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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2015 in Posts

  1. Alright - part 2 is here, and it's here just to introduce some of the characters I'll be playing around with later. I guess, thanks for reading and - well, hope you like it. Part 1 here: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4927-growth-powder-part-1/ ///// Next morning, Max woke up to a rumbling stomach. He lay in bed for a few moments, thinking of breakfast. Some scrambled eggs, bread – and a good cold glass of orange juice. It was decided, that is what he was going to eat. He lazily got up, scratching his wide, strong back, as he headed to the toilet. After getting ready for the day, he went downstairs and started preparing breakfast. His parents had already gone to work, so it was up to him to make himself some food. He got out the eggs, and prepared them quickly, with the bread and everything else he wanted to eat, sausages, ham, and bacon – he was particularly hungry that morning. He scavenged the fridge for his favorite orange juice, but was disappointed when he didn’t find it. He thought for a moment, and then he remembered the powder he had found yesterday. Quickly he got a big, tall glass of water and mixed in some of the green powder, and started eating. After he had totally scraped all the plates clean and left his glass empty – he put on a pair of jeans, sneakers, a white t-shirt that had a symbol of his favorite band on it – the “O” and he headed out. He got on the bus, and looked around for his friend Jim, he found him and sat next to him. “Hey dude.” Max said, looking at Jim. Jim was a tad shorter and smaller than Max, but was also on the soccer team, so he was fairly athletic as well, but not as much as Max, Jim took it more casually, though he did like the sport – so Max thought at least. “Sup?” Jim said. “Not much dude, like, it’s Monday, so should be kinda just… tired, but, I’m not really.” “Whatdaya mean?” “I don’t know man, it’s like, I feel full of like energy.” “That’s great dude, lucky we have gym class first – so you can like, I don’t know, blow off some steam, I guess.” They talked for a while, and eventually arrived to school. With gym class first they headed to the locker room. On his way there, Max noticed something was a bit off with his jeans, they felt a bit tighter today, and he couldn’t really understand why. Other than that, he felt great, he was ready to use up some of this energy he had. They got into the locker room, and started changing. In there, there were a few other guys like Alex and Nathan, another guy on the soccer team with Max. Nathan was the captain of the team, he was a bit bigger than Max, and taller too, standing at a big 6 foot 3. And Alex was the standard nerdy type. As you might expect he was the tiniest guy in the room, standing at a respectable 5’6’’ a scrawny, friendly dude. As Max took his shirt off, Nathan approached him, slapping him on the back: “Look at you man, you’ve been putting on some mass?” Max looked down on himself, then smirked: “Hm, guess I have.” He said, flexing his large, almost 16 inch bicep. “Wow, I’ve really grown, then again I’ve been like, working like crazy lately. Guess it’s finally paying off.” “Good for you man.” Nathan said, smiling at him. “Yeah.” Jim added, then they started talking about something, then they all saw John enter the locker room. He was a bit late. He greeted everyone and started to change into gym clothes. John was about Max’ size, he was very athletic, yet no one quite knew what sport he played, if he played any sport at all. He was also kind of a jerk, so the other guys kinda talked to him on a mandatory basis. They, along with the rest of the class went into the gym. Today, they were playing basketball, Nathan and Max got to pick their teams. Nathan picked first, getting Jim and John on his team, along with the rest of the class that was any good. So, Max was stuck with Alex and his type, but he didn’t really mind. They played. Max gave it his best, by the end of it he was covered in sweat, his face red with exertion, but, even though he was really, really good – and even better today, he couldn’t have beaten the entire opposing team on his own. They lost 20 to 46, Max was annoyed, but kept telling himself that it was just a friendly game. “Oh. My. God. Man – we WRECKED you!” John shouted in the locker room, as Jim and Nathan laughed. ‘Why are they laughing? What is up with them?’ Though Max, as he took off his shirt, frowning at John. “Dude, relax. It’s like, just a game.” “Yeah – but we still kicked your asses.” “I like, I don’t care man.” “Ooh, what’s the matter?” John started. “Grumpy cuz you lost a whittw gawme?” “Come on dude, get off it.” Max was really getting annoyed now. But John somehow looked angry as well. “Or what?” “Just – shut up man!” Max turned to John, arms spread, seeming like he had enough of him. “I said – or what!?” John came close to Max, and just pushed him with both hands, slapping his bare, meaty chest. Max was pushed back a bit, and then he was really pissed. He wanted to get closer but Nathan pulled him by the arms, he saw John try to come at him too, but Jim was pulling him back. They shouted at each other. “Look dude, I can like, beat the shit out of you – RIGHT NOW – man!” Shouted John. “Oh yeah?” Said Max, pulling his arm from his friend’s grasp as he flexed it. “Look at this man, I’d wreck you, you—“ This went on for a bit, but eventually the rest of them managed to calm them down, and they made peace. Next was algebra class, and Max was seated next to Alex. The teacher went on about something, but it seemed more in the background to Max – Alex was usually very quiet, and kinda nervous around Max, for some reason. He was usually concentrated, but today, Max noticed that something was distracting him. He looked at him a few times, noticing that he was… staring at him? Or, more particularly at his muscles. He did wear a tight t-shirt today, or did he, he could have sworn that it was a regular t-shirt that very morning. Nevertheless, Alex was sneaking a few glances at his arms whenever he could. At first, Max was a bit annoyed, but then he grew to kinda like it. He decided to play with Alex a bit. He looked when Alex looked over at his arm, and then, he flexed it, making the triceps and biceps pop out, Alex’s eyes went wide at this, Max looked down at him, Alex looked up at Max for a moment, before quickly turning his head towards the blackboard, his face turning red. Max smiled at this, and he did it a few times more. Strangely, Alex spoke up, well, whispered something to him. He usually wasn’t the one to start a conversation. “Err… he- hey.” “Hm?” Max responded, looking at him. “Is that um, is that… an ellipse on your t-shirt?” “Heh, why are you looking at—What?” Max looked down. “No it’s a circle, like an “O” –“ He then noticed that the thick slabs of his pecs underneath his shirt have managed to stretch out the red O on his t-shirt into a sort of ellipse, his eyes went wide and he almost gasped, but then, he grinned. “Nah man – it’s supposed to be a circle, trust me.” A few more classes went on, and eventually school was over. On the ride back home, Nathan looked at Max and said: “Man, you’re jacked! Look at you, I’ve been trying to put on some mass, but like, I just can’t. What do you use, dude?” “Hm? Oh – I like, just eat a lot, drink the stuff you do – nothing out of the ordinary. Guess I’m just having a growth sprout.” “Lucky you, anyway – if you do have a secret – please do share.” “Haha! Yeah, I wish. I would if I had, trust me – if I knew, I’d use it.” Max got home, put his bag on his bed and took off his (now tight) t-shirt, smiling at himself in the mirror. “Oh yeah, I’m liking this.” He still wasn’t quite sure if he’d grown so big recently, or maybe he just hadn’t noticed, anyway – he was thirsty. And he wanted some orange juice. He got down, rummaged through the fridge, looking for orange juice, and on the way eating some chicken, cheese, cake – he didn’t find any orange juice, but he was surprised at how much food he managed to eat in such a short time. “Damn. No o—Oh, wait.” He said, remembering again that he had some of that powder. It didn’t really harm hi, so, he guessed that it wasn’t bad for him, so he made himself a tall glass of it. Though, this time he put in a bit more than usual, just to strengthen the flavor. He went upstairs again – and as he went into his room, he drank half the glass. “Man, nothing beats orange juice, but I guess this’s good.” He went by the mirror, and as he did, he noticed something strange. He placed the glass on the night stand and went closer to the mirror. He looked at himself in it, and then, flexed his right arm. His muscle bunched in a large ball, as always but – it… kept getting bigger. Maybe he was going crazy or… He looked down at his pecs, he could have sworn that the two big muscles moved out a bit, thickening, rounding out. He looked at his abs too, almost feeling them… grow? What could it possibly--- He looked at the drink. He drank the rest of it, and stepped in front of the mirror. Then – his jaw dropped. He literally saw himself… expand. He quickly took off his, now very tight jeans, looking at his calves jut out more and more, his thighs expanded outwards, serrations deepening between his muscles, making them look bigger, and more defined. He flexed his forearms, seeing them too grow, almost bursting with power. He was big and strong before but now – now he was, kinda buff. He flexed for himself in the mirror, observing his big pecs jump up and down, his abs contract into small balls of tight muscle, his arm and leg muscles bunched up with power and his underpants felt kind of… tight. “Wow, yeah – no, this definitely beats orange juice.”
    5 points
  2. Here is the third part. Enjoy! Again, if anyone has any suggestions or whatnot, please don't hesitate to let me know! I can't improve otherwise! ================================ Mick couldn’t think straight. It was as if all notions of reality had packed their bags and left for a holiday. All he could think of was the raging force that had caused a whole wall to bulge and crack. That overpowering, rank sweetness. The sight of a body that would put any ‘brah’ in the world to shame. It was all swirling in his head, overwhelming him. Like his brain was trying to understand how such things were possible, but it had no frame of reference for any of it. Over and over, the senses, the memories played on repeat. He dreamt he was being held by the colossus. In those massive, steely arms. Against the heat of that impossibly hard body. And there was nothing else he wanted as much in his life. “Oy, you’re not dead, are you?” The deep, rumbling sound penetrated Mick’s internal musings. Like a tuning fork, it delivered clarity to his mind, made him immediately aware of his surroundings. He realised he must have been dreaming, and opened his eyes. The first thing Mick’s brain registered was the soft warmth of whatever was surrounding him. He rolled his head over, and noticed he was lying in the makeshift bed he had first seen on the way in. He was tucked in to the sheets neatly, like his mum used to do. He couldn’t remember how or why this had happened. “Oh good, I didn’t kill you. Happy days!” Mick turned over to find the source of the baritone. There was Nate, leaning against the door. Aside from a change of shirt, he was just the same as when they first met, still as overwhelmingly powerful. But it wasn’t the same as the beautiful beast that was the last thing he remembered before… before… “Wha-What happened?” Asked Mick, trying to get a handle on the situation. Nate flashed a flicker of a smile, then buried it again. “Looks like you fainted as we came in. I’ve seen this happen before. So, I just made sure you were comfortable until you decided to wake up.” Mick made an effort to sit himself up out from under the sheets. As he did so, he felt something unusual. When he checked his waist, he saw he wasn’t wearing his favourite jeans anymore. In their place, was a set of sweatpants that looked comically oversized on his small frame. They must have belonged to Nate. Looking underneath, he saw he wasn’t even wearing his undies anymore. He was going commando at the moment. “Hey, uh, what happened to my pants? This isn’t what I came in with, was it?” Nate had a good hearty chuckle at that. “Nah! Not at all! You kind of had a… little accident when you fainted. You’re pants are in the wash right now.” “Wait, so… you stripped me?” Mick was taken aback that this guy had just decided it was perfectly okay to just expose him like that. “Uh… yeah. Look, I’m really sorry if I acted hastily. I tend to forget that that most guys aren’t as open about nudity as we are.” “We?” “Well, me and my mates. We usually don’t care about being naked in front of each other. I shouldn’t have assumed you didn’t either.” Mick nodded, accepting Nate’s apology. For a little while, neither one of them knew what to talk about. Until a passing flash of light went by the window, drawing Mick’s attention to the otherwise pitch blackness outside. “Oh shit, what time is it?” Nate reached down beside him and pulled a phone from out of his pocket. As he fiddled around trying to turn it on, Mick couldn’t help how like a toy it looked in Nate’s massive paws. “It’s about quarter past two. You were out of it for a while.” “Oh shit, how am I gonna get home? What will I do until morning?” “You mean, you don’t remember what you wanted to do?” “What? Oh, yeah, I asked to stay the night, didn’t I?” For some reason Mick had forgotten that detail of the night. His mind was wandering elsewhere. But now he remembered why he didn’t want to go home that night, and needed another place to stay. “So,” Said Nate, clapping his hands, as if settling the matter. “What did you want to do now? If you want, I can leave you alone to go back to sleep. Or, we could watch a movie or something. I dunno.” Mick thought about that for a second. “Actually, a movie doesn’t sound too bad. I could fall asleep to some brain dead action anyway.” “Alright then! I downloaded the last Taken movie the other day. Want to watch that?” said Nate as he deftly moved to the TV at the far end of the room. “Yeah, I guess. Haven’t seen any of them myself. Any good?” Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders. “I’ve heard it’s alright. They all follow the same plot anyway, so you’re not missing much.” So, while Nate got busy setting up the movie, Mick settled down into the sheets ready to end that miserable night. Though, he reasoned, there were worse places to find himself that night. This guy Nate really seemed to be concerned about his wellbeing. It had been a long time since Mick had felt anything like that. And, on top of that, he was practically oozing sexuality out of every pore. That face, that body… his back alone was like a concrete wall, only it was constantly moving and shifting under that thin piece of cotton! It was like someone had reached into his most secret carnal desires and remade them in flesh! But he could never admit that. People already gave him shit because of his family, and his small stature. He couldn’t let his dick cause him yet more grief. He loathed it and himself. Suddenly, Nate boomed “Alright, all done here!” and headed to the makeshift bed facing the TV. As he hopped onto the mattress opposite Mick, Mick himself launched slightly in response to Nate thudding beside him. As the two of them settled in for the beginning of the film, Mick could feel the energy radiating from his bed partner. It felt wonderful, but he didn’t dare get closer. He didn’t know how Nate would react. Would he be uncomfortable? Offended? Creeped out? Mick couldn’t get those thoughts out of his head. In the end, he decided to make a bit of small talk to suss it out. “So, why do you have a bed out here anyway? Wouldn’t a lounge be better for company?” “Ah” said Nate. “I did have a lounge at one point. But it kind of… broke.” “Oh, what happened?” “There was sort of a party going on, and a couple of my mates… broke it. They tend to not watch what they’re doing sometimes.” “Okay, that still doesn’t explain the bed.” “Well, after that happened, I decided a couple of mattresses wouldn’t break as easily, and they were better for the type of entertaining I usually do anyway." “Oh yeah” said Mick “Your ‘mates,’ right?” “Yeah, those ones. They can be a bit of a handful, alright.” “These guys sound interesting. They all like you?” “What, you mean…” Nate gestured to his still obscenely think torso, laying on top of the sheets. In the glow of the TV, Mick could easily make out the outline of his massive chest, and his deeply cut abs under the thin white cotton of his shirt “Well, I meant more personality-wise. But that too, I guess.” “Okay then” Nate scratched his chin, reaching under his copious beard to do so “I’ve been told I can be a bit of a wet blanket compared to them sometimes. But, yeah, we’re all about the same size.” “Wow, I wouldn’t mind being that big myself.” Nate paused to consider what Mick had said. Mick could almost make out the cogs turning behind his magnificent brow. “Mick, can I ask a serious question? It may help me answer whatever questions you have.” Mick, puzzled, said yes. “Are you gay?” “I… wha-er…what?!” “I’m sorry if I put you on the spot. It’s just, it’s actually heaps relevant to what we’re talking about.” Mick was at a loss for words. Even though he was hoping the talk would eventually reach that point, he didn’t know it would come so bluntly. He still hadn’t told anybody about who he was attracted to. But, he felt safer here than he ever did talking to anyone else about this sort of thing. Whatever Nate was, he certainly didn’t seem judgmental at all. “Well, I’ve had sex with a girl before. I like them plenty. But… I think I like men as well. I’m not sure.” “Not sure?” “Well, I’ve never acted on it, or told anyone before, or anything. But, when I see yo-guys I like, I mean, My heart leaps up and I feel nervous and… is this weird?” At that point, Nate just wrapped his colossal arm around Mick’s narrow shoulder and pulled him into a sidehug. Mick was, again, stunned. The flesh of Nate’s muscled chest, pressed up against his face. It felt so hard, like it was stone wrapped with silk. And it was so warm as to almost be hot. And yet, he felt it was alive, and he could feel it shift with each of Nate’s movements. “Mick” Nate rumbled, his chest echoing with the power in his lungs and chest “There is nothing wrong with the way you feel. It’s a part of who you are, but it doesn’t have to define you. It’s just a piece, like any other, of the immaculate construct that is you.” “But I always thought… I mean my friends…” “If your friends are going to be put off by the fact you like men as well as women, the problem lies with them, not you. Someone who cares about you shouldn’t let it matter either way. You’ll still be the same old Mick to them.” “How can you be so sure? How can you know what it’s like?” Mick was starting to let his emotions get the better of him at this point. He was struggling to keep the tears in check. “I think being gay myself helps to put me in your shoes a little bit” replied Nate. “Sure, some people acted weird when I came out. But most of them came around after a while. And the rest? Well, frankly, it wasn’t a big loss.” So Mick finally got his answer. And while the admitting himself to Nate was painful, it was still a good feeling. Like a large burden sitting on his chest was being lifted away, slowly but surely. “Wow. I mean, I had no idea. I’m so-“ “You know, you’ve said sorry at least three times since this afternoon. Still, I am glad I was helpful.” “Mmm” Mike agreed. As the movie played softly in the background, Mick started to doze off with his head against Nate as a pillow. Nate’s breathing caused his surprisingly comfy chest to rise and fall dramatically. And, as he lay there, with his ear against Nate’s sternum, he could hear Nate’s heart beat in a slow, powerful rhythm. Thu-THUMP … Thu-THUMP … Thu-THUMP … This was the sound that Mick last remembered being conscious for, as he drifted away into a deep sleep, the happiest he had been in a long time. Because someone had accepted him, as flawed and scared as he was, unconditionally.
    2 points
  3. I haven't posted any story before. The purpose of this teaser is twofold. It will give readers a vague hint of the setting, and I will become familiar with how this forum handles text layout-wise. Please tell me if something looks funny on your computers. There are so many things that may go wrong with computers and internet. In another thread, the text I posted was perceived as white letters on white background for some readers. Thatwas not intentionally, and I hope to avoid such problems. DISCLAIMER The teaser doesn't contain anything worth warning for, with the possible exception of slightly derogative designations of citizens of the USA and the Russian Federation, but some of the chapters of the finished story will. Do not read this if you find any of the aforementioned things offensive. Project Defender – The Teaser Janssens felt an icy chill in his chest. Earth was under attack. Communication with the Yankees, the Russkies and Beijing was lost, the satellites down and the trans-atlantic cable broken. Europe was on its own now, and the Space Squids annihilated city after city. He knew his duty. He had been hand-picked by Forces Spéciales and sent to the International Pan-European Research Facility B as a test subject. But to know one's duty and to feel relaxed were two different things. The results of The Program on some of his brothers-in-arms were as remarkable as the results on some were disastrous, and The Program was still on a prototype stage. Even if Doc, Viking Guy, Boffin and Coach did their best, none of them, nor he himself, could know for sure what would happen to him in the cylindric Chamber 1. Do you accept The Program? He hadn't been able to imagine how the Neuro-Reprogramming would feel. First, he reacted in fear. Do you accept The Program? No! No, no, no! It pressed its influence against his mind, trying to control him. You will accept The Program No! The fear of losing himself, the fear of becoming something else, something machine-like, something... You will accept The Program You will accept The Program You will ... something monstrous, something without control, something... accept The Program You will accept The Program You will accept The Program ... something totally amazing, something totally obedient, something totally martial... You will accept The Program You will accept SIR, YES SIR! And when the Phase of Neuro-Reprogramming was accomplished, the Phase of Physical Reprogramming was initiated. The inividual unit formerly known as 'Janssens' would never be entirely the same as before, but humankind would have another Defender. Chapter one will be found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5059-project-defender-–-chapter-one/
    2 points
  4. Ooof, Beast would you do a follow up to that last post of yours? Seeing the Dad and maybe the teacher getting force grown by the son (a little taste of the bad medicine?) would be hot as hell
    2 points
  5. Hey guys, The following is one thread from "The Ointment Store," an interactive story available at http://www.cyoc.net/interactives/chapter_92195/full.html. Perhaps someone wants to take it from here? ***** The Ointment storeadded by BlindWolf on 10/24/02 10:52In one of the major American cities, in a remote place in the Chinatown district, a small shop open’s up its doors for the first time. All the people living in the neighborhood have no idea how this shop just opened up one sunny morning. One day the place was empty and the next it was occupied. The owner of the place, seen sweeping the sidewalk in front of the store, happens to be an old, small, Chinese man. Anybody looking at him could see no wrong about the little man. He just seemed like your normal typical gentle grand father. In his shop, you can find jars of all sorts filled with ointments that could do all sorts of amazing stuff. The local people had a bad feeling about that place and stayed away from it. Those who visited Chinatown had no clue about the place and went in, curious to see what the old man had to sell. A young bodybuilder enters the ointment store.added on 05/14/07 01:27Guy walked down the street after his workout. His muscles ached all over, but it was worth it. He was getting beefier by the day, and loved every second of it. He was 21, with shaggy blonde hair, in need of a little shave. He had a youthful look to his face, but his body was something else. He was 5'10", tipping the scales at 210 pounds. He had solid muscles all over, but his pecs, ass, and arms had great development. He had been working out for the past few years in an attempt to get big, and it was beginning to look like he was going to make it, but he was getting so sore after his workouts it was getting hard to keep going. As he walked his aching bod past a store, he looked in. Ointments... tons of them. Maybe they had something for muscle aches. The store smelled funny, probably because of the inscence burning. Guy walked around aimlessly, when a little old man came behind him, speaking something quickly in Mandarin. Guy turned around, and the little man squinted. He spoke in English now "Oh, very sorry young man. I thought you were one of the neighborhood children coming in on a dare." He laughed. "Are you looking for something in particular?". Guy grinned and put his hand out for the old man to shake. "Well, I'm Guy, sir. I'm looking for something to help with muscle aches. I'm looking to get big, but muscle pain is keeping me from exercising." The old man smirked back and shook Guy's hand. "You're a very polite boy, but you do not need to call me sir. You can call me grandfather Yuan. Or just Mister Yuan if that suits you better. Follow me, Guy, I think I have just the thing for you." Mr. Yuan plodded back into the shelves in the darkness, and Guy followed closely behind, reading the jars he could. In a few moments, Mr. Yuan stopped and grasped a heavy jar of a blue-hued cream, and passed it to Guy. "This should be perfect, I think." Guy looked it over. It was worth a shot. "How much, Mr. Yuan?" He said as he rooted through his wallet. "Nothing!" He chuckled. "It was refreshing to meet such a polite young person in this day and age. Just promise me you'll come back to visit!" Guy agreed. If this stuff was any good, he'd definitely come visit. There was something peculiar about Mr. Yuan that made Guy want to know more about the shop. The two talked for a while before Guy went home, eager to try the cream. His muscles ached intensely, and he wanted relief. When he got back to his apartment, he stripped down, and did what the english instructions Mr. Yuan wrote for him said. He applied the cream over every inch of his body and rubbed it in. It was cold at first, but felt good. It was late, so Guy decided to go to bed, and see how his muscles felt in the morning. ----------------------------------------------- Guy rubbed his eyes open before his alarm went off. He sighed in relief... his muscles didn't ache one bit! That cream was fantastic! As he pulled himself out of bed, he felt a little strange. He looked down and gasped... The cream had swollen his muscles!added on 05/14/07 01:48Guy couldn't believe it. His muscles had swollen larger overnight. He had lost his amateur bodybuilder sized frame, and was now a bulky, pro framed competitor. With a grin, he stood from his bed and walked to the mirror, checking out every nuance of his inflated bod. He rubbed his pecs, checking out their new weight and form, massaged his shoulders and biceps, turned to see his wider back and bubble butt. "This... this is amazing! I'm ready to compete in a real tournament like this!" He laughed. "I gotta see how much I weigh!" He ran to the bathroom, making his legs tense and the floor shake. He laughed to himself the entire time. He stepped on his bathroom scale and grinned when it blinked the numbers 262 on it's red display. 52 pounds of solid beef overnight... not a stretchmark to be seen. Even his dick looked bigger! His mind began to mull over what could have caused this amazing change, but kept drawing a blank, until he remembered the cream. Mr. Yuan had given him what he wanted. A cream that would help his muscles soothe, so he could get big. He had to test this body out. He put on his biggest workout clothes, which were a little snug now, and assembled his other gym gear. He was out the door and on his way to a gym where no one would know him. When he found a suitable gym, he walked in and surveyed the joint. He laughed to himself when he realized he was the biggest guy there. "This is great!" He thought "I'm huge compared to everyone else here. This should be fun!" He began working out, lifting the weights he always did, but found that they were too light. He kept increasing the weights, deciding they were too light, until he found one that provided him a substantial challenge. Everyone in the gym watched him, talking about the new guy who had the body of a greek god. As the workout dragged on, his clothes felt tighter. He felt a breeze on his stomach, and looked down, seeing only pecs. Big... Swollen pecs. With a quick glance in the mirror, he could see his body had swollen even larger than when he woke up. He gulped, put the weights down, and moved his bulky frame into the scale room. He could see his massive shoulders taking on a bullish quality in the mirror as he stepped on the scale. 299 pounds... almost 40 more pounds. He heard a tearing noise as his bubble butt grew bigger, followed by a seam popping on his shirt as his lats spread. He gulped. What should he do? Guy's muscle growth continues...added on 06/02/07 12:55Guy didn’t know what he could do. His clothing was feeling smaller on him by the second. his arms felt more constricted in their swaying movement as the cloth on his back stretched taut. His legs were pushing apart with increasing amounts of muscle, his shorts were now riding around his thickening quads and his boxers now exposed by the long tears on the back of the shorts. He moved slowly and carefully to a corner in the gym's locker room, hoping no one would come in and see him, now outgrowing all his formally loose gym-wear. When was this going to stop? Thoughts raced through his head nervously. He bent his arms experimentally, flexing his arms, which had become massive bowling ball-sized mounds of solid muscle. His whole body was feeling meatier, his lats pushing against his arms, his legs pushing against themselves, his traps pushing against his widening neck and shoulders... He could not move a joint without out rubbing against muscle. He was still growing, but now a little ways of the scale he didn’t know how much he had grown... or what was going to happen. It did feel like the energy running through him was slowing down a little, but was that just fatigue or his growth stopping? Looking down he just saw a his chest, and strained fabric, which was now tearing all along his arm pits.... Guy Realizes He's Enjoying the Growthadded on 07/08/11 08:20As he watched his lats slowly tearing apart the seams of his shirt Guy realized that he didn't really want to stop growing yet. He knew this was crazy, but it was just too amazing to resist - knowing that his strength was increasing by the second, seeing his muscles swell bigger and bigger, feeling himself becoming thicker and heavier. He flexed his right arm, hardly able to believe how the new size of his forearm, biceps and shoulder, and only dimly aware that the movement had caused the tears in his shirt to widen dramatically. His shorts, too, were losing their fight to contain the amount of muscle that was continually added to his already huge frame. After a while, Guy's curiosity got the better of him, and he came out of the corner in the gym's locker room where he had been trying to hide. He walked, or rather, strutted back to the scale room, loving how muscles rubbed against muscles with every step, every movement he made. Just as he stepped onto the scale, he could hear another ripping noise, and he soon figured out that a new tear must have formed in the fabric of his shirt because his back had simply become to wide to be contained by the formerly loose piece of garment. He re-focused his attention to the number on the scale, which turned out to be quite difficult to see because his huge, growing pecs kept getting in the way. He only just managed to peek beyond the huge mounds of muscle pushing outward from his chest, and it took him a while to process the figure he had just seen. "400 pounds," he muttered. "400 fucking pounds of muscle..." Joey Services 400 Pound Guyadded by AS on 07/10/11 05:20Joey, a young, six foot tall, 200 pound man, walked into the locker room. He'd seen Guy come in to the gym earlier, and was wondering what had happened to the handsome lug. Guy had been looking particularly beefy, in fact. Joey walked through the locker room, hearing muttering from off to the side. He looked around, and on a whim, decided to walk over to the area with the scale. As he approached, he saw the most massive man imaginable stepping off of it, muttering something about "four hundred pounds." Joey's eyes went wide, and his cock stirred at the sight of the huge hunk. Then the man looked up, and Joey nearly fell over. It was Guy! "G- G- Guy?" Joey managed to croak, leaning against the wall for support. Guy looked at Joey in surprise, but a grin came quickly to his face. "In the flesh man. All four hundred pounds of me!" Guy raised up his huge arms, and flexed them proudly. Joey gaped at the sight of them, the monstrous biceps pushing up and up, tearing through the already tight fabric of the shirt, round balls of pure power, thick veins across the hard muscle. Joey's cock went mad in his gym shorts, tenting dramatically. Guy raised an eyebrow, but his grin remained. He lowered his arms slowly, and brought his fists to his hips. He rolled his giant shoulders forward, causing his lats to flare out and his pecs to bunch up. The sound of tearing cloth filled the room, as his lats pushed out and out and out, shredding the sides of the shirt. Joey gasped, a wet spot forming at his tented crotch. Slowly, Guy flexed his legs as well, his huge quads pushing out, the definition between the thick heads of muscle increasing. His shorts shredding right up the seam along each side, to just below the waistband. Guy's cock began to bulge as well. "I guess you like what you see, huh Joey?" Guy purred, his voice low and sultry. He brought his hands behind his head, making his lats spread out and up, his huge arms bigger than his head, monstrously powerful. Joey nodded slowly, unable to speak properly. Guy's grin widened, and he grabbed the collar of his shirt, which was being stretched by his thick neck. His forearms flared with power as he gripped it, and then he pulled, tearing it away, his huge torso slowly revealed at last, each muscle utterly massive. Joey let out a loud gasp, his dick exploding in his shorts, the stain across his crotch expanding as it filled with warm cum. Guy responded with a groan of his own, his dick rising dramatically. So turned on be seeing Joey cum - just from watching Guy flex! Guy slowly pulled down his wrecked gym shorts and kicked them aside. His strained underwear followed, and he stood before Joey, totally nude, 400 pounds of pure power. His cock, always big, stood at attention, pre leaking from it. Guy ran a thick thumb along its length, giving Joey a coy look. Joey lurched forward, unable to bear any more. He landed on his knees in front of Guy, hands groping those monstrous thighs, as his tongue lavished praise on Guy's big cock. "Fuck you're hot..." Joey moaned, "You've always been hot, but now... so big... so fuckin' big!" Guy groaned, enjoying the feeling of Joey's tongue on his dick. He pressed his big hips forward, pushing his big cockhead into Joey's mouth. The smaller gymrat grunted in surprise as the big head went in, but quickly got down to business, sucking in more and more, eagerly devouring Guy's big tool. The hulking muscleman started to pump his dick in, more forcefully now, groaning and shaking, his big balls swelling with cum. "Oh yeah..." Guy groaned, "feels so fuckin' incredible, bein' this big, this powerful!" His cock ached for release, throbbing angrily in Joey's mouth. Guy grabbed the smaller man's head, thrusting his huge tool in violently. Joey took it all, loving the power in Guy's body, sucking furiously. With a roar of lust and power, Guy came suddenly, his big dick expanding and then shooting a huge load down Joey's hungry throat. The smaller man sucked it all down happily, guzzling Guy's rich manseed. After the big man was finally done, he pulled out, and slowly lifted Joey up from the ground. "Thanks buddy. I needed that. Bad..." he rumbled in his low voice. Joey just grinned back. "Any time, big man!" The Power of Words added on 03/21/15 10:03Joey's words echoed strangely in Guy's mind: "Any time, big man!" - "Any time, big man!" - "Any time, big man!"... "Hey, what's wrong, Guy?" Guy shook his head, as if to clear his mind from ("Any time, big man!") some though that had gotten stuck there ("Any time, big man!"): "I'm alright, don't worry..." But was he, really? ("Any time, big man!") It was as if there was a voice in his head, calling for something - for... what? Guy felt Joey's hand on his shoulder: "Maybe your exhausted from your workout session? I mean, I've never seen anything like it. It was... It was pure, raw power, as if you wanted to become the biggest man in the world. Bigger than the Hulk, you know?" ("Bigger than the Hulk." - "Bigger than the Hulk.") Something was clearly going on here - and Guy wasn't sure he liked it. ("Bigger than the Hulk.") It was as if some enormous pressure were building up inside him ("Bigger than the Hulk."), some incredible force just waiting to burst out into the open. He looked at Joey and said: "Don't be afraid, but I think something spectacular is about to happen..."
    1 point
  6. My feeling is that this particular storyline is not moving very fast at www.cyoc.net, and perhaps people here will be more interested. I hope that's not a problem?
    1 point
  7. You just copied seven chapters from the interactive stories on the cyoc.net website and pasted them all in here, almost like one long chapter. Now, were you suggesting that new chapters were added on here, on our forum, or on cyoc? I just happen to know because I'm very familiar with the cyoc website.
    1 point
  8. Ugh... Really? The Dark theme was just too dark for me, especially at night on the iPad screen, so I switched back to the IP Board Default theme instead, which has a white background and black font color. The Dark theme should have a black background and a gray font color. If text shows up in a black font color, then maybe you have adjusted your font color in your settings? You may want to check that.
    1 point
  9. That's a relief to hear. I do not know why the letter colouring adapts to each user's theme sometimes but not always. By the way – are you aware that some letters in your answer present themselves as black letters against black background? It seems to be a recurrent problem in both directions.
    1 point
  10. Chapter 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 A/N: I just noticed that the chapters are getting progressively longer (this one is twice as long as the first one). Anyway, here it is, hope you guys enjoy, I tried a few ideas that sounded fun, so let me know what you guys know. As always, please do comment and critique (you could even pm me if you want). --- I woke up suddenly, because Ty got up in a rush with a quiet "Sorry, I really need to go." And he quickly thuded into the bathroom. I was unwilling to get up, so I kept my eyes closed and rolled over to the large warm area that smelled like his body. I guessed he really need to go, since he almost groaned with relief. And there was the powerful stream. And another, and again. Well, my peeing hypothesis was totally wrong, because nobody does Kegels first thing in the morning when they really need to pee. Oh well. I started wondering if he ever did that before, but I wasn't sure. I couldn't remember, but he always got up before me. And then there was a longer stream with less force. And then the flush of the toilet. More thuds, but these were slower and somehow more relaxed. "You're lying on my spot." "So?" "Should I lie down on your bed?" At this I cracked my eyes open, he stood at my feet, towering over my lying form. "Don't you dare, it would collapse under you. And you wouldn't fit in it anyway." "Well, that leaves me with just one option." He scratched at his furry cheek. "Hmm, if Ty falls on Eli in his apartment, and there's no one else there, does it make a sound?" With that, he seemed to start growing bigger, my brain still slow from the remains of sleep only realizing too late that he was falling on top of me- BANG! I flinched and yelped, shutting my eyes, before realizing that nothing hurt. I opened them again, and I could only see the dark brown of his skin filling my whole field of vision. I looked to the side, where I could see one of his arms supporting his frame. He must have extended them to catch himself. "Fuck, don't freak me out like that! I would've been flattened to a pancake under you!" "Aww, but don't you trust me? I won't ever hurt you." As I got my breath under control, I wanted to repay him, so I grabbed onto his nipples and tweaked hard, as that always hurt me like hell. He roared in response, and he almost let himself drop onto me again. "Fuuuck, don't do that! I thought you were angry at me, not horny." "What are you talking about, I just hurt you." There was a pause, before he shifted downward so we could see face to face while he was still above me, his arms supporting him. "Uh, pain wasn't what I felt. I, um, enjoy that, actually. No offense, but I really don't think you have the strength to hurt me doing that. Not without some tool at least." "Damn. Sorry I tried to hurt you." He chuckled "It's okay. You must have really been freaked out. I get it. I won't do something like that again. But I won't refuse if you want to twist my nipples. At least in private, I don't think many people would appreciate me roaring anytime you wanted." "Okay, got it. Well, there's no way I'm going back to sleep, I've got too much adrenaline in my system now. What about you? Should we get up, go do something?" "Hmm, I want to stay in bed some more." Then he grinned. "And you're staying with me." He went back to the original position, his pecs hovering just over my head, before he lowered himself so I was once again surrounded by his body. I tried to push him up, with no effect, but he was careful to let me breathe. It was quite comfortable, feeling him, putting a firm pressure on every part of me like a heavy and hot blanket. Like I was in a tight full-body cast and it tightened and relaxed around me a little with his every breath. The short hairs tickled my face slightly. "In the bathroom, you came, didn't you." He only hmmed affirmatively. "Do you do that often while here?" "Sometimes, does it bother you?" "I never noticed before. But no, it doesn't bother me. I mean, it's fairly common, right?" "Well, maybe not exactly common, not in my, uh, quantity, but yeah, some guys do that. And, I think it might happen more often, due to the recent developments. You cool with that?" "Yeah." We spent a little more time like that, before we decided to get up. We made ourselves some breakfast and we talked about what we wanted to do that day. We settled on some exercise first, then Ty wanted to give me a massage. We cleaned the dishes, and went outside, so Ty could exercise himself a bit, and give me some pointers. First, he told me to just slowly work on my walking, just feel through the whole process, feel when it hurt, when it felt wobbly, and such. I still used crutches, but I tried to use them as little as possible. It was all quite hard, since he went through his own routine, displaying his body with no indication my presence bothered him. His muscles, writhing under his dark skin as he commanded, holding his body in various positions without much apparent protest. Then he decided to work on my strength a little, letting me test myself against him, we had an armwrestling match where he of course held his own without any effort whatsoever. I even tried both my hands against his, without any change which wasn't that unexpected. He complimented me anyway. That felt pretty nice. Then he put me through modified push ups, where he knelt behind me and held my shins off the ground to not put any strain on the ankles. Then he made me do pull ups. He stood in front of me, and he put his flat hands, palms facing his torso, in front of his chest, so I could grab onto his fingers. He raised them until I dangled a couple inches in the air. To give me motivation, he promised a quick peck for every time I could pull myself up to his face. That was great, even though I didn't manage more than three reps in a set. Then we did L-sits together, I managed only a few seconds at a time, without having the strength to lift even one of my legs. Ty of course had no problem holding it the whole time even with me struggling on top of his tighs, but his encouragements made me push myself harder. When we ended the last exercise, I was panting, clutching at my sore belly, while leaning on his midsection for a while. Then we stood up to go inside and Ty grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder, giving me a great sight of his back, glutes, hamstrings, calves and the backs of his massive feet as he made his way over to the shower, where we washed the sweat off. We decided to go to the food court for lunch, as I wanted to go outside for change. I assured Ty that it would be fine to go on foot, I'd tell him if it hurt too much so he could carry me. We arrived, the court wasn't fully packed, which was good, I was fine walking here, but I wasn't sure if I could manage waiting in a queue for a long time. We got our food (it was a thick and quite spicy tomato soup with mealworms), Ty of course got a big bowl of it, and we made our way to 'his' table. The crafters made it because of his request, but they improved on the basic design, and it could be used by other people who were bigger in some way, fat, tall... We spent most of our meal in silence, but I noticed that he was slower than usual, I almost had my bowl empty while his was still half full. I put my hand on his fist, noting that it was clenched pretty hard. I rubbed at it to get his attention. "Everything alright, big guy?" "Huh? Oh, yeah, I, yeah, I think. I'm just freaking out a little bit, overthinking everything..." "Would it help if you told me and I gave my opinion?" "I'm not sure. But I want to deal with this on my own, if you don't mind." "Alright." I didn't stop rubbing his hand, and it did get more relaxed. "Can you relax your hand a little bit more? I want to try something." I finished the soup, so I had both of my hands free now, which I used to coax his fingers from the fist, and I tried to interweave the fingers of his hand and mine. His hand was too large for me to get all of his fingers, but I managed to grab his pinkie and ring finger, with my thumb reaching his knuckle from the underside. I smiled at my victory, and looked up, Ty's stunned face was looking back at me. "What?" "Nothing, it's just a bit surprising for me. Not in a bad way of course." "Your hands are not that big Ty." "No, I didn't mean it that- I just wasn't expecting it that's all." The rough pad of his thumb assured me to keep holding his hand. When he finished his bowl, Ty carried the dishes to the cleaning counter, while I made my way to the entrance. As he reached me, I asked him: "Your folks weren't here today?" "I didn't see them, so probably not, they're probably taking another shift." "Okay, you mind if we take a little detour at our way home?" "Not really." --- We visited a craftstore, where I got some bodypaint, which I usually only got for the kids. They always love making a mess. But this time, I was intending to use it in a more precise way then they did. I told Ty that I recently got a nice canvas to paint on. --- Along the way we talked about the massage, I wanted just a regular back rub. Back home, we put the cans of paint away, Ty got the oil from the kitchen, as he instructed me to take some towels and put them below me, strip down and lay on the futon. I made myself comfortable, my hands under my forehead, an additional rolled up towel under my ankles. I heard Ty approach thanks to his thudding accompanying him everywhere. "Okay, I'm going to straddle you, do you mind if I'll be nude?" "Hmm, not really, but won't your penis get in the way?" "Let me try it." I heard the rustle of him taking off his boxers, and he moved over me, put the bottle of oil near my head, he got in the position above me on all fours, and he got up into the kneeling position. I felt his hairy balls land between my thighs, just under my ass, but he didn't touch me otherwise. "Okay, so it shouldn't get in the way. Although it may drop some precum on you, that alright with you?" "Yeah it's fine, as long as you don't cum, I don't want to clean this room." I felt him move again, and then I felt his long and hot penis pressing into my back, then his pecs joined it and then he planted a kiss onto the back of my head. "Don't worry, I'm pretty good at holding back." He raised himself, and grabbed the bottle, pouring the oil into his hands, warming it up by rubbing them together. "Here I go." One of his hands landed on the small of my back covering a considerable area, exerting light pressure as he moved it towards my head in a very short time. The other hand joined it on the other side, but moving slower. He repeated this a few times, gradually adding pressure. Then he changed to just the tips of his joined fingers, focusing the pressure. A moan escaped me in response to his stimulation. I assured him that it feels great, and urged him to continue. I felt like I was melting under him. He started adding more circular motions, squiggles, sometimes going slow and hard with the heel of his hand along my spine, sometimes using quick brushes that danced along my skin, sometimes driving a tip of his finger into a sore spot, almost to the point of unbearable pain, while whispering soothing words to take my mind off of it. Then he returned back to the slow strokes, and he moved onto my traps and the back of my neck, working it like a dough he had to prepare for baking. And then he tapped on my back, lightly (for him) and rhythmically. He ended with going back to the start, with the very light strokes across my whole back, before just resting his hands there, letting me feel their warmth. I whined a little bit, sad that it was over already. He chuckled "Enjoyed it?" "Soo much..." I felt drained of all energy, yet rejuvenated at the same time. "Didn't feel the precum falling though." "Yeah, got lucky and it all fell on my hands. Don't worry, you'll still smell like me until you shower." He was right, I didn't notice it until now, but there was his musk in the air now... "When did you get so good at this?" "On the farm, we usually massage each other after work, so I got a lot of practice. Though I probably never felt like you did. Guess it'd take someone a lot stronger to give me a proper massage." "Have you thought about having more than one guy working you at a time? Maybe they could walk and stomp on your back. That has to do something, right?" "Hmm, never looked at it that way. I'll bring it up, see if they're up to it. Maybe even do a few push ups as long as they're up there." "You're unbelievable, isn't massage supposed to be about relaxing?" "I guess so. " "Anyway, my body is feeling limp like boiled noodles right now. I don't think I'll be able to paint..." "Aww, and I wanted to see you paint so much..." "You're like a kid. Just give me a few minutes, and I'll be up. Also you're kind of keeping me down." "Oh, right, sorry." He jumped up, moving to wash his hands and put away the oil. I gathered my energy and sat up slowly, checking on my body. Despite the seemingly rough treatment, I felt really good, more loose, more relaxed... "I'll have to persuade him to do this more often. Well, it's probably not going to take much persuasion, to be honest." I went for the paint cans, selecting three colors. Green, red and yellow. I turned to Ty, who was looking at me with that curious expression of his. "Can you bring a chair to the bathroom?" "Bathroom? Why there? And where's your canvas." "You're the canvas." I said with a smile. The confusion written in his face was quickly replaced by a questioning look and then it settled into a wide smile. "That's awesome!" In his joy, he grabbed the chair in one hand, and with the other he grabbed me by my waist, cans still dangling in my hands, as he practically skipped into the bathroom, his cock that became hard very fast leading the way. He set me and the chair down, looking at me. "So what do you need me to do? Should I hold you in front of my chest as you paint it? Should I hold some poses for you?" He started posing, going through several in a few seconds, not able to choose one... And his cock started flinging pre cum like yesterday. He was like an overgrown puppy, just crackling with energy at the prospect of his master giving him a treat. "Whoa, hey, settle down. Can you sit down here?" He froze in the middle of the side triceps pose. "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I got carried away." "Don't apologize, it's great that you're so enthusiastic. Though I have to say, the painting itself won't probably be that exciting." He sat down, and I took an old rag and brought the chair closer to him but as I approached him from the front, I sat down on his thigh, it was like I was facing a wall of living stone, shivering with excitement. "Okay, now take a couple of deep breaths, and lean back a bit." I opened the cans and dipped a finger in the first paint as he followed my directions. I started to cover his massive chest in lines, circles of different color, noting the drops that were caught on his chest hair. Painting it in my emotions, wherever my hands wanted to roam I let them. Well, at first, I steered them away from his nipple, but as I looked up to his face, I could see him looking back with such intensity... I let myself brush against it, first with just the clean parts of my hands, as I drew them near the nipple, and then even putting just a dot of paint directly on the top of it. Both actions resulted in sharp inhales from him, and an intensifying of the precum dripping from his cock, which now formed a puddle between his legs, soaking my foot a bit. I repeated the same thing while sitting on the other leg, which gave me acces to his other side. Then I moved onto his abs, where I highlighted his bellybutton, and drew lines more or less pointing towards it. He politely moved his dick away when it got in my way. I got a bit playful, 'accidentaly' smudging a bit of paint on it. As I decided his front was covered enough, I stood up and went to get the chair. "Is this the end?" "No, I'll continue on your back. Unless you want me to stop." "Please continue, this is pretty intense. Oh, and just sit down on the chair, I'll move you." He added with a smirk. I sat down and he reached over with one hand, grabbed the leg of the chair, and moved it, with just a twist of his torso slightly behind him, then he faced to the front again, grabbed out with the same hand backward, and moved it again, so now I was right behind him, giving me the vast canvas of his back at my discretion. Then he gave me the cans. I started working again, noticing that as I progressed, his breathing became more heavy, the muscles clenching under my hands. "Are you okay? Do you need a pause?" "No." He sounded pretty angry. "Please continue, it's just much more intense than I thought it would be. I'm just having a hard time holding it back." "Holding what back?" And then it clicked, the heavy breathing, the twitching muscles, the words filtered through his clenched teeth, the memory of his hard cock growing harder during my work on his front... "Oh, you want to cum? Fire away at will. I don't have to be the only one painting here." I continued, now focused more on very slow, very light strokes along his back, sometimes leaning closer and helping the paint dry with a gentle breath... "Fuck-" Another dot. "I-" Another stroke, this time quick and short. "I'm-" I dipped my whole hand in the paint, meanwhile gently blowing on an empty patch of skin. "I'm gonna-" I slapped my hand on his skin with all the force I could muster. He roared like a bear, arched his back, and his dick exploded. The ropes of his cum splattered on the wall several feet in front of us, painting it in a vertical puddle of white goo that reached above my head. It was amazing to watch. As his orgasm died down, the cum created a path from the wall painting leading directly to the person responsible. "Woah." Still huffing, he began to laugh. "You just got me to cum with only some paint and breathing, without anything touching my dick and the only thing you can say is 'Woah.'? " "I'm kind of speechless right now." He stood up and turned to me, his still throbbing cock pointing at me, then he leaned down, grabbed me under my armpits and brought me to his mouth to kiss me. I happily reciprocated. After a long while we stopped. He put me down again and stomped to the mirror. "Now I really want to see what you painted." He looked at himself, turning one way and the other, visibly growing more confused. "Uh, no offense meant to your talent, but... This just looks like a painting of a three year old kid that just got crayons." "Actually, it's a very complex pattern of lines and dots, designed specifically to make the paintee more turned on and to bring them to climax. I got it from a magic book I was given by my great grandpa." I tried my hardest to look completely serious, looking at him through the mirror from his side. "Are you kidding me?" "Yes." "Aww, and here I thought you could do some more magic for me." "You're magical enough as is. I just basically let my fingers go across your skin, while thinking about you, me, us... I thought this would be a good, I guess, intimacy exercise, but apparently it's also a bit more for you. Which is great." "I love you." I looked at his face directly. I knew he meant it. The next sentence was easy to say. I may not have been able to pin my exact emotions about all this, but I felt sure that it was in the right place. "I love you too." I hugged him, planting kisses on the painted skin as he brought me even closer to him with his arms.
    1 point
  11. I promise there'll be more muscle growth and romance in the next part, I just wanted to set up a backstory. I hope you enjoy it "You know if this school ever recognises us as actual students and not just pests I might just get some A levels" muttered my friend Jerry as we walked away from the school library after being kicked out so some little kids could have a class in there. We were both in year thirteen (though we were re-sitting our AS) and we were trying to finish off our biology assignments but now we had nowhere to study in silence as everywhere else in the school was full of rowdy kids. "Maybe Mr. Montfort will let us use his office again, it was alright in there last time?" I suggested, trying to remain positive - I was still just as annoyed at Jerry but I knew complaining wouldn't change anything. "Yeah maybe, but it's a bit cramped in there especially seeing as it's home to a man half your size" he replied as we began to walk along the P.E. corridor. "It's better than nothing and if we're nice to Montfort he'll be more likely to put us on the school teams" "Like you need help doing that, Troy" he said dryly as we reached Montfort's office "Yeah, but I know you could do with the help, titch" I joked in response as he rapped his knuckles on the door. "Oh shut up you lanky prick" he growled. "Temper temper Mr Thomas." said Mr. Montfort as he opened his door "Let me guess, you got kicked out of the library again?" "Yeah" we replied in unison. "And you want to use my room?" We echoed our past response "If you get me a coffee from the cafeteria then I might consider it" "Are you blackmailing us?" I questioned as Montfort grinned at us both. "I prefer the term coerce, now chop chop else I'll give the room to someone else" he replied as he walked back inside. "Ha! The cheek of him, making us get him coffee" muttered Jerry as we walked towards the cafeteria. "It could be worse, I heard he once made two sixth formers help him teach one of his lessons by dressing up as a skeleton so he could teach them about the body" "That doesn't sound so bad" "He made them dance and sing about all the bones" I added. "He's evil" "Yeah, but at least he has a sense of humour." I replied. A lot of our teachers were very... Well dull. Luckily most of the one's I was taught by were friendly enough to make jokes and talk to us. "I suppose" he sighed as we walked to the coffee machine and made one for Montfort and ourselves. When we got back to his office he was just about to leave to take one of his classes outside "Right on time" he took the coffee "thank you boys the office is all your's" We thanked him too and walked inside. He had the air con on and the windows were open as it was an uncharacteristically hot day - seeing as we were in March. Unfortunately there were boxes of files everywhere and random sports equipment scattered all over the place. "How does he find anything in here?" I thought out loud as we began to clear a space. "Sniffer dogs maybe?" Jerry responded as we set down our books on his desk. Then after finishing our coffee we started to work. An hour later Montfort returned, he seemed happier which probably meant his class were exhausted. "You boys ready for the trials tonight?" he questioned as he rested on the desk. "Yeah, we'll be there" we both replied. "Good, I just hope the fresh meat isn't as bad as last year" he turned to look at the two of us "excluding you two... Obviously" he said sarcastically. "Thanks" grumbled Jerry as we collected our stuff. Montfort just laughed and opened the door for us "see you later ladies" After our last lesson of the day - Biology - we don't walked towards the locker rooms and scared all of the younger kids out. "I love being a sixth former, all the lower years are scared of you" "No they're all afraid of you, they'd probably just beat me up and take my lunch money" replied Jerry as he took off his blazer and shirt (Our sixth form forced us to wear 'office wear' except on Fridays. "You're plenty scary, I mean have you looked in the mirror lately?" I joked as I nudged him and indicated to the newbies entering the locker room. There were a few guys that I recognised from youth Rugby teams who had flocked to our sixth form and a few random guys I'd never seen before. Luckily they all looked like rugby players. "Good haul for your team then" said Jerry as he pulled on his jersey. "Hopefully the basketballers will be better, i'm hoping for someone taller than you" "You might be disappointed" I replied, pointing to the guys entering, only a few broke the 6ft threshold but they weren't taller than me and they were all rather skinny apart from one rather stacked little guy - I hoped he was coming for Rugby. "Alright! Basketball try-outs are in the hall with Mrs. Singh and Mr. Drake. I'll be hosting the rugby trials by myself because the other teachers don't want to get cold, meet me outside in five minutes. If you're late you won't be on the team" called Mr. Montfort from the doorway. I'd already finished changing and so had Jerry so we followed immediately so we could chat to Montfort about the new blood. The try-outs went as I had expected. Anyone who wasn't serious about playing Rugby got thrown about like a sack of flour and the rest of us enjoyed throwing them about. Though I did manage to embarrass myself by tripping as I went to kick and having the ball fly off into the forest nearby. "Alright lads, come in" called Montfort after an hour and a half. "Glad to see you're all still standing, though some of you definitely need to work on your fitness mentioning no names" he then pointed at three red-faced boys. "Now the list of people who made the cut will be posted, now all of you get back inside. Captain you can go fetch the ball you lost" said Montfort as he winked at me and I beamed. I jogged to the end of the field and through a hole in the perimeter fence into the forest. I knew it hadn't gone in far and it was still light outside so I didn't think it would take long. I would've been annoyed about the task but after hearing I was Captain this year I was riding a mental high. I was so happy in fact that as I hopped over a log after finally spotting the ball I didn't even notice that the log had been hairy, or that it was now casting a large shadow on me. The log then let out an almighty roar and I stumbled backwards, falling on my arse as I turned to see it. Standing before me was an enormous nine and a half foot tall bear, and it looked pissed. I was frozen in fear as it slammed it's paws into the ground, causing it to shake. As I felt the vibrations my mind yelled at me to run and I went to bolt away as it slashed at me with it's paw. Luckily it hasn't hit my leg else I'd have never escaped, though it's lacerating paws did tear through by rugby shirt and rake across my back. I charged forwards with the ball, ignoring the pain mainly due to adrenaline and made a beeline for the fence. I didn't need to find the hole I vaulted it and lands hard on the other side. But I was up immediately and started running again, not looking back until got to the first rugby goal and tripped over myself. However this time I couldn't get up, my shirt was sticky with blood and my legs were burning from exhaustion. I looked back towards the forest, expecting to see the bear running towards me, ready to devour me. Instead I saw the outline of a large man but before I could make out any features I blacked out. I woke up in a large dimly lit study, a fire was roaring to my side and I was sat in a large plush armchair. What had happened slowly came back to me as I scanned the room. The walls were lined with books and paintings, a large oak table was sat in the middle of the room. It had a kettle and a cup and saucer. "At least I know I'm still in England" I though to myself. "You alright over there lad?" called a gruff voice from the corner "I really did a number on you" "What?" I grumbled, my throat was dry and hoarse. "You woke me up remember?" he replied as he moved towards me and into the light. He was massive, about seven feet tall and as broad as a truck. "How's your back?" I was nervous now, I could feel beads of sweat form on my brow. My back didn't hurt at all "It's fine" I stammered. "Interesting" he replied as he began to pour us tea. I was surprised his thick fingers didn't break the mugs as he deftly handed on to me. "Sugar?" "What's going on" I demanded, my voice shaking a lot now through panic. "It's gonna be okay don't worry Lad, drink your tea and I'll explain" the man replied with a surprisingly soft tone. His voice soothed me and I took some sugar and milk for my tea. He sat in a large chair slightly to the side of me and scratched his brown beard. His hair was short and his brow was thick, he had a very hard-set face. His muscles were like nothing I'd ever seen, his arms were larger than his own head and his chest was three times as thick as me, his pecs pushed out at least a foot from his body and they were covered in thick hair. He wore only a pair of khaki shorts which struggled to contain his tree trunk thighs, I quickly looked away when I saw the large bulge between them. I knew he'd caught me looking but he didn't say anything. "Right, where to begin..." "Your name?" I queried. "Just call me Bear, everybody does. The reason why? I am a bear, both the animal and the gay stereotype" he replied, managing to make me crack a smile. I didn't question the fact he was the bear as we didn't actually have bears wild in England and I knew that what I saw was definitely a bear, logic dictates that he was telling the truth no matter how ridiculous the truth was. "So are you like a werewolf?" I questioned. "Better, I'm a werebear. An alpha no less" he replied politely "and just as a heads up, you're probably gonna be one too - though not an alpha" "What!" I exclaimed I started to feel pain emanate from the wound again. I winced a little and noticed a trickle of blood coming from my nose. "You're healing yourself" he said calmly as he handed me a napkin to stop the blood with. "Why, why am I a werebear now?" I growled, suddenly getting quite angry at Bear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give you our gift. Usually people don't survive when we scratch them, but you're stronger than that" "Am I meant to be happy that you tried to kill me then?" I spat "You did wake me up from a hibernation nap, I was pissed off." he reasoned. "So what now am I just gonna turn into some kind of beast?" Bear snarled at me and his face transformed into a bear's long maw, though it still kept a some human aspects about it, he then snapped at my face before licking at it and nuzzling me. "If you learn to control yourself you'll be part of my Pack, if not... Well let's just say it's best if you just do as I say from now on" "Your Pack?" I questioned "I thought bears were solitary creatures" "Well we use the term 'Pack' rather loosely. It's more like I'm Alpha and everyone else are all my Cubs, but some Cubs have more influence over our little family" he explained as there was a knock at the door. A man then entered, he was dressed in running gear and each one of his bulbous muscles were toned and defined so that every crevice looked like it had been painted onto his body. "Brother, I heard you turned one of the locals" he looked down at me from his 6ft 5" vantage point "Is this him?" "Yes, this is him. Ignis meet... Err" "Troy" "Good name. Iggy meet your new brother Troy" "Nice to meet you" said 'Iggy' as he held out his hand. I shook it firmly but his grip was a lot better than mine. "I hope Bear treated you okay?" "Err yeah, he's been great" I replied, smiling over at the hairy mass of muscle to my left "Not to be rude, but could I go home now?" "Oh, yes of course your parents are probably worried" replied Bear as he patted my shoulder and stood. "Foster parents actually and yeah, I'll probably get a bollocking when I get back" I replied, grinning a little. I was surprised that I wasn't freaking out but for some reason Bear's presence put me at ease. "Ha! Well be sure to think of a good excuse, I'm sure you've realised by now that you shouldn't tell people about us. To the rest of the world our kind doesn't exist okay?" "Understood" "Good, now I'll get Iggy to take you home but don't worry we'll be in touch" and with that Bear hugged me, squeezing me firmly and warmly. I was forced into the cleavage of his pecs and I breathed in his scent. It was powerful and very masculine but there was something comforting about him that made me hug him back. Though I realised the feeling of his mountainous table sized pecs and furry muscle gut had gotten me quite aroused "Oh our new pup seems to like me Ig" he joked as I pulled away. He slapped my arse as Iggy led me away "Bye cub" I was beaming at that point, I'd never felt happier in my life as Iggy put his muscular arm over my shoulder and lead me out, waving Bear goodbye. He led me through their house, it was a series of corridors and large ornate rooms. "Are we in Ursine Manor?" "Yup, Bear owns the place, ironic name right?" replied Iggy as we entered a large modern kitchen. "Yeah no-one pulled any muscles thinking up that name" I joked in response as I we continued on into a large garage. "Heh, we'll take the hummer it's got the nicest seats. Where am I taking you cub?" "Sown street, next to the butchers" "Ah yeah, I know where. Love that place" he said happily as my stomach growled in hunger. "Maybe we'll stop for food too" "Oh there's no needs I'll be-" He put his finger on my lip and I was silenced instantly "Your part of our Pack now, let me look after you" he replied as he smiled at me. He was so handsome and his smile melted me, in that moment I would've done anything he said. "Okay" I responded as he too grabbed me in a hug. "It's just so great to have a cute newbie like you around" he said happily "we're gonna have some fun" We climbed into the car after that and he drove me home, stopping off at a drive-thru and giving me the largest meal there to "Keep his little pup growing" he then playfully punched my arm and grinned. When he dropped me off he left me a few houses down so my foster parents wouldn't question why I had gotten a lift from a stranger. "Hey Troy, you're 17 right?" "Yeah" I replied, "eighteen next month" "Good" he said before grabbing my head and kissing me. At first I was shocked but damn he was a good kisser. It was my first kiss too and I was in heaven "Sorry. It's just so great to meet you" "No problem" I replied, I could feel my cheeks burn bright red as I felt a tent pitching in my pants. "Heh didn't think I was that good at kissing, I'll see you around Troy" he replied cockily as I hopped out and quickly mumbled a goodbye, too shy and overwhelmed to be coherent. Once he's driven off I ran home and immediately went up to my room so I could 'calm down' before my foster parents swarmed me with questions. I just had my first kiss from the world's biggest stud, I got turned into a werebear by the biggest guy I'd ever seen, I was school captain and I had a biology assignment due tomorrow... Shit.
    1 point
  12. Well, Growth Powder title is the best I could come up with for now - I'm aware that it's quite a generic title, or at least one that might have been taken before. I've done a bit of searching and haven't found a story called this, but if there is one please tell me so I can change the title, just to avoid any confusion/conflict/whatever. ///// It was a hot afternoon, and Max was out – riding on his bike, up on a hill near the place he lived. It was summer, and the Sun was hot – Max stopped and placed his right foot on the ground, squinting, he looked over the suburbs. He took off his shirt and took a few glugs of his water from a water bottle he brought with him. He was breathing heavily – his legs hurt from all the pedaling, he rubbed his left thigh with his hand, letting the sun hit his skin. Sweat was pouring off him, now – he was an athletic young man, playing soccer for the school team, but even for him, this ride was a bit hard. His thighs and calves burned, so he got off his bike, and sat down on the grass near him, just to rest. He leaned back on his elbows, laying down, stretching his legs. His chest was still going up and down, the pectoral muscles clearly visible on it, below them was a clearly cut six-pack, that showed just how in shape Max was. Still, even though his legs were strong and large, the bike ride up had taken its toll. ‘My God, that was fun.’ Thought Max, as he relaxed in the summer sun. He then looked around, and near him, he noticed something sticking out of the ground. He got up, standing up – all 6’1’’ of him – and slowly headed towards the thing, whipping off some dirt off his butt. ‘What’s this?’ He thought, as he got down on one knee – the pain started to go away slowly, and was replaced by a very nice pump – that was visible, as his muscles on his legs bunched up, clearly differentiated and fairly big. ‘Oh, it’s… it’s a fridge. That’s weird.’ He opened what seemed like a lid of a portable, small fridge – and he peeked inside. “Well, hello.” He said as he took out a jar filled with green powder – he read the label and raised his brows. ‘Oh my God – I know what this is.’ He stood up, looking at the jar, a bit confused. ‘This is a drink of some sort. I remember the commercials on TV. You like, dissolve it in water and drink it – at least that was the idea until the product was canceled some years back, before even reaching the shelves. Hm, I wonder if…’ He looked for the expiration date, and found that it was still ok to drink. He opened the lid and put his finger inside. He took a bit of the green powder and licked it off his finger. ‘Mmm… tastes like lime.’ He thought, closing the lid. ‘I wonder how this got here, actually I wonder why they never released this. Actually, the whole company kind of closed after that. No, wait – they rebranded. What were they called…? Oh, wait – they went into making bodybuilding supplies after that, weird turn. Wonder what happened, who knows… I’ll just take it home – hell, why not.’ Max strapped the jar onto his bike, quickly forgetting the few other jars of the stuff in different colors still left in the portable fridge behind him. *** He reached his house, and got in, after putting the bike into the garage. He put the jar on the table in the kitchen and went to get a shower. The shower felt great after a whole day of biking, though he was glad he got to exercise. After he got out of the shower, he looked at the scale near him. He stepped on it – it showed 190 lbs, Max nodded, satisfied – knowing that it was 190 pounds of pure, lean muscle. This got him thinking, how big was he now, he hadn’t measured himself in a while. So he took the tape measure from the cupboard, and started. ‘Hmmm…. Height… 6’1’’, that hasn’t changed hm?’ He thought, as he wrapped the tape around his biceps. ‘Yup, 15 inches – nice. And chest…’ He had a bit of trouble with this one, but he managed. ’48…. Waist…’ He slid the tape around his waist ‘…25 inches.’ He flexed his bicep to himself in the bathroom mirror and smiled – looking at his lean, tall self. ‘I like this.’ He thought. Then, he put on his clothes and went to get something to eat – he was starving. Then, he noticed the jar on his kitchen table. ‘Oh right, I forgot about this.’ He quickly took one spoon and mixed it in with some water, as he got some food from the fridge. He went over to the TV, sat down on the couch and drank the whole thing at once. ‘Wow, I was thirsty.’ He thought, as he began to eat. ‘Hm, what day is it tomorrow? Oh, right – Monday. Ugh, oh well, can’t wait to see the guys at school I guess.’ [but, what this 18 year old did not see at that moment was what was happening inside his body. There was a reason why the product was cancelled – and it was because of the… interesting side effects it had. Inside, the powder instantly became absorbed into his bloodstream, carrying almost magical nutrients to his muscles. The dose he took wasn’t that big, so he didn’t even notice the changes that were occurring. Underneath his clothes, his pumped thighs grew ever so slightly, gaining more strength, as he laughed at the cheesy jokes, his abs contracted, yet – they too were bigger, like his pecs and arms, in fact he whole had grown a bit – then after a few minutes – it stopped. He would probably attribute it to the pump, but either way – now he was a bit stronger, and a bit bigger.] ///// Well, here's a new story, this is all just a short set up, I'm hoping to make this one longer, more varied and interesting with more characters than before. He's just found the powder, but there's still a whole lot left in the fridge, and who knows what will happen if he decides to share this at school. Anyway - hope you like it.
    1 point
  13. I just found this thread tonight. Damn! ONE OF THE HOTTEST THINGS I have read. So many perspectives and styles and different takes on the story. Maybe I'll have to inject my own part too. Thanks men for making me very very horny while reading this... not that I needed any help in that regard. lol
    1 point
  14. Great story! HOWEVER, there is one line from the story that I need to quote and discuss: "Isn't it your job to make the BIG guys bigger? I don't care about all the wanna-be's." (Russell says) LOL! That is a perfect description of what seems to be happening to this story board!!! Not that I'm complaining (well, um, yeah, I guess I AM complaining . . . sort of), but what ever happened to skinny guys building muscle? Now, 99% of all the stories seem to be about ALREADY HUGE guys getting inhumanly huger. I understand that some people are into uber-freakiness. And I suppose that's fine! But 10 foot tall men who weigh half a ton and lift locomotives for exercise . . . sorry, but that does NOTHING for me. Neither does four-foot long dicks. Nothing. That said, I still enjoy a good piece of fiction. But oh, how I wish we could get back to the kind of variety we USED to have here (and on the old board as well).
    1 point
  15. "I think I took more than fifteen pounds," he said, taking in my physique. I joined him in taking an inventory of my body. Without a mirror, I couldn't tell entirely how much I had changed, but it didn't look too bad. Everything was smaller, for sure, less pumped than it had been. I'd started out as an incontrovertibly muscular guy, and now I was more athletic in build, like a wrestler or a big swimmer. A couple of minutes of contact had set me back months in the gym. "Yeah," I said. "You know me, sometimes I take things too far," he said. That was for sure. And that should have bothered me, but it didn't. The only things occupying my mind right then were how incredibly horny I was, and how amazing Kyle looked. His nonexistent body fat highlighted every inch, every pound of his purloined gains. His abs contorted with every shallow breath he took. Veins tangled down his still-slender arms, blue vines over the hard, tight muscle that now graced his limbs. I reached out and grabbed his biceps. He flexed his arm involuntarily. Damn, it was like granite. Still touching him despite the numbing tingle that started spreading up my arm, I copped a feel of my own gun. It was still way bigger than Kyle's, but not quite as defined. "Mike. Your muscles," he protested. "Don't worry. They'll grow back," I found myself saying, even as a part of me rebelled at taking the situation so calmly. I'd worked hard for those gains! "Stop, man. I--" Kyle tried to tug away from me. I was still stronger. I held him in place, but the swaying motion of his body freed his erect cock from his boxers. It poked out the hole in the front, looking big, red, and angry. Like I mentioned, his dick had always been pretty impressive. Less than an inch smaller than mine, and I was a big boy. It had never looked this large before. "Wait a second," I said, finally letting go of his arm. The brief contact had given him another jolt of size, sending him past a runner's build and on his way to looking like a swimmer. His shoulders actually had some breadth to them now, his chest a bit of roundness. I wasn't really paying attention to his muscles, though, because his cock had my full attention. Curious, almost fearful of what I might find, I hauled my own meaty dick out of my shorts. It drooled a bit of precum. I was as boned as I'd ever been, but it felt a little less impressive in my hands. That had to be because I felt a bit unmanned by how good Kyle's looked, I rationalized. His wasn't as big as mine, was it? Ignoring his protestations, I pressed our cocks together. The tingle came back, the strongest I'd felt yet. For all his murmured 'no's and 'stop's, Kyle didn't protest as I compared our dicks. He was almost as long as I was. Mine was thicker, but the decent length advantage I thought I possessed had evaporated. I could barely tell mine was longer. His dick surged in my hand. It was just a quick pulse, almost like he'd flexed it. His tool stretched wider and longer, but when it unflexed, it retained its new size. Now we were dead even. As I held it there, trying to confirm the transformation, it surged again. The head pushed forward, swelled wider. Its engorged tip pressed painfully into the meat of my groin. Just like that, Kyle's dick was clearly a little longer than mine now. "Dude, your dick," I said, looking up at him. And that's when I got my next surprise. We were eye to eye. I'd been a good inch taller than Kyle for as long as I could remember. Neither of us were wearing shoes, but we were unquestionably the same height now. "Please, you've got to stop," he said. There was no force in the plea. "Fuck, man, you're changing. You're getting so hot," I said. His cock throbbed. It was huge and angry. I reached out to stroke the shaft, fending off the voice of warning in my head. My fingers could barely touch around the shaft, and as that draining tingle returned, they started being forced apart by its growth. Kyle moaned under my ministrations. His voice sounded deeper, sexier. He brought his arm up in a solid flex and let his other hand roam the new-minted muscle sprouting there. The biceps was definitely bigger than a goose's egg now, on its way toward becoming a solid orb of power. The thought of his purloined strength increasing drove me into a desperate haze. I fell to my knees, took his cock in my mouth, and began to suck the salty precum away. "Oh, Mike," said Kyle. The last of his resistance crumbled. I could tell you the exact instant it happened. His protests cut off. He ceased trying to push me away. Instead, an enlarging hand pressed against the back of my head, massaging my scalp as it forced me down harder on the lengthening pole. I wheezed as its hot flesh invaded my throat. But Kyle had stopped caring. "Yeah, take it." His tenor voice had taken on a baritone rumble. I gazed up at him. His abs were in the process of reshaping themselves into a defined set of six cobbled bricks. They settled, tightened, and the grooves between them began to deepen into valleys. Above the corrugated landscape of his abdomen, two sizable pecs thrust forward, filling with striated new mass by the second. My dick throbbed uncontrollably, and I reached down to jerk it. My cock was as hard as I could imagine it being, but it barely filled my hand any more. Usually it could fit both. That was when I knew things had gone way out of control. I struggled against his grip, managed to pull off of his dick. It seemed endless. I finally got it out of my mouth, and it stared me eye to eye, thick as one of my diminished wrists and nine inches long at least. Kyle, lost to his lust, pivoted his hips and slapped me across the cheek with the massive tool. "Come on, Mike. Suck it. Get me off," he said. "Kyle, wait," I said. I struggled to my feet, shaking off his treacherous touch. God, he had grown. Kyle was bigger and longer everywhere. His limbs had stretched out. His bright green eyes were now several inches above mine. Rounded deltoids capped his shoulders, broadening his body so that I could no longer see to either side of him. Crap. How much had I given him? I felt small and weak. "What?" he panted. His hands kept snatching at my body, ignoring my attempts to rebuff his touch. "Come on, suck me." I pushed his hand away from one of my pecs. The muscle was barely there. "We have to stop, dude. Look at how small I am now! And you, you're almost six feet!" He looked, but he wasn't seeing me. I was sure he only saw the strength I still had to offer, the muscle he could still take. "Gotta get bigger. Just a little more." His arms wrapped me in an embrace, pulled me closer. The tingling erupted between us, so strong that it was almost paralyzing. His flesh scraped against mine as the transfer accelerated. The arms around me pumped and firmed. "No more," I said. My voice was shrill with panic. More than that, it was higher in pitch. It broke like a teenager's. He ground his adamantine muscles against my inferior ones. "Should've... unh. Should've listened to me before," he said, his voice not cruel, just not caring. His desire was too great. I struggled in earnest. My thrashing almost got me free, but then Kyle redoubled his grip. The next time I had enough energy to fight him, he fended off my struggles with ease. He was a full head taller than I was, and the transfer did not show any signs of stopping. He could have held me there and drained me down to nothing. But he had other ideas. Warning sirens blared in my brain the moment I felt him spinning me around. He bent me over. His massive dick, now almost a foot long, pressed against my back. He pushed me forward. The head prodded my butt, trying to find entry. "You've still got a hot ass," he slurred, drunk on his own power. "Kyle, no, don't!" I cried. The tip of his cock pressed against my hole. My cry turned into a shriek as it started pushing past my defenses. I hadn't bottomed for Kyle in a long time, and the last time, his dick had been about half its current size. Heedless, he just kept easing in, not caring how I writhed in his grip. All the while, the transfer continued. By the time he was all the way in, I had to stand on my tiptoes. I'd never been with a guy that much taller than I was. But that wasn't a problem for Kyle. Two great hands closed on my sides and lifted. My feet left the ground. He let out a grunt of effort at supporting my weight, and a tremble went through him. But as the seconds passed, it got easier, whether because I was growing lighter or he was getting stronger. At last, he seemed to stabilize. Then he started pumping into me. No, not even that. He used me like a rag doll, pushing and tugging on my diminishing body. His cock kept growing in me the whole time, until I felt like I was being shrink-wrapped on the gargantuan pole. It swelled suddenly. I felt every ridge and bend of it as it grew. I thought it was a surge of growth, but no. He let out a bass groan that rumbled in my chest as he started to cum. A hot geyser filled me, spurt after spurt. I was cumming, too. He came more in a single shot than most guys would have in an entire night of sex. The entire way through his rollercoaster of pleasure, he held me tight in arms that felt like steel girders around me. And then it was done. The tingling faded away. Kyle was gentle as he withdrew from me. I felt impossibly empty without his dick in side of me, like I'd collapse in on myself without it there to support me. He eased me back onto my feet. I couldn't even stand on my own two legs, so he helped me to bed. He was massive. My brain could barely do the math, but he was well past six feet, ripped and huge like a competition bodybuilder. Massive, veined muscles fought for space on a frame that had been built like a stick not an hour beforehand. If he was around 6'3, that put me right around the five foot mark. No wonder he looked so massive. He sat next to me on the bed. It creaked beneath his weight. I reached out and touched his arm. He flexed involuntarily. The muscle didn't rise up. It exploded, a peak that would make Everest jealous. "Sorry," Kyle said. His voice sounded like a subwoofer. The absurdity of the massive beast I'd helped create, looking so cowed, so disappointed in himself, made me almost want to laugh. Almost. "Yeah," I said, now exploring my own tiny physique. I was muscled like a little bird. I wasn't even the 98-pound weakling. I was his little brother. "Maybe we can fix it." "Got another ten grand?" I asked. "No. You?" I shook my head weakly. "Uh uh. So. Stuck like this." "I don't think I'll be needing you to spot me any more," Kyle said. "Nope," I said. We sat there in silence. After a few moments, the bed started to rock. It took me a second to realize that Kyle's titanic new body was shaking with laughter. "It's a good thing I got two vials for that price, right?" Kyle winked at me, holding something up. It was glass and full of greyish fluid. So that was how I lost all of my size and gained it back in just over an hour. Kyle hadn't been entirely honest about the price of the stuff, either. He's never tipped me in to who his supplier is, says he likes being the big man between us, but he's still taking the stuff. That became obvious the day he showed up at my place, two inches taller than I was and better hung. I didn't ask who his donor was this time. I didn't want to know. But I've been saving up, and I'm going to find Kyle's guy. It's harder than you'd think. Not something you just post on the Craigslist personals about: "Looking for Muscle Theft Potion." Trust me, I tried. As for Kyle, he's almost at the immense size he was at on that fateful day. All that beef is a lot more fun to play with when it didn't come from you, let me tell you. And Kyle doesn't seem to want to stop. I asked him the other day how big he wanted to get, and he just gave a shrug of those awesome, boulder-sized delts of his. Maybe he'll never stop. Oh well, what can you do? He always did take things too far.
    1 point
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