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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
    7 points
  2. Richy stood leaning against the thick planks of wood that held up the pier just outside one of Groff's beaches. The waters were relatively calm, with a moderate amount of wind picking up the occasional splash of seawater to send a light spray of mist onto Richy's face. The sun was high in the sky and shining down hard on the creamy torso of the handsome ginger and sending droplets of sweat rolling tantalizingly down his sculpted form. The young alpha was wearing nothing more than a pair of bright blue swim trunks, a pair of fake Ray Ban's, and some very comfy sandals. His new physique stood out on the secluded stretch of the sandy beach he was standing on. His six-pack was perfectly cut, ripped and immaculate, his newly defined arms and chiseled thighs well-proportioned in relation to his wider torso and overall he cut a striking figure. One look at the hot redhead and you couldn't help but be simultaneously intimidated and attracted to him. Or at least, that's what he thought. Richy's expression soured behind his sunglasses as he thought about all the attention he had gotten already, without any of the action he hoped for. Where he walked, heads turned. Their eyes roved up and down his masculine body, unabashedly ogling his attractive physique. He'd gotten compliments, flirtatious winks, double takes, and even a few phone numbers in the hours since arriving to the beach. But none of these appreciative looks had resulted in anything more, which was where he had expected his bulk and newly gained attractiveness would get him. His pensive sulking was interrupted by a soft buzzing from his pocket. Any bites yet? Richy bit his lip in irritation. Dante was so fucking nosy. A few. It wasn't a complete lie. There were loads of other half-naked men on the beach, all attractive specimens to say the least. Many of them well built, with extremely fit bodies. He caught one or two out of the corner of his eye shooting glances in his direction, checking him when they thought he wasnt looking. No one seemed brave enough to approach. We talked about this bro. Confidence! Easy for you to say. You're way bigger than me. Yea and I didn't get that way without nailing a virgin or three. Oh fuck off. There was a noticeable delay in the next message, as if Dante was surprised or taken aback by Richy's outburst. I did. Again and again. And look at me now. Quit being a pussy and take the initiative. If they aren't already thinking it, make them wish for you to come and fuck them wet and wild. Your optimism is inspiring. Another delay. This time a high resolution image of Dante's massive cock popped up. It was hard and proud, dripping in cum, covered in bulging veins. There was a sticky glistening trail of white seed running from his bulbous head down into his well trimmed pubes. There was a blurry face sitting out of frame, some mystery man who Dante had just no doubtably just fucked silly. Richy felt his own member swell in his trunks as he looked back at Dante's hard and huge beautiful cock in it's most flattering light. Another buzz. A little taste of what's to come once you stop over thinking things. Richy scoffed and locked his phone, slipping it back into the pocket of his bright swim trunks. He sighed and turned his attention back to the crowd scattered on the sandy beach. Sunbathers, swimmers, surfers. Lots of prime candidates. Richy left his hideout under the pier and mingled back into the crowd, casually strutting across the beach and keeping his eyes peeled for anyone that might be watching. He was careful to straighten his posture and stretch out his shoulders to make himself look bigger and more appealing to wandering eyes. His new body definitely stood out amongst the crowd. His big chest and sculpted abs practically sparkled in the sun as the ocean breeze misted him with sea spray. Richy's legs flexed and swelled with each step and drew attention to his thick thighs and tight ass. Throughout the walk, he caught a few more sly glances that held a little longer than he'd expected. A young guy playing volleyball flexed a bit more than he had been before, showing off his fine tan skin and his wide shoulders for Richy's appreciation. Some cute twink wearing a sombrero winked while setting up a grill as Richy passed by. Even some hunky dad walking up the beach with his kid gaped at him from behind sunglasses, trying and failing to be subtle. The ginger hunk felt his heartbeat race as dozens of sets of eyes watched him make his way to the burger joint at the other end of the beach. It felt exhilarating to hold so much power over the watching crowd, knowing he'd be stuck in some man's head for hours or days afterwards. Maybe he'd even be the inspiration to some wild wank session tonight as some stud got off to the image of his plump ass. Feeling a bit more full of himself, Richy leaned on the long bar counter and flagged down a server. The man turned around from the register and flipped his long silky brunette hair off of his face. His hazel eyes scanned Richy up and down appreciatively and there was a noticeable hitch in his breath. Richy couldn't help but relish the shock and arousal written plainly across the man's face. It felt like he was a kid in a candy shop able to get any sweet that he wanted. The bartender's face quickly switched back to a neutral customer service face as he greeted Richy, walking over from the other end of the bar. Richy looked the man up and down from behind his sunglasses and felt his heart race a bit faster. This guy looked like just his type. Even in the frumpy casual-but-corporate beach uniform he stood out as a fine specimen, perfect for a quickie. As he walked Richy began to fantasize of all the things he’d want to do to the man, assuming he was down to fuck. Confidence, huh? "What can I get you?" "Piña colada, with a bit extra cream." Richy replied suggestively. The brunette began to prepare his order with a nervous smile on his face. He was cute, for sure. He reminded Richy of himself before he'd met Thor, albeit a bit bulkier. He was slender and lithe with a dancer's build and warm brown skin. He had soft facial features and full kissable lips that were flanked on either side by warm wavy brown locks that fell to his shoulder. Richy's eyes traveled to the smaller man's tight waist, admiring the two perky globes of beef that were underneath his fitting black shorts. The rest of his body screamed "tight" from under his blue shirt, causing his growing appetite to yearn for a better view of what was underneath. The man set the cold drink down in front of Richy and flashed another hospitable smile. "Anything else?" he asked politely, and then swallowed hard, maybe hopeful, maybe anxious. Without missing a beat, Richy placed his lips on the straw to the drink and slurped down the whole thing in one long draft, keeping his eyes locked on the cute man from behind his sunglasses. The man's mouth dropped in astonishment and Richy saw his eyes grow wide at the not-so-subtle display. He couldn't help but smirk at his awed gaze. "Yea. Are you busy in ten minutes?" Richy asked directly. "Yeah! Uh, I mean. I go on break in five." Damnit. Dante was right. *** A shorter piece that maybe puts some insight into the mind of someone who's not as confident in their new found sexy powers as Dante, Jason or Thor. This is an example of the kind of "charachter driven" update i''ll have in the future however this was a small one. Also it gave me an excuse to generate an AI image of Richy, see below.
    1 point
  3. Putting the finishing touches on the script, you rubbed your raging erection as you reread the passages. Your biggest fantasies laid out before you. No matter how much your logical mind doubted it, you believed it would work. A simple self-hypnosis trick to enact just after crossing the sleep/awake threshold. Like an audiobook, but boosted during alpha wave sleep. Putting on your wireless headphones, you lie down on your twin bed. Surrounded by total darkness, your racing heart and erection fight your brain’s wishes to fall asleep. Rubbing one out through the loose pajama bottoms, you only need to think back to the fifth passage and in a couple moments you blow out your third load for the day. Calming down, you play the track. A quiet whooshing of air and waves crashing on the shore precedes the passage; a grace period to fall asleep. Feeling your head slowly rock back and forth, your consciousness flutters out sooner than you thought. click a rough AI-generated masculine voice quietly reads the passage “You were a muscle jock in the making. Your early success in soccer and basketball excited you and made you want to try out for more sports. Your natural athleticism grew as you watched sports and practiced playing every afternoon. When you were a young teen you went through your first growth spurt. Over the months, your frame grew and grew; your legs and arms got longer and your shoulders broadened. You began doing pushups and working out to add some strength to your longer and skinnier limbs. You began adding on some muscle, slowly but surely growing bigger and stronger. Your hunger grew as you started fueling your body to grow.” your stomach rumbles in your sleep “You remember seeing your first muscle magazine at the store. Seeing the huge man on the cover with the skimpy posers made you excited. Later that night you wacked off furiously at the memory, cumming 3 times at the thought of having such huge muscles. That year you got your parents to get you some weights and workout gear to start lifting regularly. You loaded up on protein and calories every day and worked out for at least 2 hours a day. Very quickly you saw more results. Clothes started feeling tighter as your broad shoulders and arms and legs padded on muscle. Flexing in the mirror at night, your biceps bunched up into balls of muscle, your pecs were beginning to hang over your abdomen. Your big cock would be rock hard as you worked out, seeing your muscles in the mirror and imagining growing even bigger.” your cock was rock hard again, leaking precum in your pajama bottoms against a muscular thigh your pants start to constrict around your muscular legs as you dream of size “In the middle of your workouts you would pose for yourself in the mirror. Flexing your quads, you could see your legs stretch your shrinking gym shorts. Your cock would start leaking pre as you felt your fat balls quiver slightly. Picking up some weights, you did more curls, feeling your muscles burn. That feeling turned you on more; feeling your muscles swell and work; knowing they’ll grow stronger from this. Seeing your cockhead through your shorts, it leaked out more precum, dampening your shorts and throbbing harder and harder against your thigh. Flexing your chest and arms, you see your muscles flex and swell, feeling the burn in them. Quickly grasping your cock, you jerked off three times before you exploded your load over yourself and the mirror.” your muscles twitch and swell as your cock stretches further down your thigh “Your classmates revered your size, your power. Guys asked you to flex and pose. When asked to see your huge thighs, your hefty cock and balls bulged out as you flexed your growing quads. The adoration turned you on more. Your workouts continued with vigor; you worked harder as you got hornier, fueling your extra energy into growing your muscles even bigger. That October on your birthday, you measured your height. 6’3, a gain of 4 inches in a year. Taller than most, you felt more powerful rising higher than others. You weighed a huge 280 lbs of muscle and felt big and meaty. Your hefty cock was thicker and longer than before and your fat hairy nuts were heavier.” your limbs stretched and thickened more as your body began to fill the bed your cock thickened and lengthened against the fabric, soaking your sheets in precum as your hairy nuts grew heftier and fuller “Measuring your growing cock, it was just over 10.5 inches long and thicker than the ruler. Even your nuts were oversized, each one the size of a lemon and hanging low in your big sack. Seeing the other guys in the locker room, it felt strange at first to have such big nuts compared to others. But after seeing many of them stare at your huge package with jealousy, you wanted more growth, more size to show off. You started wearing tight nylon shorts to support your abundant manhood and bull nuts. Just soft, your cock was 7 inches soft and was thick as a can of red bull. You found out that the average length erect was under 6 inches. You were bigger soft than most men were fully hard. You wanted to be even bigger.” you moaned as your cock grew thicker and fatter, veins growing and crisscrossing around your growing meat as your nuts swelled and bulged, your growing load of cum practically sloshing around in your cum factories “As you grew bigger and got more muscular, you felt things fill out more and get tighter all the time. Your biceps and pecs began to bump into each other, forcing your arms apart. Your quads got bigger the more you ran and squatted. Now your quads pushed against each other, forcing your big package out even more. Just sideways, you could see the slope of your fat cock pushing through your pants. Seeing your big muscular arm and pecs stretching out shirts and sleeves turned you on more. Wearing your comfortably loose sweatpants, your bulge and meaty thighs and cheeks had more room to grow. That December you went up another shoe size as you grew taller still. Needing a size 15 now, you knew you weren’t done growing.” your feet and legs grew meatier and longer as your body stretched filling out your once loose pajama bottoms, the hems were riding higher on your calves “Feeling even taller in your new shoes, you were becoming bigger and stronger than most people ever get. You were becoming a giant. One night you measured your cock against a water bottle. Seeing how your big fat cock extended past it all around made you even hornier. You hoped your horsecock would keep growing; bigger, longer, thicker, and fatter. You wanted to be huge, hung like a bull. With even bigger nuts to match. Groping your huge apple-sized nuts, you squeezed and massaged them, imagining them even bigger. Too big to hold in both hands. Double fisting your cock, you dreamed of it becoming too thick to hold with both hands, something you were quickly approaching.” your cock swelled even thicker and fatter as it pushed itself over your waistband, rising higher than ever above you your huge hairy nuts filled out the crotch of your shrinking pants, bulging out more as they swelled bigger and hairier leaking precum down your huge shaft, your cockhead swelled and throbbed as you thrusted your hips in your sleep “You began seeing your face change. Your jaw got thicker and wider as your neck thickened and got meatier. Seeing your sharp cheekbones and lantern jaw matched with your big traps and neck, you couldn’t deny your raw masculinity. Shortly, you felt stubble covering your lips and chin. You worked out throughout the winter, soon stretching your winter clothes as your muscles bulged bigger and thicker. Your shoes got tighter and by the Spring, you were a size 16. Similarly, needing to go up a size in your underwear, your enormous manhood was still growing bigger and thicker.” you moan as your jaw and neck thicken stubble soon peppers your lips and cheeks, thicker on your growing jawbone your traps and shoulders thicken, your shoulders too wide for your bed now your feet are reaching the end of your mattress your huge legs start pushing each other apart from their growing size “As Summer began, you measured yourself, wanting to see how big you could get over the break. Now 6’6, you were the tallest person in your family. Your huge frame weighed a massive 370 lbs of muscle. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you felt the huge bulge in your shorts. Your horsecock kept growing bigger and longer. Letting it flop out of your gym shorts, your massive hairy thighs pushed your junk forward, making it seem even bigger. Your hefty orange-sized nuts and your beer-can thick soft cock jutted out by over half a foot. Getting your trusty ruler, your cock was thicker than the ruler soft! Now 9 inches soft, your meat was getting truly huge.” your cock swelled bigger and thicker as a network of veins grew, covering the growing log your feet were past the foot of your bed, your huge chest and back were now as wide as your bed your pants tear off your massive legs your hairy quads and furry nuts can finally breathe “Seeing your massive cock overshadowing the ruler, you watch as your meat gets hard, slowly enveloping the ruler more and more until you see your huge cockhead pass the 12-inch mark. Letting your cock bob up and down, you flex in the mirror, watching your pecs stretch your tank top to the limit. Your huge nipples jut out from both sides of your flimsy tank top, pushed down by the size of your pecs. Hearing the fabric stretch and tear, your cock starts to gush precum. After months of intense squats and leg presses, you only need to squat down and flex and your enormous thighs and glutes burst through your shorts. Groaning as your huge cock gets harder, you grasp your huge rod and double fist it. Your meaty log is too thick for your hands now. You need it to be even bigger, even thicker; fatter and longer until you can titty fuck your own chest. It’s so tantalizingly close. Your cockhead is just an inch or so away from the huge overhang of your pecs. Exploding out load after load over your pecs, your horsecock pumps out more than 15 loads of your oatmeal-thick cum, covering parts of the mirror and the tattered scraps of your clothes. Your cock continues to dribble out cum as you clean up, swinging thick globs as your thick log bounces.” your cock thickens and lengthens even more as your massive frame makes the bed creak under your growing weight gushing out precum, your orange-sized cockhead coats your hairy chest and stomach in your endless supply of lube your furry nuts swell and thicken your musk is filling the room as sweat starts to dampen the dark curls sprouting on your body “That Summer, finally free from school, you dedicated yourself to growing any way you could. Your workouts grew longer and more intense. You got hungrier and ravenous, fueling your body any way you could. Not wanting to waste protein, you drank your own oatmeal-thick cum; guzzling down cups of the viscous liquid every time you came. You became more untamed, almost feral. Your oversized body becoming more fragrant; pungent; muskier. You stopped shaving. You couldn’t reach where the fuzz was growing down your back and in the deepening crevice of your pecs. If you did shave it would just grow back thicker than before. Oozing testosterone as your body hair grew in thicker and coarser, the thick black hair soon coated your pecs and abdomen. Trailing across your shoulders and down your arms and back. Growing thicker around your gargantuan cock and balls and across your meaty cheeks.” the bed creaks and groans loudly as your muscles swell and grow even faster your chest hair sprawls out thicker, darker, and longer it spreads to cover your arms, your back, your neck, your stomach, your legs, your ass, and around your ballooning manhood your beard and moustache grow thicker and longer as your grunts drop an octave lower you grunt and moan in your sleep as your cock explodes like a cannon, covering you, your ceiling, walls, and floor in your powerful load your enormous body covered your bed, shielding it from your torrent of cum the thick scent in the room grows stronger as your pheromones skyrocket your body hair grows thicker, your furry armpits reek of your sweaty musk “Your conquests worshiped your enormous 450 lb body, feeling your massive pecs, your broad shoulders and arms that were bigger than their heads. You spent your days fueling and working out. You did whatever you needed to in order to grow bigger.” your muscles swell bigger and heavier, the bed is creaking and groaning loudly as your body gains another 25 lbs of muscle “You spent your nights fucking whoever could take your growing monster cock. You fuck like a beast in heat, unable to think and only knowing that you need to empty your growing balls. Your balls never feel empty.” your massive nuts swell bigger and heavier in your lap, pumping more testosterone into your system your cock swells longer and thicker, rising higher as it surpasses stallion size and approaches monster-like your cockhead throbbed thicker, spurting out more and more precum like a volcano now the hair around your swelling cock and balls grows thicker as you become too much of a man “It wasn’t long until you grew too big for doorways. You were 6’9 and needed to start crouching your head. Even sideways you were getting too thick to squeeze through most doorways. One morning you tried to squeeze through into the bathroom and knocked down part of the wall before you made it through. You are a real giant.” your body swells in all directions as muscle is piled onto your growing frame your body extends taller, your head hitting the headboard while your size 20 feet were planted on the floor now your chest was wider than the bed as more muscle piled onto your titanic frame the bed cannot take any more and collapses under you as you pass 600 lbs you wake in a confused daze as a familiar voice keeps speaking to you “You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to cum. You need to grow. You need to sleep. You need to grow. You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to fuck. You need to grow. You need to flex. You need to grow. You need to stop thinking. You need to grow.” you heave yourself of the rubble of your bed and make your way to the bathroom the tape continues to play through your headphones “Your body is on the verge of having another growth spurt. You need to grow taller to fit more muscle. You need to grow thicker and stronger. Your cock and nuts will grow bigger as you grow bigger. Your testosterone will rise as you grow.” your body stretches taller and thicker as you waddle to the bathroom caving in a larger hole through the doorway, you see your reflection in the mirror your half hard cock is thick as a tree and bobbing up and down from its weight precum is still gushing out of your soccer ball sized cockhead like a hose your fur covered bull nuts are the size of watermelons and ache with your pent-up load “You need to grow bigger before you can cum.” you grunt at the instruction your thundering voice is limited to one syllable replies now you struggle to hold back your load as your cock fills with blood waddling to your garage, your cock swells bigger and bigger your nuts feel full to bursting as they swell heavier your cock bulldozes through the wall like a battering ram your body smashes through the wall like paper as dust coats your cum-covered body hair “Lift heavy weights. Lift them more. Lift them more. Grow bigger. Lift them more. Grow huge.” you grunt to yourself as you lift and lift your traps are pushing against your ears while your pecs are pushing against your chin you grunt that you need to be big your nuts hurt as they swell bigger with your load you need to cum, but you need to grow first lifting harder, you feel your pecs swell and grow as you pump them up they’re bigger than couch cushions you pump your arms you can’t bring them down to your sides your pumpkin sized biceps keep mashing against your pecs you feel your nuts swell bigger your cock is pumping full of blood, inching longer and fatter as you grow you squat, your thighs need to spread as they push against each other more the floor looks farther away “Grow bigger.” you grunt as you feel your muscles swell and pack on more muscle faster than before letting yourself fall into the ecstasy of growing, your battering ram of a cock explodes your pent up load you cum constantly as your nuts swell bigger, filling up faster than you can cum your headphones get knocked off as your traps swell against your ears you lift more you grow more you cum more.
    1 point
  4. Fantastic read! I love it where this is going! I’m also hoping that their supreme shredding will also make their waist tighten way below the 30” But that’s just my kinky mind
    1 point
  5. Chapter Four Pin, lift, eat, work, sleep, pin, lift, eat, work, sleep, pin, lift, eat, work, sleep. This was Sam’s life for three months. Max gave the orders and Sam followed, without question. Max stared at Sam as he finished running through his posing routine for the fifth time in a row, his third load of cum drenched his abs and chest and he had still not touched is pulsing cock. “I still can’t believe what you’ve been able to achieve in three months.” “Am I ready for the show tomorrow?” Sam said, breathing heavy and sweating profusely. “Ready! If I was entered in that show, I’d drop out now knowing you were showing up.” Max said, wiping sweat from his own forehand. “But they don’t know. No one does, except you. I still can’t thank you enough Max.” Sam said, pulling Max off the sofa with a single hand and planting a passionate kiss on his lips. “Easy there. You need to get some rest. I’ll be back first thing in the morning to pick you up.” Max said. As he closed the apartment door, he heard Sam thumping down the hall towards his bedroom. Sam and Max arrived at the venue at 10 a.m. The place was already buzzing with activity. Max had applied Sam’s second coat of artificial tan that morning and his once pale skin looked like he had been forged from molten bronze. “I pulled some strings with the promoter. You’ll have a private area to setup and they’ve kept your name off the competitor list. Your name will be called last.” Sam smiled, excited and nervous for what was about to happen. “This is going to be wild.” They walked into the backstage area and were directed to their special area. A few heads turned but Sam’s clothes were so oversized, no one paid him much attention. He pulled his hood up and followed Max across the room. They settled in behind a privacy screen that had been strategically placed to hide them from the other people. “I have another surprise.” Max said as he handed Sam one of the many containers of food he had brought and gestured to the left where a small TV had been placed. “You can watch the live feed of the show.” “Nice!” Sam said as he started to eat. “FUCK! Even your face is ripped!” Max commented as Sam chewed. Sam looked at the floor-length mirror leaning on the wall across from him. He pulled down his hood and turned his head. Max was right, with the slightest movement of his jaw, striations appears along with thin veins. The veins travelled from his forehead down to the thick neck muscles sprouting from the collar of his sweater. Sam also marvelled at the facial changes that had taken place in recent months. His brow was a little thicker and his jaw looked strong enough to bite through bone. His extreme level of conditioning made is eyes look a little sunken. Overall, Sam had the face like the freaky bodybuilders he had admired his whole life. “Classic physique is about to start.” Max said, breaking Sam from his trance. As the competitors started to file onto stage, Sam felt a tingle in his stomach. He had stopped peaking at Ben’s profile and was curious about how he would look on stage. “Competitor number 7, Ben Jacobs, 5’10” 197lbs.” Ben strode onto stage with more confidence than last time. It had only been six months since he last competed, weighing 173lbs then. The additional size was impressive and his conditioning was next level. “He’s fucking ripped!” Sam said. Standing next to the other competitors, it was hard not to stare at Ben. His proportions were prefect, every muscle group in perfect balance and his vascularity was far superior. As the lineup started to pose, Ben seemed to dominate each pose. When he turned to showcase his back, flexing his outrageously striated glutes, Sam felt his dick start to get hard. The announcer signalled for the competitors to leave the stage. “Wow! He looks really good. But, it’s time for you to focus. You’ve only got about half an hour before it’s your turn.” Max said, replacing one food container with another. Suddenly Sam felt a wave of anxiety crash over him. All the hard work, torture and pain he’d put himself through for months evaporated. He felt his skin grow moist and clammy. His face must have shown the shift because Max came to sit beside him. “Sam. Look at me. You are going to do great. This is everything you ever dreamed of.” “But what if I don’t! It’s only been three months of real work! What the fuck was I thinking, that’s not enough time!” Sam stammered. “Not enough! Look at you! What you have accomplished in three months, few professionals have done throughout their entire careers. Are you ready? The world isn’t ready for what you are about to show them! Now, take off those clothes so I can fix your tan and oil you up.” Sam wiped away few tears and stood up. As he removed his clothes, the reflection in the mirror started to calm his nerves. He realized he had not only reached his dream for this show, he was well on his way to becoming exactly what he always dreamed of being, a total freak of nature. The heavy weight competitors were being called to the stage. There were five other men. They ranged from 5’8”, 230lbs to 6’1”, 258lbs. The crowd was already worked into a frenzy as they waddled onto stage. “Before we begin, there is one final competitor that has not been publicized.” A hush fell over the audience. “Competing in his first show and only 18 years old, Sam Wilson! Weighing 248lbs at 5’8”!” Sam slowly walked on stage and heard the collective gasp. Only two competitors weighed more, a guy who was 5’10” at 252lbs and the 6’1” guy at 258lbs. At his height, it was immediately obvious Sam was the largest. Sam struggled walking lately with his newly added 67lbs of muscle but it was a problem he loved having. His 34” quads slapped against each other with each step. He was directed to the centre of the stage, the other competitors immediately looked defeated as he moved past them. Sam stopped and turned to face the crowd. A rumble of voices started to rise but among them were obvious screams of shock. Sam squared his shoulders and waited for the posing instructions. He asked Max backstage how much of a pump he needed but glancing at either side, he quickly released his conditioning was far superior to everyone else. He looked down at the top of his ballooning 52” chest and saw countless veins pulsing under his nearly translucent skin. The heat of the stage lights would only cause more vascularity to appear, further highlighting the extremes Sam had undergone to get ready for the contest. The announcer cleared his throat and began to call out the mandatory poses. “Front lat spread.” Sam waited for the others to hit their poses. He looked to his right and could see a large screen just off stage that projected a front-facing view of the stage. Even he was shocked by how different he looked compared to the others. He returned his gaze to the audience and started to flare his lats. His arms rose until they were almost parallel with the floor. Sam’s waist was a mere 30” but he sucked it in, shirking it to a comically small size. While devoid of fat, he flexed his abs anyway, causing the twisted muscles to bulge even more dramatically. With a small repositioning of his legs, Sam closed his eyes as he flexed his 34” quads and 19” calves, the sound of the shocked crowd rose to a thunderous roar. Looking at the screen, Sam saw a few competitors had stopped posing and had turned to look at him instead. “Gentlemen, please stay focused. F-f-front double bicep.” The announcer ordered. Sam relaxed, if you could call it that, and repositioned his legs, causing waves of muscles to flex and swell. With his fists clinched, Sam looked down at this bowling ball-sized 18” forearms, marvelling at how the veins appeared to dance under the bright lights. He quickly threw his arms to the side, feeling his inflated triceps press against his equally pumped lats before transitioning into a double bicep pose. Sam felt every muscle on his body tense and he couldn’t restrain himself. He let out a loud growl that quieted the crowd momentarily. Sam turned his head, fighting against his own trap and shoulder to see how deep and striated his bicep peak looked. With his dark tan, it looked like his skin was ready to tear away to reveal just his oversized muscles. “S-s-s-side chest.” Sam lowered his arm but not before straightening and reflexing them one last time. As he turned to his side, he got a better view of the screen. Whoever was operating the camera had zoomed in so only Sam was showing onscreen. He felt bad but it did offer him a better view of how massive he looked. Sam stuck his arms out, make sure to flex his triceps, showing off the deep striations that covered the surface. He raised his left foot, his calf popped in every direction and his hamstring hung so low, it was only inches from the calf muscle. Sam tensed his glutes, causing the muscles to pulse in waves towards his lower back. As Sam slowly moved his left arm towards his back, he flexed his chest as hard as could. On screen he watched his hulking form transform into a head-to-toe pillar of ripped muscle. As if willing himself to grow even bigger, Sam grunted loudly and flexed harder. “AAARRRGGGHHHH!” The screams from the crowd shook the auditorium. “Fuck.” The announcer mistakenly said into the live mic. “Oh, uh, rear lat spread.” Sam turned is back to the crowd. While he positioned his feet, he continued to flex his glutes with undulating waves, showcasing his incredible muscle control. “Show them just how much of a freak you are.” Sam whispered to himself. As slowly as he could, Sam began to bend his arms, placing his hands at his waist while flexing his mountain-scape of a back. His deeply striated lower back appeared to pulse as his traps looked like they were engulfing his head. With his hands in position, Sam started to spread his lats. The guy standing next to him audibly moaned. Sam turned his head to see he was white as a ghost. When his lats were spread as far as they would go, the roar of the crowd was all Sam needed to know how spectacular he looked. Sam didn’t wait for the announcer to call the next post, rear double bicep. He flexed his glutes, hamstrings and claves as much as he could, knowing just how detailed and striated they looked. Sam extended his hands straight above his head and held them there for a moment, showing every minuscule detail to the audience before slowly lower them into the pose. “Ok. Ok. Rear double bicep.” The announcer said, now taking direction from Sam. The other competitors followed suit although a few had stoped really trying, opting to watch Sam instead. Sam relaxed the pose and noticed them gathering around him with their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open. Sam relaxed and turned to face the crowd. His skin practically glowed from the oil and sweat. He was breathing heavily, having held each pose with as much strength as he could muster. Seeing the other, huge, ripped bodybuilder only watching him made Sam’s confidence soar. He felt like he was living in a dream. He was the freak everyone wanted to see. Sam scanned the stunned faces on stage and prepared to show everyone just how dominate he was. “Stand back!” Sam commanded, ensuring they gave him room so the camera could capture every detail. Skipping the remaining mandatory poses of side tricep and abdominals and thigh, Sam started to transition into a most muscular pose. As arms tensed and began to move towards his tiny waist, the crowd was deafening. A few men on stage covered their mouths, one turned his back to the crowd and covered his crotch. Sam’s arms and shoulders inflated, thick, pulsing veins erupted in every direction, making him look like he no longer had skin. As his hands meet, his pecs appeared to fight against each other for space looking hard enough to stop a bullet. To further empathize his extreme conditioning, Sam adjusted his hands slightly so each pec muscle relaxed and reflexed, while his arms and shoulders twitched and contorted with each movement. “LOOK AT ME!” Sam screamed, unable to hold back his excitement and desire to shock the whole room. Sam’s whole body was trembling from effort. There wasn’t a muscle he wasn’t flexing. His face was contorted with effort and covered with pulsing veins. His neck looked twice as wide as his head as it was being devoured by his throbbing traps. His shoulders, arms and forearms looked like a bundle of thick metal cables designed to hold up a bridge. His pecs inflated so far, they threatened to push his hands apart. Even under all that muscle, his abs were so outrageously detailed, you could grate cheese on them. Sam’s quads and calves were so pumped, there was no visible gap between them. Even the sides of his glutes were clearly visible from the front. “YES! THIS IS WHAT A FREAK LOOKS LIKE!” Sam screamed as he willed himself to hold the pose as long as possible. The crowd had disintegrated into complete chaos. The true fanatics were screaming encouragement while others were covering their eyes. The announcer was speaking into the mic but no one could hear him. “UUURRRGGGMMMMFFFF” Sam bellowed until he could no longer hold the pose. He released it and fell to his knees, his entire body completely spent. The other men on stage moved closer as if to assist but no one had the guts to touch Sam’s still pulsing body. Sam waved them away and managed to stand back up. Although he was no longer flexing, every muscle on his body still looked massive. With a wave to the crowd and without being directed to do so, Sam walked off stage, much of the audience pleading to see more. The chaos extended backstage. Sam walked in and the crowd of other competitors froze in shock. They had been watching the live feed but seeing Sam in person was even more astounding. As Sam moved towards the back of the room, he was patted on the shoulder, fist bumped and a few men even stopped to get a selfie with him. “Sam?” Sam turned to see Ben, still wearing his shiny black classic physique posing trunks. “Ben.” “It is you! Holy shit Sam! What-How-OH MY GOOD!” He stammered. Sam looked at Ben and smiled. “I decided to stop being lazy and skinny.” “But h-h-how? It’s only been six months.” “Turns out I have a knack for getting big. 67lbs in three months, 95lbs since you dumped me.” “That’s impossible!” Ben practically screamed. “Does this not look real?” Sam said, raising his arm and flexing his 21” bicep inches from Ben’s face. “I just can’t believe it. Sam, you are HUGE!” “I’m bigger, a lot bigger but I’m not huge Ben. I’m literally just getting started. At the rate I’m packing on mass, I’ll be twice this huge in a year.” Ben just stared, still unable to comprehend what had happened to Sam in such a short period of time. He also suddenly became aware at how small he felt in Sam’s presence. Ben never lacked confidence but standing next to Sam made him feel tiny and weak. Sam picked up on the shift and stepped closer to Ben. “If you ever decide to take this whole bodybuilding thing seriously, look me up, we could get a workout in or something.” Sam said and walked away, leaving Ben frozen in disbelief. Sam and Max watched the show backstage. Ben won his category. Sam noticed he didn’t look as confident accepting the top prize as he did on stage earlier. The 212 category went to an absolute tank of a man who stood only 5’4”. “You are going to look crazy posing against these other winners.” Max said still riding high from Sam’s performance. “I haven’t won yet.” Sam said. “Right! Like there is any doubt. You destroyed everyone on that stage Sam.” The heavyweights were called back on stage and Sam only had to stand there a minute before his name was announced as the winner, as if the organizers decided it was useless to prolong the inevitable. As the other winners were brought on stage for the final presentation Sam stood amongst the best in each category. Ben avoided him. The 212 winner wanted to pose next to Sam which ended up making him look small by comparison. A few of the others asked if they could have their picture taken with Sam. “The overall winner is….Sam Wilson!” Sam jumped with excitement. He accepted the large trophy and placed it on the floor in front of him. He was supposed to allow the event photographer to just take some pictures but the crowd begged for him to pose more. Sam stepped forward and began to run through a complete posing routine. No one else flexed a single muscle, they only stood and watched. Sam dwarfed everyone on stage. His 248lb body seemed to swell larger with each pose he hit. He made eye contact with Ben as he performed his most muscular pose again. Amazingly, Sam flexed even harder than earlier, willing himself to look as freaky as possible. Ben’s eyes grew wide and terrified at the sight. The Sam he knew was gone and in its place was an absolute mass monster. Every inch of his body was covered in twisted, vein-covered mass. Eventually he turned and left the stage, unable to handle the sight of Sam or unable to hold back his orgasm. Sam didn’t care, he had done something he never thought was possible. As the crowd erupted in applause, he couldn’t help thinking about getting to the gym and growing even bigger. He scooped up his trophies and waddle off stage, the crowd screaming for him to return and flex some more.
    1 point
  6. Raphael felt his cock twitch as he watched a few of his classmates climb the steps of the lecture hall. After only being on campus for a few weeks he could easily spot a member of Alpha Alpha Alpha from a mile away. Their physiques were like something from a comic book, stretching their clothes tight with bulging muscle. Every inch was rippling hard, with perfectly defined musculature and not a trace of fat. They were always dressed simply, either jeans and a t-shirt or tank top and gym shorts, something anyone on campus could be wearing but these guys attracted attention no matter what they wore. They were sex on legs, the embodiment of male sexual fantasy, and Raphael knew that each of those studly alpha males were packing obscenely large dicks. Not only had he caught glimpses of these guys around campus and the surrounding town, but he also thought he found some of their OnlyFans profiles as well. Just thinking of their impossibly hung members was causing him to chub up, especially as it coincided with his imagination running wild on how they would be like in the sack. Not that he would ever be so lucky. Those dudes were way out of his league anyway. He'd just be relegated to a secret stalker, lusting from a distance at these gorgeous gods. As soon as those self-deprecating thoughts had entered his mind they were brushed aside as Raphael's favorite frat bro entered his vision. Dante was the perfect embodiment of a himbo. Perfect face, gorgeous thick arms, big bulky chest, defined stomach, powerful legs that looked like they could lift a car, an absolutely ripped ass that could no doubt fuck for hours. And to top it all off, he was a good person too. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, sure, but with a heart in the right place and a body to back it up. "Yo, Raphi!" Dante waved one huge gorilla sized arm as he bounded up the steps. The olive skinned hunk stood out against the background, not just because of his size, but of his dashing good looks. Today he was wearing a red cotton tee that stretched tightly across his broad chest and some surprisingly sturdy khaki pants that did nothing to hide his huge round ass as he walked up the stairs. His short brown hair was just a shade lighter than his piercing brown eyes which were currently focused on Raphael. The smaller man gulped as his crush approached and sat down next to him, just barely fitting in the small auditorium seat, and threw a sinuous arm around Raphael’s shoulders. "Soo...did you finish it? It's due, like, tomorrow. I tried but...you're better with this science shit, yeah?" Dante grinned broadly, flashing an array of straight white teeth. "Almost. Should be done after class." Raphael replied, savoring the sensation of being trapped beneath Dante's burly bicep. "Awesome! You're a life saver bro." The big guy beamed, using the arm draped around Raphael's thin shoulders to tug the small boy to his side to give him a gentle squeeze, an action the much smaller guy relished. "How bout you bring it by the house tonight when you're done? I told the bros you were helping me out so I'm sure they'll want to thank you too! There's always a spot at the table for my favorite dorky bro!!" Dante flashed him his dazzling smile again, complete with his trademark goofy wink and chaotic good energy that Raphael found almost impossible to deny. And how could he? Being invited to a house filled to the brim with handsome brawny men, and by a dude who's looks and body alone should be classified as a walking sexual obscenity. And to make matters more absurd he seemed like he really meant it. So that's how the five foot nothing dorky little nerd found himself outside the Alpha Alpha Alpha house late in the evening, carrying his computer bag to deliver an overdue assignment to a hunky guy he was crushing hard on. The house itself was surprisingly neat and tidy, albeit a little old. Pristine really. Not the filthy hovel he'd been imagining for whatever reason, something you'd expect from a group of some of the most jacked up muscular men around. For some reason, Raphael pictured a sea of beer bottles, solo cups and empty kegs lining the outside of the house. So to see a tidy and well maintained home was quite the surprise. With all his courage Raphael knocked softly at the door. After a few seconds he heard a low thumping in the distance, but nothing else. He knocked again and this time the thumping seemed to get louder and closer, but no voices were heard. A small part of his brain suggested coming back another day but his curiosity was too great. He had to know what sexy mysteries resided in the Alpha Alpha Alpha house. As soon as he opened the door, an aroma enveloped him, an earthy but pleasant scent. At this late hour the house seemed surprisingly deserted, no one was visible from the doorway and for a moment he wondered if he had the right place. Then the rhythmically thumping beat met his ears again and grew louder and louder as one of the frat bros lumbered down the stairs. Raphael gulped as another huge man came into view clad in nothing but his boxer shorts. The huge dark skinned bro was as ripped as they get and did nothing to hide his powerful physique. He was a pure embodiment of masculinity, his body defined and powerful. His long dreadlocks cascaded infront and behind his gorgeous body, hiding some of it from Raphael’s prying eyes. He yawned and scratched his toned stomach before his eyes settled on the smaller man. "Ahhhh! You're Raphi, right?” The man asked, one arm bulging as it raised to point at the smaller man. “Dante told us you were gonna show up tonight." The dark skinned god involuntarily flexed his arm as it was raised which lead Raphael’s wandering eyes to land on a gigantic tattoo that was sprawled across the huge muscular appendage. ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA was written in big bold letters across the outer part of his bicep and tricep, so that the world would know just what kind of man he was. "Yep that's me." he answered sheepishly as he marveled at the sexy display of hard flesh, hoping not to appear overly distracted by the dude's obviously thick cock and bouncing nuts trying to hide in his boxers. The hunk was continued his inadvertent muscle show by flexing his large pecs as he used his huge arms to gestured behind him, vaguely pointing upstairs as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "Dante's room is on the third floor. Last door on the left. He's been waiting for ya." Raphael whipped passed the huge man and hurried towards his destination, eager to get out of the building before he was spotted with a stiffy. He bounced the steps two at a time and practically ran down the hall until he reached his destination. He knocked quickly and gave the handle a sharp twist and a push, ready to run in and get back out as quick as possible but he stopped in his tracks as soon as the door was half way open. The aroma was intoxicating. An concoction of potent pheromones, sweat, cum and masculine musk wafted out from the interior and threatened to send the twink’s nose swimming as he choked on a mixture of hormones. That in turn brought an even harder stiffness to his already semi erect penis and he swallowed down a moan, unwilling to risk making a peep as he might be caught in his indecent position. Dante was lounging in a chair with his shirt off wearing his sweatpants, revealing the toned muscles on his upper body and brisling of brow hair that adorned his tanned skin. Even in a relaxed pose like this the giant radiated an intense masculinity that Raphael found thoroughly mesmerizing. He couldn't help but glance down to see his ridiculously big cock outlined clearly in the loose fabric. Raphael's mouth salivated as the muscular Latino seemed to casually flaunt that massive length, more than half a dozen inches that was obviously getting even larger in front of his wide eyes. "Glad you could make it little bro." Dante said, rising off the lounge and approaching him. His chest and abs and arms seemed to ripple with each flex he made as if he were trying to put on a show of how jacked he was. Dante smiled, his dazzling perfect teeth contrasted to the beautiful bronze of his smooth, flawless skin. "Take a seat anywhere you like Raphi and make yourself comfortable." The massive man's words seemed to rumble through Raphael, and he nodded numbly as his feet began walking him through the room as if on auto-pilot, the sultry sent of man permitting his nostril. Dante walked behind Raphael, putting his enormous hands gently on his tiny shoulders. He leaned close and Raphael felt the warmth of the handsome hunk on his ear before hearing the sultry voice speak again. "I really wanted to thank you again for helping a bro out. I'm shit with physics, y'know?" Raphael nodded dumbly and tried to keep it together. In an instant Dante removed the backpack from the smaller man’s shoulders and playfully shoved Raphael onto his mattress. Dante landed with a soft thump on his back, staring in a daze at the ceiling. As he came back to his senses he raised his head up to see Dante standing at the foot of the bed. His handsome face displayed a huge shit-eating grin as the large man loomed over him, his thick muscles gleamed, highlighted in a sheen of sweat from some sort of workout. "How could I EVER repay you, man? I just gotta know." Raphael’s heart practically stopped as he got the best look at Dante's magnificent body he had ever seen. His gargantuan musculature was on full display, a towering figure of living muscle standing 6 foot 6 and looking every inch of it. He sported broad bulky pecs which were each at least twice the size of Raphael's head and tapered smoothly downwards to meet his six-pack abs. Massive traps, biceps the size of melons and a body which would have looked at home in the gladiatorial arenas of ancient Rome. He flexed his beefy biceps and chuckled. "You like, huh?" he purred, moving his arms forwards and then backwards in front of him and admiring his own physique. Each movement showcased his bulky deltoids and huge biceps flexing powerfully. Raphael licked his lips and found himself hypnotized. "You better, cause you're gonna love this next part." Dante promised as Raphael finally heard the rustle of clothing dropping and glancing up to see Dante was slowly, teasingly, pulling his loose fitting sweats over the large bulge of his manhood. As his thighs emerged from the clinging garment Raphael found his heart pounding to a tempo of excitement. A low grunt escaped him as he stepped closer and freed his penis from the confines of his pants and dropped them to the floor. Dante was, quite possibly, the sexiest man he'd ever set his eyes upon. Everything about him screamed alpha stud with his towering height and his enormous build that would put to shame even the most seasoned pro weightlifters. From his thick legs, muscular calves, juicy meaty thighs, enormous testicles and big throbbing shaft to his huge defined torso and a muscular back and shoulders and thick and sexy neck, Raphael couldn't stop staring in awe. Dante stood gloriously naked, unashamedly showing off his killer bod and letting his huge member sway majestically. The absolutely ripped brunette crawled up onto his bed. His enormously pumped and muscular body dwarfing Raphael's much smaller figure and causing an immediate contrast of visual arousal that left his head spinning and a small dollop of precum beginning to ooze from the tip of his uncut member. All he could do was let out a weak gasp as Dante approached with that sexy self-satisfied smirk, the effect magnified by the sculpted musculature of his chest and abdominals. He watched his pecs undulate and bulge and his shoulders and traps appear to be constantly flexing as his arms swayed at his side. Raphael felt his dick jump again just by looking at the glistening mountain of hunkdom that loomed above him and bit his lower lip as his shaft got harder. Dante gave his flaccid cock a few casual tugs before smirking down and whispering in that irresistible baritone. "Do you like?" He purred, as soda can thick uncircumcised meat stood a semi-hard seven inches. As his thumb gently traced over the soft, wet glans he slowly hardened, a strong masculine scent wafted forth that caused Raphael's cock to get incredibly stiff in a matter of seconds, making a small but noticeable tent in his pants. To his surprise, Dante’s smile broadned as he noticed the effect he was having on the smaller man, and his already enormous phallus grew even quicker. "You seem amazed, eh bro? You could bounce a quarter off my ass." the giant brunette said confidently while flexing both of his enormous arms in unison, making his massive biceps and thick lats jut forward and giving the tiny geek a look at their bulging contours. He spread his legs and gestured down his brawny frame, "Well? Aren't you going to touch me bro?" He grinned down, an almost predatory light in his eye. The twink obliged immediately. He shot up from the bed and hungrily ran his hand across the mountain of a stud's huge chest muscles and traced the sparse coving of hair between the cleft of his pecs. Dante slowly bounced his meaty chest and let the smaller man grasp their size with his hands, knowing this man could probably bench press a car if he wanted too. As he continued his ministrations, muscle upon muscle seemed to surge forward as if excited by the prospect of being noticed by Raphael. The tendons and sinews bulged with power and pride as the big man continued his slow flexing for his tiny friend. His abdomen bulged like solid granite, the sharp muscle crevices on the tight flesh visible. His rock-hard pelvis and adonis’ belt was thrust into view, strong and tight. Slowly Raphael let his hands travel southward towards the huge rod poking his stomach. His manhood stood at attention and pulsated, oozing thick white creamy semen. Raphael stared at it. A mammoth cock, an unbelievable ten inches with girth that made it look thick as a beer can. Throbbing, pulsating, burning with hot raw masculine sexuality. "I see the way you look at me man," Dante chuckled, giving his big hard cock a pump and letting it bounce. He squeezed his large and perfectly-formed balls in his hand. "And this right here has been longing to get all up inside you bro. To plow that cute ass of yours and make you moan my name." The monstrous shaft bounced up and smacked him in his thick eight-pack abdomen. It began to throb and pulse with each breath the huge man took. The huge bodybuilder caressed the throbbing giant erection in front of the geeks eyes. "C'mon man. I know you want it too." He guided Raphael’s hand around his back and placed it on his huge perky ass, drawing the smaller man closer to him. Raphael could feel the warmth of his body through his own clothes and felt his trepidations melt away and finally began to relax in Dante’s arms. Dante wasn't having a go at him. Nor was he feeding him some bullshit. This god among men wanted to fuck him. Really fuck him. With his fat, hard cock. Before his nerves could fail him Raphael stole a kiss from the huge adonis and the two started locking lips, pressing their tongues against one another while the Latin giant reached for the hem of his t-shirt, eagerly undressing him and throwing it into the growing pile of clothes. They gazed into each other's eyes. Those were eyes of desire, they were filled with an undisguised lust that the lad was finally recognizing as genuine. Dante once again shoved Raphael backwards into the bed, this time a bit roughly, looming over him as the smaller man frantically removed the rest of his clothing and tossed them off to the side leaving him exposed from the waist down. Without skipping a beat, the Alpha bent his head and sealed his mouth around the smaller man's leaking cock. Raphael moaned with rapture as his cock was swallowed by the enormous sex god. The sight of his wide rippling shoulders above his cock was mesmerizing. The thick cords of his back muscles tensed and his neck flexed as his head bobbed up and down on the geek's cock. His hands slid behind his shoulders and explored the muscles there, caressing and feeling. He used the pad of his thumb to knead the rippling pecs on the football players' chest, admiring his wide muscular upper body and getting even harder with the thought of having it fucking him silly. The tiny dude moaned while Dante sucked him off with expert skill. His petite cock was as hard as it had ever been as the huge muscle god’s warm mouth clamped down on his length, his tongue wrapping around the glans roughly and causing the smaller man’s body to shudder again. After a few minutes Raphael felt the heat rising in his loins and bucked his small hips against his crush’s beautiful face and shot his first load down Dante’s throat. The little nerd shuddered with ecstasy as the euphoric bliss spread from his nuts across his body and his cock pumped out load after load. Dante took it all like a champ and Raphael could swear he looked hungry for more. Dante finally released his nerdy bro's cock, smiling mischievously as he gulped down the last of Raphael’s load, and turned his eyes to the massive tool he now carried between his own legs, a massive ten-inch phallus with an intimidating girth and heavy nuts that sloshed with all the cum that needed to be released. With a single motion of his hand the humungous Latino male grasped the length and stroked, working his mighty package with fervor until it started to leak precum at an alarming rate. The Adonis continued his flexing. It was unreal, like a waking wet dream. Muscles rippled, his body seemed alive and in tune, not unlike a powerful predator, yet it also maintained a gentle beauty that had his face sculpted by the gods. The beautiful man suddenly locked lips again and leaned his big beefy body over, mashing their chests together and sliding his hands across Raphael’s small lithe frame. The little dweeb’s mind swam with euphoria as his hands wandered over his enormous, well-developed back and lats, his hands not able to connect as his arms attempted to encircle his large lover. His mind couldn't get enough of the sexy slab of hard, muscle body that now pressed down atop him, and soon enough, into him. With an air of dominance, Dante shifted forward and let his huge body envelop Raphael, bringing the smaller male into the tight vise-grip embrace of his hulking frame. Strong arms flexed and embraced Raphael and he pulled his buttocks in close and their cocks touched. Raphael sighed aloud, allowing a moan to escape his lips. "Yeah man. You're making me so fucking hard. You’re so fucking tight, dude. Primed and ready to go for my huge fucking dick. I gotta fuck you man. Sink my rod deep into you and fill you up with my cum. It’ll feel great man, so fuckin good. Like you were born for it, man. To be filled up with a real man’s dick.” Dante pulled the twink's ass forward with his strong hands and began to massage the two tight globes between his thumbs. The smaller man continued his moans and felt his body relax, his legs spreading around the jock’s hard body. Dante growled with primal lust, biting his lower lip as the smaller man's hole relaxed and prepared to take his monster shlong. He knew submission when he saw it. Once Raphael's hole was loose and spasming with anticipation, the huge stud lined his throbbing dick up at the tight entrance and slowly slid inside him. A low moan filled the room and he began to buck his hips gently as he drove his erection deeper inside him. Raphael wrapped his thin legs around his hips to pull the brute even further inside and allow his monster cock a better angle for thrusting. Dante seemed happy to oblige, pumping his monster prick further. The sound of wet and sticky flesh smacking against flesh echoed through the bedroom followed by loud, powerful grunts. A frantic and aggressive sound. Moaning was replaced by guttural gasps. Raphael was beside himself with joy as the tremendous rod swelled within him. His inner walls tensed and tightened around the monster, gripping it as tightly as they could in order to enjoy the sensation to the fullest. The enormous adonis continued to feel his own body and display his enormous muscles all the while relentlessly fucking him with such great passion that it was bordering on manic. "Aww fuck, man. You're making me so hard. Your ass is so fucking tight bro." he moaned, clearly enjoying his dominance of the other male immensely as he showed off and flexed for his tiny lover. "It feels good, right? To have my huge fat cock stretching your ass? My muscles make you wanna come don’t they bro?" Dante smiled widely as he directed Rapahel’s vision to his massive muscular upper body and flexed his biceps which looked like they were carved from the most luxurious and sexy granite. "You're so hot bro, taking my whole dick like a champ. Bet no one's fucked you this deep before, have they? No one has a dick this fuckin' amazing, yeah?" A smile crept across his lips, seemingly able to sense how close to bursting his small lover was. "My big muscles are making you crazy, aren't they bro? They're so huge and thick, make me feel so sexy. I'm always lifting, man. Always pumping iron." Dante grunted and moaned as he felt up the size of his enormous body as he continue slam his throbbing dick inside Raphael's now spasming hole. "Watching my muscles swell and grow makes my huge nuts fill up, bro. Makes them fill up with seed. Oh God. My cum is so thick now. So virile. A real man's cum." Dante punctuated every word with a flex of a different group of muscle; his trap, his pecs and then his bicep. His voice was barely more than a snarl, a lustful and savage and primal sound that showed the immense lust that raged within his pumped body. "I know you wanna cum, man. But you gotta hold on for me, ok? Hang onto that feeling while I slam your prostate hard. I'll make you feel so fuckin good, bro. But I gotta show you something, 'kay? Wrap those arms of yours around my huge fuckin body. You gotta feel it to believe it." Raphael tightened his clutch on the huge man’s body as the power and intensity of the fuck increased, the pounding sensation inside Raphael's smaller ass intensified as the powerful thrusts drove the enormously gifted Adonis deep inside. And it kept growing. His inner walls and rectum stretched impossibly more as Dante's dick continued to thicken inside of him, stimulating his body and hitting his prostate, again and again. Raphael felt his small arms slowly pull apart as the frat bro's body expanded. Dante's moans were matched only by the strength and the volume with which his manhood and nuts slapped against his perineum, smacking against him, driving him to greater and greater pleasure. "Feels real nice don't it bro?" Dante huffed, never breaking his pace. "Growing nice and hard, thick as shit and sexy. Making my dick and bod so fuckin big, man. So hard. It makes me so horny, bro. So FUCKING horny. Feel how heavy and thick my muscles are now. Feel how big my dick's gotten. My huge nuts just swell up with cum while I fuck and it feels so god bro. Don't you want to feel like that?" Dante was now holding the other boy firmly by his ankles, using the new leverage to intensify his already frenetic pace, his breath coming fast and hard between his grunts as his gigantic shaft rammed deeper inside the twink’s battered hole and overstimulated prostate, sending a series of tingles shooting through Raphael's body. He could hear what Dante was saying but wasn't sure he understood. "That's what being part of the frat means, bro. It means being big, getting strong, and fucking hard. Every dude around you is a stud. Guys like us, we get our dicks pumped and swollen and veiny and dripping all the time bro. Our nuts grow huge, heavy with fuckin cum. Our asses get perfect, our muscles bulge and swell. I can show ya. I'll make you an even better stud than you were, Raphi. Join the house and grow with us. You just gotta say so." Raphael thought for a moment. Everything was happening so fast. The promise, the chance to be more, to be seen as handsome and not some wimp who would never date someone like Dante. After a split second Raphael threw his head back and screamed the word Dante desired to hear. "YES!" A look of sheer elation flashed across the hunk's handsome features and he suddenly put both his palms on the mattress beside Raphael's head and loomed in his view, his gorgeous body on full display as he continued long strokes with his throbbing cock. "You won't regret it. Soon you'll be just like me. You'll get so big, grow and grow and grow until you're a fucking stud. Sex on legs, man. That's what all the guys want. Be sexy and strong with big balls and an even bigger cock. So hot, so muscular. Soon you'll understand, bro. Soon." The sexy goliath began thrusting with increasing speed, fucking the petite young nerd with reckless abandon. Raphael's instincts kicked in and he let the intensity of the fuck wash over him, moaning and cursing with each thrust as his prostate was crushed against in the most pleasurable way imaginable. After what felt like eternity, Raphael could take it no longer. The nerdy twink felt his entire body spasm violently as his orgasm struck and cum sprayed out of his rigid cock, painting his flat stomach white. Dante roared his approval as the tight hole clamped around his manhood like a vice, the extra friction only driving him forward, burying his cock inside the tight warm hole deeper than it had ever been before. The brute slammed himself to the base with rapid, explosive movements and once his enormous dick could go no further, the virile Alpha male exploded within his small mate. "AW FUCK YEAH BRO!" The muscle hunk's already rock hard monster stiffened to diamond like hardness and finally erupted, shooting blast after sticky blast of his fertile seed deep into Raphael's eager hole. His balls strained and shook, pouring out an absolute torrent of viscous spunk into the twink, his ass flexing with each blast. The little twink shivered and groaned and felt the pulsating meat inside him spew out what felt like gallons of sweet man juice into him. Each pump made his already stretched guts seemed even tighter than before as he writhed in ecstasy under the hunk's invading monster shaft, milking the fat fuck rod for its entire load. "Fuck yes. Take it all bro. You're gonna make me so big." Raphi lay limp, exhausted from his climax, enjoy the sight of the huge stud filling him up. As Dante's orgasm subsided, Raphael felt a new kind of sensation wash over him. A sort of postcoital bliss that emanated from the alpha jizz inside him, but much stronger than normal. It made him feel sexy, satisfied and complete. With each deep breath he drew, the blissful, fuzzy, post orgasm sensation spread like a warm, glowing, comforting wave through his entire body. He felt amazing. He felt loved. He felt... Changed. "Yea bro. Fuuuucking finally." the stud said with a sultry, post-climatic groan that rippled through the twink's tender ass and drew a sigh from his plump lips. Dante slowly slid his length out from Raphi with a slick pop and grinned broadly down at him, his masculine and still-erect member gleaming in the light. "Oh I feel it now. I'm gonna get so big. You're gonna make me huge!" Suddenly, Dante's body started growing! All the muscles on his already bulked up, perfect body, slowly swelled with power as his mass seemed to stretch outward and up. The huge muscles were expanding in all directions as the frat bro's frame seemed to gain a few inches of width in his broad shoulders, and the chiseled lines of his heavily muscled stomach grew taught as his body gained an inch or two in height. Dante began to flex his rapidly expanding muscles and he let out a guttural moan as he slowly stroked his giant monster phallus as it visibly twitched and quivered. Raphi sat frozen in awe, his own cock starting to get hard all over again, marveling at the huge change before him. His Alpha brother's huge cock pulsated as a blast of hot and thick sperm jetted out the fat tip and painted the bed sheets below them white as the brunette came again, followed by several lesser spurts before stopping his stroke. Dante sighed happily and slumped a bit, the muscular frame of his shoulders appearing larger than life as Raphi drank it in and gasped in awe at the figure towering above him. The stud was smiling wide, his dimpled face sporting his characteristic shit eating grin while his rippling muscles and oozing cock made it known how powerful he had become. "Each times a bit different," Dante explained, feeling up his own body with his monster paws, caressing his sculpted chest muscles and biting his lip as the sensations overwhelmed him with pleasure. "Each time you fuck a guy it gets you bigger and stronger. A little bit each time, but noticeable. But when you're fucking a new guy, a guy who's not part of the frat, it's so much more potent. No one's really sure why, but I think it's on purpose. Like a reward or something. For making a new member of the frat." Dante stopped caressing his own body and placed a big hand on Raphi’s taut rounded abdomen and gave the twink’s belly a firm squeeze. "This right here? My seed in you? It's what's gonna make you into one of us. It's a bit slow the first time, takes a few hours. Maybe even the whole day. But tomorrow night, you’ll be a new man." Dante lifted his burly torso off Raphael and rose to his full height. The rest of his immense body was now on full display and the dark-skinned Latino slowly rotated his massive hips and proudly flaunted his massively defined and muscle-swollen nude body, letting out a long sigh of pleasure as he did. "Get some rest, bro. You'll need it tomorrow." Raphael lay back, splaying his body out in a loose slump, a languid smile spread across his flushed and excited face. He felt the sexy sensation again, a comfortable, warm feeling radiating from the well-fucked pit of his belly and flowing though his tiny figure. This time fatigue filled his senses and made him content and blissfully relaxed, and sleep took the soon to be stud into a pleasant slumber. *** And here's part two. I was quicker editing this one but probably wont be with the next parts. Expect them up within a few days.
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