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A little story about a less sane version of me... ;)




You were everything you could ever dream of.  So confident, and exactly what you would be if you sculpted your own body from marble.


Gigantic slabs of muscle piled high on your absurd frame.  Thick, long bones kept everything perfectly symmetrical.  You feet were so big and wide, you constantly almost tripped...if you call knocking everything out from under you without any effort tripping.  Your massive legs had layer after layer of meat on them.  Your hips formed the base of your barrel shaped torso, wide enough to keep your swollen quads from pressing into each other too often.


The muscles of your pelvic floor, lower abs, and obliques flexed and strained constantly, holding up your obscene testicles and penis.  Testicles so large, you could feel them throbbing all day and night.  Pumping inhumane amounts of testosterone through you.  So  much testosterone you'd sometimes feel overwhelmed by it, struggling to remain focused, as it fueled your growth.

For a while, your penis would just explode out of your pants at the sight of almost any healthy woman who could in the area.  You learned to control it, though.  Bigger than any porn star you've ever seen, even while soft, your bulge literally shocked everyone that happened to glance down at it.  Which wasn't hard, considering your hips were almost at eye level with most people.  Add to the fact that you HAD to go commando, or your balls would be crushed against your giant legs all day.  You've constantly been asked to leave family locations over the years, and more and more people don't want you around their children.  It's not your fault that this thing keeps growing, though.


The only thing that distracts from the large beast in your pants was your torso.  Your shoulders were wider than most doors.  Your pecs stuck out further than the biggest breasts you've ever touched.  Your back flared up and outward, forming the base for your shoulders...shoulders that you could swear were bigger than even last week.  At your sides, your arms constantly bumped into other parts of your torso, as every movement seems to make the entire limb flex.  Your hands could envelope a human head.  Your forearms were as hard as bone, and every fiber could be seen under the skin, if it wasn't for the layer of soft, smooth hair that added to the impossible amount of manliness you already were.


Your jaw, wide and chiseled, was covered in a 3 day old beard, longer than most guys can grow in a couple weeks.


Every flaw that comes with your size didn't matter.  how you couldn't fit on most beds, how often you hit your head, how hard it was to find clothes, how most people assumed you were stupid.  You didn't care.  You loved how people gasped at your presence.  When you walked through teh door, everyone looked in awe and lust.  You could get any women in bed with you with just a wink...


but that's where the flaws started to matter.


No one women was willing to try to take your massive penis.


You've made it your life's work to find a women who would at least get the tip in...but even the few adventurous women who've tried never enjoyed the sex.


You were an anomaly.  Like the last of your species, trying to find someone to be with.  Someone who could take you.  Someone to bond with.  anyone.  And you found her...


You should've realized that an average women being so obsessed with how big you were probably wasn't stable.  Looking back, you saw lots of signs.  But you hadn't had this connection since you got this big...she couldn't take all of you...but she did what she could...


So now here you are, chained to a stone slab in her basement.  She said she loved this kind of thing.  She said this was her fantasy.


When asked to elaborate, she insisted it was about power.  How she wanted to feel power over a strong man like you, only for the man to break free, and take the power, and seduce her with it.  You agreed with it...kinda lost and confused.  This wasn't your thing, but hey, this was the only women you could actually have sex with in years.


The chains were tight.  Too tight...even for you.  Not something you could break, even with your gorilla strength.


When she started walking toward you with a needle in her hand, you objected.  But she just smirked...The signs were all there, man, how'd you not guess this?  Now a crazy woman is injecting you with...She won't tell you what it is!  Your heart is racing.  It burns as it's injected.  You feel it rushing through your veins.


You feel your balls throbbing.  You feel your penis grow hard against your will.  Harder.  harder...and bigger.


You feel your body sliding across the stone.  You look at your left shoulder, then right, in a panic, seeing them shift away from your point of view, as you grew wider before your very eyes.


Your chest grew out, taking up more of your peripheral vision.  You felt your body growing longer.  Your legs growing outward.  You feel the shackles press against your growing wrists and ankles.


You roar like a monster, asking what she has done to you.


She's laughing and moaning, as moisture flows out from between her legs.  She shouts triumphantly that her mad science was working.  Her aroused body and twisted mind writhed in pleasure as she watched you expand beyond what you wanted.


You were perfect, and she ruined you.  But this thought was being destroyed by the amplified testosterone coursing through your veins.  You were becoming an animal.  and this nude, aroused woman, who wanted nothing more than to you to unleash your massiveness upon her stood there...waiting for you to free yourself and take your prize.


The chains shatter.


You lunge at her.  She embraces what little she can of you.


Hour and hours and hours of pure bliss followed there after...




This one will have one more part to it...let me know what you think :D

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