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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2018 in Posts

  1. This author has a way with writing about muscle and sex, and muscle grown through sex. Check out his other stories on metabods, too. https://www.metabods.com/stories/naked
    1 point
  2. You know, in a way it’s like you went to an English Literature Convention and told people: “hey y’all, there’s this dude who really has a way with words: he wrote lots of really amazing plays centuries ago. Name’s Shakespeare, you should check him out!" ;-) (We know AKA very well around here, and he’s on this forum, too.)
    1 point
  3. Ein kleines Update - für alle Zahlenfreaks unter euch! Mehr folgt hoffentlich bald! Eine halbe Stunde später – so schnell ich mich anziehen konnte und meine muskulösen Beine durch die Stadt getragen hatten – stand ich vor der Tür von Jans Haus. Nachdem ich geklingelt hatte machte mir Jans Vater auf. Ein älterer Herr, Anfang 50, adrett gekleidet, silbernes Haar, schlank und mit einem absolut abwertenden Gesichtsausdruck, als er mich sah. Seine Augen glitten an meiner muskulösen Erscheinung herunter und prüften ganz genau. Mein Top (ein Tanktop) wurde durch meine Brustmuskeln stark in Anspruch genommen, war aber Strech genug, als das man weder Nippel noch sonst was sah. Meine Bauchmuskeln zeichneten sich dank des Elasthans auch super ab. Meine Jogginghose tat ihr bestes um meinen zusammengenkeulten Penis zu verbergen, der jedoch durch meine Oberschenkel nach vorne gedrückt wurde und trotz schwarzem Stoff gerade zu prominent auffiel. „Ja?“, wurde ich kühl begrüsst. Ich versuchte zu lächeln und das Beste aus der Situation zu machen – verstand aber langsam Jan, warum er so viel Angst davor hatte unkontrolliert in die Breite zu gehen. „Hallo Herr Sundermeier. Mein Name ist David und ich bin ein Freund von Jan. Er hat für mich ein Arbeitsblatt für Mathe.“, log ich so schnell wir möglich und so freundlich wie möglich. „Mathe? Aha. Ich dachte ihr Bodybuilder müsst nur bis maximal 10 zählen können.“ WOW.... ok... der Vater war ein Arsch. Ich wusste tatsächlich nicht, was ich darauf antworten sollte. „Soll ich die Garage aufmachen, oder passt du durch die Haustür?“, fragte er dann, als er mir Platz machte. Soviel Verachtung für meinen Körper und meine Erscheinung hatte ich auch noch nicht erlebt. Ich war still, nickte nur mit verhärteter Miene und trat dann in das Haus ein. Wirklich einen Blick für die Inneneinrichtung hatte ich nicht, folgte nur den Anweisungen des Iditiones zu Jans Zimmer. Dort angekommen klopfte ich und nach kurzem Zögern ertönten Jans Stimme. „Ja?“. Ich trat ein und sogleich wurde der Ausdruck von Jan verwundert, dann wütend, dann jedoch dankbar. Alles im Augenblick einer Sekunde. Der Fussballer saß mit nacktem Oberkörper und nur Boxershorts auf der Bettkante und hatte wohl geheult. Die Augen war doch sehr rot. Nachvollziehbar, nachdem ich seinen Erzeuger kennengelernt hatte. Jan lächelte jedoch nach einem Moment und wollte dann wissen: „Na... Das dich mein Dad reingelassen ist auch ein Wunder...“ Ich konnte nur mit den Augen rollen. „Ich verstehe nun voll und ganz deine Sorge...“ Etwas unschlüssig was ich jetzt eigentlich hier sollte, versuchte ich einfach drauf los zu reden. „Ehm... also... es tut mir echt Leid, dass ich...“ Er winkte jedoch sofort ab und zuckte mit den Schultern: „Du hast die Werte nicht eingegeben und auf OK gedrückt. Ich hätte dir... einfach glauben sollen. Auch wenn du zugeben musst, dass das echt mega unrealistisch ist.“ Sogleich wurden die Augen wieder etwas feucht. „Es ist halt... mit meinem Dad.. einfach scheiße.... er...“, er schniefte und bevor er weiter reden konnte fiel ich ihm ins Wort: „Er wird sich an nichts erinnern.“ Nachdem ich die Aufmerksamkeit von Jan hatte, erklärte ich ihm, was mir alles passiert war. Das meine Eltern für meine Eltern es immer so war. Es schien ihn sichtlich zu beruhigen. „Vielleicht ändert sich ja die Einstellung von ihm.“, hoffte er schliesslich und fragte: „Kannst... du mir helfen? Ich werde... neue Kleidung brauchen. Viele „X“...“ Dann packte mich aber doch die Neugier. „Was... hast du denn alles für Werte eingegeben?“, wollte ich wissen und sah Jan an, als er zum Rechner ging und einen Screenshot aufmachte. Ich ging zu ihm und schaute mir die Eingaben an. Mit jeder Zeile wurden meine Augen größer. „Scheiße... Alter... wie geil warst du an dem Abend?“, versuchte ich lachend zu fragen – aber ich machte mir doch ein bisschen Sorgen. Tatsächlich verbrachten wir dann ein wenig Zeit mit Mathe. Jan wog zur Zeit 64 Klio. Das Ziel waren 220 Kilo. Der Zeitraum 4 Wochen (maximal Express....) Er würde also pro Woche 39 kg zunehmen. Fuck. Pro Tag war das also ein Zuwachs von 5,5kg.... Bei seinem Schwanz hatte er mehr als übertrieben. Zur Zeit hatte er folgende Werte: Schlaff 10 cm, Umfang 8cm Hart: 16 cm, Umfang 11cm Ziel: Schlaff 35cm, Umfang 25 cm Hart: 45 cm, Umfang 30 cm Das bedeutete pro Woche ca. 6,5 cm Zuwachs... Warum sollten wir ihm überhaupt noch Klamotten kaufen... Bis wir die hatten, waren sie zu klein.... Wir mussten uns tatsächlich dafür etwas überlegen. Es standen uns große Zeiten bevor.....
    1 point
  4. Twenty It felt like my heart had finally cracked open and burst. It was like everything had been leading up to that moment. What me and AJ had, whatever was between us, the spark, the chemistry, the electricity; it had all been magnified and blown up to a thousand. I knew it was time for me to take action again. Time for me to do what AJ usually did. Only this time, the nerves had completely disappeared. “I think you already know”. AJ’s words had given me everything I needed. And so, like he’d done the week before, I pushed my leg into his. How could such a simple act feel like the most incredible thing in the world? I wanted to melt into his phenomenally muscular body. To feel every inch of it on mine. I looked at AJ. My gorgeous, perfect AJ. He looked scared, but happy. More than anything, there was this incredible longing in his expression. I could tell he wanted, needed even, the exact same thing that I did. Our legs seemed to have been stuck together by an invisible glue. And then our arms were touching too. Then our hips. And then AJ gently placed his head on my shoulder. His cheek buried into the material of the Scorpio’s Gym hoodie he’d gifted me. His head so close to my face. Fuck! It felt like my insides were exploding. I gently pushed my face into the top of his head and buried it into his soft hair. I knew what it was like to be intimate with someone you were crazy about. I had experienced that before. But nothing had ever felt like this. This was something else entirely. We stayed like that for a while, and then AJ twisted his body into mine, and gently slid his arm across my torso until it was wrapped around my waist and his head fell from my shoulder to my chest. All the time, he wouldn’t look up at me. Maybe he was too scared? I slipped my hand around his broad back until we were fully embraced and I was holding AJ tight in my arms. It was ironic. I had fantasised about being in that very position, of cuddling up to AJ so many times, but he had always been the one in the dominant position. My arm had always been wrapped around his waist and my head had always been buried into his chest. And yet, in that moment, it felt so right. Me holding AJ. Me protecting him. Having AJ’s heavy body squashed into mine, with one arm wrapped around the expansive space of his thick, muscular back, the other feeling the ridiculously huge muscle which made up his shoulder underneath the soft, cotton material of his red hoodie, my slim legs intermingled with his thick ones, my face in his head, breathing into his hair and his incredible scent, being intertwined with the boy I’d fallen hard for; it was all so incredibly intimate, and yet so impossibly erotic. As I squeezed him, my hands started to explore the incredible body I was holding, rubbing AJ’s back and shoulders and slipping my hands to his thick upper arms hidden under the material of his hoodie. AJ responded by squeezing his hand into my waist, rubbing his face into my chest and further pressing his legs into mine. With every shift, with every movement of our arms, hands and legs came a tiny burst of ecstasy. Locked in our embrace and exploring each other bodies, AJ’s head finally twisted upwards, and his face met mine. My nose rubbed against the soft skin of his cheek. Then his little nose rubbed with mine. And then his lips moved to mine. Fuck. We both gave little, muffled moans as our mouths interlocked and my tongue intertwined with AJ’s. It felt like no two people had ever wanted to kiss each other more. I was in heaven. When we stopped kissing we finally locked eyes. Clearly no longer scared, AJ had this big, dreamy grin on his face. That gorgeous, perfect face. I wondered in that moment how long AJ had felt the way he had. Had he been pining after me all this time? And just how deep did those feelings go? “Fuck!” he whispered, his nose and forehead gently pushing into mine, his mouth curling into an even bigger grin. He looked so happy in that moment. I buried my face into his thick bull neck and sunk my fingers into his back. The heavy weight of his muscular body pressing against mine. I could smell him more than ever. That incredible, masculine scent that was completely unique to him. I wanted to stay there forever. AJ shifted and I suddenly felt his hard dick pushing against mine. I moaned into his neck as he jiggled his hips and our cocks pushed together even more. Just being under AJ’s heavy body was so highly erotic I feared my dick would explode. I freed my face and looked up and we started kissing again. Passionately and hard. Both releasing groans of pleasure as our tongues danced and bodies melted together. And I remember thinking that if this was all we did, if we just kept kissing like this, with our stomachs and chests and our dicks pressed together, it would be enough. It was all I needed to cum. And it would probably be the greatest orgasm I’d ever achieved. I don’t remember who initiated it, it all seemed to happen so naturally, but soon after, with my gentle assistance, AJ was pulling his red Scorpio’s hoodie over his head. My cock furiously juddered when I was met him the image of AJ in just a white t-shirt. It may have even been the same one he’d worn to the pub the Saturday before. His tits strained underneath the white, cotton material and his huge, hard, bronzed upper arms were now on display. I ran my hands up and down his back. I could now feel the thick, muscle bulging underneath the material of his t-shirt as his huge chest pushed into mine. All of those times I’d looked at AJ’s ridiculously muscular body bursting out of whatever t-shirt or vest he’d been wearing and now that body was pressed against mine. AJ started lifting up the bottom of my hoodie. As he helped me remove it, we locked eyes again and he gave me one of his gorgeous little grins from the corner of his mouth, while doing his adorable, little lip biting thing. He no longer looked nervous, but I very much got the feeling that AJ was in uncharted territory. Even though I couldn’t really know for sure. My chest fluttered as I cautiously tugged on the bottom of his t-shirt. I gently pushed the material up to slowly reveal all six of the beautifully shaped abs I’d been so lucky enough to see when AJ had gotten changed the week before at Scorpio’s. Close up, and just inches from my face, they were even more glorious than before. The genuine abs of a genuine competitive bodybuilder for me to explore as I wished. It was hard to believe that I, myself, was capable of having these amazing bubbles of muscle bursting through my stomach. I gently placed my hand on AJ’s midsection and started to explore. Feeling each bump of muscle, and each line and groove which separate them, under my fingers. I couldn’t quite believe that I was touching AJ’s abs. That I was allowed to touch him in this way. For so long, I had tried so hard to hide how attracted and aroused I was by AJ’s body. I no longer had to do that. AJ lifted up his arms as I pulled his t-shirt up further. I could have let him take if off himself, but it felt so much more intimate to undress him myself. His chest was even bigger than I had remembered. My cock juddered and I whispered, “Fuck!” as I was met with those perfectly round cushions of gorgeous looking pec muscle. I just sat there for a moment, marvelling at the incredible physique before me. The amazingly muscular torso of a boy who’d pushed his body to abnormal limits. It was possibly the most beautiful thing I’d ever looked at. Those thick cushions of pec meat, the deep groove separating them, his big, round shoulders, wrapped in tight, thin skin with faint striations peeking through, and veins which ran down and spread to his phenomenally thick upper arms, which looked like they were fit to burst. AJ was biting his lip again, which couldn’t mask a cheeky, smug grin at my reaction to his body. Then we just giddily grinned at each other, before he leaned in and kissed me again, his thick pecs sinking into my chest. And then he was tugging on the bottom of my t-shirt, and I suddenly felt a strong pang of nerves. I couldn’t help feeling self conscious as AJ pulled my t-shirt over my head to reveal my naked torso, but his reaction made me relax almost instantly. He clearly didn’t care that I didn’t have abs or pecs. That my body was relatively average and completely ordinary. Especially compared to his. Because, amazingly, AJ was looking at me with even more desire and lust now that I was topless. He lay on top of me again, and my arms slid around his back. My cock furiously pulsated as I buried my face into AJ’s bare neck and explored his muscular back with my hands. Feeling the bumps of muscle on his back as his pecs squashed into my chest and his abs pressed against my flat stomach. Soon after, AJ’s forehead was pressed against mine and my hands were exploring his arms. Even unflexed, they felt absurdly huge and hard. I could tell from his face that he loved that I was exploring his body. And then I was touching his pecs. Squeezing them gently. Feeling the incredible thickness of the muscle. So much fucking thickness. God. It was like nothing I’d ever felt on any man’s body before. AJ suddenly looked slightly nervous again as my hand slipped down and I cautiously tugged on the waistband of his shorts and helped him pull them down. I could see his huge hard on tenting the material of his crisp white boxers. Fuck! He then helped me unbuckle my belt and pull my jeans off, my own hard cock juddering and bulging through the white cotton material of my underwear. He looked a little weary as he pulled my boxers down and my hard cock was revealed. But I could tell it was something he really wanted. He was looking at it as if he’d never seen an erect cock before. He cautiously wrapped his hand around it and gently squeezed and I released a little groan of ecstasy, which AJ cheekily grinned at. He continued to squeeze it as we kissed and my hands explored his huge, thick upper arms once again and ran to his perfectly pumped pecs. “Fuck!” AJ muttered as he squeezed and tugged my rock hard cock, which was now wet with pre-cum. I then wrapped my hand around AJ’s hard on through the material of his boxers and squeezed hard. “Oh God!” he groaned, burying his face into my neck. I squeezed and tugged as I began to wank him off, all the time he was releasing the cutest moans and groans into my neck. I wanted to make AJ squirm and groan and moan and cum. I wanted to send him to Heaven and back. I pulled down on the material of his boxers and squeezed his free cock. I looked down to study it. It was probably the most gorgeous looking cock I‘d ever seen. Perfectly sized and shaped with a huge, thick head. The perfect cock to match every other perfect thing about AJ. Seeing AJ’s reaction as I squeezed his hard on gave me a surge of confidence. I manoeuvred so I was on top of AJ, with him lying flat on his back, all the time with my hand wrapped around his gorgeous cock. A playful, ecstatic grin sat on AJ’s face. I got the impression he liked the fact that I was taking charge. I coyly grinned back and kissed him, then moved my head down to his chest. I kissed the soft, thick cushions of bulging muscle and ran my tongue over one of the hard, abnormally large nipples which stuck out from one of his perfectly round pecs. I then moved my head down to his stomach, placing my lips on the first bubble of ab muscle I came to. Gently kissing it, feeling the block of tummy muscle under my lips. I moved my head down and kissed all six of his abs. AJ released one his cute, little, giggles as I did so, while gently brushing his fingers through my hair. And then I came to the head of his cock. Thick and hard and juddering up and down. I gently kissed that too, and AJ released another groan. I kissed it again, this time, for longer. My wet lips pressed against the head of his thick cock. And then I placed my tongue on it. Gently tickling the head at first, then dancing around it. I held the base of AJ’s huge, hard dick with my hand and it juddered and throbbed as my lips opened up and I put the whole of the head in my mouth. “Oh God!” AJ groaned, as I worked my lips around his cock, and danced my tongue around the head. His reaction spurred me on even further as I plunged down, taking the whole of AJ’s thick, perfect cock in my mouth. Worshipping AJ’s gorgeous dick with my lips, feeling his throbbing, wet, cum filled cock in my mouth, hearing him groan and moan as he got closer to ecstasy, I felt like I was in my own little private Heaven. I felt completely liberated. Totally uninhibited. Nothing else mattered in that moment but AJ and his cock. “Oh fuck!” AJ panted. “Noah! Oh God!” I sucked his perfect dick harder. The fingers of his right hand were gripping into my hair and his other hand was firmly gripped on my shoulder blade. “Noah!” he cried. “I’m gonna cum!” I reacted with a muffled groan and sucked harder still. I wanted so much to make AJ cum. To send him to Heaven. For my gorgeous, perfect AJ to blow his hot, muscle boy load in my mouth. And then he did. “ARRRRGGGHHH!” I’d never heard anyone groan so loudly from cumming. I groaned too, as his dick exploded and I felt and tasted AJ’s wet cum in my mouth. And then I heard him laughing. An adorable, post orgasmic giggle. I looked up and saw his face. That gorgeous fucking face. Looking down at me with such joy, such warmth. I felt an incredible buzz at the realisation that I had caused that expression. “Fuck!” he panted, while trying to catch his breath. I coyly moved back up the bed so I was next to him, all the time he didn’t take his eyes off me. All the time he was looking at me with such incredible affection. We kissed. It was softer than before. But no less amazing. Neither of us could stop smiling. I buried my head in his huge chest and wrapped my arm around his waist. Just as he’d done with me before. Just as I’d imagined doing so a few weeks before when we were sitting on this very bed. Just like I’d imagined countless of times lying in my own bed. His soft skin was warm and slightly sticky. His whole body seemed to radiate this incredible warmth and testosterone. AJ wrapped his huge arm around me and kissed me softly on the head, and I was filled with this incredible feeling of euphoria. Mixed an almost disbelief at what had just happened. Because AJ Jones, my old friend from school, had feelings for me. AJ Jones, the bodybuilder, liked me back. AJ Jones, who regularly strutted around bodybuilding shows, sticking his tongue out and cranking out poses in his shiny, lime green posing trunks, was now wrapped around me naked, just moments after I’d made him cum. Holy Jesus, fucking HELL.
    1 point
  5. Nice. Sounds like a tough problem. /Rolleyes/ Hopefully she wants to also! I've been told something interesting about straight BB's and women, offered here for comment. (FYI, I'm a gay male.) I've been told that women, in general, are actually NOT into big muscles. Fit/toned, yes. Big, ripped, BB type guys - not so much. There seems to be some support for this. A few ideas were posed by the person who said this to me. These are offered for thinking, I'm not really advocating them myself. Women prefer to be the center of attention. Very attractive males dilute this. Women do not want to think their husband could replace them, and being big/attractive is threatening. To be seriously successful at bodybuilding, a person has to indulge some level of self-centered-ness, due to the consistency and focus it requires. These are interesting to me because in the gay male community, the value placed on being physically attractive is so high that the energy and work put into it is appreciated and valued, not seen as a negative. (I just made a big generalization, I know; an I'm-too-pretty-for-you, or "out of your league" attitude from anyone is an instant turn off, they can go from a +10 to -10 in a second with that crap.) I'll put some more out on this later, a few ideas kicking around my head.
    1 point
  6. Chapter 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14262-the-librarian/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14459-the-librarian-chapter-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14606-the-librarian-chapter-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15004-the-librarian-chapter-4/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 5 The experience with Jack lingered with Tom for the rest of the night. A permanent grin seemed to be plastered to his face. Since Jack was going to be in town over the weekend, the two had agreed to meet up again before he headed back to his hometown. The experiences of being a 'big man' were happening more and more and Tom didn't mind one bit. Any little reminder of his burgeoning size was welcomed with aplomb. In his own home he noticed how his shoulders would rub up against the walls of the hallways and doorways were previously he could walk through his house easily unimpeded. His shirts, newly purchased during his latest clothing run, felt more snug in all the right places. The observant man had also been noticing more glances from the adoring public as well. From men and women alike, these onlookers were unable to hide their jealousy, awe, and lust as his exposed arms became larger and leaner and his pecs pushed against his shirt as if he were hiding two toy dirigibles underneath. And he couldn't be happier. Even the downside of being larger couldn't dent his enthusiasm. The rising costs of his clothing expenditures and grocery bills would that would've once made his face contort in displeasure, now only made him smile as he knew his new clothes were going to a good cause: showcasing and emphasizing his growing assets. Tom was finally beginning to feel that he was ascending to a true muscle hunk. By most people's accounts, he was already there. And while Tom was stoked, he wanted more, and he was going to get it. Tom had recently polished off the first tub of the mysterious growth powder after about a month and half. Once it was empty, he brought back the second and final tub to his house. While the slow steady growth was with the powder was more than he could ever dream, the intoxicating feeling of further growth spurred him on. Tom was becoming greedy for more, faster growth. In the past couple of days he had begun to mix one scope into a protein shake that he could sip during the day, keeping his body in a constant fueled state. It may have just been a placebo effect, but he swore he could feel himself growing as he sat at his desk. Of course, this turn led to frequent trips to the bathroom to relieve some pressure. The next day Tom was due for his annual physical so he headed to his clinic after a heaping healthy breakfast of eggs, blueberries and almonds. After checking in and spending a few minutes reading the latest Men's Health in the waiting room, a middle-aged nurse, along with a pretty teenage girl, called his name. “Tom, nice to meet you. My name is Anne and my partner here is Lisa. Lisa is a local high schooler who is shadowing us today as part of job placement program. Is it ok if Lisa joins us? “Of course, Anne. It's nice to meet you.” Tom turned and smiled down to Lisa. “And you too, Lisa.” It was immediately evident the young woman was completely smitten by Tom. As the group walked to the back rooms they chatted. Moreso, Lisa giggled, played with her hair and Tom even spotted her biting her lip. Another ego boost for the buff librarian. Anne led Tom into a small supply room with chair, a scale and stadiometer. “Tom, please have a seat. Lisa, go ahead and take his blood pressure.” Lisa grabbed the black blood pressure cuff hanging on the wall. The sound of tearing velco was heard and she opened it up. Tom couldn't help but notice the awe in her eyes as she hiked his sleeve up revealing more of his massive biceps. Tom lifted his arm as she reached the cuff around his arm. She then stopped, confused. “Ummm...Anne? What is the cuff doesn't fit. His...um...his arms are too big.” “Oh yes! I should've thought of that when I saw him. This is a typical problem with you bodybuilders.” Tom chuckled and apologized for causing problems. “Oh, it's no problem at all and it's an easy fix. We can simply grab another unit and use the velco to link the two cuffs together.” Anne grabbed a second cuff, stuck the two cuffs together and then wrapped them around Tom's upper arm. Anne's amiable personality couldn't prevent her from commenting with a giggle. “Just be sure you don't flex, Tom. We don't want to have to get a THIRD cuff!” Tom chuckled and agreed. He remembered how a single cuff had so easily wrapped around his arms in the past. And now he had outgrown a typical medical instrument sized for normal people. “Screw normal,” Tom thought. “Bigger is better.” “Ok, Mr. Kemper. Let's just check your file and confirm your stats. Let's see, forty eight years old, 180 lbs. Hmmm...” Anne flipped the paper on the file and Tom immediately new why. “Anne, that is my file, I did weigh about 180 lbs last year, I can assure you that is me. I hit the weight room pretty hard this last year.” Anne laughed and relaxed. “Oh my goodness, that is quite the transformation! I was going to say, I've weighed tons of patients and I knew there was no way you could be 180 lbs! Well, I'm glad I've got the correct file. Ok, well I suppose we better update this with your current information. Lisa, would you mind weighing Tom? Also, since you are new to this equipment, go ahead and check his height so you get used to using the stadiometer.” Lisa had Tom stand on the scale and looked down at the small digital screen with Lisa. She read the numbers as they were revealed. “He is 260 lbs, Anne. Wow, Mr. Kemper. You have put on 85 lbs since last year! And I can see it is all muscle. You must work out a lot.” A satisfied grin formed on Tom's handsome face, making Lisa smile back at the handsome, muscular librarian. It took all he could not to bone up or moan as his new weight was revealed. Sipping the growth powder through his work days was indeed working as he had put on nearly 15 more lbs in just a couple short days. Lisa then had Tom move to a nearby platform. “Ok, Tom, would you mind standing on this over here? Lisa, how do I get this bar to unlock? Oh I see, thank you. Ok, Mr. Kemper, I'm going to raise this bar until it rests on the top of your head, stand up straight please...ok. Anne, he's six feet four.” This time Tom couldn't hide his surprise. “Wait, are you sure? Lisa, can you recheck?” “Sure, Mr. Kemper. Ok...hold still. Yep, 6'4”. Six foot four and quarter to be exact.” Anne walked over to confirm the measurement and then scribbled on her clipboard. “I guess we'll have to update your height as well, you must've been mis-measured whenever you last had it done.” But Tom knew the truth. All his adult life, since high school, he had been measured at 6'3. Had he actually grown in height too? He would bring this up while talking with his nearly shell shocked physician. “Well, no, Tom. I don't think you have grown in height. I know many adult men wish they could grow a little taller and while it may seem like you have, I bet your height can attributed to your astounding physique development. Ever since I started as your doctor a few years ago you've always been a tall but very slender man. You always had slumped shoulders as if you were slouching. If you recall, I often told you to eat more and start going to gym. I'm glad you finally took my advice, but I never thought you would take it to this extreme! What I'm assuming has happened, as your muscles built up, your spine strengthened and your posture has corrected. It's really not unheard of.” Tom thought back to his years as a string bean an realized the doctor was correct. For years he had been so devoid of muscle that even when standing he seemed to hunch a bit. “Thomas, Dear, please stand up straight,” his mother would say when he was in high school and even later in life when he visited his parents as an adult. It was absolutely true. It was another notch in Tom's belt to becoming the alpha male that he always longed to be. With his new frame he had ascended to the staggering height of 6'4. While 6'3 was legitimately considered tall, it seemed that most considered 6'4 to be the start of the 'very tall' tier of manhood. And Tom was now there, at what he thought was the perfect height. Taller than most, but not so tall to make life difficult and more importantly, not so tall that is was nearly impossible to put on thick, striated muscle. His dick fluffed up some more in his pants as he relished his new status. The doctor continued his examination. “Tom, now please, if you are doing drugs or something I really want you to tell me. It's my job to make sure you are healthy. I can't share you information, you know.” Tom debated telling the doctor about the mysterious powder, but elected to keep it a secret. “Doc, I promise I'm not taking steroids, if that's what you are getting at. I've been taking normal supplements, protein powders and such. And eating like an elephant and lifting like a gorilla, but no illicit substances, I swear.” “Ok Tom. I believe you. I had to ask the question because putting on that much weight in one year certainly raises some eyebrows. But, truthfully, you were a underweight last year...” Tom chose again not to tell the doctor that most of his gains had come in just the last two months. The doctor then drew Tom's blood for some standard tests. When he returned he let Tom know that everything was in line, except that his testosterone levels were elevated. “But that's not too shocking. You've always had high testosterone levels, which again made me wonder why you were so thin for so long. And lifting weights has been proven to raise levels. So now you are pretty much at the very top of natural levels, congratulations my friend. You have the prime hormonal levels to keep building muscle.” “Thanks doc, glad to hear I don't have a weird pituitary disorder causing this growth. So I'm healthy?” “Healthier than I've ever seen you! Heck, healther than most 20 year olds. If you keep this up you won't be seeing me much in the next few years.” “Haha, thank you, doctor. As much as I like you I would rather not have to see you unexpectedly.” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next night Tom and Ron were finishing up a chest and biceps workout before the weekend. “Nothing like getting a great bar muscles, pump before an epic Friday night, amirite, BIG TOM?” Ron playfully swatted Tom's meaty back. Of course, for the bookworm new PR's were set on every exercise. Failing to resist the temptation, Tom had mixed another half scoop of the special powder in with his typical preworkout shake. Ron could not keep from complimenting Tom and his physique. “Bro, you seriously are starting to look like a competitive bodybuilder. And not just a local one. Like national level. Competitive, national level, dude. Look around. You are the most developed guy in this gym right now! Look at the feathering in your quads. The split in your biceps. You are starting to get VEINS in your lats under your armpits. Jesus, dude. You are making feel like a 98 lbs weakling.” Ron leaned in close and whispered under his breath to his large training partner, “...and bro, I swear your crotch is even more packed lately. Or are you just constantly horny? Haha, dude, because I know how that goes!” Tom laughed at his handsome young trainer. He reveled in being able to awe his studly young blonde friend. Tom knew he was indeed bigger but he would resist the urge to weigh himself. For the moement. “Ron, buddy, let's just say it's a little of BOTH.” “Fuuuck, dude. You are becoming, like, the ultimate jock bro. You getting out there finding yourself some ass?” Tom shrugged and shook his head. Ron glared back incredulously. “Seriously, man? Why not? You are one hot stud. I'm surprised the gay boys aren't swarming on your house as we speak. Get out there dude! Here, try this bar. It's called 'The Barrymore.' It's not a gay bar, but it's gay-friendly. And it's just a cool place too. My crew hits it up every once in a while, we always see hot chicks and dudes of all ages there. Sort of upscale, but not pretentious. Check it out, big man. I bet you would be very popular there!” “Hmm. You know what Ron, thanks. I might try that.” With his ego at an all-time high, our hero decided to venture out that night and try out The Barrymore. In his closet of new clothes, he found a short sleeve white button down that fit his newly developed body like a glove. If anything, since he purchased it last week was even tighter and more form fitting. He especially loved the way the sleeves dug into into his triceps and biceps. First he slipped on some three-quarter length khaki shorts, tight on his ass and crotch. After putting on the shirt he grinned and gave himself a couple of half flexes in the mirror to test the tensile strength of the sleeves. They survived, but he also knew that he hadn't fully flexed. He also brought his arms forward and tightened his pectorals. The buttons instantly tightened and he immediately relaxed. Just to be safe, he left the top three buttons undone. This gave the muscleman the added benefit of revealing the top of his tanned, toned pec shelf. And of course before he headed out, Tom downed himself another scoop of his special powder, just for kicks. Tom entered The Barrymore and was immediately into the calm atmosphere. It seemed to have sort of a 1950's vibe, swanky but relaxed with red velvets and brass fixtures. The crowd was definitely mature, but not in terms of age. There were no rowdy college bros and screaming sorority chicks here. No t-shirts or backward caps. But at the same time no suits and ties. Just a nice, perfect, middle-class casual calm atmosphere for friendly people looking to have a drink and good time. Tom saddled up to the stylish bar and a nice tattooed female barkeep came over and asked his drink. “How about a Moscow Mule?” It was risk, but this looked like the kind of place that may actually serve his favorite drink. Without hesitation the barkeep went about making the cocktail. One minute later a cold copper mug filled with fizzing liquid was sitting in front of Tom. While usually an observant man, Tom had not noticed the stares that were coming his way from various people around the room. For many, Tom was the largest, most muscular man they had ever seen in person. Men and women alike took note of his stretched white button down and that fine, fine ass. One patron summoned the will and made his way toward the unsuspecting librarian. A moment later Tom felt movement next to him and noticed a fit young man taking a seat on the stool next to him. From his profile view Tom could see the man was very attractive. Being summer, he too was wearing khaki shorts. On top he was wearing a form fitting maroon polo shirt that was very flattering to his lithe body. While not huge, the guy was definitely active in the gym. His learn arms were taught and veins snaked along his forearms. The sleeves of the polo hugged his arms and a surprisingly large lump bulged up when the fellow bent his arms. Tom guessed the man to be about 25 years old, 5'11 and 185 lbs with very low bodyfat. He had a slight five o'clock shadow on his well defined jaw and his medium length brunette hair was styled up in fashionable quiff. He had a boyishly handsome face, innocent but mysterious. He reminded Tom of a more fit Colton Haynes. The attractive young man next to him ordered an Old Fashioned and struck up a conversation. “Moscow Mule, huh? Good choice.” Tom raised his glass and gave the young man a sexy grin. The young man continued. “I love this place, it's nice to get away from the college bars. I'm starting to feel old in those places. Too loud too. Blaring rap and pop music. I like to be able to have a conversation when I go out.” Tom chuckled at his new bar buddy. “You feel, old? Heck, a handsome young fella like you sitting next to me makes me feel like an old geezer.” Tom hadn't even noticed his bluntness. He never would've imagined being so forward just a few short weeks ago. The young man turned his head and gave Tom a bright smile. The lad really was beautiful. “Oh? You think I'm handsome?” The young man teased back, making Tom grin some more. “And you are anything but a geezer. You've got to be, what, 35. 37?” Tom just grinned a develish grin back. His ego once again stroked to full capacity. It seemed that the bigger he got, the younger he looked. And he loved it. “A little bit older, than that, let's just say. I'm Tom. And you are?” “Austin. Nice to meet you, Tom.” The two shook hands, each noting each others' firms grips. “And I must say, Tom. You are very handsome yourself. I know this may sound forward, But, in fact, I think you are one of the hottest men I have ever seen. Even though you are just sitting there, I can feel an incredible force emanating from your. It's a combination of your good looks, pleasant demeanor and... ...that incredible body. That shirt looks like it is painted on you.” “Well, Austin. That's very nice of you to say. I'm happy that I can impress you in so many ways. I can see that you are a very well put together man yourself. Don't think I don't notice the way your skin is plastered to your biceps and forearms. Your arms are nice, do you think mine are nice too, my new friend?” With that Tom simply tensed his left arm. It had the desired effect as Austin's eyes zeroed in on the bulging muscle pushing at the already straining sleeves. It wasn't a full flex, just enough to give the young buck a taste of his size. The young man's eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. “Fuuuck, Tom. Your body is incredible. I, um... I've got a thing for muscles, Tom. And you are the biggest guy I've seen. You gotta be, what, 250 lbs?” Tom let out a deep chuckle and took another drink of his cocktail. “A bit more than that. Muscle is VERY heavy. Like you, I'm vey much into muscle as well. Tell you what, buddy. Go ahead and cop of feel of that big arm.” Tom was thoroughly enjoying rocking this younger stud's world. Austin let out a sigh as he slowly reached out his arm. Not wanting to look like he was simply feeling up the massive man next to him, he gently placed his hand on Tom's biceps, trying to make the move look like a natural conversation motion. Once again Tom tightened the muscle at his side and the kid let out a gasp. “That's well over 20 inches of rock solid biceps that you are feeling, Austin.” “Holy shit. I can tell, Tom. Haha. Well, it looks like I'm stuck at this bar stool for a while, I can't exactly stand up now.” “Good to hear, Austin, my new friend. I might be in the same position as you.” The two turned an engaged in a further conversation. Tom was pleased that Austin wasn't just some young dick-chaser. The young man was confident, well spoken, intelligent and charming. First the two engaged in the requisite get-to-know-you talks. Jobs, background and the like. It turned out that Austin was an assistant manager at the nearby Hawthorne Suites Hotel. The two talked about workout routines. It seemed that Austin was more into the crossfit types of workouts, which explained his incredible leanness. Austin listened with rapt attention as Tom listed some of his heaviest lifts. “Holy cow, Tom. So those big muscles just aren't for show? Good to know. Might come in handy later,” the young hunk said with a wink. At various points of the conversation the two found themselves more animated with each other. With the help of the drinks they were able to open up more with each other. This gave them the excuse to reach out and feel each other at strategic points. Reaching over to cup each others hardened delts as they laughed. And soon evolving into reaching under the bar to squeeze legs. Tom took the lead, with his longer arms, and first reached down and gave Austin's upper leg a solid squeeze with his large hands. The young man closed his eyes and exhaled in excitement. A few minutes later Austin returned the favor. Although what he found wasn't just a massive quad muscle. As he reached in between Tom's thighs and slowly worked his way upward he found himself feeling a rather large, tubular bulge. Instead of Tom sighing, it was once again Austin who gasped in awe. He leaned toward his new muse. “Oh my god, Tom. Is that you?” He asked under his breath. “Holy moly. You are rocking my world. You are like a fantasy man. Handsome, smart, hugely muscular...and if that is all you I'm feeling, hung like a fucking horse!” “Austin, my little friend, you are making me feel like the biggest man in the world right now. The fact that I can excite you so much with my mind AND my body is exciting me so much. Tell you what, how you would like to see how all this looks WITHOUT the clothes?” “Tom, that would make me the happiest man in the world. Tell you what, big man. One of the perks of my job is I can get us a great reduced price room at my hotel. I would love to see a posing routine of yours. Maybe we could have a nice mutual posedown and comparison session?” “Austin, that sounds amazing. Let's have one more drink and then we can head out of here.” The two finished their drinks, tabbed out and headed outside once they had both calmed themselves down to presentable levels. Tom had began to wonder if his monster cock might now extend out PAST the leg of his shorts when he was fully hard. While he was loving himself, indecent exposure would sure put a damper on these wondrous times. As they walked, if Tom had been staring at anybody but Austin, he would've notice the dozens of disappointed stares aimed at him as the top eye candy of the bar exited. Once outside the two enjoyed the summer evening air as they walked down the street to the hotel. As they walked, Austin proved to be a very secretly handsy man. He sneaked in several gropes of Tom's ass and that packed bulge. He was like a handsy ninja and it only titilated the bodybuilding librarian more and more. The two attracted several stares as they walked, each capable of holding the attention of the crowd, but together it was nearly impossible to look away from their masculine beauty. “Tom, you ass looks amazing in those shorts.” “Wait till you see it OUT of these shorts, little buddy.” At one point Austin surreptitiously reached up and pinched one of Tom's nipples. Tom jumped, let out an adorable yip and gave Austin an evil stare. Checking the surroundings, he grabbed the young man and pulled him into a narrow alley way. Before the young stud could react Tom reached under his armpits and LIFTED the hunk up to his face level. He pressed the man up against the brick wall. The slight fear in Austin's eyes quickly disappearing as he saw Tom's hot face coming toward his own. And just the like that two furiously made out. It was like fireworks exploding. Austin's hands ravaged Tom's traps, delts and arms as he moaned into Tom's mouth. Their tongues explored the depths of others' mouths. As Tom's hulking pecs pressed into Austin's rippling yet smaller ones, he released his grip on the young buck and took his turn to run his hands over the young prey. With just the weight of his rock hard mass pressing the young man against the wall he safely stayed in place, wedged tightly but comfortably against the brick wall. This only served to arrouse the young man even more, realizing the power that's Tom's muscles had. But, just to be safe, and partly to be closer to him, Austin wrapped his legs around the 6'4 muscle man. Tom's hands slid under the crossfitters polo and felt some of the deepest ab grooves Tom could imagine. This in turn caused Tom to moan as we has pleased that Austin, while quite a bit smaller, was proving his worth as a bona-fide ripped hunk. Austin's abs had to rival Ron's and perhaps were even better. Tom moaned out loud at the thought of what they looked like under that fabric. Austin sighed heavily and broke the kiss. “Geezus, Tom. You are so fuckin' hot. So fuckin' stong and big. We've got to get that hotel soon. I want to rip those tight clothes off of you and see those giant muscles and that huge cock in your shorts.” Tom placed his hands under Austin's firm bubble butt and stepped back from the wall, grinning like a Cheshire cat, easily supporting Austin's weight, causing the young man to shudder. “I agree Austin. Just think how easy it is for me to hold you like this, and you are no small man. I can't wait to show you these muscles. And I can't wait to see your own super-ripped phsique. I'm going to make you mine, my little friend. But rather than you tearing off my clothes, how about I just FLEX out of them for you?” While Tom spoke he puffed out his chest and squared his shoulders. The two heard the sounds of fabic beginning to stretch and tear. Tom instantly protested. “TOM! STOP! STOP!” “What, you don't like that, Austin?” “I fucking LOVE IT, Tom. But I want to see you do it private, where you can really bust out of that tiny shirt!” Austin once again lurched his forward and gave Tom a passionate kiss. After what seemed like several more minutes of intense making out Austin learned back. “Tom, I know you can hold me like this forever but I really want to get to that hotel room, haha.” Tom set the smaller man back on the ground. “I know Austin, I'm just trying to calm down enough to let my cock relax a bit. You might have to walk in front of me to hide my bulge.” “That's so hot to hear, big man. But who's gonna walk in front of me?” Tom looked down and licked his lips. Sure enough, the young man was tenting impressively, although not as impressively as himself. “Guess we'll have to find an even smaller third man for our party!” Tom joked. The two laughed and once they had calmed down, walked the last two blocks to the hotel.
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  7. https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11631-the-olympia-bar/ - Chapter 1 The Olympia Bar Chapter 2 – Discoveries (Sexual and Otherwise) Mr Malone released his grip on Jack, who fell to the floor with a loud thud due to his newly increased muscle mass. The bodybuilder sized teen was about to walk up the stairs when he smelled an alluring scent, seemingly coming from down the hallway. Following his nose, he stumbled across the source of the incredible smell on the kitchen counter. “A whole box!” Jack beamed as he saw a cardboard box of the mysterious Olympia Bars. “Help yourself stud,” Mr Malone smirked as he entered the room, his enormous biceps flexing as he leaned against the doorframe, the sheer size of his body practically taking up the entirety of the space within said doorframe, “I’ve found they can have quite an addictive quality, I’ve had to hold back and use all my willpower to stop me from wolfing down the whole box myself. I’ve only had around 3.” “Well, if they do what I think they do, it would explain your size sir,” Jack winked, walking over to his sexy muscle teacher and wrapping his arms around his thick, vascular neck before pulling him down into another deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues battled and intertwined in their mouths but all the time nothing but moaning sounds could be heard. After what seemed like an eternity, Jack and Mr Malone parted lips. “Go on Jack, help yourself to some of the bars, I’ll just occupy myself,” Mr Malone smirked. As Jack stepped back over to the counter and un-wrapped one of the Olympia Bars, he felt a warm, lapping feeling around his OH GOD THAT FEELS GOOD! His teacher grinned before he continued to lick and tongue fuck Jack’s sweet hole, darting the wet tip partially into his tight sphincter and moaning due to the musky scent. However, Mr Malone was not moaning anywhere near as much as Jack was, who’d dropped the bar back into the box as he had to lean forward onto the counter to prevent him from collapsing to the ground from the pleasure. “Fuck sir, no one’s ever been as good at this before!” he called out in a breathy, lustful tone. Wanting more, Jack backed his ass onto Mr Malone’s mouth, hoping to drive his hot professor’s tongue deeper inside of him. Although he knew there was something he wanted inside of him even more… Turning around, Jack stood Mr Malone up before getting down on his knees himself, slowly running his tongue up the underside of his teacher’s huge, bulging 19” cock. Swirling his tongue around the head, Jack savoured the few drops of sweet pre-cum he was coaxing out of the large throbbing length, enjoying the taste of his professor’s viscous nectar. Then he wrapped his lips around the head before lowering his mouth and throat lower down the enormous shaft. Mr Malone groaned as his massive member was enveloped by the glorious, moist warmth of his student’s mouth causing intense and ecstatic feeling to travel from his crotch and all over his body. This only intensified after Jack seemingly opened up his throat and supressed his gag reflex as he swallowed more and more of Mr Malone’s cock, slurping and moaning around the monstrous length and seemingly loving every minute of it. Sooner or later, Jack was bobbing his head furiously up and down his teacher’s dick, sloppy and wet just how he loved it, covering the cock with his saliva as he worked the shaft with his tongue and the head with his throat muscles. All the time, Mr Malone gasped and grunted, before becoming overcome with lust, grabbing Jack’s head and fucking his throat relentlessly. Jack just took the face fucking with no issue, his transformation seemingly making it easier for him to worship and serve huge cocks, such as the one he was quite happily sucking on right now. Suddenly, the face fucking stopped as Mr Malone slammed his entire length into Jack’s throat and left it there. Jack gagged but held it, inhaling his teacher’s immensely manly scent as his nose was buried in his crotch. Mr Malone smiled as he could see his 19” shaft bulging in Jack’s throat, forcing it to twitch inside the teen purely for the pleasure of being able to see how big it was even inside someone, he could even see that the head was bulging prominently near his chest cavity. However soon Jack had to breath, and as Mr Malone removed his huge cock from his student’s throat, Jack gasped for air, still lightly licking the tip of his alpha teacher. “Get back up and bend over the counter boy,” Mr Malone growled, voice laced with lust and arousal “I want that ass. Now.” “Yes sir,” Jack smiled before doing as he was asked, bending over and spreading his muscular cheeks without another word. “Mmmmm, good boy Jack,” Mr Malone smirked, rubbing the bulbous head of his cock against Jack’s tight, still wet hole. Then without another thought, he pressed forward and popped the head inside of Jack, who moaned loudly. “Fuck sir, and that’s just the head? What’s the whole thing going to feel like?!” “Let’s find out stud,” he responded before slamming forward, forcing all 19 huge inches into Jack, practically tearing his ass open, and with no complaints. “Fuuuuuuuuck!! Holy fuck sir!” Jack cried out “god your cock is huge!” “Yeah take it Jack, you little slut!” Mr Malone growled again, gritting his teeth due to the intense pleasure he was getting from Jack’s tight (well, previously tight) hole. “Fuck I’ve not had an ass this tight! I should’ve bedded you that first time you walked into my class!” “Oh…FUCK!” Jack shouted in pleasure with every thrust. The sexual pleasure was palpable in the air, along with the sound of slick, hot, muscle man sex as Mr Malone’s dick slid in and out of Jack’s hole with more ease, using only their collective spit as a lube. The sound of his meaty, muscular, diamond cut thighs slapping against his studly student’s muscular butt turned him on even more, making him pound him ever harder. Jack just screamed out his professor’s name in response as waves of ecstasy took over him. For what seemed like hours, Mr Malone pounded and fucked Jack’s muscled ass in doggy over the counter before flipping him onto his back laying on the counter with his legs over his bulging shoulders, ploughing him in a whole new way. The harder, quicker and deeper he fucked, the more they both moaned and cried out in ecstasy. Before long, both of the men groaned as their orgasms finally arrived, Jack launching a huge volley of cum all over his own body and up Mr Malone’s kitchen wall, whilst Mr Malone shot deep inside of Jack’s ass, a warm, almost searing sensation blasting inside of him with each individual shot his teacher released into his bowels. “Oh….fuck,” Jack said panting as Mr Malone pulled his still huge soft cock out of him, the torrent of cum that had been pumped into him leaked out slowly and all over the cold kitchen counter. “Grab some of those bars and get upstairs stud,” Mr Malone demanded, recovering his breath and energy ridiculously quickly “I think it’s time for you to get your turn on me now.” Steven jumped up out of his bed as he heard a knock at the door. After what had happened to his little brother he didn’t really know what to do, he was just completely lost in thought. How had that happened? Heck, what even was that? And why did his brother suddenly come onto him after ‘that’ happened? Fuck today was a strange day? But these thoughts had to be dismissed as he went down the stairs. Having forgotten to put his shirt on, Steven opened the door to find a rather knackered looking Caleb panting on his doorstep. “Oh erm…hey Caleb. What’s wrong?” Steven asked feeling slightly awkward. He obviously knew Caleb due to him being Jack’s closest friend but he wouldn’t say he knew him well enough or felt close enough to him to hold a conversation alone, and especially not to be stood half naked in front of him. “Have you seen Jack? He stormed out of gym class earlier and was pretty upset,” Caleb opened up instantly, clearly concerned about his friend. “You need to talk to your old coach Steven, he’s way too hard on Jack because of your success, and it isn’t fair on him.” Steven sighed. He was aware that his success at sports in school had reflected badly onto his younger brother but it didn’t realise it was getting him down so much. “Yeah…I know. I’ll have a word with him. But I have a question I need to ask you. Earlier, Jack kind of…erm…hulked out I guess you could say. He basically turned into an amateur bodybuilder right before my eyes. How? Did he eat something funny at dinner? Or has he mentioned anything to you about taking some drugs or feeling ill? I’m worried about him man.” “Well it’s funny you should mention that,” Caleb smiled feebly “that was kind of my fault, I think.” “What? What do you mean?!” “My mum gave me a new brand of energy bar in my lunch today but it contained nuts, which I’m allergic to so I gave it to Jack. But when I got home I came across an article that said there’d been bizarre, consistent side effects seen in multiple people who’d eaten one of them, most notably…growth: muscle, cock, height, everything. Except the interesting thing was that all of these effects only occurred in males; like there’s something in our genetics specifically that reacts with a compound in the bar or something like that.” “Ok…I’ll go with you for a moment. Did you think about taking this to one of the chemistry professor’s?” “Of course I did, I’m not an idiot. But here,” Caleb answered, pulling one of the bars out of his coat pocket “I brought one for you to look at. I wondered if you could talk to your dad and see if he and his colleagues could do a more in depth analysis in their lab.” “Oh, well I guess so. Did you only bring the one? It would probably be helpful to have a few more for my dad to analyse.” “There’s a whole box in my house if you want to have them, I can’t have them after all.” Caleb smiled, stepping off of the door step and back onto the driveway. “I’ll drop by in around half an hour with the box?” “Sure thing man, see you in a bit,” Steven said politely as he shut the door. Once it clicked he turned around to look at the innocent looking energy bar he held in his hand. “So, muscle growth huh? This is how Jack because a stud before my eyes? I guess there’s no time in trying it,” he wondered aloud before tearing into the wrapping and taking a bite into the bar. “Oh wow this is good!” Steven beamed with surprise at the delicious, sweet, almost caramel flavour with a crunchy hint of nuts. I gobbled the rest down eagerly, almost forgetting the whole reason why he ate it in the first place… Upstairs in Mr Malone’s bed, Jack was thrusting meticulously as he slammed his throbbing foot long cock in and out of his teacher’s tight, hot ass, both of them moaning loudly as the bed rocked and creaked relentlessly. “Oh fuck me Jack, just like that! God that cock feels amazing stud!” Mr Malone grunts in pleasure, twitching his ass around the huge dick buried inside of him. “Oh god sir,” Jack groaned, feeling his second orgasm of the night coming over him “I think I’m going to cum!” “No you don’t boy!” his professor snapped, clamping his ass so tight that Jack couldn’t move before he grabbed multiple of the Olympia bars, tearing them out of their wrappers and forcing them into Jack’s mouth one by one. Left with no choice, Jack bit and chewed the energy bars, grinning as a similar euphoria entered his taste buds, as well as his mind, making him crave more. An hour later, Jack was pounding Mr Malone on his back, shoulders propping up his huge tree trunk legs as he slammed his cock into his hot teacher, pulling out just as fast before smashing back inside again, clearly managing to slam into his prostate as he heard his professor cry out, unleashing a torrent of cum all over his ridiculously huge, ripped and bulging body. “Oh fuck sir! I can feel it happening again!” Jack roared as he collapsed on all fours to the floor in agony. “FUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!” he screamed as his back burst upwards with muscle, and his pecs exploded down with size, huge and bulbous chest muscles, a brick like 8 pack surpassing his already impressive six pack. He flexed his arms one at a time as they too grew and swelled, veins snaking around his body almost seeming tighter, striations cutting all over his muscles as they grew, fuelled with new strength and power. “Fuck…this feels…fucking amazing!” Jack roared again before slamming his lengthening cock back inside of his teacher who screamed due to the increase in size, easily matching Mr Malone’s cock and still growing with no signs of stopping. Mr Malone’s face contorted as he and Jack could see his burgeoning cock growing inside of his previously alpha professor, the head visible under his cut 8 pack, throbbing and huge, the entire length must be tearing through his bowels by now and Mr Malone was loving every minute of it. “FUUUUUCCKKK!!! YOUR COCK IS HUUGEE!!” he yelled in ecstasy before cumming again, Jack’s cock clearly visible near his diaphragm now. “Holy shit sir!” Jack’s newly deepened voice bellowed in a sexy bass tone, practically rumbling the furniture, just another way for Jack to assert his new extreme manliness. Jack continued to pummel Mr Malone, his enormous legs cracking the floor beneath him as his feet gripped to pound violently, his enormous muscle granting him the ability to destroy his ass as a blinding speed. “AAAARRRRGGHHH OH FUCK!” Mr Malone cried out again, almost in tears it was so pleasurable before cumming once again. Jack unleashed one final roar as he fired a flood of his seed deep inside his lover’s body, the volume so much so that it bloated his stomach slightly before he pulled out. Like popping the cork of a champagne bottle, the cum spurted out of Mr Malone’s ass with extreme force, showing just how much had been pumped into the hulking man. Jack stood catching his breath, easily near 9 feet tall and a tower of bulging, rippling muscle. Like the hulk, only not green and infinitely sexier. His cock even limp was around 18 inches long, it must’ve been well over 2 feet hard. Fuck, no wonder Mr Malone’s ass felt like it’s been demolished. “Wow sir…” Jack spoke softly (well as softly as he could with his new booming voice) “that was…wow!” And with that the pair of them collapsed onto Mr Malone’s ridiculously undersized bed to hold the 2 muscle titans, both of whom could simply just breath to make the bed creak under their enormous weight. Still, the lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms, Mr Malone using Jack’s giant pecs as huge muscle pillows. As the sun rose in the morning, the sun shone through the blinds and curtains of Mr Malone’s bedroom, once again waking Jack up who found himself being the little spoon to his professor’s big spoon…wait. How? Last night he’d been much bigger than Mr Malone, much bigger. Wait, last night he’d been muscular! Jack realised the change, and looked down to see his body back to how it had been before his first growth, slim and average once more, his 9” cock hard with morning wood. He looked over to Mr Malone to see that he had also shrunk back to his original (admittedly rather toned) size. But there was something odd. There was a taste in his mouth, one particular taste in particular. A craving he felt inside for something…familiar. Jack got out of the bed gently as to not wake up his lover. It was only 6 am after all, best not make his professor grumpy. God knows what he’d be like when he woke up and remembered what had happened the previous night. He shuffled over to the box of Mr Olympia bars that Mr Malone had carried upstairs for them to eat the night before. “What are you?” Jack asked them, obviously knowing they couldn’t answer. “Who made you…and why?!”
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  8. Sorry, I decided to wrap this one up. Part 23 - Conclusion The police and FBI searched for Robert on charges of bio-terrorism once it became clear that he did spread a "disease" to most of a city. People had varying reactions to MF and everyone "recovered" without harmful effects, but for those who were infected longer and were able to workout and eat large quantities, they became bigger than any mainstream bodybuilder. Eventually, when there turned out to be no way to test for MF once it cleared, they were allowed to compete, but most of them were happy just living their lives with an extra 100 or 200 of muscle on and breaking previous weightlifting records with every workout. Meanwhile, other freakishly large guys from other parts of the country came out of the shadows now that they knew they were no longer so unique and scary. Maybe you've heard some of their tales. For a while, Paul snuck into the gym at night to workout and hid his already developed body as he reached and surpassed the size of Robert when they saw him last. Soon after, Paul's growth drastically slowed, which came as great relief to the doctor. Sasha, Rense, Don and Marc also continued to grow. After two months, when a couple of other guys in town had reached their size and the search for someone the size of Robert died down, they started working out together during the day. Marc was the runt of that litter, but at 320 lbs he was nothing to laugh at and he yelled encouragement louder than any of the others. Paul had reached almost 500 lbs of hard, thick, massive muscle at almost 7-feet tall, which seemed to be near the limit of his growth, since he only packed on one or two pounds in the last week. Rense and Don looked nearly the same size as Paul, like younger twin brothers from different mothers. Sasha was about 470 lbs, but several inches shorter so his slightly smaller muscles seemed to bulge just as much as Paul's. Another month later, Robert showed up at the gym, maybe an inch taller than Paul and muscles that bulged another inch or two all over more than Paul. He wore a string tank that barely covered his tan, rippling mountains of muscle and shorts that somehow fit around quads that looked twice as thick as his waist. He invited Paul and Sasha, Don and Rense, and even Marc out to a warehouse for a "wrestling and sex orgy" and he hoped they could make it, since not many people could handle him now. Everyone in the group was tempted to see Robert's body in action as he strutted out the door.
    1 point
  9. Hey, how ya doing. My name is Jeff, I'm from New Jersey, and I am a 23-year-old Professional Bodybuilder. Let me give you some information about me. I am a white male, black hair and blue eyes. I stand about 6'4 and weigh around 278 lbs. My dad started me in the sport of bodybuilding, he always wanted to get into bodybuilding but he was too poor to join a gym and buy all the stuff that is needed when he was a teenager. But now, my dad is a very successful plastic surgeon and has placed his dream of bodybuilding upon me. It was and still is frustrating at times since I never really got to choose this sport and to be this big. He started me in this sport at the age of 11. I agree with you, that's too young. I was the only Junior in High school, well to be exact, the only teenager my age that had competed in a total of 28 contests at my age. All my friends were into sports like football and soccer, but I was too big and too slow to even try-out, but I was the only teenage bodybuilder that had two personal trainers and a choreographer for my posing routines. While everyone else was getting a car from their dad, I was getting enormous calf implants from mine. My dad started juicing me when I was only 15, and he knows that's not healthy, but he's a doctor so I had medical supervision. I was featured in many magazine, esp. since I was the only 18 year-old that competed at a body weight of 235. By my senior year I had 21 inch arm and 31 inch thighs. I was always considered a freak in high school and wasn't too popular. I was sort of shy in school, it didn't help either that teachers would always call attention to my size in class and always have to have a special desk for me so I could fit (if you ever weigh 235 and try and fit in a school desk, you will not succeed) Well, I am in my senior year of college right now majoring in Electrical engineering (I guess that ruins your stereotype of a bodybuilder haha). And I just got my pro card at the NPC Junior USA, where I competed as a super heavy. The good thing is that when you get your pro-card, you can get endorsements, get hired for photo shoots, do seminars, or guest pose at contest. This is where my story begins. This past summer I had the weirdest experience I will ever have. You see, I was just getting off the high of becoming pro and this guy called me and asked me to guest pose for his contest in a small town in the south. I quickly agreed to do it, I was thinking I had hit it big time, no one ever had asked me to do such a thing, and I wasn't about to turn that down. And to think if I did, I wouldn't hear the end of it from my dad. Well I gave the guy some info and he did the same for me. He mentioned that he wanted me to do a posing session for the beginning of the contest and during the end before the placements. I said sure that sounds great, esp. after he told me how much he was gonna pay. Before we hung up, he said he would send me some info about the contest and what they needed from me. After I got off the phone, I quickly called my dad to tell him of the news, he was very excited which I knew he would. He said he would make arrangements to get my choreographer working on a routine and the trainers to get me started. He even said he would make an appointment with a designer to get special posing trunks. You see in Bodybuilding, you try to cover up your dick and balls with as little material as possible, you want to be as naked as you can so you can show off ever muscle. Well, three weeks went by and a week before I was to leave for the contest I got a packet from the guy. I was asking stuff like the food I wanted for the weekend, the music I was gonna use, and then it asked for a complete list of my measurements. There was a drawing of a bodybuilder with arrows pointing to certain areas of the body. I had to have my roommate measure me for that info, I though it was strange to ask but, hey, I have never done a thing like this. However, I was eager to please. My roommate measured my wrists, ankles, neck, arms, chest, and so on. As I wrapped up my last week, I was soon on the plane heading for the contest. As I arrived, there was the guy holding up a sign that said 'Jeff'. I quickly waddled to him: you really can't walk when you have 34 inch thighs and weigh 278. His name was Tom, and was the owner of the gym that was putting on the contest. He quickly drove me to his small town, the ride took about 45 minutes. It was sort of strange, he asked me to take of my shirt and pants. I was sort of uncomfortable with this, but he said he was just wanting to see what he had purchased and with the money he was offering, I wasn't gonna say 'no'. We arrived just in time for the weigh in Friday night. We pulled up to the auditorium and before I had a chance to put on my clothes, Tom quickly said, 'just come on in, in your briefs, I want the guys to see a real bodybuilder." Okay, that made feel uncomfortable, but as I said, he's the boss. When I entered the room all the bodybuilders looked at me, I was easily the biggest guy there. They all gathered around me asking questions, telling me to pose, and wanting a picture. After all that, Tom took me to the hotel. After sleeping late and watching TV all day, it was time to head to the contest. Tom had arranged a ride for me there. As I arrived backstage, I was quickly stripped, covered in tan solution and oiled up by three huge guys, all bodybuilders. It was sort of strange, they didn't speak to me at all and were sort of rough. All of this got me heated, my dick throbbing from all the attention, the rubbing, the oil, and the idea of being nearly naked in front of a few hundred people. I started getting a erect, which was a problem, because in posing trunks, you can't hide your sword. After they had finished with me, they led me behind the curtain, I heard the MC announce me and before I knew it, it was time to pose. The music was loud and kicking. I had chosen my favorite Limp Bizkit song. During the routine, I jumped off-stage and went into the crowd. Walking around in front of everyone, hands grabbing me to touch my muscles, people taking pictures, got me so hard that I couldn't hide my excitement. Then the nightmare happened. Before I knew it, the crowd mobbed me and held me down. Before I knew it, my posing trunks were ripped off and I was tied up so tight, I could even move a finger. Some of the audience picked me up and carried me back to the stage. My heart was racing beneath my huge overdeveloped pecs, that you could actually see my big brown silver dollar nipples jumping up and down. Here I was being lifted up on stage naked and scared. After they got me on stage, a few of the others guys brought out this big metal box. As the rolled it to the center of the stage, the crowded yelled and screamed. To my fear, it came true, as the opened the box, I saw tons of cuffs and fasteners and straps, which I knew were specifically measured to my body. I could run or even scream due to the gag in my mouth. About six men place me in the box, securing my ankles, strapping in my thighs and waist, placing my wrist in the cuffs and even locking my neck in place my this huge metal stock. I must have taken at least 10 minutes to strap me in. However the audience did not tire, all I could see was a sea of clapping hands and flashbulbs going off. After they had strapped and locked me in, they closed the doors of this case I was in, then I felt it, a hand grabbing my dick and balls and pulling them out of the box. Here I was, in this metal case, all that was sticking out was my head and dick, next came the nightmare. As I was there all strapped in, the MC came over the loudspeaker and introduced Dr. Gary Wagner. This guy came up on stage next to me and shared with the audience that he was about to show the latest in bodybuilding supplements. I can't say I really listened due to the humiliation I was suffering, you see, I may be extremely huge and handsome, but you can't cover up a small dick. Before I knew it, the doctor had stuck a needle in my dick and neck. He announced to the audience to just sit back am be amazed. After the injection, that is when it went weird, I started feeling hot and short of breath. After a minute or so, I could feel the straps and cuffs getting tighter. I looked down as best as I could to see my pecs growing before my eyes, and then my dick. I could feel it getting harder and harder, to where the skin felt like it was going to split. As I was growing the doctor and some of the men started undoing the cuffs and straps, soon I was removed from the box. I could now see I was growing huge. My legs started moving further and further apart, my lats and chest grew so big, that my arms were sticking straight out due to the muscle of my lats pushing them out. The crowd screamed and hollered. I became scared, yet so excited, of my new size that my dick couldn't hold the excitement, I exploded. It was so powerful, that I sprayed the first two rows. People went crazy. Then the doctor brought out a scale. He then had some men place me on it...by this time, I was so huge, I couldn't move. The doctor then announced that I had just gone from 278lbs to 450lbs. The crowd cheered some more. Then Tom came out on stage, I could barely move my head due to my trap muscles locking my head in place. He announced I would be on display at the end of the contest. As I was moved to the lobby, I was shackled and tied up in chains, straps, and rope. The crowd came by, groping me, jacking me off, and squeezing me. I went on for all night. Every time someone would reach for my dick, I would try and beg them not too, but the gag held me back from pleading with them. Over and over again, my dick would be lubed up and jacked off. I had been jacked off so many times, that I felt like a dairy cow getting milked. Picture upon picture was taken of me. Measurements were taken, my arms now were a whopping 29 inches, my thighs were 42 inches, calves were 30 inches, and my dick was 14 inches and thicker than a baseball bat. There I stayed tied up so tight I could barely breath. Around 7a.m everyone had left. The doctor and Tom came up to me and thanked me for my services, I tried to cuss them, but again the gag held me from that luxury. The doctor injected me again with a purple looking fluid. Before long, my body started going back to the original form, I had never been so glad to see myself get smaller. Then, my head started feeling light and the light became dimmer. As I awoke, I found myself awake in the airplane. I looked around, no one else was in the plane, how strange I thought. As I arrived back to my dorm room, I found a check amounting to $25,000 in my suit case and a letter that read, "Jeff: Awesome show...let's do that again." It all felt like a dream to me, until I took of my clothes to take a shower. There, hanging to my knees, was the biggest dick I had ever seen. Apparently not all the side affects went away.
    1 point
  10. The Mirror Chapter 2 I pull into my driveway and pause to take a look at my newly acquired treasures. Thank goodness we figured out how to take the mirror off of the stand to make it easier to carry upstairs. Still, I have to take my time and be very careful taking it to my second-floor apartment. Once the bulky mirror is upstairs, the other things I had purchased are very easy to unload. It is time to refuel with lunch and a healthy dose of coffee. (I am such an addict these days.) I move some things around to make room in my bedroom for the mirror and assemble it in its new home. The cheap rocking chair from my landlord goes into the attic and the floor lamp gets relocated to the living room, making room for the mirror right next to my closet. The mirror fits like a glove. I admire the mirror and look at myself. Is it just me, or do I look a little skinnier? I bustle around the apartment putting things away and searching for the right place to hang the old maps I purchased. I can't help but admire the mirror, and look at myself in it, each time I pass it. It fits perfectly, and I can see myself from head to toe. The mirror is without a doubt THE find of the day. Finally, everything is put away and the apartment is back in order (so I’m a little type A, sue me.) I am drawn back to the mirror. I stand there in my cargo pants and polo. Maybe too many powerbar meals, work stress, and simply getting too caught up in life to remember to eat occasionally is starting to get to me. I do look thinner than I remember. Not that I’m complaining, but it’s probably not the healthiest way to go about dropping a few pounds. Still, I could stand to lose quite a bit more weight. I try to imagine what I’d look like if I lost this extra weight I’m carrying around. The image in the mirror starts to change. “What the--???” A few seconds later, the mirror’s image stops changing. My jaw drops nearly to the floor; I am flabbergasted. The face in the mirror is still mine complete with glasses, only far less round. Same nose, same eyes, same Harry Potter hair (thanks summer humidity). The body, however, is completely different. Far skinnier. The waist is at least six inches smaller, there’s no spare tire around the middle, and the legs are no longer the wobbly towers of jell-o I am used to. And, where are the man boobs I’ve had for as long as I can remember? Okay, what’s the trick? What’s going on? I walk to the side of the mirror and examine the back. I don’t notice anything out of the ordinary. I walk around back to the front and it’s the same image I’m used to seeing of myself. Overweight, rounded face, spare tire, everything. I shake my head and rub my eyes. Man, what’s wrong with me? Too much heat today? How much did I really have to drink last night? Okay, that was strange. Nothing has changed. Maybe I just need to lie down and relax for a while. I grab the novel I’ve been trying to get through for several weeks now and lay down on the bed. Within a few minutes, I’m asleep. The dreams I have are extremely vivid and sexual, and I wake up with a throbbing erection that is insistent and will not go away without releasing some pent up sexual tension. As I am taking care of my sexual needs, I can’t help but look in the mirror. I start masturbating in different positions. Wow, there are definitely parts of my body I have never examined in such detail before. Some details I definitely did not want to see. Since when did my ass become so hairy? How the hell did I get a zit THERE? I get up from the bed with my cock as hard as ever. Still giving it the occasional jack, I start flexing and examining myself in the mirror. I run my hands up from my crotch over my flabby stomach. I think to myself, “Man, how sexy would it be to have a six-pack?” I close my eyes and start to imagine. My hands go further to play with my own nipples. “Man, I wish these nipples were attached some hard, firm pecs.” I stay there for a while relishing the thought of being a buff stud. My cock is as hard as ever. I reach down to my penis to give it a few strokes and open my eyes. I open my eyes somewhat cautiously because I know the image that will be reflected in the mirror will completely shatter the fantasy in my mind. Boy, was I wrong. Instead, I behold a most unexpected sight. My head, arms, and legs are as I had always known them, but my torso is tight, muscular, and cut. I HAVE WASHBOARD ABS! My pecs are unbelievably well shaped with nice nipples that are eager to be sucked. How the hell has this happened!?! I touch my mid-section feeling the usual jelly-like tummy I had always known, but the hand in the mirror is running over a veritable washboard! What the hell! My left hand stays on the bowl of jelly that is my abdomen while my right hand goes for the mirror to attempt to figure out what could be causing this discrepancy. As soon as my right hand touches the mirror, my left hand is no longer touching flesh, only hovering in midair. I look down and cannot believe what I see—six-pack abs! MY six-pack. Wait, this can’t be happening. I don’t have a six-pack. I stumble backward onto the bed. I am in awe of what just happened. My eyes roam over the newest features of my body as reflected in the mirror. I fail at trying to make sense of all of this. Though confused at how this could possibly happen, I am incredibly turned on that it has! I can’t take it any longer and start stroking my intensely hard cock. I watch myself in the mirror, admiring the way my abs contract as the pleasure builds and I began bucking my hips. My eyes roam all over my body, the fantasies take over. I fantasize about my biceps and triceps becoming more defined. The mirror responds. I dream about long, shapely, hard, cut legs. The mirror responds. I imagine myself with an all-over tan. The mirror responds. I dream about a sculpted, cut face that no longer needs glasses. The mirror responds. I walk over to the mirror. As I touch it, I feel my arms being pushed away from my body due to their increased muscle mass. My legs harden, and the sexy calf muscles protrude through my skin like never before. I flex my quads and each muscle stands out in stark relief. I can’t believe the underwear model standing in front of this mirror is truly me! Although I am incredibly horny, the thought of me looking like a model makes me stop what I am doing to take a good look at what I have become in the mirror. I have become a tan, cut, athletic, sexy piece of masculinity who every man would envy and every woman would want to fuck. (Though, in my case, I’d rather fuck the men—especially the envious ones who will lick and suck and rub in all the right places.) As I flex my new muscles and take a visual inventory, though it was as hard as ever, my penis seems a bit out of place. It was the same penis I had known since puberty tapered off a few years back (except a little more tan thanks to my fantasies), but somehow, it just didn’t make sense on this new body. It's as hard as it has ever been. Looking just the same as always. That was about to change. My fantasies kick in once again. There had never been a problem with the equipment I had naturally, but another two inches in length and an inch in diameter couldn’t hurt. I touched the glass while and gave my longer, thicker dick a good stroking. Damn, who knew that two inches more of penis would bring with it so many new sensations. Then, I noticed that my balls just didn’t hold their own against the new reflected member. I pulled my penis up so I could see the changes more clearly. I fantasized about my testicles each growing about an inch in circumference. I've also always thought my balls hung a little higher than I would've liked. My eyes bugged out a little as they drop lower in my scrotum as if being lowered by a biological dumbwaiter. They look more full and virile than I recall them ever being. As I touch the mirror to make the changes come to fruition, the testosterone from my much larger balls kicks in. Sexual desire overcomes me. I can't hold back any longer. My hands go back to my now much more voluminous genitals. Within a few seconds, my newly lengthened penis and expanded balls churn out a load to rival all loads ever produced by male genitalia onto my new mirror. I bucked my new sexy hips with each load of cum. As I squeezed out the last little bit, I collapse onto my bed in a complete state of bliss and quickly fall asleep, momentarily exhausted.
    1 point
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