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Transform Gaiden: Part 3


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Here is the third part. Enjoy!


Again, if anyone has any suggestions or whatnot, please don't hesitate to let me know! I can't improve otherwise!




Mick couldn’t think straight. It was as if all notions of reality had packed their bags and left for a holiday. All he could think of was the raging force that had caused a whole wall to bulge and crack. That overpowering, rank sweetness. The sight of a body that would put any ‘brah’ in the world to shame. It was all swirling in his head, overwhelming him. Like his brain was trying to understand how such things were possible, but it had no frame of reference for any of it.


Over and over, the senses, the memories played on repeat. He dreamt he was being held by the colossus. In those massive, steely arms. Against the heat of that impossibly hard body. And there was nothing else he wanted as much in his life.


“Oy, you’re not dead, are you?”


The deep, rumbling sound penetrated Mick’s internal musings. Like a tuning fork, it delivered clarity to his mind, made him immediately aware of his surroundings. He realised he must have been dreaming, and opened his eyes.


The first thing Mick’s brain registered was the soft warmth of whatever was surrounding him. He rolled his head over, and noticed he was lying in the makeshift bed he had first seen on the way in. He was tucked in to the sheets neatly, like his mum used to do. He couldn’t remember how or why this had happened.


“Oh good, I didn’t kill you. Happy days!”


Mick turned over to find the source of the baritone. There was Nate, leaning against the door. Aside from a change of shirt, he was just the same as when they first met, still as overwhelmingly powerful. But it wasn’t the same as the beautiful beast that was the last thing he remembered before… before…


“Wha-What happened?” Asked Mick, trying to get a handle on the situation.

Nate flashed a flicker of a smile, then buried it again. “Looks like you fainted as we came in. I’ve seen this happen before. So, I just made sure you were comfortable until you decided to wake up.”


Mick made an effort to sit himself up out from under the sheets. As he did so, he felt something unusual. When he checked his waist, he saw he wasn’t wearing his favourite jeans anymore. In their place, was a set of sweatpants that looked comically oversized on his small frame. They must have belonged to Nate. Looking underneath, he saw he wasn’t even wearing his undies anymore. He was going commando at the moment.


“Hey, uh, what happened to my pants? This isn’t what I came in with, was it?”


Nate had a good hearty chuckle at that.


“Nah! Not at all! You kind of had a… little accident when you fainted. You’re pants are in the wash right now.”

“Wait, so… you stripped me?” Mick was taken aback that this guy had just decided it was perfectly okay to just expose him like that.


“Uh… yeah. Look, I’m really sorry if I acted hastily. I tend to forget that that most guys aren’t as open about nudity as we are.”




“Well, me and my mates. We usually don’t care about being naked in front of each other. I shouldn’t have assumed you didn’t either.”


Mick nodded, accepting Nate’s apology. For a little while, neither one of them knew what to talk about. Until a passing flash of light went by the window, drawing Mick’s attention to the otherwise pitch blackness outside.


“Oh shit, what time is it?”


Nate reached down beside him and pulled a phone from out of his pocket. As he fiddled around trying to turn it on, Mick couldn’t help how like a toy it looked in Nate’s massive paws.


“It’s about quarter past two. You were out of it for a while.”

“Oh shit, how am I gonna get home? What will I do until morning?”


“You mean, you don’t remember what you wanted to do?”


“What? Oh, yeah, I asked to stay the night, didn’t I?” For some reason Mick had forgotten that detail of the night. His mind was wandering elsewhere. But now he remembered why he didn’t want to go home that night, and needed another place to stay.


“So,” Said Nate, clapping his hands, as if settling the matter. “What did you want to do now? If you want, I can leave you alone to go back to sleep. Or, we could watch a movie or something. I dunno.”


Mick thought about that for a second. “Actually, a movie doesn’t sound too bad. I could fall asleep to some brain dead action anyway.”


“Alright then! I downloaded the last Taken movie the other day. Want to watch that?” said Nate as he deftly moved to the TV at the far end of the room.

“Yeah, I guess. Haven’t seen any of them myself. Any good?”

Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders. “I’ve heard it’s alright. They all follow the same plot anyway, so you’re not missing much.”


So, while Nate got busy setting up the movie, Mick settled down into the sheets ready to end that miserable night. Though, he reasoned, there were worse places to find himself that night. This guy Nate really seemed to be concerned about his wellbeing. It had been a long time since Mick had felt anything like that. And, on top of that, he was practically oozing sexuality out of every pore. That face, that body… his back alone was like a concrete wall, only it was constantly moving and shifting under that thin piece of cotton! It was like someone had reached into his most secret carnal desires and remade them in flesh! But he could never admit that. People already gave him shit because of his family, and his small stature. He couldn’t let his dick cause him yet more grief. He loathed it and himself.


Suddenly, Nate boomed “Alright, all done here!” and headed to the makeshift bed facing the TV.


As he hopped onto the mattress opposite Mick, Mick himself launched slightly in response to Nate thudding beside him.

As the two of them settled in for the beginning of the film, Mick could feel the energy radiating from his bed partner. It felt wonderful, but he didn’t dare get closer. He didn’t know how Nate would react. Would he be uncomfortable? Offended? Creeped out? Mick couldn’t get those thoughts out of his head. In the end, he decided to make a bit of small talk to suss it out.


“So, why do you have a bed out here anyway? Wouldn’t a lounge be better for company?”


“Ah” said Nate. “I did have a lounge at one point. But it kind of… broke.”


“Oh, what happened?”


“There was sort of a party going on, and a couple of my mates… broke it. They tend to not watch what they’re doing sometimes.”


“Okay, that still doesn’t explain the bed.”


“Well, after that happened, I decided a couple of mattresses wouldn’t break as easily, and they were better for the type of entertaining I usually do anyway."


“Oh yeah” said Mick “Your ‘mates,’ right?”


“Yeah, those ones. They can be a bit of a handful, alright.”


“These guys sound interesting. They all like you?”


“What, you mean…” Nate gestured to his still obscenely think torso, laying on top of the sheets. In the glow of the TV, Mick could easily make out the outline of his massive chest, and his deeply cut abs under the thin white cotton of his shirt


“Well, I meant more personality-wise. But that too, I guess.”


“Okay then” Nate scratched his chin, reaching under his copious beard to do so “I’ve been told I can be a bit of a wet blanket compared to them sometimes. But, yeah, we’re all about the same size.”


“Wow, I wouldn’t mind being that big myself.”


Nate paused to consider what Mick had said. Mick could almost make out the cogs turning behind his magnificent brow.


“Mick, can I ask a serious question? It may help me answer whatever questions you have.”


Mick, puzzled, said yes.


“Are you gay?”


“I… wha-er…what?!”


“I’m sorry if I put you on the spot. It’s just, it’s actually heaps relevant to what we’re talking about.”


Mick was at a loss for words. Even though he was hoping the talk would eventually reach that point, he didn’t know it would come so bluntly. He still hadn’t told anybody about who he was attracted to. But, he felt safer here than he ever did talking to anyone else about this sort of thing. Whatever Nate was, he certainly didn’t seem judgmental at all.


“Well, I’ve had sex with a girl before. I like them plenty.  But… I think I like men as well. I’m not sure.”


“Not sure?”


“Well, I’ve never acted on it, or told anyone before, or anything. But, when I see yo-guys I like, I mean, My heart leaps up and I feel nervous and… is this weird?”


At that point, Nate just wrapped his colossal arm around Mick’s narrow shoulder and pulled him into a sidehug. Mick was, again, stunned. The flesh of Nate’s muscled chest, pressed up against his face. It felt so hard, like it was stone wrapped with silk. And it was so warm as to almost be hot. And yet, he felt it was alive, and he could feel it shift with each of Nate’s movements.

“Mick” Nate rumbled, his chest echoing with the power in his lungs and chest “There is nothing wrong with the way you feel. It’s a part of who you are, but it doesn’t have to define you. It’s just a piece, like any other, of the immaculate construct that is you.”


“But I always thought… I mean my friends…”


“If your friends are going to be put off by the fact you like men as well as women, the problem lies with them, not you. Someone who cares about you shouldn’t let it matter either way. You’ll still be the same old Mick to them.”


“How can you be so sure? How can you know what it’s like?” Mick was starting to let his emotions get the better of him at this point. He was struggling to keep the tears in check.


“I think being gay myself helps to put me in your shoes a little bit” replied Nate. “Sure, some people acted weird when I came out. But most of them came around after a while. And the rest? Well, frankly, it wasn’t a big loss.”


So Mick finally got his answer. And while the admitting himself to Nate was painful, it was still a good feeling. Like a large burden sitting on his chest was being lifted away, slowly but surely.


“Wow. I mean, I had no idea. I’m so-“


“You know, you’ve said sorry at least three times since this afternoon. Still, I am glad I was helpful.”


“Mmm” Mike agreed.


As the movie played softly in the background, Mick started to doze off with his head against Nate as a pillow. Nate’s breathing caused his surprisingly comfy chest to rise and fall dramatically. And, as he lay there, with his ear against Nate’s sternum, he could hear Nate’s heart beat in a slow, powerful rhythm.











This was the sound that Mick last remembered being conscious for, as he drifted away into a deep sleep, the happiest he had been in a long time. Because someone had accepted him, as flawed and scared as he was, unconditionally.

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