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Long Term Goals - Chapter 3 Part 2 posted


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Part 3


Feb 2

I’ve had size 13 feet since grade 9 and today finally feels like I have the weight my feet wanted.

I can feel my toes grab the wood floor as I rock back and forth. My centre of balance has changed. It used to be up in the front, like I was ready to run at any moment, but now I feel it underneath me, centered. 

I now have calves that bulge out when I move. So they can grow! Being tall, it’s hard to see them at all, because you’ve got really long legs and only so much muscle there. Before they looked good, but now?

I’ve also had to replace my favourite jeans. They get tight around my quads when I walk up hills making it twice as hard to move. There’s nothing but hills here. They smoothed off patches of my leg hair from the friction. I’ve finally outgrown some jeans.

Weight 180



March 3

Before, when I felt my butt cheeks touch for the first time, I ended up calling that a phantom butt. It’s not a problem I intended to solve, but we all have our own journeys.

So, here’s a weirder part.

When you think of a butt, you think of two circles, generally. Perfectly good butt. But, after you go from phantom butt to something with more muscle on it, it’s not a circle. It’s new shape is more triangular. On one point to your quad, another to the top of your hip, and your other point is, actually, almost near your other cheek, near the middle. Under this is a gap, because your muscles swoop up. The more muscle, the deeper the gap.  And between the shape of your glutes on one side, and your quads on the other,  it makes a diamond shape.

And that’s what the butt feels like.

...also, I have phantom quads now. 


Weight 181



March 15, 2020

“Hey...” I watch my chest in the mirror, with my fist clenched trying to find the right position. “... there it is...” if my hulk in my arm, and fake doing a row, I can get the outside of my pec to jump, just a bit. This is one of the most exhausting exercises I’ve ever done. It’s only once or twice, but I can get it to dance just a little. 

I started working out again two years ago, and it’s been great. I have a great work out plan. I know the exact position I need to be to do my best, I know where to push. Anything I need to work on, I know I’ll get there. And every moment of it feels great. Nothing feels better than the soreness the next day after a workout.  

I’m becoming who I want and I love it.  

All the big people I know have always seemed to be that big. I used to be lean and tall, and now I’m ‘nice’ and tall. I wanted to look like this, and it took time and trying and trying and trying. I’m just going to get ‘there’, I just don’t know where ‘there’ is yet. 195? I love sleep now, and the food… well, food’s still the hardest part.

I don’t have to angle myself in the mirror anymore to see a shadow. They sit between my pecs, and hook under them. It was unmistakable. It was my chest. All these pushups helped get me here. I keep my shirt off and smile.

Weight: 182

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 3


Part 1


April 20, 2020

It’s been a quiet month with the shutdown. It feels like the world stopped.

I’m been calmer than I’d think I’d be. I’m kind of keeping to myself. The news keeps saying different things, most of it is stay home and don’t go visit people. I got off Facebook. I feel a lot better.

Some of ‘this’ has been a lot easier because I’ve been working out. I already have enough protein powder to last a few months just in case we dissolve into anarchy. I already liked carrying a lot of groceries at once.

When it started, I was halfway through a 100 pullup a day challenge. I loved it. That was something I could focus on.

I don’t know how long this is going to go on. It started off with two weeks, now it’s two months. It keeps getting pushed back. It’s not that all of this is ‘bad’, it’s just, different. I think I would have been scared before.

Everything is going to be alright.

Weight 183



May 15

I’m loud now.

I’m used to being able to sneak around. I love Ninja running places. I lean really hard onto the balls of my feet, and just run. I slow down just a bit before my foot touches down again, and it’s silence. You can pass right through and no one would even notice.

Not anymore.

It’s a thud, every step. And It takes twenty to get down the hallway. Thud thud thud thud thud. It echoes down the hallway, and it’s easy to tell who's making it. 

So now I can’t fit into small places, and I can’t ninja run, and I’m way easier to be noticed.

I am now, officially, a terrible ninja.


Weight 184



June 27

Your lat connects from your back, up to your deltoid. And your deltoid curves around your shoulder, and connects to your chest by your pectoral. And between these muscles, usually filled with hair, is your armpit.

When you’re lean, your armpit feels a lot like the inside of an ice cream scoop.  It’s very round, it goes up a bit more in the middle, and you can feel a bit of bone if you press up into it. It feels pretty cool. But, if you round out your deltoids, and build up your pectoral and your lat, your armpit starts having competition for space. I can see a spot where they all kind of connect. It’s not deep... it’s actually shallow... the muscles are filling up the scoop. As you get bigger it seems you get smaller armpits.

When I keep my arms at my side, I can see my lat. I can’t hide it. Even when I’m relaxing, it still looks like I’m shrugging a bit. When I bring my arm up, I can see a line where my deltoids connect to trap. My shoulders used to be a straight line, but now they look rounded as they go  up towards my neck. I’ve had to cut out holes in my shirts for my arms because it was getting tight again.

So if I can’t be a ninja, what am I going to be now?


Weigh 185

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Part 2


August 15, 2020



It’s so hot out.


Everyone’s been inside because of the forest fires. It’s like a double quarantine. Smoke’s coming up from down the coast, making everything smell a bit like barbeque. We’re safe here, but if I go out I have to wear like two masks.


It’s so warm during the day that I barely want to move. Working out takes twice as long, everything feels heavy. At night, it cools off just enough that it feels like everything is normal again. I’m a night person.


I used to be able to take a nice bath to cool off when it got like this. Baths… are always tricky when you’re tall. Sometimes I need to put my feet halfway up the wall, and sometimes I need to bend my legs until they stand up like shark fins in the water.  Now my shoulders keep bumping against the sides, and my arms are too big to rest on anything. I’ve unofficially outgrown them.



Weight 186




September 12


I ripped my fucking shirt today.


I really pushed to get one more rep in, and afterwards my arms just dropped. I just tried to wipe some sweat from my forehead when, when bam, I ripped it half way down my chest. I didn’t even feel it tare! 


Everyone’s tried to rip out of their shirt before. I got a sleeve mostly off once before. Those collars will bite your hands! And if this was the gym, I’d probably have just finished like nothing happened. But here... I finished it off. Thanks to the breeze, I was feeling cooler already.


All through high school, I used to wear these extra large shirts and just let them flop around when I moved. And you can’t get them smaller, because they aren’t long enough. Now I can comfortably fill one out. And I think… if I keep going, I’ll fill up a large. 


That was a great shirt.


Weight: 187



October 31



Halloween’s cancelled this year. 


It didn’t stop me. No one’s selling costumes this year, and it was another year patching stuff together. I’ve got a blue shirt with a white star on the chest, and something that can pass as a shield. What villains does he have anyway?


So, here I am, eating Halloween candy, looking like someone half-ready to punch out ‘Cosplay Red Skull’, and half-ready to tell you how to sort your Magic cards. And I’m honestly…


...it should go by colour, then rarity, then name.


This looks good! I’m not sure why I didn’t do this earlier! Why shouldn’t someone go as a Superhero if they want? Big and tall, short and thin, big and round. Everyone should be able to feel like that. I may fill out this costume a bit different, but, I wouldn’t have gotten this far if I hadn’t started again for the 5th time. I know everyone should be able to look at themselves and see a Superhero. And now, I feel like one too. 


I don’t know if this is going to still fit next year.


Weight 188

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