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Summer Job at the Potion Store

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Summer Job at the Potion Store

Rules for adding to this story:

-He can pick ONE potion per week. 1 chapter = 1 week.

-The potion should not be a drastic change. Potions should yield small, incremental changes. If a skinny guy wanted to become a 300lbs bodybuilder, he'd have to pick the muscle growth potion for 5 weeks.


Week 0

Brandon had resigned to doing mostly nothing this summer, fooling around with his friend Corey. It would be lucky for him, then, that Randall saw him walking down the street on the way to Corey's. Corey took note of the man's approach; who wouldn't? To Brandon's own 150 lbs at 5'9", this man's apparent 230 lbs of perfectly-proportioned muscle at 6'2" made him an intimidating giant.

"Hey, what's your name?" asked the man in a deep voice, extending his hand.

Brandon, who was shy to begin with, gawked a bit. The giant couldn't be past his 20's, and was hairless from the nose down.

"Uh, Brandon," he stammered, finding himself in a tight gripped handshake.

"Brandon, I'm Randall. I was once like you. Very like you. More recently than you know," he said mysteriously, taking off his sunglasses. His eyes were revealed to be a shocking blue, contrasting with his deep tan. "Do you need a summer job?"

Brandon had failed to find a job out of laziness, even though this was about the time he should be finding his first job. Summer was also ideal for a job, since school was out. "Yes!" he managed.

"Perfect," the man wryly smiled. "Follow me."

Brandon followed Randall a few blocks while Randall explained that he had just quit the job after nearly 2 years. The owner was a nice guy who needed some powder monkey to fill the position.

Randall stopped abruptly before a dark-looking pawn shop. It wasn't sinister looking, but it was only lit by the sunlight from the windows that made up the front, which were partially blocked by signs claiming 'we buy gold!'. No one was inside.

"A pawn shop?" asked Brandon curiously.

"Nope. Look again," he gestured to the shop.

What was there was totally different than what Brandon had seen a single second ago. The pawn shop was gone, and in its place was a wooden front, with some steps leading up to the door. A faded purple sign above the door read 'POTIONS'.

"Let's go, I'll introduce you to Gerald." They stepped inside to see something more like a deli, with rows of shelves and refrigerators hosting small wares. They walked to the back, straight to the counter, where Randall yelled, "Gerald!"

An old man came shuffling out of a doorway behind the counter.

"You found one! That was quick!" said the old man.

"Gerald this is Brandon. Brandon this is the Doctor."

"Those don't work anymore, call me Gerald."

Brandon shook hands with the spry old man.

"So you need a summer job?" asked Gerald. Brandon nodded. "Well, I need someone to help me with customers, inventory, and brewing, and if you can do the work right, I'll take ya. But it doesn't pay in dollars."

Brandon furrowed his brow. "What's the pay?"

"If ya work for me, I'll let you have any one of these potions to yourself, one per week. No more." He pointed at all the shelves.

Potions? This was some kind of new age crap. Brandon wasn't about to work for free!

"Ah, thank you! I hope he's as good as you were," said Gerald, taking a corked yellow vial form Randall, who had silently disappeared in the shelves and reappeared with it. He ripped off the tag, uncorked it, and handed it to Brandon.

"They're really good, it's like an energy drink," interjected Randall, knowing Brandon's hesitation. "Try it."

The bottle did look like a 6 inch vial of yellow gatorade, after all. Brandon drank down the insubstantial amount of liquid.

Instantly Brandon's heart started pounding, and he doubled over on the counter. In a few seconds, he was feeling energized, he was feeling strong. He saw the tag on the counter that Gerald had ripped off, titled "Muscle Growth".

Brandon stood back up. "That was good, but I don't know if I'll work a whole week for that."

Gerald smiled. "That's alright, give it a few hours this first time and come back."


Brandon continued his trip to Corey's house, feeling quite good. Corey's boyish, blond face greeted him and welcomed him to the pool. Often they would just lounge about the pool together. This was one of those times.

Once outside in their bathing suits, Brandon could appreciate Corey's slim, slight musculature, though Corey was two inches shorter than him. Certainly Corey was more muscular than Brandon, who was skinny as could be. His pasty skin made him look quite unappealing, which Brandon was quite aware of.

They both relaxed in the shade around the pool, taking in the hot Florida day and talking about school, which had just ended. Corey volunteered to go find them drinks and left Brandon outside. When he returned, Corey noticed something out loud.

"Dude, why are you flexing?"


"Why are you flexing?"

"I'm not," said Brandon, sitting up.

"Yeah you are, you've never had that much muscle!"

Brandon went inside to see himself in the bathroom mirror.

Shocking! He actually had a little bit of muscle! He flexed his pecs, and there was a bulge of muscle there. He flexed his arms, and there was a difference between the biceps and triceps, where before it had just been the same weak arm. Abs were actually showing through, a light six pack. Little biceps popped up. He felt them flex, and the felt strong. His body looked way better than before! He had all sorts of contours on his body he hadn't before. He stayed in the mirror watching himself move around. This new experience was making him hard, but thankfully his barely 3 inch penis didn't show when Corey turned up.

"Yeah, see, you've been working out!" he exclaimed. "You're a strong as I am!" he said, flexing his own arm to reveal they were essentially matched in size.


Back at the potion store, Brandon agreed to start working for Gerald the next day.

"That one was a freebie, and I'll let this be a short week, but after that, it's Friday you can take your pick."

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Week 1

He had started work on Wednesday, so it was a short week until he was rewarded with another potion. Brandon has tunnel visioned on that next potion, so the days flew by. Friday evening, on his way out of work, he said goodbye to Gerald and went straight to where he had seen the yellow muscle growth potions. Swiping one off the shelf, he hurried home, heart beating hard with uncertainty and excitement.

He threw down his bag at home, stomped upstairs through the empty house, and stripped naked for the mirror in his room. Uncorking the vial, he downed the contents and sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his reflection.

The same energy and strength as before flooded through him, forcing his head down to recover. He took a moment to look at his tiny penis, and hate it, before his muscle drew him to stand up.

In the mirror, he could actually see his traps rising slightly, his shoulders capping and widening. His pecs began to weight themselves down with mass, pushing his chest out. His arms thickened, triceps forming horseshoes from three heads that he had never felt before. Biceps swelled so that he could feel both of the heads under the skin, inviting him to flex his arms in, which cause them to narrow into big, impressive balls of muscle. He wriggled as his intercostals and obliques came in, cascading definition down his chest where there had been little, finally pushing his abs to tighten and deepen impressively. His midsection became deeply chiseled, almost an 8 pack.

His squeezing of new muscles led him to squeeze his butt and thrust out his hips as his glutes tightened up and strengthened, which fed into his quads, finally gaining size as well as definition. Each of the heads of muscle surged forth, giving his lower body heft. His calves tightened almost painfully as they, too, hardened, splitting into diamonds of muscle that clung tightly to his form.

Brandon was breathing heavily by the time the growth stopped. He panted as he admired his new physique--that of a particularly ripped swimmer. Way more muscle than Corey, he thought. He gave an amazed chuckle that he had ever lusted to be Corey's size.


The next time Corey saw him that weekend, he gawked.

"Dude--what the hell? You're totally ripped!"

Brandon grinned. "You like?"

Brandon sat himself on Corey's bed and took his shirt off, grinning madly at Corey's dumbfounded expression. Brandon popped his pecs a few times.

"Woah, do that again!" gasped Corey, reaching out to put a hand on Brandon's fine amassment of chest muscle. Brandon happily complied, bouncing only the pec Corey was touching. They made eye contact.

"Try and pull me up," suggested Brandon, holding out his hand. They grasped each other, and Corey leaned back with all his weight. Corey got to see Brandon's arm pop with muscle as with just a bit of work, Brandon pulled Corey back up.

"Look at this. Look at this line right here. I didn't know about this, but it feels cool," said Brandon, flexing his biceps next to him, pointing to a crevice between his pecs and now bulging biceps.

"How?" asked Corey, reaching his hand out again to touch the top of Brandon's abs. His fingers dipped into each crevice as he dragged down those beautiful abdominals.


"I started working out," Brandon lied obviously. He stood up to leave the room, but Corey only had a moment's glance at how the muscles of his back interlocked before he twisted around to show his pecs and abs in profile, flexing his triceps. They both admired the defined muscle for a bit.

Then Brandon lowered his pants to show his flexed right buttock, slyly teasing Corey.

Finally overcome, Corey lunged forward. "You have to tell me how you did this!" He managed to grab Brandon's pants and half-accidentally tugged them down.

Brandon was not wearing underwear, so his little penis popped out, to his embarrassment. He quickly pulled up his shorts.

"It's okay, I'll show you mine," offered Corey, not wanting to sour the moment. He unzipped his shorts and pulled out a thin, 6 inch erection.

They were silent for moments, and then as Corey put his dick away.

"I'll tell you how I did it," resolved Brandon.

He explained to his friend about his new job and the employment arrangement. Corey was very skeptical.

"That's all right. I'll take the next potion for you. Wait til the end of next week."

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Working for muscle? Interesting concept! I happen to live in Florida so I'm totally enjoying this story so far! 

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  • 7 months later...

Week 2

Brandon worked his way around the potion store cleaning here and re-shelving there.  He couldn’t believe it was already Friday afternoon, and in just a few hours he would be able to pick his next potion.  And he knew exactly which one it would be; which one Corey wanted.  Brandon thought back to last week at Corey’s house.  


“You want me to believe you drank a ‘magic’ potion and now suddenly your muscles are bigger than mine?”, asked Corey skeptically.

“Did I have muscles like this last week?”  Brandon brought his arms up in a double bicep pose and his arms exploded with size and power.  “There’s no way to get muscles like this in a week, even if I went to a gym, and had any idea what I was supposed to do”.

Corey looked at Brandon, his mouth practically watering, “It’s really impressive but think I need to see it in action first to make sure it’s safe”.  

Brandon liked the sound of this, “And what potion do you want me to take?”.  

“A muscle potion, of course.  I bet if you take one more you’ll be almost as big as Jack”.


Hardly a day went by that Corey or Brandon didn’t think about Jack the Jock.  Jack was 250 pounds of masculine perfection.  He liked to wear tight shirts that highlighted his physique - his tiny waist, his huge beefy pecs, and his large biceps.  And every pair of pants struggled to contain Jack’s lower body – from his huge quads, to his muscular bubble butt, to his enormous manhood.  Jack was an all-star athlete and he had the body to prove it.  Unfortunately Jack was arrogant and felt it was his right to torment those he saw as lesser men, which included Corey and the once smaller Brandon.  


Brandon walked into Corey’s house.  “Did you get the muscle potion?”, asked Corey.  

“Here it is”, said Brandon, placing the potion on the counter before removing his shirt.  Next he brought his arms up into a double bicep pose.  “Who’s ready to say goodbye to the swimmer’s build?”.  He brought his arms down and started bouncing his pecs.  “And hello to the body of an all star jock?”.  

Brandon could see by the look in Corey’s eyes that he was ready for this.  So Brandon downed the potion and once again felt the warmth coursing throughout his whole body.  

Brandon looked down and watched in awe as his left pec shot out about three inches and then lower because of all the dense muscle it now contained.  Not wanting to be left out his right pec suddenly exploded with growth and caught up to his left pec.  Brandon next felt the growth in his shoulders.  Brandon felt like he was wearing shoulder pads, except it was living breathing muscles.  The growth continued to his arms as both his biceps and triceps grew.  Brandon doubted his shirt would be able to contain these arms anymore

Brandon always hated his small penis and his flat ass.  While this potion wouldn’t do anything for his penis, he felt the warmth make its way to his rear as he suddenly found himself the owner of an athletic muscular bubble butt.  Additionally the seams of his pants were struggling to contain his legs as his quads and calves expanded with power.  

As the warmth faded from his body, Brandon smiled at Corey and said, “Well, what do you think now?”.  

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  • 7 months later...

Brandon looked at Corey as he ran his hands over his newly enhanced six pack.  This caused his bicep and pec to bulge even bigger, causing Corey's eyes to bulge.   

"What do I think - I think all that muscle makes you really hot....."  Corey's face went red, he couldn't believe he just said that.  

Brandon smiled, " Really you think I'm hot?".  

Corey stuttered", Well, I um, um, um".   Sensing Corey wasn't ready, and not wanting to ruin the mood, Brandon started bouncing his muscular pecs.  

"I really should get to know my newly pumped up muscles better, want to help me?".  As Brandon said it Corey practically lunged at him, and placed his hands on Brandon's pecs.  As Corey was trying to squeeze them he said, " Oh my god, they feel like stone".  

Brandon smiled and raised both of his arms and flexed, "What do you think of my new guns?".  

"Your arms are huge, you must be so strong now.  I definitely want a muscle potion".  


As Brandon walked into Corey's house, Corey took note of his jeans hugging his massive quads, and how his shirt was painted on his muscular torso.

Corey was practically jumping with excitement, "Did you bring it, do you have the potion?".  Brandon reached in his pocket, pulled out the potion and placed it on the table.  "I want to watch this transformation as it happens", Corey said as he removed his shirt.  

Brandon looked at Corey's torso and couldn't believe that just a few short weeks ago he admired how much muscle he had.  Corey drank the potion, and both boys waited, but nothing happened.  

"How do you feel, I always felt warm when I drank the potion?", Brandon asked.

Looking concerned, Corey said, "I don't feel anything".  Both of them looked at the potion bottle which was full again.  Without even thinking Brandon grabbed the potion and drank it.  "The potion must be defective".  

Instantly Brandon felt the usual warmth returning to his body.  He looked down at his already tight clothes and simply said, "Uh oh".  

As Brandon's pecs grew bigger and heavier he could feel seams starting to give on his shirt.  As the growth increased the front of his shirt couldn't keep up and ripped down the front.  Next his shoulders and back joined in the growth, which was no match for the shirt.  As he watched pieces of his shirt fall to the floor, Brandon thought it was rather funny the only pieces remaining on his body were the pieces plastered to his arms.  But as the growth shifted and his biceps began to grow and bulge his sleeves simply couldn't keep up.  

Next the growth shifted to Brandon's lower body.  The seams on his jeans began to give.  He couldn't believe his quads were becoming so muscular they were causing a pair of jeans to burst.  He could feel his ass growing more powerful and becoming an even more impressive athletic bubble butt.  

As his jeans fell away the only clothing that remained on Brandon's body was a rather tight pair of bright red bikini briefs. Corey thought Brandon's tiny dick even looked a little bigger.  Maybe even it was finally being affected by the potion.  

As the growth was subsiding Brandon and Corey surveyed the new and improved Brandon.  He no longer looked like a fit baseball player, he now had the body of a beefy muscular wrestler.  

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  • 6 years later...

Brandon couldn’t believe how muscular he was now.  He brought up his right arm and kept pumping it to see his bicep bunch and grow.  He looked at Corey and said, “I’m sorry the potion didn’t work on you, but I gotta say I think I’m going to like the new me”.  


Corey said, “Your guns are definitely impressive, but I think you need to show off the rest of your new muscles”.  Happy to oblige, Brandon brought his hands down, put them together in front of his abs, and suddenly his upper body rippled with power.  


Brandon could see Corey was practically drooling so he started flexing his new pumped up legs. “Damn your legs are like tree trunks.  They’re huge”, Corey said just above a whisper.


Brandon turned and flexed into a side chest pose.  As Brandon’s muscles increased in size Corey started caressing Brandon’s arms.  


“Very impressive, but we still need to see how much bigger you are from the back”.   Liking the attention he was getting Brandon was happy to show off his new back muscles.  Corey spent the whole time caressing them and wasn’t removing his hands at all.  


Wanting Corey’s hands to go lower Brandon brought one leg forward and one leg slightly back to highlight his much bigger bubble butt.  Corey began caressing Brandon’s glutes, even pushing the underwear aside to try and dent the steel hard muscle.  


As Brandon turned around Corey noticed something white sticking of out of Brandon’s underwear.  Corey said, “What’s this?” as he reached out.


“What’s what…. I can’t see past my pecs?”, Brandon said confused.  Corey put his hand down Brandon’s underwear and pulled out bunched up socks.  


As Brandon’s eyes locked on the sock, his face turned bright red.  “ I, I, I ….”.  


Corey looked in his eyes as he said, “It seems like it really bothers you that your penis isn’t worthy of your new bodybuilder physique.  I think it’s very clear what your next potion should be”.  


A few days later Brandon came to Corey’s house with the manhood maximizer potion.  He put the potion down, slipped his hands between his jacked up pecs and his button down shirt, and with a giant tug all the buttons flew across the room.  As Corey’s jaw dropped, Brandon said, “Clothes would only get in the way of this potion, my pants are rather tight, could you help me get them off?”.  Brandon noticed that Corey’s hands kept brushing his thighs as he guided the pants to the floor.  


As he was left in a small pair of blue bikini underwear, Brandon smiled and said, “Would you do the honors and remove the sock, I don’t think I’ll be needing it anymore”.  


As he took the potion, Brandon felt intense pain in his groin, moaned and doubled over in pain….

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