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  1. Testosterone King (A Lion King FanFic) By: LionBUff Kovu approached the Adyan river just as the sun was setting. He planned on cleaning himself off for his partner, Vallic, before spending the night with him. Kovu was wearing standard summertime African attire which was breathable and loose-fitting. He calmly walked through the trees of the pride lands and over a small hill. This small hill covered Kovu's view of the river so that he could only see it as he moved over the tip of the hill. He expected nothing more than to clean himself and spend the night with Vallic. Kovu nearly fell to the ground when he saw Mufasa, his king, scrubbing his main with the Adyan river. The strokes Mufasa made were nothing special yet they fascinated Kovu. His muscles commanded his body in a way most would only see in war. Mufasa's muscles were bulging and flexing so much that a warrior's muscles would when beheading the king of the enemy army. Kovu crawled backward quietly. He wanted to watch so desperately but he didn't want to think about what would happen if he were seen. The king would be outraged. Kovu didn't even notice his dick poking out of his outfit and drawing a line in the dirt below as he crawled back. He didn't know that his body was fully prepared to serve the king he loved in many, many, ways. he was too busy staring at his manly, if not godly, king. Kovu knew he would be aggravated until he let the aggravated sperm in his sack swim out. He needed to dump out the building pressure one way or another. If he didn't rub it out it would swim out on its own with or without his permission. Kovu decided spilling the overflowing load would be more respectable than spraying it in his clothes. He stripped down without blinking. Kovu watched his king and imagined he was taking his clothes off to offer himself to his royal power, a male body fit to control the mightiest animals creation has ever made. Kovu positioned himself in a way that made him feel like he would be milked in a way the goats and cows from neighboring kingdoms would be milked. His testicles swung down and his beating dick grew towards the grass below. His legs held his body above the ground in an arched shape with a wide welcoming valley in his rear. The valley under his tale resembled a finger giving directions to his guts. Kovu held his upper body inches above the ground using his left arm while his right took the place of Mufasa's mighty hand in his fantasy. Kovu's back sumped upwards towards the bouncing sweet meat slope of topping off his physic. Mufasa didn't know he was driving Kovu crazy when he washed his sweat out of his pubic hairs. To him, his pubic hairs were just hairs on his body. To Kovu, they were a new land for his hands to explore. Rich thickets of musky hair to sink his fingers into. The think main around his pelvis almost hid the delectable fruit of Mufasa's seed sack, at least until he lifted them up to wash their underside exposing the network of veins defining the girth of Mufasa's plump balls. Kovu felt that he was no match for Mufasa's strength as a male. Mufasa could fill him to the back of his throat with cubs and Kovu would love every thrust of it. His dreams of soaking up Mufasa's seed faded as his seed soaked the grass under his bare stomach. Kovu was filled with regret after he finished cumming thanks to his balls filling with sharp cramps. Kovu clearly wasn't built for such intense ejaculations. He was built to swallow such intense ejaculations. He'd done it before with an elephant and a horse, one in each end. He knew Mufasa wasn't as big as the horse or elephant but he thought Mufasa would still be more painful. He was used to mating much more than the horse and elephant combined. He would hurt much more, and last much longer, then do it again like it never happened, felling beyond pent up with every round of seed filling. Kovu assumed his own seed spraying session was over. He did his best to stay silent and unnoticed as he grabbed his clothes. "That's a shame" a distant female voice spoke with a low, soft, sarcastic, and serious tone. "All cleaned up just to get all dirtied up again." "Sarabi, we've already had our fun. Twice since noon," Mufasa replied. Kovu, half-naked, peered over the hill to see the queen walking over to the king's equality exposed. "Aren't you full," Mufasa said with a brief laugh that sounded arrogant and curious." "Don't flatter yourself," Sarabi said with the same tone arrogance and curiosity. She walked with a form that opened the lower lips to her waist wide. Kovu could see into her slimy and shiny canal. It appeared lubricated and prepared for any beast it could swallow. Mufasa's beast took notice as it reached out towards Sarabi. The queen's chest danced as she approached her king. She was big enough to carry two cubs in each breast instead of her womb. She was just as round as Mufasa if not more. Sarabi pulled at her cave as if to pull it open for Mufasa. Kovu could hear how soaking wet the inside of Sarabi's cunt was thanks to the dripping wet insides slobbering against itself. Mufasa's cock softly touched the outside edges of the vagina he was about to split open. It slipped its was 1/4 up Mufasa's dark purple head tickling Sarabi's lips. Mufasa twitched his waist back and forth to test the waters of the slippery den inside Sarabi's female body. Sarabi's pink and red mouth between her legs opened like a starving mouth ready to swallow an entire feast whole. Sarabi felt a mildly painful sensation telling her Mufasa was too big while he teased her female mouth with his violently pounding feast of manhood. Sarabi was caught off guard by the way-too-big cock of Mufasa. She screamed and moaned at the same time. Her body thought an arm had swung up her guts and punched her womb. She opened her legs to welcome the body of the beast she would never get used to. the rhythmic smacking of Mufasa's body nearly beating the air out of Sarabi's lungs with his breeding echoed through the pride lands. Every lion could hear a fair moan howling to the rhythm of the slapping. Kovu could see Mufasa abusing his holes the same way. He could hear himself screaming and begging for more seed. He started shaking his dick without even truly realizing how quickly his balls were flapping around. The seamen inside his balls jumped around. Kovu forced his balls to brew a new batch of cum. His body shot loads of seamen out faster than they could be generated. As soon as a new sperm cell was created it was swimming down the grassy hill before it had a chance to touch Kovu's balls. Kovu was a seed machine. His body enjoyed the view of Mufasa filling Sarabi so much that he created a white river of his seed seeping down the hill. a warm white trail stained the ground below him. Kovu was too busy jacking off and spilling an endless supply of cum to care. Sarabi couldn't tell if the pains in her upper womb were Mufasa hammering into the walls and roof of her womb or if she was already pregnant. Her question was answered when her midsection inflated outwards 5 inches and became 2 pounds heavier. "Not a bad round one," Mufasa roared. Before Sarabi could say anything about how painfully fun the mating was Mufasa had already laid her down in a shallow and soft part of the river. Mufasa never took his cock out as he set her down. He just lifted Sarabi's inflated belly and pounded like he was too pent up to think about anything but sex. For most men, the amount of cum he was about to fill her within this round alone would have been more than they would ever see. Mufasa's body was used to cumming all day. His cock's head nearly never saw anything but the inside of a female. He was never outside of a woman's womb. his balls were never dry.
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