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The Master Theory (Chapter 1 Added)


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Hello. This is the tale of a boy who discovered a secret. A terrible secret that did not want to be found. This story has a very deep science fiction side and there won't be many muscle sequences, so if that's not your thing then please don't read further. The story might also get a little bit dark, nothing insane though.

I think that's all.


Chapter 1: The Spark of Madness

-Babilu, Mesopotamia-

As rain fell down in the tiny town, the ominous clouds polluting the sky rumbled once more, promising fury and destruction to the denizens of the world below them. Thunder cracked and split open the sky in two and lighting fell down, unleashing the wrath of the elements. The tendrils of white-hot plasma struck buildings and trees alike, pure energy falling down and bringing waves of devastation to all who dared to stand in their way. The cold shards of rain followed in an instant, trying to absorb the heat but to no avail. The streets were all empty, men and women hiding away in their small houses, praying that the horrific thunderstorm would pass away. All around the county, the wind howled like a banshee, screaming and shouting for the mortals to run away before it was too late.

But Mother Nature would not allow that. Not when one puny human had breached one of the most sacred rules. A sacrilege of the utmost degree, an act not comparable to the most heinous of crimes.

No. Thunder would continue to rain down, and that was only the beginning.

Mother Nature would not be satisfied until the breach had closed and she was alone in the world again.

-University of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England-


Adam observed the screen of his laptop once more, breathing out sighs of frustration and mumbling to himself.







With another sigh, Adam turned off the laptop and threw it on his bed. Disappointment filled his conduits, and he couldn't help but feel his hands twitch with anger. Nobody, nobody had told him about the party in the dorms yesterday and from the pictures that all his "friends" had uploaded, everyone had tons of fun. He could see Amy and Hannah playing beer pong with Seb and Jacob, seemingly without a care in the world. He could see acquaintances all laughing and drinking their livers away, all while neon blue light showered them all. Shirtless guys and drunk girls everywhere, dancing and enjoying their lives.

And they had forgotten about him. Of course they had. Who remembered the scrawny little nerd, the dweeb with a physics fetish who spent most of his time in the lab, tinkering and playing with simulations from sunrise to sunset, his excitement so big that most of the days he'd forget to have a simple meal? No wonder nobody had invited him, they all knew that Adam was the exact opposite definition of fun, and nobody wanted to have a vibe killer next to them.

As Adam fought through the anger with logic, he felt himself calm down. His tense shoulders relaxed, not that there was much muscle on them to tense in the first place. Nevertheless, he bent down to do some of his morning stretches. His body groaned in protest, but he fought through the pain. As the physics lab assistant, his work required him to stay still most of the time, except the few moments he had to enter the experiment chamber to tinker some of the machines or the detector into alignment. This had caused him to develop what some would call as a 'bad posture', and it showed. Before summer, he had measured himself at an unremarkable 5'9 and 140 lbs of weight, but as the months flew by, he had found himself get slightly shorter at 5'8.5, while his weight increased at 155 lbs, most of it being fat due to his unhealthy diet.

His flatmates, Seb and Jacob had unsuccessfully tried to make him go to the gym with them in order to fix his posture and shed off some of that fat, but Adam had declined the offer, saying that his work was infinitely times better than wasting his time lifting metal in a sweaty gym.

He couldn't help but want to slap himself in the face now, though. With a final sigh, Adam checked himself in the mirror and tried to hide his frown away. What looked back was a perfectly average face, with a higher-than-average fat deposit, making his chin look bloated even though it wasn't. His skin wasn't perfect either, with several acne scars at various places, such as his cheeks and forehead, creating a terrible contrast against his very pale skin and bright blonde hair. The only thing that made him feel a bit special, however, was the color of his eyes. A deep amber around his irises, glimmering with mischief and intelligence. The only thing that made him smile when he thought about his physical appearance.

Adam shook his head and grabbed his lab coat. He wasn't a man of fitness or particular beauty. His best asset was intelligence and cunning, and it clearly showed by his indifference in physical beauty. Sure, he could follow the example of his flatmates and hit the gym, but he didn't find any particular reason to do so. The time he spent learning more about the universe and the hidden secrets it contained beat the mindless lifting of steel and metal.

He tried to convince himself that this was for the best. He had to invest all his energy into his research, or else the inevitable feeling of regret would set back in.

"In for a penny, in for a pound," he murmured as he closed the door behind him and exited the apartment. The dark matter lab was but a few hundred feet away from the apartment, and he couldn't wait to get back into his microcosm. Science was where he belonged, the only thing that made him feel like he mattered. The thought made Adam smile, and with a slight hunch, he started walking towards the elevator.

* * *

The Dark Mater Unit of the University of Cambridge was one of the most advanced in the United Kingdom. With several thousand pounds of income per scientist, the many experiments held there meant that with sufficient qualifications and expertise, every competent person could test their own theories or measurements that would give credibility to their ideas. As such, the labs featured state-of-the-art technology that was in-par with the particle accelerators at CERN, but without the extreme securities that Geneva had to apply to the most popular physics lab in the world. That also meant that no person could conduct dangerous experiments without the supervision of senior scientists, a necessary (or mandatory) rule that the Home Office had applied to the entire unit. After all, the lab played with forces that humans still didn't fully understand and the United Kingdom didn't want to become the epicenter of a potential disaster.

Adam casually observed the bulletproof glass door in front of him before hitting the access code next to it. The door opened with a swift hiss, and he smiled. He loved the smell of synthetic polyester that permeated through the lab, the byproducts of the three 3D printers stashed on the other side of the wide room. With a quick snap of his fingers, the entire section of the lab burst into light, as the bright lights above him came into life.

"Good morning Amanda," Adam said to nobody in particular.

"Good morning, Adam. How was your morning?" a female voice permeated through the walls around him. To a casual bystander, there was no obvious source where the robotic, albeit pleasant voice came from. Amanda was the unit's personal artificial intelligence, specifically designed to follow complex commands while also having the ability to calibrate and extend several thousand processes and parameters per minute. She was the hidden gem of the lab, and Adam had grown to like her a lot, even though he knew that it was a program mainly designed to crunch numbers down into something comprehensible by the human mind. "The results of Simulation 193HAZ have been uploaded and saved in your work desktop. Please take a look at them and tell me if you need me to re-calibrate your spatial parameters."

"Thank you, Amanda," Adam replied to the AI as he walked over and sat down at his work desk. Looking around him, he didn't see any of his colleagues present and evidently so, as today was Sunday and no person with a sane mind would choose to get stuck in a lab for the entire day.

Well, all except Adam.

Logging in on his desktop, Adam coldly noticed how achy his body felt as he sat down to the uncomfortable chair. Yes, he could feel it all around his body, how unfit and tired he was. He tried to ignore the feelings of shame as they tried to resurface, instead choosing to focus on the daily report. It comprised of measurements from several thousand detectors all around the globe with their sole purpose being the measurement of dark matter particles. Usually, the results were various and random, evidence that Cambridge's detectors did not have the correct algorithms to properly detect the particles. The detectors kept alternating between randomly assigned algorithms, until something that worked was found. Alas, nobody had that algorithm of the true detection of dark matter particles, and figuring that out would be a highway to a Nobel Prize.

And yet, something picked Adam's attention.

"Hmm. Amanda, can you please show me the results from the Middle East detectors? Mesopotamia, to be precise. There seems to be... a constant result? Did someone alter the parameters?" Adam asked the AI, which after three minutes of "thinking", came up with an answer.

"Detector 256, 286, 295 and 292 have all been disabled due to a thunderstorm reported at 04:00 this morning. In fact, the thunderstorm is still going on, and authorities have quarantined the city. The lighting was seemingly attracted to the detectors due to their metal nature, and thus their results have been compromised. Would you still like me to analyse the data?" Amanda asked on her pleasant voice.

"Yes please." Adam didn't have anything to lose, and this was s change from the usual and very boring processing of data points he had to do every morning.

"Calculating. Calculating. Suppersymetric particles detected. Mapping... mapping." On the screen of his computer, a 3D map of the globe suddenly appeared, along with four red dots all located in the middle of the Mesopotamia region. "Triangulating position based on dark matter density. Position detected." The red dots began to seemingly connect with each other, before the final position was calculated.

"What am I seeing?" Adam asked, struggling to understand what all this meant. He wasn't used to not understanding, and that made him want to cover his ignorance as soon as possible.

This time, Amanda took over five minutes to respond, and for some reason, that made Adam feel a bit frightened. The AI was used to these kinds of questions, and it wasn't normal for it to take so long.

"Gravitational lensing response shows an approximate 10% of dark matter density on Earth converging on this exact location. Velocity response... unknown. My database has never seen anything like this, Adam. Would you like me to alert Dr. Sizzle?" Amanda asked, but Adam was stunned.

"No, that won't be necessary. Could you please see if you can extract the final algorithm that the detectors used before the lighting hit them? I... I want to run it with our detector here."

"Are you sure, Adam? Running an unauthorized algorithm could result in severe to catastrophic damage to the equipment. Your clearance allows you to run any algorithm, but this warning is mandatory. Would you like to proceed?" the AI added as the lab turned from standby to active mode. Several lights flicked open, revealing a second chamber behind the 3D printers, showcasing a single detector in the middle of a white room. The detector was a simple metal rod, about three feet tall and one foot wide and deeply embedded in the ground. However, the intricate machinery located inside it where probably worth more than three hundred thousand pounds, and as such, it was a very precious possession that the university owned.

"Yes, Amanda. I'm sure." Thankfully, Adam could lie to the AI. He tried not to show any fear in his voice, even though the knew that the AI was not capable of detecting emotion, just commands. To be honest, he didn't know what he was doing. Maybe it was the lingering anger from not being invited to yesterday's party, or perhaps it was something else entirely. Adam just knew that he had to do something today, something that mattered to him. And this was it.

As he walked near the detector, he could feel the slow whirring of machinery below his feet, preparing the detector. At the same time, the metal rod on the other side of the glass expanded until it stood at around seven feet tall, before opening up to reveal three transparent blades that pointed up towards the roof, acting as a conduit for dark matter recognition.

"Detector 399 is ready. Proceeding with algorithm input and validation." The blades of the detector began revolving, slowly at first before picking up more speed. The sound of electricity filled the chamber, and Adam could feel the light dusting of hair on his arms and neck standing up. With a smile, Adam felt himself relax. That feeling meant that the algorithm was valid, and thus no damage could come to the machine. Now all he could do was wait for the detector to finish running the detection protocols, a process that took five minutes at most.

The minutes passed quickly.

At ten minutes, Adam started worrying.

At twenty, he started sweating. 

At thirty, he was asking Amanda to crash the process. "This is not possible, Adam," Amanda replied with her usual robotic voice. "The detector cannot be stopped until it has finished its analys-," the AI managed to spurt out before something cut if off.

"A-Amanda?! What happened?" Adam asked the AI, but there was no reply. Suddenly, the entire unit was consumed by darkness, save for the light emanating by the blades of the detector, still active.

"E-E-E-ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. PARTICLE CONVERGENCE DETEC-. ERROR. ERROR. DATA CORRUPTION DETECTE---EEEEEEE- PLEASE EVACUA---" Amanda suddenly screeched out before the voice dissipated to nothingness.

Adam couldn't move. His body was not responding at all. it was as if someone had fused his legs to the ground. The only thing he could do was watch the detector, as it blades moved faster and faster, until the only thing he could see was a disc made entirely out of light. Red now bathed both him and the entire unit, as the emergency protocols were activated.

And yet, all Adam could do was watch.

Watch as the disc seemingly cut through invisible matter, tearing into something that he could neither see or comprehend. It was as if the detector was searing through reality itself, and through the tear, more light breached through. Cold, clinical light that should not have been there.

The tear expanded, and more light seeped through.

The last thing Adam saw before the blinding white wave engulfed him was his own reflection. It was him... but different. That other him was smiling. Adam didn't know how to describe what he was seeing. Better was the only thing his mind came up with before he lost consciousness. The last thing he remembered was Amanda's voice coming into life for one last second, just so it could say one final sentence.

"Breach schism unlocked... Congratulations, Adam."

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