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Hey, Big Guy (Complete Story 6/25/19)


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15 hours ago, TQuintA said:

    “I had to grab these from a very angry woman with sharp nails,”

LMAI i died!

It0s nice to see some of James life and how being out and being true to himself has changed things. I loved this  set of chapters.

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Chapter 50

            We had to leave Saturday afternoon, per Charles’s commandments, but Doug and Henry were determined to squeeze every last drop of fun out of our visit with their son.  However, since James’s schedule was largely dictated by my training schedule, the last chunk of time before we left was booked with a jog.  Not to be deprived of their visit, it ended up with all four of us going on a family jog.

            Henry said that the traffic was always practically non-existent on Saturdays, so we ran down the middle of the street, the four of us abreast.

            As we jogged through the streets that I still couldn’t tell apart, people began shouting out to us.  Most of them shouted some variation of “Jimmy!  You left too early last night!” or “Glad to see you, Jimmy!”

            After the fifth person said something along those lines, Doug spoke.  “Okay.  What happened last night?  ‘Cause, I could have sworn my son was a pariah in high school.”

            “He was,” James said.  Then, after a small half-smile, he added, “In high school.”

            “You actually had fun last night?” Doug said.


            Henry explained.  “Your father thought your friends dragged you to the party against your will.  I assured him that you were assertive enough to tell them no if you didn’t want to go.”

            “Oh no,” I said.  “We totally drag him to stuff all the time.”

            “All the time,” James echoed.

            “But only stuff we know he’ll enjoy when he gets there.”

            “Last night, I wanted to go.”

            “I actually tried to talk him out of it because I thought the invitation was bogus.”

            “Good to hear,” Henry said.

            “So, you were both right,” I said to his dads.

            “Ever the peacekeeper, boyfriend Chris,” Doug said.

            Soon after, Spenser saw us jogging and joined for a bit.

            “Hey, Jimmy.  Chris.  Jimmy’s dads.”

            “Spenser,” Henry said cordially.

            “You think you can make it to the Barracks again tonight?” Spenser asked.

            “Can’t.  We’re heading back to campus today.”

            “Too bad.  There’s a bunch of people going to be there tonight who weren’t there when you rang the bell.”

            James laughed.  “And?”

            “The place is going to be swarming with single ladies if you two come again.”

            “Ah,” James said.  “So that’s your angle.”

            Spenser smiled and said, “This time Chris could ring the bell.”

            James stopped running.

            “Or not,” Spenser said.  Stunned into silence, James caught back up to us.

            “Later, Jimmy.  Sorry to freak you out.”  With that Spenser, left our group and jogged back to his house.

            “Ring the bell?” Henry asked.

            Doug was beaming from ear to ear.  “I know what that means.  I’m a cool dad.”  After a pause, he added, “And I’m proud.”

            “I’m not a cool dad,” Henry said.  “Do I want to know?”

            “Probably not, hon,” Doug said.

            A few blocks later, some random woman shouted out: “Hey!  Jimmy’s boyfriend!”  And then she made a whole bunch of screams sounding vaguely like “Owh! Owh! Owh!”  As we got closer to her, she said, “You can ring my bell anytime.”

            I looked at her and called, “Girl, please.”

            That elicited a fit of laughter.

            “I think I know what ringing a bell is,” Henry said.

            A few houses later, Lacey came running out of her house, holding my pants.  “Hey Chris!  You want your pants back?”

            “Throw ‘em to me!” I called.

            She threw them, and I completed the rest of the run with my white dress pants draped around my shoulders.

            “Okay,” Henry said.  “Now I definitely know what ringing a bell is.  Jimmy, how could you do that in public?”

            Doug interceded on his son’s behalf.  Boyfriend Chris did.  Jimmy just rang the bell.”

            “I’m lost again,” Henry said.  After a pause, he added, “And I think I’d prefer to stay there.”

            By the time we got back to the house, Dave and Luke had packed the car and were waiting for us to go.

            Doug and Henry gave us all our goodbye hugs, and even though Doug was sweaty from the jog, Dave went in for an extra-long hug.

            “I put our numbers in your phone,” Henry said when he hugged Dave.  “Give us a call if you need a father figure.”

            “Luke,” Doug said, patting Luke on the back mid-hug.

            “Later, man,” Luke said, let go of the hug, and got into the car.

            “Man,” Doug repeated.  “I love it.”

            When Henry hugged me goodbye, he said, “I understand if you two have to do Christmas with your parents.  That’s fine.  We throw better New Year’s parties anyways.”

            As we drove away, Henry and Doug waved at us from the driveway.

            Once we pulled away, I turned to James and said, “I think Henry invited me over for New Year’s.”

            Dave scoffed.  “I spent almost all of yesterday with Henry.  He’s picking out china patterns.”

            “And Doug asked me if you two want kids,” Luke added.

            “They know we’ve been dating for two months, right?” I asked.

            “I don’t care,” James said.

            I thought about it and said, “I really don’t either.”

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Chapter 51

























            The days became a solid, homogenous mass.  Charles had infected my brain.  I heard his voice encouraging me to do just one more rep, do just a little more weight, try just a little bit harder.  I was even beginning to have nightmares about cutesy-talking murderers who made me do deadlifts until I literally died. 

But it was paying off.  I’d only been under Charles’s rule for ten days, and I was feeling more solid, hard, and strong.  I was feeling overall more.

            The definition around my abs was the most drastic change.  I thought my waist was small before the training, and now I was back down to having a waist as small as James.  I had to use the next hole down on my belt.  The veins on my arms and legs were in full relief even when I was relaxed.  I swear my cock even looked stiffer and more vascular.  I was looking intense.

            James was having the opposite problem.  He was getting bigger.  The first time he outgrew a shirt, we were walking down the stairs on our way to philosophy, and his armpits just burst when he reached to grab the door out of our dorm.  He blushed a bright crimson and ran back upstairs.  He skipped philosophy that day.

            As James grew bigger, I encouraged him by feeling up his swollen arms whenever Charles wasn’t looking, by rubbing his thickening legs under the desk whenever we sat next to each other in class, by caressing his expanding chest whenever had ten seconds alone.

            He now could only fit into about half of his clothes, and most of those were my hand-me-downs.  James being bigger and thicker drove me wild.  Every time we fucked, I could swear his shoulders were wider or his chest was sticking out further or his arms were bigger.  He was slowly but surely inflating with muscle.  Charles had tapped into James’s full growing potential, and I was grateful, even if Charles did work me so hard I felt like I was in a death-like stupor when I crawled into bed at night.

            When I stumbled into my room on Wednesday evening, freshly showered and ready to go to sleep, I found Luke dressed in a dress shirt and pants that Dave had originally bought for me.  He still wore his sunglasses, but he looked sharp.

            “What’s with the get-up?” I asked.

            “Did you forget, buddy?”

            I looked at my phone and pulled up Charles’s Google doc.  “Dave’s play is tonight.”

            “He got us tickets.”

            It had been leg day.  I looked down, and my thighs looked incredibly swollen.  “Will I fit?” I asked.  “If the theater chairs are as narrow as…”

            Luke interrupted me.  “Dave made sure you’d fit.  It’ll be a tight squeeze, but he got you an aisle seat so you can stretch out.  Now, get dressed.  I am under strict orders to have you dressed to the nines.”

            James stumbled into the room behind me.  He had to stop at his room to get a change of clothes; the seat of his pants had given out on the stairs.  He looked just as ready for bed as I felt.  When he saw Luke, he said, “What’s with the get-up?”

            After some wrangling, Luke got us into our clothes and corralled us to the theater.  A whole section had been cordoned off just for us in the front row.

            “Swanky,” I said, lifting the placard from my seat that read “Reserved: VIP.”  Then I noticed there were four chairs, not three.

            “Who is the…” James started when a hand clamped down on his shoulder. 

            A sharp-dressed woman with a severe bob who looked more like she belonged on the cover of Rolling Stone than a college play took the fourth seat.

            I was about to ask her who she was when the lights in the theater began to flicker and the show began.  I squeezed into my seat.  It was indeed a tight fit, and my nuts were crushed, but I could just fit.  I didn’t think I’d be able to focus on anything but the pain shooting through my balls the whole play.

            Then the play started.  I was transfixed.  I knew Dave could act, but Dave could act.  I was blown away.  He didn’t seem anything like himself in real life.  Hell, at one point, he kissed a woman, and I bought it.  At another point, he started a fistfight, and I thought he would win hands down.  Just before intermission, he came out in sweatpants and a sweat-stained t-shirt, and it seemed perfectly normal.

            During intermission, I didn’t get up out of fear of not being able to sit back down, but Luke jumped up and ran out of the auditorium as soon as the curtain closed.  I looked over and saw that he had wrung his program into a tiny little ball.  Why was Luke nervous?  Dave was the one onstage.

            “This play is sublime,” James said.

            “I concur,” I said.

            Soon, the lights flashed, and the second act began.  After the curtain opened, Luke came back in carrying a plastic bag.  Why was he acting so odd tonight?

            The second act was so enthralling it felt like only twelve seconds passed.  When the play ended, the audience burst into a roar of applause.  When Dave came out for his curtain call, I stood up so quickly that I took the arms of my chair with me.  I did not care.

            Dave got a standing ovation.  He deserved it.  He took a second bow, and Luke pulled a bouquet of roses out of the plastic bag and threw it on the stage.  Dave picked up the roses and bowed again.

            After the applause finally died down and the audience began milling around the theater, Luke made a beeline backstage, followed by James and me.

            When we got there, we found a swarming throng of people blocking our way to Dave, so Luke turned to me and said, “Clear a path, buddy.”

            “Make way for the star’s boyfriend,” I bellowed in my deepest voice.  Like that, the crowd parted.  Luke raced to Dave.

            “You were amazing, babe,” he said and began kissing Dave on the cheek and forehead.

            “Stop it, I’m all sweaty and covered in make-up,” Dave said.

            “Can’t stop.  Won’t stop,” Luke said in between kisses.

            Dave eventually pushed Luke away, and James and I stepped in.  “You were awesome, Dave.”

            “Thanks,” Dave said with a level of humility and sincerity I didn’t know he had. 

            “Is this a good time?” the woman who’d taken the fourth VIP seat said as she came forward.  “I’m Lydia Garrison.  We talked on the phone.”

            “Right,” Dave said.  “Nice to meet you in person.”

            “Walk with me,” she said.  She put her arm around Dave’s shoulder and started to walk away, when she saw me.  “You too, Chris.  Walk with us.”

            “This is Dave’s night,” I said.

            “Modesty will get you nowhere,” she said.

            “Dave?” I asked.

            “She wanted to see me first,” Dave said.  “As far as I’m concerned, you’re my plus one.”

            “Charming,” Lydia said.  I joined them, and we walked outside to the parking lot where Lydia’s car was.  I don’t know much about cars, but hers looked like it cost more than the college itself.  Once we reached her car, she turned to us and said, “Let me be frank, gentlemen.  I am not often impressed by unsolicited submissions from college theater majors.”

            “I’m a chemistry major,” I corrected.

            “Immaterial.  Your tape was strong.  For both of you.”  She hesitated and said, “I was on the fence until I came here tonight.  You,” she looked at Dave, “you’ve got star potential.  You elevated that garden variety snooze into something worth seeing.  That’s on you.  And you,” she looked at me.

            “What about me?” I asked.

            “Your physique is doing all your speaking for you.  I’ve seen your tape.  Your social media presence.  To go from that to this in two months is simply impressive.  And in your tape, you kept up with him.  Having seen him act live, I now know that’s no small feat.  I want to sign you both.”

            “Really?” Dave asked, shivering with excitement.

            “You don’t have to make the decision right now.  Pilot season’s January, so I don’t need an answer ‘til New Year’s.  I’ve got a drama you were born to star in,” she said to Dave, “and an ensemble sitcom you might be good for.  As for Hercules,” she said to me, “I’m thinking superhero or cop show.  There’s always one or two in the works.  I’ll look.  Here’s my card,” she produced two, and handed one to each of us.  “Now you go enjoy your night.”  With that, she got in her car and drove away.

            “I’m a chemistry major,” I said.

            “A chemistry major who just got Lydia Garrison to offer him a TV pilot!”  Dave began running in circles.

            While I stood there in stunned silence, Luke came running up to grab Dave.  “Congratulations, babe!  I knew you could do it.”

            As soon as Luke gave Dave space to breathe, Dave crowed, “I told you this would happen, didn’t I?  My plan is coming to fruition.”

            “Dare I ask?” I said.

            “We are going to take the world by storm.  I’m practically already a TV star, and Luke’s team made it into the College Cup.  Once he’s an NCAA champ, he’ll go pro.  The Galaxy are always looking for good players.”

            “And the Galaxy are?” I asked.

            “LA’s soccer team.  Keep up.”  Dave was so frenetic he was practically blurring.

            “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, babe,” Luke said.  “We haven’t won yet.  And even if we do win the Cup, there’s no guaranteeing the Galaxy sign me.”

            “Pish posh,” Dave said.  “It’s fate.”  Dave held out his arms, cuing Luke to pick him up.  “Stop fighting fate, Chrissy.”  Luke walked off, carrying Dave in his arms.

            “I wasn’t even in the play,” I said.

            There was no one in the parking lot to hear me.

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Chapter 52

            I tried to put Lydia out of my mind by returning to my routine.









            I barely saw Dave or Luke at all that day


            Dave didn’t show up for chemistry.  It threw my whole orbit out of whack.  I left after only half an hour and went to the cart.  Sure enough, there they were at our picnic table.  Dave was holding Luke’s face and kissing it passionately, so intensely he didn’t see me coming.

            “You weren’t in class,” I said.

            Dave, startled, stopped kissing Luke and looked at me.  “I talked to the professor, and thanks to all the help you gave me over the semester, if I get a zero on the final, I squeak by the class with a C-.” 

            “So, you’re just abandoning me?”

            “I never should have been in that class to begin with.  You’re the one who likes science.”

            “It feels weird to be all alone.”

            “Aw,” Dave said, “Chrissy misses me.  Don’t worry; I got your back.  If you need someone to help you study, I will, of course, be that study buddy.”


            “I owe you.  It’s the least I can do.”

            I sat down at the picnic table.  I expected a casual, breezy conversation, but instead, a heavy silence fell.  After an uncomfortable minute, I broke the tension by saying, “Why do I expect there’s another shoe to drop?”

            Luke elbowed Dave.  “You gotta tell him, babe.  He’ll find out soon enough.”

            Dave rolled his eyes and said, “You don’t have to make a big deal of it, but I’m not finishing my degree.  I was on the phone with Lydia half of yesterday, and my screen test is December 18th.  She told me it’s strictly a formality; the part is mine.  I’m moving to LA.  Even if the show doesn’t get picked up, this is my big chance.  I’m going for it.”

            My stomach fell out of my torso.

            “My brain is telling me to congratulate you, but…”

            Luke interrupted me.  “Stop at the congratulations, buddy.  He knows what comes after the ‘but.’”

            “Are you okay with this?” I asked Luke.

            “It’s not my decision.”

            “Besides,” Dave said, “everything changes Monday.”

            “What happens Monday?”

            “Buddy, seriously?  You are on the team.  You get the team schedule emailed to you every Wednesday.”

            “And I delete it every Wednesday.  Why, what was the email?”

            “We’re in the quarterfinals of the College Cup.  We’re the higher seed.”

            “I’m sure that means something,” I said.

            “It means the game will be here, at our home stadium,” Luke said.

            “It means fate will not be denied,” Dave corrected.  “The semi-finals and finals are televised events.  We’re talking internet streaming, ESPN, the whole gamut.  My Luke’s star will rise.”

            “I wonder if I could talk Charles into letting me see the game, since it is going to be at our home stadium.”

            “Kitty Cat?” Dave asked.  “I don’t think he’d give you time off if you were playing in the game.”

            I groaned.  “Let me know how it goes.  I should probably get back to my schedule before Charles psychically intuits that I left class early.”

            “We promise we won’t tell,” Luke said.

            I found James and retreated back to my schedule.  I didn’t want to even think about Dave leaving our group.  We were supposed to have another semester together before graduation.  And now… but I wasn’t letting myself think about that.  Thankfully, Charles did most of my thinking for me these days.






            When we were about to go to sleep, James put on the t-shirt he wore as a pajama top, and the shirt split right down the middle.

            “I just keep getting bigger,” James said.

            “You don’t hear me complaining,” I replied.

            “I’m just glad Luke and Dave weren’t here to see that,” James said as he took of the torn shirt and began looking for a spare.  “Where are they, anyway?” he asked 

            I told him about breakfast.  James was also shocked that Dave was dropping out, but it made sense to him too.

            “I guess they need this time to figure out how they’re going to negotiate this transition.”

            “I’m trying not to think about it,” I said, and James crawled into bed shirtless.  He looked huge, so I was the big spoon for a change so I could feel up his hairy pecs while we cuddled.








            Dave surprised James with a whole bunch of clothes for him to grow into.

            “At the inhuman rate he’s growing, he won’t have anything to wear.  That’s James’s worst nightmare.  Doug and Henry thought it was a great idea.”

            I almost brought up Dave’s imminent departure, but James stopped me.









            I had never done anything so monotonous as prepare for this bodybuilding show.  But I was grateful to not have to think about December 18th.






            In the middle of my workout, I got a phone call from Dave.  Before Charles could take my phone away from me, I answered it.

            “Chrissy, get to your room now.  Luke needs you.”

            “But Charles…” I started.

            “Fuck Charles,” Dave said.

            I’d never heard him use that word before.

            I hung up and ran out of the gym, ignoring the cries of my unquestioned lord and master.

            When I got to the room, the door wouldn’t open right away: Luke had barricaded it shut.

            Before I could decide what to do, Dave came running around the corner.  “There you are.  He won’t let me in.  I don’t know what to do.  He flew into a rage and blocked the door.”

            “What happened?” I ask.

            “The team lost the game.”

            “That’s it?”

            “That’s it?” Dave repeated, a little insulted by my cavalier tone.  “We’re out of the College Cup.  It’s a big deal.”

            “But he’s lost games before.  He’s never lost his temper.”

            “He’s never been this close to being an NCAA champ.  We were the Cinderella story of the college soccer world, and the carriage just turned back into a pumpkin.”

            I knocked on the door.  “Hey, buddy,” I said in as non-threatening a voice as possible.  “Can I come in?”

            “Is Dave out there?” Luke asked.  His voice was a low and raspy, like a lion.

            I shooed Dave away.  He put his hands up in a surrender posture and walked away.  “Not anymore,” I said.

            “Good,” Luke growled.

            “You know,” I reminded him, “I could easily break this door down.  But I’m not going to.  I’d rather you let me in.”

            I heard the bedframe dragged across the floor, and then the door opened.  Luke was facing away from me.  His head was hunched down, his shoulders bunched.  He was still in his uniform.  His shoulders were heaving up and down.  I’d never seen Luke like this.  Never, not even in middle school.

            I closed the door behind me and put the bedframe back. “Dave told me about the game,” I started.  “Don’t blow your stack again,” I added.

            Luke spun around, and I could see that he wasn’t angry.  He had been crying.  Hard.  His eyes were bright red, and his whole face was swollen.   “I don’t care about the game,” Luke said.

            “Then why are you crying?” I asked.

            “Because Dave’s gonna leave me.”  Luke threw himself at me and began sobbing uncontrollably.

            I stood there silently, holding him until he was coherent enough to talk.  Once he was, I asked him to explain.

            “Soccer’s great and all, I love my teammates, but it was always just a way to pay for school.  By the time all of my brothers had gone to college, there was no money left for me.  I’m only on the team because I got a scholarship.  I never thought I’d go pro.  I never wanted to go pro.  That was Dave’s dream.  Not mine.  I’d always thought I’d be a coach or a PE teacher.  My degree is in education.”

            “Okay.  You never wanted to go pro.  Then why do you care that you lost?  And what does this have to do with Dave?”

            “Dave’s going to Hollywood.”

            “They have coaches and gym teachers in LA,” I reminded him.

            “But by the time I graduate, he’ll be this big TV star, and he could have any man he wants, and he won’t want to be with some lowly PE teacher.  You hear how Dave brags about his boyfriend the athlete.  How the Galaxy are going to snap me up.  How he can’t have just anyone as arm candy.”

            “I don’t think you’re giving your Dave enough credit,” I said honestly.  “He’s probably just as scared about this move to LA as you are.”

            “Not Dave.  Half his body weight is confidence.”

            “I assure you he gets scared too.  His confidence is his armor.  Underneath, he’s human, just like you and me.”

            “You think?” Luke asked.

            I leaned to the door and shouted through it.  “Am I right, Dave?”

            “Of course, you’re right,” he shouted through the door.

            Luke went pale.

            “What?” I said.  “Listening at the door is Dave’s signature move.  He heard this whole conversation.”

            Luke started to tear up and laugh at the same time.

            “Can I come in?” he asked.

            Luke nodded, so I moved the bedframe and let Dave in.  I closed the door behind me as I let the two talk it all out.

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Chapter 53

            When James and I got back to the room that night, neither Luke nor Dave was there.  We didn’t know what to make of it, but Charles slapped me for skipping out on the schedule, so we went right to bed.

            I got up at my usual time for my late-night meal to find everyone else in the room, awake and already dressed.  The light wasn’t on, but the moon shone so brightly I could clearly make out everyone.  Dave was in a suit and tie, Luke in a pressed shirt, dress slacks, and a leather jacket.  James was getting dressed: the nicest outfit Dave had bought him.

            “About time, buddy,” Luke said.  He sounded more like his usual cheerful self.  “Dave laid out your clothes.  Get dressed, and be quick.  We’ll meet you outside.  Hurry.  We’re going to be late.”

            In utter confusion, I got dressed—it was a blazer/turtleneck/slacks combo.  Why were we all getting so dressed up?

            “Do you know what this is about?” James said.

            “I was hoping you did,” I answered.

            We got outside, and Luke and Dave practically sprinted across campus through the moonlight.  We followed blindly, no idea where we were going.  After a quick jog through the dark and empty campus, chilled by the December air, I got an idea of where we were headed.  We seemed to be headed to the cultural centers—the block of buildings that contained the Black Student Union, the Muslim Student Union, etc.  At the end of the row was LGBT center.  When we stopped outside the LGBT center, I felt vindicated.

            “The guards lock all of the cultural centers after dark,” I said.  “Are we going to just break in?”

            Luke pulled out a key and key ring, the same one I last saw on his birthday.  “The head security guards have skeleton keys.”  He unlocked the door, and we went inside.

            “Thank you, Al,” I said as we went in.

            “What are we doing here?” James asked, looking around the empty lobby.  Even inside the building, the moonlight found ways to fill the room with pallid half-light.

            Dave’s phone buzzed.  He looked quickly at the screen, shouted, “He’s here!”  and ran off to the front door.”

            “Who’s here?” I asked.

            Dave came back a second later with a man I’d never seen.  He was rather non-descript, dressed more for the weather than any of the four of us, and his face was red from the cold.

            “I’m more confused now,” James said.

            “This is Judge Martin Booker,” Dave answered.  “He agreed to marry Luke and me tonight after we pled our case earlier at the courthouse.”  He turned to face the judge.  “The auditorium is at the end of the hall.  We’ll be down in just a minute.”  The judge walked off to the auditorium.

            “When I graduate in May,” Luke said, “we’ll do it up right.  A proper wedding.  My family, his family, all our friends.”

            “Mother footing the bill,” Dave added.

            “Then why do this tonight?” I asked.

            “Luke has somehow gotten it into his head that when I become famous, I’ll forget all about him.  As if I could.  So, I asked him to marry me.  He thought I was bluffing, or putting on a show, or just trying to make an argument end.  But I was entirely sincere.  I want to marry this man.  I got the marriage license and went to the judge.  Every step of the way, he thought I was bluffing.”

            “Why here?” I asked.  “An empty building at night?”

            James had stars in his eyes, practically glowing a pellucid violet.  “This is where they first met.”

            A slight blush in his cheeks, Luke confessed, “Yeah.  That was my idea.”

            They were completely serious.

            Luke continued, “I don’t want my parents to think I’m running off to Hollywood to follow my boyfriend.  If I tell them about this before I graduate, they’ll object or try to talk me out of it.  I want this to be the impulsive, romantic, beautiful thing it is.  So, for now, we want it to be a secret.”

            “A legally binding secret,” Dave corrected.  “Judge.  License.  Two witnesses.”

            “Let’s not keep the judge waiting,” Luke said.  He held out the crook of his elbow for Dave to take.  James did the same for me.  Two by two, we walked down to the auditorium of the LGBT center to watch Luke and Dave get married.

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Graduation is comign and everyone wil take a different path.

Im excited tor ead aboutt his four and what they will do and their plans.

Dave and Luke getting married makes sense they love each other so much.


Im sure The comeptition will be huge for them They are growng liek weeds

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Chapter 54

            After the ceremony, Luke and Dave left for their one-night honeymoon so quickly we barely had time to wish them congratulations.  Luke threw me the key and told me to cover our tracks and lock up.  I expected to do a fast once-over and then go back to our room and back to sleep, but James had other ideas in mind.

            “This is where we met too, you know,” he said.

            “Well, I hate to be technical,” I reminded him, “but this is where you met me.  Because you were hiding from me,” I added a little barb to my tone, “I didn’t know you existed until you sat down next to us at lunch.”

            “Good point,” James said.  After a pause, he added, “The wedding got me feeling passionately nostalgic.  I say we fix my mistake.  Relive when we first met, but do it the way it should have been.”

            James took me by the hand and led me back into the auditorium.  The judge had long since gone, and the room was completely empty.  James put one hand on my shoulder and the other around my waist.  “Can I have this dance?”

            “But of course,” I responded, and as I barely finished the words, James stepped in closer for a soft, passionate kiss.  I held him tight, and we danced like we should have that night freshman year.

            After a minute or two of dancing, I could have sworn I heard footsteps, and I stopped long enough to tell James as much.

            “I didn’t hear anything,” James said.

            “I did.  It was probably a security guard.  We’re not supposed to be in here.  If they catch us, we could get in some real trouble.”

            “Are you telling me you’re a bad boy?”  The hand that was at my waist slid over to my belt and zipper.  He slowly undid them both one-handed, and then took a step back, and used both hands to lower my pants all the way.  He then got down on his knees to lower my boxer briefs and smiled broadly when my cock bounced out.

            “I swear I heard someone,” I said.

            “Getting shy on me now, Chris?” he said mockingly, removing my shoes and socks so he could slip my pants and boxer briefs all the way off.

            “Oh!  You want to make this is another one of your challenges?”  I looked down at him, leaning forward to see him over the shelf of my pecs, and matched his smile with a devious one of my own.  In a flash, my blazer was off, then my turtleneck.  It got stuck a little around my pecs I was in such a rush to take it off, but when it cleared their immensity, my pecs heaved and bounded in their glorious freedom.  I tossed them to the side, and James threw my pants in the same pile.

            Being completely naked in such a public place was always a thrill, but the fact that we might get in trouble was making it a little more exciting than normal, and my cock began stretching out.  James rubbed his beard slowly along the shaft, stopping at the head to kiss it tenderly.  The tingling sensations along my cock radiated through my body, and I began to moan as my cock stiffened under James’s touch.

            “Quiet, now,” James said.  He then put the entire head in his mouth and began sucking as only James could.

            He took more of me into his mouth, then throat, and I watched as my giant cock distended his throat, pushing it out of shape, practically unhinging his jaw.  The fact that I was so big that I could so alter James’s body teased me harder.  A deep grunt of ecstasy escaped me.

            James pulled himself off my cock and looked up.  “If you can’t do this quietly…” he whispered before I shoved him back onto my cock.  He began to take me deeply down his throat, pulling me into him with all his might.

            Caught up in the bliss of the act, my left hand explored the mountain ranges of my body: the foothills of my abs, the twin Everests of my pecs, the Himalayas of my neck, traps, and shoulders.  My right hand was shoved over my mouth, holding my mouth shut so I wouldn’t shout again.

            James had both his hands on the expansive roundness of my ass.  Partly for ballast, partly for pleasure, he pressed his fingers into my flesh as far as it would go, but the steely rigidity barely surrendered a centimeter of give.  James could tell I was getting close as my cockhead swelled in his throat, so he maneuvered three fingers from his right hand into my ass to press on my prostate.

            I erupted forcefully into him, biting into my finger so as to not scream out.

            As I caught my breath and James removed himself, standing slowly as he did, I could see that the mischief had not yet left his eyes.

            “I didn’t pass the challenge?” I asked, still breathing heavily.

            “The challenge isn’t over,” he said.  He pointed to a drizzle of cum dripping from the corner of his mouth through his nest of a beard.  “I need a towel to clean this mess up.”

            “I could lick it off,” I offered eagerly.

            “Ah, but if you were to get me a towel…” James started, trailing off.

            “I’d have to walk through the entire LGBT center naked to get to the men’s room.”

            “Precisely,” James said.  “And who knows what you might encounter out there?  Or who?”

            I could tell he had something up his sleeve, but since I didn't know exactly what, I decided to play along.  I walked out of the auditorium, half-expecting someone to ambush me, but no one was in the hall.  I walked slowly down the hall to the men’s room.  My legs, thick tree trunks that they were, made a slithering hiss as I slowly made my way to the restroom, but I walked as slowly and quietly as I could. 

            When I reached the door, I wanted to press my ear against the door to see if I could hear any surprises waiting for me inside, but my thick chest and preternaturally wide shoulders made the angle impossible.  I turned the doorknob slowly, then opened the door quickly hoping to catch whoever was in the bathroom off guard. 

            But no one was behind the door. 

            I crept into the bathroom as stealthily as someone my size can, turning to squeeze through the too-narrow door jamb, not wanting to do any property damage.

            Once inside the bathroom, I looked around to see what trap James had lain for me.  I couldn’t find it.  There was a stack of paper towels on the sink, but I had to make sure it wasn’t booby-trapped.  I walked over and tentatively prodded the stack of towels with my index finger.  Nothing happened. 

            I took a moment to admire my ghostly reflection in the mirror.  In the pale light of night, I looked like a marble statue come to life.  Only the occasional twitch of my still half-hard cock gave away that I was living, breathing human and not soulless stone.

            I grabbed the entire stack, and made my way back to the auditorium.  When I got there, James was gone.  I called out for him in a hoarse whisper, but there was no response.  I then noticed that James had left a note in the middle of the auditorium floor.  It said, “If you’re hungry for more, find me for dessert.”

            “The challenge continues,” I said to the empty room.  I went to where my pile of clothes was, only to find it was missing.  Not only that, everything was missing.  My wallet, my keys, my phone.   Everything.  Even Luke's skeleton key.

            So that was his game.

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