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  1. The Muscle Lottery Part XI: Maximizing the Competition The two men at the heart of this experiment are both trying to control themselves. Bronson feels an array of emotions flowing through him from being frightened to being more excited than he can handle. Steve, who is absolutely glistening and is gloriously furry, due to his strong Chilean ethnicity, is remarkably calm now and completely transfixed on the cowboy’s face and eyes. He has one of his big hands sitting on Bronson’s chest as he massages his furry gut with the other one. He has become quite smitten with the beefy Texan. He is also slowly sliding up and down on Bronson’s meaty cock, massaging his aching hole, after it expanded to accommodate his new size. He is keeping the cowboy preoccupied by getting fucked by him. Bronson moans very deeply, not the loud kind either, the slow gruff kind. The Texan badly wants to touch Steve, but is not even close to getting to that point due to his restraints. The furry South American beast smacks his wet cock against his partner’s stomach, forcing a small stream of precum to leave his cockhead and mix in with Bronson’s-soaked shirt top. “Just focus on satisfying me stud. I want to feel your cock swelling inside me at the same time I feel your muscles destroy everything in their wake. I just know that this is going to be one hell of a ride.” Bronson continues to tense his body as he tries to fight the serum. He is apparently doing this on purpose to intensify the feelings that are running through his head. He moans deeply as he feels his ballsac starting to swell. The high dosage that is resulting from Steve’s addition to the one that is already attached to the cowboy is making his cock and balls grow quicker than they would have before. The Chilean grunts feeling Bronson’s rod grow and lengthen inside him. He can also feel the Texan’s expanding testicles ripping themselves free from their confines beneath his enormous ass. “Fucking YES! I want to feel your growing power flowing through me hunky boy. Fill me up with your hot flood.” Bronson gasps as he slowly thrusts inside Steve, feeling his quads and hamstrings squeaking and stretching from within his tight shorts. Steve reaches over with both of his big paws and moans as the seams completely give way, releasing the monsters that are quickly swelling outward. He pets both of the cowboy’s growing trunks, feeling the fur thicken on top of them and the power being pumped into them as he continues to get pounded by the Texan. Bronson’s calves are now testing the restraints that are around them, as each one thickens outward and makes the metal struggle to keep its shape. He grunts feeling his toes getting meatier as both of his feet grow even larger than they were before. The backside of his shorts is no match for the two growing round beasts that are raging beneath the fabric, as the seams rip apart, one by one. His body shutters for a few seconds as he feels himself being lifted from the seat, he is sitting in. He is now no longer resisting what is happening to him and is demanding to be grown, in his mind. “Ohh fuck dude...I have never felt the urge to fuck someone so badly. The power coursing through my muscles and veins is incredible. I never want this to end, I want to grow FOREVER!” Steve can feel Bronson’s cock swelling even larger as his hole continues to be stretched. He grunts as he moves his hands back to the Texan’s torso, sensing that things are about to get really exciting. The Texan’s breathing is weathered as his stomach begins to ripple. The flab that covered his abs before is beginning to disappear as his abdominal wall starts to thicken outward. His shirt is now starting to struggle to contain him as his pecs and shoulders begin inflating. The Chilean grunts feeling Bronson’s chest quickly changing beneath him. He gets so excited that he cums directly on top of the Texan’s-soaked shirt. “YES...YYYEEESSS! Mmm, you turn me on so much hunk. Turn into the gawd you were always meant to be!” Bronson’s back muscles, including his swelling delts and traps, are pushing him upward even further. Steve can see this happening from where he is sitting and pushes himself up to watch each of them as they slowly rip each individual seam along his shoulder area. Bronson smiles feeling his arms reacting to the serum now as well. He leans over to whisper something into one of Steve’s ears. “Dude, I want to grow you even bigger than you are now. Work my beast over with your incredible ass and I promise, you won’t ever regret it.” Feeling his shirt being tested to its limits, he motions for Steve to watch in anticipation of the impending doom of the fabric giving way. His chest, noticeably much furrier than before, heaves up and down as the two monsters that are still swelling beneath his chin, are now fraying the neckline. The cowboy rears his head back as his bloated pecs finally emerge, prompting the Chilean to arch his head and body down to feel his partner destroy his shirt with ease. The thick forest of fur does little to cover the beasts as his nipples quickly point downward as each of the furry pillows continue to grow wider. They have filled up every square inch of space from beneath his chin. His arms are now flexing and twitching violently as the veins double in size beginning from his giant shoulders, which have now ripped themselves free, and extending all the way down to his growing wrists. The intense amount of pressure and pleasure emanating from his growing forearms, biceps, and triceps is enough for him to start blasting precum into Steve’s hungry ass. His abs have managed to keep pace with his expanding pecs and have finished off the rest of the front part of Bronson’s shirt. It turns out that the Texan will be sporting a massive eight-pack when this is all said and done with. He is also not far off from destroying the rest of his prison as his hands and fingers are getting thick enough to where his restraints are barely able to contain him. He knows that the chair is no longer a match for him, but he is enjoying the foreplay that is coming with all of this. It is now creaking from beneath the two behemoths. Steve is now turning his attention to Bronson’s bloated cannons, which are making him nearly lose another load as he feels them twitching and expanding underneath his fingers. The thick bulbous fibers rage as they finally settle down once they hit 24”. His triceps are now so large that they nearly spill over the sides of the chair. Bronson is now feeling a bit uncomfortable, but is willing to endure a little bit of pain to have a bit of fun with his partner. His neck squeaks, as it thickens to match the girth of his immense shoulders. He can even feel parts of his head getting more pronounced and muscular. His beard has grown thicker and longer, as well, as it stretches down to his immense pecs before stopping just below the cavern in between where his furry pillows and his marbled slabs meet. His lats desperately want to be flexed, but he is waiting for just the right moment to do so, because he wants his partner to coat him with another nice cum load. Steve reaches over to each side to tear the rest of the shirt fabric off of Bronson’s upper body, which ends up being slung across the room and hitting a wall with such force, that it makes the two muscle monsters laugh. They both immediately notice how gorgeously deep the Texan’s voice has gotten. It sounds as if it might have lowered several octaves possibly. The Chilean looks directly into his monstrously enormous partner’s eyes and starts massaging him from all directions. “You are the biggest, most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on Bronson. You have also promised me that I will be growing again, so let's see if you can keep that promise. I will definitely work you over because I WILL be as fucking huge as you, and maybe, just maybe, I will even outgrow you.” The southern behemoth grunts deeply as Steve begins bouncing harder on top of him. He is content with his partner growing again, but there is a part of him that doesn’t want to be the smaller half again. For the time being, he just wants to feel the incredible rush of being in control of the hot furry bottom’s destiny. He motions for the Chilean to watch his back closely. “Hey buddy...want to see me do some damage to this chair? Well, I think I am ready now.” Bronson slowly flairs his lats outward, making sure that Steve is seeing every fiber expanding. His obliques and stabilizers, still growing, are now entirely visible. The metal holding the cowboy in place finally gives way as he frees his wrists and ankles. The gorgeous South American is completely unaware that the Texan has freed himself completely and is just toying with him. His lats are so wide and thick that the back of the chair is being tested by their power. He continues to grunt loudly as he attempts to destroy the chair simply by flexing them. Steve is dumping a river of precum all over Bronson’s insanely powerful abs, and is almost completely overcome with lust. He is no longer able to speak because he is mesmerized by what he is witnessing. The thick beast grabs the Chilean around his waist and pulls him in so they can lock lips. The surprise of being grabbed and kissed is more than enough for the hungry bottom to blast several ropes of cum onto his partner’s neck and pectoral shelf. Bronson then wraps his arms around Steve’s back and holds him tightly as they spend the next couple of minutes moaning and sharing saliva with each other. After breaking free from each other’s mouths, Bronson grins at the furry Hispanic beauty and slides him back on top of his massive cock. He is back to defeating the chair with just his lats and his back muscles. “This...fucking...chair...uhh...will...not...err...beat...me…” He is gripping both arms of the chair and flexes his gargantuan boulders. The sheer mass from his triceps is once again making the metal creak loudly on both sides. Steve moans watching his partner’s forearms and biceps twitch violently as they contend for victory. Bronson then flexes both of his flaring monsters, straining with every ounce of power in his back, as veins and vessels start popping out all over both of them. His back is sweating profusely, as more muscles appear out of nowhere to help support him through this quest. The Chilean can feel Bronson’s balls swelling bigger as well. It is obviously exciting the southern beast to the point that he may unload if he can accomplish this feat. The Chilean is now working his partner’s cock with his hole in long, incredibly slow and methodical strokes, squeezing several sticky strands of precum up inside him. He knows that he can accomplish his own feat if he can absorb every last drop of cum that comes pouring into him. He knows that Bronson is no longer paying attention to what he is doing to him so he is going to try and stimulate him even more. “Yeah, come on beast man, destroy it! Give us what we both need the most. Feed your insatiable appetite for destruction and gift me some of your power. We both want this, don’t you agree?” The Texan wastes no more time and yells in delight as he begins to unload inside his hairy friend, flexing his gargantuan tool as the flood flows deeply into Steve’s lower half. He realizes that Bronson was willingly going to do this to him as their eyes meet once more. He can feel things starting to happen to himself again as he reaches in to kiss his hunky partner. Bronson runs his huge paws along the sides of his olive-skinned partner and feels things happening along the ridges of his obliques. Steve’s midsection is getting even wider as he begins to grow again. The cowboy finally feels the chair buckle beneath them as they fall to the ground. “RAWR...YES! Grow again for me hairy brother. I love the fact that I am feeding you with every ounce of my being.” Bronson stares at Steve’s swelling cock as it snakes its way up his immense chest. He grabs a hold of it and leans down to take it into his mouth. He is lying on top of rubble, but there is very little pain involved since he is already over a staggering 350 pounds. He moans deeply feeling it continue to swell inside his lips, tasting the sweet nectar it is leaking down his throat, and feeling the thick pulsating cords from within the Chilean’s rod against his mouth. Steve’s glutes have grown several more inches in size as they completely envelop the cowboy’s huge quads. The Texan feels his hands being moved away from the South American giant’s hairy slabs as his swelling partner places them on his expanding tits. He is grunting wildly feeling them push his huge growing pythons further away from his body. He is almost beyond the point of no return when it comes to feeding Bronson his biggest load yet. “OHH FUCK! My pecs are growing so much that I can barely feel them now beast man.” He looks over at his now gargantuan 26” cannons. “OHH MY GAWD! They are so fucking massive and gorgeous!” He flexes them hard enough to make himself cum. He can hear Bronson gulping loudly as the excited top squeezes Steve’s furry balloons making them flex and bounce. The cowboy pulls the Chilean’s tool out of his mouth as it continues to gush cum down the beast’s thick chest. Bronson quickly runs his tongue up Steve’s mammoth chest and shoves one of his partner’s hairy tits into his mouth. The sensation is enough to make the furry bottom roar in delight as he seems to be focusing his attention on his bloated pecs now. “OHH YES...I feel like if you keep doing that Bronson I will...OHH FUCK...is that possible?” The incredibly horny Texan takes turns teasing his partner’s bouncing pecs with his tongue, sucking on both nipples, pulling on both tits with his teeth, seemingly edging Steve, making him agonize over the pressure that is building up in both of them. Bronson pulls out of his partner, grabs a hold of him as they both get up off the ground and waddle over to a bare wall. He slams Steve up against it, causing several cracks to appear, but it doesn’t deter him from continuing to do what he wants. “I can sense it emanating from both of them gorgeous. These beauties are going to do exactly what you didn’t think was possible. Now stop resisting it and feed me more of your protein.” Bronson is now taking turns locking his mouth around both of Steve’s swollen areolas and feels them pulsing like a heartbeat. He is groaning as he grips both of his Chilean lover’s gigantic arms and feels the thick mounds of vascular flesh bonding with his huge fingers. He is also flexing his own gigantic cock, making pumping motions, as he feels his balls quickly tense. He is about to blast more of his own cum everywhere. After a few more seconds of stimulation, Steve grunts deeply, leaking into Bronson’s throat, making the big beastly Texan sigh, as he sees the same thing happening to the Hispanic beast’s other swollen pec. He is amazed that this is happening to his massive partner, but at the same time, halfway expected it. He reaches one of his hands over to make a fist on the free pec and punches it, conjuring a strong reaction from Steve. He then moves over to tongue and lick the other leaky nipple, sucking profusely and somewhat giggles over it. He then reaches down with the same hand to slowly stroke his lover, knowing that it is likely about the unload as well. He finishes working that tit over and looks directly into the Chilean’s eyes. “Let it go beautiful. I can’t get enough of this. It is all I can think about. I am about to cum myself.” Bronson is quickly rewarded with a wet, sticky, stream of precum which coats his furry pec shelf and delts. He moans spreading it up and down his immense torso and licking his fingers. He stops stroking Steve and smacks his cock against his face. It is throbbing wildly, and the Texan is savoring how badly it wants release. He has already learned how to edge his partner and is maximizing how much it will unload. He is now running his tongue along his partner’s huge cockhead and slowly gulps it slowly down his powerful throat. He is rewarded with more precum as it flexes, unable to handle the stimulation being placed on it. He is leaking profusely himself onto the ground. It is the point of no return for Steve. Knowing it is about the happen, Bronson manages to pull his partner’s cock out of his mouth right before it starts to launch the most powerful flood of cum he has ever seen and felt. It nearly pushes the Texan several feet backwards, before he is able to plant his feet on the floor and maintain his position of holding his furry lover against the wall. The volume of cum is enough to completely bathe the cowboy as it flows over his entire bloated frame. The sensation results in him blasting Steve with his own river of cum onto the humongous Chilean. He laughs quite loudly as it continues for the next couple of minutes before finally stopping. He then wraps his arms around Steve’s body to catch him as he finishes. “Whew baby! That was absolutely amazing! I don’t think that we can ever top this moment, ever again.” He looks around, seeing if maybe they can find a shower somewhere to rinse off at. He remembers that there are a few down the hall, away from the lab. Seeing the metal door, he smiles before looking up at the cameras and waving. “Come on guys, give us a break here. I don’t want to destroy that door, but I will, if I have to.” He gets his wish and the metal door opens up where this whole thing started from. He holds Steve close to him as they stagger out the door and down the hall. Voices are heard coming from the cameras that were above them the whole time. It is Hardy and someone else. He seems quite pleased with what he has seen. “See, I told you that this experiment would work. Mr. Lopes managed to develop to the point that he could lactate from his nipples. I think it is safe to say that he won’t even remember who his boyfriend is, so you can do whatever you want to him. I consider this to be another success story. Let’s move on to the next one.” End of Part 11 *NOTE*: I have one more part planned for this series, but I am not sure of when I will get around to doing it.
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