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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
    5 points
  2. Richy stood leaning against the thick planks of wood that held up the pier just outside one of Groff's beaches. The waters were relatively calm, with a moderate amount of wind picking up the occasional splash of seawater to send a light spray of mist onto Richy's face. The sun was high in the sky and shining down hard on the creamy torso of the handsome ginger and sending droplets of sweat rolling tantalizingly down his sculpted form. The young alpha was wearing nothing more than a pair of bright blue swim trunks, a pair of fake Ray Ban's, and some very comfy sandals. His new physique stood out on the secluded stretch of the sandy beach he was standing on. His six-pack was perfectly cut, ripped and immaculate, his newly defined arms and chiseled thighs well-proportioned in relation to his wider torso and overall he cut a striking figure. One look at the hot redhead and you couldn't help but be simultaneously intimidated and attracted to him. Or at least, that's what he thought. Richy's expression soured behind his sunglasses as he thought about all the attention he had gotten already, without any of the action he hoped for. Where he walked, heads turned. Their eyes roved up and down his masculine body, unabashedly ogling his attractive physique. He'd gotten compliments, flirtatious winks, double takes, and even a few phone numbers in the hours since arriving to the beach. But none of these appreciative looks had resulted in anything more, which was where he had expected his bulk and newly gained attractiveness would get him. His pensive sulking was interrupted by a soft buzzing from his pocket. Any bites yet? Richy bit his lip in irritation. Dante was so fucking nosy. A few. It wasn't a complete lie. There were loads of other half-naked men on the beach, all attractive specimens to say the least. Many of them well built, with extremely fit bodies. He caught one or two out of the corner of his eye shooting glances in his direction, checking him when they thought he wasnt looking. No one seemed brave enough to approach. We talked about this bro. Confidence! Easy for you to say. You're way bigger than me. Yea and I didn't get that way without nailing a virgin or three. Oh fuck off. There was a noticeable delay in the next message, as if Dante was surprised or taken aback by Richy's outburst. I did. Again and again. And look at me now. Quit being a pussy and take the initiative. If they aren't already thinking it, make them wish for you to come and fuck them wet and wild. Your optimism is inspiring. Another delay. This time a high resolution image of Dante's massive cock popped up. It was hard and proud, dripping in cum, covered in bulging veins. There was a sticky glistening trail of white seed running from his bulbous head down into his well trimmed pubes. There was a blurry face sitting out of frame, some mystery man who Dante had just no doubtably just fucked silly. Richy felt his own member swell in his trunks as he looked back at Dante's hard and huge beautiful cock in it's most flattering light. Another buzz. A little taste of what's to come once you stop over thinking things. Richy scoffed and locked his phone, slipping it back into the pocket of his bright swim trunks. He sighed and turned his attention back to the crowd scattered on the sandy beach. Sunbathers, swimmers, surfers. Lots of prime candidates. Richy left his hideout under the pier and mingled back into the crowd, casually strutting across the beach and keeping his eyes peeled for anyone that might be watching. He was careful to straighten his posture and stretch out his shoulders to make himself look bigger and more appealing to wandering eyes. His new body definitely stood out amongst the crowd. His big chest and sculpted abs practically sparkled in the sun as the ocean breeze misted him with sea spray. Richy's legs flexed and swelled with each step and drew attention to his thick thighs and tight ass. Throughout the walk, he caught a few more sly glances that held a little longer than he'd expected. A young guy playing volleyball flexed a bit more than he had been before, showing off his fine tan skin and his wide shoulders for Richy's appreciation. Some cute twink wearing a sombrero winked while setting up a grill as Richy passed by. Even some hunky dad walking up the beach with his kid gaped at him from behind sunglasses, trying and failing to be subtle. The ginger hunk felt his heartbeat race as dozens of sets of eyes watched him make his way to the burger joint at the other end of the beach. It felt exhilarating to hold so much power over the watching crowd, knowing he'd be stuck in some man's head for hours or days afterwards. Maybe he'd even be the inspiration to some wild wank session tonight as some stud got off to the image of his plump ass. Feeling a bit more full of himself, Richy leaned on the long bar counter and flagged down a server. The man turned around from the register and flipped his long silky brunette hair off of his face. His hazel eyes scanned Richy up and down appreciatively and there was a noticeable hitch in his breath. Richy couldn't help but relish the shock and arousal written plainly across the man's face. It felt like he was a kid in a candy shop able to get any sweet that he wanted. The bartender's face quickly switched back to a neutral customer service face as he greeted Richy, walking over from the other end of the bar. Richy looked the man up and down from behind his sunglasses and felt his heart race a bit faster. This guy looked like just his type. Even in the frumpy casual-but-corporate beach uniform he stood out as a fine specimen, perfect for a quickie. As he walked Richy began to fantasize of all the things he’d want to do to the man, assuming he was down to fuck. Confidence, huh? "What can I get you?" "Piña colada, with a bit extra cream." Richy replied suggestively. The brunette began to prepare his order with a nervous smile on his face. He was cute, for sure. He reminded Richy of himself before he'd met Thor, albeit a bit bulkier. He was slender and lithe with a dancer's build and warm brown skin. He had soft facial features and full kissable lips that were flanked on either side by warm wavy brown locks that fell to his shoulder. Richy's eyes traveled to the smaller man's tight waist, admiring the two perky globes of beef that were underneath his fitting black shorts. The rest of his body screamed "tight" from under his blue shirt, causing his growing appetite to yearn for a better view of what was underneath. The man set the cold drink down in front of Richy and flashed another hospitable smile. "Anything else?" he asked politely, and then swallowed hard, maybe hopeful, maybe anxious. Without missing a beat, Richy placed his lips on the straw to the drink and slurped down the whole thing in one long draft, keeping his eyes locked on the cute man from behind his sunglasses. The man's mouth dropped in astonishment and Richy saw his eyes grow wide at the not-so-subtle display. He couldn't help but smirk at his awed gaze. "Yea. Are you busy in ten minutes?" Richy asked directly. "Yeah! Uh, I mean. I go on break in five." Damnit. Dante was right. *** A shorter piece that maybe puts some insight into the mind of someone who's not as confident in their new found sexy powers as Dante, Jason or Thor. This is an example of the kind of "charachter driven" update i''ll have in the future however this was a small one. Also it gave me an excuse to generate an AI image of Richy, see below.
    3 points
  3. Part 4 I went to my room, sat on the bed and turned on the TV. Pumping Iron was on. Which was cool, I decided to see what else was on so I changed the channel, to see Generational Iron, next channel was Worlds Strongest Man competition, and other shows related to muscles and growing. I saw some magazines over to the side which all were fitness related. This is really my life now I said to myself. Nothing but hard, sweaty, muscle growth, and just pure mass. I love it. I then received a notice on my phone from The Corporation welcoming me to this new life. I’m going to be on a slightly different regiment than Jason. Essentially I’m going to be testing total mass gainer growth program, which given the routine that they are preparing for me should have me grow massive all around which they will monitor but also want me to report any strange side effects. Which got me to thinking what could potential side effects be for something like this. But before I could really think of the possibilities, the follow-up message said that the side effects could vary widely depending on how my body responds to the program. Some side-effects I may actually like. Well that was very reassuring and makes the mind wonder. That ended the communication and I went to my bathroom to go shave so that I can be compliant with the rules and expectations. I was starting to feel a bit self conscious about being shirtless in a house with someone I just met but I’m here now so guess its no turning back. I finished shaving, showered, and got to bed. Tomorrow was going to be the start of a new beginning. The next morning, I wake up and go to the kitchen to see Jason in there already eating and drinking his meal for the day shirtless. Not a bad sight even though I was still a little groggy so I couldn’t fully appreciate what was before me. He tells me I need to go to the stat room first before eating to capture all of my before measurements. I enter the room that looked very plain absent the stainless steel plate on the ground. I figured that is where I need to go stand so I stand on the stainless steel plate. It started humming and stopped shortly after. On the wall the blank wall in front of me, my name displayed with my stats. Kevin, Weight: 235lbs, Height 6ft, Bodyfat 37%, Waist 36, Calves 14”, Quads 37”, Chest 49”, Arms 13” unflexed 17” flexed, Penis 3” soft 7” erect. I jumped off the scale freaking out and went into the kitchen to find Jason at the table laughing. Yeah amazing how much it can find out by just you standing on it right he said. Then on the wall next to the door, I see my stats on display for all well all within the house. I was horrified and Jason could see it in my face. He told me don’t worry, we are the only ones in here. I don’t know what about that made me feel at ease but it did. I looked back up to see Jason’s stats on the wall next to mine. He was also 6ft in height 254lbs, bodyfat was at 14% waist was also 36. His calves were 17”, quads 42” and then things really were drastically different, his chest was 67”, arms unflexed were 18” and 22” flexed, his cock was 3” soft and 7.5” erect. Listening to how much he stated he had grown overall since working with The Corporation, I felt a little bit better knowing at least in the cock area I had a “head start”. But makes me wonder why his is listed as a cock and mine a penis but oh well. Jason told me that these would be on display around the house so we can always know where we stand size wise and that we have to go into the measurement room every so often to get remeasured. That’s when I fully appreciated how Jason looked shirtless at this point. Watching his chest expand and contract while breathing and his monstrous traps move around as he is showing me things. I wasn’t really paying too much attention as I was also daydreaming of looking like that as well. I nodded in agreement to something I hardly heard but knew to go to the fridge to partake in my first meal and saw my workout plan for my first few weeks. Looks like a total body workout to include stretches but no cardio. I asked Jason about that because I also noticed there was no cardio equipment in the gym. He laughed while finishing his meal. He replied, remember size & mass, we aren’t trying to look like those pretty boys with less than 10% bodyfat. Yeah we won’t have chiseled abs like that but why would we want chiseled abs when we can have a chest that sticks out and hangs over small or flat stomachs or have biceps the size of bowling balls. The thought crept into my mind and I visualized all of that and said you’re right and began to eat. Reading through my itinerary, essentially I have 2 hours to complete this workout, then drink the shake for me in the gym immediately after the last set, take an ice bath, shower, eat lunch, recover for about 4 hours to include sleep for at least 1 hour, eat afternoon pre workout meal, have another 2 hours to complete second workout, drink shake, ice bath, shower, dinner, recover no sleep for 2 hours, bedtime meal, sleep, wake up at 7am to start over. Seemed simple enough with some free time. Since it was a total body without any cardio I kind of expected the routine I saw for my workout but what surprised me was the plan also had the weights that I was supposed to use for each set. Before I could open my mouth Jason said, yeah pretty cool right, they already know where to start and how to build you up from there. I just looked in amazement once again and just shrugged it off. We both got up to head to the gym. Both shirtless me still a little self conscious because my stomach currently was hanging over my waist a little bit but Jason just had a flat stomach with his chest protruding in front of him walking proud essentially with his chest leading him and his traps keeping his head forward. One day I thought to myself I will look like that or even bigger. Working out in what I figured was something simple wasn’t as easy as I thought it was even with me working out for a period of time before getting to this point. But I followed everything as outlined and was exhausted but I pressed through with everything. Bench, curls, squats, dumbbells everything. Everything finished right on time, followed the next set of instructions by taking my shake, getting in the ice bath that was ready, sat in there for a bit and then took a shower. Jason was still going in the gym but honestly I couldn’t think about it too much because I was exhausted. I was sitting at the table eating my meal when he came strutting into the kitchen with just a towel. I had to look twice because it looked like his legs were a bit larger than earlier today. I looked over at the stats wall and nothing was changed. I remembered that we go into the stat room a few times a week it doesn’t automatically update. He started eating and asked between bites how did I feel. I told him very sore and exhausted. I didn’t know how I was going to do the second workout later. He reassured me that I will be fine and not to worry. Soon you will start to notice changes in yourself. That perked me right up to say how soon? Jason said it took a couple of weeks because his body had to essentially be primed and that's likely why they had me going through total body first. Reps from The Corporation will reach out every now and then with different questions for you and asking your opinion on a few things but outside of that you don’t hear from them much. I finished eating, thanked Jason for the insight and went to my room. I was exhausted and slept for most of the recovery time but got up before my time ran out. Went to the kitchen to eat my pre-workout afternoon meal then began my 2nd workout. Just like the morning workout, once I finished the second one, I was exhausted, drank my shake, took my ice bath, showered, ate my dinner, then just sat on the couch for a bit. Jason came into the kitchen later dressed in a towel again. Saw me exhausted on the couch and laughed. One day I will have the confidence that he has to just strut around with only a towel. He grabbed his food and came to sit down next to me while eating and saying trust me it will get easier and more enjoyable. I looked at him and just frankly asked if he had grown since this morning and flexed his right quad for me and said what do you think? He saw the tent in my shorts grow and he said that may get bigger too. I was surprised I was able to sport an erection after that hard workout. Jason said this is why doesn't wear clothes often because they would be tattered after a time anyway. He only wore some today because it was my first day but not to be surprised if he started going naked around the house and while working out. That was fine by me because as strange as it sounds I only saw Jason during “feeding times” our schedules were different but for me I wanted to feel the clothes I was allowed to wear getting tighter on me and would like to out grow them before I start really just walking around naked all the time. Can you imagine just being naked because you're too damn massive to fit ANYTHING!! Well this was how my first few weeks went here.
    2 points
  4. Hi guys. This is something a bit different from me. When I finished writing my “Muscle Lads, Inc.” story I knew I didn’t want to jump into writing another big story so I started playing around with some ideas I had for short stories and before I knew it I had two/three in the works which gave me the idea to put them all into one thread and create a little collection of short stories. There are six stories, all featuring characters from my previous stories - to some extent! They all vary slightly in terms of size. Some, like the first one below, are just one part stories shared in one go. Others are slightly longer and will be spread across two/three posts. This first story features Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy from “Muscle Lads, Inc.”... THE BODYBUILDER ON THE TRAIN I knew tonight I knew tonight would be a letdown. All day I've been having the recurring thought that I wasn’t really in the mood to go out tonight. But then I told myself that once the night came, once I’d got back from the gym and I was pumped up and I’d had a couple of drinks which I’m now allowed to do since I’m not training for a show, that I’d feel differently. That when the time actually came to go out, I’d be in the mood. And that did happen, back in the flat. But now that I’m here, my first night at Utopia in two months, I’m just not feeling it. The stares and looks and attention my bare, abnormally muscular torso, just a few weeks post competing in the biggest amateur bodybuilding show in the North West, is bringing me aren't having the same effect as they usually do. Maybe it’s the crowd. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe, after six months of coming here, the novelty has finally worn off. But something about tonight feels off and I can’t shake the feeling that I should’ve just stayed at home. Or maybe - just maybe, in the back of my head, I’m thinking about what happened the last time I was here. The guy I met. And everything that happened afterwards. All of that fucking mess. All of it down to me. I look at my watch. If I leave now I can get the last tram home. When I tilt my head back up I spot someone looking directly at me from across the room. He has a shaved head. I’m guessing late twenties. Maybe early thirties. And okay, he’s no bodybuilder but he’s pretty built. His light pink t-shirt is hugging his impressive chest and showing off his thick biceps. And wow. He’s fucking handsome. Gorgeous eyes. Almost smoulderingly sexy. And there’s a confidence there that I like. Sure - cute, slightly nerdy, awkward lads who have NO idea how fucking sexy they are get my juices going too, but there’s no denying how sexy good old-fashioned confidence is too. There’s no doubt this mystery clubgoer is the hottest guy I’ve seen here tonight. Even hotter than the beautiful Brazilian barman with the little abs who always sort of flirts with me but seems a bit guarded. The mystery admirer tilts his head forward in a little nod. Maybe tonight isn’t such a loss after all. Should I go to him or wait for him to come to me? Yeah - he can come to me. Come to fucking daddy. And then - out of nowhere, another guy walks up to him. Taller. Even more muscular. He puts his hand around my admirer’s torso and the two of them kiss. Potential threesome maybe? But then they part lips and the way my admirer looks at the tall guy tells me there’s something more than just a casual thing going on there. There are clearly feelings involved. And I sure as hell don’t want to get mixed up in anything like that. I look at the time on my watch again and feel the overwhelming need to be at home in bed. Alone. Along with the desire to wake up tomorrow feeling human. To make up tomorrow alone. And it strikes me that that’s exactly how I want this night to end. The last train home is typically busy. I internally groan when a bunch of drunken lads get on after a few stops. These are the type of lads who are usually brave enough to talk to me. Or comment about how jacked and muscular I am. To ask me about training or bodybuilding shows. Or maybe even steroids. Especially when it’s a Saturday night and they’re pissed up. I bury myself in my phone hoping that doesn’t happen. That no drunken lads pipe up and start commenting about the bodybuilder on the train. I know it's all done out of curiosity. And usually out of respect. Maybe even out of a deep, primal longing to be this big and muscular themselves. But I’m really not in the mood for that right now. My stop comes up and I stand up in anticipation and then it happens. One of the drunken lads bravely shouts, “Steroids”. I don’t turn around but I can’t help but instinctively smirk. And now I feel a dozen eyes on me. Will the attention my body brings me ever get old? Will it ever lose its effect? Yeah - I’m a bodybuilder. Yeah - I’m huge. Yeah - I’m a pocket rocket muscle daddy with huge arms and bulbous pecs. Get the fuck over it, lads. But also - keep staring. Keep being envious. Keep wondering what it’s like to be THIS huge and muscular. I’m still smirking to myself and preoccupied with my thoughts as the train stops and the doors slide open and … fuck. What. The fuck. All previous thoughts are gone. Time has suddenly stopped. Because standing right in front of me on the platform, looking right at me, with a startled expression, ready to step onto this train is a fellow brother in iron. Another muscle freak who has dedicated his life to being a bodybuilder. And when I say a bodybuilder, I fucking MEAN a bodybuilder. He’s about my age. He’s completely bald. He’s got these veins at the side of his head. And to contrast with the bald head is a hot as fuck ginger moustache and an even hotter ginger beard. And okay - he’s not knock you around the head handsome. But who needs to be handsome when you just fucking OOZE sexiness like this fellow bald bodybuilder does. And even though he’s covered up by a black baggy hoodie with Pitbull Gym (Bolton’s most hardcore bodybuilding gym) printed on the front, I can tell this guy is a tank and a fucking half. Why have I never seen this guy before? It feels like time has paused. I’m not moving. He’s not moving. We’re just staring at each other. Me and this fellow mystery bodybuilder. His mouth curls into a smirk and somehow, in that moment, I just know. That this guy is like me in more ways than one. He steps on the train. There’s a moment where we’re side by side. And I feel this instant chemistry. This instant spark. Just from being close to his body. Damn. This guy is so fucking hot. I step off the train and onto the platform and I hear him speak. “Are you sure you wanna get off?” he purrs in a deep tone in a thick Irish accent which completely takes me by surprise. As if this guy wasn’t sexy enough. I turn to face him. His eyes locked with me. The sound which indicates the doors are about to close chimes and in a split-second decision, I jump back onto the train. Next to the Irish, ginger bearded hot as fuck bodybuilder who’s now giving me the sexiest of grins as he looks at me. And damn - there’s that chemistry again. Like a heat radiating between us. “I’m Vince,” he says to me. “Lads - there’s two of them!” one of the drunken lads calls. Vince spins his head around. “All right, fellas!” he shouts. “Come on, lads - flex those guns!” Vince looks at me, grinning in amusement and I smile back. “I'm Mason,” I tell him. He casually nods and looks up at the poster banner above us. “Nice to put a name to the face,” he says mysteriously, without looking at me. My stomach twists. My first thought is - what does this guy know about me? He locks eyes with me again. “Tiger Classic North West last month?” I find myself smirking. “Did you compete as well?” “No. I was just in the audience.” And he remembered me? All of the competitors in that show, all of the huge freaks and hot shredded lads and this guy remembered me. I nod, feeling smug and like the power is in my hands. He gives me this ominous smirk and shakes his head and I feel like he’s read my fucking mind. “Where’s your stop, by the way?” I ask him. “Dunno, lad,” he says, looking straight ahead. “I guess you’ll find out.” I bark out a laugh and he looks at me and grins. Why do I suddenly feel like I’ve met my match? Excitement courses through me as we look each other in the eye. God - the energy between me and this guy. It’s crazy. Just being stood next to his huge tank of a body I’m rock hard. God only knows what’s going on under that hoodie. As it turns out Vince’s stop is only two away from mine. “Is Pitbull your usual gym?” I ask him as he leads me to his place on foot. “Yeah.” “Oh right. Bit far to go from here, isn’t it?” Vince smiles. “Been going there for years. It’s just what I’m used to. I did give The Muscle Factory a go but it’s a bit too fancy for me.” I find myself smiling at that. A man after my own heart. I briefly consider suggesting he come to Panthers. But it feels a tad … much. This is just a hot bodybuilder I met on the train and whose flat I’m now walking into. Besides, getting involved with another guy is the last fucking thing I need or want right now. “Do you want a drink or anything?” Vince asks me as we head into his living room. What I want is for this hot handsome bald ginger-bearded tank of a muscle bull to fuck my fucking brains out. As hard as he damn well likes. I tell him I’m good. Vince’s mouth curls as he looks me up and down. We’re both standing looking at each other. “You’re so fucking sexy, Mason,” he purrs in his thick Irish accent. “And boy, don’t you know it.” Ha. He’s got my number all right. But I think I can still surprise him. “Mason’s my surname, by the way,” I say, stepping forward to the muscle tank in the black Pitbull Gym hoodie. “Andy’s my first name,” I tell him, edging even closer. Here it comes. “But you can call me Sir.” Vince barks out this raucous laugh. “Get to fuck!” he cries. The reaction takes me back so much I can’t help but laugh in return. And now we’re standing close to each other. His heavy mass right before me. This strong, masculine scent. A mix of sweat and aftershave and his natural scent. The scent of a sexy as fuck bearded muscle bull. With veins in his head. So fucking intoxicating. So fucking horny. His hands slip around my back and fuck - my lips are on his. Kissing each other hard. His tongue is so fucking big. Like the rest of him. My mass pushes up against his. My crotch against his. His bears tickles my chin. I’m so fucking hard. I'm kissing Vince harder. With more force. My body pushing up against his. Two roided muscle bulls kissing hard. So much pent-up energy. He lifts up my t-shirt with his big rough hands. And now I’m topless. My pumped up, master's over 40 class bodybuilding torso on naked display. “Fuuuck,” Vince purrs as he takes in the balloons of muscle before him. His hand goes gently to my pillow pecs. And then he squeezes. His grip getting firmer and rougher. His face in awe. Taking in my huge, balloon-like pecs. Then down to my sticky out bubble abs on my slight turtle shell roid gut I’m most definitely proud of. Because who doesn’t love a roid gut? I reach over and unzip Vince’s hoodie. Underneath I see two massive pecs separated by a deep line hanging over the top of a white vest. Fuck yes. He peels off his hoodie to reveal two brutal shoulders. I almost gasp at the sheer size and hardness of them. Now this. THIS is a fucking bodybuilder. Biceps for days. Huge and veiny. I lift up his vest to reveal his hard shredded six pack. Blocky and square. Everything’s so brutal. Everything’s so hard. Vince kneels down and undoes my belt buckle. I squeeze his bull-like traps and Jeez - I feel like I'm gonna cum. I squeeze his otherworldly shoulders and he yanks down my jeans and swallows my thick throbbing cock with his big mouth and oh my fucking God. I resist the urge to shout out, “Good boy”. Because this is no boy I’m dealing with. He’s fucking worshipping my cock with his hot muscle bull mouth. I don’t think I’ve even been sucked harder. We stumble into Vince’s bedroom. Barely able to keep our hands off each other. And now we’re on his bed. Both naked. Still kissing hard. Hands going everywhere. He’s kissing my pecs. Fucking sucking on the muscle. My fingers exploring every inch of his brutal muscle bull body. He starts to tense. To flex. He starts to grunt too. Hot, deep grunts as he flexes. Biceps squeezing. Traps erupting. Veins exploding. A private show from a bald ginger bearded muscle bull. And all the time I’m dying to cum. “You like getting fucked?” Vince asks me. “Fuck yeah!” “Good lad!” he purrs in his hot Irish accent. He fetches some lube and a condom and now he’s mounting me. His hard, heavy mass on top of me. His hot face close to mine. And then he pushes in. Fuck. I’m being fucked by this insanely hot bodybuilder. With his brutal shoulders. And bull traps. And thick veiny pecs. “Flex those fucking muscles," I cry out. He laughs and brings his biceps up, his face contorting and twisting and transforming as he gets into beast mode. As if he were on stage, bronzed and shredded in his posing trunks. He lets out a little growl. “Growl louder!” I bark as he fucks me. And he obeys. “GRRRR!” “LOUDER!” I shout. And he does. Deep, animalistic grunts and growls fill up my ears as this hot ginger bearded muscle brute fucks me and fills up my hole. I’m. Gonna. Fucking. Cum. Out of nowhere, Vince suddenly falls forward, bringing his face to mine and kissing me with force. His mass against my torso. Our hard tongues dancing with each other. His lips pull away. ‘I’m close!” I pant out. I plant my lips on his again. Hard like before. I feel like I’m close to cumming and then … the motion of his tongue changes. He’s still kissing me. But this time it’s slower. Vince pulls back and looks me in the eyes. This intense look. He’s still filling up my hole. I’m still so close to cumming. He kisses me again. But softer. Slower. More sensual. I don’t know what’s happening but I’m going with it. I’m following his lead. The atmosphere has changed. Things feel more intense. Our eyes are open and locked as our mouths move and I can feel the build-up coming. It’s coming. This is so fucking intense. This is so fucking horny. This is not how I imagined this would go but I'm completely into it. We’re locked in our own little world of muscle and mass. Slowly and sensually kissing this beautiful muscle bull. And fuuuckkk … I’m groaning and panting into his mouth as my cock explodes. The most intense orgasm. I want to melt into Vince's sweaty skin. I feel like I am. Me and this beautiful muscle man in our private haven. I’m griping hard. Still kissing him. The taste of him. The smell of him. The feel of his hard, roided muscle mass as my body explodes with cum. “I think I’ll be catching that train more often,” Vince jokes as we’re wrapped around each other naked a little later on, having both cum. “Where were you heading back from, anyway?” “Have you heard of Utopia?” “Is that a bar?” “It’s a club night.” Vince’s mouth curls into a mischievous smirk. “Clubbing at your age?” he teases. I laugh. “Cheeky bastard.” I look away from him, still gripping onto his insanely huge arms. “Fair point though. I guess you could say I’m making up for lost time,” I tell him, surprising myself at my honesty. “What do you mean?” I look at Vince. He sees so earnest in that moment. So weirdly trustworthy. Even though I don’t know this guy. Even though I only met him a fucking hour and a half ago. I still can’t get over that feeling when he made me cum. The atmosphere in the room. How he slowed everything down right before I came. Making everything so much more intense. So much more passionate I guess. “I didn’t really do much clubbing in my twenties,” I tell him, casually. “Were you in that closet?” I instinctively laugh. “That’s an understatement.” Vince looks at me, waiting for me to explain. “I was married to a woman.” “Fuck off!” he cries. He studies my face. “Wow!” he says, when he realises I’m telling the truth. “Are you bisexual?” I shake my head. “Did you know you were gay?” “I think so. In the back of my head. It just wasn’t really an option though. My dad was like the hard man of the estate. And I was always such a typical lad. Always into sports. Did my first bodybuilding show at sixteen. And I know - that’s nothing to do with being gay, but - I didn’t think that at the time. The idea of being gay - it was just so alien to me. The thought of it, you know?” He nods. “I struggled a bit too, to be honest. I didn’t go as far as to marry a woman though. What changed?” “My dad died for a start. And I think I just stopped running from the thought of it. Faced up to the fact I liked blokes. It was tough though.” “Any kids with your wife?” “No. Luckily.” Vince pauses for a moment and looks out to the room. “Jesus. I haven’t been clubbing for about ten years.” A laugh escapes my lips. “Mmmm. I think I have more fun now than I would have done back then, anyway. Although … tonight was a bit of a bust.” “Is it a gay night? Or should we be saying queer?” “Queer. I still can’t get used to that. Always felt like such an insult. But yeah. It was.” Vince's lips curl into an ominous smirk. “Bet you get a lot of attention!” I mischievously smile at him. “What do you think?” His smirk grows wider before he releases a little laugh. “Bet you don’t get many bodybuilders in there though.” “You'd be surprised,” I say. Vince’s eyebrows lift in surprise. “The last time I went I pulled a bodybuilder. Well … he was more classic physique.” “See - I would’ve turned my nose up at that ten years ago but some of these classic physique guys now are fucking incredible. Would I have heard of this guy?” Do I tell Vince that Nick also competed at the North West Championships last month he was in the audience of? He may even remember him. The cute blonde guy who wore his glasses on stage with a pair of shiny pink trunks who kept sticking his tongue out which the crowd loved, even though he wasn’t the biggest of guys. I find myself smiling at the memory of seeing all of the pictures and videos of Nick on the Internet afterwards. A rare occasion where I actually did check Instagram. It's safe to say the boy did good. Even if everything went to shit backstage at that very show. “You got Instagram?” I ask Vince. “Course,” he says, reaching for his phone and passing it to me. I type in the name Nick and feel ashamed that I can’t remember his surname. How do I find Nick? My first thought is through Jason’s profile, but I’m not sure if he’d be following Nick after what happened. I type in a name I definitely won’t be forgetting in a hurry. Danny King. I scroll through his posts and bingo - there’s Nick, backstage in his shiny black classic physique trunks and his cute geeky glasses. Standing next to Danny, doing a peace sign and smiling into the camera with his cute little face. I genuinely felt affection for Nick. I really did. It wasn’t just the sex. (And boy - that lad could fuck.) I just liked being around him. His energy. That innocent, boyish, slightly awkward energy. I could’ve pushed it further with Nick. Seen him more often. But something held me back. Maybe I was scared he’d start to develop feelings for me. And then, of course, there was the whole Jason thing. Which I still feel guilty about. If I didn’t feel guilty - I think that would be cause for concern. I think that would make me a fucking sociopath. “Are you on Instagram?” Vince asks as I bring up Nick’s profile, which doesn’t even have his name on it. “Nah. I can’t be doing with that shit. Everyone glued to their phones. Posting every five minutes. It pisses me off.” Vince laughs. “Okay, grandad.” I smile as I hand Vince his phone back with Nick’s Instagram profile on the screen. His eyes widen when he looks at the screen. “Twenty-two?!” he cries. I mischievously grin. “Yep!” “Don’t tell me you made him call you daddy?” “No. Just sir.” “Pfft!” Vince says, before laughing. “He’s handsome, I'll give you that. I think I’d eat him for breakfast though,” he says, putting his phone back on his bedside table. “I don’t think he’d complain about that.” Vince laughs as he wraps his arms around me tight and looking me in the eye. Things suddenly feel intense again. “Twenty-two,” he purrs again. “Is that unusual for you to go for a guy that young?” I mischievously smile at him. “No,” I answer honestly. “But I like older lads too. In all honesty - I’d never properly go out with anyone that young.” Vince nods and smiles. “Do you think that’s part of your whole "missing out when you were young" thing?” I don’t respond. I feel my mouth start curling into a smirk. “You missed out on sleeping with lads when you were that age so you’re making up for it now?” And now I’m full on smirking. “Yeah,” I say, earnestly. “Sounds about right.” “As long as no one’s getting hurt … what’s the problem?” I just nod and say nothing. Because someone did get hurt. People got hurt. Because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants. Because I couldn’t stay away from the cute nerdy bodybuilder with the boyish charm who fucked so bloody well. I loved the difference between me and Nick. I kinda loved the power dynamic too I guess. And yes - me and Jason weren’t properly together. But I knew Jason liked me. I knew he hoped something would develop between us. And I kept the Nick thing from him. Because Jason was Nick’s coach. The two of us were going at it in secret. And, whatever way I wanted to excuse myself, I knew I was doing something wrong. “Where have you gone?” Vince asks, studying my face. I look back at him, pulled from my thoughts. I find myself smiling, and he’s smiling back. He leans in and kisses me. It’s sexy. And sexy turns to intense. Just like it was when he was inside me. Vince pulls back. And I take him in. Those green eyes. Which I’m only really noticing now are pretty gorgeous. The bald head. The veins. That insanely hot ginger moustache and beard. Such a fucking brute. And a sexy one at that. But it’s not just the way he looks. It’s him. There’s something here. Between me and Vince. “What are you doing Tuesday night?” I instinctively feel my body tensing up. “Dunno," I say casually. “Come round here. I’ll cook for you.” “You cook?” He widens his eyes and nods slowly. “I’m a head chef at a restaurant in town. Seriously!” I nod, impressed and trying to imagine him in a chef’s uniform bulldozing through a kitchen telling everyone off. “Give me your number," I tell him. "I’ll let you know.” “Nah, mate. You’ll fob me off. Come round Tuesday night,” he playfully orders. I immediately feel guarded. Where is this pushiness coming from? “Jesus!” he cries, clearly sensing my hesitance. “I’m not asking you to move in with me. I’m asking you to come round on Tuesday night and I’ll cook for you.” I’m smirking at him, looking into his eyes. I feel I can be honest with him. “This is how it starts though. First you’re cooking for me. Then you’re waiting for me to text you back. Then we're seeing each other. And then I’m screwing you over.” I’m saying all of this in a playful tone, but what I’m saying is the truth. Vince just smirks at me. “Maybe I’ll screw you over.” I feel like saying - why would I want that? But I just stay silent. I just keep looking into his eyes. I didn’t want to start something with someone this soon after Jason. But I can’t deny it feels like there’s something here. I’m intrigued by this Irish ginger-bearded muscle bull. And yes - maybe I will screw him over. Or he’ll, in fact, screw me over. Maybe that would actually be some sort of karma for the whole Jason, Nick mess. And yes - maybe this will end in disaster. But maybe it could end up being something different to what I’ve had before. Something amazing, even. Maybe sometimes you just need to stop thinking about the maybe’s, take a chance and see what happens.
    2 points
  5. You believe in God? How about the Devil? I used to be an atheist. Thought that the only thing holy was sex. I still think that. But I met God, and damnit, he made me a believer. ------ Let me tell you a bit about myself first. Look, I'm not going to feign modesty. I'm 6'4, blond, blue eyed, with a body ripped like a personal trainer and a MBA from Stanford. I'm smart, I'm hot, and I fucking know it. That's the only way to get ahead in the New York fitness and beauty industry, a world overstuffed with nepo babies on roids and ozempic. I've fucked some of the world's hottest models, male and female alike. So it takes a lot to impress me. This boy? This boy was a fucking lot. It's rare for anyone else to show up. It's 12am, and I'm wrapping up a long day of grinding with a midnight workout session. The gym is empty, just the way I like it. Most of the tenants in my luxury high-rise are fat cats who prefer ogling young studs to working out alongside them, or their bimbo trust fund daughters who might swing by to use the elliptical. So I wasn't expecting someone to walk through that gym door. Or for that someone to be a young dude. Or for that dude to have a face and a body crafted by God himself. You know how I said that I'm 6'4? I was barely eye level with this dude's nipples. His nipples which were clearly visible through a skintight tank top. A tank top that gave me a full view of two gorgeous biceps. Full, round biceps, each with a big fat vein pulsing up top. As he twisted the doorknob the heavy bicep muscle flexed and rolled, like a lazy bowling ball, a deliciously powerful mound of liquid steel. He closed the door and his tricep bunched up, forming a horseshoe shape, swelling like a tidal wave rising from the sea. That arm was so fucking big, it made me reconsider what human anatomy was capable of. I've a slim 32-inch waist, but this dude's arms honestly couldn't be much smaller than that. He looked around, noticed me, and flashed a smile. Hot. Fucking. Damn. I've met models, but i hadn't met Gods. This was a face that would make Narcissus cream himself. He was young - really young! Scarcely looked a day over 18, though it was hard to reconcile with a body like that. He had delicate facial features, with large round eyes, soft pink cheeks, and full red lips. His ears were pierced with diamond stud earrings, and his gorgeous midnight black hair shined in the light. He had smooth skin and an easy smile, like the blueprint for the perfect boy. So cute. So sexy. So fucking hot. My mind froze, and cock hardened, and for a brief moment, i thought "the Devil himself couldn't look this alluring". He winked at me, then walked towards the squat rack. As he walked i had another moment of awe. His body was so large, so powerful, that it seemed to cut through the atmosphere around it. I could literally feel the gravity of tne room shift to follow his body, the sheer mass exuding heat that seemed to raise the temperature of the very air around him. I'd never realized a man's simple gait could be so fucking sexy. His arms swayed casually, dangerously. Two dense pillars of muscle, thick and powerful, almost 30 inches around. Fucking weapons that could kill. Then there was his lower body - round glutes in a pair of too-tight shorts, nylon screaming for dear life as it stretched around that globular ass. The fabric was so tight it may as well have been a layer of paint - I could see the fucking dimples in his ass roll as he strutted across the gym. This was a porn star ass, like Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj, but instead of plastic and fat it was rock-hard muscle. I didn't realize that my mouth was open, drooling, until a glob of saliva left my mouth and audibly splashed on the gym floor. Thats when I looked down, and realized that I was sprouting a full boner. It was hard to miss - I'm a well-endowed man - and worse, there was a big wet spot growing in my shorts. I looked back up, and saw the boy smirking at me in the mirror. Fuck. But only for a moment. Now he was at the squat rack. He was loading it up... and up... and up... fuck, how much was he planning to squat? There were at least ten plates on each side... that was well over a thousand pounds, unassisted, without a spotter! He slid under the barbell, and then as if it was a warmup, pressed it off the rack and proceeded to pump out twenty fucking reps like it was absolutely nothing. His quads looked so fuckkng huge now, I bet even a fucking metal safe would crumble like granola between those god-thighs. That ass was pumped up like glutes of pure titanium - I've seen men with fuckable asses, but this ass was so dense that it scared me. It looked like it could pancake a two-inch steel pipe if it was able to force its way between those beautiful spheres. I stifled a moan as my mind flashed an image of this boy sitting upon my face, being smothered to death by that perfect, bowling ball ass. He turned around, looking directly at me once more (I felt my dick jerk, and a warmth fill my briefs). He wasn't even breathing hard, that calm easy smirk never leaving his impossibly perfect face. He never said a word, but that smirk spoke volumes. This was a world record for me, but for him, it was a Tuesday. He knew that he was blowing my mind, and that I was blowing my load. And he acknowledged that with just a smirk, an infuriatingly perfect smirk, because he knew his perfect lips and eyes and face were just as mind-blowing as the rest of him. He knew that I would never sleep another night without dreaming of his face. This time, he readjusted the rack, setting the bar lower for the bench press. But he didn't slide any weights off. Instead, he laid down on the bench and proceeded to once again pump out twenty reps with over a thousand pounds. On the fucking bench press. He finished twenty reps and was about to rerack it - his pecs pumped so full that they stood several inches off his chest, almost ready to rip through his shirt - but then he seemed to change his mind, and pumped out twenty more. And twenty more. And again. And again. The boy didn't stop, couldn't stop, effortlessly plowing through rep after rep after rep of a weight that even the most seasoned powerlifters can scarcely deadlift. This wasn't a milestone of human achievement, this was evidence of fucking godhood. A fucking religious experience, with a single worshipper. A hundred reps later - I counted every one! - he racked the bar and finished. He sat up on the bench. This time, he was panting. His face was flushed, his hair sweat-streaked, his eyes filled with boyish joy and excitement, and he was all the more beautiful for it. If looks could kill, this boy was a fucking massacre. The tank top was tearing apart around his pecs - it was only a matter of time before it fell apart completely. The boy took in a deep breath - the pecs pushing out, out, further and further - until they fabric literally just burst open, two massive mountains of power heaving through, inflating and deflating literal inches with every breath. The boy put the shirt out of its misery, ripping off the remaining fabric around his waist, and unveiling a dense, powerful ten-pack. Each individual abdominal looked like it was cut from marble, bulging out powerfully with muscle. The bright overhead lights reflected sharply on their surface, but those abs were so deep, so cut, that the crevices between them were pitch black. My heart fluttered. This was the core of his power. The strength those abs must possess to support a body so huge... I wondered what it would be like to feel one of them, to touch, even for a moment, the skin and flesh of a god. Now that he was shirtless, I didn't think there was a thing in the world that could make my eyes leave his abs. Until I heard the sound of fabric tearing - again! - but this time, from below. I screamed, my baritone voice hitting a soprano note like Freddie Mercury, as a pillar of flesh well over a foot long erupted from the boy's skintight shorts. Remember how I said I was intimidated by those massive arms? Well, forget that. This was a weapon of mass destruction, some sort of genetic anomaly, thicker than an adult's arm and more dangerous too. No human being should have a dick that big - it shouldn't be anatomically possible. And yet there it was, steadily growing and growing, until that big drooling cockhead touched his pecs, leaving a wet dollop of pre dripping down the muscle's smooth underside. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing - that beautiful innocent boyish face and those impossibly hot muscles, sporting superhuman strength and a freaky huge monster cock. This was a crazy horny fever dream come to life. And then the boy turned back towards me, looking my body up and down as if appraising me. His cock seemed to lengthen impossibly more, and a hunger started to overtake his eyes. For the first time in my life, I felt true fear. No man could survive getting fucked by that thing - hell, I dont think an elephant could. I couldn't run - even if I could tear my eyes away from him, I knew I'd never be able to outrun those superhuman legs. With those glutes, those quads, he could outrace a fucking cheetah. And honestly, I didn't want to run from him anyways. I wanted to get fucked by that cock, by this god, by that perfect boy and his perfect body. I closed my eyes as I stood there, in fear and in lust, my heart racing faster and faster, until I passed out. ------ I woke up a few hours later. Light was streaming in through the windows - it was the morning. I was still in the gym, lying on the floor, my clothes sticky with dried cum and my dick burning from exertion. I hadn't been fucked, but I had ejaculated several times, even while knocked out. Was that a dream? It had to be. That couldn't be real. But I didn't understand how I could have imagined something so vivid. I sighed, pulled out my phone, and turned it on. And froze. My lock screen. It was a selfie. That boy. Looking up at the camera, a beautiful smile, the smile of an angel, the most perfect lips and eyes and teeth, so beautiful that I felt my heart physically ache and a moan escape my lips. And below that face, his godlike nude body. Pecs. Arms. Abs. Everything perfectly shaped and blown up to impossible size. Muscles that a bodybuilder would kill to have, that would put a powerlifter to shame, that would make a supermodel weep with envy. And... and... holy fucking shit... that couldn't be real... was that flaccid?... oh God, im drooling again... shit, i can’t ejaculate again, my dick hurts too much... oh shit oh shit oh shit... fuck!
    2 points
  6. Well guys, here's chapter 29 of the story. I was sure that I posted it before, 2 years ago, but when the new site came, it must have gotten deleted. Here is is again. Chapter 29 "Well, Eric?" Seth asked, looking at Eric, who was looking at him, like he'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Why didn't you tell me that you have a brother?" In a few seconds, Eric's face broke into a smile. "Oh, you're talking about my brother, Ethan?" Eric said, still grinning, as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Seth. I guess with everything I've been through the last few days, I just forgot to mention him, to you." Seth frowned, still a bit confused, as to why that was. "I just don't see how you'd forget about something that important." Seth said to him. "When I asked you about your family, when I interviewed you, about the job, you never mentioned that you had any siblings. Just that your mom worked in real estate, and your dad is a carpenter." "You didn't ask me if I had any siblings." Eric told him. "I would have told you if you had." "Ok." Seth said, nodding his head. "So, when do I get to meet him?" Eric shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "He's not here, right now." Seth frowned, wondering why that was. "Where is he?" He asked, still giving Eric that confused frown. "He's away at college." Eric revealed to him. "In New York. I don't know when he's coming back home, for a visit, yet. I haven't talked to him in a couple days." Hearing that from Eric, prompted Seth to ask him another important question. "Are you and your brother, close?" He asked, wanting to know. "Oh yeah!" Eric said, grinning. "Ethan and I are very close. We have a very strong brotherly bond, being twins, and all." Seth snorted, a smile coming over his face, as he was thinking about something. "What's so funny?" Eric asked, grinning as well. Seth looked up at him and then asked. "Has sibling rivalry ever reared it's ugly head with you two, before?" Eric rolled his eyes. "Oh, you better believe it has, Seth." He said, "If Ethan and I fought most about anything, it was over the fact that he considers himself the "older" brother when he's basically the same age as me." Seth raised his eyebrows, as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, he was the first born before you, wasn't he?" He asked. Eric scoffed. "Yeah, by like 10 minutes." Eric replied. "What does that have to do with anything?" Here, Seth rasied his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Well, technically, that does make him the older brother." Seth said. "So, even though you two are the same age, Ethan is the first born, so he's the older brother." Shaking his head, but still grinning a bit, Eric pulled back his fist and punched Seth in his pecs. Seth must had anticipated what Eric was going to do, because he flexed his pecs, in response, to absorb the blow from his punch. "Ouch!" Eric said, as he pulled his hand away, shaking it, as he stared at Seth's tightened chest, a shocked expression on his face. When he looked up at Seth, he could see him silently laughing, with tears in his eyes. "Oh yeah! Very funny, Smartass!" Eric said, as he slapped Seth across the arm, which only made Seth burst out laughing loudly. "I knew your pecs were hard, but I didn't think they were "painfully hard" like brick!" Seth, still chuckling a bit, took Eric's hand, and started rubbing his knuckles. "Well, you've never punched them that hard before." Seth said, in a softer tone of voice. "But I have to admit that I might have to have you punch them some more, later tonight, because, that was such a turn-on for me." Eric made a face at him. "Seriously?" He asked, in disbelief. "Hell yeah!" Seth said, enthusiastically. "All this muscle and power? What bodybuilder wouldn't be turned on by that?" "Umm, Eric said, making a weird face as his eyes widened a bit. "A straight one?" Seth narrowed his eyes at Eric, but he was still smiling, showing that he wasn't offended by that questioning answer. "Now, who's the smartass?" He asked, a sexy grin crossing his face. Eric grinned as he moved forward and threw his arms around Seth broad shoulders. And, staring up into Seth gorgeous ocean blue eyes, Eric murmured, seductively: "Well, at least I'm a sexy smartass, right?" Eric was staring into Seth's eyes, then down to his lips, and back up to his eyes again. Seth definitely noticed and knew exactly what Eric wanted, as he brought his arms around Eric's torso, pulling him close. "There's no denying that." Seth said, with a grin. "Now, can I get this sexy smartass of mine to kiss me?" Eric's brows went up, in surprise. "What?" He asked, looking around. "Here? Now?' "Yeah, why not?" Seth asked him. Eric shrugged. Well, I thought we could save the intimacy for a bit later." Eric said, to him, then grinned. "Like maybe after my parents leave and then we can go skinny dipping in the pool?" Hearing that from Eric, Seth's grin got bigger. "Ooh! I like that idea!' He whispered. Eric's grin mirrored his. "Oh, and that's not all." Eric said, as he looked into Seth's eyes. "I've never fucked anyone in a pool before." "Really?" Seth asked, a surprised expression on his face. "Really." Eric told him. "So far, you and I have done it in your bed, and in your shower. But not yet, in a swimming pool." Then, Eric realized something else. He gasped. "Oh, better yet!" He said, as his thumb stroked Seth's jawline. "The jacuzzi just off of the pool. We can definitely heat things up in there!" Seth nodded, biting his lip, loving the idea, even more than the pool. "Aww, fuck yeah!" He said. "Sex in the jacuzzi is off the hook, for sure!" Eric's smile faltered a bit. "You mean, you've done it in a jacuzzi before?" He asked, sounding disappointed. "Yeah, sure, lots of times when I was with my ex, Evelyn." Seth told him. "But this will be a first for me, getting to do it with you." Eric smiled, again, seeing how excited Seth was about spending time with him, in the jacuzzi. "Well, just know that I plan on having you flex and pose for me in that jacuzzi before we get down to business in there, Gorgeous." Eric said, stroking Seth's cheeks with his thumb. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Baby." Seth whispered to him. "I love it when you worship my muscles. It always leads to hotter things!" Eric could see the lust and desire in Seth eyes, which no doubt mirrored his as well. They both knew that tonight would be another special time for them and they were both ready for it. Eric then moved in, closer, to Seth and hugged him. As he felt Seth's arms go around him, he started kissing Seth's neck just above his traps. Seth's eyes closed, in pleasure, at the feeling of Eric's soft lips on his neck. He breathing started to quicken and his heart rate started to increase. "You keep that up, Babe, and I'll be fucking you, right here, in this living room, for anyone to see." Eric chuckled, as he pulled back from their embrace to see the horny look on Seth's face. "That was just a warm up for what's in store for us, later." Eric said to him. "Right now, let's get ready to say goodbye to my parents. They'll be leaving shortly." MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE LOMBARDO FARMHOUSE.... Amy and Rudy entered the house, kissing each other, passionately. a few seconds later, Rudy broke the kiss and looked back into Amy's eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?' He asked, breathing a little heavily. Amy, with her face looking all flustered, replied: "Yes, I'm sure. I'm ready to make love to you, Rudy." Rudy's face broke out into a sexy grin. "You don't have to tell me twice!" He said to her, just before he started kissing her again. Rudy then started kissing Amy's neck, his hands running all over her back and sliding down to her ass, which he squeezed in his hands. "Oh, Rudy!" Amy whispered, with closed eyes. "Your hands feel so good!" Rudy, with his hands still on Amy's ass, suddenly slid down it a bit to rest on the back of her thighs, which he then lifted Amy up. In response Amy wrapped her legs around Rudy's waist, tightly. And with the two of them kissing, once again, Rudy carried Amy upstairs to Eric's guest bedroom, where they would make love together. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE..... Joey entered his bedroom, and shut the door, behind him, and locked it. Looking down at the towel, that was wrapped around his waist, he removed it and raised it up to his head to dry his hair a bit better, leaving him totally exposed in the nude. After drying his hair, he threw the towel, over his desk chair and walked to his bed and sat down on it. Looking over at his desk, he saw his phone, sitting on it. He reached over and picked it up and opened up his Instagram feed. Looking through his followers, he came to Seth's profile and opened up his photos. He scrolled through them and stopped on a photo of Seth, wearing a pair of black posing trunks, hitting a front double biceps pose. He had a big beaming smile on his face. He wasn't wearing any of that bronze tanning spray that they wear in bodybuilding. Joey stared at the picture of Seth, taking in his sexy blue eyes, his blonde hair, which was cut shorter than it was now, his handsome smile, and his ripped lean muscular physique, which was breathtaking, to Joey. "Man, he is so good looking, right here." Joey said, as he looked at Seth's photo. "But, I think he looks even hotter now. Especially, his body, the way it looks now." Joey then thought back to the moment in the barn, with Seth, when he'd gone to work out with him, earlier that evening. <<FLASHBACK>> Joey's green eyes stared right into Seth's ocean blue one's. Joey's eyes flickered down to Seth's pecs, and then reached his hands out towards Seth's pumped pecs. As soon as Joey's hands were about to come in contact in them, he glanced back up at Seth to watch his reaction. Seth was still staring into his eyes. As soon as Seth felt Joey's hands cup his pecs, Seth's eyes closed, his mouth slightly agape, moaning in pleasure. "Oh!" Seth moaned. Joey's eyes moved back to Seth's pecs, massaging them, squeezing them, firmly, as Seth began flexing them beneath Joey's hands. "Fuck yeah!" Seth breathed, his eyes, opening again to look at Joey. "Worship those pecs, Joe!" Normally, Joey did not care for being called "Joe." by people, but the way Seth called him that, he somehow found it, incredibly sexy. "Well, I'd love to, Seth." Joey said, his voice husky. "But they're pretty confined by this shirt, right now." Seth grinned. "I can help with that." He said, then reached his hand out. "Stand back." Joey did as he was told, and once he'd stepped back, Seth grabbed his tank top, by the straps and, gripping tightly, ripped the shirt open and off of him, like it had been a piece of paper. He tossed it across the barn. Joey's eyes bulged and his mouth hung open. Never had he seen anything like that before. Seth's strength ripped that shirt like it was paper. "What about our workout?" Joey said, the lust obvious in his face. Seth smiled an all knowing smile. "Come on, Joe." Seth said, his voice sounding deeper when he was horny. "We both know that you didn't just come all the way out here, just to workout with me. I know what you want. And, so do you." Joey didn't know what to say to that. But he knew he couldn't deny it. "So, come on." Seth said. He looked down at his pecs, bounced them, 3 times, teasingly, and looked back up at Joey, who was still looking at him, in awe. "Come, get it." Seth finished, giving Joey that horny look, again. <<END OF FLASHBACK>> Joey heaved a lusty sigh as his mind came back to reality. "And the way his pecs felt while I was massaging them! So rock hard and so sexy!" He said, the lust and excitement obvious in his tone of voice. "I wanted him, so bad, at that moment. And I still do." Joey then looked down at his dick and noticed that it had swelled to full hardness. "Fuck!" He exclaimed. "Even just thinking about him gets my dick rock hard. I wish he were here to take care of it, for me. That's more fun than doing it alone." He looked at his phone and then decided that he'd send Seth s message on his Instagram. He opened the direct message and started typing a message to Seth. MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE….. Outside the Shaw household, Eric and Seth were saying goodbye to Derek and Elaine Shaw as they were packing their things in the car. Derek Shaw finished loading their luggage in the car, and closed the trunk. He turned to face his son, who was starting to get emotional again. "Don't worry, Eric, everything is going to be ok." He said, as he hugged Eric. "You know I'm going to fight this thing with everything I've got, and I'm going to beat it." Eric hugged his father, tightly. "I know you will, Dad." He said, softly. "You're one of the strongest men that I know. If anyone can beat this cancer, it's you." "Amen to that." Elaine said, as she approached the two of them, just as Derek was releasing his son from his arms. She then pulled Eric into her arms. "I'll take good care of your father while we're gone, Honey." She said. "Will you look after the house, in our absence?" "You bet, Mom." Eric replied. "I'll actually move back in, temporarily, until you guys get home. I can drive back and forth from campus since the University is only minutes away from here." "That's a great idea, Honey." She said. "You'll be able to study better at home without all the interruptions that can happen on campus." Eric chuckled. "That's true." He said. "Things can get pretty rowdy on campus, sometimes." Elaine released Eric.from their embrace and turned her attention towards Seth. "Take good care of our son, will you please, Seth?" She asked him. "With Tom Anderson being released from prison soon, I'd feel better, knowing, that my son has someone here to protect him." Seth nodded. He was very touched that Elaine would ask that of him and that she trusted him to look after Eric. "I will." Seth said, with a serious expression on his face. "I promise." "Thank you." Elaine said, as she stepped forward and threw her arms around Seth, hugging him. "Our son is lucky to have a friend like you." "Thanks." Seth said, as he hugged her. "My prayers will be with you both during this hard time." After Elaine pulled back from her hug with Seth, Derek Shaw stepped forward and extended his hand out to Seth. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, Seth." He said, as Seth reached out and shook his hand. "And, once again, I'm very sorry to hear about your father's passing." Seth was definitely moved by Derek's concern for him. "Thank you, Mr. Shaw." He said. "I appreciate you saying that." "Please, Seth, call me, Derek." Derek Shaw insisted. "You don't have to be so formal." "Alright." Seth said, smiling his charming smile. "Derek it is." "Thank you, Seth." Derek said, then looked towards Eric. "Be there for my son and help him keep his head on, straight, during this hard time." Seth nodded. "Yes, Sir." He said, confidently, then turned his head to look at Eric. "You can count on that." He smiled at Eric, and Eric, seeing Seth's smile, smiled back in response. "Well, we'd better be going, now." Elaine said, as she opened the passenger side car door and waited for Derek to get in. Derek walked to the car and got into it. Elaine shut the door and walked around to the driver's side of the car. Before she opened the car door, she turned back to look at Eric and Seth. "You both take care of each other while we're gone." Seth frowned a little, wondering what she meant by that. So did Eric. And as Eric watched her, his mother winked at him. The moment she did, a big smile appeared on Eric's face. He knew right then, and there, that his mother knew that Seth was more than just "a friend" to him. "We will." Eric said,. nodding. "Thanks, Mom. Love you." Elaine smiled back at him. "Love you too, Sweetie." She said, as she opened the car door and got into the car. Eric and Seth watched as Elaine Shaw started the car, and backed down the driveway. As they turned towards the direction they were going to go in, on the road, both Derek and Elaine Shaw waved back to Eric and Seth. Eric and Seth waved back as the car started moving forward and then disappeared from their sight. When they were gone, Seth turned back to Eric. What was that look your mother gave you about?" He asked Eric. "Oh you mean when she winked at me?" He asked. "Yeah. Seth said, with a nod of his head. "It made me wonder if she knew about us or something." Eric nodded as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, my mother definitely knows about us, Gorgeous." Eric said to him. "Mom hardly ever winks, but when she did that, after asking us to take care of each other, that's when I knew, for sure." Seth then threw an arm around Eric's shoulders. "Well, how do you think your father will react to our relationship?" He asked, giving Eric an express, full of concern. Eric thought about it, for a moment, before answering his question. He wasn't completely sure how to answer it. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure." Eric replied, as he put his arm around Seth's torso. "My Dad is certainly not homophobic, by any means, but given how protective he is, of me, since Tom raped me, I think he might be more worried about it, at first. But, eventually, he would come to accept it after he gets to know you better." Seth nodded. "He wants to make sure that I'm not another "Tom" so to speak?" He asked. Eric nodded his head, as he looked up into Seth's ocean blue eyes. "Yeah." He said, then added. "But I'm sure that he doesn't think that of you, Gorgeous. I saw how he took to you, at dinner. He really does like you. What's not to like?" "Yeah, I sensed that, too." Seth pointed out. "And I agree with you. It sounds like your parents will be ok with us, as a couple." Eric nodded as he laid his head on Seth's chest. Eric loved the feeling of Seth's massive pecs. Beneath his cheek. They were almost as good as bed pillows. He closed his eyes and exhaled a content sigh. He loved being in Seth's arms. Then, he remembered what he'd wanted to do with Seth earlier. Eric lifted his head from Seth's chest and looked up at him. "Are you ready to go for that dip, in the jacuzzi, now that we are alone, together?" He asked. Seth smiled, then leaned in and gave Eric a tender kiss on the lips. "Yes." He whispered. "Let's do it." "Ok." Eric said, and kissed Seth's lips again. "Come on, Stud!" Eric turned towards the entrance to the house and started walking back to it. Seth walked behind him, checking out Eric's sexy, tight, and toned ass in the jeans he was wearing, as he followed Eric to the door. Eric opened the door and headed into the house, with Seth right behind him. Ater they were inside, Eric shut the door and locked it. Then he turned back to Seth. "Come on, back into the kitchen." He said, to Seth. "The pool area is just outside of it." Seth followed Eric through the living room, towards the kitchen. When they entered the kitchen, Eric pointed to the double doors, near the middle of the room. "Those are the doors, leading outside to the pool." He said, to Seth, as they walked towards them. "And the light switches, on the wall, by the doors there, turn on the outside lights for the patio area, alongside the pool." "I see that." Seth replied. As they came to the patio doors, Eric started flicking the switches. As Seth looked outside, he noticed the lights, surrounding the patio come on, illuminating the pool area. Seth was in awe of how nice and spacious the pool area was. "Wow!" He said, turning his head back, to face Eric. "You weren't kidding when you said the pool area was huge. You could throw some major parties here." Eric smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. "Yes." He replied, still smiling. "My parents have thrown many birthday parties for Ethan and I, right in this very place!" Eric looked up into Seth's eyes and brought his hand to Seth's cheek "And now, we're going to have a party of two, here." He murmured. "Alone. Just the two of us." Seth brought his hands to rest on Eric's waist, as he looked into Eric's eyes, the desire he felt for Eric, at that moment, clearly shown on his face. "Mmm, I love the sound of that." Seth said, as m he pulled Eric close to him and planted a sexy kiss, right on his lips. "What do you say we get this party started?" "Your wish is my command." Eric said, as he pulled back from their kiss. "You go out there and get comfortable, with the Jacuzzi, while I go and get some towels for us.' Eric then leaned in and kissed him again. "I'll be waiting, Babe." Seth said, grinning. Eric then walked off to get the towels while Seth opened the patio doors and walked out to the pool. As he came upon the lounger chairs, he started stripping out of his clothes. He took off his cowboy hat, flannel shirt, tank top, belt, jeans, and boots, and laid them down on the lounge chair. Standing there in his CK boxerbriefs, he then decided to remove them, and put them inside his jeans. As he was putting his boxerbriefs inside his jeans, He heard his phone ping, inside his jeans pocket. He pulled it out of the jeans and looked at the screen. When he did, he saw that Joey Sloane was messaging him. "Hey Seth." Joey said to him. "I'm horny as fuck, and thinking about you, and your huge muscles right now." Seth couldn't help but crack a smile, thinking about how much the thought of him and his huge muscles turned Joey on. He then started messaging Joey back. "Oh really? Well, that's what I like to hear! Maybe I need to give you a little incentive to help you out. Give me a minute here." After texting that, to Joey, Seth pressed the camera button and turned it to video mode and started recording himself. "Hey Joey!" Seth said, flashing his charismatic grin. "So, you're horny for these big muscles huh?" After saying that, he flexed his left bicep, and seductively licked the tip of his tongue, slowly over his bicep. Then, he looked back into his phone, with a seductive look on his face. "I'm sure you wish that was your tongue, licking this bicep right now, don't you? Fuck, yeah! You know it, stud!" Then, Seth lowered his phone to his pecs, and when he could see his pecs showing, he started bouncing them, and slowly rippling them, now and then. "And I'm sure you wish you could have your hands all over these pecs right now, like you did, with me, in the barn, don't you? Maybe your hot mouth on them, too!" Seth pulled the phone back up to his face, again, and pulled it back enough to flex his right bicep. "And, you also can tell me how bad, Seth said, as he kissed his right bicep. You wish that was your lips, kissing these biceps right now!" Seth looked back into his phone and waggled his eyebrows. "Alright, Joey, just lay back, get yourself comfortable and bust yourself out a big load of cum, as you look at these big muscles of mine and imagine that I'm there with you, and you're feeling me up and how awesome my body feels." With that sexy smirk still on his face, he decided to end the video there. "Well, stud, that should get you fired up for release. I gotta go. Talk to you soon!" Seth ended the video and then searched for it in his video section of his phone. He located it and sent it as an attachment, in a text message back to Joey. Here's something to help you out, Joe." Seth wrote. "I'm in the middle of something, right now, so we'll talk soon, brother!" He finished the text message and sent it to Joey's Instagram with his video attached to it. After a moment, he saw that Joey was typing a message back to him. "Alright man!" Joey's text read. "Talk to you later." Seth smiled and turned off his phone and put it back in his jeans pocket. After doing that, he turned and saw the jacuzzi, which was already on and the jets were making the water ripple. He walked to the Jacuzzi and got into it. He moaned in pleasure as he lowered himself down into the warm water, feeling how relaxing it was. He sat down on one of the seat ledges and leaned back with his arms behind his head, his biceps bulging, as he closed his eyes and waited for Eric to join him. In a few minutes, he heard Eric's voice. "I brought something special for us to celebrate this occasion." Seth opened his eyes and saw Eric, standing at the edge of the Jacuzzi, just above him, with a bottle of white wine, and two wine glasses, looking at him, lovingly. He had already placed the towels down on the lounger where Seth's clothes were sitting. "Wine?" Seth asked, in surprise, looking up at him. "Yeah." Eric said, as he handed the bottle of wine and the glasses down to him. "I hope you don't mind. I thought it might be good after the sandwiches and salads we had, for dinner." "I don't mind, at all." Seth replied. "It's great for this occasion." "Awesome." Eric said, as he set the wine glasses and wine bottle down, next to Seth, at the edge of the jacuzzi. "Keep an eye on these while I get more comfortable." "Absolutely." Seth said, in a low voice. "It feels so good in here." Eric grinned, as he glanced at Seth, who was sitting in the water, which was rippling and bubbling around him. "I can see that, Gorgeous." He said, as he started taking off his shirt. "I'm gonna join you. Right now." As Seth watched, Eric threw his shirt over on the lounger with Seth's clothes and then started taking off his jeans. Once they were off, he then removed his underwear, until he was fully naked. Once he was, he stood there, in front of Seth, who was transfixed on Eric's body. Seth whistled. "You look amazing, Eric." He said, looking Eric's body, up and down. "Come on in. The water feels so good!" Grinning, Eric squatted down and lowered himself into the jacuzzi, right next to Seth. He moaned in pleasure as he felt the warm water instantly beginning to relax his body. It was only then that he realized how tense he had been. "Oh my God!" Eric said, lowly. "This feels like Heaven!" "I know." Seth said, as he put an arm around Eric's shoulders. "I had the same reaction when I got in here." Erin looked up at Seth, intent on telling him how tense he still felt. "I didn't realize how tense my body really was until I got into this water." He said, looking into Seth's gorgeous eyes. " This is exactly what I needed." Seth, with his massive muscular arm, still draped over Eric's shoulders, leaned in and gave him a sweet, loving kiss. "I know what will make you feel even better." He murmured, still staring into Eric's eyes. "Some hot muscle worship and some good lovemaking? A massage, perhaps?" Eric grinned. Seth knew exactly what he was wanting. "Mmm." Eric said, just as Seth leaned in to kiss him. "How about the muscle worship first? (kiss) Then the massage, (kiss) and after that some hot lovemaking?" Seth moaned as he kissed Eric. Then, he broke the kiss, and looked at Eric. "That all sounds awesome, Babe." He said, as he looked into Eric's piercing blue eyes. "But how about we have a little wine, first?" Eric's face brightened. Oh yes! Definitely." He said, as he reached for the bottle of wine. Eric picked up the bottle and opened the wine. Then, he picked up one of the wine glasses, and poured some wine into it. Then he handed it to Seth, and grabbed the other wine glass and poured some wine into it. He set the glass down and put the cap back on the bottle and set it down next to the wine glass. Then, he picked up the wine glass and held it up in front of him. "How about a toast?" Eric asked, still holding up his glass. Seth held his glass up in front of Eric's. "To us growing closer, and our relationship becoming stronger, every day." He said, gazing at Eric, the love evident in his eyes. "And to more hot muscle worship sessions and even hotter sex in our future." Eric added, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. Seth's grin matched Eric's at that moment. "Oh, I'll definitely drink to that!" He said, holding up his glass. "Cheers." They gently clinked their wine glasses together, and each of them took a sip of wine. Seth sat down his wine glass, by the edge of the jacuzzi and turned his attention back to Eric, as Eric, too, sat his wine glass by the edge of the jacuzzi, next to Seth's. "I like the way you think." Seth murmured. "And let's get this hot muscle worship session started!" And with those words, Seth stood up and turned towards Eric. As soon as he did, he raised both of his arms and curled them into a front double biceps pose. Eric watched, once again with that awestruck look on his face, as as Seth's biceps took shape and became rock hard, as Seth held the pose for a moment. Seth then flashed Eric his "melt your heart" smile. "You like it?" He asked, as he glanced at Eric, amused by his look of awe on his face. "I love it." Eric said, standing up and walking through the bubbling water, towards Seth, until he was standing right in front of him. "And now, I know those biceps could use some appreciation." Seth looked at his biceps and then back at Eric, and smiled at him. "Well, they're right here and waiting for it, Baby!" He said. "Have at it!" "Oh, I intend to." Eric.said, as he advanced on Seth. "Right now." Eric then put a hand under Seth's arm and brought his other hand up to Seth's right bicep which he felt in his hand. Their shape was nicely peaked and defined and the muscle was rock hard. Eric brought his lips down to Seth's bicep and kissed it, then licked his tongue over it, before kissing it again. "Aww fuck yeah!" Seth said, softly. "Worship those biceps, baby!" Eric kissed the bicep again, then clamped his fingers around it, squeezing it hard. And he still couldn't put a dent in it, even though he had a strong grip. Then, he put his hand under Seth's left bicep and proceeded to kiss it as well, licking over it with the tip of his tongue. He kissed that bicep in the same passionate way that he would kiss Seth when they made out. He put a hand behind Seth's head, caressing the back of Seth's head, as his mouth made love to Seth's muscles. Seth's eyes closed, in satisfaction, as he allowed himself to experience the sensations his body was feeling from Eric's muscle worship and foreplay. He absolutely loved being muscle worshipped by Eric. He loved it with everyone who was into his muscles, of course, but Eric, it was like a whole new experience for him. Eric then lifted his head up and looked into Seth's face and saw him staring right back at him, with that same lust-filled look in his eyes. "You ready for what's next?" He asked, as he laid his hands on Seth's triceps and slid them up to rest on Seth's delts. "More then ready.".Seth whispered,. bringing a hand up to Eric's face, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "Go for it, Babe." Eric then leaned into Seth and kissed him, passionately. He felt Seth's strong arms wrap around him and start playing with his lean muscular back. Seth moaned into Eric's kisses and then slid his hands down to grab Eric's firm, tight ass, in his hands. Eric moaned, in pleasure, at the feeling of Seth's strong hands on his ass, and he, in turn slid his hands back behind Seth to grab his massive muscle ass, too. He broke their kiss and started kissing Seth's neck. Seth's eyes closed and his head tipped backwards, as he moaned loudly. "Oh yeah, Baby!" Seth whispered, as he brought his hand behind Eric's head. "That feels so good!' Eric stopped kissing Seth's neck, and then brought his head down to Seth's pecs, where he took Seth's left nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it and lightly biting at it. "Oh, fuck!' Seth exclaimed, loudly, as he tensed his pecs. "Fuck, yeah! Suck those pecs!" Eric worked over Seth's pecs, with his mouth, and also groping them, from time to time. "Bounce them for me, Gorgeous." Eric commanded. "Yes, sir!" Seth said, as he started bouncing his pecs. Eric kneaded and massaged Seth's pecs in his hands, feeling their heaviness and hardness. Then, Eric started kissing Seth's abs, licking his tongue in all the deep lines between them. Seth then brought his hands behind his head and flexed his abs as Eric brought his hands to them and started feeling them up. Eric absolutely loved Seth's abs and how solid they were. "These abs of yours are so luscious, Seth!" Eric said to him as he stood back up to stand in front of him. When he did, he saw Seth smile. "I'm glad you like them." He said,. softly, with that horny look on his face. "But I'm sure you'll like this even more." Seth reached out a hand, which he laid on the back of Eric's neck and, as Eric gazed into his eyes, Seth pulled Eric closer to him and they both began kissing each other again, passionately, as the water around them, in the jacuzzi, began to bubble up more rapidly. Eric and Seth's kissing began to get more intense, and so did their foreplay as they both kept groping and grabbing each other's hard bodies. And their bodies weren't the only things that were hard. By now, both of them were sporting raging erections. Eric, again, broke the kiss and then crouched down in front of Seth and put his hands on Seth's huge legs. As he started massaging Seth's quads, Seth flexed them in response, letting Eric feel the rock hard muscles beneath his hands. "Wow,. Seth!" Eric whispered, in awe. "Your quads feel as hard as a marble statue." Seth smiled down at him. "I love it when you massage them." He said, softly. "It's a huge turn on for me. I'm getting hard already just from you touching them." Eric could see that Seth was right, for his cock was sticking straight out at him. "I can see that." He said. "Maybe I need to take care of it. Right Now." "Baby, you don't have to." Seth said to him, as he looked around the pool area, a bit nervously. "Let's finish up with the muscle wor--" Before, Seth could finish his sentence, Eric had already engulfed all 7 inches of Seth's cock into his mouth and started sucking it, taking Seth completely by surprise. "OH FUCK!' Seth exclaimed, throwing his head back, in pleasure. "Eric, that feels so fucking amazing!" Instead of answering, Eric kept sucking on Seth's cock, bobbing his head back and forth on it Seth had never experienced such amazing oral before. Not even with his ex- girlfriend, Evelyn, who wasn't nearly as good at it as what he was experiencing now, with Eric. "Babe, stop, for a second, please." Seth panted. Eric stopped sucking Seth's cock, and looked up at him, confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. "Nothing." Seth said. "You're doing an amazing job, but I think I need to sit at the edge of the jacuzzi while you do this, because I've never been sucked off this good before and I don't want to risk falling into the water." "Oh, right." Eric said, nodding in agreement. "Good idea. Come on then." Seth then waded over to the edge of the jacuzzi and hoisted himself up to sit at the edge of it. As he did, Eric crouched down in front of Seth, wrapping his arms around Seth's lower back, above his ass, to steady himself. Eric then looked up at Seth. "Are you ready for the best blowjob you've ever had, Gorgeous?! A huge smile came across Seth's face. He was definitely ready for what Eric had in store for him. "Fuck yeah!" He said, enthusiastically. "Bring it, Baby!" Grinning at him, Eric looked down at Seth's cock, which was still fully hard, and then back up at Seth. "Now it's my turn to rock your world, Gorgeous." He said, still smiling. "Just like you did when you fucked me for the first time!" And with those words, Eric engulfed Seth's cock, once again, and started bobbing up and down on it, furiously. He wanted to make sure this was one cock-sucking that Seth wouldn't ever forget. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE........ Joey was looking at the message that Seth has sent him and saw the video file that Seth has sent him. He opened it up and starting playing the video. Hey Joey!" Seth said, flashing his charismatic grin. "So, you're horny for these big muscles huh?" After saying that, he flexed his left bicep, and seductively licked the tip of his tongue, slowly over his bicep. Then, he looked back into his phone, with a seductive look on his face. "I'm sure you wish that was your tongue, licking this bicep right now, don't you? Fuck, yeah! You know it, stud!" Seeing Seth doing all of that, made Joey's dick start to swell. Then, Seth lowered his phone to his pecs, and when he could see his pecs showing, he started bouncing them, and slowly rippling them, now and then. "And I'm sure you wish you could have your hands all over these pecs right now, like you did, with me, in the barn, don't you? Maybe your hot mouth on them, too!" "Hell yeah, I do, Seth!" Joey said. "You have no idea!" Seth pulled the phone back up to his face, again, and pulled it back enough to flex his right bicep. "And, you also can tell me how bad, Seth said, as he kissed his right bicep. You wish that was your lips, kissing these biceps right now!" "Fuck, Seth!" Joey cursed, the expression on his face, full of lust. "You're gonna make me bust one out, aren't you?!" Seth looked back into his phone and waggled his eyebrows. "Alright, Joey, just lay back, get yourself comfortable and bust yourself out a big load of cum, as you look at these big muscles of mine and imagine that I'm there with you, and you're feeling me up and how awesome my body feels." With that sexy smirk still on his face, he decided to end the video there. "Well, stud, that should get you fired up for release. I gotta go. Talk to you soon!" "Wait, what?" Joey exclaimed. "That's all?" Although, Joey was disappointed that the video wasn't longer, He was definitely going to use the sight of Seth in the video to release his pent up sexual frustration. "Well, it's looks like I'm doing this!" Joey said, out loud. "No turning back now!" Joey got on his bed, laid back in it and grabbed his cock in his hands, and immediately started stroking it. He played the video again, and started jerking off while watching Seth flex his muscles. And given how attracted he already was to Seth and the sight of his muscles, and hearing his sexy voice, it was not long at all before he came to climax. "Aww fuuuck!" Joey groaned, as thick ropes of cum spurted out all over his chest and abs. BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE... "OH, ERIC!" Seth exclaimed, as Eric was still sucking on his thick 7 inch cock. "Fuck, I'm getting close!" In response to that, Eric started doing swirling tongue motions, over the head of Seth's cock, which started to make Seth grip his fists tightly, and Eric knew that Seth was going to orgasm any second now. "Aww, Eric!" Seth exclaimed, as he started to feel the orgasm coming. "Here it comes, Babe!" Eric quickly pulled back to the tip of Seth's cock, just in case his orgasm was as intense as it was the first time Seth has fucked him. And he pulled back just in time. "Awwwhh!" Seth groaned, as his cock pulsated and juddered, within Eric's mouth. Eric swallowed and swallowed, getting every drop of Seth's warm milky cum. After a few seconds, Seth's cock pulsated for the last time, and Eric removed his mouth from Seth's cock and looked up at him. He could see Seth, still breathing a bit heavily from that orgasm. "Well, how did I do, Gorgeous?" Eric asked him, curious to know what Seth was thinking right then. "That was, without a doubt, the best blowjob I've ever had." Seth said, lovingly and then leaned down to kiss Eric. "Thank you." "You're welcome." Eric said, after Seth's lip's pulled away from his. "Nothing means more to me than to make sure you are happy and fulfilled." Seth then slid back down into the jacuzzi and sat down in it. Eric turned and sat between his legs, his back to Seth, and Seth pulled Eric in close to him. "Well, you've definitely achieved that, tonight, Babe." Seth said to him. "I want to have more nights like this, with you." Eric laid his head back against Seth's huge pecs, which were like a pillow, under his head. "And we will." Eric replied, as he looked up towards Seth's face, smiling up at him. "We're going to have my parents home to ourselves, whenever we want until they come back." "Mmm, I love the sound of that." Seth said. "We'll be able to be together, here, with no interruptions." They both were silent for a moment, until Eric thought of something. Seth?" He asked. "What, Babe?" He heard Seth reply. Eric looked up at him. "When, are you going to tell your Mom about us?" Eric asked him. Seth sighed, heavily. "I don't know." He replied, looking uncomfortable at that moment. "To be honest, I'm actually dreading that conversation." Eric frowned as he looked into Seth's face. "Why?" He asked. Well, because I don't know how's she's going to react. Seth said, looking very conflicted. "What if she doesn't take it well?" Eric, thinking of Deborah, at that moment, smiled, as he thought about it. "I think she'll be alright with it, Seth." He said to Seth. "She loves you, so I can't imagine her not accepting it." Seth thought about it more. Eric did have a point. But, still, this was his mother they were talking about. Either way, it was not going to be any easier of a reveal for Seth as it was with Rudy. "I hope you're right, Babe." Seth said, kissing the top of Eric's head. "I really hope you're right." As the two of them sat there, in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth of the swirling water, in the jacuzzi, Seth's phone started ringing. He recognized the ring tone for it and knew who was calling right then. "Well, that's my mom now." Seth said, unwrapping his arms from around Eric. Eric frowned, an amused smile on his face. "How do you know?' He asked. "I have special ring tones set for certain people, in my phone." Seth replied. "That ring tone is hers." Seth walked to the ladder at the edge of the jacuzzi and climbed up out of it. Heading to the lounge chair where his clothes were sitting, he reached inside his jeans pocket and pulled his phone out of it and answered it. "Hello?" "Hi, honey, it's Mom!" Seth heard his mother's voice, sounding cheerful, say. "How are things at the farm, holding up?" "Hi, Mom." Seth said, looking over at Eric. "Things are going great. How was your day at the Spa?" "Oh, it was amazing!" Deborah replied back. "The masseuse did a great job, massaging all the tension and stress out of my body. And he was quite the handsome gentleman, too!" Seth squinted, yet an amused smile played on his lips. "Oh yeah?" Seth asked her, then said. "It sounds to me like you want to bring the guy home." "No!" Deborah said, in amusement. "He's young enough to be my son, Honey." Seth's eyebrows raised, at that admission, and an amused smile played over his lips. "Well, maybe he likes cougars, Mom." Seth said, trying to stifle his laughter. "Seth!" Deborah exclaimed, in shock. Seth started laughing at how shocked she'd sounded, then decided to apologize, so she didn't feel offended by his comment. "I'm sorry, Mom, I couldn't resist." Seth said, apologetically. "Well, I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor while I've been away, Son." Deborah said. "Speaking of that," Seth said, then asked. "When are you coming home?" "I'll be home by mid afternoon, tomorrow." Deborah told him. I'm about to turn in, early. "I'll be getting the works at the spa, which includes a manicure and a pedicure, in the morning before I head home." "Alright, Mom, I'll see you then." Seth told her. "Love you." "I love you, too, Sweetie." Deborah replied. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." Seth said, as he hung up the phone. "What did your Mom have to say?" Eric asked, as Seth climbed back into the jacuzzi. Seth waded back over to Eric , who got up so Seth could sit down, and he resumed the position, between Seth's legs. "She's enjoying her spa day." Seth replied, as he wrapped his arms around Eric. "She'll be home by mid afternoon, tomorrow." Eric sighed. "Well,. I'm guess that means our chances of having privacy will be reduced, at the farm." Eric said. "But I'm glad your mom's coming back home." Seth smiled down at Eric, when Eric looked up at him. "Is that because you miss my mom's peach pie?" Seth asked, his smile getting bigger, showing off his perfect teeth. In response to that question,.Eric gently elbowed Seth in the ribs. "No, Smartass!" Eric said, as Seth flinched and started laughing. "I love your Mom. She's been incredibly kind to me since I've been here." "I appreciate you, saying that, Eric " Seth said, putting his arms around Eric, again, and hugging him close. "I just hope her kindness continues after she learns the truth about us." "Eric turned his head to look up at Seth, from his sitting position between Seth's huge thighs. "I'm pretty sure it will, Gorgeous." Eric said, softly. "I dont see your mom as the kind of woman to hold a grudge." "Well, no, she doesn't." Seth replied. "But, this is different. This is about her son whom she's always believed to be straight suddenly liking men now, as well as women. My mom's a very religious woman, but she's certain not heartless, either." Eric twisted around and threw his arms around Seth's huge shoulders, hugging h,. tightly. "Well,. whatever happens, we will face it, together, Seth." Eric said, running his hand up and down Seth's upper shoulders. "Everything will be ok, Gorgeous." "I hope so, Babe." Seth said, softly. Seth hugged Eric, in his arms, as all different scenarios of how his mother would react to the news of his change in sexual orientation, played in his mind. He could only hope that his mother's love for him would win out and that she would react the right way that he was hoping she would when he finally was able to tell her, face to face. Either way, he knew that this was not going to be a easy thing to do.
    2 points
  7. The Unexpected Opportunity Today started like any other day. Blue sky, bright sun, mid 70s to low 80s just perfect. I took my pre-workout and protein shake and began to head to the gym for a nice and long workout. Today was going to be chest, shoulders, and traps. I’ve been going to my gym for a couple of years to workout for the health benefits but recently started talking to more and more people there and started to really look at my physique. It wasn’t really the way I wanted to look so I decided to really focus on my workout and diet after listening to the advice of some of the IFBB pros that attend the gym too. But there was 1 guy there that didn’t really say much to anybody and honestly, his build was like something I’ve never seen before. Toned legs but nothing to write home about, a roid looking gut but it couldn’t be because the rest of him didn’t match someone taking gear. Huge arms, shoulders, and traps that are halfway up his neck but his back wasn’t that wide and his chest wasn’t much larger than my own. In short, he looked like an action figure with mixed matched body parts but the parts that were big were very defined and prominent. I would purposefully look for him when it was my day to work any of those particular muscle group. I’d always look to see if he was in the gym as sort of a motivational factor to get that extra rep or one more set. Some of the regulars started noticing changes in my physique of course I couldn’t see it. Probably because I see myself every day but even through the baggy sweats and big t-shirt they were able to notice. That’s a little bit of a motivational factor to keep on pushing. Today, while sitting on the bench getting ready to workout, I was talking to one of the regulars. He was trying to talk me into cutting with him so I could see what my body could really look like when it’s lean and tight. I told him let me think about it because I honestly I like the size but I just want to have a flat stomach not abs just flat. No sooner did I say that, HE walked by in mid-conversation to the water filling station and my buddy saw my eyes move towards him as he walked by. When the guy walked back by and started his workout, I was told his name was Jason. Apparently, he is one that doesn’t know the proper way to build a body according to the professionals. But I countered to say that he is big as shit and it looks like he is trying to bring up the weaker areas. After a few more minutes of conversation, we wrapped up our conversation and I began my workout. Since it was pretty warm in the gym which is basically a refurbished warehouse that became a gym quite a few people started to workout shirtless. I wasn’t that confident in my own appearance to workout shirtless, but it did provide for more motivation and opportunities to see what it would potentially look like if I were to start cutting with the rest of them. I could see what they were talking about with being able to see what you could look like leaned out. My guy well Jason, now that I know his name, essentially read the room and began working out shirtless soon and seeing him changed my perspective. Yeah his shape was a bit off but he was working arms like some of the pros and while you could see the perfect separation of the bicep as they were flexing in the mirror. Jason’s bicep and peak was just huge. Not fat but kind of like an offseason type of look which wasn’t bad looking. If could workout like that and make sure I don’t slack in other areas I’d be a bad man. After I finished my set, I made up my mind. I told the guys I’m not trying to compete or anything so I don’t see an issue with just focusing on getting huge. I said that within earshot of Jason who heard me, smirked, but didn’t break his current set or stride. The guys understood and we kept working out today as planned but after that there wasn’t much conversation with them anymore. You would have thought I talked about their mother or something. But either way I just kept focusing on my goal of just getting bigger. I’ve started to notice some changes in how clothes fit but nothing too drastic. Over the next several days, I was working out on my own with no interaction from my old friends and Jason was nowhere to be seen. However, a few days later Jason showed back up but he looked different, I don’t know how and really don’t care but his chest and back had grown very large to match his arms and traps. I again, don’t know how it happened but one day I will work up the nerve to talk to Jason but for now I will get on with my routine now that my walking motivation is back I will push a little harder today. [To be continued...]
    1 point
  8. I enjoyed your further character development of Andy Mason, the not so nice, though hot, two-timer from a previous story. MA, you have your fans wondering which character, from your many great stories, will be selected by you next for this interesting and novel concept. Looking forward to more of this!
    1 point
  9. That was a great installment! I’m really not liking Joey, right now. But I’m enjoying the subtle exchanges between all party’s. Wonderful job, Shawn!
    1 point
  10. I am glad you are back to writing, the Krishna stories were great, I always hoped for new Krishna chapters and adventures!!!
    1 point
  11. Nice update! The banter between your characters is really well done. Can’t wait to see more of Ricky in the future, he’s a total stud.
    1 point
  12. Thank you all for the kind comments and story ideas. I've been very busy lately, but I'll try and get to the next chapter soon.
    1 point
  13. Putting the finishing touches on the script, you rubbed your raging erection as you reread the passages. Your biggest fantasies laid out before you. No matter how much your logical mind doubted it, you believed it would work. A simple self-hypnosis trick to enact just after crossing the sleep/awake threshold. Like an audiobook, but boosted during alpha wave sleep. Putting on your wireless headphones, you lie down on your twin bed. Surrounded by total darkness, your racing heart and erection fight your brain’s wishes to fall asleep. Rubbing one out through the loose pajama bottoms, you only need to think back to the fifth passage and in a couple moments you blow out your third load for the day. Calming down, you play the track. A quiet whooshing of air and waves crashing on the shore precedes the passage; a grace period to fall asleep. Feeling your head slowly rock back and forth, your consciousness flutters out sooner than you thought. click a rough AI-generated masculine voice quietly reads the passage “You were a muscle jock in the making. Your early success in soccer and basketball excited you and made you want to try out for more sports. Your natural athleticism grew as you watched sports and practiced playing every afternoon. When you were a young teen you went through your first growth spurt. Over the months, your frame grew and grew; your legs and arms got longer and your shoulders broadened. You began doing pushups and working out to add some strength to your longer and skinnier limbs. You began adding on some muscle, slowly but surely growing bigger and stronger. Your hunger grew as you started fueling your body to grow.” your stomach rumbles in your sleep “You remember seeing your first muscle magazine at the store. Seeing the huge man on the cover with the skimpy posers made you excited. Later that night you wacked off furiously at the memory, cumming 3 times at the thought of having such huge muscles. That year you got your parents to get you some weights and workout gear to start lifting regularly. You loaded up on protein and calories every day and worked out for at least 2 hours a day. Very quickly you saw more results. Clothes started feeling tighter as your broad shoulders and arms and legs padded on muscle. Flexing in the mirror at night, your biceps bunched up into balls of muscle, your pecs were beginning to hang over your abdomen. Your big cock would be rock hard as you worked out, seeing your muscles in the mirror and imagining growing even bigger.” your cock was rock hard again, leaking precum in your pajama bottoms against a muscular thigh your pants start to constrict around your muscular legs as you dream of size “In the middle of your workouts you would pose for yourself in the mirror. Flexing your quads, you could see your legs stretch your shrinking gym shorts. Your cock would start leaking pre as you felt your fat balls quiver slightly. Picking up some weights, you did more curls, feeling your muscles burn. That feeling turned you on more; feeling your muscles swell and work; knowing they’ll grow stronger from this. Seeing your cockhead through your shorts, it leaked out more precum, dampening your shorts and throbbing harder and harder against your thigh. Flexing your chest and arms, you see your muscles flex and swell, feeling the burn in them. Quickly grasping your cock, you jerked off three times before you exploded your load over yourself and the mirror.” your muscles twitch and swell as your cock stretches further down your thigh “Your classmates revered your size, your power. Guys asked you to flex and pose. When asked to see your huge thighs, your hefty cock and balls bulged out as you flexed your growing quads. The adoration turned you on more. Your workouts continued with vigor; you worked harder as you got hornier, fueling your extra energy into growing your muscles even bigger. That October on your birthday, you measured your height. 6’3, a gain of 4 inches in a year. Taller than most, you felt more powerful rising higher than others. You weighed a huge 280 lbs of muscle and felt big and meaty. Your hefty cock was thicker and longer than before and your fat hairy nuts were heavier.” your limbs stretched and thickened more as your body began to fill the bed your cock thickened and lengthened against the fabric, soaking your sheets in precum as your hairy nuts grew heftier and fuller “Measuring your growing cock, it was just over 10.5 inches long and thicker than the ruler. Even your nuts were oversized, each one the size of a lemon and hanging low in your big sack. Seeing the other guys in the locker room, it felt strange at first to have such big nuts compared to others. But after seeing many of them stare at your huge package with jealousy, you wanted more growth, more size to show off. You started wearing tight nylon shorts to support your abundant manhood and bull nuts. Just soft, your cock was 7 inches soft and was thick as a can of red bull. You found out that the average length erect was under 6 inches. You were bigger soft than most men were fully hard. You wanted to be even bigger.” you moaned as your cock grew thicker and fatter, veins growing and crisscrossing around your growing meat as your nuts swelled and bulged, your growing load of cum practically sloshing around in your cum factories “As you grew bigger and got more muscular, you felt things fill out more and get tighter all the time. Your biceps and pecs began to bump into each other, forcing your arms apart. Your quads got bigger the more you ran and squatted. Now your quads pushed against each other, forcing your big package out even more. Just sideways, you could see the slope of your fat cock pushing through your pants. Seeing your big muscular arm and pecs stretching out shirts and sleeves turned you on more. Wearing your comfortably loose sweatpants, your bulge and meaty thighs and cheeks had more room to grow. That December you went up another shoe size as you grew taller still. Needing a size 15 now, you knew you weren’t done growing.” your feet and legs grew meatier and longer as your body stretched filling out your once loose pajama bottoms, the hems were riding higher on your calves “Feeling even taller in your new shoes, you were becoming bigger and stronger than most people ever get. You were becoming a giant. One night you measured your cock against a water bottle. Seeing how your big fat cock extended past it all around made you even hornier. You hoped your horsecock would keep growing; bigger, longer, thicker, and fatter. You wanted to be huge, hung like a bull. With even bigger nuts to match. Groping your huge apple-sized nuts, you squeezed and massaged them, imagining them even bigger. Too big to hold in both hands. Double fisting your cock, you dreamed of it becoming too thick to hold with both hands, something you were quickly approaching.” your cock swelled even thicker and fatter as it pushed itself over your waistband, rising higher than ever above you your huge hairy nuts filled out the crotch of your shrinking pants, bulging out more as they swelled bigger and hairier leaking precum down your huge shaft, your cockhead swelled and throbbed as you thrusted your hips in your sleep “You began seeing your face change. Your jaw got thicker and wider as your neck thickened and got meatier. Seeing your sharp cheekbones and lantern jaw matched with your big traps and neck, you couldn’t deny your raw masculinity. Shortly, you felt stubble covering your lips and chin. You worked out throughout the winter, soon stretching your winter clothes as your muscles bulged bigger and thicker. Your shoes got tighter and by the Spring, you were a size 16. Similarly, needing to go up a size in your underwear, your enormous manhood was still growing bigger and thicker.” you moan as your jaw and neck thicken stubble soon peppers your lips and cheeks, thicker on your growing jawbone your traps and shoulders thicken, your shoulders too wide for your bed now your feet are reaching the end of your mattress your huge legs start pushing each other apart from their growing size “As Summer began, you measured yourself, wanting to see how big you could get over the break. Now 6’6, you were the tallest person in your family. Your huge frame weighed a massive 370 lbs of muscle. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you felt the huge bulge in your shorts. Your horsecock kept growing bigger and longer. Letting it flop out of your gym shorts, your massive hairy thighs pushed your junk forward, making it seem even bigger. Your hefty orange-sized nuts and your beer-can thick soft cock jutted out by over half a foot. Getting your trusty ruler, your cock was thicker than the ruler soft! Now 9 inches soft, your meat was getting truly huge.” your cock swelled bigger and thicker as a network of veins grew, covering the growing log your feet were past the foot of your bed, your huge chest and back were now as wide as your bed your pants tear off your massive legs your hairy quads and furry nuts can finally breathe “Seeing your massive cock overshadowing the ruler, you watch as your meat gets hard, slowly enveloping the ruler more and more until you see your huge cockhead pass the 12-inch mark. Letting your cock bob up and down, you flex in the mirror, watching your pecs stretch your tank top to the limit. Your huge nipples jut out from both sides of your flimsy tank top, pushed down by the size of your pecs. Hearing the fabric stretch and tear, your cock starts to gush precum. After months of intense squats and leg presses, you only need to squat down and flex and your enormous thighs and glutes burst through your shorts. Groaning as your huge cock gets harder, you grasp your huge rod and double fist it. Your meaty log is too thick for your hands now. You need it to be even bigger, even thicker; fatter and longer until you can titty fuck your own chest. It’s so tantalizingly close. Your cockhead is just an inch or so away from the huge overhang of your pecs. Exploding out load after load over your pecs, your horsecock pumps out more than 15 loads of your oatmeal-thick cum, covering parts of the mirror and the tattered scraps of your clothes. Your cock continues to dribble out cum as you clean up, swinging thick globs as your thick log bounces.” your cock thickens and lengthens even more as your massive frame makes the bed creak under your growing weight gushing out precum, your orange-sized cockhead coats your hairy chest and stomach in your endless supply of lube your furry nuts swell and thicken your musk is filling the room as sweat starts to dampen the dark curls sprouting on your body “That Summer, finally free from school, you dedicated yourself to growing any way you could. Your workouts grew longer and more intense. You got hungrier and ravenous, fueling your body any way you could. Not wanting to waste protein, you drank your own oatmeal-thick cum; guzzling down cups of the viscous liquid every time you came. You became more untamed, almost feral. Your oversized body becoming more fragrant; pungent; muskier. You stopped shaving. You couldn’t reach where the fuzz was growing down your back and in the deepening crevice of your pecs. If you did shave it would just grow back thicker than before. Oozing testosterone as your body hair grew in thicker and coarser, the thick black hair soon coated your pecs and abdomen. Trailing across your shoulders and down your arms and back. Growing thicker around your gargantuan cock and balls and across your meaty cheeks.” the bed creaks and groans loudly as your muscles swell and grow even faster your chest hair sprawls out thicker, darker, and longer it spreads to cover your arms, your back, your neck, your stomach, your legs, your ass, and around your ballooning manhood your beard and moustache grow thicker and longer as your grunts drop an octave lower you grunt and moan in your sleep as your cock explodes like a cannon, covering you, your ceiling, walls, and floor in your powerful load your enormous body covered your bed, shielding it from your torrent of cum the thick scent in the room grows stronger as your pheromones skyrocket your body hair grows thicker, your furry armpits reek of your sweaty musk “Your conquests worshiped your enormous 450 lb body, feeling your massive pecs, your broad shoulders and arms that were bigger than their heads. You spent your days fueling and working out. You did whatever you needed to in order to grow bigger.” your muscles swell bigger and heavier, the bed is creaking and groaning loudly as your body gains another 25 lbs of muscle “You spent your nights fucking whoever could take your growing monster cock. You fuck like a beast in heat, unable to think and only knowing that you need to empty your growing balls. Your balls never feel empty.” your massive nuts swell bigger and heavier in your lap, pumping more testosterone into your system your cock swells longer and thicker, rising higher as it surpasses stallion size and approaches monster-like your cockhead throbbed thicker, spurting out more and more precum like a volcano now the hair around your swelling cock and balls grows thicker as you become too much of a man “It wasn’t long until you grew too big for doorways. You were 6’9 and needed to start crouching your head. Even sideways you were getting too thick to squeeze through most doorways. One morning you tried to squeeze through into the bathroom and knocked down part of the wall before you made it through. You are a real giant.” your body swells in all directions as muscle is piled onto your growing frame your body extends taller, your head hitting the headboard while your size 20 feet were planted on the floor now your chest was wider than the bed as more muscle piled onto your titanic frame the bed cannot take any more and collapses under you as you pass 600 lbs you wake in a confused daze as a familiar voice keeps speaking to you “You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to cum. You need to grow. You need to sleep. You need to grow. You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to fuck. You need to grow. You need to flex. You need to grow. You need to stop thinking. You need to grow.” you heave yourself of the rubble of your bed and make your way to the bathroom the tape continues to play through your headphones “Your body is on the verge of having another growth spurt. You need to grow taller to fit more muscle. You need to grow thicker and stronger. Your cock and nuts will grow bigger as you grow bigger. Your testosterone will rise as you grow.” your body stretches taller and thicker as you waddle to the bathroom caving in a larger hole through the doorway, you see your reflection in the mirror your half hard cock is thick as a tree and bobbing up and down from its weight precum is still gushing out of your soccer ball sized cockhead like a hose your fur covered bull nuts are the size of watermelons and ache with your pent-up load “You need to grow bigger before you can cum.” you grunt at the instruction your thundering voice is limited to one syllable replies now you struggle to hold back your load as your cock fills with blood waddling to your garage, your cock swells bigger and bigger your nuts feel full to bursting as they swell heavier your cock bulldozes through the wall like a battering ram your body smashes through the wall like paper as dust coats your cum-covered body hair “Lift heavy weights. Lift them more. Lift them more. Grow bigger. Lift them more. Grow huge.” you grunt to yourself as you lift and lift your traps are pushing against your ears while your pecs are pushing against your chin you grunt that you need to be big your nuts hurt as they swell bigger with your load you need to cum, but you need to grow first lifting harder, you feel your pecs swell and grow as you pump them up they’re bigger than couch cushions you pump your arms you can’t bring them down to your sides your pumpkin sized biceps keep mashing against your pecs you feel your nuts swell bigger your cock is pumping full of blood, inching longer and fatter as you grow you squat, your thighs need to spread as they push against each other more the floor looks farther away “Grow bigger.” you grunt as you feel your muscles swell and pack on more muscle faster than before letting yourself fall into the ecstasy of growing, your battering ram of a cock explodes your pent up load you cum constantly as your nuts swell bigger, filling up faster than you can cum your headphones get knocked off as your traps swell against your ears you lift more you grow more you cum more.
    1 point
  14. Thanks so much for this lovely feedback @biggymnast84. I've always felt like the bigger stories are what I do best over shorter stories so I really appreciate these sentiments!
    1 point
  15. Rodolfo tied the harness around his waist, making sure the rope was securely attached to the bus full of college kids. Juan clung to his back, feeling the power of his younger brother's muscles as he prepared himself for the day's feat. With a strong push, Rodolfo started walking, dragging the bus behind him. The roar of the bus engine mingled with the whoops and gasps of the students, as Rodolfo moved easily forward. With each step he took, his muscles bulged more, as if they were about to burst. His muscles are already enormous, with bulging veins and a strength that seems almost inhuman. Students watch in amazement as they stand behind the bus, ready to push if necessary. Rodolfo, with his brother Juan still hanging from his back, concentrates and takes a deep breath. His muscles tense and bulge even more, looking almost like they are going to explode from so much force. With a whoop of effort, he pulls the bus up and the students feel him start to move. Rodolfo's muscles are a wonder to behold. Each one is perfectly defined, with a clear line of separation between each muscle group. His arms are huge, with biceps and triceps that look like footballs. His shoulders are broad and strong, and his chest is broad and deep. His back is a true marvel, with muscles like waves on a rough sea. And his abdomen is a solid plate of muscle that looks like it was carved out of stone. As he pulls the bus, Rodolfo grunts with effort while his macho voice echoes through the mountains, but it seems to have no limits. His muscles continue to grow, bigger and more defined, as if powered by some unknown force. The bus moves faster, and the students whoop with excitement as they feel propelled forward. Rodolfo's shirt bursts to pieces, revealing his imposing, muscular torso. His abdominal muscles form a grid of firm bulges, while his pectorals spread out like enormous wings. The scene is simply impressive, a display of strength and power that looks like something out of an action movie. And at the center of it all is Rodolfo, with the biggest and strongest muscles ever seen. With each step his breathing is more agitated, but he continues steadily pulling the bus full of students, his muscles seemed to grow with each breath, becoming visually more imposing. Juan, his older brother and defenseless of him who hung with his best grip on the muscular teenager's back, couldn't believe the experience he was living. The desire for his brother was a profound ecstasy, and his love for him was beyond brotherly. Rodolfo had become a titan, a true alpha male, and he was the alpha male of his family, the breadwinner, and the one who worked two jobs to support them all. Therefore, Juan knew of his inferior position to his huge younger brother. He was submissive and obedient to him. I am the oldest, I am 35 years old. But I promised Rodolfo to be as fat and weak as I could, so that he can use me as a weight for his exercises. This had become a master dog domination. Ecstasy takes me up to heaven and moves me among the stars. I never imagined feeling so much pleasure from feeling, touching, licking and cumming from a man's body, except my brother's, who is now the most powerful alpha male and Olympian of all time. My brother is everything I love and desire in the world, he is my alpha male, the dominating man in the house. Oh my god, it's a constant orgasm! My penis is about to explode, I can't stop ejaculating at such a display of strength and domination. My brother is only 18 years old. Juan's penis was stuck between the enormous muscles of Rodolfo's back, it was such a thin and flaccid penis that it fit perfectly between the thirsty muscles of the god who had become his younger brother, so he could not stop ejaculating over and over again in the face of such dominance and physical stimulation. Semen dripped like sticky beads between the chiseled dorsal muscles. Generating the hottest scene college students had ever seen in his life. Suddenly everyone was touching their genitals and masturbating fiercely for such a show of divinity. Rodolfo realized what was happening, but for him it was just his daily exercise routine. He had reached a point in his physical training, that his body functioned like a mesh of perfect systems, capable of withstanding any challenge. His penis became erect immediately, only his willpower was enough for the erect penis of 35 cm and thick as a liter bottle, tore his pants into pieces and flew off This is a photo of my brother 3 years ago, before the roles in my family changed. Do you want to know more about this story?
    1 point
  16. Fuckn amazing muscle worship worthy sex
    1 point
  17. @muscleaddict Was Vince maybe inspired by this hunky bodybuilder? Either way, I love seeing your well-known characters still progress/evolve in their life after their stories are "finished". And if it leads to hot, steamy muscle sex: the more, the merrier! (Might write more later!)
    1 point
  18. Marcus struggled to put his pants back on now that his stomach bulged with Jason's seed. He wasn't exactly sure what the plan was from here but going to lecture was absolutely out of the question with the huge load that the enormous well-dressed stud had deposited inside him. Marcus shuddered and felt his ass clench with need as he remembered the feeling of the alpha's huge cock pounding his prostate and making him cum harder than he had in years. He didn't even need to touch his own cock to ejaculate, he had merely orgasmed untouched, spewing his load in the air and onto the desks behind him. Marcus carefully stretched his shirt out and managed to cover his cummy tummy and finally got his pants up over his legs, leaving the button and fly undone. He tugged the bottom of his shirt as far down as he could and waddled slowly out of the side classroom towards the stairwell. He kept a watchful eye on his surroundings as he strode, hoping no one would catch him while he was indisposed. With great difficulty (and a bit of luck) Marcus skulked out of the building and slowly made his way off campus towards AAA's fraternity house. The sun was high in the sky by the time he arrived at the rustic three story house and hurriedly knocked on the door. The sound of heavy feet grew louder, and the door swung open to reveal another massive muscular frat brother wearing nothing but lose sweatpants. The dark-skinned stud was built like a brick shit house, standing close to six feet six and absolutely shredded with defined muscle. While he wasn't as dense with muscle as Jason was, the man was significantly defined and chiseled looking from every angle. The hulking black brother was gorgeous, he had long intricate braided hair, a thick and neatly trimmed full beard, and two crystal blue eyes looked took one look at Marcus before speaking. "Sup?" He asked with a friendly trill to his voice, his voice was soft and light for someone so huge and threatening looking. "Hey, uh. Well. I met one of your brothers a few hours ago and now..." Marcus gestured to his midsection and blushed with embarrassment. The extremely generous dose of cum was still deep inside him and his bulging abdomen couldn't be denied. The large black stud broke out into a smirk. "Say no more. C'mon in." The frat bro stepped to the side and invited Marcus to come inside with a welcoming wave of his huge hand. Marcus gladly stepped over the threshold and noticed that it was easier than he expected. His shirt still stretched over his cum full stomach bit it was a smidge looser than before he walked off campus. The bulging black god closes the door behind him and turned around sharply to eye Marcus with a questioning look, almost sizing him up, before seemingly coming to a conclusion. "So who stuffed you? Ryan? Or maybe Ashton?" The muscle beast asked smiling warmly at his new guest, braids dangling down the side of his head." "Uh, no. Jason." Marcus confirmed sheepishly. "Damn. Shoulda guessed he'd be bring us some new blood. That big bastards been pumping two or three brothers every night. Figures he would start taking his show on the road." Marcus almost choked with incredulity. "Seriously? There's no way." "Yeah. He's one of our oldest members and one of the biggest dudes in the house. He can fuck for hours at a time with that bull cock of his." The now visibly excited bodybuilder reached into his gray sweats and massaged his own thickening cock. The outline of his huge manhood was quickly apparent through the thin fabric of his shorts as the stud grew hard at the thought of his frat brother's sexual escapades. He inadvertently began to stroke his dick through his shorts right in front of Marcus, a loan moan reverberated through his chest as he grew more excited. "C'mon man. Follow me. We gotta let that magic jizz do its job." The enormous ebony hunk led his new brother around to the back of the stairs and opened an unremarkable door that swung forward and revealed a descending set of stairs into the basement. Marcus heard sounds of metal clanking and loud grunts as he descended the surprisingly long set of stairs and entered a large and dimly lit makeshift home gym. All around him were various weight machines and work out equipment along with full length wall mirrors, benches and weights scattered haphazardly around the space. Two other hulking muscled figures were already exercising, their massive bodies shining with sweat in the light that beamed from a single overhead light. The first of the two, a tall long haired blonde, set down a pair of 80 pound dumbbells as he heard footsteps approach. "Ty! Morning you sexy bastard." Thor practically cheered, throwing his arms out wide and displaying his bulging chest and arms for the newcomers to the space. He embraced the hulking giant easily and the two gave each other a quick but passionate kiss, the two massive men feeling up each other's bodies. Marcus felt his eyebrows raise as the two studs passionately kissed and groped the other. The embrace quickly evolved into something more sexual, their bulky muscled bodies bumped together as they pressed and pulled, grabbing hold of pecs, arms, and thighs, their hands eventually meeting, then sliding up their partner's brief clad crotches. "Whenever you boys stop tongue fucking, I need a spotter." The other man called out from nearby, busy at work preparing to bench what looked like several hundred pounds. This man was well built but not as stacked as Thor and Ty were, yet his hard muscles were very obvious. He was a man cut, deeply, finely, purposefully. His dark hair was shaggy and damp with sweat, his skin tanned and perfect. His almond shaped eyes locked onto Marcus and he winked, flashing a bright smile. "Who's the new blood?" Thor broke his attention away from Ty and stared at Marcus's bulging middle again, letting out a deep rumbling chuckle. "Damn. Two new bros in as many days? We're growing quicker than I thought. What's your name?" The giant blonde asked casually as picked up a pair of 100 lb dumbbells and started curling like it was a normal thing to do. Marcus stared at the twin balls of ripped muscle with envy and arousal as Thor casually blasted his biceps with the giant pair of dumbbells. "Marcus." He answered, mesmerized. "Jason fucked him good. Full to the brim with his spunk." Ty added as walked into position to spot. The blonde smirked. "Niiiiice. Welcome, to the house man. Name's Thor." "Andy." the third hunk introduced, grinning at Marcus as he began to lift his chosen load. His chiseled rippling muscles flexed and shone in the low hanging lights. Andy began grunting as he moved through his reps, pushing against the massive weights with surprising ease. After a few minutes he racked the weight and asked Ty to load on even more for his next set. He spread his legs slightly and adjusted his position to the new weight, his hefty cock easily discernible under the clinging cotton of his gym shorts. The alpha hunk forced the weight up and down in controlled flexion, showing off his considerable strength while Ty stood over him ready to intervene if needed. His corded powerful arms seemed to strain as they lifted the heavy weight with more effort than before and his steely dark eyes were locked on the bar as he concentrated his efforts. He continued like this for a few minutes before racking again and asking for even more weight. Ty obliged and the process continued, Andy getting progressively more flushed and sweatier as he reached his max weight. Marcus stood, transfixed, as he watched the display of pure strength. He felt himself get warm again as the erotic display reached a fever pitch and Andy racked the ungodly heavy bar over his head with assistance from Ty. His breathing came out in ragged pants but his face was a mask of intense excitement and he jumped up from the bench to shout and laugh with triumph. He flexed his big arms as he roared with triumph. "FUCK YEA! NEW PR! 300 pounds! How do you like me now?" He laughed as he beat his fists on his chest, making his pecs, and his abdominals danced and spasm beneath his glistening skin. Marcus eyed the muscular form before him as Andy high fived and hugged Ty, both bros excited at Andy's personal victory. He was so enraptured he didn't hear footsteps approaching from behind him. "You look excited, Marcus." Thor cooed from close behind. Marcus felt the giant's warm hands fall on his shoulders and slowly work their way down to his distended stomach just above his ever growing hard on. The firm yet gentle rubbing sent tingles down Marcus's spine. "Don't you want to be like that? Huge, powerful, sexy? " Thor asked sexily, planting a soft kiss on the smaller man's neck. Marcus shuddered, his body relaxing into the new embrace. "You've got so much of Jason's alpha seed stuffed inside you that I bet you'll get bigger than Andy. You could go up to 220, maybe 240 pounds of shredded muscle." Marcus inhaled, exhilarated and increasingly horny as Thor continued to whisper sexy promises in his ear. "All you gotta do is lift." Thor suddenly stopped his ministrations and deposited a small 20lb dumbbell in Marcus' hand. The smaller man was briefly taken aback by Thor's revelation but before he knew it the pumped alpha frat bro was nudging him gently towards the mirror so he could get a good look at himself. "Just start slow." Ty advised from his spot against the wall, arms folded as he observed his bro handle the newbie. Marcus gripped and felt the weight a few times before slowly starting to curl one. With each lift he could feel his heart pumping a little faster, his blood flowing a bit more freely. After half a dozen curls or so it felt noticeably lighter in his hand and when he finally put the weight back down, he saw that his bicep was looking a bit fuller. He casually flexed his arm and was shocked when the small ball of muscle suddenly bulged and blatantly stood out from his arm. "Holy fuck, this is real." Marcus blurted out. The remaining body builders exploded with laughter, clearly amused by his shock. Marcus wasted no time and did the same number of curls with his other arm and couldn't help but exclaim with surprise as that arm also filled out in all the right places. "Holy shit." "Doesn't that just feel amazing?" Thor asks him, smiling at the smaller man. He placed a big warm hand on Marcus's stomach. "And you hardly used any. We gotta get you something heavier." Thor strode across the basement towards a large rack of kettlebells and pulled out a 40 pound one from the bottom of the rack and handed it to Marcus. "Let's start with something a little more well-rounded." Thor directed Marcus to begin with kettle bell swings that work both legs, glutes and back. Each swing up filled Marcus with more sexual arousal as his body began to mass greater amounts of muscle. Each squat and swing made him feel stronger and firmer, his legs and ass clenched with each motion. He could feel his tight bubble butt begin to swell as new striations of muscle absorbed Jason's seed through the exercise. After a handful of swings his legs and ass had firmed up nicely and began to form a well-defined bubble butt and thick tree trunk thighs. Each swing would have previously been a difficult struggle for Marcus but as he progressed he felt them getting significantly easier, as if the iron suddenly weighed less. Marcus finished his swings and dropped the weight with a thud. His stomach was definitely smaller now but his thighs, calves and ass really stood out from his slender frame and jutted out in a nice firm perky way. He reached down to touch his round butt and was surprised to find them rock solid and full of new thick muscle. "Fuckin' A, this is amazing." Marcus marveled, standing up straight and admiring the bulging rock like calf muscles. "Fucking hot, right? Now let's do your chest ." Thor declared. Marcus nodded and Thor steered him to an inclined bench that faced the mirrored wall. Marcus lay back against the bench, angling his torso with Thor's instruction so his chest would get maximum emphasis during the exercise. The blonde stud presented Marcus with two 50-pound dumbbells which Marcus could barely hold let alone lift. He struggled to keep them placed on his legs as he gripped them with all his might. He watched his reflection in front of him as Thor's hulking form slid behind him, his huge hands covered his own and helped stabilize them in a neutral position. Thor smiled; the gorgeous man had a knowing twinkle in his eye. "Trust me. This is gonna be wild." Marcus breathed deep breath and with incredible concentration and vigor he began to lift the weights off his thighs with both hands and bring them up over his shoulders as he attempted an incline press. Thor assisted him with the form, using his own grip to stabilize the weights as they rose into place above the smaller man's head. "One." Marcus felt the warm tingling sensation spread throughout his upper torso from his pecs to his shoulders. He lowered the weights back down to rest at shoulder level and immediately went into another repetition, allowing the warm tingling to build in his chest and arms as he pushed upwards again. "Two." There was noticeable extra weight in his arms now as he struggled to lower the bulky weights down, the burning sensation spreading up to his arms and forearms as he continued the repetitions. Thor smiled as he noticed the smaller man beginning to take over the exercise, clearly finding pleasure in watching him develop as his arms and chest expanded and thickened with new hard muscle. "Three. " To Marcus's surprise his arms and chest came back up into the neutral position with relative ease, he rested for a second and glanced towards the mirror and saw that his chest and arms were developing rapidly. The change wasn't dramatic, but his arms and shoulders were filling out a bit more, his traps popping against his shoulders while his chest was bulkier, more defined, and appeared much firmer than before he started. Marcus felt his heart leap in his chest with excitement and lust as the cum stuffed inside him worked its magic. "Four." Marcus hardly needed Thor's help this time around, he expertly guided the weight back up in a flowing movement that allowed him to easily reach the top of his rep. The huge hulking blonde remained behind him and as he finished planted his powerful beefy hands against his freshly developed pecs and squeezed them appreciatively. Marcus squirmed under the touch, an instant involuntary reaction to the warm delightful feeling of pleasure. The stud's hot breath brushed against his neck as the muscular giant massaged his upper body. "Five." Marcus felt his cock twitch as he continued his exertions. The feeling in his arms and chest was overwhelmingly him with pleasure as each movement of his arms and pecs swelled his muscles bigger and bigger, making his torso wider and more imposing with each and every stroke. Thor softly moaned as he watched and felt his new brother pump up his body with superhuman strength. "Six." Marcus focused on his reflection and could see that he was looking wider and more defined through his tight shirt. As he had exercised his cum full stomach had reduced in size and the shirt was no longer tight in his midriff but was now tight in his arms and shoulders. Guessing where this was heading, Marcus dropped the weights and quickly shucked his shirt, gawking at his new bulging form. His arm and chest were significantly thicker than when he had started, his bulging pecs ballooning outward with his thick nipples beginning to point downward. His rounded shoulders and newly bulging traps looked incredibly defined as he breathed heavily. His cock was now getting hard, visibly stretching out his pants as his body developed more. The horny stud immediately picked up the weights again and continued his set. "Seven" Andy and Ty began to turn their attention to Marcus now, their faces clouded with lust as they witness him pump up in real time. His growth was slower now, he could tell that his body wasn't challenged by this weight any more, but his body retained its pumped vascular appearance, making his definition stand out. Andy grabbed some heavier weights and circled in front of Marcus, depositing two 75-pound dumbbells on the ground in front of him. The newest stud quickly flung his previous iron out to his sides and quickly grabbed the heavier set, eager for another challenge. "Eight" Thor was twisting his nipples and laying kisses on his shoulders from behind, his massive beefy form pressing down on him, adding to Marcus’ arousal. Marcus thrust the heavy dumbbells up towards the ceiling with more difficulty, feeling his arms and chest swell again. The growth restarted in full and cock pulsed with delight. He held his arms up after reaching the apex of the lift, holding a vertical position as the delicious mixture of sexual arousal and strength traveled through him. He grunted and held his arms stiff, his eyes fixed on his muscled reflection, his torso so wide and powerful, his face a grimace of exertion and need. With a ripping sound Marcus' cock tore through his pants and his new body flushed with heat. His cock was looking harder than he'd ever seen it before and was practically dripping with excitement. Andy wasted no time and rushed to his knees between Marcus's thick legs, stripping him of the tattered remains of his pants and devoured the cock with his beautiful mouth. Marcus could feel the delicious suction surrounding his member and a swirl of his tongue expertly tease at his swollen mushroom. As Marcus lifted the weight his muscles filled with more mass became even harder while his dick swelled to full mast deep in Andy's throat. The sensation of burning and tingling was spreading again from his abdomen down to his loins. Marcus gave in to his arousal as he plowed harder into Andy's face, sending the man’s face down to his balls as his crotch pushed upwards in a feral motion. "NINE." Marcus lifted his arms and bucked his hips faster, increasing his size yet again as his orgasm was building, coiling like a spring. Andy's sucks quickened as he felt his mouth began to stretch as it fought to keep pace with Marcus's increasingly larger cock. Marcus looked up into the mirror again and saw himself looking like a true stud, his huge ham hawk arms lifting the weights while his thick thigs and tight ass bucked against Andy’s handsome face. Marcus could see his chest was wider with deep separation and sharper lines than just a few minutes earlier. His shoulders were just as sculpted, his arms and biceps thicker, rounder, larger and more imposing, more intimidating. Marcus' entire body had developed, his frame was now taller and wider, making him truly brutish, a testament to his new masculinity. His cock felt like it was stretching with each lift, filling out Andy's talented mouth, engorging with blood and stiffening with arousal. "T-TEN!!! OH FUCK!" He dropped the two weights and his engorged arms grasped Andy's shaggy head, furiously fucking his throat, gripping hard, slamming fast, chasing the waves of pleasure building as his muscles continued to grow and thicken. His cock felt enormous now, pulsing and pounding with erotic electricity as a tight pressure built in his balls as they churned and prepared to empty their load. "Fuck! FUUUUCKKK." With a final grunt Marcus came hard, firing huge volleys of jizz down Andy's throat. He rocked forward, his sweat-soaked huge body coursing with sensations and powerful bursts of pleasure that overwhelmed him, making him cry out. He fired four, five, six, seven violent bursts directly into Andy's throat. The shaggy stud merely gripped tighter on Marcus's thighs, deepthroating and sucking the newest stud for all he was worth. "Hoooolly fucking shit." Marcus panted with ecstasy. His hips slowed and finally came to a stop as Andy finished downing his seed. The newest Alpha slowly withdrew his cock from Andy's smiling lips and gawked in shock as he saw his fully erect and monstrous manhood with his own eyes. His cock was now close to ten inches, thicker than his forearm and throbbing with pent up heat. Thick veins covered his manhood and swelled with each beat of his heart. He had never been more aroused in his life, he wanted more. He needed more. As if on cue, Ty and Thor were all over him. The two men let their hands roam over Marcus' new body, squeezing, groping, feeling up every new ounce of muscle that the smaller man had gained. The two giants worshiped Marcus' tits, teasing and fondling his engorged nipples as the stud stood up from the bench. Thor circled around and planted a firm kiss on Marcus' mouth, wrapping his thick arms around his new bro and embracing his huge body. Ty planted kisses down the back of Marcus' rippling shoulders, following down his spine until he reached his round perky ass. In a moment Ty had pried apart the cheeks and began lapping at the rim before him. Marcus melted into Thor's embrace and gasped as Tyler probed deep into his muscular rim with his skilled tongue. He had never felt so turned on in all of his life, his insides ached with an unquenchable yearning for lust. A fresh round of precum leaked from his cock and spilled onto the floor, forming a growing puddle of sexual arousal. With Thor's tongue in his mouth and Ty's tongue in his ass, Marcus felt his body ripple with pleasure and his cock pulse angrily, feeling more full of heat and energy than he thought he could handle. "You're almost done. I bet you've got just enough left in there for one more growth spurt." Thor observed, letting his hands run down to Marcus' abdomen, feeling the small bump of cum still nestled deep inside him, underneath his growing eight pack. Marcus nodded and breathlessly replied, "I need it. I have to get bigger." Thor broke free of the newest stud's grip and wheeled the bench to face Marcus. He quickly flattened it and then turned to face his new bro, a teasing twinkle in his eye. Marcus felt the heat rising in his cock again and moaned as Ty spread his cheeks even further, delving his face deeper into the tight muscle. Thor straddled the bench and began a quick flexing show for his new bro, drawing Marcus' lusty attention to his overly bulging pecs and biceps. Next the giant muscle stud shifted positions and laid back on the bench, displaying his toned beefy ass in a very clear invitation. Marcus watched the small hole wink at him, begging for attention. Ty's stimulation finally ceased as he saw his bro spreadeagled on the bench, ready to get fucked like no tomorrow. He and Andy stepped backwards and began to stroke themselves, knowing they were about see a real show. "C'mon man. You know you want to." Marcus didn't wait, he straddled the bench immediately and hiked up Thor’s beautiful legs up to his shoulders and spread the huge man’s legs wider, prying open the two rounded cheeks of Thor's ass. Marcus felt his huge cock throb as he settled at the entrance of the blonde's amazing ass. "What are you waiting for? A written invitation?" Thor chided. Marcus positioned the head of his obelisk right on the waiting hole and slowly, cautiously, pushed forward. Both men cried out in a mix of pain and satisfaction as Marcus felt his massive cock slowly enter the tight confines. As his diamond hard member slid deep inside the tight ring of muscle the bulky blonde threw his head back and roared with pleasure. Thor pushed back against the obscene invasion, welcoming the intrusion, increase the tightness around Marcus' cock. It felt unimaginably good, it felt as though his body was burning up as pleasure coursed through him. Within a few seconds Marcus bottomed out and grunted with pleasure. "Oh fuck, now that's what I'm talking about." Thor groaned. Feeling more confident, Marcus began to rock in and out of the huge power bottom, driving his manhood in and out of the alpha in quick sawing thrusts. It was heaven, being inside Thor felt every bit as good as he hoped it would. He gritted his teeth and began to pump faster and deeper, slamming his cock harder with each thrust. Just then Marcus felt himself growing once more, this time his cock felt like it was growing thicker, sending a new wave of blood into his already thick shaft and spreading Thor's tight hole even more. A wave of bliss spread over Marcus' body as he felt his entire body swell with muscle as he plowed harder and harder into the larger muscle beast beneath him. "Oh god. Fuck. I feel so big." Marcus breathlessly panted, absentmindedly squeezing one Thor's legs simultaneously and feeling up his own body with his other hand. There was a unique way his body felt, full and heavy and incredibly powerful. Hard and tight. Full of testosterone. He raised one of his thick arms to flex it in front of Thor's smiling face, watching his arm swell with raw power and vascularity. He looked into the mirror and gasped at his reflection. He had shifted from a skinny and lightly muscled college boy to a fully developed hunk with the body of a sex god. Marcus was now a mountain of hard lines and rippling muscle. His waist was nearly as thick as Thor's was and he had visibly grown another couple inches in height. His abs were now so heavily defined he could perfectly trace each rigid curve with his pinky finger. Marcus ran his hands down his chest, his fingers lovingly tracing his gorgeously defined pecs, eight pack and tight waist. He felt intoxicating tingles of pleasure course through his body as he admired his massive body, barely able to comprehend the transformation he had just endured. "Fuck. Cum inside me bro. I'm so fucking close." Thor's voice interrupted Marcus' exploration, begging Marcus to fill him up and use the last of the seed kept captive in his gut. Marcus stopped flexing his obscene arms and leaned his massive form down to slam down harder into the waiting stud, intent on granting his wish. His newly strengthened arms made it easy brace against the top of the bench and lean his massive torso closer, maximizing his force as he filled Thor out, causing the blonde to pant and moan with renewed enthusiasm. "Harder!" Marcus rammed him so hard he bounced up and down on the bench. His balls swung heavily and with each thrust smacked against Thor's huge ass, sending sharp jolts of pleasure up his body, signaling just how full of seed his huge nuts were. Marcus' thrusts became more irregular and erratic as his handle on his orgasm began to slip. "F-Fuck. Y-your ass feels so fucking good. I-I'm gonna..!" "Look at me." Time seemed to slow as Thor's sultry voice washed over him. The blonde god was smiling, sweat and precum had started to pool across his muscular chest. The smell of sex and sweat permeated the room and charged him with electric sexuality. The god then raised both of his mammoth sized biceps into a mirror image, both fists curled, filling them with huge corded veins that practically jumped out of his skin, defining their immensity. The larger muscle beast then squeezed his pumped arms into a violently powerful double bicep flex for the man filling his insides. Marcus watched with reverence and desire as Thor's biceps visibly swelled right before his eyes, the muscles growing from thick to huge, making the blonde's body look larger than life. Thor's colossal legs then wrapped around Marcus' still pistoning hips and closed around him like a vice, squeezing him tightly against the bigger muscle god. Marcus' last bounds of control faded as he stared directly into his alpha's eyes as Thor rumbled. "Fuckin' breed me, bro." With a final harsh thrusts Marcus finally hammered himself home home, buried his painfully hard cock as deep into Thor's clutching asshole as he could, and exploded. Tremors rocked his body as ecstasy flooded his entire mass. His cock, now diamond hard, pulsed in violent waves as his hard hefty nads unloaded his pent up seed deep into the confines of Thor's greedy hole. With each convulsion the blond stud's hole grew tighter, twitching with pleasure, milking Marcus for all his worth. Not a split second later, Thor's orgasm followed. His thick turgid cock rocketed out its thick bursts between the both of them, painting the two huge studs white with thick sticky seed that ran between each crevice of their chiseled muscles. Marcus gripped Thor's huge dong and stroked it furiously and watched his seed launch so far it painted the gym's mirrors. Thor’s thunderous moans showed his approval and tightened his grip on Marcus' still humping waist, making him whimper with delight. Marcus' orgasm seemed to last forever. Each blast sent new waves of warm sexual release throughout his body, stimulating every fiber of muscle in his rippling frame. He closed his eyes and grit his teeth in pleasurable pain as he poured so much into his frat bro that he felt his own cum pulse out of Thor's tight hole and dripped down his legs onto the gym floor. Even with his eyes closed he could tell his arms were swelling slightly larger with each additional ejaculation into the alpha hunk beneath him. His legs and back also stretched slightly as the last of Jason's cum was absorbed into his taut straining body. Marcus let his gaze drift back to his exhausted reflection and took in the sight of a breathtakingly large hulk of perfectly cut muscle. His chest and arms were absolutely monstrous, his mountainous shoulders jutted proudly from each side as his superwide back seemed to stretch for ages. He made his abs ripple as he ran his hands over his stomach again, now hard and flexed and clearly outlined into eight deep slabs of rock hard muscle. His swollen rippling thighs stood planted on either side of the bench, flexing with raw power as he supported his new looming form over Thor's spent body. Marcus felt his balls give one final loud throb as his dick gave its very last ejaculation deep inside the blonde stud, his twitching hole hungrily accepting the final offering of cream. The huge muscled blonde let out a huge groan and his legs released Marucs from their grip. "Fuuuuuuck man. No one's fucked me like that in years. That was incredible." Marcus stared at the god laid out in front of him, the powerful alpha had never looked so handsome as he did naked, dripping in cum and trembling slightly with post orgasmic chills. His muscles were pumped beyond belief from the exertion and surprisingly his abs were as tight as when they had started, showing no signs of the cum he had just absorbed like a starved man drinks water. Marcus extracted his cock from Thor's ass and felt a little shocked that he was still completely rigid, despite emptying an almost unbelievably vast quantity of cum into his new brother. His cock was now close to 11 inches and still felt just as eager as it had been, ready for its next fuck. Thor stretched his entire body and suddenly sat up from the bench, his signature smile spreading across his handsome face again. While side by side Marcus could tell that while he had grown substantially, he still wasn’t as big or heavy as Thor was. The blonde smiled knowingly and winked as Marcus eyes ran him up and down. "Welcome to Alpha Alpha Alpha! You're going to love this place." The blonde sex monster boomed. Thor turned to face Ty and Andy who had busted their own copious loads all over themselves and the surrounding machinery as they had watched the spectacle. Marcus turned and looked the two studs over. They were both smiling widely as if watching the intense intercourse had not sated their lust, but had only reignited their desires. They were studying his frame with hunger, their eyes greedily taking in the giant amounts of hard muscle gained from his growth spurts, and were not hiding the fact that they were rock hard and ready for more. Andy placed a hand on his manhood and Ty spread his legs. Thor turned to face Marcus, a devilish twinkle in his eye. "Whaddya say man? Round two?" *** Finally found the will (and the lube) to finish part five and realized how long this has gotten. For anyone curious the word doc is 41 pages long and just shy for 24,000 words. I think I'll start adding some smaller more character driven parts up next, maybe expand up on the greater lore of the frat. I'm also going to start adding some more AI generated images to help you all better picture what I do. Hope y'all enjoy!
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  19. Uncle Ryan - Extra Cap 03 I had finally gotten the transfer and the chance to study near my Uncle Ryan's house, my parents were helping me pack my things, they would be sent to my new address and they would arrive with me, while I drove across the state for reach my uncle. "...Honey..." my mother began "..do you really have to send all these supplements that you insist on taking...? You don't want to waste any more time at the gym while you're at Uncle Ryan's, do you? We talked about this gym thing, it's too much...Ben, tell him something..." I rolled my eyes hearing these words, as usual she was trying to impose her thoughts, my mother was very redundant in the things she had been telling me for two years now, so going to the gym was not only a waste of time , money and I should have stopped as soon as possible, even if I think she was convinced that it was just a consequence of Covid and having to be locked up in a house that allowed me to train in the garage with dad's old equipment, she didn't see all this as progress... as dad had confided to me... but it made me... disgusting in her eyes...I looked instead my father support, but as always my father was too...delicate in these moments? "honey, come on...let's leave it alone, our son will be leaving soon, let's focus on saying goodbye to him and wishing him a good trip..." But my mother had a different opinion.."Oh Ben! Shut up! Our son should do... classical dance! Swimming or padel maybe! Not this... this thing!" - "but honey..." my father tried again, while I had fortunately almost finished the last bag to load into the car and close the last box..."What are you saying! Ben, let's leave it alone! She said, now furious and freezing my father with one of her severe and hard looks, which ended any discussion! - lowering his gaze, my father greets me, wishing me a good journey and in a low voice not to leave the gym. I affectionately squeezed him to me, feeling his breath of relief, complicity and love in that embrace and affection. While my mother barely kisses me, recommending me again to leave the gym and not stop to wander through the various cities I would meet but to go straight to Uncle Ryan and the university. I waved to them again from the car. I had finally left, a new adventure awaited me, the journey was quite long but I would have made two planned stops. I stopped after 6 hours in the small city of New Heaven, a very beautiful small city that I had seen days ago on the internet but which attracted me for two things. Their cheese cake factory. And the best supplement shop I knew, Eddie's, from which I had ordered a lot of supplements over the last 3 years and with whom I had formed a virtual friendship that I wanted to consolidate today. Eddie had given me a lot of important and useful suggestions in these two years, I knew he was a serious and professional bodybuilder but I had only seen the small photos on his WhatsApp contact, never being able to understand his size well, I was curious, and it was the perfect time to meet him! what attracted me were his size, his blue eyes like the sea on his tanned skin, military style shaved hair and black beard with a gray streak, and from those photos he always seemed too big for the cameras. I found his shop immediately, Eddi had sent me the location. I entered the shop which looked like a bodybuilder's paradise! Full shelves of all sorts of supplements, proteins of all kinds or whatever supplement you want! on every wall there are images of the biggest ifbb and mr olympia champs, and motivational phrases under each of them! And there in the center of the shop, I saw it! Eddie! Oh fuck! He was really huge! He had to be at least 300 lbs, Eddie, was a boy of about 35 years old, as always he had a short haircut, military style, black that matched his well-groomed beard with his typical gray streak,a bull neck which in the position in which he was placed further enhanced his size well beyond his head, broad and full shoulders, massive arms with large veins that curled into massive and evidently strong forearms, a chest that touched his his chin, heavy, broad and swollen. And I still had to really realize how big he was. he was bent over what looked like a catalogue, he hadn't noticed or recognized me at first, and I heard him say in a deep, hoarse voice "Here, come forward boy, I'll be with you straight away!" - I feel a shiver down your spine at just some simple words...damn I liked it! Even my cock in response to his voice or perhaps the situation, responded by becoming plump and full. As I approached, Eddie looked up, grimacing as if sizing me up, and then broke into a wide smile, "Andrew!!" he smiles back and he moves from behind the counter...fuck! He was even bigger and wider than I thought with his whole figure in front of me now! Eddie was wearing a gray sports top, it must have been at least 3XL, but it was tight around his torso, almost by a miracle it hadn't exploded yet, I think. His trousers must also be 3XL but his monstrous thighs stretched them well on the sides...absurd! We hugged...I would never have left him again if it had been for me, but it didn't seem the right momento for that, even though Eddie noticed almost immediately during our conversation my hard cock in my sweatpants that I badly tried to hide between one conversation and another, behind shelves or packages of protein. "...Hey Friend" - he told me at a certain point "You don't have to be ashamed of that, we're just normal!" he said flex his left arm and winking at me! putting a strain on the sleeve of the shirt that seemed to be begging not to end up in shreds as he flexed his huge arm - "oh my...how big are those arms Eddie...?" - I said intimidated - "just 22inch and it's growing!" I was shocked, I was in front of what looked like a bowling ball created on the PC with Photoshop but this was all real and in front of my amazed eyes and my wide open mouth "oh...um...sorry Eddie...noon I just wanted..." - I tried to say but Eddie pressed me "Don't worry, you've never seen someone as big as me, right?" he said, getting into a side chest pose that literally caused the shirt he was wearing to rip to the side and up his sleeve to completely lose his battle to resist those cannons that were his monstrous arms. "Wow!"...I said, while Eddie started laughing out loud and saying"..hahahah shit it's the 4th this week, I'm going to destroy it! I'm too big for these clothes hahahah" so saying with his other hand he pulled the handle away which tore completely from his torso completely exposing his enormous chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms. damn he was really huge! "so? what do you say? I'm 320 lbs, but no limits!" He winked at me again, with a killer smile and did a double bicep in front of me, widening his chest and pushing his chest up so that his nipples were pointing downwards, it was so full and wide! "I..." I started to say, trying to find the right words to describe this sight in front of me! While Eddi, switching from the frontal double biceps to a frontal back expansion, smiled at me and said "Well I think from that large spot on your gym pants, you're liking what you see, kid!" fuck, I was in complete confusion, the precum was out of control and I could only nod at this whole show of pure testosterone! and Eddie seemed to be aware of what he was doing to me, and appreciated it, he told me to follow him in the back, he put the cart right back at the door and we headed into the warehouse behind the store, And he turned around, I hadn't yet had the chance to see that back, broad, dense, powerful and massive, it looked like a rock of muscular rock! And those buttocks that moved sinuously from under his trousers like globes of living marble, I followed him like a hungry puppy...hungry for his muscle, I wanted to adore him and feel that monstrous mass of pure power under my hands, feel his power, feeling his muscles, warehouse where in addition to boxes there were three large mirrors and well positioned lights where Eddie certainly spent time posing and checking his development, and he stopped suddenly making me slam against him, making me fall backwards and I think he did it on purpose "if you liked what you've seen so far....get ready for this!" he said with his powerful voice without even turning around and starting to widen his back, wider, wider and even more... fuck! my cock was painfully crying out for assistance, I had to go out to give it vent....Eddie was aware of it, he turned around, looked at me with those blue eyes of his and said "what are you waiting for, get out your throbbing cock, boy." - I did so immediately, "...sure....Edd.."- "Sir, now, boy" he corrected me, and continues "I like it when I cause these reactions, I'm so fucking huge, I work hard for this muscular monster body that I am....because I'm monstrous right, boy?" I could only nod , and and say softly, "yes sir..."while I was looking at this real mucular monster, while he continued to pose he began to sweat profusely making his tanned skin shiny and salty. "Look at my size, imagine the power I possess!" continuing to move from pose to pose, and he continued to say while the sweat had now outlined his clearly visible package and his wide and deep buttocks! "fuck! I'm sweating between the lights and these pants, it's time to take them off" with that Eddie simply ripped them away, revealing his massive quads used to tons of squats and deadlifts and his wide, diamond-hard calves, causing more precum with a violent spill, that covered my abdomen, even I was now sweating as all over my body which now looked as if it had undergone intense training! But the show had yet to begin, Eddie saw that reaction in me and a diabolical smile appeared on his face, it seemed he wanted to completely paralyze me with his icy eyes and that perfect, masculine and diabolical smile he had now. "well boy, it's time you saw what a bodybuilder really looks like, what it means to be big!" - relaxed from the front, with fluid movements he moved on to a double biceps but this time with the thighs in sight it seemed like a completely different thing, "Great...the best feeling ever...nnnnggh...So big" he continued to say as he went through the poses posing, abs and legs exploding, bull triceps in side pose, and then it came! "Look at this boy!"...he said to me, and THUMP...as he slammed and stomped his foot violently on the floor, a thunder dismembered...as he shook out his powerful quadriceps and widened his torso trying to embrace as much space as possible , he emitted a guttural, deep and bestial sound and did the most muscular pose!"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" he roared, veins as thick as tubes sprouting all over his body, baring and gnashing his teeth and drooling like an inhuman beast hungry for muscle, power and even more testosterone. "...Harder...bigger...moore"....he said tightly as he squeezed his monstrous mass even more, causing me to have a violent and powerful explosion of cum in disbelief in front of so much inhuman muscle mass and testosterone power! "good boy..." but that protein shouldn't be wasted... saying that I saw him lower himself towards me, in disbelief and amazement, Eddie licked all my cum and began to suck my still hard cock, greedily looking for more cum from me, he put his hands on his shoulders, making me taste his powerful hot musoclar mass, and pumped by the posing and wet by his sweat, causing my balls already painfully worn out by his show a violent second cumshot which he sucks deeply until the last drop! He stood majestically and huge above me, dominant and powerful, his full cock struggling furiously with the confines of his jockstrap, his full red head visibly poking out the top of a much too worn elastic....fuck I think that monster could have easily ripped his cock cage open by himself. fabric if he wanted! Absurd! His precum dripped from his slit, he licked off a few drops with his rough, meaty fingers, tapping them into his lips, and then I noticed something I hadn't noticed, He looked...was he bigger than before? But was it possible? Wasn't it supposed to be the pump...or the prospect....or not...? After what seemed like an interminable moment, with his dominant gaze and devilish smile finally Eddie said to me "Nice to meet you Andrew! Now clean yourself up and come to the shop we have some things to discuss!" saying this I leave myself there, shocked, as he heads to his clothing department to put on something he already hoped would be even tighter!
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  20. Oh forgot to mention I decided to extend it beyond one more part, due to a certain someone.
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  21. Hi folks. Just found this on an old cd disc from 2004. Don't know who the author is/was,but thought some of you might like to read it? Jasen with an E Jake was a short nerdy looking kid. He liked music such as classical and The Beatles which no cool jock liked… it also didn’t help much that he was in his School Orchestra and he was as skinny and as tall as a rail. He was always picked on and had a few friends but they were all in the Orchestra or Chorus. One day he was walking into his gym class (aka. His least favorite class) he got pined on the ground by someone big but he really didn’t see whoever it was because he got blindfolded pretty much right after he was pinned. He felt himself being carried somewhere. After about five minutes he finally heard a door close. He got sat into a chair and got his blindfold taken off. When he got in off it looked really bright in the room, even though it was quite dark, he couldn’t see anyone though. Finally he saw someone, he really couldn’t distinct him though. “Jake… Jake…” Jake could hear the person talking to him but he was talking very quietly. Jake… You are getting very relaxed and obedient…” Right before Jake’s vision blurred away he could see it was the star Quarterback for the football team. They hadn’t won in three years and they were always complaining how they needed a good football player. After every thing went black became tried and fell asleep but still could hear the person talk. He kinda thought it was strange. “Jake you will listen to my every command and shall obey my every word…” *All of a sudden I feel very in-tune with this person’s voice.* “I want you to listen, your name from now on shall be Jasen with an E. J-A-S-E-N and when anyone spells it or says it wrong you get real mad” *Jasen… but my name is Jake wait no it isn’t it is Jasen with an E and I get pissed of when anyone spells in wrong. * “I also have never been in the Orchestra in fact you hate the Orchestra because they are all nerds, dork, and gay. You have been in the football team instead for as long as you used to be in Orchestra. But for four years after second grade you were in the swim team…” *On the swim team… football… I was never part of any of those things or was I? Yes I was on the swim team till Fifth Grade and on the Football team for three years when I entered High school… ya! I am a real jock.* “Jasen… when you woke up this morning you didn’t look like an Orch Dork you looked like a swimmer and a football player. You had big strong arms and thick legs and calves for swimming. You had an eight pack. And you were so tall you couldn’t see your face in the mirror. You had to bend over to see your face because you are 6’ 7” and you have all the muscles to match. When you saw your face you had handsome features… big strong square jaw. And you had big Aquamarine eyes that any girl would die for. You had puffy cheeks and a rather large but fitting nose.” After he was done saying this Jasen (Jake) felt a large burning all over his body. First he felt and heard his arms and legs growing. It hurt so bad he wanted to scream but he couldn’t. It was like all his work to get those muscles was happening to him in five seconds. Then he felt the same pain I his abs. He could almost feel each ab forming as the pain increased. He again felt pain in his legs and torso but it was different. It was like he was being reshaped. He knew what was happening as he felt the back of his chair become lower. Then he felt extra muscles form from swimming under his football muscles. Then he felt a burning in his eyes and face as his face rearranged. “Lastly Jasen you are growing to have your hair grow longer and with each 1/2 of an inch of hair you will gain 1 inch to your Cock. It will stop after 3 inches are added to your hair.” Jasen felt a large sensation in his head and penis… no wait cock… and felt his pants get tight, really tight. “I see you are about to burst out of those clothes, so take them off” Slowly Jasen took of his clothes and when he got it all off. He could feel a difference in the way his parts moved. “Know we need to change your grammar… okay you are an honors student at the moment and you are really smart. Now I want you to take ¾ of that knowledge and change it into football knowledge. You know everything there is about football but you don’t know any thing about your academics.” Jasen could feel a difference from that one but not much. “Know Jasen I want you to open your eyes and look at your self. Also you can talk” Slowly Jasen opened his eyes he looked at himself and saw a huge difference. His perspective was much different in everyway. Everything seems smaller and farther away. He guessed it was from growing seven inches. He then looked at his arms. They were huge he could tell he had done both swimming and football because of how huge his arms were compared to other football players. He then looked farther down and saw his fuckstick which was also huge he had a seven incher soft but now it was at least 13 inches soft, 18 inches hard and 3 inches thick. He then looked at his abs and saw a thick stab of perfectly carved metal. It looked like an 8 pack but he could see two more forming making an almost ten pack. He then looked farther down and saw his feet, which were a size 14 before now they had to at least be 17. Then he saw his legs… oh the legs… the most perfect thing he had ever seen. Perfectly sculpted in every way. They were beautiful. “Man… this is fucking awesome!” Oh my god He had never said fuck in his life, what is going on, “Holy fuck, why am I fucking talking like this?” “Ok Jasen, what ….” The quarterback asked a bunch of football questions and a bunch of science and math questions. He got all the Science and Math questions wrong and all the Football questions right. “What the fuckin’ hell is happen’ to me!?!?!” he screamed, “I hav’ n’ver talk’d like tis befor’!” “Now Jasen I would like you to go back to sleep. I want you to now start thinking you have always been like this and that you think changes have never happened to you. And I will make sure that everyone else thinks you were always like this…” “You will now wake up in 5…. 4…. 3…. 2…. 1…. Awake!” “Sup homey, Paul, I haven’t fuckin’ seen you since a week ago!” “I’m Good Jason” “Hey! Fuck You Paul my NAME is JasEn with a fuckin’ E! Never get it wrong again!” “Hey it’s time to got to football practice, Jasen, now go and don’t be late… you’re the new quarterback this year and you can’t be late on coach will be Fuckin’ mad! I can get there late because I’m the Center.” “Fuck you and see you later. Oh and hey where the fuck is my clothes!?” “On the Ground” Jasen picked up his clothes and looked at them… they looked too small but when he put them on the fit perfectly. On his way to Football practice he got looks by the ladies. That felt somehow strange for him but all he did was nod and say “What the Fuck up, whore?” and kept on walking as Jasen with and E!
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  22. Raphael felt his cock twitch as he watched a few of his classmates climb the steps of the lecture hall. After only being on campus for a few weeks he could easily spot a member of Alpha Alpha Alpha from a mile away. Their physiques were like something from a comic book, stretching their clothes tight with bulging muscle. Every inch was rippling hard, with perfectly defined musculature and not a trace of fat. They were always dressed simply, either jeans and a t-shirt or tank top and gym shorts, something anyone on campus could be wearing but these guys attracted attention no matter what they wore. They were sex on legs, the embodiment of male sexual fantasy, and Raphael knew that each of those studly alpha males were packing obscenely large dicks. Not only had he caught glimpses of these guys around campus and the surrounding town, but he also thought he found some of their OnlyFans profiles as well. Just thinking of their impossibly hung members was causing him to chub up, especially as it coincided with his imagination running wild on how they would be like in the sack. Not that he would ever be so lucky. Those dudes were way out of his league anyway. He'd just be relegated to a secret stalker, lusting from a distance at these gorgeous gods. As soon as those self-deprecating thoughts had entered his mind they were brushed aside as Raphael's favorite frat bro entered his vision. Dante was the perfect embodiment of a himbo. Perfect face, gorgeous thick arms, big bulky chest, defined stomach, powerful legs that looked like they could lift a car, an absolutely ripped ass that could no doubt fuck for hours. And to top it all off, he was a good person too. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, sure, but with a heart in the right place and a body to back it up. "Yo, Raphi!" Dante waved one huge gorilla sized arm as he bounded up the steps. The olive skinned hunk stood out against the background, not just because of his size, but of his dashing good looks. Today he was wearing a red cotton tee that stretched tightly across his broad chest and some surprisingly sturdy khaki pants that did nothing to hide his huge round ass as he walked up the stairs. His short brown hair was just a shade lighter than his piercing brown eyes which were currently focused on Raphael. The smaller man gulped as his crush approached and sat down next to him, just barely fitting in the small auditorium seat, and threw a sinuous arm around Raphael’s shoulders. "Soo...did you finish it? It's due, like, tomorrow. I tried but...you're better with this science shit, yeah?" Dante grinned broadly, flashing an array of straight white teeth. "Almost. Should be done after class." Raphael replied, savoring the sensation of being trapped beneath Dante's burly bicep. "Awesome! You're a life saver bro." The big guy beamed, using the arm draped around Raphael's thin shoulders to tug the small boy to his side to give him a gentle squeeze, an action the much smaller guy relished. "How bout you bring it by the house tonight when you're done? I told the bros you were helping me out so I'm sure they'll want to thank you too! There's always a spot at the table for my favorite dorky bro!!" Dante flashed him his dazzling smile again, complete with his trademark goofy wink and chaotic good energy that Raphael found almost impossible to deny. And how could he? Being invited to a house filled to the brim with handsome brawny men, and by a dude who's looks and body alone should be classified as a walking sexual obscenity. And to make matters more absurd he seemed like he really meant it. So that's how the five foot nothing dorky little nerd found himself outside the Alpha Alpha Alpha house late in the evening, carrying his computer bag to deliver an overdue assignment to a hunky guy he was crushing hard on. The house itself was surprisingly neat and tidy, albeit a little old. Pristine really. Not the filthy hovel he'd been imagining for whatever reason, something you'd expect from a group of some of the most jacked up muscular men around. For some reason, Raphael pictured a sea of beer bottles, solo cups and empty kegs lining the outside of the house. So to see a tidy and well maintained home was quite the surprise. With all his courage Raphael knocked softly at the door. After a few seconds he heard a low thumping in the distance, but nothing else. He knocked again and this time the thumping seemed to get louder and closer, but no voices were heard. A small part of his brain suggested coming back another day but his curiosity was too great. He had to know what sexy mysteries resided in the Alpha Alpha Alpha house. As soon as he opened the door, an aroma enveloped him, an earthy but pleasant scent. At this late hour the house seemed surprisingly deserted, no one was visible from the doorway and for a moment he wondered if he had the right place. Then the rhythmically thumping beat met his ears again and grew louder and louder as one of the frat bros lumbered down the stairs. Raphael gulped as another huge man came into view clad in nothing but his boxer shorts. The huge dark skinned bro was as ripped as they get and did nothing to hide his powerful physique. He was a pure embodiment of masculinity, his body defined and powerful. His long dreadlocks cascaded infront and behind his gorgeous body, hiding some of it from Raphael’s prying eyes. He yawned and scratched his toned stomach before his eyes settled on the smaller man. "Ahhhh! You're Raphi, right?” The man asked, one arm bulging as it raised to point at the smaller man. “Dante told us you were gonna show up tonight." The dark skinned god involuntarily flexed his arm as it was raised which lead Raphael’s wandering eyes to land on a gigantic tattoo that was sprawled across the huge muscular appendage. ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA was written in big bold letters across the outer part of his bicep and tricep, so that the world would know just what kind of man he was. "Yep that's me." he answered sheepishly as he marveled at the sexy display of hard flesh, hoping not to appear overly distracted by the dude's obviously thick cock and bouncing nuts trying to hide in his boxers. The hunk was continued his inadvertent muscle show by flexing his large pecs as he used his huge arms to gestured behind him, vaguely pointing upstairs as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "Dante's room is on the third floor. Last door on the left. He's been waiting for ya." Raphael whipped passed the huge man and hurried towards his destination, eager to get out of the building before he was spotted with a stiffy. He bounced the steps two at a time and practically ran down the hall until he reached his destination. He knocked quickly and gave the handle a sharp twist and a push, ready to run in and get back out as quick as possible but he stopped in his tracks as soon as the door was half way open. The aroma was intoxicating. An concoction of potent pheromones, sweat, cum and masculine musk wafted out from the interior and threatened to send the twink’s nose swimming as he choked on a mixture of hormones. That in turn brought an even harder stiffness to his already semi erect penis and he swallowed down a moan, unwilling to risk making a peep as he might be caught in his indecent position. Dante was lounging in a chair with his shirt off wearing his sweatpants, revealing the toned muscles on his upper body and brisling of brow hair that adorned his tanned skin. Even in a relaxed pose like this the giant radiated an intense masculinity that Raphael found thoroughly mesmerizing. He couldn't help but glance down to see his ridiculously big cock outlined clearly in the loose fabric. Raphael's mouth salivated as the muscular Latino seemed to casually flaunt that massive length, more than half a dozen inches that was obviously getting even larger in front of his wide eyes. "Glad you could make it little bro." Dante said, rising off the lounge and approaching him. His chest and abs and arms seemed to ripple with each flex he made as if he were trying to put on a show of how jacked he was. Dante smiled, his dazzling perfect teeth contrasted to the beautiful bronze of his smooth, flawless skin. "Take a seat anywhere you like Raphi and make yourself comfortable." The massive man's words seemed to rumble through Raphael, and he nodded numbly as his feet began walking him through the room as if on auto-pilot, the sultry sent of man permitting his nostril. Dante walked behind Raphael, putting his enormous hands gently on his tiny shoulders. He leaned close and Raphael felt the warmth of the handsome hunk on his ear before hearing the sultry voice speak again. "I really wanted to thank you again for helping a bro out. I'm shit with physics, y'know?" Raphael nodded dumbly and tried to keep it together. In an instant Dante removed the backpack from the smaller man’s shoulders and playfully shoved Raphael onto his mattress. Dante landed with a soft thump on his back, staring in a daze at the ceiling. As he came back to his senses he raised his head up to see Dante standing at the foot of the bed. His handsome face displayed a huge shit-eating grin as the large man loomed over him, his thick muscles gleamed, highlighted in a sheen of sweat from some sort of workout. "How could I EVER repay you, man? I just gotta know." Raphael’s heart practically stopped as he got the best look at Dante's magnificent body he had ever seen. His gargantuan musculature was on full display, a towering figure of living muscle standing 6 foot 6 and looking every inch of it. He sported broad bulky pecs which were each at least twice the size of Raphael's head and tapered smoothly downwards to meet his six-pack abs. Massive traps, biceps the size of melons and a body which would have looked at home in the gladiatorial arenas of ancient Rome. He flexed his beefy biceps and chuckled. "You like, huh?" he purred, moving his arms forwards and then backwards in front of him and admiring his own physique. Each movement showcased his bulky deltoids and huge biceps flexing powerfully. Raphael licked his lips and found himself hypnotized. "You better, cause you're gonna love this next part." Dante promised as Raphael finally heard the rustle of clothing dropping and glancing up to see Dante was slowly, teasingly, pulling his loose fitting sweats over the large bulge of his manhood. As his thighs emerged from the clinging garment Raphael found his heart pounding to a tempo of excitement. A low grunt escaped him as he stepped closer and freed his penis from the confines of his pants and dropped them to the floor. Dante was, quite possibly, the sexiest man he'd ever set his eyes upon. Everything about him screamed alpha stud with his towering height and his enormous build that would put to shame even the most seasoned pro weightlifters. From his thick legs, muscular calves, juicy meaty thighs, enormous testicles and big throbbing shaft to his huge defined torso and a muscular back and shoulders and thick and sexy neck, Raphael couldn't stop staring in awe. Dante stood gloriously naked, unashamedly showing off his killer bod and letting his huge member sway majestically. The absolutely ripped brunette crawled up onto his bed. His enormously pumped and muscular body dwarfing Raphael's much smaller figure and causing an immediate contrast of visual arousal that left his head spinning and a small dollop of precum beginning to ooze from the tip of his uncut member. All he could do was let out a weak gasp as Dante approached with that sexy self-satisfied smirk, the effect magnified by the sculpted musculature of his chest and abdominals. He watched his pecs undulate and bulge and his shoulders and traps appear to be constantly flexing as his arms swayed at his side. Raphael felt his dick jump again just by looking at the glistening mountain of hunkdom that loomed above him and bit his lower lip as his shaft got harder. Dante gave his flaccid cock a few casual tugs before smirking down and whispering in that irresistible baritone. "Do you like?" He purred, as soda can thick uncircumcised meat stood a semi-hard seven inches. As his thumb gently traced over the soft, wet glans he slowly hardened, a strong masculine scent wafted forth that caused Raphael's cock to get incredibly stiff in a matter of seconds, making a small but noticeable tent in his pants. To his surprise, Dante’s smile broadned as he noticed the effect he was having on the smaller man, and his already enormous phallus grew even quicker. "You seem amazed, eh bro? You could bounce a quarter off my ass." the giant brunette said confidently while flexing both of his enormous arms in unison, making his massive biceps and thick lats jut forward and giving the tiny geek a look at their bulging contours. He spread his legs and gestured down his brawny frame, "Well? Aren't you going to touch me bro?" He grinned down, an almost predatory light in his eye. The twink obliged immediately. He shot up from the bed and hungrily ran his hand across the mountain of a stud's huge chest muscles and traced the sparse coving of hair between the cleft of his pecs. Dante slowly bounced his meaty chest and let the smaller man grasp their size with his hands, knowing this man could probably bench press a car if he wanted too. As he continued his ministrations, muscle upon muscle seemed to surge forward as if excited by the prospect of being noticed by Raphael. The tendons and sinews bulged with power and pride as the big man continued his slow flexing for his tiny friend. His abdomen bulged like solid granite, the sharp muscle crevices on the tight flesh visible. His rock-hard pelvis and adonis’ belt was thrust into view, strong and tight. Slowly Raphael let his hands travel southward towards the huge rod poking his stomach. His manhood stood at attention and pulsated, oozing thick white creamy semen. Raphael stared at it. A mammoth cock, an unbelievable ten inches with girth that made it look thick as a beer can. Throbbing, pulsating, burning with hot raw masculine sexuality. "I see the way you look at me man," Dante chuckled, giving his big hard cock a pump and letting it bounce. He squeezed his large and perfectly-formed balls in his hand. "And this right here has been longing to get all up inside you bro. To plow that cute ass of yours and make you moan my name." The monstrous shaft bounced up and smacked him in his thick eight-pack abdomen. It began to throb and pulse with each breath the huge man took. The huge bodybuilder caressed the throbbing giant erection in front of the geeks eyes. "C'mon man. I know you want it too." He guided Raphael’s hand around his back and placed it on his huge perky ass, drawing the smaller man closer to him. Raphael could feel the warmth of his body through his own clothes and felt his trepidations melt away and finally began to relax in Dante’s arms. Dante wasn't having a go at him. Nor was he feeding him some bullshit. This god among men wanted to fuck him. Really fuck him. With his fat, hard cock. Before his nerves could fail him Raphael stole a kiss from the huge adonis and the two started locking lips, pressing their tongues against one another while the Latin giant reached for the hem of his t-shirt, eagerly undressing him and throwing it into the growing pile of clothes. They gazed into each other's eyes. Those were eyes of desire, they were filled with an undisguised lust that the lad was finally recognizing as genuine. Dante once again shoved Raphael backwards into the bed, this time a bit roughly, looming over him as the smaller man frantically removed the rest of his clothing and tossed them off to the side leaving him exposed from the waist down. Without skipping a beat, the Alpha bent his head and sealed his mouth around the smaller man's leaking cock. Raphael moaned with rapture as his cock was swallowed by the enormous sex god. The sight of his wide rippling shoulders above his cock was mesmerizing. The thick cords of his back muscles tensed and his neck flexed as his head bobbed up and down on the geek's cock. His hands slid behind his shoulders and explored the muscles there, caressing and feeling. He used the pad of his thumb to knead the rippling pecs on the football players' chest, admiring his wide muscular upper body and getting even harder with the thought of having it fucking him silly. The tiny dude moaned while Dante sucked him off with expert skill. His petite cock was as hard as it had ever been as the huge muscle god’s warm mouth clamped down on his length, his tongue wrapping around the glans roughly and causing the smaller man’s body to shudder again. After a few minutes Raphael felt the heat rising in his loins and bucked his small hips against his crush’s beautiful face and shot his first load down Dante’s throat. The little nerd shuddered with ecstasy as the euphoric bliss spread from his nuts across his body and his cock pumped out load after load. Dante took it all like a champ and Raphael could swear he looked hungry for more. Dante finally released his nerdy bro's cock, smiling mischievously as he gulped down the last of Raphael’s load, and turned his eyes to the massive tool he now carried between his own legs, a massive ten-inch phallus with an intimidating girth and heavy nuts that sloshed with all the cum that needed to be released. With a single motion of his hand the humungous Latino male grasped the length and stroked, working his mighty package with fervor until it started to leak precum at an alarming rate. The Adonis continued his flexing. It was unreal, like a waking wet dream. Muscles rippled, his body seemed alive and in tune, not unlike a powerful predator, yet it also maintained a gentle beauty that had his face sculpted by the gods. The beautiful man suddenly locked lips again and leaned his big beefy body over, mashing their chests together and sliding his hands across Raphael’s small lithe frame. The little dweeb’s mind swam with euphoria as his hands wandered over his enormous, well-developed back and lats, his hands not able to connect as his arms attempted to encircle his large lover. His mind couldn't get enough of the sexy slab of hard, muscle body that now pressed down atop him, and soon enough, into him. With an air of dominance, Dante shifted forward and let his huge body envelop Raphael, bringing the smaller male into the tight vise-grip embrace of his hulking frame. Strong arms flexed and embraced Raphael and he pulled his buttocks in close and their cocks touched. Raphael sighed aloud, allowing a moan to escape his lips. "Yeah man. You're making me so fucking hard. You’re so fucking tight, dude. Primed and ready to go for my huge fucking dick. I gotta fuck you man. Sink my rod deep into you and fill you up with my cum. It’ll feel great man, so fuckin good. Like you were born for it, man. To be filled up with a real man’s dick.” Dante pulled the twink's ass forward with his strong hands and began to massage the two tight globes between his thumbs. The smaller man continued his moans and felt his body relax, his legs spreading around the jock’s hard body. Dante growled with primal lust, biting his lower lip as the smaller man's hole relaxed and prepared to take his monster shlong. He knew submission when he saw it. Once Raphael's hole was loose and spasming with anticipation, the huge stud lined his throbbing dick up at the tight entrance and slowly slid inside him. A low moan filled the room and he began to buck his hips gently as he drove his erection deeper inside him. Raphael wrapped his thin legs around his hips to pull the brute even further inside and allow his monster cock a better angle for thrusting. Dante seemed happy to oblige, pumping his monster prick further. The sound of wet and sticky flesh smacking against flesh echoed through the bedroom followed by loud, powerful grunts. A frantic and aggressive sound. Moaning was replaced by guttural gasps. Raphael was beside himself with joy as the tremendous rod swelled within him. His inner walls tensed and tightened around the monster, gripping it as tightly as they could in order to enjoy the sensation to the fullest. The enormous adonis continued to feel his own body and display his enormous muscles all the while relentlessly fucking him with such great passion that it was bordering on manic. "Aww fuck, man. You're making me so hard. Your ass is so fucking tight bro." he moaned, clearly enjoying his dominance of the other male immensely as he showed off and flexed for his tiny lover. "It feels good, right? To have my huge fat cock stretching your ass? My muscles make you wanna come don’t they bro?" Dante smiled widely as he directed Rapahel’s vision to his massive muscular upper body and flexed his biceps which looked like they were carved from the most luxurious and sexy granite. "You're so hot bro, taking my whole dick like a champ. Bet no one's fucked you this deep before, have they? No one has a dick this fuckin' amazing, yeah?" A smile crept across his lips, seemingly able to sense how close to bursting his small lover was. "My big muscles are making you crazy, aren't they bro? They're so huge and thick, make me feel so sexy. I'm always lifting, man. Always pumping iron." Dante grunted and moaned as he felt up the size of his enormous body as he continue slam his throbbing dick inside Raphael's now spasming hole. "Watching my muscles swell and grow makes my huge nuts fill up, bro. Makes them fill up with seed. Oh God. My cum is so thick now. So virile. A real man's cum." Dante punctuated every word with a flex of a different group of muscle; his trap, his pecs and then his bicep. His voice was barely more than a snarl, a lustful and savage and primal sound that showed the immense lust that raged within his pumped body. "I know you wanna cum, man. But you gotta hold on for me, ok? Hang onto that feeling while I slam your prostate hard. I'll make you feel so fuckin good, bro. But I gotta show you something, 'kay? Wrap those arms of yours around my huge fuckin body. You gotta feel it to believe it." Raphael tightened his clutch on the huge man’s body as the power and intensity of the fuck increased, the pounding sensation inside Raphael's smaller ass intensified as the powerful thrusts drove the enormously gifted Adonis deep inside. And it kept growing. His inner walls and rectum stretched impossibly more as Dante's dick continued to thicken inside of him, stimulating his body and hitting his prostate, again and again. Raphael felt his small arms slowly pull apart as the frat bro's body expanded. Dante's moans were matched only by the strength and the volume with which his manhood and nuts slapped against his perineum, smacking against him, driving him to greater and greater pleasure. "Feels real nice don't it bro?" Dante huffed, never breaking his pace. "Growing nice and hard, thick as shit and sexy. Making my dick and bod so fuckin big, man. So hard. It makes me so horny, bro. So FUCKING horny. Feel how heavy and thick my muscles are now. Feel how big my dick's gotten. My huge nuts just swell up with cum while I fuck and it feels so god bro. Don't you want to feel like that?" Dante was now holding the other boy firmly by his ankles, using the new leverage to intensify his already frenetic pace, his breath coming fast and hard between his grunts as his gigantic shaft rammed deeper inside the twink’s battered hole and overstimulated prostate, sending a series of tingles shooting through Raphael's body. He could hear what Dante was saying but wasn't sure he understood. "That's what being part of the frat means, bro. It means being big, getting strong, and fucking hard. Every dude around you is a stud. Guys like us, we get our dicks pumped and swollen and veiny and dripping all the time bro. Our nuts grow huge, heavy with fuckin cum. Our asses get perfect, our muscles bulge and swell. I can show ya. I'll make you an even better stud than you were, Raphi. Join the house and grow with us. You just gotta say so." Raphael thought for a moment. Everything was happening so fast. The promise, the chance to be more, to be seen as handsome and not some wimp who would never date someone like Dante. After a split second Raphael threw his head back and screamed the word Dante desired to hear. "YES!" A look of sheer elation flashed across the hunk's handsome features and he suddenly put both his palms on the mattress beside Raphael's head and loomed in his view, his gorgeous body on full display as he continued long strokes with his throbbing cock. "You won't regret it. Soon you'll be just like me. You'll get so big, grow and grow and grow until you're a fucking stud. Sex on legs, man. That's what all the guys want. Be sexy and strong with big balls and an even bigger cock. So hot, so muscular. Soon you'll understand, bro. Soon." The sexy goliath began thrusting with increasing speed, fucking the petite young nerd with reckless abandon. Raphael's instincts kicked in and he let the intensity of the fuck wash over him, moaning and cursing with each thrust as his prostate was crushed against in the most pleasurable way imaginable. After what felt like eternity, Raphael could take it no longer. The nerdy twink felt his entire body spasm violently as his orgasm struck and cum sprayed out of his rigid cock, painting his flat stomach white. Dante roared his approval as the tight hole clamped around his manhood like a vice, the extra friction only driving him forward, burying his cock inside the tight warm hole deeper than it had ever been before. The brute slammed himself to the base with rapid, explosive movements and once his enormous dick could go no further, the virile Alpha male exploded within his small mate. "AW FUCK YEAH BRO!" The muscle hunk's already rock hard monster stiffened to diamond like hardness and finally erupted, shooting blast after sticky blast of his fertile seed deep into Raphael's eager hole. His balls strained and shook, pouring out an absolute torrent of viscous spunk into the twink, his ass flexing with each blast. The little twink shivered and groaned and felt the pulsating meat inside him spew out what felt like gallons of sweet man juice into him. Each pump made his already stretched guts seemed even tighter than before as he writhed in ecstasy under the hunk's invading monster shaft, milking the fat fuck rod for its entire load. "Fuck yes. Take it all bro. You're gonna make me so big." Raphi lay limp, exhausted from his climax, enjoy the sight of the huge stud filling him up. As Dante's orgasm subsided, Raphael felt a new kind of sensation wash over him. A sort of postcoital bliss that emanated from the alpha jizz inside him, but much stronger than normal. It made him feel sexy, satisfied and complete. With each deep breath he drew, the blissful, fuzzy, post orgasm sensation spread like a warm, glowing, comforting wave through his entire body. He felt amazing. He felt loved. He felt... Changed. "Yea bro. Fuuuucking finally." the stud said with a sultry, post-climatic groan that rippled through the twink's tender ass and drew a sigh from his plump lips. Dante slowly slid his length out from Raphi with a slick pop and grinned broadly down at him, his masculine and still-erect member gleaming in the light. "Oh I feel it now. I'm gonna get so big. You're gonna make me huge!" Suddenly, Dante's body started growing! All the muscles on his already bulked up, perfect body, slowly swelled with power as his mass seemed to stretch outward and up. The huge muscles were expanding in all directions as the frat bro's frame seemed to gain a few inches of width in his broad shoulders, and the chiseled lines of his heavily muscled stomach grew taught as his body gained an inch or two in height. Dante began to flex his rapidly expanding muscles and he let out a guttural moan as he slowly stroked his giant monster phallus as it visibly twitched and quivered. Raphi sat frozen in awe, his own cock starting to get hard all over again, marveling at the huge change before him. His Alpha brother's huge cock pulsated as a blast of hot and thick sperm jetted out the fat tip and painted the bed sheets below them white as the brunette came again, followed by several lesser spurts before stopping his stroke. Dante sighed happily and slumped a bit, the muscular frame of his shoulders appearing larger than life as Raphi drank it in and gasped in awe at the figure towering above him. The stud was smiling wide, his dimpled face sporting his characteristic shit eating grin while his rippling muscles and oozing cock made it known how powerful he had become. "Each times a bit different," Dante explained, feeling up his own body with his monster paws, caressing his sculpted chest muscles and biting his lip as the sensations overwhelmed him with pleasure. "Each time you fuck a guy it gets you bigger and stronger. A little bit each time, but noticeable. But when you're fucking a new guy, a guy who's not part of the frat, it's so much more potent. No one's really sure why, but I think it's on purpose. Like a reward or something. For making a new member of the frat." Dante stopped caressing his own body and placed a big hand on Raphi’s taut rounded abdomen and gave the twink’s belly a firm squeeze. "This right here? My seed in you? It's what's gonna make you into one of us. It's a bit slow the first time, takes a few hours. Maybe even the whole day. But tomorrow night, you’ll be a new man." Dante lifted his burly torso off Raphael and rose to his full height. The rest of his immense body was now on full display and the dark-skinned Latino slowly rotated his massive hips and proudly flaunted his massively defined and muscle-swollen nude body, letting out a long sigh of pleasure as he did. "Get some rest, bro. You'll need it tomorrow." Raphael lay back, splaying his body out in a loose slump, a languid smile spread across his flushed and excited face. He felt the sexy sensation again, a comfortable, warm feeling radiating from the well-fucked pit of his belly and flowing though his tiny figure. This time fatigue filled his senses and made him content and blissfully relaxed, and sleep took the soon to be stud into a pleasant slumber. *** And here's part two. I was quicker editing this one but probably wont be with the next parts. Expect them up within a few days.
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  23. part two Students gasped at the bus windows. Uploading the images to the networks with one hand and masturbating with the other. -Juan, I got horny, could you come down for a moment and come here? Juan lowered his enormous back, with difficulty moving and lowering himself from the two meters tall that his brother measures, and as he could, he stood in front of the alpha male who dominated him. With a movement that seemed superhuman, Rodolfo lifted his brother using only his monstrous cock, erect as an oak tree. -Ready for the first exercise little brother?, said Rodolfo. To everyone's surprise, the muscular teenage god wasn't just dragging a busload of college students up a mountain road from his strong, imposing waist. With his 250-pound obese brother hanging from his fucking cock as if he weighed the same as a condom, otherwise, he started lifting his brother up and down with his monster cock to exercise her. All while he was climbing the mountain. Juan was in an uncontrollable trance, his cock seemed like a fountain that never ended, now he was facing his god, with his head resting almost at the height of the shoulders of the imposing younger brother, and his cock being twisted by the fingers. huge abdominal blocks that move like a sophisticated imposing steel mechanism with movements and expansions like a machine. Now semen squirted from between the grooves of the mighty muscles. With his two arms free, Rodolfo grabs his older brother under the armpits and lifts him into the air as if he weighed nothing, but the imposing muscles of his arms glisten with sweat, orchestrating a series of movements of meandering muscle fibers and veins, protruding two huge spikes from his biceps. Rodolfo's huge cock starts dripping with pre cum, with one bold move, he manages to fit the huge head of his cock into his brother's anus. And with a ferocious move of superhuman strength, he impales him on the ass. Generating a loud and audible noise by the students who died of pleasure. Juan was used to this treatment with his weak body when his brother was aroused (and he was aroused 20 hours a day), so Juan's ass had already deformed to a huge hole size, so it was easy to accommodate his younger brother's huge cock. Rodolfo continued his impressive feat of power as he continued to lift his brother up and down this time impaled to exercise his cock. After 50 km of travel. Rodolfo stops, removes the harness from his waist. And he looks for a bottle of water that the students throw at him. Always with his obese older brother impaled on his dick. The movement of such a muscular monster was impressive, the sun shining through the blond fur on his body that glistened in the sun, his tanned skin doing its best to contain the explosion of his moving muscles, and the dance of the veins underneath. the fine skin He made a few more curls with his brother's dick, while he gasped and licked his younger brother's pecs at his command. Rodolfo holds his brother with both arms and moves it up and down with great speed, takes it out and puts it back inside his cock, opening Juan's anus more and more. The scene is impressive, the contrast of the weak body full of fat against the majestic sculpted machine is truly impressive. After going up and down his cock some 50 times, Rodolfo's cock erupts, filling his brother's ass with cum. The semen has nowhere to escape, but Rodolfo doesn't let his brother out, he presses him and keeps fucking him over and over again while the semen begins to squirt out of Juan's ass. Juan faints with pleasure while Rodolfo goes (still very excited), to the bus full of university students 5, and 10 years older than him. This is a much longer story! If you like it, help me get to 100 likes to continue with part three. Thank you! (In order not to interfere with your imagination, build your worldview of history with these photographs of Rodolfo in different planes of reality) This is a photo of Rodolfo two years ago when he became the biggest alpha male in his class.
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  24. Another tribute to HSMuscleboy's characters. The clangs of metal rang throughout the barn as two massive teens worked through their routines. The sun shone through the barn windows, lighting the sweat dripping onto the shirtless bodies of the two studs relaxing inside, clad only in a pair of generously filled jockstraps. Billy and Tim had amassed an impressive collection of equipment for their home gym, a trophy case in the corner overflowing with bodybuilding championships. Billy was working with a set of free weights and Tim was on his back, lifting up a massive bar. The teen studs were already hugely stacked, but there was always more gains to be had. They had been working for two hours straight, grunting loudly and soaking their outfits in their sweat and perspiration. Billy and Tim were just about to call it, getting off of their machine and putting their weights up. They gazed upon each other’s sweat-covered muscles with growing lust, their enormous, semi-hard cocks stretching their respective jockstraps to the breaking point. "Seems someone’s getting pretty excited," Tim said, licking his lips as he looked at Billy through narrow, lust-ridden eyes. Billy returned the gaze, his massive muscles flared and dripping with sweat. He stood up, and did several poses for Tim before suddenly grabbing the back of Tim's neck, pulling him in and planting his lips on the other's, kissing him feverishly. The two soon became lost in each other, caressing their bodies, dry humping one another, tongues intertwining in the other's mouth. Billy placed his hands on Tim's firm ass, squeezing it roughly, groping it and giving it a few slaps. The two of them were moaning loudly, Billy letting out a particularly powerful groan as Tim kissed his neck, working his way down Billy's body until he was squatting in front of his crotch, nuzzling his face against Billy’s overfilled jockstrap. Before long, they were on the ground, Billy on top of Tim, thrusting his cock against the larger teen’s. They broke the kiss and moaned loudly, bucking against each other, Tim biting his lower lip and looking at Billy with a lust-filled gaze. His cock was being pressed against his chest, a puddle of precum oozing from it and down his side, tickling him. Billy’s butt clenched hotly as he thrust, and soon Tim placed a palm on each cheek, squeezing tightly, holding the stud close against him as their bodies slid against one another. Suddenly the barn door opened, and in strolled Sean, the youngest and biggest of the three. Behind him, a pile of crushed cars were stacked on top of each other. His workout having long blown past free weights, Sean raided junkyards to find trucks and cars heavy enough to give him a good pump. A wide chest sporting two massive pecs that flexed with every movement of his hulking arms - which each carried a bicep the size of a bowling ball when flexed, a cut eight pack stomach which crunched with any slight movement of his body, and an impressive v-shaped torso that many yearned for but could never achieve even through the most rigorous of workout routines. His quads were large tree trunks that could barely squeeze into any pair of pants - the muscles always begging to tear through whatever fabric restrained them. But with all this muscle, Sean had an equally monstrous dick that never seemed to get fully soft, making it hard to wear much of anything. As he walked, his semi-hard log swung between his legs, slapping his thighs with loud thuds. Billy and Tim suddenly stopped their worship session as they smelled and then saw the glistening, pumped muscle beast. “Sup bros?” Sean said with a smirk. “Feelin’ fucking huge after that pump, seems like you guys got started without me huh?” Tim shivered as his eyes ran down that gorgeous, enormous body, pulling Billy with him as they quickly made their way to the teen god. The two of them stood side by side, pinning Sean against the barn wall, touching, groping, caressing him. Sean smiled and groaned, eyes flickering, writhing against the wall as he was touched and squeezed all over by these two muscled, super hung studs. He took turns making out with each of them, the sound of fabric tearing as Billy and Tim’s jockstraps gave up trying to contain their contents. Billy was in heaven as he groped Sean's titanic muscles, running them over with his hands and tongue and lips, thrusting against the teen’s leg. Sean’s pumped pecs were red and bulging. The huge mounds of muscle were striated with fibers; the cleavage between those two huge pieces of beef was a half foot deep. Sean smirked and flexed for them, bring both arms up and flexing his towering biceps, which they were quick to kiss and touch and squeeze, lost in a daze. Sean continued to pose and flex, letting out the occasional "yeah..." as his perfect, enormous muscles bunched up and throbbed, hard as marble, driving the two studs up the wall with the pleasure of worshipping him. Sean’s cock was at full mast - nearly two feet of throbbing, pulsating muscle cock. Billy was standing next to Sean and stroking his cock, rubbing his thick 18” long shaft against his body until those hot, hard muscles were covered in a film of clear precum, making them stand out all the more. Tim was standing on the other side of Sean, sliding his monstrous 20 inch meat between Sean’s rock-hard glutes. He had grabbed Sean’s head and turned it towards himself, holding it as he made out with the teen god passionately, who occasionally grunted as his cock was stroked, pre spurting out and coating his chin, long strings of the hot fluid drooling off of it. As Sean and Tim kissed, Tim slowly turned Sean's head away from his lips, instead aiming it forward and down, pushing Sean's lips against Sean’s own cock. "Go on, big guy..." he snarled. "Suck it..." Sean complied eagerly, opening his mouth and engulfing his massive cock. "Mmmph.." he groaned as he took it down his throat, easily able to suck his enormous endowment. Tim kept his grip on Sean's head, pushing him further down his cock, and then pulling him up before pushing him down again, forcing the stud to suck himself. "Tastes good, doesn't it?" Billy moaned in Sean's ear, continuing to jerk the bottom half of his shaft. They took the god’s moans as a yes. Sean was really picking up his sucking, wrapping his arms around his enormous, throbbing shaft. That thing had to be as thick as his arm, and almost as long! Spit and pre waterfalled down his cock, dripping from his massive, swaying balls onto the ground in a puddle. "Fuck yeah, Sean, suck your huge cock..." Billy moaned, jerking himself off as well, his 18 inches adorned with pulsating veins, his flared head growing sopping wet. Tim gripped Sean’s meat with both hands, eagerly pumping as he hungrily sucked on his own throbbing cockhead, his eyes never straying away from his godlike little bro. Sean groaned loudly, eyes flickering as he sucked his throbbing meat, his shaft being rubbed and jerked by Billy and Tim. Tim was on his knees in front of Sean. His hands massaged Sean’s big, hard legs. He squeezed his muscles, licked them, worshipped them. Sean moaned loudly as the two of them touched him, his hands off his cock now, his meat so erect it stood straight up on its own. Billy wrapped his arms the Sean’s monster chest and started to worship it as well. He touched it, licked it, kissed it, bucked his own cock against it. Sean moaned and moaned, his large beefy hands touching Billy all over as he continued to make out with his own cock. All three of them gripped Sean’s member and jerked it, not even close to covering the whole thing. "Come on, you fucking hot stud," Tim growled. "Paint this whole fucking barn white." "Let's see this giant cock shoot it's stuff," Billy grunted, arms bulging with muscle from the effort of jerking this huge cock. Tim fondled Sean’s huge balls and Billy jerked off Sean’s throbbing shaft. Sean’s moaning got louder and louder, his cock growing harder and harder, precum spitting out like a broken faucet, ready to burst. It was simply enormous. It had to be the length and thickness of Billy’s arm, and its size matched his enormous body perfectly. The perfect embodiment of masculinity and power. Pure pleasure. A sex god. Billy couldn't watch that stud going down on himself so easily anymore without succumbing to his mounting pleasure. He moaned loudly, squeezing Sean's cock hard as well as his own. His body spasmed and his hips jerked uncontrollably as rope after thick, steaming rope of cum shot out and splattered all over Sean. The teen sucked himself harder, a loud, muffled moan coming from his throat as Billy's cum washed over his body. Tim was quick to rub it all over that massive chest and cut, eight pack abs, licking between the ridges of muscle as he made Sean’s chest shine with cum that kept coming and coming from Billy. The last blow splashed onto Tim's neck as he was worshipping Sean's cum-covered body. Tim followed suit quickly after Billy, spurred into orgasm by Billy’s own. He roared in pleasure as he pointed his own cock at Billy, his own stream splashing onto the other teens. They jerked themselves feverishly at they came all over each other and Sean, kneading them cum into their bodies, hips jerking into the air as they continued to cum, bodies writhing and twitching, muscles flexing. Their combined loads finally pushed Sean over the edge, pulling his cock out of his mouth as his whole body went rigid. “FUUUCK!” Sean yelled. The blast of cum was so thick, so strong, it shot up, almost hitting the roof two stories above, and rained back down on them all in a manner so hot, it only spurred them on more. "YEAH!" Tim roared, jerking Sean off even harder. "Come on, stud! Keep it cumming!" Again and again, Sean shot more and more cum from his huge cock that just didn't seem to stop. It was literally like a fire hose, dousing everything around them in white spunk. Sean roared as his massive muscles flexed. "FUUUUCK!" he roared. They were like a wild living fountain of pure sex, cocks spurting. Cum sprayed everywhere, dowsing the whole room with thick, rich spew. Eventually, though, their orgasms subsided, and they looked as though they had just stepped out of a bath of cum, dripping in the stuff. They leaned against each other, catching their breath. Sean lazily licked the last dregs of his load from his leaking cockhead as Billy and Tim wiped their collective loads of their faces. Tim kissed Billy lustfully, then guided the stud’s mouth and lapping tongue to his cum covered face and neck, gently pushing his head further down to lap up the cum on his chest. The three of them kissed and embraced for several long minutes, their monstrous cocks still hard and pressing against each other’s hard wet bodies. Billy moved in front of Tim and turned around, rubbing his firm ass on Tim’s cock, hotdogging it between his cheeks. Tim grinned, turning so that his own ass was grinding against Sean's cock. The stud got the hint, slapping his huge member onto Tim's back, the throbbing cockhead leaking precum all over it. Tim and Sean reared their hips back, lining their cocks up with the respective hole in front of them, and simultaneously they slid forward, popping their huge dicks inside: Sean inside Tim, Tim inside Billy. All three of them cried out in pleasure, Billy's cock swelling and spurting a huge wad of pre in front of him. All three studs were moaning loudly, bodies rocking back and forth as one fucked the other. Magnificent, sweaty, muscular bodies writhed in ecstasy. Billy's cock found its way into his mouth, and he hungrily sucked himself as Tim pounded his cock into him, made all the more forceful by Sean's powerful thrusts. He felt like a god being in the back of that fuck train, grinning to himself as he slid his hands down his cum-soaked body, caressing his own muscles. He lifted an arm and flexed his enormous bicep, smirking at it as he slowly and sensually thrust into Tim, bringing his hips way back and slowly pushing them forward again, making his hot ass clench and flex. "Yeah..." he moaned, giving that huge bicep a slow lick before bringing it down, grabbing onto Tim's waist and really hammering into him now. Tim's eyes started to flicker. "Oh, fuck..." he groaned, getting close, overwhelmed by the pleasure attacking him from front and behind. Slowly Sean increased his rhythm, thrusting more and more violently. His cock throbbed heavily, and soon he was emptying his load into Billy, who in turn shot his load into his throat before letting it pop out to moan in pleasure, cock spewing in front of him, thumping against his chest with every massive spurt. Tim roared as he erupted in Billy’s ass, thrusting savagely as he flooded Billy. Cum was soon gushing out of the invaded hole with each rapid thrust. Billy’s ass clenched several times around the erupting monster as he came simultaneously. Sean growled and pulled Tim further back onto his cock, causing Tim's spurting cock to slide out of Billy. Sean fell onto the weight bench, Tim still in his grip. With his colossal strength he held Tim above him, sliding him up and down his cock like a sex toy, moaning and cumming the whole time, load after load of cum spraying in front of him, some of it landing on Billy, whose own orgasm finally died down. "Oh FUCK! Sean!" Tim howled, loving how he was being used by this stud - by this god of sex. Sean snarled and thrust his hips upwards, slamming into Tim as he simultaneously pushed him down onto his cock, his muscled arms flexing so hard they looked fit to burst, veins emerging all over them. He stood up as he fucked Tim, slamming him into the wall of the barn, sending him up the wall with each powerful thrust. "You like this huge fucking cock inside you?" he moaned in his ear. Tim must have been on his fourth orgasm now, his mind nearly breaking from the pleasure. "Y-yes...GOD yes..." he said dumbly as he was used. Sean fucked Tim harder and harder, cum starting to seep from his ass, splashing all over the two of them as they both cried out in pleasure. "Get ready bro,” Sean said. He lifted Tim off his cock and set him down. Tim fell onto the ground in a heap next to Billy, eyes glazed over, tongue hanging out as he smiled goofily. The two bodybuilders couldn't believe how engorged Sean's cock was. It was -huge-. It nearly touched his chin as it throbbed so hard they could see it swelling before their eyes. Veins pulsated like his cock was its own heart. Precum leaked from his head in long thick, unbreaking ropes onto the ground. "Make it blow," he growled. Billy and Tim obeyed, hugging Sean's monster to their hard bodies and grinding against it, sliding it against their cobblestone abs and rock hard pecs, milking that mammoth for all it was worth. "Yeah..." Sean groaned, eyes closing, head rolling back. "Oh fuck..." They slipped and slid all over his cock, licking and kissing it, jerking it with both hands. They could feel it throbbing in their palms, the stud getting close. Sean's fingers clenched into fists, his arms popping all over with veins. His neck whole body became rigid, his teeth grit, eyes clenched shut tightly. "RRRRGH-!" he howled. His slit opened wide and out poured the thickest, heaviest load any of them had ever seen. It reached the roof of the two story barn, splashing against it before falling back down on them. Billy and Tim kept jerking that enormous, spurting cock as Sean convulsed in the throes of his orgasm, pleasure sweeping through his body. They jerked, licked, sucked his cock. They worshipped it, they worshipped his body, rubbing his muscles all over, kissing his arms, licking his cut abs, squeezing his marble thighs. Sean soon reached a second orgasm, his cock inflating and throbbing in the others' grips, exploding in another torrent of cum that soon ended, only to be followed by another, and another, and another - an endless stream hosing down the three of them. Billy and Tim were so turned on by the hot display that their own huge cocks were cumming without even being touched, slapping against their bodies with every huge, thick rope that shot out. The three giants groaned and moaned the whole five minutes that they knew the throes of orgasm. Sean came and came, those huge cantaloupe balls of his hugging his shaft. The three of them painted the ceiling, the walls, everyone in what must have been gallons of cum, the stud not relenting. Minutes upon minutes passed as they came, each stream of cum slowly becoming smaller than the last one, until finally it was but a short spurt that landed in front of him. With a grunt Sean fell onto his butt on the soaked floor next to his brothers. Everyone was exhausted, covered in cum, breathing heavily. They looked at each other and laughed. “Time to hit the showers?” Billy grinned. The studs laughed. There was much more in store.
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  25. Chapter 19 10 minutes later Jeremy laid out everything as promised and then some. He made a salad as well, and had been baking some stuffed mushroom. Weston found himself drooling, and drank some water. Jeremy threw a dishtowel over his shoulder. “Ok big guy. I tried the best I could on short notice.” “Jeremy THIS is short notice!? What the hell happens when you plan it?” Jeremy sat next to Weston on the floor. “Give me a week.” Weston began digging in, moaning in a frightfully similar way to when they had been making out. Jeremy looked longingly at the food, but ended up only taking some salad. Weston rolled his eyes, took the plate from Jeremy, and piled on some beef and broccoli, and a little rice. “Jeremy, I might have a way to help you.” “What did you have in mind?” “I could be your coach. No offence but every time I see you eat you are not eating enough of the right stuff. I could train you.” Jeremy considered his plate of food. “I don't know. I'm never going to look as good as you.” Weston set his own food down. “Stop comparing yourself to others. For you I don't even want you to focus on how you look. Here, one sec.” Weston shifted Jeremy away, and sat cross legged on the carpet facing him. “Jer, how far can you run?” “Umm... I run for the bus sometimes, I usually have to run in spurts.” Weston took out his phone, and very carefully typed something onto his phone. “And how hard was it to carry me across the floor. Wouldn't it have been nice if that was easier?” Jeremy thought. “I mean I don't think anyone can carry you now.” Weston didn't flinch. “You're dodging the question. Would you like to be stronger?” Jeremy raised his shoulders. “I mean yeah I guess...” “Good good.” Weston made more notes on his phone. “Would you like to feel good after a karate sparring match? Not winded part of the way through” Jeremy nodded. “Yeah that would be really nice.” Weston messed on his phone a little more. “Jer let's work on these things then. Now go get me your scale.” Jeremy leaped to his feet, gave a salute, and marched off. Weston took the opportunity to pig out. When Jeremy came back Weston put his hand out for it. Jeremy handed it over and watched in horror as Weston bent and broke the scale in his bare hands. “Wes, you could have like hid it or something.” “Then you would have looked for it. In my experience clients get sneaky. No scale, no weighing. If I could, I would break every mirror too, but that's too much. We will measure in ability, not body.” Jeremy slowly nodded. “Ok, but what if I want to change my body.” Weston sighed. “Jeremy, your body will change in due time, but making that your main focus is a disaster waiting to happen. It takes a special type of person to be able to work on his body without tying emotion into it. Bodies are fickle, weight especially, and getting emotional at every slight back step is not worth it.” Jeremy got up from sitting, walking towards Weston. “Weston, are you insecure?” Weston sniffled and wiped a tear. “I mean not anymore right. I just... I've been there. Seeing the scale go up 2 pounds and refusing to leave the house because I feel like a failure. A lot of people always said they wished they looked like me but that felt like more pressure, and yet at times I couldn't see what people could see in it.” Jeremy stepped between his legs to press up against him. “And then you seek anything that gives you any happiness like food.” Weston leaned his head down to Jeremy's shoulder. “And then you barely eat to punish yourself for your behaviour, but that's not sustainable and you binge.” Jeremy looked up and met Weston's eyes. “Are you serious? You of all people go through all that?” Weston blinked and tears hit Jeremy. “I could never take it, getting as lean as I needed for those bodybuilding shows. I felt like a failure. I would never complain about what I could manage, I was in great shape, but all I could see was all the reasons I failed those shows.” “Weston, I never thought a trainer like you would get me. Is that why you keep telling me you don't care that I'm overweight?” “Of course not. The happier you are the sexier I find you. I think being healthier will make you happier, and if you agree, then I can see what we can do, but I promise you losing weight for the sake of it is not going to be the way.” Jeremy took up his plate. “I'm in.” He also picked up the pot of macaroni and pushed it to Weston's face. “Now eat this up before I dive in face first.”
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  26. Chapter 18 Jeremy began hysterically panting on top of Jeremy. “I was joking about paying for a new couch, but I think you do owe me one now” Weston groaned. “Are you saying I weighed too much for your couch? Are you calling me fat?!” Weston made a fake show of crying. Jeremy grabbed some skin and pulled. It was extremely difficult, and what was pulled looked paper thin. “Honestly Weston when we first met you weighed so much less. You've really let yourself go.” Weston smiled and flipped over, now laying on Jeremy, pinning him in place. “Are you implying if I got fat you wouldn't like me?” Jeremy kissed his pec. “Nonsense. That would be fun in it's own way. It will never happen though. You enjoy working out too much. Besides, think of how hard you are trying to put on some fat now. Hows that going for you?” Weston looked down at the parts he could see, noting how easy it was to see every feature below his skin, and hung his head. “I am super hungry though. Any chance you got some stuff in the fridge?” Jeremy wiggled, but couldn't free himself, until Weston did a push up to free him. “Here let me grab you some fruit while I cook. Watermelon aught to fill you up a little.” “Jeremy, I need to pack on pounds. Watermelon won't cut it.” Jeremy responded by throwing a whole watermelon at Weston, which he caught in one hand, though barely. “Buddy I just need time. I will cook you up so much food you'll beg me to stop.” Weston laughed as he played with the watermelon. “Just like you were going to beg me to stop crushing you.” Jeremy chuckled from the other room. “I did no such thing! Check the tapes. You let me go. I count that as a win for me.” “Bullshit! You were going to give up. There was interference.” “Those sound like excuses losers come up with.” “So help me I will come in there and crush you again.” Jeremy tried to get his retort out through laughter. “I hear a sore loser who doesn't want food.” Weston sighed. He got up and immediately hit his head hard off the ceiling. He now had to bend over to not reach the ceiling. He wormed his way through the doorway and found a cutting board with a knife set out. He made quick work of the watermelon. “Jesus Weston what happened to your back?!” Weston made a hilariously failed attempt to look at this back, muscles getting in the way and holding his head from twisting. “I crashed into a table last I checked, something wrong?” Jeremy was already shooting into a room down a corridor. He didn't answer, but came back with medical supplies. “You're bleeding. Face the counter.” Weston did as told, and then yelled as he felt a piece of glass pull out from him. “What was that?!” “The glass the rose was in I assume. It's not that bad, I don't think you need stitches but I will disinfect it and I have some band-aids” “Wait. Disinfect? Does that me- SONOFABITCH!” Weston felt the peroxide pour down from the wound. “Couldn't even warn me?” Jeremy patted his back. “Didn't think you needed it. I'm going to put the band-aid on. Prepare yourself.” Weston pushed off the counter and felt for the band-aid. “Didn't even notice. That's weird.” Jeremy resumed working on the stove, of which every burner was working. “Yeah well you're pretty big, it was more like a deep scratch. On me I would definitely need to go to the hospital.” Jeremy spoke as he cooked, throwing pasta in boiling water, and then oil in a pan. He ran over to the counter to make quick work out of some broccoli. “Now be a good boy and eat your watermelon.” Weston moved to get a better look at all that was happening in the kitchen. “Jeremy, what is all this?!” Jeremy grinned as he threw the broccoli in the pan. “Well I am making some beef and broccoli, got some rice steaming, pasta boiling, and I am making a cheese sauce. I assume you want to eat a lot, you aren't too concerned if the food goes together.” “Not at all, but Jeremy this is so much. I can't ask for all this.” Jeremy looked up at the man taking up the entire room, able to easily touch both walls if he stuck his arms out. “Listen, it's fine. I like cooking. Sometimes too much for my own good. I am a bit of an expert on gaining weight.” Weston manoeuvred behind Jeremy at the stove, hands on his shoulders. “Jeremy, please don't bankrupt yourself to keep me fed and happy. Let me help take care of this, it's me that's the problem here anyways.” “Shred the cheese.” Weston puckered. “No I mean help with all this. The broken couch. The table. The food. The shopping. I can't make this up to you. I don't make much and as I grow it's taking more and more to keep me going. I don't know what to do. I can't even fit in a house right now.” Jeremy took a final shake of a pan, and then turned around. “We will make it work. Maybe we will find a way to make more money.” “It is my responsibility to do that. I just have no idea what to do.” Jeremy stepped away so he could see Weston's face. “Then let me help you. There is so much that we can do. You are huge I'm sure someone is willing to pay you a lot of money for some work only you can do. We can work on that tomorrow, but for tonight you have a critical job.” “Is that special job 'Shred the cheese'?” Jeremy turned back around to stir the pan again and take the rice off the heat. “We'll add good memory to your resume.”Weston went over to the other counter, and munched on watermelon as he shredded the cheese. Jeremy's eyes bugged when he saw how much cheese Weston had shredded. Jeremy couldn't grab it all and made Weston put it into the pot. Jeremy then kicked Weston out of the kitchen so he could finish up.
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  27. for me Seth looks like that
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  28. Chapter 8 At the Lombardo farm residence, Eric and Amy were both sitting at the kitchen table, with Deborah, enjoying lunch, which consisted of ham sandwiches and a salad. And to drink, they were having apple cider. "So, Amy, tell me more about yourself?" Deborah asked Amy. "Where are you from? "Well," Amy began saying. "I was born and raised, in Los Angeles. I went to school in the city for the first 6 years of my life, and then I transferred to San Diego High School from 7th to 12th grade. Eric and I met in the 9th grade and we've been best friends since then." "And you both go to San Diego University, together?" Deborah asked, as she took a bite of her salad. "Yeah." Amy replied, as she picked at her salad. "Eric and I, both, decided to go to San Diego University together." We've been friends forever and we didn't want to be apart from each other when we went off to college." "That's so sweet." Deborah said. "From the way you talk, I'd think that you two were a couple." "Oh, no." Amy said, giggling a little bit. "Eric and I are just friends." "I understand." Deborah. "Hang on to that friendship. True friends are very hard to find. Don't let anything or "anyone" threaten the bond that you two share." Amy and Eric looked at each other, and both smiled at each other. "Don't worry about that, Deborah." Eric said. "Amy and I will always be best friends. Nothing will break us." "I sure hope not." Deborah said. Then she got up and took her plate to the sink to be washed. Then, she turned around again and glanced at Eric. "Eric, are you ready for a slice of my peach pie?" She asked. Eric nodded. "Yes, please." He said. "I'm sure it will be delicious." Deborah nodded, then looked at Amy. "What about you, Amy?" She asked. "Sure." Amy said. "Apple pie for me, but make it a small slice please?" "Of course." Deborah said, and turned to get a few small plates out of the cupboard to serve the pie slices on. She grabbed the pie cutter and cut Eric a slice of peach pie and, Amy, a slice of apple pie, which she brought to the table and set each plate down in front of it's consumer. "Thank you, Deborah." Eric said, as he took his final bite of his ham sandwich. "Yes, Thank you very much." Amy said, gratefully, as she picked up her fork. "You're both welcome." Deborah replied, smiling at them both. Then, she sat back down. She watched, as Eric took a bite of his peach pie. The moment the piece of pie hit his tongue and he started chewing it, his eyes closed, in a look of pure delight. The pie was delicious, beyond words. "Mmm!" Eric murmured, then opened his eyes. "Deborah, this peach pie is out of this world! So delicious!" "Thank you, Eric." Deborah said, her smile growing bigger. "As a matter of fact, why dont I wrap up the rest of the pie, so you can take it back to your dorm room to enjoy, later." "Oh no, that's not necessary, Deborah." Eric protested. "It wouldn't be right for me to do that. You made this pie for everybody." "I insist." Deborah said to him. "Besides, Seth and Rudy had their fill of pie, already. I can always bake another pie. In fact, I will be making a cherry pie for dinner tonight." Eric smiled, as he swallowed his second bite of pie. "Well, when you put it that way," He said to her. "How can I say no?" "Great!" Deborah said, grinning, She then turned to Amy, who was eating her pie. "How's your pie, Amy?" "Delicious." Amy said. " It's probably the best apple pie I've ever tasted!" "Thank you, Sweetie." Deborah said, appreciatively. "You may as well take the rest of the apple pie with you, back to the university, since Eric is taking the peach pie back with him, too. You both can share them." "Thank you, Deborah." Amy said, then asked. "May I call you, Deb?" Certainly." Deborah replied. "That or "Debbie" is fine, too." "Cool." Amy said, with a smile. "Thanks, Deb." "You're welcome." Deborah said, warmly. "When you both are finished with your slices of pie, you may be excused to join Seth and Rudy, in the barn." Amy frowned, wondering something. "Don't you want us to help you with the dishes?"Amy asked her. "Usually it's common courtesy for a guest whose been invited to a family dinner to help with the dishes, afterwards." "I know that, Honey." Deb said, to Amy. " Thanks for the offer, but you two don't have to help with the dishes. I can handle it." After saying that, Deborah got up to wrap the rest of the pies up for Amy and Eric to take with them, back to the University, later. Amy and Eric looked at each other, and shrugged, and then both went back to eating their pie. When they were finished, they got up and pushed their chairs back, into the table. "Deb, if it's ok, we're going to go outside now." Amy said. "Sure, go ahead." Deborah. "You can just leave your plates on the table. I'll get to them in a minute." "Ok." Eric said. "Thanks again for the invitation to lunch." "Yes, everything was delicious, Deb." Amy agreed. "Thank you." "You're welcome." Deborah replied, and turned back to getting the pies wrapped. Eric and Amy walked outside the house. But as Amy was headed towards the barn, Eric put his hand on her arm. "Before we go into the barn, we need to talk, first." Eric, insisted, in a low voice "Come with me, by my car." Amy frowned, as Eric started walking towards the car. She followed, behind him, wondering what was up. Eric stopped by his car and turned around to face Amy. "What's going on?" Amy asked. "Why do you look so serious, all of a sudden?" Eric looked at her, not smiling. He was now going to ask her what she had been up to, earlier, when she was feeling up Seth's biceps and pecs. "What exactly were you doing when you were feeling up Seth's body?" Eric asked her. Amy's eyebrows went up at that question. "That's what you're so serious about?" She asked him. "I was just testing him a little bit, to see if I picked up on anything that might give me a clue whether or not he's gay." Eric wasn't sure he bought her answer. She looked like she'd really been enjoying it when she'd been feeling up Seth's pecs. "Really?" Eric asked her, then added. It looked more like you were flirting with him." "Eric!" Amy said, in shock. "Please don't tell me that you're jealous already? You don't even know if Seth is gay or not, so now's not the time to be feeling that way, when you haven't even asked him, for sure, yet!" "I am not jealous!" Eric insisted, but Amy knew him better. "Yes, you are, Eric!" Amy exclaimed. "Otherwise you wouldn't be acting this way with me, right now!" Eric's expression softened. He knew Amy was right. It wasn't just that he was jealous. He hadn't really seen any evidence that Seth was gay, either, and it scared him to think that if he was wrong, then that meant that Seth could very well be interested in his best friend. "I'm sorry, Amy." Eric said, apologetically. "I'm so scared that if I'm wrong about Seth's sexuality, that he'll be interested in dating you, and then my thinking that Seth is too good to be true, will have been right all along." Amy put her hand on his arm, and rubbed it, affectionately. "It's ok." Amy said. "I understand how you're feeling. But you needn't worry so much. Even if Seth was interested in me, I would never pursue him, knowing that my best friend really likes him, too." "I know." Eric said, nodding. "I know that you would never hurt me, intentionally." "Our friendship is too important to me to let a man come between us, Eric." Amy told him. "Even one as beautiful as Seth is." Eric laughed. "So, you think he's beautiful, huh?" He asked, Amy, grinning at her. "He's every bit as gorgeous and as muscular as you've described him, Eric." Amy told him, smiling at him. "You've chosen well. If there's any man, out there, who would treat you, right, then I think Seth just might be the one for you." Then Amy thought of something. "That is, if he is into you." She added. "But you're not going to know for sure until you ask him." "Yeah, I know." Eric replied. "I just feel like asking him,straight out, like that would just put him on the defensive, and I don't want to do that to him." "I get that." Amy said to him. "You don't want to risk losing him too soon in case you're wrong." "Yeah." Eric said, to her. "But I'm going to take your earlier advice for now. I'm going to forget about Seth's sexuality right now and just play it by ear. I'm going to get to know him and see what happens from there." "That's probably the best thing you can do right now." Amy said, as she smoothed out her hair, which was beginning to blow out from the day's breezy wind. "And you'll have plenty of time to get to know him, while working for him." Eric's face fell a bit at that moment. He had not yet talked to Seth about his meeting with the Dean. "Yeah, i really need to talk to him, about that." Eric said. "I need to find out if he'll be able to work around my class schedule." Amy turned and looked towards the barn. Eric looked in that direction, also. They could both hear the sounds of weights clanging on the bench press bar, as well as the sounds of Rudy and Seth grunting as they worked out. Amy turned back to Eric. "Maybe you better talk to him, now." She suggested to him. "Better now, than later." "Yeah." Eric said, with a slight nod of his head. "You're probably right. Come on, let's walk to the barn." Amy turned and started walking towards the barn, with Eric by her side. As they came around the side of the barn, to the door way, they stopped in their tracks to quite a sight. Seth and Rudy were both shirtless and standing by the weight bench, taking a break from their workout. Both Eric and Amy took in their sexy muscular bodies. From Seth's smooth skin, which was shining from sweat, to Rudy slightly hairy pecs abs and torso, which was also wet from sweating. "Hey guys." Amy said to them. "You both look good!" Rudy blushed a bit, as he was pulling on his shirt. "Nice abs, Rudy!" Eric said to him. "Did you get them from all the farm work you've done, all these years, for the Lombardos?" "Thanks." Rudy replied. "And no, I didn't just get them from the farm work, although it did help. I got big from working out with Seth, these last 10 years." "Cool!" Eric said. "Did you take an interest in bodybuilding, like Seth, here, did?" "Oh no." Rudy said. "I just helped Seth with his bodybuilding goals, and got in good shape, myself, in the meantime. I only work out to look good and stay healthy. I have no desire to be a bodybuilder." Rudy then looked over at Seth, who had not yet put his cowboy hat back on, and saw that as an opportunity to mess with him. "But this big kid, here, wants to turn me into one, whether I like it or not!" Rudy said, jokingly, as he grabbed Seth's neck and pulled his head down, into a headlock, and started ruffling his hair. "Hey!" Seth exclaimed, in protest, yet laughing as well. "Don't mess with my hair, man!" Although, Seth was much taller and bigger than Rudy, he underestimated Rudy's strength, as he struggled to get out of his headlock. "You two are crazy!" Eric said, in between his laughter. He was hunched over, holding his stomach. Amy was holding her hands over her face, laughing as hard as Eric was, over Rudy and Seth's roughhousing. Rudy was laughing too, as he wrestled with Seth, trying to keep his concentration. But Seth was not one to be bested. He kicked his foot out into the back of Rudy's foot, making Rudy fall to the ground, thus loosening his hold on Seth's neck. "Gotcha, brother!" Seth exclaimed, in victory, as Rudy lay on his back, breathing heavily. "Alright, alright, I give up, Seth!" Rudy panted, holding up his hands, as he tried to catch his breath. Seth then reached down and offered his hand to Rudy. "Take my hand, brother." He said, to Rudy. "I'll help you up." "Thanks." Rudy said, reaching out and grabbing Seth's hand. Seth hoisted him up to his feet. After doing that, Seth ran his fingers through his blonde hair, attempting to fix the damage Rudy had done to it. "Well, if you two kids are done horsing around,"Amy said, then looked towards Seth. "Eric needs to have a word with you, about his meeting with the Dean this morning." Now, Seth was really interested in how that meeting went. "How did that go, Eric?" Seth asked, looking at him. Eric's eyes darted to the floor. He let out a huge sigh of disappointment, just before he glanced back up to look Seth, in the eye, to give him the truth. "It didn't go well at all. Did it?" Seth asked. Eric shook his head. "No, it didn't." He said. "The Dean wouldn't let me have the time off from college because he's worried that my other classes would suffer if I focus too much on my work, at the farm." "I see." Seth said, seriously. "But, the Dean did say he doesn't have a problem with me, working on the farm, if I can work it around my class schedule." Eric assured Seth, hoping that it would be an acceptable answer for him. "That's not a problem, Eric." Seth said, the tone in his voice, sincere. "It's not?" Eric was surprised. Seth shook his head. "No." Seth replied. "I was actually telling Rudy, here, this morning that if the college turned you down that I'd work with you, around your schedule. You can attend your classes, as you normally do, and then come to the farm to work afterwards. And whatever days you don't have classes, you can work a full day." Eric breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, Thank God!" Eric exclaimed, relieved. "I was sure that I'd be out of a job, if you weren't happy that I got turned down by the Dean for time off from school." "Well, Eric, as I told you before, your college education is very important and comes before this job." Seth replied to Eric, his tone serious. "I wouldn't have hired you, for this job, if I thought that your college education would suffer. I know how important a college education is, because I didn't get to go to college." Both Amy's and Eric's eyebrows went up, at that admission from Seth. "You didn't?!"Amy asked, in shock."Why not?!" Seth looked at them, sadly. He knew that he was going to have to tell them about how hard things had been, in the past, that had led up to his father's death. And considering he was still grieving his father pretty hard, he wasn't sure he wanted to talk about it because he didn't know if he could do it without losing his composure. Eric sensed that something was off with Seth and felt that he had to say something. "If you don't want to talk about it, we understand, Seth." Eric said, sympathetically. "Thank you, Eric." Seth said, giving him a grateful look. "I appreciate that. I promise, I'll tell you both about why I didn't go to college, but just not today." "We understand." Amy said, sincerely. Seth nodded, his eyes shifted to the floor. As Amy looked around the barn, she noticed the horses, Eli and Max, in their stalls. "Aww, look at the beautiful horses." She gushed. She walked over to Max first and reached out to start petting his nose. Max didn't seem to mind. "That's Max." Seth said, to her. "He was my father's horse." "He's so beautiful." Amy said, as she held Max's face in her hands and was petting him. "I'd love to ride him." "I don't know about that, Amy." Seth told her. "I was telling Eric, yesterday, that Max is very particular about who can ride on him." "He's right, Amy." Rudy piped in. "The first time I tried to ride Max, he bucked and threw me off his back." "Ouch!" Eric said, his face contorting into a pained look. "Were you hurt bad?" "Not really." Rudy revealed. "Seth managed to catch me as I fell off of him, which broke my fall, considerably." "I remember that." Seth said, smiling at the memory. "The shocked look on your face was priceless, afterwards." "I was shocked, mainly because no horse I'd been on had ever thrown me before." Rudy said, still bothered by the memory. Amy turned and looked at Seth, wondering something. "Who all has ridden Max that he trusts?" "Not very many people." Seth said, walking over to her. "He was my father's horse, so only my father, my mother, and myself have really ever ridden him. Seth then turned to Rudy. "And Rudy has ridden him too, since he got thrown off. It took a while before Max trusted Rudy enough to let him ride on him." "Yeah." Rudy said. "Six long months." Amy looked into Max's face, and she got a good feeling from the way Max was looking at her, that he trusted her. "Well, I just have the feeling that I won't have to wait that long." Amy said. She turned to Seth. "Saddle him up, Seth." "What?" Seth asked, in shock. "Amy, are you sure you want to risk getting yourself hurt?" "I won't be." She said. "I just have a strong feeling that Max likes me and trusts me. I dont think he will hurt me." Seth just looked at her, not knowing what the right thing to do was. Seeing that Seth was at a loss for words, Amy rolled her eyes. "Ok, Seth, how about this?" She suggested. "You saddle him up and bridle him, and I'll see if He'll let me lead him, outside of the barn." Is that fair?" Seth nodded. "Yeah, I suppose that's fair." Seth replied. "If Max still doesn't trust you, he won't let you lead him, outside, anyway. He'll just stand there, in the stall and not move." "Ok." Amy said. "It's worth a try at least. Even if I would get him to follow me outside, the real test would be letting me get on him." "That's what worries me." Seth admitted. "If he throws you, I might not be so lucky in catching you, like I had been with Rudy." Eric walked over to Amy, who was standing next to Seth, at Max's stall. "Amy, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her. "You're the only real friend I've got, and I couldn't bear it if something happens to you." Amy's expression softened. She knew Eric was concerned for her. She leaned forward and threw her arms around his neck. Eric wrapped his arms around her waist, and hugged her, tightly. "I'll be ok, Eric." Amy tried to reassure him. "I will. I'll be Ok." Seth glanced over at Rudy, who raised his eyebrows and shrugged. They had never seen two friends of the opposite sex, who were so close, but weren't a couple. Amy released him, and turned to Seth. "Alright, Seth." Amy said to him. "Get Max ready to ride." Seth shrugged and turned to grab Max's saddle from the saddle rack, nearby. Amy and Eric moved away from the stall, allowing Seth to open the gate and start saddling up, Max. I'll help." Rudy said, walking over to assist Seth, in saddling Max. Seth put the saddle on Max's back and once it was adjusted and on the horse, correctly, he started buckling the straps on the left side, while Rudy buckled the straps on the right side. Then Rudy walked out of the stall and stood next to Amy, while Seth attached the bridle reins to Max's facial straps. "You're one gutsy chick, Amy." Rudy said, smiling at her. "Most girls would be afraid to mount a horse that could possibly throw them off, but not you. You seem like a woman who is always up for a challenge." Amy looked up at him, and noticed that he was smiling at her. She smiled back at him. "Thank you, Rudy." She said, softly. "I definitely am up for the challenge of taming Max." Rudy looked back at the stall and noticed that Seth was now opening the gate. "Well, now's your chance, sweet thing." Rudy replied, with a sexy smile. "Good luck." "Alright, Amy." Seth said, as he stepped, outside the stall. "Max is ready. Now, let's see you work your magic, Girl." Amy walked over and once again took Max's face in her hands and started petting his nose again. "Ok, Max, are you ready to take me for a ride?" She asked him. "I would be honored to ride such a beautiful horse like you." Max stood there, seemingly calm. Amy took ahold of Max's bridle reins and looked back up at him. "Come on, Max." She said, sweetly. "Let's go outside." She turned and started walking outside the barn. She turned to look at Max, as the bridle rein began to pull at, Max's head, raising it up. And much to Eric's, Seth's, and Rudy's amazement, Max obeyed and started following Amy out of the stall. The three men moved aside to allow room for Amy and Max to get by. "Well, I'll be damned." Seth said, in a low voice. "I have never seen him adapt to someone so quickly." "Neither have I." Rudy said, in disbelief. "Amy must really have a way with animals." "Oh yeah." Eric said, smiling at them. "Amy can charm just about anyone." "Well, it's not over yet." Seth warned him. "The real test will be if Max trusts her enough to let her ride him." Seth started walking outside, with Rudy and Eric right behind him. Amy led Max outside and stopped right outside the barn. She turned back to Max. "Good boy, Max." She said, then kissed his nose. "Good boy." Seth, Rudy, and Eric came out of the barn and Seth walked over to Amy. "Amazing!" He said, to her. "Max must really like you, because he has never gotten on with someone this quickly." "I told you that he wouldn't hurt me." Amy said, still petting Max. "Well don't celebrate just yet." Seth said to her. "Now you have to mount him." Amy looked very confident and sure of herself. "No worries." She said. "I can do that easily." "Ok, well just know this." Seth told her. "I'm going to have my hands on your waist ready to lift you, just in case, because as soon as you sit down in the saddle, that will be the deciding moment for Max. If he objects, the first thing he will do is stomp his front hooves. If he does that, then he's going to get ready to throw you off. And when that happens, I will grab you and lift you down to safety before he can do that." "I'm fine with that. Seth." Amy said. "By all means, be ready to protect me if the need arises." "Alright." Seth said nodding at her. "Go ahead and try to mount him." Amy walked over to the left side of Max and looked back at Eric and Rudy at that moment. Eric had his hand to his stomach, in worry. Rudy was gazing at Amy, with a very nervous expression on his face. Tensions were running high at that moment. Everyone hoped for the best, but were preparing for the worst. "Alright, here goes." Amy said, after taking a deep breath. She put the toe of her high heeled boot into the saddle loops and stepped up on Max. She threw her right leg over him and sat down in the saddle. Seth immediately put his hands around her waist, and both of them turned their heads towards Max to see what the horse would do. The horse stood there, calmly. He whinnied softly, but he did not stomp his hooves, nor did he try to throw Amy off of him. He didn't move at all. Seth slowly removed his hands from around Amy's waist and stepped back, looking at Max, in amazement. Rudy and Eric were amazed as well, and Eric let out a breath that he wasn't aware that he was holding in. "Well, it looks like you've officially tamed him, Girl!" Rudy said, grinning at her. "What can I tell you?" Amy said, smiling at Rudy. "I'm just a nice kind of gal! That's why all the animals love me." Amy glanced over at Rudy. She took in his handsome features. Given the color of his skin, as well as his distinctively dark hair and dark eyes, she was sure he was of Puerto Rican nationality. Especially given that his last name was Gonzales. "Rudy, would you like to walk the trails with me?" Amy asked him. "I would love to." Rudy replied, smiling, as he walked over to her and Max. Eric walked over with him. Amy looked down at Seth, then said. "I'm sure Seth and Eric have things to talk about." "We do?" Seth asked her. He then glanced at Eric, who was frowning in confusion. "Well, yeah." Amy pointed out. "I'm sure you'll want to talk to Eric about when he wants to officially start his new job." Hearing her say that, Eric looked at his watch. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" He exclaimed, suddenly. "I don't have any classes tomorrow, so I can officially start the job, tomorrow, if you'd like, Seth?" Seth nodded, giving Eric a small smile. "That would be great." Seth said, then turned to Rudy. "Rudy, here, will help train you, for the job." Rudy nodded. "It would be my pleasure."he said, then extended his hand out to Eric. "Welcome aboard, Eric." "Thank you, Rudy." Eric said, as he shook Rudy's hand. "It will be an honor to work with you." "You, as well, man." Rudy replied back, flashing his own killer smile. Again, Eric looked at his watch. "Well, if Im going to be starting my job tomorrow, I assume that I'll be spending the night here, and if that's the case, then I have to go back to my dorm room, at the university and pack some extra clothes." Eric said, looking at everyone. "That's a good idea." Seth said, to him. "If you stay here the nights before your days off, you won't have to get up earlier to drive here, in the mornings." Eric then realized that he'd said he'd be spending the night, like he'd invited himself. "Seth, are you sure it's ok?" Eric asked him. "When I said about spending the night, I said it, without thinking, and I didn't ask you, first." "No, it's fine " Seth reassured him. "I would have asked you anyway. And I'm sure Mom won't mind. We have an extra bedroom, for guests, so we have plenty of room and you could use the bedroom as a study room too, to work on your essay." "Great, well now that we have that settled," Eric said, then glanced up at Amy. "Amy, I would prefer if you drove my car back with you, to the university, tonight. You can use it if you need to, for anything you need in town, and then come back for me later tomorrow evening." "Thanks, Eric." Amy said. "I appreciate it." Eric nodded, then said to her. "Well, enjoy your horseback ride with Max and Rudy." He said, to her. "I just have to go back to campus and pack. I'll be right back." "Alright." She said, then turned to Rudy. "Come on, Rudy, let's go for that ride." "I'm ready." Rudy said, then looked at Seth and Eric. "We'll see you two, later." "Bye, guys!" Seth said to them, as Rudy followed Amy, who was riding Max, towards the trails, leading towards the fields. When they were gone, Seth turned back to Eric. Eric looked into Seth's eyes and for a moment was about ti get lost in them. That is until Seth spoke up. "Do you mind some company?" He asked. "I could go with you, back to the university and help you pack." Eric laughed at that. "Are you sure you want to do that?" He asked, Seth, grinning like mad. "Yeah."'Seth said, then frowned. "Why wouldn't I?" Eric could think of a few reasons why he shouldn't. "Umm," Eric said, gesturing towards Seth's body, with wide eyes. "Tall, handsome guy. Huge muscles. You might get ambushed by horny college students." "Oh, fuck that!" Seth said, with a grin. "It's not like I've never been ambushed before by people who like my muscles. Everyone was feeling my muscles up in high school. I didn't care. Being only 16 years old and very popular, I loved the attention." "Sounds like you could tell me a lot of stories about that." Eric said, with a smirk on his face. "Oh you bet I could." Seth said. "Some of them would just shock you." Eric raised his eyebrows at that one. "Now, I'm intrigued." He said. "Tell me more. "I will." He said. "But, in the car. I can't wait to see what a college dorm room looks like, so this will be a treat for me." Eric thought it over and thought that this would be the perfect opportunity for him to be alone with Seth, just the two of them, and get to know him a little better. "Alright." Eric said, with a smile on his face. "Let's go!" "Awesome!" Seth exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. He and Eric walked to Eric's red Nissan Altima, and they got in it. Eric started the engine and began driving out of the driveway towards the road. Then, he pulled out, onto the road and started driving back to the university.
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  29. Chapter 7 Later that morning, Eric re-entered his dorm room and closed the door behind him. He plopped down on the bed, heaving a huge sigh of disappointment, and put his face in his hands. His talk with the Dean, after he'd finished class did not go well. "Man, I can't believe the Dean turned me down for the time, working on the farm." Eric said, to himself. " Now, what am I going to tell Seth?" When Eric had talked to the Dean of the University, The Dean had basically told him that with all the classes he was taking, that he couldn't afford to miss any classes if he wanted to graduate college. Although, the Dean understood that Eric's job, on the farm, was to to learn about running it, for his college essay, He had been concerned about how it might affect Eric's other classes and was worried that he'd fall too far behind at the most critical time of the school year. The Dean had apologized for the disappointment, and had said that he had no problem with Eric working on the farm, as long as he could work it around his college schedule. And Eric was not sure if Seth would be willing to work around his college schedule, although he had said that Eric's education had to come first. "Well, I'd better go find Amy and let her know what's happened. Eric got up and started for the door. As he was opening it, he came face to face with Amy, who was just about to knock. "I was just coming to see you." Eric said, his face all serious. When Amy saw his face, she knew exactly what was wrong. "Oh no!" Amy said, knowingly. "From the look on your face, I'm guessing your meeting with the Dean didn't go well?" Eric shook his head. "No it didn't." He said, to Amy. "Although, he understands that my job on the farm is part of my college essay I'm writing about, He's worried that my other classes might suffer and I might fall too far behind if I miss any of my other classes." Amy pulled Eric into a hug, which he accepted. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie." Amy said, as they hugged. "I'm sure that Seth will understand when you tell him." "I'm sure he will." Eric replied, as he released Amy from their hug. "The Dean said he has no problem with me, working on the farm, as long as I can work around my college schedule. "Well that's good news, at least." Amy said. "Have you talked to Seth yet?" "Not yet." Eric said, shaking his head. "I just figured We'd do that on the way to the farm to visit with him." "That's a good idea." Amy said, then her face brightened. "But we're still going shopping." Eric grinned. He and Amy had talked more about Amy's plan to make Eric more noticeable to Seth and Eric had loved it and was all for it." "So we are still going ahead with the plan?" Eric asked her. "Hell yeah!" Amy exclaimed. "We're going to have you looking like a new man in no time." "Alright, let's do it!" Eric said, excitedly. "Are you ready to go now?" "Ready when you are." Amy said, to him. Eric went to grab his keys off the desk and he turned back to meet Amy at the door. "Let's go!" Eric said, with a sexy grin on his face. The two of them left the University and headed towards their shopping destination. Meanwhile, back at the farm, Seth was in the barn, with Rudy. They had just finished milking the cows, and both were preparing to take the milk buckets up to the house to put in cream pitchers to get cold in the refrigerator. "Well, that went a lot faster than it would have without your help, Rudy." Seth said, as he and Rudy walked out of the dairy barn. "Thanks, brother!" "Like I said, my man, anytime!" Rudy said, putting his arm around Seth's huge shoulders. Rudy's eyes got even bigger when he felt the thickness of Seth huge traps, beneath his hand. "Damn, Seth!" Rudy explained, lightly squeezing his trap. "If those traps get any bigger, you're not gonna have a neck anymore!" Seth laughed at that comment. Thanks for the compliment, man!" Seth said. "You've been there for me, all through my bodybuilding journey and I can't thank you enough for it." "Of course." Rudy said, his arm still around Seth's shoulder. "I was happy to help you out with accomplishing your dream. Although, considering the fact that you were already a big kid from all this farm work over the years, it really didn't take you long to achieve your goal of getting bigger." "You're right about that." Seth replied. "I was shocked how fast I was growing after I started taking anabolic steroids." Rudy shook his head. "Nah, it wasn't the steroids alone." Rudy said. "Your muscle genetics played a part in your growth as well." "Really?" Seth asked, looking at Rudy, in surprise. "Absolutely!" Rudy replied. "I watched your muscles grow and take shape while you were growing up. When you hit your teenage years, that's when your growth really started. Didn't you tell me, by the time you turned 16, you were the biggest kid in school?" Seth smiled, remembering that. He remembered that he was bigger than all of the guys on the wrestling and football teams in high school. And how popular he was with the women. And the men, too, those who secretly envied him because of how good he looked and how built he was, as well as the gay and bisexual men, who were disappointed because they knew they could never have him, in the way they wanted, considering Seth never showed any interest in men, sexually, back then. "Yeah." Seth murmured, softly. "Which is why I wasn't surprised when the school voted me homecoming king. I was that popular." As Seth and Rudy came to the house, they stopped just outside the door. "I remember that!" Rudy said, to him. "Weren't you dating Evelyn at that time?" Seth nodded. "Yes, I was." Seth replied. "She was the best looking girl, in school. It seems like such a lifetime ago. Its been almost 10 years since my sophomore year, of high school. That's when we first met." "Speaking of Evelyn," Rudy suddenly said. "Have you seen much of her, since you two broke up?" "No, actually." Seth revealed. "Last I heard, she was dating some other guy from high school, but I have no idea who it could be, considering every guy in school liked her." After Seth had said that, the door opened and Deborah stuck her head out. "Well, I say good riddance." Deborah said to him. "I never approved of that girl, Seth. "I knew that she'd break your heart, one day, because girls like her usually have several guys on a string, and love being the center of attention." Seth frowned, and looked at Rudy, who was looking back at him with a wide eyed look, and an amused smirk on his face. Seth looked back at his mother. "Mom, how long have you been eavesdropping on our conversation?" "Seth!" Deborah said, with a warning tone in her voice. "I would hardly call it eavesdropping, when the two of you are talking right in front of the screen door where anyone standing within earshot, can hear you. I happen to be making lunch in the kitchen right now, you know?" Seth grimaced, sorry at that moment that he'd accused his mother of eavesdropping. "I'm sorry, Mom." Seth apologized. "I guess I'm still a little sensitive where Evelyn is concerned." "You're forgiven, Son." Deborah said. "And I'm sorry, too. I don't take any pleasure in how painful it was when you broke up with her. I just think that you deserve better than that girl." "I understand." Seth said, nodding at her. She smiled at him, and then looked at Rudy. "Will you be joining us for lunch, Rudy?" She asked him. "Yes, Ma'am!" Rudy replied, taking off his black cowboy hat, revealing his combed back, dark brown hair. Alright." Deborah said, with a smile on her face. "Both of you come in and eat. Lunch is just about ready." Rudy started to go in, but Seth hung back for a minute. Rudy turned towards him. "Seth, are you coming?" He asked. "Yeah, go ahead in and eat, man!" Seth told him. "I need to make a quick call." "Ok." Rudy said, and entered the house. Seth walked into the barn to check on the horses and to have some privacy. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Eric's phone number. It rang about 4 times, then went to voicemail. "Hi, this is Eric Shaw." Seth heard Eric's recorded voicemail say. "I can't take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep." After the beep, Seth began talking. "Hey Eric, it's Seth Lombardo." Seth said. "I was just wondering how your meeting with the Dean went, at the university, since I haven't heard from you, yet. Please call me or text me back when you get this message as soon as you can. Thanks." Seth hung his phone up and went to check on Eli's stall. When he did, he noticed that the stall was full of horse manure and definitely needed to be mucked out. Seth then walked over to Max's stall and checked his as well. Max's wasn't as bad as Eli's, but his also needed cleaned out, as well. "That can wait until after lunch." Seth said, rubbing his washboard stomach. "I am starving." He turned and walked out of the barn, and back to the house to join his mother, and Rudy, for lunch. Elsewhere, at the local shopping center, Amy was waiting on Eric to come out of the fitting room, wearing the outfit that he had chosen to buy and wear when he and Amy went to the farm to meet with Seth. "Are you ready, Eric?!" Amy called out to him. "Yeah!" She heard Eric say though the fitting room door. "Just one second!" "Ok!" Amy replied back and sat back in her chair. After a few moments, the door opened and Eric walked out into Amy's view. When she saw him, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. There stood Eric, dressed in a pair of Wranglers jeans, with a black belt, a blue and white checkered plaid button up shirt, which Eric had unbuttoned to just below his chest, revealing his entire pecs, and a pair of brown cowboy boots. And for the finishing touch, a white cowboy hat, the same style and look as Seth's, rested on his head. Eric looked good, too! "Oh my god!" Amy exclaimed. "Eric you look absolutely incredible!" "Really?" Eric asked her. "You like it?" "Hell yes, I like it!" Amy exclaimed, then said. "Turn around so I can have a look at your ass in those Wranglers." Eric turned around so she could look. And Amy was impressed that he'd found a pair of Wranglers that actually looked good on him. "That's a great looking pair of jeans, Eric.". Amy said, with a huge grin on her face. "Your ass looks amazing in them." "Amy!" Eric exclaimed, as he turned to face her. "Stop it! You're embarrassing me!" Although, embarrassed, Eric was smiling from ear to ear. "Why?" Amy asked him. " I'm just telling it like it is." Eric took a moment to check out Amy's outfit. Like Eric, Amy was also wearing a hat, but it was a hat suited for a cowgirl. She was wearing brown boots with heels, some low riser boot cut jeans and a form fitting white t shirt with a red and white checkered plaid shirt on over it. "Wow, you look great too, Amy!" Eric said to her. "I love your outfit!" "Thank you." Amy said. "So, are we ready to make our grand entrance at the Lombardo residence?" "You bet we are!" Eric told her. "Let's go! I can't wait to see Seth's reaction to my new look." Amy and Eric walked to the cashier at the checkout counter to pay for their clothes. After paying for their purchases, they put their clothes they had on when they arrived at the shopping center, into their bags, in place of their new clothes, and headed outside to Eric's car. They got into the car, and Eric started the engine. "Look out, Seth!" Amy said, outloud. "Cowboy Eric is gonna rock your world!" Eric started laughing at her, while also blushing crimson. "More like he's gonna rock MY world, Babe!" Eric said to Amy. "If looking like this doesn't bring out the gay in Seth, I don't know what will." "Hmm." Amy buzzed, looking at Eric with a smirk on her face. "What's that look about?" Eric asked her, as he started to drive out of the parking lot. "I was just thinking." Amy said to him. "If this doesn't work, then you do have other options you know." Eric frowned, wondering what other "options" she was referring to. "Such as what?" Eric asked. Amy cocked an eyebrow. "You know what." Amy replied. "Get naked for him, again." "What?!" Eric exclaimed, in shock. "Amy come on, I'm not the scheming type of guy." Amy raised her eyebrows at that one. "I'm not!" Eric insisted, this time in a louder tone. "Oh really?" Amy asked. "Then what was that whole "I'm gonna show Seth a sexy body" test of yours about?" Eric rolled his eyes at that one, but even he couldn't help but grin at that question. "You know what that was about, Amy." Eric said, as he kept his eyes on the road. "I was trying to get any hint that Seth may possibly be attracted to me or not. And all I got was him staring at me a bit too long and a bit of heavy breathing." "That sounds like proof enough to me that he's possibly attracted to you." Amy pointed out to him. "Even if that's true, I can't get my hopes up too high." Eric told her. "I have to remember that my work, on the farm, is temporary, and for the experience I need to write my college essay. I can't let myself be distracted from that for a moment. I've worked my ass off to get through college and I'm not going to let anything, including my feelings about Seth, derail that." "Eric." Amy said. "All I'm saying is keep an open mind where Seth is concerned. I know your college education is important, but what's wrong with wanting to find love too, in the meantime?" Eric looked over at Amy, and noticed that she was looking at him, more seriously than he'd ever seen her look at him, before. "Nothing is wrong with it, at all." Eric said, then asked Amy. "But why are you so insistent on me trying to find love now?" Amy looked at him and prepared to give him, her answer. "It's because I've never seen you truly happy with anyone before." She revealed to him. "You've never experienced real love from a man because of what happened to you, in the past." Hearing Amy mentioning the past, Eric felt a sick feeling of déjà vu wash over him, at that moment. "Amy, please don't go there." Eric said, swallowing hard. "I don't like to remember those times." "I know you don't." Amy said. "And I know what you went through, so I'm not going to get into anything heavy, right now." "Thanks, I appreciate that." Eric said to her, as he wiped at a tear that had started to run down his face. Amy saw that he was crying, and put her hand over his and squeezed it. "I'm sorry, Eric." Amy said, the concern evident on her face. "I didn't mean to upset you." "I know." Eric said, as he wiped away more tears that were falling down his cheeks. "I just hate having to re-live what that bastard put me, through." "I understand." Amy replied, in a soft tone. "Maybe it's best to get it out of your system before we get to Seth's house." "Don't worry, I'll be alright in a minute." Eric said, wiping away the remaining tears from his face. "How much longer until we get to the farm?" Amy asked, not letting go of Eric's hand. "About ten minutes." Eric said. "Let's enjoy the drive, since we're almost there." "Ok." Amy said, sitting back in her seat. The two of them sat, in silence, for the rest of the drive, as Eric drove towards the Lombardo family farm. When they arrived, at the farm and pulled into the driveway, behind Seth's truck, Eric shut off the engine and turned to Amy. "So, are you ready to meet this handsome muscular gentleman?" Eric said, a cute smile on his face. "I can't wait." Amy said. " I need to see what the hype is all about." "Well, no time like the present." Eric said to her. "Come on!" Eric and Amy got out of the car and started walking up to the house. Just as they were about to the door, Seth came outside, with Rudy. When Seth saw Eric, he stopped short, taking in his appearance. "Eric?" Seth asked, looking him up and down. "Is that you?" "Yep." Eric said, grinning. "If I'm going to be a Farmer's Helper, I thought I'd dress appropriately." Seth laughed at him. "Well, I like it, man!" Seth said to him. "You look good." "Thanks." Eric said, smiling at him. Then he turned to Amy, who was looking at Seth, wide eyed, her mouth agape, looking him up and down. "Amy, I'd like you to meet, Seth Lombardo." He said to her, then turned back to Seth. "Seth, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Amy McAdams." Seth extended out his hand to Amy, smiling at her warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amy." Seth said. When she took his hand, he raised it to his lips and kissed it. "You, too, Seth." Amy replied, smiling. "Eric sure wasn't kidding when he told me how muscular you are." "Really?" Seth asked her, looking at Eric, whose cheeks were a bit flushed. "What else did he say?" "Oh God!" Eric thought, to himself. "I know I'm going to die of embarrassment!" "Hmm." Amy said, thoughtfully, then said. "He told me that you have big biceps, too." "Well then, he told you, right, Girl." Rudy piped up. "20 inches the last time I helped him get a good measure on them." Seth then introduced Eric and Amy to Rudy. "Eric, Amy, I'd like you to meet, Rudy Gonzalez. "He's been working for the family for over 10 years." Rudy shook hands with Eric, first. "It's nice to meet you, Eric." He said, shaking Eric's hand. "You too, Rudy." Eric replied, smiling at him. Then Rudy shook hands with Amy. And like Seth, he also kissed Amy's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Amy." He said, smiling at her, warmly. "You two are such gentleman." Amy said. "That's rare to see these days. All i ever see on campus, these days, are drunken slobs." Seth and Rudy both laughed. "Yeah, well some of my friends are no different than any of those kind of guys." Seth said to her. "But I don't hang out with them too much, anymore since I got into bodybuilding." Amy then remembered that she need to see Seth's biceps and get a feel of them for herself. "Well, speaking of that," Amy said, then asked. "Could I see your biceps and get a feel of them, too?" "Of course." Seth said, with a grin on his face. He squatted down to Amy's level and did a double biceps pose, like he'd done for Eric, in the fields, yesterday. Amy put both of her hands on his biceps and started to squeeze them. Her eyes got big as she felt how hard Seth's biceps really were. "Wow!" Amy said, impressed with Seth's muscularity. "Your biceps are enormous and harder than rock." "Thanks, Amy." Seth was grinning from ear to ear, while Rudy looked on, in amusement, and Eric was frowning in confusion, wondering what Amy was up to. Seth stood back up, but Amy wasn't quite finished with him, yet. "But I'm more interested in that glorious chest of yours." Amy suddenly said, surprising not only Seth, but Eric and Rudy as well. Seth looked down at his pecs, and back up at Amy and said: "You wanna feel my pecs too?" "Yes, please." Amy asked him. Seth shrugged. "Alright." He said, unbuttoning his flannel shirt to expose his perfectly golden tanned pecs. As Amy started feeling Seth pecs, Seth began to start bouncing them up and down. Rudy shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Show off." He said, grinning at Seth. Seth looked back at him. "Hey, I can't help it if people love my muscles." Seth told him. "Everyone wanted to feel my muscles in high school." Eric looked on, in half amusement and half jealousy, while Amy was feeling up Seth's enormous pecs. How he wished he was in her position right now, feeling up Seth's body. "Ok, I'm done." Amy said, letting go of Seth's pecs. Seth rebuttoned his shirt and looked towards the house. "I'm going to call my mom out here." Seth walked over to the door, and called to his mother through the screen. "Mom!" Seth called out to her. "Can you come out here, please? We've got company." "Ok, Son, I'll be right out!" Deborah called out. In a moment, Deborah came outside. When she saw Eric, standing there, decked out in cowboy attire, she stopped short. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed. "Eric. Is that really you?' "Yes, it's me." Eric replied, grinning at her. "It's nice to see you again, Deborah." Then, Eric turned to Amy to introduce her to Deborah. "Deborah Lombardo, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Amy McAdams. Amy, this is Seth's mother, Deborah Lombardo." Deborah extended her hand out to Amy and they shook hands. "It's nice to meet you, Amy." Deborah said, warmly. "It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Lombardo." Amy said, politely. "Please, call me, Deborah." Deborah told her. "I told Eric the same thing when we first met." "Ok." Amy said, nodding. " Deborah it is, then." Deborah released Amy's hand and then said. Well, Seth, Rudy, and I just finished having lunch. She pointed out. "Are you two hungry? There's plenty of food still left?" "As a matter of fact, yes." Eric replied. "Amy and I didn't have breakfast this morning since we had class, today. And we haven't had lunch yet." "Well then, You two are more than welcome to join me, in the kitchen, to have a bite to eat. Deborah said. "And if you're hungry for dessert afterwards, I've made peach, and apple pies." Eric's face brightened at that. He'd remembered that she'd said she'd make a peach pie for him next time he came by. "I remember you said you were going to make peach pie, the next time you saw me " Eric mentioned. "I didn't think It'd be so soon!" Deborah smiled. "Well, I thought of you when I made it this morning, Sweetie, so I hope that you'll love it." "I can't wait to taste it." Eric said. "Oh, I can tell you, that both of those pies are delicious." Seth said, with a sexy grin, on his face. "I had two slices of both pies, and now I've gotta get in a workout to burn off all those calories." Deborah rolled her eyes, yet had an amused smile on her face. "My son and his huge muscles." She said, shaking her head, then turned to Seth. "Come on, Seth, two slices of pie is hardly gonna hurt you." "Well you don't keep abs like this." Seth said, tensing his abs, "Or pecs like these by slacking off." After saying that last part, Seth starting bouncing his pecs fast and hard, and made a funny face. When he did that, Amy and Eric burst into loud laughter, and Rudy ended up joining in, too. "Seth!" Deborah said, in embarrassment. "Stop showing off like that in front of our guests!" "Sorry, Mom." Seth said, chuckling, as he buttoned up his shirt to just below his pecs. "I really do need to get in that workout, anyway" He turned to Rudy. "Rudy, would you like to join me for a workout, in the barn?" Rudy frowned, a moment. "You really think I shouldn't be getting back to work?" He asked. "I noticed some fencing, near the fields that's in need of repairs. It's not that bad, but I think it should be taken care of before it gets any worse." "Nah, it can wait, an hour or two." Seth said. "Besides, you need to get in a workout, too." Rudy shrugged. "I guess I might as well." Let's do it." "Alright!" Seth said, slapping Rudy's shoulder and lightly shaking it. "Come on, brother! I'll have you looking like a bodybuilder in no time!" Rudy grinned, shaking his head, as he was turning to go, he then turned back to the others. "Eric, Amy, it was a pleasure to meet you, both." He said to them." "You too." Amy said to him. "You too, Rudy." Eric replied, smiling at him. "Have a good workout." "Oh, I know I will." Rudy said to Eric. "This big man here, works me like a dog, when it comes to the gym." "Speaking of dog, where's Cole?" Eric asked. "You know him." Seth said. "He's a working dog, so he's back in the fields, keeping an eye on the cattle." "What does Cole look like?" Amy asked. "He's a Sable colored Collie." Seth told her. "Aww, he's sounds so beautiful! I love Collies!" Amy said, sweetly. "I hope I get to meet him, later. Is he friendly?" "He's very friendly with guests." Deborah explained. " But if he doesn't like someone, which is rare, he'll growl at them, but he won't bite them, unless one of us commands it. Cole is a pretty good judge of character. I know he'll love you." "I hope so."Amy said. For a moment, there was an unspoken silence. That is until Seth decided to break it. "Well, you two should get something to eat." Seth said. "Rudy and I are going to work out, so we'll catch up with you too, later." "Ok, cool." Eric said. "It was great meeting you, Seth." Amy said to Seth. "You too, Amy." Seth replied. " Don't be a stranger. Anytime you want to come out to the farm, you're always welcome." "Thanks." Amy said, smiling at him. Seth nodded, smiling at her. Then his eyes, shifted to Eric, who was looking right back at him. Seth winked at him, then grinned, as he and Rudy headed towards the barn to workout. "Well come on, you, two." Deborah said to Eric and Amy. "Come inside and eat." Deborah headed to the door and went inside, with Amy right behind her. Eric followed. As he got to the door, he turned and looked in the direction, of the barn, where Rudy and Seth were heading. Rudy had just disappeared, inside the barn, and at that same moment, Seth had stopped, just at the doorway, and glanced back, at the house where Eric was standing. The two of them locked eyes with each other. Eric could feel that warm sensation coursing through his body again, when Seth's eyes were on him. Just like he had yesterday night when they were talking by his car, before he left. As he looked into Seth's eyes, he thought he saw what looked like desire, within them. Like he felt the same way, as Eric himself, was feeling. Eric, with his mouth slightly open, glanced down Seth's body, then back up at Seth again, hoping that Seth would read him right. That Seth would feel what he was feeling at that moment. And that's when he saw it: a small smile played on Seth's lip. He turned towards Eric and as Eric watched, Seth spread open his shirt a little more, exposing his pecs. He looked down at his pecs and started slowly bouncing them up and down, slowly and in a very teasing kind of way. After he'd bounced his pecs about 3 times, his eyes glanced back up at Eric and saw that Eric was looking down at his pecs, watching the whole thing. When Eric looked up at Seth again and looked into his eyes, he noticed that Seth's smile had gotten bigger and he was showing off his beautiful teeth. Eric couldn't help smiling back at him. But all soon, the spell was broken, when Amy shouted from the house. "Eric, come on! What's keeping you?!" And Rudy shouted from the barn. "Seth! Are you coming?!" "Yeah, Rudy, I'll be right there!" Seth called back to him. "I'm coming, Amy!" Eric shouted back to Amy. He and Seth looked back at each other. Eric pulled out his phone, and held it up to Seth, while pointing at it. "Text me, later." He mouthed, silently, to Seth. Seth nodded, letting Eric know that he'd gotten the message. After that, Eric turned and went into the house to join Amy, at the dinner table with Deborah, while Seth walked into the barn to join Rudy for their workout.
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  30. Chapter 6 The next morning, Eric awoke to his clock alarm going off at 7:00a.m. He turned off the alarm and sat up in bed, He stretched out and then got up and walked into the bathroom to take his morning shower. He turned the water on to a comfortable temperature and climbed under the spraying water. He sighed in satisfaction as he felt the warm water relaxing his tired muscles. He picked up the shampoo and squeezed some into his palm, which he then started working into his wet hair. When he was satisfied, he stepped under the shower again to rinse it out of his hair. As he washed, his thoughts drifted back to Seth and wondering what he was doing, this morning. Meanwhile, at the Lombardo residence, Seth's day had begun, long before Eric had woken up. He had just finished feeding the chickens, and gathering their eggs, in a basket which he took in to his mother to wash, so she could prepare breakfast. Deborah was already awake and in the kitchen, getting out the supplies needed to start breakfast, when Seth came in, carrying the basket of freshly laid eggs. "Good morning, Honey!" She greeted him. "Good morning, Mom." Seth said, with a smile on his face. "Here are the fresh eggs you wanted." "Thank you, Sweetie." She said. "Sit them on the counter, by the sink, and I'll wash them, in a few minutes." "Sure." Seth said. He walked over to the counter and set the basket of eggs down. Then he looked back at her. "Is there anything else you need?" Deborah thought about it for a second, and then realized there was something else that she needed. "Actually, yes." Deborah said. She grabbed another large basket from the kitchen table, and handed it to him. "Would you please go out to the orchard and pick some fresh peaches, so I can make a peach pie for dessert later?" And also some apples as well in case I decide to make an apple pie, too, as well as have some fruit to eat with breakfast. "You got it, Mom." Seth said, taking the basket from her. "Do we need any milk?" Deborah shook her head. "No Honey, I checked already." She told him. "I have enough milk to serve for breakfast, and to make the pie, so you can wait until you pick all the fruit in the orchard that I need, before you milk the cows." "Cool." Seth said. "I'll get right on it." As Seth walked toward the door, Deborah called out to him. "Oh, Seth, honey?!" Seth turned around and looked at her, his eyebrows raised. "Yeah, Mom?" He asked. Deborah smiled at him. "Have you talked to Eric yet, this morning?" Seth shook his head. "Not yet." He said, then frowned. "Why?" "Well, I was wondering if you'd heard anything back from him about whether or not, he can take the job here on the farm." Deborah said. "I haven't heard a word from him about that, yet." Seth replied. Then he looked at his watch. "Besides," He continued saying. "It's only 7:15a.m. so he's probably just getting up now to get ready for his classes." "Oh." Deborah said, remembering that fact. "That's right! I didn't even think about the fact that he may have had classes this morning." Seth nodded. Then he thought of something. "I'll send him a text message and see if he answers back." Seth said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He pulled up his Text history with Eric and started tapping away at his phone. Back at the University, Eric, who has just gotten out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist, was walking towards his bed, when he heard his phone beep. He picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Seth. Seth: "Good morning, Eric! When do you talk to the Dean about your job, on the farm?" Eric smiled. He was glad to hear from Seth. He started tapping at his phone. Eric: "I have only one class today. It starts at 8:00a.m. I will talk to the Dean, around 9:00a.m. so I'll message you back as soon as I know anything." Eric finished writing the text and sat his phone back down on the bedside dresser. He then walked to his other dresser and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a pair of CK boxer briefs, and a pair of white socks. He walked back over to the bed and removed his towel, so he could put them on. Just as he was pulling up his underwear, he heard his phone beep again. He picked it up and looked at it. Seth's message read: "Ok, I'll talk to you soon." Eric texted him good-bye and sat his phone back down so he could finish getting dressed. He put his socks on and then walked to his closet to pick out the clothes he was going to wear for the day. He decided on some beige khaki pants and a button up shirt. At least until his classes were done. He certainly wasn't going to work on the Lombardo farm in any of his good quality clothes. He put on his good clothes and sat back down on his bed. He thought about his moment with Seth last night, before he left the farm and that feeling he experienced, came back to him, like it was happening all over again. "Every time, I think about what happened with Seth, last night, my body gets this same feeling that I'm feeling right now." Eric said, to himself. "What is it? I don't think it's just my attraction to him. It's something else." As Eric was thinking it over, he heard a soft knock on his door. He walked over to it and opening it. He was shocked to see Amy standing there, looking at him. "Hey!" Eric greeted her, then frowned. "What are you doing here? I thought we weren't going to see each other until classes were done for the day?" "I decided I couldn't wait until then." Amy said to him. "May I come in?" "Yeah, sure." Eric replied, stepping aside to let her in. Amy walked into the room and took a seat on Eric's bed. Eric shut the door and turned to face her. "So," Amy began saying. "Are you going to tell me how things went yesterday? Did you get the job?" Eric grinned and sat down beside her on his bed. He had so much to tell her. "Yes." He said, then added. "But that's not even the best part. You're not going to believe who was hiring for that job." Now, Amy was definitely intrigued, and she wanted to hear more. "Who?" She asked. Eric knew that she was going to be blown away by his revelation. "Would you believe, the same guy I told you about that I bumped into at Whole Foods?" Amy's eyes grew as big as saucers. Then she was grinning profusely. "NO?!" She exclaimed, in disbelief. "That Seth guy? With the big muscles?" "Yep." Eric said, smiling from ear to ear. "His name is Seth Lombardo and the job as a Farmer's Helper, is taking place at his family's farm." Amy jumped up and hugged Eric, excitedly. "Oh my God, Eric!" She gushed, as Eric put his arms around her and hugged her back. "I'm so happy for you!" "Thank you." Eric said, grinning. " You have no idea how happy I am to have found him again." Eric released Amy and she pulled back and looked into his face. "Didn't I tell you that fate would decide when you two would meet again?" She said, that happy grin still on her face. "Yeah." Eric said, still smiling. "And you were right." "So, what else happened?" Amy asked. "You were gone all day, yesterday?" Eric told her about how he had met Seth again and how Seth had invited him to go on a horseback ride when Eric had said how much he loved horses and how long it'd been since he had ridden a horse. Amy sat back and listened, as Eric told her how he and Seth had ridden to the fields and talked more about the job, and then when he came to the part where he had flexed his bicep for Seth, when he asked, and then Seth had flexed for him, Amy raised her eyebrows at that. "He actually flexed for you?" She asked. When Eric said "Yes" she then asked. "What did they feel like?" Eric could not keep from smiling like a kid in a candy shop, at that moment. "Amy, his biceps felt amazing!" Eric gushed. "They were so hard, so defined, so huge! So perfect! And I couldn't stop feeling them. And the weird thing is that Seth didn't seem to mind. I almost got the feeling that he might have been enjoying it." "Maybe he was." Amy replied. "Did you ask him what his sexual orientation was?" "No." Eric told her. "That never came up." "Well, why not?" Amy asked, frowning. "Eric you'll never know unless you ask him." Eric knew she was right, but he also knew that he couldn't just ask that question, that soon, since he'd only known Seth for barely a day. "I know, Amy." Eric said to her. "But I can't ask him this soon. He's going to be my boss now, since I'll be working for him, and that's a conflict of interest. I feel like I should get to know him, first, as a friend, before we get into anything heavy." Amy nodded. She understood Eric's dilemma. "And besides, I don't think Seth knows that I'm gay." Eric then said to her. "Oh I'm sure he knows." Amy said. "Why else would he have let you feel his biceps for as long as you did?" Eric shrugged. "Maybe he just liked the attention?" Eric asked Amy. "I mean don't most muscular guys?" "Possibly." Amy replied, with her chin in her hand. " But I don't think that's all it was." Eric shrugged again. "Well, if Seth knows I'm gay, he hasn't said so, or even asked me if I am." "Hmm." Amy said. She pondered over something. Then she said "Did anything else happen after the flexing? After all, you didn't get back here until late last night." Seth smiled, thinking back to when Seth and his mom invited him to dinner. "Actually, Seth's mother, Deborah, invited me to have dinner with them. And at first I refused because I didn't want to impose, but Seth was the one who assured me that it was ok. So I accepted the invitation." "Ok." Amy said, starting to grin. "And how how did that go?" "It went great." Eric said, enthusiastically. "Dinner was delicious! We had beef roast with carrots, celery, potatoes and onions." "Mmm." Amy murmured. "Sounds delicious." "Oh it was." Eric said. "And afterwards, Seth walked me out to my car and that's when we had this moment, between us." Amy sat forward, interested in where Eric's story was going. "What happened?" She asked. "Well," Eric said. "We were standing by the car and I was getting ready to leave, and we ended up getting really close. And the way Seth was looking at me, it was like... electricity. I wanted him so bad. And for a split second, it felt like he wanted me, too." Amy's eyebrows raised. "Did you two kiss?" "No." Eric replied, shaking his head. "As soon as it seemed like that could possibly happen, Seth stepped back and said that I should be get back here and get some rest." "Hmm." Amy murmured, thoughtfully. "Well from what you've told me, it seems like he possibly is becoming attracted to you, but probably doesn't yet realize it." "Well, I think that's possible." Eric said. "When he had me stacking those heavy bales of hay, I took my shirt off, to test him a little bit." "Wait, what?!"Amy said, suddenly. " You didn't mention that part, earlier. When did that happen?" "Before dinner." Eric pointed out. "It was after Seth put the horses back in their stalls. He wanted to test my strength and see if I was strong enough to handle the bales of hay. I had to stack 27 of them in all. 3 rows of 9 and 3 layers high." "And what made you decide to take off your shirt?"Amy asked. "I was starting to get hot, and I thought if I was gonna show Seth a sexy body, It was the perfect time to do it when I get hot and sweaty." Amy started snickering. Eric frowned "What's so funny?" He asked, wondering what she was laughing at. "I think you've been watching too many porn videos." She laughed. " I have not!" Eric protested, trying not to laugh. "You just have a dirty mind!" "Yeah, fine. Whatever." Amy said, between her laughter. "Anyway, did taking off your shirt have the desired effect you wanted?" "Oh I think it did." Eric marveled. " He was breathing a little fast and he was staring at me, pretty hard." Eric knew that he'd picked up on a few vibes from Seth. But what if he was wrong? "But Amy, what if I am wrong?" Eric asked, worriedly. "What if Seth is completely straight and I'm wrong about him?" Eric felt his eyes starting to tear up. He knew that if Seth was indeed revealed to be straight, then Eric's worst fears would be confirmed: That Seth was too good to be true. "That is something you will have to take into consideration." Amy said. "And if Seth really is straight, what does that mean for your friendship?" "I will be disappointed as hell if Seth is straight." Eric said, as he ran his fingers through his hair. "But I think I could still have a genuine friendship with him, regardless." "Well then, start with that." Amy told him. "Forget your sexual orientations. Just take time to get to know him and let him get to know you. Everything else will work itself out." Eric nodded. What Amy was saying made a lot of sense. "Thanks, Amy." He said to her, appreciatively. "You've given me a lot to think about." "You're welcome." Amy said, with a smile. Then she asked. "So, when do I get to meet him?" Eric remembered that he had to talk to the Dean later about his job working on the Lombardo family farm, and he figured today would be perfect for her to meet Seth. "Actually, you can meet him, today, if you'd like." Eric told her. "I asked him if I could invite you out to the farm for a horseback ride, sometime, and he said yes, and that he'd like to meet you." "Cool!" Amy gushed. "I love horses as much as you do, so it'll be great to ride one again. It's been a while for me, too." "Ok, then it's settled. Eric said, and reached for his phone. "I'll text Seth and see if it's alright to come out to the farm today." "Sure, go ahead." Amy said, getting up. "May I use your bathroom?" "Yeah, sure." Eric said, as he tapped away at his phone. Amy went into the bathroom while Eric texted Seth. "Good morning, Seth. It's Eric! Is it ok if I bring Amy with me, to the farm, after I talk to the Dean?" Eric waited for Seth to answer. In about a minute, Seth's text can through. "Good morning, Eric! Yes, you can bring Amy with you when you come by. I can't wait to meet her." Eric sent a text back to him. Then he wondered what Seth was doing at that moment. "Cool. Thanks. What are you doing right now?" Seth sent back his answer. "I'm in the orchard, getting ready to pick peaches and apples, so my mom can make that peach pie, she told you about, and she also might make an apple pie too." Eric almost felt guilty for interrupting Seth while he was working. He sent Seth another message. "Oh! Well I'm sorry if I caught you at a bad time. I can let you go, if you're busy." In a few moments, Seth's next message came in. "Don't be sorry, Eric. I'm never too busy for you, man." Eric smiled when he read that message. It almost sounded like a romantic statement. Then Seth's next message appeared. "But yes, I really do need to get this done. There's still a lot of work I have to do, yet. A Farmer's work is never done." Eric sent his final text to Seth, just as Amy was coming out of the bathroom. "Alright, man. Amy and I will see you later today. Goodbye." Seth's next message came in. "I'm looking forward to it. Later!" Amy came to sit down by Eric just as Eric was putting his phone in his pocket. "So what did Seth have to say?" She asked. Eric looked up at her. "He said you can come with me, to the farm after I talk to the Dean about the job." "Ok." Amy said then frowned. "What time do you have to meet with the Dean?" "9:00 a.m." Eric told her. " Right after classes are over." "Well, after your classes are over, and you talk to the Dean, you and I are going shopping."Amy said to him. "We are?" Eric asked in surprise, then frowned in confusion. "What for?" Amy's face took on a determined look. "Well, if today isn't your first official work day, on the farm, then tomorrow will most likely be since you don't have classes tomorrow." Amy explained to him. "And if that's the case, then I'm going to make sure you make a good first impression. And it starts with looking the part, for the job." As Eric was a listening to Amy, his smile broadened when he realized what she was saying. "Ah, another way for Seth to take notice of me?" Eric asked. "You got it, my friend!" Amy replied, smiling at him. "We're gonna let Seth see you like he never has before!" Eric grinned, loving the idea. "Come on." Eric said, getting up. "You can tell me more on our way to our classes. We're going to be late, if we don't get out of here." " Alright, let's go." Amy said, getting up. Eric threw his arm around her shoulders as they both headed to the door to leave for their classes. Back at the Lombardo family farm, in the orchard, Seth was just finishing up picking the peaches that his mom had wanted. But just as he was getting ready to go to the apple tree to pick some apples, he saw one of the farm hands, coming towards him. The man had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was muscular, but more of a beefy build, rather than a bodybuilder build like Seth had attained. You could tell that he had built his muscles up from many years of farm work and manual type labor. The dark haired man, was in his mid 30s, and although he was a big guy, he had an even bigger heart. Seth had known him since he was 10 years old, so the man, known as Rudy, was like a big brother to him. "Hey, Rudy." Seth said, extending his hand out to greet the man. "Your mom said I could find you out here." Rudy said, as he shook Seth's hand. Seth looked at him, concerned. "Is there something wrong?" He asked. Oh, No, no!" Rudy said, shaking his head. "I just happened to stop up at the house to join you and your mother for breakfast, and she said that you were out here, picking fruit, and asked if I would come out here and see if I could help you out." "Actually, there is something you can do for me." Seth said to him. "Name it." Rudy said, without hesitation. "Anything you need, you know I gotcha, buddy." Seth thought about what he wanted from Rudy. "Would you be so kind as to show our new farm helper, around the place? I didn't get to give him a good tour of the farm, yesterday, when he came by to try out for the job." "Absolutely." Rudy said, nodding his head. "What's this guy's name?" "Eric Shaw." Seth told him. " He's a student at the University of San Diego, and he wants to learn what it's like to work on a farm, since he needs to write about the experience for a college essay he's doing for one of his classes." "Oh." Rudy said, in surprise. "I didn't think that you'd hire a student from the university. Is that going to be a problem?" "I don't think so." Seth said, setting the basket of peaches down on the ground, momentarily. "He has to talk to the Dean and see if he can get the green light from the school to work on the farm. Since it's a dawn to dusk job, here, he might have to miss classes." "I see." Rudy said. "And what if the school tells him "no?" Seth had thought about that, himself. If it came down to that, he already had the solution. "If that happens, I've already decided that he can work after his classes are over for the day, and whatever days he doesn't have classes, he can work the full days." Seth told him. "I see a lot of potential in this guy, and I think he will turn out to be a good fit for the job. Even if it's just temporary." "Temporary?" Rudy asked, confused. Seth nodded. "Yeah." Seth said. "He's only taking the job through the fall. After that, he's going to probably have to devote more of his time to his studies before the upcoming holidays." "You might be right." Rudy said, with a nod of his head. "Well, Seth, you can count on me, buddy. I will do all I can to make the job training as easy for him as I can." "Awesome." Seth said, then pulled Rudy into a quick hug. "I knew I could count on you!" "Always " Rudy said, with a smile. Then, he asked. "Are you cool if I milk the cows for you, while you take the peaches to your mom?" Seth thought about it for a moment, then remembered that he had to muck out the stalls and set those mouse traps. "Actually, that would be great if you could do that." Seth said, to Rudy. "I have to clean the horse stalls and set a mouse trap in Eli's stall to catch a mouse that freaked him out, yesterday." "Ok, I'll head back down now to the dairy barn and start milking the cows." Rudy replied. "Go ahead, man." Seth said, reaching down to pick up the basket of peaches. "I still have to pick some apples and I want to make sure Mom has some extra, in case she makes an Apple pie, later." "Alright then." Rudy said, turning to go. I will see you later." "You too, man." Seth replied back, as he turned to grab the ladder to carry over to the apple tree. He carried the basket of peaches over to the tree and set it down by it. Then, he grabbed the ladder and opened it up and set it in a place where the apples were their reddest. He knew he had to pick the most ripe ones first before they started to rot. "Alright, back to work." Seth said, to himself, as he climbed up the ladder to start picking the apples. As Seth was picking the apples, his mind thought back to yesterday, in the barn when Eric had stripped off his shirt and had been lifting those bales of hay, like they were nothing. Seth had literally been impressed by Eric's strength. Not to mention how nicely bulked, defined, and toned Eric's muscles were. "Fuck!" Seth said, to himself. "Why can't I get Eric and his body off of my mind? Why can't I stop fantasizing about him?" Seth picked a few more apples and saw that he was almost out of room in the basket for any more. If he piled too many more apples in there, he would squash the peaches, which were at their peak of ripeness. He got down from the ladder and prepared to fold it up. After that was done, he grabbed the ladder and the basket of fruit and was about ready to head back to the house, when his mind flashed back to the moment the he and Eric had, beside his car, right before Eric was about to leave for the night. "I don't know why I'm feeling like this." Seth said, outloud. "But one thing I do know is that I really like the guy and I don't want to risk losing what could be a great friendship between us." Seth started walking back towards the house. As he walked, he continued to think to himself, outloud. "I have to put these feelings, whatever they are, aside, and just focus on teaching him how to be a good farm hand." Seth said to himself. "I need to get to know him better. Once I do then I can get to the bottom of what these feelings are and what they mean." And what Seth would later come to realize is that trying to put aside feelings that you have for someone, regardless of what they are, is easier said than done.
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  31. Chapter 5 Eric, Seth, and Deborah all sat down at the dinner table, and prepared to eat, together. At that same moment, Cole, Seth's Collie, came into the house. He came over to Seth, wagging his tail. "Cole! Hey, boy!" Seth greeted him, petting the top of his head, and scratching behind his ears. "You done working in the fields?" Cole gave a sharp bark, as his way of saying yes. Seth laughed, and so did Eric and Deborah. Then, Seth turned his head towards Eric. "Cole, this is Eric." Seth said, to the dog. "Go over and say hello." Cole walked over towards Eric, who turned in his seat to greet the dog. "Hi, Cole." Eric said, extending out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, boy!" Cole sat down, at Eric's feet and lifted his paw into Eric's hand and Eric shook his paw. Eric looked up at Seth and Deborah and grinned. "Not only is this dog a beauty, but he's very smart too." Eric said, to them. "Yeah, He's a very smart dog." Deborah said to Eric. " He looks after the farm, and the family very well. I don't know what we would do, without him." "Well, now that I've shook Cole's paw," Eric said, standing up. "I need to re-wash my hands. Will you all please excuse me for a moment?" "Absolutely." Deborah replied. "Hurry back." Eric started walking down the hall, to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he was gone, Deborah looked at Seth. "He seems like a really nice young man." She said to him. "Yeah, he is." Seth said. He was petting Cole, who had nuzzled his head in his lap. When he saw the look in his mother's eyes, he narrowed his eyes. "Mom, what are you getting at?" Seth asked her, with a suspicious tone in his voice. "Nothing." Deborah said, still with the smile on her face. "Like I said, Eric seems like a nice young man, and I think he'd be a very good friend to you, once you get to know him better. I mean, God knows, you could use some mature friends for a change." "Why?" Seth frowned "What's wrong with the friends I do have?" "Well, nothing really." Deborah said to him. "It's just that most of your friends go out to bars and drink too much, and I don't think they're a good influence on you, sometimes." "But Mom, I don't drink much when I'm with them." Seth protested. "I know how bad alcohol is for the body, which is why I usually limit myself to one beer." "I know, Sweetheart." Deborah said to him. "My point is that Eric seems to be a very mature young man, for his young age, and I think he'd be a much better friend to you, and possibly a better influence on you." "Well, whether that's true or not, Mom,"Seth pointed out, letting go of Cole. "Eric is only going to be working with us, temporarily. He's a student at San Diego University, and he's working here to gain experience, so that he can write about what it's like, working on a farm, for his college essay." "Oh." Deborah said, looking disappointed. "Well, you didn't mention that." "I didn't have a chance to, Mom." Seth said. "I just finished telling Eric earlier that I'd only hire him on the condition that his college education comes first and foremost. I know how important a college education is, considering, I never got to go to college." "I know, honey." Deborah said, sadly. "Your father and I couldn't afford to put you through college. But that still doesn't mean that you couldn't go if you still wanted to." "I know, Mom." Seth told her. "I might still go to college later on, if I still want to, but right now, with Dad being gone for a year now, all I can really focus on, is taking care of this farm, and my family. Nothing else matters." "Honey, you've been helping to run this farm since you were 6 years old."Deborah pointed out. "The only time you ever really had any freedom to do anything is when you were in school, and later, after graduation, when you decided that you wanted to be a bodybuilder and compete in those bodybuilding shows." "Yeah." Seth said. "I remember how proud Dad was when he saw how big and strong I was getting from all that hard work. I mean, I was already a big kid, from all my years of helping to run the farm, but bodybuilding did the rest for me." Seth looked at his mother, his expression, taking on a sad look again. "I miss him, Mom." Seth whispered, sadly. "I miss him, every day." Deborah could see how much Seth was still hurting, over his father's death. She reached over and put her hand on his cheek. "So do I, Sweetie." She said, softly. "So do I." Just then, they heard the bathroom door opening, signaling Eric's return to the table. Deborah pulled her hand back from Seth's face and both of them sat back in their chairs. Eric came back into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Sorry about that." Eric said. "I wanted to make sure my hands were clean before we ate. It would be bad manners not to have washed them." Deborah smiled at him. Eric looked back and forth from her to Seth. He could pick up on some tension that was going on, but wasn't sure how to respond. So, he decided to leave it be for now. "So, are we ready to dig in?" Deborah asked the two men. "Absolutely." Seth answered. "I'm starved. It's been a long day." "Alright." Deborah said, then added. "Who wants to say grace?" "I will, if that's ok with you?" Eric asked. "Certainly." Deborah replied. "Let's all join hands." Eric, Deborah, and Seth all took each other's hands. As Eric's hand came in contact with Seth's, again, he felt that same feeling he'd felt when his hand had touched Seth's, in the Whole Foods store, that morning. Eric closed his eyes and began to pray. "Dear Lord, We thank you for this food, we are about to receive, and for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon me, and upon this family. Please help the people that are less fortunate than we are to live better lives, and keep them in your loving care, always. Amen." "Amen." Deborah said Seth, both said, in unison. Eric, that was a beautiful prayer." Deborah complimented him. "Thank you." "Yes, Thanks man." Seth chimed in. "You're both very welcome." Eric replied, smiling at both of them. "Alright, let's eat!" Deborah announced. "I think we've all waited long enough." Deborah, Seth, and Eric proceeded to eat their dinner, which consisted of roast beef, with celery, carrots, potatoes and onions. Eric cut into his piece of beef and put a piece in his mouth. As he chewed, he noticed how tender the meat was, which made it very easy to chew, and it was seasoned perfectly, and full of flavor. "Deborah, this has to be the most, tender, delicious roast beef I've ever tasted." Eric said to her. "This sure beats the food they serve at the cafeteria on campus." "Thank you, Eric." Deborah told him. "Make sure you save room for dessert, though." "Oh, I will." Eric said, with a smile. "I've been wanting a taste of that delicious pie you've been baking, since I got here. It smells like it's Blueberry." "Good nose." Seth laughed. " That's exactly what kind it is. That's my favorite." "Really?" Eric asked. "Mine too. But I have to admit, I'm also becoming a huge fan of peach pie as well." "That's my personal favorite, too." Deborah said to him. "I love all flavors of pie, but peach is my personal favorite." "Well then, I can't wait to taste it, the next time you make it." Eric replied. "Consider it done." Deborah said, smiling warmly "I'll make it for you, on your official first day, on the job." She then turned to Seth. "When does he start?" "I don't know." Seth said to her, then turned to Eric. "When can you start?" Eric hadn't thought about that. But he knew that if he was going to start working on the farm, that he would have to get permission from the Dean, at the university. "You know, now that I think about it, I'll have to talk to the Dean's office at the University to get permission to work on the farm."Eric pointed out. "I'm sure if it was just Professor Mastrian's class that I was missing, I'd be fine, but I still have my other classes to consider." Now, Eric was starting to worry. What if the school would say no? Then how would he be able to commit to the job, on the farm." "I just hope they don't say no." Eric said, out loud. "If they do, then I'm screwed." "We'll work it out, somehow, if they say no." Seth said, as he put a bite of potato in his mouth. "I hope so." Eric said, taking a bite of a piece of celery. "I would hate to make you look bad, if I had to pull out of the job." "Don't worry about it, right now." Seth said. "Find out where you stand with the University first, and then we'll go from there." "Ok." Eric said, around his food. "I need to be getting back soon." "Do you have time for a piece of blueberry pie before you have to leave?" Deborah asked. "Of course." Eric said to her. "I'm not going to leave without having dessert." "Excellent!" Deborah said, getting up. "Excuse me, while I go and cut a slice for you." Deborah got up and went over to the kitchen counter where the pie was sitting. She pulled a pie slicer out of the utensils drawer and proceeded to cut the pie. After few moments, she brought the slice of pie over to the table and sat it down, in front of Eric's dinner plate. Eric was still eating his dinner. "Thank you, Deborah." Eric said, politely. "I can't wait to taste it after I finish my dinner." " You're welcome, Sweetie." Deborah replied. "Take your time." She sat back down, and the 3 of them ate the rest of their dinner, in silence. Once Eric finished his plate of food, he pulled the little plate with his slice of pie on it, and started cutting a piece to taste. He put it in his mouth and his face took on a look of pure delight. "Now, this is delicious!" Eric said, after he swallowed his bite of pie. "There's nothing like a home cooked, and baked, meal." "Thank you, Eric." Deborah said. "And you're right about that. I prefer to cook and bake from scratch, most of the time." "You've always been a good cook, Mom." Seth said, as he prepared to take another bite of beef. "Thank you, Sweetie." Deborah said, very touched by her son's words. "I'm glad you still think so, after all these years." Eric finished up his pie, and wiped his mouth with his napkin. Then, he looked at Deborah. "That was a delicious dinner, Deborah." Eric complimented her. "And the Blueberry pie was delicious, too. Thank you." "You're welcome, Eric." Deborah replied, with a smile. "And I'm sure you'll be joining us for many more dinners, soon." Eric smiled. He'd never met anyone quite like Deborah. Not only was she still a very beautiful woman, at her age, but she was still slim with a nice figure. And now, glancing at her, he noticed why something about her eyes seemed familiar to him. He glanced over at Seth and saw it: They had the same eyes. "I hope so." Eric said, hopefully. "Well, I need to be going. I have to get back to the university before I get too tired to drive." "Ok, Sweetie." Deborah said, getting up. At that moment, Seth decided to get up, too. "I'll walk out with you, to your car." He offered to Eric. "Ok, cool!"Eric said. Then he extended his hand out to Deborah. "It's been a great pleasure meeting you, Deborah." "Likewise." Deborah replied. "You have a good night and a safe drive back to the university." "I will." Eric said, as he was walking towards the door. "Thank you." I'll be back in a few minutes, to help you with the dishes, Mom." Seth said, to Deborah. "Oh no, Honey." Deborah said, with a wave of her hand. "Take your time. I'll be fine." Seth nodded, and walked out the door, with Eric. They started walking towards Eric's red Nissan Altima. As they walked, Eric looked around, taking in the sounds of the evening. It had gotten dark and the crickets and tree frogs were out, in full force, making their sounds. "It's a beautiful night out here, don't you think, Seth?" Eric asked, looking up, at the stars, in the night sky. "Yeah." Seth agreed. "Mom and I usually like to sit out here, on the porch, listening to all the sounds of the night." Eric nodded. Since he lived in the city, it was hardly ever this quiet. He loved being out here, in the country. "I miss the quietness of the country." Eric said to him. "As much as I love San Diego, I think one day I'd like to have my own place, out in the country." "Really?" Seth asked him. "I figured you'd be used to the city, since you told me you were born and raised, here in San Diego?" They stopped beside Eric's car, and Eric leaned against it. Seth stood in front of Eric, looking down at him, slightly. "I am used to it." Eric said, gazing into Seth's gorgeous blue eyes. "But, you know how when you've been used to something for so long, it suddenly becomes boring to you?" "Yeah, I know." Seth nodded. "I used to feel that way, when I was a kid about living here on the farm, sometimes. But now that I've grown up, I've realized that there's nowhere else I'd rather be. The farm is my home." Eric nodded, as he gazed at Seth. He noticed that Seth seemed to be a little bit more relaxed around him, tonight, then when they'd met up again, at the farm, earlier that day." "I certainly understand that." Eric nodded, with a smile on his face. "Home is where the heart is." Seth smiled back at Eric, showing off his perfect teeth and sexy dimples, in his cheeks. Eric noticed that he had not put his cowboy hat back on, which allowed Eric to take in his beautifully styled golden blond hair, which was slightly blowing, from the slightly balmy night breeze. Seth, meanwhile, was looking at Eric, ina way that Eric had never seen before. Eric was staring back into his eyes, just as intensely. Eric could already feel his body starting to get a warm sensation and he knew that feeling in his stomach that you get when you're smitten with someone. But all too soon, the moment between them was broken, when Seth cleared his throat, frowning a bit. "Well, I'd better let you get going." Seth said, stepping back a little. "You gotta get back to your dorm and get some rest." Eric was disappointed that his moment with Seth was ending, but he knew that Seth was right. He was beginning to get very tired. "You're right." Eric said. "I need to go." Eric opened his car door and got in. As he closed the door and started the car, Seth leaned in and knocked on the window. When Eric rolled it down, Seth spoke up. "I don't have your phone number." Seth told him. "And you'll need mine so you can let me know what the university says about your working on the farm." "Oh right." Eric said. "Get your phone out and I'll give it to you." Seth pulled his phone out of his pocket and Eric gave him his number. "One sec, I'll text you, my number." Seth said, holding up a finger. He then started tapping away at his phone. He finished and put his phone back in his pocket. At that same moment, Eric's phone, dinged in his hand. He looked at the screen. It read: "It's Seth. Have a good night, Eric." Eric smiled, and looked up at Seth. "You too, Seth." Eric said, softly. "Good night." Eric started pulling the car out of the driveway. The family had a circle drive so that you didn't have to back up. You could just drive forward on a circle until you got to where you drive back to the road. As Eric drove slowly towards the street, he could feel his heart beating a mile a minute. "Wow." Eric breathed. "The way he was looking at me........ could it be possible? Could Seth be as attracted to me, as I am to him?" Eric's thoughts were in overdrive, as he drove back onto the street and started driving towards the university. Seth, after watching Eric's car disappear from view, turned and leaned against his truck and let out a huge breath. The expression on his face was a mixture of confusion and lust. "What the hell was that?!" Seth whispered to himself. "I've never felt like that before, looking at another man. What is it about Eric that's making me feel like this?" Seth wasn't sure what he was feeling, but one thing he did know was that he really did like Eric and definitely enjoyed his company. Eric wasn't like any of his usual buddies he hung out with, when he wasn't working on the farm. Eric was different, somehow. And although Seth did not know why, it made him like Eric even more. Seth looked towards the house and noticed Cole, his dog, coming towards him. "Hey Cole." Seth said, kneeling down and hugging him. Cole licked his face in response. "You ready to go to bed, buddy? We have a very busy day ahead of us, tomorrow." Cole gave a sharp bark, as his way of saying yes. Seth laughed as he stood back up. "Come on, Boy." Seth said, to the dog. "Let's go inside." Seth started walking back to the house, with Cole following right beside him. About 15 minutes later, Eric walked into his dorm room and closed the door behind him. He dropped down on his bed, exhausted, from the day's events, as well as the drive back to the college. He laid back, on his bed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled through his texts and found Amy's and his text history and he decided to send her a text. "I am back on campus now and I'm tired as hell. I'll tell you how everything went in the morning." After about 10 seconds, Amy's text came through. Amy: "Ok. I'll see you, tomorrow, after our classes are done." Good night!" Eric texted goodnight back to her and sat his phone down on the dresser next to the bed. Then, he plugged in so it would charge overnight. Eric then stripped down to his boxer briefs and climbed into his bed and pulled the covers up over him. Then, he turned out the light. As he laid there, his mind flashed back to his moment with Seth, by his car, before he left. He had felt so drawn to Seth, at that moment. He had wanted so bad to tell Seth how handsome he was. How badly he wanted to feel his muscles again. How he wanted Seth to flex and pose for him, like a bodybuilder. And even more than all that: Eric had wanted so badly to kiss Seth. But he knew that he couldn't take a risk like that so soon. He didn't want to ruin his chances of getting the job on the farm, as well as losing Seth's friendship. "Oh, Seth." Eric said, out loud. "If you only knew how much I want you." At that same time, back at the Lombardo farmhouse, Seth was upstairs in his bedroom, stripping out of his clothes. Seth took off his Levi jeans, revealing his sexy bikini briefs he was wearing, underneath. He threw his jeans into a nearby laundry basket to be washed later. Then, as he headed to his bed, he caught his reflection, in the mirror and stopped. He took a moment to check out his body. Since he had a full body mirror, he could see his whole body. Seth grinned and started doing some bodybuilding poses. Even though he had not competed in a show, since his father died, Seth still knew all the poses. As he struck a front double biceps pose, he took in his biceps' incredibly great shape and definition, as well as their size. He grinned at his reflection in the mirror. "Not bad for an offseason look." Seth said to himself. "Bulky, but still defined." He then struck an abs and thighs pose. His abs, all 8 of them, tightened up and took form. The muscles and striations in his quads bulged. "My abs still look damn good." Seth commented. "And these fucking quads! I worked my ass off for big fuckers like these." Seth then started bouncing his pecs, which he could do extremely well. "I'll bet Eric would get a kick out of this." Seth said, out of the blue. Seth thought back to the moment when he flexed his biceps for Eric, in the fields. He remembered the look on Eric's face when he was feeling his biceps. "The guy really seemed to like my biceps." Seth thought. "I wonder if he's a fan of bodybuilding? He didn't really say before, so I wonder what he would think of my physique." Seth then wondered something. If he wanted Eric's opinion of his physique, there was one way to find that out. "Should I pose for him?" Seth asked himself. "Would he be cool with that?" Seth pulled back the covers on his bed and got into it. As he laid there, he then thought of something. "It has to be the right time for it, though." Seth thought. "I don't want to just spring it on him, or I might intimidate him." Seth turned off the lamp, on the table next to his bed. Then he turned on his side, facing the door to his room. "If I do pose for him." Seth said, softly. " I really hope that he likes it." Seth closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.
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  32. Well, here's the next chapter of my story. Sorry it's taking a while to get the chapters written. With working a 12 hour day job, I usually come home, exhausted and don't even have the mental energy to write. But I work on each chapter as much as I can. This chapter is pretty short, but I hope you enjoy it, as it continues where the previous chapter left off. I will check it for flaws later and make typo corrections later if I have to. Enjoy! Chapter 4 Eric sat there, transfixed, at Seth's huge biceps that were flexed before his eyes. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, at that moment. Eric reached over, with both hands, and wrapped his fingers around Seth's biceps, and squeezed them hard. "Wow!" Eric said, starting to breathe a bit heavy. "Seth your biceps are huge! And harder than rock!" "Thanks, man!" Seth said, flashing his sexy smile at Eric again. The one that made Eric want to melt. Eric couldn't seem to stop feeling Seth's biceps. And the funny thing was that Seth didn't seem to mind, because he didn't make any move to stop it. "How big are these biceps of yours, Seth?" Eric asked, as he continued to feel them. "20 inches." Seth replied. And I worked my ass off to reach that number of inches." "Well your hard work has paid off, man!" Eric replied, as he let go of Seth's biceps, although reluctantly so. "Those are some of the biggest and hardest biceps I've ever felt!" "Thanks." Seth said, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm glad you like them." Eric's thoughts then got back to the issue at hand, which was about the job. "So, about the job," Eric said. "May I have a shot at it?" "Hmm." Seth pondered, narrowing his eyes, with a slight smile on his face. "Sure!" "Yes!!" Eric exclaimed, making a fist and jerking his arm down in success! "But I do have some conditions." Seth pointed out, raising his hand. Eric's happy face turned serious, so quicky and so comically that Seth almost laughed out loud. "What are those?" Eric asked almost cringing. Seth raised his first finger, as he glanced at Eric, a very serious look on his face. "One." Seth said. "Your college education is to come first, before this job. I don't want you to fall behind on your subjects and if there's an important exam or anything else that's important to be done, let me know, immediately, so I can either take on the extra work myself or have one of my extra farm hands cover you. A college education is very important, so I don't want you to fail school." "Oh absolutely!" Eric assured him. "I worked my ass off to get into college, so I'm not going to derail my education for anything." "Good to know." Seth replied, nodding his head, in agreement. Then he put up two fingers. "And condition number two." He said. "I'm going to put your strength to the test. When we get back to the barn, I'm going to have you lift the bales of hay I've already banded and tied, and I'm going to have you stack them up, neatly in a stack of nine, which will be about 3 stacks high, so there's about 27 of them, altogether to stack. Once I see that you're able to stack enough of them, and if I'm satisfied with it, then you'll have the job for sure." If Eric wasn't nervous before, he sure was now, hearing the second condition Seth had set for him to get the job. He certainly didn't want to let Seth down, not to mention humiliate and embarrass himself, in the process. "Ok." Eric said. "I'll try my very best for you, Seth." "That's all I ask." Seth said, getting up on his feet. "Now, come on, let's get the horses back to the barn." Eric got up and started walking back, with Seth, to where Eli and Max were still tied to the fence posts. As they walked, Eric heard his phone start dinging in his pocket, signalling a text message from someone. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at it. It was from Amy. Amy: "Where are you?" Seth turned and noticed Eric texting someone back on his phone. "Who's texting you?" He asked Eric. "Oh, it's just my best friend, Amy." Eric said, to him. "She's just wondering where I am." "She sounds like a great friend." Seth said, as he was untying Max from the fence post. "Oh, she's the best!" Eric replied, as he was untying Eli from the fence. "We've known each other since we were in the 9th grade." "Nice." Seth replied, keeping a tight hold on Max's bridle. "So you two have known each other a long time." "Yeah." Eric said, while holding Eli's bridle, in one hand, and texting Amy back with the other. Eric: I'm at a farm not far away from here, inquiring about a job. I'll tell you more later after I come back on campus." After about 10 seconds, Amy's text came through. Amy: "Ok. Good luck!" Smiling, Eric pocketed his phone and glanced back up at Seth, who was about to mount Max. "Seth, wait a minute." Eric said, Seth turned around. "What's up?" He asked, glancing at Eric. Eric took in Seth's handsomeness, as he gazed at him. Eric still felt like Seth was just too beautiful a man to be real. Just that morning, he was feeling sad about possibly never seeing this handsome man again, and yet, as Amy had said to him, earlier that day, fate had brought the two of them together again. What exactly it meant, Eric did not know. But all he did know is whether or not he got the job, helping out on the farm, he wanted to get to know Seth more and see him as much as he was able to. "I just wanted to thank you." Eric said to him. "For the horseback ride, and giving me a fair shot at trying out for this job." And for the front double biceps flex. That was awesome!" Seth laughed, showing off his beautiful teeth and something Eric hadn't noticed before: His sexy dimples. "My pleasure, man!" Seth said, flashing that irresistible smile of his. "Now, come on, let's get these guys back to their stalls. It's going to get dark soon." "Ok." Eric nodded, smiling back at him. The two men mounted their horses and rode back to the farmhouse. As they came towards the house, Seth's mother, Deborah, came outside to greet them. "Well, it seems like you boys are getting along, well." She said, warmly. Seth climbed off of Max and walked to the front of him and grabbed his bridle. Eric got off of Eli and did the same with him. "Eric, I didn't know that you knew how to ride a horse." Deborah said to him. "I used to ride horses with my Dad every summer when I was a kid." Eric said to her, as he was petting Eli's nose. Once again, just like Seth's eyes took on a look of sadness earlier when Eric had been talking about his Dad, the same sad expression came upon Deborah's face, too. Eric immediately knew what she was thinking about. "I'm very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Lombardo." "Thank you, Eric." Deborah said, then added. "And remember, you can call me Deborah, like I told you, earlier." "I know." Eric said, with a amused grin on his face. "But I just didn't want to call you that in front of Seth. I didn't want to come off as disrespectful, considering I'm still a complete stranger to you, both." Deborah raised her eyebrows in surprise, and glanced over at Seth. "Wow." She said to him. "Not only is this young man a charmer, but a gentleman too. That's rare to find around here, these days." "True." Seth said, then motioned towards Max. "Let me get Max, here, back in his stall." "Ok, Sweetheart." Deborah replied. "And Eric and I will follow you in, with Eli." Seth then remembered about the mouse he had seen, earlier, that had caused Eli to freak out. "Oh that's right, I just remembered." Seth said. "There was a mouse in Eli's stall that caused him to freak out earlier when I was about to talk to Eric about the job. I'd better get some mouse traps set up in there to get rid of it." "I wondered what all the commotion was out there earlier." Deborah replied. "I didn't come out right away because I had to keep an eye on dinner, and the Blueberry pie I was baking was about ready to come out of the oven." By the time, I came out there, you boys must have already ridden the horses out to the field." "Yeah, Eric said it'd been a while since he'd ridden a horse, so I asked him if he'd like to take a ride, and he was all for it." Seth mentioned to her. "And I had a blast." Eric said, then turned to Seth. "Thank you, Seth." " You're welcome." Seth said, smiling at Eric. Eric smiled back at him. Deborah was looking back and forth between the two of them, with a strange amused look on her face. Then, she turned to Eric. "Would you like to stay for dinner, Eric?" She offered. "You're more than welcome." Eric was surprised by the offer, but he didn't want to impose on them. "Oh No." Eric said, politely. "Thanks for the lovely offer, but I wouldn't want to impose." "You wouldn't be." Seth reassured him. "It's fine. Besides, if you're gonna be working with us, you're going to be having dinner with us a lot. And my mother never lets an employee go home hungry." Eric then realized that Seth was right. So, he figured he may as well join them for dinner. "Well, in that case," Eric replied to both of them. "I would be honored to join you both for dinner." "Great." Deborah said. "I'm going to go and set the table. You boys go ahead and get the horses back in their stalls." "Yes, Mom." Seth said, then after his mom walked into the house, he turned to Eric and said. "And you are going to help me with those bales of hay, after we get these guys squared away. Come on." As Seth led Max, into the barn, Eric followed behind him, with Eli. As they walked through the barn, Eric glanced over to his left and saw a bunch of squared bales of hay, already tied, laying in a scattered heap by the wall. They had yet to be stacked. And they were big. Eric's nervousness came back to him again. What if those really were heavier than he could handle? Seth opened the gate to Max's stall and led him inside of it. After he was inside, Seth shut the gate and secured it. Then, he walked back to Eric, who was standing there, holding Eli's bridle rein. "Here, let me take him." Seth offered, holding out his hand. Eric handed over the reins to him, and Seth led Eli into his stall and got out to close the gate, making sure it was secure as well. Especially should Eli have another freak out if the mouse would return. Once that was done, he turned back to Eric and walked back over to where he was standing. "Alright, Eric." Seth said to him. "Are you ready to stack these bales of hay?" "As ready as I'll be, I guess." Eric replied, turning around towards the bales of hay. "Alright." Seth said. "Stack them in 3 rows of 3, and 3 layers high." Eric looked at all the bales of hay and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." Eric said, as he bent down to pick up the first bale of hay nearest him. Eric crouched down, to a squat and, using his legs strength picked up the first bale of hay. He noticed it was heavy, but not too heavy for him. After that, he picked up another. And another. And another one until he made his first row of nine. Then, He prepared for the second layer. Seth watched Eric work on the second layer, like it was nothing. Eric was already on his 18th bale of hay and didn't yet look like he was getting tired yet. But Seth knew that Eric would soon find out just how heavy the third layer was going to be because now he was going to have to use his arms strength, mostly, to lift and move them around at the top. Eric crouched down into a squat position once again and picked up the next bale of hay. But as he was lifting it, he realized as he was bringing it up to the top of the stack, that he had to use all of his arm strength to lift it up there, making those bales feel much heavier. Eric got the bale of hay up there and then stopped for a second. "Are you ok?" Seth asked him, looking at him, in concern. "Yeah, I'm fine." Eric said, then grinned and added. "Actually, I'm just getting warmed up." Before Seth could say anything else, Eric was removing his shirt off of his nicely defined muscular torso. Still not knowing Seth's sexual orientation, Eric decided to test him a little bit. "Ah, that's better." Eric said, throwing his shirt over a nearby rack. "Now, let's finish this." Eric grabbed another bale of hay and proceeded to lift it up to the top of the stack, like he had the first one. Then he lifted another and another. As he got to the 25th bale, he could feel that he was starting to sweat a bit heavily. He grinned, as that was exactly what he wanted. He knew that if he was getting hot and sweaty, Seth would definitely notice it. Eric was right. Seth, who had been watching him, the whole time, had definitely been affected when Eric had taken off his shirt. Having only seen Eric's biceps, he was shocked at just how nicely built and defined Eric's body actually was. Eric's chest was perfectly built from top to bottom. His abs were chiseled with deep lines between them. And his well defined lats gave him a nicely V tapered look. As Eric bent down to pick up the 26th bale of hay, Seth found his eyes scanning the rest of Eric's body. His eyes stopped at Eric's ass, as he noticed Eric glutes tensed through his jeans. He saw Eric's triceps flex as he lifted to a standing position. He saw Eric turn towards the stack and watched his biceps flexing as he carried it over to it. Then, watched as Eric hoisted it up onto the stack, noticing the muscles in Eric's back rippling and flexing as he was lifting. "My God." Seth thought to himself. "I had no idea this guy was stronger than he looks. And his body looks great!" Eric picked up the 27th bale of hay and stacked it on the top of the haystack. After he had finished he was breathing a little heavy. "That was invigorating!"Eric said, turning to grab his shirt. He picked it up and put it back on. Then, he turned back towards Seth. "So," He said, to Seth. "Did I pass the test?" Seth was glancing at him, with a strange look on his face. Eric noticed that it looked like he was staring at him. "Seth?" Eric tried again. "Oh!" Seth said, shaking his head. Then he smiled at him "Yes, you did a great job!" "Thank you." Eric replied. "So, if you're happy with this, does this mean I can have the job?" Seth glanced at Eric, who's face had such a look of pure confidence written all over it. How could Seth say no? "It's yours!" Seth said, with a sexy grin. "Awesome!" Eric replied, with the biggest grin on his face. "Thanks so much, Seth. I promise I won't let you down." "Oh, I have no doubt about that, man." Seth told him, crossing his arms over his chest. "Seeing you handle those bales of hay like you did, just proved to me that you are much stronger than you look." "Thanks." Eric said, warmly. "I have a question for you." "Shoot." Seth said, still gazing at Eric. "May I invite my friend, Amy, out to the farm for a ride some time?" Eric asked. "She loves horses just as much as I do, and she could also help your mom out around the house, if she would need any assistance with anything." "Of course you can." Seth said, nodding. "Amy sounds like a great friend to you and I'd love to meet her. As for helping out my mom, well, that's going to be for my mom to decide since she is very independent." "Cool." Eric said. "I'm sure your Mom will love Amy. Amy has been known to charm anyone." "We'll see." Seth said, with a grin. Just then, the two men heard Deborah's voice from the house. "Come on in, you two!" She called out. Your dinner's getting cold!" "Well, on that note, I think We'd better get in there, if we still want to eat a hot meal." Seth laughed. Eric turned and grabbed his shirt from the rack and put it back on. "Alright, let's go." Eric said, anxiously. "After handling those bales of hay, I am starving!" Seth laughed as he and Eric walked towards the house to join Deborah at the dinner table.
    1 point
  33. NAKED Part Ten Sam said, “No.” “No?” I asked. “No,” he repeated. “You do not want to go to Freddy’s Toad.” “But it’s supposed to be a lot of fun.” “Whatever the opposite of ‘a lot of fun’ is,” he said, “Freddy’s Toad is that.” “Cyclotron?” I asked, referring to the leather bar I had also planned on visiting. “Sure,” he said, “if you want to get beaten up by a bunch of long-haired tattooed homophobes stuck somewhere in the 50’s who think a glance is a come-on.” Glancing over, I looked at Lance's magnificent body, packed with muscle and seven feet high, and I had a hard time imagining that dude getting beaten up by anyone, let alone a group of refugees from the 60's with a leather fetish. My beautiful boyfriend's voice interrupted my thoughts. “Why are you two talking when we could be fucking?” Lance could always focus us on what was really important. Sam, when he wasn’t sitting behind his lonely motel counter reading or writing or, one supposes, fantasizing about being back in our room with us having naked sports time with me and my huge, handsome boyfriend, was having naked sports time with me and my huge, handsome boyfriend. He fit in well - after I took the time to explain that, yes, sometimes Lance grows bigger and more muscular and more beautiful and, yes, when that happens sometimes when I pull my dick out of my boyfriend’s perfectly fuckable ass I discover that it’s grown bigger, too, and yes, it’s not your imagination I can cum something like gallons of cream from my fat balls and then turn around and do it again. He asked the same question that I always asked, and Lance gave him the same explanation he always gave me: “I’m not doing anything, you are.” Sam tried to explain my effect on him when I tried explaining my effect on Lance. "I can feel you coming," he said. "Well of course you can feel me cumming! I'm usually cumming in your ass." He clicked his tongue and said, "No...I mean...when you're near me I can feel you. Like...like you're made of sex or something. You know that feeling you get when you see someone who really cranks your 'nads? Some amazing-looking dude and your cock tingles and your balls buzz and you feel this, like, heat come over you all at once." I nodded, because of course I did. "You have that effect, but I don't even need to see you. It's like you're broadcasting sex on some powerful, silent wavelength and I knew when you're around because...I can feel you." He looked down at my giant length of thick cock and licked his lips. "And fuck you feel good." So far, these…unusual but incredibly agreeable effects did not seem to involve Sam’s body in any observable fashion, unless the fact that his ass seemed able to accommodate my length and girth with equal facility to my boyfriend’s, but he attributed that to, as he put it, “lots of practice.” My head would then fill with images of him practicing with a dildo the size of Montana (mine was currently only Massachusetts-sized or something slightly more practical, if one considered the size of Montana) and I would feel my cock growing eager and hungry to be shoved back inside his very cooperative fuck chute. We were at a pause in our daily labors and Lance had now left us alone and was attempting to use the shower (“attempting” is an apt phrase, because he was so large now that he barely fit himself inside the stall, and we could hear booms and bangs on the walls as he maneuvered his bulk around to clean every part of his massive musculature) while we discussed leaving these four walls and the broken beds behind for a few hours. “Where would you suggest, then?” “Motherfucker.” I sat up and tried looking offended. “I beg your pardon?” He just laughed and rolled his eyes. “It’s an underground club. Moves around a lot, because of its…unsavory nature.” “I’d never have guessed that from the name,” I offered. He rolled his eyes again. We were both naked. My dick, which had lately enjoyed so much attention offered by my two companions, was (as usual) firm and tingling. I always seemed to be on the edge of exploding, and I enjoyed the feeling immensely. My cock was now like some finely-tuned instrument designed to fuck and cum, delivering these hard, constant throbs of orgasmic sex to my entire body when I wasn't shoving it inside someone else’s butt, and according to both Lance and Sam nothing and nobody else felt as good to them as me when I was fucking them. “It’s like having heaven plugged directly into my head,” Sam put it, rather poetically. Lance was a bit more direct, and said that my cock delivering its load in his ass was “the greatest fucking feeling in the whole fucking world.” Did I worry what would happen with this constantly-throbbing mega-meat when we got back to college and I had to try dealing with ownership of the biggest and most easily aroused prick in the world? Sort of. But I chose not to worry about that and just enjoy what it could do, which was offer me endless and mind-blowing orgasms and apparently drive the object of its attention bat-shit crazy with sexual pleasure. I mean, what’s wrong with that? I could feel myself throb and swell with eager anticipation as Sam explained the details of this club he intended to show us. “Anything goes,” he said. “Anything?” My eyebrow rose in doubt. There’s a lot of anything in anything goes. “Anything. Everything! You can do whatever you want to, with whomever you want to, assuming of course that you and he both want to.” My dick throbbed hard. “Anything.” He nodded vigorously. “I’ve done some absolutely filthy things there. With some absolutely gorgeous men. It’s like if you took all your most pornographic fantasies and rolled them all up into a big fat veiny super-cock and then coated the cock in lube and stuck it in your butt.” “I thought you were a writer.” His eyes flickered at my crotch. “I take inspiration where I find it.” I looked down at my fat, butt-hungry prick and saw his point. As my boyfriend continued to swell, so did I - just in that one area. It was huge, it was fat, and it was incredibly sensitive. Frankly if someone attractive just breathed on me now I would probably start pumping cream at his face. “So what you’re saying is that we’d fit in perfectly.” “What I’m saying is that if you and Lance walked into Motherfucker, I think the entire planet would probably feel the group orgasm.” Motherfucker was, for its current incarnation, housed in an abandoned warehouse set somewhat outside the beach town’s environs. This meant that Lance got to be his own naked parade for several blocks (I suggested maybe we take the truck but Lance insisted he wanted to “get some sun”) while the head of my prick dangled near my knee and poked out of my shorts, its entire length getting constantly rubbed by the material. I was leaking pre like a snail trail along the sidewalk, and Sam swore he could “smell my fuck scent” like perfume on the wind. Lance was…well, to say that Lance was huge would be the ultimate understatement. We had been more less constantly in a state of sexual congress over the past several days, he and I and Sam, and though I had not managed to shove a giant dose of growth cream inside him, I think he was just constantly growing bigger and stronger on an hourly basis. Just in more subtle ways. Or maybe it was just that I was more used to seeing his body in a horizontal position and now that he was vertical again, and I was walking next to him, his overall bulk and height and muscular development was overwhelming to me. I could…feel him as he walked, as if he was a kind of planet made of muscle with his own gravitational pull, only his gravity was made of sexual attraction and masculine power, and its pull was absolute. Naked, as usual, he moved with an athletic grace that belied his size and immensity. Even after showering, I swear I could smell his masculine muskiness with the same strength that Sam said he could smell mine. It was like a fog of pure male fuck, a scent that made my heart race and my fat cock throb along its entire length. I wanted to stick my nose into his hairy butt crack and lap it all up like some sexual honey. Muscle stuck out from his frame in giant balls and cables and wedges. His definition was insane, as was his aesthetic beauty. Each muscle, even though he had not been training them to harmonious size and balance at a gym, was perfect. Watching him move, I could see each muscle swell and stretch and flex beneath his skin. I could practically see the individual muscle fibers that collecting into fat cables that bulged and twisted with even his slightest movement. Who knows how strong he had become? When he had broken world record lifts in the college gym, he was probably a hundred pounds lighter than he was now. I couldn’t even begin to estimate his strength. His enormous chest looked capable of bench pressing a fucking train, and his arms were thick enough to bend steel beams a foot thick. The sidewalk practically cracked with each stride of his monumental body, and the cock that swung between his two mind-blowing thighs was as gorgeous and perfect and huge as the rest of him. No wonder I had a near-constant hard-on when I was around him! The dude was living, breathing, throbbing, fuck-scented, naked sex on two enormously powerful legs. Lance, as usual, treated everything that was happening to him as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He walked in naked glory down the sidewalk, even occasionally waving at the gawkers who simply could not believe what they were seeing. He’d raise an arm swollen with fat balls and cables of raw muscle and smile that dick-hardening smile of his and greet some dude as if this sort of thing happens every day. Because, sure, when don’t you see a seven-foot-high, three-foot-wide naked dude coated with a beautiful forest of dark fur and swollen with muscle walking along the sidewalk with his massive length of cock wagging like a pendulum? Lance was now head-and-shoulders taller than me, and I was slightly taller than Sam. Sam looked the most normal of us, because he was. Lance was a naked muscle-bound bear-god, I had a cock that could choke, well, anybody with its plum-sized head dangling below the leg of my shorts, and Sam just looked like Sam, all lanky limbs and tight butt and toothy smile. The sun was setting when we reached the location. It was quiet and looked deserted, and Sam said, “We’re early. Things don’t really get cranking until midnight.” “Well,” said Lance, with a dangerous gleam in his sea-green eyes, “let’s get this party started.” We walked up to what we assumed was the entrance and Sam knocked on the door. It opened slightly and Sam asked, “What’s up, Motherfucker?” “We ain’t ready yet,” the shadows replied. Sam stepped back to allow the sight of Lance’s naked perfection to grace the guard’s eyeline. “You sure about that?” he asked. “Hi!” said Lance, moving his hand down to his fat shank of sex, grabbing himself by his thick shaft and pointing his huge cock head towards the door. “Wanna fuck?” That line always seems to work for him. Weird, huh? Needless to say, Motherfucker opened early that Thursday evening. Stepping inside, every eye turned towards us as we made our way inside the cavernous space. It may have been because there was sunlight from outside spilling into the darkness, or it may have been because Lance’s bulk acted like an eclipse and made that sudden brightness turn just as suddenly dark. Whatever the reason (and I have to suspect that at least some of the reason was that a seven-foot-tall naked bodybuilder with a 10-inch shank of wrist-thick sex meat had entered) we were quite suddenly the center of attention. Luckily, that’s exactly where Lance was most comfortable being. My eyes were still adjusting to the darkness when I heard Lance’s deep, powerful baritone say, “Hi,” brightly. Looking over, his dick was already inflating, throbbing and swelling and rising, and I could feel that weird and distinctly sexual heat pouring off his huge butt-naked body. It was making my own monster start to roar, and I was getting harder and bigger so quickly that I was starting to feel the pain of being caged up inside my shorts. I was struggling to get myself free, unzipping and trying to pull my foot-long and growing prick into the open when he asked, “Who wants to fuck?” Apparently, the answer was ‘everybody.’ Lance is a huge dude, but he was nearly bowled over by the sudden onslaught of young dudes literally running at him. I was being grabbed and sucked and kissed and poked and manhandled and I started pumping jizz all over the fucking place like an uncapped hose. I don't even remember disrobing but I got naked pretty fast. I kind of lost track of the other two for a while, to be honest. When you’re the focus of that much intent lust and you find your dick being so fervently and constantly cared for, with dozens of mouths and butts and hands all over the thing as you’re practically cumming constantly, I dare you to be able to focus on what’s happening to someone else, let alone form a cogent question like “who is fucking my boyfriend right now?” I knew Lance could handle himself, of course, and frankly I can’t think of a single thing someone else could do to him that he wouldn’t find the sexual angle in. The dude was a fucking brick house with a steel rod for a cock and muscles powerful enough to literally shove a ton of iron off his chest, along a libido so strong that he can literally have sex for hours at a time - if not for days - and still be ready for more, so it kind of boggles my mind to try to think of something some other dude or dudes could do to him or with him that he didn’t want to have happen. When he asks you if you wanna fuck, you better believe he’s ready to do just that. Me, I could handle myself, too, but I gotta admit that when my dick starts fountaining its unending load, my brain kind of goes south and all I’m feeling or thinking about is how great it all feels. You can fucking rake your teeth up every inch of my cock and it’s just gonna make me cum even harder. And there were dudes kissing my mouth and twisting my nips and licking my ass and sucking the exploding plum of my prick and all I could do was try to keep breathing as I was taken along for another deeply orgasmic ride. I guess that my...whatever power that Sam mentioned, my sex-throbs or whatever, probably contributed to this sudden sexual explosion that engulfed the three of us. I couldn't say for sure, because I guess I was the one making it happen. Sam, I hoped, was somewhere in that mix. The dude had a talented ass that could take whatever Lance and I had thrown at him, and lord knows the dude liked to lap at a butt like a starving man facing his first meal in months. As night fell, the place started filling up with new dudes and I became something like a feast for them, as the old guard fell by the wayside and new lips and asses and hands took over. How many dudes did I fill with cum? How many asses did I fuck? How many mouths did I kiss and how many dicks did I suck? I can’t even estimate. Dozens, for sure. Somewhere in there, I could feel…that feeling. The one that told me, with increasing clarity of purpose, that I was building up one hell of a bodybuilding blast for Lance’s magic muscles and all I needed to do was plug myself in and watch him grow. It felt as if all this sex, all this fucking and sucking, all this kissing and cumming, were only opening up the throttle on my engine instead of using up all the gas. As if my body now hungered for sex, devoured the sensation of my unending orgasms like fuel for the fire that I would eventually unleash inside Lance’s perfect ass and watch and feel his body swelling with power and sex. Something had changed, or maybe I was just finally aware of what was happening with me and my magic balls and my monster dick. Fucking Lance was always amazing, but I rarely managed to push him into bigger territory all on my own. I had to have this, the energy of sex, or the unbroken sensation of horniness, or something. After that morning in the gym with me stoking the fires as I watched his strength on display. After that night in the bar being serviced by an endless supply of randy old dudes wanting nothing more than to get off, or to get me off. And now this evening, too. Was there a connection I had missed? A reason for what was happening? I realized I was not growing more tired and spent as the night of a thousand orgies progressed - I was getting more powerful. I was…absorbing all this masculine sexual energy, pulling it inside me like a sponge and building up a reserve of powerful muscle juice. Even as my dick was unleashing torrents of hot cream, my balls were storing up whatever it was that I needed to help Lance get bigger, and with every minute of time spent with this parade of sexual energy focused on my body, I was charging my batteries for a huge discharge of the fuel that fed Lance’s continuing development. Finally, after hours of endless sex, I knew I could hold back no longer. I knew that I was going to explode if I tried to soak any more masculine power inside me, where it grew hot and hard and thick and pushed into my balls, turning into a thick hot cream filled with masculine energy, the ultimate gift of power for my huge, perfect lover. I was so charged up it hurt, like a throbbing pain and an overwhelming fire and a feeling of weight and tugging at my cock and balls. “Gotta….” Mouth on my cock, sucking my load. Cock in my ass, pumping me with cum. Lips on my mouth, tongue pushing inside, balls on fire, prick exploding. “Gotta fucking….” Hands grabbing me, pulling me, embracing me. Lips at my ear, whiskers on my cheek. Soft deep voice in my head. “Are you ready, baby?” “Gotta cum….” “Are you ready to give it all to me?” “Gotta…” “Are you ready to watch me grow?” I opened my eyes. Lance kissed me with utter passion, pressing his mighty body against mine, every muscle coated in sweat, the smell of sex surrounding us. “Are you ready, baby?” “Gotta fucking cum…” “Fuck me, baby.” “Gotta fucking….” “Fuck me hard. Harder than you ever fucked me before.” “Gotta….” “Make me grow.” I could feel his heat, his need, his power. He slapped his great, huge frame onto his back and opened his legs wide, showing me that familiar pink pucker that was so happy to welcome me inside. He held his ankles in his paws and spread himself open to me, his musk like a wave of heat that swept over me, washing my skin in his sexual power. His tight hole was wet with spit and cum and lube, amply prepared for the fat length of cock I was going to feed it. His legs were lined with thick wedges of muscle and his cock, a hot shank of thick sex, reached up his body and drooled warm honey into the deep crevasse between his massive pectoral globes. My balls ached with their load. I’d been coming constantly for hours, probably, but saving up this just for him. My magic muscle-making cum, super-powered and swollen with strength. “Gotta fucking cum,” I whispered. I pushed the head of my monster at his hole. He groaned and opened for my hugeness, using the massive control he had over every super-powered muscle packed onto his giant frame. A kiss of wet heat like his hungry mouth and tongue encased my rock-hard prick and I shoved myself inside. I exploded. White hot lava was erupting up my cock and flooding him with power. I started slowly fucking his ass, feeling him grip me like a vice and start to suck every drop I had for him from my balls. I leaned over him and pushed my lips against his and we kissed. We were coated in sweat and slippery, his heavy forest of dark fur glistening like silk. His long, talented tongue shoved inside my mouth and his hands were on my head, holding my mouth against his and I started cumming harder, still, my shout of absolute bliss stifled by our kiss. I could feel him swelling, feel his chest inflate and press against me, feel his cock stretching longer, growing thicker, feel the sexual heat from his naked body envelope and caress me. I came even harder. A flood of hot cum squeezed from my over-burdened balls, every drop screaming with muscle and sex and beauty, flooding his guts and making him grow. “Make me grow.” Yes. This is all I wanted, now. Make him grow. I looked at his face, looked into his eyes, watching him growing more handsome, more beautiful, more perfect as I shoved my hot load inside him and made him grow. His mouth was open and he was gasping in air. His green gaze was lost in some mutual orgasmic perfection and he sank into that sensation of muscular development, his strength swelling in time with his body. He was in total bliss, accepting my gift and growing more powerful with every heartbeat. He was swelling with muscle under me, his ass tightening around my steel-clad cock as I grew longer inside him, thicker and harder like a perfect cannon shooting my cum inside his swelling muscles. I could feel that sensation of perfect eruption as I delivered my copious load and my whole thick prick was throbbing with intense sexual power. His eyes opened and he smiled at me. “I can feel it,” he said. “Give it all to me. I want it all.” I leaned back, looking down at him, watching his body swelling with power, and pushed myself in to the hilt. I exploded, gasping and shouting, lost to pure bliss and orgasmic ecstasy, crying out with rapture as I gave Lance all that I had to give him and watched his muscles swell bigger. And bigger. And bigger. I was lost in some kind of perfect sexual haze, it was like heroin and it was shooting directly into my brain. I came and came, like I’d never come again, shooting a thick, hot, potent stream inside Lance as he swelled and stretched and grew. I looked at him and he looked at me. What did I even look like, my monster shoved all the way inside him as I exploded cum like a hydrant? I felt that I was unaware of anything but him and me, this connection, and me shoving an endless stream of cum inside him as my balls blazed and my cock swelled. I was lost inside that endless orgasmic perfection and saw his mouth open and smiling as his pectoral masses rose and split and his eight-pack deepened and his arms swelled up like balloons. Stars began to sparkle in my darkening vision. A tingling sensation was creeping up my arms from my fingers, a sort of numbness like warmth creeping over my skin. Everything. Take everything. Take it all. I felt a hand on the back of my neck, being pulled forward, the warmth of his body growing deeper, the smell of his sexy musk enveloping my senses, lips against mine, arms surrounding me, his hard body pressed against mine as it swelled bigger and bigger. “Thank you,” he said. Blackness.
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