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  1. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
    33 points
  2. Thirty Months My pup’s thick, calloused hands picked me up as if I weighed nothing at all . . . and I’m a big man! He just grabbed me at the waist with those monstrous mitts and easily hoisted me into the air with his now equally monstrous guns. They actually make my big arms look small and I was a jacked older man. Frankenboy then brought my body toward his, making sure my crotch was even with his stomach – now made of skin-covered steel cylinders. He slid my semi-dormant cock up and down against his cobbled abs, like I was only a washcloth cleaning out the deep muscle crevices. Before my dick and balls had barely traveled the journey from bottom to top one time, I was fully and painfully erect. My balls were actually achingly throbbing, now in need of immediate release. The way he easily manhandled me was such a huge turn-on, but my balls instantly churn boiling, bubbling cum mainly because the pup has gotten immense . . . colossal . . . way more than big. He’s blown beyond my huge size . . . way beyond what I had imagined he was capable of . . . as if he’d been morphed a few times over. My hard rod and tight balls scraped against his abs, bumping along toward orgasm and there was nothing I could do about it. I was putty in his hands and he knew it. Just before I popped off like a cannon, he pulled me away from his body and just held me in the air . . . like he was just holding a child’s doll or something lighter. He waited about a minute or a minute and a half and let my body recover . . . and then without any effort at all he lifted me higher, until my cock was even with his face. He sucked my hard rod into his open, warm mouth with one quick slurp and before I could even think about it, he had turned into something like a high-powered Hoover going on overdrive and making me erupt with an intensity that made me scream out loud while I was overcome with dizziness. Every time he did this I nearly passed out from the uncontrollable explosion. Later, the big pup cranked out a few lifts with my limp body just so he could look at his huge arms getting even more pumped. He lowered me so we were once again face to face. “That’s better than coffee, sir. Your juice will keep me going all day long. And at the same time I get to give you a little pick-me-up” His pun was not lost on me – even in my now drained stated. It’s one thing to have a guy that’s much smaller than you call you ‘sir’, but when it’s a massive muscle monster showing you respect there isn’t anything in the world like it. My Frankenpup now had biceps much larger and thicker than my head – and a hell of a lot harder, too – but that didn’t stop him from being the obedient, polite, respectful young man I had happily brought into my home a little over two years ago. I churned out twice the amount of juice a man my age should have – just because Frankenpup stayed a pup even though he physically had become the alpha by a longshot. I had made a mountain out of an anthill . . . a muscle behemoth out of a ninety-pound weakling . . . a demigod out of a mortal. And yet, internally, he still wanted only to please his now much smaller muscle daddy. If that wasn’t enough to make me spew hard, I didn’t know what would be. As the pup lowered me to the ground, my body had to bend and yield to the new bulging mass that was his chest. When my feet were stable, he shoved his massive pecs into my face – smothering me with hard muscled beef. He then grabbed my hands with his, and led them to what he knew I loved more than anything in the world. As he let go, my hands grabbed the enormous, globular orbs that were his ass. It felt like I was grabbing the hard rubber of giant tractor tires – the meat solid and inflexible even to my big strong hands. Still, I clamped down as if I were a superhero trying to crush bricks with my fingers. I kneaded his cheeks like some kind of superb chef manipulating dough for mouth-watering muscle pastries. His ass always made my mouth water and my balls start to boil. I slid four fingers deep into his tight, sweaty crack. “Crush them.” My wish was his command. He squeezed those mounds of pure muscle as if his life depended on it. My cock spit out what might have been leftover cum or drops of newly percolated juice – simply because it begged to be crushed mercilessly like my fingers were at that moment. Fucking huge arms, colossal pecs, thunderous thighs . . . these were all impressive . . . but it was bone-crushing glutes that got my award for the most awesome muscle. Frankenpup had a jutting ass that you could have rested a fully-loaded steamer trunk on. It wasn’t a twink’s perky bubble butt . . . no, this was a muscle monster’s butt that looked so powerful you were sure it could easily crush solid steek that was thrust deeply within. He could squeeze my hardened cock so tightly with his glutes that it would prevent me from releasing a load. He could make me unable to cum and to cry out from the lack of sexual relief and the intense pain caused by his crushing ass strength. Frankenpup’s hard cock poked into my tight abs as he bucked his hips with pleasure from the abuse I gave his ass cheeks. I used every ounce of my strength to knead his cheeks – knowing my wrists would be sore later in the day from the exertion. The huge man merely purred and squirmed like some cat being lovingly stroked. My balls ached from their desire to produce cum that would not come. I was too spent from spewing earlier into the behemoth’s powerful mouth. Frankenpup’s body – especially his ass – had me running on empty all the time. My shaft throbbed against his solid-as-hell eight-pack – bumping into his own pulsing rod. He rested his chin on the top of my head and, without even looking, I simply sensed how much wider, thicker, and bigger he had become. It was like someone had built a skyscraper beside a small one bedroom house. My face was smothered between his hairy pecs – inhaling his sweat, his testosterone . . . his manly essence. “Fuck you’re huge, Frankenpup.” “You’re not sorry you grew me . . . are you, sir?” My hands abruptly stopped the torture they were giving his ass and I pulled my head back. I stared up into the beautiful, angular, chiseled, muscular face of my pup – no longer looking like it was attached to a slightly pudgy young man, but now looking like some Norse deity whose magnificent, massive body is foretold by his features. His face, alone, told you he had a magnificent muscle waddle when he walked because he had gotten so immense. It was a face that had to be supported by tons of hard, striated, bulging beef. “Why would you ever think that, pup?” “I don’t know . . . some men would not want to be outgrown by their pup.” “Those men are not me . . . and never will be. Yes, you have grown way beyond what I could have ever imagined . . . but that only makes me want more. It makes me want to grow you even more colossal. You want me to keep growing you, don’t you Frankenpup?” “More than anything, sir.” “Then it’s settled, we’re going to get you even more massive than you already are.” His butt cheeks tightened into something akin to thick steel at my words – smashing my fingers. The tip of his cock poked into my ribs even harder, rubbing against the bottom of my meaty pecs. Frankenpup tensed his entire body, making every muscle bulge harder and bigger. Then – with no warning and making it seem like he had just willed his body to obey – hot, thick, super-charged spunk shot from his cannon-dick. It slammed into the bottom of my chin and his pecs, then slowly slid down his stomach and my chest like and avalanche of cum. He squeezed my body into his and it was clear he was using the pressure to make his dick spew even harder. Pellets of dense cum shot up between us – coating our front sides like some kind of masculine sauce poured lavishly over beef . . . hard, muscled beef. The Neanderthalic grunts that came from my Frankenboy were like a symphony made up of roided pigs – music to my ears, but animalistic and raw. I had a feeling if we had been in the jungle large animals would have run away in fear of whatever it was making those sounds. I had to give up on trying to breathe and merely focus on the pleasure his ass cheeks were giving my fingers as he squeezed the shit out of them. He held me so tight my lungs couldn’t work. I had learned to take deep breaths before he started ejaculating, knowing I’d be compacted like clothes in an overstuffed piece of luggage as he came. Meanwhile, the big pup’s cock continued to spray like a firehose dowsing a fire. After what seemed like the point where I’d surely black out from a lack of oxygen, the bone-adjusting squeeze of my upper body would be released and I’d quickly suck in much needed air. Post orgasm, the big muscle man was vulnerable enough for me to pop a few fingers into his slightly relaxed tight hole – forcing him to release a few more tremendous gobs of juice from the invasion. This was always my favorite part. “I’ll never need to go to a chiropractor, son . . . a simple squeeze from you releases all the tension in my body.” “I don’t hurt you, do I, sir?” “Only if by ‘hurt’ you mean the best feeling ever, boy. Being crushed by your arms is heaven on earth.” The look in Frankenpup’s eyes always makes my legs want to buckle. The devotion his gaze reveals is almost too much to handle. Compliments from me are met with the same exact joy and excitement as when he adds another pound or two to his huge frame. If the guy had a tail, I knew it would have been wagging hard from sheer happiness at my words. Both of us always needed post-ejaculation short naps. It just came with the territory when you were jacked-to-the-max and orgasmed hard enough to shake buildings. Lately, Frankenpup had started scooping me up in his arms like I was as small as an infant and carrying me to our huge bed for rest. He did it with ease. He did it with pleasure. He did it because he wanted to make sure I knew he would always be my pup . . . no matter how ginormous he became. We both knew that when we awakened in about an hour, he’d offer his ass to me for plowing. It was just a guaranteed afternoon delight . . . and a reward freely given to me for helping him grow.
    21 points
  3. Hi everyone, I’m posting here the PART II sequel to my last story, Condo Hookup. It’s another fairly short one, at four chapters, and will bring you up to date on what’s happening in the lives of our two protagonists, Biff and Timmy. Hope you like it. Dennis CONDO HOOKUP PART II CHAPTER I When you last read about Biff and Timmy it was about five months earlier, June 2023. During a summer tropical storm, one typically experienced by the residents of South Florida that time of year, they saw each other for the first time in their condo’s gym. Timmy excitedly spotted and recognized Biff from the muscle sites he wanked to as the newly crowned Mr. America. The handsome 28-year-old bodybuilder stole the 39 year old Timmy’s heart immediately. Biff had HIS first gaze upon Timmy when he turned around after finishing drinking from the gym’s fountain. With water dripping from his lips to his bulging pectorals, he looked down at the runway-handsome blond model. When he saw the familiar muscle-heaven daze that his extreme admirers experienced when they were close to him, he sealed the deal with Timmy by giving him an obligatory quick pec bounce. It was another day for Biff at a gym in training for the Mr. Olympia contest to be held the following November. Rather than its usual venue in Vegas, this year it was to be held in Orlando, a much more convenient location for Biff. It was just up the peninsular a couple of hundred miles with just a few hours of travel time to reach, when taking the Florida Turnpike. Besides all the fame and prestige of winning the most coveted bodybuilding trophy, the sponsorships, endorsements, and $400,000 cash prize was a tremendous incentive for those in competition. Many experts in the bodybuilding realm had said that Biff was sure to take the first-place overall prize. But it was love at first sight in the condo gym for the two guys, and they consummated their relationship a few days later after bumping into each other outside Timmy’s apartment, right down the hall from where Biff lived. * Fast forward to November, and Timmy is sitting in the front row of the huge Orange County Convention Center at the conclusion of the Mr. Olympia competition. He is hoarse from screaming his support for his boyfriend Biff who had just won the top Eugen Sandow trophy. His mass, symmetry, proportion, definition, and stage presence wowed the judges unanimously. Biff was backstage now texting Timmy, telling him that he was freezing because of his low body fat and, more importantly, that he’s practically naked now. “Hey little boy, my muscle-bod is covered now by just my skimpy posing trunks that hardly even holds my privates. It really looks quite obscene, you know.” “There you go again with that porn talk, Biff. You know what that does to me! Do you want me to come backstage to warm you up, big-boy? “Yeah, and while you’re here why not give me a nice blow job too. And after you’ve had fun doing that for me, it might also serve to reduce some of the bulge in my posing trunks that I now have even more thinking about what I want to do to you when we get home. If you don’t help me now with my dick, it might actually flop out when I come back on stage to say hello again to all my fans in the audience soon.” Their fun texting continued for a while until it was interrupted with, “OK, ladies and gentlemen. Give a warm congratulations to our newly crowned Mr. Olympia!” The audience erupted into a quick roar, showing their appreciation for the handsome new muscle-king of the world. “Biff Stevens, hailing from just down the Pike a piece in South Florida. Come on down front and strut your stuff and give your fans just one more flex.” Timmy’s eyes were glued to the back of the stage where he then saw Biff coming out as the huge convention center auditorium continued their applause and hooting even louder. Biff was spectacular- looking, with not a muscle ignored on his tanned to perfection physique. Timmy chuckled when he saw what his boyfriend was talking about regarding the difficulty with his posing trunks. Biff really did have a problem trying to conceal his dick in it! Timmy thought that the root of Biff’s thick cock as well as its enormous crown’s outline might actually be showing. Could that be? And the audience members must see it as well! Biff was well aware of it, and he seemed to not give a shit. All he heard was the thunderous reaction of his supportive fans, who, to a certain extent, were perhaps screaming their love of Mr. Olympia’s package as well! Timmy also questioned himself, “Is this being televised for future streaming, and maybe a million people will also see Biff’s abundance down there?” Suddenly, Biff, as he waved to the cheering audience, very confidently came down to the edge of the stage, right in front of his boyfriend. Timmy looked almost straight up at the muscle-Adonis and then watched as he put his trophy down to do a most muscular. Timmy heard a cocky “Oof” accompany the pose and then actually felt some spray from Biff’s overly enthusiastic grunt. Biff then looked right down at Timmy and gave his boyfriend a white-teeth-and-dimples smile with a wink. The same one he gave him many months ago when they looked at one another in the condo’s gym many months ago. After a long time with photographers, autographs for his lined-up fans, and the signing of some endorsement contracts with various bodybuilding products, Biff and Timmy finally leave the convention center. They get into Biff’s convertible sports car and head down the Turnpike for home. Timmy put on the radio, and they hear Elton John singing “Philadelphia Freedom.” As loud as they can shout, they sing along with the words and even try imitating the music of a favorite singer of theirs. “Philadelphia freedom took me knee-high to a man, yeah. Gave me peace of mind my daddy never had.” Biff and Timmy laughed loudly at the lyrics’ innuendo, as well as at the unbelievable day this had been and the great time they were having together now. · After arriving home, Biff has just a few days to unwind with some R & R after Orlando’s massive highs, before he got to work on his contracted endorsements for the companies he’ll be promoting. There’s also been some serious buzz about Hollywood being interested in using him in a film. This was a little nerve-wracking to the usually laid-back Biff, knowing this potential work would be 3,000 miles away in LA and, well, he knew he had no acting credentials. When he expressed this anxiety to Timmy, his lover told him that if this actually happens, he would join him in California for a while, and then said bluntly, “Biff, but you do know that they’re not hiring you for your acting skills!” They both smiled at that, because of course that was true. Several days later and still showing signs of the dark tan-spray used on him at the Mr. O contest, Biff arrived back at their apartment after spending a grueling few hours at his hard-core gym. His boyfriend was on a mat in the living room in front of floor-to-ceiling windows with views overlooking the ocean doing his yoga, stretching and sit-up exercises for the day. Timmy looked up at him and sighed. He still can’t help getting overwhelmed every time by Biff’s phenomenal muscularity, especially when it’s freshly pumped from lifting. He sees Biff now as an even more spectacular sight to behold. Biff wore a tight-fitting tee shirt that had simply “LIFT” shown on the front. Actually, all of his clothes are tight, either because he liked the sexy look that that gave him, or he’s become even more muscular since recently buying that article of clothing. Mr. Olympia grinned from ear to ear when he saw Timmy’s mouth expectantly open. He knows his muscle-obsessed boyfriend all too well. Biff decides to go for the full Monty. Still looking down at Timmy who’s looking excitedly up at his boyfriend, he then slowly, with perfect orchestration, pulls his shirt over his head. Timmy and Biff have been together for over five months already, and Timmy saw that in the lead up to the Olympia, with his frequent workouts and crazy eating and dieting, Biff had gotten phenomenally muscular and ripped heading into the contest. And now, still, even with some post-contest cheat-meals and a cut-down of grueling lifting routines, Biff appeared to have maintained the same massive and sensuously ripped muscular condition. Timmy was dizzy with extreme desire as he studied just a few muscular attractions on his boyfriend’s physique. Biff’s abs were so very chiseled and couldn’t be more defined. The crevice between his steel hard solid bulging pectorals was deep. His lats flared from his relatively small waist. Biff saw the effect he was having on Timmy tour and, in his deep and seductive voice, said, “Hey Little Dutch boy. Do you wanna cop a feel.” “Oh yes sir, whatever you say”, Timmy giggled with their kinky role-playing. “But you’re so big and strong and I’m frightened of you and what you could do to little me.” Now it’ was Biff’s turn to giggle. “Do all my big, beautiful Mr. Olympia muscles make you all horny?” Biff then looked at Timmy with a seductive smile and a sexy Colin Farrellesque caterpillar eyebrow raised, waiting for a response. Biff then nonchalantly erotically danced his pectoral striations a little. From his huge experience, Biff knew just the right moves to achieve the perfect effect on the muscle-addicted admirer. “God, Biff. I’m sure you know just what you’re fucking doing to me now.” Biff continued with just a little more porn-talk to Timmy’s ears. “After each gym visit, I just keep packing on the ripped muscle to my sexy bod.” Biff then did a quick most muscular with his usual “oof” shout out. “I’m just packed with all fucking solid steel-plated rippling and bulging sexy muscles. As you can clearly see, I’m sure, little boy.” The bodybuilder may have gone just a little too far as Timmy was now very amused by his talk. But then Biff moved closer to his boyfriend as his muscles shifted and slid erotically. He put out a muscular hand to Timmy to raise him from the mat. Timmy stared at its muscular forearm lined with veins and his enormous bulging biceps lined with a thick cephalic vein which wasn’t even flexing. Effortlessly, Biff pulled Timmy to his feet, and they then stood toe to toe. The six-foot-even model looked up several inches into the 6’5” Mr. Olympia’s eyes. Timmy put his slender hands onto Biff’s enormous solid bulging pectorals and their dicks were now leaking in their very hard excited condition.
    19 points
  4. “Where is Builder’s Road located at again, Dorian?” “Are you still on Highway 69, Frankie?” “Uh, well my GPS on my phone says that I am.” “Heh, you should find a sign that I put up for you to turn down a gravel road.” After a couple of minutes, the beefy 33-year-old from Indiana finally thinks he found the place he is looking for. “Oh, haha. I see it now friendo. You really do live back in the holler.” “It is a home. I do what I can do with what I have.” “I guess I will see you in a few then.” “I will be waiting.” After driving down the isolated road for what seemed like several miles in his white van, Franklin Beavan arrives at his destination. He immediately notices the big arch that is over top of his friend’s fence in property, which says Delbarton. A very hunky and well-built man wearing a tight V-neck t-shirt, blue jeans with a large black belt and a big buckle with a big cat of some kind on it, and brownish-black boots stands in the gate. He is taking a few photos for his social media account it looks like. He has his big meaty arm gripping the arch and is flexing it, making his top beg for mercy. He starts smiling when he sees Frank’s van pulling up. The man also has a thick, well-manicured blondish-red beard, which is draped down over his big chest. His pecs are barely concealed beneath his shirt as his nipples poke through his top. He stops filming on his phone to talk to his friend. “Hey there Frankie, I am so stoked to see you here. The road pulls around to where my Ram and F-150 are at. Just Park your van by them.” “Okay, I will see you soon.” “Oh, you definitely will.” After driving for a few more minutes and marveling at how huge Dorian’s property is, he finds a spot beside the hunk’s trucks and shuts his engine off. The beautiful beast gets there around the same time, which stuns Frank. “Whoa, you really booked it Dorian.” Breathing a bit heavy, the 245 pound, 29-year-old, 6’0 beauty knocks on his van door. “Open up Frankie. I have to hug you because I have wanted to meet you for months.” “Okay bud. Just give me a few seconds. Haha so impatient.” “Hey...don’t you sass me, Frankie. You see these guns.” Dorian starts flexing his 20” beasts as they slightly tear his sleeves. Frank can hear the fabric stretching. “Damn dude, no need to go alpha on me.” “Open your door!” Frank unlocks his driver’s side door and opens it. Dorian gets up on the step to him and reaches in to give his friend a big hug. He starts rubbing on his beefy friend’s back slowly and then pushes him into his sweaty chest. He can hear Frankie sniffing him and he grunts. “Hmm...you definitely smell good. I approve.” He puts one of his thumbs up in the air. Dorian laughs as he flexes his biceps into Frank’s sides. He groans a bit. “Whoa Dorian. Take it easy. I am not as strong as you are. You don’t have to prove your alphaness to me. I am fully aware that you are a manly man.” The bearded hunk stops hugging him and looks him in the eyes. “Haha, you are so funny Frankie...and really good looking...and... mmm...I like that you are wearing this plaid shirt. Come down from the van.” Dorian grasps one of his hands and pulls him down from the vehicle. He gets a better look at Frank’s complete outfit which includes a pair of Skechers and blue jeans to accentuate his blue plaid and a gold chain around his neck. “Give me the chain. You don’t need to wear that.” “Hey, I happen to like that...” The hunk reaches around his neck to unclasp it and takes it off to put it in his own jeans pocket. He smiles down at his 5’9, 180-pound partner, and grips his ass with his two big hands. “You will have to get it from my pocket now.” “Uh...well that isn’t very fair is it. I mean...” Dorian leans down and starts to slowly kiss Frank’s lips. His thick beard envelopes the unsuspecting man’s mouth and chin like a blanket, which sends a surge of energy to his brain among other areas of his body. He puts his arms around the hunk’s torso and holds on as Dorian picks him up and puts his legs around his waist. They both softly moan as they continue to kiss each other. They do this for several minutes, noticing that the sun is starting to go down, and eventually stop to look at it. “MMM...heh...Frankie this is why I had to meet you. I have been wanting to kiss you and hold you for so long. Look at that beautiful sunset over there. We can do this every night if you want to out here.” Dorian is now slowly grinding Frank’s crotch as he starts to run his beard all over his friend’s exposed chest, which is visible since he left his plaid shirt open due to the heat on his way to the ranch. He is starting to moan as the hunk leans in to kiss his hairy skin and run his tongue along Frankie’s neck. “Oh, damn Dorian...I wasn’t expecting you to be so...mmm...friendly already. I... uh...I think maybe you are moving a little too fast.” The bearded beauty with short ashy colored hair on his head thinks he might be right. “Umm...heh...you are right Frankie. I got so excited. Sorry about that baby. I would put you down, but you would see how incredibly aroused I am.” “I don’t care about that Dorian. Maybe after a couple of days I can explore that beauty.” The beautiful hunk slowly puts him down as his bulge is in full view. Frank can hear Dorian groan as he hears something rip beneath the muscular man’s jeans. It is very clear that the beast is quite big. The smaller man moves over to the fence to put his arms on top of one of the slats and stares off at the sunset. Dorian gets behind him and puts his arms around Frankie’s waist to hold him against his huge abs. “I know you heard that cutie. I am wearing a pair of posers underneath my jeans and they just broke, heh. I may be getting a bit handsy with you, but I can really feel such a strong connection with you.” “I have definitely noticed that and yeah, I did hear it. Why are you wearing posers?” Dorian is now leaning up against Frank’s back. “Don’t laugh, but I was going to make a short video in them before you got here at the gate over there.” “Ah, I remember that you said you competed a few times.” “Yep, and I finished top three too. It was really a lot of fun. Maybe I will do it again sometime soon.” He is flexing his arms along Frankie’s sides again. He is also kissing his neck as his friend softly moans. “You are really trying hard to make me submit to you. I find that incredibly hot.” Frank is trying to put his left hand in Dorian’s left pocket. The hunky beast adjusts his big cock in the same direction and is flexing it as it attempts to enter the pocket. The 33-year-old feels it throbbing wildly as he tries to get the chain. The big beast moans in his ear as he tries to stop him from getting it. They both laugh as they tussle playfully for a few minutes. The two men are really enjoying themselves. “Oh Frankie...I think you are right. I shouldn’t rush things. You are keeping up with me really well though and I really like it. The chain is staying in the pocket though.” He pulls his friend’s hand out of his pocket and clasps it as he grabs the other one and does the same. He puts his friend’s hands on the fence and starts kissing his neck again. He slowly humps on Frankie’s backside and moans deeply as he feels his chest heaving. “Mm... The testosterone is making me get a nice pump baby. You are seriously making me lose control.” He quickly turns his partner around so he can watch Dorian’s pecs as they start to grow out of his shirt. He is still holding Frank’s hands in his as the green irises in his eyes stare lustfully into his friend’s blue ones. He is licking his lips and trying desperately to control his urges. His teeth are now clenched. “Uh...baby...I am really trying. This has happened maybe one or two other times in my life. I guess I will have to say goodbye to this shirt...” He grunts as his big furry mounds shred the fabric down the front. He lets out a few roars as his back splits his shirt along his incredible deltoids. Frank is stunned to see Dorian getting bigger and it turns him on greatly. He softly says to the hunky bodybuilder, “Let go so I can feel them, Dorian.” The horned-up beast does as Frank starts to massage each thick furry balloon with his hands. He can see how much agony his big friend is in as he makes really shrieky, animalistic sounds and his eyes widen. He finally leans up to kiss him on the lips which instantly makes Dorian grab him and take him over to a hay bale. He tears his tattered top off and slings it underneath him and onto the bale. He then starts to quickly pull Frank’s jeans off forcefully, as well as his boxers, to start slurping on his friend’s cock. His incredibly tight jeans, which are barely able to contain his monstrous legs are unbuckled, pulled down, and tossed to the side. He grunts as he slowly moves up and down on Frankie’s 7” tool. “AHH...FUCK YES BEAST MAN! You are so freaking good at making me feel welcome.” “You have no fucking idea how much I need you right now, baby. You fucking grew me and made me lose control. Rarely has another man done that to me.” He growls as he starts to taste some of Frank’s precum. His own cock has started to leak all over the ground as he slowly strokes himself. He eventually stops sucking on his partner’s tool and sits him up to look at his face again. “Are you ready Frankie? I know you wanted to wait, but I can’t help myself anymore.” He then moves himself in position of Frank’s hole and starts pushing himself inside. “I... uhm...mmm...you are really big...but I fucking LOVE the feeling of your big manly chest rubbing up against me daddy.” “RRAAWWHH! You called me daddy! I will take good care of you Frankie. Don’t you worry about that.” He picks him up in his arms and plants his lips on his partner’s. His beard once again envelopes Frank’s face as he feels himself sliding further inside his friend’s body. They are now both grunting loudly as they continue to kiss each other passionately. After a few minutes of grinding, Dorian can feel his load starting to move into his cock. They both yell in pleasure as he fills Frankie with his boys, thrusting several times as he gasps for air. “Breathe beast man. I don’t need you to die on me from exhaustion.” The now 260-pound hulk looks at him and laughs as he finishes pumping him full of his white river. He pulls his 10” cock out and lays Frank back down on the hay bale. He starts to run his tongue on his 180-pound partner’s beefy chest, licking his nipples and glides his tongue down to start playing with his cock again. “I am feeling so good, baby. I will be even happier when you feed me your cum.” He vigorously starts stroking Frankie, making him squirm as the sweat pours down his chest and legs in the warm evening air. Feeling his cock twitching after a few minutes, Dorian starts making ‘heh heh’ noises as he opens his mouth to start catching some of his buddy’s spunk on his tongue. The thick frothy milk hits him in the face a few times as Frank moans loudly. “MMM...YEAH BABY! Feed your daddy...my beard could use some moisturizer.” “Ha ha...mmm...I think I am definitely falling for you Dorian...you make me cum so hard...” Dorian laughs as another jet hits his left eye. He gulps on Frank’s cock and growls tasting it flowing down his throat. He grips his friend’s arms to keep him stationary and enjoys making him writhe in pleasure. He continues to slurp on Frankie’s tool for the next several minutes. “Look at my face Frankie.” The smaller man moans as he sees how drenched Dorian’s face is, cum dripping off his beard and cheeks. The huge muscular beast licks his cock a few more times before stopping and picking him up in his arms again. They stare at each other lustfully and kiss once more. They finally stop as Dorian takes him over to his van to put him down. “I hope you know baby boy; you have done yourself in with me. You made me lose my composure and I pumped you full of my alpha seed. You are probably going to have a fun night because I may or may not have done something to you.” “What do you mean by that?” “Heh, well I think you will find out later tonight. If it is okay with you, I would love to be there when you might feel a bit weird.” “Umm...okay? Does this involve me possibly growing big and beautiful like you?” Dorian smiles as he walks around to the back of the van to open it. He starts taking stuff out and putting it on the gravel road. He motions for Frank to come over to him. “I think you may have already figured it out. I did this to one of my exes several years ago and well...he didn’t enjoy it very much. I couldn’t get enough of his huge muscles, but he was not receptive to it whatsoever. Our relationship wasn’t the same after that and we broke up. I hope you are more willing to accept it baby.” Frankie remembers that he is not wearing any pants and feels his cock getting hard. The huge beast notices and moans as he watches it get bigger beside his huge hairy quads. He then runs his fingers along the cockhead, feeling drops of precum hit them as he pulls his partner close to him. “OH, FUCK FRANKIE! It is already starting. I guess we won’t have to wait too long after all.” As the moon rises in the sky, the beefy 33-year-old groans and looks incredibly dazed as he leans back on his van and stares intensely into Dorian’s eyes. His cock has grown to over 9” and is incredibly veiny and swollen. He can feel his back cracking as his body starts rising up against his vehicle. He sighs as his quads and chest start inflating. He loves every minute of it. “YES...I want to get huge like you Dorian. You deserve a beefcake as your partner, and I want to be that himbo.” Frank takes his shirt off and grunts feeling his arms getting huge, pumping his hands, making his forearms flex as they bulge to twice their size. Dorian is now rubbing his friend’s expanding triceps and biceps in his hands, squeezing them as they tense. He growls as he pushes his chest up against Frankie’s widening pectorals, loving the feeling of them touching his own. Their nipples are now touching each other. “There is no one else in the world right now but us baby. You are turning into the perfect beast, but I want you to get even bigger for me.” The growing himbo, now feeling a beard on his face, with a hint of silver strewn about, kisses him on the lips as they both embrace, now of nearly equal height. “MMM...I feel so fucking big already Dorian. Can you make me bigger?” “OH YES BABY! I want you to be bigger than me and you will be in just a couple more minutes. All I have to do is imagine it and it will happen.” Frankie can feel his cock growing again as he looks down and sees it stretching down to the ground. His back cracks once again as he gets even taller and is close to the top of his van now. He closes his eyes and starts laughing as his muscles inflate even larger and his Skechers disintegrate under the weight of his feet. Dorian licks his lips as he sees his friend transform into what he thinks is his ideal mate. “YEAH FRANKIE...huge beastly legs...gargantuan pecs...unfathomable biceps...massive cock...a perfect ass...roidy abs... easily 6’6 I am guessing...an intoxicating scent might I add...YEAH...you are my perfect man now!” Now with a much deeper voice, the older hulk looks down at him and starts to run his own hands all over his furry chest. He then picks Dorian up with ease. “This was your plan all along, wasn’t it?” “Not so soon baby...but I don’t think it was a bad decision.” “You are absolutely right Dorian. I can only think about growing myself and you from now on. Will my cum do anything to you?” The bearded 29-year-old smiles at him and says, “Baby...under this moon...I can get bigger if I want to. I am just letting you enjoy your newfound godhood for now. Your cum doesn’t have to do anything to me because I can get even bigger if...I... want...to...HEH!” Dorian growls as he starts to grow again surpassing Frankie in height and muscularity. It is clear that this might last for quite a while. “OH, ha-ha now I get it. You are just being nice to me. I can see why you have a ranch out here because you can...eerr...MMM...YYEESS...” The two swelling behemoths start wrestling around with each other as they eventually top out at over 8’ tall and 500 pounds each. They realize that they should probably stop when it gets close to morning. “So, I am guessing this wears off?” “It does baby, but you had fun didn’t you?” “MMM...absolutely. Will I go back to looking like a slob though?” “WHAT!? No...I will help you learn how to control how you look. Over time, you will be able to stay looking like a competitive bodybuilder and be the envy of the mortal lot.” “Ah, well how about now?” “Sure...we should invite a few of our friends out here now. The more hunks, the better.” “Let me look in my contacts then, Dorian.” “OH YEAH! This is going to be too much fun.”
    18 points
  5. Richy stood leaning against the thick planks of wood that held up the pier just outside one of Groff's beaches. The waters were relatively calm, with a moderate amount of wind picking up the occasional splash of seawater to send a light spray of mist onto Richy's face. The sun was high in the sky and shining down hard on the creamy torso of the handsome ginger and sending droplets of sweat rolling tantalizingly down his sculpted form. The young alpha was wearing nothing more than a pair of bright blue swim trunks, a pair of fake Ray Ban's, and some very comfy sandals. His new physique stood out on the secluded stretch of the sandy beach he was standing on. His six-pack was perfectly cut, ripped and immaculate, his newly defined arms and chiseled thighs well-proportioned in relation to his wider torso and overall he cut a striking figure. One look at the hot redhead and you couldn't help but be simultaneously intimidated and attracted to him. Or at least, that's what he thought. Richy's expression soured behind his sunglasses as he thought about all the attention he had gotten already, without any of the action he hoped for. Where he walked, heads turned. Their eyes roved up and down his masculine body, unabashedly ogling his attractive physique. He'd gotten compliments, flirtatious winks, double takes, and even a few phone numbers in the hours since arriving to the beach. But none of these appreciative looks had resulted in anything more, which was where he had expected his bulk and newly gained attractiveness would get him. His pensive sulking was interrupted by a soft buzzing from his pocket. Any bites yet? Richy bit his lip in irritation. Dante was so fucking nosy. A few. It wasn't a complete lie. There were loads of other half-naked men on the beach, all attractive specimens to say the least. Many of them well built, with extremely fit bodies. He caught one or two out of the corner of his eye shooting glances in his direction, checking him when they thought he wasnt looking. No one seemed brave enough to approach. We talked about this bro. Confidence! Easy for you to say. You're way bigger than me. Yea and I didn't get that way without nailing a virgin or three. Oh fuck off. There was a noticeable delay in the next message, as if Dante was surprised or taken aback by Richy's outburst. I did. Again and again. And look at me now. Quit being a pussy and take the initiative. If they aren't already thinking it, make them wish for you to come and fuck them wet and wild. Your optimism is inspiring. Another delay. This time a high resolution image of Dante's massive cock popped up. It was hard and proud, dripping in cum, covered in bulging veins. There was a sticky glistening trail of white seed running from his bulbous head down into his well trimmed pubes. There was a blurry face sitting out of frame, some mystery man who Dante had just no doubtably just fucked silly. Richy felt his own member swell in his trunks as he looked back at Dante's hard and huge beautiful cock in it's most flattering light. Another buzz. A little taste of what's to come once you stop over thinking things. Richy scoffed and locked his phone, slipping it back into the pocket of his bright swim trunks. He sighed and turned his attention back to the crowd scattered on the sandy beach. Sunbathers, swimmers, surfers. Lots of prime candidates. Richy left his hideout under the pier and mingled back into the crowd, casually strutting across the beach and keeping his eyes peeled for anyone that might be watching. He was careful to straighten his posture and stretch out his shoulders to make himself look bigger and more appealing to wandering eyes. His new body definitely stood out amongst the crowd. His big chest and sculpted abs practically sparkled in the sun as the ocean breeze misted him with sea spray. Richy's legs flexed and swelled with each step and drew attention to his thick thighs and tight ass. Throughout the walk, he caught a few more sly glances that held a little longer than he'd expected. A young guy playing volleyball flexed a bit more than he had been before, showing off his fine tan skin and his wide shoulders for Richy's appreciation. Some cute twink wearing a sombrero winked while setting up a grill as Richy passed by. Even some hunky dad walking up the beach with his kid gaped at him from behind sunglasses, trying and failing to be subtle. The ginger hunk felt his heartbeat race as dozens of sets of eyes watched him make his way to the burger joint at the other end of the beach. It felt exhilarating to hold so much power over the watching crowd, knowing he'd be stuck in some man's head for hours or days afterwards. Maybe he'd even be the inspiration to some wild wank session tonight as some stud got off to the image of his plump ass. Feeling a bit more full of himself, Richy leaned on the long bar counter and flagged down a server. The man turned around from the register and flipped his long silky brunette hair off of his face. His hazel eyes scanned Richy up and down appreciatively and there was a noticeable hitch in his breath. Richy couldn't help but relish the shock and arousal written plainly across the man's face. It felt like he was a kid in a candy shop able to get any sweet that he wanted. The bartender's face quickly switched back to a neutral customer service face as he greeted Richy, walking over from the other end of the bar. Richy looked the man up and down from behind his sunglasses and felt his heart race a bit faster. This guy looked like just his type. Even in the frumpy casual-but-corporate beach uniform he stood out as a fine specimen, perfect for a quickie. As he walked Richy began to fantasize of all the things he’d want to do to the man, assuming he was down to fuck. Confidence, huh? "What can I get you?" "Piña colada, with a bit extra cream." Richy replied suggestively. The brunette began to prepare his order with a nervous smile on his face. He was cute, for sure. He reminded Richy of himself before he'd met Thor, albeit a bit bulkier. He was slender and lithe with a dancer's build and warm brown skin. He had soft facial features and full kissable lips that were flanked on either side by warm wavy brown locks that fell to his shoulder. Richy's eyes traveled to the smaller man's tight waist, admiring the two perky globes of beef that were underneath his fitting black shorts. The rest of his body screamed "tight" from under his blue shirt, causing his growing appetite to yearn for a better view of what was underneath. The man set the cold drink down in front of Richy and flashed another hospitable smile. "Anything else?" he asked politely, and then swallowed hard, maybe hopeful, maybe anxious. Without missing a beat, Richy placed his lips on the straw to the drink and slurped down the whole thing in one long draft, keeping his eyes locked on the cute man from behind his sunglasses. The man's mouth dropped in astonishment and Richy saw his eyes grow wide at the not-so-subtle display. He couldn't help but smirk at his awed gaze. "Yea. Are you busy in ten minutes?" Richy asked directly. "Yeah! Uh, I mean. I go on break in five." Damnit. Dante was right. *** A shorter piece that maybe puts some insight into the mind of someone who's not as confident in their new found sexy powers as Dante, Jason or Thor. This is an example of the kind of "charachter driven" update i''ll have in the future however this was a small one. Also it gave me an excuse to generate an AI image of Richy, see below.
    15 points
  6. You believe in God? How about the Devil? I used to be an atheist. Thought that the only thing holy was sex. I still think that. But I met God, and damnit, he made me a believer. ------ Let me tell you a bit about myself first. Look, I'm not going to feign modesty. I'm 6'4, blond, blue eyed, with a body ripped like a personal trainer and a MBA from Stanford. I'm smart, I'm hot, and I fucking know it. That's the only way to get ahead in the New York fitness and beauty industry, a world overstuffed with nepo babies on roids and ozempic. I've fucked some of the world's hottest models, male and female alike. So it takes a lot to impress me. This boy? This boy was a fucking lot. It's rare for anyone else to show up. It's 12am, and I'm wrapping up a long day of grinding with a midnight workout session. The gym is empty, just the way I like it. Most of the tenants in my luxury high-rise are fat cats who prefer ogling young studs to working out alongside them, or their bimbo trust fund daughters who might swing by to use the elliptical. So I wasn't expecting someone to walk through that gym door. Or for that someone to be a young dude. Or for that dude to have a face and a body crafted by God himself. You know how I said that I'm 6'4? I was barely eye level with this dude's nipples. His nipples which were clearly visible through a skintight tank top. A tank top that gave me a full view of two gorgeous biceps. Full, round biceps, each with a big fat vein pulsing up top. As he twisted the doorknob the heavy bicep muscle flexed and rolled, like a lazy bowling ball, a deliciously powerful mound of liquid steel. He closed the door and his tricep bunched up, forming a horseshoe shape, swelling like a tidal wave rising from the sea. That arm was so fucking big, it made me reconsider what human anatomy was capable of. I've a slim 32-inch waist, but this dude's arms honestly couldn't be much smaller than that. He looked around, noticed me, and flashed a smile. Hot. Fucking. Damn. I've met models, but i hadn't met Gods. This was a face that would make Narcissus cream himself. He was young - really young! Scarcely looked a day over 18, though it was hard to reconcile with a body like that. He had delicate facial features, with large round eyes, soft pink cheeks, and full red lips. His ears were pierced with diamond stud earrings, and his gorgeous midnight black hair shined in the light. He had smooth skin and an easy smile, like the blueprint for the perfect boy. So cute. So sexy. So fucking hot. My mind froze, and cock hardened, and for a brief moment, i thought "the Devil himself couldn't look this alluring". He winked at me, then walked towards the squat rack. As he walked i had another moment of awe. His body was so large, so powerful, that it seemed to cut through the atmosphere around it. I could literally feel the gravity of tne room shift to follow his body, the sheer mass exuding heat that seemed to raise the temperature of the very air around him. I'd never realized a man's simple gait could be so fucking sexy. His arms swayed casually, dangerously. Two dense pillars of muscle, thick and powerful, almost 30 inches around. Fucking weapons that could kill. Then there was his lower body - round glutes in a pair of too-tight shorts, nylon screaming for dear life as it stretched around that globular ass. The fabric was so tight it may as well have been a layer of paint - I could see the fucking dimples in his ass roll as he strutted across the gym. This was a porn star ass, like Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj, but instead of plastic and fat it was rock-hard muscle. I didn't realize that my mouth was open, drooling, until a glob of saliva left my mouth and audibly splashed on the gym floor. Thats when I looked down, and realized that I was sprouting a full boner. It was hard to miss - I'm a well-endowed man - and worse, there was a big wet spot growing in my shorts. I looked back up, and saw the boy smirking at me in the mirror. Fuck. But only for a moment. Now he was at the squat rack. He was loading it up... and up... and up... fuck, how much was he planning to squat? There were at least ten plates on each side... that was well over a thousand pounds, unassisted, without a spotter! He slid under the barbell, and then as if it was a warmup, pressed it off the rack and proceeded to pump out twenty fucking reps like it was absolutely nothing. His quads looked so fuckkng huge now, I bet even a fucking metal safe would crumble like granola between those god-thighs. That ass was pumped up like glutes of pure titanium - I've seen men with fuckable asses, but this ass was so dense that it scared me. It looked like it could pancake a two-inch steel pipe if it was able to force its way between those beautiful spheres. I stifled a moan as my mind flashed an image of this boy sitting upon my face, being smothered to death by that perfect, bowling ball ass. He turned around, looking directly at me once more (I felt my dick jerk, and a warmth fill my briefs). He wasn't even breathing hard, that calm easy smirk never leaving his impossibly perfect face. He never said a word, but that smirk spoke volumes. This was a world record for me, but for him, it was a Tuesday. He knew that he was blowing my mind, and that I was blowing my load. And he acknowledged that with just a smirk, an infuriatingly perfect smirk, because he knew his perfect lips and eyes and face were just as mind-blowing as the rest of him. He knew that I would never sleep another night without dreaming of his face. This time, he readjusted the rack, setting the bar lower for the bench press. But he didn't slide any weights off. Instead, he laid down on the bench and proceeded to once again pump out twenty reps with over a thousand pounds. On the fucking bench press. He finished twenty reps and was about to rerack it - his pecs pumped so full that they stood several inches off his chest, almost ready to rip through his shirt - but then he seemed to change his mind, and pumped out twenty more. And twenty more. And again. And again. The boy didn't stop, couldn't stop, effortlessly plowing through rep after rep after rep of a weight that even the most seasoned powerlifters can scarcely deadlift. This wasn't a milestone of human achievement, this was evidence of fucking godhood. A fucking religious experience, with a single worshipper. A hundred reps later - I counted every one! - he racked the bar and finished. He sat up on the bench. This time, he was panting. His face was flushed, his hair sweat-streaked, his eyes filled with boyish joy and excitement, and he was all the more beautiful for it. If looks could kill, this boy was a fucking massacre. The tank top was tearing apart around his pecs - it was only a matter of time before it fell apart completely. The boy took in a deep breath - the pecs pushing out, out, further and further - until they fabric literally just burst open, two massive mountains of power heaving through, inflating and deflating literal inches with every breath. The boy put the shirt out of its misery, ripping off the remaining fabric around his waist, and unveiling a dense, powerful ten-pack. Each individual abdominal looked like it was cut from marble, bulging out powerfully with muscle. The bright overhead lights reflected sharply on their surface, but those abs were so deep, so cut, that the crevices between them were pitch black. My heart fluttered. This was the core of his power. The strength those abs must possess to support a body so huge... I wondered what it would be like to feel one of them, to touch, even for a moment, the skin and flesh of a god. Now that he was shirtless, I didn't think there was a thing in the world that could make my eyes leave his abs. Until I heard the sound of fabric tearing - again! - but this time, from below. I screamed, my baritone voice hitting a soprano note like Freddie Mercury, as a pillar of flesh well over a foot long erupted from the boy's skintight shorts. Remember how I said I was intimidated by those massive arms? Well, forget that. This was a weapon of mass destruction, some sort of genetic anomaly, thicker than an adult's arm and more dangerous too. No human being should have a dick that big - it shouldn't be anatomically possible. And yet there it was, steadily growing and growing, until that big drooling cockhead touched his pecs, leaving a wet dollop of pre dripping down the muscle's smooth underside. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing - that beautiful innocent boyish face and those impossibly hot muscles, sporting superhuman strength and a freaky huge monster cock. This was a crazy horny fever dream come to life. And then the boy turned back towards me, looking my body up and down as if appraising me. His cock seemed to lengthen impossibly more, and a hunger started to overtake his eyes. For the first time in my life, I felt true fear. No man could survive getting fucked by that thing - hell, I dont think an elephant could. I couldn't run - even if I could tear my eyes away from him, I knew I'd never be able to outrun those superhuman legs. With those glutes, those quads, he could outrace a fucking cheetah. And honestly, I didn't want to run from him anyways. I wanted to get fucked by that cock, by this god, by that perfect boy and his perfect body. I closed my eyes as I stood there, in fear and in lust, my heart racing faster and faster, until I passed out. ------ I woke up a few hours later. Light was streaming in through the windows - it was the morning. I was still in the gym, lying on the floor, my clothes sticky with dried cum and my dick burning from exertion. I hadn't been fucked, but I had ejaculated several times, even while knocked out. Was that a dream? It had to be. That couldn't be real. But I didn't understand how I could have imagined something so vivid. I sighed, pulled out my phone, and turned it on. And froze. My lock screen. It was a selfie. That boy. Looking up at the camera, a beautiful smile, the smile of an angel, the most perfect lips and eyes and teeth, so beautiful that I felt my heart physically ache and a moan escape my lips. And below that face, his godlike nude body. Pecs. Arms. Abs. Everything perfectly shaped and blown up to impossible size. Muscles that a bodybuilder would kill to have, that would put a powerlifter to shame, that would make a supermodel weep with envy. And... and... holy fucking shit... that couldn't be real... was that flaccid?... oh God, im drooling again... shit, i can’t ejaculate again, my dick hurts too much... oh shit oh shit oh shit... fuck!
    13 points
  7. Putting the finishing touches on the script, you rubbed your raging erection as you reread the passages. Your biggest fantasies laid out before you. No matter how much your logical mind doubted it, you believed it would work. A simple self-hypnosis trick to enact just after crossing the sleep/awake threshold. Like an audiobook, but boosted during alpha wave sleep. Putting on your wireless headphones, you lie down on your twin bed. Surrounded by total darkness, your racing heart and erection fight your brain’s wishes to fall asleep. Rubbing one out through the loose pajama bottoms, you only need to think back to the fifth passage and in a couple moments you blow out your third load for the day. Calming down, you play the track. A quiet whooshing of air and waves crashing on the shore precedes the passage; a grace period to fall asleep. Feeling your head slowly rock back and forth, your consciousness flutters out sooner than you thought. click a rough AI-generated masculine voice quietly reads the passage “You were a muscle jock in the making. Your early success in soccer and basketball excited you and made you want to try out for more sports. Your natural athleticism grew as you watched sports and practiced playing every afternoon. When you were a young teen you went through your first growth spurt. Over the months, your frame grew and grew; your legs and arms got longer and your shoulders broadened. You began doing pushups and working out to add some strength to your longer and skinnier limbs. You began adding on some muscle, slowly but surely growing bigger and stronger. Your hunger grew as you started fueling your body to grow.” your stomach rumbles in your sleep “You remember seeing your first muscle magazine at the store. Seeing the huge man on the cover with the skimpy posers made you excited. Later that night you wacked off furiously at the memory, cumming 3 times at the thought of having such huge muscles. That year you got your parents to get you some weights and workout gear to start lifting regularly. You loaded up on protein and calories every day and worked out for at least 2 hours a day. Very quickly you saw more results. Clothes started feeling tighter as your broad shoulders and arms and legs padded on muscle. Flexing in the mirror at night, your biceps bunched up into balls of muscle, your pecs were beginning to hang over your abdomen. Your big cock would be rock hard as you worked out, seeing your muscles in the mirror and imagining growing even bigger.” your cock was rock hard again, leaking precum in your pajama bottoms against a muscular thigh your pants start to constrict around your muscular legs as you dream of size “In the middle of your workouts you would pose for yourself in the mirror. Flexing your quads, you could see your legs stretch your shrinking gym shorts. Your cock would start leaking pre as you felt your fat balls quiver slightly. Picking up some weights, you did more curls, feeling your muscles burn. That feeling turned you on more; feeling your muscles swell and work; knowing they’ll grow stronger from this. Seeing your cockhead through your shorts, it leaked out more precum, dampening your shorts and throbbing harder and harder against your thigh. Flexing your chest and arms, you see your muscles flex and swell, feeling the burn in them. Quickly grasping your cock, you jerked off three times before you exploded your load over yourself and the mirror.” your muscles twitch and swell as your cock stretches further down your thigh “Your classmates revered your size, your power. Guys asked you to flex and pose. When asked to see your huge thighs, your hefty cock and balls bulged out as you flexed your growing quads. The adoration turned you on more. Your workouts continued with vigor; you worked harder as you got hornier, fueling your extra energy into growing your muscles even bigger. That October on your birthday, you measured your height. 6’3, a gain of 4 inches in a year. Taller than most, you felt more powerful rising higher than others. You weighed a huge 280 lbs of muscle and felt big and meaty. Your hefty cock was thicker and longer than before and your fat hairy nuts were heavier.” your limbs stretched and thickened more as your body began to fill the bed your cock thickened and lengthened against the fabric, soaking your sheets in precum as your hairy nuts grew heftier and fuller “Measuring your growing cock, it was just over 10.5 inches long and thicker than the ruler. Even your nuts were oversized, each one the size of a lemon and hanging low in your big sack. Seeing the other guys in the locker room, it felt strange at first to have such big nuts compared to others. But after seeing many of them stare at your huge package with jealousy, you wanted more growth, more size to show off. You started wearing tight nylon shorts to support your abundant manhood and bull nuts. Just soft, your cock was 7 inches soft and was thick as a can of red bull. You found out that the average length erect was under 6 inches. You were bigger soft than most men were fully hard. You wanted to be even bigger.” you moaned as your cock grew thicker and fatter, veins growing and crisscrossing around your growing meat as your nuts swelled and bulged, your growing load of cum practically sloshing around in your cum factories “As you grew bigger and got more muscular, you felt things fill out more and get tighter all the time. Your biceps and pecs began to bump into each other, forcing your arms apart. Your quads got bigger the more you ran and squatted. Now your quads pushed against each other, forcing your big package out even more. Just sideways, you could see the slope of your fat cock pushing through your pants. Seeing your big muscular arm and pecs stretching out shirts and sleeves turned you on more. Wearing your comfortably loose sweatpants, your bulge and meaty thighs and cheeks had more room to grow. That December you went up another shoe size as you grew taller still. Needing a size 15 now, you knew you weren’t done growing.” your feet and legs grew meatier and longer as your body stretched filling out your once loose pajama bottoms, the hems were riding higher on your calves “Feeling even taller in your new shoes, you were becoming bigger and stronger than most people ever get. You were becoming a giant. One night you measured your cock against a water bottle. Seeing how your big fat cock extended past it all around made you even hornier. You hoped your horsecock would keep growing; bigger, longer, thicker, and fatter. You wanted to be huge, hung like a bull. With even bigger nuts to match. Groping your huge apple-sized nuts, you squeezed and massaged them, imagining them even bigger. Too big to hold in both hands. Double fisting your cock, you dreamed of it becoming too thick to hold with both hands, something you were quickly approaching.” your cock swelled even thicker and fatter as it pushed itself over your waistband, rising higher than ever above you your huge hairy nuts filled out the crotch of your shrinking pants, bulging out more as they swelled bigger and hairier leaking precum down your huge shaft, your cockhead swelled and throbbed as you thrusted your hips in your sleep “You began seeing your face change. Your jaw got thicker and wider as your neck thickened and got meatier. Seeing your sharp cheekbones and lantern jaw matched with your big traps and neck, you couldn’t deny your raw masculinity. Shortly, you felt stubble covering your lips and chin. You worked out throughout the winter, soon stretching your winter clothes as your muscles bulged bigger and thicker. Your shoes got tighter and by the Spring, you were a size 16. Similarly, needing to go up a size in your underwear, your enormous manhood was still growing bigger and thicker.” you moan as your jaw and neck thicken stubble soon peppers your lips and cheeks, thicker on your growing jawbone your traps and shoulders thicken, your shoulders too wide for your bed now your feet are reaching the end of your mattress your huge legs start pushing each other apart from their growing size “As Summer began, you measured yourself, wanting to see how big you could get over the break. Now 6’6, you were the tallest person in your family. Your huge frame weighed a massive 370 lbs of muscle. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you felt the huge bulge in your shorts. Your horsecock kept growing bigger and longer. Letting it flop out of your gym shorts, your massive hairy thighs pushed your junk forward, making it seem even bigger. Your hefty orange-sized nuts and your beer-can thick soft cock jutted out by over half a foot. Getting your trusty ruler, your cock was thicker than the ruler soft! Now 9 inches soft, your meat was getting truly huge.” your cock swelled bigger and thicker as a network of veins grew, covering the growing log your feet were past the foot of your bed, your huge chest and back were now as wide as your bed your pants tear off your massive legs your hairy quads and furry nuts can finally breathe “Seeing your massive cock overshadowing the ruler, you watch as your meat gets hard, slowly enveloping the ruler more and more until you see your huge cockhead pass the 12-inch mark. Letting your cock bob up and down, you flex in the mirror, watching your pecs stretch your tank top to the limit. Your huge nipples jut out from both sides of your flimsy tank top, pushed down by the size of your pecs. Hearing the fabric stretch and tear, your cock starts to gush precum. After months of intense squats and leg presses, you only need to squat down and flex and your enormous thighs and glutes burst through your shorts. Groaning as your huge cock gets harder, you grasp your huge rod and double fist it. Your meaty log is too thick for your hands now. You need it to be even bigger, even thicker; fatter and longer until you can titty fuck your own chest. It’s so tantalizingly close. Your cockhead is just an inch or so away from the huge overhang of your pecs. Exploding out load after load over your pecs, your horsecock pumps out more than 15 loads of your oatmeal-thick cum, covering parts of the mirror and the tattered scraps of your clothes. Your cock continues to dribble out cum as you clean up, swinging thick globs as your thick log bounces.” your cock thickens and lengthens even more as your massive frame makes the bed creak under your growing weight gushing out precum, your orange-sized cockhead coats your hairy chest and stomach in your endless supply of lube your furry nuts swell and thicken your musk is filling the room as sweat starts to dampen the dark curls sprouting on your body “That Summer, finally free from school, you dedicated yourself to growing any way you could. Your workouts grew longer and more intense. You got hungrier and ravenous, fueling your body any way you could. Not wanting to waste protein, you drank your own oatmeal-thick cum; guzzling down cups of the viscous liquid every time you came. You became more untamed, almost feral. Your oversized body becoming more fragrant; pungent; muskier. You stopped shaving. You couldn’t reach where the fuzz was growing down your back and in the deepening crevice of your pecs. If you did shave it would just grow back thicker than before. Oozing testosterone as your body hair grew in thicker and coarser, the thick black hair soon coated your pecs and abdomen. Trailing across your shoulders and down your arms and back. Growing thicker around your gargantuan cock and balls and across your meaty cheeks.” the bed creaks and groans loudly as your muscles swell and grow even faster your chest hair sprawls out thicker, darker, and longer it spreads to cover your arms, your back, your neck, your stomach, your legs, your ass, and around your ballooning manhood your beard and moustache grow thicker and longer as your grunts drop an octave lower you grunt and moan in your sleep as your cock explodes like a cannon, covering you, your ceiling, walls, and floor in your powerful load your enormous body covered your bed, shielding it from your torrent of cum the thick scent in the room grows stronger as your pheromones skyrocket your body hair grows thicker, your furry armpits reek of your sweaty musk “Your conquests worshiped your enormous 450 lb body, feeling your massive pecs, your broad shoulders and arms that were bigger than their heads. You spent your days fueling and working out. You did whatever you needed to in order to grow bigger.” your muscles swell bigger and heavier, the bed is creaking and groaning loudly as your body gains another 25 lbs of muscle “You spent your nights fucking whoever could take your growing monster cock. You fuck like a beast in heat, unable to think and only knowing that you need to empty your growing balls. Your balls never feel empty.” your massive nuts swell bigger and heavier in your lap, pumping more testosterone into your system your cock swells longer and thicker, rising higher as it surpasses stallion size and approaches monster-like your cockhead throbbed thicker, spurting out more and more precum like a volcano now the hair around your swelling cock and balls grows thicker as you become too much of a man “It wasn’t long until you grew too big for doorways. You were 6’9 and needed to start crouching your head. Even sideways you were getting too thick to squeeze through most doorways. One morning you tried to squeeze through into the bathroom and knocked down part of the wall before you made it through. You are a real giant.” your body swells in all directions as muscle is piled onto your growing frame your body extends taller, your head hitting the headboard while your size 20 feet were planted on the floor now your chest was wider than the bed as more muscle piled onto your titanic frame the bed cannot take any more and collapses under you as you pass 600 lbs you wake in a confused daze as a familiar voice keeps speaking to you “You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to cum. You need to grow. You need to sleep. You need to grow. You need to eat. You need to grow. You need to fuck. You need to grow. You need to flex. You need to grow. You need to stop thinking. You need to grow.” you heave yourself of the rubble of your bed and make your way to the bathroom the tape continues to play through your headphones “Your body is on the verge of having another growth spurt. You need to grow taller to fit more muscle. You need to grow thicker and stronger. Your cock and nuts will grow bigger as you grow bigger. Your testosterone will rise as you grow.” your body stretches taller and thicker as you waddle to the bathroom caving in a larger hole through the doorway, you see your reflection in the mirror your half hard cock is thick as a tree and bobbing up and down from its weight precum is still gushing out of your soccer ball sized cockhead like a hose your fur covered bull nuts are the size of watermelons and ache with your pent-up load “You need to grow bigger before you can cum.” you grunt at the instruction your thundering voice is limited to one syllable replies now you struggle to hold back your load as your cock fills with blood waddling to your garage, your cock swells bigger and bigger your nuts feel full to bursting as they swell heavier your cock bulldozes through the wall like a battering ram your body smashes through the wall like paper as dust coats your cum-covered body hair “Lift heavy weights. Lift them more. Lift them more. Grow bigger. Lift them more. Grow huge.” you grunt to yourself as you lift and lift your traps are pushing against your ears while your pecs are pushing against your chin you grunt that you need to be big your nuts hurt as they swell bigger with your load you need to cum, but you need to grow first lifting harder, you feel your pecs swell and grow as you pump them up they’re bigger than couch cushions you pump your arms you can’t bring them down to your sides your pumpkin sized biceps keep mashing against your pecs you feel your nuts swell bigger your cock is pumping full of blood, inching longer and fatter as you grow you squat, your thighs need to spread as they push against each other more the floor looks farther away “Grow bigger.” you grunt as you feel your muscles swell and pack on more muscle faster than before letting yourself fall into the ecstasy of growing, your battering ram of a cock explodes your pent up load you cum constantly as your nuts swell bigger, filling up faster than you can cum your headphones get knocked off as your traps swell against your ears you lift more you grow more you cum more.
    13 points
  8. Uncle Ryan - Extra Cap 04 - Ben 02 Ben finally arrived at his new gym, he had chosen the "Monstrous Giant's Gym" for years since he had seen it on the street passing through work, he had seen two or three really big guys come out of those doors years ago, but he had never had the time or perhaps the courage, having his wife at home who hated all that muscle, to return to a gym, return to his first love, the weight room, bodybuilding. Even though he had started training years ago in college and then before getting married in his father's garage with his brother Ryan, many years had passed, perhaps too many. Even when his brother Ryan, younger than him, had started attending one to build some muscle, he had found the courage to enter. But now it was different, after meeting Ryana, his son and the farewell of his wife Ann, everything was different now. Now that he had tasted the iron, the strength, the mass, that sensation of muscle pump, fullness, hardness and atavistic primordial testosterone throughout his old body, now he wanted more! Bigger, more powerful, more disgusting... as his wife had taunted him by leaving with a sure desire for the caveman that Ben had become, now he wanted more! Ben decided to keep a low profile, after all it had been years since he trains, he was in a room with other males his only purpose was to push, snort, grow and pump even more. But now, he was finally going to give free rein to his animal beast inside him, nothing was going to stop him! He was wearing a sweatshirt and baggy gray sweatpants, the hood pulled up and his bag with everything needed for an intense and long session, and immediately afterwards a regenerating shower, complete with a post-workout shaker at the ready. Upon entering the automatic doors opened wide welcoming the new arrival, it almost seemed like a sensation of his power, Ben thought, on the solid wooden desk there was the name of the gym in solid and binding characters, and its logo, an enormous bear who roared flexing huge muscles, "I love him" - I think Ben, behind the counter a lanky guy in stark contrast to all the power emanating from the entrance, with glasses, fit but certainly not big. "Hello, welcome to Monster Giant's gym, Mark Fedele's gym, I'm just Luka, how can I help you?" - said the boy, welcoming the new arrival with a bright smile and a warm welcome. ""Hello Luka, Ben here, I would like to start training in bodybuilding, is it possible straight away? I already have everything I need here with me. I don't think I will need a personal trainer for the moment." Ben replied, looking at the large room to the side where he saw many blue and white machines, and a rack of weights that seemed infinite, but not as big as he expected, strange he thought. The boy asked for all the details necessary for Ben's registration, describing all the services available and then asked him strangely, "Do you want an intense workout or a classic workout?" - Question that confused Ben a little, what did it mean? "Classic!" he replied without thinking too much, referring to the classic training of the 80s, which he remembered and then Luka accompanied him to the changing rooms, indicating where and how to get comfortable. At that moment Luka was called via earphone by the gym boss, Mark. He left the newcomer and went away. While a security camera had followed Ben's entire path, and he continued to do so once he entered the weight room. Ben had changed his clothing, with a loose gray rugby shirt, loose black trousers that didn't reveal much of the muscles he had even if his size was impossible to disguise, he looked around, deciding what to train, but there was something that It stranged him, the room seemed different from the entrance to the gym, the weights were colored blue or pink, the infinite rack he had seen actually reached up to a maximum of 20 kg per dumbbell. what the hell he thought to himself, frowning and darkening his expression, with these he could at most do his forearms, what a gym I chose for myself, he thought. As he was thinking about how to get his money back and leave, he felt a large, powerful hand gripping his trapezius. ""uhm...you must be pretty big under that sweatshirt boy!" said the man behind Ben, who immediately attracted his attention due to the strength in his grip and the size and clothes which certainly did not hide the body of this large man. "who..?" He stopped to say before a feeling of awe, lust and envy flooded him. The man standing in front of him was about 6'9 tall, must have weighed around 275lbs, a full dark beard and black military style hair, a real tank! He was wearing a gray and blue tank-top, he had a virile and hairy chest and enormous arms also covered in hair from the shoulder down but which did not obscure the powerful veins that covered them, a pair of tight training trousers that left nothing to the imagination, nothing, pressed to the extreme by what seemed like two marble columns, a subtle grin on his face perfectly supported by brown eyes like two hazelnuts, Ben was suddenly starting to feel hot at the sight of that beast! It seemed that suddenly the confidence he had gained was gone when faced with this muscular monster. "Hi! I'm Mark, the owner here, I've been watching you since you entered, I think the blue room isn't for you...you know the classic one...but you need the intense one, the red room!" indicating a second large training room after a corridor on the other side of the structure, "...and I...I'm Ben" he said continuing to admire the monster in front of him, almost drooling at the sight of that mass of muscles. "I know! Now follow me!" Mark said in a friendly and determined manner. As he followed him, Ben saw how broad and muzzled that hairy back was, how every muscle was still evident and the veins on the back were swollen and emerging from the skin beneath Mark's hair. "Fuck!" Ben thought, he's a monster, I want him!...in so many ways!" Ben thought! After the training rooms from which thunderous music came from, powerful noises of weights slamming and grunting. Ben was shocked by what he saw: latest generation nautilus machines, chromed free weights and heavy dumbbells, even up to 90kg per dumbbell, the room had a completely opposite style to the previous one, on the open large mirrors and murals of the most big pro bodybuilders on the planet, like Yates, Lunsford and big ramy. Everyone in their best poses, there a few men, concentrated, sweaty and determined, are performing their workouts, or others were posing in simple show speedos, one more concentrated than the other. "Welcome to Monster Giant's gym, Ben!" Mark lowered the music and announced Ben's entrance into the red room, most of them turned to greet him while others were too concentrated or with their personal headphones to hear Mark's message, Ben thus began his workout, while thanking Mark and let him go to his office with some regret. Ben seems completely exhilarated and energized by that environment, each workout seemed bigger and bigger and more incredible, it was a real gym, with real muscles around him and he felt like crazy! Days passed and the more Ben frequented the red room, the less intimidated he became by this environment and by Mark, who continues to observe, day by day, appreciating his progress and his newfound determination and confidence. "Hey Ben!" he heard himself called on Saturday after his triceps workout and his back still drenched in sweat and swollen like never before. It was Mark inviting him to come by his office. "I see you've finally joined the game Ben, I'm glad" Mark said as he sat Ben down. "Do you like the gym? Do you like my clients? What do you think of the atmosphere here?" Ben replied that he was very happy, that everyone was very kind to him and was helping him. But then you were surprised by Mark's next question. "Well, what about me? What do you think?" Ben seemed to be back in front of his wife for some strange reason this man intimidated him, where the hell had Ben gone who had dominated that crazy wife and had defeated that part of himself... or not? "..Mark...how can I say..." - Ben began, "come on, don't be shy, I know how you look at me when I train, how you look at others like Richard or Jacob," Mark said moving to his feet leaning on his arms with all his weight, so as to make them explode with veins and power, contrasting his fleshy and hairy pectorals which protruded abundantly from the tank-top he wore, on the large wooden desk, which creaked under the pressure of this muscular monster. Ben felt like a burst of energy at that powerful sight. "Fuck! You're fucking huge! You're pure testosterone! I want to be like you, no like my brother Ryan, no bigger!" "..only that?" Mark said turning his head to the side with an almost apologetic expression. "No! I also want that wonderful body of yours against mine, I want to feel your big, calloused hands on my body, I want to see your cock that I only imagined from under those pants and then I want to eat your ass and suck out every drop of your sperm full of steroids, for sure!” at these phrases Mark didn't have to repeat himself twice, he threw himself on Ben, making the chair tilt and moan under the weight of his cocks, kissing him deeply, while the two tongues fought in the mouth of one and the other, their hands savored each other's dimensions, tearing and tearing every piece of clothing that covered their muscular bodies, the room was now filled with the smell of testosterone, sweat and animal grunts! the chair didn't last long and when it broke it sent the two muscular beasts to the floor, causing a powerful noise that made Luka jump at the desk in the entrance! Careless and insensitive to that impact, only lust and pleasure were depicted on their faces. Ben hadn't felt like this for centuries, he thought, finally an equal, finally a monster like him who only wanted to be tamed and dominated by the animal instinct he felt inside. "“Fuck Ben,” Mark said between kisses, “finally someone who can rival me in terms of strength and desire in here,” he said as he continued to suck on Ben's chest, causing a roar of pleasure in response. Ben's animal instincts take over more and more and the harder Mark became and Ben's cock responded in response, the more Ben returned to the one he had always wanted to be. "Mark, I was born for this, I want to become monstrous, much more than you or Ryan, I want to be disgustingly huge! I want people on the street to look at me in horror and think about how huge I am, they have to move to pass me off as how wide I am, the ground beneath my feet must tremble with every step I take, I want to be a muscle god among these puny humans!" saying this Ben stood up on top of Mark on the floor, now both naked, with his cock full and making a more muscular gesture that sent a shiver up Mark's back who had never seen one of his clients so determined in his gaze, in fact and in words. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...." Ben let out a low, bestial roar ".. And you will help me!" He ordered Mark, amazed by what he saw, Well he was not only now more womanly than ever, he also looked bigger if that was possible since he entered his office. Ben's figure loomed above him, pumped and full from training and newfound confidence, his heavy chest continuing to rise and fall with each heavy breath Be took, his arms wide and swollen from the pose he had just performed, moving synergistically at the sides with every breath, his cock throbbed, he was totally back to himself. "..Yes...sir" was the only sensible sentence that Mark managed to say in front of this new Ben. Mark's cock began to emit cum just at the power and sight. And with a subtle grin on his face, Ben immediately swallowed Mark's cock, savoring the potent, thick, conspicuous, steroid-filled juice like a professional porn actor. Mark was in ecstasy, his eyes rolling back in his head as this ultra-pumped, sweaty wild beast sucked eagerly on his cock that he had previously only dominated, but was now completely subjugated by Ben. while he curled his toes for the pleasure he had never experienced before "... yes, yes sir .... gwaaaa ..... I'll do anything ... mmmmm .... to make you gr.... oh my god.....grow more..!" at this sentence a huge load of sperm invaded Ben's mouth and bowels, and he savored every drop and swallowed every drop, making Mark emit a loud "FUCK!" - leaving Luka at the desk increasingly bewildered out of curiosity about what was happening in that room, and Ben truly satisfied. "Good boy, I think today I will have a truly delicious meal and more protein than ever for my growth after this aperitif!" - Ben said getting up and kissing Mark passionately on the mouth still dirty with his sperm. "Well...er...Sir...can I have your cock too..?" Mark said anxiously waiting and fearful of the answer. But Ben had other plans for the end of this day. "Nope. You won't get my dick yet, you gotta earn it, bitch! You gotta make me grow up! But you can have this as an appetizer!" Saying this, he passed his calloused hand over his red cockhead full of precum and stuck his wet fingers in Mark's mouth, who sucked them with eagerness and pleasure. Ben left a naked Mark there in the room stunned by what had just happened, he had been dominated for the first time in his life, and he could have sworn that Ben had not only become a different person since he entered his gym, but had decidedly and bigger after sucking his cock. Well in the locker room he knew it, he knew that there was something different, superego, so magnificent in what had happened to him from his brother Ryan, he was bigger at every workout, every step and every cock of another bodybuilder he sucked, here there were other bodybuilders like Mark, the latter was now his bitch and he just had to press the right buttons to have access to the steroids he needed, the best ones, this gym was perfect, he needed everything, he looked in the mirror again once, the dick still hard, he took it in one hand and with the other he bent it into a powerful flex and breasts his growing body, he liked it!
    11 points
  9. Here's the first part of the second story called "The Arrival" which will be split into three chapters/parts. It's a sort of story within a story and features Archie from the Muscle University/Deano series... The Arrival By ArchieLovesMuscle November 20 in Stories ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 20 Hi guys! Long time lurker here on the Muscle Fiction Forums. I’ve been reading and admiring all of the great stories on here for years and have always wanted to have a go at writing my own but I’ve always been a bit scared that it wouldn’t be very good or that no one would read or comment on it! So a little background as to how this story came about. I’m currently at university studying English and as part of my degree, I’m doing a Creative Writing module which I have to say I’m really enjoying. A few weeks ago I was given an assignment to write a short story about the arrival of an extraordinary person in an ordinary setting and my muscle-obsessed brain immediately thought of a huge bodybuilder rocking up to his first day at work or uni or school (you’ll see which direction I went in when you read it!) and causing absolute chaos and I guess this story was born. I hope you all enjoy it! Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. And as this is the first story I've written about freaky muscle - please go easy on me! Also to note - the story is set in America and all of the characters are American but I am actually British so I apologise now if I’ve got something wrong or used a word or phrase that you guys don’t use! THE ARRIVAL Chapter One My mom turns off the engine of her SUV and breathes a dramatic sigh. I know exactly what’s coming next. I’m about to get one final lecture before I exit the car. Three handsome jocks in Letterman jackets with backpacks slung over their shoulders walk passed the parked car. I smirk to myself. They have NO idea what’s in store for them. Mom turns to look at me. I can feel her eyes burning into the side of my face. I twist my head and return her gaze. Oh yeah. That’s a full-on mom glare. I resist the urge to laugh and obnoxiously blow a big bubble of the pink gum I’m chewing instead. “It’s four months, Cody!” I don’t respond. I just look at her while casually chewing my gum. “That’s all you need to get through. Four months of keeping your head down and then you’re out of here. Then you’re done with high school. For good.” “I’m well aware of that, Mom,” I reply as I pull down the passenger seat mirror to take one last look at my reflection before I walk into my new school. Damn! No matter how many times I see myself in the mirror I’m always taken aback by what looks back at me. “Are you though?” Mom asks, her voice rising and sounding more agitated. “Because if you mess this up, Cody, you’ll fail your senior year. Again!” It’s almost obscene how good-looking I am. Seriously! The strong square jaw. The big brown eyes. The perfectly proportioned nose. The flawless, tanned skin. I’m like a Greek God in teenage form. Like a junior GI Joe doll come to life. Guys must feel sick with jealousy when they look at my face. “And you won’t be graduating this May. Here or anywhere, Cody! You’ll have to do yet ANOTHER year of high school. Is that what you want?” And the crazy thing is this - my movie star, descendant of Adonis good looks aren’t even what turns people's heads wherever I go. “Well?! Do you want to be twenty years old and STILL not graduated from high school?” “No, Mom,” I say casually, as I turn my face to the right and clench my jaw in the mirror. D.A.M.N! My mom breathes another deep sigh. “So - what are we NOT going to do?” “Mmmm?” I say, turning to the left to check out the other side. The absolute epitome of masculine perfection. “What are we NOT going to do, Cody?” she repeats. “Blend in with the crowd?” I joke. “Get expelled, Cody!” Mom barks. “For the THIRD time this year!” I watch my lips curl into a smirk in the mirror. Full disclosure - I honestly didn’t set out to get expelled from those other schools. It’s not like I even go looking for trouble. Stuff just always seems to happen when I’m around. Or BECAUSE I’m around. I can’t help the way other people act around me, can I? Some stuff is just out of my control. “Yes, Mom,” I say, closing the mirror. I expect to find her giving me another mom glare, but she just looks tired. I guess it’s not easy having Cody Miller for a son. The second I step out of the vehicle and into the school parking lot it begins. The looks. The glances. And no - it’s not because I’m the new kid. Confusion. Bewilderment. Shock. These are just some of the things I see on the faces of my new fellow pupils. I watch my mom’s car drive out of view before I drop my backpack on the ground. And now it’s time to give the students of Charles Lincoln High something to REALLY gawp at. I hear an audible gasp as I remove the black, baggy hoodie my mom insisted I wear for my first day at my new school to reveal a tight white vest underneath. Oh yeah - NOW they’re looking. But the strip show doesn’t stop there. As a girl nearby cries, “Oh my God,” I grab at my grey track pants and pull them down and over my expensive Nike Jordan trainers to reveal a pair of little red gym shorts that barely cover anything. They’re so tight they look painted on. As I stuff my discarded clothes into my backpack, sling it over my shoulder and make my way to the entrance of the school building, I hear someone shriek at the sight of me. An actual, horrified shriek. Classroom 23B is where I need to be and that’s where I’m heading. Up the steps to the entrance of the building. Through the main doors. Along the corridors. I’m just a guy going to homeroom on his first day of school. It’s not my fault that everyone around me is making me feel like I’m the centre of the universe. I can’t control the freaked-out glares. The terrified stares. The shocked whispers. I’m not asking people to quickly dart out of my way as I walk to my destination. I could have some fun with these unfortunate, ordinary-sized students. I could glare at them. Grunt. Growl even. I could even bark, “Out of my way, pipsqueak,” to the nerd in the glasses who looks terrified when he almost crashes into me. But I don't. I’m not here to make enemies. I’m not really here to do anything other than finally complete my high school education and graduate so I can move out to Florida and pursue my destiny of becoming one of the world’s biggest professional bodybuilders. But when I hear a dude exclaim, “Damn! He’s HUGE!” some sort of primal instinct kicks in. I stop dead in my tracks in the middle of the hallway. I drop my backpack on the floor and look down to marvel, to wander even, at just exactly what has caught the attention of my new classmates. What catches the attention of everyone I come into contact with. Two round half-melons sit where regular men have shoulders. Skin stretched tight over the hard dense mass. So big I can no longer walk through an average doorway without tilting to the side. Below those are my Hulk-worthy triceps and softball biceps. Magnificent and monstrous in equal measure. Hose pipe veins run across the biceps muscles which pop and pulsate when I hit a front double biceps pose. My pecs are outrageous too. It’s truly obscene how massive and thick they are. Think of Mitchell “The Machine” Murray’s pecs but bigger. It’s a miracle I can see below them as they stretch the material of my vest. But sure enough, just below the two pillows of chest mass is my turtle-shell roid gut. Proudly sticking out and stretching the white vest material. Disgusting? Grotesque? I’ve heard it all below. I’ve read all the comments online. I get a kick out of the disgust. I revel in the disdain. “Nineteen years old and he has a roid gut THAT big?” You better fucking believe it. And if it’s not my turtle tummy making them reach for the sick bucket, it’s the vascularity in my crazily sized legs. Clots of thick worm-like veins cover my thick bulging calves and shins and obscene snaking veins run over my phenomenal quads which don’t fall short in any area. Size. Sweeps. Crazy detail. Alien-like shreds. These legs have it all. And now, as I marvel at the mass of freakshow-worthy muscle and revolting array of veins and striations looking up at me, another primal instinct takes over. I bring my arms and elbows up, bend forward and, right in the middle of this school hallway, surrounded by normal-sized teenagers, I hulk down into a monstrous crab most muscular. I scrunch my face up. I grit my teeth. I snarl. And I release a loud animal-like growl as my traps erupt to my earlobes and my whole body explodes with hard, roided, mind-blowing mass. A loud scream fills the corridor in response. Yesss! It only makes me want to flex harder. When I’m done flexing, I casually pick up my backpack and continue my way to classroom 23B, leaving the chaos I’ve just created behind me. And boy, is it chaos. But when the three times NPC Teen National bodybuilding champion and the biggest and most muscular nineteen-year-old in the country - hell, probably the world - rocks up to your school wearing nothing but a tight vest and tiny shorts, what the fuck else do you expect to happen? I guess it’s safe to say I’ve officially arrived at Charles Lincoln High School. *** DavidFL Posted November 20 ArchieLovesMuscle - what a great opening chapter! Super hot descriptions of Cody and I love the reactions from the people around him. I laughed when someone actually screamed at the sight of him! I’m actually really surprised this is your first muscle story. Oh - and as an American, I can safely say you did a great job with the language. I’m a little concerned as to what your university lecturer is going to think of the story though! ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 20 Thank you so much for the feedback @DavidFL and for being my first commenter! (And possibly my only commenter!! ) I’m so glad you like it. And I’m glad I haven’t made any huge errors with the language! I wasn’t sure if you guys used the word pipsqueak! Oh and don’t worry - this isn’t the story I submitted to uni. Haha!! MuscleJon Posted November 20 Oh WOW!! I want Cody to turn up to my workplace. Or maybe my gym! He’d fit right in but I won’t name-drop the well-known bodybuilders who train there! Come to Florida when you've graduated Cody - I’ll look after you haha. ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 20 @MuscleJon - if that’s you in your profile pic can you look after me too?? So glad you’re liking the story so far! Curious about these well-known bodybuilders though! FYI you also look a bit like this hot bouncer/doorman guy back home but you don’t care about that! (I’m rambling now! I always get nervous around hot muscle guys! ) YorkshireDaddy Posted November 21 This really is a great opening chapter. Especially for a first story. You should be well chuffed! By the way - I have to ask - the university you’re studying at wouldn’t happen to be a certain Montgomery University of Bodybuilding & Fitness would it? Aka, the famous Muscle University, which is no doubt full of Cody’s, albeit British versions! ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 21 HAHA!! @YorkshireDaddy - I can’t believe you mentioned Muscle University for a number of reasons that I won’t go into!! But no - I’m definitely not a bodybuilder or studying at MU! I’m studying in the North East so I’m not a million miles away from there though! SteAdams7 Posted November 21 North East eh? Wahey, man! My neck of the woods. I reckon Cody would fit in at the bodybuilding gym I go to but not sure if he’d be able to follow the lingo, pet. ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 21 Howay, Ste! I’m actually from the opposite end of the country but I do a great Geordie accent. Although my boyfriend might say something different! dreamerguy Posted November 22 YESSSS at this story. I’m loving Cody just hulking out in the hallway. Also - is the doorman who looks like @MuscleJon single? Asking for a friend. BrzMSL Posted November 22 Wow! What a great first chapter and set up for what’s to come. Thanks @ArchieLovesMuscle for starting to share this story with us! I can’t wait for the next installment. Cheers! jackedgymnast92 Posted November 22 Absolutely fantastic start to the story @ArchieLovesMuscle. This whole thing played out like a movie in my head. Your descriptions are insane!! I can’t wait to see what happens when Cody enters his homeroom and how his fellow classmates react. I'm patiently waiting for part two. BobBear Posted November 22 Hot damn! ️️️️️️I love Cody and all those hot descriptions! If you need help with the lingo y’all got lots of us true blue ‘Merican muscle lovers here on the forum that can help out with that kinda stuff. ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 23 Oh wow. I logged in this morning to find a bunch of new comments! I’m so happy you guys are all enjoying the story so much! coasterlifter Posted November 24 UFFF! YESSS! So good. Ugh, Cody. So hot and so muscular even if he is a bit of a brat. Any chance of seeing our protagonist walking down the halls in a tight polo? (Polo flexing is kind of my thing as you can probably see from my profile pic.) ArchieLovesMuscle Posted November 25 Thank you again for all the lovely comments on this first chapter. And sorry but this has to be done - @coasterlifter - I can’t believe a) that pic is YOU and b) someone THAT hot and shredded likes a story I’ve written! Okay - I’ll stop embarrassing myself now. Between you and @MuscleJon I’m not used to being around this many hot muscle guys. Or maybe I am?? Anyway! I’ll hopefully get the next chapter posted at the weekend. I hope you guys like it as much as the first one!
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  10. So a few notes on this story and the thought process behind it etc... This story basically started with a scene in my head where Mason meets a new guy, closer to his age than Nick was, and he brings out the same line he used on Nick - "My name's Mason, but you can call me Sir" - and the guy replies with, "Erm - no. You can call ME Sir!" The scene in the final story obviously panned out differently - sometimes you might have an idea or a scene in your head but when you come to actually write it, things have changed and it doesn't quite feel right for that particular scene/character. But the basic idea was that Mason meets his match. I didn't want this to be a big redemption story in the same way that Mason wasn't necessarily supposed to be a villain in the original story but I did want him to take some ownership for what happened and admit to himself and the reader that he knew he'd done Jason dirty. I also wanted to give him a bit of depth and a backstory. I met a couple of guys like Mason when I was younger who'd been closeted for years when they'd been younger themselves, had been married, some even with kids and then who'd come out later in life. I think that was a lot more common years ago, with society not being as accepting as it is now. I also didn't want it to be a "Mason meets an amazing guy and gets a happy ending" story. I did want him to let his guard down and open up to Vince in a way that he didn't with Nick. And it does obviously end with there being a possibility that something might develop between the two of them.
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  11. Part 4 I went to my room, sat on the bed and turned on the TV. Pumping Iron was on. Which was cool, I decided to see what else was on so I changed the channel, to see Generational Iron, next channel was Worlds Strongest Man competition, and other shows related to muscles and growing. I saw some magazines over to the side which all were fitness related. This is really my life now I said to myself. Nothing but hard, sweaty, muscle growth, and just pure mass. I love it. I then received a notice on my phone from The Corporation welcoming me to this new life. I’m going to be on a slightly different regiment than Jason. Essentially I’m going to be testing total mass gainer growth program, which given the routine that they are preparing for me should have me grow massive all around which they will monitor but also want me to report any strange side effects. Which got me to thinking what could potential side effects be for something like this. But before I could really think of the possibilities, the follow-up message said that the side effects could vary widely depending on how my body responds to the program. Some side-effects I may actually like. Well that was very reassuring and makes the mind wonder. That ended the communication and I went to my bathroom to go shave so that I can be compliant with the rules and expectations. I was starting to feel a bit self conscious about being shirtless in a house with someone I just met but I’m here now so guess its no turning back. I finished shaving, showered, and got to bed. Tomorrow was going to be the start of a new beginning. The next morning, I wake up and go to the kitchen to see Jason in there already eating and drinking his meal for the day shirtless. Not a bad sight even though I was still a little groggy so I couldn’t fully appreciate what was before me. He tells me I need to go to the stat room first before eating to capture all of my before measurements. I enter the room that looked very plain absent the stainless steel plate on the ground. I figured that is where I need to go stand so I stand on the stainless steel plate. It started humming and stopped shortly after. On the wall the blank wall in front of me, my name displayed with my stats. Kevin, Weight: 235lbs, Height 6ft, Bodyfat 37%, Waist 36, Calves 14”, Quads 37”, Chest 49”, Arms 13” unflexed 17” flexed, Penis 3” soft 7” erect. I jumped off the scale freaking out and went into the kitchen to find Jason at the table laughing. Yeah amazing how much it can find out by just you standing on it right he said. Then on the wall next to the door, I see my stats on display for all well all within the house. I was horrified and Jason could see it in my face. He told me don’t worry, we are the only ones in here. I don’t know what about that made me feel at ease but it did. I looked back up to see Jason’s stats on the wall next to mine. He was also 6ft in height 254lbs, bodyfat was at 14% waist was also 36. His calves were 17”, quads 42” and then things really were drastically different, his chest was 67”, arms unflexed were 18” and 22” flexed, his cock was 3” soft and 7.5” erect. Listening to how much he stated he had grown overall since working with The Corporation, I felt a little bit better knowing at least in the cock area I had a “head start”. But makes me wonder why his is listed as a cock and mine a penis but oh well. Jason told me that these would be on display around the house so we can always know where we stand size wise and that we have to go into the measurement room every so often to get remeasured. That’s when I fully appreciated how Jason looked shirtless at this point. Watching his chest expand and contract while breathing and his monstrous traps move around as he is showing me things. I wasn’t really paying too much attention as I was also daydreaming of looking like that as well. I nodded in agreement to something I hardly heard but knew to go to the fridge to partake in my first meal and saw my workout plan for my first few weeks. Looks like a total body workout to include stretches but no cardio. I asked Jason about that because I also noticed there was no cardio equipment in the gym. He laughed while finishing his meal. He replied, remember size & mass, we aren’t trying to look like those pretty boys with less than 10% bodyfat. Yeah we won’t have chiseled abs like that but why would we want chiseled abs when we can have a chest that sticks out and hangs over small or flat stomachs or have biceps the size of bowling balls. The thought crept into my mind and I visualized all of that and said you’re right and began to eat. Reading through my itinerary, essentially I have 2 hours to complete this workout, then drink the shake for me in the gym immediately after the last set, take an ice bath, shower, eat lunch, recover for about 4 hours to include sleep for at least 1 hour, eat afternoon pre workout meal, have another 2 hours to complete second workout, drink shake, ice bath, shower, dinner, recover no sleep for 2 hours, bedtime meal, sleep, wake up at 7am to start over. Seemed simple enough with some free time. Since it was a total body without any cardio I kind of expected the routine I saw for my workout but what surprised me was the plan also had the weights that I was supposed to use for each set. Before I could open my mouth Jason said, yeah pretty cool right, they already know where to start and how to build you up from there. I just looked in amazement once again and just shrugged it off. We both got up to head to the gym. Both shirtless me still a little self conscious because my stomach currently was hanging over my waist a little bit but Jason just had a flat stomach with his chest protruding in front of him walking proud essentially with his chest leading him and his traps keeping his head forward. One day I thought to myself I will look like that or even bigger. Working out in what I figured was something simple wasn’t as easy as I thought it was even with me working out for a period of time before getting to this point. But I followed everything as outlined and was exhausted but I pressed through with everything. Bench, curls, squats, dumbbells everything. Everything finished right on time, followed the next set of instructions by taking my shake, getting in the ice bath that was ready, sat in there for a bit and then took a shower. Jason was still going in the gym but honestly I couldn’t think about it too much because I was exhausted. I was sitting at the table eating my meal when he came strutting into the kitchen with just a towel. I had to look twice because it looked like his legs were a bit larger than earlier today. I looked over at the stats wall and nothing was changed. I remembered that we go into the stat room a few times a week it doesn’t automatically update. He started eating and asked between bites how did I feel. I told him very sore and exhausted. I didn’t know how I was going to do the second workout later. He reassured me that I will be fine and not to worry. Soon you will start to notice changes in yourself. That perked me right up to say how soon? Jason said it took a couple of weeks because his body had to essentially be primed and that's likely why they had me going through total body first. Reps from The Corporation will reach out every now and then with different questions for you and asking your opinion on a few things but outside of that you don’t hear from them much. I finished eating, thanked Jason for the insight and went to my room. I was exhausted and slept for most of the recovery time but got up before my time ran out. Went to the kitchen to eat my pre-workout afternoon meal then began my 2nd workout. Just like the morning workout, once I finished the second one, I was exhausted, drank my shake, took my ice bath, showered, ate my dinner, then just sat on the couch for a bit. Jason came into the kitchen later dressed in a towel again. Saw me exhausted on the couch and laughed. One day I will have the confidence that he has to just strut around with only a towel. He grabbed his food and came to sit down next to me while eating and saying trust me it will get easier and more enjoyable. I looked at him and just frankly asked if he had grown since this morning and flexed his right quad for me and said what do you think? He saw the tent in my shorts grow and he said that may get bigger too. I was surprised I was able to sport an erection after that hard workout. Jason said this is why doesn't wear clothes often because they would be tattered after a time anyway. He only wore some today because it was my first day but not to be surprised if he started going naked around the house and while working out. That was fine by me because as strange as it sounds I only saw Jason during “feeding times” our schedules were different but for me I wanted to feel the clothes I was allowed to wear getting tighter on me and would like to out grow them before I start really just walking around naked all the time. Can you imagine just being naked because you're too damn massive to fit ANYTHING!! Well this was how my first few weeks went here.
    9 points
  12. Hi guys. This is something a bit different from me. When I finished writing my “Muscle Lads, Inc.” story I knew I didn’t want to jump into writing another big story so I started playing around with some ideas I had for short stories and before I knew it I had two/three in the works which gave me the idea to put them all into one thread and create a little collection of short stories. There are six stories, all featuring characters from my previous stories - to some extent! They all vary slightly in terms of size. Some, like the first one below, are just one part stories shared in one go. Others are slightly longer and will be spread across two/three posts. This first story features Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy from “Muscle Lads, Inc.”... THE BODYBUILDER ON THE TRAIN I knew tonight I knew tonight would be a letdown. All day I've been having the recurring thought that I wasn’t really in the mood to go out tonight. But then I told myself that once the night came, once I’d got back from the gym and I was pumped up and I’d had a couple of drinks which I’m now allowed to do since I’m not training for a show, that I’d feel differently. That when the time actually came to go out, I’d be in the mood. And that did happen, back in the flat. But now that I’m here, my first night at Utopia in two months, I’m just not feeling it. The stares and looks and attention my bare, abnormally muscular torso, just a few weeks post competing in the biggest amateur bodybuilding show in the North West, is bringing me aren't having the same effect as they usually do. Maybe it’s the crowd. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe, after six months of coming here, the novelty has finally worn off. But something about tonight feels off and I can’t shake the feeling that I should’ve just stayed at home. Or maybe - just maybe, in the back of my head, I’m thinking about what happened the last time I was here. The guy I met. And everything that happened afterwards. All of that fucking mess. All of it down to me. I look at my watch. If I leave now I can get the last tram home. When I tilt my head back up I spot someone looking directly at me from across the room. He has a shaved head. I’m guessing late twenties. Maybe early thirties. And okay, he’s no bodybuilder but he’s pretty built. His light pink t-shirt is hugging his impressive chest and showing off his thick biceps. And wow. He’s fucking handsome. Gorgeous eyes. Almost smoulderingly sexy. And there’s a confidence there that I like. Sure - cute, slightly nerdy, awkward lads who have NO idea how fucking sexy they are get my juices going too, but there’s no denying how sexy good old-fashioned confidence is too. There’s no doubt this mystery clubgoer is the hottest guy I’ve seen here tonight. Even hotter than the beautiful Brazilian barman with the little abs who always sort of flirts with me but seems a bit guarded. The mystery admirer tilts his head forward in a little nod. Maybe tonight isn’t such a loss after all. Should I go to him or wait for him to come to me? Yeah - he can come to me. Come to fucking daddy. And then - out of nowhere, another guy walks up to him. Taller. Even more muscular. He puts his hand around my admirer’s torso and the two of them kiss. Potential threesome maybe? But then they part lips and the way my admirer looks at the tall guy tells me there’s something more than just a casual thing going on there. There are clearly feelings involved. And I sure as hell don’t want to get mixed up in anything like that. I look at the time on my watch again and feel the overwhelming need to be at home in bed. Alone. Along with the desire to wake up tomorrow feeling human. To make up tomorrow alone. And it strikes me that that’s exactly how I want this night to end. The last train home is typically busy. I internally groan when a bunch of drunken lads get on after a few stops. These are the type of lads who are usually brave enough to talk to me. Or comment about how jacked and muscular I am. To ask me about training or bodybuilding shows. Or maybe even steroids. Especially when it’s a Saturday night and they’re pissed up. I bury myself in my phone hoping that doesn’t happen. That no drunken lads pipe up and start commenting about the bodybuilder on the train. I know it's all done out of curiosity. And usually out of respect. Maybe even out of a deep, primal longing to be this big and muscular themselves. But I’m really not in the mood for that right now. My stop comes up and I stand up in anticipation and then it happens. One of the drunken lads bravely shouts, “Steroids”. I don’t turn around but I can’t help but instinctively smirk. And now I feel a dozen eyes on me. Will the attention my body brings me ever get old? Will it ever lose its effect? Yeah - I’m a bodybuilder. Yeah - I’m huge. Yeah - I’m a pocket rocket muscle daddy with huge arms and bulbous pecs. Get the fuck over it, lads. But also - keep staring. Keep being envious. Keep wondering what it’s like to be THIS huge and muscular. I’m still smirking to myself and preoccupied with my thoughts as the train stops and the doors slide open and … fuck. What. The fuck. All previous thoughts are gone. Time has suddenly stopped. Because standing right in front of me on the platform, looking right at me, with a startled expression, ready to step onto this train is a fellow brother in iron. Another muscle freak who has dedicated his life to being a bodybuilder. And when I say a bodybuilder, I fucking MEAN a bodybuilder. He’s about my age. He’s completely bald. He’s got these veins at the side of his head. And to contrast with the bald head is a hot as fuck ginger moustache and an even hotter ginger beard. And okay - he’s not knock you around the head handsome. But who needs to be handsome when you just fucking OOZE sexiness like this fellow bald bodybuilder does. And even though he’s covered up by a black baggy hoodie with Pitbull Gym (Bolton’s most hardcore bodybuilding gym) printed on the front, I can tell this guy is a tank and a fucking half. Why have I never seen this guy before? It feels like time has paused. I’m not moving. He’s not moving. We’re just staring at each other. Me and this fellow mystery bodybuilder. His mouth curls into a smirk and somehow, in that moment, I just know. That this guy is like me in more ways than one. He steps on the train. There’s a moment where we’re side by side. And I feel this instant chemistry. This instant spark. Just from being close to his body. Damn. This guy is so fucking hot. I step off the train and onto the platform and I hear him speak. “Are you sure you wanna get off?” he purrs in a deep tone in a thick Irish accent which completely takes me by surprise. As if this guy wasn’t sexy enough. I turn to face him. His eyes locked with me. The sound which indicates the doors are about to close chimes and in a split-second decision, I jump back onto the train. Next to the Irish, ginger bearded hot as fuck bodybuilder who’s now giving me the sexiest of grins as he looks at me. And damn - there’s that chemistry again. Like a heat radiating between us. “I’m Vince,” he says to me. “Lads - there’s two of them!” one of the drunken lads calls. Vince spins his head around. “All right, fellas!” he shouts. “Come on, lads - flex those guns!” Vince looks at me, grinning in amusement and I smile back. “I'm Mason,” I tell him. He casually nods and looks up at the poster banner above us. “Nice to put a name to the face,” he says mysteriously, without looking at me. My stomach twists. My first thought is - what does this guy know about me? He locks eyes with me again. “Tiger Classic North West last month?” I find myself smirking. “Did you compete as well?” “No. I was just in the audience.” And he remembered me? All of the competitors in that show, all of the huge freaks and hot shredded lads and this guy remembered me. I nod, feeling smug and like the power is in my hands. He gives me this ominous smirk and shakes his head and I feel like he’s read my fucking mind. “Where’s your stop, by the way?” I ask him. “Dunno, lad,” he says, looking straight ahead. “I guess you’ll find out.” I bark out a laugh and he looks at me and grins. Why do I suddenly feel like I’ve met my match? Excitement courses through me as we look each other in the eye. God - the energy between me and this guy. It’s crazy. Just being stood next to his huge tank of a body I’m rock hard. God only knows what’s going on under that hoodie. As it turns out Vince’s stop is only two away from mine. “Is Pitbull your usual gym?” I ask him as he leads me to his place on foot. “Yeah.” “Oh right. Bit far to go from here, isn’t it?” Vince smiles. “Been going there for years. It’s just what I’m used to. I did give The Muscle Factory a go but it’s a bit too fancy for me.” I find myself smiling at that. A man after my own heart. I briefly consider suggesting he come to Panthers. But it feels a tad … much. This is just a hot bodybuilder I met on the train and whose flat I’m now walking into. Besides, getting involved with another guy is the last fucking thing I need or want right now. “Do you want a drink or anything?” Vince asks me as we head into his living room. What I want is for this hot handsome bald ginger-bearded tank of a muscle bull to fuck my fucking brains out. As hard as he damn well likes. I tell him I’m good. Vince’s mouth curls as he looks me up and down. We’re both standing looking at each other. “You’re so fucking sexy, Mason,” he purrs in his thick Irish accent. “And boy, don’t you know it.” Ha. He’s got my number all right. But I think I can still surprise him. “Mason’s my surname, by the way,” I say, stepping forward to the muscle tank in the black Pitbull Gym hoodie. “Andy’s my first name,” I tell him, edging even closer. Here it comes. “But you can call me Sir.” Vince barks out this raucous laugh. “Get to fuck!” he cries. The reaction takes me back so much I can’t help but laugh in return. And now we’re standing close to each other. His heavy mass right before me. This strong, masculine scent. A mix of sweat and aftershave and his natural scent. The scent of a sexy as fuck bearded muscle bull. With veins in his head. So fucking intoxicating. So fucking horny. His hands slip around my back and fuck - my lips are on his. Kissing each other hard. His tongue is so fucking big. Like the rest of him. My mass pushes up against his. My crotch against his. His bears tickles my chin. I’m so fucking hard. I'm kissing Vince harder. With more force. My body pushing up against his. Two roided muscle bulls kissing hard. So much pent-up energy. He lifts up my t-shirt with his big rough hands. And now I’m topless. My pumped up, master's over 40 class bodybuilding torso on naked display. “Fuuuck,” Vince purrs as he takes in the balloons of muscle before him. His hand goes gently to my pillow pecs. And then he squeezes. His grip getting firmer and rougher. His face in awe. Taking in my huge, balloon-like pecs. Then down to my sticky out bubble abs on my slight turtle shell roid gut I’m most definitely proud of. Because who doesn’t love a roid gut? I reach over and unzip Vince’s hoodie. Underneath I see two massive pecs separated by a deep line hanging over the top of a white vest. Fuck yes. He peels off his hoodie to reveal two brutal shoulders. I almost gasp at the sheer size and hardness of them. Now this. THIS is a fucking bodybuilder. Biceps for days. Huge and veiny. I lift up his vest to reveal his hard shredded six pack. Blocky and square. Everything’s so brutal. Everything’s so hard. Vince kneels down and undoes my belt buckle. I squeeze his bull-like traps and Jeez - I feel like I'm gonna cum. I squeeze his otherworldly shoulders and he yanks down my jeans and swallows my thick throbbing cock with his big mouth and oh my fucking God. I resist the urge to shout out, “Good boy”. Because this is no boy I’m dealing with. He’s fucking worshipping my cock with his hot muscle bull mouth. I don’t think I’ve even been sucked harder. We stumble into Vince’s bedroom. Barely able to keep our hands off each other. And now we’re on his bed. Both naked. Still kissing hard. Hands going everywhere. He’s kissing my pecs. Fucking sucking on the muscle. My fingers exploring every inch of his brutal muscle bull body. He starts to tense. To flex. He starts to grunt too. Hot, deep grunts as he flexes. Biceps squeezing. Traps erupting. Veins exploding. A private show from a bald ginger bearded muscle bull. And all the time I’m dying to cum. “You like getting fucked?” Vince asks me. “Fuck yeah!” “Good lad!” he purrs in his hot Irish accent. He fetches some lube and a condom and now he’s mounting me. His hard, heavy mass on top of me. His hot face close to mine. And then he pushes in. Fuck. I’m being fucked by this insanely hot bodybuilder. With his brutal shoulders. And bull traps. And thick veiny pecs. “Flex those fucking muscles," I cry out. He laughs and brings his biceps up, his face contorting and twisting and transforming as he gets into beast mode. As if he were on stage, bronzed and shredded in his posing trunks. He lets out a little growl. “Growl louder!” I bark as he fucks me. And he obeys. “GRRRR!” “LOUDER!” I shout. And he does. Deep, animalistic grunts and growls fill up my ears as this hot ginger bearded muscle brute fucks me and fills up my hole. I’m. Gonna. Fucking. Cum. Out of nowhere, Vince suddenly falls forward, bringing his face to mine and kissing me with force. His mass against my torso. Our hard tongues dancing with each other. His lips pull away. ‘I’m close!” I pant out. I plant my lips on his again. Hard like before. I feel like I’m close to cumming and then … the motion of his tongue changes. He’s still kissing me. But this time it’s slower. Vince pulls back and looks me in the eyes. This intense look. He’s still filling up my hole. I’m still so close to cumming. He kisses me again. But softer. Slower. More sensual. I don’t know what’s happening but I’m going with it. I’m following his lead. The atmosphere has changed. Things feel more intense. Our eyes are open and locked as our mouths move and I can feel the build-up coming. It’s coming. This is so fucking intense. This is so fucking horny. This is not how I imagined this would go but I'm completely into it. We’re locked in our own little world of muscle and mass. Slowly and sensually kissing this beautiful muscle bull. And fuuuckkk … I’m groaning and panting into his mouth as my cock explodes. The most intense orgasm. I want to melt into Vince's sweaty skin. I feel like I am. Me and this beautiful muscle man in our private haven. I’m griping hard. Still kissing him. The taste of him. The smell of him. The feel of his hard, roided muscle mass as my body explodes with cum. “I think I’ll be catching that train more often,” Vince jokes as we’re wrapped around each other naked a little later on, having both cum. “Where were you heading back from, anyway?” “Have you heard of Utopia?” “Is that a bar?” “It’s a club night.” Vince’s mouth curls into a mischievous smirk. “Clubbing at your age?” he teases. I laugh. “Cheeky bastard.” I look away from him, still gripping onto his insanely huge arms. “Fair point though. I guess you could say I’m making up for lost time,” I tell him, surprising myself at my honesty. “What do you mean?” I look at Vince. He sees so earnest in that moment. So weirdly trustworthy. Even though I don’t know this guy. Even though I only met him a fucking hour and a half ago. I still can’t get over that feeling when he made me cum. The atmosphere in the room. How he slowed everything down right before I came. Making everything so much more intense. So much more passionate I guess. “I didn’t really do much clubbing in my twenties,” I tell him, casually. “Were you in that closet?” I instinctively laugh. “That’s an understatement.” Vince looks at me, waiting for me to explain. “I was married to a woman.” “Fuck off!” he cries. He studies my face. “Wow!” he says, when he realises I’m telling the truth. “Are you bisexual?” I shake my head. “Did you know you were gay?” “I think so. In the back of my head. It just wasn’t really an option though. My dad was like the hard man of the estate. And I was always such a typical lad. Always into sports. Did my first bodybuilding show at sixteen. And I know - that’s nothing to do with being gay, but - I didn’t think that at the time. The idea of being gay - it was just so alien to me. The thought of it, you know?” He nods. “I struggled a bit too, to be honest. I didn’t go as far as to marry a woman though. What changed?” “My dad died for a start. And I think I just stopped running from the thought of it. Faced up to the fact I liked blokes. It was tough though.” “Any kids with your wife?” “No. Luckily.” Vince pauses for a moment and looks out to the room. “Jesus. I haven’t been clubbing for about ten years.” A laugh escapes my lips. “Mmmm. I think I have more fun now than I would have done back then, anyway. Although … tonight was a bit of a bust.” “Is it a gay night? Or should we be saying queer?” “Queer. I still can’t get used to that. Always felt like such an insult. But yeah. It was.” Vince's lips curl into an ominous smirk. “Bet you get a lot of attention!” I mischievously smile at him. “What do you think?” His smirk grows wider before he releases a little laugh. “Bet you don’t get many bodybuilders in there though.” “You'd be surprised,” I say. Vince’s eyebrows lift in surprise. “The last time I went I pulled a bodybuilder. Well … he was more classic physique.” “See - I would’ve turned my nose up at that ten years ago but some of these classic physique guys now are fucking incredible. Would I have heard of this guy?” Do I tell Vince that Nick also competed at the North West Championships last month he was in the audience of? He may even remember him. The cute blonde guy who wore his glasses on stage with a pair of shiny pink trunks who kept sticking his tongue out which the crowd loved, even though he wasn’t the biggest of guys. I find myself smiling at the memory of seeing all of the pictures and videos of Nick on the Internet afterwards. A rare occasion where I actually did check Instagram. It's safe to say the boy did good. Even if everything went to shit backstage at that very show. “You got Instagram?” I ask Vince. “Course,” he says, reaching for his phone and passing it to me. I type in the name Nick and feel ashamed that I can’t remember his surname. How do I find Nick? My first thought is through Jason’s profile, but I’m not sure if he’d be following Nick after what happened. I type in a name I definitely won’t be forgetting in a hurry. Danny King. I scroll through his posts and bingo - there’s Nick, backstage in his shiny black classic physique trunks and his cute geeky glasses. Standing next to Danny, doing a peace sign and smiling into the camera with his cute little face. I genuinely felt affection for Nick. I really did. It wasn’t just the sex. (And boy - that lad could fuck.) I just liked being around him. His energy. That innocent, boyish, slightly awkward energy. I could’ve pushed it further with Nick. Seen him more often. But something held me back. Maybe I was scared he’d start to develop feelings for me. And then, of course, there was the whole Jason thing. Which I still feel guilty about. If I didn’t feel guilty - I think that would be cause for concern. I think that would make me a fucking sociopath. “Are you on Instagram?” Vince asks as I bring up Nick’s profile, which doesn’t even have his name on it. “Nah. I can’t be doing with that shit. Everyone glued to their phones. Posting every five minutes. It pisses me off.” Vince laughs. “Okay, grandad.” I smile as I hand Vince his phone back with Nick’s Instagram profile on the screen. His eyes widen when he looks at the screen. “Twenty-two?!” he cries. I mischievously grin. “Yep!” “Don’t tell me you made him call you daddy?” “No. Just sir.” “Pfft!” Vince says, before laughing. “He’s handsome, I'll give you that. I think I’d eat him for breakfast though,” he says, putting his phone back on his bedside table. “I don’t think he’d complain about that.” Vince laughs as he wraps his arms around me tight and looking me in the eye. Things suddenly feel intense again. “Twenty-two,” he purrs again. “Is that unusual for you to go for a guy that young?” I mischievously smile at him. “No,” I answer honestly. “But I like older lads too. In all honesty - I’d never properly go out with anyone that young.” Vince nods and smiles. “Do you think that’s part of your whole "missing out when you were young" thing?” I don’t respond. I feel my mouth start curling into a smirk. “You missed out on sleeping with lads when you were that age so you’re making up for it now?” And now I’m full on smirking. “Yeah,” I say, earnestly. “Sounds about right.” “As long as no one’s getting hurt … what’s the problem?” I just nod and say nothing. Because someone did get hurt. People got hurt. Because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants. Because I couldn’t stay away from the cute nerdy bodybuilder with the boyish charm who fucked so bloody well. I loved the difference between me and Nick. I kinda loved the power dynamic too I guess. And yes - me and Jason weren’t properly together. But I knew Jason liked me. I knew he hoped something would develop between us. And I kept the Nick thing from him. Because Jason was Nick’s coach. The two of us were going at it in secret. And, whatever way I wanted to excuse myself, I knew I was doing something wrong. “Where have you gone?” Vince asks, studying my face. I look back at him, pulled from my thoughts. I find myself smiling, and he’s smiling back. He leans in and kisses me. It’s sexy. And sexy turns to intense. Just like it was when he was inside me. Vince pulls back. And I take him in. Those green eyes. Which I’m only really noticing now are pretty gorgeous. The bald head. The veins. That insanely hot ginger moustache and beard. Such a fucking brute. And a sexy one at that. But it’s not just the way he looks. It’s him. There’s something here. Between me and Vince. “What are you doing Tuesday night?” I instinctively feel my body tensing up. “Dunno," I say casually. “Come round here. I’ll cook for you.” “You cook?” He widens his eyes and nods slowly. “I’m a head chef at a restaurant in town. Seriously!” I nod, impressed and trying to imagine him in a chef’s uniform bulldozing through a kitchen telling everyone off. “Give me your number," I tell him. "I’ll let you know.” “Nah, mate. You’ll fob me off. Come round Tuesday night,” he playfully orders. I immediately feel guarded. Where is this pushiness coming from? “Jesus!” he cries, clearly sensing my hesitance. “I’m not asking you to move in with me. I’m asking you to come round on Tuesday night and I’ll cook for you.” I’m smirking at him, looking into his eyes. I feel I can be honest with him. “This is how it starts though. First you’re cooking for me. Then you’re waiting for me to text you back. Then we're seeing each other. And then I’m screwing you over.” I’m saying all of this in a playful tone, but what I’m saying is the truth. Vince just smirks at me. “Maybe I’ll screw you over.” I feel like saying - why would I want that? But I just stay silent. I just keep looking into his eyes. I didn’t want to start something with someone this soon after Jason. But I can’t deny it feels like there’s something here. I’m intrigued by this Irish ginger-bearded muscle bull. And yes - maybe I will screw him over. Or he’ll, in fact, screw me over. Maybe that would actually be some sort of karma for the whole Jason, Nick mess. And yes - maybe this will end in disaster. But maybe it could end up being something different to what I’ve had before. Something amazing, even. Maybe sometimes you just need to stop thinking about the maybe’s, take a chance and see what happens.
    8 points
  13. Well guys, here's chapter 29 of the story. I was sure that I posted it before, 2 years ago, but when the new site came, it must have gotten deleted. Here is is again. Chapter 29 "Well, Eric?" Seth asked, looking at Eric, who was looking at him, like he'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Why didn't you tell me that you have a brother?" In a few seconds, Eric's face broke into a smile. "Oh, you're talking about my brother, Ethan?" Eric said, still grinning, as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Seth. I guess with everything I've been through the last few days, I just forgot to mention him, to you." Seth frowned, still a bit confused, as to why that was. "I just don't see how you'd forget about something that important." Seth said to him. "When I asked you about your family, when I interviewed you, about the job, you never mentioned that you had any siblings. Just that your mom worked in real estate, and your dad is a carpenter." "You didn't ask me if I had any siblings." Eric told him. "I would have told you if you had." "Ok." Seth said, nodding his head. "So, when do I get to meet him?" Eric shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "He's not here, right now." Seth frowned, wondering why that was. "Where is he?" He asked, still giving Eric that confused frown. "He's away at college." Eric revealed to him. "In New York. I don't know when he's coming back home, for a visit, yet. I haven't talked to him in a couple days." Hearing that from Eric, prompted Seth to ask him another important question. "Are you and your brother, close?" He asked, wanting to know. "Oh yeah!" Eric said, grinning. "Ethan and I are very close. We have a very strong brotherly bond, being twins, and all." Seth snorted, a smile coming over his face, as he was thinking about something. "What's so funny?" Eric asked, grinning as well. Seth looked up at him and then asked. "Has sibling rivalry ever reared it's ugly head with you two, before?" Eric rolled his eyes. "Oh, you better believe it has, Seth." He said, "If Ethan and I fought most about anything, it was over the fact that he considers himself the "older" brother when he's basically the same age as me." Seth raised his eyebrows, as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, he was the first born before you, wasn't he?" He asked. Eric scoffed. "Yeah, by like 10 minutes." Eric replied. "What does that have to do with anything?" Here, Seth rasied his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Well, technically, that does make him the older brother." Seth said. "So, even though you two are the same age, Ethan is the first born, so he's the older brother." Shaking his head, but still grinning a bit, Eric pulled back his fist and punched Seth in his pecs. Seth must had anticipated what Eric was going to do, because he flexed his pecs, in response, to absorb the blow from his punch. "Ouch!" Eric said, as he pulled his hand away, shaking it, as he stared at Seth's tightened chest, a shocked expression on his face. When he looked up at Seth, he could see him silently laughing, with tears in his eyes. "Oh yeah! Very funny, Smartass!" Eric said, as he slapped Seth across the arm, which only made Seth burst out laughing loudly. "I knew your pecs were hard, but I didn't think they were "painfully hard" like brick!" Seth, still chuckling a bit, took Eric's hand, and started rubbing his knuckles. "Well, you've never punched them that hard before." Seth said, in a softer tone of voice. "But I have to admit that I might have to have you punch them some more, later tonight, because, that was such a turn-on for me." Eric made a face at him. "Seriously?" He asked, in disbelief. "Hell yeah!" Seth said, enthusiastically. "All this muscle and power? What bodybuilder wouldn't be turned on by that?" "Umm, Eric said, making a weird face as his eyes widened a bit. "A straight one?" Seth narrowed his eyes at Eric, but he was still smiling, showing that he wasn't offended by that questioning answer. "Now, who's the smartass?" He asked, a sexy grin crossing his face. Eric grinned as he moved forward and threw his arms around Seth broad shoulders. And, staring up into Seth gorgeous ocean blue eyes, Eric murmured, seductively: "Well, at least I'm a sexy smartass, right?" Eric was staring into Seth's eyes, then down to his lips, and back up to his eyes again. Seth definitely noticed and knew exactly what Eric wanted, as he brought his arms around Eric's torso, pulling him close. "There's no denying that." Seth said, with a grin. "Now, can I get this sexy smartass of mine to kiss me?" Eric's brows went up, in surprise. "What?" He asked, looking around. "Here? Now?' "Yeah, why not?" Seth asked him. Eric shrugged. Well, I thought we could save the intimacy for a bit later." Eric said, to him, then grinned. "Like maybe after my parents leave and then we can go skinny dipping in the pool?" Hearing that from Eric, Seth's grin got bigger. "Ooh! I like that idea!' He whispered. Eric's grin mirrored his. "Oh, and that's not all." Eric said, as he looked into Seth's eyes. "I've never fucked anyone in a pool before." "Really?" Seth asked, a surprised expression on his face. "Really." Eric told him. "So far, you and I have done it in your bed, and in your shower. But not yet, in a swimming pool." Then, Eric realized something else. He gasped. "Oh, better yet!" He said, as his thumb stroked Seth's jawline. "The jacuzzi just off of the pool. We can definitely heat things up in there!" Seth nodded, biting his lip, loving the idea, even more than the pool. "Aww, fuck yeah!" He said. "Sex in the jacuzzi is off the hook, for sure!" Eric's smile faltered a bit. "You mean, you've done it in a jacuzzi before?" He asked, sounding disappointed. "Yeah, sure, lots of times when I was with my ex, Evelyn." Seth told him. "But this will be a first for me, getting to do it with you." Eric smiled, again, seeing how excited Seth was about spending time with him, in the jacuzzi. "Well, just know that I plan on having you flex and pose for me in that jacuzzi before we get down to business in there, Gorgeous." Eric said, stroking Seth's cheeks with his thumb. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Baby." Seth whispered to him. "I love it when you worship my muscles. It always leads to hotter things!" Eric could see the lust and desire in Seth eyes, which no doubt mirrored his as well. They both knew that tonight would be another special time for them and they were both ready for it. Eric then moved in, closer, to Seth and hugged him. As he felt Seth's arms go around him, he started kissing Seth's neck just above his traps. Seth's eyes closed, in pleasure, at the feeling of Eric's soft lips on his neck. He breathing started to quicken and his heart rate started to increase. "You keep that up, Babe, and I'll be fucking you, right here, in this living room, for anyone to see." Eric chuckled, as he pulled back from their embrace to see the horny look on Seth's face. "That was just a warm up for what's in store for us, later." Eric said to him. "Right now, let's get ready to say goodbye to my parents. They'll be leaving shortly." MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE LOMBARDO FARMHOUSE.... Amy and Rudy entered the house, kissing each other, passionately. a few seconds later, Rudy broke the kiss and looked back into Amy's eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?' He asked, breathing a little heavily. Amy, with her face looking all flustered, replied: "Yes, I'm sure. I'm ready to make love to you, Rudy." Rudy's face broke out into a sexy grin. "You don't have to tell me twice!" He said to her, just before he started kissing her again. Rudy then started kissing Amy's neck, his hands running all over her back and sliding down to her ass, which he squeezed in his hands. "Oh, Rudy!" Amy whispered, with closed eyes. "Your hands feel so good!" Rudy, with his hands still on Amy's ass, suddenly slid down it a bit to rest on the back of her thighs, which he then lifted Amy up. In response Amy wrapped her legs around Rudy's waist, tightly. And with the two of them kissing, once again, Rudy carried Amy upstairs to Eric's guest bedroom, where they would make love together. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE..... Joey entered his bedroom, and shut the door, behind him, and locked it. Looking down at the towel, that was wrapped around his waist, he removed it and raised it up to his head to dry his hair a bit better, leaving him totally exposed in the nude. After drying his hair, he threw the towel, over his desk chair and walked to his bed and sat down on it. Looking over at his desk, he saw his phone, sitting on it. He reached over and picked it up and opened up his Instagram feed. Looking through his followers, he came to Seth's profile and opened up his photos. He scrolled through them and stopped on a photo of Seth, wearing a pair of black posing trunks, hitting a front double biceps pose. He had a big beaming smile on his face. He wasn't wearing any of that bronze tanning spray that they wear in bodybuilding. Joey stared at the picture of Seth, taking in his sexy blue eyes, his blonde hair, which was cut shorter than it was now, his handsome smile, and his ripped lean muscular physique, which was breathtaking, to Joey. "Man, he is so good looking, right here." Joey said, as he looked at Seth's photo. "But, I think he looks even hotter now. Especially, his body, the way it looks now." Joey then thought back to the moment in the barn, with Seth, when he'd gone to work out with him, earlier that evening. <<FLASHBACK>> Joey's green eyes stared right into Seth's ocean blue one's. Joey's eyes flickered down to Seth's pecs, and then reached his hands out towards Seth's pumped pecs. As soon as Joey's hands were about to come in contact in them, he glanced back up at Seth to watch his reaction. Seth was still staring into his eyes. As soon as Seth felt Joey's hands cup his pecs, Seth's eyes closed, his mouth slightly agape, moaning in pleasure. "Oh!" Seth moaned. Joey's eyes moved back to Seth's pecs, massaging them, squeezing them, firmly, as Seth began flexing them beneath Joey's hands. "Fuck yeah!" Seth breathed, his eyes, opening again to look at Joey. "Worship those pecs, Joe!" Normally, Joey did not care for being called "Joe." by people, but the way Seth called him that, he somehow found it, incredibly sexy. "Well, I'd love to, Seth." Joey said, his voice husky. "But they're pretty confined by this shirt, right now." Seth grinned. "I can help with that." He said, then reached his hand out. "Stand back." Joey did as he was told, and once he'd stepped back, Seth grabbed his tank top, by the straps and, gripping tightly, ripped the shirt open and off of him, like it had been a piece of paper. He tossed it across the barn. Joey's eyes bulged and his mouth hung open. Never had he seen anything like that before. Seth's strength ripped that shirt like it was paper. "What about our workout?" Joey said, the lust obvious in his face. Seth smiled an all knowing smile. "Come on, Joe." Seth said, his voice sounding deeper when he was horny. "We both know that you didn't just come all the way out here, just to workout with me. I know what you want. And, so do you." Joey didn't know what to say to that. But he knew he couldn't deny it. "So, come on." Seth said. He looked down at his pecs, bounced them, 3 times, teasingly, and looked back up at Joey, who was still looking at him, in awe. "Come, get it." Seth finished, giving Joey that horny look, again. <<END OF FLASHBACK>> Joey heaved a lusty sigh as his mind came back to reality. "And the way his pecs felt while I was massaging them! So rock hard and so sexy!" He said, the lust and excitement obvious in his tone of voice. "I wanted him, so bad, at that moment. And I still do." Joey then looked down at his dick and noticed that it had swelled to full hardness. "Fuck!" He exclaimed. "Even just thinking about him gets my dick rock hard. I wish he were here to take care of it, for me. That's more fun than doing it alone." He looked at his phone and then decided that he'd send Seth s message on his Instagram. He opened the direct message and started typing a message to Seth. MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE….. Outside the Shaw household, Eric and Seth were saying goodbye to Derek and Elaine Shaw as they were packing their things in the car. Derek Shaw finished loading their luggage in the car, and closed the trunk. He turned to face his son, who was starting to get emotional again. "Don't worry, Eric, everything is going to be ok." He said, as he hugged Eric. "You know I'm going to fight this thing with everything I've got, and I'm going to beat it." Eric hugged his father, tightly. "I know you will, Dad." He said, softly. "You're one of the strongest men that I know. If anyone can beat this cancer, it's you." "Amen to that." Elaine said, as she approached the two of them, just as Derek was releasing his son from his arms. She then pulled Eric into her arms. "I'll take good care of your father while we're gone, Honey." She said. "Will you look after the house, in our absence?" "You bet, Mom." Eric replied. "I'll actually move back in, temporarily, until you guys get home. I can drive back and forth from campus since the University is only minutes away from here." "That's a great idea, Honey." She said. "You'll be able to study better at home without all the interruptions that can happen on campus." Eric chuckled. "That's true." He said. "Things can get pretty rowdy on campus, sometimes." Elaine released Eric.from their embrace and turned her attention towards Seth. "Take good care of our son, will you please, Seth?" She asked him. "With Tom Anderson being released from prison soon, I'd feel better, knowing, that my son has someone here to protect him." Seth nodded. He was very touched that Elaine would ask that of him and that she trusted him to look after Eric. "I will." Seth said, with a serious expression on his face. "I promise." "Thank you." Elaine said, as she stepped forward and threw her arms around Seth, hugging him. "Our son is lucky to have a friend like you." "Thanks." Seth said, as he hugged her. "My prayers will be with you both during this hard time." After Elaine pulled back from her hug with Seth, Derek Shaw stepped forward and extended his hand out to Seth. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, Seth." He said, as Seth reached out and shook his hand. "And, once again, I'm very sorry to hear about your father's passing." Seth was definitely moved by Derek's concern for him. "Thank you, Mr. Shaw." He said. "I appreciate you saying that." "Please, Seth, call me, Derek." Derek Shaw insisted. "You don't have to be so formal." "Alright." Seth said, smiling his charming smile. "Derek it is." "Thank you, Seth." Derek said, then looked towards Eric. "Be there for my son and help him keep his head on, straight, during this hard time." Seth nodded. "Yes, Sir." He said, confidently, then turned his head to look at Eric. "You can count on that." He smiled at Eric, and Eric, seeing Seth's smile, smiled back in response. "Well, we'd better be going, now." Elaine said, as she opened the passenger side car door and waited for Derek to get in. Derek walked to the car and got into it. Elaine shut the door and walked around to the driver's side of the car. Before she opened the car door, she turned back to look at Eric and Seth. "You both take care of each other while we're gone." Seth frowned a little, wondering what she meant by that. So did Eric. And as Eric watched her, his mother winked at him. The moment she did, a big smile appeared on Eric's face. He knew right then, and there, that his mother knew that Seth was more than just "a friend" to him. "We will." Eric said,. nodding. "Thanks, Mom. Love you." Elaine smiled back at him. "Love you too, Sweetie." She said, as she opened the car door and got into the car. Eric and Seth watched as Elaine Shaw started the car, and backed down the driveway. As they turned towards the direction they were going to go in, on the road, both Derek and Elaine Shaw waved back to Eric and Seth. Eric and Seth waved back as the car started moving forward and then disappeared from their sight. When they were gone, Seth turned back to Eric. What was that look your mother gave you about?" He asked Eric. "Oh you mean when she winked at me?" He asked. "Yeah. Seth said, with a nod of his head. "It made me wonder if she knew about us or something." Eric nodded as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, my mother definitely knows about us, Gorgeous." Eric said to him. "Mom hardly ever winks, but when she did that, after asking us to take care of each other, that's when I knew, for sure." Seth then threw an arm around Eric's shoulders. "Well, how do you think your father will react to our relationship?" He asked, giving Eric an express, full of concern. Eric thought about it, for a moment, before answering his question. He wasn't completely sure how to answer it. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure." Eric replied, as he put his arm around Seth's torso. "My Dad is certainly not homophobic, by any means, but given how protective he is, of me, since Tom raped me, I think he might be more worried about it, at first. But, eventually, he would come to accept it after he gets to know you better." Seth nodded. "He wants to make sure that I'm not another "Tom" so to speak?" He asked. Eric nodded his head, as he looked up into Seth's ocean blue eyes. "Yeah." He said, then added. "But I'm sure that he doesn't think that of you, Gorgeous. I saw how he took to you, at dinner. He really does like you. What's not to like?" "Yeah, I sensed that, too." Seth pointed out. "And I agree with you. It sounds like your parents will be ok with us, as a couple." Eric nodded as he laid his head on Seth's chest. Eric loved the feeling of Seth's massive pecs. Beneath his cheek. They were almost as good as bed pillows. He closed his eyes and exhaled a content sigh. He loved being in Seth's arms. Then, he remembered what he'd wanted to do with Seth earlier. Eric lifted his head from Seth's chest and looked up at him. "Are you ready to go for that dip, in the jacuzzi, now that we are alone, together?" He asked. Seth smiled, then leaned in and gave Eric a tender kiss on the lips. "Yes." He whispered. "Let's do it." "Ok." Eric said, and kissed Seth's lips again. "Come on, Stud!" Eric turned towards the entrance to the house and started walking back to it. Seth walked behind him, checking out Eric's sexy, tight, and toned ass in the jeans he was wearing, as he followed Eric to the door. Eric opened the door and headed into the house, with Seth right behind him. Ater they were inside, Eric shut the door and locked it. Then he turned back to Seth. "Come on, back into the kitchen." He said, to Seth. "The pool area is just outside of it." Seth followed Eric through the living room, towards the kitchen. When they entered the kitchen, Eric pointed to the double doors, near the middle of the room. "Those are the doors, leading outside to the pool." He said, to Seth, as they walked towards them. "And the light switches, on the wall, by the doors there, turn on the outside lights for the patio area, alongside the pool." "I see that." Seth replied. As they came to the patio doors, Eric started flicking the switches. As Seth looked outside, he noticed the lights, surrounding the patio come on, illuminating the pool area. Seth was in awe of how nice and spacious the pool area was. "Wow!" He said, turning his head back, to face Eric. "You weren't kidding when you said the pool area was huge. You could throw some major parties here." Eric smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. "Yes." He replied, still smiling. "My parents have thrown many birthday parties for Ethan and I, right in this very place!" Eric looked up into Seth's eyes and brought his hand to Seth's cheek "And now, we're going to have a party of two, here." He murmured. "Alone. Just the two of us." Seth brought his hands to rest on Eric's waist, as he looked into Eric's eyes, the desire he felt for Eric, at that moment, clearly shown on his face. "Mmm, I love the sound of that." Seth said, as m he pulled Eric close to him and planted a sexy kiss, right on his lips. "What do you say we get this party started?" "Your wish is my command." Eric said, as he pulled back from their kiss. "You go out there and get comfortable, with the Jacuzzi, while I go and get some towels for us.' Eric then leaned in and kissed him again. "I'll be waiting, Babe." Seth said, grinning. Eric then walked off to get the towels while Seth opened the patio doors and walked out to the pool. As he came upon the lounger chairs, he started stripping out of his clothes. He took off his cowboy hat, flannel shirt, tank top, belt, jeans, and boots, and laid them down on the lounge chair. Standing there in his CK boxerbriefs, he then decided to remove them, and put them inside his jeans. As he was putting his boxerbriefs inside his jeans, He heard his phone ping, inside his jeans pocket. He pulled it out of the jeans and looked at the screen. When he did, he saw that Joey Sloane was messaging him. "Hey Seth." Joey said to him. "I'm horny as fuck, and thinking about you, and your huge muscles right now." Seth couldn't help but crack a smile, thinking about how much the thought of him and his huge muscles turned Joey on. He then started messaging Joey back. "Oh really? Well, that's what I like to hear! Maybe I need to give you a little incentive to help you out. Give me a minute here." After texting that, to Joey, Seth pressed the camera button and turned it to video mode and started recording himself. "Hey Joey!" Seth said, flashing his charismatic grin. "So, you're horny for these big muscles huh?" After saying that, he flexed his left bicep, and seductively licked the tip of his tongue, slowly over his bicep. Then, he looked back into his phone, with a seductive look on his face. "I'm sure you wish that was your tongue, licking this bicep right now, don't you? Fuck, yeah! You know it, stud!" Then, Seth lowered his phone to his pecs, and when he could see his pecs showing, he started bouncing them, and slowly rippling them, now and then. "And I'm sure you wish you could have your hands all over these pecs right now, like you did, with me, in the barn, don't you? Maybe your hot mouth on them, too!" Seth pulled the phone back up to his face, again, and pulled it back enough to flex his right bicep. "And, you also can tell me how bad, Seth said, as he kissed his right bicep. You wish that was your lips, kissing these biceps right now!" Seth looked back into his phone and waggled his eyebrows. "Alright, Joey, just lay back, get yourself comfortable and bust yourself out a big load of cum, as you look at these big muscles of mine and imagine that I'm there with you, and you're feeling me up and how awesome my body feels." With that sexy smirk still on his face, he decided to end the video there. "Well, stud, that should get you fired up for release. I gotta go. Talk to you soon!" Seth ended the video and then searched for it in his video section of his phone. He located it and sent it as an attachment, in a text message back to Joey. Here's something to help you out, Joe." Seth wrote. "I'm in the middle of something, right now, so we'll talk soon, brother!" He finished the text message and sent it to Joey's Instagram with his video attached to it. After a moment, he saw that Joey was typing a message back to him. "Alright man!" Joey's text read. "Talk to you later." Seth smiled and turned off his phone and put it back in his jeans pocket. After doing that, he turned and saw the jacuzzi, which was already on and the jets were making the water ripple. He walked to the Jacuzzi and got into it. He moaned in pleasure as he lowered himself down into the warm water, feeling how relaxing it was. He sat down on one of the seat ledges and leaned back with his arms behind his head, his biceps bulging, as he closed his eyes and waited for Eric to join him. In a few minutes, he heard Eric's voice. "I brought something special for us to celebrate this occasion." Seth opened his eyes and saw Eric, standing at the edge of the Jacuzzi, just above him, with a bottle of white wine, and two wine glasses, looking at him, lovingly. He had already placed the towels down on the lounger where Seth's clothes were sitting. "Wine?" Seth asked, in surprise, looking up at him. "Yeah." Eric said, as he handed the bottle of wine and the glasses down to him. "I hope you don't mind. I thought it might be good after the sandwiches and salads we had, for dinner." "I don't mind, at all." Seth replied. "It's great for this occasion." "Awesome." Eric said, as he set the wine glasses and wine bottle down, next to Seth, at the edge of the jacuzzi. "Keep an eye on these while I get more comfortable." "Absolutely." Seth said, in a low voice. "It feels so good in here." Eric grinned, as he glanced at Seth, who was sitting in the water, which was rippling and bubbling around him. "I can see that, Gorgeous." He said, as he started taking off his shirt. "I'm gonna join you. Right now." As Seth watched, Eric threw his shirt over on the lounger with Seth's clothes and then started taking off his jeans. Once they were off, he then removed his underwear, until he was fully naked. Once he was, he stood there, in front of Seth, who was transfixed on Eric's body. Seth whistled. "You look amazing, Eric." He said, looking Eric's body, up and down. "Come on in. The water feels so good!" Grinning, Eric squatted down and lowered himself into the jacuzzi, right next to Seth. He moaned in pleasure as he felt the warm water instantly beginning to relax his body. It was only then that he realized how tense he had been. "Oh my God!" Eric said, lowly. "This feels like Heaven!" "I know." Seth said, as he put an arm around Eric's shoulders. "I had the same reaction when I got in here." Erin looked up at Seth, intent on telling him how tense he still felt. "I didn't realize how tense my body really was until I got into this water." He said, looking into Seth's gorgeous eyes. " This is exactly what I needed." Seth, with his massive muscular arm, still draped over Eric's shoulders, leaned in and gave him a sweet, loving kiss. "I know what will make you feel even better." He murmured, still staring into Eric's eyes. "Some hot muscle worship and some good lovemaking? A massage, perhaps?" Eric grinned. Seth knew exactly what he was wanting. "Mmm." Eric said, just as Seth leaned in to kiss him. "How about the muscle worship first? (kiss) Then the massage, (kiss) and after that some hot lovemaking?" Seth moaned as he kissed Eric. Then, he broke the kiss, and looked at Eric. "That all sounds awesome, Babe." He said, as he looked into Eric's piercing blue eyes. "But how about we have a little wine, first?" Eric's face brightened. Oh yes! Definitely." He said, as he reached for the bottle of wine. Eric picked up the bottle and opened the wine. Then, he picked up one of the wine glasses, and poured some wine into it. Then he handed it to Seth, and grabbed the other wine glass and poured some wine into it. He set the glass down and put the cap back on the bottle and set it down next to the wine glass. Then, he picked up the wine glass and held it up in front of him. "How about a toast?" Eric asked, still holding up his glass. Seth held his glass up in front of Eric's. "To us growing closer, and our relationship becoming stronger, every day." He said, gazing at Eric, the love evident in his eyes. "And to more hot muscle worship sessions and even hotter sex in our future." Eric added, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. Seth's grin matched Eric's at that moment. "Oh, I'll definitely drink to that!" He said, holding up his glass. "Cheers." They gently clinked their wine glasses together, and each of them took a sip of wine. Seth sat down his wine glass, by the edge of the jacuzzi and turned his attention back to Eric, as Eric, too, sat his wine glass by the edge of the jacuzzi, next to Seth's. "I like the way you think." Seth murmured. "And let's get this hot muscle worship session started!" And with those words, Seth stood up and turned towards Eric. As soon as he did, he raised both of his arms and curled them into a front double biceps pose. Eric watched, once again with that awestruck look on his face, as as Seth's biceps took shape and became rock hard, as Seth held the pose for a moment. Seth then flashed Eric his "melt your heart" smile. "You like it?" He asked, as he glanced at Eric, amused by his look of awe on his face. "I love it." Eric said, standing up and walking through the bubbling water, towards Seth, until he was standing right in front of him. "And now, I know those biceps could use some appreciation." Seth looked at his biceps and then back at Eric, and smiled at him. "Well, they're right here and waiting for it, Baby!" He said. "Have at it!" "Oh, I intend to." Eric.said, as he advanced on Seth. "Right now." Eric then put a hand under Seth's arm and brought his other hand up to Seth's right bicep which he felt in his hand. Their shape was nicely peaked and defined and the muscle was rock hard. Eric brought his lips down to Seth's bicep and kissed it, then licked his tongue over it, before kissing it again. "Aww fuck yeah!" Seth said, softly. "Worship those biceps, baby!" Eric kissed the bicep again, then clamped his fingers around it, squeezing it hard. And he still couldn't put a dent in it, even though he had a strong grip. Then, he put his hand under Seth's left bicep and proceeded to kiss it as well, licking over it with the tip of his tongue. He kissed that bicep in the same passionate way that he would kiss Seth when they made out. He put a hand behind Seth's head, caressing the back of Seth's head, as his mouth made love to Seth's muscles. Seth's eyes closed, in satisfaction, as he allowed himself to experience the sensations his body was feeling from Eric's muscle worship and foreplay. He absolutely loved being muscle worshipped by Eric. He loved it with everyone who was into his muscles, of course, but Eric, it was like a whole new experience for him. Eric then lifted his head up and looked into Seth's face and saw him staring right back at him, with that same lust-filled look in his eyes. "You ready for what's next?" He asked, as he laid his hands on Seth's triceps and slid them up to rest on Seth's delts. "More then ready.".Seth whispered,. bringing a hand up to Eric's face, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "Go for it, Babe." Eric then leaned into Seth and kissed him, passionately. He felt Seth's strong arms wrap around him and start playing with his lean muscular back. Seth moaned into Eric's kisses and then slid his hands down to grab Eric's firm, tight ass, in his hands. Eric moaned, in pleasure, at the feeling of Seth's strong hands on his ass, and he, in turn slid his hands back behind Seth to grab his massive muscle ass, too. He broke their kiss and started kissing Seth's neck. Seth's eyes closed and his head tipped backwards, as he moaned loudly. "Oh yeah, Baby!" Seth whispered, as he brought his hand behind Eric's head. "That feels so good!' Eric stopped kissing Seth's neck, and then brought his head down to Seth's pecs, where he took Seth's left nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it and lightly biting at it. "Oh, fuck!' Seth exclaimed, loudly, as he tensed his pecs. "Fuck, yeah! Suck those pecs!" Eric worked over Seth's pecs, with his mouth, and also groping them, from time to time. "Bounce them for me, Gorgeous." Eric commanded. "Yes, sir!" Seth said, as he started bouncing his pecs. Eric kneaded and massaged Seth's pecs in his hands, feeling their heaviness and hardness. Then, Eric started kissing Seth's abs, licking his tongue in all the deep lines between them. Seth then brought his hands behind his head and flexed his abs as Eric brought his hands to them and started feeling them up. Eric absolutely loved Seth's abs and how solid they were. "These abs of yours are so luscious, Seth!" Eric said to him as he stood back up to stand in front of him. When he did, he saw Seth smile. "I'm glad you like them." He said,. softly, with that horny look on his face. "But I'm sure you'll like this even more." Seth reached out a hand, which he laid on the back of Eric's neck and, as Eric gazed into his eyes, Seth pulled Eric closer to him and they both began kissing each other again, passionately, as the water around them, in the jacuzzi, began to bubble up more rapidly. Eric and Seth's kissing began to get more intense, and so did their foreplay as they both kept groping and grabbing each other's hard bodies. And their bodies weren't the only things that were hard. By now, both of them were sporting raging erections. Eric, again, broke the kiss and then crouched down in front of Seth and put his hands on Seth's huge legs. As he started massaging Seth's quads, Seth flexed them in response, letting Eric feel the rock hard muscles beneath his hands. "Wow,. Seth!" Eric whispered, in awe. "Your quads feel as hard as a marble statue." Seth smiled down at him. "I love it when you massage them." He said, softly. "It's a huge turn on for me. I'm getting hard already just from you touching them." Eric could see that Seth was right, for his cock was sticking straight out at him. "I can see that." He said. "Maybe I need to take care of it. Right Now." "Baby, you don't have to." Seth said to him, as he looked around the pool area, a bit nervously. "Let's finish up with the muscle wor--" Before, Seth could finish his sentence, Eric had already engulfed all 7 inches of Seth's cock into his mouth and started sucking it, taking Seth completely by surprise. "OH FUCK!' Seth exclaimed, throwing his head back, in pleasure. "Eric, that feels so fucking amazing!" Instead of answering, Eric kept sucking on Seth's cock, bobbing his head back and forth on it Seth had never experienced such amazing oral before. Not even with his ex- girlfriend, Evelyn, who wasn't nearly as good at it as what he was experiencing now, with Eric. "Babe, stop, for a second, please." Seth panted. Eric stopped sucking Seth's cock, and looked up at him, confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. "Nothing." Seth said. "You're doing an amazing job, but I think I need to sit at the edge of the jacuzzi while you do this, because I've never been sucked off this good before and I don't want to risk falling into the water." "Oh, right." Eric said, nodding in agreement. "Good idea. Come on then." Seth then waded over to the edge of the jacuzzi and hoisted himself up to sit at the edge of it. As he did, Eric crouched down in front of Seth, wrapping his arms around Seth's lower back, above his ass, to steady himself. Eric then looked up at Seth. "Are you ready for the best blowjob you've ever had, Gorgeous?! A huge smile came across Seth's face. He was definitely ready for what Eric had in store for him. "Fuck yeah!" He said, enthusiastically. "Bring it, Baby!" Grinning at him, Eric looked down at Seth's cock, which was still fully hard, and then back up at Seth. "Now it's my turn to rock your world, Gorgeous." He said, still smiling. "Just like you did when you fucked me for the first time!" And with those words, Eric engulfed Seth's cock, once again, and started bobbing up and down on it, furiously. He wanted to make sure this was one cock-sucking that Seth wouldn't ever forget. BACK AT THE SLOANE RESIDENCE........ Joey was looking at the message that Seth has sent him and saw the video file that Seth has sent him. He opened it up and starting playing the video. Hey Joey!" Seth said, flashing his charismatic grin. "So, you're horny for these big muscles huh?" After saying that, he flexed his left bicep, and seductively licked the tip of his tongue, slowly over his bicep. Then, he looked back into his phone, with a seductive look on his face. "I'm sure you wish that was your tongue, licking this bicep right now, don't you? Fuck, yeah! You know it, stud!" Seeing Seth doing all of that, made Joey's dick start to swell. Then, Seth lowered his phone to his pecs, and when he could see his pecs showing, he started bouncing them, and slowly rippling them, now and then. "And I'm sure you wish you could have your hands all over these pecs right now, like you did, with me, in the barn, don't you? Maybe your hot mouth on them, too!" "Hell yeah, I do, Seth!" Joey said. "You have no idea!" Seth pulled the phone back up to his face, again, and pulled it back enough to flex his right bicep. "And, you also can tell me how bad, Seth said, as he kissed his right bicep. You wish that was your lips, kissing these biceps right now!" "Fuck, Seth!" Joey cursed, the expression on his face, full of lust. "You're gonna make me bust one out, aren't you?!" Seth looked back into his phone and waggled his eyebrows. "Alright, Joey, just lay back, get yourself comfortable and bust yourself out a big load of cum, as you look at these big muscles of mine and imagine that I'm there with you, and you're feeling me up and how awesome my body feels." With that sexy smirk still on his face, he decided to end the video there. "Well, stud, that should get you fired up for release. I gotta go. Talk to you soon!" "Wait, what?" Joey exclaimed. "That's all?" Although, Joey was disappointed that the video wasn't longer, He was definitely going to use the sight of Seth in the video to release his pent up sexual frustration. "Well, it's looks like I'm doing this!" Joey said, out loud. "No turning back now!" Joey got on his bed, laid back in it and grabbed his cock in his hands, and immediately started stroking it. He played the video again, and started jerking off while watching Seth flex his muscles. And given how attracted he already was to Seth and the sight of his muscles, and hearing his sexy voice, it was not long at all before he came to climax. "Aww fuuuck!" Joey groaned, as thick ropes of cum spurted out all over his chest and abs. BACK AT THE SHAW RESIDENCE... "OH, ERIC!" Seth exclaimed, as Eric was still sucking on his thick 7 inch cock. "Fuck, I'm getting close!" In response to that, Eric started doing swirling tongue motions, over the head of Seth's cock, which started to make Seth grip his fists tightly, and Eric knew that Seth was going to orgasm any second now. "Aww, Eric!" Seth exclaimed, as he started to feel the orgasm coming. "Here it comes, Babe!" Eric quickly pulled back to the tip of Seth's cock, just in case his orgasm was as intense as it was the first time Seth has fucked him. And he pulled back just in time. "Awwwhh!" Seth groaned, as his cock pulsated and juddered, within Eric's mouth. Eric swallowed and swallowed, getting every drop of Seth's warm milky cum. After a few seconds, Seth's cock pulsated for the last time, and Eric removed his mouth from Seth's cock and looked up at him. He could see Seth, still breathing a bit heavily from that orgasm. "Well, how did I do, Gorgeous?" Eric asked him, curious to know what Seth was thinking right then. "That was, without a doubt, the best blowjob I've ever had." Seth said, lovingly and then leaned down to kiss Eric. "Thank you." "You're welcome." Eric said, after Seth's lip's pulled away from his. "Nothing means more to me than to make sure you are happy and fulfilled." Seth then slid back down into the jacuzzi and sat down in it. Eric turned and sat between his legs, his back to Seth, and Seth pulled Eric in close to him. "Well, you've definitely achieved that, tonight, Babe." Seth said to him. "I want to have more nights like this, with you." Eric laid his head back against Seth's huge pecs, which were like a pillow, under his head. "And we will." Eric replied, as he looked up towards Seth's face, smiling up at him. "We're going to have my parents home to ourselves, whenever we want until they come back." "Mmm, I love the sound of that." Seth said. "We'll be able to be together, here, with no interruptions." They both were silent for a moment, until Eric thought of something. Seth?" He asked. "What, Babe?" He heard Seth reply. Eric looked up at him. "When, are you going to tell your Mom about us?" Eric asked him. Seth sighed, heavily. "I don't know." He replied, looking uncomfortable at that moment. "To be honest, I'm actually dreading that conversation." Eric frowned as he looked into Seth's face. "Why?" He asked. Well, because I don't know how's she's going to react. Seth said, looking very conflicted. "What if she doesn't take it well?" Eric, thinking of Deborah, at that moment, smiled, as he thought about it. "I think she'll be alright with it, Seth." He said to Seth. "She loves you, so I can't imagine her not accepting it." Seth thought about it more. Eric did have a point. But, still, this was his mother they were talking about. Either way, it was not going to be any easier of a reveal for Seth as it was with Rudy. "I hope you're right, Babe." Seth said, kissing the top of Eric's head. "I really hope you're right." As the two of them sat there, in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth of the swirling water, in the jacuzzi, Seth's phone started ringing. He recognized the ring tone for it and knew who was calling right then. "Well, that's my mom now." Seth said, unwrapping his arms from around Eric. Eric frowned, an amused smile on his face. "How do you know?' He asked. "I have special ring tones set for certain people, in my phone." Seth replied. "That ring tone is hers." Seth walked to the ladder at the edge of the jacuzzi and climbed up out of it. Heading to the lounge chair where his clothes were sitting, he reached inside his jeans pocket and pulled his phone out of it and answered it. "Hello?" "Hi, honey, it's Mom!" Seth heard his mother's voice, sounding cheerful, say. "How are things at the farm, holding up?" "Hi, Mom." Seth said, looking over at Eric. "Things are going great. How was your day at the Spa?" "Oh, it was amazing!" Deborah replied back. "The masseuse did a great job, massaging all the tension and stress out of my body. And he was quite the handsome gentleman, too!" Seth squinted, yet an amused smile played on his lips. "Oh yeah?" Seth asked her, then said. "It sounds to me like you want to bring the guy home." "No!" Deborah said, in amusement. "He's young enough to be my son, Honey." Seth's eyebrows raised, at that admission, and an amused smile played over his lips. "Well, maybe he likes cougars, Mom." Seth said, trying to stifle his laughter. "Seth!" Deborah exclaimed, in shock. Seth started laughing at how shocked she'd sounded, then decided to apologize, so she didn't feel offended by his comment. "I'm sorry, Mom, I couldn't resist." Seth said, apologetically. "Well, I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor while I've been away, Son." Deborah said. "Speaking of that," Seth said, then asked. "When are you coming home?" "I'll be home by mid afternoon, tomorrow." Deborah told him. I'm about to turn in, early. "I'll be getting the works at the spa, which includes a manicure and a pedicure, in the morning before I head home." "Alright, Mom, I'll see you then." Seth told her. "Love you." "I love you, too, Sweetie." Deborah replied. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." Seth said, as he hung up the phone. "What did your Mom have to say?" Eric asked, as Seth climbed back into the jacuzzi. Seth waded back over to Eric , who got up so Seth could sit down, and he resumed the position, between Seth's legs. "She's enjoying her spa day." Seth replied, as he wrapped his arms around Eric. "She'll be home by mid afternoon, tomorrow." Eric sighed. "Well,. I'm guess that means our chances of having privacy will be reduced, at the farm." Eric said. "But I'm glad your mom's coming back home." Seth smiled down at Eric, when Eric looked up at him. "Is that because you miss my mom's peach pie?" Seth asked, his smile getting bigger, showing off his perfect teeth. In response to that question,.Eric gently elbowed Seth in the ribs. "No, Smartass!" Eric said, as Seth flinched and started laughing. "I love your Mom. She's been incredibly kind to me since I've been here." "I appreciate you, saying that, Eric " Seth said, putting his arms around Eric, again, and hugging him close. "I just hope her kindness continues after she learns the truth about us." "Eric turned his head to look up at Seth, from his sitting position between Seth's huge thighs. "I'm pretty sure it will, Gorgeous." Eric said, softly. "I dont see your mom as the kind of woman to hold a grudge." "Well, no, she doesn't." Seth replied. "But, this is different. This is about her son whom she's always believed to be straight suddenly liking men now, as well as women. My mom's a very religious woman, but she's certain not heartless, either." Eric twisted around and threw his arms around Seth's huge shoulders, hugging h,. tightly. "Well,. whatever happens, we will face it, together, Seth." Eric said, running his hand up and down Seth's upper shoulders. "Everything will be ok, Gorgeous." "I hope so, Babe." Seth said, softly. Seth hugged Eric, in his arms, as all different scenarios of how his mother would react to the news of his change in sexual orientation, played in his mind. He could only hope that his mother's love for him would win out and that she would react the right way that he was hoping she would when he finally was able to tell her, face to face. Either way, he knew that this was not going to be a easy thing to do.
    8 points
  14. Uncle Ryan - Extra Cap 02 - Ryan 02 Ryan was in front of the mirror of his wardrobe, he was still choosing what to wear for to have breakfast and go to his new client, Mr. Smith, down in Port Valley. When he heard the door of his room open, and turning around he saw his brother well, sweaty, panting and with a look somewhere between shocked and worried on his face! "Ryan! Are you still here?" Ben asked not sure if his brother had already left or not. Ryan comes out of his wardrobe still naked and immediately goes to his brother, answering him and curious about his old brother's panting and the obvious concern in his voice. " What's going on Ben, what's wrong? Why are you breathing so hard?" - " Ho Ryan, luckily" the brother begins in a clear state of embarrassment, shock and fear "I was in my room, I was sleeping..and...and I was woken up by my cock at full force!" Ryan's right eyebrow raised, anticipating a loud laugh, "hahahhaha...well Ben, you're a little old to not know this stuff!" Ryan said jokingly. "oh Ryan! don't you understand!?!?" Ben said, getting nervous at the evidence of his brother react. At this point Ryan seemed to be the confused one now. "Well...listen I still have to have breakfast, and then go to a client, I've had a reflection like this for over 15 years now and since 1 when I started bodybuilding again even better....my bathroom can testify... I don't understand, sorry, explain to me, ok?" "This hasn't happened to me in years Ryan! over 10 years!" - "...over 10 years...???" repeats Ryan as if in a trance, making his brother Ben sit on his bed he approached him and said "but...you're married Ben, how is it possible...what..." "Don't you understand??" Ben said with tears in his eyes "She's just been castrating me this whole time Ryan! And after what....transformed me..into this....into this monster....it made me reborn!" - At these words, Ryan hugged his brother, aware that his brother Ben would finally change, not only in body but also in mind. “I'm glad you came to talk to me, sorry if I was a dick to you.” Ryan said to his older brother who smiled back and calmed down. "And there's one more thing!" - Ben said, heartened and more confident "I think I cummed three or four times last night, my bed was full of sperm and I dreamed all night about huge bodybuilders and something inside me..." - "..inside you want me to become bigger than them?" Ryan concluded, turning to his brother and winking. "Yes!" she almost screamed well... "...is this wrong? I'm sick right?" Ben said, returning to being the little man under his wife's thumb for a few moments. Then Ryan stood up, and confidently said, "Ben, look at me!" - making Ben jump and he obeyed with a mixed expression of submission and curiosity. “Ben! Do you really think this is wrong, that being like this, that I am sick?” saying this he began a routine of poses completely naked which showing off all his massive bodybuilder muscles, thick middle abs, beefy, strong arms and legs, bulky, wide shoulders, round big ass, powerfull calves. Ben's eyes went from watering to opening along with his mouth in a mixed state of admiration, lust, and shock, his brother was a muscle god! the show was incredible for Ben, he had seen the photos, and some videos secretly from his wife on YouTube, but what he saw now live, it was incredible, it was pure masculinity, pure power, real muscles, a real muscle god. he felt completely absorbed by it all, he felt that the muscles he had just developed were nothing but a small thing, he felt himself throbbing and wanted to be like Ryan, maybe more...? ""What do you think Ben?" said Ryan, at the end of the little show, sweaty and with a subtle grin on his face, "Wow..." was all Ben could say. "Well thank you...and thanks also for appreciating!" - saying this Ryan pointed to the white puddle of sperm on Ben's feet, the older brother had cum without touching himself, but only f rom his brother's desire. "oh Ryan...I...." he said in new embarrassment, Ben. "hahaha don't worry bro, you don't know how much I like it! And then we're among men!" Saying this, Ryan took his cock in his hands again and gave it two good pulls, making Ben look at him and make him swallow, as if eager to understand what the sem of a god tasted like. "Come here Ben!" the young Ryan said dominantly, and continued by saying ":..touch the body you could have, that you deserve!" Well, Ben hypnotically, stood up, with his cock erect again and dripping with semen, towards the god of muscles in front of him. “Ryan, you're so fucking big, I don't know what's happening to me, but I want so, so much more! I want to be like you, I can feel that power, that strength!” - Ben said, moving closer to the giant, his hand moved towards his erect cock, starting to masturbate, while with his left hand he brought a finger closer to Ryan's bulbous cock head and took a drop of precum, and inhaled it, giving it to Ryan an idea. He was about to touch his muscles when Ryan said: "You're pretty swollen too Ben, and you don't lack musculature, why don't we play with that, and the prize will be the juice, like when we were kids?" "...you mean with wrestling?" - Ben said curiously and excitedly - "Yes Ben, let's go down to the gym, I have everything you need, if you manage to knock me down, you will have much more than a stolen drop... what do you think?!?!" - he winked. "Oh ...wow...but Andreew...if he wake-up?" - reply Ben followe he naked brother in the gym, but Ryan replied not to worry, his young nephew was a very deep sleeper, he certainly wouldn't wake up for such a short time. Both wear shorths and their guinea tee. "You take top position. If you get me on my back, the cum is yours." Ryan waited on the mat like a rodeo bull as his brother stood up and shook himself off. He stood over Ryan and reached across him to lock his arm on his Ryan's left side. But Rryan's broad back was so thick and wide that Ben had to lean halfway over him to reach his armpit. Ryan's body felt like it was made out of marble. "GO," said the Ryan once his brother locked his hold. Ben pulled and pulled and pulled on the massive musclegod. His old brother didn't budge an inch. "I said GO," Ryan said. Ben pulled with all his might, but his 230lbs was no match for his heavily bulked up 320lb massive young brother. Ryan reached back and grabbed Ben's arm with one hand, lifting him into the air, then slamming him down to the mat, pinning him with one thick burly hand. Ben struggled against the powerful arm, to no effect. Ryan sat down on brother's chest, with just enough weight to hold him pinned but not crush his ribcage. "Looks like that you will be left without the cum that you like so much for awhile," he said, hoping to use that time to whip his brother into the man he wanted him to be. "Get off me, you fat fuck," said Ben. Ryan's face darkened. He stood up, but as he did so, he grabbed Ben around the neck and lifted him up with him. He stood his Bro on his feet, then let go of his neck. "You think this is fat, boy?" the Ryan said, exposing his poweful muscualr body. "Go ahead and punch it. This solid rock abs is harder than anything you ever felt. And this body gives me power beyond anything you can dream of." Saying this, he struck a Front Double Biceps pose that brought out hundreds of veins everywhere and increased the size of every muscle in his already huge body. The skin stretched out tight and shiny over it. Ben backed up, conflicted by his feelings of love and hate for the huge powerhouse of a man standing in front of him. Part of him wanted to jump into his arms and ask for forgiveness for being such a dickhead for the past years and asking for forgiveness and mercy for what had to be said and just wanted to thank him for what he had given him. But another part of him wanted to hit the guy over and over for being so pompous and superior. "Come on," said the young man, "don't be a pussy. Give me your best shot." That pretty much decided it for Ben. He had backed up as far as the weight rack. He reached behind his back and picked up a 25lb dumbbell. He whirled it around in front of him, and tossed it at his Ryan's gabs. It landed square on the big thickly strong, then bounced off and fell to the ground. They both looked at it as it rolled away. Ryan hadn't even budged. He reached up and grabbed the straps of his guinea tee and pulled them over his soccer ball sized delts. Then he ripped the shirt in two and tossed it off him, exposing his entire hulking torso. "That all you got?" he said to his old brother as he took a step toward him. Ben reached around and grabbed the 35lb dumbbell. He had to use both hands to throw it. It bounced off his Ryan's abs with a thud. Then Ryan leaned over and picked up the weight. He put one beefy hand on each end of the dumbbell, then began to press inward. His torso bulged with thickening muscle as he pressed down on the weight. Veins popped out on his 22" neck, and across his chest and delts, and into his arms, feeding them with power and more power. The handle of the dumbbell began to crumple in like an accordion. Ryan pressed in on the weights until the handle was flattened to the thickness of a penny and the plates touched in the middle. He dropped the crunched up iron to the floor, and looked at himself in the mirror. He'd never looked more jacked up. Every thick brute muscle on him was ruddy and pumped. He did a most muscular pose and watched in amazement as his traps rose up behind his neck like two thick bridge cables. He felt like he had the strength of 20. "Ryan" said the kid, "I don't know what happened, I just lost it...." Ryan looked at his old brother, then waddled over him,took his big erect cock, which was roaring inside his shorts for free use, brought it to his brother's mouth. grabbed his head, and dropped the cum into is inside his dry mouth. Sweat ran down his huge torso. "Here you go, bro. Take the cum. You don't have you don't really have to beat me to get what you want." Ben she took a good suck from Ryan's virile member, savoring its hardness, size and taste. "I shouldn't expect you to be like me." Ryan said as he gets sucked by his brother, thinking back to how Ben was changing. "That's just it," said the Ben "I ache to be like you, but I know I never will be." Rayn grabbed his old brother around the back of his neck and pulled him into his solid torso. "Don't repeat this to anyone, Ben, but I was a skinnier little twerp than you remember?" "No you weren't," said Ben. "Oh yeah I was. Now look at me." Ryan flexed his right arm, which had swollen to a thick gnarly 24"s of peaked muscle. Ben put his hands on the powerful arm. "I could never be this big," he said. "Sure you could," said Ryan "In fact, let's see if we can get you even bigger." Having said that, Ryan gave one last shot of his juice, said goodbye, he was really ready to go. His brother would have remained with his son for a certain amount of time, and who knows this would have increased his esteem and improved his new transformation. Ben for his part, felt like a completely new man, it was time to workout, it was time to grow, it was time to change.
    7 points
  15. Thank you all for the kind comments and story ideas. I've been very busy lately, but I'll try and get to the next chapter soon.
    7 points
  16. Part 3 Jason then motioned for me to follow him once more. I was curious as to where we were going but before I could complete the thought he said he was taking me to my room. Like he was a parent or something. I was confused now, I said what do you mean my room? I have my own place across town where I live. Jason smiled and said not anymore everything has been sold and liquidated. But how? I’m really confused now. The QR code authorized everything and he showed me the receipts and notifications of everything, even an acceptance of resignation from my job. What the whole fuck man. Jason stopped and turned to me and said with a stern expression, this journey is going to take all of your time, besides everything you need is here. Besides, the corporation is taking care of us and everything. What the hell is the corporation but before that could be answered I got to my room and true to his word it had everything I needed. Bed, dresser, TV, which I went to look in the dresser which was full of workout clothes, it even had its own bathroom. He showed me the kitchen which was fully stocked with food, drinks, and snacks, from “The Corporation”. He pulled out a seat at the table and sat down, I followed and he began to explain. The Corporation is a supplement company that has quite a few products out there under various names. They advertised a couple of years ago needing someone to help test the limits of their new products and surprisingly got no response except for me so they rocked with it. Of course I didn’t know half the shit I know now hence the massive traps, arms, and now chest. They are slowly catching my body up but they also need a second tester on their newer products to see how they would work. The crazy but nice thing is we get to become super massive and they will see where to scale back in certain areas to refine their products and reduce side effects. Granted I was intrigued but also a little put off at the fact that we are legit test dummies and I made that statement clear and known. Jason nodded and agreed as those were his same thoughts as well when he first got started but weighed the benefits of being one. We get a place fully covered, we get meals and supplements fully covered. Free gym membership, free vehicle, free clothing, our own private gym which Jason was going to show me next so whats the issue. Well when Jason put it like that there really isn’t a reason for me to not do it. He said think about it Kevin, we could legit be like 600lb muscled beasts and nobody in the world would ever be that big because we would be the only ones. The thought did make me tent my shorts. I was really starting to like this setup. Ok, I’m game. We get up and Jason leads me to the private gym. Similar to the gym that we have memberships with, it was a converted warehouse that had everything we would need. I scratched my head in a puzzled manner. Jason asked what’s the confusion for. I said so if you already had all of this, why did you still come to the gym? His response was 2-fold. One to find a partner since that was the only gym that had the type of clientele he was interested in and two to see if anyone came close to his size. Granted Jason and I are relatively the same height at 6ft each but his size is something to behold. He then stated but with us, we will continue to go to the gym to work out as we are growing so the pretty boys and others can see what true muscle beasts look like and what they can do. I like the sound of that, when do we get started?! Jason liked my enthusiasm and motioned for me to slow down as he explained that there are a couple of rules and expectations. Rule 1 we walk around the house shirtless, Rule 2 we walk around the house in shorts for now, Rule 3 we only wear workout gear at the public gym, Rule 4 you only eat and drink what has your name on it, don’t mix anything because it could be fatal as we don’t know what the other person has in their food and drinks, Rule 5 follow the workout and meal plan to the T no exceptions, Rule 6 follow the sleep schedule as well. The rules were simple enough to follow. By the expression on my face, Jason knew that I was on board. The expectation for the both of us is to grow and grow huge. Out grow the house even, if that is possible and to even go out in public when allowed to do so to show off how much larger we are than regular people and the pretty boys to get them to think about taking products to try and match our size and strength essentially. Thinking through all of the potential possibilities was starting to get me to leak pre from the tip of my penis. The last expectation is to remain hairless from the neck down to really show how massive we are and that we can’t wear anything smaller than a 3X if we had to wear a shirt or pants. So I wonder if I should grow a beard or not but after a quick thought I’m not going to. If what Jason is saying comes to pass, I want to be able to see all of my glory uninterrupted and I would want everyone else to see as well. I looked at Jason and said yeah that’s fine for you but for me, now, that’s way too big. Jason reiterated that is the expectation when we do wear actual clothing which doesn’t happen often. So for now he said everything will start tomorrow for me. Jason instructed me to go get settled in my room and get acclimated to my new home.
    7 points
  17. CHAPTER II The two lovers are in a very amorous mood when Biff returns home, his muscles pumped after spending several hours in the gym. Timmy is very sexually charged after watching his boyfriend enter the room, remove his shirt, and bring him close to him. When Timmy reaches for Biff’s biceps, they continue their hot erotic dance and role-playing. “So fucking big and hard,” Timmy says under his breath, panting in lust for his lover and his enormous bulging muscles. He caresses the lean knots in Biff’s unflexed upper arm, as his hand then roams up to the bodybuilder’s defined deltoid striations. His excitement builds as his hand then falls down to Biff’s delt and bicep separation and to the thick cephalic vein on top of his award-winning 25-inch biceps. Timmy runs a finger up the vein and then kisses it giving an “mmm” sound. “You wanna feel it when it’s really huge, my little Dutch boy? When I flex my Mount Everest for just you?” Timmy looked up at Biff’s handsome cocky smile and nodded as he whispered an “Uh huh.” As Biff flexed his huge biceps to its beautifully shaped high peak, Timmy grabbed it with both hands feeling both the peak and triceps bottom of the handsome Mr. Olympia’s upper arm. The two lovers rubbed their dicks together in their frottage as Timmy kissed and licked the top of Biff’s flexed biceps. Biff then leaned down, meeting his lips to Timmy’s. They tongue-sworded, then deep-Frenched, as Timmy moaned in great several desire. And then he came, unable to suppress it any longer, moaning his orgasm loudly with his pants still on. Biff then lifted Timmy up, one arm under his knees and the other around his back and cradled Timmy to his hard bulging chest as Timmy reached both his hands around Biff’s neck. Biff looked down at Timmy, their eyes locking, and affectionately simply said, “My Timmy,” before the massively muscular bodybuilder kissed his handsome slender boyfriend again and brought him into the bedroom. Timmy had previously, half-jokingly, promised him a nice blowjob for his great accomplishment at the Mr. O, and the bodybuilder was about to get his ‘present’. But of course, Timmy will very much enjoy giving the present as well! As Biff slowly lowered Timmy onto the bed, Timmy kissed Biff’s striated pectorals, then each of Biff’s eight carved abdominals. Biff then stood up and removed his shorts. Biff is erect, with his “incalculably large penis” within Timmy’s reach. The slender model needs both of his hands to guide the bodybuilder-dick to his mouth. As Timmy sticks his tongue out to taste Biff’s pre, he looks up and sees Biff looking into their full-length mirror across the room at himself as he flexes his right arm’s winning biceps. Biff loves the muscular-size difference between him and his lover as it makes him feel even more powerful. He kisses the top of his Mount Everest peak. Timmy gets hard again, excited further by Biff’s cockiness as Mr. Olympia continues his assessment and love of his ripped muscular development. Timmy guides his lover’s dick to his lips again and the bulbous head of Biff’s huge manhood fills Timmy’s mouth as he begins sucking. “You’re doing good,” Biff said, then smiled to himself as he knows these were the exact words he’s used over the past decade perhaps a thousand times ‘at this same moment’ with other muscle-worshipers. Several minutes later Biff is in orgasm with his semen being swallowed by his boyfriend who does not miss a drop. When Biff withdraws, the bodybuilder then lowers his lips to Timmy’s for an “I love you” kiss. This is something that Biff never did ‘at this same moment’. * Several days later, on a crystal-clear morning, Biff’s mother comes for a day-visit with the couple. She and Biff’s dad had come down from their home in New Jersey and were staying with Biff’s sister and brother-in-law up in Boca Raton. Biff greets her at the door, and they start their conversation in Italian, where they usually go when they’re being affectionate with one another. Biff asks his mother how she is as he gives her a kiss, “Mamma, come stai?” She responds with “Stai bene,” telling him she’s fine. He nods to her that so is he. The doting son starts to show her around the apartment and when she sees the magnificent views of the city on one side and the ocean and Intracoastal on the other from their high floor, she says, “Ah que bella vista,” and she quickly walks out onto the balcony. Timmy comes out of the bedroom and Biff quickly goes out to get her, telling her he wants to introduce her to someone very special in his life. She walks back into the living room with him and when she looks at Timmy, she appears stunned by how handsome he is. “Ciao bello,” she greets him with a flattering admiration of his good looks, accentuating the ‘bello.’ “Come ti chiami?” she asks his name. “Inglese Mamma, per favore,” Biff asks her to speak in English. And he’s annoyed at her also because he knows that he had told her his name on the phone already. “Buongiorno, Signora Stevens. Mi chiamo Timmy,” she gets in a very surprising response from her son’s boyfriend. “Ahh bravo, Timmy,” she says smiling at him warmly in congratulations at answering her in Italian, despite her son’s request for English only. She then looks at Biff and scrunches her face as if to scold him and to indicate that he should mind his own business with the language thing. Biff is amused at his mother’s reaction and surprised and proud of Timmy’s answer. She and Timmy hug in greeting and she looks at Biff and remarks, “We gotta fatten him up. He’s too ‘tin’,” she says in her mostly Jersey accent now. All three laugh, but then Biff says, “I love him just the way he is.” Timmy’s face turns red from that, the first time he hears Biff telling someone about the love they’ve already expressed for each other many times. He remembers back to the movie “Swept Away,” the 1974 film directed and screen-written by Lina Wertmuller. Biff’s mother seems exactly like the beautiful middle-aged blonde character who’s seduced by Giancarlo Giannini. The trio are instantly chatting over some drinks, then lunch, and then more drinks. They show “mamma” the video from the Mr. O contest, then mom and son gossip with Timmy about some cousins. Timmy’s happy that their meeting with Biff’s mom is going so well. And he sees firsthand that Biff is very close with her, which says a lot about his boyfriend’s character in Timmy’s book. * It’s late in the afternoon and Timmy excuses himself as he has several things he needs to do. He wanted to let Biff have some quality time with his mom, and he had also promised his best friend, Pete, a get-together. He thought that this was perfect timing, since he would also now have his quality time with Pete, who he hadn’t seen on a one-on-one basis in several months. He first spoke with his agent about some upcoming modeling gigs, then gave a call to Pete to make the evening’s arrangements for dinner. * Biff and his mother continue their amicable yammering, but soon a very sore subject comes up when Biff asks his mother why his father didn’t come also. Biff’s dad wouldn’t join the mother for the visit, he’s told by his mom. “I’m sorry, my sweet bambino. You know, he’s very old-fashioned and he still thinks that being gay is a sin. And, well, it’s so hard to say this, but he became so vulgar yesterday when we were talking about us coming today. He was going into a little detail on what gay men do sexually together, and he said it was just too much for him. He then told me that he wasn’t going to come with me today.” “He lives back in the stone age,” she continued. “Well, from more than fifty years ago anyway. He just can’t help it. It was his upbringing. You’ve heard about the difficulty your dad and I had with his family when we first started dating. And then when we announced we were getting married! Madonna Mi! When we finally planned on marrying in his church, his family finally came around to accepting me. Just like your father WILL with you and Timmy. Just give him a little time. Pazienza.” It hurt Biff to hear all this, but a good part of him was not surprised. And he always appreciated his mother’s total honesty with him. He did have a closeness with his dad when growing up through his teenage years. And it was his father who encouraged his bodybuilding, though saying that it would “make more of a man of him.” But he knew his dad was raised with very conservative mores and it would just take him a while to maybe come around and accept him for the way he is.
    6 points
  18. Ok, here's Chapter 4 for your reading pleasure: My Friend Pete — Chapter 4 A few weeks later, Pete and I were hanging out at one of our favorite clubs in town, called Harry’s Place. It was nothing fancy, but they frequently had some pretty good local bands playing and there were usually quite a few girls from the college as well as locals to hook up with. The best part was the dress code, if you call it that, is very casual, so we could wear muscle shirts to impress the girls. Tonight was slow and the band wasn’t all that good, so Pete and I decided to leave early. As we were walking to the bus stop to catch the bus back to campus, we heard something coming from the alley next to the Rainbow Lounge, a gay bar a block from the club we just left. It sounded like somebody whimpering, so we stopped to investigate. When we entered the alley, we saw six big guys cornering two much smaller guys, who looked scared shitless. The biggest one said, “Okay faggots, it’s time to teach you two a lesson. What you queers do ain’t natural, so we’re gunna to beat the fag outta you ‘til ya straight. Right guys?” The others laughed in agreement as they moved in on the smaller guys. Pete yelled, “Hey! What’s going on here?” One of the smaller guys yelled “Help!” when he saw us and the big guys stopped and turned to see who was interrupting their fun. The big guy who threatened the two gay guys (probably the only one of them who could string enough words together to make a sentence) yelled at us, “This ain’t none a ya business. Now beat it before we decide to beat the crap otta you clowns too.” As we moved closer, Pete said, “You goons are real brave…six against two. Maybe my friend and I can even out the odds a little.” While he was talking Pete pulled off his shirt revealing his ripped, tight, muscular torso. “Big talk for a little guy, pretty boy. You think those gym muscles scare us? I bet they’re just for show. Let’s see if they can do anything besides impress the fags.” At this he pulled out a switch blade and struck out at Pete. Pete wasn’t just strong, but he was fast too. He dogged the blade and grabbed his attacker’s wrist. With a quick squeeze and a twist, the big guy’s forearm snapped with a loud crack. He dropped the knife and yelled out in pain. Pete kicked the knife away and let his victim drop to the ground. He sat there against the wall, holding his broken forearm and looked to be in a lot of pain. At that two of his friends grabbed Pete’s arms and a third started punching Pete in the gut while the other two turned their attention to me. Pete’s rock-hard abs provided an impenetrable shield against the barrage of hard punches, each one landing with a loud THWAP. It took a while, but soon the puncher realized his hands were hurting a lot more than his victim’s stomach, so he stopped punching. He looked around and picked up a 2x4 laying on the ground in the alley. He swung it at Pete’s gut with all his strength. It snapped in half on impact with Pete’s abs. I wish I could have seen the guys’ faces when that happened, but I was a bit busy. As a wrestler, I had no trouble deflecting the attack and sending both guys flying against the wall. I held my own against my two assailants until one of them kicked me in the nuts. Damn that hurt! One of them got me in a full nelson while I was keeled over in pain. The other one started punching me in the gut. My abs are pretty hard and I can take a punch, but he was starting to wear me down. I then flexed my pecs and lats as hard as I could forcing my arms down and forward, breaking the full nelson. I then gave the guy in front of me a hard knee to the balls. Hey, what goes around, comes around. Meanwhile Pete lifted his legs up and wrapped them around the guy with the broken 2x4. He squeezed hard, forcing all the air out of his lungs and cracking a few ribs. When Pete let go, he dropped to the ground next to the guy with the broken arm and lay there in pain, struggling to breath with partially collapsed lungs and several broken ribs. Pete then pulled free of the other two and lifted them both off the ground by their throats. Their feet were dangling in the air as they struggled to pry Pete’s hands off their throats. Pete pressed his thumbs and middle fingers against their carotid arteries, cutting off the flow of blood to their little brains until they both lost consciousness and fell limp in his hands. He then tossed them in the pile with the other two. Pete then turned to see me break out of the full nelson and knee the other guy. I turned and started pounding the guy’s face and gut until he couldn’t stand, let alone fight back. While I was busy giving this guy a pounding, Pete had lifted the guy I kicked in the nuts and knocked him out cold with a single punch to his jaw. He tossed him in the pile with his pals. When I was done, I added the guy I was pounding to the pile. The six goons were laying there, either unconscious or wishing they were. Pete then looked at the guy with the broken arm, who was sitting against the wall holding his wrist, moaning in pain, and said, “If we ever catch you bothering these guys again, you won’t come out of it so lucky. Now apologize to these gentlemen before we leave.” “Screw you!” was his unwise response. At that Pete grabbed his other wrist and with a quick twist broke that one too. “You were saying…or do I have to break a leg too?” Pete countered. The guy, now in much more pain, with fear in his voice managed to grunt “Sorry.” “That’s better.” Pete then added, almost as an afterthought, “Oh, and did I mention, I hate bullies, especially bigoted, homophobic ones!” We then turned our attention to the two gay guys we had just saved and I asked, “Are you guys all right?” They both nodded as one of them started gushing, “That was amazing. How can we ever repay you? You saved us from a serious beating. You guys are like super heroes! You even look like super heroes! Oh my gawd! Look at the muscles on you two.” I responded, “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. We’re just a couple wrestlers from the college who thought you could use some help. I’m Jack by the way and that’s my friend Pete.” As we were shaking their hands, they introduced themselves as Bruce and Gary. Gary said, while feeling Pet’s arm as he shook his hand, “I didn’t see you in the Rainbow Lounge. I would definitely have noticed two hunks like you. How did you know we needed help?” “No, the Rainbow Lounge isn’t exactly our style. We just left Harry’s Place and were walking to the bus stop when we heard something in the alley and stopped to check it out.” Gary added with a disappointed look on his face, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that…I mean the Rainbow not being your style, not the part about you stopping to help.” Bruce added, “So you two aren’t a couple then?” I responded, “No, we’re straight, but we’ve been friends since we were kids.” Pete then added, “We should be getting back to campus now. Come on, we’ll walk you to your car and then we gotta catch a bus back to campus.” We walked them to their Tesla around the corner, and they offered to drive us to campus. I responded, “No thanks, we’ll just take the bus. But thanks anyway.” Gary came back, “No, we insist. It’s the least we can do after what you two did for us. Please. It’s really no trouble at all.” So, we gave in and took the ride. After all, even the back seat of a Tesla is more comfortable than a city bus.
    6 points
  19. Six Months “How are you feeling today?” “My upper body is sore all over, sir.” One side of his mustached mouth curled upward in a half smile – a dimple appearing in his left cheek. The elder muscleman sitting on the edge of the bed liked it when I showed my respect. He had to remind me often not to say ‘sir’ too much when we were in public places because it tended to make him leak thick droplets of pre-cum, which produced wet stains at his crotch. That thought made me want to say it as often as I could. I glanced at his boxers and saw that they were, indeed, tented. His big palm roughly latched onto my right pec and squeezed – causing me to wince from the sore muscles underneath my skin. “Yeah, you’re getting firmer in the chest. You worked hard yesterday, pup. I’m proud of you.” “I just want to make you happy sir.” “Better be careful, there – hearing ‘sir’ too many times could easily send me over the edge. I might have to flip you on your belly and have my way with you.” “Yes sir. Please sir. Anything you say, sir.” A minute later I was moaning loudly as my body was pounded hard into the mattress below – my face plastered into the pillow. The moans were partly from being fucked and partly from the intense soreness I felt all over my upper body. Uncontrollably, I now associated the feeling of being filled to the edge of discomfort by a thick hard cock with the same intense desire that came when the older man encouraged me to finish an exhausting set of reps at the gym. It had gotten so bad that I often was fully hard by the time he brusquely counted down the twelfth lift like a high school football coach. I was like Pavlov’s dog – picking up a dumbbell made my ass immediately tighten with anticipation. I reveled in the fact that my big man was good on his word as his big body smothered me against the bed while he breathed heavily – having ejaculated what felt like a keg-full of cum into my chute. My body was on fire with desire as fur scraped across different parts of my body as the man heaved up and down – against my legs, against my back, and against my neck. I hardened even more as I thought about the salt and pepper thick hair that grew perfectly all over his body. He always left his hard cock speared in my ass – just to show me how long it took for him to go flaccid. His testosterone had to be off the charts – a huge part of it now seeping into my body after being filled by his honey-thick juice. “I warned you, pup.” “You say that like you think what just happened was a punishment for me, sir. I think you know how much I wanted it. “Your turn.” I felt his calloused palm slide between the mattress and my body. His big hand wrapped around my hard cock and with three manly tugs he had me spewing like an untapped water pipe. I let out a loud gasp as my warm juice spewed forth, quickly gluing my stomach to the bedsheet. Even if I had wanted to resist orgasming, it wouldn’t have been possible. My body reacted to this man’s wants and commands whether they were verbal or physical. He played me like some virtuoso violinist – causing me to always cum - hard and quickly. I was helpless when it came to him. “Tomorrow’s leg day. I’m going to push you so hard, boy, I’ll have to carry you home.” My cock tried desperately to spurt more cum at his words, but I was totally spent. I knew that, like the way a strong wind could precede a storm, his words were a warning that he would work me until my calves and thighs were like jelly. There had been a few leg days where he did, indeed, throw me over a shoulder and carried me the three blocks to his brownstone. The big man slid off of me, so he was lying face down beside me on the bed. We were staring at each other – his sky-blue eyes with three wrinkles spiking out from the sides – and he reached over to grab my left triceps. He squeezed his thumb and fingers tightly and I let out a yelp from how quickly he found more soreness in my body. “Yeah, you’re arms are getting tighter. The pain means you’re doing the exercises right, pup. We’re fucking growing you, boy. It’s going to take a while, but I’m going to grow you into my own little muscle monster. I’m going to create you in my own image.” My balls tightened at that thought and I sensed my cock somehow finding a dribble of semen to release . . . from somewhere deep inside. He often made me sit in his lap as he tightened his pecs or flexed his biceps and told me that one day I’d look like him. I would actually salivate when I took a gander at his enormous arm – seriously doubting there was any possible way I could ever be as big as him. I couldn’t tell if the pain I was feeling was from his strong grip or the soreness from lifting, but either way it felt awesome. I had never thought about growing big . . . getting huge muscles . . . but now I saw myself reflected in his eyes. I felt how much his enormous body turned me on. And I knew that I wanted that too . . . not just for me, but for him, as well. He released the clamped hand on my arm and moved his big palm to my ass. The way he patted my cheeks made it clear that he claimed my ass. It was his. He certainly got no objections from me. I wanted to be his. I wanted him to transform me into something that resembled him. I wanted to stretch clothes to the point of ripping. I wanted people coming towards me on the sidewalk to spread apart to give me a wide berth – both because I was big and because they were just a little scared of me. I watched it happen to my big man all the time. A thick finger roughly invaded my hole and I gasped. “Pup, your glutes are growing the fastest and we are barely doing any exercises specifically for them. It’s the fucking. One plowing from me is like a week’s worth of squats. Man, I love your ass.” It was true. I had trouble pulling jeans on now. It was hard to get them over my bubbled butt. I could almost feel how much my ass grew after every pounding from the big man. And my glutes were always so fucking sore. Being butt-plugged by his enormous cock felt almost as good as when I pushed up a loaded bar for the umpteenth time and made my elder muscleman beam with pride. Again, there was almost no difference from pumping iron or being pumped by his piece of iron – both made me horny as hell and ready for a massive ejaculation. The finger pushed deep into my chute and made me tighten my cheeks with all my might – causing the big man to chuckle in appreciation. He brought his face closer to mine. I smelled the mixture of coffee and mouthwash. There was the dimple and the half-smile. “I’m going to make you massive, pup.”
    5 points
  20. “Preston? All the guys are anxious to see you bro. It is your birthday after all.” “Uh...Cam? I can’t leave the bathroom right now, you know what I told you before about my weird issue, right?” “You know that I don’t believe that you have some other guy inside you. I am not telling them that either. Just don’t be in there too long, they will get pissed off and leave.” “I can’t control what is happening to me dude. It just starts when it starts. I think maybe it is because he knows that there are other male suitors here.” The now 25-year-old beefy Texan can feel himself starting to change and is trying not to get too excited over it. “Uh...Cam...just...well try to entertain them for a bit. I... uh...mmm...oh fuck this is going to feel so good, I can tell.” “Whatever you say, bro!” Preston can hear his bones shifting and his muscles stretching and swelling as he looks on in the bathroom mirror. It has been a long time since he has let his mature, incredibly muscular half have its way with him. He knows that he needs to try and keep his voice down, but the sensations coursing through his body are going to be overwhelming. “Oh fuck...I have really missed this so much. Daddy Preston is going to be really popular tonight; I can feel it deep down inside me.” He can feel his back swelling as he gradually gets a bit taller at the same time. His boots are now straining against his expanding toes as they fight for release. He can start to feel his mind changing ever so slightly too. It makes him want it even more. “AHH, yeah fucking grow for me muscles. I am more than willing to let you out, big daddy.” He laughs slightly as he feels his arms starting to expand as his quads and calves begin to stretch his jeans as well. His ass is stretching the fabric as it squeaks loudly. He can also feel his pecs getting bigger beneath his undershirt as his leather vest starts straining against his expanding delts and traps. “MMM...rruugghh...oh...fuck...heh...I can’t be too loud...uhm...he he...but damn the pleasure really makes me want to go full Saiyan.” He can see how big the veins are getting on his biceps which are completely visible beneath the fabric, the thick cords protruding, and it is making his cock react to the sensations. He can feel it stretching down his growing right quad as his underwear rips slightly under the weight of his manhood. The contours of his pecs are also visible in the bathroom mirror as well. He is prolonging the growth as much as he can. “This time is SO MUCH better than before. Mm... heh heh...” He grunts as he feels his feet and ankles destroying his boots, the leather splitting in two as his jeans begin ripping apart at the seams as well. He knows that his voice will change at any second as a result of his transition into his bigger half. He can hear a knock on his door again. “Preston? Are you really going to be in there all night? I am having trouble keeping the guys entertained.” The growing beast laughs and moans as he hears Cam outside the door again. “Cam...I already told you...I am growing in here. HAHA! Mm... you want to come in here and see what I am talking about?” The 25-year-old outside the door notices that the tone in Preston’s voice has definitely changed and is a bit confused. “Uh...are you okay in there? I can tell there is something different about your voice. You seem incredibly happy as well.” Preston starts saying, “YEAH...YEAH...” as he feels his belt snap around his waist, and he his vest starts to split along the middle of his back as it also starts ripping through his shirt. “Get in here dude. Watch me as I... I will try to wait until you do...” “Wait until you what?” “Just get in here Cam...I think you will be glad you did.” His friend is quite surprised when he enters and sees that Preston is looking a lot bigger than he did earlier. Pieces of his boots are hugging his legs as his calves are now peering out the sides of his jeans where they have ripped open. His quads are still growing wider as the last remaining seams on his jeans give way, revealing his huge, dense, powerful wheels, which have now developed several teardrop-shaped separations in each of them. “WHOA! Uh...wow Preston. You were not lying, were you?” “Lock the door Cam. I am not ready for the reveal...mmm...just yet...RRAARR!!” The beast’s swelling pecs are now ripping his undershirt down the front as his gut completely vanishes and his expanding eight pack can now be seen. His giant biceps and triceps make quick work of his sleeves as he tenses his hands and gleefully watches in delight as his bloated forearms blast through the front sections of his shirt. Each one of them is incredibly vascular, wide, and powerful. “I am so glad that you decided to come in and watch me hulk out Cam. You are now meeting daddy Preston. He is very glad to meet you.” The huge bodybuilder is now tearing his vest and shirt off and is breathing heavily as he shows Cameron how massive he is getting, flexing his biceps and chest for him. The striations are vast in each one of his muscles and incredibly thick. His friend reaches in to start rubbing on the beast’s abdominal rack, which makes Preston sigh in pleasure. “Oh, my gawd Preston, is this really you?” “It is all me dude. Hold on while I... err...mmm...YYEESS!!” The huge bodybuilder grunts as his big cock frees itself from its confines and is now smacking Cam’s leg, who is just a foot away now. Preston tears the rest of his jeans off, as well as the remnants of his underwear, and tosses them off to the side. He has now put his hands around his friend’s waist and is hugging his ass with his fingers as he picks him up and places him on the sink in front of the mirror. “I... uhm...I don’t know what to think right now, bro.” He notices Preston’s eye color has changed from brown to green. “Oh wow, your eyes are so beautiful too.” “Hehe, yeah this happens when I change over to him. Do you like how daddy Preston looks, dude?” “Oh, of course I do. We have been friends for a really long time though. I haven’t thought about you in this way before.” “That is probably because I was overweight Cam. Mm...it feels so exhilarating to do this after holding him back for so long. He has wanted to make an appearance with someone else for as long as I have known you.” Cameron’s hands are now traveling all over his buddy’s chest as Preston grips his hands on the sides of the sink trying not to put too much pressure on it. He is flexing his arms, making them bulge, veins thick and corded. He continues to stare into his friend’s eyes with a sense of longing. “You know I want you badly dude. I am holding back so much right now because I really like you. My balls are so full that they are stretching my sack.” Cameron can see that he is right as the big beast moans feeling them grow beneath his huge, sheathed power tool. Preston grabs one of his friend’s hands and places it over top of it and has him start stroking. He moans deeply as he starts to precum all over his buddy’s hand. “Oh fuck, it is really huge and veiny Preston.” “Just keep stroking me Cam and make me cum for you.” Cameron continues to rub Preston’s huge chest and abs while stroking him. The huge beast pants for the next 30 seconds before he starts grunting in pleasure. “Here it comes dude. I am not sorry for what I am about to do to you, HAHA! YEAH DUDE...YEAH pump that out of me...” The unsuspecting stroker starts to get bombarded by several ropes of thick goo as it lands all over Cameron’s clothing. Some of it ends up on the walls and eventually onto his face. Preston laughs as he sees this occurring and tries to wipe some of it off his buddy’s eyes. “Ahh...I didn’t mean to get it in your eyes like that.” “Oh fuck bro... you were not kidding when you said you were full of your man seed.” Cameron thinks he even got some of it in his mouth. “Uh...I think I may have swallowed some of your boys. Weirdly, it doesn’t taste too terrible.” “Heh, that is great to hear. Cam...I have to ask you. Do you want to look like me?” His friend seems confused, but also intrigued. “Umm...I don’t know Preston.” “Well...I want to grow you buddy. All you have to do is swallow more of my spunk.” The beast starts scooping up off Cam’s clothing and face and shows it to him. “Open up dude and let me help you become a pro bodybuilder in just minutes.” Cameron reluctantly does so as he licks Preston’s big fingers. The huge muscle monster moans as he leans in to talk to him with a smile on his face. “I know you are probably thinking that this is just a dream, but it isn’t. Join me buddy. I would love to see you become daddy Cameron. Big and furry too...YEAH! Make this happen dude. I will conjure him out of you. You can’t turn back now because I have placed the seeds inside you. I was respectful about it too. MMM...you know I want this to happen.” Cameron looks at him bewildered. He can feel his insides reacting to Preston’s cum. “OH GAWD! You are not joking. You are kind of evil bro. I don’t know what to think right now.” “HAHA! I know you mean that in a slightly playful way. I can sense it. You want this. I know you do because of the way you are looking at me right now. You are attracted to me and what I have become.” Preston finally kisses his friend on the lips, and they embrace. The beast is now holding him against him, feeling his body shaking as it tries to cope with what is about to transpire. The huge sweaty hulk is quite enamored with his close friend and can’t wait to see him experience what he has for the first time. They both stop kissing after a few seconds. “He wants to come out so badly Cam. I can feel him raging from inside you.” “Uh...but I didn’t want this, Preston. You tricked me into lusting after your muscles. That wasn’t fair, you know?” “HAHA! You are lying to yourself right now. If you didn’t want any part of this, you could have turned around and left, but you didn’t. You came in here because you could hear me enjoying it and was curious. Now, you can do the same. I have only shared this gift with one other man, and I can’t tell you who is right now because he is someone you might know.” Cameron is now quite anguished and can’t seem to focus on anything else anymore except for what is transpiring from within his body. “Oh fuck...I can...I can feel something happening now...” Preston grunts as he hears Cameron’s bones cracking and his muscles squealing beneath his clothing. The other 25-year-old can feel his feet starting to stretch his sneakers as his legs begin to grow as well. The huge beast that is with him is now slowly massaging his friend's lower half, feeling him expanding against his fingers. “MMM dude...you are going to make me cum again watching you grow into a muscle beast. Now get fucking MASSIVE for me you puny man.” He can feel himself getting taller now as his shirt untucks itself from his jeans. Preston can see his friend’s abs starting to expand across his torso as he begins to feel his arms inflate as his chest and back start to stretch his shirt. He is now moaning in pleasure as his beastly friend says, “OH YEAH...GROW!” a few times. “AH BRO! I... uh...I am fucking LOVING IT! My mind has stopped resisting it and... I... I just want to keep GROWING!” “It is an unreal feeling isn’t it, Cam? Try to stay in control of it though, I want you and I to savor this together so I can cream all over your beautiful muscles.” Cameron grunts as his feet finally tear through his sneakers, making Preston say, “YEAH DADDY! I want you so MUCH!”. The beast stares greedily at his friend’s expanding chest, reaching in to feel each inflating mound of hard, thick, dense, powerful pectoral as they push his top out and further away from his body. He can hear his growing buddy growling as his arms, now wrapped around Preston’s waist, start to slowly rip his shirt sleeves, revealing his big meaty horseshoe-sized triceps, which have a nice covering of reddish-brown fur all over them. He squeezes his engorged biceps against his hulkish friend’s obliques and giggles as they both notice his newly developing deeper voice. “I have to be bigger and stronger than you, bro. That is all I am thinking about right now. I won’t settle for anything less than that.” “OH HEH! Well, I won’t object to that Cam. I am going to shoot if you...” Cameron grins as he starts to lift Preston off the ground. His immense back immediately tears through his shirt as his enormous quads do the same with his jeans. He realizes that he is getting incredibly strong as he holds the 285-pound beast in the air for several seconds before placing him back down on the floor. Preston is now starting to squirt cum all over him again. “OH YEAH DUDE! You are so fucking amazing...AHH...mmm...you are getting so handsome too. The hair on your head is thicker.” “Ah...let me run my hands on my face then. Do I have a beard now?” “Yeah, you have a nice one Cam. Your Spanish and Irish genes are coming out. I knew that you would get nice and furry for me too.” “That isn’t the only part of me that is getting big and furry, Preston.” Cameron’s jeans are practically in tatters as his bloated cock tears through the side of them and swells even bigger. His massive pecs easily shred his shirt all the way down as he reaches in to tear the rest of it open. He can’t help but run his hands all over both of his furry mounds and feels how big his nipples are as well, as they turn downwards towards his huge rack of ten meaty slabs. “Heh, you evil genius. I love that you are creaming all over me. It is my turn to release my thick river and I want that huge ass of yours to do it in.” “OH, FUCK CAM! I have never bottomed before. You might tear me up if you...” Cameron picks him up again and wraps his friend’s huge quads around his powerful waist. He then finds Preston’s wet hole and slowly starts to wedge his big shaft inside. The beast groans as he slowly starts to work it in. “You had no idea that you chose a power top, did ya bro? I am so anxious to plow you and I wonder if the cycle will continue if I cum inside you.” “I don’t know dude. I would love to know myself. MMM...fuck me good daddy and we can find out.” Cameron, who has grown to over 300 pounds now, has managed to push most of his cock inside his buddy after a few minutes. He grunts loudly as Preston says, “YEAH...YEAH...I want it so much daddy Cameron. Feed my body.” “Uh...Uh...I am just about there you hunky...mother fing...AHH...YYEESS!!” The big beast laughs as he covers Preston’s mouth because his partner is starting to yell in pleasure as he is being filled with Cameron’s massive load. The furry beast’s cock and balls contract as they pump round after round of thick jizz inside the eager bottom. After a couple more minutes, he pulls out of his partner’s hole and puts him back down on the floor. He smiles as he sees some of his cum rolling down Preston’s huge and veiny right hamstring and calf. “WHEW! That was really fun Preston. I will have to regroup after that one I think.” “I wonder if it will take very long to take effect. I have never gone this far with this before. I... OHH...UH...HAHA...it really does work...I can feel it starting again.” The beast moves back a little bit to allow himself to have more space. He moans as his legs and arms begin growing once again. Preston can also feel himself getting even taller as his cock starts to leak profusely as well. He quickly places Cameron’s hands on his swelling shaft. “STROKE ME DUDE! Join me on this incredible journey into godhood and we can outgrow this tiny bathroom.” After working him over for just a few seconds, Preston starts showering Cameron in his seed. The hairy beast guzzles his friend’s load from his now 15-inch dong and can feel things starting up again in his body. “OH, FUCKING YES! GROW...GGRROOWW...” Cameron can feel himself expanding rapidly as the two hulks feel themselves pressing up against each other as they get closer to the ceiling inside the bathroom. The sink breaks under the weight of the hairy hulk as the mirror tumbles to the ground. They both start pushing on the walls in the room and laugh as they see cracks forming. There are voices coming from outside the bathroom. “Heh, I think maybe we might have to expand our little group here Cam, don’t you think?” “OH, you better believe it dude. I feel like a god now and need a bunch of slaves to pleasure me. Of course, you will always be my number one.” “HAHA, that is great to hear, dude!” They both knock down the bathroom wall that was separating them from the rest of the house. The other men that were there for Preston’s birthday are in total disbelief as they stare in awe at the two muscle monsters in front of them. Cameron pulls off the rest of the clothing that was stuck to him and drops it on top of a couple of the men. He turns and smiles at his humongous buddy. “I think we can do this in no time bro. I can’t imagine that Teddy and Pablo could resist at least getting a few licks of the seed on that fabric.” “Heh, you are probably right Cam. The smell alone has to be driving them wild.” The story ends here...or does it?
    5 points
  21. Part 5 It’s been a few weeks and I think I started to hit my stride with the routine and everything. I’ve been measured a few times since I’ve started. The only big change for me was I lost weight and my bodyfat percentage went down so I’m now at 209lbs and bodyfat is 17% which was fine by me. But the biggest change literally was with Jason. He grew a couple of inches and was now standing at 6’2” and weighed in at 291.5lbs his bodyfat went up to 15% but at his size you couldn’t tell. His waist was unchanged, his chest grew a bit to 71” as did his arms when they were flexed they peaked at 24”. The biggest change this time around was with his legs. Comments that were made about him behind his back about being top heavy and skipping leg day are a thing of the past now as his calves were 26” diamonds and his quads were 69”. During one of our meal breaks Jason walked into the kitchen while I was in the fridge getting my meal and stood over me looking down. I looked up at him and he bounced his pecs and flexed a bicep and said one day you will get this big but when you do imagine how big I will be. I couldn’t say anything I was just dumbstruck by the size of him, granted I know The Corporation isn’t focused on leaning us out but where I am now compared to Jason, I look like I have a swimmers build. I hope I will be able to pack on some size soon. Jason grabbed his food and looked at the stat wall and said that I’m at the acceptable level of The Corporation to start bulking soon so be ready for a routine change which would mostly be food and workout. I smiled at the thought of it and said, so I guess I will start getting bigger now then. Jason hit a double bicep pose and said yep. I was nearly done with my own meal while Jason was getting started but I intentionally slowed down so that I can just watch his muscles just dance with movement as he was eating. His chest was almost touching his food. I snapped out of it and remembered I had a schedule to stick with and got up from the table to head to my room daydreaming about how it would be awesome to have the problem of having my meaty chest end up in my plate of food or even having crumbs fall on my pec shelf, hell even having my biceps fight with my chest trying to get food in my mouth would be arousing as hell to me. But before I got too carried away, my TV turned on indicating I had a new message printing from The Corporation that needed my immediate attention. I moved to the printer and saw the 1 page document awaiting my retrieval. Congratulations on finishing your primer schedule with us. Now the fun part, getting huge. On your TV screen there are numbers listed 1 - 5 and you have choices A-D to select from. Below are questions that you will need to answer so that we can give you your next schedule. Please note that we can adjust your selections as well if we do not feel that they are accurate for our plans. You may even surprise us, the note read. This was different but hey I’m game, The Corporation has been on point so far so lets see what these questions have in store. Question 1 - How tall is too tall for you? A. 6’10 B. 7’3 C. 7’10 D. 8’9. Question 2 - Roughly, how much would you want to weigh by the conclusion of the program? A. 330lbs B. 450lbs C. 500lbs D. 900lbs. Question 3 - Please order the muscle groups that you would like to have overdeveloped with your first selection being the muscle group you would want to be overdeveloped most and going down from there. A. Back B. Chest, C. Arms, D. Legs. Question 4 - How vascular would you want to be by the end of this? A. Not at all, B. A little bit where you could see it in just the right light, C. Above average, you can see them when I’m not working out but when I am working out the really pop out, D. I want to look like a walking road map of vascularity. Question 5 - If you were to go out in public for an excursion fully clothed, how would you want your clothes to fit you? A. Tightly, hugging every muscle that you have, B. Obscenely stretched over your body, C. Stretched so far the clothes already are bursting at the seams, D. You don’t want the clothes to be able to fit properly (i.e. your chest is so large the shirt can’t cover them all and exposes your stomach) but they still are about to burst at the seams. Please send us your responses within the hour and do not share your questions or results and remember we can make adjustments if we deem necessary. To be honest I like these questions, even if they were to adjust down or up from whatever I choose being in the minimum that they have would still be huge. I wonder if Jason had these questions but doesn’t matter, I have an hour to think how I want to respond to these 5 questions. Lets see question 1 how tall, well it was cool when Jason and I were the same height granted I wasn’t taller than everyone before but just seeing him be so massive over me was a turn on but I think it would be even more of a turn on if I were the big one in height so for question 1, I’m thinking D. 8’9 would be too tall. Hopefully I would be around that height though, so option D good to go. But honestly would I mind being even taller, not at all but that’s the only options available. Next question. How much would I want to weigh after the conclusion of this, shit Jason already close to 300lbs on his own and he looks massive already. 500lbs I think would be awesome but hell they gave me an option to be even bigger so why not be my own living breathing fantasy mass monster so 900lbs it is. I wonder if they go beyond these numbers? I can see it now just walking around causing minor tremors in the right environment. Oh well option D again for 2. Alright question 3, order for which I would want to have my muscles overdeveloped. Well first up is a no brainer chest, at the height and weight I want to be I would hope my chest would enter a room before me. I wonder if I will have bigger/fatter nipples to go with the size of a massive chest? Ok so after that I’d say legs to be able to carry the heavy load of my chest, then back and arms which would essentially work together anyway. Tall, thick, and wide sounds pretty good. But I hope I would still have impressive peaks even though I put arms last. Ok question 4 vascularity, above average is good, they would look amazing after a good pump but don’t have to be a 24/7 thing but if some like forearms or that bicep vein were to remain constant I wouldn’t be opposed so C it shall be. Alright last question, going out in public how would I want clothes to fit me? Shit D is the dream not only for the shirt but pants/shorts where they would be difficult to go over my massive quads or even be overstretched where they wouldn’t fit my small waist and big legs. I would want to be so big that I would need assistance to get clothing on period. Hell I don’t think that anyone would be able to arrest me for indecent exposure because I would likely be too large but still that aside yeah. I double checked my responses and submitted them and got a typical thank you message to include be on the lookout for an updated routine in 2 days. I was still hyped up on what I was potentially about to become. I started watching pumping iron while rubbing one out at the thought that soon and very soon hopefully all of them would be smaller than me. I did the same watching Mr. Universe, I couldn’t wait. The next 2 days invigorated me and motivated me more to really be ready to go once the prime has ended. Jason even noticed a new burst of energy and so did The Corporation. I was in such a trance on what was to come next that it didn’t even phase me that Jason broke the 300lb mark. I was waiting for my new routine until the message popped up on my TV screen that my new routine had arrived.
    4 points
  22. Loving this story so much. Wondering how big they'll end up, and what they'll be up to and whom they will involve in their unsatiable growth and lascivious encounters.
    4 points
  23. There will be. Right now, I'm still struggling with trying to decide how I want the scenes between Seth and his mother to play out the right way. But there's another case of events that will play out in the meantime, leading up to Joey's birthday party which is sure to have fireworks!
    4 points
  24. Always wishing we could read more stories with Victor. Alas, the author hasn’t visited this site since years. BTW, this is how I like to imagine Victor:
    4 points
  25. Twenty-Two Months I easily pinned his arms to the floor and rubbed my hard cock up and down his cement-like, cobbled abs, the tip of his own stiff rod poking into my balls every time I moved downward. My hard shaft and balls loving how his stomach could quickly bring me to the brink of orgasm. The big man grunted from the effort he was having to use to try and get his arms up off the rug. He strained hard and got them a half-inch in the air before I slammed them back down. My gaping dick slit emited a bubble of pre-cum as it scraped against the ridges of his hard, perfectly molded abdominals, the cum making a slip-n-slide in his perfect fur-trail that ran up the middle of the bumps. I squeezed my monstrous thighs at his side just so I could hear him moan from the slight pain, but mostly from the display of power my legs now possessed. He appreciated it when I reminded him of how strong I had become. My upper legs were now thicker than his mid-section, something he could feel as I tightened them – he didn’t even need to look down. It’s been a few weeks since I discovered I was now strong enough to overpower him. It had happened by accident. One morning he decided to wake me up by slamming his body down on top of me in bed – having an urge to fill me with protein. I had awakened with a start and reacted without even thinking – shrugging him off my body and quickly jumping on top of him. We were now wrestling a lot, since I had grown big enough to give him a challenge, so he instantly went on the defensive. I had my equally massive body smashing his against the mattress and he went to push me off. I tensed my muscles and made myself as heavy as I could. His attempt to shove me off of him was met with resistance – something neither of us were used to. It took a few seconds for my mind to realize what was happening, but he instantly shot into that manly half-smile and doubled his efforts to push me away from him. The shock of what was happening allowed him to get my body a half of foot off of him, but I quickly realized what was happening and shoved myself back down – hard . . . forcing the wind out of his body. “Not today muscle Frankendaddy!” My voice was not harsh. I merely spoke in a tone that matched my new body. That moment wasn’t about dominating Frankendaddy and I knew it would never be about that. I was merely showing my mentor – the man who had created the muscled beast I had become – how much I had grown and how much stronger my muscles made me. I wanted him to be rewarded for his incredible devotion to my changes. The elder man’s cock had never shot as hard as quickly as it did at that moment. I instantly realized this had been the moment my Frankendaddy had been waiting for. This had been the goal of all of his work . . . all of his dedication. As he had struggled against my now stronger arms, legs, and body, he had released the most intense load of cum in his entire life. I could feel the pelting of hot juice shooting up between our bodies as my muscle daddy realized his muscle creation was now perfect. From that moment onward, I was treated differently. I became less of an object to mold or perfect and slipped into the role of a partner or equal. Frankendaddy began to view me in an entirely new way and a few nights later he had told me it was time for me have the pleasure of his ass – a part of him that had never been conquered before. As he informed me of this new development something in my brain shifted – causing a new awareness of my entire body to suddenly develop, as well. I instantly saw myself differently – as if I had reached the finish line after running a marathon. I knew I would continue to grow and work out hard, but my brain accepted that I was now everything Frankendaddy had hoped for . . . planned for . . . desired. I was totally his creation and I would be indebted to him forever. I fully became his massive muscled beast in that moment – and we both realized it. The manly half-smile had been more gorgeous than ever when he looked at me. “I will not give myself to you willingly, pup. You will have to conquer me to be rewarded with my ass.” Suddenly, I was aware of every bulging muscle on my body, every blood-bumping vein, and every incredible ounce of strength housed within me. I no longer thought of my potential. I only thought of what I had become. I accepted my new status – given simply because I had reached a certain massiveness. My new size and power released a confidence that could not have been foreseen . . . could not have even been imagined. My pride in my muscles swelled to equal their hugeness. It was not a bullying cockiness that overwhelmed me . . . it was merely an awareness that I was enough. I was my Frankendaddy’s fully-realized creation and that made me hold my enormous body in a new way. It made me see myself as complete . . .as powerful . . . as the beast my creator saw when he looked at me. I was created in his image and I had now surpassed my mentor. The sex that had immediately followed had been so intense, so uncontrolled that furniture had been broken, bodies had been bruised, and Frankendaddy’s ass had been taken in a way that must have resembled what it was like when two monstrous lions fought. When my dick head penetrated his manly, tight hole the heavens had opened up and the elder muscleman had cried out in a deep roar that seemed to shake the foundation of the house. I had, in turn, suddenly felt invincible . . . god-like . . . more of a man than I could have ever dreamed of. I knew, at that moment, I had become everything Frankendaddy had ever fantasized about. I was more his than ever before. I was now the perfection he knew I would someday reach. I pounded more cum out of him than he had ever thought possible. And now it was a few weeks after that glorious day and nothing had lessened . . . nothing had changed. I waddled beastlike around the brownstone with not a stitch of clothing on. Frankendaddy was perpetually hard and said it was because of the way I carried my huge body now – the confidence that I exuded in everything I did. I flexed my muscles constantly – without even thinking about it. I simply liked making them tighten and bulge – to swell bigger than I could have ever imagined. I liked having to turn sideways to go through doorways, having to be gentle when I sat in chairs, and feeling my muscleman’s eyes following me constantly. I took his ass numerous times a day, but I offered mine up, as well. The thrill of being fucked by Frankendaddy was equal to the thrill of pounding his tight-as-hell hole. When we did leave the house I would carefully tug on a skin-tight shirt and pair of shorts – always needing the help of my creator – and marvel at the shocked faces and gawking stares I would receive from anyone that saw me. It felt like I was a giant rhino suddenly sauntering down the street or walking into a room. There was no way people could avoid noticing me. I was just too huge. And all of that brought us to this morning – twenty-two months after being chosen by Frankendaddy and having returned from the courthouse an hour earlier after the judge jokingly proclaimed us two married muscle beasts – with a definite hint of lust in his eyes. I had ripped Frankendaddy’s clothes off of his body, thrown him to the floor, and told him it was now time to fully consummate our marriage by fucking the hell out of each other. As I built up my impending ejaculation by stroking my cock and balls against his muscled stomach, I looked into his eyes with all the love I could, with tears rolling down my cheeks, and said the only appropriate words for that moment. “Thank you, Frankendaddy. I love you.”
    4 points
  26. Fifteen Months “Ten . . . unhhh . . . eleven . . . unhhh . . . and uh-uh-uh . . . twelllllllllllllve!” As I set the bar back onto its supports, I was showered with copious amounts of hot, thick, daddy-jizz after finishing the last set for my workout while my elder muscleman counted off and, at the same time, ejaculated hard – sending cum all over my stomach, chest, and face. I smiled as I pushed my upper body off the bench and gazed up at the red-colored, vein-covered, tensed face of my Frankendaddy. He was magnificent – his entire body covered with orgasm-tightened, hard bulges as he squeezed out a few more thick spurts of his juice, letting the big drops fall to the floor. Cum dripped off my protruding pecs onto my legs and skimpy posers. My chest was jacked from my workout, and it was heaving up and down from the exertion, while the mounds glistened from a pungent smelling mixture of sweat and daddy spunk. The big man reached out and rubbed the oatmeal-thick spunk into my chest, latching his big palms around one of the enormous mounds that hung down from my wide shoulders and bulging traps. I loved how watching me work out was the ultimate foreplay for the big man. It was rare that he could hold out to the end of my final set before spewing, but he had used all of his strength to hold back today. I loved how he squeezed the thick hard meat of my pec with much more strength than he could have a little more than a year ago. Not only were my muscles a lot bigger than what my puny body had sported when he met me, but they were much harder and a hell of a lot more resistant to his grip now. He groped with great abandon because he could. He was still tugging on his massive hard cock as he gazed down at me with that half-smile and extremely proud blue eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful, my muscle pup. Who knew you’d get so huge in just fifteen months.” “You did, sir.” “Yeah, I did. I knew I could turn you into a muscle monster. And you’re well on your way.” It felt like my pec was getting an intense massage. The big man was squeezing hard, making me wince – but only slightly. He’d tug back with his arm and my glistening body would jerk forward and then he’d shove it back. He had helped me make my chest into something close to thick plates of iron. I wasn’t as big as him, yet, but I had grown big enough for people to do a double-take when I passed them on the street or walked into a room. I stretched out my tight shirts in a way that made it impossible to hide my bulging muscles – as if I had wanted to, anyway. My glutes had gotten strong enough to squeeze the fuck out of his cock, and they were still his favorite part of my body – although he loved all of my growth. I looked into the wall of mirrors behind him and flexed my big arms, the view making my cock quickly elongate in my skimpy posers – a gift from him that very morning. I flexed hard, making my peaks split even more than they naturally did when they were relaxed. I loved how huge and chiseled they were. My muscleman knew I always got seriously turned on by flexing my guns in any mirror or window I passed. He bent over and slid the front of my posers down, my hard, throbbing cock popping out. He wrapped his hand around it and started tugging on it while he squeezed tightly. He moved to my side so I had a better view of my own body in the mirror. He watched me looking at my own reflection as he jerked my hard meat up and down. The combination of the intense smell of his jizz, his rough abuse of my cock, his half-smile and proud face, and the fact that I was now flexing arms that looked like those of some professional bodybuilder made me explode quickly. I always did. I just couldn’t get over how big I had already gotten. My cum shot into the air like a stream of rockets and then splattered loudly onto the bench and floor beneath me. I had a snarl on my red face as my body convulsed violently – my orgasm beastlike and accompanied by a loud growl-howl through gritted teeth. I didn’t stop flexing. I merely squeezed my fists and huge biceps harder – forcing even more juice from my steel like cock in the muscleman’s vice-like grip. “My pup loves cumming to his own reflection, doesn’t he? Yeah, getting off on your own size . . . your own muscles. That’s hot, pup. That’s hot as hell. And look what you’re little show has done . . . you’ve gone and made my balls churn out more of my yummy man-juice. My cock is harder than hell again. Care for some protein, pup? You’ve depleted yourself a little. Here, let me help you replenish what you’ve lost.” This is what happened every time we worked out. It was a back-and-forth of adoration that led to multiple orgasms and cum-covered bodies. I kept my arms flexed – using all the strength I had left in me. I knew that’s what he wanted. He straddled the bench and bent his cock down with one hand, letting the tip press against my lips. As I opened my mouth, widening my throat, both of his hands moved over to my hard, flexed, split peaks and he did his best to wrap his huge palms around them. My bulging biceps, however, had grown too big for him to grip them as easily as he used to. As always, this made him moan loudly – as if he were realizing for the first time just how big he had made my arms grow. He tried to squeeze hard, but my steel-like guns weren’t giving at all. This made both of us moan. My mouth and throat was busy sucking on his massive cock as the big man bucked his hips back and forth. As much as I knew my Frankendaddy wanted to make the build-up to ejaculation last as long as he could, there was no way it would happen. His body became electrified with lust every time he touched my body. It was like he was getting to personally feel what his mentoring had done to me – how the vision of what he hand known I would become had come true. My bulging arms cranked his juices even more than they cranked mine – and that was saying a lot. He spoke as he face slammed me with his crotch, filling my throat completely. “Aw fuck, pup, you’ve gotten so huge. Your guns are going to pass mine someday soon. On that day, I’m going to want to fucking cum all over these enormous peaks, man. So fucking huge . . . so huge . . . so . . . uh, uh, uh – fuuuuuuuuck!!!” It was like a dam burst and an entire giant reservoir came flooding into my throat. My body was filled with warm spunk as I tried to swallow as fast as I could. How this elder muscleman’s balls churned out juice as fast as it did was beyond me – especially after the massive ejaculation from just a while ago as I ended my workout. He said it was because of my body . . . and its growth. I didn’t care whatever it was . . . I just knew it was hot as hell how he got off on all the improvements he had caused to my muscles. We usually worked out at our home gym . . . so he could easily beat off while I lifted and he counted reps – but sometimes he wanted to go to the local gym for serious bodybuilders and strongmen so he could obscenely sport a humongous boner as I pushed my body beyond its limits to make it grow just for him. He said he also liked how other older huge men stared at me like I was a slab of raw beef thrown to the wolves. He loved showing me off to the other huge fellas. He wanted them to see what he had created – how big I was growing. I saw the desire in other men’s eyes, but that did not interest me at all . . . I was devoted to the man who was making me into a monster. The elder muscleman loved it when someone asked him about the gorilla he was training or referred to me as his growing bull. It was pride in the work that I had been putting into my workouts, but it was also the fact that he loved how he was making me become noticeably enormous. Finally, I felt the huge, hard cock in my mouth start to deflate. I finally stopped flexing and my biceps were so fucking sore from tensing them for so long – well, that and the fact that my muscleman had squeezed the shit out of them. I knew they’d be bigger tomorrow, both from this week’s workouts and from the added growth from flexing them for so long. He pulled his body back and I released his cock from my mouth, a long string of spit stretching from my mouth to his rod as he moved finally snapping. Even though I was now much heavier, the big man reached down, grabbed me under my arms, and lifted me until I was standing in front of him. He then brought his warm open mouth to mine and kissed me hard and long. I worried my lips would be chapped by the time he finished. When he pulled his face away, that half-smile appeared and his blue eyes sparkled like stars. “Happy, pup?” “More than happy, sir. I’m getting huge.” “Fuck, it turns me on that you love the growth as much as I do, kid. How many shirts have you ripped this week.” “Four, sir . . . and I ripped the seams of some slacks by squatting to pick something up.” “Yeah, that’s because that fucking hot ass of yours is getting massively muscled, pup.” His right hand slid down my arm and came to rest on my left ass cheek, squeezing, hard. That caused his flaccid cock to start slowly arcing upward and squirting out a drop of pre-cum, even though he had recently had two intense ejaculations. That’s just what my muscled butt did to the man. He was lost in thought and lust as he massaged my muscled cheek. I tightened my ass, causing it to get really hard and two big butt-dimples appeared. He made a fist and pounded the bottom of it against the tightened mound of muscle like the gavel a judge might use. We kissed again while he continued to pound away. His cock was once again fully hard and I had the feeling this was going to turn into a three-orgasm-post-workout kind of day for the big man.
    4 points
  27. Oof what a cruel place to stop!
    3 points
  28. Marcus struggled to put his pants back on now that his stomach bulged with Jason's seed. He wasn't exactly sure what the plan was from here but going to lecture was absolutely out of the question with the huge load that the enormous well-dressed stud had deposited inside him. Marcus shuddered and felt his ass clench with need as he remembered the feeling of the alpha's huge cock pounding his prostate and making him cum harder than he had in years. He didn't even need to touch his own cock to ejaculate, he had merely orgasmed untouched, spewing his load in the air and onto the desks behind him. Marcus carefully stretched his shirt out and managed to cover his cummy tummy and finally got his pants up over his legs, leaving the button and fly undone. He tugged the bottom of his shirt as far down as he could and waddled slowly out of the side classroom towards the stairwell. He kept a watchful eye on his surroundings as he strode, hoping no one would catch him while he was indisposed. With great difficulty (and a bit of luck) Marcus skulked out of the building and slowly made his way off campus towards AAA's fraternity house. The sun was high in the sky by the time he arrived at the rustic three story house and hurriedly knocked on the door. The sound of heavy feet grew louder, and the door swung open to reveal another massive muscular frat brother wearing nothing but lose sweatpants. The dark-skinned stud was built like a brick shit house, standing close to six feet six and absolutely shredded with defined muscle. While he wasn't as dense with muscle as Jason was, the man was significantly defined and chiseled looking from every angle. The hulking black brother was gorgeous, he had long intricate braided hair, a thick and neatly trimmed full beard, and two crystal blue eyes looked took one look at Marcus before speaking. "Sup?" He asked with a friendly trill to his voice, his voice was soft and light for someone so huge and threatening looking. "Hey, uh. Well. I met one of your brothers a few hours ago and now..." Marcus gestured to his midsection and blushed with embarrassment. The extremely generous dose of cum was still deep inside him and his bulging abdomen couldn't be denied. The large black stud broke out into a smirk. "Say no more. C'mon in." The frat bro stepped to the side and invited Marcus to come inside with a welcoming wave of his huge hand. Marcus gladly stepped over the threshold and noticed that it was easier than he expected. His shirt still stretched over his cum full stomach bit it was a smidge looser than before he walked off campus. The bulging black god closes the door behind him and turned around sharply to eye Marcus with a questioning look, almost sizing him up, before seemingly coming to a conclusion. "So who stuffed you? Ryan? Or maybe Ashton?" The muscle beast asked smiling warmly at his new guest, braids dangling down the side of his head." "Uh, no. Jason." Marcus confirmed sheepishly. "Damn. Shoulda guessed he'd be bring us some new blood. That big bastards been pumping two or three brothers every night. Figures he would start taking his show on the road." Marcus almost choked with incredulity. "Seriously? There's no way." "Yeah. He's one of our oldest members and one of the biggest dudes in the house. He can fuck for hours at a time with that bull cock of his." The now visibly excited bodybuilder reached into his gray sweats and massaged his own thickening cock. The outline of his huge manhood was quickly apparent through the thin fabric of his shorts as the stud grew hard at the thought of his frat brother's sexual escapades. He inadvertently began to stroke his dick through his shorts right in front of Marcus, a loan moan reverberated through his chest as he grew more excited. "C'mon man. Follow me. We gotta let that magic jizz do its job." The enormous ebony hunk led his new brother around to the back of the stairs and opened an unremarkable door that swung forward and revealed a descending set of stairs into the basement. Marcus heard sounds of metal clanking and loud grunts as he descended the surprisingly long set of stairs and entered a large and dimly lit makeshift home gym. All around him were various weight machines and work out equipment along with full length wall mirrors, benches and weights scattered haphazardly around the space. Two other hulking muscled figures were already exercising, their massive bodies shining with sweat in the light that beamed from a single overhead light. The first of the two, a tall long haired blonde, set down a pair of 80 pound dumbbells as he heard footsteps approach. "Ty! Morning you sexy bastard." Thor practically cheered, throwing his arms out wide and displaying his bulging chest and arms for the newcomers to the space. He embraced the hulking giant easily and the two gave each other a quick but passionate kiss, the two massive men feeling up each other's bodies. Marcus felt his eyebrows raise as the two studs passionately kissed and groped the other. The embrace quickly evolved into something more sexual, their bulky muscled bodies bumped together as they pressed and pulled, grabbing hold of pecs, arms, and thighs, their hands eventually meeting, then sliding up their partner's brief clad crotches. "Whenever you boys stop tongue fucking, I need a spotter." The other man called out from nearby, busy at work preparing to bench what looked like several hundred pounds. This man was well built but not as stacked as Thor and Ty were, yet his hard muscles were very obvious. He was a man cut, deeply, finely, purposefully. His dark hair was shaggy and damp with sweat, his skin tanned and perfect. His almond shaped eyes locked onto Marcus and he winked, flashing a bright smile. "Who's the new blood?" Thor broke his attention away from Ty and stared at Marcus's bulging middle again, letting out a deep rumbling chuckle. "Damn. Two new bros in as many days? We're growing quicker than I thought. What's your name?" The giant blonde asked casually as picked up a pair of 100 lb dumbbells and started curling like it was a normal thing to do. Marcus stared at the twin balls of ripped muscle with envy and arousal as Thor casually blasted his biceps with the giant pair of dumbbells. "Marcus." He answered, mesmerized. "Jason fucked him good. Full to the brim with his spunk." Ty added as walked into position to spot. The blonde smirked. "Niiiiice. Welcome, to the house man. Name's Thor." "Andy." the third hunk introduced, grinning at Marcus as he began to lift his chosen load. His chiseled rippling muscles flexed and shone in the low hanging lights. Andy began grunting as he moved through his reps, pushing against the massive weights with surprising ease. After a few minutes he racked the weight and asked Ty to load on even more for his next set. He spread his legs slightly and adjusted his position to the new weight, his hefty cock easily discernible under the clinging cotton of his gym shorts. The alpha hunk forced the weight up and down in controlled flexion, showing off his considerable strength while Ty stood over him ready to intervene if needed. His corded powerful arms seemed to strain as they lifted the heavy weight with more effort than before and his steely dark eyes were locked on the bar as he concentrated his efforts. He continued like this for a few minutes before racking again and asking for even more weight. Ty obliged and the process continued, Andy getting progressively more flushed and sweatier as he reached his max weight. Marcus stood, transfixed, as he watched the display of pure strength. He felt himself get warm again as the erotic display reached a fever pitch and Andy racked the ungodly heavy bar over his head with assistance from Ty. His breathing came out in ragged pants but his face was a mask of intense excitement and he jumped up from the bench to shout and laugh with triumph. He flexed his big arms as he roared with triumph. "FUCK YEA! NEW PR! 300 pounds! How do you like me now?" He laughed as he beat his fists on his chest, making his pecs, and his abdominals danced and spasm beneath his glistening skin. Marcus eyed the muscular form before him as Andy high fived and hugged Ty, both bros excited at Andy's personal victory. He was so enraptured he didn't hear footsteps approaching from behind him. "You look excited, Marcus." Thor cooed from close behind. Marcus felt the giant's warm hands fall on his shoulders and slowly work their way down to his distended stomach just above his ever growing hard on. The firm yet gentle rubbing sent tingles down Marcus's spine. "Don't you want to be like that? Huge, powerful, sexy? " Thor asked sexily, planting a soft kiss on the smaller man's neck. Marcus shuddered, his body relaxing into the new embrace. "You've got so much of Jason's alpha seed stuffed inside you that I bet you'll get bigger than Andy. You could go up to 220, maybe 240 pounds of shredded muscle." Marcus inhaled, exhilarated and increasingly horny as Thor continued to whisper sexy promises in his ear. "All you gotta do is lift." Thor suddenly stopped his ministrations and deposited a small 20lb dumbbell in Marcus' hand. The smaller man was briefly taken aback by Thor's revelation but before he knew it the pumped alpha frat bro was nudging him gently towards the mirror so he could get a good look at himself. "Just start slow." Ty advised from his spot against the wall, arms folded as he observed his bro handle the newbie. Marcus gripped and felt the weight a few times before slowly starting to curl one. With each lift he could feel his heart pumping a little faster, his blood flowing a bit more freely. After half a dozen curls or so it felt noticeably lighter in his hand and when he finally put the weight back down, he saw that his bicep was looking a bit fuller. He casually flexed his arm and was shocked when the small ball of muscle suddenly bulged and blatantly stood out from his arm. "Holy fuck, this is real." Marcus blurted out. The remaining body builders exploded with laughter, clearly amused by his shock. Marcus wasted no time and did the same number of curls with his other arm and couldn't help but exclaim with surprise as that arm also filled out in all the right places. "Holy shit." "Doesn't that just feel amazing?" Thor asks him, smiling at the smaller man. He placed a big warm hand on Marcus's stomach. "And you hardly used any. We gotta get you something heavier." Thor strode across the basement towards a large rack of kettlebells and pulled out a 40 pound one from the bottom of the rack and handed it to Marcus. "Let's start with something a little more well-rounded." Thor directed Marcus to begin with kettle bell swings that work both legs, glutes and back. Each swing up filled Marcus with more sexual arousal as his body began to mass greater amounts of muscle. Each squat and swing made him feel stronger and firmer, his legs and ass clenched with each motion. He could feel his tight bubble butt begin to swell as new striations of muscle absorbed Jason's seed through the exercise. After a handful of swings his legs and ass had firmed up nicely and began to form a well-defined bubble butt and thick tree trunk thighs. Each swing would have previously been a difficult struggle for Marcus but as he progressed he felt them getting significantly easier, as if the iron suddenly weighed less. Marcus finished his swings and dropped the weight with a thud. His stomach was definitely smaller now but his thighs, calves and ass really stood out from his slender frame and jutted out in a nice firm perky way. He reached down to touch his round butt and was surprised to find them rock solid and full of new thick muscle. "Fuckin' A, this is amazing." Marcus marveled, standing up straight and admiring the bulging rock like calf muscles. "Fucking hot, right? Now let's do your chest ." Thor declared. Marcus nodded and Thor steered him to an inclined bench that faced the mirrored wall. Marcus lay back against the bench, angling his torso with Thor's instruction so his chest would get maximum emphasis during the exercise. The blonde stud presented Marcus with two 50-pound dumbbells which Marcus could barely hold let alone lift. He struggled to keep them placed on his legs as he gripped them with all his might. He watched his reflection in front of him as Thor's hulking form slid behind him, his huge hands covered his own and helped stabilize them in a neutral position. Thor smiled; the gorgeous man had a knowing twinkle in his eye. "Trust me. This is gonna be wild." Marcus breathed deep breath and with incredible concentration and vigor he began to lift the weights off his thighs with both hands and bring them up over his shoulders as he attempted an incline press. Thor assisted him with the form, using his own grip to stabilize the weights as they rose into place above the smaller man's head. "One." Marcus felt the warm tingling sensation spread throughout his upper torso from his pecs to his shoulders. He lowered the weights back down to rest at shoulder level and immediately went into another repetition, allowing the warm tingling to build in his chest and arms as he pushed upwards again. "Two." There was noticeable extra weight in his arms now as he struggled to lower the bulky weights down, the burning sensation spreading up to his arms and forearms as he continued the repetitions. Thor smiled as he noticed the smaller man beginning to take over the exercise, clearly finding pleasure in watching him develop as his arms and chest expanded and thickened with new hard muscle. "Three. " To Marcus's surprise his arms and chest came back up into the neutral position with relative ease, he rested for a second and glanced towards the mirror and saw that his chest and arms were developing rapidly. The change wasn't dramatic, but his arms and shoulders were filling out a bit more, his traps popping against his shoulders while his chest was bulkier, more defined, and appeared much firmer than before he started. Marcus felt his heart leap in his chest with excitement and lust as the cum stuffed inside him worked its magic. "Four." Marcus hardly needed Thor's help this time around, he expertly guided the weight back up in a flowing movement that allowed him to easily reach the top of his rep. The huge hulking blonde remained behind him and as he finished planted his powerful beefy hands against his freshly developed pecs and squeezed them appreciatively. Marcus squirmed under the touch, an instant involuntary reaction to the warm delightful feeling of pleasure. The stud's hot breath brushed against his neck as the muscular giant massaged his upper body. "Five." Marcus felt his cock twitch as he continued his exertions. The feeling in his arms and chest was overwhelmingly him with pleasure as each movement of his arms and pecs swelled his muscles bigger and bigger, making his torso wider and more imposing with each and every stroke. Thor softly moaned as he watched and felt his new brother pump up his body with superhuman strength. "Six." Marcus focused on his reflection and could see that he was looking wider and more defined through his tight shirt. As he had exercised his cum full stomach had reduced in size and the shirt was no longer tight in his midriff but was now tight in his arms and shoulders. Guessing where this was heading, Marcus dropped the weights and quickly shucked his shirt, gawking at his new bulging form. His arm and chest were significantly thicker than when he had started, his bulging pecs ballooning outward with his thick nipples beginning to point downward. His rounded shoulders and newly bulging traps looked incredibly defined as he breathed heavily. His cock was now getting hard, visibly stretching out his pants as his body developed more. The horny stud immediately picked up the weights again and continued his set. "Seven" Andy and Ty began to turn their attention to Marcus now, their faces clouded with lust as they witness him pump up in real time. His growth was slower now, he could tell that his body wasn't challenged by this weight any more, but his body retained its pumped vascular appearance, making his definition stand out. Andy grabbed some heavier weights and circled in front of Marcus, depositing two 75-pound dumbbells on the ground in front of him. The newest stud quickly flung his previous iron out to his sides and quickly grabbed the heavier set, eager for another challenge. "Eight" Thor was twisting his nipples and laying kisses on his shoulders from behind, his massive beefy form pressing down on him, adding to Marcus’ arousal. Marcus thrust the heavy dumbbells up towards the ceiling with more difficulty, feeling his arms and chest swell again. The growth restarted in full and cock pulsed with delight. He held his arms up after reaching the apex of the lift, holding a vertical position as the delicious mixture of sexual arousal and strength traveled through him. He grunted and held his arms stiff, his eyes fixed on his muscled reflection, his torso so wide and powerful, his face a grimace of exertion and need. With a ripping sound Marcus' cock tore through his pants and his new body flushed with heat. His cock was looking harder than he'd ever seen it before and was practically dripping with excitement. Andy wasted no time and rushed to his knees between Marcus's thick legs, stripping him of the tattered remains of his pants and devoured the cock with his beautiful mouth. Marcus could feel the delicious suction surrounding his member and a swirl of his tongue expertly tease at his swollen mushroom. As Marcus lifted the weight his muscles filled with more mass became even harder while his dick swelled to full mast deep in Andy's throat. The sensation of burning and tingling was spreading again from his abdomen down to his loins. Marcus gave in to his arousal as he plowed harder into Andy's face, sending the man’s face down to his balls as his crotch pushed upwards in a feral motion. "NINE." Marcus lifted his arms and bucked his hips faster, increasing his size yet again as his orgasm was building, coiling like a spring. Andy's sucks quickened as he felt his mouth began to stretch as it fought to keep pace with Marcus's increasingly larger cock. Marcus looked up into the mirror again and saw himself looking like a true stud, his huge ham hawk arms lifting the weights while his thick thigs and tight ass bucked against Andy’s handsome face. Marcus could see his chest was wider with deep separation and sharper lines than just a few minutes earlier. His shoulders were just as sculpted, his arms and biceps thicker, rounder, larger and more imposing, more intimidating. Marcus' entire body had developed, his frame was now taller and wider, making him truly brutish, a testament to his new masculinity. His cock felt like it was stretching with each lift, filling out Andy's talented mouth, engorging with blood and stiffening with arousal. "T-TEN!!! OH FUCK!" He dropped the two weights and his engorged arms grasped Andy's shaggy head, furiously fucking his throat, gripping hard, slamming fast, chasing the waves of pleasure building as his muscles continued to grow and thicken. His cock felt enormous now, pulsing and pounding with erotic electricity as a tight pressure built in his balls as they churned and prepared to empty their load. "Fuck! FUUUUCKKK." With a final grunt Marcus came hard, firing huge volleys of jizz down Andy's throat. He rocked forward, his sweat-soaked huge body coursing with sensations and powerful bursts of pleasure that overwhelmed him, making him cry out. He fired four, five, six, seven violent bursts directly into Andy's throat. The shaggy stud merely gripped tighter on Marcus's thighs, deepthroating and sucking the newest stud for all he was worth. "Hoooolly fucking shit." Marcus panted with ecstasy. His hips slowed and finally came to a stop as Andy finished downing his seed. The newest Alpha slowly withdrew his cock from Andy's smiling lips and gawked in shock as he saw his fully erect and monstrous manhood with his own eyes. His cock was now close to ten inches, thicker than his forearm and throbbing with pent up heat. Thick veins covered his manhood and swelled with each beat of his heart. He had never been more aroused in his life, he wanted more. He needed more. As if on cue, Ty and Thor were all over him. The two men let their hands roam over Marcus' new body, squeezing, groping, feeling up every new ounce of muscle that the smaller man had gained. The two giants worshiped Marcus' tits, teasing and fondling his engorged nipples as the stud stood up from the bench. Thor circled around and planted a firm kiss on Marcus' mouth, wrapping his thick arms around his new bro and embracing his huge body. Ty planted kisses down the back of Marcus' rippling shoulders, following down his spine until he reached his round perky ass. In a moment Ty had pried apart the cheeks and began lapping at the rim before him. Marcus melted into Thor's embrace and gasped as Tyler probed deep into his muscular rim with his skilled tongue. He had never felt so turned on in all of his life, his insides ached with an unquenchable yearning for lust. A fresh round of precum leaked from his cock and spilled onto the floor, forming a growing puddle of sexual arousal. With Thor's tongue in his mouth and Ty's tongue in his ass, Marcus felt his body ripple with pleasure and his cock pulse angrily, feeling more full of heat and energy than he thought he could handle. "You're almost done. I bet you've got just enough left in there for one more growth spurt." Thor observed, letting his hands run down to Marcus' abdomen, feeling the small bump of cum still nestled deep inside him, underneath his growing eight pack. Marcus nodded and breathlessly replied, "I need it. I have to get bigger." Thor broke free of the newest stud's grip and wheeled the bench to face Marcus. He quickly flattened it and then turned to face his new bro, a teasing twinkle in his eye. Marcus felt the heat rising in his cock again and moaned as Ty spread his cheeks even further, delving his face deeper into the tight muscle. Thor straddled the bench and began a quick flexing show for his new bro, drawing Marcus' lusty attention to his overly bulging pecs and biceps. Next the giant muscle stud shifted positions and laid back on the bench, displaying his toned beefy ass in a very clear invitation. Marcus watched the small hole wink at him, begging for attention. Ty's stimulation finally ceased as he saw his bro spreadeagled on the bench, ready to get fucked like no tomorrow. He and Andy stepped backwards and began to stroke themselves, knowing they were about see a real show. "C'mon man. You know you want to." Marcus didn't wait, he straddled the bench immediately and hiked up Thor’s beautiful legs up to his shoulders and spread the huge man’s legs wider, prying open the two rounded cheeks of Thor's ass. Marcus felt his huge cock throb as he settled at the entrance of the blonde's amazing ass. "What are you waiting for? A written invitation?" Thor chided. Marcus positioned the head of his obelisk right on the waiting hole and slowly, cautiously, pushed forward. Both men cried out in a mix of pain and satisfaction as Marcus felt his massive cock slowly enter the tight confines. As his diamond hard member slid deep inside the tight ring of muscle the bulky blonde threw his head back and roared with pleasure. Thor pushed back against the obscene invasion, welcoming the intrusion, increase the tightness around Marcus' cock. It felt unimaginably good, it felt as though his body was burning up as pleasure coursed through him. Within a few seconds Marcus bottomed out and grunted with pleasure. "Oh fuck, now that's what I'm talking about." Thor groaned. Feeling more confident, Marcus began to rock in and out of the huge power bottom, driving his manhood in and out of the alpha in quick sawing thrusts. It was heaven, being inside Thor felt every bit as good as he hoped it would. He gritted his teeth and began to pump faster and deeper, slamming his cock harder with each thrust. Just then Marcus felt himself growing once more, this time his cock felt like it was growing thicker, sending a new wave of blood into his already thick shaft and spreading Thor's tight hole even more. A wave of bliss spread over Marcus' body as he felt his entire body swell with muscle as he plowed harder and harder into the larger muscle beast beneath him. "Oh god. Fuck. I feel so big." Marcus breathlessly panted, absentmindedly squeezing one Thor's legs simultaneously and feeling up his own body with his other hand. There was a unique way his body felt, full and heavy and incredibly powerful. Hard and tight. Full of testosterone. He raised one of his thick arms to flex it in front of Thor's smiling face, watching his arm swell with raw power and vascularity. He looked into the mirror and gasped at his reflection. He had shifted from a skinny and lightly muscled college boy to a fully developed hunk with the body of a sex god. Marcus was now a mountain of hard lines and rippling muscle. His waist was nearly as thick as Thor's was and he had visibly grown another couple inches in height. His abs were now so heavily defined he could perfectly trace each rigid curve with his pinky finger. Marcus ran his hands down his chest, his fingers lovingly tracing his gorgeously defined pecs, eight pack and tight waist. He felt intoxicating tingles of pleasure course through his body as he admired his massive body, barely able to comprehend the transformation he had just endured. "Fuck. Cum inside me bro. I'm so fucking close." Thor's voice interrupted Marcus' exploration, begging Marcus to fill him up and use the last of the seed kept captive in his gut. Marcus stopped flexing his obscene arms and leaned his massive form down to slam down harder into the waiting stud, intent on granting his wish. His newly strengthened arms made it easy brace against the top of the bench and lean his massive torso closer, maximizing his force as he filled Thor out, causing the blonde to pant and moan with renewed enthusiasm. "Harder!" Marcus rammed him so hard he bounced up and down on the bench. His balls swung heavily and with each thrust smacked against Thor's huge ass, sending sharp jolts of pleasure up his body, signaling just how full of seed his huge nuts were. Marcus' thrusts became more irregular and erratic as his handle on his orgasm began to slip. "F-Fuck. Y-your ass feels so fucking good. I-I'm gonna..!" "Look at me." Time seemed to slow as Thor's sultry voice washed over him. The blonde god was smiling, sweat and precum had started to pool across his muscular chest. The smell of sex and sweat permeated the room and charged him with electric sexuality. The god then raised both of his mammoth sized biceps into a mirror image, both fists curled, filling them with huge corded veins that practically jumped out of his skin, defining their immensity. The larger muscle beast then squeezed his pumped arms into a violently powerful double bicep flex for the man filling his insides. Marcus watched with reverence and desire as Thor's biceps visibly swelled right before his eyes, the muscles growing from thick to huge, making the blonde's body look larger than life. Thor's colossal legs then wrapped around Marcus' still pistoning hips and closed around him like a vice, squeezing him tightly against the bigger muscle god. Marcus' last bounds of control faded as he stared directly into his alpha's eyes as Thor rumbled. "Fuckin' breed me, bro." With a final harsh thrusts Marcus finally hammered himself home home, buried his painfully hard cock as deep into Thor's clutching asshole as he could, and exploded. Tremors rocked his body as ecstasy flooded his entire mass. His cock, now diamond hard, pulsed in violent waves as his hard hefty nads unloaded his pent up seed deep into the confines of Thor's greedy hole. With each convulsion the blond stud's hole grew tighter, twitching with pleasure, milking Marcus for all his worth. Not a split second later, Thor's orgasm followed. His thick turgid cock rocketed out its thick bursts between the both of them, painting the two huge studs white with thick sticky seed that ran between each crevice of their chiseled muscles. Marcus gripped Thor's huge dong and stroked it furiously and watched his seed launch so far it painted the gym's mirrors. Thor’s thunderous moans showed his approval and tightened his grip on Marcus' still humping waist, making him whimper with delight. Marcus' orgasm seemed to last forever. Each blast sent new waves of warm sexual release throughout his body, stimulating every fiber of muscle in his rippling frame. He closed his eyes and grit his teeth in pleasurable pain as he poured so much into his frat bro that he felt his own cum pulse out of Thor's tight hole and dripped down his legs onto the gym floor. Even with his eyes closed he could tell his arms were swelling slightly larger with each additional ejaculation into the alpha hunk beneath him. His legs and back also stretched slightly as the last of Jason's cum was absorbed into his taut straining body. Marcus let his gaze drift back to his exhausted reflection and took in the sight of a breathtakingly large hulk of perfectly cut muscle. His chest and arms were absolutely monstrous, his mountainous shoulders jutted proudly from each side as his superwide back seemed to stretch for ages. He made his abs ripple as he ran his hands over his stomach again, now hard and flexed and clearly outlined into eight deep slabs of rock hard muscle. His swollen rippling thighs stood planted on either side of the bench, flexing with raw power as he supported his new looming form over Thor's spent body. Marcus felt his balls give one final loud throb as his dick gave its very last ejaculation deep inside the blonde stud, his twitching hole hungrily accepting the final offering of cream. The huge muscled blonde let out a huge groan and his legs released Marucs from their grip. "Fuuuuuuck man. No one's fucked me like that in years. That was incredible." Marcus stared at the god laid out in front of him, the powerful alpha had never looked so handsome as he did naked, dripping in cum and trembling slightly with post orgasmic chills. His muscles were pumped beyond belief from the exertion and surprisingly his abs were as tight as when they had started, showing no signs of the cum he had just absorbed like a starved man drinks water. Marcus extracted his cock from Thor's ass and felt a little shocked that he was still completely rigid, despite emptying an almost unbelievably vast quantity of cum into his new brother. His cock was now close to 11 inches and still felt just as eager as it had been, ready for its next fuck. Thor stretched his entire body and suddenly sat up from the bench, his signature smile spreading across his handsome face again. While side by side Marcus could tell that while he had grown substantially, he still wasn’t as big or heavy as Thor was. The blonde smiled knowingly and winked as Marcus eyes ran him up and down. "Welcome to Alpha Alpha Alpha! You're going to love this place." The blonde sex monster boomed. Thor turned to face Ty and Andy who had busted their own copious loads all over themselves and the surrounding machinery as they had watched the spectacle. Marcus turned and looked the two studs over. They were both smiling widely as if watching the intense intercourse had not sated their lust, but had only reignited their desires. They were studying his frame with hunger, their eyes greedily taking in the giant amounts of hard muscle gained from his growth spurts, and were not hiding the fact that they were rock hard and ready for more. Andy placed a hand on his manhood and Ty spread his legs. Thor turned to face Marcus, a devilish twinkle in his eye. "Whaddya say man? Round two?" *** Finally found the will (and the lube) to finish part five and realized how long this has gotten. For anyone curious the word doc is 41 pages long and just shy for 24,000 words. I think I'll start adding some smaller more character driven parts up next, maybe expand up on the greater lore of the frat. I'm also going to start adding some more AI generated images to help you all better picture what I do. Hope y'all enjoy!
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