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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2017 in Posts

  1. Short, aggressive, and dirty. In keeping with the season, I figured I'd sneak this one out in the middle of the night, like Santa but pornier. Merry Christmas! I apologize for any typos or the like and will get back to them later. I am bone-tired from baking cookies and running D&D. -X- ===== Logan couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he realized he was in too deep. It was probably around the time he finished tying the knot in the rope around Troy Larkin’s wrists. At any moment, the unconscious jock would come around, and there’d be no going back. Truthfully, though, Logan had passed the point of no return a few days prior. He’d been driven to the line a number of times, like when Troy had casually knocked a weight out of his hand while he was doing shoulder presses, or all of those times he and his dumb jock buddies had mocked him while he was getting changed. But all of those paled in comparison to that fateful Saturday when he decided he’d finally had enough of the humiliation. In retrospect, calling Troy a “roided up asshole” in the locker room was exactly the wrong way to retaliate to the latest round of jeers and snickers. One shove led to another, and suddenly he found himself on his knees in the middle of an otherwise empty locker room, staring at Troy’s donkey dick eye-to-eye. The jock had slapped him across the cheek with it before hefting his balls in one hand, grinding them against Logan’s face. “Do these look like they’re shriveled up, bitch?” Troy had asked. He needn’t have asked. Everyone at the gym knew that Troy freeballed at the gym. It was impossible not to notice the thick bulge of his dick swinging in his shorts. Logan had always wanted to see it, but not in this scenario. He had struggled, but Troy’s grip was like iron on his shoulders. He’d been forced to endure the whole, humiliating scenario, tears stinging his eyes and his heart pounding like a jackhammer. To make matters worse, he’d been painfully hard the whole time. At least Troy hadn’t seen that. Shaking with rage in the car afterward, Logan knew he needed to get revenge, but he might not have gone through with it if it weren’t for the old man he’d nearly hit on the way home. He had slammed on his brakes and threw open the door, hurrying to make sure his near-victim was all right. To his surprise, the old man--a dapper old fellow with stark white hair and a suit that seemed out of place in the summer heat of San Cristobal--seemed far calmer. “You must have been in a hurry,” the old man had said. Logan had helped him to his feet, apologizing all the while. “I’ll be fine,” the old man had assured him. “But you, son, you look like someone’s got under your skin.” For some reason, Logan found himself sitting on the street corner, telling the old man all about Troy. He wasn’t sure why he shared so much, except that there was something calming, reassuring, about the pale blue eyes that regarded him while he talked. When he was finished, the old man said, “It sounds like you already know what you need to do. Put this bully in his place. You’ll come out of it the bigger man.” That flew in the face of everything Logan had learned in school. His parents had always told him not to rise to the bait. That was what made you the bigger man. But as the old man talked, he became surer and surer of his course of action. Troy’s eyelids fluttered. Groggily, the jock shook his head, lifting his head from the locker room floor. He looked around as if seeing the place for the first time, but when his gaze settled on Logan standing there before him, he came sharply awake. “The fuck are you doing?” he asked, ever-so-eloquently. Logan didn’t respond. He let Troy’s dawning awareness take in the fullness of his situation, the ropes binding his arms and legs. Logan standing before him, thin arms folded over his narrow chest. Troy struggled against his bonds and let out a mindless cry for help. “No one’s here,” said Logan. “One of the perks of working out this late, I guess. We have the whole place to ourselves.” That part of the plan had been easier than Logan expected. The desk clerk had been eager to get off of his shift early. Logan had waited until he and Troy were the only clients at the gym, and then he’d offered to lock up so the clerk could go home early. The kid had been all too ready to accept. Troy strained against the ropes again. The corded musculature of his arms bunched impressively, and all over his shirtless torso, hard slabs of beef tensed and rippled into sharp relief. Logan could have sworn he heard the individual fibers crying out in protest. He almost took a step back. But no, even Troy couldn’t break out of that. He slumped back onto the ground and shook his head, still clearly woozy. His eyes, full of fury, speared Logan. “You put something into my drink.” Logan shrugged. His heart was pounding in his chest like he’d just run a hill sprint, but his voice sounded oddly calm and detached. “You shouldn’t have left it lying around while doing supersets.” Troy snarled. “What’s this all about? You try anything, you little fa--” The clap of flesh against flesh surprised even Logan. Dimly, through the rushing adrenaline and endorphins, he felt stinging heat in his palm. “Don’t use that word with me.” Troy’s face went scarlet as he struggled against his bonds. One cheek was a deeper red where Logan’s hand had connected. He sagged again, quicker this time. A sheen of sweat glistened over his body, highlighting the wide taper of his lats and the thick, bunching traps that framed his neck. “What’re you going to do?” Troy asked. “You fucked with me one too many times,” said Logan. “This is payback.” He hiked his trembling thumbs under the waistband of his gym shorts and pulled them down. In his baby blue boxer briefs underneath, his cock was already half-hard and inflating to its full six and a half inches. Troy looked up at him blankly. Then comprehension dawned. “You’re a sick fuck,” he spat. “When I get out of these, you’re dead.” The threat hit Logan with a physical force. Throughout all of his fevered planning for revenge, there had been a cold voice of warning in the back of his head: there would be consequences. He had shut that voice away, time and again. He tried to do so again as he peeled his boxer briefs down. His cock, at least, had no worries. It sprang up and bobbed in the air, a bead of precum glistening at the head. No, Logan told himself. He had come this far, and he was going to see his revenge through. One hand slid down the length of his cock. A quiver of pleasure echoed up his spine the hard flesh under his hand bucked like a startled horse. The sight of Troy’s pecs, pumped from his efforts and rippling with the jock’s impotent rage, only fueled his boner. “Don’t you fucking do it, you little pervert.” “Try and stop me,” Logan grunted, lost in pleasure and vindication. Was this how Troy had felt when he had shoved his junk in Logan’s face? He had expected to feel guilty, but every stroke of his cock washed away a bit more of the remorse and fear in his belly. He was in control. It felt good. Powerful. His strokes sped up, the sound of skin against skin an odd counterpoint to Troy’s raging. To Logan’s surprise, a higher-pitched edge of helplessness soured the jock’s litany of threats, until all of a sudden, he let out one shrill word. “Please!” The sound of it, the knowledge that he had complete and total power of Troy Larkin, sent Logan over the edge. Hot white pleasure arced up his spine and burned down his limbs as an orgasm built in the base of his balls. He felt them pull up as his dick went rigid in his hand. Bliss. That was the only word he could use to describe the explosive wave of energy that tore through him, the only one he could hold in his mind against the blinding tide. It was unlike any orgasm he’d ever had before, a thousand times more intense. The first spray of cum spurted out across Troy’s beautiful face, a streak that crossed from temple to chiseled cheek. He opened his mouth to protest, and a second blast splattered across his lips and into his mouth. Not that Logan could see. His eyes were shut against the storm of pleasure raging around him. Every millisecond of it stretched into eternity as searing euphoria hit him in waves. That dim voice of warning perked up, telling him that something was not normal about this, but its shouts weren’t even a whisper against the roar of his own pleasure. He realized that the roar wasn’t in his head. It ripped from his throat, a sound of purest, primal exultation. But something had to be wrong with his ears. His voice sounded deeper, as if he had a cold. Still he came, drenching Troy’s face in jism. Warmth poured down his spine and into his limbs. He felt like he was being *stretched* somehow in every direction at once, like the air was pulling at his skin. And then he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He’d gotten used to the sight of his form, short and lean, over the course of months failing to put on any muscle. He knew immediately that his reflection had changed. He was still thin, yes, but the guy in the mirror might as well have been a stranger. The Logan he knew didn’t have horseshoe triceps when he wasn’t flexing, or a tangled blue vein down each arm. And he definitely didn’t have the solid four-pack he saw in the mirror. As he stared, knees still buckling under the power of his orgasm, the figure in the mirror changed further. With every improbable shot of cum, muscles swelled and tightened. Two more abs resolved themselves into stern definition on his stomach, and his newly forged six-pack rippled and hardened. Mass mounded up on his shoulders and traps, giving his body new breadth. The changes in his lower body were even more pronounced. Logan’s ass had always been bony, but firm globes of muscle were pulsing outward, even as his meager quads expanded in fits and spurts. None of the miraculous growth could have prepared him for the strange sensation of his dick expanding in his hand. His cock had been at full mast the whole time, but it was as if he was getting an erection on top of the first. The head strained forward, lengthening past his clenched fist, even as his shaft pulsed thicker and wider, forcing his grip apart. Hips still bucking, he gave a powerful stroke of his new cock and marveled at how long it took to travel the full length of it. It had to be a good seven and a half inches, and so thick he couldn’t close his fingers around it. A moan from Troy drew Logan’s attention downward. He realized two things: first, that he was looking further down than he was used to, and second, that he wasn’t the only one changing. The metamorphosis working its way through Logan’s body was mirrored and reversed in Troy. As Logan’s orgasm began to subside, he watched as Troy’s bunched biceps softened and dwindled, losing mass and definition at once. The jock’s huge feet visibly retracted, leaving them merely large. Everywhere, from his cannonball delts to the heaving globes of muscle at his chest, it looked like air was being slowly let out of a ball. Logan sagged against a locker as the orgasm finally ebbed away. It was a strange dichotomy. He felt so spent from the pleasure that he could barely stand, but his newly muscled legs carried his weight more easily than they ever had before. Troy, too, slumped down onto the ground. All of the fight had gone out of him. He was still muscular, though hardly the amateur middleweight bodybuilder he had been before. And with Logan’s cum still dripping down his face, he had never before looked so pathetic. “What the hell happened?” Logan asked, not expecting an answer. He turned to the mirror again. One hand roamed over his chest. Hard plates of muscle met his hand as he explored the uncharted topography of his new physique. He let out a gasp as a stray finger brushed over a surprisingly sensitive nipple. His hand voyaged lower, sliding over the sweat-slicked grooves of his abs. There was no fat there, only skin shrink-wrapped over taut bricks of muscle, leading like cobblestones toward the heavy cock at his groin. It felt too big, slapping against his thigh as he turned to flex in the mirror. No, not too big. Fucking great. Logan raised one arm up and bent it, sucking in a breath at the hard tennis ball of muscle that exploded upward as he flexed. He wasn’t huge by any means, but he’d packed on years of progress in a matter of minutes, and he was taller besides--maybe 5’9 now. Just barely above average, but he’d stopped growing in high school and had resigned himself to a life of needing stools to reach high shelves. His growth--and Troy’s shrinking--was impossible. Utterly impossible. He’d heard stories, of course, like everyone in San Cristobal did, but those were just silly tales people at the college told. Staring at his mounding biceps, he wondered just how many of them were true, and how this had happened to him. You’ll come out of it the bigger man, the old man had said. Impossible. Logan let out a laugh at the absurdity of it. He was so consumed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that Troy had gotten free. Logan had tied the ropes tightly around Troy’s hamhock-sized forearms, but they had shrunk with the rest of the bound jock. Somehow, he had managed to get one hand loose and clamber to his feet. All of this passed through Logan’s mind as the jock’s still-sizeable bulk hurtled into his back. He went down, face slamming against hard tile. Wind exploded from his lungs. He tried to suck in a breath, but Troy’s weight pressed down on his back. Still stunned, he felt like a rag doll as the jock twisted him onto his back and pinned him down. Hate-filled eyes bored down into his. Spittle and spent cum rained down on him as Troy’s fingers dug into his shoulders. “What did you do to me!?” Logan stared at him, half numb from the pain and half devoid of words to describe the impossible. A sudden, delirious laugh tore free from his battered lungs. “Stop laughing!” Troy shrieked at him. Through fits of laughter, Logan blurted out, “My cum’s--” “Change me back!” “--on your face!” With a wordless roar, Troy drew back a fist and swung down at Logan. Desperate, the smaller man raised his hand to block the blow. His hand caught the punch. The strength of the blow drove Logan’s hand down to the ground, but he saw awareness dawn in Troy’s eyes. The big jock was still stronger, but the gap between them had narrowed. Emboldened, Logan struggled against the muscled physique pressing him down onto the cold tiles. He fought as Troy drove down on him, the jock’s hot breath stinging against his ear. Somehow, he managed to wriggle one sweat-slicked leg free. Desperate, he drove his knee up into the jock’s crotch. The feeble kick lacked momentum, but a grunt of pain and fury shook Troy's body. Logan took his chance, throwing his full strength at one of Troy’s arms. He wriggled out from under Troy and tried to get back to his feet. The jock clawed at him, bringing him back down. Logan lashed out blindly. His fingers closed on fabric as he fought to free himself again, and he pulled frantically. Troy’s shorts gave way with a rip. As they battled, Logan felt something big, hot, and thick press into his side. “This what you want?” Troy jeered as his cock slid across Logan’s ass. Sheer fear lent Logan strength. He caught Troy around the midsection with one arm and got a grip on one of the jock’s wrists with the other. Ignoring the throbbing in his head and the protestations of his battered body, he managed to twist Troy’s arm behind his back. The jock tried to yank free, but he’d spent too much of his strength trying to escape his bonds, and was at a bad angle besides. He let out another enraged grunt as Logan managed to get on top of him. His grunt went suddenly high-pitched. Logan looked down, taking a moment to realize why. Amidst all of the other concerns of his body, he’d barely noticed his still-hard cock pressing against the crack of Troy’s huge bubble butt. A wicked grin spread across his face, fueled by delirium and pain. He tugged Troy’s arm backwards and leaned in, whispering, “Is this what you want?” Logan shifted his hips, using his thighs and free arm to press down on Troy’s back. The jock bucked, his incredible strength almost dismounting Logan, but he just tugged on Troy’s bent arm once more. The jock let out a hiss of pain. It was nothing compared to the curses he let out as Logan positioned his still-hard cock against Troy’s exposed hole. The jock had violated him, made him feel like less of a man. “It’s time to return the favor,” he said, and drove his cock in. Logan had topped before, but this was a whole new experience. Always before, he’d been on the smaller side of average. As he pressed into Troy’s virgin hole, he felt the walls inside gripping his dick like a glove. Mixed with the rush of endorphins, it was bliss all over again. “Beat the hell out of me if you want,” Logan spat. “You’re always going to remember that you were my bitch.” He didn’t know where the words were coming from. Logan had never talked like this before, never been so brutally aggressive in his life. But it felt so good, the raw, mean masculinity of it. He pulled back and drove his dick in again, savoring the length of the strokes. It didn’t take long for his pleasure to crescendo once more. He couldn’t brace himself against the volcanic surge from his balls as he blasted a volley of cum into Troy’s ass. His moans deepened as he began, again, to feel the tugging at the edges of his limbs, the swelling heat in his muscles. This time, he luxuriated in the power of it, bringing his arms up into a savage flex as his peaks climbed higher. Every muscle in his body felt pumped with blood, overfilled and huge, but they only grew bigger. He was dimly aware of Troy’s dwindling beneath him, but that was nothing compared to the sensation of his lengthening cock driving deeper into the vanquished jock. Logan’s back stretched and lengthened. He threw his head back as his pecs surged forward, going from solid plates to dense globes of striated muscle. Below, his abs refined themselves into a perfect eight-pack. He widened, too, his shoulders going from merely broad to impressively so. At the same time, he felt his lats unfurling like wings, the expanding musculature of his back giving him the depth of a lightweight bodybuilder. As his orgasmic transformation subsided, he began pulling out of the man beneath him. Calling Troy a jock now would be charitable. He was toned, perhaps, but only slightly larger than Logan had once been. Logan could barely spare any attention for that. He was awed by the sheer size of his dick as he pulled slowly free. It felt like the shaft could go on forever. He was definitely over eight inches, maybe closing in on nine, and thicker than his wrists--or at least, his wrists as they had been earlier that night. Beneath him, Troy was shaking. Logan stared at his enemy as he flipped him over. Gone were all traces of the defiant alpha male. He looked so small now, in every sense of the word. Well, not every sense. Logan glanced down as something hard prodded him in the thigh. Troy’s dick was definitely not small. It wasn’t the monster that it had been, but it was still above average. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” The cocky sound of Logan’s voice surprised him. This wasn’t him, taunting someone after they’d lost everything. He almost stopped himself. Almost. “All of that time. All of that abuse. I took it, Troy, and I didn’t say anything. I guess that does make me the bigger man,” Logan said. He reached out with one meaty hand and gripped Troy’s dick tightly. Instantly, the former jock began to protest, dull ‘no’s bubbling up on his lips. His treacherous hips, however, bucked into Logan’s hand. “I guess your buddies are going to have to find a new lifting partner,” said Logan, smirking. “You probably can’t keep up with even the smallest of them any more. But you know what? I think your muscles look better on me.” He raised one arm in front of Troy’s face and bent it slowly. The high, vein-tangled peak rose before Troy’s eyes. He let out one last whimper, and his entire body tensed. Hot cum sprinkled up into the air. The last of Troy’s definition began to fade away as his remaining mass flowed into Logan. The flexed arm swelled, denser and higher, until Logan felt like his arm might burst from sheer size. In his hand, Troy’s cock dwindled, retreating into Logan’s expanding fist, and Logan’s began to attain truly monstrous proportions. He stood, still growing, and regarded himself. It was impossible not to admire the god in the mirror. Well over six feet, he had to stoop a bit to see his entire body, but it was worth the effort. As he watched, pound after pound of competition-ready muscle poured into his body. Logan bent and went into an astounding most muscular, and for the first time in his life, he looked anything but ridiculous in the pose. Not that he’d be competing. The huge shank of meat between his legs was almost a foot long and thick as a beer can, and there’d be no hiding that in posers. He tore himself away from his reflection and went to the former jock’s locker. To his shock, Troy’s clothes were small on him. They still smelled like the jock, but he wasn’t going to drive home naked. With some effort, he squeezed himself into a tank top and shorts. They’d never fit Troy this well. With a last glance at his nemesis, he headed for the door. Troy called out to no one in particular. “My muscles,” he wailed. “You’re dead. You’re fucking dead.” Logan almost let the rage come over him once more, let that cockiness out for one last blow to Troy’s ego. But as he looked down at the bully, the shadow of a man who’d never bully anyone else again, he shook off the threats. They were as impotent as Troy himself. He left the locker room, saying nothing at all. After all, he was the bigger man.
    6 points
  2. Another installment guys! Although many of you have already read this, I have yet to post it here, so for continuity, enjoy! “What do you think son?” He came out of the dressing room, wearing nothing but a pair of blue boardshorts. I remember that gift shop like it was yesterday, the gift shop we found this past July while camping. He stood there almost looking like a kid, checking out the the way his body looked, excited about this new found piece of clothing. I couldn’t help but smile at his immature tendencies. “They look good dad!" I grabbed an identical red pair and joined my dad in the changing room, stripping off my jeans and shirt. Seeing us in the reflection was almost comical, especially after putting on the shorts. Besides the age difference and muscle build, we looked almost identical. We had the same hair, the same height, even the same happy trail. I made a funny flexing pose in the mirror, making dad ruffle my hair with a chuckle. Anyone could tell we were father and son, anyone, until my dad decided to start flexing back.. “Remember these things?” My dad stood over me and chuckled, sliding a pile of eggs onto my plate. To say I was stunned would have been an understatement. Those same blue shorts, the ones that hung down to his knees only four months ago, now squeezed half way up his thighs, verging on destruction. The enormity of my dad's legs far surpassed anything those jeans lead onto believe yesterday. They had to be almost twice as big as mine, hairy as hell and cut up like diamonds. I almost wanted to whimper at my misfortune, that camping trip was nothing more than a dream now. Even my dads manhood seemed to bulge against the shorts like a fucking python. My dad was always decently sized, but the thing never looked this big. “So how’d you sleep?" “..Alright..” “Sorry Denise and I got a little loud last night..” A little loud? I heard some crazy things living in a dorm during the night, but last night was by far the worse. Denise whaled so fucking loud at times, I thought she was almost screaming in pain. Dad on the other hand sounded like a total beast. He grunted with each thrust, banging the king sized headboard against my room, letting the entire neighborhood know when he reached his climax. I could just imagine him holding himself above her with his burly arms, that huge muscle ass thrusting in his impressive member to her small vadge. They must have fucked five times before I finally went to sleep, god the poor girl must have been raw.. “It’s alright, she’s pretty attractive” I continued the usual manly banter “Yea she is..” Dad adjusted his crotch as he walked over again, like her name almost made him ache to fuck again. He slid some breakfast potatoes on my plate, god it almost ached being this close to him. I knew it was probably just the pump, but my dad looked a hell of a lot bigger than yesterday. Above the shorts was this small white shirt, the fabric stretched across his torso so tight it was practically transparent. I could see the outline of his rock hard abs, his big nipples, even his chest hair. Not to mention every movement he made seemed to make the threads strain like a balloon ready to pop. Dad just chuckled and walked back to the kitchen. “I keep forgetting you're not used to all this yet” “Sorry..” I looked down at the table, feeling my face turn bright red. Dad just poured my big glass of orange juice. He must have caught me staring a hundred times by now. My lack of self control was almost embarrassing, I mean this was my own father. I could feel the table thump as he walked back towards me, glancing up to see his big flopping cock move beneath his shorts. I looked back down and remained totally silent, feeling his hand suddenly squeeze my shoulder. “Haha it’s alright Scott” He set the orange juice down “I take it as a compliment. Your dad’s getting pretty big all over” “Thanks.. I’m just not used to seeing you so..” “Muscled? Haha just wait, Denise is going to shave me down tonight. You’ll be seeing every inch of my muscles then..” I took a huge gulp “Where is Denise?” “Out grocery shopping. What do you think of her anyways?” “She seems nice..” “Yea? She’s been so great, especially with learning how to compete. I’m really starting to love bodybuilding” The word made my stomach sink. How did a gay kid like me end up with the muscle dad of the century? He raised his right arm for a quick flex, staring down at it with eager eyes. I just sat there at the table, seeing his big daddy bicep swell up to its full size. What I wouldnt give to feel up a muscle like that. I mean there was a part of me that knew it was just my dad, knew that I could probably grab his arm and there wouldn’t be a care in the world. The other part of me though, the gay side, knew I would just find arousal and lust. “..So you're really into that stuff now?” I spoke up “Totally into it. I’ve already gained 32 pounds..” “32 pounds!?” “Haha Yea. Denise says she’s never seen anything like it. I can’t wait to start packing on even more for the competition” “How much do you weight?” “293 pounds. Here check it out” Dad suddenly grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling up the fabric like some sexy stud in a worship video. I tried not to openly gasp at the amount of muscle that bulged off his chest. Not only did my dad have the most enormous pecs I had ever seen, his abs were shredded to perfection, all six of them. He struggled to get the sleeves past his arms, giving me those momentary few seconds of total lust. At 5’11”, 293 pounds of muscle looked massive on his average sized frame. Without his face, he looked like that massive jock from across the hall, the one I had been drooling over for months. While most men his age would have some sag around their muscles, my dad’s were tight and perfect, like he had the body of a 20 year old. “Therrrre we go” My dad groaned, finally squeezing his shirt past his massive arms and over his head. He quietly smirked at my gawking and expression and tossed the shirt to the kitchen floor. To think that I would ever be this close to muscular perfection. His chest was even dusted in that flawless coat of dark hair, something I found totally arousing. I watched painfully as he bounced his pecs playfully, giving his muscles a few quick fixes. “Pretty great isn’t it? I’m planning on adding at least another solid ten pounds before christmas, get some real size going” “Real size? Dad you're huge!” I said bluntly “Haha glad you think so. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner. I love how big I’m starting to get..” He raised his right arm up again, grinning as he practically stuffed his bicep into his face. I know my dad tended to get obsessed with things, but I never took him for having an arm fetish. He took in this deep long breath, like he was sniffing his own musky scent. The sheer size of his deep pits was almost unreal, twice as large as any normal mans. He kept on pushing his bicep closer and closer to his smiling lips. I swear he was about to lick the thing when he opened his eyes and stared right at me. “You ever seen a bicep this huge?” I gulped “Only a couple of times..” “You should take a feel..” My dad got even closer, standing over me like a total muscle god. I took a huge gulp, knowing already I couldn’t refuse. The desire to touch someones muscles had just piled up so high over the years, and now here it was being offered to me on a silver platter. I slowly stood up, looking at my dads more than gleeful face. I almost felt like a virgin again, touching a man's body for the first time. As I placed my hands against his huge 23 inch mountain, my cock almost surged to life. It was so much better than I could have ever imagined, tender but powerful. I rubbed my hands across its warm steel-like mound, smelling the musk of my dads pitts, exploring each revit. My dad pumped his arm a couple times, as if acknowledging my attentive hands. I honestly wanted to burry my face into his arm, go totally gay for my dad. Instead I stood there practically drooling, rubbing his arm like a zombie. “Pretty cool huh? I’m thinking they’ll be 25 inches by next month” “Wow, 25?” I dropped my hands “Did you ever think your old man would be saying that anytime soon?” “Try never..” “Haha, we better eat, breakfast is getting cold” Dad sat down on the other side, still without a shirt on. The amount of food he had in front of him was staggering, especially after last nights dinner. I mean I always knew bodybuilders ate a lot, but the amount my dad was stuffing down, it almost seemed impossible. Yesterday he devoured 4 chicken breast, 3 cobs of corn, a quarter pound of green beans, a half pound of mashed potatoes, and a staggering huge protein shake for dessert. If there was any chance my dad was trying to make me feel pathetic, it was working. “God I’m hungry” He started digging in. The fact that he sounded like an animal while eating his food was one thing, seeing him eat like one, was a whole different story. He looked more beast than man, with the enormous shelf of his hairy pecs pushing down his flapjack sized nipples, his huge shoulders and traps swollen around his face. The grease and slop dripped from his gorging mouth, I couldn’t imagine how ravenous he must have been to be eating like this. BURRRPP “Jesus dad..” “Haha sorry. It’s all this growing I’m doing” He snickered a little, continuing to scarf down his food. It was honestly almost kind of hot in a way. Knowing all that food was helping him grow, transforming into probably pure muscle. He finished off the entire plate in only a couple of minutes, making another loud belch. “Better get ready, I’m going to get one last pump in before the family gets here..” The family, I had almost completely forgotten. Thanksgiving day and all that was on my mind was daddys muscles. He stood up from the table, thumping across the kitchen with a roided out looking belly. I couldn’t even imagine how everyone would react. My dad was already the tallest out of everyone, and here he is packing all this muscle now. He snatched his shirt up and made one last grin at me. “Don’t forget to clean up your plate” “Sure thing dad..” God I felt pathetic. I looked down at my small pile of food, knowing I wouldn’t even be able to finish half that. I was always so envious of the guys that could always eat a ton. It reminded of all my jock friends in high school, scarfing down four or five pieces of pizza at a time, totally horned up and muscled. My dad was like a teenager going through puberty, a big one at that. Here he was working out, growing huge, getting the hottest girl. Wasn’t I supposed to be the one going through college? I guess its like they always say, muscle makes the man.. “GRrrrr” I spent the next few hours in my room, hearing his grunts echo throughout the house. Even though my dad said he just getting in a pump, it sounded more like a full blown workout to me. Over an hour of lifting and there was no sign of stopping. I could only imagine what he must look like using that tiny weight set. We’ve had the thing forever, ever since before I was born actually. Considering the size he was at, he was probably maxing out every weight available. It was shamefully kind of hot in away, my dad outgrowing his college weights. I went downstairs after dressing up, seeing my dad stand by the window. He strapped on the same jeans as yesterday, along with equally tight black shirt. The pump he got definitely made him look bigger, hell it was a wonder he even got those clothes on. I slowly walked up behind him, staring down at his tight bubble butt. “Man I can’t wait to see their faces..” My dad looked down at his arm, looking totally smug and powerful. His family always was competitive, especially between him and my uncles (his two older brothers). For all the randomness of my dad's sudden growth in muscle, it almost all started to make sense. Showing off was always limited by the size of your pocket book, something my dad never had very much of. Investing in your body, although sounds crazy, was almost like the perfect win. While most people are scrambling to buy the latest cars and electronics, dad could just continually pump his body bigger and bigger, grow into his own massive showcase piece. “Grr, yea. So who do you think is going to be shocked the most!? Haha, I bet your uncle Ben is going to..” SNAP “Jesus dad!!” I looked down, seeing my dad's left leg blow through the seam of his jeans. My dad frantically grabbed the gaping hole, covering it up like he thought I wouldn’t notice. “Fuck not again..” “This happened before?” “About a week ago, shit I must have gotten too pumped! I knew these jeans were about to go but..” RRRIIIIIPPPP “Holy fuck dad!!” I practically squealed, watching the other huge thigh suddenly shred through the blue denim. My dad just laughed this time, smirking down at his overly muscled body. The skin and hair of his legs bulged through the small openings, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “God It’s like I’m growing bigger by the second!” DING DONG “What are you going to do dad!?” “You and Denise answer the door. Meet me in the bathroom with a pair of shorts when you’re done” “Ok..” My dad quickly walked off. I could hear his jeans rip and tear even more as he thumped down the hallway, shit it was like he was hulking out. I stood there for a second, my heart practically beating out of my chest. I quickly wiped the sweat from my forehead, hoping that no one needed to use the bathroom. “Hey Uncle Ben..” “Hey big guy, how are you?” “I’m good..You?” “Hungry. Where’s your dad?” “Oh he’s around here somewhere..” I said blowing him off, watching the line of people come up to the door. It was like they had all came out once. Before I knew it the entire house was filled with over twenty people, all while my dad was locked up into the bathroom. I tried to fish my way through the sea of my family, dodging every question they threw out like bullets. My dad always kept some shorts in his duffel bag, knowing that would probably be my only chance. His bag was laying between all the weights and sweaty towels in the garage, the place absolutely reeked. I found a pair of red shorts buried deep within his bag, a little small, but better than nothing. Luckily everyone seemed to be doing there own thing right now, there loud voice filled the living room. I quickly ran to the bathroom across the hallway. “I got some!” I almost shouted, quickly closing the door behind me. I turned around to see my dad just stand there, looking down at his jeans at his jeans with an almost hungry look. I heard the sound of his jeans start to snap and pop again, looking down to see his right leg began to flex. “Dad what are you doing!?” “Sorry son. I just can’t help myself..” RRRIIIIPPPPP My dad laughed, forcibly shredding his right thigh through the seem of his jeans. This time I actually squealed, dropping the shorts to the floor and backing into the door like a scared girl. My eyes just bulged as dad began to flex up his other leg, watching the denim hopelessly inflate. I couldn’t believe what he was doing, actually flexing through his own clothes. He snickered like he had wanted to do this for years, pumping his thigh until it was nearly double in size. I squirmed like a worm as thread by thread of his jeans snapped apart. It wasn’t long before the blue denim suddenly exploded off his leg, unleashing this total tree trunk of hairy muscle. “Fuck that was easy! I bet I could blow through this whole outfit!!” Dad gripped his knuckles together, thrusting his arms forward to flex his pecs. His black shirt suddenly burst open around his fat nipples. My dad laughed like a kid, heaving his chest bigger and bigger, puffing up his lungs with huge amounts of air. I watched mortified as more of his huge muscle torso became exposed. The shirt shred down his thick pecs and steel plated abs almost like a fucking zipper. Next my dad slowly raised his arms, causing the threads around his huge pits to snap. The pump he got from that last workout was insane. His arms looked almost 24 inches now, there was no way those sleeves would survive. My knees practically trembled just knowing I’d hear the sound again, almost wanting to cover my ears. “Show your guns to the judges!!” My dad flexed his biceps, blowing through his sleeves like they were fucking paper. He just roared with laughter, looking like a total god of muscle. He looked down and began tearing the remaining fabric off. My jaw nearly hit the floor as he peeled off the last bit of denim. His briefs were dangling between his thighs, stretched down by one of the most massive cocks I had ever seen. It looked as if his manhood had nearly doubled in size. It must have been over six inches flaccid, thick as a fucking beer can. My own cock was throbbing painfully hard in my jeans, grinding itself almost to the point of cumming. Dad just laughed at my facial expression, arrogantly turning towards the mirror with a quick flex. “What do you think son, should your old dad shoot for 20 pounds instead!? Haha” I stood there speechless. The definition of his muscles was borderline freaky. He hit pose after pose, sneering at his own reflection like the muscle heads at the gym. I looked down and watched his huge cock began to inflate inside his briefs, whimpering at its sheer size. He turned towards me and continued to flex, I could feel my cock about to cum. He hauled up one of his huge arms again, flexing into his signature single bicep pose. My dad really sniffed his pitts this time, grinning with such disgusting satisfaction. “Mmm, you know what the best part is about having all this muscle son?.. It’s knowing you can only get bigger from here..” My cock suddenly splurged, shooting gobs of warm cum into my briefs like a fucking fountain. I dug my nails into the bathroom door behind me, using all my might to hold back the moan of pleasure that tried to escape me. I swear I thought my dad was going to see my throbbing cock beneath my jeans, see me orgasm over his awesome muscle bod. Instead he just kept flexing his muscles, boning up over his own image. I looked down one more time to see his mammoth cock continue to swell, seven inches now and it didn’t even look half hard. My dad with a final chuckle put down his arms. “Bet you’ve never seen that before have you!?” My dad boasted, grabbing the shorts off the floor I dropped. He stood back up and began tugging them up his strong hairy thighs, struggling to even get them past his knees. I eagerly watched my dads cock just flop over his waistband as he got to the top, noticing even how swollen his testicles were. “Guess I got a little excited back there..” He said grabbing its enormous shaft, stuffing it back into his shorts like a firehose. I still couldn’t believe how massive his cock was now, knowing it had to be in the double digits. To think his cock used to be only an inch or two bigger then mine. What middle aged man's cock just starts growing bigger one day? “Fuck this underwears small..” “..I should probably check on the guest” “Wait Scott” He grabbed my shoulder “I need a new shirt now..” “Ok.. Be back in five minutes” I opened the door, feeling a burst of fresh air hit my face. I slammed the door behind me and let out a huge sigh of relief. What just happened in the bathroom was insane. I felt my cum drip down my legs as I walked down the hallway. Nineteen years old and my briefs had never been this soaked. I looked down to see if a wet spot had formed yet, knowing it was about to seep through at any second. Everyone seemed mostly distracted with each other, eating the delicious food Denise had put out. I quickly ran upstairs to my dad's bedroom, stopping off in his bathroom first. I grabbed a washcloth from his counter and pulled down my pants, it looked like I had just pissed myself there was so much cum. I started down towards my feet first, working my way up to my soaking crotch. The image of him bursting out of his clothes just replayed in my mind. I know there should have been some amount of shame, splurging a big cum load over my own dad, but it was honestly the hottest fucking thing I had ever seen! The fact that he was so muscle obsessed, so disgustingly arrogant about his growth. My dad was obviously planning on pumping himself much bigger, bigger than I could probably even fathom. For the first time on this trip I felt my anxiety dissipate, and I knew it was all for the wrong reasons. I slowly pulled up my pants, looking at myself in the mirror, my uncontrollable smirk. Maybe my dad turning into a bodybuilder, wasn’t so bad after all..
    5 points
  3. This is a simple story fragment. Not a lot of plot or dialogue, mostly just muscle growth. It was inspired by this image in a post on Facebook: Then someone posted the original... ...Saying that the first one was fake and morphed. Frankly, there really wasn't a lot of morphing done to it, as you can plainly see, because the guy in the pic is already huge and ripped. But I love it when guys that are all ripped and huge wear spandex, Under Armor, compression wear, etc. Especially Under Armor because somehow, the Under Under Armor fabric clings to every little curve, bulge and crevice of the body wearing it. I know it's meant to wick sweat and help keep the body coll during exercise, but the side effect of the unique fabric is that it beautifully showcases the contours and intricacies of a fit male physique. Plus, whenever a guy wears an Under Armor shirt, the soft silky texture of the fabric almost never fails to make his guy's nipples hard and show through the shirt. And whenever I see a guy in a compression shirt like that (like our beautiful friend here), I can't help but fantasize a little bit about what it would look like if the guy suddenly started to spontaneously grow bigger and more muscular and watch the natural clinginess of the shirt try to cope with trying to contain way more muscle than it was meant to. Hope you all enjoy... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Just. Take. One!" By: LoverBoy 12/22/2017 Andy had decided that he wanted his body to match his genius level IQ, and had begun working out regularly. However, after what seemed like endless months of dedication in the gym, not much had changed. Oh, he had gained *some* size, but it was barely noticeable if he was wearing any kind of shirt, and he wanted to be BIG! The only major change was that he found he had incredible genetics for definition, and what size he had gained was rock hard and had more ripples than a lake on a rainy day. So when a strange man outside the gym he went to six days a week offered him the bottle of a "new experimental" supplement, Andy's desire to be big overrode his better judgment and natural skepticism. With only a mild reluctance, he shelled out the oddly low price of twenty dollars. "Just take one, right before your workout. This stuff is extremely powerful, and the effects are intense, man!" he had stressed "So, remember. Just! One!" Andy followed the instruction, and after his workout, he felt better than ever before. The usual soreness and fatigue were absent and in their place was a sort of warm tingling sensation like the feeling you get after soaking in a long hot bath. However, a strange sensation came over him as he toweled off from the showers, a pressure inside of him. Barely noticeable at first, but gradually and steadily increasing; almost like the feeling of an erection, but encompassing his entire body! The feeling built and built, increasing by the second as he dressed and left the locker room, and becoming all pervasive. As he entered the lobby, walking toward the door, the pressure reached an almost unbearable level, and was starting to have trouble concentrating on simply putting one foot in front of the other. The door to the locker room swung shut behind him with a resounding >BOOM!!!!<, and at that very moment, the sensation of building pressure came to a climax! A feeling like something inside him bursting came over him, and cascaded through his entire body in a euphoric wave like an orgasm, but a thousand times more intense! Andy's eyes went wide as dinner plates, and his back arched almost involuntarily as he gasped with the sheer force of the sudden, indescribable feeling. It passed momentarily with the realization that it must have been caused by the supplement. Wishing he hadn't taken the pill, he felt his heartbeat suddenly increase almost exponentially to the point that it felt like it was going to burst from his chest! He looked around desperately for someone, anyone, that could help him, but the desk attendants were absent. It was closing time, and he realized they were most likely elsewhere locking up all the rooms full of expensive equipment. He only had a moment to consider what to do before what felt like a barrage of spasms hit him. Every muscle in his body began to contract and relax repeatedly, over and over with barely a fraction of a second between contractions, causing him to double over with another gasp. The contractions redoubled, and he stumbled a few steps forward, then fell to his hands and knees. It didn't hurt exactly, but it was indeed intense to say the least, and he realized that he could feel each muscle group as they contracted. Neck, then traps and deltoids. Then rippling down through the myriad of muscles in his back to swarm outward into his lats. The spasms twitched down through his pecs and abs while simultaneously shooting like lightning through his biceps and triceps into his forearms and hands. The spasms continued like quicksilver from his abs down through his quadriceps, wrapping hungrily around to his glutes and hamstrings before shooting down through his calves and shins to settle and ground out in his feet. He was forced to remain there for several minutes, grunting and gritting his teeth against the onslaught as each muscle group was hit with a new tremor. As he gazed down idly at his forearms, he noticed something odd through the haze of sensations. His veins were swelling and rising to the surface of his skin and becoming more pronounced. He watched in astonishment as they swelled to pencil thickness, giving his arms a hyper-vascular appearance they hadn't had before. Suddenly, he realized that the spasms were rapidly fading in intensity, and he dared to rise unsteadily to his feet. As he regained his feet, he became aware once again of the feeling like before of pressure building internally. Only this time, it was more intense, and building faster. Then came the bursting sensation again, now accompanied by what he could only describe as a full body pulse and an odd organic crunching sound that seemed to originate from his muscles. At first he thought it was an allergic reaction because he appeared to be suffering from some form of swelling in his arms. But as the pressure began to quickly build again, he realized this wasn't the case. Allergic swelling didn't feel like...like THIS! The pressure built to an even greater extent this time, followed by the bursting feeling. He grunted as his body was engulfed by an even bigger pulse, accompanied by the crunching sound. As he recovered, he realized that his shirt felt slightly tighter. It was made of green compression material with reinforced seams, meant to wick sweat and be form fitting to an athletic physique. But he had bought it several sizes too big, hoping to watch himself gradually grow into it. As he watched month after month of barely any gains in size, he had begun to despair of ever seeing that happen. But as he examined himself briefly, he noted a definite increase in overall size. Nothing major, but his arms were decidedly bigger, and his chest now showed vaguely through, whereas the short sleeved shirt had practically hung off him previously. Andy's mind raced as he tried to assess what was happening. But before he could formulate a theory, the pressure began to build once again. This time to an unbearable height, causing his body to feel like it was going to explode from the strain. The burst came again, and Andy snarled almost animalisitically as the pulse rocketed through him, the crunching sound audibly louder. His eye went wide once more as he felt the pressure begin again instantly. However, this time he felt it start several more times before the first one finished. As the burst came, he let out a panicked cry as the force of the pulse this time shook him with what he was certain was the force of an earthquake. He collapsed under the massive force of it, and felt as though he actually were exploding as he felt something erupting from every inch of his body from the neck down. it passed, and he stood dazedly, looking around. As he gazed around the room, hi eyes lit upon a mirrored wall, and he was flabbergasted at his own reflection. Rubbing his eyes, he stumbled closer to the mirror wall. He was definitely bigger now! Not massive, but although the compression shirt was still quite loose, his torso now filled it considerably more, his chest causing the shirt to hang tent-like over his stomach! He lifted the hem, and gazed at six tennis ball sized abs and a prominent Adonis belt that were accentuated by his naturally narrow waist. As he gazed in open mouthed shock at his reflection, his rational mind was forced to come to terms with what he knew should be physically impossible. Somehow, the supplement pill had made his muscles spontaneously grow! As if that realization had been some sort of catalyst, the feeling of pressure building internally returned with a vengeance! The pressure built...and built...and built...higher...and higher...and higher...but rather than the bursting sensation, the pressure continued to build. As he watched, rather than a pulse, his muscles simply began to grow! As the feeling of internal pressure increased, every muscle in his body, from the neck down, swelled. It was slow at first, but he could feel it gradually increasing in speed as the pressure continued to mount. As he felt the mass of his body increase, his head lolled back for a moment, and a loud moan of indescribable pleasure escaped his lips. He looked once again in the mirror, and was astonished to see that the growth had increased quite a bit in those few seconds, and his muscles had nearly doubled in size! His muscles were swelling even faster now, growing like inflating balloons, but with mind blowing definition and vascularity. He watched, open mouthed, as the compression shirt grew steadily tighter. The internal pressure continued to mount, and his muscles responded in kind by ballooning bigger still, each group bulging and swelling as if to outdo their neighbors. His neck thickened into a massive corded column that nearly consumed his Adams apple and collided with his traps as they rose higher and more mountainous to ward his jawline. His delts inflated outward, taking on an almost cantaloupe-like appearance through the elastic fabric of the shirt while his biceps and triceps exploded in opposite directions and quickly filled the elbow length sleeves. His forearms rippled to sudden life, the cords of muscle thickening and swelling in an almost writhing mass, taking on the look of, then surpassing, small hams! His pecs were most impressive as they widened to fill the space between his shoulders, then ballooned outward and down, beginning to pull the neckline of the shirt's collar lower and reveal the first few inches of the rapidly deepening valley between them. The entirety of his torso suddenly seemed to double in width as he both felt and saw his lats swell and widen as well as all the smaller muscles of his back rippled and popped with growth. His arms were suddenly forced noticeably outward from his sides at this, and felt the compression shirt constrict further around his body. He looked down to see that his abs had now each grown to the size of baseballs, the top pair being slightly obscured by the growth of his chest as it pushed the fabric outward, and watched as his obliques and intercostals popped and swell with growth to show through the shirt in bold relief. He could feel the girth of his thighs increasing in his gym shorts, but not quite see it, as the shorts were originally loose fitting basketball shorts. However, from the looks of things, and the feeling of his swelling glutes, they wouldn't be loose fitting for too much longer. His calves, on the other hand, were plainly visible and had taken on a powerful, rapidly swelling diamond shape and were showing quite prominently from behind his thickening shins. Suddenly, the already unbearable feeling of increasing pressure filling his body spiked several notches higher and the growth of Andy's body went into overdrive. The sudden spike in growth increased the width of his neck threefold, curving outward from the base of his skull, and shot down through his body with a vengeance! His traps mounded higher, rising fully above the collar of his shirt, nearly merging with his neck while his deltoids exploded further outward to the size of cannonballs and beyond. His biceps and triceps exploded rapidly to a size bigger than Andy's own head as his forearms grew to the size of twenty pound hams. The growth spike hit Andy's chest, and his pecs bulged to the size of pillows and rose higher toward his chin. The sudden increase in the size of his chest caused the hem of the shirt to ride up suddenly, the elastic material shooting up almost violently over his stomach to reveal six softball sized abs that were pulsing steadily bigger with size while his waist had somehow managed to remain proportionately narrow. His quadriceps and hamstrings, not to be outdone, swelled monstrously. He had been unintentionally standing with his legs apart, and he saw the loose gym shorts start to tighten as he felt his glutes bulge bigger and rounder. At the same time, Andy's eyes widened as he became aware of the sensation of his inner thighs suddenly coming into contact with each other despite the width of his stance. He looked down briefly, then noticed the top of his gym socks suddenly get forcibly pushed down, bunching up at the tops of his shoes, by his inflating calves. He became aware of the sound of stretching fabric. He looked up again to see that the feel of the soft elastic fabric sliding over his nipples as his pecs grew had caused them to get hard and show plainly through the straining fabric. He could see that the shirt was fighting to restrain his rapidly ballooning physique and felt the shirt getting tighter...and tighter...and tighter as he grew bigger, and Bigger, and BIGGER! He realized, suddenly, that he had become mesmerized by the growth and was quickly becoming too big. But the growth wasn't slowing down. In fact the pressure was still building and the growth rate was still increasing. He shook himself out of the spectacle before him in the mirror and turned toward the door to leave. As he walked, he stumbled slightly, but quickly righted himself. As he attempted to hurry toward the door finally, he realized how big his legs had gotten. He hadn't noticed till now because he had been standing still, but he could feel as he walked that the legs of his boxer briefs beneath the shorts had been forced upward by his ballooning thighs and were bunched up where his thighs and narrow hips met. Conversely, he also realized that his muscles hadn't been the only thing growing. As he walked he could feel the front of the boxer briefs growing rapidly tighter, and it felt as if his still soft manhood was being forced to bunch up inside them. He sailed through the main doors, and out into the parking lot heading for his small van. As he climbed in, he noticed idly for a moment that everything now appeared quite a bit smaller. But he didn't have time to think about that right now. he had to... Suddenly, Andy's entire body went rigid! The feeling of increasing internal pressure heightened, spiking exponentially, and with a massive surge of growth, his entire body began to explode with size faster than ever before, his muscles bulging bigger, gaining pounds in seconds! It was a testament to the manufacturer of the compression shirt that it had lasted this long. But as he was able to look down for a second before his chest became too big to see past, he heard the unmistakable sound of fabric tearing and seams giving out. The shoulder seams of the shirt were first to give way, splitting violently open. The remainder of the sleeves were held in place briefly by the sheer tightness caused by the size of his upper arms. The sleeves, however, were contemptuously obliterated by the rapidly increasing mass of his biceps and triceps. He felt cool air come into contact with his sides as small tears appeared and were rapidly expanded all along the side seams of the shirt first on the left side, then the right. With an almost sinister snapping sound, the reinforced stitiching of the collar gave out. The neckline had been pulled nearly all the way down to the top pair of abs by the swelling mountain of Andy's chest. But without the reinforced stitching to hold things together, the front of the compression shirt was briefly marred by two huge stress wrinkles, then burst violently open, tearing wildly apart from each other right down the middle. His massive and growing pecs burst forth forcefully from the shirt at the sudden release of restraint and Andy gained a new appreciation for just how big his pecs had gotten (and were still getting) as they settled with a massive bounce, powerful enough to shake his entire overdeveloped body, back into a steady rate of growth. Andy suddenly became acutely aware of the confined feeling inside his shorts. He gritted his teeth against the tightening feeling of his boxer briefs as it became more than he could bear. He could actually feel his cock and balls momentarily fighting for space, but was once again greeted by the sound of fabric and seams ripping, slightly muffled by the gym shorts. The lump in in the shorts caused by his package was roughly the size of softball at the moment. But as he felt his boxer briefs finally give out against the combined mass of his thighs, glutes, and massive package, it quadrupled in size then continued to swell bigger and fill the gym shorts out alarmingly faster! As Andy's growth continued, he fumbled for a few seconds to start the van. it was starting to get difficult to move. As he left the gym, his concern had been how he was going to get to the car before his burst out of his shirt. Now, as he heard the sound of the driver seat begin to groan under his increasing weight, he wondered how he was going to make the half hour drive home before he burst out of his vehicle... As the two teenaged desk attendants, Mark and Calvin, walked toward the door inside the gym to lock up and leave for the night, they both stopped, staring stunned at the doors. The metal framework of one door was warped as if something huge had collided with it, and the full length pane of glass had a massive spider web crack. The steel push handle of the other one was bent and slightly crumpled. When they looked closer, it looked almost as if it had been done by a very large hand. Calvin caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye, and looked over toward the mirrored wall. A gym bag lay discarded along the wall. He walked over and picked it up, carrying it back over to Mark who was still staring at the doors. Mark looked over. "Whose is that?" Calvin unzipped it and rummaged around, "No clue. No name, no initials, just some sweaty clothes and..." As Calvin lifted a wadded up towel out of the gym bag, it came unraveled and a bottle wrapped up in the towel rattled to the floor. Calvin bent and picked it up. "'Experimental, high performance supplement. Just take one, right before working out...near instant results, just take one'" he read from a hand printed label on the bottle. Mark scoffed, "Probably some roid freak's; got suckered into buying fake supps." "What should I do with'em?" "Eh, doesn't matter to me. Do what ya want." Calvin slipped the bottle into his own back pack, "I'll show it to the trainer tomorrow. Maybe he'll know something about it...." _______ END
    2 points
  4. So I got this new boyfriend... he's a bodybuilder that I met at the gym... I know, I know, it's f'ing crazy! This guy is crazy! Totally not my type. You know I go for clean-cut guys, boys with metro style and model-quality muscle. So this guy drinks Bud, listens to death metal and country, and drives a freakin HUGE pick 'em up truck that's dirty as shit. So much for my Mercedes driving pretty boys. And you know I always top... I banged the fuck out of those twunks! Well get this, uh... the first time we met at the gym he hit on me hard, I mean aggressive. Dude wanted to hook up BAD. So we go back to my place and he proceeds to tear me a new asshole with his thick ol' cock. I've never taken anything like that before. I'm usually the one plowin ass! This muscle freak dominated the fuck out of me and then completely unloaded a metric shit-ton of cum all over my face! I was still trying to process the whole experience days later. All I could think about was that ripped muscle monster man-handling me. My asshole was just starting to feel better when he hit me up on facebook, "Hey man, sorry about the other night. I'll take you out for some dinner to make up for it." I was totally confused. This guy was the polar opposite of my type. In fact, I hated tatted up redneck honky-tonk fucks. But I just couldn't resist. So, he picked me up in his dirty-ass pickup truck. I had to climb all the way up in like I was scaling Mt Everest or something, diesel fumes stinking, rumbling and loud as fuck. Anyway, he took me to a fairly nice restaurant and was actually very nice, even gentlemanly I might say, and not stupid either. Plus I got to stare at his freaky forearms all evening, inhumanly thick, crisscrossed with popped-up veins. This guy was definitely a bodybuilder. His shoulders were so broad it was like out of a comic book, and his traps pushed the collar of his shirt up to his ears. This country boy was starting to grow on me. I stared at his ass while walking back to his truck like I was an adolescent boy or something. His wranglers could barely contain his muscle butt, and bodybuilder thighs made the jeans look more like leggings. I did my best to burn in my memory the image of his massive bulge as he helped me up in the truck. This dude had a fucking hog, and some serious bull balls to match. He drives me back to my place. "Come in for another drink," I suggest, and he agrees. "You know I'm a bodybuilder right?" he asks inside. "Yea, looks like it," I answer. And before I know it he's peeling off his jeans to reveal his massive striated quads, crazy rock hard and ripped to shreds. Not only that, but he's not wearing any briefs, just a tiny, skimpy pair of competition briefs with spaghetti-thin straps and a MASSIVE bulging pouch that is STRETCHED to its limits. He reaches down and adjusts his package. Oh fuck! He's wearing a cock ring! After the adjustment, everything gets shoved back in the pouch resulting in a MONSTEROUS bulge that defies gravity and sticks way out, macho as fuck! "I need to practice my posing. Wanna help me out?" "Uh, ok," I managed to eek out. The shirt came off a fraction of a second later. His waist is tight, narrow, shredded. His chest, arms and back are huge, swole, jacked up, very unlike a normal 'fit' guy. This is different. This is bodybuilder different. I mean, I'm fit. I hit the gym hard and take some pride in my muscles being big and well defined, but when I get next to Dillon, I look like a ten year old boy. His pecs stick out past his stomach and create deep shadows, emphasizing their size. They ripple and pop with each little move. His arms are massive like a comic book hero's, only his are real, and right in front of me. God those triceps stick out... normal people do not have arms this thick! His delts sit like huge round cannon balls on top of his arms and his traps pop out for that extra freak factor. Fuck! He hasn't even started posing yet and I'm rock hard! By the end of my private muscle show, I was naked from the waist down with a raging hard on and Dillon's cock was fully erect laying flat up against his stomach, while his balls continued to occupy his posers, making a bulge that would still be the envy of most bodybuilders. So I walk over on my knees and start to suck... clearly he was waiting for this, because he started to face fuck me. That fucker had me licking his cock and sucking his tip for no more than 30 seconds before trying to shove that huge thing down my throat! I fell back choking and gagging. I've never trained my gag reflex or practiced deep throating, and now he thinks I'm going to swallow that monster?! Crack! He gives me a good firm slap across my cheek. Fuck! I used to be the one slapping little bitch twinks around in bed. Acting like a dominating muscle stud. I couldn't even begin to try and slap this guy around. And before I could even finish my thought, I felt his strong hand on the back of my neck guiding his monster cock back towards my mouth. Well, no time to train my gag reflex or practice with a dildo because Dillon just decided he was going to do it anyway! I couldn't believe something so thick and so fat could even fit in my mouth, let alone go down my throat... all the way down my throat. Holy fuck his giant bull balls were all the way up to my chin, my eyes felt like they were popping out. My neck felt like it would explode. His hand let go and his giant python slid back out of my throat, allowing me to gasp for breath, my face red and saliva dripping from Dillon's monster. I coughed, hacking, trying to catch my breath. He does it again. Oh my god it hurt! He goes in and out a bit and lets go again. I gasp for breath again as I stare at this muscle beast about to gag me again with his monster cock. His ripped sinewy abs are rippling and heaving as he breathes, huge thick heavy pecs tower over his tight narrow waist. Now I understand those tats. I hate tats, but these are war paint... heightening his intimidation, making him look scary. His cock comes back for a full-on face fuck. In and out, in and out, hard. I literally don't know if I'm going to survive this, and then right as full panic sets in, he pulls back out and blasts my face with cum. I've never seen cum like that... he just blasts me over and over and over, painting my face with thick cum. It's all over my lips and mouth, up my nose, dripping from my brow, in my hair, on my chest. Fuck! I've hardly caught my breath before he throws me on my hands and knees and I could feel the cool lube being squirted on my exposed asshole, then the intense pain of his long thick cock entering my ass. Fuck! What kind of monster is this guy? I though he was done, now he's gotta stick it in another hole. I'm looking over at myself in the hallway mirror, cum all over my face, cum dripping from my ear, a look of despair... He's got a fist full of my hair holding my head up and back as he rides me. I see his huge arm extended out, packed with muscle on top of muscle. His arm measurement has to be as big as my leg measurement, fuck, bigger... and he's shredded! His tricep is popped, sticking out like crazy with striations and veins. And his unflexed bicep is just sitting there on top of his arm like some massive mound of meat. And those forearms... intertwined with thick woven ropes of muscles. Popping out like some enormous giant muscle group. What a fucking muscle monster! Dude's in full on beast mode! I though he was going to go soft after blowing that load, but no, he's still rock hard and plowing me like a mother-fucker. He's got to be at least 12 inches... feels like 24. Thank god it wasn't long before he flips me on my back, pulls out and shoots AGAIN all over my chest and 'abs'. "Nice job city boy," says Dillon as I lay there about to cry. He's trying to sweet talk me with his country twang. "Wasn't so bad now, was it?" Fuck yea it was bad, I thought. I'm trying not to loose it. "Pose some more," I manage to get out laying on my back. He smiles. His cock is softening and hanging down, but still engorged and full. His muscles are swole, pumped up from all the exercise and excitement. I can't believe his body. I've never been with a bodybuilder before. He starts hitting poses, abs and thigh, double bicep, most muscular. Fuck, this guy looks bigger than the pros. I'm now rock hard and beating off furiously. "Hey Dillon, try those posers back on," I shouted out, gaining more confidence. He smiled and happly obliged. I love a good bulge, and a rediculously obscene bulge it was. He struggled to cram everything back into the pouch. "That's a good look for your next comp!" I said, his swollen package barely contained by the fabric. I feel like I'm in a fantasy. "Yea! Extra points for the complete package!" he agreed grabbing his bulge. I can't hold it anymore and I blow my load all over myself. Shot all the way up to my face! Coating myself with more cum on top of all of Dillon's. He's still flexing away like some sort of porn star/muscle monster/bodybuilding champ. What a fuck! I slip back on my briefs, and Dillon re-applies his skin tight wranglers before sauntering back out to his truck, shirtless, shoeless glistening with sweat in the street lights, and he drives off in the middle of the night. Facebook again, Dillon is keeping in touch. We're asking about each other. Talking about our growing relationship. He sends me a ticket to his upcoming bodybuilding show, and I'm ecstatic! I've never been to a competition before, although I wacked off to a few on TV. Competition day comes, damn this is a good seat. How the fuck am I going to conceal my hard on while watching a parade of muscle studs?! Anyway, Dillon show up on stage for comparison and my heart skips a beat... fuck he looks good, tan under the stage lights. OK, he's not bigger than Phil or Kai like it seemed before, but god damn is he huge and shredded! You know, after a good workout, I used to think that I looked like a competition ready bodybuilder... haha was I fucking wrong! And oh my god, the package between Dillon's legs is beastly! Everyone else on stage looks like they have a little colored triangle patch in front of their crotch, but not Dillon. He's got a fucking PACKAGE! What a stud. The other competitors are looking over, catching quick glances of what a real man's bulge looks like. Dillon's acting like nothing, just smiling big, oh shit, he just found me and winked. Is he getting hard? His swelling cock is starting to strain his posers, but he's able to keep it under control. There's no way that thing could contain Dillon's fully erect cock! They turn for a side pose and his bulge is obscene, sticking out, packed FULL to the limit. Everyone else's bulge disappears behing their thighs, but not Dillon's. Nowhere for that to hide. My non-expert eye can't quite tell if he's going to come out on top or not. The pre-judging is over and Dillon comes out to say hi... wearing nothing more than his skimpy competition posers... "I made the cut to be in the evening show," he said excitedly. Dam he looked hot! This is the first time I really ever saw him up close like this. He was musty smelling and sweating from all the posing. My eyes lingered at his massive protruding package, and scanned across his impossibly thick muscled quads. "Yea, that's awesome!" I said, despite the fact that my mind was way elsewhere. There's nothing more that I wanted to do than sling those briefs under his gigantic nuts and start sucking that cock! He clearly noticed me staring... "Hey, I'm doing a special posing routine just for you," Dillon said as he grabbed his package with a wide open grip and shook it a little, giving a coy grin. God, you could just see the weightiness of it. It's substantial size and mass made evident by the grab. "Noticed how turned on you were the other night by my package, so I'm highlighting it in my posing routine." And with that he winked and went back stage. Damn, it always seems as though I'm left staring at that rock hard muscle butt has he walks away! Any what the fuck does a special posing routine mean? The evening show begins, and several other bodybuilders go first. They are hot... it's like foreplay... they pose to music, acting cocky and strutting around. I have to admit, they're fucking jacked! Then Dillon comes on stage, and he looks HUGE. Instaboner for me! And it doesn't take long for me to see what's special about his routine. In the prejudging he was very calculated, doing all the mandatories and nothing extra. Now he was one fire! I swear to you he didn't stop touching his posers. Every pose he did he managed to tug and pull on those thin little poser straps, making his package bulge up, down, sideways. There was no overlooking the fact that he was HUNG AS FUCK. Dillon made it cocky and in your face. He tugged up hard on both straps for his lat spread. He hooked both his thumbs under the straps and tugged his posers down low, low, low to show his abs. Fuck, I thought I saw the top of his dick for a minute... One pose he grabbed just one of the straps and pulled it so far out I though it might snap! God his package was huge! There were even a few times where he just grabbed it, made some 'fuck yea' faces to the audience. I was cumming in my pants. He ended up winning the overall despite being marked down for "inappropriate posing gear". Best of all, he immediately hustled me back to his hotel room. Blew off all the interviews, gave up any extra money from post-contest photo shoots, said he'd pick up the trophy and check later. Back in the room, he immediately pulled off his sweats. Fuck! Dillon still had his posers on...
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  5. This is the first story I ever posted to the forum, enjoy! Raijin: First Comes the Lightning Raijin "The God of Thunder Thighs" they call me that and for good reason too! While I may not be Japanese, I am a professional bodybuilder who is VERY well known for his insane leg development. Well...that and my name is Raymond which I have to say isn't the best basis for a nick name but whatever; it seems you aren't a well-respected pro unless you have a nickname right? Well, all that aside, while I do love having legs as freaky and developed as I do, I just want to get my fucking upper half to match them... Imagine my excitement when my work out partner, another professional bodybuilder, John told me he had gotten his hands on some really powerful drugs that cause growth near instantly! Well John, god bless him, has been trying anything and everything he can get a hold of to get to my level. Now don't get me wrong the man is a beast nay a god amongst normal men but then again the company he keeps, such as myself, are not your average men. Neither of us is Mr. Olympia though we do aspire for that title but John's legs are a little lacking, at least compared to mine heh. I assume this is why he workouts with me instead of solo or with another pro, I mean I make sure that bastard pushes himself on leg day and he does the same for me the rest of the time. So I headed to the gym which I was not surprised to find empty aside from John and I, it was late Thursday night after all. Now call me cocky, arrogant, or whatever the fuck you want but when it comes to gym time for me I always have my posers on underneath a pair of shorts that are a size...or three...small for my massiveness. To quote the all wise Mel Brooks "If ya got it, flaunt it!” Well that and I love to give John a hard time showing off my legs plus it seems to push him to do better during his workouts. I look around a bit and find John in the yoga aka posing room with his duffel bag and the biggest shit eating grin I've even seen on the man which is saying a lot. "It's about fucking time you showed up Rai!" "...it's damned near midnight, 'miracle serum' or not I need my beauty sleep." John grinned ever larger putting the Cheshire Cat to shame. "And with your face you really do, careful you don't bust the mirrors in here." ...yes we have that type of "friendship". Call it rivalry or the fact both of us are assholes but we both know we can trust the other for anything. "John you asshole just show me the shit would ya." "Ya, ya keep your man panties on." John goes to his duffel and brings back two shots filled with a substance I can only describe as a mixture between tar and coffee grounds. He describes to me his sponsor had gotten his hands on a few vials of this mystery shit that was supposed to be in beta testing but actually does all the shit the ads in the muscle magazines "promise" they do. Now since we are such best buds and his sponsor is hoping I will jump ship from the company I play poster boy for to theirs (fat chance but if this works...) they made sure to give enough to John for the both of us to use as good will gift. John is adamant that I go first which I find strange but eh, fuck it I don't have much to lose and a lot of mass to gain! As he puts a syringe back into the duffel I peel my shorts and posers down far enough for John to put the needle into my ample cheeks. As he performs the injection I exclaim. "Holy shit man is this Icy Hot or something? This crap feels like its burning my ass from the inside while I'm sitting on a friggin' block of ice!" John chuckles like the ass he is and calls me a bitch, again like the asshole he is. "...I'll show you who the bitch is..." I mutter. He laughs and gives me a hearty slap on the ass to tell me he's finished. I turn around and ask him when does the growth start, why didn't he take the first shot, and if he wanted me to give him his now but all he does is point to the wall mirrors and tells me to look. Putting it out of my mind I turn around and stare at the mirrors in anticipation. While waiting I take stock of John and myself. As I’ve said, I'm bottom heavy as all fuck almost like I spent my life trying to defy the chicken leg stereotype though I can thank good ol' genetics, tenacity, and steroids to getting physique to its current level. John, while not having anything unique like my legs or the giant arms or barn door wide shoulders some others pros have, is stuck with only a "merely average" (as he puts it, the self-deprecating git) physique. Which in this case, is near perfect symmetry and proportions with enough mass to put most body builders to shame. I may have calves with such a large muscle connection that I may as well have cankles, calves wide enough to doom me to wearing either shorts or clown pants exclusively, thighs so wide and with such a sweep to make jeans and non-personally tailored pants a nightmare, an ass big enough to nearly require a federally mandated "wide load" sign; but I would kill for John's "merely average" proportions. (And if you tell him, god help you, you and I will have some nice short words "punchtuated" for emphasis.) What the hell do you expect from thighs measuring a little over forty inches each, cold & in competition shape, and calves that would challenge any major league quarter back to handle correctly? Aside from my near cartoonish legs I'm not too shabby with the rest but it just doesn't compare to my redwoods. Shit I'd be Mr. Olympia if both halves were even. As I am lost in thought I decide it would be in my best interest to strip down to my posers as I see no reason to possibly shred my clothes and so I can see all of my coming glory without anything in the way; but I only make it to taking off my shoes before I feel the first kick. I gasp as I feel what I can only describe as a full body pump taken to almost euphoric levels. John chuckles as I stand up and can't help let loose a small moan. I stare in the mirror in amazement and watch my chest puff up like I'm inhaling ever more air. My shoulders slowly widen, causing John to take a few steps to the side and make some room. I can feel my back push both backwards and outwards as it rises my arms slowly forward. My arms! My god my arms! I can see and feel the cables of sinew lengthening, expanding, and thickening in my forearms. My forearms have never had that proper Popeye look but now would put the spinach swilling fool to shame. My biceps were getting ever fuller and rounder by the second looking now like a full moon dominating the horizon. Now my triceps have swollen to the point my mind cannot comprehend how that much mass is able to hang onto my body and yet have the density of steel or better. My shirt is straining to restrict my bulk, so with a chuckle I do a most muscular and watch it burst into a pile of rags. John, whose attention I had this whole time, laughs and applauds for this display of might. I was about to start a side chest pose to give my burgeoning magnificence the display and attention it oh so, so, deserves when I finally pay attention to the changes happening to my legs. I'm dumbfounded that I hadn't heard the threads snapping out of my shorts sooner but they are made of a stretchier fabric than my shirt. Despite the ill-fitting nature of them initially they just now have busted enough to let my legs breath. Heh, with the remnants being what can only be called a kilt I decide that this won’t do, grab the waist band, and rip them off in one motion. Which is immediately followed by clapping from the peanut gallery standing next to me. Now that I can see my legs on full display I’m rendered speechless. "GOD DAMN IT!" I yell "FUCK!" I exclaim. For all the growth the rest of my body did my legs still VASTLY outmatch the rest of me! My calves have grown so fucking monstrous that my socks have been pushed down to my ankles. I've had to adjust my stance to such a degree I can't believe I didn't consciously notice till now due to my quads thickened to the point my knees are damned well near swallowed by their mass. I mean Christ, aside from my chest being too big to do so in the first place, I still wouldn’t be able to see my feet from how fucking thick my quads are I look down now! And yet somehow my calves are still rubbing all over each other despite my severely widened stance. "Ha ha ha." I look into the side mirror and see my hamstrings are so thick that I doubt I can really sit down again and with my legs this fucking thick I practically have a built in seat now anyways. Speaking of a seat, my ass has grown to an astronomic if not cosmically thick level. My lats are so now so thick I can't lower my arms even if forced but not even it was thick enough to rival my immense ass. My legs are so thick now it looks I have my chest underneath pelvis twice over. "Hahahha." Frankly it looks like my poser has been swallowed into the abyss that is my pelvis but at least my junk grew more too....a lot more....just how big is it now and how the hell are my posers on still anyways? I mean between what looks like two pumpkins on one side and a very large and very irate squirrel stuffed into the other side. And.... "Hahahahahahaha!" "AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT Y-....!" I try to turn around to yell at John, the bodybuilding hyena, but that's just it "I tried". As I turned my quads, my calves, and well, my everything, just got into the way of well...it self and I landed flat onto my excessively ample ass. Shit I'm used to a waddle or swagger but this is fucking ridiculous. "Hahaha well I'm laughing at you Rai. Who would have guessed gaining what looks like another hundred plus pounds of muscle would get a guy famous for his big ass legs to get them even bigger. Surprise, surprise!" ".....JOHN YOU ASSHOLE HELP ME THE FUCK UP WOULD YOU!?!?" I yell at the top of my lungs fuming and thrashing the whole time to try to get back up onto my feet, but I just can't not get my legs to interfere with themselves. John, while still laughing, reached for both of my hands to help me get into a squat position so I could try to stand up. Right then I heard a very loud snap and a crack, at first I was fearful it was my bones but I notice a breeze from the AC on my ass. I look over and see that my posers have snapped off with such force it cracked one of the mirrors. "Mother FUCKER!" I yell as I try to stand up quickly but in my haste I just end up back on the ground like a roided out turtle stuck on his back. "'....hahaha, Rai seriously man you need to take this seriously and stop making this so fucking funny!" I give John a death glare which doesn't silence his laughter but it at least gets him to help. "Haha ok, ok, here Rai all you need to do is stretch your legs a bit and get used to them I bet. Here I'll even help, seeing I'm such a nice guy and all!" "John. You, a “nice guy”? You got me into this in the first place!" John stops laughing and looks at me straight in the eye. "You came here, you asked for the shot, and you wanted the results. You got more than expected but I am not fully to blame and you damn well know it." He smiles again and says "Ok now stop your bitching and let's start stretching!" With that he gets onto the ground and picks up my legs from the ankles and pushes my knees into my chest. He puts all his weight onto my feet pressing my knees firmly into my chest. I can barely see anything aside his head with my legs dominating my entire field of vision. "Look man I don't think this is going to work...and this feels weird to me what with my being NUDE and you most likely going to try and cop a feel." John puts my feet on his shoulders and looks at me. "Ya and what do propose we do huh? Neither of us have anything you can wear." He slaps my calves and thighs to prove his point. "Be a man about it and stop being an insecure twat." "...fine." As he keeps putting his weight onto my legs trying to limber them up I can't help but stare at them. I hadn't gotten this close of a look till now. The lines in my quads are so deep and thick it reminds me of the Grand friggin' Canyon. My quad's tear had to come from Goliath to be that size...but now that I outsize even him the description sorta falls flat. Christ, the fact I can't see anything but my quads, calves, and John's head didn't hit me till just now how immense they've gotten. I can't help but be impressed and admittedly a little aroused from my growth though I bet the extra testosterone from my even larger balls isn’t helping. "Haha looks like you're getting excited! Heh, you're even blushing about it. You know for such a stud and now god amonstg men you really are a cute softie aren't ya?" "Wait, what?" With that I heard a rustling noise from what I assume is John's bag.....fuck he can't be.... "Hm? I'm just thinking out loud Rai nothing else." With that I feel a pressure and heat on my ass. I start to move and try to get away from what I can only assume to be John's dick. (Christ I didn't know he was that large...wait why the fuck am I thinking this?) "Ah,ah, ah, big man hold up right there!" He raises his hand into my severely limited field of vision and I see he has another syringe with that black goop that started this mess. "Now Rai what did you think was going to happen eh? Friends we are but you swaggering your giant luscious ass all this time to mess with me, and now that your ass is the fucking Holy Grail of muscle holes do you think I'm going to not take advantage? You're going to cooperate or I'm going to make it so you will NEVER be able to walk again. You'll get so big all you can do is be a circus freak, now let’s have some fun big man." With that said John slaps my ass and smiles. I feel something very large and warm press hard on my ass. I hear a loud and wet sounding pop and I gasped...
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  6. This is so fucking hot. I hope you finish the next part.
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  7. Please excuse the errors as this was written on my phone. Enjoy! DWARFED BY DAD PART 1/4 It was shortly after my dad’s second divorce that he would start joining me at the gym. I was a hobbiest bodybuilder, at best, standing at five-foot-eleven and weighing in at around 235-pounds. He was definitely eager to get in shape, “impress the ladies”, to quote him correctly. Things started at a little slow, especially those first couples months. I wasn’t really holding my breath though, given the fact that he was pushing sixty-years old. But one week as we rinsed off in the locker room showers, after a nearly three-hour workout, I noticed the remarkable faint rippling of muscle beneath his usual beefy silver haired abdomen. Then as he raised his hands to wash his hair, there was slight bulge beneath his upper arms, a simple curvature, a bicep. “Looks like you’re finally showing some results, dad!” I proudly complimented “About time!” Dad said giving his arms a couple quick pumps, holding back his excited smirk. “Just the beginning I hope…” The unexpected scenario made me wonder, not by any means worryingly, just how big the old man was planning to get. I was excited to see his motivation. Seeing actual visual results had my dad pushing harder then ever after that day, so hard in fact, it felt like having an actual workout buddy, rather than just my father tagging along. “You ready to see these gains, dad?” It was towards the end of this one week, about seven weeks later, I felt so mammothly pumped from this totally insane new workout plan I was on, I honestly couldn't wait to see the results. A couple weeks back, we had agreed to only start weighing ourselves once a week, just for kicks. So with my dad standing next to me, showing the slightest signs of muscle bulging beneath his old man skin, I might add, we both stood on the gyms identical digital scales. At the time, he weighed about fifty-pounds less than I did, or so I thought. “How did I LOSE weight?” I blurted the words out loud, feeling my smirk, my pride, fall out my gut and onto the gym floor. All the work I had put in these last couple weeks, all that time, just seeing the loss of eight-pounds, on the scales digital readout, had me absolutely nauseous. It had to be an error, I thought. But I stepped back on, seeing the same readout, “239-pounds”. I was so close to finally reaching my goal of 250-pounds last week, it didn't make any sense! “Looks like the opposite over here, champ.” My dad delightfully remarked, making me turn piercingly, cringe my teeth even. The old man really did mean the opposite, standing there proudly next to me, pumping on his old arms, creating this ridiculously meaty bulge against his arm, this defined bicep, with the scale blinking a readout of 194-pounds, a gain of exactly eight-pounds. I'll be honest with you, seeing the slightly smaller gap between us, had me slightly anxious. “W-Wow...” I still tried to play it cool, with an embarrassing stutter. “I never thought that you would actually start gaining muscle, dad.” I’m pretty sure that statement just added fuel to the fire, as my old man, with those piercing blue grey eyes, turned to me looking like some arrogant teenager, the glamour of a new challenge, twinkling behind his once bored now lustful eyes. The next day, he showed up strapped into proper gym clothes, bulging even bigger than yesterday, or so it looked. I figured it was just a different clothing size, but then, and I know this sounds crazy, it was almost becoming impossible, as the days went on, to even keep up. “Look at this, champ!” Dad raised his bulging silver muscle arm in front of my face. “Sleeves are getting tight…” He had gained ANOTHER eight-pounds since last week. The small curving mound of muscle had developed into a full blown peak, this enormous baseball, stuffed beneath his silver haired old man arms. Dad couldn’t help but love showing off his incredible developments, at the gym, at home, even at the grocery store. I'll admit though, they were incredible to look at, even though I was still bigger, it was just crazy to see that kind of muscle on a man old enough to be most people's grandpa. “Now my shorts are getting tight…” Another week past, and this time he gained TEN-POUNDS of muscle. I couldn't believe it. In fact, most days I wanted to be sick. With all that extra weight, he was now less than twenty-pounds away from outgrowing me, this huge bodybuilding grandpa, in just a matter of months, weighing in 212-pounds of muscle. Just like he said, his shorts, the brand new ones he had only too recently bought, were now bulging with insane dimensions of his veiny bloated silver old man muscle thighs, disgustingly cupping his groin area obscenely, especially when he would squat. “J-Jesus, dad, I’ve never seen anything like it…” I still tried to play it cool, liked the avid bodybuilding I am. “You’re telling me, kid” Dad lifted up his shirt, revealing this EIGHT-pack of abs. “I’m EXPLODING with muscle” I dropped my jaw, the whole gym did. What fucking sixty-year old has hairy deep cut chiseled abs! On top of that, he looked almost twice as ripped as yesterday, with this iron-plated-v jutting down into his sagging, yet horrendously overstuffed and bulging, neon gym shorts. That day, while we were in the shower, I honestly couldn't stop staring, gawking, and my dad just ate it all up. How was he growing so fast!? To make matters worse, as far as feeling emasculated, that is, I was born practically hairless, barely any hair on my body at all, “baby smooth”, my dad would often comment. “I look like a fucking KING!” Dad, however, as he spouted his arrogance, lavishly rubbed and soaped up his growing rippling display of hairy meaty male muscle cleavage, rubbing and pinching his flapjack-sized nipples, getting off on his prowess, all his newfound power, like some total king, just like he said, this unstoppable growing alpha man. RIIIPPPPPP RRIIIIIPPPPPPP “GOD-damn, would you look at that!” Two weeks later, dad finally grew to the point of bursting through his first article of clothing. He said the words so delightfully, looking unapologetically smug, like he expected this to happen, turning his gaze delightfully, raising his arm, to see the small gaping hole on the underside of sleeve, right in the middle of his huge sweaty hairy armpit. He was so playful and curious, some big kid at the breakfast table, fingering the small opening almost like it was pussy, even going as far as slightly tearing it, which seemed to gave him an idea. It was with a devilish chuckle, like a lightbulb going off in his head, he raised that same arm and gave it a mighty and monstrous flex. RIIIIPPPPPP “GUNS bigger than Superman's!” He roared as his bicep, this totally massive bowling ball of chiseled hairy perfection, suddenly exploded through his sleeve, an atomic-bomb going off, blowing the fabric apart into a million threaded pieces, a scene out usually only my comic books, my dreams, all while I was eating breakfast. Then, continuing his disgusting piggish muscle show, he held up and squeezed the huge chiseled peak of old man muscle, right into his face, with so much silver hair flaring out, it was if a forest had grown in this entirely monstrous muscle cave, but it was just armpit “Fuck, I smell like an APE!” Dad gave his armpit a big whiff, inexplicably wafting his horrendous sweaty odor into my face, so sultry it made my dick suddenly bulge underneath the table. I wasn't gay, but fuck, he was just so manly. With my mouth completely dropped open, the half-eaten bacon and eggs falling back to my plate, I knew it would be hard for dad to not keep demonstrating and showing off his superior growing muscle strength. RRIIIIPPPPP “FUCK, yeah!” It wasn't long before he quickly raised his other arm, in a detonating fashion, with an equally loud laugh, a pleasing roar, as his other bicep exploded through the fabric even faster than the first. With both arms free, he began taking turns flexing and posing each magnificent peak of hairy muscle, over twenty-inches now from the looks of it, nearly the same size as mine! He also tried to flex through the front of his shirt, inflating his chest, the enormous blimping grandpa male muscle cleavage, but thankfully he couldn't. That didn't stop him from whistling in delight, openly fantasizing about the prospect of getting even bigger. “Won't be much longer, kid. I expect I'll probably outgrow you by the end of the week…” “I didn't e-even realize you WANTED to grow so big…” I stuttered like a kid. “Are you kidding me? Now that I've got a taste, I don't think I EVER really want to stop growing…” Dad smirked wildly, as he continuously pumped his huge hairy meaty man arm, slowly walking away. I was speechless, dumbfounded, watching, as his big old man bubble butt gobbled and thundered the back of his skin tight gym shorts. I know it may sound kind of weird to note this, I swear, I'm completely straight. But I’m giving you all the details because, and I'm gulping just saying this, his sleeves, weren’t the only thing that he would destroy that day... ************************************************************ Comments are appreciated! ************************************************************ READ PART 2 HERE
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  8. I contacted Welshy because I love writing stories for folks that in my mind, look like superheroes. I hope you all enjoy my attempt at fun, and creating the first chapter in a possible series on the stories of Welshy, earth’s newest guardian. Please note his youtube page listed below, and enjoy the first chapter. Thanks! @Welshy Welshy’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrbXKpPGI7GVmRFLszRflw Chapter 1 It was just after midnight when Anthony swung through the glass doors of his gym. He’d spent the past few hours working tirelessly, as he did every evening, perfecting his body. The past few years had seen phenomenal progress for a man just shy of twenty-five. Standing at five feet nine, and well over two hundred pounds, the young bodybuilder was already admired for his physique in his local gym, though he craved to be bigger and better than anyone. He helped train others and spent hours perfecting their form, as he loved the feeling of helping them create the best versions of themselves. On that warm August evening, he turned the ignition to his car, a small white sedan, and made his way onto the highway. Just outside of Cardiff and ambling along, he did his best to find something to listen to on the radio. After a few songs played, a weird static buzz sounded, followed by an emergency signal. He’d never quite heard anything like it, and the sound made him move to pull over along the side of the road. It was a high-pitched beep that mixed with the static. He glanced out each window. The road was dark, trees on either side, with a cloudy sky obscuring part of the moon above. Just as he moved to turn off the radio, a green flash of light streaked across the sky. There was a great burst of green and red flame above him—but strangely, no sound—and he watched as a disc shaped object plummeted. His heart raced watching the object tumble downward. He covered his eyes as the object crashed not five hundred yards from where he sat. Smashing through trees and hurtling across the ground, another burst of color filled the air, and he held onto the steering wheel to brace for impact from the explosion that followed. But the shockwave didn’t rattle his car or burst his windows; in fact, upon opening his eyes he saw only that the world around him was bathed in a strange green light. The object was clearer now, a spherical ship with an outer disc, no bigger than a small plane in size. Perhaps fifty feet across, the outer skin of the sphere was a metallic shine not unlike chrome, though the center held a rectangular opening. From here shone the green light, one that streamed out across the side of the road and into the forest. Anthony pondered staying in his car and leaving the mysterious object to be found by the proper authorities. Surely there would be fire engines and police making their way to the scene, followed shortly by the military. Could it have been a wayward experimental craft? But somehow, he was drawn to this strange thing. He couldn’t explain the feeling that coursed across his skin. He felt a warmth across his chest and down to his toes, one that lingered and raised the hair atop the back of his neck. He watched the green light pulse, and without thinking, opened the door to his car. He didn’t remember walking toward the smoldering object, just that he was standing right in front of the door shaped opening. He should’ve resisted, or turned away. Who knew what lay in wait for him inside the strange object. Yet it was as though the thing was calling to him, forcing him to enter into the unknown. Symbols in a language unknown to him traced the black walls of the corridor. Anthony watched them glow in the same color green, his pale face watching the patterns change. His blue eyes gleamed green in the light. He took step after step into the hall, until he emerged into a circular room with a single metallic chair. The walls were black as well, though here there were no symbols, only a pale green light blinking above the chair. He continued forward, and paused for a moment in front of the chair. A part of him wanted to turn and run. This is crazy. What am I doing? His brain was screaming for him to cut and run. He’d seen more than he was supposed to, and who knew what would happen to him if the military did catch him? Or worse, they would take him away forever for discovering something that wasn’t his to find. His heart won the war; he turned and slowly took a seat. Immediately, two metal pieces sprung from the railing of the chair and locked onto his wrists, holding him in place. The silver metal sealed around his skin, and he couldn’t move an inch. His biceps flexed as he scrambled to break free, only to feel a strange warmth flood through his body. Anthony Stingl. Twenty-five. Humanoid. Five feet nine. Two hundred twenty-three pounds. Peak physical condition. Passable guardian. “What?” Anthony heard the sounds from the chamber around him that echoed. The wall in front of him flushed green with every word. “What is this?” This ship has been sent by the guardians to prepare the people of earth for what they are to face. We have failed to contain the sector surrounding your solar system from the Imperials. They have broken through the western defense perimeter—approach of rogue Imperials is imminent. “Rogue what now? Guardians? What are you going on about?” He shrunk back in the chair, his mind spinning. His heart raced at the thought of—outer space? “Is this—are you an alien?” I am not a human. I am an advance pod sent to distribute knowledge and training to a selected lifeform to defend their planet form extraterrestrial attacks. The Guardian Forces work diligently to keep rogue aliens from entering into pre-interstellar spaceflight territory. Unfortunately, our guardians in the outer sectors closest to this solar system were unsuccessful in a recent security breach. “Sounds like someone wasn’t very good at their job.” Anthony smirked. The Imperials are a collective that seeks to sow discord and chaos across the galaxy. Additionally, they harvest energy from selected planets to increase their power. An ambush by Caldar left several of our best warrior’s dead. He has detected the nearest habitable planet and has set a course. “Earth?” In advance of this, we have selected the first available appropriate specimen to train to defend the planet. You have precious little time to be prepared for— “Pod? I can call you pod? They sent you to find me to… train me? To defeat some monster that’s going to destroy earth? And I’m just supposed to say yes and get on with it, no big deal?” Anthony made a face. You may refuse your duty. However, you may wish to see what powers you have been granted. “Powers?” As he spoke, the wristlets detached from the chair. He looked at the glowing green screen and stood. Each guardian is gifted with the power bracers—these that allow you to take in energy to reformat your own body, to give you strength, dexterity, agility, flight. You will learn the tools— “How?” Simply think of strength—imagine yourself, stronger, bigger, larger—hold the energy within yourself. Your bracers will fill you with the power of the guardians. All of it seemed insane, and perhaps a dream. Had he died in the ensuing explosion, or been injured, only to imagine the conversation that was happening with him now? Still, he did feel very much alive, and he wanted to know just what was real from what was fake. He closed his eyes and began to think of his time in the gym. Of getting stronger, straining, of getting bigger, lifting, of all the energy flowing into his body. The hair on the back of his neck stood, and he could feel the energy tingling through his veins. The green glow washed over him, and soon his arms began to thicken, his biceps growing and swelling. His chest pushed outward, becoming more striated and veins popping up across his skin. His quads pushed apart, each tree trunk leg growing, including his calves. His tank top began to strain from the grown of his muscles, his shorts tearing away at the size of his quads. Soon his clothing shredded, littering the floor, leaving a straining pair of briefs in their wake. “Fuck…” He muttered as he felt the energy grown within him. “Fuck yes, give me more!” He threw his head back and could feel he mass swell across his muscles, his back filling out as his body grew. Each ab grew more defined, his oblique’s coming into view underneath his six pack. He wanted nothing more than to see the size fill him, to tap into the energy. It slowed at last when he paused, dizzy from all the growing, his body nearly a hundred fifty pounds heavier. That was an impressive first attempt. You have a natural affinity for connecting with the energy. However, without an agreement as guardian, you will never be able to tap into the true power of the bracers. “Agreement.” Anthony opened his eyes and stared forward. His life was simple; he knew little of what the task ahead entailed, if only that a strange group had asked for his help. He needed to stop Caldar, or whoever it was Pod had mentioned, and perhaps the world. It was all mad and bonkers to him. But—the way his muscles had grown, the size, the power, he only wanted more. He wanted to be the hero, to not only have the superhero’s build, but the title to go with it. “I’ll be a guardian. I swear it. Now—what do I have to do?” It will be painful. You will choose a name for your guardianship. Something reflective of you, your desires, and truths. The energy will fill you to your limit, and then a part of you will be lifted—taken to be saved by the guardians. It will be contained here should you ever need to be reborn. “What about this place? Won’t someone find it if—” As far as anyone knows, this place is just a patch of trees. All the damage that was done is hidden, and cannot be found. A man could come within an inch of the ship and not see a thing. “Welshy. I want to be called Welshy. For my home, my nickname.” So be it. From now on you will be Welshy, defender and guardian of earth. Your energy will be a part of the guardians. I will train you so that you may stop Caldar from destroying your planet and your people. Now. Breathe deeply. This will not be entirely pleasant. Heat fanned out across his body as Anthony stood, bathed in the green light. All of it seemed to be happening so fast. This strange ship was filling him with energy. He could feel it tingle across his chest, then his legs, then arms, even across his back and glutes. He could feel each muscle begin to flex on its own. He grunted, feeling the heat grow in intensity. His pecs striated and he felt his abs becoming larger, thicker, and more cut. His waist seemed to be getting smaller as he grew somewhat taller, thicker. Before long he cast a thick and long shadow, muscles hulking across his frame. He felt an intensity of heat cross his chest, and yelled out as the energy filled him. A ‘W’ emblazoned in blue across his chest as veins crisscrossed over his body. He flexed harder and harder still, until at last, the energy seemed to subside. This is the final trial; your power is nearly at its peak. I will extract a single percent of your ethos to save, in case your powers are overwhelmed. “What?” You may burn through your strength—it is not unlimited. And should you need to ever be recovered, I can use this energy to bring you back and bind to you. It is a precaution. Especially in one so unexperienced. “If you say so.” He felt his muscles begin to twitch as the light flooded over him. He began to grunt and growl as his muscles seemed constricted. He tried to flex but couldn’t feel anything but the heat, the impossible amount of energy flowing through him and over him all at once. An immense pressure that made it hard for him even to breathe. He lifted off the ground, hovering as the light took over him. He stared, eyes wide and open mouthed as a pale gold energy fled from his mouth and gathered in a ball in front of him. After another minute, it formed—muscular and manly, shaping into a version of himself, though less muscled, the same shape as he’d been prior to being flooded into energy. As he faced himself, looking into a golden form of energy with his eyes, nose and mouth, he could scarcely breathe. The colors swirled. He lost consciousness then, the world blackened, and he saw nothing else. Anthony awoke in his bed, eyes fluttering open. Had It all been a dream? But as he stripped away his bedsheets, he saw the two bracers atop his wrists. Stranger still was the small metallic disc upon the small of his back. He placed his left index finger atop it. This piece allows us to be one and communicated though you are not in the ship, Welshy. We can be everywhere together, to train you for what is to come. “I’m having a hard time even processing it.” Anthony rubbed his temples. Being the world’s hero seemed an awful lot for someone that just yesterday was happy just to lift weights and teach others to do the same. We will spend the next few weeks learning to control your power, and to be one with the energy. First, you should stand and call upon your power. He stood from his bed. A mirror on the wall showed his bulky figure. Powerful chest, thick legs, strong arms. You need just say your name, and the power will start to flow through you. “Welshy…” His skin tingled as the energy pulsed through his limbs. He marveled at the sight of his stomach growing more taught, abs appearing and becoming chiseled. His shoulders broadened and thickened, his bicep peaks rising and growing. His legs pushed apart yet again, his glutes tightened. His muscles expanded and swelled outward, dwarfing the man that he had been. Before long he was over three hundred pounds and rivaled any man, who crossed the Olympia stage. He flexed a bicep and then another, smiling at himself in the mirror. A blue ‘W’ emblazoned across his chest, as well as a blue pair of briefs and boots. He supposed they came with the power. Now, we learn to fly. It was his favorite part. Out of his backyard and into the sky, he soared above the cul-de-sac of homes. He wasn’t sure if the neighbors could see—after all, who could mistake the shape of a muscular hero soaring through the air—but part of him hoped they could. He struggled some to get his bearings. The way the wind whipped across his body and the way he needed to angle himself for one. Another was paying attention to pesky pieces of human interference, whether they were powerlines, buildings, or even aircraft from a distance. They spent two afternoons to make sure he could take off and land at full speed. They ended one session with him crashing into an empty lot outside of town, covered in dirt because he hadn’t slowed his massive form quickly enough. “How long did you say we had to train?” He’d said, rubbing the dirt off of his chest. Current projections put Caldar at least seven days away from earth, though no more than ten. There has been no further communication. He relished the ability to grow his strength. They focused first on growing his muscles on command, and maxing out his size. He would start in his normal form, a little past two hundred pounds, and bring his arms above his head in a double bicep pose. He would mutter his new name—Welshy—and at once the power would flood through him. As the ‘W’ began to form across his chest, he would grunt and strain, filling out his back and broadening his shoulders. Muscle would snake across his form, biceps growing from grapefruits to near bowling balls in size, his abs now impossibly cut. His back forming a perfect ‘v’ down to his wait, and legs exploding back outward again with muscle. The sigh of himself in the mirror had him thinking only of the incredible hulk, glistening muscles covered in definition and veins. He could lift thousands of pounds with ease. Heavy steel beams at construction sites were what he lifted now, cars, too. One of his first acts as a hero was to fix a tilting bridge. The media only caught sight of him for a second, but by the morning plenty were questioning who the man with the ‘w’ on his chest was. He made sure the next day to be on the lookout for more trouble, this time finding a set of cars precipitously close to tumbling off the edge of an overpass. He lifted a tractor trailer off onto the road, smile across his face. The local news station got a first-hand interview with the local hero—Welshy—and from then on, they knew they could be safe with such a man flying through the skies. His first brush with evil per say was just a few days later, when a classic hero conundrum occurred: a bank robbery in progress. They had guns of course, but weren’t expecting a shirtless muscular hero to pounce on them. Three masked men held up a set of tellers at gunpoint, only to have Welshy come crashing through the window. They fired their weapons, but here another one of his powers became clear: his muscles were so dense, the bullets that struck him simply clattered to the floor. He took their punches too, each trying their hand to knock against his steel body with their fists. With a laugh, he need just one punch for each to have them on the ground. Anthony sat in the chair of Pod’s ship as the two planned for their next lesson. They had spent the weeks preparing for his battle, though he felt as though there was still so much to learn. He listened to Pod explain that most guardians had years before their first encounter with such a powerful being. You’ve taken well to your lessons, but Caldar is not a basic humanoid. He will seek to destroy you and claim the earth and its power for himself. “You’ve said it yourself, I’m a natural. And with you helping me, I shouldn’t have much to worry about. Your knowledge will help me take him down, my strength will have him on the ropes, and then we’ll do what the other guardians weren’t able to do.” He won’t just be here to conquer the earth. Caldar is on a mission to tap into the energy underneath earth’s core. Several guardians have fallen trying to protect him from sapping planets of their power. “Oh.” Welshy blinked. “What do you mean, ‘sapped?’” Caldar was granted a power by the imperials to manipulate and use energy; he has determined a way of taking that energy from planets and other beings alike. You will see that he has his trophies on his wrists—evidence of the guardians that have failed. He takes their power when they have been defeated. It all had seemed much less real up until the mention of the defeated guardians. Welshy stared down at his wrists and wondered just how much power he had been given. If you are to fail, he will attempt to take your power from you, and then your wristlets. They can only be taken when all of your life force is extinguished. The bracers will unlock and he’ll be able to take them to use as his own. However—once you have completed your training, you will be able to grow your power beyond what he has… through another item not given to most guardians. “What? What are you…” A small cube sprung up from the floor. The box opened to reveal a ring large enough to fit around his forehead. “Why don’t I just use it now?” Those that are unable to tap into its true power may be overwhelmed. It is highly dangerous for an unskilled guardian. The power contained my cause you to burst into flames. “Yikes. Well—I suppose we have a few more lessons before…” The room suddenly glowed green, and Welshy closed his eyes. There is a disturbance in the sky, northward. It appears that Caldar may have entered into the atmosphere. I am putting a visual for you. Streaking across the sky was a creature that appeared humanoid: a similar face with black hair, and black eyes. His body was gargantuan in musculature, rivaling even Welshy’s. But where a normal man had one arm, this creature had four. He wore a black set of briefs and boots, and a determined look upon his face. Welshy felt a chill run through his body. “Right. What do we do now?” We should engage him prior to him finding our location now. He is seeking the strongest signal of energy on earth at the moment—which would be coming from your bracers. When he has found you, he will be ruthless in attempting to wear down your power to destroy you. You have to weaken him until I can be certain your bracers can be used to blast him with their energy. A concentrated blast at his weakest point will eliminate him and his power. “Let’s get this show on the road then.” Welshy flexed his pecs and grinned. He took off running toward the door, and leapt into the sky. He could feel himself straighten in the air, half guided by his training, half by his connection with Pod. He felt a quiet reassurance with the alien android making sure to correct any of his movements. The power grid has been deactivated. His presence is detected at the power plant not far from the northwest corner of town. He was hard to miss, even in the darkness. Caldar’s massive frame was an alabaster shade in the moonlight, his figure hunched over a set of generators he seemed to be feasting on. Welshy could see through the glimmer of sparks and electricity that there was a set of bracers on each of his four wrists; fallen guardians that had failed to take on this creature. He marveled at his massive back and the way his muscles seemed to twitch and grow with every ounce of power he took. “Excuse me, but you’re going to have to pay for some of that.” Welshy said, hovering just a few feet above. He crossed his arms across his chest. Caldar turned slowly, and locked eyes with the hero. “A guardian. How delicious. Have you come to stop me before I lay waste to your pathetic planet?” He grinned. “I was just getting ready to begin charging up to burrow down to your planet’s core—what is it called, earth? Not quite the same amount of energy as some of the other places I’ve been, but I’m sure it will be just as sweet.” “You won’t be getting much further here. I’ve come to put a stop to you.” “Yes—the guardians have granted earthlings their first guard. I heard of this. Unorthodox, with as backward as this planet appears. But no matter. It will not exist for much longer. I suggest you agree to join me now or face the same fate as your colleagues.” Welshy shook his head. “You leave me no choice, Caldar—in the name of the guardians, and me, Welshy,” He grinned. “I’m going to make sure you’re finished.” With this he grunted, and called into his power. Ballooning in strength again, his muscles expanded, pushing past the size of Caldar and adding thickness to his legs and chest. He sneered as he hovered, his bodying bathed in a pale green light as his muscles expanded and the power filled him. With a final double bicep flex he stood, power coursing through him. Caldar wasted no time moving in on him, leaping into the air. He swung one fist at Welshy, then another, and then another. Each time the hero dodge and weaved, then held up his fists to block a blow. He could feel the subtle corrections by Pod, and stayed in rhythm with him. The villain swung hard and knocked his arms apart, only to lay a hard blow on his waiting stomach. Startled, Welshy grunted, but his abs held. This only had Caldar grow angrier—he grunted and threw his own head back, pulling more power into himself and growing in size. Three hundred plus pounds and ripped with muscle, he surged forward and looked to lay more blows on the hero. He knocked his left pec then right, and another blow hit his stomach. But Welshy swung back this time, connecting across the villain’s face. He worked to jab at the alien’s chest, though his four arms made it difficult to land a blow. Instead of focusing on hand to hand, when he saw an opening, he swept his leg across, only to connect with the villain’s exposed abs. He sent Caldar spiraling backward, smacking him into a waiting transformer with a shower of sparks. Welshy hovered above him in the air and flexed a bicep in a taunt. “How is such a pathetically novice recruit daring to take me on?” Caldar wiped a hand across his face and shook his head. “You are not a great warrior. You are a child. One that has barely learned to fight and now uses my own strength against me?” His voice grew louder and he stood, flexing his muscles yet again. Welshy dropped his arms to his sides, curious. “Well perhaps earthlings are more surprising that you thought, Caldar?” He grinned. Enraged, the villain was bathed in a red glow. He launched himself off the ground and moved to wrap two of his arms around the hero. He easily wrapped around his waist, and used the other two arms to lay blows across Welshy’s face. He scrambled, not expecting the sudden burst of power. Welshy. You must retreat—his power is far greater than we could have feared. You should return so that we— Welshy grunted, ignoring pod’s voice in his head. It seemed to fade as he drew in more power, this time flexing his biceps to break free of Caldar’s hold. His arms swelled again, and he could feel the villain straining, until at last he burst free from his hold. Caldar was forced backward, while Welshy flexed in a most muscular pose, triumphant. Caldar grinned. In his fingers, he held the small silver disc that had been atop Welshy’s back, giving him connection to Pod. Welshy moved to grasped it, but the villain vaporized the disc in his hands. “Your guide will not be assisting you, hero. Now we will battle man to man, and see who is superior. Unless you are afraid.” Welshy tried to listen, to see if Pod could still communicate. He wasn’t sure if he should retreat—would he just be leading Caldar back to the ship, so that he could finish off Welshy and gain power over the guardians? Was he truly as strong as they thought? He seemed to be taking Welshy’s blows but he did not seem invincible. He gritted his teeth and shook his head. “I’m not afraid of you, Caldar. I am the guardian of Earth, and this is the end of the line for you!” He moved to swing a fist and lurched forward, but was to slow. His next blow missed as well, and then an uppercut sailed through air. Caldar was easily dodging him, and went so far as to laugh at his attempts. The villain struck back with a blow to his stomach, and then another to his chest, and then both fists to his back. He knocked Welshy this way and that way, his fists hitting his body and striking right through his muscle armor. Welshy coughed as he struggled to regain his composure, but each time he brought up his fists to block, Caldar seemed two steps ahead, laying blows where he couldn’t anticipate them. He lay three successive blows to his face, and sent Welshy spiraling backward. “Is this all you have, hero? Just a pathetic creature that thought he could play hero because of what he’d been given…” Caldar put two of his hands on his waist. “Give in now and you won’t be destroyed.” Welshy shook his head. He knew he had to dig deep, to overwhelm Caldar with his strength. If he could knock him out, or overpower him, at the least he could get away. He closed his eyes and focused. Energy flooded him, his bracers glowing green. His chest grew thicker still, his quads now gigantic and glutes tight as ever. His form swelled outward, and he dwarfed Caldar in size. His muscles were nothing but sinew and strength, the ‘W’ thick upon his chest. He stared down the villain with a new fire in his eyes. “I am the guardian of earth, and I surrender to no one!” He flew forward, arm pulled back behind his head, and he swung a powerful blow. Caldar danced around him, causing the massive form of the hero to slide forward. He was powerful, but too big to be agile. He was slow to correct his turn. By the time he faced Caldar, the villain lay three blows across his stomach, and another across his chest. He peppered him with his fists, sending his massive form this way and that way, until at last two of his arms wrapped the hero’s in a hold to pull his arms back, while the others wrapped around his neck. Welshy gasped, struggling. He tried to call on more power, but to his shock, felt nothing from his bracers. He had tapped into everything he’d had. “Ah—yes. The limit of a guardian’s power. Your precious guide did not tell you what happens to the heroes that don’t submit to us imperials. You see, first I defeat you. Then, I take the power of the guardian for my own… and once I have all of it, and your essence, I can connect with the planet to sap it of its energy. You see, defeating you was the first thing I needed. And now… I’ll show you what happens for your pathetic display…” Welshy’s eyes grew wide as he felt the villain hold him closer. His muscular back pressed closer to Caldar’s front, and he could feel the villain’s bracers on each arm closer to his own. Suddenly he felt tired—unable to even so much as moved. Then he felt something worse—the pull of energy from him into Caldar. He did his best to struggle, to flex his muscles and keep them filled with power, but as their two bodies hovered close to one another, energy jumped from Welshy to the villain. He grunted as he felt the drain sap his power, and stared down at his bracers, watching as the pale green energy flooded into those on Caldar’s wrists. He cried out, attempting to fight it, but the villain’s hold was too strong, even as muscular as he was. The minutes passed and he felt the heat rushing through his body, all of his muscles flexing in a pulse of energy from him to Caldar. The villain laughed as the energy slowed to a crackle. He released Welshy from his hold and let his body tumble down to the earth. Landing with a heavy thud against pavement and cracking it, Welshy moaned. He struggled to stand, his body feeling too heavy for even his legs. He was still a massive form, though Welshy wondered just what he had left. The villain landed in a blink of an eye right in front of him. “Go ahead. Call on the last of your power, Welshy. Fight the good fight. You could simply kneel to me and you could become a part of the imperials. Or—you will fail…” Welshy’s felt the sweat dripping down his forehead and down his chest. He took a deep breath, then another. He had no doubt about the evil he was facing. Perhaps there was still hope—perhaps if he could just tap into whatever limited potential remained, he’d find a way to defeat Caldar. With a final grunt, then a roar, Welshy moved to throw his arms above his head in a double bicep pose. He felt the energy flood him again, his massive body growing green. Caldar mirrored him with a sneer, and let out his own roar. Their energies seemed to connect, red with green. Welshy struggled and fought, pushing back at first, until he could bear it no longer. The red pushed past and flooded over him. He gasped as he felt the air leave his lungs. His arms dropped down to his sides, and he dropped to his knees. Eyes wide, he felt the energy being pulled from deep inside of him, up and out of his form. He watched as a copy of himself formed in the air above him, muscular and powerful, thicker and thicker, until at last—the form threw its hands up in front of his face. A blinding green light filled the area. As the light faded, Caldar stood, still flexing. The energy receded into him like smoke through the air, and he let out a sigh as it filled his chest. He stepped forward slowly. At his feet, open mouthed and eyes wide, Anthony’s body was on its back, his defeated form was nearly unrecognizable. Even the muscle he’d had prior to becoming a guardian seemed gone—he was thin, undefined. His arms lay outward, and Caldar moved to place hands over each wristlet. As he moved to do so, each bracer snapped open at his touch. Caldar smirked as he moved to place one of Welshy’s bracers on one wrist, then another. Within a moment, he took to the sky, leaving only the defeated form of earth’s guardian behind. To Be Continued.
    1 point
  9. Greetings, Nice to see a place for being a tall bodybuilder. As I have experienced, being a tall bodybuilder is a lot more tough than being a 5'6" or 5'10" bodybuilder. I'm 6'2" and now at 268 lbs. bodybuilder. I have been up to 295 lbs. as a powerlifter and at that time, I was being sponsored so the additional income allowed me to put on a lot of size. But I still want to hit the 305-310 mark now as a bodybuilder. Putting on muscle size is still tough for me. I have to take appetite enhancers to stimulate my wanting to stuff myself. Luckily, I have been bodybuilding for a while and have lived in Los Angeles and Houston and have learned a lot from other bodybuilders. You can't do bodybuilding alone.
    1 point
  10. Hey guys, thanks for the awesome feedback on the first chapter. Here's the second, once again, it was written on my phone, so please excuse the errors. Enjoy! READ PART 1 HERE DWARFED BY DAD PART 2/4 When he grabbed the same weights as me, the same 80-pound dumbbells off the rack, I knew, just like the old man said over breakfast, that he was going to totally outgrow me. But it wasn't going to happen in a week, or even a few days, it was going to happen in a matter of hours. Almost as if he was literally growing bigger by the minute, the second, a growth experiment gone wrong, only it was my father, and there was seemingly no end to his new found muscle lust... “You know what?” Dad suddenly chuckled under his breath. “I think these weights are to LIGHT!” My jaw dropped to the floor, watching him move his way up the rack, right to the bodybuilding coveted 100-dumbbells. As he picked each one up, his sleeveless and huge chiseled grandpa-looking arms suddenly surged in size, definitely bigger than my own, looking like some real bodybuilder, not just an amateur, but some professional title baring bodybuilding hunk, a definition of physical perfection I could only dream of achieving. “OH-fuck, does that feel GOOD!” Dad groaned out loud, all while the whole gym stared, shocked, as he somehow began picking up the pace. He wasn't slowing down like he should have, gritting his teeth, grossly snarling, as the veins in his musclebound and hairy grandpa-looking arms suddenly exploded to grotesque size. Then his biceps, the fat steak sized meat packed triceps, began to rumble, quake beneath his already tight translucent skin, like some ready to erupt volcano. Soon his arms didn't just look twenty-inches, but twenty-one inches, then twenty-two inches. The already obscenely tight sleeveless shirt squeezed tighter, then out of nowhere, impossibly, his indecently painted on gym shorts ballooned even bigger, strained around his bloated old man thighs, his groin, even the back his disgustingly swampy and global muscle man butt. “AW-Yeah, look at this PUMP I'm getting!” Dad roared, continuing his relentless pumping, rep after rep. “I'm looking HUGE!” *RIIIPPP* *RRIIIPPPPPP* “D-Dad, y-your shirt…” I whimpered in concern, in total dumbfounded disbelief, but of course, the old man couldn't have cared less. He stared at himself in the gym mirrors proudly, arrogantly, looking like his ego had exploded ten-fold, the pride of a young testosterone dripping teenager, marveling over the display of hulking muscle bulging destruction, happening right underneath one of his heaving hairy daddy-pecs. There was a small snicker, as he just kept on lifting, unapologetically even, staring right back at me, swinging the two massive weights around like it was a warm up, not stopping until the other side of his shirt unequivocally matched. *RIIPPPPPP* *RIIIIPPPPPPPPP* “HAHA, OH-God damn, would you just check out this PUMP!” *THUD, THUD* Dad set the two weights down on the ground, standing fully up, looking horrendously bigger, a lot bigger! We used to be pretty much eye level, but now, somehow, we weren't even close! The top of his burly bearded face and piercing blue grey eyes soared a couple inches over my own. And then there was the all that muscle, all those rippling layers of bulging new bodybuilder power. He turned to me almost immediately, with a giant smirk on his face, flexing one of his colossal and nearly sixty-year old arms, an absolutely monstrous and musky twenty-three inch hairy arm muscle, this peaking sweaty mountain of bicep, right in my jaw dropped face. “J-JESUS, d-dad!” I whimpered in humility. “I can BARELY breathe!” “GOD-damn, BOY!” Dad chuckled mockingly. “Your old man's BICEP is as big as your whole FACE!” “P-PLease… D-Dad…” I found struggle in my own words, to even breathe, burning red in the face from humiliation, as my dad just continually publically tortured me, feeling as if this eclipsing mountainous muscle stuffed against my face, would be my inevitable doom. But my father luckily pulled away, moving onto the display of his own meaty male muscle cleavage, his own massive hairy pectorals, the cinematic destruction of his workout shirt. You'd think the embarrassing spectacle would have been over, but it wasn't, far from it actually. “HAHA, never thought that I would have TITS bigger than most woman…” Dad joked looked down, relishing on the insane rolling view of his blimping silver chest. With the now insane measurements of his own chest, he nearly effortlessly, not even having to muster up half his strength, that mind-blowing muscle cleavage, to explode through the rest of his upper shirt fabric, huge pec after pec, fat nipple after nipple, suddenly unleashed. *SNAP, SNAP* *RIIIPPPPPPP* “OH-fuck yeah!” Dad bellowed. “W-WHOA, BRO!” Some random college jock approached my father. “You're like the HULK with those giant pecs!” “The HULK, huh!?” Dad responded with a grunt, a gigantic smirk, looking down at the marveling and significantly younger gym jock, having another lightbulb, a deliciously devilish idea, go off in his twisted head. He suddenly turned his stance, the strain of his clothes loudly audible as he walked, cracking and popping all the fabric like branches in a storm. The college aged stud gulped, trembled a bit, with his mouth dangling open, his eyes bulging out of his own sockets, as he came into sweaty view of my father's mammoth and ready to explode backside. It didn't take much more than simple movement, flaring out his grotesquely muscle engorged veiny arms to the side of his godly stance, placing his hands on his waist, right before everyone heard the first dramatic tear. *RIIIPPP* My dad couldn't help but chuckle once more, snicker even, his voice sounding even deeper then before, manlier, powerful. With one sudden and swift flex, the back of his sweaty bulging gym shirt was detonated, exploding all the pieces of sweaty grandpa-pungent fabric, right onto the jocks whimpering awestruck face. *POP, SNAP* *RIIIPPPPPPPPP* “H-HOLY-shit, bro!!!” The jock wailed in amazement, removing the destroyed fabric from off his dumbfounded face, the inside of his dangling mouth. “How's THAT for the HULK!?” Dad roared with arrogance, tilting his now bull-sized neck to the side, staring into the large gym floor mirrors reflection, seeing that tiny college jock stand behind him pathetically, like a little school girl, whimpering. Soon after, his two other jock-friends joined him shortly, absolutely losing themselves, as well, over the incredible live muscle devastation. One of the onlooking guys even had this pudgy boner, a pea-sized wet spot, tenting against his light gray gym shorts, totally fagging out. My dad couldn't have cared less, so power drunk off all the attention, he actually fed back into the three men’s queerness, rubbing one of his iron blistered hands right down the middle of his humongous muscular bodybuilding butthole. . “H-HEY man, I'm n-not GAY…” The main college stud whimpered, looking frantically around at his equally jaw-dropped friends, but of course, they all couldn't stop themselves from continuing to stare, drool for that matter. Dad, with an enormous grin plastered on his face, began slowly flexing his lower half, causing his totally titanic swampy old man muscle butt, those unbelievably pumped mammoth muscle thighs, to swell even bigger, just by just a single blink of his commanding power. The ready to blow gym shorts began splitting obscenely around the seams, first around his legs, then right down the center of his gigantic ballooning bodybuilder butthole. *RIIIPPPP* *RIIIPPPPPPP* “O-OH M-MY God!” The three jocks wailed. “FUCK-yeah!” Dad roared. “Just check out the size of those GLUTES, BOYS!” The old man confidentially roared, right as his shorts fell to the ground, leaving him almost completely naked, just his pair of shoes and the most rank sweaty briefs you had ever laid eyes on, so much grandpa-looking pubic hair spilling out the front of his briefs it was grotesque. But my dad continued to flex anyway, enjoying the whole mind boggling spectacle from his own reflection, maneuvering his nearly naked gigantic muscle man butt, even closer to the three whimpering and comparatively puny college jocks, bending over like it was some muscle porn show. “OH-man, he's S-SO fucking H-HUGE!” Another jock wailed like a girl, just as my dad’s tattered white slightly shit-stained grandpa-briefs began squeezing up between the enormous canyon of his own swampy ass crack, helplessly gobbled up, inch by inch, as if his ass was actually eating, leaving nothing more than an inch or two to cover himself from behind, barely anything in the front! “HAHA, looks like ALL my CLOTHES are about to go!” Dad roared with laughter, leaving those gym jocks speechless, in there own puddle of drool, two of them now, boning humiliatingly, stammering to strap their throbbing cock-shafts into the waistband of their gym shorts. As I looked around, out of the bubble of my disbelief, there was a whole crowd of people with their smartphones out, taking pictures, taking videos. Eventually we were asked to leave by the manager, but once again, my dad couldn't have cared less. He strut his huge and nearly naked, grotesquely hairy, old man physique, right out into the parking lot, right out into broad public daylight. He didn't even care about the clothes he left in the locker room, knowing, laughably, that they would no longer fit. “UN-fucking-believable!” Dad roared, adjusting his entirely horse-sized manhood beneath the wheel. “Did you SEE their faces!?” He continued boasting to me in the car, on the drive back to his place. As if things couldn't get any worse, when we got to a red light, about five minutes later driving, dad, besides continually fixing his out of control aroused musky-old man cock, began playfully flexing his now mammoth and hairy musclebound thighs, thirty-four inches each from the looks of it, right against the underside of the steering wheel, wondering if it was going to “POP OFF”, he kept on repeatedly joking. “D-DAD, don't break the car!” I whined worryingly. “Why NOT, son?” Dad chucked, no doubt mustering up another joke. “It'll just turn into good scrap-metal for me to LIFT!” He roared with laughter, raising, more like hauling, his colossal silver muscle arm over my comparatively small little head, still being at a red light, he began twisting and squeezing his power striations against the thin metal roof of his old Honda Civic. I watched looking up, with my mouth once again hanging wide open, seeing the metal actually warp and make the most god-awful groaning sound. *CRRREAKKKKKK* Dad just kept it though, even after the light turned green, flexing his huge skull-sized peaking hairy bicep relentlessly against of the ceiling of the car, almost like he was trying to blow the whole roof off. He giggled after about a minute, like some innocent little boy, playing with his new toy, three or four cars honking behind us, as he no doubt fantasized about another muscle destructing scenario. “HAHA, guess I better invest in a convertible…” Dad joked, smirking right at me, winking. He looked so stuffed into that tiny car already, it would have actually made sense. To think, when we had left the house this morning, he looked like a mere average bodybuilder, an old one, but now he was this total stage- ready competition-crushing muscle hunk, insatiable for more size, a desire to grow endlessly. The next two days were our off days, Saturday and Sunday. The whole situation had me absolutely biting my nails, sick to my stomach even, especially about the growing part. Even when I watch the videos online that people posted, “Huge Grandpa Growing”, over and over again, I just didn't understand how he was doing it, how this whole thing was even possible. Luckily, dad, wasn't to savvy with computers. “Morning, DAD!” I showed up to his house Monday morning, for our usual pre-workout breakfast. Usually the old man would be already cooking in the kitchen, but this morning, there was only these loud beastly grunts, emanating from the bathroom down the hall, the running shower. I know it was wrong of me, it was so wrong of me to even think it, but with an enormous gulp, I began, feeling intoxicated by the prospect, making my way down the long dark hallway, seeing the light at the end, the open bathroom doorway, a view of his naked figure after a long weekend. He was without a doubt jacking-off, the old-pervert still had it in him. As I turned the corner, even I had to cover my mouth from the loud escaping gasp about to be released, but it was tragically too late. “Is that YOU, son?” Dad’s voice bellowed. He was huge, monstrous, godly, a voice so deep, it vibrated my ear drums. The shadowed outline of his physique, this totally door-wide gigantic muscular backside, even through all the steam, I could tell, his shoulder width must have easily stretched up to four feet wide. Sitting below, two watermelon-sized glutes slammed against the steamed glass, the silhouette of these two tree-trunk sized legs, with nowhere to go, bloated and stuffed so largely together with muscle, it was a wonder how he could even move, how he even got into the shower in the first place. I knew I had to say something... “Y-Yeah…” I stuttered nervously, shaking, creeping out from behind the corner. “S-Should I start making us b-breakfast, Dad?” “SO glad you're here, squirt.” Dad blatantly ignored my question. “I need help WASHING my backside. There’s just TOO much muscle for me to move, HAHA!” My eyes bulged as he laughed, right out of my sockets, wanting to cover my ears from his tremendously deep voice, the loud thumping of the shower with each small movement of his no doubt gigantic feet. I couldn't believe what he was asking, what I was still seeing. We had seen each other naked tons of times, even when I was growing up as a kid, but this was different, this felt GAY! “U-Uh…” I stuttered, looking down at my bulging cock. “OH-come on, son! Don't be a QUEER about this.” Dad bellowed demeaningly. “Your DAD needs help.” He made it sound so serious, but I could hear that undertone, that snicker. I undressed anyway, knowing what was about to happen, whimpering at my misfortune. There was no going back from this... ******************************************** READ PART 3 HERE Comments are appreciated !
    1 point
  11. Wow! That was incredible! Thank you for writing and posting this gem!
    1 point
  12. This was awesome, dude! Good to see you finding inspiration again.
    1 point
  13. Now it's time to hit the gym to test his new body...fuck someone in gym...grow more and take his "revenge" to Karl!
    1 point
  14. Raijin: Then Comes the Storm. Raijin "The God of Thunder Thighs" they called me for when I walk down the street people look at their phones to check the weather to see if that sound is an encroaching storm. “Ok, time for the fun to really start!” John said as he tossed four empty syringes away from us. “There we go Rai. Two for me and two for you and this time you are going to really god damned feel it. Hope you wanted to be hung as fuck because we’re both about to have a third leg.” As John prattled on I felt my inflating balls push him further away yet at the same I could feel his dick thicken further as it delved ever deeper into me all without any movement from John. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back enjoying the sensation of his cock breaking the double digit barrier and seconds later the coveted foot long milestone, and believe you me I could tell this intimately inch by inch as my body was being invaded in ways I never thought or hoped would happen. John started to very slowly pull out as much as he could and very slowly pushed in as far as he’s able to as his dick continued to put on size growing into inhuman territories. My own dick hasn’t been slacking in the meantime; it has completed its journey across the many deep crevices littering my stomach. As it slowly approached the bottom of my herculean chest I could feel my abs start to overflow with the pre flooding out of me as my balls inflated like they’re attached to an air compressor. Despite my vision being absolutely fucking dominated by my chest I see the head of my dick rising over my pec shelf like a growing sunrise. I began to gingerly bring my hands towards it to see if I’m hallucinating or if this abomination approaching my head is truly my own cock. While in my reverence for the diamond hard pillar attached to my groin John opens his eyes and, with considerable strength on his part, brings my cartoonishly swollen and nearly immovable dick to his mouth with one hand while he started to slowly alternate squeezing each of my throbbing, and still growing, softball sized nuts. I couldn’t help but lean my head back as much as my traps, which at this point have turned into yokes that would destroy even the mightiest of oxen, allowed as he starts trying to suck my very soul out of my dick using his mouth and tongue in ways that would make even the most experienced porn star blush and cross his legs. I drape my arm over my head with some hassle in an attempt to try and steady myself as my body is being assaulted with sensations few if any men have ever had in such severity. John started to pick up steam until he began to piston back and forth like a runaway locomotive, the whole time his head is bobbing up and down as he is trying to stuff as much of my grapefruit sized knob into his mouth that he cane manage. He took away the hand that had been teasing and fondling my churning balls that had become trapped between his body and my grotesquely thick legs, eliciting a burst of precum from me with every thrust. He starts to savagely beat off my dick with both of his hands. I immediately, to my best effort, replace his hand with my free one to both rub and squeeze my balls as I’m getting absolutely wrecked by John’s efforts. Between my ass being further stretched out by John’s dick which can now shame nearly all land based mammals, my nearly volleyball sized nuts being molested between both our bodies and my hand, my arm incidentally rubbing an exorbitantly sensitive nipple that is now wired straight to my cock, John’s tongue and throat attempting to become intimately familiar with every molecule of my dick he can stuff into his gullet, and both of John’s strong calloused hands trying to start a fire with the sheer amount of friction he is producing attempting to overload my dick the following flood of cum that was raging to exit my body would be beyond biblical in scale. Pressure built up to a seething point as cum barreled its way up the excessive length of my shaft right into John’s unprepared throat. His eyes, mouth, and throat bulged as he was forced to guzzle down an unrelenting stream that was spurting out of the corners of his mouth which now looked more like a chipmunk with its mouth stuffed full. I’ll give John credit that he was able to keep up with flood violently cascading into his gullet as long as he did. As I was staring into the very eyes of God himself from my dick firing off like an unmanned fire hose I could feel John respond in kind as my body’s nerve destroying convulsions brought him past the edge. I could feel what I was doing to his now ballooning ab covered gut full of my seed as he released his own torrential explosion deep inside of me. His previous orgasm may have felt like lava flowing into my body but with his recent growth it felt more like my body was being invaded by the very molten heart of the earth itself. As John let loose salvo after frenzied salvo he let go of my still frantically bucking dick giving himself an accidental facial as if his head was submerged completely in water; my cum was flying everywhere with such force as to hit the other side of the room with very forceful sounds of impact until it’s nigh unmovable titanium hard mass returned with a painful impact to its new home, my chest. I had about a single second to process what happened as I could feel a bulging mass of semen approach the insurmountable wall that is my chest, my dick had hit with such force and precision it is now stuck and otherwise clamped shut in my cleavage with the head staring me down a mere two inches from my face like an infuriated cyclops. As I was attempting to say something, anything at all, the pressure built up to the breaking point; my dick swiftly changed from a light dribble of cum trying to escape to a powerful stream to finally the entirety of the bulging mass of back up cum swelled my dick to the point of pushing my pecs aside as a pressure washer surge painfully coated my entire head. John and I both let out a sound Lovecraftian in nature as we continued cumming in synchrony, our collective efforts were visibly flooding nearly half of the room as I could feel cum viscously rebound off of my head that I was unable to move out of the path of fire due to my neck and traps both were bloated with so much muscle it impeded any movement. Despite the sheer density of my ass even it was unable to stymie the flood coming out of my asshole as my now rotund muscular gut was filling past its max capacity. I felt the warm flow spread around me in all directions as John neither could have or would have relented even if he was able to. We were both at the complete mercy of our bodies as they tried to expel every last drop of seed but eventually the flow tapered more and more until, with a few normal sized spurts, we were spent entirely. I have never once in my life been so worn out, so sweaty, and so out of breath; the closest I’ve ever come to it in my life is after a particularly harrowing leg day we had the bright idea to climb up multiple flights of stairs to end the workout with some “cardio.” John collapsed on top of my chest further driving my still hard dick into my chest trapping it between us. He stared into my eyes trying to gather his wits and breath before kissing my cum covered face. I responded back fiercely in kind trying to take in his essence as I felt both of our dicks twitch, his still deep inside of me. Very slowly John withdrew leaving me feeling like I had lost a part of myself. When he was finally nearly out of me I could feel a sea of John’s cum leave with his dick, my gut shrank back down to an impossibly thick column of bricks as the sea wall broke and the tide left with him. John stumbled to his feet still reeling from our shared experience that may very well have left us now believing in a high power. With John’s dick finally out of my body I could only stare in disbelief and a sense of pride in my new found bottoming abilities to have taken in a dick I could only describe as something that would require a joint in the middle of its expanse if not for it being attached to John’s fucking crotch. For all the good it would do him, John could have another one of his girthy arms in the middle of his pelvis for the same effect. John walked over to me and offered a hand to help me finally stand up after our little “ordeal.” As John very visibly struggled to help pull me up onto my feet he chuckled to himself and told me “I may have…failed to mention but I was told that effects are increased greatly if you take in more than one dose so close to another.” John nervously laughed while trying to scan my face for any reaction as I precariously stood up since I had first tripped nearly two hours ago. “…I also probably shouldn’t have given us a dose to each of our nuts too. Heh heh, oops?” I looked him in the eyes then scanned around the room taking notice of the vast ocean of cum that had mainly come from me flooding a good near third of the room, walls, and ceilings, and spied his duffel bag with what looked like a few syringes of this miracle serum sticking out of it just enough to catch my attention. As I was about to address John concerning his idiocy my eyes fell onto one of the mirrors near me that I hadn’t repainted in white. I could feel my dick start to harden from its current semi hard state as I took stock of my new physique now that I was finally able to get a proper look at it. I looked like a caricature of an overly exaggerated drawing of a wet dream to someone with a very active imagination. I couldn’t even begin to guess at how much I must weigh now, 400lbs? 500lbs? 700lbs? No man that I have ever seen outside of photo shopped images has ever come remotely near to what I've turned into, there was just nothing to compare it to and at this point I’d probably have to go to a zoo to get a scale that I wouldn’t break with just one foot resting on it. I was able to move well enough now for the most part…just barely though. I guess John’s “help” actually did limber me up enough to be able to move around though if I got another dose of that fucking serum I’d be screwed. My body has inflated to such a staggering size now that there was nearly no part of it not interfering with another no matter how I moved. My arms would be stuck in a crucified position if I got any bigger since my both my chest and back have started an eternal war as they encroached onto the territory my arms have already conquered for their own. At this point I’ve come to terms that I will never be able to see my feet for the rest of my life without the use of a mirror and the only part of my dick I could see is what has decided to make its permanent residence in the middle of my chest…my balls are as much of a lost cause as my trying to see my feet now though their heavy weight ensured I will never forget they are there. The four doses I took in such short order have blown up my lats to such an egregious amount that I no longer have a v-taper so much as a u-taper now, even from the front you can see my lower back expanding outwards struggling to keep up with the rest of my back that now rivals a 747 tire’s diameter. Two pieces of my largest suitcases laid side by side would still not compare to the sheer solid wall that is now my chest and oddly enough my arms are now as round and thick with muscle that my torso prior to tonight would struggle to measure up. Finally my pride and joy, my legs, still over powered the rest of my physique but thankfully nowhere near as badly before my growth. If I could stand up straight anymore without my legs forcing my stance to widen a few feet apart you would mistake them for solid columns of the strongest marble that the ancient Greeks would use only in their holiest of temples. There was no space between my legs, they would not allow it, asides from a very small area where my knees would be visible if not for their being consumed by my quads. Further down I could see that my calves now resembled like a football designed for giants in shape and size; not even with my exaggerated bow-legged stance was I able to keep them from rubbing each other. As I was in my trance like self-reflection/worship I could feel my dick slowly leak more and more precum creating a slow waterfall off of my chest and onto the floor around me. As I looked upwards while I was finishing my inventory of my new body I could feel and see an impending bombardment take shape as it made its way upwards with my gaze. I looked into my eyes in my reflection to ensure I wasn’t dreaming as my cock (which I can only now refer to it as my godhood rather than my manhood), still firmly secured in between my pecs, let loose barrage after barrage into the ceiling with such force it took destroyed the fluorescent lights above me and rained around me threatening to flood the area even more. John watched on in awe like reverence as I lived up to my moniker’s namesake by making a one man storm deluging white everywhere in range. When I finally stopped cumming I quivered uncontrollably in aftershock, my movements were creating an earthquake over my body as I flexed and relaxed every muscle rapidly. “Rai? …are you alright?” John asked as I brought my attention back to him. “Oh, I’ve never been better.” I responded in a voice that had grown so deep I no longer recognized it as my own, a voice like an animalistic growl that I could feel emanate from a place inside me that had not seen the light of day until John unleashed it. I felt my dick jump a bit as I reveled in the feel of both my body and voice. “John.” I said commanding his undivided attention. “…yes, Rai?” John responded like a cowed child. “You do know you just raped me right?” John immediately stood up at full attention and all the color drained from his face. “What! But I! But you!” he stammered his voice cracking as he realized the implications of what he’d done. Tears begun to stream down his face as he ran over to hug me, or tried to at least as his arms only made it part way around my front. “Raymond I’m so fucking sorry man I couldn’t help myself, will you ever forgive me?! You know how it is in the bodybuilding circuit man, coming out is career suicide and I never told you because I was afraid how you’d react.” His words were punctuated with sobs as he continued. "I’ve been attracted to you for almost as long as I’ve known you and when I was so close to you lying naked on the floor I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Beat the shit out of me, turn me in, call the IFBB and out me I don’t care Raymond I...“ I silenced the idiot with a kiss on the mouth. I held the kiss until I could finally feel John relax. I brought a hand softly to his cheek as we finished the kiss. “John, I never knew…” I slapped him hard enough to knock the taste right out of his mouth with the hand I had on his cheek. “But, I am still pissed off at you. You know what you’re right; we did have fun and it felt great, fucking hell I have never cum that hard, often, or so much before in my life, and I found out things about myself I never knew before but that said you should of fucking asked me or fucking something you dip shit!” John took a step back and hung his head in defeat. “What the fuck is with that look? At least let me fucking finish talking before you get all mopey.” I barked out at him. “I forgive you.” John started to look back up at me as the water works started up again. I smiled at John who smiled in return now looking like a kid who was told the football team captain wanted to go to prom with him. “I forgive you but fair is fair.” John look a little confused with a sudden realization dawning on him. “What was it you told me while before you fucked me?” John looked a little uneasy and winced at my words. “’Hey man, don’t be selfish. It’s my turn to get off’ right?” John stopped smiling. “Well you’re right I’ve cum what, four or five times now? Poor old you only got off once right?” I put a hand on his shoulder pressing down and started to stroke his cock slowly. “Well…I haven’t gotten the chance to top yet so let’s make this square, little man.” I applied a tiny bit of my immense strength to the hand on his shoulder and pushed him down onto his knees. “No pain.” I stopped stroking him and lightly hit him across the face with the behemoth I call a dick. “No fucking gain.” John shuddered as he came hands free while staring up at me. “And that one doesn’t count."
    1 point
  15. AWESOME!!!!!!!! MORE PLEASE!
    1 point
  16. I like where this story is going to! I do hope he makes his goal and blows everyone out of the water! Will there be a chance for Katie to grow as well? To suit the new change?
    1 point
  17. Working slowly on figuring out where the story will end up and open to suggestions. Here's what I got so far. Part 9: The Warehouse Bryan and Ron stood outside with the moonlight shining on their broad shoulders and wide bulging chests, with a bed sheet tied around each of their washboard waists. Ron got another full size sheet from his room and Bryan went up to the master bedroom for a king size. It took a couple tries before Bryan could control his strength to not rip the sheet as he pulled the knot tight. It frustratingly felt like tying tissue paper. They both looked doubtfully at Bryan's car. Ron might still be able to squeeze into the back seat again, but Bryan was approaching being half the size of the entire car. They exchanged a look and Bryan pointed to his massive upper back. "Hop on." Ron felt like he was riding a horse as he held tight around Bryan's traps and neck and felt Bryan's massive back swing in time to Bryan's long strides. Ron placed his feet on the fabric over Bryan's shelf-like glutes and tried to work with Bryan's motion to prevent being bucked by the hyper-muscular bronco. As Ron became more stable on Bryan's back, Bryan was able to pick up the pace as they both felt the air rush by and wondered how fast they were going. It was pretty late for the smallish town and at a quick glance they looked vaguely like two kids piled on a large bike. Or at least, that was the most rational explanation if anyone spotted their blurred shadows. "Left here and a couple blocks down," Ron yelled towards Bryan's right ear over the rush of wind. Bryan flinched to the left. "You don't have to yell," he boomed. Bryan felt so exhilarated, so alive. The power that coursed through him not only fed his muscles, but his whole body. He started to feel things and hear things and see things in a new, magical way. He felt his control and balance and breathing and thinking expand and refine. Somehow he could see the "Food Service Warehouse" sign even before he turned the corner and as he got closer, he could imagine ... no, he could clearly picture the entire shape of the building and somehow began to piece together the layout inside. He turned right. Ron was about to ask where he was going, but he quickly guessed Bryan was going to try a back entrance. As Bryan circled around to the back, he sped up. "Hold on tight," he advised Ron. Ron looked at the rapidly approaching fence and felt Bryan raise his arms slightly. As Ron just began to connect the top of the fence with the large overhanging tree with a semi-trailer with ... the roof?! He clamped both his arms around Bryan and his eyes firmly shut as he felt Bryan leap and flip and twist and leap again before landing at a run on the gravel roof and skidding to a stop. That roller-coaster ride was too much for Ron who let go and fell onto the rough gravel that covered the warehourse club's roof. He dry heaved a couple times as his stomach settled. "Sorry, dude," Bryan offered, along with a hand up which Ron accepted. Ron looked up at Bryan who was maybe even larger than he was back at his house, but he was so much more ripped. "Wow, Bryan, you're like an anatomy chart. I can see every fiber of your muscle." "Yeah, I'm running out of fuel and I'm SO hungry. I hope they got enough food here," Bryan replied as he got a running start and threw a kick at a roof access door. The metal surface of the door crumpled inward and it took just one more kick to get the door completely open and barely hanging. The two boys quickly headed down a set of stairs, across a hallway with offices, down a second flight and through a set of large doors to the dimly-lit warehouse floor. Bryan pounced over to a covered refrigerated display and tossed the lid off to reveal various clear packages of raw fish. After a quick scan, he grabbed a larger package and tore it open, spilling some of the filets around him. He picked up what was left in the package with one hand and crammed it in his mouth, quickly chomping and swallowing without much chewing. Bryan felt his upgraded stomach pulverize the food and felt its nutrients race to his hardening muscles. He more carefully opened the next package and similarly devoured it. Ron ran over to the section of stand-up fridges and started chugging gallon jugs of milk. Ron could feel his body respond with new growth, and a lot of it was happening to his cock and balls. He felt his groin muscles strengthen to support the growing mass and weight between his thick thighs, and watched his bulge grow beneath the bedsheet. Ron tugged the makeshift skirt off and marvelled at outrageously big balls and a firehose-thick cock that was hanging nearly to his knees. It twitched, spasmed and hardened and Ron felt lightheaded and off-balance for a second. His balls also danced and Ron felt immense pleasure from the sensation of his flesh writhing against itself. He closed his eyes as he felt his cock thicken and harden with expanding joy. He felt his massive organ pulse in time with his heart and climb up towards his chest. Ron's thirst returned and he opened his eyes to see his own cock staring him in the face and leaking clear fluid. It inflated even further and Ron barely had to bend over to give the massave head a tentative lick. Ron nearly fell over from the hot pleasure that caused his massive meat to spasm and erupt a gush of pre-cum right into his face. He gasped in shock and licked his lips to taste the mildly sweet fluid and reached down to find the bedsheet to clean out his eyes. Ron was surprised at how quickly the fluid seemed to disappear. He opened his eyes and looked around to see a much bigger and densely thick Bryan walking towards him with slabs of raw steak clutched in his hands. Brayn tossed one and Ron's reflexes caught it without thinking and without looking away from the sexy giant. Bryan towered above hium and the king-size bedsheet barely covered his knees and looked very tight around Bryan's solid waist. Ron assumed that Bryan was now the tallest person in the world, probably about the height of two people, and getting taller, but what was more intimidating was the massive thick slabs of muscle that bulged from every inch of Bryan's body. Bryan seemed to walk easily, even gracefully, like a dancer, like an erotic dancer, as each muscle flowed and flexed, efficiently but powerfully, hard and lean, and pumped with nutrient-rich blood that was still feeding the muscles. Ron felt his balls churn and grow again as his cock hardened even further. As Bryan finished off the steak in his hands and approached Ron, he ripped his own covering off and revealed his massive quads and ample dick. Bryan's penis was large to match the rest of him, but not quite the size of Ron's even though Ron was only tall enough to be eye-level with Bryan's abs. Bryan reached past Ron into the refrigerator and began to chug the milk containers and Ron wondered if the milk was what caused his own cock to become monstruous. He snacked on the raw steak as Bryan's body continue to grow but Bryan's cock stayed in proportion. Finally, Ron asked aloud, "How are you growing without getting a freaky dick?" Bryan finished chugging a milk jug and tossed it into a pile of a dozen empty ones. He stretched up and instantly grew a few inches taller and then hit a crab pose that filled his larger frame with even denser and more massive-looking muscle than before. Ron's cock pulsed larger in response to the incredible display, inflating the head to the size of a volleyball, raising it higher to level with Ron's eyes, and releasing another gush of lubricant. "Your cum is like the cream, maybe even better," Bryan finally explained. "I can still feel it rushing through me, evolving me."
    1 point
  18. Holy hell I can't believe I forgot to post the next chapter way back when I posted this...though I never did finish the final chapter which may of been the reason why. Well, either way here is chapter two. Raijin: Then Comes the Thunder... Raijin "The God of Thunder Thighs" they call me for when I walk my thighs are like an encroaching storm rolling over the horizon promising lightning and fury. I felt an immense pressure for the first time in my life attempting to invade my ass and it wasn't going the way it should. "John..." I said with gritted teeth holding back a grunt and myself holding a punch. "Holy fuck Rai! I knew your legs and ass were the best but I can't believe how tight you are!" He said without missing a thrust as he tried to force himself in further. "Unf....John, woul-unf-d you listen." "Shit man you feel so fucking good I can't take it I'm about to cum already!" John thrust a little further in to drive his point home. "Mmf...JOHN! Take it out or so help me I will squeeze your dick off!" "You mean you can get tighter? Holy crap bring it!" I start to try to get myself up, as best as I can with my meat packed legs draped over his shoulders. John notes this and withdrawals, I lie back down and let out a sigh of relief. "Fine man, I needed a break anyway before I came too early." John said while winking. I was about to tell the smug prick off when I feel his callused hands go from the sides of my excessive ass and underneath instead. "John what the fuck are you doing?!" He ignores my question as his head disappear behind my quads and calves. I'm now ass up completely into the air with feet resting on John's wide lats and traps. Right as I am about to thrash out of his grip I his hot breath next to my no longer mint condition hole. "John you fag, what the fuck are you...OHMYGODWHATAREDOING?!?" I scream while letting lose a guttural moan from a place deep inside me I never knew existed. John's thick tongue is sampling my wares, I can feel him swirling his tongue, flicking it, and stabbing it in and out all almost simultaneously. He withdraws to get a breath and exhales hard on my wet hole which causes my massive body to reflexively shudder in rapture. He nuzzles his chin back and forth in my deep crack, his copious stubble setting off nerve endings that have never been stimulated like this before; I let loose another long and deep moan which causes John to chuckle. I can feel my enhanced dick slowly climb its way up each of my deep cut abs, the sensitive head trailing precum all over my stomach. "Rai loosen the fuck up and not just your ass either man. What's with the labels?" He punctuates the question with another tongue flick. "Sex is sex, if it feels good who cares if it’s with a man or a woman?" To prove his point he elicits another moan from me by non-stop rimming me for what feels like hours in my addled state. My mind can't comprehend what the hell he's doing to semi-virgin ass hole. I'm thrashing my legs around flexing them as hard as I can, curling my toes, and spreading my ass instinctively even farther open for his continued assault. He stops and I see his head poke around my legs. I'm still reeling and moaning, I can't help but stare at him. I see myself in the mirror giving John a look begging him to never stop. "That's what I fucking thought; I'm just giving a god like you what you deserve." John smirked. He disappears behind the insurmountable wall I claim to be my legs and I feel him raise my ass even higher as he digs his face into my hole. The combined feelings of his tongue and stubble on such a sensitive area is getting me to leak so much from my dick that I can feel it dripping copiously; my dick is leaking so excessively its trailing all over my ballooning chest. I'm damned near spurting out like he's found the on valve and turned it on just enough to drive me wild. I thrash harder and can't stop moaning, I see myself in the mirror noting that my cock is so hard, stiff, and agitated its almost turning purple. "Jo-moan-hn, I'm...moan...going to..Oh my god..," I don't even have the chance to finish the sentence. I could feel my balls pull up so hard that I nearly gasped in pain. The man has found the floodgate and blown it wide open. I cum so hard I feel it ricochet off my pecs, I look into the mirror and see it coming out in streams as it rebounds off several feet away and onto one of the mirrors. I look up as I see a waterfall of my own juices stream over my chest going through every crevice, rolling over every vein, and flowing down to my shoulders and face. I move my head out of the way while continuing scream in ecstasy and unable to stop even if I had wanted to. After what had to be a few unabated minutes of me making a mess everywhere I feel John lower my sensitive ass down to the ground. I hear a ruffling noise but am in no place to comprehend what's happening. I can hardly catch my breath from the moaning that just won't stop, aftershocks riveting my body as I can't help but flex my entire body and curl up my toes while I'm completely lost in the feeling. Just as I catch my breath I try to rise, disrupting the cum that had pooled in my traps adding more to the lake underneath me, John picks my ass up again. "Huff...huff...John for the love of god I can't take anymore." "Rai, man, what does Coleman say all the fucking time eh? No pain, no gain stud! And hey man don't be selfish, it's my turn to get off." I'm too tired to even put up a token effort to get away as John places his dick right at my hole. With one powerful thrust from his thick legs he gets his dick in almost completely, much farther than last time at that. His dick feels like an exceptionally thick and veiny iron rod that is as hot smelted steel. "John you bastard I swear to God!" As I threaten my assailant grabs both of my ankles. He spreads my legs holding onto my ankles like some lever and pushes them down till I'm doing the splits. (What can I say, crowds love that pose and with my legs it never fails to get an uproar when I'm onstage.) For the first time since this started I'm able to look at more than John's head while he fucks my ass. My dick gives an appreciative jump at the site of my fellow muscle god. John, while thrusting very lightly, bends over and gets an inch from my face. "You can't hide the fact you’re enjoying this man." He gives my swiftly hardening dick a long tug. "Now calm down, we're just two men appreciating each other’s hard work in a very fun way." Right as I'm about to say something John leans in and puts his tongue into my mouth. He thrusts again, much harder this time, causing my dick and body to jump. I can't help but kiss the bastard back; I put my arms around him and draw him in closer. He thrusts once more and as I moan I feel a small pain in my shoulder and that strange burning hot/freezing cold sensation again. "JOHN WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU INJECT ME AGAIN?" John thrusts hard again which silences me with an unsolicited moan. "Heh, Rai I neglected to tell you something about the shot. While you do gain a massive amount of size, it affects the areas near the injection site the most." "...what. Why the hell did you let me inject my legs?" "Hey you're the one who pulled down his fucking pants, you're the one who fucking didn't let me even explain shit, and plus when I saw that amazing ass I was dumbstruck like usual." John said with his permanent shit eating grin. Just as I was about to cuss him out three things happened: 1) The growth was kicking in and it would not fucking wait for anything. 2) John thrusts all the way in and I could feel his thick balls warmly resting next to my ass cheeks. 3) And for the first time ever I felt my prostate get barraged. I let out a long silent scream as I instinctively free my legs from John's grasp and wrap them, well as much as I able to now, around John's back. At this point legs nearly completely cover his thick lats. I place my feet hooking up and under his ass forcing him to drive further into me. As my thick dick gives a very appreciative spurt I could feel my body being slowly lifted off the ground from my rapidly expanding back. My head is swimming and unable to taken in all the sensations from my bloating and increasingly sensitive body. I lift my heavy arms which are being violently pushed up and away from the rest of my body and I start to explore myself. I'm elated to finally get the upper body I've wanted...the upper body I fucking deserve! While continuing to moan I caress my cum covered abs taking in their ridges and crevices one by one. My dick swells along with the rest of me and soon bumps into my hand causing me to gasp sharply. As I take my hand away I trail a long rope of pre from my cock all over my chest which has thickened enough that I can no longer see John over it as he causes me to writhe in pleasure. I trace my fingers over the ridge of my cleavage which is now fighting against itself for room and is deep enough that I doubt light will ever reach the bottom again. John was right I noticed, my legs are growing and I can feel them getting further away from his back and pressing into each other for room; but the growth was no were as severe as it is for the rest of me. With one hand questing for a beckoning nipple my other starts to rub the veins and crevices of my inner thighs. I find my arm is no longer able to reach around my chest to allow me at my nipples, I try in vain as my biceps continue swelling away from me making it essentially impossible for me to ever reach them again without assistance. John watches me the intently the entire time as I slowly fondle my visibly churning balls, he thrusts in unison with my heavy breathing eliciting more moans and another raging stream of pre from dick. Even my thick and callused hands can't even begin to cup one of my throbbing nuts let alone both of them. John increases his pace and I can feel him swelling inside of my vice like ass, he bites lips and stares at the ceiling. "Rai I can't hold it in! Your ass is milking my dick dry man." He says while visibly straining to restrain the inevitable flood. He lets out a final deep moan which I can feel in my own sympathetic and spasming dick. "You fucking stud I wish you could feel how amazing this...AH, OH GOD!" John's girder of a cock swells one last time as volley after volley is let loose. I can't help but yell with him in ecstasy as I'm filled with what feels like molten lava, his convulsing finally pushes me past my threshold. My dick, which has been so stiff it's hovering a few inches over my stomach like a marble statue, starts bucking so hard I can feel it smack my abs with a loud and painful thwack. I try to reach for it but John swats my hand away putting his own onto it. He times his thrusts with my exploding dick greatly amplifying the volume. I just can't stop cumming and I'm thankful that my chest had grown so monstrously thick that not even my dick's violent spasming can breach the sea wall that are my pecs, I wish I could say the same about the floor though. After a few minutes of uninterrupted fireworks we’re finally spent. John collapses on my chest allowing me to see his sweaty face for the first time since he gave me the second injection. Now I've seen him sweaty at the gym and always with that dumbass grin but never had I seen him like this, smiling with the afterglow of a good and thorough fucking. He looks at me and, while absentmindedly stroking my chest and arms, says "Man Rai I'd wish we'd done this sooner, but hey the party is just getting started." It took me a second longer than it should have for me to realize what he meant and John used my confusion to his advantage. He grunted in pain and I felt like I got kicked in my balls followed by that hot/cold feeling. That fucking bastard, not again…
    1 point
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