUT LITTLE GUYS, I'M HEADING DOWNTOWN TO CELEBRATE." Hank took one step forward, his feet sinking slightly into the concrete, before suddenly stopping and standing up again, feelinh a bit of dizziness. "OH DAMN," he says. "YOU GUYS AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE THIS, BUT I FEEL THAT TINGLING AGAIN!" Hank leans his head back in satisfaction and holds his tremendous thick arms out wide. He was growing again.
    28 points
  5. This is an old story of mine. Reworked part one and added a second part. Enjoy. I moved in with Uncle Joe after Aunt Mary died to help around the house. He was in his 60s and wasn't used to looking after himself (male ego thing I guess). I'd never talked with him about my being gay, I didn't want to freak him out - he was such a redneck. He worked construction and had developed quite a good body - big hard muscles on his massive frame. He was about 6'3" and easily 300 lbs. His gut was big from too many beers, but it was hard as rock and you could see his jutting abs through the mat of dark hair that covered them. His face was weather-worn and rugged - thick eyebrows over his blue eyes, a graying, bristly, macho mustache over full lips and an unshaven chin. His chest was huge - thick muscular pecs that bunched as he moved, little puckers in the heavy muscle just above his nipples. His chest was hairy too, a little gray falling through the mats of curly brown. His hair was graying at the temples, and was thinning a bit, but was otherwise still there. He had really bushy sideburns and a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. His arms fascinated me. They were big, thick and rock hard - not as defined as a bodybuilder's but really huge - about 28inches. Veins snaked over them into his furry forearms. I remember as a kid feeling the hairy on those forearms - strong and sinewy, leading to his massive hands. I always wanted to feel those big hairy hands holding me. Strong hands holding my hips close. Uncle Joe came home late one night and had obviously been drinking. He strode into the house and plunked onto the couch. "Hey, Mike." he slurred. "You know what I think?" "What, Uncle Joe?" I sighed. Since Mary had died, he went through this every now and then. "I think I'm fucking horny!" His breath smelled strong of beer. He sat there rubbing his crotch, the bulge getting bigger with each stroke. I'd only ever seen his cock soft before when we went swimming - a good 8 inches soft, I always wondered how big it would get. He stroked his cock in his pants and as he did, his muscles flexed and rippled under his shirt. Even though he was my uncle, I felt very hot looking at this huge muscular man rubbing his crotch. He started trying to unbutton his shirt but was unsuccessful. His large fingers fumbled. "Help me here, son," he said. "Help your uncle get his shirt off." My heart raced as I sat next to him and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his huge hairy pecs and his big hard gut. "Mmmmmm," he groaned as he continued to rub his crotch. "Do you think your Uncle's a hot guy?" I was taken aback. What should I say? "Yeah, I guess." I hoped that was the right answer. If he got pissed at me he'd easily pound me to a pulp. "You guess?! You guess?!" he said pulling his shirt over his wide shoulders. He stood up and looked down at me. "You know how many women want this body? Lots! When I walk in a bar, they all faint! They never seen a stud like me. Your aunt never knew that. Women like these big muscles." He raised his arms in a double biceps. The muscles bunched and peaked, rock hard and massive. "Wow, Joe - your arms are huge!" "Yeah! I got big fuckin' muscles, son! Real strong, too! Come here and feel my arm!" He stood there with his arms flexed and he stared at them as I ran my fingers over the corded biceps. My hands cupped the peak on his arm and he shut his eyes and groaned. "Mmmmmmm, that feels good. Feelin your Uncle's big muscles! You like your uncle Joe's big hard muscles, don't 'ya?" "Yeah! - you got really big muscles. Biggest around!" I found myself sounding like a little kid, impressed with his big uncle's hard body. My 7" cock was getting harder, and by the looks of it, his was getting huge! I let my hands roam over his thick shoulders feeling his traps and landing on his pecs. He lowered his hands and flexed the massive muscles rolling his hairy pecs under my hands. He threw his head back and I saw how big his bull neck was. My fingers ran through the hair on his chest and I brought my head towards his nipple. My tongue darted out and circled the hardening tit. "Mmmmmm," he groaned. "Yeah, baby. Lick that big hairy muscle!" Joe was obviously in some private fantasy, but i was getting off on it! "Lick your big uncle's tit!" My right hand cupped his pec and my left traveled over his hard stomach to his crotch. I ran my hand over the huge bulge in his pants. He bent his head down to my ear and whispered, "Better let him out, son." I undid his zipper and his hardening cock flopped out. I undid my own pants and let my boner out too. His cock was about 12 inches and not completely hard yet! It stuck straight out as it throbbed and pulsed with blood. His huge hairy muscles flexed as he stood there - his own son stroking his cock to increasing hardness! "Flex your big muscles for me, Uncle," I whispered in his ear. "Yeah! You like your big strong uncle's muscles, don't you, son?" He hit a most muscular pose and his traps rose like mountains beside his thick neck. His hairy chest mounded and striated thick and hard, his arms were corded and rock hard. My hands fell over his whole body, feeling his broad back and shoulders, his biceps, triceps and massive hairy forearms. I got on my knees and felt his thick hairy legs my hands sliding back to his hard calves. He stood there and his cock flexed in front of my face. "Suck your uncle's giant cock, son! Suck my muscle dick, boy!" he said, his eyes still closed. I licked the 12 inch shaft and tongued his hairy nuts. I reached around and grabbed his hard hairy butt. He flexed it tight in my hands. "Yeah, big muscle man! Women want this big man. You got him now. You're better than your aunt at this, son. Suck my big prick!" I sucked him in hard and he groaned. Then he reached down and grabbed me under my arms and lifted. In one swift move he brought me to his face, and thrust his tongue in my mouth. He was like an animal! His huge muscled arms held me close as he kissed me deep. I felt his biceps curled into bowling balls, and he tensed the huge muscles as I squeezed. His mustache rubbed my lips and cheeks as he kissed me hard. Then he shifted my weight and held me in one arm while he fisted my cock with his free hand! I groaned as he kissed me and stroked my swollen dick. I could feel myself getting close, but wanted to prolong this. "Let's go to the bedroom," I whispered. He carried me through the house his huge cock bobbing in front of him and took me to his room. He put me on the bed and his full weight was on top of me as his lips locked with mine and his huge pole pressed between my legs. "Gotta fuck that sweet ass!" He whispered. He grabbed some lube from the side table and shoved three fingers in me. I lubed his huge shaft as he fingered me and we continued necking. Then he pressed his huge dick at my hole and slowly worked it in. As soon as he was in me, he raised himself above me and looked straight into my eyes. "YEAH! You're takin your uncle's 13 inch dong, Son! All the way! Big muscle dick in you! Feel it!" He flexed his cock in my ass and I was heaven. His cock was so powerful it lifted me off the bed! He grabbed my dick and fisted me while his cock slid in and out slowly and with incredible rhythm. I felt the cum rushing into my cock and groaned load as I shot my hot load over my chest. Uncle Joe continued fucking me while I came, then he dropped my cock and sat back. His huge body towered over me and he raised his arms in a double biceps, kissing the thick muscle and fucking me. I reached up my hands running over his hairy pecs and his huge arms. With one strong thrust he grunted and I could feel his cock spewing into my guts. Load after load of his cum in my tight ass. We lay there and slept, his huge arms wrapped around me. Part 2 I woke up in the morning and Uncle Joe wasn't in the bed. I could smell bacon and eggs cooking. I pulled on some clothes and wandered downstairs. "Hey, Sport!" he said as I entered the kitchen. "You hungry?" He put a plate in front of me and I started eating. He leaned over my shoulder and gently kissed my neck and whispered "I was pretty drunk last night, but I remember everything." He put his elbow on the table and flexed his massive biceps. "You like that don't you?" he whispered in my ear. "Fuck, yesss," I whispered back and put my hnd on his huge hairy muscle. "You finish eating and meet downstairs. I gotta pump these muscles up." He left me and lumbered down to the basement. I ate as fast as I could and raced downstairs. I could hear the clanking of weights as I went down the stairs. When I got to the workout room, my eyes widened. There was my massive naked uncle on a weight bench curling what looked like at least 200lbs in one massive hand. His hairy pecs, bunched and flexed and he grunted with each curl. "Hey, sport!" he said, not stopping his workout. "Why don't you get naked? We're both guys here. And I like that slim little bod of yours." I got naked, and he watched me undressing, never stopping his reps. I moved over to him and felt the bicep getting more and more pumped. "YEAH!! Love you feeling that massive powerful arm!! I'm gonna pump up to 30" today! Lick my sweat, boy!" My cock was getting completely rock hard and I licked the sweat off his growing muscle. He groaned. "Gotta switch arms, baby!" He shifted the weight to his other bicep and performed rep after rep. I was all over his muscle now, feeling his monster hairy pecs and bowling ball shoulders and traps like mountains. I licked and kissed his bull neck and every part I could reach. I could see his cock growing as I felt his hairy mass. Finally, he put the weight down and stood up. "Measure my arms, boy! Measure your senior uncle's massive biceps! I grabbed a tape measure and wrapped it around his bicep. "31"! I exclaimed. "My God! You are so huge, Joe!" "YEAH!" he shouted in his deep booming voice. "HUGE AND POWERFUL!!! WORSHIP THIS MUSCLE!!" He went through pose after pose and I felt him all over. "CLIMB ON ME, BOY!" I grabbed his biceps and pulled myself up, climbing him like a moneybars. He pushed his monster hairy pecs out and sat on them, straddling my legs over his arms. He leaned forward and kissed me hard, moaning as I felt his shoulders. "I"M A FUCKING CAVEMAN! he shouted. "YOU LIKE THIS FUCKING CAVEMAN??!!" "You are more man than anyone around," I whispered in his ear. You are a giant muscle fuckstud!" He moaned again and the grabbed me with one huge hand and sat me on his bicep. "GONNA GIVE YOU A BICEP FUCK, BOY! WOMEN FUCKIN' CUM WHEN I DO THIS!!!" He sat me on the peak of his bicep and started flexing it over and over and I could feel him almost penetrating my ass with his muscle. "YEAH! HUGE STUD FUCKING HIS BOY!" I leaned in and kissed him moaning as I felt his bicep fucking my tight ass. I looked down and his cock was throbbing and flexing. "I WANNA FUCK THAT TIGHT PUSSY!!" He pulled me off his arm and held me in one massive hairy hand and sat me on the tip of his 13" rock hard cock. "GONNA BE REAL GENTLE!!! YOU NEED A MONSTER TO FUCK YOU GOOD!" He slowly started to penetrate me. Inch by solid inch I was being lowered onto his huge cock. The he let go of me and held my body up with just the incredible strength of his man muscle. "YEAH!!! MY COCK IS AS STRONG AS THE REST OF ME!!!" He hit a double bicep and I held on as he continued to fuck into me. I grabbed his pecs and he flexed them over and over. I pulled at the hair on his pecs He moaned "YEAH!!! PULL ON THAT HAIR!! YOU CAN'T HURT THIS MUSCLE MONSTER!!" He carried me around the room, spiked on his steel hard pole, and flexing his biceps and pecs. "I'm getting close, Joe!" I cried out. "Fuck me, giant muscle man!" He growled. "YEAH!! MUSCLE MAN IS GONNA MAKE YOU SHOOT!! DO IT BOY!!" I groaned and shot my load onto his hard abs. He continued fucking me for over an hour and I came at least 2 more times. "I CAN MAKE YOU CUM OVER AND OVER!!! WOMEN CUM 20 TIMES, WHEN THIS MONSTER IS STANDING FUCKING THEM WITH MY POWER COCK!!!" He throbbed and flexed his cock in my ass and was getting sweatier and turning red from all the intense flexing. Finally with one last flex of his cock he ROARED and hit a most muscular. I grabbed his traps. "YEAH!!! MONSTER'S GONNA SHOOT IN HIS BOY'S PUSSY!!! AAARRRGGGGHHH!!!!" He shot into me for over a minute. He sat back down on the weight bench, his rock hard cock still buried deep in my ass. He kissed me deep and long. I know there was going to be more...
    28 points
  6. Dear readers After I got a lot of messages to send the story 'Classroom muscle tease' (again) and to put it back online, I decided to make a new account and put it back on here. I changed it here and there after some of your feedback, because after quite a lot of rewriting, there were some details that were not correct anymore, because I hadn't changed them along. I hope it is a bit better now like this. Before You read the story, I state hear loud and clear that I used AI for instructions and impulses for good writing and to help me structure the story and give me story advice (caracters, plots, cliffhangers, ...). The story line and the ideas, the caracters etc., however, are products of my own imagination. According to the mod, therefore the story belongs in this section and not in the AI section. I would also be very okay with it if the story needs to be moved, because 'some' level op AI is involved. I leave this decision to the mod. I'm also asking the moderator to please remove my 'old' topic, like he already proposed. I also used translation and grammar software, because English is not my own language. All constructive criticism is welcome. Anyone that does not like the above, please don't read this story. For everyone else: enjoy reading it and forgive any typos and / or grammar mistakes. If you want, I have 2 new chapters, but there is still very much rewriting to be done. ------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, Mr. Castellanos, check this out," Derek said, flexing his biceps with a smirk. The classroom buzzed with the typical Monday morning chatter, but he knew that his muscular arm would draw the attention of the one person who mattered most—his math teacher, Mr. Castellanos. Derek had been eyeing the handsome, slightly older man with a burning desire since the first day of school, and he was determined to make the teacher's heart race just as fast as his own during their lessons. Mr. Castellanos glanced up from his paper work, his eyes lingering for a moment on Derek's bulging biceps before quickly shifting away. "Not now, Derek. We're about to start class," the teacher replied, his voice a mix of reprimand and restrained curiosity. Derek grinned to himself, knowing very well he had piqued the man's interest. He sat back in his chair, flexing his chest muscles subtly beneath his tight school polo, the fabric straining to contain his impressive physique. "Not bad for a guy that redently turned 18, huh?", Derek thought to himself. As Mr. Castellanos began explaining algebra equations on the blackboard, Derek leaned back in his chair, his forearms resting on the desk. He flexed them ever so slightly, the veins popping and the muscles rippling like waves in the ocean. The room grew a few degrees hotter as the teacher's gaze flickered down to the mesmerizing display, his own breath hitching for a brief moment. Derek's grin grew wider as he caught Mr. Castellanos's eyes lingering longer than they should. He knew the teacher was trying to keep his cool, but the way his pupils dilated and his Adam's apple bobbed suggested a different internal narrative. The sound of the chalk on the board seemed to echo louder as the tension grew. Derek leaned forward, his forearms flexing more dramatically. He began to tap his fingers, the muscles dancing with a tantalizing rhythm that seemed to sync with the teacher's pulse. Mr. Castellanos paused in the middle of his sentence, swallowed hard and took a step away from the board to regain his composure. His eyes darted back to Derek's arms, the veins standing out like a roadmap to pleasure, the muscles bulging with power. The young bodybuilder noticed the teacher's clear discomfort and felt a thrill of victory. He knew Mr. Castellanos was trying to resist, but the might of Derek's body was too much. Derek leaned closer, the fabric of his sleeves stretching tight against his skin, the outline of his forearms stark and defined. The scent of his sweat and the faint hint of cologne filled the air, a mix that seemed to thicken the very oxygen in the classroom. Mr. Castellanos cleared his throat and tried to resume the lesson, but his hand shook slightly as he wrote on the board. The sight of his student's arms, so close, so powerful, was distracting. He found himself imagining what it would be like to feel those muscles under his own touch, to trace the veins with his fingertips, to explore the strength that lay beneath the surface. Derek's flexing grew more deliberate, his wrists rotating, making the forearms bulge. The teacher's eyes darted back and forth, trying to focus on his work but drawn inexorably back to the show of strength before him. The room was silent except for the sound of Mr. Castellanos's hand moving across the board. His mind was racing, trying to think of a way to regain control of the situation, but all he could think about was the seductive dance of Derek's forearms. The rest of the class was oblivious to the silent war of wills playing out in the front row. Derek leaned back again, the muscles in his arms relaxing, and Mr. Castellanos took a deep, shaky breath, trying to calm his racing mind. The bell finally rang, and the class erupted into the usual activity's as students gathered their things. Derek took his sweet time, making sure his teacher had a full view of his retreating back and the muscles that played beneath his shirt. As the last student left, Mr. Castellanos turned to face the empty room, his heart thundering in his chest. He knew that the battle for his self-control had just begun, and he was already losing. The following morning, Derek arrived at school with a new plan. His forearms were already fully pumped from a morning workout, and he had brought two tourniquets in his backpack. During the math lesson, he waited for the perfect moment when Mr. Castellanos had his back turned to the class, engrossed in solving a complex equation on the board. Quickly, Derek slipped the tourniquets onto his upper arms, just below the biceps, and tightened them as much as he could stand without cutting off circulation. The effect was immediate and dramatic—his forearms bulged and swelled, the veins becoming hyper pronounced and snaking like rivers across his taut skin. As the teacher turned to address the class again, Derek leaned back in his chair, casually placing his arms on the desk. The fabric of his polo tightened around his biceps, which now looked like they could burst from his sleeves. He began flexing again, the cords of his forearms standing out like ropes against the stark white of his shirt. He watched Mr. Castellanos's reflection in the window, the teacher's eyes growing wider as he took in the magnificent sight before him. The classroom's temperature seemed to rise drastically. Mr. Castellanos's voice faltered slightly as he called on a student for the answer. Derek knew he had his full attention now. He flexed his fingers, making the muscles in his forearms spasm and bulge in a mesmerizing display of power. The teacher's gaze was drawn to the spectacle, his eyes tracing the lines and contours of Derek's arms with a hunger that was becoming increasingly difficult to hide. Derek felt a thrill of power surge through him, knowing that he had the upper hand in this silent game of seduction. As the class progressed, Derek changed his flexes, sometimes going for dramatic poses that caused his shirt to ride up and reveal a breathtaking strip of toned abs. The sound of his muscles shifting and contracting was like a wet dream to Mr. Castellanos, who found his eyes straying more and more often to the student's arms. Each flex brought a new wave of elektricity to the room, a delicious promise of what could happen next. Derek's heart pounded in his chest, his body responding to the thrill of the chase as much as the teacher's growing attraction. And all this time, none of the other students notices a thing. The final bell of the day couldn't come soon enough for Derek. He had pushed the limits of his teacher's self-control, and he knew that the next move had to be decisive. So, the next day, Derek went way further in his seduction. He wore a tank top to school, the fabric clinging to every inch of his chiseled torso. The classroom was hot, the heat of the afternoon sun beating down on them, and it wasn't just from the weather outside. He made sure to sit at the desk closest to Mr. Castellanos's, his muscles gleaming with a light sheen of sweat. Every time the teacher walked by, Derek would subtly flex his arms or pecs, the fabric stretching to its limits over his bulging body. Mr. Castellanos tried to keep calm, but the way his eyes kept drifting to Derek's arms betrayed his struggle. The young bodybuilder seamed to have no care in the world, casually placing his bare feet on the chair next to him, flexing his calves. The fabric of his shorts strained against his huge legs, the outline of his quads and hamstrings on full display. The teacher's gaze lingered longer than it should have, his breathing growing more shallow as he took in the view. Mr. Castellanos's hand hovered over the whiteboard marker, his knuckles white from the effort of not reaching out to touch Derek's stomach. His voice was a hoarse whisper as he tried to keep the lesson going, but his eyes kept drifting back to the student's body. Derek felt a surge of power as he watched the man's resistance fade, drop by drop. He knew that the next move would be the one that broke the dam, and he was more than ready to be the flood that washed away his teacher's resistance. The other pupils remained blissfully unaware of the silent seduction playing out at the front of the room. Engrossed in their own schoolwork or daydreams, they were oblivious to the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Derek's flexing had become a silent orchestra, each bulge and twitch of muscle speaking volumes to the man who knew what it meant. Mr. Castellanos's eyes flickered between the equations on the board and Derek's torso, his heart racing in his chest and adrenaline pumping through his veins. Derek leaned forward, planting his elbows on the desk. He flexed his abs once more, the muscles popping out in a beautiful show that made Mr. Castellanos's hand shake. The room grew quieter, the only sound the faint rustle of paper and the occasional cough. The teacher's eyes followed the lines of Derek's body, tracing the path of sweat down his chest, the fabric of his tank top clinging to his ultra thin skin. The moment was electric, the air charged with power. Derek knew he had the teacher right where he wanted him. He slowly reached for his water bottle, his biceps bulging as he lifted it to his mouth. The motion was deliberate, a show of strength and control. He took a sip, the muscles in his throat moving with the same seductive grace as the rest of his body. As he set the bottle back down, his hand brushed slightly against Mr. Castellanos's arm, enough to make the teacher's heart skip a beat or two. The other students continued their work, oblivious to what was happening before there very eyes. Derek leaned back in his chair, his abs tightening as he whispered, "You know, Mr. Castellanos, I've been working out a lot. I bet you didn't know I had this kind of power, huh?" Mr. Castellanos couldn't help but stare at the young man's sculpted chest, the fabric of the tank top stretched taut over his pectorals. He swallowed hard, trying to formulate a response that wouldn't betray his growing arousal. "It's...it's very impressive, Derek," he managed, his voice hoarse. "Thanks, I think so too," Derek said, his eyes beaming with mischief. He leaned closer, his abs flexing with every word. "But you know what's even more impressive?" He paused for a beat, letting the tension build. "How much I want to show you everything I can do." His words were a whisper, a promise that hung in the air between them. Mr. Castellanos's eyes flicked to Derek's crotch, where the outline of an erection was beginning to form. He felt his own cock twitch in response, and he knew he was losing the battle. The teacher took a step back, trying to compose himself. "Class is almost over, Derek," he whispered, his voice weaker than he would have liked. "We should focus on the lesson." But Derek was relentless. He leaned back, his legs spreading slightly, and began to rub his now-hard cock over the rock-hard landscape of his pumped forearms. The friction was exquisite, sending waves of pleasure through his body. His eyes never left Mr. Castellanos's, holding his gaze with the same intensity he used when lifting weights. Derek's cock grew even harder as he felt the power he had over the teacher. Each stroke was deliberate, each flex calculated to drive the man before him wild with lust. The classroom was filled with desire, the walls closing in as the heat of their passion grew more intense. Mr. Castellanos's eyes were glued to Derek's arms, the muscles bulging as he pleasured himself. The sight was like nothing he had ever seen before—so raw, so unashamed and erotic. His own cock strained against his pants, begging for relief. He knew he should say something, do something, but all he could manage was a strangled sound in the back of his throat. Derek's strokes grew faster, his breathing heavier. The sight of Mr. Castellanos's hand on his desk, so close to his own aching arousal, was too much to bear. He stood, his chair scraping against the floor. The classroom was still, every student engrossed in their work, oblivious to the scene unfolding before them. Derek approached the teacher's desk, his abs tight and his cock standing at full attention. "Do you want to see more?" he asked. Mr. Castellanos looked up, his eyes glazed with lust. He nodded, unable to find the words to express his desperation. Derek stepped closer, his cock mere inches from the teacher's hand. He leaned over the desk, his muscles rippling as he did so. His heart raced, the anticipation of the moment driving him to the brink of insanity. He knew that once this line was crossed, there would be no way back. The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the students began to pack up their things. As the last student exited the classroom, Mr. Castellanos slammed the door shut and turned the lock with shaking hands. The sound echoed through the now-deserted hallway, a declaration of their intentions. The teacher took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Derek stepped closer, the heat from his body washing over Mr. Castellanos like a wave. He leaned in, his flexed arm brushing against the teacher's chest. "I've got something to show you," he murmured, his voice sweet as ice cream on a hot summer's day. Mr. Castellanos nodded, his heart pounding in his ears. He knew what was coming, and he was powerless to resist. With a flick of his wrist, Derek removed the tourniquets, his forearms exploding with newfound blood flow. The muscles bulged, the veins standing out like a map of desire. Mr. Castellanos reached out, his hand hovering over the bulging bicep. Derek leaned into the touch, his cock pulsing in response. The teacher's hand was warm, oft, but Derek could feel the need in it. He took the teacher's wrist, guiding his hand up and down the length of his flexed forearm. Mr. Castellanos's eyes widened as he felt the power beneath his fingertips. He had never been with a man before, but in that moment, he knew that he needed Derek like he needed air to breathe. He looked up into the young bodybuilder's eyes, seeing the hunger reflected in them. Derek stepped closer, his cock now pressing against Mr. Castellanos's thigh. The teacher's hand moved of its own accord, reaching for the bulge in Derek's shorts. He traced the outline, feeling the heat and the strength. The teacher used his tongue to travel over the landscape that was Derek's body. Mr. Castellanos was insatiable. Derek's muscles tensed, his toes curling in his sneakers. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer, the pressure building in his balls like a dam about to burst. He moaned, his hips jerking, and the teacher took the hint, increasing his pace. With a final flex of his arms, Derek pushed Mr. Castellanos away, his cock standing proud and glistening. "Not yet," he panted, his eyes dark with desire. "There's so much more I want to show you." He grabbed the teacher's hand and pulled him to his feet. "Follow me," he said, leading him towards the supply closet. The supply closet was small, cramped, but the confined space only added to the intensity of their situation. Derek turned to face Mr. Castellanos, his body a canvas of perfection that the teacher couldn't help but devour with his eyes. The young man reached for a bottle of oil that he had purposely stashed away earlier, the liquid glistening under the fluorescent lights. "Ready to see the full show?" he asked with a wicked grin. Mr. Castellanos nodded, his eyes wide with anticipation. Derek began to unbutton his polo, his muscles flexing and glistening with the anticipation of what was to come. He pulled the shirt off, revealing his broad, hairless chest, each muscle shredded and wanting to be touched. The teacher couldn't resist; he stepped closer, his hand shaking as he reached out to trace the lines of Derek's abs. The contact was electric, sending a jolt of pleasure through both of them. Derek took the oil in his hand, pouring a generous amount into Mr. Castellanos's palm. "Go ahead," he urged, his voice low and seductive. The teacher's hand hovered for a moment before making contact with Derek's skin. He began to rub the oil into the bodybuilder's chest, his touch soft at first, but growing more confident as Derek moaned in pleasure. The oil was rubbed over Derek's flesh, making his muscles glisten like wet granite. The student turned to face the mirror that lined one side of the closet, his back to Mr. Castellanos. He began to flex, his back muscles rippling and contorting into a detailed tapestry of power. The teacher moved his hands over Derek's body, exploring every inch of the taut, oiled skin. The mirror reflected their images, making it seem as if there were two of them, each more powerfull than the last. Derek's breath grew heavier, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure as the teacher's hands glided over his shoulders, down his back, and around to his chest again. Mr. Castellanos took a step closer, his breath hot against Derek's neck as he whispered, "You're so beautiful." Derek's cock twitched in response, his body alive with sensation. The teacher's hands moved lower, caressing the rock-fuckin-hard globes of his ass, his fingers slipping between the shredded cheeks to tease at the tight ring of muscle beneath. Where-ever the teacher's hands went, they felt only the hardest flexed must under the thinnest skin possible. In the mirror, their reflection was a 'tableau vivant' of lust—Derek's powerful body flexing and glistening, Mr. Castellanos's desperate need carved into his face. The young man's hand worked faster, the oil making the skin slide smoothly beneath his palm. The teacher's hips jerked, his cock pulsing with every stroke. Derek leaned back, his head resting on Mr. Castellanos's shoulder, his own breaths coming in ragged pants. "You like that, don't you? Being my dirty little slut in the classroom, showing off for me?" Derek nodded, his strokes becoming more erratic as the pleasure built. "Look at yourself," Mr. Castellanos growled, his hips snapping forward. "You're made for this, for me to fuck you whenever I want." Derek's eyes flew open, meeting his teacher's in the mirror. He had never felt so desired, so wanted. The teacher's eyes never left Derek's in the mirror as he drove deeper, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the small space. "Cum for me," he ordered, his voice a guttural rasp. "Cum for me, you filthy little muscle whore." Derek threw his head back, his body tightening as he released, ropes of cum spurting from his cock and coating his hand. Then, the spell was broken by the sound of the doorknob turning. The two men froze, their eyes wide with terror. Someone was coming, and they weren't finished. The next few moments would be a race against time, a frantic scramble to regain their composure before they were caught. The thrill of almost being discovered only added to the heady mix of emotions, leaving them both breathless and desperate. The door swung open, and the janitor's mop stopped mid-stroke as he took in the scene before him—Derek's pants around his ankles, both men's faces flushed with pleasure and panic. The janitor's eyes widened, his mouth forming an 'O' of shock before he hastily retreated, shutting the door with a quiet click. The two of them remained frozen, hearts hammering in their chests, as they listened to the retreating footsteps. When they were certain they were alone again, Derek looked over his shoulder at Mr. Castellanos with a mix of amusement and concern. "Well, that was... unexpected," he said, trying to lighten the mood. The teacher's eyes were wide with horror. "Don't worry," he assured him, his voice low and comforting. "We're not done yet." With renewed determination, Derek pushed himself off the teacher's desk, his muscles quivering with the aftershocks of his orgasm. He turned to face Mr. Castellanos, a seductive smile playing on his lips. "I want you to hit my abs," he said, his voice a sultry whisper. The teacher's eyes narrowed with confusion before realization dawned, and he couldn't help the smoldering look that took over his features. He took a step closer, his hand raising to meet Derek's request. The sound of his hand meeting Derek's abs was music to their ears—a sharp smack followed by the low, resonant thud of flesh meeting flesh. Derek's abs rippled with each hit, the impact sending waves of pleasure through his body. He leaned into it, his eyes closed and a soft moan escaping his lips. Mr. Castellanos couldn't help but be drawn in, his own desire rekindling as he watched the young bodybuilder's reactions. His strokes grew harder, his hand smacking down with the force of his own pent-up lust. Derek leaned back, placing his hands on the desk to brace himself as Mr. Castellanos hit him with more force. The smack of skin echoed through the room, each hit leaving a red handprint that stood out against the tanned perfection of Derek's stomach. The young man's hips rolled with the rhythm, his muscular butt grinding against the teacher's still-hard cock. Mr. Castellanos groaned, his hand moving to grip Derek's hip to steady himself as he continued to strike the flexed abs with an increasingly erratic pattern. The scent of sweat and sex filled the small space, mixing with the faint aroma of the leather chair. Derek's body was a masterpiece of youthful vigor, his muscles flexing and releasing in time with Mr. Castellanos's hand. The teacher's breath grew ragged, his strokes growing more erratic as the pleasure built in his own body. He couldn't resist the allure of Derek's powerhouse physique, the way his forearms bulged and his abs rippled with every smack. Suddenly, Derek spun around, his body a whirlwind of motion. He straddled Mr. Castellanos, his rock-hard ass pressing down onto the teacher's still-covered erection. "You like that, don't you?" he taunted, his voice a mix of playfulness and challenge. Without waiting for a response, he placed his hands on Mr. Castellanos's shoulders and pushed himself up, his abs hovering just above the teacher's face. The room was silent except for their heavy breathing and the sound of Derek's muscles flexing. With a wicked grin, Derek began to lower his abs, the paper-thin skin stretching taut as he brought the defined ridges closer and closer to Mr. Castellanos's mouth. The teacher's eyes widened, and he licked his lips involuntarily, the anticipation driving him wild. The moment the first ripple of muscle made contact with his skin, Mr. Castellanos's eyes rolled back in his head, and he let out a moan that was muffled by the stone muscles pressing down on him. Derek began to grind his abs against Mr. Castellanos's face, the friction sending sparks of pleasure through both of them. The teacher's nose was buried in the young man's pelvis, the scent of musk and sweat overwhelming him. He inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma of desire that surrounded them. The pressure of Derek's abs was intense, the muscles flexing and releasing in a slow, deliberate dance that had Mr. Castellanos's eyes watering and his cock straining against his pants. The bodybuilder's movements grew more erratic, his grunts of pleasure becoming more frequent. The sight of Mr. Castellanos, his face buried in Derek's crotch, was almost too much to bear. "I'm going to cum," Derek panted, his abs contracting even more forcefully. "All over your face, Mr. Castellanos." The teacher's eyes snapped open, and he looked up at Derek, his own need reflected in the young man's gaze. Derek's abs continued to flex and grind against his face, the pressure unbearable. Mr. Castellanos's breath was hot against Derek's skin, his cheeks red with exertion and desire. With a final, powerful flex, Derek's orgasm hit him hard. His cock, already leaking precum, spurted hot jets of cum across Mr. Castellanos's face, the sticky fluid coating his cheeks and nose. The teacher's eyes rolled back in his head, his mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. The room was still, the only sound the harsh panting of their mingled breaths. Derek's abs remained pinned to Mr. Castellanos's face, the teacher's nose buried in the muscular crotch, the taste of cum lingering on his lips. Finally, Derek lifted himself off the teacher, his abs glistening with sweat and cum. Mr. Castellanos took a deep breath, his chest heaving. "Fuck," he murmured, the word a benediction and a curse all at once. "That was..." "A taste of what's to come?" He leaned down, his abs still flexed, and whispered in the teacher's ear, "But I'm not done with you yet." His hand slithered down to Mr. Castellanos's crotch, his fingers wrapping around the still-hard cock. "Not even close." Derek's eyes never left the teacher's as he brought his massive forearms together, the veins standing out like cords against the stark white of his skin. Mr. Castellanos watched, his breath hitching, as Derek positioned his arms in a V-shape. The young man's biceps flexed as he brought the teacher's cock into the center of the V, the tip nestling between the two bulging veins. Derek's fingers began to dance, making his forearms rippling as he started to move his hands in opposite directions, creating a sensation that was unlike anything the teacher had ever felt before. It was as if his cock was being massaged by the most powerful, yet delicate, set of hands imaginable. The feeling was exquisite, and Mr. Castellanos's moans grew louder, his hips thrusting into the air as Derek's forearms worked their magic. The sound of the skin sliding against the muscle was like a symphony, each note hitting just the right spot. Derek's grip was firm, his fingers moving in a mesmerizing pattern that had the teacher's eyes rolling back in his head. He could feel the orgasm building, the tension coiling in his balls like a tight spring. Derek's forearms moved faster, the muscles bulging and pulsing with each stroke. The classroom was their playground, and the rules were simple—desire reigned supreme. Mr. Castellanos's cock was trapped between the two pillars of power, the young man's strength and endurance a testament to his dedication in the gym. The teacher's body was an expression of need, his muscles tensing and releasing as Derek's forearms continued their relentless assault. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful, and yet he couldn't get enough. He begged for more, his voice a desperate whisper that seemed to turn young alfa on. The young bodybuilder smirked, his teeth glinting in the light. He knew exactly what the teacher needed, and he was more than willing to give it to him. He tightened his grip, his forearms flexing even more, the veins standing out like rivers of fire. The teacher's cock was trapped between the two muscular arms. Escaping as impossible. Mr. Castellanos could feel his climax approaching, a wave of pleasure that threatened to drown him. He bucked his hips, trying to fuck Derek's forearms, the desperation in his movements only adding to the eroticism of the scene. The young man's fingers tightened, the muscles in his arms working in perfect harmony to milk every ounce of pleasure from the teacher's body. And then, with a final, powerful flex, Mr. Castellanos was over the edge, his cock pulsing and spurting cum across the desk. Derek's arms didn't stop moving, milking the last drops of pleasure from the teacher's body as he watched the man come undone before him. The classroom was silent except for the sound of their ragged breathing. The world had narrowed to this one moment, this one perfect connection between teacher and student, predator and prey, desire and satisfaction. Derek slowly released Mr. Castellanos's cock, his forearms still quivering with the aftermath of the intense climax they had just given. The teacher looked up at him, his eyes a mix of pleasure and fear at what he had just allowed. "What have we done?" he whispered, his voice trembling. Derek's smirk grew wider, his eyes beaming with cockiness. "We've just begun, Mr. Castellanos," he said, his voice a sweet promise of more to come. "This is just the warm-up."
    27 points
  7. Trying something a little different this time. Shorter chapters for quicker reading. As always, enjoy the feedback. Winter Hook-Up Part 1. As I look out the front door windows of the Hampton Inn Sayre in north central Pennsylvania, about ½ mile south of the New York state line, all I see is snow. Snow and more snow. It’s been snowing most of the day. I glance back down to my computer and see five or six of our confirmed reservations have not checked in yet, on this snowy, cold Friday evening. I glance at my computer and it indicates the temp is in the low teens, a few degrees lower than it was earlier. I’m hoping the roads have been plowed and salted on this frigid January night. We already have two feet of snow from earlier storms at Christmas and last weekend, but this one has some lake effect snow reaching us, which will add another half foot by midnight. I’m glad the back office has a bed and that I packed an overnight bag. I always bring one, if there is any call for the white stuff. I’ve learned the hard way about traveling on unplowed roads from my home in Ulster to the hotel. It’s only 11 miles and on a good day I can make the drive north on route 220 in 15 minutes, but add any snow, and it becomes a treacherous 45-minute ride through the mountains. Not that I’m scared of driving on a snowy road, my black 2017 Chevy Silverado 1500 is great and has all-wheel drive, which is a life saver, it’s the other drivers which make me nervous. I’ve seen too many spin-outs and crashes this time of year due to inexperience or over-confidence. I glance up at the TV in the lounge and see the local weather person is showing potential accumulations. I sigh heavily as she indicates we’re expecting more than what was predicted. My eyes shift to the front doors as they slide open and a gust of snow filled cold air sweeps in. A tall gentleman walks thru bundled in a neon yellow and black Uline Class 3 Hi-Vis Polar parka. He has an LL Bean Storm Teal Mountain Classic Cordura duffel bag slung over his enormous right shoulder. He has a gray knit cap covering his head and it has one of those silly pom-pom tops, which my parents wore back in the late 70’s or early 80’s, his pom-pom is bright green. His hands are covered with brown leather gloves which seem to be insulated. But the thing which shocks me out of my staring at him is that he is wearing skin tight black sweatpants and a pair of dark blue Asics sneakers, in the frigid night air. The sneakers are covered with snow from his short trip from the frozen parking lot, but he does not seem phased by it. I control myself as best as possible, but something about him… He confidently walks up to the desk. I put on my best smile and say, “Good evening, sir, welcome to the Hampton Inn. How may I help you?” He lets the duffel slide off his shoulder, then he pulls off the gloves, and shoves them into pockets of the jacket. His hands are huge, hairy, and calloused. No desk job for this guy. He pulls the snow-covered knit hat off, holds it in his right hand, revealing a full head of mouse brown hair neatly pulled back into a tight bun. He greets me with a deep manly voice as his dark green eyes shift to my name tag then back to my light brown eyes, “Good evening, Samuel, I was hoping it is not too late for me to check in?” I smile again and reply, “Of course not, sir. We’re just glad you made it here thru the inclement weather.” He smiles to me. “May I have your name, please.” “Finn O’Daniel.” There’s an Irish name if I’ve ever heard one. I grin and see him smile at me with pearly white teeth. His face is clean shaven and he has a strong jaw line. I detect a bit of a tan on his face and hands. My hands dance over the keyboard entering his name. I quickly find his reservation. “Yes, sir, here we are. Mr. O’Daniel, two nights, Friday and Saturday.” I glance up and he nods. I look back down and start checking boxes indicating he’s arrived and no other guests with him as indicated. I print out the reservation confirmation form, grab two key cards, activate them, and put them in a small envelope. “Mr. O’Daniel, here are your keys cards for room 333, a copy of the reservation form, and a placard for your vehicle. Please put it on your dashboard so we don’t have it towed, by accident.” He nods. “If you could please sign here and here,” I make small checks where he needs to sign. “We have your credit card on file. We will use that one at check-out, unless you indicate you’d like to use a different one.” He grabs a pen with his left hand and signs where I have indicated. “I do have a question regarding payment.” He glances into my eyes and slyly smiling asks, “Would it be possible to pay with cash when I check-out?” I’ve had this request in the past and it’s a bit weird in todays’ credit card world, but we do accept cash. “Of course, sir, no problem.” He smiles. “Just be sure to let us know so we don’t charge your card.” “Thank you.” He nods. I make a note on the computer under his reservation, just to be safe. As I review the form on my computer, I see one more question I need to ask, “May I ask the reason for your visit this weekend? Business or pleasure?” I glance back up to him and see he’s got an ear-to-ear grin. “Well, truth be told, Samuel, I’m here for the amateur wrestling event at the Harlan Rowe middle school tomorrow afternoon.” He winks at me and I blush. “I guess it would be considered ‘business’” He air quotes business, “but it will be more fun than work.” I keep staring at his face so my eyes don’t do an obvious gawk of his still hidden body. His eyes shift to scan my body first. I’m in the standard hotel uniform; black suit jacket, white shirt, black tie, and black pants and shoes with black argyle socks. I’m supposed to have my jacket buttoned when greeting customers, but the jacket is getting tight due to my new work-out routine, so I leave it unbuttoned. I stand at 5’9”, weigh 160 lbs., and am proud of the tight body I’ve working for. My brown hair is spiked and has blonde highlights on the tips. He smiles again and nods. I do a quick once over of him, but cannot get a read on what’s under that heavy jacket. He’s at least 6’2’, and he must be huge as the jacket is either an XL or XXL. His feet look to be size 14 and his legs, well let’s just say, he doesn’t skip leg day. I now see his quads and calves clearly in the tightly stretched black sweatpants. We lock eyes again and he politely asks, “Is there a place to grab a bite to eat? The trip from Schenectady took a bit longer due to the snow and I ate my last Chocolate Peanut butter PowerBar around Sidney.” “Of course, Mr. O’Daniel.” I pull a menu from the brochure stand. “Right across the parking lot is the Bluestone Brewery. Great craft beer and food. If you’re into burgers, may I suggest the Big ‘Mac daddy’ burger.” He takes the menu, nods and says thanks. He gathers up his duffel, wanders to the curved stairway in the far corner of the lobby, and makes his way up, taking the stairs two at a time. A minute later I faintly hear the door on the third floor open and shut. I let out my breath and sit heavily in the chair behind me. I think, ‘Wow.’ I heard about the wrestling event as other people who checked in today were talking about it, but thought it was just some half-assed event that a bunch of locals threw together for some winter fun. You know, the former high school wrestlers trying to relive their youth and glory. But Mr. O’Daniel seems to be the real deal and many steps above the local talent. I get on the computer, do a quick search, and find the event. I see it’s being promoted by a reputable business. I look for a line-up, but cannot find one. I guess with the snow, some wrestlers may have had to cancel and they did not want to prematurely list the participants. I think back to earlier in the day, we had a few families check in, and they’re reason for the visit was ‘pleasure’. I don’t remember seeing and other bigger guys come in, but maybe Shari did during her shift, or they could be staying at a few of the other hotels near-by. I go back to my chair and relax. I’m skimming thru Insta when faintly I hear a door open on one of the upper floors. A few minutes later Mr. O’Daniel comes down the curved stairs and makes his way thru the lobby and out the front doors as another gust of snowy wind pushes into the lobby. I see he changed his pants from sweats to jeans. Everything else is the same. I see the snow has not let up and is accumulating in the parking lot and on the sidewalk. I walk around the desk to the door and do a quick scan, looking for Jordan and his plow truck. I spy him at the far end of the parking lot, maneuvering around the parked vehicles. Stan and Evelyn are bundled up and clearing the sidewalks between the lots. I walk back behind the deck and settle in for a long, slow night. The snow will definitely keep people away. 45 minutes later and dad and his two teenage sons walk in. All of them are bundled up, carrying overnight bags, and are shaking snow from their hats and shoes. As I am finishing checking them in, I see Mr. O’Daniel come thru the doors with a take-away bag of leftovers. The younger son spots him and his eyes light up. He grabs his older brother’s arm and not so quietly says, “Dude, there’s the Irish Madman.” The brother turns and his eyes get just as large. “Oh my god, you’re right, that’s him.” The older son pokes his dad’s side and says, “Dad…dad, look, the Irish Madman is staying here…look.” The father calmly says, “Hold on Gordie, let me finish getting us checked in.” He signs all the paperwork and turns to see his kids have left him and gone over to see the wrestler. He turns back to me, smiles and says, “Kids.” I smile back and glance over to the crowd. The kids have surrounded Mr. O’Daniel and are peppering him with questions. He is calmly answering them and has his ear-to-ear grin on his face. The father walks over and attempts to pull his kids away from their apparent idol. I hear him patiently say, “Guys, stop bugging Mr. Madman.” I hear Mr. O’Daniel proudly say, “It’s all right sir, I’m always happy to meet fans and talk to them.” I notice he’s added a definite Irish brogue to his voice. Part of this gimmick, I guess. They talk for another few minutes, he signs some autographs and takes some pictures. The dad pulls his sons away and head up the stairs. Mr. O’Daniel heads toward me, giving the family time to get up the steps, so he is not ambushed. As he approaches the desk, I calmly ask, “So Mr. Irish Madman, how does it feel to meet your fans.” He unzips his jacket and I see he is wearing a white compression t-shirt, which leaves nothing to the imagination. It is tucked into his jeans, showing off his taut abs. His chest is huge and stretches the shirt to the limit. His nipples are hard, apparently from the cold, and are poking the shirt. I see a sprout of hair coming out the top of the shirt, indicating he probably has a nice hairy chest. He chuckles, winks, and says without the accent, “95% of the time, the fans are harmless, like those guys. The other 5%, well…let’s just say their hands tend to get a bit too frisky.” He rolls his eyes and I let out a laugh. I glance at his chest and think, ‘I can see why’. I immediately ask, “How was your dinner?” He smiles again and slaps his huge hand on the counter with a loud bang, “Samuel, you hit the nail on the head with your suggestion.” I grin. “That place was great. The burger was awesome and their Penna Pale Ale was outstanding.” He dangles the carry-out bag and says, “Just some more protein for later tonight.” “You’re welcome, and please call me Sammy. Only my gran calls me ‘Samuel’ outside of this place.” He laughs and says, ‘Well ok, Sammy. Then please call me Finn.” I nod in appreciation and we shake, his hand engulfing mine. “How long does your shift last?” He’s trying to make small talk to make sure he can get upstairs undetected. I could show him the back stairwell, but this is nice and he seems to genuinely want to talk to me. “I get done around midnight, or whenever my replacement gets here with this snow.” He nods. “It’s not too bad. At least I don’t have to drive home. I brought an overnight bag and there’s a bed in the back office.” “Well, it’s good you don’t need to drive tonight. The roads were getting bad on my drive down and even from the walk to the bar and back, it’s coming down harder.” He casually looks me in the eyes and asks, “What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?” I think, ‘oh fuck, he’s hitting on me.’ How do I answer that? ‘Would I like to spend time with Finn, yeah, to get to know him, but…’ He interrupts my thought with, “Would you like some tickets to the wrestling event?” In my mind I breathe a sigh of relief. “They gave me a bunch to give to friends and family, but no one wanted to travel down here with this storm going on, so I have extra to give away.” I casually say, “Sure. I’m off tomorrow, so that would be great.” He claps his hands together and excitedly says, “Nice, how many do you want? 3 or 4?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I blush and say, “Just one for me is fine, thank you.” His eyebrows go up a quarter of an inch as he asks, “What? No friends or family? Gran not into seeing ‘The Irish Madman’?” He leans back, puffs out his huge chest and does a quick double bi pose, but his jacket hides his arms, but I’m guessing they’re pretty big, like the rest of him. He adds his fake Irish brogue when saying his stage name. I laugh with him, but blurt out, ‘No, just one. Gran’s not the one into big muscular guys wrestling around.” I curse myself, ‘fuck, that came out completely wrong, dammit.’ Finn leans back, slaps his right hand on the desk, and lets out a hearty roar. “You’d be surprised how many older ladies we get in the audience. Remember the 5% who can be too frisky with their hands? Well half of them are the older ladies.” I take the bait, “Who are the other half?”, knowing what he’s about to say. Finn puffs out his already huge chest and says with his Irish brogue, “The gay gentlemen. They can be the worst.” He lets out another laugh and so do I. “Ok, I’ll run up and get the ticket for you.” “Thanks, you know where I’ll be.” He winks and heads up the steps, taking them two at a time. A few minutes later I hear him coming back down. He’s shed his jacket and is back in sweatpants. He is huge. Larger than I imagined. The compression shirt is long sleeved, but his arms stretch it to the limit, like his chest does. He must be pushing 275 easy. He catches me glancing at him and just smiles. He hands me the ticket and winks, then quickly heads back up the steps. I catch a glimpse of his ass, and it is magnificent. About 20 minutes later, at about 10:30, the front doors slide open and younger gentlemen walks in, covered in snow, and bundled up. I don’t recognize him as a guest, but he glances around the lobby, see the steps, but looks to his right and see the elevators. He heads to the elevators and patiently waits for one. The doors ding, open, he steps in, and they close. He must have checked in earlier in the day with Shari. I notice it stops on the third floor. I go back to reading my Kindle. Next thing I know, it’s getting close to midnight. Nobody else has checked in. I’m hoping Jimmy will be able to make it in. I check my phone, but don’t see any messages from him. Guessing he’s still on the way. I don’t send him a text as I don’t want to distract him, if he’s still driving. I hear the elevator ding. The guy who came in a while ago is bundled up and is on his way out. I pause for a split second; then just let it go. I’ve done the random hook-up in a hotel, so I’m not surprised about it. I am kind of shocked he did it on this snowy night. I do wonder who he met with? I briefly consider Finn, but put it out of my head. He seems to fly the straight and narrow, although, with his body, I’m sure he could get a lot of men or women to spend some time with him. Ten minutes later, I hear the office door open behind me and Jimmy walks in. His face is flushed and his hair is damp. I bob my head to him and say, “Hey.” He nods back, rubbing his hands together. “I’d ask, but I can tell.” Jimmy is a few years younger than my 32, and he’s lived in Sayre his whole life. He curtly says, “It never gets old. Stupid people still drive like not a flake has fallen. You wouldn’t believe the number of spin-outs I passed.” He shakes his head. I laugh. “You should have a quiet night.” He nods. “Only one or two reservations have not checked in. My guess is, they’ve cancelled due to the snow, but just didn’t call.” He nods again. “I’m going to stay in the back office. Not really in a mood to get into an accident tonight.” “Wise move, Sammy.” We continue to talk and the front doors open and a middle age man comes in. We glance over and see he’s bundled up, of course, with snow on his jacket and baseball hat, and heads to the stairs. He heads up and I don’t give it a second thought. Jimmy comments, “A bit late to be coming back. He doesn’t look like he’s been drinking?” I shrug my shoulders, “Eh, to each his own.” I sign-off the computer so Jimmy can sign-in. “I’m going to hit the head, then call it a night.” He nods as I head to the back office. Saturday morning. I’m sitting in the breakfast area in a pair of comfortable jeans and a sweatshirt, after grabbing a quick shower in pool area bathroom. I am looking out the large windows at the risen sun. It’s about 8:30 and last night’s snow has come to an end. Jordan, Evelyn and Stan have done a great job at clearing the parking lots and sidewalks. Plenty of salt has been spread. There are not too many people in the room. I scoop another helping of scrambled eggs onto my fork and stab a piece of sausage. I hear a strong manly voice behind me ask, “Sammy, would you mind if I joined you?” I turn, already knowing it’s Finn. I smile and wave my hand to an empty chair and say, “Of course, Finn. Please sit.” I see he’s in jeans, a short sleeve dark blue compression shirt, and sneakers. His hair is still in a bun. He has not shaved yet and I can see a day’s worth of stubble appearing. I glance at his arms and almost choke on the sausage I’m still chewing. They’re huge, at least 17 inches unflexed. As he sits, he sets his plate down and I see he has twice as much food on it as I did. Well, he is about twice my size, so it makes sense. Lots of eggs and bacon, a few bananas, and a bowl of strawberries. He also has a large glass of water. I remark, “No coffee?” He shakes his head as he chews a strip of bacon. He swallows and says, “No. Never got the taste for it. You?” “Same. Also, I am pretty much either asleep or awake. There is no in-between, so no need for coffee to wake me up.” He nods in understanding while scooping up another helping of eggs. “I’m glad to see the storm has passed. Should be a clear day, all-be-it frigid, but clear.” He nods again. “Any word if the wrestling match is still on or not?” He finishes his mouthful of eggs and says, “It is still on. I got a text this morning that the school parking lot has been plowed and the event staff are there right now getting everything set up.” Now it’s my turn to nod as I chew on a granny smith apple. “I’ll be heading over in a few hours to stretch and warm up. What are your plans for the day?” He gives me a coy smile and playfully asks, “Any exciting plans on your day off?” He chuckles and so do I. I sarcastically respond, “Well, I do have a week’s worth of white shirts that need washing and ironing, plus a house that needs a good vacuuming. So, yeah, lots of exciting things to do today.” He smiles and shakes his head. I casually add, “Oh, and I have a free ticket to some bush league wrestling event later this afternoon. I may head over and see what backwater talent they scraped together.” I raise an eyebrow at him and he raises one back at me. He puts his left elbow on the table, make a fist with his hand, and moves it toward his chin. But what he wants me to see, without saying, is the 21-inch bicep he’s flexing. He innocently asks, while flexing and unflexing his arm, “I hope this is bush league enough for you?” I gulp and he winks at me again. “I think I have a pretty good chance of winning, don’t you?” I quickly and quietly say, “Yes.” I may have overstepped. I immediately apologize, “I’m sorry if I offended you, Finn. It was not my intention.” He playfully responds, “No worries, Sammy. I get it all the time. Trust me, this is not my 9 to 5. If it were, I’d be upset. This is just one of my hobbies. This, the occasional bodybuilding contest, and giving awesome massages, are what I do to have some fun.” I breathe a sigh of relief, but my ears perk up. “You give massages?” I ask in a shocked voice. He nods. “What technique do you use, deep tissue, Swedish, or Tantric?” Finn’s fork stops in mid-air as he stares at me. He points his left pinkie at me, squints, and cautiously asks, “Sammy, how do you know massage terms like that? Are you holding back on me?” I casually shrug my shoulders, not letting on that I also give massages on the side. “Most people barely know there are different massage techniques, even fewer know the correct names.” I give the barest of smiles. “Uh-huh. Ok, so Bellhop boy here does massage work on the side.” I start to laugh at his playful jab. He laughs as well and jokingly says, “We may need to compare techniques at some point.” My face drains and I think, ‘Is he being serious?’. He pokes again and says, “Come on Bellhop,” His new nickname for me it would seem, “What do you say, we give each other a massage and compare techniques and results?” He raises his left eyebrow again. I easily respond with his new nickname, “Ok bush league, deal.” I reach my small hand across the table and his mitt of a hand engulfs mine, and we shake. He gives me another once over, I guess to see what my muscle mass looks like. I catch his glance and wave him off, “Don’t you worry about my size, bush league, I’ve got enough muscle to work over guys bigger than you.” I know, as one of my regulars, Tommy, is over 300 pounds, but he is not nearly as muscular as Finn. He smiles and says, “I’m sure you do, Bellhop, I’m sure you do.” He checks the clock on the wall as do I. It’s about 9:30. “Damn. Sorry Sammy, I’ve got to run.” He pulls his phone out, opens it, and goes to the contacts section, “Here, give me your number so I can contact you. Not sure how available I’ll be during the event or afterwards.” I quickly enter my name and number. I then take the liberty of sending a text to my phone. As my phone chirps, I open it and add Finn to my contacts list. He smiles and says, “Done and done. Ok Bellhop, I’ll be seeing you later.” He gives me a wink and takes his tray to the trash can. As he walks into the lobby, I see a younger kid come in the front doors. Finn sees him and approaches him. They bro-hug like old buddies, then head to the elevators. I clean up the table, walk to the lobby and say good-bye to Jimmy, then head out. As I drive home, I see the roads have been cleared and there are not too many people out and about. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home. I take a proper shower and throw on some comfortable sweats. I toss a load of laundry in the washer, then pull the Dyson vacuum out. I think Finn would be shocked that I was not lying about the list of stuff I have to do. After I finish vacuuming, I sit on the sofa and open my computer. I want to scratch an itch I have about Finn. I pull up Rentmen, then click the link for Rentmasseur. I scroll thru the listings for the area and there he is. Finn O’Daniel, or as he calls himself on Rentmasseur, ‘Irish muscles’. His listing indicates he’ll be in Sayre for the weekend, which confirms why we had some drop-ins last night and the kid this morning. I review his profile and his write-up. It matches what he told me. I take a look at his 4 pics. No nudes, go figure. But, two of them show him in a white wife-beater, which clings to every muscle and crevice on his hirsute upper body, and black nylon mesh gym shorts, which show off his hairy tree trunk legs, and leave very little to the imagination as to what is under them. He’s semi-hard in three photos. In one photo he’s let his hair down. His wavy mouse brown hair extends below his shoulders. Another photo shows him standing over a massage table, flexing his left arm. I start to stiffen and involuntarily lick my lips. I go back to his personal info and see his age is 30, his height is 6’3” and weight is listed as 285-lbs. This may be out of date, but he is larger than I originally guessed. He lists his sexual orientation as bi-sexual, which means absolutely nothing. Until you get in a room with someone and get down to it, that info is just for show. He has a number of reviews, mostly 5 stars, and the write-ups all praise his technique and maturity. His price per hour seems reasonable. His write-up says he has 8 years’ experience and is a qualified masseuse. I wonder if he took the same classes I did. I took 4 years of classes, worked in a salon for a while, then decided to go out on my own. The extra income is nice and I can tailor my schedule around the job at the hotel. I hear the washer ding and realize I’ve been on the site a bit too long. I also note I’ve sprouted a woody from looking at his pics. He is a good-looking man. I jump off the computer and continue to clean around the house. I toss the shirts in the dryer for a few minutes, get out the ironing board, then iron them. It may seem old-fashioned to manually iron shirts when they are cleaners who will do it for you, but I enjoy it and it allows me to watch a movie or a couple episodes of shows I’m watching. Two hours later, the shirts are done, I also pressed some work pants and a few of my jackets. I finish dusting the house, check to make sure I’m set for food for the next few days, and finally sit for a minute to relax. I check my phone and see it’s 3:30. The wrestling event starts at 5. I change into a pair of worn Lee jeans, a pair of size 9 ½ black Asics sneakers, a black mesh t-shirt, then a grey sweatshirt. Grab the phone, wallet, and keys, and out the door. The drive back to Sayre is uneventful. I stop by Bluestone and grab an appetizer and a quick 16 oz For the Record NEIPA (New England IPA). The bar is crowded with families intending to attend the event. I make the quick 2 ½ mile trip to the middle school in 10 minutes. Parking is easy. I see a number of vehicles are already there. I show my ticket at the door, they hand me a program, and let me know I have a ring side reserved seat. I’m astonished, but not upset. I wander thru the school to the gym. The lights are still up and people are milling around. I decide to make a quick trip to the men’s room before settling in. I wander down the hallway and see a roped off area with a large tarp covering the rest of the hallway. It must be the wrestler’s area. I head into the men’s room and as I’m walking in, I run into Finn as he’s exiting. He’s looking the other way, so I quickly put my hand up to keep him from bowling me over. It lands flat on his chest. It feels like a brick wall, but is enough to get his attention. He quickly turns and see me. He jokingly says, “Yo, Bellhop, you made it, nice.” “Hey bush league, yeah, just got here. Thanks again for the ticket. I see it’s for reserved front row seating. Very nice. Is this so I can massage your back as you’re lying on the floor from being tossed out of the ring?” I wink at him and he catches my heavy dose of sarcasm. As we talk, I see he’s in an oversized green T-shirt which has a shamrock on the front. He’s in black mesh shorts and wrestler’s shoes. His hair is still in a bun. He leans over and pulls me into a bro-hug and slaps my back a few times. “Yeah, yeah…we’ll see about that.” We chat for another minute then he excuses himself. “I need to get back to the staging area.” We shake and he smiles and with an honest tone says, “I hope you have a fun time, Sammy, and I’m glad you came.” We bro-hug again and he leaves. I do my business and as I’m washing up, I look in the mirror and think, ‘He’s a nice guy. Better than my last boyfriend, Jon.’ I shake my head realizing Finn is being nice because I was nice to him last night and this morning. He’s got an outgoing personality and is probably this casual and comfortable with everyone. I make my way back to my seat wait for the show to start.
    23 points
  8. “I want to feel your muscles as they grow, Justin.” “Uh, we are in a public place Freddie. I have no idea why you are so obsessed with ‘him’. I wasn’t going to let him out until we have been dating for at least a few more months.” Justin Langham, a 42-year-old software developer has had a secret for most of his life. He learned, after hitting puberty, that he had a medical condition that allowed himself to ‘hulkout’ after a bit of sexual and mental stimulation. In other words, if he is ever coaxed by someone that is a bit too eager, it can result in some rather awkward, but possibly exciting results for the other person. As his body has matured in his later years; the growth became even more remarkable from the time he was just a teenager. His current partner, Frederick Hardman, a 29-year-old systems analyst at the same company, originally did not like Justin very much because he thought he was too much of a narcissist. However, after working with the lankily built older man for a few years, they drew closer and eventually a spark ignited between the two of them on a more ‘personal’ level. For years, Justin would satisfy his sexual urges in private by going into a nearby forest, or some other isolated area, so he could ‘let his inner beast’ take over, at least for the time being until he is satisfied. This has become less frequent in recent years, since he is much busier with his career and a bit less time for fun time with mates. Freddie, being a sexual creature himself, has been trying to get his new partner to have sex with him, but has gotten a lot of resistance from him since the very beginning. Justin, who is a decently good-looking man, does not have a muscular body. He has a typical dadbod for men his age, with tufts of hair strewn about all over his body. He is what they describe as skinny fat, with just a bit of padding all over. His body hair has some silver throughout, mixed in with brown and black patches. Eventually, after dating for a few weeks, Justin had to let Freddie know about his dark secret. Expecting the younger man, who is notably quite attractive, chiseled face with reddish stubble, has a furry chest with a defined eight-pack and firm pecs, 16-in guns, and big legs, especially his quads, to probably leave him after this revelation, was blown away when the sexy redhead had a different reaction. He was wanting to force Justin to be an exhibitionist and let the ‘beast’ out in an uncomfortable place, their employer. This is where the story begins. The two men are standing in a supply closet together. Both of them are wearing dress clothes. Freddie has on blue pants with black pinstripes, a white dress shirt underneath a matching blue jacket with the same pinstripes. Justin is wearing black pants with an undershirt with a V-shape along the neckline underneath a gray dress shirt, which is underneath a black jacket with gray pinstripes in it. “Do you have a name for ‘him’, Justin? I am really curious.” The older man is staring at Freddie in bewilderment. “What!? Uh...Eh. Umm, yeah actually. He goes by Mr. H.” The younger man is clearly getting wound up as he approaches his partner. He has him up against one of the shelves and is slowly rubbing his hands on his chest. He can feel Justin’s heart starting to beat a bit faster than before. “Mr. H huh? Does that stand for hulk?” “Umm, it does actually. It is kind of stupid, isn’t it? Freddie doesn’t seem to think so by his reaction. “No boss...I don’t think it is stupid at all. I think it is incredibly hot.” He unbuttons his blue jacket and opens it to show Justin that his shirt is getting wetter by the sweat that is starting to appear on his chest. He smiles as he flexes his abs, which protrude through his dress shirt. He can see Justin getting even more uncomfortable with each passing minute that goes by. “So... does it take a lot to get you to come undone? I am willing to make it happen, because here and now is a perfect place and time to let loose.” Justin knows that Freddie most likely planned this out and is probably not going to be able to get away because his partner is no pushover when it comes to strength. He has seen what he can do in the gym, even if he isn’t the biggest guy. “You clearly want me to destroy something, don’t you, instigator? I know I can’t fight you off, but I will resist as much as I can.” “Oh, I know you will Justin.” Freddie takes his jacket off and throws it behind him. He undoes the belt on his pants and lets them fall to the ground, revealing his big, well-developed quads, nicely padded in thick red fur. He flexes them which gets the older man to react in a way that suggests he is getting closer to losing it. The young analyst’s cock is clearly visible in his tight briefs. He pulls his shoes off and kicks his pants off to the side. Freddie is now only wearing socks, briefs, and his white dress shirt. He bounces his pecs the best he can and rubs his face along Justin’s brownish beard, which also has some silvery hair. The man’s breathing is becoming more labored. The redheaded stud undoes his older partner’s jacket and pulls it off of him, so he can get a better look at Justin’s upper body. He can see sweat stains appearing under his partner’s gray shirt and grins. “I imagine it won’t take much more, am I right boss?” “You are...right...evil man. It is definitely going to happen shortly. What you need to realize is...I do enjoy growing a lot. I FUCKING LOVE IT! I just...try to do it away from places...I...uhh...fucking shit...mmm...” Justin can feel his cock getting stimulated. Freddie can feel it against his abs and reaches down to rub his hands on it. He moans knowing what is coming. The hulk-to-be continues talking. “I have also learned...to control it...mmm...it feels REALLY GOOD! The pain was awful in the early years. Now though...I can make it go to where...I want it to go...” Justin’s pecs are now starting to inflate. Freddie watches in excitement as he sees his partner’s shirt starting to fill up. He unbuttons his own shirt and takes it off. He is mostly naked now besides his socks and his briefs. He can see the older man’s arms starting to swell now as well. Justin reaches down to grab Freddie’s hands and puts them on his chest. His pecs are now pressing against his shirt and continuing to grow. He is smiling with his teeth showing as he continues to talk to his suitor. “Alright...you wanted this...you horny fucker. Now you can watch and feel me become the version of myself that I crave...greatly.” Freddie watches as Justin rips his tie off of his neck with his noticeably larger forearms, as they slowly start ripping through his sleeves. The buttons that were holding the sleeves together at his wrists go flying and bounce off of his protruding chest. The veins pulsing and muscle fiber striations are visible as his younger partner reaches up to squeeze both of his boyfriend’s growing arms. It is clear that the swelling hulk is purposefully trying to control everything as much as he can. “Oh, fuck Justin, I only dreamed about something like this happening to the man I was dating.” Freddie can feel his cock starting to precum as it dribbles out the side of his briefs. The fortysomething beast-to-be is also starting to grow in his lower half, as his quads start filling out and stretching the fabric of his slacks. His previously undersized cock is now beginning to test the limits of the front of his pants as it attempts to push itself forward in front of him and is flirting with Freddie’s abs, causing a huge tent to form. The young stud can feel its power against him. “Yes boss...this is freaking incredible. I can’t wait for you to hulkout in here...” “Uhhmmm...it won’t take much...longer...mmm...fuck...my lats...” Justin grunts as the seams in the sides of his shirt rip, as his back begins to emerge. Freddie can see two thick forests of blackened fur peering from above each bloated lat. The growing beast takes his friend’s hands and slowly moves them up his arms, letting them go and says to him, “I am ready to give you a show, Freddie. I am going to try and control it...the best I can...mmm...YES!” Freddie moans loudly, eyeing and feeling his partner’s biceps and triceps, engorged with raging power, slowly tearing and ripping their way free of their confines. The sexy younger hunk notices they are still growing once they are freed. He can hear Justin sighing as he leans in to run his face and mouth over top of the thick, sweaty, garden-hose sized veiny softball-sized guns. He is then directed to move back to Justin’s attention, making eye contact. “AHH...well...guess what time it is...” The hulk’s pant seams begin ripping as his hairy quads continue to expand, but he then stares into his partner’s eyes and says, “MMM...he wants to meet you...” Freddie hears him grunting loudly as Justin’s huge beast finally rips its way out the front of his slacks, smacking his partner in the chest. “OH, FUCKING WOW boss!” Justin’s package has completely mangled his briefs as his swelling balls can be seen as well. Freddie marvels at its size, it looks as if it is at least 10 or 11 inches in length and is incredibly girthy. The veiny sheath covering it entices the young man, as he feels it pulsing and leaking down his abs and onto his soaked briefs. The beast’s quads continue to grow as most of them can be viewed now. Even the hulk’s calves are starting to rip through his pants. “Want to see me destroy my shoes, Freddie?” He groans as the sound of leather being destroyed turns him off greatly. His growing feet burst out of both of them. Justin laughs and is clearly intoxicated by the rush of adrenaline and testosterone flowing through him. His chest is begging for mercy, his nipples are twice as big as they used to be and peering through the shirt fabric. His traps, now engorged and veiny, are slowly tearing his shirt at the neckline as his delts, trying desperately to grow, are fighting for freedom as well on the swelling behemoth. Freddie can also see and feel his partner’s inflating eight pack protruding against his own sweaty body. “OH SHIT...MMM...I am... going to savor...TTHHIISS...enn...uhh...enjoy the experience...ffuucckkeerr...” Justin shoves Freddie’s face into his chest as he puffs his chest out. The horny redhead feels his own cockhead finding its way out the side of his underwear and is throbbing wildly. It accidentally touches the hulk’s raging tool and appears to be mating with it. He is shocked to see that is swelling a bit and it nearly destroys his own briefs. “Wait...what is happening to my...” “HAHA! Oh yeah...I did forget to let you in on another secret of mine, didn’t I? Well, this hulk is ready to let his chest do the talking...” Justin gleefully feels his pecs ripping his shirt open, as the two bloated masses nearly touch his chin before dropping down a couple of inches to rest. The top three buttons go flying like rockets all over the closet. He then intentionally flexes his abs, causing the rest of his shirt to rip open. “RAWR! Gawd I always love it when my chest does that. AWW YEAH, I am getting the urge now to...ERRMMM...Let me see if I can...” Justin then tries to do a lat flare which causes his shirt to nearly disintegrate from the back, as he feels all of his expanding back muscles to rip the fabric completely off the top of his neckline. He can feel his glutes finishing off his briefs as they burst his pants open from his ass and continue swelling. Freddie has now started to nurse on the beast’s mammoth, veiny, furry tits. Justin picks him up in his arms to let him get a better position to focus on the hulk’s immense chest. He tears Freddie’s briefs off and lightly massages his ass with his thickening fingers on his right hand. “Remember when you were so intent on fucking me, Freddie?” “Oh? OH? Oh, my gawd Justin...I am not sure I am prepared to be...” He laughs a little as he slowly starts to shove each one of his fingers inside the redhead’s wet hole, one at a time. He then takes his left hand and tears the rest of Freddie’s pants, belt, and briefs off. What is left of his shirt is also tossed to the side. Justin has stopped growing for the time being. “Hey crazy man...stop nursing on me for a minute stud.” The lust in Freddie’s eyes can be seen when he looks up at the beast. Justin leans down to kiss him deeply on the lips before stopping after a few seconds. “I am actually not done Fred. This is me being controlled. I want to keep going, but I also want to know if you want to join me. When our cocks made contact, you saw what happened. You gained about another inch in size and length.” The younger stud seems to get what he is implying. “Do you even have to ask me again boss? Let’s fucking become gods and outgrow this place.” “I knew you would you said that. My cock wants to be inside you so badly. I promise I will be as gentle as I can.” Justin slowly squeezes his beast inside Freddie’s eager hole. The young stud feels a whole range of emotions overcoming his senses as the growing hulk’s huge member makes contact with his insides. There is a sense of euphoria he has never felt before, which Justin can also feel himself. He slowly starts to grind his partner, feeling Freddie’s hole melding to his cock and is slowly easing the tension from within. The changes will likely happen soon for the redheaded hulk-to-be. “You are such a good boy Freddie. We are ridiculously compatible; I am not even sure if I even need to cum inside you because I can definitely sense a yearning emanating from your body. The hunger for conversion and growth is so obvious.” “I really hope you are right. I assume that I am associating with Mr. H right now?” “HEH! Well, we are one with each other. He doesn’t actually talk any differently than I do. Basically, as you can tell, I am getting more intense, which by the way, I need to do this.” Justin is now expanding rapidly as the rest of his clothing is reduced to nothing but strips of fabric. He growls as he feels his cock being forced to slide out of his partner’s hole. He stares directly into the redhead’s eyes and smiles. It is as if he is giving permission to his partner’s body to start growing itself. He can hear Freddie groaning loudly now as he starts to feel himself swelling. “OH YEAH! That is my studly boy! Mr. H has waited too long to find his perfect suitor. Grow big enough so I can slip myself back inside you. I am wanting badly to fill you up.” “YES! GROW ME! I can feel my body surrendering over to it completely. The testosterone is accelerating at lightning speed Justin. I have godlike genetics, you know this already. I am ready to give up my normal life for this one. LET’S GO!” Freddie is expanding rapidly as he repositions himself on top of his older partner. He laughs maniacally as his legs start to press up against the closet. His huge cock grows bigger on top of Justin’s thick abdominal wall and his swelling ass quickly finds the hulk’s eager tool and swallows it inside his larger hole. Justin yells in delight as he begins fucking his growing partner in excitement as he continues to watch the redhead beasting out on top of him. Freddie’s gorgeous chest is ballooning so fast that it is making a lot of stretching noises. His abs are getting incredibly deep and cavernous to the point that you could probably shove a normal man’s hand between them. He has now put his thickening arms up along the ceiling and is intentionally trying to make it give way. Justin is grinning as he does this, as it makes him even more horny. “HAHA, we are so perfect for each other. I will wait to go full blown hulk until you are with me, if you know what I mean?” “AHH YEAH! I already feel so fucking big hulk man. Make me a giant, I want your hulk hormones destroying me.” Justin’s intense hunger to cum inside Freddie has accidentally caused him to grow even bigger as he feels himself pressing his huge feet up against the front of the closet. His partner is also growing again as he starts to arch his back down towards his hulkish partner. He is moaning loudly as he pushes up on the ceiling with his enormous back. It is starting to buckle under the power of his frame as several things begin to crash to the ground. “PUMP ME FULL JUSTIN!” With each thrust now, both of them grow exponentially bigger, causing the closet to completely give way as they find themselves starting to go through multiple floors of the building, debris sticking to their godlike muscles as they eventually find themselves outside in the cool springlike air. Their voices echo as they moan loudly causing the surrounding car alarms to go off. “OH FREDDIE! I think it is time for us to get out of here. We will have to find another company to work for from now on.” “Sounds about right Mr. H. This human vessel is now a party of two thanks to you.” The two muscle giants get up off the ground and feel the rest of the building collapsing around them. They start walking towards a wooded area in the distance in hopes of vanishing into the fog that has developed there. They can hear helicopters and emergency services behind them.
    22 points
  9. POP Part 8 [Back to the nasty stuff - Broody] “I see you’ve moved on from chicken broth.” Dr. Harry Stain cooly appraised Detective Steven Carnitas’ astonishing muscular bulk as the 6’ 6” 500 lb homicide cop filled the small reception area of the office of Carson Fink, CEO of Pomeroy Pharmaceuticals. “Yeah, no thanks to you,” Carnitas said, then wished he hadn’t. It was a challenge to rein in his usual scornful banter with the pathologist. However, given how he’d nearly spilled the beans on the death of Vinny Crisco when Stain visited his apartment, he wanted to stay on the doctor’s good side, even to the point of wearing a tent-like white contamination coverall that made him look like the arctic ice wall in Game of Thrones. But it still stung how Stain had abandoned him that day. Stain shrugged, and turned to accompany Carnitas past the assistant’s desk, down a short hallway to Fink’s spacious corner office. “I must admit, this is a first for me.” Stain said as they turned the corner. “Usually the bodies are on the floor.” “Damn.” Carnitas approached the wall behind an expensive-looking modern oak desk on which lay a single manila file marked PROPRIETARY. “If Fink did this, I’m glad I sent Brick to support the uniforms. They’ll need the extra muscle.” The detective faced a wall paneled in a fine-grained blond wood veneer, which had fractures radiating out from fist-sized gouges. The carcass of a thin man in a lab coat was lodged there, his body literally punched into the drywall. The face was barely recognizable as such, bloodied skin embedded with mangled wire-rim glasses over a flattened skull like a pumpkin smashed by shortchanged trick-or-treaters. Carnitas peered at the name tag on the lab coat. “Dr. Havelock Lee.” “Chief scientist,” said Stain. “Must have been one hell of an argument.” Carnitas stepped back and flipped open the file with a gloved finger. He couldn’t make much sense of it but one word did jump out. “Cuntofil. Isn’t that the boner drug I asked you about?” “Yes. What was the charming nickname you had for it?” “Piledriver.” “Indeed. Pomeroy Pharm was testing it for commercial release. It seems that poor Dr. Lee was the one to give Mr. Fink the bad news. You’ll like this, detective: it turns out you were right. Cuntofil did have a dangerous interaction if combined with certain performance-enhancing drugs.” Carnitas cracked a wide smile. “Double DBol. So sorry, doc,” he said, dripping sarcasm, “it must pain you to have to admit I was right.” “Well,” said the doctor, eyebrow raised, “don’t say I never did anything for you.” “Fuck you, Stain.” Stain smirked, amused. “I think not, but if you were inclined to try, I’m afraid you would have to do so without the benefit of cuntofil.” The pathologist flipped to the back page of the file where REJECTED was stamped diagonally in block letters. “The regulators cite both the interaction with athenabol, as well as security problems with the trial, where significant amounts of the product went missing.” Carnitas breathed out. He didn’t usually get nauseous at crime scenes, but the collapsed head of the research guy was something else. “Oh yeah? You hear from any of your dead-doc buddies about it showing up in any other homicides?” “We pathologists aren’t known for our social networks.” “No shit. I wonder if Mr Bigshot CEO with the fists can enlighten us on the missing Piledriver finding its way to the Tinker perp.” “May you have better luck than I did when I asked him for swabs.” *** “I don’t know anything. The fucker was dead when I walked in.” “Uh-huh. Sure.” Carnitas joined Lieutenant Flint in the observation compartment adjoining the police station’s interview room. On the other side of the one-way glass, Detective Jonah Brick was grilling a handcuffed Carson Fink, while two uniformed officers, both smaller than either man, anxiously stood guard. The scoffing CEO was an inch shorter than Carnitas’ 6’ 4” partner, but was packed with about 50 lbs more muscle. His custom-made navy business suit was cut to highlight his classically proportioned physique, hugging his tank-like torso, powerful arms, narrow waist, and tree-trunk legs. The best trainers money can buy, Carnitas mused. “How goes it?” Lt Flint scoffed. “Embarrassing. Fink resisted going into handcuffs so the uniforms forced him. But he smirked the whole time as they struggled to move his hands together. They’d get them almost close enough, pushing one arm with their whole bodies, and then he’d flex and push them back like he was doing dumbbell flyes at his fancy gym. I’d bet money he let them win eventually after he’d had his fun. Asshole.” “Fucker.” The loudspeaker crackled. “That’s a lot of hostility for a dead colleague, Mr. Fink. Care to tell us what that stems from?” “You faggot cops can eat my shit.” “I see, so that’s how it’s gonna be today, huh? Okay.” Brick inclined his head to the two constables, who looked relieved as they exited the room to stand outside. Then he stood up and slowly walked to the video camera, clicking it off. “I don’t like this,” said Carnitas. “Brick can handle himself.” Don’t I know it. Steve willed himself to relax the uneasy feeling clawing at his gut. Fink smirked at Brick. “That supposed to intimidate me?” Brick said nothing, but started unbuttoning his snug Arrow shirt as he made his way back to the front of the room. “Don’t wanna get blood on it,” he finally said as he hung it carefully on the back of his chair. His hairy, manly pecs, broad and powerful, strained the fabric of his wifebeater, which couldn’t hide the corrugated iron of his washboard abs. “Yeah? ‘Cause your faggot boyfriend got it for you?” Brick crossed his arms, which bulged with dense shit-kicking muscle in his big biceps and meaty triceps. “Speaking of faggots, how much Piledriver did you have to steal for Adrian Stark before he let you suck his cock?” Fink’s beefy neck flushed with rage. “Just for that…” he held the handcuffs up in front of his face and snapped the link with a sharp tug “… I’m gonna kill you nice and slow.” Seams split in the CEO’s tailored suit as he lunged at Brick with his cannon-sized arms. Brick dodged, backflipping over the table, kicking Fink hard under the chin for good measure. “You’re definitely slow, but you’re not very nice. But then again, neither am I.” Fink ripped the heavy bolted table out of the floor with one meaty hand and spun it into the wall. “Stay still so I can pulp you, you skinny faggot!” This time Brick held his ground, slipping a straight punch and ducking under a nuclear right hook, he leapt forward, slicing an elbow up the middle that split Fink’s forehead open in a jagged gash. “Motherfucker!!” He screamed in agony as blood spilt into his eyes. He staggered back and Carnitas flinched as his bulk slammed into the tempered glass, which somehow held. Brick thundered hooks into Fink’s body, drawing grunts for his efforts, then righted the overturned table. He ducked under a wild swing from the blood-blinded Fink to get behind him. He wrenched Fink’s arm behind his enormous back and shoved him over the table. He wrapped the pharma baron’s glossy blond hair in his fist and banged his bloody forehead into the table three times. “Where— the fuck— is Stark?” “Fuck you!” Brick used both his brawny arms to force the chicken-wing tighter and the CEO howled in agony. He waved his free arm behind him but he wasn’t flexible enough to reach the domineering muscle-cop. “WHERE IS HE?” “FUCK YOU FAGGOT.” Brick released the hold and Fink fell forward, bleeding onto the stainless steel table which now looked like a butcher’s workstation. Brick started undoing his belt and the fly of his pants. “You keep saying that word. But let me give you an advance tip you’re gonna learn in the clink when we put you away for murder…” Brick wrapped one formidable arm around Fink’s neck and tore off the seat of his suitpants with a loud rip. Steven gasped in shock as Brick’s ten-inch bullcock, as long and hard and red as a fiery poker, frotted the crack of Fink’s bodybuilder glutes. He leaned in to speak into Fink’s ear as his balled-up bicep crushed his windpipe with a crackling of cartilage. “Only the bottom is a faggot.” Fink gasped: “No, wait!” and tapped Brick’s arm in submission. “I’ll talk.” Brick released the choke and took a step back, pulling his pants back up. “So talk.” “It’s…” Fink coughed as he turned around to face his tormentor. “It’s game over for Piledriver, thanks to that fucking dipshit lab rat, so Stark and his little friends are going out with a bang. A Pop Party for the ages, tonight, using up the last of the pills I supplied ‘em.” “Where, moron! Where is this happening?” Brick stepped forward and raised his right arm to backhand the dickhead like a mouthy step-child. “Shit!” Carnitas saw the lunge before Brick did. Fink grabbed Brick's forearm at the elbow and the wrist then rocketed his knee upward, hammering into the bone which broke with a loud snap. “Shit shit shit!” Carnitas stabbed the panic button on the wall as Lt. Flint raced from the observation room. Carson Fink laughed like a maniac, his face covered in blood, and loomed over a shocked Brick, who hunched over, cradling his arm. “Nobody gets the better of me, asshole! Not some smug science nerd saying ‘I told you so’. Not some faggot cop. Now get the fuck up so I can break the rest of your pansy-ass bones.” But then… Brick slowly drew himself back to his full height and Carnitas caught his breath as he saw the look on his partner’s face. The shock and pain on his face was gone, replaced by a red-faced rage that Steve knew well. Adrenaline swelled Brick’s neck, traps, delts and upper chest into a seething mass of bloated muscle criss-crossed with gnarly veins and dense striations. His ivory-white wolfish teeth bared in a terrifying snarl that caused Fink’s sniggering laugh to catch in this throat. “Fuck—” would be the last word he would say in quite some time. The haymaker left smashed into Fink’s face like a cannonball. Carnitas took a step back as half a dozen front teeth clattered against the one-way glass. Fink instantly crashed to the floor unconscious, his jaw a shapeless lump of bloody flesh and bonemeal. The door burst open and Flint and the two uniforms barreled into the room only to stop short as Brick rounded on them and roared, tearing off the scraps of his tank and beating his swollen pecs with his bloody fist. One of the junior cops’ face drained to white and he shat his pants on the spot. The other cowered and cringed before Brick’s bristling brawn until he was shoved aside by a disgusted Flint, who put a beefy hand on his detective’s buttress of a trap. “I got you, son. Deep breaths. Let’s take a look at that arm.” Carnitas’ massive bulk blocked the two gutless constables from fleeing as he entered the small room and they squirmed, mortified, under the withering glower of Lt Flint. “Good work, Detective Brick. Now we know what’s next, we just have to figure out where. Let’s wake this turd up and find out.” The big lieutenant’s arms surged as he grabbed the lapels of Fink’s suit and hefted him off the floor. He was still out cold. Flint’s biceps popped and flexed as he shook the flattened CEO like a ragdoll. But all he did was dislocate the rest of his jaw so that Fink’s pulverized mouth stretched open like the maw of some creature from a horror film. “There’s no need, boss,” Carnitas said. “I know where he’s going. The Muscle Barn.” “Yeah?” said Flint, “then take some backup and get over there.” “Fuck, bro, I fucked up,” said Brick, huffing at his useless arm. “You get to the ER,” said Carnitas, “I’ll call up Chuckie. He might be skinny, but his pinky toe is more man than these two put together.” The detective kicked the side of the poop-pantsed cop in derision. Flint nodded in agreement. Det. Brick spoke up: “Don’t be too hard on them, I can be a lot to handle when I get going.” They traipsed out of the room with Flint carrying Fink’s limp body over his broad shoulder. “Oh I won’t be hard on them, I won’t waste another thought on ‘em. But I got a cop-hating monster teen at home that I’m gonna toss ‘em to like raw meat.” Carnitas thought he’d like to see Jamal Flint pound those wimpy suckers almost as much as he wanted Brick to pound his ass with that fucking glorious cock. To Be Continued.
    21 points
  10. Here's the next chapter. To be honest, I had a bit of writer's block after starting work on this, so it's coming out later than I had hoped. I still had fun writing it though! Hopefully you will enjoy... --- Simon arrived at the address, an apartment building on the other side of town to the office. He had stopped by his house to grab some equipment, so he was dragging a heavy sports bag around. He was full of energy, so he decided to run up the stairs. He realised after a couple of floors that this had been a stupid idea, but he was determined and made it to the fifth floor, out of breath but still nervous and excited. He made his way to door from the address and knocked twice. He didn't hear anything after a few seconds and impatiently tried the handle. It opened, and he stepped inside. "Hello! Dave, are you in there?" Simon heard a muffled voice from deeper inside the apartment. "Oh, hey buddy. Didn't expect you this soon." Simon smiled and walked in the direction of the voice, stepping over discarded clothing that would drown any normal sized person. The apartment was otherwise clean and quite nice, if a bit sparsely furnished. He reached the end of the corridor and turned the handle of what seemed to be the master bedroom door, opening it slowly. Sure enough, it was a huge bedroom. It was permeated with the musk of a man who hadn't showered in a couple of days. The king-sized bed looked like a single with the giant currently resting inside. Dave grinned at Simon from underneath the covers. He was sprawled out, his legs spread wide, his phone in his hand. His bare feet hung off the edge of the bed, as massive and covered in fur as the rest of the man, down to his thick, hairy toes. "Sorry, maybe I should have gotten dressed. It's tough because it's sore, you know." "No, that's fine. It, uh, will make it easier to do my job." Dave smirked. "Oh, cool. I guess I thought you might say something like that." He yawned and stretched. As he did so, his corded muscular arms were on full display, as were his bushy underarms. Catching a whiff of his armpit, he sniffed exaggeratedly. "Oh man. Sorry buddy. I get a little, uh, fragrant if I don't shower for more than a few hours. Hope you don't think that's gross." Simon swallowed. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll be fine." Dave chuckled. "Yeah, I thought you might feel that way, too. Alright, buddy. How do you want to start?" And with a casual flick of his wrist, he flipped the covers off of the bed completely. He was wearing nothing but a jockstrap. It had a thick waist strap that had "XXXXXL" written in massive font. Simon recognised the logo as a brand of kink merchandise. Underneath was the strap was the biggest bulge Dave had ever seen. Simon stared at it intently. "I had to pay extra for this underwear. They're the only ones that fit," Dave explained, apologetically. "The cashier told me they're usually for guys who inject stuff into their ball sack. He probably thinks I'm a huge pervert," he said with an embarrassed smile. Simon chuckled awkwardly. "Give me 5 minutes, and I'll get started." Simon dumped his gear on the bed and unzipped the bag. "That's great. Where do you want to start? Maybe with my chest?" Simon was oiling up his hands, trying not to stare at his colleague. "Sure! That works." Once he was ready, he moved in towards the muscular man. Simon's slick hands gently made contact with one of the vast pillows of hairy muscle on Dave's chest. The upper layer was soft and bouncy. The oil slicked the man's dense hair, flattening it into swirling patterns as Simon gently but firmly ran his fingers across the surface. There was a lot of surface. Simon could easily fit both his palms on the man's pec with room to spare. The man had prominent nipples, but they were outclassed by the gigantic muscles they were attached to. Simon deliberately avoided them. he spent a few minutes landscaping the plane of hairy meat, feeling for spots that were particularly tense. He soon realised that the entire pec felt stiff. He began to knead the flesh more earnestly. Dave groaned loudly. "AAAAhhhhh, ugh ugh..." "Does it hurt?" Simon looked towards Dave's eyes. But they were closed, and he looked at peace. "It hurts in a good way, buddy. Don't stop." Simon turned his attention back to the muscle within his hands. Little by little, he rubbed and twisted the flesh beneath his finger tips. He could feel the iron hardness of the fibres under the surface start to give way ever so slightly. He began to relentlessly attack the stiffest parts with small, skilful strokes of his fingers. Dave sighed. The soreness hurt like a bitch, but this was like the opposite of that. In truth, it had been a long time since he had skin on skin contact with another person, but this felt even better than he remembered. He threw back one arm behind his head, inadvertently exposing Simon to his pit musk. Simon's nostrils flared and his cock throbbed as he focused on massaging that pec as loose as he could get it. It was staggering just how thick and dense it was. Simon had seen the pressing power it was capable of. It was strange, but arousing, to think of that power now, laying dormant beneath his hands. Simon methodically worked the pec until it was about as relaxed as he thought he could make it. Then he turned his attention to the other giant pec. He'd never touched a body as muscular as this one, but if anything it made it easier. Every shape was so pronounced that it was like handling a 3D anatomy chart. Although all that fur did get in the way. As Simon swept across the left pectoral, Dave threw back his head, his 5 o'clock shadow and Adam's apple very prominent. The smaller man's touches were awakening something in his loins. Dave had known it was probably inevitable when he agreed to this, but he was still a bit nervous about getting a hard-on in front of Simon. Everyone always made a scene whenever they first saw it. All the way back in high school, people gave him shit for it. It had always been obscene, poking its way out of any clothing he wore, almost as if in defiance. He'd hoped it would have gotten easier as he had grown older and his frame had expanded, but no such luck. If anything, now he was in his late 30s, it was worse. It seemed to grow bigger as he became taller. Even flaccid, it filled the fat pouch of the jockstrap completely. He groaned and shifted his hips as his cock outgrew its confinement. Meanwhile, Simon was grinding his fingers into the thick pec flesh while face-to-face with the musky curls of Dave's massive armpit. Every breath filled his lungs with Dave's scent and made his brain go fuzzy. He was beyond hard, his cock leaking into his underwear. He realised that he was getting close. Then, he felt something soft and warm "thwap" against the side of his leg and he froze. "Don't stop," Dave murmured. His mind was beginning to fill with dirty thoughts about his colleague. Dave hadn't had sex in a long time. His sex drive was quite high, and finding men or women to hook up with wasn't usually a problem, but the actual sex was generally unsatisfying. It usually ended in mutual masturbation as his partners couldn't take much of his mammoth organ. Christ, Dave thought as he became harder, it must have grown again. Last time he measured, it was 10 inches of beer-can thickness, but that was about a year ago. He'd had a grown spurt since then, so it was almost certainly bigger now. Simon had been rubbing his hands over the same spot for a few minutes as he surreptitiously glanced down at the man's crotch. Dave's cock was long and thick, the tip laying well beyond the man's navel. A generous foreskin bunched up over the fat, pink head that was peeking out amongst the folds of skin. A network of prominent veins criss-crossed the shaft, which had a slight curve to it. Simon tore his eyes away. "I think your chest is probably as good as I can get it. Where else is sore? Your arms maybe?" "Eh... honestly, the sorest part is probably my ass, buddy. Those squats destroyed me, haha. But I don't expect you to have to deal with that." "Hey, no problem. I can take a look." Dave chuckled. "Oh, really? Well, I should probably take care of something first." His cock throbbed, slapping audibly against his muscled stomach. "I can help with that, too." "Yeah, I bet you can." Dave's breath was heavy. Dave lay silently. He felt Simon's oily hands gently surround the shaft of thick flesh. Compared to the muscle of the man's upper body, this was a very different texture, and unmistakeably rock hard. Simon bit his lip running both hands along it. Dave threw back his head, suppressing a moan, as Simon explored the erect phallus in an awed silence. It was bigger than any other cock that Simon had ever encountered. It gave his toy collection a run for its money. He pressed his nose and lips against the head and took a deep breath, taking in the sensations, feeling the warmth of it press against his face. Gazing down his torso, Dave was taken back by the size contrast of his organ and Simon. It was considerably longer than the smaller man's face. Simon's eyes were closed like he was in rapture, but his hands kept moving, stimulating the behemoth underneath him. Dave let out a low growl of pure desire. His enormous muscles made him appear intimidating, but the soreness kept him somewhat bound to a relaxed position. Simon opened his eyes and engulfed the engorged head with his mouth. He was staring directly up at Dave's face, himself fully clothed. Simon couldn't believe the insane taper from Dave's waist to his chest and shoulders. Dave looked back into the man's eyes and felt his heart skip a beat. The smaller man looked vulnerable with his lips stretched wide. And then, Simon did something completely obscene. He rapidly swallowed as much of that enormous monster as he could. Dave gasped at the sensation, but also the depravity of the sight, his straight-laced colleague choking himself on Dave's raging cock. The man's throat seemed to bulge, and the cock inside throbbed, belching precum and making Simon moan in perverse pleasure. Simon kept forcing himself to choke on that cock. Nobody had ever done this to Dave before, and he began to subconsciously understand the kind of man that Simon was. The kind of man whose purpose in life was to worship men like Dave. "Let me give you a hand, buddy." Simon tried to respond, moaning something inaudible, as an enormous, hairy hand gripped his short hair firmly and began to apply unbelievable pressure. Simon found himself descending closer and closer to the jungle at the base of the enormous cock that was currently carving out space in his chest. He coughed and spluttered, spit falling out of his face and nose as he was filled with more cock than he had ever taken. His face was turning red as he dimly realised he had bottomed out a few inches short. The pressure on his head was unrelenting, but there was no more movement. Then suddenly, the pressure was gone, and Simon came up, gasping for air. "Holy fuck," Simon murmured in between coughing and spluttering. "That was hot as fuck." Dave watched with fascination. "Good to know, buddy. But you've still got a job to do." He gently slapped the hard, sloppy cock against Simon's face, to make a point. "So, better get on with it." Wordlessly, Simon began to suck Dave in earnest, his hands, face and throat giving Dave the most enthusiastic, sloppiest blowjob of his life. After a few minutes of intense oral stimulation, Dave's avacado-sized balls began to pull tight, and both men realised what was about to happen. "Gonna cum," Dave managed to articulate, seconds before Simon's respiratory tract was subjected to an enormous flood of semen. Dave's virile seed filled Simon to overflowing, literally, as pressurised cum fired painfully out of Simon's nose. The shock of it forced him to spit out the cock. Simon looked horrified, but Dave just chuckled heartily. For several seconds, the huge cock soaked Simon's clothes and his astonished face with spurt after spurt of cum. "Sorry, buddy... I tried to warn ya. Why don't you get us both cleaned up as best you can..."
    21 points
  11. Chapter 55 - Season 2 Episode 13 Their massive bodies continued to move, muscles rippling and flexing, cocks throbbing with need. The air was thick with the scent of their musk, a heady aroma that made Ollie's head spin with desire. The two Brocks released Ollie from their muscular embrace, stepping back to give him a full view of their godlike physiques. With a shared grin, they concentrated, and their already impressive endowments began to grow. Ollie watched in awe as their cocks lengthened and thickened, reaching a staggering 15 inches. "Watch this, baby," Brock purred, nestling his massive member between his bulging pecs. The doppelganger followed suit, his cock disappearing into the deep valleys of his chest and abs. In perfect synchronization, they began to flex, their muscles rippling and contracting around their shafts. "Oh fuck," Ollie breathed, his eyes wide as he watched the erotic display. Clear, glistening precum began to leak copiously from both cockheads, trailing down the ridges of their abs. The scent of their musk filled the air, heady and intoxicating. Unable to resist, Ollie stepped forward, his tongue darting out to taste. He started at their cocks, lapping up the sweet-salty fluid, then moved to their nipples. Each flick of his tongue across the sensitive nubs drew deep groans from the Brocks. "That's it, baby," Brock encouraged, his voice husky with arousal. "Worship these muscles." Ollie's mouth and hands roamed freely, exploring every inch of their massive frames. He traced the deep cuts of their abs with his tongue, savoring the salty taste of their sweat. His fingers kneaded their thick, muscular thighs, marveling at the power contained within. As Ollie lavished attention on one Brock, the other would reach out, caressing Ollie's body or teasing his doppelganger's cock. Their hands seemed to be everywhere at once, stroking, squeezing, pinching. "Fuck, you taste so good," Ollie moaned, his lips wrapped around Brock's bicep. The doppelganger pulled Ollie into a deep kiss, his tongue exploring Ollie's mouth hungrily. When they parted, Brock immediately claimed Ollie's lips, not wanting to be left out. They continued like this, a tangle of limbs and muscle, exchanging kisses and caresses. The air was thick with the sound of their pleasure - deep moans, breathless gasps, and the wet sounds of skin on skin. "Ready for more, baby?" Brock asked, his eyes dark with lust. Ollie nodded eagerly, his body thrumming with anticipation. "Yes," he breathed. "Show me everything you can do." The two Brocks focused intently, their massive cocks lengthening further until they reached their mouths. With practiced ease, they bent forward, taking their own shafts between their lips. Ollie watched in awe as they pleasured themselves, their cheeks hollowing with each powerful suck. Ollie watched in awe. "Holy fuck," he breathed. "That's the hottest thing I've ever seen." Brock, his mouth full, could only moan in response. But the doppelganger paused, grinning at Ollie. "Just wait, baby. It gets better." After a few minutes of self-indulgence, they turned to each other. In perfect synchronization, they engulfed each other's cocks, creating an erotic tableau of muscle and masculinity. Their throats bulged as they took each other to the hilt, hands roaming over bulging muscles. Ollie's excitement grew. "Oh god, yes," he groaned. "Suck each other. Show me how good it feels." The Brocks complied eagerly, their throats bulging as they took each other to the hilt. Ollie's hand moved to his own cock, stroking in time with their movements. As they reached their peaks, Brock pulled back just enough to speak. "Gonna cum," he grunted. "Fuck, it's so much." The doppelganger nodded, his voice strained. "Take it all, big guy. Every fucking drop." Suddenly, both Brocks tensed, their bodies shuddering in unison as they reached their peaks. Thick ropes of cum erupted from their cocks, filling each other's mouths to overflowing. The excess spilled out, running down their chins and chests in pearly rivers. As their orgasms subsided, the Brocks adjusted their cock sizes, reducing them to a more manageable 9 inches. They turned their attention to Ollie, their eyes dark with lust. "Ready for us, baby?" Brock purred, positioning himself behind Ollie. "God, yes," Ollie moaned. "Fill me up, daddy. Both of you." Brock's voice was husky with lust. "Fuck, you're so tight, baby. So perfect for daddy's cock." Brock positioned himself behind Ollie, his slick cock pressing against Ollie's entrance. With a smooth thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, drawing a cry of pleasure from Ollie's lips. "That's it," the doppelganger groaned. "Take that big cock, Ollie. Show us how much you love it." The doppelganger stepped forward, guiding his cock into Ollie's waiting mouth. Ollie eagerly accepted, his tongue swirling around the thick shaft as the doppelganger began to thrust. As they established a rhythm, their hands roamed Ollie's body. The doppelganger's fingers wrapped around Ollie's cock, stroking in time with their thrusts. Brock's fingers found Ollie's nipples, pinching and rolling the sensitive nubs. Ollie, lost in a haze of pleasure, reached up to reciprocate. His fingers found the doppelganger's nipples, teasing and pinching as he had done to Brock countless times before. His other hand explored the doppelganger's chiseled abs and bulging pecs, marveling at their hardness and warmth. The room filled with the sounds of their passion - grunts, moans, and the wet slap of skin on skin. The air grew thick with the scent of sweat and sex, a heady mixture that only fueled their desires. As they neared their climax, Brock's voice was strained. "Gonna flood you, baby. Gonna fill you up so good." The doppelganger nodded, his hips jerking erratically. "Drink it all, Ollie. Every last drop." Ollie could only moan in response, overwhelmed by the dual sensations of being filled from both ends. Both Brocks began to cum. Their enhanced bodies produced an impossible amount of semen, flooding Ollie's mouth and ass. The sheer volume was too much to contain, spilling out around their cocks and running down Ollie's chin and thighs. Even as they pulled out, their orgasms continued. Thick ropes of cum painted Ollie's body, covering him from head to toe in their essence. The Brocks turned to each other, their remaining shots decorating each other's muscular frames with glistening streaks. The floor around them was slick with puddles of cum, the air heavy with the scent of their passion. Brock's cock swelled to its new 16-inch length, veins pulsing visibly along the shaft as he positioned himself behind his doppelganger. The clone lay spread-eagled on the table, legs pulled back in the Happy Baby pose, his hole twitching in anticipation. With a grunt, Brock pushed forward, sinking his massive member into his double's waiting ass. Both men let out deep, guttural moans as Brock bottomed out. "Holy fuck," Brock growled, his hips beginning to move in long, powerful strokes. "It's like the ultimate masturbation. So fucking tight, so perfect." The doppelganger's eyes rolled back in ecstasy, his own cock lengthening rapidly. It grew and grew, reaching an astounding 40 inches, the tip brushing against Brock's chin. "Suck it," the clone demanded, his voice husky with lust. "Show me how good I taste." Brock eagerly complied, his lips stretching wide to accommodate the enormous girth. He took the head into his mouth, tongue swirling around the sensitive glans as he continued to thrust. Ollie watched in awe, his own cock rock hard and leaking. His hands roamed over their bulging muscles, tracing every ridge and valley. He tweaked their nipples, drawing sharp gasps of pleasure from both men.
    19 points
  12. [9] I arrived at the empty gym. Guess Zell had it cleared out. I could hear him grunting somewhere and I headed in the direction. Looks like he is doing squats and man that was a sight to behold from behind. His legs were fuckin massive. It looked like his ass was about to split his shorts. He racked the weights and turned around. “SHIT TINY T” exclaimed Zell. That comment alone made me feel like I did the day before. All the gains made over the past several hours just felt like it never happened. “You've got fuckin huge in a short period of time.” I looked puzzled as Zell was talking. “All of the guys that suck me off didn't get close to your size until 3 or 4 days later when their growth started to slow down and then your size within a week. You may actually rival me in size Tiny.” Zell said all of that in a matter of fact tone but put a strong emphasis on the word Tiny. My mind was starting to spin at the potential possibilities and outcomes but before I got deep into those thoughts I asked. “So you're saying that I should expect to see changes occur for about a week?” Zell just nodded and before I could really think about what that would mean, Zell said “Take off those baggy ass sweatpants and let's hit legs to see if some strength actually accompanied that mass.” I started to take off the sweats to reveal the shorts. I caught a glimpse of Zell and his expression was of awe and envy. I think he realized instantly what was slowly coming to mind for me. If I'm this big now after 1 day and I had several more days to grow by the time this was done chances are now not only would I rival Zell in size but I may even dwarf him. I tried not to get excited by the thought but the head of my cock began to show through leg of my shorts. Zell acted like it wasn't a big deal but his body language said otherwise. As I began to walk to the squat rack, I felt like I did walking into the gym, big and confident. Loading a few plates onto the rack to begin, I could see that I was a couple of inches shorter than Zell and I was indeed almost as big as he was. I got into position and did a couple of warm up sets with ease. Then Zell loaded several more plates on for himself to get back at it. Each rep for him made his legs more defined than the last. Striations more pronounced, skin looking paper thin containing pounds of muscle full of just raw power. When he finished his set the Zell I remembered from our first encounter reappeared. Dominating and cocky as shit. “Well Tiny T, let's take a few plates off for your set.” As he purposefully flexed his legs with every movement. I got into position and replicated the movements I saw him do. He was standing behind me as I began to work. I was focused on proper form since this was the first time I tested this new body out like this. The first few reps were slow but eased up. Zell had an expression of curiosity and lust in his eyes but added more weight to the bar. When I finally struggled through a whole set he seemed pleased. “Looks like those new muscles aren't as strong as they look Tiny T.” I think he was happy to say that because the bar didn't have as much weight as it did for him but it was only 2 plates away. Plus the insane pump I had in my legs felt amazing and I think they even grew some more. I could only tell because my shorts felt significantly tighter than before. We then hit calves, hams, glutes, and quads with the same level of intensity. We had such a full pump that we damn near had to just shuffle our feet around the gym due to the intensity of the pump. Zell showed me a few posing tricks in the mirror which didn't move much because of the pump. He looked at my shorts and thought I was wearing posers and I laughed and said no but I really didn't pay them attention until now and they did ride a lot higher than when we started. But I guess we were both focused on different things. Zell then motioned for us to head to his office again for another “session”. We were both somewhat similarly dressed except he just had a tank and underwear on that he ripped off. My shorts were easy enough to rip off but he had to help me with my shirt. In doing so he said, “This is why you don't wear all that extra shit.” But when we were finally able to get everything off and we were both bare chested. I saw it in his eyes instantly. Fear and lust. Yeah, Zell was still taller than me and bigger than me but only by a hair. If what he said earlier was true and this is just my first day of growth. I'm going to be fucking massive and Zell knows it.
    18 points
  13. Chapter 3: 8XL A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of loud snoring. I turned around, felt my massive morning wood pressing against my abs, grabbed hold of the huge meat and started stroking it proudly. I groggily opened my eyes, disoriented for a moment before realizing, that I was in my little brother’s room. The sun shone brightly through the window, illuminating the room with a warm glow. My gaze landed on Sean's bed and the giant figure laying on it. And I almost creamed right there and then. My little brother Sean, this Highschool-Muscleboy, had become a full-blown musclegod. The giant teen was knocked out on his bed, snoring like a beast. His giant chest rose and fell with every snore. So gigantically huge, I could see the deep striations of his defined pecs. He had always been big and muscular for his age, but now... HOLY SHIT! My little brother looked like the most gigantically muscled and masculine version of a Norse Muscle-God you could imagine. His boyish teen face still looked young but had become hyper-masculine and incredibly handsome with a strong jawline, at least as square and sharp as our fathers. His face, that seemed to be chiseled from marble, was covered with freckles. His short dirty-blond hair was wavy and messy. Then I saw his arm hanging off the bed, and I swear my jaw hit the floor. His arms were massive, like bigger than my waist massive, and his own waist for that matter, which was tiny. His gigantic biceps looked like basketballs carved out of granite. His shoulders and back were enormous. He had huge lats, traps and delts and the definition of every single muscle in his upper back was deeply defined to perfection. And then there were his legs. His thighs, his calves... so incredibly massive, it was almost unreal to look at. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. How had my little brother become so fucking huge? And his ass! The sight of those giant globes of the hardest, most striated muscle I had ever seen, made my rock-hard cock twitch like crazy. I could see everything, as Sean was butt naked. His boxer briefs were ripped, tattered beyond recognition, looking more like a piece of cloth than underwear. The massive teen must've torn them to shreds in his sleep, leaving nothing but tatters under his massive body. I got up, trying to snag the torn fabric from under him, feeling the heat rising in me as I got close to that godlike physique. It took a lot of effort to wrench them free from under Sean's weight. Then I finally had them in my hand. The torn boxer briefs were soaked in a thick, creamy fluid, thicker than a normal man’s cum, but clearly only pre. The scent hit me like a truck, making my whole body shake in heat. Sean's musk was like pure testosterone, cranked up to a million. My dick grew even harder, throbbing ever crazier and it took all my Thorson-willpower to not fucking erupt on the spot. As I stood there, my eyes were drawn to two giant metal buckets next to Sean’s bed. One was empty, the other one filled with a pile of what looked like dirty, old, deflated balloons. The same intense scent wafted from them, and when I looked closer, I realized that they were dozens upon dozens of used condoms, gigantic in size. Many of them looked stretched to their breaking point, some beyond that, and many were torn to shreds. I reached into the bucket and picked up one of the open condom packages, staring at it in disbelief. The label read "STUDS-7XL". I knew STUDS, it was a brand manufacturing giant condoms for Hyperstuds. Their L-size being already big enough for 12 inch hardons, it was a very popular brand at the Muskel-Akademie. I used them too. But not even my massive tool could fill a 7XL condom from STUDS, let alone tear it to shreds. There’s was just no way this Highschool-Muscleboy had bursted them. „Dafuq you doing, Billy?!?“ my dad Magnus yelled. I jumped and quickly let go of my cock. He had just walked into the room and caught me standing there, stroking, and sniffing my little brother's boxer briefs. He just shook his head. "Aw fuck, look at you! You’re just as bad as your sister, aren't you? Should prolly lock you and her in a room to get it out of your systems!" he said, grinning. „No, what? No, I, ehm…“ I stammered ashamed, trying to cover my embarrassment and then added: „I think Sean ripped his boxers!“ „Again?“ our dad exclaimed annoyed, and stormed out of the room, while I grabbed my wide joggers and put them on as fast as I could, to hide my throbbing cock. Sean moved a bit, opened his sparkling green eyes and looked at me confused. He scanned me from top to bottom and said: „Mornin…“. His voice insanely deep, yet still a teens voice, but deep and hypermasculine, kinda hard to describe. Then he added smirkingly: „…LITTLE brother!“ My cock twitched. Wait, did he just say „little?“ Did he just call me, the biggest junior at the Muskel-Akadmie-college “LITTLE brother”? I stared at him, unable to process all of this. "I got you some new underwear and another little present, Sean!" our dad yelled as he busted back into the room, carrying a bunch of huge white briefs and a black box. “Or should I say, a big present?” my dad smirked, as he handed Sean the briefs and the huge box. „Those should be a better fit!“ our dad Magnus added proudly. I looked at the black box and seeing a golden STUDS-8XL label engraved on the huge box made me want to die inside, like the deal was sealed with destiny. 3 years younger, and this Highschool-Muscleboy had completely surpassed my size in every way. Sean grabbed the box and briefs from my dad's hands, winked at him, his sparkling green eyes hypnotizing and said „Uhh fuck yeah. Thanks, dad“. And then, the muscle monster got up. I watched as he crawled out of bed, his body shining in the sunlight. His massive rippling muscles almost had me losing it, but his cock... HOLY SHIT! His giant meat swung heavily as he moved, like a total alpha-porn star. It was one of the biggest dicks I'd ever seen, probably 14 inches long and 9 inches around. Almost as huge as Dad's. Fucking fat and heavy, I couldn't tear my gaze away. It felt unreal, staring at my little bro's giant member. Beneath that monster of a shaft were his swollen balls, the size of apples, ready to burst his muscleboy-cum. Just the sight of them had my own cock ready to blow. Sean caught my stunned expression. Flashed me a cocky grin, and flexed his beefy pecs, finding my reaction hilarious. "Damn, bro! Aw fuck yeah, look at you, you're mirin so fuckin hard!" he teased, then turned to our dad and smirked: „Dad, I’ve outgrown my shirts again“, pointing at the shredded pieces of cloth on his bed. "Billy, you got a shirt that your brother can wear?" our dad asked without taking his proud eyes off Sean. I turned around and opened my luggage. While looking through my clothes, Sean kept showing off his giant muscle-teen body to our dad. I wanted to turn around more then anything, feeling my huge dick twitching harder and faster, hearing my proud dad complimenting Sean‘s development for the millionth time. I heard the new briefs snap to Sean‘s leg's. Taking a huge breath, I turned around with my baggiest and stretchiest of oversized shirts. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Sean just stood there, looking at his new briefs, palming his obscenely huge bulge and feasting upon it's gigantic size. I felt my knees buckle and stomach drop. My little brother's 18 years old cock bulge just looked too gigantic. The thing was so utterly thick, long and heavy, his new briefs simply pulled down off his waist from the strain. I could practically see his blonde pubic hair and the beginning of his insanely thick shaft. Our Dad just stood there beaming with pride. Sean gave his pudgy cock a good squeeze and grinned smugly in my direction. I could tell he knew. Knew that his was far bigger then even mine, bigger than anyone was his age. He turned his attention away from his cock and slowly started flexing his bulging chest and rippling body, looking up at dad like the cocky stud he was. "Fuck, uhhh yeah, so fucking strong! Aw yeah, so fucking huuuuge! You like my muscles, dad?" „They are incredible, son!“ our dad beamed with pride, Sean hit a double bicep pose, looking like a blonde hulk and my joggers tented even more. „Uhhh fuck, yeah look at you, you want it so fucking bad, LITTLE bro!“ Sean laughed at me. „Be nice to your brother, Sean…“ our dad started, then a bell rang and he went downstairs to get the door. „Ima hit the showers, wanna join me LITTLE brother?“ Sean smirked maliciously at me. „Nah, ehm, I’m good, you go first, Sean“ I replied. The moment my Sean had left the room, I jumped onto my bed, grabbed the blanket and threw it over me. With shaking hands, I fumbled with my joggers, finally pulling them down, freeing my aching, rock-hard cock, and started to frantically stroke it with both hands. It only took a few seconds for me to orgasm, but not before I grabbed the other bucket from next to Sean's bed and shot my hot alpha load in it. The cum bucket was filled to the brink with sticky white cream. I stared into it, wondering what had just happened to me. What was wrong with me? I was a fucking alpha stud, the biggest junior at Muskel-Akademie, I was the one that made normal guys get all gay for me and cream their pants when they saw me, I had never been gay, always been with girls, my girlfriend was the hottest chick in my class, and I loved fucking her tight muscle pussy. And yet, the moment I saw my little brother's musclegod body and his gigantic cock, I couldn't help myself. I had to cum, had to shoot my alpha-spunk while imagining my younger brothers giant god like body. I couldn't wrap my head around it. What the fuck was happening? After a bit, Sean strolled back into the room butt naked, not a care in the world. His glistening, rippling muscles still damp from the shower, his massive cock swinging between his damn tree trunk legs. I couldn't tear my eyes away, feeling my own cock twitching back to life. Grabbing a towel and some clothes, I made a dash for the bathroom. „Yo, lil bro, I left ya a messy present there!“ Sean's laughter echoed down the hallway as I hesitantly pushed open the bathroom-door and my mouth fell wide open. I was speechless. The entire room was covered in huge amounts of thick white cum. I mean, THICK! And I mean EVERYTHING was covered in cum. The walls, the ceiling, the floor. It looked like a fucking cum volcano had gone off in here. "HOLY SHIT!" I blurted out, stunned. I couldn't believe this. How the hell had he produced that much cum, and how was it so damn thick? „Uhhh yeah, ya crave my spunk so fucking bad, don’t ya, little brief sniffer? Time to lick it up!“ Sean's deep voice taunted from the other end of the hallway, and I had to fight the urge to run into the hallway and punch him in his smug but handsome face. Retreating into the bathroom, I felt the sticky cum squishing between my toes. And the musky scent of my brother's hypermasculine spunk filled my nostrils, making me instantly stiffen up again. Leaning against the wall, I jerked my huge cock with both hands. „HOLY FUCK!“ I moaned, my breathing getting harder and harder, my heart beating faster and faster and I orgasmed, my cock shooting torrents of cum. The cum splattered against the wall and ceiling. One of the biggest cumshots of my life, but pathetic compared to my brother’s beastly load. I stared at the wall, where my cum was slowly dripping down. My head was spinning. For the second time that day, I couldn't resist getting off to the thoughts of my younger brother. What the hell was happening to me? I was the older one, the alpha stud, straight as they come... right? I walked over to the shower, took the shower-head and turned it on, starting to clean up mine and my brother's mess. This was a fucking chore. But I had no choice. I started cleaning the walls, the shower, the floor, the sink. Everything was covered in thick creamy cum and it took fucking ages to clean everything, while the smell of my brother's musky spunk was driving me mad. After I had cleaned the entire room, I stepped into the shower and washed myself. But at least I was alone, so I didn't have to worry about cumming again. I showered and got dressed, then left the bathroom.
    17 points
  14. Chapter 60 - Season 2 Episode 18 One year later, Ollie sat in the medical school library, poring over his anatomy textbooks. His phone buzzed with a text from Brock: "Done with the lab. Blake and I are coming to pick you up. Love you " So much had changed in the past year. After extensive discussion, they'd decided to name Brock's doppelganger "Blake" - giving him his own identity rather than just being "the clone or the doppelganger" Through some careful hacking of government databases, Blake now officially existed on paper. Their cover story was simple but effective: long-lost twin brothers, separated by adoption as infants. It explained their identical appearance while adding a touch of dramatic backstory that people ate up. Few questioned it, especially given how different their physiques usually were - Brock maintaining his Instagram fitness model look while Blake presented as a world-class bodybuilder, his perfectly proportioned mass still within the realm of human possibility. The truth was far more complex. Brock had never known his biological parents, having been adopted as an infant himself. His adoptive parents had passed away years before he met Ollie, leaving him truly alone until now. The brothers had cultivated distinctly different looks to help distinguish themselves. Brock maintained a rugged, masculine appearance with his neatly trimmed full beard and natural body hair. His thick, powerful pecs created a deep cleavage line visible through his partially unbuttoned shirts, with light chest hair spilling over the edges tantalizingly. The dusting of hair across his sculpted chest, defined abs, legs, and pubes only enhanced his raw sex appeal. His dark hair was styled in a fashionable fade cut, shorter on the sides with textured length on top. Even in business casual attire, his massive chest strained the fabric of his fitted shirts, the open buttons revealing just enough of his hairy cleavage to draw appreciative glances. Blake, on the other hand, kept himself meticulously groomed - completely smooth body with all hair removed to better showcase his competitive bodybuilder mass, highlighting every cut and striation. His stubble beard was precisely maintained at the perfect length, and his hair was styled longer than Brock's, swept back in a modern undercut that emphasized his chiseled features. His tight tank tops left little to the imagination, the fabric straining across his massive pecs, his nipples and ten-pack abs clearly visible through the stretched material. Ollie gathered his books as he saw them approaching through the library windows. Even after a year, the sight still took his breath away - Brock in a fitted button-down with the top buttons open, revealing that tempting glimpse of chest hair, and Blake in a skin-tight tank that made his massive pecs, nipples, and abs protrude obscenely. Their story had become almost legendary around campus: the brilliant Dr. Steele and his recently discovered twin brother, reunited after decades apart. People ate up the heartwarming tale of separated siblings finding each other again. Only Ollie knew the amazing truth behind their identical faces and different bodies. Brock and Blake pulled up in their custom SUV - specially modified to accommodate their massive frames. As they stepped out to greet him, Ollie's heart raced at the contrasting sight: Brock in his partially unbuttoned shirt revealing that tempting trail of chest hair, Blake's smooth muscles straining against his tank top. "Hey baby," Brock rumbled, pulling Ollie into a deep kiss. Ollie's hand instinctively slipped into Brock's shirt, fingers threading through the soft hair covering his firm pecs. He could feel Brock's heart beating strong beneath the masculine dusting of hair. The contrast of soft hair and hard muscle never failed to excite him. "My turn," Blake grinned, claiming Ollie's lips next. Ollie's other hand traced the ridges of Blake's abs through his tight tank top, feeling each defined muscle beneath the thin fabric. The smooth, hairless skin radiated heat through the material. "Missed you both," Ollie breathed as they broke apart, his hands still exploring their contrasting textures - one hairy and rugged, one smooth and sculpted. The smooth, hard muscles provided such a different sensation from Brock's hairy chest. He reluctantly pulled away as they helped him into the SUV, noticing blueprints and building plans scattered across the backseat. As they drove toward Steele Laboratories, Blake's muscles rippled with each movement of the wheel. His tank top had ridden up slightly, exposing his shredded obliques. Next to him, Brock's chest hair peeked invitingly from his shirt, the deep valley between his pecs visible in the afternoon sun. "Something's been bothering me," Ollie said as they toured the facility. "Blake, you came from the future with all this knowledge. Why do we need to research everything from scratch?" Blake smiled. "Good question. The knowledge I brought back is like having the final answers without showing the work. We need to document every step, every failure, every breakthrough - create a legitimate paper trail." "Think of it like this," Brock added. "If we just suddenly revealed advanced alien-fighting technology, governments would ask questions. Where did it come from? How was it developed? We need verifiable research history." "Plus," Blake continued, "the time stream has a way of maintaining consistency. I only have the broad strokes - the successful endpoints. The exact path to get there? That's still being written." He pulled up some failed experimental results on a screen. "See these early attempts? They failed exactly as I remembered them failing. Each failure teaches us something crucial that will lead to success. We can't skip steps without risking the entire timeline." "It's like a cosmic peer review," Brock explained. "We're recreating the research properly, documenting everything, building the foundation that future-Blake will need to exist." "Ready to see what we've been working on?" Brock asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. They drove to an industrial complex on the outskirts of town, arriving at a newly constructed facility bearing the "Steele Laboratories" logo. "This is where it all begins," Blake explained as they entered through biometric security. "Or rather, where it all began... will begin? Time travel makes tenses complicated." They walked through pristine white corridors, passing labs filled with cutting-edge equipment. Brock pointed out different sections: "Genetic engineering wing," he indicated. "We're reverse-engineering our own enhanced DNA to create reproducible results. Over there is temporal physics - working on controlled matter transmission through time. And that," he gestured to a sealed chamber, "is an early prototype of the merger machine." Blake's expression grew serious as they entered his private office. Satellite images and star charts covered one wall, centered on a particular region of space. "We have 15 years," he said gravely, pointing to a trajectory plotted in red. "The meteor that changed us? It contains artifacts of immense power. And we weren't the first to detect it." "The Collectors," Brock continued, pulling up holographic displays. "A ruthless alien race that scours the galaxy for powerful artifacts. They detected the meteor's impact and are already on their way." "They've destroyed entire civilizations to claim what they want," Blake added. "Earth's military wouldn't stand a chance against their technology. That's why we need to be ready." Ollie stared at the displays, the reality of their mission finally sinking in. "So all this..." he gestured to the facility around them, "is about preparing for an invasion?" "And ensuring the time loop closes properly," Brock nodded. "Everything that happened to us - my enhancement, Blake's creation, the merger - it all has to happen exactly right to give Earth a fighting chance." The lottery money was just the start," Blake explained. "We spent almost every penny of those winnings on this facility and initial research. Buying the land, constructing the labs, acquiring equipment - it drained most of our funds." Ollie leaned against a lab bench, his mind racing with possibilities. "Why don't we just steal back the meteor from the government and launch it into space? Maybe the aliens would follow it instead of coming here?" Brock shook his head grimly. "We considered that option. But even without the meteor, they're coming for Earth itself." "Earth caught their attention," Blake explained. "They've detected signs of our civilization - our technology, our development, our...uniqueness. The meteor just gave them a convenient excuse." "Besides," Brock added, "the government's completely failed with the meteor research. All that potential, and they can't even begin to understand what they have." He led them to a secured lab section, revealing schematics for sleek, sophisticated probes. "These launch in a few months. Powered by hydrogen fusion drives - technology that technically doesn't exist yet. They'll travel faster than anything humanity has built before." "How will they send data back from deep space?" Ollie asked, studying the designs. "Quantum entanglement communication arrays," Brock explained. "Real-time transmission regardless of distance. We'll be able to monitor the alien fleet's movements and intentions years before they arrive." "But how will we convince anyone to prepare when we can't reveal where this tech came from?" Ollie asked. Blake smiled. "That's where I come in. I'm running for Senate next year. We need someone with influence, someone who can guide military preparation without raising too many alarms. Once I'm in position, we'll introduce Brock's enhanced soldier serum." "As a senator on military oversight committees," Blake continued, "I'll have access to all their failed meteor research. We'll know exactly what dead ends they've hit, which will help validate our own 'discoveries' later." "It's a delicate balance," Brock explained. "The probes will give us intelligence. Blake's position will give us influence. And our research here will provide the edge humanity needs." Ollie sat heavily in a nearby chair. "You've mapped out every detail, haven't you?" "We have to," both brothers replied in unison. "The future of humanity depends on it."
    17 points
  15. Chapter 3 The jungle was suffocating. The air, thick with humidity, pressed down on me, making every breath feel heavier than the last. My muscles burned with exertion, but I couldn’t stop. The sound of my footsteps thudded against the ground, blending with the rustling leaves as I pushed my way through the dense foliage. I was being hunted. I didn’t know what or why, but I could feel it—the weight of eyes tracking me through the trees, a flash of orange color, and the ever-present sense of danger closing in. Something in me urged me to keep moving. There was no time to stop, no time to think. I had to survive. My body was slick with sweat, each step a strain as I fought through the underbrush, heart pounding in my chest. The deeper I went into the jungle, the more of it there was—like the earth itself was trying to swallow me whole. That was usually where the dream ended. Four days of wading through the jungle every time I closed my eyes at the end of a long day. Ever since that night at the temple. But those four days were also spent wandering through the city. They were days of shared fun and easy conversation. Tam, Mina, Isabella, and I had fallen into a rhythm, moving as a unit through the bustling streets and quiet corners of Hanoi. On the second day, we joined a local cooking class held in the open courtyard of a small family-run restaurant. The warm, smoky air smelled of lemongrass and sizzling chili. Mina had managed to set her pan on fire while trying to flambé a creation of her own. Isabella captured the moment on her phone, cackling, while Tam and I tried our best to listen to our teacher. I found myself struggling, but Tam stepped in like a natural, crafting the most precise, picture-perfect spring roll any of us had seen. He looked at it with a quiet joy. The third day was spent riding. It turned into an impromptu comedy routine thanks to Tam renting the same size bikes for everyone. My ungainly wobbling became the highlight of the day, with the others teasing me relentlessly. Tam, looking a bit too pleased with the situation, circled around me on his bike. “You look like a baby deer learning to walk,” he jeered. “Hey, I’m picking the next activity,” I shot back. “Let’s see how you enjoy weightlifting.” We were winding through a riverside trail. The path was framed by lush greenery, the air full with the scent of blooming flowers and damp earth. Isabella kept swerving dangerously close to the edge, laughing maniacally as Mina shouted at her to be careful. Tam, riding just ahead of me, kept throwing glances over his shoulder, his hair ruffled by the wind as he made sure I was keeping up. I smiled at him. By the fourth day, we had learned each other’s quirks. Isabella had a penchant for bartering at the markets, often dragging Mina along as her accomplice. Tam had a quiet knack for sketching. I was amazed at how many hidden talents he had. Whether on a napkin or a receipt, I'd sometimes find him making quick impressions of random objects in his environment. He was also great at finding hidden gems—tiny book shops tucked away in alleys, street performers breakdancing with great agility to blaring hip hop music, or rooftop cafés where the air seemed lighter and the views stretched far and wide. As for myself, I’d somehow become the unofficial pack mule, lugging everyone’s water bottles, sunscreen, and souvenirs in my oversized backpack. The days blurred together in a pleasant haze of companionship, the kind of bond that only forms when you’re far from home, spending time with people who, a week ago, had been strangers. At night, we’d sit in our room, swapping stories about our lives back home. Mina’s dramatic reenactments of awkward dates had us in stitches, and Isabella tried her hand at mixology, testing out wild cocktail ideas on us. “Come on Bastian, your turn,” Isabella urged, handing me a glass with a vibrant pink liquid. A tiny umbrella bobbed inside. “What's your worst date ever,” she asked, her speech slightly slurred. I hesitated, swirling the drink in my hand, my thoughts suddenly clouded. "I don't think I should participate." “Come on, why do we only have to embarrass ourselves?” Mina complained, giving me a gentle nudge. "Your stories must be crazy!" I shifted a bit, my posture tensing slightly. My mind snapped to old locations, once familiar to me. I saw the faces of teachers, my parents, my old classmates. But then, him. My stomach lurched. “I think I'm gonna sit this one out,” I said, my voice quieter than I intended, barely more than a whisper. The girls exchanged a brief glance, concern in their eyes. Tam’s gaze softened, his brow furrowed as he searched my gaze. But, after a small awkward pause, they dropped the subject, and the conversation shifted to first crushes instead. By the end of the fourth day, our time with the girls had come to an end. Mina and Isabella were continuing their trip south, and it was time to say goodbye. Tam hugged Isabella tightly, promising to see her again one day while I took in Mina's contact information. Before leaving, she stopped at the door and turned back, her gaze flicking between Tam and me. “Take care of each other, won’t you?” With that, they were gone, leaving the room feeling quieter, emptier. For the next few hours, conversation was sparse. Tam pulled out a sketchbook and began doodling, lost in his thoughts, and I went to the gym, needing to burn off the restlessness. When I returned in a couple of hours, he was still at the desk, the warm glow of the desk lamp shining on his work. I couldn't help but walk over and lean in, curious. Calling it a doodle would’ve been an insult. In the short time I was gone, Tam had somehow drawn a portrait of the four of us, sitting around and eating sandwiches. The little details were uncanny—the brand on the paper bag matched the one from the place we’d gone to on our first day. His strokes were fluid and confident, every line purposeful. The faces in the drawing were full of life, radiating with energy. "Wow,” I breathed. Tam shrugged, not looking up from his work. “The shadows are a bit off, but it's not terrible,” he said, brushing a few stray pencil shavings from the page. I ran my fingers over the drawing, lingering on the tiny details—our eyes, the way he had captured the texture of our hair. “This is beautiful,” I murmured. “How are you so good at everything?” He chuckled, finally looking up at me with that easy smile of his. “I’m really not. This is pretty amateur stuff,” he said. I shook my head in disbelief. “You’re crazy if you don’t see how amazing this is,” I remarked, snatching the notebook from his hands. Tam grinned, trying to grab it back from me. I held it just above his reach, my arms extended. “Alright, give it back,” he said resignedly. “Well, you kind of messed up the proportions,” I said, smirking as he reached for it again. “My shoulders are way bigger than that.” "In your dreams, buddy, I got them just right” he shot back, biting his lip. I lowered the notebook slightly as he swiped it from me with a playful shove. "Cheeky bastard!" But no matter how bright the days were, every night, the dream gnawed at me. Without fail, it would pull me back into that same oppressive jungle. The cold, the mist, the lurking danger—it all felt too vivid, too real to be brushed off as just another strange dream. I couldn’t shake the feeling that it meant something, that it was trying to tell me something I wasn’t ready, or willing, to hear. While Tam slept, I found myself awake with my frayed thoughts, my mind repeatedly circling back to that night at the temple. I wasn't a superstitious guy, but I also wasn't a staunch skeptic. On the morning of the fifth day, I decided I needed answers. The shrine had been a quiet, almost incidental stop in our whirlwind exploration of the city. A serene little island in the middle of a lake, it had felt peaceful, calming—mundane, even. But now, as I crossed the same weathered bridge toward it, my heart raced, a deep sense of unease curling in my chest. I didn't know what I was expecting to find. Maybe I only went to find some peace of mind and lay to rest the ridiculous notion that I had been placed under some curse. The temple was nearly deserted at this early hour. The air was cooler, and the faint scent of incense lingered, carried on a gentle breeze. The golden statues, the silk flowers, the offerings—all were as we’d left them that night, unchanged. I walked slowly, cautiously, toward the shrine’s center, feeling the weight of its silence settle over me. I stood before the altar, the faint glow of morning light catching on its polished surface. My fingers hovered over the incense stick for a moment before I lit it, watching the flame flicker and take hold. A thin trail of smoke spiraled upward, twisting lazily in the still air. I knelt, just as Tam had shown us that night, and closed my eyes. "What do I do?" The prayer hung in the air, a plea carried on the incense smoke as it curled upwards towards the sky. As I placed the extinguished stick into the stone bowl, a sudden gust of wind tore through the shrine. It was cold and sharp, startlingly out of place in the otherwise tranquil morning. The wind seemed to wrap around me, carrying a charge that crackled against my skin and raised the fine hairs on my arms. My eyes snapped open. The soft, muted colors of the dawn now seemed vivid. Every sound—the whisper of leaves, the distant trill of birds—rang unnaturally clear, as though the entire world had drawn closer. The air thrummed faintly, vibrating with an energy I could feel in my bones. And then, as if summoned by my thoughts, a voice resonated through the space—not spoken, but felt, a deep vibration that reverberated in my chest. “Keep him safe.” It was my voice, a delayed but powerful echo. The sound was everywhere and nowhere, carried on the very air itself. It was a reminder. A vow. I froze, my heart pounding in my ears. My gaze drifted to the plaque set to the side of the altar, its words carved into smooth wood. Beneath the flowing Chinese characters, a bold translation stood out in English: Trial of Worth. The energy in the shrine surged, a low hum building in intensity as if the very space around me was alive, watching, waiting. My thoughts spiraled, a tangle of confusion and questions. I felt a presence, threading through my mind like a soft, guiding hand. I waited for some clear instruction to manifest before me—a sign, a direction, something tangible to explain the dreams, the jungle, the beast. But nothing came. I scrambled to my feet and backed away, picking up my pace as I hurried out of there. As I turned to leave, the hum quieted, the air losing its charged intensity but leaving behind an unmistakable certainty, one that settled deep into my chest. I wasn’t superstitious, not by a long shot. But I also wasn’t foolish enough to ignore what had just happened. The rational part of me scrambled for an explanation—a vivid hallucination brought on by exhaustion—but I couldn’t shake the truth I felt in my bones. Something real had awakened. I closed the door quietly behind me as I entered our room. Tam was still in bed, and a glance at the clock on the wall showed me that it wasn't even 6 a.m. yet. I slowly slinked back into bed, hoping by some miracle that I would catch some real rest—that I would wake up refreshed and forget about all this… sorcery. I went to sleep with trembling hands. Despite my nerves, I quickly found myself in a deep slumber, as if pulled back in by an impatient force. I was once more in that jungle, my feet sinking into the cold, damp earth. I began to recognize patterns as I waded through the roots and vines. The same rotten log, the same bird's nest. I began to wonder if I was simply walking in circles. Maybe the predator had already caught me in its trap. Maybe it was toying with me. Then, I saw him. At first, I thought it was a trick of the jungle—a phantom figure barely discernible through the thick haze of mist curling around the trees. But as I moved closer, the image became sharper, more real, and my heart jumped in my chest. It was Tam. He stood in a small clearing, though the mist seemed to gather heavier around him, almost as if it were alive. And he wasn’t alone. I saw it hiding between the trees. A tiger. Its massive body was crouched low to the ground, muscles rippling under its sleek, golden-striped coat. It was watching him, its amber eyes locked onto Tam with predatory focus. The tiger’s ears were pinned back, its tail twitching rhythmically, a predator savoring the moment before the strike. Then, it pounced. It moved like lightning, a blur of power and grace, its massive form arcing through the air with claws outstretched and fangs bared. My body reacted before my mind could catch up. Instinct surged through me, raw and intrinsic, propelling me forward. I didn't care about my safety. I had to do something. The world blurred as I ran, my legs pumping harder than ever, my muscles burning with an intensity that felt like it would split me apart. The creature was so focused on Tam that it didn’t notice me until I was upon it. I crashed into its body mid-leap, the impact rattling through my bones. My arms locked around its torso as we hit the ground, rolling through the dirt and undergrowth. The tiger’s fur was warm and coarse beneath my hands, its power palpable as it twisted and thrashed. It roared, the sound reverberating through the jungle, primal and deafening. I held on, my grip tightening as its muscular body strained against mine. My muscles burned with exertion, but instead of weakening, I felt an unfamiliar strength welling inside me. The tiger swiped at me, its claws grazing my shoulder, but the sharp pain only fueled the fire inside. Its amber eyes met mine, fierce and wild. “No,” I growled through clenched teeth, my voice a snarl I didn’t recognize. “Not him.” The tiger slipped beneath my arms and jumped back, keeping its body low to the ground. It watched me for a moment, its eyes narrowing. Instead of engaging me once again, it slowly backed away, its gaze never leaving mine. I rose to my feet, my chest heaving, my arms trembling with effort. As suddenly as it had attacked, it turned and slinked back into the jungle. Its form disappeared into the underbrush, silent and graceful, as if it had never been there at all. The quiet that followed was deafening, broken only by my ragged breaths. My clothes were shredded, my skin slick with blood and dirt. I stared after the creature, my pulse still hammering in my ears, half-expecting it to return. But then I remembered Tam. I whipped around, eyes scanning the clearing. He was gone. My stomach dropped as panic clawed its way up my throat. “Tam!” I shouted, my voice raw and desperate. I called his name again and again, each cry echoing into the stillness. Just as my fear threatened to overwhelm me, I jolted awake. My body shot upright, drenched in sweat. The sheets clung to me like a second skin, and my breath came in gasps. My muscles ached, sore and tight, as if the battle had followed me out of the dream. My hands trembled as I ran them through my damp hair, my heart still pounding as though I were still back there. For a while, I just lay in my puddle of sweat, taking in deep breaths. Eventually I stirred, peeling away the clammy sheets. My legs swung over the edge of the bed, and I tried to stand— Thwack. "Shit,” I winced as I recoiled, grabbing my forehead where I'd bumped the upper bed frame. Tam rustled above me. “Mhm… You okay?” he called out, voice muffled in his pillow. “Just peachy,” I said, gritting my teeth as I ducked more carefully before standing up. My legs felt dull as I nearly lost my balance, steadying myself against the wall. I stumbled my way to the bathroom, hoping I didn't split open my forehead. Closing the door behind me, I flicked on the harsh fluorescent light, blinking against its glare. My hand found the edge of the sink for support as I leaned on it, trying to gather myself. But when I finally looked up and caught my reflection in the mirror, I froze. The person staring back at me was me—but not quite. It was my face and body, but they were altered, like a half-formed memory from a drunken night. My skin was glistening, my veins standing out prominently against my skin, threading up my forearms and neck in sharp relief. My muscles, already well-developed and lean, now looked swollen and large, and without losing any of their definition. I leaned closer, slack-jawed, trying to piece together the unfamiliar reflection. My breath fogged the mirror as I stared, heart thudding in my chest. I looked slightly taller too, and definitely broader. I knew that couldn’t be true—not in the span of a single night. My tank top clung to me, soaked through and stretched taut against my chest, highlighting hard lines etched into my torso. For a moment, panic clawed at my mind. Any rational person would have bolted for the emergency room, imagining some severe rare illness. But I knew better. I knew this had to do with whatever test I'd been put through. And I knew that I had passed. I pressed a hand to my face, half-expecting it to feel foreign, but it didn’t. My jawline had subtly sharpened, and my traps looked wider. My skin was warm, feverish even, but it was still my skin. My fingers trailed down to my arms, tracing the lines of my biceps, the stiff resistance surprising me. I could feel the strength there, dormant but coiled like a spring. I flexed my fingers, clenching and unclenching them as the cords in my thick forearms tensed. Despite the surreal transformation, I didn’t feel pain, only a sense of vitality humming beneath my skin. All this time trying to break through my plateau, I thought to myself. Now look at me. I stepped back, peeling the wet fabric off my body and letting it drop to the tiled floor. I let out a quiet laugh in astonishment. It was like a tempest had surged through my body, remaking it stronger and stalwart. My dick stirred. I moved my hand to my widened chest, feeling the muscle harden as I contracted my pec. My abs, once washboard in appearance, were now engraved with hard chiseled contours. I had to slightly lean over my heavy chest to see them properly. I brought my arms behind my head and crunched downwards, seeing my midsection form into eight distinct granite blocks. There was a mounting thrill in seeing all the ways I'd grown. I relaxed my stance, shaking my head in disbelief. I twisted around now, trying to catch a glimpse of my back in the reflection. I couldn't quite get a detailed look, but I saw the rippling ridges cascading down my spine. My breathing slowed, and my face went hot. I felt the head of my penis poking out the top of my shorts, demanding my attention while I had been so enraptured by my transformation. I let my hand glide down my newly amplified physique, enjoying the feeling of solid muscle before hooking my thumb into the waistband of my pants. I slipped them down, springing free my member as it leapt upwards, slapping hard against my abs. My breath hitched at the sudden contact. I then held it, groaning at how sensitive it felt, and… meatier? With my other hand I palmed my balls, feeling their weight. Even they felt bigger, as if responding to the increased demands of my body. Look at all that size. I started jerking slowly, as if in a trance, and continued my examination. My lower abs and deep obliques cut lines in a deep V-shape, leading the eyes to the heavy prize that hung below in my grasp. My legs stood like two solid trunks, the valleys of my quads rolling as I bucked into my hand. I had to slightly widen my stance to allow room for my self-pleasuring. Even my calves were sculpted into hard diamonds, rising high and proud. I increased my speed, letting my fingers tease my cockhead on every upstroke. There was a knock at the door. “Bastian, are you done in there?” I momentarily stopped, snapping out of my reverie. “I'm gonna be a bit longer,” I managed to croak, my voice dry. "Alright, try not to take too long." As he spoke, I suddenly imagined Tam in the room with me. I pictured his lips around my cock, his eyes looking up at me, lost in arousal. I closed my eyes and redoubled my efforts. No need to hide your glances. Take a good look, I thought, lost in the fantasy. God, your mouth was made to take me. My hand was a blur of motion, my breathing heavy as I imagined him open his mouth, ready to receive my load. A low groan escaped my lips and I tightened my fist on the fat base of my cock. My toes gripped the floor, my head fell back, and I exploded violently, sending thick ropes of cum flying to my hair, my chest, the mirror, the ground. I bit my tongue to keep from yelling as waves of pleasure rocked through my being. I counted over fourteen volleys, each as forceful as the last. I continued to stroke, eliciting a shudder as I milked the last few drops that dribbled down my thigh. My lips curled into a satisfied smile, finally spent. I took a moment to gather myself, coming down from my state of ecstasy. Looking around, I was astonished by the volume I'd produced. I'd never cum so hard in my life. Shit, I thought, surveying the mess I'd have to clean up. It took me longer than I would've liked to wipe down everything, my eyes straining to spot the pearlescent goo against the white tiles. By the time I finished and stepped into the shower, the hot water felt like salvation, washing away the muck from my body. After what felt like an eternity, I finally stepped out, steam billowing as I grabbed a towel and slung it around my waist. I couldn’t help but notice how it hung higher now, exposing more skin than it had before. Curious, I pulled out the scale under the sink and stepped on it. I did a double take as I read the number: 115 kilograms. 253 pounds. I had gained over 30 pounds of muscle and around 2 inches of height overnight. I blinked, expecting the numbers to change as my vision cleared. But the reality stared back at me, undeniable. I still wasn't completely sure why or how I'd been imbued with this... enhancement. Don't get me wrong, I was extremely pleased with the results. But still, I knew that whatever this force was, it was expecting something from me. I hoped I understood correctly what it was. When I opened the door, Tam was still waiting for me, leaning against the wall and idly scrolling through his phone. “Took you long enough—” he said, freezing mid sentence as he glanced up at me, half-naked and steaming. “Sorry about that,” I said, running a hand through my wet hair. “I had another nightmare. The hot water helped calm my nerves.” It wasn’t entirely a lie—just a heavily edited version of the truth. I only omitted the part where I had the most intense masturbation session since I was a young teenager discovering porn. I saw his eyes dart to my armpit before quickly looking back to his phone. “O-Oh, uh, sure. No worries,” he stammered, his voice quiet. “I'll let you get dressed,” he added, brushing past me into the bathroom without meeting my gaze. He quickly closed the door behind him. I was feeling flustered from standing bare so close to him. I looked at the closed door, imagining him getting naked before stepping into the shower. I liked what my body did to him—the way it left him fumbling and shy. I liked the way his cheeks went red when I caught him staring at me. I liked his silly antics when he'd let his guard down on our adventures. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, to pull him close and shower him with kisses. I wanted him to look at me with warmth and need. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. Over the past week, we’d grown so much closer, and it amazed me how far we’d come since that disastrous first encounter. But still I felt my stomach twist. What if he thought I was just some shallow person chasing a quick thrill? What if he assumed I was still just looking for a one-night-stand, like I did on that first night? I needed him to know how I felt. I needed him to know I wanted something real. I moved to the dresser, taking my time in picking out my clothes. I wanted to look good, better than usual. I pulled on a classic navy polo shirt, but as I slid it down over my head, the fabric immediately started to resist. The sleeves dug into my biceps, uncomfortably so, and I could feel the seams across my back straining against the width of my shoulders. I tugged it lower, but the shirt kept riding up slightly, forcing me to relax my posture if I didn't want to flash my midriff. The pants fared no better. I grabbed a pair of khaki chinos, thinking they’d work, but as I pulled them up my legs, I quickly realized they were no longer going to cooperate. The waistband barely made it past my thighs, and once I managed to button them, they felt like they were holding on for dear life. The fabric dug into my quads so tight that I could almost hear the threads struggling. I looked ridiculous, but I had nothing else that would fit properly. I paced to the bathroom door, stopping just outside. I could hear him finishing up inside. My mind raced in circles, rehearsing the words, trying to find the perfect way to ask. The thought of him so close, so unaware of the storm of emotions I was battling, made the anxiety gnaw at my insides. I'm crazy about you, would you go out to dinner with me? Hey, do you wanna give this thing between us a real chance? I've been thinking about you nonstop, do you think about me the same way? “Hey Tam,” I finally said, my hands clammy. “Yeah?” his voice came through casual, easy. I paused. “I just wanted to say that this week's been a lot of fun,” I started. “If I was gonna be stuck sharing a bunk with someone, I'm glad it was you.” “Oh.” There was a slight pause. “Yeah, I feel the same way.” There was a brief silence before the door opened, and Tam stepped out. He was dressed in a sharp button-down shirt and well-fitted jeans. The fresh scent of his cologne—a hint of cedar and citrus—lingered in the air, and I couldn’t help but feel a flutter in my chest. Then he looked me over, his gaze lingering. “Are you okay, Basti? You look... swollen, or bloated, or something," he said, his brow furrowed in confusion. I gave a nonchalant laugh, though it sounded forced. “I think these just shrunk in the wash,” I said, trying to redirect the conversation back. His expression remained puzzled though, and he glanced at me again, noticing how he had to tilt his head ever so slightly higher. “Are you sure?" he asked, his tone puzzled. "You don’t look... yourself.” I looked to the ground, offering a half-hearted shrug. "Oh, yeah", I said, not thinking this through. "I think I might going through an allergic reaction or something." Tam nodded, unconvinced. Without saying much more, he turned to grab a pair of sleek loafers from his bag, slipping them on with ease. I raised an eyebrow. “I was hoping we'd get a chance to talk. You going somewhere?” “Yup, I forgot to mention, I won't be back till later tonight,” he said, grabbing his keys and heading for the door. “I've got a date,” he said excitedly, before closing it behind him.
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  16. Chapter 56 - Season 2 Episode 14 "You two are fucking incredible," Ollie breathed, positioning himself behind Brock. He slowly entered him, marveling at the tight heat enveloping his shaft. "Oh my god, Brock," Ollie moaned as he bottomed out. "Your ass is incredible. So hot, so tight..." Brock hummed around the clone's massive cock, then flexed his glutes deliberately, making his muscular ass grip Ollie's shaft like a vice. "Fuck!" Ollie cried out, his hips jerking. Brock hummed around the clone's massive cock, then demonstrated his enhanced control. His internal muscles began rippling in waves, like a python constricting and releasing. Different sections of his passage would grip and massage Ollie's cock in sequence - squeezing at the base, then the middle, then the tip in an endlessly varied rhythm. "Fuck!" Ollie cried out as Brock's rectum twisted and flexed around him. "How are you even doing that? It's like... like your ass is giving me the most incredible massage." The doppelganger grinned. "Enhanced muscle control, baby. He can control every tiny muscle in there independently. Make them dance, ripple, squeeze..." Brock increased the intensity, making his passage undulate in complex patterns. The muscular rings inside would contract and release in alternating sequences, creating intense sensations along every inch of Ollie's shaft. Sometimes he'd grip just the tip, then suddenly clamp down along the entire length. "Holy shit," Ollie gasped as Brock's internal muscles began moving in opposing directions simultaneously - the outer ring squeezing while deeper muscles relaxed, then reversing the pattern. "It's like your ass is trying to milk my cock dry." "That's it, baby," the doppelganger encouraged. "Feel how he can make different sections pulse at different speeds? How he can create that rippling suction?" "I... I can't..." Ollie panted, overwhelmed by the sensations. "It's too good. Too intense." Brock demonstrated by making his passage contract in rhythmic waves from base to tip, like a milking machine made of pure muscle. Then he'd reverse the motion, or create spiral patterns, or alternate between deep tissue massage and flutter-light touches. "Never felt anything like this," Ollie moaned, his thrusts becoming erratic. "Your muscle control is insane. Like your ass is trying to milk every drop from me..." The room filled with a symphony of pleasure - wet slaps of skin on skin, deep grunts, and breathy moans. The air grew thick with the musky scent of sweat and precum. The doppelganger, able to speak more clearly, gave voice to their shared ecstasy. "Feels so fucking good," he groaned, his abs flexing with each of Brock's thrusts. "Sixteen inches of pure pleasure pounding my ass, forty inches of cock getting sucked like a pro. It's like the ultimate self-love." Brock hummed in agreement, the vibrations traveling down the clone's massive shaft and drawing a sharp gasp from him. Their muscular bodies glistened with sweat, flexing and rippling with each movement. Veins stood out in stark relief against their skin, a testament to the intensity of their exertion. As their passion built to a fever pitch, their enhanced bodies began to produce cum at an alarming rate. Precum flowed freely, mixing with sweat and saliva to create a slick mess. When they finally reached their peak, it was with earth-shattering intensity. Brock's cock swelled inside the clone, pumping out wave after wave of hot, thick seed. It quickly overwhelmed the doppelganger's hole, spilling out around Brock's shaft and adding to the growing puddles on the floor. Simultaneously, the clone's 40-inch monster erupted in Brock's mouth. The volume was too much to swallow, and streams of cum burst from the corners of Brock's lips, running down his chin and chest in pearly rivers. Ollie, overwhelmed by the erotic display and the tight grip of Brock's ass, joined them in climax. His seed mixed with theirs, adding to the flood of fluids. For what seemed like an eternity, they remained locked together, bodies shuddering and twitching as they rode out their intense orgasms. The floor beneath them became slick with their combined release, the air heavy with the scent of sex and cum. Finally, panting heavily, they disentangled themselves. Their bodies were coated in a sheen of sweat and other fluids, muscles still quivering from the intensity of their release. "Wait," Brock commanded. "Let me show Ollie something amazing." The doppelganger nodded, maintaining his position as Brock spread his cheeks. Using his fingers, Brock gently opened his clone's hole, revealing the cum-filled passage within. "Watch this, baby," Brock purred to Ollie. "See how he can control every muscle?" The doppelganger demonstrated, making his internal muscles ripple and dance in impossible patterns. His rectum contracted and relaxed in waves, creating mesmerizing movements that no normal human could achieve. The doppelganger suddenly grunted. "Too much cum... need to stand..." He got to his feet, thick ropes of cum immediately beginning to leak from his gaping hole. Moving to a clear spot on the floor, he spread his legs and relaxed his muscles completely. A torrent of cum gushed out, splattering onto the floor in an ever-growing puddle. The flow seemed endless. Once the deluge finally subsided, the doppelganger lay back down, spreading his cheeks once more. His hole gaped slightly, still twitching and rippling with controlled muscle movements. Holy fuck," Ollie breathed, watching in fascination. "That's what was happening inside when I was fucking you and while you were fucking him? All those incredible sensations..." "Exactly," Brock grinned. "Every squeeze, every ripple was perfectly controlled. Like having a thousand tiny hands massaging your cock from every angle." "See how much control we have?" Brock asked proudly, using his fingers to spread the stretched ring wider. "We can make it dance, pulse, squeeze... whatever feels best." Curious, Ollie reached forward, sliding his finger into the doppelganger's exposed hole. Immediately, the internal muscles came alive, wrapping around his digit with precise control. They rippled and pulsed, creating patterns of pressure that moved along his finger like waves. "Oh my god," Ollie gasped as the doppelganger's rectum twisted and flexed around his finger. "It's like... like it's trying to pull me deeper. I can feel every tiny muscle moving independently." Ollie began to explore, moving his finger in slow circles along the sensitive walls. The doppelganger squirmed slightly, a laugh escaping his lips. "Careful there," he chuckled. "That part's really ticklish now." A mischievous grin spread across Ollie's face. He deliberately wiggled his finger against that spot, making the doppelganger gasp and laugh. The internal muscles responded instantly, twisting and flexing wildly around Ollie's finger in an attempt to evade the ticklish sensation. "Stop teasing!" the doppelganger groaned between laughs, his hole clenching and unclenching involuntarily. The doppelganger demonstrated more of his control, making his passage perform increasingly complex movements - squeezing rhythmically, creating spiral motions, alternating between firm pressure and fluttering touches. Each new pattern drew amazed gasps from Ollie. "Fuck," Ollie breathed, mesmerized by the rectum dance happening around his finger. "This is incredible. No wonder it felt so amazing when I was fucking you." He turned to Brock with lust-darkened eyes. "I want this every day. Want to feel your enhanced ass squeezing and milking my cock like this all the time." "That can definitely be arranged," Brock purred, flexing his own hole. "After all, what's the point of having superhuman muscle control if we don't use it to pleasure you properly?"
    17 points
  17. Chapter 2 I was unpacking my bags on my new bed for the next week. The room was split into two sections, each with two sets of bunk beds. The only available space was one of the lower bunks. It was on the smaller side, and the wooden frame looked a bit splintered, but I didn’t mind—I wasn’t planning on spending much time in the room anyway. I had already introduced myself to the two girls occupying the other two beds. They were young backpackers from Italy, both blonde and bubbly, if on the chatty side, eager to share their travel stories. They asked me all sorts of questions about my trip, my hobbies, and made a game out of trying to guess where I was from. I also noticed the way they leaned forward with interest as I talked, twirling their hair. I was used to this song and dance, so I didn't pay them much mind. I was more interested in the guy I hadn’t met yet—my bunkmate. He was in the shower when I first arrived. But when he finally stepped out, serendipity hit me with a beautiful surprise. I couldn’t hold back a laugh. Tam froze, a towel in hand, his wide eyes locked on me. He was dressed in simple grey pjs and flip-flops, looking already at home. "W-What are you doing here?" His voice was a mix of confusion and alarm. “What can I say, I just couldn't keep away.” I grinned, shrugging casually as I offered him my hand. Tam hesitated, eyeing it like it might bite. I immediately went to put him at ease. “Come on, if we’re going to be stuck together for a while, we might as well make it pleasant,” I said, not without a shit-eating grin. Tam didn’t respond right away, just awkwardly shifted, clearly trying to assess how to handle the situation. “You know each other?” one of the girls, Mina, asked, leaning forward with curiosity. “No,” Tam shot back immediately, giving me a look that said he definitely didn’t want me as an acquaintance. I gave him a mock wounded look, though his words stung more than I cared to admit. I had only ever teased him, maybe flirted a little, but nothing too out of line. Yet, he seemed to be shutting me down before I even had a chance. He seemed to regret his jab, however, as he acquiesced and shook my hand. I wasn’t one to believe in instant connections, but the moment our fingers brushed, something inside me shifted. It was like a spark I couldn’t ignore—a pull that felt new and unfamiliar. His skin was soft and delicate, and his grip was tentative, as if unsure how much contact was too much. His hand looked so small in my manly paw. I felt my balls churn. "I guess I’m taking the lower bunk," I said, breaking the tension, my throat suddenly dry. I pulled back, grabbing my things and pretending to focus on unpacking. "Uh, yeah, I guess so," he mumbled, his voice quieter now. Without another word, he scurried up the steps to the top bunk, avoiding my gaze. I couldn’t help but watch as he climbed up. His shorts hugged his ass just right—perky and tight. There was no way the guy wasn’t into some kind of sport. His legs were tanned and subtly defined. I could feel my heart rate pick up. I decided to make myself comfortable, slipping into some comfy shorts of my own that hugged my powerful legs and a tank top that showcased my arms. I made a whole show of it, taking my time to adjust the straps. I could tell the girls were looking at me by the way their gossiping suddenly went silent. But it was Tam’s reaction I was most interested in. I looked up, and sure enough, he quickly turned his head, avoiding eye contact. A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. A couple minutes later, the other girl, Isabella, spoke up. “Mina and I were talking,” she started, drawing out her words playfully. “Since we are all friends now, this means the two of you will join us and explore the city, no?” she said excitedly, her accent thicker than her friend's. Mina giggled at her audacity but didn’t add anything else, letting Isabella take the lead. I gave a half-smile and stretched, cracking my back. “Sounds like a plan. I’m not doing anything else, so why not?” I glanced over at Tam with a raised eyebrow, waiting for him to chime in. Tam hesitated for a moment, his body still half-covered by the sheets on his bunk. He avoided my gaze, clearly unsure, but he finally muttered, “Uh… yeah, sure.” Isabella’s eyes lit up as she grabbed Mina’s hand, practically bouncing with excitement. “Perfect! I'll grab our backpacks!” She jumped off the bed and dragged her friend along with her. — If there's one thing to be said about Hanoi, it's that it's a city full of life. The streets were a maze of vibrant colors, with vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry to steaming bowls of pho. The endless pop-up shops lured us in at every block, each stall offering something unique, and every street corner was a sensory overload of smells, conversation, and honking horns. It was chaotic in the best of ways—an untamed energy that kept pulling you deeper into the city's pulse. But crossing the streets? That was a whole different adventure. The motorbikes, like swarms of angry hornets, darted around us, their riders weaving through traffic with impressive skill. Luckily, we had Tam. The way he moved through the city, effortlessly sidestepping the crowds and traffic, was almost like watching someone dance. “How the hell do you do that?” Mina asked, clutching Tam’s back as he led us across another stretch of road, her voice full of anxiety. Tam glanced over his shoulder at her. “Just something you pick up living here, I guess,” he said nonchalantly. But there was something that had been nagging at the back of my mind since the first time I saw him. The fact that he was staying at a hostel, despite claiming to be a resident of the city, seemed odd. I couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened for him to end up there. His aloof, almost defensive behavior only added to my suspicions. Had he been kicked out? It wasn't an uncommon story—I'd heard it too many times from my past partners: conservative families, religious pressures, or the weight of societal expectations. I pushed the thought aside, but the knot in my stomach remained, tightening as I watched Tam walk ahead, seemingly indifferent to everything around him. As we made our way through the city, we passed the obligatory sights—the old French quarter with its narrow streets, historical landmarks that seemed frozen in time, and the vibrant political posters plastered on every available surface. The girls eagerly posed in front of each one, smiling brightly for the camera, while I reluctantly played the role of photographer. It was fun at first, but by the sixth identical poster, I was growing tired. “But you have long arms, it’s perfect!” Isabella said with a smile, clearly oblivious to my mounting frustration. Eventually, hunger caught up with us. After walking past countless street vendors, the air thick with the aroma of sizzling meats and freshly baked breads, our stomachs started growling in unison. Tam led us to a small Banh Mi shop, where we picked up sandwiches to go. I couldn’t resist getting three different varieties. Each bite felt like a celebration: crispy baguette stuffed with savory fillings, pickled vegetables, and fresh herbs. By the time I’d started digging into the first sandwich, I could already hear my stomach grumbling for more. Tam looked at me eating with a quizzical look as I was alternating bites from all three, wolfing down my meal. “Don't look at me like that,” I said with my mouth full, crumbs scattered everywhere. “You look deranged,” he said with a little laugh. I shrugged, still chewing. “I can’t help it. It’s just that good,” I said, giving him a toothy grin, bread crumbs clinging to the corners of my mouth. I could feel the girls watching me, their amused glances only making me more aware of my total lack of finesse. Tam shook his head with a smirk. “I told you, I know where to find the best spots. I’m glad you like it… even if you are eating like a madman.” “Hey, what can I say? This body’s gotta be fueled right,” I said, giving my stomach a little rub, feeling it pleasantly stretch. Tam rolled his eyes, but I could see the faint amusement in his expression as he turned back to lead the way. I wiped my hands on my shorts before following him. Our next stop was a little temple situated in the middle of a lake. It was sunset by then, and the sky cast a warm amber glow over the city, though the sticky heat was making us more than a little haggard. Mina and Isabella were taking some pictures together on a bench, leaving Tam and I waiting for them on the bridge, overlooking the peaceful waters. Tam was telling me about the PhD he was in the process of getting. “And what's your research on?” I asked, turning to him with a earnest look. He chuckled softly and waved a hand, brushing my question aside. “It’s complicated and nerdy, trust me, you wouldn’t want to hear me go into the details.” I raised an eyebrow. “Come on, don’t be shy. Try me.” He hesitated for a moment, then let out a small sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Alright, well, when I first decided to get my PhD in physics, I thought I was just going to build on the stuff I loved in undergrad. Quantum mechanics, relativity, the 'cool' topics everyone talks about. But three years in, I'm working on quantum turbulence. Ever heard of it?" “Not a single clue what those words mean, but you have my full attention,” I said, gesturing for him to keep going. He leaned forward on the stone railing. "Okay, imagine this: there’s this special kind of liquid, called a superfluid. It’s so cold that it stops acting like normal liquids. No friction, no resistance—it just flows endlessly, like it’s defying the rules of nature. Sounds cool, right? But then, if you spin it, these tiny whirlpools start forming—like little tornadoes. They twist around, collide, split apart, and do all sorts of chaotic-" He paused mid-sentence, noticing the blank expression on my face. “Sorry, I tend to get a bit carried away with this stuff. It’s my life’s work, after all.” I smiled and shook my head. “No, don’t stop now. I want to hear more about these crazy tornadoes,” I said, giving his shoulder a playful squeeze. He grinned back, clearly enjoying himself. “It’s a nightmare to figure out. I spend days running simulations to see how these whirlpools behave. The math behind it? Insane. Every time I solve one part, two more problems show up. It’s like playing whack-a-mole, but with equations." He had a glint in his eyes as he spoke, and I found myself lost in their color as I listened to him. “It’s incredible how passionate you are about this. You’re like a genius. Honestly, I could never wrap my head around all this stuff.” Tam let out a quiet huff. “That's not true at all. Anyone can learn this, you just need a good teacher.” I shrugged. “Well, I never had the luxury of a good teacher growing up. At least not for the sciences. Instead, I ended up in the thrilling world of auditing.” “Mhm, that sounds kind of interesting,” he pushed back. I chuckled softly, shaking my head. “I appreciate the attempt at seeming intrigued, but I'll spare you the mind-numbingly boring minutia of my work. The most interesting thing about it is this sabbatical I took.” There was a pause between us, the city sprawling in front of us, its lights beginning to flicker on as the night deepened. We both fell quiet, the hum of the world around us the only sound filling the silence. “I would’ve pegged you for a sports science major or something along those lines,” Tam remarked. “Not that I’m trying to put you in a box or anything.” I chuckled, leaning back. “No, the box fits. I needed something stable and secure coming out of college, so I switched my degree halfway through. But I actually started out studying sports science. You know, meathead science,” I added playfully. Tam smirked. “To be honest, that’s exactly what I thought when I first met you. But... you’re not like the rest of the meatheads, I suppose.” I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? Know a lot of meatheads, do you?” Tam laughed softly. “More like jocks. Let’s just say, I didn’t have the best time in high school,” he added, his voice losing some of its lightness. The change in his tone made my stomach twist. He stared out at the horizon, his gaze distant, as if lost in thought. “There was this guy, Rio,” he said, his voice a little harder now. “He made sure my life was a nightmare.” The tension in the air thickened, and I felt the blood rushing in my ears and my fists involuntarily clenched. Who could possibly want to hurt this guy? I forced myself to breathe, trying to ease the heaviness that was creeping in. I nudged him playfully, trying to lighten the mood. “Was he as big as me though?” I asked with a mischievous grin. Tam looked at me, growing a little red in the face. “Uh, no,” he said with a teasing smile. “Definitely not as big as you.” I puffed out my chest dramatically, and he laughed, the sound light and easy. He had such a beautiful laugh. We stood closer together, gazing at the horizon. The city stretched before us, bathed in the dying light of a fading sunset. I turned toward him, my voice steady but serious. “Just so you know, as long as I’m around, nothing’s gonna happen to you. I’ve got your back, alright?” Tam looked at me then, his gaze softening. There was something comforting in the way our eyes held each other — like a quiet promise. Isabella suddenly appeared behind us. “Pictures have been taken, but there are more to come at the temple! Let's go, come on!” The temple was small, barely a five-minute stroll to circle around it. But despite its size, it looked lovely with the lanterns now lit up. The main shrine stood surrounded by golden statues, offerings of fruit, and delicate silk flowers. It had an air of quiet reverence that contrasted beautifully with the city’s constant noise. “We should make a prayer,” Mina suggested in a hushed voice, a little needlessly respectful. Tam nodded. “We could. It’s simple, really. I’ll show you how.” He handed each of us a stick of incense and, digging through his backpack, passed us each an orange. “These were supposed to last me the whole week,” he added with a half-serious grimace, “but I guess I’ll swing by the store again later.” Tam went first, mumbling a quiet prayer under his breath. He placed his incense in a small stone bowl, already crowded with hundreds of spent sticks from other visitors. The girls followed, taking their time with their own offerings. I stepped up last, scratching my chin absentmindedly as I surveyed the serene space. My eyes drifted over my companions, then back to Tam, whose calm expression seemed to anchor me. For a moment, I just listened to the wind rustling through the leaves, letting my thoughts settle. I glanced at Tam again, offering him a quiet, reassuring smile. The prayer came to me slowly, but when it did, I closed my eyes and whispered it, my voice barely more than a breath. Then I blew out the flame. Keep him safe.
    17 points
  18. Part Two - It Begins Ben wanted to race to the window and wave goodbye to Owen, but he also didn’t want to seem desperate. A ridiculously huge grin spread across his face as he thought about Owen saying he would see him in the morning… and having his usual drink memorised! After a few moments of standing there and daydreaming while stroking his hard 5 inch cock, he moved to the door to make sure it had locked behind Owen. Walking away from it and turning off the light, another lightning bolt cramp grabbed a hold of his cock and balls, forcing him to lean against the wall. This one lasted much longer than before, and when it let up, it barely provided him with any relief. In fact, it caused his cock to begin slowly pulsing and throbbing. Ben was shaking as the muscles in his groin began to forcefully contract. He took a few careful steps towards his bedroom before the spasms and throbbing grew significantly worse. Falling to his knees, Ben felt his cock grow impossibly harder than it had been before. He looked down, watching his hard as steel cock spasm and pulsate several times of its own accord, until, with a loud groan rising from the pit of his diaphragm, he felt it throb again before growing slightly fatter. Ben began breathing faster in both panic and exhilaration. When another throb grabbed a hold of him, his cock swelled slightly larger. By the third time, in the grip of the cramp, his cock had grown much thicker than it ever had been before. Stroking his fatter cock, Ben was happily surprised to find there was now a slight gap between his thumb and pointer finger. Could it be possible? What he had done… making a wish and breaking the branch… there was no way possible his stupid wish was coming true. Sweat began to coat Ben’s entire body as he experienced the intense sensation, over and over again, of what felt like every cell in the shaft of his penis being forced to replicate and swell larger. Through throbs that lasted longer and grew in severity, his thumb and pointer finger began to spread further and further apart. A grin erupted onto his face as he let out a long moan. “My cock… it’s… FUCK!!!!” Crawling to the couch, Ben hoisted himself up and lay back. His cock stood up like a soldier, hard, solid, and pulsing, definitely looking much thicker than it ever had before. With each beat of his heart, he could hear… feel… and see… his cock becoming thicker and more substantial. Every second, more and more blood was forced into his cock, helping it to become more and more engorged. What was happening to his cock… it felt… amazing… incredible…. Ben couldn’t find the right words to describe the sensation. All he knew was that he didn’t want it ever to stop. Grabbing his cock, he felt it pulse in his hand as it swelled thicker and more immense. It was as if his cock had been transformed into a balloon and some invisible force was, slowly but surely, breathing new life into it. His thumb and pointer finger, his new benchmark for measuring thickness, stretched further and further away until, even if he squeezed his hard cock with as much force as he could, they refused to meet! As Ben slowly stroked his cock, he began to feel as if what he was touching wasn’t even his cock. It felt nothing like what he was familiar with. It now seemed so much fatter… bulkier… more powerful… more intimidating. I’m growing a real hole stretcher, he thought with a laugh. He could just imagine how a guy's ass, especially Owen’s ass, was going to feel wrapped around his thick cock. Fuck! It felt so fucking beefy!! Suddenly, as his cock continued to expand in girth, Ben felt something new begin to take over. At the root of his cock, he felt a pull… then a tug… then a yanking! It felt like an invisible hand was trying to rip his cock from his body! Ben grit his teeth as he felt the yanking on his cock grow more intense as each second passed. He suddenly understood that his cock was on the cusp of being reborn into something truly epic. His mind raced back to his wish. Was he really growing the world's biggest cock? How big exactly was that? A forceful jerk, stronger than any before, had Ben grabbing his phone from the table and Googling ‘Worlds Biggest Penis.’ As he typed with shaking hands, his cock pulsed, pulled, and throbbed uncontrollably. It took a few attempts to correct typing errors due to the intense pain and pleasure he was going through, but eventually what he was searching for appeared on his phone screen. Jonah Falcon: 13.5 inches! God! Man with World's Largest Penis: 14.2 inches! Fuck!! What had his drunk and horny mind asked for??!! Ben’s balls… possibly feeling left behind in the growth category, began to pulse and throb with a life of their own. Very quickly, they too were taking on new proportions, rapidly growing from walnut to egg sized. The new weight pulled down on his crotch. As they swelled still larger, he was amazed that balls could actually feel… heavy! They always were just… there. Now they actually had true weight!! He desperately wanted to test out the pull they would have on his sack! With trembling legs, Ben stood up from the couch. His hard cock smacked into his abdomen, leaving a trail of pre behind. He was shocked that something so fat could actually stand straight up, pointing towards the ceiling. His cock had never been this hard before in his life, and he loved it! It felt like he could fuck a brick wall!! Ben’s balls swelled still larger… growing to XL eggs; filling and pulling on his sack, causing him to groan. Lifting his sack with his right hand, he watched as his balls spilled over the palm of his hand. As his cock swelled larger, it caused Ben to bend over in slight discomfort. The skin felt extremely tight, and he was suddenly terrified of it tearing apart. When it grew thicker again, he fell back down onto the couch, taking in the sheer size of his Coke can thick cock. Wrapping his hand around it… it was thicker than his own wrist! Thick, tubular veins grew larger, erupting to the surface to better feed his cock. This caused Ben’s shaft to appear even thicker than it actually was… and he knew that if it was going to fuck him… he’d be turned on, yet terrified at the sight. He loved it! His cock tugged, spasmed, and contracted once again… before it suddenly began to curve itself to grow. At first, it appeared only a hair longer… not really noticeable… but it then grew a millimetre longer… and then a centimetre longer.., than.., fuck… an inch longer… and longer and longer. Each time Ben stroked it, he felt himself having to go further and further down the shaft than he had just seconds before! Ben’s body shivered and quaked as new erotic sensations filled him. His heart raced. His skin grew more sensitive to the touch… his nerve endings felt as if they were exploding with fire. Ben’s cock throbbed as it stretched another inch longer. Fuck! It looked huge already and it was still growing. His balls began to throb. Ben began to pant as his heart sped up. His balls… they were taking up so much more room between his legs… swelling larger… heftier… Ben moved his hands from his shaft to his balls and felt then both pulsing with new life. They were now larger than he could imagine they could ever be, and they seemed determined to grow even larger! Ben leaned his head back against the couch cushion. He was finding it hard to think. The waves of growth coming from his own cock and balls were making him giddy and dizzy. He could actually feel his balls churning in his sack… producing more and more sperm. His balls were so full they actually hurt. Ben grunted as his testicles swelled, each one filling with what felt like gallons of cum. Suddenly, movement coming from his balls made him lift his head and look down. Up the shaft and out the slit of his cock head, more precum came pouring out than he had ever produced in his life. Like an endless deluge, the flow poured out of his cock, coating the shaft… then his balls… leaking onto the couch cushion he sat upon… and then to the floor. As pre flowed from his cock, it proceeded to elongate again, the shaft stretching to proportions he had never experienced in his life. Even the head of his cock, a part that had been fairly sizable before, began to flare larger and meatier… rivalling the shaft in terms of thickness. Ben couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t deny himself any longer the right to manhandle his own cock. When he touched the enlarged shaft again, he moaned louder than he ever had before. As it pulsed thicker and stretched so much longer, it was becoming increasingly more sensitive to the touch than it ever had been before in his life. Ben moaned loudly as he began, tentatively at first, moving his hand up and down the shaft. The new sensitivity of his cock drove him insane with lust, At first, he was tentative, but soon, he began jerking his growing cock with much more intensity. Soon, he could feel it growing in his hand as he stroked himself. Craving more of the lustful rush running through him, Ben began bucking his hips, wildly fucking his own hand. From his balls, he felt a mounting pressure beginning to build. Ben’s cock was growing faster now. Longer… thicker… harder. All at once, a titanic ocean of energy coursed through Ben’s body, causing him to violently spasm. Unable to hold onto his own cock any longer, the mounting pressure filled him up entirely before exploding outwards. Ben cried out as cum began to be fired repeatedly from his cock. He could feel the large amount of fluid he was shooting as it landed on his stomach, chest, face, and beyond. Grabbing onto his cock to try and control the firing shots, Ben was surprised by how strong and explosive each spurt was. Eventually, after 14 or 15 ropes of cum were discharged from his cock, the powerful orgasm that held his entire body prisoner, began to subside. Catching his breath, Ben took in the unbelievable size of the Beast he now possessed. It was huge! Thicker than his own wrist with an even larger mushroom head. His cock had to extend over 8 inches long when hard. Wanting to test his hypothesis, Ben jumped up from the couch to grab a tape measure. Cum dropped from his body and onto the floor as he walked to the kitchen junk drawer where he knew he had a tape measure stored. As he walked, Ben enjoyed the new feel of gravity on his much larger cock and balls. He fell in love with the weight… the mass… the pull towards the floor. It was an erotic sensation only a handful of the lucky few got to feel… and now Ben was one of them. As if sensing it was going to be measured, Ben’s cock rapidly grew hard again as he opened the kitchen drawer. Grabbing the tape measure, he measured the length first. Ben gasped when he saw the result. 9.9 inches!! His cock had miraculously grown to 9.9 inches! That meant his cock had grown over 4 inches in length in the last hour! Wrapping the tape measure around the shaft, he was in awe as he found it was now 5.8 inches thick. Ben moved his exhausted body back to the couch. He couldn’t get over the fact that his cock was now nearly 10 inches long and 6 inches thick! It was a beast! It may not exactly be the biggest cock in the world, but it would definitely do! Slowly, he began to bring his hand to his cock once again. Fuck! He was hard and leaking. Feeling his hand wrap around it, Ben’s cock seemed to become even more rigid... harder. Oh yeah, he thought as he slowly stroked it, it felt incredible having a cock this size. It felt powerful! Ben couldn’t wait to use it. He needed to use it. He needed to fuck and get sucked and dominate a guy right then and there!! Ben grabbed his phone to pull up Grindr, but his balls were demanding release. Throwing the phone onto the floor, he began jerking himself. The sensations pinballing through his body caused him to grunt and groan. Suddenly, a new idea of how to pleasure himself flowered in his head, and Ben found himself flipping over so that his leaking cock rested on the cushions of his sofa. Knowing there was a small area of the cushion that had been slightly worn away by the constant scratching at the material by a dog he had watched for two weeks, Ben lined the head of his cock up with the worn area. Pressing his cock head into it, he slowly bucked his hips several times before feeling the material give way. As the tip of his head burst through, Ben wondered if this was somewhat what it felt like to break a woman’s hymen. It felt oddly powerful to him feeling the material give way to something stronger and more formidable than itself. Plunging deeper into the material and tight stuffing, Ben began to piston fuck the sofa. Harder and harder he pounded it, shaking the entire structure. His grunting grew louder as he fucked it with more intention than he had ever done with anything in his entire life. Then, with his head spinning and stars before his eyes, Ben exploded, his cock shooting round after round of cum into the sofa. As he came down from the mind altering orgasm, Ben was slightly surprised to find what he had actually done! Pulling his cock from the hole caused him to groan again and shoot one further rope of cum before it was set free. Well, that would be impossible to clean, he thought. Hopefully when it dried, no one would notice… or smell what I’ve done. Or.. maybe it’s time for a new couch! Ben turned over and lay back, his heart still pounding, his 6 inch softie settling on his stomach. Lying in an orgasmic haze, his mind drifted. Tomorrow, he thought, I’ll have to run and thank Mary for her incredible gift. The £300 I gave her is nothing compared to what she gave me. It’s like I got a new lease on life. I’ve never felt so sexually charged in my life. So alive in my life. The strong scent of cinnamon, leather, and evergreen filled the room. Fuck. Ben’s cock was hard again! TO BE CONTINUED...
    16 points
  19. Chapter 8: Luc As the crowd still buzzed with excitement, they began to leave the arena. Luc, a towering 6'5" 23yo rugby player from Belgium, stood among the many fans, his heart racing with adrenaline. His tall, muscular frame towered over most people here. In his hometown he was actually considered gigantic, and Chicks and dudes lined up to get fucked by him and his massive 13x8 inch hard monster cock. But compared the the behemoths Luc had just seen on stage, he felt like a small weakling, and he fucking loved it. Luc had always had a thing for huge muscle men. A passion that became obsession when he had seen the European Alpha-Stud-contest for the first time as an 18 year-old, and since then he hadn’t missed a single contest. The walls of his bedroom were plastered with posters of past winners, and being a well-built guy himself had opened doors, leading him to meet some of those past contenders through a hookup app for muscle freaks. But nothing could have prepared him for the jaw-dropping size of today’s winner: Sean Thorson. This high-school muscleboy sensation didn’t just steal the show, he completely wiped the floor with the competition, easily dwarfing even the winners of the previous 4 European-Alpha-Stud-contests, that Luc had seen. Luc was utterly blown away. Sean was the biggest stud he had ever laid eyes on. Next to the other Alpha-Stud contenders, Luc felt like a small dude, but next to Sean he felt abosolutely tiny and insignificant. And that made him horny as fuck. He had to meet this muscle god! Fueled by determination, Luc shoved his way through the crowd of fans, using his huge size to carve a path towards the backstage area. But just as he reached the entrance, four massive security guards crossed their arms, blocking his way like an impenetrable wall. “Sorry, mate, only contestants and staff allowed backstage!” one of the guards bellowed. For a moment, Luc considered forcing his way through; after all, Luc was a massive rugby player, but he doubted, that he could take all four of them. So he reluctantly turned away, heading towards the long queues snaking out of the arena. Being last in line, it felt like an eternity before he finally bursted into the fresh air outside. Once in the parking lot, Luc jumped into his massive truck, his mind racing with thoughts of Sean’s colossal muscles, insane power, and that jaw-dropping insanely fat and 20.5-inch long monster cock. He was hornier than he’d ever been, desperate to be dominated by this powerful musclegod. Sitting in his truck, he pulled out his phone and opened the muscle stud app, hoping to find someone to satisfy his cravings. He scrolled through countless profiles of big ripped men, but none of them even came close to the Alpha studs he had just witnessed, let alone the sheer size and strength of Sean. Just then, he heard a noise. He looked through the windshield and noticed a man coming out of a back door of the arena, carrying trash bags. The man walked towards the trash cans, lit a cigarette, and pulled out his phone. This was his chance! Luc quietly tiptoed over to the door, managing to slip inside unnoticed, adrenaline coursing through him. Inside, Luc found himself in a confusing maze of bright grey corridors lined with massive, heavy metal doors. Each door was marked with random numbers that didn’t give him any hints about what was behind them. He wandered through the twisting hallways, feeling more and more hopeless that he’d ever find Sean. Out of the blue, a deep, angry, hypermasculine voice boomed through the silence: “I told ya he totally cheated, dude. Uhhh, fuckkk!!” Followed by a massive splashing sound. The sounds were coming from a room at the end of the hall. Intrigued, Luc crept closer to hear better, catching another deep voice replying: “Yeah we saw, I saw it! I told ya! We’ll correct the scores!” Followed by a gurgling sound. „He damn cheated! And fucking disrespected me!“ the first voice continued roaring, seemingly ignoring the other one. „Yes! I already told my guys to correct the score, they doing it as we speak. Just please stop, I can’t take anymore!“ the other voice said, and another loud splashing sound was followed by a gurgling moan. His heart racing, Luc approached the door, and saw it’s label, which read: “Adamut - Turkey.” Just then, the massive metal door suddenly blasted out of its frame with a thunderous exploding metal sound. Instead of crashing to the ground however, the door hovered in mid-air, held aloft by a powerful hand gripping its handle. And to Luc's astonishment, the hand belonged to none other than the colossal high-school muscleboy, Sean. Standing in the doorway, completely naked, his massive 14-inch soft cock glistened, dripping with cum, while a look of irritation twisted his chiseled face, as he stared at the broken metal door in his hand. “Awwww yeah, too fucking strong for this cheap ass crap!” he shouted, effortlessly sending the heavy metal door flying down the hall towards Luc, who seemed to be completely off Sean’s radar. Luc's rugby training kicked in, and with lightning-fast reflexes, he tackled the thick metal door with his shoulder, sending it crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. Sean's head turned and he noticed the big rugby player before him. "That little fag totally cheated! Fucking knew, there was no way he could beat my fat Thorson cock!" Sean growled, gripping his massive softy and slapping it against his thick tree trunk legs, launching splashes of cum across the hallway. He was seething with fury, the raw anger practically radiating off him like heat from a fire. “What? Huh?” Luc stammered in confusion, frightened by Sean's anger. Sean stomped towards a massive board in the hallway, the floor shaking with each furious step. Luc trailed behind, keeping a safe distance from this gigantic Hulk, but still close enough, to figure out what was happening. When they reached the board, Luc’s eyes went wide. Sean's score was no longer second for soft girth - it was tied with Adamut now, both racking up 10 points and Sean was listed as the winner for the overall soft cock volume with 10 points, leaving Adamut in second with 9. The bottom of the board read: "2024 Winner: Sean Thorson, Norway, with a perfect score of 120 points!" “Aww yeah! That’s what I’m fucking talking about!” Sean roared, his mood flipping from rage to pure exhilaration. „Nice!“ Luc said, confused, but desperate to get Sean’s attention. Sean turned around, stared down at Luc like he had just noticed him and growled "Who the fuck are you?" Luc felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he looked up at the towering muscle titan, who looked even more gigantic up close. "I'm Luc. I just wanted to meet you, Sean. You're incredible, I’m a huge fan" he stammered, his voice trembling with awe and fear. Sean's expression instantly changed to lustful, and a smirk formed on his lips. "“Aw fuck, yeah look at you, a fan who can't get enough of the Alpha Stud?" he said, flexing his massive biceps to 40-inch cannonballs. Luc whimpered, mesmerized by the sheer size and power of Sean's muscles. "Fuck yeah, fucking bones you seeing my giant muscles, damn you want it so fucking bad, dude!“ Sean laughed and bounced his mountainous, vein covered bicep up and down, and Luc felt precum forming in his boxers. "You’re kinda cute, actually. I'm still fucking horny" Sean admitted with a chuckle. But then he peeked back into the room he had just stepped out of. "Crap, I gotta bounce; this place is a mess, and I hate cleaning. Where’s Billy and his annoying girlfriend?" he grumbled before disappearing back inside the room. Luc's heart dropped, and he shouted after him: "Who’s Billy?" desperate to keep the conversation going. Sean reemerged with his phone in hand, saying absentmindedly, "My little brother" as he scrolled through his texts. "You have a younger brother?" Luc asked surprised. "Huh? No!" Sean replied, still looking at his phone. “But you just said you...” Luc started confused. "Huh? Oh, yeah, no, Billy is my older brother, but he's tiny, so I call him little brother." "That must suck, being tiny and having you as your younger brother. How small is he?" Luc asked. "Dunno, about 2 meters and 250kg or so" Sean said casually, and Luc's jaw dropped. "That's fucking huge!" he stammered. "Fucking horny shit has left with his girlfriend to fuck" Sean said angrily, glancing at his phone before looking back at Luc. "Oh, yeah, he's bigger than you, guess that's huge for you. You got a ride? I need to get out of here." "Absolutely, I'd be more than happy to take you wherever you'd like to go. It would be an honor" Luc replied without hesitation. "Fuck yeah, uhh your place then. My balls are aching, so fucking huge, need to get some fucks out!" Sean said before disappearing back into the room. Luc's heart was racing with excitement and he followed Sean into the room and his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him. The entire room was covered in a thick layer of creamy white cum. The five massive muscle babes Sean had taken to the backstage area were laying on their backs on the cum covered floor. Their legs and arms stretched out in all directions. They seemed half unconscious and their bodies were spasming as if they were having a never-ending orgasm. The pupils of their wide open eyes were rolled back in their heads, and fucking wide smiles of pure ecstasy covered their faces. Never ending, faint moans kept escaping their lips, and cum was dripping nonstop out of their weirdly smiling mouths and over-stretched holes. Alexei, Michal, and Ekon were all piled up on top of each other. All completely naked, battered, and bruised. They were passed out cold. Their nuts looked shriveled and tiny now, like they had completely emptied all their cum. Their dicks hung limp, weak, and completely lifeless between their massive tree trunks, while torrents of cum gushed nonstop out of their stretched-out mouths and holes. In the middle of the entire mess, in the largest puddle of cum, lay Adamut. Completely passed out. His breathing labored. His entire body battered and bruised. His formerly stone hard, ripped muscles were now squishy looking, like someone had punched them down into pudding. His massive jaw was dislocated and gaping open. A torrent of thick cum streamed nonstop out of his mouth. Blood had mixed with it, turning it bright pink. Adamut’s massive, mountainous butt cheeks were spread wide, revealing his torn asshole, and a gigantic penis-pump that had been forced into the ripped hole. „Holy shit! What the hell?“ Luc mumbled, completely unable to wrap his head around what he was seeing. „Right?“ Sean shot back, slightly annoyed again. "This fucking cheater pumped up his softy before the contest!" Sean yelled, pointing at the massive penis pump stuffed in Adamut's ass like it was the crucial evidence in a murder trial. He had no clue, that Luc was actually stunned by the fact that Sean had brutally fucked four of the biggest alpha studs in Europe into complete submission, and giving five big muscle-chicks a seemingly endless orgasm. „Duuuuude!“ Luc mumbled and pointed wildly around the room, in an effort to explain what he meant. Sean looked confused and oblivious around, finally realized and then said kinda apologetically: "I guess, I can get a little wild sometimes… they say I’m a sex addict, but I just love fucking, bro.” And then, pointing at Adamut he added: “And I still get slight anger issues when someone disrespects me," A hint of embarrassment creeping into his voice as he turned slightly red. And in that moment, Luc saw it for the first time: Behind the massive muscles and towering height, Sean really just was a hormone-fueled, sex-crazy, chaotic, 18-year-old teen. „Slight anger issues?“ Luc asked, but the conversation was interrupted by a loud, painful moan. Luc looked to the side, and his eyes grew wide at the sight of the gigantic muscular figure of Caleb, the presenter of the competition. Caleb was sitting on the bed in the corner. His massive six-pack bulged out, and his entire stomach was bloated. Caleb moaned loudly again, then burped, and cum shot out of his mouth. „Holy shit! You even fucked Caleb?“ Luc gasped, completely shocked. „He used to be a contestant in the senior division of the MuscleGod contest!“. „Oh yeah, he definitely took my dick the best“ Sean admitted while collecting his clothes from the floor and stuffing them into his massive gym bag, and then walked over to Caleb and smacked his giant softy against his face. „Please no more, I can’t take anymore!“ Caleb moaned. „Aw fuck yeah, I know you want more of my alpha cum, dude. Uhhh damn, you wanted it so fucking bad, but I gotta save some for this cutie!“ Sean said to Celeb and then smirked towards Luc. He then walked towards Adamut, stopped, pointed his massive softy towards Adamut’s face and unleashed a massive stream of yellow piss all over the unconscious muscle giant. „Uhhhh yeah, look at you, you fucking fag, showering in my piss!“ Sean laughed. „No one disrespects Sean He shook his massive cock a few times, splashing the last drops all over Adamut’s face, then he turned around and grabbed an enormous pair of boxer briefs. While Sean struggled to pull the boxer briefs over his massive tree trunks, the speechless Luc looked around and his eyes fell upon a poster on the wall. It showed the names of all the former European-AlphaStud winners, along with their year of victory and their final score. „Hey, do you know a Logan Thorson?“ Luc asked. His eyes had fallen on the entry from the year 2016. It was the only other time that someone had managed to win the contest with a perfect score. „2016 winner – 18yo Logan Thorson, Norway, with a perfect score of 120 points“ the entry read. „Yeah, that’s my oldest bro“ Sean confirmed while still struggling to pull the boxers over his enormous tree trunks. „That’s why it was so damn important to me to get my score fair and square“ Sean added. „Not like this cheating bullshit“ He finally managed to get his boxers up, and it looked like he had two apples and a fucking Pringles can stuffed into them. “He’s the reigning World-Musclegod-Champion now, ya know?” Sean said while staring admiringly at Logan’s old entry on the poster. “What’s the World-Musclegod-Cha…” Luc started asking, but Sean interrupted him, yelling: „Yoooo, let’s fucking go, dude!“, grabbed Luc by his massive neck, casually threw him over his shoulders as if he weighed nothing, happily jumped out of the room and sprinted insanely fast down the hallway toward the parking lot while his deep, hypermasculine voice yelled: „Fuck yeah, so fucking strong, so fucking big, so fucking fast! Can’t wait to spread ya cute lil butt on my fucking monstercock dude, so fucking hard!“
    16 points
  20. Sorry for the big pause guys, I have a little more time now so I should be able to write more, hope you enjoy and thanks for the comments! This is a big flashback, part of the same story, once this flashback is concluded in a few chapters, I will go back and continue the main story. Chapter 32 - Origins Part 1 In the middle of Australian Summer, Steve was watching the midnight New Year’s fireworks from a luxurious penthouse in one of the best areas of Sydney. Year 2000 just kicked in, and a few text messages came through his Nokia mobile. While the view was amazing, he was still feeling strange and lonely, after his girlfriend of two years left him. “C’mon Steve, enjoy! I can tell you are still thinking of Juliet. Don’t let it get to you, you are with us now and we’re gonna have a good time!” His best friend Josh grabbed Steve and shook him slightly while trying to cheer him up. Part of the local rugby team, Josh was one of the big boys, standing at 6 foot 4 and well past the 120kg mark, he was one hell of a hunk. Steve got close to him discussing his issues with his girlfriend, and Josh was a great friend to get support from. Steve was a respected physiotherapist, reflexologist specialized in foot massage and sports massage, and had been working with the rugby team for a long time. And he loved it. He really loved to look after that bunch of muscled, burly, pumped and strong young men. He loved muscle, that was obvious, but his girlfriend saw that was beyond just a male to male appreciation and the couple had countless discussions about the fact that Steve was more turned on by big muscle guys than his own girlfriend. A massive denial from Steve’s part wasn’t helping, until they broke up. Steve was quite the hunk himself. At 6 foot and 90 kilos of sculpted muscle and 28 years of age, he was watching his diet and training well. But next to the rugby boys he was feeling the small baby amongst the gorillas. And he didn’t mind that feeling. The party was pretty good and quite casual, being summer new year’s eve was always a great eye candy, most rugby boys were wearing short and revealing shorts, either flip flops or nothing, and a fitted muscle polo or a tanktop that was leaving nothing to imagination. Watching the buff muscled boys getting drunk and fumble around was Steve’s pleasure. Even though he was still in denial and of the impression that his attraction was a normal appreciation for muscles and strength, seeing those huge legs with steel muscles, and those massive manly feet…and those muscled arms. And those hands, Steve was fooling himself, and his mates were more aware of his attraction to muscle and guys than he was. A few days later, life was back to normal, the y2k bug didn’t wipe out all computers and Steve was in his room next to the training field, waiting for Josh for the deep tissue massage session. Josh came in straight from the field, bare chested, sweaty and pumped like a bodybuilder ready for the stage. He was rippling with power, and as he grabbed a towel to clean up the sweat a bit, Steve could not stop staring at that marvelous body. He tossed the shoes on the side and slid the socks off. As Josh laid on the massage table, Steve oiled his hands and approached the mountains of muscles on Josh’s back, they seemed bigger, more defined, stronger. Steve felt a jolt in his cock as his hands landed on the corded muscles, this was getting harder every time. “So Steve, have you decided on who you are going to have for that student hosting program?” “Well,they are all students who plan to study physio and they are all 18 y o, I have the french guy with experience in swimming and combat sports, the girl from japan with a mixed background, and this guy from Armenia with lots of weight lifting, wrestling experience and interest in bodybuilding and sports massage” Steve was feeling nervous talking about this with Josh and he could not understand why. “Oh I see, Steve I guess we know who you’re having huh? Got pictures?” As Josh turned around on the table, Steve showed him the papers, with a small picture of the applicants. “It’s so good that you do this Steve, as you said it will be a great distraction from your situation and it’s a great help for these students. Let’s see…the japanese chick looks good, you don’t want to know what I would do to her ahah… oh wow the Armenian guy looks good, he’s a bull, look at his neck, he’s jacked. Oh we know you like that huh?” With that Josh slapped Steve on his bum and laughed. Steve was feeling uncomfortable. “C’mon Josh! He’s 18, he can’t be that jacked, he is still young, and after all this is not about the looks” “Yeah right. Steve, every time I flex you stare at me like a dog stares at a sausage. Nothing wrong but you gotta admit you like muscle, on top of whatever else you like…your business. After all muscle seems to attract everyone” and with that Josh flexed his huge arms, making Steve blush a bit. “I fucking love you Steve, you are such a warm hearted man, but don’t let other guys take advantage ok?” Steve was trying to concentrate on the massage but his head was spinning, he knew Josh was right. As he moved on to massaging those enormous hairy thighs, Steve was feeling his cock stir and breathed deep to calm down. The size of the calves did not help either, and once he got to the massive, thick and wide feet, Steve felt a massive jolt and his cock shot up, out of control. He fast-forwarded the foot massage and tried to finish the session. “Ok all done man, you’re all good to go” Josh stood up and as usual he flexed and stretched naked, in front of Steve, and cracked his neck. Steve had seen him naked before, and the massive schlong was nothing short of astounding on the muscle bull, so he turned around quickly to wash his hands, but Josh already noticed the bulge in Steve’s shorts and chuckled, without saying anything, he already roasted him enough. “Thanks Steve, as usual you fixed me good” He left, Steve catching up with his breath and letting his cock rest…a bit. In the following days, Steve made the decision to invite the Armenian student over, and as paperwork was exchanged in a few emails, Steve saw the copy of his new passport: Arman Sargsyan, in the picture he looked very handsome and a bit older than 18 y o, so much that they double checked his date of birth, as he looked more like 23-24. In another picture sent via email he was wearing a winter jumper, but still the neck looked extremely built even though the hair was a bit long and scruffy. And the rest seemed big, but it was winter in Armenia so it must have been the clothing, Steve thought. A few logistics emails and a phone call later, Steve chatted with Arman and confirmed his arrival at the end of January, full summer. His voice over the phone was deep and mature, and his English was broken but quite good. He seemed very confident and assertive. Steve was looking forward to this new experience but something within himself was feeling uneasy, Steve could not put a finger on that sensation. He shrugged it off, as he always did with similar situations. — The day arrived, Steve drove to the airport and was waiting at the arrivals. He prepared a sign with his name on it, to ensure Arman would recognise him. The people coming out of the doors were of all types and nationalities, as usual for international flights. Suddenly he noticed a big muscled guy dragging a big bag, with long scruffy jet black hair. He towered over most of the people and by the massive build Steve assumed it could not have been Arman. As soon as the hunk got closer, he saw the sign that Steve was holding and sped up his walk towards him. Steve saw this big man getting closer and his size became even more impressive. Once he was close by, he recognised his face. “Is you mister Steve? Hello I am Arman” Steve was lost for words, the 18 year old in front of him was towering over him, at 6’2” and was wearing track pants, which didn’t do much to hide some massive legs, his torso was massive too, not so much hidden by a long sleeve T-shirt that was letting his pecs, shoulders and thick arms show off their solid, hard features. Definitely not something that a teenager would have. The neck was not as massive as the pics, it was even thicker, and the face was young but mature at the same time, with a light but definite light stubble that worked perfectly with his handsome facial features. His hair was wild, black and long, but overall he was sexy as fuck and handsome to an extent that took Steve by surprise. “Ye..yes, welcome Arman, it’s very nice to meet you, how was your trip?” Arman smiled wide and hugged Steve lightly, as per Armenian tradition. Steve felt the hardness of his pecs and shoulders and arms and felt an electric jolt through his body. Oh my God this is a fucking hunk, he thought. “My English not so good, but I learn fast” They walked to the car, once the hunk sat next to Steve he noticed the size of his shoes, they were massive. And his body was radiating heat, also a close up of his arms was rendering Steve quite uncomfortable, they were massive too. Steve chatted a bit on the way home, although Arman was not talking much. At some point Arman felt so hot that he pulled up his trackpants, revealing his massive calves. Steve looked momentarily and his almost gasping when he saw how thick they were Once they got home, Steve showed Arman around. His apartment was nice, not far from the beach, he had a small pool and a small gym in the basement. Arman took off his trainers once he entered the apartment, and Steve could not avoid looking at the size of his feet. They looked even bigger than the trainers. He was impressed by the pool, but when he saw the gym his eyes lit up. “Oh you have gym in home! Ohhh so good, we can train yes?” Steve laughed “Of course you can train there whenever you want, just don’t make too much noise late at night” The temperature was quite high and the aircon did not reach the gym downstairs. Arman picked up his long sleeve t-shirt, and started pulling it up. Slowly Steve could admire the carved abs, and was expecting a lean, muscled teen body. As the fabric went up the lats started to become more visible, and becoming wider…and wider…and wider. As Arman got stuck with his huge shoulders, he had a bit of trouble pulling up the last bit of his shirt. By then, his chest was already out and Steve was staring in awe. Once it was above his head, the hunk slowly gathered the shirt with his thick hands and arms, and even more slowly he brought his arms down, which let his magnificent torso expand and assume his final shape. A proper muscle God, with two pecs that suggested a powerlifting level of benching, massive lats, and huge, round oblong shoulders where the two most massive and brutally muscled arms were attached. The size of his triceps and biceps were astounding. “Can I train? Good for jetlag remove!” “Ah you meant to…to train..now, oh ok sure! Go ahead!” Arman took off his socks looking at Steve. “Is ok naked feet? I like training naked feet” Steve slowly took in the size and shape of his “naked” feet. They were absolutely massive, large and thick. “Of co…course.. No .. no problem mate” Still with his trackpants pulled up below the knee, Arman strutted into the basement and headed for the bench press. Steve left him there for a few moments, sorting out his stuff…and his thoughts, and hoping that the semi in his pants wasn’t too obvious. He came back moments later with a cold lemonade and walked in. Arman was benching with pretty much all the plates he found. A quick count and Steve realised he was benching over 140kg, more than he ever lifted. Arman wasn’t even grunting, and he was using a perfect form. As he slammed the bar on the rests, he stood up. He was covered in sweat, glistening. He took the glass from Steve and smiled “Thank you mister Steve, like this place, we have good time think! Bring more drink” Surprised by his assertive tone, Steve didn’t think much of it as it could have been because of the language barrier. Still, that tone clearly turned him on a bit… Steve was not able to contain his cock as he took in the pumped vision of the muscle hunk. He already looked more massive with the pump he just got. The feet looking huge, toes curling. As he looked up, Arman was staring at him with a smirk. This is going to be big trouble Steve thought to himself… TO BE CONTINUED
    15 points
  21. Thank you for the kind words for part 1. On to the wrestling match. Enjoy. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Part 2. I make my way back to my seat and check the program. I see Finn’s match is the main event and the last event, which should shock me, but does not, given his size and charisma. I know he’s got a fan base and is probably one of the larger guys on the ticket, so it makes sense to make him the main event. My front row seat, curtesy of Finn is right behind the steel railing, but close enough that my knees are almost banging against it. The gym is now crowded and people are finding their seats. The lights flicker twice and the announcer asks everyone to be seated. He waits a minute then comes back on and reads a few rules of conduct and explains if they are not adhered to, the person will be escorted out. We stand and the middle school chorus sings the national anthem. As we sit, the lights dim and an array of spot lights highlight the ring. A single light is put on the far doors which lead to the hallway behind the tarps I saw earlier. The announcer comes back on and with great flair in his voice announces the first event and the two wrestlers. I glance at the program to follow along. It’s a couple guys who are my size. As the intros are made, they come thru the doors. Everyone on that side of the gym gets up and either cheers or boos the guys as they walk to ring. The first guy is in dark blue speedos with a lightning bolt across his ass. He’s got a well-developed chest and huge arms for someone his size. His hair is trimmed to a buzz cut. He is clean shaven everywhere else. He’s also barefoot. The second guy has a shiny gold robe on with a hood covering head. He walks slowly to ring, ignoring the audience. His size 11 boots are just as shiny as his robe. He climbs the steps maneuvers thru the ropes to join the first guy. He lifts the hood off and I see he’s bald and has a skull tattoo on the back of his head. They meet in the center of the ring and I can hear them jawing at each other. Kind words are spoken about each-other’s mother and her apparent side job in her youth. Lightning bolt pokes gold robe in the chest and politely requests he take back what he said. Gold robe just laughs at him as he swats away his hand. More pleasantries are exchanges and the ref gets between them and separates them. I check the program and see Gold robe’s name is Golden boy (go figure) and Lightning is Dashing Dan. Golden boy goes to his corner and slowly takes the robe off. He’s more muscular than l would have thought. He’s a bit bigger than Dan. The bell rings and they turn to each other and do the normal sizing each up stare down. They circle each other, then Golden lunges for Dan. I half pay attention to the match. My brain wanders to some wrestling matches I’ve watched on the This Vid site, or from Thunder’s Arena. Sure, the guys on Thunders are better built, but that’s why people buy the videos, the guys are studs and the matches tend to be more erotic than authentic. This Vid is more regular guys, or guys who do porn; fucking around and doing what they do best. I hear a body being slammed onto the mat and look up to see Dan standing over Golden boy with his barefoot square in the center of his back. He quickly removes his foot and falls, dropping an elbow onto Golden’s back. He lets out an umph and his body bounces on the mat in response. Dan gets up and drops his elbow a few more times. Once he feels Golden boy is worn out, he drags him up by his hair and scoops him up with one hand under his neck and the other between his legs. He parades him around the ring, cradling him a few times, showing off his strength. After he circles the ring, he gets a running start and when he’s in the middle of the ring, he jumps up a bit and slams Golden to the mat. I hear another load umph from Golden boy. Dan flips him over, lays over his chest, grabs a leg and pulls it up. The ref easily slides to the mat and does a 3 count. The bell rings and Dan is the winner. He stands and does a double bicep flex. The crown erupts with cheers and clapping. There are another two matches. I half pay attention them only because wrestling matches are fun, but can become repetitive. Finn’s match is next, but there is a 10-minute intermission to let people get some air and use the bathrooms. The lights flicker to let people know it’s time to get seated. All the lights go dark and a single spot light shines on the far door. The announcer comes, “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages, are you ready for the main event?” A stream of whoops and cat-calls erupt from the crowd, along with thunderous applause. “Tonight, for the main event we have a handicapped match.” The din grows louder. “In one corner we have two young bucks looking to make a name for themselves, Speedy Rob and Stealthy Steve!” The doors open and two guys come thru to a round of boos and jeers. They wave their hands in disgust and make their way to the ring. Both guys are my size, about 5’8”, but barely 150 pounds apiece. Rob is wearing yellow speedos and Steve has grey ones on. They parade around the ring, looking for people to high five them. One or two people do, but most give them grief and make fun of them. They then climb the steps the ring and parade around some more, hugging each other and waving to the crowd. The announcer comes back on, his voice starts low, but builds to a crescendo “Now, their opponent, standing at an impressive 6’3”, weighing in at an astounding 285 pounds of solid muscle, your favorite and mine, all the way from Limerick, Ireland, The Irish Madman!” The crowd goes nuts. The doors open and here he comes, Mr. Finn O’Daniel, I think to myself and smile, ‘all the way from Schenectady NY.’ He’s in neon green speedos which leave very little to my imagination, green boots and gold bicep straps on both arms accentuating his 21-inchers. He’s pumped up and veins are running down each arm. He’s let his hair down and it flows behind him as he slowly makes his way to the ring. He walks around the ring, waving his arm, encouraging the crowd to make more noise, which they do. He passes in front of me, sees me and gives me a passing wink. I see his chest hair is glistening from being misted in the staging area. His pecs heave and bounce with each step. And only I would notice this, but his nipples are hard. I laugh to myself and think, ‘Must be chilly in the staging area’. I run my tongue over my lips thinking, ‘To suckle those nips’. I feel a bulge and divert my brain to something less arousing. I look at Rob and Steve. They’ve got some muscle on them and would probably be a challenge to someone their own size, but Finn is nearly as big as the two of them together. The noise level gets louder as he climbs the steps and throws a leg over the top rope to step in. The boys come to the center of the ring, point at Finn, and send many pleasantries his way. He smiles at them and waves them off. When they don’t back down, he lurches toward them, slamming is size 14 left foot onto the mat. They back off, but only for a second. More pointing and shouting from them occurs before the ref steps in and ushers them to their corner. Rob steps outside the ropes and Steve makes his way to the center to confront Finn. Finn has a smirk on his face and I can just hear him say, “You ready to be squashed little man?” He then stretches his muscled arm out and pats Steve on his head, like a parent would do to a child. Steve swats at the arm. Finn loses his smile and puts on his game face. I hear him say, “Ok buddy, all bets are off. I hope you’re ready for beating.” I think I see his eyes flicker to me, but it was so quickly I cannot determine if he did it or not. Steve reaches his thin arm out in the air looking for Finn to battle him in a show of strength. Finn smiles, reaches his arm down to Steve’s, their fingers entwine. Steve starts squeezing with as much strength as possible, but Finn stands there just looks at him, his arm barely flexed. I can hear Finn taunt him sarcastically saying, “Come on little man, squeeze my hand, I can barely feel this.” Steve grunts and applies more pressure, but Finn keeps up the taunt, “There we go, I can feel something now. Oooh, more pressure. Don’t wear yourself out. I need you to be fresh for when we start to actually wrestle.” Finn easily lifts his hand higher in the air, which makes Steve take a step or two closer to the big guy. Finn releases the hold then moves quickly and lunges at Steve wrapping his arms around Steve’s midsection. He lifts him off the mat in a bearhug, squeezing his lower back. Steve’s weight does not seem to bother Finn as he carries him around the ring in the bearhug. He walks up to Rob, gives him a smirk, and yells, “You’re next buddy. I hope you’re more competition than this insect is.” Rob yells back some very nice words concerning Finn’s mother’s job as a teenager, which Finn laughs off. Finn gives one final squeeze to Steve’s lower back; his biceps expand and the veins pop out. He then squats down, and on the upward motion hoists Steve onto his broad muscular shoulder. He spins around a few times and Steve throws a few useless punches at Finn’s back. He then rolls him off his enormously wide back at Rob’s feet in a heap. Rob tags Steve’s hand and slips thru the ropes. He moves quickly and grabs Finn around the waist, locking both hands behind his back. His face and left shoulder are pressed against Finn’s abs and he’s applying as much pressure as he can to Finn’s lower back. I think to myself, ‘Fucking lucky guy’. He tries to push Finn backward toward the ropes, but Finn plants his feet and does not move an inch. His quads and calves’ flex. I can see the horseshoe on the calves. Rob grunts and tries pushing again. Finn pats him on head and makes a show of allowing Rob to push him backward. Finn also makes a show of covering his mouth with a fake yawn and the audience eats it up, cheering and hollering. They get to the ropes and Rob keeps squeezing, but the ref pats him on the shoulder telling him to break the hold. Instead, Rob tries to pull Finn off the ropes. Finn takes a step forward and pats Rob’s head again. Rob takes half a step back and pushes his shoulder into Finn’s granite abs, but with no effect. He breaks the hold and throws and elbow at his midsection. I watch Finn flex and Rob’s arm bounces off. He does it again and Finn just continues to flex. Another punch, and Rob is shaking his fist and wrist. He realizes this is doing no good so he charges Finn again and wraps his arms around his waist and tries to lift him up. Finn laughs and pats his head again. He looks at me and winks. I think, ‘Uh-oh, something is about to happen.’ Sure enough, Finn has had enough and reaches behind his back, grabs Rob’s hands and easily breaks the hold. Rob is incensed and puts his hands together and does a tomahawk chop to Finn’s muscular hairy chest, which is starting to show faint signs of sweat. His hands bounce off the granite slab. Finn laughs, wiggles his eyebrows, and does a slow pec roll, then a most muscular pose to show Rob and the crowd the control he has over his muscles. Finn backs out of the most muscular and throws up a double bicep pose. The crowd goes wild. Rob yells and does another tomahawk chop to Finn’s chest, with the same result. Finn moves quickly and grabs Rob by his armpits and lifts him up like a little kid. He’s laughing and making faces at Rob. Rob is struggling in his hands. Finn walks around the ring while holding him up. As he’s facing the other side, Steve slips thru the ropes, sneaks up behind Finn and does a round-house kick to his lower back. It has the desired effect as Finn buckles over in pain. He drops Rob on his back. Steve keeps at it, kicking and throwing elbows at Finn’s lower back. He also kicks his thighs and calves. Finn goes down to the mat and is on all fours. Steve lands a nasty kick to Finns abs. I can hear his boot connect with the muscle. Now it’s Finn’s turn to let out an ‘umph’. Another kick to the abs, then one to his side. Rob recovers from his fall and joins in. He lands an elbow on Finn’s broad and muscular upper back. He jumps up and does it again. Finn is now spread eagle on the mat, his sweaty hair splayed out over the mat. They continue their assault. It takes both of them to flip him over to his back and his hair is twisted, covering his face. They start dropping elbows onto his massive chest, which is now dripping with sweat. He’s groaning in pain with each shot. The crowd is booing Steve and Rob. They wave their arms at the crowd with disgust. Steve backs up, bounces off the ropes, gets a running start and leaps, elbow first, onto Finn’s unprotected chest. The sound of the hit echoes throughout the gym. Rob does the same move from his side, with the same result. They grin at each other and parade around the ring pointing at Finn’s heap of a body, yelling ‘He’s not as great as he thinks he is!’ They circle him some more, kicking and dropping elbows and punches. Steve gets on top of Finn’s chest, hooks his right hand under Finn’s right knee, bringing it up for the pin. The ref slides into position and starts the count. He gets to two and Finn ‘miraculously’ kicks out, sending Steve off his body. Rob gets behind Finn, lifts his body and puts him into a sleeper hold, barely, given the size of Finn’s neck and how much smaller Rob’s arms are. Finn’s face is hidden behind a mass of hair which is plastered to his face and shoulders. Sweat is running down his chest, over his huge pecs. Steve punches his abs a few more times. Finn starts to fade. The ref lifts his arm and it flops to the mat. The crowd continues to boo and jeer Steve and Rob. He lifts it a second time and it flops again. Steve gets on the ropes and puts his hand to his ear waiting for the final flop of the arm. It does not happen. As the ref lets go, Finn’s arm falls to within an inch of the mat when it comes to a stop. It shakes, then a fist is formed. Rob continues to apply the sleeper hold, but Finn shakes his head, uses his left hand and wipes the hair from his face. His eyes are open wide and he has a menacing look. The crowd goes wild. Steve thinks it’s for him. He waves his arms in celebration. He cannot hear Rob yelling for help over the noise of the crowd. Finn, still groggy, grabs Rob’s hands and easily breaks the sleeper hold. He jerks his head backward and lands a vicious blow to Rob’s chest. He’s stunned but Finn still has ahold of his hands. He’s trapped. Finn moves to his knees, pulling Rob onto his back. He stands and let’s go of Rob’s hands, dropping him unceremoniously to the mat. Finn staggers to Steve, who is still on the middle rope waving his arms to the crowd in celebration. He puts his left arm between Steve’s legs and lifts him off the ropes. He puts him down in the middle of the ring, brushes his hair from his face, sneers at Steve, then picks him with an arm thru his legs and one over his shoulder. Steve’s eyes go wide and his mouth is open, but nothing is coming out. Finn turns, jumps up a bit, then body slams Steve to the mat. I think to myself, ‘That’ll leave a mark.’ Finn puts both of his enormous hands onto Steve’s chest, leans back and roars to rafters. He has new life. The crowd is in a frenzy. Rob jumps up, runs at Finn, and leaps at him at the last second, in an attempted flying cross body block, trying to knock Finn onto is back. Finn quickly moves to his knees and catches the incoming body with ease. He stands, lifting Rob as if he were nothing more than a 45-pound barbell. He easily curls Rob’s 150-pound body 10 times, then swings the little body onto his shoulder. Rob throws a few useless punches at Finn’s sweat covered chest. Finn lifts Rob and maneuvers his body so it’s across his shoulders. He puts his hands under the body, one hand on Rob’s chest, the other between his legs. With nary a grunt, he presses Rob up. Rob’s arms flail about, but Finn has a secure hold on him. He shows off by pressing him a few times while parading around the ring his biceps pumped and engorged with blood, sweat streaming down his chiseled body. When he gets back to where Steve is lying passed out on the mat, he presses Rob up one more time, then moves out of the way, letting the body drop 8 feet onto Steve. Finn looks right at me, does a double bicep pose with the 21” pythons and lets out a roar, then puts one knee on top of Rob. The ref slides into position and does a three count. The bell rings and Finn winks at me. He glances at my pants and sees the obvious hard-on. He winks again, tightens the double bicep, and bounces the muscles a few times. My crotch is aching. The ref stands, grabs Finn’s hand and raises it in the air. Finn smiles at the crowd and waves to everyone. He departs the ring, but first goes around slapping hands with everyone in the first few rows. He gets to me and I give him a high-five, sweat flying off his body. Another wink and he’s gone. He goes back up the aisle and pauses one last time. He faces the crowd and lifts his arms one more time. The crowd roars with excitement and he eats it up. Then, he’s gone. I sit back down, drained from the excitement. I cross my legs to hide my raging erection. I fan myself with the program. After a few minutes, my body is back to normal. Erection has faded, my flushed face has cooled off. I wait around as the crowd dissipates. No need to rush to my truck as I’ll be sitting in parking lot traffic in the frigid cold for a good 20 minutes while everyone leaves. I pull out my phone and remote start it, so it’ll be warm when I do leave. I’m sitting and scrolling thru some internet feeds while still waiting in the gym. There just a few people waiting like I am. I see a new message come thru. I open it to see it’s from Finn, I read it, “Yo Bellhop, what are you still here for? Waiting for me?” He has inserted the winking eye emoji. My head shoots up and I look around the gym for him. He’s nowhere to be seen. I send back, “No bush league, just waiting for traffic to ease in the parking lot.” The door at the far end of the gym opens and Finn walks thru, freshly showered and in a pair of tight-fitting jeans and compression t-shirt, with his winter jacket in his left hand. His hair is pulled back into the bun and he has a gym bag in his right hand. He sees me and smiles. He walks over, pausing momentarily to talk to the few remaining fans. He gets to me, easily steps over the security gate, bro-hugs me, looks down into my light brown eyes and says with some exacerbation, “Man, that match hurt.” We sit. He chuckles and I just smile having no clue the amount of strength and stamina it must take to endure all the punches and kicks he took. “Those kids are nice, but man, they really get into character and dish out some punishment.” He leans to the side, stretching his lats and abs. “So, not to shock you, but I’m not being the biggest follower of amateur wrestling,” He gives me a shocked face look, but then smiles, “How real were those punches and kicks? I mean, from out here,” I wave to the chairs around me, “They looked real and like they really hurt.” “Most of it is how you land the kick or punch. So, 90% don’t hurt too much as we’re taught how to take a kick to the abs or roll with punch to head, but every so often, your timing is off and boom, you feel it.” He shakes his head and I can hear bones crack. I look at him a bit too weirdly. He gently says, “No, Sammy, it does not hurt when I do that. Just something that happens. I’m used to it.” I let out a sign of relief. He checks his watch and we look around the gym, the janitors are sweeping up and folding up the chairs. He asks, “Want to grab a beer? All that work has made me hungry and thirsty.” I look into his eyes and see he’s being nice and just looking to hang out, so I cheerfully say, “Sure.” We agree to meet back at Bluestone. We get there and it’s not too crowded. We grab a table for two away from the crowd. I order a Blue and White, while Finn opts for a Mythical Beast Oatmeal stout, which I’ve had and it’s great for a cold winter night. We also put in an order of pulled pork nachos. As we wait for the beer and food, the conversation starts. He nonchalantly asks, “So, how long have you been a bell boy?” His mischievous grin tells me he’s not serious, but I play along, “Oh, about 8 years, probably the same amount of time you’ve been a bush league wrestler.” He laughs and winks at me. “Actually, I’ve been here for close to 10 years. Started as the over-night check-in guy, then worked my way up as people left and I gained experience.” I lean in close and so does he, I almost whisper, “Let me tell you, the front desk job is not as glamorous as it’s made out to be in the movies. I rarely need to leap over the counter to save a damsel in distress.” He slaps his hand on the table, causing the table next to us to look over in concern. He waves them off as he laughingly says, “Oh Sammy, you’re crushing my dream job with your unhealthy dose of reality.” He rubs his stubbly chin and says, “I’m not sure if I want to pursue it as my next occupation anymore, you know when my bush league wrestling career fades for me.” Now it’s my turn to laugh. Our beers arrive and we start to sip them, waiting for the food. I get a bit inquisitive and ask, “So, Finn, in addition to part-time, let me see if I can remember them all,” I put my hand up and start extending fingers as I list his hobbies, “bush league wrestler, light weight bodybuilder,” I glance over his body as he puffs out his chest and flexes a bicep. “Yeah, yeah, we all have chests and biceps bush league, oh, and most importantly massage artist. What is your nine to five, if I may ask?” I cock an eyebrow at him. He smiles and politely says, “I’m a real estate appraiser.” I nod in understanding. “You know where Schenectady is,” I nod yes, “so you know it’s close to Albany and not too far from Saratoga Springs. There are quite a few high-end properties around, so it’s not a bad job to have, except for now, in the dead of winter, in upstate New York with 2 feet of snow on the ground.” He winks at me again. Now, I’m almost positive he’s flirting with me. “As for my hobbies, they keep me busy. The massage work is good, easy money, as you know.” I nod in agreement. “I make my own hours, can meet people anywhere.” I interrupt and jokingly say, “Like a Hampton Inn, in Sayre, perhaps?” I raise an eyebrow and he does the same with a semi-shocked look. “Ok, I confess. I knew something was up when two strange guys walked thru the lobby last night. The first leaving about an hour and half after he arrived? The second one showed up around midnight…” I let it hang it in the air. He blushes a bit, but does not deny it. “Also, the very cute kid this morning. Come on Irish Muscles, spill.” His eyes goes wide as I call out his Rentmasseur name. At that moment, our food arrives. Finn grabs a plate and shovels some nachos onto it and takes a huge bite. “Finn,” I say patiently and confess, “Yes, I looked you up on Rentmasseur.” He stares at me. “Something didn’t sit right when the guys came thru last night and then the kid today. I was working off a hunch. I didn’t think it was you, but you know…” I kind of gawk at his body, and say, “Dude, you’re built like a fucking muscle monster.” He gathers himself, looks me in the eyes, and calmly says, “You’re right. I do advertise there. Why not?” I shrug in agreement. “I had a few hours to kill and, like I said, it’s easy money.” He looks at me again as I take a few bites of the nachos. He pulls his phone out and starts typing. I beat him to it. “My alias is ‘Slender muscles’.” He stares at me and keeps searching. He finds my profile and I see him wander thru it. His eyes go wide. He’s seen my profile pics. I have a few nudes there, unlike him. One or two show me sporting an erection. He looks up at me, then appears to stare at my junk under the table, then back to his phone. He stammers, “Dude, really?” I sheepishly nod yes. “Wow. Someone got a second helping of the dick gene when it was being handed out!” I laugh. “No, really dude, I’m very impressed.” He puts his hand up for a high-5. I slap it, and we laugh. Now the ice has been broken. He boldly states, “We need to get you a new alias for your profile, ‘Slender Muscles’, while very accurate based on these amazing photos, is not the most accurate.” I roll my eyes. He slowly says, “How…about…’8 inches of mass destruction’?” I choke on a nacho, he gets excited and loudly announces, “Or, or…’Billy club’, nah, I don’t like that, ooh…here we go,” He lays his hands on the table, his dark green eyes staring into my brown ones, and calmly says, “Dream dick”. I scrunch my face. “Awe, come on, it’s perfect. It’s easy, accurate, and gets to the point, or head, depending how you think.” He wiggles his eyebrows in mock victory. He sits back, folds his huge arms over his enormous chest and sighs with delight. I let the name hang in the air, not committing or rejecting it. He continues to smile at me as if he’s won. I say, “I don’t know. My regulars may not be able to find me if I change it.” It’s a weak argument and he gives me a stern disapproving look. “I don’t know Finn, I just like the one I have.” He nods. “What about you, have you ever thought of changing your alias? While ‘Irish Muscles’ is accurate, what about ‘Huge fucking stud’, or ‘Hairy beast’? They’re both accurate.” I wave my hand at his body. He shrugs his boulder shoulders. “Nah, like you, I like the one I have, although, ‘Huge Fucking Stud’ would probably get more clicks.” He sighs again. He suddenly leans forward, almost coming off his chair, his raises his voice and exclaims, “Hold it. We need to celebrate my victory tonight!” He looks around for the waitress. He waves her down and orders another round of drinks and asks about shots. She looks leery, but Finn pours on the charm and uses his fake Irish brogue, and his big cuddly innocent boy routine, winking at her frequently, and she says ‘ok’. He orders two Buttery Nipple shots. I roll my eyes thinking this could become a very long night, very quickly. I speak up, “Um, bush league,” He glances at me with a huge smile, “You only have to walk across the parking lot to get home,” I wave my arm at the hotel thru the window. “My drive is a bit longer and on roads with icy conditions, and you outweigh me by like 100-pounds. I’ll do the one, but that’s it.” He smiles at me, flexes his 21-incher, winks, and says, “Don’t worry Bellhop, ‘Irish Muscles’ has your back.” He winks again and claps his hands together looking at the dwindling plate of cold nachos. He announces, “We need more food.”
    15 points
  22. Here is the final installment of this story. I’ve put the whole story from start to finish here. Since it’s been a while since an update, enjoy from start to finish. The Changed Man Jesus Christ. What a long fucking day. Sean tossed his satchel over his shoulder as he left work. 8 clients back to back, each more taxing them the last. The weight of his full satchel a burden on his thin shoulders. Sean walked down the stairs to his office, out of breath from the exertion; and then he climbed into his car. Say what you want about Sean, but his job provided him with plenty of disposable income. He climbed into his new luxury car, starting up easy, and rolling out of the parking garage smooth as ice. For only being 27, Sean had made a comfortable life for himself. His parents had never really been huge influences on his life, and he had made his own way since he was 15. Getting his first salary job after college, climbing the ladder, and slowly gaining his independence from his family has been everything he’d ever wanted. Sean pulled out of the parking garage, his wheels hitting smooth pavement as he drove out of the city. Sean listened to public radio on his drive home, relaxing into his average every day afternoon commute. It was when Sean got home that he stripped his mask and dove into his true personality. Stripping off his suit and tie, his long socks and business loafers, Sean settled into the couch in only his underwear. He opened a gay chat app and began to message the men back. Each of of them a burly daddy type, thick hair, thicker muscles, and a love for skinny younger guys. Sean fit that bill perfectly, at 27 he had barely grown since he started college. 5’8” and 130lbs he was a small man, but he was hot none the less. Big strong jaw line, defined abs, and model status face sealed the deal for him more often than not. One thing about Sean though. He was more of a tease and flirt. He preferred to play the field, work these men up to a fevered pitch, and then cut them off; leaving them horny and wanting more, sending messages, pictures, and videos frivolously vying for his attention. Sean loved the attention he received from these men, but there was really only one daddy he truly craved connection with. When he was 17 and came out to his parents, a decade ago, his dad had shut him out. Physically, emotionally, mentally. Sean felt his last few years in his home he was a stranger living in a foreign hostile. Sean’s dad, Clint, had always been a man’s man, he worked a blue collar job, worked out when he could, drove a pick-up truck. Sean never expected him to accept him, but he also never expected what came next. As he scrolled through his app, teasing the older men, his dad texted him. Odd. *Hey Sean. I know it’s been a while but I’d really like it if you could give me a call when you’re available.” A wave of nausea and worry washed over Sean, his dad NEVER reached out to him. Something extraordinary must have happened. Sean was all at once needing to call his dad to settle his curiosity, and too intimidated and stunned to actually make the call. Sean went to shower, an ice cold shower always helped him calm down and think clearly. He undressed, his lean nearly hairless body reflecting in the mirror. Sean’s body may not have been too athletic, but his face told a different story. A strong, even jawline set his face, accentuated by his high cheekbones and well proportioned nose. His dark green eyes the color of an evergreen tree in late winter. His brown hair tossed and falling evenly, with a bit of curl. Sean knew he was a stunner, he had been approached many times to model for different projects around his small town. Sean got out of the shower, dried off, and sat on the edge of his bed. He fumbled around with his phone, still wet and cold, but he could only focus on the phone call with his dad he knew he needed to make. He slowly dialed the number, and pressed call. The phone rang once. Twice. Three times. Four. Five. Voicemail. “Hi dad, it’s Sean. I was calling in response to your text. Call me when you can.” No sooner than he’d hung up, his dad called back. “Hello, Sean.” “Hi dad.” “How are you doing?” “I’m okay. Dad is everything alright?” “Not really, son. Your mom. She. She.” Sean could hear his dad tearing up over the call. “It’s okay dad. Tell me what happened.” “She left me.” Sean heard she sobs for a moment. He let his dad cry. “I’m so sorry dad. I hope you’re okay.” Still keeping himself distant from his dad. “No. It’s okay Sean. I’m not upset she left. In fact I’m happy. I wanted to see if you’d come over for dinner. There’s some thing I want to talk about. But I want to do it face to face.” “Uh. I. Uhhh. Sure dad. When?” “As soon as you can. Tomorrow is Friday night, does that work for you?” Sean took pause. That was so soon. But his dad clearly needed this. “Sure dad. Send me your address and what time you’d like me to come. Should I bring anything.” “No son. Just bring yourself, that’s enough. I’ll text you my address and time when we get off the phone.” “Alright. See you tomorrow dad.” “See you tomorrow. I love you, Sean.” Then the call ended. Sean couldn’t remember a single time his dad had ever told him that he loved him. “8175 Wabash Ln. come over at 5pm.” Sean’s mind rushed through all the possibilities for what his dad could want to talk to him about. He couldn’t believe his mom had left his dad, as distant as the two of them had always been with him, they always seemed so in love. What could have happened? These thoughts swirled in Sean’s mind until he drifted asleep. Waking up the next morning he checked his phone to see if his dad had said anything else, nothing. He quickly got ready for work and tried to get himself back into his comfortable routine; but it didn’t matter, every other thought in his mind was occupied by what could be happening with his dad. What this dinner was going to be like. Why did it have to be so sudden? The day crept on, the uneasy feeling of anxiety ebbed and waned inside Sean, knotting his stomach. Thankfully today was Friday and that meant less clients. He got off at 4:30, just enough time to make it to his dad’s on time. Sean pulled up to his dad’s house. He guessed mom got their family home, and now his dad was staying in a small one bedroom home. It was a nice house, deep red bricks, a large porch on the front, a beautifully manicured front lawn, a garage off to the side. It had a very cozy feeling to it. Something about the little home made Sean feel at easy for a moment. He stepped onto the porch and knocked on the deep hardwood door, freshly painted a bright white to match the porch railing. Sean heard motion inside, the door opened, and his feeling of ease dissipated. In the doorway was a man who vaguely resembled Sean’s dad. His face was even different. Kinder somehow, maybe it was the big smile he wore, or the tear in his eye, but Clint looked…welcoming. Sean noticed at once that his dad seemed much larger than he remembered him. It had been almost ten years since they’d met in person, and it appeared his dad had started to take his workout routines more seriously. He’d also seemed to be taking better care of himself, his once round gut was now gone, all of the mass seemed to have shifted upwards and it now spilled into his chest and arms. Clint was taller too, or so Sean thought. When his dad opened the door he was staring directly at the bottom of his dad’s chest. “Sean!” Clint said, almost in an exacerbated sigh, a release of tension audible in his tone. He stepped forward and pulled Sean into a hug. Sean’s face sank in between his dad’s pecs, he noticed how far he seemed to sink, emphasizing the size of the barreled chest. The large arms around him hard as stone. The force of the hug lifted him off the ground a bit so that Sean was on his tippy toes. He reached around his dad and ground that he almost couldn’t reach completely around the wide lats and thick chest. He inhaled deeply, the scent of his dad’s cologne, the slight sweaty musk between his pecs, the smell of a fresh shower. Sean squeezed, and he felt his dad’s much larger body pull him in even tighter. Clint then released Sean, lowering him back to the ground, “please come in.” As he stepped out of the way, Sean walked into the house. “Dad, this is a very nice little home.” “Thanks son. I’ve tried. When I,” he paused seeming to hold back tears, “when I had to move here this was all I could afford and it needed some work. But some fresh brick, paint, floors, and some hard work on the front lawn has really brought it together.” “Wow. So you redid this whole place, did you hire someone?” “Hire someone?” Clint seemed genuinely confused. “No. I did it myself. I needed a project to sink my mind into and this remodel was just what I needed.” “You seem well dad.” “Come on Sean. Sit at the table. I have dinner ready, we can talk more there. I’m sure you’re wondering why I insisted we meet so soon.” He was right. Sean was whirling with possibilities as to why this was all happening. Above all, he felt an odd displacement in his mind, where the negative feelings he’d always harbored towards his father had suddenly softened. He was unsure if it was the way he spoke now, the affection he showed, or the simple fact that he now looked like the dream version of a man Sean would flirt with and tease. He knew the latter couldn’t possibly be it. Sean at at the table. A small dining set, four wooden chairs and a sturdy table, all the same dark mahogany wood. The grain had been sanded and treated. Everything in the home looked like it had been handled with such care. Clint rounded the corner, carrying a large pot in one arm and a large plate in the other. “I’m sorry it’s not much. As much as I’ve focused on building myself back up, cooking isn’t something I’ve mastered yet, but I remembered you liked beef stew, so I made that, and some homemade rolls. Although. The rolls didn’t come out as nice as I’d planned.” As Clint sat the food on the table, Sean appreciated the gesture. “I still love beef stew dad. I can’t believe you remembered. And don’t apologize, if it tastes as good as it smells I think we’ll be fine.” Clint even fixed Sean his plate, portioning out the meat, veggies, and selecting what he must have considered the most ideal roll in the bunch. “Here!” He said enthusiastically, handing the plate to Sean. “Thanks dad.” Sean gave his dad a quick glance and a warm smile. If his dad was going to put in so much work to be present, Sean figured he could try equally to make his dad feel like his efforts were valid. The two ate in silence for a while. Sean unsure of what to say, and Clint apparently too afraid to say what he needed to. Sean took the first leap, “Dad, what’s this all about?” Clint paused eating, and slowly sat down his fork. He seemed to be mentally gathering his composure, using one hand to smooth his shirt, which had bunched up underneath his heavy pecs, and the other to wipe sweat from his brow. Sean noticed his dad’s large dark nipples were visible through the thinly stretched shirt fabric, and when he raised his arm to wipe the sweat from below his well maintained brown hair, he heard a seam pop in the shirt as it stretched over his shoulder. “This is a hard story to tell. But I owe it to you. Just let me get through as much as I can and then we can discuss, okay?” “Sure, dad.” “So. Shortly after you moved out, I became unhappy. Not with your mom or anything specific, but life in general. I was getting old and fat, I was tired all the time, I was angry, I hated my job and everything in life seemed like a chore.” Clint swallowed hard, forcing down emotion as he got to the heart of the issue. “After a while I went to see a therapist, your mom didn’t know because I didn’t want her to think she was the problem. Through talking with the therapist we discovered a few things. The first being that I was depressed. The second was that I probably had low testosterone. Those two thing combined accounted for most of my symptoms. The therapist encouraged me to workout, saying that it would not only help with depression, but when I started receiving testosterone injections that it would help to moderate my energy levels and mood more.” He took a slight pause, a big deep breath, his chest expanding and pulling the buttons on his shirt almost to their breaking point. “The last thing we talked about was your mom. She was emotionally and mentally abusive and I had fallen into a dark place. When we would talk about you I had two different thoughts, how I really felt, and how I felt because that’s how your mother insisted that I feel. Years and years of her demanding I follow in her ideological footsteps let me to being a hateful scornful person, and it wasn’t who I really was. I withdrew from you because it was either that or face the abuse from your mom.” Clint paused again. The next words hung in his throat like a Vice was locked preventing them from escaping. “Son. I never cared you were gay. I knew it well before you came out. Your mother was blindsided and she couldn’t see past it. She would talk when we were alone and say the most vile things, I would agree, craving her approval, but at the same time I knew it was hurting you and that’s the last thing I wanted. So. That lead your mom and I to an impass. One morning I insisted we invite you over and make amends, I told her I couldn’t do it any longer. I called her on her abuse and told her it was time to change the dynamic. She argued, but I had practiced in therapy remaining steady and keeping to my values. I guess once she realized she couldn’t control me any more she left. It devastated me at first, because I craved her affection so much. But. These last few years I’ve come to realize that I could repair our relationship. I realized that the bond we could share as father and son could help me to heal. So. After years and years of struggling and fighting and working on myself I finally decided it was time. I’ve done a lot of work inside myself to prepare to be a good father, and I understand that it may be hard to accept. But I love you, and I want you to know the truth and the reason why everything happened.” Sean sat. Stunned. He wanted to laugh and cry and run and disappear all in the same moment. His body was frozen in time. Clint studied him, watching for any reaction. Sean was stoic, completely unsure for the first time in a while of what to do next. Clint stood, rising to his full height, and walked over to Sean. With Sean sitting and Clint standing, Sean noticed he was at crotch level with his dad. Not wanting to seem like he was staring, he quickly stood as well, and the two hugged. They both teared up, holding on, waiting for the other to relent, but neither did for a while. Finally. Sean initiated the released stepping back, his dad releasing him from the hug. “Thank you.” Was all he could manage for the time being. Clint returned to his seat, and so did Sean. They resumed eating. The air between them seemed to clear, the tension releasing like a bungee cord just unhooked. Time seemed to return to normal. Then Clint spoke. “So. Do you think we can ever repair our relationship?” Sean nodded, “I do. There’s a lot of time to catch up on, but it sounds like you’ve done most of the work already.” “You’re right. There is a lot of lost time. Tell me about yourself. What was college like, where do you work, how is life. I saw you drive a pretty nice car, I’m proud that you seem to be doing well for yourself. Do you have a boyfriend, I don’t seen a ring so I hope I didn’t miss a wedding?” Sean was gobsmacked. Never in his life did he imagine those words coming from his dad’s mouth. Sean must have been sitting with his mouth agape because Clint continued, “sorry. I know that’s a lot. I’ve just thought about these things for so long.” “No. It’s okay dad. Let’s see. College was fine, I completed by bachelors and masters and the firm I work for now pays me really well. I own a place downtown and I’ve started a small business on the side that will hopefully allow me to quit my job one day and simply manage. You’re right. No husband. No boyfriend either. I’ve never really had a steady partner.” “That surprises me.” Clint said. “What does?” “That you’ve never had a steady partner. You seem so put together, despite how we raised you, and you inherited my good looks, I’d think it would be easy for you to find a man.” What an odd conversation. Sean could hardly believe he was talking about this with his dad. “Well. Maybe I’ll meet someone one day. For now I’m really focusing on myself.” Sean said. “I understand that.” Clint agreed. “What about you dad, do you have anyone special in your life?” “No. Like you I’m working on myself. Between work, the gym, fixing this house, therapy, and working to make myself ready to meet you again, I haven’t had time for anything else.” It really was like Sean was meeting his dad again for the first time. The man he knew growing up was gone, replaced by this much larger, much more caring version of his dad. The two finished their plates, Sean full after one, and Clint eating everything that remained. The big man had an appetite to match. “Would you like to come out back son? I can show you my plans for landscaping, we can have a few beers and just talk.” “That sounds great, dad.” Although Sean wasn’t a fan of beer, this time with his dad was probably worth the taste. They settled into the porch into two separate rocking chairs, Clint sat a cooler of beer between them. “You like these chairs, Sean?” “Yeah dad, they’re sturdy, quiet, really nice actually.” “I made them.” Sean sat forward and examined the chair he was sitting in. It indeed had a similar grain to the table and chairs in the dining room, an even stain across them, and the cushioning was clearly hand sewn and detailed. “Now. I didn’t make the cushions. I got those at a local market. But the chair I did make.” Sean sat back in the chair, running his hand along the smooth wood of the chair. “You’re quite the handyman, dad.” “Well you pick up a thing or two basically rebuilding a home with your bare hands.” At that Clint chuckled, a deep growling laugh that gave Sean flashbacks of his childhood, of happier times with his dad. “So how are you landscaping the backyard?” Sean asked. “Follow me!” Clint said, standing up and walking to the end of the porch. He stood there a moment and Sean wouldn’t help but notice how his dad’s ass stretched the khaki pants he was wearing, the dimples visible through the material. Standing, Sean followed Clint into the yard. Strewn across the yard were various different gardening and lawn care tools. Shovels, hoes, large bags of soil and mulch, stacks of lumber. Clint began to point around the yard, “over there I’m going to start a small vegetable garden. I figure I can fit around 10 tomato plants, a few stalks of corn, some beans and squash around the corn, a row or two of potatoes, and over there I’m going to have a strawberry and blueberry vine.” He swung his arm around, “over there I’m going to create a stone path, and I’m going to build a gazebo; in that corner I’m going to plant a new tree, haven’t decided what kind yet…” he continued to speak but Sean was lost in the moment. Seeing his dad so happy and passionate about something, there was something so…attractive about it. But not in the way that he found his dad attractive. Just the attribute of a person who’s driven. “Well son, what do you think?” “I think it’s going to take a lot of work.” Clint took a long drink of his beer, finishing it off, “yeah. It will. But it’s work I love to do. You’ll have to come back sometime and see it when it’s finished.” Two two walked back to the porch, and relaxed back into the chairs. They talked about anything and everything, Sean drank a few beers and being smaller and not used to alcohol he quickly caught a buzz. Clint, the large man that he was, was putting back bottle after bottle, seeming to loosen up a bit more each time. Suddenly Sean felt dizzy. He was getting drunk. “I think I’d *hiccup* better *hiccup* head home.” Sean slurred. “Absolutely not.” Clint said matter of fact, “you may be a grown man but I’m still your dad. You’re staying here tonight where you’re safe. No drinking and driving, if you did that I’d have to punish you.” Sean heard Clint laugh, but he could of sworn he saw a sly grin on his dad’s face as he said it. “Where and I *hiccup* going to sleep?” Fuck. Sean had to get rid of these hiccups. Annoying as hell. He held his breath. “In my bed.” Clint answered, and James exhaled the air quickly. What the fuck. He couldn’t sleep in the same bed as his dad? “I don’t want to sleep in the bed with you dad. I’ll call and Uber.” “You little goober. I’m not sleeping in the bed with you. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Sean felt a sudden relaxation, knowing things would be okay, his eyes felt heavy and he slid into sleep on the porch in the chair. He awoke to feeling weightless. No. Not weightless. He was being carried. Clint had a hold of him, cradling his body against his big thick chest, supporting his weight with his strong arms. Sean was still drunk, and he felt so safe in this moment, he nuzzled his head into Clint’s chest further, swearing he felt a hard nipple under his cheek. Clint lay Sean down in the bed, assuming he was still asleep. In the dark, Sean lay awake with his eyes open. Clint began to undress. The room was dimly lit by the hallway light and the moonlight from the large window. Sean couldn’t make out everything, but he could see enough. As Clint unbuttoned his shirt, his chest seemed to expand, growing once the pressure had released. Sean could see a few hairs on his dad’s chest, the grey ones which shown in the low light. Clint struggled to get the shirt off over his massive shoulders and bulging tricep, he was still drunk too. In his frustration he simply, and quite easily, ripped the shirt down his back and shredded it into pieces, pulling it off his body. Unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, Sean noticed his dad’s bulge. He should close his eyes. He shouldn’t be watching his dad undress. He needed to stop right now. But as he thought this, Clint’s bulge forced its way out of the opening in the pants, sticking out looking like his dad had shoved a small watermelon in the front of his underwear. The weight of the package inside weighing down the waistband of the boxer briefs. Forcing his pants down over his huge quads James saw his muscles ripple and flex as he fought with the tight fabric that wouldn’t let go of the diamond cut quads. Finally. Clint was undressed, in only his underwear. He turned to leave the room, bending over quickly to pick something up off the floor, and Sean could hear the material rip as his large ass stretched the material too far. Clint stopped at the doorway, his wide back taking up more than the width of the doorframe, he turned slightly to fit through the door. As he did, he looked back at Sean and said, “goodnight son.” And he closed the door. Sean slept well that night, and in the morning he woke with a slight hangover. He rolled in the bed, forgetting there we was for a moment. The bed he was in was much larger than his queen bed at home. Then it returned to him. The memories from the night before, drinking with his dad, being carried to bed, watching his dad undress, WAIT, did Clint know he was watching. Was that why he said goodnight, or did he just say it to himself?! Oh fuck. If his dad had caught him watching him strip it would ruin everything. Fuck. Sean climbed out of bed and looked to the floor. The shirt was still there in tatters. Laying next to the shirt were the briefs Clint had on last night. Sean picked them up, his inner voice screaming at him for doing something so depraved as going through his dad’s underwear. He’d just reconciled with his dad, and he was putting that all in jeopardy, but his morning wood horniness won out. He picked up the briefs and inspected them. Indeed the entire ass was split and frayed, but more interesting to Sean was the front pouch. It seemed that long before they gave out, the front pouch had been stretched and worn this. The fabric near see through in places where it had been pushed beyond its intended size limit time and time again. Sean remembered the huge bulge Clint had stuffed into these briefs the night before. What a sick thought. He couldn’t think about his dad’s dick that way. But still the same, his own dick twitched in his underwear. Wait. Where we’re his clothes? He looked around. He didn’t remember his dad taking them off of him. But he couldn’t find them anywhere. He also couldn’t go out looking for them with his hard on. But he ALSO couldn’t jerk off in his dads bed to get it to go away. He felt trapped like a honey teenager. He opted to text his dad once he gained some sense. *hey dad I just woke up. I can’t find my clothes, would you know where they are?* He waited for a reply. With each passing moment the sights in his dad’s room peaked his curiosity, the shirt and underwear weren’t the only clothes on the floor. In fact, they were near a pile of clothes. Sean walked over to them, maybe there was something he could wear. He picked up a pair of pants from the pile, a large hole tore from the crotch down the leg of the pants. He picked up a XXXL shirt. It was mostly in tact, except the arms had been ripped off and there were tears in the front where his dad’s chest must have stretched it too far. Shirt after shirt, pant after pant, every item in the pile was worn and torn, every pair of underwear held the same stretch marks in the pouch as if his dad could never find underwear big enough to hold him for long. Of fact. It seemed like none of the clothes held him for long. His phone chimed and he jumped. *you spilled beer on them last night. I took them off before we came inside. They’re in the dryer now. I’m outside so you can come out of the room and grab them.* Sean crept out of the room, aware he had no idea where the laundry was, but it was a small house, it wouldn’t be hard to find. He walked down the hallway toward the living room, he opened the door in the hall. It was a bathroom, but completely new and redone. Sean took a minute to appreciate the work his dad had put into it. Since it was the only bathroom in the house he had gone all out apparently. The shower was set deep into the wall, no door or curtain, but set fair enough back that no water would escape. The stonework making up the shower blended into the stone on the floor, all hand laid. The back of the shower had several different lights and shower heads, but it was wide. The shower dominated much of that corner of the bathroom. There were double vanities on the opposite wall, only, the wall was covered in mirrors. Not just a mirror behind the sinks, but all along the wall was a row of floor to ceiling mirrors, all cleaned and polished to an even shine. An interesting design choice, Sean thought. Walking back into the hallway, he continued to the living room, the bright morning light shining in through a large bay window. The dark leather of the furniture and the fresh hardwood floors give Sean a sense of comfort, that this place was designed to be comfortable just for him. Passing through the dining room he entered the kitchen. The room was quaint, but the new cabinets, freshly installed island with a stove built in, and new fridge dominated the space. On the opposite corner of the room he saw a door with a sign on it that read *laundry, the never ending cycle*. It was cute. Sean crossed the kitchen, looking into the backyard through the window as he walked past the sink and something caught his eye. It was the gleam of a hoe being raised into the air. Sean moved and got a better view. It was Clint, his father. He was outside working on his garden. He was breaking up the ground, but the work on the garden wasn’t what enticed Sean to keep looking. Clint was shirtless, his form on full display in the morning light. Right now Sean could only see his back. The wide lats flairing out as he raised the hoe to bring it down to the ground. As it struck Earth his muscles shook with force. As he raised the hoe again his back muscles flexed, bunching up around his shoulder blades and bulging under his tanned skin. He was so sweaty the lines of sweat ran down his back and into his jeans. The jeans were painted onto his ass, the sweat forming a darker line in the denim down hjs deep crack. Sean noticed he was still in his underwear and rock hard. His cock forming a small wet spot of precum. He was also painfully aware he was getting worked up over his own dad. He quickly looked away from the window. He turned and leaned against the sink. Contemplating. His thoughts raced. How could he be so unlucky and so lucky at the same time. He had his dad back, not only that, his dad was a walking wet dream, but it was still his father. Consumed by the thoughts he almost didn’t notice the sound of the back door opening. “Sean!” Clint called. Fuck! Sean thought as he scrambled to cover himself but it was too late. Clint rounded the corner to see him standing there, cock hard and dripping. But that wasn’t the biggest issue. Taking in his dad from the front. His wide frame filling the doorway. His shoulders were cannons of power, leading down to his massive arms, covered in veins popping from his work his biceps swollen from exertion and the head of his bicep flexed, the size of a melon. Clint crossed his arms, folding them under his chest and seeming to lift them up. As he did his biceps fought for space with his massive chest. Clint entire body was immaculate, but his chest was on another level. His huge pecs lifted and supported from below by his thick forearms. The deep deep crevice between his chest seeming to disappear into darkness as the muscles bunched together. The striations emanating from the center and leading to the deep indentions at the edge of each huge mound of muscle. Lowering his arms, Sean saw his nipples. Dark, hard, and the size of half dollars. The entire expanse of muscular chest covered in a dark thick fur. His muscles so huge the definition was noticeable under the thick mat of fur. Moving down Sean saw his dads large abs, the gut he once had was now 4 abs, prominent, but not a flat aesthetic washboard. He was the perfect muscle daddy. His jeans from the front were again painted over his large quads, and the bulge in front was just as obvious as it was last night in his briefs. Sean realized he’d been staring for too long. His cock ready to explode. His dad standing there staring at him as well. The entire form of his dripping with sweat and power. His body seeming to shine as the layer of sweat over his body reflected the bright kitchen lights. “You still looking for your clothes son?” “I uh well I…” “It’s okay son. Everyone gets hard in the morning, I do too. No need to hide anything from me.” Sean moved behind the island, “still though. Could you turn around and let me put some clothes on first?” “Sure son.” And Clint turned around. Sean hurried to the drier and grabbed his pants out and slid them on. Positioning his cock so it didn’t show and he slid on his shirt. “Okay dad.” “You sure slept well last night.” Clint said turning back around. Sean getting weak in his knees again as he got to see his dad’s muscles on display. “Are you okay Sean, you look pale.” “Oh I. Um. Hangover. You know. I don’t drink much.” “I understand. Well. I’m just going to spend the day fixing up the garden out back. I understand if you want to head home now. But I hope you’ll visit soon.” “Yeah. I do need to go home and shower and change clothes.” Sean admitted, “but I really enjoyed last night. Maybe I can come back over and help you plant your garden, I’m sure the bell would be nice.” Clint beamed a smile, “I’d love that son.” “Alright well let me go change and I’ll be back soon.” “If you want to stay tonight you can. I’m really enjoying getting to know my son.” Clint said, his smile refusing to go away. Sean went for the doorway to leave but Clint was blocking him. Clint opened his arms and pulled Sean into a hug. Shoving his face deep into his sweaty pecs, Sean reaching around his huge dad and feeling the dramatically large muscles freshly pumped from his work outside. His large arms sucking him in deeper into the deep striated hairy chest. Clint stepped back quickly. “Sorry son. I forgot I was so sweaty!” “It’s okay. I need to shower anyway haha.” He quickly left, his cock about to explode in his pants from feeling the big muscles and smelling the manly scent off his body. Sean drove home. Quickly getting into his place he stripped down and jerked off, as he did he pictured his dads huge flexing body, his hairy sweaty chest, his heavy arms at the side. He was close and the image of his dad’s cock shoved into the briefs, stretching them so that they’re nearly see through, and he came. Sean shot a load that flew past his head and hit the headboard of his bed. He lay there, panting, and disgusted with himself. He just jerked off to the thought of his own father. He stood in the shower, regretting what he’d done, but all the same every time he pictures Clint’s big body blocking the doorway as he left, and being pulled into that hug, his cock got rock hard again. Sean got out and got dressed. He was determined to make this relationship with his dad work, and to overcome his dark desires. Driving back to Clint’s home he rehearsed in his head what he would say to himself to keep his mind away from his lustful thoughts. Pulling into the driveway Sean steeled himself. Making his mind an iron cage. Walking through the house he repeated his mantras to himself, preparing, it shouldn’t be this much work he thought. I shouldn’t have to convince myself so much not to get a boner from my dad. He opened the back door, and all bets were off. Whereas this morning Clint was in jeans, he had now torn the legs off and he was in a pair of fresh denim short shorts, the white tassels still hanging uneven and loose where Clint had clear just used his bare hands to tear his jeans off. “Sean! I’m so glad you’re back so soon. Grab that bucket with seeds off the porch and let’s get to planting. Sean hoisted up the bucket and found it a bit heavy. He lugged the bucket across the yard to the garden. Stopping a few feet from his dad, Clint was squatted down, the waistline of his shorts pulling down, and revealing a his red and black jockstrap. Sean felt his knees go weak again. If there’s one thing that made a big muscle daddy more attractive to Sean, it was seeing them in skimpy underwear and jockstraps, bulging out in the front and back. Clint stood and turned, face Sean; Sean made every effort to look down at the seed bucket and not to gaze directly into his dad’s tanned muscular chest. “So how can I help?” Sean asked. “Did you think the bucket was heavy?” Clint replied. “A little.” Sean hated to admit it. Knowing it took his strength and both hands to bring it over here he barely kept the 5 gallon bucket off the ground. “Alright then I’ll carry the bucket,” Clint picked up the bucket swiftly with one hand, the weight not impacting him one bit, “I’ll hand you seeds and you plant them in the holes I’ve already made.” Sean began to walk down the row of premade holes, every few steps he would stop, bend over, reach back, his dad would place a seed in his hand, and he would plant it. Sean became aware that each time he bend over, the bottom of his ass shown, perhaps he’d chosen a pair of shorts that were a bit too short. As Sean made his way down the rows Clint followed closely behind him, diligently placing the correct number and type of see in his hand each time he reached back. Sean was looking ahead and he noticed that two of the holes were closer to each other than the others. Suddenly Sean stopped and bent over to take care of the irregularly placed hole. All at once Clint bumped into him, knocking him to the dirt. Sean knew what he felt. He felt his dad’s massive bulge shove against his ass. As he lay on the ground, he rolled over to get up. As he rolled over he looked up and saw a sight that sent blood rushing to his cock. His father stood over him. His thick tree trunk legs leading up to his massive upper body. Every muscle still pumped and sweaty from his morning outside. But the center of it all was the bulge in his short denim shorts. He zipper on the front pushed out, threatening to burst, the weight of his cock weighing down the shorts so much the top of his pubic hair was showing. Sean couldn’t hardly see his dad’s face over the large overhang of his pecs. As he lay in his dad’s massive shadow, he realized how long he’d been staring at Clint’s cock. His dad leaned forward and extended a hand, his cheeks blushing. Sean grabbed his dad’s large calloused hand. Clint gripped Sean’s much smaller hand and with the strength of one arm, hauled his son up to his feet. The two stood there, staring at each other for a brief moment, which seemed to last for ages. Sean looking from the large heaving sweaty chest in front of him, to the big bulge that was stuck out so far that it was nearly touching his stomach. “Sorry son. I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t mean to knock you down.” Clint was authentically apologetic. “It’s okay dad.” And Sean wiped the dirt off of his face and front, “let’s get back to planting.” Sean was begging for any excuse to take his attention off his dad before his little dick busted in his shorts. The two continued on and finished the planting. “I think that’s enough work for today, you’re starting to get a sunburn. Let’s head inside.” As they walked inside, Clint stopped and grabbed a few beers from a cooler. The cold aluminum dripping with ice, Clint held them to his chest as he closed the cooler. The cold can making his fat nipple erect. Sean could swear he saw his dad’s cock jump in the shorts, but he knew it was just his imagination. Clint tossed a beer to Sean, “No thanks. I over did it last night. I think I’ll stick to water tonight.” “Suit yourself son. But they’re here if you need to loosen up a bit.” And then Clint walked inside. His big thighs rubbing together and giving him a slight waddle to his walk where they were just slightly too large for his body. Up the stairs and Sean was on trying to focus on anything except his dad’s two massive ass cheeks bouncing in front of him. Inside, Sean sat down at the table, “why don’t you go sit on the couch?” Clint offered. “Ah. I don’t want to ruin it with this dirt and sweat.” “Do you have any extra clothes with you?” Sean in fact did. He’d packed a few shirts and underwear and pants just in case he got offered to stay the night again. “Uh. I have underwear and shorts, but no shirt.” Sean was playing an angle. He wondered if it would pay off. “Hmm,” Clint rubbed his chin, scratching at his even scruff that accentuated his masculine jawline, “I guess you could wear one of my shirts. You’d be swimming in it, but you could…” “Yes!” Sean said a little too quickly and a little too enthusiastically. “Alright. Go ahead and take a shower. I’ll bring a towel and a shirt into the bathroom for you. I’ll shower after, and then we can talk about dinner.” Sean’s plan worked. He wanted to wear one of those shirts that his dad’s huge muscles had stretched out. He wanted to feel how big it was on his small body, to be intimately familiar with just how large his dad was. Sean walked to his car and grabbed his bag and then back inside to the bathroom. He closed the door, stripped off his dirty clothes, and then proceeded into the deep shower. Sean stood and looked at the different nozzles, switches, and soon he figured he wasn’t entirely sure how the shower worked. Just then he heard a knock at the door, and heard it opening. “Sean? Are you in here?” “Yeah dad. I can’t figure out how the shower works.” “Would you like the to come in and show you?” “I don’t have any clothes on, dad.” “Nudity doesn’t bother me, unless it bothers you, son. Nothing I haven’t seen before. If it would be better I’ll leave the bathroom, let you put on a towel, then come back in and start the shower and leave.” Sean considered. He also agreed that nudity wasn’t a big deal. Or was that the lust he had for his dad clouding his thoughts? No. He didn’t want his dad to go through all that other shit to turn the shower on. “Well?” “That’s okay. You can come in and show me. I don’t care.” Sean’s heart was beating out of his chest. What was he doing. This was so wrong. But the thought of it made him so excited. He faced the back wall and heard his dad’s heavy footsteps in the bathroom, then the stone floor of the shower, “you’re going to have to move so I can get to the controls haha.” Clint said. “Oh right.” Sean said, turning. He tried to focus on ANYTHING but his dad. Willing his cock to not get hard in front of his dad. When he turned, he lost that battle. Turning he immediately was faced with Clint’s huge hairy pecs. His dad so wide that he nearly took up the width of the shower. But that wasn’t what got Sean the most. Clint was only in his jockstrap. Sean looked down reflexively, without thought. While he was staring at his dad’s chest, Clint’s huge bulge was almost touching his stomach. The cock so large it was pushing out the jockstrap pouch. Sean could see the thick base of his dad’s cock. Immediately Sean got rock hard. His much smaller dick poking out and almost touching his dad’s hairy leg. The two stood there for what seemed like ages. Sean swimming in his desire, fighting it at the same time, mortified his dad had seen him get hard. He had no idea what to do. Then Clint turned to his side, “go ahead. Shuffle past me.” Even turned to his side he still took up a considerable amount of the shower width being as thick as he was. Sean pressed himself against the wall and began to move past his dad. As he did, his cock rubbed against Clint’s leg, his face scrapped against his dad’s chest, and that bulge had definitely gotten bigger as Sean moved past his dad, the package rubbed across his tight stomach, catching and bouncing as he moved. He could of sworn he heard his dad moan the quietest moan. And then he was standing behind Clint. The big man had to bend over slightly to reach the controls, and when he did his furry ass cheeks parted. Sean saw his dad’s huge muscle bubble butt on full display, covered in a light dusting of dark hair. The shower came on and doused both of them in a shockingly cold burst of water from all directions, gradually warming. Clint turned to his side again, inviting Sean to step back into the shower. Sean again moved past his dad, this time taking his time as his cock drug across his dad’s quads. Clint had to be flexing them, they were so hard, Sean’s sensitive cock head felt every striation and cut in the muscle. His dad’s swelling cock pushed further into his stomach, he could clearly feel the huge head of the cock through the wet jockstrap, and he could see more of the base of the long veiny cock as it had grown and pushed the pouch out even further. His face still scrapping against his dad’s hairy chest, he could also swear his dad was flexing and swelling his chest, he felt his mouth graze across Clint’s hard thick nipples as he moved deeper into the shower. The moment that seemed to last forever passed. Clint turned and started to walk out of the shower, “just turn the center knob down to turn the water off.” He said as he left the bathroom. Sean leaned against the shower wall, absolutely in heat over his dad’s massive body, his thick cock, the flexing, the moaning, he knew he didn’t make that up in his head, it had happened, he was sure. He wanted to jerk off. His cock needed release, but he couldn’t. His head was too full of racing thoughts. He quickly washed and got out of the shower. He put on his underwear and shorts and then picked up the shirt his dad had gotten him. An XXXL red Golds Gym shirt. Sliding it over his head he noticed the elastic in the neck was stretch from Clint’s thick neck muscles. Putting his arms through the holes, he saw that both of them were torn and ripped along the biceps where it had been flexed through. The red fabric around the chest was stretched and worn around the edges where Clint’s heavy pecs had pushed the shirt to its limits many times. The shirt on total hanging down to his knees. Sean opened the door to the bathroom and walked towards the living room, as he rounded the corner into the living room, he expected to see his dad, but he heard the bathroom door shut quickly behind him. Sean settled on the couch. Completely unsure of what to do with himself. His thoughts still racing, he needed to silence them. He looked around for a remote to the large tv hanging on the wall. He turned it on and left it on whatever it was, some old movie he was sure. Remembering his dad’s offer he walked to the back porch and grabbed some beers. That would help quiet his mind. Sean downed the first beer quickly, feeling the effects on his body, he relaxed, lowered into the couch, and opened a second. He heard the bathroom door open, and another door close. A few minutes later, Clint emerged into the living room. He was wearing a stringer tank top, ripped completely down the sides, his wide chest sticking out of each side. His nipples still hard. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatshorts, hugging his large thighs, and a prominent full bulge in the front; however Sean noticed it was much reduced in swelling from when he rubbed against it in the shower. Scratching his stomach as he walked in, his hair still slightly wet from the shower, “what do you think we should have for dinner, son? I’m thinking some big steaks on the grill.” Clint smiled down at Sean, who sat on the couch completely covered in the huge shirt. “That sounds good, do you need any help?” “I don’t need any help, but I could use the company.” The two made their way to the back porch, Clint grabbing the steaks and seasonings. Out back Clint started the grill and let it heat up. He sat down and Sean fought the urge to look at his huge dad relaxing in the chair. “So dad. I have to ask….” Clint cut him off, “when did I get so big?” He eyed his son, watching for a reaction. Sean tried to hide his shock that Clint had guessed. “Well. Like I said yesterday. I started receiving testosterone injections to help with my low T. At the same time I started working out to help with that and depression. They offered me a new type of medication for low T, some kind of gene therapy mRNA thing I’m not really sure. The point was it was meant to spur my body to naturally create more testosterone so I wouldn’t need injections too often. But. The therapy worked a little too well. I had so much energy, I spent every spare minute running or working out or fixing up this house. Every day I just got bigger and bigger. My test levels remained at slightly above average for months, but the gene therapy had some side effects.” Clint paused and gauged Sean’s reaction, but Sean seemed stoic, taking in the story. “You see. Every muscle on my body got bigger, if you know what I mean,” Clint looked down at his bulge, “my balls got bigger, and I got worried about cancer or something. I went to the doctor and they told me that other genes had been affected. I was able to create more muscle. I was creating more HGH, more Insulin, more Cortisol, basically my body had converted into a muscle growth factory. The doctor recommended I workout as often as possible to keep up with hormone production to avoid any more side effects. So I kept working out and growing. Slowly I plateaued and my growth started to become more regular and normal. Hormones stabilized and that was a few months ago. But the habits of working out and shit stuck so now I’m just left with this huge body, the hornyness of a teenager, more body hair, and a desire to workout.” Clint’s story seemed to end. “So. Are the side effects like hormones gone forever?” Sean asked. “They aren’t sure. It’s an experimental thing so I’m still being monitored for long term side effects. But for now I’m happy where I am.” The grilled had reached temperature, and Clint placed the steaks on the rack. “Having all my depression gone and all that energy really gave me time to focus on who I was as a person and to decide on how to repair my relationship with you. So I’m grateful for all of it.” “Well, I know we’ve only been reconnected since yesterday. But I’m happy that you’re doing well and I’m excited that I finally have my dad back.” Clint turned around from the grill and looked at Sean. “Say, would you be interested in starting to workout with me? I understand if not, but it’s something I’m clearly passionate about and I’d love to share it with you.” How could Sean turn down an offer like this. “Absolutely!” “Are you staying the night again tonight?” Clint asked. “If that’s okay?” Sean said. “Well. Of course. I workout every morning for a few hours, you can join me tomorrow.” Clint finished up the steaks, carefully cooking them to a perfectly tender medium rare, Sean was impressed by his fathers attention to detail in every aspect of his life. He was so put together now. His dad placed a steak on his plate and the two began to eat. In the back of Sean’s mind, it nagged at him. What must his dad think about him? They’ve only been around each other for like 36 hours and already he’s been caught staring, drooling, and getting a boner in front of his dad. He was loosing the fight hard at hiding it all from his dad. “How is it?” Clint asked, snapping Sean back to reality. “It’s really good. Perfectly medium rare. Thanks for cooking dad.” “No problem, son.” Clint paused. “Say. I wanted to apologize if I made you uncomfortable in the shower earlier. Living alone I usually walk around in my underwear and like I said nudity doesn’t bother me, but I didn’t think about how we’d have to rub against each other in the shower.” “It’s okay dad, really. I do the same thing at my house.” “By the way. Thanks for helping me plant the garden today.” “You’re welcome, dad. I’ve been wanting to spend more time outside and I’ve always wanted to try out gardening, I just never made the time for it.” “I have an idea.” Clint said, finishing his steak and wiping his mouth, “what’s your favorite movie?” “Umm. I’d have to say the Terminator movies.” “Interesting.” Clint replied. “Why is it interesting?” “Arnold was one of my inspirations while I was working out. We have very similar chest insertions so I took ideas from his chest workouts.” “If you don’t mind me saying, dad, I think your chest is bigger than his.” Clint smiled, “of course I don’t mind. And thank you.” Clint inhaled and swelled his pecs up, pulling the stringer down so it was trapped between the two mountainous muscles, and then he bounced them. Slowly rolling and flexing the muscles, rolling them, each fiber of muscle pulsing with power, at full flex they were so puffed up they rubbed against the stubble on his chin. Sean shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his boner begging for attention. Clint seemed far away. Mesmerized by the size of his own huge chest. He continued to slowly flex his pecs, squeezing them together by brining his arms together, the deep chasm between them growing even deeper, the stringer straps sinking further into Clint’s flexed chest. Sean knew he had to say or do something before he came in his pants watching his dad flex his pecs. “What’s your favorite movie, dad?” “What? Oh. Sorry. I got caught up didn’t I?” “I don’t think so.” Sean said. “I just wanted to know your favorite movie too.” “Well. Probably Stand Tall or the Rocky movies.” “Why’d you ask my favorite movie, dad?” “I want to keep getting to know you. So I was thinking we could watch your favorite movie tonight. Would you be okay with that?” “For sure!” “Alright. I’ll clean up out here, do you think you can handle turning the movie on in the living room?” “I think I can manage.” The two separated. Clint cleaning up dinner, and Sean going into the living room. Where to sit was a decision. On one hand he could sit on the couch WITH his dad, or he could sit on the chair and be able to LOOK at his dad. He played the options in his head, deciding that it would be better to sit with him and not put himself in the situation where he gets caught staring…again. He turned on the tv and began to search for the movie. He heard his dad’s heavy footsteps approaching and he turned to see Clint standing at the threshold of the living room, arms crossed, smiling. “What?” James said smiling. “Nothing. You just look so small in my old shirt.” “I mean. It’s an XXXL so yeah haha.” Sean flexed his scrawny biceps, the extra fabric of the stretched and ripped arm hold hanging loosely off his bicep. “It’s crazy that I outgrew that just last month.” “Hey. I have an idea before we watch this movie. If you’re up for it?” “What’s that?” Sean replied. “I’m entering into a bodybuilding competition next month. I’d like to show you my posing routine, I know you may not know much about it, but I still think you’d give great feedback. If not we can just start the movie.” Sean saw the pride in his dad’s eyes. He knew how proud his dad was of his body, and he wanted to make his son proud, he wanted to show off his hard work. “Alright dad. I’d love to.” “Great!” Clint said, almost leaping in the air, “I’ll go put on my posers and get the oil!” Sean’s head was swimming. Why did he agree to that. He knew it would be entirely impossible to hide his lust from his dad. Fuck. He almost came in his pants watching him flex just his chest while wearing clothes. Now his dad was going to be covered in oil, in nothing but a tiny posing suit, flexing just in front of him. He was doomed. He’d let his dick win the thinking contest with his brain. Thundering down the hallway he could hear his dad returning. The big man walked in front of the couch and Sean nearly fainted. In front of him was his dad, holding a large bottle of body oil. He was completely nude, save for the tiniest bright yellow poser. The front of the poser looked as if his dad had stashed a honeydew melon inside, although Sean couldn’t make out any details, it was simply a large smooth bulge. The waistband sat just below his Adonis belt. “Well I didn’t realize that I’d already kind of outgrew this poser.” Clint admitted, “but it still kinda fits. Just a bit tight, and it fits more like a thong in the back. But it’ll work for tonight.” “Here!” Clint said, excitedly handing Sean the bottle of oil. “Help me put this on. It’ll be like a real competition look.” Oh no. Sean couldn’t do this. It was one thing to look at his dad, but touch him? There was no way he could do that. His rubbing his daddy’s huge muscles would cross a line that he wasn’t sure he could come back from. Sean took the oil. He fought within himself. Either crush his dad’s happiness right now, or risk losing everything when his dad saw him getting honey for his muscles. He cracked open the bottle, and Clint turned around, “start with my back.” Sean took in the sight of his dad’s wide back, the deep grooves in the muscles. Clint pulled his shoulder blades together, and then extending his lats out. So wide that alone they had to be larger than Sean’s wingspan. Sean dropped the oil onto the top of his dad’s shoulders, having to reach above his head and almost stand in his toes to reach the top of the large man’s back. The oil ran down, following along the lines of the flexed protruding back muscles. The oil continued down, hitting the waistband at the top of Clint’s globular ass. That ass was eating the thong like poser, the material completely embedded into his furry crack. Sean began to massage in the oil. Taking his time, not only appreciating his dad’s size and the feel of his huge muscles moving under his hands, but also willing his cock to not get hard. But that was a fight he was losing. Sean worked his way down to Clint’s legs. Each leg had to be bigger around than his waist. As he reached around to cover the full leg, Clint had to widen his stance so Sean could access where his big thighs rubbed together. As he parted his legs, Sean saw the heavy bulge hanging down like a forbidden fruit hanging from a tree. He continued down the legs, working the oil into Clint’s diamond shaped calves, his dad moving his legs to flex and pose his calf muscle as Sean worked the oil. Still on his knees, he finished his dad’s backside, except one area. He had neglected oiling Clint’s bubble butt. “Uh. Son. You forgot to get my glutes.” “Are you sure it’s okay for me to touch you there?” “Of course. Someone will have to do it for every show I’m in. I have to be comfortable with it.” Sean settled on his knees. Dripping oil onto his dad’s massive butt. He placed his hands onto one large cheek, and Clint flexed the huge muscle, turning it stone hard under Sean’s hands. He worked the other cheek. His cock ached in his shorts, he was thankful for the large shirt that covered up his small bulge. Sean moved his face close to his dad’s big ass, his lips inches from his dad’s hairy hole. Then Clint turned around. The speed at which he turned, Sean didn’t have time to move, and his dad’s massive bulge smacked him in the face. The heavy meat knocking him off balance and sending him to the floor. “Oh shit!” Clint said reaching down and helping Sean back up to his knees. “Sorry son!” “It’s okay dad.” Sean said, trying not to stare at the huge cock in front of him. But he saw it looked noticeably larger than when they had started. Was his dad getting hard? “I guess I’m still learning how to wield this.” Clint said, gripping his bulge with one large hand, but the size of the package was too big to be contained even by his dad’s paw. He shook it a few times, the heavy yellow sack again seeming to swell with the attention. Sean quickly stood up. Unable to look any longer. He applied the oil to his dad’s pecs. Clint kept them relaxed throughout. The huge mass kneading under his small hands. It took both hands to partially cover one of Clint’s huge pecs. Sean worked the oil into the deep crevice between the pecs, his hand completely disappearing between the masses of muscle. Clint leaned forward, “don’t forget the top of my chest, my traps, and shoulders.” Sean complied pressing his hands into the defined muscles. “Alright. Now my arms and we’re done. You know. Next time I’ll have to shave and get a pump in first so you can really see the size and definition.” Clint lowered his flexed bicep. Sean practically drooled as he applied the oil. The head of Clint’s big Boulder hard biceps had a thick vein running across it. The biceps had to be the size of basketballs. Sean was in heaven. His cock twitched and jumped in his pants, the slightest breeze right now would send him over the edge. As he finished oiling his dad’s bicep he looked down. The heavy cock in the yellow poser was indeed swelling, it now pushed the waistband down and out, allowing Sean to once again see the thick base of Clint’s cock, big veins visible as blood pumped in his cock. Sean stepped back and took a quick breath. “Alright. Now sit down and watch.” Clint stepped back as Sean sat on the couch. Doing his best to hide his small bulge. Clint began. He first hit an immaculate double bicep pose. The peaks of the biceps rising up. He then moved into a most muscular pose, his pecs reddening with the blood flow to make them swell. The striations rippling and rolling. Clint’s big abs and the deep grooves between them causing them to pop. Clint turned to his side. Pulling back his arms into a side chest pose, showing off the incredible thickness of his watermelon sized pecs. His big hard nipples forced to point down to the ground by the weight of the muscle. Clint then flexed his tricep, the deep horseshoe shaped muscle exploding out. Clint turned around. Spreading his legs and then pinching his shoulder blades together, he set his arms on his hips, and he started to expand his lats. Then. He stopped. Clint’s arms fell to his side. His shoulders began to shake, and if he were incredibly upset. Clint sat down in the large leather chair adjacent to Sean. His head in his hands, a pillow now covering his lap. “Sean. I’m so sorry.” Sean was so confused. “I don’t know what’s wrong dad?” “I’ve been lying to you and using you, Sean. I’m just as terrible as I’ve always been. I’m so ashamed.” “Hey. Hey.” Sean got up and put his arm on Clint’s bronzed boulder shoulder. Clint quickly pulled away. “No son.” “Dad. Tell me what’s wrong.” “I lied to you. I have been with someone since your mom. His name was Brent. He was about your age, a little taller, a little more muscle. I explored my sexuality as I discovered who I was without your mom. But along the way I discovered my type is men much smaller than me. I never intended for this to happen, but when you walked through the door that first day and I saw how handsome you were. It has to be the worst luck. I finally get my son back, and I find out that he’s the embodiment of all my strongest physical attractions.” Clint paused. Looking up at Sean to see if there’s a reaction. When he saw Sean also with his head in his hands, he continued. “I never meant for this to happen. I thought I could keep myself under control. In the shower. In the doorway when you left yesterday, just now with the oil and flexing. I was using you. I hoped you wouldn’t notice, but then I hit you in the face with my cock. I’m so disgusted with myself. I thought I could at least finish posing and then move on. But…I…I started to get more than a semi. Okay. I started to get hard. I’m so sorry son. Sean looked up. Taking in the view of his dad completely broken by this. He was embarrassed, ashamed, disgusted with himself. Sean only saw one way to truly help his dad right now. “I think it’s time I told you a secret dad.” This time. It was Clint’s turn to look up surprised. “You know I’m gay. And it’s funny really. Im exactly your type, and you’re exactly my type. The bigger and hairier the muscles, the more put together the man, the more irresistible they are. And you’re the largest, most put together man I’ve ever met. I’ve had the same sinful thoughts as you. Trying to keep them at bay so I didn’t ruin our relationship already. I’ve had a constant boner around you from the very second I walked into the house, and to be perfectly honest, I was so worked up oiling up your body that I have precum leaking from my underwear right now.” Clint stared at his son. “So. You’re not mad or disgusted or upset with me?” “No dad. And you’re not with me?” “Of course not, Sean.” Sean moved over to his dad. Wedging his way onto Clint’s lap. Straddling bud dad’s thick thigh. Then he leaned in and hugged Clint. Feeling the oil from his hard body. In the hug, Clint reached one large hand up and felt in Sean’s pants for Sean’s hard cock. Gripping it, he could cover the whole thing with just one hand. “Daddy’s muscles get you this hard son?” Sean came. Covering his dad’s hand with his load. Clint pulled his hand out, and licked the cum off his hand. Not breaking eye contact with Sean as he devoured the thick load on his hand. Sean sat. Mouth agape. Then he got bold. He gripped the pillow and ripped it from Clint’s lap. His dad’s cock was pushing the posing strap out so much that he could fit his hand onto the base of Clint’s cock. Sean looked at his dad, and Clint gave him a nod. Clint picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. “Let’s wash this oil off and head to bed, what do you say?” Clint offered. Sean was in ecstasy. But he didn’t need to say yes for Clint to know he was down. In the bathroom, Clint gently sat Sean down. He looked down over his huge chest at Sean. “Wanna see something hot?” Clint said, a grin creeping onto his face. Sean shook his head. “Play with daddy’s nipples.” Sean reached up, spreading his arms wide to get at the nipples on either side of the vast expanse of his dad’s chest. Grabbing the nipples in his fingers he began to pinch and roll them. Clint moaned. “Tell me how big I am.” Clint said. “You’re massive dad. The biggest man I’ve ever seen. So thick. So wide. Your muscles are so hard. So big you grow out of all your clothes.” “That’s it son. Keep going.” Clint’s eyes were closed. He was enjoying the hell out of this. Sean ramped up him assault on the big dark nipples. Using a full hand he groped at his dad’s pecs. “Alright son. I’m almost there. Get on your knees.” Sean complied. He got down on his knees. He was no face to face with the huge bulge between his dad’s legs. The poor fabric was tortured trying to hold back the monster behind it. Sean was his dad’s cock twitching and swelling larger. Each pump of blood into the thick tube pushing the waistband lower, forcing the pouch to expand more and more. “Kiss it.” Clint said. Sean leaned forward. His face right next to the huge package. He gently kissed the expanse, and then licked it. “Ughhhfff!” Clint moaned. Just then Sean hard a *snap* *pop* *snap* and Clint’s posers fell to the ground, his king sized cock hulking out of them. The cock swayed out in front of Clint, the big man looked down at his son, and gently swung his hips so his large cock smacked against Sean’s face. Sean looked up at his dad, from his point of view all he could see was the impossibly thick, long, hard, veiny daddy dick completely dominating his view, and slightly in the field of his vision as he looked up was Clint’s chest, heaving with deep breaths. “What do you think son?” Clint said, peering down at Sean again. Sean sat on his knees. Staring at Clint’s dick. “It’s so fucking big, holy shit.” “Go head. Touch it.” Sean reached forward, his hands not able to reach around the full girth of Clint’s cock. It was hard and hot to the touch. Sean’s small hands were dwarfed by the thick muscle, covering barely half of his dad’s cock. As Sean grabbed the dick, a stream of precum started to leak from the large mushroom head of the cock, running dripping and pooling on the bathroom floor. “Let’s get in the shower and get this oil washed of, what do you say?” Clint winked at Sean as he turned and walked towards the shower. Sean couldn’t move from the floor. What the fuck was he doing? What was happening? He needed to leave, this was so wrong. Sean stood up and followed his dad into the shower, unable to resist the temptation of the bulging muscles and big daddy dick waiting for him. Clint turned on the shower, a warm drizzle sprayed from every direction. Clint grabbed the soap and handed it to Sean, “here. You put this oil on me, you can wash it off.” Clint turned around again, exposing his backside to Sean. Lathering up the washcloth he smelled the aroma of his dad’s body wash, it was such a strong manly scent that Sean knew mixed perfectly with his dad’s natural musk. He began to rub the body wash on the huge back, painting it on like an artist to a canvas, feeling the muscles ripple and flow under his hand as he moved back and forth, from lat to lat. The soap was running down Clint’s back and was being funneled directly into his asscrack. Sean got down on his knees and started to clean the oil off his dad’s ass. The deep dimples turning rock hard as Clint flexed his glutes. He alternated flexing them, left, right, left, right, Sean smiling as he grabbed handfuls of hairy ass in his hands, only to have it removed when it turned to granite under Clint’s command. Clint had already spread his legs to have a wide, steady, stance, but then he leaned forward, placing his hands on the wall in front of him, arching his back, and placing his ass on full view for Sean. Clint didn’t provide any instruction or command, he didn’t need to. Sean leaned forward and slid his hand down the deep, deep crack. His whole hand almost fit between the cheeks before the reached paradise. Clint’s hole. Using both hands, Sean tried to pull the huge cheeks apart, but he couldn’t seem to get them with enough to gain access to the prize. The large muscles too thick and wet for Sean to hope to control them, “what’s wrong son? Too much man for you to handle?” At once Clint stood up and turned around. His cock somehow even more erect than before, the huge organ sticking straight out, and with a slight curve upwards. Sean couldn’t make eye contact with his dad. His internal struggle between his biggest muscle slut size queen dreams on full display in front of him, but it had to be his dad. Clint squatted down, now eye level with Sean. No words were exchanged, they simply locked eyes. Clint then flexed his left bicep, and looked over at it, nodding his head slightly. He pumped it a few time, and Sean began to wash the oil off of the massive gun in front of him. Unable to help himself, he leaned in and kissed the huge head of the bicep, his cock jerking as his lips made contact with the skin covering the iron hard muscle. Then he moved to the right arm. This time Clint flexed the tricep, allowing Sean to see the huge arm muscle that made them so large in the first place. Finally. After working from arm to arm and cleaning Clint’s traps and shoulders, Sean stared at his dad’s pecs. Impossibly huge. Sean cupped one with both hands, barely covering the dense muscle. It was heavy, as he tried to squeeze the pec, he felt just how much muscle was in each slab making up his dad’s barreled chest. Clint began to bounce his pecs, Sean again smiling as the muscles jumped in his hands, Alice with power. They went from dense and heavy to hard as bricks in an instant. Sean dropped the washcloth and moved his hands to the large nipples on either side of Clint’s chest. Moving two fingers in a circular motion, he teased his dad’s big nipples, willing them to get hard in his fingers. Clint’s nipples were hard wired to his cock, which was jumping wildly between Sean’s legs. The big cock swinging back and forth as Clint accepted the pleasure of muscle worship from his son. His heavy dick slapping against Sean’s tiny legs with wet smacks and slaps. In turn, Clint lowered himself even further, bringing his chest to Sean’s waiting cock. What was he doing? Did Sean need to move? Then Clint reached around Sean with his huge wingspan and engulfed the boy in a sort of hug. Sean’s cock plunging between his dad’s wet slippery pecs. Sean felt his cock sink deeper and deeper between the big muscles and Clint bounced them. Unfortunately it didn’t last long because the feeling of his dad’s hairy flexing muscles chest was too much and Sean came. His cock pumping his load in between his dad’s pecs. Clint pulled back and looked down, his son’s cum dripping in his thick cleavage. “Clean dad up, won’t you?” And he rose again, his chest again eye level with Sean. “I’m a little too short.” Sean said, confused why his dad had stood up. But then he felt it. Thick and long between his legs. Throbbing. “Let me help you.” And Clint lifted Sean off the ground. Sean’s body trapped between his dad’s large cock and his dad’s rock hard physique. His face staring directly into the cum soaked hair of Clint’s chest, Clint put his arms behind Sean’s head and pulled him in. Sean began to lick and tongue the deep striations in between his dad’s pecs, working to remove all of his cum from Clint. Sean felt his dad’s cock pulsing and twitching as it rode up his back. As he finished he looked up at Clint, who sat Sean back down. Turned around and turned off the water. “Okay. Let’s dry off and get the fuck to bed.” The two dried off quickly and poorly, both too excited to get down the hallway. Clint picked up Sean and carried him over his shoulder to the bedroom like he was a sack of flour. Sean’s view down his dad’s front from this angle was just sPECtacular. The hairy tits, the thick thighs, the bobbing cock. It was like before, but better. Clint threw Sean on the bed, and stood at the edge, hands in his hips in a signature dominant pose. “I have one more thing to tell you son.” “What’s that, dad?” “I HATE to jerk off or cum anywhere that isn’t a tight warm hole. I haven’t came in weeks, waiting for a nice hole to come around. Are you going to be a good boy and let daddy fill up your hole?” Sean gulped, he’d only ever had toys inside himself. There was no way his dad’s monster cock could fit inside him without breaking him in half. “I. I don’t know dad. It’s so big.” Clint took a step forward, towering and looming over Sean. He grabbed his cock with one hand, flexed a huge bicep with the other, and began to smack the huge head of his cock against Sean’s tight wet hole. “Oh yeah. Daddy’s fucking huge. God son I have such a big load for you.” “Please let me worship your cock more!” Sean pleaded. “Alright. But don’t think I’m going to neglect that hole.” Clint laid down on his back on the bed. He grabbed Sean by the waist and lifted him in the air. “Damn son. You’re so light.” Clint began to press Sean up and down like he was benching. Sean reached down, feeling his dad’s strong arms, hard chest, thick forearms as Clint pushed out rep after rep. “You’re so strong.” Sean whimpered out. “Yeah. You like these big muscles?” Clint teased. Lowering Sean down one last time, he sat his son down on his chest, Sean’s ass facing Clint’s face. “Worship that cock son. I’m going to work your right little hole.” Sean fell forward. His dad’s hard stomach catching him, the huge cock rising in front of him. Grabbing it with both hands, he held his father cock in front of him. Clint gripped each of Sean’s asscheeks, one in each large hand. His dad’s hands were hard and calloused from years of working out and doing manual labor. He pulled Sean’s ass open and dove his face in. Clint’s stubble rubbing against his bare ass. Then, his dad’s big tongue rimming his hole. Sean looked his dad’s cock head on. The head flaring wildly, a steady stream of precum coming out. Sean lost one final fight in his mind. Every predisposition he’d held, the memories of his dad, the apprehension because it was his dad. He couldn’t fight it anymore. He wanted this cock so fucking bad. He leaned forward and with his tongue, he licked from the base, up, and up, and up his dads rigid cock. At the top, he tasted the pre. Stretching his mouth as far as he could, he inhaled the head of his dad’s monster cock. Clint moaned into his Son’s ass as his huge sensitive dick was assaulted my the warm embrace of Sean’s tight warm throat. The cock swelled in Sean’s hands and mouth as his dad got even more turned on, the girth swelling in his hands, the tip expanding in his mouth. Sean worked his hands up and down the length of Clint’s cock, his tongue working over every inch he could reach. Clint upped his game, he inserted one large, thick finger into Sean. Sean moaned on his dads dick, relaxing his hips. As he did, his cock sank again between his dad’s huge pecs. The embrace of his dad’s thick hairy chest encasing Sean’s small cock was heaven. Clint bounced his pecs as he worked his son’s hole with one hand, and smacked it with the other. “Fuck. Boy liked his daddy’s tits doesn’t he?” Sean couldn’t take the huge cock out of his mouth, he simply sucked harder in response. Spit and excess precum ran down Clint’s throbbing meat as his son worked at a feverish pace. Clint inserted another finger. Then three. Spreading open Sean’s virgin hole. Sean was in ecstasy, operating in animal instinct as he devoured the huge cock before him. Finally, Clint slowly pulled his fingers from Sean’s hole. “I think you’re ready son.” Sean looked back at his dad. The squares jawline and massive muscles pulling him in. Sean crawled up Clint’s huge body, and kissed him. Clint’s big tongue forcing its way into his mouth, the big man wrapping his arms around his son and pulling him right into his big body. Clint’s cock poked at Sean’s stretched hole, begging, threatening to stretch it further. Clint pushed Sean away, “one more thing before I fuck you.” Sean looked at his dad with anticipation. “Worship daddy’s balls.” Sean nearly came. The sentence so absolute and commanding, so taboo, so fucking hot. He lowered himself to Clint’s huge nuts. They each had to be the size of kiwis, and equally as fuzzy. He licked and sucked on balls so large he could only worship one at a time, the thought not lost that he was feasting on had created him. When they were sufficiently wet, Clint’s cock was overflowing with precum, and Sean’s hole was prepped, Clint made the executive decision he couldn’t wait much longer. With a quickness that should be impossible for a man his size, Clint flipped Sean onto his back underneath him. Placing Sean’s legs a top his shoulders, and bringing his hairy gorilla arms down on either side of Sean. “Tell me you want it.” Clint growled. Sean bucked his hips, rubbing his hole along the length of his dad’s cock. “I want it dad.” “Tell me what you want.” “I want your huge daddy dick. I want all that muscle to fuck me.” “Mmm. You’re so fucking hot son. I’m going to take good care of you.” Clint poked his cockhead at Sean’s right sphincter. “Relax son. You’ve gotta really want it.” Sean relented, wanting nothing more than to be his fathers fuck toy. Clint’s huge cockhead slid inside. Clint threw his head back in pleasure as he began to fuck his son. “Holy FUCK that’s tight!” Clint boomed as he waited for Sean’s hole to adjust to the size of his massive intruder. Sean was doing his best to relax, but his hole was on fire. “Just relax son.” Clint said, attempting to soothe Sean. Slowly, he pushed in another inch, and then another. Sean took a gasping breath, and but his hands on his dad’s powerful thighs, pushing him back. “Dad…you’re…ughhh…too big.” Clint leaned forward, his powerful arms still on either side of Sean, his cock frozen in place, and he whispered him Sean’s ear. “Can I fuck you with just the first few inches? Come on. You know you want his huge load inside you. That was true. Sean wanted nothing more than to be covered and filled by Clint’s load. “Okay. But no more than what’s inside me now.” “Promise.” Clint said as he got back up. He pulled his cock almost all the way out, only leaving in the head, then sank in a few inches, he did this a few times testing the length and Sean’s response. Then he began to move faster. Sean couldn’t help it. He was whimpering and moaning in pleasure and in pain. His cock bounced as his dad’s rock hard dick penetrated him. Sean couldn’t take it much longer. The feeling of his dad inside him. Looking up at his powerful flexing muscles as he fucked him with perfect precision. Clint’s pecs flexed, his biceps swollen. Sean came. Ropes of cum streaking up his stomach. “Oh fuck yeah. That made your hole so fucking tight. I’m gunna cum son. Are you ready?” “Yes daddy.” “Tell me what you want son.” “I want your load.” “Where do you want it.” “Inside me sir. Please. Fill me up with that daddy load.” Clint threw his head back and pushed his cock in as far as Sean allowed. The head, impossibly, got even larger, and Clint began to pump his load inside of Sean. Shot after shot of cum landing inside his son, Clint didn’t seem to stop. He began to rock his hips back and forth, urging his cock to keep pumping Sean full. “Fuckkkkk dad. Oh my god. So much cum.” Clint was creating deep, vibrating, gutteral, animal noises as his orgasm slowed. He pulled his cock out of Sean’s hole with a wet, loud, *pop*, his cock still jerking and twitching sending out ropes of cum all over Sean’s hole. A thick creamy load covered the tip of his dad’s cock and every space in between. Clint grabbed his cock and ran it up and down Sean’s creamy crack, the wet noise causing him to smile. “That was one hell of a first load son!” Sean looked in confusion, “first load?” “Sean. Be fucking for real. Look at me!” With that Clint flexed one large bicep, his cock responding in kind by burping out another shot of cum. “I usually need to cum 4-5 times before my cock relaxes.” Clint studied Sean, “what’s the matter son? Isn’t this it what you wanted?” Sean sat up, his poor gaped hole still leaking with copious amounts of cum. “It’s exactly what I’ve always wanted, and more. I just can’t believe it’s happening. And with every passing minute somehow you just keep getting more….more….” “More fucking hot?” Clint said, a devilish smile creeping onto his face and a wink sealing the deal. “Yeah.” Sean let out with a sigh. “Tell you what. Why don’t we hold off on more ass fuckin for a little and focus more on your worshiping your daddy’s big strong muscles and this big ol’ cock that still needs to be drained?” Sean’s eyes lit up. His dad had listened to him. “Please.” He said, and Clint pulled him into a hug. “Alright. Then next position is going to be throat fucking.” With that Clint grabbed Sean and pulled himself up so that his ass was sitting on Sean’s chest. He slowly lowered himself down, careful to not put his full weight on Sean, but also putting just enough pressure so that Sean couldn’t move and he could feel the power. Clint gripped his cock in his hand, and smacked Sean across the face. The thick sticky cum splattering on his lips. “God. Look how big my dick is compared to your cute little face.” From his point of view, Sean could only see the girth of Clint’s big dick, and past that, his enormous shelf like pecs. Sean stuck out his tongue as his dad smacked him more with his heavy cock. Clint scooted forward, holding his big balls over Sean’s waiting mouth. “Look at that pretty little mouth.” Clint licked his lips, “I think daddy’s balls need some attention.” Sean’s mouth watered, he was drooling as his dad lowered his fuzzy balls into his mouth. Leans lapped his tongue over Clint’s balls, only able to handle one at a time to to their size, swollen with another massive load waiting to be released. “That’s right son. Worship your fathers big bull balls.” Sean SUCKED and lathered his dad’s balls, the salty taste of fresh sweat filling his mouth, the smell of Clint’s manly crotch filling his nose and sending him into pleasure. Using his free hand, Clint reached back and gripped Sean’s stiff cock. Sean moaned with his dad’s big balls in his mouth, the vibrations turning Clint on even more. Pulling his balls out of Sean’s mouth, Clint moved back, positioning the tip of his cock right at his son’s lips. “Let’s see how much of daddy’s cock you can swallow boy.” Pushing with force, Clint shoved the thick head of his cock into Sean’s mouth. Sean had one talent here he could flex, he possessed no gag reflex. Clint pushed further and further, Sean’s lips stretching at accommodate the thickness of his dad’s meat. Slowly Clint pushed more and more cock into Sean, Sean breathed through his nose, determined to impress his dad. Clint moaned and bucked his hips. Starting to get a rhythm as he felt his balls scrape against Sean’s strong chin. Using his strength, Clint held his big body up and moved rhythmically in and out of Sean’s mouth. He’d pull out until he felt his cockhead touch Sean’s warm moist lips, then he’d shove it back in until he felt Sean’s nose diving into his pubes. Sean gasped and slobbered and but never once did he release his dad from his mouth. Sean reached and grabbed his dad’s huge muscle ass that was planted firmly on his chest and began to try and work his fingers into the crack. Earlier he couldn’t get it, but now he was determined to fine his dad’s hairy hole. Swallowing cock and using every last bit of consciousness he had left, Sean worked at sliding his hand deeper and deeper into the furry muscled ass. Finally, he felt it. The tight pucker of Clint’s man hole. With one finger Sean worked his way into Clint’s ass. “Awe fuck. Son. You’re getting me close.” His breathing picked up. His chest heaving, cock swelling. Sean inserted another finger and went deeper. “Fuck boy. Fuck. I’m gunna cum.” Sean shoved a third finger inside Clint, forcing his hand as deep as it would go, at the same time lifting his head as much as he could, feeling his dad’s cock shove deep into his throat. “Ahhhhhhhh!” Clint yelled as he shoved his hips forward pulling his ass away from Sean’s hand, and unloading his thick wads of cum deep inside Sean. As his cock pumped cum Clint slowly pulled his cock out of his sons mouth, thick jizz coating ever surface inside Sean on its way. Popping the head out while he was still cumming his cock rocked and jerked as Clint sprayed Sean’s face with his load. “Yeah son. Take daddy’s fucking load. Fuck!” Sean stuck out his tongue licking Clint’s still leaking cock. Clint began to jerk his dick, forcing more cum out of his length, “damn you look so good covered in your dad’s cum.” “Well there’s plenty of it.” Sean said, licking the final drops off of Clint’s cock. Smacking Sean’s tongue with the head of his cock, the sound of a wet and heavy *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* filling the room. “There’s still more where that came from boy.” Clint slid his huge body down Sean’s torso, planting his large firm ass on top of Sean’s cock. The deep crack completely enveloping Sean’s dick as Clint grinded back and forth, the hairy hole teasing his son’s cock. “You ready to see if you can handle fucking a real man?” Sean’s mind went blank. For a moment it seemed he levitated above their bodies looking down, his dad’s huge figure completely covering his own. Sean’s cock rubbing between his dad’s bare ass cheeks, Clint’s own monster cock grinding in the tight space between Sean’s tight torso, and Clint’s rock hard body. “Well?” Clint said, pulled Sean back to reality, “you wanna fuck your daddy?” “Yes sir.” “Oh you’re going to love this.” Clint said, applying his cocky smile and rolling off top of Sean. Clint got down on the floor on all fours. “Good thing out already stretched my hole a little.” Clint said looking back over his shoulder and winking to Sean. “Come on don’t be shy.” And Clint smacked his huge ass, the relaxed muscles bouncing and shaking with the force of the heavy hand. Sean squared his body behind Clint’s, his own cock wet and covered in cum and spit. He lined up his cock and prepared to insert. “Wait!” Clint said suddenly, “I have an idea. Go. Ahead and put it in. But then freeze.” Sean obeyed. Slowly poking his small cock in between his dad’s massive ass, the depth and thickness of Clint’s ass swallowing Sean’s crotch. Clint helped by pulling his cheeks apart, allowing Sean access to the hairy hole deep within. Once Sean had pushed in as far as he could before his pelvis made contact with Clint’s rock hard glutes, he froze, just as instructed. “Are you ready for this?” Clint said, looking over his shoulder again at Sean. Sean tried to imagine what was about to happen, but nothing could have prepared him for what came next. Clint arched his back, extended back his legs, lifted his upper body off the floor with his arms. Sean realized he was laying on Clint’s back, cock still inside his dad, and Clint was in a push up position. “Let’s make this interesting son. You fuck me while I do push-ups. If you can fuck me for longer than I can keep going, you win. But if you cum before I’m done doing push-ups, I win.” “I’m about to cum right now dad. This is hardly fair.” “You can do it. And even if you can’t, you get to fuck me, cum in me, and worship my muscles as I pump them up. I don’t see how you can lose.” Sean reached his arms around Clint’s big body. Around his outspread lats, and to his chest. Sean couldn’t reach all the way around his dads big body, but he could go far enough to hold on to each pec, and to reach Clint’s big sensation nipples. Sean gave them a tug, and Clint responded with his hole twitching, gripping Sean’s cock with force. Sean moaned and Clint slowly began to descend into his first push-up. As he lowered his body his ass tightened around Sean’s cock, trapping it inside his body, Sean’s hands got further apart as Clint’s back and chest extended in the push-up. Sean held on, squeezing his dad’s huge chest as he concentrated on not cumming just yet. At the bottom of the push-up, Clint held position, flexing his ass once more, sending waves of pleasure through Sean, causing the smaller man to moan again. “Oh this is going to be fun.” Clint said, and he began to raise his body back up. “Count them out loud son.” Clint said. “5,6,7,8,9,10…” Sean began to count, trying to focus more on that and less on the incredible pleasure coming from having his cock buried in his dad’s muscled ass. “20,21,22,23,24,25…” Sean continued, Clint kept an even pace, moving his body steadily up and down, the fluid motion of the push-up carrying Sean along. “45,46,47,48,49,50…” Clint let out a grunt as he past 50, stalling for a moment, “I gotta say, I figured you cum by now. I’m impressed. Maybe I need to try a bit harder.” Clint began to pump out push-ups in rapid succession, moving so quickly Sean was having a hard time keeping up. The increased speed increased the clenching and relaxing of the muscles in Clint’s ass. Sean moaned as he struggled to not cum. “100,101,102,103…” Sean was determined to keep up with Clint, he had to impress his dad again. The stalemate continued, Clint effortlessly moving through his push-ups, and Sean fighting the urge to blow the biggest load of his life inside his father. “205,206,207…” Sean noticed his dad had started to get sweaty, his hands rubbing over Clint’s thick chest, Sean felt the sweat trapped in the hair on his dad’s pecs, and he felt the sweat between their bodies as Sean lay on his dad’s back. He couldn’t hold it any longer, “Dad. I’m. I’m. Going to cum!” Sean said. “Fuck yeah. Cum inside your daddy’s big muscle ass son, show me how much you love me huge muscles!” Sean gritted his teeth, and his cock began to unload inside Clint. Shot after shot Sean pumped into his dad’s tight hot hole. “Ohhhh yeah son. What a fucking load!” Clint said, almost sounding proud in his adulation. Once Sean had stopped cumming, Clint rolled his back, Sean’s cock slid out of the hole and Sean rolled to the floor. Landing in his back on the floor he saw Clint’s mighty figure rising above him. Sweaty, swollen, hard as a rock still. Sean went to get up, but Clint placed one huge heavy foot on Sean’s chest and held him to the floor. “Stay down there son. Enjoy the show.” Sean couldn’t see his dad’s face past his pecs at the angle, but Clint was jerking his large cock with both hands. The force of the masterbation causing the now pumped up pecs to shake. The sweat dripped off of Clint’s body, landing on Sean as the little man lay below his father, pinned to the floor by his dad’s huge foot. “Fuck. Open up your mouth son!” Sean did, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue, Clint pointed his cock down, and cum began to spray from the tip. Ropes of cum assaulted Sean’s face, many making it into his mouth, streaking across Sean’s chest. Clint’s orgasm slowed. The king thick ropes of cum changing to heavy drops. Finally Clint shook his cock one last time, a massive glob of cum flying from the tip and landing directly into Sean’s mouth. Sean licked his lips and swallowed, “damn. You taste so good dad.” He said, feeling the huge amount of cum covering his body, scooping up handfuls of his fathers cum and putting them in his mouth. “God you look fucking good laying there covered in my cum.” Clint said, finally releasing his cock and lifting his foot off of Sean. Clint stepped back and relaxed as he sat on the bed. Leaning against the headboard with his tree trunk legs spread apart wide. Placing his large hands on his thighs, Clint took a few deep breaths. Sean stood up and sat on the bed as well. “Well. Would you look at that. You tired your old man out.” Clint said, gripping his soft cock and smacking it’s still substantial thick length on his thigh. Sean climbed up the bed, positioning himself between Clint’s heavy legs. With one hand he gripped his dad’s cock, still almost too thick to wrap his hand around while soft, and with the other he caressed the muscles in his dad’s ripped thigh. “Come on dad. You can’t stop now.” As he continued to stroke his dad’s cock he flicked Clint’s nipple with his tongue. “Your muscles are just getting pumped up. You’re looking fucking huge. Your last load was the biggest yet. You can’t be done yet.” In his hand he felt his dad’s cock getting hard again, blood pumping into the shaft. The thick tube of meat getting longer, harder, thicker in Sean’s hand. He felt his fingers being spread apart as Clint’s cock expanded in his hand. “Look at that. I knew my big daddy still had another load for me in there.” Sean lowered his mouth to Clint’s cock he said, “I want to feel it grow in my mouth.” With that Sean deep throated his dad’s dick, burying his nose into his dad’s pubes. Once he was at the base of Clint’s cock, he opened his mouth a bit more, sticking out his tongue and he began to lick. “Ohhhh fuck yes boy! Suck on that cock and lick those bull balls holy shit that’s hot!” Clint said, bucking his hips. Finally Sean felt Clint’s cock turn into hot iron in his mouth, stretching his jaw and oozing precum into the back of his throat. Sean pulled his mouth off of his dad’s cock, leaving behind a slippery layer of spit covering the length. Sean grabbed with both hands and began to work in twisting motion. Clint grunted a deep gutteral sound as he shoved his hips forward. “Fuck son. You know how to work a cock…..let daddy give you some tips.” Clint gripped Sean’s small waist in his hands and lifted his son. Clint stood, holding Sean by his waist. As he planted his feet to the ground in a steady stance, he held Sean’s crotch towards his face, and Sean was upside down staring at his dad’s dick. Clint swallowed Sean’s cock while holding him in the air, hungrily sucking Sean all the way down and taking his balls into his wide open mouth. His stubble rubbing against Sean’s bare body sending shivers of pleasure down his spine. Sean gripped his dad’s cock with both hands and began to work at the huge erection before him. Working his tongue over the engorged cock head as he went It didn’t take long for Sean to cum. Clint hurriedly swallowing ever drop of Sean’s load, which wasn’t much as he was drained from their session. Clint on the other hand, had a large load still waiting for his son. Laying Sean down on the bed, Clint positioned him so that he was on his back, with his head hanging off the bed. “I wanna see my cock as it moves down your throat.” He said, and he touched the large head of his penis to his sons waiting lips. Pushing forward, he pushed past the soft lips and down into Sean’s throat. Clint placed his huge hand over Sean’s throat as he thrust deeper, “are hell yeah son. I can feel you taking all of my huge cock. You’re such a good little cock sucker.” As he thrust his hips back and forth, he began to pick up speed, Sean working to control his breathing, and Clint preparing to bust a load deep in Sean’s throat. “Fuck. I can feel my cock swelling in your mouth. I’m gunna cum son!” With that Clint shoved his cock in once more, burying Sean’s nose into his huge balls. Sean felt them contract as they began to pump cum through the long shaft. “Fucking. Swallow. Every. Drop. Ughhhhhh!” Clint pumped shot after shot into Sean, refusing to pull out until he was finished filling his boy up. Sean felt the warm thick load coating his insides, the power of the burst of cum shoving each one before it deeper into his throat. Finally Clint slid his cock out of Sean, smacking the wet sticky meat on Sean’s face he said, “have you had enough yet?” “I’ll never be able to get enough of this.” Sean said rubbing Clint’s powerful muscles and semi hard cock. “Let’s say we go shower once more and then head to bed. I’m exhausted and I need to be up early tomorrow.” The two headed to the shower, unable to keep their hands off each other still. Sean taking every chance to feel his dad’s huge hard hairy muscles, and Clint unable to resist his sons tight tiny body. Washing the copious amounts of cum off of each other, father and son worked in silence, appreciating each others bodies. When finished after drying off, Clint carried Sean to bed and laid him down, hugging him from behind. Sean considered his position, he’d never felt more loved and safe in his life. Wrapped in his dad’s giant arms, his thick hairy chest brushing against his back, the strong cock resting between his legs. He finally had the two things he’d always truly wanted the most, a dad and a muscle daddy. Waking in the morning, Sean rolled over. He felt a heavy hand on his shoulder, “hey, wake up son.” Sean blinked his eyes, the sunlight bright in the room. As he opened his eyes he was greeted by his dad’s large form beside the bed. He was wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, stretched by his big cock, which was hard as ever before. A dark spot formed at the tip where he was leaking. “Sean. I need some help.” Sean sat up in bed, “what’s wrong dad?” “Well. I woke up this morning with this huge morning wood. I was leaking precum all over you, I decided to go workout, maybe burning off some steam would help, but afterwards I was even hornier. I took a cold shower to cool down, but all I got were some hard sensitive nipples. So I was wondering if you could help me with this?” Punctuating the question Clint smacked his cock a few times, the heavy beast threatening to bust the underwear. Sean’s eyes lit up. His own morning wood almost busting at the sight and situation presented in front of him. “So. Do you have any ideas on how to help me out?” Clint said, giving Sean a devilish grin and his cock jumping in the underwear in anticipation. “Well. I think we should go back to the gym and you should workout some more. Get out some energy. While you workout your muscles, I’ll take care of your cock. Maybe we can drain your energy and cock at the same time.” Clint smiled, “I like the sound of that. You haven’t even seen my gym yet. You’re in for a surprise.” Following Clint down the hall they walked outside, across a few stone steps, and into the garage adjacent to the house. Walking in Sean had expected nothing impressive, but that changed as he crossed the threshold into the room. The floor was a polished concrete with thick mats under each piece of gym equipment. There was equipment for each possible body part and exercise you could wish. Everything from a simple bench press to a complete smith machine. Rows of different sized dumbbells, stacks of heavy weights strewn across the room. Mirrors covering the entirety of two of the walls. Belts, gloves, protein, an assortment of other things all littered shelves hanging on the other walls. A large sound system and water cooler in one corner of the room. “Pretty cool huh?” Clint said, reading Sean’s shocked expression. “This is impressive dad. No wonder you got so damn big.” “Heh heh, yeah. This all for sure helped. So what should we workout today? I did biceps and legs this morning, and that clearly didn’t work.” Clint gestured down to his still hard cock. “Hmm.” Sean said. Walking towards his father, “I think we need to work this chest. It’s a little small, could be bigger.” Clint looked down at Sean and bounced his pecs, “you think I’m small?” He said. “Well I mean. I’ve seen bigger.” Sean said, teasingly. “Then I’ll have to change that.” Clint walked to a stack of 45lb weights and began to load them onto a bench press bar. Sean tried to watch and keep count, but his mind was clouded by thoughts of how he’d use and abuse his dangerously horny dad here in the gym. Something about the way he’d teased his dad’s size earlier really did it for him. Clint lay down under the bar, the metal bending and bowing up in the middle from the weight on their side of the bar. Clint gripped the thick metal, repositioned his hands, and gripped again. Sean approached his dad as he situated himself on the bench. His legs spread wide on either side of the padded support. Clint’s cock still hard as iron in the thin briefs. As Clint lifted the bar off of the rack, Sean began to lick the length of his dad’s cock through the underwear. Clint pumped out rep after rep of the heavy weight, while Sean worshiped the covered length of his cock. Sean heard a tear. The elastics in the underwear starting to break and give at the power of Clint’s hard cock. His dad racked the weight and he lay back on the bench. Sean still licking the length of the meat, and placing his mouth on the covered head of his dad’s cock. Clint stood, and Sean, in his knees in front of his dad, was looking directly at the huge bulge. Precum so thick and plentiful it was leaking out through the fabric and Sean licked it off of the outside of the briefs. “Take them off of me.” Clint instructed. Sean reached up and grabbed the waistband. “Ah ah ah. Not with your hands. With your mouth.” Sean moved, grabbing the waistband between his teeth and pulling down. He had to pull out and down to get the waistband over the obnoxious length of his dad’s full sized erection that was sticking straight out. After the front was taken care of, the waistband had snagged in the back. Sean moved around his massive father to get the back. The top of the underwear caught on the shelf of ass Clint possessed, a dark wet spot forming along his crack as the big man began to sweat. Sean grabbed the underwear in his teeth again, pulling them down slowly over his dad’s ass, his nose and lips running along the length of the deep crack between Clint’s cheeks. Finally off and on the floor, Clint stepped out of the underwear. As he laid back down on the bench. Clint’s cock lay and rested on his hard stomach, and Sean positioned his body and placed his ass directly over his dad’s cock. Letting his crack fill with the length of the huge member under him. Placing his hands on Clint’s jacked pecs for support, Clint lifted the bar again. Pumping up and down the heavy weight as if it were nothing. Sean for his part, grinding his ass along the length of his father’s thick cock. “Fuckkkkk!” Clint said, racking the weight. He grabbed Sean and pulled his head between his deep pecs, bouncing them as Sean licked and worshipped the massive chest. Clint bucked his hips, moving his cock up and down Sean’s ass crack as he smothered his son between his huge pecs. “Please son. Let me fuck you again.” Clint pleaded. Sean hesitated. Remembering the massive member and the pain from the night before. But feeling the impressive size and hardness of his dad’s cock between his ass and being completely surrounded by his huge pumped muscles made him reconsider. “Okay dad. But be gentle.” “I’ll let you take the lead.” Clint said, laying back down on the bench. He reached up and grabbed the bar and Sean spun around. Placing his ass in front of Clint’s face and preparing to wet the huge cock before it entered him. Clint dove into Sean’s ass. Working one finger, then two, then three in he said, “damn son. You’re still stretched from last night, and you still have daddy’s load in you. I think your ass is ready to go.” Sean swallowed Clint’s cock, ensuring it was coated in spit, and then he positioned his body so he was hovering over Clint’s strong erection. Clint, holding the bench press bar again, nodded to Sean. Sean lowered his body, feeling the huge head slide in surprisingly easy. Clint moaned as he entered his son’s wet, warm hole. Sean placed his hands on Clint’s chest, bracing himself, and he began to lower his body down onto the huge cock below him. Clint lifted the bar and began to bench again. Sean reached as much of the cock as he could handle and lifted his body, pulling out until only the head was in. He moved in a rhythm. Taking as much as he could, then lifting out almost completely. “Fuck dad. It’s so big.” Clint simply continued to bench, his chest swelling with power, his face contorted with pleasure and strain as he pushed his muscles to the limit. Quickly Clint racked the bar, reached his arms around Sean, and pulled him into his chest once again. Clint moved his hips, pumping in and out of Sean, respecting where Sean had stopped on his own. Clint picked up speed. Working his cock into Sean while his son moaned and cried into the crevice between his pecs. Pushing in, one final time, his cock swelled and began to pump cum into Sean. Sean felt the thick warm load fill his insides as Clint pumped another massive load into him. Shot after shot of cum raced out of Clint’s cock. Finally, Clint’s cock began to soften, and he pulled out of Sean, a thick river of cum following as Sean’s stretched hole began to recover from the pounding. “Thank you son. I was afraid that morning wood would never go away.” “Dad.” Sean said tentatively, “you’re so fucking huge and horny. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” “Well, the way you worship my muscles and get off to your big muscle daddy is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” “How big are you dad?” “What? Like my cock?” “No. Like everything. How tall are you, how much do you weigh, his big are your arms, chest, legs. I know you’re massive, but how massive are you?” Clint got that same sky devilish grin on his face that Sean had come to know. “I haven’t measured in a while, Son. How’d you like to help me get some fresh stats?” “Oh I’d fucking love to!” Sean said, not even trying to hide his excitement and enthusiasm. Clint walked over to one wall and grabbed a tape measure off a shelf. He then walked and stood in front of a mirror. Sean followed and stood next to his dad. The height difference so clear in the mirror, Clint looking wider than two of Sean. “Now. I know from getting my license renewed last month that I’m 6’8.” Clint then flexed his left arm, lowering it down to in front of Sean’s face. The huge boulder seeming as big as Sean’s head, the huge flexed are taking up his entire field of vision. “Go ahead son. Measure that big bicep.” Sean draped the tape measure over the tall bicep peak. He observed the insertions of the muscles. His dad had perfect genetics to create such an incredible arm, the long insertion allowing for the king sized bicep to fill with space, and the split peak of the bicep allowing it to rise up along the length. Clint pumped his bicep a few times, a large vein popping up along the head of the bicep. Sean wrapped the tape measure around the low hanging tricep, bringing it back around. “Well, what’s it say?” Clint asked, looking down at Sean. “25.5 inches.” Sean said, practically drooling over the big arm. “Why don’t you give daddy’s bicep a kiss before we continue.” Sean leaned forward, placing his soft lips on his dad’s flexed arm. When his mouth connected, Clint began to twist his wrist, flexing and unflexing the bicep under Sean’s mouth. “How’s that big arm taste?” Sean pulled back, “it’s so hard dad, but it tastes so fucking sweet.” Clint turned to face Sean, lowering his right bicep down in front of Sean, “now measure the other one.” Sean lay the tape measure over the bicep, around the tricep, and pulling it tight. “26”.” “My right arm has always been a bit bigger than my left.” Clint stood to his full height and hit a double bicep pose. “What do you think son? Can you tell a difference in the size?” Sean looked up at the incredible display of size and strength. “No dad. They both look perfect.” “Speaking of perfect. Let’s measure this chest!” Clint dropped his arms to his side and bounced his pecs, rhythmically and slowly rolling the huge slabs of meat, the striations popping through the dark chest hair. Sean looked straight forward, staring directly into his dad’s monster chest. Grabbing the tape measure he tried to get it around the expanse of chest, Clint relaxed to make it easier, Sean leaned in, his face burying deep into his dad’s chest as he tired to get the tape measure around Clint’s wide back. He pressed and stretched as hard and as far as he could, finally, barely he got the tape measure around. Centering it over the deep divide between the two pecs. “Damn dad. The tape measure almost isn’t long enough. 59.5” and the thing only goes to 60”.” “How’s that for a small chest boy? I’ll need to get a new tape measure so I can just grow and grow!” Clint looked down, shook his thigh, then flexed. The muscles popping out and each separated by defined grooves. Sean leaned in, pulling the tape measure over the largest, thickest part of Clint’s thigh. “31”.” Sean said, still looking at the ripped quad, running his hand over the ripped hard muscle. He then felt a heavy weight on his head, looking up Clint smacked his face with his rock hard cock. “How bout you measure this muscle next, son.” Sean held the tape measure, pressing it to the base of Clint’s thick dick. Slowly moving his hand along the length of his dad’s dick, Sean enjoyed and appreciated the veiny thickness of his fathers length. Reaching the tip he read out, “11.5”.” Clint moved his hands to his nipples and tugged at them, his cock responding by growing larger, thicker. “What about now?” “12” even.” Sean said, resisting the urge to swallow his dad’s cock in the moment. “How thick?” Sean chose the thickest part of the cock, near the base, although it was roughly the same thickness all the way down, the base seemed to be just that much thicker. “9”. Thick as a beer can.” Sean said. Clint stepped back and walked over to the scale sitting near the door. “Come here and read the weight son. I can’t see it over these huge tits.” Clint laughed and bounced his pecs again. Sean walked over, looking at the readout on the scale, “345lbs.” Clint stepped off the scale, his weight causing the metal and plastic to groan. “How bout that son. 345lbs of rock hard muscle. So fucking big….everywhere.” Clint flexed his bicep, bringing it to his mouth, he licked his own big bicep. Cupping his pecs, he buried his chin into his hairy chest and licked the top of his pecs. His cock bouncing hard as he worshipped his own muscles. “Come here son. Enjoy these big muscles with me.” Sean moved over to his dad. Reaching his hands up and caressing Clint’s chest. Grabbing handfuls of the thick hair and feeling the muscles move under his hands. Clint bent down, grabbed Sean by his ass and lifted him up. Brining Sean’s face to his. They kissed, Clint’s tongue assaulting his mouth, his hands exploring his son’s hole. “Fuck son. I need to go eat. I need to feed these big muscles. I need some protein.” He sat Sean down and Sean hear his dad’s stomach growl. Walking inside, Sean watched his dad’s huge back and ass move. Following his dad inside, Sean finally took a moment to notice how hard his cock was. The muscle worship, the measuring, the admiration of his dad’s size, his dad kissing and feeling his own muscles. Sean had been close to cumming all morning but had prioritized making sure his dad came. “Dad.” Sean said, Clint stopping in his tracks as he moved into the kitchen, “I think I need to cum now.” “Well.” Clint began, “cum is a good source of protein. I’ll help you cum on one condition son.” “Yes dad. Anything.” “You have to promise to blow your whole load down my throat. I need all the protein I can get.” Clint gripped Sean by the waist and lifted him up. Resting Sean’s cock against his stubbly face, and letting Sean’s ass rest on his shelf like pecs. “Get ready son. Daddy’s hungry for cock this morning.” Clint sucked and swallowed Sean’s cock. Sean loved the way his dad his effortlessly held in up to his face as he worked every bit of Sean’s length. Slipping a finger deep inside Sean, Clint expertly probed his son’s prostate, working Sean up. “Fuck dad I’m going to cum already!” Clint didn’t change a thing. He continued with his onslaught from the front and back, ready to pleasure his son more than anyone else ever could. Sean grabbed Clint’s head and pulled him in as he began to shoot his load down Clint’s throat. Clint didn’t stop, though. Sean’s sensitive cock working in overdrive from the pleasure. Sean writhed and moaned as his dad pleasured him more and more, urging every last drop of cum in his son down his thick throat. Clint finally pulled his finger out and released the cock from his mouth. He licked his lips, “fuck I love the way your cum tastes. It almost sweet.” Setting Sean down on the floor again, Clint walked out of the room. Sean heard the shower start up down the hallway. As he walked towards the bathroom he saw Clint had left the door open. Entering the bathroom he watched as Clint put on a show in the shower. Soaping up his huge body and working the lather into his muscular frame. Feeling the size and heft of his chest, caressing his flexed bicep. Turning around and leaning against the wall, he spread his ass wide and soaped his hairy hole. Bending forward, he put his ass on even greater display as he reached down to soap his thick quads. Turning back around his semi hard cock hanging heavy and low, his huge balls looking swollen yet again. Sean had no idea why he didn’t get in the shower with his dad, but there was something so attractive about watching his father wash his huge body in such a seductive manor. To get to enjoy the show of a huge bodybuilder feeling and flexing his own muscles, and getting hard knowing that his son is watching him do so. It was Sean’s fantasy, right in front of him. Clint motioned for Sean to enter the shower, so he did. Clint got down on his knees, held the soapy cloth he’d used on himself, and began to wash Sean. Reaching from behind he worked his hands over Sean’s smooth chest, Sean could feel his dad’s huge pecs pushing against his back as he massaged his body. Working down one arm and then the next, Clint took his time. Admiring the tight body his son possessed. Almost worshipping Sean’s figure. Clint began to clean Sean’s ass, his huge load still leaking from his Son’s hole. Down Sean’s legs he moved the cloth and his hands. Gripping and squeezing his son’s body as he went. Sean turned around, Clint still soaping up his body from the front. Taking extra care to clean Sean’s hard cock and balls. Fuck. Was he just going to be perpetually hard now when he was near his dad? Sean leaned forward, his cock rubbing against his dad’s monster pecs. On his legs he could feel his dad’s fat cock swaying as he got hard feeling Sean’s body. Clint stood and they rinsed off the soap in silence. Drying off they went to Clint’s room. To Sean’s surprise, Clint reached for a pair of underwear and put them on. To be specific, it was a baby blue thong. His huge ass swallowing the back, shoving his semi hard cock and swollen balls into the too small pouch, tufts of hair poking out, his balls nearly falling out of the sides as his king sized cock pushed the pouch forward. Sean grabbed a pair of his own underwear and put them on, noticing how he barely filled out anything at all. Clint walked to the kitchen. Something was off. Sean followed him and when he got to the kitchen he saw Clint sitting at the kitchen table, head in his hands. Sean entered the room cautiously, “dad? Is everything okay?” Clint looked up at his son, clearly troubled by something, “yes. Everything is fine.” The two locked eyes, Sean observed his father’s posture, the way his shoulders were hunch he almost looked defeated. Sean moved closer to his large dad, and placed one small hand on his broad shoulder, “dad, I’m 27, not only can I tell something is wrong, but I’m big enough to handle whatever it is. Please tell me.” Clint turned him body from facing the table, so slightly facing Sean. Sean took his opportunity and moved to sit on Clint’s big hairy thigh, as he straddled the thick leg, feeling the corded muscles move under his body, he looked up at his dad, and then leaned in and hugged him; again unable to fully wrap him hands all the way around the big torso, but squeezing nonetheless. He felt a big paw come to rest on the small of his back. “I’m sorry, son. I just. This isn’t how I ever pictured us meeting, truly. I’m worried about how it could hurt our relationship going forward.” Sean held on to his dad, knowing that he wasn’t done speaking, and the most important thing he could do now was continue to listen and support instead of trying to placate a grown man. “It also makes me upset that we’ve gotten to spend so much time together this weekend, but I know that you’ll leave tonight, go back to work this week, you’ll be busy on weekends, and I’m worried that all of…this…this fun and good time, won’t last after the thrill of the first weekend wears off.” There was the crux of it, Sean thought. His dad was afraid of him leaving, again, and losing contact and his son all over again. Sean released his hug and moved on his dad’s thigh, enough so that he could make eye contact instead of just talking into a furry pec. “Like I said before. I now have two things I’ve wanted more than anything in my life, a dad, and a daddy. Not just any dad, a dad who truly cares for me and who worked and worked and worked on himself to be a better man, simply to be welcoming and loving for me. And, not just any daddy. The biggest, strongest muscle daddy I’ve ever seen. How lucky am I that I get someone so loving a protecting, and who is also a huge hunk?” Sean paused. Letting that settle in before he continued. “It’s going to take a lot more than work and life to keep me away from all of this.” Sean exclaimed his statement by once again embracing his father, who, returned the embrace. Pulling Sean in with his strong hands, holding him perfectly tight in his huge embrace. “Thank you son. I just…” “You worry you’ll lose me again. Don’t. You’re not the same person I left all those years ago, and now that I’ve met who you truly are, I’m prepared to work as hard as you have to make up for the lost time.” The two sat in their embrace for a moment or more. Clint loosened his hug and Sean did as well. “So…” Clint began, “I know you have to go back to work this week. I was wondering if we could keep in contact throughout the week?” Sean looked at him a bit confused, “what do you mean?” “Like. Texts or phone calls. I know you’re busy throughout the week and it’s not a correct expectation to see you every day; but to just know how your day was, if you need any help with anything, I don’t know, I’ve just enjoyed talking and spending time with you so much this weekend I don’t want it to just, stop.” Sean looked at his father for a moment, this hulk of a man was splitting open at the seams to be vulnerable with him, and Sean found it so, so very attractive. But now wasn’t the time to get horned up over his dad. No. He needed to stay focused. “Of course we can!” Sean said, “we can text or talk every day. I want to know about things you’re doing as well. Pictures of contracting jobs you do, new records you set in the gym, updates on your plans to enter a bodybuilding competition, anything and everything.” They again sat for a moment, enjoying the space each of their bodies took up in respect to the other. Sean slowly got off of his dad’s lap, “does that make you feel any better?” Clint looked at his son, and nodded, “it does. I’m not completely okay, but this is all something I can work on being okay with.” The big man then stood, “alright. Now. How about some food. I’m still starving.” Rising up in front of Sean, Sean was able to appreciate the height and scale of his dad on display in front of him. His huge bulge forcing its way forward, drawing in Sean’s attention, “ah. I know what you want to eat!” Clint teased, grabbing his bulge with one hand and shaking it. As he did one big nut fell out of the side of the inadequately sized pouch, “oops.” He said, tucking it back in, “guess I’m getting too big for my favorite pair of these.” And with that he turned and walked towards the fridge. “That’s not fair!” Sean jokingly whined. Clint bent over to retrieve something from the fridge, his huge ass on display, the light blue thong material riding deep into his hairy ass, he shook his big butt a big and then stood back up with a few containers in his big hands. “Awe. What’s not fair?” He said in a similar mocking/joking tone. “You can’t just tease me with your thick cock like that and then walk away.” “Oh yeah?” Clint said, still with his back turned to him, preparing something at the stove. “And what are you going to do about it, little boy?” Sean struggled to even come up with somethin to keep this going, his head filling with lust as he hungered for more of his dad’s huge body. “Well!” Sean began, “I, I…” Clint looked back over his shoulder at Sean smiling as he knew he was teasing the fuck out of him. “You’ll what?” Clint said, he flexed his biceps and his back as they faced Sean, “you’re so small and weak compared to me. I’ll tease you as much as I want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” God. This little character his dad was playing was hitting the spot for Sean, the cocky alpha look looked GREAT on his dad. “Besides son.“ Clint said, “we need to eat before we do anything else. I need to grow these muscles for you!” “Yeah you do!” Sean barked, “you’ve been looking a little small lately.” Clint didn’t flinch at this, either the game was over, or Sean needed to double down, “in fact, I bet I could go to the gym right now and find a muscle daddy with much bigger pecs than you.” “Yeah? Is that so?” Clint said, still facing away from Sean as he worked at the stove. “Yeah. How much do you bench? Like 300lbs or something? I know I can find someone who could do double that without breaking a sweat.” “For the record, son…” Clint said, his tone betraying his character as he fed into it, “I bench over 900lbs when I max. And I haven’t done that in a while. Who knows how strong these muscles really are.” Fuck. Sean hadn’t expected that. 900lbs Jesus Christ. “What’s wrong son? Cat got your tongue now?” Sean was losing his battle with his cock, his craving for his huge dad swallowing him whole. “You know what else none of those other guys down at the gym will have compared to me?” “What’s that?” Sean said, anticipation for what came next eating him alive. Clint turned sideways, Sean able to see how truly thick his father’s body was as he stood in front of the stove, mostly blocking it from view. The true area of focus clear, his rock hard cock obscenely shoving against the tight baby blue thong. His cock sticking straight out , shoving the waistband away from his waist, most of the length visible where the pouch couldn’t contain the full extravagant cock, his heavy balls hanging out of the side of the pouch, unable to remain trapped in what little fabric was left. Clint gripped his cock with both hands, covering half of it, and the other half poking out, threatening to snap the thong right off his body. “No other guy will have a over a foot of thick daddy dick for you.” Sean’s mouth went slack at the display of size on his dad. But in that moment. He knew how to play his cards. “In fact dad. I think I know how you can keep me coming back here time after time?” “Oh yeah, son, what’s that?” He said, pumping his cock back and forth in his hands, the thick head flaring. “Don’t cum until I come back.” Clint stopped, looking quizzically at Sean. “Yeah. All week hold your load for me. I’ll hold mine for you. We will both be so hot and horny that there’s no possible way I could stay away.” Clint got a fiendish smile on his face, dropping his hands away from his hard cock. “I like the sound of that son. I’m only worried about two things.” “What’s that?” Sean said, enjoying that he finally had an upper hand here. “Well. First of all, I’m afraid you’ll cream your pants halfway through the week just thinking about my massive muscles.” He bounced his pecs for emphasis, and he was right, it caused Sean’s cock to jump and leak. “And two, if I don’t cum all week, next time your here I’ll have to cum like 5 or 6 times to get it all out. I’ll drown you and cover you in cum.” Sean lost his upper hand, completely unable to resist his father. He walked closer as Clint turned back to the stove. Sean walked up behind him, reaching around his waist, and gripped Clint’s hard cock in his hands. Enjoying the thickness that swelled under his palms. Moving his hands back and forth, Clint began to moan. “It’s done.” Clint said. Abruptly pulling out of Sean’s grip, and quickly moving past him and to the table. Ravenous, he began to eat right away, piles of premade breakfast burritos and an assortment of other protein filled foods suddenly arrayed on the kitchen table. Sean crawled under the kitchen table. His dad’s cock busting out of the tight thong, a heavy stream of precum forcing its way through the fabric, forming a sticky stream from the tip. Sean licked the salty drip off and then placed the entire covered head in his mouth, Clint’s cock swelling slightly at the feeling. He continued to eat, and Sean moved his mouth to the big balls hanging out of the pouch. Both still too large to put in his mouth at the same time, but one at a time they fit perfectly. Already, so quickly after the shower, they had a salty taste to them, Clint’s big body working overtime to refill them, the course hair that covered them tickling Sean’s face as he worshipped Clint’s big nuts. Sean worked his tongue over the balls, which had to be the size of apples. So swollen and full of cum Sean could swear he heard it moving inside of them as he licked and sucked. Sean took a moment to see just how much of his dad’s length was exposed by the huge cock pushing the thong out. With his tongue he began to lick the shaft if Clint’s thick cock. He worked up and down the thickness for what seemed to him like hours, lost in the complete bliss of worshipping the cock that made him, the huge dick that was all his to pleasure as he pleased. Suddenly. It was ripped from his mouth as Clint stood and began to clear the table. Sean crawled out from under the table. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, Sean, but I’m not cumming until next weekend for you.” “Yeah dad I know. But. Have you ever heard of edging?” By the look on his face, Sean could see he clearly had not. “Well dad. Edging is where you have your cock worked until just before you cum. Then you stop. Relax. Then do it again, and again, and again.” “What’s the point?” Clint asked. “Just makes the pleasure last longer.” Sean said, “and. Makes your load bigger when you cum.” “Well. I do like the sound of that.” Clint said. Stepping closer to Sean, his cock poking into the younger man’s torso as he stepped forward, the force of just the huge cock pushing Sean back. Clint stepped forward again, pushing Sean with his cock again. Fuck, Sean thought about how hot it was and how powerful his dad was, he could push him around with just his erection. “Why don’t we go to the living room. I can watch tv and you can…what did you call it again?” “Edging.” Send replied with a spark in his eyes. “Right. You can edge me. We can just spend the last few hours before you go home with you worshipping my cock until I almost cum.” Sean drooled at the thought, Clint pushed past him and heavily sat on the couch, his weight on the dark leather causing the couch to groan and the leather to shuffle. Sean walking into the living room. Clint practically ignored him, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv and grabbing a tablet from the end table. Clint’s legs were spread wide, his hard cock laying against his abs. Sean began by kissing his fathers inner thighs, working is way deeper and deeper into them. Finally landing his lips on Clint’s heavy balls which rested on his massive thighs. Even spread as they were, there was too much meat to allow the big balls to rest on the couch. Sean worked his tongue over the balls as he had done before, at the same time, using his hands to work Clint’s cock. Clint paid him no mind. Scrolling through something on his tablet and occasionally looking at the tv. Sean continued with his worship, suddenly feeling the cock in his hand swell, and become rigid and hard as steel. He pulled back his mouth and removed his hands, knowing Clint was close. As he sat between his dad’s big legs, Clint looked down at him past the tablet. “I was trying to keep myself occupied so I lasted longer. But your sweet mouth just feels so good sucking those big nuts. Impressive you pulled back at the perfect time.” Sean blushed at the compliments, “thanks. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed something more than workshopping your body so I want to do it right.” “Well then keep going. I can really get on board with this ‘edging’ thing.” Clint returned to his tablet, most likely in hopes of relaxing his cock. Once Sean saw an opportunity, his grabbed with both hands and tried to pull the monster cock down lower, it was a strong muscle, using his strength he worked at positing the cockhead in front of his mouth, and then he swallowed Clint’s entire cock in one go. Clint’s toes curled, his cock swelled, Sean tickled his balls with his free hand and then completely released Clint in a quick move. Clint was breathing deep, “holy shit son. You almost got a face full there!” Clint laughed, his overly sensitive cock oozing precum as it begged for release. For the next couple of hours the two continued this dance. Sean working and worshipping Clint’s ever hard cock and swollen balls, tweaking his thick nipples; and Clint resisting every urge to cum, trying to be disinterested, and nearly losing control every time. An alarm went off on Sean’s phone. He sat up and looked at Clint, “that’s my que to head home.” He said, a sadness in his eyes. Or was it longing? “Come here son.” Clint said, reaching forward and grabbing Sean, pulling him into his big body, holding him the way an adult might hold a toddler. “I really enjoyed this weekend. Thank you. I’m going to keep edging all week for you. While you were on my dick I had something special delivered to your home. It should be there tomorrow. Let me know when you get it.” They say embraced for a while, Clint caressing Sean’s body, and Sean feeling his dad’s relaxed muscles surrounding him, Clint’s hard cock constantly poking at him as if begging for attention. Reluctantly, Sean got up, got dressed, grabbed his things, and went to walk out the front door. “Wait one more thing!” Clint said, rushing over to Sean. The big man picked him up by his shoulders and planted a deep kiss on his lips, setting him down he pulled his face into his pecs for one last hug. “I’ll see you Friday night?” “I’ll be here.” Sean said, and he left to head home. Sean got home. Stripped off his clothes and laid in bed. His head spun as he recalled the events from the past couple of days. How had it gone so far, so fast? More importantly, how was it real. How had he worshipped his FATHERS muscles and cock? It was his ultimate fantasy, but to do it with his own dad? No, Sean thought to himself, you now have everything you’ve ever truly wanted. Don’t overthink it, don’t over analyze it, just enjoy it. As he drifted off to sleep he wondered what surprise Clint had had shipped to his home. Waking in the working, Sean felt a sudden sense of loss. It had only happened twice, but he missed the way his dad held him, waking up feeling safe and protected. He resumed it usual mundane routine, but the quiet thought in the back of his mind already counting down the hours until Friday when he got to see his dad again. As he was gathering his things to walk out the door, his phone buzzed, odd, clients and colleagues knew not to message him this early in the morning. It was a text message from Clint, with a picture waiting to download. *just a little something so you don’t forget me* the text read. Sean clicked on the image. His legs went weak when he saw it. It looked to be an older picture, maybe a few months old, Clint was smaller in it, and less hairy, but still an absolute beast. He was wearing a bright red posing suit, the bulge in the front looking obscene as ever. Clint looked almost competition ready in the picture, a deep tan over his body, veins and striations abound over his expanse, a slight shimmer of sweat gleaming on his body under the harsh white light he was under. In the photo, Clint had one foot forward towards the camera, leaning forward into a most muscular pose. His wide shoulders dominating the width of the picture. Clint face was amusing as well, as he winked at the camera and stuck out his long tongue. Sean had to sit down as he heat over took his body. Less than 12 hours away and he was craving to be smashed between Clint’s rock hard pecs again. He texted his dad back, *eh. I’ve seen bigger.* If he was going to play the role of teasing his dad into doing horny shit, he needed to commit. In his head Sean envisioned Clint growing in size just to prove him wrong and drive the fantasy home for both of them. He left for work. Knowing if he say there any longer he’d jerk off already and be late for work. Sean went through his day on autopilot. Honestly he couldn’t recall a single thing that he did, He’d have to work on that, he couldn’t go all week at bare minimum. When he got home he noticed a package in front of his door. Sean picked up the heavy package and headed inside. Setting the package down he called his dad before he opened it. Clint picked up on the first ring. “Hi Sean. Is everything okay?” “Yeah dad, I just got your package and wanted to open it with you on the phone.” “Oh hell yeah. Go ahead. Open it!” Sean grabbed a knife and slid it under the packing tape. Lifting the cardboard it was a plain black package covered in a thin shiny plastic. Sean lifted the black box from the cardboard box. “This box is kind of heavy sad.” Sean said, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he pulled the package out. “No offense son. But I think you’re just small.” Clint laughed, very clearly joking. “Leave me alone!” Sean joked back, “what the hell did you order?” “Hurry up and open the box, I can’t wait for you to see it.” Sean tore the thin plastic film off the box and pulled the lid off of the long black box. Inside there was a folded layer of black tissue paper. Pulling back the layer of tissue paper he gasped. “Yeah?” Clint growled into the phone. Inside the box, under the tissue paper, was an assortment of toys. Butt plugs, dildos, poppers, lube, cock rings. “What is all this stuff for?” Sean said, knowing, but wanting to hear his dad’s deep gruff voice admit it. “Well. I figured you had such a hard time taking my cock you could use some…practice.” Sean sorted through the items in the box. The dildos ranged in length from around 4 inches, similar to Sean’s own cock, to around 10 inches. The butt plugs ranging in thickness from Sean’s pinky to about to thickness of his forearm. The cock rings looked durable and thick. “This is nice dad but…” Sean paused, “none of these dildos are as long as your dick, and none of these things are as thick as it.” Clint chuckled again, “well these will help you prepare. I still want you to be surprised when you take the whole thick thing in your ass.” “So. I’ll use these all week to prepare and then…” Clint cut Sean off. “And then Friday night you’ll feel my big balls smacking against your tight little ass.” “I can hear that the edging is already getting to you, pops.” Sean could feel his dad blushing through the phone, “sorry son, was that too much?” “No dad. I love it when you get all horny like that.” “Good. Let me know how those toys treat you. I have to get off here now, I’m heading to the gym. Have fun, and I’ll see you Friday.” “Alright. Love you dad.” “Love you too son.” And they hung up the phone. Sean spent some time further examining the things in the box. They were made from a variety of materials. The dildos and some of the plugs made from a thick silicone, others made from a heavy, cold, metal. There were a few different sample bottles of lube, some with the heating and cooling, water based, and a few sample bottles of “sensual massage oil”. Sean’s thoughts raced, and they returned to the picture his dad has sent this morning. It felt like time for some sexy payback. Sean selected one of the smaller butt plugs, one of the bottles of regular lube, and went to his bedroom. Taking off his clothes quickly, Sean grabbed his phone and toys and climbed in his bed. Sean slowly worked one finger into his hole. He could swear he still felt a slight sticky mess left inside him from his dad’s massive load the day before. Coving the smaller plug with a coat of lube, Sean worked it into his ass, finding it slide in surprisingly easy. The feeling of something in his ass spurred his cock to get hard. Setting up his phone, he took a picture. Legs behind his head, ass up in full view, with the plug end sticking out, and pushing his little cock forward to show it’s hardness off to the camera. Sean leaned his head over and winked at the camera as the picture snapped. Surveying the picture, Sean decided it was the perfect amount of raunchy and teasing that he was going for, and he sent it to his dad with the caption, *can’t wait to have my hole stretched for you*. Sitting back in his bed, proud of himself for finding the courage to continue teasing his dad, Sean began to play with the butt plug, he quickly decided to move up to a larger size, and selected one about medium length and girth. His hold already wet, and slightly stretched, he began to work the silicon tube into his hole. He was about halfway in when his phone vibrated. Sean quickly dropped everything and checked the message. Unbelievably it was just some guy from work trying to make plans with him. Slightly frustrated Sean tossed his phone across the bed, when it vibrated again. He reached and checked the phone and this was the one he’d been waiting for. *1 New Message, Clint/Dad* Unable to contain his excitement for what his dad had replied with Sean hurriedly opened the message. He read the caption first *it’s all for you, boy* And then he opened the picture. Clint had been holding his phone above his chest, the camera looking down his body. At the top of the photo we’re two huge furry mounds of Clint’s pecs, below that in their shadow was his long, hairy torso, his and becoming more defined. But the star of the photo, was encased in a pair of regular grey boxer briefs. The thick extravagant cock hard in the pouch, stretching it so that the pocket slit in the front of the briefs was spread open, showing just a bit of the thick veiny cock beneath. The shaft ran down the right leg hole of the underwear, being pushed forward by the incredible amount of thigh muscle shoved into the fabric. Then, peaking out at the bottom of the leg, was the engorged, thick, mushroom head of Clint’s cock. It looked red and angry as it flared huge in the picture. A stream of precum leaking from the tip down onto the big quad below. Sean could also see a hint of the balls pushed into the pouch as they were pushed to left left side of the briefs, creating two large softball sized spheres in the underwear. Sean had to lock his phone and go take a cold shower. He couldn’t look at it any longer or he’d cum. Was this going to be his whole week, fighting to not cum at every interaction he had with his dad? Maybe, considering every time they interacted it seemed to have to be sexual like some proverse dream. The cold shower cooled him down, he focused. Four more days and he could feel those muscles again, it was his idea to do this while waiting game after all, he just hadn’t realized how punishing it would be for him as well. Sean took a pill to help him sleep, and quickly dozed off, dreaming that night about Clint, holding him, protecting him, securely wrapped by his burly body. Sean woke the next morning with a start. Fuck, he thought, I overslept. Quickly showering and dressing he didn’t have a moment to check his phone before he left for work. Another long day on autopilot, running though his tasks as best he could, working to focus on the papers before him. He found himself grounded, more present. He sped through work after that, able to focus on tasks, and able to finally put thoughts of his dad on the back burner. Sean drove home, he decided to stop in at his favorite take-out place on the way home. A little Thai restaurant a few blocks from his place. Sean got out of his car, and walked inside. The smell of fresh food hit him immediately. He hasn’t realized how hungry he was. He waited patiently at the counter, hearing commotion in the back, but not seeing any staff. Sean waited a bit more, and then, appearing in the doorframe to the kitchen was a very large man. His straight black hair heavy with sweat, his white T-shirt soaked as well, leaving little to the imagination as his muscular body struggled to stay inside the fabric. His dark nipples, and deep cut abs visible through the shirt. The man looked at Sean apologetically. “I’m so sorry!” He said quickly, “I’m helping my parents out here tonight and they left me alone. I’m trying to get everything finished. It will be just a moment.” His eyes pleading with Sean for compassion and understanding. Now. Sean would have been polite regardless, but this bronze statue of a man was making it too easy for him to be agreeable. “Of course. It’s no problem. I can go someplace else or come back later if that would be easier for you? If not I don’t mind waiting.” “Stay. I’ll be right with you!” And the man disappeared back into the kitchen. His strong sharp jawline and high cheekbones leaving a heavy impression on Sean. Sitting down to wait, Sean pulled out his phone. He saw he had a missed message from Clint, with an image attached. He knew better than to open that in public. The sound of heavy pans falling in the back snapped Sean back as he heard a heavy *thud*. Sean stood and looked in the doorway, trying to make sure everything was okay. He saw the long black pant legs perpendicular to the ground and rushed into the kitchen. Sean ran over to the man as he lay on the floor. “Hey.” “Hey!” Sean called getting alongside the wounded stranger. “Are you okay?” The man opened his eyes and winced. “My pride and ego are a bit bruised. But I’ll be fine.” He admitted. Sean look a moment to look at the name tag pinned to his shirt on his big chest. “Are you sure you’re okay, Rocky?” The big man sat up and looked at Sean, “yeah. I’m fine. I mopped earlier and since it’s just me didn’t put out a sign. I slipped and fell. Thank you for coming back to check on me. What’s your name?” Sean blushed without meaning to or without the ability to control it, “Sean.” He said, standing and extending his hand to help Rocky up. Rocky’s hand was large, but incredibly soft to the touch. Standing next to Rocky, Sean guessed he had to be 6’4” at least, and he was heavy, huge with ripped muscle. He looked like a competitive bodybuilder, but he was lean and cut. “Well it’s nice to meet you Sean.” And Rocky smiled. Sean turned to head back out and wait but Rocky reached out and grabbed his shoulder, the forced halting him in his tracks, “You never ordered. What can I make for you?” “I can wait. Honest.” Sean said sheepishly. “You just did me a kindness by coming to check on me, I’ll return the favor. Whatever you’d like, and it’s on the house.” “Do you have any of the soup already made up?” Rocky beamed, “I do! It’s my speciality here. I have a fresh pot I just finished storing. Let me get it for you.” Sean watched Rocky leave, enjoying the way his tight black pants hugged his thick thighs and round bubble butt. Rocky returned with a large container of soup, and some extra appetizers. Sean tried to refuse the extras but Rocky insisted. Sean looked at the food and Rocky could sense something was wrong. “What’s up? If you don’t like the appetizers I can take them back.” “No no.” Sean laughed, “they look and smell wonderful. I had just planned on getting take-out. “Shit! I’m sorry. Here let me…” Sean cut him off. “It’s okay, I’ll eat here. The atmosphere here is much better than my apartment.” Rocky looked back at the kitchen and then to Sean, “would you mind if I joined you? I haven’t had dinner yet, and it’s been a little lonely tonight.” Sean swooned internally, “I wouldn’t mind at all.” Rocky prepared himself the same as Sean, and joined him at a table out front, the small wooden chair creaking and groaning as he shifted his weight onto the chair. “So Rocky. Helping out your parents tonight?” “Yes. They insisted they needed a night away from the restaurant and I agree. Then spend entirely too much time working. I figured I could help them.” Rocky took a big spoonful of the creamy soup and continued, “what about you? Where do you work?” Sean and as scared to bore him, but as he told Rocky about his job and passion he saw not a hint of boredom in the dark brown eyes looking back at him.” “Rocky though? That’s an interesting name.” Sean joked, loosening up and feeling more comfortable around the not so stranger. Rocky laughed a deep laugh, “I get that a lot. My parents were huge fans of the Rocky Balboa movies when they immigrated here 30 years ago. So when they had me, it was their first choice.” “So how old are you?” Sean asked. “26, and you?” “27.” Sean replied. The two continued to eat and talk, as the night grew on, their soup grew cold. They had done more talking than eating. Around 9, Sean checked his phone. “I really should be going, I have work tomorrow.” Rocky dropped his head with a bit of disappointment. “Well. Thank you again for what you did.” Rocky said. “And thank you for the food. The soup was delicious.” Sean began to clean up the table, but Rocky stopped him. “Please, let me.” And he cleared the table and returned to the kitchen. “One last thing!” Rocky called from the kitchen, and he emerged with a coupon, “here, this will get you a free soup the next three visits to the store.” “Thank you.” Sean said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice that there was no phone number written on the coupon. “Have a good night!” Rocky called, waving to Sean, as he raised his arm in the air to wave, his shirt lifted up, exposing the veins and v line taper on his smooth lower stomach, and his dark hairy armpits showing hair spilling from the tight sleeve of the shirt. Sean walked the few blocks home. Reminiscing about the dinner he’d had. He looked at the coupon to see when it expired. As he shifted the coupon in his hand to inspect the fine print, he noticed his hand had been covering something written on the back. ‘When I said you could have anything, I meant it’ and a phone number followed. Sean practically skipped the rest of the way home. Absolutely thrilled with himself. When he walked inside he quickly sank into the couch. Almost immediately he debated on texting Rocky, but no, too soon, he didn’t want to look desperate. Instead he decided to check his messages from his dad. The picture opened and Sean forgot all about Rocky. Clint’s phone must have been placed at the foot of the bed, propped up. Clint was holding onto his legs and pulling them to his chest, exposing his furry hole to the camera. The true draw of the picture was what was IN Clint’s ass. The long, extravagant, cock was pushed down between his legs, and the huge head and first few inches had been stuffed into Clint’s hole. Sean could see the stretching the thick cock was causing his daddy’s hole to do. His huge thighs flexing with effort as they were held in place. Clint’s huge balls pushed to the side, noticeably swollen still. The message read, “Now I know why you had so much trouble taking this cock ;)” Sean needed to control himself. He needed a distraction, anything to take his mind off of that picture, because if he didn’t he’d blow his load right now thinking about it. He texted Rocky. Maybe a bit too soon, but either it worked or it didn’t, Sean decided he couldn’t couldn’t control if Rocky replied. “Hi, Rocky. This is Sean. I really should have gotten some soup to go. I can’t stop thinking about how good it was.” A but formal, cautious, but he played into the one experience they shared at this point. His phone vibrated, damn that was quick. “Anytime you need some, let me know. I’d be happy to make a delivery.” Rocky was confident and forward, very much up Sean’s ally. The two continued their flirting game back and forth until finally Sean knew he needed to go to bed. They said goodnight, and Sean passed out. The next two days went by easier for Sean. Rocky was able to keep his mind off of his dad, and without teasing Clint, his father had held off on sending any more pictures. But now it was Friday. After work, he’d get to see Clint again. His whole body ached to be near his dad again, a carnal lust consuming him. His hole twitched as he anticipated his dad’s cock. Sean had eagerly worked on stretching his hole this week, and he was now up to the thickest butt plug, he’d decided to wear it all day to prepare. As he sat at his desk the constant feeling of the plug drove him wild as he pictured sitting on his dad’s cock instead. His head swam with plans and ideas and all things he wanted to do tonight to please and service his huge dad. 5 o’clock took forever to come, but it finally came. Sean eagerly texted Clint, “I’m off work, headed your way now!” Clint replied, “hurry up son. My balls are so full their about to bust!” Followed by a picture of his absolutely massive bulging package in a pair of tight underwear, the huge orbs of his swollen testicles hanging out the side. They were fucking full, and Sean intended to have them drained by morning. Sean drove to his dad’s house, parking and quickly hurrying to the door. As he reached for the door, the handle moved out of his grasp and standing in the doorway was Clint. He was in a tank top stringer, the straps looking pathetically small as they draped over his pecs. The side of the string split down the length of his torso, showing off his obliques and allowing his wide lats to extend out. Below the waist, Clint was only wearing a pair of briefs, the poor fabric looked like it would rip at any moment as it fought to hold back the python within. Clint picked Sean up and planted a kiss on him, his fresh stubble scratching against Sean’s smooth face, Sean’s boner threatening to blow his load right then. Clint sat him down, “it’s about damn time, get in here!” And he grabbed Sean’s arm and pulled him inside. Clint practically ripped Sean’s clothes off of his body, leaving nothing and exposing him right there in the entryway. “Oh fuck yes!” Clint growled. He picked up Sean and pushed him into the wall, squashing Sean’s body between the plaster and his pumped up chest. Clint bounced his pecs as the two made out. Sean’s hands wandering of the huge pecs pinning him to the wall, and Clint’s hands exploring Sean’s body. “Oh what’s this?” Clint said as he poked the plug that was still inside Sean, “you prepped for daddy?” “Yes sir.” Sean whimpered. “Good. Because I need to FUCK!” Sean heard a ripping noise and Clint released a primal growl, “arghhhhh!” And Sean felt his huge, thick, hard cock slap against his ass. “Dad did…” “Did my cock just rip out of my underwear to get to your ass? Yes.” Sean shivered as his cock was dangerously close to cumming. Rubbing against Clint’s stringer, feeling his rippling hard muscles grind against it, and the absolute raw horny power Clint possessed. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.” And he carried Sean through the house, holding him firmly by the ass, Sean kissing Clint’s neck as the older man made his way down the hallway. Sean savored the salty taste of sweat on Clint’s thick neck. Rubbing his hand’s all over Clint’s huge upper body, squeezing his shredded arms, tracing the thick veins running over his pumped bicep, licking and kissing Clint’s tall trap muscles and making his way back up his dad’s neck. Clint was growling, primal, a deep rumbling sound that made Sean shiver with anticipation.Sean looked down, watching his dad’s long extravagant boner swing from side to side, and his balls, they were huge! Clint walked into his bedroom and tossed Sean on the bed. Sean landed and bounced, catching himself and sitting back on his elbows. Clint stood at the edge of the bed, hands placed on his hips. He had taken his stringer top off and was completely naked. Sean’s mouth hung open as he drooled over his father. Clint looked powerful, a huge hairy muscle bull, ready to breed. His muscles glistened with a slight sheen of sweat, his big furry body pumped and jacked to the absolute max. His arms at his side were showing off his biceps and his thickly corded muscled forearms. Clint’s hairy barrel chest dominated Sean’s view as the two heavy pecs pressed forward, his huge silver dollar sized nipples pointed to the ground under the weight of the muscular pecs. His abs defined, each one as large as Sean’s hand. His tree trunk like thighs, with each separate muscle noticeable even through the thick layer of fur on them. At the center of it all, was the cock. The cock that made him. The biggest thickest cock Sean had ever seen. The head swollen and red as precum flowed out, long heavy drops leaking to the floor. At the base of the cock, his swollen nuts. They were engorged with cum, two big round globes ready to pump out load after load. “Well.” Clint said, bringing Sean back to reality, how long had he been staring? “Huh?” Sean said, he had been so lost admiring his father’s giant body that he had missed something. “I said, are you ready to worship daddy?” Sean’s cock ached as he moved forward on the bed, reaching a hand out and placing it on Clint’s hairy pec. He slowly rubbed the thick coat of hair, gently pulling as Clint flexed and turned the muscle under Sean’s hand into a solid mass of muscle. Sean raised himself up, and licked his dad’s big nipple, slowly sucking and swirling his tongue around, feeling the nipple swell and erect in his mouth. Sean felt his dad’s huge hard cock poking his stomach, leaving a sticky wet trail as Sean teased and pleasured the big man. Clint pulled his hips back and then thrust them forward, the strength of his big cock ramming into Sean pushed him back and he landed on the bed. Sean watched as his dad got on the bed and placed one large hand on his chest, holding him to the bed. Clint then swung one massive leg over, and he was now straddling Sean’s chest. Sean felt the pressure on either side on his body as his dad’s powerful thighs held him in place. Looking up, he could only see the thick veiny mass that was his dad’s cock. On his chin, he felt the hot bull balls, they hung low and heavy. “Show daddy how much you want that load.” Clint said as he began stroking his cock. Sean went to work licking Clint’s balls, tasting the salty taste of sweat and dried precum. Each ball was too big to actually fit in his mouth, so Sean settled for fondling them, sucking them, and licking them. “Fuck dad, they’re so full.” “I know boy, I can’t wait to, ungffff, I can’t wait to fill you up.” As he said it, Sean felt a big glob of precum land in his hair as his dad got excited at the thought of breeding his son. Clint backed up and moved Sean easily and quickly so that Sean was now laying on top of his dad. He felt his cock slide between Clint’s pecs in the deep cavern, and he felt his dad’s strong hands on his ass as it was spread open. “Let’s get this ass ready for daddy.” Clint said, pulling the plug out with a satisfying *pop*. “Oh yeah. What a good boy, preparing all week for his daddy.” And Clint dove his face into Sean’s ass, his stubble rubbing against the exposed smooth skin on Sean’s ass. Clint pulled back a back and landed a solid spank on Sean’s ass, as his hand connected he gripped and shook Sean’s ass cheek. “Fuck what a pretty ass, I’m going to break you in half.” And he resumed his work on Sean’s hole. Slowly working in one, two, then three long thick fingers easily into Sean’s wet gaping hole. Sean wanted to impress his dad as well. He focused his attention on the big cock in front of him. With his tongue, we worked in a swirling motion on the ultra sensitive head, savoring the flavor of the copious amounts of precum gushing forth. “What a big daddy dick.” Sean said as he stroked Clint’s length. “I’m the luckiest boy in the world.” With the compliment, Clint’s cock responded by burping up a wad of precum that Sean quickly cleaned off. “Look how hard daddy is for his boy.” Sean continued to tease Clint, licking the most sensitive spots on his dad’s cock, caressing his balls with his small soft hands, and above all, feeding into Clint’s ego and deep desire to be a good father. “FUCK!” Sean said, suddenly taken by surprise as Clint pushed his whole hand inside his ass. “I think your ready for something a little bigger.” Clint said as he slowly removed his hand from Sean’s ass. Sean’s cock had not been neglected as Clint squeezed it between his massive pecs, bouncing them as Sean bucked his hips, feeling the rock hard muscles grip and grind Sean’s equally hard cock. Sean left a sticky stream of cum deep between Clint’s hairy pecs, before he was lifted off his dad’s body. He felt one large hand placed on his chest as he was manhandled by his father. Another hand gripped his thigh, the big palm holding tight as it almost encircled Sean’s small leg. Clint lifted Sean above his head, and Sean reached down and grabbed his dad’s forearm for balance, feeling the rippling muscles that made up Clint’s thick forearm. Then Clint began to bench press Sean. Up and down Sean moved as he watched his dad’s muscles work and flex, knowing his weight was nothing for his dad. Clint stopped lifting Sean and held him in the air, his arms solid and unshaking. “You ready to get fucked by a real man?” Clint said, a lustful smile plastered across his god like face. “I’m ready dad, fuck your son.” Sean said, continuing to rub Clint’s arm in awe of the size and power still. Clint changed his hand hold on Sean, Sean absolutely loved the way Clint just manhandled him and manipulated him as he pleased. Clint used his large hands to hold Sean’s thighs and sides, one hand on each side, pressing Sean’s thighs to his torso, holding him up so that his ass was pointed directly down. Sean felt the big helmet of Clint’s cock poke against his hole, as stretched as it was, the head was still so big it was going to take some force to push it in. Clint held Sean in this position for a moment, Sean could feel his dad’s rapid heartbeat pulsing in the head of his cock as it twitched against his hole, coating it in so much precum that it dripped back down onto his balls. “You sure you’re ready son?” He said, hesitating. “I’ll take it slow.” “I want to feel every inch of your cock dad.” Clint moaned, Sean said “Use me like a toy, fucking use my hole, please daddy.” Clint lowered Sean onto his cock, the head sliding in to Sean’s tight warm hole, Sean’s body gripping on to Clint. “Fuckkkk son, you feel so good.” Clint lowered Sean down a bit more on his cock, then raised him up until just the head was inside. He repeated this, Sean simply held his legs to his body and let Clint do all the work as he was used like a cock sleeve. Sean felt his hole accepting the thickness of his dad’s cock as Clint pushed further and further into Sean. “Halfway there boy, you’re being such a good boy for daddy.” As he said it, Sean felt his dad’s cock swell a bit in his ass. “Fuck dad, it’s so big!” Sean said, controlling his breathing and accepting every inch Clint had. They continued their dance, Clint lowering Sean bit by bit onto his steel hard cock, and Sean showering his huge dad with praise and worship. Finally, Sean felt his ass sitting on his dad’s waist, the dad’s big sweaty balls finally touching his ass. Clint removed his hands, and Sean sat for a moment, feeling his dad’s monster cock so deep inside of him. “It feels sooooo good daddy.” Sean said, as he wiggled his ass on Clint’s cock, grinding in circles as Clint threw his head back in pleasure. “Shitttt son. Why don’t you ride that cock. Show daddy how much you love my big hard dick inside your little hole.” Sean leaned forward and placed his hands on Clint’s pecs, Clint reacted by flexing them, creating a solid rock hard foundation for Sean to hold on to. Slowly Sean raised his ass up, and then slammed it back down onto Clint’s cock. “Oh fuck yeah!” Clint cried as Sean repeated this again and again, working the entire length of Clint’s hefty cock. Clint brought his arms up behind his head and flexed his biceps. Sean changed his grip and grabbed on to Clint’s huge biceps. “Fucking huge. Oh my god!” Sean squeezed with all his power, but couldn’t make a dent in the dense muscled biceps. “Yeah, ride daddy’s thick cock boy! Fuck yeah. Just like that!” Client was starting to buck his hips as the lust was taking over and he began to lose composure and control. “Time for daddy to put in some work.” Clint said, wrapping his arms around Sean’s back and pulling his face to his chest, trapping Sean and surrounding him with solid hairy muscle. Clint raised his legs up and began to thrust his cock inside Sean, slowly at first, but picking up pace quickly. The wet smacking noise of his huge balls smacking against Sean’s ass with every pleasurable thrust. Sean moaned into Clint’s chest, licking the sweat that had began to gather on the beasts’ chest. “Fuck. I’m going to breed your tight little pussy!” Clint growled into Sean’s ear, “Are you ready for daddy’s load?” “Yes sir.” Sean whimpered out, his words ragged and broken as Clint rammed his ass. “Yeah, you want that big daddy load?!” Clint said, his cock swelling inside Sean, turning into a red hot iron rod, one final thrust and… “AHHHHHHHUGHHHH FUCKKKKKKK!” Clint roared, his cock began to dump pints of white hot cum inside Sean. Sean was babbling incoherently, his mouth hung open and his tongue out as he panted and drooled and smiled as he was filled to the brim with Clint’s load. Clint dropped his arms down to his side, spread eagle on the bed, releasing Sean from his tight grip. Sean lay on his dad’s enormous body, panting, and stuck to him by their sweat. “You’re still hard.” Sean said, feeling his dad’s throbbing meat still plugging his hole. Clint chuckled, shaking Sean as his chest rose and fell. “So are you.” Clint replied, flexing his abs and stimulating Sean’s cock as it lay trapped between their bodies. “So, what position do you want to get fucked in next?” Clint said, reaching his long arms down and gripping Sean’s ass in his rough hands. Rubbing and squeezing Sean’s bare ass. “I want to lay on my back while you fuck me, so I can watch you flex your muscles.” Clint got a devilish sly smile on his face, and he bit his lip, “I like the way you think son.” With that, Clint grabbed onto Sean and rolled the two of them over in bed, without letting his cock leave Sean’s hole. He lay his big body on top of Sean, letting his son feel his weight just for a moment. He then raised himself up and spread Sean’s legs apart, bringing them to rest on his huge body. Sean looked up in awe as his dad towered over him. “Enjoying the view, tiny?” Clint said winking. Sean sat forward, reaching his hands forward and rubbing down his dad’s body. “I love it.” Was all he said. Clint looked down, and then he cracked his neck and grabbed Sean’s ankles. As he pulled his cock out, Sean could feel the huge load his dad had just put inside of him following the cock out, coating ever bit of his insides. Then Clint picked up the pace and got into a rhythm. “Fuck yeah dad! Right there, just like that!” Sean said, Clint’s cock was perfectly stimulating his prostate, he could feel himself about to cum. “Yeah, just like that?” Clint said, then he threw his arms up into a wide front double bicep pose, holding it as he fucked Sean. “Just like that, big muscle daddy fuckin your ass, yeah! Fuckin take it!” With that Clint dropped his arms and bunched his pecs up, flexing a most muscular. His muscles fought for space as his huge chest expanded, pushing against his biceps. Veins and striations popped from under his hairy skin, and he growled and grunted and Sean lost control. He shot his load. It flew past his head, Clint kept pounding him, each thrust in pushed another shot of cum out of Sean’s cock. “Fu-u-u-u-u-u-ck dad!” Sean called as Clint picked up his pace again. “That tight ass…squeezin on…ungf…my fat cock…” Clint’s face contorted. “I’m close son, where do you want this load?” Clint bit his lip, holding back from shooting another giant load. “Cover me in it dad!” Sean said. No sooner than the words left his mouth, Clint pulled his cock court of the tight hole and he began to pump shot after shot all over Sean. Some flew past Sean’s head and hit the headboard of the bed with an audible splatter, more cum raced out of Clint’s cock and landed on Sean’s face, it was the most spectacular facial. Then Clint began to jack his cock, pumping more and more cum onto Sean’s torso, painting him in a thick white load. Clint finally smacked his heavy cock against Sean’s body, the immense amount of cum covering Sean’s body made a satisfying noise as Clint began to rub his cock in the pools of cum he’d painted on his son. Sean could feel the first massive load leaking out of his tortured hole. “So much cum dad.” “I know, and I’m still so fucking hard!” As he said it, Clint rubbed his cock along Sean’s cum covered ass crack, his swollen cock head demanding entry. “Come here!” Clint said, slamming his body down onto Sean’s. He wrapped his thick arms around his son, and kissed him again. As they kissed Clint lifted Sean up off the bed. As he stood, his powerful cock standing hard as it rubbed against Sean’s ass. “Ready for round three?” Clint said pulling away from the kiss. “God you’re such a hot stud dad.” “Mmm my boy likes his big daddy doesn’t he. You like getting fucked by someone so much bigger than you?” “Yes sir!” Sean said, letting his hands roam over his dad’s built body yet again. “Then take it!” Clint said as he impaled Sean on his cock. Forcing in his entire girthy length into Sean’s hole which was now a perfectly formed sleeve for the massive dick. The two moved in rhythm, in unison, Clint using his strong arms to hold Sean into place, his powerful legs to pump his cock in and out of Sean, and Sean working on flexing and relaxing his hole and worshiping Clint’s huge body. “Cum for me daddy, please, I need more!” Sean begged as Clint fucked him deep. “Yeah, you want more?!” Clint said, gripping Sean’s ass in a vice. Sean grabbed and twisted and pulled Clint’s nipples, and his cock responded, taking up even more of Sean’s insides as it swelled with power. “Boy, you keep doin that and you’ll get your wish.” Clint said as he pushed Sean against the wall and kissed him again. Sean moaned with his dad’s big tongue invading his mouth pinching and pulling on Clint’s thick nipples. As they kissed, Clint moaned his deep primal groan into Sean’s mouth, the baritone vibrations gave Sean a new pleasure he’d never experienced. Then he felt it. A new flood of cum being pumped into his hole, but Clint didn’t slow down. He kept fucking Sean at a furious pace. “Your ass feels so good, full of my fuckin cum fuckkkkk.” Clint was an animal, a beast in heat, cum started to leak out of Sean’s ass as Clint continued to pump more and more into Sean. Finally, it stopped, and Clint pulled his face back. “That was fucking incredible.” He said as he returned the two of them to the bed. Sean noticed at some point he had came again, but he was shooting blanks now, absolutely drained by the powerful force of nature that is his father. As Clint and Sean lay on the bed, Sean could feel his dad’s cock growing softer inside him. It slid of out of abused hole followed by a rush of cum, the wet sloppy noise causing them both to laugh. “Holy shit dad.” Was all Sean could manage. “You did so well boy. I’m so proud of you. Not many little guys like you could handle getting fucked like that.” “I’d do anything to please you.” Sean said, rubbing his hand on Clint’s bicep, Clint flexed it for him in return. “And I’d do anything to please you.” Clint said as he relaxed his arm, his breathing slowed, and the two fell asleep exhausted. Sean on top of Clint, using his big pecs as pillows, the both of them covered in sweat and cum. In his sleep, Clint placed one arm over Sean, holding him, and they slept through the night. In the morning, Sean woke, still wrapped in his dad’s big arms, his head relaxing against the huge pillow sized pecs. Sean noticed Clint wasn’t awake yet, but his mouth was dangerously close to Clint’s fat nipple. Sticking his tongue out, Sean began to lick his father’s nipple. Clint did not wake up, but his cock did. Sean felt his dad’s huge cock, which was sandwiched between both of their stomachs, being to grow. Longer, harder, thicker, with every lap of Sean’s tongue, his dad’s cock responded in kind, shoving Sean’s body out of the way with it’s power. Sean looked up, his dad was fast asleep. Sliding his body out from under his dad’s arms slowly, Clint barely stirred. Sean climbed down beneath the covers, and was greeted with the beautiful sight of his dad’s huge morning wood. Sean watched as it twitched and throbbed, the huge mushroom head expanding, swelling, growing, bigger and bigger with each pump of blood. Sean grabbed his dad’s cock with both hands, unable to wrap his hands around it, and barely covering half of the huge dick in his hands. Sean smelled his dad’s sweaty balls and began to lick each hairy nut, savoring the strong salty flavor of the nights sweat. Sean began to suck on each ball, taking as much of it as he could in his mouth, then slowly licking up the length of Clint’s long cock, then twirling his tongue around the sensitive head, feeling the cock reposed by thickening in his hands. Sean moved his mouth, stretched his jaw, and practiced taking the whole fist sized head in his mouth, if he could just get it, he knew he could please his daddy so much with his mouth, he wanted so bad for one of those huge loads to be shot directly down his throat, warm and thick, and… Sean gagged, the massive cock forcing it’s way down his throat, a huge hand on the back of his head, Sean felt spit pouring out of his mouth, coating the cock as he choked and gagged. Then, as quickly as it had happened, a huge hand placed on either side of his head pulled his off of his dad’s cock. Sean coughed, spit dripping from his mouth, then a bright light assaulted his eyes as the covers were lifted. From between Clint’s legs he was greeted with the most wonderful sight. Sprawling in front of his lay the vast expanse of his dad’s body, the soaking wet cock rested against Clint’s furry abs, and his monster pecs shaking as the giant laughed. “Well, good morning to you too son.” Clint said, his head rising up over his pecs like the sun rising over a mountainous landscape, his smile warming Sean and forcing him to smile himself. “I never get tired of that sight dad.” “What do you mean, son?” Clint said, an arrogant smile painted across his handsome face. “Go ahead, tell daddy.” Sean bit his lip, and repositioned his hands on his dad’s cock. “I love looking up across your whole body, feeling your throbbing cock, and watching your big hairy muscles exude power.” “Come here boy.” Clint said, pulling Sean from his cock and pulling him in for a kiss. Holding Sean by his waist, Clint flipped him over so Sean was once again face his dad’s cock, “Let daddy make you feel good too.” With that Clint swallowed Sean’s cock, taking every inch, and then even his balls into his gaping mouth, swirling his tongue around on Sean’s balls. “Dad…uhgh…one second… please…” Client removed Sean’s entire crotch from his mouth. “What son, I was just getting to enjoy myself.” “I can feel that.” Sean laughed, “But I want you to shoot this load in my mouth, I want to take it all down my throat. “You sure you can handle that, you know how much daddy cums.” “I can do it.” Sean said, the determination on his face a huge turn on for Clint. Sean worked his dad’s hard pole, it was perfect, so big that he could use both hands to work the bottom part, and still give an expert blowjob to the top. Sean jerked and twisted his dad’s cock. Clint moaned, his deep Neanderthal grunts vibrating Sean’s cock which was entirely in his dad’s mouth. Sean released one hand from his dad’s cock and began to massage the huge balls, gently tugging on them and eliciting pleasure from Clint in the form of huge pumps of precum down Sean’s throat. It tasted sweet, it was addicting, it was everything. Sean moaned on pleasure, the vibrations in the back of his throat stimulating Clint’s cockhead. Swollen as it was as it rubbed back and forth in Sean’s throat. Clint grabbed Sean’s hips and lifted his son’s bottom half, pulling Sean’s cock out of his mouth while Sean still worked at a fever pitch on Clint’s cock. “Son…” Clint said, through ragged breaths, “Keep that up, just like that…” Sean bucked his hips, begging Clint to take him in his mouth once again. As Clint put his son’s cock back in his mouth, he stuck his tongue out and licked Sean’s balls, at the same time, he pushed two thick fingers into Sean’s hole, feeling how wet it was from his own loads the night before, but it was pulled tight again. Clint felt Sean’s ass twitch and tighten around his fingers, then Sean shoved his cock down Clint’s throat and blew his load. Clint savored the sweet taste of his son’s cum as it poured down his throat, knowing he was the reason his son was so horny. Knowing he was his son’s ultimate dream. Clint shot, without warning, he shoved his hips forward, his powerful thrust pushing his cock deeper down Sean’s throat. Sean relaxed, ready. Clint shot load after load, Sean drinking the thick cream as if it were his job, tugging on his dad’s balls, willing ever drop to pour into his throat. Finally, the torrential flood slowed, and Sean slowly pulled himself off of Clint’s huge daddy dick. Slobber and cum dripping from his mouth as he pulled away. Sean went back in licking up all of the leftover cum, torturing the sensitive head of Clint’s cock with his tongue as he swallowed the last bit of cum. Sean looked up at his dad, a stupid smile painted across his face as he wiped spit and cum away from hip lips with the back of his hand. “Well?” Sean asked eagerly, “How was it?!” Clint took a deep breath, dropping his head heavily back onto his pillow, “Son…” He said, refusing to let his hands stop caressing Sean’s body, “That was incredible.” “I told you I could do it.” Sean said, eagerly taking in his dad’s approval. Clint chuckled, “I know, I have to say though, I doubted you.” “I doubted myself for a second too, somewhere between the 7th and 8th volley of cum I thought I was a goner.” Sean shot Clint a huge smile, and Clint pulled him in for a sloppy kiss, the two of them sharing each others cum as they relaxed onto the bed. “Say, I’m going to workout, would you like to come with me?” Clint asked. “I’m pretty sore dad, I’ll be honest.” “I hear you. But, what if you just came and watched me and felt my muscles while I push around unreal amounts of weight?” “Dad, it’s almost like you just want to spend time with me or something.” Sean teasingly said. “You caught me. Come on!” Clint practically begged, “It’s chest, shoulders, and cardio, and I know how much you love daddy’s big pecs.” “I’ll come, but only if you promise to flex out of some clothes after.” Clint cocked his eyebrow at Sean, “That’s all I have to do?” He said with a sly smile and raising one of his thick eyebrows, “I’ll flex out of anything you want me to.” With that Clint smacked Sean’s ass, not with his full strength but just enough to create a satisfying *smack*. Clint rolled out of bed, leaving Sean laying there, watching his dad’s big lumbering body walk towards the door, his thick thighs ruining any hope he had of a straight line walk. “We can wait to shower after too, I like having your cum plastered on me.” Clint said, looking over his shoulder and beckoning Sean to follow him, and Sean did. Sean followed his dad to the garage, watching his wide back navigate each doorway and turn, and watching the shadow of his pendulous cock swing between his legs. His hard-on refused to go away. They entered the gym and Sean’s heart was throbbing with anticipation right along side his cock. “I think I’ll do some push-ups as a warm up.” Clint began, “why don’t you climb on my back.” Clint lowered himself to the floor and lie as flat as he could on his stomach, his bulging muscles lifting him off the ground. Sean looked down at his dad on the floor as Clint looked back over his shoulder beaming a smile, Sean wasn’t sure who was more excited. Sean laid down on his dad’s back, immediately feeling the heat and sweat. Sean positioned his cock between Clint’s huge ass cheeks, feeling them completely swallow his cock between them. Clint raised his body up. “Fuck boy, you’re so hard.” Clint said, Sean reached around and tugged at his dad’s nipples as he lie on his back. “How’d you like to put it inside?” Sean sucked in a breath of air. He wasn’t even sure he could, the huge tight muscles of Clint’s ass could crush his cock, and his glutes so thick Sean wasn’t sure his cock could even reach his dad’s hole. But fuck did he want to try. “Can I dad?” Sean asked, grinding his cock between Clint’s sweaty cheeks, feeling the hair rub against his sensitive head. “Go for it son, you’ve earned it.” Sean moved his body and pressed his cock forward. Against the tip, he felt his dad’s hole, the warm tight entrance begging him to enter. Sean thrust again, the tip and first few inches penetrating before he bottomed out with his pelvis hard against his dad’s massive muscled ass. “Mmm feels good boy, try not to cum until I’m done doing this set.” Sean wasn’t all that sure he could last, the embrace of his father’s hole was tighter than any grip he’d ever felt, and as Clint proceeded with his push-ups, he would flex and unflex his ass, squeezing and releasing Sean’s cock as he went. “Dad, I can’t…” Sean trailed off, trying to focus on the feeling of his dad’s nipples between his fingers, rolling around the eraser sized nubs, but that only turned him on more. “I can’t..I’m gunna…aghhhhhhhhhh!” Sean grunted and tugged at Clint’s nipples as he came, pumping his load inside Clint. “Damn son.” Clint said, falling down to his stomach, “Did you like that?” Sean was breathless, speechless, his entire body suctioned to his dad’s wide back with sweat as he relished the feeling of his cock inside his dad’s tight hole, refusing to let it go, his cum still wet against his cock. “That was… incredible.” Sean said. “Well, lucky for you, the workout hasn’t even started, that was barely a warm-up.” With that, Sean rolled off of his dad’s back, and onto the floor, his cock sliding out. Clint stood above him, his manhood hard and long, pointing down at Sean, a drop of precum falling off the tip and landing on Sean’s lips, he licked it up, then stood. Reaching out with both hands he grabbed onto his dad’s length. “Then what’s next?” He replied as he suctioned his lips around his dad’s nipple. Clint moved to a bench, sitting down, his long cock dangled between his legs he grabbed two dumbbells and leaned back. He began to press them over his head. Sean looked at the huge metal bars in his dad’s grip, the thick dark iron held tight in his hand. They were thick, the dumbbells. Sean looked at the side of them to see how much each weighed. Imprinted on the side of the weights was a bright white “200lbs”. Sean watched as Clint effortlessly pressed the weight again and again, his chest swelling beyond belief each time. Sean walked over to where Clint was, and dropped to his knees. Sticking his tongue out, he licked from the head of Clint’s cock all the way up the length, and then swallowed as much as he could. Grabbing Clint’s balls, each in one hand as they were too big to hold together in just one, Sean tugged on them. Clint’s cock responded with a shot of precum into Sean’s waiting throat. Heavy metal clanged on the floor as Clint dropped the weights. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Sean looked up confused, but so aroused. He let his father’s cock fall from his mouth as he stared up at the huge muscled god that was his father. “What do you mean?” Sean said, suddenly worried he had done something wrong. “I can’t focus on working out with you here. I just want to plow your little ass instead.” Sean turned around and spread his cheeks, “Oh, does this distract you?” As he said it he felt hands gripping at his waist, lifting him in the air. He looked down and Clint’s cock had rose to attention, the head flairing aggressively as it pointed towards Sean. “Mmmm son, what are we going to do?” Clint said, lust on his lips as he held back the urge. He lowered Sean down, rubbing Zack on the length of his huge manhood like Zack was a sex toy. “Maybe…” Sean began, trying to clear his thoughts and take them away from the huge pole poking at his hole, “maybe, I could ride your cock while you workout.” Clint looked Sean in the eyes, the deep shade in his eyes as he looked at Sean hungrily. A slight stumble was apparent on his jaw. Clint lie back on a loaded up bench, his heavy cock laying on his stomach, Sean hefted the cock up so it stood straight and tall. He held it in his hands, feeling the hot veiny power in his hands. He sat on Clint’s stomach, letting the huge cock rest against his ass and extend up his back. Sean looked down at his dad as Clint positioned his hand’s on the bar to heavy with weight that it bowed in the middle. Sean used both of his hands to massage Clint’s cock as it throbbed against his back. Sean arched his back, raised his body up, and guided his father’s thick cock into his hole. Slowly lowering himself down onto the monster shaft. “Fuckkkkk!” Clint said, throwing his head back. “That ass is always so fucking tight!” Sean clamped his mouth shut as he fought back a scream of pain and pleasure coupled into one. He fell forward onto Clint’s chest, gripping the rock hard muscle as he struggled to relax his hole. “Dad…” He breathed out, feeling the huge cock deep inside him. Clint lifted the bar off of the rack and his chest exploded with the weight, “Just relax boy, focus on Daddy’s muscles, focus on how big and strong I am.” Sean straightened back up and tried to focus on his dad’s body, taking in the sight as his chest seemed to swell as he pressed the weight over and over. Sean moved his body up and down, using his dad’s chest to support himself as he rode his cock. Clint was grunting a deep primal grunt, growling as he continued to heave the weight as if it weighed nothing. Finally he racked the back and Sean grabbed his nipples, yanking and twisting them and he felt Clint’s cock stiffen harder, the head swelling, expanding in his ass. Clint stood and picked him up, holding Sean’s ass, his hands each seeming bigger than Sean’s ass cheeks. Clint gripped his ass hard as he pushed Sean down to the hilt of his cock. Sean buried his face in Clint’s chest, feeling his cock grinding against the stone hard muscle. “I’m going to cum.” Sean breathed as Clint moved him up and down on his cock like he was no more than a pocket pussy. Sean loved the feeling of just being used by this huge man. “Do it!” Clint said, “Cum for daddy.” Sean shot his load, and Clint tightened his grip on Sean’s ass, “It’s so tight when you cum fuckkkkkkkkk.” He slammed Sean down on his cock and his cock began to throb and jerk as Clint unloaded into him. Clint slowly lifted Sean off his cock and lifted him up over his mountainous chest and to his face. When his cock slopped out of Sean, cum ran from his hole and spilled onto the floor, he could feel the massive load warm and covering his insides as Clint had shot so much so deep into him. Clint pulled Sean in for a kiss, as he pulled away, he had a huge smile on his face. “What?” Sean said, blushing as he felt his dad’s hands caressing his ass with his rough hands. “Nothing really, son, I’m just finally happy.” “Me too dad, me too.” One month had passed since Sean and Clint had last worked out together, Clint’s work had picked up again, and the same with Sean. In that time, Sean had gotten closer to Rocky. Something about finally having acceptance from his father had spurred him to continue talking to Rocky, and he knew he couldn’t date his dad, so he needed to find someone, and Rocky was the perfect fit in his life. While the two hadn’t exactly called themselves exclusive, they had texted and talked on the phone most every day for the past month. A few times they had gone out to a restaurant or a bar, and Sean had decided it was finally time to tell his dad about Rocky. *Hey Dad, I have something I need your advice on, care if I come over tonight?* Sean sent the message and relaxed back on his couch, a notification chimed in, *Absolutely, son. I’m off work at 5, come by any time after.” Sean spent his day finishing up some documents for work, all the while, texting Rocky. He had no one else to truly confide in about how nervous he was to introduce a man to his dad, and they weren’t even dating, all of these things he should have experienced when he was 18 were now so much bigger, so much more important. Rocky reassured him that his dad would be okay and he’s never been anything but supportive since they came back together a short time ago. Now, Rocky had no idea just how close Sean and his Dad had become, but even still, Sean knew he was right. Sean got in his car and headed to his father’s house. He felt familiar butterflies in his stomach as he got closer. Truthfully, he was wondering is his dad had gotten any bigger since the last time they’d seen each other, I mean, a month is a long time in Sean’s eyes. He pulled up and knocked on the door, before it even opened he could feel the floorboards on the porch shaking as Clint approached the door. At once the light shining from the back of the house through to the windows on the door went dark, and Sean braced himself for what he knew was coming. The door swung open and Sean’s jaw dropped. Taller than the door frame, wider than the door, Clint took up the entire space where the front door had just been. He was wearing a pair of tight khaki pants, which did very little to hide the beast beneath. His button down plaid shirt was bursting open with the top several buttons undone and hair and muscle poured from the opening. Huge hairy arms reached for Sean and gripped him, pulling him in for a hug. His face rubbing against the steel hard hairy pecs, feeling the thick forearms holding him close, and he was pulled inside the house, the door closing behind them. “Sean! It’s so good to see you, it’s been too long.” Clint sat Sean down on the floor and Sean looked up at his dad. At once his train of thought for why he was here left as all of the blood in his brain drained into his hardening cock. “It’s good to see you too, dad.” Sean said, trying to see his dad’s face over his mountainous chest, he had to take a step back to see Clint’s award winning smile. “Well come in, sit down. I just got home from work so I need to shower and change, it’s been too hot outside and I feel gross.” Sean walked over to the couch and sat down, noticing how the wood and cushions sagged from the weight that was applied to them every time Clint sat down. He sunk into the big couch, and Clint sat beside him. Placing his arm around Sean, Sean’s face fell into the deep sink between Clint’s thick lats, his armpit, and his chest. Sean picked out the distinct scents, deodorant, musk, cologne, sweat, he took a deep inhale without really meaning to. “You like that?” Clint said, shooting a sly grin down at Sean. Sean blushed at being caught, but he couldn’t deny it, his hard cock was a testament to exactly how much he did, in fact, love it. He took another deep inhale, “You know I do.” He said to Clint. “What have you been up to son, catch me up.” Sean snapped back remembering why he was here, but he wasn’t ready to talk about it. “We can get to me later, I want to know how you managed to get even bigger?!” Sean said, lazily running his hand across Clint’s chest and into his open shirt, searching for the fat nipple he knew was hidden. “Oh this?” Clint said as he threw up his arm that wasn’t around Sean and flexed, the basketball sized muscle exploding out of the sleeve and rising up as the shirt protested and lost as it shredded along his big arm, “I’m not sure, I just can’t stop getting more massive. It’s my curse to be fucking huge.” “Seems like a good curse.” Sean replied. Clint sighed, “Well, aside from never being able to keep clothes without shredding them, going anywhere without having all eyes on you, constantly feeling like a freakshow, it’s okay.” Sean looked up at Clint, “A freakshow?” He echoed. “I mean, look at me,” Clint said as he used his free hand to gesture at his huge body, “Anywhere I go, I’m the biggest one there. I can’t do shit in public without strapping down my cock so I don’t get arrested for indecent exposure, I sure as hell can’t buy any clothes in a store anymore. Hell, even when I go out to eat the stares I get at the amount of food I order…” Clint trailed off. Sean picked up that this was something that had been eating away at his dad for quite some time now, and just like Sean, he had no one else really to confide in. “I don’t know. It sounds stupid, so many men would kill to have these problems, but at times…it just feels like a burden too heavy for even me to bear.” Sean picked his body up and moved so he was sitting on Clint’s lap, facing him. He moved both of his hands and began to unbutton Clint’s shirt. One at a time he fought to pull open the buttons as they were pulled so tight around Clint’s body. At the last button he slowly pulled Clint’s shirt open and exposed the mass of muscle and hair beneath. He planed his hands on Clint’s chest and began to massage the thick fibers of muscle. “Dad, I…” Sean said, working to form the right words to help his father. “I’m so sorry you’ve gone through that.” He pulled open Clint’s shirt more, exposing his hard nipples on either side of his wide chest. Moving his hands down and rubbing Clint’s rock hard stomach, moving his hands over the grooves of his large abdominal muscles. “I wonder though, what if you just embraced it?” Clint cocked his head to the side, Sean wasn’t sure if he was pondering or confused. “What do you mean, son?” Clint said. “I mean, quit your job where you have to dress up like this. Quit trying to be ‘normal’ and go into bodybuilding, you’d win every competition, guys would line up around the block to be trained by you, you’d get sponsor deals, it could be a whole thing.” Clint looked at Sean quizzically. “It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but I don’t even know where I’d start with all of that, and I’m too old for a career change like that anyhow.” “Too old?!” Sean said, a tinge of humor in his voice, “Dad if anything you look younger than half of the men at the gym any how, not to mention twice as big at least. You know what I think?” Sean asked. “What’s that?” Clint replied. “I think you’re scared.” Clint guffawed, “Scared? Please.” Even as he denied his, the quiver in his voice gave away the truth. “You hate being the center of attention, you’ve implied as much when you said you hate how all eyes are on you in public. So thinking about being the face of a brand, on the cover of magazines, the head of a gym, on center stage at Mr. Olympia with the lights on you. You’re scared of anyone seeing you, scared of being alone again.” Clint relaxed back into the couch, releasing a huge breath of warm air, “Well, when you put it like that.” “On top of everything you went through with mom and then after, I imagine it would be tough for you to change who you are…again. But this time you’d have someone in your corner.” “Someone in my corner?” Clint said, his entire body tensed as he processed. “Me!” Sean said, “I’d cheer you on every step of the way, you wouldn’t have to do it alone.” It was silent for a time, only the sound of Clint breathing and Sean’s fingers running through the hair on his chest. “You’re right.” Clint said, “You’re absolutely right.” “About which part?” Sean asked. “About the whole thing. I’m going to do it. I’m going to go all in.” Clint pulled Sean in for a hug, and Sean could feel his sturdy cock hardening in his pants, “Why did you need to come over for MY advice, seems you’ve got your head on straight already, no thanks to me.” Sean tried to convince himself that now was the time to talk about Rocky, but he needed more time, and besides, he couldn’t focus on anything but the huge cock under him. “Why don’t you go get you that shower, and we can handle my problems later, you stink!” Sean told Clint playfully. “You love it!” Clint said as he shoved Sean’s face into his sweaty armpit, “But I agree, let me go wash off.” Clint got up and left Sean sitting on the couch. As his steps thundered down the hallway, Sean knew he wasn’t just going to sit here. He got up and snuck down the hallway, yeah he probably could have just walked in, but something was so much hotter thinking he was stealing a look he wasn’t supposed to have. He peeked around the corner into Clint’s room and the big man was sat on the bed bent over, untying his shoes. He had already slipped his ripped shirt off and Sean saw how incredibly hairy he had become. As he fought with the tight shoe laces his muscles shook in their unflexed form. Sliding his shoes and sock off he stood. Sean ducked behind the door, relishing in this game he was playing. He heard Clint’s zipper, and the shuffle of him taking his pants off, then the deep thud of footsteps as he walked to the shower. Sean moved so he was hidden. Clint moved into the hallway and crossed into the bathroom. He saw his dad was only in a pair of the world’s largest tighty whitey underwear, stretched so tight across his muscular ass that they were almost transparent. The shower turned on, the door closed to a crack, the water began to fall heavy as it fell off of Clint’s body. Sean moved so he could see through the crack in the door, he was waiting for just the right moment. He slowly stripped off his clothes. Briefly he was aware that he had come to talk about Rocky and now he was doing this but not only were he and Rocky not really together, but no one in the world could resist the huge beast that was his father naked a meer few feet away. His time came, Clint had turned to face the back wall of the shower, Sean snuck into the bathroom quietly as he could; every sound he made muffled by the loud heavy flow of water over Clint’s body. He entered the shower slowly. Clint was washing his hair so both of his arms were raised. Sean reached up and around as far as he could and sank into Clint’s body, squeezing his massive chest in his hands, feeling the deep set back muscles move against his face. “I was wondering how long it would take you to get in here.” Clint said. Sean pulled his face back and kissed his dad’s back, moving his hands down the soapy wet body until he felt the base of his dad’s cock between his hands. He gripped with both hands, unable to get his hands completely around it even though it was soft. Feeling down more he cupped Clint’s balls in his hands. Clint moaned as he continued to wash his body. Sean moved his hands to his dad’s huge ass, soap had began to run down his hairy muscular ass. He moved his fingers over the deep dimples and noticed the dark stretch marks on the sides of his ass. Sean felt soap on his hands and he moved them between his dad’s huge ass cheeks, feeling deeper and deeper as the water ran down their bodies. Sean felt his hands being squeezed and trapped and he washed deeper, finally, his fingers made contact with Clint’s hole. A shiver ran down Sean’s spine as his cock jumped. Clint paid him no mind as he continued to clean himself, working shampoo into his dark thick hair as Sean caressed his ass with one hand while probing his hole with the other. Sean lowered his body and lay a kiss on his dad’s ass, right on a dimple covered in a dark stretch mark. He licked and kissed his way slowly closer to the center, until finally, he was there. Using both his hands he parted Clint’s powerful ass as he dove his face into the crevice. Clint moaned as he leaned forward, giving Sean even more access to the prize. Sean was in heaven as he moved his head deeper between his dad’s cheeks, holding them apart and moving his tongue over Clint’s hole. Pulling his head back, he looked up as Clint turned around. He was greeted with the view of Clint running his hands through his hair, his lats flairing wildly as he ran the shampoo front to back, heavy streams of water ran off from his elbows. Sean continued to look up, the water completely blocked by his father’s huge body. Clint’s chest jumped and flexed involuntarily as Sean watched, unable to control himself as he placed his hands on Clint’s thick thigh front of him, squeezing to feel the rock solid muscle. Caressing the teardrop shape that formed, and doing his best to ignore the growing monster of a cock directly beside his face. “You know son, I think I need you to fuck me again.” Sean’s head jerked up as he registered. “What?” “You heard me, nothing has pushed me to grow more than having you around, and I loved the way your little cock felt, but I think you could get better with more practice.” Sean’s head swam as he quickly imagined fucking his dad’s ass again, it was by far the best ass to fuck and he was lying if he didn’t admit he hadn’t stopped thinking about it; he’d simply been too enamored with worshiping this beast to ask for more. “I can do that.” Sean replied obediently. “Good, get out and go wait on the bed for me, I’ll be out soon.” Sean followed direction and quickly left the shower, dried, and went to lay on Clint’s massive bed. His cock pulsed wildly at the thought of fucking his dad again, his thoughts rushed as he imagined which position he’d like most, how he could he the most leverage, and how he could fuck his dad as good as Clint fucked him. He lay waiting on the bed, struggling to not jerk his cock because he knew he would cum if he thought about it too much. Eventually he heard the water stop in the shower, then he felt his father’s footsteps as he walked around his the bathroom. On the other side of the wall he heard rummaging round in a closet, grunting and hushed swearing as if Clint were struggling. Then the bathroom door opened. Steam pouring out of the doorway and the bathroom lights lighting Clint’s huge silhouette as he stood wider and taller than the doorway. He emerged and Sean’s cock drooled pre at the sight. Clint had indeed gone into his closet. “What do you think son?” Clint said standing at the edge of the bed, his body glistening with a slight sheen of sweat and water from the hot bathroom. “It’s a little small, but everything I own is a little small on me now.” Sean struggled for words as he took in his dad. Clint had pulled out the works, he’d found leather. Around his waist he wore a leather jockstrap, the thick fabrics would have been tight and smooth on a normal man, but Clint was stretching them to capacity. His heavy cock weighing them down in the front and pushing them away from his body, so much so, that his huge balls threatened to fall out of each side of the pouch, and the girthy base of his cock exposed at the top. Clint turned for Sean and along the back was a studded strap of leather around each of his legs, sitting comfortably under the weight of Clint’s ass cheeks, and seemingly lifting them so they sat perfectly. The waistband dug into Clint’s thick waist and threatened to disappear under folds of muscle. Turning back around Sean looked up and noticed the harness on Clint’s chest. Encircling his pecs, and situated beneath them, pushing them up. Clint’s chest presented itself as a prize, his huge nipples rubbing against the leather straps as the weight of his muscular chest fought against the harness. Clint snapped his fingers, “I asked…what do you think?” Sean returned from his imagination and rested back into his dream, “I think I’m going to cum just looking at you.” Clint almost seemed to blush, “My huge muscles strapped into this tight leather turning you on?” Sean shook his head, out of words it seemed. “You think you can fuck your daddy with that hard cock?” Clint said as he climbed onto the end of the bed. Moving up the bed so he was hovering over Sean. His pecs situated just above Sean’s face. Sean reached up to touch them but Clint sat up, lowering his ass towards Sean’s cock, and removing his chest from reach. “Ah ah ah. If you want to worship my muscles, you’ll do it while your cock is inside me.” “Yes sir.” Sean replied as Clint spit into his hand. Reaching around behind him he worked the spit up and down Sean’s shaft as the smaller man writhed in pleasure feeling his dad’s huge hand working his cock; fighting every second to not cum as he watched Clint’s muscles move. Raising his ass just a bit, Clint positioned his son’s cock, and Sean felt the tight hole brush against the tip of his cock. Slowly, Clint lowered his body down onto Sean’s cock. His impossibly tight warm hole squeezing every inch of Sean’s cock. Finally Sean felt his dad’s massive weight on him as Clint took the entire length. Clint looked down at Sean, grinding his ass on his son’s cock, he threw up his arms into a monstrous double bicep pose. “How’s that feel?” Clint said eying Sean. “It’s so fucking tight!” Sean replied still trapped under his dad’s heavy body. Reaching forward, Sean rubbed his dad’s bulge. The stressed leather barely containing the growing monster. Clint continued to sink his heavy body down, sinking Sean deeper into the thick mattress. He reached forward and grabbed Sean’s wrists, bringing Sean’s hands to his chest. “Now worship my body while you fuck me.” Clint commanded. Sean ran his hands across the hairy expanse of Clint’s chest. Savoring the feel of the hard nipples and the heavy mass as he pushed up against Clint’s chest. “Fuck you’re huge.” Sean breathed as he fought reaching his climax. “Yeah, you like the view from down there boy. You like feeling all this muscle on top of you.” Clint emphasized this with an insane most muscular pose as he continued to grind his ample ass against Sean’s pelvis. “Go ahead boy. Cum for me. Show me how much these muscles turn you on.” Sean’s eyes rolled back as he gave into the please. His hands roaming Clint’s body as his cock turned rigid. He bucked his hips against Clint’s heavy weight on top of him, shooting his load into Clint. “That’s it boy. Fill daddy up.” Clint growled as Sean writhed in pleasure under him. As his orgasm subsided, Clint leaned his huge body forward and pulled Sean close into his chest. In a deep breathy rumble he whispered into Sean’s ear, “now it’s my turn.” With that, Clint lifted his ass off of Sean’s cock and moved up the bed, situating his huge ass over Sean’s chest, and positioning his swollen balls above Sean’s face. “You’re going to be a good boy and worship these big balls, right?” Clint said, holding the taught leather bulge above Sean’s face with his big hand. “Yes sir.” Sean said as his mouth watered at the sight. Clint pulled the side of the leather pouch and released his balls. They fell heavily onto Sean’s face, the size and weight of them feeding into Sean’s wildest fantasy. His tongue fell from his mouth as he began to worship Clint’s swollen balls. “That’s it boy.” Clint growled. His huge fingers working his nipples as Sean inhaled the scent. “Fuck I can’t hold back any more.” Clint roared as he moved with lighting speed. Removing himself from on top of Sean and standing at the side of the bed. Grabbing Sean’s ankles, he spun Sean in the bed, facing his ass to the edge of the bed. Clint’s cock still trapped in the tight leather jockstrap as his heavy balls huge low outside of it. Clint slowly lowered the waistband, freeing his thick cock, and situating the waistband under his balls. He pressed forward, the sensitive head of his cock pressing against Sean’s hole and he held Sean’s ankles in the air. “Beg for it boy. Beg for me to put this cock in you and wreck you for anyone else.” Sean’s mind struggled to focus as he took in the sight of Clint’s huge muscular body towering over him, holding him in position, and the feeling of the engorged cockhead at his hole. “Please fuck me daddy. I need to feel you in me again. I want to feel your huge balls smacking my ass until it’s red.” Clint threw his head back and groaned with anticipatory pleasure. He bucked his hips forward, the ample precum leaking from his cock lubricating his way in as he entered Sean. Sean struggled with the invading size. “You wanted it boy. Now take it.” Clint growled as Sean felt the rigid cock slide deeper and deeper into him. Clint slowly buried his cock to the hilt. “You feel that boy.” Clint said as he pressed a hand to Sean’s stomach. “You feel daddy deep inside you?” As he said this he moved his cock, the head distending the lower part of Sean’s abdomen. Sean moaned in pleasure as his body struggled to accommodate the size. Clint moved his hips slowly, back and forth, giving Sean the time he needed to stretch and comfortably take his massive cock. “Fuck boy you’re driving me crazy. I’m going to have to start pumping.” Clint said as he moved his hips faster, each time his heavy balls smacked against Sean’s ass with a wet ‘phwack’. “Are you ready?” Clint whispered as he lowered his head to Sean’s ear. “I’m ready.” Sean said, feeling the cock inside him somehow swell larger. Clint moved his hands to Sean’s hips. Gripping nearly hard enough to bruise. He began to move Sean’s whole body, bucking his hips in time. The combined movements pulled Clint’s cock to just the edge of pulling out, before he pulled Sean back, slamming his ass against Clint’s pelvis. “Fuck boy. You’re the perfect little cocksleeve for daddy.” Clint said as he continued to fuck Sean into submission. “Fuck yes. Use me. Bury that cock in me.” Sean cried as his own cock bounced and threatened to erupt again. “I’m going to fill this hole up so fucking full. You’re going to be leaking for days boy!” Clint said as he increased his pace. “Please. Fucking fill me up. I need to feel your load inside me.” Sean said, moving his hands to Clint’s sensitive nipples. Twisting and pulling on them as Clint’s pecs flexed with power as he plowed into Sean. “Yeah, you want daddy to breed that hole? You want this huge load all inside you?” Clint roared, continuing to piston in and out of Sean. His cock slamming Sean’s prostate. “Fuckkkkkkk!” Sean cried as his cock began to shoot ropes of cum into his torso. His ass clenching around Clint’s cock like a vice. “Fuck yeah boy! Take it!” Clint cried as he slammed himself into Sean for a final time. His orgasm erupting in wave after wave of hot cum into Sean. His eyes rolled back and his entire body flexed as he twitched and unloaded into Sean. Clint finally collapsed on the bed, pulling Sean on top of him. “How was that?” Clint asked, his huge chest heaving as he caught his breath. “You surprise me every time by somehow making it even hotter than the last.” Sean said as he ran his hand over Clint’s body, never tired of feeling the muscular development. “Well. Luckily I have plenty of other ideas to explore with you.” Clint said, wrapping his large arms around Sean and holding him to his chest. “And just think, the bigger I get, the better it’ll be.” The End.
    15 points
  23. Chapter 63 – Season 2 Episode 21 After a year of intense training and research, ten years before the predicted invasion. Brock and Blake worked out in their underground facility, their enhanced bodies glistening with sweat under the artificial gravity generators. "Fuck, look at you both," Ollie breathed, watching their muscles flex and bulge as they loaded impossible weights. "Still can't believe you developed artificial gravity." "The serum made us smarter too," Brock winked, setting his field to 3G. His massive frame moved with fluid grace despite the crushing force as he loaded 1200kg for bench press. Each rep made his pecs bounce and flex obscenely. Blake grunted as he adjusted to 4G, the air visibly distorting around his bodybuilder mass. "Need to get even stronger," he growled, squatting 1600kg with perfect form. "Aliens won't know what hit them." "Combined weight up to 274kg now," Brock said, his cock beginning to thicken as he caught Ollie's hungry stare. "But gains are slower. Even with all we eat, all we train..." They moved through their workout with fluid grace despite the crushing gravity. Blake's deadlifts reached 1500kg, while Brock's military press topped 1000kg. Their muscles bulged and flexed, veins standing out under the strain. "Show Ollie what we can really do," Blake suggested with a grin. Both men stripped naked, their massive bodies gleaming with sweat. They posed together, muscles rippling as they displayed their increased size. Blake's bodybuilder mass complemented Brock's aesthetic density. Their cocks hardened, each capable of crushing stone between them. "Want to see real power?" Blake asked. They moved together, bodies merging into one enhanced form. The combined entity adjusted the gravity to 5G and loaded 2500kg onto the squat rack. "Perfect fusion," they said in one voice, lifting the weight with controlled power. Their merged form displayed even greater strength than their individual bodies. Nine years before the predicted invasion, Blake scrolled through his latest Instagram post - a video of him crushing the Mr. Olympia competition had already hit 2 million views. "The crowd went wild when you hit that most muscular," Ollie said, watching the footage of Blake dominating the stage. "No one's ever seen definition like that." "All part of the plan," Blake grinned, flexing his massive arms for a quick story update. His carefully controlled 9-inch bulge showed prominently through his posing trunks - impressive but not impossibly huge. "Building the public profile we need." Brock looked up from his research terminal. "Your follower count hit 10 million this morning. The thirst comments are... enthusiastic." "Can you blame them?" Blake chuckled, recording another TikTok of his chest routine. "They've never seen a bodybuilder with this kind of mass and conditioning. The judges can't believe how I maintain this size year-round." He adjusted his posing shorts, making sure his reduced package looked natural but eye-catching. "If they knew what we really pack..." "Speaking of packing on size," Brock noted, checking their latest measurements. "276kg combined now. Density increasing even if our visible mass stays the same." "Perfect for my public image," Blake said, filming another workout clip. "World's biggest natural bodybuilder - inspiring millions while staying just within believable limits." Their phones buzzed with notifications as Blake's latest post went viral - a gym shot with Brock spotting him on bench press, both brothers shirtless and pumped. "The twin brother angle really sells it," Ollie observed, reading the comments. "'OMG there's two of them!' 'Hottest twins ever!' 'Genetics are insane!'" "Just wait till I announce my Senate run," Blake smirked, flexing for another photo. "America's favorite muscle daddy entering politics. The media won't know what hit them." He positioned himself under perfect lighting, his massive frame casting impressive shadows. "Tag line: 'Building a Stronger America' - literally." "The comments on your transformation posts are my favorite," Ollie laughed. "'What's your secret?' If they only knew..." "All about playing the long game," Blake said, recording his signature sign-off flex. "Building the platform we need. Making sure people trust us when the time comes." Eight years before the predicted invasion, Ollie stood proudly with his genetic engineering degree while Brock and Blake beamed from the audience - Blake now drawing even more attention as the newly-elected Senator. Blake's rise to political power had been meteoric. His campaign speeches went viral not just for his impressive physique barely contained in perfectly tailored suits, but for his compelling vision and unexpected intelligence. "How can someone be that hot AND that smart?" became a common social media refrain. News outlets couldn't get enough: "Senator Steele: Brains, Brawn, and Breaking Vote Records" "From Bodybuilding to Capitol Hill: The Phenomenon of Blake Steele" "America's Sexiest Senator Takes on Military Tech" Campaign footage showed Blake commanding every room he entered, his massive frame and handsome face drawing all eyes while his articulate speeches held their attention: "We need to revolutionize our military capabilities. The threats of tomorrow require innovative solutions today." Social media exploded with every appearance: "That suit is fighting for its life containing those muscles " "Finally a senator who can bench press the entire congress" "The way his biceps flex while pointing at charts... I can't " "Giving new meaning to 'physical fitness of our armed forces' " His landslide victory surprised no one. Women and men alike admitted voting with both their brains and their libidos. His appointment to head both military and technology committees raised few questions - his twin brother's scientific credentials and his own proven intelligence silencing potential critics.
    15 points
  24. Part Three - The Hotel Part Two | Part One The morning of the mission finally dawns, Dave’s thoughts buzzing with tension and anticipation. His mind is a whirlwind of thoughts as he dons his gear and heads for the car. He's acutely aware of his own physique, feeling inadequate compared to Mark's monstrous form. The image of Mark's cock, so thick and powerful, fills his mind, leaving him with a mix of fear and arousal that he can't shake. As he starts the engine, he can still feel the stickiness of Mark's cum on his face, the memory of it burning his skin like a brand. He takes a deep breath and tries to focus on the task at hand, the adrenaline starting to pump through his veins. The drive to the hotel is a blur, the city streets passing by in a haze of muscular fantasies and fearful anticipation. When he arrives, the lobby of the hotel is a cacophony of grunts and clanging weights. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and testosterone, the floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing the towering figures outside. As Dave walks in, his eyes widen at the sea of massive, muscular men that greet him. Thick, meaty pecs and bulging biceps abound, each man a testament to the power and beauty of the human form. Yet, amidst this sea of brute strength, he finds himself searching for Mark. With no sign of Mark he makes accidental eye contact with a bodybuilder who leers at him, Dave quickly looking away. Dave's phone buzzes in his pocket, a welcome distraction. He pulls it out and types "Where are you?" with trembling hands, his eyes scanning the room. The crowd parts, and in strides Mark, his newfound size making him seem like a giant among mere mortals. At 10 feet tall, his muscles bulge out of his clothes, the black joggers hugging his thick, powerful thighs, the white t-shirt stretched to the breaking point across his chest, revealing every ridge and valley of his monstrous physique. The sight of Mark sends a jolt of excitement through Dave's body, his cock swelling in his pants. The smirk on Mark's face is one of pure satisfaction, as if he knows the effect he has on those around him. The man is a walking embodiment of power and masculinity, a god among men. The leer from the big guy at the door now seems insignificant in comparison to the primal presence that Mark exudes. Dave watches Mark swagger through the lobby, the muscles in his back flexing with each step, the fabric of his shirt straining against his broad shoulders. His heart races, his attraction to Mark's dominance now impossible to ignore. He can't help but wonder what it would be like to be under that kind of power, to be filled with the same primal energy that fuels Mark's every move. The room seems to quieten as Mark approaches, his very presence demanding attention. The other officers at the venue, even those who once looked at him with fear and awe, now gaze upon him with something closer to worship. Dave's stomach flips, the reality of their situation sinking in. This isn't just a mission anymore; it's a test of his own submission, his willingness to embrace the new order that Mark represents. Their eyes meet, and Mark's smirk widens. He knows what Dave is thinking, what he's feeling. The bond between them has grown stronger, more primal, and it's palpable. The air crackles with tension as Mark stops before him, his towering frame casting a shadow over Dave's smaller form. The sergeant's voice echoes in his head, reminding him of his role. "Remember, Dave," Mark says, his voice a low rumble that seems to resonate through the very marrow of his bones. "This is what you signed up for. Are you ready to serve?" Dave nods, his voice a hoarse whisper. "Yes". Mark chuckles and plows through the crowd, Dave rushing to catch up. “You’re late,” Dave hisses. Mark smirks, “Got held up.” He flashes Dave a cocky grin, leering at him that Dave recognizes as Mark’s “I had sex” face. Dave scans the room and rolls his eyes when he sees a bodybuilder walk into the lobby, limping with a white substance sticking to his shirt. “Seriously? You were late because you had to fuck someone?” A scowl thunders across Mark’s face and he crowds Dave. “You don’t have to be such a prude. Its just sex. Besides, if I don’t fuck someone at least six times a day, I get backed up. And when I’m backed up, well…you don’t want to be responsible for me.” Dave gulps, trying not to think of the logistics of Mark’s cum production. They approach the desk, and the receptionist’s eyes bulge out like a cartoon character as they land on Mark’s chest. Her jaw goes slack as she ogles the heavy slabs of muscle, the twin peaks of his pecs, and the deep valley between them. “Checking in for the muscle worship competition?” she asks, her voice shaky as she tries to keep her gaze above Mark’s neck. “Yes,” Mark says, his deep voice sending a shiver down Dave’s spine. Mark’s voice has gotten deeper, he thinks. “We only have one room left, and it’s with one bed,” she says, her eyes flicking to Dave and then back to Mark. “Will that be...okay?” Dave’s face flushes, and he opens his mouth to protest, but Mark’s hand clamps down on his shoulder. “Perfect,” he says, his teeth bared in a predatory smile. “Dave and I are...close.” The receptionist nods, her eyes glazed over with lust. She hands them a key card and gives them the room number, barely containing her excitement. “Enjoy your stay...sir...” she says, her voice trailing off as she stares at Mark’s biceps. They make their way to the elevator, the tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife. Dave’s mind is racing with questions and fears, but his cock is straining against his pants, betraying his body’s own fascination with Mark’s power. As they squeeze into the cramped space, Mark laughs, a deep, rumbling sound that seems to echo through the metal walls. "Did you see the look on her face?" he asks, his eyes glinting with mischief. "She'd do anything for a taste of this," he says, flexing his bicep, the muscle swelling and the fabric of his shirt stretching until it looks like it might tear. “Maybe I’ll fuck her later.” Dave’s eyes subconsciously flit down to Mark’s hefty and noticeable bulge. He swears he can hear Mark’s testicles churning and sloshing around cum. Dave nods, trying to ignore the way his heart races at the thought of Mark taking the receptionist. He swallows hard, trying to focus. "Yeah, she couldn't take her eyes off of you." The elevator dings, and the doors slide open. They walk down the hall and open the door, revealing their room. It's small, the bed dominating the space, and the air is already thick with the anticipation of what's to come. Once inside, Dave turns to Mark, trying to keep his voice steady. "We should do some recon before we meet the other contestants," he suggests, his eyes flicking to the bed. "We need to be prepared." Mark cocks his head, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Already thinking about the mission?" he asks, his voice low and taunting. "Or are you thinking about something else?" Dave's cheeks burn, and he quickly turns away, trying to hide his erection. "The mission," he says firmly, though his voice is a little too high. "We need to know what we're up against." Mark steps closer, his massive form seeming to fill the room. "And what if what you're up against is me?" he murmurs, his breath hot on Dave's neck. "What then?" Dave's body responds before his mind can catch up, his cock pulsing at the thought. He tries to step back, but there's nowhere to go. "We can't," he whispers, his eyes closing involuntarily. "We're partners. We have to keep this professional." But Mark's hand is already on his waist, his fingers digging into the flesh, pulling him closer. "You want it, Dave," he growls. "You know you do." Dave's resolve crumbles, his body betraying him as he melts into Mark's embrace. He can't fight it anymore; the allure of submission to Mark's primal power is too strong. "Fuck," he whispers, his voice trembling with desire. Mark chuckles, a low, dark sound that sends a shiver down Dave's spine. "That's the spirit," he murmurs, his breath warm against Dave's ear. "But first, we have a mission to complete." He pulls back, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Now, let's go do some recon." They make their way through the hotel, the air thick with the scent of musk and sweat. Every room they pass seems to hold another massive, muscular form, each one more intimidating than the last. But with Mark by his side, Dave feels a strange sense of protection, as if he's part of something larger than himself. They arrive at the locked showroom, and without a second thought, Mark reaches out and twists the handle, the metal groaning in protest before giving way. The door swings open, revealing a cavernous space filled with gleaming trophies and posters of muscular men flexing. The room is set up for the competition, the stage gleaming under the lights. They snoop around, checking the layout, looking for any signs of trouble. Mark's muscles ripple and shift as he moves, his bulk casting long shadows on the floor. Dave tries to focus on the mission, but his mind keeps drifting back to the feeling of Mark's cum on his face, the power in his touch. Suddenly, they hear footsteps. Heavy, deliberate footsteps that are getting closer and about to discover them. Mark's eyes widen, and he yanks Dave into a nearby supply closet, slamming the door shut just as the owner of the footsteps rounds the corner. The closet is tight, their bodies pressed together so closely that Dave can feel every inch of Mark's towering form. The air is thick with Mark's musky scent, and it's all he can do not to lean in and submit to the beast. Mark's hand is on his chest, holding him in place, and Dave can feel the heat radiating from the other man's body. Mark's cock is a heavy presence, a thick bulge in his joggers that presses into Dave's thigh. It's a constant reminder of the power dynamics at play, a symbol of Mark's dominance and Dave's submission. Part of Dave really likes the feeling, but he forces that thought deep down. The footsteps pass by, the tension in the air palpable. Mark's breathing is steady, his hand unmoving from its place on Dave's chest, as if claiming him. Dave's eyes are fixed on the crack under the door, watching the shadows dance as the unknown person walks away. When the coast is clear, Mark releases him with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement at Dave's flustered state. Dave tries to regain his composure, but it's hard when Mark's scent is all around him, when he can feel the heat of the other man's body seeping into his own. "We should go," he says, his voice shaky. "We don't have much time before the competition starts." But Mark isn't finished with him yet. He takes a step closer, his massive chest pushing against Dave's, his cock now fully erect and pressing into his hip. "You know you want it," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble that seems to resonate through the very air. "You want to feel me inside you, claiming you, making you mine." Dave's breath hitches, his body responding despite his mind's protests. The thought of Mark's cock, so thick and powerful, filling him is almost too much to bear. He shakes his head, trying to clear it. "We can't," he whispers. "We have to focus on the mission." Mark laughs, the sound echoing in the small space. "The mission is just a game," he says, his eyes dark and intense. "This is reality." He reaches down and grabs the back of Dave's neck, squeezing Dave’s throat. Dave gulps, his eyes watering slightly from the pressure. "But we're supposed to be partners," he says, his voice strained. "We need to trust each other." Mark's grip tightens, his eyes boring into Dave's. "You want to be more than just my partner, don't you?" he growls. "You want to be my bitch, my toy, my little cum-slut." Dave's cock jumps in his pants at the harsh words, and he knows that Mark feels it. The beastly officer smirks, his grip loosening slightly. "You want to serve me," Mark says, his voice low and seductive. "You want to be the one who makes me cum." Dave shakes his head, trying to clear the fog of desire that’s clouding his judgment. "No," he says, though it sounds more like a question than a statement. "Liar," Mark whispers, his breath hot and heavy. "You want it so badly you can taste it." His teeth graze Dave’s ear and he pushes himself further against Dave, grinding into him. Dave's eyes flutter closed as he feels the unyielding wall of Mark's muscles pressing against his body. He can feel each and every one of them, the power and strength contained within those bulging biceps, the steel-like firmness of his abs, and the heavy, insistent throb of his cock against his hip. The closet feels like it's shrinking around them, the air thick with tension and lust. With a growl, Mark spins Dave around, pinning him against the shelves. The precinct's gossip about Mark’s newfound size wasn’t just talk; the man is a fucking mountain. Dave's breath catches in his throat as Mark’s hand slides down his chest, tracing the path of his abs, his fingers digging into the flesh, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. The fabric of Dave's shirt does nothing to hide his own arousal, his cock now a painful reminder of his desire. "Look at you," Mark says, his voice a dark purr. "So eager, so desperate to be filled with my seed." His hand closes around Dave's neck, his grip tight but not painful. It’s a silent demand for submission, one that Dave’s body can’t refuse. His cock strains against his pants, begging for Mark's touch, for the relief he knows only the other man can provide. Dave’s eyes widen as Mark’s hand moves lower, his thumb brushing over the bulge in his pants. "You want this," Mark murmurs, his thumb making slow, teasing circles. "You want me to fuck you until you can't walk straight." Dave’s mouth opens and closes, trying to form words that won’t come. His body is betraying him, begging for the very thing he's trying to resist. The need to submit, to feel Mark’s power inside him, is overwhelming, a siren's call that's impossible to ignore. But then, with a suddenness that leaves Dave gasping, Mark pulls away. "But not now," he says, his voice a low, dark promise. "We have a mission to complete." He steps back, his cock still straining against his pants, and opens the closet door. "But soon, Dave," he says, his eyes gleaming. "Very soon." They step out into the hallway, the bright lights and cool air a stark contrast to the claustrophobic closet. Dave tries to compose himself, his heart hammering in his chest. He can still feel the imprint of Mark's hand on his neck, the heat of his body against his own. They make their way back to their room, the silence between them heavy and charged. As they enter, Dave can't help but glance at the bed, now seeming more like a battlefield than a place of rest. Mark sits at the small desk, his massive frame barely fitting into the chair. He types up their notes with surprising efficiency, his oversized fingers flying over the keyboard. The veins in his forearms bulge with every keystroke, a reminder of the brute strength that lies beneath the surface of his muscular exterior. "We should head down to the registration desk," Dave says, his voice a little too loud in the quiet room. "They need to measure you for the competition, and we've got to pick up our info packets." Mark nods, not looking up from the screen. "Sounds good," he says, his voice calm and measured. But Dave can see the anticipation in his eyes, the hunger for the coming contest of strength and dominance. They make their way downstairs, the air thick with the anticipation of the event. The other competitors eye Mark with a mix of awe and wariness, their own muscles seeming to shrink in comparison to his monstrous form. The registration desk is a flurry of activity, men flexing and posturing as they wait their turn. As they approach, the woman at the desk looks up, her eyes widening at the sight of Mark. She fumbles with her clipboard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. "You must be...Mark," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper. Mark nods, his smirk never leaving his face. "That's me," he says, his voice deep and powerful. The woman swallows hard and gestures to the measuring tape. "If you'd like to...uh...proceed?" Mark steps forward, his cock straining against his pants. The woman's eyes flicker down, and she quickly averts her gaze, her cheeks burning even brighter. Dave's own arousal is palpable, his cock pulsing in time with his racing heart. He watches as Mark's muscles ripple and shift, his power and dominance on full display as he flexes for the measurements. The woman's hands are shaking as she wraps the tape around Mark's bicep, her eyes flicking up to meet his. "44 inch arms. You're...quite...large," she manages to get out. Mark chuckles, the sound deep and rich. "You haven't seen anything yet," he says, his eyes flicking to Dave. "But I'm sure my partner here can fill you in on the details." Dave's face reddens as he watches the woman's eyes widen. He clears his throat, trying to remember their cover story. "We're...here to learn," he says, his voice not quite steady. "To pay our respects to the gods of muscle." The woman nods, her eyes glazed over with lust as she writes down the measurements. "Of course," she says, her voice a breathy whisper. "You'll do well in the competition." Dave's mind races, trying to keep up with the implications of Mark's transformation. This isn't just some strange muscle growth; Mark is becoming something more, something monstrous and all-consuming. His body seems to demand worship, and the other men at the event are more than happy to oblige. As Mark flexes, the woman's eyes drink in every inch of his massive frame. She runs the tape around his chest, her knuckles brushing against the firm, bulging muscles. "One... hundred...and...four...inches," she says, her voice shaking. She scribbles the number on her clipboard and moves on to his legs. "Your quads, if you don't mind," she says, her voice barely above a squeak. Mark spreads his legs, and she gasps as she wraps the tape around his thick, bulging thighs. "Sixty-four inches," she murmurs, her hand lingering longer than necessary. "Incredible." Finally, she asks for Mark's height. "Ten feet two," he says, his voice a rumble that seems to shake the very foundation of the hotel. The woman's eyes go wide, and she looks up at him, her hand shaking as she jots down the number. "You're...you're huge," she says, her voice filled with a mix of awe and terror. Mark chuckles, a sound that seems to echo through the room. "That's what they all say," he says, winking at Dave, Mark’s pecs bouncing as he laughed. The smaller man's cock jumps at the casual display of power, and he quickly looks away, trying to compose himself. The woman at the registration desk seems to realize she's forgotten something and clears her throat. "Ah, about the posers, sir," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to...make sure they fit." She looks up at Mark, her eyes wide and hopeful. "If you don't mind..." Mark's smile widens, his teeth gleaming. "You want to know the size of my cock and balls?" he asks, his voice a low purr. The woman nods, her eyes never leaving his face. "32 inches, hard," he says, his chest puffing out slightly with pride. "And my balls? Well, they're huge. You'll have to take my word for it." The woman's cheeks go even redder, and she scribbles something on her clipboard before looking up at Mark with a mix of fear and excitement. "Th-thank you," she stammers, her voice barely audible. Dave's mind reels at Mark's casual revelation. 32 inches? It's more than he ever dreamed possible. The very thought sends a jolt of fear and desire through him. He tries to keep his gaze on anything but Mark's crotch, but it's like trying to ignore a tornado in a phone booth. The receptionist recovers enough to hand them their packets and gives them a time to report backstage for the competition. "It's a bodybuilding show with a twist," she says, her eyes still glued to Mark's towering form. "Mr. Viktor believes in the purity of muscle worship. No nudity is allowed, as it can be...distracting." She giggles nervously, her eyes flicking down to Mark's crotch again. "But," she adds, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "that doesn't mean you won't see a lot of skin. After all, the muscles are the real stars of the show." She winks at Mark, her eyes sparkling with unbridled lust. Dave can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the way the receptionist looks at Mark, like he's the only thing that matters in the world. It's the same way Rachel and the sergeant look at him, the same way he knows the rest of the precinct does. Mark's power is intoxicating, and it seems everyone wants a taste. They take the elevator back up to their room, the silence thick with unspoken desires. Dave's thoughts are a jumbled mess of fear and arousal. What will happen when Mark’s true nature is revealed? Will they be able to maintain their cover, or will the beast inside Mark take over completely? Once inside, Mark tosses the packets on the bed and turns to face Dave. "So," he says, his eyes gleaming, "are you ready to worship me?" Dave's throat goes dry, and he nods. “For the mission, yes.” Mark strides over to him, his muscles rippling with every step. He reaches out and runs a finger down the side of Dave's face, his touch feather-light but leaving a trail of fire in its wake. "Good," Mark murmurs, his voice a low growl. "Because tomorrow, I'm going to show everyone what it means to be a god among men." His hand moves to the back of Dave's neck, pulling him closer. "And you, my sweet little bitch, are going to be my sacrifice." Dave's breath hitches, his body responding despite the fear that claws at his gut. He knows what Mark means, and part of him wants it more than anything. The other part, the rational, human part, is scared of what's to come. But it's too late to turn back now. “Going ti the gym,” Mark growls. “You coming?” "I'll...be down soon," Dave manages to croak out, his eyes dropping to the floor. Mark nods, his grin widening. "Take your time," he says, his voice a low rumble. "But don't keep me waiting too long." He saunters out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him like a thunderclap. Dave takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. He's never felt so exposed, so vulnerable. He knows that Mark's power over him is complete, and that scares him more than anything he's ever faced on the job. But he can't deny the thrill that runs through him at the thought of being used, of being filled with Mark's monstrous cock. Finally, he gathers his nerve and heads downstairs to the gym. The room is a cacophony of grunts and clanging weights, the scent of sweat and testosterone heavy in the air. He tries to ignore the stares as he makes his way through the throng of bodybuilders, all vying for space at the benches and machines. Across the room, he spots Mark, a colossus among men. He's surrounded by a group of admirers, all of them ogling his massive frame as he flexes his biceps, the muscles bulging and shifting like living mountains. They whisper to each other, their eyes wide with a mix of awe and fear. Dave's cock stirs in his pants as he watches, the sight of Mark's body too much to resist. He can't help but feel a twinge of pride at the thought of being claimed by such a creature. He makes his way through the crowd, his eyes never leaving Mark's form. And then, without warning, he's slammed into by a wall of muscle. He stumbles back, his breath leaving him in a whoosh. He looks up to find himself staring into the chiseled face of a man who could bench press a car. He’s big, probably six foot six, but nowhere as big as Mark. The man's eyes widen in surprise, and then a smirk forms on his lips. "Sorry, little guy," he says, his voice a deep rumble. Dave tries to apologize, but the words catch in his throat. The bodybuilder's hand is on his shoulder, his grip firm but not painful. He's at least twice Dave's size, and his muscles are so defined they look like they could cut glass. "You okay?" the man asks, his eyes flicking down to Dave's crotch, where a clear wet spot is forming. Dave nods, his cheeks burning. "Yeah," he says, his voice a little too high. "I'm...fine." The man's smirk widens. "You look like you could use a workout," he says, his grip tightening slightly. "Care to join me?" Dave's mind races. He's supposed to be here for Mark, to be his devoted submissive. But the thought of this stranger's hands on him, of being used and dominated, is too tempting to resist. "Sure," he says, his voice a little shaky. "Where should we start?" The bodybuilder leads him to a secluded area of the gym, his hand still on Dave's shoulder. "How about some bench press?" he asks, his voice a purr. "You can spot me." Dave nods, his heart racing. He's never been so turned on in his life, and he knows that he's playing with fire. But the allure of submission is too strong, and he can't help but follow the man, his eyes glued to the flexing muscles in his back. As they set up the weights, Dave's eyes keep darting back to Mark, who's still holding court across the room. The distance between them feels like a mile, a gap that seems to widen with every beat of his heart. He knows he's dancing on the edge of a precipice, but the thrill of the fall is just too tempting. The bodybuilder lies down on the bench, his massive chest rising and falling with each breath. He looks up at Dave with a knowing smirk. "You're pretty into this, aren't you?" he asks, his voice a low rumble that seems to resonate through Dave's very bones. Dave nods, his throat dry. He can't tear his eyes away from the man's bulging pectorals, the way they seem to defy gravity with every breath. "Yeah," he whispers, his voice barely audible. "It's...it's just so...powerful." The man grunts as he lifts the weight, his muscles straining. "Powerful, huh?" he asks, his eyes locked on Dave's. "You like muscle, don't you?" Dave nods, his cheeks flushing. "Yeah," he says, his voice a little too eager. "I...I do." And then, without warning, Mark is there, his shadow looming over the bench. "What's going on here?" he asks, his voice a thunderous growl that seems to shake the very foundations of the gym. The bodybuilder's smirk fades, his eyes widening as he takes in the monstrous form of the man towering over him. Dave tries to pull away, but the bodybuilder's grip tightens, his muscles flexing like steel bands around Dave's wrists. "I was just helping him out," he says, his voice strained. Mark's eyes narrow, his gaze flicking from the bodybuilder to Dave. "You're worshipping him," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "But you won't worship me." The bodybuilder's smirk returns, a little more forced this time. "It's just a workout," he says, his voice wavering. "No harm in that." But Mark isn't buying it. He steps closer, his bulk casting a shadow over the man. "You think you're big?" he asks, his voice a sneer. "You're nothing compared to me." The bodybuilder tries to sit up, but Mark's hand slams down on the barbell, trapping him in place. "Listen," he says, his voice a low growl. "I'm not just big. I'm a fucking god." Dave's cock jumps in his pants at the raw power in Mark's voice. The room seems to shrink around them, the air thick with tension. He's never seen Mark so angry, so possessive. "Let go of him," Mark says, his eyes burning into the bodybuilder. "Or I'll rip you apart." The man's grip loosens, and Dave stumbles back, his legs wobbly. "I-I'm sorry, Mark," he stammers, his eyes wide with fear. "I didn't mean to..." But Mark isn't listening. He's staring down at the bodybuilder, his chest heaving with barely contained rage. "You dare to lay your hands on what's mine," he snarls, his teeth bared in a snarl. "You think you're worthy to share the same air as me?" The bodybuilder's eyes dart around the room, looking for an escape. "I-I didn't know," he says, his voice shaking. "You didn't know?" Mark repeats, his voice rising. "You didn't know that this is my submissive?" He yanks Dave closer, his massive hand wrapping around the smaller man's waist. "This," he says, his voice a low, possessive growl, "is my property." The bodybuilder's eyes go wide as Mark flexes his arms, the muscles bulging and swelling until they seem to threaten to tear through his shirt. The fabric stretches taut, the veins standing out in stark relief against the tanned skin. The room seems to hold its breath as the monstrous form of the police officer looms over the cowering man. "Look at me," Mark commands, his eyes boring into the bodybuilder's. "Look at the size of me and tell me you're a man." The man's Adam's apple bobs as he gulps, his eyes flicking up to meet Mark's. "I-I'm sorry," he stammers. "I didn't know." Mark's grin widens, his teeth gleaming. "You think you're big?" He asks, his voice a taunt. "You think you're a real man?" He flexes his other arm, the muscles popping and shifting like a mountain range under his skin. The room seems to grow dimmer, as if in deference to the sheer power on display. The bodybuilder tries to sit up, but Mark's grip is like a vice. "I-I'm sorry," he says again, his voice trembling. "You're sorry?" Mark repeats, his voice a mocking echo. "You're sorry you didn't know who you were dealing with?" He steps closer, his bulk casting a shadow over the man. "You think you can handle this?" He flexes again, his chest expanding like a balloon. "This is what a real man looks like," he says, his voice filled with contempt. Dave watches, his own fear and arousal mingling into a heady cocktail. He's never seen Mark so dominant, so in control. It's terrifying, but it's also incredibly hot. His cock is straining against his pants, begging for release. "Let's see what you've got," Mark says, his voice a challenge. The bodybuilder swallows hard, his eyes darting around the room. He knows he's outmatched, outclassed. He tries to stand, but Mark's hand is like a boulder on his chest, keeping him pinned to the bench. "You think you can handle me?" Mark asks, his eyes gleaming. "You think you're man enough to take on a real alpha?" The bodybuilder shakes his head, his eyes wide with fear. "N-no," he stammers. "I-I'm sorry." Mark leans down, his breath hot and moist on the man's face. "You should be," he whispers, his voice a deadly promise. "You should be very, very sorry." The gym goes silent, all eyes on the confrontation. The air is thick with the scent of fear and arousal, a potent mix that seems to charge the very air around them. Mark's power is undeniable, a force of nature that none can resist. The man's eyes flick to Dave, pleading. But Dave can't find it in himself to feel pity. All he feels is a fierce loyalty to Mark, a burning desire to be claimed by him completely. "You're pathetic," Mark says, his voice a low growl. "Look at you, begging for forgiveness like a whipped puppy." He releases the barbell, letting it clang to the floor. The sound echoes through the gym, sending a shiver of fear down the bodybuilder's spine. "Get up," Mark says, his voice a low command. The bodybuilder scrambles to his feet, his knees knocking together. Mark steps closer, his chest brushing against the man's. "You want to be a man?" he asks, his voice a sneer. "You want to feel true strength?" The man nods, his eyes wide and desperate. "Y-yes," he stammers. "I-I do." Mark laughs, the sound cold and cruel. "Then you'll learn from the best," he says, his hand shooting out to grab the man's neck. He squeezes, just hard enough to make him gasp. "You'll learn what it means to be a man, to submit to a real alpha." The bodybuilder's eyes go wide with terror, his hands coming up to claw at Mark's unyielding grip. But Mark doesn't flinch, his muscles flexing as he holds the man in place. "You'll do as I say," he says, his voice a deep rumble. "You'll worship me, and you'll love it." Dave watches, his heart racing. He's never seen Mark so intense, so in control. It's intoxicating, watching the other man squirm under the beast's dominance. He knows that he's next, that Mark will expect the same level of worship from him. And he can't wait. The bodybuilder's face is turning red, his eyes bulging as Mark tightens his grip. "P-please," he gasps, his voice strangled. "I-I'll do anything." "Anything?" Mark asks, his grin widening. "You'll do anything to prove you're a man?" The man nods, his eyes desperate. "Anything," he croaks. Mark's grin widens, his teeth gleaming. "Good," he says, his voice a low purr. "Because I want you to worship me." He releases the man's neck and steps back, his cock already hardening in his pants. The bodybuilder's eyes go wide as Mark reaches down and starts to stroke himself through the fabric, his massive hand moving in slow, deliberate strokes. Dave watches, his own arousal growing as the man drops to his knees, his eyes locked on Mark's growing erection. The bodybuilder's hands come up to caress the rock-hard muscles of Mark's thighs, his touch reverent. "Look at me," Mark commands, his voice a growl. The man looks up, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and awe. "Y-yes," he stammers. "I'm looking." Mark's hand moves faster, his hips starting to thrust in time with his strokes. The fabric of his pants strains against his swollen cock, the outline clear and terrifying. "Say it," Mark says, his voice a command. "Tell me how big I am." "Y-you're so big," the bodybuilder says, his voice trembling. "So...so massive." "That's right," Mark says, his eyes gleaming. "Now, take it out. I want you to see what you're dealing with." The bodybuilder's hands shake as he unbuckles Mark's belt and unzips his pants, revealing the monstrous cock beneath. It's thick and veiny, already leaking precum. The man's eyes widen, and he whispers, "Oh my god," his voice filled with a mix of fear and desire. Mark's hand moves faster now, his strokes becoming more erratic. "Worship it," he says, his voice a low growl. "Tell me how much you want it." The bodybuilder leans in, his mouth open in a silent moan. He runs his tongue along the shaft, the musky scent of Mark's arousal filling the air. "I-I want it," he says, his voice a breathless whisper. "I want all of it." Dave's cock is straining in his own pants, watching the scene unfold. He can't believe what he's seeing, but he can't tear his eyes away. Mark's power is a living, breathing thing, and he's never felt so alive. The bodybuilder's hands move up to cup Mark's heavy balls, his thumbs tracing the sensitive skin. Mark groans, his hips bucking slightly. "Harder," he commands. "Tell me how much you want me to fill you up." The bodybuilder's eyes roll back in his head, his mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. "I-I want it all," he says, his voice a whimper. "Please, sir. Please." Mark's hand moves faster and faster, his breathing harsh and ragged. He's close, so close. And then, with a roar that seems to shake the very foundation of the gym, he cums. The hot, sticky fluid arcs through the air, splattering across the bodybuilder's face and chest. The man moans, his hands still cupped around Mark's balls, his own cock straining against his pants. The room is silent for a long moment, the only sound the echo of Mark's roar. Then, the bodybuilder looks up, his face a mask of cum and desperation. "T-thank you, sir," he stammers, his eyes glazed with lust. Mark's smile is cruel as he looks down at the man. "You're welcome," he says, his voice filled with contempt. "But don't forget your place." He zips up his pants and turns away, leaving the bodybuilder kneeling on the floor, covered in his cum. Dave's legs feel like jelly as he rushes after Mark, his mind racing. He has to explain, has to set things straight. He can't let this go on. "Mark," he calls out, his voice echoing in the cavernous gym. "Mark, wait!" But Mark doesn't stop, his heavy footsteps thudding on the floor like the beat of a war drum. Dave's heart is in his throat as he catches up, grabbing onto Mark's arm. "What the fuck was that?" he demands, trying to keep his voice steady. "That wasn't part of the cover." Mark turns on him, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think you can tell me what to do?" he snarls, his massive hand slamming Dave against the wall. The impact is like hitting a brick wall, and Dave can't help but let out a gasp of pain. For a moment, he's dizzy with it, the reality of Mark's size and strength. He's so much bigger than anyone Dave has ever been with, so much stronger. The fear is like a living thing in his gut, wriggling and twisting. But then, the anger takes over. "I'm not your submissive," Dave says, his voice shaking with emotion. "I'm not your property. This is just a cover, remember?" Mark's grip tightens, his knuckles white with the effort of holding back. "Is it?" he asks, his voice a low growl. "Or is this what you really want?" Dave tries to push him away, but it's like trying to move a mountain. "Let me go," he says, his voice strained. "This isn't what I signed up for." But Mark's eyes are dark with need, with a hunger that Dave can't ignore. "You want me," he says, his voice a low purr. "I can feel it." Dave's eyes flick to the bulge in Mark's pants, the memory of the bodybuilder's worship still fresh in his mind. "No," he says, his voice shaky. "It's just part of the job." Mark leans in, his breath hot on Dave's neck. "You want to submit to me," he whispers, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. "You want to be filled with my cum." Dave's cock jumps at the words, his body betraying him. "No," he says again, but the word is barely a whisper. Mark's grin widens, his teeth gleaming. "You're mine," he says, his voice a low rumble. "And you'll do as I say." Dave's knees threaten to buckle, but he holds Mark's gaze, his own anger a flame in his chest. "I'm not yours," he says, his voice stronger now. "We're partners, nothing more." The air between them crackles with tension, the echo of Mark's roar still hanging in the air. For a moment, Dave thinks Mark might hit him, might crush him into the wall. But then, something in Mark's expression shifts, his grip on Dave's arm loosening. "Fine," he says, his voice a low growl. "But don't forget what you've seen here today." They head up to the room, the elevator ride a silent battleground. Dave can't stop thinking about the power play that just unfolded, about the raw desire in Mark's eyes. It's like nothing he's ever experienced before, a mix of fear and attraction that's intoxicating and terrifying all at once. Once inside, they spread out their notes on the bed, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. They go over the details of the competition, the rules, the players they need to keep an eye on. Mark's dominance in the gym has made it clear that their cover is more than just a cover, it's a lifestyle they're being forced to live. As they finish up, Mark stands, his muscles stretching like a cat. "Bedtime," he says, his voice still holding that edge of challenge. He takes off his shirt, revealing his massive chest, the muscles rippling in the soft light. Dave tries not to stare, but his eyes are drawn to the power on display, the sheer size of the man. They climb into bed, Mark taking up most of the space with his bulk. He's so big, so overwhelming, that Dave feels like he's being swallowed whole. But he doesn't pull away, instead pressing closer, feeling the heat radiating from Mark's body. Mark turns to him, a smirk playing on his lips. "Nothing to worry about tonight," he says, his voice mocking. "We're just partners, remember?" Dave nods, his throat tight. He can't argue with the truth of it, not when his cock is still half-hard from watching Mark in the gym. But it doesn't change the way he feels, the way his body responds to the other man's power. "Yeah," he says, his voice a little too high. "Partners." Mark rolls his eyes and turns over, his back to Dave. "I need my rest," he says. "Big day tomorrow." Dave nods, his heart racing. He tries to calm down, to focus on the mission. But all he can think about is Mark's cum-covered cock, the way the bodybuilder had worshiped him. And he can't help but wonder if he'll be next, if he'll be the one on his knees, begging for Mark's attention. He lies there, listening to Mark's deep, even breathing. He's so close, so tempting. But he knows better than to push his luck. For now, he'll play along, bide his time. After all, he has to be ready for whatever happens tomorrow. But as he closes his eyes, he can't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. Because whether it's part of the mission or not, he knows he wants it. He wants to submit to Mark, to feel the weight of that massive body on top of him, to be claimed by the monstrous alpha in every way possible. And as he drifts off to sleep, the image of Mark's muscles flexing and his cock pumping fills his dreams. In the early morning, Dave is still half asleep, his body warm and heavy with exhaustion. He stirs, feeling something hard and insistent pressing against his ass. For a moment, he's confused, his mind fuzzy with sleep. But as he wiggles slightly, the sensation becomes clear. It's Mark's massive cock, nestled snugly between his cheeks. He grinds against it, the feeling too good to ignore. Mark's breathing is deep and even, his body still as he sleeps. Dave's own cock starts to harden, his mind racing with images of the gym, of the bodybuilder on his knees, of the power Mark wields so effortlessly. He grinds again, his body responding to the promise of pleasure. But he knows he can't. Not here, not now. He slides out of bed, his legs shaky as he makes his way to the bathroom. The cool tiles of the floor against his bare feet are a stark contrast to the heat of Mark's cock, but it's a welcome relief. He locks the door behind him, the sound echoing in the quiet room. In the bathroom, Dave looks at himself in the mirror, his own body pale and small in comparison to Mark's. He's always been fit, but next to his partner, he feels insignificant. He reaches for his cock, stroking it gently as he tries to push the thoughts away. But it's no use, the memory of Mark's power is like a siren's call, luring him closer. He closes his eyes and lets out a low moan, his hand moving faster as he imagines it's Mark's hand on him, Mark's cock filling him up. The need is almost painful, a desperate hunger that's been building for days. He bites his lip, trying to keep quiet as he gets closer and closer to the edge. When he cums, it's with a whimper, his body shaking with the release. He leans against the sink, his breath coming in gasps. He can't believe he's doing this, can't believe he's let Mark get to him like this. But he can't deny the thrill that runs through him, the feeling of being claimed by the alpha. He cleans up quickly, his mind racing. He has to get back in bed before Mark wakes up, before he realizes what's happened. He can't let him see the desperation in his eyes, the need that's taken hold. Climbing back under the covers, Dave tries to calm his racing heart. Mark's bulk is a comforting presence, the warmth of his body seeping into Dave's. He tries to tell himself it's just the mission, that he's just playing the part. But deep down, he knows it's more than that. He lies there, listening to Mark's deep, even breathing, his mind racing with thoughts of submission and dominance. The line between the mission and reality is blurring, and Dave isn't sure he wants to find his way back. The thrill of being under Mark's control is too much to resist, the power dynamics too tantalizing to ignore. As the light starts to creep in through the curtains, Dave makes a decision. He'll go along with it, for now. He'll play the part of the submissive partner, biding his time. But he won't let himself get lost in it completely. He'll keep a part of himself separate, a part that's still his own. But as he falls back asleep, the warmth of Mark's body lulling him into a doze, he can't help but feel a thrill of excitement. It's like he's nestled under a blanket made of pure, unbridled power. And when he wakes up again, it's to find himself trapped, Mark's massive arm thrown over him, his head buried in the crook of the other man's armpit. The smell is overwhelming, a mix of sweat and musk and something primal that makes his cock throb. He tries to push away, to get some air, but he can't move. Mark's body is like a mountain, heavy and unyielding. With a grunt, Dave manages to free his head, gasping for breath. But he's still trapped, Mark's heavy body pressing him into the mattress. He can feel the other man's cock, still hard and insistent, against his thigh. He looks up, taking in the view of Mark's massive chest, his abs like a sculpture, his biceps bulging. It's like waking up to a dream, a nightmare that's also the most erotic thing he's ever experienced. He tries to ignore the way his body responds, the way his heart races and his cock fills at the sight of Mark's power. But it's no use. The man is like a magnet, pulling him in, making him want more. And as he lies there, trapped under Mark's bulk, he can't help but admire the sheer size of him, the perfection of his form. It's like being under a spell, one that's both terrifying and incredibly arousing. With a grunt, Dave manages to slide out from under Mark's arm, his body feeling like it's been stretched and molded by the weight of the other man. He takes a deep breath, the cool air of the room a stark contrast to the heat of Mark's body. But as he does, he feels a hand on his hip, gently guiding him back into place. "Where do you think you're going?" Mark's voice is thick with sleep, but there's a hint of amusement in it that makes Dave's stomach twist. "I just... need some space," Dave says, his voice tight. But Mark doesn't release him, instead pulling him closer, his cock pressing into Dave's thigh. "Space is overrated," he murmurs, his breath warm against Dave's ear. "You're mine, remember?" Dave tries to push back, but it's like trying to move a boulder. Mark's strength is undeniable, his grip unyielding. And with every second that passes, Dave's resolve weakens. The desire to submit, to give in, is almost overwhelming. He feels his cock growing harder, his body betraying him. "No," he says, his voice shaky. "We're just partners." Mark's hand slides up, his fingers playing with the waistband of Dave's boxers. "Is that what you really believe?" he asks, his voice a low purr. "Or do you want to admit the truth?" Dave's eyes fly open, his heart racing. The hand on his hip tightens, the other sliding up to cup his cock. "Tell me," Mark whispers. "Do you want me to fuck you?" Dave's breath hitches, his body responding before his mind can catch up. He tries to pull away, but it's like fighting a losing battle. Mark's hand is warm and firm, his touch setting off a cascade of sensation that has him panting. "I... I don't know," he admits, his voice barely a whisper. Mark's grip tightens, his thumb tracing slow circles around the head of Dave's cock. "Lie to yourself if you have to," he says, his voice a low growl. "But you know what you want." Dave's eyes are glued to Mark's biceps as they flex and bulge with the movement. He can't help but admire the sheer power of the man above him, the way his muscles ripple and dance as he stretches. Mark's chest expands with every breath, the hairs on his torso standing on end, the veins in his arms popping with the effort of holding back his full strength. With a grin, Mark sits up, the bed groaning beneath his weight. He stretches his arms over his head, the muscles in his shoulders and back popping into stark relief. His chest is a landscape of power, the definition of each muscle clear even in the soft light of the room. Dave can't help but stare, his own body feeling so small and insignificant in comparison. Mark stands, the sheets pooling around his waist, revealing the rest of his massive body. His thighs are like tree trunks, his cock still thick and hard between them, his underwear straining to contain his immense package. He stretches again, his entire body a testament to the power he holds. Dave's eyes follow the line of his abs, the V-shaped leading down to his groin, where his cock juts out, demanding attention. "You ready for today?" Mark asks, his voice low and rough. "Ready to play the part?" Dave nods, his throat tight. He's not sure he'll ever be ready for this, but he's going to have to try. He slides out of bed, his legs shaky. The cool air of the room does nothing to cool the heat that's spread through him, the need that's taken root deep inside. He tries to ignore it, to focus on the mission. But it's like trying to ignore a storm that's brewing just outside the window. "Yeah," he says, his voice a little too high. "Let's get to it." But Mark isn't listening. He's already at the mirror, flexing his massive arms, the veins in his biceps popping as he stares at his own reflection. "So fucking big," he murmurs, his eyes glazed with lust. "Look how big I am." Dave watches, his own cock pulsing with each of Mark's grunts. It's like watching a train wreck, horrifying and mesmerizing all at once. Mark's obsession with his size is palpable, the room thick with his desire to be even more massive. Mark's hand slides down to his cock, his strokes slow and deliberate over his underwear. "I'm huge," he whispers, his voice like a prayer. "So big." Dave's eyes follow the movement, his own hand itching to touch. But he doesn't dare, not yet. He has to keep his head in the game, has to remember why they're here. But it's hard to think with Mark like this, his body on full display. The man's muscles seem to ripple with every breath, his chest heaving with the effort of his own worship. It's like watching a god at work, a being so far beyond human that it's almost impossible to believe he's standing in the same room. And then, Mark does something that makes Dave's knees almost buckle. He brings his nose to his armpit, inhaling deeply. The sound that comes out of his mouth is pure pleasure, a grunt that vibrates through the air. His eyes roll back in his head, his mouth open in a silent moan. "Fuckkk, I smell so good," he growls, his voice thick with lust as he takes another long inhale. “Pure, 100 percent alpha.” Dave swallows hard, his own arousal spiking at the sight. He's never seen anything so primal, so raw. It's like Mark is in a trance, lost in his own scent, his own power. It's terrifying and thrilling all at once. Mark's muscles are a tapestry of might, each one sculpted and honed to perfection. His shoulders are broad, his neck thick with cords of muscle that lead to a jaw that's square and unyielding. His biceps bulge, the veins in his arms like rivers of power, leading to hands that could crush a man's skull with ease. His chest is a wall of flesh, a landscape of ridges and valleys that flex with every breath. His abs are so defined, it looks like they were chiseled from marble, each one a testament to his unbridled strength. His legs are like tree trunks, each muscle standing out in stark relief. His thighs are massive, the size of most men's waists. His calves are rock-hard, veins snaking down to his feet. His cock, even at rest, is a thick, heavy presence, a reminder of the power he holds between his legs. The underwear looks like it’s about to rip, his cock pressed up against the fabric and creating an almost X ray like effect. The head is plump and red, the shaft thick and veiny, a promise of the pleasure—and pain—it could bring. But it's his back that truly steals the show. The muscles there are so broad and powerful, they make his waist look small by comparison. Each one is a work of art, a testament to the hours he's spent in the gym, pushing his body to the brink of human capability. They ripple and shift with every movement, a symphony of power that's impossible to ignore. Dave can't take his eyes off Mark's reflection, the way the light plays across his skin, highlighting the sheen of sweat that's starting to form. It's like watching a predator, a creature that could snap him in two without a second thought. But instead, Mark is lost in his own world, a world where he's the biggest, the strongest, the most dominant. And as much as Dave tries to fight it, he can't deny the allure of that power. He wants it, craves it. The need to submit is a living thing inside him, a hunger that's been awakened and can't be ignored. He clears his throat, trying to break the spell. "We should get ready," he says, his voice sounding weak even to his own ears. "Stop worshipping yourself. We've got a job to do." Mark turns to look at him, his eyes narrowed. "What did you say?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous. "I said, we've got a mission," Dave repeats, his voice a little stronger this time. "You don't need to be worshipped every second. You don’t need to be any bigger. You're already huge. You're like, ten feet tall." The words hang in the air, a challenge that echoes through the room. Mark's face contorts with rage, his muscles tensing. "There's no such thing as too big," he snarls, his teeth bared. "And you'd do well to remember that." Dave's heart skips a beat. He's gone too far, he knows it. But he can't take it back now. "I just mean, we need to focus," he says, trying to defuse the situation. "We can't let this... this... distraction get in the way of our job." But Mark's not listening. He's off the bed in a flash, his massive body moving with surprising grace for its size. He stands over Dave, his cock still hard, pointing at him like an accusation. "You think I'm just a fucking show pony?" he roars, his fists clenched at his sides. "You think I don't know how to do my job?" Dave takes a step back, his hands up in a placating gesture. "No, I didn't mean that," he stammers. "It's just... the mission, it's important." But Mark isn't having it. His hand snaps out, his fingers wrapping around Dave's neck, lifting him off the ground with ease. "You think you can tell me what to do?" he growls, his face inches from Dave's. "You think you can tell me how big I should be?" Dave's eyes are wide with fear, his breath coming in chokes. He tries to pull away, but Mark's grip is like iron. "Let go," he gasps, his eyes watering. But Mark doesn't. If anything, his grip tightens, his body flexing with the effort of holding Dave in place. "You're mine," he says, his voice a low growl. "And I'll make sure you never forget it." Dave's legs kick out, his hands scratching at Mark's arms. He can feel his air supply dwindling, his vision starting to go dark at the edges. But he won't give in, not now, not like this. "Fuck you," he manages to croak out. "I'm not your bitch." Mark's eyes flash with something primal, something that makes Dave's stomach drop. "You will be," he says, his voice a promise. "You will be." And with that, he throws Dave onto the bed, his body following. He's on top of him in an instant, his cock pressing into Dave's stomach, his hands pinning him down. "You're going to learn to worship me," Mark says, his voice a harsh whisper. "And you're going to love it." Dave's heart is racing, his fear and arousal a toxic mix that's threatening to overwhelm him. He tries to push Mark off, but it's like fighting a mountain. The other man's weight is crushing, his power absolute. But as Mark's cock slides down, pressing against his own, Dave feels a flicker of something else. It's like a spark, a flame that's been kindled by the very thing he's afraid of. The need to submit, the need to be owned by this monster of a man. And even as he struggles, a part of him wants it. Wants to give in, to let Mark take him, to feel the power of his dominance. It's like gravity, an irresistible force that's pulling him closer and closer. He opens his mouth to protest, but all that comes out is a moan as Mark's cock rubs against his own. The friction is electric, sending shockwaves through his body. He arches up, his hips bucking involuntarily. Mark's eyes gleam with victory. "That's it," he says, his voice low and seductive. "Give in, Dave. You know you want it." But before Dave can respond, Mark releases him with a suddenness that leaves him gasping for air. "Not now," he says, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "We've got a show to put on." He stands, his cock still rock-hard, pointing at the ceiling. He grabs his gym bag, tossing it over his shoulder like it's filled with feathers. "Get dressed," he commands. "We're going to go win this thing, and then we'll talk about your... disobedience." Dave scrambles off the bed, his legs shaking. He tries to ignore the throbbing in his cock, the need that's pulsing through his body. He pulls on his clothes, his eyes never leaving Mark's reflection in the mirror. The other man is already dressed, his muscles bulging against the tight fabric of his competition suit. "You're going to love it," Mark says, his eyes meeting Dave's in the mirror. "You're going to love worshipping me." Dave doesn't respond, his mind racing with thoughts of escape. But he knows it's no use. Not now, not with Mark so close, so powerful. He's trapped, a fly caught in a spider's web, and all he can do is wait for the inevitable. The tension in the room is thick, the air heavy with unspoken promises and fear. They leave the hotel room, the door closing behind them with a finality that makes Dave's heart sink. As they walk through the hotel lobby, Mark's hand finds the small of his back, a gentle guide that's anything but. It's a reminder of who's in charge, who holds the power. And even though Dave knows he should be terrified, a part of him is... excited. The thrill of the unknown, the allure of submission. It's like nothing he's ever felt before, a dark, delicious secret that he can't ignore.
    15 points
  25. Chapter 58 - Season 2 Episode 16 As their passionate encounter wound down, Brock and his doppelganger concentrated, their massive cocks shrinking back to a more modest 12 inches. The three men surveyed the room, taking in the aftermath of their intense lovemaking. Damn," Ollie breathed, eyeing the puddles of cum on the floor and table. "We really made a mess, didn't we?" Brock chuckled, his chest rumbling. "Nothing we can't handle. Let's clean up, boys." They set to work, using towels and rags to mop up the copious fluids. As they wrung out the cloths into a nearby bucket, Ollie's eyes widened in amazement. The bucket quickly filled to the 2-liter mark with their combined essence. "Holy shit," Ollie gasped, staring at the bucket in disbelief. "That's... that's all from us?" The doppelganger grinned, flexing his bicep playfully. "What can we say? When you're enhanced like us, everything's bigger - including our loads." "Speaking of which," Brock said, stepping onto the scale. The doppelganger joined him, their massive frames barely fitting on the platform. The digital display flickered before settling on 269 kg. "Interesting," the doppelganger mused. "We lost about a kilogram in cum production." Ollie's brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, but there's two liters in the bucket. Shouldn't you have lost two kilograms?" Both Brocks moved to the kitchen, downing several glasses of water in quick succession to replenish their fluids. As they drank, Brock explained, "Our enhanced lungs can actually absorb water vapor from the air to compensate for fluid loss." "Really?" Ollie asked, fascinated. "Yep," the doppelganger added, finishing another glass. "We can extract moisture from the atmosphere like some kind of dehumidifier. Comes in handy when you produce as much cum as we do." Once the room was back in order, they headed to the spacious shower. The glass enclosure was barely large enough to contain their muscular bodies, but they managed to squeeze in together. Warm water cascaded over them as they began to wash each other, hands roaming over bulging muscles and firm flesh. Brock lathered up Ollie's back, his strong hands working out the knots in the smaller man's muscles. The doppelganger focused on Ollie's front, paying special attention to his abs and chest. Ollie found himself sandwiched between the two muscle gods, their touch igniting sparks of pleasure across his skin. As they cleaned each other, they exchanged tender kisses. Ollie turned his head, meeting Brock's lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Then he turned to the doppelganger, their tongues dancing as the water washed over them. A thought occurred to Ollie as he watched the two Brocks move in perfect sync. "Hey," he said, pulling back from a kiss. "Can you two... I don't know, communicate telepathically or something? Share consciousness?" The Brocks exchanged a knowing smile. "As a matter of fact," Brock began. "We can," the doppelganger finished. "It's like we're two bodies with one mind." "That's incredible," Ollie marveled, his hands tracing the ridges of their abs. "So you always know what the other is thinking?" "More or less," Brock nodded. "It comes in handy, especially in situations like this." They finished their shower, drying off and dressing in tight tank tops and shorts that clung to their muscular frames like a second skin. The fabric strained against their bulges, leaving little to the imagination. As they made their way to the kitchen, Ollie's stomach growled audibly. Brock laughed, patting Ollie's flat stomach. "Sounds like someone worked up an appetite. Let's get some food in you." They set about preparing a hearty, protein-rich dinner. Ollie watched in amazement as the two Brocks moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, their actions perfectly coordinated. One Brock manned the stove, expertly flipping steaks and sautéing vegetables, while the other prepared a massive salad and mixed protein shakes. "This is incredible," Ollie said, shaking his head in wonder. "You guys are like a well-oiled machine. Everything gets done so quickly with an extra set of hands." The doppelganger winked at him. "Just wait till you see what else these extra hands can do later." As they sat down to eat, Ollie noticed the sheer volume of food on the table. "That's... a lot of food," he said hesitantly. "Are you sure we can eat all this?" Brock nodded, already digging into his steak. "Don't worry about it, baby. Our metabolisms are enhanced now. We burn through calories like you wouldn't believe." "That's right," the doppelganger added, shoveling a forkful of salad into his mouth. "We don't get fat from food anymore. And we don't need much exercise to maintain all this muscle mass either." Ollie's eyes widened. "Seriously? You can eat whatever you want and stay looking like... well, like that?" He gestured to their godlike physiques. Brock grinned, flexing his bicep. "Yep. All this is pretty much permanent now. We could sit on the couch eating pizza all day and still look like Greek gods." "Though we prefer to stay active," the doppelganger chimed in. "Just because we don't need to work out doesn't mean we don't enjoy it." As they ate, Ollie marveled at the seemingly bottomless appetites of the two Brocks. They devoured plate after plate of food, washing it all down with protein shakes. Yet despite the enormous caloric intake, their abs remained perfectly defined, visible even through their tight shirts. "This is unreal," Ollie said, shaking his head in amazement. "You guys are like... I don't even know. Superhumans?" Brock reached across the table, taking Ollie's hand in his. "We're whatever you want us to be, baby. And we're all yours." Ollie felt a shiver of anticipation run down his spine. He knew that with these two insatiable muscle gods, the night was far from over. As he looked from one Brock to the other, taking in their handsome faces and mouthwatering physiques, he couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man alive.
    15 points
  26. Hello everyone! I've had this story bouncing around in my head for quite some time now, and I'm happy to finally put it into words. There's a bit of setup before any growth, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Chapter 1 He was sitting at the end of the bar when I first laid eyes on him. He was handsome, with a clean jaw and short jet black hair that was swept back. He wore a purple button-up shirt and maroon velvet pants. In the oppressive Hanoi summer heat, those clothes must have been stifling, yet his easy demeanor and cordial smile showed no discomfort. That was Tam, all right—always choosing style over comfort, always jovial. Of course, back then, I only saw him as my next conquest. Just someone new to sink my cock into for the night. If only I'd known how much that man would change my life. How much meaning and joy he would bring me. And how much growth he'd inspire in me, both physically and mentally. By then, I’d been in Vietnam for two months. I came during my sabbatical, looking for adventure. Your twenties are supposed to be your adventurous years, after all. A week in, I canceled my plans to continue traveling through Cambodia and Thailand. I’d fallen in love with Vietnam and resolved to explore every nook and cranny I could find. I know it’s a cliché for Germans to choose this trifecta of countries as a holiday destination. But I was only half-German, a fact you could discern from my height and blue eyes. My other half was Turkish, and I had that heritage to thank for my facial hair and golden-brown coiffure. I kept my beard neatly trimmed, while my hair was left just messy enough to look effortless, though I'd hesitate to admit how long I spent getting it that way. Combined with my athletic build and a matching clean outfit, you could say I was a looker. Back home, it was pretty easy to attract attention at the bars and clubs. But at 27, I was starting to wane off the party scene as it slowly got tedious. I was no longer interested in dancing or binging until the wee hours of the morning. I only ever went out when I was hunting. Grindr was also a tool at my disposal of course, but it left me feeling numb. There was no excitement, no rush, no tug and pull. Like all animals, humans have a mating dance—one that I had mastered and found great pleasure in. I would catch the eyes of someone looking my way: interested, but not yet convinced. Then, I'd spend the night testing the waters, letting my hand surreptitiously land on him, whisper in his ear, and invite him for a dance. Hours later I'd have his back arched on my bed, screaming and begging for more. In Vietnam, my routine hadn’t changed much. If anything, my nighttime prowling was even easier. Among tourists and locals, I was an oddity: foreign and different. Heads turned as I walked by, intrigued. I didn’t blame them. I looked good, and they knew it. So when my gaze landed on that handsome Viet man sitting and laughing at that corner seat, I sat up, rolled up my sleeves, and sauntered over. His frame, though small, was well formed. He was slender, with narrow shoulders and delicate wrists that contrasted with the subtle definition of his forearms. His neck was long and graceful, and his posture carried a quiet confidence that felt undeniably masculine. He turned and saw me, letting his eyes linger on my figure and raising an eyebrow. “I couldn’t help but notice you sitting here in the corner,” I said, leaning casually against the bar, my voice warm with charm. “What’s a handsome guy like you doing, hiding away?” The man glanced up at me, his dark eyes cool and unreadable. He tilted his head ever so slightly before answering. “Actually, I’m not hiding. I’m here with my friend,” he said, nodding toward the person seated next to him. “Hi, I’m Minh!” the friend piped up brightly, his high-pitched voice contrasting with Tam’s reserved tone. Minh extended a delicate hand toward me. He was tiny, no taller than 5’3”, with an almost birdlike thinness, but his vibrant outfit—a bold green shirt and patterned scarf—demanded attention. Even his glasses had a rose tint, with the metal frame curving in small spirals at the edges. "Bastian," I said, swallowing his hand in mine as I shook it. Still, I quickly turned my attention back to the man who had first caught my eye. “And you?” I asked, my voice dropping slightly as I addressed the good looking stranger. “Do I get to know your name?” “Tam,” he said simply, his tone polite but distant. “And thank you for the flattery, but we’re perfectly fine as we are.” The blow landed harder than I expected. I blinked, momentarily thrown off. But I wasn’t about to give up so easily. “I think if you gave me a chance, you’d find I’m a pretty interesting guy to talk to,” I said, leaning in slightly. I let my voice dip lower, coaxing him like I was taming a wild fox. Tam’s eye twitched—was it boredom? Annoyance? I couldn’t tell—but he kept his eyes fixed on his drink. “I already find Minh plenty interesting,” he said, his tone firmer now. “Also, you’re asking me to ignore my friend. That’s... not exactly charming.” “Oh, I don’t mind,” Minh interjected quickly, waving a hand as if to dismiss the issue. I grinned. “See? He doesn’t mind.” Tam’s gaze lifted to mine, sharp and unwavering. “I do.” That stopped me cold. His voice wasn’t loud, but it carried enough weight to slam the brakes on my usual routine. I could count on one hand the number of times I’d been outright shut down like this, and it wasn’t an experience I relished. My ears burned as the rejection sank in. “Well,” I said, straightening up and forcing a smile, “you two have a good night.” Tam didn’t respond, his attention already back on his drink. Minh, however, gave me a sympathetic smile and a small wave. I retreated to my stool by the wall, my shoulders slumping as the heat of embarrassment spread across me. I'd never felt so disarmed and vulnerable. Not in a long time at least… That old familiar shame clawed its way up, leaving a dull ache in its wake and digging up buried memories. I couldn’t stop fidgeting with the glass in my hand, my thumb circling the rim over and over. Taking a long sip of my drink, I glanced toward the bar. Through the milling crowd, I could see them—Tam and Minh—locked in what looked like an argument. The scene replayed in my head like a bad highlight reel. I imagined myself saying something smoother, more clever, less forward. Maybe if I’d done this, or said that— “Then maybe you go! I’m not interested!” Tam’s voice cut through the noise, sharp and unmistakable. I watched him gather his things. My eyes darted to the mirror on the far wall, catching my reflection. Was there something off? I ran a hand over my jawline, feeling the smoothness of my fresh shave. Nope, all good. My white shirt was crisp and well-fitted, tapering neatly at the waist. My jeans hugged my thighs snugly—one of my stronger assets—and the belt buckle tied the look together. Still, I rolled my shoulders, flexing a bit to test the sleeves of my shirt. I thought I filled out the fabric here a bit more, I wondered to myself, watching the cotton bunch up near the seams. What did I weigh last time I checked? 220? Feel like I got smaller. I turned slightly, checking the back of my outfit in the mirror. Shouldn't have skipped that last workout for that early hike. “Excuse me.” I looked up to see Minh standing there, swaying slightly, a sly grin on his face. “Bastian, right? Is this seat taken?” I gestured an invitation and he took a seat next to me. My eyes flicked back to the bar. Tam was gone. “I’m sorry about my friend,” Minh said, his voice light, but tinged with genuine apology. “He’s a great guy—really, he is—but you’ve got to get through that thick exterior.” “You two seem close,” I said, swirling the last bit of whiskey in my glass. “Oh, we are.” Minh nodded. “The whole point of tonight was to go out whoring, but Tam’s such a damn overthinker. Chickens out like this every time.” He let out a dramatic sigh, shaking his head. “Doesn’t realize what a catch he is, no matter how much I tell him. Leaves me to pick up whatever bait he leaves dangling before he bolts—not that I’m complaining too much,” he added with a wink. “Is that what this is, then?” I asked, smirking despite myself. “Latching on to my bait?” Minh tilted his head, feigning innocence, but his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oh, you’ve got me latched onto your pole, alright.” I barked out a laugh. It was cheesy, but his delivery was so confident, so unabashedly playful, I couldn’t help but enjoy it. The earlier sting of rejection hadn’t entirely faded, but Minh’s charm and attention were starting to patch me up. He was bold, disarming, and clearly enjoying himself. Why not lean into it? A little fun wouldn’t hurt. “So, Minh,” I said, turning toward him and letting a slow grin spread across my face. “What’s a guy like me gotta do to keep you around?” --- We arrived at my place around 10 o'clock. This was my last night in the hotel before moving to a shared hostel, and I intended to make the most of the privacy while I still had it. Minh had been eager all evening, sneaking in little touches and squeezes when he thought I wasn’t paying attention. By the time we stepped into the elevator, his restraint was gone, and he leaned up to kiss me. At 6’2”, I towered over him, and I couldn’t help but enjoy the way he rose onto his toes, trying to reach me as we stumbled down the hall, hands roaming over each other’s bodies. He struggled to keep up, so I made it easy for him: I scooped him up over my shoulder and picked up my step. Minh’s laughter was infectious, spilling out in breathless giggles that echoed down the corridor. We were drunk, horny, and too far gone to care who might hear us. By the time we made it to my room, I felt a rush of energy—confidence and desire. Minh’s excitement only fueled my own. I tossed him onto the bed with an effortless swing, grinning at his delighted gasp. As I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt, Minh was already pulling his own shirt over his head, his glasses falling askew in the process. He tossed them aside carelessly, flashing me a wide, impish smile. God, he looked cute. For a fleeting second, Tam’s face flashed in my mind, but I pushed the bitter thought away. Minh was here, eager and willing, and I wasn’t about to let myself get distracted. As I undid the last button, Minh let out a wolf whistle, his eyes wide as he took in my sculpted torso. “Damn, you’re an actual stud,” he said, half-incredulous, half-teasing. I smirked, slowing my movements, turning the act into a deliberate strip-tease. His grin widened, and he leaned back on the bed, clearly enjoying the show. I ran a hand down my chest, tracing the ridges of muscle, before hooking my thumbs into my belt. I’d worked hard for this—five years of dedicated workouts and a disciplined diet. My body wasn’t just a testament to my effort; it was a tool, and I knew how to wield it. Minh’s gaze was proof enough. His eyes followed every move, brimming with awe and desire. I loved that. I leaned down to straddle him, grinding my hips against his smaller frame as I shucked off my shirt. His breath hitched, his hands immediately reaching for my torso, exploring the firm ridges of my abs and sides. His touch was bold, his kisses hungrier, more intense than I’d expected from someone so petite. Good. I liked someone who could match my energy. Breaking the kiss, I stood and let my pants fall to the floor, leaving just our briefs between us. A thin string of saliva still connected us as Minh sat up slightly, his lips parted, his cheeks flushed. My eyes flicked downward, catching the bulge in his rose-colored underwear. He was hard. My hand slid beneath the waistband of my briefs, freeing myself at last. Minh’s eyes widened as he took in my full length, his jaw dropping slightly. Eight inches, thick and pulsing, stood proudly in front of him. His gaze flicked between my cock and my face, awe and hunger etched across his features. “YES!” he exclaimed, punching the air with excitement. I couldn’t help it—I laughed, the sound rumbling deep in my chest. His goofy enthusiasm was endearing, cutting through the tension like a balm. Minh was dextrous, rolling back quickly, his nimble hands tugging down his pink bottoms and tossing them aside in one smooth motion. He must have been about five inches, maybe a little more—but on his body, it looked larger. Licking his lips, he let his hand drift down past his hard cock, fingers slipping lower to his smooth, hairless ass. Slowly, tentatively, he began teasing himself, opening up as he kept his eyes locked on mine. The sight was mesmerizing—Minh, sprawled across the bed, ready and eager, his body proclaiming an invitation for mine to take its place. I knelt on the bed, my weight sinking into the mattress as I leaned over him. His breath quickened as I pressed a hand to his thigh, running it upward with deliberate pressure. His body tensed beneath me, shivering under my touch. “Ready for me, Minh?” I murmured, my voice low and gravelly. “More than ready." I knelt down, capturing his lips in another searing kiss, more urgent this time. My right hand cupped his delicate face, my thumb brushing over his cheek. Meanwhile, my other hand slid between his legs, slipping into his tight entrance where his own fingers had left off. My thicker digits made a more sizeable intrusion than his own, and his groans of pleasure thanked me for it. His face looked so boyish, and my hand easily eclipsed the length of it. He looked fragile, almost breakable, but the fire in his eyes told me he could handle whatever I had to give. I let my hand slide down to his slender neck, pausing as I raised an eyebrow in a silent check-in. “I can take it,” he said, his voice soft and unexpectedly high-pitched, likely from the stimulation he was receiving in his ass. “Good boy,” I whispered, wrapping my fingers gently around his neck, just enough to let him feel my control. At the same time, my other hand worked him open with skill, slipping in a second, then a third finger. His body squirmed under my touch, arching and twisting as he tried to cope with the building pleasure. Minh’s hands wandered in a frenzy, moving from my thick arm to my face and hair, then back down over my firm chest. He was moving like he didn't know what to do with his hands anymore. When I finally withdrew my fingers, he exhaled a long breath in reprieve. But I had something much bigger in store for him. After a generous application of lube, I positioned myself at his entrance, taking my time to push in slowly. Minh’s frame tensed at first, but he continued to exhale deeply, controlling his breathing like a pro. It was quickly becoming apparent that this wasn't his first rodeo. His hand rested on mine, a silent signal for when to pause and when to proceed. I eased my entire length into him, the tight heat of his body squeezing me in all the right ways. Once I bottomed out, I grinned and leaned down, brushing back the hair from his forehead. “Ready for the real fucking?” I murmured. Minh nodded wordlessly, his wide eyes glimmering. I adjusted his legs to either side of me, bracing myself before starting a steady rhythm. Each thrust drew a delicious mix of gasps and moans from him. “Oh my god,” he cried out, his fingers gripping the sheets as I picked up my pace. My breath came heavy now, as I watched him unravel beneath me. Each thrust sent shocks of pleasure through him, and his breathless yelps told me exactly when I hit his sweet spot. I kept up the relentless rhythm for what must have been ten minutes, savoring the heat and tightness of his hole. Then, with a quick decision, I shifted him onto his side. He was so easy to manhandle; his light, compact body moved wherever I wanted it. I grabbed both his arms with one hand, pinning them securely behind his back, and pressed his head down into the mattress with the other. His muffled moans vibrated against the duvet as I entered him again, his body pliant and willing beneath me. “You take this dick so well, boy,” I growled, each word punctuated by a powerful thrust. Minh’s response was nothing but pure submission. His moans turned to soft, desperate cries, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy as his cheek pressed into the bed. I picked up speed, fully drilling into him, my developed thighs burning with the effort. The slap of skin against skin filled the room, and a few drops of sweat fell from my body onto the writhing figure beneath me. He was barely audible now, his voice lost to pleasure as he instinctively ground his dick against the mattress. My grip on his wrists began to slip as sweat slicked both our bodies, but I held firm. His ass cheeks, glowing red from the pounding, jiggled with every stroke. Despite the roughness, his face was a picture of bliss, his lips parted and his body moving in time with my own. As I felt the pressure building in my core, I slowed my movements to a more deliberate, calculated pace, each thrust deeper and more controlled. Minh’s body tensed in my arms, his legs trembling beneath mine. His eyes closed tightly, and a sharp cry tore from his lips as he reached his climax, spilling himself against the duvet. The sight of him unraveling sent me over the edge. My thrusts grew erratic as I leaned down. One final, deep push, and I spilled my release inside him, my body shuddering with the intensity. We stayed entwined for several minutes, breathing heavily as the haze of post-coital euphoria enveloped us. The room was filled with the scent of sweat and sex, and neither of us moved for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Minh broke the silence, speaking between pants of breath. “So, we’re meeting again, right?”
    14 points
  27. Chapter 59 - Season 2 Episode 17 As night fell, the trio decided to retire to the bedroom, but Ollie wasn't quite ready for sleep. He reached for the remote, turning on the large TV mounted on the wall. "Want to watch something interesting?" Ollie asked with a shy smile, pulling out his phone. He connected it to the TV and pulled up the video he'd recorded earlier of Brock's transformation and merger. The clip began to play, filling the room with the sights and sounds of Brock's incredible metamorphosis. The three men settled on the bed, their eyes glued to the screen as they relived the intense moments. On screen, Brock's body writhed and expanded, muscles swelling to impossible proportions as the machine worked its magic. Tentacle-like appendages stroked and massaged his growing form, eliciting deep moans of pleasure. The Brock in the video arched his back as waves of ecstasy washed over him, his enhanced genitals pulsing rhythmically. "Fuck," Brock breathed, watching himself transform on screen. "I didn't realize how hot it looked from the outside." "Look at how your eight-pack starts morphing," Ollie pointed out, watching the defined ridges of Brock's abs begin to shift and change. Two new ab muscles emerged gradually, the valleys between them deepening until a perfect ten-pack was formed. His doppelganger nodded in agreement, equally entranced by the display. "The way those tentacles worked us over, how our body responded to every touch... it's so arousing." Ollie's breath quickened as he watched. The video showed Brock's chest expanding, pecs swelling into massive slabs of muscle. His nipples, stimulated by the machine's ministrations, grew more prominent and sensitive. Brock's thighs expanded to tree-trunk proportions, quads and hamstrings fighting for space. His calves became diamond-hard masses of pure muscle. Even his feet and hands grew larger, more powerful, perfectly proportioned to his expanding frame. But what really drew their attention was the footage of his cock's transformation. They watched as it lengthened and thickened, growing to impossible proportions. Veins emerged along the shaft, pulsing visibly as it continued to expand. Unable to resist any longer, both Brocks pulled their throbbing cocks free from their straining shorts, the fabric stretched obscenely around their massive balls. Their cocks sprang up, already leaking copious amounts of precum that darkened the front of their tight tanks. They began stroking themselves in perfect sync, their massive shafts pulsing with each touch. The thin fabric of their clothes strained against their flexing muscles as they pleasured themselves, threatening to tear with each movement. "Fuck, look at us," Brock groaned, watching their mirror image on screen while feeling his doppelganger's identical movements in real time. Their tanks rode up slightly, exposing the lower ridges of their abs as they stroked their enormous members. The precum flowed freely now, running down their shafts and soaking into the waistbands of their shorts. Each throb of their cocks made their pecs bounce slightly beneath the stretched fabric, creating an hypnotic rhythm that matched their synchronized stroking. "Want to see something really hot?" Brock asked, his voice husky with arousal. Without waiting for an answer, both Brocks began to transform. Their already impressive muscles swelled larger, growing to the impossible proportions they'd achieved right after emerging from the machine. Their remaining clothes shredded apart, unable to contain their expanding bulk. "Holy fuck," Ollie gasped, watching their real-time transformation while their recorded transformation played on screen. It was like seeing it in stereo - the video showing the process from earlier, while the live version happened right before his eyes. The Brocks grew to their maximum size, their muscles bulging obscenely. Veins popped out across their massive frames, their skin stretching to accommodate their enormous bulk. Their cocks lengthened and thickened, precum flowing freely from the swollen heads. Ollie reached out, his hands roaming over the expanse of muscle before him. He traced the deep valleys between each abdominal muscle, marveling at the perfect ten-pack both Brocks now sported. His fingers danced across their chests, feeling the hardness of their pecs and the pronounced nipples that stood at attention. "So fucking big," Ollie moaned, his own cock leaking as he worshipped their enhanced bodies. "You're both so incredibly huge." The Brocks flexed for him, making their muscles dance and ripple. Their cocks twitched and bobbed, painting trails of precum across their abs. The video continued playing in the background, creating an erotic soundtrack of moans and mechanical whirs. "Let's move this to the bathroom," Brock suggested, his voice husky with arousal. "Don't want to ruin these sheets with what's coming." In the bathroom, Brock positioned himself behind doppelganger, his enormous cock pressing against doppelganger hole. His massive pecs pressed against doppelganger broad back, muscles rippling with anticipation. "Watch carefully, Ollie," the doppelganger grinned. "We're about to show you another cool trick with our abilities." With one powerful thrust, he entered doppelganger completely. Both men groaned in pleasure, their muscles flexing and tensing in unison. "You see, baby," Brock explained between moans, "we can transfer mass between us when we fuck. Just watch what happens." Ollie's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? How does that work?" As they moved together in perfect rhythm, changes began to occur. Doppelganger's massive frame started to shrink gradually. His bowling ball shoulders became more streamlined, his barn-door back narrowed slightly. His massive pecs reduced to perfect, aesthetic proportions. "Look at his transformation," the doppelganger instructed Ollie. "See how the mass flows between us?" Doppelganger's 30 inch arms slimmed down to perfect fitness model size, while his ten-pack abs, though still deeply cut, became less overwhelmingly massive. His thighs reduced from tree trunks to perfectly proportioned columns of muscle. "Fuck, I'm getting close," Doppelganger growled, his hips moving faster. "Ready to take this load, brother? Ready for the mass transfer?" "Do it," Brock grunted. "Fill me up. Change me." With a primal roar, the doppelganger came, pumping what seemed like gallons of cum into Brock, but non leaked out. As his orgasm subsided, Doppelganger 's transformation completed - his body settling into the perfect proportions of an Instagram fitness model. "Amazing, right?" Doppelganger said, running hands over his new, more modest physique. "Still strong as ever, just packed into a more manageable size." They made their way back to bed, Brock lying down first, his massive frame taking up most of the space. Ollie climbed on top of him, attempting to rest his head on the enormous pec. "Ow," Ollie complained, shifting uncomfortably. "Your chest is like concrete. And these abs... it's like trying to lie on a washboard." Brock laughed deeply, the sound rumbling through his massive chest. "Sorry, baby. Here, let me adjust that for you." He concentrated, and Ollie felt the steel-hard muscles beneath him begin to change. "Better?" Brock asked as his muscles became more yielding while maintaining their shape. "Still strong, just softer for cuddling." Doppelganger, now in his lighter fitness model form, draped himself over Ollie like a living blanket. His more modest muscles pressed against Ollie's back, providing warmth and comfort without overwhelming him. "This is perfect," Ollie murmured, sandwiched between the two versions of his lover. "The best of both worlds - one big muscle daddy mattress and one sexy fitness model blanket." "Glad you approve," Brock chuckled, nuzzling Ollie's neck. "Having two of us definitely has its advantages." "And we can always switch it up," the doppelganger added, his chest rising and falling steadily beneath Ollie. "Whatever makes you most comfortable, baby." Surrounded by their powerful bodies, feeling completely safe and loved, Ollie felt himself drifting off. The doppelganger's now-perfect chest served as an ideal pillow, while Brock's warmth enveloped him from above. "Love you both," Ollie mumbled sleepily. "My perfect muscle gods." The two Brocks exchanged fond smiles over his head. "Love you too, baby," they replied in unison, their bodies instinctively curling protectively around their smaller lover.
    14 points
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