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Colin's Determination, Part 8


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I watched as Colin strode to the locker room with confidence. Just a few short weeks ago, he made the same walk, and seemed to be consumed by the energy of all the other athletes.
This time, Colin pushed the door open and just stood there. Still clad in only his briefs, I could see his big chest heave as he inhaled slowly and deeply. His lats expanded and pushed out a bit. And before anyone even noticed him there, the room started to quiet down. 
This time, it seemed as if Colin was consuming all the energy being thrown off by the team.
Colin scanned the room quickly and quietly. I could tell he was not only sizing everyone up, but by instinct he was assessing their athletic skills too. His eyes rested on a most unlikely subject.
Marcus was a junior, and at the age of 21, a most unlikely member of the baseball team. He stood about 5 7, and a wiry 140lbs. Although he tried hard to keep up with the other players, he was leagues behind them in physical prowess. It was no secret that Marcus was on the team only because his father made a huge donation to the university.
He was wet, having just come from the shower, and seemed to be having difficulty getting his padlock open. He sensed Colin's eyes and turned towards him. There were a few other guys nearby, much bigger than Marcus and they seemed to be snickering. They all turned and looked at Colin.
"What's going on here?" Colin asked.
Marcus looked up at him. "They jammed a pencil into my lock, and now I can't get it open."
Colin looked at the biggest of the guys. Jackson stood about 6 5, easily 220lbs. "Did you do this?"
Jackson replied "yea dude, you have a problem with that?" I got nervous for Colin. Jackson was clearly bigger and stronger, and I was afraid Colin was underestimating him.
Colin put one hand on Jackson's shoulder. In the other, he cradled the padlock. I could see his grip on Jackson tighten up just a bit, and I recalled how he took the car keys from me so easily. Even with Colin's new size, this was a confrontation that I was afraid would end badly. Jackson was clearly bigger, and even though he could have pushed back, he just sort of relaxed into Colin's grip. I watched the calm demeanor on Colin's face. As his grip on Jackson tightened, he simultaneously gripped the padlock. Looking right at Jackson, he said, "Don't mess with Marcus again, okay, he is on my team now."
"Your team?" said Jackson derisively. "This is my team Colin. You tried out once and were a huge flop."
"Yea well, can't you see that things have changed?" replied Colin. "If you stick by me, Jackson, maybe I'll show you how to do this." And Colin's bicep pumped, he squeezed his grip and snapped the padlock and clasp right off the locker. He held the padlock up in Jackson's face.
"How did you do that?" asked Jackson incredulously. Colin didn't even reply, he just squeezed Jackson's shoulder a bit harder until his knees started to buckle. "My team now Jackson. Now give me your cleats and baseball pants, I have a team to lead."
A bit stunned, Marcus looked up at Colin in awe. Jackson turned to his locker, which, as it turns out, was locked. Feeling humiliated, I could see Jackson gripping the padlock. He tried to use his sizable body to block everyone's view, but we could all see as he tried to bust the clasp open. After several miserable failed attempts, Marcus just spoke up. "COLIN" was all he said, and that was ll Colin had to hear. He stepped ahead, pushing Jackson aside, gripped the padlock and in one brief instant snapped that off as well.
Colin just reached into Jackson's locker and took out his cleats and baseball pants. He pulled on the pants, and they hugged his glutes and quads almost to the point of bursting. Colin held up the cleats, and said "only a size 13, but they will have to do for now."
Jackson was clearly cowed by now. He reached into his locker and pulled out his jersey, and offered it to Colin. Colin just scoffed and said "I don't need that. But give me your tank top Jackson." And in a flash, Colin was wearing, or more accurately, bursting out of Jackson's tank top.
Even with the most recent growth spurt, Colin was still not the biggest guy in the room. But he seemed to be the most powerful, with a lot of still untapped potential. Being on this team would be the final catalyst.
Jackson stepped forward, clearly understanding that the pecking order had changed. He was still a powerful, strong guy - and still bigger than Colin. But instead of lording that over the rest of the team, as he was used to doing, he seemed to be offering himself to Colin. "Train me Colin. I'm a good athlete, you will see. This team can go to the playoffs. Please, train me."
Colin stood in the middle of the locker room, sizing up Jackson. After a few tense moments, he barked "JEREMY. BRENDAN." And in a flash, those two shirtless powerhouses were standing next to Colin.
Colin started to circle Jackson, almost assessing him. "Tell us your stats Jackson."
" 6 5. 210 at my last weigh in."
"This is my team now Jackson. But with me here, now everyone is a winner. Everyone will benefit from my gifts. You are a good athlete Jackson, and you can and will get better.  Brendan and Jeremy have learned from me, and they will train you, and you will become an athlete beyond your wildest expectations. I save my primary attention for those with the most potential."
"Who is that?" asked Jackson, crestfallen.
Colin's eyes scanned the room. Sensing the attention when those eyes landed on him, Marcus just straightened up, and inhaled. We could all see he had a good frame. He stepped forward. Colin now had one hand on Marcus, and one hand on Jackson. The contrast was stunning.
Colin said to Jackson "Brendan and Jeremy will train you now." He looked at Marcus and said, "Marcus, I can tell you have tremendous untapped potential. I will train you personally."

Marcus seemed to withstand Colin's grip well. He just said, with utter resolve, "You will not be disappointed Colin."

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It's seems Colin didn't even notice Greg.  Since it's Colin's team now, is Greg going to get cut from the team?  I mean, Colin had surpassed Greg so quickly does he think Greg may be good enough?


Waiting impatiently for the next chapter!


Excellent story!

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