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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2024 in all areas

  1. Chapter Two Maybe it was his lack of sleep or the deep depression over losing Ben but Sam hadn’t been able to talk himself out of going and arrived at Brutus early the next morning. He stepped inside and saw the gym clearly for the first time. It was old but large and very quiet. Sam looked around and didn’t see anyone else there. He arrived wearing a pair of baggy sweats and started to wander around, testing the machines he was familiar with. He was lying on a bench with a pair of 10lb dumbbells in his hands when a figure blocked the lights from above. He dropped the weights and sat up. “What are doing there kid?” A shockingly deep voice said. Sam looked up and saw the largest person he had ever imagined. He was so large and imposing, Sam practically scrambled over the bench to get away. “Woah! Relax.” The voice said. Sam managed to get to his feet. While he was the same height, the similarities ended there. The man, older than Sam’s 18 years, was also wearing loose fitting sweats. Sam’s hung off his rail-thin body while this guy’s could not hide his staggering mass. He had his hood pulled up but Sam could see two massive traps rising ominously on either side. Two beachball-sized shoulders erupted with deep striations showing clearly through the fabric. The man’s chest didn’t look remotely normal but rather like he had stuffed oversized pillows into his sweater. Sam couldn’t see his waist through the folds of his clothes but the astounding width of his quads could not be hidden, each ballooned from either side of his body, given him the appearance of one massive wall of beef. “I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-o-rry.” Sam stammered and turned to leave. “Wait, where are you going?” “I shouldn’t be here. This was stupid.” Sam mumbled as he felt a lump in his throat and tears filled his eyes. He took a few steps before the man’s hand grabbed his arm stopping him dead in his tracks. Sam turned and looked at the ground. “What’s your name?” The huge man asked. “Sam.” “Sam, I’m Max.” Sam quickly met his eyes before looking away. “This your first day here?” Sam only nodded. “Good, that’s a win in itself. Now, what makes you think you shouldn’t be here?” “Look at me! I don’t know what I’m doing.” “Just like the rest of us on our first day.” Sam felt his anxiety decrease a little. Max released his arm, picked up the tiny weights Sam was used and stood at end of the bench. “Come on. Lay back down.” Sam froze. “The only way you’re gong to learn is by doing it. Come on.” Max said and cracked a small smile. Sam positioned himself and started to press the wights. Max offered him tips on his form and after three sets of twelve reps, Max took the weights from Sam and directed him to the pec deck. After adjusting the seat, Sam sat down with Max standing directly in front of him. Max mimicked the movement for Sam but all he could see was the large man’s massive chest inflate with impossible size just by moving his arms. Sam’s mouth went dry but he managed 10 reps. “Good. Two more sets.” Sam stopped after 10 more reps and forced himself to look at Max. He noticed he wasn’t as old as he initially thought, placing him in his late twenties. He had pulled his hood down and Sam noticed his short cropped light brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. “Why are you helping me?” “Because I was you kid.” Max said seeing the look of disbelief on Sam’s face. “I’m serious. I walking into my first gym weighing 160lbs soaking wet at 5’7”. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing but I stuck with it and I’ve gotten a little bigger over the years.” “A little?” Sam asked. “Ok, a lot bigger. Now come on, one more set.” As Max took Sam through an entire chest workout, his anxiety disappeared and by the end, while tired, he felt like a whole new person. “Thanks Max. I’m sorry I took up so much of your time.” Sam said, noticing the time. “It’s ok. I got plenty of time to get my workout in. When will you be here tomorrow?” “Tomorrow?” Sam asked. “Yeah. It’s back day.” Sam looked confused. “That is of course if you’re serious and want my help.” “Y-Y-Yeah! Thank you! SO MUCH!” Sam stammered with pure glee. Max smiled back. “Ok, I have one condition through.” “What?” “You stick with it.” “I will! I promise. Thanks Max. See you tomorrow.” Sam said as he turned towards the door, unable to wipe the smile off his face. Sam arrived early the next day. He had never been so sore but he did nothing else but think about Max’s hulking body since the day before and wasn’t about to miss seeing him again. “Sam! You came back!” Max said as he came out of the locker room. He was wearing similar clothes but Sam could’ve sworn they looked tighter than the day before. He also noticed the slow pace Max moved towards him, his legs stretching the loose fabric with each stride. “Hey.” Was all Sam could muster, still not convinced Max was serious about his offer to help him. “Back day right?” Max asked. “Let’s do it, follow me.” This went on for the rest of week. Max was always there, always huge and always ready to help Sam workout. Each day they trained a different body part. By the end, Sam could barely move. He tried to hide the pain at the gym but the moment he opened his apartment door, he collapsed, barely able to move. Aside from the muscle pain, Sam’s appetite was off the charts, something Max had warned him about. Unable to get to the store himself, Sam had a huge load of groceries delivered to his apartment. At work, his boss cursed him out for being slower than his usual unimpressive pace. When Sam finished his last set of his last exercise, he plopped himself down on a nearby bench, barely able to stay seated. “Well, that’s it. How do you feel?” Max said. “Tired but great!” Sam said as his eyes instantly started to fill up and tears streamed dow his face. “You ok Sam?” “Yeah. This is stupid. I’m sorry.” Sam said, covering his face out of embarrassment. Max pulled Sam’s hands away with a gentleness that betrayed his massive size. “Tell me.” “I still don’t know why you’re helping me but I can’t thank you enough. I’ve been a fan of bodybuilding and muscle for as long as I can remember but I never had the guts to build any of my own. This week has been incredible. You taking the time to show me what to do means more than you will ever know. I don’t know how I will ever thank you.” Sam gushed through his sobs. Max lifted Sam’s chin so he was forced to look him in the eyes. There was a single tear running down his own cheek. “You can thank me by not giving up until you get as big as your wildest fantasies.” Sam could only stare in utter silence. “That’s what I’m trying to do. When I was your age and size, all I wanted was to become a huge freak of nature. If I had the guts to tell anyone that, I’m sure they would have laughed in my face. But I never did. I just kept working out and getting bigger. I’m still not as big as hope to get but I know one thing, I’m never going to stop. Now; get out of here, get some sleep and EAT.” “Ok Max. Thanks again.” “No worries kid. I’ll see you around.” “You will. I promise.” Sam said, using all his strength to make his way towards the front door. The next few weeks flew by. Sam’s schedule at work prevented him from crossing paths with Max at the gym but he kept going, surprising even himself. He researched diet and completely stoped eating fast food. He was sleeping better and to his surprise, put on 8lbs, bringing his weight up to 160lbs. At work, Sam was a completely different person. He arrived on time and full of energy. His productivity increased dramatically and his boss had even taken notice, regularly commenting on how well he was doing. Sam started to appreciate the physical aspects of the job, purposely lifting heavier items and admiring how much stronger he felt. Barely over a month after joining Brutus, Sam stepped on the scale to see the dial blink 163lbs. “10 pounds in five weeks!” Sam said as he looked at his shirtless reflection in the bathroom mirror. He was still very thin but there was clearly larger, rounder muscles all over his upper body. He couldn’t help but smile as he flexed his small but hard 13” bicep. There were even a few veins creeping to the surface of is pale skin. As he prepared to head to the gym, Sam was finishing a protein shake as he opened the browser on his phone and typed “steroids” into the search bar. As the results populated the screen, he felt his heart start to pound. He clicked the phone off, grabbed his gym bag and headed for the door. Sam walked into the gym, getting a head nod from the guy working the front desk. It was chest day, which had quickly become one of his favourite’s. Needing to piss between sets, Sam walked into the locker room and stopped dead in his tracks. Standing at the far end of the room, for the first time, was a shirtless Max. Sam had fantasied many times about what Max looked like under his billowing clothes but the sight he now witnessed paled in comparison. Max was fumbling with a t-shirt so wasn’t flexed in the slightest but his simple movements caused his inhumanly massive muscles to flex and twitch involuntarily. If his sheer mass wasn’t alarming enough, Max possessed a level of vascularity Sam never fathomed was possible. Aside from his impossible size, Sam immediately noticed how minuscule Max’s waist was. He wondered how he was even able to support so much upper body mass. The column of granite-hard abdominals that rose from his waist was nothing short of spectacular, each muscle was so well-defined they appeared to flex individually. Sam knew Max had a huge chest but the sheer thickness and mass was indescribable. Covered in thick veins, each slab hung well over a foot from his body, casting a dark shadow over his top two abdominal muscles. Sam was looked at Max from the front but his lats were so staggeringly wide, his arms were pressed well past 45 degrees from his body and those arms were clearly larger than his waist. Uncovered, his shoulders and traps looked like they contained the amount of muscle a man’s entire body should possess. Sam must have gasped because Max suddenly raised his head and looked at Sam. “SAM!” He said. “M-M-M-M-M-“ Was all Sam was able to articulate. Suddenly aware he was shirtless, Max looked slightly embarrassed and fought to get the t-shirt pulled over his body. It was outrageously oversized which allowed Max to easily get it on. Sam hadn’t moved. “Sorry about that. How are you doing?” Sam fumbled to speak but managed to get the word “fine” out. “That’s good. I’m just finishing here and I’m late for an appointment. Good to see you kid.” Max said as he rushed past Sam who needed a few moments alone to gather the strength to continue with his workout. Unfortunately, his encounter with Max left him unable to focus. Every time he blinked he saw Max’s huge body. He also couldn’t shake how uncomfortable Max looked when Sam entered the room. He left very fast, like he wanted to be anywhere but around Sam. It left Sam feeling like he’d done something wrong. By the time Sam returned to his apartment, he had forgotten about Max’s reaction but he hadn’t forgotten about his body. As he waited for his food to heat up in the microwave, Sam filled his online shopping cart with various potent steroids and other supplements. His hand was shaking as he placed the order. By the time he had devoured his second plate of food, Sam had checked the status of his order twice, knowing full well it hadn’t shipped yet. Sam fell asleep that night having cum numerous times to the image of Max’s body. The only difference from what he had actually seen was the fact that face atop the massively huge body wasn’t Max, but his face. A new feeling began to fester in Sam’s stomach, a craving he never felt before, a craving for mass. For the first time in Sam’s life, he actually felt like he could achieve it for himself.
    12 points
  2. Hi guys. Long time lurker here. I've been working on a story blending together the elements of some of my favorites, including "Jason: The Bigger the Better," "Elongro," "A New Performance Incentive," and "Contract Law" with my own twists. I love guys growing huge, but I don't see enough of them adjusting to their new bodies. Don't expect a ton of sex or continuing growth--the main character grows all at once and then the rest of the story is about him adjusting (although there will be plenty of explicit scenes and some continued growth). It's a slice of life, and there will be a lot of repetitive scenes. There's a bit of an overarching plot that begins after the initial growth adjustment but nothing too complicated. No, I will not be taking suggestions, the story is already written and I'm just making slight edits. Hope you enjoy! KING OF THE COURT PROLOGUE Vikram Singh, the youngest sibling at 25, often finds himself in the towering shadows of his brothers, both literally and figuratively. His eldest brother, Gurinder, stands at a formidable 6 foot 7 inches, with a presence as commanding as his height. At 32, Gurinder's life is a testament to discipline and precision, his career as a software developer marked by a series of calculated moves that have led to a string of successes. His short topknot and beard are not just a style statement but a reflection of his no-nonsense approach to life. He speaks sparingly, but when he does, his words carry the weight of thoughtful analysis. Harminder, the middle brother, is even taller at 6 foot 9 inches. His fashion is as sharp as his wit, with three-piece suits that seem to be crafted just for him. His jet-black hair, always in a perfect coiff, complements his meticulously groomed short beard. As an attorney at counsel at Gully & Sons LLP, Harminder's brilliance is as renowned as his sarcasm. His reputation precedes him, not only within the legal community, where he's been named the #1 Young Lawyer to watch, but also in social circles where his charm makes him a favorite among women. His ambition is palpable, with his eyes firmly set on the prize of partnership. In contrast, Vikram, or Vik as he's affectionately known, carries a different kind of presence. Standing at 5 foot 9 inches, he lacks the imposing stature of his brothers but makes up for it with a charisma that is all his own. His low taper fade haircut and short beard give him a boyish charm that endears him to those he meets. As a first-year associate at Gully & Sons LLP, Vik's journey is just beginning. His honesty and trustworthiness have earned him the respect of his peers, even if he doesn't always feel like the sharpest tool in the shed. Living together in a house Gurinder owned in the city, the brothers' interactions are a mix of playful banter and deep-seated loyalty. The house is one with tall ceilings, tall doors, and wide halls to accommodate the two huge older Singh boys. Gurinder and Harminder, protective to a fault, often treat Vik like the baby of the family, their teasing a sign of affection, albeit sometimes bordering on annoyance. Vik, for his part, navigates their overprotectiveness with a mix of frustration and love, knowing that beneath the surface, there's an unbreakable bond that ties them together. Their home is a microcosm of their world, where each brother's unique traits contribute to a larger, more complex picture. It's a place where Vik's charm, Harminder's intellect, and Gurinder's stoicism come together, creating a balance that, while sometimes precarious, always finds its way back to harmony. CHAPTER ONE: A WHOLE NEW WORLD Exhausted from the relentless demands of his role at Gully & Sons LLP, Vikram had succumbed to the comfort of his silk pajamas, a small act of rebellion against the endless hours. He would keep them in his office and wear them once everyone else had left to relax. He looked stupid in them—like Ebineezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. But Vik was a sucker for comfort. The office was silent, a stark contrast to the cacophony of the day. As he settled into his chair, the case files for Accelercola—an energy drink company under fire for its potentially lethal product—loomed over him like a dark cloud. The company came under fire when it was revealed that a certain batch of the drink contained over four times the amount of caffeine it was supposed to have, causing heart attacks in several customers. The senior partner, Rebecca Lawson, had entrusted him with a critical task: to send a batch of the contaminated energy drink for testing. But fatigue clouded Vikram's judgment, and he placed the case of Accelercola perilously close to his personal cache of Diet Coke. Hours ticked by, and the night deepened. Vikram's hand, guided by muscle memory, reached for a can. The hiss of the opening was familiar, but the taste was anything but. A fiery sensation spread through his mouth, an unexpected spiciness that made him gasp. Heat flushed through his body, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. Panic set in just as darkness claimed him, and he collapsed into a cold sweat. When consciousness returned, the world seemed different—smaller. Vikram's silk pajamas were stretched to their limits, barely containing the new, muscular form beneath. He was a giant among men, standing at an astonishing 12 feet. The ceiling, once a distant overhead, now allowed for only a foot of clearance. A primal urge led him to the bathroom, but the journey was fraught with obstacles. The doorway, a portal he had passed through countless times, was now a barrier. His head met the wall with a thud, leaving a dent as a testament to his newfound stature. Cursing under his breath, Vikram maneuvered through the wreckage, his body a mass of rippling muscles and raw power. The bathroom mirror revealed the extent of his transformation. His reflection was that of a Desi Hercules, a bodybuilder with a physique that artists would clamor to sculpt. A smile crept across his face, a mix of disbelief and excitement. "This is gonna be good," he murmured, his voice a deep, resonant timbre that vibrated through the room. Vikram's mind raced with possibilities. His brothers, always the protectors, would now see him in a new light. The cases that had weighed him down seemed trivial in comparison to the strength he now possessed. As he explored his new form, a sense of invincibility washed over him. He was no longer just Vikram Singh, the overwhelmed attorney—he was a force to be reckoned with, and he was more than ready to embrace this extraordinary twist of fate. He managed to pull down his barely together silk pajama bottoms without tearing them to shreds. Vik suddenly because aware of the new size of his phallus. Vik had always been average in every department. But this thing was monstrous. Vik realized he was too tall to piss in the urinal standing up. He fell to his knees and the bathroom shook as he released his firehose piss in the bowl. The sensation of the powerful piss stream traveling down his long and girthy tool was euphoric. The sound of his powerful stream echoed off the bathroom walls, reverberating with a force that matched his newfound physical strength. Vikram couldn't help but marvel at the sheer intensity of the experience. As he stood up, a sense of euphoria surged through him, blending with the rush of adrenaline that came with his colossal transformation. As Vikram emerged from the bathroom, his new towering form was a sight to behold. Jasper, a fellow first-year who had arrived at the office unusually early (on a Saturday to boot), was frozen in place, his eyes wide with astonishment. The sight before him was something out of a comic book—a colleague who had grown into a giant overnight. "Vik... is that really you?" Jasper stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. With a grin, Vikram flexed his muscles, the sheer size of his biceps casting shadows on the walls. "It's me, Jasper. Just a bit... upgraded," Vikram replied, his deep voice filling the room. Jasper's initial shock gave way to curiosity as he circled Vikram, taking in the unbelievable transformation. "How did this even happen?" he asked, his scientific mind already running through the possibilities. Vikram, still reveling in his newfound strength, simply shrugged. "I guess I just needed a little pick-me-up," he joked, bouncing his pecs with a chuckle. Realizing the practicalities of the situation, Jasper quickly agreed to help Vikram find suitable clothing. Vik waited in his office, sitting on the floor and fondling his new muscles for about 2 hours. Jasper returned with an assortment of athletic and dress clothes, which, against all odds, fit Vikram's massive frame—albeit snugly. God knows where he got them, but Vik didn’t care. At least he could leave this office. As Vikram slipped into the black athletic shorts, he gave another flex for Jasper, who couldn't help but laugh. "You're going to need a whole new wardrobe, man," Jasper said, shaking his head in disbelief. The notification on Vikram's computer caught his eye, and he read aloud the message from the senior partner, Rebecca Lawson, granting him a day off on Monday for his hard work. "Looks like I've got some time to adjust to this," Vikram mused. Determined to leave the office before anyone else saw him, Vikram attempted the elevator, only to find that he was far too large to fit. The stairs were his only option, and as he descended the 51 flights, he felt the stairwell shrink around as his shoulders crashed into the walls, leaving many a dent in his wake. CHAPTER TWO: TELL IT TO ME STRAIGHT, DOC The morning air was crisp as Vikram stepped outside, the city still quiet in the early hours. With each stride, his towering form drew curious glances from the few passersby on the street. He made his way to the office of Dr. Julian Brownly, his endocrinologist, and the one person he hoped could make sense of his bewildering transformation. Vik had been seeing him since a potential thyroid scare a couple years ago. Dr. Brownly, a brilliant and handsome 30-year-old physician with a passion for bodybuilding, was taken aback as Vikram ducked through the doorway of his clinic. The doctor stood at a modest 5'9", a stark contrast to Vikram's colossal stature. "Vikram, what on earth..." Dr. Brownly trailed off, his professional curiosity piqued. Without wasting a moment, Dr. Brownly set to work, measuring Vikram's height, taking blood samples, and running a series of tests. The clinic seemed to shrink around them, the equipment dwarfed by Vikram's size. The doctor had to measure Vik laying down as there was no way he could reach his lofty head. “Twelve feet on the dot.” The doctor said, astonished. Vik sat up and flexed his arms— “I like how that sounds. Vikram the 12-foot-tall giant.” As he heard his measurement, Vik’s already immodest bulge thickened into a fat semi. The doctor could not help but stare, but quickly composed himself to return to his work. After a thorough examination, Dr. Brownly delivered his findings with a mixture of concern and astonishment. "The Accelercola—it wasn't the cause of your growth. It was laced with something lethal. But somehow, your body reacted... differently," he explained. Vikram listened intently as Dr. Brownly revealed the existence of a dormant 'giant gene' within him. A rush of hormones, triggered by the contaminated drink, had activated the gene, altering his body to save his life. A sense of pride swelled within Vikram. He stood taller—if that was even possible—and flexed his muscles, a playful smirk on his face. "So, I'm not just a giant in the courtroom now, huh?" he teased. Dr. Brownly couldn't help but smile at Vikram's good humor, despite the gravity of the situation. "You're certainly something special, Vikram. But we need to monitor you closely," he cautioned. Vikram nodded, but his attention was elsewhere. He caught his reflection in the mirror, his new form a marvel to behold. He bounced his pecs, the movement sending ripples across his chest. The feeling was exhilarating, empowering. "Looks like I've got some new assets to work with," Vikram quipped, turning to Dr. Brownly, who was scribbling notes furiously. Dr. Brownly looked up, adjusting his glasses. "Just remember, don’t try to take on too much more heart stress. Your labs are perfect, better than perfect, but who knows what could happen," he said, with a tinge of concern. Vikram laughed, the sound deep and resonant. "Don't worry, Doc. I'll be fine. I think I might be close to invincible now." Vik glanced down at Dr. Brownly’s modest 5’9”. From his new vantage point, he laughed— “is that what I used to look like?” Vik came dangerously close to the doctor, his body heat radiating onto the smaller man. “No wonder Gurinder and Harminder thought I was a midget.” The doctor, a once proud bodybuilder gulped. “Let’s schedule a follow up in a few weeks to make sure you are still good.” With his newfound confidence, Vikram thanked Dr. Brownly and left the clinic, his mind racing with possibilities. The world was a different place for him now, and he was eager to explore it with his giant steps. As Vikram Singh, now a giant among men, exited Dr. Brownly's office, the morning rush was beginning to swell on the streets. His departure was anything but inconspicuous; pedestrians halted mid-stride, their expressions a blend of awe and disbelief. Children pointed, their eyes wide with wonder, while adults fumbled for their phones, eager to capture the extraordinary sight. Vikram, however, was unfazed by the attention. With a confident stride, he made his way to a local cafe, a quaint establishment he had frequented in his former, more average-sized life. CHAPTER THREE: SUPERHERO DAY Ducking to avoid the top frame, Vikram entered the cafe, the bell above the door jingling in his wake. He relished the sensation of his muscles flexing and contracting as he navigated the narrow doorway, the fabric of his black shorts stretched taut over his powerful legs. The cozy interior was a stark contrast to his grandiose physique. Patrons glanced up from their lattes and laptops, their conversations trailing off as they took in the sight of the colossal newcomer. Behind the counter stood Evan, a barista Vik had never seen before. His eyes met Vikram's, and for a moment, there was a silent exchange of mutual respect—Evan for the man who dared to dream beyond his size, and Vikram for the artist who sought to capture the essence of life in song. "Quite the entrance," Evan remarked, his tone light and playful. Vikram chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. "Just trying to fit in," he quipped, flexing his arms casually. The motion was fluid, a testament to his newfound strength and control. Evan couldn't help but be impressed. "Well, you certainly stand out," he said, reaching for the largest jug he could find. "And I suppose you'll be needing coffee to match." The two engaged in conversation, their topics ranging from the mundane to the profound. Vikram shared his aspirations and challenges, while Evan spoke of melodies and harmonies that danced in his head, waiting to be set free. As Evan prepared a giant jug of coffee, the rich aroma filling the cafe, Vikram found himself grateful for the normalcy of the interaction. It was a reminder that despite his dramatic change, the simple pleasures of life—like a good chat over coffee—remained unchanged. Evan slid the jug across the counter, a smile playing on his lips. "Here you go, a brew fit for a giant." Vikram accepted the jug with a nod of thanks, his large hands enveloping the container. "You know, Evan, maybe this size isn't such a bad thing after all," he mused, the steam from the coffee warming his face. Evan laughed, the sound mingling with the soft notes of jazz playing in the background. "Just don't outgrow us all, Vik." With a final wave, Vikram left the cafe, his spirits lifted by the encounter. The city was waking up, and with each step, he felt more at ease in his towering frame, ready to face whatever the day might bring. --- Vikram, with his newfound stature, strode through the city streets, the giant coffee jug in his hand now seeming no larger than a regular cup. His destination was the law library, a repository of legal wisdom where he hoped to unearth a long-forgotten case citation for work. The morning sun cast long shadows on the pavement, mirroring the elongated silhouette of his imposing figure. As he approached the library, a shrill screech pierced the air. Vikram's sharp eyes caught sight of a school bus, its frantic driver wrestling with the steering wheel as the vehicle barreled down the street, brakes evidently failed. Without a moment's hesitation, Vikram set his jug down and sprinted towards the impending disaster. The ground trembled beneath his colossal strides. Onlookers gasped, their fears for the children on the bus momentarily eclipsed by the spectacle of this giant man in motion. Vikram reached the bus just as it neared a busy intersection. With a roar of effort, he planted his feet firmly on the asphalt and extended his arms, his hands grasping the rear of the bus. Metal groaned under the force of his grip, and with a herculean heave, Vikram slowed the bus's momentum. Sparks flew as his shoes slid across the ground, his muscles bulging with the strain. Inch by inch, he brought the runaway vehicle to a halt, just shy of the crosswalk. As the dust settled, Vikram stood tall, towering over the bus. The children inside, wide-eyed and breathless, peered out the windows at their savior. The driver, overwhelmed with relief, mouthed a silent 'thank you' as emergency services arrived on the scene. Vikram surveyed the crowd that had gathered, their expressions a mix of awe and gratitude. He had become more than just a lawyer or a giant; he was a hero in the truest sense. With a nod to the first responders, he retrieved his coffee jug and continued on his way to the library, his heart pounding not from exertion, but from the realization of his own strength and the difference he could make. --- The library doors, once imposing, now felt like gateways to a new chapter in his life. As he ducked inside, Vikram knew that no matter how tall he stood, it was his actions that truly made him larger than life. Vikram's arrival at the library was a moment of relief; the high ceilings allowed him to stand tall, unencumbered by the fear of bumping his head. The scent of old books and the quiet whispers of knowledge-seeking patrons filled the air. It was here, amidst the rows of legal tomes, that he met Marcus. Marcus, the law librarian, was a 28-year-old with a physique that spoke of hours dedicated to bodybuilding. Yet, even his well-defined muscles seemed modest in comparison to Vikram's towering form. Marcus couldn't hide his fascination, his eyes tracing the contours of Vikram's massive frame, which dwarfed his own 6-foot stature. "Never thought I'd meet a real-life Goliath in the stacks," Marcus joked, breaking the ice. Vikram laughed, the sound echoing off the library walls. "And I never thought I'd need to duck under doorways," he replied, gesturing to his height. As they conversed about obscure case laws and landmark rulings, a camaraderie formed between them. Their shared passion for the law bridged the gap that Vikram's size might have created. It wasn't long before Marcus enlisted Vikram's help with a problem: the library's ladder was broken, and a stack of books awaited reshelving on the highest shelves. With ease, Vikram lifted the volumes, organizing them with a care that belied his size. Marcus directed him to the right sections, impressed by Vikram's ability to handle the delicate task. After the work was done, Marcus scribbled his phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Vikram. "How about we hit the gym together? I could use a workout buddy, especially one who doesn't need a spotter for the heavy weights," he said with a grin. Vikram accepted the offer with a nod. "I'm in. It's not every day you find a friend who's not intimidated by a little extra height," he responded, tucking the number into his pocket. As Vikram left the library, he felt a sense of belonging. His size might have changed, but his ability to connect with others hadn't. With a new friend and potential gym partner, Vikram's world seemed a little less daunting. --- Vikram's stomach grumbled with the ferocity of a thunderstorm, echoing off the skyscrapers as he lumbered down the street. Hunger pangs struck with such intensity that he half-expected to see a 'Feed Me' sign hanging from his neck. Spotting an 'All You Can Eat' buffet, his face lit up like the neon sign above the entrance. As he ducked into the restaurant, a collective gasp rose from the patrons. The maître d' froze, clipboard in hand, eyes tracing the arc of Vikram's stooped entry. "Table for one?" he ventured, the question sounding more like a hope against hope. Vikram nodded, his eyes already scanning the smorgasbord of culinary delights. The maître d' led him to a table, but it was clear that no mere piece of furniture could accommodate Vikram's colossal frame. With a sheepish grin, Vikram opted to stand, his plate resting on the table like a toy saucer. Plate after plate, Vikram sampled everything—the roast beef, the sushi, the exotic cheeses, and an impressive mountain of shrimp. The other diners watched in awe, their own forks paused mid-air as Vikram devoured dish after dish. The chefs in the back began to sweat, their culinary creations disappearing faster than they could say 'buffet.' Finally, with the contented sigh of a man who had eaten his fill, Vikram leaned back—careful not to topple over the dessert cart—and let out a belch that rumbled through the restaurant like a bass note in a symphony. Patrons chuckled, and even the staff couldn't suppress their smiles. The restaurant owners, a charming couple who had never seen their buffet so thoroughly appreciated, approached Vikram with a mix of trepidation and fascination. "Sir, we must say, we've never had a customer quite like you," the wife said, her eyes wide with wonder. Vikram winked, flexing an arm as thick as a tree trunk. "Well, I do have quite the appetite. Hope I didn't cause too much trouble," he teased, the corner of his mouth twitching with a playful smirk. The husband laughed, shaking his head. "Trouble? No, no. You've set a new record! Tell you what, come back anytime, and we'll make sure to reinforce the tables." As Vikram thanked them and squeezed back out the door, the couple exchanged glances. "Maybe we should start a new promotion," the husband mused. Vikram strolled away, his hunger sated and his spirits high. The city had never seemed so small, nor the buffet so endless. CHAPTER FOUR: SHOWDOWN AT THE SINGH HOUSE Vikram's journey home was a study in contrasts. The familiar streets seemed narrower, the doorways smaller, and his own house appeared as if it had shrunk. He had to twist and turn to squeeze through the front door, feeling a bit like Alice after she drank the potion in Wonderland. Inside, the world was different from this new vantage point. The ceilings felt lower, the furniture doll-sized. Vikram marveled at the transformation, a grin spreading across his face as he realized the power and size he now possessed. He stretched out an arm, his hand almost spanning the width of the hallway. The sensation was intoxicating. Gurinder walked in first, his eyes glued to his phone, not noticing the colossal figure of his younger brother. It wasn't until he bumped into Vikram's leg, which he mistook for a new, oddly placed column, that he looked up. "Vik...?" Gurinder's phone clattered to the floor, his voice a mix of shock and awe. "What in the world happened to you?" Harminder, entering behind him, stopped dead in his tracks. "You're... huge!" he exclaimed, his eyes traveling the length of Vikram's towering form. Vikram beamed, his chest swelling with pride. "Yeah, it's a long story. Let's just say I had a bit of a growth spurt." Gurinder circled Vikram, his analytical mind kicking in. "This is incredible. You must be over twelve feet tall! How do you feel?" Vikram could sense the shift in dynamics as he towered over his brothers, the air thick with unspoken tension. Gurinder's excitement was palpable, his hands gesturing animatedly as he bombarded Vikram with queries about his newfound stature. Harminder, usually the most confident of the trio, now seemed withdrawn, unable to meet Vikram's gaze directly. “What the hell is that?” Harminder asked, pointing at Vik’s prodigal crotch bulge. “Oh, this?” Vik asked innocently as he gave it a squeeze, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Seems like my growth spurt affected more than just my height and muscles," he replied with a chuckle. Harminder blushed furiously, averting his eyes as if trying to unsee what he had just witnessed. Gurinder, ever the scientist, leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. As they settled into the living room, Gurinder couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "How did this happen? Are you some sort of superhero now?" he blurted out, eyes wide with wonder. Vikram chuckled, running a hand through his hair that seemed to touch the ceiling effortlessly. "I wish it were that simple. Long story short: I feel like one,” he replied, trying to downplay the magnitude of his transformation. Harminder finally spoke up, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and envy. "I can't believe this! How did you get so huge overnight?" Harminder's voice quivered with a hint of jealousy, his eyes flickering between admiration and resentment. “And why do you get to be the giant?" Vikram shrugged, a small earthquake in the gesture. "I guess I just got lucky. Or maybe it's karma for all those times you guys used me as an armrest." Vikram could sense the emotional turmoil within his middle brother and decided to address it head-on. "I know this might seem overwhelming, but it's still me, Harminder. Just a different version. And who knows, maybe this could be a blessing in disguise. We'll figure it out together," Vikram said, his tone gentle yet firm. Gurinder nodded in agreement, offering his support with a reassuring smile. "Yeah, bro. We're here for you no matter what. You're still the same Vikram we've always known, just a bit... enhanced," he added with a chuckle. Harminder's expression softened as he absorbed their words. Slowly, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I… I’m still your big bro, I can run circles around you at work, and I can still pummel you. Well, Mr. Giant, how about I prove that size isn't everything? I challenge you to a wrestling match." Vik’s arched an eyebrow, “At work, sure, no doubt. But the pummeling?” A wry smile formed across Vik’s lips, “You wanna go?” --- The backyard of the Singh household had been transformed into an impromptu wrestling ring, the grassy expanse a stage for the brothers' test of strength. Vik, the youngest and now the largest, stood at the center, his massive form casting a long shadow in the afternoon sun. Gurinder and Harminder, no strangers to physical contests, eyed their younger brother with a mix of anticipation and wariness. They were tall and athletic, but next to Vik, they seemed almost ordinary. As the makeshift bell rang, Vik's deep voice boomed across the yard. "Ready to learn a lesson from your little brother?" he teased, a playful smirk on his face. The wrestling began, and it was immediately clear that Vik's size and strength were in a league of their own. His movements were fluid and precise, each muscle in his body working in perfect harmony. His arms, thick as tree trunks, wrapped around his brothers with ease, lifting them off the ground as if they were children. Gurinder grunted as he tried to find leverage, but Vik's grip was unyielding. "I have to admit, you've become quite the force of nature," he said, struggling to break free. Harminder, caught in a similar hold, couldn't help but let out a laugh despite his predicament. "I think 'force of nature' is an understatement. He's more like a one-man earthquake." Vik chuckled, the sound resonating through the air. Vik's muscles rippled under his skin, their power evident in the way they flexed and bulged with every exertion. His brothers could feel the immense strength coursing through him, their bodies pressed against his like pebbles against a boulder. Harminder and Gurinder grunted and strained against Vik's overwhelming force, their attempts to break free met with little success He released his brothers gently, allowing them to regain their footing. "I can't deny it; I love being this huge, this powerful. It's like I've been reborn as an alpha, and I'm not going to lie—it feels incredible." The brothers circled each other again, their movements a dance of power and agility. Vik's legs, each the size of a small person, propelled him forward with surprising speed. His back, a broad canvas of rippling muscles, flexed with each twist and turn. As the match continued, Vik's dominance was undeniable. He moved with a confidence that came from knowing he was the strongest, the biggest, the alpha. And yet, there was a grace to his actions, a reminder that he was still their brother, still Vik. When Vikram finally pinned Harminder to the ground, it was with a gentleness that belied his gargantuan form. Lying on the grass, Harminder conceded, "Alright, you win, Vik. This new size of yours... it's something else." Vikram helped his brother to his feet, his laughter booming across the yard. "I think I could get used to this.” The tournament ended with laughter and backslaps, the brothers acknowledging Vik's superiority in good spirits.As they caught their breath, Vikram bounced his pecs, the movement sending ripples through his muscles. "Still think size isn't everything?" Vik's thoughts were on the future, on the possibilities that lay ahead for a man of his size and strength. Gurinder chided Vik, “Just don’t become a bully.” Vikram shook his head. "Never. I'm still your little brother, just a little... bigger." After their match with Vik, Gurinder and Harminder stood up, shaking off the defeat with good humor. They locked eyes, the unspoken challenge hanging between them. It was Gurinder who broke the silence, his voice laced with competitive spirit. "Alright, Harminder, you and I haven't had a proper go in a while. Let's see if you've still got it." Harminder smirked, rolling his shoulders in anticipation. "You're on, Gurinder. But don't expect any brotherly mercy from me." The two brothers circled each other on the soft grass, their athletic forms a testament to years of friendly rivalry. They lunged and parried, each seeking an advantage, their movements a dance of strength and agility. As the match progressed, it was clear that both brothers were evenly matched, each countering the other's moves with practiced ease. But it was Gurinder who found the opening, a momentary lapse in Harminder's defense, and with a swift maneuver, he took his brother down to the ground. Harminder grunted as he hit the grass, a mix of surprise and respect flashing in his eyes. "Well played, Gurinder. I guess you've still got the edge," he conceded, offering his hand for Gurinder to help him up. Gurinder pulled Harminder to his feet, a triumphant grin on his face. "It's all in the technique. But you put up a good fight, brother." The brothers shared a laugh, their bond unshaken by the outcome of the match. As they walked back to the house, their conversation turned to plans for the next family tournament, where they would once again test their mettle against each other—and against the giant that was their younger brother, Vik. Vikram's new size and strength were overwhelming, his pecs bouncing in a triumphant dance as Harminder looked on, defeated but impressed. CHAPTER FIVE: BED AND BREAKFAST The night had fallen, and the house was quiet as Vikram, now a giant among men, prepared for bed. He entered his bedroom—a room that once felt spacious, now seemed like a dollhouse around his massive frame. "Alright, Vik, let's see if we can do this without breaking anything," he muttered to himself, a habit he found comforting in the face of his new reality. He raised his arms for a goodnight stretch, misjudging his own strength and size. His fist connected with the ceiling with a thud, leaving a hole where smooth plaster once was. "Oops," he chuckled, "Guess I don't know my own strength yet." Carefully, he maneuvered towards the bed, the furniture creaking a warning. He sat down gingerly, only to hear the wooden frame groan under his weight before it surrendered with a crack, the mattress hitting the floor. "Well, that's not going to work," he said with a resigned laugh, looking at the bed now resembling a nest rather than a place to sleep. Lying down proved to be another challenge; his feet dangled off the edge, scraping against the wall. "I'm going to need a bigger bed," he mused aloud, the absurdity of the situation not lost on him. Despite the discomfort, exhaustion took over, and Vikram drifted off to sleep. His snores were deep and guttural, vibrating through the house, a testament to his new, gargantuan size. The walls trembled with each breath, a lullaby of sorts that echoed his earlier thoughts. Gurinder, from upstairs, heard the sounds. "With great size comes great... snoring" he mused. Morning light streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on Vikram's face as he stirred from his slumber. For a moment, he lay still, the events of the previous day feeling like fragments of a dream. But as he attempted to stretch, his hand met the resistance of the ceiling—reality came crashing down. The transformation was real; he was a giant. With a groan that sounded more like a growl, Vikram rolled out of bed—or what was left of it—and stumbled towards the kitchen. His movements were awkward, uncoordinated, like a puppeteer learning the strings. "Time for breakfast," he mumbled to himself, his voice a deep rumble. The kitchen, once a place of culinary experiments, now felt like a dollhouse. Vikram ducked under the doorway, his tighty-whiteys hugging his massive frame, leaving little to the imagination. The sight was enough to stop his brothers, Gurinder and Harminder, in their tracks. "Vik, for heaven's sake, put on some clothes!" Gurinder chided, trying to avert his eyes. Harminder just whistled. "You're going to need a custom tailor, brother. At least make sure they’re clean before leaving your room." Vik's looked down as his enormous manhood and testicles bulged, the fabric of his underwear stretched to its limit. A huge spot of precum made his underwear almost see-through at his massive cock head. The scent of musk and sweat emanating from Vikram's groin was strong, an earthy and slightly sweet smell that only added to the intensity of his current state. It was unlike anything Gurinder or Harminder had ever seen, a testament to his new size. Ignoring their comments, Vikram set about making breakfast. He cracked eggs with one hand, each one looking like a quail's egg between his fingers. The frying pan was comically small, but he managed, flipping pancakes that were more like silver dollars on the griddle. He raided the fridge, devouring everything in sight—bacon, bread, leftovers from last night's dinner. The protein powder was next; he tipped the container, and the contents vanished like dust in a vacuum. As he ate, his appetite seemed insatiable, each bite only fueling his hunger further. He finished with a belch that rattled the windows, a satisfied grin on his face. Gurinder, ever the analyst, had been calculating on his phone. "Vik, at this rate, you're going to eat us out of house and home. Literally." Vikram's smile faltered. "I... I didn't think about that. I'll cover the costs, don't worry." Harminder raised an eyebrow. "With what? You're going to need a raise just to pay for breakfast." The reality of his financial situation dawned on Vikram. His associate salary, once a source of pride, now seemed meager. "I'll figure something out," he said, determination setting in. "Maybe I'll start a side hustle. Giant for hire, anyone?" The brothers laughed, the tension easing. They would support Vikram, no matter his size or appetite. But as Vikram looked around at the empty shelves and the demolished pantry, he knew that being a giant in the modern world was going to require more than just a big personality.
    6 points
  3. This is my first attempt at a story.... Giganticbeast convinced me to post. I wasn't looking forward to entering the house I had grown up in. My mom had divorced my dad suddenly and disappeared to "travel the country." I hadn't seen my dad my whole freshman semester. I had become great friends with my roommate, Mitch. He was the only freshman on our colleges division one football team. The dude was a beast. 6'3, 220 pounds of pure muscle. Tan skin, bright blue eyes and light brown hair. He was an Adonis.... And also one of the nicest guys I ever met. We hit it off once we first met. I had always been athletic but nothing compared to Mitch. He took it upon himself to personally up my strength and conditioning. I was 5'11 160 of tight athletic muscle going into college. Thanks to Mitch, his training, and all his supplements, I had gained close to 30 pounds of muscle. All my shirts were tight across my new pecs and wide back. With my increase in size, came an increase in attraction from the girls on compass. Mitch was practically swimming in pussy. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was gay... Or that I jerked off thinking about him at least twice a day. He had become my best friend and I couldn't stand the thought of losing him. That was the main reason I had been dreading my 2 hr drive home to see my dad.i missed Mitch already. It was pathetic I know but the man was perfect. I talked to my dad about once a week. I loved my dad. We had the same humor and he was fascinated at my new found love with lifting. He told me I had inspired him to start working out and getting serious about lifting again. My dad, Steve, owned his own construction company. He had always been in shape, one of those thick beefy muscle guys. He was 6'2 with dark almost black hair, dark brown eyes and always scruffy. He was slightly over weight but also had thick muscle arms and a big chest to distract from the little beer belly he had. I had always admired his broad frame and manliness. His pecs were perfectly hairy as were his arms and legs. After a mind numbingly long drive, I was so happy to be pulling into my old drive way. I have to admit I was excited when I saw my dad's giant company truck in the driveway. He hadn't seen me since I packed on all this muscle and I knew he would be so proud of me. I had purposely picked out a shirt he had gotten me. It was for his construction company. It was a medium light weight grey shirt. It use to fit me perfect, was one of my favorite shirts. Now, my shoulders barely fit in it, my biceps stretched the fabric to the limit and my pecs bulged out like two giant slabs of beef. It barely reached my waist. I felt so sexy in it, knowing I had grown so much I was almost hulking out of it. I couldn't wait to surprise me dad. I ran up to the door and rang the door bell. I didn't know that when that door opened, it would be my jaw hitting the floor. Standing in the doorway was my dad.... Only it didn't look like him. My working out clearly INSPIRED him. My dad looked amazing. He was always a beefcake but damn. He looked like a body builder now. He had on a white v neck under shirt that was stretched to its limits over huge mounds of muscle pecs. I could see their outline perfectly, with his nipples at attention straining the shirt even more. Dark chest hair dusted the top portion of his pecs that were filling out the v neck like cleavage. He was wearing an old looking necklace I'd never seen on him. It was a bronze chain but it was tucked into his shirt so I couldn't see the rest. When I finally tore my eyes away from those monster pecs I stared at my dad's face. He was beaming a perfect smile at me, his eyes traveling up and down my body. He was scruffy as usual, with a buzz cut of his dark hair but looked ten years younger. He was only 42, he had gotten my mom pregnant when they both were 18, but he looked so much better than I remembered. I couldn't stop myself from checking my dad out. My eyes trolled over his body, and I had to stop myself from drooling. He's arms looked massive, they had to be at least 20" flexed, and I was dying to see them flexed. They were covered in veins and his forearms were covered in hair, again more then I remembered. And I swear I could see a six pack through the t-shirt. My gaze traveled further south. My dad had on short gym shorts that had huge hairy quads bulging out of them. His quads looked like they were as thick as my 30" waist with calves that were equally as impressive. His feet even looked bigger. Then my gaze traveled back to his crotch. The bulge in the shorts was borderline obscene and I was suddenly dying to know what my dad was packing. I know I shouldn't even be considering it but his bulge was memorizing. It looked like a banana and two eggs were shoved in the front of his pants. I think I started to drool when my dad finally snapped me out of it. "Damn son!!!! Look at you! You've turned into quite the stud! " my dad said to me as he gripped my shoulder. "Dad.... I..... Er....... I ...... Wow" is all I could muster. He laughed so deep and hard. "You like what you see son!? Your dad has been hitting the iron hard!" He said as he flexed his bicep. My knees went weak. I've never seen a bicep that big in person. He just kept flexing. "Look at how big your daddy's become!" He said with a smile. He almost seemed turned on by his own strength. He started flexing his other arm, doing a double bi pose right there for me. That's when I noticed that my dad seemed taller then he use to as well. I swear his bicep was getting bigger as he flexed. That's when his shirt suddenly ripped at his lats. I couldn't believe my eyes. My dad just laughed. "That keeps happening to me." He said with a shrug. "Come give your old man a hug!" My dad pulled me into his massive arms pushing my face into those massive pecs. I tried to reach around him but when my hands found his wide lats, I couldn't stop feeling them. They were so thick I felt the strength and power radiating off them. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I'm so glad to have my boy back home with me. I've missed you so much. There's so much I want to show you." He just held me. I was engulfed in his strength and warmth. I had never felt anything like it. He pulled me into the house, locking the door behind us. He stood there rubbing my shoulders as he looked me up and down. It took everything I had not to get hard as I was staring at the muscle god that was formally my father. He had a huge smile on his face and I don't think I've ever seen him look more proud. "Come on, show me all that hard work!" He said as he effortlessly pulled my shirt off up over my head. "Flex for me boy." I followed my father's command. I started flexing, showing him my 18" biceps, bouncing my pecs, flexing my abs. He stared intently at me as I showed off for him. If I didn't know any better I'd say there was lust in his eyes. Finally I stopped and my dad snapped out of his trance. "You look amazing Asher. I'm so proud of the man you've become. Looks like that Mitch guy knows what he's doing!" My dad said beaming. "I thought he knew what he was doing, but he has nothing on you dad! I can't get over your size! You've packed on so much muscle! How!? You have to tell me!" I said as I stepped closer to him. "Whys that boy? Like what you see? You'll never be as big as your daddy." He replied with a smirk. "I don't want to be bigger than you dad, you are a muscle God now!" I said in awe. "Not yet Asher, but soon I will be... Let me show you something." My dad took my hand as I put my shirt back on and lead me to the basement. Where his old man cave use to be, was now packed with weights, and machines, rack after rack, bench press, squat, preacher curl. My dad had every piece of workout equipment imaginable down there. They room was covered in mirrors. I saw our reflection, I looked so small next to my dad. There was so much weight on the bench press I thought for certain he had just loaded it up to impress me. He walked over to the Dumbbells and picked up 120lb Dumbbells like they were pieces of paper. He started to curl them right in front of me. I watch as his biceps filled with blood and pumped up. Further and further they grew. I could actually see them growing! 10-20-30 reps.it was impossible for anyone to be that strong. He threw the weights down with a roar. I just stared in awe as he flexed again, his arms looking even bigger. He walked over to the bench and called me over. "I've never curled that much before! What a fucking rush!!! Spot me now boy." He commanded. I stared at the impossible amount of weight on the bar. "Dad! You can't do this! You'll hurt yourself!" I exclaimed. "I've been waiting for you to get home just to see how much I could lift. How far I could push myself." He said with a smirk as he laid down on the bench and put his hands on the bar. I was certain he wouldn't be able to lift it off the rack. He had 400lbs on the bar. He pushed up. I stared down as his pecs rippled. He lifted it up, one rep, two..... Then it seemed like it was getting easier as he pumped out one after another. Were his pecs getting bigger?!? He racked the bar. "More weight!" He demanded. I hurried to throw on another 90lbs. It wasn't enough. He wanted more. I piled on weight until I hit 585lbs. He started to lift it before I even got into position to spot. He was covered in sweat now as he struggled against the weight. One rep..... Two reps...... Three..... This was impossible. I was hypnotized by his strength. Then the sound of a rip snapped me back to reality. I watched as my dad's v neck gave way and ripped half way down his torso as his pecs bulged out. His glorious hairy pecs exploding out of the fabric. He was growing alright. Right in front of me. He let out the deepest sound I had ever heard come from a man in the form of a primal growl as he pumped the massive amount of weight over and over. He racked the weight and stood up. His chest was heaving from his powerful lungs. His pecs completely exposed. Gigantic slabs of pure power. Dusted in a perfect amount of dark hair. Silver dollar nipples hard as a rock and begging for attention. He stared down at me from a new height. He was easily 6'4 now. That's when I noticed his necklace again. It look old, ancient old. I reach out and touched it. It was hot to the touch, hotter than it should be. My hand wondered over to my dad's huge pec. I couldn't help myself. My dad had become a muscle God in need of worship. I began rubbing my hand through his chest hair, feeling every inch of his pec, my other hand joined in on the other. I couldn't bring myself to look up at him but he wasn't stopping me. I was in heaven feeling those massive muscles. I almost started drooling. That's when I felt my dad's hand on the back of my head, pulling my head to his nipple. Fuck! Was this really happening!? "Yes boy. Worship your muscle god daddy !" He demanded as he slammed my head on to his nipple. I had to comply. My tongue began flicking his nipple. The more I played with it the more my father moaned. My hands were drawn to his massive pecs. I began to massage them as I sucked on his perfect nipple. My fingers digging deep into the massive muscles. I swear I could feel the striation. "Fuck yes boy. That feels so fucking good. I've been dreaming about this for so long." He moaned out. I was so turned on by hearing this muscle god utter that. He made me completely forget about my roommate Mitch and how I felt about him. The more I touched him the more I needed my father. He pulled my face off his chest. I tried to resist, my mouth didn't want to leave that perfect form. He held my head. One hand on holding my jaw, the other on my forehead. He stared into my eyes. His dark brown eyes felt like they were piercing my soul. It was like he was willing me to love him more. To be more devoted to him. I just stared at his gorgeous face, his strong jaw line, thick lips and scruffiness that was almost a fully trimmed beard now. "I love you dad," I blurted out. He smiled the sexiest smile I'd ever seen as he drew me in closer to him. The warmth of his muscular body overwhelmed me as he pushed his lips against mine. Electricity shot through my body. It was the most pleasure I'd ever had. I needed more. It quickly escalated to us kissing hard and deep as my dad's tongue over took mine. He easily lifted me off the ground and pulled me in closer to him. He held all my body weight like a was nothing more than a child. He walked me over to the wall and pinned me against it. He began to kiss me more aggressively as I moaned out in pure ecstasy. I was punching and pulling on his pecs. Working over his nipples as he gnawed at my face. His one hand was on my back while the other rubbed my pecs through my shirt and slowly moved up to my neck. He's grip tightened around my neck as he pulled me off his lips. I moaned out in protest. "You're mine now boy. I'm going to fuck you so hard and so deep you'll never forget it. And when you're filled up with my cum everyone will know who you belong too." He told me with such domination. I stared at him with wonder, and all I could think about is how much I needed his cock inside me. My legs were wrapped tightly around his waist as he pushed me against the wall. His hands moved down inside my pants. That's when I felt it. There was a massive hard pole pushing up against my ass. It felt massive. He effortlessly ripped my pants in two leaving my ass completely naked pinned between a wall and his massive frame. "Fuck me daddy. I need you!" I moaned out. I stared at him begging him for it. I had never wanted anything more in my life. He smirked as I heard a rip and felt his cock suddenly flop against my bare ass. I could feel it leaking precum all over me. It felt like a fountain. I was dying to see. I kept trying to look down at it. "You want to suck that cock don't you boy!?" My father asked me as he grabbed my chin again. I nodded. "You want me to smack that pretty face with my monster dick don't you boy?" I nodded again. "And smear all that daddy juice all over your sexy lips." I nodded again as I began to drool. "You're dying to taste daddy's seed, aren't you boy!?" "Yes daddy! I need it! I can't wait! Please let me have it!" I said as I tried to struggle against his grip. He didn't budge. He easily overpowered me. I never help so helpless... Or turned on before in my life. I had forgotten about my own cock, but it was throbbing and leaking all over his hairy abs. He reached down and wiped up some of it and licked it off his finger. "Mmmmm my boy's juice tastes delicious," he said with a smirk. He reached past my leg and began jerking his massive pole. More pre streamed out onto my ass. He wiped up some on two thick fingers. He brought it up to my mouth but held my head in place with his other hand. "Now now boy. You'll eat when I tell you," he teased as he held it closer to me. He teased me over and over again I moaned and squirmed, begging him to let me taste it. I could smell it, the manly musk overtaking all my senses. Finally he let go as I grabbed his wrist and sucked his massive fingers in my mouth. The taste was amazing. It was the embodiment of his sexual energy. I couldn't believe it. He smirked as I cleaned his fingers. "My boy is so eager for his daddy." He said with a cocky grin. "Now you will be mine." He stated as he slammed his cock into me. His hands were like vice grips on my hips. The surprise made me squirm to try and avoid that gigantic intruder. It was no use though. His cock throbbed as he pushed deeper and deeper into me. I let out the loudest moan of my life as his cock filled me. The pleasure had my toes curling, my eyes rolling back and head tossed back against the wall. He let out a primal growl as his balls pushed up against my ass. "Fuuuuuck boy!!! Your hole is so fucking tight and hot! It's perfect for my cock!" My father growled out. He pulled out the entire way and slammed it all back in. I had no idea how big it was but I had never felt anything like it. "Fuck!!!! Fuck me daddy!" I screamed out in pure bliss as I shot the biggest load of my life all over his hairy pecs and up blasting him in the chin. I had no control and kept unloading stream after stream as he pumped his cock into me. He held me against the wall as he fucked me over and over. My legs still wrapped around his waist as he pounded me, my back slamming into the wall over and over. He let go of me and started to flex as his cock throbbed inside me. It felt like I was bobbing up and down with every throb and flex of his massive cock. I was mesmerized again by the shear size of his arms. "Grrrrrrr! Look at all that fucking muscle boy!! It's pure strength! Feel it! Feel how hard your daddy is!" I reached out and rubbed and worshiped him as his cock pumped inside me. He flexed over and over in my hands. The necklace he was wearing began to glow again and as he flexed I was feeling him getting bigger in my hands! "Holy fuck!" I screamed out "dad you're growing!!!" "Fuck yes boy! I'm literally becoming the strongest man on the planet! Soon I'll be the biggest too! I will truly be a muscle god!" He growled. He was staring at his bicep as he contracted them so hard it looked like he was lifting. They grew slightly with each pump. I was so amazed it took me a while to realize that each time his cock flexed and throbbed inside me, it felt like it was taking up more and more of my hole! I looked down and was about to say something as my dad stopped flexing and returned to pounding my hole. He was raping me against the wall. I couldn't move as I came again. Another huge load exploding all over my dads perfect hairy pecs. He wiped it up and licked it up as he slammed harder and deeper into me. He kissed me again, hard and deep, letting me taste my own load as he fucked me. "FUUUUUUUUUCK!!! I'M GOING TO BLOW!" He screamed out as he thrust his cock so deep into me. I felt it flex and throb so intensely I nearly came again. Then it began to pump cum into me. It felt so warm, almost hot as it filled me up. I began to feel the heat spread through out my body. I began to sweat and my shirt suddenly felt tighter. He pumped more and more into me as he screamed out in ecstasy. What was wrong with me!? My whole body was tingling and warm, it felt like his cum was spreading every where inside me. I looked down at my chest, and saw my pecs stretching my shirt more and more. I was growing just like my dad had done. His cock was still unloading inside me and I felt hotter and hotter, like I was burning up from the inside out, but the pleasure... It was pushing me over the edge. I looked down at my cock and watched as it grew longer and longer pushing to my dad's belly button, then further. It was throbbing so hard, and leaking more pre then I ever had before. The mushroom head of my cock was swelling to a new girth. My own cock was turning me on. I felt heavier... And stronger. I flexed my arms. I stared in amazement at their size just as my shirt sleeves ripped. The sound snapped my dad out of his pleasured state. His eyes stared at me in a mix of lust and wonder. He was staring at my chest. I looked back at it. My nipples were pushing out more than before as the fabric was stretched so thin. My pecs were bulging out further than I ever thought possible. Is my dad's cum making me grow!?!? With that thought my shirt gave way. It ripped down the center to reveal huge pecs, lightly dusted in dirty blond hair, much more than I had had before ... And I'd shaved clean this morning. We both stood there, breathing heavy, covered in sweat and cum. I stared at my father in utter disbelief. He just smiled at me, and kissed me with a new found passion as his cock was still throbbing inside me.
    4 points
  4. Sam, the Unstoppable Chapter One Sam thought he had won the lottery. His 19 year old boyfriend was a real-life, bulging with muscles, bodybuilder. He discovered his love for muscle when he was 12 and stumbled across a YouTube channel of a well-known professional bodybuilder. That day, he spent hours falling down a rabbit hole of huge, freaky muscle and never looked back. Sam however, was the farthest thing from muscular himself. While his love of muscle grew over the years, he was 18, 5’8” and a skinny 153lb. In fact, aside from his boyfriend, Sam didn’t have much going on in his life. He dropped out of collage after one year, his parents allowed him to keep his small apartment on the condition he got a job. Sam begrudgingly found a job at a big-box fulfillment warehouse that kept him living on his own. The job was easy so Sam didn’t mind too much. With his parents paying his rent, his job provided him money for video games and takeout, pretty much all Sam did when not working. When Ben popped up on the hookup app, Sam almost didn’t swipe. Sam assumed, like most fit guys, Ben would be uninterested in a shrimp like him but to his surprise, they hit it off immediately. Sam couldn’t hide is love for Ben’s body and Ben loved the attention Sam showered on him. Ben was 19, 5’10” and 185lbs when they met. He was thinking of entering his first bodybuilding competition which Sam encouraged with abundance. As Ben packed on more size, reaching 196lbs, Sam was in heaven. As Ben started his diet, he became more lean and shredded and while Sam missed his larger mass, he was equally attracted to Ben’s changing body. A week before his competition, Ben was running through his posing routine at Sam’s place. He was down to 173lbs but what he had lost in size was replaced with a striated, vein-covered muscle. Sam couldn’t get enough. “Wow Ben, you look so good!” Sam said as Ben flared his lats and twisted his small waist to the side. He was competing in the classic physique class, which meant he was wearing shiny black posers that barely covered his ass. “I need to loose a few more pounds. I need to come in super shredded.” Ben said as he held the pose. “I can’t imagine where you can loose more fat. All I see is muscle.” “Yeah, I missed my size initially but I’m kind of loving all these veins.” Ben said, twisting his forearm, causing thick veins to sprout in every direction. “I still can’t believe you never joined my gym. You could have been getting buff while I got competition ready.” Sam wanted to join but every time he summoned the courage, he would compare himself with the massive freaks he secretly admired and his confidence would evaporate. He also worried about being able to concentrate surrounded by big, bulging muscle heads at the gym. Ben knew he was a fan of muscle, but even after four months together, Sam hadn’t shared the full extent of his muscle obsession with Ben. “I didn’t want to interfere with your prep.” Sam said as a coverup, his excuse each time Ben broached the subject. “Whatever, it would have been cool.” Ben said, turning his attention back to his reflection in the mirror. “Now get over here and feel all this hard muscle.” Ben said. Sam jumped off the sofa without needing further encouragement. It was the day of the competition. Sam sat in the audience feeling completely out of place and in the place he always dreamed of being at the same time. It was a small local show but that didn’t stop the flood of huge bodybuilders from showing up. Everywhere Sam looked he saw muscle, on both men and women. He worried he would not be able to control his already raging hard-on before Ben stepped onto the stage. Sam’s heart was beating like a drum when the classic physique class was called on stage. Ben was the third competitor of eight. As he stepped on stage, Sam could barely contain his excitement. Being his first show, Ben looked nervous and was not the biggest guy on stage. His conditioning helped him hold his own but as the judges moved the men around, Sam knew Ben was not in the running for the top prize. That didn’t affect Ben’s joy when he was announced as the fourth place winner. Had there not been an unending parade of muscle on stage for the following classes, Sam would have lost his mind waiting for his chance to congratulate Ben. He sat in complete awe as the men got bigger and bigger as their weight classes were called. When the super heavyweights were called, Sam had to stifle a moan as they waddled on stage. The winner was absolutely enormous and Sam’s cock was throbbing as he hit pose after pose before collecting the overall prize. Sam timidly made his way to backstage, trying his hardest not to gawk at all the smooth, tanned flesh that filled the room. He spotted Ben talking to another competitor across the room. Even surrounded by half naked bodies, Ben looked amazing. The guy Ben was speaking to was a few inches shorter but almost twice as wide as Ben. Ben was laughing at something the other guy said as he turned and saw Sam. “Hey!” “Congratulations! You looked incredible.” Sam said, trying but failing not to look at the guy next to Ben, who looked even bigger up close. “Thanks. Sam, this is Dave. He placed second in the 212 class.” “H-H-Hey, Sam.” Sam stammered. “Nice to meet you. Well done again Ben. Hit me up about that workout.” Dave said as he turned to leave. “I’m going to get changed and then I NEED to get something to eat. I’m going to pig out tonight!” Ben said before rushing off. Sam looked around the room in disbelief he was actually witnessed this. There was huge, ripped, pumped muscle all around him. Something else struck Sam as he scanned the room, no one noticed him. It was as if his small frame was invisible. Maybe it was the amount of people or the numerous mirrors but the bodybuilders were so engrossed in themselves to notice anyone else. Sam’s confidence grew a little and he held his stares a little longer, admiring the flawless bodies. The room erupted in applause as the overall winner walked in. Even in this room, he stood out, clearly the biggest person by a large margin. The other competitors high-fived him, shook his hand and posed for selfies. “Ready?” Ben said, startling Sam. “Y-Y-Yeah.” Sam took a final look around the room as him and Ben left, knowing this image would never be forgotten. The days that followed his competition were hard for Ben. He was disappointed by his placing and when pictures from the show started to appear online, he became extra critical of himself. Sam tried to make him feel better but whatever he did or said was met with insincere thanks. Ben was spending a lot of time on his phone. Sam noticed an influx of text messages. “Is everything ok?” Sam finally asked. “I guess. I need to get a lot better for the show next year.” “And you will. I’ll help you as much as I can.” Sam said. “How will you help Sam?” Ben lashed out with a sudden rush of anger. “I just mean, whatever I can do.” “What, suggesting we get more fast food or playing more video games?” Ben interrupted. “Ben?” “I’m serious Sam. What do you know about bodybuilding? You don’t know anything about how hard it is, how much work it takes to get bigger and better. All you do is laze around here all day.” Sam was hurt. “I’m sorry.” “No you’re not! I’ve been trying to get you to go to the gym with me forever and you never do. You don’t do anything. I think I need to be around people that feel the same way I do.” “What are you saying?” Sam said. “I’m saying I’m breaking up with you Sam.” Sam felt his heart physically skip a beat. His eyes filled with tears as he stood staring at Ben in utter shock. “No.” He muttered. Ben started to toss the few things he’d left at Sam’s apartment over the last few months into his gym bag. By the time he was finished, Sam was practically weeping. “Come on man, did you really think we had a future? Look at you! Sure, we had some fun, you got to jerk off to my muscle and I’ll give you some credit, you can worship my body pretty good but there’s more to a relationship than just that.” “Ben! Please don’t go.” Sam pleaded, wiping his tears. “Later Sam.” Ben said coldly as he closed the door behind him leaving Sam to collapse on the sofa, crying uncontrollably. It took everything in him to make it to work the next day. Sam felt like he was in a haze. He hadn’t slept, eaten or even showered. His job at the warehouse was mindless work fulling orders but even today Sam was struggling to keep up. With his shift over, Sam walked home, thinking only about crawling into bed. He wasn’t paying attention and found himself walking down a street he normally did take. He stopped to orient himself when he saw the sign, “Brutus”. The front window was tinted but getting closer, Sam could see it was a gym. Before he even registered what he was doing, Sam walked through the front door. “I want a membership.” Sam heard himself say as if he was listening to someone else. When Sam woke up in his bed hours later and saw the gym membership card on the table, he had to think hard about how it had ended up there.
    2 points
  5. Longer one, hope you enjoy! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 5: Summer break arrived, grim as a prison sentence. To be away from Frank for mere hours felt like torture. Especially now that I was a full-blown roid pig, and my sex drive was insatiable. How was I going to survive back home for three months? For his part, Frank was just as upset. He had to stay on campus for football training — same dorm room, no me. “Will you promise me something?” he asked on my last day, as we lay in bed together. I was tracing my fingers through the violent grooves of his eight pack. “Of course, what is it?” I was expecting him to ask me to remain faithful, to not mess around with other guys. Now that I looked like this, I attracted leers anywhere I went, from men and women alike. Everyone wanted me. But that’s not what Frank was talking about. “Don’t stop lifting and growing this summer,” he said. “I want to see you get even bigger. I want you to keep eating, keep cycling. Stay focused on muscle all summer. All day, every day. Come back even bigger than you are now. Come back so big, people will gasp when they see you. So big they won’t even recognize you. James, your body has already responded better than I had hoped. You’re a hunk now, but I can make you a freak. A muscle freak. So huge. We’ll make you so big. 290, maybe even 300 pounds. Oh my god bro... Fuck....Big as a pro bodybuilder. Bigger. The two of us. Waddling around campus. Fucking and fucking nonstop. Two muscle freaks. One tall, one short. Sex every hour. All that muscle. Muscle, sex. Roids. Fucking beasts. Huge. So huge. Muscle, big muscle, so strong, so much muscle, so much musc-- oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck James! I can’t handle it. Holy shit! UNHHHH!” Frank grabbed behind my neck with one huge hand, and stuck his tongue down my mouth forcefully. At the same moment, his dick sprayed a huge load without warning or even any touch. Rope after rope shot up and landed in Frank’s beard and on his veiny neck. I counted 8 ropes! All while he kissed me passionately -- almost desperately. This happened anytime Frank talked about my muscle growth. Nothing turned him on more, not even his own muscular development. The second he started to envision me growing bigger, he'd burn beet red, wheeze loudly. His eyes would unfocus and look manic. His cock would shoot up as fast as a soldier's salute. As a rule, he'd eventually devolve into muttering "muscle" over and over again, like an incantation, until he came spontaneously. These would always be his biggest loads (which is really saying something). Each time Frank spiraled like this, his fantasies got more extreme. First it was bulking me up to 230 pounds, now it was 300. Of course, I couldn't have been more turned on either. I loved watching him lose control like this. I also started to realize that these fantasies could actually become a reality. I was almost 19, and already 225 pounds. To become a genuine mass monster, even a professional bodybuilder, suddenly felt plausible, especially while Frank was around. Laying beside him, I stroked my bulging pecs, arms, shoulders, quads, glutes... I was still blown away by their size. I soon came a load almost as large as Frank's. His fantasy was now my reality, my goal. -- So I had my marching orders for the summer. I also had (thanks to Frank) a year's worth of tren packed in my suitcase. With a heavy heart, it was time for me to head home. We had one last, incredible fuck session. Then another one. Then another one. Then finally, realizing I was about to miss my flight, I called an Uber and dashed off. Frank's dry cum still coated me underneath my super-tight clothes. The aroma of his pits was on my face in the cab, which gave me a throbbing boner the entire ride to the airport. I was 5'9, 18 y/o, 225 pounds. Tight denim jeans tearing inside the crotch. Light blue college t-shirt so tight you could see every ridge of my abs, both my nipples, my thick upper pecs almost touching my chin. Whenever I glanced at my reflection in a mirror or window, I was astonished at how wide I looked -- and also how obscene. Like a bodybuilder in the first minute of a gay porno, wearing ridiculous, undersized clothes. Stares from every direction as I rushed through the airport to board my plane. The gay flight attendant did a double take when he welcomed me on board. For a second, his mouth was agape. I winked, and he went red. I knew I looked like a fantasy cooked up in a lab. I approached my seat. A small, nerdy kid with glasses my same age -- no doubt on his way home from college as well -- regarded me with terror. I weighed a hundred pounds more than him, even though we were about the same height. As I stretched to stow my bag in the overhead bin, my tight shirt left my slightly hairy, washboard abs exposed. My bulging crotch was one inch from the kid's face. I'm sure he could smell the cum and sweat inside. I sat down beside him, my weight shaking the plane seat. All the color drained from his cheeks. The plane took off. The cabin lights dimmed, and almost everyone fell asleep. This was my first time in a plane seat since my "growth spurt." My shoulders and arms jutted well into the nerd's personal space. My hard tricep rubbed against his sad, noodley arm. I kept thinking how, just six months ago, I was this geek's size. We were probably the exact same age, yet I could do military presses with his body and not even break a sweat. Maybe even with one arm. I thought: Should I apologize for how much space I was taking up? I really was encroaching a full quarter into his seat. My bulging shoulder was digging into his tiny body. (The other one jutted into the aisle, so no one could pass by without brushing it.) My arm wasn't even on the arm rest, that's how wide I was. Then I noticed that the nerd was awkwardly covering up a boner in his lap. "Heh," I laughed under my breath. I turned my bulging neck and looked him in the eyes. I winked. He went as red as a firetruck. Now I was feeling arrogant. Discreetly, without anyone noticing, I grabbed his wrist and laid it on my bicep. I flexed, and the little nerd squeezed as hard as he could. (Not very.) Then I guided his tiny arm up under my shirt. I let him feel my pecs. I bounced them up and down as he groped them pathetically. His grip suddenly weakened. "Uff!" he whimpered. I saw a dark spot growing in his pants. My huge muscles had just made him cum. "Good boy," I whispered, and pushed him away, before anyone noticed. Fun as this mile-high muscle worship was, I was already missing Frank. I scrolled through the hundreds of X-rated pictures and videos of him on my phone, both heartbroken and incredibly aroused. Pics of us together when I was just 180 pounds, and he was 375. Videos of me pounding him doggy style, his back muscles jiggling. I could feel the nerd's prying eyes on my screen. I stumbled upon a recent, shirtless, chest-up picture of Frank, from his 430-pound era. He was smiling, as handsome as a movie star, but his furry pecs and shoulders looked so shockingly pumped that the nerd gasped. "Your...boyfriend?" he asked meekly. "You could say that," I replied. "Oh my God. He's... huge," he whispered, looking at Frank's picture in disbelief. He was spellbound. Now I had a painful erection. I lowered the seat back tray to hide it. But my heart was heavy. Three months apart. It sunk in. What if Frank found someone new? Someone even bigger than me? Vague jealousy burned like flames in my mind. I felt more motivated than ever to grow this summer. I'd come back so huge that Frank would be shocked, so big he could never find someone hotter than me. So big, so fucking big, so much muscle... my mind looped and looped, just like Frank's. Maybe it was the tren. The nerd watched as I took out a two-pound Tupperware container. Ground chicken, brown rice. 120 grams protein. It was a four-hour flight, and I had three of these meals to eat. -- To say my parents were horrified would be an understatement. At the airport, they didn't even recognize me at first. "It's me, it's James," I assured them. Even my voice was deepened by the roids. They hugged me like I was a science-fiction monster, confused and alarmed. You have to remember that the last time they had seen me, just six months prior, I was a lean, 155-pound kid. Now I was 225 pounds. I had told them I was bigger, that I'd been lifting, but not much else. Now, their charming, sensitive, academically inclined son was a roided-out meathead, more muscular than a Chippendale's dancer. Voice deeper, face wider but still jarringly boyish on a thick neck that stretched my shirt collar. Obscene, veiny muscles bulging everywhere -- ass, shoulders, pecs, arms, traps -- beastly, erotic bulges attracting stares from all corners. The next few days were pretty awful. Long fights ensued. Vehement lectures about the dangers of steroids (which I denied using, lol). Insistence that I see a psychiatrist for "bigorexia." But I knew what body dysmorphia was, and I didn't have it. I didn't think I was small. I thought I was huge. And I loved it. And now the only thing I wanted was to get bigger. All my parents’ anxieties and pressure didn’t amount to much when I thought of the sweaty, hairy, 430-pound muscle bottom that was waiting for me back at school. Frank’s special kind of madness had infected me. Logical reason fell by the wayside. All that mattered anymore was muscle and sex. With horror, it dawned on my parents that not only had I transformed utterly...I wasn't finished yet! I hadn't lined up a single thing to do that summer except train and eat and cycle on more and more gear. No internship, no summer job, no friends or social life even. Just gym and consuming shocking amounts of protein, day in, day out. Every now and then, I might come across a hulking gorilla at the gym or on Grindr, and I'd fuck their brains out. But those were my only, occasional distractions. If that was cheating on Frank, then it hardly counted, because Frank had spoiled me for sex. Guys smaller than 230 pounds no longer interested me -- and even when I found a roided-out muscle bottom, he'd never have a cock as massive and beautiful as Frank's was, or a face as handsome, or lips as soft. By my 19th birthday, late in June, I was 235 -- up a full ten pounds from my last weigh-in, and yet leaner and more defined than ever. My parents pretty much cut me off. They'd still pay for college in the fall, they said, but they didn't want to underwrite the money I was spending on food and new clothes and probably steroids that summer. Yet I soon realized that I could make a fortune doing cam shows, just flexing and jerking off for ridiculous rates, and could even raise my prices as I grew bigger and freakier each week. (Being hung didn’t hurt either.) So money became a non-issue. It poured in. In fact, I was making more than my parents did, unbeknownst to them. By early August, I was 250 pounds, a number that shocked even me. By then, my largest shirts fit like crop tops and left my well-defined abs exposed. Finally, my parents put their foot down. Either I see a psychiatrist, or they would stop paying my tuition. Reluctantly, I agreed. Through a stroke of luck, this ultimatum totally backfired on them. Within seconds of meeting my handsome, 30-something psychiatrist ("call me Justin") I realized he was gay. I could tell he was struggling to maintain his composure as he looked me up and down. As soon as the door of his office closed, I literally tore off my shirt. I practically leapt over his desk and shoved his face in between my pecs, forced him to suck on my perfect nipples. I flexed a bicep (21 inches) and pushed it into his face. He moaned and slobbered all over my peak, then huffed my musky pits. I swiped all the stuff off his desk -- it crashed on the floor -- and I roughly laid him out on the surface. I picked him up and started doing military presses with his body, over and over, with perfect form. I could tell from the bulge in his pants how much he was loving my show of strength. Then I laid him down on the chaise lounge (where I was supposed to be in therapy). I sat on his face, and enjoyed the frantic, overwhelmed way he ate out my bubble butt, no doubt the most muscular one he had ever seen. The shrink quickly came in his nice slacks. But I wasn't through with him. I flipped around and shoved my 8-inch cock down his throat. At first he nearly choked, but eventually managed to suck me dry. My load was enormous. All this worship had made me more horned up than I'd been in months. I started to put my tattered, indecent clothes back on. "That's all the time we have for today," I joked as I walked out the door -- knowing he'd never forget how good my ass looked as I left. -- A few days later, I overheard Dr. Justin debriefing my parents on our session on speakerphone. "Mr. and Mrs. Keller, you have nothing to worry about. James shows no signs of body dysmorphia or any other psychiatric disorder. Bodybuilding is a perfectly legitimate sport, and you should be encouraging James for his dedication and hard work. In fact, I'm a little disappointed that you have been so dismissive of James's athletic goals." My mom fell for it, hook, line and sinker. "Oh, God, you're right. How could we have been so unsupportive? I feel terrible." But my dad raged. "Encouraging THIS!? But the boy looks like a FREAK!" “Mr. Keller, I don’t think words like ‘freak’ are helpful here.” "Honey, listen to the doctor. We need to support James." "But what about the steroids?!" "In my medical opinion, I see no signs that James is abusing steroids. After speaking with him, it is my belief that he simply has excellent adherence to his diet and exercise regimen -- as well as a genetic predisposition for muscular hypertrophy." "BUT HE'S GROWING FIVE POUNDS A WEEK! THE KID HAS 21-INCH ARMS!" "Ron! Don't second-guess the doctor. He's the expert here." "Well, all of this being said, I do think James would benefit from continuing therapy. Maybe you could send him back to my office?" -- Although my dad wasn't happy, that was the end of the fighting. My parents yielded to my increasingly extreme lifestyle and size. Emboldened, I dramatically increased my tren and macros, and by the end of the summer, I was teetering at 265 pounds, up a full 40 pounds since June, and 110 pounds since January. I wasn't just training my muscles… As long as I'd known Frank, I'd never been able to bottom for him. His 10.5" dick was too much for me. I couldn’t even get it inside me. So all summer, I was practicing with bigger and bigger toys, getting ready to ride his almost fist-sized cock the day we reunited. Even though Frank was on my mind constantly, we hadn't corresponded much. It was pointless to text or call him. He lived in the moment, whether lifting or eating or fucking or practicing, and barely looked at his phone. The messages I sent would sit unread for days, driving me into a frenzy of insecurity. The few messages I got back were dashed off in pidgin English. ("miss u 2 bro, iam jo 2u rn. still growin??") Sometimes I thought he was barely literate. Plus, there was a tacit understanding between us that we didn't want to reveal too much. We both wanted to be shocked by each other's growth when we finally reunited in person. Imagine what Frank is going to think when he sees me. That was all I thought, day in and day out, as I pounded protein shakes, pushed barbells, and pegged myself in my locked bedroom. One hot August afternoon, as a twelve-inch dildo ripped through my bubble butt, I came the biggest load of the whole summer, picturing the shock on Frank's face when he'd finally see me next week. -- The day came. I was returning to college for sophomore year. Unlike my last flight, this time, I knew I was far too big to fly coach. I just wouldn't fit. So I used some of my cam money to upgrade to First Class. Even in the larger seats, my lats spilled out comically. A tank top, barely a scrap of fabric, left half my pecs and both nipples completely exposed. It was pretty fun to watch the other passengers trudge by, the look of shock on their faces when they saw a 265-pound, 19-year old bodybuilder looking back at them arrogantly. I made sure they all had to brush past my veiny arm, which jutted into the aisle. Especially the nerds around my age, whom I took special pleasure in intimidating. I didn't eat any of the First Class food, though. I brought seven pounds of ground beef and rice in three huge Tupperware containers. Spent most of the flight stuffing my face, trying not to leak too much pre-cum thinking about my growing muscles -- and of the furry, wheezing, waddling mass monster that was waiting for me back on campus. Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank. After I was done eating my Tupperware meals, I started rubbing my bulging chest, flexing my arms, turned on by my own mass. The other people in First Class glared at me. I’ll admit, my behavior and appearance were pretty shocking. My dick got so painfully hard that I needed to rub one out. I stuffed myself into the airplane bathroom, barely able to close the door. I felt like a sardine. Then I looked in the mirror. I almost came on the spot. I could not believe how massive I had become. I pulled my cock out of my sweatpants and flopped it on the tiny bathroom counter. I looked back at my reflection and immediately orgasmed. I sprayed a load all over the little sink and mirror. I flexed for a few more minutes, totally stunned. I half-heartedly cleaned up the mess, then waddled back to my seat to drink a protein shake. — My flight had been delayed, and I got to our dorm quite late -- almost 2am. Everyone on campus was asleep. I stood outside our door. New year, same little cinder-block dorm room. We had pulled some strings to stay paired together another year. My heart pounded. I was completely hard. Just imagine what Frank will think when he sees me. Even as I reached for the door handle, the enlarged size of my veiny forearm caught my eye. A warm feeling surged through my cock. The room was pitch black. I heard Frank’s typical snoring and closed the door quietly, trying not to wake him. The scent of sweat and muscle and cum was overpowering, like a smack in the face. It conjured the countless fuckfests we'd had in the room over the past year. My dick throbbed with pleasure and anticipation. I even started moaning out loud, that's how horned up I felt. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I realized the mattress was on the floor for some reason, no bed frame -- and the huge, dark mound on the mattress must be Frank. I set my bag down, then peeled off my clothes silently. Now I was completely naked. My dick was pulsating from Frank's pheromones and my months of waiting. I tiptoed towards the mattress in the center of the room, stepping on jock-straps, cum-stained bodybuilding mags, empty vials of tren... Same loud snores. Frank could sleep through anything. I climbed into bed with him. I got under the covers. I nestled next to him, so I was big spoon. Frank's naked body felt molten hot as I ran my fingers through his fur. Impossible to describe his scent. Even in the darkness, just tactilely, I could tell something was different. This was Frank, but this wasn't Frank's same body. For example, I cupped one of his shoulders with both of my hands, yet even two hands couldn't encompass his delt -- that's how enormous he was. Cuddling him from behind, I couldn't even reach around his lats; he was too wide. My fingers grew more restless as I realized he was far, far larger than the last time I saw him. In disbelief, I groped his sleeping muscles, squeezed his neck, caressed his beard, the stubble on the back of his head... Frank snorted loudly and flipped onto his back, almost crushing me in the process. But he didn't wake up. Frank started to talk in his sleep. "Fuck...Muscle bro...Fuckin' huge...Muscle...Freak...Musc..." he muttered. Then he resumed snoring even louder. Now I could feel his pecs. I delicately kneaded them, toyed with his sensitive nipples. ("Unnh!" Frank cried unconsciously.) Yes, they were much bigger too. Hard to tell how much bigger in the dark. I was in a silent frenzy. I could have cum right then and there. Yet I decided to reach down further. I felt it. Frank's 10.5" cock, as hot and hard as I had dreamed of it. I tasted some of the pre-cum that dribbled out. I had to do it. I had to ride him. I very quietly stood up, stripped the blanket off of his body. I squatted over Frank's cock and guided it into my massive bubble butt. I just used a bit of spit for lube. Even in his dreams, Frank was leaking so much pre that I didn't need much else. All the training I had subjected myself to that summer was leading here. Frank was still asleep as he entered me. I cried out in pain. Then the pain subsided and pleasure rushed over me like nothing I'd ever felt before. I slowly thrust up and down, taking more and more, until he was inside me up the hilt. I was legit crying tears of joy as Frank unwittingly tore through my ass -- feeling like the type of huge muscle bottom I'd always fantasized about. I started thrusting my ass faster and faster as I rode him. Then suddenly a change came over Frank. He didn't wake up, but some kind of animal spirit inside of him did. His super-strong hands clasped my waist, and suddenly he was thrusting harder and harder. Pounding me. "AHHHHH!" I screamed, unable to stay quiet any longer. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I roared with each thrust. The feeling was so intense, I was about to pass out. Then Frank truly woke up. "WHAT THE -- what the FUCK?" he yelled out in confusion as I rode his cock in the darkness. I must have looked like a huge dark shape bouncing up and down on his boner. "AH! AH! AH AH!" I moaned, incapable of even forming words. I was starting to black out, the room was receding, but I couldn't stop riding Frank. It felt too incredible. Then Frank groped for a lamp near the bed. He clicked it on. A blinding light filled the room. I realized why the mattress was on the floor. The wooden bed frame had evidently buckled -- its wreckage was piled in the corner of the dorm room. I looked down at Frank, he looked up at me. We saw each other for the first time in three months. All while 10.5 inches of him were inside me. I'll cut to the chase. Frank was 470 pounds. He had gained 40 pounds of mass that summer. His arms had grown to 26 inches. His furry pecs were so enormous that from my angle, riding him, they actually hid most of his face. His cheeks were fuller and his face was broader from all the gear, yet he was as handsome as ever, even with a stunned look in his eyes. Then you have to imagine Frank's POV, bright light suddenly on, looking up and seeing his roommate, now a 265-pound gorilla, riding his cock for the first time ever, pectorals and hard cock flopping up and down. "J--James?" "FRANK!" (In unison) "OH MY GOD! UNNNNNNNH!!!!" As his load GUSHED into my hole, mine exploded all over his mega-pecs and his beautiful face. The biggest load I'd ever produced. His face was completely coated, like a mask. We both came and came and came and came and came. Our muscles were shuddering and quivering post-orgasm. The harsh light of the bedside lamp made our bodies look all the more freakish and unreal. Two absolute monsters, roid pigs, 19 years old, 735 pounds of muscle between us. Frank's sensitive cock was still deep inside me, gushing warm sperm deeper and deeper. We locked eyes. Underneath a veil of cum, I could tell Frank was smiling devilishly. That was how our sophomore year began.
    2 points
  6. Chapter 1: Standing there John a 22 year old college student felt that everything around him felt hazy, aimlessly he walked down a corridor where a light was shining. Drawn by the light source, his eyes focus on it, seeing a figure slowly come into focus. With each step he took the figure became clearer but it seemed almost as if he wasn't actually getting any closer. With the urge to find out what exactly he was looking at, he closed his eyes and made a mad dash to try reach the figure. His body felt light as he ran but his thoughts were cut short running into something, causing him to be knocked down to the floor from the impact. "Need a hand" the figure spoke Looking up he saw what looked to be a monstrous being of muscle mass extending his arm towards him. He wasn't able to get a look at the figures face since his pecs were blocking his view casting a shadow below them. Taking the figures hand he felt a jolt of power rush through him which at first felt like pain then quickly turned to pleasure, it felt as if his whole body was having an orgasm, his knees buckled under the immense pleasure he was feeling then giving way as he collapsed to the floor. As his face was about to smash against the floor he shot up straight in his bed, opening his eyes to find himself in his own room staring down at the wet spot on his sheets caused by the hardest morning wood he had ever had in his life. Looking over at his phone he sees his alarm going off with the text displaying 23rd birthday on it. Before he had any time to process any of the dream he just had, he hears his fathers voice yell for him from down stairs. "Coming dad!" John responded Before going down he did his morning routine and made sure to put his stained bed sheets to wash. As he walked towards the stairs his 24 year old brother Daniel appears as if he was waiting for you and wraps his arm around him pulling Daniel in for a hug. "Hey dweeb happy birthday, did you miss me!" "Daniel?! What are you doing here I thought you were still at college." "Seriously John did you forget, it's spring break of course I'd be coming home to visit for your birthday." Taking a step back John took a second to take a look at Daniel and noticed Daniel was looking different. "Woah you look..." Daniel cuts John off "JACKED RIGHT!" Daniel raises both arms into a double bicep pose and flexes hard making the bulky mounds of muscle in his long sleeve shirt rise up. "I started working out last year and I haven't stopped since, guess you could say I got bit by the iron bug. Now come on dweeb dad has breakfast ready for us." As he walks past, John catches Daniels scent from just having worked out and starts feeling aroused, he feels an odd sensation wash over his body. Breaking from his trance he follows Daniel to have breakfast. Sitting at the table John sees his 45 year old father Sebastian and Daniel both conversing about Daniels year at college as they both stuff their faces with food. John could tell there was a shift in their relationship as their dad has always been the man of the house but now that Daniel had been working out he had eclipsed their fathers slim toned body. It didn't help that Daniel was already taller than their fathers height of 5'6 standing at 6'0, but now he was out weighing him in muscle. After breakfast everyone went on with their daily routine and celebrated your birthday. As the days passed John watched as Daniel starts pushing the boundaries with their father, clearing out an old room used for storage without asking to be used as his weight room whenever he visits home. Their father without question didn't argue with Daniel although they could both tell their father was not happy with Daniels actions. Every morning and night John would hear the clang of metal and the grunts of his now beefy brother Daniel. This distracted him as he would just picture his sweaty pumped body throughout the day as he took his online college classes or relaxed in his room. Every time he would start fantasizing about his brothers impressive gains he would feel a sensation a kin to the one he had in that intense dream he had a few nights prior. In fact just about any time he started feeling horny he could feel the sensation start to take root in him, seeming to get stronger with each passing day. One day when he was feeling particularly pent up he even started jerking off to his fantasies and this time the sensation felt stronger than ever. As he jerked off he felt he could hear his brother seemingly get louder during his workout. Finally climaxing he cleaned himself and readied to take a shower to clear his mind. Coming out of his room John saw Daniel also heading towards the shower. Daniels body was red his his clothes were plastered to his body dripping with sweat. His post workout pump made his body look ready to burst right out of his already previously tight shirt. He flashed John a cocky smile as he continued for the bathroom locking the door behind him. Now riled up again John went back to his room trying to get his composure after seeing Daniel look the biggest he has ever been, completely unaware that these strange new sensations might have something to do with how big Daniel had been getting since getting home. Later on in the week on the night before spring break would end and Daniel would leave back to college, Daniel had a few of his friends over. As they arrived Daniel would stand proud puffing his chest out as he caught all his friends looks at his improved physique, the whole night Daniel would be showing off as he loved to talk about his body. The guys got drunk and Daniel got a whole lot more loose even starting to flex for his friends. In particular his best friend Tyson seemed the most interested since he took every opportunity he got to feel up Daniels muscles. After Daniels friends left, John heard some commotion coming from Daniels room and decided to check it out. Peeking through the door John sees Daniel drunk checking himself out in the mirror. He would do different poses starting at every bulge on his body, the longer it went on John could see the bulge in Daniels pants get larger. Staring at his brothers impressive physique he felt the strange sensation coming back. As John kept staring, his knees gave way and he stumbled into the room. Standing up Daniel saw his brother looking at him. Johns face flushed red waiting for Daniels reaction, but instead of being embarrassed or angry, Daniel looked like he was enjoying Johns gaze on his body. "Took you long enough dweeb I thought you were never gonna walk in here." Walking closer to John he makes sure to get close to his face. "You know dweeb ever since I got home I've been catching you looking at my body it's like your eyes are glued onto me. How's about you start doing a lot more than just looking." With that Daniel presses his body against John as he grabs the back of Johns neck and locks lips with him. As he continues kissing John, Johns feels that odd feeling flare in strength. Fully giving himself to Daniel he wraps his arms and legs around him as Daniel picks him up effortlessly with one arm. Walking over to his bed Daniel lays John down and sits down on Johns chest. Looking up all John could see is Daniels grinning face looking down at him past his pecs. "I know you want to rub your hands all over these gains but I think your gonna have to work for it." Daniel spoke With that Daniel pulled the elastic waist band of his shorts down and out pops his 6 incher smacking straight across johns face. Quickly overwhelmed by the scent of Daniels member John wraps his lips around it's head. As John services Daniels member he feels the odd sensation once again grow stronger. Not giving a care about it at this moment he fully gives himself to it. Continuing the blow job John open his eyes and what he see stuns him. Daniels pecs were visibly bigger, and not just that they seemed to still be inflating. Unaware of what was happening to him Daniel flexed a most muscular pose in hopes of giving John a show, only for his shirt to rip clean off. "What the hell that was my favorite shirt man! Guess I just don't know the limits of these clothes bro." Looking over into his mirror as he dominated John he thought he was seeing things. "Shit I must be wasted I look like a god." Releasing you from his cock Daniel gets up and walks back over to the mirror where he admires his body before really getting a good look at himself. "Holy shit I am bigger...." looking back over at John in bed he sees John staring in amazement at his own body. "Did you do this bro?" Daniel spoke Unsure of how to react John put his attention on the sensation coursing through his body as he stroked himself, focusing on Daniel. Without hearing a word from John he got his answer as he felt a warmth fill his whole body. Looking back in the mirror Daniel could see the bulk that he had amassed over the last four months begin to disappear being replaced with pure muscle. One by one his abs became more pronounced as his body involuntarily flexed them. His body shone with a layer of sweat further showing off the increasing definition of his expanding musculature. His pecs seemed to inflate with every breath he took as the shadow they cast grew larger Next his shoulders widened making more room for muscle, the sinews of muscle in his delts striated, his traps becoming freakishly developed capable of holding a large bottle. Daniel felt himself becoming intoxicated with the growth wanting more. So he walked back over to John and ripped his shorts right off. Picking John up he placed Johns ass directly at the head of his dick. Slowly he entered his brother as John latched his mouth and hands to Daniel, worshiping his growing body. Each slow thrust into John sending waves of pain and pleasure through his body. The sensation in John's body grew stronger as he felt Daniels grip on him increasing. With each passing moment he could feel the strength in Daniels body getting stronger as Daniel picked up the pace of his thrusts, his brother was turning into a raging growth bull. John plants his face between Daniels cleavage as his pectorals envelop Johns face muffling the sounds of Johns moans as Daniel fucks him. The whole while Daniel was watching himself in the mirror as he kept growing, at some point he even noticed his view seemed different as his head was gone from the reflection "FUCK bro your making me taller too!" Daniel spoke John only responded with a loud moan learning that not only was he making Daniel muscles bigger but his height was also increasing. Soon it was all too much for Daniel as he pulls out of John and blows the biggest load he's had in his whole life. Collapsing on the bed both John and Daniel lay exhausted from the effects of whatever John had done to Daniel and dozed off to sleep with Daniels new size taking up the whole bed, completely enveloping John. As they peacefully slumbered they had no idea that John wasn't the only one that was alarmed from the noise that came from Daniels room that night.
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  7. Chapter 7: Dads Turn Later that night Daniel was furious that his father was going toe to toe with all his progress, it was humiliating having his dad beat him in wrestling. Unfortunately for John that meant that Daniel was thinking of doing just one thing tonight. Texting John to come to his room in the middle of the night when their father had for sure gone to bed he started prepping for his next spurt of growth. Stripping bare naked he stared at his reflection jerking to himself while he waited. John enters the room catching his first sight of his brothers naked body since coming back home. Taking it all in he could see he had definitely made some progress while he was away and it was hot seeing it. "Get over here dweeb I need to be worshiped!" John hurried over to his Daniel quickly starting to grope his brothers 19 inch biceps kissing them as he flexed. While John was indeed enjoying the pleasure of Daniel hot body he could sense all the rage hidden underneath his fragile ego. He was afraid what might happen if he let his brother loose with more growth. From that point on Johns mind had subconsciously hindered the growth that it would give to his brother. Still wanting to enjoy some fun he let Daniel have some growth but wasn't going to let it get out of hand. Time went by and John began sucking his brother off while he was busy admiring himself in the mirror. Daniel could feel the pounds packing onto his body visibly looking fuller by the second, he loved the rush it gave him making him grow cockier. They then fell into a routine of Daniel thinking he's blowing Johns mind with the sex and then letting John worship his growing body until Daniel tires himself out. His stomach grumbles from all the fucking he had been doing and decided to have a snack while John rests in his bed. Going down to the kitchen he made himself a quick snack which then quickly turned into a whole meal due to the size his body currently had Gorging himself on whatever he could find in the fridge and pantry. Meanwhile Sebastian was waiting impatiently for his chance to strike every night. He had been ready to make a move his cock aching as he could feel the effects of Johns powers grow stronger while his brother fucked him it took everything he had in him to not let his inner alpha take over and barge in on them, although Sebastian thought that wouldn't be a halve bad idea. Seeing Daniel leave his room Sebastian felt his heart skip a beat as he knew it was finally time. Walking into Daniels room wearing what was one size to large for him was now skin tight on his frame from all the growth John had given him during the night. "D-DAD IS THAT YOU!" Sebastian does a double biceps pose ripping the sleeves of his shirt wide open. "The one and only sport!" John could see the look of glee on his fathers face as his biceps exploded out his shirt. He was at a loss for word. "Was he dreaming?" he thought to himself. Suddenly remembering where he was in Daniels room, he immediately tried to explain himself. "Dad I can explain it's not what it lo-" Sebastian interjects "Oh your going to tell me your not sleeping with your brother and he's not using you like his personal property?" John astonished replied "Wait how did you know all that?" "Sport did you really think I wouldn't hear all the racket you two would make and not think to check what's been going on. Which also means I know all about your powers sport." Johns face flushes red realizing what his dad knew he had been growing him all summer. "I thinks it's time I thank you for all you've done for your old man sport, if that's alright with you?" John could see his fathers swelling member in his pants looking ready to burst right out of them. He simply nodded staring at his fathers handsome face. Sebastian crouches down to John and caresses his face with a soft touch. "Daddies been waiting all summer for this." Locking lips with John, Sebastian could feel sparks fly as he literally inches upwards in height from just one kiss. Not wanting the kiss to stop John hops from the bed wrapping his entire frame around his fathers sculpted body. His father having no issue support the full weight of Johns body. Continuing their kiss John attempted to claw at his fathers clothes attempting to get them off of him as fast as possible. Breaking their kiss Sebastian stops John. "Oh no sport leave them on I love exploding out of them!" John could feel himself get even harder than a diamond spurting pre cum on his fathers shirt. "How's about you feel what it's like to be treated right sport!" His father ripped his shirt clean off him in one clean motion. Laying him down on Daniels bed he starts from Johns ears nibbling on them, then kissing his way down going from his cheeks to his neck softly biting into him. Sebastian knew he was doing a good job since he could feel the intensity of Johns power welling up inside him. His clothes were growing tighter he could feel himself ready to burst right through them. Standing back up he towered over John looking down at him Grabbing Johns pecs in each hand he began kneading the muscle John had built up. "Damn sport your on your way to building a chest just like your dads!" Sebastian bounced his swelling pecs sending a button flying from his shirt revealing the growing cleavage underneath it. John only moaned "more!" at the sight he just saw watching his fathers pecs push open his shirt. Going back down Sebastian felt the back of his shirt rip as he licked down Johns abs reaching his happy trail. Finally getting to Johns member he wrapped his lips around his cock head expertly sucking on it teasing John with his tongue. John was experiencing more pleasure than he ever did with Daniel and it was having great effect on his powers. He could feel his fathers grip on his thighs get tighter as the sound of ripping filled the room. His fathers mouth was making quick work already getting John close. Blowing into his fathers mouth Sebastian swallowed his load. Standing back up Sebastian once again posed a double bicep this time turning his long sleeve short into a shoulder length, his veiny arms now on full display. John couldn't help himself getting up and gluing himself to his fathers arms tracing every vein with his tongue trying to dent his fathers arm with his hands but no success. His father began hoisting him up with just one arm showing his improved strength. When John got back his footing he noticed a smell all to familiar from the times he would have to do laundry. Following the scent he buried his face into his fathers pits getting to smell the full aroma of his fathers musk. Sebastian felt the deep breathes that John was taking and looked down seeing him still leaking cum on his pants. Letting John continue he guides Johns hand to his exposed chest bringing it to the upmost button still clinging on. Giving a hard flex buttons fly off one by one his body swelling faster as it was clear just his scent was driving him crazy. Alerted by the noise John stop lapping up Sebastian's sweat and pull himself from his pit. Looking down he sees his fathers shirt now wide open most of the buttons from it on the floor and his father looking down at him giving him a hungry look. John understood what he wanted so he start sucking on his dads chest twisting his nip as he traveled down his light haired chest and abdomen. Each individual ab felt like granite with deep grooves in between each one, the way they shimmered in the moonlight only further excited John seeing how amazing they looked. Finally getting to the top of his fathers jeans he squeezed Sebastian's firm bulge feeling it pulsing at his touch. Eventually as he was rubbing it, his fathers member ripped free from the zipper containing it even going through his underwear in the process. Looking up at his father with a smile Sebastian gently rubbed his head coaxing him to give him what he wants. Taking his fathers cock in his mouth he feels it taking up most of his mouth struggling to even get halve of it in. "Shit sport, you better reel in those powers of yours. I know you haven't had a lot of practice but try holding off on growing my cock." John let out a reassuring moan as he was still sucking away slowing down to try and focus on growing everything but his fathers already big member. As the time went on Sebastian could feel the rest of him growing as his thighs began pressing against each other, his jeans riding up his legs turning into ripped shorts. He was loving every second of his clothes getting progressively tighter on his body. As John was getting better at sucking him off he could feel the build up reaching it's end as he began moaning trying not to make too much noise just yet. Exploding his seed into John he exploded out his jeans and what was left of his shirt leaving his sweaty muscles on full display. Panting from the intense orgasm John just gave him he thanked John "Shit sport I think that may have been one of the best I've ever had!" Picking up John from the floor he gave him a deep kiss holding him tightly. Still rock hard his dick slapped against Johns back. Breaking the kiss John spoke "You up for another round?" eagerly rubbing his ass on his father cock Sebastian replied grabbing Johns firm ass "Shit sport why do you think I worked in all those squats into your workouts!"
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  8. Chapter 6: Daniel Comes Back Home Daniels screams "IM HOOOOOME!" opening the front door entering the house. Walking the corner to the stairs he sees his dweeb of a brother standing there "Hey there's my little dweeb." Daniel walks over to John "Grabbing him in a head lock flexing his arms" John taps on Daniels shoulders. "Bro let go!" "Alright alright have it your way, but I know you've missed these." Daniel flexed his now 19 inch biceps in Johns face watching his brothers eyes bug out his face at the size of his arms. "I've been pumping them as big as I can, just for you so you can pumpem even BIGGER!" Daniel could see John starting to tent in his pants. "Woah there calm down dweeb there will be plenty of time for that tonight, but what if dad sees us?" John agrees calming him self down. "So where is the old man anyways I'd love to show him all the progress I've made while away from home." Reluctant to answer Daniel not knowing how he'll react to hearing their father has been using "his" gym. "Ummmm he's in the gym... and he's been saying the same thing about you?" A twitch happens on Daniels face as he grabs his brothers hand forcefully. "You haven't been growing dad have you? I told you your all mine you hear me!" John lied in hopes of calming his brother "I promise I haven't done anything to dad, okay bro?" he didn't like when his brother would treat him like an object that was his. Choosing to believe his brother he let John off the hook. "Let's go and join dad for this workout." Walking into the their home gym Daniel was astonished at the improvements that their Dad had made to the room adding many different pieces of equipment ready for use and several new weights. Then catching a look at his father he was blown away at the man he was looking at, instead of seeing his wimp of a father standing in his place was this foxy muscular daddy. "DAD IS THAT YOU?!" He almost thought he was seeing things since his dad looked visibly taller than he remembered looking down at his shoes he breathed a sigh of relief to see he had been wearing a pair of elevator shoes the old man must have been trying to make up for being shorter than him. Although he was unaware that his father had made adjustments to them to help him hide his added height. The moment Sebastian had been waiting for had finally arrived, instead of seeing Daniel come home with a shit eating grin he could see the intimidation seeping into Daniel as he took in all the progress that he could clearly see in Sebastian's skin tight work out clothes. "Whats the matter sport cat got your tongue, come and give your old man a hug!" Daniel didn't know what came over him but he followed his fathers simple phrase like he was being commanded too. Even though he was still slightly bigger than his father both in terms of height and weight he felt like he was being completely wrapped in an ocean of masculinity as his fathers tight grip squeezed the air out his lungs and as he breathed back in he was hit with the full blast of his fathers musk which he felt was even stronger than his own. Releasing Daniel from his embrace he patted him on the should physically nudging him not used to his increased strength from last nights bit of growth. "Whoops sorry about that sport guess your pops just doesn't know his strength sometimes." Daniel jokes around trying to maintain his own sense of being an alpha as he reciprocates nudging his father back but when his hand collides with his fathers hard shoulders his father didn't even budge an inch. Looking at his old mans face he could see the smirk on his face grow wider. "Well as much as I'd love to sit here and catch up, John and I have still got a workout to finish." "The dweebs working out too!?" "Oh yeah you should see the work he's put in, ever since you left he's been trying to get huge just like you." Taking a look at John who had been doing some bicep curls while he'd been conversing with their father he could see the bulges on his arms as he did his curls. Daniel felt a sense of pride inspiring his brother to follow him in his quest for growth but was curious as to why John hadn't just grown himself, yet in the presence of their dad he couldn't ask. "Well guess I'll join you two then I'm not letting you beat me yet old man!" As they all worked out John was in muscle heaven as his brother and father were both clearly competing for his attention throughout their whole workout. Constantly butting heads trying to out lift each other and seeing who could do the most reps. John was salivating as he watched his father and brother doing cardio his brother on the treadmill and his father on the step master. Daniels pecs would bounce every step he took and his fathers firm ass would jiggle as he climbed those stairs, All John wanted to do in that moment was bury his face in both areas. Then they went as far as having tests of strength trying to see who was the strongest, Sebastian and Daniel started with arm wrestling clasping their hands both straining with all their might veins popping up on their arms trying to out due each other. Although Daniel won the first match thanks to his bigger arms. Their father took the lead as he seemed to not feel any strain no matter how many more times they played a match, win after win their fathers ego was inflating as Daniel was starting to feel small in comparison to his father. Not wanting to be outdone so completely Daniel challenged their old man to some good old fashion wrestling unaware that their father had actually done wrestling in his college days. Embarrassingly for Daniel it was a complete massacre as his dad effortlessly won every time, Daniel having to tap out every time unable to break free from his fathers different holds. "Phew that was fun sport haven't had a match in a LONG time" Sebastian further drilled in the fact that he was rusty and still beat Daniel. Daniel masking his deflating ego said "Yeah yeah old man but at least I'm still bigger." "Now that you mention it sport you did put on some decent size how's about we have John take our measurements" Both Sebastian and Daniel looked over to John John could feel himself melting as both his sweaty pumped father and brother looked at him both eager to hear their own sizes. First up was Daniel who insisted on going first wanting to quickly recover from the blows to his ego. After John took all his measurements they noted them down Daniel Height: 6'1 Arms: 19 inches Chest: 44 inches Waist: 32 inches Thighs: 30 inches Next up was Sebastian who John seemingly took much more time measuring gawking at the density of his muscles. Sebastian Height: 5'10 Arms: 17 inches Chest: 40 inches Waist: 30 inches Thighs: 28 inches A thought crossed Sebastian's mind "Maybe there's something else we could measure? Shit probably not yet thought don't want to ruin the surprise just yet." instead of acting on it he decided it would be best to wait to get the most impactful reveal for both John AND Daniel. After having taken their measurements Daniel felt a sense of worry seeing his fathers massive gains in the past 6 weeks. "Had he been hooking up with John this whole time to get this size." Daniel thought to himself Daniel shot a glare at John jealous at the thought that his brother grew anyone other than him. "Hahah SQUIRT guess your old mans almost got you beat in the size department." Daniel could the see glee his father felt as he made that comment it made him feel...small, even weak. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over him seeing his father already past his prime quickly gaining all the hard work he put in the past year and here he was doing it in just 6 weeks. He had a sneaking suspicion that John might have something to do with it, but it still stung the same. John excused himself needing to attend one of his online class zoom sessions leaving Daniel alone with his father. Daniel felt a burning question welling up in him no longer able to wait for his answer. A little angry in tone Daniel spoke "How the hell did you grow so fast, you've using John haven't you dude!" Taken a back at the tone his own son was using with him Sebastian steeled his resolve puffing out his chest ready to go toe to toe with his cocky son. "Woah there squirt watch that tone with me, last time I checked I'm not some DUDE I'm your father you better start remembering that and second what do you mean using John we've just been working out. Guess I just never finished my growth spurt growing up how else would you explain it?" While it was the truth, Sebastian left out the part about him indeed growing thanks to Johns powers. Daniel felt fear struck him as his dad gave him a stern look instantly backing down. "Sorry pops don't know what came over me." Clearly not wanting to give away the info his father actually already knew he agreed chalking up his gains as some wild growth spurt. "It's all water under the bridge now come here and give your old man a hug!" Daniel knew his father wasn't asking but actually commanding him this time, so he did as he said. Sebastian firmly wrapped his arms around Daniel squeezing him in his vice grip bringing his lips right up to Daniels ear. "This growth spurts not stopping any time soon SQUIRT." Releasing him from the hug Daniel felt like whiplash had hit him as he wasn't sure if he correctly heard what his father had just said to him. Sebastian saw Daniels shit eating grin disappear from his face giving him a knowing look as if he was telling him dads in charge now. On Daniels end it felt like even though he was still an inch taller than his father he was actually looking up at the raw power house that his father had become, he gulped at the possibility of his father growing further.
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  9. Chapter 5: Dad finally scores Over the next few days Sebastian started working from home not wanting to risk a hulk out in public. This made it increasingly difficult to hide his gains from John its was becoming too obvious that he was getting big way to fast. So he made up a dumb lie that his work schedule getting in the way of his workouts with John and he had started wearing baggier clothes to hopefully not alert John to his added mass from whatever dream induced growth he had experienced. Sebastian was thankful though as he had finally made it to the day before Daniel would arrive home and he could put his plan into action. No longer would he have to hide his insatiable lust for growth in front of John and he'd finally be able to put Daniel in his place. While that might not have been possible at his current size he knew he could change that whenever he wanted. While he hid away in his own home John was readying for his movie night with all his college friends all around 23-24 years old, except Tyson Daniels best friend who is 25. One by one they arrived at his house and they all complimented John on his gains, they never once thought that John would be the type to try putting on some mass and they were all proud of him, even Tyson egged him on pushing him to try and grow like his brother. The night progressed and they were sat on the couch as the credits rolled on the film, when suddenly Sebastian came down the stairs completely forgetting John had his friends over. One of Johns friends blurts out "Woah you didn't tell me your dads jacked John" everyone follows suit as the attention has all been drawn on his father. All of Johns friends were quickly enamored with his dad as they were also muscle lovers like him. As much as John wanted to be mad at his father for breaking up his night, he couldn't help but feel happy seeing his father being showered in compliments since he never seemed to bring anyone special home he knew his dad must have loved the attention. Sebastian spoke "Sorry sport didn't mean to steal the show." John replied "No worries pops have fun." John not sure if he could handle the scene of watching his father being showered in appraisal thanks to his body retired to his room saying bye to his friends since they were all about to leave anyways Sebastian was getting bombarded with question after question about his body happily ready to answer them all. He quickly noticed the intense gaze that Tyson was giving him the whole time, he felt flattered that Tyson was clearly enjoying looking at his body so he decided to throw him a bone. In the middle of him holding the rooms attention he raised up his bicep and gave it a flex, the sleeve of his shirt rode up his arm as his pumped arm bulged veins spreading across it. He gazed into Tyson's eyes daring him to touch his arm. clearly overwhelmed Tyson excused himself running to the bathroom needing to relieve himself. Walking out the bathroom Tyson realized that everyone had already left so he was the only one left with...Sebastian. He could feel his heart skip a beat as Sebastian came out of the kitchen stuffing his face with one of his prepped meals. Before Sebastian could even get a word in Tyson tried to leave before he melted right into the floor staring at Sebastian's sweaty post workout pump. "I'll be heading out now sir I'll be back sometime when Daniel comes home, good night. Sebastian obviously flustered thinking of the fact that this was his sons best friend felt conflicted. The more he thought about the conflict it seemed to resolve itself remembering how much of an ass Daniel was becoming recently Sebastian could feel all the frustration he built up over the years since his wife left him boiling over as the affects of Johns powers had skyrocketed his libido. Sebastian thought to himself "You know what fuck Daniel I'm a man with my own needs and if his best friend is clearly wanting something from me I'm NOT gonna say no!" "Sir huh, I can get used to that Tyson. You wouldn't want to stay the night over would you, I'm sure Daniel would love to have you here when he gets home." Tyson struggles to even answer as Sebastian is grinning looking directly into his eyes like a hungry beast. "Ummm-...I-" Sebastian already knew what he was trying to say. "Maybe I need to be more specific, would you like to stay the night with ME." Still at a loss for words Tyson could only respond with a nod saying yes. Sebastian grabs Tyson by the hand leading him to his bedroom. Tyson followed like a lost puppy as he was drooling watching the shirt on Sebastian's muscular back sheen with the sweat from his nightly workout. "Was this really happening?" Tyson thought to himself, but deep down he really didn't care this was an opportunity he would not let go by him. Finally getting some confidence in himself as Sebastian shut the door behind them locking it, he drew close to Sebastian's bulky frame helping Sebastian take of his wet shirt. The overwhelming scent that filled Tyson's nose egged him on further as he wrapped his arms around Sebastian's thick neck pulling himself in for a kiss. Like a feather Sebastian picks up Tyson holding him in a tight embrace enjoying his first kiss in so long. Laying Tyson slowly and carefully on the bed he nuzzled his check with the scruff on his beard then commanding in a whispering tone into Tyson's ear "I'd like would like some worship." Not having to be told twice Tyson swapped places with Sebastian now sitting atop his hard abs. Burying his face in Sebastian's hefty cleavage Tyson was losing himself to the muscles he so desperately craved. Using both of his free hands he felt the supple yet firm muscles underneath the thin layer of fat that coated Sebastian's pecs. In response Sebastian flexed them hardening into granite, as Tyson tried kneading them in his hands it was as if any fat had dissipated no longer able to make a dent in Sebastians chest. Next Tyson moves onto Sebastian's 18 inch biceps licking them all over tracing the veins that snacked across them with this tongue. Sebastian clearly enjoying the worship he was getting, made him feel that Tyson deserved a reward. Grabbing Tyson's head he firmly pressed it into the cavern that was his pit. Tyson instead of protesting began huffing Sebastians musk licking up any residual sweat left over from Sebastian workout. Tapping on Sebatians well defined shoulders, Sebastian released Tyson from his grip. "Fuck you taste good Sir." "Your damn right I do, come give me a taste." Tyson positions himself back on Sebastians abs locking lips with Sebastian again whose tongue easily takes over Tyson's mouth. Now getting impatient Sebastian grabs Tyson's ass breaking the kiss. "Takem off!" he commanded Bringing down his pants Tyson excitedly moved on tugging at Sebastian's shorts pulling them down enough to let Sebastian's cock head pop out. A single drop of cum leaked out causing Tyson to dive down and wrap his lips around it. Sebastian let out a guttural moan in response, quickly regretting his lack of self control remembering they weren't home alone. "Shit I forgot about John, we gotta keep quiet Tyson." Tyson replied with a low mhh hmm as he didn't take his mouth off Sebastian's cock at all. Grabbing the lube from his drawer he applied a good amount of it on Tyson's ass and his finger as he began loosening up Tyson as he was being blown by him. The further deep his finger went the more Tyson moaned as he began choking on Sebastian's member. Finally feeling he was ready Sebastian released Tyson from his cock letting him catch his breath as he sat on his knees spreading them out. Then embracing Tyson from behind as he brought Tyson's ass to his dick sliding up and down his crack applying copious amounts of lube to it. Slowly entering Tyson he began rhythmically thrusting into him making sure he was okay slowly picking up speed. Meanwhile in the other room. John was rudely awoken as Sebastian and Tyson were not being as quiet as they thought they had been as the board of the bed hand been banging against the wall sending all that sound directly into Johns room. Groggily John sat up beggining to listen to the noise and quickly realizes what was happening his fathers room. "Holy shit, dads actually scoring right now." This had come as quite the shock to him as his dad had never brought anyone home for all their lives while they lived in his home. But here was his muscle bound father now plowing whatever lucky soul got to be on the receiving end. Before he knew it he was rock hard as he continued to listen to the sounds of his fathers moans having the time of his life. Without a chance to realize his powers already activated not able to suppress them and he could feel them ready to run rampant. He knew he would have to take care of this quick or else who knows what would happen. Thanks to the show already being put on by his father not much was left to his imagination as he could clearly fantasize exactly what was happening in his fathers room. As he jacked off, the pounding against his wall seemed to be getting harder and his fathers voice seemed to boom louder, the moans of pain and pleasure of his partner for the night increased in volume and pitch. Finally he exploded all over his sheets, everything going silent around him. Back in Sebastian's room. Sebastian had just finished blowing his load into Tyson and noticed something was off, Tyson looked...smaller. Looking at the mirror in his room he could see himself and saw his that in the height of his fun he had failed to realize he was growing while fucking Tyson but it wasn't so obvious that Tyson would realize. Still hard he lays down and lets Tyson jerk him off his post growth 9 inch dick multiple times as they kiss in bed coated in the multiple volleys of cum coming from Sebastian's eruptions until he finally goes limp. Tyson nuzzles himself in Sebastian's pit breathing in his musk, plastering his body against Sebastian much larger frame as they both lull themselves to sleep. Just as Sebastian was finally drifting off to sleep he felt the cold night air hit his feet as they pushed out from under his sheets hanging off the bed. "Fuck I grew taller again, Daniel was in for a BIG surprise tomorrow!" Sebastian thought to himself, smirking to himself watching Tyson clinging to him like a koala.
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  10. Chapter 4: Dad's First Growth Explosion 5 weeks had passed since Sebastian and John decided to start working out together and John was beginning to get worried that his father might catch on to what he had been doing. He was sure his father would start to question how he had managed to amass a good amount of muscle within 5 weeks. So he decided, even though it pained him greatly he would cut off his dads gains by suppressing his powers. Later during one of their early morning workout sessions John commented on his fathers physique curious if his dad was aware of his freaky gains at all. "Hey dad you sure are putting in the work, it feels like your body has already improved in such little time." Sebastian responds "What can I say sport guess my body just remembers what its like to grow." Soaking in the appreciation from Johns compliment he gave his arm a flex, feeling his shirt sleeve grow tighter than usual, almost as if flexing just a bit harder would start ripping the seam. "Hows about we go ahead and record our progress so far John, I've been dying to see your own impressive progress" A bashful John complied as you both walked over to the scale to measure your weights. As John stepped on the scale it read 155 lbs. "Damn son looks like Daniel wasn't the only one who got the good genes, you've already packed on 5 pounds in five weeks. Come on give your old man a flex" "Oh come on dad your gonna make me blush." Raising his arms he flexed as hard as he could, a small bump forming on his arms. His father jested in good fun "Damn before you know it your going to even make your brother look a wimp compared to you." Upon hearing this comment John felt a switch flip in him as the thought never occurred to him that he could quite possibly out grow his brother one day, only problem was his own powers getting in the way of that. "Alright alright thanks, but it's your turn dad." Next his father stepped on the scale and the number sent chills down Johns spine as they both saw that he weighed 180 pounds having gained over 15 pounds of muscle. His 5'6 frame was looking fuller now. Stepping off the scale Sebastian felt proud of the work he'd put in even though he knew John had been helping him this whole time, but it wasn't like he'd never put the work in before since at one time in his life he was even bigger than his current weight. "Guess I really am growing like a weed aren't I huh sport." Hearing the word grow coming from his fathers mouth was starting to get to John as he could feel his powers trying to take hold, he reluctantly forced his body to stop in order to keep his dad from catching on. "That's great dad, Daniels got his work cut out for him at this rate, pretty soon you'll be the man of the house again" "You know it son, your brother has got a BIG surprise waiting for him when he gets home next week and it's only getting BIGGER" Sebastian flexes a most muscular pose and a rip forms down the middle back of his shirt. A smile forms on Sebastian's face seeing the look on Johns face the moment he heard the rip happen. "Oh shit, guess I'll have to go shopping for new clothes if I'm gonna keep up all this progress." "Here now that we've taken our weights measure my guns next." John immediately grabs the measuring tape excited to see the just how big his dads biceps had gotten. Still trying his hardest to suppress his power he wraps his hands around his fathers more impressive bicep. "17 inches dad woah your just about as big as Daniel." "Thanks sport, but I don't plan on just getting as big as your brother though." Sebastian could feel himself getting cockier as it felt like John was borderline worshiping his own fathers body ecstatic to take his own measurements. "Hows about my chest next." John got in front of his father getting close enough to be completely wrapped in his fathers fresh workout scent. It was getting to John as his hands made ample contact with his fathers chest as he wrapped the measuring tape around them. Sebastian felt his chest tingle in response to Johns touch, it felt like his chest would burst free from the tape at any second. But John finished before that could happen proclaming his father had a 42 inch chest. It was quite an arousing moment for Sebastian since before he knew it he was chubbing up in his shorts. Catching it in his vision John could see the tent forming in his fathers pants, and it was looking bigger than usual...was his dad growing down there too? "Uhhhh dad, you think you might want to take care of that?" looking down Sebastian sheepishly flashes a toothy grin at John and pats him on the shoulder. "He he sorry about that sport just get a little excited with all this progress I'm making, if you'll excuse me I gotta take care of this before heading out to work." John unsure of how to react after seeing his father get hard in front of his at the thought of his growing body. "Alright dad see you later then, have a good day at work." As they parted ways John rushed to his room closing his door and began furiously jerking off replaying the scene of his father ripping his shirt. It felt like every cell in his body was telling him to release himself to his powers but he still held off as he tried venting his lust. Over and over he kept imagining his father burst out of his clothes in different ways all ending with his fathers cock being exposed slowly inching towards his face as he knelled down ready to serve his fathers needs. Finally achieving his release he knocked out exhausted from fighting against his powers and the workout he had just finished. As he slumbered off he was unaware that his subconscious was ready to take full control of those powers while he slept. Meanwhile as Sebastian got in his car to drive off to work he wonders how far he had pushed his son this time when he almost ripped out his clothes today. But according to the buzz that he had been feeling the whole time he was getting ready for work he think he already knew the answer. Getting to a red light he takes a moment to sit back and relax feeling the snugness of his bigger frame filling his work clothes. Sebastian talks to himself while he drives "Whoops guess I may have pushed him a little far today with that stunt, can't help it though my libido has skyrocketed since Johns been growing me." Clearly still feeling horny even after relieving himself before work he rubs his tight bulge in his works pants. As he continues waiting at the red light he notices that the buzz wasn't going away even though it usually got weaker the further he drove from the house. Panic began setting in as the constriction from his clothing was starting to get uncomfortable. "Shit I'm gonna bust of these clothes any minute I gotta get back home." His eyes glued themselves to the red light waiting in anticipation for it to change he could feel the warmth building in his chest Unsure of what to do in this situation he tried compressing the feeling not letting it take hold of him, it seemed to be working as the growth he was experiencing had seemed to taper off a bit but he could still feel the pressure building up. It felt as if he had shut the valve on his impending growth but it was still coming full force ready to blow the lid right off. It was agonizing not giving himself to the power he so desperately craved but he held onto his sheer will power as the red light seemed like it would never change. Slowly his breath heaved as the button on his suit started pulling apart ready to pop off. Even though his radio was on all he could hear was silence continuing to stay focused on the red light. As his chest grew even more uncomfortable the light finally flashed green and the front of his suit split right open as the button holding it closed hit the windshield. Immediately he hit the gas and drove at the max speed limit he could hoping he could make home in time before he burst clean out of all his clothing. Finally making it to his drive way he stumbled out of his car, his mind racing as the collar of his shirt was beginning to constrict his neck. With each heave of his chest a button on his work shirt under his suit was popping right off exposing his lightly haired barrel chest. Audible rips begin to fill the air with the simplest movement of his arms looking for his keys. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out his keys but in his rush drops them to the floor. Bending over he picks up his keys as his muscular ass rips his pants right down the middle. Finally turning the knob on the door he breathes a sign of relief as he stops fighting the influence of Johns power once the door is shut behind him. Dropping his suitcase down on the floor, his massive member rips right out of the zipper on his pants now easily over 9 inches. One by one different articles of clothing begin ripping as every part of him was growing with dense muscle. Sebastian wanted nothing more than to jack off right there at the entrance to his house but he knew John could be alerted by any sound he made so he beelines it for Daniels bathroom up the stairs since it was the closest. Just as he was approaching Daniels bathroom he passes Johns room and was curious as to how he was growing him this much after having a dry spell for the past week. Peeking into his room he saw John knocked out after their workout with a tent in his sheets. Sebastian could see the look of pure ecstasy on Johns face as he happily dreams. Just as he was about to pull away ready take care of his own raging problem he sees a wet spot form on Johns sheets as he loudly whimpers his fathers name. Before he was allowed to process finding out he was the subject of his sons wet dream, Johns climax surged his growth even further. Panic set back in for Sebastian, running to the bathroom he shut himself turning on the shower and catching his own reflection. Standing there he was amazed at just how huge his body looked and yet he also looked like a sculpted work of art, it was as if there wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. During his admiration of himself he absentmindedly continued to jerk off as he flexed using his free arm to feel up his sweaty muscles. Another surge of growth set in as he visibly began jutting outwards in many directions. Any remaining clothes simply fell off no longer having any way of hoping to contain all his mass. His chest heaved stirating as they flexed, his nipples also growing in size as they were being pushed down by the sheer mass behind them. Each individual ab was as big as a brink as they shimmered with his sweat. Drawing his attention back to his arms he started flexing them, feeling them bulge with mass as the head of his biceps further split while his Triceps swelled below, fighting with his expanding rib cage for space forming a deep cavernous armpit. Sebastian got a deep whiff of his pits and was completely turned on by his own alpha smell. His lower halve then followed suit as he braced himself on the counter. His feet firmly planted on the ground were getting uncomfortably tight in their shoes as the seems began popping one by one. His toes peeked out ripping right through his socks in the process. He felt his calves burn as they balled up into a hard diamond, even when they were relaxed they looked as if they were rock hard. Next were his Thighs which were filling at an alarming rate, Sebastian could feel them pressing against one another as they involuntarily flexed showing freaky amounts of striations and veins as they did so. Lastly his glutes were next as his ass ballooned with hard muscle completely ripping free from his "short-cut" jeans and underwear leaving him completely nude. Taking in his new size he was pleased that he completely eclipsed the size of his cocky douche of a son Daniel, but he needed to know by how much. Pulling out his digital scale he struggles to find his footing on the device with even the display being covered by his enormous feet. A grin forms on his face as he steps of it to see the number when he sees that the scale had surpassed its weight limit of 300 lbs. Immediately filled with a sense of accomplishment and further lust for growth he took his member in his hand and picked up where he left off. He could feel his own dick impulsively throb in his hand forcing his grip on it to widen with each one. Eying the ruler he kept on the counter every night, he slammed his fat cock down on the cold marble counter on the ruler. Before trying to reading his measurement his was astounded at the width of his meat as it completely cover the ruler. Flexing his cock it bobbed up and down allowing him to nudge it to the side to actually see. Finally aligning himself he once again splattered on the counter as the ruler read 10 inches. As he kept starting more cum leaked out his cock as he saw he wasn't even done yet bit by bit his cock slowly pushed further up the ruler. Proving to be to much Sebastian decided he needed release and NOW, so he opened his cabinet and brought out his flesh light that had been tailor made to fit his once 5 inch cock, but was now struggling to keep its form as it took in his 11 inch monster. Ravenously thrusting into it over the next few minutes cum began flooding out of it as he blew his massive load inside. Catching his breathe he started regaining his composure as he pulled out his dick covered in his own cum. He continued staring at his own reflection flexing for many minuets until the feeling of Johns power had faded and his mind cleared. Breaking his gaze from his bulging muscles he looked down at his sink now full of a puddle of just his cum. As he continued to get his bearing with his new form, he felt something was off everything looked different. Looking around he saw something that caught his eye. Approaching the bathroom door he saw height markings that John and Daniel made growing up. Only this time he was looking down at them grabbing the nearest pen he marked his height and saw his new stature left him standing at 6'8. Like clockwork his still plump dick revived as he would go onto knock himself out from his final orgasm from the effects of Johns power. Waking up hours later he thanked the gods that his son had not thought to use his bathroom while he was supposed to be away. As he picked himself up from the stick mess he had made on the floor he caught his reflection in the mirror and was filled with disappointment. Before him was the man he always recognized when compared to the muscle icon he had always wanted to become. But upon close inspection he noticed that might not have been the case. Feeling himself up he felt the density and vascularity of his muscles had increased and he certainly seemed fuller than when he first woke up this morning then coming to the conclusion that Johns growth when used in large quantities wasn't permanent compared to the gradual growth he'd experienced before he was cut off. It seemed that John stopping himself from growing Sebastian backfired and he blew you up bigger than he ever.... well dreamed of. Sebastian chuckled to himself realizing this was probably why he hadn't seen Daniel keep any of that explosive growth for long. Wanting to check one more thing he realigned himself with the door frame, and took his marking again. Filled with pride he wrote down 5'8 feet next to it. Then noticing the fresher 6'1 marking that Daniel had made a few weeks prior the day he left for college. Sebastian could feel his alpha instincts kicking in as he took great pleasure in realizing that he had grown 2 inches from his real first growth explosion than compared to 1 inch Daniel had gained. Hell he didn't even consider this to be his first time since he didn't interact with John at all to get this amount of growth.
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  11. Chapter 3: Dad plants his seed The following day John began pondering the limits of his own powers trying to figure out how exactly they worked. Walking to his mirror he thought he might give growing him self a try, but as hard as he tried he didn't feel anything looking at his scrawny frame. He knew that if he wanted to keep up with whoever he grew he would need a body capable of handling the changes made to the men he affected. While processing his own defeat, he didn't feel like giving up and since Daniel had left his own workout area ready for use he thought he might as well do it the normal way. The only thing was he had no idea where to begin, so he sought out the advice of his father. His father had always been in shape as far as he could remember so it seemed like a logical decision to get his help, and with much of a lovable big teddy bear his father was he knew he'd jump at the chance. "Hey dad, I got a question for yo-." As he was asking John noticed the plethora of containers all being filled with food, the fridge was completely wiped out. Any junk food that would have been found there was gone now filled with healthy options instead. "Sure thing sport, just gimme a sec I'm readying my meal prep for the week." John watched as his dad was finishing up "So what did you want to ask sport?" "Well you see the thing is ever since seeing Daniel come home, I've been thinking maybe it's time that I put some meat on my own bones" Sebastian's face lit up, elated at hearing his sons proposition. "I thought you'd never ask, hand me some more plastic containers will you I'll go ahead and prep your food too. I was already meaning on improving the basic setup your brother left during his short stay. He sure gave your old man a run for his money and I think its time to reignite that passion your brother clearly got from me." "What do you mean by reignite dad?" "Haha I suppose you wouldn't know what I mean since you were too young to remember, but your old man wasn't always this small. How do you think your brother was able to put on so much mass during his time at college, it's all thanks to this." Sebastian did a double bicep pose and his toned arms showed their definition. "Your brother should be showing some gratitude to have gotten all my good genes, but like I said I think it's time to show him where he got them from in the first place. It's actually perfect that your asking now I've already got a bunch of supplements on the way." "Now that I think about it I have an old picture book around here somewhere, maybe then you'll have a better idea of what I mean" Sebastian rummaged around in some storage cabinets and pulled out a picture book. Opening the book he grabbed a specific picture from it and handed it to John. Looking it over John was puzzled as he didn't see his father anywhere in the photo, all he saw was a bunch of frat guys posing together. "What are you talking about dad your nowhere in this photo?" "Ouch... come on you don't recognize your old man." Pointing out in the photo with his finger it landed on the biggest guy in the photo easily putting all the other to shame with his sheer size. "WAIT THAT'S YOU!" Sebastian proudly confirms "Yep your dear ol dad was a bona fide alpha in his frat. I may not show it now, but all those guys were jealous of how easy I put on mass. Things of course changed when I had Daniel and then you. When your mother left us, I had to be the responsible adult and take care of you two so I didn't have the time to work on myself. But don't you go thinking I regret any of it, raising you two has been a great part of my life." Johns fathers wraps his arms around him giving him a heart felt hug. John knew his father meant it since he had always put his sons first and never once took his own frustrations out on them. "So hows about we go and have ourselves our first workout session together after breakfast sport." "Sure thing dad, I'd love nothing more" Sebastian spent the rest of the afternoon planning their workout schedules and showing John the ropes while many packages were being delivered to the house all towards the their new efforts to get jacked. Getting back in the grove of things himself he felt more energized than ever. He had missed the rush he got from a good workout. However he couldn't explain it, but this felt different from when he had worked out in his youth, it felt...Stronger. As they continued their first workout together he could clearly see John had been lost in thought all this time after showing him his old photo, he knew his son had a muscle obsession since he saw his search history but he never thought it was this bad. He guessed that explains what drew him to Daniel. As much as he wanted to just lay all his cards on the table he thought John wasn't ready yet after the way he was treated by his brother and he didn't want to just use John for his own gain. Although he didn't see the harm in a little teasing to get a gauge of the potential of Johns powers at the end of their workout. "Man what a rush, how are you feeling sport after your first real workout." Out of breath John respond "Great!" even though his heavy breathing said other wise. "Don't you worry you'll get used to it the more we train, take me for example the light training I already did to stay slim over the years has helped me increase my stamina. Actually it's sort of like my bodies remembering what its like to GROW-" As soon as he said the word grow, Johns thoughts were taken over by the glory that was his fathers physique back when he was around 25 years of age. But seeing his fathers current foxy features, his mind combined them with all his prior mass envisioning his father slowly swelling to his former glory. The result was even hotter than the man he saw in his fathers old photo and John could feel his powers taking over, but try as he might to stop them he could only suppress the effects of his powers. Thankfully without any physical connection to his father, his powers were greatly reduced so his father did not seem to be responding to his influence. What John didn't know was that his father was just hiding his reaction as Sebastian was already feeling a change in his body as the same warmth that had filled Daniel had started filling him. Sebastian takes a look at his son, he can clearly see he's struggling to keep himself calm and thinks he may have pushed John to far, but decides it's better not to blow his whole load. Instead continuing to tease John until he's ready to fully grow his dad with all his power. Sebastian pats his son on the shoulder "Alright sport good workout, your old mans gonna hit the showers, these worn out bones need a break." Sebastian leaves to take a hot shower and gives John the opportunity to calm down before he passes out from embarrassment. As his father leaves the room John sees his fathers sweaty workout towel and can't help himself, as soon as he hears the water turn on and the bathroom door lock he grabs the towel and rushes to his room and locks it behind him. In the bathroom Sebastian disrobes and notices that his body feels fuller, hell it even looks bigger to his trained eye, no one would be able to tell but he sure could. Taking in the appreciation he had for his minuscule growth he hopped into the shower ready to rub one out. As he took his 5 incher in hand he imagined what he'd done by planting the idea in his Johns head of his already foxy dad trying to get back to his glory days. Meanwhile in the other room John was losing himself to his own fantasies as his father had hit all the right buttons after their first workout together. Back in the bathroom Sebastian was finishing up his shower as he fails to notice his body was getting even warmer, thinking it was just the hot water. Enjoying the feeling he gets aroused and starts tugging on his engorging member. He didn't know what was coming over him picking up the pace as the head of his cock throbbed dribbling cum into the tub. Quickly reaching his climax he blew quite the load, splattering all over the shower wall in front of him. Staring confused at the copious amounts of seed that had come out his cock, he looked back down at his dick seeing that it was still rock hard not going soft. It shone a bright pink continuing to pulse, Sebastian thought his eyes were playing tricks on him though as he was no where near John at this moment. And yet here was his own member looking as if it was slowly growing with each throb. Trying to pay it no mind he tries finishing his shower. Getting out of the shower he felt revitalized his cock still fully hard even after having turned the water cold. Looking closer at it he knew that something was going on. Grabbing his measuring tape, he placed it at the base of his cock and shot a few spurts of pre cum as his mind registered the number it reached. "Holy fuck 5.5 inches!" He didn't know how it was possible but John must have been affecting him somehow and sure it might have been only an halve an inch, but if this is how big he got just from hypothetically mentioning growing in front of John, how big would he get once he actually made physical contact with him. Suddenly he felt the warmth leave his body as he looked back up at his entire body, getting a better look past the fog in the reflection to see his body was feeling slightly fuller, even after the big meal he had with John it looked like he was running on empty, yet he felt like he weighed more. Feeling up his chest each individual pecs felt firmer to the touch, the ridges between his abs felt deeper. He could have sworn that even his body hair took on more color making him look himself during his prime. So he stepped on the bathroom scale and spurted cum on the sink counter. "Damn a whole pound heavier too!" Walking back out to the their at home gym, Sebastian's suspicions were only confirmed as he found the photo of himself in a different spot and a small smear of cum on the photo. It was then that he knew this summer was going to one to remember and that he could not wait to wipe the smile from Daniels smug face when he comes home from college.
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  12. Chapter 2: Daniel Leaves for college Once again John find himself in a familiar setting, standing in a vacant hall with no path other than forward. Except this time there was a clear goal before him a simple door, no muscle bound figure in sight. With no other options he began walking towards the door with baited breathe eager to find out what lurks in the room before him. Grasping the door knob he turns it pushing the door open, only for the door to collide with something mid swing. Stepping back John watches as whatever was behind the door was now trying to get out. Now that the unknown object had moved, the door swung open and all John saw was a massive leg filling the frame. Suddenly the well defined muscles flexed as the giant figure began moving, attempting to get out of the room only to fail in its attempt. The being was quickly becoming frustrated as the whole area before John began rumbling, cracks formed on the wall as a deafening roar filled the room. Rumble began falling as the walls before John gave way, two massive arms emerged tearing it apart as if the wall was made of paper. As the figure kept pulling free out popped it's head as it crouched through. As the dust in the air cleared his face became visible and John realized Daniel was the god before him. With a hungry look in his eyes Daniel extended his arms towards John, picking him up with one hand. But before he could even process what happened next Daniel surges in growth shooting up in height as you collide with the ceiling. The next morning John slowly awakens from his dream as rays of sun begin shining directly on his face. Still groggy he slowly opens his eyes, blinking multiple times. As his vision comes into focus he's met with two globes taking up his vision. John watched mesmerized, when suddenly each supple globe flexed as every muscle bunched up making them look like steel. His gaze then drew his eyes upward where he saw his massive brother was doing a lat spread as he stared at his own reflection. Continuing to stare John recalls the events of last night and remembers that his brother was quite a bit more massive than his current physical size. Without any warning Johns powers had subconsciously activated again while taking in the shrunken down but still bigger form of his brother. In response all the hairs on Daniels body stood, a visible shiver went down Daniels back. Daniel turns around "Morning dweeb thought you were never gonna wake up." John winced as he thought his brother was about to blow up on his for the events that transpired last night. But instead Daniel simply hoped back into bed squishing John between his massive pecs and the wall. Pulling Johns head up from the smothering he was giving him he greedily spoke "I don't know how you did it dweeb but you GREW me last night! Sucks that it looks like it wore off, but From the second you started blowing me I could feel my body burning. Hell I think you might even be doing it right now I'm starting to feel that buzz again" Not sure of how Daniel would react to confirming these effects John had on his body, John denied it. "Daniel I don't know how this is even possible, how could I possibly have done that." In response Daniel released John from his embrace, then grabbing Johns hand and dragging him out of bed. Bringing John over to his digital scale and stepping on it as the number showed 201 lb "So what Daniel you weighed that much yesterday this doesn't prove anything" Daniel rebutted "Dweeb you don't get it do you, I've been bulking for the past four months, but look at me now. Does it look like I've been bulking?" Daniel broke into a side chest pose fully displaying his equally huge body from yesterday, but with one glaring difference today all that fat he built up from bulking had been turned into pure lean muscle mass. As John examined his brothers body he was mesmerized, dropping the facade. "Oh fuck...I did that didn't I" John spoke then falling silent and beginning to blush. Seeing how John responded he knew he was starting to get along with the program and felt his buzz get stronger. Grabbing his measuring tape from his drawer he hands it to John commanding him to see for himself the product of his new strange abilities. With baited breath John grabbed the tape and brought one end to Daniels left bicep wrapped it around Daniels relaxed arm, reading the number out to be 18 inches. "Woah..." John whispered to himself. Daniel enjoyed the attention that he was getting from John and decided to push him even further. Without warning he flexed his pythons almost breaking the tape free from Johns grasp, exclaiming "BOOM 19 inches and that's without my morning PUMP!" As Daniel said this he grabbed the heft of his bulge with his free hand waiting to see how John would react. John caught on quick and agreed as he felt his lust taking over him. "Oh I think I can help with that Daniel" But just as John was about to begin Daniel stops him. "Hold on there's something else I want to check out before you start worshiping." Daniel walks over to his bathroom door grabbing a pen and putting his back against the frame. Bringing his hand up to the top of his head he marks the wall with the pen and measures it. As John realized what Daniel was doing he saw Daniels dick poke out his underwear spurting some pre cum letting out an audible moan. "Fuuuuu-......Dude come look I grew an inch!" Daniel spoke. Coming to the door John was shocked to see that his brother did indeed grow an inch from their night together last night. Looking up at Daniel he saw the fire in his eyes and knew that his brother didn't just want to stop at one inch. Daniel drew close to John pinning him against the door frame "Your lucky spring break is over dweeb, or else I'd be using you as my personal growth bank, but I think I'd like to cash in a check right about now" Daniel places his hand on Johns shoulders and forces him down on his knees, grabbing the back of Johns head and pressing it into his hard bulge. While John would love nothing more than to grow his brother to his hearts content he didn't appreciate being treated like a tool when being called a personal growth bank. But in the presence of Daniels perfect body he couldn't resist submitting himself him and worshiping the body he helped grow. With that John began to worship his brothers body letting his powers flow freely through him Daniel coos in appreciation as his body began to tingle at the slightest touch of Johns hands. While not as strong as last nights burst of growth, Daniel began slowly expanding. Mid blowjob they were interrupted as their father called them down for breakfast. "Shit get dressed bro" Both John and Daniel in a panic began getting dressed as Daniel struggled to even fit into any of this clothes. "I think you might need to stay in here Daniel until the effects wear off. There is no way Dad won't notice your sudden increase in mass" "Guess your right, but I hope it doesn't go away any time soon." With that John proceeded to have breakfast with his dad, while Daniel jerked off to himself in front of his mirror. As the day progressed John avoided Daniel after being treated like a rag, even though every other part of him was screaming to grow his brother even more. Thankfully Daniels drive back to college was in a few hours and he was his wearing baggiest sweater, already packed at the door reluctant to leave. First Daniel says goodbye to his old man really letting him feel the full brunt of his strength to drive the point home that he was the stronger of the two. then while saying goodbye to his brother as they hugged Daniel whispers in a low growl into Johns ear "Don't you go growing anyone else you hear, six more weeks then your mine!" Finally free from the torment of his brother John stood with his father as Daniel got in his car. Once Daniel was situated he waved back as he caught a look at his father face. His father had an ominous grin on his face as he wrapped his arm around John. Paying it no mind still high off his improved body, Daniel just played one of his podcasts and drove off.
    2 points
  13. This is a prequel to the Brent series. All characters are of legal age. Previous parts: - Brent visits a new gym: https://musclegrowth.net/topic/26631-brent-visits-a-new-gym-formerly-the-newcomer-at-the-gym/ - Brent hits the showers: https://musclegrowth.net/topic/26951-brent-hits-the-showers/ - Brent the god: https://musclegrowth.net/topic/27165-brent-the-god/ The music was loud enough to make the walls vibrate, and conversation had to be shouted even if you were standing next to someone. Brent was very unsure as to why he was even here. And worst of all, his friends had never showed up, leaving him alone in a sea of random people. The lean high school senior made his way through the throng of people loitering in the doorway into the kitchen, where the sound of the thumping bass was dulled enough he could hear himself think. His 5' 6" frame barely got a second look from the group of jocks nearby, who were busy chatting it up with a gaggle of girls as he moved past them towards the counter that had been turned into a makeshift bar. Despite being an all-senior party, this was most certainly not his scene, he grumbled to himself as he perused the various bottles and decanters left out haphazardly. Brent wasn't much of a drinker, but maybe the alcohol would help loosen him up enough to try talking to someone. His gaze flitted over each bottle, some brands he recognized, others he didn't. There was one smaller little bottle way at the back that he picked up that was still sealed, but the label had been scratched or ripped off, leaving barely anything to describe what was in it. Brent could just make out the remnants of a -U on the label, and shrugged to himself, rooting around for a plastic cup. He had just finished opening the little mini bottle and pouring it into the cup, when a pair of giggling voices startled him, causing him to fumble and empty the whole little bottle into his cup. Straightening, he looked up to see a pair of guys coming into the kitchen. Both were taller than Brent, and probably a year or two older. The first guy looked latino, with an easy smile. He wore a ripped t-shirt and jeans, both tight enough to show off his toned physique. His partner was unmistakably Irish, with red hair and freckles. He wore a tank top and had a plaid shirt tied around his waist. His face was red, as if he had been recently crying. The pair had a slight stagger to their step, indicating this was probably not their first visit to the liquor spot. "I'm telling you, hun, Robbie doesn't know what he's missing," the first guy said, waving his hand dismissively as he poured a drink with the other. "Maybe," the other sighed, pouring one for himself. "Still irks me that he just falls into Kevin's trap like that, even though I've been putting the moves on him for weeks." The first guy snorted, tossing back half the drink he had poured. "Please....that slut's been with half the football team, and the soccer team already. If he has any interest at all, he'll see you're the better choice." "And if he doesn't?" "Then do what he's doing! Find some random guy here, take him upstairs, and make him jealous," the first guy slurred and giggled. His eyes looked around the pretty much empty kitchen, before landing on Brent, who was busying himself with examining the sink and counter-tops, trying not to look out of place. "There! How about him? He's cute and looks like he needs to get laid!" "Dude!" the second guy turned beet red as he chugged his drink. "Hey buddy!" the guy called over, taking a step towards Brent. "You from Westridge too?" "Umm...n-no," Brent said, gripping his plastic cup tight. "I'm from across town. I...ah...came with some frien-" "Yeah, cool," the slightly taller guy waved him off, speaking over his stutter. "You wanna get lucky tonight?" he asked bluntly, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at his friend, who was now shrinking away. "My buddt here could use a hand to woo this guy...y'know what, never mind. Point is, he need a fling, and you could probably use a little action to, amirite?" "Wha...ah? Um," Brent stammered, as he looked over the two guys. This was a prank, right? "I...I don't, uh...." "You're an ass, Jose!" the second guy admonished, smacking his friend in the shoulder. "I'm not just gonna do some random guy to get his attention!" With that, he stalked off out of the kitchen, leaving the senior and the first guy alone. "Ahhh, well fuck it," Jose grumbled, tossing back his drink. He watched his friend go, then looked back at the thin teen still blushing intensely as he nursed his drink. "Sorry, I guess," he shrugged. Brent shook his head, cheeks burning. "I-its fine," he whispered. He shuffled on his feet and looked at the floor for a bit, before raising his gaze and realizing he was still checking him out. "Uh..." "You are kinda cute," the inebriated guy said with a dopey smile. He reached over and rubbed his arm, picking at the shirt that hugged his lean frame. "Thanks?" "Sorry for getting your hopes up," the man said, still petting his chest. Brent wondered if he could feel his heart racing under his sternum. "Looks like you could probably use the fun as much as my friend could," he chuckled. He traced Brent's shoulder a bit, his eyes dipping down across his lower body, making Brent shuffle a bit in embarrassment. "So....you wanna go upstairs?" "Huh?" Brent blinked, looking back at him in confusion. Jose shrugged, grinning in his drunken state and chuckled softly. "I mean...kinda threw it out there, then took it back, eh? Not cool, really." He stifled another laugh, his eyes dripping down over Brent once more. "Unlike Mister Hopeless over there, I'm not against having a little fun with a cute guy tonight. Honestly, this party kinda blows and I could use the excitement." Brent blinked again, his eyes slowly widening. "W-wait...so you seriously want to....uh?" "Yeah, come on dude," he said, tugging on his arm. "Its no biggie, and plus we'll both probably enjoy it," he shrugged casually. "Finish your drink and let's go, cutie." Brent's mind ran in about five different directions. Was this hot guy seriously offering him to get laid, just like that? He'd heard some parties like this people ran loose and easy, but he never thought he would get a score like this, especially since he was a virgin! Brent wrestled with himself; part of him not wanting to just bed some random guy from across town, made him feel cheap. On the other hand, there was no way Jose would have ever paid him a second glance if he were sober. Finally deciding, he tossed his cup back and downed the liquor in one go, the burn on his throat nearly making him choke and gasp. A wave of warmth ran down his gullet and pooled in his belly, infusing him with some liquid courage as he allowed Jose to pull him out the back of the kitchen and upstairs. Jose picked out the first available bedroom, leading him inside and locking he door. His hands were on Brent's crotch a moment later, and Brent bit back his urge to squeal in surprise. "Mmff...now, lets see what we're working with," he said, wasting no time in undoing his pants and tugging them down. Brent felt his face heat up as he knelt down, coming face to face with the growing tent in his boxers. Clearly he was more drunk than he thought, or really just had no inhibitions, as he leaned in and rubbed his face against his erection. "A-aah...." Brent stammered, his legs wobbling at the friction. Jose was full on nuzzling his groin as his wandering hands groped his tight backside. "Oh....wow..." "Hehe, you like that," he slurred, looking up at the thin guy with a dopey grin and half lidded eyes. "Let's see what you're packing..." he tugged Brent's boxers down, letting his cock to spring up at hit him in the nose. "Holy Shit! Is this 8 inches?" Jose said with a laugh, wrapping his hand around the base of Brent's cock. Brent nodded, turning red. He knew he was bigger than average based on what he saw in the showers after gym class, but he'd never let anyone see. Framed by his lean body, his dick looked even larger, out of proportion to the rest of him. "Nice dude! Mmmm I'm gonna enjoy this..." Jose murmured as he slurped over it and swallowed down his shaft, making the teen blush and gasp, his hands holding Jose's head as he swallowed. "Ffffuck...." he groaned, feeling his tongue wrapping around the base as he bobbed on him without hesitation. Jose sucked around his pulsing dick, swallowing him down to the base as he let Brent hold his head, getting him good and ready. With his free hand between his own legs, he unfastened his pants and shimmied them off, freeing his own 7-inch cock to play with. Taking Brent's base in a hand he pulled back, stroking him slow and firm as he pulsed in his hand, looking up at him. "Doing okay, cute stuff?" "Y-yeah....damn..." Brent panted, his legs wobbling a bit as he braced himself on Jose's broad shoulders. "Tsk...awww, first blowjob?" he teased lightly, working his hand up and down his big cock. He nodded, blushing, and he chuckled more. "Well, I want to get something out of this before you pop, so why don't you sit back on the bed?" Brent nodded again, moving back to the bed against the wall and flopping backwards on it, his chest still heaving with excitement. The liquid courage still blossomed in his gut, the warmth surging through him, but pooling particularly in his loins, a thin bead of precum dripping from his shaft. He watched Jose kick off his jeans and boxer briefs, climbing up over him and straddling his waist, lining up his ass to rub against Brent's throbbing pole. "Mmm...then lets forget the foreplay, and just get to the fun, huh?" he said, grinding against his shaft as he shuffled Brent into position. Brent opened his mouth to say something, but it turned into a gasp as Jose pushed down, slipping Brent inside his asshole with surprisingly little resistance. The heat building in his loins flared out and he felt his balls tense, pumping a thick wad of precum up into Jose as he wriggled down the first few inches. "O-oohh fuck!" he moaned, bucking up against Jose instinctively. "Mmff...oh yes," Jose grunted, biting his lip as Brent pushed inside, spreading him open around his surprisingly thick shaft. He could feel the gush of precum up into him, and he chuckled, impressed by the quantity. "Oooh...those balls are productive!" "Hhngh..." was all Brent could reply, bucking up into him again as he rolled his hips, the hazy lust of his first time getting laid fogging his mind. He was dimly aware of how warm he felt, his lower body almost tingling like pins and needles, but it was drowned out by the feel of Jose's tight ass wrapping around his cock. He bucked up again, sinking himself to the hilt inside, and making him moan as he arched his back. "H-aaah! Eager are we?" Jose grunted, pushing back down against him as they managed to drive Brent inside up to his base, the more muscular man squirming a bit at the feel of the throbbing cock spreading his insides. "Oooff....you're big, cutie," he panted, rocking atop Brent. "Perfect for an ass like mine...." Brent bit his lip and grunted, pushing up into him steadily as his lust drove him on, his hips on autopilot. "F-fuuck...so warm," he panted, bucking against Jose and feeling his full balls slap against his backside, his cock throbbing hard and pumping another good spurt of precum. Jose arched his back, wiggling down on him as he felt his hole dripping already from him. "Sh-shit you pre a lot," he grunted, working back and forth atop him as the lean guy pushed up against him. His tunnel tightened down around Brent's dick, making him feel the throbbing cock more firmly, and he spasmed as it flexed inside him. "Ohh! Nngh...y-you sure you're a virgin?" "Y-yeah!" Brent grunted, laying his head back and holding Jose's tanned thighs as he rode him. His mind was imploding with pleasure from how warm and tight Jose felt, his heart pounding in his chest as he got lucky for the first time so casually. Forget his friends, this was starting to rule! "Y-you're really tight!" He shook his head as he squirmed a bit, feeling a little odd as he rode him. Jose never felt a stretch like this, and it was driving him crazy, almost like the little man had grown inside him. "N-no...mff...i-it feels like...aah...you're getting bigger!" The mismatched pair groaned as Jose began to ride him harder, the bed creaking softly, but not enough to be heard over the music from downstairs. "Nnngh...r-really good...for a virgin...." he panted, bouncing on Brent as his cock jabbed at his insides. They moved together for a time, grunting and panting as Brent's cock slid in and out of him, biting his lip. After a few more moments though, he felt Jose clamp down around him again tightly. "Mmff...ahh..fuck...!" he cried out, hips shoving upwards a little harder than intended. Jose arched his back and squirmed, as it felt so odd to feel this good with someone so inexperienced, but it was drowned out by the intense pleasure of having Brent's thick 8-inches rubbing against his insides, making sparks explode in his mind. "Nnaah....keep going,"he grunted, pushing back against his hips as he thrust up, determined to keep feeling this sensation, even as it felt harder and harder to pull up off of him. The warmth that had been pooling and building in his gut and loins stared to grow and flare, making Brent moan again as pleasure washed over him. He panted and slowed his pace of thrusting up into Jose, getting close. "Mmff...th-think I'm gonna cum..." he grunted, trying to pull back. Shaking his head, the horny hunk pushed down harder, forcing Brent deeper as he moaned. "Not yet!," he growled, riding him harder as his whole body flexed. He didn't know who this guy was, but his dick felt like magic! "Soooo good...come on!" His legs wrapped tighter around Brent's as he felt his balls brushing against his taint. Brent grunted instinctively as his cock began to swell. He had never felt so full down below before, building up to what he knew would be the greatest orgasm he had ever had. He gripped Jose's hips tightly, mashing their groins together as he bucked into the larger man. Brent ground himself inside Jose again and again as he clenched around his dick. It was like the more he pulled his partner down onto him, the tighter he gripped his cock. As Jose's body tightened, his muscles rippled. Suddenly he jerked and a big glob of cum burst out from his cock, spraying ropes of white onto Brent's face and chest. "Shit!" Jose called out with each burst. His pole lobbed long ropy globs of cum into the air. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" The hunk shook his head from side to side, unable to control himself. "Oh FUCK!" he moaned. His muscular physique tightened. He swore he saw spots in his vision as a wave of pleasure washed over him. "Nngh! Ahh! Ahh yes!" he groaned, his body jerking as it rode out the orgasm. Brent's vision swam, trying to make out the hot guy squirming on his dick as Jose's asshole clenched his cock like a vice. "Nnngh...shit! Ahh...fuck...fuuuuck!" Brent moaned as he finally climaxed, spraying thick wads of cum deep into Jose. His hips bucked as he came and came, harder than he ever had before. The two enjoyed simultaneous orgasms. Jose's cock squirted all over Brent and the bed, and Brent's cock filled the stud's ass with his load. The two exchanged moans and expletives as they simultaneously released the pressure of their sexual dams. "Unnf! Nnngh! Aw yeah on baby....cummm!" Jose could feel Brent's balls pulse as they emptied. He couldn't believe how good a fuck this guy was! He had a bit of a reputation of hooking up with multiple guys at the club each night, and yet here he was, what was supposed to be a quickie was leaving him winded. The cutie under him jerked and spasmed as they rode out the last of their orgasms. Jose felt so heavy stop him, like a wave of fatigue from their sex washed over him, but still the two bucked together. When they were done, Jose collapsed on top of Brent. The two kissed and gazed into each other's eyes, basking in the afterglow. After a moment, Jose's eyes closed and his body went slack, passing out. Brent felt Jose's full weight shift on top of him, pinning him down like a weighted blanket. Though he gasped to catch his breath, he didn't have the strength to push the larger guy off of him. His eyes closed as he gave into his exhaustion, not noticing the unnatural glow eminating from between them. Brent's eyes opened with a start. His heart was racing, he was covered in sweat. His eyes darted around the room, his mind trying to discern his current location. How long had he been out? Jose was nowhere to be found. Laying there panting, he tried to sit up, still trying to figure out what just happened...and if he wasn't just having some crazy dream. Suddenly, his body clenched violently, making him curl in himself. He fought the urge to cry out, lest he draw any attention to him. It felt like liquid heat rushed to every part of his body, all the way from his fingers to his toes. He watched as his leg muscles tensed and thickened, growing more toned. "Nngh...fuck...augh!" he grunted through his teeth. He could feel his chest tighten and expand as his arms curled, the muscles once barely existent now plumped up with more mass. Brent panted and jerked atop the cum splattered bed as his body grew. Finally, the growth stopped. A cool sensation of relief washed over him and he struggled to sit up. His cock was easily several inches bigger and thicker than before, already hard and pointing straight up in front of him. He shuffled over to the nightstand, throwing on the light. Staring back at him from the floor-length mirror at the foot of the bed was himself....but more. "What the hell?" He stared at his reflection for a good five minutes, eyes wondering all over his body. The teen was now a good four inches taller than he had been. Whereas before he was thin, almost lanky, now he had a swimmer's frame. His pectorals were firm and pronounced, showing off a chest he never had before. His abdomen was firm, but toned, the muscles there just starting to show. Even his arms and legs were larger than before, yet still lean. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he looked at his new self, grinning hugely. He extended and arm and looked it up and down, running his other hand over it, squeezing his bicep as he flexed it, amazing at how far up the muscle traveled.He had sometimes dreamed of something like this happening, but now it was real! He couldn't believe it. His newly enlarged 10-inch long cock throbbed as he explored his body. Brent wrapped both hands around his huge shaft and pumped it slowly, throwing his head back and groaning in pleasure. A small wad of precum dribbled out and slid down his shaft, running over his fingers. He made a circle with both hands, interlocking his fingers, and placed it at the top of his cock, then pushed it down his shaft, squeezing tightly. His cock throbbed in response, seemingly growing even harder as a huge, thick vein bulged out, traveling the length of his cock. He moaned loudly when he felt it pulsating against his palm, his hands still traveling down his length until finally ending at the base. His whole cock quivered and throbbed as though ready to burst. It only took two strokes to send him over the edge. "Ohh YEAH!" he roared, thrust his hips upward, fucking his hands, cum shooting out in massive, long, thick ropes, splattering against the ceiling and falling back onto him. Warm splatters decorated his body, and soon began to soak into the bed. The pleasure was too great. Brent lost control of his body, his arms falling to the side and spasming as he writhed, howling in pleasure, his cock thumping against his chest and spurting a long rope of cum onto his face and the wall behind him. After a minute of mind numbing pleasure, Brent felt his body unclench and relax. He wiped the cum from his face and gasped for air. He breathed deeply, watching his pecs rise and fall as he caught his breath. Brent's thoughts raced as he remembered feeling Jose's weight sink into him right before he lost consciousness. How he felt heat envelope the two of them as his eyes closed. Had he literally absorbed him? How was that possible? This post-orgasm realization sent a rush of terror through him. He leapt off the bed, looking at the mess of cum he had splattered all over. Panicking, he quickly began to pull on his clothes, a distant part of him noting how much he filled out the front of his jeans now. He clicked off the lights and snuck downstairs, making a beeline for the door and heading out into the cool night air as his mind raced with the fact that he just had sex....and absorbed his partner. "Wh-what was in that drink?"
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Your description of Max in sweats instantly made me think of Ron Gordon!
    1 point
  16. Capítulo 7-El desperar de los Lobos Los lobos corrían en una gran llanura, a lo lejos un grito de dolor espantoso sonó. Un lobo negro, más imponente que los demás corría más que los demás, de pronto otro lobo que estaba cerca le habló. «Garm, ¿que hacemos?» «Por ahora, ocultarnos en helheim» dijo Garm ¿Pero, no es el reino de Hela? Preguntaron los lobos «Hela ya no está, seguramente fue derrotada junto con Loki, estuoida, solo era invencible en su reino, pero salir con su padre...Ahora ambos estan muertos... tenemos que escondernos, los dioses fueron derrotados». Garm se detuvo y olió el aire, resopló de frustración. «Me fué negada mi presa, ese maldito Fenrir, imbecil, su venganza fué demasiado lejos, no podemos acercarnos o nos destruirán, maldito Wotan, el y sus manipulaciones...Aun así fue vencido...No logró escapar su destino...Fenrir es demasiado poderoso». El otro lobo se acercó. «Si nos unimos todos...» «IDIOTA» Dijo Garm, lo viste, viste como destruyó todo a su paso, como mató a Wotan, todo el campo de batalla destruido por un solo ser, aunque nos unamos, no podemos hacer nada...Debemos escondernos, esperar. A lo lejos un rugido amenazador sonó, luego hubo un enorme destello de luz, Garm miró con preocupación y luego con sorpresa... «Ya no siento su presencia...Es como si...Hubiese muerto...Pero algo es diferente...Es más como si súbitamente hubiera desaparecido, tampoco siento a Fenrir», dijo Garm para sí, olió el aire con profundidad y luego miró a los otros lobos. «Dirijanse a Helheim, yo iré a investigar...» «Dejame acompañarte» Dijo el otro lobo. «NO» contestó Garm, «es mejor ser sigiloso, quien sabe lo que pasará si Fenrir nos encuentra, yo iré solo y los buscaré en Helheim, ahora estará vacio, podemos escondernos allí, Hela ya no está, ni Loki ni otro dios...Vayanse, ahora...» Los lobos obedecieron, Garm corrió en sentido contrario. «Maldito Fenrir, ¿cómo se hizo tan poderoso?....Maldito Tyw...Fenrir tambien lo mató...O se desvaneció...No se suponía que las cosas debian ocurrir así...Las Nornas nunca se habían equivocado...». Garm corrió a traves de la planicia, estaba llena de cadaveres, muchos habían muerto a causa de las armas, Garm vio como algunos tenian sus cabezas arrancadas, mutiladas, aplastadas, deformes, Garm supo que fue obre de Fenrir por la brutalidad y por el evidente uso de fuerza bruta, sin ninguna herramienta. La brutalidad de las muertes hizo estremecer a Garm, olió el ambiente, los cadaveres, el suelo buscando señales de Lupo. «No puedo entenderlo...Es como si hubiese desaparecido...Tampoco siento el olor de Tyr...» Pronto Garm encontró el cadáver destrozado de Wotan, se estremeció, dios dos pasos atrás y olfateo, pronto perdió el miedo del cuerpo inerte y lamió la sangre del suelo. «que extraño, esta sangre debería sentirse diferente, pero no hay nada especial en esto, es como si fuera un einrherjar...Un humano...Fenrir ... Que temible debe ser tener la fuerza de destruir la esencia divina de un dios...». Fenrir giró olfateando el suelo, pronto encontró una masa grisácea en medio de un charco de sangre, alrededor del charco, la yerba quemada parecía tener una figura casi parecida a un cuerpo, pero Garm se concentró en el charco Fenrir se acercó más al charco de sangre, toco la sangre con su nariz. «Tyr» dijo Garm con una sonrisa, intentó lamer la sangre del suelo ,pero la sangre se evaporó junto con toda mancha hasta que el lugar donde estaba la sangre parecia una parte completamente limpia del campo verdoso y Garm no logró lamer la sangre... Garm gruño de frustración. «Tyr...Maldito...Se suponía que tu eras mi presa...» Garm grito de frustración, en el campo de muerte su grito se escuchó a lo lejos pero no parecía haber oídos que lo escucharan, «Mi victima....Despareció... mi gloria ha desaparecido con tu sangre Tyr...donde está el resto del cuerpo, donde está Fenrir...No debe encontrarme...» De repente algo que parecía un grupo de rocas se levantó rápidamente y giró hacia Garm... «FENRIR!» dijo Garm Fenrir abrió los ojos, miro a Garm, miró el suelo y gritó... «Malditoooooooo....¿Tyr....Donde estas?» Garm salto hacia atrás erizado, nunca pensó encontrarse con Fenrir, sintió terror y se preparó para correr, pero Fenrir fue más rápido y se hizo frente a él. «Un destello de luz..Ahora tú...Lo devoraste... ¿Tyr...Donde está? » preguntó Fenrir. Garm tembló...Fenrir era feroz cuando era un Lobo enorme, pero su forma humana era absolutamente temible, sus músculos destilaban poder, las manchas de sangre coagulada sobre sus musculos le daban un aspecto aún más temible y Garm supo que era un animal muerto.. «No lo sé, solo habian pedazos de su cadaver...Se evaporaron...Tal vez si me das algún pedazo...» Fenrir rugió... «Lo maté, aplasté su cabeza, pero de repente hubo un brillo, me lanzó lejos y su cuerpo se desvaneció...Lanzado lejos...». Fenrir decía para sí... Garm intentaba pensar al tiempo que buscaba como escapar de su predicamento.... «Estaba inconsciente, de pronto la explosión de poder lo aturdió» pensó Garm, mientras Fenrir miraba a su alrededor, Garm acomodaba las piezas. «Fenrir mató a Tyr y con eso cambió el destino que las nornas decretaron...Pero el cadaver de Tyr desapareció...Tal vez toda su luz divina...¿Por qué Wotan perdió su fuerza y Tyr pareció tener un destino diferente?...». Fenrir miro a Garm, de pronto este sintió terror, Fenrir dio unos pasos temblorosos, los instintos de supervivencia de Garm se encendieron y empezó a correr aterrorizado, Fenrir no corria tan rápido y su inexperiencia con su nueva forma aún lo hacia ser un poco más lento, Garm corrió. «Soy animal muerto» pensó, pero de repente un destello de luz brilló en el horizonte, dejó de sentir pasos, giro sobre sí y observó unas pequeñas luces, como luciérnagas que desaparecían poco a poco, Garm olfateó, «¿Fenrir también desapareció...Donde abra ido?» Garm empezó a deambular, luego de mucho tiempo vio una silueta humana a lo lejos, Garm primero curioso, luego hambriento decidió acercarse... «MALDITOS!!!!, SE ESCAPARON» dijo la figura, «YA NO PUEDO SENTIRLOS». Garm se sintio curioso y se acercó, «¿A quien buscas?» el hombre giro y miró a Garm. «LOBO» gritó, el hombre, se lanzó hacia Garm con una marcha algo extraña, como si sus zapatos no fuesen iguales, cuando el hombre se acercó lo suficiente se detuvo ... «Tú no eres Fenrir» decretó y bajó su espada, Garm observó que los pies del hombre eran desiguales y que en su pierna derecha tenía un zapato muy extraño. «Estoy buscando a Fenrir» dijo el hombre. Garm se sentó sobre sus cuartos traseros. «Fenrir ha desaparecido... Huí de el pero de repente desapareció en un destello de luz...Y al parecer el cuerpo de Tyr tambien desapareció.» «¿Quien eres?» dijo el hombre. «Soy Garm» «Conozco tu nombre, Tu estabas destinado a matar a Tyr...Al parecer también te negaron tu destino...Soy Vidar, estaba destinado a matar y vengar a mi padre...» Garm se acercó a Vidar, Vidar envainó su espada y cerró los ojos. «¿qué haces?» preguntó el lobo «Si lo que dices es cierto, entnces Tyr y Fenrir ya no están en este campo...Nada tiene sentido ya, las nornas se equivocaron...» dijo Vidar con evidente frustración en su voz. «Las Nornas» Afirmó Garm «Todos los Aesir sabíamos el tiempo del fin, el destino estaba escrito, los dioses murieron heroicamente y se suponía que yo estaria entre mis hermanos reinando sobre la tierra...Pero me negaron mi destino, ahora todo está perdido...» dijo Vidar con amargura. Garm se sentó, «entonces Vidar debería reinar...Pero si el destino cambió...Tal vez...» pensó para sí... «Vidar, por que no me acompañas, Mis hermanos y yo nos dirigimos a helheim, tal vez podamos ayudarnos...Mutuamente» dijo Garm con una voz mucho mas melosa de lo esperado. Vidar se rió a carcajadas. «Conozco a los de tu calaña Lobo, sé que quieres matarme pero no puedes solo.» Garm se sintió ofendido al ser descubierto tan fácilmente. «tengo un trato que ofrecerte...» dijo Vidar, Garm subió una ceja. «Escuchame lobo, soy el dios de la venganza, no descansaré hasta destruir a Fenrir por matar a mi padre, podemos ayudarnos mutuamente, tu me ayudas a conseguir mi venganza, y luego, gobernamos el mundo, tu y yó...». Garm lo miró a los ojos... «ya lo dijiste, sabes que puedo traicionarte, por que me ofreces ese trato». «Solo me interesa mi venganza, además, me necesitas vivo para poder encontrar a Tyr y a Fenrir...Y yo te necesito para derrotarlos, al perro y al traidor a mi padre». Dijo Vidar, Además, tampoco puedes derrotarme pero en este campo de muerte solo parecemos estar vivos tu y yo...Entre inmortales podemos ayudarnos...Que dices?» Garm levantó una ceja. «¿Estas seguro que están juntos?» preguntó «La esencia divina de Tyr no ha desaparecido por completo, está muy reducida y aunque no puedo sentirla en este campo, pero no ha desaparecido del todo, Fenrir es sagrado para él, no sé donde están, pero debo estar seguro que están juntos... tendremos que buscarlos en los restos de los nueve reinos...» Garm asintió con su cabeza «Si los dos estan juntos entonces necesitaremos trabajar juntos, tu mataras a Fenrir, yo devoraré a Tyr» Vamonos El dios y el lobo caminaron juntos por medio del campo. «Tarde o temprano cumpliré mi destino Tyr...Serás mi presa...» Se dijo Garm para si mismo. «Cumpliremos nuestro destino» Dijo Vidar con una sonrisa. «Padre, por favor, ten compasión...El no tiene la culpa de los males que causó su padre» «El y toda su prole pagarán...» «¿Pero que te ha hecho Fenrir?» «Su padre fue el causante de la muerte de Baldur» «Padre, ¿tan cegado estas que no puede ver que estas haciendo girar la rueda del destino sobre todos nosotros?» «No me importa si los nueve reinos son destruidos, no descansaré hasta que mi venganza sea cumplida» «Padre, por favor» «No me interesa escucharte, eres un traidor, has estado protegiendo a ese Lobo aun sabiendo que su destino está atado a mi destino, proteges a ese Lobo traicionando a tu sangre, a los tuyos, no escucharé a alguien que sigo protegiendo a ese Lobo aun cuando su padre es el responsable de la muerte del mejor de todos nosotros, y que por eso Hodur murió» «Padre, te lo suplico...» «Una palabra más y tu castigo será peor que el de Loki...» Tyw abrió sus ojos, su sueño era tan vivido que Tyw supo instantáneamente que estaba reviviendo en sus sueños su pasado. El dolor de esa conversación se anidó en su corazón y no pudo evitar derramar sus lagrimas. «Por fin despertaste» Tyw brincó de un susto, y se cayó de la cama, de repente un enorme y musculoso brazo lo sostuvo y lo arrojó sobre la cama. «Aww..Cuidado» «Imbecil, ten cuidado, no tengo tiempo de ser tu estupida niñera» Contestó Lupo con una voz que denotaba ira pero también un deje de preocupación, Lupo estaba desnudo y sucio, Tyw se dio cuenta que estaba igual que cuando luchó con Vidar. «Señor, despertó...¡Que alegría!» Dijo Rayan mientras entró rápidamente al cuarto de Tyw Lupo gruño, flexionó sus pectorales amenazadoramente pero Rayan ignoró la amenaza y mirpo con preocupación a Tyw. «Señor, lleva una semana dormido, pensé que no despertaría nunca más» «Una semana...No puede ser» pensó Tyw, hasta que el fuerte olor corporal de Lupo le hizo dar cuenta que Lupo no se había apartado de su lado durante ese tiempo, se sintió agradecido, pero decidió no tentar su suerte o Lupo podría destrozarlo. Miró su mano, Gleipnir seguía con su sutil pero siempre notoria presencia en su mano derecha, Tyw lo observó y vio como su presencia se dirigía hacia Lupo hasta hacerse invisible, pero eso no evitaba sentir la realidad del hilo que lo unía a su amigo y su verdugo. «¿Lupo, como me trajiste?» Preguntó, Lupo rezongó y flexionó sus enormes piernas. «Corriendo, por supuesto». «¿Cómo?» Dijo Tyw. «No soy estúpido, sabia por donde vinimos, eres muy liviano, vine corriendo, tal vez aplasté un par de vehículos en el camino, un policía se acercaron en sus motos y les arranqué sus cabezas de un golpe...No podía demorarme mucho, de lo contrario hubiera sido mas lento, pero tenia que traerte...Eres un idiota...Podia haber matado a Vidar sin tu ayuda». Lupo habló con seriedad, cosa que preocupó a Tyw, no era habitual que Lupo hablara tan seriamente, y menos cuando hablaba de una muerte que el causase. «Fuiste un imbécil, no puedes liberarme de gleipnir...» Lupo se puso frente a Tyw y flexionó sus bíceps amenazadoramente. «Soy el ser más poderoso de los nueve reinos, nadie puede oponerse a mí...Ni hombre, ni dios puede vencerme» Tyw recordó la ultima batalla... «Fue mi debilidad, fui un imbécil al dejarme guiar a una trampa...Ahora Garm es un hombre...No sé que puede hacer» dijo Tyw con preocupación. Lupo se sentó a su lado, flexionó su bíceps y lo puso frente al rostro de Tyw casi rompiéndole su nariz y forzándolo a levantar el rostro con el enorme musculo. Tyw no pudo evitar sentirse maravillado del enorme brazo, aunque el fuerte olor masculino se subió a su cabeza. «nunca será mas fuerte que esto...Debiste dejarme pelear». Tyw cogió el brazo y lo masajeó, Lupo cerró sus ojos, por un memento sintiendo algo de placer, Tyw se imaginó que en siglos nadie habría hecho esto y tal vez por un momento los dos parecieron amigos entrañables, Rayan miró maravillado el momento de confianza que parecían tener los dos seres...Algo tan "humano" era muy extraño en la agencia. «Lupo...» dijo Tyw mientras soltaba el brazo para frustración de Lupo, «Vidar era un dios, y su fuerza era mayor que la mía, me debilíto, mi esencia permanece igual, pero no puedo usar mi fuerza divina, la única cosa que parece manifestar mi naturaleza es la fuerza que sale a través de Gleipnir» Tyw levantó su mano derecha y el hilo rojo brilló. «Pude defenderme de Garm usando este hilo, pero al tiempo que es fuerte, me consume, no sé cuanto tiempo pasará antes que...» Lupo puso su mano fuertemente sobre la boca de Tyw, cerrándola, luego miró amenazadoramente a Rayan y con su cabeza le ordenó que saliera. Rayan sintiendo la amenaza salió corriendo. «Escucha imbécil, tuve que correr contigo en mis brazos, transmitiéndote mi fuerza, no se que pasó en esa pelea, pero ahora me siento más fuerte que nunca... no busques que te aplaste como un insecto...Si vuelves a arriesgarte, no tendré piedad de quien quera hacerte daño, pero luego te destrozaré de tal manera que habrás deseado morir en el Ragnarok...Ahora dime que hacemos...» la voz de Lupo mostró una ira contenida, pero Tyw también notó algo de preocupación, pero no por una posible derrota, sino por él mismo, Tyw no pudo evitar sentir una oleada de agradecimiento, pero también se preocupó por sus palabras..."más fuerte que nunca". Rayan entreabrió la puerta, «Señor Lupo, debo prepararle su baño?» Lupo gruño, luego se olió las axilas, hizo un gesto asqueado y dijo. «Si, pero primero ayúdale a este imbécil, luego el me acompañará». Tyw no tenia energías para llevarle la contraria, se sentía exhausto, su fuerza estaba regresando lentamente a él, pero necesitaba ayuda, Rayan con delicadeza lo levantó, Tyw se sorprendió de la firmeza de sus músculos y de la fuerza que había adquirido en tan poco tiempo, Rayan diligentemente lo dirigió a su ducha y preparando una tina ayudó con suma cortesía y respeto a Tyw a sentarse en la tina, luego de unos minutos, cuando Tyw dijo que estaba listo, el fiel servidor lo levantó, y le ayudo a cambiarse, Lupo estaba aun desnudo y el olor se hizo más penetrante ahora que había estado en otro cuarto. «Vamos» dijo Lupo y abriendo la puerta con violencia, Rayan ayudó a Tyw durante el trayecto a los aposentos de Lupo. Lupo entró a su baño y mirando a los dos hombres ordenó, «espérenme aquí». Rayan ayudó a Tyw a sentarse. «Señor, a qué se refería usted con esa conversación arriba» Tyw miró a Rayan, los ojos de los dos hombres se encontraron, Tyw no solía hablar con nadie excepto con Lupo, pero Rayan había sido un gran servidor, tal vez el mejor servidor en siglos, además, el que mejor había logrado adaptarse a la agencia y especialmente a Lupo, lo que se veía en los enormes cambios corporales que eran patentes. «¿a qué se refería con que ese hilo lo consume?» inquirió Rayan. Tyw levantó su mano derecha y cerró sus ojos, el hilo rojo se hizo manifiesto con un leve brillo rojizo. «ya sabes que la agencia es mucho más que un simple servicio de venganzas, lo has percibido desde que llegaste por primera vez a este lugar, este edificios, sus paredes, todo está atado a este hilo, Gleipnir, la obra maestra de los enanos, y la maldición que nos une a Lupo y a mí, toda la magia que rodea a este edificio fluye a través de este hilo». Rayan intentó analizar lo que le decía Tyw, pero no logró comprender. Tyw miró la cara confusa de Rayan y sonrió. «Tranquilo, yo tampoco lo comprendo del todo, pensé que ya lo conocía y hace unos días, pude liberar más la fuerza de Lupo...Y al parecer casi me causo la muerte». Rayan abrió sus ojos...«Señor» «Rayan...Una pregunta más y te romperé todos tus huesos, pero no te dejaré morir...» Dijo Lupo saliendo descaradamente desnudo frente a los dos hombres. «largate... y no olvides la comida». Rayan obedeció y mirando a Tyw salió rápidamente del cuarto, los pasos sonaron hasta que solo hubo silencio. Lupo abrió un closet y sacó una camiseta y un pantañlon corto. La ropa le quedó muy ajustada. Lupo se miró al espejo. «No» Gruño y se arrancó la camiseta abriendola por la mitad como si fuera de papel y lanzando los pedazos al suelo, tomo otra camiseta que le gustpo mas, cuando termino de flexionar sus músculos frente al espejo, se lamió los bicesp y luego girando se paró fretne a Tyw. «¿que hacemos ahora?» preguntó Lupo. Tyw miró al suelo a los pies desnudos de Lupo, «Garm y Vidar sobrevivieron al Ragnarok, Garm estaba destinado a matarme, pero gracias a tí no logró su objetivo completo, sin embargo logró robarme parte de mi naturaleza, y es probable que la tome para sí, que tanto de mi fuerza puede entregar, no lo sé, pero creo que tendremos claramente que buscarlo y matarlo» «Bien», contestó Lupo. «Si Vidar logro sobrevivir, es probable que otros Aesir hayan sobrevivido, tendremos que buscarlos...» terminó Tyw. Lupo asintió con la cabeza. «¿Cómo lo buscamos?» Preguntó Lupo. «no lo buscaremos», dijo Tyw mirando el hilo rojo en su mano derecha. «Seguramente el me buscará...» El Capitan Campoy estaba sentado en su escritorio. Miraba fijamente a su teléfono. Suspiró profundamente frustrado. Pronto otro oficial entró con desparpajo y se sentó insolentemente frente a él. Campoy frunció el ceño, su camisa apretaba un cuerpo trabajado, su tez mestiza y su cabello corto revelaban una larga carrera, pero su reloj fino y su celular reflejaban que esta cerrera además de larga, era prospera. Campoy no apartó la mirada del celular. «que quieres, sabes que si entras con esa confianza, los agentes sospecharán...» El otro oficial corrigió su postura con un gesto socarrón, era blanco, alto y delgado, su uniforme mostraba un rango menor que el de Campoy, su placa en letras brillantes decía "Barrera", un apellido que claramente contrastaba con su delgadez, pero su mirada malevola mostraba que no era alguien con quien querías tropezarte. "¿Campoy, haz averiguado algo?" Campoy frunció el ceño nuevamente, «Idiota, no queremos que sospechen, sigues siendo mi subalterno aquí...No nos interesa que tras de todos estos problemas, se enteren de...Nuestras otras aventuras de negocios...» Barrera sonrió, «me importa un bledo, no sabemos quien mató a todos esos hombres, todos los que trabajaban con nosotros en las calles están ahora muertos y los demás están demasiado aterrados...Hablan de un demonio gigante, y teniendo en cuenta el modo en que murieron todos esos...Me dan nauseas de solo recordarlo...» Campoy dejó su celular a un lado. «¿Nadie ha logrado averiguar nada?» Barrera negó con la cabeza...Su rostro evidenciaba una alta frustración... « No hay testigos, no hay nadie que diga nada...La verdad es que muchas muertes deberían ser posibles solo con herramientas o maquinaria, pero no hay señal de ellas, además que es imposible que quepa algo tan grande y no deje huellas...Las cámaras tampoco registran nada... Campoy ,tenemos que hacer algo o nos arruinaremos, mi salario de policía no sostiene mi calidad de vida... » El celular de Barrera sonó...Era un mensaje, Barrera tomó el celular y abripo los ojos con sorpresa... «¿¿¿pero qué???» Campoy miró a Barrera, analizó su rostro. «¿Que pasó?» Barrera le pasó el celular a Campoy, Campoy miró el celular... con horror, vio fotos de cuerpos desfigurados, retorcidos en ángulos virtualmente imposibles, en una escena sangrienta...Cuatro policias muertos y desnudos, Campoy solo los reconoció porque los rostros, por alguna razón habían sido mantenidos intactos...Debajo de la imagen había un mensaje. «Vamos para allá». Campoy miró a Barrera, se horrorizó, «Vienen aquí»... Pronto la puerta se abrió, cuatro hombres en uniformes muy apretados que claramente no parecían de ellos, entraron a la oficina y sin mediar palabra cerraron la puerta detras de sí. El hombre más grande tenía una placa que decía "Cobo", los otros tres hombres se acomodaron detras de el, como siguiendolo. Campoy no pudo evitar comparar la imagen a una jauría de perros, pero apartó rápidamente el pensamiento de su cabeza. Los hombres tomaron sus armas y las arrojaron hacia el escritorio, Barrera estaba aterrado y parecia querer fusionarse con la pared. «¿Entonces usted es el que manda aquí?" Dijo "Cobo". Campoy intento mantener su compostura, se acomodó en su silla y asintió con la cabeza. Cobo sonrió. «entonces tenemos que hablar, y tal vez negociar...» Campoy miró con interés... « ¿Negociar?, no tengo nada que negociar...Buscas dinero?» Cobo lanzó una carcajada gutural, poco natural, temible. «Mortales...» dijo con sorna. Campoy se sintió incómodo, pequeño, pero al tiempo, ofendido... Barrera se acomodó detras de él e intentó tomar su arma. «Detente» dijo Cobo con autoridad... «De lo contario no tendré problema en devorarte y entregarte a mis hermanos...» Barrera se detuvo, dio tres pasos temerosos atrás hasta que se estrelló con la pared, se mantuvo con la espalda pegada a la pared con un semblante temeroso, intentnado y fracasando ne aparentar autoridad, pero este hombre parecía algo diferente, todos los uniformados frente a ellos lucian incómodos en sus uniformes, Cobo daba una presencia increible, los otros hombres parecían estar en buena forma física, pero su actitud los hacía sentir incomodos en sus cuerpos, Barrera miró sus placas, "Pinilla, Murillo, Sans, Arnau". Barrera reconocía esos oficiales, por iun momento se preguntó como habían logrado entrar sin ser detenidos, pero al mismo tiempo pensó que el terror que inspiraban habpia evitado que cualquiera se preguntase que había sucedido...Era como si estuvieran en otro plano...Se sintó más aterrado aún de pensar en que la jiusticia divina había llegado a hacerle pagar sus fechorías. «Su estúpido dinero no me importa...» dijo Cobo con autoridad... «No busco esa nimiedad, estoy buscando a un hombre, y a su guardían...Y a todos los que se acerquen a ellos...» Campoy sonrió, por primera vez, «Parece que no entiende, no tengo forma de investigar nada... Han matado a muchas personas aquí y tengo a todos mis hombres ocupados investigando esas muertes, no sé si es un grupo, o un ejercito, pero tengo que dar resultados...» Cobo se puso de pié, su camisa se rasgó por un costado, Cobo ignoró esto y miró fijamente a Campoy, ignorando a Barrera. «Sus búsquedas son inútiles...A quien busca solo se lo puede encontrar si ellos desean, estas buscando a un dios antiguo, y a su compañero, igual de antiguo... Ellos no se dejarán ver a menos que ellos quieran, es más fácil encontrar al compañer, pero yo necesito al dios...» Campoy cambió su mirada a sorpresa... «dios...Antíguo?» Cobo puso su mano sobre un pisapapel que había en el escritoprio y lo apretó, el material craqueó y se cuarteó ante la presión de la mano de Cobo. «Si, un dios antiguo, todas esas muertes seguro fueron causadas pos su compañero, tiene esa fuerza...» Campoy miró los restos del pisapapel y preguntó... «¿Cómo sé que no fue usted?» Cobo gruño, parecia un canino detras de su expresión maligna. «Yo podría hacerlo, pero me temo que no soy tan fuerte... Por eso necesito a mis compañeros aquí... Los hombres flexionaron sus músculos debajo de sus uniformes claramente robados, estirando el material. «Necesito a ese hombre...Su compañero es un obstáculo, lastimosamente, no llevamos demasiado tiempo con estas formas... Y necesitamos ayuda...» dijo Cobo sentandose en una posición, extraña, como si al tiempo quisiera sentarse o hacerse un ovillo. Campoy suspiró... «no entiendo... Acaso eso tiene que ver con las muertes de todos esos hombres...» Cobo gruño nuevamente. «nuestro blanco es un antiguo dios que ha vivido por siglos entre ustedes, de vez en cuando ayudan a las personas, eso es lo que usted ha visto... Las huellas de sus acciones, sin embargo, no tenemos forma de encontrar el lugar donde habitan, puede ser una casa, un edificio, no lo sé, hemos buscado todo este tiempo sin lograr nada, lo más cercano que hemos encontrado su rastro es a una extraña panadería, pero fuera de eso...No encontramos nada... Necesitamos ayuda, sin un humano, no lo lograremos...» Campoy se sobresaltó, una panadería, su dueño había estado relacionado con algunas de las muertes, pero cuando la policía lo investigó, consideraron que no habia forma en que el panadero pudiera estar involucrado salvo una coincidencia afortunada...Pero si no lo fuese... Campoy se sintió extrañamente relajado, podria sacar algo de todo esto... ««Si lo ayudamos usted que nos ofrece?» dijo con una cara de poker. Cobo sonrió...Humanos, tan predecibles, tan ignorantes, «Usted me da a mi hombre, nosotros nos encargamos de su guardián... Cuando el guardian desaparezca, usted podrá seguir haciendo lo que quiera con estas personas....» Barrera intentó decir algo pero Campoy lo detuvo con un gesto de su mano. «...¿Qué necesita?...» dijo Campoy... «Toda la ayuda que pueda ofrecerme, pistas, información, hombres para matar y asi alimentar a los mios...» dijo Cobo tranquilamente. Campoy cerró los ojos. «...Esos hombres...¿Fueron ustedes?...» Dijo Campoy. Los hombres sonrieron y Cobo sonrió maliciosamente. «Tenemos que alimentarnos, y la sangre humana es exquisita...Además nos permite tomar forma humana, nos hacemos más fuertes y somos mejores cazadores...Pero caminar en dos patas es algo que no pensamos que fuera tan bueno, realmente los crearon muy bien...» Cobo flexionpo sus brazos y rasgó las mangas del uniforme, Campoy obser´vó los enormes bíceps de Cobo. «..Si ese hombre es tan peligroso, necesitarán armas...Ayuda...» dijo Campoy «...Sus armas no nos servirán de nada, ni contra él, si envia a alguien a ayudarnos...O a espiarnos... Probablemente lo devoraremos... O vendré a devorarlo...No juegue con lo inmortal...Es mi único consejo...» Campoy miró a su alrededor y suspiró... «Usted gana... La panadería pude ser su pista...» Cobo alzó una ceja. «Algunos de los hombres que murieron, estaban extorsionando al dueño de esa panadería ya otro hombre que luego cambio de carrera y trabaja para ese sitio... Tal vez su hombre vaya a ese lugar...U otro, tal vez lo pueda reconocer si vigila de cerca ese lugar...». Cobo sonrió... Luego miró a sus compañeros... «vayan...No maten a nadie en el camino, necesitamos ser discretos...» Los hombres salieron y Cobo sonrió mirando a Campoy. «Espero que su pista me sirva...O volveré... Enviaré mensajeros, no volveremos a vernos...» «Cómo reconozco a sus mensajeros?» Preguntó Campoy. «Aprendase los nombres de sus hombres, cuando uno muera vendrá a visitarlo...Justo como hoy...» Barrera tuvo arcadas. Campoy no se inmuto, pero estaba claramente incomodo. «¿Qué piensa hacer con su hombre?» preguntó Campoy con curiosidad. «Devorarlo» contest´o Cobo con malicia Cobo salio dando un portazo que separó los goznes. Era ya entrada la noche, Rayan salió del cuartel, sus ropas estaban ajustadas y su cuerpo seguía creciendo, Rayan llamaba la atención y ciertamente disfrutaba de ello. Había adquirido la costumbre de trotar por las noches y gracias a su nueva fuerza, no sentía temor de los bandidos, ya alguna vez habían intentado atracarlo y había podido defenderse, por lo que empezó a hacer su recorrido. Rayan trotaba con soltura su camiseta estaba sudada y el viento mopvia el tejido. De pronto, su teléfono sono, Rayan aminoró la marcha y vió un mensaje. "Lupo quiere comida". Rayan suspiró con una sonrisa leve. "inoportuno como siempre" luego fue caminando a buena marcha hacia la pandería. Rayan caminó tranquilamente, de pronto empezó a notar una multitud de gente, muy anormal para la zona, y para la hora. Rayan aceleró el paso, los negocios estaban cerrados y con la oscuridad de la noche, un mal augurio se asentó en su corazón. La Panadería estaba destruida. Rayan intentó pasar a través de la multitud, pero había mucha gente, tres agentes de la policía estaban registrando la zona, había dos cadáveres en medio de la panadería, todo el mobiliario había sido destrozado, los ventanales rotos, las mesas volteadas y el horno tenía una gran abolladura que parecía a lo lejos ser hecha por un puño. Rayan se quedó petrificado, intentó pasar pero la multitud se lo impedía, Rayan entró en pánico y un oleada de fuerza hizo que empujara con demasiada fuerza a alguna personas mientras pasaba, pero su mente estaba fija en la escena. Traspasó la distancia prudencial y entonces los vió. Pudo reconocer las figuras de Mateo y Fidel, con sus cuerpos aplastados, con mordeduras, Rayan miró a los policias. Estos habían ignorado por. Completo los cadáveres y examinaban el resto de la panadería, lo que extraño a Rayan. Adicionalmente no parecían tener demasiado cuidado en conservar la zona del crimen, parecían estar oliendo los objetos. Rayan miró los cadaveres. «Lupo» pensó. Pero luego se dipo cuenta que Lupo había estado todo el tiempo en el cuartel... Algo no tenia sentido. «Huele a antiguo» dijo uno de los agentes que tenia la placa de Arnau en su pecho». Rayan los miró, «¿que dijo?» «Si, huele a antiguo, ha tenido contacto con lo inmortal» dijo Murillo. Rayan dudó por un momento, lo que dió tiempo a un cuarto agente que no había visto, Sans, de agarrarlo por el cuello y levantarlo, sus pies quedaron colgando, Pinilla se acercó y olió su ropa. «Si, huele a antiguo, no es su olor, pero está impregnado de él, tal como este lugar». Ustedes...Los mataron.... Arnau se acercó y sonrió. «No dijeron nada, solo decian, "protejeremos al señor"...Idiotas, ahora dinos... ¿Quién es este "señor"?. Rayan entró en pánico, estaban buscando a Tyw, y aunque él se sentía fuerte, ellos eran fuertes y eran cuatro, vió el destrozo y por un momento sintipó ganas de llorar. De repente su mano tomó un leve brillo azulado y sintipo valor, apretó la mano que lo asía del cuello y con un grito logró zafarse, cayó al suelo y pateó el pecho de Sans. Y salió a correr, Rayan corrió, la multitud estaba apiñada pero Rayan dió un grito "APARTENSE O MUERAN" La multitud se apartó aterrorizada, Rayan pasó por el medio, un policía ajeno a la situación vio la panadería, vio a cuatro agentes de policía y aun hombre corriendo, intentó ponerse frente a Rayan, pero este apartó al hombre de un manotazo, el policía voló por los aires y se estrelló contra la pared, cayendo inconsciente. Pinilla, Murillo, Sans, y Arnau corrieron, Rayan, con la adrenalina en su punto más alto corrió, esquivando, saltando, mirando atrás solo para ver como los hombres le mantenían el paso, iba llegando a la calle del cuartel. ¡SOCORRO! En el cuartel Tyw sintió su mano derecha y Gleipnir brilló, cerró los ojos y grito ¡¡¡LUPO!!! Tyw salío de su cama, corrió a la puerta y a traves del pasillo, estaba tomando a gleipnir con su mano izquierda cuando de repente sintió una gran mano agarrarlo de su hombro izquierda y lanzarlo hacia atrás...Tyw cayó sobre su trasero. «No» Lupo estaba de pié frente enorme, su rostro era feroz, no tenia puesto nada sobre su torso y solo estaba vestido por una pantaloneta corta que dejaba ver sus enormes cuádriceps, Lupo flexionaba inmovil sus músculos de modo que sus fibras se notaban como una estatua griega. se acer´có a la puerta y antes de salir dijo. «Si sales antes que te avise...Te mataré...» Tyw cerró los ojos, gleipnir brilló. «Mateo, Fidel...» «Lo sé, serán vengados...No vienen por mí» dijo Lupo y salió. Tyw miro con aprehensión. Afuera Rayan estaba a punto de ser alcanzado, Arnau estaba estirando su mano, Rayan miro al frente y abriendo sus ojos se tirpo al suelo, justo antes que un tavho de basura golpeara a Arnau justo en su rostro haciendo que pierda el ritmo. Lupo estaba frente a el, sin camisa, su musculatura enorme brillaba con las luces de la calle. «Atrás imbécil...» Lupo flexionó sus pectorales pero Arnau no se intimidó, aun con su cara ensangrentada, se mostró valiente, Arnau se arrancó la camisa revelando un cuerpo trabajado pero claramente menos desarrollado que el de Lupo. Pronto llegaron Pinilla, Murillo y Sans quienes al ver la escena se arrancaron sus camisetas. Y lucian amenazadores, al menos para una persona normal. Lupo sonrio con sorna. Los policias caminaron hacia Lupo, «Largate» ordenó Lupo a Rayan. Este ultimo corrió y desapareció detrás de la puerta del cuartel. «Entonces es aquí...Lo encontramos» dijo Sans con crueldad. «No creo que puedan darle la información a su amo» dijo Lupo con una sonrisa. Los cuatro policías rodearon a Lupo co sus puños cerrados y haciendo gestos amenazadores. Lupo solo miraba y flexionaba sus enormes pectorales y sus cuadriceps. «¿Y porqué estas tan seguro?» dojo Murillo. «Porque deberían estar vivos» dijo Lupo. Los cuatro hombres se lanzaron a la pelea. Lupo se encontraba rodeado de los cuatro falsos policias quienes daban vueltas a su alrededor buscando como atacar. Arnau tenia su cara ensangrentada, pero no parecía intimidad. Lupo simplemente estaba de pié, flexionando sus pectorales con petulancia. Rayan abrió levemente la puerta mirando la escena. Lupo gruño, pero la curiosidad de Rayan era muy alta, Tyw salio detrás de Rayan y los dos hombres se quedaron mirando a lo lejos. Tyw miraba alrededor. Arnau miró a Tyw. «tu olor te delata antiguo». Tyw hizo una mueca. «vaya eufemismo...¿Donde está tu maestro?» Sans se rió. «el llegará cuando quiera llegar...» Tyw subió sus hombros en un gesto despectivo. «Sin el difícilmente ganarán» Los cuatro hombres se rieron. «Ya lo veremos contestó Arnau». Pinilla hizo el primer movimiento, Lupo lo vió por el rabillo del ojo y recibió el golpe con sus pectorales, Lupo inicialmente no se sorprendió pero pronto sintió en su espalda una patada de Murillo justo en la nuca. Los golpes no eran preocupantes en sí, pero pronto Sans y Arnau se unieron a la contienda. Lupo recibió golpe tras golpe, no eran demasiado fuertes, pero los cuatro policías falsos eran rápidos, lanzaban golpes, objetos, y eran rápidos, y muy sincronizados, Lupo intentaba atraparlos pero no lograba conectar. Los cuatro hombres giraban alrededor de Lupo, este no lucia demasiado golpeado, pero si muy irritado. «Rindete Perro, puede que le ganes a uno, pero no a todos» dijo Pinilla con sorna. Los cuatro hombres se lanzaron hacia Lupo y golpearon su cuerpo en diferentes partes antes de saltar lejos de su alcance. Los tres policías falsos se reían, se veían tranquilos, mientras que Lupo se veía muy irritado, al borde de la ira. Tyw se sentó en el suelo. Lucia molesto. «Lupo, ¿necesitas ayuda?» «CALLATE IMBECIL» Lupo miro a Tyw con furia, momento en que los cuatro falsos policias se lanzaron al ataque. Lupo en su ira lanzo un golpe en redondo que golpeó y lanzó lejos a Pinilla que se golpeó contra un muro, los otros tres hombres golpearon a Lupo y lo empujaron hacia atrás pero Lupo se recuperó rápidamente y salto alto cayendo sobre la pantorrilla de Pinilla. CRACK Pinilla gritó de dolor ante la mirada estupefacta de los otros policías falsos. Lupo fue atacado nuevamente, y los tres policías lo empujaron lejos de su compañero que se retorcía en el suelo de dolor. Tyw levantó su mirada. «ya era hora» dijo. Lupo lo miró con furia. Lupo saltó lejos de los tres hombres quienes intentaron alcanzarlo, pero Lupo brincaba alto, al caer el suelo temblaba bajo su peso, haciendo algunos crateres en el suelo. Lupo se agachó y golpeó el suelo una vez más repitiendo el proceso varias veces, Lupo saltaba lejos de sus atacantes, su mirada estaba enrojecida pero su rostro mostraba decisión. Rayan miraba a Lupo saltar lejos de los falsos policias «¿qué está haciendo?» preguntó. Tyw miro a Lupo y a Pinilla en el suelo. «Está pensando». Lupo saltó alto y cayó cerca de Tyw, rompiendo el suelo cerca a el, Rayan saltó del susto hacia atrás. Rayan gritó «¡que te pasa!» Lupo gruño y saltó de nuevo, pronto el suelo estaba destruido, Tyw tomo a Rayan por el hombro y le indicó que se retirara. Cobo apareció en la zona y vio la escena, vio retorcerse a Pinilla y a Lupo peleando con sus policias falsos. Sonripo con sorna y caminpo tranquilamente hacia Tyw. «Antiguo» Tyw se ripo amargamente. «no sé cuantos titulos quieren colocarme pero me fastidia, tengo un nombre» dijo Tyw. Cobo bajó la cabeza. «es una señal de respeto de un antiguo a otro». Tyw se levan´tó, Gleipnir brilló en su mano derecha y pronto el hilo rojo estaba brillando alrededor de Tyw y de Rayan. «Garm, perdona que te lo conteste de esta manera, pero tu no eres de sutilezas, ya me mordiste el brazo y te alimentaste de mi sangre, ya he visto lo que estás haciendo...» Cobo se rió. «Garm, adoro mi nombre, sé como temes nuestro encuentro, sé como temes que cumpla el destino que me fué negado en el Ragnarok». Garm se arrancó la camisa, su cuerpo era grande, no a la altura de Lupo, pero era ciertamente imponente. Garm tomó un hidrante del suelo y lo arrancó de cuajo, lo aplastó con su mano y lo lanzó hacia Tyw. Tyw se lanzó a un lado, rodo por el suelo y se levantó asiendo a Gleipnir que brillaba en su mano. «Se que eres un dios caido, sé que tu fuerza se ha desvanecido casi por completo, solo te defiende ese perro y está demasiado entretenido para protegerte, sé que lo único que tienes para ofrecer es tu carne...Ven conmigo, prometo ser rápido, tu muerte no dolerá y por fin podrás descansar del trágico destino al que Wotan te sometió...» Tyw miraba con furia a Garm/Cobo. Se sentia humillado, pero no le dieron ganas de rendirse, su furia aumentó. Se puso de pié con arrogancia y mostrandole su mano derecha, gleipnir brilló. «Puede que sea un dios caido, puede que mi fuerza no es la de antes, pero es suficiente para defenderme de un perro sin dueño que necesita de mi carne para poder alimentar la fuerza que me robó...» Cobo/Garm miró con sorpresa. «Lo sabes...» Tyw se rió esta vez con autenticidad. «imbecil, no vez la pelea justo detrás, tus aliados apenas pueden hacerle daño a Lupo y Lupo es el vivo testimonio de lo que ocurre cuando te alimentas de la carne de un dios...Sé porque consumiste mi sangre y sé porque me buscas...Pero si crees que moriré simplemente para que me devores y te vuelvas un inmortal, te mostraré cuanta fuerza le queda a este dios caido» Un grito sonó en el horizonte, Lupo habia atrapado a Murillo en un abrazo de oso. «¿Ya no eres tan rápido no cierto?» Arnau y Sans se lanzaron hacia Lupo golepadolo, pero Lupo no sentia dolor, se reía como maniaco mientras sujetaba con firmeza a Murillo. «IMBECILES» gritó Garm /Cobo con furia, Tyw se rió, «Tu eres el imbecil, por mostrar tu fuerza llenaste este terreno de agua y lo convertiste en un pantano, ahora la ventaja de tus perros se perdió y Lupo no pierde velocidad por que no es su arma. CRAAAAAAAACK Lupo abrazó a Murillo con tal fuerza que en un solo movimiento todas sus costillas se rompieron y atravezaron sus organos internos, y salieron por la piel, la columna se fracturó sobre los brazos de Lupo y Murillo se dobló inertemente hacia atrás en un gesto desesperado. La sangre emanaba de su boca profusamente, Arnau y Sans intentaron acercarse pero Lupo los miró, paralizandolos de terror, Lupo tomó la cabeza de Murillo de modo que todo su cuerpo inerte colgaba de la cabeza. «que pasa hijos de perra...¿Ahora se dan cuenta de su lugar?» Lupo cerró su puño, aplastando la cabeza que explotó, los ojos de Murillo salieron volando, la sangre, sesos y huesos emanaban de espacios entre los dedos de Lupo que molía inmisericordemente la cabeza de Murillo con su mano, al mismo tiempo, flexionaba y ponia duros sus pectorales aumentando lo grotesto del cuadro. Cuando ya dejó de salir sangre y materia cerebral de su mano Lupo tomó el cuerpo por el cuello y las piernas y flexionando su espalda mosntruosa y sus triceps enormes rasgó el cuerpo por la mitad, en el abdomen, los órganos y las tripas de Murillo volaron en todas direcciones cayendo sobre el rostro de Arnau y los pectorales de Sans. Lupo sonrió. «Asi me gusta» «Idiotas, ATAQUEN» Tyw miró a Cobo/Garm y susurró, "mala orden". Rayan alcanzó a escuchar y miró al antiguo dios... De repente Tyw se veia más antiguo, más respetable, como si de repente un velo se hubiese movido por un segundo mostrando toda la forma antigua de Tyw, por un breve momento Rayan entendió porque se sentia atraido por la fuerza de Lupo, pero tambien por la autoridad de Tyw. En contraste con eso, Garm parecía un lider inexperto, solo usando la fuerza y haciendo que sus hombres fracasaran, ya había perdido uno y tenia un hombre completamente derrotado, solo dos estaban en plena forma y Lupo parecía estar disfrutando d la pelea en el lodazal que el mismo Garm había ayudado a crear. Sans y Arnau atacaron simultaneamente, cada uno a un lado de Lupo, los dos conectaron sus golpes pero Lupo nio pareció inmutarse. Garm estaba estupefacto, gruñia, intentó atacar pero no se aterevipo a entrar al lodazal, miró a Tyw y le gruño. Mientras Arnau y Sans intentaban encontrar un brecha en la defensa de Lupo, Cobo/Garm se acercó a Tyw, este ultimo notó la amenaza y tomo las cuerdas de Gleipnir en su mano. "¿Seguro que quieres esto?" preguntó Tyw con serenidad. Garm flexionó sus pectorales pero Tyw noi se inmutó. "Vivo con una bestia más poderosa y más temible que tú, si crees que Gleipnir no puede controlarte, entonces acercate...De lo contrario largate y llevate a los que te quedan". Garm gruñó, se giro hacia sus soldados y loes ordenó. "Vamonos". Y salíó corriendo. Arnau y Sans intentaron salir del pantano pero Lupo saltó alto y cayó frente a ellos. Tyw suspiró y dijo en voz baja. "venga a nuestros siervos". Lupo sonrió. "ustedes se quedan aqui" dijo Lupo y de súbito, moviéndose a una velocidad muy alta se acercó hacia Arnau y golpeó su abdomen. Los músculos del abdomen de Arnau no resistieron la fuerza del derechazo de Lupo, Arnau intentó con todas sus fuerzas agarrar el brazo y sacarlo de su abdomen pero la fuerza de Lupo era irresitible. Sans intentó ayudarlo pero Lupo lo agarró de su cabeza y lo estrelló contra el suelo barro y sangre salieron en todas direcciones. "quedate ahí perro" ordenó Lupo, Sans se girpo hacia arriba pero estaba muy desorientado del golpe. Lupo miró a Arnau con malicia. Lupo presionó aun mas su mano derecha al interior, rasgando los tejidos lentamente para aumentar el dolor, Arnau gritó de dolor, Lupo siguió penetrando la pared abdominal esquivando los vasos sanguíneos para no causar una muerte rápida, llegó hasta la columna y con dos dedos tomo las vertebras y las arrancó con un movimiento de su muñeca. Pronto Arnau sintió como sus piernas se desconectaban del resto del cuerpo dejando un impresionante dolor de miembro ausente. Arnau cayó al suelo e intentó escapar a través del lodo, Lupo lo tom´ó de los miembros inertes y lo levantó de modo que la cara de Arnau apuntaba hacia la pelvis de Lupo. Lupo lo sacudió como un saco de papas, Arnau gritaba. "¡piedad!" Lupo lo miró con desprecio "no hay piedad para los cobardes", Lupo levantó a Arnau con un movimiento de látigo hacia arriba y golpeó el suelo con todas sus fuerzas, el lodo amortiguo el golpe pero la caja torácica de Arnau colapsó contra el suelo, Lupo levantó su pie y con toda la fuerza de sus enormes cuadriceps aplastó el esternon y el corazón de Arnau. Arnau sintió un enorme dolor, pero por alguna razón no lograba morir, de pronto sintipo que su fuerza vital no estaba conectada a su cuerpo sino a algo más, entendipo que Lupo extendería su vida para extender su sufrimiento. Lupo agarró los dos antebrazos de Arnau brazos y cerrando sus puños aplastó y maceró piel, musculos y tejidos, dejando las manos colgadas de unos delgados filamentos de tejido. "matame" dijo Arnau con las pocas fuerzas que tenía. "Muy pronto perro, pero primero tengo que disfrutar esto". Lupo tompo el brazo derecho de arnau con su mano izquierda y sosteniendo el cuerpo en lo alto desde el cuello arrancó el brazo de cuajo. La sangra emanó del hombro desgarrado. Lupo tompo el cuerpodesde el otro brazo y haciendo un movimiento de batazó jalonó el cuerpo que se desprendió del brazo cayendo fuera del lodazal. Sans intentó levantarse pero Lupo le dió un puñetazo en la nuca. "te dije que te quedaras ahí perro". Lupo salto del lodazal y cayó frente a Arnau, este cerró los ojos esperando su muerte pero Lupo tomó sus parpados y los arrancó. "me vas a ver hasta el final imbécil, te arrepentirás de haber luchado conmigo de esta manera tan cobarde y te arrepentirás de seguir a ese perro". Lupo tomó el brazo izquierdo de Arnau y su pierna izquierda y lo levantó. Empezó a estirar lentamente el cuerpo, las fibras de la espalda de Lupo empezaron a despertarse, pronto se veía como un muro de roca que continuaba con los triceps más poderosos en existencia y pronto el cuerpo empezó a oponer resistencia. Arnau gritó, lo que hizque que Lupo gritara y sonriera como maniaco. Pero no aumentó su velocidad. Pronto el tejido empezó a desgarrarse lentamente, hasta que el brazo se separó del cuerpo, Lupo soltó el brazo y clavando sus manos en los restos del hombro, araggó la clavícula y el omoplaot y siguipó estirando hasta que la pierna se separó del cuerpo. Arnau respiraba profunda y rápidamente, buscando aire, Lupo lo escupió. Levantó su pierna y en un solo movimiento aplastó la cabeza de Arnau. La cabeza explotó, lanzando en todas direcciones restos cefálicos y dejando un cráter en el suelo. Lupo se dirigió hacia Sans. Estaba inconsciente. Lupo lo giró de modoque su espalda estaba contra sus enormes pectorales. Sans seguía dormido, Lupo clavó sus manos en el esternon de Sans y miró a Tyw. Este hizo un gesto afirmativo y Lupo empezó a clavar sus dedos en el toros de Sans y a desgarrar lentamente la piel y los músculos. Sans abripo los ojos subitamente. "NO, NO NOOOOOO" Lupo siguipo desgarrando lentamente el esternón hasta que el hueso no fué capaz de resistir la presión que Lupo ejercia a través de sus manos, pronto los dedos de lupo penetraron más en el tejido y con un solo movimiento Lupo abrió la caja torácica en dos, como si Sans fuera un viejo armario. La piel y el musculo se desgarró de arriba a bajo hasta el torso de modo que los orgnaos internos de Sans quedaron visibles, Sans cayó de frente al lodo. Lupo no se inmutó, tomó a Sans de la cabeza y usando sus manos, clavó sus dedos en el cráneo. Sans pronto sintió los dedos de Lupo intentnado abrir su cabeza como si de un coco se tratase. Sans intentó contener las manos de Lupo pero la diferencia de fuerzas era imposible de superar, los antebrazos de lupo se flexionaron, Lupo reia con una increible sed de ocasionar dolor Lupo clavó más los dedos mientras Sans aullaba de dolor, los gritos fueron combustible para Lupo quien siguió presionando hasta que el hueso cedió, fracturándose por la mitad, rompiendo las meninges, exponiendo el cerebro. Lupo tompo el cerebro con su mano y lo aplastó, para luego tomar los restos de la cabeza y cerrando sus puños. Los enormes y poderosos dedos de Lupo penetraron las orbitas aplastando los ojos, rompiendo los huesos faciales y haciendo que la sangre y los tejidos destrozados salieran explosivamente de los restos de la cabeza de Sans. Lupo soltó la cabeza y levantó el cuerpo desde el cuello con su mano derecha, luego con su mano izquierda agarró laa columna vertebral y la arrancpoi de cuajo con un solo movimiento, la columna se separó del cuerpo justo a la altura de las costillas, Lupo soltó la columna y puso su mano debajo de las vertebras, con un solo movimiento Lupo cerró el espacio entre las vertebras, aplastándolas, siguió presionando hasta que el tejido se volvió una pasta que salio de entre sus manos, solo cuando sus dos manos se juntaron Lupo dejó de hacer fuerza y lanzó el cuerpo contra una pared, emplastándolo como si fuera una bola de plastilina pegada a la pared. Pinilla miraba en un silencio aterrado el destino de sus tres compañeros, con la fuerza que le brindpo su instinto de supervivencia se puso de pie y se arrodilló frente a Lupo quien calmadamente se dirigía hacia el flexionando sus pectorales y gruñendo, Lupo caminó hacia el flexionando sus enormes bíceps y pisando con fuerza para que sus cuádriceps y pantorrillas se mostraran en toda su fuerza. Pinilla levantó la mirada y vipo la impresionante figura de Lupo que respiraba lentamente pero amenazadoramente frente a el, pero no se movía, entonces entendipo que Lupo esperaba una palabra de Tyw. "Señor, tenga piedad, haré lo que sea...No me mate". Dijo Pinilla. Tyw caminó lentamente, jugando con Gleipnir en su mano, el hilo rojo brillaba y Tyw tenia un ligero tinte rojo en su cara. Cuando llegó al lado de Lupo lo miró a los ojos. «¿Qué quieren de mí?». «¿Qué quieren de mí?». La voz de Tyw daba a entender claramente que era una orden. Lupo respiraba profundamente pero no separaba su mirada de Pinilla. Pinilla sostuvo su pie roto e intentó sentarse. «Te buscamos a tí antiguo... Te necesitamos, somos tus animales sagrados, pero queremos más..Necesitamos devorarte». Tyw sopesó sus palabras. Glepnir brilló, Tyw sintió el peso de la atadura antigua, Los ojos de Lupo brillaron con el color rojo de su antigua atadura. Luego miró a Pinilla. «¿Porqué mataron a mis siervos?» Pinilla miró con miedo a Tyw, los ojos del antiguo eran inescrutables, pero Pinilla logró sentir su ira contenida detrás de lo sereno de su rostro. Miró a gleipnir y por un momento pensó que Tyw lo ataría con la antigua cuerda que había sido capaz de domar al monstruoso Lupo, se resignó a este destino. «Garm nos lo ordenó, era la forma de encontrarte...Tu cuartel era dificil de encojntrar, solo podiamos buscarte donde hubiera restos del olor de tu antigüedad, los restos de antigua fuerza...Matamos a los policías y tomamos su naturaleza humana...Luego fuimos donde el Capitán y su teniente y ellos nos dirigieron hacia la panadería...El olor era irresitible, pero los dos hombres se negaron a hablar, a pesar de la tortura... No sabía antiguo.» Tyw cerro los ojos, las lagrimas salieron de su rostro. Lupo seguía con su rostro inescrutable. «te perdono por perseguirme, por buscarme y por causar este destrozo» dijo Tyw. Los ojos de Pinilla se abrieron y una leve sonrisa se dibujó en su cara. La mano de Tyw temblaba. Tyw abrió sus ojos. La ira era visible en su mirada. «Sin embargo, no puedo perdonarte lo que le hiciste a esos dos hombres, estaban bajo mi protección y sin embargo los mataron, eran mis siervos...Y hacian el mejor pan de la zona...Ahora nunca podré probar sus manjares y tendremos mas dificultades para alimentar a Lupo...» miró a Lupo e hizo una leve cabezada. Pinilla intentó acercarse a Tyw, pero este se corrió hacia atrás mirando a pinilla con ira. Lupo lo agarró del cuello, lo levantó y lo estampo contra el suelo. El aire se escapó de sus pulmones. Lupo se sentó sobre la pelvis de Pinilla. Cerró sus piernas aplastando la pelvis. ARRRRGGGGHHHH Lupo flexionó sus bíceps y los besó, luego abrir sus manos y poniendolas a la altura de las claviulas rasgó la piel y los músculos de Pinilla, una profinda hendidura se hizo en la piel. Pinilla gritó NOOOOOOOOOOO Lupo puso su mano en otra zona de piel intacta y rasgó la piel, luego siguó rasgando la piel lentamente causando dolor en Pinilla quien estaba siendo despellejado vivo, Lupo solo respetó la cabeza y la cara de Pinilla, pero el resto de su cuerpo estaba siendo desgarrado. Pinilla gritaba mientras lupo arrncaba jirones de piel con sus poderosas manos, pronto la piel cedió y Lupo siguió arrancando los músculos. Pinilla intentpo golpear la cara y los pectorales de Lupo pero solo encontró un rostro inmutable y unos pectorales de roca. Lupo siguupo desgarrando, llegó a los brazos y desgarro la piel y los músculos hasta que llegó al hueso y siguió arrancando el tejido como si estuviera desgarrando y arrancando la carne de una pierna de pollo. Cuando llegó al hueso Lupo tomo el hueso y lo arrancó del cuerpo, aplastó el hueso y lo lanzó lejos. Lupo siguió así con el otro brazo desgarrando, aplastando y lanzando lejos. Los brazos de Lupo estaban trabajando, sudados, cada fibra de sus músculos era visible y Lupo estaba evidentemente excitado por el daño que causaba. Lupo sonreía con placer, Pinilla intentaba moverse pero entre el peso y la fuerza de Lupo y de sus muculos que cada vez estaban más desgarrados, era poco lo que podia hacer, ya no tenia brazos y serpenteaba en el suelo estimulando la pelvis de Lupo quien tomó uno de sus cuádriceps y clavando sus uñas, abrió el musculo en dos como si fuera un banano. Lupo arrancó el musculo y lo mordió, al cabo de unos segundo el usculo habia desaparecido devorado por Lupo y aplastado por su poderosa mandíbula. Lupo tomó la otra pierna y la arrancó de cuajo, luego mostrandole el miembro arrancado a Pinilla los rompió por la mitad de modo que en una mano quedó la pierna y en la otra la pantorrilla, luego arrojó lejos la pantorrilla y comando entre sus manos el muslo lo aplastó como si fuera una maquina de compresión. Pinilla deseaba su muerte más que cualquier cosa que hubiese deseado jamás, Lupo se acomodó sobre su torso y empezó a desgarrar, con velocidad creciente, Pinilla sintipo como su toro era desgarrado, Lupo desgarró la piel hasta dejar expuetas las costillas, luego puso su mano contra la clavícula y arrancó claviula y costillas de un solo movimiento, luego con su otra mano hizlo mo mismo con la parte contralateral del torso. El corazón palpitante era visible, así como los pulmones. Lupo tomo la garganta de Pinilla y aplastandola arrancó la laringe, con un movimiento tan mosntruoso que separó los pilomnes y el corazón, El plastrón sangrante fue arrojado lejos mientras los pocos vasos que quedaban intactos dejaban salir la poca sangre que quedaba dentro del cuerpo de Pinilla. Lupo se puso de pié, se arrancó lo que le quedaba de ropa y orinó dentro de los restos del torso de Pinilla. El olor a úrea perforó el ambiente, pronto Pinilla se habia vuelto una especie Basinica sangrienta, Lupo tomó la cabeza de Pinilla y la arrancó del resto de cuerpo. Luego agarró la cabeza en el aire con su mano derecha y puso su torso duro. En un solo y rápido movimiento golpeo su pecho con la cabeza. La cabeza explotó. Los ojos explotaron con el ipacto, el liquido rojizo, crema, blanco y claro se adhirió a los enormes y duros pectorales de Lupo quien aprovechó el liquido para estimularse los pezones. Lupo gruñia, luego gemía, levanto su pie y aplastó la columna del cadaver y siguió aplastando hasta que no quedo sino tejido aplastado y del antiguo cuerpo solo quedaba una forma más parecida a una bolsa vacía y aplastada. Lupo se acercó a Tyw y flexionó sus músculos mientras reía con orgullo. Su mirada estaba enloquecida. Rayan dio tres pasos atrás pero Tyw no se inmutó. Levantó su mano tocando el rostro de la enorme bestia y dijo."gracias amigo." Lupo solo flexionpo sus pectorales desafiantemente. "Soy el ser más poderoso que existe". Luego se dirigió a otro hidrante y lo arrancpo de cuajo del suelo, un potente chorro de agua surgió de este, Lupo se baño en el y luego con sus enormes manos dirigió el chorro de agua con suma maestría de modo que arrastró con el agua los cadaveres. Sin embargo, no hubo forma de arreglar rápidamente el suelo roto. Tyw suspiró. "tendremos que reforzar nuestras defensas, Garm ya sabe donde estamos, y tampoco quiero cambiar la base". Rayan se acercó. "¿Usted cree que nos atacarán de nuevo?" Tyw lo miró con tristeza. "seguro" Luego mirando a Lupo continuó. "Sin embargo, aunque lo sepa poco puede hacer, pero ya sabe como crear un ejercito y eso es un problema". Rayan suspiró. "pero tenemos al Señor Lupo, si el está aquí, nadie podrá derrotarnos". Lupo flexionó sus bíceps y se lamió el agua de sus músculos. Mirando a Rayan sonrió. "No eres tan estúpido como pareces" sentenció. Tyw asintió con la cabeza.
    1 point
  17. Here comes part 2, enjoy! A FEW DAYS LATER Thankfully, the bathroom was empty as Brent lifted his shirt and stared at himself in the mirror. Looking at his reflection, the senior's gaze took in his altered appearance, tracing over the lines of lean but toned muscle under his lightly tanned skin. His chest was slightly more pronounced and noticeable, as was his abdomen. If he looked close enough, he could see the outline of his abdominal muscles, and it gave him a slight trill of excitement. Dropping his shirt back down, Brent curled one of his arms up towards his reflection, admiring the bulge of muscle that had never been there before. Instead of a lanky, average looking teen in the mirror, he saw a more athletic, fit looking man. His eyes dipped lower, passing over the noticeably larger bulge in the front of his jeans, and he grinned to himself, biting his lip slightly. He had already spied a few second glances his way from a few other students, directed below the belt. It was hard not to take a longer look at his newly 'improved' body, especially now that his pants tended to be just a size too small, his package more nicely framed and accentuated below the fabric. To be fair, Brent couldn't stop checking out himself down there every chance he got, still in slight disbelief it had all actually happened. It had been the better part of a week since the house party across town, and rumors of a guy from another school going missing after said party had trickled into Brent's high school. At first, his moral conscience had wanted him to tell someone...anyone...about what had happened. But as he admired himself in the bathroom mirror the next morning, he couldn't help but wonder....who would believe him? More over, what exactly would they do to him; lock him up? No...the more the senior thought about it, the more he knew it was best to just keep his mouth shut. "Besides," he thought, turning to examine his reflection a bit more. "I kinda like the new me..." The bell rang once more, and Brent swore under his breath as he grabbed his bag and darted out of the bathroom and down the hall. The corridors were empty and he cursed himself as he sped towards his next class, slinking in and making his way to the back. He had just about made it to his desk, where a loud cough emanated from the front of the room. "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Jacobs," the rather stern looking teacher behind the desk growled. "Take your seat." Nodding and keeping his head down, the young man slipped into his desk and kept quiet. The teacher then turned to the board and began her lesson, but her words were like background noise, as Brent propped his arm up and stared blankly at the board. It was hard to focus on her lesson, as like pretty much this entire week, his mind was filled with both the memory of the party. He shuffled in his seat as a gentle warmth trickled into his groin, remembering the sensations of being inside the handsome Jose before he....er, went away. His friends had asked him about it, naturally, since they had all ditched, but Brent just shrugged and told them he had gone home after an hour. He never told them he had gotten laid - or the other thing - instead preferring to keep his new secrets to himself, enjoying the little rush he got from them. After all...not like he had planned it, right? His hand dripped down to idly rub over the bulge in his jeans, feeling the newly increased weight of his package as it struggled to fit inside the fabric of his pants and boxers. Admittedly, the feeling of him stretching out the front of his pants did give him a little thrill, as well as a bit of stimulation throughout the day. Still, he reasoned, might be best to go shopping sooner rather than later. A thunk! brought him out of his stupor, as a large ruler slapped against his desk he jerked back upright, only to see his teacher standing before his desk looking cross. "Mr, Jacobs!" she growled. "Is it too much to ask a young man to pay attention when he is being spoken to?" "I...er..." Brent stammered. "I do not appreciate being ignored in my own class, especially after you decided to show up late to begin with," the woman snarled, smacking his desk again. He saw that in her hand was a slip of paper, and his heart sank. "Detention, now," she said, stalking back to the front of the class. Brent hung his head timidly, taking the slip of paper as well as his belongings and slunk out of class, feeling the eyes of everyone else upon him. Detention was held in one of the farther classrooms in the school, and Brent sighed as he pushed open the door to look inside. The old classroom was empty, save for a young substitute teacher at the front of the room, going over a stack of paperwork. The sub looked up as Brent shuffled over and handed him the paper, letting out a tsk as he read over it. "I see," the man churred. "Well, take a seat. You can either work on homework if you have it, or I can give you a worksheet," he said, pointing to the nearest desk by the front. Brent nodded and sunk into the indicated desk, slouching as he sighed. Part of him wanted to admonish himself for getting into trouble like this, but the other part of his brain shrugged it off. "Well, how can I not be absorbed in...I mean....focused on what happened?" He wondered, idly picking at the peeling paint of the desk. His groin gave an almost sympathetic twinge, making him shuffle a bit in his seat as he adjusted himself in his ill-fitting pants, unknowingly getting the attention of the sub. The college-aged sub looked up from his paper as the teen squirmed in his seat, and he inhaled to say something, when his gaze caught the sight under Brent's desk. The young teacher's mouth closed as he saw the rather noticeable bulge in the teen's jeans, blushing as he saw the teen adjust himself almost casually. Admittedly, the sight surprised him a bit; it was unlike a teen to have a bulge like that, and the sub couldn't help but steal a few more glances at it. His eyes flicked up to the teen's face, but the boy was off in space again, unaware. The sub's gaze dropped again and he bit his lip softly, shuffling in his chair as his own arousal stirred. One thing about working in a high school with his tastes; it was hard to ignore all the young studs parading around, dealing with hormones, puberty and the like. He had been there fairly recently himself after all, and made sure to offer his help - discreetly of course - to a few of the jocks over the semester. He prided himself on his youthful good looks and his fit body; he dressed regularly in tight polo shirts to show off his firm muscles, making it fairly easy to pick up any of the horny atheletes that were ripe for the picking. The sub subtly looked over at the cute teen twink once more, admiring the lean build and the almost out-of-place shape in his jeans. Reaching down under his own desk, he carefully adjusted himself through his slacks, starting to piece together just why this young teen was so...distracted in class. "You know," he finally said in a causal tone, making Brent jump slightly as he was brought back to the present. Once he had the teen's attention, the sub spoke up again, meeting his gaze. "There's really no reason for you to be here, what with a silly reason like 'not paying attention in class' as the crime," the young teacher shrugged, offering the teen a grin. "Um...but I got detention," Brent murmured, shuffling in his seat as he met the sub's gaze. "Honestly....sounds a little bogus to me," the sub said, lowering his voice to a more conspiratorial tone. "Between you and me, I think its a waste of both our time to be here." He watched the young teen blink, knowing he had gotten his attention. "If you want..." the sub continued, "You could probably slip on out of here and just go home. I won't tell." "Y-you won't?" Brent asked. "Really?" The sub nodded, grinning. "Sure....if you do me a solid." He saw the teen's gaze grow guarded, and quickly added. "Don't worry...its nothing you won't enjoy." Brent shuffled uncomfortably as the college-aged sub stood up and slowly walked to his table, leaning over the desk slightly. "Um..." "Look cutie," the teacher whispered. "I can see you squirming in your seat there, with those pants a little too tight." He grinned a bit wider at the flush of red in Brent's ears, and went on. "I think we both know why you couldn't pay attention in class. So tell you what; I'll help you with your little 'problem', and in return, let you scoot on out of here, with no one else the wiser." He grinned reassuringly. "That way, we both get something we need." Brent looked over the sub uncertainly, even though he felt his arousal pressing more firmly against the inside of his jeans. He couldn't deny his arousal - it was almost constantly smouldering since the party - but getting propositioned by a teacher was a little shocking. "I don't....er....know if we should," he murmured. Part of him wanted to get his rocks off, as even jerking at home didn't seem to staunch his libido now. But here, in the classroom, where anyone could walk in? "Come on, cutie," the sub said softly, still grinning. He reached down and gently rubbed over Brent's groin, earning a soft 'eep' in response. "I promise you'll enjoy it." He felt Brent's arousal throb in response, pushing against the fabric, and he took that as an affirmative. Sinking down to his knees, the sub slid under the desk before Brent could reply, caressing he thick bulge in his jeans. Brent bit his lip and squirmed, even as he felt himself straining his jeans from the older male's touch. His libido was quickly overriding his reason centers, feeling his enlarged balls churn with the need to get off. "O-okay..." he finally whispered as he was felt up, spreading his legs in acceptance as the sub moved under his desk. "Just...don't tell anyone." "Not a soul," the sub murmured as he licked his lips, his deft hands undoing the front of the teen's jeans and allowing that straining package to push free. He grinned as he saw the tent in Brent's boxers, the tip already darkened with precum as it fought against its fabric prison. Rubbing over the barely restained cock inside, he gave it a soft squeeze, earning a soft moan from above the desk he was hunched under. The shape under his hand throbbed harder, pushing out more against the fabric until the sub took pity on the shy male, and pulled those tight boxers down to reveal the prize inside. Brent's aching cock sprung free from its confinement, nearly hitting the college-aged sub in the nose. He bit his lip and gripped the top of the desk, shooting a quick glance towards the door in case someone came by. But it was only the beginning of the hour, and classes had barely begun, so the hallways were quiet and empty. Feeling himself throbbing free, Brent ducked his head down to his lap to see the sub gaping at his overly large cock. "U-um...is something wrong?" he asked softly. "Wrong?" the sub murmured. "My god dude...its anything but," he said, reaching closer and gripping the thick piece of meat. Brent's cock was a healthy ten inches long, nearly as thick as the lean sub's wrist, pulsing slowly as a bead of precum slowly trickled down from the tip. Below it, two large orange-sized balls, gently churning with goodness knows how much pent up need. The sub lightly hefted one to feel its weight, even as he pressed his face to the shaft of the teen's enlarged cock. "Damn kid...you'd put a lot of jocks in this school to shame," the sub muttered, letting Brent's jeans and boxers fall to around his ankles, leaving his whole package bare and in the open. "Heh...yeah?" Brent grinned sheepishly. He couldn't deny the slight rush of pride and satisfaction at hearing that, knowing most guys built like him weren't expected to be well-equipped like this. He could feel a sense of confidence settling in his chest, making him grin a little more easily as he scooted his hips forward a bit more. "Think you can handle it?" he smirked, before he knew what he was saying. The sub looked up at the grinning teen for a moment, before getting the hint and slowly drawing a lick up the top half of the pulsing cock. Brent grunted and his eyes grew half-lidded as he bit his lip, feeling the electric pleasure of someone's tongue along his sensitive cock. "Mmmff..." he murmured softly, his hips twitching a bit as the sub repeated the action again, and then again. His hand snaked under the desk without thinking, resting atop the back of the sub's head and holding him to his groin. "Mm...that's good," the teen grunted quietly. The young teacher groaned against the hot piece of meat, his hand barely able to wrap around the base. He slurped over the head a few times, before slowly swallowing around it. He heard the soft gasp from above as his mouth wrapped around the sensitive cock in a warm, wet embrace, earning a thick pulse of precum lancing into the back of his throat. The sub gagged softly in surprise and swallowed, allowing another inch or two of the teen's thick cock to slide into his mouth. He could feel the small hand on the back of his head urging him on, even as the tip started prodding at the back of his throat. Pulling back slightly, the sub gulped the second shot of precum as best he could, before another twitch of those lean hips sutffed his mouth full again, and that hand pushed him down a little more firmly. "Hhrgk..." "K-keep...going..." Brent gasped softly, a touch of a growl in the back of his throat as his cock was enveloped in that warm and eager mouth. His hips jerked slightly, like he wanted to shove forward and bury himself inside, but his remaining self-control fought the urge down. If he made the teacher choke, he'd probably stop this, and the last thing Brent needed was to be blue-balled like this for the rest of the day. Instead, he kept his hand firmly on the back of the man's head, encouraging him on as he felt the sub begin to slowly bob and suck up and down. "Nnnngh...fuck..." The sub could feel his jaw strain slightly as nearly half the teen's oversized cock pushed in and out of his mouth, trying to swallow around it each time the tip hit the back of his throat. It had been some time since he had someone this big in his mouth, and it took some concentration not to gag. Even so, a trickle of precum and saliva dribbled from the corner of his stretched lips, dripping down his chin as he bobbed in time with the twiching hips of the student. "Ggrlk...hhgh..." Brent panted as he hunched over the desk, his throbbing cock sinking inside that warm orifice over and over. He peeled off his shirt and fondled his hard body as he felt his orgasm build. Already he could feel his pent-up balls churned and tightening, and he knew it wasn't going to be long. "Unnff...so good," he grunted, his tongue lolling out a bit. "N-not gonna last long," he said a bit louder to warn the sub under his desk. Despite the young man's warning, the sub was well aware of how close the teen was to the edge. His hands had been stroking the half of the huge cock that was outside his mouth, feeling it throb and pulse in his hands. The sub dimly wondered what it would be like that try and take the beast all the way down his throat, but the thought was driven from his mind as that hand on the back of his head pushed down hard, and he found his gullet packed full of teenage cock before he could struggle. "H-hhrgrkkk!" The teen bit his lip as he shoved forward, his own need and growing dominance overriding his worry about hurting the other male, as he stuffed as much of his needy cock into that muzzle as he could. He was dimly aware of the feeling of the sub's throat spreading and stretching around the tip of his cock, but it was the sensation in his overly full balls that drove him onwards, tugging the older male down as far as he could around his throbbing cock. "N-nngh...g-gotta cum!" he growled out, arching his hips and pushing as much as he could inside that struggling maw as his cock pulsed heavily. The sub had no choice as that thick cock was pushed into and down his gullet by the teen's surprising strength. He could feel his throat bulge lewdly as he was forced to deepthroat it. Brent's growl was a distant sound in his ears as the rush of thick, sticky teen cum began spurting down his throat and straight into his guts. He could feel each kick of the teen's dick inside his gullet, pulsing and throbbing as it unloaded down into his stomach. It was all the sub could do to remember to breathe through his nose as cum trickled from the corner of his mouth, what little wasn't being blasted into his guts. "Take it...ohh fuck yes," Brent snarled, his free hand gripping the desk tightly. His earlier reservation had all but been smothered by the urge to cum inside the other male, the growing seed of dominance spreading though his lower belly and chest. Feeling something warm wrapped around his huge cock...it only made him throb harder as another heavy splurt pumped down the sub's gullet. His balls practically ached as they emptied themselves, churning hard with each pump of his hips. "Thats it...all of it now..." The sub whimpered slightly, though it came out more a gurgling burble from the thick cock stuffing his mouth, along with the thick jets of teen cream filling him up. Already he felt full, like he had eaten a big lunch, from the sheer amount this young, lean stud was packing into him. When he finally felt Brent's orgasm subside and the hand on his head grow slack, he slowly pulling back, coughing as his throat was freed from the huge cock inside it. The tip popped from his mouth with a wet slurp, spraying a last little jet across his face as he hacked and tried to catch his breath. "H-hurk...ghack...*couch*...h-holy fuck, dude...." Brent smiled in his blissful post-orgasm rush, leaning back and looking down between his legs at the coughing sub, his face splattered with the last of his thick seed. "Hehe....you liked that?" he rumbled softly. "N-ngh...yeah.." the sub panted, licking his lips as the taste of the teen flooded his senses. He pulled off his shirt to wipe his face clean, then leaned in, nuzzling the dripping cock as it pulsed softly, still hard. The teen sighed as his still-sensitive cock was nuzzled, earning another spurt of cum from the tip as he relaxed in his chair. "Mmm....might have to do this more often, yeah?" he chuckled. He felt he sub's response by way of that tongue slowly licking over is tip, making him bite his lower lip and stifle another gasp. "Oohh...I'll take that as a yes," he growled, giving a soft buck of his hips. "Keep doing that..." The subby older male was only to happy to keep servicing the hung teen stud. He licked over the thick tip, cleaning the remnants of cum from the pulsing meat, even as it spurted out again. He wriggled his tongue into that cumslit to catch it as it came out, pushing inside and delighting from the moan it caused from above. The sub pulled off of Brent's big dick and rubbed his face with it leaving a trail of sticky precum all over his face. Brent gasped as he felt the other male's tongue pushing into his cock slit, making him squirm at the new sensations it brought. His heavy cock throbbed in response, and he held the sub there as his tongue pushed deeper. "Nngh...f-fuck..." he panted, his hand pushing down on the sub's head harder. "Oohh that feels sooo good," he growled, squirming in his seat as he fucked the man's head. Despite the great feeling of this blowjob, part of him still missed that all-encompassing feeling of pounding Jose. He looked down at his thick meat buried halfway down the sub's throat, and then down between the sub's legs, where he had worked his pants open to free his own throbbing dick which was now dripping with pre. He grinned as he pushed the sub away and stood up. "W-wait...please?" the older male begged, one hand was furiously jerking himself while sucking the fingers on his other hand. "On you your knees and hands dude, I'm going to fuck that ass!" commanded Brent, in a voice that surprised even himself. "Wh-what? Fuck, wait," the sub stammered, even as he got into position beneath Brent. "W-we can't." he said, eyes darting back towards the classroom door briefly. "Please, if now one's walked in on us by now, I doubt they will," Brent rolled his eyes, lining up behind the sub and reaching down to grab his own, modest seven-inch cock, still throbbing hard. "You came on to me, remember? Don't act like you haven't been thinking it," he grinned, grinding himself against the teacher. The sub bit his lower lip, he could feel his lust winning out; even though he'd 'helped' plenty of jocks before, Brent's dick was intimidating. He worried about crying out and drawing attention to them. Finally he sighed, giving in to the throbbing need between his legs. "A-alright," he said softly, slipping his pants off and arching his hips back into better position. "Just....just take it easy." "Sure, yeah," Brent nodded, sliding his hips back until his thick tip pressed against his asshole. "Aww man...this is gonna feel sooo good," he growled softly, as he felt the tip begin to spread that ring of muscle around it. "Oh yeah, take it easy big guy... That's it, oh yeah that good," said the teacher as Brent started to slowly insert his huge cock his ass. The man gasped and arched his hips as he felt the thick shaft beginning to push inside. He was far from a virgin, but the sheer size made him feel like it all over again. He clenched his fist against the floor as Brent wedged that tip against his small pucker. "F-fuuck...ngh...you're too bi-AH!" he yelled out, as the teen's member slipped in with a wet squish of precum. "Ooooh shit...ohhh gods.." the man panted heavily, feeling the head and first inches of the younger teen push inside his passage. Ten thick inches of teen dick pulled at the teacher's insides, before plunging back in, each slow but steadily increasing thrust forcing the heavy cock deeper each time. "F-fuu-uuuck!" the college-aged man moaned out, squirming under his smaller partner as Brent set a steady rhythm of working himself inside. His breath came in deep gasps as he fought to keep himself braced under the teen's movements. "A-ahh! Damn...g-go easy!" "H-holy you're tight," Brent grimaced, feeling like the man's insides were trying to crush his dick. He managed to pull back and thrust in a bit deeper, bringing a groan from below him. The substitute teacher swore he could see stars as he was railed by the teen and his overly large cock, feeling those heavy balls thud up into his own as he was hollowed out by the sheer size of the thing. It was all he could do to brace himself under the slightly smaller male as he was mounted like a bitch in heat. Between his legs, his own modestly sized cock squirted ropes of cum onto the floor, his orgasm being pounded out of him by the sheer mass of flesh pummelling his insides. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahhh! Ah!" "Shit, your cock so big, your cock is fucking huge, FUCK that feels good, please don't stop fucking me!!" howled the sub. "Fuck yeah...keep moaning," Brent snarled, slamming his hips into the sub over and over again. Any and all concern was out the proverbial window at this point, as he pounded the older man below him. He could smell the other man's orgasm, and it only drove him harder. The only thing that registered in the teen's mind was how good that tight passage wrapped around his pulsing cock. "Nnngh...yeah, bitch...you like this big cock stuffing you?" he said, pulling the man's hair roughly. "Mmmf! Fuck yes!" the sub cried out, hips jerking as he emptied his balls onto the floor, his body screaming in pleasure from having something so huge inside him. He could already feel another orgasm building in his balls as Brent hammered away at his prostate and sensitive insides. "D-don't stop. Please!" Brent merely nodded in agreement, hammering the sub until he came again. With that orgasm Brent changed his tempo, pulling out briefly to spank the moaning man with his wet and throbbing dick. Now he pistoned his hips up and down, sinking nearly his full length with each thrust, alternating spanks with hard thrusts, his nuts audibly beating against the older man's ass. Brent huffed and leaned back, holding the sub by shoulder and hip as he drilled into him hard and steady. He drilled and nailed and pounded the sub again and again, picking up speed, until finally he felt his orgasm rise within him. "Hnngh...fuck...I gotta cum," he grunted, hunching back over the sub's form once more. He jackhammered the poor man hard and fast for a moment, before he snapped his hips as tight as he could as his own orgasm hit. The flood of cum that began pumping inside practically drove the breath from the sub's lungs, as the younger stud began to fill and breed him. "Hhrgk! Ack...i-it...its....fuck!" he gasped and whimpered, unable to form a coherent thought as he rode out the teen bucking atop his back. Brent's vision swam as he unloaded into the sub below, his orgasm stronger than he could ever remember. He could feel his heavy balls pulling up tight between his legs and they worked to empty themselves. "Rrrff..fuck...take it," he grunted, still thrusting away as his body worked on autopilot. "Take it all, bitch..." "L-little more..." Brent groaned, panting, as he hugged the sub against him. He was dimly aware that the sub had stopped moaning, but all he could focus on was riding the last of his orgasm. His cock throbbed hard and his balls clenched, sending forth another deluge into the male below. "A-al-almost..." he gasped. "Y-yes....fuck..." his tongue lolled out in bliss. Finally, after what felt like a full minute or two of cumming, Brent relaxed and gasped heavily. "Ohhhh fuck...." he groaned, arching his back as his cock pulsed securely in the male under him. He stroked the sub's sides, almost affectionately, his mouth wide with a huge smile. "Duuude...that was soooo good," he sighed. The young teacher was completely wiped out, laid beneath Brent's young body like a rag-doll. Brent admired the man's defined back and ass, a puddle of cum oozing out of where the two were joined onto the floor, his dick still largely hard and buried inside. Immediately, the young teen's mind flashed back to the night of the party, and the image of Jose riding his cock before being absorbed into him. His cock throbbed in response and Brent bit his lip. In his mind's eye he saw Jose slowly melting away into him, and his muscles glowing as they grew. That growing warmth and surge of confidence filled his chest once more, and Brent reached out to gently grip the unconscious sub's shoulders. His arms wrapped around the lean shoulders, and with an assured slowness, began pulling the sub into a bearhug. "M-mine..." he growled. The sub squirmed weakly beneath him, his breathing heavy and laced with the musky scent of the teen. Being so drunk on the young stud's cum and pheromones had made him light-headed. Brent panted and bucked his hips forward as he tugged backwards with his arms, letting out a groan as he felt his body heat up and glow. He looked over at the door quickly, making sure it was still closed and empty. His eyes darted up at the clock; still another twenty minutes till the bell. He could feel more and more of the sub slipping into him, and with each throb, the warmth and assurance building in his gut became stronger. "Th-this feels too good," he panted in his own mind. "And why should I? If it was me ...nngh...some other guy wouldn't care about me." He grunted and growled as he stuffed the older male further into himself, slowly growing more and more sure of himself as the pleasure radiated through his body. The young predator huffed and growled as he hunched over his partner, his toes curling as the chest of the sub merged with his own. He could feel the other male still struggling unconsciously, making him snarl and squeeze tighter. He gripped the teacher's trim waist and tugged him closer, sliding his hands along the sub's muscles as they sank into him. "O-oohh fuck yess..." Brent hissed, baring his teeth as the aching emptiness he felt was slowly getting filled. "Get in there," he growled softly, wriggling on the ground as he felt himself growing heavier bit by bit. "Goood boy..." The more of the sub that slipped into his body, the less Brent cared about the consequences of his actions. The pleasure was simply mind-blowing, and it felt so right. The party had helped him unlock something...glorious, giving herself to his body in order to make him better. Now, this horny college sub was doing the same, and Brent smiled as his body flushed with the warmth of these sensations. He was a predator, and he loved it. "You wanted my dick...now you get to be a part of it," the teen panted, lust fueling every muscle as he pushed and worked the older male deeper. As the seconds ticked by, more and more of the sub was absorbed into the teen's glowing body. Brent had rolled over to let gravity take over and stroked his rock hard cock, panting at the dual sensations of absorbing all that muscle as he stroked the sensitive flesh. Finally, the sub was gone, fully enveloped by Brent's hungry body. He groaned, standing up and walking to the teacher's chair, leaning back in the leather seat. "S-So..good..." he panted. Brent continued to jerk off, the need to cum rising once again despite having gotten off just a bit ago. The sub inside was compressed down and slowly digested by the predator teen's body. As the teen stroked himself off, he could feel his orgasm beginning to rise as he watched the glow from his chest spread out across his body. His cock throbbed angrily in his grip and he gasped as it swelled once more. Brent's throbbing cock pulsed and engorged with new mass with each beat of his heart and balls, inching longer and thicker. As he watched, it rose up his lean belly steadily, his hand now barely able to wrap around the soda can thick girth. The thick tip rose up his chest, until it nearly rested between his pecs. Brent squirmed and groaned at the sensations of his cock stretching longer and thicker, nearly yelping out as the same rush of intoxicating warmth that filled his dick now spread to the rest of his body. His abdomen clenched hard as the muscles grew, adding in more mass under his skin. His nicely defined chest grew thicker and plumper, expanding outwards gently, until his pectorals stood out nearly a whole inch from his torso, firm and wide with lean muscle. Brent squeezed his cock almost painfully tight as his arms lengthened slightly, bulging with new muscle fibre as it grew in. He leaned back and stretched out his legs as they grew further away from him, reaching out inches and inches as his quads and other leg groups bulged with increased mass. The young senior squirmed in his seat as the changes continued, the man's absorbed mass being added to his own as new muscle and size. He could feel his body pulsing as it grew. Brent panted and arched his back, too lost to the rush of pleasure and growth to even care if someone walked in now. His body stretched as he felt his body expand ever so gently and steadily. Finally, the warm rush vanished from his limbs and raced back to his cock, just in time to splurt forth from his enlarged cock as thick, white streams of teen cum. Brent bit down on his own hand to keep from howling as came all over the desk in front of him, emptying out the remains of the sub that his body hadn't consumed, until he nearly coated the entire surface of it with his seed. Panting, the teen sagged back into the chair, his thick cock thumping against his abdomen as it leaked the young teacher's last bits onto his pecs. Slowly, he managed to sluggishly pull himself up from his chair and find his pants, only to groan as he found himself unable to fit his enlarged junk inside now. His balls hung low and heavy under his huge cock, easily the size of oranges, and he was just able to hold one in his hand. Brent sighed, and looked around the empty classroom, until he spied the sub's jacket hanging off a hook on the wall. He stalked over and wrapped it around his waist as best he could, before tugging on his now ill-fitting t-shit. Quickly checking to make sure of the time, and that no one was approaching the door, the young teen used the sub's polo shirt to sponge off as much of the thick cum coating his desk. The whole thing was sticky and soaked, but it managed the job well enough. Hopefully the rest would dry by time anyone else came looking. Holding the sub's coat around his waist, Brent shuffled to the door and peeked out into the empty hallway. He checked to enure there was no one around, then darted as swiftly and quietly as he could down to his locker. He grabbed his gym bag out and then made his way to the nearest bathroom and shut the door. Once inside, he tossed the cum-soaked shirt into the trash-bin, then peeled off his tight jeans as well and tossed them as well. The sub's jacket soon followed, all the better to hide the evidence of the sub's disappearance. As Brent pulled out his gym clothes - that had ironically been a tad big on him before - he paused to admire himself in the mirror. This morning, he had seen a lean twink with barely noticeable muscles looking back it him from the surface. Now, the image of a well-toned jock grinned back at him as he rubbed his hands down his newly enhanced form, with his firm abdomen and chest moving under his skin each time he flexed or turned. He was taller too; at least a few inches more than before, only adding to his new athletic appearance. His hand dipped lower and hefted his enlarged meat. His cock was now roughly the size of his own forearm, and easily a foot in length. Gone was the below average teen from last week....replaced by the young stud of a predator grinning at him from the mirror. "This is me now," Brent rumbled as he flashed his brilliant white smile at himself. "And I like the new me." He pulled on his gym clothes, chuckling at how the track shorts still showed off his hefty package underneath, even as his cock eventually softened. His shirt was tight, but not overly so, still showing off the shape of his muscled torso beneath the fabric. He would definitely have to go clothes shopping tonight. Giving himself one last fondle through his shorts, Brent checked himself in the mirror once more. He could just imagine the looks he'd get when he wore these next gym class... and maybe find myself another partner, he mused with a predatory grin. Blowing his reflection a kiss, the muscled stud slipped out the bathroom and towards the front door, deciding to skip the rest of the day and head home. After all...he still had detention, didn't he?
    1 point
  18. Hopefully I am posting this right. . . here is part two to my story (link the previous one in case you forgot about it). Sorry it took so long and hope you guys like it! Winter Break, Part 2 I was breathing heavy. I could still feel my dad’s cock inside me, throbbing strong, even after it had just filled me to the brim with hot muscle cum. I stared up at my father, my back pinned to the wall. I had never been more turned on in my life. He was covered in sweat, his massive hairy pecs glistened with the moisture. He just stared down at me, as his cock held me off the floor. His hands were wandering over my newly expanded body. “I can’t believe my cum made my boy grow like that,” he said with a smile. His hands went under my arms and lifted me off his still throbbing cock. I hated the feeling of his dick leaving my hole. I felt so empty. I was addicted to the feeling of him inside me already. It was like my entire being was craving him. As my feet touched the ground, I looked up into his eyes. “I love you Dad.” I couldn't stop myself from saying. “I love you too Son.” he said with a smile as he kissed me hard and deep. Our tongue wrestling as I moaned into his mouth. “Now turn around, look in the mirror and flex for your daddy.” As I turned, I stared in amazement at my new muscle body, and the shreds of my shirt still wrapped around my arms and torso. My dad grab the shirt and ripped it off with ease. I know I grew taller, but seeing my father standing behind me, made me feel small. He was easily a foot taller then me. Clearly the workout of fucking me had helped him grow even larger. I lifted up my arms and flexed my biceps. “Holy fuck!” I muttered. My arms had clearly grown to 19 if not 20 inches. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I lowered my arms and began bouncing my newly massive pecs. I couldn't get over their definition. I reached up and started playing with my nipples. It felt so good to play with them that I let out a slight moan. That’s when I felt my dad push up against my ass. His hands roved over my new bubble ass, his cock leaking all over my crack. He pushed his fat cock into the valley between my muscle cheeks and began to kiss my neck as I continued to stare and flex. His hairy pecs felt so good against my back. “You are so incredibly sexy son.” he whispered into my ear as his tongue traced the out line of my ear. I let out another moan as I began grinding my ass back on him. My arm reached up behind me and grabbed my father’s head. I started playing with his hair as he started grinding a little faster and harder into me. “Daddy, I need you… I know you just came inside me, but I need more,” I panted out, already short of breath. It was like my dad’s mere presence was intoxicating. All I could think about was pleasing him, milking more and more of that muscle cum out of him. My cock was at attention, throbbing harder and thicker than I had ever seen. My other hand reached down and started to stroke it. Its girth was overwhelming. I couldn’t believe it was my cock. My daddy’s hands found their way to my pecs. He was massaging them, pulling on my nips, and twisting them. As his fingers danced across them, I moaned louder and louder, grinding even harder back on his steel rod of a cock. His muscle cock was like a faucet of pre cum. He took one hand off my pecs to stroke the head of his cock, which was mid way up my back. My father wiped up a large amount of his pre and held it in front of my face. I gripped his wrist and started to feverishly suck his pre cum off his fingers. It tasted like heaven and made me moan even more. One hand was feeding me pre as the other played with my nipple. My cock was now the faucet. I barely leaked any pre before my daddy filled me with his cum… now there was a puddle on the gym floor showing how excited I was to please him, to taste his sweat and cum. My dad looked down at it and let out a laugh. “Damn, my baby boy is excited for more of me, let me get a taste of that!” I let out a small squeal as my dad flipped me around and lifted me effortlessly up off the floor again. I didn't realize what he was doing until my head almost hit the ceiling with was 10 feet. He had power cleaned me clear to his shoulders. My back was against the wall, with my legs on his shoulders as my fat cock slid right down his throat. I thought I was moaning loudly before. As my dad’s tongue played with my swollen head, I screamed out in pleasure. That’s when he slid a finger into my cum filled ass. His finger was the size of a normal man’s cock. I was squirming on his shoulders as he found my spot. the pleasure sent shockwaves through my body as he finger fucked my hole. My cock throbbed over and over in his mouth as he sucked on me. It was the best head of my life. I was seeing stars, uncontrollably moaning and screaming, begging for more. My dad slipped another finger inside me, fucking me hard and deep, nailing my spot over and over again. My back arched, eyes rolled back in my head. I was in pure bliss. he grabbed his cock and lubed up his fingers with all that pre cum and slammed back into me. I couldn't hold back anymore. “FUUUUUCKKKKK DADDDDDDYYYYYY! I’M GONNA CUM!!!!” I screamed out. It only made my father suck on my cock harder. I unloaded the biggest load of my life. Not a single drop escaped my dad’s mouth. He was as greedy for my cum as I was for his! That’s when I felt the ceiling get a little closer. FUCK! Can my cum make HIM grow!? I thought in amazement. Before I could even process that thought I was being thrown to the ground. “Fuck boy! All that cum has turn me on so fucking bad!” My dad said with a grunt. He grabbed my head and slammed it into his crotch. My nose was smashed into his gloriously hairy balls. I took a deep whiff of his sweaty manly scent. It was the greatest thing I had ever smelled. I couldn’t get his balls in my mouth fast enough. “Fuck yes boy! Worship your daddy’s balls!” my dad moaned. His hand never left my head as he rubbed my head over and over into his sweaty crotch. My tongue worshipped every inch of his balls as I stroked his massive shaft with both hands. I looked up at my glorious muscle daddy. I could barely see his face past the two giant mounds of hairy muscle that were his pecs. He was playing with one nipple as he humped my face. “Fuck boy…. I love the feeling of that tongue on my balls.” He moaned out. “Fuck you make me so god damn horny!” He pulled me off his balls and stared down at me. I watched as a smirk crept across his face. He held my face back, one hand on my chin, the other on my forehead as he spit into my open mouth. It was the hottest thing I had ever done. “You’re mine now boy.” my dad said as he gripped his foot long cock and started smacking my face with it. He smeared pre cum all over my scruff. “Now you're marked.” He smirked again as he slammed his gigantic dick down my throat. I choked, and gagged on its mass but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I ate his cock like I was starving. In fact I was. I needed that massive cock. I wanted that muscle cum. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to please my muscle god. I wanted to grow even bigger, to be just like him. My daddy let out moan after moan, grunting as he fucked my face without mercy. Tears were welling up in my eyes as he pounded my skull. He was raping my mouth. I tried to make him slow down but his hands were like a vice. He was 100% pure primal fucking my face. His cock felt like it was swelling even bigger with each thrust. I didn't know whether to be scared that he was about to crush my skull or so turned on I could cum without touching my cock. It turned out to be the latter. His alpha essence pushed me over the edge. My cock started to explode as he cock filled up my throat. I tried to moan but couldn’t get out much more than a gargle. My father looked down as he felt my hot cum shoot all over his leg. “FUCK BOY! TAKE MY CUMMMMM!” he grunted and slammed his cock deep into my mouth. His cock flooded my throat with hot sweet cum. I managed to swallow the first few shots but the shear volume overwhelmed me. It started leaking out of my mouth and down my chest as he shot stream after stream into me. I hurried to swallow over and over. The sounds that were coming out of my dad as he unloaded where nothing short of animalistic. I felt his cum warm my stomach. I felt the warmth start to spread again. I looked down as my arms and pecs began to swell again. I fell onto my back as the warmth engulfed my body. I moaned out and squirmed on the floor. My dad was still cumming, squirting more and more muscle cum onto me. I rubbed my expanding body, feeling the growth. I rubbed my daddy’s cum into my pecs as I felt them compound under my hand. It was making me so hard. The power, the strength. It was amazing. I looked up at my father, I couldn’t help myself, it was like his cum was viagra on steriods. I started jerking my cock at my daddy’s feet, covered in his cum, muscles growing. He stared down at me. “Fuck boy, you’re growing even more!” he smirked. He started to flex for me. I felt my lats expanding, my shoulders getting broader. “My godly muscle cum is doing wonders for your son. Maybe one day you be this big.” He said as he flexed a most muscular for me. I exploded all over him. I didn't stand a chance seeing that and not cumming. I just laid there at his feet, panting, covered in sweat and my daddy’s cum. I couldn’t believe it. I was hopelessly devoted to this muscle god. I couldn’t get enough. My dad extended a hand and I grabbed it. He lifted me off the floor with ease and pulled me into a hug. He pressed me against his hairy boulders of pecs. “Sorry I got a little rough there. I don’t know what came over me.” He said with a blush. “I loved it daddy,” I beamed with a smile. He kissed me deep, with passion only a father has for a son. He held me. I felt safe and warm in those impossibly strong arms. It was as though his essence engulfed me. I never wanted to leave. I looked over in the mirror. I was amazed at my transformation, but my father was on a completely different level. He was at least 7 feet tall now. His delts and shoulders looked like a literal mountain range. His biceps were the size of my head. “Daddy you’re huge!” I gawked. I stood back and just stared at him. He smiled down at me and raised his massive arms and flexed his mountainous arms. I grabbed his bicep with both hands i couldn't even come close to encircling it all. “Look at how huge your father has become!” he said, as he flexed a most muscular. I swear I saw him grow even more as he flexed those gigantic muscles. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was absolute muscle perfection. “How is this possible dad!? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining,” I said as I admired my own newly enlarged bicep. “Well I found this at one of my work site’s at the end of the summer,” he said as he gripped his ancient looking necklace. I remembered how it felt hot against my skin when he was fucking me. I took it in my hand and rubbed it. It still felt hot to the touch. “Any time I lift when I’m wearing it, it makes me stronger and grow bigger. It never made me grow this much before. But when I saw you looking so sexy in that tight shirt, it’s like I lost all control and the necklace fed off my lust for you. I could feel it feeding off the sexual energy. It was so intense, all i wanted to do was lift, grow and fuck! Just thinking about it again is making me…. “ I looked down as the necklace started to glow, and my dad’s cock harden. I quickly lifted the necklace over his head. The action snapped him back to reality. “Are you ok dad?” “Yes boy, thanks. I needed to take it off, I don’t know how I’m going to explain being this big… but the feeling is so addictive.” I smiled up, “It is an amazing feeling daddy! I don’t know how I’m going to explain this either. I am definitely as big as Mitch now, if not bigger!” My dad’s face instantly changed. “I need to meet this Mitch. Invite him over. I need to show him what real muscle is. He needs to know you're mine now, not his.” he said in a deep growl. “But… Daddy he's straight. Him and I have never done any….” “NOW. Boy. I need to show him what a true muscle God looks like." My father said with such force I knew there’d be no debating with him. He flex his massive frame as he towered over me. I stared up at his muscles as the veins bulged. I had never seen anything like it. It made my knees weak. He truly was bigger than any bodybuilder I had ever seen. He pointed at our pile of shredded clothes. “Get your phone and call him now.” I scrambled to rummage though the clothes as quickly as I could. I was shaking. I didn’t know why but I knew I had to. He wanted it, so I had to make it happen. He put his gigantic arm around me and pulled me into him as I scrolled through my phone to find Mitch's number. My father bent down and started sucking on my neck as his hands found my ass. I was intoxicated by his touch.... I was forgetting what I was doing... All I could think of was his cock inside me again. ''Dial the number," my father whispered into my ear as he lifted me off the ground again. His strength engulfed me. I couldn't believe how easily he picked me up. His muscles were so hard... So strong. The warmth of his body made me want more... No need more. I pushed send as my daddy's cock slid inside me again. "Fuck I love the feeling of my boy's tight warm hole," he whispered as he filled me up. His presence inside me was overwhelming, it pushed me to the edge of bliss but Mitch's voice snapped me back to reality. ''Hey buddy!"
    1 point
  19. Part 6 Zack moaned as his cock twitched. The power Henry was exercising over him was driving him wild. Zack reached forward and grabbed Henry’s traps, pulling himself towards the big man’s face, he kissed Henry. Henry’s lips parting to accept the embrace. Zack could feel Henry’s tongue forcing its way into his mouth, strong arms wrapping around him and pulling him in as they kissed deeply. Zack felt Henry’s cock hard inside him, the big head swelling as the kiss turned him on. Gyrating his hips back and forth he worked to please Henry. Henry pulled back from the kiss, a drop of spit falling from his mouth as he grinned at Zack, “God. You want it so bad boy.” Using his large hands he felt up and down Zack’s back, feeling the smaller man’s muscles move as he worked his body on Henry’s cock. “It feels so good.” Zack said, the words coming out slurred as if he were drunk off of Henry’s power alone. Henry laid Zack on the bed, on his back. Looming over him, his whole body one flexed mass of muscle. He leaned in and Kissed Zack again. Zack moaned again as he wrapped his arms around Henry’s thick bull neck. Henry was moving his hips slowly and rhythmically, back and forth, using every inch of his cock to pleasure Zack. Henry pulled away from the kiss again and looked down at Zack, his cannonball sized arms planted firmly on either side of Zack’s head. “You feel amazing.” He said as he slowly pushed his cock back into Zack, pushing until he felt his balls hit Zack’s body. “The first time. I fucked you. Now. I’m going to make love to you.” Henry said these words between breaths as he moved his cock slowly in and out of Zack. Zack squirmed and writhed in pleasure as Henry dominated his entire world. He could feel every hard inch of Henry’s cock slowly being pushed into him, and then pulled nearly entirely out, his big bull balls softly rubbing against Zack’s ass with every full thrust in. Henry was staring down at Zack, the look of carnal lust and absolute infatuation on his face struck Zack. Throwing his head back, Zack felt safe and completely relaxed for the first time since he’d been arrested. Henry’s mouth hung open as he slowly fucked Zack, reaching up, Zack grabbed around his thick neck and pulled himself up and into Henry, forcing his ass to swallow all of Henry’s length, and bringing himself into a deep long kiss with the beast. As the two were entangled in their passionate kiss, Zack felt Henry’s cock swell inside him, Henry tired to pull back from the kiss weakly as his breath picked up. His hot breath panting faster and faster into Zack’s mouth. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my god baby I’m going to cum again.” Henry panted into Zack. “Please, please ohhh fuck fill me up daddy.” “Not this time.” Henry said as he slowly pulled out of Zack, leaving Zack feeling hollow, empty, no longer completely filled with Henry’s huge muscle cock. As his cock left Zack, Henry lied down on the floor on his back. “Come here and help me.” Henry beckoned to Zack who was still on the bed reeling from the pounding he’d received. Zack moved to Henry on the floor, the big man lifted his legs in the air and contorted his body in a way that should be impossible for someone with so much muscle mass. His lifted his ass up so that he was lying on the floor, with his feet over his head, and his huge cock pointed down towards his pecs. Zack moved in, “Come over here and milk my cock, I want to cum all over my chest so you can lick it off.” The words hit Zack as he fumbled and scrambled to move into position so he could work Henry’s cock. Moving over Henry’s head and between his legs, Zack was greeted with the sight of Henry’s bulbous cockhead shiny and wet rubbing against his pecs in the position he was in, his massive ass inclined in the air with his hole readily available. Reaching forward with both hands, Zack gripped Henry’s cock and began to milk him. Henry moaned in pleasure as Zack’s small hands worked his swollen shaft, but Zack wanted more. Moving forward, he dove his face into Henry’s ass, working his tongue into Henry’s waiting hole. the minute his tongue reached it’s target, he felt Henry’s cock swell and turn to hot iron as Henry grabbed onto Zack and help him. Zack continued to work Henry’s huge pole and diligently worked his tongue around Henry’s tight muscular hole. With no words and little warning, Henry spasmed, Zack could feel the cock twitching and pumping in his hand as it shot load after load of thick white cum onto Henry’s broad chest. “Ahhhhhhhh.” Henry let out as he signed in sweet relief having blown his huge load. Lowering his legs down, Zack was able to see the fruits of his labors spread out across Henry’s massive pecs. “How’s that for a cum show?” Henry asked as Zack’s mouth opened in awe of the amount of cum coving the hairy muscle. It dripped down the sides, leaking into the space between us swelled biceps and his chest, spilled down the top of Henry’s chest and ran onto Henry’s thick neck and tall traps, most of the load pooled in the deep space between Henry’s pecs, and more yet was still sticky and stuck to his fat erect nipples. Flexing his chest, bouncing the mounds of muscle, and tensing the muscles so the striations and veins flexed and popped, Henry moved them with a slow methodical grace. “Better clean it up before it get’s cold.” Henry said as he used two fingers to scoop a bit of cum off his chest. It clung to his fingers, so thick it was like a heavy cream, bringing his fingers to Zack’s lips, Zack opened his mouth and accepted the offering. It was such a strong taste, sour, sweet, salty, so heavy. He needed more, and there was plenty left. Zack moved and began to slowly lick Henry’s chest, the impressively warm cum mixed with the rock hard muscle underneath was pure bliss for them both. Zack began with the nipples. Taking extra care to suck every bit of cum from the thumb sized protrusions. Next he worked the sides, Henry parted his arms from his side to give Zack access to the drops of cum that had escaped his wide chest, Zack took equal pleasure in licking the cum off of Henry’s biceps, and Henry took pleasure in flexing his huge peak as Zack rounded it with his tongue. “Henry you taste so good.” Zack cooed as he moved to lick the stream of cum off of Henry’s neck. Moving in close and kissing the deep space where Henry’s clavicle and thick muscled neck met. He felt the hard cords of muscle moving in Henry’s neck as he moved his head to allow Zack to kiss deeper on his neck. Zack could feel his lips vibrating as Henry’s deep vibrating groans of pleasure emanated through his body. “Damn kid, you really know how to treat a guy.” Henry said as he ran a big hand through Zack’s hair as Zack continued to work his neck. Zack’s hands refused to stay idle as the fondled Henry’s chest Squeezing and gripping the flexed muscles, feeling the hard muscle contract under his hands. Unsure of how long they laid like that, Zack eventually fell asleep on to of Henry, his face buried into the big man’s neck, his arms sprawled across him, and his cock sticking to Henry’s abs. “Damn I must have worn him out.” Henry bemused to himself as he wrapped his arms around Zack, and he drifted off as well. The morning sun broke through the window, hitting Zack’s face perfectly to blind him with the bright light. His eyes fluttered open and he had a vague sense of where he was. Slowly feeling his body rise and fall, the scratchy feeling against his cheek, the dull ache in his ass, and the heavy presence on his back holding him down. Zack lifted his head and found himself laying on top of Henry, with the big man completely knocked, his deep rhythmic breaths moving Zack’s body as Zack felt his cock stiffen against Henry’s abs. Right in front of of his face was Henry’s nipple, if he could just scoot a bit be could get it with his tongue. He was unaware if he wanted to bask in this glow longer, feeling impressively safe in with Henry’s arms wrapped around him, or if he wanted to arouse and awaken Henry by worshipping his nipple. The latter won, and Zack moved his head and we this lips in anticipation. As he started to reach forward he was frozen by a loud knock on the front door. the force of the knock, Zack could swear, rattled the window pane. Henry’s eyes opened slowly, then all at once he was up, “SHIT!” He said rolling out of bed and tossing Zack to the side, “I forgot Roy was coming today.” Zack scanned his memory, and recalled Henry had mentioned his friend would be coming this weekend to fish, damn had he already been here with Henry for that long. Zack reflected on his dwindling time with this beast before he went home, when another more forceful knock gathered his attention, this time he was certain the windows shook at the knock. “Get dressed, and maybe get a shower, you’ve got a little cum…” Henry gestured vaguely at Zack, “…all over you.” Zack looked down and he did indeed see and feel dried cum on different parts of his body. “What about you…” Zack started as Henry slid on pants and left the room as another knock rattled the cabin. Zack hurried down the hall to the shower, intent on fixing himself up, and completely blind as to why this ‘Roy’ seemed to get Henry so flustered. This giant rock of a man had looked like a teenager who had just been caught by the cops, a look and feeling Zack now knew all too well. Coming out of the shower and back down the hall he could hear Henry’s gruff voice, but he heard another man’s voice as well, it was crisp, each word beautifully annunciated, he sounded like some high brow news reporter. Zack went into the room, quickly dressed, and slowly crept down the hall. He could hear the two men laughing, “Jesus man, looks like you got visited by Dracula last night.” The unfamiliar voice said, “Is the bitch still around, or did she run scared when you pulled down your pants.” He laughed to himself and Henry chucked uncomfortably. Zack walked around the corner, “That would be the bitch.” Henry said with a bemused smile on his face. “Roy, Zack; Zack, Roy.” Zack’s face flushed, then blushed, he felt red hot as Roy stood and extended a hand out to Zack. “Nice to meet you, Zack. Henry was telling me about your extensive criminal background and how you landed here at bootcamp.” Roy said as he poked an elbow at Henry. At some point Henry had found a shirt and it barely covered his mass. Roy on the other hand was dressed casually, khaki shorts and a button up fishing shirt. While not as big as Henry, he filled out every inch of the shirt. “It’s nice to meet you.” Zack said extending his had out for Roy to take. The hard hand grasped Zack’s and executed a firm but not painful handshake. “You ever been finishing?” Roy asked Zack. “I’ve been a couple times when I was younger, but it’s been a while.” Zack replied. “You wanna come fish with me this afternoon? I have extra rods and plenty of beer.” Roy watched Zack with his deep brown eyes that almost seemed black. Zack looked at Henry who was noticeably struggling to keep his composure around Roy, almost as if Zack’s presence was interrupting them. “Sure!” He replied, “I’d love to.” Roy looked over to Henry, “and what say you big guy, are you fishing today?” “I’m okay, I have some things around the house I need to do today, you two have fun though.” And with that Henry walked back to his room. “Damn I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, he’s usually so much more relaxed.” Roy quipped, then turning to Zack, “Well, come on, let’s go hop in the truck and head down to the lake and we can start this day off right.” Roy led the way out the door and Zack followed behind, taking care to keep enough distance to really admire how much ass he had seemed to squeeze into his jeans, the pants so worn and distressed they looked paper thin against the mounds of muscle beneath. Roy got into the truck and, leaning over the center console, opened the door for Zack. Zack struggled to get into the lifted truck, having to hoist himself up to the door. Roy put the truck into drive and took it down a worn tire path through the woods headed towards the lake. As they drove, Zack caught a few key glimpses of Roy while he drove, one thick hairy forearm rested on the steering wheel, the other hanging out the window. His jeans looked no more less snug in the front, pulled tight over his meaty thighs and a promising bulge in the denim in the front. Working up, he was wearing a flannel with the sleeves rolled into a cuff right above his elbow, looking incredibly tight, it made the veins in his forearms pop and stand out. The shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way either, the top few buttons undone as the shirt lazily flapped open as the truck bounced along the path. When they arrived at the lake shore, Zack noticed a small aluminum boat pulled up into the bank. They got out of the truck and Roy loaded everything into the boat. “Well, come get in.” Roy said as he stood by the boat, a light sheen of sweat glistening on his brow and on the exposed part of his chest. Climbing into the boat, Zack wondered how they were going to get the boat 15 feet to the water, and why he was getting in now. “Hey Ray, shouldn’t the boat be in the water before I get in?” Zack asked. “I mean, I was just going to carry it to the water so you didn’t have to get wet.” Ray said nonchalantly. “Oh…okay, thank you.” Zack replied as Roy walked towards the boat. Squatting beside the boat he gripped the sides of the aluminum boat, as he did, Zack noticed large indentations where Roy’s huge hands must have done this many times along both sides of the boat. Standing up, Roy lifted the boat, stocked with the equipment, and outboard motor, and of course Zack. Zack worked to balance in the boat and stay still, but at the same time, he was entranced by the fibrous cords of muscle working in Roy’s tick arms as he lifted the boat. His face strained with effort and turned red, veins popping and bulging on the top of his bicep, threatening to burst through his dark paper thin skin. Then as suddenly as he had been lifted, the boat settled back down into the water and Roy’s thick leg came over the side and into the small boat. His weight immediately sinking one side of the boat down as he hoisted his body into the boat. Finally settling into the boat, Zack noticed how much further the boat had sunken into the water, it wasn’t a huge boat, but Roy made it feel much smaller than it was. Turning on the motor, Roy idled the boat out to the middle of the lake where he quickly baited his hook, cast his line, and cracked open a beer. Leaning back towards the motor he looked over at Zack. “Well? You just going to watch me all day or are you going to fish?” As he said it he opened his legs and leaned back, as he spread his thighs, Zack could see the stuffed and tight fabric around his impressive bulge; but then it was covered as Roy moved his fishing rod between his legs. “Oh, I…I didn’t mean to stare. I…I wasn’t staring. I was just, you know, I was just waiting for….” Zack struggled to rectify this situation. Was he staring? Yes. Did he want this man he’d known for 45 minutes to know that? Hell no. “You don’t know how to bait a hook, but didn’t want to ask for help?” Roy attempted to finish Zack’s sentence. “Yes! My dad always did it for me, I don’t know how.” Zack internally sighed from relief. “Here, take this rod, it has tackle on it, just cast it and slowly reel it in, no baiting the hook.” Did he just wink? Zack could swear he just saw Roy wink at him. No, maybe the sun was in his eyes, or a bead of sweat dripped into his eye. Then the rod was in his hand, the thick handle with the hard plastic end, his fingers gripped around it and cast it out. “So, how much longer are you here with Henry?” Roy asked taking a sip of beer as he watched his bobber on the water. Zack slowly rolled in his line as he waited for tension to hit his line. “I’m not really sure. Maybe another few days. Just depends really.” Roy said. “Depends on what?” Roy asked. “Well, my mom is going to be home soon, but I’m not really ready to leave here yet.” Zack hadn’t really even admitted that to himself yet, so it was odd that it came out to Roy now. “Hard to leave that much muscle ain’t it?” As he said it, Roy snuck a quick peek over at Zack, who had been watching him and quickly turned his head away quickly. Zack’s face flushed red as Roy mentioned Henry and his hulking mass.”Don’t worry kid, we’ve all been there with Henry.” “Henry fucked you?!” Zack said, shocked at the sudden revelation. “Well, no. I fucked him. It’s been quite a while though.” There was an awkward pause as Zack searched for what to say next. “How…How do you know Henry?” Zack asked. “I was his drill sergeant when he was in the military, then his bodybuilding coach when we left.” “That tracks?” “What do you mean by that?” Roy replied. “I mean, you’re both in great shape, and he’s almost submissive to you; which very much isn’t something I thought Henry was capable of.” “Yeah, I saw the potential in him when he was a Cadet. Then he moved on to the Air Force and I stayed behind. After I was discharged, we ran into each other at a gym close to base. Started talking, and I started training him.” “Well the results show.” Zack said. “Thanks. I’m pretty good at making guys grow. Are you interested?” “Well the results show?” Zack said, trying to not let lust drip into his voice. “Thanks for saying so. I’m pretty good at making guys grow big.” Roy paused, then looked to Zack, “Say, would you be interested in growing?” Zack paused for a moment, but it was a moment too long. “Or do you like being the little guy?” With the second sentence, Roy raised an eyebrow quizzically towards Zack. “I…I’m not sure. I’ve never even considered it really.” Zack felt his cheeks turn hot and blush. The boat rocked, ‘OH YEAH!” Roy bellowed as he jerked his fishing line, trying to reel in his line. As they day went on they cast and recast with only the slightest bit of luck. Three large bass from Roy, and a bluegill fit to throw back from Zack. Somehow incredibly fitting. As the sun settled below the tops of the trees, the evening light bathed the lake in a warm orange hue. Roy had unbuttoned his entire shirt slowly throughout the day, and had increasingly pumped his muscles as he reeled in the three large fish. He relaxed back, “Damn not a bad day.” Roy quipped. Zack looked over to see Roy with his legs spread wide, his massive body uncovered and exposed, the shadow of his pecs rising and falling from the sunlight behind him. “You sure had a big day, yeah?” Zack replied. “It wasn’t bad, but I think we need to get these back to Henry so we can have dinner.” Roy started the motor and guided the boat back to shore. They unloaded the fish and equipment and after taking Roy’s truck back, they parked, with no sign of Henry. “Guess the big guy finished his outside work today. Let’s get these inside and he can clean them up while we clean ourselves up.” Zack felt his cheeks flush again as he conjured the image of ‘cleaning himself up’ with Roy. As they entered the house, Zack immediately felt the cool rush of AC, along with a fragrant smell. Henry was in the kitchen. He was wearing no shirt, but he did have on an apron; which Zack was sure would actually be the size of a large bedsheet if he took it off. “Welcome back!” Henry called from the stove, “I started dinner already, hope you all brought some fish to go with this!” “I left them out on the porch for you to clean, me and the boy need to go wash this fish smell off of us.” Roy had a slight slur in his words that Zack hadn’t noticed on the lake, but now he recounted the amount of beer Roy had consumed during the day and it added up. Roy put a strong arm around Zack’s shoulder and pulled him towards the shower. “Zack.” Henry called after them. “Do you want to help me clean these fish up, I think it’s a skill you’d need to learn.” “Lay off the kid, he learned enough today.” Roy replied pulling Zack along again, the smell of alcohol on his breath nauseating to Zack. “Zack, if you want to stay out here just say that, you don’t have to shower with him, it’s a small shower anyway.” Zack’s eyes darted back and forth between the two men as they had a stare down over him. If Roy wasn’t as drunk as he was, Zack would not only be delighted, but flattered that this man was so strongly suggesting they shower together. But something about how Henry was acting, along with the pushy drunk nature of Roy, led Zack to question that desire. “If the kid wants to shower, he can choose to do that too, and looks to me like he’s excited for it.” Roy said. Indeed, Zack did have a boner showing, however it was more to do with the way Henry’s muscle was pouring out of his apron, and the way Henry almost seemed to be protecting him that made him turned on. “I actually think I want to learn how to clean a fish, if I don’t learn now, I never will. I’ll shower later as long as you don’t use all the hot water.” Zack said, slowly lowering his head and removing himself from under Roy’s heavy arm. He hoped the innocence and light playfulness would subdue Roy and end the situation, and in fact he was correct. “Suit yourself, kid. Could’ve been fun.” Roy replied as he grabbed the plump bulge in the front of his pants. God. It did look fucking huge. Why did he have to ruin it by being such an ass. Zack turned and walked onto the porch with Henry, who promptly shut the door, keeping them outside. “I’m sorry for Roy, he’s just a little…” Henry began. “It’s okay, thank you for helping me out of that. His breath was so gross.” Zack said. “Not just his breath, it was how he treated you.” Henry paused, “I saw you bricked up though, were you really excited to shower with him?” Zack could almost see puppy dog eyes and jealousy in Henry’s chiseled stoic face. “Honestly? I was hard seeing how well you wear that apron with your huge chest shoving out each side….and…. The way it almost seemed like you were protecting me.” Zack could not look up and meet Henry’s gaze, he simply looked down as Henry put together the filet knife. “I mean. I just know how he’s treated me. Didn’t think you deserved that.” Henry said, staring down and concentrating on descaling the fish. “How he treated you?” Zack asked. Although he felt like he was prying, there still seemed to be a piece to the puzzle of their relationship he was missing, and he needed to find it. “He’s just an ass. He was my drill sergeant and then coach. He thought he owned me, owned my…my body. Not that he ever hurt me or anything, but he was just always so…” “Dominant.” Zack finished. “Yeah.” Henry agreed. “He said you all used to fool around?” Zack asked. “Well, that’s generous. He fucked me once and then left me high and dry because he found a new client who he thought could be better, maybe more submissive.” Henry had almost finished with the first bass and was moving on to the second. “Then why do you still let him come around and use your lake and stay at your house and call him a friend?” Zack asked. “Because at the end of the day, I’m thankful for him. He showed me a better life, helped me through some tough times, and frankly, I had fallen in love with him when he was my coach. I thought we were so much more, but he was just teasing me and leading me on.” “I guess you learned that from him too.” Zack quipped before thinking better of it. Henry looked up, “Excuse me?” “I mean, you’re a fucking tease, you’re dominant as hell, I’m not saying you two are exactly alike, but you aren’t two different people.” Zack tried to remedy this situation, he was finally having a solid single conversation with Henry and he was about to fucking blow it. Henry chuckled as he started on the last of the fish, “I guess your right, I do get off on teasing you, but I’m in charge around here and he’s not going to treat you like shit.” Henry had finished filleting the fish and moved to head inside. Once inside Roy called down the hallway he was finished with the shower and Zack went to take one of his own while Henry finished dinner for the three of them. Some point during his shower, Henry had seen fit to put on a shirt, nothing fancy, a skin tight t-shirt. At the table for dinner, Henry had created quite the spread for the three of them. After his shower and some water before dinner Roy had sobered up significantly, however the heat of the exchange from earlier still hung in the air. “Roy,” Henry began, “I’m glad you made it out this weekend. But.” Henry hesitated, “ I think you should apologize to Zack for how you acted when you all got back.” Roy shot Henry a defiant look, “What is there to apologize for, I was just going to show the boy a good time.” “Yeah, but you did it by acting like an ass, so apologize.” Henry replied as he held Roy’s gaze. After a brief moment, Henry swelled his chest, his traps rising as blood pumped through them, his clenched fists on the table tightening, causing the veins in his forearms to pop. Roy noticed, but refused to acknowledge in any meaningful way aside from what he said, shifting his gaze to Zack, “I’m sorry I acted like that. Guess I just thought you were cute and wanted a taste of what seemed to make Henry so warm.” Zack was a bit shocked at the sudden kind introspection from Roy, and he glanced at Henry whose face had softened as he began to finish off his plate. “I’ll be honest, had you asked nicely, I think I would’ve taken you up on it.” Roy raised a seductive eyebrow, “Oh yeah?” Henry, setting his fork down on his plate also looked over at Zack, “Yeah Zack?” Zack’s mouth went dry as the two hunks stared at him across the table. Mustering up the most important lessons he’d learned from Henry so far, he steeled himself before his responses, “Yeah, so why don’t you ask me nicely if you can have some dessert.” As he said it, Zack tried his best to sharpen his jaw, broaden his shoulders, and match their equally seductive glares. Roy licked his lips, “What do you say Henry, want to show this kid a good time?” Henry eyed Zack cautiously, “Zack, are you sure?” Standing and moving behind Henry, he attempted to reach over Henry’s massive shoulders to massage his chest as he replied, but even with himself standing and Henry sitting, he couldn’t seem to reach, so he settled for squeezing Henry’s shoulders as he stood on his tiptoes to whisper in Henry’s ear, “I’m sure.” Without much fanfare, Zack left the table, and the two muscled men at the table walked to Henry’s bedroom. Feeling emboldened in this moment, Zack decided to ask for something. “Can I undress you both?” Henry looked down at Roy with a sneer on his face, “As long as you start with me.” Henry sat down on the bed, spreading his legs wide as Zack approached him, his cock throbbing in his shorts in anticipation. Grabbing the bottom hem of Henry’s shirt he began to work it up Henry’s huge body, his tight muscular stomach covered in a soft pelf of hair. The shirt got stuck at Henry’s wide lats and prominent chest, Zack struggled with the shirt, trying to fit his hands under the shirt to gain leverage, he ran his hands along Henry’s powerful chest. Zack looked up to see Henry staring down at him over his pecs, being the tease he is, Henry bounced his pecs as Zack’s hands were trapped between them and the shirt. Zack moaned as he continued to struggle to get the tight shirt to come off of Henry’s huge body. “Let me help you a bit.” Henry said, taking in a deep inhale of air and flexing his entire upper body, Zack felt the shirt come apart in his hands as Henry’s body shredded the fabric. Zack finished it off by grabbing the tatters of cloth and pulling them away from Henry’s body, leaving his powerful frame bare. Placing a huge hand on Zack’s shoulder, he pushed Zack down to his knees and stood before him. Zack licked his lips as he placed his hands on the top of Henry’s pants to undo them. Slowly working down the pants, Henry’s plump soft cock was covered in the tightest little underwear Zack had ever seen. Henry stepped out of his pants for Zack and adjusted his bulge as Zack watched it move back and forth, hypnotizing him. “God damn.” Roy said from behind Zack, “You’re fucking huge!” Zack had almost forgotten about Roy in his urgency to please Henry, but now he had to undress Roy. Zack could see the confident cocky smile on Henry’s face as he saw Roy practically drooling over his body. Suddenly Roy seemed to shrink in Henry’s near naked presence, but Zack was already upon him to take his clothes off. Lifting his shirt off was much easier than Henry’s but his body underneath was absolutely worth it. Henry was huge and his musculature defined, but Roy was on a different level. His rock solid abs, his steel like square pecs, the separation in his biceps, the cut in his obliques, he looked carved from a single huge marble block. Zack ran his hands along Roy’s body, feeling the deep definition and admiring how each and every muscle was prominent just under his skin. “Holy shit,” Zack whispered as he felt Roy’s broad shoulders. Running his hands down Roy’s front, he got on his knees and slowly began to pull down Roy’s loose shorts. As he began, he quickly noticed Roy had on no underwear as Zack immediately saw the thick base of Roy’s cock. Zack looked up at Roy with a bit of wonder in his eyes, he continued to pull down the shorts slowly, but the tip of the cock never seemed to come, just more and more thick shaft. Finally it sprang up with release, hanging heavy in front of Zack’s face. Zack cupped Roy’s massive bull balls in his hands, feeling how swollen and heavy they were as Roy’s cock twitched from the attention. Henry appeared at Roy’s side, his underwear had been shed, and his cock was no longer soft. Both huge dicks just waiting for him. Zack looked up to see Henry bending down to make out with Roy. Henry’s cock was leaking precum like a faucet, with one hand on each cock Zack did his best to pleasure each cock, the huge head of Henry’s cock swelling each time in his mouth and spitting out another huge bit of pre. Roy’s cock was just as had as every other muscle in his body, and Zack was sure to give his give balls the attention they deserved, placing one in his mouth and swirling his tongue over it, then switching to the other. Suddenly Zack felt hands under his arms lifting him up, “You’re still fully dressed,” Henry said as he held Zack in between himself and Roy, “Let’s fix that.” Zack was tossed onto the bed like a ragdoll as the two massive men climbed on either side of him, ripping and tearing at his clothes to get to the body beneath. Henry took his shirt and hovered his huge body over Zack, massaging his upper body carefully with his hands as he leaned in to kiss Zack, his strikingly handsome face close to Zack’s, and Zack reached out and pulled Henry in, letting his tongue explore inside of Henry’s mouth. All the while, Roy was pulling Zack’s pants and underwear down and off him, swallowing his cock in one quick gesture that made Zack arch his back and gasp into Henry. Large fingers began to probe at Zack’s hole, which unsurprisingly was still a bit stretched from Henry and the previous night. “Oh he’s ready to go already.” Roy said as he continued to work more fingers into Zack’s hole. Before he could understand what was happening, he was being held up between Roy and Henry as they stood. His face pressed deeply into Henry’s chest as both men’s hands held him in place. He felt Roy’s solid body pressing against his back and the heads of Henry and Roy’s cocks aimed directly at his hole. Zack prepared as his body slowly lowered down, feeling both cocks slide inside him, sending a shudder of pleasure. “Fuck…” Roy said as he began to slowly move his hips back and forth. “Henry your cock is so fucking hard, so fucking ungh thick, god this hole, so fucking tight, fuck fuckkkkkk.” Roy said as he came. Roy’s cock slid out as Henry held onto Zack, “Thanks, I needed that load for lube. What’s wrong old man, can’t keep up?” Henry said as his hands roamed over Zack’s body as he held him in place on his cock. “Why don’t you watch how a real man fucks!” Henry laid himself and Zack on the bed, putting Zack into a full Nelson hold as he began to pound Zack’s hole relentlessly, Zack could feel Henry’s powerful cock deep inside him as Henry huffed and came. Without missing a beat, he released Zack as Zack sat up, still impaired on Henry’s cock. Henry playfully smacked Zack’s ass as he said, “Fucking ride it, show me how much you want another load of daddy’s cum.” Jerking his own cock Zack came as well, “Fuck I love how tight your hole gets when you cum!” Henry smacked Zack’s ass again, this time a little harder, Zack took the hint and dropped all the way down on Henry’s cock, grinding his ass into Henry’s hips as the huge man grunted and groaned in pleasure. Several hours and several more loads later, Zack and Henry lie in Henry’s bed, in the quiet of the house, they could hear Roy snoring from the living room. “I think you settled that feud tonight.” Zack said as he traced a finger around Henry’s nipple. “I think you’re right, he needed to be put in his place. You played your part so well too, and you looked so fucking hot doing it.” Zack blushed at the compliment, “Getting fucked by both of you while being smashed between so much muscle was pretty hot though.” “It was pretty hot when you rode my cock like that, didn’t think you had it in you.” “It was pretty deep in me.” Zack said and Henry chuckled softly. “You know, I heard from your mom today when you were out fishing with Roy.” Zack sat up and looked at Henry, “and when did you plan on telling me?” “Right now apparently, relax. I had asked her to call me. I was just telling her how well you’re doing and how happy you seem. So we talked about maybe you can spend some more time here before you go home. Like a little vacation out in the woods. Only if you want to though.” “I think I’d like that a lot, on two conditions.” Henry raised an eyebrow quizzically to Zack, “And what would that one condition be?” “I need you to put on some more muscle.” Henry chuckled again, “Alright I can handle that, what’s your second condition?” “Help me grow too.”
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  20. By the time Sam arrived in Florida, spring training was wrapping up. Kurt had spent the month down there working out with the team in their state-of-the-art facilities. He was bigger than ever. Since the end of the steroid era in baseball was long over, the average weight of the players was between 190 and 220 pounds. Next to Kurt, they looked like Little Leaguers. On the last day of training, Kurt brought Sam to the locker room. Most of the players recognized Sam from TV back home, and one them asked Sam if he was as freaky strong as Kurt. Sam grabbed an aluminum practice bat from an equipment bag. His 22” arms bent it easily. “Close,” he said. Then Kurt picked out two baseballs, one in each hand, wrapped them in his big fingers, and crushed down until the stitching popped and the balls were mashed into handfuls of frayed wool and crumbling cork. “But not too close,” he said. “Showoff,” said the team’s big catcher, as he swaggered by, naked, fresh from the showers. Although nowhere near as big as Sam or Kurt, the swarthy athlete was a physical specimen of near perfection. Sam couldn’t help but admire the catcher’s plump ass as it rolled by, matted with damp, chestnut-colored fur, and the way his broad shoulders swayed back and forth, all cocksure from a whole lifetime of being exceptionally good at sports. “Come on, freakshow, give us one more look,” said another player to Kurt. The huge sportscaster didn’t need much coaxing. He stripped off his polo and started flexing. Clearly he had done this for them before. As the team hooted and hollered at Kurt’s 25” arms, the third baseman called out, “Come on, Weatherman, show us what you got.” Sam grinned, then unbuttoned his 5XL Tommy Bahama shirt and peeled it back, exposing his giant pecs, covered with the golden stubble of his chest hair, growing back in since his contest. As he flexed his chest, one of the outfielders said, “Christ, he’s got better tits than my ex-wife!” Everyone laughed. Then Sam flexed his abdominals. His abs popped to attention. “Look at those fucking bricks,” said the shortstop. “You gotta share your ab workout with Simmons over there.” Everyone looked over at the left fielder, who had gotten a little thick thru the middle during the off season. “Very funny, Ruiz. Why don’t you strip down and see how you compare to these two?” Ruiz took the dare, and made a big show of peeling off his shirt, then wedging his way between the two bigger men. He start posing, and although he was a good-sized guy, with the solid build of a young pro athlete, he looked comically small between Sam and Kurt. But he did have the whole room cracking up at his goofy flexing. And then not to be outdone, Kurt undid his pants and pulled them down over his powerlifter thighs that were inches bigger than any of the players’ waists. As he flexed his highly developed quads, the locker room grew hushed by awe. Some of the men gulped. These guys were not used to feelings of inadequacy, but they were having them now, especially when they got a look at the bulge in Kurt’s briefs. Ruiz stepped back to get a better view, and Kurt put one leg forward and flexed it hard. All the beefy thigh meat tightened up like concrete. A mystical aura swept thru the room like an electric charge. The men felt the charge like a religious epiphany, and the desire to worship at the altar of massive muscle overtook them, the two superior physiques in front of them became their gods, one a square-jawed Nordic supreme being, the other, a powerlifting juggernaut of Bunyanesque proportions. The room became a chapel of muscle lust. “Jesucristo,” muttered Ruiz as he started to touch himself. Other players gathered around him in a semicircle, most of them already stroking. Sam stripped down naked and did a vacuum pose, and the sight of a 320lb bodybuilder with a 34” carved waistline made the first baseman shoot his load without even touching himself. Kurt hit his most-muscular pose, and two more players let it fly. Then he and Sam turned around and spread their backs, flaring their huge lats at the team. The two men felt hot jizz spewing all over their backsides. When Kurt turned around and pulled out his own dick, letting it flop out in front of him, the rest of the team sprayed the locker room with their jock spunk. Then Sam turned around and saw cum running down lockers and dripping off the ceiling like melting stalactites. He hit a side chest shot, his pecs ballooned out, and three of the players fell to their knees. Just then, the strength coach walked in. When his feet hit the slicked up floor, he slid halfway across the room and slammed into a locker. “What the…” he stammered, and as he turned around, Kurt ambled over to him, and the aura hit the coach like a freight train. By the time he sat down on a bench, his dick was hardening. Kurt loomed over him, huge and hairy. The coach had never seen someone so big and powerful, even though he’d been a strength coach for professional athletes for the past twelve years. And with Kurt just inches from his face, the coach could smell him, feel his body heat. He felt disoriented. He reached out and put his hands on Kurt’s tree trunk thighs, and became unaware of anyone else in the room. Kurt flexed his legs, and the coach had a transcendent experience as he felt power that he thought no human could ever achieve. Kurt lifted him up and rubbed the coach’s face in his thick chest fur. “Who’s your daddy?” Kurt whispered in a baritone that rumbled thru his barrel chest. The coach’s body twitched like a marionette, as he ecstatically came in his lifting shorts. Kurt laid him down on a bench, then he and Sam headed to the showers. The players rallied together to mop and clean the locker room. Two of them carried the strength coach, who was twitching catatonically, to the training area and plopped him into the ice bath. He went under briefly, then came up gasping, his muscle trance broken. After Sam and Kurt left, the players didn’t talk about what had happened, but they knew they had shared an experience that transcended baseball. The two massive musclemen then drove down to South Beach. They caused quite a stir by jogging along the shoreline in their made-to-fit posers, specially created for their oversized glutes and equipment, exposing most of their combined 745lbs of beef, a pair of Nietzschean supermen on full display. Running their way north, faster and faster, they flew past a group of jogging Crossfitters at twice their pace. They flew past hordes of spring breakers, deftly dodging their way around stoned frat bros, who stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of the two huge musclemen sprinting their way along the surf. The duo bulldozed their way up to Haulover Beach, where they stripped off their posers and charged into the ocean like two naked rhinos. They groped each other up, jacked from their nine mile run, and, as rough waves crashed over them, they made ‘sex on the beach’ mean more than just a drink. Afterwards, they grabbed their posers and tugged them over their huge legs, stuffing themselves into them. Energized by their ocean romp, the decided to swim the nine miles back to South Beach. They swam hard and fast, jostled by the big waves. By the time they emerged from the surf, their muscles were engorged with pump. As they made their way up the beach and over to the open air gym on the sand, they heard stunned beach goers gasping at the sight of them. Even in the rarefied world of physical beauty like South Beach, they stood out like Olympic gods. At the beach gym, Kurt and Sam did bodyweight exercises, starting with set after set of one armed pull-ups. Kurt’s 425lbs bent the bar permanently. A crowd gathered as they did parallel bar handstand push-ups for sets of fifty. They challenged onlooking bodybuilders in the crowd to try and hold their legs down as they did hanging leg lifts. They pumped out rep after rep with two big men pulling down on each leg, their powerfully developed ab muscles lifting the men like ten pound ankle weights. They had the same men hang from them as they did parallel bar dips until their chests were absurdly extended with pump. After that, they did wind sprints up and down the sandy beach with the same men hanging to their necks. When they were done, the two behemoths waddled to their rental car, almost immobile with pump. They forced themselves into clothes, then stuffed themselves into the car and drove to the Epic hotel, where they got a suite for the night. They ordered up $400 worth of food from room service. After they ate, they stripped down and collapsed onto the king-sized bed and fell into a deep slumber. During the night, their muscles grew. By the morning, they woke up bigger and stronger than ever. They stayed in Miami for a week, and hit the beach every day. Every night, they ate at a different Brazilian churrasco steakhouse, and gorged themselves on the ‘all you can eat’ offerings of huge skewers of various meats. The waitstaff eagerly shaved off big slabs of meat for them, especially when Sam and Kurt obliged them with a flex of their biceps, Sam’s now at 23”, Kurt’s at 27. In a city full of beautiful faces and bodies, the two huge men were standouts. The restaurants’ managers were happy when the gringos gigantes left, but the servers hated to see them go, with their voracious appetites and generous tips. By week’s end, the two massive amigos had each gained 20 pounds. “You ready to head home?” Kurt asked, as they lounged by the pool on their last day in Miami. “Yeah. It’s probably past time to check in on Hank.” “You think he’s still there?” “Dude, I’m hoping the barn is still there.”
    1 point
  21. And thank YOU for those very kind words, which are perhaps the additional motivation needed to do a potential sequel.(?) We shall see!
    1 point
  22. Thank you so much, that was a sweet, sexy story! A fun little meet-cute tale. I loved it. And it was a great story length. Not too short, not too long. Of course we'd love more, but if this is the full-stop end then we are satisfied.
    1 point
  23. Hi everyone, and I hope that you’ve been enjoying the story. Thanks so much for all your likes and comments. This is the final chapter coming up, and please try not to blush too much from its steaminess! Also, please note, it’s written from Biff’s point of view. Dennis CHAPTER 4 We were still in the hallway, not wanting to break the mood by moving into a more private place yet. I noticed that he had on his wrist the same Vincero silver bracelet that I had. "Hey, well lookie here," I said smiling, as I pointed to it. "You’re stylish, just like me Timmy. I like that". He glanced at my bracelet and then up at me with an eased smile. “Wow, Biff. We’ve actually got the same taste in something! Ha! But, well, yours looks so much better on what it’s worn on. I mean, well, just look at your arms. Oh my god…" He was breathing very heavily. But he was also obviously gaining a lot of confidence in being with a contest-winning bodybuilder. "My arms, huh? I’ll have you know that these big boys just helped win me the Mr. America title! Twenty-five inches of bulging split-peaked very powerful steel when I flex them for my really cute admirers,” I said to him in an exaggerated, slow, very seductive voice, enunciating some of the detail as I looked down at him. Saying that, he looked up and down at my body like a kid in a candy store. What I had said was pure porn talk to him. And I know the look that he was giving me now all too well from the experience I have with other muscle-obsessed guys. In a dreamy voice, Timmy said, ”You must have easily won that bodybuilding contest. You're so huge and I bet you must also be very strong.” He then looked up at me for reassurance, as his muscle-heaven daze was definitely showing in his face. "Ha, yeah! I am. Wanna touch my ‘ceps, little boy, and see?" Timmy was so thrilled to be called my ‘little boy’ and excited that he would now get to feel my flexing guns. With a quick motion of my free arm, keeping my other hand on his back, I gave it a flex. He watched it rise to its full high peak for the lusting cutie to feel. Then I straightened out my arm and re-flexed my Mount Everest. It took on a slightly larger size and an even more beautifully formed shape. With my other hand on his back, I pulled him in a little closer to me. "I... eh... Biff, wow, oh my god, uhhh,” he softly said as he touched my flexed biceps lightly, then caressed it tenderly. He was breathing rapidly, while now both his hands worshipped my bulging upper arm and thick veiny forearm. Then, with one hand on my biceps and the other on my triceps, he squeezed, but my muscle didn't dent at all. It was a huge solid mass, and he was ecstatic, deeper into his muscle-lusting daze. He continued, excitedly, “It’s so very big and hard. And I really love its very beautiful shape. Oh my god, it’s so amazing to feel.” As he continued worshiping as he moaned softly, I pulled his body into mine and he was now engulfed in my muscularity. His hardon rubbed away on my rippling quad as he felt my manhood throbbing on his stomach. He then leaned up and gave my biceps peak a kiss and then a loving lick with an excited ‘mmmmm’. He pulled his dick away from rubbing against me as he knew he would come soon if he didn’t. He was then on my pecs, kissing them and feeling their massive size and hardness. I gave him an extra thrill when I danced the striations in them a little. He cooed and then almost desperately he reached his lips up towards my face and he began kissing me furiously. He started on my neck, then cheeks, then lips. He moaned as my muscular tongue went to his throat. One of my hands held his head, around his thick golden hair, the other on his back to press him to my hard muscularity. We were both now moaning pretty loudly as he put both of his hands on each side of my unshaven jaw. We both knew now it would be much more appropriate to take this to a new venue. He opened his apartment door, I followed him in, and we quickly went to his bedroom. When I removed my shirt, he looked at my now bare solid muscular-plated physique and gasped loudly. In excited amazement, he said, “Mr. America! Oh my god. Biff, fuck me, please fuck me! Now!” I lowered my pants, and his eyes went very wide at seeing my big dick which had started to drip. He immediately came to me and our cocks met, my very big one dwarfing his. We then tongue-sworded each other, both of us moaning in extreme sexual heat. He quickly removed his clothes, throwing them on the bed, then went for something within reach in his night table drawer and handed me a lubricant. He turned so that his back was now against my chest, his arms up in the air holding my head, pulling me into him. He could feel my solid pectorals and pulsing dick as they both pressed hard into him. Timmy worshipped my thick solid vascular forearm, then my biceps again, which were clamped powerfully around his chest. My jaw scratched his neck as I kissed him there, then I reached out one of my arms to the wall for support. This invited Timmy to run his fingers over that arm’s triceps with its carved lean horseshoe bulging as his sexual excitement built even greater. Using both my hands, I grabbed his knees to raise and spread them. I bent my knees to lower myself and my hard dick took aim. Timmy helped in guiding it to his entrance as he adjusted his spine for my deepest penetration of him. As I went in a little, and I straighten my knees, Timmy rose in the air with just the strength of my big cock lifting him. He loudly moaned his extreme pleasure/pain as he lowered onto my impaling bodybuilder-dick. I then held onto his hips as I fucked him powerfully by raising him up and down as we both yelled in great sexual excitement. Timmy’s enormous sexual pleasure was from a big-dicked bodybuilder of his fantasies fucking him. And my enormous sexual pleasure was from having a dominating muscular physique and fucking a very handsome slender man. We were both experiencing our respective ultimate sexual fantasies, playing out now in reality. Both of us were soon closing in on our orgasms. Stroking himself, Timmy released as he screamed his climax. It sounded like it lasted almost a full minute, then he whimpered his continuing pleasure. At the same time, my cock, fucking deep inside him, blasted a huge amount of hot bodybuilder-jizz, warming his insides. I roared my orgasm, thrusting over and over for that same simultaneous minute. When we finally finished, with Timmy still impaled on my manhood, I carried him to his bed where he lay on my muscular chest almost purring. He smiled broadly at me and was the first to speak. "Well Biff, I’ve got another winning category for you, big boy. Your Mr. America physique wins another award: the bodybuilder who fucks the best!” I chuckled as Timmy felt a very muscly arm squeeze him in a tight embrace. Many minutes later, he rolled off me with our arms wrapped around each other, snuggling and telling each other about our lives as we shared a pillow. We looked into each other’s eyes, pecking kisses when funny or endearing things were said. We laid there together like that for a long while and I was now sure that I was feeling something very strong for this handsome man, way beyond carnal desire. And from what I could obviously tell, it was very mutual. It especially felt great to hear him tell me I was a funny and sensitive man, followed by a loving kiss from him. Timmy saying that might have been the first time that he expressed to me something other than his love of my physical qualities. Timmy asked me when it was the first time that I felt something for him. Without even having to give it a thought, I told him that it was at the water fountain in the gym the other day. “I looked down at you after drinking and I kinda knew right then. I wanted to embrace you and kiss you there. And, well, fuck you too.” We both laughed, but then I continued, “And I would have right then and there if you weren’t in that scary muscle-daze that you seemed to always be in with me.” Timmy giggled, and I concluded with, “And of course there were certain rules in the gym too that prevented me from doing just that!” “By the way,” I said. “I recognize you also, from all the magazine and newspaper ads promoting all sorts of products. And, yeah, there was even a billboard practically next to where I used to live, with you on it advertising a sunscreen company. I had said to myself more than once when looking at you in that picture that you were someone that I would really want to meet.” Timmy then gave me a full smile. He seemed so happy as he then said, “I did real well at modeling for over a decade, but I’m asked less and less now. I still have an agent, but there’s not that much of a demand for me now since I really don’t look like a boy anymore! I guess maybe I’m not a ‘Dutch Boy’ now after all.” I looked deep into his eyes and said in response, “You’ll always be my cute little Dutch Boy, cause you’re so, well, so freaking cute.” He put his lips to mine, and we kissed again. “I’ve done some modeling too,” I told him. “You know, for supplements, protein powder for shakes and other products. Sponsorships and endorsements came my way once I started winning the trophies. And, of course, I also do a lot of personal training.” “I’ve got another question for you, Mr. America. Were you on that dumb rowing machine the other day in the gym to make sure I would see you when I came down the stairs before I left the gym?” He raised his eyebrows and looked impishly at me waiting for my answer. Then he smiled at me lovingly. “Well, little boy, I just had to see you to give you a certain look so that you would know I was interested in you. And I gotta admit, I was disappointed that you left after I gave you that wink. But I kinda knew what you may have been going through. And also, I knew you were interested.” As Timmy traced the thick vein in my biceps, he said, “I loved it when you winked at me, and I’m not going to run away if you ever do it again. And right now, I’m not going anywhere soon, that’s for sure.” We then lip-locked and went for round two. THE END
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  24. CHAPTER 3 Later that week, Biff had returned to his apartment after a grueling arms and chest day at the gym and he felt so powerful with a ton of energy. After finishing some email correspondence, he went in to take a shower and stripped himself naked. In passing, he caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom’s full-length mirror. A cocky grin automatically appeared on his handsome face whenever he saw his muscles pumped to the max like now. Just exquisite he thought! Dark hair buzzed short, long dark eyelashes with caterpillar-brows, straight white teeth, and perfect skin. And one full day of thick shadowed stubble added to his masculinity. Almost too wide to be seen in the mirror, his shoulders were capped by rounded and seriously defined striated delts. His muscles were massively developed and beautifully shredded with only 3% body fat and they bulged so sensuously. Huge pecs were steel-hard solid. His now relaxed biceps were each beautifully adorned with a thick sexy vein and carved horseshoes on the triceps side. He was asked to frequently flex them, and they’ve been measured many times recently by admirers at an incredibly high-peaking 25-inches with very defined indented splits. He stepped back a little from his reflection and quickly reviewed his quads and calves. He saw that they were amazing looking, as leg day is never ignored by him. He then studied his eight carved cobblestone abs and strummed his fingers over them. His hand then led down to his trimmed pubes that clustered around the base of his showpiece, his now soft, big bodybuilder-dick. His thoughts for the last few days had often gone to that really handsome sweet guy from the gym the other day. So slender and indefensible he thought, and Biff loved the muscle-heaven trance that he had sent the blond haired, pale blue eyed, major-cutie into. Biff had recognized the guy as a popular model, who used to be seen a lot at South Florida shoots. Thinking of him caused Biff to touch his big dick with his muscular hand and he felt it respond immediately. It lengthened and thickened, fighting against gravity, as it rose to a 90-degree angle. As it hardened, he flexed his diamond-etched quads, all four heads defining so beautifully. There was nowhere in his physique that wasn’t developed to symmetrical perfection and bulging to major proportions. Countless articles and commentaries had mentioned that he would easily win and be the next Mr. Olympia. Many even mentioned the handsome looks that he had to boot. Biff had been diligently working out for many years, intent on building a major muscular physique that had powered his fantasies since he came to terms with his sexuality back in high school. What turned him on more than anything was becoming a hugely muscular and powerful bodybuilder and having a slender cute boyfriend. One just like the guy in the condo gym a few days before whom he fantasized worshipping his physique. The only reason that he had gone to his building’s gym was because of the shitty weather that day. Most other times, he went to his hardcore gym a few miles away. Biff viewed it almost as fate, since he wouldn’t have seen that stunner if he hadn’t gone to the one downstairs. Biff’s heart raced and his dick hardened more as he thought of the model and knew that he just had to see that guy again. He decided he would snoop around the pool, gym and other public areas of the condo later in the day and maybe he’d run into him. He might even go to building security or management and perhaps flirt a little to have them reveal his apartment number. Biff jumped into the shower, which was especially enjoyable when he had a great pump as he did now, as he loved the feel of soaping up his hard bulging muscles then. His dick was semi-hard, but he resisted jerking off. Cockiness was ever present with him as he thought it seemed criminal to keep all this sexiness to himself as there were so many admirers out there that would want to partake in his physique and dick as well. He dressed in his usual tight-fitting clothes that he knew was the perfect magnet for all the lusting eyes out there. When he walked into the kitchen, he checked out the fridge and cabinets, and saw that he was running low on food supplies, so a quick run to the nearby Whole Foods was next on the agenda for him. He soon left his apartment and headed for the elevator. * Timmy started getting out his keys to enter his apartment after having a nice long lunch with friends at a local trendy restaurant. He heard a nearby door close and his peripheral vision then detected someone coming toward him from down the hallway. He turned to look in that direction and the slender man’s jaw soon lowered as he saw who it was. Biff Stevens was coming his way, and Timmy thrilled to the thought that the gorgeous bodybuilder was obviously his new close by neighbor! But he also couldn’t hide his extreme desire for Biff as he quickly breathed in as the stud closed the distance between them. When leaving his apartment and beginning his walk down the hallway, the bodybuilder was also surprised to see the handsome guy from the other day that he’d been frequently thinking of, about thirty feet away from him. Just before the model turned his way, he thought the time was now right to majorly turn on the muscle-charm for this special admirer. Biff’s confidence and cockiness was fueled by his handsome looks and muscular physique. When he wanted to especially impress someone whom he was interested in, he exaggerated his walk and went into a light strut, showing off just what he thought the admirer would like to see. Biff had pin-pointed Timmy as a muscle-obsessed man who wanted a dominant alpha bodybuilder with a body like his. "H-Hi there," Timmy forced out in a squeaking very nervous voice as he now looked up at Biff. Of course he was very interested in talking to Biff, but his brain had again suddenly directed all his energy to his dick and heart, causing his lungs and mouth to slow. He also felt reticent in trying to make the right impression on him. “I-I remember you, ohhhh….” He came to a sudden halt when he looked at Biff’s pectorals, which danced just a bit with the bodybuilder making just a small movement. "Hey,” Biff’s standard opening, said in his deep masculine voice, looking down at Timmy. Yes, this cutie was definitely his type, he knew. He loved the handsome slender man’s gawking at him at the gym the other day, and now again. Timmy, though he was a nice height at about six foot even, was quite a bit shorter than Biff’s 6’5”. The model stood there breathlessly staring at the muscleman’s physique. With his slender build, he may have been half the weight of the professional bodybuilder. Biff looked at Timmy’s blond hair, which was cut short on the sides. It appeared to him to be as if a bowl was placed on his head by his hairstylist, who then cut only the hair that was showing! Biff chuckled at that thought, as he looked down at the oh-so-very-fuck-able man, causing his cock to now harden. One of Biff’s attractions to him was Timmy’s extreme nervousness with him. The bodybuilder assumed that he probably was never that way with anyone else, but the slender man was so overwhelmed by his muscularity that he couldn’t fully control his actions. Biff was used to that with some other admirers, but he saw that Timmy was even trembling, which he found so adorable. Biff casually scratched the back of his head. This was a ploy he often used to get additional attention from guys he thought had good potential for muscle-worshipping. Sure enough, he immediately heard Timmy gasp as the muscle-obsessed man was dazzled by the beautiful sexy high-peaked biceps on the handsome bodybuilder. "Hey," Biff repeated his opening from earlier, after they had stared at each other for a period much longer than was usual for two strangers. Timmy then stood back a little and looked up at Biff, waiting for what the bodybuilder had to say next. Biff continued, “We’re neighbors!” But Timmy just dreamily half-smiled back and he realized that he needed to say something to calm him down a bit and relax him. "I love your hair style, little boy. Looks like a cute Dutch Boy look." Biff followed that with an always-successful white-teeth-and-dimples smile. Timmy giggled and then blushed at the flattery. But the compliment seemed to do the trick, perhaps giving Timmy some greatly needed encouragement to somewhat open up. He was now able to smile fuller, but he was still in a somewhat nervous daze. Swooning perhaps? Many people had told him, all his life, how attractive he was. But it never came from someone whom he was really smitten with, and so lustful for, as this guy right in front of him now. "T-thanks... Thanks... I eh, I’m uhhh, yeah, we’re neighbors! Wow, well, I guess if you went to the gym downstairs, I knew that you probably lived in the building. But my god, I never imagined that you lived right down my hallway.” He then giggled again and looked down blushing at what he just said, and at his embarrassingly excited state in general. Trying to toughen it up, Timmy looked back at Biff, and then continued. “And, sorry I didn’t say hello to you when I saw you the other day in the gym. I really wanted to, but, well, it’s just, umm, I obviously had a real problem then even speaking. I don’t usually get that way, but for some reason I guess I did with you then. And, gosh, I obviously still have that problem again here with you now.” Another giggle and more embarrassment at his obvious flirting. Biff looked at Timmy with a very amused smile. But he was also feeling something he was not familiar with in himself. He couldn’t quite analyze his feelings fully, but it was almost like he was falling for this guy, and so quickly. Timmy was having those same feelings, though his was overshadowed by his extreme lust for Biff. To distract himself, he grabbed at his keys. "M-my name is Timmy, by the way, and uhh, well, I confess, I recognize you from the Internet." Biff saw that this guy was so nervous that he even had a hard time opening his door. "And I like your haircut too...it’s the bodybuilder look! Very nice. And very, umm, masculine." Biff chuckled as he looked at Timmy and nodded him a thanks. He reasoned that if he remembered him from the Internet, it was no doubt from muscle sites. And, because this guy has not much muscle himself, he knew that he was on these sites jerking off as a muscle-admirer. ‘Probably even wanked to me also!’ Biff thought, with his smile getting fuller. Timmy was finally able to unlock his door, though he was still somewhat in a daze. Biff stepped much closer to the slender man, then put a muscular hand on his back with his biceps bulging on that arm. Timmy gasped, with then a very low moan, with his actually being touched by the handsome bodybuilder. He looked up to Biff, then at the cephalic vein on his biceps, then to the striations in his deltoid and then to his pectorals. His eyes stayed there several seconds as they were right in front of his eyes. As Timmy breathed in the muscleman, Biff heard another soft uncontrolled moan. Timmy then looked back to Biff’s eyes, giving a shy smile to the man of his ultimate fantasies. The bodybuilder strummed his fingers onto Timmy’s back, with a hand that pretty much encompassed most of it. The muscleman was driving him wild as the slender man’s eyes fluttered in excitement, his mouth open, as he seemed to be almost near to orgasm. The closeness to such beautiful muscularity was just too much for Timmy to fully control intelligent thoughts and speech.
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  25. The Big Family Curse----- PART 9----- Draco: wait... What do you mean? - Draco said looking into Jake's eyes. Jake: Isn't it obvious? - he said with a sexy smile - I've seen how you've looked at me since we were kids, you always see me when I undress and when we're together, it's pretty obvious that you like me - he said caressing Draco's cheek - like that. Take advantage while you can... Draco didn't think twice and launched himself at Jake's abdomen, his fingers timidly touching his 6 pack that looked like a wall of rocks. Jake: come on... it feels so good- Jake said as he raised his face guided by pleasure. Draco went down to Jake's legs. "Look at those huge legs, so hairy and big, they look like chicken legs on steroids," he said as he ran his tongue along the legs. Jake: I feel so big with you...- he let out a moan. Draco: You are, you are a beast and... I love it- he said while raising his tongue towards his pecs- you are so big, these pecs are so big and fat- he said burying his face between Jake's pecs. Jake: that's it, worship me, feel me, I'm so fucking huge - he said while bouncing his pecs in Draco's face - That's right, you know your male, it looks like you love being on my chest. Draco: and I love your body in my face - he said, raising his tongue to Jake's nipples, he began to suck them like a calf sucks his mother - they taste so good... - he said, increasing his sucking. Jake: oh... this feels so good- he said while flexing his biceps- come on, take a bite of these apples, I know you're dying to adore me. Draco: I would love to - he went up Jake's torso and reached his powerful arms - they are so big... - he said and bit Jake's bicep, it was so hard that it looked like a wax apple. Jake: That's right, just so I can hug you - he pushed Draco away and hugged him with all his might while Draco was grunting and grabbed Draco's head to put it in his armpits - do you smell that? ... is that the smell of your big man Draco took a deep breath - you smell so good, so manly - while he smelled he pinched Jake's nipples - you make me feel so small... - and without further ado he grabbed Jake's white boxers and pulled them down, his mouth was open - Jake how much Does it measure you? - He said looking at the cock in front of him. Jake was worried, "Why? You don't like the size?" He exclaimed, putting his hands on Draco's head. Draco: why is he a damn monster, he's fatter than a soda can...and I love it- he didn't hesitate and sucked Jake's cock quickly. Jake: come on, swallow it whole - he took Draco's head and lowered it, Draco couldn't handle the emotion, it was like drinking ambrosia and he couldn't stop, until he tried to talk - what's wrong? "Don't talk with your mouth full," Jake said, making lunges with his hips. Jake: you know what? "Why don't you give me your back virginity and we'll have a good time," I lift Draco's face. Draco: I would love to...- he said, taking off his clothes. Draco got on top of Jake - are you ready big guy? - he said touching Jake's testicles. Jake: come on little ant, I know we both want it... -he said taking Draco's shoulders and brought him closer to his mouth - just let yourself go... - he kissed Draco, it was a spectacular kiss, both of them full of sweat and euphoria, Draco put Jake's cock in his ass and slowly lowered himself, the two of us sighing, Draco began to slowly go down and up on Jake's pole, he began to pick up the pace while Jake separated Draco from the kiss and grabbed him by the hands. hips to raise and lower it. Draco: ohhhhhh.... Jake... This is the best- he said while he touched his penis with one of his hands. They continued for what seemed like hours, the two of them were about to arrive... Jake: oh... little mouse I won't be able to hold on anymore, you do it so well... - he let out a grunt while his body began to grow, the bed creaked from the weight. Draco: Jake, are you okay? ... it seems like you're getting pumped up ... - Draco said as he continued riding Jake's cock. Jake didn't listen to Draco, he was so lost in the excitement of growing up, his body felt so big and masculine, his pecs jutted out from his chest. Draco: oh my god... I think... I think your cock is swelling too... - he said, going down with more and more effort. Jake: I CAN'T, I'M CUMING - he let out a huge grunt while his cock erupted like a volcano, huge jets ran through Draco's interior. Draco: Oh my god, Jake, you're squirting hot liquid... no... I can't stand it... I'm coming too, he said as his cock squirted directly into Jake's mouth. Jake: oh this tastes good, it was the best sex ever - he said, fixing his eyes on Draco - you are mine and mine alone - he exclaimed while Draco leaned against his chest, Jake hugged him and they took a breath, everything was calm until the The legs of the bed broke and fell to the floor, they both laughed as they fell asleep... ----------------------END OF CHAPTER 9--------------------- Let's go...1.5k VIEWS. Guys, thanks a lot for everything.
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  26. Mark Obviously his tattoo's aren't 100% (because AI generation) but it's really close to how I imagine him.
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  27. Of all the things Raphi expected of Thor, being a good cook was not one of them. Raphi wasn't sure how but the frat brother could whip up any kind of food, but mostly protein, at the drop of a hat. What was unconventional was that he did so naked. Raphi yawned and sipped his coffee as he watched Thor’s gigantic muscled ass sway back and forth as he made breakfast for the entire house. The newest member of the fraternity lazily ran a hand down his body. It felt different than yesterday and still had a bulging stomach where Dante’s had spewed his seed. He felt a bit more energized, and his underwear fit different, but he was still the same nerdy guy that followed Dante around like a lost puppy the day before. Thor didn’t seem to think so. At nearly seven feet tall, the Adonis's still eclipsed Raphi in both size and height but he had greeted him with enthusiasm and warmth, welcoming him to the Frat. And he had decided the best way to welcome Raphi was with a big ass breakfast spread. The brothers of the house simply came and went from the kitchen area, greeting Raphi as they entered and exited. None bothered with wearing any kind of apparel, displaying their gargantuan bodies freely without so much as a care in the world. Some ate immediately, and others simply strode by, nude, chatting and flirting, and some stopped to ask if Raphi wanted to fuck them. Raphi turned red and fidgeted awkwardly as he declined each offer. This house of hunks continuously left him speechless, their forward and frankly blasé attitude toward sex made the newest member blush harder with each suggestive question or innuendo laden comment. Sooner than he thought, Thor piled a massive breakfast feast in front of him and nudged Raphi to dig in as the hulking naked Adonis seated himself directly next to Raphi and promptly scarfed down several protein pancakes at once. "So, how'd ya like last night?" the man growled around his fork and mouthful of flapjacks. Raphi smiled, amused at the lack of decorum that most of the frat shared. These fraternity brothers acted so unaffected, as if being nude and offering mindblowing sexual experiences at the drop of a hat were completely normal. "Uh, good. Great even. I'm just, still kind of shocked." he blurted, face flushed with the heat of his arousal as his mind wandered back to the absolutely incredible sex he'd had with Dante. He'd never in his life imagined that a man as powerful and beautiful as Dante would have even looked at him, let alone fucked him into the ground and filled him up with his thick cum. Raphi put a hand to his now only slightly round abdomen and his face heated. Thor glanced up and watched him curiously, following his hand to the little pudge that remained after his romp with Dante. A faint knowing smirk etched the hulking male's lips. "I bet he filled up good. I don't think Dante's ever bred a new brother before, so he probably pumped his nut deep," Thor snorted with amusement. "Especially since you're still stuffed," Thor added. "Just wait. You'll be bigger in no time." "What?!" Raphi retorted, eyes wide. The buff guy couldn't help himself and a grumbling guffaw erupted from him. "Big! Strong! Buff! Hot as fuck, horny as hell, and everything in between! All you gotta do is work out and let Dante's magic splooge to the rest." Confused, he pointed to his cum belly, "This will make me bigger?" "Yup! It's a good starting point for now, but if you want to get as huge as the rest of us you'll need to fuck somebody. Doesn't matter who, there's lots of options," Thor laughed merrily. He slouched back a bit after finishing his food and flexed an arm as a demonstration, bringing the mound of muscle high and thick, veins popping into relief across the thick striated balls of muscle. "This is how big you can get. I'm damn near the biggest man in this house and I get bigger every chance I can get. Lifting whenever I can to feel just how fucking STRONG I am man. Once I'm pumped and horny, ready to go, I find some brother that needs a good dicking and rail em til my balls are dry." Raphi could only gape at Thor's beefy arm and watch as a wave rippled over its surface with each flex. He wasn't the only one. A few of the brothers had come entered the kitchen and leered at the naked giant sitting next to Raphi, openly eyeing Thor with lustful gazes. Feeling his nerves starting to get the better of him, Raphi excused himself from the table before what he suspected was going to happen, happened. Thor waved lazily as Raphi left before he was swarmed by two other brothers and the kitchen table evolved into a fuck fest. Raphi roamed the rest of the house hoping to find Dante somewhere. He was a bit upset that when he awoke Dante was nowhere too be found. Raphi really wanted some more answers from someone he trusted. The new alpha wandered the house attempting find his friend, winding in and out of open rooms on the first floor until he came to the showers. As soon as he approached the door, it flung open and unleashed a wall of warm steam. The surprise and sudden heat caused Raphi to stumble backwards and land flat on his ass. "Oh damn, sorry man. Didn't mean that." Raphi looked up. And up. And up. Another enormously muscular man loomed over him, his long sleek black hair hung in front of his face dripping water across Raphi's exposed flesh. A huge veiny arm extended from the muscular man, offering a gesture of help, the other held a thick white towel tightly around his defined waist. Raphi gulped as he took in the man's beautifully strong body, his eyes following a drop of water as it meandered down the Adonis' cut chest and hard abdomen, until the droplet hid itself inside a curly, frizzed thatch of dark pubes. It was difficult to tear his eyes away. Raphi found it too enticing, too seductive, and this stranger, like Dante and the others, oozed a sexual magnetism like no other. He trembled slightly before accepting the help that the attractive, well-built specimen offered. "You alright? Seriously didn't expecting anyone in here if Thor has been cooking." His apology rang genuine, and Raphi nodded before realizing he had to actually talk. "I'm okay." Once again Raphi felt his heart flutter and his dick twitch being in such close proximity to a hulking muscle god. His dark hair and pale skin gave him a goth vibe that was thrown off by just how obscenely muscular he was. What caught him off guard were the slightly morbid tattoos that accentuated his muscles. Intricate tattoos depicting all manor of death and decay adorned the man's entire body, running the lengths of the arms, to the shoulders, and pecs, and further still to his chiseled waist. Dark and dower imagery including skulls, chains, devils, and ravens depicted in exquisite detail outlined every inch of this man’s beautiful body. They caused the muscles of his arms and torsos to pop as though they were straining, causing the veins underneath his muscles to be magnified. "You alright little dude?" Again, the concern in the tone and eyes made Raphi ache with a need he'd never experienced before. He shivered with lust. His dick pulsed in his pants again and again, wanting something more, to touch the man's hard chest and sculpted abs, and was so tantalizingly within reach. This handsome stranger was nothing like he'd seen anywhere else, his deep voice captivated him. The raven haired man's face narrowed for a split second before he smiled wryly, his eyes alight with mirth. "Well if it isn't our newest member! Welcome to your new life! Don't worry, almost everyone goes through this awkward phase when they see the house. It's like sensory overload, but you'll adjust to it. I remember the first time I saw Jason, that dude fuckin’ broke me." Raphi, his heart still beating through his chest, struggled to breath and speak at the same time. This man's lips were so full, kissable... His eyes a shocking deep green... And not to forget the tattoos that made him look like a sex addicted, tattooed demon god. "Oh, is this a bit much? Sorry, I'll throw on a shirt real quick." He leaned slightly out of view and threw on a huge and worn concert t-shirt. It did little to alleviate the building sexual desire that was overflowing within Raphi, instead the thin cotton fabric further revealed every well-defined detail of the gothic tattooed hunk's towering physique. "Better?" "Yeah, thanks," Raphi weakly breathed. The punk stud laughed a melodic low rumble and stepped out of the communal showers, sauntering around Raphi and heading down the hall towards the main entrance stairs. He stopped before he rounded the corner and cocked his head and winked at the stunned red-faced Raphi. "C'mon man. I don't bite, I swear!" He stopped for a second and the sly smile spread over his face again. "Well, sometimes." Raphi was certain of one thing, he wanted this man. No questions asked. His body finally kicked into gear, legs feeling weak and his hands shaking, following the adonis around the corner in what seemed like slow motion as he drank in the entirety of the man’s beauty. Muscular yet sculpted was the best way he could described the way the sight of the man’s tattooed perfection. This was a guy who could have anyone he wanted and fuck until the sun came up but was aware enough that he hid his body so that Raphi could think again. Truth be told, Raphi was relieved that this punk stranger had decided to turn the heat from a boil to a simmer by at least keeping some clothes on. In just a few minutes Raphi was led into the bedroom of a sexy muscular Adonis for the second time in twenty four hours. This room was significantly different than Dante's messy stye of a room, the young punk's room was clean and tidy with plenty of space to move around. The large bed was nice and clean, and with black sheets that looked as though it cost as much as the entire room. The walls were adorned with posters of metal bands, gothic style art and horror movie icons. The room had such a strong aesthetic that stood out from the rest of the men he'd seen so far that Raphi had trouble believing that he was in the same building as the sexy messy football studs that were the majority of the AAA members. "Penny for your thoughts?" the green-eyed jock said as he kicked back on his bed, letting his huge body relax as he sank into this onyx pillows. "Uh. Well first, what's your name?" "Mephistopheles." Another cheeky grin. "I'm fucking with you. It's Mark. But that's boring as hell." He casually crossed his immense biceps behind his head and stretched out further, sinking himself deeper into the plush pillows. His now loose Iron Maiden shirt rose several inches, exposing a thin patch of hair that was creeping into a swirling navel tattoo that ended just below his well-defined abdominals. Raphi blushed and turned away. "Raphi, man, relax. Just take a breath, okay? I know you want to look. Everyone does." When Raphi turned back around he finally let himself drink in the sight of the huge powerful punk and do it unabashedly. The man was truly fucking stacked, even at ease his form was sculpted and cut and perfectly defined by those interesting tattoos that contrasted with the hardness of his body and enhanced his dark beauty. "Much better. Looking at me is more productive than hiding from what's making you hot. C'mon, have a seat." The kind hunk patted his lap that was still wrapped in a towel, his hand lingering on the obvious bulge in his towel. An aura of sensuality so intense and potent emanated from the taller man that had Raphi's head swimming. Shakily, he advanced towards Mark paused as he got close to the hunky punk's body. Mark held his gaze, not deviating, his face warm and inviting. Raphi gingerly seated himself upon the edge of the bed, his nerves still getting the better of him as he remained perched uncertainly. A big warm hand rested on his shoulder and slowly pulled him gently backward, onto the welcoming muscular body. "Some guys take this this real well. Hardly need any kinda direction. Some guys, like you, realize that this shit is crazy. Bonkers. Fucked Up. Amazing. And stressful as hell if you're not ready for it. It's okay. Just take it easy, and do what feels natural. I promise I don't bite." Raphi nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "Can I-?" he began tentatively, his hand starting to feel the beef pecs before him. The sexy stud nodded. "Of course, dude. Check out every inch." Some of the tension and fear eased as Raphi made contact with the Mark's swollen pectorals and worked his fingertips against the huge mounds of masculine flesh and the gorgeous swirls of the intricate tattoo designs that extended onto each lump of perfect muscle. Mark let out a deep moan as his body was worshipped, flexing his muscles for all their worth where Raphi pressed and squeezed. The smaller man let his hands roam farther down Mark's body, rabidly spreading across the huge man, onto his washboard abs and gripped harder. Another vocal moan of approval followed as Raphi continued to caress his partner's rock hard body. To entice his new bro even more, Mark raised both of his arms above his head, and flexed his upper body with a ferocity Raphi had never seen before. He gasped, seeing the muscles swell, thicken, and grow everywhere, including where Raphi sat. Mark’s huge erection bulged underneath the towel that Raphi rested on. The smaller man could feel the thick sausage pulse and swell underneath the thick towel as Mark dry humped him through the fabric. After a few more moments of muscle humping, Mark slowly undid his towel and unleashed his painfully erect cock from it’s cotton prison and rubbed his fully aroused 10 inch glory against Raphi’s back. "God you're fucking hot." Raphi whispered. All it took was that lustful look from Mark to stop him dead in his tracks. "So are you." Mark grinned. Faster than seemed humanly possible Raphi had shed his clothes, his small cum belly still protruding from his otherwise slim body. Mark licked his lips and leaned back, spreading his legs, showing off his rippling thighs to his worshiper. "Well looks like you've got me right where you want me." The goth god cooed playfully. "What are you going to do about it?" He spoke naughtily and his voice seemed to send a shock through Raphi's cock. His thin body straddled the man beneath him, as if he was about to go on the ride of his life when suddenly… "Show me your ass." Raphi ordered, surprising himself. Mark's eyes twinkled with lust and he followed orders, reaching down past Raphi to completely remove the towel wrapped around his waist. With a playful push he scooched Raphi from his lap and turned over in bed revealing his gargantuan back muscles and huge ass. Raphi moaned with a need that he had never felt before. He pressed his small hands against the huge mounds of perfectly formed muscularity before him, and squeezed, digging into the dense tissue and drawing out another groan from his willing prey. He bent forward and kissed the top of each tattooed peach of strength, inching his way up the muscular Adonis' spine, planting smaller and smaller kisses on each vertebra until he reached the broad shoulders at the top of his frame. Mark grunted again, rolling his hips underneath Raphi and rubbing his huge erection on the mattress as he adjusted his stance to present his ass. "What're you waiting for?" Mark coaxed, pressing his muscled ass backwards. The twin tattooed hemispheres touched Raphi's cock and the shock he felt drive him wild. Raphi was as hard as he had ever been, his five inch cock fully aroused, throbbing, leaking and harder than he had ever been in his life. He began touching his lover more and more, caressing the huge buttocks, rippling back and bowling ball shoulders, inching his way closer to the dark hair as he breathed in the scent of Mark. His musky man smell made Raphi’s diamond hard cock harder still. "Come on little stud. Fuck me." Raphi groaned and planted a small hand on either cheek and pressed his hard cock into the cleft of the glutes of the sex god beneath him. The round boulders of tattooed muscle spread for him easily as Mark relaxed his beefy cheeks, each giving way just enough that Raphi found his perfect warm hole. With a gasp, his cock slid effortlessly inside the Adonis's slick hungry ass. Immediately there was delicious pressure from the well sculpted athletic man around his dick and Raphi let out a full throated moan of pleasure. His nails sunk into the hard meat of the Adonis' back, not just pushing his dick inside him but holding on for dear life. Raphi hadn't done something like this before and never had a hole make his dick feel this fucking good. As Mark began adjusting his hips and clenching his hole to draw Raphi further inside, Raphi began to thrust, the pace slow and methodical. He ground his cock within the Adonis each time, rubbing as deeply as he could within him. Mark made another low groan of approval and bucked his ass backwards, meeting the thrusts of his small partner. One of his powerful hands had drifted underneath his broad body and he began slowly massaging his own iron hard monster cock. "Harder." He gasped. Immediately Raphi obliged, shifting his hands to the man's firm hips and clamping down on them as an anchor to slam harder into the willing bubble butt. Mark groaned again in appreciation as the pace of his stroking and the speed of his bros thrust increased. Raphi was sweating, the immense sculpted mass of man beneath him was hot, slick and heavenly. Raphi growled slightly as he continued to pound the tattooed dream boat for all he was worth. He must have been doing something right as Mark's sweet sounds only got longer and louder. Each thrust forced the tattooed stallion to bury his face into his pillow and roar with need. Raphi felt the lust in his loins slowly ramping up and the smaller man leaned over and wrapped his arms around the huge man's torso feeling the hot sweat slick pecs tighten and the abdominals clench as Mark stroked his own behemoth cock like his life depended on it. The sensation of his fingers grasping at the tight ridges of steel as they undulated with each breath under his grip coupled with the tight and wet sensation of his powerful ass squeezed around his painfully hard cock brought the smaller man to a fever pitch. His heart pounded away in his chest, an instinctual desire of sexual arousal taking hold and now guiding his movements and thoughts. "Oh f-fuck. I'm gonna cum." Raphi panted, his skin tingling and his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Oh please, cum inside me. Fill me up." That was it. Whatever control Raphi had left of his inhibitions snapped as Mark begged and pleaded for his seed. The sight of the enormously huge jock with intricate tattoos accentuating his ungodly huge muscles jerking himself off as he was fucked from behind sent Raphi over the edge. In an instant his body went rigid as his rock hard cock suddenly erupted inside his muscular lover. His orgasm was wild and explosive, sending electricity down his entire body from head to toe. Eyes rolling back, Raphi blew a copious torrent of thick and creamy cum deep into the goth hunk's ass, his hips slamming harder than they ever had before as the new alpha let himself loose on Mark's finely crafted rear. He came for close to a full minute, each rope of his warm cum seemingly was milked out of him by the stud's talented asshole. His hands wrapped more tightly around the enormous man as he continued to slam away through the burst of sexual glory, finding the hard nipples on the stud's marble hard pecs and twisted them without mercy. Mark growled and whimpered, his moans became higher pitched and desperate as his ass contracted around the smaller man's cock while his sensitive nipples were squeezed expertly. He came instantly, his ten inch monster blasted volley after volley of hot cum onto the sheets and his firm ass clamped down on Raphi's pulsing cock in a rhythm that prolonged Raphi's own orgasm. Both men's hard bodies were soaked in sweat as Raphi collapsed onto Mark's sculpted back and hung on as he waited for the tremors of their earth shattering climaxes to end, not noticing that his swollen abdomen had receded, leaving him with the beginnings of a six pack. Mark's held firm, seemingly unbothered by the extra weight, holding his position underneath Raphi as his orgasm subsided. Raphi broke the silence after a few seconds. "That. That was incredible. Dude, I... Have no words." "You don't need them." Mark panted. "It's about to get better." Unsure what he meant Raphi paused for a moment. He noticed that Mark hadn't moved from his submissive position and had in fact recovered his stance as if he was ready to go again. When he started to squeeze his ass around Raphi's cock again the smaller man finally noticed that his dick had in fact not gotten soft. It was as hard as ever. Raphi gasped as a tingling spread out from his abdomen across the rest of his body. It was subtle at first, then his hips bucked automatically, pushing his engorged member back into Mark's impossibly tight hole. The sensation was unlike any Raphi had ever experienced, it was extremely pleasurable, every muscle in his body shuddered as they got hotter and hotter, a pleasant stretching sensation following the full body tingle. It felt so incredible, so blissfully wonderful that Raphi could not stop himself from humping Mark's sexy butt, his small cock eagerly pushed into the hulking punk, the muscular body hot and wet and delightfully tight, ready for more. Mark gasped as the assault on his was continued. His entire huge body trembled as a wave of intense pleasure shot up and down the length of his body, arching his back and pushing his head back to cry in a pleasure filled roar. His body burned with need that he was unable to escape, even if he wanted to, as Raphi's hips continued to piston cock against his prostate. Raphi’s thrusts were longer and stronger than before, filling Mark’s ass better than ever. The sensation of constriction around his dick felt even tighter than before, squeezing more firmly. Confused but undeniably aroused, Raphi pulled his cock out of Mark's willing behind. Raphi gasped as his cock was revealed from where it was hilted and saw that it was bigger, thicker and harder than ever before. His previously modestly sized cock had lengthened by at least two inches! His shaft visibly was slightly thicker and rounder, veins standing out prominently as the monster throbbed. Globs of sweet pre cum dripped off the tip with each pulse, more erotic and vivid than it had ever appeared. "W-what the hell? Did, did my dick get bigger?" He stammered, confused but aroused. Before Mark could answer he felt the tingling burning sensation spread out from his dick and he marveled as his body began to thicken and swell with pure power. With each heartbeat the throbbing and aching heat rushed through Raphi's blood. Muscles began enlarging across his thin, tight body. Raphi groaned with uncontrolled lust as his entire body grew while leaning against the sexy Adonis's back, his dick slapping against the two round masses of muscle while he watched himself grow in size and shape. Instinct took over and Raphi leaned over to feel and grab Mark's immense beefy pecs in his hands, kneading them with firmness as another wave of dizzying pleasure overcame him and he positioned his newly engorged cock at the entrance to Mark's taught ass. With a fluid thrust and powerful grunt Raphi plunged his colossal cock balls deep inside the enormous stud, now bigger and harder than ever. "AAAAH, oh-oh f-f-f-fuuuUUUUCK! GODDAMN!" Mark howled as his huge tattooed body twisted beneath Raphi, shaking with need as he felt his tight muscular ring instantly expanded to a point of near painful stretch. To his credit his ass could handle the sudden increase in size and girth. He squeezed his ass tighter around Raphi, encouraging him, begging him to fuck him into the mattress. With a thunderous growl Raphi began long rapid thrusts with the fury of a beast, nailing the alpha's prostate with newfound strength. The harder Raphi fucked Mark the stronger and more potent the sensation felt. Raphi gasped and moaned as he flexed an arm, seeing the striations pop out against the skin, enhancing his muscles, making them fuller, firmer, and larger. The hormones continued to run through his veins, feeding every cell with an overwhelming powerful and intoxicating lust. Raphi pumped his beefy bicep and continued to force his enlarged and throbbing cock into the willing and tight ass beneath him, feeling his muscled cheeks spread wider and wider, the twin mounds bulging and round, becoming pink and irritated the fucking got faster. Raphi defensively felt big now. He had to have grown several inches taller and every shred of fat on him was now hard lean, powerful muscles. Adjusting his weight he pushed the beastly cock even deeper into the stud with newfound intensity and fervor. The smaller man reveled in the new power and stamina that thrummed through his veins and pounded into the Adonis without hesitation or caution. Hips slamming loudly and heavily, each thrust produced a resounding smack that reverberated around the room over the passionate grunts and growls. Each flex of his increasingly impressive musculature was followed by another hard thrust, sending Mark even deeper into the bed, sinking into the plush mattress. Mark turned his head once again and grinned back at Raphi, a vicious lust filled smile, his deep green eyes wild and sparkling with understanding. The darker Adonis locked eyes with his and moaned out a lustfull plea, "Yeah. Fuck me dude. Fuck me hard and full. Use that big cock and hard body, I love it." The last vestiges of Raphi's restraint evaporated. Raphi grabbed a fist full of the Mark’s hair, pulling him back and shoved his fat swollen cock balls deep, the enormous stud groaning and bucking as he was impaled. Adjusting his grip to better leverage the tatted beauty below, the newest frat brother slammed his newly burgeoning cock in and out of the voluptuous rump without pause. No longer a virgin, Raphi discovered his skill and confidence inside Mark with each and every thrust. He never slowed, adjusting his stance as he felt his legs grow bigger and shifting positions to better slam away. Mark whimpered, almost purring in delight at the continued pleasure of being claimed by the newest Alpha in the house, turning his gaze back up at his lover with encouragement and lust, biting his bottom lip, cajoling him onwards to further pleasures. Raphi released his hold on Mark's beautiful hair, his larger hands gripping both shoulders as he prepared for his climax. Both men, sweating and panting continued to rock in unison and let their instincts guide them to an animalistic summit of arousal and strength. A final thunderous and violent thrust landed square on the enormous hulking Adonis' g-spot causing Mark's ass to immediately clamp around the length of cock inside it and all ten of his glorious inches to spew ropes of hot sticky cum into the mattress beneath him. As Mark spasmed and shuddered and cried out in uncontrollable orgasmic pleasure Raphi's own climax rocketed through his body, sending his brain and body both into ecstasy. His engorged cock exploded, blasting load after warm creamy load of seed inside his goth lover’s tight bubble butt. The smaller newly muscled alpha felt his body jolt with shocks of pleasure at every load his fat cock pumped into the giant stud, his bulbous balls contracting with each spurt. And not just his cock either, the rest of Raphi's body felt tight and hot and powerful as though his entire body, every cell that made it up, had been revitalized and altered. He was different. Stronger. Sexier. More assured and confident in himself than ever before. He pulled out his now eight inch cock and loosed a long moan as he saw his manhood in it's full glory. He flopped down next to the enormous alpha stud, finally out of breath and feeling spent. His mind swam in a haze of post orgasmic bliss and body tingled all over with sensations and feelings he'd never experienced in his life. He flexed his stomach and used his newly enlarged arms to feel his defined midriff, marveling at the definition as Mark settled in beside him, soaking himself in his own cum that had sank into the sheets. "That was..., I mean. Wow." Raphi panted heavily. His handsome companion smiled, his green eyes alight with that genuine attitude again. "Happy to help man. I just hope you'll feel a bit more at home in your body now that you've had your first fuck." He flexed an impressively sized bicep, kissing the rock hard peak of the mountain before him. "I felt the same when I first got here. Full of loud mouthed huge dudes with giant cocks and a one track mind. Took some time to find someone I felt safe being with my first time." Mark ruffled his hair and looked him dead in the eye, "Just wait, you're gonna love it here." *** Again, procrastination (and work) took over for a bit so sorry for the delay. I also had to cut a few pages between the last part and this part as they just didnt seem like a good fit. But I'm glad that I've finally gotten this one out the door as I think it's one of my best works. And it introduces a gay twist on a straight trope that I think came out pretty well: Big Tiddy Goth BF. I'll post a picture of Mark below.
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  28. I'm not familiar with the show, but this was more what I was going for:
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  29. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 4: As soon as I started cycling, lifting and eating with Frank, my body responded better than I could have hoped. The night I first agreed to take steroids, I was 18 years old, 5’9, 155 pounds. I was in good shape from swimming and running, and knew I was pretty handsome, but I looked nothing like the muscle freaks I had jerked off to since adolescence. Being roommates with Frank pushed me to the extreme faster than I could have ever gotten there on my own. Once I committed, Frank viewed me as his special project, somewhere between a mentee and a ward. He saw my mass-building as equally important to his own. To supplement my diet, Frank would bring me endless, unvarying food from the dining hall (where, as a football player, he got unlimited meals). Our mini-fridge was so full of chicken breasts and ground beef that we had to buy another one and stack it right on top. He taught me to look at food as a source of fuel, not pleasure, and once I made this accommodation, it amazed me how much I could pack away each day. My intake accelerated until I was eating 500 grams of protein daily. Frank not-very-gradually ramped me up to a high dose of tren. Not as extreme as his, of course, but enough for my already-healthy libido to shoot through the roof. Luckily, I didn't experience any of the stuff I feared: acne, mood swings, shrinking balls, etc. All the side effects I had were, frankly, very sexy. My voice deepened noticeably; dark hair started to sprout on my chest and forearms; I woke up each morning, nuzzled in Frank's pecs, with an erection so hard it was almost intolerable. Of course, the most valuable part of Frank's tutelage was in the school gym. Two brutal, grueling sessions per day, every day, except Sunday ("rest day" -- more like 120 minutes of cardio). The first time we went to work out together, I was a panicked mess, insecure to even be seen next to Frank in his gym clothes. I remember the first lift we did together. Barbell bench press. "Watch what I'm doing," Frank said, voice deeper than Vin Diesel -- but he didn't need to tell anyone to watch him. Every eye in the gym followed Frank anywhere he went. He added five 45-pound plates on each side, 495 pounds, and knocked out 8 perfect reps. You could actually see the bar bending under the weight. He was even speaking to me as he did reps, calling attention to his form. ("See my grip?" he said through gritted teeth, nipples popping out of his tank top.) Then it was my turn. We spent two minutes removing plates, then I struggled to do a single rep with one 45 on each side. My arms gave out, and Frank spotted me with one hand. At the gym, the insecurities that I'd always nursed came out in full force. All of Frank's over-the-top horniness would disappear when we got in the gym: He became cool, composed, professional. We looked bizarre working out together. I'd watch Frank curl a 260-pound bar as a warmup, his veiny, 24-inch arms so swollen they looked like they might pop. Then he'd turn around and show me how to properly curl two 15-pound dumbbells, gently correcting me if I tried to go heavier than I was able to. The gym made me realize how exceptional Frank really was. I knew he was strong, but didn't know -- until working out with him -- that he was lifting heavier weights than the Mr. Olympias I jerked off to. There was a reason he looked like this. "Hey. You know that guy?" a hulking frat boy asked me one time, after Frank had stepped away. "Yeah, he's my roommate." "Your roommate?" The frat boy was confused and, I could tell, annoyed. He was a senior, one of the most juicy, muscle-bound jocks at our college. Probably 6'0", 260 pounds. Absent Frank, he would have been my sexual obsession, the campus muscle god. Now Frank, a mere freshman, had stolen his thunder, and to make matters worse, Frank was lifting with me every day. "Yes, my roommate." "Well, you realize he's squatting 840 pounds? For reps? He could be in the Olympics." I kept asking myself: How could Frank, this fucking monster, be attracted to a weakling like me? Wasn't he impatient, showing me how to do shoulder presses with 20-pound dumbbells? Yet I soon realized that all of my fears were unfounded. Frank was an incredible trainer. His patience was endless. And his professional demeanor -- which I took as diminished attraction to me, upon seeing how weak I was -- was just how he acted in the gym. Aside from eating, lifting was just about the only time Frank could focus and not let his libido take over. The only time his dick wouldn't get hard at the drop of a hat. Within days, I was growing stronger, and I could see the pride in Frank's eyes when I improved my form or hit a new PR. My grades plummeted. I studied weight training more than my textbooks. I did the bare minimum to not get expelled, less for academic reasons than to remain on campus with Frank as long as possible. -- Five pounds of muscle a week. That's how much Frank said I'd grow. And you know what? That's exactly what happened. One week of grueling lifting and nauseating eating, and I was 160. Up five pounds exactly. And the next week, I was 165, and two weeks later I was 175. I had gained 20 pounds of muscle in one month. I was incredulous. After this initial pop, my progress slowed, of course, but it didn't stop. The next month, I gained 10 pounds. Frank doubled my tren. By April, I was 200 pounds. ("What do you mean you can't come home for spring break?" "Sorry, Dad, I really need to stay here and study.") By June, I was north of 220 pounds. I had put on 65 pounds of muscle in six months. I looked like a different person. My shoulders had made the most shocking improvement. They turned into these hairy, bulging, flat-topped melons, jutting out even from behind, making every t-shirt tight around the sleeves. A perky shelf of pecs had grown in between them, even larger and plumper than my delts, and my nips had sprouted dark hair and pointed straight down under their weight. My back exploded in size. I became double-wide. I looked absolutely absurd, with my still-boyish face atop ultra-roided, superhero-like traps, wearing shirts that became so tight they left my midriff bare. After countless hours of punishing leg workouts, my quads, ass and hamstrings were spectacular to look at. My glutes stuck out like a capital P. I grew the diamond-shaped quads I'd always fetishized. I had to beg my parents to send me money so I could buy all-new clothes, vague on the reason why. (They assumed I was getting fat, "freshman 15," etc.) Not a single thing I owned fit me anymore, but I wasn't big enough for Frank's XXL hand-me-downs either. I didn't look so ridiculous working out with Frank anymore. To say that Frank liked my transformation was an understatement. My juiced-up physique made him even more insatiable, horny for me day and night. If I wasn't eating or lifting, I was having indescribable, balls-to-the-walls sex with Frank, almost hourly -- five times per day at least. Our sexual connection didn't lose its spark. It was like a roaring inferno, consuming everything else in our lives (except for bodybuilding and, for Frank, football), and the tren was like pouring gasoline on top. -- Impressive as my own growth was, during this same period, Frank had entered his most extreme phase of bodybuilding yet. "5-5-5," he called it. "Gonna increase tren, calories and weights 5% each week for five months." As the weeks compounded, his intake of food and steroids -- already remarkable -- became completely unhinged. By the end of his five-month sprint, he was eating 30 chicken breasts per day. One every 30 minutes. He was benching 620 pounds for reps. His tren dosage was as high as he could "safely push it" (his words), according to the Reddit threads where he got most of his information about steroids. He grew even faster than me. Up 10 pounds in January, 12 pounds in February, 16 pounds in March. When Frank hit 390 pounds, our scale broke. Even the one in the football training center couldn't weigh him. We had to order a new scale, specially made in Germany for the morbidly obese. It arrived seven long weeks later, and the anticipation of weighing ourselves was one of my hottest memories from this time. In solidarity, I had held off weighing myself during that stretch, so we could both learn our progress at the same time. We knew it was going to be shocking. The scale finally arrived one week before summer break. In our little room (a disaster, a cum dump, it looked like ten horny bodybuilders had been squatting in it), we got everything ready. We both stripped off all our clothes, not that we ever wore more than jocks or tight white Calvin Klein briefs stretched to tatters by our growing muscles. I went first. "225.1" Both our cocks shot up at the same time. "Oh fuck dude... Holy shit bro...So much fuckin' muscle bro...Oh fuck, oh fuck," Frank said, his eyes going blurry. He started kneading his fingers through my perfect pecs, sniffing my pits. He stuck his powerful tongue down my throat. "Fuck James, oh my god James, you're so fucking hot..." he mumbled with his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him away. "C'mon, Frank -- now it's your turn!" Frank took a gulp and stepped on the scale. The sheer magnificence of his body standing there was too much for me. I was stroking my cock, trying hard not to cum, as the digital scale processed his weight. The screen blinked WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. The seconds felt like minutes. Then finally, STEP OFF. "429.9" We both gasped. Frank's boner started quivering and leaking pre-cum. His face went flush. We both turned and faced the full-length mirror. Suddenly, he saw himself in a new light. He realized the size that he had packed on. "Whoa...Oh my god dude...Oh my god...Oh my god bro..." Frank said, stunned by his own reflection. "UNNHHH!" We both came without touching our cocks. I still remember how our loads shot off at the exact same moment, flew 4 feet across the room, and hit the mirror with a splash. As cum dripped down the looking glass, we stared in awe of the two unstoppable, handsome, horned-up freaks gazing back at us.
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  30. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 3: After we had fucked another two times, Frank and I rinsed off, then walked to the cafeteria. The other students were beginning to pour in after winter break, and the campus was abuzz with activity. Frank was wearing super-tight grey sweatpants, an even tighter XXL bodybuilder tshirt, and a black baseball cap. It looked like his clothes were about to rip. You could see every detail of his body in perfect definition, from his bubble butt to his nipples down to the head of his massive cock. He waddled into the dining hall. I walked beside him, self-conscious to even be seen with this muscle freak who towered over me. We looked like different species. This was the first time we had ever hung out together outside of our dorm. Sure, I'd bump into him occasionally on campus. He'd always be with some other hulking member of the football team. He would give me a wink, a bro-y nod, or a fist bump. ("Who's that?" I'd hear some hunky, 250-pound teammate asking as I walked away. "My roommate.") Apparently, Frank's rule on being seen with me had changed -- or the rule had never existed. I'm sure I looked strange standing next to him: a good six inches shorter, more than 200 pounds lighter, and unable to take my eyes off his bulging, twitching muscles. I soon realized it didn't matter. Frank drew so much attention, I may as well have been a ghost. The instant people noticed Frank, they went silent. Their minds were clearly blown. A nerdy freshman dropped his tray of food loudly, making a huge mess. We got in line, Frank ravenous and thinking only of his macros — not on the dozens of eyes watching him in disbelief. Without looking, Frank walked forward and bumped into a geeky, 5’7” sophomore boy in front of him. (Frank hadn’t noticed how nervous the boy was to be right in front of a muscle monster three times heavier than himself — though I had, of course.) As they collided, the kid’s head rammed right into Frank’s pecs (his single most oversized muscle group). The poor, closeted nerd stumbled back in a daze, his glasses askew. “Whoops. Sorry bro,” said Frank, looking down nearly a foot -- past his pec shelf -- to the nerd’s face. Frank was unfazed, not realizing he had given the skinny kid a memory he’d probably be jerking off to for years to come. I saw the nerd’s hands shaking as he reached for tongs. I watched Frank pile 12 chicken breasts, 10 hamburger patties, and two pounds of brown rice, and two cups broccoli onto his tray. His enormous hands made the tongs look ridiculous — like doll cutlery. The Mexican lunch ladies stared in disbelief; they barely came up to the middle of Frank's abs. I also noticed a group of jocks staring at Frank. "Holy FUCK, look at the size of him," one said. "You think that's steroids?" another one asked. "C'mon man, of course it is." “Yeah, look at those shoulders man.” "Dude, what the fuck, you can totally see his dick." (Frank, focused on heaping meat onto his tray, caught none of this.) You could see the fear in everyone's eyes as Frank carried his 10-pound meal into the dining room. I was nervous he'd see someone he knew, and I'd have to talk to one of his toxically masculine football jock friends. Fortunately, though, we sat down at a table alone. The bench screeched like it might break. Every table around us went silent. You could sense the other people trying to stare and eavesdrop inconspicuously. When he sat down, Frank's sweatpants couldn't contain his Mr. Universe-sized ass, which was left half-exposed in his white jockstrap. I'm not talking about a little crack. I mean a good 50% of his hairy bubble butt was fully on display. He didn't realize this, of course. I also noticed that his bright white shirt was starting to tear, right down the center of his back, revealing the slightly hairy traps underneath. Frank immediately began to devour his meal. Not like a pig -- more like a robot with a job to do. I had thought he might be stockpiling chicken and beef for later. Nope, I realized, he was going to eat this all in one sitting. Occasionally, he took a break from chewing to drink a swig of water. Otherwise he didn't say anything and barely looked up from his fuel. It struck me how even now, freshly showered and fully clothed, Frank’s musk was intense. "Frank, you might need to buy some bigger clothes," I said. "You think so?" he said, still chewing. "Well your shirt is starting to tear a little." "Ah fuck, I just bought this. Brand new. Biggest size they make." He kept chewing. "The thing is," Frank continued,"I've been bulking for a while. Was thinking of cutting soon. Maybe down to 350.” "I don't think you have much to cut. You have eight-pack abs." "Hmm." Frank pulled up his white shirt over his balloon-like pecs, his hairy nipples pointing straight down. His hairy, olive-skinned, washboard abs were revealed in all their perfection -- engorged as he was with food. You could feel the entire room's rapt attention on him. He counted his abs. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." (flexing) "7, 8. I guess you're right." Frank resumed eating wordlessly. He didn't realize -- or didn't care -- that his shirt was still rolled up over his pec shelf. Eventually the shirt fell back and covered most of his torso again -- to my relief, because I was self-conscious about the erection throbbing in my pants. After 20 minutes, Frank's plate was clean. Not even a grain of rice remained. "Fuuuck, I'm actually full," he said. He reclined back in the chair, stretched his 24-inch arms over his head in a relaxed way, like he had just finished a Sunday crossword. Then he casually popped a double bicep, just for a second, for me to see. The sharp peaks still astonished me. Then, for the first time since we had sat down, he actually looked me in the eyes. A moment passed. He didn't say anything, but his face was going a little red. I felt self-conscious until I realized that he was looking at ME with longing. Me?! "Um, James," he said, going even redder. "We might have a little problem." His eyes darted down to his own lap. I pretended to look for something under the table, and looked at Frank's crotch, where a throbbing, 10.5-inch erection was already forming a dark circle of pre-cum in his grey sweatpants. The shaft jolted out so far that it was half exposed. It could not have been more conspicuous or obscene. Every eye in the brightly lit dining hall was already on Frank. How were we gonna get him out of here? "Uh oh..." "Fuck," Frank said. "What are we gonna do?" I could tell he was really worried, but his tren-fueled lust was even more powerful. He was wheezing in the characteristic way he always did when he was horned up. He had no way to calm down his cock. "I have an idea." I picked up my tray like I was about to clear it, then deliberately spilt a full glass of soda and ice right onto his lap. The ice-water temporarily shrunk his hard-on into a mere 8-inch semi -- and it also hid the pre-cum stain on his grey sweats. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, dude!" I said. Frank acted upset, but I could see his relief. Although the "accident' drew even more attention on Frank than before, and his porn-star cock was more or less discernible in the wet sweatpants, he was able to escape the dining hall without a full-blown scandal. We got back to our cum-splattered dorm room and Frank more than repaid me for my savoir-faire. We fucked for hours. I came three times: once in his ass, once in his mouth, and once more in the crevasse of his swollen, furry pecs. — Afterwards, we lay in bed together cuddling. I squeezed my Incredible Hulk, nestled my face in his pits. “Mind shooting me up?” Frank asked. I was startled by how deep his voice sounded, but not by the request. I knew the drill. I would inject a dose of steroids into his right glute. At first, I had been shocked by this. Now I was used to the ritual, an expert at injecting gear. I was even a little turned on. “Sure, no problem.” “Hey James?” Frank asked, towering behind me, totally naked. Sticky, dried cum was splattered all over his body. The smell of his musk filled my nostrils. “What?” “Um. Never mind.” “No, what is it?” “You ever thought about doing some?” “Steroids?” “Yeah.” I paused. I really hadn’t. “To be honest, no.” “I was just thinking about how you’d look…If you put on about 70 pounds of muscle…You’re 5’9? I could juice you up to 230, 240 pounds in a year or so… The way you’re built, you’d pack on mass so quickly…Fuck…James…Oh my god bro…” I’d never seen Frank’s dick get hard so fast. Flaccid to hard in three seconds. It flew up perpendicular to his grotesquely swollen quads. His eyes were a little crazy as he looked down at me, fantasizing and scheming. He was wheezing again. “Picture us both all roided out,” he said, stroking his cock. “Posted up in here sophomore year, getting bigger and bigger. Horny all the time. Eating, lifting and fucking nonstop… both of us putting on 5 pounds of muscle every week…Picture how fucking hot you’re gonna look. How hot we’ll both look..holy shit… oh my god dude…” He blew a load all over the carpet. One of the biggest I had ever seen. My mind reeled at the dream he had shared, at how much it had turned him on — and turned ME on. I was just 18, and Frank was such a fucking beast it had never before occurred to me I could be anything like him, not until that moment. Despite my many misgivings about steroids, he had convinced me. I was now under his thrall, obsessed with muscle growth at all costs. That was the night my bodybuilding journey began.
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  31. This story was inspired by an idea from user Sluttybella. Trying a first person POV for the first time, but I had to break away a few times (for obvious reasons). It's a cheating/cuckold story, so leave now if that's not your thing. Our all-inclusive vacation Anna is the hottest girlfriend I've ever had. She is 25 and I am 27. She was absolutely gorgeous; she had long black hair that extended about six inches down her back, incredibly soft, smooth skin, almost unbearably beautiful features, which she showed off today in an extremely short, tight, white dress. Her dress was tight enough to show her smooth, taught, abs and an almost impossibly trim waist, which seemed at odds with the wide, dynamic, curve of her hips. She had long, tan, firmly muscled legs, left exposed by her short skirt. Above all, she was extremely buxom; mounds of tit meat were just pouring out of the top of her dress. They were amazingly huge, firm, and shapely; each the as big as her head, you'd think they were implants except for how they moved when she walked. She was fit but she still maintained her feminine curvature. Her body was, in a word, perfect...ideal even. She's a stereotypical "hot babe." Needless to say, she turns many heads when we go out. I'm Greg, I'm only a bit taller than Anna at about 5'10, boyish handsome face (so I'm told) and a toned, fit body from the gym and rock climbing. Even with my decent looks, Anna is a total reach for me. But we share a lot in common and, as she reminds me often, she loves my big 7-inch dick. Anna and I love sex; we can't get enough of each other. We'd have sex just about every night and sometimes twice a day on days off from work. I couldn't get enough of her tight, moist wet pussy, and she'd moan and scream while I plugged her with my meat. She loved to be vocal, to ask for more, and to get thrown around during sex. She was insatiable, maybe more than me, and almost wore me out fucking my brains out. We booked a two-week getaway in Mexico; one of those all-inclusive adults-only resorts by the beach. This resort in particular catered to couples - perfect for us as we planned to spend the days by the beach and the nights between the sheets. When we checked in, the front desk even upgraded us to a suite; our room had a spacious living room, a bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, a king-sized bed, and a balcony over the pool. This was paradise! Anna squealed in excitement as she checked out our lodgings for the next two weeks. We dropped off our luggage and headed out to check out the resort. As we opened our door, a man walked up to the door next to ours. "Oh hi neighbors!" he said with an easy smile. "I'm Brad." "I'm Greg, and this is my girlfriend Anna," I replied. "Nice to meet you." Brad's face broke into a wide, grin as he took my hand and gave me a firm handshake. Brad was a handsome man. He must have been a bit over six feet tall, giving him quite a few inches on both of us. He had close-cropped black hair and lively, emerald green eyes. He was wearing jeans and a charcoal grey t-shirt that was fairly tight across his well-developed pecs and shoulders. What really grabbed my attention was his physique and body, and the look of his muscles flexing and contracting. I tried not to stare too much but there was something about Brad that just made me look. He seemed to have a presence that just screamed "badass." "You guys here on your honeymoon?" he asked. "Oh no, just getting away for a break. This place is amazing!" Anna responded cheerfully. "Definitely, my friend Jessica recommended it to me, she said it was a great place to have some fun. Just got in!" Brad replied with a suggestive wink. "Us too! Are you here with anyone?" I asked. I could see Anna staring at Brad's huge arms, her eyes trailing down the well-defined musculature. "Nah, just me. Jess told me there's plenty to keep me occupied while I'm here." Brad grinned. "Well, we're off to check out the rest of the resort, maybe we'll catch you later?" Anna said, pulling her eyes away from Brad's chest and grabbing my arm tightly. She was getting hot and I could tell. "Definitely, see you guys around." Brad gave a friendly wave and went into his room. Anna gave a lingering glance at Brad as the door shut behind him. The rest of the afternoon we checked out the pools, the hotel bar and nightclub, the spa. This place was great! Anna and I grabbed dinner by the beach and headed back to the room. By the way she was grabbing me, I knew she was thinking of what we were going to do together tonight. I knew she packed some special lingerie for the occasion. I couldn't wait. That night, Anna and I were laying together in bed kissing when we heard a door slam. Moments later, there was a thud as something banged into the shared wall. I propped myself up on an elbow and raised an eyebrow. "Wonder what that was?" "I bet he's drunk. He seems like that sort of guy," replied Anna. "Probably staggered into a wall." A second thud echoed through the room, followed quickly by a third. Soon we could hear the rhythmic pounding of something banging into the shared wall, and before too long the pounding was joined by the regular squeaks and creaks of a bed under heavy strain. "Oh, my God—is he doing what I think he's doing?," asked a flabbergasted Anna. Before I could answer, we heard muffled voices coming from the room next door. We could just make out a woman's voice, repeating the same thing over and over--"Oh! Fuck! Oh! Fuck!" Her cries were interspersed by Brad's deeper, wordless grunts. "Yeah babe, try to take more of it..." "I'm not sure I can, it's so big!" "Oh yeah babe, your pussy feels so good. Damn you are so tight!" These words were coming through the wall as clearly as if they were in the room with us. I was laying on my side facing Anna when I heard her moan softly. She paused and looked at me, our eyes both wide open with excitement. I was rock hard and my hand was involuntarily stroking my dick. I could see Anna's hand moving beneath the sheet. She was masturbating while listening to Brad fuck the girl too! The girl on the other side of the wall was getting louder and louder, indicating she was gonna cum soon. "OH BABY, YOU'RE SO FUCKING BIG AND HARD! OH! UMMMM! OH, IT'S LIKE A FUCKING BASEBALL BAT IS FUCKING MY PUSSY! OH! UMMM! YEAH! FILL ME UP AGAIN BRAD! CUM INSIDE ME! CUM IN MY PUSSY!" To this day, I'm convinced that all 3 of them came at the exact same time. Anna looked like she had come harder listening to Brad fuck than she ever had by fucking me. Once everyone had caught their breath things quieted down. "Did that turn you on?" she panted. "I guess so..." I stammered. Despite my jealousy, I was rock-hard, and she wasted no time impaling herself on my cock. She was already soaking wet. Anna came again almost immediately. She fucked me furiously for five minutes before I came inside her. While all this was happening, Brad and his hookup continued to fuck next door. The bed was slamming into the wall over and over, its springs and frame creaking and groaning, and the woman was begging for Brad to fuck her harder, harder. "YES! Ohhhmmm, I want you to fuck me all night baby! Oh Brad, yes! Ohhhmmm fuck...ohhhh fuck! I want ummm you to fuck me into the bed Brad! Ohhh...fuck me on the floor...ummm...fuck me over the table....OHHHH...fuck me against the door...ohhh, fuck me wherever you want!" For three hours we laid in bed listening to them fuck and listening to the mystery woman spew filthy words about herself, what she wanted from Brad and what she would do. I heard him deliver three more loads into her before things grew quiet and we all drifted to sleep. The next morning after breakfast, Anna and I headed to the pool. I threw on a pair of board shorts and a shirt. Anna had chosen a skimpy black string bikini that highlighted her gorgeous body. Over her bikini, she was wearing a short navy blue wrap and a thin white tank top that showed a nice amount of cleavage (to be fair, with her tits it was very hard not to). She had a thin gold chain around her neck with a small gold heart and a matching gold chain around her left ankle. We found a set of pool chairs and laid out to relax. "Morning neighbors!" We looked up and saw Brad headed our way. Brad had just a pair of board shorts on. Despite their looseness, they were tented out by an enormous bulge. We both gasped involuntarily when we saw him. That chest! His entire body seemed sculpted from stone. It was defined muscle on muscle, all lean and perfectly proportioned. "Good morning." I said. He must have had fun, I thought. "Hi Brad." Anna said, biting her lip. "Sorry if I kept you guys up last night." Brad apologized with a big smile. "Didn't expect to find the fun so fast." "Sounds like you had a great time," Anna said. "Whoever she was is pretty lucky!" Brad gave a sheepish grin. Was the stud embarassed? "Yeah well, it was probably a one night thing. I don't think she'll be up for hooking up again." "Why, you wear her out?" Anna asked, visibly turned on. "Something like that." We chatted a while longer and grabbed some drinks. Turns out we had quite a bit in common, and Brad was good conversation. Soon the alcohol had loosened us up and Anna suggested we take a dip in the pool. Both Brad and I watched with rapt attention as she stripped off her tank top, revealing her bikini that strained to contain her big tits. It was Brad's turn to gasp, and I smiled. After all, Anna worked hard for her body and she was proud to show it off. She smiled and gave a gratuitous sway of her hips as she pulled off her wrap, revealing her bikini bottom and perfect bubble butt. After a quick turn to show off to us, she jumped into the pool, splashing the two of us out of our daydreams. We laughed and jumped in after her. After about an hour, my cell phone rang. My boss needed me on a call. I told the two of them I had to go upstairs, grabbed a beer and went up to the room. I spent a few hours conferencing with my boss and over my headset and staring at my computer. At one point while I was on a conference call I noticed the sun was going down. I stepped up to the balcony and saw that I had a great view of the pool and everyone there. As my boss droned on, I noticed that Brad and Anna were sitting alone in a corner of the pool, with Brad sitting on the edge and Anna standing in the shallow water. Anna starting smiling a little too flirtatiously, and started glancing down at Brad's lap. Brad was openly staring at her breasts as he talked, which looked great confined in her soaked top. I suddenly realized that Anna's nipples were so hard they were almost poking out of her suit. It seemed that Brad was noticing them, too, judging by how hard he was looking. As I watched, Brad said something to Anna and pointed straight at her tits. Anna grinned and raised her hand up to her breast, and started rubbing her nipple through her top. I was shocked. What was she doing? Just touching herself in front of this guy? Brad laughed and then leaned back, far enough that a very large bulge was visible through his trunks. In my ear, my boss called out to me and I had to turn away from the pool. I heard a splash and a giggle that sounded like Anna's, but I pushed it from my mind as the meeting droned on. Back at the pool, Brad had suddenly swept Anna up in his strong arms and jumped back into the pool with her. They surfaced together and as Anna wiped her eyes she felt Brad's lips on hers kissing her passionately. Anna responded by kissing him back, their tongue searching each other's mouths as their lust swept over them like a tidal wave. Anna threw her head back and Brad continued to kiss her lips, her cheeks and then her neck. As he did he held Anna's jaw in one hand his fingers brushing lightly across her full lips. Brad pulled her black bikini down under her breasts, his hands cupping them pushing them up to his waiting mouth where upon he teasingly licked around the nipples circling them as a shark would a swimmer until finally going in for the kill. And when he did he sucked her nipples so hard that Anna could feel her chest being drawn into him. Brad continued to lick and suck Anna's big tits and as he did he grabbed Anna by her tight ass and lifted her so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. As she did she wrapped her hands around Brad's neck meaning that Brad was now free to use both his hands and mouth on her tits. "OHHH GOD Brad, That's sooooo good, suck my big titties, oh shit yeah!!!! I LOVE IT!!" moaned Anna who was squeezing her tits together with her upper arms. Thankfully the pool crowd had dissipated and they were practically alone. Anna felt herself being pushed up from below, and realized Brad's enormous cock was lifting her as it grew. Brad let go of her and flexed his dick, causing Anna to bounce in the water. She was amazed to actually feel herself being lifted up not by Brad's strong arms but by his cock. 'Sorry babe, couldn't help myself but I just loved the feeling of your hot ass on my cock like that," laughed Brad. Grabbing Anna's hand led her to the side of the pool where he lifted her up onto the edge. Brad eased himself out of the pool, leaning on the edge he raised his body slowly. First his chest appeared, then his six pack and finally his cock came into full view and even though it was constrained in his shorts it looked ominously huge snaking around his hip. The two made their way back to the lounge chairs, hand-in-hand. They squeezed onto the same chair, Anna wrapping her body around Brad's, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Soon that escalated into a wild soul kiss. Their mouths were almost immediately wide open; each tried to jam his tongue down the other's throat. As the kiss went on and on, Anna started rubbing and squeezing Brad's engorged cock, while he grabbed and squeezed her huge tits. This is how I found them when I finally came back down. The two were so caught up with each other they didn't see me. I ducked behind the towel station, confused and angry. I knew I should run over there and call them out, give Brad a piece of my mind and pull Anna away, but at the same time the sight of the two of them together made me instantly hard. Their bodies were so fucking hot, it looked natural to see them curled together. I grabbed a towel to hide my erection as I watched them. "So tell me more about last night, stud." I heard Anna purr, in the voice the used when she wanted to get fucked. "Who's dumb enough to give you up after one night?" Brad chuckled. "Well, it's more like can't keep up." Anna stared in amazement with her mouth open as Brad patted his monster bulge. "This thing's so big that is actually scares the girls off." "How big does it get?" she asked. "Wait a minute and you can see for yourself." Brad slowly stroked his penis like it was a puppy sitting on his lap. His cock began to rise into the air and stretched his shorts to the limit. Anna's eyes widened and she bit her lip, clearly impressed. "Better get these off before I tear through them." Anna nodded, wide-eyed. I couldn't believe no one was noticing what was going on, as if the two of them were in their own world. Brad peeled down his board shorts. The enormous length of his penis went on and on. Finally, when the top of the shorts had almost reached Brad's knees, the enormous head came into view. Brad dropped his shorts to the floor. His dick swayed, all twelve-plus incredibly thick inches of it. The huge dick was paired with a pair of equally incredible testicles that supported it. Half again as large as jumbo eggs, they sat tightly in an enormous, downy sac. "HOLY SHIT" I could see Anna mouth, as if suddenly realizing she needed to keep quiet. She grasped his rod with one hand and examined his package closely. Brad leaned back into the chair as Anna began to gently stroke his cock. "This really is impressive, it looks like something you might see under a horse!" she giggled. Anna took hold of it in one of her tiny hands. God it was big. No, it was fucking massive. She wrapped her other hand around it and still there was a mountain of cock exposed including its huge head that looked to be the size of a large peach. Neither hand could stretch not more much than half of the way around Brad's girth. Anna tried to wiggle it. It was too hard. She couldn't move it off center even slightly! "How big is it?" she asked. "About 18 inches, give or take." Brad said with a big grin. I saw Anna's jaw drop and her knees buckle in response. “Fuck, you’re huge!” she moaned. My dick began to leak as I watched Anna fondle Brad's titanium-hard shaft. I'd never been turned on by a guy before, but the sight a of a preposterously massive cock was actually getting me excited. I instinctively reached down and started to stroke my own 7 inches. Brad's erection must have been as thick as a beer can. The head was large and veins protruded from his pulsing shaft. A large drop of pre-cum started to form on the tip of his bulbous cock head and Anna dipped her finger in it and tasted it as if she were sampling some caviar. As she knelt over, I could tell that her pussy was becoming aroused and damp. She was truly a sight to behold as she started to take Brad's huge rod between her pouty lips. “Oh fuck I can't believe this freaky thing is real! Holy shit I want you so fucking bad! Plow my throat with your big fucking dick Brad!” Brad smiled as he reached down and took her huge tits in his hands, sliding his massive cock between them and squishing them around his pole. "Uhhhhh." Anna moaned as her big tits cushioned Brad's massive cock. She watched him draw back and then thrust forward, fucking her big tits whilst she sucked on the huge head. The taste of Brad's precum was sending shivers through her body. Brad pumped faster, fucking her tits as he slid a couple of inches into her hot mouth each time. "Uhhhh fuck!! Fuck you're good!" he grunted. Her eyes watered as Anna sucked harder and harder to milk his huge cock. He let go of her tits and ran his fingers through her hair. Anna wrapped herself around his shaft, his cock so big that what was sticking out from between her tits alone was bigger than me. I watched his cock thicken slightly as it throbbed desperately in her mouth. Surely someone would come by and find them right? I was rooted in my spot, overcome with jealousy but harder than I'd ever been. As if to answer my inner monologue, a group of four gorgeous women walked by at that moment, glancing over to see Anna eagerly swallowing Brad's massive meat. One of the women around laughed and pointed at her face bobbing up and down. "Look she's sucking his cock, Oh my god she is crazy." Brad looked up and locked eyes with the girl and winked while enjoying the heavenly assault on his cock below. The four blushed intensely and walked away, giggling. Anna didn't seem to notice at all, emitting a small moan as she came just from sucking the unreal beast. After what seemed like 20 minutes, Anna was finally rewarded with a massive thick hot load of Brad's cum. Another orgasm tore through her body as the cum blast down her throat, some seeping out from between her lips and dripping down onto her huge tits. I watched her convulse and squirt onto the lounge chair, her hands still wrapping her tits around Brad's erupting rod. Without touching myself, I came too, watching this muscle stud empty his load down my hot girlfriend's throat. More and more huge loads blasted from his cock and into her mouth. Anna desperately swallowed but struggled to keep up. Seed seeped from between her lips and flowed onto her big tits, a river of jizz flowing down her vast cleavage. When he was finished, Brad exhaled heavily. "Wow," he said, panting. "Just wow. That was incredible. Most girls can't handle my loads." Anna beamed with pride as she let go of Brad's cock and let it slide out of her mouth, using her fingers to scoop up the excess spunk and licking them clean. "Thanks for lunch, stud," Anna said with a small burp. Brad and I watched as she hefted her big tits to her mouth and licked them clean. "I can't believe how much you cum!" Brad smiled, flexing his dick, which showed no signs of softening. "How are you still hard? Don't tell me you're ready to go again?" Brad chuckled, "Oh yeah babe, that's the other thing you should know about me I can keep this up for hours." "I can see we are going to become great friends Brad," replied Anna. Brad stood up straight and extended a hand to Anna, helping her rise from her seat. He grabbed a towel off the chair and wiped his cock clean with it, smearing it with his cum, then offered it to her so she could clean herself as well. After Anna finally wiped herself clean, she glanced at the clock suddenly jumped up. "Oh no I lost track of time!" "Everything okay?" "I told Greg I was gonna meet him for dinner and then we were going to the club tonight! He's probably looking for me!" Brad put a hand on her shoulder and kissed the top of her head in a curiously affectionate manner. "All good babe," he said assuringly. "You go find him." "Sorry to leave you like this. I'll see you tonight?" she asked, almost shyly. "You bet." Anna grinned and grabbed Brad's cock, giving the head a devilish kiss before grabbing her things and walking away, giving Brad the perfect view of her ass and the trail of girlcum trickling down her thighs. Club night I quickly ran back to the room as Anna headed my way. I yanked off my cum-stained shorts and quickly wiped off my load. Anna opened the door right as I finished cleaning up. "Hi baby!" She gave me a hug and a kiss. "Sorry I'm late. Let me shower real quick." She emerged in a bathrobe. As soon as she saw me sitting on the couch, Anna straddled me. "Baby, Brad was really looking at me today," she said with a smile. "All day long he was staring at my boobs." She slowly opened her robe, revealing her naked breasts. She grabbed them teasingly. "I think he really wanted to see them, baby. I caught him looking so many times." I kept quiet about what else I saw her doing, and thought maybe if I didn't react she would leave it at that. But instead she reached down and started stroking my cock. "I invited him to join us at the club tonight. Should I tease him a little, sweetie? Would you like me to show off a little and make him sooo jealous of you?" I started to mutter a protest, but right then Anna reached down and engulfed my dick with her mouth. Her delicious blowjob totally silenced me and I leaned back and groaned. I came again in no time, my dick still sore from earlier. "Guess you liked that idea, huh babe?" Anna winked and headed to the bedroom to get ready. I sat speechless and drained. When she re-emerged a few minutes later, she was dressed in a tiny black sequined dress. The dress clung to her body like a glove, with a high slit up one side all the way to her waist and dropping down at an angle to her knees on the other side. The top of the dress emphasized her big tits, two strips of fabric crossing from her waist upwards, giving a full view of her full breasts and cleavage, tied up behind her neck. Her smooth back was fully exposed, showing off the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. Nor did she need one. The dress fit her perfectly in every way. She paired it with black high heels which accentuated her beautifully shaped calves. And she...she looked stunning as she let her hair fall around her shoulders and down her back. A lovely shade of dark-red/brown lipstick that matched the gentle touch of her blusher and eyeliner. Once she was done stunning wasn't even the word. She looked like a goddess. When we got to the club, it was packed with people, and a DJ was blasting music so loud I could barely hear anything else. I pushed my way through the crowd and found us a table. Anna texted Brad to see where he was, and he soon joined us for drinks. He was dressed in a tight dress shirt that showed off his thick pecs and a pair of slacks that barely disguised the massive penis I knew was sliding down one leg. "Hey guys! Wow, Anna you look gorgeous!" He smiled with a stunning grin. As he sat down, we got a whiff of his scent and it made my cock twitch in anticipation. I saw Anna bite her lip and I knew it affected her as well. We chatted as the drinks flowed, and soon Anna was pulling the two of us onto the dance floor. She led us by our hands to a secluded part of the dance floor. I pulled her in close and we started grinding. Brad stood in front of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The three of us ground to the beat. Anna looked up at Brad cross-eyed with her tongue out. His hands began to roam up and down her body. I stood behind them swaying watching the two people oblivious to my presence. I humped my dick against her as I groped her as well. I looked between her legs and could see a huge cock head pulling away from Brad's body, tenting his pants material to an outrageous degree. I knew I should've stopped him, this was my chance, but Anna threw her head back and kissed me hard, enjoying the sensation of four hands groping her tits, ass, and body. My dick continued stiffening in my pants and I knew I had to do something fast. I croaked out that I had to go to the bathroom and stumbled there, closing the door behind me. I splashed water on my face a few times. I was so exhausted and sore from being horny for so long and I really didn’t want to be anymore. Anna and I needed to find some level of control. As hot as Brad was, I needed to step in. I steeled my resolve and headed back to the club. Across the room, I saw Anna dancing with Brad, staring intently into his eyes. He moved her gracefully around the dance floor, his hands dropping lower and lower on her back 'til they rested on the firm ass cheeks of the sensual lady in his arms. I could see his hands knead her ass, bringing her crotch closer to his. When they finally touched, her head fell backwards and her eyes screwed shut. The crowd surged and blocked my view of them. A little while later I returned to find Anna in the same spot still pressed tightly against Brad. Her boobs were smooshed against Brad's body. "Sorry I left you hanging earlier," Anna whispered in Brad's ear. "I can't stop thinking about your giant cock." "No worries," Brad replied, kissing Anna on the neck. "When you left, one of the girls who saw you sucking my cock came over and I fucked her brains out while thinking of you." "Oh my god," Anna gasped, the alcohol preventing her from feeling too bad about being caught. "I don't believe you!" Brad pulled out his phone and opened his photos. A gorgeous model of a woman laid on rumpled bedcovers, naked, covered in sperm, eyes vacant, spread legged with her pussy gaping and disgorging a huge outpouring of sperm. "Holy shit," Anna moaned, her pussy gushing at the sight of the well-fucked beauty. Anna had a hand on his giant schlong and was delicately stroking his length and humping his thigh as they swayed. Her curiousity got the better of her. "She managed to go for two rounds before she passed out," Brad said, answering the question Anna was about to ask. "What about the girl from last night?" Brad flipped to the next picture. A selfie of him with a busty blonde lounging over his reclining body. Her belly was swollen with cum, her face plastered with thick ropes of the same, and locked in a fucked-out smile. Anna threw her head back and moaned loudly attracting the eyes of the nearby dancers. I don't know if they couldn't see the lewd pair or they just chose to pretend not to see. Anna's moans became more of a desperate whimper as the two humped against one another. I could read it on my girlfriend's face she was about the cum. Suddenly the crowd surged again and my view was blocked. The next time I could see Anna, she was grinding up against Brad. Now I could see her guiding Brad's hands under her dress, letting him squeeze her bare breasts as he looked over her shoulder, watching them jiggle as she pushed her ass into his crotch. He was pawing at her tits, pinching her hard nipples and running his hands up and down her torso. Her hands roamed the length of wrist thick cock just beneath the thin material of his pants. She leaned back against Brad and started to kiss him hungrily. Their tongues explored each others mouths as Anna slid her hand in his pants. Brad's hands squeezed and bounced each exposed boob as he humped against my girlfriend's hand. "UNNGGHHH, Oh my goooodddd!" She whimpered humping hard against Brad's leg. "We need to go..." I tried to move towards them to stop the inevitable, but by the time I got across the room they were gone. Anna and Brad had made their way to a private room in the back of the club. Brad eased his huge monster out. It sprung out and he had never seen in look harder, longer or thicker. Anna knelt at his feet and it slid between her tits. It hooked onto a condom packet she had tucked in her cleavage. "One of my boyfriend's I'm afraid. Let's see if it fits!" she giggled. It struggled to stretch over the head of his huge cock. She pulled it down and it covered the head and 6 inches of his throbbing meat. "I never wear condoms because this tends to happen" Brad said with a grin. He held the end of the condom with one hand and pushed gently forward with his hips. The condom disintegrated as his huge piece of meat ripped through the end of it as the material stretched beyond breaking point and his weapon bumped into her lips. Anna laughed and the sex started. "I expect my studs to last 20 minutes" she said. She started sucking his rod down her throat whilst feeding the remainder of the shaft between her huge tits. Soon her tongue was licking his balls with 18 inches rammed impossibly down her throat. Brad pulled out and lifted Anna to her feet. She grinned as he easily hoisted her up and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her pussy lips. She was extremely wet and ready for the fucking she was about to receive. "I've been wanting to do this all day," Brad said. "God, you're so fucking hot, Anna."

 "Ohhh..." Anna moaned. "I couldn't wait to suck your cock. I wanted to so bad after I felt your bulge in the pool." "Do you like it? Do you like my big dick?" Craig said. "Oh god, you're so fucking huge," Anna breathed. "You're so big and hard! Fuck me fuck me...." she mumbled. Brad continued teasing her with his cock. "You're such a hot slut Anna, I can't believe you took my whole load while I fucked your big tits in public." Anna moaned. "I needed to suck you so bad. I didn't care if anyone saw us. I wanted to suck your cock so bad." The huge cock head slowly slipped into her pussy and she started to breathe frantically. Brad grabbed her hips with both hands and gently began impaling Anna with his eighteen inches. At about 8 inches in, she gasped and shuddered in orgasm. Brad said, "Here's where most women give up" as he pushed about twelve inches in. Anna said, "Hold it right there and give me a second, I know I can do this" she said with a whimper. She waited a moment and then reached down and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into her. He pushed with a grunt and lo and behold his monster was all the way inside her. "Just hold it there for another moment!" she cried as she orgasmed again. His pubic hair was pressed into hers. Brad began to withdraw and piston in and out of her pussy. She spread her knees apart and pulled him in on each thrust with her legs. "Holy fuck I can't believe it fit! God its huge, fuck meee! I brought protection but it isn't my fault if your huge penis shredded his tiny condom!" Anna was moaning and screaming. She was crashing from one orgasm as another took her to a new high. She was oblivious to anything else in the room other than Brad and his huge dick, which was hammering into her. His powerful balls were slapping her ass as they fucked like animals. He grunted, grabbing her hard by her ass and locked himself into her pussy. "25 minutes, I think I passed the time test". "You set new standards in fucking. I belong to you!" she said. "Fuck you're a hot slut Anna, you were made for this dick! Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!" Brad grunted. "Cum on my face! Please! I wanna see your huge fucking load!" With that he lifted her off his massive rod and lowered her to the floor. His abs flexed as he thrust his huge weapon across her face and he erupted in her face. It was like a hose pipe had been turned on. She made no attempt to swallow it as it sailed into her face and hair, down her cleavage and all over her bra and dress. He drove his cock between her tits and her cleavage filled with cum. "Do you ever stop cumming?" she gasped. "Not yet, you are so hot" he gasped. He stuffed his cock in her mouth and stared into her innocent looking deep brown eyes. His balls churned with excitement and further jets of cum were released into her mouth. She swallowed eagerly. "Oh fuck, that was a big load," Brad grunted, his eyes glowing with lust and passion. "You're telling me!" Anna said, wiping the cum from her eyes. "Can you get me a few tissues?" Anna asked sweetly and innocently, as if she had just spilled something down her, rather than been covered in cum after fucking a monster cock. "Sure." Brad replied with a happy, satisfied smile, and found her a couple napkins. She knelt on the floor and took the tissues and started cleaning the cum from her clothes. "You really needed that didn't you?" She replied with a smile. He just smiled in response. "I've got plenty more for you if you're up for it. Just wait until I cum inside you." Brad said proudly and Anna's eyes widened in amazement. "Haven't you cum, like, 4 times already today? You're just going to fill me up completely aren't you!" Anna said in amazement. "Well for someone has hot as you, I'll have no problem." Brad chuckled. "So how about we get to it then?" he said as Anna finished off cleaning his cum from her clothes. He picked her up and carried her to his room. Meanwhile I spent the next few hours outside, on my cell phone, trying to pretend I was busy with something when I was just thumbing through apps. Around midnight, I decided I was going to leave, with or without Anna. I went back into the club, which was thinning out, trying to find her. The dance floor was mostly empty, but she wasn't there. By now I knew instinctively where she was, even if I didn't want to admit it. But before heading down to the rooms I wandered over to the bar and bathrooms just to make sure. I eventually gave up looking for her and went back to our room, where I passed out on the couch. I woke up sharply around one as my phone started to ring. I looked up and saw that Anna still wasn't back. I picked it up and my boss told me that he needed me on a conference call for a couple of hours to finish some things on his end. I slapped myself awake, sat down at my computer, and started to work. On the other side of the bedroom wall, two hours earlier... "Ohhhhhhh baby, OHHHHHH BABY..." moaned Anna as she opened her thighs, almost willing Brad's hands to explore her dripping pussy. She lay on the king-sized bed, her dress discarded on the floor in a pile with Brad's clothes. He knelt over Anna, running his strong hands down her curves and sliding up her thighs. But as inviting as it was Brad resisted the urge to bury his hands in her pussy and get her off right away. For the next five minutes Brad brought Anna to the very edge of a climatic chasm but some how he knew just how close he could take her without sending her spiralling over the edge. "Oh yes Brad....Oh fuck Brad that feels sooooo good, you're strong hands my pussy feels like it's on fire, ohhhh please..." Anna cried out as she thrust her ass cheeks even harder into Brad's strong hands. Anna's was gushing as Brad's fingers entered her. First one then two and then three of his large fingers were deeply inserted in her sopping pussy probing her deeper and deeper. "Oh god Brad, Oh FUCK!!! That feels so good....." gasped Anna as Brad's fingers rubbed her swollen clit. "Mmmmmm. Anna baby you're so wet down there. You like that do you??" teased Brad. "I love Brad...it!..I just love it!!" panted Anna. Brad continued to drive his fingers into Anna's pussy and as he did he helped Anna roll over, sticking her ass up in the air, her pussy exposed. He slid down the bed and grabbed a cheek in each hand and plunged his tongue into her pussy. He didn't hold back as he ate her out; nibbling her pussy lips, tonguing her clit, and sucking the free flowing juices from her. Anna ground her hips back against his face driving his tongue even further, if that was possible into her pussy. "OHHH FUCK BRAD!!! I'M CUMMING, OH SHIT!!!!!" howled Anna who almost convulsed in orgasmic pleasure. Her hips bucked and thrust as orgasm after orgasm racked body. Anna played with her own tits, squeezing her nipples hard as she tried retain some composure. Finally Brad slowly withdrew his tongue, giving Anna's cheeks a light kiss. Anna rolled over and collapsed on the bed as her body recovered from the workout it had just received. Brad knelt on top of her, kissing her neck and tits. Her hand gripped the monster cock, stroking its full eighteen inches. He moved between her legs and rubbed the length of his cock back and forth across her slit. She cried out softly, "Oh Greg, his cock is so big baby, so much bigger than yours!" "Yeah, you like that meat babe?" Brad grinned. "Oh fuck Greg, I think he'll go deeper than anyone has ever been! Oh God yes! Please! Fuck me baby, fuck me!" A low animal growl escaped her throat as his cock head pushed against her outer cunt lips and began to enter her slowly. She was crying, begging him to fuck her, to use her like a slut. "Please Brad, ram that hot hard cock into me! Please! Oh god! Yes! Oh fuck baby, fuck me! FUCK ME!" 
He withdrew his cock almost entirely, and then rammed it back into her, causing her ass to dig into the sheets. His balls slapped against her ass as he fucked her, shaking her almost like a rag doll, her tits bouncing wildly with each thrust. 

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh baby, oh fuck," Anna moaned as she gripped the bedsheets.

Brad grabbed one of Anna's nipples and pinched. She squealed in pain.

 "Your tits are so perfect!" he moaned. "So firm and round. You're such a fuck toy." 

"I can't believe how big your dick is," she moaned. "This is so wrong, I have a boyfriend next door...but I need you so bad! Fuck me!" "Does the idea of Greg hearing you cum on my cock turn you on babe?" Brad whispered to Anna as he fucked her. "You want him to hear me stretch you out?" "Use me baby! Stretch me out real good!" Anna cried out, "Give me that giant dick!" He easily lifted her up in his arms, carrying her across the room to the wall that was shared between his room and hers. Anna's shapely thighs snaked around his waist and she arched her back, offering her huge firm tits up to his face, her back pressed firmly against the wall, impaled his rampant cock. They heard the phone ring in the other room and being answered quickly by Greg. Anna could only just make out that it was his boss. He started talking about work, but then they caught some mention of Anna. "She is so fantastic and I love her so much..." Anna was pinned against the wall as over a foot of huge hard cock drove repeatedly up into that loving girlfriend. Her mind was trying to listen to a call which was muffled by the wall; her body was lost in a world of intense pleasure as Brad worked himself deep into her, relentlessly, remorselessly thrusting up and into her. Her eyes met his and she saw the arrogant smile on his face as he claimed ownership of her. She smiled back, giving voice to the power of 2 magnificent fucking creatures betraying Greg in the most callous way and the need for silence simply heightened their pleasure. "Yes sir, she is my pride and joy. I would do anything for her," Greg babbled into the phone. Anna smiled down at her powerful stud and arched her back thrusting her huge firm tits into his face. She took hold of her tits and offered them to him: "Fuck his pride and joy," she whispered. "Suck on them, show me who deserves these big tits." For the next 10 to 15 minutes he worshipped her body and drilled his cock deep into her. She stifled moans of pleasure as she pressed her mouth against his shoulder as he fucked her. She could feel how deep his dick was inside of her, rearing up like a relentless piston. He released his hands and eased her locked legs from around his waist and suddenly she was held against the wall by just his cock. Over a foot of solid smooth cock slicing into her. Only his hips and cock drilled up higher into her and lifted her. "Uggghhhhhhh!" Anna groaned in a shaky voice before she managed to pant out lustfully, "Ohhh, ummm, fuck me baby, fuck me good! OH YES! UGH! Ohh, you're soo fucking good! Oh Brad, oh fuck, keep fucking me baby...give me your big cock! OH YES!" "Oh God baby, I'm getting close!" grunted Brad as he hilted into her. He felt his balls churn and he stared into her pretty eyes. The intensity in their stare was incredible and then he closed his eyes and stifled a deep groan and his cock spurted the first volley of cum deep into her. Anna knew what she was in for and her body was racked with another orgasm as he unloaded shot after shot of cum deep into her. Brad's spunk continued to shoot into Greg's girlfriend, his hands went to her toned arse and he gripped it as he continued to fuck her. Her hands went to his shoulders and she lifted her magnificent body high against his and her tight cunt muscles flexed and gripped his huge manhood as she ground her hips up and down on his pole as he continued to dump his load into her. A stream of milky white semen began to seep out where their bodies met. Anna came again as she felt the unrelenting jets of hot jizz filling her and pooling between them. She wrapped her arms and legs around Brad, her hands exploring his flexing muscles as he pumped the last of his load into her. They stood there locked together for a moment before he carried her over to the bed and slowly withdrew with grunts of protest from Anna. A river of cum followed him out and ran down the crack of her ass. "Whew! What a fuck you are Anna! You're the hottest girl I ever fucked!" "Oh my god, that was amazing....I still can't believe that crazy thing fits inside me!" Anna mewled as she sat up to suck his sticky, cum coated cock. She just couldn't get enough of his monster. It had not lost any stiffness, throbbing as Anna sucked the last dregs of cum from the tip. "Mmm your cock tastes so good..." she moaned, running her tongue up the length of the shaft. "That's because it was inside you," Brad chuckled. "Mmmmph," Anna groaned, sucking on the head. She fit about a third of his cock in her mouth and stroked the rest of it with her dainty hands. Her head began to bob up and down, until her realization of the time knocked her out of her cum drunk state. "Oh god," she said, pulling her mouth off of his twitching cock with a start, "We've been at this too long, I've got to get back to my room!" Her momentary panic was quickly quelled by her horniness as she looked up at Brad's ripped, sweaty muscles glistening before her. "Don't worry sir, I'll take care of you before I go," She smiled at Brad, still stroking his hard cock with one hand. Her dark eyes burned with lust. With that, she raised herself up and swallowed the 18 inches deep down her throat. Brad started fucking her face. Her lips distorted round his huge cock. Knowing they were on the clock, Brad buried himself in Anna's throat and unloaded. Anna moaned as she felt Brad throb in her throat as jet after jet of hot jizz filled her stomach. He pulled out until just the tip remained in Anna's mouth. She kept her tongue going and kept pumping her hands, eager to milk out as much as she could from Brad. Brad's cock pulsed, again and again, each pulse filling her mouth and forcing her to swallow. And the whole time, she gazed deep into his eyes as she sucked and licked and stroked Brad's cock, until he finally stopped cumming. Anna got up and dressed, the two agreeing to meet the next day. Back in Greg and Anna's room Shortly afterward I hung up, I could hear the door to our suite open, footsteps into the bathroom, and then the shower began running. After another twenty minutes, the door to bedroom slowly creaked open. Anna slowly snuck in, fresh from the shower, wearing only a towel. I watched her slowly slip out of the towel and slip into her bedwear, then slide into bed with me. I wanted her to at least admit what she did, but I didn't want to admit that I was spying on her and Brad, so I pretended that I just woke up. "Hey, it's late. Where were you?" I said. "Oh! I'm sorry I woke you up, sweetie. I couldn't find you after you went to the restroom, but Brad kept me company. Sorry we were out too late, lost track of time. Were you looking for me?" "No," I lied. "What happened? Did you...did you show off to Brad or anything?" I could see Anna smile. "Oh, you're turned on, huh?" I shouldn't have said it that way, I immediately realized. "I showed off for you again," she whispered. Anna reached down and begun stroking my cock through my boxers while telling me how Brad kept complimenting her figure and how she teased him by grinding up against him as she slipped the straps of her dress off. "What did he do?" I asked. "Oh, he pulled his dick out and wagged it at me. He's so immature," she said. She said it dismissively, but it was obvious it had an impact on her. I waited a second, then asked. "Is he big?" She paused for a brief second. "Oh, I wasn't paying that much attention," she said, but it was obvious that she was really impressed. We started making out. I started to get hard again, as Anna bent over and began sucking me with an intensity she never had before. I would've done anything she wanted. "Do you want to have a threesome with him?" I couldn't believe I could hear myself asking my girlfriend but I was harder than I'd ever been as I remembered Brad fucking my gorgeous girlfriend's face. She pulled off my cock, jaw open. She herself seemed surprised now. "What?" "You know, I saw you looking at him. He seems to think you're hot too. Do you want to try it?" She bit my lower lip. "That could be hot." She didn't let on about anything that happened tonight, though I was sure by now he had fucked her. "A threesome or like just if I watched?" Anna was surprised. She became wide-eyed and her mouth was open. Then she laughed. She chuckled and kissed me again. "Ooh haha that's kinky. Are you joking?" "Might be hot. He's really fucking gorgeous, think how it would be to have his big cock stretch you out," I admitted, not even thinking about the words coming out of my mouth and we started to make out again. She could see how hard I was. "Hmm is Greggie getting excited? I never knew I had such a pervy boyfriend." We started to have sex while dirty talking about our perverted fantasy. I could feel her soaked pussy spasming on my dick. She bit my lower lip and looked me in the eye with a teasing, lustful look. "Are you getting hard thinking about me with the big stud, baby?" "Yeah baby," I said thrusting into her. You want that? You want to see those huge muscles push that big dick into you?" She fucked me furiously for five minutes before I came inside her, and then pushed my head down into her pussy to eat her out. She screamed as she came, crushing my head between her spasming thighs. "Thank you...thank you...oh fuck..." Anna gasped as she came down. We curled up together and passed out instantly. The next day The sex was so great that night that the next morning we slept later than we wanted to. She woke me up with a start. "Come on, babe, we gotta go get breakfast before they run out!" she said. She had already showered and was dressed in a tight, low-cut purple sports bra and leggings, with her black hair in a ponytail. Her massive tits were barely contained by the her top, the top half of her breasts on full display. As she stretched, she pressed her arms at her side pushing her huge boobs together obscenely. With her big doe eyes, she looked like a beautiful girl next door. We ate a fantastic meal, chatting about what we'd do that day. We both seemed to avoid talking about last night, and I didn't want to start a fight in public. I reminded her we booked a hike to the waterfalls that afternoon. "Oh babe, I don't know if I can do that right now, I'm so sore from dancing last night!" she said. I had an idea of what she was really sore from, but I didn't let on. Truth was, I meant what I told her last night, the image of Brad and Anna together was burned in my mind and I felt myself getting hard at the thought. "You should go though babe, I know you were looking forward to it!" she continued. "I could reschedule?" I offered. "Oh no baby," she said, her hand sliding up my thigh, "Don't worry about me. I'll catch up with you later." Against my better judgement I agreed, and left her to meet up with the tour group. Several hours later we got back and I texted Anna to give her a heads up. No response. I tried calling her, no luck there either. My heart began to race. I headed up to our room, bracing myself for what I knew was coming. I entered the suite and couldn't find her in the living room or the bedroom. But on the floor of the living room was some rumpled clothes. I reached down and picked it up. It was Anna's top. I suddenly heard moaning from outside on the balcony. Was Brad with her? Were they screwing on a lounge chair? I turned the corner to see Brad was in a sitting position while Anna sat in his lap facing away from him. She still had her leggings on, but the crotch had been torn open. He grabbed her by her hips and guided her up and down his giant pole. "Oh, yes, oh yes!" Anna was half-whispering and half-moaning. "Oh, yes!" "Oh, God, yes...so big...you're so big..." Anna panted. Brad just continued to grunt, and started thrusting harder. Anna bounced up and down, her tits bouncing wildly, her ponytail swishing back and forth. She was covered in sweat from the vigorous shafting she was receiving, and she looked deliriously happy. "Oh! OH! Oh, God, feels so good...so good..." I was paralyzed with confusion and jealousy. I found myself tremendously aroused, so I just stood there and watched. After a few minutes, Anna started moaning louder and louder. "Oh, yes, YES! Oh, God, I'm cumming again! Oh! OH! YES! So good! SO GOOD!" She shrieked, as softly as she could, and began shuddering. As I stood transfixed at the lewd scene before me, Anna turned her head and caught my eye. She said nothing, but gave me a triumphant, self-satisfied smile. At that time, Brad was still unaware of my presence, and was talking to my girlfriend. "You can't get enough of it can you? What would your boyfriend think if he saw his darling girl on her knees, sucking on my dick and begging me to shove my cock up her unfaithful cunt until my balls bang against her ass?" "You can ask him," Anna gasped. "He's standing there like an impotent wimp watching you make me your personal slut!" Brad looked round and laughed at me, without interrupting his rhythm. "Hi Greggie," he said disdainfully. "You just stand there and watch as a I fuck your girl? Who's the best, slut?" "You Brad, you know you are," my girlfriend gasped. "Ever since I saw you, I can't stop thinking about you! Nobody has ever made me feel like this. Sorry babe, I belong to him now, he will be fucking me any time and anywhere he wants. Fuck me harder Brad, show him how hard you make me cum when you empty those big balls into my pussy!" To my shame I stood rooted to the spot, as Anna continued to ride his monster cock. It went on for a further twenty minutes and two orgasms from Anna before Brad groaned and shot his load into her. She threw her head back and screamed as Brad filled her. Her legs shook wildly, Brad gripping her waist to hold her in place as he came. He pumped Anna so full of cream that it began to spray out of her stuffed pussy. Brad's cock never deflated as he pulled out of her. Still spurting thick seed, he shot two ropes across her heaving chest, surprising her. Her big eyes sparkled with awe, and she slowly rubbed the cream into her skin like it was lotion. Anna laid back against Brad's chest and snuggled up to her lover, his huge cum-covered cock towering between her legs. "She just couldn't keep her hands off me," he said with a smirk. Both of them were still breathing heavily as they sat on the lounger together. Anna reached down and stroked his massive penis, still hard and spurting out the last of his load. She looked at me and said, "I caught Brad in the elevator after you left and told him about what you said last night. He liked the idea so much he tore my leggings and shoved his monster cock inside me right there in the elevator! Can you believe it? Out of nowhere, this guy turns into a sex-crazed demon whose sole mission was to rip my pussy apart! No foreplay, nothing! Just gets right down to business! What gets into guys anyway?" Brad chuckled and Anna looked into his eyes before leaning up for a kiss. She turned back to me and said, "He's dumped two huge loads in me already, and made me cum more times than I can count. Can you believe he's still hard? This is what you wanted, right honey? You wanted to watch this muscle god fuck my brains out? He's just so fucking hot, I can't get enough." "Yes Anna, this is what I wanted," I said, face burning with embarassment. I couldn't look at them. I felt a hot wetness spread in my pants and I realized that at some point while them fuck, I had cum without even touching myself. Anna noticed immediately and giggled. "Wow, my pervy boyfriend really liked it! Get over here Greg, come see what Brad does to your girlfriend!" I felt my legs move on their own until I was kneeling at the end of the chair in front of them. Anna spread her legs to reveal her reddened and stretched pussy, which belched forth a mixture of Brad's cum and her pussy juice. Anna grabbed my head and shoved it into her crotch, giving me a closeup view of the open wound that once was my girlfriend's pussy and now could only be called size queen's cunt. As she rubbed her slimy cunt against my mouth, sperm poured into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed, but still there was more. Add to the fact that she was sitting in a swampy pool of white and it was clear Brad had dumped at least a quart of jizz in her. Anna held my head tight until her cunt was finally empty. My cock was like a rock as I felt their eyes burning into the back of my head watching me clean her. Brad and Anna had started to make out. I instantly stopped and watched. Watching Anna make out with Brad made my dick cry out in pain. It was mesmerizing watching him feel up my girlfriend and hearing her moan while their lips smacked. I saw her open her mouth and lick his tongue, which just seemed so erotic. Brad stood up and lead Anna back inside. I scrambled to my feet and followed. Standing in the center of our bedroom, he posed and flexed. Both Anna and I gasped and he chuckled. He looked like a god with his chiseled torso, every muscle defined and glistening. My dick twitched as I watched my girlfriend follow him and run her hands appreciatively over the slabs of muscle in his chest and his chiseled abs. Anna peeled off the remains of her torn leggings and got on her knees in front of him. He stepped forward, sliding all 18 thick inches of cock across my girlfriend's face. "May I please suck your beautiful cock?" I heard Anna beg. He let her do just that. Thrusting his muscular hips forward, Brad put the tip of his big dick in Anna's mouth. I'd never seen Anna more turned on than I saw her now with this massive cock stretching her mouth. Anna slurped on the big head of Brad's cock for a bit then withdrew with a lewd pop. "Oh my fucking god, this is so amazing," she said. "It tastes so fucking awesome!" smack "Never had anything like this before," I heard Anna say in between kissing and worshipping his big dick. She was running her hands on his tight abs. "Worship that cock, slut," Brad said to Anna, speaking to her like I never would. He turned to me. "Greg, you see this dick? Look at the way she lusts after me. Look at the way she fucking admires it. I own her now Greg, I completely own her." He took his cock in his hands and slapped Anna's cheeks gently with it, smearing precum all over her face. Anna moaned submissively. She continued to lick the sides of Brad's dick, slurp and kiss the head, loud sounds of her licking, slurping, and the wet pop when she withdrew her lusty kisses from his dick ringing through the room. She looked up at him in awe with his big dick stretching her beautiful mouth. My dick was impossibly hard in my pants. "You like that, baby?" she asked me. Before I could answer she grabbed Brad's dick pointed it up against his perfect abs and started to lick the underside of it she licked up and down. Her pink wet tongue and pretty face looked so amazing next to his absurdly huge cock. "Is this what you wanted to see?" she asked in between licks. Then she descended a bit still keeping eye contact with me, grabbed one of his big balls in her dainty mouth, and kissed it with a pop. Still looking at me she did the same to the other lemon-sized ball. "Hmmm this is so hot baby, thank you. Is this what you wanted to see?" she asked me again. "Yes," I answered weakly. Both of them chuckled. "Hmmm this is so hot baby," Anna continued to tease me. "I think I found your kryptonite," they both chuckled. Anna continued kissing and nuzzling Brad's monster for a minute while I watched hypnotized. Anna looked lovingly at me, smiling while licking Brad's big balls, sucking each one in her mouth. She let go of each one with a passionate audible pop from her lips. I heard myself moan and I came in my pants again as I saw Anna start to lusciously bob her head back and forth on Brad's cock and choke on it. I almost passed out from the strength of the orgasm. What the hell just happened? Did I just come again without touching myself while watching my girlfriend worship this stud's dick? The more he took over the more I felt he deserved it and I wanted to give in to him. They just looked so hot together. I felt dizzy and ran to the bathroom to take a break and clean myself up. This was going too far. While I was cleaning up in the bathroom I threw some water on my face. I actually thought I might go back in there to stop it but I knew that wouldn't happen. I fully intended to tell Anna that we should maybe stop but I was just frozen back to my original viewpoint as I went back into the bedroom and saw Brad laying back on the bed and Anna's beautiful firm bare ass facing me. She was on all fours between his legs, sucking his dick. He was up on his elbows just watching my girlfriend go to town on his thick cock. I meant to stop it but I couldn't. I found myself getting hard as steel again and I walked around until I could get a good look. The sight of her pretty lips stretched around his thick meat was like kryptonite. I watched my girlfriend repeatedly bob up and down on this muscle stud's cock on our bed and started to jerk off. "You want my big cock, baby?" Brad whispered sensually as he pulled her up the bed and rolled her onto her back. "You want it deeeeep inside of you?" "YESSSSSS!" Anna screamed. The head of Brad's shaft had made its way to the entrance to Anna's vagina and was now rubbing against her clit. Anna began to moan and breathe hard. Brad raised his massive shaft and slapped it down lightly against her pussy. The weight and heat emanating from his massive dick sent her over the edge. "YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" she screamed, hitting a decibel level that I'd never heard her reach before. A huge plume of girl cum shot out of her, spraying a wide arc, a few droplets even reaching my feet. "Am I better than your boyfriend?" he prodded her. "FUCKKK YESSSS," she responded, continuing to moan. "IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE!" I watched mesmerized as Anna spread her toned, lithe slightly tanned legs for the muscled stud now taking over. I watched his muscular broad back and saw his big thick cock bobbing aggressively in front of her pussy. The cock that had so quickly changed our relationship. I knew he had already changed both of us. He was taking over my relationship with my girlfriend, but I was strangely OK with it. Actually I was harder than I had ever been. I wanted this to happen! I watched as Brad's huge cock head slide home into Anna's pussy. Anna's breath came in gasps as she welcomed it back into her. As the last of his cock head slid into her pussy I could see the extreme size that her pussy had stretched to, close back over the head and grasp onto the veiny pole. Slowly, inch after huge inch of Brad's freakish cock disappeared up into Anna. "I think I'm fucking up your nice pussy forever Greg." Brad said to me. "Use it baby! Fuck it up real good!" Anna grunted as more of his cock pushed into her. Brad began to pick up his tempo as Anna changed positions so she could get her legs around him. They kissed passionately and whispered things to each other as they fucked. Anna was in full form, her pussy was drenched and Brad's monster cock was almost white from her copious love juice production. "Oh God Greg, it feels like he's pushing my cervix up into my uterus," Anna managed to say between moans. "Does it feel good?" I asked her, unable to help myself. "Oh Fuck Yes! I don't ever want it to end!" she replied. "FUCKKCKCKCK he's fucking me SO HARD baby holy FUCK. Holy fuck I don't know if I can take this baby, he's so fucking big. Oh my goooddddddd. You couldn't fuck me like this baby, he fucking owns me. I'm his little slut, I'm his fucktoy, I'm his property. Fuck fuck fuck fuck he's so deep in me baby I can feel him in my stomach!!! fuckkkkkk. I'm his slut baby, I want him." I sat in the corner of the room as I watched with lustful and jealous eyes the massive pole that was pounding my girlfriend's pussy and had made her cum so many times. Brad kissed my Anna and skillfully brought her to another body shuddering orgasm. "Oh fuck! Ummm! Oh baby...baby...ohhh fuck yes...ohhh his dick is so fucking big....ohhhmmmmm...he's filling me up so good baby! ...unghhh.....unghhhmm...he's so much better than you...and so much bigger....oh baby I love you...umm, uh, uh, uh....yeesssohhhh....but I love his hard cock...ohhh I want him to fuck me all day! Oh fuck yes! Watch him fucking your girl baby...riding her like she needs...ummm...like she wants him too.....oh fuck yeeessss! Oh Brad fuck me baby! Yes!" Anna moaned sexily, the words drove all of us wild. She arched her back with a loud throaty moan and tightened the grip of her legs around Brad. With one mighty thrust of his huge cock and a "YES! Take my cum!" he delivered his potent sperm into my girlfriend's womb. "Oh Greg!" Anna moaned, "He's filling me up again! It feels good!" It was the last coherent thing she said before her eyes rolled back and she let out another scream of pleasure. Indeed he was delivering a copious amount of jizz to my cock-loving slut. Her body slowly began to go slack, and her arms slipped off Brad's shoulders. The overflow shot out of her stretched cunt from around his embedded cock like a leaking plumbing fitting. My cock was about to explode from the excitement I had just watching the unbelievable action. Brad had worked up a sweat and beads of sweat formed on his perfect, smooth muscular back. He looked amazing. I knew I could never compete with this. This was it. This stud had taken my girlfriend fucked her face in front of me, banged out her pussy on my own bed and made me love it. And now he had made her cum so hard that she basically passed out. I watched Anna and she was a hot mess. Sweaty, beautiful black hair was stuck to her forehead. She looked dizzy and totally fucked out. Her body still slightly shook from the intense fuck Brad had given her. This time Brad didn't pull out; he kept rocking his hips in her gently, obviously still hard and ready to keep going despite dumping an incredible amount of cum in her. Where they joined was a swamp of white, her ass sunk into a pool of their combined juices on the bed. The two of them kissed passionately as Brad got on his knees and lifted the two of them off the bed. Anna thrust her chest forward and Brad lifted her upwards, feasting on her tits as cum flowed off their laps. "Fuck yeah baby, bite my big tits! They're all yours!" She squealed as Brad suddenly corkscrewed her on his cock and pushed her face down back onto the bed, shifting position to drive his pole deep into her. "Uhhhh fuck! Oh God it feels bigger like this! Oh, fuck! You're a fucking god! Wreck my cheating fucking cunt! Ruin it for my fucking useless boyfriend !" Anna moaned. "Come here baby," she cooed. Without thinking I made my way to the bed. The light slaps of Brad's muscular thighs and hips could be heard against Anna's shapely ass. They looked amazing together. I knelt down in front so I was almost face to face with Anna, maybe slightly looking up at her. Anna had the most devious, teasing and lustful smile on her face. "You like that baby? You like watching me get ...UGH FUCKED ...ugh by this huge stud.... UGH " she lightly grazed my lips with hers. "Right in front of you?" "Yea Anna, I do. It's so fucking hot. You look amazing. I love you babe." "I love you baby," she responded. And we started making out. Telling my girlfriend I loved her while tenderly and lovingly making out with her while she was getting longdicked by this stud on our bed was amazing. I could tell it was for her too. It was so intense. I could feel her body move rhythmically with Brad's mighty thrusts. I guess seeing the girl he was fucking make out with her loving boyfriend made Brad more excited because he increased his pace. I could hear the slapping sounds increase suddenly and Anna lurched in my arms. I steadied her and felt her warm, wet body on my own, embracing me as Brad fucked the living shit out of her. I felt the power in his fucking and knew I could never match this. Brad and I locked eyes. That exchange said everything we both needed to know. He was fucking my girlfriend's brains out like she had never been before while I held her for him. He had a dominant smirk on his face as he looked down at me. I looked up at him, admiring all the muscles in his chest, his abs, his biceps and arms and his strong hips, his skin glistening with sweat. I listened as Anna pledged to be his personal slut and have her pussy ready for him whenever he wanted. I watched as my girlfriend's pussy stretched to impossible proportions and she couldn't get enough of it. She was building towards a massive orgasm, which was on the brink of sending her to another realm. She was arching her back and Brad continued to pound more and more of his phallic monstrosity into her willing pussy. Finally, Anna totally lost it. "Ohhhhhh my fuckinnnnggg GODDDDD!!!" She screamed so loud if I had been sleeping, I would certainly be awake now. "Fuck me with that huge cock, this pussy is all yours Brad, fuck me harder!" She continued into an orgasmic bliss to the point she was screaming inaudibly, to the point where she couldn't even get a noise out. Her whole body then went limp and it looks as if she passed out, but Brad just kept on going. I watched his shaft spearing her over and over, shiny with her juices; his Ian's well-muscled ass rising and falling as he pounded her. After a few seconds she came back to, right into another orgasm. "Oh my god, oh my god. It's not stopping. Holy shit, this is unbelievable. I didn't know a cock could feel this good." Anna's hands clutched and released the sheets frantically as she came wildly around Brad's incredible rod. As she cursed and squealed from one climax to the next, she was practically convulsing, her cunt spasming wildly, as half-formed obscenities spilled from her mouth. "Fuck... too much... god-damn... fu... fu... FUCK!" Brad, driven past his limits as well, pulled out and unloaded. Thick, ropey streams of sperm erupted from him, long white lines that streaked up her back and splashed over her head, pooling in her small of her back and between her asscheeks. His most powerful spurts even made it to the headboard, painting the wall and pillows in streams of white. The image of my girlfriend impaled on this monster cock was too much to bear. I erupted more cum than I had all night. My rope of jizz shot out, some of it landed on her bouncing tits. The next rope landed on my girlfriend's face which went completely unnoticed as she came on Brad's shaft. When they were both done, Brad fell back a step, breathing hard. He circled her, offering up his throbbing cock to her mouth. Anna leaned back, mouth opening automatically, as he offered up his cock. She took it into her mouth, savoring the taste of his cum, her juices, and his own natural flavor. Her tongue swirled around, cleaning him off, and when he pulled back she planted a sloppy kiss right on the end of his dick. "Thank you, sir. That's exactly what I needed." With a growl, Brad replied, "We're not done. Ass up now, slut." Anna knew what he meant. "Oh God Brad, it's too big for my ass. Please don't fuck me there!" Despite her protest, she brought her legs underneath her in a single smooth motion, positioned herself on all fours with her gorgeous bubble butt in the air. I watched as his cock began to press into her asshole, knowing full well that his cock was about to fuck the tightest of her holes yet. I also knew that she fully enjoyed it and would cum from being ass fucked just as much as she did when her cunt was filled. Anna whimpered, a bit pitifully, as Brad's cock head pressed against her asshole. She cried out as he entered her slowly so she could get used to his size, then faster as he moved in and out with each stroke. When he finally managed to fit all 18 inches inside her, he started fucking her so fast that his hips became a blur. Anna began to get into this, crying out, "Oh God YES! Oh yeah baby, fuck my hot asshole! Yes! That's it, ram it into me Brad, make it hurt baby! Make it hurt!" He started to fuck her harder, letting out small grunts of effort as he hammered home. Anna rocked forward with each thrust, and it didn't take long before her eyes started fluttering as she came. Her tits swung freely underneath her as Brad sped up, fucking her ass like he did her pussy. Some part of me was astonished that she was able to take such a massive dick in her ass. Brad looked like a god behind her, his sweaty and bulging muscles covering his arms and chest standing out as he hauled her back onto him. "FUCKKK....FUCkkk Greg he's fucking me baby, Brad is fucking me in the ass. Fuck baby he's so fucking big holy shit, holy fuck he's fucking me so hard. FUck fuck fuck fuck...." He kept fucking her, and it felt like an hour before he showed signs of his own orgasm. When he did, his head went back and he bellowed out "Oh yeah baby, here it comes! Yes! Tighten that hot asshole around my cock baby! Squeeze it!" With that, he began to empty his balls into her asshole. "YES! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR CUM! CUM INSIDE ME BRAD! OH YEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!" Anna cried out, the last word fading into a wordless scream as the thick head of Brad's monster dick expanded and exploded deep within her. Load after huge load of thick, potent cum blasted deep into her ass, sending another wave of orgasm ripping through her body as Brad emptied his balls deep into her. "Fuck, take my cum, Anna!" he grunted while his cock pumped all of his thick cum into my girlfriend. I cried out as I came again, managing to spray a few watery drops onto the floor. I had never cum so many times back to back, my cock screamed in pain. I watched as cum began to leak out of Anna's plugged ass. Fuck, did he ever stop cumming? The answer was yes, however it took another couple of minutes. Even after seeing him cum so many times, I was shocked at Brad's volume and stamina. Anna's body shook as she rode yet another orgasm with her ass clamped hard onto Brad's enormous dick. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Anna came down from her high and collapsed beneath Brad, her arms falling limply to the bed as she panted for breath and her voice ached from being shouted raw. "Fuck...you fucked me so good!" she said happily, barely able to open her eyes. Brad smiled smugly as he rolled off of her and rested. Anna lay on her belly and I watched the sperm leaking from her cunt and asshole. Brad's giant cock, his legs, her legs, the couch, the walls all had big globs and specks of his and her cum blasts. She looked like such a slut lying there and I knew they were far from done. The all-inclusive night "Did you like that Greg?" Brad said to me, arms folded behind his head. His torso was covered in sweat and cum, making his ripped muscles glisten. His dick barely lost any hardness, still easily over a foot long, dripping a long string of white onto the bed. Finally able to take in his whole body, I was in awe. "Your girl can really handle cock," he said with a chuckle. "Usually girls can't manage to take more than a few of my loads." "Thanks...." I whimpered, looking back at Anna's gaping holes. "Thank you for fucking her....sir..." What was I saying? My mind was racing as I felt myself crawl onto the bed between Brad's spread legs. "Please let me take care of you," I heard myself say as I reached for his monstrous dick. Brad grinned and nodded his approval. It was incredible; hot to the touch, my hands could barely wrap around the base. It didn't look real. I began to lick the huge jizz-covered member clean, feeling it harden in my hands. I felt Brad weave his fingers through my hair. His hands encircled my head and before long he was controlling my mouth up and down his cock. My vision became a blur as tears welled in my eyes and he fucked my face. I never managed to fit more than half of his dick down my throat. After five minutes, he pulled out of me, slapping his now throbbing beast against my face. "Get on the floor and put your legs behind your head slut, I'm going to destroy that asshole." Brad said casually. I got off the bed on all fours and began to crawl away from him. I tried catch my breath as I rolled over onto my back and brought my legs up. When I turned, I saw Brad stroking his giant cock as he approached me. To think that my girlfriend had had all of that cock meat inside her. How the fuck did it all fit? Anna was sat up on the bed and gently rubbing her clit as she watched us. All 3 of us watched as Brad pressed his cock firmly against my hole. All at once as if being welcomed his head popped inside. I gasped and my cock immediately began leaking. At the half way mark I came. My orgasm hadn't even subsided when the next was building. What felt like minutes of inches steaming full ahead into me. I squirmed and humped, feeling little pangs in my butt that coincided with each twitch of my cock. I must have came once for each inch of massive cock driving into me. I shut my eyes tightly until I felt his hips finally pressed firmly against my butt cheeks. When they did, my eyes shot open and like a magic trick that 18 inch monster dong had disappeared. Pressing against uncharted territory in my depths. I felt like I had no purpose on earth other than to be stretched around this fucking cock. He let me savor the insane stretch and pressure for a moment. Then Brad pulled out slowly. I felt like my insides were being tugged out with every inch that vacated me. He pulled out all the way until half his bulbous head vacated me. His held my legs over my head. He positioned to thrust and readied himself for his assault. He attacked, In one quick jab he thrust the whole skyscraper into me in one shot. I screamed as he pounded rapid fire into me. My mouth hung open in a silent scream as I submitted completely to him. Brad fucked me harder and angrier than he had Anna. This wasn't as much about the pleasure of sex, this was about proving a point. He was one male dominating another, proving his natural superiority. The dominant alpha threw his head back and roared as he slammed his dick deep enough in my ass that his balls slapped down on my taint. "OH GOD!" I screamed, unable to silence myself. My cock felt like it was splitting in half as I came again, the first volley sprayed my face and shoulders as the rest of my load splashed back over my chest and abs. It hurt in the most glorious way. I hadn't come this hard since . . . I don't know. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I came, and I very nearly passed out. Brad stood up and pushed my face onto the floor. He stepped over my body and pressed his foot against the back of my head, pinning me to the floor as he began thrusting downward like a jackhammer. Brad piledrived me like that for almost five minutes, pounding a series of orgasms out of me that left me convulsing endlessly. "UUHHH GOD THAT'S SO FUCKING HOT!" Anna screamed as she came, her whole hand buried inside herself as she watched Brad break me. The two of us rode out our powerful orgasms in tandem, both caused by the massive muscleman fucking my brains out. Brad finally buried himself in me and came. I was seeing stars as I felt his boiling hot load burn me from inside. Semen boiled up around the rim of my broken rectum. My ass was so stuffed with cock there was no place for the semen to go, so it just bubbled up and over. When Brad pulled his cock out of my ruined as he was still cumming. He stood over me as he stroked his cock with both hands, coating me like a layer of frosting on a cake. There was so much that it slowly flowed down my spine and pooled between my shoulder blades. When he let go of my ass, I fell flat on the ground, rolling around in a puddle of our mixed cum. My dick was blood red from having cum so many times and I couldn't move any of my limbs. He flipped me over and aimed his cock right at my face and blasted me with two more spurts of cum, each copious enough to bury my face in white. I felt my eyes roll back and I let myself fall into the darkness. Brad had driven his cock all the way into my mind and shattered it. When I woke up, I was on the floor of the bathroom. My lower back and ass were still coated in white, stuck to the tile in a pool of jizz. I could see the two of them relaxing in the jacuzzi tub, sipping on champagne. Anna sat next to Brad stroking his cock, which easily extended above the water. She marveled at his size. "My god you are blessed." Anna said. "So are you," he replied, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and squeezing one of her breasts. "I can't believe this whole thing fits inside me," Anna said, holding her arm next to Brad's dick for comparison. "Biggest you have ever seen?" Brad asked. "By far." Anna said. "Compared to this everyone is small, I can't even hold it with one hand. I feel kind of feel bad though, Greg over there won't be able to please me now that you destroyed me with this monster." Anna said. "You love it though." he said. "Yeah I guess I'm just a size queen slut now, will you just fuck me already?" She said gripping his cock harder. Brad scooped her up and pulled her from the water. Anna giggled and winked at me as he hauled her naked body towards the bedroom. He threw her on the bed still wet from the tub. Her big tits bounced wildly as she landed abruptly on the bed. Brad grasped his throbbing cock and rubbed her head up and down her lips before plunging effortlessly inside. Anna's mouth opened slightly, her eyes closed, and she let out a soft whimper as she rocked her hips against the massive intrusion. I didn't really see them again for the rest of the evening, but I definitely heard them. "Oh My God! Fuck me! Harder baby! Fuck me with that big cock!" Anna was insatiable, and Brad was like a machine. I imagined Anna with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Brad, passionately kissing him. Brad was plunging his big cock in and out in long strokes and slamming it all the way back home. I could hear a sloshing sound and I figured it was a combination of Anna's wetness and all of the cum she had in her. Anna was humping back for all she was worth when she finally broke the kiss. "Oh God! I'm cumming! Keep fucking me Brad!" I pictured Anna's whole body shuddering as she came. I could hear Brad was losing his rhythm now and was close to cumming as well as he kept pumping into Anna's pussy. I came in my hand whilst listening Brad in action with my gorgeous girlfriend. "Cum in me Brad. I want to be filled up. Spurt it into me. Knock me up!" "Oh shit babe, here it comes," Brad yelled. "Oh God, I can feel you cumming in me! Oh God!" With that, Anna came again. I listened or 5 more minutes as it became clear that Brad was going to fuck the hell out of my cock hungry girlfriend. The two of them didn't stop so much as to wipe the cum from their porn star bodies before going again. She had cum so many times her mind seemed to be short circuiting. She didn't care about anything but stretching her cunt around this giant monster cock. Exhausted, I curled up on the couch and passed out. This is how it was for the rest of the trip; I watched Brad and Anna fuck and suck almost continuously. Except for stolen snatches of sleep and brief intervals devoted to gobbling down enough food to keep their libidos humming and gulping enough liquid to replace the strong flow of sex scum that had poured out of the lovers' bodies, the totally self-absorbed couple spent every single moment making almost unbelievably voracious, passionate love. Brad shot load after load of hot, rich jism into Anna's cunt, her mouth, between her massive breasts, and deep into her bowels — and not just once but many times a day. I lost count of the number of times I had caught them fucking on the sofa, or walked into the dining area to see Anna lying on the table on her back. They simply didn't care if I saw. And truth be told, I did like to watch. Anna helped me out with a couple of blowjobs, but never offered to fuck me. She would often say that she was a little sore from her most recent go with Brad, but it wouldn't be long before she was screwing his brains out again. They would usually sleep together in our bedroom while I was left in the living room to fantasize and jerk myself off. The only point at which the lovers left the room for any appreciable amount of time was when, usually in the morning, the sex-soaked room had to be cleaned by housekeeping. Anna and Brad could not possibly have tolerated being apart for even the few minutes needed to accomplish that task. The sizzling hot lovers would head to the pool or the beach, where they sucked and fucked as I sat waiting for them nearby with towels, onlookers gawking at the sight of me jerking off to their wildly humping bodies. They then lazily washed the accumulation of encrusted sex slime off their world-class figures before heading back to the room to continue anew. We went back home a changed couple from that vacation. Anna and I found we had the best orgasms as we relived the two weeks we just had. Brad drops by every now and then. When he comes to visit, he stays in our place and fucks my girlfriend senseless for the whole visit. Sometimes if I'm lucky, he'll fuck me unconscious as well. We'd make out as Anna worshipped his massive dick, and he'd fuck her brains out as she lay on top of me. Brad owns us, and we are all happier for it.
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  32. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 2: Winter break crawled by. I had returned home to see my family for three long weeks. Frank was the only thing on my mind from dawn till dusk. In the midst of wholesome family activities, the memory of Frank's unnatural, bulging, hyper-sexualized body kept intruding. I thought of Frank's tren-fueled mentality, his body pushed to the limits of muscular development; of him single-mindedly devouring fuel, injecting roids, and lifting weights all winter break. He was out of control. Obsessed. Animalistic. A freak. When I finally headed back to campus, it was with the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning. The bus from the airport seemed to hit every red light. The minutes crawled by. My heart beat faster with each passing mile. — At last, I got to the door of our room. I heard a faint sound within, almost like a moaning. My heart leaped. Frank was home! Without knocking, I walked right in. The first thing that hit me was the smell — like a Mack truck of deep, intoxicating musk, coupled with the scent of fresh cum. Then I noticed the cum splattered on the walls, on the floor, on the bed. Like someone had just shot massive loads out of a water gun. The room was a war zone, with jock straps, empty protein powder containers and dirty gym clothes scattered everywhere. Then I saw Frank. First and foremost, even in my fantasies, I had forgotten how big he was. The dorm room looked like a doll's house compared to him. There was an Alice in Wonderland quality, like he had taken a potion that made him too large for the small room. Frank was lying on his back on the comparatively tiny bed. He was naked except for a white jock strap. His dark body hair was buzzed short, yet his thick beard was longer than usual. The mattress dipped dramatically under his weight. His cheeks were flushed and his jacked body was flexed. He locked eyes with me -- a serious expression on his red, sweaty face. “James…” he said weakly. With one swollen arm he was stroking his throbbing cock, which had popped out of the jock strap and looked like it was about to explode. Then I realized the other hand was holding a long, black dildo, which he was pumping in and out of his hairy hole. (The dildo was hard to spot at first beneath his bulging quads.) With each pump, his abs convulsed from a 6 pack into an 8 pack. Frank wasn't looking at porn, he was just writhing on the bed -- as if overcome by his own body. He flexed an arm and licked it, rubbed his hand up and down his huge pecs. He locked eyes with me. I laid down my bags, peeled off my winter jacket, and approached him. The dildo he was ramming into his hole must be 8 inches around, I thought. "James...I've been takin' so much tren... Making me so horny bro..." he whispered, gritting his teeth. Sweat was beaded on his red, veiny forehead as he pegged himself. "Couldn't wait for you to get here..." A word about Frank’s voice. In some ways it was as sexy as his body. You have to imagine when they deepen someone’s voice on TV so they can remain anonymous — that’s how scary deep it was. Only it was lightened by a boyish quality I can’t describe, a tiny Texan drawl, and a very slight lisp. What drove me crazy was how it was so gentle and even delicate — yet deeper than any human voice I’d heard. In some ways, it was just like Frank himself, an innocent soul in the body of a superhuman monster. I leaned over Frank and kissed his beautiful mouth. His longer beard felt rough but his lips were soft as ever. I took over the dildo from his hand and continued pumping it in and out, slowly. "AhH! Bro. I missed you," Frank said. I thrust the dildo deeper inside him. "Fuck!" A spurt of precum shot out of his quivering, red dick. "I missed you too, Frank," I said. "Please bro... Fuck me. Fuck me, sir. Please, sir." Frank turned over and bent forward on his knees. His wing-like lats flew out in all their glory. His legs looked like he was half horse. Of course, by now I was completely hard. Must have taken me about ten seconds to pull off my clothes and start pounding the muscle freak. Well…it took a minute more to get to his hole. You see, Frank’s glutes were so thick that I had to fasten my arms around his freaky traps for leverage, so I could push hard enough to even get inside him. "Th-th-thank you, sir," he cried submissively. I went deeper and deeper, pushing as hard as I could against the warm wall of ass muscle. “Love fuckin my muscle boy,” I said, doing my best impression of a straight bro. “Thank you sir, thank you!” His eyes rolled back in his head. “AH! AH! AH!” Frank screamed louder and louder as I pounded him. It must have looked ridiculous, a normal-sized guy pounding a 360-pound freak. I thought of the other people in the dorm who could no doubt hear Frank’s moaning, but I didn’t care. “Fuck yes! Fuck yes!” he yelled in his inimitable, super deep voice. I couldn’t believe how wide and tapered his back looked as it jiggled with each thrust. “Choke me, sir.” I obliged. Or, I tried to. But Frank’s neck was so thick that, no matter how hard I squeezed, I didn’t have much impact. A huge spurt of pre-cum — almost like a load unto itself — spilled out from Frank’s dick. He moaned even louder. Then right before I was going to cum, he pulled my dick out. He grabbed my body, each hand grasping an entire shoulder, and laid me down on the bed like his tiny plaything. Then, looking more huge and horned up than I had ever seen him, he backed up and sat on my dick. From below, I couldn’t see most of his face. His huge, flopping pecs blocked everything except his dark and slightly crazed eyes. As I looked up and saw his pecs jiggling, felt his warm hole sliding up and down my cock, kneaded my hands through his 8-pack, I knew I wouldn’t last long. I started to cum. At the exact same moment, so did Frank — without even touching his cock. His load was so enormous that it drenched my face and most of my chest too. I felt his asshole tighten around my dick in the throes of his orgasm. He moaned: “FUCK YES SIRRRR!” A moment passed. Frank was still straddling me, panting, my very sensitive cock still inside him, my huge load leaking out of his hole. His load coated my entire face. He shuddered. Another mini-orgasm. A last rope of cum shot right into my mouth. Then I started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” “Frank, you really are amazing!” He flashed a killer smile and almost seemed to blush. He looked in my eyes and didn’t say it, but I knew he was thinking (because I was thinking it too): I love you. Frank grimaced and pulled my dick out of his hole, then laid down next to me and shoved my face into his chest crevasse. He knew this was my favorite thing in the world. He pecked affectionate little kisses on my head. God, it felt good to be back in this bear hug, I thought. “You don’t know what it’s been like, James. I’ve been back for ten days. I doubled my tren and now my libido is off the charts. Couldn’t stop thinking of you. I’ve been jerking off six times a day.” “Wait, you’ve been back that long?” I said, surprised. “Yeah, I came back early. My dad was being an asshole. We fought. Said I’m doing too much gear, that he’s worried about me. You believe that?” “Uh…” I wasn’t sure how to reply. Any decent parent would be worried about an 18 year old with 360 pounds of muscle. I must admit, one thing that I found particularly sexy about Frank was that he didn’t give a shit about the risks and stigma of steroids or bodybuilding. It never even seemed to enter his mind. It was like the life of a muscle freak was, for him, the only version of life even worth considering. Nothing was going to stand in his way. Frank continued: “It’s all bullshit. He’s such a hypocrite. Like he wasn’t on gear when he was my age. What he’s really mad about is that he knows I’m not gonna do pro football after college, like he did. He wants me to play in the NFL, just like him.” “You’re not going to?” “Fuck no. You think I care about football? It’s just so I can cover my tuition and keep my dad off my back. Oh, and get unlimited meals at the cafeteria. As soon as I graduate, I’m going to start my pro bodybuilding career.” “Whoa.” “I’m not gonna stop until I’m Mr. Olympia. Can you picture it? Me up on that stage, 6’4”, everyone else looking like a fucking pip-squeak.” “Fuck.” “Imagine what the other pros are gonna think when they see me. Every eye in the room on me. Biggest muscle freak of all time… Walking out there, 100 pounds bigger than the other guys…400 pounds of muscle… Won’t stop till I have 26 inch biceps. Gonna change the sport. Gonna be bigger than anyone ever… biggest ever…Fuck… Just imagine it bro… On stage… Everybody watching… All that freaky muscle… Thousands of people… All gasping when they see me…So big…So fucking huge… Fucking muscle…fuck…” I noticed that Frank’s face was getting flushed again. His beet-red dick had rehardened to 10.5 inches, and a shocking amount of pre-cum was once more gurgling out. Even though he had just came five minutes earlier. “See what I mean?” Frank said. “All this tren has been making me so horny, I can barely leave the room. You’re gonna need to fuck me one or two more times. Then we can go grab lunch. I want to hear how your Christmas was.” “My dick might need a few minutes—“ Frank grabbed my cum-covered face and thrust it into his fragrant pit. Sure enough, the smell was like a Pavlovian trigger. My tired dick immediately hardened. “Good,” said Frank as he saw my erection. “Let’s be quick though. I’m starving!”
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  33. Chapter 15: The morning after The next morning Daniel wakes up first, roused from his sleep thanks to one of Johns wet dreams. Instead of waking him he simply enjoys the small amount of size he’s getting letting John enjoy himself in his dreams. Daniel breathed a sigh of relief taking in the growth he so desperately craved, started feeling a little better after his talk with John last night; thinking he is going to finally be joining in on all the fun. Laying there he’s getting hard as his body feels like it’s slowly throbbing like his own dick in hand. But in the midst of his pleasure a text pops up on John’s phone beside him on the nightstand. Daniel feels his heart drop as he can see the name that appeared on the screen He grabs John’s phone unable to keep himself from seeing what was sent, opening it. A message from their dad saying “Thanks for the morning PUMP sport!” pops up As he looks at the message his can already feel his uncertainty about his alpha status take control. Another message pops up as he’s about to put the phone back. A shot of his father’s massive body from the view of his head looking down fills almost the entire screen. A mix of jealousy and conflicting arousal fill his body as he finds himself unable to look away from all the bulging muscle that was in front of him. Even worse was the outline of the monster that was covered with a blanket, clearly unable to fit in any clothing at the current moment. His newly developing inferiority complex was taking hold of him again as he thought about just how big his dad would be when they got home if he was already this large from just a few moments of John dreams. Even if he shrunk down by the time they got back home, he shuddered thinking of the moment he would see the naked form of their irresistible hunk of a dad. He hated to even think it but the thought of John growing him further filled his head, finding himself questioning if he even wanted his dad to stop growing in the first place… he just wanted to join him in becoming a god. Looking back at John, he found himself unable to wake him, willingly choosing to let him keep sleeping knowing full well that their father was the one reaping most of the benefits. Time passes and Daniel and John Leave Ty's house heading back home. When the boys arrived back at home Daniel took note that Ty’s car was gone feeling a sense of relief not having to watch his boyfriend cuddling up next to his titan of a dad. As they entered the house, they were both hit with the pungent scent of pure testosterone and sex taking in the sight of the aftermath that was their father letting out all his built-up growth. The coffee table that creaked under their fathers’ massive legs was completely broken smashed into the ground; various objects were strewn all over the place. The couch was covered in sweat and cum stains mostly likely all from Sebastian. Before they could even question where their father was, loud thuds came from the staircase as a pair of massive legs descended down the steps. “Sorry boys but your old man has got an emergency appointment with his new tailor.” Sebastian points out his skintight clothing on the verge of ripping if he even flexed slightly. Walking up to John and Daniel he wraps his arms around them both smothering them in dense muscle, getting both of their ears real close to his lips. “Don’t worry though I left you a little surprise upstairs in the bathroom, try not to grow your old man when you see it sport!” Releasing them both he also felt up Daniels firm body now realizing the added mass that he had been ignorant of; too caught up in his own massive gains to even acknowledge. “Good on you shrimp, it’s about time John put some meat on those bones” he said in a dad joke tone of voice. Daniel couldn’t even tell if his dad was really messing with him, or genuinely happy that he was starting to get some progress with John’s help. Before leaving he gave Daniel one more pat on the shoulder nearly knocking him over with his strength. “You’re a lucky man Daniel, you better treat Ty with some respect if you know what’s good for you, he seems to have BIG plans for the both of you!” Daniel could see his father start chubbing up in his pants at the thought of his boyfriends acts last night. Still unable to voice his frustrations with the whole situation. “Oh, and one more thing, John make sure too get plenty of rest Dad’s got a few new tricks he wants to show you tonight!” Sebastian said with a devilish grin eager to fill Johns hole that night. “As for you Daniel, be a good sport and clean up the place for your old man.” he said teasingly but with full confidence that Daniel would follow his every word before he got back. As their father left the house both John and Daniel decided to see what their father had left them. Walking into Daniels bedroom they found nothing scouring the place to see what he was even talking about. But as they were ready to give up Something caught John’s eye “Bro look! I think I see it.” Running up to the bathroom door he could see a new line had been marked on the door frame. “Well, what is it John spit it out.” “Daniel…. Dads 6’6 now.” John was already aroused staring at his dads first marking, seeing them slowly inch upwards past any of Daniels. Looking over at Daniel he was shocked to see him just as hard. “How’s about you start helping me catch up a bit if you don’t mind.” John eagerly licked his lips ready to take him up on his offer. He’d never seen Daniel listen to him once in life, yet here he was looking like a puppy ready to obey for his dose of growth. Walking over to Daniel caressing his bulging body feeling him tense at the slightest touch filled with anticipation, desperately craving the sensation of his body swelling with mass. “You sure Ty won’t mind us doing this?” The mention of his bf who just had fucked their own father was a sore subject causing Daniel to wince at the thought of it. “Yeah, we agreed on an open relationship, and he loves his guys big so we can go as far as we want dweeb.” He said trying to keep a cool demeanor But John could tell the hurt was there, now feeling like a dick for creating the god that got Ty’s attention away from his own boyfriend. “Alright, just checking before I did this.” John playfully twists Daniels pink nipple trying to get his mind off Ty. An audible moan escaped Daniels lips unintentionally “Huh never knew you had sensitive nips haha.” “You little dweeb get in there if you want this chest, don’t just tease me like that.” Softly grabbing Johns head he firmly presses his face between his pecs bouncing them for Johns pleasure. Eagerly John latched onto his chest biting and licking away at the muscle that pressed agasint him. The feeling of Johns worship igniting the flames of dominance in Daniel, eager to be balls deep in John breeding him until he turned him into a god. But he knew he had to behave and did his best to stop himself letting John explore him to his heart’s content. Minutes went by and not a single ounce of muscle had been added to his frame as John had taken extra care to make sure every part of him got all the appreciation he had to give before any size was to be given. The frustration was building up for Daniel almost whimpering as Johns mouth softly kissed his neck, both Johns hands feeling up his developed traps a part of him that John really seemed to enjoy. “Come on John don’t be such a tease!” Daniel pleaded in an agony. John didn’t answer, finding that he quite enjoyed Daniels torment. He didn’t know it at the time, but he was liking the control Daniel had given him and he wanted to make him work for every pound of muscle he got on his body. As he traveled down his firm pecs feeling Daniel flex them for him as his tongue slid down them feeling the sinews of muscles dance across it. He gave into his urges as much as he wanted to keep Daniel waiting. Without warning John opened the floodgates before tightly shutting it, giving Daniel just a taste of what their father had been experiencing these past few weeks. Daniels knees buckled nearly knocking John to the ground causing him to reflexively reach for Daniels broad rigid back feeling every muscle tighten as they fought for space. He gritted his teeth grunting as he was overwhelmed by the sensation making a mess in his shorts a wet sport now forming. “Geez bro even dad could last longer than that!” John said jokingly poking fun at his massive beast of a brother. “Wow rude bro! I have half a mind to put you in a headlock; but you’d like that wouldn’t you!” “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” John chuckled to himself starting to walk away from Daniel and out the room. “Where you are going, we’re not done are we?” Daniel questioned worried John was already finished with him. “That was just a warmup, if you want to last longer than dad, you’re going to need some training!” As he followed John down the hall, they entered the home gym. “Don’t know how pops did it but he didn’t even chub up once while working out with me all these weeks before you came home; now it’s your turn to try and keep up!” “Well of the old man could do it I’m sure I’ll be a match for him just watch, hit me with your best shot.” Daniel tried luring John into giving him even more size. “Nice try bro but we’re taking this nice and SLOW! You’ve got to get used to the training wheels before you can take off dashing like dad, hell even Ty didn’t need them maybe he’ll give you some pointers after our first session! Now let’s get this workout started.” They both begin their routine together as John channeled a small amount of his powers into Daniel throughout it. Much to his surprise he kept his cool not giving in, focusing on pumping iron instead. The look of pure determination on Daniels face was a turn on for John and he could tell how hard Daniel must have pushed himself in the gym even before his powers came into their lives. Finishing up the last of his sets Daniel dropped the weight to the floor pushing the last rep of his Bulgarian deadlift, grunting proudly as he pushed himself father than he ever had. Walking over to the mirror he couldn’t believe his eyes; he was pumped beyond belief; his body beat red drenched in sweat. Startin at his own reflection he was rock hard eager for more. Drawing near to him John could feel the heat radiate off Daniels swollen body. “NOW that’s a pump bro, guess you really do have it in you. “ “How’d you think I got built in all my time at college, these aren’t just for show.” Daniel replied making a point to flex his body making more veins angrily popping out due to his how Johns powers seemingly made him even more shredded. “What else you got in store for me dweeb I’ll crush anything you put in front of me!” Daniel spoke with a hint of his cockiness bleeding through. “Oh, I’ve been saving the best for last.” John walks over to the bench press loading the bar with an alarming number of weights even making Daniel hesitate at the thought of possibly lifting all that. “Bro, I don’t think I’ve ever lifted that much?!” Daniels resolve waivered uncertain at whether he really could lift all that without injuring himself, he knew better than to bite of more than he could chew no matter how huge he wanted to get. “Oh really, well guess you may not be up for it then, it is dads max after all” Daniel felt Johns words stoke the flames of jealousy within him even further, now feeling he had to prove he was more a man than his hunk of a dad. “Fuck it, if dad could handle, so can I” Daniel thought to himself A look of determination now replaced the uncertain gaze he shot at the loaded bar. “You know what bro; I take it back I think I CAN handle it.” “Just what the words I wanted to hear.” John replied to him Setting himself on the bench he braced himself getting into proper form. As John egged him on. Grabbing the bar, he began pushing, instantly feeling the full weight pressing down on him like some sort of gravity chamber. His face beat fed, struggling to even get his first rep in. He didn’t want to admit it, but the weight was too heavy for him, but his pride wouldn’t let him admit defeat by this point; instead channeling all his frustrations into one thing. GETTING HUGE! John could see his brothers’ attempts were in vain, now feeling sorry for pushing him so hard. Guilt tripping himself into helping Daniel out a little. He focused on Daniels 20 inch biceps imagining them filling with strength akin to the strides that his father had made when they worked out together. Slowly Daniel lifted it almost fully extending his arms before bringing the bar back down slowly. His arms and chest crying out in agony as he tried pushing back up again. The only few words he could think under all that stress were “MORE I NEED MORE!” Seeing his brother working so hard was only making it easier for John to give him a further push watching as his chest raised with every breathe, he took, and his arms bulged larger as veins snaked across them glistening with sweat as he started pushing rep after rep with each one having more precise control of his movements. He was mesmerized watching him go completely in the zone. As Daniel was now fully capable of continuing his own, John was relived his brother wouldn’t get hurt, his eyes now wandering his stunning body seeing Daniels tent in his shorts leaking pre even through the fabric. Watching it drip down as the sounds of Daniels grunts of effort echoed in his ears, he felt his desire take hold of him. Kneeling he took the head in his mouth playing with it, feeling Daniel shudder. The sound of Daniels agony now turned into pleasure as he unloaded again, reveling in the feeling of his muscles twitching as he pushed the last of his reps. Now having full control of his body no longer needing feeling the immense weight pressing upon him he re racked the bar sitting up looking down at John slurping down on his dick through his shorts. “Fuck yeah you like your big bro BIG don’t you; you adorable little dweeb!” John said yes muffled as he was still sucking away. Grabbing John in a vice grip between his thighs he flexed them letting John feel his strength, more pumped than ever. “Fuck yeah John, I’ve never felt more alive. Thanks for the assist” Daniel ruffled John’s hair lovingly before picking him up and seating him on his lap. His pecs now larger as they jut out fighting for space with Johns body. They both stare into each other’s eyes now having felt their dynamic change as Daniel felt softened by his brother’s presence no longer giving into his power-hungry quest for size, simply enjoying his erotic workout with John. While John feels his brothers more gentile side come out, he felt the opposite come out of himself, he liked pushing Daniel further and he wanted him even bigger at the rate they were going dad might have some competition. “You did all the hard work though Daniel. I just gave you a little push” Daniel gives him a smirk liking John’s complement “Guess that means I’m right on the old man’s tracks.” John almost laughs to himself. “What…what’s so funny?” “Well, ummm that was dads max weight about two weeks ago.” As John relayed that information to Daniel, he felt the cock he had been sitting on stir to life again as Daniels face filled with that determination once again. “WHAT?! That’s it we are going again. Load the bar Dweeb were not stopping until I blow his record out the water.” That looked made John admire his brother even more now seeing him in a more positive light, a light that made his radiance shine even brighter as his swollen veiny body moved as he started adding more weight to the bar. He felt his urges start to overtake him, his ass quivering at the sight of the bulge angrily throbbing in Daniels drenched shorts. “You got it Danny, but I must grab a few things before we continue. Don’t go letting all that growth get to your head and start lifting before I get back, I don’t want you getting hurt ok.” “Hurry up dweeb, I don’t want to waste a second of my alone time with you!” Daniel replied lustfully as he grabbed his bulge. Running to his dad’s room he opened up a drawer to get the obscenely large bottle of lube they had bought to accommodate for his father’s massive member when John got a bit too indulgent in the size, he wanted inside him. As well as a jock strap, he liked to wear for ease of access whenever they felt the urge to have some fun. Removing the rest of his clothes he looked at himself in the mirror looking at his tight build jokingly giving himself a flex pretending he was as large as his hulking mass of a dad and brother taking pride in his appearance before leaving back to the home gym.
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  34. Chapter 14: Time Away from Home. Daniel and John walked to Tysons house while Daniel wallowed in his own pity feeling all his frustrations having reached their limits. Just a few weeks ago he felt like he was on top of the world proud of his own size, only to be shown up by his mass hungry father. It didn’t help that walking beside him was the very person that caused their own father to grow to such size. Meer weeks ago, he thought he would be the god that his father had become, but clearly John had other ideas in mind and his own growth was not one of them he just couldn’t get why John would grow a man like their father more than his own sexy self. He just couldn’t handle it anymore he had to find some way of getting John to grow him like he did their father. He reminisced at some old memories of when he first learned of his brother’s intense love for muscular guys, he could always feel his lust filled gaze eyeing up his body since a few years back when he really started working out. He remembers clear as day the time when John first caught a glimpse at his improving physique when was getting dressed and John happened to walk in unannounced, his mouth agape at the sight of his newly developed abs…well more like the ghost of an outline of abs, but nonetheless John clearly liked the changes in his older bros body. His thoughts trailed off as he tried getting his mind off his father and furthering his own potential gains by any means necessary. Meanwhile in Johns mind the sight of his father’s return had been seared into his brain, he could still taste the salty sweat from his bulging body in his mouth yearning to be back home burying himself in the mountainous man that he would turn his father into. As much as he loved growing Daniel, his father’s boundless experience overshadowed any attempts Daniel had ever made at pleasing him. Not to mention the fact that Daniel turned into a grade A ass whole when getting drunk off his own powers. It’s felt like he’s been intentionally holding himself back when Daniel ever tries to make a move on him. Don’t get him wrong though he’d love nothing more than to give Daniel a bit of size, but he doesn’t want to lose the cocky yet loving older brother he has still. An image of the god he so wished to be able to turn Daniel into filled his head, fueling his arousal as a result. It was almost a miracle that he could get his mind off his father’s massive pecs suffocating him. His mind felt like it was having a game of tug of war as both mammoth men in his mind fought for control of his powers. Although it wasn’t a fair match as the titan that was their dad was so much larger even in his own mind that even Daniels impressive size was made to look weak. He could envision his dads grinning face looming over Daniel slowly inching upwards. He could tell it was not a malicious grin but just one of pure elation, his dad just liked being that big and he was almost afraid of just how large his dad really wanted to become. Yet the thought of his own father becoming a god among men making even his big bro look weak was such a turn on that he felt he was growing his dad even more back at home. He prayed for Tysons’s sake knowing he was potentially making his father an even bigger beast to handle. He knew he’d probably get in trouble with his old man, so he had to somehow divert the flow of these powers he didn’t have full control of to the nearest thing to him, his brother. As Johns thoughts began overtaking him, he struggled to keep his composure fighting with his own dick as it was operating with a mind of its own, chubbing up in his shorts. Daniel took notice before he even saw the bulge outlined on his shorts, feeling the all too familiar warmth fills his muscles as John was getting a bit carried away not really thinking about how much he didn’t like how rude Daniel got when he grew. As they drew closer to Tys house he got closer to John and wrapped his arm around him pulling him in with a firm grip really letting him feel the full brunt of his strength. The force of it making Johns head naturally fall on his almost boulder like shoulders as the shadow of his head and traps cast down on John from the sun rays being blocked out by Daniels body. The heat radiating off his body was getting to John as the natural scent of his sweat filled his nostrils the strongest amount of it coming from the musk of his pits. As he huffed Daniels scent feeling the hardness of Daniels arm wrapping around him; the mental image he had been painting in his head had taken a new direction. Their father’s smile was softening as Daniels own growth seemed to pick up. Nowhere near as fast as their fathers but was indeed growing. Johns grip on keeping his brother on a leash was loosening as he was starting to give into the cocky attitude Daniel had; he knew that deep down that he loved it, he just wished he Daniel would treat him with some more respect and not some tool for his own gain. Daniel felt the tightness of his shirt growing ever so slightly, making him feel like he was wearing a compression shirt that seemed to snugly cling to his body getting smaller by the second. The constriction of his collar against his thick neck was getting uncomfortably tight, but he liked the feeling of the threads being forced apart from just his muscular neck. “Was this finally it, am I really gonna fucking grow just like dad!” Was all Daniel could think after having been ridiculed so deeply by his own father and to make matters worse he knew he wasn’t even trying to. Without even breathing his chest heaved pushing his shirt to its limits as John could feel his arm swell around his shoulders easily over 20 inches now. John stumbles as they walk together finding it hard to keep his composure as even walking was too much to handle as he felt he was going into heat over his brother impressive bulk. In response Daniel sweeps up John in a single arm carrying the rest of the way using his free arm to flex his biceps in Johns face, looking down at him with his cocky smile that made John even weaker to Daniels charm. “Yeah, that’s it bro, I’m all yours when we step inside Ty’s house.” Daniels words fell upon deaf ears as John was enraptured in his own fantasy now being carried by Daniel in his “massive” arms. Embraced in a wall of muscle he buried his face into Daniels pecs suffocating himself in his brothers massive chest, with the only air he could breathe being the intense scent of the man he knew his brother could turn into. It wasn’t until the sounds of rips forming on Daniels shirt that John was brought back to reality and he had realized what he had been doing. In his surprise he almost fell out of his brothers’ arms as he got himself down back on the floor just as they had arrived at Tysons house. Getting his composure back he could see Daniels face lit up like a Christmas tree, with that damn cocky smile he wanted to hate, but he loved to see every time Daniel would make it. Plus with the added mass he had unintentionally given him he looked even better; ready to erupt from the confines of his clothing at any moment. It took every fiber of Johns being to refrain himself from causing his brother to hulk out right there while they were still in public. But he knew he needed to keep a lock on Daniels growth before it got out of hand and he would have to deal with the brute that came out when he got so large. He could only hope that their fathers’ recent gains had humbled Daniel at least somewhat. As they both fumbled around looking for the spare key under the matt, Daniel bent down lifting the matt as he did so. “Found the key bro!” Followed by a sudden sound RIIIIIP Standing right behind him John got to watch as Daniels ass split his pants clean down the middle of his cheeks exposing his firm ass being covered by a set of posers he had been hiding from John. The sight of such an erotic moment was too much for Johns mind to handle and his powers activated a chain reaction of rips and tears as Daniel audibly moaned from a sudden surge of growth. “OH FUUUUU-” Daniels back lurched upwards as he spread his body outwards his chest thrusting forwards bursting clean through his shirt. His biceps had no long sleeves to ravish but his boulder shoulders made sure to make up for that as they stretched the seams of the shirt. More rips forming as the sinews of hard muscles were now on display almost multiplying as they made room for more. Before it could get a chance to fall from his body his torso lengthened causing it to ride up his body revealing his happy trail and some newly developed 8 pack abs. So defined that they might even look better than their own dads current set of cobblestone bricks. Standing there catching his breath Daniel stared down at John with the key in hand. The sun’s rays hitting his sweaty skin, making his astonishing physique glisten in the light. Only increasing the allure that John tried desperately to resist, wanting nothing more than to lick the salt sweat dripping down his brothers exposed abs. Even standing a foot away from him the masculine scent of his brothers freshly grown body penetrated his nostrils once again making his knees almost buckle ready to give in at any moment to the hunk of god that he was turning his already stunning brother into. Daniel could see his time to shine was finally upon him as his chest heaved feeling fuller than he’s ever pumped them in the gym. So, he moved to open the door, key in hand making the shirt that clung to him rip even further with the slightest movement of his arms and back muscles. His traps so swollen that they caused his shirt to ride up even higher on his torso. As they entered the house Daniel felt like wasting no time, pulling John in as fast as he could, slamming the door shut behind them. He used old tactics to try and get what he wanted pinning John onto the wall pressing him firmly against his chest. “Come on bro it’s just us now, you remember what dad told us right.” John knew how badly Daniel was craving this and he was right their father had told them to get his mind off of him and Daniel was already doing a good job of it and his massive pecs for smothering him. And yet as much as he wanted to continue, he could feel his fears rearing their head as Daniel was already getting more menacing by the second, his approaches becoming more forceful, feeling like he had less care for your own well-being. Johns’ powers were already subsiding as he was made to feel uncomfortable by his brother’s terrible attitude, even though he loved the feeling of his huge hulking mass pressed against him. Daniel could feel something was off as the warmth that filled him moments ago had begun to dissipate and he knew something was already wrong. Pulling back, he freed John from cage of muscle he wrapped him in looking at him with confusion. “What’s the matter bro don’t you want all this?” Daniel strikes a double bicep pose dealing the final blow to his shirt causing it to tear completely off his body revealing the entirety of the shredded physique Daniel had been wanting. John could only look on in astonishment as his brother’s massive body called out to him, but he knew better than to engage any further. “Daniel, I just can’t deal with you right now.” And with that John stormed off trying to get away as fast as possible before Daniel could attempt another move on him, disappearing into the nearest room he could find. Leaving Daniel once again confounded at what exactly was John’s deal, not understanding that he was the problem. He felt the need to chase after him, but as he thought about it, he started to get the feeling that maybe he should be giving his cute dork of a brother some space before he tried anything again. Left to ponder with his own thoughts of recent events as he stared at his own reflection a much bigger man than when he left the house with John. Yet looming over him in his mind was his MUCH larger father. Back in the room that John had stormed off to he was trying to calm himself down trying to convince himself not to give into the temptations that his powers had over him when it came to growing his brother, let alone the titan of man his father had become. Wandering around the room he found himself in an area of Tysons house he had never been to in all his years of visiting with Daniel. As he looked around, he found some pictures hanging on the wall and a variety of trophies kept in pristine condition. “What is all this stuff he wondered to himself” Picking up one of the picture frames he could see a photo of Tysons mother and father who weren’t in Tysons life anymore after having come out to them a few years back before Daniel had ever met him at their local community college. Moving onto the next frame he saw a new man in it. Another foxy man rivaling even his father’s dashing good looks. He had short cut black hair, hazel eyes and a beaming smile that flashed his pearly whites, not to mention that five o clock shadow he had that made the man look even sexier, and yet John could tell that the man would look just as good without it. The man looked to be in even better shape than his father before he started working out with himself. He didn’t know who the guy was but he was sure helping to get his mind off the pun intended GROWING problems he had on his plate. Setting the picture down now having successfully distracted himself from the gnawing urge he had to use his powers he found peace as he grabbed one of the nearby trophies on the shelf next to him, sitting down on the bed to get a better look at it. Reading the print on it he found out that all these trophies were for bodybuilding and from the looks of it they had all been at least 3rd place trophies at a minimum with a staggering amount of 1st place ones to overshadow the others. He wasn’t sure who the man was but he was sure as hell going to ask Ty about it the next time, they saw each other…well if he even lives to see another day after being impaled by the monster he had grown on his father. As he finds way to pass the time on his phone, he remembers his fathers’ words of encouragement on his improving physique. He was feeling more confident in himself thanks to all his father’s expert help when it came to working out and even without any powers he’d managed to pack on a respectable amount of mass. He’d never been the type to want to get massive himself but he never minded the thought of a little added mass on his body, his real desire was for the men around him to be hulking giants of men. Although as he looked up at the mirror in front of the bed, he sat on he liked what he saw in the reelection, even the small amount of muscle he packed on looked good to him and he’d be lying if he didn’t want more. More thoughts of his father’s size filled his head and he wondered how long he could even keep up with his old man before he would be too small to even handle his father. He hated to say it but he felt frustrated that his powers haven’t worked on himself. It wasn’t that he wanted to get just as huge as his dad or brother, but that he wanted to be able to keep up without being left behind in the dust unable to interact with the mass monsters he knew they both wanted to become. A few hours pass and John sees it’s now 11 PM, feeling ready to walk out the room and deal with Daniels incessant need to get access to his powers; one way or the other he was going to set a boundary between them both if Daniel was to get to grow like they both wanted him too. Walking down the hall he could see Ty’s door to his room a jar with the lights off. Taking a peek, he could see Daniel laying on the bed halve awake as he was losing a battle to stay awake, he had shrunk down to his “regular” size if you call adding pounds of muscle regular. Before heading into the room, he thought it best to try and have his nightly routine even in another person’s home, helping himself to whatever products he could find to replicate what he did at home. Finishing up his routine as he stepped out of the shower, he dried himself off and dressed for bed, in just some shorts he found lying around in Tysons room. Walking back to Tysons room he again peered into the room finding Daniel fast asleep. He opened the door enough to walk in without making any noise and tiptoed to the bed. Lifting the covers just a smidge to weasel his way into the bed with Daniel. As he did so he got a glimpse of Daniels shredded body now even more impressive than the past few days he’d seen him before. He could already feel his heart begin to speed up as he knew he’d be sleeping next to him all night needing to refrain from giving into the temptation that was his brothers beautiful face as he slumbered. Getting into the bed Daniel shifted in his sleep-in reaction to Johns movements. John hoped he wouldn’t wake him but he continued anyways, now less than an inch away from Daniels bulging biceps. He could feel the heat radiating off of Daniel even with his back turned to him since John liked to sleep on his side. As he tried to drift to sleep, he found himself wide awake wanting to turn to his other side to bask in the sight of his brother’s slightly bigger body. He didn’t give in, instead finding something else to get on his nerves as he could smell Daniels scent on the pillow his head laid on. A smell he’d been very accustomed to over the years, but since Daniels recent changes even before they had discovered his powers; he found that Daniel was smelling even manlier than ever, like he was inhaling pure testosterone in the best way possible. As he took comfort in the smell, he was caught off guard as Daniels heavy arm wrapped around him. John melted in his embrace feeling the heat from their skin touching. “Glad you made it to bed” Anxiety filled John now realizing that Daniel was awake and what trouble might ensue now that he was. But he was surprised as a new side of his brother came out that he hadn’t seen before. He felt the tender touch of his brother’s hand caressing his body as the hot breath from Daniels mouth blew softly down his neck as Daniel went into playfully nibble on his ear. In a soft tone of voice Daniel spoke “I know I haven’t been the best guy recently John, I just get so caught up in my thirst to get bigger that I lost sight of the things that are more important. And with you growing dad so much it made it so infinitely worse. I hope you can forgive me.” John was still silent for the moment trying to process the fact that his ass of a brother was actually apologizing to him for the way he’d treated him recently. After a bit of time, he turned around still tucked tightly against Daniels body wrapped in his arm, their faces inches away. “Look Daniel, you know I want to grow you just as bad as you want it. You said it yourself; you haven’t been acting in a respectable way recently and I just couldn’t keep feeding into that.” Daniel had a look of shame on his face as he saw Johns pained emotions, now realizing just how bad he’d affected him. “I know and I’m sorry for it.” Daniel hugs John even tighter trying to get his sincerity across now that he knew how he’d made John feel. “We’ll do it your way now okay.” John replied “Yeah, I’d like that.” John draws in for a kiss much to the surprise of Daniel who thought he’d messed up any chance he had fix his relationship with his brother. As he enjoyed the kiss, he could feel Johns influence fill his body again as he slowly swelled. But as soon as it came it also went as John ended the kiss. John could see the look of disappointment on Daniels face having stopped his powers. “I know you want more, but if were doing this my way, we are starting with baby steps okay. Can’t have you going all brute on me again you big goof.” Daniel looked at him with sad puppy dog eyes pleading for just a bit more size but he gave up. “Fiiiiiiine we’ll do it your way.” And with that John gave him another kiss on the cheek letting him feel just a second of growth before lovingly caressing Daniels arm and cuddling in each other’s embrace slowly drifting off to sleep unsure of what could become of their relationship as brothers.
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  35. Part 1 I had graduated from art school a few months ago, but was still working as a barista at a coffee shop. Finding work as an artist was tough, so I had to keep working that crappy job until I could find something better. To take my mind off of that, I went to the gym to workout. Even though I didn’t know that much about lifting weights, I did what I could to build muscle. I always admired (and lusted after) huge muscle guys, wondering how they got so big. I had an athletic build, but my body was extremely small compared to those guys. I always wished I could be as big as them. When I hit the gym floor, I noticed two massively built older guys doing the bench press together. They were both wearing string tanks, tight shorts, weight belts and training shoes. They looked like they were 6 feet tall and weighed 280 pounds each and about 50 years old. Both were ruggedly handsome, one bald with a beard, the other with short dark hair and a mustache. And both their cocks were showing in those tight shorts underneath large muscle guts. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them as they took turns lifting the bar, loaded with four plates on each side. One grunted out rep after rep, while the other one encouraged him to keep going. They would slap each other on the chest after each set. “Good job, man! Looking pumped!” I could see their dicks harden and grew during the set. I moved to a flat bench next to them and hoped to get a better look while I worked my chest. I put 45-pound weights on each side of the bar and tried to get to ten reps. After a few, I started to struggle. “Hey little man, need some help?” I heard a deep voice ask. I looked up and saw a bald, bearded face staring down at me above a pair of massive pecs and a huge bulge. “Um, sure,” I responded. He put his hands under the bar, helping to guide it as I continued to push up and down. “There you go, keep pushing. Stay in form. That’s it.” His encouraging words helped me through the set, as I finished out the full ten reps. I sat up and turned to him and smiled. “Thanks, that was helpful.” He smiled back. “No problem. Do you want me to spot you for the rest of your set?” “Oh, I don’t want to interrupt your workout with your friend over there.” I motioned over to the other daddy, who was talking on his phone and adjusting his cock. “Oh, he has to take care of some business, so it’s all good.” “Ok, sure!” I got excited that this huge muscle daddy was helping me workout and I started to pop a boner in my sweats. I laid back down on the bench, hoping he didn’t notice my hardon. I started my next set and he guided me through it. His deep voice calmed me as I focused on lifting the bar up and down. The weight didn’t feel as heavy now. I did two more sets, feeling pumped at the end. “Good job! You got a nice pump from that!” He exclaimed, looking down at my pecs. I blushed, still feeling tiny compared to him. I looked down and caught his dick moving in his shorts. “Yeah, good job!” said the mustached daddy, who walked over, or waddled more accurately. His dick bounced as he moved. “Thanks. I’m pretty new to working out, so I’m still trying to learn the ropes.” I smiled sheepishly. They both exchanged glances. The bearded daddy said, “You want to work out with us? We can show you a few things. We have been doing this for awhile.” He raised his arm, flexed his thick bicep and laughed. My cock hardened immediately. “Sure!” I said, surprised at the invitation. They both slapped me on the back and chuckled. “Good! I’m Terrell and this is Tony.” Both reached out their meaty hands to shake my much smaller one. My cock quivered at their touch. “I’m Josh. Nice to meet you.” They led me over to a cable machine and set the weight up. I followed their instructions as they taught me proper form and technique. Hearing their deep voices tell me what do while working out my chest turned me on so much. I had to keep adjusting myself so my hardon wasn’t visible. But as the workout went on, the more intense it got and I soon forgot all about that and just focused on lifting weights. All I could hear were their voices telling me what to do as my pecs pushed themselves to the limit. By the end, my chest felt destroyed, but totally pumped. “Great workout, Josh. You really killed it!” Terrell said patting me on my chest with his giant hand. “Yeah, I’m impressed,” Tony remarked, also patting me on my chest. “Really?” I was practically out of breath and completely drenched in sweat. They were both covered in sweat and their pecs had swelled even more from the workout. I felt like a toothpick standing next to them. They were so wide and thick, packed with dense, veiny muscle. Every time they moved, their muscles twitched. I felt light headed being surrounded by so much muscle. I bent over to catch my breath. “You ok, Josh?” Tony asked. “Yeah, but I think that workout killed me, though.” Both laughed. “Good, that way you know it’s working!” He slapped me on the back. “We gotta run, but you wanna work out with us again sometime?” I looked stunned. Why were these muscle gods so willing to help me? “Um, yeah, I’d love to!” “Cool. How about you meet us here tomorrow at the same time?” “Ok, see you then!” I wiped sweat from my face. “Make sure to eat plenty of food today and get lots of sleep. You don’t want to waste those gains!” Then Tony reached into his duffle bag and pulled out some pills. “Oh, and take these supplements, they will help you recover from the brutal workout today. We want you nice and rested for the torture we’re going to put you through tomorrow! Haha!” I laughed nervously with him. “See you tomorrow, Josh!” said Terrell, patting me on my bubble butt while he and Tony waddled out of the gym. I was stunned. I felt so lucky that those two muscle daddies trained me. And they were going to train me again! I eagerly popped the pills that they gave me and washed them down with water. I went home, ate a ton, and then went to bed early, dreaming of those two muscle daddies. Part 2 The next day I bolted out of work and ran straight to the gym. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw Tony and Terrell standing at the front desk, looking massive. I got hard instantly. I hoped I could make it through the workout without embarrassing myself. They smiled and waved at me. “Ready for your next training session?” Terrell asked while putting his meaty hand on my shoulder. My dick twitched from his touch. “Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to it!” “Good! And it looks like you kept that chest pump from yesterday!” Tony beamed as he put his hand on my pecs. My dick twitched again. I was in heaven. Terrell handed me some more pills and a bottle of liquid. “Before we begin, take these supplements and pre-workout. They’ll help you get a better workout and pump.” I happily swallowed the pills and washed them down with the drink. I could feel my body already getting pumped. “Good boy,” he said while patting me on my ass. We made our way to gym floor and started my training session. They stood on either side of me as I lifted, correcting my form as I went. Once again, their deep voices lulled me into a trance, my mind focusing only on lifting weight. I could feel my muscles swelling as the weight and intensity increased. Before I knew it, I had finished the session. My back and biceps were on fire. “Great job, Josh! Your back is looking yoked!” exclaimed Tony from behind me while putting his hands all over my back. He moved closer and I could feel a bulge press slightly into my backside. “Fuck, man, your guns are looking big!” cried Terrell from the front. “Let’s see them. Give us a double bi!” Hesitantly, I raised both my arms and flexed. They had never felt so swollen before. His eyes lit up as he moved closer to feel them. “Thatta boy!” he said squeezing my arms while gently pressing his pecs and bulge into me. I waivered and felt like I was about to pass out. “Easy there, Josh! You ok?” Terrell released my arms and held me by my waist. “Yeah, just a little wiped out from the workout.” I wiped the pouring sweat from my forehead. “Looks like you need to eat. Wanna grab a bite to eat with us?” Tony asked. “Uh, sure,” I replied, still unsteady from the intense workout. “I gotta shower first, though.” “No problem. We’ll wait for you by the front desk.” He patted me on my ass as I headed to the locker room. I quickly showered and got dressed. I was half expecting them to be gone when I came out, but there they were, still looking massive. I couldn’t believe my luck. We headed down the block to a small restaurant and found a booth to sit in. I sat on one side where Terrell joined me. Tony sat across from us. Both guys were so big, they couldn’t fit on one side together. Even with my much smaller build, Terrell still crowded me as his large arms sat against mine. My dick pitched a tent in my pants. After we perused the menu, the waiter came over and his eyes widened as he looked at Tony and Terrell. I could see his dick move in his pants. “Um, what’ll you guys have?” Looking at the menu, Terrell ordered. “I’ll have the whole chicken, two orders of rice, and two orders of steamed broccoli.” I gulped at the thought of eating that much food in one sitting. Tony chimed in, “Yeah, I’ll have the same.” “Wow, you guys are hungry!” the waiter marveled. “Well, you gotta eat to get big,” boasted Tony as he flexed a bicep. The waiter balked at the size of Tony’s arm. Then the waiter turned to look at me. “Um, I guess I’ll have…” Terrell interrupted. “Why don’t you start him out with half of what we ordered, and we’ll go from there.” I looked stunned. Why did he order for me? “All right, I’ll bring it out when it’s ready!” He turned and went to the kitchen, adjusting his pants along the way. I was about to speak up, when Terrell turned to me, his big, brown eyes boring a hole through me as he spoke. “I didn’t want you to lose any of the gains you made today, so I ordered you the best and healthiest option here. I hope you don’t mind?” All resistance faded in me as he said that. “I don’t mind. You know what’s best for building muscle,” I acquiesced. He smiled and patted my leg. “Good boy.” Tony rested his elbows on the table and leaned in, his arms flexing as he did so. “You did great today Josh. We think you have the potential to get big. That is, if you want to.” “Yeah, I do. I’ve always wanted to be big. But I’ve never been able to grow past a certain point.” “We can help you if you like. We’ve been looking for a boy to train and you have the determination, seriousness, and looks that we require. Would you like us to train you?” His arms flexed some more. My cock hardened and shifted in my pants. “Yeah, I’d love that, but I can’t afford trainers right now. I’m just a barista at a coffee shop!” They both laughed. “No, we don’t want your money! But, there are some things we would require from you.” The muscles on his big arms rippled, from his forearms to the top of his delts. I got a little lightheaded. “Like what?” I was excited about the prospect of training with them all the time and getting bigger. Terrell chimed in. “Well, you would have to do everything that we tell you to do. But, you’ve already proven that you can take direction, so that’s good.” He squeezed my leg with his hand, grazing the hardon in my pants as he did so. “And we would need to monitor your bodybuilding progress closely. Like making sure you eat and sleep enough, that you’re taking the right supplements, and taking proper care of your body.” I got even harder hearing Terrell say those words. I had always wanted someone to train me and make me bigger. “So that would require you moving in with us. We have a large brownstone where you would have your own room and privacy. It’s not that far from here.” My mouth dropped open. They wanted me to move in with them? I just met them yesterday! “Um, wow, that’s a lot to take in. I don’t know…” Tony reached under the table and grabbed my leg. “You can think about it. But we would pay for everything: room and board, food, and supplements. All you have to do is workout, cook and prep food, and grow. You wouldn’t have to work. We just want to make sure you grow as big as possible.” They were both looking at me and I didn’t know what to say. Could I just uproot my life and move in with these guys? But the idea was awfully tempting. I hated my job, I lived in a crappy apartment with a lousy roommate, and I always wanted to be big. Plus, I would get to spend time with two incredibly hot muscle daddies! “You know what, that actually sounds great to me. I’ll do it!” They both cheered. “Perfect, we can head over to our place right after we eat!” Terrell said just as the food arrived. We all dug in and happily devoured our meals. Part 3 is below
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  36. Chapter 13: Dad comes home EARLY! 2 Days had passed since Tyson's first experience with Johns growth powers and clearly he was hooked. He practically lived at their house now eager to get John to grow him for his now boyfriend Daniel. Never did he dream that he would somehow end up with the guy of his dreams. But all this added size was a welcome surprise as he felt that he enjoyed being the bigger of the two, he always thought Daniel size had a hold over him. But now the tables were turned and he had Daniel lips wrapped around his 10 inch cock on the daily discovering a new submissive side to Daniel he never thought could be possible. And yet while he had the guy of his dreams his mind couldn't help but wonder about the MAN Daniels dad was the last time he came over. Sitting on the couch Tyson was enjoying his new alpha status as Daniel was glued to his body ever since he had outsized him. The look of total admiration and submission that Daniel gave him shot euphoria through his dick as Daniels tongue licked around his head. "FUCK! Could this day get any better bro." Suddenly there was a slam of a car door outside sounding like the car could have been dented with the force it was slammed. Tyson's attention was now drawn to the window blinds as am immense shadow cast through the blinds onto the floor. Watching the shadow step further towards the front door Tyson felt his excitement rising as his orgasm was in sync with his anticipation to know who had just gotten home. The door knob begins to jiggle as the man behind the door doesn't even use the key before breaking the door lock with just his raw strength. The door flies open slamming against the wall as an even bigger man than Tyson's current size squeezes through the door frame. As the light shines on his face Tyson uncontrollably cums in Daniels mouth as he recognizes the god before him, it was none other than Daniels massive father. Tyson's moans didn't even divert Sebastian's attention as he was so laser focused on getting through those doors and into the comfort of his own home. "How was this even possible, dads been a few cites away this whole time?" he thought to himself Tyson and Daniel both sat there on the couch, mouths agape as they took in the form of the man before them. All his clothes looked one size too small for him, the sheer vascularity and definition were over the charts since the last time they had both seen Sebastian. Sebastian was breathing extremely heavily trying to keep his composure like at any moment something could go wrong. "JOHN GET DOWN HERE!" his voiced boomed filling the house with his authority. Down from the stairs came John with a look of utter surprise hitting his face as he sees his massive father standing in the living room when he was supposed to be at work. Judging from the tone of voice he thought his father was upset with him and he braced for the incoming punishment that he thought would ensue. As his father drew near taking careful pointed steps trying to make as little movement as possible he reached out his picking John up by the collar of his shirt now lifting him off the ground. Again John winced preparing himself for the worst but was instead surprised to find his father brought him even closer to his face locking lips with him. Standing from behind them Tyson and Daniel watched as just that one kiss seemed to release the lock on whatever Sebastian had been bottling up as his visibly inched upwards moaning deeply as his body did so, his midriff was now exposed showing the impossible shape of his Apollos belt. No matter how much Daniel called out to his dad to ask what the hell was going on, he would get no response just having to stand there as his dad was relishing in every moment of growth he was experiencing like he never had before. Looking over at his now Boyfriend Tyson he felt his inferiority creep on him again as he could see Ty's body still seemed to be swelling with mass while all Daniel could feel in the moment was a small tingle. Having to look up in order to see Ty's face he felt himself feeling even smaller as he could see the look in his eyes practically drooling at the sight of his fathers hulking body. The frustrations were getting to him as he tried getting Ty's attention as well but failed miserably as Ty just took step after step towards the only man he wanted in the room. Daniel grabbed onto Tyson's pulsating 23 inch arms trying to pull him back. "Ty come on man don't leave me out of this one!" Even with all his strength at his current size he felt like he was a tiny anchor trying to stop the ship he was attached to from getting closer to a light house, the light house being... his father. As Tyson finally made his way to Sebastian he tried calling out to him just as Daniel did, but no response was given as he continued making out with John, his clothes now looking uncomfortably tight. It wasn't until Tyson came up in front of them that he saw the massive bulge in Sebastian's pants begging to be let out. Undoing the button on them made Sebastian's pants fall down from just the mass of his dick, getting stuck on his mammoth thighs. Squeezing the bulge in his boxers he felt Sebastian's body shudder, it was then he knew how he would get the mans attention. Now pulling down his boxers his dick bobbed up and down from how long it had grown, Tyson had estimated it to be over 12 inches long and still growing. As the intense aroma that came from Sebastian's crotch hit Ty's nose he felt compelled to wrap his lips around the massive head. Sucking away at the massive rod in his mouth he could feel the strength Sebastian's body possessed with Sebastian's cock feeling like it could drag him upwards as more height was added to Sebastian's frame. The more he sucked the faster that Sebastian seemed to be releasing the pent up growth he had accumulated through his short lived work trip. The excitement that blowing this god before him to even greater heights was getting to Tyson as he picked his speed, feeling his dick stretch further down his throat coating it in his precum. Before long Sebastian was getting close as his muffled moans escaped mid kiss with John somehow still filling the whole house with their sound. While all this was happening Daniel was "forced" to watch his legs firmly glued in place staring at the sight before him even though every other part of him wanted to run away. Furiously jacking off he watched as his fathers legs brace themselves, veins spreading across them, his pants ripping down the middle from his expanding thighs. Sebastian finally broke the kiss he was enjoying for so long to let out a guttural roar making everyone feel like the room was shaking. Tyson's stomach was flooded with all the cum from Sebastian's eruption which felt like it lasted longer than any regular man could. Coming down from the high he looked back down seeing John clinging to his body tightly sucking away at his nipples. But what surprised him even further was the sensation he was feeling below, looking past John he saw a beefed up Tyson greedily gagging as he was sucking away at his dick. As the lustful haze that shrouded Sebastian mind cleared, he felt his own sense of embarrassment return, watching as he was nude in the living room being sucked off by his sons own best friend while John was enveloped in his pecs. Looking around the room he saw Daniel cowering in the corner of the room watching all that he had been doing. While he thought he would feel a great shame doing this to his own son he instead felt his cock inflate even larger in Tyson's mouth realizing just how much he loved the fact that Daniel in the prime of his youth was inferior to his own father, and yet he didn't even realize that Tyson was now Daniels boyfriend. "Hows about we make ourselves a little more comfortable you two." Grabbing Tyson from his cock he heard a popping sound as he wasn't quite ready to let go, planting a kiss on him as a thanks for all the work he'd been doing in his trance. Taking his free arm he flexed it for John to get his hands on while he clung to his growing body. With each step he took the house felt like it was shaking underneath his weight. Planting himself right on his couch it creaked underneath him crying out for mercy. As his dad was now sat on the couch with John and Tyson both wrapped in his veiny arms he could see the look on his dads face as he went into excruciating erotic detail of how it felt having to hold back all that growth over the 3 days he had been gone. The further he got into his retelling the more his descent that led him to returning home so early became apparent. The look on Johns face was getting increasingly turned on as his dad would abruptly stop mid sentence letting out a deep moan as he swelled even larger in his sofa. His father had gotten huge before but this was too much even compared to the nights between him and John. Daniel felt like he had to do something for the sake of their houses safety and in order to stop the humiliation that was experiencing watching his boyfriend being whisked away by his own father. "Ummm..... Dad aren't you going a bit overboard?" His words fell upon deaf ears as his father was either willingly ignoring him or was so lost in all his growing that his sons voice couldn't reach him. Daniel had to work his way towards the still growing pillar of man his Dad was, each step making his already mammoth father look bigger, but he knew he WAS getting bigger with each step he took. Reaching for his fathers legs resting upon the living room coffee table his hand was about to make contact, BOOM! the table collapsed under the weight of his fathers legs which were already hanging off the table before it fell. Even his own attempt to bring his father back to reality was thwarted by his father as the sound of the table breaking is what ultimately make his dad break out his trance. "FUCK! Guess I just don't know my own strength." Sebastian clears the rubble with his leg moving the broken table effortlessly across the room almost knocking Daniel down with it. "And what was that you were trying to say Shrimp, Daddy is a little bu-...FUUUCK!..... LITTLE BUSY!" Another surge of growth hit Sebastian mid sentence With his father staring him down with a condescending smile he knew his father had heard him full well earlier, but choose to ignore him. "Oh uhh... I was saying that maybe your taking this too far?" "TOO FAR! Nonsense Shrimp, your Dads just made for all this growth and you know it. Although you may be right about one thing I may be going OVER the floor boards if we don't do something about it." As Sebastian uttered that sentence his head continued inching slowly upwards as he kept track of Daniels face having to look further down the longer he relished in his own superiority "Hell maybe I SHOULD burst through the ceiling....." Sebastian thought to himself He held that thought as he looked further down at Daniels well built body. "Fuck I used to think THAT WAS BIG!" Sebastian's eyes then focused on the only thing that seemed capable of growing on Daniels body anymore. Seeing a bulge tightening in Daniels shorts. All the while failing to notice that Daniel could feel exactly where he was looking as Sebastian looked back down at his own swelling member being worked on by Tyson, leagues ahead of whatever Daniel was packing. Words couldn't even describe the pride he was feeling at the enormity of his dick when compared to his once alpha son Daniel. He wasn't even trying to out do Daniel anymore yet he kept swelling past sizes he never dreamed of becoming before. His smile grew even larger as pre cum shot on Tyson's face. Looking back up Daniels face, it seemed to give away his feelings as he could tell Daniel knew exactly what he was thinking, knowing that Daniel most surely tried hogging the growth to himself only to let his old man reap all the rewards only further fueled the speed at which he released all this built up growth. With a moments pause, he basked in the current growth he was feeling savoring the last few drop before making the 'right' decision and attempting to shut the valve off on Johns powers. "Alright John as much as it pains me to cut you off it's best if you leave with the Shrimp for tonight, I've still got 3 whole days worth of growth to release and your just giving me so much more Sport." "Where are we even gonna go pops." a saddened John replies In between the kisses Tyson gave to Sebastian's swelling biceps he says "You can stay over at my place, keys are under the mat, step-dad should be out of town." With that Sebastian plants one last kiss on John before prying him from his rock hard muscles, his hand almost big enough to wrap completely around Johns body. Putting him next to Daniel he can still feel Johns powers working on him. As he watched Daniel start walking away with a reluctant John he just felt he had to say something, his cocky self was rearing it's head. "Oh Shrimp, come here for a sec before you go." Following his dads commands he has to feel smaller next to his massive frame again, all Daniel could think was "Fuck how tall is he now.....8 ft?" Sebastian didn't tell him to stop until he was right in front of his 16 incher. "I'm gonna need you to try your best to distract your brot-" mid sentence another surge of growth hits him "Fuuuuuu-.......". As his body swelled even larger the last piece of clothing on him being his skin tight boxers gave way releasing his cock like a rubber band smashing right into Daniel, cum covering him as he did so. "Sorry about that Shrimp, looks like your gonna have a HARD (Sebastian bobs his cock up and down) time trying to get his mind off of this." Precum leaks out his 16 inch cock pooling at Daniel's feet. To make matters worse Daniel could swear he could hear a giggle come out of Tyson when his father humiliated him so. Taking some clothes and John with him he just couldn't imagine how big their dad would be when he shrunk down tomorrow morning. The door closed behind them as they left and he could already hear Tyson's moans as they both began letting loose, his father clearly still growing as his voice boomed louder.
    1 point
  37. Hey guys, this is just a short story (?) idea i had in mind, so i decided to write it down, hope you guys will like it! Hey guys, im new to the sub, but i thought about a thing i've been seeing recently. Im a super young gay guy who's still a teenager and i've seen that recently a lot of gay guys have started going to the gym and a lot. Why is everybody getting so huge? It's crazy, i've never seen such a epidemic of massive muscled guy ever before, if you see somebody who completely dwarfs all the other guys and looks like a giant you're almost certainly sure he's gay. I have this uncle, he's at the end of his 20s and so far he's always been feminine and on the fat side but recently he started going to the gym, in a matter of a year or two he gained 8 pack abs and 20 inches biceps, he started loving the gym as he's closed himself in it and he does want to get much bigger. He started eating like a pig, getting richer, taller, adjusting his looks and now hes just an adonis. But he's not the only one, i've been to a gay bar recently and when i got in i was surrounded by a multitude of gigantic men, some even bigger than pro-bodybuilders and much much taller than me, what's happening to the gay scene, why is everybody getting so big that they completely dwarf straight men? I heard on the news recently of this upcoming bodybuilder that's concurring for mister olympia that 's way bigger than all the bodybuilders of the past. He's almost 3 meters tall and has incredible 27 inches biceps. He looks like one of those morphed guy but in reality. And guess what? Turns out he's gay! Even the not that muscular guys are way bigger than you, it's crazy. What do you gay guys eat? Im finding out that being as big as a pro-bodybuilder now is a starting point. Why is everybody getting so muscular and manly? I did meet up with a man i found on grindr, he had just a photo of his face and seemed so goodlooking. What i found was a well over 2 meters tall giant that had biceps that were as big as 2 times my head, he was looking at me like i was a steak, i decided to run away cause i was too scared. I'm starting to feel like an ant when searching for a boyfriend. Everybody seems to be so powerful, and not only in the strenght department, they are getting extremely intelligent and rich. Then i thought muscular gays were only into muscular gays but i'm a twink and my grindr it's been flooding with huge guys tapping me and wanting to know me. I'm so scared of big guys! Can please somebody please explain this?
    1 point
  38. Part 3 *REPLYING TO A USER* Ok, so here's the updates. In the end the police has found me and they took me to one of their stations. When they asked me who should come pick me up my parents were not available and only my uncle could come. I tried to escape but they forced me to stay there. When he arrived it seemed like a god had entered the police station. My uncle has always been tall but now he was straight gigantic,towering over everyone there at an amazing 6'7" inches. He looked down at me with a weird look and told me to get in the car with him. His voice sounded so powerful and deep, when he was talking he seemed like my chest was vibrating at every word he said, you know, like loud music at a concert. It was like this man was on another level of power. He was emanating extremely strong masculine energy from every angle, like nothing could ever move or shake him. My right arm was almost touching his huge left python who would move and become hard at every turn. Granite like, and he was not even flexing. I was used to him being so feminine and now he looked so different. When he got off the car i noticed that i only arrived at the top of his pecs as he was staring at me from above them. I felt exactly like what people were writing on these chats about what they felt near the members. Powerless and little, he could have made a ball out of me and started playing basket with it. He smiled "lets go inside" he boomed. His gigantic 2 floor mansion was the result of his newly acquired wealth and everything there seems to be bigger. I looked around and i really felt like when i was a little kid. Suddenly, i found his head creeping from the couch in the living room. "Come here" he told me while patting onto the sofa. Scared shitless, i slowly made my way there and sat. He moved closer to me and i immediately pushed away from him, the man was a boiling pot, he emitted so much heat it was making the room hot even if we were in january "hey, im not going to hurt you", then he moved closer to me again and he tried to hug me like he did the first day, this time i didn't shy away as i watched my frail puny body being lifted from the sofa and wrapped around by his massive arms, slowly drowning into his gigantic pecs. I was scared i could get crushed, sorrounded by all that big and heavy meat but he was really paying attention at treating me with extreme delicacy, like i was a jar or some piece of glass. His hug was so warm, I never felt so safe and loved in my life. When he released me, I never wanted it to end as he looked straight at me with his deep beautiful eyes. "Now you have to tell me why are u so scared of me, im always the same person who has seen you grow up, it's always me, i never changed". "Okok, i don't know ok?, i associate big muscle guys with bad guys, like they've grown mean or something, plus, you look so incredibly strong, i thought you may hurt me" "i could never hurt you, you're part of the family!" "Okok, now i tust you. I know your secret anyway, that new type of steroids from that website, it means you maybe aren't that strong and these are all for show!" "Nah nah, this is all pure true, natural muscles" While saying that he brought his arm up and started flexing it. It was way bigger than my head with huge veins running all over it, "it's 24 inches" he said to me while he was happily watching my face full of incredulity. "Yeah yeah, i know these are all all fake anyway", "You don't believe me?, watch this." He then head to the kitchen, he took off the drawer a small pan. "this pan it's so old, i don't need it anymore, i actually need a new one" then he took the pan in his hand, resting his fingers on around the limit of the plate, while closing his hand he applied a little pressure to his finger as i watched in awe the pan getting smashed in his hand and becoming a little ball of steel in his palm. My jaw dropped. "hahahaha, see? These are all true real pieces of steal, it was soo easy!" I was starting to salivate and he noticed it, he came closer to me and as i had to watch over to his head, he started bouncing his pecs right in front of my face. Looking all happy and content, he loved how my brain had difficulties processing what just happened. "Oh cmon, that is surely easy, that pan was so little, i can do it too" "Then go ahead, i have another one that's exactly like that, it's right next to the old one." I tried to bend it anyway that i could, it would just not even acknowledge the pressure that i was trying to apply. He was laughing his ass off while watching me struggle, then he came over, with the same hand he shaped the pan into a tube, the marks of his fingers still carved in the pans steel, then he flexed his right bicep, and he blured out the deformed pan over it, making it obtain the same curvature of his bicep . "omg these are so amazing, they must be so hard" i said while getting really horny. "You want to feel them?" "I'd be honoured if you would like to" I saw his face getting extremely excited "Then let's go sat on the couch again" He took me again in his arms, like if i was a little baby, and then he flexed that gigantic left bicep right in front of my face "There it is, all yours". As i started to place his hand on it I immediately felt a bit of his power rushing through my hands and my arms, i knew there was something special about worshipping his muscles. As my hand started runnning through his immense bicep i thought it was not as big as before, he seemed to be bigger? I asked an explanation to him but he strted laughing really hard. "Nah, it can't be" - i thought "keep going" - he said, while laughing I started the worshipping session again but i felt a shockwave of power in both mine as his body and then i watched his biceps becoming noticeably bigger and harder while pulsating as i was worshipping him. Guys, what's with that forum? Omg i'm soo scared right now!
    1 point
  39. Chapter 12: Tyson Cums Over Waking up in his bed Daniel sat up surprised at how quiet the house was. The first thought to cross his mind was to assess the results of the embarrassment he had to suffer through to get some growth. Getting out of bed he feels practically normal like not much had changed about his body. Looking in the mirror he thought if anything it looked like he had slimmed down instead of gaining mass. The intense urge to prove it false took him over as he rushed to his bathroom to check his weight. Taking out the scale he laid it flat on the floor and stepped onto it, looking down at the display all is said was "error". Even in the absence of his father his dad still inadvertently found a way to loom his superior size and musculature over him. "Shit how the hell am I supposed to measure take my weight now!" His attention was then drawn to the door frame looking at it he saw the height marks left by him and his father. Then having the bright idea to see if he had at least kept some of his height from last night. Taking the sharpie he had lying around he braced himself against the door and marked the tip of his head. Taking a step forward and turning around he felt happy to be making progress again the mark had covered his dad's previous 6'3 marking. "Maybe that's why I look a bit slimmer, I FINALLY grew taller!" Daniel thought to himself. Although he wanted to keep gloating to himself his gaze was drawn up an inch further as he could see his father still outsized him in height and mass. With his father leaving for work he felt like he might actually be able to gain a lead on his fathers incredible growth spurt. He could just imagine the look on his dads face as he loomed over him watching his mouth agape getting revenge on him for blowing his load on his face by doing the same. As he was slowly loosing himself to his own fantasies he was broken out of them as he heard the clanking of metal. Curious he followed the sound to find his brother alone in the gym his father nowhere to be found. He was a bit apprehensive that his father would appear from nowhere but he decided to join John in his workout. "Hey Dweeb, wheres dad?" "Oh morning bro, you just missed him he already left for his trip. He gave me quiet the scolding for growing him at the store like that." Daniel could see the look of longing as John said this but he knew that this was the perfect chance to change Johns mind on who he'd rather be growing more. "Well guess that gives us more time to hang out then right John?" "Hehe yeah I guess so." Daniel could tell he was being a bit apprehensive of the situation but he decided not to push John to far so soon after the night their father must have given him last night. For the rest of the morning John helped out John in keeping on top of the routine their father had set for him and grew closer as a result. Daniel was panting out of breath as he was nearing the end of their fathers routine watching his brother just shine with a layer of sweat still breathing normally. "Man pops really has you working hard Dweeb." "Yeah since I haven't been able to use these power on myself I've been trying real hard to keep up." "Talking about your powers, why don't I help you learn a bit more about them?" Daniel pulls up close to John "Come on bro you know I been craving that growth since I got home. And dad well... he's been having you all to himself." John blushes deeply looking into Daniels intense stare. As much as he wanted to grow Daniel into the god they both wanted him to be alongside his father, John was afraid of the ass whole that Daniel became when he got that power. He could feel his urges taking over ready to accept the offer his brother extended. Drawing in to feel Daniels hard sweaty chest there was a knock at the door. "Dammit I forgot I invited Tyson over, we'll continue this later Dweeb". Leaving the room John was left alone with his hyperactive imagination and a rock hard dick feeling slighted by his brother for leaving his hanging like that. Trying to focus his thoughts on not using his powers he was getting distracted as he could hears Tyson's voice down the hall. It was then that John thought of the perfect way to get back at his brother. "If he wants some growth so badly he'll definitely get to see some." -------------------------------- Tyson was always attracted to Daniel for as long as he could remember even before Daniel had decided he wanted to get jacked he was head over heels for his best friend. On the other hand Daniel was well aware of the feelings that Tyson had for him all these years kept him around to feed his ego, he got off on the adoration that Tyson had given him from the moment they became friends. And ever since he started hitting the gym he loved the look Tyson would always give him when he would see the progress he had been making. "Hey man long time no see." Daniel brought Tyson in for a tight hug completely enveloping him in his fresh workout scent. Tyson enjoyed the hug but the vice grip Daniel had him in was making a bit difficult to breathe "It's getting a bit hard to breathe bro." "Oh sorry about that guess I just don't know my own strength." "Yeah I can tell your looking more jacked every day." "Hah you think." Daniel bunched up his bicep making it bulge in his sleeve. He could practically see the drool on Tyson's face knowing he wanted nothing more than to feel it up. "Come on in Ty can't wait to tell you all about this last semester." Time passes and Tyson and Daniel spend the afternoon together while John is sulking in his room trying to contain his urges to let his powers roam free, but at the right moment. Although Tyson did come over to see his best friend, he wasn't only here for that. Ever since his encounter with his best friends dad he'd found himself a new muscle obsession to fawn over and as much as he cared for Daniel, his own dad was outclassing him in every way possible. "So ummmmm... whens your dad coming back bro?" Daniel found it odd that Tyson would be asking that, he never asked something like that before and why his father of all people. Taking a look at his face he could see Tyson begin to blush after mentioning his father and the dots connected in his mind. Just when he thought his father had found every way to rob him of the pleasures that being top dog gave him, his dad swayed the one rock he still had to make him feel sure about his sense of dominance. In the rush of feeling so small he clung to Tyson being his last hope so tightly that he finally gave into his own repressed urges and is going to give Tyson what he PREVIOUSLY always wanted. "Funny you should mention that Ty, dads actually away for a few days." "Oh bummer was hoping he'd be around." Daniel places an arm around Tyson bringing him close to his sweaty body. "You know that means we have the house to ourselves right?" "B-but what about John isn't he home?" Soaking in Tyson's flustered reaction gave Daniel some hope again that Tyson wasn't ready to move on from him just yet. "Oh don't worry about him, he's wiped out from working out, he won't be bothering us for awhile." Grabbing Tyson's hand he guides it up his thigh placing it on his cock head watching his face flush red with anticipation. "Go on...take it I know you've always wanted it." Not even a second goes by as Tyson dives into Daniels crotch firmly planting his face breathing in Daniels intense musk. "God I've wanted this for so long." "Well what's stopping you, TAKE IT!" Daniels words awoke the beast in Tyson as he scrambled pull down Daniels sweatpants. Tyson didn't know what was coming over him but he felt more sure of himself than he ever had. Gaining more confidence he pushed Daniel down onto the bed giving himself a better angle to take Daniel in his mouth. Daniel was quite surprised at how forceful Tyson was being it was almost out of character for him. But seeing how eager he was to get what he's always wanted he didn't mind. Laying back on his bed he enjoyed the feeling of Tyson's hands rubbing across any muscle they could reach. The warmth of Tyson's mouth was almost as good as the feeling he got when he was growing. He could feel Tyson's deep breathes through his nose when he pressed into your crotch. Through the spikes of pleasure he felt as he was drawing near his orgasm Daniel was starting to feel Tyson's grip increasing on his body. He paid it no mind just thinking Tyson was getting more excited really feeling up each individual muscle. "Fuuuuu-" Daniel erupted in Tyson's mouth feeling his best friend greedily suck away, swallowing every last drop he could produce. Catching his breathe Daniel sat back up looking down at Tyson still glued to his dick. "Fuck we should have done this sooner." Daniel rubs Tyson's hair pulling him off his rod bringing him up for a kiss. As he did so he noticed that Tyson's seemed to be ducking down to stay within reach of his lips. Before he could have a moment to process what was happening Tyson broke away from the kiss, placing both of his hands on Daniels broad shoulders. Using more force Tyson pushed Daniel back down on the bed his eyes filled with hunger. "MY TURN!" Tyson boomed Daniel couldn't tell what had gotten into Tyson all of the sudden but he soon found his answer as Ty assumed his position on the bed sitting on top of his chest. Ty undid the zipper on his pants and let out a cock even greater than Daniels smacking it across his face. Daniel saw Ty staring into his eyes giving a commanding look he'd never seen in Ty before. Tyson didn't have to utter a single word as his confidence shot through the roof oozing from every pour on his body. In response Daniel did as he was "told" by Ty's eyes and started sucking him off. Watching the guy of his dreams now beneath him was not something that Tyson ever thought could happen and yet here he was living out a fantasy he never even knew he wanted. He'd always dreamed of Daniel being in control but for once in his life he took great pleasure in commanding Daniel. As Daniel closed his eyes struggling to get more of him in his mouth, he could hear the deep moans of his best friend enjoying himself. With each passing second Ty was getting more forceful with his thrusts into his mouth each time feeling like he was stretching further down his throat. While Daniel thought he would hate not being control, he found himself feeling the same way when his father had him kneel down beneath him ejaculating on his face. In fact he craved it he wanted Ty to get even more cocky with the way he was mouth fucking him. After what felt like an eternity Ty finally came in his mouth flooding his throat with volley upon volley of cum. Pulling out from Daniels mouth Ty found it weird that he had to pull out even further than usual. "Uhhh bro...did my dick just GROW inside you!" Daniels eyes shot open as he watched the snake that had been inside his throat inches away from his face the heat radiating from it as it pulsed furiously. "FUCK I don't think it's stopping, my whole body is getting warm now!" While Daniel would have normally felt the dismay that his growing father made him feel, for the first time ever Daniel was actually waiting with baited breath to watch another man GROW.
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  40. Chapter 11: Dads a Cock Blocker After finishing their breakfast Sebastian decided it would be best to call in sick to work for the day and head out to but some new clothes and work attire. Leaving Daniel all alone with John at home. While Sebastian should have felt worried that Daniel would try and grow himself he smirked to him self, already knew deep down that he wouldn't have to worry about that. Back at the house Daniel felt a sense of hope returning to him as he heard the front door slam closed, his dad not yet accustomed to his new found strength. Finally he would have his chance to get John to grow him again and this time he would try his hardest to become the bigger man. Going up the stair he rushed to his father room where he could hear heavy snoring coming from John. Bursting into the room he was ready for some action. "Alright Dweeb it's about time your show your brother some appreciation too!" Walking up to John he expected him to jolt awake hearing his loud voice but he just kept snoring away instead. "HEY DWEEB YOU HEAR ME!" Again no reaction came from John he was peacefully dreaming not a care in the world. Daniel tried to nudge him awake still not making a progress. Just when he thought he finally got John awake, John turned to the other side showing his morning wood tenting in the bed sheets. John muttered out "Bigger Dad BIGGER!" Upon hearing this Daniel felt jealousy building up in him. Even when his Dad wasn't around all John was thinking about was growing their father leaving Daniel in the dust. Not wanting to give up his opportunity he tried for several more minutes ultimately giving up leaving the room and channelizing his frustrations the only way he knew how, the gym. During his workout he was clinging to the rush he used to feel when John would grow him so "easily" not having to compete with his own father for that growth. Remembering how John grew him in his sleep the last time he grew, he felt a sense of dread set in as he recalled the words John just muttered in his sleep this morning "bigger dad BIGGER!". Just then he heard the front door alarm set off as a loud banging came from downstairs. Rushing down he could see the shadowy figure of a massive man. "DANIEL YOU THERE OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" The booming voice had total command of him causing him to follow the instructions without a second thought. Running to the door he unlocked it. The door swung open Sebastian hastily entered pushing Daniel to the side to make way for his impressive mass having to duck under the door frame to even enter. "Holy fuck dad your huge!" "Thanks for opening the door Shrimp, I might've just bust the door down befo-" The only articles of clothing left on Sebastian's frame being his shorts and underwear tear off leaving him completely nude his chubbed up dick swinging between his thighs. "ahem before THAT happened! If you'll excuse me I'm gonna have to go and have a word with your brother." "Good luck with that he wouldn't wake up for anything." "Oh don't you worry about that shrimp I'm sure I'll have no problem getting him awake. Good thing I took off of work!" ---------------------------------- Over the next few days Daniel would hear the commotion that his dad and John were making now having to live in the continuous cycle of watching his dads growing body always leaving John too tired to ever give him a chance. His frustrations were getting boiling the pot over and he could feel himself getting desperate. He knew he would have to talk to his father if he ever wanted another shot for some time with John. Although he could wait for his father trip tomorrow to make his move, the complete authority his father had would make it difficult again when he comes back. So he thought it best to plea with his father now rather than later when he would be cock blocked again. Approaching his father in the morning he gulped having to look up at his dad to make eye contact with him, Although the growth was seeming to slow down his father had clearly grown more in the past few days. "Ummmm dad you think it would be alright if I could you know get in on some growth, I don't really care how much John grows me just any amount will do." "Well why didn't you say so sooner sport, your brothers been wondering why you haven't been getting in the action, he'd love for you to join US." Sebastian was fully aware that he was the reason Daniel wasn't able to get his growth. "When you say us do you mean..." "Oh don't you worry sport I'll let you have your fun first grow to your hearts content, then I'll have my own fun." "Thanks dad" "Aw don't mention it sport come here" A mischievous smile is on Sebastian's face as he firmly squeezes Daniel blowing the wind out of him. --------------------------- Later that night "Long time no see Dweeb you've sure been busy with dad huh." John sheepishly blushes "Sorry about that bro Dad just tires me out all the time I can barely even concentrate in college." Sebastian enters the room sitting on his recliner. "Alright guys let's get to it I don't got all night, I'm flying tomorrow remember" Daniel wastes no time drawing close to John assuming his position towering over him. Grabbing his head he guides it to his dick letting John put it in his mouth. The warmth he so desperately craved filled his body elation filling him as his clothes started constricting him. For the next few minutes he kept getting a blow job further filling out his clothes at a slow pace he knew it was slower than his fathers growth but he didn't care in this moment. Getting John off his dick he turned him over helping him take off his pants. Easily entering him he noticed Johns once tight ass felt a lot looser than the first time they were together. Paying no mind to it he kept going relishing in the size he was getting he could feel his toes popping out from the front of his socks. His shirt was riding up him letting him see his cobblestone like abs. His breathing grew heavy when his chest was becoming heavier. It all just felt so amazing, he was quickly overwhelmed every sense he had he came within a matter of seconds after entering John. Just that small amount of growth had taken it's toll on his body as he felt sore all over. Taking himself out of John he thought he had done a good job at pleasing his brother fully expecting the worship that ensued after he came but didn't feel Johns hands on his body. Instead he heard the laughter of his father. "Sorry SHRIMP, looks like you couldn't keep Johns focus off your old man. been fighting it this whole time! Although it wasn't very long hehe. But hey you did say ANY amount of growth was good enough for you!" Daniel felt his fathers word cut into him like a dagger never had he been made feel so small and by his own father of all people. Instead of getting angry he could feel embarrassment take over him in his utter defeat at the hands of his father. Even though he had grown a considerable amount he was still in all his now skin tight clothing while his father wasn't even making any physical contact with John practically bursting at the seems of all his clothes. It was all becoming to much for him and he had to excuse himself leaving the room hearing his fathers deepening laughter accompanied by the sounds of his brothers moans. Trying to go to bed he prayed that he kept some of his current size in the morning.
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  41. Chapter 10: Dads New Routine After having cum on his Daniels face a glimmer of Sebastian's old self shone through. "Oh god sorry sport just don't have full control of myself sometimes." He effortlessly picks Daniel up from off the floor handing him a towel from the bathroom. "Here clean yourself up me and John are going to go get our next workout in." Walking into the bathroom Daniel needed a shower after the after the torrent of cum that coated him. All through out his shower he could hear the clang of metal coming from their home gym their fathers grunts growing louder. After that scene he just experienced he was rock hard jerking as he was wiping the cum away. He was terrified yet also turned on at the thought of his father growing mid work out, just how big would he get? Blowing his load into the drain he watches as the small drops he shot out blend into the see of cum that pooled at the drain. Finishing his shower his attention is drawn back to the door frame once again having to face the reality that his father was now 2 inches taller than him and by the sounds he was hearing from their gym he gulped imagining the beast making them. He wasn't sure if it was out of curiosity or the complete control his father was gaining back, that he decided to take a look, joining their workout. "Hey sport thought you'd never come, sorry about this morning again." Daniel was shocked when he saw his nude father still the same size as earlier this morning, spotting John for his set of bench pressing. Sebastian could see the look of stupor on Daniels face and decided to answer his raging question. "Your probably wondering why John hasn't let loose and grown me yet huh?" Sebastian nods "Well you see Sport your old man still wants to feel the rush of a good workout nothing beats hard work and dedication. John and me came to the decision that it's not best to be growing me at all times, might lead to better results later." Sebastian cups his dick as he says results Daniel could see John struggling to push his final rep as he was tenting up, getting the view of dad from down below. "Oh shit sorry sport got a little lost in thought there!" Sebastian helps John put the barbell back on the rack. John "No fair, Dad it's like you want me to grow you right here and now." It was clear that John was not in approval of their dads decision to outright reject his growth powers. "Oh come on John, you don't want to spoil all that potential you've got we should keep the focus of growing me and focus on your own progress." As much as he wanted to disagree his dads workout were the only way he was able to put on mass so he reluctantly agreed getting back to their workout Daniel now joining them. Later that night Daniel was getting ready for bed when he suddenly hear a faint thudding against his wall. Thinking nothing of it he tried getting back to sleep, but the thudding was growing louder. Trying to tune it out the thudding was soon accompanied by the sounds of moans. Daniel then realized the noise he was hearing was his Dad getting those results he mentioned earlier. All throughout the night he could hear the now pounding grow louder the voice of his father becoming clearer as if he was speaking though paper thin walls. Orgasm after orgasm his father never seemed to be satiated as both him and John kept going all night. After a while Daniel was thankful that he was finally able to sleep throughout all that noise. The next morning Daniel woke up feeling tired halve mad at his father for ruining his sleep, but what could he say to titan that his father became at night. Walking down for breakfast he was met with the hulking figure of his fathers backside. The muscular globes he had for an ass was stuffed into a pair of underwear barely holding on trying to contain all that meat. Working from home now his dad must have been thankful that he didn't need any pants or else he might not have been able to go into work. Drawing his gaze upwards he could see the exposed midriff caused by his fathers increased height. He could see his chiseled lower lats their definition showing with the slightest movement as his father cooked. The suit he was wearing looked painted on, the sleeves ready to give way at any second as his biceps contracted from the simple movement of stirring eggs on the pan. "Morning dad." "Oh good sport your up." Sebastian raised his arm in surprise his bicep finally bursting through the seams. "Dammit not another one! That's the third one this week." As much as his father looked angry about it the bulge in his underwear was saying otherwise. "So ummmm about last night Dad" Daniel asked worried about his fathers answer. Sebastian spoke"Oh you heard us huh, guess it's a bit hard to keep quiet. I promise I'll try to keep it down next time." "Oh John won't be joining us for breakfast this morning his resting upstairs, guess I wore him completely out." Looking at his father physique he could definitely see that as the definition of his muscles looked even better than yesterday. "Guess I'll just tell you now since Johns not here but I'm leaving for a work trip in a few days." A bit of Daniels smug self came back hearing this. "Oh shit really old man!" Sebastian picked up on this and felt his inner alpha coming back. "It's only for a week so don't be thinking your gonna one up me in that little time" Sebastian chuckled to himself. "Guess I'll just tell you now before you find out when going to your bathroom, I'm already at 6'4 as of this morning, packed on 10 lbs of mass too." To add effect Sebastian flexed his chest blowing the buttons of his suit towards Daniel freeing his cramped chest letting them air out. Daniel felt himself backing down. "Oh yeah sorry dad I don't think that's even possible" Daniel couldn't believe the words coming from his own mouth was he really admitting that? Once he saw Daniel understanding Sebastian calmed down and realized what he had just done. "Shit I'm gonna have to go shopping for some more clothes"
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  42. Chapter 9: Dads Superiority Daniel had holed him self in up Johns room like his dad said unable to go against his word. Even if he did want to leave the room it would only mean having to deal with his fathers arrogance and the humiliation he felt being out manned by his "past" his prime father. The entire morning he was mentally begging John to throw him a bone just any little bit of growth would suffice but instead he just heard the moans of his father growing deeper downstairs. Suddenly he a loud crash comes from the living room where his dad was causing Daniel to go check out what happened. Walking past his room he saw that John was still fast asleep even after the loud noise. Descending down into the living room he is hit with the pungent smell of his fathers musk after at least an hour of jerking in the living room. Reaching the last step he peeks around the corner to see his massive father passed out cock still in hand, already shrinking in size. Looking closer he found what had made the sound he had heard, it was the very couch his father was sitting on. The legs of the couch had broken under the immense weight that Sebastian had reached. Sebastian mumbles in his sleep "mhhhh fuck...bigger!" his deflating cock spewing cum all over the already covered living room table. As much as seeing the insatiable appetite for growth his father had made him shiver in inferiority, Daniel was just glad the effects of Johns powers were wearing off. He was starting to get off on the fact that he could see his father going back to "normal". With each passing second he could feel his sense of pride coming back as he would once again be top dog in terms of size. But as his fathers reversing slowed to a halt that sense of pride went as fast as it came. His father still looked visibly bigger than yesterday, every muscle in his body was bulging the definition they showed was astounding. Now having fully reverted Sebastian's eyes groggily open. "Morning Squirt enjoy the show?" Sebastian gives his cock a quick flex hitting his rock hard abs. "Sorry about the mess you mind cleaning it up for me." Daniel could feel a rage swelling up inside him at the gall his father had to ask him to clean up after his jerking session. Just as he was about to draw in closer to his father to give him a piece of his mind, his father stood up. Daniel was fully expecting to be at eye level with his old man but instead Sebastian was now looking DOWN at Daniel. "Is that gonna be a problem Squirt?" Daniels ego once again shrunk when confronted with the fact that his father had surpassed him in height now. "No dad I'll get right on it" "Good that's what I like to hear Squirt" Sebastian could feel himself chubbing up again as he realized he was looking down on Daniel and it would stay that way from now on. It gave him great pleasure that his own 25 year old son in the apex of his prime was being outdone by his own father. As much as Sebastian wanted to continue tormenting Daniel in new ways with his newly acquired size they were interrupted. "Morning guys" said a groggy John rubbing his eyes as he descended down the stairs. Opening his eyes he's met with the improved naked form of his father now realizing that the events of last night were real. John thought to himself "Holy hell was this really happening!" Sebastian walks on over to John "Morning sport, I gotta say it's great not having to hide your powers anymore." Giving John a tight hug his kisses him on the top of his head still no used to his increased height. "Wait dad your just okay with all of this, this isn't weird for you at all?" "Nonsense sport your helping your old man relive his glory days what's wrong with that." Daniel watched from the kitchen finishing up the mess he was cleaning listening on in to the conversation his dad and brother were having. "Guess this is just how it's gonna be from now on sport" Sebastian grabs Johns ass giving it a firm squeeze. "I wouldn't have it any other way dad." Taking a close look at his dad John notices that his father was looking even bigger than yesterday "Uhhh....dad did I do all that?" John motions to Sebastian's entire body. "Oh this!" Sebastian flexes his bicep making it bulge in size now looking even bigger than Daniels. "Yeah I guess you did. Guess I'll add that to the list of things to thank you for tonight." Sebastian gives John a deep kiss as a preview of what was in store for him tonight. "Oh I know sport how about we take my measurements again I'm dying to know how big I got this time. Daniel get in here were gonna take our measurements!" Daniel begrudgingly came back to the living room hating every second of this as he knew his father was just going to rub salt in the wound. "You know sport Daniel isn't looking all that different I guess we'll just have to pass on him there's NO WAY he grew last night." John could see the daggers that his father spoke watching his brother sense of inferiority growing. Instead of feeling bad for him he was actually enjoying someone standing up to his brother. "I think that's a great idea lets head on over to Daniels room to use his door frame to measure you height last." Entering the room Sebastian entered first his shoulders almost sliding against the door as he entered. Daniel and John watched their fathers perfect ass flex with step he took. "All right, go on sport start where ever you like." Grabbing the measuring tape from the bathroom John started with his fathers improved chest he'd packed on 6 inches to his chest reading at 46 inches inches total. They all stared in awe as Sebastian flexed breaking the hold John had on the tape. Next John went to one of his favorite parts of his fathers body, wrapping the tape around his arm it looked like his father was in an eternal state of flexing when he was actually relaxed. Flexing his arm as John measured the peaks of his bicep head split further. "Go on sport spit it out what's it say?" "Holy shit dad your packing 20 inch guns now!" Sebastian loved how excited John would get watching his fathers progress with Daniel sulking beside him wishing he were the one to grow. It made him start chubbing up but he didn't really care anymore he just enjoyed the moment he was in. "Looks like I got the biggest arms in the family huh...well actually I might as well have the biggest EVERYTHING!" Sebastian laughed to himself watching Daniels reaction to his constant talking down. Next John traced his fathers rock hard abs wrapping the tape around his waist. Noting it down Sebastian now had a 34 inch waist. Lastly John got to his fathers quads watching all the tendons tensing up with the slightest movement, they looked hard to the touch. Getting close enough to measure them John was met with the scent of his fathers cock enticing him to put it in his mouth but he knew his father wanted nothing more than to hear about his own accomplishments so he held off. "Damn dad your at 34 inches already, your gonna have trouble walking if you keep growing at this rate!" "Hah like that'll stop me I'm sure I'll figure something out." Now the moment everyone but Daniel had been waiting for had arrived. Sebastian aligned himself with the door frame absentmindedly grabbing his cock in preparation. John grabbed the tape placing it at the base of his father foot having Daniel hold it there and then bringing it up having to stand on his toes to reach high enough to his fathers head. Sebastian's breath was getting heavy waiting in anticipation "Come on John what is it how tall am I!?" "Fuck dad your...6'3" Everyone one went silent in the room as Sebastian looked down at Daniel who was kneeling on the floor still holding the tape. He could see him look up in awe of his size completely blown away that his father was now 2 inches taller than him. Daniel attempted to get up from the floor but Sebastian wasn't done with him just yet "Who said you could move Shrimp were not done measuring there still one last thing" Daniel looked puzzled but quickly caught on as his fathers mast began bobbing up and down as he flexed it, drops of pre cum falling to the ground and onto Daniels face. John was already way ahead of them as he had the tape at the base of his fathers cock not even pressing into his fathers crotch as there was barely any fat there to begin with. The anticipation was killing Sebastian watching stare slowly getting the tape into position. Moving out the way his eye read the number his once 5 inch dick was now....9 inches "OH FU-!" Sebastian blew his load after being sent over the edge hearing how much his man hood had grown. Daniel was met with the full blast coating his face in his fathers seed as much as he wanted to be disgusted by it. Seeing the god his dad was becoming had been starting to get to Daniel and a new more submissive side to him was being unveiled.
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  43. Chapter 8: Daniels Time to Shine? Back in the kitchen Daniel was downing some water parching his thirst feeling on top of the world at his current size there no way his father would out muscle him any time soon with John around and he was sure as hell not going to let his dad use Johns powers while he was around. Just as he was about done gloating to himself he hears a noise coming from upstairs. As Sebastian was growing even bigger then his first growth explosion his increasing weight was weighing down on the bed frame creaking under him. In sync with the bed it gives way as he splatters inside John spewing cum out his tight ass. Hearing his dads howls as he came was making it hard to focus on not growing the cock inside him as he could feel it expanding inside him. John yelped out the safe word as his dad pulled him off resting John on his large frame. John was no where near satisfied though, he could feel his powers still in full force ready to keep growing his dad and now that he no longer could take his fathers massive cock he didn't have to hold back. Sebastian moaned in reaction to his cock somehow getting even harder, he could see it rising above Johns head inching upwards with each throb his balls swelling along with it. It was so big that John had to use both hands to even wrap around it completely, even then he could feel it pushing his hands apart. Wrapping his lips around his fathers sensitive head, Sebastian's whole body rumbled making the nearby nightstand almost shake due to his sheer mass. As John goes to town on his fathers massive member a pounding begins on Daniels now locked door. A now panicked Daniel was on the other end trying to force his way into the room desperate to stop what he knew was already happening. Neither John or Sebastian acknowledge the noise being created by Daniel as they are lost in the sensual moment they were sharing as John was turning his already hot father into a god among men. Finally the door was giving way as he continued his pounding, but his fathers voice was getting even louder. Daniel backed up rushing at the door giving it one final push busting it down falling down onto the floor. Standing back up he is mortified seeing the scene before him. There was his father easily taking up the whole bed with just his torso. He must have been over 7 feet tall filled to the brim with muscle and John had a look of pure ecstasy that he never showed when he was with you. Watching his fathers legs stretch further out his feet were enormous compared to Daniels own already grown pair. Daniel could hear his fathers moans growing in intensity as they still didn't even pay attention to his presence. All he could do was just stand there and watch knowing full well he was no match for his fathers current size he would never able to stop the force of nature that he had become. Sebastian sat up pulling John from his cock, still unaware that Daniel had barged in and roared as his mast fired away blasting Daniel with his multiple volleys of his cum. Unable to handle the situation before him Daniel passed out from the pure shock everything fading to black as his fathers voice filled the room with his laughter. ---------------------------------------- The next morning: A burning sensation filled Daniels chest waking him from his slumber. Sitting up in bed almost screaming in terror at the sensation he could see the events of last night flash before his eyes. Taking a look at his surroundings he tells himself it was a nightmare as he found himself sleeping aside John in his room. Having a second to calm down he takes a look down at himself to see what was causing the burning in his chest, his whole body was red hot to the touch as it slowly filled with muscle. Looking over at John he could see he was still deeply sleeping but the tent in his sheets gave Daniel an idea about what. Daniels pride was coming back to him as he felt like a man again flexing his growing body in bed hoping it would never stop. Not wanting cut off his growth by risking John waking up Daniel decides it's time for some payback for his old man after the humiliation he put him through in front of John while they worked out last night. Walking out his room he gulped praying to god that what he remembered was just a nightmare. Descending the stairs he walks into the living room seeing his... "normal" father just how he remembered him from yesterday. High off his own size Daniel was unaware that he wasn't the only one growing this morning but since he felt bigger than his dad he couldn't notice. Sebastian looked absolutely beaming as he was having his breakfast while watching TV. "Old man I want a rematch!" "Woah there son you just woke up, you sure your up for it? Your old pops won't hold back." "Yeah I'm sure, let's go to the mat" Sebastian and Daniel head to their gym putting on some singlets assuming their positions. "Daniel channeled all his frustrations from yesterday and his added size to quickly gain the upper hand grabbing his father in a choke hold pinning him to the floor then grabbing his midsection in a scissor hold." Sebastian tapped out surprised at Daniels strength. "You see old man yesterday was just a fluke I think we know who the real alpha is in this family." "Oh is that right the frat dude thinks just a little added mass will make up for his lack of skill huh." "What are you trying to say, you went easy on me?" Sebastian was getting a kick out of watching Daniel squirm as he kept belittling him. "AGAIN!" Daniel demanded "Happy to oblige!" They both assumed their starting positions again and began the match Sebastian grabs Daniel putting him into a nelson hold Daniel struggled in this position for awhile eventually breaking his fathers hold with his increased strength resorting to the same move pinning down Sebastian grabbing him in a body scissor. As he looked at his fathers face he was expecting him to have a look of defeat but instead saw a big grin on his fathers face beginning to laugh. "What's so funny old man!" "This!" Sebastian's body begins expanding as he easily breaks Daniels scissor hold. Not even resorting to his wrestling expertise he used his bursting brute strength to throw Daniel on the floor. Pinning him down, putting his legs behind his head. Sebastian continued laughing as his son once again was becoming the smaller of the two. Daniel watched in horror as he realized that last nights nightmare was actually real. As Sebastian continued swelling in his skin tight singlet his cock bursts out hitting Daniel right on the face as he blows his load in his face. Getting off him Sebastian walks over to the towels in the room adjusting his balance as he does. He grabs a towel and tosses it to Daniel still feeling defeated on the ground. "Here clean your self up shrimp!" Walking on over to the living room Sebastian seat himself on the couch man spreading his legs taking up the entire space. Grabbing his impressive 10 inch meat in his hand he starts jerking off not giving a damn that Daniel soon followed him out into the living room. "Why don't you come and have a seat." Daniel not wanting to go against the word of his father obliged and walked over forced to sit on Sebastian's massive thigh since there was no room for him. Sitting on him made Daniel feel smaller than ever. "First time eh shrimp?" "What are you talking about dad?" "Figures guess you wouldn't know huh. I'm talking about John in your room, he's still sleeping right?" "Yeah why?" "Don't know what to call it but he's been using his powers in his sleep. You should have seen the first time he did it to me h-." Sebastian's abruptly stops talking as another wave of growth washes over both him and Daniel. His legs spread further apart pressing against the armrests of the couch. Veins snake across his arms as they swell in size. His abs were getting freakishly developed far outshining Daniels. His cock widened the hold his hand had on it as it stretched upwards cum dribbling onto the couch as it did. While Daniel on the other hand just packed on a few pounds barely making a difference. "Shit I think you may get the chance to see what your brother did to me the first time!" Still jerking the whole time Sebastian kept talking his breath getting progressively heavier. "I'm glad we got this chance to sort out any issues you were having shrimp. Now hows about you don't wake John up and head on over to his room to get your much needed rest you sure tired yourself out trying to out due your pops!" Daniel couldn't even find a way to retaliate against his father and went to Johns room trying to savor any growth that came his way, although from the sounds of his father from downstairs he didn't think that would be the case.
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