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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
    23 points
  2. Well guys, here's chapter 29 of the story. I was sure that I posted it before, 2 years ago, but when the new site came, it must have gotten deleted. Here is is again. Chapter 29 "Well, Eric?" Seth asked, looking at Eric, who was looking at him, like he'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Why didn't you tell me that you have a brother?" In a few seconds, Eric's face broke into a smile. "Oh, you're talking about my brother, Ethan?" Eric said, still grinning, as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Seth. I guess with everything I've been through the last few days, I just forgot to mention him, to you." Seth frowned, still a bit confused, as to why that was. "I just don't see how you'd forget about something that important." Seth said to him. "When I asked you about your family, when I interviewed you, about the job, you never mentioned that you had any siblings. Just that your mom worked in real estate, and your dad is a carpenter." "You didn't ask me if I had any siblings." Eric told him. "I would have told you if you had." "Ok." Seth said, nodding his head. "So, when do I get to meet him?" Eric shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "He's not here, right now." Seth frowned, wondering why that was. "Where is he?" He asked, still giving Eric that confused frown. "He's away at college." Eric revealed to him. "In New York. I don't know when he's coming back home, for a visit, yet. I haven't talked to him in a couple days." Hearing that from Eric, prompted Seth to ask him another important question. "Are you and your brother, close?" He asked, wanting to know. "Oh yeah!" Eric said, grinning. "Ethan and I are very close. We have a very strong brotherly bond, being twins, and all." Seth snorted, a smile coming over his face, as he was thinking about something. "What's so funny?" Eric asked, grinning as well. Seth looked up at him and then asked. "Has sibling rivalry ever reared it's ugly head with you two, before?" Eric rolled his eyes. "Oh, you better believe it has, Seth." He said, "If Ethan and I fought most about anything, it was over the fact that he considers himself the "older" brother when he's basically the same age as me." Seth raised his eyebrows, as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, he was the first born before you, wasn't he?" He asked. Eric scoffed. "Yeah, by like 10 minutes." Eric replied. "What does that have to do with anything?" Here, Seth rasied his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Well, technically, that does make him the older brother." Seth said. "So, even though you two are the same age, Ethan is the first born, so he's the older brother." Shaking his head, but still grinning a bit, Eric pulled back his fist and punched Seth in his pecs. Seth must had anticipated what Eric was going to do, because he flexed his pecs, in response, to absorb the blow from his punch. "Ouch!" Eric said, as he pulled his hand away, shaking it, as he stared at Seth's tightened chest, a shocked expression on his face. When he looked up at Seth, he could see him silently laughing, with tears in his eyes. "Oh yeah! Very funny, Smartass!" Eric said, as he slapped Seth across the arm, which only made Seth burst out laughing loudly. "I knew your pecs were hard, but I didn't think they were "painfully hard" like brick!" Seth, still chuckling a bit, took Eric's hand, and started rubbing his knuckles. "Well, you've never punched them that hard before." Seth said, in a softer tone of voice. "But I have to admit that I might have to have you punch them some more, later tonight, because, that was such a turn-on for me." Eric made a face at him. "Seriously?" He asked, in disbelief. "Hell yeah!" Seth said, enthusiastically. "All this muscle and power? What bodybuilder wouldn't be turned on by that?" "Umm, Eric said, making a weird face as his eyes widened a bit. "A straight one?" Seth narrowed his eyes at Eric, but he was still smiling, showing that he wasn't offended by that questioning answer. "Now, who's the smartass?" He asked, a sexy grin crossing his face. Eric grinned as he moved forward and threw his arms around Seth broad shoulders. And, staring up into Seth gorgeous ocean blue eyes, Eric murmured, seductively: "Well, at least I'm a sexy smartass, right?" Eric was staring into Seth's eyes, then down to his lips, and back up to his eyes again. Seth definitely noticed and knew exactly what Eric wanted, as he brought his arms around Eric's torso, pulling him close. "There's no denying that." Seth said, with a grin. "Now, can I get this sexy smartass of mine to kiss me?" Eric's brows went up, in surprise. "What?" He asked, looking around. "Here? Now?' "Yeah, why not?" Seth asked him. Eric shrugged. Well, I thought we could save the intimacy for a bit later." Eric said, to him, then grinned. "Like maybe after my parents leave and then we can go skinny dipping in the pool?" Hearing that from Eric, Seth's grin got bigger. "Ooh! I like that idea!' He whispered. Eric's grin mirrored his. "Oh, and that's not all." Eric said, as he looked into Seth's eyes. "I've never fucked anyone in a pool before." "Really?" Seth asked, a surprised expression on his face. "Really." Eric told him. "So far, you and I have done it in your bed, and in your shower. But not yet, in a swimming pool." Then, Eric realized something else. He gasped. "Oh, better yet!" He said, as his thumb stroked Seth's jawline. "The jacuzzi just off of the pool. We can definitely heat things up in there!" Seth nodded, biting his lip, loving the idea, even more than the pool. "Aww, fuck yeah!" He said. "Sex in the jacuzzi is off the hook, for sure!" Eric's smile faltered a bit. "You mean, you've done it in a jacuzzi before?" He asked, sounding disappointed. "Yeah, sure, lots of times when I was with my ex, Evelyn." Seth told him. "But this will be a first for me, getting to do it with you." Eric smiled, again, seeing how excited Seth was about spending time with him, in the jacuzzi. "Well, just know that I plan on having you flex and pose for me in that jacuzzi before we get down to business in there, Gorgeous." Eric said, stroking Seth's cheeks with his thumb. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Baby." Seth whispered to him. "I love it when you worship my muscles. It always leads to hotter things!" Eric could see the lust and desire in Seth eyes, which no doubt mirrored his as well. They both knew that tonight would be another special time for them and they were both ready for it. Eric then moved in, closer, to Seth and hugged him. As he felt Seth's arms go around him, he started kissing Seth's neck just above his traps. Seth's eyes closed, in pleasure, at the feeling of Eric's soft lips on his neck. He breathing started to quicken and his heart rate started to increase. "You keep that up, Babe, and I'll be fucking you, right here, in this living room, for anyone to see." Eric chuckled, as he pulled back from their embrace to see the horny look on Seth's face. "That was just a warm up for what's in store for us, later." Eric said to him. "Right now, let's get ready to say goodbye to my parents. They'll be leaving shortly." MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE LOMBARDO FARMHOUSE.... Amy and Rudy entered the house, kissing each other, passionately. a few seconds later, Rudy broke the kiss and looked back into Amy's eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?' He asked, breathing a little heavily. Amy, with her face looking all flustered, replied: "Yes, I'm sure. I'm ready to make love to you, Rudy." Rudy's face broke out into a sexy grin. "You don't have to tell me twice!" He said to her, just before he started kissing her again. Rudy then started kissing Amy's neck, his hands running all over her back and sliding down to her ass, which he squeezed in his hands. "Oh, Rudy!" Amy whispered, with closed eyes. "Your hands feel so good!" Rudy, with his hands still on Amy's ass, suddenly slid down it a bit to rest on the back of her thighs, which he then lifted Amy up. In response Amy wrapped her legs around Rudy's waist, tightly. And with the two of them kissing, once again, Rudy carried Amy upstairs to Eric's guest bedroom, where they would make love together. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE..... Joey entered his bedroom, and shut the door, behind him, and locked it. Looking down at the towel, that was wrapped around his waist, he removed it and raised it up to his head to dry his hair a bit better, leaving him totally exposed in the nude. After drying his hair, he threw the towel, over his desk chair and walked to his bed and sat down on it. Looking over at his desk, he saw his phone, sitting on it. He reached over and picked it up and opened up his Instagram feed. Looking through his followers, he came to Seth's profile and opened up his photos. He scrolled through them and stopped on a photo of Seth, wearing a pair of black posing trunks, hitting a front double biceps pose. He had a big beaming smile on his face. He wasn't wearing any of that bronze tanning spray that they wear in bodybuilding. Joey stared at the picture of Seth, taking in his sexy blue eyes, his blonde hair, which was cut shorter than it was now, his handsome smile, and his ripped lean muscular physique, which was breathtaking, to Joey. "Man, he is so good looking, right here." Joey said, as he looked at Seth's photo. "But, I think he looks even hotter now. Especially, his body, the way it looks now." Joey then thought back to the moment in the barn, with Seth, when he'd gone to work out with him, earlier that evening. <<FLASHBACK>> Joey's green eyes stared right into Seth's ocean blue one's. Joey's eyes flickered down to Seth's pecs, and then reached his hands out towards Seth's pumped pecs. As soon as Joey's hands were about to come in contact in them, he glanced back up at Seth to watch his reaction. Seth was still staring into his eyes. As soon as Seth felt Joey's hands cup his pecs, Seth's eyes closed, his mouth slightly agape, moaning in pleasure. "Oh!" Seth moaned. Joey's eyes moved back to Seth's pecs, massaging them, squeezing them, firmly, as Seth began flexing them beneath Joey's hands. "Fuck yeah!" Seth breathed, his eyes, opening again to look at Joey. "Worship those pecs, Joe!" Normally, Joey did not care for being called "Joe." by people, but the way Seth called him that, he somehow found it, incredibly sexy. "Well, I'd love to, Seth." Joey said, his voice husky. "But they're pretty confined by this shirt, right now." Seth grinned. "I can help with that." He said, then reached his hand out. "Stand back." Joey did as he was told, and once he'd stepped back, Seth grabbed his tank top, by the straps and, gripping tightly, ripped the shirt open and off of him, like it had been a piece of paper. He tossed it across the barn. Joey's eyes bulged and his mouth hung open. Never had he seen anything like that before. Seth's strength ripped that shirt like it was paper. "What about our workout?" Joey said, the lust obvious in his face. Seth smiled an all knowing smile. "Come on, Joe." Seth said, his voice sounding deeper when he was horny. "We both know that you didn't just come all the way out here, just to workout with me. I know what you want. And, so do you." Joey didn't know what to say to that. But he knew he couldn't deny it. "So, come on." Seth said. He looked down at his pecs, bounced them, 3 times, teasingly, and looked back up at Joey, who was still looking at him, in awe. "Come, get it." Seth finished, giving Joey that horny look, again. <<END OF FLASHBACK>> Joey heaved a lusty sigh as his mind came back to reality. "And the way his pecs felt while I was massaging them! So rock hard and so sexy!" He said, the lust and excitement obvious in his tone of voice. "I wanted him, so bad, at that moment. And I still do." Joey then looked down at his dick and noticed that it had swelled to full hardness. "Fuck!" He exclaimed. "Even just thinking about him gets my dick rock hard. I wish he were here to take care of it, for me. That's more fun than doing it alone." He looked at his phone and then decided that he'd send Seth s message on his Instagram. He opened the direct message and started typing a message to Seth. MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE….. Outside the Shaw household, Eric and Seth were saying goodbye to Derek and Elaine Shaw as they were packing their things in the car. Derek Shaw finished loading their luggage in the car, and closed the trunk. He turned to face his son, who was starting to get emotional again. "Don't worry, Eric, everything is going to be ok." He said, as he hugged Eric. "You know I'm going to fight this thing with everything I've got, and I'm going to beat it." Eric hugged his father, tightly. "I know you will, Dad." He said, softly. "You're one of the strongest men that I know. If anyone can beat this cancer, it's you." "Amen to that." Elaine said, as she approached the two of them, just as Derek was releasing his son from his arms. She then pulled Eric into her arms. "I'll take good care of your father while we're gone, Honey." She said. "Will you look after the house, in our absence?" "You bet, Mom." Eric replied. "I'll actually move back in, temporarily, until you guys get home. I can drive back and forth from campus since the University is only minutes away from here." "That's a great idea, Honey." She said. "You'll be able to study better at home without all the interruptions that can happen on campus." Eric chuckled. "That's true." He said. "Things can get pretty rowdy on campus, sometimes." Elaine released Eric.from their embrace and turned her attention towards Seth. "Take good care of our son, will you please, Seth?" She asked him. "With Tom Anderson being released from prison soon, I'd feel better, knowing, that my son has someone here to protect him." Seth nodded. He was very touched that Elaine would ask that of him and that she trusted him to look after Eric. "I will." Seth said, with a serious expression on his face. "I promise." "Thank you." Elaine said, as she stepped forward and threw her arms around Seth, hugging him. "Our son is lucky to have a friend like you." "Thanks." Seth said, as he hugged her. "My prayers will be with you both during this hard time." After Elaine pulled back from her hug with Seth, Derek Shaw stepped forward and extended his hand out to Seth. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, Seth." He said, as Seth reached out and shook his hand. "And, once again, I'm very sorry to hear about your father's passing." Seth was definitely moved by Derek's concern for him. "Thank you, Mr. Shaw." He said. "I appreciate you saying that." "Please, Seth, call me, Derek." Derek Shaw insisted. "You don't have to be so formal." "Alright." Seth said, smiling his charming smile. "Derek it is." "Thank you, Seth." Derek said, then looked towards Eric. "Be there for my son and help him keep his head on, straight, during this hard time." Seth nodded. "Yes, Sir." He said, confidently, then turned his head to look at Eric. "You can count on that." He smiled at Eric, and Eric, seeing Seth's smile, smiled back in response. "Well, we'd better be going, now." Elaine said, as she opened the passenger side car door and waited for Derek to get in. Derek walked to the car and got into it. Elaine shut the door and walked around to the driver's side of the car. Before she opened the car door, she turned back to look at Eric and Seth. "You both take care of each other while we're gone." Seth frowned a little, wondering what she meant by that. So did Eric. And as Eric watched her, his mother winked at him. The moment she did, a big smile appeared on Eric's face. He knew right then, and there, that his mother knew that Seth was more than just "a friend" to him. "We will." Eric said,. nodding. "Thanks, Mom. Love you." Elaine smiled back at him. "Love you too, Sweetie." She said, as she opened the car door and got into the car. Eric and Seth watched as Elaine Shaw started the car, and backed down the driveway. As they turned towards the direction they were going to go in, on the road, both Derek and Elaine Shaw waved back to Eric and Seth. Eric and Seth waved back as the car started moving forward and then disappeared from their sight. When they were gone, Seth turned back to Eric. What was that look your mother gave you about?" He asked Eric. "Oh you mean when she winked at me?" He asked. "Yeah. Seth said, with a nod of his head. "It made me wonder if she knew about us or something." Eric nodded as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, my mother definitely knows about us, Gorgeous." Eric said to him. "Mom hardly ever winks, but when she did that, after asking us to take care of each other, that's when I knew, for sure." Seth then threw an arm around Eric's shoulders. "Well, how do you think your father will react to our relationship?" He asked, giving Eric an express, full of concern. Eric thought about it, for a moment, before answering his question. He wasn't completely sure how to answer it. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure." Eric replied, as he put his arm around Seth's torso. "My Dad is certainly not homophobic, by any means, but given how protective he is, of me, since Tom raped me, I think he might be more worried about it, at first. But, eventually, he would come to accept it after he gets to know you better." Seth nodded. "He wants to make sure that I'm not another "Tom" so to speak?" He asked. Eric nodded his head, as he looked up into Seth's ocean blue eyes. "Yeah." He said, then added. "But I'm sure that he doesn't think that of you, Gorgeous. I saw how he took to you, at dinner. He really does like you. What's not to like?" "Yeah, I sensed that, too." Seth pointed out. "And I agree with you. It sounds like your parents will be ok with us, as a couple." Eric nodded as he laid his head on Seth's chest. Eric loved the feeling of Seth's massive pecs. Beneath his cheek. They were almost as good as bed pillows. He closed his eyes and exhaled a content sigh. He loved being in Seth's arms. Then, he remembered what he'd wanted to do with Seth earlier. Eric lifted his head from Seth's chest and looked up at him. "Are you ready to go for that dip, in the jacuzzi, now that we are alone, together?" He asked. Seth smiled, then leaned in and gave Eric a tender kiss on the lips. "Yes." He whispered. "Let's do it." "Ok." Eric said, and kissed Seth's lips again. "Come on, Stud!" Eric turned towards the entrance to the house and started walking back to it. Seth walked behind him, checking out Eric's sexy, tight, and toned ass in the jeans he was wearing, as he followed Eric to the door. Eric opened the door and headed into the house, with Seth right behind him. Ater they were inside, Eric shut the door and locked it. Then he turned back to Seth. "Come on, back into the kitchen." He said, to Seth. "The pool area is just outside of it." Seth followed Eric through the living room, towards the kitchen. When they entered the kitchen, Eric pointed to the double doors, near the middle of the room. "Those are the doors, leading outside to the pool." He said, to Seth, as they walked towards them. "And the light switches, on the wall, by the doors there, turn on the outside lights for the patio area, alongside the pool." "I see that." Seth replied. As they came to the patio doors, Eric started flicking the switches. As Seth looked outside, he noticed the lights, surrounding the patio come on, illuminating the pool area. Seth was in awe of how nice and spacious the pool area was. "Wow!" He said, turning his head back, to face Eric. "You weren't kidding when you said the pool area was huge. You could throw some major parties here." Eric smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. "Yes." He replied, still smiling. "My parents have thrown many birthday parties for Ethan and I, right in this very place!" Eric looked up into Seth's eyes and brought his hand to Seth's cheek "And now, we're going to have a party of two, here." He murmured. "Alone. Just the two of us." Seth brought his hands to rest on Eric's waist, as he looked into Eric's eyes, the desire he felt for Eric, at that moment, clearly shown on his face. "Mmm, I love the sound of that." Seth said, as m he pulled Eric close to him and planted a sexy kiss, right on his lips. "What do you say we get this party started?" "Your wish is my command." Eric said, as he pulled back from their kiss. "You go out there and get comfortable, with the Jacuzzi, while I go and get some towels for us.' Eric then leaned in and kissed him again. "I'll be waiting, Babe." Seth said, grinning. Eric then walked off to get the towels while Seth opened the patio doors and walked out to the pool. As he came upon the lounger chairs, he started stripping out of his clothes. He took off his cowboy hat, flannel shirt, tank top, belt, jeans, and boots, and laid them down on the lounge chair. Standing there in his CK boxerbriefs, he then decided to remove them, and put them inside his jeans. As he was putting his boxerbriefs inside his jeans, He heard his phone ping, inside his jeans pocket. He pulled it out of the jeans and looked at the screen. When he did, he saw that Joey Sloane was messaging him. "Hey Seth." Joey said to him. "I'm horny as fuck, and thinking about you, and your huge muscles right now." Seth couldn't help but crack a smile, thinking about how much the thought of him and his huge muscles turned Joey on. He then started messaging Joey back. "Oh really? Well, that's what I like to hear! Maybe I need to give you a little incentive to help you out. Give me a minute here." After texting that, to Joey, Seth pressed the camera button and turned it to video mode and started recording himself. "Hey Joey!" Seth said, flashing his charismatic grin. "So, you're horny for these big muscles huh?" After saying that, he flexed his left bicep, and seductively licked the tip of his tongue, slowly over his bicep. Then, he looked back into his phone, with a seductive look on his face. "I'm sure you wish that was your tongue, licking this bicep right now, don't you? Fuck, yeah! You know it, stud!" Then, Seth lowered his phone to his pecs, and when he could see his pecs showing, he started bouncing them, and slowly rippling them, now and then. "And I'm sure you wish you could have your hands all over these pecs right now, like you did, with me, in the barn, don't you? Maybe your hot mouth on them, too!" Seth pulled the phone back up to his face, again, and pulled it back enough to flex his right bicep. "And, you also can tell me how bad, Seth said, as he kissed his right bicep. You wish that was your lips, kissing these biceps right now!" Seth looked back into his phone and waggled his eyebrows. "Alright, Joey, just lay back, get yourself comfortable and bust yourself out a big load of cum, as you look at these big muscles of mine and imagine that I'm there with you, and you're feeling me up and how awesome my body feels." With that sexy smirk still on his face, he decided to end the video there. "Well, stud, that should get you fired up for release. I gotta go. Talk to you soon!" Seth ended the video and then searched for it in his video section of his phone. He located it and sent it as an attachment, in a text message back to Joey. Here's something to help you out, Joe." Seth wrote. "I'm in the middle of something, right now, so we'll talk soon, brother!" He finished the text message and sent it to Joey's Instagram with his video attached to it. After a moment, he saw that Joey was typing a message back to him. "Alright man!" Joey's text read. "Talk to you later." Seth smiled and turned off his phone and put it back in his jeans pocket. After doing that, he turned and saw the jacuzzi, which was already on and the jets were making the water ripple. He walked to the Jacuzzi and got into it. He moaned in pleasure as he lowered himself down into the warm water, feeling how relaxing it was. He sat down on one of the seat ledges and leaned back with his arms behind his head, his biceps bulging, as he closed his eyes and waited for Eric to join him. In a few minutes, he heard Eric's voice. "I brought something special for us to celebrate this occasion." Seth opened his eyes and saw Eric, standing at the edge of the Jacuzzi, just above him, with a bottle of white wine, and two wine glasses, looking at him, lovingly. He had already placed the towels down on the lounger where Seth's clothes were sitting. "Wine?" Seth asked, in surprise, looking up at him. "Yeah." Eric said, as he handed the bottle of wine and the glasses down to him. "I hope you don't mind. I thought it might be good after the sandwiches and salads we had, for dinner." "I don't mind, at all." Seth replied. "It's great for this occasion." "Awesome." Eric said, as he set the wine glasses and wine bottle down, next to Seth, at the edge of the jacuzzi. "Keep an eye on these while I get more comfortable." "Absolutely." Seth said, in a low voice. "It feels so good in here." Eric grinned, as he glanced at Seth, who was sitting in the water, which was rippling and bubbling around him. "I can see that, Gorgeous." He said, as he started taking off his shirt. "I'm gonna join you. Right now." As Seth watched, Eric threw his shirt over on the lounger with Seth's clothes and then started taking off his jeans. Once they were off, he then removed his underwear, until he was fully naked. Once he was, he stood there, in front of Seth, who was transfixed on Eric's body. Seth whistled. "You look amazing, Eric." He said, looking Eric's body, up and down. "Come on in. The water feels so good!" Grinning, Eric squatted down and lowered himself into the jacuzzi, right next to Seth. He moaned in pleasure as he felt the warm water instantly beginning to relax his body. It was only then that he realized how tense he had been. "Oh my God!" Eric said, lowly. "This feels like Heaven!" "I know." Seth said, as he put an arm around Eric's shoulders. "I had the same reaction when I got in here." Erin looked up at Seth, intent on telling him how tense he still felt. "I didn't realize how tense my body really was until I got into this water." He said, looking into Seth's gorgeous eyes. " This is exactly what I needed." Seth, with his massive muscular arm, still draped over Eric's shoulders, leaned in and gave him a sweet, loving kiss. "I know what will make you feel even better." He murmured, still staring into Eric's eyes. "Some hot muscle worship and some good lovemaking? A massage, perhaps?" Eric grinned. Seth knew exactly what he was wanting. "Mmm." Eric said, just as Seth leaned in to kiss him. "How about the muscle worship first? (kiss) Then the massage, (kiss) and after that some hot lovemaking?" Seth moaned as he kissed Eric. Then, he broke the kiss, and looked at Eric. "That all sounds awesome, Babe." He said, as he looked into Eric's piercing blue eyes. "But how about we have a little wine, first?" Eric's face brightened. Oh yes! Definitely." He said, as he reached for the bottle of wine. Eric picked up the bottle and opened the wine. Then, he picked up one of the wine glasses, and poured some wine into it. Then he handed it to Seth, and grabbed the other wine glass and poured some wine into it. He set the glass down and put the cap back on the bottle and set it down next to the wine glass. Then, he picked up the wine glass and held it up in front of him. "How about a toast?" Eric asked, still holding up his glass. Seth held his glass up in front of Eric's. "To us growing closer, and our relationship becoming stronger, every day." He said, gazing at Eric, the love evident in his eyes. "And to more hot muscle worship sessions and even hotter sex in our future." Eric added, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. Seth's grin matched Eric's at that moment. "Oh, I'll definitely drink to that!" He said, holding up his glass. "Cheers." They gently clinked their wine glasses together, and each of them took a sip of wine. Seth sat down his wine glass, by the edge of the jacuzzi and turned his attention back to Eric, as Eric, too, sat his wine glass by the edge of the jacuzzi, next to Seth's. "I like the way you think." Seth murmured. "And let's get this hot muscle worship session started!" And with those words, Seth stood up and turned towards Eric. As soon as he did, he raised both of his arms and curled them into a front double biceps pose. Eric watched, once again with that awestruck look on his face, as as Seth's biceps took shape and became rock hard, as Seth held the pose for a moment. Seth then flashed Eric his "melt your heart" smile. "You like it?" He asked, as he glanced at Eric, amused by his look of awe on his face. "I love it." Eric said, standing up and walking through the bubbling water, towards Seth, until he was standing right in front of him. "And now, I know those biceps could use some appreciation." Seth looked at his biceps and then back at Eric, and smiled at him. "Well, they're right here and waiting for it, Baby!" He said. "Have at it!" "Oh, I intend to." Eric.said, as he advanced on Seth. "Right now." Eric then put a hand under Seth's arm and brought his other hand up to Seth's right bicep which he felt in his hand. Their shape was nicely peaked and defined and the muscle was rock hard. Eric brought his lips down to Seth's bicep and kissed it, then licked his tongue over it, before kissing it again. "Aww fuck yeah!" Seth said, softly. "Worship those biceps, baby!" Eric kissed the bicep again, then clamped his fingers around it, squeezing it hard. And he still couldn't put a dent in it, even though he had a strong grip. Then, he put his hand under Seth's left bicep and proceeded to kiss it as well, licking over it with the tip of his tongue. He kissed that bicep in the same passionate way that he would kiss Seth when they made out. He put a hand behind Seth's head, caressing the back of Seth's head, as his mouth made love to Seth's muscles. Seth's eyes closed, in satisfaction, as he allowed himself to experience the sensations his body was feeling from Eric's muscle worship and foreplay. He absolutely loved being muscle worshipped by Eric. He loved it with everyone who was into his muscles, of course, but Eric, it was like a whole new experience for him. Eric then lifted his head up and looked into Seth's face and saw him staring right back at him, with that same lust-filled look in his eyes. "You ready for what's next?" He asked, as he laid his hands on Seth's triceps and slid them up to rest on Seth's delts. "More then ready.".Seth whispered,. bringing a hand up to Eric's face, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "Go for it, Babe." Eric then leaned into Seth and kissed him, passionately. He felt Seth's strong arms wrap around him and start playing with his lean muscular back. Seth moaned into Eric's kisses and then slid his hands down to grab Eric's firm, tight ass, in his hands. Eric moaned, in pleasure, at the feeling of Seth's strong hands on his ass, and he, in turn slid his hands back behind Seth to grab his massive muscle ass, too. He broke their kiss and started kissing Seth's neck. Seth's eyes closed and his head tipped backwards, as he moaned loudly. "Oh yeah, Baby!" Seth whispered, as he brought his hand behind Eric's head. "That feels so good!' Eric stopped kissing Seth's neck, and then brought his head down to Seth's pecs, where he took Seth's left nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it and lightly biting at it. "Oh, fuck!' Seth exclaimed, loudly, as he tensed his pecs. "Fuck, yeah! Suck those pecs!" Eric worked over Seth's pecs, with his mouth, and also groping them, from time to time. "Bounce them for me, Gorgeous." Eric commanded. "Yes, sir!" Seth said, as he started bouncing his pecs. Eric kneaded and massaged Seth's pecs in his hands, feeling their heaviness and hardness. Then, Eric started kissing Seth's abs, licking his tongue in all the deep lines between them. Seth then brought his hands behind his head and flexed his abs as Eric brought his hands to them and started feeling them up. Eric absolutely loved Seth's abs and how solid they were. "These abs of yours are so luscious, Seth!" Eric said to him as he stood back up to stand in front of him. When he did, he saw Seth smile. "I'm glad you like them." He said,. softly, with that horny look on his face. "But I'm sure you'll like this even more." Seth reached out a hand, which he laid on the back of Eric's neck and, as Eric gazed into his eyes, Seth pulled Eric closer to him and they both began kissing each other again, passionately, as the water around them, in the jacuzzi, began to bubble up more rapidly. Eric and Seth's kissing began to get more intense, and so did their foreplay as they both kept groping and grabbing each other's hard bodies. And their bodies weren't the only things that were hard. By now, both of them were sporting raging erections. Eric, again, broke the kiss and then crouched down in front of Seth and put his hands on Seth's huge legs. As he started massaging Seth's quads, Seth flexed them in response, letting Eric feel the rock hard muscles beneath his hands. "Wow,. Seth!" Eric whispered, in awe. "Your quads feel as hard as a marble statue." Seth smiled down at him. "I love it when you massage them." He said, softly. "It's a huge turn on for me. I'm getting hard already just from you touching them." Eric could see that Seth was right, for his cock was sticking straight out at him. "I can see that." He said. "Maybe I need to take care of it. Right Now." "Baby, you don't have to." Seth said to him, as he looked around the pool area, a bit nervously. "Let's finish up with the muscle wor--" Before, Seth could finish his sentence, Eric had already engulfed all 7 inches of Seth's cock into his mouth and started sucking it, taking Seth completely by surprise. "OH FUCK!' Seth exclaimed, throwing his head back, in pleasure. "Eric, that feels so fucking amazing!" Instead of answering, Eric kept sucking on Seth's cock, bobbing his head back and forth on it Seth had never experienced such amazing oral before. Not even with his ex- girlfriend, Evelyn, who wasn't nearly as good at it as what he was experiencing now, with Eric. "Babe, stop, for a second, please." Seth panted. Eric stopped sucking Seth's cock, and looked up at him, confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. "Nothing." Seth said. "You're doing an amazing job, but I think I need to sit at the edge of the jacuzzi while you do this, because I've never been sucked off this good before and I don't want to risk falling into the water." "Oh, right." Eric said, nodding in agreement. "Good idea. Come on then." Seth then waded over to the edge of the jacuzzi and hoisted himself up to sit at the edge of it. As he did, Eric crouched down in front of Seth, wrapping his arms around Seth's lower back, above his ass, to steady himself. Eric then looked up at Seth. "Are you ready for the best blowjob you've ever had, Gorgeous?! A huge smile came across Seth's face. He was definitely ready for what Eric had in store for him. "Fuck yeah!" He said, enthusiastically. "Bring it, Baby!" Grinning at him, Eric looked down at Seth's cock, which was still fully hard, and then back up at Seth. "Now it's my turn to rock your world, Gorgeous." He said, still smiling. "Just like you did when you fucked me for the first time!" And with those words, Eric engulfed Seth's cock, once again, and started bobbing up and down on it, furiously. He wanted to make sure this was one cock-sucking that Seth wouldn't ever forget. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE........ Joey was looking at the message that Seth has sent him and saw the video file that Seth has sent him. He opened it up and starting playing the video. Hey Joey!" Seth said, flashing his charismatic grin. "So, you're horny for these big muscles huh?" After saying that, he flexed his left bicep, and seductively licked the tip of his tongue, slowly over his bicep. Then, he looked back into his phone, with a seductive look on his face. "I'm sure you wish that was your tongue, licking this bicep right now, don't you? Fuck, yeah! You know it, stud!" Seeing Seth doing all of that, made Joey's dick start to swell. Then, Seth lowered his phone to his pecs, and when he could see his pecs showing, he started bouncing them, and slowly rippling them, now and then. "And I'm sure you wish you could have your hands all over these pecs right now, like you did, with me, in the barn, don't you? Maybe your hot mouth on them, too!" "Hell yeah, I do, Seth!" Joey said. "You have no idea!" Seth pulled the phone back up to his face, again, and pulled it back enough to flex his right bicep. "And, you also can tell me how bad, Seth said, as he kissed his right bicep. You wish that was your lips, kissing these biceps right now!" "Fuck, Seth!" Joey cursed, the expression on his face, full of lust. "You're gonna make me bust one out, aren't you?!" Seth looked back into his phone and waggled his eyebrows. "Alright, Joey, just lay back, get yourself comfortable and bust yourself out a big load of cum, as you look at these big muscles of mine and imagine that I'm there with you, and you're feeling me up and how awesome my body feels." With that sexy smirk still on his face, he decided to end the video there. "Well, stud, that should get you fired up for release. I gotta go. Talk to you soon!" "Wait, what?" Joey exclaimed. "That's all?" Although, Joey was disappointed that the video wasn't longer, He was definitely going to use the sight of Seth in the video to release his pent up sexual frustration. "Well, it's looks like I'm doing this!" Joey said, out loud. "No turning back now!" Joey got on his bed, laid back in it and grabbed his cock in his hands, and immediately started stroking it. He played the video again, and started jerking off while watching Seth flex his muscles. And given how attracted he already was to Seth and the sight of his muscles, and hearing his sexy voice, it was not long at all before he came to climax. "Aww fuuuck!" Joey groaned, as thick ropes of cum spurted out all over his chest and abs. BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE... "OH, ERIC!" Seth exclaimed, as Eric was still sucking on his thick 7 inch cock. "Fuck, I'm getting close!" In response to that, Eric started doing swirling tongue motions, over the head of Seth's cock, which started to make Seth grip his fists tightly, and Eric knew that Seth was going to orgasm any second now. "Aww, Eric!" Seth exclaimed, as he started to feel the orgasm coming. "Here it comes, Babe!" Eric quickly pulled back to the tip of Seth's cock, just in case his orgasm was as intense as it was the first time Seth has fucked him. And he pulled back just in time. "Awwwhh!" Seth groaned, as his cock pulsated and juddered, within Eric's mouth. Eric swallowed and swallowed, getting every drop of Seth's warm milky cum. After a few seconds, Seth's cock pulsated for the last time, and Eric removed his mouth from Seth's cock and looked up at him. He could see Seth, still breathing a bit heavily from that orgasm. "Well, how did I do, Gorgeous?" Eric asked him, curious to know what Seth was thinking right then. "That was, without a doubt, the best blowjob I've ever had." Seth said, lovingly and then leaned down to kiss Eric. "Thank you." "You're welcome." Eric said, after Seth's lip's pulled away from his. "Nothing means more to me than to make sure you are happy and fulfilled." Seth then slid back down into the jacuzzi and sat down in it. Eric turned and sat between his legs, his back to Seth, and Seth pulled Eric in close to him. "Well, you've definitely achieved that, tonight, Babe." Seth said to him. "I want to have more nights like this, with you." Eric laid his head back against Seth's huge pecs, which were like a pillow, under his head. "And we will." Eric replied, as he looked up towards Seth's face, smiling up at him. "We're going to have my parents home to ourselves, whenever we want until they come back." "Mmm, I love the sound of that." Seth said. "We'll be able to be together, here, with no interruptions." They both were silent for a moment, until Eric thought of something. Seth?" He asked. "What, Babe?" He heard Seth reply. Eric looked up at him. "When, are you going to tell your Mom about us?" Eric asked him. Seth sighed, heavily. "I don't know." He replied, looking uncomfortable at that moment. "To be honest, I'm actually dreading that conversation." Eric frowned as he looked into Seth's face. "Why?" He asked. Well, because I don't know how's she's going to react. Seth said, looking very conflicted. "What if she doesn't take it well?" Eric, thinking of Deborah, at that moment, smiled, as he thought about it. "I think she'll be alright with it, Seth." He said to Seth. "She loves you, so I can't imagine her not accepting it." Seth thought about it more. Eric did have a point. But, still, this was his mother they were talking about. Either way, it was not going to be any easier of a reveal for Seth as it was with Rudy. "I hope you're right, Babe." Seth said, kissing the top of Eric's head. "I really hope you're right." As the two of them sat there, in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth of the swirling water, in the jacuzzi, Seth's phone started ringing. He recognized the ring tone for it and knew who was calling right then. "Well, that's my mom now." Seth said, unwrapping his arms from around Eric. Eric frowned, an amused smile on his face. "How do you know?' He asked. "I have special ring tones set for certain people, in my phone." Seth replied. "That ring tone is hers." Seth walked to the ladder at the edge of the jacuzzi and climbed up out of it. Heading to the lounge chair where his clothes were sitting, he reached inside his jeans pocket and pulled his phone out of it and answered it. "Hello?" "Hi, honey, it's Mom!" Seth heard his mother's voice, sounding cheerful, say. "How are things at the farm, holding up?" "Hi, Mom." Seth said, looking over at Eric. "Things are going great. How was your day at the Spa?" "Oh, it was amazing!" Deborah replied back. "The masseuse did a great job, massaging all the tension and stress out of my body. And he was quite the handsome gentleman, too!" Seth squinted, yet an amused smile played on his lips. "Oh yeah?" Seth asked her, then said. "It sounds to me like you want to bring the guy home." "No!" Deborah said, in amusement. "He's young enough to be my son, Honey." Seth's eyebrows raised, at that admission, and an amused smile played over his lips. "Well, maybe he likes cougars, Mom." Seth said, trying to stifle his laughter. "Seth!" Deborah exclaimed, in shock. Seth started laughing at how shocked she'd sounded, then decided to apologize, so she didn't feel offended by his comment. "I'm sorry, Mom, I couldn't resist." Seth said, apologetically. "Well, I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor while I've been away, Son." Deborah said. "Speaking of that," Seth said, then asked. "When are you coming home?" "I'll be home by mid afternoon, tomorrow." Deborah told him. I'm about to turn in, early. "I'll be getting the works at the spa, which includes a manicure and a pedicure, in the morning before I head home." "Alright, Mom, I'll see you then." Seth told her. "Love you." "I love you, too, Sweetie." Deborah replied. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." Seth said, as he hung up the phone. "What did your Mom have to say?" Eric asked, as Seth climbed back into the jacuzzi. Seth waded back over to Eric , who got up so Seth could sit down, and he resumed the position, between Seth's legs. "She's enjoying her spa day." Seth replied, as he wrapped his arms around Eric. "She'll be home by mid afternoon, tomorrow." Eric sighed. "Well,. I'm guess that means our chances of having privacy will be reduced, at the farm." Eric said. "But I'm glad your mom's coming back home." Seth smiled down at Eric, when Eric looked up at him. "Is that because you miss my mom's peach pie?" Seth asked, his smile getting bigger, showing off his perfect teeth. In response to that question,.Eric gently elbowed Seth in the ribs. "No, Smartass!" Eric said, as Seth flinched and started laughing. "I love your Mom. She's been incredibly kind to me since I've been here." "I appreciate you, saying that, Eric " Seth said, putting his arms around Eric, again, and hugging him close. "I just hope her kindness continues after she learns the truth about us." "Eric turned his head to look up at Seth, from his sitting position between Seth's huge thighs. "I'm pretty sure it will, Gorgeous." Eric said, softly. "I dont see your mom as the kind of woman to hold a grudge." "Well, no, she doesn't." Seth replied. "But, this is different. This is about her son whom she's always believed to be straight suddenly liking men now, as well as women. My mom's a very religious woman, but she's certain not heartless, either." Eric twisted around and threw his arms around Seth's huge shoulders, hugging h,. tightly. "Well,. whatever happens, we will face it, together, Seth." Eric said, running his hand up and down Seth's upper shoulders. "Everything will be ok, Gorgeous." "I hope so, Babe." Seth said, softly. Seth hugged Eric, in his arms, as all different scenarios of how his mother would react to the news of his change in sexual orientation, played in his mind. He could only hope that his mother's love for him would win out and that she would react the right way that he was hoping she would when he finally was able to tell her, face to face. Either way, he knew that this was not going to be a easy thing to do.
    5 points
  3. You believe in God? How about the Devil? I used to be an atheist. Thought that the only thing holy was sex. I still think that. But I met God, and damnit, he made me a believer. ------ Let me tell you a bit about myself first. Look, I'm not going to feign modesty. I'm 6'4, blond, blue eyed, with a body ripped like a personal trainer and a MBA from Stanford. I'm smart, I'm hot, and I fucking know it. That's the only way to get ahead in the New York fitness and beauty industry, a world overstuffed with nepo babies on roids and ozempic. I've fucked some of the world's hottest models, male and female alike. So it takes a lot to impress me. This boy? This boy was a fucking lot. It's rare for anyone else to show up. It's 12am, and I'm wrapping up a long day of grinding with a midnight workout session. The gym is empty, just the way I like it. Most of the tenants in my luxury high-rise are fat cats who prefer ogling young studs to working out alongside them, or their bimbo trust fund daughters who might swing by to use the elliptical. So I wasn't expecting someone to walk through that gym door. Or for that someone to be a young dude. Or for that dude to have a face and a body crafted by God himself. You know how I said that I'm 6'4? I was barely eye level with this dude's nipples. His nipples which were clearly visible through a skintight tank top. A tank top that gave me a full view of two gorgeous biceps. Full, round biceps, each with a big fat vein pulsing up top. As he twisted the doorknob the heavy bicep muscle flexed and rolled, like a lazy bowling ball, a deliciously powerful mound of liquid steel. He closed the door and his tricep bunched up, forming a horseshoe shape, swelling like a tidal wave rising from the sea. That arm was so fucking big, it made me reconsider what human anatomy was capable of. I've a slim 32-inch waist, but this dude's arms honestly couldn't be much smaller than that. He looked around, noticed me, and flashed a smile. Hot. Fucking. Damn. I've met models, but i hadn't met Gods. This was a face that would make Narcissus cream himself. He was young - really young! Scarcely looked a day over 18, though it was hard to reconcile with a body like that. He had delicate facial features, with large round eyes, soft pink cheeks, and full red lips. His ears were pierced with diamond stud earrings, and his gorgeous midnight black hair shined in the light. He had smooth skin and an easy smile, like the blueprint for the perfect boy. So cute. So sexy. So fucking hot. My mind froze, and cock hardened, and for a brief moment, i thought "the Devil himself couldn't look this alluring". He winked at me, then walked towards the squat rack. As he walked i had another moment of awe. His body was so large, so powerful, that it seemed to cut through the atmosphere around it. I could literally feel the gravity of tne room shift to follow his body, the sheer mass exuding heat that seemed to raise the temperature of the very air around him. I'd never realized a man's simple gait could be so fucking sexy. His arms swayed casually, dangerously. Two dense pillars of muscle, thick and powerful, almost 30 inches around. Fucking weapons that could kill. Then there was his lower body - round glutes in a pair of too-tight shorts, nylon screaming for dear life as it stretched around that globular ass. The fabric was so tight it may as well have been a layer of paint - I could see the fucking dimples in his ass roll as he strutted across the gym. This was a porn star ass, like Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj, but instead of plastic and fat it was rock-hard muscle. I didn't realize that my mouth was open, drooling, until a glob of saliva left my mouth and audibly splashed on the gym floor. Thats when I looked down, and realized that I was sprouting a full boner. It was hard to miss - I'm a well-endowed man - and worse, there was a big wet spot growing in my shorts. I looked back up, and saw the boy smirking at me in the mirror. Fuck. But only for a moment. Now he was at the squat rack. He was loading it up... and up... and up... fuck, how much was he planning to squat? There were at least ten plates on each side... that was well over a thousand pounds, unassisted, without a spotter! He slid under the barbell, and then as if it was a warmup, pressed it off the rack and proceeded to pump out twenty fucking reps like it was absolutely nothing. His quads looked so fuckkng huge now, I bet even a fucking metal safe would crumble like granola between those god-thighs. That ass was pumped up like glutes of pure titanium - I've seen men with fuckable asses, but this ass was so dense that it scared me. It looked like it could pancake a two-inch steel pipe if it was able to force its way between those beautiful spheres. I stifled a moan as my mind flashed an image of this boy sitting upon my face, being smothered to death by that perfect, bowling ball ass. He turned around, looking directly at me once more (I felt my dick jerk, and a warmth fill my briefs). He wasn't even breathing hard, that calm easy smirk never leaving his impossibly perfect face. He never said a word, but that smirk spoke volumes. This was a world record for me, but for him, it was a Tuesday. He knew that he was blowing my mind, and that I was blowing my load. And he acknowledged that with just a smirk, an infuriatingly perfect smirk, because he knew his perfect lips and eyes and face were just as mind-blowing as the rest of him. He knew that I would never sleep another night without dreaming of his face. This time, he readjusted the rack, setting the bar lower for the bench press. But he didn't slide any weights off. Instead, he laid down on the bench and proceeded to once again pump out twenty reps with over a thousand pounds. On the fucking bench press. He finished twenty reps and was about to rerack it - his pecs pumped so full that they stood several inches off his chest, almost ready to rip through his shirt - but then he seemed to change his mind, and pumped out twenty more. And twenty more. And again. And again. The boy didn't stop, couldn't stop, effortlessly plowing through rep after rep after rep of a weight that even the most seasoned powerlifters can scarcely deadlift. This wasn't a milestone of human achievement, this was evidence of fucking godhood. A fucking religious experience, with a single worshipper. A hundred reps later - I counted every one! - he racked the bar and finished. He sat up on the bench. This time, he was panting. His face was flushed, his hair sweat-streaked, his eyes filled with boyish joy and excitement, and he was all the more beautiful for it. If looks could kill, this boy was a fucking massacre. The tank top was tearing apart around his pecs - it was only a matter of time before it fell apart completely. The boy took in a deep breath - the pecs pushing out, out, further and further - until they fabric literally just burst open, two massive mountains of power heaving through, inflating and deflating literal inches with every breath. The boy put the shirt out of its misery, ripping off the remaining fabric around his waist, and unveiling a dense, powerful ten-pack. Each individual abdominal looked like it was cut from marble, bulging out powerfully with muscle. The bright overhead lights reflected sharply on their surface, but those abs were so deep, so cut, that the crevices between them were pitch black. My heart fluttered. This was the core of his power. The strength those abs must possess to support a body so huge... I wondered what it would be like to feel one of them, to touch, even for a moment, the skin and flesh of a god. Now that he was shirtless, I didn't think there was a thing in the world that could make my eyes leave his abs. Until I heard the sound of fabric tearing - again! - but this time, from below. I screamed, my baritone voice hitting a soprano note like Freddie Mercury, as a pillar of flesh well over a foot long erupted from the boy's skintight shorts. Remember how I said I was intimidated by those massive arms? Well, forget that. This was a weapon of mass destruction, some sort of genetic anomaly, thicker than an adult's arm and more dangerous too. No human being should have a dick that big - it shouldn't be anatomically possible. And yet there it was, steadily growing and growing, until that big drooling cockhead touched his pecs, leaving a wet dollop of pre dripping down the muscle's smooth underside. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing - that beautiful innocent boyish face and those impossibly hot muscles, sporting superhuman strength and a freaky huge monster cock. This was a crazy horny fever dream come to life. And then the boy turned back towards me, looking my body up and down as if appraising me. His cock seemed to lengthen impossibly more, and a hunger started to overtake his eyes. For the first time in my life, I felt true fear. No man could survive getting fucked by that thing - hell, I dont think an elephant could. I couldn't run - even if I could tear my eyes away from him, I knew I'd never be able to outrun those superhuman legs. With those glutes, those quads, he could outrace a fucking cheetah. And honestly, I didn't want to run from him anyways. I wanted to get fucked by that cock, by this god, by that perfect boy and his perfect body. I closed my eyes as I stood there, in fear and in lust, my heart racing faster and faster, until I passed out. ------ I woke up a few hours later. Light was streaming in through the windows - it was the morning. I was still in the gym, lying on the floor, my clothes sticky with dried cum and my dick burning from exertion. I hadn't been fucked, but I had ejaculated several times, even while knocked out. Was that a dream? It had to be. That couldn't be real. But I didn't understand how I could have imagined something so vivid. I sighed, pulled out my phone, and turned it on. And froze. My lock screen. It was a selfie. That boy. Looking up at the camera, a beautiful smile, the smile of an angel, the most perfect lips and eyes and teeth, so beautiful that I felt my heart physically ache and a moan escape my lips. And below that face, his godlike nude body. Pecs. Arms. Abs. Everything perfectly shaped and blown up to impossible size. Muscles that a bodybuilder would kill to have, that would put a powerlifter to shame, that would make a supermodel weep with envy. And... and... holy fucking shit... that couldn't be real... was that flaccid?... oh God, im drooling again... shit, i can’t ejaculate again, my dick hurts too much... oh shit oh shit oh shit... fuck!
    2 points
  4. Oh boy, Harris doesn’t know what he’s unleashed into the world. If I had to guess the pills were the only thing keeping Rhys small. Can’t wait to see where this goes!
    2 points
  5. Thank you all for the kind comments and story ideas. I've been very busy lately, but I'll try and get to the next chapter soon.
    2 points
  6. Richy stood leaning against the thick planks of wood that held up the pier just outside one of Groff's beaches. The waters were relatively calm, with a moderate amount of wind picking up the occasional splash of seawater to send a light spray of mist onto Richy's face. The sun was high in the sky and shining down hard on the creamy torso of the handsome ginger and sending droplets of sweat rolling tantalizingly down his sculpted form. The young alpha was wearing nothing more than a pair of bright blue swim trunks, a pair of fake Ray Ban's, and some very comfy sandals. His new physique stood out on the secluded stretch of the sandy beach he was standing on. His six-pack was perfectly cut, ripped and immaculate, his newly defined arms and chiseled thighs well-proportioned in relation to his wider torso and overall he cut a striking figure. One look at the hot redhead and you couldn't help but be simultaneously intimidated and attracted to him. Or at least, that's what he thought. Richy's expression soured behind his sunglasses as he thought about all the attention he had gotten already, without any of the action he hoped for. Where he walked, heads turned. Their eyes roved up and down his masculine body, unabashedly ogling his attractive physique. He'd gotten compliments, flirtatious winks, double takes, and even a few phone numbers in the hours since arriving to the beach. But none of these appreciative looks had resulted in anything more, which was where he had expected his bulk and newly gained attractiveness would get him. His pensive sulking was interrupted by a soft buzzing from his pocket. Any bites yet? Richy bit his lip in irritation. Dante was so fucking nosy. A few. It wasn't a complete lie. There were loads of other half-naked men on the beach, all attractive specimens to say the least. Many of them well built, with extremely fit bodies. He caught one or two out of the corner of his eye shooting glances in his direction, checking him when they thought he wasnt looking. No one seemed brave enough to approach. We talked about this bro. Confidence! Easy for you to say. You're way bigger than me. Yea and I didn't get that way without nailing a virgin or three. Oh fuck off. There was a noticeable delay in the next message, as if Dante was surprised or taken aback by Richy's outburst. I did. Again and again. And look at me now. Quit being a pussy and take the initiative. If they aren't already thinking it, make them wish for you to come and fuck them wet and wild. Your optimism is inspiring. Another delay. This time a high resolution image of Dante's massive cock popped up. It was hard and proud, dripping in cum, covered in bulging veins. There was a sticky glistening trail of white seed running from his bulbous head down into his well trimmed pubes. There was a blurry face sitting out of frame, some mystery man who Dante had just no doubtably just fucked silly. Richy felt his own member swell in his trunks as he looked back at Dante's hard and huge beautiful cock in it's most flattering light. Another buzz. A little taste of what's to come once you stop over thinking things. Richy scoffed and locked his phone, slipping it back into the pocket of his bright swim trunks. He sighed and turned his attention back to the crowd scattered on the sandy beach. Sunbathers, swimmers, surfers. Lots of prime candidates. Richy left his hideout under the pier and mingled back into the crowd, casually strutting across the beach and keeping his eyes peeled for anyone that might be watching. He was careful to straighten his posture and stretch out his shoulders to make himself look bigger and more appealing to wandering eyes. His new body definitely stood out amongst the crowd. His big chest and sculpted abs practically sparkled in the sun as the ocean breeze misted him with sea spray. Richy's legs flexed and swelled with each step and drew attention to his thick thighs and tight ass. Throughout the walk, he caught a few more sly glances that held a little longer than he'd expected. A young guy playing volleyball flexed a bit more than he had been before, showing off his fine tan skin and his wide shoulders for Richy's appreciation. Some cute twink wearing a sombrero winked while setting up a grill as Richy passed by. Even some hunky dad walking up the beach with his kid gaped at him from behind sunglasses, trying and failing to be subtle. The ginger hunk felt his heartbeat race as dozens of sets of eyes watched him make his way to the burger joint at the other end of the beach. It felt exhilarating to hold so much power over the watching crowd, knowing he'd be stuck in some man's head for hours or days afterwards. Maybe he'd even be the inspiration to some wild wank session tonight as some stud got off to the image of his plump ass. Feeling a bit more full of himself, Richy leaned on the long bar counter and flagged down a server. The man turned around from the register and flipped his long silky brunette hair off of his face. His hazel eyes scanned Richy up and down appreciatively and there was a noticeable hitch in his breath. Richy couldn't help but relish the shock and arousal written plainly across the man's face. It felt like he was a kid in a candy shop able to get any sweet that he wanted. The bartender's face quickly switched back to a neutral customer service face as he greeted Richy, walking over from the other end of the bar. Richy looked the man up and down from behind his sunglasses and felt his heart race a bit faster. This guy looked like just his type. Even in the frumpy casual-but-corporate beach uniform he stood out as a fine specimen, perfect for a quickie. As he walked Richy began to fantasize of all the things he’d want to do to the man, assuming he was down to fuck. Confidence, huh? "What can I get you?" "Piña colada, with a bit extra cream." Richy replied suggestively. The brunette began to prepare his order with a nervous smile on his face. He was cute, for sure. He reminded Richy of himself before he'd met Thor, albeit a bit bulkier. He was slender and lithe with a dancer's build and warm brown skin. He had soft facial features and full kissable lips that were flanked on either side by warm wavy brown locks that fell to his shoulder. Richy's eyes traveled to the smaller man's tight waist, admiring the two perky globes of beef that were underneath his fitting black shorts. The rest of his body screamed "tight" from under his blue shirt, causing his growing appetite to yearn for a better view of what was underneath. The man set the cold drink down in front of Richy and flashed another hospitable smile. "Anything else?" he asked politely, and then swallowed hard, maybe hopeful, maybe anxious. Without missing a beat, Richy placed his lips on the straw to the drink and slurped down the whole thing in one long draft, keeping his eyes locked on the cute man from behind his sunglasses. The man's mouth dropped in astonishment and Richy saw his eyes grow wide at the not-so-subtle display. He couldn't help but smirk at his awed gaze. "Yea. Are you busy in ten minutes?" Richy asked directly. "Yeah! Uh, I mean. I go on break in five." Damnit. Dante was right. *** A shorter piece that maybe puts some insight into the mind of someone who's not as confident in their new found sexy powers as Dante, Jason or Thor. This is an example of the kind of "charachter driven" update i''ll have in the future however this was a small one. Also it gave me an excuse to generate an AI image of Richy, see below.
    2 points
  7. Part 3 Jason then motioned for me to follow him once more. I was curious as to where we were going but before I could complete the thought he said he was taking me to my room. Like he was a parent or something. I was confused now, I said what do you mean my room? I have my own place across town where I live. Jason smiled and said not anymore everything has been sold and liquidated. But how? I’m really confused now. The QR code authorized everything and he showed me the receipts and notifications of everything, even an acceptance of resignation from my job. What the whole fuck man. Jason stopped and turned to me and said with a stern expression, this journey is going to take all of your time, besides everything you need is here. Besides, the corporation is taking care of us and everything. What the hell is the corporation but before that could be answered I got to my room and true to his word it had everything I needed. Bed, dresser, TV, which I went to look in the dresser which was full of workout clothes, it even had its own bathroom. He showed me the kitchen which was fully stocked with food, drinks, and snacks, from “The Corporation”. He pulled out a seat at the table and sat down, I followed and he began to explain. The Corporation is a supplement company that has quite a few products out there under various names. They advertised a couple of years ago needing someone to help test the limits of their new products and surprisingly got no response except for me so they rocked with it. Of course I didn’t know half the shit I know now hence the massive traps, arms, and now chest. They are slowly catching my body up but they also need a second tester on their newer products to see how they would work. The crazy but nice thing is we get to become super massive and they will see where to scale back in certain areas to refine their products and reduce side effects. Granted I was intrigued but also a little put off at the fact that we are legit test dummies and I made that statement clear and known. Jason nodded and agreed as those were his same thoughts as well when he first got started but weighed the benefits of being one. We get a place fully covered, we get meals and supplements fully covered. Free gym membership, free vehicle, free clothing, our own private gym which Jason was going to show me next so whats the issue. Well when Jason put it like that there really isn’t a reason for me to not do it. He said think about it Kevin, we could legit be like 600lb muscled beasts and nobody in the world would ever be that big because we would be the only ones. The thought did make me tent my shorts. I was really starting to like this setup. Ok, I’m game. We get up and Jason leads me to the private gym. Similar to the gym that we have memberships with, it was a converted warehouse that had everything we would need. I scratched my head in a puzzled manner. Jason asked what’s the confusion for. I said so if you already had all of this, why did you still come to the gym? His response was 2-fold. One to find a partner since that was the only gym that had the type of clientele he was interested in and two to see if anyone came close to his size. Granted Jason and I are relatively the same height at 6ft each but his size is something to behold. He then stated but with us, we will continue to go to the gym to work out as we are growing so the pretty boys and others can see what true muscle beasts look like and what they can do. I like the sound of that, when do we get started?! Jason liked my enthusiasm and motioned for me to slow down as he explained that there are a couple of rules and expectations. Rule 1 we walk around the house shirtless, Rule 2 we walk around the house in shorts for now, Rule 3 we only wear workout gear at the public gym, Rule 4 you only eat and drink what has your name on it, don’t mix anything because it could be fatal as we don’t know what the other person has in their food and drinks, Rule 5 follow the workout and meal plan to the T no exceptions, Rule 6 follow the sleep schedule as well. The rules were simple enough to follow. By the expression on my face, Jason knew that I was on board. The expectation for the both of us is to grow and grow huge. Out grow the house even, if that is possible and to even go out in public when allowed to do so to show off how much larger we are than regular people and the pretty boys to get them to think about taking products to try and match our size and strength essentially. Thinking through all of the potential possibilities was starting to get me to leak pre from the tip of my penis. The last expectation is to remain hairless from the neck down to really show how massive we are and that we can’t wear anything smaller than a 3X if we had to wear a shirt or pants. So I wonder if I should grow a beard or not but after a quick thought I’m not going to. If what Jason is saying comes to pass, I want to be able to see all of my glory uninterrupted and I would want everyone else to see as well. I looked at Jason and said yeah that’s fine for you but for me, now, that’s way too big. Jason reiterated that is the expectation when we do wear actual clothing which doesn’t happen often. So for now he said everything will start tomorrow for me. Jason instructed me to go get settled in my room and get acclimated to my new home.
    2 points
  8. Putting the finishing touches on the script, you rubbed your raging erection as you reread the passages. Your biggest fantasies laid out before you. No matter how much your logical mind doubted it, you believed it would work. A simple self-hypnosis trick to enact just after crossing the sleep/awake threshold. Like an audiobook, but boosted during alpha wave sleep. Putting on your wireless headphones, you lie down on your twin bed. Surrounded by total darkness, your racing heart and erection fight your brain’s wishes to fall asleep. Rubbing one out through the loose pajama bottoms, you only need to think back to the fifth passage and in a couple moments you blow out your third load for the day. Calming down, you play the track. A quiet whooshing of air and waves crashing on the shore precedes the passage; a grace period to fall asleep. Feeling your head slowly rock back and forth, your consciousness flutters out sooner than you thought. click a rough AI-generated masculine voice quietly reads the passage “You were a muscle jock in the making. Your early success in soccer and basketball excited you and made you want to try out for more sports. Your natural athleticism grew as you watched sports and practiced playing every afternoon. When you were a young teen you went through your first growth spurt. Over the months, your frame grew and grew; your legs and arms got longer and your shoulders broadened. You began doing pushups and working out to add some strength to your longer and skinnier limbs. You began adding on some muscle, slowly but surely growing bigger and stronger. Your hunger grew as you started fueling your body to grow.” your stomach rumbles in your sleep “You remember seeing your first muscle magazine at the store. Seeing the huge man on the cover with the skimpy posers made you excited. Later that night you wacked off furiously at the memory, cumming 3 times at the thought of having such huge muscles. That year you got your parents to get you some weights and workout gear to start lifting regularly. You loaded up on protein and calories every day and worked out for at least 2 hours a day. Very quickly you saw more results. Clothes started feeling tighter as your broad shoulders and arms and legs padded on muscle. Flexing in the mirror at night, your biceps bunched up into balls of muscle, your pecs were beginning to hang over your abdomen. Your big cock would be rock hard as you worked out, seeing your muscles in the mirror and imagining growing even bigger.” your cock was rock hard again, leaking precum in your pajama bottoms against a muscular thigh your pants start to constrict around your muscular legs as you dream of size “In the middle of your workouts you would pose for yourself in the mirror. Flexing your quads, you could see your legs stretch your shrinking gym shorts. Your cock would start leaking pre as you felt your fat balls quiver slightly. Picking up some weights, you did more curls, feeling your muscles burn. That feeling turned you on more; feeling your muscles swell and work; knowing they’ll grow stronger from this. Seeing your cockhead through your shorts, it leaked out more precum, dampening your shorts and throbbing harder and harder against your thigh. Flexing your chest and arms, you see your muscles flex and swell, feeling the burn in them. Quickly grasping your cock, you jerked off three times before you exploded your load over yourself and the mirror.” your muscles twitch and swell as your cock stretches further down your thigh “Your classmates revered your size, your power. Guys asked you to flex and pose. When asked to see your huge thighs, your hefty cock and balls bulged out as you flexed your growing quads. The adoration turned you on more. Your workouts continued with vigor; you worked harder as you got hornier, fueling your extra energy into growing your muscles even bigger. That October on your birthday, you measured your height. 6’3, a gain of 4 inches in a year. Taller than most, you felt more powerful rising higher than others. You weighed a huge 280 lbs of muscle and felt big and meaty. Your hefty cock was thicker and longer than before and your fat hairy nuts were heavier.” your limbs stretched and thickened more as your body began to fill the bed your cock thickened and lengthened against the fabric, soaking your sheets in precum as your hairy nuts grew heftier and fuller “Measuring your growing cock, it was just over 10.5 inches long and thicker than the ruler. Even your nuts were oversized, each one the size of a lemon and hanging low in your big sack. Seeing the other guys in the locker room, it felt strange at first to have such big nuts compared to others. But after seeing many of them stare at your huge package with jealousy, you wanted more growth, more size to show off. You started wearing tight nylon shorts to support your abundant manhood and bull nuts. Just soft, your cock was 7 inches soft and was thick as a can of red bull. You found out that the average length erect was under 6 inches. You were bigger soft than most men were fully hard. You wanted to be even bigger.” you moaned as your cock grew thicker and fatter, veins growing and crisscrossing around your growing meat as your nuts swelled and bulged, your growing load of cum practically sloshing around in your cum factories “As you grew bigger and got more muscular, you felt things fill out more and get tighter all the time. Your biceps and pecs began to bump into each other, forcing your arms apart. Your quads got bigger the more you ran and squatted. Now your quads pushed against each other, forcing your big package out even more. Just sideways, you could see the slope of your fat cock pushing through your pants. Seeing your big muscular arm and pecs stretching out shirts and sleeves turned you on more. Wearing your comfortably loose sweatpants, your bulge and meaty thighs and cheeks had more room to grow. That December you went up another shoe size as you grew taller still. Needing a size 15 now, you knew you weren’t done growing.” your feet and legs grew meatier and longer as your body stretched filling out your once loose pajama bottoms, the hems were riding higher on your calves “Feeling even taller in your new shoes, you were becoming bigger and stronger than most people ever get. You were becoming a giant. One night you measured your cock against a water bottle. Seeing how your big fat cock extended past it all around made you even hornier. You hoped your horsecock would keep growing; bigger, longer, thicker, and fatter. You wanted to be huge, hung like a bull. With even bigger nuts to match. Groping your huge apple-sized nuts, you squeezed and massaged them, imagining them even bigger. Too big to hold in both hands. Double fisting your cock, you dreamed of it becoming too thick to hold with both hands, something you were quickly approaching.” your cock swelled even thicker and fatter as it pushed itself over your waistband, rising higher than ever above you your huge hairy nuts filled out the crotch of your shrinking pants, bulging out more as they swelled bigger and hairier leaking precum down your huge shaft, your cockhead swelled and throbbed as you thrusted your hips in your sleep “You began seeing your face change. Your jaw got thicker and wider as your neck thickened and got meatier. Seeing your sharp cheekbones and lantern jaw matched with your big traps and neck, you couldn’t deny your raw masculinity. Shortly, you felt stubble covering your lips and chin. You worked out throughout the winter, soon stretching your winter clothes as your muscles bulged bigger and thicker. Your shoes got tighter and by the Spring, you were a size 16. Similarly, needing to go up a size in your underwear, your enormous manhood was still growing bigger and thicker.” you moan as your jaw and neck thicken stubble soon peppers your lips and cheeks, thicker on your growing jawbone your traps and shoulders thicken, your shoulders too wide for your bed now your feet are reaching the end of your mattress your huge legs start pushing each other apart from their growing size “As Summer began, you measured yourself, wanting to see how big you could get over the break. Now 6’6, you were the tallest person in your family. Your huge frame weighed a massive 370 lbs of muscle. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you felt the huge bulge in your shorts. Your horsecock kept growing bigger and longer. Letting it flop out of your gym shorts, your massive hairy thighs pushed your junk forward, making it seem even bigger. Your hefty orange-sized nuts and your beer-can thick soft cock jutted out by over half a foot. Getting your trusty ruler, your cock was thicker than the ruler soft! Now 9 inches soft, your meat was getting truly huge.” your cock swelled bigger and thicker as a network of veins grew, covering the growing log your feet were past the foot of your bed, your huge chest and back were now as wide as your bed your pants tear off your massive legs your hairy quads and furry nuts can finally breathe “Seeing your massive cock overshadowing the ruler, you watch as your meat gets hard, slowly enveloping the ruler more and more until you see your huge cockhead pass the 12-inch mark. Letting your cock bob up and down, you flex in the mirror, watching your pecs stretch your tank top to the limit. Your huge nipples jut out from both sides of your flimsy tank top, pushed down by the size of your pecs. Hearing the fabric stretch and tear, your cock starts to gush precum. After months of intense squats and leg presses, you only need to squat down and flex and your enormous thighs and glutes burst through your shorts. Groaning as your huge cock gets harder, you grasp your huge rod and double fist it. Your meaty log is too thick for your hands now. You need it to be even bigger, even thicker; fatter and longer until you can titty fuck your own chest. It’s so tantalizingly close. Your cockhead is just an inch or so away from the huge overhang of your pecs. Exploding out load after load over your pecs, your horsecock pumps out more than 15 loads of your oatmeal-thick cum, covering parts of the mirror and the tattered scraps of your clothes. Your cock continues to dribble out cum as you clean up, swinging thick globs as your thick log bounces.” your cock thickens and lengthens even more as your massive frame makes the bed creak under your growing weight gushing out precum, your orange-sized cockhead coats your hairy chest and stomach in your endless supply of lube your furry nuts swell and thicken your musk is filling the room as sweat starts to dampen the dark curls sprouting on your body “That Summer, finally free from school, you dedicated yourself to growing any way you could. Your workouts grew longer and more intense. You got hungrier and ravenous, fueling your body any way you could. Not wanting to waste protein, you drank your own oatmeal-thick cum; guzzling down cups of the viscous liquid every time you came. You became more untamed, almost feral. Your oversized body becoming more fragrant; pungent; muskier. You stopped shaving. You couldn’t reach where the fuzz was growing down your back and in the deepening crevice of your pecs. If you did shave it would just grow back thicker than before. Oozing testosterone as your body hair grew in thicker and coarser, the thick black hair soon coated your pecs and abdomen. Trailing across your shoulders and down your arms and back. Growing thicker around your gargantuan cock and balls and across your meaty cheeks.” the bed creaks and groans loudly as your muscles swell and grow even faster your chest hair sprawls out thicker, darker, and longer it spreads to cover your arms, your back, your neck, your stomach, your legs, your ass, and around your ballooning manhood your beard and moustache grow thicker and longer as your grunts drop an octave lower you grunt and moan in your sleep as your cock explodes like a cannon, covering you, your ceiling, walls, and floor in your powerful load your enormous body covered your bed, shielding it from your torrent of cum the thick scent in the room grows stronger as your pheromones skyrocket your body hair grows thicker, your furry armpits reek of your sweaty musk “Your conquests worshiped your enormous 450 lb body, feeling your massive pecs, your broad shoulders and arms that were bigger than their heads. You spent your days fueling and working out. You did whatever you needed to in order to grow bigger.” your muscles swell bigger and heavier, the bed is creaking and groaning loudly as your body gains another 25 lbs of muscle “You spent your nights fucking whoever could take your growing monster cock. You fuck like a beast in heat, unable to think and only knowing that you need to empty your growing balls. Your balls never feel empty.” your massive nuts swell bigger and heavier in your lap, pumping more testosterone into your system your cock swells longer and thicker, rising higher as it surpasses stallion size and approaches monster-like your cockhead throbbed thicker, spurting out more and more precum like a volcano now the hair around your swelling cock and balls grows thicker as you become too much of a man “It wasn’t long until you grew too big for doorways. You were 6’9 and needed to start crouching your head. Even sideways you were getting too thick to squeeze through most doorways. One morning you tried to squeeze through into the bathroom and knocked down part of the wall before you made it through. You are a real giant.” your body swells in all directions as muscle is piled onto your growing frame your body extends taller, your head hitting the headboard while your size 20 feet were planted on the floor now your chest was wider than the bed as more muscle piled onto your titanic frame the bed cannot take any more and collapses under you as you pass 600 lbs you wake in a confused daze as a familiar voice keeps speaking to you “You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to cum. You need to grow. You need to sleep. You need to grow. You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to fuck. You need to grow. You need to flex. You need to grow. You need to stop thinking. You need to grow.” you heave yourself of the rubble of your bed and make your way to the bathroom the tape continues to play through your headphones “Your body is on the verge of having another growth spurt. You need to grow taller to fit more muscle. You need to grow thicker and stronger. Your cock and nuts will grow bigger as you grow bigger. Your testosterone will rise as you grow.” your body stretches taller and thicker as you waddle to the bathroom caving in a larger hole through the doorway, you see your reflection in the mirror your half hard cock is thick as a tree and bobbing up and down from its weight precum is still gushing out of your soccer ball sized cockhead like a hose your fur covered bull nuts are the size of watermelons and ache with your pent-up load “You need to grow bigger before you can cum.” you grunt at the instruction your thundering voice is limited to one syllable replies now you struggle to hold back your load as your cock fills with blood waddling to your garage, your cock swells bigger and bigger your nuts feel full to bursting as they swell heavier your cock bulldozes through the wall like a battering ram your body smashes through the wall like paper as dust coats your cum-covered body hair “Lift heavy weights. Lift them more. Lift them more. Grow bigger. Lift them more. Grow huge.” you grunt to yourself as you lift and lift your traps are pushing against your ears while your pecs are pushing against your chin you grunt that you need to be big your nuts hurt as they swell bigger with your load you need to cum, but you need to grow first lifting harder, you feel your pecs swell and grow as you pump them up they’re bigger than couch cushions you pump your arms you can’t bring them down to your sides your pumpkin sized biceps keep mashing against your pecs you feel your nuts swell bigger your cock is pumping full of blood, inching longer and fatter as you grow you squat, your thighs need to spread as they push against each other more the floor looks farther away “Grow bigger.” you grunt as you feel your muscles swell and pack on more muscle faster than before letting yourself fall into the ecstasy of growing, your battering ram of a cock explodes your pent up load you cum constantly as your nuts swell bigger, filling up faster than you can cum your headphones get knocked off as your traps swell against your ears you lift more you grow more you cum more.
    2 points
  9. Amazing chapter 29, please I hope 30 comes out soon. We all miss this story tremendously
    1 point
  10. Harris what did you do, my friend?
    1 point
  11. I'm having a negative, visceral response to Harris already.
    1 point
  12. The Unexpected Opportunity Today started like any other day. Blue sky, bright sun, mid 70s to low 80s just perfect. I took my pre-workout and protein shake and began to head to the gym for a nice and long workout. Today was going to be chest, shoulders, and traps. I’ve been going to my gym for a couple of years to workout for the health benefits but recently started talking to more and more people there and started to really look at my physique. It wasn’t really the way I wanted to look so I decided to really focus on my workout and diet after listening to the advice of some of the IFBB pros that attend the gym too. But there was 1 guy there that didn’t really say much to anybody and honestly, his build was like something I’ve never seen before. Toned legs but nothing to write home about, a roid looking gut but it couldn’t be because the rest of him didn’t match someone taking gear. Huge arms, shoulders, and traps that are halfway up his neck but his back wasn’t that wide and his chest wasn’t much larger than my own. In short, he looked like an action figure with mixed matched body parts but the parts that were big were very defined and prominent. I would purposefully look for him when it was my day to work any of those particular muscle group. I’d always look to see if he was in the gym as sort of a motivational factor to get that extra rep or one more set. Some of the regulars started noticing changes in my physique of course I couldn’t see it. Probably because I see myself every day but even through the baggy sweats and big t-shirt they were able to notice. That’s a little bit of a motivational factor to keep on pushing. Today, while sitting on the bench getting ready to workout, I was talking to one of the regulars. He was trying to talk me into cutting with him so I could see what my body could really look like when it’s lean and tight. I told him let me think about it because I honestly I like the size but I just want to have a flat stomach not abs just flat. No sooner did I say that, HE walked by in mid-conversation to the water filling station and my buddy saw my eyes move towards him as he walked by. When the guy walked back by and started his workout, I was told his name was Jason. Apparently, he is one that doesn’t know the proper way to build a body according to the professionals. But I countered to say that he is big as shit and it looks like he is trying to bring up the weaker areas. After a few more minutes of conversation, we wrapped up our conversation and I began my workout. Since it was pretty warm in the gym which is basically a refurbished warehouse that became a gym quite a few people started to workout shirtless. I wasn’t that confident in my own appearance to workout shirtless, but it did provide for more motivation and opportunities to see what it would potentially look like if I were to start cutting with the rest of them. I could see what they were talking about with being able to see what you could look like leaned out. My guy well Jason, now that I know his name, essentially read the room and began working out shirtless soon and seeing him changed my perspective. Yeah his shape was a bit off but he was working arms like some of the pros and while you could see the perfect separation of the bicep as they were flexing in the mirror. Jason’s bicep and peak was just huge. Not fat but kind of like an offseason type of look which wasn’t bad looking. If could workout like that and make sure I don’t slack in other areas I’d be a bad man. After I finished my set, I made up my mind. I told the guys I’m not trying to compete or anything so I don’t see an issue with just focusing on getting huge. I said that within earshot of Jason who heard me, smirked, but didn’t break his current set or stride. The guys understood and we kept working out today as planned but after that there wasn’t much conversation with them anymore. You would have thought I talked about their mother or something. But either way I just kept focusing on my goal of just getting bigger. I’ve started to notice some changes in how clothes fit but nothing too drastic. Over the next several days, I was working out on my own with no interaction from my old friends and Jason was nowhere to be seen. However, a few days later Jason showed back up but he looked different, I don’t know how and really don’t care but his chest and back had grown very large to match his arms and traps. I again, don’t know how it happened but one day I will work up the nerve to talk to Jason but for now I will get on with my routine now that my walking motivation is back I will push a little harder today. [To be continued...]
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  13. Love superstrength stories like this!
    1 point
  14. Fantastic read! I love it where this is going! I’m also hoping that their supreme shredding will also make their waist tighten way below the 30” But that’s just my kinky mind
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  15. Part 2 I began with my routine for the day. Except for the fact that this was the first time we caught each other’s eye working out. Jason waved at me and I waved back. Didn’t think anything of it really just being polite. I began my next exercise as today was back day. Had my noise canceling earbuds on and was focused on the movement and the stretch. All of that while trying to keep my mind off the heat in the gym on another warm day. I finished my last rep on the back extension and reached for my water and saw a shoe out the corner of my eye. I looked up to see Jason saying something behind me and I took the earbud out of my ear and asked if he was standing there long. He laughed and said he didn’t realize that I had earbuds in and figured something was up when I wasn’t responding but also realized I could have just been focused on my set like most others in here. He was standing there shirtless with sweat dripping down his mountainous traps to his newly enlarged pec shelf and down his pecs. While Jason repeated what he said, I had followed one trail of sweat that slid all the way down to his waist following the striations of his mass like a riverbed of muscle. Of course, I had to pretend to wipe sweat out of my eye. All of this sounded like a long period of time but it was really a matter of a minute or less. From how I was seated the height of the seat on the machine was high enough for me to be at eye level mid chest for him but still able to see his face looking down at me. He had a brutish look to his face, which if you saw him from afar and didn’t know him you would think he would just beat the shit out of you for no reason. Jason began to repeat what he thought I heard, saying he remembers overhearing a conversation with the pretty boys, as he calls the pros that workout here. He continued about how they were trying to convince me to cut but I abruptly decided against it and wanted mass. He then said he noticed that after that statement they just ignored me basically forever more. Jason figured that he had something to do with my mind being changed because he remembers coming nearby purposefully and took his shirt off as well to show the differences between pretty boys and the big boys. He also figured that I may have likely noticed that his chest had grown significantly along with his back. That was my cue to chime in and man did I. I told him that I did notice and was amazed by it. Jason smiled again and said yeah I’m proud of em, while flexing his chest in front of me. He has been watching me for the past few weeks to see my determination to continue down the path of being huge and asked if I was really serious about bulking up for size and mass or just a phase. I wasted no time telling Jason that after seeing him that day my mind was made up. I wanted to be that guy that people have to walk around on the sidewalk because I’m so wide, that guy that has to turn sideways because the doorway is too small for my frame, and be that guy not ashamed to show off my size and mass in public to the point where its just better for me to not wear much because I stretch all of my clothes to the point of bursting all the time. I don’t know if it was the smell of musk that Jason was exuding but apparently I was talking a mile a minute but he caught everything and had to tell me to slow down. I apologized and said I didn’t know what came over me. Jason reassured me that it was alright and that he was glad to hear it. He motioned for me to follow him to the locker area and as we were walking he formally introduced himself to me as Jason. I replied and told him I’m Kevin. He gave me a card from his gym bag with a QR code on it and said to scan it and meet him there in about an hour. I did as instructed, scanned the code for the address and saw it wasn’t that far, finished up my last set for my back and then headed over that way. I arrived at a modest looking flat and rang the doorbell. Jason came to the door and invited me in and motioned me to the front room next to the front door. He was still shirtless with his workout shorts on and yes compared to his upper body his lower body was lacking but this was still a massive guy compared to an average person like myself. I sat in the chair next to the couch and Jason took the couch and leaned forward to start talking to me. “Kevin, I’m going to ask one more time to be sure you are serious in your desire because I take this seriously and don’t want to waste time but are you certain size and mass is what you are aiming for as a goal?” I leaned forward to Jason and said, “Hell yeah!” Excellent! Jason exclaimed then we will be workout partners. Just like that I asked? Just like that Jason replied. We will workout together, meal prep together, the whole 9. Our only focus is getting bigger and more massive and as you can see it is possible but it is damn hard doing it by yourself.
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  16. Chapter Six It was barely the crack of dawn as Sam slowly walked down the street towards Brutus. He didn’t care about how people reacted to him. In fact, most of the time, it thrilled him to see how much of a frenzy he could create in a matter of seconds. Being outside this early, with the streets practically deserted, was a pleasant change for Sam. It was six months since the bodybuilding show and Sam’s gains had surpassed his most extreme fantasies. The short walk had become intense cardio for someone his size. Sam had his headphones on, lost in his own thoughts so he didn’t hear the van pull up. He barely felt the first tranquilizer dart pierce his skin and by the four or fifth, darkness clouded his head and he blacked out. With a start, Sam woke, unaware of how long he’d been out. His head was foggy from the drugs but as mind cleared he began to assess his situation. He felt the blindfold wrapped around his head. He smelt the strong odour of gasoline. He tried to move but found he was being confined somehow. “I wouldn’t struggle, it will only make the restraints tighter.” Echoed a voice from a distance away. It caused Sam’s heart to race. It sounded familiar but he couldn’t quite place it. “What the fuck!” Was all Sam could say. He heard slow movement of feet on concrete before something heavy slammed into the side of his head with such force, he saw stars. The blow knocked the blindfold off but it was a few minutes before Sam’s eyes started to adjust. He tasted blood and his head was throbbing. “I’ve been watching you for the last six months.” Came the voice from a dark corner not far from Sam. He could barely make out the shape except to determine it was large, very large. “I have to say, what you’ve been able to do to yourself is pretty incredible. I started getting regular reports from people about just how big you were getting until I decided enough was enough.” The figure moved out of the shadows. They were wearing an oversized cover-up that looked more like a blanket than actual clothing. Their head was covered but as the light shone on their body, a chill ran up Sam’s spine. The person was absolutely massive, even covered up, their sheer mass was impossible to hide. The person raised their head enough to allow the light to shine on their face. “BEN!” Sam screamed. “Seeing you at the bodybuilding show broke me Sam. I don’t know how you got so huge, so fast but I decided I was going to get just as big, NO, BIGGER.” “Ben! Why are you doing this?” Sam yelled. To say seeing Sam win the bodybuilding show rattled Ben would be an understatement. He rushed home and wanted to hide away forever. How could this once lazy kid overshadow him, dominate him in the sport he loved more than anything? As the days passed his rage increased until it became like a poison flowing through Ben’s veins. He couldn’t just sit by and let Sam achieve the dreams he craved. With a renewed level of determination, Ben refocused his efforts and decided to do whatever it took to become the biggest 19 year old freak the world had ever seen. He approached the biggest, roided out freak at his gym and purchased a massive quantity of the most potent gear. His caloric intake tripled and he devised the most aggressive workout plan he could imagine. Three months after seeing Sam at the bodybuilding show, Ben had gained so much new mass he would have made contest-ready Sam look like the skinny loser he once was. Even Ben was surprised by his gains. He had a become know as a complete psychopath at his gym. When the manager threatened to cancel his membership, Ben snapped a 45lb plate in the man’s face to show him what he’d do to every bone in his body if he made that threat again. As manic and frightening as he’d become on his quest to grow, there was a growing group of muscle lovers that pledged to help Ben get as big as humanly possible. They paid for anything he needed, even offering to cook for him. In return, Ben would allow them to feast on the abomination he was becoming. He loved the attention and power he held over them. One day, during a particularly gruelling leg workout, Ben took his growth journey to an entirely new level. He had the squat bar loaded with eight 45lb plates on each side. The 765lbs would have crushed most seasoned powerlifters but for Ben, it felt like a warmup. As Ben rose for the seventh rep, his crowd of admirers staring in awe. The huge bar was slammed on the rack with such force, the whole cage slid a foot forward. Ben took a step back and ordered three more plates to be added to either side. The men knew not to protest. As the plates were added, bringing the total to a staggering 1,035lbs, Ben’s attention was on his fully pumped, nearly naked body. Rising to his full 5’10” height, his shoulders almost grazed the sides of the squat rack. He weighed himself at 305lbs just an hour before, an inhuman gain of 108lbs in the three months since the bodybuilding show. He surpassed looking like a professional bodybuilder and was becoming something completely different. In every direction, slabs of thick, vein-covered muscle exploded from his body. While there was still a hint of the 19 year kid under all that mass, Ben only saw the growing wall of muscle he always wanted to become. “Four needles, NOW!” Ben commanded. One of the hardcore lifters dedicated to fulfilling Ben’s every command approached with the syringes ready. As the powerful drugs were injected into his system, Ben shook and flexed his 36” tree-trunk dwarfing quads for his minion to droll over. Tearing his quads away from the man’s grip, Ben positioned himself under the record-breaking weight. He let out a low, primal growl and lifted the bar off the rack, the weight trying to crush his body. Slowly, Ben started to lower the bar until his monstrously huge glutes were only inches from the ground. “GROW!” He screamed and started to rise. At the top of the rep, his skin-tight shorts literally exploded, exposing his striated glutes for the crowd to ogle. As the moans from the crowd filled the room, Ben felt his strength increase, knowing all eyes were on his expanding body. “YES. GET OFF ON THIS FUCKING MASS!” He screamed as the reps started to come quicker. The pain in his thighs was excruciating but the sight was like something out of a science fiction movie. From his head to his toes, Ben was nothing but a quivering mass of muscle. As the onlooker’s hot cum started to splash onto his paper-thin skin, Ben was bellowing like a rabid beast. He lost count of the reps and on his last one, instead of racking the weight, he rose on his toes, flexing his 22” calves. Cum was puddling at his feet and as he looked at his bloated legs, he began to shoot his own load, his hands still gripping the heavy bar. “YES. LOOK AT ME. I AM A FREAK!” He screamed as he racked the bar, grabbed his throbbing cock and shot another load while flexing every muscle. He turned to face his crowd, pointing to the two largest men, each a professional bodybuilder in their own right. As they nervously approached, Ben wrapped his 24” arms around each of their waists and with no visible effort, lifted them off the ground. With his attention on his reflection in the mirror, he alternatively began to fuck the huge man, maneuvering them like small sex toys on and off his rock-hard cock. Each forceful thrust, causing his hulking body to swell even bigger. The scene was so extreme, a few of his admirers puked at the sight, while others continued to shoot loads. By the end, the two men slid down Ben’s massive body as he continued to flex, seemingly unaware anyone else was even present. For the next three months, reports would come to Ben on a regular basis. He would send someone to check on Sam’s progress. While specifics were hard to get, Sam worked out in private, locking the doors at Brutus for most of his gruelling workouts, Ben would gather some information. While Sam’s growth continued to defy logic, Ben refused to allow it to distract him, responding by injecting and ingesting more drugs, food and supplements. The torture he subjected himself to seemed to have no limit. Two weeks prior to Sam’s abduction, Ben received an update he’d been dreading. Grant, one of his most dedicated admirers woke Ben up in the middle of the night by pounding on his apartment door. Ben knew there was something wrong when Grant didn’t stare in utter shock at Ben’s naked body, instead, he looked shaken and terrified. Ben ushered Grant inside and asked what happened. “I’m sorry Ben but h-h-he’s j-j-just s-s-so HUGE!” Ben could feel his cheeks get warm listening to Grant and seeing how upset he was. Grant was a huge 320lb powerlifter that was shaking like a scared little kid. “Tell me what happened.” Ben commanded. “I was waiting for Sam to leave Brutus like you said. I was outside, about to go in when I started to hear the screams. Next thing I knew, people started running out into the street. They were all really freaked out. I stepped inside and there he was!” Grant said, burying his face in his hands, unable to go on. Ben placed his hand on the dining room table and with a subtle movement, caused the legs to splinter, the table top crashed to the floor. “WHAT!” He yelled. “He was curling the fucking leg press machine! Like a fucking barbell! It was loaded with plates too! He looked like a fucking demon! I’ve never seen anyone so massive.” Ben stepped forward, gripping Grant around the throat with one hand and effortlessly lifted him off the ground. He slammed his head into the wall and continued to force him higher. Grant tried to claw at Ben’s forearm but he would have had better luck punching a brick wall. “HE CAN”T BE BIGGER THAN ME! NO ONE CAN!” Ben said, tossing Grant across the room where the large man fell to the floor and a terrified heap. “I’m sorry Ben. I’m sorry Ben. I’m sorry Ben.” Grant chanted as he looked up at Ben’s body eclipsing the light around him. “FUCK! This will not do. He needs to be stopped! I NEED TO STOP HIM! Call the others, have them at the gym in 10 minutes. THIS ENDS NOW!” Ben screamed and stormed down the hall to find something to wear. Ben took a step closer to Sam, assessing his impossible size but further fuelled by the confidence he had for his own massive presence. “I did this so you could see just how big someone can get. I WANT YOU TO FEEL SMALL THIS TIME SAM!” Ben screamed as he pulled the billowing cover off his body. He smiled menacingly as Sam’s screams filled the large, cavernous garage.
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  17. There’s a loud thud as I pin him against the wall. A fit, little twink in my grasp. My tongue teases his neck. My strong work-calloused thumb grazes against his Adam's apple. For tonight, he was all mine. “Fuck, boy…” I growl as I grab his chin. “I’m gonna wear this throat out.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I was loving my new apartment. High ceilings. Huge windows. A gorgeous view of downtown Dallas. It’s a ways away from Jersey, but I would be crazy to turn down this new management position. Dallas is a good change of pace at the very least. Southern hospitality is a real thing. I got my share of soaps, candles, and whiskey from my new neighbors. Now I just needed a good southern twink to break in the new bed. I left a lot of speed-dial holes back home in Jersey. I needed to build up my Rolodex of hungry bottoms for whenever I needed to dump my load. Just hope my balcony neighbors will enjoy the view through to my California king. I stood at my window rubbing myself while scrolling through the local Grindr pool. It was work to scrub through the rows of metrosexuals half-dressed in plaid who thought they were tops. Oh, please. Like you could dominate anybody with those skinny arms. I would call them vers at best. If they’re lucky. These twinks are just overconfident. I swear, if I get one more twig-dicked hipster to ask if “daddy” needs some cock, I’m going to invite that boy over and show him what a real top looks like. Broad-chested and hairy. A deep, commanding voice. Rough hands that can make a hole quiver. I’ll show them what a real man dick looks like and fuck them like the brat they are. Maybe then they’ll know their place beneath this Alpha daddy. Luckily as I was laying in bed, losing my hard-on, I found Perry. Right at the top of my refreshed home page. Beautiful boy. Got a thin build that’s perfect for tossing around. He was already on his knees in his cute little jock strap. Good start. I love a boy who knows where he belongs. On his knees. He had my interest. I sent the first text, but he drooled over my post-gym selfies. He begged to worship my muscles. He also bragged about his little “Magic Throat.” He was confident he could take all my inches. I find that hard to believe, but he was hungry for my cock. I loved the eagerness. We’ll just have to see how proficient he is with that throat of his. I’m going to push this boy to his limits. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I grab the scruff of his neck with a smirk. “Get to fucking work, boy,” I order. He drops to his knees and looks up at me with his deceivingly innocent eyes. He is loving every second of it. Perry. Such a good boy. We are gonna have some fun. He places his hand on the outline of my dick in my office slacks. He waited so patiently for me to get home from work. I picked him up from his room a few floors down. He looked so hungry dressed in his little shorts and gym shirt. He couldn’t keep his hand off my bicep the whole ride up the elevator. Now, his fingers lightly trace my semi-hard shaft. Slowly, he massages my bulge. I feel my cock hardening, extending down my pant leg. His gentle touch just makes me want to grow. I want to use him. “Pull it out,” I bark as I pull my leather belt off. He slowly undoes my pants button while keeping a hand on my thick bulge. I’m still not done growing. With his thumb and palm, he squeezes my thickening shaft down, trying to find where my cock ends. I always make sure to warn my bottoms that I’m hung before we meet up. I don’t need them running out scared of my size. I’ve been blessed with eight inches of man dick since I was 15. I’ve only gotten thicker since high school. I wouldn’t mind another couple of inches, but I think I hit my last growth spurt a long time ago. I don’t think my usual bottoms would be able to handle much more of me anyways. Except for Perry. I could tell he wanted every inch of me. I just hope he can take it how I like to give it. I watch as his eyes widen slightly when he finds the tip of my dick. Eight inches hangs lower than you would think, but I can tell he was excited. He tucks his fingers under my waistband and begins to pull down my slacks. I don’t wear underwear for this exact reaction. I love watching my bottom get excited revealing all my inches. I watch as Perry pulls my pants down. Slowly, inch by inch, revealing more and more dick. Until he finally got to the head. There’s a second of resistance as my pants get caught on the tip, but then it gives way. My semi-hard cock jumps forward with its full weight, swaying side to side. My fat, manly cock hung in front of his cute face. That move never fails to turn me on. Perry kisses the base of my shaft. He got a big whiff of my musk with his nose in my short pubes. I like to keep my cock hairy, but not unkempt. I’m an alpha, not an animal. Perry cups my dick in his palm to appreciate the weight. His petite fingers slowly stroke my shaft. He struggles to touch his thumb to his pointer finger around my shaft. “Fuck… I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this,” Perry fought a chuckle. He looks like he’s enjoying himself. Almost a little too much. Although, who could blame him? He is getting a four-course meal of a man tonight. I only let out a deep grunt in response. My button-up shirt feels tight against my chest as I heave. I let out a growl as I grab my button-up shirt and tear it open. A few of the buttons pop their stitches and fly across the room. Nothing a little trip to the tailors couldn’t fix. My tailor was used to me coming in with popped buttons and torn sleeves. He got his fair share of tips. I look down at my boy with a smirk. I wrap my hand around his skinny forearm and pull his hand onto my stomach. He continues kissing the base of my shaft while he feels my abs. The tips of his fingers follow the definition of my six-pack, slowly making their way up to my pecs. He looks up, keeping his tongue on my shaft. “What? See something else you want, boy?” I bark. I give him a smirk and flex my biceps above him. His eyes follow my muscles lustfully as my arms ripple and harden. Perry wraps his hand around my oblique and grabs onto my back to pull himself up. His hungry breath brushes against my stomach. He wants more. I let out a short grunt, ready to provide. His soft lips kiss my skin. The warm sensation of his tongue following up on my abs makes me groan reflexively. He knows how to press my buttons. His tongue climbs up to my heavy pecs, flicking against my hardening nipples. Fuck, that’s good. His hands move across my body while he teases my man tits. He gropes my thick arms. His fingers wrap around the head of my bicep. I feel them start to burn as I flex them harder. “Fuuck, boy…” I growl in pleasure. “Worship your daddy!” His hands struggle to grab and feel all of my alpha mass. His tongue tastes and teases my sweaty, sensitive nipples. “Oh, yeah! Just like that…” my voice deepens. All eight inches of my girthy dick throbs. My swollen cock head leaks precum all over itself. It’s so pent-up. I feel it demanding to be serviced. I need to fuck Perry’s tight, little ass. With a growl, I stick my hand down the back of my boy’s pants. My calloused man hands grope his soft ass. I let a finger tease the rim of his hairless asshole. He’s so fucking tight. I’m gonna tear his hole wide open. I know he wants me to rip him open. Slowly, his hole swallows my thick index finger. “Ahh…” he moans. “Fuck, Daddy.” His little outburst interrupts him worshiping my pecs with his tongue. I don’t remember telling him to stop. “Keep licking my pecs, boy,” I grunt out. He’s so obedient. He leads his tongue across my hairy chest. He gets lost in the cleavage of my post-pump pecs. God damn, that feels so good. I feel my muscle tits flex and harden instinctively. My chest felt hot. Literally hot. Similar to how I feel after chest day. I love the burn, but it feels odd right now. Despite that, I keep a firm grip on his ass. With my free hand, I grab the waistband of his pants and tear them to the floor. Damn, he really does have a great ass. His adorable, submissive cock pokes against my quads. I feel his twink dick twitch while he worships my pecs. Precum leaks out of his swelling dick and drools all over my leg. Beneath his tongue, he moans and whines in pleasure. My hands left red outlines of my grip on his pale cheeks. His ass was signed by my hands. I spread his ass and kept teasing his hungry hole. My fingers are thick, but they’re nothing compared to how my thick man cock is going to feel deep inside of him. I slide another finger in to loosen him up. He’s gonna need some training if he’s gonna take all my inches. Perry whines and presses his forehead into my chest in pleasure. I only have two fingers in him. Fuck, my cock is going to make this boy squirm. I keep my fingers in his hole and lift him up off the ground. I press my lips to his neck softly. He wraps his arms around the nape of my neck to keep his balance. I pull him up onto my lap as I sit back on my bed. “Oh, fuck…” Perry moans. “Please, Daddy.” My tongue caresses the underside of his chin. His perfect ass is in my lap. I reach behind him to grab my cock and slap it between his ass cheeks. Fuck, my dick felt heavy. I could usually wrap my fingers around the whole shaft, but right now, my thumb couldn’t quite touch my middle finger. Damn, this boy has got me hard as fuck I guess. I continue kissing his sensitive little body. I could deadlift twice his weight effortlessly. He was so light in my grasp. I lay back on my bed, letting my cock grind against his ass. With one hand, I grab the back of his neck and pull him down on top of me. My tongue enters between his lips. His hands wander all over my body. I grab the base of my cock and slap it against his ass. The fat head of my dick teases his weak hole. God damn, his ass was going to feel so good. Then, Perry places his hands on my chest, both dwarfed by the sheer mass of my pecs. He lifts himself up slightly to look into my eyes. “Wait, sir! I want to suck your dick first,” he begs. I snicker under my breath. He looks so cute thinking he could make demands. “Fuck, boy… I love your eagerness.” I grab the side of his head, playing with his hair. Such a good bottom. “Ask daddy again…” I tease. “I want you to beg for it.” “Please, Daddy… Please let me suck your dick.” “Again…” I demand. Perry reaches behind him and wraps his fingers around my shaft. Well, as best he could. My cock felt so huge in his grasp. I love it. “Please, Daddy…” he whines. “I need your massive… thick… monster of a man cock… so fucking deep down my throat. I want to feel you grow, Daddy.” Oh fuck, he’s so good. “Damn, boy… I think you already got my fat dick rock hard,” I moan under my breath. Perry just gives me this cute little mischievous grin. I don’t know what he’s planning, but I need it right now. I sit up and lower my boy to the ground. His gentle hands massage my thighs while his lips press against my penis. That gentle sensation was enough to make my cock throb. Slowly, he kisses up the underside of my shaft, gently tugging on my low-hanging balls. He pinches my foreskin between his lips and tugs it back. Then he wraps his lips around the head of my cock. Oh, fuck. My head fell back in ecstasy. The warm sensation of his tongue on my dick sent a shiver up my spine. I feel that heat spread over my entire body, like every sensitive part of me is getting stimulated. A bead of sweat rolled down my pecs. I feel my muscles contract and flex. “God damn, boy…” I groan. “You sure know how to worship Daddy’s cock.” I can’t help but moan as he takes more of my cock down his throat. He swallows every inch of me like it was no problem. All eight inches of my man cock deep, deep inside of him. I stand up and grab the back of his head. I hold him in place, balls deep down his throat. His lips wrap tight around the base of my cock and his tongue continues to tease and massage my shaft. “Oh, fuck yeah, boy!” I bark in a deep voice. Deeper than usual. I let out a deep growl as his throat grows tighter around my cock. Another wave of that hot ecstasy washes up my body again. All my muscles tense up against my will. My pecs flex as that heat burns in my chest. It feels like I was being cooked in a sauna. More beads of sweat roll down my neck and stomach. “F-fuck…” I pant like a dog. “God damn, boy…” My grip on the back of his hair loosens. He looks up at me with hunger in his eyes. My cock still stuffing his throat. He flashes me this devilish look as he slowly pulls his mouth off of my dick. He grabs my cock and slaps it on his face. Shit, my cock looks huge! It weighs down over half his face, my fat shaft extending over the top of his head. God, did my cock always look that big? “Fuck… What are you doing to me, boy?” I struggle to catch my breath. My entire body grows sore. My skin wraps tight around my muscles like I could flex and outgrow my body. It’s that post-lifting pump-type burning. That feeling when you know you’ve put on some mass. That feeling I chase every time I hit the gym. Only now, I feel it all over me. I feel it in my hands. It’s in my jaw. And I feel it engulf my cock. Fuck. I wrap my fingers around my thick shaft, only now my girth won’t let my fingers touch around it. Thick veins pulse under my palm. My foreskin stretches tight and pulls under the ridge of my swollen cock head as thick, creamy precum leaks out from my dickhole. God damn, my cock had to have gotten bigger! This wasn’t just a man dick, it was a grade-A Alpha cock. Fuck, all this growth was turning me on so much. My dick is fucking massive! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ever since middle school, I’ve wanted a bigger cock. Puberty itself was my biggest sexual awakening growing up as the scrawny kid. With every new hair I grew on my chest and every inch I got taller, my libido grew. I kept a record of my cock growth. I waited patiently as my cock grew bigger than the American average. Fuck, when I grew two inches over the span of three months just before starting high school, I was jerking off every chance I could get just so I could admire it. In the football locker room, I felt my teammates always staring at my bulge. They thought I never noticed, but I loved feeling their eyes on me. I could feel their confidence drain when they got undressed next to me. Even though I was skinny, I made them feel small. Nobody else came even close to my eight inches. I was a man standing among boys. My dick stopped getting longer when I was 15, but with every football season, my cock just got thicker. I still had the biggest dick on the team. I knew it and my team knew it. Each season, my bulge just got heavier and heavier. Eventually, my team got more comfortable around me and would start to poke fun. They had accepted their role and got used to it. But by the time I turned 19, the growth had stopped. Not that anybody else could tell, but I still wanted more. I went to college wishing I could feel my dick keep growing. I wanted to feel my body swell with more size, but my dick was done. So naturally, I turned to bodybuilding to get that high that my growing cock used to give me. It was a good substitute. But look at me now! My cock has swollen to new records. Fuck, what was it? Nine? Ten inches? Bigger than that? God damn, this is the dick I was born to have! A dick belonging to a true Alpha! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Holy shit… That’s more like it!” My voice rumbles in my chest. Perry just looks up at me. A sense of euphoric satisfaction stretches across my face. He looks so proud of himself. He struggles to grab the base of my new cock and then slaps its freshly grown size on his tongue. With each slap, another hot, erotic sensation shoots up my chest. “You like how I make you grow, Daddy?” Perry moans softly. “Fuck yeah, boy! You got me so fucking big and hard,” I growl. Perry licks the tip of my cock. I watch it throb and swell even bigger. “You want more, big daddy?” he teases. I still don’t understand how he was doing this, but I don’t care. Whatever it is, it was making me grow and that’s all I need right now. More size… “Make me grow, boy…” Perry wraps his lips around my fat dick. Slowly, inch by inch, he swallows my Alpha cock. His warm, tight throat barely struggles as he accepts every inch. His neck swells as my cock stretches him open. Fuck, that’s so hot. Eventually, his nose finds its way onto my stomach. His tongue flicks and teases the underside of my shaft and pushes on my heavy bull balls. He makes it look so easy. That hot sensation spreads over my entire body again. My cock swells in his throat. My pecs and biceps throb. My stomach tightens and my abs become more defined. I throw my head back in ecstasy. Fuck, that’s it. I grab the back of his head and force him to bob up and down on my shaft. Oh, fuck yeah! I could feel my entire body tighten and stretch as he sucks me clean. “Bigger, boy…” I grunt. “Bigger!” With my eyes closed, I enjoy every sensation. I feel every individual muscle in my body flex like a full-body orgasm. I start to twitch and swell as he keeps sucking me dry. Fuck, I never want this to end. I finally open my eyes and look back down at my boy on his knees. I watch as my quads ripple and flex, and then they swell and grow. My body goes numb. I watch as the top of my boy’s head feels more distant. I fight to catch my breath. I look down at my muscular body. My pecs bounce as they grow further off my chest. I gaze at my thick arms. Stretch marks pull across the sides of my biceps. I lift my arms and flex. My shoulders and lats spread like wings unfolding. My biceps erupt with size. Each flex causes them to swell until they’re the size of my head. Thick veins throb across my arm. Holy shit! I grab my pecs and feel their weight. Fuck, my muscle tits are heavy with mass. I flex to force them to grow even bigger. And bigger. The top of Perry’s head felt even further now. Fuck, it wasn’t just my dick. My entire body was growing! I’m swelling up with pure orgasmic muscle. This has always been my fantasy. I wish I would’ve left my shirt on so I could’ve shredded it with my hulking pecs. Bet my tailor would love to give me a fitting right now. I’m becoming a beast and I fucking love it. “Oh, fuck… This is how a man should feel!” I roar out. I bend down from my still-growing height and grab the back of my boy’s head. I force my monster cock balls deep down his throat. My nuts have swollen to the size of eggs that hung against his chin. I feel my load is building up and sloshing inside of them. Perry is unfazed as my beastly cock stuffs his perfect throat full. This dick could kill someone with its size, but Perry just keeps worshiping me. I need to be worshiped. I hold his head against my stomach for another moment. “Fuck…” I moan. “Just a few more inches, boy!” Then I let him pull out. Slowly. I want to appreciate my new size. A few thick veins pulse around the base of my cock. More inches. My shaft has a heavy downward curve under its new weight. More inches. I wrap my two huge hands around my shaft. There’s still room for more. More inches. My foreskin has been stretched so tight by my growth that it looks like I’ve been circumcised. More inches. More inches. At least a foot and a half of raging monster cock throbs under its mass. Finally, I feel Perry’s lips wrap around my big, sensitive dick head. A wave of precum falls from the edge of his mouth. He looks up at me like a succubus. My monster cock falls from his lips with a loud whiff. The sound of air displacing fills the room as my massive endowment swings down like a baseball bat between my knees and flops over the edge of my bed. God damn, I’m fucking massive! “Holy shit…” my voice rumbles. “Look at how fucking big I am!” I stand up as I talk dirty. Perry gets further and further away as I stand at full height. The back of my head bumps against the ceiling and forces me to hunch down slightly. Damn, I’m fucking huge! I must be over ten feet tall now if I was reaching the ceiling. I look over my hulking body with lust. Fuck, I was turning myself on so hard. I look down and reach across my barrel chest to start groping my right arm. I squeeze my hulking triceps and dig my thumb into the ridges between my muscles. All mass. I feel them expand as I reach my arm up. My hand follows down my chiseled lats into the hairy jungle under my arm. Oh, fuck yeah. I bend down and get my nose as close as I can to my armpit and take a big whiff. Oh, fuck! That’s fucking good. I smell like I spent three days straight at the gym. Fucking ripe. My pits are drenched in that intoxicating Alpha musk. These pheromones could turn any wannabe alpha into nothing but my little bitch. Fuck, it made even my monster cock throb. I push past Perry and approach my full-body mirror. Although now the top of it barely reached up to the bottom of my chest. I bend down and face myself in the mirror. A field of thick black hair covers my face. I just shaved this morning, but now I have a full short beard that perfectly chisels my jawline. “Hello there, sexy,” I purr at my reflection. I run my hand up my thick neck. I turn my head and check myself out. God, I would fuck myself so hard right now. I drop to my knees in front of the mirror so I can stop hunching over to stare at myself. My beastly cock hangs off my waist and slumps to the hardwood floor between my engorged thighs. The cold floor feels good on my sensitive cock head. I reach down and grab the very base of my dick. I squeeze my hand three-quarters around my veiny shaft and pull down like I’m milking a bull. I bet most bull studs would even struggle to measure up to this cock. I let out a moo-ish groan as I stroked my hand down maybe a third of my shaft’s length. A puddle of thick, creamy precum oozes out of my swollen cock head. “You look fucking massive, Daddy,” I growl to myself. I raise my arms above my head and flex. My biceps and triceps swell with a mountain range of muscle. My pecs squeeze and balloon out. My laterals spread out past the edges of my reflection. “Holy fuck… You are so fucking huge,” I chuckle. “You are a muscle god!” I reach down and continue to grope my own muscle mass. I cup my huge tits with both hands and watch them bounce. Thick shockwaves ripple across my chest. I let go and make them dance. Each time I flex my pecs it’s like an earthquake of muscle. I can’t help but slide my fingers under and between my pecs just to feel them get swallowed up by my massive muscle tits. I bet any boy would kill just to get the chance to fuck these pecs. These slabs of meat could swallow an entire beta dick easily. So fucking big and tight. Hungry. Then my fingers find my nipples. Fuck, they’re so thick and sensitive. Just running my fingers over them makes my cock jump against my will. My thumbs rub across their tips and my nips just perk up. It takes my breath out of my chest. It’s intoxicating. I pinch my nipples and squeeze them tight between my thumb and pointer finger. Holy fuck. My cock flexes on its own. Then I twist and pull on my hard nips. My bull cock lifts with its full weight and lunges forward. There’s a loud, wet smack as it slaps against its reflection in the mirror. Thick droplets of white precum run down the mirror from the splat mark left from my cock. I close my eyes and keep twisting my nips harder. I don’t even feel the pain. I just feel euphoric. “FUCK…” I roar. And then I feel tiny hands groping the underside of my tricep. I open my eyes and Perry is beside me trying to lift up my arm and get closer to me. He’s so tiny. Even on my knees, he is only as tall as my shoulder. There’s not even enough room in the mirror for him next to me. He puts his hand on my chest and slides it under my hand. “Slow down, Daddy,” he giggles. “Don’t want you to cum just yet.” I let go of my nips and let him pet my chest. His hands look so puny against my barrel chest. I make everything look puny. He rubs my nipples with his palm slowly and I can’t stop myself from letting out a deep moo. “Watch who you’re talking to, son…” I groan. “Don’t forget who the Alpha is here.” “Yes, sir.” Such a good boy. Perry stands next to me and massages my muscles for the mirror. His little hands slip under my pecs and make them bounce. His hands feel and grope each of my abs. His hands just wander around my mountainous body while I flex in the mirror. Now this is true muscle worship. I am a size god and he was praying at the temple that is my body. Praying for my benevolence, for my protection, for my raw, savage fucking. “That’s right, son. Worship me!” He falls to his knees and kneels beside my cock. He struggles to wrap his tiny hands around my 3-liter bottle-thick shaft. He lifts it up slightly from between my knees. My cock is hard as steel and yet it still hangs down under its enormous weight. My beastly dick weighed across Perry’s hands as he held it in front of him. “Finally big enough to feed your appetite, son?” “For tonight, big daddy,” Perry smiles devilishly. He moves closer toward my pelvis. He struggles, but lifts my cock up and over his shoulder. He kisses my stomach and tugs on my enormous balls. In the mirror, I see my massive shaft hanging over his shoulder and down his back. My thick veins pulse and more precum drools out of my cock and onto Perry’s perfect little bubble butt. “You like your new size, Daddy?” Perry looks all the way up at me. “Like it?!” I growl. “I fucking love it!” I flex again for the mirror. For myself. It turned me on. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If only my high-school buddies could see me now. A size demon with a pretty boy on his knees to worship me. That scrawny kid with the oversized cock they used to know was gone. I swallowed him whole. Now I finally have a body that matches my ego. Not just a kid with a big dick and a big head. I’m fucking huge! The sight of me would make any man tremble with inferiority. As they should. I am a god and they would be so fucking lucky as to worship me. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Look at me, son,” I commanded. Perry obeys. “You want daddy to fuck you?” “I need you to fuck me, big daddy…” Perry whines. “Fuck me with your massive cock, Daddy!” I grab the back of his neck. He felt so small in my big, meaty hands. He just whines and accepts it. I wrap my hands entirely around his waist and lift him off the ground. My heavy shaft slides off his shoulder and slaps against the floor. He is so tiny. His little hands press against my forearms to keep his balance as I carry him. Fuck, I’m gonna tear this boy open. I toss him onto my bed like a toy. “Now I’m gonna give you a taste of what you fucking created, son…” I tease. I kneel next to the bed while Perry lays on his back on my mattress. I lift my heavy cock and slap it on top of him. I pull his legs closer to me. The full weight of my shaft sits on top of his chest. He was gonna feel this monster cock all the way in his ribcage. Perry smiles as if to challenge me. “Give me every inch of you, big daddy…” His cute cock twitches in anticipation. I let out a deep chuckle as I backed up. My cock drags down his stomach. “I’m gonna fucking destroy your little hole, son…” I grunt. I place the tip of my cock against his tight ass. Even just teasing his hole, I felt so powerful. Slowly, I press my cock into him against the resistance. It takes a second, but then his warm hole accepts my cock and swallows my girth. I expected his hole to squeeze my new cock so tight that it hurt, but his hole feels absolutely fucking perfect. The warm sensation of his ass strokes my cock just how I like it. Slowly, I force myself another inch deeper against his tight walls, and then another. “Fuck…” I moan. “Your ass is fucking perfect, son…” I press deeper and deeper. His hole felt like warm silk wrapped tight around my sensitive cock head. I’ve got my dick only about halfway in and I can feel it throbbing, begging for more. I watch my boy as my cock twitches inside of him. A distinct bulge presses up against his skinny stomach as my hard cock flexes like the beast that it is. My dick pushed aside his organs to make room for the only one that matters. Perry throws his head back against the mattress as he moans out cries of pleasure. He opens his eyes and looks up at my giant-like frame as I kneel above him. “Fuck… Give… Give it all to me…” he whines between strained breaths. “Please, daddy…” He heaves like he was in pain, but his eyes glinted with that devilish look. His smirk was begging me to take him like prey. I huff like a bull as I pound my hands down onto the mattress on either side of my boy, pawing at the ground before I charge. My hulking frame overshadows Perry completely as my muscles flex above him. His tiny hands trace along their swollen definition. His fingers follow the trenches of my musculature. My pecs can swallow his hand whole. It is intoxicating. My massive size was a drug and I am addicted. Then I charge. I let out a roar as I thrust another few inches deeper inside of him. My massive cock makes room to dump its load. The bulge in Perry’s stomach reaches further up towards his chest. Perry cries out in that whining voice. His hands struggle to grip my biceps. I face little resistance as I force the last leg of my cock deep into his tight and hungry hole. My heavy balls hang against the side of my mattress. My monster cock filled his tight, little body so nicely. I place a hand across Perry’s stomach and feel my dick throb inside of him. I run my thumb up his smooth frame, tracing the bulging outline of my monster cock all the way up to his chest. My dick is currently taking up a majority of his torso. Perry heaves through a pained smile as the head of my cock is pressed against his lungs. “Fuck, daddy… You got… bigger than I expected…” he huffs. “ I… I want you… to fuck me… hard!” A shiver ran up my spine as he said that. His guts massaging my throbbing cock. My dick was begging to unload the sloshing reservoir of cum that was building up in my balls. I bare my teeth, “You’re reading my mind, son…” My fingers wrap easily around Perry’s neck. My other hand grips his waist as I slowly pull out. The thick bulge running up his stomach shifts. Fuck, I didn’t even know I had a fetish for this. “I’m gonna tear you up… Like a cheap fuck toy.” I already stretched his hole open, so now I was going to take what was mine. I slam my cock back deeper into him and force him to cry out. The sound of his whines awakens some kind of primal instinct inside of me. I pull back and feed him another thrust that makes him whine. Again and again, I fuck him harder and harder until his hole can’t resist against my cock any longer. I am an animal and he is just my toy. He cries out louder as I use him. My cock took him effortlessly. My balls swell and grow as my load just keeps building up. I’m so fucking pent up. This is the load I have been waiting my whole life for. Fuck, I feel so fucking powerful. I am a god playing with a mere mortal. With my huge hand still wrapped around his neck, I lifted Perry up. My cock still fills his body with man meat. As I pull him against my torso, he slides down deeper onto my godly endowment. He doesn’t even whine anymore. He just lifts his arms weakly to hold onto my thick traps to steady himself. Mouth agape, he looks up into my eyes. He pants like a pup. Such a good boy. “You want this fucking load, son?” I smile. I lean down and press my lips to his. Making out slowly and passionately. My tongue fills his mouth. My cock stuffs his ribcage. I lift him up and start using him like a fleshlight. Up and down he rides my monstrous dick. He feels so fucking good. His tongue dances with mine in his mouth. My perfect boy. Takes my cock so well. A rush of heat runs down my chest. I fuck him harder. Harder. His perfect ass slaps against the base of my shaft. My cock throbs and flexes. I feel my shaft swell even bigger. My cock head grows against his lungs. My endowment isn’t done growing yet. I’m going to cum. I need to unload these massive balls and dump my seed deep inside of my boy. I can’t hold back anymore. It’s now just a primal urge to breed. I was going to endow this boy with the blessing that is my hot cum. The sounds of whines and grunts and slapping skin fade until I hear nothing but ringing in my ears. My body becomes numb as I force myself balls deep inside of Perry. The little fucktoy on my cock and on my tongue disappears. My vision goes white. I feel nothing except pure orgasmic euphoria. My mountainous cock erupted with its semen and my mind ascended. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I lose track of time. I just float in that heavenly orgasm. Until eventually my vision returns to me. I’m bent over on my knees with my head resting on my bed. My cheek was resting in a pool of cum. I sit up. My head still feels heavy. Perry lays on his back in my bed. His chest heaves heavily. A satisfied smile spread across his face. I look down and see waves of cum pouring out of his gaping hole. My load was splattered all over my bed and spilled over onto the floor of my apartment. I grunt and force myself to stand up. My vision is still blurry. My head felt like a sandbag. My feet step into a puddle of my own cum. “Fuck, you are perfect,” I sighed in my usual voice. My eyes shoot open. I look around my apartment, gradually growing around me. The ceiling seems so far away now. I look down at my arms and watch as my muscles shrink before my eyes. My biceps relax and slowly return to my tiny self. All my muscle mass was melting away. “What?! What the fuck! What’s happening?! Where—” I stammer. I grope my biceps. Begging for my size to return. I don’t want to go back. I turn and rush over to my mirror. I still look bigger than I was before, but I could only watch in horror as my muscles shrink. My pecs pull back tight against my chest. My arms thin out. My height fell. Even my cock shrivels up to its tiny 8 inches. It was as if my entire body was like a cock going soft after shooting its load. I panic. I grope myself trying to keep some of that size that made me feel like a god. But it was all gone. Stripped away from me. “Oh, fuck…” Perry huffs. “Don’t worry, big daddy.” He stands up from the bed. More cum sloshes out of his ass and drips down his leg and onto the floor. He comes up behind me and puts his hand on my bicep. My skinny arm. “It’s okay,” Perry tries to calm me down. “Your body is just settling back into its usual form. It’s normal.” I turn and grab the back of his neck. My hands can’t even wrap around his entire throat. I pin him back against the wall. He looks scared. I don’t even care. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” I bark. “I was fucking massive! I—… I was a damn god…” “Okay… Okay, relax…” He places his hand on my tiny chest. He massages the underside of my pec gently. “You are still huge, Daddy. You always were. That’s why I picked you.” “I was a fucking monster! And now I’m just… this,” I said with disgust. “It’s okay. My saliva made you grow uncontrollably. You weren’t restrained by the limits of human nature. You could just grow freely. I knew you would appreciate the power. But when you came and shot your load deep… deep inside of me… Your body released and began to return to your usual… absolutely jacked self,” he huffs in satisfaction. Perry continues to pet my chest, trying his best to soothe me. “You can’t be a muscle beast all of the time. You’ve got a normal life to live. And… being normal-sized most of the time will help appreciate the size and growth I can give you sometimes. I know that for a fact. I’ve tried it myself too.” A “normal” life is such bullshit. I have worked all my life to grow. My cock grew through puberty and that was my gateway drug. I worked to grow my muscles. Grow my height. Grow my dick. I worked to live comfortably so I can spend all my free time growing. But now I have the secret. This perfect little twink can make me grow just by slobbering on my cock. He could make me grow. Beyond what I even ever imagined. The orgasmic growth I have been chasing is here in front of me. I am never going to let that go. I will become a muscle god and people will come from miles to worship me. I will be a king and no one will be able to stop me. “I hope we can do this again soon, Daddy. You really were the best I’ve ever had. You grew a lot faster than anyone else I’ve ever gifted. We will seriously have to push the limits next time we get together. See you soon, Daddy!” Oh, I was going to grow again very, very soon…
    1 point
  18. Chapter Four Pin, lift, eat, work, sleep, pin, lift, eat, work, sleep, pin, lift, eat, work, sleep. This was Sam’s life for three months. Max gave the orders and Sam followed, without question. Max stared at Sam as he finished running through his posing routine for the fifth time in a row, his third load of cum drenched his abs and chest and he had still not touched is pulsing cock. “I still can’t believe what you’ve been able to achieve in three months.” “Am I ready for the show tomorrow?” Sam said, breathing heavy and sweating profusely. “Ready! If I was entered in that show, I’d drop out now knowing you were showing up.” Max said, wiping sweat from his own forehand. “But they don’t know. No one does, except you. I still can’t thank you enough Max.” Sam said, pulling Max off the sofa with a single hand and planting a passionate kiss on his lips. “Easy there. You need to get some rest. I’ll be back first thing in the morning to pick you up.” Max said. As he closed the apartment door, he heard Sam thumping down the hall towards his bedroom. Sam and Max arrived at the venue at 10 a.m. The place was already buzzing with activity. Max had applied Sam’s second coat of artificial tan that morning and his once pale skin looked like he had been forged from molten bronze. “I pulled some strings with the promoter. You’ll have a private area to setup and they’ve kept your name off the competitor list. Your name will be called last.” Sam smiled, excited and nervous for what was about to happen. “This is going to be wild.” They walked into the backstage area and were directed to their special area. A few heads turned but Sam’s clothes were so oversized, no one paid him much attention. He pulled his hood up and followed Max across the room. They settled in behind a privacy screen that had been strategically placed to hide them from the other people. “I have another surprise.” Max said as he handed Sam one of the many containers of food he had brought and gestured to the left where a small TV had been placed. “You can watch the live feed of the show.” “Nice!” Sam said as he started to eat. “FUCK! Even your face is ripped!” Max commented as Sam chewed. Sam looked at the floor-length mirror leaning on the wall across from him. He pulled down his hood and turned his head. Max was right, with the slightest movement of his jaw, striations appears along with thin veins. The veins travelled from his forehead down to the thick neck muscles sprouting from the collar of his sweater. Sam also marvelled at the facial changes that had taken place in recent months. His brow was a little thicker and his jaw looked strong enough to bite through bone. His extreme level of conditioning made is eyes look a little sunken. Overall, Sam had the face like the freaky bodybuilders he had admired his whole life. “Classic physique is about to start.” Max said, breaking Sam from his trance. As the competitors started to file onto stage, Sam felt a tingle in his stomach. He had stopped peaking at Ben’s profile and was curious about how he would look on stage. “Competitor number 7, Ben Jacobs, 5’10” 197lbs.” Ben strode onto stage with more confidence than last time. It had only been six months since he last competed, weighing 173lbs then. The additional size was impressive and his conditioning was next level. “He’s fucking ripped!” Sam said. Standing next to the other competitors, it was hard not to stare at Ben. His proportions were prefect, every muscle group in perfect balance and his vascularity was far superior. As the lineup started to pose, Ben seemed to dominate each pose. When he turned to showcase his back, flexing his outrageously striated glutes, Sam felt his dick start to get hard. The announcer signalled for the competitors to leave the stage. “Wow! He looks really good. But, it’s time for you to focus. You’ve only got about half an hour before it’s your turn.” Max said, replacing one food container with another. Suddenly Sam felt a wave of anxiety crash over him. All the hard work, torture and pain he’d put himself through for months evaporated. He felt his skin grow moist and clammy. His face must have shown the shift because Max came to sit beside him. “Sam. Look at me. You are going to do great. This is everything you ever dreamed of.” “But what if I don’t! It’s only been three months of real work! What the fuck was I thinking, that’s not enough time!” Sam stammered. “Not enough! Look at you! What you have accomplished in three months, few professionals have done throughout their entire careers. Are you ready? The world isn’t ready for what you are about to show them! Now, take off those clothes so I can fix your tan and oil you up.” Sam wiped away few tears and stood up. As he removed his clothes, the reflection in the mirror started to calm his nerves. He realized he had not only reached his dream for this show, he was well on his way to becoming exactly what he always dreamed of being, a total freak of nature. The heavy weight competitors were being called to the stage. There were five other men. They ranged from 5’8”, 230lbs to 6’1”, 258lbs. The crowd was already worked into a frenzy as they waddled onto stage. “Before we begin, there is one final competitor that has not been publicized.” A hush fell over the audience. “Competing in his first show and only 18 years old, Sam Wilson! Weighing 248lbs at 5’8”!” Sam slowly walked on stage and heard the collective gasp. Only two competitors weighed more, a guy who was 5’10” at 252lbs and the 6’1” guy at 258lbs. At his height, it was immediately obvious Sam was the largest. Sam struggled walking lately with his newly added 67lbs of muscle but it was a problem he loved having. His 34” quads slapped against each other with each step. He was directed to the centre of the stage, the other competitors immediately looked defeated as he moved past them. Sam stopped and turned to face the crowd. A rumble of voices started to rise but among them were obvious screams of shock. Sam squared his shoulders and waited for the posing instructions. He asked Max backstage how much of a pump he needed but glancing at either side, he quickly released his conditioning was far superior to everyone else. He looked down at the top of his ballooning 52” chest and saw countless veins pulsing under his nearly translucent skin. The heat of the stage lights would only cause more vascularity to appear, further highlighting the extremes Sam had undergone to get ready for the contest. The announcer cleared his throat and began to call out the mandatory poses. “Front lat spread.” Sam waited for the others to hit their poses. He looked to his right and could see a large screen just off stage that projected a front-facing view of the stage. Even he was shocked by how different he looked compared to the others. He returned his gaze to the audience and started to flare his lats. His arms rose until they were almost parallel with the floor. Sam’s waist was a mere 30” but he sucked it in, shirking it to a comically small size. While devoid of fat, he flexed his abs anyway, causing the twisted muscles to bulge even more dramatically. With a small repositioning of his legs, Sam closed his eyes as he flexed his 34” quads and 19” calves, the sound of the shocked crowd rose to a thunderous roar. Looking at the screen, Sam saw a few competitors had stopped posing and had turned to look at him instead. “Gentlemen, please stay focused. F-f-front double bicep.” The announcer ordered. Sam relaxed, if you could call it that, and repositioned his legs, causing waves of muscles to flex and swell. With his fists clinched, Sam looked down at this bowling ball-sized 18” forearms, marvelling at how the veins appeared to dance under the bright lights. He quickly threw his arms to the side, feeling his inflated triceps press against his equally pumped lats before transitioning into a double bicep pose. Sam felt every muscle on his body tense and he couldn’t restrain himself. He let out a loud growl that quieted the crowd momentarily. Sam turned his head, fighting against his own trap and shoulder to see how deep and striated his bicep peak looked. With his dark tan, it looked like his skin was ready to tear away to reveal just his oversized muscles. “S-s-s-side chest.” Sam lowered his arm but not before straightening and reflexing them one last time. As he turned to his side, he got a better view of the screen. Whoever was operating the camera had zoomed in so only Sam was showing onscreen. He felt bad but it did offer him a better view of how massive he looked. Sam stuck his arms out, make sure to flex his triceps, showing off the deep striations that covered the surface. He raised his left foot, his calf popped in every direction and his hamstring hung so low, it was only inches from the calf muscle. Sam tensed his glutes, causing the muscles to pulse in waves towards his lower back. As Sam slowly moved his left arm towards his back, he flexed his chest as hard as could. On screen he watched his hulking form transform into a head-to-toe pillar of ripped muscle. As if willing himself to grow even bigger, Sam grunted loudly and flexed harder. “AAARRRGGGHHHH!” The screams from the crowd shook the auditorium. “Fuck.” The announcer mistakenly said into the live mic. “Oh, uh, rear lat spread.” Sam turned is back to the crowd. While he positioned his feet, he continued to flex his glutes with undulating waves, showcasing his incredible muscle control. “Show them just how much of a freak you are.” Sam whispered to himself. As slowly as he could, Sam began to bend his arms, placing his hands at his waist while flexing his mountain-scape of a back. His deeply striated lower back appeared to pulse as his traps looked like they were engulfing his head. With his hands in position, Sam started to spread his lats. The guy standing next to him audibly moaned. Sam turned his head to see he was white as a ghost. When his lats were spread as far as they would go, the roar of the crowd was all Sam needed to know how spectacular he looked. Sam didn’t wait for the announcer to call the next post, rear double bicep. He flexed his glutes, hamstrings and claves as much as he could, knowing just how detailed and striated they looked. Sam extended his hands straight above his head and held them there for a moment, showing every minuscule detail to the audience before slowly lower them into the pose. “Ok. Ok. Rear double bicep.” The announcer said, now taking direction from Sam. The other competitors followed suit although a few had stoped really trying, opting to watch Sam instead. Sam relaxed the pose and noticed them gathering around him with their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open. Sam relaxed and turned to face the crowd. His skin practically glowed from the oil and sweat. He was breathing heavily, having held each pose with as much strength as he could muster. Seeing the other, huge, ripped bodybuilder only watching him made Sam’s confidence soar. He felt like he was living in a dream. He was the freak everyone wanted to see. Sam scanned the stunned faces on stage and prepared to show everyone just how dominate he was. “Stand back!” Sam commanded, ensuring they gave him room so the camera could capture every detail. Skipping the remaining mandatory poses of side tricep and abdominals and thigh, Sam started to transition into a most muscular pose. As arms tensed and began to move towards his tiny waist, the crowd was deafening. A few men on stage covered their mouths, one turned his back to the crowd and covered his crotch. Sam’s arms and shoulders inflated, thick, pulsing veins erupted in every direction, making him look like he no longer had skin. As his hands meet, his pecs appeared to fight against each other for space looking hard enough to stop a bullet. To further empathize his extreme conditioning, Sam adjusted his hands slightly so each pec muscle relaxed and reflexed, while his arms and shoulders twitched and contorted with each movement. “LOOK AT ME!” Sam screamed, unable to hold back his excitement and desire to shock the whole room. Sam’s whole body was trembling from effort. There wasn’t a muscle he wasn’t flexing. His face was contorted with effort and covered with pulsing veins. His neck looked twice as wide as his head as it was being devoured by his throbbing traps. His shoulders, arms and forearms looked like a bundle of thick metal cables designed to hold up a bridge. His pecs inflated so far, they threatened to push his hands apart. Even under all that muscle, his abs were so outrageously detailed, you could grate cheese on them. Sam’s quads and calves were so pumped, there was no visible gap between them. Even the sides of his glutes were clearly visible from the front. “YES! THIS IS WHAT A FREAK LOOKS LIKE!” Sam screamed as he willed himself to hold the pose as long as possible. The crowd had disintegrated into complete chaos. The true fanatics were screaming encouragement while others were covering their eyes. The announcer was speaking into the mic but no one could hear him. “UUURRRGGGMMMMFFFF” Sam bellowed until he could no longer hold the pose. He released it and fell to his knees, his entire body completely spent. The other men on stage moved closer as if to assist but no one had the guts to touch Sam’s still pulsing body. Sam waved them away and managed to stand back up. Although he was no longer flexing, every muscle on his body still looked massive. With a wave to the crowd and without being directed to do so, Sam walked off stage, much of the audience pleading to see more. The chaos extended backstage. Sam walked in and the crowd of other competitors froze in shock. They had been watching the live feed but seeing Sam in person was even more astounding. As Sam moved towards the back of the room, he was patted on the shoulder, fist bumped and a few men even stopped to get a selfie with him. “Sam?” Sam turned to see Ben, still wearing his shiny black classic physique posing trunks. “Ben.” “It is you! Holy shit Sam! What-How-OH MY GOOD!” He stammered. Sam looked at Ben and smiled. “I decided to stop being lazy and skinny.” “But h-h-how? It’s only been six months.” “Turns out I have a knack for getting big. 67lbs in three months, 95lbs since you dumped me.” “That’s impossible!” Ben practically screamed. “Does this not look real?” Sam said, raising his arm and flexing his 21” bicep inches from Ben’s face. “I just can’t believe it. Sam, you are HUGE!” “I’m bigger, a lot bigger but I’m not huge Ben. I’m literally just getting started. At the rate I’m packing on mass, I’ll be twice this huge in a year.” Ben just stared, still unable to comprehend what had happened to Sam in such a short period of time. He also suddenly became aware at how small he felt in Sam’s presence. Ben never lacked confidence but standing next to Sam made him feel tiny and weak. Sam picked up on the shift and stepped closer to Ben. “If you ever decide to take this whole bodybuilding thing seriously, look me up, we could get a workout in or something.” Sam said and walked away, leaving Ben frozen in disbelief. Sam and Max watched the show backstage. Ben won his category. Sam noticed he didn’t look as confident accepting the top prize as he did on stage earlier. The 212 category went to an absolute tank of a man who stood only 5’4”. “You are going to look crazy posing against these other winners.” Max said still riding high from Sam’s performance. “I haven’t won yet.” Sam said. “Right! Like there is any doubt. You destroyed everyone on that stage Sam.” The heavyweights were called back on stage and Sam only had to stand there a minute before his name was announced as the winner, as if the organizers decided it was useless to prolong the inevitable. As the other winners were brought on stage for the final presentation Sam stood amongst the best in each category. Ben avoided him. The 212 winner wanted to pose next to Sam which ended up making him look small by comparison. A few of the others asked if they could have their picture taken with Sam. “The overall winner is….Sam Wilson!” Sam jumped with excitement. He accepted the large trophy and placed it on the floor in front of him. He was supposed to allow the event photographer to just take some pictures but the crowd begged for him to pose more. Sam stepped forward and began to run through a complete posing routine. No one else flexed a single muscle, they only stood and watched. Sam dwarfed everyone on stage. His 248lb body seemed to swell larger with each pose he hit. He made eye contact with Ben as he performed his most muscular pose again. Amazingly, Sam flexed even harder than earlier, willing himself to look as freaky as possible. Ben’s eyes grew wide and terrified at the sight. The Sam he knew was gone and in its place was an absolute mass monster. Every inch of his body was covered in twisted, vein-covered mass. Eventually he turned and left the stage, unable to handle the sight of Sam or unable to hold back his orgasm. Sam didn’t care, he had done something he never thought was possible. As the crowd erupted in applause, he couldn’t help thinking about getting to the gym and growing even bigger. He scooped up his trophies and waddle off stage, the crowd screaming for him to return and flex some more.
    1 point
  19. Raphael felt his cock twitch as he watched a few of his classmates climb the steps of the lecture hall. After only being on campus for a few weeks he could easily spot a member of Alpha Alpha Alpha from a mile away. Their physiques were like something from a comic book, stretching their clothes tight with bulging muscle. Every inch was rippling hard, with perfectly defined musculature and not a trace of fat. They were always dressed simply, either jeans and a t-shirt or tank top and gym shorts, something anyone on campus could be wearing but these guys attracted attention no matter what they wore. They were sex on legs, the embodiment of male sexual fantasy, and Raphael knew that each of those studly alpha males were packing obscenely large dicks. Not only had he caught glimpses of these guys around campus and the surrounding town, but he also thought he found some of their OnlyFans profiles as well. Just thinking of their impossibly hung members was causing him to chub up, especially as it coincided with his imagination running wild on how they would be like in the sack. Not that he would ever be so lucky. Those dudes were way out of his league anyway. He'd just be relegated to a secret stalker, lusting from a distance at these gorgeous gods. As soon as those self-deprecating thoughts had entered his mind they were brushed aside as Raphael's favorite frat bro entered his vision. Dante was the perfect embodiment of a himbo. Perfect face, gorgeous thick arms, big bulky chest, defined stomach, powerful legs that looked like they could lift a car, an absolutely ripped ass that could no doubt fuck for hours. And to top it all off, he was a good person too. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, sure, but with a heart in the right place and a body to back it up. "Yo, Raphi!" Dante waved one huge gorilla sized arm as he bounded up the steps. The olive skinned hunk stood out against the background, not just because of his size, but of his dashing good looks. Today he was wearing a red cotton tee that stretched tightly across his broad chest and some surprisingly sturdy khaki pants that did nothing to hide his huge round ass as he walked up the stairs. His short brown hair was just a shade lighter than his piercing brown eyes which were currently focused on Raphael. The smaller man gulped as his crush approached and sat down next to him, just barely fitting in the small auditorium seat, and threw a sinuous arm around Raphael’s shoulders. "Soo...did you finish it? It's due, like, tomorrow. I tried but...you're better with this science shit, yeah?" Dante grinned broadly, flashing an array of straight white teeth. "Almost. Should be done after class." Raphael replied, savoring the sensation of being trapped beneath Dante's burly bicep. "Awesome! You're a life saver bro." The big guy beamed, using the arm draped around Raphael's thin shoulders to tug the small boy to his side to give him a gentle squeeze, an action the much smaller guy relished. "How bout you bring it by the house tonight when you're done? I told the bros you were helping me out so I'm sure they'll want to thank you too! There's always a spot at the table for my favorite dorky bro!!" Dante flashed him his dazzling smile again, complete with his trademark goofy wink and chaotic good energy that Raphael found almost impossible to deny. And how could he? Being invited to a house filled to the brim with handsome brawny men, and by a dude who's looks and body alone should be classified as a walking sexual obscenity. And to make matters more absurd he seemed like he really meant it. So that's how the five foot nothing dorky little nerd found himself outside the Alpha Alpha Alpha house late in the evening, carrying his computer bag to deliver an overdue assignment to a hunky guy he was crushing hard on. The house itself was surprisingly neat and tidy, albeit a little old. Pristine really. Not the filthy hovel he'd been imagining for whatever reason, something you'd expect from a group of some of the most jacked up muscular men around. For some reason, Raphael pictured a sea of beer bottles, solo cups and empty kegs lining the outside of the house. So to see a tidy and well maintained home was quite the surprise. With all his courage Raphael knocked softly at the door. After a few seconds he heard a low thumping in the distance, but nothing else. He knocked again and this time the thumping seemed to get louder and closer, but no voices were heard. A small part of his brain suggested coming back another day but his curiosity was too great. He had to know what sexy mysteries resided in the Alpha Alpha Alpha house. As soon as he opened the door, an aroma enveloped him, an earthy but pleasant scent. At this late hour the house seemed surprisingly deserted, no one was visible from the doorway and for a moment he wondered if he had the right place. Then the rhythmically thumping beat met his ears again and grew louder and louder as one of the frat bros lumbered down the stairs. Raphael gulped as another huge man came into view clad in nothing but his boxer shorts. The huge dark skinned bro was as ripped as they get and did nothing to hide his powerful physique. He was a pure embodiment of masculinity, his body defined and powerful. His long dreadlocks cascaded infront and behind his gorgeous body, hiding some of it from Raphael’s prying eyes. He yawned and scratched his toned stomach before his eyes settled on the smaller man. "Ahhhh! You're Raphi, right?” The man asked, one arm bulging as it raised to point at the smaller man. “Dante told us you were gonna show up tonight." The dark skinned god involuntarily flexed his arm as it was raised which lead Raphael’s wandering eyes to land on a gigantic tattoo that was sprawled across the huge muscular appendage. ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA was written in big bold letters across the outer part of his bicep and tricep, so that the world would know just what kind of man he was. "Yep that's me." he answered sheepishly as he marveled at the sexy display of hard flesh, hoping not to appear overly distracted by the dude's obviously thick cock and bouncing nuts trying to hide in his boxers. The hunk was continued his inadvertent muscle show by flexing his large pecs as he used his huge arms to gestured behind him, vaguely pointing upstairs as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "Dante's room is on the third floor. Last door on the left. He's been waiting for ya." Raphael whipped passed the huge man and hurried towards his destination, eager to get out of the building before he was spotted with a stiffy. He bounced the steps two at a time and practically ran down the hall until he reached his destination. He knocked quickly and gave the handle a sharp twist and a push, ready to run in and get back out as quick as possible but he stopped in his tracks as soon as the door was half way open. The aroma was intoxicating. An concoction of potent pheromones, sweat, cum and masculine musk wafted out from the interior and threatened to send the twink’s nose swimming as he choked on a mixture of hormones. That in turn brought an even harder stiffness to his already semi erect penis and he swallowed down a moan, unwilling to risk making a peep as he might be caught in his indecent position. Dante was lounging in a chair with his shirt off wearing his sweatpants, revealing the toned muscles on his upper body and brisling of brow hair that adorned his tanned skin. Even in a relaxed pose like this the giant radiated an intense masculinity that Raphael found thoroughly mesmerizing. He couldn't help but glance down to see his ridiculously big cock outlined clearly in the loose fabric. Raphael's mouth salivated as the muscular Latino seemed to casually flaunt that massive length, more than half a dozen inches that was obviously getting even larger in front of his wide eyes. "Glad you could make it little bro." Dante said, rising off the lounge and approaching him. His chest and abs and arms seemed to ripple with each flex he made as if he were trying to put on a show of how jacked he was. Dante smiled, his dazzling perfect teeth contrasted to the beautiful bronze of his smooth, flawless skin. "Take a seat anywhere you like Raphi and make yourself comfortable." The massive man's words seemed to rumble through Raphael, and he nodded numbly as his feet began walking him through the room as if on auto-pilot, the sultry sent of man permitting his nostril. Dante walked behind Raphael, putting his enormous hands gently on his tiny shoulders. He leaned close and Raphael felt the warmth of the handsome hunk on his ear before hearing the sultry voice speak again. "I really wanted to thank you again for helping a bro out. I'm shit with physics, y'know?" Raphael nodded dumbly and tried to keep it together. In an instant Dante removed the backpack from the smaller man’s shoulders and playfully shoved Raphael onto his mattress. Dante landed with a soft thump on his back, staring in a daze at the ceiling. As he came back to his senses he raised his head up to see Dante standing at the foot of the bed. His handsome face displayed a huge shit-eating grin as the large man loomed over him, his thick muscles gleamed, highlighted in a sheen of sweat from some sort of workout. "How could I EVER repay you, man? I just gotta know." Raphael’s heart practically stopped as he got the best look at Dante's magnificent body he had ever seen. His gargantuan musculature was on full display, a towering figure of living muscle standing 6 foot 6 and looking every inch of it. He sported broad bulky pecs which were each at least twice the size of Raphael's head and tapered smoothly downwards to meet his six-pack abs. Massive traps, biceps the size of melons and a body which would have looked at home in the gladiatorial arenas of ancient Rome. He flexed his beefy biceps and chuckled. "You like, huh?" he purred, moving his arms forwards and then backwards in front of him and admiring his own physique. Each movement showcased his bulky deltoids and huge biceps flexing powerfully. Raphael licked his lips and found himself hypnotized. "You better, cause you're gonna love this next part." Dante promised as Raphael finally heard the rustle of clothing dropping and glancing up to see Dante was slowly, teasingly, pulling his loose fitting sweats over the large bulge of his manhood. As his thighs emerged from the clinging garment Raphael found his heart pounding to a tempo of excitement. A low grunt escaped him as he stepped closer and freed his penis from the confines of his pants and dropped them to the floor. Dante was, quite possibly, the sexiest man he'd ever set his eyes upon. Everything about him screamed alpha stud with his towering height and his enormous build that would put to shame even the most seasoned pro weightlifters. From his thick legs, muscular calves, juicy meaty thighs, enormous testicles and big throbbing shaft to his huge defined torso and a muscular back and shoulders and thick and sexy neck, Raphael couldn't stop staring in awe. Dante stood gloriously naked, unashamedly showing off his killer bod and letting his huge member sway majestically. The absolutely ripped brunette crawled up onto his bed. His enormously pumped and muscular body dwarfing Raphael's much smaller figure and causing an immediate contrast of visual arousal that left his head spinning and a small dollop of precum beginning to ooze from the tip of his uncut member. All he could do was let out a weak gasp as Dante approached with that sexy self-satisfied smirk, the effect magnified by the sculpted musculature of his chest and abdominals. He watched his pecs undulate and bulge and his shoulders and traps appear to be constantly flexing as his arms swayed at his side. Raphael felt his dick jump again just by looking at the glistening mountain of hunkdom that loomed above him and bit his lower lip as his shaft got harder. Dante gave his flaccid cock a few casual tugs before smirking down and whispering in that irresistible baritone. "Do you like?" He purred, as soda can thick uncircumcised meat stood a semi-hard seven inches. As his thumb gently traced over the soft, wet glans he slowly hardened, a strong masculine scent wafted forth that caused Raphael's cock to get incredibly stiff in a matter of seconds, making a small but noticeable tent in his pants. To his surprise, Dante’s smile broadned as he noticed the effect he was having on the smaller man, and his already enormous phallus grew even quicker. "You seem amazed, eh bro? You could bounce a quarter off my ass." the giant brunette said confidently while flexing both of his enormous arms in unison, making his massive biceps and thick lats jut forward and giving the tiny geek a look at their bulging contours. He spread his legs and gestured down his brawny frame, "Well? Aren't you going to touch me bro?" He grinned down, an almost predatory light in his eye. The twink obliged immediately. He shot up from the bed and hungrily ran his hand across the mountain of a stud's huge chest muscles and traced the sparse coving of hair between the cleft of his pecs. Dante slowly bounced his meaty chest and let the smaller man grasp their size with his hands, knowing this man could probably bench press a car if he wanted too. As he continued his ministrations, muscle upon muscle seemed to surge forward as if excited by the prospect of being noticed by Raphael. The tendons and sinews bulged with power and pride as the big man continued his slow flexing for his tiny friend. His abdomen bulged like solid granite, the sharp muscle crevices on the tight flesh visible. His rock-hard pelvis and adonis’ belt was thrust into view, strong and tight. Slowly Raphael let his hands travel southward towards the huge rod poking his stomach. His manhood stood at attention and pulsated, oozing thick white creamy semen. Raphael stared at it. A mammoth cock, an unbelievable ten inches with girth that made it look thick as a beer can. Throbbing, pulsating, burning with hot raw masculine sexuality. "I see the way you look at me man," Dante chuckled, giving his big hard cock a pump and letting it bounce. He squeezed his large and perfectly-formed balls in his hand. "And this right here has been longing to get all up inside you bro. To plow that cute ass of yours and make you moan my name." The monstrous shaft bounced up and smacked him in his thick eight-pack abdomen. It began to throb and pulse with each breath the huge man took. The huge bodybuilder caressed the throbbing giant erection in front of the geeks eyes. "C'mon man. I know you want it too." He guided Raphael’s hand around his back and placed it on his huge perky ass, drawing the smaller man closer to him. Raphael could feel the warmth of his body through his own clothes and felt his trepidations melt away and finally began to relax in Dante’s arms. Dante wasn't having a go at him. Nor was he feeding him some bullshit. This god among men wanted to fuck him. Really fuck him. With his fat, hard cock. Before his nerves could fail him Raphael stole a kiss from the huge adonis and the two started locking lips, pressing their tongues against one another while the Latin giant reached for the hem of his t-shirt, eagerly undressing him and throwing it into the growing pile of clothes. They gazed into each other's eyes. Those were eyes of desire, they were filled with an undisguised lust that the lad was finally recognizing as genuine. Dante once again shoved Raphael backwards into the bed, this time a bit roughly, looming over him as the smaller man frantically removed the rest of his clothing and tossed them off to the side leaving him exposed from the waist down. Without skipping a beat, the Alpha bent his head and sealed his mouth around the smaller man's leaking cock. Raphael moaned with rapture as his cock was swallowed by the enormous sex god. The sight of his wide rippling shoulders above his cock was mesmerizing. The thick cords of his back muscles tensed and his neck flexed as his head bobbed up and down on the geek's cock. His hands slid behind his shoulders and explored the muscles there, caressing and feeling. He used the pad of his thumb to knead the rippling pecs on the football players' chest, admiring his wide muscular upper body and getting even harder with the thought of having it fucking him silly. The tiny dude moaned while Dante sucked him off with expert skill. His petite cock was as hard as it had ever been as the huge muscle god’s warm mouth clamped down on his length, his tongue wrapping around the glans roughly and causing the smaller man’s body to shudder again. After a few minutes Raphael felt the heat rising in his loins and bucked his small hips against his crush’s beautiful face and shot his first load down Dante’s throat. The little nerd shuddered with ecstasy as the euphoric bliss spread from his nuts across his body and his cock pumped out load after load. Dante took it all like a champ and Raphael could swear he looked hungry for more. Dante finally released his nerdy bro's cock, smiling mischievously as he gulped down the last of Raphael’s load, and turned his eyes to the massive tool he now carried between his own legs, a massive ten-inch phallus with an intimidating girth and heavy nuts that sloshed with all the cum that needed to be released. With a single motion of his hand the humungous Latino male grasped the length and stroked, working his mighty package with fervor until it started to leak precum at an alarming rate. The Adonis continued his flexing. It was unreal, like a waking wet dream. Muscles rippled, his body seemed alive and in tune, not unlike a powerful predator, yet it also maintained a gentle beauty that had his face sculpted by the gods. The beautiful man suddenly locked lips again and leaned his big beefy body over, mashing their chests together and sliding his hands across Raphael’s small lithe frame. The little dweeb’s mind swam with euphoria as his hands wandered over his enormous, well-developed back and lats, his hands not able to connect as his arms attempted to encircle his large lover. His mind couldn't get enough of the sexy slab of hard, muscle body that now pressed down atop him, and soon enough, into him. With an air of dominance, Dante shifted forward and let his huge body envelop Raphael, bringing the smaller male into the tight vise-grip embrace of his hulking frame. Strong arms flexed and embraced Raphael and he pulled his buttocks in close and their cocks touched. Raphael sighed aloud, allowing a moan to escape his lips. "Yeah man. You're making me so fucking hard. You’re so fucking tight, dude. Primed and ready to go for my huge fucking dick. I gotta fuck you man. Sink my rod deep into you and fill you up with my cum. It’ll feel great man, so fuckin good. Like you were born for it, man. To be filled up with a real man’s dick.” Dante pulled the twink's ass forward with his strong hands and began to massage the two tight globes between his thumbs. The smaller man continued his moans and felt his body relax, his legs spreading around the jock’s hard body. Dante growled with primal lust, biting his lower lip as the smaller man's hole relaxed and prepared to take his monster shlong. He knew submission when he saw it. Once Raphael's hole was loose and spasming with anticipation, the huge stud lined his throbbing dick up at the tight entrance and slowly slid inside him. A low moan filled the room and he began to buck his hips gently as he drove his erection deeper inside him. Raphael wrapped his thin legs around his hips to pull the brute even further inside and allow his monster cock a better angle for thrusting. Dante seemed happy to oblige, pumping his monster prick further. The sound of wet and sticky flesh smacking against flesh echoed through the bedroom followed by loud, powerful grunts. A frantic and aggressive sound. Moaning was replaced by guttural gasps. Raphael was beside himself with joy as the tremendous rod swelled within him. His inner walls tensed and tightened around the monster, gripping it as tightly as they could in order to enjoy the sensation to the fullest. The enormous adonis continued to feel his own body and display his enormous muscles all the while relentlessly fucking him with such great passion that it was bordering on manic. "Aww fuck, man. You're making me so hard. Your ass is so fucking tight bro." he moaned, clearly enjoying his dominance of the other male immensely as he showed off and flexed for his tiny lover. "It feels good, right? To have my huge fat cock stretching your ass? My muscles make you wanna come don’t they bro?" Dante smiled widely as he directed Rapahel’s vision to his massive muscular upper body and flexed his biceps which looked like they were carved from the most luxurious and sexy granite. "You're so hot bro, taking my whole dick like a champ. Bet no one's fucked you this deep before, have they? No one has a dick this fuckin' amazing, yeah?" A smile crept across his lips, seemingly able to sense how close to bursting his small lover was. "My big muscles are making you crazy, aren't they bro? They're so huge and thick, make me feel so sexy. I'm always lifting, man. Always pumping iron." Dante grunted and moaned as he felt up the size of his enormous body as he continue slam his throbbing dick inside Raphael's now spasming hole. "Watching my muscles swell and grow makes my huge nuts fill up, bro. Makes them fill up with seed. Oh God. My cum is so thick now. So virile. A real man's cum." Dante punctuated every word with a flex of a different group of muscle; his trap, his pecs and then his bicep. His voice was barely more than a snarl, a lustful and savage and primal sound that showed the immense lust that raged within his pumped body. "I know you wanna cum, man. But you gotta hold on for me, ok? Hang onto that feeling while I slam your prostate hard. I'll make you feel so fuckin good, bro. But I gotta show you something, 'kay? Wrap those arms of yours around my huge fuckin body. You gotta feel it to believe it." Raphael tightened his clutch on the huge man’s body as the power and intensity of the fuck increased, the pounding sensation inside Raphael's smaller ass intensified as the powerful thrusts drove the enormously gifted Adonis deep inside. And it kept growing. His inner walls and rectum stretched impossibly more as Dante's dick continued to thicken inside of him, stimulating his body and hitting his prostate, again and again. Raphael felt his small arms slowly pull apart as the frat bro's body expanded. Dante's moans were matched only by the strength and the volume with which his manhood and nuts slapped against his perineum, smacking against him, driving him to greater and greater pleasure. "Feels real nice don't it bro?" Dante huffed, never breaking his pace. "Growing nice and hard, thick as shit and sexy. Making my dick and bod so fuckin big, man. So hard. It makes me so horny, bro. So FUCKING horny. Feel how heavy and thick my muscles are now. Feel how big my dick's gotten. My huge nuts just swell up with cum while I fuck and it feels so god bro. Don't you want to feel like that?" Dante was now holding the other boy firmly by his ankles, using the new leverage to intensify his already frenetic pace, his breath coming fast and hard between his grunts as his gigantic shaft rammed deeper inside the twink’s battered hole and overstimulated prostate, sending a series of tingles shooting through Raphael's body. He could hear what Dante was saying but wasn't sure he understood. "That's what being part of the frat means, bro. It means being big, getting strong, and fucking hard. Every dude around you is a stud. Guys like us, we get our dicks pumped and swollen and veiny and dripping all the time bro. Our nuts grow huge, heavy with fuckin cum. Our asses get perfect, our muscles bulge and swell. I can show ya. I'll make you an even better stud than you were, Raphi. Join the house and grow with us. You just gotta say so." Raphael thought for a moment. Everything was happening so fast. The promise, the chance to be more, to be seen as handsome and not some wimp who would never date someone like Dante. After a split second Raphael threw his head back and screamed the word Dante desired to hear. "YES!" A look of sheer elation flashed across the hunk's handsome features and he suddenly put both his palms on the mattress beside Raphael's head and loomed in his view, his gorgeous body on full display as he continued long strokes with his throbbing cock. "You won't regret it. Soon you'll be just like me. You'll get so big, grow and grow and grow until you're a fucking stud. Sex on legs, man. That's what all the guys want. Be sexy and strong with big balls and an even bigger cock. So hot, so muscular. Soon you'll understand, bro. Soon." The sexy goliath began thrusting with increasing speed, fucking the petite young nerd with reckless abandon. Raphael's instincts kicked in and he let the intensity of the fuck wash over him, moaning and cursing with each thrust as his prostate was crushed against in the most pleasurable way imaginable. After what felt like eternity, Raphael could take it no longer. The nerdy twink felt his entire body spasm violently as his orgasm struck and cum sprayed out of his rigid cock, painting his flat stomach white. Dante roared his approval as the tight hole clamped around his manhood like a vice, the extra friction only driving him forward, burying his cock inside the tight warm hole deeper than it had ever been before. The brute slammed himself to the base with rapid, explosive movements and once his enormous dick could go no further, the virile Alpha male exploded within his small mate. "AW FUCK YEAH BRO!" The muscle hunk's already rock hard monster stiffened to diamond like hardness and finally erupted, shooting blast after sticky blast of his fertile seed deep into Raphael's eager hole. His balls strained and shook, pouring out an absolute torrent of viscous spunk into the twink, his ass flexing with each blast. The little twink shivered and groaned and felt the pulsating meat inside him spew out what felt like gallons of sweet man juice into him. Each pump made his already stretched guts seemed even tighter than before as he writhed in ecstasy under the hunk's invading monster shaft, milking the fat fuck rod for its entire load. "Fuck yes. Take it all bro. You're gonna make me so big." Raphi lay limp, exhausted from his climax, enjoy the sight of the huge stud filling him up. As Dante's orgasm subsided, Raphael felt a new kind of sensation wash over him. A sort of postcoital bliss that emanated from the alpha jizz inside him, but much stronger than normal. It made him feel sexy, satisfied and complete. With each deep breath he drew, the blissful, fuzzy, post orgasm sensation spread like a warm, glowing, comforting wave through his entire body. He felt amazing. He felt loved. He felt... Changed. "Yea bro. Fuuuucking finally." the stud said with a sultry, post-climatic groan that rippled through the twink's tender ass and drew a sigh from his plump lips. Dante slowly slid his length out from Raphi with a slick pop and grinned broadly down at him, his masculine and still-erect member gleaming in the light. "Oh I feel it now. I'm gonna get so big. You're gonna make me huge!" Suddenly, Dante's body started growing! All the muscles on his already bulked up, perfect body, slowly swelled with power as his mass seemed to stretch outward and up. The huge muscles were expanding in all directions as the frat bro's frame seemed to gain a few inches of width in his broad shoulders, and the chiseled lines of his heavily muscled stomach grew taught as his body gained an inch or two in height. Dante began to flex his rapidly expanding muscles and he let out a guttural moan as he slowly stroked his giant monster phallus as it visibly twitched and quivered. Raphi sat frozen in awe, his own cock starting to get hard all over again, marveling at the huge change before him. His Alpha brother's huge cock pulsated as a blast of hot and thick sperm jetted out the fat tip and painted the bed sheets below them white as the brunette came again, followed by several lesser spurts before stopping his stroke. Dante sighed happily and slumped a bit, the muscular frame of his shoulders appearing larger than life as Raphi drank it in and gasped in awe at the figure towering above him. The stud was smiling wide, his dimpled face sporting his characteristic shit eating grin while his rippling muscles and oozing cock made it known how powerful he had become. "Each times a bit different," Dante explained, feeling up his own body with his monster paws, caressing his sculpted chest muscles and biting his lip as the sensations overwhelmed him with pleasure. "Each time you fuck a guy it gets you bigger and stronger. A little bit each time, but noticeable. But when you're fucking a new guy, a guy who's not part of the frat, it's so much more potent. No one's really sure why, but I think it's on purpose. Like a reward or something. For making a new member of the frat." Dante stopped caressing his own body and placed a big hand on Raphi’s taut rounded abdomen and gave the twink’s belly a firm squeeze. "This right here? My seed in you? It's what's gonna make you into one of us. It's a bit slow the first time, takes a few hours. Maybe even the whole day. But tomorrow night, you’ll be a new man." Dante lifted his burly torso off Raphael and rose to his full height. The rest of his immense body was now on full display and the dark-skinned Latino slowly rotated his massive hips and proudly flaunted his massively defined and muscle-swollen nude body, letting out a long sigh of pleasure as he did. "Get some rest, bro. You'll need it tomorrow." Raphael lay back, splaying his body out in a loose slump, a languid smile spread across his flushed and excited face. He felt the sexy sensation again, a comfortable, warm feeling radiating from the well-fucked pit of his belly and flowing though his tiny figure. This time fatigue filled his senses and made him content and blissfully relaxed, and sleep took the soon to be stud into a pleasant slumber. *** And here's part two. I was quicker editing this one but probably wont be with the next parts. Expect them up within a few days.
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  20. Hey, Everyone! So sorry for the long wait. I promised to post the newest chapter days ago, but it didn't work out like I'd planned. I've now finished it and hope you all enjoy it! It's a very long chapter. Chapter 28 It seemed like time had stood still, in the kitchen of the Lombardo farmhouse, as Rudy stood there, speechless, trying to process everything that Seth had just told him. Seth looked at Rudy's shocked expression and continued talking to him. "I know that this must come as a very big shock to you, Rudy." He said, quietly. "But, I can't deny my feelings anymore. Eric is the first guy I've ever had feelings for." Rudy, still shocked, finally managed to find his voice, again. "Well, to say that I'm shocked would be an understatement." Rudy said, looking at Seth. "How long have you known that you've liked men, Seth?" Seth shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "A couple days, I think. I realized it, the day I had the wrestling match at the University, with Joey Sloane. That's where I kissed Eric for the very first time, in his dorm room." Rudy grew silent, for a moment, as he thought about Amy and wondering if she knew about this. He decided to bring this up, since he knew how close Eric and Amy were. He looked over at Eric. "Does Amy know about this?" He asked, eyeing Eric closely. Eric, after a slight hesitation, nodded his head. "Yes, she does." Rudy scoffed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Not only was he feeling angry that Amy knew about the two of them, but he was also feeling hurt because she hadn't said a word to him about it. "She never said a word to me, about this." Rudy said, the hurt obvious in his tone of voice. Eric frowned. "Why would she?" He asked, outloud. "It wasn't anyone else's business." "The hell it isn't!" Rudy was really mad now, as he glared at Eric. "You come into our lives and turn Seth's life upside down, and you're gonna stand there and tell me that this is none of my business?!" He shouted at Eric. "I'm like family to Seth! I had a right to know!" "Come on, Rudy!" Seth exclaimed, trying to be the peacemaker in this situation. "Chill out, brother!" Rudy turned away from the two of them, and leaned over the sink, again, looking out the window, his jaw clenched. After a second, he spoke, again. "Do you know what the worst thing about this is, Seth?" Rudy asked. "What?" Seth asked, now curious to know. Rudy turned back, towards him. "You were able to trust Amy, with the truth." Rudy said, sadly. "But, not me. And I've known you much longer than either Eric or Amy, have. And that really hurts." Seth, now felt rotten, for not telling Rudy about his feelings for Eric, sooner. He wondered what this would mean for his friendship with Rudy. "I'm sorry, man." Seth said, shaking his head, now looking emotional. "I didn't know how you were going to react. And given how you just reacted to finding out about me and Eric just proves to me that Eric was right. That you're homophobic, after all." Rudy shook his head. "Really, Seth?" Rudy asked, looking disappointed. "I've been around many of your gay friends, in the past, and have never had a problem with any of them. So, if you really think I'm homophobic, then you really don't know me, at all." "Then, why are you coming down on Eric so hard?" Seth asked him. "How is he any different than any of my other gay friends?" Rudy sighed. "Because he did what none of your other gay friends have been able to do." Rudy said, sadly. "He turned you from straight to bisexual in a matter of two days." Eric's eyes widened, in shock. He couldn't believe how Rudy was painting him out to be. "That is not true!" He said, feeling offended by Rudy's opinion of him. "That's not what really happened." "Well then, enlighten me, Eric." Rudy said,. crossing his arms over his chest. "Because, I'd really like to hear it." Eric looked over at Seth ,and, bringing a hand up to his shoulder, squeezed it, while looking up into Seth's eyes. "You need to hear this, from me, too." Eric said to him. Seth nodded. "Go ahead." He replied. "I'm listening." Eric turned back to Rudy. "When I met Seth, Rudy, it was at the Whole Foods market. I was there to pick up some snacks for me and Amy to eat, since we were both going for a workout at the gym. So when I had everything I needed, I turned to head to the checkout counter and someone bumped into me. When I bent down to pick up my things, Seth bent down to help me and that's when our hands touched, and when I looked up at him, that's when I saw him for the very first time." Eric turned to look at Seth, and saw him, smiling back at him, both of them remembering that first encounter. Eric continued talking. "When I first laid my eyes on him, he took my breath away. I thought he was the most gorgeous man I'd ever laid my eyes on. We shook hands and introduced ourselves to each other, but we didn't get to chat long, because I was meeting Amy at the gym, so we said our goodbyes and parted ways. After that, I didn't think that I'd ever see Seth again, so when I talked to Amy about him, I couldn't help but gush about him. How handsome he was and how huge his muscles were. Amy asked me, then if Seth was gay and if I'd gotten his number. I said that I didn't know and that I hadn't. Later that day, I came across the ad for a Farmers Helper in the newspaper, and called the number listed and talked to Deborah, who gave me directions to the farm to be interviewed for the job. So imagine my surprise when I got here, and met Deborah and she told me that her son, Seth Lombardo, would interview me, for the job. When, I heard the name "Seth" my heart started racing with excitement, but I was afraid to get my hopes up, because, I thought it could have been another Seth, altogether. So, when I came out to the barn and saw Seth, feeding the horses, and saw his white cowboy hat, tight jeans and that shirt he wore, hanging over a fence post, I knew he was the same guy I met at Whole Foods market. I never expected to see him, again. And I didn't know that this was Seth's family farm when I answered the ad, in the paper." "Ok, so that's how you and Seth met." Rudy said. "But I'm more interested to know how, all of a sudden Seth goes from straight to gay, in only a matter of a few days." "Not gay, Rudy." Seth chimed in. "I'm Bi." "Whatever." Rudy said, rather dismissively. "Go on, Eric." "Well," Eric said, thinking about the first day he had dinner at the farm. "I didn't know what Seth's sexuality was, and at the time, I didn't want to come out and ask him, because, the job was my sole focus, at that time. And I didn't want to put Seth, on the spot, like that, and risk losing the job or a good possible friend, in the process. So, I took time to get to know him. I was fully prepared to accept the reality that Seth was straight and that he was going to be my boss, training me, for the job." So, after he interviewed me and had me stack some bales of hay, to test my physical strength, I got the job. After that, Deborah invited me to have dinner with her and Seth. At first I refused, not wanting to impose, but Seth insisted that I stay, so I did. Then, after dinner, later that evening, Seth walked, with me, out to my car, and we had this moment between us." Eric looked at Seth, again, and smiled as he remembered the look on Seth's face that night. "We had this connection, at that moment. And the way Seth was looking at me, I just had the feeling that he'd wanted to kiss me, that night. Our eyes locked on each other, but before anything else happened, Seth stepped back and cleared his throat, and that charged moment, between us, was gone." Seth looked Eric, in the eyes, and smiled back at him. "That's when I realized that I felt something for you, that night." Seth admitted to him. "I just wasn't sure what it was that I was feeling, at the time." Eric nodded, then turned back to Rudy. "And after that night, Neither one of us could forget that moment, between us. We were both trying to make sense of it. I already knew that I was attracted to Seth, but I didn't know what his feelings were for me until after he won the wrestling match, with Joey Sloane. After, I confessed, to Seth, my feelings for him, I asked him, point blank what his sexuality was. And he told me that he was straight." Rudy then threw out his hands in a "I told you so" kind of gesture. "What did I tell you?!" Rudy said to him. "He told you that he was straight." "Yeah, I did." Seth chimed in, again, then added. "But then I told him I always thought that I was...until I met him. And that's when I realized that I had genuine feelings for Eric. Feelings that I've never had with another man, before. And that's when I kissed him, for the first time." Rudy frowned, as he got quiet, for a moment, trying to process everything Eric and Seth had told him. He still couldn't get over the fact that Seth, the young man he'd known since he was a young 10 year old boy, was now interested in men. The same young boy who'd had girls fawning all over him, as a 16 year old teenager all the way up to adulthood. Rudy looked at Seth, not sure how he should react. But then, he had another question for him. "So, how long has this been going on, between you two?" He asked, out loud. "Not long." Seth said to him. "Like I said, it's only been a few days since we met." Rudy nodded. "And you are sure that this is what you want, Seth?" He asked. "To be in a relationship with Eric?" "Yes." Seth said, putting an arm around Eric's shoulders. "I love him, Rudy. And I want to be with him." Seth smiled at Eric, and Eric's smile mirrored his. Anyone who saw the two of them, like that, would know from the looks on their faces how much in love, Eric and Seth were with each other. "And you are happy, Seth?" Rudy asked him, wanting to know it for sure. Seth's smile just lit up his face. That was all Rudy needed to see to realize that Seth was very happy. "I sure am, Brother!" Seth said, as he hugged Eric into him. "I'm happier than I have ever been, before." Rudy's face softened and, slowly, a smile appeared on his face. "Well then, I'm happy for you, too, Seth." Rudy said, finally. "I might not understand this, right now. But, seeing that smile on your face, how can I not be happy for you?" Both Seth and Eric were shocked at Rudy's reaction to their relationship. He seemed to be taking it better then they thought he would. "So, you're still my friend, Rudy?" Seth asked him, almost afraid to hope for it. "I always was, Seth." Rudy said, then smiled, warmly. "And, I still am, now." Seth let out a breath he hadn't been aware that he'd been holding in. And then, he stepped forward and grabbed Rudy into a strong hug. "Thank God." Seth said, hugging Rudy tightly. "I didn't know what I was going to do if I'd lost your friendship, forever." Rudy, hugged Seth back, just as tightly. "That will never happen, Brother." Rudy told him. "We're family." Eric stood there, watching them hug, smiling, as a tear ran down his face. He was overjoyed that Rudy had now accepted Seth's sexuality, and their relationship. But he also had to bring up Amy again. "Rudy, I hope you won't be too hard on Amy for keeping the truth from you." Eric said. "She wasn't thrilled about it, but Seth and I asked her to keep it to herself until Seth was able to tell you, himself." Rudy pulled back from his hug with Seth, and he looked at Eric. "Don't worry, Eric, I won't be hard on her." Rudy told him. "I understand the position that she was put in. I can't deny that I'm still a bit hurt that she didn't trust me, enough, to tell me, but I'll deal with it. The last thing I want to do, is lose Amy. She really means a lot to me." "Cool." Eric replied back. Just then, Rudy's phone started ringing. He picked it up and looked at it. He then looked up at Eric and Seth. "It's Amy calling." He said, before he answered the phone. "Hi, Amy!" "Hi, yourself, Handsome!" Amy replied. "What are you doing, right now?" "Oh, I'm just, here, in the kitchen, talking to Seth and Eric, right now." Amy looked concerned at that moment. She didn't know that Eric had gone back to the farm. "Eric's there?!" She asked, worriedly. "Is he ok?" "Yeah, he's fine." Rudy said to her. "Are you still at the University?" "Yeah." Amy said, as she was sitting at her desk, trying to focus on one of her homework assignments. "I'm trying to do some homework, in my dorm room, here, but I'm having a hard time, concentrating, because I'm so worried about Eric, and I could use the distraction." "Say no more." Rudy said, looking over at Seth and Eric, smiling. "I'll swing by the University and pick you up. We have a lot that we need to talk about." "Awesome." Amy said. "I'll be waiting for you, outside the University." "See you soon, Babe." Rudy told her. "Bye." He ended his call and put his phone back in his pocket. "Well, I've gotta go and pick up Amy from the University." Rudy said to him. "We do need to talk, considering how we left things before." "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Rudy." Eric said to him. "Now that you know about Seth and I, everything will make sense to you about why I bolted, after you ran into the barn, earlier, to take care of whatever Eli was freaking out about, in there." "Yeah, it does." Rudy replied, then said. "Don't worry about it now, Eric, it's ok." Concerned, after hearing about Eli, Seth looked at Rudy. "Rudy, is Eli alright?" Seth asked him. "What freaked him out, this time?" Rudy looked over at Seth, smiling. "Yeah, he's ok. I set up that mouse trap for you, earlier today that you wanted." Rudy pointed out, then said. "We finally caught that little troublemaker." "Really?" Seth asked, obviously overjoyed by that news. "That's great!" "The sound of the trap, snapping down on the mouse, is what freaked Eli out." Rudy explained. "So, when I ran in there, I had to calm Eli down, which took me having to take him out of the stall and tying him to the fence to do it. Then, I went in there and disposed of the dead mouse." "Cool." Seth said, so we don't have to worry about any more freakouts from Eli, anytime soon." "Hopefully not." Rudy said. Rudy then took a good look at Seth, since he'd come downstairs, and noticed how good he looked. "You're looking sharp, Seth!" Rudy said, checking out his attire he was wearing. "What's the occasion?" "Thanks, man." Seth said smiling, then added. "I'm going, with Eric, to meet his folks." "Oh cool." Rudy replied. Eric looked at his watch, right then and noticed how late in the day it was getting. "Yeah, we better get going, or my Mom's going to start worrying." Rudy looked over at Eric. "Give your father my condolences, Eric." He said. "Cancer is nothing fun to have to go through." Rudy extended his hand out to Eric. Eric took it and they shook hands. "Thank you, Rudy." Eric replied. "I'll give him the message." Rudy nodded. Then, Eric turned to Seth. "You ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah, come on." Seth said, as he walked over to the kitchen counter and pulled his keys off of the wall hanger. He turned back to Seth. "We'll see you, and Amy, later, Rudy." Seth said as he was walking to the door, with Eric right behind him. "Drive safe, guys." Rudy said, as Eric and Seth left the house. Outside, Eric turned to Seth. "You want to ride with me, in my car?" Eric asked him. Seth grinned. "Absolutely." He said. "Are we going straight to your parents, then?" "Yeah." Eric said to him. "And after that we'll swing by the University to pick up my things that I packed up when I left here, earlier." "Not a problem." Seth said, as he and Eric were walking towards the car. "Great!" Eric said, as he unlocked the car doors. Eric opened the driver's side door and got into his car. Seth opened his door and joined him, on the passenger side. After they both buckled their seat belts, Eric started the engine and turned to Seth. "Hey, Gorgeous, there's something I need to ask you." He said, as he laid a hand on Seth's thigh. Seth looked down at Eric's hand, on his thigh, and then back up at Eric, as his smile gave way. "What?" He said, giving him a sexy look. "You up for some "car sex?" Eric scoffed and rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his face. "Man, I swear you have the libido of a fucking bull." Eric said, shaking his head. "Only you would be thinking of sex at a time like this." "Hey, you're the one placing your hand, ever so suggestively, on my leg." Seth pointed out. "It's not my fault that you can't get enough of me." Eric's smile got bigger as he then slapped Seth's thigh, before removing his hand from it. "You're so full of it, you know that, Seth?" Eric said, chuckling. Seth grinned. "What can I say?" He said, that cocky grin still on his face. "You bring out the "sexy muscle beast" in me!" "Yeah, well keep him under wraps until we get back from my parents house." Eric said, and then pointed at him. "And don't be giving me any of your sexy looks or start teasing me with your pecs bouncing, otherwise, you're going to leave me with a raging hard on." Now it was Seth turn to roll his eyes. "Oh, please, Babe!" Seth said, shaking his head. "The way you always stare at my ass, all the time, you'll have a hard on from that alone, before I even do any kind of teasing." Hearing Seth talking about his big muscular ass made Eric wonder about something. "Well speaking of your sexy ass, Seth." Eric said, as he looked over at him. "Will I ever have a chance to fuck it?" Seth's smile left his face, as he took a moment to think about how to respond to Eric's question "I've been thinking about that a lot, lately." Seth replied. "After fucking you, and seeing how much pleasure I gave to you, I've been curious about what it would be like to be the bottom, for a change." Eric's face lit up. "Do you really mean it, Seth?! He said, almost excitedly. Seth looked at Eric and smiled when he saw the cute smile on his face. "Of course, I do." Seth said, to him. "If I'm going to keep you happy, I have to keep an open mind to the things that you like, sexually, too." Unable to contain his excitement, Eric grabbed Seth's face and pulled Seth towards him, for a kiss. When he pulled back, Seth had a stunned look on his face. "Wow!" He said, his mouth hanging open a bit, his breathing getting a little husky. "I think I might have to excite you, like this, more often, if you're going to kiss me like that!" "Why?" Eric asked, that huge smile still on his face. "Did it turn you on?" "Fuck yeah, it did!" Seth said, his smile giving way. "I'm gonna prepare something extra special for you, tonight when we get back!" "Eric was now intrigued to know what Seth had in mind. "Can't you give me a hint of what it could be, now?" He asked. Seth shook his head. "Nope." Seth said. "You'll have to wait until we get back from your parents house, tonight." Eric sat back in his seat and prepared to drive his car out of the driveway. "I guess, I will." He said, as he shifted the car into reverse. "Let's get moving, then." Eric backed the car up and turned it around towards the road. Then, he shifted into "drive" and started driving the car down the driveway towards the road. After stopping to see if any cars were coming, Eric then pulled out onto the road and started driving in the direction of his parents' home. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE... In the garage, Joey was still caught off guard by Charlie's question about his feelings for Seth. "Well, Joey, what's your answer to my question, Bro?" Charlie asked him. "Are you in love with Seth?" Joey looked at Charlie, who was grabbing a set of dumbbells to do some bicep curls with. "I don't know." He told Charlie, as he walked over and grabbed his own set of dumbbells to do bicep curls with, too. "I don't think I've ever been in love with a guy, before. Certainly not since--" Joey trailed off, as he thought back to his night with Chris Richardson, 6 years ago, when he was a teenager. "Not since, Chris?" Charlie asked, as he was curling his dumbbells. "Right." Joey said, as he curled his dumbbells. "But, I don't think I was in love with Chris, either. I know I had real feelings for him, back then, but I don't think I knew him, long enough, to fall in love with him. Besides, he left for Palm Springs with his family. I haven't heard from him, since." Charlie frowned. "Didn't you two ever exchange your phone numbers?" He asked, Joey. "No, we didn't have the chance to." Joey told him. "We only knew each other a few days." And then, after that, he and his parents moved to Palm Springs and I didn't hear from him, again." "Well, have you ever tried to find him on Facebook?" Charlie asked, still curling his dumbbells. "He shouldn't be hard to find." "No, I never searched for him on Facebook, 6 years ago." Joey replied, as he set his dumbbells down. "He and I weren't old enough for Facebook then. Besides, after a while, I put Chris out of my mind and focused on graduating high school, and getting into college." Joey thought about what it could be like seeing Chris again. He didn't know if Chris would be happy to see him, again, or if he'd moved on and found someone else to be with. So many things, there, were uncertain. "Well, you already know that he moved to Palm Springs." Charlie pointed out, as he finished his set and put the dumbbells back, on the weight rack. "Why don't you start there? Search for him on Facebook and see if you can find him on there." Joey thought about it and realized that starting there couldn't hurt. But, first he had to make sure he found the right guy. "I can try." Joey said, as he walked back over to the weight bench and sat down on it. "But I'm sure there's likely more than one Christopher Richardson, living in Palm Springs. There's probably a lot of them." Charlie looked down at Joey, as he rested from his last set of weight lifts. "You still know what Chris looks like don't you?" He asked Joey. "He can't have changed that much, in 6 years, right?' Joey shrugged. "Who knows?" He asked. "I know he's around 22 years old now, so he's the same age as me. But I'm not sure how his looks might have changed. The only way he could have changed is if he's gotten more masculine looking, I suppose. I mean he always had that cute look to him, but--" Here, Joey trailed off, as he felt that familiar sting of deja-vu hit him, once again, as he remembered the pain he'd felt after Christopher had left that day. Joey, having been very sensitive, at 16 years old, hadn't taken his leaving well. "You know what?" Joey asked, frowning. "Why am I even thinking about this? Christopher left, 6 years ago, with his family to Palm Springs, and I've never heard from him, since. That pretty much sums up how little I ever meant to him!" "You don't know that, Bro." Charlie said, sitting down next to Joey, on the weight bench. "You said before that you two didn't exchange phone numbers. Maybe he couldn't get ahold of you. Joey shook his head, his lips pressed together, in an emotional grimace. "Or maybe he didn't want to get in touch with me." He said, kind of bitterly. "I'm sure that's not true, man." Charlie said, trying to give Joey some kind of hope. Joey turned to Charlie, his expression turning to anger. "He knows where I live, Charles!" Joey exclaimed, a bit loudly. "Even if he didn't have my phone number, he could have tried to contact me, but he didn't!" Charlie held up his hands, a bit taken aback by Joey's anger. He knew Joey well, so he knew not to get angry with him, because he knew that Joey's anger wasn't really directed at him. "I'm sorry, man." Charlie said. "I was just trying to help. I'm sorry if I upset you." Joey got quiet, at that moment as he thought about the way he was acting. There was a part of him that really wanted to reach out to Chris, but the other part of him was afraid of being rejected if he did. "No, I'm sorry, Charles." Joey said, turning and laying his hand on Charlie's shoulder. "I didn't mean to take out all of my hurt and frustrations out on you." "Apology accepted." Charlie replied, looking at him. "But that's what best friends are for. You know I'm always here to listen, even if you need to let off some steam and vent." Joey nodded, smiling again. He knew Charlie was right. They'd been best friends since the 5th grade, and out of everyone he'd befriended, over the years, Charlie was the one person who'd always stood by him, through thick and thin. They'd also had their many disagreements and fights, over the years, as friends do, sometimes, but their friendship always remained strong, leading up to today. "You always are, my man." Joey said, holding out his fist to Charlie, and they fistbumped. "You know, you've been more of a brother to me, than my own brother, ever has." Charlie gave Joey a sympathetic look. He knew about the history of Joey's and Jake's sibling rivalry, better than anyone. He'd witnessed it, first hand, over the years, during their childhood. Joey's face grew grave, as he thought about his brother, Jake, wondering if things between them would ever be resolved. "You know, despite everything I've been through, with Jake." Joey said, his voice, cracking slightly. "I still love him, very much." "Well, of course you do." Charlie agreed. "You're his little brother. I know you've always looked up to him, growing up, despite the way he's treated you, whether you'll admit it to me, or not." "Yeah." Joey said, quietly, nodding slightly, a far away look in his eyes. "I wish things could be better, between Jake and me, but I don't think that's going to happen, anytime soon." Charlie frowned, at that moment, thinking about something. "You know, maybe you'll have a chance to re-connect with your brother, sooner than you think." Charlie said. Joey frowned, confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well," Charlie replied, his eyebrows raised. "Your birthday is coming up, here, in a few days. Why don't we celebrate it, by having a pool party, at your place?" Joey realized that, with everything he'd had going on, recently, he'd totally forgotten that his birthday had been drawing near. He sighed. "Wow." He said, not very enthusiastically. "I'd forgotten all about my birthday coming up. But, it's probably just as well, since I won't be having a birthday, this year." "What?!" Charlie was shocked, hearing that. "Bro! Your parents always throw you a birthday party, every year! Why would you not have one now?" Joey, again, looked sad as he looked Charlie, in the eye. "I'm not having one, this year, because my parents' aren't going to be here, to plan it." He said, sadly. "They're in Miami for the rest of the week, on an extended business trip." "Aww, well that sucks, man!" Charlie said, sounding disappointed, but then his face lit up. "But, why don't we celebrate your birthday, anyway? Hell, I'll plan your birthday party! We'll kick back, have a few beers, hang around, by the pool, and check out the hot chicks! And maybe we'll even get laid later! It'll be a blast, man! What do you say?" Looking up, at Charlie, and seeing the look of excitement, on his face, Joey finally caved. He shook his head, grinning. "I know, I'm going to regret this, letting you plan my birthday party." Joey told him. "But, what the hell? I'm in!" "Alright!" Charlie said, raising his palm up, he and Joey doing a high five. "Do you want to invite Seth to the party?" Hearing that, Joey's face lit up. He'd been looking for a way to get closer to Seth, and get to know him better, and he realized that having Seth attend his birthday party, might be the best place to start. Even if it meant, he had to invite, Eric, too. "Charles, my man! You're a genious!" Joey said, to him. "My birthday party might be just the opportunity I need to get to know Seth, a lot better. So, yes, I'd like to invite him." "Cool. " Charlie said, then asked. "What about Eric? Will he be invited, too?" Joey rolled his eyes. "Well, of course, he's going to be invited, too." Joey said, sarcastically. "Seth may not come to my party if Eric isn't invited." Charlie frowned. "What's your problem with Eric, anyway?" Charlie asked. "I thought you two were friends?" "We are." Joey said. "Well it hasn't looked that way, lately." Charlie replied. "Especially after the two of you nearly came to blows, in the gymnasium, recently, which Seth and I had to break up." "Well, Eric started that confrontation when he rubbed my defeat, at the wrestling match, with Seth, in my face, in the gymnasium." "And what?" Charlie asked him. "You want to retaliate, now?" Joey thought about that for a minute. He was still a bit sour, after Eric had humiliated him, after the wrestling match. He looked over at Charlie. "I just want to teach that goody-goody, Shaw, a lesson, that's all." Joey said to him. Charlie scoffed. "Well, I wouldn't underestimate Eric if I were you, Bro." Charlie warned him. "Eric's a pretty smart guy, but I've also got the feeling that he's no weakling, either." Joey, again, rolled his eyes. He wasn't intimidated, in the slightest, by Eric. "Oh please, Charles!" Joey protested. "Eric's a total cream puff! His bark's worse than his bite. Besides, I could totally handle him. I'm a wrestler, aren't I?" "Yeah." Charlie agreed. "But, do you really think that going after Seth, and getting Eric all riled up, is a good thing to do?" "Relax, Charles!" Joey urged him. "I'm just having a little fun, that's all?" "Oh!" Charlie said, now wondering something else. "So this whole thing about you wanting Seth and competing with Eric, has all been just some big game for you?" Joey's face turned serious, at that moment. "My feelings for Seth are no game, Charles." Joey said, the tone in his voice dead serious. "He's the first guy I've become very interested in, since Chris walked out of my life, 6 years ago. I think I owe it to myself to find out where things between me and Seth could go." "Even though, he and Eric may still be together?" Charlie asked him. "What happened to respecting relationships? It sounds like you just want to destroy theirs." "Well, in my eyes, as long as there isn't a ring on Seth's finger, he's fair game to me, Charles." Joey pointed out to him. Charlie shook his head. He didn't like what Joey was implying, and it made him uneasy, for some reason. "I don't like hearing you talk this way, Joey." He said. "Do you realize that if you ever did to me, what you're thinking of doing to Eric's relationship with Seth, that would be the end of our friendship?" "But I would never do that to you, Charles, because you're my best friend." Joey tried to reassure him. "We've been friends for a very long time." "Yes, we have." Charlie agreed. "And I'd like to keep it, that way." Charlie looked down, at his watch. "I need to get back to the University." He said. "I think we should call it a day. Joey looked at his watch, too, and saw that it was nearing 8:00p.m. "Yeah, you're right." He said. "I gotta grab a shower, here, and then I'll head back as well." Charlie turned and picked up his gym bag from the floor, next to him. Then, he turned back to Joey. "I'll see you, tomorrow, buddy." He said. "You too, man." Joey replied. "Goodnight." Joey watched Charlie walk to his car and get in. He watched as Charlie started his car and drove out of the driveway and onto the street, heading towards San Diego University. Joey sighed and turned to push the automatic garage door button. Once he did, the garage door lowered and closed. Joey then picked up his shirt off of a work bench, and shut off the lights to the garage as he headed inside the house. Once inside, he headed towards his bedroom. Opening the door and heading inside his room, he shut the door behind him, and started stripping out of his clothes to take his shower. Now fully nude, Joey walked to his linen closet and grabbed a clean bath towel and washcloth out of it. With those in hand, he headed into the bathroom and set the towel on the towel rack and hung his washcloth over one of the racks in the bath. "Now, it's time for a nice, relaxing bath to soothe all of my sore, tired muscles." Joey said, to himself. He reached under the cabinet, below the sink and pulled out a bottle of Epsom Salts and another bottle of Dr. Teals liquid bath solution. He sprinkled a couple cups of the salts into the tub and turned on the water to a warm temperature. After the water was running, he poured a generous amount of the bath solution into the water and swished it with his hand to make it start bubbling up. "There, that's done." Joey said , putting away the solution and the Epsom Salts. "Now, for the finishing touch." He reached over and turned on the Jacuzzi jets in the tub and watched as the jets started shooting through the water and then, he got in and lowered himself into the warm, bubbling water. He moaned, in satisfaction, as he settled down, into a comfortable position, in the tub. "Oh, man, this feel amazing!" He murmured, laying back and closing his eyes. As he laid there, soaking away his aches and pains, his mind drifted back to Seth and how much he wanted to get to know him. Among other things. Joey opened his eyes. "Seth and I will have our time, together." He said, his voice full of determination. "Surely, he's not going to be able to resist me for much longer. And I'm not going to let anything, or anyone, stop it from happening." MEANWHILE, AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE...... "Well, here we are." Eric said, as he pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine to the car. He turned to Seth. "Are you ready?" Seth looked at him, sympathetically. "Yeah, I'm ready." He said. "But, the question is: Are you ready?" Eric shook his head, his face taking on an emotional look. "How is anyone supposed to be ready to deal with cancer?" He asked, laying his head back, against the headrest of the driver's seat. He looked up, at the ceiling, as he let out a huge sigh, trying to keep control of his emotions Seth reached over and put a hand on Eric's shoulder, and squeezed it, gently. "I don't know." He said. "But, I think the best thing to do is to take things one step at a time. Listen to what your Mom and Dad have to say and you all deal with what's to come. As a family." Eric blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. "I hear what you're saying, Seth." Eric said. "But, how am I supposed to deal with my father's cancer, on top of the fact that neither one of them, knows about the letter I got from the Departments Of Corrections, about Tom's upcoming release from prison?" Seth frowned. "You haven't told them, yet?" He asked, shocked. "Don't you think you should?" "I don't want to pile that on, on top of my father's cancer diagnosis." Eric said, his voice breaking. If I tell my father that Tom's going to be released from prison, he's going to be furious and his focus will be on trying to protect me, instead of focusing on himself and getting his cancer treatment, whatever it will be." "That's why you have me, here, Eric." Seth replied. "I'm here to offer you and your family support. And if your father does get upset about Tom's upcoming release, and starts worrying about you, I'll make it clear to him that I will be here, to protect you." Eric looked over at Seth. He was really grateful to have Seth by his side, right then, because he had dreaded having to face his parents, alone. "You really mean that, Seth?" He asked, as a tear made it's way down Eric's cheek. "Of course, I do." Seth said, "Why wouldn't I want to protect you? I love you." Eric smiled at him. Seth words warmed his heart. "I love you, too." He murmured. "And, I can't wait to show you, when we get back to the farm, later." Seth's sexy smile gave way. "I'm looking forward to that, too." Still smiling, Eric leaned over and gave Seth a tender kiss on the lips. After pulling back, Seth wiped Eric's tears away, with his thumb. "Alright, handsome." Seth said, to him. "You ready to do this?" Eric wiped his face, a bit more to dry it of the tears. Then, he nodded. "Yeah, I am." He said. "Come on. Let's get this over with." Eric opened his car door and got out of the car. Seth got out, too, and shut his door. Eric shut his door and pressed the lock button, on his remote. The car chirped twice, signaling the the doors were locked, and the car alarm was set. Then, he walked up to the door of his parents home, with Seth right behind him, and opened the door and walked into the house. "Mom?! Eric called out. "I'm here! And I've brought someone with me!" Just then, He and Seth heard Elaine Shaw's voice, coming from, upstairs. "Ok, Honey!" He heard her voice call out. "Your father and I will be down, shortly!" "Ok, Mom!" Eric shouted out. "We'll be in the kitchen!" Eric turned to Seth, who was looking around, admiring the house. "This is a beautiful home you guys have, Eric!" Seth said, in a low voice. "Thanks, Gorgeous." Eric whispered back to him. "I'm glad you like it. Come on, let's go in the kitchen." Eric led Seth into the kitchen, and when Seth saw how big the kitchen was, his eyes widened. "Whoa!" He exclaimed, as he looked around. "This kitchen is fucking huge!" Eric grinned. "Yes, well if you think this is huge, wait until you see the pool area." Seth looked over at Eric, his eyes still wide. "You're kidding me, right?" "No." Eric said, shaking his head, grinning madly. That did it for Seth. Now, he was beyond curious. "I am SO seeing that pool area before we leave here, tonight." He whispered. "Oh, I intend to show it to you." Eric said, grinning at him. "Because I have plans for us to use that pool when the opportunity comes for it." Seth made an "O" face, at that moment. "Ooh!" Now, I'm intrigued." He replied, then grinned, his sexy dimples on full display. He then advanced on Eric and brought his arm around Eric's waist and pulled him, slowly, in closer to him. "Tell me, more." He said, waggling his eyebrows, seductively. "Ha ha!" Eric taunted him. "Down, Gorgeous! We can't be getting frisky, right now. My parents could be coming downstairs any minute now." Seth narrowed his eyes, but he had that small teasing smirk on his face. "Ok, fine." He said, letting go of Eric's waist and backing away. "But we will continue this "sexy time planning" later." "Oh you bet we will." Eric whispered. "You can take that to the bank!" Seth and Eric then heard footsteps coming downstairs, and as the two of them looked towards the stairs, Elaine Shaw emerged at the bottom of them and appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. A moment later, Eric's father, Derek Shaw, emerged from the doorway, behind her. "Hi, Sweetie." Elaine said, coming over and hugging Eric. "Hi, Mom." Eric replied back, as he hugged her. When, she pulled back, she turned to look at Seth, and saw how good looking he was. "And you are?" She asked him. Seth extended out his hand to her. "Hi, I'm Seth Lombardo." He greeted her, as they shook hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Shaw." "You, too, Seth." Elaine said, smiling. Then, she turned to Eric's father, who was standing behind her. "This is my husband, and Eric's father, Derek Shaw.' Seth looked over at Derek Shaw and noticed his brown hair, which was darker than Eric's. And he also noticed that he had the same eyes as Eric: That piercing blue color. Now, Seth knew who Eric got his eyes from. Derek was taller than Eric and probably stood about 6'1" and weighed around 215 lbs. Seth also noticed that he had a nice muscular build to him. Not quite the defined gymnast type body that Eric had, but he had a good looking chest, nicely toned arms Derek Shaw stepped forward and shook hands with, Seth. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Seth." He said, smiling warmly. "You too, Mr. Shaw." Seth replied, as he let go of Mr. Shaw's hand. "Eric has told me a little bit about the two of you." "Really?" Mr. Shaw, said, just before he turned to look at Eric. "All good things I hope, right Eric?" When he turned to look his son, in the eyes, he could see that tears were beginning to run down Eric's cheeks. "Eric?" Mr. Shaw asked, looking at him, in concern. "What's wrong, Son?" Eric shook his head, as he began to lose his composure. "My Dad has cancer, that's what's wrong!" Eric said, as he began to sob. At that same moment, Mr. Shaw stepped forward and pulled Eric into his arms. Eric buried his face into his father's shoulder, sobbing, as he clung to him, tightly. "Eric!" Mr. Shaw exclaimed, in a soft tone. "Come on, Son, don't get yourself worked up like this. Everything is going to be ok!" Elaine Shaw, and Seth, both, stood there, watching Eric, crying, in his father's arms. Elaine had tears in her own eyes. As much as his heart went out, to Eric, at that moment, Seth remained strong. He never really showed his emotions in front of strangers, growing up. He was more private with his emotions, usually, but Eric had brought out a lot of his sensitive side, since they'd met. And seeing the close relationship that Eric and his father had, just made him miss his own father, all that much more. After a couple minutes, Eric calmed down and pulled back from his father's embrace. He wiped at his tear streaked face as he looked at his father. "I'm so sorry, Dad." Eric said, as he tried to compose himself. "I guess I let my emotions get the best of me." Derek Shaw looked at his son, and put his hand on the back of his neck, smiling at him. "You have nothing to be sorry about, Son." He said to Eric. "I know you're worried about me. It's ok to feel that way. Your mother is worried too. So, am I. But let's not worry about this until we know more about what I'm facing. Hopefully, the doctors caught it, early enough that it can be treated successfully, and if so, then I can make a full and complete recovery." Eric was calmed down, enough now. He looked over at his mother, who was looking at him, her eyes filled with sympathy and compassion, over what he was feeling right now. She knew that her son looked up to his father. She did, also, for she had loved Derek Shaw since they'd been in high school, together. "Why don't we all sit down?" Elaine asked, in a quiet tone of voice. "That's a great idea." Derek said. Eric and Seth turned and walked towards the kitchen table. They sat down in their seats on the side of the table, nearest to the kitchen window, while Elaine and Derek Shaw sat down across from them. The way they were sitting made it seem like they were board members at a board meeting, in a place of business. "Is anyone hungry?" Elaine said, looking around at everyone. "Well, I am, but I think I'll wait until after We talk about Dad's cancer diagnosis and his treatment options." "That's a good idea." Mr. Shaw said. "Just talking about cancer spoils my appetite." Elaine looked over at, Seth. "Seth, what about you, Honey?" She asked him. Seth nodded. "Yes, but I can wait until after Eric and I hear what you have to say." "Very well." Elaine replied. "Then we'll get started, right now." Elaine sat up in he chair and cleared her throat to start talking BACK AT SAN DIEGO UNIVERSITY..... Amy was sitting at her desk, doing some of her college homework, when she heard her phone make a chime sound. She picked it up and looked at it and saw that it was Rudy texting her. Rudy: We need to talk. I'm parked outside, in the parking lot of the University." Amy frowned, wondering why he hadn't called her. He'd just showed up, there. She then texted him, back. "Alright, I'll be out in a minute." Amy looked at the homework that she was doing and decided that it could wait and finish it, later. She grabbed her purse and put her phone into it. She picked up her keys from the table and walked towards the door. She exited her dorm room and turned to lock the door. Once the door was locked and secure, she turned and walked towards the University doors, to meet with Rudy in the parking lot. In a few minutes, she came to the exit doors and headed outside, looking around the parking lot until she spotted Rudy, sitting, in his truck. She walked over and got into Rudy's truck. After closing the door, she turned to see Rudy, looking at her, his face serious. "What's wrong, Rudy?" She asked him. "You look so serious." Rudy looked at her and prepared to tell her what he now knew. "I know about Eric and Seth." He said. "About their relationship." Amy looked at him in shock. Then, the guilt started to set in, for her, for having to keep it from him. She didn't know how Rudy felt about it, but she was definitely going to ask him. "How do you feel about that?" Amy asked. Rudy shrugged. Seth's revelation had definitely had an impact on him. But, he knew that he had to support Seth, in his decision to be with Eric. "It's definitely been a lot for me, to process.' He told her. "I still can't believe it. The same kid that I've come to love, like a brother, is now into men. He's always been into women for as long as I've known him." "That hasn't changed, Rudy."Amy told him. "But what has changed, is Seth, discovering that he has feelings for Eric. I'm sure this hasn't been easy for him, because it's his first time, he's ever had any kind of feelings for someone of the same gender." Rudy nodded, understanding what she was saying. "I get it." He said. "But now..." Rudy broke off, there, as he was looking very uncomfortable at that moment. Like he didn't know what he should do. "Now....what?" Amy asked him. Rudy looked over at Amy. "How am I supposed to act around Seth now?" Rudy asked him. "Knowing that he likes men, now, I don't know how I'm supposed to relate to him, now." "It's very simple, Rudy." Amy said to him, as she laid a hand on his arm. "You keep being the same Rudy who was there for Seth, when he was 10 years old. Let him know that you are there for him, and you will continue to love and support him, no matter what. Make sure that he knows that his sexual orientation doesn't change that. He is still, the same Seth Lombardo you met, as that sweet little boy, and the same one you watched grow up into the strong, confident man he's always been." Rudy sighed, as he got quiet, for a moment. Amy took that opportunity to apologize to him, for her part in keeping the truth from him, about Seth and Eric's relationship. "Look, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Seth and Eric's relationship." She told him. "They made me swear not to tell anyone, until Seth was ready to do it, himself. I hope you're not too mad at me." "Don't worry about that." Rudy said to her. "I was a bit hurt that you didn't feel like you could trust me, with the truth, but I understand now, after seeing how hard this was, for Seth, to tell me. I understand that this wasn't Seth's secret, for you, to tell." Amy sighed, in relief. She was so sure that Rudy was going to rake her, over the coals, for keeping something like Seth's sexuality, a secret from him. She looked at him, hopefully. "So, you and I are ok?" She asked him. He smiled at her. "Yes, we are." He said, putting his arm around her, and kissing her, on the forehead. Amy leaned into his shoulder, smiling. "I'm glad things worked out." She said to him. "I hated, having to keep something this big, a secret from you. But, I wasn't about to break a promise I'd made to Seth and to Eric, as well. What kind of friend would I be if I did that?" "I understand." Rudy said, as he rubbed her arm. "Thinking back on it, now, I would have done the same things for Seth, if he'd asked me to keep it, secret." Amy looked up at him. "Rudy, how did you leave things with Seth and Eric?' She wanted to know. "Well, I told Seth that I'm still there for him, and that I always will be." He explained, to her, then added. "And, after that, Seth went with Eric, to meet with Eric's parents. I don't know when they're gonna be back." A surprised expression came upon Amy's face when she heard that. And that was giving her some ideas. "So, does that mean that we have that whole big farm house to ourselves?" She asked him. Rudy looked over at her. "Yeah, it looks that way." He said, then frowned. "Why?" As he gazed at Amy, he saw a big smile appear on her face. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, right now?" Rudy's smile mirrored Amy's, as he realized what she was getting at. He was starting to get the same idea. "You, me, and a bed?" He asked her. "Mmm-hmm." Amy said, nodding her head. "I know we just met, each other, and normally, I don't like to take things to the next level, with someone new, too soon, but with you, it feels right." Rudy's eyebrows raised, in surprised. "What are you saying?" He asked her. Looking into her eyes, Rudy could see the desire there. He felt the same way that she was feeling, too, at that moment. "It's time." Amy told him. "I don't want to wait anymore, Rudy. I want to be with you. In every way." Rudy looked into her eyes and the beating of his heart quickened from the excitement that he was feeling, in that moment. He wanted to be with Amy, too. "That's what I want, too." Rudy murmured. "Are you sure you're ready? I don't want to pressure you." Amy shook her head. "No, I'm ready." She replied. "It's the perfect time." She leaned in and kissed Rudy, on the lips. And that kiss led to many more passionate kisses. Rudy pulled back, as his breathing started to get quicker. "Well then, let's get back to the farm." Rudy said, as he put the truck in gear. "We're going to have the time of our lives." Amy buckled her seat belt, as Rudy pulled out of San Diego University parking lot and started driving back to the farm. BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE... The Shaws, and Seth were all sitting, at the kitchen table, eating some deli meat sandwiches, with a side of salad. They were almost finished eating. "So, your father and I talked it over, before you two, got here, and we decided that we're going to go up to Palm Springs to a facility where your father will be getting his cancer treatments." Elaine Shaw said, to Eric, as she picked at her salad. "Are you ok with keeping an eye, on the house, while we're gone?" Eric frowned, as he chewed on his salad. He swallowed before he answered his mother. "Yeah, I'm fine with that. But why?" He asked. "Are you not coming back, for a while or something?" He saw his mother look over at his father. Eric saw his father nod at her. Then, she turned back to look at him. "We're going to stay in Palm Springs, for a while, until your father's treatments are over. They have one of the best cancer treatment facilities in the country, and your father and I could use a change of scenery, from the crazy L.A. traffic, for a while." Eric turned and looked at his father. "Dad, are you ok with that?" He asked, looking worried. "I know how much you hate hospitals." "Yeah, Son, I do." Derek Shaw replied. "But it's not going to be inpatient treatments. Your mom and I will still be able to come and go as we please. And staying up there, for a while, will cut down, on the driving back and forth. After all, it takes over two hours to get to Palm Springs from San Diego. That would be an exhausting drive for you." "It's not a problem, Dad." Eric told him, as he finished his last bite of salad. "I can handle it." "But, Eric, I don't want you to have to "handle it." Derek insisted. "You have college classes to focus on, and you need to be here to do that. You can't be driving, back and forth, from San Diego to Palm Springs, and back, again. It's going to take it's toll on you, eventually, and you're going to burn yourself out. I don't want that for you, Son." Eric was starting to get confused. He wasn't sure why his father was trying to persuade him not to come up to Palm Springs to see him, often. "Dad, what are you saying?" Eric asked, frowning, in confusion. "You don't want me to come up to Palm Springs and see you, as often as I can?" Derek's eyes lowered, to the table. After a sad sigh, he looked back up at Eric. "I think it would be best if you kept your distance, as much as you can, while I'm undergoing my treatment." he said. "I don't want you to have to be put through what I'm about to go through." "Dad, come on!" Eric protested. "Don't push me away, now, before you've even started your treatments. You're gonna need Mom, and I, to support you and help you get through this!" "Eric, I'm going to be alright." Derek tried to reassure him. "Your mother is going to be there, with me, every step of the way through this whole process! I'm not going to be alone." "That's not the point, Dad!" Eric said, starting to get emotional, again. "You'll let Mom be there for you, but not your own son?!" Derek looked at Eric, sternly. He didn't like seeing Eric getting so emotional over him, like he was the child, and Eric was the parent. "Eric, that's not what I meant." Derek replied. "Of course you can come and visit with me, but I'd rather have your mother by my side through my chemo treatments. I don't want you to see me, at the worst of my treatments. I'll be throwing up, a lot, and you don't have the stomach to deal with that." "No!" Eric said, shaking his finger, at his father, his lips clenched, and his eyes wide. "I see what you're doing, Dad! You're trying to protect me, like I'm still a child! Well, I don't need to be protected, anymore!" "Eric..." Seth's voice was low, and firm. He wasn't comfortable, sitting there, listening to Eric arguing with his father. If anything, it took Seth back to a place that he didn't want to go, again. "Eric, I am your father and I know what's best for you!" Derek Shaw said, angrily. "You have enough, on your plate, to deal with right now, with getting ready to graduate college! You should be focusing on that, right now, and not worrying yourself to death, about me! I'm going to make a full recovery from this!" Eric shook his head, in exasperation. He knew the his father was trying to be strong, but Eric knew his father, well enough to know that he had to be just as scared as he was, and his mother was. "You don't know that, Dad!" Eric exclaimed, as tears started trickling down his face. "Stop being so fucking stubborn!" Derek Shaw opened his mouth to give Eric a word of warning, but it was Seth, who spoke up, first. "Stop it, Eric!" Seth said, loudly. All eyes turned on Seth, as that moment, including Eric, who was shocked at that moment. He could see that Seth was visibly upset, by the whole situation." "Don't talk to your father, like that!" Seth continued. "Whether or not you agree with the choices he's made, regarding his cancer treatments, he is still your father and he deserves to be treated with respect!" Eric, although shocked, by Seth's outburst, knew where Seth was coming from, and Seth confirmed it by what he said next. "I was in this exact situation, with my own father, over a disagreement, about his health, and being defiant with him, just like you are being right now." Seth pointed out. "And now, my father is gone. He died before I could ever have a chance to tell him how sorry I was for disrespecting him. And I've had to live with that guilt, every day, since then. I've already lost my father, Eric. I don't want you to lose yours the same way, I did." Eric, still frowning a bit, knew that Seth did have a point. He looked over at his parents, who were both visibly shocked over the news of Seth's father's passing. He then, turned back to Seth, who laid his hand on his shoulder. "Now apologize to your father, while I go outside, for some fresh air." Seth finished, in a softer, more gentle tone, looking emotional, at that moment. Seth then turned towards Derek and Elaine Shaw, who were giving him sympathetic looks, at that moment. "Will you folks please excuse me, for a few minutes?" He asked, politely. "Of course." Derek Shaw replied. "I'm really sorry for your loss, Son." "Yes, Seth, I'm so sorry, Honey." Elaine said, in a very compassionate tone of voice. Seth nodded, appreciating their sympathy and compassion. "Thank you." He said, quietly. Then, he got up and walked out of the kitchen, towards the door of the house. He opened it and walked out, closing the door, behind him. Once he was gone, Eric looked over at his father. "Dad, I'm sorry." He said, wiping the tears off of his face. "Seth's right. I shouldn't have disrespected you, like that." Derek looked at Eric, and his face softened. "It's ok." He replied, nodding his head. "I appreciate the apology. It's a hard time for all of us, right now. Apology accepted." "Thanks, Dad." Eric said, sincerely. "The last thing I want to do, is upset you, and Mom, right now, by piling on more bad news on top of your cancer diagnosis, but given what I have just learned, today, I don't think I have much of a choice, right now." "What are you talking about?" Derek said, frowning in confusion. "What more bad news is there?" Eric looked at his parents, who were now concerned. He had no idea how they would react when they found out about, Tom Anderson, who was about to be released from prison soon . "Ok, I'll tell you." Eric said, then added. "But, before I do that, let me go and see if Seth is alright." "Sure, Honey." Elaine said, nodding. "I'm going to clean up the kitchen. When you two are ready to come back inside, join us in the living room." "Ok." Eric said, getting up. "I'll be right back." Eric walked to the door of the house and looked through the window. He could see Seth, standing on the porch steps, his back to him, looking out towards the sunset. It was starting to get late in the evening. Eric opened the door and walked outside. He saw Seth turn around and saw that he still looked a bit emotional, but he wasn't crying. "I'm sorry that you had to hear all of that, in there, Gorgeous." Eric said, quietly, looking up into Seth's face. Seth shook his head. "No, Babe, I'm sorry." He replied. "I shouldn't have snapped at you, like that. Hearing you arguing with your Dad just reminded me of the day I had that argument with my father when he had his heart attack. I just didn't want to see you and your father upset with each other. Stress is not good for your Dad, right now." Eric nodded. "I had a feeling that was where your head was, when you went off on me." He pointed out. "And I know that my father shouldn't be stressed, right now. But, I don't think that can be helped, right now, because I was just about to tell my parents what I know about Tom being released from prison, soon." Seth's eyebrows shot up in realization, at what that meant. "Oh!" He said, obviously shocked by Eric's admission. "You're gonna tell them, right now?" "Yeah." Eric said, looking up at him. "I just wanted to check on you and see if you were alright, before I did that. They're waiting for us, in the living room." "Yeah, I'm good, now." Seth said, then gestured towards the door. "Let's go back inside." "Alright." Eric said, turning back towards the door of the house. Seth followed Eric back into the house, and into the living room where Derek and Elaine Shaw were waiting for them. They were sitting in the twin recliner sofa, opposite the couch. "We're back." Eric said to them. Derek Shaw gestured to the couch. "Have a seat." He ordered. "Your mother, and I, are definitely interested in hearing about what you have to say." Eric looked at Seth, who looked back at him, and nodded, and then the two of them walked to the couch, and sat down, next to each other, across from Elaine and Derek. Eric sat down on the couch,.and Seth sat down next to him. Looking at his parents, Eric knew that his news about Tom was going to be a shock for him. "Mom? Dad?" Eric asked, then added. "I have some news of my own to share with you, today. It's something that you, both, really need to know." "What is it?" Elaine asked, concern witten all over her face. Eric closed his eyes, brought both of his hands to his face, and wiped then down it. Then, he looked up at his parents and then let the truth be known. "Tom Anderson is being released from prison in a couple weeks." He revealed,. looking back and forth between both of his parents. Derek and Elaine's concern, quickly turned to shock. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. "What?!" Derek Shaw exclaimed, now looking angry. "Oh my God!" Elaine Shaw, also exclaimed, holding her hand to her mouth. Derek Shaw stood up from the couch, looking down at Eric. Both, Eric and Seth, could see that this news clearly agitated him. His hands were balling up into fists. "When did you find this out?" Derek asked his son. "When I was here, with Mom, earlier and we were going through the mail, together, I found the letter from "The Department Of Corrections" in it." Eric explained to them." "What?!" Elaine Shaw explained, shocked at Eric's admission. "Honey, why didn't you tell me?" Eric looked over at her, now feel bad for not telling her sooner. He knew how much his mother loved him. "I'm sorry, Mom." He said. "You had just told me about my father's cancer, and you had enough to worry about without me having to pile this on, on top of everything else." "Sweetie, I'm your mother!" Elaine you exclaimed to him. "It's my job to worry about you! I'm not going to stop being a parent just because you're fully grown now!" Eric rolled his eyes and shook his head, but he was smiling. "I never once thought that, Mom." He said, stepping forward and hugging her. "And I love you, and Dad, both, for caring, but I'm not that little boy that needs protection anymore." "Are you sure about that, Eric?" His father asked. "Yes, Dad, I am." Eric said, as he pulled back from his embrace with his mother. "When, I first read the letter that Tom.was being released, I was scared, at first. Just the thought of seeing, Tom, out on the street again, made my blood run cold. But now, after seeing him, at the prison, and seeing what's he's become now, I'm not afraid of him, anymore." "Whoa! Wait a minute!" Derek exclaimed, looking at Eric, in shock. "You went to see him, at the prison? Eric why? Why would you even give that sick bastard, the time of day?" Eric knew that he was going to have to bring up the panic attacks that he'd been experiencing. There was no getting around that. "Because Dad, the panic attacks that have plagued me, ever since after Tom raped me, have come back again, recently." Eric explained. "And I thought that perhaps they were coming on because of my own inward fear of seeing Tom, again. So that's why I felt that I needed to face him and put my fears to rest." Derek Shaw clenched his teeth and clenched his fists tighter, obviously still filled with anger, over what Tom had done to his son. "Every time, I think about what that bastard did to you, Eric, I just want to strangle him with my bare hands!" Derek said, in a very angry sounding tone of voice. "You and me, both." Seth agreed. All eyes were on Seth now, including Eric's. "You know about this?" Derek Shaw asked, in shocked surprise. Seth nodded. "Yes." He revealed to Derek and Elaine. "Eric had to tell me, after having another panic attack, on what was supposed to have been his first day, working for me, as a farm hand." Hearing that, Derek Shaw looked at Eric, in confusion. "You're working a job, as a ranch hand, Son?" He asked Eric, in surprise. "Why? You don't need a job, right now. You should be focusing on school." "I am, Dad." Eric said to him. "Working for Seth is supposed to be a part of my college essay I'm doing for one of my classes. I chose to write my essay on farms, and I needed to find out more about it, so my friend, Amy, suggested I work on a farm to get hands on experience. So that's what I'm doing." Seth then chose that moment to reassure Eric's father that Eric's college education wouldn't suffer, because of the job. "Mr. Shaw, I made it very clear to Eric that his college education has to come first, before this job." Seth said, looking back and forth, between Elaine and Derek, as he spoke to them. "He knows that if he has anything important, such as an exam, or whatever, that he's to let me know, immediately, so I can grant him the time that he needs to study and keep his grades up." "Well, I appreciate that, very much, Seth." Derek Shaw said, his appreciation genuine. "My son has worked hard to get into college and I don't want his hard work to have been for nothing." "It won't be." Seth reassured him. "I know how important a college education is. I never got to go to college because my parents couldn't afford to send me, right after high school. We weren't in the best place, financially, then. And ever since my father died, last year, all I can focus on right now, is my family. Namely, my Mom." "I understand." He said. "And I appreciate your honesty, Seth, and your willingness to be flexible with Eric's job scheduling." Seth nodded. Eric chose that moment to excuse himself, from the room, for a moment. "Will you two keep Seth, company, while I run upstairs to the bathroom?" "Sure, Honey." Elaine replied. Eric turned to Seth. "I'll be right back." "Ok." He said, softly. Eric then turned and walked towards the stairs and walked up them, to use the bathroom. When, he was gone, Elaine looked at Seth. "Seth, come and see some of our family photos." She said, smiling at him, warmly. "Sure, I'd be honored." He said, smiling back at her, his sexy dimples on full display. She turned towards the mantle and pulled down a family photo and handed it to Seth. Seth took it and looked it over. He smiled when he saw Eric, standing to the right of Derek and Elaine Shaw, wearing his cap and gown. It was from Eric's high school graduation day. "Great family photo." He said, to her, as he studied it. "Thank you, Seth." Elaine said, to him. Seth frowned when his eyes fell on another young man, who was standing to the left of Elaine Shaw, in the photo. The young man, looked to be about the same age as Eric, as well as about the same height and weight. His hair was also dark brown, like Derek Shaw's, and his eyes were also blue. "Who's this young man, standing next to you here, Mrs Shaw?" Seth asked as he turned the photo towards her to show her. Elaine looked down and noticed the man that Seth was referring to. "Oh, that's Eric's brother, Ethan." She revealed. Seth looked up at them, completely stunned. "Brother?" He asked, an expression of shock on his face. "Twin brother, actually." Derek Shaw said, smiling. "Ethan was born, 10 minutes before Eric was, so technically Ethan's the older brother." Seth looked down at the photo again to look at both Eric and Ethan. He could definitely see the resemblance between them. "They're not identical looking twins." Seth said, once the shock wore off. "Oh no." Derek said, laughing a bit. "Ethan and Eric are fraternal twins. They are nothing alike, in looks and personality, but you can definitely see that they're related." Seth was quiet, still frowning at the photo. That is until Elaine spoke up. "Is something wrong, Seth?" Elaine asked him. Seth looked up at her. "Oh no, Mrs. Shaw, everything's fine." He said. "I'm just a little shocked because Eric never told me that he had a brother." "Hmm." Elaine mumbled, frowning. "I wonder why not? Eric talks about Ethan all the time." Before Seth could answer her, someone's phone started ringing. Elaine recognized it. "It's my phone." She said pulling it out of her purse. She answered the call. Then after a few seconds, she looked over at Derek. "It's an important client." She said, to Derek. "I need to take this." "Ok." Derek Shaw said, as he sat back down in his seat Elaine walked into the kitchen to talk to her client. When she was gone, Derek turned to Seth. "I have to go upstairs and start packing up for our time, in Palm Springs." He said, to Seth. "I understand, Sir." Seth said, nodding, slightly, smiling at him. Derek Shaw, again, extended his hand out to Seth, once again. Seth took it and they shook hands. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Seth." He said. "You too, Sir." Seth replied. 'Take care." Derek said, lightly slapping Seth's shoulder, before he walked towards the stairs. After, Derek Shaw was gone, Seth walked to the mantle, and set the family photo, back on the shelf. He frowned, still wondering why Eric hadn't mentioned Ethan to him, but he'd made up his mind that he was going to bring it up to Eric when he came back downstairs. After a few more minutes, Eric came back downstairs and walked back into the living room. "Well, what did I miss?" He asked Seth, as he looked around. "Oh, not much." Seth told him. Your mom was just showing me some pictures of her family." He then looked at Eric and then decided that he was going to ask Eric the million dollar question. "Eric?" Seth said, frowning in confusion. "How come you've never told me that you have a brother?
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  21. Growing up, Jack never knew his father. He has distant memories of being held in a big pair of muscly arms, the scratch of his dad’s bear tickling his chin. But he knew that that was long ago. He assumed he left when he was still young, his mom didn’t tell him much about his father. Life was difficult growing up, his mom loved him very much, but she had to spend most of her days working to help support the two of them. Jack grew into it, becoming more independent and spending his time outside. He was always a very active kid, running around, playing soccer, joining the wrestling team. By 9th grade he had filled out considerably on his 5’9 frame, his toned but bulky 160 lbs suiting him well in his sports. But more importantly, and more to his liking, every morning he awoke to the sight of his 7” hard-on, the thick tool too big for his hand. His daily whacking off had started off very natural, releasing the urge into a tissue every morning. But now, he started feeling more turned on than ever. Sitting in class, his dick started getting painfully hard. Keeping his legs tucked under his desk, he hoped no one noticed the lengthy bulge in his pants. In November, his mother had to take up a second job at the hospital in an effort to start saving up for Jack’s college fund. Jack filled the time by going to the gym every evening. Standing in the kitchen, his growing pecs now pressing out his xl tank top, his sensitive cock rubbing against the fabric of his shorts. Kissing his mom goodnight as he mixed up a protein shake and she left for work. Jogging to the gym, Jack could feel his dick swinging with each step. His balls felt extra swollen this morning and he didn’t have time to whack off. Ignoring the feeling, he jogged faster. Barely breaking a sweat, he arrived at the gym. Swiping his card, Jack headed to the weights. Starting with some free weights, Jack did arm curls, focused on watching his form in the mirror. He admired himself for a moment, while he never thought much of it when he was younger, he was blessed with naturally good looks. His chiseled jaw and cheekbones really added definition to his face. And recently, he noticed a bit of stubble on his chin. He hopped it was golden brown as his locks, he normally kept it trim, but lately had let his hair grow out more. Breaking away from his own gaze, he went over to the bench press. With a good pump on his arms, he loaded a couple of plates and started pushing out reps. He could feel his pecs fill with blood, their size increasing with the pump. Getting up after a few reps, he admired how much he filled out his tank top, his bulging chest looked like it was gonna burst through any day now! Just staring at his pumped upper body made him horny. Trying to ignore his semi, he went over to the leg press. He clanked out rep after rep, pushing his thighs against the strain. The movement of his legs kept rubbing against his dick. His blood pressure rising, he felt his erection hit full strain, poking through the fabric of his basketball shorts. He kept pumping his thighs, the muscles engorging themselves bigger, filling with blood. The workout only added fuel to the flame of his erection. His pumped quads now filled out his shorts, his big hard-on pushed out more. Rubbing it through the fabric, Jack strolled over to the squat rack. Loading it up with plates, he could feel his pulse through his dick quicken. Loading the bar on his broad shoulders, he performed squat after squat. The up and down motion forcing his dick against the fabric. His pumped legs and swelling ass was forcing his shorts to ride up. He regretted going cameo that day, feeling his swollen cockhead poke out. He took a deep breath and focused on his pump. After another 12 minutes of squats, he reloaded the bar on the rack, rubbing his wood through his skin-tight shorts. His balls felt even more swollen. Walking into the showers, he peeled off his sweaty tank top, kicking off his sneakers and stepping out of his shorts. Stepping into the shower, he felt the hot water run down his sweaty back. Lathering himself up, he admired the growing grooves and crevices of his abs. Feeling his chest, his big pecs sore from their workout. Scratching his hairy armpit, he felt his swollen biceps, he must be closing in on 19 inches. Down below, his sore quads still had a bit of pump. Finally soaping up his proudest organ, his dick bobbing up and down, red swollen and pulsing. Grabbing his shaft, his calloused hands rubbing the sensitive skin. Going up and down, he admired the length. Reaching the thick base, he thought it felt bigger, maybe it was still swollen. Still, the thought dug into the back of his head. Washing his nuts, they felt plump in his sack, the big egg-sized orbs feeling extra tight. Slowly going from base to tip, Jack used both hands to massage his throbbing shaft. Quickening his pace, his heart fluttered. He felt the tightness in his balls increase until he felt his thick load explode out. Shot after shot hit the floor, his cum going down the drain. Drying off, he admired his chiseled body in the mirror, his limp dick twitched again at the sight. Putting on his street clothes, he felt the soft fabric cling to his body, the shirt showing his definition, his pec overhang obvious. Down below, his sweatpants looked more than full of his bulge, his 4-inch softie plastered out, the shape of his cockhead noticeable. Fuck it, he thought, it’s grey sweatpants season anyway. Walking home, he enjoyed the feeling of the cooling air against his warm skin. His sore legs quickened their pace, eager to get home before midnight. Waking up the next day, Jack was once again greeted by his throbbing cock, only this time, when he grabbed his shaft, it was noticeably thicker. Jumping out of bed, he grabbed his tape measure. Before, his dick was a nice 7x5.5 inches. Now, it was 7.5x6 inches. His heart raced. Looking down at his swollen dick, he admired its now noticeable size, grabbing it and stroking it as he walked to the bathroom. His nightly workouts continued, his ferocity only increasing. It wasn’t long until he tore through his workout clothes. Only a month later, it was near closing time at the gym. Jack was in the zone at the bench press, his swelling pecs pumping larger and larger until “rip”. His massive chest tore through, revealing his swollen nipples. Down below, his eager dick jumped to attention. Going to the leg press, Jack focused all his increased energy into pumping the increased weight load. His already skin-tight shorts soon bunched up around his growing quads, his throbbing dick pressed out in the middle. On the final press, Jack flexed his quads with all his might, shredding through the fabric. Luckily, no one else was there to see his big dick flop out. Grabbing his big 8 inches of steel, Jack walked to the showers, throwing his torn clothes in the trash. Weighing himself after his shower, he was delighted by his proven increase in size. Now 183 lbs of bulky muscle, he put on his skin-tight street clothes. The xls noticeably struggling to hold his frame. His bulging semi looked even bigger, the fabric pulled tight against his shaft. That night, he measured himself against the door frame, now 5’10.5” tall. His growing frame was not ignored by his classmates, many of the girls asking him to flex for them. Even a couple of the Juniors were impressed by his size. Talking him up about supplements and protein. They sold him on this one supplier that is said to be the best for building muscle. During their limited time together, Jack’s mom took notice of her son’s growing size. Handing him a couple of twenties to buy some bigger clothes. Expecting warmer weather, Jack bought himself a couple of sleeveless tees and cotton shorts, all 2xls. He also bought some boxer briefs to help contain his sensitive package. By May of Freshman year, Jack was the stud of his class. Standing at 6’0” and 210 lbs, he was the strongest kid in his grade. His 2xls now hung tightly around his frame, his cotton shorts leaving little to the imagination on his growing package. Having a little trouble looking past his growing pecs, Jack could see his bulging dick. It had grown another inch. Now 6 inches soft, 9 inches by 7 ½ inches hard. His swelling nuts had kept pace, it felt like he had two lemons down there. Scratching his chiseled jawline, feeling the thickening bristles coming in. He had started shaving a couple of months ago, but was now tempted to see what facial hair he could muster. It was strongest around his jawline and upper lip, his cheeks still a forest of peach fuzz. He had also started mixing in the supplement into his nightly protein shakes, a brand called ‘BEAST’. Jogging down to the gym, the warm spring air enveloping him, he felt his junk bouncing up and down. The weight of his junk only added to its movement when he ran. He was almost at the gym when he ran into one of his classmates, Ashley. Ashley had really blossomed into a looker since middle school. Her breasts filling out strongly, she looked like she could have double d’s or bigger someday. “Oh hey, Jack!” Ashley looked like she was out for a run. Her eyes glued to his bulging package. “Hey, Ashley.” Jack’s deepening baritone still sounded strange on him. “Wow Jack, you’re looking big as always!” She said with some strain on the ‘big’. “Yeah, well, I’ve always wanted to be huge, and clearly I was meant for it!” Jack did a quick pose, his 21-inch guns popping up. He flashed her a quick grin, his gaze enamored with her perky breasts. He could feel his dick stirring in his shorts. “Yep. Looks like it” Ashley gulped down, she swore she could see his crotch twitch. How hung was this guy? She thought to herself. “Hey, you wanna go back to my place?” Jack asked, feeling his dick start to swell. “Nobody’s home, we could hang out for a bit.” “Sure, nothing would make me happier,” she said with a smile. By the time they arrived, Jack and Ashley already had their hands groping each other. Jack took off her bra, revealing her big boobs while she slid off his shorts, his leaking dick swinging up. Ashley’s heart fluttered, she stared at the pulsing cock. “Fuck me” she whispered to herself. “As you wish,” Jack said with delight. Taking off her shorts, he went down on her leaking pussy, her hole leaking juices. Attacking it with his tongue, Jack loved the taste, drinking it. Inserting his big tongue, he felt her legs spasm around him. She screamed in pleasure. A gush of juice poured out. Grinning to himself, Jack went further in with his tongue, his fleshy lips kissing the outside, his tongue surrounded by warmth. Amidst her screams, “FUCK ME JACK! FUCK ME NOW!” “As you wish” Positioning his hips against her, he rubbed the outside of his pussy with his engorged cockhead. His apple-sized tip gushing precum, mixing with her juices. She screamed as he inserted it. Working his way in, he felt her spasming again. His cockhead still gushing pre. He felt his bull nuts swell. “FUCK ME! FUCK ME WITH YOUR HORSECOCK!” Sliding it further in, he felt his shaft surrounded by her moist pussy. Finally reaching the thick base, he slid out a couple of inches, then slammed back in. Taking all 9 inches of his horsecock. His swollen bull nuts slapping her, each the size of a tennis ball now. His thick bush scratching her legs, he went in and out, faster now. A mixture of pre and juice pouring out. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCK” “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK” They both came, load after load of his thick cum pouring out of his throbbing slit, his swollen bull nuts tightening again and again. Cumming for a solid 90 seconds, he finally pulled out. They were both covered in a mixture of pre, juice, and thick hot cum. That Summer, Jack, and Ashley met again and again. Her pussy constantly thirsty for his horsecock. Working out constantly, Ashley would sometimes come and watch Jack pump himself larger. Soon, his 2xls became too tight. In the middle of his bench press, his shirt and shorts tore simultaneously. His bulging pecs bursting out, followed by his rock-hard 10 inches of horsecock tearing through the fabric. His massive quads and ass helped facilitate it. Ashley noticeably turned on like never before. Undressing in front of him, her gushing pussy leaking onto the floor. His similarly leaking horsecock gushing pre. He always insisted on giving her tongue before, his swollen tongue exploring the warm cavern. When they first met, it was tight around his tongue, he could now feel how he had stretched her out with his massive dick. Tickling her with his bristles, he could feel her legs spasm. Yep, he still got it. Working his swelling horsecock into her again, he could feel her clamp down on him. He retaliated by slamming it further and further, his low-hanging bull nuts whacking her like two wrecking balls. The massive orbs were now the size of apples, swelling bigger with each thrust. Wanting to hold off for as long as he could, he maximized his thrusts, working his huge tip side to side. Her cries of ecstasy rewarded him with a new flush of juices. Shoving his face between her breasts, her swollen nipples softer than clouds. Feeling his nuts tighten, he tried in vain to stop it, but he felt his thick cum surge out, gushing like a fire hydrant. Cupping his hand around his growing nuts, he felt them surge out load after load. By October, he had Ashley measure him. 6’2”, 260 lbs, 24-inch biceps, a 65-inch chest, 36-inch quads, 20-inch calves, and finally, 7 inches soft, 10.5” x 9 inches hard. He guesstimated his nuts as being roughly the size of baseballs, the massive orbs constantly full and demanding release. He grew out his beard, now much thicker and covering his cheeks in dark brown bristles. Similarly, his forearms and legs were now covered in silky brown hair. His growing frame now needing 3xls, his massive basket filling out his extra-wide pouch. His massive pole stretched out the fabric, his nuts practically falling out. Joining the football team in addition to his increased workouts, Jack sought to use his strength against someone else. Filling out his uniform, he practiced constantly, often staying until dark to work on plays. He would then run to the gym, where he would work out for hours. His large size and natural skill made him an instant star on the team. His teammates congratulated him on his ability to smash through the opposing linebackers. He also got plenty of respect for his massive horsecock, taking to walking around before changing, his huge dick flopping around in front of everybody. As far as he could tell, he was the biggest where it counted. Over the winter, Jack noticed the hair growing across his chest. His thick treasure trail soon connected to it. By January, his massive pecs had a forest of brown hair covering them. His chest was getting so big he could rest his chin on it. His thickening beard scratching his pec fur. Measuring himself again, Ashley couldn’t help but rip into him after reading the numbers. 6’4, 320 lbs, 28-inch arms, a 72-inch chest, 42-inch quads, 24-inch calves, and a new record of 8.5” soft, 12”x11” hard. Taking a moment to admire her double-d’s, Jack went to work on her pussy. His tongue had grown considerably from the repeated exercise, his puffy lips sucking her juices down. His thick beard tickling her as his tongue circled her clit. Her legs spasming uncontrollably, he grabbed his massive horsecock in his paw and guided it into her gushing hole. His huge orange-sized tip entered, his slit spewing precum. The puffy glans pressed into her, his wine-bottle thick shaft following, Thickening to his foot-wide base, he slammed into her, his swinging grapefruit-sized bull nuts whacking her again and again. His gushing tip scratching the roof, he pushed further, slamming again and again. Her screams echoing with pleasure. He could barely see over his pecs, but a puddle of pre was fastly forming on the floor. Pre ran down his rippling thighs, his hairy legs slowing it down. Feeling her pussy latch on to his dick, he let go of her, amazed by the sensation of her body weight being supported by his monster cock. His pre pouring out, he grabbed back on, his hairy forearms rippling as he held onto her hips, his sausage-like fingers interlocked. He slid in and out, the immense pressure building at the base of his swollen bull nuts. Screaming in his rumbling bass, he fired blast after blast of his cum into her. After what seemed like five minutes of a constant blast of cum, he let go. Putting the fainted women on his bed. Stepping through what seemed like a gallon of his jizz. Scratching his bristles, he went to take a shower, his still rock-hard shaft bobbing up and down. A month later, Ashley was waving in the audience as Jack stepped onto the field. A massive roar greeting the alpha jock as he ran out. The 6’5 monster was known as the battering ram, also a colloquial nickname for his monstrous dick. The offense braced themselves for the 340 lbs beast to come at them. Many were too distracted by the massive wet spot forming around his packed crotch. The ball was thrown, the players scrambled, Jack, running at full force at the opposing team. Many leaping out of the way. Catching up to the player with the ball, Jack’s massive quads pumping at full force, he leaped and tackled him to the ground. Feeling his monstrous pecs crash into him. RIP Standing up, Jack felt a strange feeling in his dick, it suddenly felt cooler. Reacting to the stares of his teammates, Jack reached down and felt his monster cock rock hard in the breeze. The massive tool had torn through the puny fabric that held it in. Barely seeing his swollen cockhead over his pecs, Jack only reacted by grabbing the shaft and stroking it as he walked off the field. Ashley ran down to meet him. Grabbing him, she took his swollen 13 inches into her gushing pussy. His massive nuts fell out as they swelled larger. He felt his tip crash into her wall, cramming it further in. He felt his shaft heat up as it swelled larger. Roaring in his rumbling bass, Jack pummeled her with his 14 inches of steel, his nuts swelling to the size of coconuts as they filled up in expectation of his awaiting explosion of cum. His tip swelled to the size of a pomegranate, the massive spongy glans flaring out. His pecs felt like they were on fire. Taking his meaty paw, he ripped his strained uniform off, his pecs swollen bigger than watermelons. His rug of chest hair rubbing up against his grown out beard. His 30-inch biceps flexing, lifting up to a double-bi pose. His forest of sweaty armpit hair exposed to the breeze. Ripping off his pads and the remainder of his pants, his cock bobbing up and down under Ashley’s weight. Her swollen breasts hitting his 80-inch chest. His massive quads swelled to their swollen size, bigger than tree trunks. His feet bursting out of his cleats, the massive size 18 dogs swelling wider to accommodate his size. His hairy toes dug into the grass. His tip gushing pre faster and faster, he felt his weighty nuts pull up unsuccessfully, still weighed down by their enormous mass. Soon, explosion after explosion of cum erupted from him. Ashley was thrown off. Jack’s guttural roar echoing as he shot ropes of cum across the field. A couple shots went over the goal post, several hitting the metal with a large ‘whack’. His beer-keg sized neck erupting his thunderous cry of orgasm. His thick shaft swelling with each shot of cum fired, his nuts refusing to empty. He dug his feet in, feeling his cum fire out farther and farther. His shaft swelling longer and longer. Now 18 inches long and thick as a soda bottle, his massive swinging nuts the size of basketballs. His massive muscles pumped themselves larger, his pecs swelling out further and further, pushing his growing shaft out at an angle. His massive shoulders broadening, his biceps fighting his pecs for space. His neck thickened, growing thicker than an ox. His traps push up further and further. His growing thighs pressed themselves out farther apart. His diamond calves swelling to support his increasing height. Passing 8 feet tall and half a ton, he kept cumming. With a roar octaves lower, Jack looked down, still cumming out of his 3 foot long shaft. His massive nuts the size of pumpkins, hanging around his knees. He grabbed Ashley and sat her on his thickening shaft. Her legs pushed apart by the growing tree trunk between them. The titan of a football player growling as he shot load after load into her gushing pussy. He then went to the crowd, shooting his thickening cum into them. Each shot now bigger than a gallon. His furry pecs swelled to push his bearded chin up, his traps rising to his ears. His massive guns were too swollen to bend entirely. His massive thighs caused him to waddle, until his swelling nuts fell to the ground, their size surpassing beach balls and his whale cock extended past 10 feet. His head only able to see the yoga ball-sized tip, the flaring glans widening to shoot his increasing loads. His hairy ass fell to the ground, his dick pressed up by his rapidly swelling nuts. His mountain-like back rising higher and higher. His dick extending forever into the sky, his nuts swelling bigger than the football stadium now, each one competing for space. His swelling muscles push themselves higher and higher. 60 minutes later… His massive nuts now battle the Earth in size, his titanic dick shooting out into space, his planetary-sized muscles swell larger, covered in fur, as his dick continues to swell, bigger, fatter, and longer.
    1 point
  22. Waking up to another day, Jeff pulled himself out of bed. His weak frame hunched over in the morning light. Getting dressed, his small shirt still somehow baggy on him. Eating half a banana, Jeff walked to school, the weight of his backpack slowing him down. His unkempt hair fluttered in the breeze as he rushed to get through the door, 2 minutes until the bell rang. Turning around to the blasting of a horn, Jeff caught a glimpse of Travis’s truck peel into the parking lot. That dumb jock was always late but nobody dared say anything to him. Not wanting to run into him, Jeff ran to his first class, mathematics. Having been a brainy rather than brawny kid, Jeff always excelled in math, the sciences, and other academic-forward courses. He tried to enjoy the class, but he could sense the looming of last period, gym. The bane of every unathletic student. It wasn’t Jeff’s fault, he tried several times to put on weight, working out, taking supplements. He couldn’t even put on weight in the heavy sense, he was stuck being the human equivalent of a twig. It wouldn’t be that bad if he wasn’t constantly tormented by Travis and his giggling bimbo of a girlfriend, Stacey. Much to his chagrin, the bell rang, and he had to go to gym. He had tried to get out of it several times in the past, sometimes successful, more so unsuccessful. By now, the gym teacher had caught on to Jeff’s goals and warned that the next time he missed a class without being in the hospital, he would fail. He tried to get there early so that he could at least change before Travis got there, but even from the hallway he could hear the jock’s bassy laughter echoing. Entering the locker rooms, Jeff was met by Travis’s broad shoulders and mountain-like back. The massive jock was blessed with all the pleasantries of nature. He was 6’5”, 320-something pounds, quite hairy for his age, and of course, blessed with an oversized manhood. The hulking jock turned around, his bearded face grinning with evil delight. “Bout time you showed up little Jeff. I was gonna tell the coach on you, but having you here is that much better.” He grinned and stood in front of Jeff. Only 5’6”, Jeff was staring directly at the monster’s midsection. Looking up at his massive pecs, or down at his bulging package yielded no comfort. “Hey Jeff, let’s play a game. If I show you my dick and yours is bigger, you live. If not, you die.” Jeff was frozen. Everyone in the school knew of Travis’s legendary package. There was even a rumor that he only passed the 8th grade cause he boned his english teacher. Even back then he was known for being well hung. Looking Jeff in the eye, Travis peeled off his boxer briefs, his massive package flopping out. Two huge bull nuts, each the size of oranges, stretching out his hairy sack. His thick horsecock, probably 8-9 inches soft, the huge fleshy snake twitching. The massive cockhead flaring larger. “You fuckin seeing this bro? What you got down there? A thimble? Me, I got 9 fuckin inches of soft horsecock, fuckin 13 inches when it’s rock hard.” Travis yanked down Jeff’s airy shorts, his 2 inch softie barely visible. “BAHAHA! That’s what you call a cock? This is a real man’s cock. Holding it in his hand, Travis shook his hardening dick around, the thickening shaft becoming too thick for his palm. “Fuckin need two hands to hold this thing! Fuck, just one of my nuts is bigger than your whole package, if you even call that a package!” Travis proceeded to peel off his 4xl shirt, his massive muscular pecs bulging out, a heavy dusting of hair covering each one. He flexed his massive guns, each one 26 inches of power. “This. Is a fuckin’ man. Now fuck off, I gotta go take care of this horsecock.” Jeff sat down on the bench, his shoulders hunched over. He knew gym was starting and that he was going to have to face the wrath of Coach Davis. He just couldn’t get it out of his mind. He was puny, and Travis was a walking beefcake with a porn star dick and too much testosterone. He just wished he could be more of a man. After school, Jeff drove to the store to get a new pair of shorts to replace the ones Travis tore. He was looking through the store when he spotted a section he hadn’t seen before, ‘Alpha Fitness’. Walking through, he was taken aback by the pictures of models. Each one looked to be big as Travis, a few even bigger. All of the clothing sizes were bigger than 3xls, many going all the way up to 8xl. In the undergarment aisle, Jeff was blown away. Each of the models looked like they had stuffed a basketball in their shorts, and the sizes went all the way up to ‘Extra-Enhanced’. Feeling the excitement from seeing such sizes, Jeff wanted to buy a pair of clothes, just to imagine being that size. He got the smallest he could find, a pair of 3xl shorts, a comfy black sweatshirt, and a size ‘roomy’ pair of boxer briefs. Going to the changing rooms, Jeff tried on the clothes, his initial excitement dashed by seeing how much the clothes draped over him. He couldn’t even wear the underwear, the huge pair of boxers sliding off his hips, the pouch not even brushing his junk. At least the sweatshirt felt comfy, the fabric was very soft and he felt a strange warmth spread through him when he put it on. The massive collar nearly went over one of his shoulders, and the bottom hem went down to his knees. But it was still comfy, and he thought he would get it for sleeping in. He started taking it off when he noticed the shirt he was wearing underneath rose to show his abdomen. Normally it hung past his waist by an inch or two, but now it was starting to look like it fit him perfectly. He could feel a wave of excitement wash over him. He put the sweatshirt back on and tried to keep the underwear and shorts from falling off. He sat down for a bit, strolled around the changing room, feeling the tingling warmth spread through him again. Looking in the mirror, he looked taller! While the sweatshirt was still way oversized, it didn’t drape over him as much! Taking it back off, his original shirt was now too small, the hem now above his belly button! Looking down, he now saw the faintest lines of abs! Taking off the shirt, he flexed his arm and to his delight, a small ball of muscle came up! Putting his new clothes back on again, Jeff could feel the warmth return even stronger. He could almost see himself start to swell a little bit bigger, a little bit taller. Looking down, he could tell that he had grown a couple inches, his feet looked farther away, but bigger! Best he could guess, he was now 5’9 and 170 lbs of toned muscle. He kept the clothes on until a new excitement came over him. His dick was now touching the fabric. Dropping his shorts some, he couldn’t believe how much bigger his dick looked. It must’ve been 4 inches soft now! Even his balls looked bigger, approaching the size of ping pong balls! The warmth returned now even stronger, he could feel his arms gaining mass, his pecs felt bigger, he could flex them now! His abs looked more cut, and his thighs were now big enough to hold the clothes from falling! Looking at himself, he was probably close to 5’11 and 210 lbs now. The clothes still seemed too big for him, but he could tell it wouldn’t last much longer. The warming tingle returned, only this time he felt a prickling sensation over his body. Looking at himself in the mirror, the first thing he noticed was that his form looked as big as the other jocks at school! He wasn’t even close to Travis, but he looked like he played football for a while. Taking off his form-fitting sweatshirt, he was met by two big pecs, a cobblestone midsection, and most delicious of all, body hair! He was sprouting a noticeable treasure trail and even had a faint dusting on his chest. His armpit hair was thicker and his pubes were starting to bush out more. Speaking of, his dick looked much bigger now, probably 7 inches soft. It now hung over his tennis ball nuts and looked thick as a can of red bull. Checking himself in the mirror again, he looked like he fit the clothes perfectly, his bulky upper chest pushed out against the fabric perfectly, his thighs and bulging package were starting to stretch out his shorts. He guessed himself to be around 6’2 and 280 lbs. Going back into the aisle, he grabbed a 5xl sleeveless sweatshirt that said ‘Most Muscular’. He picked out a 5xl pair of grey sweatpants with an extra roomy crotch and a logo of a well-endowed guy sporting a massive dickprint. He also saw a pair of work boots with the slogan ‘Real men work outdoors’, the logo had a seriously ripped lumberjack with a thick beard and a forest of chest hair. Lastly, he picked out a pair of ‘enhanced’ boxer briefs. Returning to the changing room, he quickly changed into all the new clothes, taking a moment to admire the naked hunk he’d become. Strolling with his longer gait, Jeff finally felt the warmth return. He watched as his body stretched a little taller, his muscles bulking larger as he grew. He could feel his extra-sensitive cockhead brush past the fabric as it grew longer. His face prickled, soon sporting sideburns, then a shaggy beard, and finally, a thick beard that grew longer as he grew taller. His chest felt similarly itchy as he could feel long brown hairs cover his growing pecs. He saw as his engorged biceps ballooned bigger, soon surpassing 28 inches. By the time he looked in the mirror, he nearly came. Staring back at him, he must’ve been 6’7, 380 lbs. His lantern jaw sported a thick brown beard, his telephone-pole thick neck had stubble going down to his massive chest. His pecs sprouted a carpet of brown hair that pushed out the collar. His sleeveless sweatshirt exposed his broad shoulders, his massive guns flexing at him. His engorged forearms were covered in silky brown hair. Down below, his cobbled abs and thick treasure trail lead to his skin tight sweatpants. His thickening pubes started to pour over the waistband. His tree trunk thighs stretching out the fabric, pulling it taut over his massive dickprint. His shaft was as thick as a wine bottle, easily a foot soft. His massive bull nuts looked to be the size of cantaloupes. The massive weight of his package pulling the waistband down further to reveal the base of his thick cock and huge bush. His work boots felt tight, unlacing them as he allowed his huge dogs to grow out more, he could feel his toes stretch wider. Returning to the aisle, he garnered looks from everyone else. Now tall above the shelves, his massive bearded face and enormous frame demanding attention. Not to mention the huge dickprint he was now sporting. He searched the racks, pulling out a huge 8xl tank top with the words ‘ALPHA’ written across the front. He found a pair of pants that could fit four men. On the bottom shelf, a pair of work boots, size 24 with a logo that just said ‘BEAST’ on them. And lastly, a huge pair of nylon boxer briefs, ‘Extra enhanced alpha junk only’ written on the tag, the massive neon waistband saying ‘ALPHA’ on it, the enormous pouch billowing like a garbage bag. His heartbeat racing, Jeff returned to the changing room. His enlarged size was already tight in the cramped space. He quickly changed into all the new clothes. Expecting the ensuing growth, he returned to the aisles. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a mirror, but he could feel the growth. His massive feet stretched to fit into the super size boots, his massive toes getting crunched by the steel toe. His calves ballooned, bigger than watermelons. His thighs surpassed redwoods as they swelled thicker. He had to alter his stance to accommodate their width. His cobblestone abs enlarged, cutting deeper, his massive obliques bulging out. His enormous pecs ballooned out, swelling past the size of king pillows, stretching his tank top to the limit. The straps cut deep into his engorging traps, they rose up to his ears. His shoulders broadened, probably 7 feet across. His biceps swelled up bigger than watermelons, their pumped size making it so his arms went out at a 45 degree angle. His massive forearms and hands swelled bigger, his grip strengthening. His limbs were covered in thick hair, the fur spreading and thickening on his midsection. His ballooned chest sprouted a shag carpet of brown fur, his sensitive nipples poking into the fabric. Down below, his already massive package swelled bigger and bigger. His alpha junk was ballooning longer and thicker. His bull nuts swelled to the size of pumpkins, their huge weight stretching out his sack, their contents sloshing audibly. He had to step back to accommodate their growing size. They swelled bigger, each the size of a beach ball, their massive size soon too much for his sweatpants. The fabric tore off, leaving his accommodating pouch. His enormous horsecock swelled bigger and bigger. Too big to be considered a whale cock. The enormous shaft was now 5 feet soft, his massive cockhead big as a pumpkin, constantly leaking a stream of pre. Unleashing his enormous cock, Jeff stroked it, the massive shaft between his giant pecs. At the sight of everyone watching him, he exploded load after load of his hot cum all over the store. The next morning, Jeff walked to school, still wearing his tank top and pouch. Passersby, cars, even a bus seemed to stop and stare at him. He arrived at school and waited in the parking lot. His former classmates were staring at him from the windows. Right on time for his usual tardiness, Travis pulled in. Stopping his truck with one of his massive feet, Jeff pulled Travis out and onto the ground. The originally massive man paled in comparison to the now 8 foot tall alpha beast, currently weighing in at over 750 lbs of beef. “What’s the matter Travis?” Jeff chuckled in his thunderous base. “You wanna play a game?” Without waiting for an answer, Jeff tore off Travis’s sweatpants, his thick cock flopping out. “Aw, that’s cute Travis. But do you want to see what a real man looks like?” Jeff proceeded to tear off his pouch, releasing his swollen nuts and whale cock. “Haven’t really measured it, but I’m willing to bet it’s bigger than yours.” Travis was frozen on the ground. Running over to Jeff, Travis’s girlfriend Stacey tried to encircle her hands around Jeff’s muscles, feeling his biceps. Finally she tried, in vain, to stroke his massive cock. On cue, it stiffened up to its massive length of 8 feet, as long as he was tall. An involuntary squeal came from Stacey as she went to service his awaiting cock. Jeff looked down on Travis, a wicked grin spreading across his face at the horror in his eyes. Brought back by the growing climax at the base of his cock, Jeff shot gallon after gallon of cum into the air, his alpha seed raining down around them.
    1 point
  23. I agree with what others have said, I really love Chad showing his dominance, yet not being a total jerk about it. His promise of going onstage at over 400 pounds sounds awesome. And the way he cuckolded Josh was just way too hot! The whole chapter was really awesome. I'm really looking forward to even more growth from Chad and for Jed's growth to keep picking up too! ADDENDUM TO ORIGINAL POST: I forgot to mention this at first, because it was so early in the chapter, but the scene in the parking lot was incredible! The thought of being able to not just pick up the back of a car, but pick it up and roll it out of its spot is incredible. Sure, the Miata is a small car, but I sure as heck couldn't do it! I guess now we'll be measuring Chad's strength by the size of the vehicles he can move, Miata now, semi truck in the future.
    1 point
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